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Drowned out by the algorithm: Vaccination advocates struggle to be heard online | https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/drowned-out-algorithm-pro-vaccination-advocates-struggle-be-heard-online-n976321 | msnbc | vaccines | left | No agreement | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['out'] | Abafados pelo algoritmo: os defensores da vacinação lutam para serem ouvidos online | ['para'] |
Since the coronavirus pandemic began, emboldened pro-life groups have used the public health crisis to try to disrupt access to abortion. | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-anti-abortion-movement-is-capitalizing-on-the-coronavirus_n_5ec57470c5b6ceaf1631b29c | huffpost | abortion | left | No agreement | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['emboldened'] | Desde o início da pandemia de coronavírus, grupos pró-vida encorajados usaram a crise de saúde pública para tentar interromper o acesso ao aborto. | ['encorajados'] |
America is likely to remain a relative manufacturing wasteland, as barren as Trump’s own ill-conceived ideas on trade. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/09/trump-is-incapable-of-fixing-relations-with-china-and-his-trade-war-is-likely-to-grow-more-destructive/ | alternet | international-politics-and-world-news | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['barren', 'ill-conceived'] | É provável que os Estados Unidos continuem sendo um relativo deserto industrial, tão estéril quanto as próprias ideias mal concebidas de Trump sobre comércio. | ['estéril'] |
Amanda Kifferly, vice president of abortion access for The Women’s Centers, explained that she’s seeing some of the ways that the coronavirus is making it harder for women to get an abortion, which was already difficult because of all the needless bureaucratic obstacles put in place by conservative legislators. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/05/the-pandemic-has-triggered-an-abortion-crisis/ | alternet | abortion | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Amanda Kifferly, vice-presidente de acesso ao aborto do The Women's Centers, explicou que está vendo algumas das maneiras pelas quais o coronavírus está dificultando o aborto das mulheres, o que já era difícil por causa de todos os obstáculos burocráticos desnecessários impostos por legisladores conservadores. | [] |
With two justices appointed in recent years by President Donald Trump, the Supreme Court has appeared primed and ready to deliver a huge victory for conservatives looking to roll back abortion rights in the United States. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/03/why-chief-justice-john-roberts-just-stunned-observers-in-a-key-abortion-case/ | alternet | abortion | left | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | Com dois juízes nomeados nos últimos anos pelo presidente Donald Trump, a Suprema Corte parece preparada e pronta para entregar uma grande vitória para os conservadores que buscam reverter o direito ao aborto nos Estados Unidos. | [] |
Obama’s claim that “history” was on his side is arguably false. The massive, historically unprecedented wave of immigrants crashing across the U.S. southern border is a political phenomenon, set in motion by the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act and accelerated by the Obama administration’s disastrous Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2015/02/26/obama-to-amnesty-beneficiaries-theres-going-to-be-a-president-rodriguez-someday/ | breitbart | student-debt | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['unprecedented', 'disastrous', 'crashing'] | A alegação de Obama de que a “história” estava do seu lado é indiscutivelmente falsa. A onda massiva e sem precedentes de imigrantes atravessando a fronteira sul dos EUA é um fenômeno político, desencadeado pela Lei de Imigração e Nacionalidade de 1965 e acelerado pela desastrosa Ação Diferida para Chegadas de Crianças (DACA) do governo Obama. | ['desastrosa', 'atravessando'] |
In practice, that means it's hard to trust Bezos' pledge when Amazon, the source of his wealth, has been aggressively courting oil and gas companies with its cloud computing services and threatened workers who campaigned for stronger climate action with dismissal. | https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/jeff-bezos-climate-change-philanthropy-has-quite-few-hidden-strings-ncna1143791?cid=public-rss_20200228 | msnbc | environment | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['aggressively'] | Na prática, isso significa que é difícil confiar na promessa de Bezos quando a Amazon, a fonte de sua riqueza, vem cortejando agressivamente as empresas de petróleo e gás com seus serviços de computação em nuvem e ameaçando demitir os trabalhadores que faziam campanha por uma ação climática mais forte. | ['agressivamente'] |
The president has called for a tough response to the protests in order to "dominate the streets" and has threatened to call in active-duty troops to quell unrest in cities where local authorities were unable to do so. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/06/07/trump-orders-national-guard-leave-washington-dc/3170144001/ | usa-today | trump-presidency | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | O presidente pediu uma resposta dura aos protestos para "dominar as ruas" e ameaçou convocar tropas da ativa para conter a agitação nas cidades onde as autoridades locais não conseguiram. | [] |
Student loan debt is no doubt a drag on the U.S. economy, holding back how much money young consumers can spend on cars, homes and even invest in 401(k) plans or new businesses. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/07/25/student-loans-can-2020-election-help-you-shed-debt/1826032001/ | usa-today | student-debt | center | Non-biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | [] | Dívidas de empréstimos estudantis são, sem dúvida, um empecilho para a economia dos EUA, retendo quanto dinheiro os consumidores jovens podem gastar em carros, casas e até mesmo investir em planos 401(k) ou novos negócios. | [] |
Free trade has helped gut working and middle class American jobs and stripped whole middle American towns of their industries and livelihoods. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/11/01/josh-hawley-bushs-globalist-new-world-order-has-made-the-elites-rich-eroded-middle-class-way-of-life/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | middle-class | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['gut', 'working', 'stripped'] | O livre comércio ajudou a destruir os empregos dos trabalhadores e da classe média americana e despojou cidades americanas inteiras de suas indústrias e meios de subsistência. | ['despojou', 'e', 'e'] |
Other than the fact that none of the above is even close to the truth and that the entire premise of the article is the fakest of fake news, the Daily Beast has a real bombshell on its hands. | https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2018/11/08/daily-beast-spreads-fake-news-white-nationalist-guest-white-house/ | breitbart | white-nationalism | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['bombshell'] | Além do fato de que nenhuma das opções acima está nem perto da verdade e que toda a premissa do artigo é a mais falsa das notícias falsas, o Daily Beast tem uma verdadeira bomba em suas mãos. | ['bomba'] |
This is all great news. It now looks like we have a safe, highly effective vaccine that has the potential to significantly reduce many forms of cancer. So why is it also becoming a key target of many anti-vaxxers? | https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/hpv-vaccine-trial-anti-vaxxers-mobilize-against-effective-cancer-prevention-ncna1033161 | msnbc | vaccines | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['anti-vaxxers'] | Tudo isso é uma ótima notícia. Agora parece que temos uma vacina segura e altamente eficaz que tem o potencial de reduzir significativamente muitas formas de câncer. Então, por que também está se tornando um alvo importante de muitos anti-vaxxers? | [] |
The rollback of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), called an “international treasure” by one former EPA official, will allow the fossil fuel industry to quickly get approval for new projects that could send climate-warming, pollution-causing emissions into surrounding communities, as well as harm wildlife habitats and federally protected lands, with scant oversight. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/01/trump-rule-change-would-take-a-chainsaw-to-a-bedrock-environmental-law-critics-say/ | alternet | environment | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | A reversão da Lei de Política Ambiental Nacional (NEPA), chamada de “tesouro internacional” por um ex-funcionário da EPA, permitirá que a indústria de combustíveis fósseis obtenha rapidamente aprovação para novos projetos que possam enviar emissões causadoras de poluição e aquecimento climático para as comunidades vizinhas , além de prejudicar os habitats da vida selvagem e as terras protegidas pelo governo federal, com pouca supervisão. | [] |
Procter and Gamble, a major sponsor of the US Women’s National Soccer team, has backed the players in their fight for equal pay, with a public donation of $529,000. | https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/procter-and-gamble-donates-24529k-to-us-womens-soccer-team-to-close-gender-pay-gap/ar-AAEjC9d | msnbc | sport | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | A Procter and Gamble, uma das principais patrocinadoras da Seleção Feminina de Futebol dos Estados Unidos, apoiou as jogadoras em sua luta por salários iguais, com uma doação pública de US$ 529.000. | [] |
The U.S. president has come under sustained criticism for his racially incendiary rhetoric since launching his candidacy in 2015 — including his repeated use of the word “invasion” to describe immigration along the U.S.-Mexico border. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-white-nationalism-insight/el-paso-massacre-upends-white-nationalists-normalization-strategy-idUSKCN1UY2B5 | reuters | white-nationalism | center | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['incendiary'] | presidente dos EUA está sob críticas constantes por sua retórica racialmente incendiária desde o lançamento de sua candidatura em 2015 – incluindo o uso repetido da palavra “invasão” para descrever a imigração ao longo da fronteira EUA-México. | ['incendiária'] |
Last week, Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy released a three-minute video in which he vigorously ranted against the ongoing lockdowns. Portnoy’s basic point was that the goalposts have shifted from “flatten the curve” to “find a cure.” | https://thefederalist.com/2020/05/18/how-you-can-help-roll-back-the-coronavirus-police-state/ | federalist | coronavirus | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['vigorously', 'ranted'] | Na semana passada, o fundador da Barstool Sports, Dave Portnoy, lançou um vídeo de três minutos no qual ele se pronunciou vigorosamente contra os bloqueios em andamento. O ponto básico de Portnoy era que as balizas mudaram de “achatar a curva” para “encontrar uma cura”. | ['vigorosamente', 'que'] |
Earlier this year, Freedom to Prosper and Data for Progress fielded a nationally representative survey analyzing support for repealing Trump’s tax cuts and using the proceeds to cancel outstanding student debt. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/04/there-are-promising-signs-that-america-is-waking-up-to-the-student-debt-crisis/ | alternet | student-debt | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | No início deste ano, a Freedom to Prosper e a Data for Progress responderam a uma pesquisa nacionalmente representativa analisando o apoio à revogação dos cortes de impostos de Trump e usando os recursos para cancelar dívidas estudantis pendentes. | [] |
The whole anti-vaxx (as it became known) thing was nuts, a way for fading celebrities to pretend to be the vanguard of a Great Cause that Saved The Children from a sinister government conspiracy. | https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2019/06/24/huffpo-to-delete-jim-carrey-jenny-mccarthy-other-anti-vaccine-posts/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | vaccines | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['sinister'] | A coisa toda anti-vaxx (como ficou conhecida) era maluca, uma maneira de celebridades decadentes fingirem ser a vanguarda de uma Grande Causa que Salvou as Crianças de uma conspiração sinistra do governo. | ['sinistra'] |
The biggest problem for NeverTrump, however, is the pitiful performance of the Republican Congress, which has been unable to act on its core priorities, and reinforces the notion that only Trump is strong enough to lead the party. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2017/07/25/plan-emerges-nevertrump-primary-trump-2020/ | breitbart | trump-presidency | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['pitiful'] | maior problema para NeverTrump, no entanto, é o desempenho lamentável do Congresso republicano, que não tem conseguido atuar em suas prioridades centrais, e reforça a noção de que apenas Trump é forte o suficiente para liderar o partido. | ['lamentável'] |
A majority of Americans do not agree with Democrats’ gun violence demagoguery. | https://thefederalist.com/2019/02/21/facts-mass-shootings-support-gun-ownership-not-gun-control/?utm_source=The+Federalist+List&utm_campaign=e01eef4417-RSS_The_Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_Transom&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-e01eef4417-83843357 | federalist | gun-control | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['demagoguery'] | A maioria dos americanos não concorda com a demagogia da violência armada dos democratas. | ['demagogia'] |
John Coughlin’s burgeoning career was recently shrouded in controversy after the U.S. Center for SafeSport placed a temporary restriction on his eligibility to be involved figure skating on Dec. 17, USA Today first reported. | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/john-coughlin-dead_n_5c4381b3e4b0bfa693c41bc4 | huffpost | sport | left | Non-biased | No agreement | [] | A crescente carreira de John Coughlin foi recentemente envolta em controvérsia depois que o US Center for SafeSport colocou uma restrição temporária em sua elegibilidade para se envolver na patinação artística em 17 de dezembro, o USA Today informou pela primeira vez. | [] |
Trump’s approval rating remains resilient at around 40%, with a large majority of Republicans still approving of his overall performance. But sustained pessimism among Trump’s supporters could portend potential weakness ahead of November’s election, when he will face Democratic former Vice President Joe Biden, experts said. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-republicans-exclusive/exclusive-in-warning-sign-for-trump-republicans-growing-pessimistic-about-countrys-direction-idUSKBN23E0FM | reuters | elections-2020 | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | O índice de aprovação de Trump permanece resiliente em cerca de 40%, com uma grande maioria dos republicanos ainda aprovando seu desempenho geral. Mas o pessimismo sustentado entre os apoiadores de Trump pode pressagiar uma potencial fraqueza antes da eleição de novembro, quando ele enfrentará o ex-vice-presidente democrata Joe Biden, disseram especialistas. | [] |
Factual analyses have dismantled this false narrative put forth by some in the mainstream media. | https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2017/03/16/niac-pushes-fake-news-trumps-ban-a-white-nationalist-effort-to-change-the-trajectory-of-immigration/ | breitbart | white-nationalism | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['dismantled'] | Análises factuais desmantelaram essa falsa narrativa apresentada por alguns na grande mídia. | ['desmantelaram'] |
Republicans and gun-rights groups have pledged stiff resistance. | https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/newly-empowered-virginia-democrats-promise-action-litany-issues-n1112271 | msnbc | gun-control | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['stiff'] | Republicanos e grupos de defesa do porte de armas prometeram forte resistência. | ['forte'] |
It's all very well to tell city residents not to line their trash cans with plastic bags, but washing out a kitchen receptacle every couple of days after use because it doesn't have a plastic liner will takes its toll on water supplies. | https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/mexico-city-s-plastic-bag-ban-takes-effect-some-rethink-n1109436?cid=public-rss_20200102 | msnbc | environment | left | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | É muito bom dizer aos moradores da cidade para não forrarem suas latas de lixo com sacolas plásticas, mas lavar um receptáculo de cozinha a cada dois dias após o uso, porque ele não tem um forro de plástico, afetará o abastecimento de água. | [] |
There is a growing push within the Trump administration to craft a list of retaliatory measures against China over its role in the coronavirus outbreak, three sources, including a U.S. official, familiar with the matter said, but cautioned the efforts were in early stages. | https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-usa-china-idUSL1N2CI20B | reuters | coronavirus | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Há uma pressão crescente dentro do governo Trump para elaborar uma lista de medidas retaliatórias contra a China sobre seu papel no surto de coronavírus, disseram três fontes, incluindo uma autoridade dos EUA, familiarizadas com o assunto, mas alertaram que os esforços estavam nos estágios iniciais. | [] |
But the decline in carbon emissions caused by coronavirus-related lockdowns could easily be wiped out by efforts to quickly ramp up economies, including governments around the world that may be more willing to relax regulations to jump-start companies. | https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/coronavirus-lockdowns-have-sent-pollution-plummeting-environmentalists-worry-about-what-n1178326?cid=public-rss_20200407 | msnbc | environment | left | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | Mas o declínio nas emissões de carbono causado pelos bloqueios relacionados ao coronavírus pode ser facilmente eliminado por esforços para acelerar rapidamente as economias, incluindo governos de todo o mundo que podem estar mais dispostos a relaxar os regulamentos para impulsionar as empresas. | [] |
For Democrats, this wave or new regulation, censorship, and civic pressure will free the less-than-one-percent of people who say they are transgender from the oppressive, outdated rules of male-dominated supremacy. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/04/05/ocasio-cortez-draft-all-genders-for-the-military/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | gender | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['oppressive', 'outdated'] | Para os democratas, essa onda ou nova regulamentação, censura e pressão cívica libertarão menos de um por cento das pessoas que se dizem transgênero das regras opressivas e ultrapassadas da supremacia dominada pelos homens. | ['opressivas', 'ultrapassadas'] |
But Sanders’ growing popularity – even after expressing sympathetic views of Castro and other authoritarian regimes – underscores a problem for Florida Democrats, especially in South Florida, which has a large number of Cubans, Venezuelans and Nicaraguans whose families suffered under dictators. | https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bernie-sanders-florida-cuban-venezuelan-voters-socialist | fox-news | immigration | right | Non-biased | No agreement | [] | Mas a crescente popularidade de Sanders – mesmo depois de expressar opiniões favoráveis a Castro e outros regimes autoritários – ressalta um problema para os democratas da Flórida, especialmente no sul da Flórida, que tem um grande número de cubanos, venezuelanos e nicaraguenses cujas famílias sofreram sob ditadores. | [] |
European states are trying to accelerate a plan to shift thousands of foreign Islamic State militants out of Syrian prison camps and into Iraq, as a fresh conflict in Syria has raised the risk of jihadists escaping or returning home. | http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/6nQJrLE2CtU/denmark-to-strip-foreign-fighters-of-danish-citizenship-idUSKBN1WT1RN | reuters | international-politics-and-world-news | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Estados europeus estão tentando acelerar um plano para retirar milhares de militantes estrangeiros do Estado Islâmico dos campos de prisioneiros sírios e colocá-los no Iraque, já que um novo conflito na Síria aumentou o risco de jihadistas escaparem ou voltarem para casa. | [] |
When a figurehead like Trump repeats the myth that vaccines cause autism, as he did during the presidential debates, many parents may choose not to vaccinate, putting children at unnecessary risk. | https://www.alternet.org/2018/07/celebrity-pseudoscience-here-are-nine-household-names-whove-pushed-bad-science-public/ | alternet | vaccines | left | Biased | No agreement | ['figurehead'] | Quando uma figura de proa como Trump repete o mito de que as vacinas causam autismo, como fez durante os debates presidenciais, muitos pais podem optar por não vacinar, colocando as crianças em risco desnecessário. | [] |
During a speech to Young America’s Foundation’s 41st annual National Conservative Student Conference, Hawley slammed the “reigning consensus” of Washington, D.C.’s ruling class that asserts free trade and endless immigration are vital to meet the needs of corporate leaders, the business lobby, and the donor class while ignoring its impact on middle-class Americans. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/08/03/watch-josh-hawley-elite-consensus-for-open-markets-open-borders-disregards-american-middle-class/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | middle-class | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['slammed'] | Durante um discurso na 41ª Conferência Nacional de Estudantes Conservadores da Young America's Foundation, Hawley criticou o "consenso reinante" da classe dominante de Washington, DC, que afirma que o livre comércio e a imigração sem fim são vitais para atender às necessidades dos líderes corporativos, do lobby empresarial e do classe doadora, ignorando seu impacto sobre os americanos de classe média. | ['o'] |
Hungary is backing President Trump in his crackdown on migrants claiming asylum at the southern border -- as the government touts its own success in drastically reducing the influx of migrants into the country. | https://www.foxnews.com/world/hungary-backs-trump-on-asylum-crackdown-as-it-touts-its-own-border-success | fox-news | immigration | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['tout'] | A Hungria está apoiando o presidente Trump em sua repressão aos migrantes que pedem asilo na fronteira sul – enquanto o governo elogia seu próprio sucesso em reduzir drasticamente o fluxo de migrantes para o país. | ['–'] |
Soccer players who defy Olympic rules by making protest gestures at the 2020 Tokyo Games will be supported by their global union. | https://www.deepl.com/translator#en/ru/Soccer%20players%20who%20defy%20Olympic%20rules%20by%20making%20protest%20gestures%20at%20the%202020%20Tokyo%20Games%20will%20be%20supported%20by%20their%20global%20union. | fox-news | sport | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Os jogadores de futebol que desafiarem as regras olímpicas fazendo gestos de protesto nos Jogos de Tóquio de 2020 serão apoiados por seu sindicato global. | [] |
Under the changes, all military style semi-automatics (MSSA) and assault rifles will be banned, along with parts used to convert weapons into MSSAs and all high-capacity magazines. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-newzealand-shootout-gunlaws/shaken-by-mosque-massacre-new-zealand-gun-owners-prepare-to-hand-over-banned-weapons-idUSKCN1R20ME?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews | reuters | gun-control | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Sob as mudanças, todas as semiautomáticas de estilo militar (MSSA) e fuzis de assalto serão banidos, juntamente com peças usadas para converter armas em MSSAs e todos os carregadores de alta capacidade. | [] |
Following a terrible school shooting in Parkland, Florida, last year, CNN hosted an anti-gun rally that whitewashed Sheriff Scott Israel’s fatal errors. | https://thefederalist.com/2019/05/09/colorado-students-walk-out-of-school-shooting-vigil-after-it-turns-political/?fbclid=IwAR0xwJ8lN5Fh4fjhPpYsztespf3DpjMBaGruk46s66_ax8SSZQg2Xk7LGi0#.XNQWVvrytvc.facebook | federalist | gun-control | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['terrible', 'whitewashed', 'fatal'] | Após um terrível tiroteio em uma escola em Parkland, Flórida, no ano passado, a CNN organizou uma manifestação anti-armas que encobriu os erros fatais do xerife Scott Israel. | ['terrível', 'que', 'fatais'] |
Over 70,000 women in Germany have been subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM), and a further 17,000 young girls are at risk of having the barbaric procedure being committed against them. | https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/02/07/female-genital-mutilation-rising-in-germany-because-of-mass-migration-says-german-doctor/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | gender | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['barbaric'] | Mais de 70.000 mulheres na Alemanha foram submetidas à mutilação genital feminina (MGF), e outras 17.000 meninas correm o risco de serem submetidas ao bárbaro procedimento contra elas. | ['bárbaro'] |
How we treat people at or inside our border certainly deserves attention, but we cannot ignore that many people come to the United States in the first place because our foreign policies—by both Democrats and Republicans—force them to leave their homes in Latin America and elsewhere. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/02/how-u-s-foreign-policy-triggers-crisis-and-immigration/ | alternet | immigration | left | Non-biased | No agreement | [] | A maneira como tratamos as pessoas em ou dentro de nossa fronteira certamente merece atenção, mas não podemos ignorar que muitas pessoas vêm para os Estados Unidos em primeiro lugar porque nossas políticas externas - tanto de democratas quanto de republicanos - os forçam a deixar suas casas na América Latina e em outro lugar. | [] |
Driving the momentum is opposition to a host of gun control proposals from Northam and Democrats, who won full control of the state's government in November for the first time since 1993. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/01/15/virginia-gun-laws-northam-may-ban-guns-richmond-rally/4431532002/ | usa-today | gun-control | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Impulsionando o momento está a oposição a uma série de propostas de controle de armas de Northam e dos democratas, que conquistaram o controle total do governo do estado em novembro pela primeira vez desde 1993. | [] |
Job and revenue losses prompted by the coronavirus will likely accelerate the depletion of Social Security and Medicare reserves, U.S. officials said on Wednesday as they released reports showing little change in the federal benefit programs’ pre-pandemic finances. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-benefits/coronavirus-to-accelerate-social-security-medicare-depletion-dates-u-s-officials-say-idUSKCN224368 | reuters | middle-class | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | As perdas de empregos e receitas provocadas pelo coronavírus provavelmente acelerarão o esgotamento das reservas da Seguridade Social e do Medicare, disseram autoridades dos EUA na quarta-feira ao divulgar relatórios mostrando poucas mudanças nas finanças pré-pandêmicas dos programas federais de benefícios. | [] |
Though his mother, Di-Anne, already had $40,000 in student loans from her own graduate school education, she has taken out $42,000 in Parent PLUS Loans for Aaron – and she had kept him in the dark about the cost. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2019/10/10/student-loans-financial-aid-debt-parent-plus-loan-college-hbcu/3916173002/ | usa-today | student-debt | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | ['kept', 'in', 'the', 'dark'] | Embora sua mãe, Di-Anne, já tivesse $ 40.000 em empréstimos estudantis de sua própria pós-graduação, ela tirou $ 42.000 em empréstimos Parent PLUS para Aaron - e ela o manteve no escuro sobre o custo. | ['o', 'em', 'o', 'escuro'] |
Appearing Tuesday Cheddar Live, Rep. Maxine Waters (D) formally endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden for the White House, claiming that President Donald Trump is “destroying America” and advocating for the killing of both black and white children in the wake of nationwide protests over the death of George Floyd. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/06/02/maxine-waters-endorses-biden-trump-talking-about-killing-young-white-children/ | breitbart | elections-2020 | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['claiming'] | Aparecendo na terça-feira no Cheddar Live, a deputada Maxine Waters (D) endossou formalmente o ex-vice-presidente Joe Biden para a Casa Branca, alegando que o presidente Donald Trump está “destruindo a América” e defendendo o assassinato de crianças negras e brancas após a guerra nacional protestos pela morte de George Floyd. | ['defendendo'] |
Gov. Tate Reeves, who has worked for years to limit and end abortion in Mississippi, promised to take action against the state's lone abortion clinic if it continues to provide abortions during the coronavirus pandemic. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/03/24/mississippi-gov-abortions-must-halted-during-coronavirus-pandemic/2909422001/ | usa-today | abortion | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | governador Tate Reeves, que trabalhou durante anos para limitar e acabar com o aborto no Mississippi, prometeu tomar medidas contra a única clínica de aborto do estado se continuar a oferecer abortos durante a pandemia de coronavírus. | [] |
Here’s an irony: Thanks to Roe, America is a whiter place than it would otherwise have become. If pro-lifers had had their way, on the other hand, America would be considerably blacker and browner than it is today. | https://thefederalist.com/2019/09/27/stop-blaming-pro-lifers-for-the-lefts-racism/?utm_source=The+Federalist+List&utm_campaign=22f3c24165-RSS_The_Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_Transom&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-22f3c24165-83771301 | federalist | abortion | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['pro-lifers', 'blacker', 'browner', 'thanks'] | Aqui está uma ironia: graças a Roe, a América é um lugar mais branco do que seria de outra forma. Se os pró-vida tivessem conseguido, por outro lado, a América seria consideravelmente mais negra e morena do que é hoje. | ['pró-vida', 'negra', 'branco', 'que'] |
Since 2016, climate scientists have been revising their estimates of the pace and severity of climate change, and the problem today looks more severe than their worst-case scenarios from three years ago. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/08/trump-moves-to-accelerate-climate-change-and-its-even-more-evil-than-it-first-appears/ | alternet | environment | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Desde 2016, os cientistas do clima revisam suas estimativas sobre o ritmo e a gravidade das mudanças climáticas, e o problema hoje parece mais grave do que os piores cenários de três anos atrás. | [] |
Netflix's statements related to leaving Georgia if fetal heartbeat law goes into effect is the company’s way of firing a warning shot to Georgia and similar states: Conform to our Hollywood ideals and values, or we won’t give you our business. | https://thefederalist.com/2019/06/03/netflix-disney-dont-get-decide-georgias-abortion-laws/#disqus_thread | federalist | abortion | right | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | As declarações da Netflix relacionadas a deixar a Geórgia se a lei do batimento cardíaco fetal entrar em vigor é a maneira da empresa de disparar um tiro de advertência para a Geórgia e estados semelhantes: conforme nossos ideais e valores de Hollywood, ou não lhe daremos nosso negócio. | [] |
Global cooperation is key to ensuring the security of 5G networks, cyber security officials said on Thursday at a meeting in Prague aimed at hammering out how to combat threats as nations begin rolling out next-generation telecoms equipment. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-telecoms-5g-security/global-security-officials-to-hammer-out-united-5g-security-approach-idUSKCN1S81NX | reuters | environment | center | No agreement | Entirely factual | ['hammering', 'out'] | cooperação global é fundamental para garantir a segurança das redes 5G, disseram autoridades de segurança cibernética na quinta-feira em uma reunião em Praga com o objetivo de definir como combater ameaças à medida que os países começam a lançar equipamentos de telecomunicações de última geração. | ['que', 'que'] |
The Obama and then the Trump administrations supported repressive and corrupt governments that followed Zelaya’s ouster, giving a green light to assassinations of dissidents and journalists, government-linked drug trafficking, and spiraling crime. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/02/how-u-s-foreign-policy-triggers-crisis-and-immigration/ | alternet | international-politics-and-world-news | left | Non-biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | [] | As administrações de Obama e depois de Trump apoiaram governos repressivos e corruptos que se seguiram à queda de Zelaya, dando luz verde a assassinatos de dissidentes e jornalistas, tráfico de drogas ligado ao governo e criminalidade crescente. | [] |
At McDonald's, CEO Stephen Easterbrook's compensation was 2,124 times that of the company's median-paid employee — a part-time worker living in Hungary who earned $7,473. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/07/07/new-data-show-wealth-gap-between-ceos-and-workers-and-fuel-debate/1667944001/ | usa-today | middle-class | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | No McDonald's, a remuneração do CEO Stephen Easterbrook era 2.124 vezes maior do que o salário médio do funcionário da empresa - um trabalhador de meio período que vivia na Hungria e ganhava US$ 7.473. | [] |
Athletes and fans are excited for Sowers' historic role at Super Bowl LIV and have remarked that her position is especially poignant given there have only been 13 out gay and bi players in the NFL's 100-year history, according to OutSports. | https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/katie-sowers-make-nfl-history-first-openly-gay-female-coach-n1119441?cid=public-rss_20200121 | msnbc | sport | left | No agreement | No agreement | ['poignant'] | Atletas e fãs estão entusiasmados com o papel histórico de Sowers no Super Bowl LIV e comentaram que sua posição é especialmente comovente, já que houve apenas 13 jogadores gays e bis nos 100 anos de história da NFL, de acordo com o OutSports. | ['e'] |
This unholy, unscientific alliance of right-wingers, COVID-19 truthers and anti-vaxxers became very clear recently following the viral spread of an anti-COVID-19 propaganda movie called “Plandemic,” featuring disgraced scientist-turned-anti-vaxxer ... | https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/coronavirus-vaccine-quarantine-protesters-america-form-unholy-covid-19-alliance-ncna1207796 | msnbc | vaccines | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['unholy', 'truthers', 'anti-vaxxers', 'disgraced'] | Essa aliança profana e não científica de direitistas, verdadeiros COVID-19 e anti-vaxxers ficou muito clara recentemente após a disseminação viral de um filme de propaganda anti-COVID-19 chamado “Plandemic”, apresentando um cientista desgraçado que se tornou anti-vaxxer. .. | ['profana', 'anti-vaxxers', 'desgraçado'] |
At around 10 a.m., however, Trump sent out a tweet that explicitly warned Israel against letting Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib in. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/08/trump-undermines-his-press-secretary-by-immediately-contradicting-her-claims-about-israel-barring-omar-and-tlaib/ | alternet | international-politics-and-world-news | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Por volta das 10h, no entanto, Trump enviou um tuíte que advertia explicitamente Israel contra a entrada do deputado Omar e do deputado Tlaib. | [] |
That is because much of what Newsom and the Democrats value in California has to do with good intentions, rather than real-world results. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/01/02/fact-check-no-california-hasnt-had-an-incredible-decade/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | gun-control | right | No agreement | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['real-world'] | Isso ocorre porque muito do que Newsom e os democratas valorizam na Califórnia tem a ver com boas intenções, e não com resultados do mundo real. | [] |
It’s no surprise that her focus on policy has catapulted Warren back into serious contention. Digging into policy solutions for overlooked problems and explaining it in digestible soundbites is what she has done since the publication of her first book, “As We Forgive Our Debtors,” an empirical study of bankruptcy that completely changed how academics viewed the issue. | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/elizabeth-warren-has-a-plan-for-that_n_5d279e9ee4b0060b11e9a22e | huffpost | student-debt | left | No agreement | No agreement | ['catapulted', 'contention'] | Não é nenhuma surpresa que seu foco na política tenha catapultado Warren de volta à disputa séria. Investigar soluções políticas para problemas negligenciados e explicá-los em trechos de som digeríveis é o que ela tem feito desde a publicação de seu primeiro livro, “As We Forgive Our Debtors”, um estudo empírico de falência que mudou completamente a forma como os acadêmicos viam a questão. | ['catapultado', 'e'] |
Numerous gun control proposals have been thwarted in the U.S. Congress, largely because of opposition by Republican lawmakers and the influential National Rifle Association gun rights lobby. | https://www.deepl.com/translator#en/ru/Numerous%20gun%20control%20proposals%20have%20been%20thwarted%20in%20the%20U.S.%20Congress%2C%20largely%20because%20of%20opposition%20by%20Republican%20lawmakers%20and%20the%20influential%20National%20Rifle%20Association%20gun%20rights%20lobby. | huffpost | gun-control | left | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | Numerosas propostas de controle de armas foram frustradas no Congresso dos EUA, principalmente por causa da oposição de legisladores republicanos e do influente lobby dos direitos de armas da National Rifle Association. | [] |
Meanwhile, uneven enforcement across the platform means a person or page may be disciplined or banned while a related group continues to operate. | https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/vaccine-misinformation-infowars-researchers-wary-facebook-s-embrace-groups-n972286 | msnbc | vaccines | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Enquanto isso, a aplicação desigual na plataforma significa que uma pessoa ou página pode ser disciplinada ou banida enquanto um grupo relacionado continua a operar. | [] |
As the Republican Party is struggling to defend him in a moment of nationwide strife, President Donald Trump decided Thursday night to fuel divisions within GOP rather than make nice. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/trump-stokes-division-in-his-own-party-as-he-rages-at-sen-lisa-murkowski/ | alternet | elections-2020 | left | Biased | Entirely factual | [] | Enquanto o Partido Republicano luta para defendê-lo em um momento de conflito nacional, o presidente Donald Trump decidiu na noite de quinta-feira alimentar as divisões dentro do Partido Republicano, em vez de agradá-lo. | [] |
The administration has stonewalled Congress during the impeachment proceedings and other investigations, but the American public overwhelmingly wants the Trump administration to comply with lawmakers. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/02/betsy-devos-approval-rating-is-28-percent-as-voters-back-investigations-into-student-debt-scandal-poll/ | alternet | student-debt | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['stonewalled'] | O governo bloqueou o Congresso durante o processo de impeachment e outras investigações, mas o público americano quer que o governo Trump obedeça aos legisladores. | [] |
Trump said he will visit the U.S.-Mexican border Thursday to promote his plan for a wall to keep out undocumented immigrants, the sticking point in negotiations with Democrats to reopen the government. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/07/donald-trump-visit-border-thursday-tout-wall-program/2502178002/ | usa-today | immigration | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Trump disse que visitará a fronteira EUA-México na quinta-feira para promover seu plano de um muro para impedir a entrada de imigrantes indocumentados, o ponto crítico nas negociações com os democratas para reabrir o governo. | [] |
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) interrupted debate moderators to discuss the struggles of student loan debt during the second night of the Democrat presidential debates held in Miami, Florida, Thursday night. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/06/27/eric-swalwell-interrupts-moderators-this-generation-is-ready-to-solve-student-loan-debt/ | breitbart | student-debt | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | deputado Eric Swalwell (D-CA) interrompeu os moderadores do debate para discutir as lutas da dívida do empréstimo estudantil durante a segunda noite dos debates presidenciais democratas realizados em Miami, Flórida, na noite de quinta-feira. | [] |
The conservative Heartland Institute released a report on Tuesday in which it criticized leading politicians, activists, and media outlets for using the coronavirus to push their environmental agenda. | https://www.foxnews.com/politics/heartland-report-climate-alarmists-coronavirus | fox-news | environment | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | O conservador Heartland Institute divulgou um relatório na terça-feira no qual criticou os principais políticos, ativistas e meios de comunicação por usar o coronavírus para promover sua agenda ambiental. | [] |
Schlapp’s apology comes as the U.S. is convulsed by protests after the police killing in Minnesota last month of a black man, George Floyd, by a white police officer, who knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes. That officer has been charged with second degree murder and three fellow officers have been charged in abetting Floyd’s death. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-tweet/senior-trump-aide-apologizes-for-promoting-racially-charged-video-idUSKBN23D0X6 | reuters | elections-2020 | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | ['convulsed'] | O pedido de desculpas de Schlapp ocorre quando os EUA são convulsionados por protestos após a morte policial em Minnesota, no mês passado, de um homem negro, George Floyd, por um policial branco, que se ajoelhou em seu pescoço por quase nove minutos. Esse policial foi acusado de assassinato em segundo grau e três colegas policiais foram acusados de cumplicidade na morte de Floyd. | ['convulsionados'] |
The New York Times has a responsibility to exercise greater discretion, rather than publish racially charged clickbait like an article arguing white supremacists have an Asian woman fetish. | https://thefederalist.com/2018/01/12/new-york-times-needs-get-white-supremacy-fetish/ | federalist | white-nationalism | right | Non-biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | [] | O New York Times tem a responsabilidade de exercer maior discrição, em vez de publicar clickbait racialmente carregado como um artigo argumentando que supremacistas brancos têm fetiche por mulheres asiáticas. | [] |
The open letter — Millionaires Against Pitchforks — has been released to coincide with the orgy of virtue-signalling by the globalist elite at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. | https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/01/23/simon-pegg-tax-the-rich-to-save-the-world/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | middle-class | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['orgy', 'virtue-signalling'] | carta aberta — Millionaires Against Pitchforks — foi lançada para coincidir com a orgia de sinalização de virtudes da elite globalista no Fórum Econômico Mundial em Davos, na Suíça. | ['orgia'] |
Amplifying fresh critiques of wealthy inequality that have mounted throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos—the world’s richest man—has added nearly $24 billion to his already massive fortune in 2020 as virus-related lockdowns across the globe have forced people to stay inside and fueled increased e-commerce demand. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/04/richest-man-in-the-world-jeff-bezos-now-24-billion-richer-amid-pandemic-biggest-coronavirus-stimulus-of-all/ | alternet | middle-class | left | Non-biased | No agreement | [] | Amplificando novas críticas à desigualdade de riqueza que aumentaram durante a pandemia de coronavírus, o fundador da Amazon, Jeff Bezos - o homem mais rico do mundo - adicionou quase US $ 24 bilhões à sua já enorme fortuna em 2020, já que os bloqueios relacionados a vírus em todo o mundo forçaram as pessoas a ficar dentro de casa. e alimentou o aumento da demanda de comércio eletrônico. | [] |
They are, she believes, the Founding Fathers' insurance policy against tyranny – the safeguard for every other right spelled out in the U.S. Constitution | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/02/18/how-kentucky-counties-adopted-second-amendment-resolutions-oppose-gun-laws/4777264002/ | usa-today | gun-control | center | No agreement | Entirely factual | ['believes'] | Eles são, ela acredita, a apólice de seguro dos Pais Fundadores contra a tirania – a salvaguarda para todos os outros direitos descritos na Constituição dos EUA. | ['a'] |
Even a member of French President Emmanuel Macron’s La République en Marche! (LREM/Republic on the Move) slammed the sports hijab. | https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/03/01/french-shop-withdraws-sports-hijab-over-boycott/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | sport | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['slammed'] | Até mesmo um membro de La République en Marche, do presidente francês Emmanuel Macron! (LREM/República em Movimento) bateu o hijab esportivo. | ['bateu'] |
Top Democrats running for president in 2020 have jumped on and endorsed Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s radical Green New Deal that aims, among other things, to eliminate air travel. | null | fox-news | environment | right | No agreement | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['jumped', 'on', 'radical'] | Os principais democratas que concorrem à presidência em 2020 aderiram e endossaram o radical New Deal Verde da socialista democrata Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, que visa, entre outras coisas, eliminar as viagens aéreas. | ['o', 'em', 'radical'] |
The idea of exposing your child to something that could potentially harm her, and in a catastrophic way, is terrifying. | https://thefederalist.com/2019/04/25/mother-baby-caught-measles-begs-parents-vaccinate/ | federalist | vaccines | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['catastrophic'] | A ideia de expor seu filho a algo que poderia prejudicá-lo, e de forma catastrófica, é aterrorizante. | ['que'] |
Lawmakers specifically said they want to protect women from facing unfair competition from men who claim to be transgender women. | http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/breitbart/~3/D3lET1ZN_LM/ | breitbart | sport | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['claim'] | Os legisladores disseram especificamente que querem proteger as mulheres de enfrentar a concorrência desleal de homens que afirmam ser mulheres transgênero. | ['desleal'] |
Since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, Trump has hampered efforts to slow the virus’s spread and encouraged Americans’ restlessness under quarantine. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/worse-than-a-preschooler-donald-trump-is-failing-the-marshmallow-test/ | alternet | trump-presidency | left | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | Desde o início do surto de coronavírus, Trump dificultou os esforços para retardar a propagação do vírus e incentivou a inquietação dos americanos durante a quarentena. | [] |
Sargent has written leftist pieces at the Washington Post for years. In March 2016, Sargent called then-candidate Donald Trump a “nightmare nominee,” saying that not even white men like Trump. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/22/jake-tapper-seems-to-imply-josh-hawley-is-antisemitic/ | breitbart | white-nationalism | right | Biased | No agreement | ['leftist'] | Sargent escreveu peças esquerdistas no Washington Post por anos. Em março de 2016, Sargent chamou o então candidato Donald Trump de “indicado pesadelo”, dizendo que nem mesmo homens brancos gostam de Trump. | ['esquerdistas'] |
It’s not taxpayers’ fault that someone spent a lot of money she doesn’t have without a clear vision for how that degree could improve her later financial prospects. | https://thefederalist.com/2019/06/26/taking-student-debt-pursue-degree-consensual-choice/ | federalist | student-debt | right | Non-biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | [] | Não é culpa dos contribuintes que alguém tenha gasto muito dinheiro que não tem sem uma visão clara de como esse diploma poderia melhorar suas perspectivas financeiras posteriores. | [] |
Owens, who said in her opening remarks that she is a Democrat who supports President Donald Trump, said Democrat policies have harmed blacks. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/04/09/candace-owens-white-nationalism-hearing-biggest-scandal-democrats-keeping-minorities-perpetual-victims/ | breitbart | white-nationalism | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Owens, que disse em seus comentários iniciais que é uma democrata que apóia o presidente Donald Trump, disse que as políticas democratas prejudicaram os negros. | [] |
However, Democrats, including some of the 2020 candidates, have continued to push a narrative that Trump called white supremacists “very fine people,” when he clearly did not. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/09/18/al-green-perpetuates-fine-people-hoax-in-hearing-on-white-nationalism/ | breitbart | white-nationalism | right | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | No entanto, os democratas, incluindo alguns dos candidatos de 2020, continuaram a defender a narrativa de que Trump chamou os supremacistas brancos de “pessoas muito boas”, quando ele claramente não o fez. | [] |
Reporting from Buzzfeed News Thursday evening exposed how President Donald Trump’s immigration policies led to four deaths and preventable surgeries for children held in the administration’s detention regime, including one eight-year-old boy whose forehead was partially removed. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/12/explosive-report-reveals-ice-negligence-of-detained-children-resulted-in-deaths/ | alternet | immigration | left | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | Reportagem do Buzzfeed News na noite de quinta-feira expôs como as políticas de imigração do presidente Donald Trump levaram a quatro mortes e cirurgias evitáveis em crianças mantidas no regime de detenção do governo, incluindo um menino de oito anos cuja testa foi parcialmente removida. | [] |
For the first time the annual risk report, compiled by the World Economic Forum (WEF), found the top five concerns were all environmental, from extreme weather to biodiversity loss and events like oil spills and radioactive contamination. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-davos-meeting-globalrisks/leaders-fear-for-planet-as-they-pack-for-green-davos-idUSKBN1ZE10E?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews | reuters | environment | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Pela primeira vez, o relatório anual de risco, compilado pelo Fórum Econômico Mundial (WEF), constatou que as cinco principais preocupações eram todas ambientais, desde clima extremo até perda de biodiversidade e eventos como derramamento de óleo e contaminação radioativa. | [] |
Other protests in 2019 included swimmers from Australia and Britain refusing to join world championship gold medalist Sun Yang on the podium because the Chinese star has been implicated in doping violations. | https://www.nbcnews.com/news/olympics/international-olympic-committee-bans-political-statements-athletes-games-n1113191?cid=public-rss_20200109 | msnbc | sport | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Outros protestos em 2019 incluíram nadadores da Austrália e da Grã-Bretanha se recusando a se juntar ao medalhista de ouro do campeonato mundial Sun Yang no pódio porque a estrela chinesa foi implicada em violações de doping. | [] |
But at its core, there's a basic truth that's unavoidable: ahead of the 2016 cycle, Trump insisted he wouldn't cut any of these social-insurance programs, and ahead of the 2020 cycle, his position is fundamentally different. | https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/reversal-trump-puts-post-2020-entitlement-cuts-table-n1121036 | msnbc | middle-class | left | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | Mas, no fundo, há uma verdade básica inevitável: antes do ciclo de 2016, Trump insistiu que não cortaria nenhum desses programas de seguro social e, antes do ciclo de 2020, sua posição é fundamentalmente diferente. | [] |
How the coronavirus pandemic shows that Christian white nationalism is a much greater threat to the US than radical Islam | https://www.alternet.org/2020/04/how-the-coronavirus-pandemic-shows-that-christian-white-nationalism-is-a-much-greater-threat-to-the-us-than-radical-islam/ | alternet | white-nationalism | left | Non-biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | [] | Como a pandemia de coronavírus mostra que o nacionalismo branco cristão é uma ameaça muito maior para os EUA do que o islamismo radical | [] |
The Republican president proceeded to pitch an aggressively anti-immigrant message ahead of Election Day 2018, when voters handed Democrats control of the House. | http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/part-wall-crusade-pence-turns-mlks-i-have-dream-speech | msnbc | immigration | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['aggressively'] | O presidente republicano lançou uma mensagem agressivamente anti-imigrante antes do dia da eleição de 2018, quando os eleitores entregaram o controle da Câmara aos democratas. | ['agressivamente'] |
As the ranks of Democratic Party 2020 presidential hopefuls continue to swell and Trump’s chaotic lawlessness proliferates it’s easy to miss a deepening crisis that’s already taking a toll on millions of households and is about to get much worse. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/05/the-real-moral-hazard-is-ignoring-the-student-debt-crisis-and-its-devastating-effect-on-the-economy/ | alternet | student-debt | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['chaotic', 'lawlessness'] | À medida que as fileiras dos candidatos presidenciais do Partido Democrata em 2020 continuam a aumentar e a caótica ilegalidade de Trump prolifera, é fácil perder uma crise cada vez mais profunda que já está afetando milhões de lares e está prestes a piorar. | ['caótica', 'ilegalidade'] |
Most hobbyist rock climbers lack the basic rescue skills needed to save themselves in dangerous situations, a study suggests. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-rock-climbing/amateur-rock-climbers-often-lack-skills-to-save-themselves-idUSKCN1PG23N | reuters | sport | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | maioria dos escaladores amadores não possui as habilidades básicas de resgate necessárias para se salvar em situações perigosas, sugere um estudo. | [] |
It’s paramount now, as Fox News and the right-wing noise machine try to take down a new generation of Democratic women leaders, that everyone understands the strategy in play. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/04/fox-news-is-doing-to-ilhan-omar-and-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-exactly-what-it-did-to-hillary-clinton/ | alternet | gender | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['noise', 'machine'] | É fundamental agora, enquanto a Fox News e a máquina de barulho de direita tentam derrubar uma nova geração de mulheres líderes democratas, que todos entendam a estratégia em jogo. | ['barulho', 'máquina'] |
If confirmed to have fled, Jo Song Gil would be another Europe-based diplomat who has sought to leave the impoverished, oppressive North under the rule of Kim Jong Un. | http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/Reuters/worldNews/~3/W6R1JElryi4/former-north-korean-diplomat-urges-missing-colleague-in-italy-to-go-to-south-korea-not-u-s-idUSKCN1OZ05R | reuters | international-politics-and-world-news | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Se confirmado que fugiu, Jo Song Gil seria outro diplomata baseado na Europa que tentou deixar o empobrecido e opressivo Norte sob o domínio de Kim Jong Un. | [] |
The Georgian Orthodox Church Patriarchy said all Easter services would be held in a traditional manner this week but parishioners would be required to maintain social distancing between each other to stem transmission of the virus. | https://uk.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-georgia-idUKL8N2C40Z8 | reuters | coronavirus | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | O Patriarcado da Igreja Ortodoxa da Geórgia disse que todos os serviços de Páscoa seriam realizados de maneira tradicional nesta semana, mas os paroquianos seriam obrigados a manter o distanciamento social entre si para conter a transmissão do vírus. | [] |
Some of Europe's biggest clubs, such as FC Barcelona in Spain and Juventus in Italy — two of the hardest-hit countries — have already agreed to hefty wage cuts with their stars. | https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/coronavirus-pressure-grows-u-k-soccer-stars-cut-pay-crisis-n1175851?cid=public-rss_20200403 | msnbc | sport | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | ['hefty'] | Alguns dos maiores clubes da Europa, como o FC Barcelona na Espanha e a Juventus na Itália - dois dos países mais atingidos - já concordaram com grandes cortes salariais com suas estrelas. | ['e'] |
The Turkmen government also published photos of contact sporting events such as wrestling and martial arts, which most of the world has canceled to prevent the spread of the deadly pathogen originating in central Wuhan, China. | https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2020/04/08/turkmenistan-celebrates-world-health-day-thousands-strong-cycling-event/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | sport | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['deadly'] | governo turcomano também publicou fotos de eventos esportivos de contato, como luta livre e artes marciais, que a maior parte do mundo cancelou para impedir a propagação do patógeno mortal originário do centro de Wuhan, na China. | ['mortal'] |
The self-flattering conceit that sustains NeverTrump’s criticism is that Trump supporters are participating in a cult of personality. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2017/07/25/plan-emerges-nevertrump-primary-trump-2020/ | breitbart | trump-presidency | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['self-flattering', 'conceit'] | A presunção auto-lisonjeira que sustenta a crítica de NeverTrump é que os apoiadores de Trump estão participando de um culto à personalidade. | ['presunção'] |
Yet the gender ideology is rapidly gaining power, aided by huge donations from wealthy individuals and medical companies. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/02/21/transgenderism-a-mans-penis-can-be-a-female-penis/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | gender | right | No agreement | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | No entanto, a ideologia de gênero está ganhando poder rapidamente, auxiliada por enormes doações de indivíduos ricos e empresas médicas. | [] |
We just survived eight years of a messianic presidency, with a finger-wagging, patriotism-appropriating administration lecturing us on how to be proper Americans. | https://thefederalist.com/2017/01/24/trumps-national-day-patriotic-creepy/ | federalist | white-nationalism | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['messianic', 'finger-wagging', 'patriotism-appropriating', 'proper'] | Acabamos de sobreviver a oito anos de uma presidência messiânica, com uma administração que se apropriava do patriotismo e abanava o dedo nos ensinando como ser americanos de verdade. | ['patriotismo', 'o'] |
MSNBC anchor Katy Tur on Wednesday boldly declared that there was “almost no middle class” in America. | https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/msnbcs-katy-tur-challenged-on-air-after-claiming-america-has-almost-no-middle-class?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A%20foxnews%2Fentertainment%20%28Internal%20-%20Entertainment%20-%20Mixed%29 | fox-news | middle-class | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['boldly'] | A âncora da MSNBC, Katy Tur, declarou na quarta-feira corajosamente que “quase não havia classe média” na América. | ['corajosamente'] |
Donald Trump appeared to make some important news via Twitter last night, announcing a dramatic new plan to use Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to remove “millions” of people from American soil. | http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/why-trumps-new-vow-use-ice-deport-millions-matters | msnbc | immigration | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['dramatic'] | Donald Trump apareceu para fazer algumas notícias importantes via Twitter na noite passada, anunciando um novo plano dramático para usar agentes do Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) para remover “milhões” de pessoas do solo americano. | ['dramático'] |
And yes, there’s something in the Fox News DNA over the years that has meant that women political opponents spark a deeper sense of outrage and hate. | https://www.deepl.com/translator#en/ru/And%20yes%2C%20there’s%20something%20in%20the%20Fox%20News%20DNA%20over%20the%20years%20that%20has%20meant%20that%20women%20political%20opponents%20spark%20a%20deeper%20sense%20of%20outrage%20and%20hate. | alternet | gender | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | [] | sim, há algo no DNA da Fox News ao longo dos anos que fez com que as opositoras políticas provocassem um sentimento mais profundo de indignação e ódio. | [] |
Because Trump’s plan to gut pollution safeguards was so drastic that many states announced plans to enforce stricter emissions standards on their own. | http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/blow-trump-auto-manufacturers-reach-deal-california | msnbc | environment | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['drastic'] | Porque o plano de Trump de eliminar as salvaguardas contra a poluição foi tão drástico que muitos estados anunciaram planos para impor padrões de emissões mais rígidos por conta própria. | ['drástico'] |
Oprah Schools Instagram Hater With Receipts After Student Loan Diss | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/oprah-schools-instagram-hater-with-receipts-after-student-loan-diss_n_5ce2dabbe4b0e69c18efe3e2 | huffpost | student-debt | left | Non-biased | No agreement | [] | Odiador do Instagram da Oprah Schools com recibos após diss sobre empréstimo estudantil | [] |
A group of 20 wealthy individuals – including left-wing financier George Soros – signed a letter Monday, begging for a wealth tax and arguing that the U.S has a “moral, ethical, and economic responsibility” to tax wealthy individuals more. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/06/24/soros-linked-group-of-wealthy-individuals-pen-letter-begging-for-a-moderate-wealth-tax/ | breitbart | middle-class | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Um grupo de 20 indivíduos ricos – incluindo o financista de esquerda George Soros – assinou uma carta na segunda-feira, implorando por um imposto sobre a riqueza e argumentando que os EUA têm uma “responsabilidade moral, ética e econômica” de tributar mais os indivíduos ricos. | [] |
Shortcomings in the technology used by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and insufficient training of the agency’s staff have made transgender and gender nonconforming travelers particularly vulnerable to invasive searches at airport checkpoints, interviews and a review of documents and data shows. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/08/why-airport-security-can-turn-into-a-traumatizing-ordeal-for-transgender-travelers/ | alternet | gender | left | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | Deficiências na tecnologia usada pela Transportation Security Administration (TSA) e treinamento insuficiente da equipe da agência tornaram os viajantes transgêneros e não conformes de gênero particularmente vulneráveis a buscas invasivas em postos de controle de aeroportos, entrevistas e revisão de documentos e shows de dados. | [] |
If the measures pass, a person would not need to be charged with a crime or even accused of one for their gun to be taken away. | https://www.foxnews.com/us/virginia-democrats-say-they-have-reached-a-deal-on-red-flag-gun-law | federalist | gun-control | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Se as medidas forem aprovadas, uma pessoa não precisaria ser acusada de um crime ou mesmo acusada de um para que sua arma fosse retirada. | [] |
Instead of motivating kids to payback their loans, Clinton’s plan might actually lead to the decline in liberal arts enrollment. | https://thefederalist.com/2015/08/17/mark-cuban-hillarys-college-plan-wont-reduce-student-debt/ | federalist | student-debt | right | No agreement | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['might'] | Em vez de motivar as crianças a pagar seus empréstimos, o plano de Clinton pode na verdade levar ao declínio das matrículas em artes liberais. | ['o'] |
Subsets and Splits