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⌀ | cantonese
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Okay-it's annoying. | 好-好煩𡃉喎。 |
And then | 跟住 |
Forex trading | 外匯交易 |
Can't bite | 咬唔入 |
Start the market | 起市 |
It is the most expensive disease today, and the cost is expected to increase fivefold by 2050 as post-war baby boomers enter old age | 呢個病係當今最貴嘅病 隨著戰後嬰兒潮嘅人踏入老年 預計到 2050 年 成本會增加五倍 |
Engraving stamps | 雕刻圖章 |
It's an incredible feeling. | 嗰種感覺真係無與倫比。 |
It's not good, how can you order such a spicy dish to eat | 好點唔點,點埋晒啲咁辣嘅菜嚟食 |
Use a leftover chicken shell to cook, do you like to make soup? | 煮餸用剩個雞殼,你愛唔愛嚟煲湯? |
A few drops of water | 幾滴水 |
Be careful of the bad guys | 要注意啲壞人搏亂呀 |
He didn't do it well, and I didn't accept it. | 佢做法唔好,我唔接受。 |
In your current situation, you should not leak any chicken feet to others | 你而家噉嘅情況,就要一啲雞腳都唔好漏畀人 |
Recently, there have been a lot of old explosions in rural houses, so be careful. | 呢排村屋好多老爆,大家小心啲。 |
The two of them clasped their fingers, and there is still a way? | 佢兩個十指緊扣,仲唔係有路? |
In the heart and soul of the school is located | 係學校嘅心臟同靈魂所在 |
Is this platform going to Guangzhou? | 請問呢個月台係唔係去廣州呀㗎? |
Dare | 夠膽 |
Eat one's words | 冇口齒 |
As for Granny Jack, he would have come to see his 257th patient one morning in February | 至於 Jack 婆婆 喺二月嘅一個上晝 佢本來會嚟見佢第 257 位病人 |
He slept tiredly. | 佢瞓到好𡀝。 |
Liar! | 呃鬼咩! |
If you want some meat to thaw, you can quickly rush him with water. | 想啲肉解凍得快啲就啤水沖沖佢。 |
Hm | 嘛 |
You must be angry when you go to work. | 返工一定要受氣。 |
He hasn't taken the medicine yet? Or did he take the wrong medicine? | 佢未食藥?定係食錯藥啊? |
Why is it missing the bus stop across the whole Sinchon Road? | 點解唔見左大圍大圍新村路對開嗰個巴士站 |
When the shutter opens and closes, you take a picture. | 快門開啓再關閉,即係影咗一幅相。 |
Separate documents in Chinese and English, don't mess up. | 中文嘅文件同英文嘅分開,唔好撈亂。 |
Today is the beginning of the awakening. | 今日就係覺醒嘅開始 。 |
Leave me if you love me. | 愛我嘅就離開我啦。 |
Go to the hospital quickly, now 100,000 is in a hurry for you to make a decision. | 你快啲去醫院啦,而家十萬火急要你做決定啊。 |
Example soup or drink | 例湯或飲品 |
I don't like to do it, and I won't do it next month! | 份工好惡做,下個月 唔撈! |
The corners of your mouth are bleeding! | 你嘅嘴角流血喇! |
Peach Blossom Luck | 桃花運 |
The spirit lasts forever | 浩氣長存 |
A few cafes on the inner street are also good. | 內街幾間cafe都唔錯㗎。 |
In summary | 到頭來 |
Long live democracy! | 民主萬歲! |
Walk to the feet are lame | 行到腳都跛 |
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