52 values
Interconnection 51 501 Scope a The rules in this subpart apply to the pricing of network elements interconnection and methods of obtaining access to unbundled elements including physical collocation and virtual collocation b As used in this subpart the term element includes network elements interconnection and methods of obtaining interconnection and access to unbundled elements 51 503 General pricing standard a An incumbent LEC shall offer elements to requesting telecommunications carriers at rates terms and conditions that are just reasonable and nondiscriminatory b An incumbent LEC s rates for each element it offers shall comply with the rate structure rules set forth in 51 507 and 51 509 and shall be established at the election of the state commission 1 Pursuant to the forward looking economic cost based pricing methodology set forth in 51 505 and 51 511 or 2 Consistent with the proxy ceilings and ranges set forth in 51 513 c The rates that an incumbent LEC assesses for elements shall not vary on the basis of the class of customers served by the requesting carrier or on the type of services that the requesting carrier purchasing such elements uses them to provide 51 505 Forward looking economic cost a In general The forward looking economic cost of an element equals the sum of 1 The total element long run incremental cost of the element as described in paragraph b and 2 A reasonable allocation of forward looking common costs as described in paragraph c b Total element long run incremental cost The total element long run incremental cost of an element is the forward looking cost over the long run of the total quantity of the facilities and functions that are directly attributable to or reasonably identifiable as incremental to such element calculated taking as a given
the incumbent LEC s provision of other elements 1 Efficient network configuration The total element long run incremental cost of an element should be measured based on the use of the most efficient telecommunications technology currently available and the lowest cost network configuration given the existing location of the incumbent LEC s wire centers 2 Forward looking cost of capital The forward looking cost of capital shall be used in calculating the total element long run incremental cost of an element 3 Depreciation rates The depreciation rates used in calculating forward looking economic costs of elements shall be economic depreciation rates c Reasonable allocation of forward looking common costs 1 Forward looking common costs Forward looking common costs are economic costs efficiently incurred in providing a group of elements or services which may include all elements or services provided by the incumbent LEC that cannot be attributed directly to individual elements or services 2 Reasonable allocation 47 CFR 51 505 c 2 enhanced display page 45 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 505 c 2 i Interconnection i The sum of a reasonable allocation of forward looking common costs and the total element long run incremental cost of an element shall not exceed the stand alone costs associated with the element In this context stand alone costs are the total forward looking costs including corporate costs that would be incurred to produce a given element if that element were provided by an efficient firm that produced nothing but the given element ii The sum of the allocation of forward looking common costs for all elements and services shall equal the total forward looking common costs exclusive of retail costs attributable to operating the incumbent LEC s total network so
as to provide all the elements and services offered d Factors that may not be considered The following factors shall not be considered in a calculation of the forward looking economic cost of an element 1 Embedded costs Embedded costs are the costs that the incumbent LEC incurred in the past and that are recorded in the incumbent LEC s books of accounts 2 Retail costs Retail costs include the costs of marketing billing collection and other costs associated with offering retail telecommunications services to subscribers who are not telecommunications carriers described in 51 609 3 Opportunity costs Opportunity costs include the revenues that the incumbent LEC would have received for the sale of telecommunications services in the absence of competition from telecommunications carriers that purchase elements and 4 Revenues to subsidize other services Revenues to subsidize other services include revenues associated with elements or telecommunications service offerings other than the element for which a rate is being established e Cost study requirements An incumbent LEC must prove to the state commission that the rates for each element it offers do not exceed the forward looking economic cost per unit of providing the element using a cost study that complies with the methodology set forth in this section and 51 511 1 A state commission may set a rate outside the proxy ranges or above the proxy ceilings described in 51 513 only if that commission has given full and fair effect to the economic cost based pricing methodology described in this section and 51 511 in a state proceeding that meets the requirements of paragraph e 2 of this section 2 Any state proceeding conducted pursuant to this section shall provide notice and an opportunity for comment to affected parties and shall result in the creation of a written
factual record that is sufficient for purposes of review The record of any state proceeding in which a state commission considers a cost study for purposes of establishing rates under this section shall include any such cost study 51 507 General rate structure standard a Element rates shall be structured consistently with the manner in which the costs of providing the elements are incurred b The costs of dedicated facilities shall be recovered through flat rated charges 47 CFR 51 507 b enhanced display page 46 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 507 c Interconnection c The costs of shared facilities shall be recovered in a manner that efficiently apportions costs among users Costs of shared facilities may be apportioned either through usage sensitive charges or capacity based flat rated charges if the state commission finds that such rates reasonably reflect the costs imposed by the various users d Recurring costs shall be recovered through recurring charges unless an incumbent LEC proves to a state commission that such recurring costs are de minimis Recurring costs shall be considered de minimis when the costs of administering the recurring charge would be excessive in relation to the amount of the recurring costs e State commissions may where reasonable require incumbent LECs to recover nonrecurring costs through recurring charges over a reasonable period of time Nonrecurring charges shall be allocated efficiently among requesting telecommunications carriers and shall not permit an incumbent LEC to recover more than the total forward looking economic cost of providing the applicable element f State commissions shall establish different rates for elements in at least three defined geographic areas within the state to reflect geographic cost differences 1 To establish geographically deaveraged rates state commissions may use existing
density related zone pricing plans described in 69 123 of this chapter or other such cost related zone plans established pursuant to state law 2 In states not using such existing plans state commissions must create a minimum of three cost related rate zones 61 FR 45619 Aug 29 1996 as amended at 64 FR 32207 June 16 1999 64 FR 68637 Dec 8 1999 51 509 Rate structure standards for specific elements In addition to the general rules set forth in 51 507 rates for specific elements shall comply with the following rate structure rules a Local loop and subloop Loop and subloop costs shall be recovered through flat rated charges b Local switching Local switching costs shall be recovered through a combination of a flat rated charge for line ports and one or more flat rated or per minute usage charges for the switching matrix and for trunk ports c Dedicated transmission links Dedicated transmission link costs shall be recovered through flat rated charges d Shared transmission facilities between tandem switches and end offices The costs of shared transmission facilities between tandem switches and end offices may be recovered through usage sensitive charges or in another manner consistent with the manner that the incumbent LEC incurs those costs e Tandem switching Tandem switching costs may be recovered through usage sensitive charges or in another manner consistent with the manner that the incumbent LEC incurs those costs f Signaling and call related database services Signaling and call related database service costs shall be usage sensitive based on either the number of queries or the number of messages with the exception of the dedicated circuits known as signaling links the cost of which shall be recovered through flat rated charges 47 CFR 51 509 f enhanced display page 47 of
102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 509 g Interconnection g Collocation Collocation costs shall be recovered consistent with the rate structure policies established in the Expanded Interconnection proceeding CC Docket No 91 141 h Network interface device An incumbent LEC must establish a price for the network interface device when that unbundled network element is purchased on a stand alone basis pursuant to 51 319 c 61 FR 45619 Aug 29 1996 as amended at 68 FR 52306 Sept 2 2003 51 511 Forward looking economic cost per unit a The forward looking economic cost per unit of an element equals the forward looking economic cost of the element as defined in 51 505 divided by a reasonable projection of the sum of the total number of units of the element that the incumbent LEC is likely to provide to requesting telecommunications carriers and the total number of units of the element that the incumbent LEC is likely to use in offering its own services during a reasonable measuring period b 1 With respect to elements that an incumbent LEC offers on a flat rate basis the number of units is defined as the discrete number of elements e g local loops or local switch ports that the incumbent LEC uses or provides 2 With respect to elements that an incumbent LEC offers on a usage sensitive basis the number of units is defined as the unit of measurement of the usage e g minutes of use or call related database queries of the element 51 513 Proxies for forward looking economic cost a A state commission may determine that the cost information available to it with respect to one or more elements does not support the adoption of a
rate or rates that are consistent with the requirements set forth in 51 505 and 51 511 In that event the state commission may establish a rate for an element that is consistent with the proxies specified in this section provided that 1 Any rate established through use of such proxies shall be superseded once the state commission has completed review of a cost study that complies with the forward looking economic cost based pricing methodology described in 51 505 and 51 511 and has concluded that such study is a reasonable basis for establishing element rates and 2 The state commission sets forth in writing a reasonable basis for its selection of a particular rate for the element b The constraints on proxy based rates described in this section apply on a geographically averaged basis For purposes of determining whether geographically deaveraged rates for elements comply with the provisions of this section a geographically averaged proxy based rate shall be computed based on the weighted average of the actual geographically deaveraged rates that apply in separate geographic areas in a state c Proxies for specific elements 1 Local loops For each state listed below the proxy based monthly rate for unbundled local loops on a statewide weighted average basis shall be no greater than the figures listed in the table below The Commission has not established a default proxy ceiling for loop rates in Alaska 47 CFR 51 513 c 1 enhanced display page 48 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 513 c 1 Interconnection Table State Proxy ceiling Alabama 17 25 Arizona 12 85 Arkansas 21 18 California 11 10 Colorado 14 97 Connecticut 13 23 Delaware 13 24 District of Columbia 10 81 Florida 13 68
Georgia 16 09 Hawaii 15 27 Idaho 20 16 Illinois 13 12 Indiana 13 29 Iowa 15 94 Kansas 19 85 Kentucky 16 70 Louisiana 16 98 Maine 18 69 Maryland 13 36 Massachusetts 9 83 Michigan 15 27 Minnesota 14 81 Mississippi 21 97 Missouri 18 32 Montana 25 18 Nebraska 18 05 Nevada 18 95 New Hampshire 16 00 New Jersey 12 47 New Mexico 18 66 New York 11 75 North Carolina 16 71 North Dakota 25 36 Ohio 15 73 Oklahoma 17 63 Oregon 15 44 Pennsylvania 12 30 47 CFR 51 513 c 1 enhanced display page 49 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 513 c 2 Interconnection State Proxy ceiling Puerto Rico 12 47 Rhode Island 11 48 South Carolina 17 07 South Dakota 25 33 Tennessee 17 41 Texas 15 49 Utah 15 12 Vermont 20 13 Virginia 14 13 Washington 13 37 West Virginia 19 25 Wisconsin 15 94 Wyoming 25 11 2 Local switching i The blended proxy based rate for the usage sensitive component of the unbundled local switching element including the switching matrix the functionalities used to provide vertical features and the trunk ports shall be no greater than 0 4 cents 0 004 per minute and no less than 0 2 cents 0 002 per minute except that where a state commission has before August 8 1996 established a rate less than or equal to 0 5 cents 0 005 per minute that rate may be retained pending completion of a forward looking economic cost study If a flat rated charge is established for these components it shall be converted to a per minute rate by dividing the projected average minutes of use per flat rated subelement
for purposes of assessing compliance with this proxy A weighted average of such flat rate or usage sensitive charges shall be used in appropriate circumstances such as when peak and off peak charges are used ii The blended proxy based rate for the line port component of the local switching element shall be no less than 1 10 and no more than 2 00 per line port per month for ports used in the delivery of basic residential and business exchange services 3 Dedicated transmission links The proxy based rates for dedicated transmission links shall be no greater than the incumbent LEC s tariffed interstate charges for comparable entrance facilities or direct trunked transport offerings as described in 69 110 and 69 112 of this chapter 4 Shared transmission facilities between tandem switches and end offices The proxy based rates for shared transmission facilities between tandem switches and end offices shall be no greater than the weighted per minute equivalent of DS1 and DS3 interoffice dedicated transmission link rates that reflects the relative number of DS1 and DS3 circuits used in the tandem to end office links or a surrogate based on the proportion of copper and fiber facilities in the interoffice network calculated using a loading factor of 9 000 minutes per month per voice grade circuit as described in 69 112 of this chapter 5 Tandem switching The proxy based rate for tandem switching shall be no greater than 0 15 cents 0 0015 per minute of use 47 CFR 51 513 c 5 enhanced display page 50 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 513 c 6 Interconnection 6 Collocation To the extent that the incumbent LEC offers a comparable form of collocation in its interstate expanded
interconnection tariffs as described in 64 1401 and 69 121 of this chapter the proxy based rates for collocation shall be no greater than the effective rates for equivalent services in the interstate expanded interconnection tariff To the extent that the incumbent LEC does not offer a comparable form of collocation in its interstate expanded interconnection tariffs a state commission may in its discretion establish a proxy based rate provided that the state commission sets forth in writing a reasonable basis for concluding that its rate would approximate the result of a forward looking economic cost study as described in 51 505 7 Signaling call related database and other elements To the extent that the incumbent LEC has established rates for offerings comparable to other elements in its interstate access tariffs and has provided cost support for those rates pursuant to 61 49 h of this chapter the proxy based rates for those elements shall be no greater than the effective rates for equivalent services in the interstate access tariffs In other cases the proxy based rate shall be no greater than a rate based on direct costs plus a reasonable allocation of overhead loadings pursuant to 61 49 h of this chapter 61 FR 45619 Aug 29 1996 as amended at 61 FR 52709 Oct 8 1996 51 515 Application of access charges a b Reserved c Notwithstanding 51 505 51 511 and 51 513 d 2 and paragraph a of this section an incumbent LEC may assess upon telecommunications carriers that purchase unbundled local switching elements as described in 51 319 c 1 for intrastate toll minutes of use traversing such unbundled local switching elements intrastate access charges comparable to those listed in paragraph b and any explicit intrastate universal service mechanism based on access charges only until
the earliest of the following and not thereafter 1 June 30 1997 2 The effective date of a state commission decision that an incumbent LEC may not assess such charges or 3 With respect to a Bell operating company only the date on which that company is authorized to offer in region interLATA service in the state pursuant to section 271 of the Act The end date for Bell operating companies that are authorized to offer interLATA service shall apply only to the recovery of access charges in those states in which the Bell operating company is authorized to offer such service d Interstate access charges described in part 69 shall not be assessed by incumbent LECs on each element purchased by requesting carriers providing both telephone exchange and exchange access services to such requesting carriers end users 61 FR 45619 Aug 29 1996 as amended at 62 FR 45587 Aug 28 1997 71 FR 65750 Nov 9 2006 Subpart G Resale 47 CFR 51 515 d enhanced display page 51 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 601 Interconnection 51 601 Scope of resale rules The provisions of this subpart govern the terms and conditions under which LECs offer telecommunications services to requesting telecommunications carriers for resale 51 603 Resale obligation of all local exchange carriers a A LEC shall make its telecommunications services available for resale to requesting telecommunications carriers on terms and conditions that are reasonable and non discriminatory b A LEC must provide services to requesting telecommunications carriers for resale that are equal in quality subject to the same conditions and provided within the same provisioning time intervals that the LEC provides these services to others including end users 51 605 Additional obligations of incumbent local
exchange carriers a An incumbent LEC shall offer to any requesting telecommunications carrier any telecommunications service that the incumbent LEC offers on a retail basis to subscribers that are not telecommunications carriers for resale at wholesale rates that are at the election of the state commission 1 Consistent with the avoided cost methodology described in 51 607 and 51 609 or 2 Interim wholesale rates pursuant to 51 611 b For purposes of this subpart exchange access services as defined in section 3 of the Act shall not be considered to be telecommunications services that incumbent LECs must make available for resale at wholesale rates to requesting telecommunications carriers c For purposes of this subpart advanced telecommunications services sold to Internet Service Providers as an input component to the Internet Service Providers retail Internet service offering shall not be considered to be telecommunications services offered on a retail basis that incumbent LECs must make available for resale at wholesale rates to requesting telecommunications carriers d Notwithstanding paragraph b of this section advanced telecommunications services that are classified as exchange access services are subject to the obligations of paragraph a of this section if such services are sold on a retail basis to residential and business end users that are not telecommunications carriers e Except as provided in 51 613 an incumbent LEC shall not impose restrictions on the resale by a requesting carrier of telecommunications services offered by the incumbent LEC 61 FR 45619 Aug 29 1996 as amended at 65 FR 6915 Feb 11 2000 51 607 Wholesale pricing standard The wholesale rate that an incumbent LEC may charge for a telecommunications service provided for resale to other telecommunications carriers shall equal the rate for the telecommunications service less avoided retail costs as described in section 51 609 For
purposes of this subpart exchange access services as defined in section 3 of the Act shall not be considered to be telecommunications services that incumbent LECs must make available for resale at wholesale rates to requesting telecommunications carriers 65 FR 6915 Feb 11 2000 47 CFR 51 607 enhanced display page 52 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 609 Interconnection 51 609 Determination of avoided retail costs a Except as provided in 51 611 the amount of avoided retail costs shall be determined on the basis of a cost study that complies with the requirements of this section b Avoided retail costs shall be those costs that reasonably can be avoided when an incumbent LEC provides a telecommunications service for resale at wholesale rates to a requesting carrier c For incumbent LECs that are designated as Class A companies under 32 11 of this chapter except as provided in paragraph d of this section avoided retail costs shall 1 Include as direct costs the costs recorded in USOA accounts 6611 product management and sales 6613 product advertising 6621 call completion services 6622 number services and 6623 customer services 32 6611 32 6613 32 6621 32 6622 and 32 6623 of this chapter 2 Include as indirect costs a portion of the costs recorded in USOA accounts 6121 6124 general support expenses 6720 corporate operations expenses and uncollectible telecommunications revenue included in 5300 uncollectible revenue Secs 32 6121 through 32 6124 32 6720 and 32 5300 of this chapter and 3 Not include plant specific expenses and plant non specific expenses other than general support expenses 32 6112 6114 32 6211 6565 of this chapter d Costs included in accounts 6611 6613 and 6621 6623 described in paragraph c of
this section 32 6611 32 6613 and 32 6621 6623 of this chapter may be included in wholesale rates only to the extent that the incumbent LEC proves to a state commission that specific costs in these accounts will be incurred and are not avoidable with respect to services sold at wholesale or that specific costs in these accounts are not included in the retail prices of resold services Costs included in accounts 6112 6114 and 6211 6565 described in paragraph c of this section 32 6112 32 6114 32 6211 32 6565 of this chapter may be treated as avoided retail costs and excluded from wholesale rates only to the extent that a party proves to a state commission that specific costs in these accounts can reasonably be avoided when an incumbent LEC provides a telecommunications service for resale to a requesting carrier e For incumbent LECs that are designated as Class B companies under 32 11 of this chapter and that record information in summary accounts instead of specific USOA accounts the entire relevant summary accounts may be used in lieu of the specific USOA accounts listed in paragraphs c and d of this section 61 FR 45619 Aug 29 1996 as amended at 67 FR 5700 Feb 6 2002 69 FR 53652 Sept 2 2004 51 611 Interim wholesale rates a If a state commission cannot based on the information available to it establish a wholesale rate using the methodology prescribed in 51 609 then the state commission may elect to establish an interim wholesale rate as described in paragraph b of this section b The state commission may establish interim wholesale rates that are at least 17 percent and no more than 25 percent below the incumbent LEC s existing retail rates and shall articulate the
basis for selecting a particular discount rate The same discount percentage rate shall be used to establish interim wholesale rates for each telecommunications service 47 CFR 51 611 b enhanced display page 53 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 611 c Interconnection c A state commission that establishes interim wholesale rates shall within a reasonable period of time thereafter establish wholesale rates on the basis of an avoided retail cost study that complies with 51 609 51 613 Restrictions on resale a Notwithstanding 51 605 b the following types of restrictions on resale may be imposed 1 Cross class selling A state commission may permit an incumbent LEC to prohibit a requesting telecommunications carrier that purchases at wholesale rates for resale telecommunications services that the incumbent LEC makes available only to residential customers or to a limited class of residential customers from offering such services to classes of customers that are not eligible to subscribe to such services from the incumbent LEC 2 Short term promotions An incumbent LEC shall apply the wholesale discount to the ordinary rate for a retail service rather than a special promotional rate only if i Such promotions involve rates that will be in effect for no more than 90 days and ii The incumbent LEC does not use such promotional offerings to evade the wholesale rate obligation for example by making available a sequential series of 90 day promotional rates b With respect to any restrictions on resale not permitted under paragraph a an incumbent LEC may impose a restriction only if it proves to the state commission that the restriction is reasonable and nondiscriminatory c Branding Where operator call completion or directory assistance service is part of the service or service package
an incumbent LEC offers for resale failure by an incumbent LEC to comply with reseller unbranding or rebranding requests shall constitute a restriction on resale 1 An incumbent LEC may impose such a restriction only if it proves to the state commission that the restriction is reasonable and nondiscriminatory such as by proving to a state commission that the incumbent LEC lacks the capability to comply with unbranding or rebranding requests 2 For purposes of this subpart unbranding or rebranding shall mean that operator call completion or directory assistance services are offered in such a manner that an incumbent LEC s brand name or other identifying information is not identified to subscribers or that such services are offered in such a manner that identifies to subscribers the requesting carrier s brand name or other identifying information 51 615 Withdrawal of services When an incumbent LEC makes a telecommunications service available only to a limited group of customers that have purchased such a service in the past the incumbent LEC must also make such a service available at wholesale rates to requesting carriers to offer on a resale basis to the same limited group of customers that have purchased such a service in the past 47 CFR 51 615 enhanced display page 54 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 617 Interconnection 51 617 Assessment of end user common line charge on resellers a Notwithstanding the provision in 69 104 a of this chapter that the end user common line charge be assessed upon end users an incumbent LEC shall assess this charge and the charge for changing the designated primary interexchange carrier upon requesting carriers that purchase telephone exchange service for resale The specific end user common line charge to
be assessed will depend upon the identity of the end user served by the requesting carrier b When an incumbent LEC provides telephone exchange service to a requesting carrier at wholesale rates for resale the incumbent LEC shall continue to assess the interstate access charges provided in part 69 of this chapter other than the end user common line charge upon interexchange carriers that use the incumbent LEC s facilities to provide interstate or international telecommunications services to the interexchange carriers subscribers Subpart H Reciprocal Compensation for Transport and Termination of Telecommunications Traffic Editorial Note Nomenclature changes to subpart H of part 51 appear at 66 FR 26806 May 15 2001 51 700 Purpose of this subpart The purpose of this subpart as revised in 2011 by FCC 11 161 is to establish rules governing the transition of intercarrier compensation from a calling party s network pays system to a default bill and keep methodology Following the transition the exchange of telecommunications traffic between and among service providers will by default be governed by bill and keep arrangements Note to 51 700 See FCC 11 161 figure 9 chart identifying steps in the transition 76 FR 73854 Nov 29 2011 51 701 Scope of transport and termination pricing rules a Effective December 29 2011 compensation for telecommunications traffic exchanged between two telecommunications carriers that is interstate or intrastate exchange access information access or exchange services for such access other than special access is specified in subpart J of this part The provisions of this subpart apply to Non Access Reciprocal Compensation for transport and termination of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic between LECs and other telecommunications carriers b Non Access Telecommunications Traffic For purposes of this subpart Non Access Telecommunications Traffic means 1 Telecommunications traffic exchanged between a LEC and a
telecommunications carrier other than a CMRS provider except for telecommunications traffic that is interstate or intrastate exchange access information access or exchange services for such access see FCC 01 131 paragraphs 34 36 39 42 43 or 2 Telecommunications traffic exchanged between a LEC and a CMRS provider that at the beginning of the call originates and terminates within the same Major Trading Area as defined in 24 202 a of this chapter 47 CFR 51 701 b 2 enhanced display page 55 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 701 b 3 Interconnection 3 This definition includes telecommunications traffic exchanged between a LEC and another telecommunications carrier in Time Division Multiplexing TDM format that originates and or terminates in IP format and that otherwise meets the definitions in paragraphs b 1 or b 2 of this section Telecommunications traffic originates and or terminates in IP format if it originates from and or terminates to an end user customer of a service that requires Internet protocol compatible customer premises equipment c Transport For purposes of this subpart transport is the transmission and any necessary tandem switching of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic subject to section 251 b 5 of the Communications Act of 1934 as amended 47 U S C 251 b 5 from the interconnection point between the two carriers to the terminating carrier s end office switch that directly serves the called party or equivalent facility provided by a carrier other than an incumbent LEC d Termination For purposes of this subpart termination is the switching of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic at the terminating carrier s end office switch or equivalent facility and delivery of such traffic to the called party s premises e Non Access Reciprocal Compensation For
purposes of this subpart a Non Access Reciprocal Compensation arrangement between two carriers is either a bill and keep arrangement per 51 713 or an arrangement in which each carrier receives intercarrier compensation for the transport and termination of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic 61 FR 45619 Aug 29 1996 as amended at 66 FR 26806 May 15 2001 76 FR 73855 Nov 29 2011 51 703 Non Access reciprocal compensation obligation of LECs a Each LEC shall establish Non Access Reciprocal Compensation arrangements for transport and termination of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic with any requesting telecommunications carrier b A LEC may not assess charges on any other telecommunications carrier for Non Access Telecommunications Traffic that originates on the LEC s network c Notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules a LEC shall be entitled to assess and collect the full charges for the transport and termination of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic regardless of whether the local exchange carrier assessing the applicable charges itself delivers such traffic to the called party s premises or delivers the call to the called party s premises via contractual or other arrangements with an affiliated or unaffiliated provider of interconnected VoIP service as defined in 47 U S C 153 25 or a non interconnected VoIP service as defined in 47 U S C 153 36 that does not itself seek to collect Non Access Reciprocal Compensation charges for the transport and termination of that Non Access Telecommunications Traffic In no event may the total charges that a LEC may assess for such service to the called location exceed the applicable transport and termination rate For purposes of this section the facilities used by the LEC and affiliated or unaffiliated provider of interconnected VoIP service or a non interconnected VoIP service for the
transport and termination of such traffic shall be deemed an equivalent facility under 51 701 76 FR 73855 Nov 29 2011 47 CFR 51 703 c enhanced display page 56 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 705 Interconnection 51 705 LECs rates for transport and termination a Notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules by default transport and termination for Non Access Telecommunications Traffic exchanged between a local exchange carrier and a CMRS provider within the scope of 51 701 b 2 shall be pursuant to a bill and keep arrangement as provided in 51 713 b Establishment of incumbent LECs rates for transport and termination 1 This provision applies when in the absence of a negotiated agreement between parties state commissions establish Non Access Reciprocal Compensation rates for the exchange of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic between a local exchange carrier and a telecommunications carrier other than a CMRS provider where the incumbent local exchange carriers did not have any such rates as of December 29 2011 Any rates established pursuant to this provision apply between December 29 2011 and the date at which they are superseded by the transition specified in paragraphs c 2 through c 5 of this section 2 An incumbent LEC s rates for transport and termination of telecommunications traffic shall be established at the election of the state commission on the basis of i The forward looking economic costs of such offerings using a cost study pursuant to 51 505 and 51 511 or ii A bill and keep arrangement as provided in 51 713 3 In cases where both carriers in a Non Access Reciprocal Compensation arrangement are incumbent LECs state commissions shall establish the rates of the smaller carrier on
the basis of the larger carrier s forward looking costs pursuant to 51 711 c Except as provided by paragraph a of this section and notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules default transitional Non Access Reciprocal Compensation rates shall be determined as follows 1 Effective December 29 2011 no telecommunications carrier may increase a Non Access Reciprocal Compensation for transport or termination above the level in effect on December 29 2011 All Bill and Keep Arrangements in effect on December 29 2011 shall remain in place unless both parties mutually agree to an alternative arrangement 2 Beginning July 1 2012 if any telecommunications carrier s Non Access Reciprocal Compensation rates in effect on December 29 2011 or established pursuant to paragraph b of this section subsequent to December 29 2011 exceed that carrier s interstate access rates for functionally equivalent services in effect in the same state on December 29 2011 that carrier shall reduce its reciprocal compensation rate by one half of the difference between the Non Access Reciprocal Compensation rate and the corresponding functionally equivalent interstate access rate 3 Beginning July 1 2013 no telecommunications carrier s Non Access Reciprocal Compensation rates shall exceed that carrier s tariffed interstate access rate in effect in the same state on January 1 of that same year for equivalent functionality 4 After July 1 2018 all Price Cap Local Exchange Carrier s Non Access Reciprocal Compensation rates and all non incumbent LECs that benchmark access rates to Price Cap Carrier shall be set pursuant to Bill and Keep arrangements for Non Access Reciprocal Compensation as defined in this subpart 47 CFR 51 705 c 4 enhanced display page 57 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 705 c
5 Interconnection 5 After July 1 2020 all Rate of Return Local Exchange Carrier s Non Access Reciprocal Compensation rates and all non incumbent LECs that benchmark access rates to Rate of Return Carriers shall be set pursuant to Bill and Keep arrangements for Non Access Reciprocal Compensation as defined in this subpart 76 FR 73855 Nov 29 2011 51 707 Reserved 51 709 Rate structure for transport and termination a In state proceedings where a rate for Non Access Reciprocal Compensation does not exist as of December 29 2011 a state commission shall establish initial rates for the transport and termination of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic that are structured consistently with the manner that carriers incur those costs and consistently with the principles in this section b The rate of a carrier providing transmission facilities dedicated to the transmission of non access traffic between two carriers networks shall recover only the costs of the proportion of that trunk capacity used by an interconnecting carrier to send non access traffic that will terminate on the providing carrier s network Such proportions may be measured during peak periods c For Non Access Telecommunications Traffic exchanged between a rate of return regulated rural telephone company as defined in 51 5 and a CMRS provider the rural rate of return incumbent local exchange carrier will be responsible for transport to the CMRS provider s interconnection point when it is located within the rural rate of return incumbent local exchange carrier s service area When the CMRS provider s interconnection point is located outside the rural rate of return incumbent local exchange carrier s service area the rural rate of return incumbent local exchange carrier s transport and provisioning obligation stops at its meet point and the CMRS provider is responsible for the remaining
transport to its interconnection point This paragraph c is a default provision and applicable in the absence of an existing agreement or arrangement otherwise 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 2011 51 711 Symmetrical reciprocal compensation a Rates for transport and termination of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic shall be symmetrical unless carriers mutually agree otherwise except as provided in paragraphs b and c of this section 1 For purposes of this subpart symmetrical rates are rates that a carrier other than an incumbent LEC assesses upon an incumbent LEC for transport and termination of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic equal to those that the incumbent LEC assesses upon the other carrier for the same services 2 In cases where both parties are incumbent LECs or neither party is an incumbent LEC a state commission shall establish the symmetrical rates for transport and termination based on the larger carrier s forward looking costs 3 Where the switch of a carrier other than an incumbent LEC serves a geographic area comparable to the area served by the incumbent LEC s tandem switch the appropriate rate for the carrier other than an incumbent LEC is the incumbent LEC s tandem interconnection rate 47 CFR 51 711 a 3 enhanced display page 58 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 711 b Interconnection b Except as provided in 51 705 a state commission may establish asymmetrical rates for transport and termination of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic only if the carrier other than the incumbent LEC or the smaller of two incumbent LECs proves to the state commission on the basis of a cost study using the forward looking economic cost based pricing methodology described in 51 505 and 51 511 that the forward looking costs for
a network efficiently configured and operated by the carrier other than the incumbent LEC or the smaller of two incumbent LECs exceed the costs incurred by the incumbent LEC or the larger incumbent LEC and consequently that such that a higher rate is justified c Pending further proceedings before the Commission a state commission shall establish the rates that licensees in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service defined in part 22 subpart E of this chapter Narrowband Personal Communications Services defined in part 24 subpart D of this chapter and Paging Operations in the Private Land Mobile Radio Services defined in part 90 subpart P of this chapter may assess upon other carriers for the transport and termination of telecommunications traffic based on the forward looking costs that such licensees incur in providing such services pursuant to 51 505 and 51 511 Such licensees rates shall not be set based on the default proxies described in 51 707 61 FR 45619 Aug 29 1996 as amended at 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 2011 51 713 Bill and keep arrangements Bill and keep arrangements are those in which carriers exchanging telecommunications traffic do not charge each other for specific transport and or termination functions or services 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 2011 51 715 Interim transport and termination pricing a Upon request from a telecommunications carrier without an existing interconnection arrangement with an incumbent LEC the incumbent LEC shall provide transport and termination of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic immediately under an interim arrangement pending resolution of negotiation or arbitration regarding transport and termination rates and approval of such rates by a state commission under sections 251 and 252 of the Act 1 This requirement shall not apply when the requesting carrier has an existing interconnection arrangement that provides for the transport and
termination of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic by the incumbent LEC 2 A telecommunications carrier may take advantage of such an interim arrangement only after it has requested negotiation with the incumbent LEC pursuant to 51 301 b Upon receipt of a request as described in paragraph a of this section an incumbent LEC must without unreasonable delay establish an interim arrangement for transport and termination of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic at symmetrical rates 1 In a state in which the state commission has established transport and termination rates based on forward looking economic cost studies an incumbent LEC shall use these state determined rates as interim transport and termination rates 47 CFR 51 715 b 1 enhanced display page 59 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 715 b 2 Interconnection 2 In a state in which the state commission has not established transport and termination rates based on forward looking economic cost studies an incumbent LEC shall set interim transport and termination rates either at the default ceilings specified in 51 705 c or in accordance with a bill and keep methodology as defined in 51 713 3 In a state in which the state commission has neither established transport and termination rates based on forward looking economic cost studies nor established transport and termination rates consistent with the default price ranges described in 51 707 an incumbent LEC shall set interim transport and termination rates at the default ceilings for end office switching 0 4 cents per minute of use tandem switching 0 15 cents per minute of use and transport as described in 51 707 b 2 c An interim arrangement shall cease to be in effect when one of the following occurs with respect to rates
for transport and termination of telecommunications traffic subject to the interim arrangement 1 A voluntary agreement has been negotiated and approved by a state commission 2 An agreement has been arbitrated and approved by a state commission or 3 The period for requesting arbitration has passed with no such request d If the rates for transport and termination of Non Access Telecommunications Traffic in an interim arrangement differ from the rates established by a state commission pursuant to 51 705 the state commission shall require carriers to make adjustments to past compensation Such adjustments to past compensation shall allow each carrier to receive the level of compensation it would have received had the rates in the interim arrangement equalled the rates later established by the state commission pursuant to 51 705 61 FR 45619 Aug 29 1996 as amended at 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 2011 51 717 Reserved Subpart I Procedures for Implementation of Section 252 of the Act 51 801 Commission action upon a state commission s failure to act to carry out its responsibility under section 252 of the Act a If a state commission fails to act to carry out its responsibility under section 252 of the Act in any proceeding or other matter under section 252 of the Act the Commission shall issue an order preempting the state commission s jurisdiction of that proceeding or matter within 90 days after being notified or taking notice of such failure and shall assume the responsibility of the state commission under section 252 of the Act with respect to the proceeding or matter and shall act for the state commission b For purposes of this part a state commission fails to act if the state commission fails to respond within a reasonable time to a request for mediation
as provided for in section 252 a 2 of the Act or for a request for arbitration as provided for in section 252 b of the Act or fails to complete an arbitration within the time limits established in section 252 b 4 C of the Act c A state shall not be deemed to have failed to act for purposes of section 252 e 5 of the Act if an agreement is deemed approved under section 252 e 4 of the Act 47 CFR 51 801 c enhanced display page 60 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 803 Interconnection 51 803 Procedures for Commission notification of a state commission s failure to act a Any party seeking preemption of a state commission s jurisdiction based on the state commission s failure to act shall notify the Commission in accordance with following procedures 1 Such party shall file with the Secretary of the Commission a petition supported by an affidavit that states with specificity the basis for the petition and any information that supports the claim that the state has failed to act including but not limited to the applicable provisions of the Act and the factual circumstances supporting a finding that the state commission has failed to act 2 Such party shall ensure that the state commission and the other parties to the proceeding or matter for which preemption is sought are served with the petition required in paragraph a 1 of this section on the same date that the petitioning party serves the petition on the Commission and 3 Within fifteen days from the date of service of the petition required in paragraph a 1 of this section the applicable state commission and parties to the proceeding
may file with the Commission a response to the petition b The party seeking preemption must prove that the state has failed to act to carry out its responsibilities under section 252 of the Act c The Commission pursuant to section 252 e 5 of the Act may take notice upon its own motion that a state commission has failed to act In such a case the Commission shall issue a public notice that the Commission has taken notice of a state commission s failure to act The applicable state commission and the parties to a proceeding or matter in which the Commission has taken notice of the state commission s failure to act may file within fifteen days of the issuance of the public notice comments on whether the Commission is required to assume the responsibility of the state commission under section 252 of the Act with respect to the proceeding or matter d The Commission shall issue an order determining whether it is required to preempt the state commission s jurisdiction of a proceeding or matter within 90 days after being notified under paragraph a of this section or taking notice under paragraph c of this section of a state commission s failure to carry out its responsibilities under section 252 of the Act 51 805 The Commission s authority over proceedings and matters a If the Commission assumes responsibility for a proceeding or matter pursuant to section 252 e 5 of the Act the Commission shall retain jurisdiction over such proceeding or matter At a minimum the Commission shall approve or reject any interconnection agreement adopted by negotiation mediation or arbitration for which the Commission pursuant to section 252 e 5 of the Act has assumed the state s commission s responsibilities b Agreements reached pursuant to
mediation or arbitration by the Commission pursuant to section 252 e 5 of the Act are not required to be submitted to the state commission for approval or rejection 51 807 Arbitration and mediation of agreements by the Commission pursuant to section 252 e 5 of the Act a The rules established in this section shall apply only to instances in which the Commission assumes jurisdiction under section 252 e 5 of the Act 47 CFR 51 807 a enhanced display page 61 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 807 b Interconnection b When the Commission assumes responsibility for a proceeding or matter pursuant to section 252 e 5 of the Act it shall not be bound by state laws and standards that would have applied to the state commission in such proceeding or matter c In resolving by arbitration under section 252 b of the Act any open issues and in imposing conditions upon the parties to the agreement the Commission shall 1 Ensure that such resolution and conditions meet the requirements of section 251 of the Act including the rules prescribed by the Commission pursuant to that section 2 Establish any rates for interconnection services or network elements according to section 252 d of the Act including the rules prescribed by the Commission pursuant to that section and 3 Provide a schedule for implementation of the terms and conditions by the parties to the agreement d An arbitrator acting pursuant to the Commission s authority under section 252 e 5 of the Act shall use final offer arbitration except as otherwise provided in this section 1 At the discretion of the arbitrator final offer arbitration may take the form of either entire package final offer arbitration or
issue by issue final offer arbitration 2 Negotiations among the parties may continue with or without the assistance of the arbitrator after final arbitration offers are submitted Parties may submit subsequent final offers following such negotiations 3 To provide an opportunity for final post offer negotiations the arbitrator will not issue a decision for at least fifteen days after submission to the arbitrator of the final offers by the parties e Final offers submitted by the parties to the arbitrator shall be consistent with section 251 of the Act including the rules prescribed by the Commission pursuant to that section f Each final offer shall 1 Meet the requirements of section 251 including the rules prescribed by the Commission pursuant to that section 2 Establish rates for interconnection services or access to unbundled network elements according to section 252 d of the Act including the rules prescribed by the Commission pursuant to that section and 3 Provide a schedule for implementation of the terms and conditions by the parties to the agreement If a final offer submitted by one or more parties fails to comply with the requirements of this section or if the arbitrator determines in unique circumstances that another result would better implement the Communications Act the arbitrator has discretion to take steps designed to result in an arbitrated agreement that satisfies the requirements of section 252 c of the Act including requiring parties to submit new final offers within a time frame specified by the arbitrator or adopting a result not submitted by any party that is consistent with the requirements of section 252 c of the Act and the rules prescribed by the Commission pursuant to that section g Participation in the arbitration proceeding will be limited to the requesting telecommunications carrier and the incumbent LEC
except that the Commission will consider requests by third parties to file written pleadings h Absent mutual consent of the parties to change any terms and conditions adopted by the arbitrator the decision of the arbitrator shall be binding on the parties 47 CFR 51 807 h enhanced display page 62 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 809 Interconnection 61 FR 45619 Aug 29 1996 as amended at 66 FR 8520 Feb 1 2001 51 809 Availability of agreements to other telecommunications carriers under section 252 i of the Act a An incumbent LEC shall make available without unreasonable delay to any requesting telecommunications carrier any agreement in its entirety to which the incumbent LEC is a party that is approved by a state commission pursuant to section 252 of the Act upon the same rates terms and conditions as those provided in the agreement An incumbent LEC may not limit the availability of any agreement only to those requesting carriers serving a comparable class of subscribers or providing the same service i e local access or interexchange as the original party to the agreement b The obligations of paragraph a of this section shall not apply where the incumbent LEC proves to the state commission that 1 The costs of providing a particular agreement to the requesting telecommunications carrier are greater than the costs of providing it to the telecommunications carrier that originally negotiated the agreement or 2 The provision of a particular agreement to the requesting carrier is not technically feasible c Individual agreements shall remain available for use by telecommunications carriers pursuant to this section for a reasonable period of time after the approved agreement is available for public inspection under section 252 h of the
Act 69 FR 43771 July 22 2004 Subpart J Transitional Access Service Pricing Source 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 2011 unless otherwise noted 51 901 Purpose and scope of transitional access service pricing rules a The purpose of this section is to establish rules governing the transition of intercarrier compensation from a calling party s network pays system to a default bill and keep methodology Following the transition the exchange of traffic between and among service providers will by default be governed by bill and keep arrangements b Effective December 29 2011 the provisions of this subpart apply to reciprocal compensation for telecommunications traffic exchanged between telecommunications providers that is interstate or intrastate exchange access information access or exchange services for such access other than special access Note to 51 901 See FCC 11 161 figure 9 chart identifying steps in the transition 51 903 Definitions For the purposes of this subpart 47 CFR 51 903 enhanced display page 63 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 903 a Interconnection a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier A Competitive Local Exchange Carrier is any local exchange carrier as defined in 51 5 that is not an incumbent local exchange carrier b Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate means terminating End Office Access Service revenue calculated using demand for a given time period divided by end office switching minutes for the same time period c Dedicated Transport Access Service means originating and terminating transport on circuits dedicated to the use of a single carrier or other customer provided by an incumbent local exchange carrier or any functional equivalent of the incumbent local exchange carrier access service provided by a non incumbent local exchange carrier Dedicated Transport Access Service rate elements for an incumbent
local exchange carrier include the entrance facility rate elements specified in 69 110 of this chapter the dedicated transport rate elements specified in 69 111 of this chapter the direct trunked transport rate elements specified in 69 112 of this chapter and the intrastate rate elements for functionally equivalent access services Dedicated Transport Access Service rate elements for a non incumbent local exchange carrier include any functionally equivalent access services d End Office Access Service means 1 The switching of access traffic at the carrier s end office switch and the delivery to or from of such traffic to the called party s premises 2 The routing of interexchange telecommunications traffic to or from the called party s premises either directly or via contractual or other arrangements with an affiliated or unaffiliated entity regardless of the specific functions provided or facilities used or 3 Any functional equivalent of the incumbent local exchange carrier access service provided by a non incumbent local exchange carrier End Office Access Service rate elements for an incumbent local exchange carrier include the local switching rate elements specified in 69 106 of this chapter the carrier common line rate elements specified in 69 154 of this chapter and the intrastate rate elements for functionally equivalent access services End Office Access Service rate elements for an incumbent local exchange carrier also include any rate elements assessed on local switching access minutes including the information surcharge and residual rate elements End office Access Service rate elements for a non incumbent local exchange carrier include any functionally equivalent access service Note to paragraph d For incumbent local exchange carriers residual rate elements may include for example state Transport Interconnection Charges Residual Interconnection Charges and PICCs For non incumbent local exchange carriers residual rate elements may include any functionally equivalent
access service e Fiscal Year 2011 means October 1 2010 through September 30 2011 f Price Cap Carrier has the same meaning as that term is defined in 61 3 aa of this chapter g Rate of Return Carrier is any incumbent local exchange carrier not subject to price cap regulation as that term is defined in 61 3 bb of this chapter but only with respect to the territory in which it operates as an incumbent local exchange carrier 47 CFR 51 903 g enhanced display page 64 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 903 h Interconnection h Access Reciprocal Compensation means telecommunications traffic exchanged between telecommunications service providers that is interstate or intrastate exchange access information access or exchange services for such access other than special access i Tandem Switched Transport Access Service means 1 Tandem switching and common transport between the tandem switch and end office or 2 Any functional equivalent of the incumbent local exchange carrier access service provided by a non incumbent local exchange carrier via other facilities Tandem Switched Transport rate elements for an incumbent local exchange carrier include the rate elements specified in 69 111 of this chapter except for the dedicated transport rate elements specified in that section and intrastate rate elements for functionally equivalent service Tandem Switched Transport Access Service rate elements for a non incumbent local exchange carrier include any functionally equivalent access service j Transitional Intrastate Access Service means terminating End Office Access Service that was subject to intrastate access rates as of December 31 2011 terminating Tandem Switched Transport Access Service that was subject to intrastate access rates as of December 31 2011 and originating and terminating Dedicated Transport Access Service that was subject to intrastate access
rates as of December 31 2011 k Access Stimulation has the same meaning as that term is defined in 61 3 bbb of this chapter l Intermediate Access Provider has the same meaning as that term is defined in 61 3 ccc of this chapter m Interexchange Carrier has the same meaning as that term is defined in 61 3 ddd of this chapter n Toll Free Database Query Charge is a per query charge that is expressed in dollars and cents to access the Toll Free Service Management System Database as defined in 52 101 d of this subchapter o Toll Free Call means a call to a Toll Free Number as defined in 52 101 f of this subchapter p Joint Tandem Switched Transport Access Service is the rate element assessible for the transmission of toll free originating access service The rate element includes both the transport between the end office and the tandem switch and the tandem switching It does not include transport of traffic over dedicated transport facilities between the serving wire center and the tandem switching office 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 2011 as amended at 83 FR 67121 Dec 28 2018 84 FR 57650 Oct 28 2019 85 FR 75916 Nov 27 2020 51 905 Implementation a The rates set forth in this section are default rates Notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules telecommunications carriers may agree to rates different from the default rates b LECs who are otherwise required to file tariffs are required to tariff rates no higher than the default transitional rates specified by this subpart 1 With respect to interstate switched access services governed by this subpart LECs shall tariff rates for those services in their federal tariffs Except as expressly superseded below LECs shall follow the
procedures specified in part 61 of this chapter when filing such tariffs 47 CFR 51 905 b 1 enhanced display page 65 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 905 b 2 Interconnection 2 With respect to Transitional Intrastate Access Services originating access charges for Toll Free Calls and Toll Free Database Query Charges governed by this subpart LECs shall follow the procedures specified by relevant state law when filing intrastate tariffs price lists or other instruments referred to collectively as tariffs c Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a carrier to file or maintain a tariff or to amend an existing tariff if it is not otherwise required to do so under applicable law d Beginning July 1 2021 and notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules in this chapter only the originating carrier in the path of the Toll Free Call may assess a Toll Free Database Query Charge for a Toll Free Call When the originating carrier is unable to transmit the results of the Toll Free Database Query to the next carrier or provider in the call path that next carrier or provider may instead assess a Toll Free Database Query Charge 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 2011 as amended at 85 FR 75916 Nov 27 2020 51 907 Transition of price cap carrier access charges a Notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules on December 29 2011 a Price Cap Carrier shall cap the rates for all interstate and intrastate rate elements for services contained in the definitions of Interstate End Office Access Services Tandem Switched Transport Access Services and Dedicated Transport Access Services In addition a Price Cap Carrier shall also cap the rates for any interstate
and intrastate rate elements in the traffic sensitive basket and the trunking basket as described in 47 CFR 61 42 d 2 and 3 to the extent that such rate elements are not contained in the definitions of Interstate End Office Access Services Tandem Switched Transport Access Services and Dedicated Transport Access Services Carriers will remove these services from price cap regulation in their July 1 2012 annual tariff filing b Step 1 Beginning July 1 2012 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules 1 Each Price Cap Carrier shall file tariffs in accordance with 51 905 b 2 with the appropriate state regulatory authority that set forth the rates applicable to Transitional Intrastate Access Service in each state in which it provides Transitional Intrastate Access Service 2 Each Price Cap Carrier shall establish the rates for Transitional Intrastate Access Service using the following methodology i Calculate total revenue from Transitional Intrastate Access Service at the carrier s interstate access rates in effect on December 29 2011 using Fiscal Year 2011 intrastate switched access demand for each rate element ii Calculate total revenue from Transitional Intrastate Access Service at the carrier s intrastate access rates in effect on December 29 2011 using Fiscal Year 2011 intrastate switched access demand for each rate element iii Calculate the Step 1 Access Revenue Reduction The Step 1 Access Revenue Reduction is equal to one half of the difference between the amount calculated in paragraph b 2 i of this section and the amount calculated in paragraph b 2 ii of this section iv A Price Cap Carrier may elect to establish rates for Transitional Intrastate Access Service using its intrastate access rate structure Carriers using this option shall establish rates for Transitional Intrastate Access Service such that Transitional Intrastate Access Service
revenue 47 CFR 51 907 b 2 iv enhanced display page 66 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 907 b 2 v Interconnection at the proposed rates is no greater than Transitional Intrastate Access Service revenue at the intrastate rates in effect as of December 29 2011 less the Step 1 Access Revenue Reduction using Fiscal Year 2011 demand Carriers electing to establish rates for Transitional Intrastate Access Service in this manner shall notify the appropriate state regulatory authority of their election in the filing required by 51 907 b 1 v A Price Cap Carrier may elect to apply its interstate access rate structure and interstate rates to Transitional Intrastate Access Service In addition to applicable interstate access rates the carrier may between July 1 2012 and July 1 2013 assess a transitional per minute charge on Transitional Intrastate Access Service end office switching minutes previously billed as intrastate access The transitional per minute charge shall be no greater than the Step 1 Access Revenue Reduction divided by Fiscal Year 2011 Transitional Intrastate Access Service end office switching minutes Carriers electing to establish rates for Transitional Intrastate Access Service in this manner shall notify the appropriate state regulatory authority of their election in the filing required by paragraph b 1 of this section vi Except as provided in paragraph b 3 of this section nothing in this section obligates or allows a Price Cap Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions to increase such rates 3 If a Price Cap Carrier must make an intrastate switched access rate reduction pursuant to paragraph b 2 of this section and that Price Cap Carrier has
an intrastate rate for a rate element that is below the comparable interstate rate for that element the Price Cap Carrier shall i Increase the rate for any intrastate rate element that is below the comparable interstate rate for that element to the interstate rate no later than July 1 2013 ii Include any increases made pursuant to paragraph b 3 i of this section in the calculation of its eligible recovery for 2012 c Step 2 Beginning July 1 2013 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules 1 Transitional Intrastate Access Service rates shall be no higher than the Price Cap Carrier s interstate access rates Once the Price Cap Carrier s Transitional Intrastate Access Service rates are equal to its functionally equivalent interstate access rates they shall be subject to the same rate structure and all subsequent rate and rate structure modifications Except as provided in paragraph c 4 of this section nothing in this section obligates or allows a Price Cap Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions to increase such rates 2 In cases where a Price Cap Carrier does not have intrastate rates that permit it to determine composite intrastate End Office Access Service rates the carrier shall establish End Office Access Service rates such that the ratio between its composite intrastate End Office Access Service revenues and its total intrastate switched access revenues may not exceed the ratio between its composite interstate End Office Access Service revenues and its total interstate switched access revenues 3 Reserved 4 If a Price Cap Carrier made an intrastate switched access rate reduction in 2012 pursuant to paragraph b 2 of this section and that Price Cap Carrier has an intrastate
rate for a rate element that is below the comparable interstate rate for that element the Price Cap Carrier shall 47 CFR 51 907 c 4 enhanced display page 67 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 907 c 4 i Interconnection i Increase the rate for any intrastate rate element that is below the comparable interstate rate for that element to the interstate rate on July 1 2013 and ii Include any increases made pursuant to paragraph b 4 i of this section in the calculation of its eligible recovery for 2013 d Step 3 Beginning July 1 2014 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules 1 A Price Cap Carrier shall establish separate originating and terminating rate elements for all per minute components within interstate and intrastate End Office Access Service For fixed charges the Price Cap Carrier shall divide the rate between originating and terminating rate elements based on relative originating and terminating end office switching minutes If sufficient originating and terminating end office switching minute data is not available the carrier shall divide such charges equally between originating and terminating elements 2 Each Price Cap Carrier shall establish rates for interstate or intrastate terminating End Office Access Service using the following methodology i Each Price Cap Carrier shall calculate the 2011 Baseline Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate The 2011 Baseline Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate means the Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate calculated using Fiscal Year 2011 interstate demand multiplied by the interstate End Office Access Service rates at the levels in effect on December 29 2011 and then dividing the result by 2011 Fiscal Year interstate local switching demand ii Each Price Cap Carrier shall calculate its 2014 Target Composite
Terminating End Office Access Rate The 2014 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate means 0 0007 per minute plus two thirds of any difference between the 2011 Baseline Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate and 0 0007 per minute iii Beginning July 1 2014 no Price Cap Carrier s interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate shall exceed its 2014 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate A price cap carrier shall determine compliance by calculating interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rates using the relevant Fiscal Year 2011 interstate demand multiplied by the respective interstate rates as of July 1 2014 and then dividing the result by the relevant 2011 Fiscal Year interstate terminating local switching demand A price cap carrier s intrastate terminating end office access rates may not exceed the comparable interstate terminating end office access rates In the alternative any Price Cap Carrier may elect to implement a single per minute rate element for both interstate and intrastate terminating End Office Access Service no greater than the 2014 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate if its intrastate terminating end office access rates would be at rate parity with its interstate terminating end office access rates e Step 4 Beginning July 1 2015 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules 1 Each Price Cap Carrier shall establish interstate or intrastate rates for terminating End Office Access Service using the following methodology i Each Price Cap Carrier shall calculate its 2015 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate The 2015 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate means 0 0007 per minute plus one third of any difference between the 2011 Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate and 0 0007 per minute 47 CFR 51 907 e 1 i enhanced display page 68 of
102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 907 e 1 ii Interconnection ii Beginning July 1 2015 no Price Cap Carrier s interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate shall exceed its 2015 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate A price cap carrier shall determine compliance by calculating interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rates using the relevant Fiscal Year 2011 interstate demand multiplied by the respective interstate rates as of July 1 2015 and then dividing the result by the relevant 2011 Fiscal Year interstate terminating local switching demand A price cap carrier s intrastate terminating end office access rates may not exceed the comparable interstate terminating end office access rates In the alternative any Price Cap Carrier may elect to implement a single per minute rate element for both interstate and intrastate terminating End Office Access Service no greater than the 2015 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate if its intrastate terminating end office access rates would be at rate parity with its interstate terminating end office access rates 2 Nothing in this section obligates or allows a Price Cap Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions raising such rates f Step 5 Beginning July 1 2016 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules each Price Cap Carrier shall establish interstate terminating End Office Access Service rates such that its Composite Terminating End Office Access Service rate does not exceed 0 0007 per minute A price cap carrier shall determine compliance by calculating interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rates using the relevant Fiscal Year 2011 interstate demand multiplied by the respective interstate rates as of July 1 2016 and
then dividing the result by the relevant 2011 Fiscal Year interstate terminating local switching demand A price cap carrier s intrastate terminating end office access rates may not exceed the comparable interstate terminating end office access rates In the alternative any Price Cap Carrier may elect to implement a single per minute rate element for both interstate and intrastate Terminating End Office Access Service no greater than the 2016 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate if its intrastate terminating end office access rates would be at rate parity with its interstate terminating end office access rates Nothing in this section obligates or allows a Price Cap Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions raising such rates g Step 6 Beginning July 1 2017 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules 1 Each Price Cap Carrier shall in accordance with a bill and keep methodology refile its interstate access tariffs and any state tariffs in accordance with 51 905 b 2 removing any intercarrier charges for terminating End Office Access Service 2 Each Price Cap Carrier shall establish for interstate and intrastate terminating traffic traversing a tandem switch that the terminating carrier or its affiliates owns Tandem Switched Transport Access Service rates no greater than 0 0007 per minute 3 Nothing in this section obligates or allows a Price Cap Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions raising such rates h Step 7 Beginning July 1 2018 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules each Price Cap carrier shall in accordance with bill and keep as defined in 51 713 revise and refile its interstate switched
access tariffs and any state tariffs to remove any intercarrier charges applicable to terminating tandem switched access service traversing a tandem switch that the terminating carrier or its affiliate owns 47 CFR 51 907 h enhanced display page 69 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 907 i Interconnection i 8YY Transition Step 1 Beginning July 1 2021 and notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules in this chapter each Price Cap Carrier shall 1 Establish separate rate elements for interstate and intrastate toll free originating end office access service and non toll free originating end office access service Rate elements reflecting fixed charges associated with originating End Office Access Service shall be treated as non toll free charges 2 Reduce its intrastate toll free originating end office access service rates to its interstate toll free originating end office access service rates as follows i Calculate total revenue from End Office Access Service excluding non usage based rate elements at the carrier s interstate access rates in effect on June 30 2020 using intrastate switched access demand for each rate element for the 12 months ending June 30 2020 ii Calculate total revenue from End Office Access Service excluding non usage based rate elements at the carrier s intrastate access rates in effect on June 30 2020 using intrastate switched access demand for each rate element for the 12 months ending June 30 2020 iii If the value in paragraph i 2 ii of this section is less than or equal to the value in paragraph i 2 i of this section the Price Cap Carrier s intrastate End Office Access Service rates shall remain unchanged iv If the value in paragraph i 2 ii of this section
is greater than the value in paragraph i 2 i of this section the Price Cap Carrier shall reduce intrastate rates for End Office Access Service so that they are equal to the Price Cap Carrier s functionally equivalent interstate rates for End Office Access Rates and shall be subject to the interstate rate structure and all subsequent rate and rate structure modifications v Except as provided in paragraph i 2 of this section nothing in this section allows a Price Cap Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions to increase such rates If a Price Cap Carrier has an intrastate rate for an End Office Access Service rate element that is below the comparable interstate rate for that element the Price Cap Carrier may if necessary as part of a restructuring to reduce its intrastate rates for End Office Access Service down to parity with functionally equivalent interstate rates increase the rate for an intrastate rate element that is below the comparable interstate rate for that element to the interstate rate in effect on July 1 2021 3 Establish separate rate elements for interstate and intrastate non toll free originating transport services for service between an end office switch and the tandem switch and remove its rate for intrastate and interstate originating toll free transport services consistent with a bill and keep methodology as defined in 51 713 4 Establish separate rate elements respectively for interstate and intrastate non toll free originating tandem switching services 5 Establish transitional interstate and intrastate Joint Tandem Switched Transport Access Service rate elements for Toll Free Calls that are respectively no more than 0 001 per minute 6 Reduce its interstate and intrastate rates for Toll Free Database
Query Charges to no more than 0 004248 per query Nothing in this section obligates or allows a Price Cap Carrier that has Toll Free Database Query Charges lower than this rate to make any intrastate or interstate tariff filing revision to increase such rates 47 CFR 51 907 i 6 enhanced display page 70 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 907 j Interconnection j 8YY Transition Step 2 Beginning July 1 2022 and notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules in this chapter each Price Cap Carrier shall 1 Reduce its interstate and intrastate rates for all originating End Office Access Service rate elements for Toll Free Calls in each state in which it provides such service by one half of the maximum rate allowed by paragraph a of this section and 2 Reduce its rates for intrastate and interstate Toll Free Database Query Charges by one half of the difference between the rate permitted by paragraph i 6 of this section and the transitional rate of 0 0002 per query set forth in paragraph k 2 of this section k 8YY Transition Step 3 Beginning July 1 2023 and notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules in this chapter each Price Cap Carrier shall 1 In accordance with a bill and keep methodology refile its interstate switched access tariff and any state tariff to remove any intercarrier charges for intrastate and interstate originating End Office Access Service for Toll Free Calls and 2 Reduce its rates for all intrastate and interstate Toll Free Database Query Charges to a transitional rate of no more than 0 0002 per query 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 2011 as amended at 77 FR 48452 Aug 14 2012
79 FR 28844 May 20 2014 85 FR 75916 Nov 27 2020 51 909 Transition of rate of return carrier access charges a Notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules on December 29 2011 a Rate of Return Carrier shall 1 Cap the rates for all rate elements for services contained in the definitions of End Office Access Service Tandem Switched Transport Access Service and Dedicated Transport Access Service as well as all other interstate switched access rate elements in its interstate switched access tariffs at the rate that was in effect on the December 29 2011 and 2 Cap in accordance with 51 505 b 2 the rates for rate all elements in its intrastate switched access tariffs associated with the provision of terminating End Office Access Service and terminating Tandem Switched Transport Access Service at the rates that were in effect on the December 29 2011 i Using the terminating rates if specifically identified or ii Using the rate for the applicable rate element if the tariff does not distinguish between originating and terminating 3 Except as provided in paragraphs a 6 and b 4 of this section nothing in this section obligates or allows a Rate of Return Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions raising such rates 4 Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph a 1 of this section if a Rate of Return Carrier enters or exits the National Exchange Carrier Association Association as defined in 69 2 d of this chapter traffic sensitive tariff pursuant to the provisions of 69 3 e 6 of this chapter the Association shall adjust its switched access rate caps referenced in paragraph a 1 of this section i For each entering Rate
of Return Carrier the Association shall 47 CFR 51 909 a 4 i enhanced display page 71 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 909 a 4 i A Interconnection A Determine each entering Rate of Return Carrier s interstate switched access revenues for the preceding calendar year B Determine the revenues that would have been realized by the entering Rate of Return Carrier in the preceding calendar year if it had used the Association s switched access rates employing the rates for the appropriate bands as of December 31 of the preceding year and the entering Rate of Return Carrier s switched access demand used to determine switched access revenues under paragraph a 4 i A of this section and C Subtract the sum of the revenues determined pursuant to paragraph a 4 i B of this section from the sum of the revenues determined pursuant to paragraph a 4 i A of this section ii The Association shall determine the amount by which each exiting Rate of Return Carrier is a net contributor or net recipient to or from the switched access segment of the Association pool as follows A The Association shall calculate the difference between each exiting Rate of Return Carrier s 2011 2012 tariff year projected interstate switched access revenues excluding Local Switching Support and the Rate of Return Carrier s projected switched access pool settlements excluding Local Switching Support for the same period with a net contribution amount being treated as a positive amount and a net recipient amount being treated as a negative amount The Association shall divide the calculated difference by the Rate of Return Carrier s 2011 2012 tariff year projected interstate switched access revenues excluding Local Switching Support to produce
a percent net contribution or net receipt factor B The Association shall multiply the factor calculated in paragraph a 4 ii A of this section by the Rate of Return Carrier s switched access revenues for the preceding calendar year to yield the amount of the Rate of Return Carrier s net contribution or net receipts for the calendar year iii To determine the Association s adjusted switched access rate caps the Association shall A Add the amounts calculated under paragraphs a 4 i and a 4 ii of this section B Divide the amount determined in paragraph a 4 iii A of this section by the preceding year s switched access revenues of the Rate of Return Carriers that will participate in the Association traffic sensitive tariff for the next annual tariff period C The Association shall proportionately adjust its June 30 switched access rate caps by the percentage amount determined in paragraph a 4 iii B of this section iv The interstate switched access rate caps determined pursuant to paragraph a 4 iii C of this section shall be the new capped interstate switched access rates for purposes of 51 909 a The Association shall provide support in its annual access tariff filing to justify the revised interstate switched access rate caps the Access Recovery Charges that will be assessed and the amount of Connect America Fund ICC support each carrier will be eligible to receive 5 A Rate of Return Carrier exiting the Association traffic sensitive tariff pursuant to 69 3 e 6 of this chapter must establish new switched access rate caps as follows 47 CFR 51 909 a 5 enhanced display page 72 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 909 a 5 i Interconnection
i The Rate of Return Carrier shall multiply the factor determined in paragraph a 4 ii A of this section by negative one and then proportionately adjust the Association s capped switched access rates as of the date preceding the effective date of the exiting Rate of Return Carrier s next annual tariff filing by this percentage A Rate of Return Carrier that was a net contributor to the pool will have rate caps that are lower than the Association s switched access rate caps while a net recipient will have switched access rate caps that are higher than the Association s switched access rate caps ii The interstate switched access rate caps determined pursuant to paragraph a 5 i of this section shall be the new capped interstate switched access rates of the exiting Rate of Return Carrier for purposes of 51 909 a An exiting Rate of Return Carrier shall provide support in its annual access tariff filing to justify the revised interstate switched access rate caps the Access Recovery Charges that will be assessed and the amount of Connect America Fund ICC support the carrier will be eligible to receive 6 If the Association revises its interstate switched access rate caps pursuant to paragraph a 4 of this section each Rate of Return Carrier participating in the upcoming annual Association traffic sensitive tariff shall i Revise any of its intrastate switched access rates that would have reached parity with its interstate switched access rates in 2013 to parity with the revised interstate switched access rate levels ii The Association shall provide Rate of Return Carriers that are participating in the Association traffic sensitive pool with notice of any revisions the Association proposes under paragraph a 4 of this section no later than May 1 b Step 1
Beginning July 1 2012 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules 1 Each Rate of Return Carrier shall file intrastate access tariff provisions in accordance with 51 505 b 2 that set forth the rates applicable to Transitional Intrastate Access Service in each state in which it provides Transitional Intrastate Access Service 2 Each Rate of Return Carrier shall establish the rates for Transitional Intrastate Access Service using the following methodology i Calculate total revenue from Transitional Intrastate Access Service at the carrier s interstate access rates in effect on December 29 2011 using Fiscal Year 2011 intrastate switched access demand for each rate element ii Calculate total revenue from Transitional Intrastate Access Service at the carrier s intrastate access rates in effect on December 29 2011 using Fiscal Year 2011 intrastate switched access demand for each rate element iii Calculate the Step 1 Access Revenue Reduction The Step 1 Access Revenue Reduction is equal to one half of the difference between the amount calculated in b 2 i of this section and the amount calculated in b 2 ii of this section iv A Rate of Return Carrier may elect to establish rates for Transitional Intrastate Access Service using its intrastate access rate structure Carriers using this option shall establish rates for Transitional Intrastate Access Service such that Transitional Intrastate Access Service revenue at the proposed rates is no greater than Transitional Intrastate Access Service revenue at the intrastate rates in effect as of December 29 2011 less the Step 1 Access Revenue Reduction 47 CFR 51 909 b 2 iv enhanced display page 73 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 909 b 2 v Interconnection using Fiscal Year 2011 intrastate switched access demand Carriers electing
to establish rates for Transitional Intrastate Access Service in this manner shall notify the appropriate state regulatory authority of their election in the filing required by 51 907 b 1 v A Rate of Return Carrier may elect to apply its interstate access rate structure and interstate rates to Transitional Intrastate Access Service In addition to applicable interstate access rates the carrier may between July 1 2012 and July 1 2013 assess a transitional per minute charge on Transitional Intrastate Access Service end office switching minutes previously billed as intrastate access The transitional per minute charge shall be no greater than the Step 1 Access Revenue Reduction divided by Fiscal Year 2011 Transitional Intrastate Access Service end office switching minutes Carriers electing to establish rates for Transitional Intrastate Access Service in this manner shall notify the appropriate state regulatory authority of their election in the filing required by 51 907 b 1 3 Except as provided in paragraph b 4 of this section nothing in this section obligates or allows a Rate of Return carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions raising such rates 4 If a Rate of Return Carrier must make an intrastate switched access rate reduction pursuant to paragraph b 2 of this section and that Rate of Return Carrier has an intrastate rate for a rate element that is below the comparable interstate rate for that element the Rate of Return Carrier shall i Increase the rate for any intrastate rate element that is below the comparable interstate rate for that element to the interstate rate no later than July 1 2013 ii Include any increases made pursuant to paragraph b 4 i of this section in the calculation of its
eligible recovery for 2012 c Step 2 Beginning July 1 2013 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules 1 Transitional Intrastate Access Service rates shall be no higher than the Rate of Return Carrier s interstate Terminating End Office Access Service Terminating Tandem Switched Transport Access Service and Originating and Terminating Dedicated Transport Access Service rates and subject to the same rate structure and all subsequent rate and rate structure modifications Except as provided in paragraph c 2 of this section nothing in this section obligates or allows a Rate of Return Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions to increase such rates 2 If a Rate of Return Carrier made an intrastate switched access rate reduction in 2012 pursuant to paragraph b 2 of this section and that Rate of Return Carrier has an intrastate rate for a rate element that is below the comparable interstate rate for that element the Rate of Return Carrier shall i Increase any intrastate rate element that is below the comparable interstate rate to the interstate rate by July 1 2013 and ii Include any increases made pursuant to paragraph c 2 i of this section in the calculation of its eligible recovery for 2013 d Step 3 Beginning July 1 2014 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules 47 CFR 51 909 d enhanced display page 74 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 909 d 1 Interconnection 1 Notwithstanding the rate structure rules set forth in 69 106 of this chapter or anything else in the Commission s rules a Rate of Return Carrier shall establish separate originating and terminating interstate and
intrastate rate elements for all components within interstate End Office Access Service For fixed charges the Rate of Return Carrier shall divide the amount based on relative originating and terminating end office switching minutes If sufficient originating and terminating end office switching minute data is not available the carrier shall divide such charges equally between originating and terminating elements 2 Nothing in this Step shall affect Tandem Switched Transport Access Service or Dedicated Transport Access Service 3 Each Rate of Return Carrier shall establish rates for interstate and intrastate terminating End Office Access Service using the following methodology i Each Rate of Return Carrier shall calculate the 2011 Baseline Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate The 2011 Baseline Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate means the Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate calculated using Fiscal Year 2011 interstate demand and the interstate End Office Access Service rates at the levels in effect on December 29 2011 ii Each Rate of Return Carrier shall calculate its 2014 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate The 2014 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate means 0 005 per minute plus two thirds of any difference between the 2011 Baseline Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate and 0 005 per minute iii Beginning July 1 2014 no Rate of Return Carrier s interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate shall exceed its 2014 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate A rate of return carrier shall determine compliance by calculating interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rates using the relevant projected interstate demand for the tariff period multiplied by the respective interstate rates as of July 1 2014 and then dividing by the projected interstate terminating end office local switching demand for the tariff period A rate of return carrier s intrastate terminating
end office access rates may not exceed the comparable interstate terminating end office access rates In the alternative any Rate of Return Carrier may elect to implement a single per minute rate element for both interstate and intrastate terminating End Office Access Service no greater than the 2014 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate if its intrastate terminating end office access rates would be at rate parity with its interstate terminating end office access rates 4 Nothing in this section obligates or allows a Rate of Return Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions raising such rates e Step 4 Beginning July 1 2015 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules 1 Each Rate of Return Carrier shall establish rates for interstate and intrastate terminating End Office Access Service using the following methodology i Each Rate of Return Carrier shall calculate its 2015 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate The 2015 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate means 0 005 per minute plus one third of any difference between the 2011 Baseline Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate and 0 005 per minute 47 CFR 51 909 e 1 i enhanced display page 75 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 909 e 1 ii Interconnection ii Beginning July 1 2015 no Rate of Return Carrier s interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate shall exceed its 2015 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate A rate of return carrier shall determine compliance by calculating interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rates using the relevant projected interstate demand for the tariff period multiplied by the respective interstate rates as of
July 1 2015 and then dividing by the projected interstate terminating end office local switching demand for the tariff period A rate of return carrier s intrastate terminating end office access rates may not exceed the comparable interstate terminating end office access rates In the alternative any Rate of Return Carrier may elect to implement a single per minute rate element for both interstate and intrastate terminating End Office Access Service no greater than the 2015 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate if its intrastate terminating end office access rates would be at rate parity with its interstate terminating end office access rates Nothing in this section obligates or allows a Rate of Return Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions raising such rates 2 Reserved f Step 5 Beginning July 1 2016 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules each Rate of Return Carrier shall establish interstate terminating End Office Access Service rates such that its interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Service rate does not exceed 0 005 per minute A rate of return carrier shall determine compliance by calculating interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rates using the relevant projected interstate demand for the tariff period multiplied by the respective interstate rates as of July 1 2016 and then dividing by the projected interstate terminating end office local switching demand for the tariff period A rate of return carrier s intrastate terminating end office access rates may not exceed the comparable interstate terminating end office access rates In the alternative any Rate of Return Carrier may elect to implement a single per minute rate element for both interstate and intrastate terminating End Office Access Service no greater than the
2016 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate if its intrastate terminating end office access rates would be at rate parity with its interstate terminating end office access rates Nothing in this section obligates or allows a Rate of Return Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions raising such rates g Step 6 Beginning July 1 2017 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules 1 Each Rate of Return Carrier shall establish interstate and intrastate rates for terminating End Office Access Service using the following methodology i Each Rate of Return Carrier shall calculate its 2017 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate The 2017 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate means 0 0007 per minute plus two thirds of any difference between that carrier s 2016 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate and 0 0007 per minute ii Beginning July 1 2017 no Rate of Return Carrier s interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate shall exceed its 2017 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate A rate of return carrier shall determine compliance by calculating interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rates using the relevant projected interstate demand for the tariff period multiplied by the respective interstate rates as of July 1 2017 and then dividing by the projected interstate terminating end office local switching demand for the tariff period A rate of return carrier s intrastate terminating end office access rates may not exceed the comparable interstate terminating end office access rates In the alternative any Rate of Return 47 CFR 51 909 g 1 ii enhanced display page 76 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 909
g 2 Interconnection Carrier may elect to implement a single per minute rate element for both interstate and intrastate terminating End Office Access Service no greater than the 2017 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate if its intrastate terminating end office access rates would be at rate parity with its interstate terminating end office access rates Nothing in this section obligates or allows a Rate of Return Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions raising such rates 2 Reserved h Step 7 Beginning July 1 2018 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules 1 Each Rate of Return Carrier shall establish interstate and intrastate rates for terminating End Office Access Service using the following methodology i Each Rate of Return Carrier shall calculate its 2018 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate The 2018 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate means 0 0007 per minute plus one third of any difference between that carrier s 2016 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate and 0 0007 per minute ii Beginning July 1 2018 no Rate of Return Carrier s interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate shall exceed its 2018 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate A rate of return carrier shall determine compliance by calculating interstate Composite Terminating End Office Access Rates using the relevant projected interstate demand for the tariff period multiplied by the respective interstate rates as of July 1 2018 and then dividing by the projected interstate terminating end office local switching demand for the tariff period A rate of return carrier s intrastate terminating end office access rates may not exceed the comparable interstate terminating end office access rates In the alternative any Rate of
Return Carrier may elect to implement a single per minute rate element for both interstate and intrastate terminating End Office Access Service no greater than the 2018 interstate Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate if its intrastate terminating end office access rates would be at rate parity with its interstate terminating end office access rates Nothing in this section obligates or allows a Rate of Return Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions raising such rates 2 Reserved i Step 8 Beginning July 1 2019 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules each Rate of Return Carrier shall establish interstate and intrastate rates for terminating End Office Access Service that do not exceed 0 0007 per minute j Step 9 Beginning July 1 2020 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules each Rate of Return Carrier shall in accordance with a bill and keep methodology revise and refile its federal access tariffs and any state tariffs to remove any intercarrier charges for terminating End Office Access Service k As set forth in FCC 11 161 states will facilitate implementation of changes to intrastate access rates to ensure compliance with the Order Nothing in this section shall alter the authority of a state to monitor and oversee filing of intrastate tariffs 47 CFR 51 909 k enhanced display page 77 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 909 l Interconnection l 8YY Transition Step 1 As of December 28 2020 each rate of return carrier shall cap the rate for all intrastate originating access charge rate elements for Toll Free Calls including for Toll Free Database Query Charges m 8YY Transition
Step 2 Beginning July 1 2021 and notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules in this chapter each Rate of Return Carrier shall 1 Establish separate rate elements for interstate and intrastate toll free originating end office access service and non toll free originating end office access service Rate elements reflecting fixed charges associated with originating End Office Access Service shall be treated as non toll free charges 2 Reduce its intrastate toll free originating end office access service rates to its interstate toll free originating end office access service rates as follows i Calculate total revenue from End Office Access Service excluding non usage based rate elements at the carrier s interstate access rates in effect on June 30 2020 using intrastate switched access demand for each rate element for the 12 months ending June 30 2020 ii Calculate total revenue from End Office Access Service excluding non usage based rate elements at the carrier s intrastate access rates in effect on June 30 2020 using intrastate switched access demand for each rate element for the 12 months ending June 30 2020 iii If the value in paragraph m 2 ii of this section is less than or equal to the value in paragraph m 2 i of this section the Rate of Return Carrier s intrastate End Office Access Service rates shall remain unchanged iv If the value in paragraph m 2 ii of this section is greater than the value in paragraph m 2 i of this section the Rate of Return Carrier shall reduce intrastate rates for End Office Access Service so that they are equal to the Rate of Return Carrier s functionally equivalent interstate rates for End Office Access Rates and shall be subject to the interstate rate structure and all subsequent
rate and rate structure modifications v Except as provided in paragraph m 2 of this section nothing in this section allows a Rate of Return Carrier that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions to increase such rates If a Rate of Return Carrier has an intrastate rate for an End Office Access Service rate element that less than the comparable interstate rate for that element the Rate of Return Carrier may if necessary as part of a restructuring to reduce its intrastate rates for End Office Access Service down to parity with functionally equivalent interstate rates increase the rate for an intrastate rate element that is below the comparable interstate rate for that element to the interstate rate on July 1 2021 3 Establish separate rate elements for interstate and intrastate non toll free originating transport services for service between an end office switch and the tandem switch and remove its rate for intrastate and interstate originating toll free transport services consistent with a bill and keep methodology as defined in 51 713 4 Establish separate rate elements respectively for interstate and intrastate non toll free originating tandem switching services 5 Establish transitional interstate and intrastate Joint Tandem Switched Transport Access rate elements for Toll Free Calls that are respectively no more than 0 001 per minute 47 CFR 51 909 m 5 enhanced display page 78 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 909 m 6 Interconnection 6 Reduce its interstate and intrastate rates for Toll Free Database Query Charges to no more than 0 004248 per query Nothing in this section obligates or allows a Rate of Return carrier that has Toll Free Database
Query Charges lower than this rate to make any intrastate or interstate tariff filing revision to increase such rates n 8YY Transition Step 3 Beginning July 1 2022 and notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules in this chapter each Rate of Return Carrier shall 1 Reduce its interstate and intrastate rates for all originating End Office Access Service rate elements for Toll Free Calls in each state in which it provides such service by one half of the maximum rate allowed by paragraph a of this section and 2 Reduce its rates for intrastate and interstate Toll Free Database Query Charges by one half of the difference between the rate permitted by paragraph m 6 of this section and the transitional rate of 0 0002 per query set forth in paragraph o 2 of this section o 8YY Transition Step 4 Beginning on July 1 2023 and notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules in this chapter each Rate of Return Carrier shall 1 In accordance with a bill and keep methodology refile its interstate switched access tariff and any state tariff to remove any intercarrier charges for all intrastate and interstate originating End Office Access Service for Toll Free Calls and 2 Reduce its rates for all intrastate and interstate Toll Free Database Query Charges to a transitional rate of no more than 0 0002 per query 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 2011 as amended at 77 FR 48452 Aug 14 2012 78 FR 26267 May 6 2013 79 FR 28845 May 20 2014 85 FR 75917 Nov 27 2020 51 911 Access reciprocal compensation rates for competitive LECs a Caps on Access Reciprocal Compensation and switched access rates Notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules 1 In the case of Competitive
LECs operating in an area served by a Price Cap Carrier no such Competitive LEC may increase the rate for any originating or terminating intrastate switched access service above the rate for such service in effect on December 29 2011 2 In the case of Competitive LEC operating in an area served by an incumbent local exchange carrier that is a Rate of Return Carrier or Competitive LECs that are subject to the rural exemption in 61 26 e of this chapter no such Competitive LEC may increase the rate for any originating or terminating intrastate switched access service above the rate for such service in effect on December 29 2011 with the exception of intrastate originating access service For such Competitive LECs intrastate originating access service subject to this subpart shall remain subject to the same state rate regulation in effect December 31 2011 as may be modified by the state thereafter b Except as provided in paragraph b 7 of this section beginning July 3 2012 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules each Competitive LEC that has tariffs on file with state regulatory authorities shall file intrastate access tariff provisions in accordance with 51 505 b 2 that set forth the rates applicable to Transitional Intrastate Access Service in each state in which it provides Transitional Intrastate Access Service Each Competitive Local Exchange Carrier shall establish the rates for Transitional Intrastate Access Service using the following methodology 47 CFR 51 911 b enhanced display page 79 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 911 b 1 Interconnection 1 Calculate total revenue from Transitional Intrastate Access Service at the carrier s interstate access rates in effect on December 29 2011 using Fiscal Year 2011 intrastate switched
access demand for each rate element 2 Calculate total revenue from Transitional Intrastate Access Service at the carrier s intrastate access rates in effect on December 29 2011 using Fiscal Year 2011 intrastate switched access demand for each rate element 3 Calculate the Step 1 Access Revenue Reduction The Step 1 Access Revenue Reduction is equal to one half of the difference between the amount calculated in b 1 of this section and the amount calculated in b 2 of this section 4 A Competitive Local Exchange Carrier may elect to establish rates for Transitional Intrastate Access Service using its intrastate access rate structure Carriers using this option shall establish rates for Transitional Intrastate Access Service such that Transitional Intrastate Access Service revenue at the proposed rates is no greater than Transitional Intrastate Access Service revenue at the intrastate rates in effect as of December 29 2011 less the Step 1 Access Revenue Reduction using Fiscal year 2011 intrastate switched access demand 5 In the alternative a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier may elect to apply its interstate access rate structure and interstate rates to Transitional Intrastate Access Service In addition to applicable interstate access rates the carrier may assess a transitional per minute charge on Transitional Intrastate Access Service end office switching minutes previously billed as intrastate access The transitional charge shall be no greater than the Step 1 Access Revenue Reduction divided by Fiscal year 2011 intrastate switched access demand 6 Except as provided in paragraph b 7 of this section nothing in this section obligates or allows a Competitive LEC that has intrastate rates lower than its functionally equivalent interstate rates to make any intrastate tariff filing or intrastate tariff revisions raising such rates 7 If a Competitive LEC must make an intrastate switched access rate reduction pursuant
to paragraph b of this section and that Competitive LEC has an intrastate rate for a rate element that is below the comparable interstate rate for that element the Competitive LEC may increase the rate for any intrastate rate element that is below the comparable interstate rate for that element to the interstate rate no later than July 1 2013 c Beginning July 1 2013 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules all Competitive Local Exchange Carrier Access Reciprocal Compensation rates for switched exchange access services subject to this subpart shall be no higher than the Access Reciprocal Compensation rates charged by the competing incumbent local exchange carrier in accordance with the same procedures specified in 61 26 of this chapter d Cap on Database Query Charge A Competitive Local Exchange Carrier assessing a tariffed intrastate or interstate Toll Free Database Query Charge shall cap such charge at the rate in effect on December 28 2020 e Transition of cap on Database Query Charge Beginning July 1 2021 notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules in this chapter a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier assessing a tariffed intrastate or interstate Toll Free Database Query Charge shall revise its tariffs as necessary to ensure that its intrastate and interstate Toll Free Database Query Charges do not exceed the rates charged by the competing incumbent local exchange carrier as defined in 61 26 a 2 of this chapter 47 CFR 51 911 e enhanced display page 80 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 913 Interconnection 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 2011 as amended at 77 FR 48452 Aug 14 2012 85 FR 75917 Nov 27 2020 85 FR 75917 Nov 27 2020 51 913 Transition for VoIP PSTN
traffic a 1 Terminating Access Reciprocal Compensation subject to this subpart exchanged between a local exchange carrier and another telecommunications carrier in Time Division Multiplexing TDM format that originates and or terminates in IP format shall be subject to a rate equal to the relevant interstate terminating access charges specified by this subpart Interstate originating Access Reciprocal Compensation subject to this subpart exchanged between a local exchange carrier and another telecommunications carrier in Time Division Multiplexing TDM format that originates and or terminates in IP format shall be subject to a rate equal to the relevant interstate originating access charges specified by this subpart 2 Until June 30 2014 intrastate originating Access Reciprocal Compensation subject to this subpart exchanged between a local exchange carrier and another telecommunications carrier in Time Division Multiplexing TDM format that originates and or terminates in IP format shall be subject to a rate equal to the relevant intrastate originating access charges specified by this subpart Effective July 1 2014 originating Access Reciprocal Compensation subject to this subpart exchanged between a local exchange carrier and another telecommunications carrier in Time Division Multiplexing TDM format that originates and or terminates in IP format shall be subject to a rate equal to the relevant interstate originating access charges specified by this subpart 3 Telecommunications traffic originates and or terminates in IP format if it originates from and or terminates to an end user customer of a service that requires Internet protocol compatible customer premises equipment b Notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules a local exchange carrier shall be entitled to assess and collect the full Access Reciprocal Compensation charges prescribed by this subpart that are set forth in a local exchange carrier s interstate or intrastate tariff for the access services defined in 51 903
regardless of whether the local exchange carrier itself delivers such traffic to the called party s premises or delivers the call to the called party s premises via contractual or other arrangements with an affiliated or unaffiliated provider of interconnected VoIP service as defined in 47 U S C 153 25 or a non interconnected VoIP service as defined in 47 U S C 153 36 that does not itself seek to collect Access Reciprocal Compensation charges prescribed by this subpart for that traffic This rule does not permit a local exchange carrier to charge for functions not performed by the local exchange carrier itself or the affiliated or unaffiliated provider of interconnected VoIP service or non interconnected VoIP service For purposes of this provision functions provided by a LEC as part of transmitting telecommunications between designated points using in whole or in part technology other than TDM transmission in a manner that is comparable to a service offered by a local exchange carrier constitutes the functional equivalent of the incumbent local exchange carrier access service 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 2011 as amended at 77 FR 31536 May 29 2012 51 914 Additional provisions applicable to Access Stimulation traffic a Notwithstanding any other provision of this part if a local exchange carrier is engaged in Access Stimulation as defined in 61 3 bbb of this chapter it shall within 45 days of commencing Access Stimulation or within 45 days of July 3 2023 whichever is later 47 CFR 51 914 a enhanced display page 81 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 914 a 1 Interconnection 1 Not bill any Interexchange Carrier for interstate or intrastate terminating switched access tandem switching or terminating switched access transport charges for any
traffic between such local exchange carrier s terminating end office or equivalent and the associated access tandem switch and 2 Designate the Intermediate Access Provider s if any that will provide terminating switched access tandem switching or terminating switched access tandem transport services to the local exchange carrier engaged in Access Stimulation and 3 Assume financial responsibility for any applicable Intermediate Access Provider s charges for such services for any traffic between such local exchange carrier s terminating end office or equivalent and the associated access tandem switch b Notwithstanding any other provision of this part if a local exchange carrier is engaged in Access Stimulation as defined in 61 3 bbb of this chapter it shall within 45 days of commencing Access Stimulation or within 45 days of July 3 2023 whichever is later notify in writing the Commission all Intermediate Access Providers that it subtends and Interexchange Carriers with which it does business of the following 1 That it is a local exchange carrier engaged in Access Stimulation and 2 That it shall designate the Intermediate Access Provider s if any that will provide the terminating switched access tandem switching or terminating switched access tandem transport services to the local exchange carrier engaged in Access Stimulation and 3 That the local exchange carrier shall pay for those services as of that date c Notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules if an IPES Provider as defined in 61 3 eee of this chapter is engaged in Access Stimulation as defined in 61 3 bbb of this chapter then within 45 days of commencing Access Stimulation or within 45 days of July 3 2023 whichever is later 1 The IPES Provider shall designate the Intermediate Access Provider s if any that will provide terminating switched access tandem
switching or terminating switched access tandem transport services to the IPES Provider engaged in Access Stimulation and further 2 The IPES Provider may assume financial responsibility for any applicable Intermediate Access Provider s charges for such services for any traffic between such IPES Provider s terminating end office or equivalent and the associated access tandem switch and 3 The Intermediate Access Provider shall not assess any charges for such services to the Interexchange Carrier d Notwithstanding any other provision of this part if an internet Protocol Enabled Service IPES Provider as defined in 61 3 eee of this chapter is engaged in Access Stimulation as defined in 61 3 bbb of this chapter it shall within 45 days of commencing Access Stimulation or within 45 days after January 2 2024 whichever is later notify in writing the Commission all Intermediate Access Providers that it subtends and Interexchange Carriers with which it does business of the following 1 That it is an IPES Provider engaged in Access Stimulation and 2 That it shall designate the Intermediate Access Provider s if any that will provide the terminating switched access tandem switching or terminating switched access tandem transport services directly or indirectly through a local exchange carrier to the IPES Provider engaged in Access Stimulation and 47 CFR 51 914 d 2 enhanced display page 82 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 914 d 3 Interconnection 3 Whether the IPES Provider will pay for those services as of that date e In the event that an Intermediate Access Provider receives notice under paragraph b or d of this section that it has been designated to provide terminating switched access tandem switching or terminating switched access tandem transport services to a local exchange
carrier engaged in Access Stimulation as defined in 61 3 bbb of this chapter or to an IPES Provider engaged in Access Stimulation directly or indirectly through a local exchange carrier and that local exchange carrier engaged in Access Stimulation shall pay or the IPES Provider engaged in Access Stimulation may pay for such terminating access service from such Intermediate Access Provider the Intermediate Access Provider shall not bill Interexchange Carriers for interstate or intrastate terminating switched access tandem switching or terminating switched access tandem transport service for traffic bound for such local exchange carrier or IPES Provider but instead shall bill such local exchange carrier or may bill such IPES Provider for such services f Notwithstanding paragraphs a through d of this section any local exchange carrier that is not itself engaged in Access Stimulation as that term is defined in 61 3 bbb of this chapter but serves as an Intermediate Access Provider with respect to traffic bound for a local exchange carrier engaged in Access Stimulation or bound for an IPES Provider engaged in Access Stimulation shall not itself be deemed a local exchange carrier engaged in Access Stimulation or be affected by paragraphs a and b of this section g Upon terminating its engagement in Access Stimulation as defined in 61 3 bbb of this chapter the local exchange carrier or IPES Provider engaged in Access Stimulation shall provide concurrent written notification to the Commission and any affected Intermediate Access Provider s and Interexchange Carrier s of such fact 88 FR 35762 June 1 2023 as amended at 88 FR 35762 June 1 2023 88 FR 83829 Dec 1 2023 51 915 Recovery mechanism for price cap carriers a Scope This section sets forth the extent to which Price Cap Carriers may recover certain revenues through
the recovery mechanism outlined below to implement reforms adopted in FCC 11 161 and as required by 20 11 b of this chapter and 51 705 and 51 907 b Definitions As used in this section and 51 917 the following terms mean 1 CALLS Study Area A CALLS Study Area means a Price Cap Carrier study area that participated in the CALLS plan at its inception See Access Charge Reform Price Cap Performance Review for Local Exchange Carriers Low Volume Long Distance Users Federal State Joint Board on Universal Service Sixth Report and Order in CC Docket Nos 96 262 and 94 1 Report and Order in CC Docket No 99 249 Eleventh Report and Order in CC Docket No 96 45 15 FCC Rcd 12962 2000 2 CALLS Study Area Base Factor The CALLS Study Area Base Factor is equal to ninety 90 percent 3 CMRS Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues CMRS Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues means the reduction in net reciprocal compensation revenues required by 20 11 of this chapter associated with CMRS traffic as described in 51 701 b 2 which is equal to its Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenues from CMRS carriers 4 Expected Revenues for Access Recovery Charges Expected Revenues for Access Recovery Charges are calculated using the tariffed Access Recovery Charge rate for each class of service and the forecast demand for each class of service 47 CFR 51 915 b 4 enhanced display page 83 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 915 b 5 Interconnection 5 Initial Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate Initial Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate means Fiscal Year 2011 terminating interstate End Office Access Service revenue divided by Fiscal Year 2011 terminating interstate end office
switching minutes 6 Lifeline Customer A Lifeline Customer is a residential lifeline subscriber as defined by 54 400 a of this chapter that does not pay a Residential and or Single Line Business End User Common Line Charge 7 Net Reciprocal Compensation Net Reciprocal Compensation means the difference between a carrier s reciprocal compensation revenues from non access traffic less its reciprocal compensation payments for non access traffic during a stated period of time For purposes of the calculations made under 51 915 and 51 917 the term does not include reciprocal compensation revenues for non access traffic exchanged between Local Exchange Carriers and CMRS providers recovery for such traffic is addressed separately in these sections 8 Non CALLS Study Area Non CALLS Study Area means a Price Cap Carrier study area that did not participate in the CALLS plan at its inception 9 Non CALLS Study Area Base Factor The Non CALLS Study Area Base Factor is equal to one hundred 100 percent for five 5 years beginning July 1 2012 Beginning July 1 2017 the Non CALLS Price Cap Carrier Base Factor will be equal to ninety 90 percent 10 Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor The Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor as used in calculating eligible recovery is equal to ninety 90 percent for the one year period beginning July 1 2012 It is reduced by ten 10 percent of its previous value in each subsequent annual tariff filing 11 Rate Ceiling Component Charges The Rate Ceiling Component Charges consists of the federal end user common line charge and the Access Recovery Charge the flat rate for residential local service sometimes know as the 1FR or R1 rate mandatory extended area service charges and state subscriber line charges per line state high cost and or state
access replacement universal service contributions state E911 charges and state TRS charges 12 Residential Rate Ceiling The Residential Rate Ceiling which consists of the total of the Rate Ceiling Component Charges is set at 30 per month The Residential Rate Ceiling will be the higher of the rate in effect on January 1 2012 or the rate in effect on January 1 in any subsequent year 13 True up Revenues for Access Recovery Charge True up revenues for Access Recovery Charge are equal to projected demand minus actual realized demand for Access Recovery Charges times the tariffed Access Recovery Charge This calculation shall be made separately for each class of service and shall be adjusted to reflect any changes in tariffed rates for the Access Recovery Charge Realized demand is the demand for which payment has been received by the time the true up is made 14 Intrastate 2014 Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate The Intrastate 2014 Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate as used in this section is determined by i If a separate terminating rate is not already generally available developing separate intrastate originating and terminating end office rates in accordance with 51 907 d 1 using end office access rates at their June 30 2014 rate caps ii Multiplying the existing terminating June 30 2014 intrastate end office access rates or the terminating rates developed in paragraph b 14 i of this section by the relevant Fiscal Year 2011 intrastate demand and 47 CFR 51 915 b 14 ii enhanced display page 84 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 915 b 14 iii Interconnection iii Dividing the sum of the revenues determined in paragraph b 14 ii of this section by 2011 Fiscal Year intrastate
terminating local switching minutes c 2011 Price Cap Carrier Base Period Revenue 2011 Price Cap Carrier Base Period Revenue is equal to the sum of the following three components 1 Terminating interstate end office switched access revenues and interstate Tandem Switched Transport Access Service revenues for Fiscal Year 2011 received by March 31 2012 2 Fiscal Year 2011 revenues from Transitional Intrastate Access Service received by March 31 2012 and 3 Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation revenues received by March 31 2012 less fiscal year 2011 reciprocal compensation payments made by March 31 2012 d Eligible recovery for Price Cap Carriers 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules a Price Cap Carrier may recover the amounts specified in this paragraph through the mechanisms described in paragraphs e and f of this section i Beginning July 1 2012 a Price Cap Carrier s eligible recovery will be equal to the CALLS Study Area Base Factor and or the Non CALLS Study Area Base Factor as applicable multiplied by the sum of the following three components A The amount of the reduction in Transitional Intrastate Access Service revenues determined pursuant to 51 907 b 2 multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor B CMRS Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor and C A Price Cap Carrier s reductions in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenues resulting from rate reductions required by 51 705 other than those associated with CMRS traffic as described in 51 701 b 2 which may be calculated in one of the following ways 1 Calculate the reduction in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenue as a result of rate reductions required by 51 705 using Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation demand and then multiply
by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor 2 By using a composite reciprocal compensation rate as follows i Establish a composite reciprocal compensation rate for its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation receipts and its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation payments by dividing its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation receipts and payments by its respective Fiscal Year 2011 demand excluding demand for traffic exchanged pursuant to a bill and keep arrangement 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 i C 2 i enhanced display page 85 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 i C 2 ii Interconnection ii Calculate the difference between each of the composite reciprocal compensation rates and the target reciprocal compensation rate set forth in 51 705 for the year beginning July 1 2012 multiply by the appropriate Fiscal Year 2011 demand and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor or 3 For the purpose of establishing its recovery for net reciprocal compensation a Price Cap Carrier may elect to forgo this step and receive no recovery for reductions in net reciprocal compensation If a carrier elects this option it may not change its election at a later date ii Beginning July 1 2013 a Price Cap Carrier s eligible recovery will be equal to the CALLS Study Area Base Factor and or the Non CALLS Study Area Base Factor as applicable multiplied by the sum of the following three components A The cumulative amount of the reduction in Transitional Intrastate Access Service revenues determined pursuant to 51 907 b 2 and c multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor and B CMRS Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor and C A
Price Cap Carrier s cumulative reductions in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenues other than those associated with CMRS traffic as described in 51 701 b 2 resulting from rate reductions required by 51 705 may be calculated in one of the following ways 1 Calculate the cumulative reduction in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenue as a result of rate reductions required by 51 705 using Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation demand and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor 2 By using a composite reciprocal compensation rate as follows i Establish a composite reciprocal compensation rate for its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation receipts and its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation payments by dividing its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation receipts and payments by its respective Fiscal Year 2011 demand excluding demand for traffic exchanged pursuant to a bill and keep arrangement ii Calculate the difference between each of the composite reciprocal compensation rates and the target reciprocal compensation rate set forth in 51 705 for the year beginning July 1 2013 using the appropriate Fiscal Year 2011 demand and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor or 3 For the purpose of establishing its recovery for net reciprocal compensation a Price Cap Carrier may elect to forgo this step and receive no recovery for reductions in net reciprocal compensation If a carrier elects this option it may not change its election at a later date 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 ii C 3 enhanced display page 86 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 iii Interconnection iii Beginning July 1 2014 a Price Cap Carrier s eligible recovery will be equal to the CALLS Study
Area Base Factor and or the Non CALLS Study Area Base Factor as applicable multiplied by the sum of the amounts in paragraphs d 1 iii A through d 1 iii E of this section and then adding the amount in paragraph d 1 iii F of this section to that amount A The amount of the reduction in Transitional Intrastate Access Service revenues determined pursuant to 51 907 b 2 and c multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor and B The reduction in interstate switched access revenues equal to the difference between the 2011 Baseline Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate and the 2014 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate determined pursuant to 51 907 d using Fiscal Year 2011 terminating interstate end office switching minutes and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor C If the carrier reduced its 2014 Intrastate Terminating End Office Access Rate s pursuant to 51 907 d 2 the reduction in revenues equal to the difference between either the Intrastate 2014 Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate and the Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate based on the maximum terminating end office rates that could have been charged on July 1 2014 or the 2014 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate as applicable using Fiscal Year 2011 terminating intrastate end office switching minutes and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor D CMRS Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor and E A Price Cap Carrier s cumulative reductions in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenues other than those associated with CMRS traffic as described in 51 701 b 2 resulting from rate reductions required by 51 705 may be calculated in one of the
following ways 1 Calculate the cumulative reduction in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenue as a result of rate reductions required by 51 705 using Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation demand and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor 2 By using a composite reciprocal compensation rate as follows i Establish a composite reciprocal compensation rate for its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation receipts and its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation payments by dividing its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation receipts and payments by its respective Fiscal Year 2011 demand excluding demand for traffic exchanged pursuant to a bill and keep arrangement ii Calculate the difference between each of the composite reciprocal compensation rates and the target reciprocal compensation rate set forth in 51 705 for the year beginning July 1 2014 using the appropriate Fiscal Year 2011 demand and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor or 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 iii E 2 ii enhanced display page 87 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 iii E 3 Interconnection 3 For the purpose of establishing its recovery for net reciprocal compensation a Price Cap Carrier may elect to forgo this step and receive no recovery for reductions in net reciprocal compensation If a carrier elects this option it may not change its election at a later date F An amount equal to True up Revenues for Access Recovery Charges for the year beginning July 1 2012 iv Beginning July 1 2015 a Price Cap Carrier s eligible recovery will be equal to the CALLS Study Area Base Factor and or the Non CALLS Study Area Base Factor as applicable multiplied by the sum of the amounts
in paragraphs d 1 iv A through d 1 iv E of this section and then adding the amount in paragraph d 1 iv F of this section to that amount A The amount of the reduction in Transitional Intrastate Access Service revenues determined pursuant to 51 907 b 2 and c multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor B The reduction in interstate switched access revenues equal to the difference between the 2011 Baseline Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate and the 2015 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate determined pursuant to 51 907 e using Fiscal Year 2011 terminating interstate end office switching minutes and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor C If the carrier reduced its Intrastate Terminating End Office Access Rate s pursuant to 51 907 e 1 the reduction in intrastate switched access revenues equal to the difference between either the intrastate 2014 Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate and the Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate based on the maximum terminating end office rates that could have been charged on July 1 2015 or the 2015 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate as applicable using Fiscal Year 2011 terminating intrastate end office switching minutes and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor and D CMRS Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor E A Price Cap Carrier s cumulative reductions in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenues other than those associated with CMRS traffic as described in 51 701 b 2 resulting from rate reductions required by 51 705 may be calculated in one of the following ways 1 Calculate the cumulative reduction in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenue as a result of rate
reductions required by 51 705 using Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation demand and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor 2 By using a composite reciprocal compensation rate as follows i Establish a composite reciprocal compensation rate for its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation receipts and its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation payments by dividing its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 iv E 2 i enhanced display page 88 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 iv E 2 ii Interconnection compensation receipts and payments by its respective Fiscal Year 2011 demand excluding demand for traffic exchanged pursuant to a bill and keep arrangement ii Calculate the difference between each of the composite reciprocal compensation rates and the target reciprocal compensation rate set forth in 51 705 for the year beginning July 1 2015 using the appropriate Fiscal Year 2011 demand and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor or 3 For the purpose of establishing its recovery for net reciprocal compensation a Price Cap Carrier may elect to forgo this step and receive no recovery for reductions in net reciprocal compensation If a carrier elects this option it may not change its election at a later date F An amount equal to True up Revenues for Access Recovery Charges for the year beginning July 1 2013 v Beginning July 1 2016 a Price Cap Carrier s eligible recovery will be equal to the CALLS Study Area Base Factor and or the Non CALLS Study Area Base Factor as applicable multiplied by the sum of the amounts in paragraphs d 1 v A through d 1 v E of this section and then adding the amount
in paragraph d 1 v F of this section to that amount A The amount of the reduction in Transitional Intrastate Access Service revenues determined pursuant to 51 907 b 2 and c multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor B The reduction in interstate switched access revenues equal to the difference between the 2011 Baseline Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate and 0 0007 determined pursuant to 51 907 f using Fiscal Year 2011 terminating interstate end office switching minutes and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor C If the carrier reduced its Intrastate Terminating End Office Access Rate s pursuant to 51 907 f the reduction in revenues equal to the difference between either the Intrastate 2014 Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate and 0 0007 based on the maximum terminating end office rates that could have been charged on July 1 2016 or the 2016 Target Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate as applicable using Fiscal Year 2011 terminating intrastate end office minutes and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor D CMRS Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor E A Price Cap Carrier s cumulative reductions in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenues other than those associated with CMRS traffic as described in 51 701 b 2 resulting from rate reductions required by 51 705 may be calculated in one of the following ways 1 Calculate the cumulative reduction in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenue as a result of rate reductions required by 51 705 using Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation demand and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 v E 1 enhanced display page 89 of
102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 v E 2 Interconnection 2 By using a composite reciprocal compensation rate as follows i Establish a composite reciprocal compensation rate for its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation receipts and its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation payments by dividing its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation receipts and payments by its respective Fiscal Year 2011 demand excluding demand for traffic exchanged pursuant to a bill and keep arrangement ii Calculate the difference between each of the composite reciprocal compensation rates and the target reciprocal compensation rate set forth in 51 705 for the year beginning July 1 2016 using the appropriate Fiscal Year 2011 demand and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor or 3 For the purpose of establishing its recovery for net reciprocal compensation a Price Cap Carrier may elect to forgo this step and receive no recovery for reductions in net reciprocal compensation If a carrier elects this option it may not change its election at a later date F An amount equal to True up Revenues for Access Recovery Charges for the year beginning July 1 2014 vi Beginning July 1 2017 a Price Cap Carrier s eligible recovery will be equal to ninety 90 percent of the sum of the amounts in paragraphs d 1 vi through d 1 vi F of this section and then adding the amount in paragraph d 1 vi G f this section to that amount A The amount of the reduction in Transitional Intrastate Access Service revenues determined pursuant to 51 907 b 2 and c multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor and B The reduction in interstate switched access revenues equal to the 2011
Baseline Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate using Fiscal Year 2011 terminating interstate end office switching minutes and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor C The reduction in revenues equal to the intrastate 2014 Composite terminating End Office Access Rate using Fiscal Year 2011 terminating intrastate end office switching minutes and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor D The reduction in revenues resulting from reducing the terminating Tandem Switched Transport Access Service rate to 0 0007 pursuant to 51 907 g 2 using Fiscal Year 2011 terminating tandem switched minutes and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor E CMRS Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor and F A Price Cap Carrier s cumulative reductions in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenues other than those associated with CMRS traffic as described in 51 701 b 2 resulting from rate reductions required by 51 705 may be calculated in one of the following ways 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 vi F enhanced display page 90 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 vi F 1 Interconnection 1 Calculate the cumulative reduction in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenue as a result of rate reductions required by 51 705 using Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation demand and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor 2 By using a composite reciprocal compensation rate as follows i Establish a composite reciprocal compensation rate for its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation receipts and its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation payments by dividing its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation receipts and payments by its respective Fiscal Year 2011 demand
excluding demand for traffic exchanged pursuant to a bill and keep arrangement ii Calculate the difference between each of the composite reciprocal compensation rates and the target reciprocal compensation rate set forth in 51 705 for the year beginning July 1 2017 using the appropriate Fiscal Year 2011 demand and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor or 3 For the purpose of establishing its recovery for net reciprocal compensation a Price Cap Carrier may elect to forgo this step and receive no recovery for reductions in net reciprocal compensation If a carrier elects this option it may not change its election at a later date G An amount equal to True up Revenues for Access Recovery Charges for the year beginning July 1 2015 vii Beginning July 1 2018 a Price Cap Carrier s eligible recovery will be equal to ninety 90 percent of the sum of the amounts in paragraphs d 1 vii A though d 1 vii G of this section and then adding the amount in paragraph d 1 vii H of this section to that amount A The amount of the reduction in Transitional Intrastate Access Service revenues determined pursuant to 51 907 b 2 and c multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor and B The reduction in interstate switched access revenues equal to the 2011 Baseline Composite Terminating End Office Access Rate using Fiscal Year 2011 terminating interstate end office switching minutes and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor C The reduction in revenues equal to the intrastate 2014 Composite terminating End Office Access Rate using Fiscal Year 2011 terminating intrastate end office switching minutes and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor D The reduction in revenues resulting from reducing
the terminating Tandem Switched Transport Access Service rate to 0 0007 pursuant to 51 907 g 2 using Fiscal Year 2011 terminating tandem switched minutes and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 vii D enhanced display page 91 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 vii E Interconnection E The reduction in revenues resulting from moving from a terminating Tandem Switched Transport Access Service rate tariffed at a maximum of 0 0007 to removal of intercarrier charges pursuant to 51 907 h if applicable using Fiscal Year 2011 terminating tandem switched minutes and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor F CMRS Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues multiplied by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor and G A Price Cap Carrier s cumulative reductions in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenues other than those associated with CMRS traffic as described in 51 701 b 2 resulting from rate reductions required by 51 705 may be calculated in one of the following ways 1 Calculate the cumulative reduction in Fiscal Year 2011 net reciprocal compensation revenue as a result of rate reductions required by 51 705 using Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation demand and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor 2 By using a composite reciprocal compensation rate as follows i Establish a composite reciprocal compensation rate for its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation receipts and its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation payments by dividing its Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation receipts and payments by its respective Fiscal Year 2011 demand excluding demand for traffic exchanged pursuant to a bill and keep arrangement ii Calculate the difference between each of
the composite reciprocal compensation rates and the target reciprocal compensation rate set forth in 51 705 for the year beginning July 1 2018 using the appropriate Fiscal Year 2011 demand and then multiply by the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor or 3 For the purpose of establishing its recovery for net reciprocal compensation a Price Cap Carrier may elect to forgo this step and receive no recovery for reductions in net reciprocal compensation If a carrier elects this option it may not change its election at a later date H An amount equal to True up Revenues for Access Recovery Charges for the year beginning July 1 2016 viii Beginning July 1 2019 and in subsequent years a Price Cap Carrier s eligible recovery will be equal to the amount calculated in paragraph d 1 vii A through d 1 vii H of this section before the application of the Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor applicable in 2018 multiplied by the appropriate Price Cap Carrier Traffic Demand Factor for the year in question and then adding an amount equal to True up Revenues for Access Recovery Charges for the year beginning July 1 two years earlier 47 CFR 51 915 d 1 viii enhanced display page 92 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 915 d 2 Interconnection 2 If a Price Cap Carrier recovers any costs or revenues that are already being recovered through Access Recovery Charges or the Connect America Fund from another source that carrier s ability to recover reduced switched access revenue from Access Recovery Charges or the Connect America Fund shall be reduced to the extent it receives duplicative recovery Any duplicative recovery shall be reflected as a reduction to a carrier s
Eligible Recovery calculated pursuant to 51 915 d 3 A Price Cap Carrier seeking revenue recovery must annually certify as part of its tariff filings to the Commission and to the relevant state commission that the carrier is not seeking duplicative recovery in the state jurisdiction for any Eligible Recovery subject to the recovery mechanism 4 If a Price Cap Carrier receives payment for Access Recovery Charges after the period used to measure the adjustment to reflect the differences between estimated and actual revenues it shall treat such payments as actual revenues in the year the payment is received and shall reflect this as an additional adjustment for that year e Access Recovery Charge 1 A charge that is expressed in dollars and cents per line per month may be assessed upon end users that may be assessed an end user common line charge pursuant to 69 152 of this chapter to the extent necessary to allow the Price Cap Carrier to recover some or all of its eligible recovery determined pursuant to paragraph d of this section subject to the caps described in paragraph e 5 of this section A Price Cap Carrier may elect to forgo charging some or all of the Access Recovery Charge 2 Total Access Recovery Charges calculated by multiplying the tariffed Access Recovery Charge by the projected demand for the year in question may not recover more than the amount of eligible recovery calculated pursuant to paragraph d of this section for the year beginning on July 1 3 For the purposes of this section a Price Cap Carrier holding company includes all of its wholly owned operating companies that are price cap incumbent local exchange carriers A Price Cap Carrier Holding Company may recover the eligible recovery attributable to any price cap study
areas operated by its wholly owned operating companies through assessments of the Access Recovery Charge on end users in any price cap study areas operated by its wholly owned operating companies that are price cap incumbent local exchange carriers 4 Distribution of Access Recovery Charges among lines of different types i A Price Cap Carrier holding company that does not receive ICC replacement CAF support whether because it elects not to or because it does not have sufficient eligible recovery after the Access Recovery Charge is assessed or imputed may not recover a higher fraction of its total revenue recovery from Access Recovery Charges assessed on Residential and Single Line Business lines than A The number of Residential and Single Line Business lines divided by B The sum of the number of Residential and Single Line Business lines and two 2 times the number of End User Common Line charges assessed on Multi Line Business customers ii For purposes of this subpart Residential and Single Line Business lines are lines other than lines of Lifeline Customers assessed the residential and single line business end user common line charge and lines assessed the non primary residential end user common line charge 47 CFR 51 915 e 4 ii enhanced display page 93 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 915 e 4 iii Interconnection iii For purposes of this subpart Multi Line Business Lines are lines assessed the multi line business end user common line charge 5 Per line caps and other limitations on Access Recovery Charges i For each line other than lines of Lifeline Customers assessed a primary residential or single line business end user common line charge or a non primary residential end user common line charge pursuant
to 69 152 of this Chapter a Price Cap Carrier may assess an Access Recovery Charge as follows A Beginning July 1 2012 a maximum of 0 50 per month for each line B Beginning July 1 2013 a maximum of 1 00 per month for each line C Beginning July 1 2014 a maximum of 1 50 per month for each line D Beginning July 1 2015 a maximum of 2 00 per month for each line and E Beginning July 1 2016 a maximum of 2 50 per month for each line ii For each line assessed a multi line business end user common line charge pursuant to 69 152 of this chapter a Price Cap Carrier may assess an Access Recovery Charge as follows A Beginning July 1 2012 a maximum of 1 00 per month for each multi line business end user common line charge assessed B Beginning July 1 2013 a maximum of 2 00 per month for each multi line business end user common line charge assessed C Beginning July 1 2014 a maximum of 3 00 per month for each multi line business end user common line charge assessed D Beginning July 1 2015 a maximum of 4 00 per month for each multi line business end user common line charge assessed and E Beginning July 1 2016 a maximum of 5 00 per month for each multi line business end user common line charge assessed iii The Access Recovery Charge allowed by paragraph e 5 i of this section may not be assessed to the extent that its assessment would bring the total of the Rate Ceiling Component Charges above the Residential Rate Ceiling on January 1 of that year This limitation applies only to the first residential line obtained by a
residential end user and does not apply to single line business customers iv The Access Recovery Charge allowed by paragraph e 5 ii of this section may not be assessed to the extent that its assessment would bring the total of the multi line business end user common line charge and the Access Recovery Charge above 12 20 per line v The Access Recovery Charge assessed on lines assessed the non primary residential line end user common line charge in a study area may not exceed the Access Recovery Charge assessed on residential end users first residential line in that study area vi The Access Recovery Charge may not be assessed on lines of any Lifeline Customers 47 CFR 51 915 e 5 vi enhanced display page 94 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 915 e 5 vii Interconnection vii If in any year the Price Cap Carrier s Access Recovery Charge is not at its maximum the succeeding year s Access Recovery Charge may not increase more than 0 50 per line per month for charges assessed under paragraph e 5 i of this section or 1 00 per line per month for charges assessed under paragraph e 5 ii of this section f Price Cap Carrier eligibility for CAF ICC Support 1 A Price Cap Carrier shall elect in its July 1 2012 access tariff filing whether it will receive CAF ICC Support under this paragraph A Price Cap Carrier eligible to receive CAF ICC Support subsequently may elect at any time not to receive such funding Once it makes the election not to receive CAFF ICC Support it may not elect to receive such funding at a later date 2 Beginning July 1 2012 a Price
Cap Carrier may recover any eligible recovery allowed by paragraph d that it could not have recovered through charges assessed pursuant to paragraph e of this section from CAF ICC Support pursuant to 54 304 For this purpose the Price Cap Carrier must impute the maximum charges it could have assessed under paragraph e of this section 3 Beginning July 1 2017 a Price Cap Carrier may recover two thirds 2 3 of the amount it otherwise would have been eligible to recover under paragraph f 2 from CAF ICC Support 4 Beginning July 1 2018 a Price Cap Carrier may recover one third 1 3 of the amount it otherwise would have been eligible to recover under paragraph f 2 of this section from CAF ICC Support 5 Beginning July 1 2019 a Price Cap Carrier may no longer recover any amount related to revenue recovery under this paragraph from CAF ICC Support 6 A Price Cap Carrier that elects to receive CAF ICC support must certify with its annual access tariff filing that it has complied with paragraphs d and e of this section and after doing so is eligible to receive the CAF ICC support requested pursuant to paragraph f of this section 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 2011 as amended at 77 FR 48453 Aug 14 2012 78 FR 26268 May 6 2013 79 FR 28846 May 20 2014 51 917 Revenue recovery for Rate of Return Carriers a Scope This section sets forth the extent to which Rate of Return Carriers may recover through the recovery mechanism outlined in paragraphs d through f of this section a portion of revenues lost due to rate reductions required by 20 11 b of this chapter and 51 705 and 51 909 b Definitions 1 2011 Interstate Switched
Access Revenue Requirement 2011 Interstate Switched Access Revenue Requirement means i For a Rate of Return Carrier that participated in the NECA 2011 annual switched access tariff filing its projected interstate switched access revenue requirement associated with the NECA 2011 annual interstate switched access tariff filing ii For a Rate of Return Carrier subject to 61 38 of this chapter that filed its own annual access tariff in 2010 and did not participate in the NECA 2011 annual switched access tariff filing its projected interstate switched access revenue requirement in its 2010 annual interstate switched access tariff filing and 47 CFR 51 917 b 1 ii enhanced display page 95 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 917 b 1 iii Interconnection iii For a Rate of Return Carrier subject to 61 39 of this chapter that filed its own annual switched access tariff in 2011 its historically determined annual interstate switched access revenue requirement filed with its 2011 annual interstate switched access tariff filing 2 Expected Revenues Expected Revenues from an access service are calculated using the default transition rate for that service specified by 51 909 and forecast demand for that service Expected Revenues from a non access service are calculated using the default transition rate for that service specified by 20 11 of this chapter or 51 705 of this chapter and forecast net demand for that service 3 Rate of Return Carrier Baseline Adjustment Factor The Rate of Return Carrier Baseline Adjustment Factor as used in calculating eligible recovery for Rate of Return Carriers is equal to ninety five 95 percent for the period beginning July 1 2012 It is reduced by five 5 percent of its previous value in each subsequent annual tariff filing 4
Revenue Requirement Revenue Requirement is equal to a carrier s regulated operating costs plus an 11 25 percent return on a carrier s net rate base calculated in compliance with the provisions of parts 36 65 and 69 of this chapter For an average schedule carrier its Revenue Requirement shall be equal to the average schedule settlements it received from the pool adjusted to reflect an 11 25 percent rate of return or what it would have received if it had been a participant in the pool If the reference is to an operating segment these references are to the Revenue Requirement associated with that segment 5 True up Adjustment The True up Adjustment is equal to the True up Revenues for any particular service for the period in question 6 True up Revenues True up Revenues from an access service are equal to projected demand minus actual realized demand for that service times the default transition rate for that service specified by 51 909 True up Revenues from a non access service are equal to projected demand minus actual realized net demand for that service times the default transition rate for that service specified by 20 11 b of this chapter or 51 705 Realized demand is the demand for which payment has been received or has been made as appropriate by the time the true up is made 7 2011 Rate of Return Carrier Base Period Revenue 2011 Rate of Return Carrier Base Period Revenue is the sum of i 2011 Interstate Switched Access Revenue Requirement ii Fiscal Year 2011 revenues from Transitional Intrastate Access Service received by March 31 2012 and iii Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation revenues received by March 31 2012 less Fiscal Year 2011 reciprocal compensation payments paid and or payable by March 31
2012 c Adjustment for Access Stimulation activity 2011 Rate of Return Carrier Base Period Revenue shall be adjusted to reflect the removal of any increases in revenue requirement or revenues resulting from Access Stimulation activity the Rate of Return Carrier engaged in during the relevant measuring period A Rate of Return Carrier should make this adjustment for its initial July 1 2012 tariff filing but the adjustment may result from a subsequent Commission or court ruling d Eligible Recovery for Rate of Return Carriers 47 CFR 51 917 d enhanced display page 96 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 917 d 1 Interconnection 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Commission s rules a Rate of Return Carrier may recover the amounts specified in this paragraph through the mechanisms described in paragraphs e and f of this section i Beginning July 1 2012 a Rate of Return Carrier s eligible recovery will be equal to the 2011 Rate of Return Carrier Base Period Revenue multiplied by the Rate of Return Carrier Baseline Adjustment Factor less A The Expected Revenues from Transitional Intrastate Access Service for the year beginning July 1 2012 reflecting forecasted demand multiplied by the rates in the rate transition contained in 51 909 B The Expected Revenues from interstate switched access for the year beginning July 1 2012 reflecting forecasted demand multiplied by the rates in the rate transition contained in 51 909 and C Expected Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues for the year beginning July 1 2012 using the target methodology required by 51 705 ii Beginning July 1 2013 a Rate of Return Carrier s eligible recovery will be equal to the 2011 Rate of Return Carrier Base Period Revenue multiplied by the Rate of
Return Carrier Baseline Adjustment Factor less A The Expected Revenues from Transitional Intrastate Access Service for the year beginning July 1 2013 reflecting forecasted demand multiplied by the rates in the rate transition contained in 51 909 B The Expected Revenues from interstate switched access for the year beginning July 1 2013 reflecting forecasted demand multiplied by the rates in the rate transition contained in 51 909 and C Expected Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues for the year beginning July 1 2013 using the target methodology required by 51 705 iii Beginning July 1 2014 a Rate of Return Carrier s eligible recovery will be equal to the 2011 Rate of Return Carrier Base Period Revenue multiplied by the Rate of Return Carrier Baseline Adjustment Factor less A The Expected Revenues from Transitional Intrastate Access Service for the year beginning July 1 2014 reflecting forecasted demand multiplied by the rates in the rate transition contained in 51 909 including the reduction in intrastate End Office Switched Access Service rates adjusted to reflect the True Up Adjustment for Transitional Intrastate Access Service for the year beginning July 1 2012 B The Expected Revenues from interstate switched access for the year beginning July 1 2014 reflecting forecasted demand multiplied by the rates in the rate transition contained in 51 909 adjusted to reflect the True Up Adjustment for Interstate Switched Access for the year beginning July 1 2012 and C Expected Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues for the year beginning July 1 2014 using the target methodology required by 51 705 adjusted to reflect the True Up Adjustment for Reciprocal Compensation for the year beginning July 1 2012 47 CFR 51 917 d 1 iii C enhanced display page 97 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024
47 CFR 51 917 d 1 iii D Interconnection D An amount equal to True up Revenues for Access Recovery Charges for the year beginning July 1 2012 multiplied by negative one iv Beginning July 1 2015 and for all subsequent years a Rate of Return Carrier s eligible recovery will be calculated by updating the procedures set forth in paragraph d 1 iii of this section for the period beginning July 1 2014 to reflect the passage of an additional year in each subsequent year v If a Rate of Return Carrier receives payments for intrastate or interstate switched access services or for Access Recovery Charges after the period used to measure the adjustments to reflect the differences between estimated and actual revenues it shall treat such payments as actual revenue in the year the payment is received and shall reflect this as an additional adjustment for that year vi If a Rate of Return Carrier receives or makes reciprocal compensation payments after the period used to measure the adjustments to reflect the differences between estimated and actual net reciprocal compensation revenues it shall treat such amounts as actual revenues or payments in the year the payment is received or made and shall reflect this as an additional adjustment for that year vii If a Rate of Return Carrier recovers any costs or revenues that are already being recovered as Eligible Recovery through Access Recovery Charges or the Connect America Fund from another source that carrier s ability to recover reduced switched access revenue from Access Recovery Charges or the Connect America Fund shall be reduced to the extent it receives duplicative recovery Any duplicative recovery shall be reflected as a reduction to a carrier s Eligible Recovery calculated pursuant to 51 917 d A Rate of Return Carrier
seeking revenue recovery must annually certify as part of its tariff filings to the Commission and to the relevant state commission that the carrier is not seeking duplicative recovery in the state jurisdiction for any Eligible Recovery subject to the recovery mechanism viii A If a Rate of Return Carrier in any tariff period underestimates its projected demand for services covered by 51 917 b 6 or 51 915 b 13 and thus has too much Eligible Recovery in that tariff period it shall refund the amount of any such True up Revenues or True up Revenues for Access Recovery Charge that are not offset by the Rate of Return Carrier s Eligible Recovery calculated before including the true up amounts in the Eligible Recovery calculation in the true up tariff period to the Administrator by August 1 following the date of the Rate of Return Carrier s annual access tariff filing B If a Rate of Return Carrier in any tariff period receives too little Eligible Recovery because it overestimates its projected demand for services covered by 51 917 b 6 or 51 915 b 13 which True up Revenues and True up Revenues for Access Recovery Charge it cannot recover in the true up tariff period because the Rate of Return Carrier has a negative Eligible Recovery in the true up tariff period before calculating the true up amount in the Eligible Recovery calculation the Rate of Return Carrier shall treat the unrecoverable true up amount as its Eligible Recovery for the true up tariff period e Access Recovery Charge 47 CFR 51 917 e enhanced display page 98 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 917 e 1 Interconnection 1 A charge that is expressed in dollars
and cents per line per month may be assessed upon end users that may be assessed a subscriber line charge pursuant to 69 104 of this chapter to the extent necessary to allow the Rate of Return Carrier to recover some or all of its Eligible Recovery determined pursuant to paragraph d of this section subject to the caps described in paragraph e 6 of this section A Rate of Return Carrier may elect to forgo charging some or all of the Access Recovery Charge 2 Total Access Recovery Charges calculated by multiplying the tariffed Access Recovery Charge by the projected demand for the year may not recover more than the amount of eligible recovery calculated pursuant to paragraph d of this section for the year beginning on July 1 3 For the purposes of this section a Rate of Return Carrier holding company includes all of its wholly owned operating companies A Rate of Return Carrier Holding Company may recover the eligible recovery attributable to any Rate of Return study areas operated by its wholly owned operating companies that are Rate of Return incumbent local exchange carriers through assessments of the Access Recovery Charge on end users in any Rate of Return study areas operated by its wholly owned operating companies that are Rate of Return incumbent local exchange carriers 4 Distribution of Access Recovery Charges among lines of different types i A Rate of Return Carrier that does not receive ICC replacement CAF support whether because they elect not to or because they do not have sufficient eligible recovery after the Access Recovery Charge is assessed or imputed may not recover a higher ratio of its total revenue recovery from Access Recovery Charges assessed on Residential and Single Line Business lines than the following ratio using holding company
lines A The number of Residential and Single Line Business lines assessed an End User Common Line charge excluding Lifeline Customers divided by B The sum of the number of Residential and Single Line Business lines assessed an End User Common Line charge excluding Lifeline Customers and two 2 times the number of End User Common Line charges assessed on Multi Line Business customers 5 For purposes of this subpart Residential and Single Line Business lines are lines other than lines of Lifeline Customers assessed the residential and single line business end user common line charge i For purposes of this subpart Multi Line Business Lines are lines assessed the multi line business end user common line charge ii Reserved 6 Per line caps and other limitations on Access Recovery Charges i For each line other than lines of Lifeline Customers assessed a primary residential or single line business end user common line charge pursuant to 69 104 of this chapter a Rate of Return Carrier may assess an Access Recovery Charge as follows A Beginning July 1 2012 a maximum of 0 50 per month for each line B Beginning July 1 2013 a maximum of 1 00 per month for each line C Beginning July 1 2014 a maximum of 1 50 per month for each line D Beginning July 1 2015 a maximum of 2 00 per month for each line 47 CFR 51 917 e 6 i D enhanced display page 99 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 917 e 6 i E Interconnection E Beginning July 1 2016 a maximum of 2 50 per month for each line and F Beginning July 1 2017 a maximum of 3 00 per month for each line
ii For each line assessed a multi line business end user common line charge pursuant to 69 104 of this chapter a Rate of Return Carrier may assess an Access Recovery Charge as follows A Beginning July 1 2012 a maximum of 1 00 per month for each multi line business end user common line charge assessed B Beginning July 1 2013 a maximum of 2 00 per month for each multi line business end user common line charge assessed C Beginning July 1 2014 a maximum of 3 00 per month for each multi line business end user common line charge assessed D Beginning July 1 2015 a maximum of 4 00 per month for each multi line business end user common line charge assessed E Beginning July 1 2016 a maximum of 5 00 per month for each multi line business end user common line charge assessed and F Beginning July 1 2017 a maximum of 6 00 per month for each multi line business end user common line charge assessed iii The Access Recovery Charge allowed by paragraph e 6 i of this section may not be assessed to the extent that its assessment would bring the total of the Rate Ceiling Component Charges above the Residential Rate Ceiling This limitation does not apply to single line business customers iv The Access Recovery Charge allowed by paragraph e 6 ii of this section may not be assessed to the extent that its assessment would bring the total of the multi line business end user common line charge and the Access Recovery Charge above 12 20 per line v The Access Recovery Charge may not be assessed on lines of Lifeline Customers vi If in any year the Rate of return carriers Access Recovery Charge is not at