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its maximum the succeeding year s Access Recovery Charge may not increase more than 0 50 per line for charges under paragraph e 6 i of this section or 1 00 per line for charges assessed under paragraph e 6 ii of this section vii A Price Cap Carrier with study areas that are subject to rate of return regulation shall recover its eligible recovery for such study areas through the recovery procedures specified in this section For that purpose the provisions of paragraph e 3 of this section shall apply to the rate of return study areas if the applicable conditions in paragraph e 3 of this section are met f Rate of Return Carrier eligibility for CAF ICC Recovery 1 A Rate of Return Carrier shall elect in its July 1 2012 access tariff filing whether it will receive CAF ICC Support under this paragraph A Rate of Return Carrier eligible to receive CAF ICC Support subsequently may elect at any time not to receive such funding Once it makes the election not to receive CAF ICC Support it may not elect to receive such funding at a later date 47 CFR 51 917 f 1 enhanced display page 100 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 917 f 2 Interconnection 2 Beginning July 1 2012 a Rate of Return Carrier may recover any eligible recovery allowed by paragraph d of this section that it could not have recovered through charges assessed pursuant to paragraph e of this section from CAF ICC Support pursuant to 54 304 For this purpose the Rate of Return Carrier must impute the maximum charges it could have assessed under paragraph e of this section 3 A Rate of Return Carrier that elects | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-51-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
to receive CAF ICC support must certify with its annual access tariff filing that it has complied with paragraphs d and e and after doing so is eligible to receive the CAF ICC support requested pursuant to paragraph f of this section 4 Except as provided in paragraph f 5 of this section a Rate of Return Carrier must impute an amount equal to the Access Recovery Charge for each Consumer Broadband Only Loop line that receives support pursuant to 54 901 of this chapter with the imputation applied before CAF ICC recovery is determined The per line per month imputation amount shall be equal to the Access Recovery Charge amount prescribed by paragraph e of this section consistent with the residential or single line business or multi line business status of the retail customer 5 Notwithstanding paragraph f 4 of this section commencing July 1 2018 and ending June 30 2023 the maximum total dollar amount a carrier must impute on supported consumer broadband only loops is limited as follows i For the affected tariff year the carrier shall compare the amounts in paragraphs f 5 i A and B of this section A The sum of the revenues from projected Access Recovery Charges assessed pursuant to paragraph e of this section any amounts imputed pursuant to paragraph f 2 of this section and any imputation pursuant to paragraph f 4 of this section B The sum of the revenues from Access Recovery Charges assessed pursuant to paragraph e of this section and any amounts imputed pursuant to paragraph f 2 of this section for tariff year 2015 16 after being trued up ii If the amount determined in paragraph f 5 i A of this section is greater than the amount determined in paragraph f 5 i B | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-51-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
the sum of the revenues from projected Access Recovery Charges assessed pursuant to paragraph e of this section and any amounts imputed pursuant to paragraph f 2 of this section for the affected year must be compared to the amount determined in paragraph f 5 ii B of this section A If the former amount is greater than the latter amount no imputation is made on Consumer Broadband Only Loops B If the former amount is equal to or less than the latter amount the imputation on Consumer Broadband Only Loops is limited to the difference between the two amounts 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 2011 as amended at 77 FR 14302 Mar 9 2012 78 FR 26268 May 6 2013 79 FR 28847 May 20 2014 80 FR 15909 Mar 26 2015 81 FR 24337 Apr 25 2016 83 FR 14189 Apr 3 2018 84 FR 57651 Oct 28 2019 51 919 Reporting and monitoring a A Price Cap Carrier that elects to participate in the recovery mechanism outlined in 51 915 shall beginning in 2012 file with the Commission the data consistent with Section XIII f 3 of FCC 11 161 with its annual access tariff filing 47 CFR 51 919 a enhanced display page 101 of 102 47 CFR Part 51 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 51 919 b Interconnection b A Rate of Return Carrier that elects to participate in the recovery mechanism outlined in 51 917 shall file with the Commission the data consistent with Section XIII f 3 of FCC 11 161 with its annual interstate access tariff filing or on the date such a filing would have been required if it had been required to file in that year Effective Date Note At 76 FR 73856 Nov 29 | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-51-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
2011 51 919 was added This section contains information collection and recordkeeping requirements and will not become effective until approval has been given by the Office of Management and Budget 47 CFR 51 919 b enhanced display page 102 of 102 | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-51-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR Part 17 Feb 20 2024 Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial Title 47 Telecommunication Chapter I Federal Communications Commission Subchapter A General Part 17 Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures Subpart A General Information 17 1 Basis and purpose 17 2 Definitions 17 4 Antenna structure registration 17 5 Commission consideration of applications for station authorization 17 6 Responsibility for painting and lighting compliance Subpart B Federal Aviation Administration Notification Criteria 17 7 Antenna structures requiring notification to the FAA 17 8 Establishment of antenna farm areas 17 9 Designated antenna farm areas 17 10 Antenna structures over 304 80 meters 1 000 feet in height 17 14 17 17 Reserved Subpart C Specifications for Obstruction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures 17 21 Painting and lighting when required 17 22 Reserved 17 23 Specifications for painting and lighting antenna structures 17 24 Existing structures 17 25 17 45 Reserved 17 47 Inspection of antenna structure lights and associated control equipment 17 48 Notification of extinguishment or improper functioning of lights 17 49 Recording of antenna structure light inspections in the owner record 17 50 Cleaning and repainting 17 51 Reserved 17 53 Lighting equipment and paint 17 54 Rated lamp voltage 17 56 Maintenance of lighting equipment 17 57 Report of radio transmitting antenna construction alteration and or removal 17 58 Reserved PART 17 CONSTRUCTION MARKING AND LIGHTING OF 47 CFR 17 enhanced display page 1 of 14 47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 17 1 Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures ANTENNA STRUCTURES Authority 47 U S C 154 301 303 309 | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
Subpart A General Information 17 1 Basis and purpose a The rules in this part are issued pursuant to the authority contained in Title III of the Communications Act of 1934 as amended which vest authority in the Federal Communications Commission to issue licenses to radio stations when it is found that the public interest convenience and necessity would be served thereby and to require the painting and or illumination of antenna structures if and when in its judgment such structures constitute or there is reasonable possibility that they may constitute a menace to air navigation b The purpose of this part is to prescribe certain procedures for antenna structure registration and standards with respect to the Commission s consideration of proposed antenna structures which will serve as a guide to antenna structure owners 61 FR 4362 Feb 6 1996 as amended at 79 FR 56984 Sept 24 2014 17 2 Definitions a Antenna structure The term antenna structure means a structure that is constructed or used to transmit radio energy or that is constructed or used for the primary purpose of supporting antennas to transmit and or receive radio energy and any antennas and other appurtenances mounted thereon from the time construction of the supporting structure begins until such time as the supporting structure is dismantled b Antenna farm area A geographical location with established boundaries designated by the Federal Communications Commission in which antenna structures with a common impact on aviation may be grouped c Antenna structure owner For the purposes of this part an antenna structure owner is the individual or entity vested with ownership equitable ownership dominion or title to the antenna structure that is constructed or used to transmit radio energy or the underlying antenna structure that supports or is intended to support antennas and | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
other appurtenances Notwithstanding any agreements made between the owner and any entity designated by the owner to maintain the antenna structure the owner is ultimately responsible for compliance with the requirements of this part d Antenna structure registration number A unique number issued by the Commission during the registration process which identifies an antenna structure Once obtained this number must be used in all filings related to this structure 32 FR 8813 June 21 1967 and 32 FR 11268 Aug 3 1967 as amended at 39 FR 26157 July 17 1974 61 FR 4362 Feb 6 1996 79 FR 56984 Sept 24 2014 17 4 Antenna structure registration a The owner of any proposed or existing antenna structure that requires notice of proposed construction to the Federal Aviation Administration FAA due to physical obstruction must register the structure with the Commission See 17 7 for FAA notification requirements This includes those structures used as part 47 CFR 17 4 a enhanced display page 2 of 14 47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 17 4 a 1 Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures of stations licensed by the Commission for the transmission of radio energy or to be used as part of a cable television head end system If a Federal Government antenna structure is to be used by a Commission licensee the structure must be registered with the Commission If the FAA exempts an antenna structure from notification it is exempt from the requirement that it register with the Commission See 17 7 e for exemptions to FAA notification requirements 1 For a proposed antenna structure or alteration of an existing antenna structure the owner must register the structure prior to construction or alteration 2 For a structure that did not | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
originally fall under the definition of antenna structure the owner must register the structure prior to hosting a Commission licensee b Except as provided in paragraph e of this section each owner of an antenna structure described in paragraph a of this section must electronically file FCC Form 854 with the Commission Additionally each owner of a proposed structure referred to in paragraph a of this section must submit a valid FAA determination of no hazard In order to be considered valid by the Commission the FAA determination of no hazard must not have expired prior to the date on which FCC Form 854 is received by the Commission The height of the structure will be the highest point of the structure including any obstruction lighting or lightning arrester If an antenna structure is not required to be registered under paragraph a of this section and it is voluntarily registered with the Commission after October 24 2014 the registrant must note on FCC Form 854 that the registration is voluntary Voluntarily registered antenna structures are not subject to the lighting and marking requirements contained in this part c Each prospective applicant must complete the environmental notification process described in this paragraph except as specified in paragraph c 1 of this section 1 Exceptions from the environmental notification process Completion of the environmental notification process is not required when FCC Form 854 is submitted solely for the following purposes i For notification only such as to report a change in ownership or contact information or the dismantlement of an antenna structure ii For a reduction in height of an antenna structure or an increase in height that does not constitute a substantial increase in size as defined in paragraph I E 1 3 of appendix B to part 1 of this | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
chapter provided that there is no construction or excavation more than 30 feet beyond the existing antenna structure property iii For removal of lighting from an antenna structure or adoption of a more preferred or equally preferred lighting style For this purpose lighting styles are ranked as follows with the most preferred lighting style listed first and the least preferred listed last no lights FAA Lighting Styles that do not involve use of red steady lights and FAA Lighting Styles that involve use of red steady lights A complete description of each FAA Lighting Style and the manner in which it is to be deployed can be found in the current version of FAA U S Dept of Transportation Advisory Circular Obstruction Marking and Lighting AC 70 7460 iv For replacement of an existing antenna structure at the same geographic location that does not require an Environmental Assessment EA under 1 1307 a through d of this chapter provided the new structure will not use a less preferred lighting style there will be no substantial increase in size as defined in paragraph I E 1 3 of appendix B to part 1 of this chapter and there will be no construction or excavation more than 30 feet beyond the existing antenna structure property 47 CFR 17 4 c 1 iv enhanced display page 3 of 14 47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 17 4 c 1 v Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures v For any other change that does not alter the physical structure lighting or geographic location of an existing structure vi For construction modification or replacement of an antenna structure on Federal land where another Federal agency has assumed responsibility for evaluating the potentially significant environmental effect of | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
the proposed antenna structure on the quality of the human environment and for invoking any required environmental impact statement process or for any other structure where another Federal agency has assumed such responsibilities pursuant to a written agreement with the Commission see 1 1311 e of this chapter or vii For the construction or deployment of an antenna structure that will A Be in place for no more than 60 days B Requires notice of construction to the FAA C Does not require marking or lighting under FAA regulations D Will be less than 200 feet in height above ground level and E Will either involve no excavation or involve excavation only where the depth of previous disturbance exceeds the proposed construction depth excluding footings and other anchoring mechanisms by at least two feet An applicant that relies on this exception must wait 30 days after removal of the antenna structure before relying on this exception to deploy another antenna structure covering substantially the same service area 2 Commencement of the environmental notification process The prospective applicant shall commence the environmental notification process by filing information about the proposed antenna structure with the Commission This information shall include at a minimum all of the information required on FCC Form 854 regarding ownership and contact information geographic location and height as well as the type of structure and anticipated lighting The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau may utilize a partially completed FCC Form 854 to collect this information 3 Local notice The prospective applicant must provide local notice of the proposed new antenna structure or modification of an existing antenna structure through publication in a newspaper of general circulation or other appropriate means such as through the public notification provisions of the relevant local zoning process The local notice shall contain all of | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
the descriptive information as to geographic location configuration height and anticipated lighting specifications reflected in the submission required pursuant to paragraph c 2 of this section It must also provide information as to the procedure for interested persons to file Requests for environmental processing pursuant to 1 1307 c and 1 1313 b of this chapter including any assigned file number and state that such Requests may only raise environmental concerns 4 National notice On or after the local notice date provided by the prospective applicant the Commission shall post notification of the proposed construction on its Web site This posting shall include the information contained in the initial filing with the Commission or a link to such information The posting shall remain on the Commission s Web site for a period of 30 days 47 CFR 17 4 c 4 enhanced display page 4 of 14 47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 17 4 c 5 Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures 5 Requests for environmental processing Any Request filed by an interested person pursuant to 1 1307 c and 1 1313 b of this chapter must be received by the Commission no later than 30 days after the proposed antenna structure goes on notice pursuant to paragraph c 4 of this section The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau shall establish by public notice the process for filing Requests for environmental processing and responsive pleadings consistent with the following provisions i Service and pleading cycle The interested person or entity shall serve a copy of its Request on the prospective ASR applicant pursuant to 1 47 of this chapter Oppositions may be filed no later than 10 days after the time for filing Requests has expired Replies to oppositions may be filed | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
no later than 5 days after the time for filing oppositions has expired Oppositions shall be served upon the Requester and replies shall be served upon the prospective applicant ii Content An Environmental Request must state why the interested person or entity believes that the proposed antenna structure or physical modification of an existing antenna structure may have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment for which an Environmental Assessment must be considered by the Commission as required by 1 1307 of this chapter or why an Environmental Assessment submitted by the prospective Antenna Structure Registration ASR applicant does not adequately evaluate the potentially significant environmental effects of the proposal The Request must be submitted as a written petition filed electronically setting forth in detail the reasons supporting Requester s contentions If the filer is unable to submit electronically or if filing electronically would be unreasonably burdensome the Request may be submitted by mail with a request for waiver under 1 1304 b of this chapter 6 Amendments The prospective applicant must file an amendment to report any substantial change in the information provided to the Commission An amendment will not require further local or national notice if the only reported change is a reduction in the height of the proposed new or modified antenna structure if proposed lighting is removed or changed to a more preferred or equally preferred lighting style as set forth in paragraph c 1 iii of this section or if the amendment reports only administrative changes that are not subject to the requirements specified in this paragraph All other changes to the physical structure lighting or geographic location data for a proposed registered antenna structure require additional local and national notice and a new period for filing Requests pursuant to paragraphs c | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
3 c 4 and c 5 of this section 7 Environmental Assessments If an Environmental Assessment EA is required under 1 1307 of this chapter the antenna structure registration applicant shall attach the EA to its environmental submission regardless of any requirement that the EA also be attached to an associated service specific license or construction permit application The contents of an EA are described in 1 1308 and 1 1311 of this chapter The EA may be provided either with the initial environmental submission or as an amendment If the EA is submitted as an amendment the Commission shall post notification on its Web site for another 30 days pursuant to paragraph c 4 of this section and accept additional Requests pursuant to paragraph c 5 of this section However additional local notice pursuant to paragraph c 3 of this section shall not be required unless information has changed pursuant to paragraph c 6 of this section The applicant shall serve a copy of the EA upon any party that has previously filed a Request pursuant to paragraph c 5 of this section 8 Disposition The processing Bureau shall resolve all environmental issues in accordance with the environmental regulations 47 CFR 1 1301 through 1 1319 specified in part 1 of this chapter before the tower owner or the first tenant licensee acting on behalf of the owner may complete the antenna 47 CFR 17 4 c 8 enhanced display page 5 of 14 47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 17 4 c 9 Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures structure registration application In a case where no EA is submitted the Bureau shall notify the applicant whether an EA is required under 1 1307 c or d of this | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
chapter In a case where an EA is submitted the Bureau shall either grant a Finding of No Significant Impact FONSI or notify the applicant that further environmental processing is required pursuant to 1 1308 of this chapter Upon filing the completed antenna structure registration application the applicant shall certify that the construction will not have a significant environmental impact unless an Environmental Impact Statement is prepared pursuant to 1 1314 of this chapter 9 Transition rule An antenna structure registration application that is pending with the Commission as of the effective date of this paragraph c shall not be required to complete the environmental notification process set forth in this paragraph The Commission will publish a document in the FEDERAL REGISTER announcing the effective date However if such an application is amended in a manner that would require additional notice pursuant to paragraph c 6 of this section then such notice shall be required d If a final FAA determination of no hazard is not submitted along with FCC Form 854 processing of the registration may be delayed or disapproved e If the owner of the antenna structure cannot file FCC Form 854 because it is subject to a denial of Federal benefits under the Anti Drug Abuse Act of 1988 21 U S C 862 the first tenant licensee authorized to locate on the structure excluding tenants that no longer occupy the structure must register the structure electronically using FCC Form 854 and provide a copy of the Antenna Structure Registration FCC Form 854R to the owner The owner remains responsible for providing to all tenant licensees and permittees notification that the structure has been registered consistent with paragraph f of this section and for posting the registration number as required by paragraph g of this section f | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
The Commission shall issue to the registrant FCC Form 854R Antenna Structure Registration which assigns a unique Antenna Structure Registration Number The antenna structure owner shall immediately provide to all tenant licensees and permittees notification that the structure has been registered along with either a copy of Form 854R or the Antenna Structure Registration Number and a link to the FCC antenna structure website http wireless fcc gov antenna This notification must be done electronically g Except as described in paragraph h of this section the Antenna Structure Registration Number must be displayed so that it is conspicuously visible and legible from the publicly accessible area nearest the base of the antenna structure along the publicly accessible roadway or path Where an antenna structure is surrounded by a perimeter fence or where the point of access includes an access gate the Antenna Structure Registration Number should be posted on the perimeter fence or access gate Where multiple antenna structures having separate Antenna Structure Registration Numbers are located within a single fenced area the Antenna Structure Registration Numbers must be posted both on the perimeter fence or access gate and near the base of each antenna structure If the base of the antenna structure has more than one point of access the Antenna Structure Registration Number must be posted so that it is visible at the publicly accessible area nearest each such point of access Materials used to display the Antenna Structure Registration Number must be weather resistant and of sufficient size to be easily seen where posted h The owner is not required to post the Antenna Structure Registration Number in cases where a federal state or local government entity provides written notice to the owner that such a posting would detract from the appearance of a historic landmark In | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
this case the owner must make the Antenna Structure Registration Number available to representatives of the Commission the FAA and the general public upon reasonable demand 47 CFR 17 4 h enhanced display page 6 of 14 47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 17 4 i Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures i Absent Commission specification the painting and lighting specifications recommended by the FAA are mandatory see 17 23 However the Commission may specify painting and or lighting requirements for each antenna structure registration in addition to or different from those specified by the FAA j Any change or correction in the overall height of one foot or greater or coordinates of one second or greater in longitude or latitude of a registered antenna structure requires prior approval from the FAA and modification of the existing registration with the Commission k Any change in the marking and lighting that varies from the specifications described on any antenna structure registration requires prior approval from the FAA and the Commission 61 FR 4362 Feb 6 1996 as amended at 77 FR 3953 Jan 26 2012 79 FR 56985 Sept 24 2014 80 FR 1270 Jan 8 2015 85 FR 85532 Dec 29 2020 Effective Date Note At 80 FR 1270 Jan 8 2015 17 4 c 1 vii was added This paragraph contains information collection and recordkeeping requirements and will not become effective until approval has been given by the Office of Management and Budget 17 5 Commission consideration of applications for station authorization a Applications for station authorization excluding services authorized on a geographic basis are reviewed to determine whether there is a requirement that the antenna structure in question must be registered with the Commission b If registration is required | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
the registrant must supply the structure s registration number upon request by the Commission c If registration is not required the application for authorization will be processed without further regard to this chapter 61 FR 4362 Feb 6 1996 17 6 Responsibility for painting and lighting compliance a The antenna structure owner is responsible for maintaining the painting and lighting in accordance with this part However if a licensee or permittee authorized on an antenna structure is aware that the structure is not being maintained in accordance with the specifications set forth on the Antenna Structure Registration FCC Form 854R or the requirements of this part or otherwise has reason to question whether the antenna structure owner is carrying out its responsibility under this part the licensee or permittee must take immediate steps to ensure that the antenna structure is brought into compliance and remains in compliance The licensee must 1 Immediately notify the structure owner 2 Immediately notify the site management company if applicable 3 Immediately notify the Commission and 4 Make a diligent effort to immediately bring the structure into compliance 47 CFR 17 6 a 4 enhanced display page 7 of 14 47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 17 6 b Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures b In the event of non compliance by the antenna structure owner the Commission may require each licensee and permittee authorized on an antenna structure to maintain the structure for an indefinite period in accordance with the Antenna Structure Registration FCC Form 854R and the requirements of this part c If the owner of the antenna structure cannot file FCC Form 854 because it is subject to a denial of Federal benefits under the Anti Drug Abuse Act of 1988 21 | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
U S C 862 the first tenant licensee authorized to locate on the structure excluding tenants that no longer occupy the structure must electronically register the structure using FCC Form 854 and provide a copy of the Antenna Structure Registration FCC Form 854R to the owner The owner remains responsible for providing to all tenant licensees and permittees notification that the structure has been registered consistent with 17 4 f and for posting the registration number as required by 17 4 g 61 FR 4363 Feb 6 1996 as amended at 79 FR 56985 Sept 24 2014 85 FR 85532 Dec 29 2020 Subpart B Federal Aviation Administration Notification Criteria 17 7 Antenna structures requiring notification to the FAA A notification to the FAA is required except as set forth in paragraph e of this section for any of the following construction or alteration a Any construction or alteration of more than 60 96 meters 200 feet in height above ground level at its site b Any construction or alteration that exceeds an imaginary surface extending outward and upward at any of the following slopes 1 100 to 1 for a horizontal distance of 6 10 kilometers 20 000 feet from the nearest point of the nearest runway of each airport described in paragraph d of this section with its longest runway more than 0 98 kilometers 3 200 feet in actual length excluding heliports 2 50 to 1 for a horizontal distance of 3 05 kilometers 10 000 feet from the nearest point of the nearest runway of each airport described in paragraph d of this section with its longest runway no more than 0 98 kilometers 3 200 feet in actual length excluding heliports 3 25 to 1 for a horizontal distance of 1 52 kilometers 5 000 | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
feet from the nearest point of the nearest landing and takeoff area of each heliport described in paragraph d of this section c When requested by the FAA any construction or alteration that would be in an instrument approach area defined in the FAA standards governing instrument approach procedures and available information indicates it might exceed an obstruction standard of the FAA d Any construction or alteration on any of the following airports and heliports 1 A public use airport listed in the Airport Facility Directory Alaska Supplement or Pacific Chart Supplement of the U S Government Flight Information Publications 2 A military airport under construction or an airport under construction that will be available for public use 3 An airport operated by a Federal agency or the United States Department of Defense 4 An airport or heliport with at least one FAA approved instrument approach procedure 47 CFR 17 7 d 4 enhanced display page 8 of 14 47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 17 7 e Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures e A notification to the FAA is not required for any of the following construction or alteration 1 Any object that will be shielded by existing structures of a permanent and substantial nature or by natural terrain or topographic features of equal or greater height and will be located in the congested area of a city town or settlement where the shielded structure will not adversely affect safety in air navigation 2 Any air navigation facility airport visual approach or landing aid aircraft arresting device or meteorological device meeting FAA approved siting criteria or an appropriate military service siting criteria on military airports the location and height of which are fixed by its functional purpose 3 Any | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
antenna structure of 6 10 meters 20 feet or less in height except one that would increase the height of another antenna structure Note to 17 7 Consideration to aeronautical facilities not in existence at the time of the filing of the application for radio facilities will be given only when proposed airport construction or improvement plans are on file with the Federal Aviation Administration as of the filing date of the application for such radio facilities 39 FR 7581 Feb 27 1974 as amended at 39 FR 26157 July 17 1974 42 FR 54823 Oct 11 1977 42 FR 57127 Nov 1 1977 79 FR 56986 Sept 24 2014 17 8 Establishment of antenna farm areas a Each antenna farm area will be established by an appropriate rulemaking proceeding which may be commenced by the Commission on its own motion after consultation with the FAA upon request of the FAA or as a result of a petition filed by any interested person After receipt of a petition from an interested person disclosing sufficient reasons to justify institution of a rulemaking proceeding the Commission will request the advice of the FAA with respect to the considerations of menace to air navigation in terms of air safety which may be presented by the proposal The written communication received from the FAA in response to the Commission s request shall be placed in the Commission s public rulemaking file containing the petition and interested persons shall be allowed a period of 30 days within which to file statements with respect thereto Such statements shall also be filed with the Administrator of the FAA with proof of such filing to be established in accordance with 1 47 of this chapter The Administrator of the FAA shall have a period of 15 days within | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
which to file responses to such statements If the Commission upon consideration of the matters presented to it in accordance with the above procedure is satisfied that establishment of the proposed antenna farm would constitute a menace to air navigation for reasons of air safety rulemaking proceedings will not be instituted If rulemaking proceedings are instituted any person filing comments therein which concern the question of whether the proposed antenna farm will constitute a menace to air navigation shall file a copy of the comments with the Administrator of the FAA Proof of such filing shall be established in accordance with 1 47 of this chapter b Nothing in this subpart shall be construed to mean that only one antenna farm area will be designated for a community The Commission will consider on a case by case basis whether or not more than one antenna farm area shall be designated for a particular community 32 FR 8813 June 21 1967 as amended at 32 FR 13591 Sept 28 1967 47 CFR 17 8 b enhanced display page 9 of 14 47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 17 9 Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures 17 9 Designated antenna farm areas The areas described in the following paragraphs of this section are established as antenna farm areas appropriate paragraphs will be added as necessary 32 FR 8813 June 21 1967 17 10 Antenna structures over 304 80 meters 1 000 feet in height Where one or more antenna farm areas have been designated for a community or communities see 17 9 the Commission will not accept for filing an application to construct a new station or to increase height or change antenna location of an existing station proposing the erection of an | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
antenna structure over 304 80 meters 1 000 feet above ground unless a It is proposed to locate the antenna structure in a designated antenna farm area or b It is accompanied by a statement from the Federal Aviation Administration that the proposed structure will not constitute a menace to air navigation or c It is accompanied by a request for waiver setting forth reasons sufficient if true to justify such a waiver 32 FR 8813 June 21 1967 as amended at 42 FR 54824 Oct 11 1977 61 FR 4363 Feb 6 1996 17 14 17 17 Reserved Subpart C Specifications for Obstruction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures 17 21 Painting and lighting when required Antenna structures shall be painted and lighted when a Their height exceeds any obstruction standard requiring notification to the FAA see 17 4 a and 17 7 b The Commission may modify the above requirement for painting and or lighting of antenna structures when it is shown by the applicant that the absence of such marking would not impair the safety of air navigation or that a lesser marking requirement would insure the safety thereof c An antenna installation is of such a nature that its painting and lighting specifications in accordance with the FAA airspace recommendation are confusing or endanger rather than assist airmen or are otherwise inadequate In these cases the Commission will specify the type of painting and lighting or other marking to be used for the particular structure 32 FR 11269 Aug 3 1967 as amended at 42 FR 54824 Oct 11 1977 79 FR 56986 Sept 24 2014 17 22 Reserved 17 23 Specifications for painting and lighting antenna structures Unless otherwise specified by the Commission each new or altered antenna structure must conform to the FAA s | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
painting and lighting specifications set forth in the FAA s final determination of no hazard and the associated FAA study for that particular structure For purposes of this part any specifications standards and general requirements 47 CFR 17 23 enhanced display page 10 of 14 47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 17 24 Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures set forth by the FAA in the structure s determination of no hazard and the associated FAA study are mandatory Additionally each antenna structure must be painted and lighted in accordance with any painting and lighting requirements prescribed on the antenna structure s registration or in accordance with any other specifications provided by the Commission 79 FR 56986 Sept 24 2014 17 24 Existing structures No change to painting or lighting criteria or relocation of airports shall at any time impose a new restriction upon any then existing or authorized antenna structure or structures unless the FAA issues a new determination of no hazard and associated FAA study for the particular structure 79 FR 56986 Sept 24 2014 17 25 17 45 Reserved 17 47 Inspection of antenna structure lights and associated control equipment The owner of any antenna structure which is registered with the Commission and has been assigned lighting specifications referenced in this part a 1 Shall make an observation of the antenna structure s lights at least once each 24 hours either visually or by observing an automatic properly maintained indicator designed to register any failure of such lights to insure that all such lights are functioning properly as required or alternatively 2 Shall provide and properly maintain an automatic alarm system designed to detect any failure of such lights and to provide indication of such failure to the | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
owner b Shall inspect at intervals not to exceed 3 months all automatic or mechanical control devices indicators and alarm systems associated with the antenna structure lighting to insure that such apparatus is functioning properly c Is exempt from paragraph b of this section for any antenna structure monitored by a system that the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau has determined includes self diagnostic features sufficient to render quarterly inspections unnecessary upon certification of use of such system to the Bureau 61 FR 4363 Feb 6 1996 as amended at 79 FR 56986 Sept 24 2014 17 48 Notification of extinguishment or improper functioning of lights The owner of any antenna structure which is registered with the Commission and has been assigned lighting specifications referenced in this part a Shall report immediately to the FAA by means acceptable to the FAA any observed or otherwise known extinguishment or improper functioning of any top steady burning light or any flashing obstruction light regardless of its position on the antenna structure not corrected within 30 minutes If the lights cannot be repaired within the FAA s Notices to Airmen NOTAM period the owner shall notify the FAA to extend the outage date and report a return to service date The owner shall repeat this process until the lights are 47 CFR 17 48 a enhanced display page 11 of 14 47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 17 48 b Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures repaired Such reports shall set forth the condition of the light or lights the circumstances which caused the failure the probable date for restoration of service the FCC Antenna Structure Registration Number the height of the structure AGL and AMSL if known and the name title address and telephone number | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
of the person making the report Further notification to the FAA by means acceptable to the FAA shall be given immediately upon resumption of normal operation of the light or lights b An extinguishment or improper functioning of a steady burning side intermediate light or lights shall be corrected as soon as practicable but notification to the FAA of such extinguishment or improper functioning is not required 32 FR 11273 Aug 3 1967 as amended at 39 FR 26157 July 17 1974 40 FR 30267 July 18 1975 61 FR 4364 Feb 6 1996 79 FR 56986 Sept 24 2014 17 49 Recording of antenna structure light inspections in the owner record The owner of each antenna structure which is registered with the Commission and has been assigned lighting specifications referenced in this part must maintain a record of any observed or otherwise known extinguishment or improper functioning of a structure light This record shall be retained for a period of two years and provided to the FCC or its agents upon request The record shall include the following information for each such event a The nature of such extinguishment or improper functioning b The date and time the extinguishment or improper operation was observed or otherwise noted c Date and time of FAA notification if applicable d The date time and nature of adjustments repairs or replacements made 48 FR 38477 Aug 24 1983 as amended at 61 FR 4364 Feb 6 1996 79 FR 56987 Sept 24 2014 17 50 Cleaning and repainting Antenna structures requiring painting under this part shall be cleaned or repainted as often as necessary to maintain good visibility Evaluation of the current paint status shall be made by using the FAA s In Service Aviation Orange Tolerance Chart This chart is based upon | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
the color requirements contained in the National Bureau of Standards Report NBSIR 75 663 Color Requirements for the Marking of Obstructions 79 FR 56987 Sept 24 2014 17 51 Reserved 17 53 Lighting equipment and paint The lighting equipment color or filters and shade of paint referred to in the specifications are further defined in the following government and or Army Navy aeronautical specifications bulletins and drawings lamps are referred to by standard numbers Outside white TT P 1021 Color No 17875 FS 595 Aviation surface orange TT P 591 Color No 12197 FS 595 Aviation surface orange enamel TT E 4891 Color No 12197 FS 595 47 CFR 17 53 enhanced display page 12 of 14 47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 17 54 Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures Aviation red obstruction light color MIL C 250502 Flashing beacons CAA 4463 Code Beacons 300 mm Do MIL 62732 Double and single obstruction light L 8103 FAA AC No 150 5345 24 Do MIL L 78302 High intensity white obstruction light FAA DOD L 856 FAA AC No 150 5345 43B4 116 Watt lamp No 116 A21 TS 6 000 h 125 Watt lamp No 125 A21 TS 6 000 h 620 Watt lamp No 620 PS 40 3 000 h 700 Watt lamp No 700 PS 40 6 000 h 1Copies of this specification can be obtained from the Specification Activity Building 197 Room 301 Naval Weapons Plant 1st and N Streets SE Washington D C 20407 2Copies of Military specifications can be obtained by contacting the Commanding Officer Naval Publications and Forms Center 5801 Tabor Ave Attention NPPC 105 Philadelphia Pa 19120 3Copies of Federal Aviation Administration specifications may be obtained from the Chief Configuration Control Branch AAF | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
110 Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue SW Washington D C 20591 4Copies of Federal Aviation Administration advisory circulars may be obtained from the Department of Transportation Publications Section TAD 443 1 400 7th St SW Washington D C 20590 33 FR 11540 Aug 14 1968 as amended at 40 FR 30267 July 18 1975 17 54 Rated lamp voltage To insure the necessary lumen output by obstruction lights the rated voltage of incandescent lamps used shall correspond to be within 3 percent higher than the voltage across the lamp socket during the normal hours of operation 42 FR 54826 Oct 11 1977 17 56 Maintenance of lighting equipment Replacing or repairing of lights automatic indicators or automatic control or alarm systems shall be accomplished as soon as practicable 79 FR 56986 Sept 24 2014 47 CFR 17 56 enhanced display page 13 of 14 47 CFR Part 17 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 17 57 Construction Marking and Lighting of Antenna Structures 17 57 Report of radio transmitting antenna construction alteration and or removal The owner of an antenna structure for which an Antenna Structure Registration Number has been obtained must notify the Commission within 5 days of completion of construction by filing FCC Form 854 R and or dismantlement by filing FCC Form 854 The owner must also notify the Commission within 5 days of any change in structure height or change in ownership information by filing FCC Form 854 FCC Forms 854 and 854 R and all related amendments modifications and attachments shall be filed electronically 85 FR 85532 Dec 29 2020 17 58 Reserved 47 CFR 17 58 enhanced display page 14 of 14 | corpus_data/corpus_txt/47-CFR-Part-17-_up-to-date-as-of-2-20-2024_.txt |
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