import numpy as np import pandas as pd from bach import Series, DataFrame from bach.operations.cut import CutOperation, QCutOperation from sql_models.util import quote_identifier from tests.functional.bach.test_data_and_utils import assert_equals_data PD_TESTING_SETTINGS = { 'check_dtype': False, 'check_exact': False, 'atol': 1e-3, } def compare_boundaries(expected: pd.Series, result: Series) -> None: for exp, res in zip(expected.to_numpy(), result.to_numpy()): if not isinstance(exp, pd.Interval): assert res is None or np.isnan(res) continue np.testing.assert_almost_equal(exp.left, float(res.left), decimal=2) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(exp.right, float(res.right), decimal=2) if exp.closed_left: assert res.closed_left if exp.closed_right: assert res.closed_right def test_cut_operation_pandas(engine) -> None: p_series = pd.Series(range(100), name='a') series = DataFrame.from_pandas(engine=engine, df=p_series.to_frame(), convert_objects=True).a expected = pd.cut(p_series, bins=10) result = CutOperation(series=series, bins=10)() compare_boundaries(expected, result) expected_wo_right = pd.cut(p_series, bins=10, right=False) result_wo_right = CutOperation(series, bins=10, right=False)() compare_boundaries(expected_wo_right, result_wo_right) def test_cut_operation_bach(engine) -> None: p_series = pd.Series(range(100), name='a') series = DataFrame.from_pandas(engine=engine, df=p_series.to_frame(), convert_objects=True).a ranges = [ pd.Interval(0, 9.9, closed='both'), pd.Interval(9.9, 19.8, closed='right'), pd.Interval(19.8, 29.7, closed='right'), pd.Interval(29.7, 39.6, closed='right'), pd.Interval(39.6, 49.5, closed='right'), pd.Interval(49.5, 59.4, closed='right'), pd.Interval(59.4, 69.3, closed='right'), pd.Interval(69.3, 79.2, closed='right'), pd.Interval(79.2, 89.1, closed='right'), pd.Interval(89.1, 99, closed='right'), ] expected = pd.Series({num: ranges[int(num / 10)] for num in range(100)}) result = CutOperation(series=series, bins=10, method='bach')().sort_index() compare_boundaries(expected, result) ranges_wo_right = [ pd.Interval(0, 9.9, closed='left'), pd.Interval(9.9, 19.8, closed='left'), pd.Interval(19.8, 29.7, closed='left'), pd.Interval(29.7, 39.6, closed='left'), pd.Interval(39.6, 49.5, closed='left'), pd.Interval(49.5, 59.4, closed='left'), pd.Interval(59.4, 69.3, closed='left'), pd.Interval(69.3, 79.2, closed='left'), pd.Interval(79.2, 89.1, closed='left'), pd.Interval(89.1, 99, closed='both'), ] expected_wo_right = pd.Series({num: ranges_wo_right[int(num / 10)] for num in range(100)}) result_wo_right = CutOperation(series=series, bins=10, method='bach', right=False)().sort_index() compare_boundaries(expected_wo_right, result_wo_right) def test_cut_operation_boundary(engine) -> None: bins = 3 p_series = pd.Series(data=[1, 2, 3, 4], name='a') series = DataFrame.from_pandas(engine=engine, df=p_series.to_frame(), convert_objects=True).a expected = pd.cut(p_series, bins=bins, right=True) result = CutOperation(series=series, bins=bins, right=True)() compare_boundaries(expected, result) def test_cut_w_ignore_index(engine) -> None: bins = 3 p_series = pd.Series(data=[1, 2, 3, 4], name='a') series = DataFrame.from_pandas(engine=engine, df=p_series.to_frame(), convert_objects=True).a result = CutOperation(series=series, bins=bins, right=True, ignore_index=False)() assert ['_index_0', 'a'] == list(result.index.keys()) result_w_ignore = CutOperation(series=series, bins=bins, right=True, ignore_index=True)() assert ['a'] == list(result_w_ignore.index.keys()) def test_cut_w_include_empty_bins(engine) -> None: bins = 3 p_series =
pd.Series(data=[1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8], name='a')
import datetime, os, pathlib, platform, pprint, sys import fastai import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns #import sdv import sklearn import yellowbrick as yb import imblearn from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE from import TabularPandas from fastai.tabular.all import FillMissing, Categorify, Normalize, tabular_learner, accuracy, ClassificationInterpretation, ShowGraphCallback, RandomSplitter, range_of #from sdv.tabular import TVAE from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from yellowbrick.model_selection import CVScores, LearningCurve, ValidationCurve from collections import Counter from matplotlib import pyplot seed: int = 14 # set up pretty printer for easier data evaluation pretty = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4, width=30).pprint # set up pandas display options pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 100)
""" :Authors: <NAME> :Date: 11/24/2016 :TL;DR: this module is responsible for categorical and numerical columns transformations """ from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, MinMaxScaler class TrainTransformations: col_to_scaler, col_to_encoder, col_to_width_edges, col_to_depth_edges = ({} for _ in range(4)) def __init__(self, col_to_scaler, col_to_encoder, col_to_width_edges, col_to_depth_edges): self.col_to_scaler = col_to_scaler self.col_to_encoder = col_to_encoder self.col_to_width_edges = col_to_width_edges self.col_to_depth_edges = col_to_depth_edges def _calc_optimal_num_of_bins(col): """ given a collection of numerical values returns the optimal num of bins according to Freedman-Diaconis rule :param col: collection of numerical values :return: optimal num of bins according to Freedman-Diaconis rule """ iqr = np.subtract(*np.percentile(col, [75, 25])) h = int(np.ceil((2 * iqr) / (len(col) ** (1 / 3)))) + 1 optimal_n = int(np.round((max(col) - min(col)) / h)) return optimal_n def _pct_rank_qcut(series, n, edges=None): if edges is None: edges = pd.Series([float(i) / n for i in range(n + 1)]) return series.rank(pct=1).apply(lambda x: (edges >= x).argmax()), edges def _encode_categorical_columns(encode_df, expand_fit_df=None, col_to_encoder=None): """ given a pandas dataframe with categorical attributes returns encoded dataframe, dictionary mapping column to encoder :param encode_df: pandas dataframe with categorical attributes :param expand_fit_df: optional dataframe to expand encode_df labels :param col_to_encoder: dictionary mapping each column to a transformer used when you want prefitted transformers :return: encoded dataframe, dictionary mapping column to encoder """ # if there's another df passed we'll take it's labels into consideration # so label encoder won't get tackled with new observations if expand_fit_df is not None: assert set(encode_df.columns).issubset(expand_fit_df.columns) encode_df = encode_df.apply( lambda col: set(expand_fit_df[].cat.categories).difference( if not col_to_encoder: col_to_encoder = defaultdict(LabelEncoder) encode_df.apply( lambda col: col_to_encoder[].fit( label_encoded_df = encode_df.apply( lambda col: col_to_encoder[].transform( label_encoded_df.columns = ['ordered_%s' % col for col in label_encoded_df.columns] return label_encoded_df, col_to_encoder def _transform_categorical_columns(train_categorical_df, test_categorical_df=None, col_to_encoder=None): """ given a categorical dataframe returns transformed categorical dataframe based on col_to_encoder transformations :param train_categorical_df: pandas dataframe with categorical attributes :param test_categorical_df: pandas dataframe with categorical attributes :param col_to_encoder: dictionary mapping each column to a transformer :return: transformed categorical dataframe """ # assume there's an order - encode according to sort values label_encoded_df, col_to_encoder = _encode_categorical_columns(encode_df=train_categorical_df, expand_fit_df=test_categorical_df, col_to_encoder=col_to_encoder) # assume there is no order - dummify categorical data dummiefied_categorical_df = pd.get_dummies(train_categorical_df, prefix=train_categorical_df.columns.tolist()) dummiefied_categorical_df = dummiefied_categorical_df.apply(lambda col: col.astype('category')) return label_encoded_df, dummiefied_categorical_df, col_to_encoder def _transform_numerical_columns(train_numerical_df, col_to_scaler=defaultdict(MinMaxScaler)): """ given a numerical dataframe returns transformed numerical dataframe based on col_to_scaler transformations :param train_numerical_df: pandas dataframe with numerical attributes :param col_to_scaler: dictionary mapping each column to a transformer :return: transformed numerical dataframe """ transformed_numerical_df = train_numerical_df.apply( lambda col: col_to_scaler[].fit_transform(col)) transformed_numerical_df = pd.DataFrame(data=transformed_numerical_df, index=train_numerical_df.index, columns=train_numerical_df.columns) return transformed_numerical_df, col_to_scaler def discretize(numerical_df, col_to_width_edges=None, col_to_depth_edges=None, name_labels=False): """ given a numerical dataframe returns equal width and equal depth labeled dataframes and their bins dict :param name_labels: boolean indicates whether to put string labels or int labels :param numerical_df: pandas DataFrame of numerical attributes :param col_to_width_edges: used when you want preset bins :param col_to_depth_edges: used when you want preset bins :return: equal_width_num_df, col_to_width_edges, equal_depth_num_df, col_to_depth_edges """ assert (isinstance(numerical_df, pd.DataFrame)) and (not numerical_df.empty), \ 'numerical_df should be a valid pandas DataFrame' is_edges_recieved = True if (not col_to_width_edges) and (not col_to_depth_edges): col_to_width_edges, col_to_depth_edges = {}, {} is_edges_recieved = False equal_width_num_df, equal_depth_num_df = pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame() for col_name, col in numerical_df.iteritems(): num_of_bins = _calc_optimal_num_of_bins(col) if is_edges_recieved and (col_name in col_to_width_edges.keys()) and (col_name in col_to_depth_edges.keys()): equal_width_col = pd.cut(col, bins=col_to_width_edges[col_name]) if name_labels else pd.cut(col, bins= col_to_width_edges[col_name], labels=False) = 'equal_w_%s' % col_name equal_width_num_df.loc[:,] = equal_width_col equal_depth_col, _ = _pct_rank_qcut(col, num_of_bins, edges=col_to_depth_edges[col_name]) = 'equal_d_%s' % col_name equal_depth_num_df.loc[:,] = equal_depth_col else: if num_of_bins > 1: equal_width_col, col_to_width_edges[col_name] = pd.cut(col, num_of_bins, retbins=True) if name_labels else pd.cut(col, num_of_bins, labels=False, retbins=True) = 'equal_w_%s' % col_name equal_width_num_df.loc[:,] = equal_width_col equal_depth_col, col_to_depth_edges[col_name] = _pct_rank_qcut(col, num_of_bins) = 'equal_d_%s' % col_name equal_depth_num_df.loc[:,] = equal_depth_col return equal_width_num_df, col_to_width_edges, equal_depth_num_df, col_to_depth_edges def preprocess_train_columns(X_train, col_to_scaler=defaultdict(MinMaxScaler), X_test=None): """ given a pandas DataFrame and a PipelineResults object returns a dataframe with columns ready for an ML model , categorical transformations list, numerical transformations list :param col_to_scaler: numerical scaler to apply on each of the numerical columns :param X_train: pandas DataFrame :param pipeline_results: class: 'PipelineResults' :return: dataframe with columns ready for an ML model, categorical transformations list, numerical transformations list """ assert (isinstance(X_train, pd.DataFrame)) and (not X_train.empty), 'X_train should be a valid pandas DataFrame' col_to_width_edges, col_to_depth_edges = None, None numerical_cols = X_train.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]).columns categorical_cols = X_train.select_dtypes(include=['category']).columns is_numerical = len(numerical_cols) > 0 is_categorical = len(categorical_cols) > 0 label_encoded_df, dummiefied_categorical_df, scaled_numerical_df, col_to_encoder =
import operator import re import warnings import numpy as np import pytest from pandas._libs.sparse import IntIndex import pandas.util._test_decorators as td import pandas as pd from pandas import isna from pandas.core.sparse.api import SparseArray, SparseDtype, SparseSeries import pandas.util.testing as tm from pandas.util.testing import assert_almost_equal @pytest.fixture(params=["integer", "block"]) def kind(request): return request.param class TestSparseArray: def setup_method(self, method): self.arr_data = np.array([np.nan, np.nan, 1, 2, 3, np.nan, 4, 5, np.nan, 6]) self.arr = SparseArray(self.arr_data) self.zarr = SparseArray([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 0, 6], fill_value=0) def test_constructor_dtype(self): arr = SparseArray([np.nan, 1, 2, np.nan]) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.float64, np.nan) assert arr.dtype.subtype == np.float64 assert np.isnan(arr.fill_value) arr = SparseArray([np.nan, 1, 2, np.nan], fill_value=0) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.float64, 0) assert arr.fill_value == 0 arr = SparseArray([0, 1, 2, 4], dtype=np.float64) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.float64, np.nan) assert np.isnan(arr.fill_value) arr = SparseArray([0, 1, 2, 4], dtype=np.int64) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.int64, 0) assert arr.fill_value == 0 arr = SparseArray([0, 1, 2, 4], fill_value=0, dtype=np.int64) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.int64, 0) assert arr.fill_value == 0 arr = SparseArray([0, 1, 2, 4], dtype=None) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.int64, 0) assert arr.fill_value == 0 arr = SparseArray([0, 1, 2, 4], fill_value=0, dtype=None) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.int64, 0) assert arr.fill_value == 0 def test_constructor_dtype_str(self): result = SparseArray([1, 2, 3], dtype='int') expected = SparseArray([1, 2, 3], dtype=int) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) def test_constructor_sparse_dtype(self): result = SparseArray([1, 0, 0, 1], dtype=SparseDtype('int64', -1)) expected = SparseArray([1, 0, 0, 1], fill_value=-1, dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) assert result.sp_values.dtype == np.dtype('int64') def test_constructor_sparse_dtype_str(self): result = SparseArray([1, 0, 0, 1], dtype='Sparse[int32]') expected = SparseArray([1, 0, 0, 1], dtype=np.int32) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) assert result.sp_values.dtype == np.dtype('int32') def test_constructor_object_dtype(self): # GH 11856 arr = SparseArray(['A', 'A', np.nan, 'B'], dtype=np.object) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.object) assert np.isnan(arr.fill_value) arr = SparseArray(['A', 'A', np.nan, 'B'], dtype=np.object, fill_value='A') assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.object, 'A') assert arr.fill_value == 'A' # GH 17574 data = [False, 0, 100.0, 0.0] arr = SparseArray(data, dtype=np.object, fill_value=False) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.object, False) assert arr.fill_value is False arr_expected = np.array(data, dtype=np.object) it = (type(x) == type(y) and x == y for x, y in zip(arr, arr_expected)) assert np.fromiter(it, dtype=np.bool).all() @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [SparseDtype(int, 0), int]) def test_constructor_na_dtype(self, dtype): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Cannot convert"): SparseArray([0, 1, np.nan], dtype=dtype) def test_constructor_spindex_dtype(self): arr = SparseArray(data=[1, 2], sparse_index=IntIndex(4, [1, 2])) # XXX: Behavior change: specifying SparseIndex no longer changes the # fill_value expected = SparseArray([0, 1, 2, 0], kind='integer') tm.assert_sp_array_equal(arr, expected) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.int64) assert arr.fill_value == 0 arr = SparseArray(data=[1, 2, 3], sparse_index=IntIndex(4, [1, 2, 3]), dtype=np.int64, fill_value=0) exp = SparseArray([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int64, fill_value=0) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(arr, exp) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.int64) assert arr.fill_value == 0 arr = SparseArray(data=[1, 2], sparse_index=IntIndex(4, [1, 2]), fill_value=0, dtype=np.int64) exp = SparseArray([0, 1, 2, 0], fill_value=0, dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(arr, exp) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.int64) assert arr.fill_value == 0 arr = SparseArray(data=[1, 2, 3], sparse_index=IntIndex(4, [1, 2, 3]), dtype=None, fill_value=0) exp = SparseArray([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype=None) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(arr, exp) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.int64) assert arr.fill_value == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("sparse_index", [ None, IntIndex(1, [0]), ]) def test_constructor_spindex_dtype_scalar(self, sparse_index): # scalar input arr = SparseArray(data=1, sparse_index=sparse_index, dtype=None) exp = SparseArray([1], dtype=None) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(arr, exp) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.int64) assert arr.fill_value == 0 arr = SparseArray(data=1, sparse_index=IntIndex(1, [0]), dtype=None) exp = SparseArray([1], dtype=None) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(arr, exp) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.int64) assert arr.fill_value == 0 def test_constructor_spindex_dtype_scalar_broadcasts(self): arr = SparseArray(data=[1, 2], sparse_index=IntIndex(4, [1, 2]), fill_value=0, dtype=None) exp = SparseArray([0, 1, 2, 0], fill_value=0, dtype=None) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(arr, exp) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.int64) assert arr.fill_value == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize('data, fill_value', [ (np.array([1, 2]), 0), (np.array([1.0, 2.0]), np.nan), ([True, False], False), ([pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01')], pd.NaT), ]) def test_constructor_inferred_fill_value(self, data, fill_value): result = SparseArray(data).fill_value if pd.isna(fill_value): assert pd.isna(result) else: assert result == fill_value @pytest.mark.parametrize('format', ['coo', 'csc', 'csr']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('size', [ pytest.param(0, marks=td.skip_if_np_lt("1.16", reason='NumPy-11383')), 10 ]) @td.skip_if_no_scipy def test_from_spmatrix(self, size, format): import scipy.sparse mat = scipy.sparse.random(size, 1, density=0.5, format=format) result = SparseArray.from_spmatrix(mat) result = np.asarray(result) expected = mat.toarray().ravel() tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) @td.skip_if_no_scipy def test_from_spmatrix_raises(self): import scipy.sparse mat = scipy.sparse.eye(5, 4, format='csc') with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="not '4'"): SparseArray.from_spmatrix(mat) @pytest.mark.parametrize('scalar,dtype', [ (False, SparseDtype(bool, False)), (0.0, SparseDtype('float64', 0)), (1, SparseDtype('int64', 1)), ('z', SparseDtype('object', 'z'))]) def test_scalar_with_index_infer_dtype(self, scalar, dtype): # GH 19163 arr = SparseArray(scalar, index=[1, 2, 3], fill_value=scalar) exp = SparseArray([scalar, scalar, scalar], fill_value=scalar) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(arr, exp) assert arr.dtype == dtype assert exp.dtype == dtype @pytest.mark.parametrize("fill", [1, np.nan, 0]) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Sparse:FutureWarning") def test_sparse_series_round_trip(self, kind, fill): # see gh-13999 arr = SparseArray([np.nan, 1, np.nan, 2, 3], kind=kind, fill_value=fill) res = SparseArray(SparseSeries(arr)) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(arr, res) arr = SparseArray([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2], dtype=np.int64, kind=kind, fill_value=fill) res = SparseArray(SparseSeries(arr), dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(arr, res) res = SparseArray(SparseSeries(arr)) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(arr, res) @pytest.mark.parametrize("fill", [True, False, np.nan]) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Sparse:FutureWarning") def test_sparse_series_round_trip2(self, kind, fill): # see gh-13999 arr = SparseArray([True, False, True, True], dtype=np.bool, kind=kind, fill_value=fill) res = SparseArray(SparseSeries(arr)) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(arr, res) res = SparseArray(SparseSeries(arr)) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(arr, res) def test_get_item(self): assert np.isnan(self.arr[1]) assert self.arr[2] == 1 assert self.arr[7] == 5 assert self.zarr[0] == 0 assert self.zarr[2] == 1 assert self.zarr[7] == 5 errmsg = re.compile("bounds") with pytest.raises(IndexError, match=errmsg): self.arr[11] with pytest.raises(IndexError, match=errmsg): self.arr[-11] assert self.arr[-1] == self.arr[len(self.arr) - 1] def test_take_scalar_raises(self): msg = "'indices' must be an array, not a scalar '2'." with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): self.arr.take(2) def test_take(self): exp = SparseArray(np.take(self.arr_data, [2, 3])) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(self.arr.take([2, 3]), exp) exp = SparseArray(np.take(self.arr_data, [0, 1, 2])) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(self.arr.take([0, 1, 2]), exp) def test_take_fill_value(self): data = np.array([1, np.nan, 0, 3, 0]) sparse = SparseArray(data, fill_value=0) exp = SparseArray(np.take(data, [0]), fill_value=0) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(sparse.take([0]), exp) exp = SparseArray(np.take(data, [1, 3, 4]), fill_value=0) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(sparse.take([1, 3, 4]), exp) def test_take_negative(self): exp = SparseArray(np.take(self.arr_data, [-1])) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(self.arr.take([-1]), exp) exp = SparseArray(np.take(self.arr_data, [-4, -3, -2])) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(self.arr.take([-4, -3, -2]), exp) @pytest.mark.parametrize('fill_value', [0, None, np.nan]) def test_shift_fill_value(self, fill_value): # GH #24128 sparse = SparseArray(np.array([1, 0, 0, 3, 0]), fill_value=8.0) res = sparse.shift(1, fill_value=fill_value) if isna(fill_value): fill_value = res.dtype.na_value exp = SparseArray(np.array([fill_value, 1, 0, 0, 3]), fill_value=8.0) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(res, exp) def test_bad_take(self): with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="bounds"): self.arr.take([11]) def test_take_filling(self): # similar tests as GH 12631 sparse = SparseArray([np.nan, np.nan, 1, np.nan, 4]) result = sparse.take(np.array([1, 0, -1])) expected = SparseArray([np.nan, np.nan, 4]) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) # XXX: test change: fill_value=True -> allow_fill=True result = sparse.take(np.array([1, 0, -1]), allow_fill=True) expected = SparseArray([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) # allow_fill=False result = sparse.take(np.array([1, 0, -1]), allow_fill=False, fill_value=True) expected = SparseArray([np.nan, np.nan, 4]) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) msg = "Invalid value in 'indices'" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): sparse.take(np.array([1, 0, -2]), allow_fill=True) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): sparse.take(np.array([1, 0, -5]), allow_fill=True) with pytest.raises(IndexError): sparse.take(np.array([1, -6])) with pytest.raises(IndexError): sparse.take(np.array([1, 5])) with pytest.raises(IndexError): sparse.take(np.array([1, 5]), allow_fill=True) def test_take_filling_fill_value(self): # same tests as GH 12631 sparse = SparseArray([np.nan, 0, 1, 0, 4], fill_value=0) result = sparse.take(np.array([1, 0, -1])) expected = SparseArray([0, np.nan, 4], fill_value=0) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) # fill_value result = sparse.take(np.array([1, 0, -1]), allow_fill=True) # XXX: behavior change. # the old way of filling self.fill_value doesn't follow EA rules. # It's supposed to be self.dtype.na_value (nan in this case) expected = SparseArray([0, np.nan, np.nan], fill_value=0) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) # allow_fill=False result = sparse.take(np.array([1, 0, -1]), allow_fill=False, fill_value=True) expected = SparseArray([0, np.nan, 4], fill_value=0) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) msg = ("Invalid value in 'indices'.") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): sparse.take(np.array([1, 0, -2]), allow_fill=True) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): sparse.take(np.array([1, 0, -5]), allow_fill=True) with pytest.raises(IndexError): sparse.take(np.array([1, -6])) with pytest.raises(IndexError): sparse.take(np.array([1, 5])) with pytest.raises(IndexError): sparse.take(np.array([1, 5]), fill_value=True) def test_take_filling_all_nan(self): sparse = SparseArray([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]) # XXX: did the default kind from take change? result = sparse.take(np.array([1, 0, -1])) expected = SparseArray([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], kind='block') tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) result = sparse.take(np.array([1, 0, -1]), fill_value=True) expected = SparseArray([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], kind='block') tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) with pytest.raises(IndexError): sparse.take(np.array([1, -6])) with pytest.raises(IndexError): sparse.take(np.array([1, 5])) with pytest.raises(IndexError): sparse.take(np.array([1, 5]), fill_value=True) def test_set_item(self): def setitem(): self.arr[5] = 3 def setslice(): self.arr[1:5] = 2 with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="assignment via setitem"): setitem() with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="assignment via setitem"): setslice() def test_constructor_from_too_large_array(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="expected dimension <= 1 data"): SparseArray(np.arange(10).reshape((2, 5))) def test_constructor_from_sparse(self): res = SparseArray(self.zarr) assert res.fill_value == 0 assert_almost_equal(res.sp_values, self.zarr.sp_values) def test_constructor_copy(self): cp = SparseArray(self.arr, copy=True) cp.sp_values[:3] = 0 assert not (self.arr.sp_values[:3] == 0).any() not_copy = SparseArray(self.arr) not_copy.sp_values[:3] = 0 assert (self.arr.sp_values[:3] == 0).all() def test_constructor_bool(self): # GH 10648 data = np.array([False, False, True, True, False, False]) arr = SparseArray(data, fill_value=False, dtype=bool) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(bool) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(arr.sp_values, np.array([True, True])) # Behavior change: np.asarray densifies. # tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(arr.sp_values, np.asarray(arr)) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(arr.sp_index.indices, np.array([2, 3], np.int32)) dense = arr.to_dense() assert dense.dtype == bool tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(dense, data) def test_constructor_bool_fill_value(self): arr = SparseArray([True, False, True], dtype=None) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.bool) assert not arr.fill_value arr = SparseArray([True, False, True], dtype=np.bool) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.bool) assert not arr.fill_value arr = SparseArray([True, False, True], dtype=np.bool, fill_value=True) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.bool, True) assert arr.fill_value def test_constructor_float32(self): # GH 10648 data = np.array([1., np.nan, 3], dtype=np.float32) arr = SparseArray(data, dtype=np.float32) assert arr.dtype == SparseDtype(np.float32) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(arr.sp_values, np.array([1, 3], dtype=np.float32)) # Behavior change: np.asarray densifies. # tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(arr.sp_values, np.asarray(arr)) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(arr.sp_index.indices, np.array([0, 2], dtype=np.int32)) dense = arr.to_dense() assert dense.dtype == np.float32 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(dense, data) def test_astype(self): # float -> float arr = SparseArray([None, None, 0, 2]) result = arr.astype("Sparse[float32]") expected = SparseArray([None, None, 0, 2], dtype=np.dtype('float32')) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) dtype = SparseDtype("float64", fill_value=0) result = arr.astype(dtype) expected = SparseArray._simple_new(np.array([0., 2.], dtype=dtype.subtype), IntIndex(4, [2, 3]), dtype) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) dtype = SparseDtype("int64", 0) result = arr.astype(dtype) expected = SparseArray._simple_new(np.array([0, 2], dtype=np.int64), IntIndex(4, [2, 3]), dtype) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) arr = SparseArray([0, np.nan, 0, 1], fill_value=0) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='NA'): arr.astype('Sparse[i8]') def test_astype_bool(self): a = pd.SparseArray([1, 0, 0, 1], dtype=SparseDtype(int, 0)) result = a.astype(bool) expected = SparseArray([True, 0, 0, True], dtype=SparseDtype(bool, 0)) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) # update fill value result = a.astype(SparseDtype(bool, False)) expected = SparseArray([True, False, False, True], dtype=SparseDtype(bool, False)) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) def test_astype_all(self, any_real_dtype): vals = np.array([1, 2, 3]) arr = SparseArray(vals, fill_value=1) typ = np.dtype(any_real_dtype) res = arr.astype(typ) assert res.dtype == SparseDtype(typ, 1) assert res.sp_values.dtype == typ tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(np.asarray(res.to_dense()), vals.astype(typ)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('array, dtype, expected', [ (SparseArray([0, 1]), 'float', SparseArray([0., 1.], dtype=SparseDtype(float, 0.0))), (SparseArray([0, 1]), bool, SparseArray([False, True])), (SparseArray([0, 1], fill_value=1), bool, SparseArray([False, True], dtype=SparseDtype(bool, True))), pytest.param( SparseArray([0, 1]), 'datetime64[ns]', SparseArray(np.array([0, 1], dtype='datetime64[ns]'), dtype=SparseDtype('datetime64[ns]', pd.Timestamp('1970'))), marks=[pytest.mark.xfail(reason="NumPy-7619")], ), (SparseArray([0, 1, 10]), str, SparseArray(['0', '1', '10'], dtype=SparseDtype(str, '0'))), (SparseArray(['10', '20']), float, SparseArray([10.0, 20.0])), (SparseArray([0, 1, 0]), object, SparseArray([0, 1, 0], dtype=SparseDtype(object, 0))), ]) def test_astype_more(self, array, dtype, expected): result = array.astype(dtype) tm.assert_sp_array_equal(result, expected) def test_astype_nan_raises(self): arr = SparseArray([1.0, np.nan]) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Cannot convert non-finite'): arr.astype(int) def test_set_fill_value(self): arr = SparseArray([1., np.nan, 2.], fill_value=np.nan) arr.fill_value = 2 assert arr.fill_value == 2 arr = SparseArray([1, 0, 2], fill_value=0, dtype=np.int64) arr.fill_value = 2 assert arr.fill_value == 2 # XXX: this seems fine? You can construct an integer # sparsearray with NaN fill value, why not update one? # coerces to int # msg = "unable to set fill_value 3\\.1 to int64 dtype" # with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): arr.fill_value = 3.1 assert arr.fill_value == 3.1 # msg = "unable to set fill_value nan to int64 dtype" # with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): arr.fill_value = np.nan assert np.isnan(arr.fill_value) arr = SparseArray([True, False, True], fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool) arr.fill_value = True assert arr.fill_value # coerces to bool # msg = "unable to set fill_value 0 to bool dtype" # with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): arr.fill_value = 0 assert arr.fill_value == 0 # msg = "unable to set fill_value nan to bool dtype" # with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): arr.fill_value = np.nan assert np.isnan(arr.fill_value) @pytest.mark.parametrize("val", [[1, 2, 3], np.array([1, 2]), (1, 2, 3)]) def test_set_fill_invalid_non_scalar(self, val): arr = SparseArray([True, False, True], fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool) msg = "fill_value must be a scalar" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): arr.fill_value = val def test_copy(self): arr2 = self.arr.copy() assert arr2.sp_values is not self.arr.sp_values assert arr2.sp_index is self.arr.sp_index def test_values_asarray(self): assert_almost_equal(self.arr.to_dense(), self.arr_data) @pytest.mark.parametrize('data,shape,dtype', [ ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], (5,), None), ([], (0,), None), ([0], (1,), None), (['A', 'A', np.nan, 'B'], (4,), np.object) ]) def test_shape(self, data, shape, dtype): # GH 21126 out = SparseArray(data, dtype=dtype) assert out.shape == shape @pytest.mark.parametrize("vals", [ [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [1, np.nan, np.nan, 3, np.nan], [1, np.nan, 0, 3, 0], ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("fill_value", [None, 0]) def test_dense_repr(self, vals, fill_value): vals = np.array(vals) arr = SparseArray(vals, fill_value=fill_value) res = arr.to_dense() tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res, vals) with
# imports import csv import functools import hashlib import logging import warnings from os.path import isfile as isfile import click import fbprophet import mlflow import mlflow.pyfunc import numpy as np import pandas as pd from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch from elasticsearch_dsl import Search from fbprophet import Prophet from fbprophet.diagnostics import cross_validation, performance_metrics ES_URL = "" ES_INDEX = "logs-endpoint-winevent-security-*" FILTER = {"winlog.task": ":Logon"} logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MODEL_PARAMS = {} conda_env = "conda_running.yaml" class FbProphetWrapper(mlflow.pyfunc.PythonModel): def __init__(self, model): self.model = model super(FbProphetWrapper, self).__init__() def load_context(self, context): from fbprophet import Prophet return def predict(self, context, model_input): model_input["ds"] = pd.to_datetime(model_input["ds"]).dt.tz_convert(None) prediction = self.model.predict(model_input) actual = model_input["y"] merged =
pd.concat([prediction, actual], axis=1)
import anndata import gzip import os import pandas as pd import import tarfile def load(data_dir, **kwargs): fn = os.path.join(data_dir, "GSE164378_RAW.tar") adatas = [] with as tar: samples = ['GSM5008737_RNA_3P', 'GSM5008738_ADT_3P'] for sample in samples: with + '-matrix.mtx.gz'), 'rb') as mm: x = obs = pd.read_csv(tar.extractfile(sample + '-barcodes.tsv.gz'), compression='gzip', header=None, sep='\t', index_col=0) = None var = pd.read_csv(tar.extractfile(sample + '-features.tsv.gz'), compression='gzip', header=None, sep='\t').iloc[:, :1] var.columns = ['names'] var.index = var['names'].values adata = anndata.AnnData(X=x, obs=obs, var=var) adata.var_names_make_unique() adatas.append(adata) tar.close() adata = adatas[0] protein = adatas[1] meta = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir, 'GSE164378_sc.meta.data_3P.csv.gz'), index_col=0) adata.obs = adata.obs.join(meta) adata.obsm['protein_expression'] =
pd.DataFrame(protein.X.A, columns=protein.var_names, index=protein.obs_names)
import string from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd import requests as req from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs from tqdm import tqdm BASE_LINK = '{}&pagesize=200&page={}' # can get all stocks at once setting pagesize equal to a huge number full_link = '' def add_stocks(letter, page, get_last_page=False): """ goes through each row in table and adds to df if it is a stock returns the appended df """ df = pd.DataFrame() res = req.get(BASE_LINK.format(letter, page)) soup = bs(res.content, 'lxml') table = soup.find('table', {'id': 'CompanylistResults'}) stks = table.findAll('tr') stocks_on_page = (len(stks) - 1) / 2 for stk in stks[1:]: deets = stk.findAll('td') if len(deets) != 7: continue company_name = deets[0].text.strip() ticker = deets[1].text.strip() market_cap = deets[2].text.strip() # 4th entry is blank country = deets[4].text.strip() ipo_year = deets[5].text.strip() subsector = deets[6].text.strip() df = df.append(pd.Series({'company_name': company_name, 'market_cap': market_cap, 'country': country, 'ipo_year': ipo_year, 'subsector': subsector}, name=ticker)) if get_last_page: # get number of pages lastpage_link = soup.find('a', {'id': 'two_column_main_content_lb_LastPage'}) last_page_num = int(lastpage_link['href'].split('=')[-1]) return df, total_num_stocks, last_page_num return df, stocks_on_page def get_all_stocks(): """ goes through each row in table and adds to df if it is a stock returns the appended df """ df =
import argparse import os from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import lru_cache import socket from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, urlencode, urlparse import flask from cached_property import cached_property from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union import cv2 import pandas as pd import numpy as np import dash from dash import Dash import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc import dash_html_components as html from dash.dependencies import Input, Output import as px from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate from flask import make_response parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Run web-based ESV visualisation tool", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument("esvs_pkl", type=Path, help="Path to extracted ESVs") parser.add_argument("dataset_root", type=Path, help="Path dataset folder of videos") parser.add_argument( "classes_csv", type=Path, help="Path to CSV containing name,id entries" ) parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", help="Enable Dash debug capabilities" ) parser.add_argument( "--port", default=8080, type=int, help="Port for webserver to listen on" ) parser.add_argument("--host", default="localhost", help="Host to bind to") def load_video(video_path: Union[str, Path]) -> np.ndarray: capture = cv2.VideoCapture(str(video_path)) frames = [] while capture.isOpened(): success, frame = if success: frames.append(frame[..., ::-1]) # BGR -> RGB else: break if len(frames) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Could not load video from {video_path}") return np.stack(frames) @dataclass class Result: esvs: List[np.ndarray] # [n_frames_idx][frame_idx, class_idx] scores: np.ndarray # [n_frames_idx, class_idx] uid: str label: int sequence_idxs: List[np.ndarray] # [n_frames_idx][frame_idx] results_idx: int @property def max_n_frames(self): return max([len(s) for s in self.sequence_idxs]) class ShapleyValueResults: def __init__(self, results): self._results = results @property def uids(self) -> List[str]: return list(self._results["uids"]) @property def shapley_values(self) -> List[np.ndarray]: # shapley_values[n_frames_idx][example_idx, frame_idx, class_idx] return self._results["shapley_values"] @property def sequence_idxs(self) -> np.ndarray: # sequence_idxs[n_frames_idx][example_idx] return self._results["sequence_idxs"] @property def labels(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._results["labels"] @property def scores(self) -> np.ndarray: # sequence_idxs[n_frames_idx, example_idx, class_idx] return self._results["scores"] @property def max_n_frames(self) -> int: return len(self._results["scores"]) @cached_property def available_classes(self) -> List[int]: return sorted(np.unique(self.labels)) @cached_property def class_counts(self) -> Dict[int, int]: return pd.Series(self.labels).value_counts().to_dict() @cached_property def class_example_idxs_lookup(self) -> Dict[int, np.ndarray]: return { cls: np.nonzero(self.labels == cls)[0] for cls in self.available_classes } def __getitem__(self, idx: Union[int, str]): if isinstance(idx, (int, np.int32, np.int64)): example_idx = idx elif isinstance(idx, str): example_idx = self.uids.index(idx) else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot handle idx type: {idx.__class__.__name__}") return Result( esvs=[esvs[example_idx] for esvs in self.shapley_values], scores=self.scores[:, example_idx], uid=self.uids[example_idx], label=self.labels[example_idx], sequence_idxs=[ sequence_idxs[example_idx] for sequence_idxs in self.sequence_idxs ], results_idx=example_idx, ) def get_triggered_props(): ctx = dash.callback_context return {trigger["prop_id"] for trigger in ctx.triggered} class Visualisation: def __init__( self, results: ShapleyValueResults, class2str: Dict[int, str], dataset_dir: Path, title: str = "ESV Dashboard", ): self.results = results self.class2str = class2str self.str2class = {v: k for k, v in class2str.items()} self.dataset_dir = dataset_dir self.title = title def decode_other_classes(classes_str): return list(map(int, classes_str.split(":"))) self.default_state = { "n-frames": self.results.max_n_frames, "uid": self.results.uids[0], "selected-classes": [], } self.state_types = { "uid": str, "n-frames": int, "selected-classes": decode_other_classes, } def extract_state_from_url(self, url): components = urlparse(url) query_string = parse_qsl(components.query) state = self.default_state.copy() for k, v in query_string: state[k] = self.state_types[k](v) return state def load_result(self, cls, example_idx): return self.results[self.results.class_example_idxs_lookup[cls][example_idx]] def attach_to_app(self, app: Dash): def app_layout(): return html.Div( [dcc.Location(id="url", refresh=False), self.render_layout()] ) app.layout = app_layout self.attach_callbacks(app) self.attach_routes(app) def attach_routes(self, app: Dash): @app.server.route("/videos/<uid>") def load_video(uid: str): path = self.dataset_dir / f"{uid}.webm" return flask.send_from_directory(self.dataset_dir.absolute(), f"{uid}.webm") @app.server.route("/frames/<uid>/<int:frame_idx>") def load_frame(uid: str, frame_idx: int): vid = self.load_video(uid) frame = vid[frame_idx] success, frame_jpeg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", frame[..., ::-1]) response = make_response(frame_jpeg.tobytes()) response.headers.set("Content-Type", "image/jpeg") response.headers.set( "Content-Disposition", "attachment", filename=f"{uid}-{frame_idx}.jpg" ) return response def get_cls_and_example_idx_for_uid(self, uid): cls = self.results.labels[self.results.uids.index(uid)] uids = np.array(self.results.uids) class_uids = self.results.class_example_idxs_lookup[cls] example_idx = list(uids[class_uids]).index(uid) return cls, example_idx def get_uid_from_cls_and_example_idx(self, cls, example_idx): return np.array(self.results.uids)[self.results.class_example_idxs_lookup[cls]][ example_idx ] def get_preds_df(self, result: Result, n_frames: int): scores = result.scores[n_frames - 1] classes = list(scores.argsort()[::-1][:10]) if result.label not in classes: classes = classes[:-1] + [result.label] entries = [] for i, cls in enumerate(classes): class_name = ( self.class2str[cls] .replace("something", "[...]") .replace("Something", "[...]") ) # We have to truncate labels on the x-axis so that they fit without all # getting horribly cut off max_len = 33 truncated_class_name = class_name if len(class_name) >= max_len: truncated_class_name = class_name[: max_len - len("...")] + "..." entries.append( { "Idx": i, "Class": class_name, "TruncatedClass": truncated_class_name, "ClassId": cls, "Score": scores[cls], } ) return pd.DataFrame(entries) def attach_callbacks(self, app: Dash): @app.callback( Output("class-dropdown", "value"), Input("url", "href"), ) def update_class_dropdown_value(href): state = self.parse_state_from_url(href) if "uid" not in state: raise PreventUpdate cls, _ = self.get_cls_and_example_idx_for_uid(state["uid"]) return cls @app.callback( Output("n-frames-slider", "value"), Input("url", "href"), ) def update_n_frames(href): state = self.parse_state_from_url(href) if "n-frames" not in state: raise PreventUpdate return state["n-frames"] @app.callback( Output("example-idx-slider", "value"), Input("class-dropdown", "value"), Input("url", "href"), ) def update_example_slider_value(cls, href): ctx = dash.callback_context url_trigger = "url.href" in get_triggered_props() state = self.parse_state_from_url(href) if url_trigger and "uid" in state: _, example_idx = self.get_cls_and_example_idx_for_uid(state["uid"]) return example_idx return 0 @app.callback( Output("example-idx-slider", "max"), Output("example-idx-slider", "disabled"), Output("example-idx-slider", "marks"), Input("class-dropdown", "value"), ) def update_example_slider(cls): max_index = self.results.class_counts[cls] - 1 marks = {i: str(i) for i in range(max_index + 1)} return max_index, max_index == 0, marks @app.callback( Output("model-preds-bar", "clickData"), Output("model-preds-bar", "figure"), Input("class-dropdown", "value"), Input("example-idx-slider", "value"), Input("n-frames-slider", "value"), ) def update_scores(cls, example_idx, n_frames): result = self.get_result(cls, example_idx) return None, self.plot_preds(self.get_preds_df(result, n_frames)) @app.callback( Output("state-uid", "children"), Input("class-dropdown", "value"), Input("example-idx-slider", "value"), ) def update_uid(cls, example_idx): idx = self.results.class_example_idxs_lookup[cls][example_idx] return self.results.uids[idx] @app.callback( Output("esv-scatter", "figure"), Input("state-uid", "children"), Input("n-frames-slider", "value"), Input("state-alt-class", "children"), ) def update_esvs(uid, n_frames, alt_class_str): try: alt_class = int(alt_class_str) except ValueError: alt_class = None result = self.results[uid] return self.plot_esvs(result, n_frames, alt_class=alt_class) @app.callback( Output("esv-scatter", "hoverData"), Input("n-frames-slider", "value") ) def update_esv_scatter_hover_data(_): return None @app.callback( Output("state-alt-class", "children"), Input("model-preds-bar", "clickData"), Input("state-uid", "children"), ) def update_selected_classes(clickData, uid): if "state-uid" in get_triggered_props(): return "" if clickData is not None: cls = clickData["points"][0]["customdata"][0] return str(cls) return dash.no_update @app.callback( Output("current-frame-container", "children"), Input("state-uid", "children"), Input("esv-scatter", "hoverData"), ) def update_selected_frame(uid, hoverData): result = self.results[uid] if hoverData is None or "state-uid.children" in get_triggered_props(): frame_index = 0 else: frame_index = hoverData["points"][0]["x"] return html.Img(src=f"/frames/{result.uid}/{frame_index}") @app.callback( Output("video-container", "children"), Input("state-uid", "children"), ) def update_video(uid): return html.Video(src=f"/videos/{uid}", loop=True, autoPlay=True) @app.callback( Output("url", "search"), [ Input("example-idx-slider", "value"), Input("class-dropdown", "value"), Input("n-frames-slider", "value"), ], ) def update_url_params(example_idx, cls, n_frames): state = { "uid": self.get_uid_from_cls_and_example_idx(cls, example_idx), "n-frames": n_frames, } params = urlencode(state) return f"?{params}" def render_layout(self): idx = self.results.uids.index(self.default_state["uid"]) cls = self.results.labels[idx] available_example_idxs = list(self.results.class_example_idxs_lookup[cls]) example_idx = available_example_idxs.index(idx) return html.Div( [ html.Div(html.H1(self.title)), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Label("Class: "), dcc.Dropdown( id="class-dropdown", options=[ { "label": self.class2str[cls], "value": cls, } for cls in self.results.available_classes ], value=cls, ), ], className="control-element", ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Example: "), dcc.Slider( id="example-idx-slider", min=0, max=len(available_example_idxs), disabled=False, value=example_idx, ), ], className="control-element", ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Frames fed to model: "), dcc.Slider( id="n-frames-slider", min=1, max=self.results.max_n_frames, marks={ i: str(i) for i in range(1, self.results.max_n_frames + 1) }, value=self.results.max_n_frames, ), ], className="control-element", ), ], className="controls", ), html.Hr(), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.H2("Model Predictions"), dcc.Graph( id="model-preds-bar", config={"displayModeBar": False}, responsive=True, ), ], id="model-preds-bar-container", ), html.Div( [ html.H2("ESV Values"), dcc.Graph( id="esv-scatter", config={"displayModeBar": False}, responsive=True, # if we don't set the initial height of the graph it # gets a height of 0 before it is updated when # the user clicks on an alternate class which # refreshes the height attribute of the Graph div. style={"height": "450px"}, ), ], id="esv-scatter-container", ), ], id="graph-pane", ), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Span("Hovered Frame:"), html.Div( id="current-frame-container", ), ] ), html.Div( [ html.Span("Orignal Video:"), html.Div( id="video-container", ), ] ), ], id="video-pane", ), html.A( target="_blank", href="", children=html.Div(id="help-btn", children=html.Div("?")), ), html.Div( id="state-uid", children=self.default_state["uid"], style={"display": "none"}, ), html.Div(id="state-alt-class", children="", style={"display": "none"}), ], id="visualisation", ) def plot_esvs(self, result: Result, n_frames: int, alt_class: Optional[int] = None): classes = [result.label] if alt_class is not None and alt_class != result.label: classes.append(alt_class) entries = [] for cls in classes: for i in range(n_frames): entries.append( { "Segment": i + 1, "Frame": result.sequence_idxs[n_frames - 1][i], "ESV": result.esvs[n_frames - 1][i, cls], "Class": self.class2str[cls] + ("" if cls != result.label else " (GT)"), } ) df =
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import functools ''' DATA FORMAT - Dates: YEAR-MONTH-DAY ''' # Define the unique key for all dataset entries dataset_key = 'object_id' # Rename labels for a selected dataframe aka columns def rename_id_label(dataframe, old_label,new_label): dataframe.rename(columns={old_label: new_label}, inplace=True) # Convert key column to string and remove first to characters (as they are a letter followed by ":") def standardize_heading(dataframe): dataframe[dataset_key] = dataframe[dataset_key].astype(str).str[2:] def update_columns(dataframe): ''' New dataframe where we have one object_id per row ''' # updated_active_startups = pd.DataFrame(columns=active_startups.columns) dataframe.drop(columns=['pre_money_valuation_usd', 'pre_money_valuation', 'pre_money_currency_code', 'post_money_valuation_usd', 'post_money_valuation', 'post_money_currency_code'], inplace=True) # new columns for each fund round fund_rounds_cols = list( ['funding_round_id', 'funded_at', 'funding_round_type', 'funding_round_code', 'raised_amount_usd', 'raised_amount', 'raised_currency_code', 'is_first_round', 'is_last_round', 'participants', 'source_description']) fund_rounds_cols = fund_rounds_cols * 9 old_col_index = list(dataframe.columns) new_col_index = old_col_index[1:22] + old_col_index[29:36] + old_col_index[37:39] + old_col_index[ 36:37] + old_col_index[ 39:40] + fund_rounds_cols + old_col_index[ 43:49] + old_col_index[ 22:29] return new_col_index # updated_active_startups.to_csv('../datasets/updated_active_startups.csv',encoding='utf-8') def main(): csv_files = ['acquisitions', 'degrees','funding_rows', 'funds','investments', 'ipos','milestones','startups','offices','people'] acquistions = pd.read_csv("../datasets/CrunchBase_MegaDataset/acquisitions.csv") degrees = pd.read_csv("../datasets/CrunchBase_MegaDataset/degrees.csv") funding_rounds = pd.read_csv("../datasets/CrunchBase_MegaDataset/funding_rounds.csv") funds = pd.read_csv("../datasets/CrunchBase_MegaDataset/funds.csv") investments = pd.read_csv("../datasets/CrunchBase_MegaDataset/investments.csv") ipos = pd.read_csv("../datasets/CrunchBase_MegaDataset/ipos.csv") milestones =
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import math import pandas as pd import sys from collections import namedtuple from datetime import date from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from time import localtime, strftime class Verbosity(Enum): LOW=1 HIGH=2 Settings=namedtuple('Settings', ['datapath','verbosity']) InvestmentDataDetails=namedtuple('InvestmentDataDetails', ['filename','columns','description']) RRSPIncomeAccountTypes=['sdrsp','locked_sdrsp'] NonRRSPIncomeAccountTypes=['margin','tfsa'] IncomeAccountTypes=RRSPIncomeAccountTypes+NonRRSPIncomeAccountTypes AccountTypes=IncomeAccountTypes+['resp'] ReportTypes=['monthly_income','monthly_income_growth','monthly_income_actual','monthly_income_schedule','tfsa_summary'] ReportFormats=['csv'] TransactionTypes=['buy','sell','xfer','cont','cont_limit','div','withdraw'] investment_data={'assets': InvestmentDataDetails(filename=Path('assets.csv'), columns=['name','market','type','subtype','income_per_unit_period','sdrsp','locked_sdrsp','margin','tfsa','resp','income_freq_months','income_first_month','income_day_of_month'], description='ledger of owned financial instruments'), 'monthly_income': InvestmentDataDetails(filename=Path('income_monthly.csv'), columns=['name','sdrsp','locked_sdrsp','margin','tfsa','total_rrsp','total_nonrrsp','monthly_total','yearly_total'], description='projected monthly income by account, including overall & RRSP and non-registered totals'), 'monthly_income_growth': InvestmentDataDetails(filename=Path('income_monthly_growth.csv'), columns=['name','sdrsp','locked_sdrsp','margin','tfsa'], description='monthly income growth by account'), 'monthly_income_schedule': InvestmentDataDetails(filename=Path('income_monthly_sched.csv'), columns=['name','jan_rrsp','jan_nonrrsp','feb_rrsp','feb_nonrrsp','mar_rrsp','mar_nonrrsp','apr_rrsp','apr_nonrrsp','may_rrsp','may_nonrrsp','jun_rrsp','jun_nonrrsp','jul_rrsp','jul_nonrrsp','aug_rrsp','aug_nonrrsp','sep_rrsp','sep_nonrrsp','oct_rrsp','oct_nonrrsp','nov_rrsp','nov_nonrrsp','dec_rrsp','dec_nonrrsp'], description='projected monthly income schedule'), 'monthly_income_actual': InvestmentDataDetails(filename=Path('income_monthly_actual.csv'), columns=['name','sdrsp','locked_sdrsp','margin','tfsa','total_rrsp','total_nonrrsp','monthly_total','yearly_total'], description='actual monthly income by account, including overall & RRSP and non-registered totals'), 'tfsa_summary': InvestmentDataDetails(filename=Path('tfsa_summary.csv'), columns=['num','total'], description='summarization of tfsa transactions'), 'transactions': InvestmentDataDetails(filename=Path('transactions.csv'), columns=['date','type','name','account','xfer_account','units','unit_amount','fees','total'], description='record of all asset transactions'), } def build_cmdline_parser(): clp_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='', description='Command-line tool for investment management', add_help=False) clp_commands = clp_parser.add_subparsers(title='Portfolio management commands', description='Execute transactions, create/print reports', dest='command') clp_command_list = clp_commands.add_parser('list', help='display details of investment data') clp_command_list.add_argument('list', choices=investment_data.keys(), help='display details of specified investment data') clp_command_list.add_argument('--filter', help="e.g. ((df['name']=='TD')|(df['name']=='ENB'))&(~(df['account']=='margin'))") clp_command_list.add_argument('--tail', type=int, help="show only the specified number of rows of the end of the table") clp_command_transact = clp_commands.add_parser('transact', help='perform a transaction on an asset') clp_command_transact.add_argument('type', choices=TransactionTypes, help='type of transaction') clp_command_transact.add_argument('account', choices=AccountTypes, help='account in which transaction was executed') clp_command_transact.add_argument('--xfer_account', choices=AccountTypes, help='the target account of a xfer transaction') clp_command_transact.add_argument('name', help='name of asset being transacted, or "cash"') clp_command_transact.add_argument('units', type=int, help='number of units participating in transaction') clp_command_transact.add_argument('amount', type=float, help='price of a stock unit, total dividend income, or contribution amount per unit') clp_command_transact.add_argument('--date', type=date.fromisoformat,, help='transaction date (e.g. "2021-03-31")') clp_command_transact.add_argument('--fees', type=float, default=0.00, help='total transaction fees (default: "0.00")') clp_command_report = clp_commands.add_parser('report', help='generate a report on investment data') clp_command_report.add_argument('type', choices=ReportTypes, help='type of report to generate') clp_command_report.add_argument('--format', choices=ReportFormats, default='csv', help='how to format the report') clp_command_datapath = clp_commands.add_parser('datapath', help='location of the data files') clp_command_datapath.add_argument('--set', type=Path, dest='path', help='directory path for the data files') clp_command_verbosity = clp_commands.add_parser('verbosity', help='level of detail printed') clp_command_verbosity.add_argument('--toggle', action='store_true', help='change from low to high, or vice versa') clp_commands.add_parser('help', help='print help overview') clp_commands.add_parser('quit', help='exit the command-line tool') return clp_parser def write_data_file(file_type, df, data_type, output_index): if file_type=='csv': fname=investment_data[data_type].filename fname_ts=fname.with_stem(fname.stem+'_'+strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S",localtime())) df.to_csv(fname_ts, index=output_index) df.to_csv(fname, index=output_index) print(f'Data written to "{fname_ts}", and "{fname}" updated accordingly') def gen_report_monthly_income(): report=pd.DataFrame() output_index=False float_format=lambda x: '$%.2f'%x assets=pd.read_csv(investment_data['assets'].filename) report_series={'name': assets['name']} for account in IncomeAccountTypes: report_series[account]=assets[account].mul(assets['income_per_unit_period']).divide(assets['income_freq_months']) report_series['total_rrsp']=report_series['sdrsp'].add(report_series['locked_sdrsp']) report_series['total_nonrrsp']=report_series['margin'].add(report_series['tfsa']) report=pd.DataFrame(report_series) monthly_by_account=pd.DataFrame([['TOTAL MONTHLY']+[series.sum() for label,series in report.items() if label!='name']], columns=investment_data['monthly_income'].columns[:-2]) report=pd.concat([report,monthly_by_account],ignore_index=True) report['monthly_total']=report['total_rrsp'].add(report['total_nonrrsp']) monthly_totals=report[report['name']=='TOTAL MONTHLY'] report['yearly_total']=report['monthly_total'].mul(12) monthly_totals=pd.DataFrame([['TOTAL YEARLY']+[series.sum()*12 for label,series in monthly_totals.items() if label!='name' and label!='yearly_total']], columns=investment_data['monthly_income'].columns[:-1]) report=pd.concat([report,monthly_totals],ignore_index=True)[report.shape[0]-1,'yearly_total']=0 return report, output_index, float_format def gen_report_monthly_income_sched(): report=pd.DataFrame() output_index=True float_format=lambda x: '$%.2f'%x assets=pd.read_csv(investment_data['assets'].filename, index_col=0) income={} for account in AccountTypes: income[account]=assets[account].mul(assets['income_per_unit_period']) income['rrsp']=income['sdrsp'].add(income['locked_sdrsp']) income['nonrrsp']=income['margin'].add(income['tfsa']) for account in AccountTypes: del income[account] sched={col: [] for col in investment_data['monthly_income_schedule'].columns[1:]} for row, (name, details) in enumerate(assets.iterrows()): freq=details['income_freq_months'] starting_month=details['income_first_month'] for month in range(1,13): if month>=starting_month: inc_rrsp=income['rrsp'][row] if ((month-starting_month)%freq==0) else 0.0 inc_nonrrsp=income['nonrrsp'][row] if ((month-starting_month)%freq==0) else 0.0 else: inc_rrsp=inc_nonrrsp=0.0 sched[investment_data['monthly_income_schedule'].columns[month*2-1]].append(inc_rrsp) sched[investment_data['monthly_income_schedule'].columns[month*2]].append(inc_nonrrsp) report=pd.DataFrame(data=sched,index=assets.index) monthly_totals=pd.DataFrame([[series.sum() for label,series in report.items()]], columns=investment_data['monthly_income_schedule'].columns[1:], index=pd.Series(data={name:'TOTAL'},name='name')) report=pd.concat([report,monthly_totals]) return report, output_index, float_format def gen_report_monthly_income_growth(): report=pd.DataFrame() output_index=True float_format=lambda x: '%.4f%%'%x income_files=investment_data['monthly_income'].filename income_files=income_files.parent/income_files.stem income_files=sorted(income_files.parent.glob(income_files.stem+'_2*.csv'), reverse=True) if len(income_files)<2: print('ERROR: No previous income file with which to compare for growth rates.') return report, output_index previous_income_file=income_files[1] print(f'Growth rate as compared with: {previous_income_file}\n') previous_income_df=
pd.read_csv(previous_income_file, index_col=0)
import os import fnmatch import calendar import numpy as np import pandas as pd import xarray as xr from itertools import product from util import month_num_to_string import xesmf as xe """ Module contains several functions for preprocessing S2S hindcasts. Author: <NAME>, NCAR (<EMAIL>) Contributions from <NAME>, NCAR """ def regrid_mask(ds, variable, reuse_weights=False): """ Function to regrid mcs obs mask onto coarser ERA5 grid (0.25-degree). Args: ds (xarray dataset): Mask file. variable (str): variable. reuse_weights (boolean): Whether to use precomputed weights to speed up calculation. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: Regridded mask file for use with machine learning model. """ ds_out = xe.util.grid_2d(lon0_b=0-0.5, lon1_b=360-0.5, d_lon=1., lat0_b=-90-0.5, lat1_b=90, d_lat=1.) regridder = xe.Regridder(ds, ds_out, method='nearest_s2d', reuse_weights=reuse_weights) return regridder(ds[variable]) def create_cesm2_folders(variable, parent_directory, start='1999-01-01', end='2019-12-31', freq='W-MON'): """ Create folders to place new variable files that were not preprocessed p1 (or other SubX priority). Args: variable (str): Name of variable (e.g., 'sst'). parent_directory (str): Directory to place files (e.g., '/glade/scratch/$USER/s2s/'). start (str): Start of hindcasts. Defaults to '1999-01-01' for CESM2. end (str): End of hindcasts. Defaults to '2019-12-31' for CESM2. freq (str): Frequency of hindcast starts. Defaults to 'W-MON' for CESM2. """ d1 = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq=freq) if os.path.exists(parent_directory): for yr, mo in product(np.unique(d1.strftime("%Y")), np.unique(d1.strftime("%m"))): new_directory = 'CESM2/'+variable+'/'+yr+'/'+mo path = os.path.join(parent_directory, new_directory) try: os.makedirs(path, exist_ok = True) print("Directory '%s' created successfully" % new_directory) except OSError as error: print("Directory '%s' cannot be created" % new_directory) if not os.path.exists(parent_directory): print('Parent directory does not exist.') return def create_cesm2_files(variable, parent_directory, ensemble, start='1999-01-01', end='2019-12-31', freq='W-MON'): """ Create CESM2 variable files that were not preprocessed p1 (or other SubX priority) variables. Here we extract variable from daily file containing many variables to reduce memory usage. Contain daily files in ``/temp/`` sub-folder. Args: variable (str): Name of variable in lower case (e.g., 'sst'). parent_directory (str): Directory where files are located (e.g., '/glade/scratch/$USER/s2s/'). ensemble (str): Two digit ensemble member of hindcast (e.g., '09'). start (str): Start of hindcasts. Defaults to '1999-01-01' for CESM2. end (str): End of hindcasts. Defaults to '2019-12-31' for CESM2. freq (str): Frequency of hindcast starts. Defaults to 'W-MON' for CESM2. """ d1 = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq=freq) for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(f'{parent_directory}CESM2/temp/'): for num, (yr, mo, dy) in enumerate(zip(d1.strftime("%Y"), d1.strftime("%m"), d1.strftime("%d"))): if yr == '2016' and mo == '02' and dy == '29': dy = '28' for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, f'cesm2cam6v2*{yr}-{mo}-{dy}.{ensemble}.cam.h2.{yr}-{mo}-{dy}'): ds = xr.open_dataset(root+filename)[variable.upper()] ds.to_dataset(name=variable.upper()).to_netcdf( f'{parent_directory}CESM2/{variable}/{yr}/{mo}/{variable}_cesm2cam6v2_{dy}{month_num_to_string(mo)}{yr}_00z_d01_d46_m{ensemble}.nc') return def create_cesm2_pressure_files(filelist, variable, pressure=300.): """ Create CESM2 variable files that were not preprocessed p1 (or other SubX priority) variables. Here we extract variables on a pressure level from files containing many pressure levels to reduce memory usage. Args: filelist (list of str): List of file names and directory locations. variable (str): Name of variable in lower case (e.g., 'sst'). pressure (float): Pressure level. Defaults to ``300.`` """ for fil in filelist: ds = xr.open_dataset(fil).sel(lev_p=pressure).drop('lev_p') ds.to_netcdf(f"{fil.split(variable)[0]}{variable}_temp{fil.split(variable)[1]}{fil.split('/')[-1]}") return def gpcp_filelist(parent_directory, variable='precip', start='1999-01-01', end='2019-12-31', freq='D'): """ Create list of daily GPCP Version 2.3 Combined Precipitation Data Set files. Args: parent_directory (str): Directory where files are located (e.g., '/glade/scratch/$USER/s2s/'). variable (str): Name of GPCP variable (e.g., 'precip'). start (str): Start of hindcasts. Defaults to '1999-01-01' for CESM2. end (str): End of hindcasts. Defaults to '2019-12-31' for CESM2. freq (str): Frequency of hindcast starts. Defaults to 'D' for daily. """ d1 = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq=freq) matches = [] for num, (yr, mo, dy) in enumerate(zip(d1.strftime("%Y"), d1.strftime("%m"), d1.strftime("%d"))): if mo == '02' and dy == '29': continue # skip leap years for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(f'{parent_directory}/'): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, f'*_daily_d{yr}{mo}{dy}_c*.nc'): thefile = os.path.join(root, filename) if os.access(thefile, os.R_OK): matches.append(thefile) if not os.access(thefile, os.R_OK): matches.append(np.nan) return matches def cesm2_filelist(variable, parent_directory, ensemble, start='1999-01-01', end='2019-12-31', freq='W-MON'): """ Create list of variable files. Args: variable (str): Name of variable (e.g., 'zg_200'). parent_directory (str): Directory where files are located (e.g., '/glade/scratch/$USER/s2s/'). ensemble (str or list of str): Two digit ensemble member of hindcast (e.g., '09') or list (e.g., ['00', '01']). start (str): Start of hindcasts. Defaults to '1999-01-01' for CESM2. end (str): End of hindcasts. Defaults to '2019-12-31' for CESM2. freq (str): Frequency of hindcast starts. Defaults to 'W-MON' for CESM2. """ d1 = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq=freq) matches = [] for num, (yr, mo, dy) in enumerate(zip(d1.strftime("%Y"), d1.strftime("%m"), d1.strftime("%d"))): if mo == '02' and dy == '29': dy = '28' for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(f'{parent_directory}CESM2/{variable}/{yr}/{mo}/'): if isinstance(ensemble, str): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, f'*_cesm2cam6v2_{dy}*_m{ensemble}.nc'): thefile = os.path.join(root, filename) if os.access(thefile, os.R_OK): matches.append(thefile) if not os.access(thefile, os.R_OK): matches.append(np.nan) if isinstance(ensemble, list): for ens in ensemble: for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, f'*_cesm2cam6v2_{dy}*_m{ens}.nc'): thefile = os.path.join(root, filename) if os.access(thefile, os.R_OK): matches.append(thefile) if not os.access(thefile, os.R_OK): matches.append(np.nan) return matches def gpcp_climatology(filelist, variable='precip', save=False, author=None, parent_directory=None): """ Create GPCP Version 2.3 Combined Precipitation Data Set climatology. Args: filelist (list of str): List of file names and directory locations. save (boolean): Set to True if want to save climatology as netCDF. Defaults to False. author (str): Author of file. Defaults to None. parent_directory (str): Directory where files are located (e.g., '/glade/scratch/$USER/s2s/'). Defaults to None. """ if save: assert isinstance(author, str), "Please set author for file saving." assert isinstance(parent_directory, str), "Please set parent_directory to save file to." clim = np.zeros((int(len(filelist)/365), 365, 180, 360)) doy = 0 yr = 0 dates = [] years = [] for num, file in enumerate(filelist): ds = xr.open_dataset(file) ds = ds[variable].isel(time=0) dates.append(
import tensorflow as tf import pandas as pd import tensorflow_hub as hub import os import re import numpy as np from bert.tokenization import FullTokenizer from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder from tqdm import tqdm from tensorflow.keras import backend as K # Initialize session sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() # Load all files from a directory in a DataFrame. def load_directory_data(directory): data = {} data["sentence"] = [] data["sentiment"] = [] for file_path in os.listdir(directory): with tf.gfile.GFile(os.path.join(directory, file_path), "r") as f: data["sentence"].append( data["sentiment"].append(re.match("\d+_(\d+)\.txt", file_path).group(1)) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) # Merge positive and negative examples, add a polarity column and shuffle. def load_dataset(directory): pos_df = load_directory_data(os.path.join(directory, "pos")) neg_df = load_directory_data(os.path.join(directory, "neg")) pos_df["polarity"] = 1 neg_df["polarity"] = 0 return pd.concat([pos_df, neg_df]).sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True) # Download and process the dataset files. def load_datasets(): train = pd.read_csv('data/train.csv') test =
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from sklearn.decomposition import NMF from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler def add_team_postfix(input_df): output_df = input_df.copy() top = output_df['inning'].str.contains('表') output_df.loc[top, 'batter'] = output_df.loc[top, 'batter'] + '@' + output_df.loc[top, 'topTeam'].astype(str) output_df.loc[~top, 'batter'] = output_df.loc[~top, 'batter'] + '@' + output_df.loc[~top, 'bottomTeam'].astype(str) output_df.loc[ top, 'pitcher'] = output_df.loc[ top, 'pitcher'] + '@' + output_df.loc[ top, 'bottomTeam'].astype(str) output_df.loc[~top, 'pitcher'] = output_df.loc[~top, 'pitcher'] + '@' + output_df.loc[~top, 'topTeam'].astype(str) return output_df def add_batter_order(input_df, is_train=True): pass def fill_na(input_df): output_df = input_df.copy() output_df['pitcherHand'] = output_df['pitcherHand'].fillna('R') output_df['batterHand'] = output_df['batterHand'].fillna('R') output_df['pitchType'] = output_df['pitchType'].fillna('-') output_df['speed'] = output_df['speed'].str.extract(r'(\d+)').fillna(method='ffill') output_df['ballPositionLabel'] = output_df['ballPositionLabel'].fillna('中心') output_df['ballX'] = output_df['ballX'].fillna(0).astype(int) output_df['ballY'] = output_df['ballY'].map({chr(ord('A')+i):i+1 for i in range(11)}) output_df['ballY'] = output_df['ballY'].fillna(0).astype(int) output_df['dir'] = output_df['ballY'].map({chr(ord('A')+i):i+1 for i in range(26)}) output_df['dir'] = output_df['dir'].fillna(0).astype(int) output_df['dist'] = output_df['dist'].fillna(0) output_df['battingType'] = output_df['battingType'].fillna('G') output_df['isOuts'] = output_df['isOuts'].fillna('-1').astype(int) return output_df def get_base_features(input_df, train_pitcher, test_pitcher, train_batter, test_batter): output_df = input_df.copy() output_df['inning'] = 2 * (output_df['inning'].str[0].astype(int) - 1) + output_df['inning'].str.contains('裏') output_df['pitcherCommon'] = output_df['pitcher'] output_df['batterCommon'] = output_df['batter'] output_df.loc[~(output_df['pitcherCommon'].isin(train_pitcher & test_pitcher)), 'pitcherCommon'] = np.nan output_df.loc[~(output_df['batterCommon'].isin(train_batter & test_batter)), 'batterCommon'] = np.nan # label encoding cat_cols = output_df.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns for col in cat_cols: f = output_df[col].notnull() output_df.loc[f, col] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(output_df.loc[f, col].values) output_df.loc[~f, col] = -1 output_df[col] = output_df[col].astype(int) output_df['inningHalf'] = output_df['inning'] % 2 output_df['inningNumber'] = output_df['inning'] // 2 output_df['outCount'] = output_df['inning'] * 3 + output_df['O'] output_df['B_S_O'] = output_df['B'] + 4 * (output_df['S'] + 3 * output_df['O']) output_df['b1_b2_b3'] = output_df['b1'] * 1 + output_df['b2'] * 2 + output_df['b3'] * 4 next_b = output_df.sort_values(['gameID', 'inning', 'O']).groupby(['gameID', 'inning'], group_keys=False)['b1', 'b2', 'b3'].shift(-1).rename(columns={'b1': 'n_b1', 'b2': 'n_b2', 'b3': 'n_b3'}) output_df = pd.merge(output_df, next_b, left_index=True, right_index=True) def replace_b1(x): if pd.isnull(x['n_b1']): return x['b1'] else: return x['n_b1'] def replace_b2(x): if pd.isnull(x['n_b2']): return x['b2'] else: return x['n_b2'] def replace_b3(x): if pd.isnull(x['n_b3']): return x['b3'] else: return x['n_b3'] output_df['n_b1'] = output_df.apply(replace_b2, axis=1) output_df['n_b2'] = output_df.apply(replace_b2, axis=1) output_df['n_b3'] = output_df.apply(replace_b3, axis=1) output_df['plus_b1'] = output_df.apply(lambda x: x['b1'] < x['n_b1'], axis=1) output_df['plus_b2'] = output_df.apply(lambda x: x['b2'] < x['n_b2'], axis=1) output_df['plus_b3'] = output_df.apply(lambda x: x['b3'] < x['n_b3'], axis=1) output_df['minus_b1'] = output_df.apply(lambda x: x['b1'] > x['n_b1'], axis=1) output_df['minus_b2'] = output_df.apply(lambda x: x['b2'] > x['n_b2'], axis=1) output_df['minus_b3'] = output_df.apply(lambda x: x['b3'] > x['n_b3'], axis=1) return output_df def aggregation(input_df, group_keys, group_values, agg_methods): new_df = [] for agg_method in agg_methods: for col in group_values: if callable(agg_method): agg_method_name = agg_method.__name__ else: agg_method_name = agg_method new_col = f'agg_{agg_method_name}_{col}_grpby_' + '_'.join(group_keys) agg_df = input_df[[col]+group_keys].groupby(group_keys)[[col]].agg(agg_method) agg_df.columns = [new_col] new_df.append(agg_df) new_df = pd.concat(new_df, axis=1).reset_index() output_df = pd.merge(input_df, new_df, on=group_keys, how='left') return output_df, list(new_df.columns) def get_agg_gameID_inningHalf_features(input_df): group_keys = ['subGameID', 'inningHalf'] group_values = ['S', 'B', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3'] agg_methods = ['mean', 'std'] output_df, cols = aggregation( input_df, group_keys=group_keys, group_values=group_values, agg_methods=agg_methods) return reduce_mem_usage(output_df) ''' pivot table features ''' def get_pivot_NMF9_features(input_df, n, value_col): pivot_df = pd.pivot_table(input_df, index='subGameID', columns='outCount', values=value_col, aggfunc=np.median) sc0 = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(np.median(pivot_df.fillna(0).values.reshape(-1,54//3,3)[:,0::2,:], axis=-1)) sc1 = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(np.median(pivot_df.fillna(0).values.reshape(-1,54//3,3)[:,1::2,:], axis=-1)) nmf = NMF(n_components=n, random_state=2021) nmf_df0 = pd.DataFrame(nmf.fit_transform(sc0), index=pivot_df.index).rename( columns=lambda x: f'pivot_{value_col}_NMF9T={x:02}') nmf_df1 = pd.DataFrame(nmf.fit_transform(sc1), index=pivot_df.index).rename( columns=lambda x: f'pivot_{value_col}_NMF9B={x:02}') nmf_df = pd.concat([nmf_df0, nmf_df1], axis=1) nmf_df = pd.merge( input_df, nmf_df, left_on='subGameID', right_index=True, how='left') return reduce_mem_usage(nmf_df) # pivot tabel を用いた特徴量 def get_pivot_NMF27_features(input_df, n, value_col): pivot_df = pd.pivot_table(input_df, index='subGameID', columns='outCount', values=value_col, aggfunc=np.median) sc0 = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(pivot_df.fillna(0).values.reshape(-1,54//3,3)[:,0::2].reshape(-1,27)) sc1 = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(pivot_df.fillna(0).values.reshape(-1,54//3,3)[:,1::2].reshape(-1,27)) nmf = NMF(n_components=n, random_state=2021) nmf_df0 = pd.DataFrame(nmf.fit_transform(sc0), index=pivot_df.index).rename( columns=lambda x: f'pivot_{value_col}_NMF27T={x:02}') nmf_df1 = pd.DataFrame(nmf.fit_transform(sc1), index=pivot_df.index).rename( columns=lambda x: f'pivot_{value_col}_NMF27B={x:02}') nmf_df = pd.concat([nmf_df0, nmf_df1], axis=1) nmf_df = pd.merge( input_df, nmf_df, left_on='subGameID', right_index=True, how='left') return reduce_mem_usage(nmf_df) # pivot tabel を用いた特徴量 def get_pivot_NMF54_features(input_df, n, value_col): pivot_df =
pd.pivot_table(input_df, index='subGameID', columns='outCount', values=value_col, aggfunc=np.median)
import pandas as pd import csv from itertools import zip_longest import os import math def readFiles(tpath): txtLists = os.listdir(tpath) return txtLists def atan(x): b = [] for i in x: bb = ( math.atan(i) * 2 / math.pi) b.append(bb) b = pd.Series(b) return b def log(x,maxx): b = [] for i in x: bb = math.log10(i+1)/math.log10(maxx) b.append(bb) b = pd.Series(b) return b def SaveFCAs(path): errorlist = [] count = 0 FreqC, FreqCR, FreqE, FreqER = find_max_freq() print(FreqC, FreqCR, FreqE, FreqER) CueC, CueCR, CueE, CueER, mCueE, mCueER, mCueC, mCueCR = find_max_cue() print(CueC, CueCR, CueE, CueER) print( mCueC, mCueCR, mCueE, mCueER) f = 1 sta_schemas = pd.DataFrame( columns=["Schema", "nClass", "CueE_n", "CueER_n", "FreqE_n", "FreqER_n", 'search', 'share', 'overall']) for i in readFiles(path): if 'csv' not in i: continue count += 1 name = i[:-8] add1 = 'Cue/%s_Cue.csv' %name add2 = 'Freq/%s_Freq.csv' %name cue = pd.read_csv(add1) # cue = cue.sort_values("Class") freq = pd.read_csv(add2) # freq = freq.sort_values("Class") overallS = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Class", "CueE", "CueE_n", "CueER", "CueER_n", 'FreqE', 'FreqE_n','FreqER', 'FreqER_n','search','share','overall']) cue = cue.fillna(0) freq = freq.fillna(0) print(count) print("process:", name) try: l = cue.shape[0] overallS['Class'] = cue['Class'][0:-1]["overall", 'Class'] = "Overall" overallS['CueE'] = cue['CueE'] overallS['CueE_n'] = (cue['CueE'][0:-1]-mCueE)/(CueE-mCueE) if f == 0 else log(cue['CueE'][0:-1],CueE)["overall", 'CueE_n'] = math.log10(cue['CueE'][l-1]+1)/math.log10(CueC) overallS['CueER'] = cue['CueER'] overallS['CueER_n'] = (cue['CueER'][0:-1]-mCueER)/(CueER-mCueER)["overall", 'CueER_n'] = cue['CueER'][l-1]/CueCR overallS['FreqE'] = freq['FreqE'] overallS['FreqE_n'] = freq['FreqE'][0:-1]/FreqE if f== 0 else log(freq['FreqE'][0:-1],FreqE)["overall", 'FreqE_n'] = math.log10(freq['FreqE'][l-1]+1)/math.log10(FreqC) overallS['FreqER'] = freq['FreqER'] overallS['FreqER_n'] = freq['FreqE'][0:-1]/FreqER["overall", 'FreqER_n'] = freq['FreqER'][l-1]/FreqCR overallS['search'] = (overallS['CueER_n'] + overallS['CueE_n'])/2 overallS['share'] = (overallS['FreqER_n'] + overallS['FreqE_n'])/2 overallS['overall'] = (overallS['search'] + overallS['share'])/2 overallS.to_csv('OverallScore2/%s.csv' %name, index=0)['%s' % name, 'Schema'] = name['%s' % name, 'nClass'] = overallS.shape[0]-1['%s' % name, 'CueE_n'] =["overall", 'CueE_n']['%s' % name, 'CueER_n'] =["overall", 'CueER_n']['%s' % name, 'FreqE_n'] =["overall", 'FreqE_n']['%s' % name, 'FreqER_n'] =["overall", 'FreqER_n']['%s' % name, 'search'] =["overall", 'search']['%s' % name, 'share'] =["overall", 'share']['%s' % name, 'overall'] =["overall", 'overall'] except Exception as e: print("Error:", name) print(e) errorlist.append([name, e]) sta_schemas.to_csv("sta_schemas.csv", index=0) def find_max_freq(): FreqE, FreqER = 0, 0 FreqC, FreqCR = 0, 0 path1 = 'Freq/' for i in readFiles(path): if 'csv' not in i: continue add = path1 + i[0:-7] +'Freq.csv' a =
#%% import os import glob import itertools import re import numpy as np import pandas as pd import collections import skbio import git #%% # Find project parental directory repo = git.Repo("./", search_parent_directories=True) homedir = repo.working_dir # Define data directory datadir = f"{homedir}/data/processed_sequencing/20210507_lacI_negctrl_library_mapping/" # Define output dir outputdir = f"{homedir}/data/barcodes/20210507_lacI_negctrl_library_mapping/" # List fastq.gz file fastq_file = glob.glob(f"{datadir}*WT_Lac*.fastq.gz")[0] #%% # Define operator sequences # Forward operators O1_rev = skbio.DNA("aattgtgagcggataacaatt".upper()) O2_rev = skbio.DNA("aaatgtgagcgagtaacaacc".upper()) O3_rev = skbio.DNA("ggcagtgagcgcaacgcaatt".upper()) # Reverse complement O1 = O1_rev.reverse_complement() O2 = O2_rev.reverse_complement() O3 = O3_rev.reverse_complement() operators = { "O1": str(O1), "O2": str(O2), "O3": str(O3), "O1_rev": str(O1_rev), "O2_rev": str(O2_rev), "O3_rev": str(O3_rev), } # Forward primer fwd_prim = skbio.DNA("GCTTATTCGTGCCGTGTTAT").reverse_complement() # Reverse primer rev_prim = skbio.DNA("GGGCACAGCAATCAAAAGTA").reverse_complement() # Define RNAP binding site rnap = str( skbio.DNA("TTTACACTTTATGCTTCCGGCTCGTATAATGTGTGG").reverse_complement() ) # Define clone binding site clone = str(skbio.DNA("gctagcCAATGCGGgagctc".upper()).reverse_complement()) #%% def op_match(seq): """ Function to match the operator sequences """ # Loop through operators for key, item in operators.items(): # Find operator and return boolean if found op_pos =, seq) # If found return the operator and break loop if bool(op_pos): return [key] + [*op_pos.span()] break # If none match, return none if not bool(op_pos): return ["None", 0, 0] def rev_comp(seq): """ Function that takes a string, converts it into skbio.DNA and takes the reverse complement """ return str(skbio.DNA(seq, validate=False).reverse_complement()) #%% print("Reading WTlac sequences into memory") # Use skbio to have a generator to iterate over fastq seqs = f"{fastq_file}", format="fastq", verify="false", variant="illumina1.8" ) # Initialize list to save sequences seq_list = list() # Initialize counter counter = 0 # Define number of samples n_samples = 10000 # Iterate over sequences for seq in seqs: # itertools.islice(seqs, n_samples): if counter % 10000 == 0: print(f"reading seq #{counter}") # Extract sequence information seq_id = seq.metadata["id"] sequence = str(skbio.DNA(sequence=seq, validate=False)) # Append to list seq_list.append([seq_id, sequence]) counter += 1 # Initialize dataframe to save sequences names = ["id", "sequence"] df_seq = pd.DataFrame.from_records(seq_list, columns=names) # Add index and sequence length to dataframe df_seq["seq_len"] = df_seq["sequence"].apply(len) print("Done reading sequences...") print("Mapping operator sequences") # Map operators op_map = list() # Loop through rows for seq in df_seq.sequence: op_map.append(op_match(seq)) df_seq = pd.concat( [ df_seq, pd.DataFrame.from_records( op_map, columns=["operator", "op_begin", "op_end"] ), ], axis=1, ) # Reverse complement sequences which had a reversed operator # Find forward sequences bool_forward = ["_rev" in x and x != "None" for x in df_seq.operator] # Reverse complement forward sequences df_seq.loc[bool_forward, "sequence"] = [ rev_comp(seq) for seq in df_seq[bool_forward]["sequence"] ] # Remap operators after having reversed sequences op_map = list() # Loop through rows for seq in df_seq.sequence: op_map.append(op_match(seq)) df_seq[["operator", "op_begin", "op_end"]] = pd.DataFrame.from_records( op_map, columns=["operator", "op_begin", "op_end"] ) print("Done mapping operators...") print("Mapping forward and reverse primers") # Initialize array to save primer start position prim_pos = np.zeros([len(df_seq), 2], dtype=int) # Loop through sequences for i, seq in df_seq.iterrows(): # Search forward primer fwd_pos =, seq["sequence"]) # Save position if bool(fwd_pos): prim_pos[i, 0] = fwd_pos.span()[0] # Search reverse primer rev_pos =, seq["sequence"]) # Save position if bool(rev_pos): prim_pos[i, 1] = rev_pos.span()[0] # Assing columns with information df_seq = df_seq.assign( fwd_prim=prim_pos[:, 0], rev_prim=prim_pos[:, 1], prim_dist=np.abs(prim_pos[:, 0] - prim_pos[:, 1]), ) print("Done mapping primers...") #%% # Filtering sequences print("Filtering sequences by:") print("1. Filtering by separation between primers") # Save original dataframe length len_df = len(df_seq) # Filter by length df_filt = df_seq[df_seq["prim_dist"] == 82] # Save rejected sequences df_reject = df_seq[df_seq["prim_dist"] != 82][["id", "sequence"]] df_reject = df_reject.assign(reject_by="primers_distance") # Reset index df_filt.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) df_reject.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) # Print percentage of sequences removed print( f""" Cumulative percentage of original sequences removed: {100 - np.round(len(df_filt) / len_df * 100, 2)}% """ ) #%% print("2. Filtering by operator sequence and position") # Copy filtered step df = df_filt # Remove sequences with no mapped operator df_filt = df[df["operator"] != "None"] # Store rejected sequences df_r = df[df["operator"] == "None"][["id", "sequence"]] df_r = df_r.assign(reject_by="operator_seq") df_reject = df_reject.append(df_r, ignore_index=True) # Reset index df_filt.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) df_reject.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) # Compute the distance between the end of the primer and the operator op_dist = (df_filt["op_begin"] - df_filt["rev_prim"]) - len(rev_prim) # Copy filtered step df = df_filt # Select sequences df_filt = df[op_dist == 0] # Store rejected sequences df_r = df[op_dist != 0][["id", "sequence"]] df_r = df_r.assign(reject_by="operator_pos") df_reject = df_reject.append(df_r, ignore_index=True) # Reset index df_filt.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) df_reject.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) # Print percentage of sequences removed print( f""" Cumulative percentage of original sequences removed: {np.round(100 - len(df_filt) / len_df * 100, 2)}% """ ) #%% print("3. Filtering by RNAP binding site sequence and position") # Initialize array to save RNAP position rnap_pos = np.zeros(len(df_filt)) # Loop through sequences for i, seq in df_filt.iterrows(): # Search RNAP sequence rnap_re =, seq["sequence"]) # Save position if bool(rnap_re): rnap_pos[i] = rnap_re.span()[0] # Add column to dataframe df_filt = df_filt.assign(rnap=rnap_pos) # Compute RNAP distance rnap_dist = ( (df_filt["rnap"] - df_filt["rev_prim"]) - len(rev_prim) - len(operators["O1"]) ) # Copy filtered step df = df_filt # Select sequences df_filt = df[rnap_dist == 0] # Store rejected sequences df_r = df[rnap_dist != 0][["id", "sequence"]] df_r = df_r.assign(reject_by="rnap_pos") df_reject = df_reject.append(df_r, ignore_index=True) # Reset index df_filt.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) df_reject.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) # Print percentage of sequences removed print( f""" Cumulative percentage of original sequences removed: {np.round(100 - len(df_filt) / len_df * 100, 2)}% """ ) #%% print("4. Filtering by cloning site sequence and position") # Initialize array to save clone position clone_pos = np.zeros(len(df_filt)) # Loop through sequences for i, seq in df_filt.iterrows(): # Search clone sequence clone_re =, seq["sequence"]) # Save position if bool(clone_re): clone_pos[i] = clone_re.span()[0] # Add column to dataframe df_filt = df_filt.assign(clone=clone_pos) # Compute clone distance clone_dist = (df_filt["clone"] - df_filt["rev_prim"]) + len(clone) # Copy filtered step df = df_filt # Select sequences df_filt = df[(clone_dist == 0) & (clone_pos == 20)] # Store rejected sequences df_r = df[(clone_dist != 0) | (clone_pos != 20)][["id", "sequence"]] df_r = df_r.assign(reject_by="clone_pos") df_reject = df_reject.append(df_r, ignore_index=True) # Reset index df_filt.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) df_reject.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) # Print percentage of sequences removed print( f""" Cumulative percentage of original sequences removed: {np.round(100 - len(df_filt) / len_df * 100, 2)}% """ ) # Group by operator df_group = df_filt.groupby("operator") # Initialize dataframe to save outcome names = ["operator", "sequence", "barcode", "counts"] df_counts =
import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime from sapextractor.utils import constants def apply(dataframe, dt_column, tm_column, target_column): try: if str(dataframe[dt_column].dtype) != "object": print("a") dataframe[dt_column] = dataframe[dt_column].apply(lambda x: x.strftime(constants.DATE_FORMAT_INTERNAL)) if str(dataframe[tm_column].dtype) != "object": print("b") dataframe[tm_column] = dataframe[tm_column].apply(lambda x: x.strftime(constants.HOUR_FORMAT_INTERNAL)) dataframe[target_column] = dataframe[dt_column] + " " + dataframe[tm_column] print("c") dataframe[target_column] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe[target_column], format=constants.TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) print("d") dataframe = dataframe.sort_values("event_timestamp") dataframe = dataframe.dropna(subset=["event_timestamp"], how="any") except: print("e") dataframe[dt_column] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe[dt_column], format=constants.DATE_FORMAT_INTERNAL) print("f") dataframe[tm_column] =
pd.to_datetime(dataframe[tm_column], format=constants.HOUR_FORMAT_INTERNAL)
import re import numpy as np import pytest import pandas as pd import pandas._testing as tm from pandas.core.arrays import IntervalArray class TestSeriesReplace: def test_replace_explicit_none(self): # GH#36984 if the user explicitly passes value=None, give it to them ser = pd.Series([0, 0, ""], dtype=object) result = ser.replace("", None) expected = pd.Series([0, 0, None], dtype=object) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((3, 3))) df.iloc[2, 2] = "" result = df.replace("", None) expected = pd.DataFrame( { 0: np.zeros(3), 1: np.zeros(3), 2: np.array([0.0, 0.0, None], dtype=object), } ) assert expected.iloc[2, 2] is None tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # GH#19998 same thing with object dtype ser = pd.Series([10, 20, 30, "a", "a", "b", "a"]) result = ser.replace("a", None) expected = pd.Series([10, 20, 30, None, None, "b", None]) assert expected.iloc[-1] is None tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace_noop_doesnt_downcast(self): # GH#44498 ser = pd.Series([None, None, pd.Timestamp("2021-12-16 17:31")], dtype=object) res = ser.replace({np.nan: None}) # should be a no-op tm.assert_series_equal(res, ser) assert res.dtype == object # same thing but different calling convention res = ser.replace(np.nan, None) tm.assert_series_equal(res, ser) assert res.dtype == object def test_replace(self): N = 100 ser = pd.Series(np.random.randn(N)) ser[0:4] = np.nan ser[6:10] = 0 # replace list with a single value return_value = ser.replace([np.nan], -1, inplace=True) assert return_value is None exp = ser.fillna(-1) tm.assert_series_equal(ser, exp) rs = ser.replace(0.0, np.nan) ser[ser == 0.0] = np.nan tm.assert_series_equal(rs, ser) ser = pd.Series(np.fabs(np.random.randn(N)), tm.makeDateIndex(N), dtype=object) ser[:5] = np.nan ser[6:10] = "foo" ser[20:30] = "bar" # replace list with a single value rs = ser.replace([np.nan, "foo", "bar"], -1) assert (rs[:5] == -1).all() assert (rs[6:10] == -1).all() assert (rs[20:30] == -1).all() assert (pd.isna(ser[:5])).all() # replace with different values rs = ser.replace({np.nan: -1, "foo": -2, "bar": -3}) assert (rs[:5] == -1).all() assert (rs[6:10] == -2).all() assert (rs[20:30] == -3).all() assert (pd.isna(ser[:5])).all() # replace with different values with 2 lists rs2 = ser.replace([np.nan, "foo", "bar"], [-1, -2, -3]) tm.assert_series_equal(rs, rs2) # replace inplace return_value = ser.replace([np.nan, "foo", "bar"], -1, inplace=True) assert return_value is None assert (ser[:5] == -1).all() assert (ser[6:10] == -1).all() assert (ser[20:30] == -1).all() def test_replace_nan_with_inf(self): ser = pd.Series([np.nan, 0, np.inf]) tm.assert_series_equal(ser.replace(np.nan, 0), ser.fillna(0)) ser = pd.Series([np.nan, 0, "foo", "bar", np.inf, None, pd.NaT]) tm.assert_series_equal(ser.replace(np.nan, 0), ser.fillna(0)) filled = ser.copy() filled[4] = 0 tm.assert_series_equal(ser.replace(np.inf, 0), filled) def test_replace_listlike_value_listlike_target(self, datetime_series): ser = pd.Series(datetime_series.index) tm.assert_series_equal(ser.replace(np.nan, 0), ser.fillna(0)) # malformed msg = r"Replacement lists must match in length\. Expecting 3 got 2" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): ser.replace([1, 2, 3], [np.nan, 0]) # ser is dt64 so can't hold 1 or 2, so this replace is a no-op result = ser.replace([1, 2], [np.nan, 0]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, ser) ser = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) result = ser.replace([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, pd.Series([4, 3, 2, 1, 0])) def test_replace_gh5319(self): # API change from 0.12? # GH 5319 ser = pd.Series([0, np.nan, 2, 3, 4]) expected = ser.ffill() result = ser.replace([np.nan]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) ser = pd.Series([0, np.nan, 2, 3, 4]) expected = ser.ffill() result = ser.replace(np.nan) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace_datetime64(self): # GH 5797 ser = pd.Series(pd.date_range("20130101", periods=5)) expected = ser.copy() expected.loc[2] = pd.Timestamp("20120101") result = ser.replace({pd.Timestamp("20130103"): pd.Timestamp("20120101")}) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = ser.replace(pd.Timestamp("20130103"), pd.Timestamp("20120101")) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace_nat_with_tz(self): # GH 11792: Test with replacing NaT in a list with tz data ts = pd.Timestamp("2015/01/01", tz="UTC") s = pd.Series([pd.NaT, pd.Timestamp("2015/01/01", tz="UTC")]) result = s.replace([np.nan, pd.NaT], pd.Timestamp.min) expected = pd.Series([pd.Timestamp.min, ts], dtype=object) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_replace_timedelta_td64(self): tdi = pd.timedelta_range(0, periods=5) ser = pd.Series(tdi) # Using a single dict argument means we go through replace_list result = ser.replace({ser[1]: ser[3]}) expected = pd.Series([ser[0], ser[3], ser[2], ser[3], ser[4]]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace_with_single_list(self): ser = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) result = ser.replace([1, 2, 3]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, pd.Series([0, 0, 0, 0, 4])) s = ser.copy() return_value = s.replace([1, 2, 3], inplace=True) assert return_value is None tm.assert_series_equal(s, pd.Series([0, 0, 0, 0, 4])) # make sure things don't get corrupted when fillna call fails s = ser.copy() msg = ( r"Invalid fill method\. Expecting pad \(ffill\) or backfill " r"\(bfill\)\. Got crash_cymbal" ) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): return_value = s.replace([1, 2, 3], inplace=True, method="crash_cymbal") assert return_value is None tm.assert_series_equal(s, ser) def test_replace_mixed_types(self): ser = pd.Series(np.arange(5), dtype="int64") def check_replace(to_rep, val, expected): sc = ser.copy() result = ser.replace(to_rep, val) return_value = sc.replace(to_rep, val, inplace=True) assert return_value is None tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, sc) # 3.0 can still be held in our int64 series, so we do not upcast GH#44940 tr, v = [3], [3.0] check_replace(tr, v, ser) # Note this matches what we get with the scalars 3 and 3.0 check_replace(tr[0], v[0], ser) # MUST upcast to float e = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3.5, 4]) tr, v = [3], [3.5] check_replace(tr, v, e) # casts to object e = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3.5, "a"]) tr, v = [3, 4], [3.5, "a"] check_replace(tr, v, e) # again casts to object e = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3.5, pd.Timestamp("20130101")]) tr, v = [3, 4], [3.5, pd.Timestamp("20130101")] check_replace(tr, v, e) # casts to object e = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3.5, True], dtype="object") tr, v = [3, 4], [3.5, True] check_replace(tr, v, e) # test an object with dates + floats + integers + strings dr = pd.Series(pd.date_range("1/1/2001", "1/10/2001", freq="D")) result = dr.astype(object).replace([dr[0], dr[1], dr[2]], [1.0, 2, "a"]) expected = pd.Series([1.0, 2, "a"] + dr[3:].tolist(), dtype=object) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace_bool_with_string_no_op(self): s = pd.Series([True, False, True]) result = s.replace("fun", "in-the-sun") tm.assert_series_equal(s, result) def test_replace_bool_with_string(self): # nonexistent elements s = pd.Series([True, False, True]) result = s.replace(True, "2u") expected = pd.Series(["2u", False, "2u"]) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_replace_bool_with_bool(self): s = pd.Series([True, False, True]) result = s.replace(True, False) expected = pd.Series([False] * len(s)) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_replace_with_dict_with_bool_keys(self): s = pd.Series([True, False, True]) result = s.replace({"asdf": "asdb", True: "yes"}) expected = pd.Series(["yes", False, "yes"]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace_Int_with_na(self, any_int_ea_dtype): # GH 38267 result = pd.Series([0, None], dtype=any_int_ea_dtype).replace(0, pd.NA) expected = pd.Series([pd.NA, pd.NA], dtype=any_int_ea_dtype) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = pd.Series([0, 1], dtype=any_int_ea_dtype).replace(0, pd.NA) result.replace(1, pd.NA, inplace=True) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace2(self): N = 100 ser = pd.Series(np.fabs(np.random.randn(N)), tm.makeDateIndex(N), dtype=object) ser[:5] = np.nan ser[6:10] = "foo" ser[20:30] = "bar" # replace list with a single value rs = ser.replace([np.nan, "foo", "bar"], -1) assert (rs[:5] == -1).all() assert (rs[6:10] == -1).all() assert (rs[20:30] == -1).all() assert (pd.isna(ser[:5])).all() # replace with different values rs = ser.replace({np.nan: -1, "foo": -2, "bar": -3}) assert (rs[:5] == -1).all() assert (rs[6:10] == -2).all() assert (rs[20:30] == -3).all() assert (pd.isna(ser[:5])).all() # replace with different values with 2 lists rs2 = ser.replace([np.nan, "foo", "bar"], [-1, -2, -3]) tm.assert_series_equal(rs, rs2) # replace inplace return_value = ser.replace([np.nan, "foo", "bar"], -1, inplace=True) assert return_value is None assert (ser[:5] == -1).all() assert (ser[6:10] == -1).all() assert (ser[20:30] == -1).all() def test_replace_with_dictlike_and_string_dtype(self, nullable_string_dtype): # GH 32621, GH#44940 ser = pd.Series(["one", "two", np.nan], dtype=nullable_string_dtype) expected = pd.Series(["1", "2", np.nan], dtype=nullable_string_dtype) result = ser.replace({"one": "1", "two": "2"}) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_replace_with_empty_dictlike(self): # GH 15289 s = pd.Series(list("abcd")) tm.assert_series_equal(s, s.replace({})) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): empty_series = pd.Series([]) tm.assert_series_equal(s, s.replace(empty_series)) def test_replace_string_with_number(self): # GH 15743 s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) result = s.replace("2", np.nan) expected = pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_replace_replacer_equals_replacement(self): # GH 20656 # make sure all replacers are matching against original values s = pd.Series(["a", "b"]) expected = pd.Series(["b", "a"]) result = s.replace({"a": "b", "b": "a"}) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_replace_unicode_with_number(self): # GH 15743 s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) result = s.replace("2", np.nan) expected = pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_replace_mixed_types_with_string(self): # Testing mixed s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, "4", 4, 5]) result = s.replace([2, "4"], np.nan) expected = pd.Series([1, np.nan, 3, np.nan, 4, 5]) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "categorical, numeric", [ (pd.Categorical(["A"], categories=["A", "B"]), [1]), (pd.Categorical(["A", "B"], categories=["A", "B"]), [1, 2]), ], ) def test_replace_categorical(self, categorical, numeric): # GH 24971, GH#23305 ser = pd.Series(categorical) result = ser.replace({"A": 1, "B": 2}) expected = pd.Series(numeric).astype("category") if 2 not in # i.e. categories should be [1, 2] even if there are no "B"s present # GH#44940 expected = tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_replace_categorical_single(self): # GH 26988 dti = pd.date_range("2016-01-01", periods=3, tz="US/Pacific") s = pd.Series(dti) c = s.astype("category") expected = c.copy() expected ="foo") expected[2] = "foo" expected = assert c[2] != "foo" result = c.replace(c[2], "foo") tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) assert c[2] != "foo" # ensure non-inplace call does not alter original return_value = c.replace(c[2], "foo", inplace=True) assert return_value is None tm.assert_series_equal(expected, c) first_value = c[0] return_value = c.replace(c[1], c[0], inplace=True) assert return_value is None assert c[0] == c[1] == first_value # test replacing with existing value def test_replace_with_no_overflowerror(self): # GH 25616 # casts to object without Exception from OverflowError s = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) result = s.replace([3], ["100000000000000000000"]) expected = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, "100000000000000000000", 4]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) s = pd.Series([0, "100000000000000000000", "100000000000000000001"]) result = s.replace(["100000000000000000000"], [1]) expected = pd.Series([0, 1, "100000000000000000001"]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ser, to_replace, exp", [ ([1, 2, 3], {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4}, [2, 3, 4]), (["1", "2", "3"], {"1": "2", "2": "3", "3": "4"}, ["2", "3", "4"]), ], ) def test_replace_commutative(self, ser, to_replace, exp): # GH 16051 # DataFrame.replace() overwrites when values are non-numeric series = pd.Series(ser) expected = pd.Series(exp) result = series.replace(to_replace) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ser, exp", [([1, 2, 3], [1, True, 3]), (["x", 2, 3], ["x", True, 3])] ) def test_replace_no_cast(self, ser, exp): # GH 9113 # BUG: replace int64 dtype with bool coerces to int64 series = pd.Series(ser) result = series.replace(2, True) expected = pd.Series(exp) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_replace_invalid_to_replace(self): # GH 18634 # API: replace() should raise an exception if invalid argument is given series = pd.Series(["a", "b", "c "]) msg = ( r"Expecting 'to_replace' to be either a scalar, array-like, " r"dict or None, got invalid type.*" ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): series.replace(lambda x: x.strip()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("frame", [False, True]) def test_replace_nonbool_regex(self, frame): obj = pd.Series(["a", "b", "c "]) if frame: obj = obj.to_frame() msg = "'to_replace' must be 'None' if 'regex' is not a bool" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): obj.replace(to_replace=["a"], regex="foo") @pytest.mark.parametrize("frame", [False, True]) def test_replace_empty_copy(self, frame): obj = pd.Series([], dtype=np.float64) if frame: obj = obj.to_frame() res = obj.replace(4, 5, inplace=True) assert res is None res = obj.replace(4, 5, inplace=False) tm.assert_equal(res, obj) assert res is not obj def test_replace_only_one_dictlike_arg(self, fixed_now_ts): # GH#33340 ser = pd.Series([1, 2, "A", fixed_now_ts, True]) to_replace = {0: 1, 2: "A"} value = "foo" msg = "Series.replace cannot use dict-like to_replace and non-None value" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): ser.replace(to_replace, value) to_replace = 1 value = {0: "foo", 2: "bar"} msg = "Series.replace cannot use dict-value and non-None to_replace" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): ser.replace(to_replace, value) def test_replace_extension_other(self, frame_or_series): # obj = frame_or_series(pd.array([1, 2, 3], dtype="Int64")) result = obj.replace("", "") # no exception # should not have changed dtype tm.assert_equal(obj, result) def _check_replace_with_method(self, ser: pd.Series): df = ser.to_frame() res = ser.replace(ser[1], method="pad") expected = pd.Series([ser[0], ser[0]] + list(ser[2:]), dtype=ser.dtype) tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) res_df = df.replace(ser[1], method="pad") tm.assert_frame_equal(res_df, expected.to_frame()) ser2 = ser.copy() res2 = ser2.replace(ser[1], method="pad", inplace=True) assert res2 is None tm.assert_series_equal(ser2, expected) res_df2 = df.replace(ser[1], method="pad", inplace=True) assert res_df2 is None tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected.to_frame()) def test_replace_ea_dtype_with_method(self, any_numeric_ea_dtype): arr = pd.array([1, 2, pd.NA, 4], dtype=any_numeric_ea_dtype) ser = pd.Series(arr) self._check_replace_with_method(ser) @pytest.mark.parametrize("as_categorical", [True, False]) def test_replace_interval_with_method(self, as_categorical): # in particular interval that can't hold NA idx = pd.IntervalIndex.from_breaks(range(4)) ser = pd.Series(idx) if as_categorical: ser = ser.astype("category") self._check_replace_with_method(ser) @pytest.mark.parametrize("as_period", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("as_categorical", [True, False]) def test_replace_datetimelike_with_method(self, as_period, as_categorical): idx = pd.date_range("2016-01-01", periods=5, tz="US/Pacific") if as_period: idx = idx.tz_localize(None).to_period("D") ser = pd.Series(idx) ser.iloc[-2] = pd.NaT if as_categorical: ser = ser.astype("category") self._check_replace_with_method(ser) def test_replace_with_compiled_regex(self): # s = pd.Series(["a", "b", "c"]) regex = re.compile("^a$") result = s.replace({regex: "z"}, regex=True) expected = pd.Series(["z", "b", "c"]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_pandas_replace_na(self): # GH#43344 ser = pd.Series(["AA", "BB", "CC", "DD", "EE", "", pd.NA], dtype="string") regex_mapping = { "AA": "CC", "BB": "CC", "EE": "CC", "CC": "CC-REPL", } result = ser.replace(regex_mapping, regex=True) exp = pd.Series(["CC", "CC", "CC-REPL", "DD", "CC", "", pd.NA], dtype="string") tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dtype, input_data, to_replace, expected_data", [ ("bool", [True, False], {True: False}, [False, False]), ("int64", [1, 2], {1: 10, 2: 20}, [10, 20]), ("Int64", [1, 2], {1: 10, 2: 20}, [10, 20]), ("float64", [1.1, 2.2], {1.1: 10.1, 2.2: 20.5}, [10.1, 20.5]), ("Float64", [1.1, 2.2], {1.1: 10.1, 2.2: 20.5}, [10.1, 20.5]), ("string", ["one", "two"], {"one": "1", "two": "2"}, ["1", "2"]), ( pd.IntervalDtype("int64"), IntervalArray([pd.Interval(1, 2), pd.Interval(2, 3)]), {pd.Interval(1, 2): pd.Interval(10, 20)}, IntervalArray([pd.Interval(10, 20), pd.Interval(2, 3)]), ), ( pd.IntervalDtype("float64"), IntervalArray([pd.Interval(1.0, 2.7),
pd.Interval(2.8, 3.1)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import numpy as np import os import glob import subprocess from libraries.lib_percentiles import * from libraries.lib_gtap_to_final import gtap_to_final from libraries.lib_common_plotting_functions import greys, quint_colors, quint_labels from libraries.lib_country_params import get_FD_scale_fac,iso_to_name from libraries.lib_get_hh_survey import get_hh_survey#, get_miembros_hogar from libraries.lib_survey_categories import get_dict_gtap_to_final from libraries.lib_results_to_excel import save_to_results_file from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['hatch.linewidth'] = 0.2 import seaborn as sns div_pal = sns.color_palette('BrBG', n_colors=11) def plot_expenditures_by_category(pais,hies_FD,hies_FD_tot): out_dir = 'output/' if pais == 'brb': out_dir = '/Users/brian/Desktop/Dropbox/IDB/Barbados/output/' #################### # Plot expenditures by category # --> as fraction of total expenditures hies_FD = hies_FD.reset_index().set_index(['cod_hogar','quintile']) hies_FD_tot = hies_FD_tot.reset_index().set_index(['cod_hogar','quintile']) final_FD_quints = pd.DataFrame(index=hies_FD_tot.sum(level='quintile').index).sort_index() # Reset df do_not_plot = [] plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) fdict = get_dict_gtap_to_final() for _h in fdict: hies_FD_tot[_h] = hies_FD[[fdict[_h][1]]].sum(axis=1) final_FD_quints[_h] = 100.*(hies_FD_tot[['hhwgt',_h]].prod(axis=1)/hies_FD_tot['totex_hh']).sum(level='quintile')/hies_FD_tot['hhwgt'].sum(level='quintile') _ = final_FD_quints.T.copy() _.columns = ['Q1','Q2','Q3','Q4','Q5'] ########################################################################################## # Record sample (all countries) stats in out_dir+'all_countries/hh_expenditures_table.csv' try: hhexp = pd.read_csv(out_dir+'all_countries/hh_expenditures_table.csv').set_index('category') except: hhexp = pd.DataFrame({pais.upper():0,'category':[fdict[i][1] for i in fdict]},index=None).set_index('category') for _ex in fdict: hhexp.loc[fdict[_ex][1],pais.upper()] = _.loc[_ex].mean() try: hhexp.to_csv(out_dir+'all_countries/hh_expenditures_table.csv') except: pass ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## # Record sample (all countries) stats in out_dir+'all_countries/hh_regressivity_table.csv' for _q in ['Q1','Q2','Q3','Q4']: try: hhreg = pd.read_csv(out_dir+'all_countries/hh_regressivity_table_'+_q+'.csv').set_index('category') except: hhreg = pd.DataFrame({pais.upper():0,'category':[fdict[i][1] for i in fdict]},index=None).set_index('category') for _ex in fdict: hhreg.loc[fdict[_ex][1],pais.upper()] = _.loc[_ex,'Q1']/_.loc[_ex,'Q5'] try: hhreg.to_csv(out_dir+'all_countries/hh_regressivity_table_'+_q+'.csv') except: pass ########################################################################################## _ = _[['Q1','Q5']].T.sort_values(by='Q1',axis=1) null_col = [] for _c in _: if round(_[_c].mean(),1)==0: null_col.append(_c) if _[_c].mean()<0.1: do_not_plot.append(_c) _ = _.drop(null_col,axis=1) final_FD_quints.to_csv(out_dir+'expenditures/'+pais+'_gasto_by_cat_and_quint.csv') col_wid=_.shape[1]/2 ax = plt.barh(np.arange(0,_.shape[1],1)*col_wid,_.iloc[0],color=sns.color_palette('BrBG', n_colors=11)[2],height=2.5) plt.barh(np.arange(0,_.shape[1],1)*col_wid+2.5,_.iloc[1],color=sns.color_palette('BrBG', n_colors=11)[8],height=2.5) plt.gca().grid(False) sns.despine(bottom=True) plt.gca().set_yticks(np.arange(0,_.shape[1],1)*col_wid+1) plt.gca().set_yticklabels([fdict[_h][1] for _h in _.columns],ha='right',fontsize=10,weight='light',color=greys[7]) plt.gca().set_xticklabels([]) ax = plt.gca() _y = [0.,0.] rects = ax.patches for rect in rects: if (rect.get_y()+rect.get_height()/2.) > _y[0]: _y.append(rect.get_y()+rect.get_height()/2.);_y.sort();_y.pop(0) for rect in rects: _w = rect.get_width() pct = '' if (rect.get_y()+rect.get_height()/2.) in _y: pct = '%' ax.annotate(str(round(_w,1))+pct,xy=(rect.get_x()+rect.get_width()+0.5, rect.get_y()+rect.get_height()/2.-0.1), ha='left', va='center',color=greys[7],fontsize=7,zorder=100,clip_on=False,style='italic') ax.annotate('Wealthiest quintile',xy=(0.8,_y[1]),ha='left',va='center',color=greys[0],fontsize=7,zorder=100,style='italic') ax.annotate('Poorest quintile',xy=(0.8,_y[0]),ha='left',va='center',color=greys[7],fontsize=7,zorder=100,style='italic') plt.title('Household expenditures in '+iso_to_name[pais],weight='bold',color=greys[7],fontsize=12,loc='right') plt.draw() try: plt.gcf().savefig(out_dir+'expenditures/'+pais+'_gastos_all_categories.pdf',format='pdf',bbox_inches='tight') plt.gcf().savefig(out_dir+'expenditures/'+pais+'_gastos_all_categories.png',format='png',bbox_inches='tight') except: pass plt.cla(); plt.close('all') return hies_FD,hies_FD_tot,null_col def plot_gtap_exp(pais,do_tax_food=True,verbose=False): out_dir = 'output/' if pais == 'brb': out_dir = '/Users/brian/Desktop/Dropbox/IDB/Barbados/output/' ############################ # Kuishuang's code (mostly): # load household survey data hh_hhsector = get_hh_survey(pais) hh_hhsector = hh_hhsector.drop([i for i in hh_hhsector.columns if 'ing' in i or 'ict' in i],axis=1) #hh_hhsector = hh_hhsector.fillna(1E5)#flag if verbose: print(hh_hhsector.shape) # load bridge matrix xl = pd.ExcelFile('consumption_and_household_surveys/2017-10-13/Bridge_matrix_consumption_items_to_GTAP_power_sectors.xlsx') if pais in xl.sheet_names: # all sheet names print('using '+pais+' tab') bridge_to_use = xl.parse(pais).fillna(0).drop(['Item_english'],axis = 1).set_index('Item') # read the specific sheet else: if verbose: print('using default tab') bridge_to_use = xl.parse('nae_of_default_tab').fillna(0).drop(['Item_english'],axis = 1).set_index('Item') cols_to_drop = [] for i in bridge_to_use.columns: if verbose: print(i,bridge_to_use[i].sum()) if bridge_to_use[i].sum(axis=0)==0: cols_to_drop.append(i) bridge_to_use = bridge_to_use.drop(cols_to_drop,axis=1) # household survey in GTAP sectors hh_gtap_sector = hh_hhsector[bridge_to_use.index].fillna(0).dot(bridge_to_use) hh_gtap_sector = hh_gtap_sector.reset_index() try: hh_gtap_sector['cod_hogar'] = hh_gtap_sector['cod_hogar'].astype('int') except: hh_gtap_sector['cod_hogar'] = hh_gtap_sector['cod_hogar'].astype('str') hh_gtap_sector = hh_gtap_sector.reset_index().set_index('cod_hogar') ## Run test. #print(hh_hhsector.columns) #print(hh_hhsector.head()) #_hh_hhsector = hh_hhsector.copy() #for _c in _hh_hhsector.columns: # if _c != 'gasto_ali':#and _c != 'gasto_alihogar': # _hh_hhsector[_c] = 0 #_hh_gtap_sector = _hh_hhsector[bridge_to_use.index].fillna(0).dot(bridge_to_use) if verbose: print(hh_gtap_sector.head(8)) # calcuate each household's share of national consumption, by category hh_share = (hh_gtap_sector.mul(hh_hhsector.factor_expansion, axis=0).fillna(0))/(hh_gtap_sector.mul(hh_hhsector.factor_expansion, axis=0).fillna(0).sum()) # Read household consumption vector from GTAP _iot_code = pais if pais != 'brb' else 'xcb' try: hh_fd_file = 'GTAP_power_IO_tables_with_imports/Household_consumption_both_domestic_import.xlsx' household_FD = get_FD_scale_fac(pais)*pd.read_excel(hh_fd_file,index_col=[0])[_iot_code].squeeze() except: if pais == 'brb': household_FD = get_FD_scale_fac(pais)*pd.read_excel('GTAP_power_IO_tables/xcbIOT.xlsx',sheet_name='Final_Demand',index_col=[0])['Hou'].squeeze() else: assert(False) # ^ get_FD_scale_fac(pais) != 1. ONLY IF pais == 'brb' # Final demand matrix hh_FD = household_FD*hh_share.fillna(0) for i in hh_FD.columns: hh_FD[i]/=hh_hhsector['factor_expansion'] if verbose: print(household_FD.head()) print(hh_FD.head(5)) #################### # Use gtap_to_final script to translate both expenditures & cc into HIES cats hies_FD, hies_FD_tot, hies_sf = gtap_to_final(hh_hhsector,hh_FD,pais,verbose=True) # Now, this df should be consistent with the FD vector if verbose: print((hh_FD.sum(axis=1)*hh_hhsector['factor_expansion']).sum()) print(hies_FD_tot[['totex_hh','hhwgt']].prod(axis=1).sum()) print('FD:',round(hies_FD_tot[['totex_hh','hhwgt']].prod(axis=1).sum(),3),round((hh_FD.sum(axis=1)*hh_hhsector['factor_expansion']).sum(),3)) assert(hies_FD_tot[['totex_hh','hhwgt']].prod(axis=1).sum()/(hh_FD.sum(axis=1)*hh_hhsector['factor_expansion']).sum()>0.999) assert(hies_FD_tot[['totex_hh','hhwgt']].prod(axis=1).sum()/(hh_FD.sum(axis=1)*hh_hhsector['factor_expansion']).sum()<1.001) #################### #################### if pais == 'brb': energy_tax_total = get_FD_scale_fac(pais)*pd.read_csv('/Users/brian/Desktop/Dropbox/IDB/Barbados/output/tax_cost_to_hh_in_gtap_cats.csv').set_index('cod_hogar') final_CC,wgts,_ = gtap_to_final(hh_hhsector,energy_tax_total,pais) hhwgts = wgts[['pcwgt','hhwgt','hhsize']].copy().dropna() final_CC_ind = final_CC.copy() final_CC_CO2 = final_CC.copy() final_CC_nonCO2 = final_CC.copy() for col in final_CC_nonCO2.columns: final_CC_nonCO2[col].values[:] = 0 final_CC_dir = final_CC.copy() for col in final_CC_dir.columns: final_CC_dir[col].values[:] = 0 #print(hhwgts.shape[0],hhwgts.dropna().shape[0]) # HACK: ^ should be no NAs in this df else: # Indirect carbon costs - CO2 ccdf_ind_CO2 = get_FD_scale_fac(pais)*pd.read_csv(out_dir+'carbon_cost/CC_per_hh_indirect_'+pais+'_CO2.csv').set_index('cod_hogar') # Indirect carbon costs - non-CO2 ccdf_ind_nonCO2 = get_FD_scale_fac(pais)*pd.read_csv(out_dir+'carbon_cost/CC_per_hh_indirect_'+pais+'_nonCO2.csv').set_index('cod_hogar') # Indirect carbon costs (allGHG) ccdf_ind = get_FD_scale_fac(pais)*
""" Tests shared for DatetimeIndex/TimedeltaIndex/PeriodIndex """ from datetime import datetime, timedelta import numpy as np import pytest import pandas as pd from pandas import ( CategoricalIndex, DatetimeIndex, Index, PeriodIndex, TimedeltaIndex, date_range, period_range, ) import pandas._testing as tm class EqualsTests: def test_not_equals_numeric(self, index): assert not index.equals(Index(index.asi8)) assert not index.equals(Index(index.asi8.astype("u8"))) assert not index.equals(Index(index.asi8).astype("f8")) def test_equals(self, index): assert index.equals(index) assert index.equals(index.astype(object)) assert index.equals(CategoricalIndex(index)) assert index.equals(CategoricalIndex(index.astype(object))) def test_not_equals_non_arraylike(self, index): assert not index.equals(list(index)) def test_not_equals_strings(self, index): other = Index([str(x) for x in index], dtype=object) assert not index.equals(other) assert not index.equals(CategoricalIndex(other)) def test_not_equals_misc_strs(self, index): other = Index(list("abc")) assert not index.equals(other) class TestPeriodIndexEquals(EqualsTests): @pytest.fixture def index(self): return period_range("2013-01-01", periods=5, freq="D") # TODO: de-duplicate with other test_equals2 methods @pytest.mark.parametrize("freq", ["D", "M"]) def test_equals2(self, freq): # GH#13107 idx = PeriodIndex(["2011-01-01", "2011-01-02", "NaT"], freq=freq) assert idx.equals(idx) assert idx.equals(idx.copy()) assert idx.equals(idx.astype(object)) assert idx.astype(object).equals(idx) assert idx.astype(object).equals(idx.astype(object)) assert not idx.equals(list(idx)) assert not idx.equals(
import pandas as pd import datetime as dtt import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import copy excel_path = "E:\\Desktop\\PyCode\\data.xlsx" clean_excel_path = "E:\\Desktop\\uads\\AnalysisReport\\cleandata_basis.xlsx" clean_excel_path2 = "E:\\Desktop\\PyCode\\cleandata_basis2.xlsx" cornData_excel_path = "E:\\Desktop\\uads\\AnalysisReport\\CornData.xlsx" # df = pd.read_excel(excel_path) # print(df.shape) # print(df.iloc[3062,6].date()) # if not pd.isnull(df.iloc[3062,0]): # print(type(df.iloc[3062,0])) # else: # print('Nodata') def df_clean(df): delta1 = 0 delta2 = 0 delta3 = 0 dflens = len(df.iloc[:,0]) print(df.shape) clean_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((dflens,8))) for i in range(dflens): if
'''Unit tests for functions in''' import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from cross_correlate import get_cross_cor def test_get_cross_cor(): """ Tests the ability of get_cross_cor to properly correlate two arrays. Identical arrays must give zero, opposite arrays must give one. Also tests to see if it masks bad data properly """ print("Running test") opposite_array = np.array([1, -1, 1, -1, 1]) ones_array = np.ones(5) half_array = np.ones(5)*0.5 bad_array = np.ones(5)*0.8 bad_array[3] = -99 opposite_df = pd.DataFrame(opposite_array, columns=['f_lambda']) ones_df = pd.DataFrame(ones_array, columns=['f_lambda']) half_df = pd.DataFrame(half_array, columns=['f_lambda']) bad_df =
pd.DataFrame(bad_array, columns=['f_lambda'])
# Licensed to Modin Development Team under one or more contributor license agreements. # See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding # copyright ownership. The Modin Development Team licenses this file to you under the # Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under # the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language # governing permissions and limitations under the License. import pytest import numpy as np import pandas from pandas.testing import assert_index_equal import matplotlib import modin.pandas as pd import sys from modin.pandas.test.utils import ( NROWS, RAND_LOW, RAND_HIGH, df_equals, arg_keys, name_contains, test_data, test_data_values, test_data_keys, axis_keys, axis_values, int_arg_keys, int_arg_values, create_test_dfs, eval_general, generate_multiindex, extra_test_parameters, ) from modin.config import NPartitions NPartitions.put(4) # Force matplotlib to not use any Xwindows backend. matplotlib.use("Agg") def eval_setitem(md_df, pd_df, value, col=None, loc=None): if loc is not None: col = pd_df.columns[loc] value_getter = value if callable(value) else (lambda *args, **kwargs: value) eval_general( md_df, pd_df, lambda df: df.__setitem__(col, value_getter(df)), __inplace__=True ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dates", [ ["2018-02-27 09:03:30", "2018-02-27 09:04:30"], ["2018-02-27 09:03:00", "2018-02-27 09:05:00"], ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("subset", ["a", "b", ["a", "b"], None]) def test_asof_with_nan(dates, subset): data = {"a": [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], "b": [None, None, None, None, 500]} index = pd.DatetimeIndex( [ "2018-02-27 09:01:00", "2018-02-27 09:02:00", "2018-02-27 09:03:00", "2018-02-27 09:04:00", "2018-02-27 09:05:00", ] ) modin_where = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates) pandas_where = pandas.DatetimeIndex(dates) compare_asof(data, index, modin_where, pandas_where, subset) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dates", [ ["2018-02-27 09:03:30", "2018-02-27 09:04:30"], ["2018-02-27 09:03:00", "2018-02-27 09:05:00"], ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("subset", ["a", "b", ["a", "b"], None]) def test_asof_without_nan(dates, subset): data = {"a": [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], "b": [70, 600, 30, -200, 500]} index = pd.DatetimeIndex( [ "2018-02-27 09:01:00", "2018-02-27 09:02:00", "2018-02-27 09:03:00", "2018-02-27 09:04:00", "2018-02-27 09:05:00", ] ) modin_where = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates) pandas_where = pandas.DatetimeIndex(dates) compare_asof(data, index, modin_where, pandas_where, subset) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "lookup", [ [60, 70, 90], [60.5, 70.5, 100], ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("subset", ["col2", "col1", ["col1", "col2"], None]) def test_asof_large(lookup, subset): data = test_data["float_nan_data"] index = list(range(NROWS)) modin_where = pd.Index(lookup) pandas_where = pandas.Index(lookup) compare_asof(data, index, modin_where, pandas_where, subset) def compare_asof( data, index, modin_where: pd.Index, pandas_where: pandas.Index, subset ): modin_df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index) pandas_df = pandas.DataFrame(data, index=index) df_equals( modin_df.asof(modin_where, subset=subset), pandas_df.asof(pandas_where, subset=subset), ) df_equals( modin_df.asof(modin_where.values, subset=subset), pandas_df.asof(pandas_where.values, subset=subset), ) df_equals( modin_df.asof(list(modin_where.values), subset=subset), pandas_df.asof(list(pandas_where.values), subset=subset), ) df_equals( modin_df.asof(modin_where.values[0], subset=subset), pandas_df.asof(pandas_where.values[0], subset=subset), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", test_data_values, ids=test_data_keys) def test_first_valid_index(data): modin_df = pd.DataFrame(data) pandas_df = pandas.DataFrame(data) assert modin_df.first_valid_index() == (pandas_df.first_valid_index()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", test_data_values, ids=test_data_keys) @pytest.mark.parametrize("n", int_arg_values, ids=arg_keys("n", int_arg_keys)) def test_head(data, n): # Test normal dataframe head modin_df = pd.DataFrame(data) pandas_df = pandas.DataFrame(data) df_equals(modin_df.head(n), pandas_df.head(n)) df_equals(modin_df.head(len(modin_df) + 1), pandas_df.head(len(pandas_df) + 1)) # Test head when we call it from a QueryCompilerView modin_result = modin_df.loc[:, ["col1", "col3", "col3"]].head(n) pandas_result = pandas_df.loc[:, ["col1", "col3", "col3"]].head(n) df_equals(modin_result, pandas_result) @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Defaulting to Pandas") @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", test_data_values, ids=test_data_keys) def test_iat(data): modin_df = pd.DataFrame(data) pandas_df = pandas.DataFrame(data) # noqa F841 with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): modin_df.iat() @pytest.mark.gpu @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", test_data_values, ids=test_data_keys) def test_iloc(request, data): modin_df = pd.DataFrame(data) pandas_df = pandas.DataFrame(data) if not name_contains(, ["empty_data"]): # Scaler np.testing.assert_equal(modin_df.iloc[0, 1], pandas_df.iloc[0, 1]) # Series df_equals(modin_df.iloc[0], pandas_df.iloc[0]) df_equals(modin_df.iloc[1:, 0], pandas_df.iloc[1:, 0]) df_equals(modin_df.iloc[1:2, 0], pandas_df.iloc[1:2, 0]) # DataFrame df_equals(modin_df.iloc[[1, 2]], pandas_df.iloc[[1, 2]]) # See issue #80 # df_equals(modin_df.iloc[[1, 2], [1, 0]], pandas_df.iloc[[1, 2], [1, 0]]) df_equals(modin_df.iloc[1:2, 0:2], pandas_df.iloc[1:2, 0:2]) # Issue #43 modin_df.iloc[0:3, :] # Write Item modin_df.iloc[[1, 2]] = 42 pandas_df.iloc[[1, 2]] = 42 df_equals(modin_df, pandas_df) modin_df = pd.DataFrame(data) pandas_df =
import torch import os import numpy as np from PIL import Image import Constants from data import cxr_process as preprocess import pandas as pd from torchvision import transforms import pickle from pathlib import Path from import Dataset, ConcatDataset def get_dfs(envs = [], split = None, only_frontal = False): dfs = [] for e in envs: func = preprocess.get_process_func(e) paths = Constants.df_paths[e] if split is not None: splits = [split] else: splits = ['train', 'val', 'test'] dfs += [func(pd.read_csv(paths[i]), only_frontal) for i in splits] return pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index = True, sort = False).sample(frac=1) #shuffle def prepare_df_for_cb(df, positive_env = 'CXP'): df2 = df.copy() df2 = df2.rename(columns = {'path': 'filename', 'Atelectasis': 'label', 'env': 'conf'}) df2['conf'] = (df2['conf'] == positive_env).astype(int) df2['label'] = (df2['label']).astype(int) return df2 def dataset_from_cb_output(orig_df, labels_gen, split, causal_type, data_type, cache = False): ''' massages output from labels_gen (which is only filename, label, conf) into a more informative dataframe format to allow for generalized caching in dataloader ''' envs = orig_df.env.unique() augmented_dfs, labels_env = {i: {} for i in envs}, [] temp = orig_df.set_index('path').loc[labels_gen[:, 0], :].reset_index() for i in envs: # assert(len(np.unique(labels_gen[:, 0])) == len(labels_gen)) # this should give error for deconf # augmented_dfs[i][split] = orig_df[(orig_df.path.isin(labels_gen[:, 0])) & (orig_df.env == i)] subset = (temp.env == i) augmented_dfs[i][split] = temp[subset] labels_env.append(labels_gen[subset, :]) dataset = get_dataset(envs, split, only_frontal = False, imagenet_norm = True, augment = 1 if split == 'train' else 0, cache = cache, subset_label = 'Atelectasis', augmented_dfs = augmented_dfs) return CXRWrapper(dataset, np.concatenate(labels_env), causal_type, data_type) def get_dataset(envs = [], split = None, only_frontal = False, imagenet_norm = True, augment = 0, cache = False, subset_label = None, augmented_dfs = None): if split in ['val', 'test']: assert(augment in [0, -1]) if augment == 1: # image augmentations image_transforms = [transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), transforms.RandomRotation(10), transforms.RandomResizedCrop(size = 224, scale = (0.75, 1.0)), transforms.ToTensor()] elif augment == 0: image_transforms = [transforms.ToTensor()] elif augment == -1: # only resize, just return a dataset with PIL images; don't ToTensor() image_transforms = [] if imagenet_norm and augment != -1: image_transforms.append(transforms.Normalize(Constants.IMAGENET_MEAN, Constants.IMAGENET_STD)) datasets = [] for e in envs: func = preprocess.get_process_func(e) paths = Constants.df_paths[e] if split is not None and split != 'all': splits = [split] else: splits = ['train', 'val', 'test'] if augmented_dfs is not None: # use provided dataframes instead of loading dfs = [augmented_dfs[e][i] for i in splits] else: dfs = [func(
import glob import os from functools import wraps from shutil import rmtree # import matplotlib # matplotlib.use('Pdf') # noqa import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib.lines import Line2D if os.getenv("FLEE_TYPE_CHECK") is not None and os.environ["FLEE_TYPE_CHECK"].lower() == "true": from beartype import beartype as check_args_type else: def check_args_type(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper @check_args_type def mkdir_p(mypath: str) -> None: """ Creates a directory. equivalent to using mkdir -p on the command line Args: mypath (str): Description """ if os.path.exists(mypath): rmtree(mypath) os.makedirs(mypath) @check_args_type def plot_flee_forecast(input_dir: str, region_names: list = None) -> None: """ Summary Args: input_dir (str): Description region_names (list, optional): Description """ print("INPUT DIRECTORY={}".format(input_dir)) # data_dir = os.path.join(input_dir, 'RUNS') # print("data_dir = {}".format(data_dir)) # we add empty string here to calculate results contains from all # available config folder names in RUNS directory if region_names is None: region_names = [] region_names.append("") # print("region_names = {}".format(region_names)) # clear the result_plots directory mkdir_p(os.path.join(input_dir, "plots")) for region_name in region_names: output_dir = os.path.join(input_dir, "plots") if len(region_name) > 0: output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, region_name) else: output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "entire_runs") print("OUTPUT DIRECTORY={}".format(output_dir)) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) if len(region_name) == 0: all_files = glob.glob(input_dir + "/RUNS/**/out.csv") else: all_files = [ f for f in glob.glob(input_dir + "/RUNS/**/out.csv") if region_name in os.path.abspath(f) and os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(f)).index(region_name) == 0 ] # print("Collected out.csv files for analysis:") # pprint(all_files) li = [] for filename in all_files: df =
pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=None, header=0)
""" Monthly Class Meteorological data provided by Meteostat ( under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License. The code is licensed under the MIT license. """ from datetime import datetime from typing import Union import numpy as np import pandas as pd from meteostat.core.cache import get_file_path, file_in_cache from meteostat.core.loader import processing_handler, load_handler from meteostat.utilities.validations import validate_series from meteostat.utilities.aggregations import degree_mean, weighted_average from meteostat.interface.timeseries import Timeseries from meteostat.interface.point import Point class Monthly(Timeseries): """ Retrieve monthly weather data for one or multiple weather stations or a single geographical point """ # The cache subdirectory cache_subdir: str = 'monthly' # Default frequency _freq: str = '1MS' # Columns _columns: list = [ 'year', 'month', 'tavg', 'tmin', 'tmax', 'prcp', 'snow', 'wdir', 'wspd', 'wpgt', 'pres', 'tsun' ] # Index of first meteorological column _first_met_col = 2 # Data types _types: dict = { 'tavg': 'float64', 'tmin': 'float64', 'tmax': 'float64', 'prcp': 'float64', 'snow': 'float64', 'wdir': 'float64', 'wspd': 'float64', 'wpgt': 'float64', 'pres': 'float64', 'tsun': 'float64' } # Columns for date parsing _parse_dates: dict = { 'time': [0, 1] } # Default aggregation functions aggregations: dict = { 'tavg': 'mean', 'tmin': 'mean', 'tmax': 'mean', 'prcp': 'sum', 'snow': 'max', 'wdir': degree_mean, 'wspd': 'mean', 'wpgt': 'max', 'pres': 'mean', 'tsun': 'sum' } def _load( self, station: str ) -> None: """ Load file from Meteostat """ # File name file = 'monthly/' + ('full' if self._model else 'obs') + \ '/' + station + '.csv.gz' # Get local file path path = get_file_path(self.cache_dir, self.cache_subdir, file) # Check if file in cache if self.max_age > 0 and file_in_cache(path, self.max_age): # Read cached data df = pd.read_pickle(path) else: # Get data from Meteostat df = load_handler( self.endpoint, file, self._columns, self._types, self._parse_dates) # Validate Series df = validate_series(df, station) # Save as Pickle if self.max_age > 0: df.to_pickle(path) # Filter time period and append to DataFrame if self._start and self._end: # Get time index time = df.index.get_level_values('time') # Filter & return return df.loc[(time >= self._start) & (time <= self._end)] # Return return df def _get_data(self) -> None: """ Get all required data """ if len(self._stations) > 0: # List of datasets datasets = [] for station in self._stations: datasets.append(( str(station), )) # Data Processing return processing_handler(datasets, self._load, self.processes, self.threads) # Empty DataFrame return pd.DataFrame(columns=[*self._types]) def _resolve_point( self, method: str, stations: pd.DataFrame, alt: int, adapt_temp: bool ) -> None: """ Project weather station data onto a single point """ if self._stations.size == 0 or self._data.size == 0: return None def adjust_temp(data: pd.DataFrame): """ Adjust temperature-like data based on altitude """ data.loc[data['tavg'] != np.NaN, 'tavg'] = data['tavg'] + \ ((2 / 3) * ((data['elevation'] - alt) / 100)) data.loc[data['tmin'] != np.NaN, 'tmin'] = data['tmin'] + \ ((2 / 3) * ((data['elevation'] - alt) / 100)) data.loc[data['tmax'] != np.NaN, 'tmax'] = data['tmax'] + \ ((2 / 3) * ((data['elevation'] - alt) / 100)) return data if method == 'nearest': if adapt_temp: # Join elevation of involved weather stations data = self._data.join( stations['elevation'], on='station') # Adapt temperature-like data based on altitude data = adjust_temp(data) # Drop elevation & round data = data.drop('elevation', axis=1).round(1) else: data = self._data self._data = self._data.groupby(
pd.Grouper(level='time', freq=self._freq)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2020. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the MIT License. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # MIT License for more details. """Class of list dict.""" import csv import os from collections import OrderedDict import pandas as pd class ListDict: """Class of list dict. :param data: data :type data: list """ def __init__(self, data=None, **kwargs): if data is None: data = [] = data self.kwargs = kwargs def __len__(self): """Get the length of data.""" return len( def __getitem__(self, key: (int, slice, str, tuple, list)): """Get item.""" if isinstance(key, str): return [p[key] for p in] elif isinstance(key, int): return[key] elif isinstance(key, slice): return self.__class__([key], **self.kwargs) elif isinstance(key, (tuple, list)): records = [] for key_ in key: records.append(self[key_]) if isinstance(records[-1], (dict, OrderedDict)): return self.__class__(data=records, **self.kwargs) else: return list(zip(*records)) else: raise TypeError('Key must be str or list') def __str__(self): """Str.""" s = [] for i in s.append(str(i)) return '\n'.join(s) @property def header(self): """Get the header of the data.""" if len( > 0: return list([0].keys()) else: return None def get(self, key, default=None): """Get value for key.""" try: return self[key] except BaseException: return default def append(self, data): """Append data.""" if isinstance(data, ListDict): if len(data) != 0: raise Exception('data len must be 0') data =[0] if isinstance(data, (dict, OrderedDict)): else: raise TypeError( 'Method append does support for type {}'.format( type(data))) def extend(self, data): """Extend data.""" if isinstance(data, ListDict): data = if isinstance(data, list): else: raise TypeError( 'Method extend does support for type {}'.format( type(data))) def insert(self, idx, data): """Insert an item.""" if isinstance(data, ListDict): if len(data) != 0: raise Exception('data len must be 0') data =[0] if isinstance(data, (dict, OrderedDict)):, data) else: raise TypeError( 'Method insert does support for type {}'.format( type(data))) def pop(self, idx): """Pop an item.""" return def to_dataframe(self): """Dump to DataFrame.""" return pd.DataFrame( def to_csv(self, path, index=False, **kwargs): """Dump to csv file.""" df = self.to_dataframe() df.to_csv(path, columns=self.header, index=index, **kwargs) @classmethod def load_csv(cls, path, **kwargs): """Load csv file.""" if not os.path.isfile(path): raise FileExistsError('{} does not exist.'.format(path)) df =
import os import sys import time import asyncio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import bar_chart_race as bcr import pandas from datetime import datetime sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))) from utils.setup import stats, DbStatsManager, DbConnection # noqa: E402 """ Script to generate a bar chart race video for a given canvas """ async def get_stats_df(dt1, dt2, canvas: bool) -> pandas.DataFrame: # config dates_skipped = 4 video_duration = 90 # seconds video_duration = video_duration / dates_skipped steps_per_period = 10 canvas_code = "55" colors = False # to get a bar chart of the canvas colors if colors: nb_bars = 32 title = f"Canvas {canvas_code} - Colors (non-virgin pixels)" else: nb_bars = 20 title = f"Canvas {canvas_code} - Top {nb_bars}" file_title = f"c{canvas_code}{'colors' if colors else 'top'+str(nb_bars)}.mp4" db_conn = DbConnection() db_stats = DbStatsManager(db_conn, stats) record1 = await db_stats.find_record(dt1, canvas_code) record2 = await db_stats.find_record(dt2, canvas_code) sql = """ SELECT datetime, name, alltime_count, canvas_count FROM pxls_user_stat JOIN pxls_name ON pxls_name.pxls_name_id = pxls_user_stat.pxls_name_id JOIN record on record.record_id = pxls_user_stat.record_id WHERE pxls_user_stat.record_id BETWEEN ? AND ? AND record.canvas_code = ? AND pxls_user_stat.pxls_name_id in ( SELECT pxls_name_id FROM pxls_user_stat WHERE record_id = ? ORDER BY canvas_count DESC LIMIT 100 )""" sql_colors = """ SELECT datetime, color_name as name, amount_placed as canvas_count, color_hex FROM color_stat JOIN record on color_stat.record_id = record.record_id JOIN palette_color on color_stat.color_id = palette_color.color_id WHERE record.canvas_code = ? AND palette_color.canvas_code = ?""" print("getting data...") if colors: rows = await db_conn.sql_select(sql_colors, (canvas_code, canvas_code)) else: rows = await db_conn.sql_select( sql, ( record1["record_id"], record2["record_id"], canvas_code, record2["record_id"], ), ) print("nb rows:", len(rows)) # step 1 - group by date users_dict = {} dates_dict = {} for row in rows: name = row["name"] dt = row["datetime"] if canvas: pixels = row["canvas_count"] else: pixels = row["alltime_count"] try: dates_dict[dt][name] = pixels except KeyError: dates_dict[dt] = {} dates_dict[dt][name] = pixels users_dict[name] = None if not colors: # truncate the data to only keep the top 100 (at the time of dt2) last_values_sorted = sorted( dates_dict[record2["datetime"]].items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True ) users_list = [u[0] for u in last_values_sorted[0:100]] else: users_list = list(list(dates_dict.items())[0][1].keys()) # step 2 - make columns for each user columns = {} indexes = [] for i, dt in enumerate(dates_dict.keys()): if i % dates_skipped != 0 and i != len(dates_dict.keys()) - 1: continue indexes.append(dt) for name in users_list: try: pixels = dates_dict[dt][name] except KeyError: pixels = None try: columns[name].append(pixels) except KeyError: columns[name] = [pixels] nb_dates = len(indexes) print("nb dates:", nb_dates) df =
pandas.DataFrame(columns, index=indexes)
from matplotlib.pylab import rcParams import requests import pandas as pd import numpy as np from pandas import DataFrame from io import StringIO import time import json from datetime import date from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller, acf, pacf from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARIMA from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error import matplotlib.pylab as plt get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15, 6 data =
# Generic ultratils utility functions import os, sys import errno from datetime import datetime from import tzlocal import numpy as np import pandas as pd try: import ultratils.acq except: pass import audiolabel from ultratils.pysonix.bprreader import BprReader def make_acqdir(datadir): """Make a timestamped directory in datadir and return a tuple with its name and timestamp. Does not complain if directory already exists.""" tstamp =":","") acqdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(datadir, tstamp)) # This is 'mkdir -p' style behavior. try: os.makedirs(acqdir) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(acqdir): pass else: print("Could not create {%s}!".format(acqdir)) raise return (acqdir, tstamp) def extract_frames(expdir, list_filename=None, frames=None): """Extract image frames from specified acquisitions and return as a numpy array and dataframe with associated metadata. list_filename = filename containing a list of tuple triples, as in frames frames = list of tuple triples containing an acquisition timestamp string, a raw_data_idx frame index, and data type (default is 'bpr') expdir = the root experiment data directory Returns an (np.array, pd.DataFrame) tuple in which the array contains the frames of image data and the DataFrame contains acquisition metadata. The rows of the DataFrame correspond to the first axis of the array. """ fields = ['stimulus', 'timestamp', 'utcoffset', 'versions', 'n_pulse_idx', 'n_raw_data_idx', 'pulse_max', 'pulse_min', 'imaging_params', 'n_frames', 'image_w', 'image_h', 'probe'] if list_filename is not None: frames = pd.read_csv(list_filename, sep='\s+', header=None) else: frames = pd.DataFrame.from_records(frames) if frames.shape[1] == 2: frames['dtype'] = 'bpr' frames.columns = ['tstamp', 'fr_id', 'dtype'] rows = [] data = None for idx, rec in frames.iterrows(): a = ultratils.acq.Acq( timestamp=rec['tstamp'], expdir=expdir, dtype=rec['dtype'] ) a.gather() if idx == 0: for v in a.runtime_vars: fields.insert(0, if rec['dtype'] == 'bpr': rdr = BprReader(a.abs_image_file) else: raise AcqError('Only bpr data is supported.') # Initialize array with NaN on first pass. if data is None: data = np.zeros([len(frames), rdr.header.h, rdr.header.w]) * np.nan # Assume fr_id is a raw_data_idx if it's an integer; otherwise it's a time. try: if 'fr_id' in frames.select_dtypes(include=['integer']).columns: fr_idx = rec['fr_id'] else: lm = audiolabel.LabelManager( from_file=a.abs_sync_tg, from_type='praat' ) fr_idx = int(lm.tier('raw_data_idx').label_at(rec['fr_id']).text) data[idx] = rdr.get_frame(fr_idx) except Exception as e: fr_idx = None row = a.as_dict(fields) row['raw_data_idx'] = fr_idx rows.append(row) return (data,
""" This script is designed to perform table statistics """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import sys sys.path.append(r'D:\My_Codes\LC_Machine_Learning\lc_rsfmri_tools\lc_rsfmri_tools_python') import os from Utils.lc_read_write_mat import read_mat #%% ----------------------------------Our center 550---------------------------------- uid_path_550 = r'D:\WorkStation_2018\WorkStation_CNN_Schizo\Scale\selected_550.txt' scale_path_550 = r'D:\WorkStation_2018\WorkStation_CNN_Schizo\Scale\10-24大表.xlsx' scale_data_550 = pd.read_excel(scale_path_550) uid_550 = pd.read_csv(uid_path_550, header=None) scale_selected_550 = pd.merge(uid_550, scale_data_550, left_on=0, right_on='folder', how='inner') describe_bprs_550 = scale_selected_550.groupby('诊断')['BPRS_Total'].describe() describe_age_550 = scale_selected_550.groupby('诊断')['年龄'].describe() describe_duration_550 = scale_selected_550.groupby('诊断')['病程月'].describe() describe_durgnaive_550 = scale_selected_550.groupby('诊断')['用药'].value_counts() describe_sex_550 = scale_selected_550.groupby('诊断')['性别'].value_counts() #%% ----------------------------------BeiJing 206---------------------------------- uid_path_206 = r'D:\WorkStation_2018\WorkStation_CNN_Schizo\Scale\北大精分人口学及其它资料\SZ_NC_108_100.xlsx' scale_path_206 = r'D:\WorkStation_2018\WorkStation_CNN_Schizo\Scale\北大精分人口学及其它资料\SZ_NC_108_100-WF.csv' uid_to_remove = ['SZ010109','SZ010009'] scale_data_206 = pd.read_csv(scale_path_206) scale_data_206 = scale_data_206.drop(np.array(scale_data_206.index)[scale_data_206['ID'].isin(uid_to_remove)]) scale_data_206['PANSStotal1'] = np.array([np.float64(duration) if duration.strip() !='' else 0 for duration in scale_data_206['PANSStotal1'].values]) Pscore = pd.DataFrame(scale_data_206[['P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P4', 'P5', 'P6', 'P7']].iloc[:106,:], dtype = np.float64) Pscore = np.sum(Pscore, axis=1).describe() Nscore = pd.DataFrame(scale_data_206[['N1', 'N2', 'N3', 'N4', 'N4', 'N5', 'N6', 'N7']].iloc[:106,:], dtype=np.float64) Nscore = np.sum(Nscore, axis=1).describe() Gscore = pd.DataFrame(scale_data_206[['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G4', 'G4', 'G5', 'G6', 'G7', 'G8', 'G9', 'G10', 'G11', 'G12', 'G13', 'G14', 'G15', 'G16']].iloc[:106,:]) Gscore = np.array(Gscore) for i, itemi in enumerate(Gscore): for j, itemj in enumerate(itemi): print(itemj) if itemj.strip() != '': Gscore[i,j] = np.float64(itemj) else: Gscore[i, j] = np.nan Gscore = pd.DataFrame(Gscore) Gscore = np.sum(Gscore, axis=1).describe() describe_panasstotol_206 = scale_data_206.groupby('group')['PANSStotal1'].describe() describe_age_206 = scale_data_206.groupby('group')['age'].describe() scale_data_206['duration'] = np.array([np.float64(duration) if duration.strip() !='' else 0 for duration in scale_data_206['duration'].values]) describe_duration_206 = scale_data_206.groupby('group')['duration'].describe() describe_sex_206 = scale_data_206.groupby('group')['sex'].value_counts() #%% -------------------------COBRE---------------------------------- # Inputs matroot = r'D:\WorkStation_2018\WorkStation_CNN_Schizo\Data\SelectedFC_COBRE' # all mat files directory scale = r'H:\Data\精神分裂症\COBRE\COBRE_phenotypic_data.csv' # whole scale path # Transform the .mat files to one .npy file allmatname = os.listdir(matroot) # Give labels to each subject, concatenate at the first column allmatname = pd.DataFrame(allmatname) allsubjname = allmatname.iloc[:,0].str.findall(r'[1-9]\d*') allsubjname = pd.DataFrame([name[0] for name in allsubjname]) scale_data = pd.read_csv(scale,sep=',',dtype='str') print(scale_data) diagnosis = pd.merge(allsubjname,scale_data,left_on=0,right_on='ID')[['ID','Subject Type']] scale_data = pd.merge(allsubjname,scale_data,left_on=0,right_on='ID') diagnosis['Subject Type'][diagnosis['Subject Type'] == 'Control'] = 0 diagnosis['Subject Type'][diagnosis['Subject Type'] == 'Patient'] = 1 include_loc = diagnosis['Subject Type'] != 'Disenrolled' diagnosis = diagnosis[include_loc.values] allsubjname = allsubjname[include_loc.values] scale_data_COBRE =
pd.merge(allsubjname, scale_data, left_on=0, right_on=0, how='inner')
""" <NAME> VR437255 """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import os import warnings from tqdm import tqdm from utils.forecast import * warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") FREQ = "W" SEASONAL = False SEASONAL_PERIOD = { 'W': 52, 'M': 12 } # EXECUTION SETTINGS EXECUTE_NAIVE = True EXECUTE_ARIMA = True EXECUTE_STLARIMA = True # save forecast results of best with MAE SAVE_BEST_MAE = True # save forecast results of best with RMSE SAVE_BEST_RMSE = True SAVE_PLOT = { 'NAIVE' : True, 'ARIMA' : True, 'STLARIMA' : True } SAVE_FORECAST_RESULTS = { 'NAIVE' : True, 'ARIMA' : True, 'STLARIMA' : True } SAVE_ERRORS = True SAVE_ERRORS_STATISTICS = True # INPUT PLOT SETTINGS SAVE_INPUT_PLOT = False SAVE_INPUT_DECOMPOSITION_PLOT = False SAVE_INPUT_DIAGNOSTIC_PLOT = False # ARIMA SETTINGS GENERATE_AUTO_ARIMA = False LOAD_ARIMA_FROM_FILE = not GENERATE_AUTO_ARIMA SAVE_SUMMARY = False SAVE_ORDERS = False METHODS = ['naive', 'stlarima', 'arima'] ACCURACY = ['MSE', 'RMSE', 'MAE'] # =================================== # Considerando un segnale di 2 anni TRAIN_SIZE = 20 if FREQ == 'M' else 80 PRED_STEPS = 10 if FREQ == 'M' else 30 # FOLDER & FILE FREQ_FOLDER = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "monthly_data") if FREQ == 'M' else os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "weekly_data") INPUT_FOLDER = os.path.join(FREQ_FOLDER, "input") OUTPUT_FOLDER = os.path.join(FREQ_FOLDER, "output_seasonal") if SEASONAL else os.path.join(FREQ_FOLDER, "output") OUTPUT_ERRORS_FOLDER = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, "errors") DATASET_FNAME = os.path.join(os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)), "dataset/input_completo.csv") ARIMA_MODEL_FNAME = os.path.join(FREQ_FOLDER, "arima_model_seasonal.csv") if SEASONAL else os.path.join(FREQ_FOLDER, "arima_model.csv") INPUT_PLOT_FOLDERS = { 'INPUT' : os.path.join(INPUT_FOLDER, 'input_plot'), 'DIAGNOSTIC' : os.path.join(INPUT_FOLDER, 'input_diagnostic_plot'), 'DECOMPOSITION' : os.path.join(INPUT_FOLDER, 'input_decomposition_plot') } OUTPUT_FORECAST_FOLDERS = { 'OUTPUT' : os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'forecast_results'), # base folder 'ARIMA' : os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'forecast_results/arima'), 'STLARIMA' : os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'forecast_results/stl_arima'), 'NAIVE' : os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'forecast_results/naive') } OUTPUT_PLOT_FOLDERS = { 'OUTPUT' : os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'output_plot'), # base folder 'ARIMA' : os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'output_plot/arima'), 'STLARIMA' : os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'output_plot/stl_arima'), 'NAIVE' : os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'output_plot/naive'), 'BEST' : os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'output_plot/best'), } OUTPUT_SUMMARY_FOLDERS = { 'OUTPUT': os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'output_summary'), # base folder 'ARIMA' : os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'output_summary/arima') } # check if all folders exist # create directories if they don't exist if not os.path.isdir(FREQ_FOLDER): os.mkdir(FREQ_FOLDER) if not os.path.isdir(INPUT_FOLDER): os.mkdir(INPUT_FOLDER) if not os.path.isdir(OUTPUT_FOLDER): os.mkdir(OUTPUT_FOLDER) if not os.path.isdir(OUTPUT_ERRORS_FOLDER): os.mkdir(OUTPUT_ERRORS_FOLDER) for key, directory in INPUT_PLOT_FOLDERS.items(): if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.mkdir(directory) for key, directory in OUTPUT_FORECAST_FOLDERS.items(): if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.mkdir(directory) for key, directory in OUTPUT_PLOT_FOLDERS.items(): if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.mkdir(directory) for key, directory in OUTPUT_SUMMARY_FOLDERS.items(): if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.mkdir(directory) # =================================== ts = load_csv_timestamp(DATASET_FNAME) if FREQ == 'M': ts = ts.resample('M').mean() train = ts[:TRAIN_SIZE] test = ts[TRAIN_SIZE:] if SAVE_INPUT_PLOT: print("Saving input plots") save_input_plots(train, test, INPUT_PLOT_FOLDERS['INPUT']) if SAVE_INPUT_DIAGNOSTIC_PLOT: print("Saving input diagnostic plots") save_input_diagnostic_plots(train, INPUT_PLOT_FOLDERS['DIAGNOSTIC'], lags=9) if SAVE_INPUT_DECOMPOSITION_PLOT: print("Saving input decomposition plots") save_input_decomposition_plots(train, INPUT_PLOT_FOLDERS['DECOMPOSITION']) # INIT ERRORS Dataframe errors = { 'MSE': pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index(ts.keys()), columns=METHODS), 'RMSE': pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index(ts.keys()), columns=METHODS), 'MAE': pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index(ts.keys()), columns=METHODS) } fig = plt.figure() if EXECUTE_NAIVE: for key in tqdm(ts.keys()): tmp_train = pd.DataFrame(train[key]) tmp_test = pd.DataFrame(test[key]) forecast = naive(train=tmp_train, h=PRED_STEPS, freq=FREQ) if SAVE_PLOT['NAIVE']: forecast_plot(train=tmp_train, test=tmp_test, fitted_values=None, forecast_values=forecast, plot_title=f'Naive {key}') plt.savefig(os.path.join(OUTPUT_PLOT_FOLDERS['NAIVE'], key+".png")) fig.clear() accuracy = get_accuracy(tmp_test, forecast[:len(tmp_test)]) for a in ACCURACY: errors[a].loc[key, 'naive'] = accuracy[a][0] if SAVE_FORECAST_RESULTS: index_label = "month" if FREQ == 'M' else 'week' forecast.to_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_FORECAST_FOLDERS['NAIVE'], key+'.csv'), index_label=index_label, header=['value']) if EXECUTE_ARIMA: print("\n") print("="*50) print("\nARIMA MODELS\n") if SAVE_ORDERS: arima_model_out = open(ARIMA_MODEL_FNAME, "w") arima_model_out.write("key;order;seasonal_order\n") if LOAD_ARIMA_FROM_FILE: arima_model_orders = pd.read_csv(ARIMA_MODEL_FNAME, delimiter=";", index_col="key") for key in tqdm(ts.keys()): tmp_train = train[key] tmp_test = test[key] if GENERATE_AUTO_ARIMA: if SEASONAL: arima_model_orders = generate_auto_arima_model(train=tmp_train, seasonal=True, m=SEASONAL_PERIOD[FREQ]) else: arima_model_orders = generate_auto_arima_model(train=tmp_train, seasonal=False, m=1) order = arima_model_orders['order'] seasonal_order = arima_model_orders['seasonal_order'] elif LOAD_ARIMA_FROM_FILE: order = arima_model_orders['order'][key].strip("(").strip(")").split(", ") order = (int(order[0]), int(order[1]), int(order[2])) seasonal_order = arima_model_orders['seasonal_order'][key].strip("(").strip(")").split(", ") seasonal_order = (int(seasonal_order[0]), int(seasonal_order[1]), int(seasonal_order[2]), int(seasonal_order[3])) model = arima_model(train=tmp_train, order=order, seasonal_order=seasonal_order) if SAVE_SUMMARY: summary_out = open(os.path.join(OUTPUT_SUMMARY_FOLDERS['ARIMA'], key+"_summary.txt"), "w") summary_out.write(str(model.summary())) summary_out.close() if SAVE_ORDERS: arima_model_out.write(f"{key};{str(order)};{str(seasonal_order)}\n") arima_model_out.flush() forecast = model.get_forecast(PRED_STEPS) prediction = forecast.predicted_mean conf_int_95 = forecast.conf_int(alpha=0.5) fitted = model.fittedvalues if SAVE_PLOT['ARIMA']: plot_title = f"ARIMA{order}{seasonal_order} {key}" if SEASONAL else f"ARIMA{order} {key}" forecast_plot(train=tmp_train, test=tmp_test, fitted_values=fitted, forecast_values=prediction, plot_title=plot_title, new_fig=False) plt.fill_between( x=conf_int_95.index, y1=conf_int_95[f'lower {key}'], y2=conf_int_95[f'upper {key}'], alpha=0.3, color=CONF_INT_COLOR) plt.savefig(os.path.join(OUTPUT_PLOT_FOLDERS['ARIMA'], key+".png")) fig.clear() accuracy = get_accuracy(tmp_test, prediction[:len(tmp_test)]) for a in ACCURACY: errors[a].loc[key, 'arima'] = accuracy[a][0] if SAVE_FORECAST_RESULTS: index_label = "month" if FREQ == 'M' else 'week' prediction.to_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_FORECAST_FOLDERS['ARIMA'], key+'.csv'), index_label=index_label, header=['value']) if SAVE_ORDERS: arima_model_out.close() if EXECUTE_STLARIMA: print("\n") print("="*50) print("\nSTL FORECAST with ARIMA\n") # LOAD ARIMA ORDERS FROM FILE arima_model_orders = pd.read_csv(ARIMA_MODEL_FNAME, delimiter=";", index_col="key") for key in tqdm(ts.keys()): tmp_train = train[key] tmp_test = test[key] order = arima_model_orders['order'][key].strip("(").strip(")").split(", ") order = (int(order[0]), int(order[1]), int(order[2])) # STL ARIMA model = stl_arima_model(tmp_train, order) forecast = model.forecast(PRED_STEPS) if SAVE_PLOT['STLARIMA']: forecast_plot(train=tmp_train, test=tmp_test, fitted_values=None, forecast_values=forecast, plot_title=f"STL FORECAST with ARIMA{order}") plt.savefig(os.path.join(OUTPUT_PLOT_FOLDERS['STLARIMA'], key+".png")) fig.clear() accuracy = get_accuracy(tmp_test, forecast[:len(tmp_test)]) for a in ACCURACY: errors[a].loc[key, 'stlarima'] = accuracy[a][0] if SAVE_FORECAST_RESULTS: index_label = "month" if FREQ == 'M' else 'week' forecast.to_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_FORECAST_FOLDERS['STLARIMA'], key+'.csv'), index_label=index_label, header=['value']) if SAVE_ERRORS: for key, element in errors.items(): element.sort_values(by=METHODS).to_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_ERRORS_FOLDER, key + ".csv"), index_label="key") # LOAD ERRORS FROM FILE mae = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_ERRORS_FOLDER, 'MAE.csv'), index_col='key') rmse = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_ERRORS_FOLDER, 'RMSE.csv'), index_col='key') best_mae = {} best_rmse = {} for method in METHODS: mae = mae.sort_values(by=method) best_mae[method] = mae.iloc[0:5].index.to_list() rmse = rmse.sort_values(by=method) best_rmse[method] = rmse.iloc[0:5].index.to_list() ts_forecast_index = get_prediction_ts(train, freq=FREQ, h=PRED_STEPS).index[:PRED_STEPS] if SAVE_BEST_MAE: print("\n") print("="*50) print("\nSAVE BEST RESULTS (MAE)\n") for m, keys in tqdm(best_mae.items()): for key in keys: forecast_naive = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_FORECAST_FOLDERS['NAIVE'], key+'.csv'), index_col="week") forecast_arima = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_FORECAST_FOLDERS['ARIMA'], key+'.csv'), index_col="week") forecast_stlarima = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_FORECAST_FOLDERS['STLARIMA'], key+'.csv'), index_col="week") ts_forecast = pd.DataFrame(index=ts_forecast_index, columns=['naive', 'arima', 'stlarima']) ts_forecast['naive'] = forecast_naive.values ts_forecast['arima'] = forecast_arima.values ts_forecast['stlarima'] = forecast_stlarima.values tmp_train = train[key] tmp_test = test[key] compare_forecast_plot(train=tmp_train, test=tmp_test, ts_forecast=ts_forecast, fig=fig, plot_title=f"{key} - Compare Plot") plt.savefig(os.path.join(OUTPUT_PLOT_FOLDERS['BEST'], key+".png")) fig.clear() if SAVE_BEST_RMSE: print("\n") print("="*50) print("\nSAVE BEST RESULTS (RMSE)\n") for m, keys in tqdm(best_rmse.items()): for key in keys: forecast_naive = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_FORECAST_FOLDERS['NAIVE'], key+'.csv'), index_col="week") forecast_arima = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_FORECAST_FOLDERS['ARIMA'], key+'.csv'), index_col="week") forecast_stlarima = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_FORECAST_FOLDERS['STLARIMA'], key+'.csv'), index_col="week") ts_forecast =
pd.DataFrame(index=ts_forecast_index, columns=['naive', 'arima', 'stlarima'])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # --- # jupyter: # jupytext: # formats: ipynb,py:percent # text_representation: # extension: .py # format_name: percent # format_version: '1.3' # jupytext_version: 1.6.0 # kernelspec: # display_name: Python [conda env:fine-dev-py36] # language: python # name: conda-env-fine-dev-py36-py # --- # %% import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # For better visibility, warnings are turned off in this notebook # %% [markdown] # # FINE Webinar Part I: 2-nodal Electricity Supply System # %% [markdown] # In this application of the FINE framework, an energy supply system, consisting of two-regions, is modeled and optimized. # # The workflow is structures as follows: # - Required packages are imported # - An energy system model instance is created # - Commodity sources are added to the energy supply system model # - Commodity conversion components are added to the energy supply system model # - Commodity storages are added to the energy supply system model # - Commodity transmission components are added to the energy supply system model # - Commodity sinks are added to the energy supply system model # - The energy supply system model is optimized # - Selected optimization results are presented # %% [markdown] # # Import required packages # # The FINE framework is imported which provides the required classes and functions for modeling the energy system. # %% import FINE as fn # Provides objects and functions to model an energy system import pandas as pd # Used to manage data in tables import shapely as shp # Used to generate geometric objects import numpy as np # Used to generate random input data np.random.seed(42) # Sets a "seed" to produce the same random input data in each model run # %% tags=["nbval-skip"] import geopandas as gpd # Used to display geo-referenced plots # %% [markdown] # # Model an energy system # %% [markdown] # ## Create an energy system model instance # # The structure of the energy supply system model is given by the considered locations, commodities, the number of time steps as well as the hours per time step. # # The commodities are specified by a unit (i.e. 'GW_electric', 'GW_naturalGas_lowerHeatingValue', 'Mio. t CO2/h') which can be given as an energy or mass unit per hour. Furthermore, the cost unit and length unit are specified. # %% code_folding=[] # Input parameters locations = {'regionN', 'regionS'} commodityUnitDict = {'electricity': r'GW$_{el}$', 'naturalGas': r'GW$_{CH_{4},LHV}$', 'CO2': r'Mio. t$_{CO_2}$/h'} commodities = {'electricity', 'naturalGas', 'CO2'} numberOfTimeSteps, hoursPerTimeStep = 8760, 1 costUnit, lengthUnit = '1e6 Euro', 'km' # Code esM = fn.EnergySystemModel(locations=locations, commodities=commodities, numberOfTimeSteps=numberOfTimeSteps, commodityUnitsDict=commodityUnitDict, hoursPerTimeStep=hoursPerTimeStep, costUnit=costUnit, lengthUnit=lengthUnit, verboseLogLevel=0) # %% [markdown] # ## Add source components # # Source components generate commodities across the energy system's virtual boundaries. # %% # Input parameters name, commodity ='Wind turbines', 'electricity' hasCapacityVariable = True operationRateMax = pd.DataFrame([[np.random.beta(a=2,b=7.5),np.random.beta(a=2,b=9)] for t in range(8760)], index=range(8760), columns=['regionN', 'regionS']).round(6) capacityMax =
pd.Series([400, 200], index=['regionN', 'regionS'])
from __future__ import annotations from ..watcher import Watcher as W import pandas as pd import numpy as np import scipy from sklearn.utils import shuffle from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, RidgeClassifier, PassiveAggressiveClassifier, LinearRegression from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis from sklearn.svm import SVC, LinearSVC from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, AdaBoostClassifier from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn.linear_model import Perceptron, SGDClassifier from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from time import time from tensorflow.keras import utils from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Flatten, Activation, Dropout from keras.layers.convolutional import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D from keras.optimizers import SGD from time import time import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Также в этом классе будут функции для статистического анализа и построения графиков # Класс для методов машинного обучения class WifiLearn: def __init__(self, x_train: pd.DataFrame, y_train: pd.DataFrame, x_test: pd.DataFrame, y_test: pd.DataFrame): self.x_train = x_train self.y_train = y_train self.x_test = x_test self.y_test = y_test self.lens = { 'train': x_train.shape[0], 'test': x_test.shape[0] } self.__w = W() self.results = [] self.__to_categorical() self.__w.hprint(self.__w.INFO, 'WifiLearn: create with ' + str(self.lens['train']) + ' train and ' + str(self.lens['test']) + ' test packets') @W.stopwatch def __to_categorical(self): self.types = sorted(self.y_train.unique()) i = 0 y_train = self.y_train.copy() y_test = self.y_test.copy() for t in self.types: y_train[y_train == t] = i y_test[y_test == t] = i i += 1 self.y_train_cat = utils.to_categorical(y_train, len(self.types)) self.y_test_cat = utils.to_categorical(y_test, len(self.types)) def augment(self, part=1): pass def normalize(self): pass def shuffle(self, part: int=1): pass def print(self) -> WifiLearn: print(
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # + {} import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import networkx as nx import matplotlib as mpl import numba import squarify import numpy as np from math import pi from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture as GMM from umap import UMAP from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder from datetime import date from warnings import filterwarnings import os import community import keras from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense from keras import regularizers from keras.utils import np_utils from keras.metrics import categorical_accuracy from keras.layers import Dropout import keras.backend as K filterwarnings('ignore') # + def get_gene_data(data, gene_name_column, test_gene_list): """Extract data from specific genes given a larger dataframe. Inputs * data: large dataframe from where to filter * gene_name_column: column to filter from * test_gene_list : a list of genes you want to get Output * dataframe with the genes you want """ gene_profiles = pd.DataFrame() for gene in data[gene_name_column].values: if gene in test_gene_list: df_ = data[(data[gene_name_column] == gene)] gene_profiles = pd.concat([gene_profiles, df_]) gene_profiles.drop_duplicates(inplace = True) return gene_profiles # ---------PANDAS FUNCTIONS FOR DATA EXPLORATION ------------------------- def count_feature_types(data): """ Get the dtype counts for a dataframe's columns. """ df_feature_type = data.dtypes.sort_values().to_frame('feature_type')\ .groupby(by='feature_type').size().to_frame('count').reset_index() return df_feature_type def get_df_missing_columns(data): ''' Get a dataframe of the missing values in each column with its corresponding dtype. ''' # Generate a DataFrame with the % of missing values for each column df_missing_values = (data.isnull().sum(axis = 0) / len(data) * 100)\ .sort_values(ascending = False)\ .to_frame('% missing_values').reset_index() # Generate a DataFrame that indicated the data type for each column df_feature_type = data.dtypes.to_frame('feature_type').reset_index() # Merge frames missing_cols_df = pd.merge(df_feature_type, df_missing_values, on = 'index', how = 'inner') missing_cols_df.sort_values(['% missing_values', 'feature_type'], inplace = True) return missing_cols_df def find_constant_features(data): """ Get a list of the constant features in a dataframe. """ const_features = [] for column in list(data.columns): if data[column].unique().size < 2: const_features.append(column) return const_features def duplicate_columns(frame): ''' Get a list of the duplicate columns in a pandas dataframe. ''' groups = frame.columns.to_series().groupby(frame.dtypes).groups dups = [] for t, v in groups.items(): cs = frame[v].columns vs = frame[v] lcs = len(cs) for i in range(lcs): ia = vs.iloc[:,i].values for j in range(i+1, lcs): ja = vs.iloc[:,j].values if np.array_equal(ia, ja): dups.append(cs[i]) break return dups def get_duplicate_columns(df): """ Returns a list of duplicate columns """ groups = df.columns.to_series().groupby(df.dtypes).groups dups = [] for t, v in groups.items(): cs = df[v].columns vs = df[v] lcs = len(cs) for i in range(lcs): ia = vs.iloc[:,i].values for j in range(i+1, lcs): ja = vs.iloc[:,j].values if np.array_equal(ia, ja): dups.append(cs[i]) break return dups def get_df_stats(df): """ Wrapper for dataframe stats. Output: missing_cols_df, const_feats, dup_cols_list """ missing_cols_df = get_df_missing_columns(df) const_features_list = find_constant_features(df) dup_cols_list = duplicate_columns(df) return missing_cols_df, const_features_list, dup_cols_list def test_missing_data(df, fname): """Look for missing entries in a DataFrame.""" assert np.all(df.notnull()), fname + ' contains missing data' def col_encoding(df, column): """ Returns a one hot encoding of a categorical colunmn of a DataFrame. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Params ------- -df: -column: name of the column to be one-hot-encoded in string format. Returns --------- - hot_encoded: one-hot-encoding in matrix format. """ le = LabelEncoder() label_encoded = le.fit_transform(df[column].values) hot = OneHotEncoder(sparse = False) hot_encoded = hot.fit_transform(label_encoded.reshape(len(label_encoded), 1)) return hot_encoded def one_hot_df(df, cat_col_list): """ Make one hot encoding on categoric columns. Returns a dataframe for the categoric columns provided. ------------------------- inputs - df: original input DataFrame - cat_col_list: list of categorical columns to encode. outputs - df_hot: one hot encoded subset of the original DataFrame. """ df_hot = pd.DataFrame() for col in cat_col_list: encoded_matrix = col_encoding(df, col) df_ = pd.DataFrame(encoded_matrix, columns = [col+ ' ' + str(int(i))\ for i in range(encoded_matrix.shape[1])]) df_hot = pd.concat([df_hot, df_], axis = 1) return df_hot # OTHER FUNCTIONS def plot_kmeans(kmeans, X, n_clusters=4, rseed=0, ax=None): """ Wrapper from JakeVDP data analysis handbook """ labels = kmeans.fit_predict(X) # plot the input data ax = ax or plt.gca() ax.axis('equal') ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=labels, s=40, cmap='viridis', zorder=2) # plot the representation of the KMeans model centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_ radii = [cdist(X[labels == i], [center]).max() for i, center in enumerate(centers)] for c, r in zip(centers, radii): ax.add_patch(plt.Circle(c, r, fc='#CCCCCC', lw=3, alpha=0.5, zorder=1)) @numba.jit(nopython=True) def draw_bs_sample(data): """ Draw a bootstrap sample from a 1D data set. Wrapper from J. Bois' BeBi103 course. """ return np.random.choice(data, size=len(data)) def net_stats(G): '''Get basic network stats and plots. Specifically degree and clustering coefficient distributions.''' net_degree_distribution= [] for i in list( net_degree_distribution.append(i[1]) print("Number of nodes in the network: %d" %G.number_of_nodes()) print("Number of edges in the network: %d" %G.number_of_edges()) print("Avg node degree: %.2f" %np.mean(list(net_degree_distribution))) print('Avg clustering coefficient: %.2f'%nx.cluster.average_clustering(G)) print('Network density: %.2f'%nx.density(G)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize = (16,4)) axes[0].hist(list(net_degree_distribution), bins=20, color = 'lightblue') axes[0].set_xlabel("Degree $k$") #axes[0].set_ylabel("$P(k)$") axes[1].hist(list(nx.clustering(G).values()), bins= 20, color = 'lightgrey') axes[1].set_xlabel("Clustering Coefficient $C$") #axes[1].set_ylabel("$P(k)$") axes[1].set_xlim([0,1]) def get_network_hubs(ntw): """ input: NetworkX ntw output:Prints a list of global regulator name and eigenvector centrality score pairs """ eigen_cen = nx.eigenvector_centrality(ntw) hubs = sorted(eigen_cen.items(), key = lambda cc:cc[1], reverse = True)[:10] return hubs def get_network_clusters(network_lcc, n_clusters): """ input = an empyty list output = a list with the netoworks clusters """ cluster_list = [] for i in range(n_clusters): cluster_lcc = [n for n in network_lcc.nodes()\ if network_lcc.node[n]['modularity'] == i] cluster_list.append(cluster_lcc) return cluster_list def download_and_preprocess_data(org, data_dir = None, variance_ratio = 0.8, output_path = '~/Downloads/'): """ General function to download and preprocess dataset from Colombos. Might have some issues for using with Windows. If you're using windows I recommend using the urllib for downloading the dataset. Params ------- data_path (str): path to directory + filename. If none it will download the data from the internet. org (str) : Organism to work with. Available datasets are E. coli (ecoli), B.subtilis (bsubt), P. aeruginosa (paeru), M. tb (mtube), etc. Source: variance (float): Fraction of the variance explained to make the PCA denoising. Returns -------- denoised (pd.DataFrame) """ #Check if dataset is in directory if data_dir is None: download_cmd = 'wget'\ + org + '' unzip_cmd = 'unzip '+org +'' os.system(download_cmd) os.system(unzip_cmd) df = pd.read_csv('colombos_'+ org + '_exprdata_20151029.txt', sep = '\t', skiprows= np.arange(6)) df.rename(columns = {'Gene name': 'gene name'}, inplace = True) df['gene name'] = df['gene name'].apply(lambda x: x.lower()) else: df = pd.read_csv(data_dir, sep = '\t', skiprows= np.arange(6)) try : df.rename(columns = {'Gene name': 'gene name'}, inplace = True) except: pass annot = df.iloc[:, :3] data = df.iloc[:, 3:] preprocess = make_pipeline(SimpleImputer(strategy = 'median'), StandardScaler(), ) scaled_data = preprocess.fit_transform(data) # Initialize PCA object pca = PCA(variance_ratio, random_state = 42).fit(scaled_data) # Project to PCA space projected = pca.fit_transform(scaled_data) # Reconstruct the dataset using 80% of the variance of the data reconstructed = pca.inverse_transform(projected) # Save into a dataframe reconstructed_df = pd.DataFrame(reconstructed, columns = data.columns.to_list()) # Concatenate with annotation data denoised_df = pd.concat([annot, reconstructed_df], axis = 1) denoised_df['gene name'] = denoised_df['gene name'].apply(lambda x: x.lower()) # Export dataset denoised_df.to_csv(output_path + 'denoised_' + org + '.csv', index = False) def annot_data_trn( tf_tf_net_path=None, trn_path=None, denoised_data_path=None, org="ecoli", output_path= "~/Downloads/"): """ Annotate the preprocessed dataset with network clusters as a one-hot-matrix. Performs the operation on E. coli by default. Params ------- Returns -------- """ # Load TF-TF net and TRN if tf_tf_net_path is None and org is None: os.system( "wget" ) tf_trn = pd.read_csv( "network_tf_tf.txt", delimiter="\t", comment="#", names=["TF", "TG", "regType", "ev", "confidence", "unnamed"], usecols=np.arange(5), ) else: try: tf_trn = pd.read_csv(tf_tf_net_path) except: tf_trn = pd.read_csv( tf_tf_net_path, delimiter="\t", comment="#", names=["TF", "TG", "regType", "ev", "confidence", "unnamed"], usecols=np.arange(5), ) if trn_path is None: os.system( "wget" ) trn = pd.read_csv( "network_tf_gene.txt", delimiter="\t", comment="#", names=["TF", "TG", "regType", "ev", "confidence", "unnamed"], usecols=np.arange(5), ) else: try: trn = pd.read_csv(trn_path) except: trn = pd.read_csv( trn_path, delimiter="\t", comment="#", names=["TF", "TG", "regType", "ev", "confidence", "unnamed"], usecols=np.arange(5), ) # Lowercase gene names for both datasets tf_trn.TF = tf_trn.TF.apply(lambda x: x.lower()) tf_trn.TG = tf_trn.TG.apply(lambda x: x.lower()) trn.TF = trn.TF.apply(lambda x: x.lower()) trn.TG = trn.TG.apply(lambda x: x.lower()) # Turn the TF TRN dataframe into a graph object net = nx.from_pandas_edgelist( df=tf_trn, source="TF", target="TG" ) # Compute the LCC net = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(net), key=len) # Cluster TF net communities = community.best_partition(net) # Get number of clusters n_clusters_tf = max(communities.values()) #  Embed cluster annotation in net nx.set_node_attributes(net, values=communities, name="modularity") # Get np.array of TF clusters cluster_list = np.array(get_network_clusters(net, n_clusters_tf)) # Get cluster sizes cluster_sizes = np.array([len(clus) for clus in cluster_list]) # Select only the clusters with more than 5 TFs clus_list = cluster_list[cluster_sizes > 5] # Get a DataFrame of the TGs in each cluster tgs_ = pd.DataFrame() for ix, clus in enumerate(clus_list): clus_trn = get_gene_data(trn, "TF", clus) clus_tgs = list(set(clus_trn["TG"].values)) tgs_df = pd.DataFrame({"TGs": clus_tgs}) tgs_df["cluster"] = ix + 1 tgs_ = pd.concat([tgs_, tgs_df]) # -----Start constructing the annotated dataset ------ if denoised_data_path is None: try: denoised =
from piper.custom import ratio import datetime import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from time import strptime from piper.custom import add_xl_formula from piper.factory import sample_data from piper.factory import generate_periods, make_null_dates from piper.custom import from_julian from piper.custom import fiscal_year from piper.custom import from_excel from piper.custom import to_julian from piper.verbs import across # t_sample_data {{{1 @pytest.fixture def t_sample_data(): return sample_data() # test_add_xl_formula {{{1 def test_add_xl_formula(t_sample_data): df = t_sample_data formula = '=CONCATENATE(A{row}, B{row}, C{row})' add_xl_formula(df, column_name='X7', formula=formula) expected = (367, ) assert expected == df.X7.shape # test_across_str_date_single_col_pd_to_datetime {{{1 def test_across_str_date_single_col_pd_to_datetime(): ''' ''' test = ['30/11/2019', '29/4/2019', '30/2/2019', '28/2/2019', '2019/4/30'] got = pd.DataFrame(test, columns=['dates']) # Convert expected values to datetime format exp = ['30/11/2019', '29/4/2019', pd.NaT, '28/2/2019', pd.NaT] exp = pd.DataFrame(exp, columns=['dates']) exp.dates = exp.dates.astype('datetime64[ns]') got = across(got, 'dates', pd.to_datetime, format='%d/%m/%Y', errors='coerce') assert exp.equals(got) == True # test_across_str_date_single_col_lambda {{{1 def test_across_str_date_single_col_lambda(): ''' ''' convert_date = lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x, dayfirst=True, format='%d%m%Y', errors='coerce') test = [30112019, 2942019, 3022019, 2822019, 2019430] got = pd.DataFrame(test, columns=['dates']) # Convert expected values to datetime format exp = ['30/11/2019', '29/4/2019', pd.NaT, '28/2/2019', pd.NaT] exp = pd.DataFrame(exp, columns=['dates']) exp.dates = exp.dates.astype('datetime64[ns]') got = across(got, 'dates', convert_date) assert exp.equals(got) == True # test_across_raise_column_parm_none_ValueError {{{1 def test_across_raise_column_parm_none(): convert_date = lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x, dayfirst=True, format='%d%m%Y', errors='coerce') test = [30112019, 2942019, 3022019, 2822019, 2019430] got = pd.DataFrame(test, columns=['dates']) # Convert expected values to datetime format exp = ['30/11/2019', '29/4/2019', pd.NaT, '28/2/2019', pd.NaT] exp = pd.DataFrame(exp, columns=['dates']) exp.dates = exp.dates.astype('datetime64[ns]') got = across(got, columns=None, function=convert_date) assert exp.equals(got) == True # test_across_raise_function_parm_none_ValueError {{{1 def test_across_raise_function_parm_none_ValueError(): convert_date = lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x, dayfirst=True, format='%d%m%Y', errors='coerce') test = [30112019, 2942019, 3022019, 2822019, 2019430] got = pd.DataFrame(test, columns=['dates']) # Convert expected values to datetime format exp = ['30/11/2019', '29/4/2019', pd.NaT, '28/2/2019', pd.NaT] exp = pd.DataFrame(exp, columns=['dates']) exp.dates = exp.dates.astype('datetime64[ns]') with pytest.raises(ValueError): got = across(got, columns='dates', function=None) # test_across_raise_Series_parm_TypeError {{{1 def test_across_raise_Series_parm_TypeError(): convert_date = lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x, dayfirst=True, format='%d%m%Y', errors='coerce') test = [30112019, 2942019, 3022019, 2822019, 2019430] got = pd.DataFrame(test, columns=['dates']) # Convert expected values to datetime format exp = ['30/11/2019', '29/4/2019', pd.NaT, '28/2/2019', pd.NaT] exp = pd.DataFrame(exp, columns=['dates']) exp.dates = exp.dates.astype('datetime64[ns]') with pytest.raises(TypeError): got = across(pd.Series(test), columns='dates', function=convert_date) # test_across_raise_column_parm_ValueError {{{1 def test_across_raise_column_parm_ValueError(): convert_date = lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x, dayfirst=True, format='%d%m%Y', errors='coerce') test = [30112019, 2942019, 3022019, 2822019, 2019430] got = pd.DataFrame(test, columns=['dates']) # Convert expected values to datetime format exp = ['30/11/2019', '29/4/2019', pd.NaT, '28/2/2019', pd.NaT] exp = pd.DataFrame(exp, columns=['dates']) exp.dates = exp.dates.astype('datetime64[ns]') with pytest.raises(ValueError): got = across(got, columns='invalid', function=convert_date) # test_across_dataframe_single_column_with_lambda {{{1 def test_across_dataframe_single_column_with_lambda(): convert_date = lambda x: x.strftime('%b %-d, %Y') if not x is pd.NaT else x df = generate_periods(delta_range=(1, 10), rows=20) df = make_null_dates(df, null_values_percent=.2) exp = df.copy(deep=True) exp.effective = exp.effective.apply(convert_date) got = across(df, columns='effective', function=convert_date) assert exp.equals(got) == True # test_across_dataframe_multiple_columns_with_lambda {{{1 def test_across_dataframe_multiple_columns_with_lambda(): convert_date = lambda x: x.strftime('%b %-d, %Y') if not x is pd.NaT else x df = generate_periods(delta_range=(1, 10), rows=20) df = make_null_dates(df, null_values_percent=.2) exp = df.copy(deep=True) exp.effective = exp.effective.apply(convert_date) exp.expired = exp.expired.apply(convert_date) got = across(df, columns=['effective', 'expired'], function=convert_date) assert exp.equals(got) == True # test_across_dataframe_multiple_columns_raise_invalid_column {{{1 def test_across_dataframe_multiple_columns_raise_invalid_column(): convert_date = lambda x: x.strftime('%b %-d, %Y') if not x is pd.NaT else x df = generate_periods(delta_range=(1, 10), rows=20) df = make_null_dates(df, null_values_percent=.2) exp = df.copy(deep=True) exp.effective = exp.effective.apply(convert_date) exp.expired = exp.expired.apply(convert_date) with pytest.raises(ValueError): got = across(df, columns=['effective', 'invalid'], function=convert_date) # test_dividing_numbers {{{1 def test_dividing_numbers(): ''' ''' exp = 1 got = ratio(2, 2) assert exp == got # test_dividing_numbers_by_zero {{{1 def test_dividing_numbers_by_zero(): ''' ''' exp = np.inf got = ratio(2, 0) assert exp == got # test_dividing_numbers_floats {{{1 def test_dividing_numbers_floats(): ''' ''' exp = 1.0 got = ratio(2.0, 2.0) assert exp == got # test_dividing_numbers_float_percent {{{1 def test_dividing_numbers_float_percent(): ''' ''' exp = '100.0%' got = ratio(2.0, 2.0, percent=True) assert exp == got # test_dividing_numbers_float_percent_with_round {{{1 def test_dividing_numbers_float_percent_with_round(): ''' ''' exp = 100.0000 got = ratio(2.0, 2.0, percent=True, format=False, precision=4) assert exp == got exp = 50.00 got = ratio(1.0, 2.0, percent=True, format=False, precision=2) assert exp == got # test_dividing_numbers_int_percent_with_round {{{1 def test_dividing_numbers_int_percent_with_round(): ''' ''' exp = 100.0000 got = ratio(2, 2, percent=True, format=False, precision=4) assert exp == got exp = 50.00 got = ratio(1, 2, percent=True, format=False, precision=2) assert exp == got # test_dividing_numbers_percent_with_format {{{1 def test_dividing_numbers_percent_with_format(): ''' ''' exp = '100.0%' got = ratio(2.0, 2.0, percent=True, format=True) assert exp == got # test_dividing_numbers_percent_with_precision_format {{{1 def test_dividing_numbers_percent_with_precision_format(): ''' ''' exp = '66.66%' got = ratio(1.3333, 2.0, percent=True, precision=2, format=True) assert exp == got # test_dividing_by_two_series {{{1 def test_dividing_by_two_series(): ''' ''' s1 = pd.Series([10, 20, 30]) s2 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) exp = pd.Series([10, 10, 10], dtype=float) got = ratio(s1, s2) assert exp.equals(got) # test_dividing_by_two_series_with_zero_denominator {{{1 def test_dividing_by_two_series_with_zero_denominator(): ''' ''' s1 = pd.Series([10, 20, 30]) s2 = pd.Series([1, 0, 3]) exp = pd.Series([10, np.inf, 10], dtype=float) got = ratio(s1, s2) assert exp.equals(got) # test_dividing_by_two_series_with_decimals {{{1 def test_dividing_by_two_series_with_decimals(): ''' ''' s1 = pd.Series([10, 20, 30]) s2 = pd.Series([1.3, 5.4, 3]) exp = (s1 / s2).round(2) got = ratio(s1, s2) assert exp.equals(got) # test_dividing_by_two_series_with_rounding {{{1 def test_dividing_by_two_series_with_rounding(): ''' ''' s1 =
pd.Series([10, 20, 30])
import numpy as np import cv2 import csv import os import pandas as pd import time def calcuNearestPtsDis2(ptList1): ''' Find the nearest point of each point in ptList1 & return the mean min_distance Parameters ---------- ptList1: numpy array points' array, shape:(x,2) Return ---------- mean_Dis: float the mean value of the minimum distances ''' if len(ptList1)<=1: print('error!') return 'error' minDis_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList1)): currentPt = ptList1[i,0:2] ptList2 = np.delete(ptList1,i,axis=0) disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList2)**2, axis=1).astype(np.float32) ) minDis = disMat.min() minDis_list.append(minDis) minDisArr = np.array(minDis_list) mean_Dis = np.mean(minDisArr) return mean_Dis def calcuNearestPtsDis(ptList1, ptList2): ''' Find the nearest point of each point in ptList1 from ptList2 & return the mean min_distance Parameters ---------- ptList1: numpy array points' array, shape:(x,2) ptList2: numpy array points' array, shape:(x,2) Return ---------- mean_Dis: float the mean value of the minimum distances ''' if (not len(ptList2)) or (not len(ptList1)): print('error!') return 'error' minDis_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList1)): currentPt = ptList1[i,0:2] disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList2)**2, axis=1).astype(np.float32) ) minDis = disMat.min() minDis_list.append(minDis) minDisArr = np.array(minDis_list) mean_Dis = np.mean(minDisArr) return mean_Dis def calcuNearestPts(csvName1, csvName2): ptList1_csv = pd.read_csv(csvName1,usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) ptList2_csv = pd.read_csv(csvName2,usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) ptList1 = ptList1_csv.values[:,:2] ptList2 = ptList2_csv.values[:,:2] minDisInd_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList1)): currentPt = ptList1[i,0:2] disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList2)**2, axis=1)) minDisInd = np.argmin(disMat) minDisInd_list.append(minDisInd) minDisInd = np.array(minDisInd_list).reshape(-1,1) ptList1_csv = pd.concat([ptList1_csv, pd.DataFrame( columns=['nearestInd'],data = minDisInd)], axis=1) ptList1_csv.to_csv(csvName1,index=False) return minDisInd def drawDisPic(picInd): picName = 'patients_dataset/image/'+ picInd +'.png' img = cv2.imread(picName) csvName1='patients_dataset/data_csv/'+picInd+'other_tumour_pts.csv' csvName2='patients_dataset/data_csv/'+picInd+'other_lymph_pts.csv' ptList1_csv = pd.read_csv(csvName1) ptList2_csv = pd.read_csv(csvName2) ptList1 = ptList1_csv.values ptList2 = ptList2_csv.values for i in range(len(ptList1)): img =, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]), 3 , (0, 0, 255), -1 ) img = cv2.line(img, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]) , tuple(ptList2[ ptList1[i,2] ,:2]), (0,255,0), 1) for i in range(len(ptList2)): img =, tuple(ptList2[i,:2]), 3 , (255, 0, 0), -1 ) cv2.imwrite( picInd+'_dis.png',img) def drawDistancePic(disName1, disName2, picID): ''' Draw & save the distance pics Parameters ---------- disName1,disName2: str such as 'positive_lymph', 'all_tumour' picID: str the patient's ID ''' cellName_color = {'other_lymph': (255, 0, 0), 'positive_lymph': (255, 255, 0), 'other_tumour': (0, 0, 255), 'positive_tumour': (0, 255, 0)} ptline_color = {'positive_lymph': (0,0,255), 'positive_tumour': (0,0,255), 'ptumour_plymph': (51, 97, 235), 'other_tumour': (0, 255, 0)} if (disName1 == 'all_tumour' and disName2 == 'all_lymph') or (disName1 == 'all_tumour' and disName2 == 'positive_lymph'): line_color = (0,255,255) elif disName1 == 'positive_tumour' and disName2 == 'positive_lymph': line_color = (51, 97, 235) else: line_color = ptline_color[disName1] csv_dir = '/data/Datasets/MediImgExp/data_csv' img_dir = '/data/Datasets/MediImgExp/image' if disName1 == 'all_tumour' and disName2 == 'positive_lymph': dis1_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + 'positive_tumour' + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) dis2_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + 'other_tumour' + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) dis3_csv = pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + 'positive_lymph' + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord']) ptList1 = dis1_csv.values[:,:2] ptList2 = dis2_csv.values[:,:2] ptList3 = dis3_csv.values[:,:2] # positive tumour: find the nearest lymph cell minDisInd_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList1)): currentPt = ptList1[i,:] disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList3)**2, axis=1)) minDisInd = np.argmin(disMat) minDisInd_list.append(minDisInd) minDisInd = np.array(minDisInd_list).reshape(-1,1) dis1_csv = pd.concat([dis1_csv, pd.DataFrame(columns=['nearestInd'], data=minDisInd)], axis=1) # other tumour: find the nearest lymph cell minDisInd_list = [] for i in range(len(ptList2)): currentPt = ptList2[i,:] disMat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(currentPt - ptList3)**2, axis=1)) minDisInd = np.argmin(disMat) minDisInd_list.append(minDisInd) minDisInd = np.array(minDisInd_list).reshape(-1,1) dis2_csv = pd.concat([dis2_csv, pd.DataFrame(columns=['nearestInd'], data=minDisInd)], axis=1) img = cv2.imread(img_dir + '/' + picID + '.jpg') ptList1 = dis1_csv.values for i in range(len(ptList1)): img = cv2.line(img, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]), tuple(ptList3[ptList1[i, 2],:2]), line_color, 1) ptList2 = dis2_csv.values for i in range(len(ptList2)): img = cv2.line(img, tuple(ptList2[i,:2]), tuple(ptList3[ptList2[i, 2],:2]), line_color, 1) for i in range(len(ptList1)): img =, tuple(ptList1[i,:2]), 4, (0, 255, 0), -1) for i in range(len(ptList2)): img =, tuple(ptList2[i,:2]), 4, (0, 0, 255), -1) for i in range(len(ptList3)): img =, tuple(ptList3[i,:2]), 4, (255, 255, 0), -1) cv2.imwrite(picID + disName1 + '_' + disName2 + '_dis.png', img) elif disName1 == 'all_tumour' and disName2 == 'all_lymph': dis1_csv =
pd.read_csv(csv_dir + '/' + picID + 'positive_tumour' + '_pts.csv', usecols=['x_cord', 'y_cord'])
# miscellaneous tools import os import subprocess import sys import pandas as pd from collections import defaultdict import gzip from numpy import unique import numpy as np import pickle #import HTSeq #import pysam #PATH = './' PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__) HOME = os.path.expanduser('~') STAR_PATH = os.path.join(HOME, 'split_seq_reqs', 'bin', 'STAR') if not os.path.exists(STAR_PATH): STAR_PATH = 'STAR' SAMTOOLS_PATH = os.path.join(HOME, 'split_seq_reqs', 'bin', 'samtools') if not os.path.exists(SAMTOOLS_PATH): SAMTOOLS_PATH = 'samtools' def download_genome(genome_dir, ref='hg19'): """ Downloads the hg19 reference genome... """ # TODO: find the hg19 genome??? def make_combined_genome(species, fasta_filenames, output_dir): if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # Create a combined fasta file with species names added to the start of each chromosome name cur_fa = fasta_filenames[0] cur_species = species[0] if fasta_filenames[0].split('.')[-1]=='gz': command = """gunzip -cd {0} | awk 'substr($0,1,1)==">"{{print ">{1}_"substr($1,2,length($1)-1),$2,$3,$4}}substr($0,1,1)!=">"{{print $0}}' > {2}/genome.fa""".format(cur_fa, cur_species, output_dir) else: command = """cat {0} | awk 'substr($0,1,1)==">"{{print ">{1}_"substr($1,2,length($1)-1),$2,$3,$4}}substr($0,1,1)!=">"{{print $0}}' > {2}/genome.fa""".format(cur_fa, cur_species, output_dir) rc =, shell=True) for i in range(1,len(species)): cur_fa = fasta_filenames[i] cur_species = species[i] if fasta_filenames[0].split('.')[-1]=='gz': command = """gunzip -cd {0} | awk 'substr($0,1,1)==">"{{print ">{1}_"substr($1,2,length($1)-1),$2,$3,$4}}substr($0,1,1)!=">"{{print $0}}' >> {2}/genome.fa""".format(cur_fa, cur_species, output_dir) else: command = """cat {0} | awk 'substr($0,1,1)==">"{{print ">{1}_"substr($1,2,length($1)-1),$2,$3,$4}}substr($0,1,1)!=">"{{print $0}}' >> {2}/genome.fa""".format(cur_fa, cur_species, output_dir) rc =, shell=True) def split_attributes(s): """ Returns a dictionary from string of attributes in a GTF/GFF file """ att_list = s[:-1].split('; ') att_keys = [a.split(' ')[0] for a in att_list] att_values = [' '.join(a.split(' ')[1:]) for a in att_list] return dict(zip(att_keys,att_values)) def get_attribute(s,att): att_value = '' try: att_value = split_attributes(s)[att].strip('"') except: att_value = '' return att_value def make_gtf_annotations(species, gtf_filenames, output_dir, splicing): splicing = splicing=='True' # Load the GTFs names = ['Chromosome', 'Source', 'Feature', 'Start', 'End', 'Score', 'Strand', 'Frame', 'Attributes'] gtfs = {} for i in range(len(species)): s = species[i] filename = gtf_filenames[i] gtfs[s] = pd.read_csv(filename,sep='\t',names=names,comment='#',engine='python') # TODO: allow users to specify the gene biotypes that they want to keep # For now we keep the following gene_biotypes_to_keep = ['protein_coding', 'lincRNA', 'antisense', 'IG_C_gene', 'IG_C_pseudogene', 'IG_D_gene', 'IG_J_gene', 'IG_J_pseudogene', 'IG_V_gene', 'IG_V_pseudogene', 'TR_C_gene', 'TR_D_gene', 'TR_J_gene', 'TR_J_pseudogene', 'TR_V_gene', 'TR_V_pseudogene'] if splicing: # Generate a combined GTF with only the gene annotations gtf_gene_combined = gtfs[species[0]].query('Feature=="gene"') gtf_gene_combined.loc[:,'Chromosome'] = species[0] + '_' + gtf_gene_combined.Chromosome.apply(lambda s:str(s)) for i in range(1,len(species)): gtf_gene_combined_temp = gtfs[species[i]].query('Feature=="gene"') gtf_gene_combined_temp.loc[:,'Chromosome'] = species[i] + '_' + gtf_gene_combined_temp.Chromosome.apply(lambda s:str(s)) gtf_gene_combined = pd.concat([gtf_gene_combined,gtf_gene_combined_temp]) gene_biotypes = gtf_gene_combined.Attributes.apply(lambda s: get_attribute(s,'gene_biotype')) #gtf_gene_combined = gtf_gene_combined.iloc[np.where(gene_biotypes.isin(gene_biotypes_to_keep).values)] gtf_gene_combined.index = range(len(gtf_gene_combined)) gtf_gene_combined.to_csv(output_dir + '/genes.gtf',sep='\t',index=False) # Generate a combined GTF with only the exon annotations gtf_exon_combined = gtfs[species[0]].query('Feature=="exon"') gtf_exon_combined.loc[:,'Chromosome'] = species[0] + '_' + gtf_exon_combined.Chromosome.apply(lambda s:str(s)) for i in range(1,len(species)): gtf_exon_combined_temp = gtfs[species[i]].query('Feature=="exon"') gtf_exon_combined_temp.loc[:,'Chromosome'] = species[i] + '_' + gtf_exon_combined_temp.Chromosome.apply(lambda s:str(s)) gtf_exon_combined = pd.concat([gtf_exon_combined,gtf_exon_combined_temp]) gene_biotypes = gtf_exon_combined.Attributes.apply(lambda s: get_attribute(s,'gene_biotype')) #gtf_exon_combined = gtf_exon_combined.iloc[np.where(gene_biotypes.isin(gene_biotypes_to_keep).values)] gtf_exon_combined.index = range(len(gtf_exon_combined)) gtf_exon_combined.to_csv(output_dir + '/exons.gtf',sep='\t',index=False) if not splicing: gtf_gene_combined = gtf_exon_combined.copy(deep=True) gtf_gene_combined['Feature'] = 'gene' gtf_gene_combined.to_csv(output_dir + '/genes.gtf',sep='\t',index=False) # Get locations of genes. We are using the longest possible span of different transcripts here gtf_gene_combined.loc[:,'gene_id'] = gtf_gene_combined.Attributes.apply(lambda s: get_attribute(s,'gene_id')) gene_starts = gtf_gene_combined.groupby('gene_id').Start.apply(min) gene_ends = gtf_gene_combined.groupby('gene_id').End.apply(max) chroms = gtf_gene_combined.groupby('gene_id').Chromosome.apply(lambda s:list(s)[0]) strands = gtf_gene_combined.groupby('gene_id').Strand.apply(lambda s:list(s)[0]) gtf_dict_stepsize = 10000 # Create a dictionary for each "bin" of the genome, that maps to a list of genes within or overlapping # that bin. The bin size is determined by gtf_dict_stepsize. starts_rounded = gene_starts.apply(lambda s:np.floor(s/gtf_dict_stepsize)*gtf_dict_stepsize).values ends_rounded = gene_ends.apply(lambda s:np.ceil(s/gtf_dict_stepsize)*gtf_dict_stepsize).values gene_ids = gene_starts.index start_dict = gene_starts.to_dict() end_dict = gene_ends.to_dict() gene_dict = defaultdict(list) for i in range(len(gene_starts)): cur_chrom = chroms[i] cur_strand = strands[i] cur_start = int(starts_rounded[i]) cur_end = int(ends_rounded[i]) cur_gene_id = gene_ids[i] for coord in range(cur_start,cur_end+1,gtf_dict_stepsize): if not (cur_gene_id in gene_dict[cur_chrom + ':' + str(coord)]): gene_dict[cur_chrom + ':' + str(coord)+':'+cur_strand].append(cur_gene_id) # Create a dictionary from genes to exons exon_gene_ids = gtf_exon_combined.Attributes.apply(lambda s: get_attribute(s,'gene_id')).values exon_starts = gtf_exon_combined.Start.values exon_ends = gtf_exon_combined.End.values exon_gene_start_end_dict = defaultdict(dict) for i in range(len(exon_gene_ids)): cur_gene_id = exon_gene_ids[i] cur_exon_start = exon_starts[i] cur_exon_ends = exon_ends[i] exon_gene_start_end_dict[cur_gene_id][cur_exon_start] = cur_exon_ends gene_id_to_gene_names = dict(zip(gtf_gene_combined.Attributes.apply(lambda s: get_attribute(s,'gene_id')), gtf_gene_combined.Attributes.apply(lambda s: get_attribute(s,'gene_name')))) gene_id_to_genome = dict(zip(gtf_gene_combined.Attributes.apply(lambda s: get_attribute(s,'gene_id')), gtf_gene_combined.Chromosome.apply(lambda s:s.split('_')[0]))) gene_id_to_strand = dict(zip(gtf_gene_combined.Attributes.apply(lambda s:get_attribute(s,'gene_id')).values, gtf_gene_combined.Strand.values)) gene_id_to_chrom = dict(zip(gtf_gene_combined.Attributes.apply(lambda s:get_attribute(s,'gene_id')).values, gtf_gene_combined.Chromosome.values)) gene_id_to_biotype = dict(zip(gtf_gene_combined.Attributes.apply(lambda s:get_attribute(s,'gene_id')).values, gtf_gene_combined.Attributes.apply(lambda s:get_attribute(s,'gene_biotype')).values)) #Save dictionary with gene info gene_info = {'gene_bins':gene_dict, 'genes_to_exons':exon_gene_start_end_dict, 'gene_starts': start_dict, 'gene_ends': end_dict, 'gene_id_to_name': gene_id_to_gene_names, 'gene_id_to_genome':gene_id_to_genome, 'gene_id_to_chrom':gene_id_to_chrom, 'gene_id_to_strand':gene_id_to_strand, 'gene_id_to_biotype':gene_id_to_biotype } with open(output_dir+ '/gene_info.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(gene_info, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def generate_STAR_index(output_dir, nthreads,genomeSAindexNbases,splicing): splicing = (splicing=='True') if splicing: star_command = """STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir {0} --genomeFastaFiles {0}/genome.fa --sjdbGTFfile {0}/exons.gtf --runThreadN {1} --limitGenomeGenerateRAM 24000000000 --genomeSAindexNbases {2}""".format(output_dir, nthreads, genomeSAindexNbases) else: star_command = """STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir {0} --genomeFastaFiles {0}/genome.fa --runThreadN {1} --limitGenomeGenerateRAM 24000000000 --genomeSAindexNbases {2}""".format(output_dir, nthreads, genomeSAindexNbases) rc =, shell=True) return rc bases = list('ACGT') def convert_degen_seq_to_list(seq): """Uses recursion to convert a degenerate sequence to a list For example: AGGN -> [AGGA, AGGC, AGGG, AGGT]""" seq_list = [] N_pos = seq.find('N') if N_pos>=0: for b in bases: seq_list += convert_degen_seq_to_list(seq[:N_pos] + b + seq[N_pos+1:]) else: seq_list.append(seq) return seq_list def levenshteinDistance(s1, s2): if len(s1) > len(s2): s1, s2 = s2, s1 distances = range(len(s1) + 1) for i2, c2 in enumerate(s2): distances_ = [i2+1] for i1, c1 in enumerate(s1): if c1 == c2: distances_.append(distances[i1]) else: distances_.append(1 + min((distances[i1], distances[i1 + 1], distances_[-1]))) distances = distances_ return distances[-1] def get_min_edit_dists(bc,edit_dict,max_d=3): """Returns a list of nearest edit dist seqs Input 8nt barcode, edit_dist_dictionary Output <list of nearest edit distance seqs>, <edit dist>""" bc_matches = edit_dict[0][bc] edit_dist = 0 if (len(bc_matches)==0) and (max_d>=1): edit_dist+=1 bc_matches = edit_dict[1][bc] if (len(bc_matches)==0) and (max_d>=2): edit_dist+=1 bc_matches = edit_dict[2][bc] if (len(bc_matches)==0) and (max_d>=3): edit_dist+=1 bc_matches = edit_dict[3][bc] return bc_matches,edit_dist def preprocess_fastq(fastq1, fastq2, output_dir, chemistry='v1', bc_edit_dist=3, **params): """ Performs all the steps before running the alignment. Temporary files saved in output_dir. """ with open(PATH + '/barcodes/bc_dict_v1.pkl', 'rb') as f: edit_dict_v1 = pickle.load(f) with open(PATH + '/barcodes/bc_dict_v2.pkl', 'rb') as f: edit_dict_v2 = pickle.load(f) with open(PATH + '/barcodes/bc_dict_v3.pkl', 'rb') as f: edit_dict_v3 = pickle.load(f) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) bc_edit_dist = int(bc_edit_dist) # Read in barcode sequences bc_8nt_v1 = pd.read_csv(PATH + '/barcodes/bc_8nt_v1.csv',names=['barcode'],index_col=0).barcode.values bc_8nt_v2 = pd.read_csv(PATH + '/barcodes/bc_8nt_v2.csv',names=['barcode'],index_col=0).barcode.values if chemistry=='v1': bc1_edit_dict = edit_dict_v1 bc2_edit_dict = edit_dict_v1 bc3_edit_dict = edit_dict_v1 # Amplicon sequence amp_seq = 'NNNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIGTGGCCGATGTTTCGCATCGGCGTACGACTIIIIIIIIATCCACGTGCTTGAGAGGCCAGAGCATTCGIIIIIIII' elif chemistry=='v2': bc1_edit_dict = edit_dict_v1 bc2_edit_dict = edit_dict_v1 bc3_edit_dict = edit_dict_v2 # Amplicon sequence amp_seq = 'NNNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIGTGGCCGATGTTTCGCATCGGCGTACGACTIIIIIIIIATCCACGTGCTTGAGACTGTGGIIIIIIII' elif chemistry=='v4': bc1_edit_dict = edit_dict_v1 bc2_edit_dict = edit_dict_v1 bc3_edit_dict = edit_dict_v1 #edited 7/15/19 from v2 -> v1 # Amplicon sequence #edited 7/11/19 for the duplex adapter test amp_seq = 'NNNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIGTGGCCGATGTTTCGCATCGGCGTACGACTIIIIIIIIATCCACGTGCTTGAGAGGCCAGAGCATTCGIIIIIIII' # Get location of cell barcodes in amplicon: bc_len = 8 bc_starts = [] c = 0 while True: bc_loc = amp_seq[c:].find('IIIIIIII') if bc_loc==-1: break bc_starts.append(bc_loc + c) c = bc_starts[-1] + bc_len print(bc_starts) def get_perfect_bc_counts(fastq2,n_reads=2000000,reads_in_cells_thresh=0.92): quality_scores = [] seqs = [] with as f: for i in range(n_reads): f.readline() seq = f.readline().decode()[:-1] f.readline() qual = f.readline() seqs.append(seq) quality_scores.append(qual) if i %100000==0: print(i,end=' ') seqs = pd.Series(seqs) bc_df =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Sep 25 16:14:12 2019 @author: <NAME> """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #import graphviz import os import seaborn as sns from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency os.chdir("E:\PYTHON NOTES\projects\cab fare prediction") dataset_train=pd.read_csv("train_cab.csv") dataset_test=pd.read_csv("test.csv") dataset_train.describe() # dimension of data # dimension of data dataset_train.shape # Number of rows dataset_train.shape[0] # number of columns dataset_train.shape[1] # name of columns list(dataset_train) # data detailat dataset_train.isnull().sum() dataset_test.isnull().sum() sns.heatmap(dataset_train.isnull(),yticklabels=False,cbar=False, cmap='coolwarm') #datetime change into reqired format data=[dataset_train,dataset_test] for i in data: i["pickup_datetime"]=pd.to_datetime(i["pickup_datetime"],errors="coerce") dataset_train.isnull().sum() dataset_test.isna().sum() dataset_train=dataset_train.dropna(subset=["pickup_datetime"],how="all") dataset_train["fare_amount"]=dataset_train["fare_amount"].astype(float) np.where(dataset_train["fare_amount"]=="430-") dataset_train["fare_amount"].loc[1123]=430 dataset_train["fare_amount"]=dataset_train["fare_amount"].astype(float) #we will convery passanger count in to catogorical varibale ,cause passangor caount is not contineous varibale dataset_obj=["passenger_count"] dataset_int=["fare_amount","pickup_longitude","pickup_latitude","dropoff_longitude","dropoff_latitude"] # data visulization import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #$stting up the sns for plots sns.set(style="darkgrid",palette="Set1") #some histogram plot from seaborn lib plt.figure(figsize=(20,20)) plt.subplot(321) _=sns.distplot(dataset_train["fare_amount"],bins=50) plt.subplot(322) _=sns.distplot(dataset_train["pickup_longitude"],bins=50) plt.subplot(323) _=sns.distplot(dataset_train["pickup_latitude"],bins=50) plt.subplot(324) _ = sns.distplot(dataset_train['dropoff_longitude'],bins=50) plt.subplot(325) _ = sns.distplot(dataset_train['dropoff_latitude'],bins=50) plt.savefig('hist.png') import scipy.stats as stats #Some Bee Swarmplots # plt.title('Cab Fare w.r.t passenger_count') plt.figure(figsize=(25,25)) #_=sns.swarmplot(x="passenger_count",y="fare_amount",data=dataset_train) #Jointplots for Bivariate Analysis. #Here Scatter plot has regression line between 2 variables along with separate Bar plots of both variables. #Also its annotated with pearson correlation coefficient and p value. _=sns.jointplot(x="fare_amount",y="pickup_longitude",data=dataset_train,kind="reg") _.annotate(stats.pearsonr) #plt.savefig("jointfplo.png") _=sns.jointplot(x="fare_amount",y="pickup_latitude",data=dataset_train,kind="reg") _.annotate(stats.pearsonr) _=sns.jointplot(x="fare_amount",y="dropoff_longitude",data=dataset_train,kind="reg") _.annotate(stats.pearsonr) _=sns.jointplot(x="fare_amount",y="dropoff_latitude",data=dataset_train,kind="reg") _.annotate(stats.pearsonr) # some violineplots to see spread d variable plt.figure(figsize=(20,20)) plt.subplot(321) _=sns.violinplot(y="fare_amount",data=dataset_train) plt.subplot(322) _=sns.violinplot(y="pickup_longitude",data=dataset_train) plt.subplot(323) _ = sns.violinplot(y='pickup_latitude',data=dataset_train) plt.subplot(324) _ = sns.violinplot(y='dropoff_longitude',data=dataset_train) plt.subplot(325) _ = sns.violinplot(y='dropoff_latitude',data=dataset_train) plt.savefig("violine.png") #pairplot for all numeric varibale _=sns.pairplot(dataset_train.loc[:,dataset_int],kind="scatter",dropna=True) _.fig.suptitle("pairwise plot all numeric varibale") #plt.savefig("pairwise.png") #removing values which are not within the desired range outlier depanding upon basic understanding of dataset #1.Fare amount has a negative value, which doesn't make sense. A price amount cannot be -ve and also cannot be 0. So we will remove these fields. sum(dataset_train["fare_amount"]<1) dataset_train[dataset_train["fare_amount"]<1] dataset_train=dataset_train.drop(dataset_train[dataset_train["fare_amount"]<1].index,axis=0) #dataset_train.loc[dataset_train["fare_amount"]<1,"fare_amount"]=np.nan #2. passanger count varibale /// passanger count cound not increse more than 6 sum(dataset_train["passenger_count"]>6) for i in range (4,11): print("passanger_count_above"+ str(i)+ "={}".format(sum(dataset_train["passenger_count"]>i))) # so 20 observations of passenger_count is consistenly above from 6,7,8,9,10 passenger_counts, let's check them. dataset_train[dataset_train["passenger_count"]>6] #Also we need to see if there are any passenger_count<1 dataset_train[dataset_train["passenger_count"]<1] len(dataset_train[dataset_train["passenger_count"]<1]) dataset_test["passenger_count"].unique() # We will remove 20 observation which are above 6 value because a cab cannot hold these number of passengers. dataset_train=dataset_train.drop(dataset_train[dataset_train["passenger_count"]<1].index,axis=0) dataset_train=dataset_train.drop(dataset_train[dataset_train["passenger_count"]>6].index,axis=0) #dataset_train.loc[dataset_train["passenger_count"]<1,"passenger_count"]=np.nan #dataset_train.loc[dataset_train["passenger_count"]>6,"passenger_count"]=np.nan sum(dataset_train["passenger_count"]<1) #3.Latitudes range from -90 to 90.Longitudes range from -180 to 180. Removing which does not satisfy these ranges print("pickup_longitude above 180 ={}".format(sum(dataset_train["pickup_longitude"]>180))) print("pickup_longitude above -180 = {}".format(sum(dataset_train["pickup_longitude"]<-180))) print("pickup_latitude above 90 ={}".format(sum(dataset_train["pickup_latitude"]>90))) print("pickup_latitude above -90 ={}".format(sum(dataset_train["pickup_latitude"]<-90))) print('dropoff_longitude above 180={}'.format(sum(dataset_train['dropoff_longitude']>180))) print('dropoff_longitude below -180={}'.format(sum(dataset_train['dropoff_longitude']<-180))) print('dropoff_latitude below -90={}'.format(sum(dataset_train['dropoff_latitude']<-90))) print('dropoff_latitude above 90={}'.format(sum(dataset_train['dropoff_latitude']>90))) #for test data print("pickup_longitude above 180 ={}".format(sum(dataset_test["pickup_longitude"]>180))) print("pickup_longitude above -180 = {}".format(sum(dataset_test["pickup_longitude"]<-180))) print("pickup_latitude above 90 ={}".format(sum(dataset_test["pickup_latitude"]>90))) print("pickup_latitude above -90 ={}".format(sum(dataset_test["pickup_latitude"]<-90))) print('dropoff_longitude above 180={}'.format(sum(dataset_test['dropoff_longitude']>180))) print('dropoff_longitude below -180={}'.format(sum(dataset_test['dropoff_longitude']<-180))) print('dropoff_latitude below -90={}'.format(sum(dataset_test['dropoff_latitude']<-90))) print('dropoff_latitude above 90={}'.format(sum(dataset_test['dropoff_latitude']>90))) #There's only one outlier which is in variable pickup_latitude.So we will remove it with nan. #Also we will see if there are any values equal to 0. for i in ["pickup_longitude","pickup_latitude","dropoff_longitude","dropoff_latitude"]: print(i,"equal to 0={}".format(sum(dataset_train[i]==0))) #for test data for i in ["pickup_longitude","pickup_latitude","dropoff_longitude","dropoff_latitude"]: print(i,"equal to 0={}".format(sum(dataset_test[i]==0))) #there are values which are equal to 0. we will remove them. # There's only one outlier which is in variable pickup_latitude.So we will remove it with nan dataset_train=dataset_train.drop(dataset_train[dataset_train["pickup_latitude"]>90].index,axis=0) #there are values which are equal to 0. we will remove them. for i in ["pickup_longitude","pickup_latitude","dropoff_longitude","dropoff_latitude"]: dataset_train=dataset_train.drop(dataset_train[dataset_train[i]==0].index,axis=0) # for i in ['pickup_longitude','pickup_latitude','dropoff_longitude','dropoff_latitude']: # train.loc[train[i]==0,i] = np.nan # train.loc[train['pickup_latitude']>90,'pickup_latitude'] = np.nan dataset_train.shape #Missing Value Analysis missing_value=dataset_train.isnull().sum() missing_value = missing_value.reset_index() missing_value = missing_value.rename(columns = {'index': 'Variables', 0: 'Missing_percentage'}) missing_value #find out percentage of null value missing_value['Missing_percentage'] = (missing_value['Missing_percentage']/len(dataset_train))*100 missing_value = missing_value.sort_values('Missing_percentage', ascending = False).reset_index(drop = True) dataset_train["fare_amount"]=dataset_train["fare_amount"].fillna(dataset_train["fare_amount"].median()) dataset_train["passenger_count"]=dataset_train["passenger_count"].fillna(dataset_train["passenger_count"].mode()[0]) dataset_train.isnull().sum() dataset_train["passenger_count"]=dataset_train["passenger_count"].round().astype(object) dataset_train["passenger_count"].unique() #outliers analysis by box plot plt.figure(figsize=(20,5)) plt.xlim(0,100) sns.boxplot(x=dataset_train["fare_amount"],data=dataset_train,orient="h") # sum(dataset_train['fare_amount']<22.5)/len(dataset_train['fare_amount'])*100 #Bivariate Boxplots: Boxplot for Numerical Variable Vs Categorical Variable. plt.figure(figsize=(20,10)) plt.xlim(0,100) _=sns.boxplot(x=dataset_train["fare_amount"],y=dataset_train["passenger_count"],data=dataset_train,orient="h") def outlier_detect(df): for i in df.describe().columns: q1=df.describe().at["25%",i] q3=df.describe().at["75%",i] IQR=(q3-q1) ltv=(q1-1.5*IQR) utv=(q3+1.5*IQR) x=np.array(df[i]) p=[] for j in x: if j<ltv: p.append(ltv) elif j>utv: p.append(utv) else: p.append(j) df[i]=p return (df) dataset_int1=outlier_detect(dataset_train.loc[:,dataset_int]) dataset_test_obj=["passenger_count"] dataset_test_int=["pickup_longitude","pickup_latitude","dropoff_longitude","dropoff_latitude"] dataset_test1=outlier_detect(dataset_test.loc[:,dataset_test_int]) dataset_test1=pd.concat([dataset_test1,dataset_test["passenger_count"]],axis=1) dataset_test=
import wandb import pandas as pd import logging logger = logging.getLogger('export') logging.basicConfig() api = wandb.Api() """ These can be replaced, but make sure you also correct the names in `` and `` scripts. """ WANDB_USERNAME = '<ANONYMIZED>' MODEL_TRAINING_PROJECT_NAME = 'bias-probing' ONLINE_CODE_PROJECT_NAME = 'online-code' def _dump_runs_from(path: str, output_file: str):'Export from{path} to {output_file}') runs = api.runs(path) summary_list = [] config_list = [] name_list = [] for run in runs: # run.summary are the output key/values like accuracy. We call ._json_dict to omit large files summary_list.append(run.summary._json_dict) config_list.append({k: v for k, v in run.config.items() if not k.startswith('_')}) name_list.append( summary_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(summary_list) config_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(config_list) name_df =
pd.DataFrame({'name': name_list})
import os import copy import pickle import numpy as np import matplotlib.animation as animation import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import torch from tqdm import tqdm from behavenet import get_user_dir from behavenet import make_dir_if_not_exists from import build_data_generator from import load_labels_like_latents from behavenet.fitting.eval import get_reconstruction from behavenet.fitting.utils import experiment_exists from behavenet.fitting.utils import get_best_model_and_data from behavenet.fitting.utils import get_expt_dir from behavenet.fitting.utils import get_lab_example from behavenet.fitting.utils import get_session_dir from behavenet.plotting import concat from behavenet.plotting import get_crop from behavenet.plotting import load_latents from behavenet.plotting import load_metrics_csv_as_df from behavenet.plotting import save_movie # to ignore imports for sphix-autoapidoc __all__ = [ 'get_input_range', 'compute_range', 'get_labels_2d_for_trial', 'get_model_input', 'interpolate_2d', 'interpolate_1d', 'interpolate_point_path', 'plot_2d_frame_array', 'plot_1d_frame_array', 'make_interpolated', 'make_interpolated_multipanel', 'plot_psvae_training_curves', 'plot_hyperparameter_search_results', 'plot_label_reconstructions', 'plot_latent_traversals', 'make_latent_traversal_movie'] # ---------------------------------------- # low-level util functions # ---------------------------------------- def get_input_range( input_type, hparams, sess_ids=None, sess_idx=0, model=None, data_gen=None, version=0, min_p=5, max_p=95, apply_label_masks=False): """Helper function to compute input range for a variety of data types. Parameters ---------- input_type : :obj:`str` 'latents' | 'labels' | 'labels_sc' hparams : :obj:`dict` needs to contain enough information to specify an autoencoder sess_ids : :obj:`list`, optional each entry is a session dict with keys 'lab', 'expt', 'animal', 'session'; for loading labels and labels_sc sess_idx : :obj:`int`, optional session index into data generator model : :obj:`AE` object, optional for generating latents if latent file does not exist data_gen : :obj:`ConcatSessionGenerator` object, optional for generating latents if latent file does not exist version : :obj:`int`, optional specify AE version for loading latents min_p : :obj:`int`, optional defines lower end of range; percentile in [0, 100] max_p : :obj:`int`, optional defines upper end of range; percentile in [0, 100] apply_label_masks : :obj:`bool`, optional `True` to set masked values to NaN in labels Returns ------- :obj:`dict` keys are 'min' and 'max' """ if input_type == 'latents': # load latents latent_file = str('%s_%s_%s_%s_latents.pkl' % ( hparams['lab'], hparams['expt'], hparams['animal'], hparams['session'])) filename = os.path.join( hparams['expt_dir'], 'version_%i' % version, latent_file) if not os.path.exists(filename): from behavenet.fitting.eval import export_latents print('latents file not found at %s' % filename) print('exporting latents...', end='') filenames = export_latents(data_gen, model) filename = filenames[0] print('done') latents = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb')) inputs = latents['latents'] elif input_type == 'labels': labels = load_labels_like_latents(hparams, sess_ids, sess_idx=sess_idx) inputs = labels['latents'] elif input_type == 'labels_sc': hparams2 = copy.deepcopy(hparams) hparams2['conditional_encoder'] = True # to actually return labels labels_sc = load_labels_like_latents( hparams2, sess_ids, sess_idx=sess_idx, data_key='labels_sc') inputs = labels_sc['latents'] else: raise NotImplementedError if apply_label_masks: masks = load_labels_like_latents( hparams, sess_ids, sess_idx=sess_idx, data_key='labels_masks') for i, m in zip(inputs, masks): i[m == 0] = np.nan input_range = compute_range(inputs, min_p=min_p, max_p=max_p) return input_range def compute_range(values_list, min_p=5, max_p=95): """Compute min and max of a list of numbers using percentiles. Parameters ---------- values_list : :obj:`list` list of np.ndarrays; min/max calculated over axis 0 once all lists are vertically stacked min_p : :obj:`int` defines lower end of range; percentile in [0, 100] max_p : :obj:`int` defines upper end of range; percentile in [0, 100] Returns ------- :obj:`dict` lower ['min'] and upper ['max'] range of input """ if np.any([len(arr) == 0 for arr in values_list]): values_ = [] for arr in values_list: if len(arr) != 0: values_.append(arr) values = np.vstack(values_) else: values = np.vstack(values_list) ranges = { 'min': np.nanpercentile(values, min_p, axis=0), 'max': np.nanpercentile(values, max_p, axis=0)} return ranges def get_labels_2d_for_trial( hparams, sess_ids, trial=None, trial_idx=None, sess_idx=0, dtype='test', data_gen=None): """Return scaled labels (in pixel space) for a given trial. Parameters ---------- hparams : :obj:`dict` needs to contain enough information to build a data generator sess_ids : :obj:`list` of :obj:`dict` each entry is a session dict with keys 'lab', 'expt', 'animal', 'session' trial : :obj:`int`, optional trial index into all possible trials (train, val, test); one of `trial` or `trial_idx` must be specified; `trial` takes precedence over `trial_idx` trial_idx : :obj:`int`, optional trial index into trial type defined by `dtype`; one of `trial` or `trial_idx` must be specified; `trial` takes precedence over `trial_idx` sess_idx : :obj:`int`, optional session index into data generator dtype : :obj:`str`, optional data type that is indexed by `trial_idx`; 'train' | 'val' | 'test' data_gen : :obj:`ConcatSessionGenerator` object, optional for generating labels Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` - labels_2d_pt (:obj:`torch.Tensor`) of shape (batch, n_labels, y_pix, x_pix) - labels_2d_np (:obj:`np.ndarray`) of shape (batch, n_labels, y_pix, x_pix) """ if (trial_idx is not None) and (trial is not None): raise ValueError('only one of "trial" or "trial_idx" can be specified') if data_gen is None: hparams_new = copy.deepcopy(hparams) hparams_new['conditional_encoder'] = True # ensure scaled labels are returned hparams_new['device'] = 'cpu' hparams_new['as_numpy'] = False hparams_new['batch_load'] = True data_gen = build_data_generator(hparams_new, sess_ids, export_csv=False) # get trial if trial is None: trial = data_gen.datasets[sess_idx].batch_idxs[dtype][trial_idx] batch = data_gen.datasets[sess_idx][trial] labels_2d_pt = batch['labels_sc'] labels_2d_np = labels_2d_pt.cpu().detach().numpy() return labels_2d_pt, labels_2d_np def get_model_input( data_generator, hparams, model, trial=None, trial_idx=None, sess_idx=0, max_frames=200, compute_latents=False, compute_2d_labels=True, compute_scaled_labels=False, dtype='test'): """Return images, latents, and labels for a given trial. Parameters ---------- data_generator: :obj:`ConcatSessionGenerator` for generating model input hparams : :obj:`dict` needs to contain enough information to specify both a model and the associated data model : :obj:`behavenet.models` object model type trial : :obj:`int`, optional trial index into all possible trials (train, val, test); one of `trial` or `trial_idx` must be specified; `trial` takes precedence over `trial_idx` trial_idx : :obj:`int`, optional trial index into trial type defined by `dtype`; one of `trial` or `trial_idx` must be specified; `trial` takes precedence over `trial_idx` sess_idx : :obj:`int`, optional session index into data generator max_frames : :obj:`int`, optional maximum size of batch to return compute_latents : :obj:`bool`, optional `True` to return latents compute_2d_labels : :obj:`bool`, optional `True` to return 2d label tensors of shape (batch, n_labels, y_pix, x_pix) compute_scaled_labels : :obj:`bool`, optional ignored if `compute_2d_labels` is `True`; if `compute_scaled_labels=True`, return scaled labels as shape (batch, n_labels) rather than 2d labels as shape (batch, n_labels, y_pix, x_pix). dtype : :obj:`str`, optional data type that is indexed by `trial_idx`; 'train' | 'val' | 'test' Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` - ims_pt (:obj:`torch.Tensor`) of shape (max_frames, n_channels, y_pix, x_pix) - ims_np (:obj:`np.ndarray`) of shape (max_frames, n_channels, y_pix, x_pix) - latents_np (:obj:`np.ndarray`) of shape (max_frames, n_latents) - labels_pt (:obj:`torch.Tensor`) of shape (max_frames, n_labels) - labels_2d_pt (:obj:`torch.Tensor`) of shape (max_frames, n_labels, y_pix, x_pix) - labels_2d_np (:obj:`np.ndarray`) of shape (max_frames, n_labels, y_pix, x_pix) """ if (trial_idx is not None) and (trial is not None): raise ValueError('only one of "trial" or "trial_idx" can be specified') if (trial_idx is None) and (trial is None): raise ValueError('one of "trial" or "trial_idx" must be specified') # get trial if trial is None: trial = data_generator.datasets[sess_idx].batch_idxs[dtype][trial_idx] batch = data_generator.datasets[sess_idx][trial] ims_pt = batch['images'][:max_frames] ims_np = ims_pt.cpu().detach().numpy() # continuous labels if hparams['model_class'] == 'ae' \ or hparams['model_class'] == 'vae' \ or hparams['model_class'] == 'beta-tcvae': labels_pt = None labels_np = None elif hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-ae' \ or hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-vae' \ or hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-ae-msp' \ or hparams['model_class'] == 'ps-vae' \ or hparams['model_class'] == 'labels-images': labels_pt = batch['labels'][:max_frames] labels_np = labels_pt.cpu().detach().numpy() else: raise NotImplementedError # one hot labels if hparams['conditional_encoder']: labels_2d_pt = batch['labels_sc'][:max_frames] labels_2d_np = labels_2d_pt.cpu().detach().numpy() else: if compute_2d_labels: hparams['session_dir'], sess_ids = get_session_dir(hparams) labels_2d_pt, labels_2d_np = get_labels_2d_for_trial(hparams, sess_ids, trial=trial) elif compute_scaled_labels: labels_2d_pt = None import h5py hdf5_file = data_generator.datasets[sess_idx].paths['labels'] with h5py.File(hdf5_file, 'r', libver='latest', swmr=True) as f: labels_2d_np = f['labels_sc'][str('trial_%04i' % trial)][()].astype('float32') else: labels_2d_pt, labels_2d_np = None, None # latents if compute_latents: if hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-ae-msp' or hparams['model_class'] == 'ps-vae': latents_np = model.get_transformed_latents(ims_pt, dataset=sess_idx, as_numpy=True) else: _, latents_np = get_reconstruction( model, ims_pt, labels=labels_pt, labels_2d=labels_2d_pt, return_latents=True) else: latents_np = None return ims_pt, ims_np, latents_np, labels_pt, labels_np, labels_2d_pt, labels_2d_np def interpolate_2d( interp_type, model, ims_0, latents_0, labels_0, labels_sc_0, mins, maxes, input_idxs, n_frames, crop_type=None, mins_sc=None, maxes_sc=None, crop_kwargs=None, marker_idxs=None, ch=0): """Return reconstructed images created by interpolating through latent/label space. Parameters ---------- interp_type : :obj:`str` 'latents' | 'labels' model : :obj:`behavenet.models` object autoencoder model ims_0 : :obj:`torch.Tensor` base images for interpolating labels, of shape (1, n_channels, y_pix, x_pix) latents_0 : :obj:`np.ndarray` base latents of shape (1, n_latents); only two of these dimensions will be changed if `interp_type='latents'` labels_0 : :obj:`np.ndarray` base labels of shape (1, n_labels) labels_sc_0 : :obj:`np.ndarray` base scaled labels in pixel space of shape (1, n_labels, y_pix, x_pix) mins : :obj:`array-like` minimum values of labels/latents, one for each dim maxes : :obj:`list` maximum values of labels/latents, one for each dim input_idxs : :obj:`list` indices of labels/latents that will be interpolated; for labels, must be y first, then x for proper marker recording n_frames : :obj:`int` number of interpolation points between mins and maxes (inclusive) crop_type : :obj:`str` or :obj:`NoneType`, optional currently only implements 'fixed'; if not None, cropped images are returned, and returned labels are also cropped so that they can be plotted on top of the cropped images; if None, returned cropped images are empty and labels are relative to original image size mins_sc : :obj:`list`, optional min values of scaled labels that correspond to min values of labels when using conditional encoders maxes_sc : :obj:`list`, optional max values of scaled labels that correspond to max values of labels when using conditional encoders crop_kwargs : :obj:`dict`, optional define center and extent of crop if `crop_type='fixed'`; keys are 'x_0', 'x_ext', 'y_0', 'y_ext' marker_idxs : :obj:`list`, optional indices of `labels_sc_0` that will be interpolated; note that this is analogous but different from `input_idxs`, since the 2d tensor `labels_sc_0` has half as many label dimensions as `latents_0` and `labels_0` ch : :obj:`int`, optional specify which channel of input images to return (can only be a single value) Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` - ims_list (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`np.ndarray`) interpolated images - labels_list (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`np.ndarray`) interpolated labels - ims_crop_list (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`np.ndarray`) interpolated , cropped images """ if interp_type == 'labels': from import MakeOneHot2D _, _, y_pix, x_pix = ims_0.shape one_hot_2d = MakeOneHot2D(y_pix, x_pix) # compute grid for relevant inputs n_interp_dims = len(input_idxs) assert n_interp_dims == 2 # compute ranges for relevant inputs inputs = [] inputs_sc = [] for d in input_idxs: inputs.append(np.linspace(mins[d], maxes[d], n_frames)) if mins_sc is not None and maxes_sc is not None: inputs_sc.append(np.linspace(mins_sc[d], maxes_sc[d], n_frames)) else: if interp_type == 'labels': raise NotImplementedError ims_list = [] ims_crop_list = [] labels_list = [] # latent_vals = [] for i0 in range(n_frames): ims_tmp = [] ims_crop_tmp = [] labels_tmp = [] # latents_tmp = [] for i1 in range(n_frames): if interp_type == 'latents': # get (new) latents latents = np.copy(latents_0) latents[0, input_idxs[0]] = inputs[0][i0] latents[0, input_idxs[1]] = inputs[1][i1] # get scaled labels (for markers) labels_sc = _get_updated_scaled_labels(labels_sc_0) if model.hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-ae-msp': # get reconstruction im_tmp = get_reconstruction( model, torch.from_numpy(latents).float(), apply_inverse_transform=True) else: # get labels if model.hparams['model_class'] == 'ae' \ or model.hparams['model_class'] == 'vae' \ or model.hparams['model_class'] == 'beta-tcvae' \ or model.hparams['model_class'] == 'ps-vae': labels = None elif model.hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-ae' \ or model.hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-vae': labels = torch.from_numpy(labels_0).float() else: raise NotImplementedError # get reconstruction im_tmp = get_reconstruction( model, torch.from_numpy(latents).float(), labels=labels) elif interp_type == 'labels': # get (new) scaled labels labels_sc = _get_updated_scaled_labels( labels_sc_0, input_idxs, [inputs_sc[0][i0], inputs_sc[1][i1]]) if len(labels_sc_0.shape) == 4: # 2d scaled labels labels_2d = torch.from_numpy(one_hot_2d(labels_sc)).float() else: # 1d scaled labels labels_2d = None if model.hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-ae-msp' \ or model.hparams['model_class'] == 'ps-vae': # change latents that correspond to desired labels latents = np.copy(latents_0) latents[0, input_idxs[0]] = inputs[0][i0] latents[0, input_idxs[1]] = inputs[1][i1] # get reconstruction im_tmp = get_reconstruction(model, latents, apply_inverse_transform=True) else: # get (new) labels labels = np.copy(labels_0) labels[0, input_idxs[0]] = inputs[0][i0] labels[0, input_idxs[1]] = inputs[1][i1] # get reconstruction im_tmp = get_reconstruction( model, ims_0, labels=torch.from_numpy(labels).float(), labels_2d=labels_2d) else: raise NotImplementedError ims_tmp.append(np.copy(im_tmp[0, ch])) if crop_type: x_min_tmp = crop_kwargs['x_0'] - crop_kwargs['x_ext'] y_min_tmp = crop_kwargs['y_0'] - crop_kwargs['y_ext'] else: x_min_tmp = 0 y_min_tmp = 0 if interp_type == 'labels': labels_tmp.append([ np.copy(labels_sc[0, input_idxs[0]]) - y_min_tmp, np.copy(labels_sc[0, input_idxs[1]]) - x_min_tmp]) elif interp_type == 'latents' and labels_sc_0 is not None: labels_tmp.append([ np.copy(labels_sc[0, marker_idxs[0]]) - y_min_tmp, np.copy(labels_sc[0, marker_idxs[1]]) - x_min_tmp]) else: labels_tmp.append([np.nan, np.nan]) if crop_type: ims_crop_tmp.append(get_crop( im_tmp[0, 0], crop_kwargs['y_0'], crop_kwargs['y_ext'], crop_kwargs['x_0'], crop_kwargs['x_ext'])) else: ims_crop_tmp.append([]) ims_list.append(ims_tmp) ims_crop_list.append(ims_crop_tmp) labels_list.append(labels_tmp) return ims_list, labels_list, ims_crop_list def interpolate_1d( interp_type, model, ims_0, latents_0, labels_0, labels_sc_0, mins, maxes, input_idxs, n_frames, crop_type=None, mins_sc=None, maxes_sc=None, crop_kwargs=None, marker_idxs=None, ch=0): """Return reconstructed images created by interpolating through latent/label space. Parameters ---------- interp_type : :obj:`str` 'latents' | 'labels' model : :obj:`behavenet.models` object autoencoder model ims_0 : :obj:`torch.Tensor` base images for interpolating labels, of shape (1, n_channels, y_pix, x_pix) latents_0 : :obj:`np.ndarray` base latents of shape (1, n_latents); only two of these dimensions will be changed if `interp_type='latents'` labels_0 : :obj:`np.ndarray` base labels of shape (1, n_labels) labels_sc_0 : :obj:`np.ndarray` base scaled labels in pixel space of shape (1, n_labels, y_pix, x_pix) mins : :obj:`array-like` minimum values of all labels/latents maxes : :obj:`array-like` maximum values of all labels/latents input_idxs : :obj:`array-like` indices of labels/latents that will be interpolated n_frames : :obj:`int` number of interpolation points between mins and maxes (inclusive) crop_type : :obj:`str` or :obj:`NoneType`, optional currently only implements 'fixed'; if not None, cropped images are returned, and returned labels are also cropped so that they can be plotted on top of the cropped images; if None, returned cropped images are empty and labels are relative to original image size mins_sc : :obj:`list`, optional min values of scaled labels that correspond to min values of labels when using conditional encoders maxes_sc : :obj:`list`, optional max values of scaled labels that correspond to max values of labels when using conditional encoders crop_kwargs : :obj:`dict`, optional define center and extent of crop if `crop_type='fixed'`; keys are 'x_0', 'x_ext', 'y_0', 'y_ext' marker_idxs : :obj:`list`, optional indices of `labels_sc_0` that will be interpolated; note that this is analogous but different from `input_idxs`, since the 2d tensor `labels_sc_0` has half as many label dimensions as `latents_0` and `labels_0` ch : :obj:`int`, optional specify which channel of input images to return (can only be a single value) Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` - ims_list (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`np.ndarray`) interpolated images - labels_list (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`np.ndarray`) interpolated labels - ims_crop_list (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`np.ndarray`) interpolated , cropped images """ if interp_type == 'labels': from import MakeOneHot2D _, _, y_pix, x_pix = ims_0.shape one_hot_2d = MakeOneHot2D(y_pix, x_pix) n_interp_dims = len(input_idxs) # compute ranges for relevant inputs inputs = [] inputs_sc = [] for d in input_idxs: inputs.append(np.linspace(mins[d], maxes[d], n_frames)) if mins_sc is not None and maxes_sc is not None: inputs_sc.append(np.linspace(mins_sc[d], maxes_sc[d], n_frames)) else: if interp_type == 'labels': raise NotImplementedError ims_list = [] ims_crop_list = [] labels_list = [] # latent_vals = [] for i0 in range(n_interp_dims): ims_tmp = [] ims_crop_tmp = [] labels_tmp = [] for i1 in range(n_frames): if interp_type == 'latents': # get (new) latents latents = np.copy(latents_0) latents[0, input_idxs[i0]] = inputs[i0][i1] # get scaled labels (for markers) labels_sc = _get_updated_scaled_labels(labels_sc_0) if model.hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-ae-msp': # get reconstruction im_tmp = get_reconstruction( model, torch.from_numpy(latents).float(), apply_inverse_transform=True) else: # get labels if model.hparams['model_class'] == 'ae' \ or model.hparams['model_class'] == 'vae' \ or model.hparams['model_class'] == 'beta-tcvae' \ or model.hparams['model_class'] == 'ps-vae': labels = None elif model.hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-ae' \ or model.hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-vae': labels = torch.from_numpy(labels_0).float() else: raise NotImplementedError # get reconstruction im_tmp = get_reconstruction( model, torch.from_numpy(latents).float(), labels=labels) elif interp_type == 'labels': # get (new) scaled labels labels_sc = _get_updated_scaled_labels( labels_sc_0, input_idxs[i0], inputs_sc[i0][i1]) if len(labels_sc_0.shape) == 4: # 2d scaled labels labels_2d = torch.from_numpy(one_hot_2d(labels_sc)).float() else: # 1d scaled labels labels_2d = None if model.hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-ae-msp' \ or model.hparams['model_class'] == 'ps-vae': # change latents that correspond to desired labels latents = np.copy(latents_0) latents[0, input_idxs[i0]] = inputs[i0][i1] # get reconstruction im_tmp = get_reconstruction(model, latents, apply_inverse_transform=True) else: # get (new) labels labels = np.copy(labels_0) labels[0, input_idxs[i0]] = inputs[i0][i1] # get reconstruction im_tmp = get_reconstruction( model, ims_0, labels=torch.from_numpy(labels).float(), labels_2d=labels_2d) else: raise NotImplementedError ims_tmp.append(np.copy(im_tmp[0, ch])) if crop_type: x_min_tmp = crop_kwargs['x_0'] - crop_kwargs['x_ext'] y_min_tmp = crop_kwargs['y_0'] - crop_kwargs['y_ext'] else: x_min_tmp = 0 y_min_tmp = 0 if interp_type == 'labels': labels_tmp.append([ np.copy(labels_sc[0, input_idxs[0]]) - y_min_tmp, np.copy(labels_sc[0, input_idxs[1]]) - x_min_tmp]) elif interp_type == 'latents' and labels_sc_0 is not None: labels_tmp.append([ np.copy(labels_sc[0, marker_idxs[0]]) - y_min_tmp, np.copy(labels_sc[0, marker_idxs[1]]) - x_min_tmp]) else: labels_tmp.append([np.nan, np.nan]) if crop_type: ims_crop_tmp.append(get_crop( im_tmp[0, 0], crop_kwargs['y_0'], crop_kwargs['y_ext'], crop_kwargs['x_0'], crop_kwargs['x_ext'])) else: ims_crop_tmp.append([]) ims_list.append(ims_tmp) ims_crop_list.append(ims_crop_tmp) labels_list.append(labels_tmp) return ims_list, labels_list, ims_crop_list def interpolate_point_path( interp_type, model, ims_0, labels_0, points, n_frames=10, ch=0, crop_kwargs=None, apply_inverse_transform=True): """Return reconstructed images created by interpolating through multiple points. This function is a simplified version of :func:`interpolate_1d()`; this function computes a traversal for a single dimension instead of all dimensions; also, this function does not support conditional encoders, nor does it attempt to compute the interpolated, scaled values of the labels as :func:`interpolate_1d()` does. This function should supercede :func:`interpolate_1d()` in a future refactor. Also note that this function is utilized by the code to make traversal movies, whereas :func:`interpolate_1d()` is utilized by the code to make traversal plots. Parameters ---------- interp_type : :obj:`str` 'latents' | 'labels' model : :obj:`behavenet.models` object autoencoder model ims_0 : :obj:`np.ndarray` base images for interpolating labels, of shape (1, n_channels, y_pix, x_pix) labels_0 : :obj:`np.ndarray` base labels of shape (1, n_labels); these values will be used if `interp_type='latents'`, and they will be ignored if `inter_type='labels'` (since `points` will be used) points : :obj:`list` one entry for each point in path; each entry is an np.ndarray of shape (n_latents,) n_frames : :obj:`int` or :obj:`array-like` number of interpolation points between each point; can be an integer that is used for all paths, or an array/list of length one less than number of points ch : :obj:`int`, optional specify which channel of input images to return; if not an int, all channels are concatenated in the horizontal dimension crop_kwargs : :obj:`dict`, optional if crop_type is not None, provides information about the crop (for a fixed crop window) keys : 'y_0', 'x_0', 'y_ext', 'x_ext'; window is (y_0 - y_ext, y_0 + y_ext) in vertical direction and (x_0 - x_ext, x_0 + x_ext) in horizontal direction apply_inverse_transform : :obj:`bool` if inputs are latents (and model class is 'cond-ae-msp' or 'ps-vae'), apply inverse transform to put in original latent space Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` - ims_list (:obj:`list` of :obj:`np.ndarray`) interpolated images - inputs_list (:obj:`list` of :obj:`np.ndarray`) interpolated values """ if model.hparams.get('conditional_encoder', False): raise NotImplementedError n_points = len(points) if isinstance(n_frames, int): n_frames = [n_frames] * (n_points - 1) assert len(n_frames) == (n_points - 1) ims_list = [] inputs_list = [] for p in range(n_points - 1): p0 = points[None, p] p1 = points[None, p + 1] p_vec = (p1 - p0) / n_frames[p] for pn in range(n_frames[p]): vec = p0 + pn * p_vec if interp_type == 'latents': if model.hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-ae' \ or model.hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-vae': im_tmp = get_reconstruction( model, vec, apply_inverse_transform=apply_inverse_transform, labels=torch.from_numpy(labels_0).float().to(model.hparams['device'])) else: im_tmp = get_reconstruction( model, vec, apply_inverse_transform=apply_inverse_transform) elif interp_type == 'labels': if model.hparams['model_class'] == 'cond-ae-msp' \ or model.hparams['model_class'] == 'ps-vae': im_tmp = get_reconstruction( model, vec, apply_inverse_transform=True) else: # cond-ae im_tmp = get_reconstruction( model, ims_0, labels=torch.from_numpy(vec).float().to(model.hparams['device'])) else: raise NotImplementedError if crop_kwargs is not None: if not isinstance(ch, int): raise ValueError('"ch" must be an integer to use crop_kwargs') ims_list.append(get_crop( im_tmp[0, ch], crop_kwargs['y_0'], crop_kwargs['y_ext'], crop_kwargs['x_0'], crop_kwargs['x_ext'])) else: if isinstance(ch, int): ims_list.append(np.copy(im_tmp[0, ch])) else: ims_list.append(np.copy(concat(im_tmp[0]))) inputs_list.append(vec) return ims_list, inputs_list def _get_updated_scaled_labels(labels_og, idxs=None, vals=None): """Helper function for interpolate_xd functions.""" if labels_og is not None: if len(labels_og.shape) == 4: # 2d scaled labels tmp = np.copy(labels_og) t, y, x = np.where(tmp[0] == 1) labels_sc = np.hstack([x, y])[None, :] else: # 1d scaled labels labels_sc = np.copy(labels_og) if idxs is not None: if isinstance(idxs, int): assert isinstance(vals, float) idxs = [idxs] vals = [vals] else: assert len(idxs) == len(vals) for idx, val in zip(idxs, vals): labels_sc[0, idx] = val else: labels_sc = None return labels_sc # ---------------------------------------- # mid-level plotting functions # ---------------------------------------- def plot_2d_frame_array( ims_list, markers=None, im_kwargs=None, marker_kwargs=None, figsize=None, save_file=None, format='pdf'): """Plot list of list of interpolated images output by :func:`interpolate_2d()` in a 2d grid. Parameters ---------- ims_list : :obj:`list` of :obj:`list` each inner list element holds an np.ndarray of shape (y_pix, x_pix) markers : :obj:`list` of :obj:`list` or NoneType, optional each inner list element holds an array-like object with values (y_pix, x_pix); if None, markers are not plotted on top of frames im_kwargs : :obj:`dict` or NoneType, optional kwargs for `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow()` function (vmin, vmax, cmap, etc) marker_kwargs : :obj:`dict` or NoneType, optional kwargs for `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` function (markersize, markeredgewidth, etc) figsize : :obj:`tuple`, optional (width, height) in inches save_file : :obj:`str` or NoneType, optional figure saved if not None format : :obj:`str`, optional format of saved image; 'pdf' | 'png' | 'jpeg' | ... """ n_y = len(ims_list) n_x = len(ims_list[0]) if figsize is None: y_pix, x_pix = ims_list[0][0].shape # how many inches per pixel? in_per_pix = 15 / (x_pix * n_x) figsize = (15, in_per_pix * y_pix * n_y) fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_y, n_x, figsize=figsize) if im_kwargs is None: im_kwargs = {'vmin': 0, 'vmax': 1, 'cmap': 'gray'} if marker_kwargs is None: marker_kwargs = {'markersize': 20, 'markeredgewidth': 3} for r, ims_list_y in enumerate(ims_list): for c, im in enumerate(ims_list_y): axes[r, c].imshow(im, **im_kwargs) axes[r, c].set_xticks([]) axes[r, c].set_yticks([]) if markers is not None: axes[r, c].plot( markers[r][c][1], markers[r][c][0], 'o', **marker_kwargs) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0, bottom=0, left=0, top=1, right=1) if save_file is not None: make_dir_if_not_exists(save_file) plt.savefig(save_file + '.' + format, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') def plot_1d_frame_array( ims_list, markers=None, im_kwargs=None, marker_kwargs=None, plot_ims=True, plot_diffs=True, figsize=None, save_file=None, format='pdf'): """Plot list of list of interpolated images output by :func:`interpolate_1d()` in a 2d grid. Parameters ---------- ims_list : :obj:`list` of :obj:`list` each inner list element holds an np.ndarray of shape (y_pix, x_pix) markers : :obj:`list` of :obj:`list` or NoneType, optional each inner list element holds an array-like object with values (y_pix, x_pix); if None, markers are not plotted on top of frames im_kwargs : :obj:`dict` or NoneType, optional kwargs for `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow()` function (vmin, vmax, cmap, etc) marker_kwargs : :obj:`dict` or NoneType, optional kwargs for `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` function (markersize, markeredgewidth, etc) plot_ims : :obj:`bool`, optional plot images plot_diffs : :obj:`bool`, optional plot differences figsize : :obj:`tuple`, optional (width, height) in inches save_file : :obj:`str` or NoneType, optional figure saved if not None format : :obj:`str`, optional format of saved image; 'pdf' | 'png' | 'jpeg' | ... """ if not (plot_ims or plot_diffs): raise ValueError('Must plot at least one of ims or diffs') if plot_ims and plot_diffs: n_y = len(ims_list) * 2 offset = 2 else: n_y = len(ims_list) offset = 1 n_x = len(ims_list[0]) if figsize is None: y_pix, x_pix = ims_list[0][0].shape # how many inches per pixel? in_per_pix = 15 / (x_pix * n_x) figsize = (15, in_per_pix * y_pix * n_y) fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_y, n_x, figsize=figsize) if im_kwargs is None: im_kwargs = {'vmin': 0, 'vmax': 1, 'cmap': 'gray'} if marker_kwargs is None: marker_kwargs = {'markersize': 20, 'markeredgewidth': 3} for r, ims_list_y in enumerate(ims_list): base_im = ims_list_y[0] for c, im in enumerate(ims_list_y): # plot original images if plot_ims: axes[offset * r, c].imshow(im, **im_kwargs) axes[offset * r, c].set_xticks([]) axes[offset * r, c].set_yticks([]) if markers is not None: axes[offset * r, c].plot( markers[r][c][1], markers[r][c][0], 'o', **marker_kwargs) # plot differences if plot_diffs and plot_ims: axes[offset * r + 1, c].imshow(0.5 + (im - base_im), **im_kwargs) axes[offset * r + 1, c].set_xticks([]) axes[offset * r + 1, c].set_yticks([]) elif plot_diffs: axes[offset * r, c].imshow(0.5 + (im - base_im), **im_kwargs) axes[offset * r, c].set_xticks([]) axes[offset * r, c].set_yticks([]) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0, bottom=0, left=0, top=1, right=1) if save_file is not None: make_dir_if_not_exists(save_file) plt.savefig(save_file + '.' + format, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') def make_interpolated( ims, save_file, markers=None, text=None, text_title=None, text_color=[1, 1, 1], frame_rate=20, scale=3, markersize=10, markeredgecolor='w', markeredgewidth=1, ax=None): """Make a latent space interpolation movie. Parameters ---------- ims : :obj:`list` of :obj:`np.ndarray` each list element is an array of shape (y_pix, x_pix) save_file : :obj:`str` absolute path of save file; does not need file extension, will automatically be saved as mp4. To save as a gif, include the '.gif' file extension in `save_file`. The movie will only be saved if `ax` is `NoneType`; else the list of animated frames is returned markers : :obj:`array-like`, optional array of size (n_frames, 2) which specifies the (x, y) coordinates of a marker on each frame text : :obj:`array-like`, optional array of size (n_frames) which specifies text printed in the lower left corner of each frame text_title : :obj:`array-like`, optional array of size (n_frames) which specifies text printed in the upper left corner of each frame text_color : :obj:`array-like`, optional rgb array specifying color of `text` and `text_title`, if applicable frame_rate : :obj:`float`, optional frame rate of saved movie scale : :obj:`float`, optional width of panel is (scale / 2) inches markersize : :obj:`float`, optional size of marker if `markers` is not `NoneType` markeredgecolor : :obj:`float`, optional color of marker edge if `markers` is not `NoneType` markeredgewidth : :obj:`float`, optional width of marker edge if `markers` is not `NoneType` ax : :obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object optional axis in which to plot the frames; if this argument is not `NoneType` the list of animated frames is returned and the movie is not saved Returns ------- :obj:`list` list of list of animated frames if `ax` is True; else save movie """ y_pix, x_pix = ims[0].shape if ax is None: fig_width = scale / 2 fig_height = y_pix / x_pix * scale / 2 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height), dpi=300) ax = plt.gca() return_ims = False else: return_ims = True ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) default_kwargs = {'animated': True, 'cmap': 'gray', 'vmin': 0, 'vmax': 1} txt_kwargs = { 'fontsize': 4, 'color': text_color, 'fontname': 'monospace', 'horizontalalignment': 'left', 'verticalalignment': 'center', 'transform': ax.transAxes} # ims is a list of lists, each row is a list of artists to draw in the current frame; here we # are just animating one artist, the image, in each frame ims_ani = [] for i, im in enumerate(ims): im_tmp = [] im_tmp.append(ax.imshow(im, **default_kwargs)) # [s.set_visible(False) for s in ax.spines.values()] if markers is not None: im_tmp.append(ax.plot( markers[i, 0], markers[i, 1], '.r', markersize=markersize, markeredgecolor=markeredgecolor, markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)[0]) if text is not None: im_tmp.append(ax.text(0.02, 0.06, text[i], **txt_kwargs)) if text_title is not None: im_tmp.append(ax.text(0.02, 0.92, text_title[i], **txt_kwargs)) ims_ani.append(im_tmp) if return_ims: return ims_ani else: plt.tight_layout(pad=0) ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims_ani, blit=True, repeat_delay=1000) save_movie(save_file, ani, frame_rate=frame_rate) def make_interpolated_multipanel( ims, save_file, markers=None, text=None, text_title=None, frame_rate=20, n_cols=3, scale=1, **kwargs): """Make a multi-panel latent space interpolation movie. Parameters ---------- ims : :obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`np.ndarray` each list element is used to for a single panel, and is another list that contains arrays of shape (y_pix, x_pix) save_file : :obj:`str` absolute path of save file; does not need file extension, will automatically be saved as mp4. To save as a gif, include the '.gif' file extension in `save_file`. markers : :obj:`list` of :obj:`array-like`, optional each list element is used for a single panel, and is an array of size (n_frames, 2) which specifies the (x, y) coordinates of a marker on each frame for that panel text : :obj:`list` of :obj:`array-like`, optional each list element is used for a single panel, and is an array of size (n_frames) which specifies text printed in the lower left corner of each frame for that panel text_title : :obj:`list` of :obj:`array-like`, optional each list element is used for a single panel, and is an array of size (n_frames) which specifies text printed in the upper left corner of each frame for that panel frame_rate : :obj:`float`, optional frame rate of saved movie n_cols : :obj:`int`, optional movie is `n_cols` panels wide scale : :obj:`float`, optional width of panel is (scale / 2) inches kwargs arguments are additional arguments to :func:`make_interpolated`, like 'markersize', 'markeredgewidth', 'markeredgecolor', etc. """ n_panels = len(ims) markers = [None] * n_panels if markers is None else markers text = [None] * n_panels if text is None else text y_pix, x_pix = ims[0][0].shape n_rows = int(np.ceil(n_panels / n_cols)) fig_width = scale / 2 * n_cols fig_height = y_pix / x_pix * scale / 2 * n_rows fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=(fig_width, fig_height), dpi=300) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0, left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1) # fill out empty panels with black frames while len(ims) < n_rows * n_cols: ims.append(np.zeros(ims[0].shape)) markers.append(None) text.append(None) # ims is a list of lists, each row is a list of artists to draw in the current frame; here we # are just animating one artist, the image, in each frame ims_ani = [] for i, (ims_curr, markers_curr, text_curr) in enumerate(zip(ims, markers, text)): col = i % n_cols row = int(np.floor(i / n_cols)) if i == 0: text_title_str = text_title else: text_title_str = None if n_rows == 1: ax = axes[col] elif n_cols == 1: ax = axes[row] else: ax = axes[row, col] ims_ani_curr = make_interpolated( ims=ims_curr, markers=markers_curr, text=text_curr, text_title=text_title_str, ax=ax, save_file=None, **kwargs) ims_ani.append(ims_ani_curr) # turn off other axes i += 1 while i < n_rows * n_cols: col = i % n_cols row = int(np.floor(i / n_cols)) axes[row, col].set_axis_off() i += 1 # rearrange ims: # currently a list of length n_panels, each element of which is a list of length n_t # we need a list of length n_t, each element of which is a list of length n_panels n_frames = len(ims_ani[0]) ims_final = [[] for _ in range(n_frames)] for i in range(n_frames): for j in range(n_panels): ims_final[i] += ims_ani[j][i] ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims_final, blit=True, repeat_delay=1000) save_movie(save_file, ani, frame_rate=frame_rate) # ---------------------------------------- # high-level plotting functions # ---------------------------------------- def _get_psvae_hparams(**kwargs): hparams = { 'data_dir': get_user_dir('data'), 'save_dir': get_user_dir('save'), 'model_class': 'ps-vae', 'model_type': 'conv', 'rng_seed_data': 0, 'trial_splits': '8;1;1;0', 'train_frac': 1.0, 'rng_seed_model': 0, 'fit_sess_io_layers': False, 'learning_rate': 1e-4, 'l2_reg': 0, 'conditional_encoder': False, 'vae.beta': 1} # update hparams for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key == 'alpha' or key == 'beta' or key == 'gamma': hparams['ps_vae.%s' % key] = val else: hparams[key] = val return hparams def plot_psvae_training_curves( lab, expt, animal, session, alphas, betas, gammas, n_ae_latents, rng_seeds_model, experiment_name, n_labels, dtype='val', save_file=None, format='pdf', **kwargs): """Create training plots for each term in the ps-vae objective function. The `dtype` argument controls which type of trials are plotted ('train' or 'val'). Additionally, multiple models can be plotted simultaneously by varying one (and only one) of the following parameters: - alpha - beta - gamma - number of unsupervised latents - random seed used to initialize model weights Each of these entries must be an array of length 1 except for one option, which can be an array of arbitrary length (corresponding to already trained models). This function generates a single plot with panels for each of the following terms: - total loss - pixel mse - label R^2 (note the objective function contains the label MSE, but R^2 is easier to parse) - KL divergence of supervised latents - index-code mutual information of unsupervised latents - total correlation of unsupervised latents - dimension-wise KL of unsupervised latents - subspace overlap Parameters ---------- lab : :obj:`str` lab id expt : :obj:`str` expt id animal : :obj:`str` animal id session : :obj:`str` session id alphas : :obj:`array-like` alpha values to plot betas : :obj:`array-like` beta values to plot gammas : :obj:`array-like` gamma values to plot n_ae_latents : :obj:`array-like` unsupervised dimensionalities to plot rng_seeds_model : :obj:`array-like` model seeds to plot experiment_name : :obj:`str` test-tube experiment name n_labels : :obj:`int` dimensionality of supervised latent space dtype : :obj:`str` 'train' | 'val' save_file : :obj:`str`, optional absolute path of save file; does not need file extension format : :obj:`str`, optional format of saved image; 'pdf' | 'png' | 'jpeg' | ... kwargs arguments are keys of `hparams`, for example to set `train_frac`, `rng_seed_model`, etc. """ # check for arrays, turn ints into lists n_arrays = 0 hue = None if len(alphas) > 1: n_arrays += 1 hue = 'alpha' if len(betas) > 1: n_arrays += 1 hue = 'beta' if len(gammas) > 1: n_arrays += 1 hue = 'gamma' if len(n_ae_latents) > 1: n_arrays += 1 hue = 'n latents' if len(rng_seeds_model) > 1: n_arrays += 1 hue = 'rng seed' if n_arrays > 1: raise ValueError( 'Can only set one of "alphas", "betas", "gammas", "n_ae_latents", or ' + '"rng_seeds_model" as an array') # set model info hparams = _get_psvae_hparams(experiment_name=experiment_name, **kwargs) metrics_list = [ 'loss', 'loss_data_mse', 'label_r2', 'loss_zs_kl', 'loss_zu_mi', 'loss_zu_tc', 'loss_zu_dwkl', 'loss_AB_orth'] metrics_dfs = [] i = 0 for alpha in alphas: for beta in betas: for gamma in gammas: for n_latents in n_ae_latents: for rng in rng_seeds_model: # update hparams hparams['ps_vae.alpha'] = alpha hparams['ps_vae.beta'] = beta hparams['ps_vae.gamma'] = gamma hparams['n_ae_latents'] = n_latents + n_labels hparams['rng_seed_model'] = rng try: get_lab_example(hparams, lab, expt) hparams['animal'] = animal hparams['session'] = session hparams['session_dir'], sess_ids = get_session_dir(hparams) hparams['expt_dir'] = get_expt_dir(hparams) _, version = experiment_exists(hparams, which_version=True) print( 'loading results with alpha=%i, beta=%i, gamma=%i (version %i)' % (alpha, beta, gamma, version)) metrics_dfs.append(load_metrics_csv_as_df( hparams, lab, expt, metrics_list, version=None)) metrics_dfs[i]['alpha'] = alpha metrics_dfs[i]['beta'] = beta metrics_dfs[i]['gamma'] = gamma metrics_dfs[i]['n latents'] = hparams['n_ae_latents'] metrics_dfs[i]['rng seed'] = rng i += 1 except TypeError: print( 'could not find model for alpha=%i, beta=%i, gamma=%i' % (alpha, beta, gamma)) continue metrics_df = pd.concat(metrics_dfs, sort=False) sns.set_style('white') sns.set_context('talk') data_queried = metrics_df[ (metrics_df.epoch > 10) & ~pd.isna(metrics_df.val) & (metrics_df.dtype == dtype)] g = sns.FacetGrid( data_queried, col='loss', col_wrap=3, hue=hue, sharey=False, height=4) g =, 'epoch', 'val').add_legend() # , color=".3", fit_reg=False, x_jitter=.1); if save_file is not None: make_dir_if_not_exists(save_file) g.savefig(save_file + '.' + format, dpi=300, format=format) def plot_hyperparameter_search_results( lab, expt, animal, session, n_labels, label_names, alpha_weights, alpha_n_ae_latents, alpha_expt_name, beta_weights, gamma_weights, beta_gamma_n_ae_latents, beta_gamma_expt_name, alpha, beta, gamma, save_file, batch_size=None, format='pdf', **kwargs): """Create a variety of diagnostic plots to assess the ps-vae hyperparameters. These diagnostic plots are based on the recommended way to perform a hyperparameter search in the ps-vae models; first, fix beta=1 and gamma=0, and do a sweep over alpha values and number of latents (for example alpha=[50, 100, 500, 1000] and n_ae_latents=[2, 4, 8, 16]). The best alpha value is subjective because it involves a tradeoff between pixel mse and label mse. After choosing a suitable value, fix alpha and the number of latents and vary beta and gamma. This function will then plot the following panels: - pixel mse as a function of alpha/num latents (for fixed beta/gamma) - label mse as a function of alpha/num_latents (for fixed beta/gamma) - pixel mse as a function of beta/gamma (for fixed alpha/n_ae_latents) - label mse as a function of beta/gamma (for fixed alpha/n_ae_latents) - index-code mutual information (part of the KL decomposition) as a function of beta/gamma (for fixed alpha/n_ae_latents) - total correlation(part of the KL decomposition) as a function of beta/gamma (for fixed alpha/n_ae_latents) - dimension-wise KL (part of the KL decomposition) as a function of beta/gamma (for fixed alpha/n_ae_latents) - average correlation coefficient across all pairs of unsupervised latent dims as a function of beta/gamma (for fixed alpha/n_ae_latents) - subspace overlap computed as ||[A; B] - I||_2^2 for A, B the projections to the supervised and unsupervised subspaces, respectively, and I the identity - as a function of beta/gamma (for fixed alpha/n_ae_latents) - example subspace overlap matrix for gamma=0 and beta=1, with fixed alpha/n_ae_latents - example subspace overlap matrix for gamma=1000 and beta=1, with fixed alpha/n_ae_latents Parameters ---------- lab : :obj:`str` lab id expt : :obj:`str` expt id animal : :obj:`str` animal id session : :obj:`str` session id n_labels : :obj:`str` number of label dims label_names : :obj:`array-like` names of label dims alpha_weights : :obj:`array-like` array of alpha weights for fixed values of beta, gamma alpha_n_ae_latents : :obj:`array-like` array of latent dimensionalities for fixed values of beta, gamma using alpha_weights alpha_expt_name : :obj:`str` test-tube experiment name of alpha-based hyperparam search beta_weights : :obj:`array-like` array of beta weights for a fixed value of alpha gamma_weights : :obj:`array-like` array of beta weights for a fixed value of alpha beta_gamma_n_ae_latents : :obj:`int` latent dimensionality used for beta-gamma hyperparam search beta_gamma_expt_name : :obj:`str` test-tube experiment name of beta-gamma hyperparam search alpha : :obj:`float` fixed value of alpha for beta-gamma search beta : :obj:`float` fixed value of beta for alpha search gamma : :obj:`float` fixed value of gamma for alpha search save_file : :obj:`str` absolute path of save file; does not need file extension batch_size : :obj:`int`, optional size of batches, used to compute correlation coefficient per batch; if NoneType, the correlation coefficient is computed across all time points format : :obj:`str`, optional format of saved image; 'pdf' | 'png' | 'jpeg' | ... kwargs arguments are keys of `hparams`, preceded by either `alpha_` or `beta_gamma_`. For example, to set the train frac of the alpha models, use `alpha_train_frac`; to set the rng_data_seed of the beta-gamma models, use `beta_gamma_rng_data_seed`. """ def apply_masks(data, masks): return data[masks == 1] def get_label_r2(hparams, model, data_generator, version, dtype='val', overwrite=False): from sklearn.metrics import r2_score save_file = os.path.join( hparams['expt_dir'], 'version_%i' % version, 'r2_supervised.csv') if not os.path.exists(save_file) or overwrite: if not os.path.exists(save_file): print('R^2 metrics do not exist; computing from scratch') else: print('overwriting metrics at %s' % save_file) metrics_df = [] data_generator.reset_iterators(dtype) for i_test in tqdm(range(data_generator.n_tot_batches[dtype])): # get next minibatch and put it on the device data, sess = data_generator.next_batch(dtype) x = data['images'][0] y = data['labels'][0].cpu().detach().numpy() if 'labels_masks' in data: n = data['labels_masks'][0].cpu().detach().numpy() else: n = np.ones_like(y) z = model.get_transformed_latents(x, dataset=sess) for i in range(n_labels): y_true = apply_masks(y[:, i], n[:, i]) y_pred = apply_masks(z[:, i], n[:, i]) if len(y_true) > 10: r2 = r2_score(y_true, y_pred, multioutput='variance_weighted') mse = np.mean(np.square(y_true - y_pred)) else: r2 = np.nan mse = np.nan metrics_df.append(pd.DataFrame({ 'Trial': data['batch_idx'].item(), 'Label': label_names[i], 'R2': r2, 'MSE': mse, 'Model': 'PS-VAE'}, index=[0])) metrics_df = pd.concat(metrics_df) print('saving results to %s' % save_file) metrics_df.to_csv(save_file, index=False, header=True) else: print('loading results from %s' % save_file) metrics_df = pd.read_csv(save_file) return metrics_df # ----------------------------------------------------- # load pixel/label MSE as a function of n_latents/alpha # ----------------------------------------------------- # set model info hparams = _get_psvae_hparams(experiment_name=alpha_expt_name) # update hparams for key, val in kwargs.items(): # hparam vals should be named 'alpha_[property]', for example 'alpha_train_frac' if key.split('_')[0] == 'alpha': prop = key[6:] hparams[prop] = val else: hparams[key] = val metrics_list = ['loss_data_mse'] metrics_dfs_frame = [] metrics_dfs_marker = [] for n_latent in alpha_n_ae_latents: hparams['n_ae_latents'] = n_latent + n_labels for alpha_ in alpha_weights: hparams['ps_vae.alpha'] = alpha_ hparams['ps_vae.beta'] = beta hparams['ps_vae.gamma'] = gamma try: get_lab_example(hparams, lab, expt) hparams['animal'] = animal hparams['session'] = session hparams['session_dir'], sess_ids = get_session_dir(hparams) hparams['expt_dir'] = get_expt_dir(hparams) _, version = experiment_exists(hparams, which_version=True) print('loading results with alpha=%i, beta=%i, gamma=%i (version %i)' % ( hparams['ps_vae.alpha'], hparams['ps_vae.beta'], hparams['ps_vae.gamma'], version)) # get frame mse metrics_dfs_frame.append(load_metrics_csv_as_df( hparams, lab, expt, metrics_list, version=None, test=True)) metrics_dfs_frame[-1]['alpha'] = alpha_ metrics_dfs_frame[-1]['n_latents'] = hparams['n_ae_latents'] # get marker mse model, data_gen = get_best_model_and_data( hparams, Model=None, load_data=True, version=version) metrics_df_ = get_label_r2(hparams, model, data_gen, version, dtype='val') metrics_df_['alpha'] = alpha_ metrics_df_['n_latents'] = hparams['n_ae_latents'] metrics_dfs_marker.append(metrics_df_[metrics_df_.Model == 'PS-VAE']) except TypeError: print('could not find model for alpha=%i, beta=%i, gamma=%i' % ( hparams['ps_vae.alpha'], hparams['ps_vae.beta'], hparams['ps_vae.gamma'])) continue metrics_df_frame =
pd.concat(metrics_dfs_frame, sort=False)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Nov 21 14:08:43 2019 to produce X and y use combine_pos_neg_from_nc_file or prepare_X_y_for_holdout_test @author: ziskin """ from PW_paths import savefig_path from PW_paths import work_yuval from pathlib import Path cwd = Path().cwd() hydro_path = work_yuval / 'hydro' axis_path = work_yuval/'axis' gis_path = work_yuval / 'gis' ims_path = work_yuval / 'IMS_T' hydro_ml_path = hydro_path / 'hydro_ML' gnss_path = work_yuval / 'GNSS_stations' # 'tela': 17135 hydro_pw_dict = {'nizn': 25191, 'klhv': 21105, 'yrcm': 55165, 'ramo': 56140, 'drag': 48125, 'dsea': 48192, 'spir': 56150, 'nrif': 60105, 'elat': 60190 } hydro_st_name_dict = {25191: 'Lavan - new nizana road', 21105: 'Shikma - Tel milcha', 55165: 'Mamsheet', 56140: 'Ramon', 48125: 'Draga', 48192: 'Chiemar - down the cliff', 46150: 'Nekrot - Top', 60105: 'Yaelon - Kibutz Yahel', 60190: 'Solomon - Eilat'} best_hp_models_dict = {'SVC': {'kernel': 'rbf', 'C': 1.0, 'gamma': 0.02, 'coef0': 0.0, 'degree': 1}, 'RF': {'max_depth': 5, 'max_features': 'auto', 'min_samples_leaf': 1, 'min_samples_split': 2, 'n_estimators': 400}, 'MLP': {'alpha': 0.1, 'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (10,10,10), 'learning_rate': 'constant', 'solver': 'lbfgs'}} scorer_order = ['precision', 'recall', 'f1', 'accuracy', 'tss', 'hss'] tsafit_dict = {'lat': 30.985556, 'lon': 35.263056, 'alt': -35.75, 'dt_utc': '2018-04-26T10:15:00'} axis_southern_stations = ['Dimo', 'Ohad', 'Ddse', 'Yotv', 'Elat', 'Raha', 'Yaha'] soi_axis_dict = {'yrcm': 'Dimo', 'slom': 'Ohad', 'dsea': 'Ddse', 'nrif': 'Yotv', 'elat': 'Elat', 'klhv': 'Raha', 'spir': 'Yaha'} def plot_mean_abs_shap_values_features(SV, fix_xticklabels=True): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import seaborn as sns from natsort import natsorted features = ['pwv', 'pressure', 'DOY'] # sns.set_palette('Dark2', 6) sns.set_theme(style='ticks', font_scale=1.5) # sns.set_style('whitegrid') # sns.set_style('ticks') sv = np.abs(SV).mean('sample').sel(clas=0).reset_coords(drop=True) gr_spec = [20, 20, 1] fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharey=True, figsize=(17, 5), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': gr_spec}) try: axes.flatten() except AttributeError: axes = [axes] for i, f in enumerate(features): fe = [x for x in sv['feature'].values if f in x] dsf = sv.sel(feature=fe).reset_coords(drop=True).to_dataframe() title = '{}'.format(f.upper())[i], title=title, rot=0, legend=False, zorder=20, width=.8, color='k', alpha=0.8) axes[i].set_title(title) dsf_sum = dsf.sum().tolist() handles, labels = axes[i].get_legend_handles_labels() labels = [ '{} ({:.1f} %)'.format( x, y) for x, y in zip( labels, dsf_sum)] # axes[i].legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, prop={'size': fontsize-3}, loc='upper center') axes[i].set_ylabel('mean(|SHAP value|)\n(average impact\non model output magnitude)') axes[i].grid(axis='y', zorder=1) if fix_xticklabels: # n = sum(['pwv' in x for x in sv.feature.values]) axes[2].xaxis.set_ticklabels('') axes[2].set_xlabel('') hrs = np.arange(-1, -25, -1) axes[0].set_xticklabels(hrs, rotation=30, ha="center", fontsize=12) axes[1].set_xticklabels(hrs, rotation=30, ha="center", fontsize=12) axes[2].tick_params() axes[0].set_xlabel('Hours prior to flood') axes[1].set_xlabel('Hours prior to flood') fig.tight_layout() filename = 'RF_shap_values_{}.png'.format('+'.join(features)) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return fig def read_binary_classification_shap_values_to_pandas(shap_values, X): import xarray as xr SV0 = X.copy(data=shap_values[0]) SV1 = X.copy(data=shap_values[1]) SV = xr.concat([SV0, SV1], dim='clas') SV['clas'] = [0, 1] return SV def get_shap_values_RF_classifier(plot=True): import shap X, y = combine_pos_neg_from_nc_file() ml = ML_Classifier_Switcher() rf = ml.pick_model('RF') rf.set_params(**best_hp_models_dict['RF']) X = select_doy_from_feature_list(X, features=['pwv', 'pressure', 'doy']), y) explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(rf) shap_values = explainer.shap_values(X.values) if plot: shap.summary_plot(shap_values, X, feature_names=[ x for x in X.feature.values], max_display=49, sort=False) return shap_values def interpolate_pwv_to_tsafit_event(path=work_yuval, savepath=work_yuval): import pandas as pd import xarray as xr from PW_stations import produce_geo_gnss_solved_stations from interpolation_routines import interpolate_var_ds_at_multiple_dts from aux_gps import save_ncfile # get gnss soi-apn pwv data and geo-meta data: geo_df = produce_geo_gnss_solved_stations(plot=False) pw = xr.load_dataset(work_yuval/'') pw = pw[[x for x in pw if '_error' not in x]] pw = pw.sel(time=slice('2018-04-25', '2018-04-26')) pw = pw.drop_vars(['elat', 'elro', 'csar', 'slom']) # get tsafit data: predict_df = pd.DataFrame(tsafit_dict, index=['tsafit']) df_inter = interpolate_var_ds_at_multiple_dts(pw, geo_df, predict_df) da=df_inter['interpolated_lr_fixed'].to_xarray() = 'pwv' da.attrs['operation'] = 'interploated from SOI-APN PWV data' da.attrs['WV scale height'] = 'variable from SOI-APN data' da.attrs.update(**tsafit_dict) if savepath is not None: filename = '' save_ncfile(da, savepath, filename) return da def plot_tsafit_event(path=work_yuval): import xarray as xr import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns sns.set_theme(style='ticks', font_scale=1.5) da = xr.load_dataarray(path / '') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 8)) da_sliced = da.sel(time=slice('2018-04-26T00:00:00', '2018-04-26T12:00:00')) # = 'PWV [mm]' da_sliced = da_sliced.rename({'time': 'Time [UTC]'}) da_sliced.to_dataframe().plot(ax=ax, ylabel='PWV [mm]', linewidth=2, marker='o', legend=False) dt = pd.to_datetime(da.attrs['dt_utc']) ax.axvline(dt, color='r', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, label='T') handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() plt.legend(handles=handles, labels=['PWV', 'Tsafit Flood Event']) ax.grid(True) # ax.set_xlabel('Time [UTC]') fig.tight_layout() fig.suptitle('PWV from SOI-APN over Tsafit area on 2018-04-26') fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.941) return fig # TODO: treat all pwv from events as follows: # For each station: # 0) rolling mean to all pwv 1 hour # 1) take 288 points before events, if < 144 gone then drop # 2) interpolate them 12H using spline/other # 3) then, check if dts coinside 1 day before, if not concat all dts+pwv for each station # 4) prepare features, such as pressure, doy, try to get pressure near the stations and remove the longterm hour dayofyear # pressure in BD anoms is highly correlated with SEDOM (0.9) and ELAT (0.88) so no need for local pressure features # fixed filling with jerusalem centre since 2 drag events dropped due to lack of data 2018-11 2019-02 in pressure # 5) feature addition: should be like pwv steps 1-3, # 6) negative events should be sampled separtely, for # 7) now prepare pwv and pressure to single ds with 1 hourly sample rate # 8) produce positives and save them to file! # 9) produce a way to get negatives considering the positives # maybe implement permutaion importance to pwv ? see what is more important to # the model in 24 hours ? only on SVC and MLP ? # implemetn TSS and HSS scores and test them (make_scorer from confusion matrix) # redo results but with inner and outer splits of 4, 4 # plot and see best_score per refit-scorrer - this is the best score of GridSearchCV on the entire # train/validation subset per each outerfold - basically see if the test_metric increased after the gridsearchcv as it should # use holdout set # implement repeatedstratifiedkfold and run it... # check for stability of the gridsearch CV...also run with 4-folds ? # finalize the permutation_importances and permutation_test_scores def prepare_tide_events_GNSS_dataset(hydro_path=hydro_path): import xarray as xr import pandas as pd import numpy as np from aux_gps import xr_reindex_with_date_range feats = xr.load_dataset( hydro_path/'') ds = feats['Tides'].to_dataset('GNSS').rename({'tide_event': 'time'}) da_list = [] for da in ds: time = ds[da].dropna('time') daa = time.copy(data=np.ones(time.shape)) daa['time'] = pd.to_datetime(time.values) = + '_tide' da_list.append(daa) ds = xr.merge(da_list) li = [xr_reindex_with_date_range(ds[x], freq='H') for x in ds] ds = xr.merge(li) return ds def select_features_from_X(X, features='pwv'): if isinstance(features, str): f = [x for x in X.feature.values if features in x] X = X.sel(feature=f) elif isinstance(features, list): fs = [] for f in features: fs += [x for x in X.feature.values if f in x] X = X.sel(feature=fs) return X def combine_pos_neg_from_nc_file(hydro_path=hydro_path, negative_sample_num=1, seed=1, std=True): from aux_gps import path_glob from sklearn.utils import resample import xarray as xr import numpy as np # import pandas as pd if std: file = path_glob( hydro_path, 'hydro_tides_hourly_features_with_positives_negatives_std*.nc')[-1] else: file = path_glob( hydro_path, 'hydro_tides_hourly_features_with_positives_negatives_*.nc')[-1] ds = xr.open_dataset(file) # get the positive features and produce target: X_pos = ds['X_pos'].rename({'positive_sample': 'sample'}) y_pos = xr.DataArray(np.ones(X_pos['sample'].shape), dims=['sample']) y_pos['sample'] = X_pos['sample'] # choose at random y_pos size of negative class: X_neg = ds['X_neg'].rename({'negative_sample': 'sample'}) pos_size = y_pos['sample'].size np.random.seed(seed) # negatives = [] for n_samples in [x for x in range(negative_sample_num)]: # dts = np.random.choice(X_neg['sample'], size=y_pos['sample'].size, # replace=False) # print(np.unique(dts).shape) # negatives.append(X_neg.sel(sample=dts)) negative = resample(X_neg, replace=False, n_samples=pos_size * negative_sample_num, random_state=seed) negatives = np.split(negative, negative_sample_num, axis=0) Xs = [] ys = [] for X_negative in negatives: y_neg = xr.DataArray(np.zeros(X_negative['sample'].shape), dims=['sample']) y_neg['sample'] = X_negative['sample'] # now concat all X's and y's: X = xr.concat([X_pos, X_negative], 'sample') y = xr.concat([y_pos, y_neg], 'sample') = 'X' Xs.append(X) ys.append(y) if len(negatives) == 1: return Xs[0], ys[0] else: return Xs, ys def drop_hours_in_pwv_pressure_features(X, last_hours=7, verbose=True): import numpy as np Xcopy = X.copy() pwvs_to_drop = ['pwv_{}'.format(x) for x in np.arange(24-last_hours + 1, 25)] if set(pwvs_to_drop).issubset(set(X.feature.values)): if verbose: print('dropping {} from X.'.format(', '.join(pwvs_to_drop))) Xcopy = Xcopy.drop_sel(feature=pwvs_to_drop) pressures_to_drop = ['pressure_{}'.format(x) for x in np.arange(24-last_hours + 1, 25)] if set(pressures_to_drop).issubset(set(X.feature.values)): if verbose: print('dropping {} from X.'.format(', '.join(pressures_to_drop))) Xcopy = Xcopy.drop_sel(feature=pressures_to_drop) return Xcopy def check_if_negatives_are_within_positives(neg_da, hydro_path=hydro_path): import xarray as xr import pandas as pd pos_da = xr.open_dataset( hydro_path / '')['X'] dt_pos = pos_da.sample.to_dataframe() dt_neg = neg_da.sample.to_dataframe() dt_all = dt_pos.index.union(dt_neg.index) dff = pd.DataFrame(dt_all, index=dt_all) dff = dff.sort_index() samples_within = dff[(dff.diff()['sample'] <= pd.Timedelta(1, unit='D'))] num = samples_within.size print('samples that are within a day of each other: {}'.format(num)) print('samples are: {}'.format(samples_within)) return dff def produce_negatives_events_from_feature_file(hydro_path=hydro_path, seed=42, batches=1, verbose=1, std=True): # do the same thing for pressure (as for pwv), but not for import xarray as xr import numpy as np import pandas as pd from aux_gps import save_ncfile feats = xr.load_dataset(hydro_path / '') feats = feats.rename({'doy': 'DOY'}) if std: pos_filename = '' else: pos_filename = '' all_tides = xr.open_dataset( hydro_path / pos_filename)['X_pos'] # pos_tides = xr.open_dataset(hydro_path / '')['tide_datetimes'] tides = xr.open_dataset( hydro_path / pos_filename)['Tides'] # get the positives (tide events) for each station: df_stns = tides.to_dataset('GNSS').to_dataframe() # get all positives (tide events) for all stations: df = all_tides.positive_sample.to_dataframe()['positive_sample'] df.columns = ['sample'] stns = [x for x in hydro_pw_dict.keys()] other_feats = ['DOY', 'doy_sin', 'doy_cos'] # main stns df features (pwv) pwv_df = feats[stns].to_dataframe() pressure = feats['bet-dagan'].to_dataframe()['bet-dagan'] # define the initial no_choice_dt_range from the positive dt_range: no_choice_dt_range = [pd.date_range( start=dt, periods=48, freq='H') for dt in df] no_choice_dt_range = pd.DatetimeIndex( np.unique(np.hstack(no_choice_dt_range))) dts_to_choose_from = pwv_df.index.difference(no_choice_dt_range) # dts_to_choose_from_pressure = pwv_df.index.difference(no_choice_dt_range) # loop over all stns and produce negative events: np.random.seed(seed) neg_batches = [] for i in np.arange(1, batches + 1): if verbose >= 0: print('preparing batch {}:'.format(i)) neg_stns = [] for stn in stns: dts_df = df_stns[stn].dropna() pwv = pwv_df[stn].dropna() # loop over all events in on stn: negatives = [] negatives_pressure = [] # neg_samples = [] if verbose >= 1: print('finding negatives for station {}, events={}'.format( stn, len(dts_df))) # print('finding negatives for station {}, dt={}'.format(stn, dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))) cnt = 0 while cnt < len(dts_df): # get random number from each stn pwv: # r = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(pwv.index)) # random_dt = pwv.index[r] random_dt = np.random.choice(dts_to_choose_from) negative_dt_range = pd.date_range( start=random_dt, periods=24, freq='H') if not (no_choice_dt_range.intersection(negative_dt_range)).empty: # print('#') if verbose >= 2: print('Overlap!') continue # get the actual pwv and check it is full (24hours): negative = pwv.loc[pwv.index.intersection(negative_dt_range)] neg_pressure = pressure.loc[pwv.index.intersection( negative_dt_range)] if len(negative.dropna()) != 24 or len(neg_pressure.dropna()) != 24: # print('!') if verbose >= 2: print('NaNs!') continue if verbose >= 2: print('number of dts that are already chosen: {}'.format( len(no_choice_dt_range))) negatives.append(negative) negatives_pressure.append(neg_pressure) # now add to the no_choice_dt_range the negative dt_range we just aquired: negative_dt_range_with_padding = pd.date_range( start=random_dt-pd.Timedelta(24, unit='H'), end=random_dt+pd.Timedelta(23, unit='H'), freq='H') no_choice_dt_range = pd.DatetimeIndex( np.unique(np.hstack([no_choice_dt_range, negative_dt_range_with_padding]))) dts_to_choose_from = dts_to_choose_from.difference( no_choice_dt_range) if verbose >= 2: print('number of dts to choose from: {}'.format( len(dts_to_choose_from))) cnt += 1 neg_da = xr.DataArray(negatives, dims=['sample', 'feature']) neg_da['feature'] = ['{}_{}'.format( 'pwv', x) for x in np.arange(1, 25)] neg_samples = [x.index[0] for x in negatives] neg_da['sample'] = neg_samples neg_pre_da = xr.DataArray( negatives_pressure, dims=['sample', 'feature']) neg_pre_da['feature'] = ['{}_{}'.format( 'pressure', x) for x in np.arange(1, 25)] neg_pre_samples = [x.index[0] for x in negatives_pressure] neg_pre_da['sample'] = neg_pre_samples neg_da = xr.concat([neg_da, neg_pre_da], 'feature') neg_da = neg_da.sortby('sample') neg_stns.append(neg_da) da_stns = xr.concat(neg_stns, 'sample') da_stns = da_stns.sortby('sample') # now loop over the remaining features (which are stns agnostic) # and add them with the same negative datetimes of the pwv already aquired: dts = [pd.date_range(x.item(), periods=24, freq='H') for x in da_stns['sample']] dts_samples = [x[0] for x in dts] other_feat_list = [] for feat in feats[other_feats]: # other_feat_sample_list = [] da_other = xr.DataArray(feats[feat].sel(time=dts_samples).values, dims=['sample']) # for dt in dts_samples: # da_other = xr.DataArray(feats[feat].sel( # time=dt).values, dims=['feature']) da_other['sample'] = dts_samples other_feat_list.append(da_other) # other_feat_da = xr.concat(other_feat_sample_list, 'feature') da_other_feats = xr.concat(other_feat_list, 'feature') da_other_feats['feature'] = other_feats da_stns = xr.concat([da_stns, da_other_feats], 'feature') neg_batches.append(da_stns) neg_batch_da = xr.concat(neg_batches, 'sample') # neg_batch_da['batch'] = np.arange(1, batches + 1) = 'X_neg' feats['X_neg'] = neg_batch_da feats['X_pos'] = all_tides feats['X_pwv_stns'] = tides # feats['tide_datetimes'] = pos_tides feats = feats.rename({'sample': 'negative_sample'}) if std: filename = 'hydro_tides_hourly_features_with_positives_negatives_std_{}.nc'.format( batches) else: filename = 'hydro_tides_hourly_features_with_positives_negatives_{}.nc'.format( batches) save_ncfile(feats, hydro_path, filename) return neg_batch_da def produce_positives_from_feature_file(hydro_path=hydro_path, std=True): import xarray as xr import pandas as pd import numpy as np from aux_gps import save_ncfile # load features: if std: file = hydro_path / '' else: file = hydro_path / '' feats = xr.load_dataset(file) feats = feats.rename({'doy': 'DOY'}) # load positive event for each station: dfs = [read_station_from_tide_database(hydro_pw_dict.get( x), rounding='1H') for x in hydro_pw_dict.keys()] dfs = check_if_tide_events_from_stations_are_within_time_window( dfs, days=1, rounding=None, return_hs_list=True) da_list = [] positives_per_station = [] for i, feat in enumerate(feats): try: _, _, pr = produce_pwv_days_before_tide_events(feats[feat], dfs[i], plot=False, rolling=None, days_prior=1, drop_thresh=0.75, max_gap='6H', verbose=0) print('getting positives from station {}'.format(feat)) positives = [pd.to_datetime( (x[-1].time + pd.Timedelta(1, unit='H')).item()) for x in pr] da = xr.DataArray(pr, dims=['sample', 'feature']) da['sample'] = positives positives_per_station.append(positives) da['feature'] = ['pwv_{}'.format(x) for x in np.arange(1, 25)] da_list.append(da) except IndexError: continue da_pwv = xr.concat(da_list, 'sample') da_pwv = da_pwv.sortby('sample') # now add more features: da_list = [] for feat in ['bet-dagan']: print('getting positives from feature {}'.format(feat)) positives = [] for dt_end in da_pwv.sample: dt_st = pd.to_datetime(dt_end.item()) - pd.Timedelta(24, unit='H') dt_end_end = pd.to_datetime( dt_end.item()) - pd.Timedelta(1, unit='H') positive = feats[feat].sel(time=slice(dt_st, dt_end_end)) positives.append(positive) da = xr.DataArray(positives, dims=['sample', 'feature']) da['sample'] = da_pwv.sample if feat == 'bet-dagan': feat_name = 'pressure' else: feat_name = feat da['feature'] = ['{}_{}'.format(feat_name, x) for x in np.arange(1, 25)] da_list.append(da) da_f = xr.concat(da_list, 'feature') da_list = [] for feat in ['DOY', 'doy_sin', 'doy_cos']: print('getting positives from feature {}'.format(feat)) positives = [] for dt in da_pwv.sample: positive = feats[feat].sel(time=dt) positives.append(positive) da = xr.DataArray(positives, dims=['sample']) da['sample'] = da_pwv.sample # da['feature'] = feat da_list.append(da) da_ff = xr.concat(da_list, 'feature') da_ff['feature'] = ['DOY', 'doy_sin', 'doy_cos'] da = xr.concat([da_pwv, da_f, da_ff], 'feature') if std: filename = '' else: filename = '' feats['X_pos'] = da # now add positives per stations: pdf = pd.DataFrame(positives_per_station).T = 'tide_event' pos_da = pdf.to_xarray().to_array('GNSS') pos_da['GNSS'] = [x for x in hydro_pw_dict.keys()] pos_da.attrs['info'] = 'contains the datetimes of the tide events per GNSS station.' feats['Tides'] = pos_da # rename sample to positive sample: feats = feats.rename({'sample': 'positive_sample'}) save_ncfile(feats, hydro_path, filename) return feats def prepare_features_and_save_hourly(work_path=work_yuval, ims_path=ims_path, savepath=hydro_path, std=True): import xarray as xr from aux_gps import save_ncfile import numpy as np # pwv = xr.load_dataset( if std: pwv_filename = '' pre_filename = '' else: pwv_filename = '' pre_filename = '' # work_path / '') pwv = xr.load_dataset(work_path / pwv_filename) pwv_stations = [x for x in hydro_pw_dict.keys()] pwv = pwv[pwv_stations] # pwv = pwv.rolling(time=12, keep_attrs=True).mean(keep_attrs=True) pwv = pwv.resample(time='1H', keep_attrs=True).mean(keep_attrs=True) # bd = xr.load_dataset(ims_path / '') bd = xr.load_dataset(ims_path / pre_filename) # min_time = pwv.dropna('time')['time'].min() # bd = bd.sel(time=slice('1996', None)).resample(time='1H').mean() bd = bd.sel(time=slice('1996', None)) pressure = bd['bet-dagan'] doy = pwv['time'].copy(data=pwv['time'].dt.dayofyear) = 'doy' doy_sin = np.sin(doy * np.pi / 183) = 'doy_sin' doy_cos = np.cos(doy * np.pi / 183) = 'doy_cos' ds = xr.merge([pwv, pressure, doy, doy_sin, doy_cos]) if std: filename = '' else: filename = '' save_ncfile(ds, savepath, filename) return ds def plot_all_decompositions(X, y, n=2): import xarray as xr models = [ 'PCA', 'LDA', 'ISO_MAP', 'LLE', 'LLE-modified', 'LLE-hessian', 'LLE-ltsa', 'MDA', 'RTE', 'SE', 'TSNE', 'NCA'] names = [ 'Principal Components', 'Linear Discriminant', 'Isomap', 'Locally Linear Embedding', 'Modified LLE', 'Hessian LLE', 'Local Tangent Space Alignment', 'MDS embedding', 'Random forest', 'Spectral embedding', 't-SNE', 'NCA embedding'] name_dict = dict(zip(models, names)) da = xr.DataArray(models, dims=['model']) da['model'] = models fg = xr.plot.FacetGrid(da, col='model', col_wrap=4, sharex=False, sharey=False) for model_str, ax in zip(da['model'].values, fg.axes.flatten()): model = model_str.split('-')[0] method = model_str.split('-')[-1] if model == method: method = None try: ax = scikit_decompose(X, y, model=model, n=n, method=method, ax=ax) except ValueError: pass ax.set_title(name_dict[model_str]) ax.set_xlabel('') ax.set_ylabel('') fg.fig.suptitle('various decomposition projections (n={})'.format(n)) return def scikit_decompose(X, y, model='PCA', n=2, method=None, ax=None): from sklearn import (manifold, decomposition, ensemble, discriminant_analysis, neighbors) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd # from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D n_neighbors = 30 if model == 'PCA': X_decomp = decomposition.TruncatedSVD(n_components=n).fit_transform(X) elif model == 'LDA': X2 = X.copy() X2.values.flat[::X.shape[1] + 1] += 0.01 X_decomp = discriminant_analysis.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(n_components=n ).fit_transform(X2, y) elif model == 'ISO_MAP': X_decomp = manifold.Isomap( n_neighbors, n_components=n).fit_transform(X) elif model == 'LLE': # method = 'standard', 'modified', 'hessian' 'ltsa' if method is None: method = 'standard' clf = manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding(n_neighbors, n_components=2, method=method) X_decomp = clf.fit_transform(X) elif model == 'MDA': clf = manifold.MDS(n_components=n, n_init=1, max_iter=100) X_decomp = clf.fit_transform(X) elif model == 'RTE': hasher = ensemble.RandomTreesEmbedding(n_estimators=200, random_state=0, max_depth=5) X_transformed = hasher.fit_transform(X) pca = decomposition.TruncatedSVD(n_components=n) X_decomp = pca.fit_transform(X_transformed) elif model == 'SE': embedder = manifold.SpectralEmbedding(n_components=n, random_state=0, eigen_solver="arpack") X_decomp = embedder.fit_transform(X) elif model == 'TSNE': tsne = manifold.TSNE(n_components=n, init='pca', random_state=0) X_decomp = tsne.fit_transform(X) elif model == 'NCA': nca = neighbors.NeighborhoodComponentsAnalysis(init='random', n_components=n, random_state=0) X_decomp = nca.fit_transform(X, y) df = pd.DataFrame(X_decomp) df.columns = [ '{}_{}'.format( model, x + 1) for x in range( X_decomp.shape[1])] df['flood'] = y df['flood'] = df['flood'].astype(int) df_1 = df[df['flood'] == 1] df_0 = df[df['flood'] == 0] if X_decomp.shape[1] == 1: if ax is not None: df_1.plot.scatter(ax=ax, x='{}_1'.format(model), y='{}_1'.format(model), color='b', marker='s', alpha=0.3, label='1', s=50) else: ax = df_1.plot.scatter( x='{}_1'.format(model), y='{}_1'.format(model), color='b', label='1', s=50) df_0.plot.scatter( ax=ax, x='{}_1'.format(model), y='{}_1'.format(model), color='r', marker='x', label='0', s=50) elif X_decomp.shape[1] == 2: if ax is not None: df_1.plot.scatter(ax=ax, x='{}_1'.format(model), y='{}_2'.format(model), color='b', marker='s', alpha=0.3, label='1', s=50) else: ax = df_1.plot.scatter( x='{}_1'.format(model), y='{}_2'.format(model), color='b', label='1', s=50) df_0.plot.scatter( ax=ax, x='{}_1'.format(model), y='{}_2'.format(model), color='r', label='0', s=50) elif X_decomp.shape[1] == 3: ax = plt.figure().gca(projection='3d') # df_1.plot.scatter(x='{}_1'.format(model), y='{}_2'.format(model), z='{}_3'.format(model), color='b', label='1', s=50, ax=threedee) ax.scatter(df_1['{}_1'.format(model)], df_1['{}_2'.format(model)], df_1['{}_3'.format(model)], color='b', label='1', s=50) ax.scatter(df_0['{}_1'.format(model)], df_0['{}_2'.format(model)], df_0['{}_3'.format(model)], color='r', label='0', s=50) ax.set_xlabel('{}_1'.format(model)) ax.set_ylabel('{}_2'.format(model)) ax.set_zlabel('{}_3'.format(model)) return ax def permutation_scikit(X, y, cv=False, plot=True): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.model_selection import permutation_test_score from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix import numpy as np if not cv: clf = SVC(C=0.01, break_ties=False, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, coef0=0.0, decision_function_shape='ovr', degree=3, gamma=0.032374575428176434, kernel='poly', max_iter=-1, probability=False, random_state=None, shrinking=True, tol=0.001, verbose=False) clf = SVC(kernel='linear') # clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis() cv = StratifiedKFold(4, shuffle=True) # cv = KFold(4, shuffle=True) n_classes = 2 score, permutation_scores, pvalue = permutation_test_score( clf, X, y, scoring="f1", cv=cv, n_permutations=1000, n_jobs=-1, verbose=2) print("Classification score %s (pvalue : %s)" % (score, pvalue)) plt.hist(permutation_scores, 20, label='Permutation scores', edgecolor='black') ylim = plt.ylim() plt.plot(2 * [score], ylim, '--g', linewidth=3, label='Classification Score' ' (pvalue %s)' % pvalue) plt.plot(2 * [1. / n_classes], ylim, '--k', linewidth=3, label='Luck') plt.ylim(ylim) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Score') else: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( X, y, test_size=0.2, shuffle=True, random_state=42) param_grid = { 'C': np.logspace(-2, 3, 50), 'gamma': np.logspace(-2, 3, 50), 'kernel': ['rbf', 'poly', 'sigmoid']} grid = GridSearchCV(SVC(), param_grid, refit=True, verbose=2), y_train) print(grid.best_estimator_) grid_predictions = grid.predict(X_test) print(confusion_matrix(y_test, grid_predictions)) print(classification_report(y_test, grid_predictions)) return def grab_y_true_and_predict_from_sklearn_model(model, X, y, cv, kfold_name='inner_kfold'): from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV import xarray as xr import numpy as np if isinstance(model, GridSearchCV): model = model.best_estimator_ ds_list = [] for i, (train, val) in enumerate(cv.split(X, y)):[train], y[train]) y_true = y[val] y_pred = model.predict(X[val]) try: lr_probs = model.predict_proba(X[val]) # keep probabilities for the positive outcome only lr_probs = lr_probs[:, 1] except AttributeError: lr_probs = model.decision_function(X[val]) y_true_da = xr.DataArray(y_true, dims=['sample']) y_pred_da = xr.DataArray(y_pred, dims=['sample']) y_prob_da = xr.DataArray(lr_probs, dims=['sample']) ds = xr.Dataset() ds['y_true'] = y_true_da ds['y_pred'] = y_pred_da ds['y_prob'] = y_prob_da ds['sample'] = np.arange(0, len(X[val])) ds_list.append(ds) ds = xr.concat(ds_list, kfold_name) ds[kfold_name] = np.arange(1, cv.n_splits + 1) return ds def produce_ROC_curves_from_model(model, X, y, cv, kfold_name='inner_kfold'): import numpy as np import xarray as xr from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score # TODO: collect all predictions and y_tests from this, also predict_proba # and save, then calculte everything elsewhere. if isinstance(model, GridSearchCV): model = model.best_estimator_ tprs = [] aucs = [] pr = [] pr_aucs = [] mean_fpr = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) for i, (train, val) in enumerate(cv.split(X, y)):[train], y[train]) y_pred = model.predict(X[val]) try: lr_probs = model.predict_proba(X[val]) # keep probabilities for the positive outcome only lr_probs = lr_probs[:, 1] except AttributeError: lr_probs = model.decision_function(X[val]) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y[val], y_pred) interp_tpr = np.interp(mean_fpr, fpr, tpr) interp_tpr[0] = 0.0 tprs.append(interp_tpr) aucs.append(roc_auc_score(y[val], y_pred)) precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(y[val], lr_probs) pr.append(recall) average_precision = average_precision_score(y[val], y_pred) pr_aucs.append(average_precision) # mean_tpr = np.mean(tprs, axis=0) # mean_tpr[-1] = 1.0 # mean_auc = auc(mean_fpr, mean_tpr) # std_auc = np.std(aucs) # std_tpr = np.std(tprs, axis=0) tpr_da = xr.DataArray(tprs, dims=[kfold_name, 'fpr']) auc_da = xr.DataArray(aucs, dims=[kfold_name]) ds = xr.Dataset() ds['TPR'] = tpr_da ds['AUC'] = auc_da ds['fpr'] = mean_fpr ds[kfold_name] = np.arange(1, cv.n_splits + 1) # variability for each tpr is ds['TPR'].std('kfold') return ds def cross_validation_with_holdout(X, y, model_name='SVC', features='pwv', n_splits=3, test_ratio=0.25, scorers=['f1', 'recall', 'tss', 'hss', 'precision', 'accuracy'], seed=42, savepath=None, verbose=0, param_grid='normal', n_jobs=-1, n_repeats=None): # from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedStratifiedKFold from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer # from string import digits import numpy as np # import xarray as xr scores_dict = {s: s for s in scorers} if 'tss' in scorers: scores_dict['tss'] = make_scorer(tss_score) if 'hss' in scorers: scores_dict['hss'] = make_scorer(hss_score) X = select_doy_from_feature_list(X, model_name, features) if param_grid == 'light': print(np.unique(X.feature.values)) # first take out the hold-out set: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=test_ratio, random_state=seed, stratify=y) if n_repeats is None: # configure the cross-validation procedure cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=seed) print('CV StratifiedKfolds of {}.'.format(n_splits)) # define the model and search space: else: cv = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, n_repeats=n_repeats, random_state=seed) print('CV RepeatedStratifiedKFold of {} with {} repeats.'.format(n_splits, n_repeats)) ml = ML_Classifier_Switcher() print('param grid group is set to {}.'.format(param_grid)) sk_model = ml.pick_model(model_name, pgrid=param_grid) search_space = ml.param_grid # define search gr_search = GridSearchCV(estimator=sk_model, param_grid=search_space, cv=cv, n_jobs=n_jobs, scoring=scores_dict, verbose=verbose, refit=False, return_train_score=True), y) if isinstance(features, str): features = [features] if savepath is not None: filename = 'GRSRCHCV_holdout_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.pkl'.format( model_name, '+'.join(features), '+'.join(scorers), n_splits, int(test_ratio*100), param_grid, seed) save_gridsearchcv_object(gr_search, savepath, filename) # gr, _ = process_gridsearch_results( # gr_search, model_name, split_dim='kfold', features=X.feature.values) # remove_digits = str.maketrans('', '', digits) # features = list(set([x.translate(remove_digits).split('_')[0] # for x in X.feature.values])) # # add more attrs, features etc: # gr.attrs['features'] = features return gr_search def select_doy_from_feature_list(X, model_name='RF', features='pwv'): # first if RF chosen, replace the cyclic coords of DOY (sin and cos) with # the DOY itself. if isinstance(features, list): feats = features.copy() else: feats = features if model_name == 'RF' and 'doy' in features: if isinstance(features, list): feats.remove('doy') feats.append('DOY') elif isinstance(features, str): feats = 'DOY' elif model_name != 'RF' and 'doy' in features: if isinstance(features, list): feats.remove('doy') feats.append('doy_sin') feats.append('doy_cos') elif isinstance(features, str): feats = ['doy_sin'] feats.append('doy_cos') X = select_features_from_X(X, feats) return X def single_cross_validation(X_val, y_val, model_name='SVC', features='pwv', n_splits=4, scorers=['f1', 'recall', 'tss', 'hss', 'precision', 'accuracy'], seed=42, savepath=None, verbose=0, param_grid='normal', n_jobs=-1, n_repeats=None, outer_split='1-1'): # from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedStratifiedKFold from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV # from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer # from string import digits import numpy as np # import xarray as xr scores_dict = {s: s for s in scorers} if 'tss' in scorers: scores_dict['tss'] = make_scorer(tss_score) if 'hss' in scorers: scores_dict['hss'] = make_scorer(hss_score) X = select_doy_from_feature_list(X_val, model_name, features) y = y_val if param_grid == 'light': print(np.unique(X.feature.values)) if n_repeats is None: # configure the cross-validation procedure cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=seed) print('CV StratifiedKfolds of {}.'.format(n_splits)) # define the model and search space: else: cv = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, n_repeats=n_repeats, random_state=seed) print('CV RepeatedStratifiedKFold of {} with {} repeats.'.format( n_splits, n_repeats)) ml = ML_Classifier_Switcher() print('param grid group is set to {}.'.format(param_grid)) if outer_split == '1-1': cv_type = 'holdout' print('holdout cv is selected.') else: cv_type = 'nested' print('nested cv {} out of {}.'.format( outer_split.split('-')[0], outer_split.split('-')[1])) sk_model = ml.pick_model(model_name, pgrid=param_grid) search_space = ml.param_grid # define search gr_search = GridSearchCV(estimator=sk_model, param_grid=search_space, cv=cv, n_jobs=n_jobs, scoring=scores_dict, verbose=verbose, refit=False, return_train_score=True), y) if isinstance(features, str): features = [features] if savepath is not None: filename = 'GRSRCHCV_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.pkl'.format(cv_type, model_name, '+'.join(features), '+'.join( scorers), n_splits, outer_split, param_grid, seed) save_gridsearchcv_object(gr_search, savepath, filename) return gr_search def save_cv_params_to_file(cv_obj, path, name): import pandas as pd di = vars(cv_obj) splitter_type = cv_obj.__repr__().split('(')[0] di['splitter_type'] = splitter_type (pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data=di, orient='index') .to_csv(path / '{}.csv'.format(name), header=False)) print('{}.csv saved to {}.'.format(name, path)) return def read_cv_params_and_instantiate(filepath): import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold df = pd.read_csv(filepath, header=None, index_col=0) d = {} for row in df.iterrows(): dd = pd.to_numeric(row[1], errors='ignore') if dd.item() == 'True' or dd.item() == 'False': dd = dd.astype(bool) d[dd.to_frame().columns.item()] = dd.item() s_type = d.pop('splitter_type') if s_type == 'StratifiedKFold': cv = StratifiedKFold(**d) return cv def nested_cross_validation_procedure(X, y, model_name='SVC', features='pwv', outer_splits=4, inner_splits=2, refit_scorer='roc_auc', scorers=['f1', 'recall', 'tss', 'hss', 'roc_auc', 'precision', 'accuracy'], seed=42, savepath=None, verbose=0, param_grid='normal', n_jobs=-1): from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer from sklearn.inspection import permutation_importance from string import digits import numpy as np import xarray as xr assert refit_scorer in scorers scores_dict = {s: s for s in scorers} if 'tss' in scorers: scores_dict['tss'] = make_scorer(tss_score) if 'hss' in scorers: scores_dict['hss'] = make_scorer(hss_score) X = select_doy_from_feature_list(X, model_name, features) # if model_name == 'RF': # doy = X['sample'].dt.dayofyear # sel_doy = [x for x in X.feature.values if 'doy_sin' in x] # doy_X = doy.broadcast_like(X.sel(feature=sel_doy)) # doy_X['feature'] = [ # 'doy_{}'.format(x) for x in range( # doy_X.feature.size)] # no_doy = [x for x in X.feature.values if 'doy' not in x] # X = X.sel(feature=no_doy) # X = xr.concat([X, doy_X], 'feature') # else: # # first slice X for features: # if isinstance(features, str): # f = [x for x in X.feature.values if features in x] # X = X.sel(feature=f) # elif isinstance(features, list): # fs = [] # for f in features: # fs += [x for x in X.feature.values if f in x] # X = X.sel(feature=fs) if param_grid == 'light': print(np.unique(X.feature.values)) # configure the cross-validation procedure cv_inner = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=inner_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=seed) print('Inner CV StratifiedKfolds of {}.'.format(inner_splits)) # define the model and search space: ml = ML_Classifier_Switcher() if param_grid == 'light': print('disgnostic mode light.') sk_model = ml.pick_model(model_name, pgrid=param_grid) search_space = ml.param_grid # define search gr_search = GridSearchCV(estimator=sk_model, param_grid=search_space, cv=cv_inner, n_jobs=n_jobs, scoring=scores_dict, verbose=verbose, refit=refit_scorer, return_train_score=True) #, y) # configure the cross-validation procedure cv_outer = StratifiedKFold( n_splits=outer_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=seed) # execute the nested cross-validation scores_est_dict = cross_validate(gr_search, X, y, scoring=scores_dict, cv=cv_outer, n_jobs=n_jobs, return_estimator=True, verbose=verbose) # perm = [] # for i, (train, val) in enumerate(cv_outer.split(X, y)): # gr_model = scores_est_dict['estimator'][i] #[train], y[train]) # r = permutation_importance(gr_model, X[val], y[val],scoring='f1', # n_repeats=30, n_jobs=-1, # random_state=0) # perm.append(r) # get the test scores: test_keys = [x for x in scores_est_dict.keys() if 'test' in x] ds = xr.Dataset() for key in test_keys: ds[key] = xr.DataArray(scores_est_dict[key], dims=['outer_kfold']) preds_ds = [] gr_ds = [] for est in scores_est_dict['estimator']: gr, _ = process_gridsearch_results( est, model_name, split_dim='inner_kfold', features=X.feature.values) # somehow save gr: gr_ds.append(gr) preds_ds.append( grab_y_true_and_predict_from_sklearn_model(est, X, y, cv_inner)) # tpr_ds.append(produce_ROC_curves_from_model(est, X, y, cv_inner)) dss = xr.concat(preds_ds, 'outer_kfold') gr_dss = xr.concat(gr_ds, 'outer_kfold') dss['outer_kfold'] = np.arange(1, cv_outer.n_splits + 1) gr_dss['outer_kfold'] = np.arange(1, cv_outer.n_splits + 1) # aggragate results: dss = xr.merge([ds, dss]) dss = xr.merge([dss, gr_dss]) dss.attrs = gr_dss.attrs dss.attrs['outer_kfold_splits'] = outer_splits remove_digits = str.maketrans('', '', digits) features = list(set([x.translate(remove_digits).split('_')[0] for x in X.feature.values])) # add more attrs, features etc: dss.attrs['features'] = features # rename major data_vars with model name: # ys = [x for x in dss.data_vars if 'y_' in x] # new_ys = [y + '_{}'.format(model_name) for y in ys] # dss = dss.rename(dict(zip(ys, new_ys))) # new_test_keys = [y + '_{}'.format(model_name) for y in test_keys] # dss = dss.rename(dict(zip(test_keys, new_test_keys))) # if isinstance(X.attrs['pwv_id'], list): # dss.attrs['pwv_id'] = '-'.join(X.attrs['pwv_id']) # else: # dss.attrs['pwv_id'] = X.attrs['pwv_id'] # if isinstance(y.attrs['hydro_station_id'], list): # dss.attrs['hs_id'] = '-'.join([str(x) for x in y.attrs['hydro_station_id']]) # else: # dss.attrs['hs_id'] = y.attrs['hydro_station_id'] # dss.attrs['hydro_max_flow'] = y.attrs['max_flow'] # dss.attrs['neg_pos_ratio'] = y.attrs['neg_pos_ratio'] # save results to file: if savepath is not None: save_cv_results(dss, savepath=savepath) return dss # def ML_main_procedure(X, y, estimator=None, model_name='SVC', features='pwv', # val_size=0.18, n_splits=None, test_size=0.2, seed=42, best_score='f1', # savepath=None, plot=True): # """split the X,y for train and test, either do HP tuning using HP_tuning # with val_size or use already tuned (or not) estimator. # models to play with = MLP, RF and SVC. # n_splits = 2, 3, 4. # features = pwv, pressure. # best_score = f1, roc_auc, accuracy. # can do loop on them. RF takes the most time to tune.""" # X = select_features_from_X(X, features) # X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, # test_size=test_size, # shuffle=True, # random_state=seed) # # do HP_tuning: # if estimator is None: # cvr, model = HP_tuning(X_train, y_train, model_name=model_name, val_size=val_size, test_size=test_size, # best_score=best_score, seed=seed, savepath=savepath, n_splits=n_splits) # else: # model = estimator # if plot: # ax = plot_many_ROC_curves(model, X_test, y_test, name=model_name, # ax=None) # return ax # else: # return model def plot_hyper_parameters_heatmaps_from_nested_CV_model(dss, path=hydro_path, model_name='MLP', features='pwv+pressure+doy', save=True): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ds = dss.sel(features=features).reset_coords(drop=True) non_hp_vars = ['mean_score', 'std_score', 'test_score', 'roc_auc_score', 'TPR'] if model_name == 'RF': non_hp_vars.append('feature_importances') ds = ds[[x for x in ds if x not in non_hp_vars]] seq = 'Blues' cat = 'Dark2' cmap_hp_dict = { 'alpha': seq, 'activation': cat, 'hidden_layer_sizes': cat, 'learning_rate': cat, 'solver': cat, 'kernel': cat, 'C': seq, 'gamma': seq, 'degree': seq, 'coef0': seq, 'max_depth': seq, 'max_features': cat, 'min_samples_leaf': seq, 'min_samples_split': seq, 'n_estimators': seq } # fix stuff for SVC: if model_name == 'SVC': ds['degree'] = ds['degree'].where(ds['kernel']=='poly') ds['coef0'] = ds['coef0'].where(ds['kernel']=='poly') # da = ds.to_arrray('hyper_parameters') # fg = xr.plot.FacetGrid( # da, # col='hyper_parameters', # sharex=False, # sharey=False, figsize=(16, 10)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(4, 10)) for i, da in enumerate(ds): df = ds[da].reset_coords(drop=True).to_dataset('scorer').to_dataframe() = 'Outer Split' try: df = df.astype(float).round(2) except ValueError: pass cmap = cmap_hp_dict.get(da, 'Set1') plot_heatmap_for_hyper_parameters_df(df, ax=axes[i], title=da, cmap=cmap) fig.tight_layout() if save: filename = 'Hyper-parameters_nested_{}.png'.format( model_name) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return def plot_heatmaps_for_hyper_parameters_data_splits(df1, df2, axes=None, cmap='colorblind', title=None, fig=None, cbar_params=[.92, .12, .03, .75], fontsize=12, val_type='float'): import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import numpy as np # from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable from matplotlib.colors import Normalize import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm sns.set_style('ticks') sns.set_style('whitegrid') sns.set(font_scale=1.2) df1 = df1.astype(eval(val_type)) df2 = df2.astype(eval(val_type)) arr = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=0).values.ravel() value_to_int = {j: i for i, j in enumerate( np.unique(arr))} # like you did # try: # sorted_v_to_i = dict(sorted(value_to_int.items())) # except TypeError: # sorted_v_to_i = value_to_int # print(value_to_int) n = len(value_to_int) # discrete colormap (n samples from a given cmap) cmap_list = sns.color_palette(cmap, n) if val_type == 'float': # print([value_to_int.keys()]) cbar_ticklabels = ['{:.2g}'.format(x) for x in value_to_int.keys()] elif val_type == 'int': cbar_ticklabels = [int(x) for x in value_to_int.keys()] elif val_type == 'str': cbar_ticklabels = [x for x in value_to_int.keys()] if 'nan' in value_to_int.keys(): cmap_list[-1] = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) new_value_to_int = {} for key, val in value_to_int.items(): try: new_value_to_int[str(int(float(key)))] = val except ValueError: new_value_to_int['NR'] = val cbar_ticklabels = [x for x in new_value_to_int.keys()] # u1 = np.unique(df1.replace(value_to_int)).astype(int) # cmap1 = [cmap_list[x] for x in u1] # u2 = np.unique(df2.replace(value_to_int)).astype(int) # cmap2 = [cmap_list[x] for x in u2] # prepare normalizer ## Prepare bins for the normalizer norm_bins = np.sort([*value_to_int.values()]) + 0.5 norm_bins = np.insert(norm_bins, 0, np.min(norm_bins) - 1.0) # print(norm_bins) ## Make normalizer and formatter norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(norm_bins, n, clip=True) # normalizer = Normalize(np.array([x for x in value_to_int.values()])[0],np.array([x for x in value_to_int.values()])[-1]) # im=cm.ScalarMappable(norm=normalizer) if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, sharey=False) # divider = make_axes_locatable([axes[0], axes[1]]) # cbar_ax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes(cbar_params) sns.heatmap(df1.replace(value_to_int), cmap=cmap_list, cbar=False, ax=axes[0], linewidth=0.7, linecolor='k', square=True, cbar_kws={"shrink": .9}, cbar_ax=cbar_ax, norm=norm) sns.heatmap(df2.replace(value_to_int), cmap=cmap_list, cbar=False, ax=axes[1], linewidth=0.7, linecolor='k', square=True, cbar_kws={"shrink": .9}, cbar_ax=cbar_ax, norm=norm) # else: # ax = sns.heatmap(df.replace(sorted_v_to_i), cmap=cmap, # ax=ax, linewidth=1, linecolor='k', # square=False, cbar_kws={"shrink": .9}) if title is not None: axes[0].set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) for ax in axes: ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), ha='right', va='top', rotation=45) ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0) ax.tick_params(labelsize=fontsize, direction='out', bottom=True, left=True, length=2) ax.set_ylabel(ax.get_ylabel(), fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(ax.get_xlabel(), fontsize=fontsize) # colorbar = axes[0].collections[0].colorbar # diff = norm_bins[1:] - norm_bins[:-1] # tickz = norm_bins[:-1] + diff / 2 colorbar = fig.colorbar(cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(cmap_list)), ax=[axes[0], axes[1]], shrink=1, pad=0.05, cax=cbar_ax) # colorbar = plt.gca().images[-1].colorbar r = colorbar.vmax - colorbar.vmin colorbar.set_ticks([colorbar.vmin + r / n * (0.5 + i) for i in range(n)]), fontsize=fontsize-2) return axes def plot_hyper_parameters_heatmap_data_splits_per_model(dss4, dss5, fontsize=14, save=True, model_name='SVC', features='pwv+pressure+doy'): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import seaborn as sns fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 5, sharex=True, sharey=False ,figsize=(16, 5)) ds4 = dss4.sel(features=features).reset_coords(drop=True) ds5 = dss5.sel(features=features).reset_coords(drop=True) ds4 = ds4.reindex(scorer=scorer_order) ds5 = ds5.reindex(scorer=scorer_order) non_hp_vars = ['mean_score', 'std_score', 'test_score', 'roc_auc_score', 'TPR'] if model_name == 'RF': non_hp_vars.append('feature_importances') if model_name == 'MLP': adj_dict=dict( top=0.946, bottom=0.145, left=0.046, right=0.937, hspace=0.121, wspace=0.652) cb_st = 0.167 cb_mul = 0.193 else: adj_dict=dict( wspace = 0.477, top=0.921, bottom=0.17, left=0.046, right=0.937, hspace=0.121) cb_st = 0.18 cb_mul = 0.19 ds4 = ds4[[x for x in ds4 if x not in non_hp_vars]] ds5 = ds5[[x for x in ds5 if x not in non_hp_vars]] seq = 'Blues' cat = 'Dark2' hp_dict = { 'alpha': ['Reds', 'float'], 'activation': ['Set1_r', 'str'], 'hidden_layer_sizes': ['Paired', 'str'], 'learning_rate': ['Spectral_r', 'str'], 'solver': ['Dark2', 'str'], 'kernel': ['Dark2', 'str'], 'C': ['Blues', 'float'], 'gamma': ['Oranges', 'float'], 'degree': ['Greens', 'str'], 'coef0': ['Spectral', 'str'], 'max_depth': ['Blues', 'int'], 'max_features': ['Dark2', 'str'], 'min_samples_leaf': ['Greens', 'int'], 'min_samples_split': ['Reds', 'int'], 'n_estimators': ['Oranges', 'int'] } # fix stuff for SVC: if model_name == 'SVC': ds4['degree'] = ds4['degree'].where(ds4['kernel']=='poly') ds4['coef0'] = ds4['coef0'].where(ds4['kernel']=='poly') ds5['degree'] = ds5['degree'].where(ds5['kernel']=='poly') ds5['coef0'] = ds5['coef0'].where(ds5['kernel']=='poly') for i, (da4, da5) in enumerate(zip(ds4, ds5)): df4 = ds4[da4].reset_coords(drop=True).to_dataset('scorer').to_dataframe() df5 = ds5[da5].reset_coords(drop=True).to_dataset('scorer').to_dataframe() = 'Outer Split' = 'Outer Split' # try: # df4 = df4.astype(float).round(2) # df5 = df5.astype(float).round(2) # except ValueError: # pass cmap = hp_dict.get(da4, 'Set1')[0] val_type = hp_dict.get(da4, 'int')[1] cbar_params = [cb_st + cb_mul*float(i), .175, .01, .71] plot_heatmaps_for_hyper_parameters_data_splits(df4, df5, axes=[axes[0, i], axes[1, i]], fig=fig, title=da4, cmap=cmap, cbar_params=cbar_params, fontsize=fontsize, val_type=val_type) if i > 0 : axes[0, i].set_ylabel('') axes[0, i].yaxis.set_tick_params(labelleft=False) axes[1, i].set_ylabel('') axes[1, i].yaxis.set_tick_params(labelleft=False) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(**adj_dict) if save: filename = 'Hyper-parameters_nested_{}.png'.format( model_name) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return fig def plot_heatmap_for_hyper_parameters_df(df, ax=None, cmap='colorblind', title=None, fontsize=12): import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import numpy as np sns.set_style('ticks') sns.set_style('whitegrid') sns.set(font_scale=1.2) value_to_int = {j: i for i, j in enumerate( sorted(pd.unique(df.values.ravel())))} # like you did # for key in value_to_int.copy().keys(): # try: # if np.isnan(key): # value_to_int['NA'] = value_to_int.pop(key) # df = df.fillna('NA') # except TypeError: # pass try: sorted_v_to_i = dict(sorted(value_to_int.items())) except TypeError: sorted_v_to_i = value_to_int n = len(value_to_int) # discrete colormap (n samples from a given cmap) cmap = sns.color_palette(cmap, n) if ax is None: ax = sns.heatmap(df.replace(sorted_v_to_i), cmap=cmap, linewidth=1, linecolor='k', square=False, cbar_kws={"shrink": .9}) else: ax = sns.heatmap(df.replace(sorted_v_to_i), cmap=cmap, ax=ax, linewidth=1, linecolor='k', square=False, cbar_kws={"shrink": .9}) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=30) ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0) ax.tick_params(labelsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(ax.get_ylabel(), fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(ax.get_xlabel(), fontsize=fontsize) colorbar = ax.collections[0].colorbar r = colorbar.vmax - colorbar.vmin colorbar.set_ticks([colorbar.vmin + r / n * (0.5 + i) for i in range(n)]) colorbar.set_ticklabels(list(value_to_int.keys())) return ax # def plot_ROC_curves_for_all_models_and_scorers(dss, save=False, # fontsize=24, fig_split=1, # feat=['pwv', 'pwv+pressure', 'pwv+pressure+doy']): # import xarray as xr # import seaborn as sns # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import pandas as pd # cmap = sns.color_palette('tab10', len(feat)) # sns.set_style('whitegrid') # sns.set_style('ticks') # if fig_split == 1: # dss = dss.sel(scorer=['precision', 'recall', 'f1']) # elif fig_split == 2: # dss = dss.sel(scorer=['accuracy', 'tss', 'hss']) # fg = xr.plot.FacetGrid( # dss, # col='model', # row='scorer', # sharex=True, # sharey=True, figsize=(20, 20)) # for i in range(fg.axes.shape[0]): # i is rows # for j in range(fg.axes.shape[1]): # j is cols # ax = fg.axes[i, j] # modelname = dss['model'].isel(model=j).item() # scorer = dss['scorer'].isel(scorer=i).item() # chance_plot = [False for x in feat] # chance_plot[-1] = True # for k, f in enumerate(feat): # # name = '{}-{}-{}'.format(modelname, scoring, feat) # # model = dss.isel({'model': j, 'scoring': i}).sel( # # {'features': feat}) # model = dss.isel({'model': j, 'scorer': i} # ).sel({'features': f}) # # return model # title = 'ROC of {} model ({})'.format(modelname.replace('SVC', 'SVM'), scorer) # try: # ax = plot_ROC_curve_from_dss_nested_CV(model, outer_dim='outer_split', # plot_chance=[k], # main_label=f, # ax=ax, # color=cmap[k], title=title, # fontsize=fontsize) # except ValueError: # ax.grid('on') # continue # handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # lh_ser = pd.Series(labels, index=handles).drop_duplicates() # lh_ser = lh_ser.sort_values(ascending=False) # hand = lh_ser.index.values # labe = lh_ser.values # ax.legend(handles=hand.tolist(), labels=labe.tolist(), loc="lower right", # fontsize=fontsize-7) # ax.grid('on') # if j >= 1: # ax.set_ylabel('') # if fig_split == 1: # ax.set_xlabel('') # ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False) # else: # if i <= 1: # ax.set_xlabel('') # # title = '{} station: {} total events'.format( # # station.upper(), events) # # if max_flow > 0: # # title = '{} station: {} total events (max flow = {} m^3/sec)'.format( # # station.upper(), events, max_flow) # # fg.fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=fontsize) # fg.fig.tight_layout() # fg.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.937, # bottom=0.054, # left=0.039, # right=0.993, # hspace=0.173, # wspace=0.051) # if save: # filename = 'ROC_curves_nested_{}_figsplit_{}.png'.format( # dss['outer_split'].size, fig_split) # plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') # return fg def plot_hydro_ML_models_results_from_dss(dss, std_on='outer', save=False, fontsize=16, plot_type='ROC', split=1, feat=['pwv', 'pressure+pwv', 'doy+pressure+pwv']): import xarray as xr import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd cmap = sns.color_palette("colorblind", len(feat)) if split == 1: dss = dss.sel(scoring=['f1', 'precision', 'recall']) elif split == 2: dss = dss.sel(scoring=['tss', 'hss', 'roc-auc', 'accuracy']) fg = xr.plot.FacetGrid( dss, col='model', row='scoring', sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(20, 20)) for i in range(fg.axes.shape[0]): # i is rows for j in range(fg.axes.shape[1]): # j is cols ax = fg.axes[i, j] modelname = dss['model'].isel(model=j).item() scoring = dss['scoring'].isel(scoring=i).item() chance_plot = [False for x in feat] chance_plot[-1] = True for k, f in enumerate(feat): # name = '{}-{}-{}'.format(modelname, scoring, feat) # model = dss.isel({'model': j, 'scoring': i}).sel( # {'features': feat}) model = dss.isel({'model': j, 'scoring': i} ).sel({'features': f}) title = '{} of {} model ({})'.format( plot_type, modelname, scoring) try: plot_ROC_PR_curve_from_dss(model, outer_dim='outer_kfold', inner_dim='inner_kfold', plot_chance=[k], main_label=f, plot_type=plot_type, plot_std_legend=False, ax=ax, color=cmap[k], title=title, std_on=std_on, fontsize=fontsize) except ValueError: ax.grid('on') continue handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() hand = pd.Series( labels, index=handles).drop_duplicates().index.values labe = pd.Series(labels, index=handles).drop_duplicates().values ax.legend(handles=hand.tolist(), labels=labe.tolist(), loc="lower right", fontsize=14) ax.grid('on') # title = '{} station: {} total events'.format( # station.upper(), events) # if max_flow > 0: # title = '{} station: {} total events (max flow = {} m^3/sec)'.format( # station.upper(), events, max_flow) # fg.fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=fontsize) fg.fig.tight_layout() fg.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.937, bottom=0.054, left=0.039, right=0.993, hspace=0.173, wspace=0.051) if save: filename = 'hydro_models_on_{}_{}_std_on_{}_{}.png'.format( dss['inner_kfold'].size, dss['outer_kfold'].size, std_on, plot_type) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return fg # def plot_hydro_ML_models_result(model_da, nsplits=2, station='drag', # test_size=20, n_splits_plot=None, save=False): # import xarray as xr # import seaborn as sns # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # # TODO: add plot_roc_curve(model, X_other_station, y_other_station) # # TODO: add pw_station, hs_id # cmap = sns.color_palette("colorblind", 3) # X, y = produce_X_y(station, hydro_pw_dict[station], neg_pos_ratio=1) # events = int(y[y == 1].sum().item()) # model_da = model_da.sel( # splits=nsplits, # test_size=test_size).reset_coords( # drop=True) ## just_pw = [x for x in X.feature.values if 'pressure' not in x] ## X_pw = X.sel(feature=just_pw) # fg = xr.plot.FacetGrid( # model_da, # col='model', # row='scoring', # sharex=True, # sharey=True, figsize=(20, 20)) # for i in range(fg.axes.shape[0]): # i is rows # for j in range(fg.axes.shape[1]): # j is cols # ax = fg.axes[i, j] # modelname = model_da['model'].isel(model=j).item() # scoring = model_da['scoring'].isel(scoring=i).item() # chance_plot = [False, False, True] # for k, feat in enumerate(model_da['feature'].values): # name = '{}-{}-{}'.format(modelname, scoring, feat) # model = model_da.isel({'model': j, 'scoring': i}).sel({'feature': feat}).item() # title = 'ROC of {} model ({})'.format(modelname, scoring) # if not '+' in feat: # f = [x for x in X.feature.values if feat in x] # X_f = X.sel(feature=f) # else: # X_f = X # X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( # X_f, y, test_size=test_size/100, shuffle=True, random_state=42) # # plot_many_ROC_curves(model, X_f, y, name=name, # color=cmap[k], ax=ax, # plot_chance=chance_plot[k], # title=title, n_splits=n_splits_plot) # fg.fig.suptitle('{} station: {} total_events, test_events = {}, n_splits = {}'.format(station.upper(), events, int(events* test_size/100), nsplits)) # fg.fig.tight_layout() # fg.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.937, # bottom=0.054, # left=0.039, # right=0.993, # hspace=0.173, # wspace=0.051) # if save: # plt.savefig(savefig_path / 'try.png', bbox_inches='tight') # return fg def order_features_list(flist): """ order the feature list in load_ML_run_results so i don't get duplicates""" import pandas as pd import numpy as np # first get all features: li = [x.split('+') for x in flist] flat_list = [item for sublist in li for item in sublist] f = list(set(flat_list)) nums = np.arange(1, len(f)+1) # now assagin a number for each entry: inds = [] for x in flist: for fe, num in zip(f, nums): x = x.replace(fe, str(10**num)) inds.append(eval(x)) ser = pd.Series(inds) ser.index = flist ser1 = ser.drop_duplicates() di = dict(zip(ser1.values, ser1.index)) new_flist = [] for ind, feat in zip(inds, flist): new_flist.append(di.get(ind)) return new_flist def smart_add_dataarray_to_ds_list(dsl, da_name='feature_importances'): """add data array to ds_list even if it does not exist, use shape of data array that exists in other part of ds list""" import numpy as np import xarray as xr # print(da_name) fi = [x for x in dsl if da_name in x][0] print(da_name, fi[da_name].shape) fi = fi[da_name].copy(data=np.zeros(shape=fi[da_name].shape)) new_dsl = [] for ds in dsl: if da_name not in ds: ds = xr.merge([ds, fi], combine_attrs='no_conflicts') new_dsl.append(ds) return new_dsl def load_ML_run_results(path=hydro_ml_path, prefix='CVR', change_DOY_to_doy=True): from aux_gps import path_glob import xarray as xr # from aux_gps import save_ncfile import pandas as pd import numpy as np print('loading hydro ML results for all models and features') # print('loading hydro ML results for station {}'.format(pw_station)) model_files = path_glob(path, '{}_*.nc'.format(prefix)) model_files = sorted(model_files) # model_files = [x for x in model_files if pw_station in x.as_posix()] ds_list = [xr.load_dataset(x) for x in model_files] if change_DOY_to_doy: for ds in ds_list: if 'DOY' in ds.features: new_feats = [x.replace('DOY', 'doy') for x in ds['feature'].values] ds['feature'] = new_feats ds.attrs['features'] = [x.replace('DOY', 'doy') for x in ds.attrs['features']] model_as_str = [x.as_posix().split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] for x in model_files] model_names = [x.split('_')[1] for x in model_as_str] model_scores = [x.split('_')[3] for x in model_as_str] model_features = [x.split('_')[2] for x in model_as_str] if change_DOY_to_doy: model_features = [x.replace('DOY', 'doy') for x in model_features] new_model_features = order_features_list(model_features) ind = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [model_names, new_model_features, model_scores], names=( 'model', 'features', 'scoring')) # ind1 = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([model_names, model_scores, model_features], names=[ # 'model', 'scoring', 'feature']) # ds_list = [x[data_vars] for x in ds_list] # complete non-existant fields like best and fi for all ds: data_vars = [x for x in ds_list[0] if x.startswith('test')] # data_vars += ['AUC', 'TPR'] data_vars += [x for x in ds_list[0] if x.startswith('y_')] bests = [[x for x in y if x.startswith('best')] for y in ds_list] data_vars += list(set([y for x in bests for y in x])) if 'RF' in model_names: data_vars += ['feature_importances'] new_ds_list = [] for dvar in data_vars: ds_list = smart_add_dataarray_to_ds_list(ds_list, dvar) # # check if all data vars are in each ds and merge them: new_ds_list = [xr.merge([y[x] for x in data_vars if x in y], combine_attrs='no_conflicts') for y in ds_list] # concat all dss = xr.concat(new_ds_list, dim='dim_0') dss['dim_0'] = ind dss = dss.unstack('dim_0') # dss.attrs['pwv_id'] = pw_station # fix roc_auc to roc-auc in dss datavars dss = dss.rename_vars({'test_roc_auc': 'test_roc-auc'}) # dss['test_roc_auc'].name = 'test_roc-auc' print('calculating ROC, PR metrics.') dss = calculate_metrics_from_ML_dss(dss) print('Done!') return dss def plot_nested_CV_test_scores(dss, feats=None, fontsize=16, save=True, wv_label='pwv'): import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from aux_gps import convert_da_to_long_form_df import numpy as np import xarray as xr def change_width(ax, new_value) : for patch in ax.patches : current_width = patch.get_width() diff = current_width - new_value # we change the bar width patch.set_width(new_value) # we recenter the bar patch.set_x(patch.get_x() + diff * .5) def show_values_on_bars(axs, fs=12, fw='bold', exclude_bar_num=None): import numpy as np def _show_on_single_plot(ax, exclude_bar_num=3): for i, p in enumerate(ax.patches): if i != exclude_bar_num and exclude_bar_num is not None: _x = p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2 _y = p.get_y() + p.get_height() value = '{:.2f}'.format(p.get_height()) ax.text(_x, _y, value, ha="right", fontsize=fs, fontweight=fw, zorder=20) if isinstance(axs, np.ndarray): for idx, ax in np.ndenumerate(axs): _show_on_single_plot(ax, exclude_bar_num) else: _show_on_single_plot(axs, exclude_bar_num) splits = dss['outer_split'].size try: assert 'best' in dss.attrs['comment'] best = True except AssertionError: best = False except KeyError: best = False if 'neg_sample' in dss.dims: neg = dss['neg_sample'].size else: neg = 1 if 'model' not in dss.dims: dss = dss.expand_dims('model') dss['model'] = [dss.attrs['model']] dss = dss.sortby('model', ascending=False) dss = dss.reindex(scorer=scorer_order) if feats is None: feats = ['pwv', 'pwv+pressure', 'pwv+pressure+doy'] dst = dss.sel(features=feats) # .reset_coords(drop=True) # df = dst['test_score'].to_dataframe() # df['scorer'] = df.index.get_level_values(3) # df['model'] = df.index.get_level_values(0) # df['features'] = df.index.get_level_values(1) # df['outer_splits'] = df.index.get_level_values(2) # df['model'] = df['model'].str.replace('SVC', 'SVM') # df = df.melt(value_vars='test_score', id_vars=[ # 'features', 'model', 'scorer', 'outer_splits'], var_name='test_score', # value_name='score') da = dst['test_score'] if len(feats) == 5: da_empty = da.isel(features=0).copy( data=np.zeros(da.isel(features=0).shape)) da_empty['features'] = 'empty' da = xr.concat([da, da_empty], 'features') da = da.reindex(features=['doy', 'pressure', 'pwv', 'empty', 'pwv+pressure', 'pwv+pressure+doy']) = 'feature groups' df = convert_da_to_long_form_df(da, value_name='score', var_name='feature groups') sns.set(font_scale=1.5) sns.set_style('whitegrid') sns.set_style('ticks') cmap = sns.color_palette('tab10', n_colors=len(feats)) if len(feats) == 5: cmap = ['tab:purple', 'tab:brown', 'tab:blue', 'tab:blue', 'tab:orange', 'tab:green'] fg = sns.FacetGrid(data=df, row='model', col='scorer', height=4, aspect=0.9) # fg.map_dataframe(sns.stripplot, x="test_score", y="score", hue="features", # data=df, dodge=True, alpha=1, zorder=1, palette=cmap) # fg.map_dataframe(sns.pointplot, x="test_score", y="score", hue="features", # data=df, dodge=True, join=False, palette=cmap, # markers="o", scale=.75, ci=None) fg.map_dataframe(sns.barplot, x='feature groups', y="score", hue='features', ci='sd', capsize=None, errwidth=2, errcolor='k', palette=cmap, dodge=True) # g = sns.catplot(x='test_score', y="score", hue='features', # col="scorer", row='model', ci='sd', # data=df, kind="bar", capsize=0.25, # height=4, aspect=1.5, errwidth=1.5) #fg.set_xticklabels(rotation=45) # fg.set_yticklabels([0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0], fontsize=fontsize) fg.set_ylabels('score') [x.grid(True) for x in fg.axes.flatten()] handles, labels = fg.axes[0, 0].get_legend_handles_labels() if len(feats) == 5: del handles[3] del labels[3] show_values_on_bars(fg.axes, fs=fontsize-4, exclude_bar_num=3) for i in range(fg.axes.shape[0]): # i is rows model = dss['model'].isel(model=i).item() if model == 'SVC': model = 'SVM' for j in range(fg.axes.shape[1]): # j is cols ax = fg.axes[i, j] scorer = dss['scorer'].isel(scorer=j).item() title = '{} | scorer={}'.format(model, scorer) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel('') ax.set_ylim(0, 1) change_width(ax, 0.110) fg.set_xlabels(' ') if wv_label is not None: labels = [x.replace('pwv', wv_label) for x in labels] fg.fig.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, prop={'size': fontsize}, edgecolor='k', framealpha=0.5, fancybox=True, facecolor='white', ncol=len(feats), fontsize=fontsize, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.005), bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) # true_scores = dst.sel(scorer=scorer, model=model)['true_score'] # dss['permutation_score'].plot.hist(ax=ax, bins=25, color=color) # ymax = ax.get_ylim()[-1] - 0.2 # ax.vlines(x=true_scores.values, ymin=0, ymax=ymax, linestyle='--', color=cmap) fg.fig.tight_layout() fg.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) if save: if best: filename = 'ML_scores_models_nested_CV_best_hp_{}_{}_neg_{}.png'.format('_'.join(feats), splits, neg) else: filename = 'ML_scores_models_nested_CV_{}_{}_neg_{}.png'.format('_'.join(feats), splits, neg) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return fg def plot_holdout_test_scores(dss, feats='pwv+pressure+doy'): import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def show_values_on_bars(axs, fs=12, fw='bold'): import numpy as np def _show_on_single_plot(ax): for p in ax.patches: _x = p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2 _y = p.get_y() + p.get_height() value = '{:.2f}'.format(p.get_height()) ax.text(_x, _y, value, ha="center", fontsize=fs, fontweight=fw) if isinstance(axs, np.ndarray): for idx, ax in np.ndenumerate(axs): _show_on_single_plot(ax) else: _show_on_single_plot(axs) if feats is None: feats = ['pwv', 'pwv+pressure', 'pwv+pressure+doy'] dst = dss.sel(features=feats) # .reset_coords(drop=True) df = dst['holdout_test_scores'].to_dataframe() df['scorer'] = df.index.droplevel(1).droplevel(0) df['model'] = df.index.droplevel(2).droplevel(1) df['features'] = df.index.droplevel(2).droplevel(0) df['model'] = df['model'].str.replace('SVC', 'SVM') df = df.melt(value_vars='holdout_test_scores', id_vars=[ 'features', 'model', 'scorer'], var_name='test_score') sns.set(font_scale=1.5) sns.set_style('whitegrid') sns.set_style('ticks') g = sns.catplot(x="model", y="value", hue='features', col="scorer", ci='sd', row=None, col_wrap=3, data=df, kind="bar", capsize=0.15, height=4, aspect=1.5, errwidth=0.8) g.set_xticklabels(rotation=45) [x.grid(True) for x in g.axes.flatten()] show_values_on_bars(g.axes) filename = 'ML_scores_models_holdout_{}.png'.format('_'.join(feats)) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return df def prepare_test_df_to_barplot_from_dss(dss, feats='doy+pwv+pressure', plot=True, splitfigs=True): import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dvars = [x for x in dss if 'test_' in x] scores = [x.split('_')[-1] for x in dvars] dst = dss[dvars] # dst['scoring'] = [x+'_inner' for x in dst['scoring'].values] # for i, ds in enumerate(dst): # dst[ds] = dst[ds].sel(scoring=scores[i]).reset_coords(drop=True) if feats is None: feats = ['pwv', 'pressure+pwv', 'doy+pressure+pwv'] dst = dst.sel(features=feats) # .reset_coords(drop=True) dst = dst.rename_vars(dict(zip(dvars, scores))) # dst = dst.drop('scoring') df = dst.to_dataframe() # dfu = df df['inner score'] = df.index.droplevel(2).droplevel(1).droplevel(0) df['features'] = df.index.droplevel(2).droplevel(2).droplevel(1) df['model'] = df.index.droplevel(2).droplevel(0).droplevel(1) df = df.melt(value_vars=scores, id_vars=[ 'features', 'model', 'inner score'], var_name='outer score') # return dfu # dfu.columns = dfu.columns.droplevel(1) # dfu = dfu.T # dfu['score'] = dfu.index # dfu = dfu.reset_index() # df = dfu.melt(value_vars=['MLP', 'RF', 'SVC'], id_vars=['score']) df1 = df[(df['inner score']=='f1') | (df['inner score']=='precision') | (df['inner score']=='recall')] df2 = df[(df['inner score']=='hss') | (df['inner score']=='tss') | (df['inner score']=='roc-auc') | (df['inner score']=='accuracy')] if plot: sns.set(font_scale = 1.5) sns.set_style('whitegrid') sns.set_style('ticks') if splitfigs: g = sns.catplot(x="outer score", y="value", hue='features', col="inner score", ci='sd',row='model', data=df1, kind="bar", capsize=0.15, height=4, aspect=1.5,errwidth=0.8) g.set_xticklabels(rotation=45) filename = 'ML_scores_models_{}_1.png'.format('_'.join(feats)) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') g = sns.catplot(x="outer score", y="value", hue='features', col="inner score", ci='sd',row='model', data=df2, kind="bar", capsize=0.15, height=4, aspect=1.5,errwidth=0.8) g.set_xticklabels(rotation=45) filename = 'ML_scores_models_{}_2.png'.format('_'.join(feats)) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') else: g = sns.catplot(x="outer score", y="value", hue='features', col="inner score", ci='sd',row='model', data=df, kind="bar", capsize=0.15, height=4, aspect=1.5,errwidth=0.8) g.set_xticklabels(rotation=45) filename = 'ML_scores_models_{}.png'.format('_'.join(feats)) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return df def calculate_metrics_from_ML_dss(dss): from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from sklearn.metrics import auc from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve import xarray as xr import numpy as np import pandas as pd mean_fpr = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) # fpr = dss['y_true'].copy(deep=False).values # tpr = dss['y_true'].copy(deep=False).values # y_true = dss['y_true'].values # y_prob = dss['y_prob'].values ok = [x for x in dss['outer_kfold'].values] ik = [x for x in dss['inner_kfold'].values] m = [x for x in dss['model'].values] sc = [x for x in dss['scoring'].values] f = [x for x in dss['features'].values] # r = [x for x in dss['neg_pos_ratio'].values] ind = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [ok, ik, m, sc, f], names=[ 'outer_kfold', 'inner_kfold', 'model', 'scoring', 'features']) # , 'station']) okn = [x for x in range(dss['outer_kfold'].size)] ikn = [x for x in range(dss['inner_kfold'].size)] mn = [x for x in range(dss['model'].size)] scn = [x for x in range(dss['scoring'].size)] fn = [x for x in range(dss['features'].size)] ds_list = [] for i in okn: for j in ikn: for k in mn: for n in scn: for m in fn: ds = xr.Dataset() y_true = dss['y_true'].isel( outer_kfold=i, inner_kfold=j, model=k, scoring=n, features=m).reset_coords(drop=True).squeeze() y_prob = dss['y_prob'].isel( outer_kfold=i, inner_kfold=j, model=k, scoring=n, features=m).reset_coords(drop=True).squeeze() y_true = y_true.dropna('sample') y_prob = y_prob.dropna('sample') if y_prob.size == 0: # in case of NaNs in the results: fpr_da = xr.DataArray( np.nan*np.ones((1)), dims=['sample']) fpr_da['sample'] = [ x for x in range(fpr_da.size)] tpr_da = xr.DataArray( np.nan*np.ones((1)), dims=['sample']) tpr_da['sample'] = [ x for x in range(tpr_da.size)] prn_da = xr.DataArray( np.nan*np.ones((1)), dims=['sample']) prn_da['sample'] = [ x for x in range(prn_da.size)] rcll_da = xr.DataArray( np.nan*np.ones((1)), dims=['sample']) rcll_da['sample'] = [ x for x in range(rcll_da.size)] tpr_fpr = xr.DataArray( np.nan*np.ones((100)), dims=['FPR']) tpr_fpr['FPR'] = mean_fpr prn_rcll = xr.DataArray( np.nan*np.ones((100)), dims=['RCLL']) prn_rcll['RCLL'] = mean_fpr pr_auc_da = xr.DataArray(np.nan) roc_auc_da = xr.DataArray(np.nan) no_skill_da = xr.DataArray(np.nan) else: no_skill = len( y_true[y_true == 1]) / len(y_true) no_skill_da = xr.DataArray(no_skill) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y_true, y_prob) interp_tpr = np.interp(mean_fpr, fpr, tpr) interp_tpr[0] = 0.0 roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y_true, y_prob) prn, rcll, _ = precision_recall_curve( y_true, y_prob) interp_prn = np.interp( mean_fpr, rcll[::-1], prn[::-1]) interp_prn[0] = 1.0 pr_auc_score = auc(rcll, prn) roc_auc_da = xr.DataArray(roc_auc) pr_auc_da = xr.DataArray(pr_auc_score) prn_da = xr.DataArray(prn, dims=['sample']) prn_da['sample'] = [x for x in range(len(prn))] rcll_da = xr.DataArray(rcll, dims=['sample']) rcll_da['sample'] = [ x for x in range(len(rcll))] fpr_da = xr.DataArray(fpr, dims=['sample']) fpr_da['sample'] = [x for x in range(len(fpr))] tpr_da = xr.DataArray(tpr, dims=['sample']) tpr_da['sample'] = [x for x in range(len(tpr))] tpr_fpr = xr.DataArray( interp_tpr, dims=['FPR']) tpr_fpr['FPR'] = mean_fpr prn_rcll = xr.DataArray( interp_prn, dims=['RCLL']) prn_rcll['RCLL'] = mean_fpr ds['fpr'] = fpr_da ds['tpr'] = tpr_da ds['roc-auc'] = roc_auc_da ds['pr-auc'] = pr_auc_da ds['prn'] = prn_da ds['rcll'] = rcll_da ds['TPR'] = tpr_fpr ds['PRN'] = prn_rcll ds['no_skill'] = no_skill_da ds_list.append(ds) ds = xr.concat(ds_list, 'dim_0') ds['dim_0'] = ind ds = ds.unstack() ds.attrs = dss.attrs ds['fpr'].attrs['long_name'] = 'False positive rate' ds['tpr'].attrs['long_name'] = 'True positive rate' ds['prn'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Precision' ds['rcll'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Recall' ds['roc-auc'].attrs['long_name'] = 'ROC or FPR-TPR Area under curve' ds['pr-auc'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Precition-Recall Area under curve' ds['PRN'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Precision-Recall' ds['TPR'].attrs['long_name'] = 'TPR-FPR (ROC)' dss = xr.merge([dss, ds], combine_attrs='no_conflicts') return dss # # def load_ML_models(path=hydro_ml_path, station='drag', prefix='CVM', suffix='.pkl'): # from aux_gps import path_glob # import joblib # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import seaborn as sns # import xarray as xr # import pandas as pd # model_files = path_glob(path, '{}_*{}'.format(prefix, suffix)) # model_files = sorted(model_files) # model_files = [x for x in model_files if station in x.as_posix()] # m_list = [joblib.load(x) for x in model_files] # model_files = [x.as_posix().split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] for x in model_files] # # fix roc-auc: # model_files = [x.replace('roc_auc', 'roc-auc') for x in model_files] # print('loading {} station only.'.format(station)) # model_names = [x.split('_')[3] for x in model_files] ## model_pw_stations = [x.split('_')[1] for x in model_files] ## model_hydro_stations = [x.split('_')[2] for x in model_files] # model_nsplits = [x.split('_')[6] for x in model_files] # model_scores = [x.split('_')[5] for x in model_files] # model_features = [x.split('_')[4] for x in model_files] # model_test_sizes = [] # for file in model_files: # try: # model_test_sizes.append(int(file.split('_')[7])) # except IndexError: # model_test_sizes.append(20) ## model_pwv_hs_id = list(zip(model_pw_stations, model_hydro_stations)) ## model_pwv_hs_id = ['_'.join(x) for filename = 'CVR_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.nc'.format( # name, features, refitted_scorer, ikfolds, okfolds) # x in model_pwv_hs_id] # # transform model_dict to dataarray: # tups = [tuple(x) for x in zip(model_names, model_scores, model_nsplits, model_features, model_test_sizes)] #, model_pwv_hs_id)] # ind = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples((tups), names=['model', 'scoring', 'splits', 'feature', 'test_size']) #, 'station']) # da = xr.DataArray(m_list, dims='dim_0') # da['dim_0'] = ind # da = da.unstack('dim_0') # da['splits'] = da['splits'].astype(int) # da['test_size'].attrs['units'] = '%' # return da def plot_heatmaps_for_all_models_and_scorings(dss, var='roc-auc'): # , save=True): import xarray as xr import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # assert station == dss.attrs['pwv_id'] cmaps = {'roc-auc': sns.color_palette("Blues", as_cmap=True), 'pr-auc': sns.color_palette("Greens", as_cmap=True)} fg = xr.plot.FacetGrid( dss, col='model', row='scoring', sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(10, 20)) dss = dss.mean('inner_kfold', keep_attrs=True) vmin, vmax = dss[var].min(), 1 norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) for i in range(fg.axes.shape[0]): # i is rows for j in range(fg.axes.shape[1]): # j is cols ax = fg.axes[i, j] modelname = dss['model'].isel(model=j).item() scoring = dss['scoring'].isel(scoring=i).item() model = dss[var].isel( {'model': j, 'scoring': i}).reset_coords(drop=True) df = model.to_dataframe() title = '{} model ({})'.format(modelname, scoring) df = df.unstack() mean = df.mean() = 'mean' df = df.append(mean).T.droplevel(0) ax = sns.heatmap(df, annot=True, cmap=cmaps[var], cbar=False, ax=ax, norm=norm) ax.set_title(title) ax.vlines([4], 0, 10, color='r', linewidth=2) if j > 0: ax.set_ylabel('') if i < 2: ax.set_xlabel('') cax = fg.fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.025, .8, .015]) fg.fig.colorbar(ax.get_children()[0], cax=cax, orientation="horizontal") fg.fig.suptitle('{}'.format( dss.attrs[var].upper()), fontweight='bold') fg.fig.tight_layout() fg.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.937, bottom=0.099, left=0.169, right=0.993, hspace=0.173, wspace=0.051) # if save: # filename = 'hydro_models_heatmaps_on_{}_{}_{}.png'.format( # station, dss['outer_kfold'].size, var) # plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return fg def plot_ROC_from_dss(dss, feats=None, fontsize=16, save=True, wv_label='pwv', best=False): import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from aux_gps import convert_da_to_long_form_df sns.set_style('whitegrid') sns.set_style('ticks') sns.set(font_scale=1.0) cmap = sns.color_palette('tab10', n_colors=3) splits = dss['outer_split'].size if 'neg_sample' in dss.dims: neg = dss['neg_sample'].size else: neg = 1 dss = dss.reindex(scorer=scorer_order) if feats is None: feats = ['pwv', 'pwv+pressure', 'pwv+pressure+doy'] if 'model' not in dss.dims: dss = dss.expand_dims('model') dss['model'] = [dss.attrs['model']] dss = dss.sortby('model', ascending=False) dst = dss.sel(features=feats) # .reset_coords(drop=True) # df = dst['TPR'].to_dataframe() # if 'neg_sample' in dss.dims: # fpr_lnum = 5 # model_lnum = 0 # scorer_lnum = 4 # features_lnum = 1 # else: # fpr_lnum = 4 # model_lnum = 0 # scorer_lnum = 3 # features_lnum = 1 # df['FPR'] = df.index.get_level_values(fpr_lnum) # df['model'] = df.index.get_level_values(model_lnum) # df['scorer'] = df.index.get_level_values(scorer_lnum) # df['features'] = df.index.get_level_values(features_lnum) df = convert_da_to_long_form_df(dst['TPR'], var_name='score') # df = df.melt(value_vars='TPR', id_vars=[ # 'features', 'model', 'scorer', 'FPR'], var_name='score') if best is not None: if best == 'compare_negs': df1 = df.copy()[df['neg_sample'] == 1] df2 = df.copy() df2.drop('neg_sample', axis=1, inplace=True) df1.drop('neg_sample', axis=1, inplace=True) df1['neg_group'] = 1 df2['neg_group'] = 25 df = pd.concat([df1, df2]) col = 'neg_group' titles = ['Neg=1', 'Neg=25'] else: col=None else: col = 'scorer' df['model'] = df['model'].str.replace('SVC', 'SVM') fg = sns.FacetGrid(df, col=col, row='model', aspect=1) fg.map_dataframe(sns.lineplot, x='FPR', y='value', hue='features', ci='sd', palette=cmap, n_boot=None, estimator='mean') for i in range(fg.axes.shape[0]): # i is rows model = dss['model'].isel(model=i).item() auc_model = dst.sel(model=model) if model == 'SVC': model = 'SVM' for j in range(fg.axes.shape[1]): # j is cols scorer = dss['scorer'].isel(scorer=j).item() auc_scorer_df = auc_model['roc_auc_score'].sel(scorer=scorer).reset_coords(drop=True).to_dataframe() auc_scorer_mean = [auc_scorer_df.loc[x].mean() for x in feats] auc_scorer_std = [auc_scorer_df.loc[x].std() for x in feats] auc_mean = [x.item() for x in auc_scorer_mean] auc_std = [x.item() for x in auc_scorer_std] if j == 0 and best is not None: scorer = dss['scorer'].isel(scorer=j).item() auc_scorer_df = auc_model['roc_auc_score'].sel(scorer=scorer).isel(neg_sample=0).reset_coords(drop=True).to_dataframe() auc_scorer_mean = [auc_scorer_df.loc[x].mean() for x in feats] auc_scorer_std = [auc_scorer_df.loc[x].std() for x in feats] auc_mean = [x.item() for x in auc_scorer_mean] auc_std = [x.item() for x in auc_scorer_std] ax = fg.axes[i, j] ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='tab:red', linestyle='--', lw=2, label='chance') if best is not None: if best == 'compare_negs': title = '{} | {}'.format(model, titles[j]) else: title = '{}'.format(model) else: title = '{} | scorer={}'.format(model, scorer) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() hands = handles[0:3] # labes = labels[0:3] new_labes = [] for auc, auc_sd in zip(auc_mean, auc_std): l = r'{:.2}$\pm${:.1}'.format(auc, auc_sd) new_labes.append(l) ax.legend(handles=hands, labels=new_labes, loc='lower right', title='AUCs', prop={'size': fontsize-4}) ax.set_xticks([0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1]) ax.grid(True) # return handles, labels fg.set_ylabels('True Positive Rate', fontsize=fontsize) fg.set_xlabels('False Positive Rate', fontsize=fontsize) if wv_label is not None: labels = [x.replace('pwv', wv_label) for x in labels] if best is not None: if best == 'compare_negs': fg.fig.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, prop={'size': fontsize}, edgecolor='k', framealpha=0.5, fancybox=True, facecolor='white', ncol=2, fontsize=fontsize, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.005), bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) fg.fig.tight_layout() fg.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.865, bottom=0.079, left=0.144, right=0.933, hspace=0.176, wspace=0.2) else: fg.fig.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, prop={'size': fontsize}, edgecolor='k', framealpha=0.5, fancybox=True, facecolor='white', ncol=1, fontsize=fontsize, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.005), bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) fg.fig.tight_layout() fg.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.825, bottom=0.079, left=0.184, right=0.933, hspace=0.176, wspace=0.2) else: fg.fig.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, prop={'size': fontsize}, edgecolor='k', framealpha=0.5, fancybox=True, facecolor='white', ncol=5, fontsize=fontsize, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.005), bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) # true_scores = dst.sel(scorer=scorer, model=model)['true_score'] # dss['permutation_score'].plot.hist(ax=ax, bins=25, color=color) # ymax = ax.get_ylim()[-1] - 0.2 # ax.vlines(x=true_scores.values, ymin=0, ymax=ymax, linestyle='--', color=cmap) fg.fig.tight_layout() fg.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.915) if save: if best is not None: filename = 'ROC_plots_models_nested_CV_best_hp_{}_{}_neg_{}.png'.format('_'.join(feats), splits, neg) else: filename = 'ROC_plots_models_nested_CV_{}_{}_neg_{}.png'.format('_'.join(feats), splits, neg) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return fg def plot_permutation_importances_from_dss(dss, feat_dim='features', outer_dim='outer_split', features='pwv+pressure+doy', fix_xticklabels=True,split=1, axes=None, save=True): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import seaborn as sns from natsort import natsorted sns.set_palette('Dark2', 6) sns.set_style('whitegrid') sns.set_style('ticks') model = dss.attrs['model'] # use dss.sel(model='RF') first as input dss['feature'] = dss['feature'].str.replace('DOY', 'doy') dss = dss.sel({feat_dim: features}) # tests_ds = dss['test_score'] # tests_ds = tests_ds.sel(scorer=scorer) # max_score_split = int(tests_ds.idxmax(outer_dim).item()) # use mean outer split: # dss = dss.mean(outer_dim) dss = dss.sel({outer_dim: split}) feats = features.split('+') fn = len(feats) if fn == 1: gr_spec = None fix_xticklabels = False elif fn == 2: gr_spec = [1, 1] elif fn == 3: gr_spec = [2, 5, 5] if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, fn, sharey=True, figsize=(17, 5), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': gr_spec}) try: axes.flatten() except AttributeError: axes = [axes] for i, f in enumerate(sorted(feats)): fe = [x for x in dss['feature'].values if f in x] dsf = dss['PI_mean'].sel( feature=fe).reset_coords( drop=True) sorted_feat = natsorted([x for x in dsf.feature.values]) dsf = dsf.reindex(feature=sorted_feat) print([x for x in dsf.feature.values]) # dsf = dss['PI_mean'].sel( # feature=fe).reset_coords( # drop=True) dsf = dsf.to_dataset('scorer').to_dataframe( ).reset_index(drop=True) title = '{}'.format(f.upper())[i], title=title, rot=0, legend=False, zorder=20, width=.8) dsf_sum = dsf.sum().tolist() handles, labels = axes[i].get_legend_handles_labels() labels = [ '{} ({:.1f})'.format( x, y) for x, y in zip( labels, dsf_sum)] axes[i].legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, prop={'size': 10}, loc='upper left') axes[i].set_ylabel('Scores') axes[i].grid(axis='y', zorder=1) if fix_xticklabels: n = sum(['pwv' in x for x in dss.feature.values]) axes[0].xaxis.set_ticklabels('') hrs = np.arange(-24, -24+n) axes[1].set_xticklabels(hrs, rotation=30, ha="center", fontsize=12) axes[2].set_xticklabels(hrs, rotation=30, ha="center", fontsize=12) axes[1].set_xlabel('Hours prior to flood') axes[2].set_xlabel('Hours prior to flood') fig.tight_layout() fig.suptitle('permutation importance scores for {} model split #{}'.format(model, split)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.904) if save: filename = 'permutation_importances_{}_split_{}_all_scorers_{}.png'.format(model, split, features) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return def plot_feature_importances_from_dss( dss, feat_dim='features', outer_dim='outer_split', features='pwv+pressure+doy', fix_xticklabels=True, axes=None, save=True, ylim=[0, 12], fontsize=16): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import seaborn as sns from natsort import natsorted sns.set_palette('Dark2', 6) # sns.set_style('whitegrid') # sns.set_style('ticks') sns.set_theme(style='ticks', font_scale=1.5) # use dss.sel(model='RF') first as input dss['feature'] = dss['feature'].str.replace('DOY', 'doy') dss = dss.sel({feat_dim: features}) # tests_ds = dss['test_score'] # tests_ds = tests_ds.sel(scorer=scorer) # max_score_split = int(tests_ds.idxmax(outer_dim).item()) # use mean outer split: dss = dss.mean(outer_dim) feats = features.split('+') fn = len(feats) if fn == 1: gr_spec = None fix_xticklabels = False elif fn == 2: gr_spec = [1, 1] elif fn == 3: gr_spec = [5, 5, 2] if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, fn, sharey=True, figsize=(17, 5), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': gr_spec}) try: axes.flatten() except AttributeError: axes = [axes] for i, f in enumerate(feats): fe = [x for x in dss['feature'].values if f in x] dsf = dss['feature_importances'].sel( feature=fe).reset_coords( drop=True) # dsf = dss['PI_mean'].sel( # feature=fe).reset_coords( # drop=True) sorted_feat = natsorted([x for x in dsf.feature.values]) # sorted_feat = [x for x in dsf.feature.values] print(sorted_feat) dsf = dsf.reindex(feature=sorted_feat) dsf = dsf.to_dataset('scorer').to_dataframe( ).reset_index(drop=True) * 100 title = '{}'.format(f.upper())[i], title=title, rot=0, legend=False, zorder=20, width=.8) axes[i].set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) dsf_sum = dsf.sum().tolist() handles, labels = axes[i].get_legend_handles_labels() labels = [ '{} ({:.1f} %)'.format( x, y) for x, y in zip( labels, dsf_sum)] axes[i].legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, prop={'size': 12}, loc='upper center') axes[i].set_ylabel('Feature importances [%]') axes[i].grid(axis='y', zorder=1) if ylim is not None: [ax.set_ylim(*ylim) for ax in axes] if fix_xticklabels: n = sum(['pwv' in x for x in dss.feature.values]) axes[2].xaxis.set_ticklabels('') hrs = np.arange(-1, -25, -1) axes[0].set_xticklabels(hrs, rotation=30, ha="center", fontsize=14) axes[1].set_xticklabels(hrs, rotation=30, ha="center", fontsize=14) axes[2].tick_params(labelsize=fontsize) axes[0].set_xlabel('Hours prior to flood') axes[1].set_xlabel('Hours prior to flood') fig.tight_layout() if save: filename = 'RF_feature_importances_all_scorers_{}.png'.format(features) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return def plot_feature_importances( dss, feat_dim='features', features='pwv+pressure+doy', scoring='f1', fix_xticklabels=True, axes=None, save=True): # use dss.sel(model='RF') first as input import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np dss = dss.sel({feat_dim: features}) tests_ds = dss[[x for x in dss if 'test' in x]] tests_ds = tests_ds.sel(scoring=scoring) score_ds = tests_ds['test_{}'.format(scoring)] max_score = score_ds.idxmax('outer_kfold').values feats = features.split('+') fn = len(feats) if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, fn, sharey=True, figsize=(17, 5), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1, 4, 4]}) try: axes.flatten() except AttributeError: axes = [axes] for i, f in enumerate(feats): fe = [x for x in dss['feature'].values if f in x] dsf = dss['feature_importances'].sel( feature=fe, outer_kfold=max_score).reset_coords( drop=True) dsf = dsf.to_dataset('scoring').to_dataframe( ).reset_index(drop=True) * 100 title = '{} ({})'.format(f.upper(), scoring)[i], title=title, rot=0, legend=False, zorder=20, width=.8) dsf_sum = dsf.sum().tolist() handles, labels = axes[i].get_legend_handles_labels() labels = [ '{} ({:.1f} %)'.format( x, y) for x, y in zip( labels, dsf_sum)] axes[i].legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, prop={'size': 8}) axes[i].set_ylabel('Feature importance [%]') axes[i].grid(axis='y', zorder=1) if fix_xticklabels: axes[0].xaxis.set_ticklabels('') hrs = np.arange(-24,0) axes[1].set_xticklabels(hrs, rotation = 30, ha="center", fontsize=12) axes[2].set_xticklabels(hrs, rotation = 30, ha="center", fontsize=12) axes[1].set_xlabel('Hours prior to flood') axes[2].set_xlabel('Hours prior to flood') if save: fig.tight_layout() filename = 'RF_feature_importances_{}.png'.format(scoring) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return def plot_feature_importances_for_all_scorings(dss, features='doy+pwv+pressure', model='RF', splitfigs=True): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # station = dss.attrs['pwv_id'].upper() dss = dss.sel(model=model).reset_coords(drop=True) fns = len(features.split('+')) scores = dss['scoring'].values scores1 = ['f1', 'precision', 'recall'] scores2 = ['hss', 'tss', 'accuracy','roc-auc'] if splitfigs: fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(scores1), fns, sharey=True, figsize=(15, 20)) for i, score in enumerate(scores1): plot_feature_importances( dss, features=features, scoring=score, axes=axes[i, :]) fig.suptitle( 'feature importances of {} model'.format(model)) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.935, bottom=0.034, left=0.039, right=0.989, hspace=0.19, wspace=0.027) filename = 'RF_feature_importances_1.png' plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(scores2), fns, sharey=True, figsize=(15, 20)) for i, score in enumerate(scores2): plot_feature_importances( dss, features=features, scoring=score, axes=axes[i, :]) fig.suptitle( 'feature importances of {} model'.format(model)) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.935, bottom=0.034, left=0.039, right=0.989, hspace=0.19, wspace=0.027) filename = 'RF_feature_importances_2.png' plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') else: fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(scores), fns, sharey=True, figsize=(15, 20)) for i, score in enumerate(scores): plot_feature_importances( dss, features=features, scoring=score, axes=axes[i, :]) fig.suptitle( 'feature importances of {} model'.format(model)) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.935, bottom=0.034, left=0.039, right=0.989, hspace=0.19, wspace=0.027) filename = 'RF_feature_importances.png' plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return dss def plot_ROC_curve_from_dss_nested_CV(dss, outer_dim='outer_split', plot_chance=True, color='tab:blue', fontsize=14, plot_legend=True, title=None, ax=None, main_label=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if title is None: title = "Receiver operating characteristic" mean_fpr = dss['FPR'].values mean_tpr = dss['TPR'].mean(outer_dim).values mean_auc = dss['roc_auc_score'].mean().item() if np.isnan(mean_auc): return ValueError std_auc = dss['roc_auc_score'].std().item() field = 'TPR' xlabel = 'False Positive Rate' ylabel = 'True Positive Rate' if main_label is None: main_label = r'Mean ROC (AUC={:.2f}$\pm${:.2f})'.format(mean_auc, std_auc) textstr = '\n'.join(['{}'.format( main_label), r'(AUC={:.2f}$\pm${:.2f})'.format(mean_auc, std_auc)]) main_label = textstr ax.plot(mean_fpr, mean_tpr, color=color, lw=3, alpha=.8, label=main_label) std_tpr = dss[field].std(outer_dim).values n = dss[outer_dim].size tprs_upper = np.minimum(mean_tpr + std_tpr, 1) tprs_lower = np.maximum(mean_tpr - std_tpr, 0) # plot Chance line: if plot_chance: ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--', lw=2, color='r', label='Chance', alpha=.8, zorder=206) stdlabel = r'$\pm$ 1 Std. dev.' stdstr = '\n'.join(['{}'.format(stdlabel), r'({} outer splits)'.format(n)]) ax.fill_between( mean_fpr, tprs_lower, tprs_upper, color='grey', alpha=.2, label=stdstr) ax.grid() ax.set(xlim=[-0.05, 1.05], ylim=[-0.05, 1.05]) # ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) return ax def plot_ROC_PR_curve_from_dss( dss, outer_dim='outer_kfold', inner_dim='inner_kfold', plot_chance=True, ax=None, color='b', title=None, std_on='inner', main_label=None, fontsize=14, plot_type='ROC', plot_std_legend=True): """plot classifier metrics, plot_type=ROC or PR""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if title is None: title = "Receiver operating characteristic" if plot_type == 'ROC': mean_fpr = dss['FPR'].values mean_tpr = dss['TPR'].mean(outer_dim).mean(inner_dim).values mean_auc = dss['roc-auc'].mean().item() if np.isnan(mean_auc): return ValueError std_auc = dss['roc-auc'].std().item() field = 'TPR' xlabel = 'False Positive Rate' ylabel = 'True Positive Rate' elif plot_type == 'PR': mean_fpr = dss['RCLL'].values mean_tpr = dss['PRN'].mean(outer_dim).mean(inner_dim).values mean_auc = dss['pr-auc'].mean().item() if np.isnan(mean_auc): return ValueError std_auc = dss['pr-auc'].std().item() no_skill = dss['no_skill'].mean(outer_dim).mean(inner_dim).item() field = 'PRN' xlabel = 'Recall' ylabel = 'Precision' # plot mean ROC: if main_label is None: main_label = r'Mean {} (AUC={:.2f}$\pm${:.2f})'.format( plot_type, mean_auc, std_auc) else: textstr = '\n'.join(['Mean ROC {}'.format( main_label), r'(AUC={:.2f}$\pm${:.2f})'.format(mean_auc, std_auc)]) main_label = textstr ax.plot(mean_fpr, mean_tpr, color=color, lw=2, alpha=.8, label=main_label) if std_on == 'inner': std_tpr = dss[field].mean(outer_dim).std(inner_dim).values n = dss[inner_dim].size elif std_on == 'outer': std_tpr = dss[field].mean(inner_dim).std(outer_dim).values n = dss[outer_dim].size elif std_on == 'all': std_tpr = dss[field].stack( dumm=[inner_dim, outer_dim]).std('dumm').values n = dss[outer_dim].size * dss[inner_dim].size tprs_upper = np.minimum(mean_tpr + std_tpr, 1) tprs_lower = np.maximum(mean_tpr - std_tpr, 0) # plot Chance line: if plot_chance: if plot_type == 'ROC': ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--', lw=2, color='r', label='Chance', alpha=.8) elif plot_type == 'PR': ax.plot([0, 1], [no_skill, no_skill], linestyle='--', color='r', lw=2, label='No Skill', alpha=.8) # plot ROC STD range: ax.fill_between( mean_fpr, tprs_lower, tprs_upper, color='grey', alpha=.2, label=r'$\pm$ 1 std. dev. ({} {} splits)'.format(n, std_on)) ax.grid() ax.set(xlim=[-0.05, 1.05], ylim=[-0.05, 1.05]) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize) # handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # if not plot_std_legend: # if len(handles) == 7: # handles = handles[:-2] # labels = labels[:-2] # else: # handles = handles[:-1] # labels = labels[:-1] # ax.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, loc="lower right", # fontsize=fontsize) return ax def load_cv_splits_from_pkl(savepath): import joblib from aux_gps import path_glob file = path_glob(savepath, 'CV_inds_*.pkl')[0] n_splits = int(file.as_posix().split('/')[-1].split('_')[2]) shuffle = file.as_posix().split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('=')[-1] cv_dict = joblib.load(file) spl = len([x for x in cv_dict.keys()]) assert spl == n_splits print('loaded {} with {} splits.'.format(file, n_splits)) return cv_dict def save_cv_splits_to_dict(X, y, cv, train_key='train', test_key='test', savepath=None): import joblib cv_dict = {} for i, (train, test) in enumerate(cv.split(X, y)): cv_dict[i+1] = {train_key: train, test_key: test} # check for completness: all_train = [x['train'] for x in cv_dict.values()] flat_train = set([item for sublist in all_train for item in sublist]) all_test = [x['test'] for x in cv_dict.values()] flat_test = set([item for sublist in all_test for item in sublist]) assert flat_test == flat_train if savepath is not None: filename = 'CV_inds_{}_splits_shuffle={}.pkl'.format(cv.n_splits, cv.shuffle) joblib.dump(cv_dict, savepath / filename) print('saved {} to {}.'.format(filename, savepath)) return cv_dict def plot_many_ROC_curves(model, X, y, name='', color='b', ax=None, plot_chance=True, title=None, n_splits=None): from sklearn.metrics import plot_roc_curve import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from sklearn.metrics import f1_score from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve from sklearn.metrics import auc import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if title is None: title = "Receiver operating characteristic" # just plot the ROC curve for X, y, no nsplits and stats: if n_splits is None: viz = plot_roc_curve(model, X, y, color=color, ax=ax, name=name) else: cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=42) tprs = [] aucs = [] mean_fpr = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) for i, (train, val) in enumerate(cv.split(X, y)):[train], y[train]) # y_score =[train], y[train]).predict_proba(X[val])[:, 1] y_pred = model.predict(X[val]) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y[val], y_pred) # viz = plot_roc_curve(model, X[val], y[val], # name='ROC fold {}'.format(i), # alpha=0.3, lw=1, ax=ax) # fpr = viz.fpr # tpr = viz.tpr interp_tpr = np.interp(mean_fpr, fpr, tpr) interp_tpr[0] = 0.0 tprs.append(interp_tpr) aucs.append(roc_auc_score(y[val], y_pred)) # scores.append(f1_score(y[val], y_pred)) # scores = np.array(scores) mean_tpr = np.mean(tprs, axis=0) mean_tpr[-1] = 1.0 mean_auc = auc(mean_fpr, mean_tpr) std_auc = np.std(aucs) ax.plot(mean_fpr, mean_tpr, color=color, label=r'Mean ROC (AUC = %0.2f $\pm$ %0.2f)' % ( mean_auc, std_auc), lw=2, alpha=.8) std_tpr = np.std(tprs, axis=0) tprs_upper = np.minimum(mean_tpr + std_tpr, 1) tprs_lower = np.maximum(mean_tpr - std_tpr, 0) ax.fill_between(mean_fpr, tprs_lower, tprs_upper, color='grey', alpha=.2, label=r'$\pm$ 1 std. dev.') if plot_chance: ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--', lw=2, color='r', label='Chance', alpha=.8) ax.set(xlim=[-0.05, 1.05], ylim=[-0.05, 1.05], title=title) ax.legend(loc="lower right") return ax def HP_tuning(X, y, model_name='SVC', val_size=0.18, n_splits=None, test_size=None, best_score='f1', seed=42, savepath=None): from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold """ do HP tuning with ML_Classfier_Switcher object and return a DataSet of results. note that the X, y are already after split to val/test""" # first get the features from X: features = list(set(['_'.join(x.split('_')[0:2]) for x in X['feature'].values])) ml = ML_Classifier_Switcher() sk_model = ml.pick_model(model_name) param_grid = ml.param_grid if n_splits is None and val_size is not None: n_splits = int((1 // val_size) - 1) elif val_size is not None and n_splits is not None: raise('Both val_size and n_splits are defined, choose either...') print('StratifiedKfolds of {}.'.format(n_splits)) cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True) gr = GridSearchCV(estimator=sk_model, param_grid=param_grid, cv=cv, n_jobs=-1, scoring=['f1', 'roc_auc', 'accuracy'], verbose=1, refit=best_score, return_train_score=True), y) if best_score is not None: ds, best_model = process_gridsearch_results(gr, model_name, features=features, pwv_id=X.attrs['pwv_id'], hs_id=y.attrs['hydro_station_id'], test_size=test_size) else: ds = process_gridsearch_results(gr, model_name, features=features, pwv_id=X.attrs['pwv_id'], hs_id=y.attrs['hydro_station_id'], test_size=test_size) best_model = None if savepath is not None: save_cv_results(ds, best_model=best_model, savepath=savepath) return ds, best_model def save_gridsearchcv_object(GridSearchCV, savepath, filename): import joblib print('{} was saved to {}'.format(filename, savepath)) joblib.dump(GridSearchCV, savepath / filename) return def run_RF_feature_importance_on_all_features(path=hydro_path, gr_path=hydro_ml_path/'holdout'): import xarray as xr from aux_gps import get_all_possible_combinations_from_list feats = get_all_possible_combinations_from_list( ['pwv', 'pressure', 'doy'], reduce_single_list=True, combine_by_sep='+') feat_list = [] for feat in feats: da = holdout_test(model_name='RF', return_RF_FI=True, features=feat) feat_list.append(da) daa = xr.concat(feat_list, 'features') daa['features'] = feats return daa def load_nested_CV_test_results_from_all_models(path=hydro_ml_path, best=False, neg=1, splits=4, permutation=False): from aux_gps import path_glob import xarray as xr if best: if splits is not None: file_str = 'nested_CV_test_results_*_all_features_with_hyper_params_best_hp_neg_{}_{}'.format(neg, splits) if permutation: file_str = 'nested_CV_test_results_*_all_features_permutation_tests_best_hp_neg_{}_{}'.format(neg, splits) else: if splits is not None: file_str = 'nested_CV_test_results_*_all_features_with_hyper_params_neg_{}_{}'.format(neg, splits) if permutation: file_str = 'nested_CV_test_results_*_all_features_permutation_tests_neg_{}_{}'.format(neg, splits) files = path_glob(path, file_str) print(files) models = [x.as_posix().split('/')[-1].split('_')[4] for x in files] print('loading CV test results only for {} models'.format(', '.join(models))) dsl = [xr.load_dataset(x) for x in files] if not permutation: dsl = [x[['mean_score', 'std_score', 'test_score', 'roc_auc_score', 'TPR']] for x in dsl] dss = xr.concat(dsl, 'model') dss['model'] = models return dss # def plot_all_permutation_test_results(dss, feats=None): # import xarray as xr # fg = xr.plot.FacetGrid( # dss, # col='scorer', # row='model', # sharex=True, # sharey=True, figsize=(20, 20)) # for i in range(fg.axes.shape[0]): # i is rows # model = dss['model'].isel(model=i).item() # for j in range(fg.axes.shape[1]): # j is cols # ax = fg.axes[i, j] # scorer = dss['scorer'].isel(scorer=j).item() # ax = plot_single_permutation_test_result(dss, feats=feats, # scorer=scorer, # model=model, # ax=ax) # fg.fig.tight_layout() # return fg def plot_permutation_test_results_from_dss(dss, feats=None, fontsize=14, save=True, wv_label='pwv'): # ax=None, scorer='f1', model='MLP'): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from PW_from_gps_figures import get_legend_labels_handles_title_seaborn_histplot from aux_gps import convert_da_to_long_form_df sns.set_style('whitegrid') sns.set_style('ticks') try: splits = dss['outer_split'].size except KeyError: splits = 5 try: assert 'best' in dss.attrs['comment'] best = True except AssertionError: best = False if 'neg_sample' in dss.dims: neg = dss['neg_sample'].size else: neg = 1 if 'model' not in dss.dims: dss = dss.expand_dims('model') dss['model'] = [dss.attrs['model']] dss = dss.reindex(scorer=scorer_order) # dss = dss.mean('outer_split') cmap = sns.color_palette('tab10', n_colors=3) if feats is None: feats = ['pwv', 'pwv+pressure', 'pwv+pressure+doy'] dss = dss.sortby('model', ascending=False) dst = dss.sel(features=feats) # .reset_coords(drop=True) # df = dst[['permutation_score', 'true_score', 'pvalue']].to_dataframe() # df['permutations'] = df.index.get_level_values(2) # df['scorer'] = df.index.get_level_values(3) # df['features'] = df.index.get_level_values(0) # df['model'] = df.index.get_level_values(1) # df['model'] = df['model'].str.replace('SVC', 'SVM') # df = df.melt(value_vars=['permutation_score', 'true_score', 'pvalue'], id_vars=[ # 'features', 'model', 'scorer'], var_name='scores') df = convert_da_to_long_form_df(dst[['permutation_score', 'true_score', 'pvalue']], var_name='scores') df_p = df[df['scores'] == 'permutation_score'] df_pval = df[df['scores'] == 'pvalue'] # if ax is None: # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 8)) fg = sns.FacetGrid(df_p, col='scorer', row='model', legend_out=True, sharex=False) fg.map_dataframe(sns.histplot, x="value", hue="features", legend=True, palette=cmap, stat='density', kde=True, element='bars', bins=10) # pvals = dst.sel(scorer=scorer, model=model)[ # 'pvalue'].reset_coords(drop=True) # pvals = pvals.values # handles, labels, title = get_legend_labels_handles_title_seaborn_histplot(ax) # new_labels = [] # for pval, label in zip(pvals, labels): # label += ' (p={:.1})'.format(pval) # new_labels.append(label) # ax.legend(handles, new_labels, title=title) df_t = df[df['scores'] == 'true_score'] for i in range(fg.axes.shape[0]): # i is rows model = dss['model'].isel(model=i).item() df_model = df_t[df_t['model'] == model] df_pval_model = df_pval[df_pval['model'] == model] for j in range(fg.axes.shape[1]): # j is cols scorer = dss['scorer'].isel(scorer=j).item() df1 = df_model[df_model['scorer'] == scorer] df2 = df_pval_model[df_pval_model['scorer'] == scorer] ax = fg.axes[i, j] ymax = ax.get_ylim()[-1] - 0.2 plabels = [] for k, feat in enumerate(feats): val = df1[df1['features']==feat]['value'].unique().item() pval = df2[df2['features']==feat]['value'].unique().item() plabels.append('pvalue: {:.2g}'.format(pval)) # print(i, val, feat, scorer, model) ax.axvline(x=val, ymin=0, ymax=ymax, linestyle='--', color=cmap[k], label=feat) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(handles=handles, labels=plabels, prop={'size': fontsize-4}, loc='upper left') if 'hss' in scorer or 'tss' in scorer: ax.set_xlim(-0.35, 1) else: ax.set_xlim(0.15, 1) # ax.set_xticks([0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.1]) # handles, labels, title = get_legend_labels_handles_title_seaborn_histplot(ax) if model == 'SVC': model = 'SVM' title = '{} | scorer={}'.format(model, scorer) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) # ax.set_xlim(-0.3, 1) fg.set_ylabels('Density', fontsize=fontsize) fg.set_xlabels('Score', fontsize=fontsize) if wv_label is not None: labels = [x.replace('pwv', wv_label) for x in labels] fg.fig.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, prop={'size': fontsize}, edgecolor='k', framealpha=0.5, fancybox=True, facecolor='white', ncol=5, fontsize=fontsize, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.005), bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) # true_scores = dst.sel(scorer=scorer, model=model)['true_score'] # dss['permutation_score'].plot.hist(ax=ax, bins=25, color=color) # ymax = ax.get_ylim()[-1] - 0.2 # ax.vlines(x=true_scores.values, ymin=0, ymax=ymax, linestyle='--', color=cmap) fg.fig.tight_layout() fg.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) if save: if best: filename = 'permutation_test_models_nested_CV_best_hp_{}_{}_neg_{}.png'.format('_'.join(feats), splits, neg) else: filename = 'permutation_test_models_nested_CV_{}_{}_neg_{}.png'.format('_'.join(feats), splits, neg) plt.savefig(savefig_path / filename, bbox_inches='tight') return fg def run_CV_nested_tests_on_all_features(path=hydro_path, gr_path=hydro_ml_path/'nested4', verbose=False, model_name='SVC', params=None, savepath=None, drop_hours=None, PI=30, Ptest=None, suffix=None, sample_from_negatives=1): """returns the nested CV test results for all scorers, features and models, if model is chosen, i.e., model='MLP', returns just this model results and its hyper-parameters per each outer split""" import xarray as xr from aux_gps import get_all_possible_combinations_from_list from aux_gps import save_ncfile feats = get_all_possible_combinations_from_list( ['pwv', 'pressure', 'doy'], reduce_single_list=True, combine_by_sep='+') feat_list = [] for feat in feats: print('Running CV on feature {}'.format(feat)) ds = CV_test_after_GridSearchCV(path=path, gr_path=gr_path, model_name=model_name, params=params, features=feat, PI=PI, Ptest=Ptest, verbose=verbose, drop_hours=drop_hours, sample_from_negatives=sample_from_negatives) feat_list.append(ds) dsf = xr.concat(feat_list, 'features') dsf['features'] = feats dss = dsf dss.attrs['model'] = model_name if Ptest is not None: filename = 'nested_CV_test_results_{}_all_features_permutation_tests'.format(model_name) else: filename = 'nested_CV_test_results_{}_all_features_with_hyper_params'.format(model_name) if params is not None: dss.attrs['comment'] = 'using best hyper parameters for all features and outer splits' filename += '_best_hp' filename += '_neg_{}'.format(sample_from_negatives) if suffix is not None: filename += '_{}'.format(suffix) filename += '.nc' if savepath is not None: save_ncfile(dss, savepath, filename) return dss def run_holdout_test_on_all_models_and_features(path=hydro_path, gr_path=hydro_ml_path/'holdout'): import xarray as xr from aux_gps import get_all_possible_combinations_from_list feats = get_all_possible_combinations_from_list( ['pwv', 'pressure', 'doy'], reduce_single_list=True, combine_by_sep='+') models = ['MLP', 'SVC', 'RF'] model_list = [] model_list2 = [] for model in models: feat_list = [] feat_list2 = [] for feat in feats: best, roc = holdout_test(path=path, gr_path=gr_path, model_name=model, features=feat) = 'scorer' ds = best[['mean_score', 'std_score', 'holdout_test_scores']].to_xarray() = 'FPR' roc_da = roc.to_xarray().to_array('scorer') feat_list.append(ds) feat_list2.append(roc_da) dsf = xr.concat(feat_list, 'features') dsf2 = xr.concat(feat_list2, 'features') dsf['features'] = feats dsf2['features'] = feats model_list.append(dsf) model_list2.append(dsf2) dss = xr.concat(model_list, 'model') rocs = xr.concat(model_list2, 'model') dss['model'] = models rocs['model'] = models dss['roc'] = rocs return dss def prepare_X_y_for_holdout_test(features='pwv+doy', model_name='SVC', path=hydro_path, drop_hours=None, negative_samples=1): # combine X,y and split them according to test ratio and seed: X, y = combine_pos_neg_from_nc_file(path, negative_sample_num=negative_samples) # re arange X features according to model: feats = features.split('+') if model_name == 'RF' and 'doy' in feats: if isinstance(feats, list): feats.remove('doy') feats.append('DOY') elif isinstance(feats, str): feats = 'DOY' elif model_name != 'RF' and 'doy' in feats: if isinstance(feats, list): feats.remove('doy') feats.append('doy_sin') feats.append('doy_cos') elif isinstance(feats, str): feats = ['doy_sin'] feats.append('doy_cos') if isinstance(X, list): Xs = [] for X1 in X: Xs.append(select_features_from_X(X1, feats)) X = Xs else: X = select_features_from_X(X, feats) if drop_hours is not None: if isinstance(X, list): Xs = [] for X1 in X: Xs.append(drop_hours_in_pwv_pressure_features(X1, drop_hours, verbose=True)) X = Xs else: X = drop_hours_in_pwv_pressure_features(X, drop_hours, verbose=True) return X, y def CV_test_after_GridSearchCV(path=hydro_path, gr_path=hydro_ml_path/'nested4', model_name='SVC', features='pwv', params=None, verbose=False, drop_hours=None, PI=None, Ptest=None, sample_from_negatives=1): """do cross_validate with all scorers on all gridsearchcv folds, reads the nested outer splits CV file in gr_path""" import xarray as xr import numpy as np # cv = read_cv_params_and_instantiate(gr_path/'CV_outer.csv') cv_dict = load_cv_splits_from_pkl(gr_path) if verbose: print(cv_dict) param_df_dict = load_one_gridsearchcv_object(path=gr_path, cv_type='nested', features=features, model_name=model_name, verbose=verbose) Xs, ys = prepare_X_y_for_holdout_test(features, model_name, path, drop_hours=drop_hours, negative_samples=sample_from_negatives) bests = [] for i, negative_sample in enumerate(np.arange(1, sample_from_negatives + 1)): print('running with negative sample #{} out of {}'.format( negative_sample, sample_from_negatives)) if isinstance(Xs, list): X = Xs[i] y = ys[i] else: X = Xs y = ys if Ptest is not None: print('Permutation Test is in progress!') ds = run_permutation_classifier_test(X, y, 5, param_df_dict, Ptest=Ptest, params=params, model_name=model_name, verbose=verbose) return ds if params is not None: if verbose: print('running with custom hyper parameters: ', params) outer_bests = [] outer_rocs = [] fis = [] pi_means = [] pi_stds = [] n_splits = len([x for x in cv_dict.keys()]) for split, tt in cv_dict.items(): X_train = X[tt['train']] y_train = y[tt['train']] X_test = X[tt['test']] y_test = y[tt['test']] outer_split = '{}-{}'.format(split, n_splits) # for i, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(cv.split(X, y)): # X_train = X[train_index] # y_train = y[train_index] # X_test = X[test_index] # y_test = y[test_index] # outer_split = '{}-{}'.format(i+1, cv.n_splits) best_params_df = param_df_dict.get(outer_split) if params is not None: for key, value in params.items(): if isinstance(value, tuple): for ind in best_params_df.index:[ind, key] = value else: best_params_df[key] = value if model_name == 'RF': if PI is not None: bdf, roc, fi, pi_mean, pi_std = run_test_on_CV_split(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, best_params_df, PI=PI, Ptest=Ptest, model_name=model_name, verbose=verbose) else: bdf, roc, fi = run_test_on_CV_split(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, best_params_df, PI=PI, Ptest=Ptest, model_name=model_name, verbose=verbose) fis.append(fi) else: if PI is not None: bdf, roc, pi_mean, pi_std = run_test_on_CV_split(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, best_params_df, PI=PI, model_name=model_name, verbose=verbose) else: bdf, roc = run_test_on_CV_split(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, best_params_df, PI=PI, model_name=model_name, verbose=verbose) if PI is not None: pi_means.append(pi_mean) pi_stds.append(pi_std) = 'scorer' = 'FPR' if 'hidden_layer_sizes' in bdf.columns: bdf['hidden_layer_sizes'] = bdf['hidden_layer_sizes'].astype(str) bdf_da = bdf.to_xarray() roc_da = roc.to_xarray().to_array('scorer') = 'TPR' outer_bests.append(bdf_da) outer_rocs.append(roc_da) best_da = xr.concat(outer_bests, 'outer_split') roc_da = xr.concat(outer_rocs, 'outer_split') best = xr.merge([best_da, roc_da]) best['outer_split'] = np.arange(1, n_splits + 1) if model_name == 'RF': fi_da = xr.concat(fis, 'outer_split') best['feature_importances'] = fi_da if PI is not None: pi_mean_da = xr.concat(pi_means, 'outer_split') pi_std_da = xr.concat(pi_stds, 'outer_split') best['PI_mean'] = pi_mean_da best['PI_std'] = pi_std_da bests.append(best) if len(bests) == 1: return bests[0] else: best_ds = xr.concat(bests, 'neg_sample') best_ds['neg_sample'] = np.arange(1, sample_from_negatives + 1) return best_ds def run_permutation_classifier_test(X, y, cv, best_params_df, Ptest=100, model_name='SVC', verbose=False, params=None): from sklearn.model_selection import permutation_test_score import xarray as xr import numpy as np def run_one_permutation_test(X=X, y=y, cv=cv, bp_df=best_params_df, model_name=model_name, n_perm=Ptest, verbose=verbose): true_scores = [] pvals = [] perm_scores = [] for scorer in bp_df.index: sk_model = ml.pick_model(model_name) # get best params (drop two last cols since they are not params): b_params = bp_df.T[scorer][:-2].to_dict() if verbose: print('{} scorer, params:{}'.format(scorer, b_params)) true, perm_scrs, pval = permutation_test_score(sk_model, X, y, cv=cv, n_permutations=Ptest, scoring=scorers(scorer), random_state=0, n_jobs=-1) true_scores.append(true) pvals.append(pval) perm_scores.append(perm_scrs) true_da = xr.DataArray(true_scores, dims=['scorer']) true_da['scorer'] = [x for x in bp_df.index.values] = 'true_score' pval_da = xr.DataArray(pvals, dims=['scorer']) pval_da['scorer'] = [x for x in bp_df.index.values] = 'pvalue' perm_da = xr.DataArray(perm_scores, dims=['scorer', 'permutations']) perm_da['scorer'] = [x for x in bp_df.index.values] perm_da['permutations'] = np.arange(1, Ptest+1) = 'permutation_score' ds = xr.merge([true_da, pval_da, perm_da]) return ds ml = ML_Classifier_Switcher() if params is not None: best_p_df = best_params_df['1-{}'.format(len(best_params_df))] for key, value in params.items(): if isinstance(value, tuple): for ind in best_p_df.index:[ind, key] = value else: best_p_df[key] = value dss = run_one_permutation_test(bp_df=best_p_df) else: if verbose: print('Picking {} model with best params'.format(model_name)) splits = [] for i, df in enumerate(best_params_df.values()): if verbose: print('running on split #{}'.format(i+1)) ds = run_one_permutation_test() splits.append(ds) dss = xr.concat(splits, dim='outer_split') dss['outer_split'] = np.arange(1, len(best_params_df)+ 1) return dss def run_test_on_CV_split(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, param_df, model_name='SVC', verbose=False, PI=None, Ptest=None): import numpy as np import xarray as xr import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from sklearn.inspection import permutation_importance best_df = param_df.copy() ml = ML_Classifier_Switcher() if verbose: print('Picking {} model with best params'.format(model_name)) # print('Features are: {}'.format(features)) test_scores = [] fi_list = [] mean_fpr = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) tprs = [] roc_aucs = [] pi_mean_list = [] pi_std_list = [] for scorer in best_df.index: sk_model = ml.pick_model(model_name) # get best params (drop two last cols since they are not params): params = best_df.T[scorer][:-2].to_dict() if verbose: print('{} scorer, params:{}'.format(scorer, params)) sk_model.set_params(**params), y_train) if hasattr(sk_model, 'feature_importances_'): # print(X_train['feature']) # input('press any key') FI = xr.DataArray(sk_model.feature_importances_, dims=['feature']) FI['feature'] = X_train['feature'] fi_list.append(FI) y_pred = sk_model.predict(X_test) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred) interp_tpr = np.interp(mean_fpr, fpr, tpr) interp_tpr[0] = 0.0 roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred) roc_aucs.append(roc_auc) tprs.append(interp_tpr) score = scorer_function(scorer, y_test, y_pred) test_scores.append(score) if PI is not None: pi = permutation_importance(sk_model, X_test, y_test, n_repeats=PI, scoring=scorers(scorer), random_state=0, n_jobs=-1) pi_mean = xr.DataArray(pi['importances_mean'], dims='feature') pi_std = xr.DataArray(pi['importances_std'], dims='feature') = 'PI_mean' = 'PI_std' pi_mean['feature'] = X_train['feature'] pi_std['feature'] = X_train['feature'] pi_mean_list.append(pi_mean) pi_std_list.append(pi_std) if PI is not None: pi_mean_da = xr.concat(pi_mean_list, 'scorer') pi_std_da = xr.concat(pi_std_list, 'scorer') pi_mean_da['scorer'] = [x for x in best_df.index.values] pi_std_da['scorer'] = [x for x in best_df.index.values] roc_df = pd.DataFrame(tprs).T roc_df.columns = [x for x in best_df.index] roc_df.index = mean_fpr best_df['test_score'] = test_scores best_df['roc_auc_score'] = roc_aucs if hasattr(sk_model, 'feature_importances_'): fi = xr.concat(fi_list, 'scorer') fi['scorer'] = [x for x in best_df.index.values] if PI is not None: return best_df, roc_df, fi, pi_mean_da, pi_std_da else: return best_df, roc_df, fi elif PI is not None: return best_df, roc_df, pi_mean_da, pi_std_da else: return best_df, roc_df def holdout_test(path=hydro_path, gr_path=hydro_ml_path/'holdout', model_name='SVC', features='pwv', return_RF_FI=False, verbose=False): """do a holdout test with best model from gridsearchcv with all scorers""" from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score import xarray as xr import pandas as pd import numpy as np # process gridsearchcv results: best_df, test_ratio, seed = load_one_gridsearchcv_object(path=gr_path, cv_type='holdout', features=features, model_name=model_name, verbose=False) print('Using random seed of {} and {}% test ratio'.format(seed, test_ratio)) ts = int(test_ratio) / 100 X, y = prepare_X_y_for_holdout_test(features, model_name, path) # split using test_size and seed: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=ts, random_state=int(seed), stratify=y) if verbose: print('y train pos/neg:{}, {}'.format((y_train==1).sum().item(),(y_train==0).sum().item())) print('y test pos/neg:{}, {}'.format((y_test==1).sum().item(),(y_test==0).sum().item())) # pick model and set the params to best from gridsearchcv: ml = ML_Classifier_Switcher() print('Picking {} model with best params'.format(model_name)) print('Features are: {}'.format(features)) test_scores = [] fi_list = [] mean_fpr = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) tprs = [] roc_aucs = [] for scorer in best_df.index: sk_model = ml.pick_model(model_name) # get best params (drop two last cols since they are not params): params = best_df.T[scorer][:-2].to_dict() if verbose: print('{} scorer, params:{}'.format(scorer, params)) sk_model.set_params(**params), y_train) if hasattr(sk_model, 'feature_importances_'): FI = xr.DataArray(sk_model.feature_importances_, dims=['feature']) FI['feature'] = X_train['feature'] fi_list.append(FI) y_pred = sk_model.predict(X_test) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred) interp_tpr = np.interp(mean_fpr, fpr, tpr) interp_tpr[0] = 0.0 roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred) roc_aucs.append(roc_auc) tprs.append(interp_tpr) score = scorer_function(scorer, y_test, y_pred) test_scores.append(score) roc_df = pd.DataFrame(tprs).T roc_df.columns = [x for x in best_df.index] roc_df.index = mean_fpr best_df['holdout_test_scores'] = test_scores best_df['roc_auc_score'] = roc_aucs if fi_list and return_RF_FI: da = xr.concat(fi_list, 'scorer') da['scorer'] = best_df.index.values = 'RF_feature_importances' return da return best_df, roc_df def load_one_gridsearchcv_object(path=hydro_ml_path, cv_type='holdout', features='pwv', model_name='SVC', verbose=True): """load one gridsearchcv obj with model_name and features and run read_one_gridsearchcv_object""" from aux_gps import path_glob import joblib # first filter for model name: if verbose: print('loading GridsearchCVs results for {} model with {} cv type'.format(model_name, cv_type)) model_files = path_glob(path, 'GRSRCHCV_{}_*.pkl'.format(cv_type)) model_files = [x for x in model_files if model_name in x.as_posix()] # now select features: if verbose: print('loading GridsearchCVs results with {} features'.format(features)) model_features = [x.as_posix().split('/')[-1].split('_')[3] for x in model_files] feat_ind = get_feature_set_from_list(model_features, features) # also get the test ratio and seed number: if len(feat_ind) > 1: if verbose: print('found {} GR objects.'.format(len(feat_ind))) files = sorted([model_files[x] for x in feat_ind]) outer_splits = [x.as_posix().split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[-3] for x in files] grs = [joblib.load(x) for x in files] best_dfs = [read_one_gridsearchcv_object(x) for x in grs] di = dict(zip(outer_splits, best_dfs)) return di else: file = model_files[feat_ind] seed = file.as_posix().split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[-1] outer_splits = file.as_posix().split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[-3] # load and produce best_df: gr = joblib.load(file) best_df = read_one_gridsearchcv_object(gr) return best_df, outer_splits, seed def get_feature_set_from_list(model_features_list, features, sep='+'): """select features from model_features_list, return the index in the model_features_list and the entry itself""" # first find if features is a single or multiple features: if isinstance(features, str) and sep not in features: try: ind = [i for i, e in enumerate(model_features_list) if e == features] # ind = model_features_list.index(features) except ValueError: raise ValueError('{} is not in {}'.format(features, ', '.join(model_features_list))) elif isinstance(features, str) and sep in features: features_split = features.split(sep) mf = [x.split(sep) for x in model_features_list] bool_list = [set(features_split) == (set(x)) for x in mf] ind = [i for i, x in enumerate(bool_list) if x] # print(len(ind)) # ind = ind[0] # feat = model_features_list[ind] # feat = model_features_list[ind] return ind def read_one_gridsearchcv_object(gr): """read one gridsearchcv multimetric object and get the best params, best mean/std scores""" import pandas as pd # first get all the scorers used: scorers = [x for x in gr.scorer_.keys()] # now loop over the scorers: best_params = [] best_mean_scores = [] best_std_scores = [] for scorer in scorers: df_mean = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(gr.cv_results_["params"]), pd.DataFrame( gr.cv_results_["mean_test_{}".format(scorer)], columns=[scorer])], axis=1) df_std = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(gr.cv_results_["params"]), pd.DataFrame( gr.cv_results_["std_test_{}".format(scorer)], columns=[scorer])], axis=1) # best index = highest score: best_ind = df_mean[scorer].idxmax() best_mean_scores.append(df_mean.iloc[best_ind][scorer]) best_std_scores.append(df_std.iloc[best_ind][scorer]) best_params.append(df_mean.iloc[best_ind].to_frame().T.iloc[:, :-1]) best_df = pd.concat(best_params) best_df['mean_score'] = best_mean_scores best_df['std_score'] = best_std_scores best_df.index = scorers return best_df # # param grid dict: # params = gr.param_grid # # scorer names: # scoring = [x for x in gr.scoring.keys()] # # df: # df = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(gr.cv_results_) # # produce multiindex from param_grid dict: # param_names = [x for x in params.keys()] # # unpack param_grid vals to list of lists: # pro = [[y for y in x] for x in params.values()] # ind = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((pro), names=param_names) # df.index = ind # best_params = [] # best_mean_scores = [] # best_std_scores = [] # for scorer in scoring: # best_params.append(df[df['rank_test_{}'.format(scorer)]==1]['mean_test_{}'.format(scorer)].index[0]) # best_mean_scores.append(df[df['rank_test_{}'.format(scorer)]==1]['mean_test_{}'.format(scorer)].iloc[0]) # best_std_scores.append(df[df['rank_test_{}'.format(scorer)]==1]['std_test_{}'.format(scorer)].iloc[0]) # best_df = pd.DataFrame(best_params, index=scoring, columns=param_names) # best_df['mean_score'] = best_mean_scores # best_df['std_score'] = best_std_scores # return best_df, best_df_1 def process_gridsearch_results(GridSearchCV, model_name, split_dim='inner_kfold', features=None, pwv_id=None, hs_id=None, test_size=None): import xarray as xr import pandas as pd import numpy as np # finish getting best results from all scorers togather """takes GridSreachCV object with cv_results and xarray it into dataarray""" params = GridSearchCV.param_grid scoring = GridSearchCV.scoring results = GridSearchCV.cv_results_ # for scorer in scoring: # for sample in ['train', 'test']: # sample_score_mean = results['mean_{}_{}'.format(sample, scorer)] # sample_score_std = results['std_{}_{}'.format(sample, scorer)] # best_index = np.nonzero(results['rank_test_{}'.format(scorer)] == 1)[0][0] # best_score = results['mean_test_{}'.format(scorer)][best_index] names = [x for x in params.keys()] # unpack param_grid vals to list of lists: pro = [[y for y in x] for x in params.values()] ind = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((pro), names=names) # result_names = [x for x in GridSearchCV.cv_results_.keys() if 'split' # not in x and 'time' not in x and 'param' not in x and # 'rank' not in x] result_names = [ x for x in results.keys() if 'param' not in x] ds = xr.Dataset() for da_name in result_names: da = xr.DataArray(results[da_name]) ds[da_name] = da ds = ds.assign(dim_0=ind).unstack('dim_0') for dim in ds.dims: if ds[dim].dtype == 'O': try: ds[dim] = ds[dim].astype(str) except ValueError: ds = ds.assign_coords({dim: [str(x) for x in ds[dim].values]}) if ('True' in ds[dim]) and ('False' in ds[dim]): ds[dim] = ds[dim] == 'True' # get all splits data and concat them along number of splits: all_splits = [x for x in ds.data_vars if 'split' in x] train_splits = [x for x in all_splits if 'train' in x] test_splits = [x for x in all_splits if 'test' in x] # loop over scorers: trains = [] tests = [] for scorer in scoring: train_splits_scorer = [x for x in train_splits if scorer in x] trains.append(xr.concat([ds[x] for x in train_splits_scorer], split_dim)) test_splits_scorer = [x for x in test_splits if scorer in x] tests.append(xr.concat([ds[x] for x in test_splits_scorer], split_dim)) splits_scorer = np.arange(1, len(train_splits_scorer) + 1) train_splits = xr.concat(trains, 'scoring') test_splits = xr.concat(tests, 'scoring') # splits = [x for x in range(len(train_splits))] # train_splits = xr.concat([ds[x] for x in train_splits], 'split') # test_splits = xr.concat([ds[x] for x in test_splits], 'split') # replace splits data vars with newly dataarrays: ds = ds[[x for x in ds.data_vars if x not in all_splits]] ds['split_train_score'] = train_splits ds['split_test_score'] = test_splits ds[split_dim] = splits_scorer if isinstance(scoring, list): ds['scoring'] = scoring elif isinstance(scoring, dict): ds['scoring'] = [x for x in scoring.keys()] ds.attrs['name'] = 'CV_results' ds.attrs['param_names'] = names ds.attrs['model_name'] = model_name ds.attrs['{}_splits'.format(split_dim)] = ds[split_dim].size if GridSearchCV.refit: if hasattr(GridSearchCV.best_estimator_, 'feature_importances_'): f_import = xr.DataArray( GridSearchCV.best_estimator_.feature_importances_, dims=['feature']) f_import['feature'] = features ds['feature_importances'] = f_import ds['best_score'] = GridSearchCV.best_score_ # ds['best_model'] = GridSearchCV.best_estimator_ ds.attrs['refitted_scorer'] = GridSearchCV.refit for name in names: if isinstance(GridSearchCV.best_params_[name], tuple): GridSearchCV.best_params_[name] = ','.join( map(str, GridSearchCV.best_params_[name])) ds['best_{}'.format(name)] = GridSearchCV.best_params_[name] return ds, GridSearchCV.best_estimator_ else: return ds, None def save_cv_results(cvr, savepath=hydro_path): from aux_gps import save_ncfile features = '+'.join(cvr.attrs['features']) # pwv_id = cvr.attrs['pwv_id'] # hs_id = cvr.attrs['hs_id'] # neg_pos_ratio = cvr.attrs['neg_pos_ratio'] ikfolds = cvr.attrs['inner_kfold_splits'] okfolds = cvr.attrs['outer_kfold_splits'] name = cvr.attrs['model_name'] refitted_scorer = cvr.attrs['refitted_scorer'].replace('_', '-') # filename = 'CVR_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.nc'.format(pwv_id, hs_id, # name, features, refitted_scorer, ikfolds, okfolds, neg_pos_ratio) filename = 'CVR_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.nc'.format( name, features, refitted_scorer, ikfolds, okfolds) save_ncfile(cvr, savepath, filename) return def scikit_fit_predict(X, y, seed=42, with_pressure=True, n_splits=7, plot=True): # step1: CV for train/val (80% from 80-20 test). display results with # model and scores(AUC, f1), use StratifiedKFold # step 2: use validated model with test (20%) and build ROC curve # step 3: add features (pressure) but check for correlation # check permutations with scikit learn from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis, QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis from sklearn.metrics import f1_score from sklearn.metrics import plot_roc_curve from sklearn.svm import SVC from numpy import interp from sklearn.metrics import auc import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneOut from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold if not with_pressure: just_pw = [x for x in X.feature.values if 'pressure' not in x] X = X.sel(feature=just_pw) X_tt, X_test, y_tt, y_test = train_test_split( X, y, test_size=0.2, shuffle=True, random_state=seed) cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=seed) # cv = LeaveOneOut() classifier = SVC(kernel='rbf', probability=False, random_state=seed) # classifier = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis() # clf = QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis() scores = [] fig, ax = plt.subplots() tprs = [] aucs = [] mean_fpr = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) for i, (train, val) in enumerate(cv.split(X_tt, y_tt)): # for i in range(100): # X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split( # X_tt, y_tt, shuffle=True, test_size=0.5, random_state=i) #, y_train)[train], y_tt[train]) # viz = plot_roc_curve(clf, X_val, y_val, # name='ROC run {}'.format(i), # alpha=0.3, lw=1, ax=ax) viz = plot_roc_curve(classifier, X_tt[val], y_tt[val], name='ROC fold {}'.format(i), alpha=0.3, lw=1, ax=ax) interp_tpr = interp(mean_fpr, viz.fpr, viz.tpr) interp_tpr[0] = 0.0 tprs.append(interp_tpr) # aucs.append(viz.roc_auc) # y_pred = clf.predict(X_val) y_pred = classifier.predict(X_tt[val]) aucs.append(roc_auc_score(y_tt[val], y_pred)) # scores.append(clf.score(X_val, y_val)) scores.append(f1_score(y_tt[val], y_pred)) scores = np.array(scores) ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--', lw=2, color='r', label='Chance', alpha=.8) mean_tpr = np.mean(tprs, axis=0) mean_tpr[-1] = 1.0 mean_auc = auc(mean_fpr, mean_tpr) std_auc = np.std(aucs) ax.plot(mean_fpr, mean_tpr, color='b', label=r'Mean ROC (AUC = %0.2f $\pm$ %0.2f)' % (mean_auc, std_auc), lw=2, alpha=.8) std_tpr = np.std(tprs, axis=0) tprs_upper = np.minimum(mean_tpr + std_tpr, 1) tprs_lower = np.maximum(mean_tpr - std_tpr, 0) ax.fill_between(mean_fpr, tprs_lower, tprs_upper, color='grey', alpha=.2, label=r'$\pm$ 1 std. dev.') ax.set(xlim=[-0.05, 1.05], ylim=[-0.05, 1.05], title="Receiver operating characteristic example") ax.legend(loc="lower right") ax.set_title( 'ROC curve for KFold={}, with pressure anomalies.'.format(n_splits)) if not with_pressure: ax.set_title( 'ROC curve for KFold={}, without pressure anomalies.'.format(n_splits)) y_test_predict = classifier.predict(X_test) print('final test predict score:') print(f1_score(y_test, y_test_predict)) if plot: plt.figure() plt.hist(scores, bins=15, edgecolor='k') return scores #,y) def produce_X_y_from_list(pw_stations=['drag', 'dsea', 'elat'], hs_ids=[48125, 48199, 60170], pressure_station='bet-dagan', max_flow=0, window=25, neg_pos_ratio=1, path=work_yuval, ims_path=ims_path, hydro_path=hydro_path, concat_Xy=False): if isinstance(hs_ids, int): hs_ids = [hs_ids for x in range(len(pw_stations))] kwargs = locals() [kwargs.pop(x) for x in ['pw_stations', 'hs_ids', 'concat_Xy']] Xs = [] ys = [] for pw_station, hs_id in list(zip(pw_stations, hs_ids)): X, y = produce_X_y(pw_station, hs_id, **kwargs) Xs.append(X) ys.append(y) if concat_Xy: print('concatenating pwv stations {}, with hydro_ids {}.'.format( pw_stations, hs_ids)) X, y = concat_X_y(Xs, ys) return X, y else: return Xs, ys def concat_X_y(Xs, ys): import xarray as xr import pandas as pd X_attrs = [x.attrs for x in Xs] X_com_attrs = dict(zip(pd.DataFrame(X_attrs).T.index.values, pd.DataFrame(X_attrs).T.values.tolist())) y_attrs = [x.attrs for x in ys] y_com_attrs = dict(zip(
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import altair as alt import altair_saver import glob import os import copy import collections import traceback import json # ---------------- Plot themes ------------------------ def personal(): return { 'config': { 'font': 'sans-serif', 'view': { 'height': 300, 'width': 400, }, 'range': { 'category': {'scheme': 'set2'}, 'ordinal': {'scheme': 'plasma'}, }, 'legend': { 'labelLimit': 0, }, 'background': 'white', 'mark': { 'clip': True, }, 'line': { 'size': 3, # 'opacity': 0.4 }, } } def publication(): stroke_color = '333' title_size = 24 label_size = 20 line_width = 5 return { 'config': { 'font': 'sans-serif', 'view': { 'height': 500, 'width': 600, 'strokeWidth': 0, 'background': 'white', }, 'title': { 'fontSize': title_size, }, 'range': { 'category': {'scheme': 'set2'}, 'ordinal': {'scheme': 'plasma'}, }, 'axis': { 'titleFontSize': title_size, 'labelFontSize': label_size, 'grid': False, 'domainWidth': 5, 'domainColor': stroke_color, 'tickWidth': 3, 'tickSize': 9, 'tickCount': 4, 'tickColor': stroke_color, 'tickOffset': 0, }, 'legend': { 'titleFontSize': title_size, 'labelFontSize': label_size, 'labelLimit': 0, 'titleLimit': 0, 'orient': 'top-left', # 'padding': 10, 'titlePadding': 10, # 'rowPadding': 5, 'fillColor': '#ffffff88', # 'strokeColor': 'black', 'cornerRadius': 0, }, 'rule': { 'size': 3, 'color': '999', # 'strokeDash': [4, 4], }, 'line': { 'size': line_width, # 'opacity': 0.4 }, } } alt.themes.register('personal', personal) alt.themes.register('publication', publication) # ----------- Data loading ----------------------------- def load_args(path): with open(path + '/args.json') as f: args = json.load(f) return args def merge_args(df, args_dict): df = df.copy() for k, v in args_dict.items(): df[k] = v return df def load_jobs(pattern, subdir='exploration', root='.', title=None): jobs = glob.glob(f'{root}/results/{subdir}/{pattern}') results = [] for job in jobs: try: name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(job)) train_data = pd.read_csv(job + '/train.csv') train_data['test'] = False test_data = pd.read_csv(job + '/test.csv') test_data['test'] = True data = pd.concat([train_data, test_data], sort=False) data['name'] = name args_dict = load_args(job) data = merge_args(data, args_dict) results.append(data) except Exception as e: print(e) df =
pd.concat(results, sort=False)
# pylint: disable-msg=E1101,W0612 from datetime import datetime, timedelta import os import operator import unittest import cStringIO as StringIO import nose from numpy import nan import numpy as np import as ma from pandas import Index, Series, TimeSeries, DataFrame, isnull, notnull from pandas.core.index import MultiIndex import pandas.core.datetools as datetools from pandas.util import py3compat from pandas.util.testing import assert_series_equal, assert_almost_equal import pandas.util.testing as tm #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Series test cases JOIN_TYPES = ['inner', 'outer', 'left', 'right'] class CheckNameIntegration(object): def test_scalarop_preserve_name(self): result = self.ts * 2 self.assertEquals(, def test_copy_name(self): result = self.ts.copy() self.assertEquals(, # def test_copy_index_name_checking(self): # # don't want to be able to modify the index stored elsewhere after # # making a copy # = None # cp = self.ts.copy() # = 'foo' # self.assert_( is None) def test_append_preserve_name(self): result = self.ts[:5].append(self.ts[5:]) self.assertEquals(, def test_binop_maybe_preserve_name(self): # names match, preserve result = self.ts * self.ts self.assertEquals(, result = self.ts * self.ts[:-2] self.assertEquals(, # names don't match, don't preserve cp = self.ts.copy() = 'something else' result = self.ts + cp self.assert_( is None) def test_combine_first_name(self): result = self.ts.combine_first(self.ts[:5]) self.assertEquals(, def test_getitem_preserve_name(self): result = self.ts[self.ts > 0] self.assertEquals(, result = self.ts[[0, 2, 4]] self.assertEquals(, result = self.ts[5:10] self.assertEquals(, def test_multilevel_name_print(self): index = MultiIndex(levels=[['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux'], ['one', 'two', 'three']], labels=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]], names=['first', 'second']) s = Series(range(0,len(index)), index=index, name='sth') expected = ["first second", "foo one 0", " two 1", " three 2", "bar one 3", " two 4", "baz two 5", " three 6", "qux one 7", " two 8", " three 9", "Name: sth"] expected = "\n".join(expected) self.assertEquals(repr(s), expected) def test_multilevel_preserve_name(self): index = MultiIndex(levels=[['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux'], ['one', 'two', 'three']], labels=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]], names=['first', 'second']) s = Series(np.random.randn(len(index)), index=index, name='sth') result = s['foo'] result2 = s.ix['foo'] self.assertEquals(, self.assertEquals(, def test_name_printing(self): # test small series s = Series([0, 1, 2]) = "test" self.assert_("Name: test" in repr(s)) = None self.assert_(not "Name:" in repr(s)) # test big series (diff code path) s = Series(range(0,1000)) = "test" self.assert_("Name: test" in repr(s)) = None self.assert_(not "Name:" in repr(s)) def test_pickle_preserve_name(self): unpickled = self._pickle_roundtrip(self.ts) self.assertEquals(, def _pickle_roundtrip(self, obj):'__tmp__') unpickled = Series.load('__tmp__') os.remove('__tmp__') return unpickled def test_argsort_preserve_name(self): result = self.ts.argsort() self.assertEquals(, def test_sort_index_name(self): result = self.ts.sort_index(ascending=False) self.assertEquals(, def test_to_sparse_pass_name(self): result = self.ts.to_sparse() self.assertEquals(, class SafeForSparse(object): pass class TestSeries(unittest.TestCase, CheckNameIntegration): def setUp(self): self.ts = tm.makeTimeSeries() = 'ts' self.series = tm.makeStringSeries() = 'series' self.objSeries = tm.makeObjectSeries() = 'objects' self.empty = Series([], index=[]) def test_constructor(self): # Recognize TimeSeries self.assert_(isinstance(self.ts, TimeSeries)) # Pass in Series derived = Series(self.ts) self.assert_(isinstance(derived, TimeSeries)) self.assert_(tm.equalContents(derived.index, self.ts.index)) # Ensure new index is not created self.assertEquals(id(self.ts.index), id(derived.index)) # Pass in scalar scalar = Series(0.5) self.assert_(isinstance(scalar, float)) # Mixed type Series mixed = Series(['hello', np.NaN], index=[0, 1]) self.assert_(mixed.dtype == np.object_) self.assert_(mixed[1] is np.NaN) self.assert_(not isinstance(self.empty, TimeSeries)) self.assert_(not isinstance(Series({}), TimeSeries)) self.assertRaises(Exception, Series, np.random.randn(3, 3), index=np.arange(3)) def test_constructor_empty(self): empty = Series() empty2 = Series([]) assert_series_equal(empty, empty2) empty = Series(index=range(10)) empty2 = Series(np.nan, index=range(10))
assert_series_equal(empty, empty2)
# BUG: Regression on DataFrame.from_records #42456 from numpy import ( array, empty, ) import pandas as pd print(pd.__version__) structured_dtype = [("prop", int)] # Does NOT work any more result = empty((0, len(structured_dtype))) structured_array = array(result, dtype=structured_dtype) result =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Apr 22 14:50:25 2021 @author: <NAME> """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation from keras.layers import LSTM, Bidirectional, GRU from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM from sklearn.utils import shuffle import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math data1 = pd.read_csv("B05_birlestirilmis.csv") data2 = pd.read_csv("B07_birlestirilmis.csv") data3 = pd.read_csv("B18_birlestirilmis.csv") data4 = pd.read_csv("B33_birlestirilmis.csv") data5 = pd.read_csv("B34_birlestirilmis.csv") data6 = pd.read_csv("B46_birlestirilmis.csv") data7 = pd.read_csv("B47_birlestirilmis.csv") data8 = pd.read_csv("B48_birlestirilmis.csv") X1=data1.iloc[:,0:31] Y1=data1.iloc[:,30:31] X2=data2.iloc[:,0:31] Y2=data2.iloc[:,30:31] X3=data3.iloc[:,0:31] Y3=data3.iloc[:,30:31] X4=data4.iloc[:,0:31] Y4=data4.iloc[:,30:31] X5=data5.iloc[:,0:31] Y5=data5.iloc[:,30:31] X6=data6.iloc[:,0:31] Y6=data6.iloc[:,30:31] X7=data7.iloc[:,0:31] Y7=data7.iloc[:,30:31] X8=data8.iloc[:,0:31] Y8=data8.iloc[:,30:31] #verilerin egitim ve test icin bolunmesi from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split trX1, teX1,trY1,teY1 = train_test_split(X1,Y1,test_size=0.20, random_state=0) trX2, teX2,trY2,teY2 = train_test_split(X2,Y2,test_size=0.20, random_state=0) trX3, teX3,trY3,teY3 = train_test_split(X3,Y3,test_size=0.20, random_state=0) trX4, teX4,trY4,teY4 = train_test_split(X4,Y4,test_size=0.20, random_state=0) trX5, teX5,trY5,teY5 = train_test_split(X5,Y5,test_size=0.20, random_state=0) trX6, teX6,trY6,teY6 = train_test_split(X6,Y6,test_size=0.20, random_state=0) trX7, teX7,trY7,teY7 = train_test_split(X7,Y7,test_size=0.20, random_state=0) trX8, teX8,trY8,teY8 = train_test_split(X8,Y8,test_size=0.20, random_state=0) tesX1=pd.DataFrame(teX1).sort_index() tesY1=pd.DataFrame(teY1).sort_index() tesX2=pd.DataFrame(teX2).sort_index() tesY2=pd.DataFrame(teY2).sort_index() tesX3=pd.DataFrame(teX3).sort_index() tesY3=pd.DataFrame(teY3).sort_index() tesX4=pd.DataFrame(teX4).sort_index() tesY4=pd.DataFrame(teY4).sort_index() tesX5=pd.DataFrame(teX5).sort_index() tesY5=pd.DataFrame(teY5).sort_index() tesX6=pd.DataFrame(teX6).sort_index() tesY6=pd.DataFrame(teY6).sort_index() tesX7=pd.DataFrame(teX7).sort_index() tesY7=pd.DataFrame(teY7).sort_index() tesX8=pd.DataFrame(teX8).sort_index() tesY8=pd.DataFrame(teY8).sort_index() trainX1=pd.DataFrame(trX1).sort_index() trainY1=pd.DataFrame(trY1).sort_index() trainX2=pd.DataFrame(trX2).sort_index() trainY2=pd.DataFrame(trY2).sort_index() trainX3=pd.DataFrame(trX3).sort_index() trainY3=pd.DataFrame(trY3).sort_index() trainX4=pd.DataFrame(trX4).sort_index() trainY4=pd.DataFrame(trY4).sort_index() trainX5=pd.DataFrame(trX5).sort_index() trainY5=pd.DataFrame(trY5).sort_index() trainX6=pd.DataFrame(trX6).sort_index() trainY6=pd.DataFrame(trY6).sort_index() trainX7=pd.DataFrame(trX7).sort_index() trainY7=pd.DataFrame(trY7).sort_index() trainX8=pd.DataFrame(trX8).sort_index() trainY8=
from dask import delayed from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster from dask_jobqueue import SLURMCluster import glob import pickle import numpy as np import scipy.stats import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from metric_hse import HSEMetric cluster = SLURMCluster(memory='2g', cores=1, queue='short', walltime="03:00:00", job_extra=['--job-name="simworker"', "--output=/users/d/m/dmatthe1/job_logs/dask-%x-%A.txt"]) cluster.scale(30) client = Client(cluster) def investigate(x, y): """x and y are observations of X and Y""" assert x.shape == y.shape, "Can't do mutual information on observations of different length" xy = np.c_[x, y] # a faster way of doing xy = zip(x,y) and turn to array vals_x, counts_x = np.unique(x, return_counts=True, axis=0) vals_y, counts_y = np.unique(y, return_counts=True, axis=0) vals_xy, counts_xy = np.unique(xy, return_counts=True, axis=0) # H(X) Hx = scipy.stats.entropy(counts_x, base=2) # H(Y) Hy = scipy.stats.entropy(counts_y, base=2) # H(X,Y) Hxy = scipy.stats.entropy(counts_xy, base=2) # H(Y|X) Hy_given_x = Hxy - Hx # H(X|Y) Hx_given_y = Hxy - Hy # I(X;Y) MI_xy = Hy - Hy_given_x return (min(Hx, Hy), Hx + Hy , Hx, Hy, Hxy, Hy_given_x, Hx_given_y, MI_xy, MI_xy/min(Hx, Hy)) def process_data_HSE(fname): seed_id = int(fname[fname.find("steps_")+6:-6]) # read from disk data = pickle.load(open(fname, "rb")) # reshape to (time, vid, states) data = data.reshape((data.shape[0], -1, 4)) n_steps_full = data.shape[0] n_steps = 100 step_size = n_steps_full//n_steps entropies = np.zeros(shape=(n_steps, 3)) entropies[:, 0] = seed_id h = HSEMetric(None) row_idx = 0 for row_idx in range(n_steps): entropies[row_idx, 1] = row_idx*step_size entropies[row_idx, 2] = h.get_metric_no_world(data[row_idx*step_size, :, :2])["HSE"] return entropies def process_data_MI(fname, nbins): # read from disk data = pickle.load(open(fname, "rb")) # reshape to (time, vid, states) data = data.reshape((data.shape[0], -1, 4)) # bin to nbins binned_data = (data * nbins).astype( velocity_binned_data = binned_data[:,:,2] n_vehicles = velocity_binned_data.shape[1] all_entropies = np.zeros(shape=((n_vehicles*(n_vehicles-1))//2, 12)) row_id = 0 seed_id = int(fname[fname.find("steps_")+6:-6]) for v_id_a in range(n_vehicles): x_series = velocity_binned_data[:, v_id_a] for v_id_b in range(v_id_a+1, n_vehicles): y_series = velocity_binned_data[:, v_id_b] row_dat = investigate(x_series, y_series) all_entropies[row_id, 3:] = row_dat all_entropies[row_id, :3] = (seed_id, v_id_a, v_id_b) row_id += 1 return all_entropies, np.mean(all_entropies, axis=0) def process_data_PI(fname, nbins): # read from disk data = pickle.load(open(fname, "rb")) # reshape to (time, vid, states) data = data.reshape((data.shape[0], -1, 4)) # bin to nbins binned_data = (data * nbins).astype( velocity_binned_data = binned_data[:,:,2] n_vehicles = velocity_binned_data.shape[1] n_steps = velocity_binned_data.shape[0] all_entropies = np.zeros(shape=(n_vehicles, 11)) row_id = 0 seed_id = int(fname[fname.find("steps_")+6:-6]) for v_id_a in range(n_vehicles): x_series = velocity_binned_data[:n_steps//2, v_id_a] y_series = velocity_binned_data[n_steps//2:, v_id_a] assert len(x_series) == len(y_series) row_dat = investigate(x_series, y_series) all_entropies[row_id, 2:] = row_dat all_entropies[row_id, :2] = (seed_id, v_id_a) row_id += 1 return all_entropies, np.mean(all_entropies, axis=0) def process_data_PI_temporal(fname, nbins): # read from disk data = pickle.load(open(fname, "rb")) # reshape to (time, vid, states) data = data.reshape((data.shape[0], -1, 4)) # bin to nbins binned_data = (data * nbins).astype( velocity_binned_data = binned_data[:,:,2] n_vehicles = velocity_binned_data.shape[1] n_steps = velocity_binned_data.shape[0] history_length = 1000 data_points = ((n_steps//history_length) - 1)*10 step_size = history_length//10 all_entropies = np.zeros(shape=(data_points, 12)) seed_id = int(fname[fname.find("steps_")+6:-6]) for t_idx in range(data_points): for v_id_a in range(n_vehicles): x_series = velocity_binned_data[(t_idx)*step_size : (t_idx+1)*step_size, v_id_a] y_series = velocity_binned_data[(t_idx+1)*step_size : (t_idx+2)*step_size, v_id_a] assert len(x_series) == len(y_series) row_dat = investigate(x_series, y_series) all_entropies[t_idx, 3:] = row_dat all_entropies[t_idx, :3] = (seed_id, t_idx*step_size, v_id_a) return all_entropies, np.mean(all_entropies, axis=0) def main(client, fnames, nbins): results_MI = [] results_HSE = [] results_PI = [] results_PI_temporal = [] for fname in fnames: results_MI.append(delayed(process_data_MI)(fname, nbins)) for fname in fnames: results_HSE.append(delayed(process_data_HSE)(fname)) for fname in fnames: results_PI.append(delayed(process_data_PI)(fname, nbins)) for fname in fnames: results_PI_temporal.append(delayed(process_data_PI_temporal)(fname, nbins)) merged_data_MI = [] for fut in client.compute(results_MI): res = fut.result() merged_data_MI.append(res) merged_data_HSE = [] for fut in client.compute(results_HSE): res = fut.result() merged_data_HSE.append(res) merged_data_PI = [] for fut in client.compute(results_PI): res = fut.result() merged_data_PI.append(res) merged_data_PI_temporal = [] for fut in client.compute(results_PI_temporal): res = fut.result() merged_data_PI_temporal.append(res) return merged_data_MI, merged_data_HSE, merged_data_PI, merged_data_PI_temporal policies = ["Policy", "Policy_Random", "Policy_Random_Network", "Policy_Random_Network2", "Policy_Follow_Leader", "Policy_Boids", "Policy_Simplified_Boids"] dfsMI = [] dfsHSE = [] dfsPI = [] dfsPIt = [] for policy in policies: fnames = glob.glob("data/{}_10agents_10000steps*".format(policy)) dat_MI, dat_HSE, dat_PI, dat_PIt = main(client, fnames, 10) stacked_entropies_MI = np.vstack([d[0] for d in dat_MI]) stacked_entropies_PI = np.vstack([d[0] for d in dat_PI]) stacked_entropies_PIt = np.vstack([d[0] for d in dat_PIt]) stacked_entropies_HSE = np.vstack( dat_HSE) dfMI = pd.DataFrame(stacked_entropies_MI, columns=["Seed", "Vehicle_A", "Vehicle_B", "Min(Hx, Hy)", "Hx+Hy", "Hx", "Hy", "Hxy", "Hy_given_x", "Hx_given_y", "MI_xy", "MI_xy_Normalized"]) dfPI =
pd.DataFrame(stacked_entropies_PI, columns=["Seed", "Vehicle_A", "Min(Hx, Hy)", "Hx+Hy", "Hx", "Hy", "Hxy", "Hy_given_x", "Hx_given_y", "PI_xy", "PI_xy_Normalized"])
# Author : <NAME> # Date : 23-26 Dec, 2021 # Based on plotly Dash interface for plotting in html # Binance python library from Binance API # issues : slow, may overrequest should be converted to websocket api for smooth realtime updates from binance.client import Client from binance.enums import * from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import datetime from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation import pandas as pd import IPython import pytz import numpy as np from config import api_key,api_secret import dash from dash import dcc from dash import html from dash.dependencies import Input, Output import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import pandas as pd client = Client(api_key, api_secret) futures_symbols=pd.DataFrame(client.futures_exchange_info()['symbols']).symbol.values app = dash.Dash(__name__,external_stylesheets=['']) app.scripts.config.serve_locally = False app.layout = html.Div([html.H4(children='Exchange Info'), dcc.Dropdown(id='currency-pair-dropdown', options=[{'label':x,'value':x} for x in futures_symbols],value='BTCUSDT'), html.Div([ html.Div([html.H3('Candlestick chart 🕯 📈 📉'),dcc.Graph(id='klines')], className="four columns"), html.Div([html.H3('Ongoing trades ⚖️'),dcc.Graph(id='trades')], className="four columns"), html.Div([html.H3('Order book 📙 '),dcc.Graph(id='order-book')], className="four columns")], className="row"), dcc.Interval(id='interval-component',interval=1*500,n_intervals=0)]) @app.callback([Output('klines','figure')],[Input('interval-component','n_intervals'),Input('currency-pair-dropdown','value')]) def update_klines(n,sym): df=pd.DataFrame(client.get_klines(symbol=sym,interval=Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE)) df.columns = ['opentime','open','high','low','close','volume','closetime','quote_asset_volume','number_of_trades','taker_buy_base_asset_volume','taker_buy_quote_asset_volume','to_be_ignored'] df['opentime'] = [datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x/1000.0) for x in df.opentime] fig=go.Figure(data=[go.Candlestick(x=df['opentime'], open=df['open'], high=df['high'], low = df['low'], close = df['close'])]) fig.update_layout(title=sym, yaxis_title='value',width=500,height=500) fig.update_layout(hoverdistance=0) return [fig] @app.callback([Output('trades','figure')], [Input('interval-component','n_intervals'), Input('currency-pair-dropdown','value')]) def update_trade_price_chart(n,sym): trades = client.get_recent_trades(symbol=sym,limit=500) trades = pd.DataFrame(trades) trades['time'] = [datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x/1000.0) for x in trades.time] trades['price']=trades['price'].astype(float) trades['qty'] = trades['qty'].astype(float) fig= px.scatter(trades,x='time',y='price',size='qty',color='qty') fig.update_layout(title=sym, yaxis_title='value',width=500,height=500) fig.update_layout(hoverdistance=0) return [fig] @app.callback([Output('order-book','figure')], [Input('interval-component','n_intervals'), Input('currency-pair-dropdown','value')]) def update_order_book(n,sym): depth = client.get_order_book(symbol=sym,limit=1000) bids_df=pd.DataFrame(depth['bids'],columns=['price','qty']) bids_df['type']='bids' asks_df=
from datetime import timedelta import numpy as np from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import DatetimeTZDtype import pandas as pd from pandas import ( DataFrame, Series, date_range, option_context, ) import pandas._testing as tm def _check_cast(df, v): """ Check if all dtypes of df are equal to v """ assert all( == v for _, s in df.items()) class TestDataFrameDataTypes: def test_empty_frame_dtypes(self): empty_df = DataFrame() tm.assert_series_equal(empty_df.dtypes, Series(dtype=object)) nocols_df = DataFrame(index=[1, 2, 3]) tm.assert_series_equal(nocols_df.dtypes, Series(dtype=object)) norows_df = DataFrame(columns=list("abc")) tm.assert_series_equal(norows_df.dtypes, Series(object, index=list("abc"))) norows_int_df = DataFrame(columns=list("abc")).astype(np.int32) tm.assert_series_equal( norows_int_df.dtypes, Series(np.dtype("int32"), index=list("abc")) ) df = DataFrame({"a": 1, "b": True, "c": 1.0}, index=[1, 2, 3]) ex_dtypes = Series({"a": np.int64, "b": np.bool_, "c": np.float64}) tm.assert_series_equal(df.dtypes, ex_dtypes) # same but for empty slice of df tm.assert_series_equal(df[:0].dtypes, ex_dtypes) def test_datetime_with_tz_dtypes(self): tzframe = DataFrame( { "A": date_range("20130101", periods=3), "B": date_range("20130101", periods=3, tz="US/Eastern"), "C": date_range("20130101", periods=3, tz="CET"), } ) tzframe.iloc[1, 1] = pd.NaT tzframe.iloc[1, 2] = pd.NaT result = tzframe.dtypes.sort_index() expected = Series( [ np.dtype("datetime64[ns]"), DatetimeTZDtype("ns", "US/Eastern"), DatetimeTZDtype("ns", "CET"), ], ["A", "B", "C"], ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_dtypes_are_correct_after_column_slice(self): # GH6525 df = DataFrame(index=range(5), columns=list("abc"), dtype=np.float_) tm.assert_series_equal( df.dtypes, Series({"a": np.float_, "b": np.float_, "c": np.float_}), ) tm.assert_series_equal(df.iloc[:, 2:].dtypes, Series({"c": np.float_})) tm.assert_series_equal( df.dtypes, Series({"a": np.float_, "b": np.float_, "c": np.float_}), ) def test_dtypes_gh8722(self, float_string_frame): float_string_frame["bool"] = float_string_frame["A"] > 0 result = float_string_frame.dtypes expected = Series( {k: v.dtype for k, v in float_string_frame.items()}, index=result.index ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # compat, GH 8722 with option_context("use_inf_as_na", True): df = DataFrame([[1]]) result = df.dtypes tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series({0: np.dtype("int64")})) def test_dtypes_timedeltas(self): df = DataFrame( { "A": Series(date_range("2012-1-1", periods=3, freq="D")), "B": Series([timedelta(days=i) for i in range(3)]), } ) result = df.dtypes expected = Series( [np.dtype("datetime64[ns]"), np.dtype("timedelta64[ns]")], index=list("AB") ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) df["C"] = df["A"] + df["B"] result = df.dtypes expected = Series( [ np.dtype("datetime64[ns]"), np.dtype("timedelta64[ns]"), np.dtype("datetime64[ns]"), ], index=list("ABC"), ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # mixed int types df["D"] = 1 result = df.dtypes expected = Series( [ np.dtype("datetime64[ns]"), np.dtype("timedelta64[ns]"), np.dtype("datetime64[ns]"), np.dtype("int64"), ], index=list("ABCD"), ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_frame_apply_np_array_return_type(self): # GH 35517 df =
import streamlit as st from import storage, bigquery from import SchemaField from google.oauth2 import service_account from PIL import Image import json import io import os import pandas as pd SEND_FEEDBACK = True class GCP_USER: def __init__(self, credentials): self.credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(credentials) self.storage_cl = storage.Client(credentials=self.credentials) self.bigq_cl = bigquery.Client(credentials=self.credentials) def load_image_and_caption(self, feedback_query, caption, uploaded_image, storage_bucket_name, bigquery_table_name): # Image with open(feedback_query, "r") as query_file: query = df_max_id = self.bigq_cl.query(query).to_dataframe() df_max_id['MAX_ID'].fillna(0, inplace=True) new_id = int(df_max_id.loc[0,'MAX_ID']+1) img_file = f'{str(new_id)}.jpg' img = blob = self.storage_cl.get_bucket(storage_bucket_name).blob(f'images/{img_file}') blob.upload_from_filename(img_file) os.remove(f'{img_file}') # Caption df_new_caption =
pd.DataFrame({'PATH': [img_file], 'CAPTION': [caption], 'ID': new_id})
import pandas as pd import datetime import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates from matplotlib.widgets import CheckButtons from pandas.plotting import scatter_matrix import ta import talib # # def MA(df, days): name = 'ma'+str(days) df[name] = df['close'].rolling(days).mean() return df def AddIndicators(df): #df = add_all_ta_features(df, open="###", high="high", low="low", close="close", volume="vol") Missing open ### Momentum ### # Moving Averages (50 days and 200 days) MA(df, 50) MA(df, 200) # RSI df['rsi'] = ta.momentum.RSIIndicator(df['close'], window = 14).rsi() # Stochastic Oscillator df['stoch'] = ta.momentum.StochasticOscillator(df['high'], df['low'], df['close'], window = 14).stoch() # Rate of Change df['roc'] = ta.momentum.roc(df['close'], window = 14) # TSI - True strength index df['tsi'] = ta.momentum.tsi(df['close'], window_slow = 25, window_fast = 13) ### Volume ### # Accumulation / Distribution Index (ADI) df['adi'] = ta.volume.AccDistIndexIndicator(df['high'], df['low'], df['close'], df['vol']).acc_dist_index() # Chaikin Money Flow df['cmf'] = ta.volume.ChaikinMoneyFlowIndicator(df['high'], df['low'], df['close'], df['vol']).chaikin_money_flow() # Ease of Movement df['eom'] = ta.volume.EaseOfMovementIndicator(df['high'], df['low'], df['vol'], window = 14).ease_of_movement() # Money Flow Index df['mfi'] = ta.volume.MFIIndicator(df['high'], df['low'], df['close'], df['vol'], window = 14).money_flow_index() # Negative Volume Index (NVI) df['nvi'] = ta.volume.NegativeVolumeIndexIndicator(df['close'], df['vol']).negative_volume_index() # On-balance volume (OBV) df['obv'] = ta.volume.OnBalanceVolumeIndicator(df['close'], df['vol']).on_balance_volume() # Volume-price trend (VPT) df['vpt'] = ta.volume.VolumePriceTrendIndicator(df['close'], df['vol']).volume_price_trend() # Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) df['vwap'] = ta.volume.VolumeWeightedAveragePrice(df['high'], df['low'], df['close'], df['vol'], window = 14).volume_weighted_average_price() ### Volatility ### # Bollinger Bands df['blband'] = ta.volatility.BollingerBands(df['close'], window = 14).bollinger_lband() df['bhband'] = ta.volatility.BollingerBands(df['close'], window = 14).bollinger_hband() # Average True Range (ATR) df['atr'] = ta.volatility.AverageTrueRange(df['high'], df['low'], df['close'], window = 14).average_true_range() # Donchian Channel df['dlband'] = ta.volatility.DonchianChannel(df['high'], df['low'], df['close'], window = 14).donchian_channel_lband() df['dhband'] = ta.volatility.DonchianChannel(df['high'], df['low'], df['close'], window = 14).donchian_channel_hband() # Keltner Channels df['klband'] = ta.volatility.KeltnerChannel(df['high'], df['low'], df['close'], window = 14).keltner_channel_lband() df['khband'] = ta.volatility.KeltnerChannel(df['high'], df['low'], df['close'], window = 14).keltner_channel_hband() ### Trend ### # Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) df['adx'] = ta.trend.ADXIndicator(df['high'], df['low'], df['close'], window = 14).adx() # Commodity Channel Index (CCI) df['cci'] = ta.trend.CCIIndicator(df['high'], df['low'], df['close'], window = 14).cci() # Exponential Moving Average (EMA) df['ema'] = ta.trend.EMAIndicator(df['close'], window = 14).ema_indicator() # KST Oscillator (KST Signal) df['kst'] = ta.trend.KSTIndicator(df['close']).kst() # Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) df['macd'] = ta.trend.MACD(df['close']).macd() return df # SP500 sp500_data = pd.read_csv('~/Documents/Github/IndustryPricePrediction/data/sectors/SP500_7yr_daily.csv') sp500_frame = pd.DataFrame(sp500_data, columns = ['ticker', 'descr', 'date', 'close', 'retx']) # XLB xlb_data = pd.read_csv('~/Documents/Github/IndustryPricePrediction/data/sectors/XLB_7yr_daily.csv') xlb_frame = pd.DataFrame(xlb_data, columns = ['ticker', 'descr', 'date', 'low', 'high', 'close', 'vol', 'ret', 'bid', 'ask', 'retx']) AddIndicators(xlb_frame) # XLC xlc_data = pd.read_csv('~/Documents/Github/IndustryPricePrediction/data/sectors/XLC_7yr_daily.csv') xlc_frame = pd.DataFrame(xlc_data, columns = ['ticker', 'descr', 'date', 'low', 'high', 'close', 'vol', 'ret', 'bid', 'ask', 'retx']) AddIndicators(xlc_frame) # XLE xle_data = pd.read_csv('~/Documents/Github/IndustryPricePrediction/data/sectors/XLE_7yr_daily.csv') xle_frame = pd.DataFrame(xle_data, columns = ['ticker', 'descr', 'date', 'low', 'high', 'close', 'vol', 'ret', 'bid', 'ask', 'retx']) AddIndicators(xle_frame) # XLF xlf_data = pd.read_csv('~/Documents/Github/IndustryPricePrediction/data/sectors/XLF_7yr_daily.csv') xlf_frame = pd.DataFrame(xlf_data, columns = ['ticker', 'descr', 'date', 'low', 'high', 'close', 'vol', 'ret', 'bid', 'ask', 'retx']) AddIndicators(xlf_frame) # XLI xli_data = pd.read_csv('~/Documents/Github/IndustryPricePrediction/data/sectors/XLI_7yr_daily.csv') xli_frame =
pd.DataFrame(xli_data, columns = ['ticker', 'descr', 'date', 'low', 'high', 'close', 'vol', 'ret', 'bid', 'ask', 'retx'])
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, timedelta import numpy as np import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as tck import matplotlib.font_manager as fm from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, addcyclic, shiftgrid import math as m import matplotlib.dates as mdates import netCDF4 as nc from netCDF4 import Dataset id import itertools import datetime from pylab import * from scipy.ndimage import measurements import matplotlib.colors as colors import os fec_ini ='2019-05-15' fec_fin ='2019-12-31' Recorte_Rad = 'no' ##---> Será 'si' para que recorte el set de Reflectancias original a las fechas de COD y los enmascare. ## En 'si consume mucha ram y debe correrse este programa por partes' fi = datetime.datetime.strptime(fec_ini,"%Y-%m-%d") ff =datetime. datetime.strptime(fec_fin,"%Y-%m-%d") #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rutas para las fuentes ----------------------------------------------------- prop = fm.FontProperties(fname='/home/nacorreasa/SIATA/Cod_Califi/AvenirLTStd-Heavy.otf' ) prop_1 = fm.FontProperties(fname='/home/nacorreasa/SIATA/Cod_Califi/AvenirLTStd-Book.otf') prop_2 = fm.FontProperties(fname='/home/nacorreasa/SIATA/Cod_Califi/AvenirLTStd-Black.otf') ##--------------------SECCION UNO: RELACION AREAS Y COD-----------------------## #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Motivación codigo ----------------------------------------------------------- """ Programa para analizar la relacion entre la COD y las refelctancias, asi como el area de las nubes y las COD. En amos casos se grafica el scatter. """ ############################################################################### ##---------------LECTURA DEL NETCDF CON LOS DATOS GOES COD-------------------## ############################################################################### ds = Dataset('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/GOES/GOES_nc_CREADOS/') COD = ds.variables['COD'][:, :, :] tiempo = ds.variables['time'] fechas_horas_COD = nc.num2date(tiempo[:], units=tiempo.units) for i in range(len(fechas_horas_COD)): fechas_horas_COD[i] = fechas_horas_COD[i].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') fechas_horas_COD = pd.to_datetime(fechas_horas_COD, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", errors='coerce') lat_COD = np.load('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Arrays/Array_Lat_COD_Junio.npy') lon_COD = np.load('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Arrays/Array_Lon_COD_Junio.npy') COD =, fill_value=0.) COD[COD ==0.] =np.nan Path_save = '/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Arrays/'[0:45]+'Array_COD_05-2019-12-2019', COD)[0:45]+'Array_FechasHoras_COD_05-2019-12-2019',fechas_horas_COD ) if Recorte_Rad == 'si': ############################################################################### ## -------------LECTURA DE LOS DATOS DE GOES CH2 MALLA GENERAL-------------- ## ############################################################################### Rad_origin = np.load('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Arrays/Array_Rad_2018_2019CH2.npy') fechas_horas_Rad_origin = np.load('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Arrays/Array_FechasHoras_CH2__2018_2019.npy') fechas_horas_Rad_origin = pd.to_datetime(fechas_horas_Rad_origin, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", errors='coerce') Rad = Rad_origin[(fechas_horas_Rad_origin>= fi)&(fechas_horas_Rad_origin<=ff)] fechas_horas_Rad = fechas_horas_Rad_origin[(fechas_horas_Rad_origin>= fi)&(fechas_horas_Rad_origin<=ff)] ################################################################################ ## -----------------LECTURA DE LOS UMBRALES DE LAS REFLECTANCIAS------------- ## ################################################################################ df_UmbralH_Nube_348 = pd.read_csv('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Umbrales_Horarios/Umbral_Hourly_348_Nuba.csv', sep=',', index_col =0, header = None) df_UmbralH_Nube_350 = pd.read_csv('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Umbrales_Horarios/Umbral_Hourly_350_Nuba.csv', sep=',', index_col =0, header = None) df_UmbralH_Nube_975 = pd.read_csv('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Umbrales_Horarios/Umbral_Hourly_975_Nuba.csv', sep=',', index_col =0, header = None) df_UmbralH_Nube = pd.concat([df_UmbralH_Nube_348, df_UmbralH_Nube_350, df_UmbralH_Nube_975], axis=1) df_UmbralH_Nube = df_UmbralH_Nube.mean(axis = 1, skipna = True) df_UmbralH_Nube = pd.DataFrame(df_UmbralH_Nube, columns=['Umbral']) ################################################################################ ## -----------------------ENMASCARAMIENTO DE LAS IMAGENES---------------------## ################################################################################ Rad_bina = [] Rad_mask = [] fechas_horas_new = [] for i in range (len(fechas_horas_Rad)): for j in range(len(df_UmbralH_Nube.Umbral.index)): if df_UmbralH_Nube.Umbral.index[j] == fechas_horas_Rad[i].hour: umbral = df_UmbralH_Nube.Umbral[j+6] rad = Rad[i, :, :] radbi = (rad > umbral).astype(int) rad[rad<umbral]=np.nan Rad_bina.append(radbi) Rad_mask.append(rad) fechas_horas_new.append(fechas_horas_Rad[i]) print('yes') else: pass Rad_bina = np.array(Rad_bina) Rad_mask = np.array(Rad_mask) ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------## fechas_horas_new = [fechas_horas_new[i].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') for i in range(len(fechas_horas_new))] fechas_horas_new = np.array(fechas_horas_new) Path_save = '/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Arrays/'[0:45]+'Array_Rad_bina_05-2019-12-2019', Rad_bina)[0:45]+'Array_Rad_mask_05-2019-12-2019', Rad_mask)[0:45]+'Array_Fechas_Horas_Rad_05-2019-12-2019', fechas_horas_new) else: Rad_bina = np.load('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Arrays/Array_Rad_bina_05-2019-12-2019.npy') Rad_mask = np.load('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Arrays/Array_Rad_mask_05-2019-12-2019.npy') fechas_horas_new = np.load('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Arrays/Array_Fechas_Horas_Rad_05-2019-12-2019.npy') fechas_horas_new = pd.to_datetime(fechas_horas_new, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", errors='coerce') pass ################################################################################ ## -------------LEYENDO LAS AREAS DE LAS IMAGENES ENMASCARADAS----------------## ################################################################################ """ El procedimiendo para obtener las areas es muy pesado entonces toca hacerlo por partes, es decir, para longitudes aproximadas de 5mil elementos. """ # save np.load np_load_old = np.load # modify the default parameters of np.load np.load = lambda *a,**k: np_load_old(*a, allow_pickle=True, **k) Area_1 = np.load('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Arrays/Array_AREA1Rad_bina_05-2019-12-2019.npy') Area_2 = np.load('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Arrays/Array_AREA2Rad_bina_05-2019-12-2019.npy') Area_3 = np.load('/home/nacorreasa/Maestria/Datos_Tesis/Arrays/Array_AREA3Rad_bina_05-2019-12-2019.npy') np.load = np_load_old Area_complete = np.concatenate((Area_1, Area_2, Area_3)) #Area_complete = (Area_complete [Area_complete >=4]).all() ################################################################################ ## --------------CREANDO DF CON LOS DATOS DE AREAS DE INTERES-----------------## ################################################################################ Area=[] for i in range(len(fechas_horas_new)): a = Area_complete[i] a[a<4.]=np.nan Area.append(a) Area = np.array(Area) Area_max=[] for i in range(len(fechas_horas_new)): a_max = np.nanmax(Area[i]) Area_max.append(a_max) Area_max = np.array(Area_max) Area_min=[] for i in range(len(fechas_horas_new)): a_min = np.nanmin(Area[i]) Area_min.append(a_min) Area_min = np.array(Area_min) Area_mean=[] for i in range(len(fechas_horas_new)): a_mean = np.nanmean(Area[i]) Area_mean.append(a_mean) Area_mean = np.array(Area_mean) df_areas = pd.DataFrame({'Area':Area, 'Area_max':Area_max, 'Area_min':Area_min, 'Area_mean':Area_mean}, index= fechas_horas_new) ################################################################################ ## ---------------CREANDO DF CON LOS DATOS DE COD DE INTERÉS------------------## ################################################################################ COD_max=[] for i in range(len(fechas_horas_COD)): a_max = np.nanmax(COD[i]) COD_max.append(a_max) COD_max = np.array(COD_max) COD_min=[] for i in range(len(fechas_horas_COD)): a_min = np.nanmin(COD[i]) COD_min.append(a_min) COD_min = np.array(COD_min) COD_mean=[] for i in range(len(fechas_horas_COD)): a_mean = np.nanmean(COD[i]) COD_mean.append(a_mean) COD_mean = np.array(COD_mean) df_COD =
pd.DataFrame({'COD_max':COD_max, 'COD_min':COD_min, 'COD_mean':COD_mean}, index= fechas_horas_COD)
import math import os import timeit import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy import tensorflow as tf import random from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from data import Dataset from prediction import train_model, test_model from prediction import load_encoder_and_predictor_weights from prediction import initialize_optimizer from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder class ActLrnResults: """ Bundles AL results. """ def __init__( self, train_loss, val_loss, test_loss, iter_usage, iter_time, budget_usage, sensor_usage, streamtime_usage, prediction_model, test_data, picked_cand_index_set, picked_times_index_hist, picked_spaces_index_hist, picked_inf_score_hist, budget_usage_hist, iter_time_hist, sensor_usage_hist, streamtime_usage_hist, val_loss_hist, initial_sensors_list ): self.train_loss = train_loss self.val_loss = val_loss self.test_loss = test_loss self.iter_usage = iter_usage self.iter_time = iter_time self.budget_usage = budget_usage self.sensor_usage = sensor_usage self.streamtime_usage = streamtime_usage self.prediction_model = prediction_model self.test_data = test_data self.picked_cand_index_set = picked_cand_index_set self.picked_times_index_hist = picked_times_index_hist self.picked_spaces_index_hist = picked_spaces_index_hist self.picked_inf_score_hist = picked_inf_score_hist self.budget_usage_hist = budget_usage_hist self.iter_time_hist = iter_time_hist self.sensor_usage_hist = sensor_usage_hist self.streamtime_usage_hist = streamtime_usage_hist self.val_loss_hist = val_loss_hist self.initial_sensors_list = initial_sensors_list def encode_features( HYPER, raw_data, models, dataset, available_index_set_update, AL_variable, silent=True ): """ Encodes features AL_variable of dataset, or passes labels for AL_variable being Y_(t,s). Also returns the random index array that is created when CAND_SUBSAMPLE_ACT_LRN is not None and smaller than dataset size. """ if not silent: # tell us what we are doing print( 'Encoding features into embedded vector spaces for', AL_variable ) ### Create random subsample before encoding if wanted ### # create an index array in the length of the passed dataset n_datapoints = len(available_index_set_update) index_array = list(available_index_set_update) # if we chose a subset of these data points, create a random sub-sample if ( HYPER.CAND_SUBSAMPLE_ACT_LRN is not None and HYPER.CAND_SUBSAMPLE_ACT_LRN < n_datapoints ): n_datapoints = HYPER.CAND_SUBSAMPLE_ACT_LRN index_array = random.sample( available_index_set_update, n_datapoints ) # create copy of dataset X_t = dataset.X_t[index_array] X_s = dataset.X_s[index_array] X_st = dataset.X_st[index_array] Y = dataset.Y[index_array] if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': X_s1 = dataset.X_s1[index_array] ### Encode features here ### if AL_variable == 'X_t': encoding = models.X_t_encoder.predict(X_t) elif AL_variable == 'X_st': encoding = models.X_st_encoder.predict(X_st) elif AL_variable == 'X_s1': if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': encoding = models.X_s1_encoder.predict(X_s1) else: ### Encode X_s1 ### encoding = np.zeros((n_datapoints, HYPER.ENCODING_NODES_X_s)) # iterate over all datapoints for i in range(n_datapoints): building_id = X_s[i][0] # prepare imagery data x_s1 = raw_data.building_imagery_data_list[ raw_data.building_imagery_id_list.index(int(building_id)) ] x_s1 = np.expand_dims(x_s1, axis=0) # make predictions and save results in respective matrix encoding[i] = models.X_s1_encoder.predict(x_s1) elif AL_variable == 'X_(t,s)': if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': encoding = models.X_joint_encoder.predict([X_t, X_s1, X_st]) else: ### Encode X_joint ### encoding = np.zeros((n_datapoints, HYPER.ENCODING_NODES_X_joint)) # iterate over all datapoints for i in range(n_datapoints): # Get training data of currently iterated batch x_t = X_t[i] x_st = X_st[i] y = Y[i] building_id = X_s[i][0] cluster_id = X_s[i][1] # prepare imagery data x_s1 = raw_data.building_imagery_data_list[ raw_data.building_imagery_id_list.index(int(building_id)) ] # Expand dimensions for batching x_t = np.expand_dims(x_t, axis=0) x_s1 = np.expand_dims(x_s1, axis=0) x_st = np.expand_dims(x_st, axis=0) # Create model input list model_input_list = [x_t, x_s1, x_st] # make predictions and save results in respective matrix encoding[i] = models.X_joint_encoder.predict(model_input_list) elif AL_variable == 'Y_hat_(t,s)': if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': encoding = models.prediction_model.predict([X_t, X_s1, X_st]) else: ### Predict Y ### encoding = np.zeros((n_datapoints, HYPER.PREDICTION_WINDOW)) # iterate over all datapoints for i in range(n_datapoints): # Get training data of currently iterated batch x_t = X_t[i] x_st = X_st[i] y = Y[i] building_id = X_s[i][0] cluster_id = X_s[i][1] # Prepare imagery data x_s1 = raw_data.building_imagery_data_list[ raw_data.building_imagery_id_list.index(int(building_id)) ] # Expand dimensions for batching x_t = np.expand_dims(x_t, axis=0) x_s1 = np.expand_dims(x_s1, axis=0) x_st = np.expand_dims(x_st, axis=0) # Create model input list model_input_list = [x_t, x_s1, x_st] # make predictions and save results in respective matrix encoding[i] = models.prediction_model.predict(model_input_list) elif AL_variable == 'Y_(t,s)': encoding = Y else: print('query variable not recognized.') return encoding, index_array def compute_clusters( HYPER, encoding, cand_batch_size, silent=True ): """ Calculates clusters in the passed encoding vectors using HYPER.METHOD_CLUSTERS[0]. Returns cluster labels and centers. """ if not silent: # tell us what we are doing print( 'Creating clusters in encodings with n_clusters=', cand_batch_size ) # set the clustering method that we chose method = HYPER.METHOD_CLUSTERS[0] # set number of clusters equal to passed or corrected value clustering_method = method(n_clusters=cand_batch_size) # cluster encodings cluster_labels = clustering_method.labels_ cluster_centers = clustering_method.cluster_centers_ # get ordinal encoder from Sklearn enc = OrdinalEncoder() # encode labels. NOTE: ordinally encoding clusters ensures that cluster # labels start at 0 and end at number of clusters, which is not the case # for X_t and X_s1 when not ordinally encoding. cluster_labels = enc.fit_transform( np.expand_dims(cluster_labels, 1) ).astype(int) cluster_centers = cluster_centers[enc.categories_[0]] # delete expanded dimension again as it is redundant cluster_labels = cluster_labels[:, 0] # calculate number of clusters created in data n_clusters = max(cluster_labels) + 1 return cluster_labels, cluster_centers, n_clusters def compute_similarity( HYPER, encoding, cluster_labels, cluster_centers, silent=True ): """ Calculates distances to cluster centers. A large value means that encoding is close to its cluster center. A small value means that encoding is far from cluster center. """ if not silent: # tell us what we are doing print("Calculating distances" ) # create a progress bar for training progbar_distance = tf.keras.utils.Progbar(len(encoding)) # get the kernel function we chose metric = HYPER.METRIC_DISTANCES[0] # set the number of encoded data points n_enc_datapoints = len(encoding) # CAUTION: create shape (n_enc_datapoints,) instead of (n_enc_datapoints, 1) similarity_array = np.zeros((n_enc_datapoints,)) # iterate over all encodings for i in range(n_enc_datapoints): # get encoding's cluster label label = cluster_labels[i] # get cluster's center center = cluster_centers[label] # calculate similarity/closeness of encoding to its cluster center similarity_array[i] = metric( np.expand_dims(center, axis=0), np.expand_dims(encoding[i], axis=0) ) if not silent: # increment progress bar progbar_distance.add(1) return similarity_array def feature_embedding_AL( HYPER, pred_type, models, raw_data, train_data, candidate_dataset, loss_object, optimizer, mean_loss, loss_function, method, AL_variable=None, silent=True, ): """ Given the prediction models 'models' which are trained on the initially available data points 'train_data', it selects a batch of data points to query labels for from the pool candidate data points 'candidate_dataset'. Three different methods can be chosen through 'method' and set to 'cluster-far', 'cluster-close' and 'cluster-rnd', each standing for another variant of the algorithm: 1. 'cluster-far': maximizes embedding entropy 2. 'cluster-close': minimized embedding entropy 3. 'cluster-rnd': chooses points of random embedding entropy from each cluster uniformly """ ### Compute some initial values ### # Compute total data budget data_budget = math.floor( HYPER.DATA_BUDGET_ACT_LRN * candidate_dataset.n_datapoints ) # compute number of sensors and times in training data n_times_0 = len(np.unique(train_data.X_t, axis=0)) n_sensors_0 = len(np.unique(train_data.X_s, axis=0)) # create a list of initial sensors to save in results initial_sensors_list = list(set(train_data.X_s[:, 0])) # compute number of new times in candidate data n_times_new = ( len( np.unique( np.concatenate( (train_data.X_t, candidate_dataset.X_t) ), axis=0) ) - n_times_0 ) # compute number of new sensors in candidate data n_sensors_new = ( len( np.unique( np.concatenate( (train_data.X_s, candidate_dataset.X_s) ), axis=0) ) - n_sensors_0 ) if not silent: # tell us what we are doing print( 'prediction task: {}'.format( pred_type ) ) print( 'AL variable: {}'.format( AL_variable ) ) print( 'AL variant: {}'.format( method ) ) print( 'distance metric: {}'.format( HYPER.DISTANCE_METRIC_ACT_LRN ) ) print( 'clustering method: {}'.format( HYPER.CLUSTER_METHOD_ACT_LRN ) ) print( 'data budget: {}/{} ({:.0%})'.format( data_budget, candidate_dataset.n_datapoints, HYPER.DATA_BUDGET_ACT_LRN ) ) print( 'used sensors: {}'.format( n_sensors_0 ) ) print( 'new sensors to place: {}'.format( n_sensors_new ) ) print( 'used streaming times: {}'.format( n_times_0 ) ) print( 'new streaming times to use: {}'.format( n_times_new ) ) ### Load model weights ### # Note: if you load entire initial models, instead of their weights only, # network configuration information is lost and tf will not train encoders # alongside training the main prediction model. models = load_encoder_and_predictor_weights( raw_data, models, pred_type ) ( loss_object, optimizer, loss_function, mean_loss, ) = initialize_optimizer(HYPER) ### Start AL algorithm ### # initialize some counters data_counter = 0 cand_batch_size = 0 iteration_counter = 0 sensor_counter = 0 streamtime_counter = 0 picked_cand_index_set = set() available_index_set_update = set(np.arange(candidate_dataset.n_datapoints)) budget_usage_hist = [] iter_time_hist = [] picked_times_index_hist = [] picked_spaces_index_hist = [] picked_inf_score_hist = [] sensor_usage_hist = [] streamtime_usage_hist = [] val_loss_hist = [] # Set starting time of algorithm t_start_0 = timeit.default_timer() # start Active Learning and stop once data_counter reaches data_budget or # iteration_counter reaches max iterations while ( data_counter < data_budget and iteration_counter < HYPER.MAX_ITER_ACT_LRN ): if not silent: # mark beginning of iteration print('---' * 3) # Set the start time t_start = timeit.default_timer() ### Set batch size ### # compute the batch siz of this iteration cand_batch_size = HYPER.CAND_BATCH_SIZE_ACT_LRN * data_budget # if exceeding candidate data subsample, adjust batch size if HYPER.CAND_SUBSAMPLE_ACT_LRN is not None: cand_batch_size = min( cand_batch_size, HYPER.CAND_SUBSAMPLE_ACT_LRN ) # if exceeding data budget, adjust batch size cand_batch_size = min( cand_batch_size, data_budget - data_counter ) # transform cand_batch_siz to integer cand_batch_size = int(cand_batch_size) ### Choose candidates to query ### if method == 'PL': ### Choose queries according to PL (random) ### # Create a random batch_index_array batch_index_list = random.sample( available_index_set_update, cand_batch_size ) else: ### Encode data points *tested* ### candidate_encoded, cand_sub_index = encode_features( HYPER, raw_data, models, candidate_dataset, available_index_set_update, AL_variable, ) ### Calculate clusters *tested* ### cand_labels, cand_centers, n_clusters = compute_clusters( HYPER, candidate_encoded, cand_batch_size ) ### Compute similarity values for each candidate ### if method != 'rnd d_c': ### Calculate distances *tested* ### # calculates far points with small similarity value cand_similarity_array = compute_similarity( HYPER, candidate_encoded, cand_labels, cand_centers ) if method == 'max d_c': # reverse order by multiplying with -1 # --> smallest becomes most similar # --> turns similarity into distance array cand_similarity_array = -1 * cand_similarity_array ### Choose data from clusters *tested* ### # create zero array that is filled with cluster IDs for this batch batch_index_list = [] inf_score_list = [] # iterates over the batch_index_array up to cand_batch_size cluster_batch_counter = 0 # iterates over clusters until n_clusters, then resets to 0 # if cluster_batch_counter does not reached cand_batch_size cluster_index = 0 # iterate over all clusters until cluster_batch_counter reaches # cand_batch_size while cluster_batch_counter < cand_batch_size: # get an array of indices matching to currently iterated cluster # ID index_array = np.where(cand_labels == cluster_index)[0] # if the set is not empty if len(index_array) != 0: if method == 'rnd d_c': # choose one element at random from this index array index_choice = np.random.choice(index_array) else: # get similarity values for matching index array similarity_array = cand_similarity_array[index_array] if method == 'avg d_c': # turn into absolute difference to average similarity similarity_array = abs( similarity_array - np.mean(similarity_array) ) # calculate largest similarity max_similarity = similarity_array.max() # choose first/largest value from similarity_array index_choice = index_array[ np.where( similarity_array == max_similarity )[0][0] ] # add information content score of data point to inf_score_list inf_score_list.append(max_similarity) # add randomly chosen index to zero array batch_index_list.append(cand_sub_index[index_choice]) # setting the cluster ID to -1 excludes data point from # considerations in next iterations of this loop cand_labels[index_choice] = -1 # increment the counter for already added data points to # zero array cluster_batch_counter += 1 # increment the cluster ID index for the next iteration cluster_index += 1 # set cluster ID index to zero for next iteration if an entire # round of iterations did not fill zero array if cluster_index >= n_clusters: cluster_index = 0 ### Compute the set of queried data points *tested* ### # compute how many points were queried until last iteration n_used_cand_data_total = len(picked_cand_index_set) # update the set of points queried until now including this iteration picked_cand_index_set = picked_cand_index_set.union( set(batch_index_list) ) # create a list from the set picked_cand_index_list = list(picked_cand_index_set) # compute the number of new data points queried in this iteration n_new_data = len(picked_cand_index_set) - n_used_cand_data_total ### Create new training batch ### if HYPER.EXTEND_TRAIN_DATA_ACT_LRN: # get share of training data from the pool of possible testing points X_t_ord_1D_new_train = np.concatenate( ( train_data.X_t_ord_1D, candidate_dataset.X_t_ord_1D[ picked_cand_index_list ] ), axis=0 ) X_t_new_train = np.concatenate( ( train_data.X_t, candidate_dataset.X_t[ picked_cand_index_list ] ), axis=0 ) X_s_new_train = np.concatenate( ( train_data.X_s, candidate_dataset.X_s[ picked_cand_index_list ] ), axis=0 ) X_st_new_train = np.concatenate( ( train_data.X_st, candidate_dataset.X_st[ picked_cand_index_list ] ), axis=0 ) Y_new_train = np.concatenate( ( train_data.Y, candidate_dataset.Y[ picked_cand_index_list ] ), axis=0 ) if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': X_s1_new_train = np.concatenate( ( train_data.X_s1, candidate_dataset.X_s1[ picked_cand_index_list ] ), axis=0 ) else: X_s1_new_train = 0 else: # get share of training data from pool of possible testing points X_t_ord_1D_new_train = candidate_dataset.X_t_ord_1D[batch_index_list] X_t_new_train = candidate_dataset.X_t[batch_index_list] X_s_new_train = candidate_dataset.X_s[batch_index_list] X_st_new_train = candidate_dataset.X_st[batch_index_list] Y_new_train = candidate_dataset.Y[batch_index_list] if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': X_s1_new_train = candidate_dataset.X_s1[ batch_index_list ] else: X_s1_new_train = 0 ### Update training data for counting sensors and stream times ### # causing duplicate points on purpose when RED_CAND_DATA_ACT_LRN=False train_data_update_X_t_ord_1D = np.concatenate( ( train_data.X_t_ord_1D, candidate_dataset.X_t_ord_1D[ picked_cand_index_list ] ), axis=0 ) train_data_update_X_t = np.concatenate( ( train_data.X_t, candidate_dataset.X_t[ picked_cand_index_list ] ), axis=0 ) train_data_update_X_s = np.concatenate( ( train_data.X_s, candidate_dataset.X_s[ picked_cand_index_list ] ), axis=0 ) ### Update candidate data ### # update candidate data if chosen so if HYPER.RED_CAND_DATA_ACT_LRN: # update set of available indices available_index_set_update = ( available_index_set_update - picked_cand_index_set ) ### Create (updated) validation data ### # update validation data if chosen so if HYPER.UPD_VAL_DATA_ACT_LRN: X_t_ord_1D_new_val = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_t_ord_1D, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) X_t_new_val = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_t, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) X_s_new_val = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_s, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) X_st_new_val = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_st, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) Y_new_val = np.delete( candidate_dataset.Y, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': X_s1_new_val = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_s1, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) else: X_s1_new_val = 0 else: # create new validation data by copying from initial candidate data X_t_ord_1D_new_val = candidate_dataset.X_t_ord_1D X_t_new_val = candidate_dataset.X_t X_s_new_val = candidate_dataset.X_s X_st_new_val = candidate_dataset.X_st Y_new_val = candidate_dataset.Y if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': X_s1_new_val = candidate_dataset.X_s1 else: X_s1_new_val = 0 ### Train and validate with new batches, avoids unwanted shuffling ### # create new training dataset new_train_batch = Dataset( X_t_ord_1D_new_train, X_t_new_train, X_s_new_train, X_s1_new_train, X_st_new_train, Y_new_train ) # create new validation dataset new_val_data = Dataset( X_t_ord_1D_new_val, X_t_new_val, X_s_new_val, X_s1_new_val, X_st_new_val, Y_new_val ) # train model with new data train_hist_batch, val_hist_batch = train_model( HYPER, models.prediction_model, new_train_batch, new_val_data, raw_data, loss_object, optimizer, mean_loss, ) # keep track of loss histories if data_counter == 0: train_hist = train_hist_batch val_hist = val_hist_batch else: train_hist = np.concatenate((train_hist, train_hist_batch)) val_hist = np.concatenate((val_hist, val_hist_batch)) ### Update counters ### # get ending time t_end = timeit.default_timer() # increment some counters iteration_counter += 1 data_counter += n_new_data sensor_counter = len( np.unique(train_data_update_X_s, axis=0) ) - n_sensors_0 streamtime_counter = len( np.unique(train_data_update_X_t, axis=0) ) - n_times_0 # budget share that is eventually used cand_data_usage = data_counter / data_budget # time in seconds that is used in this iteration iter_time = math.ceil(t_end - t_start) # if there were any new sensors to add, get share that was added if n_sensors_new != 0: percent_sensors = sensor_counter / n_sensors_new else: percent_sensors = 0 # if there were any new streamtimes to add, get share that was added if n_times_new != 0: percent_streamtimes = streamtime_counter / n_times_new else: percent_streamtimes = 0 # add data usage to history budget_usage_hist.append(cand_data_usage) # add iteration time to history iter_time_hist.append(iter_time) # add sensor usage to history sensor_usage_hist.append(percent_sensors) # add streamtime usage to history streamtime_usage_hist.append(percent_streamtimes) # add batch index times to history picked_times_index_hist.append(candidate_dataset.X_t_ord_1D[batch_index_list]) # add batch index spaces to history picked_spaces_index_hist.append(candidate_dataset.X_s[batch_index_list][:, 0]) # add similarity scores to history if not 'PL' and 'rnd d_c' methods if method != 'PL' and method != 'rnd d_c': # if 'max d_c' method then the information score is negative and reversed # so adding with one equals 1 - (- similarity) and gives information score if method == 'max d_c': picked_inf_score_hist.append([1+x for x in inf_score_list]) else: picked_inf_score_hist.append(inf_score_list) # add last validation loss value to test loss history val_loss_hist.append(val_hist[-1]) if not silent: # tell us the numbers print( 'Iteration: {}'.format( iteration_counter ) ) print( 'Time: {}s'.format( iter_time ) ) print( 'Trained on candidate batch size: {}'.format( cand_batch_size ) ) print( 'Used streaming times: {}/{} ({:.0%})'.format( streamtime_counter, n_times_new, percent_streamtimes ) ) print( 'Used sensors: {}/{} ({:.0%})'.format( sensor_counter, n_sensors_new, percent_sensors ) ) print( 'Used data budget: {}/{} ({:.0%})'.format( data_counter, data_budget, cand_data_usage ) ) # mark end of test for currently iterated sorting array if not silent: print('---' * 20) # time in seconds that is eventually used iter_time = math.ceil(t_end - t_start_0) ### Create test dataset and predict ### # create new validation data by deleting batch of picked data from candidates X_t_ord_1D_test = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_t_ord_1D, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) X_t_test = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_t, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) X_s_test = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_s, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) X_st_test = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_st, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) Y_test = np.delete( candidate_dataset.Y, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': X_s1_test = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_s1, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) else: X_s1_test = 0 # create a copy of candidate test data test_data = Dataset( X_t_ord_1D_test, X_t_test, X_s_test, X_s1_test, X_st_test, Y_test ) # Predict on candidate datapoints that are not in training data title = '{} {} {}'.format(pred_type, AL_variable, method) test_loss = test_model( HYPER, title, models.prediction_model, test_data, raw_data, mean_loss, loss_function ) ### Shorten test dataset to random subsample ### if HYPER.SAVED_SAMPLES_ACT_LRN >= test_data.n_datapoints: rnd_array = np.arange(test_data.n_datapoints) else: # choose a subsample of the test data for saving rnd_array = random.sample( list(np.arange(test_data.n_datapoints)), HYPER.SAVED_SAMPLES_ACT_LRN ) X_t_ord_1D_test = X_t_ord_1D_test[rnd_array] X_t_test = X_t_test[rnd_array] X_s_test = X_s_test[rnd_array] X_st_test = X_st_test[rnd_array] Y_test = Y_test[rnd_array] if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': X_s1_test = X_s1_test[rnd_array] else: X_s1_test = 0 # overwrite test_data with samples you want to save test_data = Dataset( X_t_ord_1D_test, X_t_test, X_s_test, X_s1_test, X_st_test, Y_test ) ### Create a results object ### # create an ActLrnResults object and pass the results for compactness results = ActLrnResults( train_hist, val_hist, test_loss, iteration_counter, iter_time, cand_data_usage, percent_sensors, percent_streamtimes, models.prediction_model, test_data, picked_cand_index_set, picked_times_index_hist, picked_spaces_index_hist, picked_inf_score_hist, budget_usage_hist, iter_time_hist, sensor_usage_hist, streamtime_usage_hist, val_loss_hist, initial_sensors_list ) return results def test_AL_sequence_importance( HYPER, pred_type, models, raw_data, train_data, candidate_dataset, loss_object, optimizer, mean_loss, loss_function, AL_results, method, AL_variable=None, silent=True ): """ Tests the importance of the query sequence for passed AL results """ if HYPER.TEST_SEQUENCE_IMPORTANCE: if not silent: # create a progress bar for training progbar_seqimportance = tf.keras.utils.Progbar(AL_results.iter_usage) # tell us what we are doing print('Testing sequence importance for') print( 'prediction type: {}'.format( pred_type ) ) print( 'query variable: {}'.format( AL_variable ) ) print( 'query variant: {}'.format( method ) ) ### Load model weights ### # Note: if you load entire initial models, instead of their weights only, # network configuration information is lost and tf will not train encoders # alongside training the main prediction model. models = load_encoder_and_predictor_weights( raw_data, models, pred_type ) ### Start AL algorithm with random sequence selection ### # initialize some values data_budget = math.floor( HYPER.DATA_BUDGET_ACT_LRN * candidate_dataset.n_datapoints ) picked_cand_index_set = set() available_index_set_update = AL_results.picked_cand_index_set data_counter = 0 # start AL iterations for iteration in range(AL_results.iter_usage): ### Set batch size ### # compute the batch siz of this iteration cand_batch_size = HYPER.CAND_BATCH_SIZE_ACT_LRN * data_budget # if exceeding candidate data subsample, adjust batch siz if HYPER.CAND_SUBSAMPLE_ACT_LRN is not None: cand_batch_size = min( cand_batch_size, HYPER.CAND_SUBSAMPLE_ACT_LRN ) # if exceeding data budget, adjust batch size cand_batch_size = min( cand_batch_size, data_budget - data_counter ) # transform cand_batch_siz to integer cand_batch_size = int(cand_batch_size) ### Choose training batch ### # Create a random splitting array batch_index_list = random.sample( available_index_set_update, cand_batch_size ) # update candidate indices and data counter picked_cand_index_set = picked_cand_index_set.union( set(batch_index_list) ) picked_cand_index_list = list(picked_cand_index_set) data_counter = len(picked_cand_index_list) ### Create training data #### if HYPER.EXTEND_TRAIN_DATA_ACT_LRN: # get share of training data from pool of possible testing points X_t_ord_1D_new_train = np.concatenate( ( train_data.X_t_ord_1D, candidate_dataset.X_t_ord_1D[picked_cand_index_list] ), axis=0 ) X_t_new_train = np.concatenate( ( train_data.X_t, candidate_dataset.X_t[picked_cand_index_list] ), axis=0 ) X_s_new_train = np.concatenate( ( train_data.X_s, candidate_dataset.X_s[picked_cand_index_list] ), axis=0 ) X_st_new_train = np.concatenate( ( train_data.X_st, candidate_dataset.X_st[picked_cand_index_list] ), axis=0 ) Y_new_train = np.concatenate( ( train_data.Y, candidate_dataset.Y[picked_cand_index_list] ), axis=0 ) if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': X_s1_new_train = np.concatenate( ( train_data.X_s1, candidate_dataset.X_s1[picked_cand_index_list] ), axis=0 ) else: X_s1_new_train = 0 else: # sort all initial candidate data features with the same array X_t_ord_1D_new_train = candidate_dataset.X_t_ord_1D[batch_index_list] X_t_new_train = candidate_dataset.X_t[batch_index_list] X_s_new_train = candidate_dataset.X_s[batch_index_list] X_st_new_train = candidate_dataset.X_st[batch_index_list] Y_new_train = candidate_dataset.Y[batch_index_list] if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': X_s1_new_train = candidate_dataset.X_s1[batch_index_list] else: X_s1_new_train = 0 ### Update picked_cand_index_list ### # update candidate data if chosen so if HYPER.RED_CAND_DATA_ACT_LRN: # update set of available indices available_index_set_update = ( available_index_set_update - picked_cand_index_set ) ### Create (updated) validation data ### if HYPER.UPD_VAL_DATA_ACT_LRN: # create new validation data by deleting the batch X_t_ord_1D_new_val = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_t_ord_1D, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) X_t_new_val = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_t, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) X_s_new_val = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_s, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) X_st_new_val = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_st, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) Y_new_val = np.delete( candidate_dataset.Y, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': X_s1_new_val = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_s1, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) else: X_s1_new_val = 0 else: # create new validation data by copying initial candidates X_t_ord_1D_new_val = candidate_dataset.X_t_ord_1D X_t_new_val = candidate_dataset.X_t X_s_new_val = candidate_dataset.X_s X_st_new_val = candidate_dataset.X_st Y_new_val = candidate_dataset.Y if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != 'image': X_s1_new_val = candidate_dataset.X_s1 else: X_s1_new_val = 0 ### Train with new batch ### # bundle chosen batch of candidate data points as Dataset object new_train_batch = Dataset( X_t_ord_1D_new_train, X_t_new_train, X_s_new_train, X_s1_new_train, X_st_new_train, Y_new_train ) # bundle updated data points as Dataset object for validation. This # avoids unwanted shuffling new_val_data = Dataset( X_t_ord_1D_new_val, X_t_new_val, X_s_new_val, X_s1_new_val, X_st_new_val, Y_new_val ) # train model with new data train_hist_batch, val_hist_batch = train_model( HYPER, models.prediction_model, new_train_batch, new_val_data, raw_data, loss_object, optimizer, mean_loss ) # keep track of loss histories if iteration == 0: train_hist = train_hist_batch val_hist = val_hist_batch else: train_hist = np.concatenate((train_hist, train_hist_batch)) val_hist = np.concatenate((val_hist, val_hist_batch)) if not silent: # increment progress bar progbar_seqimportance.add(1) ### Create test dataset and predict ### # create new validation data by deleting the batch of picked data from # candidate dataset X_t_ord_1D_test = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_t_ord_1D, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) X_t_test = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_t, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) X_s_test = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_s, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) X_st_test = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_st, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) Y_test = np.delete( candidate_dataset.Y, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) if HYPER.SPATIAL_FEATURES != "image": X_s1_test = np.delete( candidate_dataset.X_s1, picked_cand_index_list, 0 ) else: X_s1_test = 0 # create a copy of candidate test data test_data = Dataset( X_t_ord_1D_test, X_t_test, X_s_test, X_s1_test, X_st_test, Y_test ) # Predict on candidate datapoints that are not in training data title = '{} {} {}'.format(pred_type, AL_variable, method) test_loss = test_model( HYPER, title, models.prediction_model, test_data, raw_data, mean_loss, loss_function ) AL_results.seqimportance_train_loss = train_hist AL_results.seqimportance_val_loss = val_hist AL_results.seqimportance_test_loss = test_loss if not silent: # Indicate termination of execute print('---' * 20) return AL_results def vis_train_and_val( HYPER, AL_result_list, PL_result_list, RF_results ): """ Plots training and validation loss histories of each method, sort variable and prediction type against their passive learning benchmark scenarios and the random forest baseline predictor. You can use between the plotting options 'separate', 'both' and 'joint': 1. 'separate': plots the performance of each method separately against the passive learning case 2. 'joint': plots the performance of all methods jointly against the passive learning benchmark 3. 'both': plots both cases of 'separate' and 'joint' """ # choose the colormap cmap = # create a list of colors, one color for each AL variant color_list = cmap(np.linspace(0, 0.8, len(HYPER.QUERY_VARIANTS_ACT_LRN))) n_methods = len(HYPER.QUERY_VARIANTS_ACT_LRN) n_vars = len(HYPER.QUERY_VARIABLES_ACT_LRN) for index_pred, pred_type in enumerate(HYPER.PRED_LIST_ACT_LRN): # create a new figure for iterated prediction type fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_vars, 2, figsize=(20, 10 * n_vars)) # get variable result list var_result_list = AL_result_list[index_pred] # get random results PL_results = PL_result_list[index_pred] # get baseline results RF_loss = RF_results[pred_type] for index_var, AL_variable in enumerate(HYPER.QUERY_VARIABLES_ACT_LRN): ### Plot method results for each sort variable ### # plot random forest baseline results ax[index_var, 1].axhline( RF_loss, color='r', linestyle='--', label='RF baseline', ) ### Plot PL results once per method for benchmark ### train_loss = PL_results.train_loss val_loss = PL_results.val_loss legend_name = ('PL: {}s- {:.0%} budget' '- {:.0%} sensors- {:.0%} times- {:.2} loss').format( PL_results.iter_time, PL_results.budget_usage, PL_results.sensor_usage, PL_results.streamtime_usage, PL_results.test_loss, ) ax[index_var, 0].plot( train_loss, color='b', linestyle='--', label=legend_name ) ax[index_var, 1].plot( val_loss, color='b', linestyle='--', label=legend_name ) # get method_result_list of currently iterated prediction type method_result_list = var_result_list[index_var] for index_method, method in enumerate(HYPER.QUERY_VARIANTS_ACT_LRN): AL_result = method_result_list[index_method] train_loss = AL_result.train_loss val_loss = AL_result.val_loss legend_name = ('AL {}: {}s- {:.0%} budget- {:.0%} ' 'sensors- {:.0%} times- {:.2} loss').format( method, AL_result.iter_time, AL_result.budget_usage, AL_result.sensor_usage, AL_result.streamtime_usage, AL_result.test_loss, ) ax[index_var, 0].plot( train_loss, color=color_list[index_method], label=legend_name ) ax[index_var, 1].plot( val_loss, color=color_list[index_method], label=legend_name ) sub_title = ( pred_type + ' predictions - query variable ' + AL_variable ) ax[index_var, 0].set_title(sub_title + ' training loss') ax[index_var, 1].set_title(sub_title + ' validation loss') ax[index_var, 0].set_ylabel('loss') ax[index_var, 1].set_ylabel('loss') ax[index_var, 0].set_xlabel('epoch') ax[index_var, 1].set_xlabel('epoch') ax[index_var, 0].legend(loc='best', frameon=False) ax[index_var, 1].legend(loc='best', frameon=False) def vis_seq_importance( HYPER, AL_result_list ): """ Plots the training and validation losses for AL query sequence vs. a random query sequence of the same data points that were queried using AL. """ if HYPER.TEST_SEQUENCE_IMPORTANCE: cmap = # create a list of colors, one color for each AL variant color_list = cmap(np.linspace(0, 0.8, len(HYPER.QUERY_VARIANTS_ACT_LRN))) # create list of custom lines for custom legend custom_lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], color=cmap(0.9), linestyle='--'), Line2D([0], [0], color=cmap(0.9)) ] n_methods = len(HYPER.QUERY_VARIANTS_ACT_LRN) n_vars = len(HYPER.QUERY_VARIABLES_ACT_LRN) for index_pred, pred_type in enumerate(HYPER.PRED_LIST_ACT_LRN): # create a new figure for iterated prediction type fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_vars, 2, figsize=(20, 10 * n_vars)) # get variable result list var_result_list = AL_result_list[index_pred] for index_var, AL_variable in enumerate(HYPER.QUERY_VARIABLES_ACT_LRN): ### Plot method results for each sort variable ### # get method_result_list of currently iterated prediction type method_result_list = var_result_list[index_var] for index_method, method in enumerate( HYPER.QUERY_VARIANTS_ACT_LRN ): AL_result = method_result_list[index_method] train_loss = AL_result.train_loss val_loss = AL_result.val_loss train_loss_rnd_sequence = AL_result.seqimportance_train_loss val_loss_rnd_sequence = AL_result.seqimportance_val_loss ax[index_var, 0].plot( train_loss, color=color_list[index_method] ) ax[index_var, 1].plot( val_loss, color=color_list[index_method] ) ax[index_var, 0].plot( train_loss_rnd_sequence, linestyle='--', color=color_list[index_method] ) ax[index_var, 1].plot( val_loss_rnd_sequence, linestyle='--', color=color_list[index_method] ) sub_title = ( 'query sequence importance for ' + pred_type + ' predictions - query variable ' + AL_variable ) ax[index_var, 0].set_title(sub_title + " training") ax[index_var, 1].set_title(sub_title + " validation") ax[index_var, 0].set_ylabel("loss") ax[index_var, 1].set_ylabel("loss") ax[index_var, 0].set_xlabel("epoch") ax[index_var, 1].set_xlabel("epoch") ax[index_var, 0].legend( custom_lines, [ 'AL data - random sequence', 'AL data - AL sequence' ], loc='best', frameon=False ) ax[index_var, 1].legend( custom_lines, [ 'AL data - random sequence', 'AL data - AL sequence' ], loc='best', frameon=False ) def save_act_lrn_models( HYPER, raw_data, AL_result_list, PL_result_list ): """ Saves the actively trained prediction models. """ if HYPER.SAVE_ACT_LRN_MODELS: for index_pred, pred_type in enumerate(HYPER.PRED_LIST_ACT_LRN): # get method_result_list of currently iterated prediction type var_result_list = AL_result_list[index_pred] # get random results PL_results = PL_result_list[index_pred] prediction_model = PL_results.prediction_model # create the full path for saving random prediction model saving_path = raw_data.path_to_AL_models + pred_type + '/' if not os.path.exists(saving_path): os.mkdir(saving_path) path_to_model = saving_path + 'PL.h5' # save currently iterated model for index_var, AL_variable in enumerate(HYPER.QUERY_VARIABLES_ACT_LRN): # get variable result list method_result_list = var_result_list[index_var] for index_method, method in enumerate( HYPER.QUERY_VARIANTS_ACT_LRN ): # get result object and prediction model AL_result = method_result_list[index_method] prediction_model = AL_result.prediction_model # create the full path for saving currently iterated model path_to_model = ( saving_path + AL_variable + ' ' + method + '.h5' ) # save currently iterated model def save_act_lrn_results( HYPER, raw_data, RF_results, AL_result_list, PL_result_list ): """ Saves the active learning results, including number of iterations used, time used for each iteration, share of data budget used, share of sensor budget used, share of stream time budget used, testing loss baseline loss and passive learning benchmark histories, validation histories and training histories. """ if HYPER.SAVE_ACT_LRN_RESULTS: for pred_index, pred_type in enumerate(HYPER.PRED_LIST_ACT_LRN): saving_path = raw_data.path_to_AL_results + pred_type + '/' if not os.path.exists(saving_path): os.mkdir(saving_path) path_to_results_file = saving_path + 'results.csv' # create empty DataFrame result_df = pd.DataFrame() df_list = [] # baseline results RF_loss = RF_results[pred_type] # get method_result_list of currently iterated prediction type var_result_list = AL_result_list[pred_index] ### Save PL results ### # get PL results PL_results = PL_result_list[pred_index] n_iterations = PL_results.iter_usage t_iterations = PL_results.iter_time budget_usage = PL_results.budget_usage sensor_usage = PL_results.sensor_usage streamtime_usage = PL_results.streamtime_usage test_loss = PL_results.test_loss train_loss = PL_results.train_loss val_loss = PL_results.val_loss col_name_train = '{} {} {} train'.format(pred_type, None, 'PL') col_name_val = '{} {} {} val'.format(pred_type, None, 'PL') meta_entry = np.array( [ n_iterations, t_iterations, budget_usage, sensor_usage, streamtime_usage, RF_loss, test_loss, ] ) entry_train = np.concatenate((meta_entry, train_loss)) entry_val = np.concatenate((meta_entry, val_loss)) df_list.append( pd.DataFrame({col_name_train:
""" descriptive analysis - Utility functions to work with: - mongoDB's result cursors - pandas' DataFrames Also contains as set of auxiliary internal functions and external routines Members: # time_series_analysis - performs time series analysis and returns a series DataFrame. Corresponds each date with a number of attacks that happened # time_series_analysis_per_month - performs time series analysis and returns a series DataFrame. Corresponds each MONTH with a number of attacks that happened # __high_charts_timestamp__ - post processes a datetime object and converts it to be suitable for Javascript's Highcharts library # __high_charts_timestamp_to_date__ reverse function of __high_charts_timestamp__. Returns a date in string format. # __analysis_data_frame_to_dict__ - converts DataFrames to a dictionary with key-value dictionary entries # __analysis_list_to_dict__ - converts DataFrames to a dictionary with key-value dictionary entries # update_time_series_analysis_files - merges analysis Datarames from file and DataFrames produced after the last crawling. Then saves them in json and csv format files # top_n - finds and returns the most common values for a given key along with the number of appearances # today_datetime - calculates the first and last valid datetime objects for the day provided """ from collections import Counter import pandas as pd from datetime import date, datetime import json def time_series_analysis(results_cursor, mongo_date_type='mongoDate', entity_type=None): """ Given a cursor that contains a query result set, this function performs time series analysis and returns the result data frame. @parameters results_cursor (cursor) pymongo's result cursor. It is returned by a query mongo_date_type (str) this parameter sets the datetime object based on which will take place the time series analysis. Could be 'mongoDate' or 'mongoDate-CTI'. entity_type (str) this is a special case ONLY for RANSOMWARE attacks. It can be 'IP' or 'URL' or 'Domain' to narrow down and specify which records will be analyzed @returns s (pandas data frame) this data frame could be empty or contains a number of attacks for each day """ print("\nBegin Descriptive Analysis Phase... ", end='') # process data if the collection is not empty if results_cursor.count() == 0: try: raise Warning("No documents retrieved") except Exception as e: print("\ndescriptive_analysis module > time_series_analysis: ", e) # return an empty DataFrame s = pd.DataFrame() return s if entity_type in ['IP', 'URL', 'Domain']: docs_of_interest = list([]) for doc in results_cursor.rewind(): if doc["Entity-Type"] == entity_type: docs_of_interest.append(doc) else: # in any other case entity-type is an empty string by default # so the whole collection is retrieved docs_of_interest = [doc for doc in results_cursor.rewind()] # aggregate dates dates_list = list([]) for doc in docs_of_interest: dates_list.append(doc[mongo_date_type]) ''' Time Series ''' # a list of "1" to count the docs ones = [1] * len(dates_list) # the index of the series idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates_list) # the actual series (at series of 1s for the moment) time_series = pd.Series(ones, index=idx) # re-sampling / bucketing per_day = time_series.resample('1D').sum().fillna(0) # results data frame s = pd.DataFrame(per_day) print('\tCompleted') print('\nDescriptive Analysis Results') print("\nTime Series Head") print(time_series.head()) print("\nPer Day Time Series") print(per_day.head()) print("\nPer Day DataFrame") print(s.head(), "\n") return s # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def time_series_analysis_per_month(results_cursor, mongo_date_type='mongoDate', entity_type=None): """ Given a cursor that contains a query result set, this function performs time series analysis and returns the result data frame for analysed number of attacks per month. @parameters results_cursor (cursor) pymongo's result cursor. It is returned by a query mongo_date_type (str) this parameter sets the datetime object based on which will take place the time series analysis. Could be 'mongoDate' or 'mongoDate-CTI'. entity_type (str) this is a special case ONLY for RANSOMWARE attacks. It can be 'IP' or 'URL' or 'Domain' to narrow down and specify which records will be analyzed @returns s (pandas data frame) this data frame could be empty or contains a number of attacks for each day """ print("\nBegin Descriptive Analysis Phase... ", end='') # process data if the collection is not empty if results_cursor.count() == 0: try: raise Warning("No documents retrieved") except Exception as e: print("\ndescriptive_analysis module > time_series_analysis: ", e) # return an empty DataFrame s = pd.DataFrame() return s if entity_type in ['IP', 'URL', 'Domain']: docs_of_interest = list([]) for doc in results_cursor.rewind(): if doc["Entity-Type"] == entity_type: docs_of_interest.append(doc) else: # in any other case entity-type is an empty string by default # so the whole collection is retrieved docs_of_interest = [doc for doc in results_cursor.rewind()] # aggregate dates dates_list = list([]) for doc in docs_of_interest: dates_list.append(doc[mongo_date_type]) ''' Time Series ''' # a list of "1" to count the docs ones = [1] * len(dates_list) # the index of the series idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates_list) # the actual series (at series of 1s for the moment) time_series = pd.Series(ones, index=idx) # re-sampling / bucketing per_month = time_series.resample('1M').sum().fillna(0) # results data frame s =
# simple feature engineering from A_First_Model notebook in script form import cudf def see_percent_missing_values(df): """ reads in a dataframe and returns the percentage of missing data Args: df (dataframe): the dataframe that we are analysing Returns: percent_missing (dataframe): a dataframe with percentage missing for filtering """ total_missing = df.isnull().sum()/df.shape[0] percent_missing = total_missing*100 return percent_missing.sort_values(ascending=False).round(1) def basic_feature_engineering(train, test, gpu=False): """ reads in a train and test set of data and processes as per the basic feature engineering example Args: train (dataframe): the training dataframe (should include TARGET) test (dataframe): the testing dataframe gpu (boolean): whether to use cudf or not Returns: train (dataframe): the processed train frame test (dataframe): the processed test frame train_target (dataframe): The training target column """ if gpu: import cudf as dd else: import pandas as dd app_train_mis_values = see_percent_missing_values(train) df_app_train_miss_values= dd.DataFrame({'columns': app_train_mis_values.index, 'missing percent': app_train_mis_values.values}) if type(df_app_train_miss_values) == cudf.core.dataframe.DataFrame: drop_columns = df_app_train_miss_values[df_app_train_miss_values['missing percent'] \ >= 40]['columns'].to_arrow().to_pylist() else: drop_columns = df_app_train_miss_values[df_app_train_miss_values['missing percent'] \ >= 40]['columns'].tolist() train = train.drop(drop_columns, axis=1) test = test.drop(drop_columns, axis=1) train_target = train['TARGET'] train = train.drop('TARGET', axis=1) # here we will use a basic dummy treatment # we merged the dataframes first because when we dummify # we could have some columns only in train or only in test. Merging first will prevent this unified = dd.concat([train, test]) dummy_cols = unified.select_dtypes(['bool', 'O', 'category']).columns.tolist() unified =
dd.get_dummies(unified, columns=dummy_cols, dtype='int64')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The data module contains tools for preprocessing data. It allows users to merge timeseries, compute daily and monthly summary statistics, and get seasonal periods of a time series. """ from __future__ import division import pandas as pd from numpy import inf, nan __all__ = ['julian_to_gregorian', 'merge_data', 'daily_average', 'daily_std_error', 'daily_std_dev', 'monthly_average', 'monthly_std_error', 'monthly_std_dev', 'remove_nan_df', 'seasonal_period'] def julian_to_gregorian(dataframe, frequency=None, inplace=False): """ Converts the index of the merged dataframe from julian float values to gregorian datetime values. Parameters ---------- dataframe: Pandas DataFrame A DataFrame with an index of type float frequency: string Optional. Sometimes when converting from julian to gregorian there will be rounding errors due to the inability of computers to store floats as perfect decimals. Providing the frequency will automatically attempt to round the dates. A list of all the frequencies pandas provides is found `here <>`_. Common frequencies include daily ("D") and hourly ("H"). inplace: bool Default False. If True, will modify the index of the dataframe in place rather than creating a copy and returning the copy. Use when the time series are very long and making a copy would take a large amount of memory Returns ------- Pandas DataFrame A pandas DataFrame with gregorian index. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import as hd >>> import numpy as np >>> # The julian dates in an array >>> julian_dates = np.array([2444239.5, 2444239.5416666665, 2444239.5833333335, 2444239.625, >>> 2444239.6666666665, 2444239.7083333335, 2444239.75, >>> 2444239.7916666665, 2444239.8333333335, 2444239.875]) >>> # Creating a test dataframe >>> test_df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.rand(10, 2), # Random data in the columns >>> columns=("Simulated Data", "Observed Data"), >>> index=julian_dates) >>> test_df Simulated Data Observed Data 2.444240e+06 0.764719 0.126610 2.444240e+06 0.372736 0.141392 2.444240e+06 0.008645 0.686477 2.444240e+06 0.656825 0.480444 2.444240e+06 0.555247 0.869409 2.444240e+06 0.643896 0.549590 2.444240e+06 0.242720 0.799617 2.444240e+06 0.432421 0.185760 2.444240e+06 0.694631 0.136986 2.444240e+06 0.700422 0.390415 >>> # Making a new df with gregorian index >>> test_df_gregorian = hd.julian_to_gregorian(test_df) >>> test_df_gregorian Simulated Data Observed Data 1980-01-01 00:00:00.000000 0.585454 0.457238 1980-01-01 01:00:00.028800 0.524764 0.083464 1980-01-01 01:59:59.971200 0.516821 0.416683 1980-01-01 03:00:00.000000 0.948483 0.553874 1980-01-01 04:00:00.028800 0.492280 0.232901 1980-01-01 04:59:59.971200 0.527967 0.296395 1980-01-01 06:00:00.000000 0.650018 0.212802 1980-01-01 07:00:00.028800 0.585592 0.802971 1980-01-01 07:59:59.971200 0.448243 0.665814 1980-01-01 09:00:00.000000 0.137395 0.201721 >>> # Rounding can be applied due to floating point inaccuracy >>> test_df_gregorian_rounded = julian_to_gregorian(test_df, frequency="H") # Hourly Rounding Frequency >>> test_df_gregorian_rounded Simulated Data Observed Data 1980-01-01 00:00:00 0.309527 0.938991 1980-01-01 01:00:00 0.872284 0.497708 1980-01-01 02:00:00 0.168046 0.225845 1980-01-01 03:00:00 0.954494 0.275607 1980-01-01 04:00:00 0.875885 0.194380 1980-01-01 05:00:00 0.236849 0.992770 1980-01-01 06:00:00 0.639346 0.029808 1980-01-01 07:00:00 0.855828 0.903927 1980-01-01 08:00:00 0.638805 0.916124 1980-01-01 09:00:00 0.273430 0.443980 >>> # The DataFrame can also be modified in place, increasing efficiency with large time series >>> julian_to_gregorian(test_df, inplace=True, frequency="H") >>> test_df Simulated Data Observed Data 1980-01-01 00:00:00 0.309527 0.938991 1980-01-01 01:00:00 0.872284 0.497708 1980-01-01 02:00:00 0.168046 0.225845 1980-01-01 03:00:00 0.954494 0.275607 1980-01-01 04:00:00 0.875885 0.194380 1980-01-01 05:00:00 0.236849 0.992770 1980-01-01 06:00:00 0.639346 0.029808 1980-01-01 07:00:00 0.855828 0.903927 1980-01-01 08:00:00 0.638805 0.916124 1980-01-01 09:00:00 0.273430 0.443980 """ if inplace: dataframe.index = pd.to_datetime(dataframe.index, origin="julian", unit="D") if frequency is not None: dataframe.index = dataframe.index.round(frequency) else: # Copying to avoid modifying the original dataframe return_df = dataframe.copy() # Converting the dataframe index from julian to gregorian return_df.index = pd.to_datetime(return_df.index, origin="julian", unit="D") if frequency is not None: return_df.index = return_df.index.round(frequency) return return_df def merge_data(sim_fpath=None, obs_fpath=None, sim_df=None, obs_df=None, interpolate=None, column_names=('Simulated', 'Observed'), simulated_tz=None, observed_tz=None, interp_type='pchip', return_tz="Etc/UTC", julian=False, julian_freq=None): """Merges two dataframes or csv files, depending on the input. Parameters ---------- sim_fpath: str The filepath to the simulated csv of data. Can be a url if the page is formatted correctly. The csv must be formatted with the dates in the left column and the data in the right column. obs_fpath: str The filepath to the observed csv. Can be a url if the page is formatted correctly. The csv must be formatted with the dates in the left column and the data in the right column. sim_df: DataFrame A pandas DataFrame containing the simulated data. Must be formatted with a datetime index and the simulated data values in column 0. obs_df: DataFrame A pandas DataFrame containing the simulated data. Must be formatted with a datetime index and the simulated data values in column 0. interpolate: str Must be either 'observed' or 'simulated'. Specifies which data set you would like to interpolate if interpolation is needed to properly merge the data. column_names: tuple of str Tuple of length two containing the column names that the user would like to set for the DataFrame that is returned. Note that the simulated data will be in the left column and the observed data will be in the right column simulated_tz: str The timezone of the simulated data. A full list of timezones can be found in the :ref:`timezones`. observed_tz: str The timezone of the simulated data. A full list of timezones can be found in the :ref:`timezones`. interp_type: str Which interpolation method to use. Uses the default pandas interpolater. Available types are found at return_tz: str What timezone the merged dataframe's index should be returned as. Default is 'Etc/UTC', which is recommended for simplicity. julian: bool If True, will parse the first column of the file to a datetime index from julian floating point time representation, this is only valid when supplying the sim_fpath and obs_fpath parameters. Users supplying two DataFrame objects must convert the index from Julian to Gregorian using the julian_to_gregorian function in this module julian_freq: str A string representing the frequency of the julian dates so that they can be rounded. See examples for usage. Notes ----- The only acceptable time frequencies in the data are 15min, 30min, 45min, and any number of hours or days in between. There are three scenarios to consider when merging your data: 1. The first scenario is that the timezones and the spacing of the time series matches (eg. 1 Day). In this case, you will want to leave the simulated_tz, observed_tz, and interpolate arguments empty, and the function will simply join the two csv's into a dataframe. 2. The second scenario is that you have two time series with matching time zones but not matching spacing. In this case you will want to leave the simulated_tz and observed_tz empty, and use the interpolate argument to tell the function which time series you would like to interpolate to match the other time series. 3. The third scenario is that you have two time series with different time zones and possibly different spacings. In this case you will want to fill in the simulated_tz, observed_tz, and interpolate arguments. This will then take timezones into account when interpolating the selected time series. Examples -------- >>> import as hd >>> import pandas as pd >>> pd.options.display.max_rows = 15 The data URLs contain streamflow data from two different models, and are provided from the Hydrostats Github page >>> sfpt_url = r'' >>> glofas_url = r'' >>> merged_df = hd.merge_data(sfpt_url, glofas_url, column_names=('Streamflow Prediction Tool', 'GLOFAS')) """ # Reading the data into dataframes if from file if sim_fpath is not None and obs_fpath is not None: # Importing data into a data-frame sim_df_copy = pd.read_csv(sim_fpath, delimiter=",", header=None, names=[column_names[0]], index_col=0, infer_datetime_format=True, skiprows=1) obs_df_copy = pd.read_csv(obs_fpath, delimiter=",", header=None, names=[column_names[1]], index_col=0, infer_datetime_format=True, skiprows=1) # Converting the index to datetime type if julian: julian_to_gregorian(sim_df_copy, frequency=julian_freq, inplace=True) julian_to_gregorian(obs_df_copy, frequency=julian_freq, inplace=True) else: sim_df_copy.index = pd.to_datetime(sim_df_copy.index, infer_datetime_format=True, errors='coerce') obs_df_copy.index = pd.to_datetime(obs_df_copy.index, infer_datetime_format=True, errors='coerce') elif sim_df is not None and obs_df is not None: # Checking to make sure that both dataframes have datetime indices if they are not read from file. if not isinstance(sim_df.index, pd.DatetimeIndex) and not isinstance(obs_df.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): raise RuntimeError("Both the obs_df and the sim_df need to have a datetime index.") # Copying the user supplied DataFrame objects sim_df_copy = sim_df.copy() obs_df_copy = obs_df.copy() else: raise RuntimeError('either sim_fpath and obs_fpath or sim_df and obs_df are required inputs.') # Checking to see if the necessary arguments in the function are fulfilled if simulated_tz is None and observed_tz is not None: raise RuntimeError('Either Both Timezones are required or neither') elif simulated_tz is not None and observed_tz is None: raise RuntimeError('Either Both Timezones are required or neither') elif simulated_tz is not None and observed_tz is not None and interpolate is None: raise RuntimeError("You must specify with the interpolate parameter whether to interpolate the 'simulated' " "or 'observed' data.") elif simulated_tz is None and observed_tz is None and interpolate is None: # Scenario 1 # Merging and joining the two DataFrames merged_df =
pd.DataFrame.join(sim_df_copy, obs_df_copy)
############################################################################### ## ## Copyright (C) 2020-2022, New York University. ## All rights reserved. ## Contact: <EMAIL> ## ## This file is part of BugDoc. ## ## "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ## ## - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ## this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ## documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ## - Neither the name of the New York University nor the names of its ## contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from ## this software without specific prior written permission. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" ## AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ## THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ## PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR ## CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ## EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ## PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; ## OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ## WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR ## OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ## ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ## ############################################################################### import ast import copy import logging import pandas as pd import os import random import time import zmq from bugdoc.utils.utils import load_runs, numtests, load_combinatorial logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) class AutoDebug(object): def generate_data_interventions(self,bad_dataframe,good_dataframes): def compute_score(row,b,g): return min(row['score'],abs(row[b]-row[g])) columns = good_dataframes[0].columns max_diff_columns = {} column_dataframes = {} for c in columns: df = pd.DataFrame() df['bad'] = bad_dataframe[c] first = True for g in range(len(good_dataframes)): good = good_dataframes[g] df['good_' + str(g)] = good[c] if first: col_diff = bad_dataframe[c].sub(good[c], axis=0).abs() df['score'] = col_diff first = False else: df['score'] = df.apply(lambda row: compute_score(row, 'bad', 'good_' + str(g)), axis=1) max_diff_columns[c] = max(df['score']) df.sort_values(by=['score'], inplace=True, ascending=False) column_dataframes[c] = df column_order = [pair[0] for pair in sorted(max_diff_columns.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)] return column_dataframes, column_order def execute_intervention(self, dataframe, input_dict): result = False temp_dataset_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(input_dict['dataset']),"temp.csv") input_dict['dataset'] = temp_dataset_file dataframe.to_csv(temp_dataset_file, index=False) requests = set() exp = [] for param in self.my_inputs: value = input_dict[param] exp.append(value) self.workflow(exp) if self.is_poller_not_sync: time.sleep(1) self.is_poller_not_sync = False requests.add(str(exp)) while len(requests) > 0: socks = dict(self.poller.poll(10000)) if socks: if socks.get(self.receiver) == zmq.POLLIN: msg = self.receiver.recv_string(zmq.NOBLOCK) exp = ast.literal_eval(msg) requests.discard(str(exp[:-1])) x = copy.deepcopy(exp) x[-1] = eval(x[-1]) result = x[-1] else: for tup in requests: exp = list(tup) # TODO check if we need to resend experiments # self.workflow(exp) if self.is_poller_not_sync: time.sleep(1) self.is_poller_not_sync = False return result def replace_column(self,column, column_dataframes, bad_dataframe, input_dict): bad_col = bad_dataframe[column] bad_dataframe[column] = column_dataframes[column]['good_0'] # Test result = self.execute_intervention(bad_dataframe, input_dict) #roll back bad_dataframe[column] = bad_col return result def replace_keys(self, column, column_dataframes, bad_dataframe, keys, input_dict): bad_col = bad_dataframe[column] bad_dataframe[column][keys] = column_dataframes[column]['good_0'][keys] # Test result = self.execute_intervention(bad_dataframe, input_dict) # roll back bad_dataframe[column] = bad_col return result def run(self, filename, input_dict, bad_dataset, good_datasets, outputs): bad_dataframe =
"""Combine demand, hydro, wind, and solar traces into a single DataFrame""" import os import time import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def _pad_column(col, direction): """Pad values forwards or backwards to a specified date""" # Drop missing values df = col.dropna() # Convert to DataFrame df = df.to_frame() # Options that must change depending on direction in which to pad if direction == 'forward': keep = 'last' new_index = pd.date_range(start=df.index[0], end='2051-01-01 00:00:00', freq='1H') elif direction == 'backward': keep = 'first' new_index = pd.date_range(start='2016-01-01 01:00:00', end=df.index[-1], freq='1H') else: raise Exception(f'Unexpected direction: {direction}') # Update index df = df.reindex(new_index) def _get_hour_of_year(row): """Get hour of year""" # Get day of year - adjust by 1 minute so last timestamp (2051-01-01 00:00:00) # is assigned to 2050. Note this timestamp actually corresponds to the interval # 2050-12-31 23:00:00 to 2051-01-01 00:00:00 day_timestamp = - pd.Timedelta(minutes=1) # Day of year day = day_timestamp.dayofyear # Hour of year hour = ((day - 1) * 24) + day_timestamp.hour + 1 return hour # Hour of year df['hour_of_year'] = df.apply(_get_hour_of_year, axis=1).to_frame('hour_of_year') # Last year with complete data fill_year = df.dropna(subset=[]).drop_duplicates(subset=['hour_of_year'], keep=keep) # DataFrame that will have values padded forward padded = df.reset_index().set_index('hour_of_year') # Pad using values from last year with complete data padded.update(fill_year.set_index('hour_of_year'), overwrite=False) # Set timestamp as index padded = padded.set_index('index') # Return series padded = padded[] return padded def pad_dataframe(col): """Apply padding - forwards and backwards for each column in DataFrame""" # Pad values forwards padded = _pad_column(col, direction='forward') # Pad values backwards padded = _pad_column(padded, direction='backward') return padded def format_wind_traces(data_dir): """Format wind traces""" # Load wind traces df = pd.read_hdf(os.path.join(data_dir, 'wind_traces.h5')) # Reset index and pivot df = df.reset_index().pivot(index='timestamp', columns='bubble', values='capacity_factor') # Pad data forward df = df.apply(pad_dataframe) # Add level to column index df.columns =
pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['WIND'], df.columns])
""" CMO-PMO Dashbaord report generation. Reads daily metric data from blob storage and uploads """ import sys, time import os from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta from pathlib import Path import argparse import pandas as pd util_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', '..', '..', 'util')) sys.path.append(util_path) from utils import post_data_to_blob, create_json, get_tenant_info, get_data_from_blob, push_metric_event def data_wrangling(result_loc_, date_): """ Extract last 30 days' daily metrics data from date of run. :param result_loc_: Path object for file path :param date_: datetime object for date sorting :return: None """ df =
import os from datetime import datetime import tensorflow as tf import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping from tensorflow import keras from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Conv2D, Flatten, Dropout, MaxPooling2D from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from numpy import expand_dims from keras.preprocessing.image import load_img from keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array from keras.layers import Activation, Dense from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # loading in the data df = pd.read_csv('33k_stripes_and_florals.csv') df = df.set_index('id') # labelling based on if it is floral or stripes df['floral'] = np.where(df.keywords.str.contains('floral'), 1, 0) df = df.drop(columns=['categories', 'type', 'contributer', 'description', 'keywords', 'image_urls']) df = df.sample(frac=1) # shuffle # add filenames df['filenames'] = [str(x)+'.jpg' for x in df.index] # split between train and test data X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df.filenames, df.floral, test_size=0.25, random_state=24) # Make one df for train and one for test since that is what the generators need Xy_train =
pd.concat([X_train, y_train], axis=1)
''' This file contains the ML-algorithms used to operate on the data provided by the user ''' import pandas as pd import numpy as np from flask import current_app import os from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier as DTC from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB as GNB from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier as KNC from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from mlgo.models import ResultSet from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from sklearn.preprocessing import quantile_transform from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier from mlgo.datatraining.feature_selection import select_k_best from mlgo.datatraining.feature_selection import variance_based ''' Clean the data if the target is of string type convert into classes convert any string features into classes or continuous values ''' class ML_Models(): data = "" num_cols = 0 num_rows = 0 dataset_name = "" def __init__(self, data_file): filepath = os.path.join(current_app.root_path, 'static/data', data_file) data = pd.read_csv(filepath, header=0) if data.shape[1] == 1: data = pd.read_csv(filepath, header=0, delimiter='\t') data.reset_index() = data columns = data.columns for col in columns[:-1]: try: data[col] = data[col].astype('float64') except: data[col] = pd.factorize(data[col])[0] try: data[columns[-1]] = data[columns[-1]].astype('int64') except: data[columns[-1]] = pd.factorize(data[columns[-1]])[0] = data self.dataset_name = data_file self.num_rows = data.shape[0] self.num_cols = data.shape[1] def get_labels(self, data): df = data column_names = list(df) df.columns = list(range(0, len(df.columns))) features = df.drop(columns=[len(df.columns) -1]) labels = df.get(len(df.columns) -1) features.columns = column_names[:-1] labels.columns = column_names[-1] return features, labels def clean_data(self): data = data.fillna(data.mean(), inplace=True) data.fillna(data.median(), inplace=True) data.fillna(data.mode(), inplace=True) = data def scale_data(self, data, scaler='MinMaxScaler'): if scaler is None: return data if scaler not in ['MinMaxScaler', 'Normalizer', 'Quantile_Transform']: scaler = 'MinMaxScaler' mmc = MinMaxScaler() nm = Normalizer() if scaler == 'MinMaxScaler': print('In MinMaxScaler') scaled_data = mmc.transform(data) print(type(scaled_data)) return scaled_data elif scaler == 'Normalizer': scaled_data_temp = scaled_data = scaled_data_temp.transform(data) return scaled_data elif scaler == 'Quantile_Transform': return quantile_transform(data, n_quantiles=100, random_state=0) def select_features(self, features, labels, params, algo="All"): print("Algo : ",algo) print("run1") if algo is 'All' or algo not in ['Variance Based', 'K Best']: return features, features.shape[1] print('run2') if algo == 'Variance Based': print("In variance based") try: params = float(params) except: params = 0.0 if params < 0: params = 0.0 new_features = variance_based(features, labels, params) #new_test_f = variance_based(test_f, test_l, params) return new_features, new_features.shape[1] elif algo == 'K Best': print("In k best") try: params = int(params) except: params = 10 new_features = select_k_best(features, labels, params) #new_test_f = select_k_best(features, labels, params) no_features = new_features.shape[1] return new_features, no_features print("End of function") def decision_tree(self, criterion='gini', max_depth=None, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1, scaler=None, feature_selection='All', p=0.0, test_train_split=0.3): data = try: test_train_split = float(test_train_split) if test_train_split > 0.6: test_train_split = 0.6 except: print("in except") test_train_split = 0.3 train, test = train_test_split(data, test_size=test_train_split) print("\n\n", train.shape, "\n\n", test.shape, "\n\n") train_features, train_labels = self.get_labels(train) test_features, test_labels = self.get_labels(test) features_list = [] #train_features, test_features, features_list = self.select_features(train_features, train_labels, test_features, test_labels, p, feature_selection) train_features = self.scale_data(train_features, scaler=scaler) test_features = self.scale_data(test_features, scaler=scaler) train_labels = train_labels.values.reshape(train_features.shape[0], 1) test_labels = test_labels.values.reshape(test_features.shape[0], 1) print(train_features.shape) print(train_labels.shape) recon_train = np.hstack((train_features, train_labels)) recon_test = np.hstack((test_features, test_labels)) reconstructed_data = np.concatenate((recon_train, recon_test)) reconstructed_data_df = pd.DataFrame(reconstructed_data, index=None) re_features = reconstructed_data_df.drop(columns=[len(reconstructed_data_df.columns) - 1]) re_labels = reconstructed_data_df.get(len(reconstructed_data_df.columns) - 1) selected_feat, num_feat = self.select_features(re_features, re_labels, params=p, algo=feature_selection) selected_feat = pd.DataFrame(selected_feat, index=None) data = pd.concat([selected_feat, re_labels], axis=1) train, test = train_test_split(data, test_size=test_train_split) train_features, train_labels = self.get_labels(train) test_features, test_labels = self.get_labels(test) if criterion != 'gini' or criterion != 'entropy': criterion = 'gini' if max_depth == '' or max_depth is None: max_depth = None else: max_depth = int(max_depth) clf = DTC(criterion=criterion, max_depth=max_depth, min_samples_split=min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf), train_labels) predictions = clf.predict(test_features) accuracy = accuracy_score(test_labels, predictions) rs = ResultSet() rs.algo_name = 'Decision Tree' rs.dataset_name = self.dataset_name rs.accuracy = round(accuracy, 4) rs.train_test_split = test_train_split rs.normalization = scaler rs.no_of_features = num_feat return rs def svm(self, c=1.0, kernel='rbf', gamma='auto', max_iter=-1, scaler=None, feature_selection='All',p=0.0, test_train_split=0.3): data = try: test_train_split = float(test_train_split) if test_train_split > 0.6: test_train_split = 0.6 except: test_train_split = 0.3 train, test = train_test_split(data, test_size=test_train_split) train_features, train_labels = self.get_labels(train) test_features, test_labels = self.get_labels(test) features_list = [] # train_features, test_features, features_list = self.select_features(train_features, train_labels, test_features, # test_labels, p, feature_selection) train_features = self.scale_data(train_features, scaler=scaler) test_features = self.scale_data(test_features, scaler=scaler) train_labels = train_labels.values.reshape(train_features.shape[0], 1) test_labels = test_labels.values.reshape(test_features.shape[0], 1) print(train_features.shape) print(train_labels.shape) recon_train = np.hstack((train_features, train_labels)) recon_test = np.hstack((test_features, test_labels)) reconstructed_data = np.concatenate((recon_train, recon_test)) reconstructed_data_df =
pd.DataFrame(reconstructed_data, index=None)
import pandas as pd def unfold(df,s): df=df[s].values lst=[] for i in df: dic={} for j in range(len(i)): dic[j]=i[j] lst.append(dic) return pd.DataFrame(lst) def load_raw_data(file_path,vectorizer,dataset_index): if dataset_index==2: df = pd.read_pickle(file_path) title=pd.DataFrame(vectorizer.get_text_feature( df['title'].values)) body=pd.DataFrame(vectorizer.get_text_feature( df['body'].values)) comment_text=pd.DataFrame(vectorizer.get_text_feature( df['comment'].values)) issue_num=df[["LengthOfTitle","LengthOfDescription","NumOfUrls","NumOfPics","NumOfCode","PositiveWords","NegativeWords", "coleman_liau_index","flesch_reading_ease","flesch_kincaid_grade","automated_readability_index"]] rpt=df[["rptallpr","rptpr","rptcmt","rptallcmt","rptpronum","rptstar", "rptfoll","rptalliss",'rpthascomment', 'rptisnew', 'rpthasevent',"rptnpratio","rptissnum"]] comnum=df[["commentnum","labels"]] lc=unfold(df,"labelcategory") le=unfold(df,"labelevent") event=unfold(df,"event").iloc[:,11:36] event_experience=unfold(df,"event").iloc[:,:11] T=pd.concat([title,body,comment_text,issue_num,rpt,comnum,lc,le,event,event_experience],axis=1) c=[] for i in range(title.shape[1]): c.append("title"+str(i)) for i in range(body.shape[1]): c.append("description"+str(i)) for i in range(comment_text.shape[1]): c.append("com"+str(i)) c+=list(issue_num.columns) c+=list(rpt.columns) c+=list(comnum.columns) for i in range(lc.shape[1]): c.append("lc"+str(i)) for i in range(le.shape[1]): c.append("le"+str(i)) for i in range(event.shape[1]): c.append("event"+str(i)) for i in range(event_experience.shape[1]): c.append("event_ex"+str(i)) T.columns=c elif dataset_index==1: df = pd.read_pickle(file_path) title=pd.DataFrame(vectorizer.get_text_feature( df['title'].values)) body=pd.DataFrame(vectorizer.get_text_feature( df['body'].values)) issue_num=df[["LengthOfTitle","LengthOfDescription","NumOfUrls","NumOfPics","NumOfCode","PositiveWords","NegativeWords", "coleman_liau_index","flesch_reading_ease","flesch_kincaid_grade","automated_readability_index"]] rpt=df[["rptallpr","rptpr","rptcmt","rptallcmt","rptpronum","rptstar","rptfoll","rptalliss",'rptisnew', "rptnpratio","rptissnum","labels"]] lc=unfold(df,"labelcategory") T=pd.concat([title,body,issue_num,rpt,lc],axis=1) c=[] for i in range(title.shape[1]): c.append("title"+str(i)) for i in range(body.shape[1]): c.append("description"+str(i)) c+=list(issue_num.columns) c+=list(rpt.columns) for i in range(lc.shape[1]): c.append("lc"+str(i)) T.columns=c return T def load_train_test_data(file_path1,vectorizer,dataset_index,fold,sorted,crosspro): T= load_raw_data(file_path1,vectorizer,dataset_index) T.dropna(inplace=True) p_train_split1=int((fold/10)*T.shape[0]) p_train_split2=int((fold/10+0.1)*T.shape[0]) train_data1=T.iloc[:p_train_split1] train_data2=T.iloc[p_train_split2:] train_data=pd.concat([train_data1,train_data2],axis=0) test_data=T.iloc[p_train_split1:p_train_split2] p_train = train_data[train_data.labels == 1] p_train = p_train.sample(frac=15000/p_train.shape[0],replace=True,random_state=0) n_train = train_data[train_data.labels == 0] n_train=n_train.sample(frac=15000/n_train.shape[0],replace=True,random_state=0) train_data=
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, flash, redirect, url_for, send_file from keras.preprocessing.image import load_img from keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array from mrcnn.config import Config from mrcnn.model import MaskRCNN from matplotlib import pyplot from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename import os import pandas as pd import time df=pd.DataFrame() ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'} UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'static/uploads/' application = Flask(__name__, static_folder = UPLOAD_FOLDER) application.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_FOLDER aisles = [] spaces = [] class TestConfig(Config): NAME = "void_cfg" GPU_COUNT = 1 IMAGES_PER_GPU = 1 NUM_CLASSES = 1 + 1 rcnn = MaskRCNN(mode='inference', model_dir='./', config=TestConfig()) rcnn.load_weights('mask_rcnn_void_cfg_00052.h5', by_name=True) rcnn.keras_model._make_predict_function() def allowed_file(filename): return '.' in filename and \ filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS def draw_image_with_boxes(filename, boxes_list): fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) data = pyplot.imread(filename) pyplot.imshow(data) fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) pyplot.imshow(data) ax = pyplot.gca() for box in boxes_list: y1, x1, y2, x2 = box width, height = x2 - x1, y2 - y1 rect = Rectangle((x1, y1), width, height, fill=False, color='red') ax.add_patch(rect) aisles.append(filename) spaces.append(len(boxes_list)) dict = {'aisle name': aisles, 'void number': spaces} df =
''' Train and evaluate binary classifier Produce a human-readable HTML report with performance plots and metrics Usage ----- ``` python {classifier_name} --output_dir /path/ \ {clf_specific_kwargs} {data_kwargs} {protocol_kwargs} ``` For detailed help message: ``` python {classifier_name} --help ``` Examples -------- TODO ---- * Save classifiers in reproducible format on disk (ONNX??) * Add reporting for calibration (and perhaps adjustment to improve calibration) ''' import argparse import ast import json import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import glob from yattag import Doc import sklearn.linear_model import sklearn.tree import sklearn.ensemble from custom_classifiers import ThresholdClassifier from sklearn.metrics import (accuracy_score, balanced_accuracy_score, f1_score, average_precision_score, confusion_matrix, log_loss, roc_auc_score, roc_curve, precision_recall_curve) from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, ShuffleSplit from split_dataset import Splitter from utils_scoring import (THRESHOLD_SCORING_OPTIONS, calc_score_for_binary_predictions) from utils_calibration import plot_binary_clf_calibration_curve_and_histograms def get_sorted_list_of_kwargs_specific_to_group_parser(group_parser): keys = [a.option_strings[0].replace('--', '') for a in group_parser._group_actions] return [k for k in sorted(keys)] DEFAULT_PROJECT_REPO = os.path.sep.join(__file__.split(os.path.sep)[:-2]) PROJECT_REPO_DIR = os.path.abspath( os.environ.get('PROJECT_REPO_DIR', DEFAULT_PROJECT_REPO)) default_json_dir = os.path.join(PROJECT_REPO_DIR, 'src', 'default_hyperparameters') if not os.path.exists(default_json_dir): raise ValueError("Could not read default hyperparameters from file") DEFAULT_SETTINGS_JSON_FILES = glob.glob(os.path.join(default_json_dir, '*.json')) if len(DEFAULT_SETTINGS_JSON_FILES) == 0: raise ValueError("Could not read default hyperparameters from file") try: TEMPLATE_HTML_PATH = os.path.join(PROJECT_REPO_DIR, 'src', 'template.html') except KeyError: TEMPLATE_HTML_PATH = None FIG_KWARGS = dict( figsize=(4, 4), tight_layout=True) if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse pre-specified command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="clf_name", dest="clf_name") subparsers_by_name = dict() for json_file in DEFAULT_SETTINGS_JSON_FILES: with open(json_file, 'r') as f: defaults = json.load(f) clf_name = os.path.basename(json_file).split('.')[0] clf_parser = subparsers.add_parser(clf_name) default_group = clf_parser.add_argument_group('fixed_clf_settings') filter_group = clf_parser.add_argument_group('filter_hypers') hyperparam_group = clf_parser.add_argument_group('hyperparameters') for key, val in defaults.items(): if key.count('constructor'): assert val.count(' ') == 0 assert val.startswith('sklearn') for ii, name in enumerate(val.split('.')): if ii == 0: mod = globals().get(name) else: mod = getattr(mod, name) clf_parser.add_argument('--clf_constructor', default=mod) elif isinstance(val, list): if key.startswith('grid_'): hyperparam_group.add_argument("--%s" % key, default=val, type=type(val[0]), nargs='*') else: default_group.add_argument("--%s" % key, default=val, type=type(val[0]), nargs='*') else: has_simple_type = isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, float) assert has_simple_type if key.startswith('grid_'): hyperparam_group.add_argument("--%s" % key, default=val, type=type(val)) elif key.startswith('filter__'): filter_group.add_argument("--%s" % key, default=val, type=type(val)) else: default_group.add_argument("--%s" % key, default=val, type=type(val)) subparsers_by_name[clf_name] = clf_parser ''' logistic_parser = subparsers.add_parser('logistic') logistic_parser.set_defaults(clf=LogisticRegression, default_clf_args={'solver': 'lbfgs', 'multi_class': 'auto'}) logistic_parser.add_argument('--grid_C', type=float, nargs='*', default=[1]) dtree_parser = subparsers.add_parser('dtree') dtree_parser.set_defaults(clf=DecisionTreeClassifier, default_clf_args={}) dtree_parser.add_argument('--grid_max_depth', type=int, nargs='*', default=[None]) rforest_parser = subparsers.add_parser('rforest') rforest_parser.set_defaults(clf=RandomForestClassifier, default_clf_args={}) rforest_parser.add_argument('--grid_n_estimators', type=int, nargs='*', default=[10]) rforest_parser.add_argument('--grid_max_depth', type=int, nargs='*', default=[None]) mlp_parser = subparsers.add_parser('mlp') mlp_parser.set_defaults(clf=MLPClassifier, default_clf_args={}) # ast.literal_eval evaluates strings, converting to a tuple in this case # (may need to put tuples in quotes for command line) mlp_parser.add_argument('--grid_hidden_layer_sizes', type=ast.literal_eval, nargs='*', default=[(100,)]) mlp_parser.add_argument('--grid_alpha', type=float, nargs='*', default=[0.0001]) ''' for p in subparsers_by_name.values(): data_group = p.add_argument_group('data') data_group.add_argument('--train_csv_files', type=str, required=True) data_group.add_argument('--test_csv_files', type=str, required=True) data_group.add_argument('--data_dict_files', type=str, required=True) data_group.add_argument('--output_dir', default='./html/', type=str, required=False) protocol_group = p.add_argument_group('protocol') protocol_group.add_argument('--outcome_col_name', type=str, required=False) protocol_group.add_argument('--validation_size', type=float, default=0.1) protocol_group.add_argument('--key_cols_to_group_when_splitting', type=str, default=None, nargs='*') protocol_group.add_argument('--scoring', type=str, default='roc_auc_score') protocol_group.add_argument('--random_seed', type=int, default=8675309) protocol_group.add_argument('--n_splits', type=int, default=1) protocol_group.add_argument('--threshold_scoring', type=str, default=None, choices=[None, 'None'] + THRESHOLD_SCORING_OPTIONS) #p.add_argument('-a-ts_dir', required=True) #p.add_argument('--data_dict', required=True) #p.add_argument('--static_files', nargs='*') args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args() fig_dir = os.path.abspath(args.output_dir) # key[5:] strips the 'grid_' prefix from the argument argdict = vars(args) raw_param_grid = { key[5:]: argdict[key] for key in argdict if key.startswith('grid_')} # Parse unspecified arguments to be passed through to the classifier def auto_convert_str(x): try: x_float = float(x) x_int = int(x_float) if x_int == x_float: return x_int else: return x_float except ValueError: return x # Import data feature_cols = [] outcome_cols = [] df_by_split = dict() for split_name, csv_files in [('train', args.train_csv_files.split(',')), ('test', args.test_csv_files.split(','))]: cur_df = None for csv_file, data_dict_file in zip(csv_files, args.data_dict_files.split(',')): with open(data_dict_file, 'r') as f: data_fields = json.load(f)['schema']['fields'] key_cols = [c['name'] for c in data_fields if c['role'] in ('key', 'id')] feature_cols.extend([ c['name'] for c in data_fields if ( c['role'].lower() in ('feature', 'covariate', 'measurement') and c['name'] not in feature_cols)]) outcome_cols.extend([ c['name'] for c in data_fields if ( c['role'].lower() in ('output', 'outcome') and c['name'] not in feature_cols)]) # TODO use json data dict to load specific columns as desired types more_df = pd.read_csv(csv_file) if cur_df is None: cur_df = more_df else: cur_df = cur_df.merge(more_df, on=key_cols) df_by_split[split_name] = cur_df ''' data_dict = json.load(open(args.data_dict)) train = pd.read_csv(args.ts_dir + '/train.csv') test = pd.read_csv(args.ts_dir + '/test.csv') if args.static_files: for f in args.static_files: static = pd.read_csv(f) join_cols = [c['name'] for c in data_dict['fields'] if c['role'] == 'id' and c['name'] in static.columns and c['name'] in train.columns] train = train.merge(static, on=join_cols) test = test.merge(static, on=join_cols) feature_cols = [c['name'] for c in data_dict['fields'] if c['role'] == 'feature' and c['name'] in train] outcome_col = [c['name'] for c in data_dict['fields'] if c['role'] == 'outcome' and c['name'] in train] ''' outcome_col_name = args.outcome_col_name if outcome_col_name is None: if len(outcome_cols) > 1: raise Exception('Data has multiple outcome column, need to select one via --outcome_col_name') elif len(outcome_cols) == 0: raise Exception("Data has no outcome columns. Need to label at least one with role='outcome'") outcome_col_name = outcome_cols[0] if outcome_col_name not in outcome_cols: raise Exception("Selected --outcome_col_name=%s not labeled in data_dict with role='outcome'" % ( outcome_col_name)) # Prepare data for classification x_train = df_by_split['train'][feature_cols].values y_train = np.ravel(df_by_split['train'][outcome_col_name]) x_test = df_by_split['test'][feature_cols].values y_test = np.ravel(df_by_split['test'][outcome_col_name]) fixed_args = {} fixed_group = None for g in subparsers_by_name[args.clf_name]._action_groups: if g.title.count('fixed'): fixed_group = g break for key in get_sorted_list_of_kwargs_specific_to_group_parser(fixed_group): val = vars(args)[key] if isinstance(val, str): if val.lower() == 'none': val = None fixed_args[key] = val passthrough_args = {} for i in range(len(unknown_args)): arg = unknown_args[i] if arg.startswith('--'): val = unknown_args[i+1] passthrough_args[arg[2:]] = auto_convert_str(val) # Perform hyper_searcher search n_examples = int(np.ceil(x_train.shape[0] * (1 - args.validation_size))) n_features = x_train.shape[1] param_grid = dict() for key, grid in raw_param_grid.items(): fkey = 'filter__' + key if fkey in argdict: filter_func = eval(argdict[fkey]) filtered_grid = np.unique([filter_func(g, n_examples, n_features) for g in grid]).tolist() else: filtered_grid = np.unique(grid).tolist() if len(filtered_grid) == 0: raise Warning("Bad grid for parameter: %s") elif len(filtered_grid) == 1: fixed_args[key] = filtered_grid[0] raise Warning("Skipping parameter %s with only one grid value") else: param_grid[key] = filtered_grid # Create classifier object clf = args.clf_constructor( random_state=int(args.random_seed), **fixed_args, **passthrough_args) splitter = Splitter( size=args.validation_size, random_state=args.random_seed, n_splits=args.n_splits, cols_to_group=args.key_cols_to_group_when_splitting) hyper_searcher = GridSearchCV( clf, param_grid, scoring=args.scoring, cv=splitter, refit=True, return_train_score=True) key_train = splitter.make_groups_from_df(df_by_split['train'][key_cols]), y_train, groups=key_train) # Pretty tables for results of hyper_searcher search cv_perf_df = pd.DataFrame(hyper_searcher.cv_results_) tr_split_keys = ['mean_train_score'] + ['split%d_train_score' % a for a in range(args.n_splits)] te_split_keys = ['mean_test_score'] + ['split%d_test_score' % a for a in range(args.n_splits)] cv_tr_perf_df = cv_perf_df[['params'] + tr_split_keys].copy() cv_te_perf_df = cv_perf_df[['params'] + te_split_keys].copy() # Threshold search # TODO make cast wider net at nearby settings to the best estimator?? if str(args.threshold_scoring) != 'None': # hyper_searcher search on validation over possible threshold values # Make sure all candidates at least provide # one instance of each class (positive and negative) yproba_class1_vals = list() for tr_inds, va_inds in splitter.split(x_train, groups=key_train): x_valid = x_train[va_inds] yproba_valid = hyper_searcher.best_estimator_.predict_proba(x_valid)[:,1] yproba_class1_vals.extend(yproba_valid) unique_yproba_vals = np.unique(yproba_class1_vals) if unique_yproba_vals.shape[0] == 1: nontrivial_thr_vals = unique_yproba_vals else: # Try all thr values that would give at least one pos and one neg decision nontrivial_thr_vals = np.unique(unique_yproba_vals)[1:-1] if nontrivial_thr_vals.size > 100: # Too many for possible thr values for typical compute power # Cover the space of typical computed values well # But also include some extreme values dense_thr_grid = np.linspace( np.percentile(nontrivial_thr_vals, 5), np.percentile(nontrivial_thr_vals, 95), 90) extreme_thr_grid = np.linspace( nontrivial_thr_vals[0], nontrivial_thr_vals[-1], 10) thr_grid = np.unique(np.hstack([extreme_thr_grid, dense_thr_grid])) else: # Seems feasible to just look at all possible thresholds # that give distinct operating points. thr_grid = nontrivial_thr_vals print("Searching thresholds...") if thr_grid.shape[0] > 3: print("thr_grid = %.4f, %.4f, %.4f ... %.4f, %.4f" % ( thr_grid[0], thr_grid[1], thr_grid[2], thr_grid[-2], thr_grid[-1])) ## TODO find better way to do this fast # So we dont need to call fit at each thr value score_grid_SG = np.zeros((splitter.n_splits, thr_grid.size)) for ss, (tr_inds, va_inds) in enumerate( splitter.split(x_train, y_train, groups=key_train)): x_tr = x_train[tr_inds].copy() y_tr = y_train[tr_inds].copy() x_va = x_train[va_inds] y_va = y_train[va_inds] tmp_clf = ThresholdClassifier(hyper_searcher.best_estimator_), y_tr) for gg, thr in enumerate(thr_grid): tmp_clf = tmp_clf.set_params(threshold=thr) yhat = tmp_clf.predict(x_va) score_grid_SG[ss, gg] = calc_score_for_binary_predictions(y_va, yhat, scoring=args.threshold_scoring) avg_score_G = np.mean(score_grid_SG, axis=0) # Do a 2nd order quadratic fit to the scores # Focusing weight on points near the maximizer # This gives us a "smoothed" function mapping thresholds to scores # avoids issues if scores are "wiggly" we don't want to rely too much on max # OR will do right thing when there are many thresholds that work # Using smoothed scores guarantees we get maximizer in the middle of that range weights_G = np.exp(-10.0 * np.abs(avg_score_G - np.max(avg_score_G))) poly_coefs = np.polyfit(thr_grid, avg_score_G, 2, w=weights_G) smoothed_score_G = np.polyval(poly_coefs, thr_grid) gg = np.argmax(smoothed_score_G) # Keep best scoring estimator best_thr = thr_grid[gg] print("Chosen Threshold: %.4f" % best_thr) best_clf = ThresholdClassifier(hyper_searcher.best_estimator_, threshold=best_thr) else: best_clf = hyper_searcher.best_estimator_ # Evaluation row_dict_list = list() extra_list = list() for split_name, x, y in [ ('train', x_train, y_train), ('test', x_test, y_test)]: row_dict = dict(split_name=split_name, n_examples=x.shape[0], n_labels_positive=np.sum(y)) row_dict['frac_labels_positive'] = np.sum(y) / x.shape[0] y_pred = best_clf.predict(x) y_pred_proba = best_clf.predict_proba(x)[:, 1] confusion_arr = confusion_matrix(y, y_pred) cm_df = pd.DataFrame(confusion_arr, columns=[0,1], index=[0,1]) = 'Predicted label' = 'True label' accuracy = accuracy_score(y, y_pred) balanced_accuracy = balanced_accuracy_score(y, y_pred) log2_loss = log_loss(y, y_pred_proba, normalize=True) / np.log(2) row_dict.update(dict(confusion_html=cm_df.to_html(), cross_entropy_base2=log2_loss, accuracy=accuracy, balanced_accuracy=balanced_accuracy)) f1 = f1_score(y, y_pred) avg_precision = average_precision_score(y, y_pred_proba) roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred_proba) row_dict.update(dict(f1_score=f1, average_precision=avg_precision, AUROC=roc_auc)) npv, ppv = np.diag(cm_df.values) / cm_df.sum(axis=0) tnr, tpr = np.diag(cm_df.values) / cm_df.sum(axis=1) row_dict.update(dict(TPR=tpr, TNR=tnr, PPV=ppv, NPV=npv)) row_dict.update(dict(tn=cm_df.values[0,0], fp=cm_df.values[0,1], fn=cm_df.values[1,0], tp=cm_df.values[1,1])) # Plots B = 0.03 plot_binary_clf_calibration_curve_and_histograms(y, y_pred_proba, bins=11, B=B) plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_dir, '{split_name}_calibration_curve.png'.format(split_name=split_name))) plt.close() # ROC curve roc_fpr, roc_tpr, _ = roc_curve(y, y_pred_proba) fig_h = plt.figure(**FIG_KWARGS) ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(roc_fpr, roc_tpr, 'b.-') ax.set_xlabel('False Positive Rate') ax.set_ylabel('True Positive Rate') ax.set_xlim([-B, 1.0 + B]) ax.set_ylim([-B, 1.0 + B]) plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_dir, '{split_name}_roc_curve.png'.format(split_name=split_name))) plt.close() # PR curve # ordered with *decreasing* recall precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(y, y_pred_proba) # To compute area under curve, make sure we integrate with *increasing* recall row_dict['AUPRC'] = np.trapz(precision[::-1], recall[::-1]) fig_h = plt.figure(**FIG_KWARGS) ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(recall, precision, 'b.-') ax.set_xlabel('Recall') ax.set_ylabel('Precision') ax.set_xlim([-B, 1.0 + B]) ax.set_ylim([-B, 1.0 + B]) plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_dir, '{split_name}_pr_curve.png'.format(split_name=split_name))) plt.close() row_dict_list.append(row_dict) perf_df = pd.DataFrame(row_dict_list) perf_df = perf_df.set_index('split_name') # Set up HTML report try: os.mkdir(fig_dir) except OSError: pass os.chdir(fig_dir) doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext() pd.set_option('precision', 4) with tag('html'): if os.path.exists(TEMPLATE_HTML_PATH): with open(TEMPLATE_HTML_PATH, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): doc.asis(line) with tag('div', klass="container-fluid text-center"): with tag('div', klass='row content'): with tag('div', klass="col-sm-1 sidenav"): text("") with tag('div', klass="col-sm-10 text-left"): with tag('h3'): text('Hyperparameters of best model') with tag('pre'): text(str(best_clf)) with tag('h3'): with tag('a', name='results-data-summary'): text('Input Data Summary') doc.asis(perf_df[['n_examples', 'n_labels_positive', 'frac_labels_positive']].to_html()) with tag('h3'): with tag('a', name='results-performance-plots'): text('Performance Plots') with tag('table'): with tag('tr'): with tag('th', **{'text-align':'center'}): text('Train') with tag('th', **{'text-align':'center'}): text('Test') with tag('tr'): with tag('td', align='center'): doc.stag('img', src=os.path.join(fig_dir, 'train_roc_curve.png'), width=400) with tag('td', align='center'): doc.stag('img', src=os.path.join(fig_dir, 'test_roc_curve.png'), width=400) with tag('tr'): with tag('td', align='center'): doc.stag('img', src=os.path.join(fig_dir, 'train_pr_curve.png'), width=400) with tag('td', align='center'): doc.stag('img', src=os.path.join(fig_dir, 'test_pr_curve.png'), width=400) with tag('tr'): with tag('td', align='center'): doc.stag('img', src=os.path.join(fig_dir, 'train_calibration_curve.png'), width=400) with tag('td', align='center'): doc.stag('img', src=os.path.join(fig_dir, 'test_calibration_curve.png'), width=400) with tag('tr'): with tag('td', align='center', **{'text-align':'center'}): doc.asis(str(perf_df.iloc[0][['confusion_html']].values[0]).replace('&lt;', '<').replace('&gt;', '>').replace('\\n', '')) with tag('td', align='center', **{'text-align':'center'}): doc.asis(str(perf_df.iloc[1][['confusion_html']].values[0]).replace('&lt;', '<').replace('&gt;', '>').replace('\\n', '')) with tag('h3'): with tag('a', name='results-performance-metrics-proba'): text('Performance Metrics using Probabilities') doc.asis(perf_df[['AUROC', 'AUPRC', 'average_precision', 'cross_entropy_base2']].to_html()) with tag('h3'): with tag('a', name='results-performance-metrics-thresh'): text('Performance Metrics using Thresholded Decisions') doc.asis(perf_df[['balanced_accuracy', 'accuracy', 'f1_score', 'TPR', 'TNR', 'PPV', 'NPV']].to_html()) with tag('h3'): with tag('a', name='settings-hyperparameter'): text('Settings: Hyperparameters to Tune') with tag('pre'): hyper_group = None for g in subparsers_by_name[args.clf_name]._action_groups: if g.title.count('hyperparameters'): hyper_group = g break for x in get_sorted_list_of_kwargs_specific_to_group_parser(hyper_group): text(x, ': ', str(vars(args)[x]), '\n') with tag('h3'): with tag('a', name='settings-protocol'): text('Settings: Protocol') with tag('pre'): for x in get_sorted_list_of_kwargs_specific_to_group_parser(protocol_group): text(x, ': ', str(vars(args)[x]), '\n') with tag('h3'): with tag('a', name='settings-data'): text('Settings: Data') with tag('pre'): for x in get_sorted_list_of_kwargs_specific_to_group_parser(data_group): text(x, ': ', str(vars(args)[x]), '\n') with tag('h3'): with tag('a', name='results-hyper-search'): text('Hyperparameter Search results') with tag('h4'): text('Train Scores across splits') doc.asis(pd.DataFrame(cv_tr_perf_df).to_html()) with tag('h4'): text('Heldout Scores across splits') doc.asis(
import numpy as np import pytest from pandas.errors import UnsupportedFunctionCall from pandas import ( DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, Series, date_range, ) import pandas._testing as tm from pandas.core.window import ExponentialMovingWindow def test_doc_string(): df = DataFrame({"B": [0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4]}) df df.ewm(com=0.5).mean() def test_constructor(frame_or_series): c = frame_or_series(range(5)).ewm # valid c(com=0.5) c(span=1.5) c(alpha=0.5) c(halflife=0.75) c(com=0.5, span=None) c(alpha=0.5, com=None) c(halflife=0.75, alpha=None) # not valid: mutually exclusive msg = "comass, span, halflife, and alpha are mutually exclusive" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): c(com=0.5, alpha=0.5) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): c(span=1.5, halflife=0.75) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): c(alpha=0.5, span=1.5) # not valid: com < 0 msg = "comass must satisfy: comass >= 0" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): c(com=-0.5) # not valid: span < 1 msg = "span must satisfy: span >= 1" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): c(span=0.5) # not valid: halflife <= 0 msg = "halflife must satisfy: halflife > 0" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): c(halflife=0) # not valid: alpha <= 0 or alpha > 1 msg = "alpha must satisfy: 0 < alpha <= 1" for alpha in (-0.5, 1.5): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): c(alpha=alpha) @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["std", "mean", "var"]) def test_numpy_compat(method): # see gh-12811 e = ExponentialMovingWindow(Series([2, 4, 6]), alpha=0.5) msg = "numpy operations are not valid with window objects" with pytest.raises(UnsupportedFunctionCall, match=msg): getattr(e, method)(1, 2, 3) with pytest.raises(UnsupportedFunctionCall, match=msg): getattr(e, method)(dtype=np.float64) def test_ewma_times_not_datetime_type(): msg = r"times must be datetime64\[ns\] dtype." with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): Series(range(5)).ewm(times=np.arange(5)) def test_ewma_times_not_same_length(): msg = "times must be the same length as the object." with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): Series(range(5)).ewm(times=np.arange(4).astype("datetime64[ns]")) def test_ewma_halflife_not_correct_type(): msg = "halflife must be a timedelta convertible object" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): Series(range(5)).ewm(halflife=1, times=np.arange(5).astype("datetime64[ns]")) def test_ewma_halflife_without_times(halflife_with_times): msg = "halflife can only be a timedelta convertible argument if times is not None." with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): Series(range(5)).ewm(halflife=halflife_with_times) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "times", [ np.arange(10).astype("datetime64[D]").astype("datetime64[ns]"), date_range("2000", freq="D", periods=10),
date_range("2000", freq="D", periods=10)
''' Descrição: Solução do desafio-05 - ''' import json import pandas as pd def main(): '''Faz a leitura do arquivo JSON''' with open('funcionarios.json') as file: data = json.load(file) df_funcionario =
import cv2 import os import copy import numpy as np import pandas as pd from classix import CLASSIX import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from collections import OrderedDict def order_pics(figs): images = list() labels = list() for i in range(40): num = i + 1 for img in figs: try: if int(img.split('_')[1].replace('.jpg','')) == num: images.append(img) labels.append(num) except: pass return images, labels def load_images(folder, shape=(100, 100)): images = list() figs = os.listdir(folder) figs, targets= order_pics(figs) for filename in figs: img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(folder,filename)) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # transform to grayscale img = cv2.resize(img, shape, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) # resize to 80x80 if img is not None: images.append(img) images, targets = np.array(images), np.array(targets) - 1 images = images.reshape(images.shape[0], images.shape[1]*images.shape[2]) return images, targets def reassign_labels(labels, fix=None): if fix != None: value_count = pd.Series(labels[labels != fix]).value_counts() else: value_count =
import os from numpy import mean, std, sqrt from algorithms.common.stopping_criterion import MaxGenerationsCriterion, ErrorDeviationVariationCriterion, TrainingImprovementEffectivenessCriterion from data.io_plm import _get_path_to_data_dir import numpy as np import pandas as pd def _metric_in_dict(metric, d): return metric in d[0].keys() def _get_dictionaries_by_metric(results, metric): return {k: results[k] for k in results.keys() if _metric_in_dict(metric, results[k])} def _get_values_from_dictionary(dictionary, metric): return [d[metric] for d in dictionary if d is not None and metric in d] def _summarize_metric(metric, summarizer=mean): return [summarizer([m[i] for m in metric]) for i in range(len(metric[0]))] def _format_static_table(results, metric): dictionaries = _get_dictionaries_by_metric(results, metric) values = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(dictionaries[k], metric) for k in dictionaries.keys()} return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(values) def _format_configuration_table(results, value_to_get): """formats number generations, number of layers, learning step value, subset ratio""" dictionaries = _get_dictionaries_by_metric(results, 'best_configuration') values = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(dictionaries[k], 'best_configuration') for k in dictionaries.keys()} values_to_get = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(values[k], value_to_get) for k in dictionaries.keys()} values_saved = {} if value_to_get == 'stopping_criterion': values_gen = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(results[k], 'topology') for k in dictionaries.keys()} # using topology because it has one value for each gen for key, value in values_gen.items(): nr_generations = [len(item) - 1 for item in value] values_saved[key] = nr_generations elif value_to_get == 'layers': return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(values_to_get) elif value_to_get == 'learning_step': for key, value in values_to_get.items(): if type(value[0]) != str: values_saved[key] = value elif value_to_get == 'subset_ratio': for key, value in values_to_get.items(): if value: subset_ratio = [item for item in value] values_saved[key] = subset_ratio df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(values_saved, orient='index') df = df.fillna(0) return df.T else: print('\n\t\t\t[_format_configuration_table] Should not happen!') return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(values_saved) def _format_rst_rwt_frequency(results): dictionaries = _get_dictionaries_by_metric(results, 'best_configuration') best_configurations = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(dictionaries[k], 'best_configuration') for k in dictionaries.keys()} values_saved = {} for key, value in best_configurations.items(): if (key == 'slm_bls_group' or key == 'slm_ols_group'): nr_no_RST_RWT = 0 nr_RST = 0 nr_RWT = 0 for run in value: if (run['random_sampling_technique'] == False and run['random_weighting_technique'] == False): nr_no_RST_RWT += 1 elif (run['random_sampling_technique'] == True and run['random_weighting_technique'] == False): nr_RST += 1 elif (run['random_sampling_technique'] == False and run['random_weighting_technique'] == True): nr_RWT += 1 else: print('\n\t\t\t[_format_rst_rwt_frequency] Should not happen!') values = [nr_no_RST_RWT, nr_RST, nr_RWT] values_saved[key] = values return pd.DataFrame(values_saved, index=['No RST and No RWT Frequency', 'RST Frequency', 'RWT Frequency']) def _format_tie_edv_frequency(results): dictionaries = _get_dictionaries_by_metric(results, 'best_configuration') best_configurations = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(dictionaries[k], 'best_configuration') for k in dictionaries.keys()} values_saved = {} for key, value in best_configurations.items(): if (key == 'slm_bls_tie_edv_group'): nr_TIE = 0 nr_EDV = 0 for run in value: if type(run['stopping_criterion']) == ErrorDeviationVariationCriterion: nr_EDV += 1 elif type(run['stopping_criterion']) == TrainingImprovementEffectivenessCriterion: nr_TIE += 1 else: print('\n\t\t\t[_format_tie_edv_frequency] Should not happen!') values = [nr_EDV, nr_TIE] values_saved[key] = values return pd.DataFrame(values_saved, index=['EDV Frequency', 'TIE Frequency']) def _format_slm_best_overall_configuration_frequency(best_result): slm_bls_group_frequency = 0 slm_ols_group_frequency = 0 slm_bls_tie_edv_group_frequency = 0 slm_ols_edv_frequency = 0 values = {} for run in best_result: if run['best_overall_key'] == 'slm_bls_group': slm_bls_group_frequency += 1 elif run['best_overall_key'] == 'slm_ols_group': slm_ols_group_frequency += 1 elif run['best_overall_key'] == 'slm_bls_tie_edv_group': slm_bls_tie_edv_group_frequency += 1 elif run['best_overall_key'] == 'slm_ols_edv': slm_ols_edv_frequency += 1 else: print('\n\t\t\t[_format_slm_best_overall_configuration_frequency] Should not happen!') values['slm_bls_group'] = slm_bls_group_frequency values['slm_ols_group'] = slm_ols_group_frequency values['slm_bls_tie_edv_group'] = slm_bls_tie_edv_group_frequency values['slm_ols_edv'] = slm_ols_edv_frequency df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(values, orient='index') # check this df = df.T return df def _format_mlp_configuration_table(results, value_to_get, metric=None): dictionaries = _get_dictionaries_by_metric(results, 'best_configuration') values = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(dictionaries[k], 'best_configuration') for k in dictionaries.keys()} values_to_get = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(values[k], value_to_get) for k in dictionaries.keys()} values_saved = {} if value_to_get == 'learning_rate_init': for key, value in values_to_get.items(): if value: learning_rate_values = [item for item in value] values_saved[key] = learning_rate_values return pd.DataFrame(values_saved) elif metric == 'number_layers': for key, value in values_to_get.items(): nr_layers = [len(item) for item in value] values_saved[key] = nr_layers return pd.DataFrame(values_saved) elif metric == 'number_neurons': for key, value in values_to_get.items(): nr_neurons = [sum(item) for item in value] values_saved[key] = nr_neurons return pd.DataFrame(values_saved) # else: # print('\n\t\t\t[_format_mlp_configuration_table] Should not happen!') return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(values_to_get) def _format_mlp_activation_function_frequency(results): dictionaries = _get_dictionaries_by_metric(results, 'best_configuration') best_configurations = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(dictionaries[k], 'best_configuration') for k in dictionaries.keys()} values_saved = {} for key, value in best_configurations.items(): nr_logistic = 0 nr_relu = 0 nr_tanh = 0 for run in value: if run['activation'] == 'logistic': nr_logistic += 1 elif run['activation'] == 'relu': nr_relu += 1 elif run['activation'] == 'tanh': nr_tanh += 1 else: print('\n\t\t\t[_format_mlp_activation_function_frequency] Should not happen!') values = [nr_logistic, nr_relu, nr_tanh] values_saved[key] = values return pd.DataFrame(values_saved, index=['Logistic Frequency', 'Relu Frequency', 'Tanh Frequency']) def _format_mlp_penalty_frequency(results): dictionaries = _get_dictionaries_by_metric(results, 'best_configuration') best_configurations = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(dictionaries[k], 'best_configuration') for k in dictionaries.keys()} values_saved = {} for key, value in best_configurations.items(): nr_penalty = 0 nr_no_penalty = 0 for run in value: if run['alpha'] == 0: nr_no_penalty += 1 elif run['alpha'] != 0: nr_penalty += 1 else: print('\n\t\t\t[_format_mlp_penalty_frequency] Should not happen!') values = [nr_no_penalty, nr_penalty] values_saved[key] = values return pd.DataFrame(values_saved, index=['No Penalty Frequency', 'Penalty Frequency']) def _format_mlp_best_overall_configuration_frequency(best_result, classification): lbfgs_frequency = 0 adam_frequency = 0 sgd_frequency = 0 values = {} for run in best_result: if run['best_overall_configuration']['solver'] == 'lbfgs': lbfgs_frequency += 1 elif run['best_overall_configuration']['solver'] == 'adam': adam_frequency += 1 elif run['best_overall_configuration']['solver'] == 'sgd': sgd_frequency += 1 else: print('\n\t\t\t[_format_mlp_best_overall_configuration_frequency] Should not happen!') if classification: # values['mlpc_lbfgs'] = lbfgs_frequency values['mlpc_adam'] = adam_frequency values['mlpc_sgd'] = sgd_frequency else: # values['mlpr_lbfgs'] = lbfgs_frequency values['mlpr_adam'] = adam_frequency values['mlpr_sgd'] = sgd_frequency df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(values, orient='index') # check this df = df.T return df #=============================================================================== # # with lbfgs # def _format_mlp_best_overall_configuration_frequency(best_result, classification): # lbfgs_frequency = 0 # adam_frequency = 0 # sgd_frequency = 0 # values = {} # for run in best_result: # if run['best_overall_configuration']['solver'] == 'lbfgs': # lbfgs_frequency += 1 # elif run['best_overall_configuration']['solver'] == 'adam': # adam_frequency += 1 # elif run['best_overall_configuration']['solver'] == 'sgd': # sgd_frequency += 1 # else: # print('\n\t\t\t[_format_mlp_best_overall_configuration_frequency] Should not happen!') # if classification: # values['mlpc_lbfgs'] = lbfgs_frequency # values['mlpc_adam'] = adam_frequency # values['mlpc_sgd'] = sgd_frequency # else: # values['mlpr_lbfgs'] = lbfgs_frequency # values['mlpr_adam'] = adam_frequency # values['mlpr_sgd'] = sgd_frequency # df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(values, orient='index') # check this # df = df.T # return df #=============================================================================== def _format_mlp_sgd_adam_table(results, value_to_get): dictionaries = _get_dictionaries_by_metric(results, 'best_configuration') values = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(dictionaries[k], 'best_configuration') for k in dictionaries.keys()} values_to_get = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(values[k], value_to_get) for k in dictionaries.keys()} values_saved = {} for key, value in values_to_get.items(): if value: values_saved[key] = value return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(values_saved) def _format_processing_time_table(results): dictionaries = _get_dictionaries_by_metric(results, 'processing_time') values = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary( dictionaries[k], 'processing_time') for k in dictionaries.keys()} for key, value in values.items(): values[key] = [sum(item) for item in value] return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(values) def _format_topology_table(results, component): dictionaries = _get_dictionaries_by_metric(results, 'topology') values = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(dictionaries[k], 'topology') for k in dictionaries.keys()} values = {key: [item[-1] for item in value] for key, value in values.items()} values = {key: [item[component] for item in value] for key, value in values.items()} return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(values) def _format_evo_table(results, metric): dictionaries = _get_dictionaries_by_metric(results, metric) values = {k: _get_values_from_dictionary(dictionaries[k], metric) for k in dictionaries.keys()} values = {key: [[item[i] for item in value if i < len(item)] for i in range(max([len(item) for item in value]))] for key, value in values.items()} max_len = max(len(value) for key, value in values.items()) mean_dict = {key: [mean(item) for item in value] for key, value in values.items()} se_dict = {key: [std(item) / sqrt(len(item)) for item in value] for key, value in values.items()} for key, value in mean_dict.items(): delta_len = max_len - len(value) mean_dict[key].extend([np.nan for i in range(delta_len)]) for key, value in se_dict.items(): delta_len = max_len - len(value) se_dict[key].extend([np.nan for i in range(delta_len)]) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mean_dict),
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import gpflow from gpflow.utilities import print_summary def make_subset_simplified(cmip6, start, end, column_name, mean_center=False): Xmake_all = [] Ymake_all = [] dataset_names = for n in dataset_names: p = cmip6[ == n] X = np.expand_dims(p.x,1) if mean_center: # mean center based on 1850-2020 data temp_mean_centered = p[column_name] - np.mean(p[column_name][0:2061]) Y = np.expand_dims(temp_mean_centered,1) else: Y = np.expand_dims(p[column_name],1) keep_tf = np.logical_and(X[:,0] >= start, X[:,0] < end) Xmake_all.append(X[keep_tf,:]) Ymake_all.append(Y[keep_tf,:]) return Xmake_all, Ymake_all, dataset_names def make_subset(cmip6, start, end, column_name): Xmake_all = [] Ymake_all = [] dataset_names = for n in dataset_names: p = cmip6[ == n] X = np.expand_dims(p.time_hrs_since01,1) # globally mean centered, but maybe not for w/e subset we have here. This bias might accidentally help gp? temp_mean_centered = p[column_name] - np.mean(p[column_name]) Y = np.expand_dims(temp_mean_centered,1) keep_tf = np.logical_and(X[:,0] >= start, X[:,0] < end) Xmake_all.append(X[keep_tf,:]) Ymake_all.append(Y[keep_tf,:]) return Xmake_all, Ymake_all, dataset_names def fit_ml_single(Y,X,kern_maker): opt = gpflow.optimizers.Scipy() max_iter = 1000 kern = kern_maker() m = gpflow.models.GPR(data=(X, Y), kernel=kern, mean_function=None) opt_logs = opt.minimize(m.training_loss, m.trainable_variables, options=dict(maxiter=max_iter)) return {'model':m, 'converged':opt_logs['success']} def fit_ml(Y_all, X_all, dataset_names, kern_maker, param_colnames, param_extractor, filename): eb_results = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['dataset','convergence','lik_var'] + param_colnames) opt = gpflow.optimizers.Scipy() max_iter = 1000 if len(Y_all) != len(dataset_names): print('Size mismatch. Y:', len(Y_all), '. Names:', len(dataset_names)) return 0 for i in range(len(Y_all)): kern = kern_maker() X = X_all[i] Y = Y_all[i] m = gpflow.models.GPR(data=(X, Y), kernel=kern, mean_function=None) opt_logs = opt.minimize(m.training_loss, m.trainable_variables, options=dict(maxiter=max_iter)) #print_summary(m) results = {'dataset': dataset_names[i], 'convergence': opt_logs['success'], 'lik_var': np.array(m.likelihood.variance)} param_values = param_extractor(m) for j in range(len(param_values)): results[param_colnames[j]] = param_values[j] eb_results = eb_results.append(results, ignore_index=True) eb_results.to_csv(filename, index=False) return eb_results def compare_loo_gp(param_results, kernel_maker, Xtr_all, Ytr_all, Xte_all, Yte_all, pred_dir=None): M = param_results.shape[0] mse_group = np.zeros((M)) mse_single = np.zeros((M)) single_set = [] # b/c we dropped observed if M != len(Xtr_all): print('Size mismatch: M', M, ', data', len(Xtr_all)) return 0 for m in range(M): dataset = param_results.dataset[m] X_tr = Xtr_all[m] Y_tr = Ytr_all[m] X_te = Xte_all[m] Y_te = Yte_all[m] group_ests = param_results.drop(m).mean(numeric_only=True) kern_group = kernel_maker(group_ests) kern_single = kernel_maker(param_results.loc[m]) m_group = gpflow.models.GPR(data=(X_tr, Y_tr), kernel=kern_group, mean_function=None) m_group.likelihood.variance = np.double(group_ests.lik_var) mod = gpflow.models.GPR(data=(X_tr, Y_tr), kernel=kern_single, mean_function=None) mod.likelihood.variance = np.double(param_results.lik_var[m]) pred_m_group, pred_var_group = m_group.predict_f(X_te) pred_m, pred_var = mod.predict_f(X_te) mse_group[m] = np.mean((Y_te[:,0] - pred_m_group[:,0])**2) mse_single[m] = np.mean((Y_te[:,0]- pred_m[:,0])**2) single_set.append(dataset) if pred_dir is not None: fn = pred_dir + 'test_group_' + param_results.dataset[m] + '.csv' d = np.array([pred_m_group[:,0], pred_var_group[:,0], Y_te[:,0]]).T dat = pd.DataFrame(d, columns=['mean', 'var', 'obs']) dat.to_csv(fn, index=False) fn = pred_dir + 'test_single_' + param_results.dataset[m] + '.csv' d = np.array([pred_m[:,0], pred_var[:,0], Y_te[:,0]]).T dat =
pd.DataFrame(d, columns=['mean', 'var', 'obs'])
from pathlib import Path import os import re import pandas as pd import numpy as np import random from math import ceil import cv2 import glob import shutil import experiment_code.constants as consts from experiment_code.targetfile_utils import Utils # import experiment_code.targetfile_utils as utils # create instances of directories class VisualSearch(Utils): """ This class makes target files for Visual Search using parameters set in __init__ Args: task_name (str): 'visual_search' orientations (int): orientations of target/distractor stims balance_blocks (dict): keys are 'condition_name', 'trial_type' block_dur_secs (int): length of task_name (sec) num_blocks (int): number of blocks to make tile_block (int): determines number of repeats for task_name trial_dur (int): length of trial (sec) iti_dur (iti): length of iti (sec) instruct_dur (int): length of instruct for task_names (sec) hand (str): response hand replace (bool): sample stim with or without replacement display_trial_feedback (bool): display trial-by-trial feedback """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.task_name = 'visual_search' self.orientations = list([90, 180, 270, 360]) # DO NOT CHANGE ORDER self.balance_blocks = {'condition_name': {'easy': '4', 'hard': '8'}, 'trial_type': [True, False]} self.block_dur_secs = 15 self.num_blocks = 5 self.tile_block = 1 self.trial_dur = 2 self.iti_dur = .5 self.instruct_dur = 5 self.hand = 'right' self.replace = False self.display_trial_feedback = True def _get_block_info(self, **kwargs): # length (in secs) of the block if kwargs.get('block_dur_secs'): self.block_dur_secs = kwargs['block_dur_secs'] # repeat the target files if kwargs.get('tile_block'): self.tile_block = kwargs['tile_block'] # num of blocks (i.e. target files) to make if kwargs.get('num_blocks'): self.num_blocks = kwargs['num_blocks'] * self.tile_block # get overall number of trials self.num_trials = int(self.block_dur_secs / (self.trial_dur + self.iti_dur)) # get `num_stims` - lowest denominator across `balance_blocks` denominator =[len(stim) for stim in [*self.balance_blocks.values()]]) self.num_stims = ceil(self.num_trials / denominator) # round up to nearest int def _create_columns(self): def _get_condition(x): for key in self.balance_blocks['condition_name'].keys(): cond = self.balance_blocks['condition_name'][key] if x==cond: value = key return value dataframe = pd.DataFrame() # make `condition_name` column conds = [self.balance_blocks['condition_name'][key] for key in self.balance_blocks['condition_name'].keys()] # conds = [self.balance_blocks['condition_name']['easy'], self.balance_blocks['condition_name']['hard']] dataframe['stim'] = self.num_trials*conds dataframe['condition_name'] = dataframe['stim'].apply(lambda x: _get_condition(x)) dataframe['stim'] = dataframe['stim'].astype(int) # make `trial_type` column dataframe['trial_type'] = self.num_trials*self.balance_blocks['trial_type'] dataframe['trial_type'] = dataframe['trial_type'].sort_values().reset_index(drop=True) dataframe['display_trial_feedback'] = self.display_trial_feedback return dataframe def _balance_design(self, dataframe): dataframe = dataframe.groupby([*self.balance_blocks], as_index=False).apply(lambda x: x.sample(n=self.num_stims, random_state=self.random_state, replace=True)).reset_index(drop=True) # ensure that only `num_trials` are sampled return dataframe.sample(n=self.num_trials, random_state=self.random_state, replace=False).reset_index(drop=True) def _save_visual_display(self, dataframe): # add visual display cols display_pos, orientations_correct = zip(*[self._make_search_display(cond, self.orientations, trial_type) for (cond, trial_type) in zip(dataframe["stim"], dataframe["trial_type"])]) data_dicts = [] for trial_idx, trial_conditions in enumerate(display_pos): for condition, point in trial_conditions.items(): data_dicts.append({'trial': trial_idx, 'stim': condition, 'xpos': point[0], 'ypos': point[1], 'orientation': orientations_correct[trial_idx][condition]}) # save out to dataframe df_display = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data_dicts) # save out visual display visual_display_name = self._get_visual_display_name() df_display.to_csv(os.path.join(self.target_dir, visual_display_name)) def _get_visual_display_name(self): tf_name = f"{self.task_name}_{self.block_dur_secs}sec" tf_name = self._get_target_file_name(tf_name) str_part = tf_name.partition(self.task_name) visual_display_name = 'display_pos' + str_part[2] return visual_display_name def _make_search_display(self, display_size, orientations, trial_type): # make location and orientations lists (for target and distractor items) # STIM POSITIONS grid_h_dva = 8.4 grid_v_dva = 11.7 n_h_items = 6 n_v_items = 8 item_h_pos = np.linspace(-grid_h_dva / 2.0, +grid_h_dva/ 2.0, n_h_items) item_v_pos = np.linspace(-grid_v_dva / 2.0, +grid_v_dva / 2.0, n_v_items) grid_pos = [] for curr_h_pos in item_h_pos: for curr_v_pos in item_v_pos: grid_pos.append([curr_h_pos, curr_v_pos]) locations = random.sample(grid_pos, display_size) ## STIM ORIENTATIONS orientations_list = orientations*int(display_size/4) # if trial type is false - randomly replace target stim (90) # with a distractor if not trial_type: orientations_list = [random.sample(orientations[1:],1)[0] if x==90 else x for x in orientations_list] # if trial is true and larger than 4, leave one target stim (90) in list # and randomly replace the others with distractor stims if display_size >4 and trial_type: indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(orientations_list) if x == 90] indices.pop(0) new_num = random.sample(orientations[1:],2) # always assumes that orientations_list is as follows: [90,180,270,360] for i, n in zip(*(indices, new_num)): orientations_list[i] = n return dict(enumerate(locations)), dict(enumerate(orientations_list)) def make_targetfile(self, **kwargs): """ makes target file(s) for visual search given parameters in __init__ """ # get info about block self._get_block_info(**kwargs) seeds = np.arange(self.num_blocks)+1 for self.block in np.arange(self.num_blocks): # randomly sample so that conditions (2Back- and 2Back+) are equally represented self.random_state = seeds[self.block] # create the dataframe df_target = self._create_columns() # balance the dataframe df_target = self._balance_design(dataframe = df_target) self.target_dir = os.path.join(consts.target_dir, self.task_name) # save visual display dataframe self._save_visual_display(dataframe = df_target) # save target file self._save_target_files(df_target) class NBack(Utils): """ This class makes target files for N Back using parameters set in __init__ Args: task_name (str): 'n_back' n_back (int): default is 2 balance_blocks (dict): keys are 'condition_name' block_dur_secs (int): length of task_name (sec) num_blocks (int): number of blocks to make tile_block (int): determines number of repeats for task_name trial_dur (int): length of trial (sec) iti_dur (iti): length of iti (sec) instruct_dur (int): length of instruct for task_names (sec) hand (str): response hand replace (bool): sample stim with or without replacement display_trial_feedback (bool): display trial-by-trial feedback """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.task_name = 'n_back' self.n_back = 2 self.balance_blocks = {'condition_name': {'easy': '2_back-', 'hard': '2_back+'}} self.block_dur_secs = 15 self.num_blocks = 5 self.tile_block = 1 self.trial_dur = 1.5 self.iti_dur = .5 self.instruct_dur = 5 self.hand = 'left' self.replace = False self.display_trial_feedback = True def _get_block_info(self, **kwargs): # length (in secs) of the block if kwargs.get('block_dur_secs'): self.block_dur_secs = kwargs['block_dur_secs'] # repeat the target files if kwargs.get('tile_block'): self.tile_block = kwargs['tile_block'] # num of blocks (i.e. target files) to make if kwargs.get('num_blocks'): self.num_blocks = kwargs['num_blocks'] * self.tile_block # get overall number of trials self.num_trials = int(self.block_dur_secs / (self.trial_dur + self.iti_dur)) # get `num_stims` - lowest denominator across `balance_blocks` denominator =[len(stim) for stim in [*self.balance_blocks.values()]]) self.num_stims = ceil(self.num_trials / denominator) # round up to nearest int def _create_columns(self): def _get_condition(x): for key in self.balance_blocks['condition_name'].keys(): cond = self.balance_blocks['condition_name'][key] if x==cond: value = key return value # make trial_type column dataframe = pd.DataFrame() dataframe['trial_type'] = self.num_stims*(True, False) dataframe = dataframe.sample(n=self.num_trials, random_state=self.random_state, replace=False).reset_index(drop=True) dataframe['trial_type'][:self.n_back] = False # first n+cond_type trials (depending on cond_type) have to be False # make `n_back` and `condition_name` cols conds = [self.balance_blocks['condition_name'][key] for key in self.balance_blocks['condition_name'].keys()] dataframe['n_back'] = np.where(dataframe["trial_type"]==False, conds[0], conds[1]) dataframe['condition_name'] = dataframe['n_back'].apply(lambda x: _get_condition(x)) dataframe['display_trial_feedback'] = self.display_trial_feedback return dataframe def _balance_design(self, dataframe): # load in stimuli stim_files = [f for f in os.listdir(str(consts.stim_dir / self.task_name)) if f.endswith('g')] # first two images are always random (and false) # all other images are either match or not a match random.seed(self.random_state) stim_list = random.sample(stim_files, k=self.n_back) for t in dataframe['trial_type'][self.n_back:]: # loop over n+self.n_back match_img = stim_list[-self.n_back] no_match_imgs = [stim for stim in stim_files if stim != match_img] # was match_img[0] if t == False: # not a match random.seed(self.random_state) stim_list.append(random.sample(no_match_imgs, k=self.n_back-1)) else: # match stim_list.append(match_img) dataframe["stim"] = [''.join(x) for x in stim_list] return dataframe def make_targetfile(self, **kwargs): """ makes target file(s) for n back given parameters in __init__ """ # get info about block self._get_block_info(**kwargs) seeds = np.arange(self.num_blocks)+1 for self.block in np.arange(self.num_blocks): # randomly sample so that conditions (2Back- and 2Back+) are equally represented self.random_state = seeds[self.block] # create the dataframe df_target = self._create_columns() # balance the dataframe df_target = self._balance_design(dataframe = df_target) self.target_dir = os.path.join(consts.target_dir, self.task_name) self._save_target_files(df_target) class SocialPrediction(Utils): """ This class makes target files for Social Prediction using parameters set in __init__ Args: task_name (str): 'social_prediction' dataset_name (str): 'homevideos' is the default logging_file (str): csv file containing info about stimuli video_name (list of str): name of video(s) to include resized (bool): resize frames of video balance_blocks (dict): keys are 'actors', 'condition_name', 'label' block_dur_secs (int): length of task_name (sec) num_blocks (int): number of blocks to make tile_block (int): determines number of repeats for task_name trial_dur (int): length of trial (sec) iti_dur (iti): length of iti (sec) instruct_dur (int): length of instruct for task_names (sec) hand (str): response hand replace (bool): sample stim with or without replacement display_trial_feedback (bool): display trial-by-trial feedback """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.task_name = 'social_prediction' self.dataset_name = 'homevideos' self.logging_file = 'homevideos_annotations_logging.csv' self.video_name = ['dynamic_0ms', 'dynamic_100ms'] self.resized = True self.balance_blocks = {'actors': ['SB', 'MK'], 'condition_name': {'dynamic_0ms': 'easy', 'dynamic_100ms': 'hard'}, 'label': ['hug', 'handShake']} self.block_dur_secs = 15 self.num_blocks = 5 self.tile_block = 1 self.trial_dur = 2.5 self.iti_dur = .5 self.instruct_dur = 5 self.hand = 'right' self.replace = False self.display_trial_feedback = True def _filter_dataframe(self, dataframe): # remove all filenames where any of the videos have not been extracted stims_to_remove = dataframe.query('extracted==False')["video_name"].to_list() df_filtered = dataframe[~dataframe["video_name"].isin(stims_to_remove)] # query rows with relevant videos and relevant labels label = self.balance_blocks['label'] actors = self.balance_blocks['actors'] df_filtered = df_filtered.query(f'condition_name=={self.video_name} and label=={label} and actors=={actors}') return df_filtered def _create_new_columns(self, dataframe): # make new `stim` if self.resized: dataframe['stim'] = dataframe['video_name'] + '_' + dataframe['condition_name'] + '_resized' + '.mp4' else: dataframe['stim'] = dataframe['video_name'] + '_' + dataframe['condition_name'] + '.mp4' # set `condition name` dataframe['condition_name'] = dataframe['condition_name'].apply(lambda x: self.balance_blocks['condition_name'][x]) # assign dataset name dataframe['dataset'] = self.dataset_name # assign trial type (only works currently for two labels) labels = self.balance_blocks['label'] if len(labels)==2: dataframe['trial_type'] = dataframe['label'].apply(lambda x: True if x==labels[0] else False) else: print(f'there are an incorrect number of labels, there should be two') dataframe['display_trial_feedback'] = self.display_trial_feedback return dataframe def _balance_design(self, dataframe): # group the dataframe according to `balance_blocks` dataframe = dataframe.groupby([*self.balance_blocks], as_index=False).apply(lambda x: x.sample(n=self.num_stims, random_state=self.random_state, replace=self.replace)).reset_index(drop=True) # ensure that only `num_trials` are sampled dataframe = dataframe.sample(n=self.num_trials, random_state=self.random_state, replace=False).reset_index(drop=True) return dataframe def _get_block_info(self, **kwargs): # length (in secs) of the block if kwargs.get('block_dur_secs'): self.block_dur_secs = kwargs['block_dur_secs'] # repeat the target files if kwargs.get('tile_block'): self.tile_block = kwargs['tile_block'] # num of blocks (i.e. target files) to make if kwargs.get('num_blocks'): self.num_blocks = kwargs['num_blocks'] * self.tile_block # get overall number of trials self.num_trials = int(self.block_dur_secs / (self.trial_dur + self.iti_dur)) # get `num_stims` - lowest denominator across `balance_blocks` denominator =[len(stim) for stim in [*self.balance_blocks.values()]]) self.num_stims = ceil(self.num_trials / denominator) # round up to nearest int def make_targetfile(self, **kwargs): """ makes target file(s) for social prediction given parameters in __init__ """ # get info about block self._get_block_info(**kwargs) # return logging file fpath = os.path.join(consts.stim_dir, self.task_name, self.logging_file) # read in stimulus dataframe df = pd.read_csv(fpath) # filter dataframe df_filtered = self._filter_dataframe(dataframe = df) # create new columns (`trial_type` etc) df_filtered = self._create_new_columns(dataframe = df_filtered) seeds = np.arange(self.num_blocks)+1 # for self.block, self.key in enumerate(self.block_design): for self.block in np.arange(self.num_blocks): # randomly sample so that conditions (easy and hard) are equally represented self.random_state = seeds[self.block] # balance the dataframe by `condition_name` and `player_num` df_target = self._balance_design(dataframe = df_filtered) # remove `df_target` rows from the main dataframe so that we're always sampling from unique rows if self.replace==False: df_filtered = df_filtered.merge(df_target, how='left', indicator=True) df_filtered = df_filtered[df_filtered['_merge'] == 'left_only'].drop('_merge', axis=1) self.target_dir = os.path.join(consts.target_dir, self.task_name) self._save_target_files(df_target) class SemanticPrediction(Utils): """ This class makes target files for Semantic Prediction using parameters set in __init__ Args: task_name (str): 'semantic_prediction' logging_file (str): csv file containing info about stimuli stem_word_dur (int): length of stem word (sec) last_word_dur (int): length of last word (sec) frac (int): proportion of meaningless trials. default is .3. balance_blocks (dict): keys are 'CoRT_descript', 'condition_name' block_dur_secs (int): length of task_name (sec) num_blocks (int): number of blocks to make tile_block (int): determines number of repeats for task_name trial_dur (int): length of trial (sec) iti_dur (iti): length of iti (sec) instruct_dur (int): length of instruct for task_names (sec) hand (str): response hand replace (bool): sample stim with or without replacement display_trial_feedback (bool): display trial-by-trial feedback """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.task_name = 'semantic_prediction' self.logging_file = 'sentence_validation.csv' self.stem_word_dur = 0.5 self.last_word_dur = 1.5 self.frac = .3 self.balance_blocks = {'CoRT_descript': ['strong non-CoRT', 'strong CoRT'], 'condition_name': {'high cloze': 'easy', 'low cloze': 'hard'}} self.block_dur_secs = 15 self.num_blocks = 5 self.tile_block = 1 self.trial_dur = 7 self.iti_dur = .5 self.instruct_dur = 5 self.hand = 'right' self.replace = False self.display_trial_feedback = True def _filter_dataframe(self, dataframe): # conds = [self.balance_blocks['condition_name'][key] for key in self.balance_blocks['condition_name'].keys()] conds = list(self.balance_blocks['condition_name'].keys()) dataframe = dataframe.query(f'CoRT_descript=={self.balance_blocks["CoRT_descript"]} and cloze_descript=={conds}') # strip erroneous characters from sentences dataframe['stim'] = dataframe['full_sentence'].str.replace('|', ' ') return dataframe def _create_new_columns(self, dataframe): # add condition column dataframe['condition_name'] = dataframe['cloze_descript'].apply(lambda x: self.balance_blocks['condition_name'][x]) dataframe['stem_word_dur'] = self.stem_word_dur dataframe['last_word_dur'] = self.last_word_dur dataframe['trial_dur_correct'] = (dataframe['word_count'] * dataframe['stem_word_dur']) + self.iti_dur + dataframe['last_word_dur'] dataframe['display_trial_feedback'] = self.display_trial_feedback dataframe.drop({'full_sentence'}, inplace=True, axis=1) return dataframe def _add_random_word(self, dataframe, columns): """ sample `frac_random` and add to `full_sentence` Args: dataframe (pandas dataframe): dataframe Returns: dataframe with modified `full_sentence` col """ idx = dataframe.groupby(columns).apply(lambda x: x.sample(frac=self.frac, replace=False, random_state=self.random_state)).index sampidx = idx.get_level_values(len(columns)) # get third level dataframe["trial_type"] = ~dataframe.index.isin(sampidx) dataframe["last_word"] = dataframe.apply(lambda x: x["random_word"] if not x["trial_type"] else x["target_word"], axis=1) return dataframe def _balance_design(self, dataframe): # group the dataframe according to `balance_blocks` dataframe = dataframe.groupby([*self.balance_blocks], as_index=False).apply(lambda x: x.sample(n=self.num_stims, random_state=self.random_state, replace=self.replace)).reset_index(drop=True) # ensure that only `num_trials` are sampled dataframe = dataframe.sample(n=self.num_trials, random_state=self.random_state, replace=False).reset_index(drop=True) return dataframe def _get_block_info(self, **kwargs): # length (in secs) of the block if kwargs.get('block_dur_secs'): self.block_dur_secs = kwargs['block_dur_secs'] # repeat the target files if kwargs.get('tile_block'): self.tile_block = kwargs['tile_block'] # num of blocks (i.e. target files) to make if kwargs.get('num_blocks'): self.num_blocks = kwargs['num_blocks'] * self.tile_block # get overall number of trials self.num_trials = int(self.block_dur_secs / (self.trial_dur + self.iti_dur)) # get `num_stims` - lowest denominator across `balance_blocks` denominator =[len(stim) for stim in [*self.balance_blocks.values()]]) self.num_stims = ceil(self.num_trials / denominator) # round up to nearest int def make_targetfile(self, **kwargs): """ makes target file(s) for semantic prediction given parameters in __init__ """ # get info about block self._get_block_info(**kwargs) # return logging file fpath = os.path.join(consts.stim_dir, self.task_name, self.logging_file) # read in stimulus dataframe df = pd.read_csv(fpath) # filter dataframe df_filtered = self._filter_dataframe(dataframe = df) # create new columns (`condition_name` etc) df_filtered = self._create_new_columns(dataframe = df_filtered) seeds = np.arange(self.num_blocks)+1 # for self.block, self.key in enumerate(self.block_design): for self.block in np.arange(self.num_blocks): # randomly sample so that conditions (easy and hard) are equally represented self.random_state = seeds[self.block] # balance the dataframe by `condition_name` and `player_num` df_target = self._balance_design(dataframe = df_filtered) # remove `df_target` rows from the main dataframe so that we're always sampling from unique rows if self.replace==False: df_filtered = df_filtered.merge(df_target, how='left', indicator=True) df_filtered = df_filtered[df_filtered['_merge'] == 'left_only'].drop('_merge', axis=1) # add random word based on `self.frac` df_target = self._add_random_word(dataframe=df_target, columns=['condition_name']) # 'CoRT_descript' # save out target files self.target_dir = os.path.join(consts.target_dir, self.task_name) self._save_target_files(df_target) class ActionObservation(Utils): """ This class makes target files for Action Observation using parameters set in __init__ Args: task_name (str): 'rest' logging_file (str): csv file containing info about stimuli video_name (list of str): name of video(s) to include manipulation (str): 'left_right' or 'miss_goal' resized (bool): resize frames of video balance_blocks (dict): keys are 'player_name', 'condition_name', 'trial_type' block_dur_secs (int): length of task_name (sec) num_blocks (int): number of blocks to make tile_block (int): determines number of repeats for task_name trial_dur (int): length of trial (sec) iti_dur (iti): length of iti (sec) instruct_dur (int): length of instruct for task_names (sec) hand (str): response hand replace (bool): sample stim with or without replacement display_trial_feedback (bool): display trial-by-trial feedback """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.task_name = "action_observation" self.logging_file = 'all_clips_annotation_logging.csv' self.video_name = ['dynamic_120ms'] self.manipulation = 'left_right' self.resized = True self.balance_blocks = {'player_name': ['DC', 'EW'], 'condition_name': ['easy', 'hard'], 'trial_type': ['left', 'right']} self.block_dur_secs = 15 self.num_blocks = 5 self.tile_block = 1 self.trial_dur = 2 self.iti_dur = .5 self.instruct_dur = 5 self.hand = 'left' self.replace = True # sample with or without replacement self.display_trial_feedback = True def _filter_dataframe(self, dataframe): def _get_player(x): if x.find('DC')>=0: player_name = 'DC' elif x.find('FI')>=0: player_name = 'FI' elif x.find('EW')>=0: player_name = 'EW' else: print('player does not exist') return player_name # remove all filenames where any of the videos have not been extracted # and where the player did not accurately hit the target (success=F) stims_to_remove = dataframe.query('extracted==False or player_success=="?"')["video_name"].to_list() df_filtered = dataframe[~dataframe["video_name"].isin(stims_to_remove)] # remove rows without video info df_filtered = df_filtered.query(f'condition_name=={self.video_name}') # create `player_name` df_filtered['player_name'] = df_filtered['video_name'].apply(lambda x: _get_player(x)) # filter `player_name` cond = self.balance_blocks['player_name'] df_filtered = df_filtered.query(f'player_name=={cond}') # figure out the actual hits. certain trials (~14%) were misses. enter the actual hit. df_filtered.loc[df_filtered['hit_target'].isnull(), 'hit_target'] = df_filtered['instructed_target'] return df_filtered def _create_new_columns(self, dataframe): def _get_condition(x): if self.manipulation=="miss_goal": easy = [1,2,7,8,9,10,15,16] hard = [3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14] elif self.manipulation=="left_right": easy = [1,2,3,4,13,14,15,16] hard = [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] else: print('manipulation does not exist') if x in easy: condition = "easy" elif x in hard: condition = "hard" else: condition = float("NaN") print(f'{x} not in list') return condition def _get_trial_type(x): if self.manipulation=="miss_goal": list1= [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] list2 = [1,2,3,4,13,14,15,16] value1 = "goal" value2 = "miss" elif self.manipulation=="left_right": list1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] list2 = [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] value1 = True # 'right' value2 = False # 'left' else: print('manipulation does not exist') if x in list1: trial = value1 elif x in list2: trial = value2 else: trial = float("NaN") print(f'{x} not in list') return trial # make new image column if self.resized: dataframe['stim'] = dataframe['video_name'] + '_' + dataframe['condition_name'] + '_resized' + '.mp4' else: dataframe['stim'] = dataframe['video_name'] + '_' + dataframe['condition_name'] + '.mp4' # divide targets between easy and hard dataframe['condition_name'] = dataframe['hit_target'].apply(lambda x: _get_condition(x)) # either miss_goal or left_right based on manipulation dataframe['trial_type'] = dataframe['hit_target'].apply(lambda x: _get_trial_type(x)) # get time of extraction for video (round to two decimals) dataframe['video_start_time'] = np.round(dataframe['interact_start'] - dataframe['secs_before_interact'], 2) dataframe['video_end_time'] = np.round(dataframe['interact_start'] + dataframe['secs_after_interact'], 2) dataframe['display_trial_feedback'] = self.display_trial_feedback return dataframe def _balance_design(self, dataframe): # group the dataframe according to `balance_blocks` dataframe = dataframe.groupby([*self.balance_blocks], as_index=False).apply(lambda x: x.sample(n=self.num_stims, random_state=self.random_state, replace=self.replace)).reset_index(drop=True) # ensure that only `num_trials` are sampled dataframe = dataframe.sample(n=self.num_trials, random_state=self.random_state, replace=False).reset_index(drop=True) return dataframe def _get_block_info(self, **kwargs): # length (in secs) of the block if kwargs.get('block_dur_secs'): self.block_dur_secs = kwargs['block_dur_secs'] # repeat the target files if kwargs.get('tile_block'): self.tile_block = kwargs['tile_block'] # num of blocks (i.e. target files) to make if kwargs.get('num_blocks'): self.num_blocks = kwargs['num_blocks'] * self.tile_block # get overall number of trials self.num_trials = int(self.block_dur_secs / (self.trial_dur + self.iti_dur)) # get `num_stims` - lowest denominator across `balance_blocks` denominator =[len(stim) for stim in [*self.balance_blocks.values()]]) self.num_stims = ceil(self.num_trials / denominator) # round up to nearest int def make_targetfile(self, **kwargs): """ makes target file(s) for action observation given parameters in __init__ """ # get info about block self._get_block_info(**kwargs) # return logging file fpath = os.path.join(consts.stim_dir, self.task_name, self.logging_file) # read in stimulus dataframe df = pd.read_csv(fpath) # filter dataframe df_filtered = self._filter_dataframe(dataframe = df) # create new columns (`trial_type` etc) df_filtered = self._create_new_columns(dataframe = df_filtered) seeds = np.arange(self.num_blocks)+1 # for self.block, self.key in enumerate(self.block_design): for self.block in np.arange(self.num_blocks): # randomly sample so that conditions (easy and hard) are equally represented self.random_state = seeds[self.block] # balance the dataframe by `condition_name` and `player_num` df_target = self._balance_design(dataframe = df_filtered) # remove `df_target` rows from the main dataframe so that we're always sampling from unique rows if self.replace==False: df_filtered = df_filtered.merge(df_target, how='left', indicator=True) df_filtered = df_filtered[df_filtered['_merge'] == 'left_only'].drop('_merge', axis=1) self.target_dir = os.path.join(consts.target_dir, self.task_name) self._save_target_files(df_target) class TheoryOfMind(Utils): """ This class makes target files for Theory of Mind using parameters set in __init__ Args: task_name (str): 'theory_of_mind' logging_file (str): csv file containing info about stimuli story_dur (int): length of story (sec) question_dur (int): length of question (sec) frac (int): proportion of meaningless trials. default is .3. balance_blocks (dict): keys are 'condition_name' block_dur_secs (int): length of task_name (sec) num_blocks (int): number of blocks to make tile_block (int): determines number of repeats for task_name trial_dur (int): length of trial (sec) iti_dur (iti): length of iti (sec) instruct_dur (int): length of instruct for task_names (sec) hand (str): response hand replace (bool): sample stim with or without replacement display_trial_feedback (bool): display trial-by-trial feedback """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.task_name = 'theory_of_mind' self.logging_file = 'theory_of_mind.csv' self.story_dur = 10 self.question_dur = 4 self.frac = .3 self.balance_blocks = {'condition_name': ['belief','photo'],'trial_type': [True, False]} self.block_dur_secs = 15 self.num_blocks = 5 self.tile_block = 1 self.trial_dur = 14 self.iti_dur = .5 self.instruct_dur = 5 self.hand = 'left' self.replace = False self.display_trial_feedback = True def _filter_dataframe(self, dataframe): dataframe = dataframe.query(f'condition=={self.balance_blocks["condition_name"]} and response=={self.balance_blocks["trial_type"]}') return dataframe def _create_new_columns(self, dataframe): # add condition column # dataframe['condition_name'] = dataframe['condition'].apply(lambda x: self.balance_blocks['condition_name'][x]) dataframe['condition_name'] = dataframe['condition'] dataframe['story_dur'] = self.story_dur dataframe['question_dur'] = self.question_dur dataframe['trial_dur_correct'] = dataframe['story_dur'] + self.iti_dur + dataframe['question_dur'] dataframe['display_trial_feedback'] = self.display_trial_feedback responses = self.balance_blocks['trial_type'] dataframe['trial_type'] = dataframe['response'].apply(lambda x: True if x==responses[0] else False) return dataframe def _balance_design(self, dataframe): # group the dataframe according to `balance_blocks` dataframe = dataframe.groupby([*self.balance_blocks], as_index=False).apply(lambda x: x.sample(n=self.num_stims, random_state=self.random_state, replace=self.replace)).reset_index(drop=True) # ensure that only `num_trials` are sampled dataframe = dataframe.sample(n=self.num_trials, random_state=self.random_state, replace=False).reset_index(drop=True) return dataframe def _get_block_info(self, **kwargs): # length (in secs) of the block if kwargs.get('block_dur_secs'): self.block_dur_secs = kwargs['block_dur_secs'] # repeat the target files if kwargs.get('tile_block'): self.tile_block = kwargs['tile_block'] # num of blocks (i.e. target files) to make if kwargs.get('num_blocks'): self.num_blocks = kwargs['num_blocks'] * self.tile_block # get overall number of trials self.num_trials = int(self.block_dur_secs / (self.trial_dur + self.iti_dur)) # get `num_stims` - lowest denominator across `balance_blocks` denominator =[len(stim) for stim in [*self.balance_blocks.values()]]) self.num_stims = ceil(self.num_trials / denominator) # round up to nearest int def make_targetfile(self, **kwargs): """ makes target file(s) for theory of mind given parameters in __init__ """ # get info about block self._get_block_info(**kwargs) # return logging file fpath = os.path.join(consts.stim_dir, self.task_name, self.logging_file) # read in stimulus dataframe df =
import datetime as dt import os.path import re import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pandas.testing as pdt import pint.errors import pytest import scmdata.processing from scmdata import ScmRun from scmdata.errors import MissingRequiredColumnError, NonUniqueMetadataError from scmdata.testing import _check_pandas_less_120 @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def test_processing_scm_df(): data = np.array( [ [1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.1], [1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.41], [1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6], [1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.2], [1.48, 1.51, 1.72, 1.56], ] ).T yield ScmRun( data=data, columns={ "model": ["a_iam"], "climate_model": ["a_model"], "scenario": ["a_scenario"], "region": ["World"], "variable": ["Surface Air Temperature Change"], "unit": ["K"], "ensemble_member": range(data.shape[1]), }, index=[2005, 2006, 2007, 2100], ) @pytest.fixture() def test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model(test_processing_scm_df): other = test_processing_scm_df + 0.1 other["climate_model"] = "z_model" return test_processing_scm_df.append(other) crossing_times_year_conversions = pytest.mark.parametrize( "return_year,conv_to_year", ((None, True), (True, True), (False, False),) ) def _get_calculate_crossing_times_call_kwargs(return_year): call_kwargs = {} if return_year is not None: call_kwargs["return_year"] = return_year return call_kwargs def _get_expected_crossing_times(exp_vals, conv_to_year): if conv_to_year: exp_vals = [v if pd.isnull(v) else v.year for v in exp_vals] else: exp_vals = [pd.NaT if pd.isnull(v) else v for v in exp_vals] return exp_vals @pytest.mark.parametrize( "threshold,exp_vals", ( ( 1.0, [ dt.datetime(2006, 1, 1), # doesn't cross 1.0 until 2006 dt.datetime(2005, 1, 1), dt.datetime(2005, 1, 1), dt.datetime(2005, 1, 1), dt.datetime(2005, 1, 1), ], ), ( 1.5, [ np.nan, # never crosses np.nan, # never crosses dt.datetime(2100, 1, 1), # doesn't cross 1.5 until 2100 dt.datetime(2007, 1, 1), # 2007 is first year to actually exceed 1.5 dt.datetime(2006, 1, 1), ], ), (2.0, [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]), ), ) @crossing_times_year_conversions def test_crossing_times( threshold, exp_vals, return_year, conv_to_year, test_processing_scm_df ): call_kwargs = _get_calculate_crossing_times_call_kwargs(return_year) res = scmdata.processing.calculate_crossing_times( test_processing_scm_df, threshold=threshold, **call_kwargs, ) exp_vals = _get_expected_crossing_times(exp_vals, conv_to_year) exp = pd.Series(exp_vals, pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(test_processing_scm_df.meta)) pdt.assert_series_equal(res, exp) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "end_year", ( 5000, pytest.param( 10 ** 3, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="ScmRun fails to initialise #179") ), pytest.param( 10 ** 4, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="ScmRun fails to initialise #179") ), ), ) @crossing_times_year_conversions def test_crossing_times_long_runs( end_year, return_year, conv_to_year, test_processing_scm_df ): test_processing_scm_df = test_processing_scm_df.timeseries(time_axis="year").rename( {2100: end_year}, axis="columns" ) test_processing_scm_df = scmdata.ScmRun(test_processing_scm_df) call_kwargs = _get_calculate_crossing_times_call_kwargs(return_year) res = scmdata.processing.calculate_crossing_times( test_processing_scm_df, threshold=1.5, **call_kwargs, ) exp_vals = [ np.nan, np.nan, dt.datetime(end_year, 1, 1), dt.datetime(2007, 1, 1), dt.datetime(2006, 1, 1), ] exp_vals = _get_expected_crossing_times(exp_vals, conv_to_year) exp = pd.Series(exp_vals, pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(test_processing_scm_df.meta)) pdt.assert_series_equal(res, exp) @crossing_times_year_conversions def test_crossing_times_multi_climate_model( return_year, conv_to_year, test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model ): call_kwargs = _get_calculate_crossing_times_call_kwargs(return_year) threshold = 1.5 exp_vals = [ # a_model np.nan, np.nan, dt.datetime(2100, 1, 1), dt.datetime(2007, 1, 1), dt.datetime(2006, 1, 1), # z_model np.nan, dt.datetime(2100, 1, 1), dt.datetime(2007, 1, 1), dt.datetime(2006, 1, 1), dt.datetime(2005, 1, 1), ] res = scmdata.processing.calculate_crossing_times( test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model, threshold=threshold, **call_kwargs, ) exp_vals = _get_expected_crossing_times(exp_vals, conv_to_year) exp = pd.Series( exp_vals, pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model.meta), ) pdt.assert_series_equal(res, exp) def _get_expected_crossing_time_quantiles( cts, groups, exp_quantiles, interpolation, nan_fill_value, nan_fill_threshold ): cts = cts.fillna(nan_fill_value) cts_qs = cts.groupby(groups).quantile(q=exp_quantiles, interpolation=interpolation) out = cts_qs.where(cts_qs < nan_fill_threshold) out.index = out.index.set_names("quantile", level=-1) return out @pytest.mark.parametrize( "groups", (["model", "scenario"], ["climate_model", "model", "scenario"]) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "quantiles,exp_quantiles", ( (None, [0.05, 0.5, 0.95]), ([0.05, 0.17, 0.5, 0.83, 0.95], [0.05, 0.17, 0.5, 0.83, 0.95]), ), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "interpolation,exp_interpolation", ((None, "linear"), ("linear", "linear"), ("nearest", "nearest"),), ) def test_crossing_times_quantiles( groups, quantiles, exp_quantiles, interpolation, exp_interpolation, test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model, ): threshold = 1.5 crossing_times = scmdata.processing.calculate_crossing_times( test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model, threshold=threshold, # return_year False handled in # test_crossing_times_quantiles_datetime_error return_year=True, ) exp = _get_expected_crossing_time_quantiles( crossing_times, groups, exp_quantiles, exp_interpolation, nan_fill_value=10 ** 6, nan_fill_threshold=10 ** 5, ) call_kwargs = {"groupby": groups} if quantiles is not None: call_kwargs["quantiles"] = quantiles if interpolation is not None: call_kwargs["interpolation"] = interpolation res = scmdata.processing.calculate_crossing_times_quantiles( crossing_times, **call_kwargs ) if _check_pandas_less_120(): check_dtype = False else: check_dtype = True pdt.assert_series_equal(res, exp, check_dtype=check_dtype) def test_crossing_times_quantiles_datetime_error( test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model, ): crossing_times = scmdata.processing.calculate_crossing_times( test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model, threshold=1.5, return_year=False, ) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): scmdata.processing.calculate_crossing_times_quantiles( crossing_times, ["model", "scenario"] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "nan_fill_value,out_nan_threshold,exp_vals", ( (None, None, [2025.4, 2027.0, np.nan]), (None, 10 ** 4, [2025.4, 2027.0, np.nan]), (10 ** 5, 10 ** 4, [2025.4, 2027.0, np.nan]), (10 ** 6, 10 ** 5, [2025.4, 2027.0, np.nan]), ( # fill value less than threshold means calculated quantiles are used 3000, 10 ** 5, [2025.4, 2027.0, 2805.4], ), (3000, 2806, [2025.4, 2027.0, 2805.4]), (3000, 2805, [2025.4, 2027.0, np.nan]), ), ) def test_crossing_times_quantiles_nan_fill_values( nan_fill_value, out_nan_threshold, exp_vals ): data = np.array( [ [1.3, 1.35, 1.5, 1.52], [1.37, 1.43, 1.54, 1.58], [1.48, 1.51, 1.72, 2.02], [1.55, 1.65, 1.85, 2.1], [1.42, 1.46, 1.55, 1.62], ] ).T ensemble = scmdata.ScmRun( data=data, index=[2025, 2026, 2027, 2100], columns={ "model": ["a_iam"], "climate_model": ["a_model"], "scenario": ["a_scenario"], "region": ["World"], "variable": ["Surface Air Temperature Change"], "unit": ["K"], "ensemble_member": range(data.shape[1]), }, ) call_kwargs = {} if nan_fill_value is not None: call_kwargs["nan_fill_value"] = nan_fill_value if out_nan_threshold is not None: call_kwargs["out_nan_threshold"] = out_nan_threshold crossing_times = scmdata.processing.calculate_crossing_times( ensemble, threshold=1.53, return_year=True, ) res = scmdata.processing.calculate_crossing_times_quantiles( crossing_times, ["climate_model", "scenario"], quantiles=(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), **call_kwargs, ) exp = pd.Series( exp_vals, pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [["a_model"], ["a_scenario"], [0.05, 0.5, 0.95]], names=["climate_model", "scenario", "quantile"], ), ) if _check_pandas_less_120(): check_dtype = False else: check_dtype = True pdt.assert_series_equal(res, exp, check_dtype=check_dtype) output_name_options = pytest.mark.parametrize( "output_name", (None, "test", "test other") ) def _get_calculate_exceedance_probs_call_kwargs(output_name): call_kwargs = {} if output_name is not None: call_kwargs["output_name"] = output_name return call_kwargs def _get_calculate_exeedance_probs_expected_name(output_name, threshold): if output_name is not None: return output_name return "{} exceedance probability".format(threshold) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "threshold,exp_vals", ( (1.0, [0.8, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), (1.5, [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4]), (2.0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), ), ) @output_name_options def test_exceedance_probabilities_over_time( output_name, threshold, exp_vals, test_processing_scm_df ): call_kwargs = _get_calculate_exceedance_probs_call_kwargs(output_name) res = scmdata.processing.calculate_exceedance_probabilities_over_time( test_processing_scm_df, process_over_cols="ensemble_member", threshold=threshold, **call_kwargs, ) exp_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame( test_processing_scm_df.meta.drop( "ensemble_member", axis="columns" ).drop_duplicates() ) exp = pd.DataFrame( np.array(exp_vals)[np.newaxis, :], index=exp_idx, columns=test_processing_scm_df.time_points.to_index(), ) exp.index = exp.index.set_levels( [_get_calculate_exeedance_probs_expected_name(output_name, threshold)], level="variable", ).set_levels(["dimensionless"], level="unit",) pdt.assert_frame_equal(res, exp, check_like=True, check_column_type=False) def test_exceedance_probabilities_over_time_multiple_res( test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model, ): start = test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model.copy() threshold = 1.5 exp_vals = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 2], [1, 2, 3, 3]]) / 5 res = scmdata.processing.calculate_exceedance_probabilities_over_time( start, process_over_cols=["ensemble_member"], threshold=threshold, ) exp_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame( start.meta.drop(["ensemble_member"], axis="columns").drop_duplicates() ) exp = pd.DataFrame(exp_vals, index=exp_idx, columns=start.time_points.to_index()) exp.index = exp.index.set_levels( [_get_calculate_exeedance_probs_expected_name(None, threshold)], level="variable", ).set_levels(["dimensionless"], level="unit",) pdt.assert_frame_equal(res, exp, check_like=True, check_column_type=False) def test_exceedance_probabilities_over_time_multiple_grouping( test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model, ): start = test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model.copy() threshold = 1.5 exp_vals = np.array([1, 3, 5, 5]) / 10 res = scmdata.processing.calculate_exceedance_probabilities_over_time( start, process_over_cols=["climate_model", "ensemble_member"], threshold=threshold, ) exp_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame( start.meta.drop( ["climate_model", "ensemble_member"], axis="columns" ).drop_duplicates() ) exp = pd.DataFrame( exp_vals[np.newaxis, :], index=exp_idx, columns=start.time_points.to_index(), ) exp.index = exp.index.set_levels( [_get_calculate_exeedance_probs_expected_name(None, threshold)], level="variable", ).set_levels(["dimensionless"], level="unit",) pdt.assert_frame_equal(res, exp, check_like=True, check_column_type=False) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "threshold,exp_val", ((1.0, 1.0), (1.5, 0.6), (2.0, 0.0),), ) @output_name_options def test_exceedance_probabilities( output_name, threshold, exp_val, test_processing_scm_df ): call_kwargs = _get_calculate_exceedance_probs_call_kwargs(output_name) res = scmdata.processing.calculate_exceedance_probabilities( test_processing_scm_df, process_over_cols="ensemble_member", threshold=threshold, **call_kwargs, ) exp_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame( test_processing_scm_df.meta.drop( "ensemble_member", axis="columns" ).drop_duplicates() ) exp = pd.Series(exp_val, index=exp_idx) = _get_calculate_exeedance_probs_expected_name(output_name, threshold) exp.index = exp.index.set_levels(["dimensionless"], level="unit",) pdt.assert_series_equal(res, exp) def test_exceedance_probabilities_multiple_res( test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model, ): start = test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model.copy() threshold = 1.5 exp_vals = [0.6, 0.8] res = scmdata.processing.calculate_exceedance_probabilities( start, process_over_cols=["ensemble_member"], threshold=threshold, ) exp_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame( start.meta.drop("ensemble_member", axis="columns").drop_duplicates() ) exp = pd.Series(exp_vals, index=exp_idx) = _get_calculate_exeedance_probs_expected_name(None, threshold) exp.index = exp.index.set_levels(["dimensionless"], level="unit",) pdt.assert_series_equal(res, exp) def test_exceedance_probabilities_multiple_grouping( test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model, ): start = test_processing_scm_df_multi_climate_model.copy() threshold = 1.5 exp_vals = [0.7] res = scmdata.processing.calculate_exceedance_probabilities( start, process_over_cols=["ensemble_member", "climate_model"], threshold=threshold, ) exp_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame( start.meta.drop( ["ensemble_member", "climate_model"], axis="columns" ).drop_duplicates() ) exp = pd.Series(exp_vals, index=exp_idx) = _get_calculate_exeedance_probs_expected_name(None, threshold) exp.index = exp.index.set_levels(["dimensionless"], level="unit",)
pdt.assert_series_equal(res, exp)
import os import pandas as pd import csv from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import numpy as np import random import tensorflow as tf import torch #directory of tasks dataset os.chdir("original_data") #destination path to create tsv files, dipends on data cutting path_0 = "mttransformer/data/0" path_100_no_gan = "mttransformer/data/100/no_gan" path_200_no_gan = "mttransformer/data/200/no_gan" path_500_no_gan = "mttransformer/data/500/no_gan" path_100_gan = "mttransformer/data/100/gan" path_200_gan = "mttransformer/data/200/gan" path_500_gan = "mttransformer/data/500/gan" #if you use a model with gan the flag "apply_gan" is True, else False apply_gan=False #data cutting number_labeled_examples=0 #0-100-200-500 #if you want activate balancing, that is used only in the model Multi-task, MT-DNN and MT-GANBERT balancing=False #path train and test dataset of the task tsv_haspeede_train = 'haspeede_TW-train.tsv' tsv_haspeede_test = 'haspeede_TW-reference.tsv' tsv_AMI2018_train = 'AMI2018_it_training.tsv' tsv_AMI2018_test = 'AMI2018_it_testing.tsv' tsv_AMI2018_train = 'AMI2018_it_training.tsv' tsv_AMI2018_test = 'AMI2018_it_testing.tsv' tsv_DANKMEMES2020_train = 'dankmemes_task2_train.csv' tsv_DANKMEMES2020_test = 'hate_test.csv' tsv_SENTIPOLC2016_train = 'training_set_sentipolc16.csv' tsv_SENTIPOLC2016_test = 'test_set_sentipolc16_gold2000.csv' tsv_SENTIPOLC2016_train = 'training_set_sentipolc16.csv' tsv_SENTIPOLC2016_test = 'test_set_sentipolc16_gold2000.csv' #Upload the dataset of all task as dataframes #haspeede_TW df_train = pd.read_csv(tsv_haspeede_train, delimiter='\t', names=('id','sentence','label')) df_train = df_train[['id']+['label']+['sentence']] df_test = pd.read_csv(tsv_haspeede_test, delimiter='\t', names=('id','sentence','label')) df_test = df_test[['id']+['label']+['sentence']] #AMI2018A df_train2 = pd.read_csv(tsv_AMI2018_train, delimiter='\t') df_train2 = df_train2[['id']+['misogynous']+['text']] df_test2 = pd.read_csv(tsv_AMI2018_test, delimiter='\t') df_test2 = df_test2[['id']+['misogynous']+['text']] #AMI2018B df_train3 = pd.read_csv(tsv_AMI2018_train, delimiter='\t') df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'misogyny_category', 'text']) for ind in df_train3.index: if df_train3.misogynous[ind]==1: if df_train3.misogyny_category[ind] == 'stereotype': df = df.append({'id' : df_train3['id'][ind], 'misogyny_category' : 0, 'text' : df_train3['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) #elif df_train3.misogyny_category[ind] == 'dominance': #df = df.append({'id' : df_train3['id'][ind], 'misogyny_category' : 1, 'text' : df_train3['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) #elif df_train3.misogyny_category[ind] == 'derailing': #df = df.append({'id' : df_train3['id'][ind], 'misogyny_category' : 2, 'text' : df_train3['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) elif df_train3.misogyny_category[ind] == 'sexual_harassment': df = df.append({'id' : df_train3['id'][ind], 'misogyny_category' : 1, 'text' : df_train3['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) elif df_train3.misogyny_category[ind] == 'discredit': df = df.append({'id' : df_train3['id'][ind], 'misogyny_category' : 2, 'text' : df_train3['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) df_train3 = df df_test3 = pd.read_csv(tsv_AMI2018_test, delimiter='\t') df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'misogyny_category', 'text']) for ind in df_test3.index: if df_test3.misogynous[ind]==1: if df_test3.misogyny_category[ind] == 'stereotype': df = df.append({'id' : df_test3['id'][ind], 'misogyny_category' : 0, 'text' : df_test3['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) #elif df_test3.misogyny_category[ind] == 'dominance': #df = df.append({'id' : df_test3['id'][ind], 'misogyny_category' : 1, 'text' : df_test3['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) #elif df_test3.misogyny_category[ind] == 'derailing': #df = df.append({'id' : df_test3['id'][ind], 'misogyny_category' : 2, 'text' : df_test3['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) elif df_test3.misogyny_category[ind] == 'sexual_harassment': df = df.append({'id' : df_test3['id'][ind], 'misogyny_category' : 1, 'text' : df_test3['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) elif df_test3.misogyny_category[ind] == 'discredit': df = df.append({'id' : df_test3['id'][ind], 'misogyny_category' : 2, 'text' : df_test3['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) df_test3 = df #DANKMEMES2020 df_train4 = pd.read_csv(tsv_DANKMEMES2020_train, delimiter=',') df_train4 = df_train4[['File']+['Hate Speech']+['Text']] df_test4 = pd.read_csv(tsv_DANKMEMES2020_test, delimiter=',') df_test4 = df_test4[['File']+['Hate Speech']+['Text']] #SENTIPOLC20161 df_train5 = pd.read_csv(tsv_SENTIPOLC2016_train, delimiter=',') df_train5 = df_train5[['idtwitter']+['subj']+['text']] df_test5 = pd.read_csv(tsv_SENTIPOLC2016_test, delimiter=',') df_test5 = df_test5[['idtwitter']+['subj']+['text']] for ind in df_train5.index: if "\t" in df_train5.text[ind]: df_train5 = df_train5.replace(to_replace='\t', value='', regex=True) #SENTIPOLC20162 df_train6 = pd.read_csv(tsv_SENTIPOLC2016_train, delimiter=',') df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['idtwitter', 'polarity', 'text']) for ind in df_train6.index: if df_train6['subj'][ind] == 1: if df_train6['opos'][ind] == 1 and df_train6['oneg'][ind] == 0: df = df.append({'idtwitter' : df_train6['idtwitter'][ind], 'polarity' : 0, 'text' : df_train6['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) elif df_train6['opos'][ind] == 0 and df_train6['oneg'][ind] == 1: df = df.append({'idtwitter' : df_train6['idtwitter'][ind], 'polarity' : 1, 'text' : df_train6['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) elif df_train6['opos'][ind] == 0 and df_train6['oneg'][ind] == 0: df = df.append({'idtwitter' : df_train6['idtwitter'][ind], 'polarity' : 2, 'text' : df_train6['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) else: if df_train6['opos'][ind] == 0 and df_train6['oneg'][ind] == 0: df = df.append({'idtwitter' : df_train6['idtwitter'][ind], 'polarity' : 2, 'text' : df_train6['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) df_train6 = df for ind in df_train6.index: if "\t" in df_train6.text[ind]: df_train6 = df_train6.replace(to_replace='\t', value='', regex=True) df_test6 = pd.read_csv(tsv_SENTIPOLC2016_test, delimiter=',') df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['idtwitter', 'polarity', 'text']) for ind in df_test6.index: if df_test6['subj'][ind] == 1: if df_test6['opos'][ind] == 1 and df_test6['oneg'][ind] == 0: df = df.append({'idtwitter' : df_test6['idtwitter'][ind], 'polarity' : 0, 'text' : df_test6['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) elif df_test6['opos'][ind] == 0 and df_test6['oneg'][ind] == 1: df = df.append({'idtwitter' : df_test6['idtwitter'][ind], 'polarity' : 1, 'text' : df_test6['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) elif df_test6['opos'][ind] == 0 and df_test6['oneg'][ind] == 0: df = df.append({'idtwitter' : df_test6['idtwitter'][ind], 'polarity' : 2, 'text' : df_test6['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) else: if df_test6['opos'][ind] == 0 and df_test6['oneg'][ind] == 0: df = df.append({'idtwitter' : df_test6['idtwitter'][ind], 'polarity' : 2, 'text' : df_test6['text'][ind] }, ignore_index=True) df_test6 = df #split train dev, in all tasks train_dataset, dev_dataset = train_test_split(df_train, test_size=0.2, shuffle = True) train_dataset2, dev_dataset2 = train_test_split(df_train2, test_size=0.2, shuffle = True) train_dataset3, dev_dataset3 = train_test_split(df_train3, test_size=0.2, shuffle = True) train_dataset4, dev_dataset4 = train_test_split(df_train4, test_size=0.2, shuffle = True) train_dataset5, dev_dataset5 = train_test_split(df_train5, test_size=0.2, shuffle = True) train_dataset6, dev_dataset6 = train_test_split(df_train6, test_size=0.2, shuffle = True) #reduction of datasets in case of data cutting 100, 200, 500 if number_labeled_examples!=0: if number_labeled_examples==100: labeled = train_dataset.sample(n=100) unlabeled = train_dataset labeled2 = train_dataset2.sample(n=100) unlabeled2 = train_dataset2 labeled3 = train_dataset3.sample(n=100) unlabeled3 = train_dataset3 labeled4 = train_dataset4.sample(n=100) unlabeled4 = train_dataset4 labeled5 = train_dataset5.sample(n=100) unlabeled5 = train_dataset5 labeled6 = train_dataset6.sample(n=100) unlabeled6 = train_dataset6 cond = unlabeled['id'].isin(labeled['id']) cond2 = unlabeled2['id'].isin(labeled2['id']) cond3 = unlabeled3['id'].isin(labeled3['id']) cond4 = unlabeled4['File'].isin(labeled4['File']) cond5 = unlabeled5['idtwitter'].isin(labeled5['idtwitter']) cond6 = unlabeled6['idtwitter'].isin(labeled6['idtwitter']) unlabeled.drop(unlabeled[cond].index, inplace = True) unlabeled2.drop(unlabeled2[cond2].index, inplace = True) unlabeled3.drop(unlabeled3[cond3].index, inplace = True) unlabeled4.drop(unlabeled4[cond4].index, inplace = True) unlabeled5.drop(unlabeled5[cond5].index, inplace = True) unlabeled6.drop(unlabeled6[cond6].index, inplace = True) elif number_labeled_examples==200: labeled = train_dataset.sample(n=200) unlabeled = train_dataset labeled2 = train_dataset2.sample(n=200) unlabeled2 = train_dataset2 labeled3 = train_dataset3.sample(n=200) unlabeled3 = train_dataset3 labeled4 = train_dataset4.sample(n=200) unlabeled4 = train_dataset4 labeled5 = train_dataset5.sample(n=200) unlabeled5 = train_dataset5 labeled6 = train_dataset6.sample(n=200) unlabeled6 = train_dataset6 cond = unlabeled['id'].isin(labeled['id']) cond2 = unlabeled2['id'].isin(labeled2['id']) cond3 = unlabeled3['id'].isin(labeled3['id']) cond4 = unlabeled4['File'].isin(labeled4['File']) cond5 = unlabeled5['idtwitter'].isin(labeled5['idtwitter']) cond6 = unlabeled6['idtwitter'].isin(labeled6['idtwitter']) unlabeled.drop(unlabeled[cond].index, inplace = True) unlabeled2.drop(unlabeled2[cond2].index, inplace = True) unlabeled3.drop(unlabeled3[cond3].index, inplace = True) unlabeled4.drop(unlabeled4[cond4].index, inplace = True) unlabeled5.drop(unlabeled5[cond5].index, inplace = True) unlabeled6.drop(unlabeled6[cond6].index, inplace = True) elif number_labeled_examples==500: labeled = train_dataset.sample(n=500) unlabeled = train_dataset labeled2 = train_dataset2.sample(n=500) unlabeled2 = train_dataset2 labeled3 = train_dataset3.sample(n=500) unlabeled3 = train_dataset3 labeled4 = train_dataset4.sample(n=500) unlabeled4 = train_dataset4 labeled5 = train_dataset5.sample(n=500) unlabeled5 = train_dataset5 labeled6 = train_dataset6.sample(n=500) unlabeled6 = train_dataset6 cond = unlabeled['id'].isin(labeled['id']) cond2 = unlabeled2['id'].isin(labeled2['id']) cond3 = unlabeled3['id'].isin(labeled3['id']) cond4 = unlabeled4['File'].isin(labeled4['File']) cond5 = unlabeled5['idtwitter'].isin(labeled5['idtwitter']) cond6 = unlabeled6['idtwitter'].isin(labeled6['idtwitter']) unlabeled.drop(unlabeled[cond].index, inplace = True) unlabeled2.drop(unlabeled2[cond2].index, inplace = True) unlabeled3.drop(unlabeled3[cond3].index, inplace = True) unlabeled4.drop(unlabeled4[cond4].index, inplace = True) unlabeled5.drop(unlabeled5[cond5].index, inplace = True) unlabeled6.drop(unlabeled6[cond6].index, inplace = True) #model with or without gan if apply_gan == True: print("MT-GANBERT") #dataset unlabeled with label -1 unlabeled['label'] = unlabeled['label'].replace(0,-1) unlabeled['label'] = unlabeled['label'].replace(1,-1) unlabeled2['misogynous'] = unlabeled2['misogynous'].replace(0,-1) unlabeled2['misogynous'] = unlabeled2['misogynous'].replace(1,-1) unlabeled3['misogyny_category'] = unlabeled3['misogyny_category'].replace(0,-1) unlabeled3['misogyny_category'] = unlabeled3['misogyny_category'].replace(1,-1) unlabeled3['misogyny_category'] = unlabeled3['misogyny_category'].replace(2,-1) unlabeled3['misogyny_category'] = unlabeled3['misogyny_category'].replace(3,-1) unlabeled3['misogyny_category'] = unlabeled3['misogyny_category'].replace(4,-1) unlabeled4['Hate Speech'] = unlabeled4['Hate Speech'].replace(0,-1) unlabeled4['Hate Speech'] = unlabeled4['Hate Speech'].replace(1,-1) unlabeled5['subj'] = unlabeled5['subj'].replace(0,-1) unlabeled5['subj'] = unlabeled5['subj'].replace(1,-1) unlabeled6['polarity'] = unlabeled6['polarity'].replace(0,-1) unlabeled6['polarity'] = unlabeled6['polarity'].replace(1,-1) unlabeled6['polarity'] = unlabeled6['polarity'].replace(2,-1) train = pd.concat([labeled, unlabeled]) train2 = pd.concat([labeled2, unlabeled2]) train3 = pd.concat([labeled3, unlabeled3]) train4 = pd.concat([labeled4, unlabeled4]) train5 = pd.concat([labeled5, unlabeled5]) train6 = pd.concat([labeled6, unlabeled6]) dev = dev_dataset dev2 = dev_dataset2 dev3 = dev_dataset3 dev4 = dev_dataset4 dev5 = dev_dataset5 dev6 = dev_dataset6 print("Size of Train dataset is {}, with {} labeled and {} not labeled ".format(len(train),len(labeled), len(unlabeled))) print("Size of Train dataset is {}, with {} labeled and {} not labeled ".format(len(train2),len(labeled2), len(unlabeled2))) print("Size of Train dataset is {}, with {} labeled and {} not labeled ".format(len(train3),len(labeled3), len(unlabeled3))) print("Size of Train dataset is {}, with {} labeled and {} not labeled ".format(len(train4),len(labeled4), len(unlabeled4))) print("Size of Train dataset is {}, with {} labeled and {} not labeled ".format(len(train5),len(labeled5), len(unlabeled5))) print("Size of Train dataset is {}, with {} labeled and {} not labeled ".format(len(train6),len(labeled6), len(unlabeled6))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev2))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev3))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev4))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev5))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev6))) else: print("MT-DNN, with reduction dataset") train = labeled train2 = labeled2 train3 = labeled3 train4 = labeled4 train5 = labeled5 train6 = labeled6 dev = dev_dataset dev2 = dev_dataset2 dev3 = dev_dataset3 dev4 = dev_dataset4 dev5 = dev_dataset5 dev6 = dev_dataset6 print("Size of Train dataset is {} ".format(len(labeled))) print("Size of Train dataset is {} ".format(len(labeled2))) print("Size of Train dataset is {} ".format(len(labeled3))) print("Size of Train dataset is {} ".format(len(labeled4))) print("Size of Train dataset is {} ".format(len(labeled5))) print("Size of Train dataset is {} ".format(len(labeled6))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev2))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev3))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev4))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev5))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev6))) else: print("MT-DNN") train = train_dataset train2 = train_dataset2 train3 = train_dataset3 train4 = train_dataset4 train5 = train_dataset5 train6 = train_dataset6 dev = dev_dataset dev2 = dev_dataset2 dev3=dev_dataset3 dev4=dev_dataset4 dev5=dev_dataset5 dev6=dev_dataset6 print("Size of Train dataset is {} ".format(len(train))) print("Size of Train dataset is {} ".format(len(train2))) print("Size of Train dataset is {} ".format(len(train3))) print("Size of Train dataset is {} ".format(len(train4))) print("Size of Train dataset is {} ".format(len(train5))) print("Size of Train dataset is {} ".format(len(train6))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev2))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev3))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev4))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev5))) print("Size of Dev dataset is {} ".format(len(dev6))) #Balancing for: #- MT-DNN, trained on the total dataset of each task #- MT-GAN, trained on the chosen data cutting of each task if balancing==True: if apply_gan== True: print("MT-GAN") max_train_un = max(len(unlabeled), len(unlabeled2), len(unlabeled3), len(unlabeled4), len(unlabeled5), len(unlabeled6)) print(max_train_un) else: print("MT-DNN") unlabeled=train unlabeled2=train2 unlabeled3=train3 unlabeled4=train4 unlabeled5=train5 unlabeled6=train6 max_train_un = max(len(unlabeled), len(unlabeled2), len(unlabeled3), len(unlabeled4), len(unlabeled5), len(unlabeled6)) print(max_train_un) #double dataset df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'label', 'sentence']) count=0 if len(unlabeled)<max_train_un: for i in range(max_train_un): if i < len(unlabeled): df = df.append({'id' : unlabeled.iloc[i, 0], 'label' : unlabeled.iloc[i, 1], 'sentence' : unlabeled.iloc[i, 2] }, ignore_index=True) else: if count < len(unlabeled): df = df.append({'id' : unlabeled.iloc[count, 0], 'label' : unlabeled.iloc[count, 1], 'sentence' : unlabeled.iloc[count, 2] }, ignore_index=True) count = count+1 else: count = 0 df = df.append({'id' : unlabeled.iloc[count, 0], 'label' : unlabeled.iloc[count, 1], 'sentence' : unlabeled.iloc[count, 2] }, ignore_index=True) count = count+1 unlabeled = df if apply_gan== True: train = pd.concat([labeled, unlabeled]) else: train=unlabeled df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'misogynous', 'text']) count=0 if len(unlabeled2)<max_train_un: for i in range(max_train_un): if i < len(unlabeled2): df = df.append({'id' : unlabeled2.iloc[i, 0], 'misogynous' : unlabeled2.iloc[i, 1], 'text' : unlabeled2.iloc[i, 2] }, ignore_index=True) else: if count < len(unlabeled2): df = df.append({'id' : unlabeled2.iloc[count, 0], 'misogynous' : unlabeled2.iloc[count, 1], 'text' : unlabeled2.iloc[count, 2] }, ignore_index=True) count = count+1 else: count = 0 df = df.append({'id' : unlabeled2.iloc[count, 0], 'misogynous' : unlabeled2.iloc[count, 1], 'text' : unlabeled2.iloc[count, 2] }, ignore_index=True) count = count+1 unlabeled2 = df if apply_gan==True: train2 =
pd.concat([labeled2, unlabeled2])
# CCI (Commodity Channel Index) # # Bir menkul kıymetin fiyat değişikliği ile ortalama fiyat değişikliği # arasındaki farkı ölçer. Yüksek pozitif okumalar, fiyatların ortalamalarının # oldukça üzerinde olduğunu ve bunun da bir güç gösterisi olduğunu gösterir. # Düşük negatif okumalar, fiyatların ortalamalarının oldukça altında olduğunu # ve bunun da bir zayıflık göstergesi olduğunu gösterir. # Argümanlar: # high(pandas.Series): veri kümesi 'Yüksek' sütunu. # low(pandas.Series): veri kümesi 'Düşük' sütunu. # close(pandas.Series): veri kümesi 'Kapat' sütunu. # window(int): n periyodu. # constant(int): sabit. # fillna(bool): True ise, nan değerlerini doldur. import numpy as np import pandas as pd from _utilities import IndicatorMixin class CCIIndicator(IndicatorMixin): def __init__( self, high: pd.Series, low: pd.Series, close: pd.Series, window: int = 20, constant: float = 0.015, fillna: bool = False, ): self._high = high self._low = low self._close = close self._window = window self._constant = constant self._fillna = fillna self._run() def _run(self): def _mad(x): return np.mean(np.abs(x - np.mean(x))) min_periods = 0 if self._fillna else self._window typical_price = (self._high + self._low + self._close) / 3.0 self._cci = ( typical_price - typical_price.rolling(self._window, min_periods=min_periods).mean() ) / ( self._constant * typical_price.rolling(self._window, min_periods=min_periods).apply( _mad, True ) ) def cci(self) -> pd.Series: cci_series = self._check_fillna(self._cci, value=0) return
pd.Series(cci_series, name="cci")
''' This script tests the function from Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- Assertion errors if tests fail ''' # dependencies import pytest import numpy as np import pandas as pd from normtestPY.shapiro_wilk import shapiro_wilk # Sample data data_df = pd.DataFrame({'data' : [41.5,38.7,44.5,43.8,46.0,39.4, 40.6, 42.7], 'data2' : [65,63,86,70,74,35,68,45]}) data_list1 = [41.5,38.7,44.5,43.8,46.0,39.4, 40.6, 42.7] data_list2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8] data_list3 = [data_list1, data_list2] data_list4 = [1, 2, 3] data_ndarray = np.array([[41.5,38.7,44.5,43.8,46.0,39.4, 40.6, 42.7], [65,63,86,70,74,35,68,45]]).T data_series1 =
import numpy as np import pytest from pandas._libs.tslibs import IncompatibleFrequency from pandas import ( DatetimeIndex, Series, Timestamp, date_range, isna, notna, offsets, ) import pandas._testing as tm class TestSeriesAsof: def test_asof_nanosecond_index_access(self): ts = Timestamp("20130101").value dti = DatetimeIndex([ts + 50 + i for i in range(100)]) ser = Series(np.random.randn(100), index=dti) first_value = ser.asof(ser.index[0]) # GH#46903 previously incorrectly was "day" assert dti.resolution == "nanosecond" # this used to not work bc parsing was done by dateutil that didn't # handle nanoseconds assert first_value == ser["2013-01-01 00:00:00.000000050"] expected_ts = np.datetime64("2013-01-01 00:00:00.000000050", "ns") assert first_value == ser[Timestamp(expected_ts)] def test_basic(self): # array or list or dates N = 50 rng = date_range("1/1/1990", periods=N, freq="53s") ts = Series(np.random.randn(N), index=rng) ts.iloc[15:30] = np.nan dates = date_range("1/1/1990", periods=N * 3, freq="25s") result = ts.asof(dates) assert notna(result).all() lb = ts.index[14] ub = ts.index[30] result = ts.asof(list(dates)) assert notna(result).all() lb = ts.index[14] ub = ts.index[30] mask = (result.index >= lb) & (result.index < ub) rs = result[mask] assert (rs == ts[lb]).all() val = result[result.index[result.index >= ub][0]] assert ts[ub] == val def test_scalar(self): N = 30 rng = date_range("1/1/1990", periods=N, freq="53s") ts = Series(np.arange(N), index=rng) ts.iloc[5:10] = np.NaN ts.iloc[15:20] = np.NaN val1 = ts.asof(ts.index[7]) val2 = ts.asof(ts.index[19]) assert val1 == ts[4] assert val2 == ts[14] # accepts strings val1 = ts.asof(str(ts.index[7])) assert val1 == ts[4] # in there result = ts.asof(ts.index[3]) assert result == ts[3] # no as of value d = ts.index[0] - offsets.BDay() assert np.isnan(ts.asof(d)) def test_with_nan(self): # basic asof test rng = date_range("1/1/2000", "1/2/2000", freq="4h") s = Series(np.arange(len(rng)), index=rng) r = s.resample("2h").mean() result = r.asof(r.index) expected = Series( [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6.0], index=date_range("1/1/2000", "1/2/2000", freq="2h"), ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) r.iloc[3:5] = np.nan result = r.asof(r.index) expected = Series( [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6.0], index=date_range("1/1/2000", "1/2/2000", freq="2h"), ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) r.iloc[-3:] = np.nan result = r.asof(r.index) expected = Series( [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4.0], index=date_range("1/1/2000", "1/2/2000", freq="2h"), ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_periodindex(self): from pandas import ( PeriodIndex, period_range, ) # array or list or dates N = 50 rng = period_range("1/1/1990", periods=N, freq="H") ts = Series(np.random.randn(N), index=rng) ts.iloc[15:30] = np.nan dates = date_range("1/1/1990", periods=N * 3, freq="37min") result = ts.asof(dates) assert notna(result).all() lb = ts.index[14] ub = ts.index[30] result = ts.asof(list(dates)) assert notna(result).all() lb = ts.index[14] ub = ts.index[30] pix = PeriodIndex(result.index.values, freq="H") mask = (pix >= lb) & (pix < ub) rs = result[mask] assert (rs == ts[lb]).all() ts.iloc[5:10] = np.nan ts.iloc[15:20] = np.nan val1 = ts.asof(ts.index[7]) val2 = ts.asof(ts.index[19]) assert val1 == ts[4] assert val2 == ts[14] # accepts strings val1 = ts.asof(str(ts.index[7])) assert val1 == ts[4] # in there assert ts.asof(ts.index[3]) == ts[3] # no as of value d = ts.index[0].to_timestamp() - offsets.BDay() assert isna(ts.asof(d)) # Mismatched freq msg = "Input has different freq" with pytest.raises(IncompatibleFrequency, match=msg): ts.asof(rng.asfreq("D")) def test_errors(self): s = Series( [1, 2, 3], index=[Timestamp("20130101"), Timestamp("20130103"), Timestamp("20130102")], ) # non-monotonic assert not s.index.is_monotonic_increasing with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="requires a sorted index"): s.asof(s.index[0]) # subset with Series N = 10 rng = date_range("1/1/1990", periods=N, freq="53s") s = Series(np.random.randn(N), index=rng) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="not valid for Series"): s.asof(s.index[0], subset="foo") def test_all_nans(self): # GH 15713 # series is all nans # testing non-default indexes N = 50 rng = date_range("1/1/1990", periods=N, freq="53s") dates = date_range("1/1/1990", periods=N * 3, freq="25s") result =
Series(np.nan, index=rng)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import base64 import datetime import requests import pathlib import math import pandas as pd import flask import dash import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State from plotly import tools app = dash.Dash( __name__, meta_tags=[{"name": "viewport", "content": "width=device-width"}] ) server = app.server PATH = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent DATA_PATH = PATH.joinpath("data").resolve() # Loading historical tick data currency_pair_data = { "EURUSD": pd.read_csv( DATA_PATH.joinpath("EURUSD.csv"), index_col=1, parse_dates=["Date"] ), "USDJPY": pd.read_csv( DATA_PATH.joinpath("USDJPY.csv"), index_col=1, parse_dates=["Date"] ), "GBPUSD": pd.read_csv( DATA_PATH.joinpath("GBPUSD.csv"), index_col=1, parse_dates=["Date"] ), "USDCHF": pd.read_csv( DATA_PATH.joinpath("USDCHF.csv"), index_col=1, parse_dates=["Date"] ), } # Currency pairs currencies = ["EURUSD", "USDCHF", "USDJPY", "GBPUSD"] # API Requests for news div news_requests = requests.get( "" ) # API Call to update news def update_news(): json_data = news_requests.json()["articles"] df = pd.DataFrame(json_data) df = pd.DataFrame(df[["title", "url"]]) max_rows = 10 return html.Div( children=[ html.P(className="p-news", children="Headlines"), html.P( className="p-news float-right", children="Last update : " +"%H:%M:%S"), ), html.Table( className="table-news", children=[ html.Tr( children=[ html.Td( children=[ html.A( className="td-link", children=df.iloc[i]["title"], href=df.iloc[i]["url"], target="_blank", ) ] ) ] ) for i in range(min(len(df), max_rows)) ], ), ] ) # Returns dataset for currency pair with nearest datetime to current time def first_ask_bid(currency_pair, t): t = t.replace(year=2016, month=1, day=5) items = currency_pair_data[currency_pair] dates = items.index.to_pydatetime() index = min(dates, key=lambda x: abs(x - t)) df_row = items.loc[index] int_index = items.index.get_loc(index) return [df_row, int_index] # returns dataset row and index of row # Creates HTML Bid and Ask (Buy/Sell buttons) def get_row(data): index = data[1] current_row = data[0] return html.Div( children=[ # Summary html.Div( id=current_row[0] + "summary", className="row summary", n_clicks=0, children=[ html.Div( id=current_row[0] + "row", className="row", children=[ html.P( current_row[0], # currency pair name id=current_row[0], className="three-col", ), html.P( current_row[1].round(5), # Bid value id=current_row[0] + "bid", className="three-col", ), html.P( current_row[2].round(5), # Ask value id=current_row[0] + "ask", className="three-col", ), html.Div( index, id=current_row[0] + "index", # we save index of row in hidden div style={"display": "none"}, ), ], ) ], ), # Contents html.Div( id=current_row[0] + "contents", className="row details", children=[ # Button for buy/sell modal html.Div( className="button-buy-sell-chart", children=[ html.Button( id=current_row[0] + "Buy", children="Buy/Sell", n_clicks=0, ) ], ), # Button to display currency pair chart html.Div( className="button-buy-sell-chart-right", children=[ html.Button( id=current_row[0] + "Button_chart", children="Chart", n_clicks=1 if current_row[0] in ["EURUSD", "USDCHF"] else 0, ) ], ), ], ), ] ) # color of Bid & Ask rates def get_color(a, b): if a == b: return "white" elif a > b: return "#45df7e" else: return "#da5657" # Replace ask_bid row for currency pair with colored values def replace_row(currency_pair, index, bid, ask): index = index + 1 # index of new data row new_row = ( currency_pair_data[currency_pair].iloc[index] if index != len(currency_pair_data[currency_pair]) else first_ask_bid(currency_pair, ) # if not the end of the dataset we retrieve next dataset row return [ html.P( currency_pair, id=currency_pair, className="three-col" # currency pair name ), html.P( new_row[1].round(5), # Bid value id=new_row[0] + "bid", className="three-col", style={"color": get_color(new_row[1], bid)}, ), html.P( new_row[2].round(5), # Ask value className="three-col", id=new_row[0] + "ask", style={"color": get_color(new_row[2], ask)}, ), html.Div( index, id=currency_pair + "index", style={"display": "none"} ), # save index in hidden div ] # Display big numbers in readable format def human_format(num): try: num = float(num) # If value is 0 if num == 0: return 0 # Else value is a number if num < 1000000: return num magnitude = int(math.log(num, 1000)) mantissa = str(int(num / (1000 ** magnitude))) return mantissa + ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P"][magnitude] except: return num # Returns Top cell bar for header area def get_top_bar_cell(cellTitle, cellValue): return html.Div( className="two-col", children=[ html.P(className="p-top-bar", children=cellTitle), html.P(id=cellTitle, className="display-none", children=cellValue), html.P(children=human_format(cellValue)), ], ) # Returns HTML Top Bar for app layout def get_top_bar( balance=50000, equity=50000, margin=0, fm=50000, m_level="%", open_pl=0 ): return [ get_top_bar_cell("Balance", balance), get_top_bar_cell("Equity", equity), get_top_bar_cell("Margin", margin), get_top_bar_cell("Free Margin", fm), get_top_bar_cell("Margin Level", m_level), get_top_bar_cell("Open P/L", open_pl), ] ####### STUDIES TRACES ###### # Moving average def moving_average_trace(df, fig): df2 = df.rolling(window=5).mean() trace = go.Scatter( x=df2.index, y=df2["close"], mode="lines", showlegend=False, name="MA" ) fig.append_trace(trace, 1, 1) # plot in first row return fig # Exponential moving average def e_moving_average_trace(df, fig): df2 = df.rolling(window=20).mean() trace = go.Scatter( x=df2.index, y=df2["close"], mode="lines", showlegend=False, name="EMA" ) fig.append_trace(trace, 1, 1) # plot in first row return fig # Bollinger Bands def bollinger_trace(df, fig, window_size=10, num_of_std=5): price = df["close"] rolling_mean = price.rolling(window=window_size).mean() rolling_std = price.rolling(window=window_size).std() upper_band = rolling_mean + (rolling_std * num_of_std) lower_band = rolling_mean - (rolling_std * num_of_std) trace = go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=upper_band, mode="lines", showlegend=False, name="BB_upper" ) trace2 = go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=rolling_mean, mode="lines", showlegend=False, name="BB_mean" ) trace3 = go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=lower_band, mode="lines", showlegend=False, name="BB_lower" ) fig.append_trace(trace, 1, 1) # plot in first row fig.append_trace(trace2, 1, 1) # plot in first row fig.append_trace(trace3, 1, 1) # plot in first row return fig # Accumulation Distribution def accumulation_trace(df): df["volume"] = ((df["close"] - df["low"]) - (df["high"] - df["close"])) / ( df["high"] - df["low"] ) trace = go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=df["volume"], mode="lines", showlegend=False, name="Accumulation" ) return trace # Commodity Channel Index def cci_trace(df, ndays=5): TP = (df["high"] + df["low"] + df["close"]) / 3 CCI = pd.Series( (TP - TP.rolling(window=10, center=False).mean()) / (0.015 * TP.rolling(window=10, center=False).std()), name="cci", ) trace = go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=CCI, mode="lines", showlegend=False, name="CCI") return trace # Price Rate of Change def roc_trace(df, ndays=5): N = df["close"].diff(ndays) D = df["close"].shift(ndays) ROC = pd.Series(N / D, name="roc") trace = go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=ROC, mode="lines", showlegend=False, name="ROC") return trace # Stochastic oscillator %K def stoc_trace(df): SOk = pd.Series((df["close"] - df["low"]) / (df["high"] - df["low"]), name="SO%k") trace = go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=SOk, mode="lines", showlegend=False, name="SO%k") return trace # Momentum def mom_trace(df, n=5): M = pd.Series(df["close"].diff(n), name="Momentum_" + str(n)) trace = go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=M, mode="lines", showlegend=False, name="MOM") return trace # Pivot points def pp_trace(df, fig): PP = pd.Series((df["high"] + df["low"] + df["close"]) / 3) R1 = pd.Series(2 * PP - df["low"]) S1 = pd.Series(2 * PP - df["high"]) R2 = pd.Series(PP + df["high"] - df["low"]) S2 =
pd.Series(PP - df["high"] + df["low"])
# ***************************************************************************** # Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, # EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ***************************************************************************** """ | :class:`pandas.Series` functions and operators implementations in SDC | Also, it contains Numba internal operators which are required for Series type handling """ import numba import numpy import operator import pandas import math import sys from numba.errors import TypingError from numba.extending import overload, overload_method, overload_attribute from numba.typing import signature from numba.extending import intrinsic from numba import (types, numpy_support, cgutils) from numba.typed import Dict from numba import prange import sdc import sdc.datatypes.common_functions as common_functions from sdc.datatypes.common_functions import (TypeChecker, check_index_is_numeric, find_common_dtype_from_numpy_dtypes, sdc_join_series_indexes) from sdc.datatypes.hpat_pandas_series_rolling_types import _hpat_pandas_series_rolling_init from sdc.datatypes.hpat_pandas_stringmethods_types import StringMethodsType from sdc.datatypes.hpat_pandas_getitem_types import SeriesGetitemAccessorType from sdc.hiframes.pd_series_type import SeriesType from sdc.str_arr_ext import (StringArrayType, string_array_type, str_arr_is_na, str_arr_set_na, num_total_chars, pre_alloc_string_array, cp_str_list_to_array) from sdc.utils import to_array, sdc_overload, sdc_overload_method, sdc_overload_attribute from sdc.datatypes import hpat_pandas_series_autogenerated @sdc_overload(operator.getitem) def hpat_pandas_series_accessor_getitem(self, idx): """ Pandas Series operator :attr:`pandas.Series.get` implementation **Algorithm**: result = series[idx] **Test**: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_static_getitem_series1 Parameters ---------- series: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series idx: :obj:`int`, :obj:`slice` or :obj:`pandas.Series` input index Returns ------- :class:`pandas.Series` or an element of the underneath type object of :class:`pandas.Series` """ _func_name = 'Operator getitem().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesGetitemAccessorType): return None accessor = self.accessor.literal_value if accessor == 'iloc': if isinstance(idx, (types.List, types.Array, types.SliceType)): def hpat_pandas_series_iloc_list_slice_impl(self, idx): result_data = self._series._data[idx] result_index = self._series.index[idx] return pandas.Series(result_data, result_index, self._series._name) return hpat_pandas_series_iloc_list_slice_impl if isinstance(idx, (int, types.Integer)): def hpat_pandas_series_iloc_impl(self, idx): return self._series._data[idx] return hpat_pandas_series_iloc_impl def hpat_pandas_series_iloc_callable_impl(self, idx): index = numpy.asarray(list(map(idx, self._series._data))) return pandas.Series(self._series._data[index], self._series.index[index], self._series._name) return hpat_pandas_series_iloc_callable_impl raise TypingError('{} The index must be an Integer, Slice or List of Integer or a callable.\ Given: {}'.format(_func_name, idx)) if accessor == 'iat': if isinstance(idx, (int, types.Integer)): def hpat_pandas_series_iat_impl(self, idx): return self._series._data[idx] return hpat_pandas_series_iat_impl raise TypingError('{} The index must be a Integer. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, idx)) if accessor == 'loc': # Note: Loc return Series # Note: Index 0 in slice not supported # Note: Loc slice and callable with String not implement index_is_none = (self.series.index is None or isinstance(self.series.index, numba.types.misc.NoneType)) if isinstance(idx, types.SliceType) and index_is_none: def hpat_pandas_series_loc_slice_noidx_impl(self, idx): max_slice = sys.maxsize start = idx.start stop = idx.stop if idx.stop == max_slice: stop = max_slice - 1 result_data = self._series._data[start:stop+1] result_index = numpy.arange(start, stop + 1) return pandas.Series(result_data, result_index, self._series._name) return hpat_pandas_series_loc_slice_noidx_impl if isinstance(idx, (int, types.Integer, types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral)): def hpat_pandas_series_loc_impl(self, idx): index = self._series.index mask = numpy.empty(len(self._series._data), numpy.bool_) for i in numba.prange(len(index)): mask[i] = index[i] == idx return pandas.Series(self._series._data[mask], index[mask], self._series._name) return hpat_pandas_series_loc_impl raise TypingError('{} The index must be an Number, Slice, String, List, Array or a callable.\ Given: {}'.format(_func_name, idx)) if accessor == 'at': if isinstance(idx, (int, types.Integer, types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral)): def hpat_pandas_series_at_impl(self, idx): index = self._series.index mask = numpy.empty(len(self._series._data), numpy.bool_) for i in numba.prange(len(index)): mask[i] = index[i] == idx return self._series._data[mask] return hpat_pandas_series_at_impl raise TypingError('{} The index must be a Number or String. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, idx)) raise TypingError('{} Unknown accessor. Only "loc", "iloc", "at", "iat" are supported.\ Given: {}'.format(_func_name, accessor)) @sdc_overload(operator.getitem) def hpat_pandas_series_getitem(self, idx): """ Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide ******************************************** Pandas API: pandas.Series.get Limitations ----------- Supported ``key`` can be one of the following: - Integer scalar, e.g. :obj:`series[0]` - A slice, e.g. :obj:`series[2:5]` - Another series Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/ :language: python :lines: 27- :caption: Getting Pandas Series elements :name: ex_series_getitem .. command-output:: python ./ :cwd: ../../../examples .. todo:: Fix SDC behavior and add the expected output of the > python ./ to the docstring Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide ************************************************* Pandas Series operator :attr:`pandas.Series.get` implementation **Algorithm**: result = series[idx] **Test**: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_static_getitem_series1 Parameters ---------- series: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series idx: :obj:`int`, :obj:`slice` or :obj:`pandas.Series` input index Returns ------- :class:`pandas.Series` or an element of the underneath type object of :class:`pandas.Series` """ _func_name = 'Operator getitem().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): return None # Note: Getitem return Series index_is_none = isinstance(self.index, numba.types.misc.NoneType) index_is_none_or_numeric = index_is_none or (self.index and isinstance(self.index.dtype, types.Number)) index_is_string = not index_is_none and isinstance(self.index.dtype, (types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral)) if ( isinstance(idx, types.Number) and index_is_none_or_numeric or (isinstance(idx, (types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral)) and index_is_string) ): def hpat_pandas_series_getitem_index_impl(self, idx): index = self.index mask = numpy.empty(len(self._data), numpy.bool_) for i in numba.prange(len(index)): mask[i] = index[i] == idx return pandas.Series(self._data[mask], index[mask], self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_getitem_index_impl if (isinstance(idx, types.Integer) and index_is_string): def hpat_pandas_series_idx_impl(self, idx): return self._data[idx] return hpat_pandas_series_idx_impl if isinstance(idx, types.SliceType): # Return slice for str values not implement def hpat_pandas_series_getitem_idx_slice_impl(self, idx): return pandas.Series(self._data[idx], self.index[idx], self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_getitem_idx_slice_impl if ( isinstance(idx, (types.List, types.Array)) and isinstance(idx.dtype, (types.Boolean, bool)) ): def hpat_pandas_series_getitem_idx_list_impl(self, idx): return pandas.Series(self._data[idx], self.index[idx], self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_getitem_idx_list_impl if (index_is_none and isinstance(idx, SeriesType)): if isinstance(, (types.Boolean, bool)): def hpat_pandas_series_getitem_idx_list_impl(self, idx): index = numpy.arange(len(self._data)) if (index != idx.index).sum() == 0: return pandas.Series(self._data[idx._data], index[idx._data], self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_getitem_idx_list_impl def hpat_pandas_series_getitem_idx_list_impl(self, idx): res = numpy.copy(self._data[:len(idx._data)]) index = numpy.arange(len(self._data)) for i in numba.prange(len(res)): for j in numba.prange(len(index)): if j == idx._data[i]: res[i] = self._data[j] return pandas.Series(res, index[idx._data], self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_getitem_idx_list_impl if (isinstance(idx, SeriesType) and not isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType)): if isinstance(, (types.Boolean, bool)): # Series with str index not implement def hpat_pandas_series_getitem_idx_series_impl(self, idx): if (self._index != idx._index).sum() == 0: return pandas.Series(self._data[idx._data], self._index[idx._data], self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_getitem_idx_series_impl def hpat_pandas_series_getitem_idx_series_impl(self, idx): index = self.index data = self._data size = len(index) data_res = [] index_res = [] for value in idx._data: mask = numpy.zeros(shape=size, dtype=numpy.bool_) for i in numba.prange(size): mask[i] = index[i] == value data_res.extend(data[mask]) index_res.extend(index[mask]) return pandas.Series(data=data_res, index=index_res, name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_getitem_idx_series_impl raise TypingError('{} The index must be an Number, Slice, String, Boolean Array or a Series.\ Given: {}'.format(_func_name, idx)) @sdc_overload(operator.setitem) def hpat_pandas_series_setitem(self, idx, value): """ Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide ******************************************** Pandas API: pandas.Series.__setitem__ Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/ :language: python :lines: 27- :caption: Setting Pandas Series elements :name: ex_series_setitem .. code-block:: console > python ./ 0 0 1 4 2 3 3 2 4 1 dtype: int64 > python ./ 0 5 1 4 2 0 3 0 4 0 dtype: int64 > python ./ 0 5 1 0 2 3 3 0 4 1 dtype: int64 Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide ************************************************* Pandas Series operator :attr:`pandas.Series.set` implementation Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_setitem* Parameters ---------- series: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series idx: :obj:`int`, :obj:`slice` or :obj:`pandas.Series` input index value: :object input value Returns ------- :class:`pandas.Series` or an element of the underneath type object of :class:`pandas.Series` """ ty_checker = TypeChecker('Operator setitem.') ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if not (isinstance(idx, (types.Integer, types.SliceType, SeriesType))): ty_checker.raise_exc(idx, 'int, Slice, Series', 'idx') if not((isinstance(value, SeriesType) and isinstance(value.dtype, self.dtype)) or \ isinstance(value, type(self.dtype))): ty_checker.raise_exc(value, self.dtype, 'value') if isinstance(idx, types.Integer) or isinstance(idx, types.SliceType): def hpat_pandas_series_setitem_idx_integer_impl(self, idx, value): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_setitem_for_value Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_setitem_for_slice """ self._data[idx] = value return self return hpat_pandas_series_setitem_idx_integer_impl if isinstance(idx, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_setitem_idx_series_impl(self, idx, value): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_setitem_for_series """ super_index = idx._data self._data[super_index] = value return self return hpat_pandas_series_setitem_idx_series_impl @sdc_overload_attribute(SeriesType, 'iloc') def hpat_pandas_series_iloc(self): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.iloc` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_iloc* Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series Returns ------- :obj:`series` returns an object of :obj:`series` """ _func_name = 'Attribute iloc().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) def hpat_pandas_series_iloc_impl(self): return sdc.datatypes.hpat_pandas_getitem_types.series_getitem_accessor_init(self, 'iloc') return hpat_pandas_series_iloc_impl @sdc_overload_attribute(SeriesType, 'loc') def hpat_pandas_series_loc(self): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.loc` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_loc* Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series Returns ------- :obj:`series` returns an object of :obj:`series` """ _func_name = 'Attribute loc().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) def hpat_pandas_series_loc_impl(self): return sdc.datatypes.hpat_pandas_getitem_types.series_getitem_accessor_init(self, 'loc') return hpat_pandas_series_loc_impl @sdc_overload_attribute(SeriesType, 'iat') def hpat_pandas_series_iat(self): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.iat` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_iat* Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series Returns ------- :obj:`series` returns an object of :obj:`series` """ _func_name = 'Attribute iat().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) def hpat_pandas_series_iat_impl(self): return sdc.datatypes.hpat_pandas_getitem_types.series_getitem_accessor_init(self, 'iat') return hpat_pandas_series_iat_impl @sdc_overload_attribute(SeriesType, 'at') def hpat_pandas_series_at(self): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_at* Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series Returns ------- :obj:`series` returns an object of :obj:`series` """ _func_name = 'Attribute at().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) def hpat_pandas_series_at_impl(self): return sdc.datatypes.hpat_pandas_getitem_types.series_getitem_accessor_init(self, 'at') return hpat_pandas_series_at_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'nsmallest') def hpat_pandas_series_nsmallest(self, n=5, keep='first'): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.nsmallest` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_nsmallest* Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series n: :obj:`int`, default 5 Return this many ascending sorted values. keep: :obj:`str`, default 'first' When there are duplicate values that cannot all fit in a Series of n elements: first : return the first n occurrences in order of appearance. last : return the last n occurrences in reverse order of appearance. all : keep all occurrences. This can result in a Series of size larger than n. *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`series` returns :obj:`series` """ _func_name = 'Method nsmallest().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object\n given: {}\n expected: {}'.format(_func_name, self, 'series')) if not isinstance(n, (types.Omitted, int, types.Integer)): raise TypingError('{} The object n\n given: {}\n expected: {}'.format(_func_name, n, 'int')) if not isinstance(keep, (types.Omitted, str, types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral)): raise TypingError('{} The object keep\n given: {}\n expected: {}'.format(_func_name, keep, 'str')) def hpat_pandas_series_nsmallest_impl(self, n=5, keep='first'): if keep != 'first': raise ValueError("Method nsmallest(). Unsupported parameter. Given 'keep' != 'first'") # mergesort is used for stable sorting of repeated values indices = self._data.argsort(kind='mergesort')[:max(n, 0)] return self.take(indices) return hpat_pandas_series_nsmallest_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'nlargest') def hpat_pandas_series_nlargest(self, n=5, keep='first'): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.nlargest` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_nlargest* Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series n: :obj:`int`, default 5 Return this many ascending sorted values. keep: :obj:`str`, default 'first' When there are duplicate values that cannot all fit in a Series of n elements: first : return the first n occurrences in order of appearance. last : return the last n occurrences in reverse order of appearance. all : keep all occurrences. This can result in a Series of size larger than n. *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`series` returns :obj:`series` """ _func_name = 'Method nlargest().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object\n given: {}\n expected: {}'.format(_func_name, self, 'series')) if not isinstance(n, (types.Omitted, int, types.Integer)): raise TypingError('{} The object n\n given: {}\n expected: {}'.format(_func_name, n, 'int')) if not isinstance(keep, (types.Omitted, str, types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral)): raise TypingError('{} The object keep\n given: {}\n expected: {}'.format(_func_name, keep, 'str')) def hpat_pandas_series_nlargest_impl(self, n=5, keep='first'): if keep != 'first': raise ValueError("Method nlargest(). Unsupported parameter. Given 'keep' != 'first'") # data: [0, 1, -1, 1, 0] -> [1, 1, 0, 0, -1] # index: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] -> [1, 3, 0, 4, 2] (not [3, 1, 4, 0, 2]) # subtract 1 to ensure reverse ordering at boundaries indices = (-self._data - 1).argsort(kind='mergesort')[:max(n, 0)] return self.take(indices) return hpat_pandas_series_nlargest_impl @sdc_overload_attribute(SeriesType, 'shape') def hpat_pandas_series_shape(self): """ Pandas Series attribute :attr:`pandas.Series.shape` implementation **Algorithm**: result = series.shape **Test**: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_shape1 Parameters ---------- series: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` a tuple of the shape of the underlying data """ _func_name = 'Attribute shape.' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) def hpat_pandas_series_shape_impl(self): return self._data.shape return hpat_pandas_series_shape_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'std') def hpat_pandas_series_std(self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, ddof=1, numeric_only=None): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.std` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_std Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_std_unboxing Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_std_str Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_std_unsupported_params Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series axis: :obj:`int`, :obj:`str` Axis along which the operation acts 0/None/'index' - row-wise operation 1/'columns' - column-wise operation *unsupported* skipna: :obj:`bool` exclude NA/null values level: :obj:`int`, :obj:`str` If the axis is a MultiIndex (hierarchical), count along a particular level, collapsing into a scalar *unsupported* ddof: :obj:`int` Delta Degrees of Freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. numeric_only: :obj:`bool` Include only float, int, boolean columns. If None, will attempt to use everything, then use only numeric data. Not implemented for Series. *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`scalar` returns :obj:`scalar` """ _func_name = 'Method std().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(, types.Number): msg = '{} The object must be a number. Given {}' raise TypingError(msg.format(_func_name, if not isinstance(skipna, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, types.NoneType)) and skipna is not None: raise TypingError('{} The object must be a boolean. Given skipna: {}'.format(_func_name, skipna)) if not isinstance(ddof, (types.Omitted, int, types.Integer)): raise TypingError('{} The object must be an integer. Given ddof: {}'.format(_func_name, ddof)) for name, arg in [('axis', axis), ('level', level), ('numeric_only', numeric_only)]: if not isinstance(arg, (types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) and arg is not None: raise TypingError('{} Unsupported parameters. Given {}: {}'.format(_func_name, name, arg)) def hpat_pandas_series_std_impl(self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, ddof=1, numeric_only=None): var = self.var(axis=axis, skipna=skipna, level=level, ddof=ddof, numeric_only=numeric_only) return var ** 0.5 return hpat_pandas_series_std_impl @sdc_overload_attribute(SeriesType, 'values') def hpat_pandas_series_values(self): """ Pandas Series attribute 'values' implementation. Algorithm: result = series.values Where: series: pandas.series result: pandas.series as ndarray Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_values """ _func_name = 'Attribute values.' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) def hpat_pandas_series_values_impl(self): return self._data return hpat_pandas_series_values_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'value_counts') def hpat_pandas_series_value_counts(self, normalize=False, sort=True, ascending=False, bins=None, dropna=True): """ Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide ******************************************** Pandas API: pandas.Series.value_counts Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/series/ :language: python :lines: 27- :caption: Getting the number of values excluding NaNs :name: ex_series_value_counts .. command-output:: python ./series/ :cwd: ../../../examples .. note:: Parameter bins and dropna for Strings are currently unsupported by Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler .. seealso:: :ref:`Series.count <pandas.Series.count>` Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide ************************************************* Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.value_counts` implementation. Note: Elements with the same count might appear in result in a different order than in Pandas .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_value_counts* Parameters ----------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series normalize: :obj:`boolean`, default False If True then the object returned will contain the relative frequencies of the unique values sort: :obj: `boolean`, default True Sort by frequencies ascending: :obj:`boolean`, default False Sort in ascending order bins: :obj:`integer`, default None *unsupported* dropna: :obj:`boolean`, default True Skip counts of NaN Returns ------- :returns :obj:`pandas.Series` """ _func_name = 'Method value_counts().' ty_checker = TypeChecker('Method value_counts().') ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if not isinstance(normalize, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, bool)) and normalize is True: ty_checker.raise_exc(normalize, 'boolean', 'normalize') if not isinstance(sort, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, bool)): ty_checker.raise_exc(sort, 'boolean', 'sort') if not isinstance(ascending, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, bool)): ty_checker.raise_exc(ascending, 'boolean', 'ascending') if not isinstance(bins, (types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) and bins is not None: ty_checker.raise_exc(bins, 'boolean', 'bins') if not isinstance(dropna, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, bool)): ty_checker.raise_exc(dropna, 'boolean', 'dropna') if isinstance(, StringArrayType): def hpat_pandas_series_value_counts_str_impl( self, normalize=False, sort=True, ascending=False, bins=None, dropna=True): value_counts_dict = Dict.empty( key_type=types.unicode_type, value_type=types.intp ) nan_counts = 0 for i, value in enumerate(self._data): if str_arr_is_na(self._data, i): if not dropna: nan_counts += 1 continue value_counts_dict[value] = value_counts_dict.get(value, 0) + 1 need_add_nan_count = not dropna and nan_counts values = [key for key in value_counts_dict] counts_as_list = [value_counts_dict[key] for key in value_counts_dict.keys()] values_len = len(values) if need_add_nan_count: # append a separate empty string for NaN elements values_len += 1 values.append('') counts_as_list.append(nan_counts) counts = numpy.asarray(counts_as_list, dtype=numpy.intp) indexes_order = numpy.arange(values_len) if sort: indexes_order = counts.argsort() if not ascending: indexes_order = indexes_order[::-1] counts_sorted = numpy.take(counts, indexes_order) values_sorted_by_count = [values[i] for i in indexes_order] # allocate the result index as a StringArray and copy values to it index_string_lengths = numpy.asarray([len(s) for s in values_sorted_by_count]) index_total_chars = numpy.sum(index_string_lengths) result_index = pre_alloc_string_array(len(values_sorted_by_count), index_total_chars) cp_str_list_to_array(result_index, values_sorted_by_count) if need_add_nan_count: # set null bit for StringArray element corresponding to NaN element (was added as last in values) index_previous_nan_pos = values_len - 1 for i in numpy.arange(values_len): if indexes_order[i] == index_previous_nan_pos: str_arr_set_na(result_index, i) break return pandas.Series(counts_sorted, index=result_index, name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_value_counts_str_impl elif isinstance(self.dtype, types.Number): series_dtype = self.dtype def hpat_pandas_series_value_counts_number_impl( self, normalize=False, sort=True, ascending=False, bins=None, dropna=True): value_counts_dict = Dict.empty( key_type=series_dtype, value_type=types.intp ) zero_counts = 0 is_zero_found = False for value in self._data: if (dropna and numpy.isnan(value)): continue # Pandas hash-based value_count_float64 function doesn't distinguish between # positive and negative zeros, hence we count zero values separately and store # as a key the first zero value found in the Series if not value: zero_counts += 1 if not is_zero_found: zero_value = value is_zero_found = True continue value_counts_dict[value] = value_counts_dict.get(value, 0) + 1 if zero_counts: value_counts_dict[zero_value] = zero_counts unique_values = numpy.asarray( list(value_counts_dict), dtype=self._data.dtype ) value_counts = numpy.asarray( [value_counts_dict[key] for key in value_counts_dict], dtype=numpy.intp ) indexes_order = numpy.arange(len(value_counts)) if sort: indexes_order = value_counts.argsort() if not ascending: indexes_order = indexes_order[::-1] sorted_unique_values = numpy.take(unique_values, indexes_order) sorted_value_counts = numpy.take(value_counts, indexes_order) return pandas.Series(sorted_value_counts, index=sorted_unique_values, name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_value_counts_number_impl return None @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'var') def hpat_pandas_series_var(self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, ddof=1, numeric_only=None): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.var` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_var Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_var_unboxing Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_var_str Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_var_unsupported_params Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series axis: :obj:`int`, :obj:`str` Axis along which the operation acts 0/None/'index' - row-wise operation 1/'columns' - column-wise operation *unsupported* skipna: :obj:`bool` exclude NA/null values level: :obj:`int`, :obj:`str` If the axis is a MultiIndex (hierarchical), count along a particular level, collapsing into a scalar *unsupported* ddof: :obj:`int` Delta Degrees of Freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. numeric_only: :obj:`bool` Include only float, int, boolean columns. If None, will attempt to use everything, then use only numeric data. Not implemented for Series. *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`scalar` returns :obj:`scalar` """ _func_name = 'Method var().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(, types.Number): msg = '{} The object must be a number. Given {}' raise TypingError(msg.format(_func_name, if not isinstance(skipna, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, types.NoneType)) and skipna is not None: raise TypingError('{} The object must be a boolean. Given skipna: {}'.format(_func_name, skipna)) if not isinstance(ddof, (types.Omitted, int, types.Integer)): raise TypingError('{} The object must be an integer. Given ddof: {}'.format(_func_name, ddof)) for name, arg in [('axis', axis), ('level', level), ('numeric_only', numeric_only)]: if not isinstance(arg, (types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) and arg is not None: raise TypingError('{} Unsupported parameters. Given {}: {}'.format(_func_name, name, arg)) def hpat_pandas_series_var_impl(self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, ddof=1, numeric_only=None): if skipna is None: skipna = True if skipna: valuable_length = len(self._data) - numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(self._data)) if valuable_length <= ddof: return numpy.nan return numpy.nanvar(self._data) * valuable_length / (valuable_length - ddof) if len(self._data) <= ddof: return numpy.nan return self._data.var() * len(self._data) / (len(self._data) - ddof) return hpat_pandas_series_var_impl @sdc_overload_attribute(SeriesType, 'index') def hpat_pandas_series_index(self): """ Pandas Series attribute :attr:`pandas.Series.index` implementation **Algorithm**: result = series.index **Test**: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_index1 python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_index2 Parameters ---------- series: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series Returns ------- :class:`pandas.Series` the index of the Series """ _func_name = 'Attribute index.' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType) or self.index is None: def hpat_pandas_series_index_none_impl(self): return numpy.arange(len(self._data)) return hpat_pandas_series_index_none_impl else: def hpat_pandas_series_index_impl(self): return self._index return hpat_pandas_series_index_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'rolling') def hpat_pandas_series_rolling(self, window, min_periods=None, center=False, win_type=None, on=None, axis=0, closed=None): """ Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide ******************************************** Pandas API: pandas.Series.rolling Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/series/rolling/ :language: python :lines: 27- :caption: Calculate the rolling minimum. :name: ex_series_rolling .. command-output:: python ./series/rolling/ :cwd: ../../../examples .. todo:: Add support of parameters ``center``, ``win_type``, ``on``, ``axis`` and ``closed`` .. seealso:: :ref:`expanding <pandas.Series.expanding>` Provides expanding transformations. :ref:`ewm <pandas.Series.ewm>` Provides exponential weighted functions. Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide ************************************************* Pandas Series attribute :attr:`pandas.Series.rolling` implementation .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_rolling.TestRolling.test_series_rolling Parameters ---------- series: :obj:`pandas.Series` Input Series. window: :obj:`int` or :obj:`offset` Size of the moving window. min_periods: :obj:`int` Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value. center: :obj:`bool` Set the labels at the center of the window. *unsupported* win_type: :obj:`str` Provide a window type. *unsupported* on: :obj:`str` Column on which to calculate the rolling window. *unsupported* axis: :obj:`int`, :obj:`str` Axis along which the operation acts 0/None/'index' - row-wise operation 1/'columns' - column-wise operation *unsupported* closed: :obj:`str` Make the interval closed on the ‘right’, ‘left’, ‘both’ or ‘neither’ endpoints. *unsupported* Returns ------- :class:`pandas.Series.rolling` Output class to manipulate with input data. """ ty_checker = TypeChecker('Method rolling().') ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if not isinstance(window, types.Integer): ty_checker.raise_exc(window, 'int', 'window') minp_accepted = (types.Omitted, types.NoneType, types.Integer) if not isinstance(min_periods, minp_accepted) and min_periods is not None: ty_checker.raise_exc(min_periods, 'None, int', 'min_periods') center_accepted = (types.Omitted, types.Boolean) if not isinstance(center, center_accepted) and center is not False: ty_checker.raise_exc(center, 'bool', 'center') str_types = (types.Omitted, types.NoneType, types.StringLiteral, types.UnicodeType) if not isinstance(win_type, str_types) and win_type is not None: ty_checker.raise_exc(win_type, 'str', 'win_type') if not isinstance(on, str_types) and on is not None: ty_checker.raise_exc(on, 'str', 'on') axis_accepted = (types.Omitted, types.Integer, types.StringLiteral, types.UnicodeType) if not isinstance(axis, axis_accepted) and axis != 0: ty_checker.raise_exc(axis, 'int, str', 'axis') if not isinstance(closed, str_types) and closed is not None: ty_checker.raise_exc(closed, 'str', 'closed') nan_minp = isinstance(min_periods, (types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) or min_periods is None def hpat_pandas_series_rolling_impl(self, window, min_periods=None, center=False, win_type=None, on=None, axis=0, closed=None): if window < 0: raise ValueError('window must be non-negative') if nan_minp == True: # noqa minp = window else: minp = min_periods if minp < 0: raise ValueError('min_periods must be >= 0') if minp > window: raise ValueError('min_periods must be <= window') if center != False: # noqa raise ValueError('Method rolling(). The object center\n expected: False') if win_type is not None: raise ValueError('Method rolling(). The object win_type\n expected: None') if on is not None: raise ValueError('Method rolling(). The object on\n expected: None') if axis != 0: raise ValueError('Method rolling(). The object axis\n expected: 0') if closed is not None: raise ValueError('Method rolling(). The object closed\n expected: None') return _hpat_pandas_series_rolling_init(self, window, minp, center, win_type, on, axis, closed) return hpat_pandas_series_rolling_impl @sdc_overload_attribute(SeriesType, 'size') def hpat_pandas_series_size(self): """ Pandas Series attribute :attr:`pandas.Series.size` implementation .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_size Parameters ---------- series: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series Returns ------- :class:`pandas.Series` Return the number of elements in the underlying data. """ _func_name = 'Attribute size.' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) def hpat_pandas_series_size_impl(self): return len(self._data) return hpat_pandas_series_size_impl @sdc_overload_attribute(SeriesType, 'str') def hpat_pandas_series_str(self): """ Pandas Series attribute :attr:`pandas.Series.str` implementation .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_hiframes.TestHiFrames.test_str_get Parameters ---------- series: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series Returns ------- :class:`pandas.core.strings.StringMethods` Output class to manipulate with input data. """ _func_name = 'Attribute str.' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(, (types.List, types.UnicodeType)): msg = '{} Can only use .str accessor with string values. Given: {}' raise TypingError(msg.format(_func_name, def hpat_pandas_series_str_impl(self): return pandas.core.strings.StringMethods(self) return hpat_pandas_series_str_impl @sdc_overload_attribute(SeriesType, 'ndim') def hpat_pandas_series_ndim(self): """ Pandas Series attribute :attr:`pandas.Series.ndim` implementation .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_getattr_ndim Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series Returns ------- :obj:`int` Number of dimensions of the underlying data, by definition 1 """ _func_name = 'Attribute ndim.' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) def hpat_pandas_series_ndim_impl(self): return 1 return hpat_pandas_series_ndim_impl @sdc_overload_attribute(SeriesType, 'T') def hpat_pandas_series_T(self): """ Pandas Series attribute :attr:`pandas.Series.T` implementation .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_getattr_T Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series Returns ------- :obj:`numpy.ndarray` An array representing the underlying data """ _func_name = 'Attribute T.' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) def hpat_pandas_series_T_impl(self): return self._data return hpat_pandas_series_T_impl @sdc_overload(len) def hpat_pandas_series_len(self): """ Pandas Series operator :func:`len` implementation .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_len Parameters ---------- series: :class:`pandas.Series` Returns ------- :obj:`int` number of items in the object """ _func_name = 'Operator len().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) def hpat_pandas_series_len_impl(self): return len(self._data) return hpat_pandas_series_len_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'astype') def hpat_pandas_series_astype(self, dtype, copy=True, errors='raise'): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.astype` implementation. Cast a pandas object to a specified dtype dtype .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_astype* Parameters ----------- dtype : :obj:`numpy.dtype` or :obj:`dict` Use a numpy.dtype or Python type to cast entire pandas object to the same type. Alternatively, use {col: dtype, …}, where col is a column label and dtype is a numpy.dtype or Python type to cast one or more of the DataFrame’s columns to column-specific types. copy : :obj:`bool`, default :obj:`True` Return a copy when True Currently copy=False is not supported errors : :obj:`str`, default :obj:`'raise'` Control raising of exceptions on invalid data for provided dtype. * raise : allow exceptions to be raised * ignore : suppress exceptions. On error return original object Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` Cast a :obj:`pandas.Series` to a specified dtype dtype """ _func_name = 'Method astype().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given self: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(copy, (types.Omitted, bool, types.Boolean)): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a boolean. Given copy: {}'.format(_func_name, copy)) if (not isinstance(errors, (types.Omitted, str, types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral)) and errors in ('raise', 'ignore')): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a string literal. Given errors: {}'.format(_func_name, errors)) # Return StringArray for astype(str) or astype('str') def hpat_pandas_series_astype_to_str_impl(self, dtype, copy=True, errors='raise'): num_chars = 0 arr_len = len(self._data) # Get total chars for new array for i in numba.parfor.internal_prange(arr_len): item = self._data[i] num_chars += len(str(item)) # TODO: check NA data = sdc.str_arr_ext.pre_alloc_string_array(arr_len, num_chars) for i in numba.parfor.internal_prange(arr_len): item = self._data[i] data[i] = str(item) # TODO: check NA return pandas.Series(data, self._index, self._name) # Return npytypes.Array from npytypes.Array for astype(types.functions.NumberClass), example - astype(np.int64) def hpat_pandas_series_astype_numba_impl(self, dtype, copy=True, errors='raise'): return pandas.Series(self._data.astype(dtype), self._index, self._name) # Return npytypes.Array from npytypes.Array for astype(types.StringLiteral), example - astype('int64') def hpat_pandas_series_astype_literal_type_numba_impl(self, dtype, copy=True, errors='raise'): return pandas.Series(self._data.astype(numpy.dtype(dtype)), self._index, self._name) # Return self def hpat_pandas_series_astype_no_modify_impl(self, dtype, copy=True, errors='raise'): return pandas.Series(self._data, self._index, self._name) if ((isinstance(dtype, types.Function) and dtype.typing_key == str) or (isinstance(dtype, types.StringLiteral) and dtype.literal_value == 'str')): return hpat_pandas_series_astype_to_str_impl # Needs Numba astype impl support converting unicode_type to NumberClass and other types if isinstance(, StringArrayType): if isinstance(dtype, types.functions.NumberClass) and errors == 'raise': raise TypingError(f'Needs Numba astype impl support converting unicode_type to {dtype}') if isinstance(dtype, types.StringLiteral) and errors == 'raise': try: literal_value = numpy.dtype(dtype.literal_value) except: pass # Will raise the exception later else: raise TypingError(f'Needs Numba astype impl support converting unicode_type to {dtype.literal_value}') if isinstance(, types.npytypes.Array) and isinstance(dtype, types.functions.NumberClass): return hpat_pandas_series_astype_numba_impl if isinstance(, types.npytypes.Array) and isinstance(dtype, types.StringLiteral): try: literal_value = numpy.dtype(dtype.literal_value) except: pass # Will raise the exception later else: return hpat_pandas_series_astype_literal_type_numba_impl # Raise error if dtype is not supported if errors == 'raise': raise TypingError(f'{_func_name} The object must be a supported type. Given dtype: {dtype}') else: return hpat_pandas_series_astype_no_modify_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'shift') def hpat_pandas_series_shift(self, periods=1, freq=None, axis=0, fill_value=None): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.shift` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_shift Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_shift_unboxing Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_shift_full Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_shift_str Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_shift_fill_str Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_shift_unsupported_params Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series periods: :obj:`int` Number of periods to shift. Can be positive or negative. freq: :obj:`DateOffset`, :obj:`tseries.offsets`, :obj:`timedelta`, :obj:`str` Offset to use from the tseries module or time rule (e.g. ‘EOM’). *unsupported* axis: :obj:`int`, :obj:`str` Axis along which the operation acts 0/None/'index' - row-wise operation 1/'columns' - column-wise operation *unsupported* fill_value : :obj:`int`, :obj:`float` The scalar value to use for newly introduced missing values. Returns ------- :obj:`scalar` returns :obj:`series` object """ _func_name = 'Method shift().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(, types.Number): msg = '{} The object must be a number. Given {}' raise TypingError(msg.format(_func_name, if not isinstance(fill_value, (types.Omitted, types.Number, types.NoneType)) and fill_value is not None: raise TypingError('{} The object must be a number. Given fill_value: {}'.format(_func_name, fill_value)) if not isinstance(freq, (types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) and freq is not None: raise TypingError('{} Unsupported parameters. Given freq: {}'.format(_func_name, freq)) if not isinstance(axis, (types.Omitted, int, types.Integer)) and not axis: raise TypingError('{} Unsupported parameters. Given axis: {}'.format(_func_name, axis)) fill_is_default = isinstance(fill_value, (types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) or fill_value is None series_np_dtype = [numpy_support.as_dtype(] fill_np_dtype = [numpy.float64 if fill_is_default else numpy_support.as_dtype(fill_value)] fill_dtype = types.float64 if fill_is_default else fill_value common_dtype = find_common_dtype_from_numpy_dtypes([], [, fill_dtype]) if fill_is_default: def hpat_pandas_series_shift_impl(self, periods=1, freq=None, axis=0, fill_value=None): if axis != 0: raise TypingError('Method shift(). Unsupported parameters. Given axis != 0') arr = numpy.empty(shape=len(self._data), dtype=common_dtype) if periods > 0: arr[:periods] = numpy.nan arr[periods:] = self._data[:-periods] elif periods < 0: arr[periods:] = numpy.nan arr[:periods] = self._data[-periods:] else: arr[:] = self._data return pandas.Series(data=arr, index=self._index, name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_shift_impl def hpat_pandas_series_shift_impl(self, periods=1, freq=None, axis=0, fill_value=None): if axis != 0: raise TypingError('Method shift(). Unsupported parameters. Given axis != 0') arr = numpy.empty(len(self._data), dtype=common_dtype) if periods > 0: arr[:periods] = fill_value arr[periods:] = self._data[:-periods] elif periods < 0: arr[periods:] = fill_value arr[:periods] = self._data[-periods:] else: arr[:] = self._data return pandas.Series(data=arr, index=self._index, name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_shift_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'isin') def hpat_pandas_series_isin(self, values): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.isin` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_isin_list1 Parameters ----------- values : :obj:`list` or :obj:`set` object specifies values to look for in the series Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object indicating if each element of self is in values """ _func_name = 'Method isin().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError( '{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given self: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(values, (types.Set, types.List)): raise TypingError( '{} The argument must be set or list-like object. Given values: {}'.format(_func_name, values)) def hpat_pandas_series_isin_impl(self, values): # TODO: replace with below line when Numba supports np.isin in nopython mode # return pandas.Series(np.isin(self._data, values)) return pandas.Series(data=[(x in values) for x in self._data], index=self._index, name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_isin_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'append') def hpat_pandas_series_append(self, to_append, ignore_index=False, verify_integrity=False): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.append` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_append* Parameters ----------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series to_append : :obj:`pandas.Series` object or :obj:`list` or :obj:`set` Series (or list or tuple of Series) to append with self ignore_index: :obj:`bool`, default False If True, do not use the index labels. Supported as literal value only verify_integrity: :obj:`bool`, default False If True, raise Exception on creating index with duplicates. *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object Concatenated Series """ _func_name = 'Method append().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError( '{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given self: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not (isinstance(to_append, SeriesType) or (isinstance(to_append, (types.UniTuple, types.List)) and isinstance(to_append.dtype, SeriesType))): raise TypingError( '{} The argument must be a pandas.series or list/tuple of pandas.series. \ Given to_append: {}'.format(_func_name, to_append)) # currently we will always raise this in the end, i.e. if no impl was found # TODO: find a way to stop compilation early and not proceed with unliteral step if not (isinstance(ignore_index, types.Literal) and isinstance(ignore_index, types.Boolean) or isinstance(ignore_index, types.Omitted) or ignore_index is False): raise TypingError( '{} The ignore_index must be a literal Boolean constant. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, ignore_index)) if not (verify_integrity is False or isinstance(verify_integrity, types.Omitted)): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given verify_integrity: {}'.format(_func_name, verify_integrity)) # ignore_index value has to be known at compile time to select between implementations with different signatures ignore_index_is_false = (common_functions.has_literal_value(ignore_index, False) or common_functions.has_python_value(ignore_index, False) or isinstance(ignore_index, types.Omitted)) to_append_is_series = isinstance(to_append, SeriesType) if ignore_index_is_false: def hpat_pandas_series_append_impl(self, to_append, ignore_index=False, verify_integrity=False): if to_append_is_series == True: # noqa new_data = common_functions.hpat_arrays_append(self._data, to_append._data) new_index = common_functions.hpat_arrays_append(self.index, to_append.index) else: data_arrays_to_append = [series._data for series in to_append] index_arrays_to_append = [series.index for series in to_append] new_data = common_functions.hpat_arrays_append(self._data, data_arrays_to_append) new_index = common_functions.hpat_arrays_append(self.index, index_arrays_to_append) return pandas.Series(new_data, new_index) return hpat_pandas_series_append_impl else: def hpat_pandas_series_append_ignore_index_impl(self, to_append, ignore_index=False, verify_integrity=False): if to_append_is_series == True: # noqa new_data = common_functions.hpat_arrays_append(self._data, to_append._data) else: arrays_to_append = [series._data for series in to_append] new_data = common_functions.hpat_arrays_append(self._data, arrays_to_append) return pandas.Series(new_data, None) return hpat_pandas_series_append_ignore_index_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'copy') def hpat_pandas_series_copy(self, deep=True): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.copy` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_copy_str1 Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_copy_int1 Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_copy_deep Parameters ----------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg deep: :obj:`bool`, default :obj:`True` Make a deep copy, including a copy of the data and the indices. With deep=False neither the indices nor the data are copied. [SDC limitations]: - deep=False: shallow copy of index is not supported Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` or :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` Object type matches caller. """ ty_checker = TypeChecker('Method Series.copy().') ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if not isinstance(deep, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean)) and not deep: ty_checker.raise_exc(, 'boolean', 'deep') if isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType): def hpat_pandas_series_copy_impl(self, deep=True): if deep: return pandas.Series(data=self._data.copy(), name=self._name) else: return pandas.Series(data=self._data, name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_copy_impl else: def hpat_pandas_series_copy_impl(self, deep=True): if deep: return pandas.Series(data=self._data.copy(), index=self._index.copy(), name=self._name) else: # Shallow copy of index is not supported yet return pandas.Series(data=self._data, index=self._index.copy(), name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_copy_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'corr') def hpat_pandas_series_corr(self, other, method='pearson', min_periods=None): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.corr` implementation. Note: Unsupported mixed numeric and string data .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_corr Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_corr_unsupported_dtype Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_corr_unsupported_period Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series other: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series method: *unsupported min_periods: :obj:`int`, default None Returns ------- :obj:`float` returns :obj:`float` object """ ty_checker = TypeChecker('Method corr().') ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) ty_checker.check(other, SeriesType) if not isinstance(, types.Number): ty_checker.raise_exc(, 'number', '') if not isinstance(, types.Number): ty_checker.raise_exc(, 'number', '') if not isinstance(min_periods, (int, types.Integer, types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) and min_periods is not None: ty_checker.raise_exc(min_periods, 'int64', 'min_periods') def hpat_pandas_series_corr_impl(self, other, method='pearson', min_periods=None): if min_periods is None: min_periods = 1 if len(self._data) == 0 or len(other._data) == 0: return numpy.nan self_arr = self._data[:min(len(self._data), len(other._data))] other_arr = other._data[:min(len(self._data), len(other._data))] invalid = numpy.isnan(self_arr) | numpy.isnan(other_arr) if invalid.any(): self_arr = self_arr[~invalid] other_arr = other_arr[~invalid] if len(self_arr) < min_periods: return numpy.nan new_self = pandas.Series(self_arr) new_other = pandas.Series(other_arr) n = new_self.count() ma = new_self.sum() mb = new_other.sum() a = n * (self_arr * other_arr).sum() - ma * mb b1 = n * (self_arr * self_arr).sum() - ma * ma b2 = n * (other_arr * other_arr).sum() - mb * mb if b1 == 0 or b2 == 0: return numpy.nan return a / numpy.sqrt(b1 * b2) return hpat_pandas_series_corr_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'head') def hpat_pandas_series_head(self, n=5): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.head` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m -k sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_head* Parameters ----------- n: :obj:`int`, default 5 input argument, default 5 Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns: The first n rows of the caller object. """ _func_name = 'Method head().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(n, (types.Integer, types.Omitted)) and n != 5: raise TypingError('{} The parameter must be an integer type. Given type n: {}'.format(_func_name, n)) if isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType): def hpat_pandas_series_head_impl(self, n=5): return pandas.Series(data=self._data[:n], name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_head_impl else: def hpat_pandas_series_head_index_impl(self, n=5): return pandas.Series(data=self._data[:n], index=self._index[:n], name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_head_index_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'groupby') def hpat_pandas_series_groupby( self, by=None, axis=0, level=None, as_index=True, sort=True, group_keys=True, squeeze=False, observed=False): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.groupby` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_groupby_count Parameters ----------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg by: :obj:`pandas.Series` object Used to determine the groups for the groupby axis: *unsupported* level: *unsupported* as_index: *unsupported* sort: *unsupported* group_keys: *unsupported* squeeze: *unsupported* observed: *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.SeriesGroupBy` returns :obj:`pandas.SeriesGroupBy` object """ _func_name = 'Method Series.groupby().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if by is None and axis is None: raise TypingError("{} You have to supply one of 'by' or 'axis' parameters".format(_func_name)) if level is not None and not isinstance(level, (types.Integer, types.NoneType, types.Omitted)): raise TypingError("{} 'level' must be an Integer. Given: {}".format(_func_name, level)) def hpat_pandas_series_groupby_impl( self, by=None, axis=0, level=None, as_index=True, sort=True, group_keys=True, squeeze=False, observed=False): # TODO Needs to implement parameters value check # if level is not None and (level < -1 or level > 0): # raise ValueError("Method Series.groupby(). level > 0 or level < -1 only valid with MultiIndex") return pandas.core.groupby.SeriesGroupBy(self) return hpat_pandas_series_groupby_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'isnull') @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'isna') def hpat_pandas_series_isna(self): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.isna` and :meth:`pandas.Series.isnull` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_isna1 Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_str_isna1 Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_isnull1 Parameters ----------- self : :obj:`pandas.Series` object input argument Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method isna/isnull().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError( '{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given self: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if isinstance(, (types.Integer, types.Float)): def hpat_pandas_series_isna_impl(self): return pandas.Series(data=numpy.isnan(self._data), index=self._index, name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_isna_impl if isinstance(, types.UnicodeType): def hpat_pandas_series_isna_impl(self): result = numpy.empty(len(self._data), numpy.bool_) byte_size = 8 # iterate over bits in StringArrayType null_bitmap and fill array indicating if array's element are NaN for i in range(len(self._data)): bmap_idx = i // byte_size bit_idx = i % byte_size bmap = self._data.null_bitmap[bmap_idx] bit_value = (bmap >> bit_idx) & 1 result[i] = bit_value == 0 return pandas.Series(result, index=self._index, name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_isna_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'notna') def hpat_pandas_series_notna(self): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.notna` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m -k sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_notna* Parameters ----------- self : :obj:`pandas.Series` object input series Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method notna().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if isinstance(, types.Number): def hpat_pandas_series_notna_impl(self): return pandas.Series(numpy.invert(numpy.isnan(self._data)), index=self._index, name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_notna_impl if isinstance(, types.UnicodeType): def hpat_pandas_series_notna_impl(self): result = self.isna() return pandas.Series(numpy.invert(result._data), index=self._index, name=self._name) return hpat_pandas_series_notna_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'ne') def hpat_pandas_series_ne(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method ne().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) or fill_value is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_ne_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8 """ return pandas.Series(self._data != other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_ne_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_ne_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8_float_scalar """ return pandas.Series(self._data != other) return hpat_pandas_series_ne_impl raise TypingError( '{} The object must be a pandas.series and argument must be a number. Given: {} and other: {}'.format( _func_name, self, other)) @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'add') def hpat_pandas_series_add(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide ******************************************** Pandas API: pandas.Series.add Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/series/ :language: python :lines: 27- :caption: Getting the addition of Series and other :name: ex_series_add .. command-output:: python ./series/ :cwd: ../../../examples .. note:: Parameters level, fill_value, axis are currently unsupported by Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler .. seealso:: :ref:`Series.radd <pandas.Series.radd>` Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide ************************************************* Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.add` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: :obj:`int` default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method add().' ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name) ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if not (isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) or fill_value is None): ty_checker.raise_exc(fill_value, 'None', 'fill_value') if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0): ty_checker.raise_exc(axis, 'int', 'axis') if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_add_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 """ return pandas.Series(self._data + other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_add_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_add_number_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_float_scalar """ if axis != 0: raise ValueError('Method add(). The object axis\n expected: 0') return pandas.Series(self._data + other) return hpat_pandas_series_add_number_impl ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'Series, int, float', 'other') @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'sub') def hpat_pandas_series_sub(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.sub` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method sub().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) or fill_value is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_sub_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 """ return pandas.Series(self._data - other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_sub_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_sub_number_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_float_scalar """ return pandas.Series(self._data - other) return hpat_pandas_series_sub_number_impl raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series or scalar. Given other: {}'.format(_func_name, other)) @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'sum') def hpat_pandas_series_sum( self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, numeric_only=None, min_count=0, ): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.sum` implementation. .. only:: developer Tests: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_sum* Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input series axis: *unsupported* skipna: :obj:`bool`, default :obj:`True` Exclude NA/null values when computing the result. level: *unsupported* numeric_only: *unsupported* min_count: *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`float` scalar or Series (if level specified) """ _func_name = 'Method sum().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not (isinstance(axis, (types.Integer, types.Omitted)) or axis is None): raise TypingError('{} The axis must be an Integer. Currently unsupported. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, axis)) if not (isinstance(skipna, (types.Boolean, types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) or skipna is None): raise TypingError('{} The skipna must be a Boolean. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, skipna)) if not (isinstance(level, (types.Integer, types.StringLiteral, types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) or level is None): raise TypingError( '{} The level must be an Integer or level name. Currently unsupported. Given: {}'.format( _func_name, level)) if not (isinstance(numeric_only, (types.Boolean, types.Omitted)) or numeric_only is None): raise TypingError( '{} The numeric_only must be a Boolean. Currently unsupported. Given: {}'.format( _func_name, numeric_only)) if not (isinstance(min_count, (types.Integer, types.Omitted)) or min_count == 0): raise TypingError( '{} The min_count must be an Integer. Currently unsupported. Given: {}'.format( _func_name, min_count)) def hpat_pandas_series_sum_impl( self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, numeric_only=None, min_count=0, ): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_sum1 """ if skipna is None: _skipna = True else: _skipna = skipna if _skipna: return numpy.nansum(self._data) return numpy.sum(self._data) return hpat_pandas_series_sum_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'take') def hpat_pandas_series_take(self, indices, axis=0, is_copy=False): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.take` implementation. .. only:: developer Tests: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_take_index_default python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_take_index_default_unboxing python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_take_index_int python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_take_index_int_unboxing python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_take_index_str python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_take_index_str_unboxing Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series indices: :obj:`array-like` An array of ints indicating which positions to take axis: {0 or `index`, 1 or `columns`, None}, default 0 The axis on which to select elements. 0 means that we are selecting rows, 1 means that we are selecting columns. *unsupported* is_copy: :obj:`bool`, default True Whether to return a copy of the original object or not. *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object containing the elements taken from the object """ ty_checker = TypeChecker('Method take().') ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if (not isinstance(axis, (int, types.Integer, str, types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral, types.Omitted)) and axis not in (0, 'index')): ty_checker.raise_exc(axis, 'integer or string', 'axis') if not isinstance(is_copy, (bool, types.Boolean, types.Omitted)) and is_copy is not False: ty_checker.raise_exc(is_copy, 'boolean', 'is_copy') if not isinstance(indices, (types.List, types.Array)): ty_checker.raise_exc(indices, 'array-like', 'indices') if isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType) or self.index is None: def hpat_pandas_series_take_noindex_impl(self, indices, axis=0, is_copy=False): local_data = [self._data[i] for i in indices] return pandas.Series(local_data, indices) return hpat_pandas_series_take_noindex_impl def hpat_pandas_series_take_impl(self, indices, axis=0, is_copy=False): local_data = [self._data[i] for i in indices] local_index = [self._index[i] for i in indices] return pandas.Series(local_data, local_index) return hpat_pandas_series_take_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'idxmax') def hpat_pandas_series_idxmax(self, axis=None, skipna=True): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.idxmax` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_idxmax1 Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_idxmax_str_idx Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_idxmax_noidx Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_idxmax_idx Parameters ----------- axis : :obj:`int`, :obj:`str`, default: None Axis along which the operation acts 0/None - row-wise operation 1 - column-wise operation *unsupported* skipna: :obj:`bool`, default: True exclude NA/null values *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series.index` or nan returns: Label of the minimum value. """ _func_name = 'Method idxmax().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(, types.Number): raise TypingError('{} Numeric values supported only. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, if not (isinstance(skipna, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, bool)) or skipna is True): raise TypingError("{} 'skipna' must be a boolean type. Given: {}".format(_func_name, skipna)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis is None): raise TypingError("{} 'axis' unsupported. Given: {}".format(_func_name, axis)) if not (isinstance(skipna, types.Omitted) or skipna is True): raise TypingError("{} 'skipna' unsupported. Given: {}".format(_func_name, skipna)) if isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType) or self.index is None: def hpat_pandas_series_idxmax_impl(self, axis=None, skipna=True): return numpy.argmax(self._data) return hpat_pandas_series_idxmax_impl else: def hpat_pandas_series_idxmax_index_impl(self, axis=None, skipna=True): # no numpy.nanargmax is supported by Numba at this time result = numpy.argmax(self._data) return self._index[int(result)] return hpat_pandas_series_idxmax_index_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'mul') def hpat_pandas_series_mul(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide ******************************************** Pandas API: pandas.Series.mul Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/series/ :language: python :lines: 27- :caption: Element-wise multiplication of two Series :name: ex_series_mul .. command-output:: python ./series/ :cwd: ../../../examples .. note:: Parameters level, fill_value, axis are currently unsupported by Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler .. seealso:: :ref:`Series.rmul <pandas.Series.rmul>` Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide ************************************************* Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.mul` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: :obj:`int` default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method mul().' ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name) ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if not isinstance(level, types.Omitted) and level is not None: ty_checker.raise_exc(level, 'None', 'level') if not isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) and fill_value is not None: ty_checker.raise_exc(fill_value, 'None', 'fill_value') if not isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) and axis != 0: ty_checker.raise_exc(axis, 'int', 'axis') if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_mul_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 """ if axis != 0: raise ValueError('Method mul(). The object axis\n expected: 0') return pandas.Series(self._data * other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_mul_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_mul_number_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_float_scalar """ if axis != 0: raise ValueError('Method mul(). The object axis\n expected: 0') return pandas.Series(self._data * other) return hpat_pandas_series_mul_number_impl ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'Series, int, float', 'other') @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'div') def hpat_pandas_series_div(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide ******************************************** Pandas API: pandas.Series.div Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/series/ :language: python :lines: 27- :caption: Element-wise division of one Series by another (binary operator div) :name: ex_series_div .. command-output:: python ./series/ :cwd: ../../../examples .. note:: Parameters level, fill_value, axis are currently unsupported by Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler .. seealso:: :ref:`Series.rdiv <pandas.Series.rdiv>` Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide ************************************************* Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.div` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: :obj:`int` default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method div().' ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name) ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None): ty_checker.raise_exc(level, 'None', 'level') if not (isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) or fill_value is None): ty_checker.raise_exc(fill_value, 'None', 'fill_value') if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0): ty_checker.raise_exc(axis, 'int', 'axis') if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_div_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 """ if axis != 0: raise ValueError('Method div(). The object axis\n expected: 0') return pandas.Series(self._data / other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_div_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_div_number_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_float_scalar """ if axis != 0: raise ValueError('Method div(). The object axis\n expected: 0') return pandas.Series(self._data / other) return hpat_pandas_series_div_number_impl ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'Series, int, float', 'other') @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'truediv') def hpat_pandas_series_truediv(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide ******************************************** Pandas API: pandas.Series.truediv Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/series/ :language: python :lines: 27- :caption: Element-wise division of one Series by another (binary operator truediv) :name: ex_series_truediv .. command-output:: python ./series/ :cwd: ../../../examples .. note:: Parameters level, fill_value, axis are currently unsupported by Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler .. seealso:: :ref:`Series.rtruediv <pandas.Series.rtruediv>` Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide ************************************************* Pandas Series :meth:`pandas.Series.truediv` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method truediv().' ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name) ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None): ty_checker.raise_exc(level, 'None', 'level') if not (isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) or fill_value is None): ty_checker.raise_exc(fill_value, 'None', 'fill_value') if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0): ty_checker.raise_exc(axis, 'int', 'axis') if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_truediv_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 """ if axis != 0: raise ValueError('Method truediv(). The object axis\n expected: 0') return pandas.Series(self._data / other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_truediv_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_truediv_number_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_float_scalar """ if axis != 0: raise ValueError('Method truediv(). The object axis\n expected: 0') return pandas.Series(self._data / other) return hpat_pandas_series_truediv_number_impl ty_checker.raise_exc(other, 'Series, int, float', 'other') @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'floordiv') def hpat_pandas_series_floordiv(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.floordiv` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method floordiv().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) or fill_value is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_floordiv_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 """ return pandas.Series(self._data // other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_floordiv_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_floordiv_number_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_float_scalar """ return pandas.Series(self._data // other) return hpat_pandas_series_floordiv_number_impl raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series or scalar. Given other: {}'.format(_func_name, other)) @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'pow') def hpat_pandas_series_pow(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.pow` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method pow().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) or fill_value is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_pow_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 """ return pandas.Series(self._data ** other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_pow_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_pow_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_float_scalar """ return pandas.Series(self._data ** other) return hpat_pandas_series_pow_impl raise TypingError( '{} The object must be a pandas.series and argument must be a number. Given: {} and other: {}'.format( _func_name, self, other)) @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'prod') def hpat_pandas_series_prod(self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, numeric_only=None, min_count=0): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_prod* Parameters ----------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series axis: {index (0)} Axis for the function to be applied on. *unsupported* skipna: :obj:`bool`, default :obj:`True` Exclude nan values when computing the result level: :obj:`int`, :obj:`str`, default :obj:`None` If the axis is a MultiIndex (hierarchical), count along a particular level, collapsing into a scalar. *unsupported* numeric_only: :obj:`bool`, default :obj:`None` Include only float, int, boolean columns. If None, will attempt to use everything, then use only numeric data. Not implemented for Series. *unsupported* min_count: :obj:`int`, default 0 The required number of valid values to perform the operation. If fewer than min_count non-NA values are present the result will be NA. *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj: Returns scalar or Series (if level specified) """ _func_name = 'Method prod().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(, (types.Integer, types.Float)): raise TypingError('{} Non numeric values unsupported. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, if not (isinstance(skipna, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, types.NoneType)) or skipna is None or skipna is True): raise TypingError("{} 'skipna' must be a boolean type. Given: {}".format(_func_name, skipna)) if not (isinstance(axis, (types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) or axis is None) \ or not (isinstance(level, (types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) or level is None) \ or not (isinstance(numeric_only, (types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) or numeric_only is None) \ or not (isinstance(min_count, (types.Omitted, types.Integer)) or min_count == 0): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given axis: {}, level: {}, numeric_only: {}, min_count: {}'.format( _func_name, axis, level, numeric_only, min_count)) def hpat_pandas_series_prod_impl(self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, numeric_only=None, min_count=0): if skipna is None: _skipna = True else: _skipna = skipna if _skipna: return numpy.nanprod(self._data) else: return return hpat_pandas_series_prod_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'quantile') def hpat_pandas_series_quantile(self, q=0.5, interpolation='linear'): """ Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide ******************************************** Pandas API: pandas.Series.quantile Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/series/ :language: python :lines: 27- :caption: Computing quantile for the Series :name: ex_series_quantile .. command-output:: python ./series/ :cwd: ../../../examples .. note:: Parameter interpolation is currently unsupported by Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler .. seealso:: `numpy.absolute <>`_ Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide ************************************************* Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.quantile` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_quantile python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_quantile_q_vector Parameters ----------- q : :obj: float or array-like object, default 0.5 the quantile(s) to compute interpolation: 'linear', 'lower', 'higher', 'midpoint', 'nearest', default `linear` *unsupported* by Numba Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` or float """ _func_name = 'Method quantile().' ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name) ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if not isinstance(interpolation, types.Omitted) and interpolation is not 'linear': ty_checker.raise_exc(interpolation, 'str', 'interpolation') if not isinstance(q, (int, float, list, types.Number, types.Omitted, types.List)): ty_checker.raise_exc(q, 'int, float, list', 'q') def hpat_pandas_series_quantile_impl(self, q=0.5, interpolation='linear'): return numpy.quantile(self._data, q) return hpat_pandas_series_quantile_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'rename') def hpat_pandas_series_rename(self, index=None, copy=True, inplace=False, level=None): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.rename` implementation. Alter Series index labels or name. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_rename Parameters ----------- index : :obj:`scalar` or `hashable sequence` or `dict` or `function` Dict-like or functions are transformations to apply to the index. Scalar or hashable sequence-like will alter the attribute. Only scalar value is supported. copy : :obj:`bool`, default :obj:`True` Whether to copy underlying data. inplace : :obj:`bool`, default :obj:`False` Whether to return a new Series. If True then value of copy is ignored. level : :obj:`int` or `str` In case of a MultiIndex, only rename labels in the specified level. *Not supported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` with index labels or name altered. """ ty_checker = TypeChecker('Method rename().') ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if not isinstance(index, (types.Omitted, types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral, str, types.Integer, types.Boolean, types.Hashable, types.Float, types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta, types.Number)) and index is not None: ty_checker.raise_exc(index, 'string', 'index') if not isinstance(copy, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, bool)): ty_checker.raise_exc(copy, 'boolean', 'copy') if not isinstance(inplace, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, bool)): ty_checker.raise_exc(inplace, 'boolean', 'inplace') if not isinstance(level, (types.Omitted, types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral, types.Integer)) and level is not None: ty_checker.raise_exc(level, 'Integer or srting', 'level') def hpat_pandas_series_rename_idx_impl(self, index=None, copy=True, inplace=False, level=None): if copy is True: series_data = self._data.copy() series_index = self._index.copy() else: series_data = self._data series_index = self._index return pandas.Series(data=series_data, index=series_index, name=index) def hpat_pandas_series_rename_noidx_impl(self, index=None, copy=True, inplace=False, level=None): if copy is True: series_data = self._data.copy() else: series_data = self._data return pandas.Series(data=series_data, index=self._index, name=index) if isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType): return hpat_pandas_series_rename_noidx_impl return hpat_pandas_series_rename_idx_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'min') def hpat_pandas_series_min(self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, numeric_only=None): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.min` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_min* Parameters ----------- axis: *unsupported* skipna: :obj:`bool` object Exclude nan values when computing the result level: *unsupported* numeric_only: *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj: returns :obj: scalar """ _func_name = 'Method min().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(, (types.Integer, types.Float)): raise TypingError( '{} Currently function supports only numeric values. Given data type: {}'.format( _func_name, if not isinstance(skipna, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, types.NoneType)) and skipna is not True \ and skipna is not None: raise TypingError( '{} The parameter must be a boolean type. Given type skipna: {}'.format(_func_name, skipna)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis is None) \ or not (isinstance(level, (types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) or level is None) \ or not (isinstance(numeric_only, types.Omitted) or numeric_only is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given axis: {}, level: {}, numeric_only: {}'.format(_func_name, axis, level, numeric_only)) def hpat_pandas_series_min_impl(self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, numeric_only=None): if skipna is None: _skipna = True else: _skipna = skipna if _skipna: return numpy.nanmin(self._data) return self._data.min() return hpat_pandas_series_min_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'max') def hpat_pandas_series_max(self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, numeric_only=None): """ Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide ******************************************** Pandas API: pandas.Series.max Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/series/ :language: python :lines: 27- :caption: Getting the maximum value of Series elements :name: ex_series_max .. command-output:: python ./series/ :cwd: ../../../examples .. note:: Parameters axis, level, numeric_only are currently unsupported by Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler .. seealso:: :ref:`Series.sum <pandas.Series.sum>` Return the sum. :ref:`Series.min <pandas.Series.min>` Return the minimum. :ref:`Series.max <pandas.Series.max>` Return the maximum. :ref:`Series.idxmin <pandas.Series.idxmin>` Return the index of the minimum. :ref:`Series.idxmax <pandas.Series.idxmax>` Return the index of the maximum. Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide ************************************************* Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.max` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_max* Parameters ----------- axis: *unsupported* skipna: :obj:`bool` object Exclude nan values when computing the result level: *unsupported* numeric_only: *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj: returns :obj: scalar """ _func_name = 'Method max().' ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name) ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if not isinstance(, (types.Integer, types.Float)): raise TypingError( '{} Currently function supports only numeric values. Given data type: {}'.format( _func_name, if not (isinstance(skipna, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, types.NoneType)) or skipna is True or skipna is None): ty_checker.raise_exc(skipna, 'bool', 'skipna') if not isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) and axis is not None: ty_checker.raise_exc(axis, 'None', 'axis') if not isinstance(level, (types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) and level is not None: ty_checker.raise_exc(level, 'None', 'level') if not isinstance(numeric_only, types.Omitted) and numeric_only is not None: ty_checker.raise_exc(numeric_only, 'None', 'numeric_only') def hpat_pandas_series_max_impl(self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, numeric_only=None): if skipna is None: _skipna = True else: _skipna = skipna if _skipna: return numpy.nanmax(self._data) return self._data.max() return hpat_pandas_series_max_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'mean') def hpat_pandas_series_mean(self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, numeric_only=None): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.mean` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests -k sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_mean* Parameters ----------- axis: {index (0)} Axis for the function to be applied on. *unsupported* skipna: :obj:`bool`, default True Exclude NA/null values when computing the result. level: :obj:`int` or level name, default None If the axis is a MultiIndex (hierarchical), count along a particular level, collapsing into a scalar. *unsupported* numeric_only: :obj:`bool`, default None Include only float, int, boolean columns. If None, will attempt to use everything, then use only numeric data. Not implemented for Series. *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj: Return the mean of the values for the requested axis. """ _func_name = 'Method mean().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(, types.Number): raise TypingError( '{} Currently function supports only numeric values. Given data type: {}'.format( _func_name, if not isinstance(skipna, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, types.NoneType)) and skipna is not None: raise TypingError( '{} The parameter must be a boolean type. Given type skipna: {}'.format(_func_name, skipna)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis is None) \ or not (isinstance(level, (types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) or level is None) \ or not (isinstance(numeric_only, types.Omitted) or numeric_only is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given axis: {}, level: {}, numeric_only: {}'.format(_func_name, axis, level, numeric_only)) def hpat_pandas_series_mean_impl(self, axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, numeric_only=None): if skipna is None: _skipna = True else: _skipna = skipna if _skipna: return numpy.nanmean(self._data) return self._data.mean() return hpat_pandas_series_mean_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'mod') def hpat_pandas_series_mod(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.mod` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method mod().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) or fill_value is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_mod_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5 """ return pandas.Series(self._data % other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_mod_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_mod_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op5_float_scalar """ return pandas.Series(self._data % other) return hpat_pandas_series_mod_impl raise TypingError( '{} The object must be a pandas.series and argument must be a number. Given: {} and other: {}'.format( _func_name, self, other)) @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'eq') def hpat_pandas_series_eq(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.eq` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method eq().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) or fill_value is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_eq_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8 """ return pandas.Series(self._data == other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_eq_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_eq_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8_float_scalar """ return pandas.Series(self._data == other) return hpat_pandas_series_eq_impl raise TypingError( '{} The object must be a pandas.series and argument must be a number. Given: {} and other: {}'.format( _func_name, self, other)) @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'ge') def hpat_pandas_series_ge(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method ge().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) or fill_value is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_ge_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8 """ return pandas.Series(self._data >= other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_ge_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_ge_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8_float_scalar """ return pandas.Series(self._data >= other) return hpat_pandas_series_ge_impl raise TypingError( '{} The object must be a pandas.series and argument must be a number. Given: {} and other: {}'.format( _func_name, self, other)) @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'idxmin') def hpat_pandas_series_idxmin(self, axis=None, skipna=True): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.idxmin` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_idxmin1 Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_idxmin_str Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_idxmin_str_idx Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_idxmin_no Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_idxmin_int Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_idxmin_noidx Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_idxmin_idx Parameters ----------- axis : :obj:`int`, :obj:`str`, default: None Axis along which the operation acts 0/None - row-wise operation 1 - column-wise operation *unsupported* skipna: :obj:`bool`, default: True exclude NA/null values *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series.index` or nan returns: Label of the minimum value. """ _func_name = 'Method idxmin().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(, types.Number): raise TypingError('{} Numeric values supported only. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, if not (isinstance(skipna, (types.Omitted, types.Boolean, bool)) or skipna is True): raise TypingError("{} 'skipna' must be a boolean type. Given: {}".format(_func_name, skipna)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis is None): raise TypingError("{} 'axis' unsupported. Given: {}".format(_func_name, axis)) if not (isinstance(skipna, types.Omitted) or skipna is True): raise TypingError("{} 'skipna' unsupported. Given: {}".format(_func_name, skipna)) if isinstance(self.index, types.NoneType) or self.index is None: def hpat_pandas_series_idxmin_impl(self, axis=None, skipna=True): return numpy.argmin(self._data) return hpat_pandas_series_idxmin_impl else: def hpat_pandas_series_idxmin_index_impl(self, axis=None, skipna=True): # no numpy.nanargmin is supported by Numba at this time result = numpy.argmin(self._data) return self._index[int(result)] return hpat_pandas_series_idxmin_index_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'lt') def hpat_pandas_series_lt(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method lt().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) or fill_value is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_lt_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8 """ return pandas.Series(self._data < other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_lt_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_lt_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8_float_scalar """ return pandas.Series(self._data < other) return hpat_pandas_series_lt_impl raise TypingError( '{} The object must be a pandas.series and argument must be a number. Given: {} and other: {}'.format( _func_name, self, other)) @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'gt') def hpat_pandas_series_gt(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method gt().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) or fill_value is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_gt_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8 """ return pandas.Series(self._data > other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_gt_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_gt_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8_float_scalar """ return pandas.Series(self._data > other) return hpat_pandas_series_gt_impl raise TypingError( '{} The object must be a pandas.series and argument must be a number. Given: {} and other: {}'.format( _func_name, self, other)) @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'le') def hpat_pandas_series_le(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.le` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8 Parameters ---------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg other: :obj:`pandas.Series`, :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` input arg level: :obj:`int` or name *unsupported* fill_value: :obj:`float` or None, default None *unsupported* axis: default 0 *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method le().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not (isinstance(level, types.Omitted) or level is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(fill_value, types.Omitted) or fill_value is None): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if not (isinstance(axis, types.Omitted) or axis == 0): raise TypingError( '{} Unsupported parameters. Given level: {}, fill_value: {}, axis: {}'.format(_func_name, level, fill_value, axis)) if isinstance(other, SeriesType): def hpat_pandas_series_le_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8 """ return pandas.Series(self._data <= other._data) return hpat_pandas_series_le_impl if isinstance(other, types.Integer) or isinstance(other, types.Float): def hpat_pandas_series_le_impl(self, other, level=None, fill_value=None, axis=0): """ Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8_integer_scalar Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_op8_float_scalar """ return pandas.Series(self._data <= other) return hpat_pandas_series_le_impl raise TypingError( '{} The object must be a pandas.series and argument must be a number. Given: {} and other: {}'.format( _func_name, self, other)) @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'abs') def hpat_pandas_series_abs(self): """ Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide ******************************************** Pandas API: pandas.Series.abs Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/series/ :language: python :lines: 27- :caption: Getting the absolute value of each element in Series :name: ex_series_abs .. command-output:: python ./series/ :cwd: ../../../examples .. seealso:: `numpy.absolute <>`_ Calculate the absolute value element-wise. Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide ************************************************* Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.abs` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_abs1 Parameters ----------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series Returns ------- :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`pandas.Series` containing the absolute value of elements """ _func_name = 'Method abs().' ty_checker = TypeChecker(_func_name) ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if not isinstance(self.dtype, (types.Integer, types.Float)): raise TypingError( '{} The function only applies to elements that are all numeric. Given data type: {}'.format(_func_name, self.dtype)) def hpat_pandas_series_abs_impl(self): return pandas.Series(numpy.abs(self._data)) return hpat_pandas_series_abs_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'unique') def hpat_pandas_series_unique(self): """ Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler User Guide ******************************************** Pandas API: pandas.Series.unique Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/series/ :language: python :lines: 27- :caption: Getting unique values in Series :name: ex_series_unique .. command-output:: python ./series/ :cwd: ../../../examples Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler Developer Guide ************************************************* Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.unique` implementation. Note: Return values order is unspecified .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_unique_sorted Parameters ----------- self: :class:`pandas.Series` input arg Returns ------- :obj:`numpy.array` returns :obj:`numpy.array` ndarray """ ty_checker = TypeChecker('Method unique().') ty_checker.check(self, SeriesType) if isinstance(, StringArrayType): def hpat_pandas_series_unique_str_impl(self): ''' Returns sorted unique elements of an array Note: Can't use Numpy due to StringArrayType has no ravel() for noPython mode. Also, NotImplementedError: unicode_type cannot be represented as a Numpy dtype Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_unique_str ''' str_set = set(self._data) return to_array(str_set) return hpat_pandas_series_unique_str_impl def hpat_pandas_series_unique_impl(self): ''' Returns sorted unique elements of an array Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_unique ''' return numpy.unique(self._data) return hpat_pandas_series_unique_impl @sdc_overload_method(SeriesType, 'cumsum') def hpat_pandas_series_cumsum(self, axis=None, skipna=True): """ Pandas Series method :meth:`pandas.Series.cumsum` implementation. .. only:: developer Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_cumsum Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_cumsum_unboxing Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_cumsum_full Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_cumsum_str Test: python -m sdc.runtests sdc.tests.test_series.TestSeries.test_series_cumsum_unsupported_axis Parameters ---------- self: :obj:`pandas.Series` input series axis: :obj:`int`, :obj:`str` Axis along which the operation acts 0/None/'index' - row-wise operation 1/'columns' - column-wise operation *unsupported* skipna: :obj:`bool` exclude NA/null values *args: *unsupported* Returns ------- :obj:`scalar`, :obj:`pandas.Series` returns :obj:`scalar` or :obj:`pandas.Series` object """ _func_name = 'Method cumsum().' if not isinstance(self, SeriesType): raise TypingError('{} The object must be a pandas.series. Given: {}'.format(_func_name, self)) if not isinstance(, types.Number): msg = '{} The object must be a number. Given {}' raise TypingError(msg.format(_func_name, if not isinstance(axis, (types.Omitted, types.NoneType)) and axis is not None: raise TypingError('{} Unsupported parameters. Given axis: {}'.format(_func_name, axis)) def hpat_pandas_series_cumsum_impl(self, axis=None, skipna=True): if skipna: # nampy.nancumsum replaces NANs with 0, series.cumsum does not, so replace back 0 with NANs local_data = numpy.nancumsum(self._data) local_data[numpy.isnan(self._data)] = numpy.nan return
import pandas as pd from fbprophet import Prophet from fbprophet.plot import add_changepoints_to_plot from fbprophet.diagnostics import cross_validation from fbprophet.diagnostics import performance_metrics from fbprophet.plot import plot_cross_validation_metric from time import gmtime, strftime import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import numpy as np import time class suppress_stdout_stderr(object): def __init__(self): # Open a pair of null files self.null_fds = [, os.O_RDWR) for x in range(2)] # Save the actual stdout (1) and stderr (2) file descriptors. self.save_fds = (os.dup(1), os.dup(2)) def __enter__(self): # Assign the null pointers to stdout and stderr. os.dup2(self.null_fds[0], 1) os.dup2(self.null_fds[1], 2) def __exit__(self, *_): # Re-assign the real stdout/stderr back to (1) and (2) os.dup2(self.save_fds[0], 1) os.dup2(self.save_fds[1], 2) # Close the null files os.close(self.null_fds[0]) os.close(self.null_fds[1]) class KPIForecaster(): def __init__(self, conf): # store the configuration object self.conf = conf def makeDir(self, path): if os.path.exists(path): pass else: os.makedirs(path) def getTrainingData(self, df_kpi, cell, KPI = 'DL_USER_THROUGHPUT_MBPS'): # create blank dataframe df = pd.DataFrame() # Get cell specific info cell_df = df_kpi[df_kpi["CELL_NAME"] == cell].copy() # Convert to pandas datatime format df['ds'] = pd.to_datetime(cell_df['START_TIME']) #print( # Extract KPI df['y'] = cell_df[KPI] # Sort by date df = df.sort_values("ds") # Edit datatime format so we can remove timestamp format and filter by date (YY-MM-DD) df['Date'] = df['ds'].dt.strftime('%d/%m/%y') try: if self.conf["filter_training_period"] == "Yes": print("Filtering by Dates") df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date']) start_date = self.conf["training_data_start_date"] end_date = self.conf["training_data_end_date"] mask = (df['Date'] >= start_date) & (df['Date'] <= end_date) df = df.loc[mask] df['y'].replace(0, np.nan, inplace=True) df['y'].fillna((df['y'].mean()), inplace=True) except: raise Exception("Invalid Date Format, please use YYYY-MM-DD") return df def getForecast(self, df): prophet = Prophet(changepoint_prior_scale = self.conf["changepoint_prior_scale"], seasonality_mode= self.conf["seasonality_mode"] ) future = pd.DataFrame() df['cap'] = 200 df['floor'] = 0 future['cap'] = 200 future['floor'] = 0 with suppress_stdout_stderr(): m = future = prophet.make_future_dataframe(periods=24*self.conf["forecast_days"], freq='H') forecast = prophet.predict(future) fig = prophet.plot(forecast) return prophet, forecast, m def saveModel(self, prophet, m, forecast, cell, KPI = "DL_USER_THROUGHPUT_MBPS"): import pickle #folder_name = strftime("%Y_%m_%d", gmtime()) folder_name = "new" pkl_path = "./models/" + KPI +"/" + folder_name + "/" + str(cell ) + ".pkl" self.makeDir("./models/" + KPI +"/" + folder_name) with open(pkl_path, "wb") as f: # Pickle the 'Prophet' model using the highest protocol available. pickle.dump(m, f) # save the dataframe pkl_fore_cast_path = "./models/" + KPI +"/" + folder_name + "/" + str(cell ) + "_forecast.pkl" forecast.to_pickle(pkl_fore_cast_path) fig_file_name = "./models/" + KPI +"/" + folder_name + "/" + str(cell ) + "_plot.jpg" fig = prophet.plot(forecast) fig.savefig(fig_file_name, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) def analyzeData(self, forecast, df_last_day, last_day, cell): #cell = "TNTAA405_L02A" forecast['Date'] = forecast['ds'].dt.strftime('%d/%m/%y') forecast['pred_upper_15'] = forecast['yhat_upper'] *(1+self.conf["threshold_margin"]) forecast['pred_lower_15'] = forecast['yhat_lower'] * (1-self.conf["threshold_margin"]) forecast['CELL_NAME'] = cell # Get last 24 hours forecast_last_day = forecast.loc[forecast['Date'] == last_day] forecast_last_day = forecast_last_day[['CELL_NAME','ds', 'Date','pred_upper_15','pred_lower_15','yhat']] result = pd.merge(forecast_last_day.reset_index(), df_last_day.reset_index(), on=['ds'], how='inner') foreLD = result[['CELL_NAME','ds', 'Date_x','pred_upper_15','pred_lower_15','yhat','y']] foreLD.columns = ['CELL_NAME','ds', 'Date','pred_upper_15','pred_lower_15','Expected_Value','Actual_Value'] pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None foreLD['Exceeds_Thresh'] = foreLD['Actual_Value'] >= foreLD['pred_upper_15'] foreLD['Under_Thresh'] = foreLD['Actual_Value'] <= foreLD['pred_lower_15'] foreLD.loc[(foreLD['Exceeds_Thresh'] == True) | (foreLD['Under_Thresh'] == True), 'Investigate_Cell'] = True foreLD.loc[(foreLD['Under_Thresh'] != True) & (foreLD['Under_Thresh'] != True), 'Investigate_Cell'] = False return foreLD def getForecastData(self, cell, KPI): mypath = "./models/" + KPI subfolder = [f.path for f in os.scandir(mypath) if f.is_dir()][0] file_names = [f for f in listdir(subfolder) if isfile(join(subfolder, f))] file_names.sort(key=lambda x: os.stat(os.path.join(subfolder, x)).st_mtime) file_name = cell + "_forecast.pkl" path = subfolder + "/" + file_name try: unpickled_df = pd.read_pickle(path) return unpickled_df except: raise Exception("Models not found") def getLastDay(self, df_kpi, KPI = 'DL_USER_THROUGHPUT_MBPS', cell = ''): # create blank dataframe df = pd.DataFrame() # Get cell specific info cell_df = df_kpi[df_kpi["CELL_NAME"] == cell].copy() # Convert to pandas datatime format df['ds'] =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from datetime import timedelta from distutils.version import LooseVersion import numpy as np import pytest import pandas as pd import pandas.util.testing as tm from pandas import ( DatetimeIndex, Int64Index, Series, Timedelta, TimedeltaIndex, Timestamp, date_range, timedelta_range ) from pandas.errors import NullFrequencyError @pytest.fixture(params=[pd.offsets.Hour(2), timedelta(hours=2), np.timedelta64(2, 'h'), Timedelta(hours=2)], ids=str) def delta(request): # Several ways of representing two hours return request.param @pytest.fixture(params=['B', 'D']) def freq(request): return request.param class TestTimedeltaIndexArithmetic(object): # Addition and Subtraction Operations # ------------------------------------------------------------- # TimedeltaIndex.shift is used by __add__/__sub__ def test_tdi_shift_empty(self): # GH#9903 idx = pd.TimedeltaIndex([], name='xxx') tm.assert_index_equal(idx.shift(0, freq='H'), idx) tm.assert_index_equal(idx.shift(3, freq='H'), idx) def test_tdi_shift_hours(self): # GH#9903 idx = pd.TimedeltaIndex(['5 hours', '6 hours', '9 hours'], name='xxx') tm.assert_index_equal(idx.shift(0, freq='H'), idx) exp = pd.TimedeltaIndex(['8 hours', '9 hours', '12 hours'], name='xxx') tm.assert_index_equal(idx.shift(3, freq='H'), exp) exp = pd.TimedeltaIndex(['2 hours', '3 hours', '6 hours'], name='xxx') tm.assert_index_equal(idx.shift(-3, freq='H'), exp) def test_tdi_shift_minutes(self): # GH#9903 idx = pd.TimedeltaIndex(['5 hours', '6 hours', '9 hours'], name='xxx') tm.assert_index_equal(idx.shift(0, freq='T'), idx) exp = pd.TimedeltaIndex(['05:03:00', '06:03:00', '9:03:00'], name='xxx') tm.assert_index_equal(idx.shift(3, freq='T'), exp) exp = pd.TimedeltaIndex(['04:57:00', '05:57:00', '8:57:00'], name='xxx') tm.assert_index_equal(idx.shift(-3, freq='T'), exp) def test_tdi_shift_int(self): # GH#8083 trange = pd.to_timedelta(range(5), unit='d') + pd.offsets.Hour(1) result = trange.shift(1) expected = TimedeltaIndex(['1 days 01:00:00', '2 days 01:00:00', '3 days 01:00:00', '4 days 01:00:00', '5 days 01:00:00'], freq='D') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_tdi_shift_nonstandard_freq(self): # GH#8083 trange = pd.to_timedelta(range(5), unit='d') + pd.offsets.Hour(1) result = trange.shift(3, freq='2D 1s') expected = TimedeltaIndex(['6 days 01:00:03', '7 days 01:00:03', '8 days 01:00:03', '9 days 01:00:03', '10 days 01:00:03'], freq='D') tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_shift_no_freq(self): # GH#19147 tdi = TimedeltaIndex(['1 days 01:00:00', '2 days 01:00:00'], freq=None) with pytest.raises(NullFrequencyError): tdi.shift(2) # ------------------------------------------------------------- def test_ufunc_coercions(self): # normal ops are also tested in tseries/ idx = TimedeltaIndex(['2H', '4H', '6H', '8H', '10H'], freq='2H', name='x') for result in [idx * 2, np.multiply(idx, 2)]: assert isinstance(result, TimedeltaIndex) exp = TimedeltaIndex(['4H', '8H', '12H', '16H', '20H'], freq='4H', name='x') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.freq == '4H' for result in [idx / 2, np.divide(idx, 2)]: assert isinstance(result, TimedeltaIndex) exp = TimedeltaIndex(['1H', '2H', '3H', '4H', '5H'], freq='H', name='x') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.freq == 'H' idx = TimedeltaIndex(['2H', '4H', '6H', '8H', '10H'], freq='2H', name='x') for result in [-idx, np.negative(idx)]: assert isinstance(result, TimedeltaIndex) exp = TimedeltaIndex(['-2H', '-4H', '-6H', '-8H', '-10H'], freq='-2H', name='x') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.freq == '-2H' idx = TimedeltaIndex(['-2H', '-1H', '0H', '1H', '2H'], freq='H', name='x') for result in [abs(idx), np.absolute(idx)]: assert isinstance(result, TimedeltaIndex) exp = TimedeltaIndex(['2H', '1H', '0H', '1H', '2H'], freq=None, name='x') tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.freq is None # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Binary operations TimedeltaIndex and integer def test_tdi_add_int(self, one): # Variants of `one` for #19012 rng = timedelta_range('1 days 09:00:00', freq='H', periods=10) result = rng + one expected = timedelta_range('1 days 10:00:00', freq='H', periods=10) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_tdi_iadd_int(self, one): rng = timedelta_range('1 days 09:00:00', freq='H', periods=10) expected = timedelta_range('1 days 10:00:00', freq='H', periods=10) rng += one tm.assert_index_equal(rng, expected) def test_tdi_sub_int(self, one): rng = timedelta_range('1 days 09:00:00', freq='H', periods=10) result = rng - one expected = timedelta_range('1 days 08:00:00', freq='H', periods=10) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_tdi_isub_int(self, one): rng = timedelta_range('1 days 09:00:00', freq='H', periods=10) expected = timedelta_range('1 days 08:00:00', freq='H', periods=10) rng -= one tm.assert_index_equal(rng, expected) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # __add__/__sub__ with integer arrays @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [np.array, pd.Index]) def test_tdi_add_integer_array(self, box): # GH#19959 rng = timedelta_range('1 days 09:00:00', freq='H', periods=3) other = box([4, 3, 2]) expected = TimedeltaIndex(['1 day 13:00:00'] * 3) result = rng + other tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = other + rng tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('box', [np.array, pd.Index]) def test_tdi_sub_integer_array(self, box): # GH#19959 rng =
timedelta_range('9H', freq='H', periods=3)
"""Alpha Vantage Model""" __docformat__ = "numpy" import logging from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import numpy as np import pandas as pd import requests from alpha_vantage.fundamentaldata import FundamentalData from gamestonk_terminal import config_terminal as cfg from gamestonk_terminal.decorators import log_start_end from gamestonk_terminal.helper_funcs import long_number_format from gamestonk_terminal.rich_config import console from gamestonk_terminal.stocks.fundamental_analysis.fa_helper import clean_df_index logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @log_start_end(log=logger) def get_overview(ticker: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get alpha vantage company overview Parameters ---------- ticker : str Stock ticker Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe of fundamentals """ # Request OVERVIEW data from Alpha Vantage API s_req = f"{ticker}&apikey={cfg.API_KEY_ALPHAVANTAGE}" result = requests.get(s_req, stream=True) # If the returned data was successful if result.status_code == 200: # Parse json data to dataframe if "Note" in result.json(): console.print(result.json()["Note"], "\n") return pd.DataFrame() df_fa = pd.json_normalize(result.json()) # Keep json data sorting in dataframe df_fa = df_fa[list(result.json().keys())].T df_fa.iloc[5:] = df_fa.iloc[5:].applymap(lambda x: long_number_format(x)) clean_df_index(df_fa) df_fa = df_fa.rename( index={ "E b i t d a": "EBITDA", "P e ratio": "PE ratio", "P e g ratio": "PEG ratio", "E p s": "EPS", "Revenue per share t t m": "Revenue per share TTM", "Operating margin t t m": "Operating margin TTM", "Return on assets t t m": "Return on assets TTM", "Return on equity t t m": "Return on equity TTM", "Revenue t t m": "Revenue TTM", "Gross profit t t m": "Gross profit TTM", "Diluted e p s t t m": "Diluted EPS TTM", "Quarterly earnings growth y o y": "Quarterly earnings growth YOY", "Quarterly revenue growth y o y": "Quarterly revenue growth YOY", "Trailing p e": "Trailing PE", "Forward p e": "Forward PE", "Price to sales ratio t t m": "Price to sales ratio TTM", "E v to revenue": "EV to revenue", "E v to e b i t d a": "EV to EBITDA", } ) return df_fa return pd.DataFrame() @log_start_end(log=logger) def get_key_metrics(ticker: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get key metrics from overview Parameters ---------- ticker : str Stock ticker Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe of key metrics """ # Request OVERVIEW data s_req = f"{ticker}&apikey={cfg.API_KEY_ALPHAVANTAGE}" result = requests.get(s_req, stream=True) # If the returned data was successful if result.status_code == 200: df_fa = pd.json_normalize(result.json()) df_fa = df_fa[list(result.json().keys())].T df_fa = df_fa.applymap(lambda x: long_number_format(x)) clean_df_index(df_fa) df_fa = df_fa.rename( index={ "E b i t d a": "EBITDA", "P e ratio": "PE ratio", "P e g ratio": "PEG ratio", "E p s": "EPS", "Return on equity t t m": "Return on equity TTM", "Price to sales ratio t t m": "Price to sales ratio TTM", } ) as_key_metrics = [ "Market capitalization", "EBITDA", "EPS", "PE ratio", "PEG ratio", "Price to book ratio", "Return on equity TTM", "Price to sales ratio TTM", "Dividend yield", "50 day moving average", "Analyst target price", "Beta", ] return df_fa.loc[as_key_metrics] return pd.DataFrame() @log_start_end(log=logger) def get_income_statements( ticker: str, number: int, quarterly: bool = False ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get income statements for company Parameters ---------- ticker : str Stock ticker number : int Number of past to get quarterly : bool, optional Flag to get quarterly instead of annual, by default False Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe of income statements """ url = f"{ticker}&apikey={cfg.API_KEY_ALPHAVANTAGE}" r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code == 200: statements = r.json() df_fa =
import scanpy as sc import pandas as pd import numpy as np import anndata as ad import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import sys import gseapy as gp import math import os def check_filter_single_cluster(adata,key): vc = adata.obs[key].value_counts() exclude_clusters= vc.loc[vc==1].index truth = np.logical_not(adata.obs[key].isin(exclude_clusters).values) adata_valid = adata[truth,:] return adata_valid def doublet_compute(adata,key): cluster_to_doublet = {} for cluster in adata.obs[key].astype('category').cat.categories: mean_score = adata[adata.obs[key]==cluster,:].obs['doublet_scores'].values.mean() cluster_to_doublet[cluster] = mean_score return cluster_to_doublet def compute_combo_score(rank_uns,cluster): rank_names = rank_uns['names'][cluster] rank_lfc = rank_uns['logfoldchanges'][cluster] rank_pval = rank_uns['pvals'][cluster] df = pd.DataFrame({'names':rank_names,'lfc':rank_lfc,'pval':rank_pval}) # filter out down-regulated genes df = df.loc[df['lfc'] > 0, :] df.set_index(keys=pd.Index(np.arange(df.shape[0])), inplace=True) # the rank of each gene by lfc, the larger, the better, make argsort result reverse temp = np.flip(np.argsort(df['lfc'].values)) ranks_lfc = np.empty_like(temp) ranks_lfc[temp] = np.arange(len(df['pval'].values)) # the rank of each gene by pval, the smaller, the better temp = np.argsort(df['pval'].values) ranks_pval = np.empty_like(temp) ranks_pval[temp] = np.arange(len(df['pval'].values)) # combo rank score temp = (ranks_lfc + ranks_pval) / 2 df['rank_lfc'] = ranks_lfc df['rank_pval'] = ranks_pval df['combo'] = temp df.sort_values(by='combo', inplace=True) df.set_index(keys=pd.Index(np.arange(df.shape[0])), inplace=True) # filter out the genes if pval > 0.05 df = df.loc[df['pval']<0.05,:] df.set_index(keys=pd.Index(np.arange(df.shape[0])), inplace=True) return df def run_enrichr(gene_list,key,name,folder): # run enrichr artifact = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),'artifact_genes.txt'),sep='\t') artifact_dict = artifact.groupby(by='class')['genes'].apply(lambda x:x.tolist()).to_dict() enr2 = gp.enrichr(gene_list=gene_list, description=name, gene_sets=artifact_dict, background=20000, outdir=os.path.join(folder,'scTriangulate_local_mode_enrichr'), cutoff=0.1, # adj-p for plotting verbose=True) enrichr_result = enr2.results enrichr_dict = {} for metric in artifact_dict.keys(): if enrichr_result.shape[0] == 0: # no enrichment for any of the above terms enrichr_dict[metric] = 0 else: try: enrichr_score = -math.log10(enrichr_result.loc[enrichr_result['Term']==metric,:]['Adjusted P-value'].to_list()[0]) except IndexError: enrichr_dict[metric] = 0 else: enrichr_dict[metric] = enrichr_score return enrichr_dict def run_gsea(gene_list,key,name,folder): artifact = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),'artifact_genes.txt'),sep='\t') artifact_dict = artifact.groupby(by='class')['genes'].apply(lambda x:x.tolist()).to_dict() artifact_dict_keys = list(artifact_dict.keys()) df = pd.DataFrame({0: gene_list, 1: 1/(np.arange(len(gene_list))+1)}) # col 1 is for descending rank of gene gsea_dict = {} try: pre_res = gp.prerank(rnk=df, gene_sets=artifact_dict, permutation_num=100, outdir=os.path.join(folder,'scTriangulate_local_mode_gsea/{}/{}'.format(key,name)), min_size=1, max_size=10000, seed=6, verbose=True) # run this will cause artifact dict decreasing !! Caveats!!! except: # no hit return, all metrics are zero for metric in artifact_dict_keys: gsea_dict[metric] = (0,0) # first is nes, second is #hit else: gsea_result = pre_res.res2d metric_get = set(gsea_result.index.tolist()) for metric in artifact_dict_keys: if metric in metric_get: gsea_score = gsea_result.loc[gsea_result.index==metric,:]['nes'].to_list()[0] gsea_hits = gsea_result.loc[gsea_result.index==metric,:]['matched_size'].to_list()[0] gsea_dict[metric] = (gsea_score, gsea_hits) else: # not enriched gsea_dict[metric] = (0,0) return gsea_dict def read_artifact_genes(species,criterion): ''' criterion1: all will be artifact criterion2: all will be artifact except cellcycle criterion3: all will be artifact except cellcycle, ribosome criterion4: all will be artifact except cellcycle, ribosome, mitochondrial criterion5: all will be artifact except cellcycle, ribosome, mitochondrial, antisense criterion6: all will be artifact except cellcycle, ribosome, mitochondrial, antisense, predict_gene ''' artifact = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),'artifact_genes.txt'),sep='\t',index_col=0) artifact = artifact.loc[artifact['species']==species,:] if criterion == 1: artifact = artifact elif criterion == 2: artifact = artifact.loc[~(artifact['class']=='cellcycle'),:] elif criterion == 3: artifact = artifact.loc[~((artifact['class']=='ribosome')|(artifact['class']=='cellcycle')),:] elif criterion == 4: artifact = artifact.loc[~((artifact['class']=='ribosome')|(artifact['class']=='cellcylce')|(artifact['class']=='mitochondrial')),:] elif criterion == 5: artifact = artifact.loc[~((artifact['class']=='ribosome')|(artifact['class']=='cellcylce')|(artifact['class']=='mitochondrial')|(artifact['class']=='antisense')),:] elif criterion == 6: artifact = artifact.loc[~((artifact['class']=='ribosome')|(artifact['class']=='cellcylce')|(artifact['class']=='mitochondrial')|(artifact['class']=='antisense')|(artifact['class']=='predict_gene')),:] return artifact def purify_gene(genelist,species,criterion): result = [] artifact = read_artifact_genes(species,criterion) artifact_genes = set(artifact.index.to_list()) for gene in genelist: if gene not in artifact_genes: result.append(gene) return result def marker_gene(adata, key, species, criterion, folder): # delete previous rank_gene_gruops if present if adata.uns.get('rank_genes_groups') != None: del adata.uns['rank_genes_groups'] # perform t-test, key, method='t-test',n_genes=adata.shape[1]) all_genes = adata.var_names.values # ndarray, all the genes all_clusters = adata.obs[key].cat.categories # pd.Index, all the clusters cluster2gene = dict() # {'cluster1':[gene1,gene2..]} rank_uns = adata.uns['rank_genes_groups'] pre_computed_dfs = [] for cluster in all_clusters: cluster2gene[cluster] = [] df = compute_combo_score(rank_uns, cluster) pre_computed_dfs.append(df) for gene in all_genes: index_store = [] for i,cluster in enumerate(all_clusters): df = pre_computed_dfs[i] # get the rank of the gene in each cluster try: index = np.nonzero(df['names'].values == gene)[0][0] # the rank of this gene in each cluster except IndexError: index = len(all_genes) index_store.append(index) if np.all(np.array(index_store) == len(all_genes)): continue assign = all_clusters[np.argmin(np.array(index_store))] # get argmin, take the corresponding cluster cluster2gene[assign].append((gene,np.min(index_store))) # sort the cluster2gene for key_,value in cluster2gene.items(): gene = [item[0] for item in value] rank = [item[1] for item in value] temp = sorted(zip(gene,rank),key=lambda x:x[1]) cluster2gene[key_] = [item[0] for item in temp] result = pd.Series(cluster2gene).to_frame() result.columns = ['whole_marker_genes'] ''' now the result is a dataframe whole_marker_genes cluster1 gene_list cluster2 gene_list ''' # now let's perform enrichr and GSEA, and get puried marker gene col_enrichr = [] col_gsea = [] col_purify = [] # genelist that have artifact genes removed for cluster in result.index: enrichr_dict = run_enrichr(result.loc[cluster,:].to_list()[0],key=key,name=cluster,folder=folder) # [0] because it is a [[gene_list]],we only need [gene_list] gsea_dict = run_gsea(result.loc[cluster,:].to_list()[0],key=key,name=cluster,folder=folder) purified = purify_gene(result.loc[cluster,:].to_list()[0],species,criterion) # the [0] is explained last line col_enrichr.append(enrichr_dict) col_gsea.append(gsea_dict) col_purify.append(purified) result['enrichr'] = col_enrichr result['gsea'] = col_gsea result['purify'] = col_purify return result def reassign_score(adata,key,marker,regress_size=False): # get gene pool, slice the adata num = 30 pool = [] for i in range(marker.shape[0]): marker_genes = marker.iloc[i]['purify'] pick = marker_genes[:num] # if the list doesn't have more than 30 markers, it is oK, python will automatically choose all pool.extend(pick) pool = list(set(pool)) adata_now = adata[:,pool].copy() # mean-centered and divide the std of the data tmp = adata_now.X from sklearn.preprocessing import scale tmp_scaled = scale(tmp,axis=0) adata_now.X = tmp_scaled # reducing dimension from sklearn.decomposition import PCA reducer = PCA(n_components=30) scoring = reducer.fit_transform(X=adata_now.X) from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder le = LabelEncoder() scoring_y = le.fit_transform(adata_now.obs[key].astype('str')) order = le.classes_ # compute the centroid of each cluster X = np.empty([len(adata_now.obs[key].cat.categories),scoring.shape[1]]) y = [] for i,cluster in enumerate(adata_now.obs[key].cat.categories): bool_index = adata_now.obs[key]==cluster centroid = np.mean(scoring[bool_index,:],axis=0) X[i,:] = centroid y.append(cluster) y = le.fit_transform(y) # train a KNN classifier from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix # if number of centroid(training data) < N_neighbors, will raise error, we hard code it to be 10 n_neighbors = 10 if X.shape[0] < n_neighbors: n_neighbors = X.shape[0] model = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=n_neighbors,weights='distance'),y) pred = model.predict(scoring) # (n_samples,) mat = confusion_matrix(scoring_y,pred) confusion_reassign = pd.DataFrame(data=mat,index=order,columns=order) accuracy = [] for i in range(mat.shape[0]): accuracy.append(mat[i,i]/np.sum(mat[i,:])) cluster_to_accuracy = {} for i,cluster in enumerate(order): cluster_to_accuracy[cluster] = accuracy[i] # whether to regress out the clutser size effect or not if regress_size: key_metric_dict = cluster_to_accuracy key_size_dict = get_size_in_metrics(adata.obs,key) df_inspect = pd.concat([pd.Series(key_metric_dict),pd.Series(key_size_dict)],axis=1) # index is cluster, col1 is metric, col2 is size cluster_to_accuracy = regress_size(df_inspect,regressor='GLM',to_dict=True) return cluster_to_accuracy, confusion_reassign '''below is the part for regression score''' def background_normalizer(df,n_neighbors=10,scale=True): # df is a two column dataframe where first column is metric and second column is size from copy import deepcopy df = deepcopy(df) df['order'] = np.arange(df.shape[0]) col = [] for i in range(df.shape[0]): this_metric = df[0][i] distance_to_this = (df[0] - this_metric).abs() df_tmp = deepcopy(df) df_tmp['distance'] = distance_to_this.values df_tmp.sort_values(by='distance',inplace=True) neighbors_metric = df_tmp.iloc[:,0][:n_neighbors].values mean_ = neighbors_metric.mean() std_ = neighbors_metric.std() if scale: if std_ == 0: col.append(0) else: col.append((this_metric-mean_)/std_) else: col.append(this_metric-mean_) df['normalized'] = col return df def regress_size(df_inspect,regressor='background_zscore',n_neighbors=10,to_dict=False): # df_inspect, index is cluster name, col1 is metric, col2 is size if regressor == 'background_zscore': df_now = background_normalizer(df_inspect,n_neighbors,True) residual = df_now['normalized'].values df_inspect[0] = residual normalized_metric_series = df_inspect[0] elif regressor == 'background_mean': df_now = background_normalizer(df_inspect,n_neighbors,False) residual = df_now['normalized'].values df_inspect[0] = residual normalized_metric_series = df_inspect[0] elif regressor == 'GLM': endog = df_inspect[0] # metric exog = df_inspect[1] # size import statsmodels.api as sm exog = sm.add_constant(exog,prepend=True) model = sm.GLM(endog,exog,family=sm.families.Gaussian()) res = residual = res.resid_response normalized_metric_series = residual elif regressor == 'Huber': endog = df_inspect[0] # metric exog = df_inspect[1] # size from sklearn.linear_model import HuberRegressor model = HuberRegressor().fit(exog.values.reshape(-1,1),endog.values) prediction = model.predict(exog.values.reshape(-1,1)) residual = endog.values - prediction # outliers = model.outliers_ df_inspect[0] = residual normalized_metric_series = df_inspect[0] elif regressor == 'RANSAC': endog = df_inspect[0] # metric exog = df_inspect[1] # size from sklearn.linear_model import RANSACRegressor model = RANSACRegressor().fit(exog.values.reshape(-1,1),endog.values) prediction = model.predict(exog.values.reshape(-1,1)) residual = endog.values - prediction #outliers = np.logical_not(model.inlier_mask_) df_inspect[0] = residual normalized_metric_series = df_inspect[0] elif regressor == 'TheilSen': endog = df_inspect[0] # metric exog = df_inspect[1] # size from sklearn.linear_model import TheilSenRegressor model = TheilSenRegressor().fit(exog.values.reshape(-1,1),endog.values) prediction = model.predict(exog.values.reshape(-1,1)) residual = endog.values - prediction df_inspect[0] = residual normalized_metric_series = df_inspect[0] if to_dict: normalized_metric_dict = normalized_metric_series.to_dict() final = normalized_metric_dict else: final = normalized_metric_series return final def tf_idf_bare_compute(df,cluster): ''' now the df contains all the gene for and an additional column for cluster ''' # compute its tf_idf tmp1 = df.loc[df['cluster'] == cluster, :].loc[:,df.columns!='cluster'].values # (n_cells,n_genes) tf = np.count_nonzero(tmp1,axis=0) / tmp1.shape[0] # (n_genes,) tf = tf + 1e-5 tmp2 = df.loc[:,df.columns!='cluster'].values df_ = np.count_nonzero(tmp2,axis=0) / tmp2.shape[0] # (n_genes,) df_ = df_ + 1e-5 idf = -np.log10(df_) tf_idf_ori = tf * idf # (n_genes,) return tf_idf_ori def single_size_query(obs,c): # c would be {gs:ERP4} key = list(c.keys())[0] cluster = list(c.values())[0] size = obs.loc[obs[key]==cluster,:].shape[0] return size def get_size_in_metrics(obs,key): key_size_dict = {} # {ERP1:54,ERP2:100....} for cluster in obs[key].unique(): size = single_size_query(obs,{key:cluster}) key_size_dict[cluster] = size return key_size_dict def tf_idf10_for_cluster(adata,key,species,criterion,regress_size=False): df = pd.DataFrame(data=adata.X, index=adata.obs_names, columns=adata.var_names) df['cluster'] = adata.obs[key].astype('str').values cluster_to_tfidf10 = {} # store tfidf10 score cluster_to_exclusive = {} # store exclusivly expressed genes for item in adata.obs[key].cat.categories: a = tf_idf_bare_compute(df,item) a_names = adata.var_names test = pd.Series(data=a, index=a_names) test.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True) # remove artifact genes artifact = read_artifact_genes(species,criterion) artifact_genes = set(artifact.index.to_list()) test_pure = test.loc[~test.index.isin(artifact_genes)] result10 = test_pure.iloc[9] cluster_to_tfidf10[item] = result10 cluster_to_exclusive[item] = test_pure.to_dict() exclusive_genes = pd.Series(cluster_to_exclusive,name='genes') # whether to regress out the clutser size effect or not if regress_size: key_metric_dict = cluster_to_tfidf10 key_size_dict = get_size_in_metrics(adata.obs,key) df_inspect = pd.concat([pd.Series(key_metric_dict),pd.Series(key_size_dict)],axis=1) # index is cluster, col1 is metric, col2 is size cluster_to_tfidf10 = regress_size(df_inspect,regressor='GLM',to_dict=True) return cluster_to_tfidf10, exclusive_genes def tf_idf5_for_cluster(adata,key,species,criterion,regress_size=False): df = pd.DataFrame(data=adata.X, index=adata.obs_names, columns=adata.var_names) df['cluster'] = adata.obs[key].astype('str').values cluster_to_tfidf5 = {} # store tfidf1 score for item in adata.obs[key].cat.categories: a = tf_idf_bare_compute(df,item) a_names = adata.var_names test = pd.Series(data=a, index=a_names) test.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True) # remove artifact genes artifact = read_artifact_genes(species,criterion) artifact_genes = set(artifact.index.to_list()) test_pure = test.loc[~test.index.isin(artifact_genes)] result5 = test_pure.iloc[4] cluster_to_tfidf5[item] = result5 # whether to regress out the clutser size effect or not if regress_size: key_metric_dict = cluster_to_tfidf5 key_size_dict = get_size_in_metrics(adata.obs,key) df_inspect = pd.concat([pd.Series(key_metric_dict),
import gc import numpy as np import pandas as pd from itertools import chain from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA import sklearn.linear_model import sklearn.naive_bayes import sklearn.ensemble import sklearn.gaussian_process from sklearn import metrics from ..utils import map_fn from ..config import cfg from .base_model import BaseModel def init_clf(clf_name, params): model = params['models'][clf_name] clf = eval(f'{model}()') hparams = params[clf_name]['hparams'] if hparams is not None: clf.set_params(**hparams) return clf def cv_worker_fn(args_in): '''Worker function for CV train & eval: 1) fit a classifier to X_train/y_train 2) predict for X_val 3) return binary classification metrics (eval mode only) ''' clf_name = args_in['clf_name'] X_train = args_in['X_train'] y_train = args_in['y_train'] X_val = args_in['X_val'] y_val = args_in['y_val'] model = args_in['params']['models'][clf_name] clf = init_clf(clf_name, args_in['params']) if args_in['mode'] == 'eval' and args_in['cv_params'] is not None: clf.set_params(**args_in['cv_params']), y_train) predict = clf.predict(X_val) if args_in['predict_proba']: predict_proba = clf.predict_proba(X_val) if args_in['mode'] == 'eval': columns_list = ['fold_no', *args_in['cv_params'].keys(), 'auc', 'acc'] acc = metrics.accuracy_score(y_val, predict) if args_in['predict_proba']: auc = metrics.roc_auc_score(y_val, predict_proba[:, 1]) else: auc = np.nan results_row = [args_in['fold'], *[str(i) for i in args_in['cv_params'].values()], auc, acc] round_results = pd.DataFrame([results_row], columns=columns_list) gc.collect() return round_results elif args_in['mode'] == 'outputs': outputs_df = pd.DataFrame(predict, columns=[args_in['clf_name'] + '_predict'], index=X_val.index) if args_in['predict_proba']: pred_ser = pd.Series(predict_proba[:, 1], index=X_val.index) pred_ser = pred_ser.rename(args_in['clf_name'] + '_predict_proba') outputs_df = pd.concat([outputs_df, pred_ser], axis=1) if args_in['decision_func']: dec_func = clf.decision_function(X_val) dec_ser = pd.Series(dec_func, index=X_val.index) dec_ser = dec_ser.rename(args_in['clf_name'] + '_dec_func') outputs_df =
pd.concat([outputs_df, dec_ser], axis=1)
from selenium import webdriver import datetime as dt import pandas as pd import os import time as time import platform import getpass class Focus(object): """ Classe para puxar os dados do PIB total e IPCA do focus. """ indicator_dict = {'ipca': '5', 'pib': '9'} metric_dict = {'mean': '2', 'median': '3', 'std': '4', 'vc': '5', 'max': '6', 'min': '7'} freq_dict = {'monthly': '2', 'quarterly': '2', 'yearly': '3'} def __init__(self, driver_path): """ Parameters ---------- driver_path: path of the chromedriver executable """ self.driver_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() self.driver_path = driver_path def scrape(self, indicator, initial_date, end_date, metric='median', frequency='yearly'): """ Parameters ---------- indicator: str with the indicator. Possible values are Focus.indicator_dict initial_date: must be understandable by pandas.to_datetime end_date: must be understandable by pandas.to_datetime metric: str with the statistical metric. Possible values are Focus.metric_dict frequency: str with the frequency of the forecast. Possible values are Focus.frequncy_dict Returns ------- pandas DataFrame with the timeseries of each forecast horizon available. """ # assert that the chosen parameters exists assert indicator in self.indicator_dict.keys(), f"the indicator {indicator} is not available" assert metric in self.metric_dict.keys(), f"the metric {metric} is not available" assert frequency in self.freq_dict.keys(), f"the frequency {frequency} is not available" # ckeck if the indicator and frequency match if (indicator == 'pib' and metric == 'monthly') or (indicator == 'ipca' and metric == 'quarterly'): raise ValueError('Periodicity selected is not available for the indicator chosen.') # open the browser browser = webdriver.Chrome(self.driver_path, chrome_options=self.driver_options) # navigating to the page browser.get("") # select the indicator - chooses PIB or IPCA xpath = f'//*[@id="indicador"]/option[{self.indicator_dict[indicator]}]' browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath).click() # select the price index or the gdp group if indicator == 'pib': xpath = '//*[@id="grupoPib:opcoes_3"]' # total gdp browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath).click() else: xpath = r'//*[@id="grupoIndicePreco:opcoes_5"]' # IPCA browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath).click() # select the metric xpath = f'//*[@id="calculo"]/option[{self.metric_dict[metric]}]' browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath).click() # select the periodicity xpath = f'//*[@id="periodicidade"]/option[{self.freq_dict[frequency]}]' browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath).click() # dates in datetime format initial_date = pd.to_datetime(initial_date) end_date = pd.to_datetime(end_date) # generate the date_ranges in 18-month intervals (approximatly) dates = pd.date_range(initial_date, end_date, freq='18m') dates = list(dates) if len(dates) == 1: dates.append(end_date) dates[0] = initial_date # loops on all date pairs list_df = [] for init_d, end_d in zip(dates[:-1], dates[1:]): # fill the dates xpath = r'//*[@id="tfDataInicial1"]' browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath).send_keys(init_d.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')) xpath = r'//*[@id="tfDataFinal2"]' browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath).send_keys(end_d.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')) # fill starting prediction scope (always chooses the first element of the dropdown menu) if frequency == 'monthly': xpath_m = r'//*[@id="mesReferenciaInicial"]/option[text()="janeiro"]' xpath = r'//*[@id="form4"]/div[2]/table/tbody[3]/tr/td[2]/select[2]/option[text()="1999"]' browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath_m).click() browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath).click() elif frequency == 'quarterly': xpath_m = r'//*[@id="form4"]/div[2]/table/tbody[3]/tr/td[2]/select[1]/option[text()="janeiro a março"]' xpath = r'//*[@id="form4"]/div[2]/table/tbody[3]/tr/td[2]/select[2]/option[text()="1999"]' browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath_m).click() browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath).click() elif frequency == 'yearly': xpath = r'//*[@id="form4"]/div[2]/table/tbody[3]/tr/td[2]/select/option[text()="1999"]' browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath).click() else: raise ValueError('Frequency selection is not treated by code.') # fill ending prediction scope (always chooses the last element of the dropdown menu) if frequency == 'monthly': xpath_m = r'//*[@id="mesReferenciaFinal"]/option[text()="dezembro"]' xpath = r'//*[@id="form4"]/div[2]/table/tbody[3]/tr/td[4]/select[2]' browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath_m).click() elif frequency == 'quarterly': xpath_m = r'//*[@id="form4"]/div[2]/table/tbody[3]/tr/td[4]/select[1]/option[text()="outubro a dezembro"]' xpath = r'//*[@id="form4"]/div[2]/table/tbody[3]/tr/td[4]/select[2]' browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath_m).click() elif frequency == 'yearly': xpath = r'//*[@id="form4"]/div[2]/table/tbody[3]/tr/td[4]/select' else: raise ValueError('Frequency selection is not treated by code.') # Pick final option in list (whatever year that is) sel = browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath) options = sel.find_elements_by_tag_name('option') options[len(options) - 1].click() # click the download button xpath = r'//*[@id="btnXLSa"]' browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath).click() # saves the time the file was downloaded download_save_time = # give some time for the download to finish time.sleep(6) # get the default download directory based on the operating system if platform.system() == 'Windows': username = os.getlogin() download_path = f'C:/Users/{username}/Downloads' elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': # MacOS username = getpass.getuser() download_path = f'/Users/{username}/Downloads' else: raise SystemError('This code can only run on Windows or MacOS') # reads the downloaded file file_path = None for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(download_path): for f in filenames: if 'Séries de estatísticas' in f: file_save_time = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(dirpath, f)) file_save_time = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(file_save_time) if file_save_time > download_save_time: file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, f) # read the file and clean the dataframe df =
pd.read_excel(file_path, skiprows=1, na_values=[' '])
""" Receipts endpoint wrapper class Possible requests: * get_by_query: get receipts that respect passed in query parameters * get_by_id: get receipt with a given ID * get_by_date: get receipts for a given date * get_by_dates: get receipts between two dates """ import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, timezone from loyverse.api import Api from loyverse.utils.dates import utc_isoformat, day_start, day_end from loyverse.endpoints.fields import receipt as fields class Receipts: def __init__(self, api: Api): self._api = api self._path = 'receipts' def get_by_query(self, receipt_numbers: list = None, since_receipt_number: str = None, before_receipt_number: str = None, store_id: str = None, order: str = None, source: str = None, updated_at_min: datetime = None, updated_at_max: datetime = None, created_at_min: datetime = None, created_at_max: datetime = None, limit: int = 250, cursor: str = None) -> dict: """ Retrieves receipts that respect the specific query criteria passed in. A detailed description of the query parameters is available `here <>`_. Args: receipt_numbers (list): filter receipts by receipt numbers since_receipt_number (str): return only receipts after this receipt number before_receipt_number (str): return only receipts before this receipt number store_id (str): filter receipts by store id order (str): filter receipts by order source (str): filter receipts by source (e.g. My app) updated_at_min (datetime): filter receipts updated after this date (includes timezone info) updated_at_max (datetime): filter receipts updated before this date (includes timezone info) created_at_min (datetime): filter receipts created after this date (includes timezone info) created_at_max (datetime): filter receipts created before this date (includes timezone info) limit (int): maximum number of receipts to return per request (1 to 250) cursor (str): token to get continuation of return list for requests exceeding limits Returns: response (dict): formatted receipts information (JSON) """ params = dict() if receipt_numbers is not None: params['receipt_numbers'] = ','.join(receipt_numbers) if since_receipt_number is not None: params['since_receipt_number'] = since_receipt_number if before_receipt_number is not None: params['before_receipt_number'] = before_receipt_number if store_id is not None: params['store_id'] = store_id if order is not None: params['order'] = order if source is not None: params['source'] = source if updated_at_min is not None: params['updated_at_min'] = utc_isoformat(updated_at_min) if updated_at_max is not None: params['updated_at_max'] = utc_isoformat(updated_at_max) if created_at_min is not None: params['created_at_min'] = utc_isoformat(created_at_min) if created_at_max is not None: params['created_at_max'] = utc_isoformat(created_at_max) if limit is not None: params['limit'] = limit if cursor is not None: params['cursor'] = cursor response = self._api.request('GET', self._path, params=params) return response def get_by_id(self, receipt_id: str) -> dict: """ Retrieves the receipts information for a specific receipt ID Args: receipt_id (str): string uniquely identifying the receipt to be retrieved Returns: response (dict): formatted receipt information (JSON) """ return self._api.request('GET', f'{self._path}/{receipt_id}') def get_by_date(self, date: datetime) -> dict: """ Retrieve receipts information for a specific day Args: date (datetime): datetime object representing day in question (including time zone info) Returns: response (dict): formatted receipts information (JSON) """ data = self.get_by_query(created_at_min=day_start(date), created_at_max=day_end(date), ) return data def get_by_dates(self, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime = None) -> dict: """ Retrieves receipts information for a specific date interval. Args: start_date (datetime): start date, including time-zone info end_date (datetime): end date, including time-zone info (if not provided, defaults to UTC now) Returns: response (dict): formatted receipts information (JSON) """ if end_date is None: end_date = data = self.get_by_query(created_at_min=day_start(start_date), created_at_max=day_end(end_date), ) return data @staticmethod def _receipt_to_dataframes(receipt: dict): """ Formats one receipts object into three dataframes, containing receipts and items information. Args: receipt (dict): a receipt object Returns: receipt_df (pandas.Dataframe): receipt level information items_df (pandas.Dataframe): receipt items information payments_df (pandas.Dataframe): receipt payments information """ if 'receipts' in receipt: raise ValueError('Invalid receipt object passed in, should not contain - receipts - field') id_key = 'receipt_number' receipt_df =
pd.DataFrame({key: receipt[key] for key in fields.receipt}, index=[0])
""" This file contains various generic utility methods that do not fall within data or input-output methods. """ import math import numpy as np from datetime import datetime from typing import Dict, Tuple from collections import defaultdict import pandas as pd def timestamp() -> str: return datetime.strftime(, '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') def show_cross_val_results(cross_val_results: Dict[str, Tuple[float, float, float]]): """ Iterates over the dictionary of cross-validation results and generates a good-looking dataframe of median - [CI lower, CI upper] for each metric and set. Parameters ---------- cross_val_results: Dict[str, Tuple[float, float, float]] Dictionary of results from cross-validation procedure. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A dataframe showing cross-validation results with median - [CI lower, CI upper] for each metric and set. """ results = defaultdict(list) metric_names = [] for key, (med, lower_ci, upper_ci) in cross_val_results.items(): set_name, metric_name = key.split("_") metric_names.append(metric_name) results[set_name].append(f"{med} - [{lower_ci}-{upper_ci}]") print(metric_names) output =
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import datetime as dt def make_column_index(df:pd.DataFrame, column_label:str) -> None: df.index = df[column_label] df.drop(column_label, axis=1, inplace=True) = None def rename_column(df:pd.DataFrame, column_label:str, new_name:str) -> None: df.rename(columns={column_label: new_name}, inplace=True) def remove_outliers(df:pd.DataFrame, column_label:str) -> str: raw_data = df[column_label] mean = np.mean(raw_data) std_dev = np.std(raw_data) outliers_cutoff = std_dev * 3 lower_limit = mean - outliers_cutoff upper_limit = mean + outliers_cutoff no_outliers = raw_data.apply(lambda x: mean if x > upper_limit or x < lower_limit else x) outlier_column = f'{column_label} (-outliers)' df[outlier_column] = no_outliers return outlier_column def unstack_data(df:pd.DataFrame, metric_column:str, unstack_column:str) -> pd.DataFrame: pivoted = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['date'], values=[metric_column], columns=[unstack_column], aggfunc=[np.sum]) pivoted.columns = pivoted.columns.droplevel(0) = None pivoted = pivoted.reset_index() pivoted.columns = [col[1] for col in pivoted.columns] metric_columns = list(pivoted.columns[1:]) metric_columns = [f"{c} | {metric_column}" for c in metric_columns] pivoted.columns = ["date"] + metric_columns pivoted.fillna(0, inplace=True) return pivoted def transpose_data(df:pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: date_col = df.columns[0] df = df.T df.columns = df.iloc[0] df.drop(df.index[0], inplace=True) df.reset_index(inplace=True) df.rename(columns={"index": date_col}, inplace=True) df = df.rename_axis(None, axis = 1) return df def interpolate_weekly_data(df, date_col=None, resample_col=None): df = df.copy() if date_col == None: date_col = df.columns[0] if resample_col == None: resample_col = df.columns[1] df[date_col] = df[date_col].apply(lambda x: dt.datetime.strptime(f"{x}-1", "%Y-%W-%w")) # mondays df[date_col] = pd.to_datetime(df[date_col]) # datetime df.set_index(date_col, inplace=True) df_reindexed = df.reindex(pd.date_range(start=df.index.min(), end=df.index.max() + dt.timedelta(days=6), freq='1D')) col_to_resample = df_reindexed.columns[0] df_reindexed[col_to_resample] = df_reindexed[col_to_resample].fillna(0) df_reindexed[col_to_resample] = df_reindexed[col_to_resample].astype(str) df_reindexed[col_to_resample] = df_reindexed[col_to_resample].apply(lambda x: x.replace(',','')) df_reindexed[col_to_resample] = df_reindexed[col_to_resample].apply(lambda x: x.replace('$','')) df_reindexed[col_to_resample] = df_reindexed[col_to_resample].apply(lambda x: x.replace('£','')) df_reindexed[col_to_resample] = df_reindexed[col_to_resample].apply(lambda x: x.replace('€','')) df_reindexed[col_to_resample] = pd.to_numeric(df_reindexed[col_to_resample]) df_reindexed[col_to_resample].replace({0:np.nan}, inplace=True) df = df_reindexed.interpolate(method='linear') df = df / 7 df.reset_index(inplace=True) df.rename({'index': 'date'}, axis=1, inplace=True) return df def interpolate_monthly_data(df, date_col=None, resample_col=None): df = df.copy() if date_col == None: date_col = df.columns[0] if resample_col == None: resample_col = df.columns[1] df[date_col] = pd.to_datetime(df[date_col], format="%Y-%m") df['start_of_month'] = (df[date_col].dt.floor('d') + pd.offsets.MonthEnd(0) - pd.offsets.MonthBegin(1)) df['end_of_month'] = pd.to_datetime(df['start_of_month']) + pd.offsets.MonthEnd(1) df['days_in_month'] = (df['end_of_month'] - df['start_of_month']).dt.days + 1 df[resample_col] = df[resample_col] / df['days_in_month'] reindexed = df.set_index("start_of_month") reindexed = reindexed.reindex(pd.date_range(start=reindexed.index.min(), end=reindexed.end_of_month.max(), freq='1D')) resampled = reindexed[resample_col] resampled.replace({0:np.nan}, inplace=True) resampled = resampled.interpolate(method='linear') resampled = resampled.reset_index() resampled.rename({'index': 'date'}, axis=1, inplace=True) resampled.fillna(0, inplace=True) return resampled def group_weekly(df, date_col:str) -> pd.DataFrame: weekly = df.copy() weekly['week'] = weekly[date_col].dt.isocalendar().week weekly['year'] = weekly[date_col].dt.isocalendar().year weekly['year_week'] = weekly['year'].astype(str) + "-" + weekly['week'].astype(str) weekly = weekly.groupby('year_week').sum() weekly.drop(['week', 'year'], axis=1, inplace=True) weekly.reset_index(inplace=True) return weekly def group_monthly(df, date_col:str) -> pd.DataFrame: monthly = df.copy() monthly['month'] = monthly[date_col].dt.month monthly['year'] = monthly[date_col].dt.isocalendar().year monthly['year_month'] = monthly['year'].astype(str) + "-" + monthly['month'].astype(str) monthly = monthly.groupby('year_month').sum() monthly.drop(['month', 'year'], axis=1, inplace=True) monthly.reset_index(inplace=True) return monthly def handle_search_trends_data(df:pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: # delete any '<' signs for low volume days for c in df.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns[1:]: df[c] = df[c].str.replace('<', '') df[c] = pd.to_numeric(df[c]) date_col = df.columns[0] df[date_col] = pd.to_datetime(df[date_col]) df.set_index(date_col, inplace=True) df_reindexed = df.reindex(pd.date_range(start=df.index.min(), end=df.index.max() + dt.timedelta(days=6), freq='1D')) df = df_reindexed.interpolate(method='linear') df = df.round(1) df.reset_index(inplace=True) df.rename({'index': 'date'}, axis=1, inplace=True) return df def handle_covid_data(data:pd.DataFrame, sub_region_1:str=None) -> pd.DataFrame: if sub_region_1 is None: df = data[data['sub_region_1'].isnull()] else: df = data[data['sub_region_1'] == sub_region_1] df = df[df['sub_region_2'].isnull()] df.reset_index(inplace=True) return df[df.columns[9:]] def handle_weather_data(df:pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: year = df['YEAR'].astype(str) month = df['MO'].astype(str) day = df['DY'].astype(str) month = month.apply(lambda x: '0'+x if len(x) == 1 else x) day = day.apply(lambda x: '0'+x if len(x) == 1 else x) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(year + "-" + month + "-" + day) df = df[['date', 'T2M_RANGE', 'T2M_MAX', 'T2M_MIN', 'T2M']] return df def create_holiday_dummies(df:pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: dr = pd.date_range(start=df['date'].min(), end=df['date'].max()) date_df = pd.DataFrame({'date': dr}) for _, row in df.iterrows(): date_df[row[1]] = (date_df['date'] == row[0]) date_df.iloc[:, 1:] = date_df.iloc[:, 1:].astype(int) return date_df def create_date_range_dummies(df:pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: dr = pd.date_range(start=df['start'].min(), end=df['end'].max()) date_df = pd.DataFrame({'date': dr}) for _, row in df.iterrows(): date_df[row[2]] = (date_df['date'] >= row[0]) & (date_df['date'] <= row[1]) date_df.iloc[:, 1:] = date_df.iloc[:, 1:].astype(int) return date_df def add_start_of_month(df:pd.DataFrame, date_col:str) -> pd.DataFrame: df['start_of_month'] = (df[date_col].dt.floor('d') + pd.offsets.MonthEnd(0) -
# Copyright 2019 Nokia # Licensed under the BSD 3 Clause Clear license # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause-Clear import pandas as pd import numpy as np from datetime import datetime import math # increments = 0 # search_range = 0 # P7_NUM = 0 # current_date = 0 # qq_plot_start = 5 # qq_plot_end = 100 # qq_plot_increment = 5 # qq_plot_limit = 0.3 def run_edpm(feature_data, defect_data, P7, inc, date, srange, qq_start, qq_end, qq_increment, qq_limit): global P7_NUM, increments, current_date, search_range, qq_plot_start, qq_plot_end, qq_plot_increment, qq_plot_limit #feature_data.to_csv("feature_data.csv") #defect_data.to_csv("defect_data.csv") P7_NUM = P7 increments = inc current_date = date search_range = srange qq_plot_start = qq_start qq_plot_end = qq_end qq_plot_increment = qq_increment qq_plot_limit = qq_limit # print('P7_NUM =', P7, # 'increments =', inc, # 'current_date =', date, # 'search_range =' ,srange) defects_start_date = defect_data['Date_Ending'].values[0] features_start_date = feature_data['Month_Ending'].values[0] defects_end_date = defect_data['Date_Ending'].values[-1] features_end_date = feature_data['Month_Ending'].values[-1] defect_data['X'] = 1+(defect_data['Date_Ending'] - defects_start_date).dt.days.astype(int) feature_data['X'] = 1+(feature_data['Month_Ending'] - features_start_date).dt.days.astype(int) feature_data.reset_index(inplace=True) feature_new_days = list(range(feature_data['X'].values[0], feature_data['X'].values[-1], increments)) defect_new_days = list(range(defect_data['X'].values[0], defect_data['X'].values[-1], increments)) gap = int(((defects_start_date - features_start_date).astype('timedelta64[D]').astype(int))/increments) #print(feature_data) #print(defect_data) #exit() feature_new_data = perform_interpolation(feature_new_days, feature_data['X'].values, feature_data['Sub-feature_Arrival'].values) defect_new_data = perform_interpolation(defect_new_days, defect_data['X'].values, defect_data['Created'].values) resolved_new_data = perform_interpolation(defect_new_days, defect_data['X'].values, defect_data['Resolved'].values) #print(feature_new_days) #print(final_index) #print("XXXXXXX") #exit() final_data = get_data(feature_new_days, defect_new_days, feature_new_data, defect_new_data, resolved_new_data) final_data['WEEK'] = final_data.index.values + 1 #print(final_data) #final_data.to_csv("data_new.csv") #print("m: ", gap) #print("p7: ", P7_NUM) #print("increments: ", increments) a, b, c = create_qq_plot(final_data['FEATURES'].values, final_data['ARRIVALS'].values) final_data['WEEK_(X_NEW)'] = a + b * final_data['WEEK'] final_data['ARRIVALS_(Y_NEW)'] = c * final_data['FEATURES'] ssq = get_ssq(final_data['ARRIVALS'].values, final_data['WEEK_(X_NEW)'].values, final_data['ARRIVALS_(Y_NEW)'].values) #print("SSQ:", ssq) #print(final_data) #exit() N_p = current_date/(P7_NUM) F_p = int(N_p*len(final_data['FEATURES'].dropna().values)) start_week = max(0, (F_p - search_range)) end_week = min((F_p + search_range), (len(final_data['FEATURES'].dropna().values))) evaluation = [] for index in range(start_week, end_week): feature_data = final_data['FEATURES'].values[:index] arrivals = final_data['ARRIVALS'].values week_data = np.asarray([i+1 for i in range(len(feature_data))]) #print(week_data) a, b, c = create_qq_plot(feature_data, arrivals) x_new = a + b * week_data y_new = c * feature_data #print("x_new: ", len(x_new)) #print("y_new: ", len(y_new)) #print("week_data: ", len(week_data)) #print("arrivals: ", len(arrivals)) #exit() ssq = get_ssq(arrivals, x_new, y_new) evaluation.append([index, a, b, c, ssq]) df = pd.DataFrame(evaluation, columns=['index', 'intercept', 'slope', 'ratio', 'ssq']) #df.to_csv('SSQ_CHECK.csv') best_index = df.loc[df['ssq'].idxmin()] best_index['gap'] = gap best_index = best_index.round(2) result = best_index.to_dict() result['defects_start_date'] = pd.Timestamp(defects_start_date) result['features_start_date'] = pd.Timestamp(features_start_date) #best_index['defects_start_date'] = defects_start_date #best_index['features_start_date'] = features_start_date #print(final_data) #print(current_date) #time_from_P7 = P7_NUM - current_date #print(time_from_P7) #print(final_data['FEATURES'].values) feature_data = final_data['FEATURES'].dropna().values[int(best_index['index']):] #predict_range = np.asarray([i+1 for i in range(current_date, P7_NUM)]) #print(len(feature_data)) #print(len(predict_range)) #exit() #print(final_data) #print(best_index) #x_new = best_index['intercept'] + best_index['slope'] * predict_range #print(x_new) #exit() #required_range = [i for i in predict_range if i > np.min(x_new) and i < np.max(x_new)] #print(required_range) y_new = best_index['ratio'] * feature_data x_new = [current_date+i for i in range(len(y_new))] #print(current_date) #print(feature_data) #print(y_new) #y_new = perform_interpolation(required_range, x_new, y_new) #x_new = required_range df = pd.DataFrame({'y_new': y_new, 'x_new': x_new}) #print(df) #exit() final_data = final_data.merge(df, left_on='WEEK', right_on='x_new', how='outer') #print(final_data) #print(result) #final_data.to_csv("FINAl_DATA.csv") #print(len(final_data)) #print(len(pd.date_range(start=defects_start_date, periods=len(df), freq=str(increments)+'D'))) final_data['defect_dates'] = pd.date_range(start=defects_start_date, periods=len(final_data), freq=str(increments)+'D') final_data['feature_dates'] = pd.date_range(start=features_start_date, periods=len(final_data), freq=str(increments)+'D') result['dates'] = list(final_data['defect_dates'].append(final_data['feature_dates']).sort_values().drop_duplicates().astype(str).values) final_data['defect_dates'] = final_data['defect_dates'].astype(str) final_data['feature_dates'] = final_data['feature_dates'].astype(str) #print(final_data) #exit() #exit() #result['dates'] = list(set(list(final_data['defect_dates']) + list(final_data['feature_dates']))) result['predictions'] = final_data[['defect_dates', 'y_new']].rename(columns={'defect_dates': 'date', 'y_new':'value'}).dropna().to_dict(orient='records') result['features'] = final_data[['feature_dates', 'FEATURES']].rename(columns={'feature_dates': 'date', 'FEATURES':'value'}).dropna().to_dict(orient='records') result['actual'] = final_data[['defect_dates', 'ARRIVALS']].rename(columns={'defect_dates': 'date', 'ARRIVALS':'value'}).dropna().to_dict(orient='records') #print(features) #exit() #print(final_data) #print(best_index) #print(defects_start_date) #print(features_start_date) #exit() #p7_week = P7_NUM #P7_Prediction = perform_interpolation([p7_week], x_new, y_new)[0] #print(P7_Prediction) return result #print(final_data) #final_data.to_csv("FINAl_DATA.csv") def get_ssq(arrivals, x_new, y_new): df1 = pd.DataFrame({'WEEK':[i+1 for i in range(len(arrivals))], 'ARRIVALS':arrivals}) min_week = int(math.ceil(np.min(x_new))) max_week = int(math.floor(np.max(x_new))) week_range = [i for i in range(min_week, max_week+1)] #x_new = x_new[:len()] #print("k: ", len(week_range)) #print(week_range) #print(x_new) #print("l: ", len(x_new)) #print("m: ", len(y_new)) new_values = perform_interpolation(week_range, x_new, y_new, roundoff=False) #print(new_values) #print(len(new_values)) df2 = pd.DataFrame({'D2':week_range, 'ARRIVALS_(Y_NEW)':new_values}) df = df1.merge(df2, how='outer', left_on='WEEK', right_on='D2') df['ERROR'] = (df['ARRIVALS'] - df['ARRIVALS_(Y_NEW)'])**2 p = df.count()['ERROR'] #print("p: ", p) ssq = round(math.sqrt(df['ERROR'].sum()/(p-2)), 3) del df['D2'] return ssq # def determine_ssq(final_data): # #final_data['ARRIVALS_NEW'] = c * final_data['ARRIVALS'] # #print(len()) # min_week = int(math.ceil(final_data['WEEK_(X_NEW)'].min())) # max_week = final_data['WEEK'].max() # week_range = [i for i in range(min_week, max_week+1)] # #print(max_week, min_week, len(week_range), week_range) # row_data = [] # if len(week_range) < len(final_data): # diff = len(final_data) - len(week_range) # row_data = [None for i in range(diff)] # row_data += perform_interpolation(week_range, final_data['WEEK_(X_NEW)'].values, final_data['ARRIVALS_(Y_NEW)'].values, roundoff=False) # #print(row_data) # if len(row_data) < len(final_data): # diff = len(final_data) - len(row_data) # nones = [None for i in range(diff)] # row_data += nones # #print(len(row_data)) # #print(len(final_data)) # #exit() # final_data['SHIFTED_Y'] = row_data # final_data['(Y_ACT-Y_PRED)^2'] = final_data['ARRIVALS'] - final_data['SHIFTED_Y'] # final_data['(Y_ACT-Y_PRED)^2'] = final_data['(Y_ACT-Y_PRED)^2']**2 # p = final_data.count()['(Y_ACT-Y_PRED)^2'] # print("p: ", p) # ssq = round(math.sqrt(final_data['(Y_ACT-Y_PRED)^2'].sum()/(p-2)), 3) # #print(final_data) # #print("SSQ: ", ssq) # return ssq, final_data def create_qq_plot(feature_data, arrival_data): # qq_plot_start = 5 # qq_plot_end = 100 # qq_plot_increment = 5 # qq_plot_limit = 0.3 max_feature = np.nanmax(feature_data) max_defect = np.nanmax(arrival_data) FEATURES_CDF = (feature_data/max_feature).round(5) ARRIVALS_CDF = (arrival_data/max_defect).round(5) w = [(i/100) for i in range(qq_plot_start,qq_plot_end,qq_plot_increment) if ((i/100) > np.nanmin(FEATURES_CDF)) and ((i/100) > np.nanmin(ARRIVALS_CDF))] #print("w: ", w) #prinr("W: ", w) #print("CDF: ", FEATURES_CDF) Q_features = perform_interpolation(w, FEATURES_CDF, [i+1 for i in range(len(feature_data))], roundoff=False) Q_arrivals = perform_interpolation(w, ARRIVALS_CDF, [i+1 for i in range(len(arrival_data))], roundoff=False) #print(Q_arrivals) #print(Q_features) #exit() arrivals_95pct = perform_interpolation([0.95], ARRIVALS_CDF, arrival_data, roundoff=False)[0] features_95pct = perform_interpolation([0.95], FEATURES_CDF, feature_data, roundoff=False)[0] c = arrivals_95pct/features_95pct #ratio QQ = pd.DataFrame([[i] for i in w], columns=['p']) #print(QQ) #print(Q_features) QQ['x'] = Q_features QQ['y'] = Q_arrivals QQ['xx'] = QQ['x']*QQ['x'] QQ['xy'] = QQ['x']*QQ['y'] #print(QQ) #print(QQ) QQ = QQ[QQ['p'] >= qq_plot_limit] #print(QQ) n = len(QQ) a = (QQ['y'].sum()*QQ['xx'].sum() - QQ['x'].sum()*QQ['xy'].sum())/(n*QQ['xx'].sum()-QQ['x'].sum()*QQ['x'].sum()) #intercept b = (n*(QQ['xy'].sum()) - QQ['x'].sum()*QQ['y'].sum())/(n*QQ['xx'].sum() - QQ['x'].sum()*QQ['x'].sum()) #slope #print("n: ", n) #print(("a: %f, b: %f, c: %f") %(a, b, c)) return a, b, c def read_data(): feature_data = pd.read_csv(directory+'feature_data.csv') defect_data = pd.read_csv(directory+'defect_data.csv') feature_data['Month_Ending'] =
pd.to_datetime(feature_data['Month_Ending'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
# Written by: <NAME>, @dataoutsider # Viz: "Party Lines", enjoy! import pandas as pd import os import math df = pd.read_csv(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/1976-2016-president.csv', engine='python') # test with , nrows=20 df['term'] = df['year'] df2016 = df.loc[df['year'] == 2016] df2016 = df2016.groupby('state').agg({'totalvotes':'max'}).reset_index() df2016['2016_votes'] = df2016['totalvotes'] df2016['2016_rank'] = df2016['totalvotes'].rank(ascending=False) df2016['t_totalvotes'] = df2016['totalvotes']/100000 df2 = pd.read_csv(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/state_test3.csv', engine='python') # test with , nrows=20 #df3 = pd.merge(df2, df, on=['state', 'term'], how='inner') df3 = pd.merge(df2, df2016, on=['state'], how='left') #df3.to_csv(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/state_test_1.csv', encoding='utf-8', index=False) #print(df3) df3['x2'] = 0 data = [] df_group = df3.groupby(['term']) separation = 20.0 xadd = 0.0 istate = 1.0 ix = 0 for name, group in df_group: year = group.sort_values('2016_rank', ascending=True) for index, row in year.iterrows(): if row['2016_rank'] != istate: xadd += ix row['x2'] = row['x'] + xadd + separation * row['2016_rank'] data.append(row) istate = row['2016_rank'] ix = row['t_totalvotes'] istate = 1 ix = 0 xadd = 0 df_state =
pd.DataFrame(data, columns=df3.columns)
from .data import CovidData import datetime as dt from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import geopandas as gpd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot') def pan_duration(date): """Return the duration in days of the pandemic. As calculated from the API. It subtracts the first date entry in the API data from the most recent date entry. Args: date (datetime): DataFrame column (i.e Series) containing date field as downloaded from the API by get_national_data() method from CovidData Class. Returns: datetime: Duration of pandemic in days as datetime object. """ return (date[0] - date[-1]).days def validate_input(df): """Check that input into the plotting functions is of the correct type. Args: df (Pandas DataFrame): this is intended to be the plotting parameter Raises: TypeError: if parameter is not a DataFrame """ # if for_function == 'deaths' or for_function == 'cases': # expected_cols = {'cases_cumulative', 'cases_demographics', # 'cases_newDaily', 'case_rate', 'date', # 'death_Demographics', 'name', 'vac_firstDose', # 'vac_secondDose'} if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError('Parameter must be DataFrame, use get_regional_data' + ' method from CovidData class.') # if set(df.columns) != expected_cols: # raise ValueError('Incorrect features. Expecting output from' # + ' get_regional_data method from CovidData class') def my_path(): """Find correct path at module level for geo_data files. Returns: [type]: [description] """ from pathlib import Path base = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'geo_data' return base def daily_case_plot(df, pan_duration=pan_duration, save=False): """Create a matplotlib plot of case numbers in the UK. Calculated over the duration of the pandemic.Display text information giving the most recent daily number, the highest daily number and the date recorded, the total cumulative number of cases and the duration of the pandemic in days. Args: df (DataFrame): containing covid data retrieved from CovidData class using get_national_data() or get_UK_data() method. pan_duration (function, optional): Defaults to pan_duration. save (bool, optional): set True to save plot. Defaults to False. Returns: - Matplotlib plot, styled using matplotlib template 'ggplot' """ # Create Variables we wish to plot cases = df['case_newCases'].to_list() date = df['date'].to_list() cumulative = df['case_cumulativeCases'].to_list() # Find date of highest number of daily cases high, arg_high = max(cases), cases.index(max(cases)) high_date = date[arg_high].strftime('%d %b %Y') duration = pan_duration(date=date) # Create matplotlib figure and specify size fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))'ggplot') ax = fig.add_subplot() # Plot varibles ax.plot(date, cases) # Style and label plot ax.set_xlabel('Date') ax.set_ylabel('Cases') ax.fill_between(date, cases, alpha=0.3) ax.set_title('Number of people who tested positive for Covid-19 (UK)', fontsize=18) at = AnchoredText(f"Most recent new cases\n{cases[0]:,.0f}\ \nMax new cases\n{high:,.0f}: {high_date}\ \nCumulative cases\n{cumulative[0]:,.0f}\ \nPandemic duration\n{duration} days", prop=dict(size=16), frameon=True, loc='upper left') at.patch.set_boxstyle("round,pad=0.,rounding_size=0.2") ax.add_artist(at) ax.annotate('Source:', xy=(0.25, 0.0175), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=12, color='#555555')'ggplot') if save: plt.savefig(f"{date[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}-case_numbers_plot"); def regional_plot_cases(save=False): """Plot regional case numbers on a map of the UK. Function collects data using CovidData get_regional_data method. Args: save (bool, optional): If true will save plot. Defaults to False. Returns: Plot of regional case numbers on map of UK """ # Collect data regions = CovidData().get_regional_data() scotland = CovidData(nation='scotland').get_national_data() wales = CovidData(nation='wales').get_national_data() ni = CovidData(nation='northern ireland').get_national_data() regions = regions.assign(case_newCases=regions['cases_newDaily']) # Set date to plot date_selector = regions['date'][0] regions_date = regions.loc[regions['date'] == date_selector] scotland_date = \ scotland.loc[scotland['date'] == date_selector, ['date', 'name', 'case_newCases']] wales_date = wales.loc[wales['date'] == date_selector, ['date', 'name', 'case_newCases']] ni_date = ni.loc[ni['date'] == date_selector, ['date', 'name', 'case_newCases']] # Combine regional data into single dataframe final_df = pd.concat([regions_date, scotland_date, wales_date, ni_date], axis=0) file_path = my_path() / 'NUTS_Level_1_(January_2018)_Boundaries.shp' # Check required file exists try: # Read shape file geo_df = gpd.read_file(file_path) except: # bare except is not good practice, this should be changed print('Ensure you have imported geo_data sub-folder') geo_df['nuts118nm'] = \ geo_df['nuts118nm'].replace(['North East (England)', 'North West (England)', 'East Midlands (England)', 'West Midlands (England)', 'South East (England)', 'South West (England)'], ['North East', 'North West', 'East Midlands', 'West Midlands', 'South East', 'South West']) merged = geo_df.merge(final_df, how='left', left_on="nuts118nm", right_on="name") # Column to plot feature = 'case_newCases' # Plot range feature_min, feature_max = merged['case_newCases'].min(), \ merged['case_newCases'].max() # Create plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 10)) # Set style and labels ax.axis('off') ax.set_title(f'Number of new cases per region {date_selector}', fontdict={'fontsize': '18', 'fontweight': '3'}) ax.annotate('Source:' + '', xy=(0.25, .05), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=12, color='#555555') # Create colorbar sm ='Reds', norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=feature_min, vmax=feature_max)) fig.colorbar(sm) # Create map merged.plot(column=feature, cmap='Reds', linewidth=0.8, ax=ax, edgecolor='0.8'); if save: image = merged.plot(column=feature, cmap='Reds', linewidth=0.8, ax=ax, edgecolor='0.8'); image.figure.savefig(f'{date_selector}-regional_cases_plot') def regional_plot_rate(save=False): """Plot regional case rate per 100,000 on a map of the UK. Function collects data using CovidData get_regional_data method. Args: save (bool, optional): If true will save plot. Defaults to False. Returns: Plot of regional case rate on map of UK. """ # Collect data regions = CovidData().get_regional_data() scotland = CovidData(nation='scotland').get_national_data() wales = CovidData(nation='wales').get_national_data() ni = CovidData(nation='northern ireland').get_national_data() # Set date to plot date_selector = regions['date'][5] regions_date = regions.loc[regions['date'] == date_selector] scotland_date = scotland.loc[scotland['date'] == date_selector, ['date', 'name', 'case_rate']] wales_date = wales.loc[wales['date'] == date_selector, ['date', 'name', 'case_rate']] ni_date = ni.loc[ni['date'] == date_selector, ['date', 'name', 'case_rate']] # Combine regional data into single dataframe final_df = pd.concat([regions_date, scotland_date, wales_date, ni_date], axis=0) file_path = my_path() / 'NUTS_Level_1_(January_2018)_Boundaries.shp' # Check required file exists try: # Read shape file geo_df = gpd.read_file(file_path) except: # bare except should be changed, will do so in later interation print('Ensure you have imported geo_data sub-folder') geo_df['nuts118nm'] = \ geo_df['nuts118nm'].replace(['North East (England)', 'North West (England)', 'East Midlands (England)', 'West Midlands (England)', 'South East (England)', 'South West (England)'], ['North East', 'North West', 'East Midlands', 'West Midlands', 'South East', 'South West']) merged = geo_df.merge(final_df, how='left', left_on="nuts118nm", right_on="name") # Column to plot feature = 'case_rate' # Plot range feature_min, feature_max = merged['case_rate'].min(),\ merged['case_rate'].max() # Create plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 10)) # Set style and labels ax.axis('off') ax.set_title('Regional rate per 100,000 (new cases)', fontdict={'fontsize': '20', 'fontweight': '3'}) ax.annotate('Source:' + '', xy=(0.25, .05), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=12, color='#555555') # Create colorbar sm ='Reds', norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=feature_min, vmax=feature_max)) fig.colorbar(sm) # Create map merged.plot(column=feature, cmap='Reds', linewidth=0.8, ax=ax, edgecolor='0.8'); if save: image = merged.plot(column=feature, cmap='Reds', linewidth=0.8, ax=ax, edgecolor='0.8'); image.figure.savefig(f'{date_selector}-regional_rate_plot') def heatmap_cases(df): """Create heatmap of case numbers for duration of pandemic. Args: df (DataFrame): Covid case data retrieved by calling CovidData class method. Returns: Seaborn heatmap plot of case numbers for each day of the pandemic. """ # Variables to plot cases = df['case_newCases'].to_list() date = df['date'].to_list() # Create new DataFrame containing two columns: date and case numbers heat_df = pd.DataFrame({'date': date, 'cases': cases}, index=date) # Separate out date into year month and day heat_df['year'] = heat_df.index.year heat_df["month"] = heat_df.index.month heat_df['day'] = # Use groupby to convert data to wide format for heatmap plot x = heat_df.groupby(["year", "month", "day"])["cases"].sum() df_wide = x.unstack() # Plot data sns.set(rc={"figure.figsize": (12, 10)}) # Reverse colormap so that dark colours represent higher numbers cmap = ax = sns.heatmap(df_wide, cmap=cmap) ax.set_title('Heatmap of daily cases since start of pandemic', fontsize=20) ax.annotate('Source:', xy=(0.25, 0.01), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=12, color='#555555') def local_rate_plot(save=False): """Plot local case rate per 100,000 on a map of the UK. Function collects data using CovidData get_regional_data method. Args: save (bool, optional): If true will save plot. Defaults to False. Returns: Plot of local case rate on map of UK """ # Find latest data recent_date = CovidData().get_regional_data() recent_date = recent_date['date'][5] # Select latest data from local data local = CovidData().get_local_data(date=recent_date) date_selector = recent_date local_date = local.loc[local['date'] == date_selector, ['date', 'name', 'case_rate']] file_path = my_path() / "Local_Authority_Districts.shp" # Check required file exists try: # Read shape file geo_df = gpd.read_file(file_path) except: # bare except should be changed, will do so in later interation print('Ensure you have imported geo_data sub-folder') local_date['name'] = \ local_date['name'].replace(['Cornwall and Isles of Scilly'], ['Cornwall']) merged = geo_df.merge(local_date, how='outer', left_on="lad19nm", right_on="name") # Column to plot feature = 'case_rate' # Plot range vmin, vmax = merged['case_rate'].min(), merged['case_rate'].max() # Create plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 10)) # Set style and labels ax.axis('off') ax.set_title(f'Local rate per 100,000 {recent_date}', fontdict={'fontsize': '20', 'fontweight': '3'}) ax.annotate('Source:' + '', xy=(0.25, .05), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=12, color='#555555') # Create colorbar sm ='Reds', norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) fig.colorbar(sm) # Create map merged.plot(column=feature, cmap='Reds', linewidth=0.2, ax=ax, edgecolor='0.8') if save: image = merged.plot(column=feature, cmap='Reds', linewidth=0.2, ax=ax, edgecolor='0.8'); image.figure.savefig(f'{date_selector}-local_rate_plot') def local_cases_plot(save=False): """Plot local case numbers on a map of the UK. Function collects data using CovidData get_regional_data method. Args: save (bool, optional): If true will save plot. Defaults to False. """ # Find latest data recent_date = CovidData().get_regional_data() recent_date = recent_date['date'][0] # Select latest data from local data local = CovidData().get_local_data(date=recent_date) date_selector = recent_date local_date = local.loc[local['date'] == date_selector, ['date', 'name', 'case_newDaily']] file_path = my_path() / "Local_Authority_Districts.shp" # Check required file exists try: # Read shape file geo_df = gpd.read_file(file_path) except: # bare except should be changed, will do so in later interation print('Ensure you have imported geo_data sub-folder') local_date['name'] = \ local_date['name'].replace(['Cornwall and Isles of Scilly'], ['Cornwall']) merged = geo_df.merge(local_date, how='outer', left_on="lad19nm", right_on="name") # Column to plot feature = 'case_newDaily' # Plot range vmin, vmax = merged['case_newDaily'].min(), \ merged['case_newDaily'].max() # Create plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 10)) # Set style and labels ax.axis('off') ax.set_title(f'Number of new cases by local authority {recent_date}', fontdict={'fontsize': '20', 'fontweight': '3'}) ax.annotate('Source:' + '', xy=(0.25, .05), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=12, color='#555555') # Create colorbar sm ='Reds', norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) fig.colorbar(sm) # Create map merged.plot(column=feature, cmap='Reds', linewidth=0.2, ax=ax, edgecolor='0.8') if save: image = merged.plot(column=feature, cmap='Reds', linewidth=0.2, ax=ax, edgecolor='0.8'); image.figure.savefig(f'{date_selector}-local_cases_plot') def case_demographics(df): """Produce a plot of the age demographics of cases across England. Args: df (DataFrame): this must be the dataframe produced by the get_regional_data method from the CovidData class Returns: Plot of case numbers broken down by age """ validate_input(df) df_list = df.loc[:, ['cases_demographics', 'date']] age_df = [] for i in range(df_list.shape[0]): if df_list.iloc[i, 0]: temp_df =
pd.DataFrame(df_list.iloc[i, 0])
from datetime import timedelta from io import StringIO import pandas as pd from abide.schedule import ScheduledJobDefinition, ScheduledJobState, RunState, Scheduler, \ read_job_definitions def test_basic(): s = Scheduler(pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:06:03'), {'A': ScheduledJobDefinition("* * * * *")}) when, (job_time, job_retry) = s.get_next_run_for_job('A') assert job_time == when == pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:07:00') assert job_retry == 0 def test_late_start_cutoff_zero(): s = Scheduler(pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:06:03'), {'A': ScheduledJobDefinition("* * * * *", late_start_cutoff=0)}) when, (job_time, job_retry) = s.get_next_run_for_job('A') assert job_time == when == pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:07:00') assert job_retry == 0 def test_every_5_mins(): s = Scheduler(pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:06:03'), {'A': ScheduledJobDefinition("*/5 * * * *", late_start_cutoff=0)}) when, (job_time, job_retry) = s.get_next_run_for_job('A') assert job_time == when == pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:10:00') assert job_retry == 0 def test_last_run_complete(): s = Scheduler(pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:06:03'), {'A': ScheduledJobDefinition("*/5 * * * *", late_start_cutoff=0)}) s.job_states['A'] = ScheduledJobState(pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:05:00'), 0, pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:05:33'), RunState.COMPLETE) when, (job_time, job_retry) = s.get_next_run_for_job('A') assert job_time == when == pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:10:00') assert job_retry == 0 def test_last_run_running(): s = Scheduler(pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:06:03'), {'A': ScheduledJobDefinition("*/5 * * * *", late_start_cutoff=0)}) s.job_states['A'] = ScheduledJobState(pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:05:00'), 0, pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:05:33'), RunState.RUNNING) when, (job_time, job_retry) = s.get_next_run_for_job('A') assert job_time == when == pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:10:00') assert job_retry == 0 def test_last_run_fail(): s = Scheduler(pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:06:03'), {'A': ScheduledJobDefinition("*/5 * * * *", late_start_cutoff=0)}) s.job_states['A'] = ScheduledJobState(pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:05:00'), 0, pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:05:33'), RunState.FAIL) when, (job_time, job_retry) = s.get_next_run_for_job('A') assert job_time == when == pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:10:00') assert job_retry == 0 def test_last_run_fail_permanently(): s = Scheduler(pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 00:00:00'), {'A': ScheduledJobDefinition("*/5 * * * *", late_start_cutoff=None, retries=3)}) s.job_states['A'] = ScheduledJobState(pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:05:00'), 0, pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:05:33'), RunState.FAIL_PERMANENT) s.set_time(pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:06:03')) when, (job_time, job_retry) = s.get_next_run_for_job('A') assert job_time == when == pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 13:10:00') assert job_retry == 0 def test_three_retries_last_run_complete(): s = Scheduler(
pd.to_datetime('9/28/2020 00:00:00')
# Copyright (C) 2016 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # All rights reserved. # This file is part of the Python Automatic Forecasting (PyAF) library and is made available under # the terms of the 3 Clause BSD license import pandas as pd import numpy as np from . import Time as tsti from . import DateTime_Functions as dtfunc from . import Perf as tsperf from . import Plots as tsplot from . import Utils as tsutil # for timing import time class cAbstractCycle: def __init__(self , trend): self.mTimeInfo = tsti.cTimeInfo() self.mTrendFrame = pd.DataFrame() self.mCycleFrame = pd.DataFrame() self.mTrend = trend; self.mTrend_residue_name = self.mTrend.mOutName + '_residue' self.mFormula = None; self.mComplexity = None; def getCycleResidueName(self): return self.getCycleName() + "_residue"; def plot(self): tsplot.decomp_plot(self.mCycleFrame, self.mTimeInfo.mNormalizedTimeColumn, self.mTrend_residue_name, self.getCycleName() , self.getCycleResidueName(), horizon = self.mTimeInfo.mHorizon); def check_not_nan(self, sig , name): #print("check_not_nan"); if(np.isnan(sig).any() or np.isinf(sig).any() ): logger = tsutil.get_pyaf_logger(); logger.error("CYCLE_RESIDUE_WITH_NAN_IN_SIGNAL" + str(sig)); raise tsutil.Internal_PyAF_Error("CYCLE_COLUMN _FOR_TREND_RESIDUE ['" + name + "'"); pass def compute_target_means_by_cycle_value(self , iCycleFrame, iCycleName): # we encode only using estimation lCycleFrameEstim = self.mSplit.getEstimPart(iCycleFrame); lGroupBy = lCycleFrameEstim.groupby(by=[iCycleName] , sort=False)[self.mTrend_residue_name] lEncodedValueDict = None if(self.mOptions.mCycle_Encoding_Scheme == "Target_Mean"): lEncodedValueDict = lGroupBy.mean().to_dict(); else: lEncodedValueDict = lGroupBy.median().to_dict(); for x in lEncodedValueDict.keys(): lEncodedValueDict[ x ] = np.float64(lEncodedValueDict[ x ]) return lEncodedValueDict def compute_target_means_default_value(self): # we encode only using estimation lCycleFrameEstim = self.mSplit.getEstimPart(self.mCycleFrame); if(self.mOptions.mCycle_Encoding_Scheme == "Target_Mean"): return np.float64(lCycleFrameEstim[self.mTrend_residue_name].mean()); return np.float64(lCycleFrameEstim[self.mTrend_residue_name].median()); def computePerf(self): if(self.mOptions.mDebug): self.check_not_nan(self.mCycleFrame[self.getCycleResidueName()], self.getCycleResidueName()) # self.mCycleFrame.to_csv(self.getCycleResidueName() + ".csv"); self.mCycleFitPerf = tsperf.cPerf(); self.mCycleForecastPerf = tsperf.cPerf(); # self.mCycleFrame[[self.mTrend_residue_name, self.getCycleName()]].to_csv(self.getCycleName() + ".csv"); (lFrameFit, lFrameForecast, lFrameTest) = self.mSplit.cutFrame(self.mCycleFrame); self.mCycleFitPerf.computeCriterion( lFrameFit[self.mTrend_residue_name], lFrameFit[self.getCycleName()], self.mOptions.mCycle_Criterion, self.getCycleName()) self.mCycleForecastPerf.computeCriterion( lFrameForecast[self.mTrend_residue_name], lFrameForecast[self.getCycleName()], self.mOptions.mCycle_Criterion, self.getCycleName()) class cZeroCycle(cAbstractCycle): def __init__(self , trend): super().__init__(trend); self.mFormula = "NoCycle" self.mComplexity = 0; def getCycleName(self): return self.mTrend_residue_name + "_zeroCycle"; def dump_values(self): logger = tsutil.get_pyaf_logger(); lDict = {}"ZERO_CYCLE_MODEL_VALUES " + self.getCycleName() + " 0.0 " + "{}"); def fit(self): self.mTime = self.mTimeInfo.mTime; self.mSignal = self.mTimeInfo.mSignal; self.mTimeInfo.addVars(self.mCycleFrame); self.mCycleFrame[self.mTrend_residue_name] = self.mTrendFrame[self.mTrend_residue_name] self.mCycleFrame[self.getCycleName()] = np.zeros_like(self.mTrendFrame[self.mTrend_residue_name]) self.mCycleFrame[self.getCycleResidueName()] = self.mCycleFrame[self.mTrend_residue_name]; self.mOutName = self.getCycleName() def transformDataset(self, df): target = df[self.mTrend_residue_name] df[self.getCycleName()] = np.zeros_like(df[self.mTrend_residue_name]); df[self.getCycleResidueName()] = target - df[self.getCycleName()].values return df; class cSeasonalPeriodic(cAbstractCycle): def __init__(self , trend, date_part): super().__init__(trend); self.mDatePart = date_part; self.mEncodedValueDict = {} self.mFormula = "Seasonal_" +; def getCycleName(self): return self.mTrend_residue_name + "_Seasonal_" +; def dump_values(self): logger = tsutil.get_pyaf_logger(); lDict = {}"SEASONAL_MODEL_VALUES " + self.getCycleName() + " " + str(self.mDefaultValue) + " " + str(self.mEncodedValueDict)); def hasEnoughData(self, iTimeMin, iTimeMax): lTimeDelta = iTimeMax - iTimeMin; lDays = lTimeDelta / np.timedelta64(1,'D'); lSeconds = lTimeDelta / np.timedelta64(1,'s'); # these are just guessses of how much dataa is needed to get valid signal stats/means of each seasonal unit. # TODO : add these in the options. (None, None) => no limit lThresholds = { dtfunc.eDatePart.Hour : (1 * 10 , None), # 10 days dtfunc.eDatePart.Minute : (None , 3600 * 10), # 10 hours dtfunc.eDatePart.Second : (None , 360 * 10), # 10 minutes dtfunc.eDatePart.DayOfMonth : (30 * 10 , None), # 10 months dtfunc.eDatePart.DayOfWeek : (7 * 10 , None), # 10 weeks dtfunc.eDatePart.MonthOfYear : (360 * 10 , None), # 10 years dtfunc.eDatePart.WeekOfYear : (360 * 10 , None), # 10 years dtfunc.eDatePart.WeekOfYear : (7 * 10 , None), # 10 weeks dtfunc.eDatePart.DayOfYear : (360 * 10 , None), # 10 years dtfunc.eDatePart.HourOfWeek : (7 * 10 , None), # 10 weeks dtfunc.eDatePart.TwoHourOfWeek : (7 * 10 , None), # 10 weeks dtfunc.eDatePart.ThreeHourOfWeek : (7 * 10 , None), # 10 weeks dtfunc.eDatePart.FourHourOfWeek : (7 * 10 , None), # 10 weeks dtfunc.eDatePart.SixHourOfWeek : (7 * 10 , None), # 10 weeks dtfunc.eDatePart.EightHourOfWeek : (7 * 10 , None), # 10 weeks dtfunc.eDatePart.TwelveHourOfWeek : (7 * 10 , None), # 10 weeks dtfunc.eDatePart.WeekOfMonth : (30 * 10 , None), # 10 months dtfunc.eDatePart.DayOfNthWeekOfMonth : (30 * 10 , None) # 10 months } lThreshold = lThresholds.get(self.mDatePart) if(lThreshold[0] is not None): return (lDays >= lThreshold[0]); elif(lThreshold[1] is not None): return (lSeconds >= lThreshold[1]); return False; def compute_date_parts(self, iTimeValues): lHelper = dtfunc.cDateTime_Helper() return lHelper.apply_date_time_computer(self.mDatePart, iTimeValues); def fit(self): assert(self.mTimeInfo.isPhysicalTime()); lHor = self.mTimeInfo.mHorizon; self.mTime = self.mTimeInfo.mTime; self.mSignal = self.mTimeInfo.mSignal; self.mTimeInfo.addVars(self.mCycleFrame); lName = self.getCycleName(); self.mCycleFrame[self.mTrend_residue_name] = self.mTrendFrame[self.mTrend_residue_name] self.mCycleFrame[lName] = self.compute_date_parts(self.mTrendFrame[self.mTime]) self.mDefaultValue = self.compute_target_means_default_value() self.mEncodedValueDict = self.compute_target_means_by_cycle_value(self.mCycleFrame, self.getCycleName()) self.mCycleFrame[lName + '_enc'] = self.mCycleFrame[lName].apply(lambda x : self.mEncodedValueDict.get(x , self.mDefaultValue)) self.mCycleFrame[lName + '_enc'].fillna(self.mDefaultValue, inplace=True); self.mCycleFrame[self.getCycleResidueName()] = self.mCycleFrame[self.mTrend_residue_name] - self.mCycleFrame[lName + '_enc']; self.mCycleFrame[lName + '_NotEncoded'] = self.mCycleFrame[lName]; self.mCycleFrame[lName] = self.mCycleFrame[lName + '_enc']; self.mOutName = self.getCycleName() #print("encoding '" + lName + "' " + str(self.mEncodedValueDict)); # The longer the seasonal, the more complex it is. self.mComplexity = len(self.mEncodedValueDict.keys()) def transformDataset(self, df): target = df[self.mTrend_residue_name] lDateParts = self.compute_date_parts(df[self.mTime]) df[self.getCycleName()] = lDateParts.apply(lambda x : self.mEncodedValueDict.get(x , self.mDefaultValue)) df[self.getCycleResidueName()] = target - df[self.getCycleName()].values return df; class cBestCycleForTrend(cAbstractCycle): def __init__(self , trend, criterion): super().__init__(trend); self.mCycleFrame = pd.DataFrame() self.mCyclePerfByLength = {} self.mBestCycleValueDict = {} self.mBestCycleLength = None self.mCriterion = criterion self.mFormula = "BestCycle" def getCycleName(self): return self.mTrend_residue_name + "_bestCycle_by" + self.mCriterion; def dump_values(self): logger = tsutil.get_pyaf_logger(); lDict = {} if(self.mBestCycleLength is None) else self.mBestCycleValueDict[self.mBestCycleLength]"BEST_CYCLE_LENGTH_VALUES " + self.getCycleName() + " " + str(self.mBestCycleLength) + " " + str(self.mDefaultValue) + " " + str(lDict)); def dumpCyclePerfs(self): print(self.mCyclePerfByLength); def computeBestCycle(self): # self.dumpCyclePerfs(); self.mBestCycleLength = None; lData = self.mCyclePerfByLength.items() if(len(lData) == 0): return lPerf = tsperf.cPerf(); # less MAPE is better, less categories is better, the last is the length to have a total order. lSortingMethod_By_MAPE = lambda x : (x[1][0], x[0]) lData = sorted(lData, key = lSortingMethod_By_MAPE) assert(len(lData) > 0) lBestCriterion = lData[0][1] lData_smallest = [x for x in lData if lPerf.is_close_criterion_value(self.mOptions.mCycle_Criterion, x[1][0], iTolerance = 0.05, iRefValue = lBestCriterion[0])] lSortingMethod_By_Complexity = lambda x : (x[1][1], x[0]) lData_smallest = sorted(lData_smallest, key = lSortingMethod_By_Complexity) assert(len(lData_smallest) > 0) self.mBestCycleLength = lData_smallest[0][0] self.transformDataset(self.mCycleFrame); pass def generate_cycles(self): self.mTimeInfo.addVars(self.mCycleFrame); self.mCycleFrame[self.mTrend_residue_name ] = self.mTrendFrame[self.mTrend_residue_name] self.mDefaultValue = self.compute_target_means_default_value(); self.mCyclePerfByLength = {} lMaxRobustCycleLength = self.mTrendFrame.shape[0]//12; # print("MAX_ROBUST_CYCLE_LENGTH", self.mTrendFrame.shape[0], lMaxRobustCycleLength); lCycleLengths = self.mOptions.mCycleLengths or range(2,lMaxRobustCycleLength + 1) lCycleFrame =
"""Tests for dynamic validator.""" from datetime import date, datetime import numpy as np import pandas as pd from import ValidationReport from delphi_utils.validator.dynamic import DynamicValidator class TestReferencePadding: params = { "common": { "data_source": "", "span_length": 1, "end_date": "2020-09-02" } } def test_no_padding(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) data = {"val": [1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1], "se": [np.nan] * 6, "sample_size": [np.nan] * 6, "geo_id": ["1"] * 6, "time_value": pd.date_range(start="2021-01-01", end="2021-01-06")} test_df = pd.DataFrame(data) ref_df = pd.DataFrame(data) new_ref_df = validator.pad_reference_api_df( ref_df, test_df, datetime.strptime("2021-01-06", "%Y-%m-%d").date()) assert new_ref_df.equals(ref_df) def test_half_padding(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) ref_data = {"val": [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], "se": [np.nan] * 6, "sample_size": [np.nan] * 6, "geo_id": ["1"] * 6, "time_value": pd.date_range(start="2021-01-01", end="2021-01-06")} test_data = {"val": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], "se": [np.nan] * 6, "sample_size": [np.nan] * 6, "geo_id": ["1"] * 6, "time_value": pd.date_range(start="2021-01-06", end="2021-01-11")} ref_df = pd.DataFrame(ref_data) test_df = pd.DataFrame(test_data) new_ref_df = validator.pad_reference_api_df( ref_df, test_df, datetime.strptime("2021-01-15", "%Y-%m-%d").date()) # Check it only takes missing dates - so the last 5 dates assert new_ref_df.time_value.max() == datetime.strptime("2021-01-11", "%Y-%m-%d").date() assert new_ref_df.shape[0] == 11 assert new_ref_df["val"].iloc[5] == 2 def test_full_padding(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) ref_data = {"val": [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], "se": [np.nan] * 6, "sample_size": [np.nan] * 6, "geo_id": ["1"] * 6, "time_value": pd.date_range(start="2021-01-01", end="2021-01-06")} test_data = {"val": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], "se": [np.nan] * 12, "sample_size": [np.nan] * 12, "geo_id": ["1"] * 12, "time_value": pd.date_range(start="2021-01-06", end="2021-01-17")} ref_df = pd.DataFrame(ref_data) test_df = pd.DataFrame(test_data) new_ref_df = validator.pad_reference_api_df( ref_df, test_df, datetime.strptime("2021-01-15", "%Y-%m-%d").date()) # Check it only takes missing dates up to the day before the reference assert new_ref_df.time_value.max() == datetime.strptime("2021-01-15", "%Y-%m-%d").date() assert new_ref_df.shape[0] == 15 assert new_ref_df["val"].iloc[5] == 2 class TestCheckRapidChange: params = { "common": { "data_source": "", "span_length": 1, "end_date": "2020-09-02" } } def test_same_df(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) test_df = pd.DataFrame([] * 5, columns=["time_value"]) ref_df = pd.DataFrame([] * 5, columns=["time_value"]) validator.check_rapid_change_num_rows( test_df, ref_df,, "geo", "signal", report) assert len(report.raised_errors) == 0 def test_0_vs_many(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) time_value = datetime.combine(, datetime.min.time()) test_df = pd.DataFrame([time_value] * 5, columns=["time_value"]) ref_df = pd.DataFrame([time_value] * 1, columns=["time_value"]) validator.check_rapid_change_num_rows( test_df, ref_df, time_value, "geo", "signal", report) assert len(report.raised_errors) == 1 assert report.raised_errors[0].check_name == "check_rapid_change_num_rows" class TestCheckAvgValDiffs: params = { "common": { "data_source": "", "span_length": 1, "end_date": "2020-09-02" } } def test_same_val(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) data = {"val": [1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1]*2, "se": [np.nan] * 14, "sample_size": [np.nan] * 14, "geo_id": ["1"] * 14, "time_value": ["2021-01-01", "2021-01-02", "2021-01-03", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-05", "2021-01-06", "2021-01-07", "2021-01-08", "2021-01-09", "2021-01-10", "2021-01-11", "2021-01-12", "2021-01-13", "2021-01-14"]} test_df = pd.DataFrame(data) ref_df = pd.DataFrame(data) validator.check_avg_val_vs_reference( test_df, ref_df,, "geo", "signal", report) assert len(report.raised_errors) == 0 def test_same_se(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) data = {"val": [np.nan] * 14, "se": [1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1]*2, "sample_size": [np.nan] * 14, "geo_id": ["1"] * 14, "time_value": ["2021-01-01", "2021-01-02", "2021-01-03", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-05", "2021-01-06", "2021-01-07", "2021-01-08", "2021-01-09", "2021-01-10", "2021-01-11", "2021-01-12", "2021-01-13", "2021-01-14"]} test_df = pd.DataFrame(data) ref_df = pd.DataFrame(data) validator.check_avg_val_vs_reference( test_df, ref_df,, "geo", "signal", report) assert len(report.raised_errors) == 0 def test_same_n(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) data = {"val": [np.nan] * 14, "se": [np.nan] * 14, "sample_size": [1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1]*2, "geo_id": ["1"] * 14, "time_value": ["2021-01-01", "2021-01-02", "2021-01-03", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-05", "2021-01-06", "2021-01-07", "2021-01-08", "2021-01-09", "2021-01-10", "2021-01-11", "2021-01-12", "2021-01-13", "2021-01-14"]} test_df = pd.DataFrame(data) ref_df = pd.DataFrame(data) validator.check_avg_val_vs_reference( test_df, ref_df,, "geo", "signal", report) assert len(report.raised_errors) == 0 def test_same_val_se_n(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) data = {"val": [1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1]*2, "se": [1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1]*2, "sample_size": [1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1]*2, "geo_id": ["1"] * 14, "time_value": ["2021-01-01", "2021-01-02", "2021-01-03", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-05", "2021-01-06", "2021-01-07", "2021-01-08", "2021-01-09", "2021-01-10", "2021-01-11", "2021-01-12", "2021-01-13", "2021-01-14"]} test_df = pd.DataFrame(data) ref_df = pd.DataFrame(data) validator.check_avg_val_vs_reference( test_df, ref_df,, "geo", "signal", report) assert len(report.raised_errors) == 0 def test_10x_val(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) test_data = {"val": [1, 1, 1, 20, 0, 1, 1]*2, "se": [np.nan] * 14, "sample_size": [np.nan] * 14, "geo_id": ["1"] * 14, "time_value": ["2021-01-01", "2021-01-02", "2021-01-03", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-05", "2021-01-06", "2021-01-07", "2021-01-08", "2021-01-09", "2021-01-10", "2021-01-11", "2021-01-12", "2021-01-13", "2021-01-14"]} ref_data = {"val": [1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1]*2, "se": [np.nan] * 14, "sample_size": [np.nan] * 14, "geo_id": ["1"] * 14, "time_value": ["2021-01-01", "2021-01-02", "2021-01-03", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-05", "2021-01-06", "2021-01-07", "2021-01-08", "2021-01-09", "2021-01-10", "2021-01-11", "2021-01-12", "2021-01-13", "2021-01-14"]} test_df = pd.DataFrame(test_data) ref_df = pd.DataFrame(ref_data) validator.check_avg_val_vs_reference( test_df, ref_df, datetime.combine(, datetime.min.time()), "geo", "signal", report) assert len(report.raised_warnings) == 1 assert report.raised_warnings[0].check_name == "check_test_vs_reference_avg_changed" def test_100x_val(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) test_data = {"val": [1, 1, 1, 200, 0, 1, 1]*2, "se": [np.nan] * 14, "sample_size": [np.nan] * 14, "geo_id": ["1"] * 14, "time_value": ["2021-01-01", "2021-01-02", "2021-01-03", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-05", "2021-01-06", "2021-01-07", "2021-01-08", "2021-01-09", "2021-01-10", "2021-01-11", "2021-01-12", "2021-01-13", "2021-01-14"]} ref_data = {"val": [1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1]*2, "se": [np.nan] * 14, "sample_size": [np.nan] * 14, "geo_id": ["1"] * 14, "time_value": ["2021-01-01", "2021-01-02", "2021-01-03", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-05", "2021-01-06", "2021-01-07", "2021-01-08", "2021-01-09", "2021-01-10", "2021-01-11", "2021-01-12", "2021-01-13", "2021-01-14"]} test_df = pd.DataFrame(test_data) ref_df = pd.DataFrame(ref_data) validator.check_avg_val_vs_reference( test_df, ref_df, datetime.combine(, datetime.min.time()), "geo", "signal", report) assert len(report.raised_warnings) == 1 assert report.raised_warnings[0].check_name == "check_test_vs_reference_avg_changed" def test_1000x_val(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) test_data = {"val": [1, 1, 1, 2000, 0, 1, 1]*2, "se": [np.nan] * 14, "sample_size": [np.nan] * 14, "geo_id": ["1"] * 14, "time_value": ["2021-01-01", "2021-01-02", "2021-01-03", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-05", "2021-01-06", "2021-01-07", "2021-01-08", "2021-01-09", "2021-01-10", "2021-01-11", "2021-01-12", "2021-01-13", "2021-01-14"]} ref_data = {"val": [1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1]*2, "se": [np.nan] * 14, "sample_size": [np.nan] * 14, "geo_id": ["1"] * 14, "time_value": ["2021-01-01", "2021-01-02", "2021-01-03", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-05", "2021-01-06", "2021-01-07", "2021-01-08", "2021-01-09", "2021-01-10", "2021-01-11", "2021-01-12", "2021-01-13", "2021-01-14"]} test_df = pd.DataFrame(test_data) ref_df = pd.DataFrame(ref_data) validator.check_avg_val_vs_reference( test_df, ref_df, datetime.combine(, datetime.min.time()), "geo", "signal", report) assert len(report.raised_warnings) == 1 assert report.raised_warnings[0].check_name == "check_test_vs_reference_avg_changed" class TestDataOutlier: params = { "common": { "data_source": "", "span_length": 1, "end_date": "2020-09-02" } } pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None, "display.max_columns", None) # Test to determine outliers based on the row data, has lead and lag outlier def test_pos_outlier(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) ref_val = [30, 30.28571429, 30.57142857, 30.85714286, 31.14285714, 31.42857143, 31.71428571, 32, 32, 32.14285714, 32.28571429, 32.42857143, 32.57142857, 32.71428571, 32.85714286, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33.28571429, 33.57142857, 33.85714286, 34.14285714] test_val = [100, 100, 100] ref_data = {"val": ref_val, "se": [np.nan] * len(ref_val), "sample_size": [np.nan] * len(ref_val), "geo_id": ["1"] * len(ref_val), "time_value": pd.date_range(start="2020-09-24", end="2020-10-23")} test_data = {"val": test_val, "se": [np.nan] * len(test_val), "sample_size": [np.nan] * len(test_val), "geo_id": ["1"] * len(test_val), "time_value": pd.date_range(start="2020-10-24", end="2020-10-26")} ref_data2 = {"val": ref_val, "se": [np.nan] * len(ref_val), "sample_size": [np.nan] * len(ref_val), "geo_id": ["2"] * len(ref_val), "time_value": pd.date_range(start="2020-09-24", end="2020-10-23")} test_data2 = {"val": test_val, "se": [np.nan] * len(test_val), "sample_size": [np.nan] * len(test_val), "geo_id": ["2"] * len(test_val), "time_value": pd.date_range(start="2020-10-24", end="2020-10-26")} ref_df = pd.concat( [pd.DataFrame(ref_data), pd.DataFrame(ref_data2)]).reset_index(drop=True) test_df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(test_data), pd.DataFrame(test_data2)]). \ reset_index(drop=True) validator.check_positive_negative_spikes( test_df, ref_df, "state", "signal", report) assert len(report.raised_warnings) == 2 assert report.raised_warnings[0].check_name == "check_positive_negative_spikes" def test_neg_outlier(self): validator = DynamicValidator(self.params) report = ValidationReport([]) ref_val = [100, 101, 100, 101, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 102, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 101, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 99, 100, 100, 98, 100, 100, 100] test_val = [10, 10, 10] ref_data = {"val": ref_val, "se": [np.nan] * len(ref_val), "sample_size": [np.nan] * len(ref_val), "geo_id": ["1"] * len(ref_val), "time_value":
pd.date_range(start="2020-09-24", end="2020-10-23")
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder from Augmenter import Augmenter from DataLoader import DataLoader from cnn_classifier import ClassifierCNN def main(): # unbalanced data = ['insect', 'ecg200', 'gunpoint'] data_name = 'insect' path = 'C:/Users/letiz/Desktop/Aalto/Bachelor\'s Thesis and Seminar - JOIN.bsc/data' data = DataLoader(path=path, data_name=data_name, cgan=False, bootstrap_test=True) X_train, y_train, _, _ = data.get_X_y(one_hot_encoding=False) # minority class classes, counts = np.unique(y_train, return_counts=True) print("Classes: ", classes) print("Counts: ", counts) minority = [(x, y) for y, x in sorted(zip(counts, classes))][0] print("Minority class: ", minority[0]) print("Minority samples: ", minority[1]) majority = [(x, y) for y, x in sorted(zip(counts, classes))][-1] print("Majority class: ", majority[0]) print("Majority samples: ", majority[1]) fake = [] fake_y = [] if len(np.unique(counts)) == 1: print("This dataset is balanced") print("Set the number of fake samples per class you want to generate: ") n = int(input()) if n > 0: for c in range(len(classes)): label = classes[c] print(f"Class {label} will get {n} more samples.") take_idx = np.where(y_train == label)[0] aug = Augmenter(data=X_train.to_numpy()[take_idx], labels=y_train[take_idx]) for i in range(n): # print("Jittering") # x, y, idx = aug.jittering(mu=0, sigma=0.001) # print("Flipping") # x, y, idx = aug.flipping() # print("Permutation") # x, y, idx = aug.permutation(n_segments=7) # print("AVG_TS_SMOTE") # x, y, idx = aug.smote_oversampling() print(f"{i + 1} artificial samples from class {label} done. The seed was {idx}") fake.append(x) fake_y.append(y) for c in range(len(classes)): samples_needed = majority[1] - counts[c] label = classes[c] print(f"Class {label} needs {samples_needed} more samples.") if samples_needed > 0: # isolate the samples from the class take_idx = np.where(y_train == label)[0] aug = Augmenter(data=X_train.to_numpy()[take_idx], labels=y_train[take_idx]) for i in range(samples_needed): # print("Jittering") # x, y, idx = aug.jittering(mu=0, sigma=0.001) # print("Flipping") # x, y, idx = aug.flipping() # print("Permutation") # x, y, idx = aug.permutation(n_segments=7) # print("AVG_TS_SMOTE") # x, y, idx = aug.smote_oversampling() print(f"{i + 1} artificial samples from class {label} done. The seed was {idx}") fake.append(x) fake_y.append(y) fake_X =
import datetime import re from warnings import ( catch_warnings, simplefilter, ) import numpy as np import pytest from pandas._libs.tslibs import Timestamp import pandas as pd from pandas import ( DataFrame, HDFStore, Index, Int64Index, MultiIndex, RangeIndex, Series, _testing as tm, concat, ) from import ( _maybe_remove, ensure_clean_path, ensure_clean_store, ) from pandas.util import _test_decorators as td pytestmark = pytest.mark.single def test_format_type(setup_path): df = DataFrame({"A": [1, 2]}) with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: with HDFStore(path) as store: store.put("a", df, format="fixed") store.put("b", df, format="table") assert store.get_storer("a").format_type == "fixed" assert store.get_storer("b").format_type == "table" def test_format_kwarg_in_constructor(setup_path): # GH 13291 msg = "format is not a defined argument for HDFStore" with tm.ensure_clean(setup_path) as path: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): HDFStore(path, format="table") def test_api_default_format(setup_path): # default_format option with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: df = tm.makeDataFrame() pd.set_option("io.hdf.default_format", "fixed") _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.put("df", df) assert not store.get_storer("df").is_table msg = "Can only append to Tables" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): store.append("df2", df) pd.set_option("io.hdf.default_format", "table") _maybe_remove(store, "df") store.put("df", df) assert store.get_storer("df").is_table _maybe_remove(store, "df2") store.append("df2", df) assert store.get_storer("df").is_table pd.set_option("io.hdf.default_format", None) with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: df = tm.makeDataFrame() pd.set_option("io.hdf.default_format", "fixed") df.to_hdf(path, "df") with HDFStore(path) as store: assert not store.get_storer("df").is_table with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df.to_hdf(path, "df2", append=True) pd.set_option("io.hdf.default_format", "table") df.to_hdf(path, "df3") with HDFStore(path) as store: assert store.get_storer("df3").is_table df.to_hdf(path, "df4", append=True) with HDFStore(path) as store: assert store.get_storer("df4").is_table pd.set_option("io.hdf.default_format", None) def test_put(setup_path): with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: ts = tm.makeTimeSeries() df = tm.makeTimeDataFrame() store["a"] = ts store["b"] = df[:10] store["foo/bar/bah"] = df[:10] store["foo"] = df[:10] store["/foo"] = df[:10] store.put("c", df[:10], format="table") # not OK, not a table msg = "Can only append to Tables" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): store.put("b", df[10:], append=True) # node does not currently exist, test _is_table_type returns False # in this case
_maybe_remove(store, "f")
import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn import preprocessing from matplotlib import animation from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D, proj3d def extract_close(data_frame): close_df = data_frame.drop([data_frame.columns[0], "Potter", "Weasley", "Granger", "Trip", "Far"], axis=1) close_df = close_df.loc[close_df["Close"] > 0] return close_df def extract_far(data_frame): far_df = data_frame.drop([data_frame.columns[0], "Potter", "Weasley", "Granger", "Trip", "Close"], axis=1) far_df = far_df.loc[far_df["Far"] > 0] return far_df # # def animate(i): # ax.view_init(elev=35., azim=i) # return fig, if __name__ == '__main__': proj_df =
"""<NAME>-2020. MLearner Machine Learning Library Extensions Author:<NAME><> License: MIT """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pytest from mlearner.preprocessing import DataAnalyst import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Template') data =
pd.DataFrame({"a": [0., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1.], "b": [10, 11, 12, 13, 11, 100], "c": ["OK", "OK", "NOK", "OK", "OK", "NOK"]})
# Author: <NAME> import os import time import requests import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd import numpy as np import subprocess import sqlalchemy import datetime import multiprocessing as mp from datetime import datetime from io import StringIO pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) # DEBUG # Get DB connection information from environment variables specified by docker-compose.yml pgServer = os.environ['POSTGRES_SERVER'] pgPort = os.environ['POSTGRES_PORT'] pgUser = os.environ['POSTGRES_USER'] pgPass = os.environ['POSTGRES_PASSWORD'] pgDB = os.environ['POSTGRES_DB'] engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://{pgUser}:{pgPass}@{pgServer}:{pgPort}/{db}'.format( pgUser=pgUser, pgPass=pgPass, pgServer=pgServer, pgPort=pgPort, db=pgDB)) # Set relevant constants url = r"<REPLACEME>&variable=72019&siteType=GW&siteStatus=active&period=P1D" lookupCoordsURL = r"<REPLACEME>&search_site_no_match_type=exact&group_key=NONE&format=sitefile_output&sitefile_output_format=rdb&column_name=dec_lat_va&column_name=dec_long_va&list_of_search_criteria=search_site_no" states = ["al", "az", "ar", "ca", "co", "ct", "de", "fl", "ga", "id", "il", "in", "ia", "ks", "ky", "la", "me", "md", "ma", "mi", "mn", "ms", "mo", "mt", "ne", "nv", "nh", "nj", "nm", "ny", "nc", "nd", "oh", "ok", "or", "pa", "ri", "sc", "sd", "tn", "tx", "ut", "vt", "va", "wa", "wv", "wi", "wy"] cpus = int(mp.cpu_count() * float(os.environ['PARALLEL_FACTOR'])) # Set number of processes for parallel processing runeveryx = int(float(os.environ['RUN_INTERVAL_MIN']) * 60) # Allows for decimal values for minutes. Ex. 7.5 full_data = "" # Not constant, but needs to be globally intialized def fix_merge(df_merged): for col in df_merged.columns: if col == 'lat_y' or col == 'lon_y': new_name = col.replace('_y','') df_merged.rename(columns = {col : new_name }, inplace=True) elif col[-2:] == '_x' and 'lat' not in col and 'lon' not in col: new_name = col.replace('_x','') df_merged.rename(columns = {col : new_name }, inplace=True) elif col[-2:] != '_x' and col[-2:] != '_y': pass # this is the field the merge is based on, do nothing else: df_merged.drop(columns = col, inplace = True) return df_merged def get_coords(site_nos): retList = [] for site_no in site_nos.tolist(): print("Acquiring coord for {}".format(str(site_no))) coordreq = requests.get(lookupCoordsURL.replace("<REPLACEME>", str(site_no))).text.split("\n") coordreq = coordreq[len(coordreq) - 2] # last line is blank... retList.append([site_no, coordreq.split("\t")[0], coordreq.split("\t")[1]]) return pd.DataFrame(retList, columns = ['site_no', 'lat', 'lon']) def mp_get_data(*args): state = args[0] data = requests.get(url.replace("<REPLACEME>", state)).text ret_data = "" for line in data.splitlines(): if (not line.startswith('#') and not line.startswith('5s') and not line.startswith('agency')): # Remove comments, junk lines and headers from the data line = line.strip() if line: # Empty strings (blank lines) filtered out ret_data += line[:line.find("\tP\t")] + "\n" return ret_data def log_result(result): """ Callback function for parallel processing. """ global full_data if result: full_data += result def parallelize_df(data, func): global cpus data_split = np.array_split(data, cpus) pool = mp.Pool(processes=cpus) results =, data_split) if len(results) > 1: # Possible to have only 1 resulting DF. data = pd.concat(results) else: data = results[0] pool.close() pool.join() return data def load_shp(): # Could be easily configured to load in multiple shapefiles... global engine shpFile = "/shapefiles/contiguous_us_states_polygon.shp" tblName = "contiguous_us_states_polygon" gdf = gpd.read_file(shpFile) gdf.to_postgis(name=tblName, con=engine, if_exists='replace', schema='public', index=False) def contour(times): engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://{pgUser}:{pgPass}@{pgServer}:{pgPort}/{db}'.format( pgUser=pgUser, pgPass=pgPass, pgServer=pgServer, pgPort=pgPort, db=pgDB)) ret_list = [] for curTime in times.tolist(): print("Calculating contours for {}".format(str(curTime))) sql = """SELECT a.depth_towl_ft, ST_Multi(ST_Intersection(a.geom, b.geometry)) AS geom FROM (select depth_towl_ft, st_geomfromtext(geom, 4269) AS geom from plr_contour( $$select DISTINCT ON (x, y) ST_X(geom) as x, ST_Y(geom) as y, AVG(depth_towl_ft) as z, datetime from public.usgs_wl_data where ( (datetime, datetime) OVERLAPS ( TO_TIMESTAMP('{}', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ), interval '30 minutes' ) ) AND depth_towl_ft IS NOT NULL GROUP BY x, y, datetime $$ ) as geom) AS a CROSS JOIN public.contiguous_us_states_polygon AS b; """.format(curTime) try: cur_df = pd.read_sql(sql, engine) cur_df['datetime'] = curTime ret_list.append(cur_df) except: # There are some instances where aggregating to a time with insufficient data results in an error thrown in the R functions. # These situations occur when the most recent time period is not fully available. IE a run starting at 7:53 AM is aggregated to 8:00 AM, but # Most of the data required is in the future. Appending an empty DF, we'll fix it in a later run when enough data is available. ret_list.append(pd.DataFrame([], columns = ['depth_towl_ft', 'datetime', 'geom'])) if len(ret_list) > 1: # Possible to have only 1 resulting DF. return pd.concat(ret_list) elif len(ret_list) == 1: return ret_list[0] else: # Return an empty DataFrame, allows it to fail-safe in a lot of places without abusing try/excepts. return pd.DataFrame([], columns = ['depth_towl_ft', 'datetime', 'geom']) def main(): global full_data full_data = "agency\tsite_no\tdatetime\ttz_cd\tdepth_towl_ft\n" # Header # Begin requesting and processing, parallelized for speed p = mp.Pool(processes=cpus) print("Acquiring data for each state...") for state in states: p.apply_async(mp_get_data, args = [state], callback = log_result) p.close() p.join() # Set date and acquire known site locations curDate ='%Y-%m-%d') try: print("Checking for known site locations...") knownSites = pd.read_sql("SELECT DISTINCT site_no, ST_X(geom) as lon, ST_Y(geom) as lat from usgs_wl_data" , engine) except: knownSites = None # first run, table is not initialized -- no site locations are known df = pd.read_table(StringIO(full_data), sep="\t", index_col=False) df['depth_towl_ft'] = pd.to_numeric(df.depth_towl_ft, errors='coerce') # Filter out garbage values in the depth column df['uid'] = df['site_no'].astype('str') + "_" + df['datetime'].astype('str') df['lat'] = np.nan df['lon'] = np.nan # Get coords from known sites try: df = fix_merge(df.merge(knownSites, how='left', on='site_no')) except: pass # Must be the first run # Get rows still missing coords df_missing = df[df.lon.isna() |].drop_duplicates(subset='site_no') # Retrieve coordinates from USGS for locations missing coords, parallelized so first run isn't so painful. Only if df_missing isn't empty if not df_missing.empty: df_missing = fix_merge(df_missing.merge(parallelize_df(df_missing['site_no'], get_coords), how='left', on='site_no')) # Update full dataframe with missing coordinates df = fix_merge(df.merge(df_missing, how='left', on='site_no', validate="many_to_one")) # Insert to DB print("Inserting any new data into DB...") df.to_sql('temptable', con=engine, if_exists='replace', index=False) query = """ INSERT INTO usgs_wl_data (uid, agency, site_no, datetime, tz_cd, depth_towl_ft, lat, lon) SELECT t.uid,, t.site_no, TO_TIMESTAMP(t.datetime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), t.tz_cd, t.depth_towl_ft::DECIMAL,, t.lon::DECIMAL FROM temptable t WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM usgs_wl_data f WHERE t.uid = f.uid)""" df_query = """ SELECT DISTINCT t.datetime FROM temptable t WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM usgs_wl_data f WHERE t.uid = f.uid)""" df_contourIntervals =
pd.read_sql(df_query, engine)
######### imports ######### from ast import arg from datetime import timedelta import sys sys.path.insert(0, "TP_model") sys.path.insert(0, "TP_model/fit_and_forecast") from Reff_constants import * from Reff_functions import * import glob import os from sys import argv import arviz as az import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib from math import ceil import pickle from cmdstanpy import CmdStanModel matplotlib.use("Agg") from params import ( truncation_days, start_date, third_start_date, alpha_start_date, omicron_start_date, omicron_only_date, omicron_dominance_date, pop_sizes, num_forecast_days, get_all_p_detect_old, get_all_p_detect, ) def process_vax_data_array( data_date, third_states, third_end_date, variant="Delta", print_latest_date_in_ts=False, ): """ Processes the vaccination data to an array for either the Omicron or Delta strain. """ # Load in vaccination data by state and date vaccination_by_state = pd.read_csv( "data/vaccine_effect_timeseries_" + data_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ".csv", parse_dates=["date"], ) # there are a couple NA's early on in the time series but is likely due to slightly # different start dates vaccination_by_state.fillna(1, inplace=True) vaccination_by_state = vaccination_by_state.loc[ vaccination_by_state["variant"] == variant ] vaccination_by_state = vaccination_by_state[["state", "date", "effect"]] if print_latest_date_in_ts: # display the latest available date in the NSW data (will be the same date between states) print( "Latest date in vaccine data is {}".format( vaccination_by_state[vaccination_by_state.state == "NSW"].date.values[-1] ) ) # Get only the dates we need + 1 (this serves as the initial value) vaccination_by_state = vaccination_by_state[ ( >= pd.to_datetime(third_start_date) - timedelta(days=1) ) & ( <= third_end_date) ] vaccination_by_state = vaccination_by_state[ vaccination_by_state["state"].isin(third_states) ] # Isolate fitting states vaccination_by_state = vaccination_by_state.pivot( index="state", columns="date", values="effect" ) # Convert to matrix form # If we are missing recent vaccination data, fill it in with the most recent available data. latest_vacc_data = vaccination_by_state.columns[-1] if latest_vacc_data < pd.to_datetime(third_end_date): vaccination_by_state = pd.concat( [vaccination_by_state] + [ pd.Series(vaccination_by_state[latest_vacc_data], name=day) for day in pd.date_range(start=latest_vacc_data, end=third_end_date) ], axis=1, ) # Convert to simple array only useful to pass to stan (index 1 onwards) vaccination_by_state_array = vaccination_by_state.iloc[:, 1:].to_numpy() return vaccination_by_state_array def get_data_for_posterior(data_date): """ Read in the various datastreams and combine the samples into a dictionary that we then dump to a pickle file. """ print("Performing inference on state level Reff") data_date = pd.to_datetime(data_date) # Define data date print("Data date is {}".format(data_date.strftime("%d%b%Y"))) fit_date = pd.to_datetime(data_date - timedelta(days=truncation_days)) print("Last date in fitting {}".format(fit_date.strftime("%d%b%Y"))) # * Note: 2020-09-09 won't work (for some reason) # read in microdistancing survey data surveys = pd.DataFrame() path = "data/md/Barometer wave*.csv" for file in glob.glob(path): surveys = surveys.append(pd.read_csv(file, parse_dates=["date"])) surveys = surveys.sort_values(by="date") print("Latest Microdistancing survey is {}".format([-1])) surveys["state"] = surveys["state"].map(states_initials).fillna(surveys["state"]) surveys["proportion"] = surveys["count"] / surveys.respondents = pd.to_datetime( always = surveys.loc[surveys.response == "Always"].set_index(["state", "date"]) always = always.unstack(["state"]) # If you get an error here saying 'cannot create a new series when the index is not unique', # then you have a duplicated md file. idx = pd.date_range("2020-03-01", pd.to_datetime("today")) always = always.reindex(idx, fill_value=np.nan) = "date" # fill back to earlier and between weeks. # Assume survey on day x applies for all days up to x - 6 always = always.fillna(method="bfill") # assume values continue forward if survey hasn't completed always = always.fillna(method="ffill") always = always.stack(["state"]) # Zero out before first survey 20th March always = always.reset_index().set_index("date") always.loc[:"2020-03-20", "count"] = 0 always.loc[:"2020-03-20", "respondents"] = 0 always.loc[:"2020-03-20", "proportion"] = 0 always = always.reset_index().set_index(["state", "date"]) survey_X = pd.pivot_table( data=always, index="date", columns="state", values="proportion" ) survey_counts_base = ( pd.pivot_table(data=always, index="date", columns="state", values="count") .drop(["Australia", "Other"], axis=1) .astype(int) ) survey_respond_base = ( pd.pivot_table(data=always, index="date", columns="state", values="respondents") .drop(["Australia", "Other"], axis=1) .astype(int) ) # read in and process mask wearing data mask_wearing = pd.DataFrame() path = "data/face_coverings/face_covering_*_.csv" for file in glob.glob(path): mask_wearing = mask_wearing.append(pd.read_csv(file, parse_dates=["date"])) mask_wearing = mask_wearing.sort_values(by="date") print("Latest Mask wearing survey is {}".format([-1])) mask_wearing["state"] = ( mask_wearing["state"].map(states_initials).fillna(mask_wearing["state"]) ) mask_wearing["proportion"] = mask_wearing["count"] / mask_wearing.respondents = pd.to_datetime( mask_wearing_always = mask_wearing.loc[ mask_wearing.face_covering == "Always" ].set_index(["state", "date"]) mask_wearing_always = mask_wearing_always.unstack(["state"]) idx = pd.date_range("2020-03-01", pd.to_datetime("today")) mask_wearing_always = mask_wearing_always.reindex(idx, fill_value=np.nan) = "date" # fill back to earlier and between weeks. # Assume survey on day x applies for all days up to x - 6 mask_wearing_always = mask_wearing_always.fillna(method="bfill") # assume values continue forward if survey hasn't completed mask_wearing_always = mask_wearing_always.fillna(method="ffill") mask_wearing_always = mask_wearing_always.stack(["state"]) # Zero out before first survey 20th March mask_wearing_always = mask_wearing_always.reset_index().set_index("date") mask_wearing_always.loc[:"2020-03-20", "count"] = 0 mask_wearing_always.loc[:"2020-03-20", "respondents"] = 0 mask_wearing_always.loc[:"2020-03-20", "proportion"] = 0 mask_wearing_X = pd.pivot_table( data=mask_wearing_always, index="date", columns="state", values="proportion" ) mask_wearing_counts_base = pd.pivot_table( data=mask_wearing_always, index="date", columns="state", values="count" ).astype(int) mask_wearing_respond_base = pd.pivot_table( data=mask_wearing_always, index="date", columns="state", values="respondents" ).astype(int) df_Reff = pd.read_csv( "results/EpyReff/Reff_delta" + data_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "tau_4.csv", parse_dates=["INFECTION_DATES"], ) df_Reff["date"] = df_Reff.INFECTION_DATES df_Reff["state"] = df_Reff.STATE df_Reff_omicron = pd.read_csv( "results/EpyReff/Reff_omicron" + data_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "tau_4.csv", parse_dates=["INFECTION_DATES"], ) df_Reff_omicron["date"] = df_Reff_omicron.INFECTION_DATES df_Reff_omicron["state"] = df_Reff_omicron.STATE # relabel some of the columns to avoid replication in the merged dataframe col_names_replace = { "mean": "mean_omicron", "lower": "lower_omicron", "upper": "upper_omicron", "top": "top_omicron", "bottom": "bottom_omicron", "std": "std_omicron", } df_Reff_omicron.rename(col_names_replace, axis=1, inplace=True) # read in NNDSS/linelist data # If this errors it may be missing a leading zero on the date. df_state = read_in_cases( case_file_date=data_date.strftime("%d%b%Y"), apply_delay_at_read=True, apply_inc_at_read=True, ) # save the case file for convenience df_state.to_csv("results/cases_" + data_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ".csv") df_Reff = df_Reff.merge( df_state, how="left", left_on=["state", "date"], right_on=["STATE", "date_inferred"], ) # how = left to use Reff days, NNDSS missing dates # merge in the omicron stuff df_Reff = df_Reff.merge( df_Reff_omicron, how="left", left_on=["state", "date"], right_on=["state", "date"], ) df_Reff["rho_moving"] = df_Reff.groupby(["state"])["rho"].transform( lambda x: x.rolling(7, 1).mean() ) # minimum number of 1 # some days have no cases, so need to fillna df_Reff["rho_moving"] = df_Reff.rho_moving.fillna(method="bfill") # counts are already aligned with infection date by subtracting a random incubation period df_Reff["local"] = df_Reff.local.fillna(0) df_Reff["imported"] = df_Reff.imported.fillna(0) ######### Read in Google mobility results ######### sys.path.insert(0, "../") df_google = read_in_google(moving=True, moving_window=7) # df_google = read_in_google(moving=False) df = df_google.merge(df_Reff[[ "date", "state", "mean", "lower", "upper", "top", "bottom", "std", "mean_omicron", "lower_omicron", "upper_omicron", "top_omicron", "bottom_omicron", "std_omicron", "rho", "rho_moving", "local", "imported", ]], on=["date", "state"], how="inner", ) ######### Create useable dataset ######### # ACT and NT not in original estimates, need to extrapolated sorting keeps consistent # with sort in data_by_state # Note that as we now consider the third wave for ACT, we include it in the third # wave fitting only! states_to_fit_all_waves = sorted( ["NSW", "VIC", "QLD", "SA", "WA", "TAS", "ACT", "NT"] ) first_states = sorted(["NSW", "VIC", "QLD", "SA", "WA", "TAS"]) fit_post_March = True ban = "2020-03-20" first_end_date = "2020-03-31" # data for the first wave first_date_range = { "NSW": pd.date_range(start="2020-03-01", end=first_end_date).values, "QLD": pd.date_range(start="2020-03-01", end=first_end_date).values, "SA": pd.date_range(start="2020-03-01", end=first_end_date).values, "TAS": pd.date_range(start="2020-03-01", end=first_end_date).values, "VIC": pd.date_range(start="2020-03-01", end=first_end_date).values, "WA": pd.date_range(start="2020-03-01", end=first_end_date).values, } # Second wave inputs sec_states = sorted([ "NSW", # "VIC", ]) sec_start_date = "2020-06-01" sec_end_date = "2021-01-19" # choose dates for each state for sec wave sec_date_range = { "NSW": pd.date_range(start="2020-06-01", end="2021-01-19").values, # "VIC": pd.date_range(start="2020-06-01", end="2020-10-28").values, } # Third wave inputs third_states = sorted([ "NSW", "VIC", "ACT", "QLD", "SA", "TAS", # "NT", "WA", ]) # Subtract the truncation days to avoid right truncation as we consider infection dates # and not symptom onset dates third_end_date = data_date - pd.Timedelta(days=truncation_days) # choose dates for each state for third wave # Note that as we now consider the third wave for ACT, we include it in # the third wave fitting only! third_date_range = { "ACT": pd.date_range(start="2021-08-15", end=third_end_date).values, "NSW": pd.date_range(start="2021-06-25", end=third_end_date).values, # "NT": pd.date_range(start="2021-12-20", end=third_end_date).values, "QLD": pd.date_range(start="2021-07-30", end=third_end_date).values, "SA": pd.date_range(start="2021-12-10", end=third_end_date).values, "TAS": pd.date_range(start="2021-12-20", end=third_end_date).values, "VIC": pd.date_range(start="2021-07-10", end=third_end_date).values, "WA": pd.date_range(start="2022-01-01", end=third_end_date).values, } fit_mask = df.state.isin(first_states) if fit_post_March: fit_mask = (fit_mask) & ( >= start_date) fit_mask = (fit_mask) & ( <= first_end_date) second_wave_mask = df.state.isin(sec_states) second_wave_mask = (second_wave_mask) & ( >= sec_start_date) second_wave_mask = (second_wave_mask) & ( <= sec_end_date) # Add third wave stuff here third_wave_mask = df.state.isin(third_states) third_wave_mask = (third_wave_mask) & ( >= third_start_date) third_wave_mask = (third_wave_mask) & ( <= third_end_date) predictors = mov_values.copy() # predictors.extend(['driving_7days','transit_7days','walking_7days','pc']) # remove residential to see if it improves fit # predictors.remove("residential_7days") df["post_policy"] = ( >= ban).astype(int) dfX = df.loc[fit_mask].sort_values("date") df2X = df.loc[second_wave_mask].sort_values("date") df3X = df.loc[third_wave_mask].sort_values("date") dfX["is_first_wave"] = 0 for state in first_states: dfX.loc[dfX.state == state, "is_first_wave"] = ( dfX.loc[dfX.state == state] .date.isin(first_date_range[state]) .astype(int) .values ) df2X["is_sec_wave"] = 0 for state in sec_states: df2X.loc[df2X.state == state, "is_sec_wave"] = ( df2X.loc[df2X.state == state] .date.isin(sec_date_range[state]) .astype(int) .values ) # used to index what dates are featured in omicron AND third wave omicron_date_range = pd.date_range(start=omicron_start_date, end=third_end_date) df3X["is_third_wave"] = 0 for state in third_states: df3X.loc[df3X.state == state, "is_third_wave"] = ( df3X.loc[df3X.state == state] .date.isin(third_date_range[state]) .astype(int) .values ) # condition on being in third wave AND omicron df3X.loc[df3X.state == state, "is_omicron_wave"] = ( ( df3X.loc[df3X.state == state].date.isin(omicron_date_range) * df3X.loc[df3X.state == state].date.isin(third_date_range[state]) ) .astype(int) .values ) data_by_state = {} sec_data_by_state = {} third_data_by_state = {} for value in ["mean", "std", "local", "imported"]: data_by_state[value] = pd.pivot( dfX[["state", value, "date"]], index="date", columns="state", values=value, ).sort_index(axis="columns") # account for dates pre pre second wave if df2X.loc[df2X.state == sec_states[0]].shape[0] == 0: print("making empty") sec_data_by_state[value] = pd.DataFrame(columns=sec_states).astype(float) else: sec_data_by_state[value] = pd.pivot( df2X[["state", value, "date"]], index="date", columns="state", values=value, ).sort_index(axis="columns") # account for dates pre pre third wave if df3X.loc[df3X.state == third_states[0]].shape[0] == 0: print("making empty") third_data_by_state[value] = pd.DataFrame(columns=third_states).astype( float ) else: third_data_by_state[value] = pd.pivot( df3X[["state", value, "date"]], index="date", columns="state", values=value, ).sort_index(axis="columns") # now add in the summary stats for Omicron Reff for value in ["mean_omicron", "std_omicron"]: if df3X.loc[df3X.state == third_states[0]].shape[0] == 0: print("making empty") third_data_by_state[value] = pd.DataFrame(columns=third_states).astype( float ) else: third_data_by_state[value] = pd.pivot( df3X[["state", value, "date"]], index="date", columns="state", values=value, ).sort_index(axis="columns") # FIRST PHASE mobility_by_state = [] mobility_std_by_state = [] count_by_state = [] respond_by_state = [] mask_wearing_count_by_state = [] mask_wearing_respond_by_state = [] include_in_first_wave = [] # filtering survey responses to dates before this wave fitting survey_respond = survey_respond_base.loc[:[-1]] survey_counts = survey_counts_base.loc[:[-1]] mask_wearing_respond = mask_wearing_respond_base.loc[:[-1]] mask_wearing_counts = mask_wearing_counts_base.loc[:[-1]] for state in first_states: mobility_by_state.append(dfX.loc[dfX.state == state, predictors].values / 100) mobility_std_by_state.append( dfX.loc[dfX.state == state, [val + "_std" for val in predictors]].values / 100 ) count_by_state.append(survey_counts.loc[start_date:first_end_date, state].values) respond_by_state.append(survey_respond.loc[start_date:first_end_date, state].values) mask_wearing_count_by_state.append( mask_wearing_counts.loc[start_date:first_end_date, state].values ) mask_wearing_respond_by_state.append( mask_wearing_respond.loc[start_date:first_end_date, state].values ) include_in_first_wave.append( dfX.loc[dfX.state == state, "is_first_wave"].values ) # SECOND PHASE sec_mobility_by_state = [] sec_mobility_std_by_state = [] sec_count_by_state = [] sec_respond_by_state = [] sec_mask_wearing_count_by_state = [] sec_mask_wearing_respond_by_state = [] include_in_sec_wave = [] # filtering survey responses to dates before this wave fitting survey_respond = survey_respond_base.loc[:[-1]] survey_counts = survey_counts_base.loc[:[-1]] mask_wearing_respond = mask_wearing_respond_base.loc[:[-1]] mask_wearing_counts = mask_wearing_counts_base.loc[:[-1]] for state in sec_states: sec_mobility_by_state.append( df2X.loc[df2X.state == state, predictors].values / 100 ) sec_mobility_std_by_state.append( df2X.loc[df2X.state == state, [val + "_std" for val in predictors]].values / 100 ) sec_count_by_state.append( survey_counts.loc[sec_start_date:sec_end_date, state].values ) sec_respond_by_state.append( survey_respond.loc[sec_start_date:sec_end_date, state].values ) sec_mask_wearing_count_by_state.append( mask_wearing_counts.loc[sec_start_date:sec_end_date, state].values ) sec_mask_wearing_respond_by_state.append( mask_wearing_respond.loc[sec_start_date:sec_end_date, state].values ) include_in_sec_wave.append(df2X.loc[df2X.state == state, "is_sec_wave"].values) # THIRD WAVE third_mobility_by_state = [] third_mobility_std_by_state = [] third_count_by_state = [] third_respond_by_state = [] third_mask_wearing_count_by_state = [] third_mask_wearing_respond_by_state = [] include_in_third_wave = [] include_in_omicron_wave = [] # filtering survey responses to dates before this wave fitting survey_respond = survey_respond_base.loc[:[-1]] survey_counts = survey_counts_base.loc[:[-1]] mask_wearing_respond = mask_wearing_respond_base.loc[:[-1]] mask_wearing_counts = mask_wearing_counts_base.loc[:[-1]] for state in third_states: third_mobility_by_state.append( df3X.loc[df3X.state == state, predictors].values / 100 ) third_mobility_std_by_state.append( df3X.loc[df3X.state == state, [val + "_std" for val in predictors]].values / 100 ) third_count_by_state.append( survey_counts.loc[third_start_date:third_end_date, state].values ) third_respond_by_state.append( survey_respond.loc[third_start_date:third_end_date, state].values ) third_mask_wearing_count_by_state.append( mask_wearing_counts.loc[third_start_date:third_end_date, state].values ) third_mask_wearing_respond_by_state.append( mask_wearing_respond.loc[third_start_date:third_end_date, state].values ) include_in_third_wave.append( df3X.loc[df3X.state == state, "is_third_wave"].values ) include_in_omicron_wave.append( df3X.loc[df3X.state == state, "is_omicron_wave"].values ) # policy boolean flag for after travel ban in each wave policy = dfX.loc[ dfX.state == first_states[0], "post_policy" ] # this is the post ban policy policy_sec_wave = [1] * df2X.loc[df2X.state == sec_states[0]].shape[0] policy_third_wave = [1] * df3X.loc[df3X.state == third_states[0]].shape[0] # read in the vaccination data delta_vaccination_by_state_array = process_vax_data_array( data_date=data_date, third_states=third_states, third_end_date=third_end_date, variant="Delta", print_latest_date_in_ts=True, ) omicron_vaccination_by_state_array = process_vax_data_array( data_date=data_date, third_states=third_states, third_end_date=third_end_date, variant="Omicron", ) # Make state by state arrays state_index = {state: i + 1 for i, state in enumerate(states_to_fit_all_waves)} # dates to apply alpha in the second wave (this won't allow for VIC to be added as # the date_ranges are different) apply_alpha_sec_wave = ( sec_date_range["NSW"] >= pd.to_datetime(alpha_start_date) ).astype(int) omicron_start_day = ( pd.to_datetime(omicron_start_date) - pd.to_datetime(third_start_date) ).days omicron_only_day = ( pd.to_datetime(omicron_only_date) - pd.to_datetime(third_start_date) ).days heterogeneity_start_day = ( pd.to_datetime("2021-08-20") - pd.to_datetime(third_start_date) ).days # number of days we fit the average VE over tau_vax_block_size = 3 # get pop size array pop_size_array = [] for s in states_to_fit_all_waves: pop_size_array.append(pop_sizes[s]) p_detect = get_all_p_detect_old( states=third_states, end_date=third_end_date, num_days=df3X.loc[df3X.state == "NSW"].shape[0], ) df_p_detect = pd.DataFrame(p_detect, columns=third_states) df_p_detect["date"] = third_date_range["NSW"] df_p_detect.to_csv("results/CA_" + data_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ".csv") # p_detect = get_all_p_detect( # end_date=third_end_date, # num_days=df3X.loc[df3X.state == "NSW"].shape[0], # ) # input data block for stan model input_data = { "j_total": len(states_to_fit_all_waves), "N_first": dfX.loc[dfX.state == first_states[0]].shape[0], "K": len(predictors), "j_first": len(first_states), "Reff": data_by_state["mean"].values, "mob": mobility_by_state, "mob_std": mobility_std_by_state, "sigma2": data_by_state["std"].values ** 2, "policy": policy.values, "local": data_by_state["local"].values, "imported": data_by_state["imported"].values, "N_sec": df2X.loc[df2X.state == sec_states[0]].shape[0], "j_sec": len(sec_states), "Reff_sec": sec_data_by_state["mean"].values, "mob_sec": sec_mobility_by_state, "mob_sec_std": sec_mobility_std_by_state, "sigma2_sec": sec_data_by_state["std"].values ** 2, "policy_sec": policy_sec_wave, "local_sec": sec_data_by_state["local"].values, "imported_sec": sec_data_by_state["imported"].values, "apply_alpha_sec": apply_alpha_sec_wave, "N_third": df3X.loc[df3X.state == "NSW"].shape[0], "j_third": len(third_states), "Reff_third": third_data_by_state["mean"].values, "Reff_omicron": third_data_by_state["mean_omicron"].values, "mob_third": third_mobility_by_state, "mob_third_std": third_mobility_std_by_state, "sigma2_third": third_data_by_state["std"].values ** 2, "sigma2_omicron": third_data_by_state["std_omicron"].values ** 2, "policy_third": policy_third_wave, "local_third": third_data_by_state["local"].values, "imported_third": third_data_by_state["imported"].values, "count_md": count_by_state, "respond_md": respond_by_state, "count_md_sec": sec_count_by_state, "respond_md_sec": sec_respond_by_state, "count_md_third": third_count_by_state, "respond_md_third": third_respond_by_state, "count_masks": mask_wearing_count_by_state, "respond_masks": mask_wearing_respond_by_state, "count_masks_sec": sec_mask_wearing_count_by_state, "respond_masks_sec": sec_mask_wearing_respond_by_state, "count_masks_third": third_mask_wearing_count_by_state, "respond_masks_third": third_mask_wearing_respond_by_state, "map_to_state_index_first": [state_index[state] for state in first_states], "map_to_state_index_sec": [state_index[state] for state in sec_states], "map_to_state_index_third": [state_index[state] for state in third_states], "total_N_p_sec": sum([sum(x) for x in include_in_sec_wave]).item(), "total_N_p_third": sum([sum(x) for x in include_in_third_wave]).item(), "include_in_first": include_in_first_wave, "include_in_sec": include_in_sec_wave, "include_in_third": include_in_third_wave, "pos_starts_sec": np.cumsum([sum(x) for x in include_in_sec_wave]).astype(int).tolist(), "pos_starts_third": np.cumsum( [sum(x) for x in include_in_third_wave] ).astype(int).tolist(), "ve_delta_data": delta_vaccination_by_state_array, "ve_omicron_data": omicron_vaccination_by_state_array, "omicron_start_day": omicron_start_day, "omicron_only_day": omicron_only_day, "include_in_omicron": include_in_omicron_wave, "total_N_p_third_omicron": int(sum([sum(x) for x in include_in_omicron_wave]).item()), "pos_starts_third_omicron": np.cumsum( [sum(x) for x in include_in_omicron_wave] ).astype(int).tolist(), 'tau_vax_block_size': tau_vax_block_size, 'total_N_p_third_blocks': int( sum([int(ceil(sum(x)/tau_vax_block_size)) for x in include_in_third_wave]) ), 'pos_starts_third_blocks': np.cumsum( [int(ceil(sum(x)/tau_vax_block_size)) for x in include_in_third_wave] ).astype(int), 'total_N_p_third_omicron_blocks': int( sum([int(ceil(sum(x)/tau_vax_block_size)) for x in include_in_omicron_wave]) ), 'pos_starts_third_omicron_blocks': np.cumsum( [int(ceil(sum(x)/tau_vax_block_size)) for x in include_in_omicron_wave] ).astype(int), "pop_size_array": pop_size_array, "heterogeneity_start_day": heterogeneity_start_day, "p_detect": p_detect, } # dump the dictionary to a json file with open("results/stan_input_data.pkl", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(input_data, f) return None def run_stan( data_date, num_chains=4, num_samples=1000, num_warmup_samples=500, max_treedepth=12, ): """ Read the input_data.json in and run the stan model. """ data_date = pd.to_datetime(data_date) # read in the input data as a dictionary with open("results/stan_input_data.pkl", "rb") as f: input_data = pickle.load(f) # make results and figs dir figs_dir = ( "figs/stan_fit/stan_fit_" + data_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "/" ) results_dir = ( "results/" + data_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "/" ) os.makedirs(figs_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(results_dir, exist_ok=True) # path to the stan model # basic model with a switchover between Reffs # rho_model_gamma = "TP_model/fit_and_forecast/stan_models/TP_switchover.stan" # mixture model with basic susceptible depletion # rho_model_gamma = "TP_model/fit_and_forecast/stan_models/TP_gamma_mix.stan" # model that has a switchover but incorporates a waning in infection acquired immunity rho_model_gamma = "TP_model/fit_and_forecast/stan_models/TP_switchover_waning_infection.stan" # model that incorporates a waning in infection acquired immunity but is coded as a mixture # rho_model_gamma = "TP_model/fit_and_forecast/stan_models/TP_gamma_mix_waning_infection.stan" # model that has a switchover but incorporates a waning in infection acquired immunity # rho_model_gamma = "TP_model/fit_and_forecast/stan_models/TP_switchover_waning_infection_single_md.stan" # compile the stan model model = CmdStanModel(stan_file=rho_model_gamma) # obtain a posterior sample from the model conditioned on the data fit = model.sample( chains=num_chains, iter_warmup=num_warmup_samples, iter_sampling=num_samples, data=input_data, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, refresh=10 ) # display convergence diagnostics for the current run print("===========") print(fit.diagnose()) print("===========") # save output file to fit.save_csvfiles(dir=results_dir) df_fit = fit.draws_pd() df_fit.to_csv( results_dir + "posterior_sample_" + data_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ".csv" ) # output a set of diagnostics filename = ( figs_dir + "fit_summary_all_parameters" + data_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ".csv" ) # save a summary file for all parameters; this involves ESS and ESS/s as well as summary stats fit_summary = fit.summary() fit_summary.to_csv(filename) # now save a small summary to easily view key parameters pars_of_interest = ["bet[" + str(i + 1) + "]" for i in range(5)] pars_of_interest = pars_of_interest + ["R_Li[" + str(i + 1) + "]" for i in range(8)] pars_of_interest = pars_of_interest + [ "R_I", "R_L", "theta_md", "theta_masks", "sig", "voc_effect_alpha", "voc_effect_delta", "voc_effect_omicron", ] pars_of_interest = pars_of_interest + [ col for col in df_fit if "phi" in col and "simplex" not in col ] # save a summary for ease of viewing # output a set of diagnostics filename = ( figs_dir + "fit_summary_main_parameters" + data_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ".csv" ) fit_summary.loc[pars_of_interest].to_csv(filename) return None def plot_and_save_posterior_samples(data_date): """ Runs the full suite of plotting. """ data_date = pd.to_datetime(data_date) # Define data date figs_dir = ( "figs/stan_fit/stan_fit_" + data_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "/" ) # read in the posterior sample samples_mov_gamma = pd.read_csv( "results/" + data_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "/posterior_sample_" + data_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ".csv" ) # * Note: 2020-09-09 won't work (for some reason) ######### Read in microdistancing (md) surveys ######### surveys = pd.DataFrame() path = "data/md/Barometer wave*.csv" for file in glob.glob(path): surveys = surveys.append(
pd.read_csv(file, parse_dates=["date"])
import pandas as pd import networkx as nx import numpy as np import os import random ''' code main goal: make a graph with labels and make a knowledge-graph to the classes. ~_~_~ Graph ~_~_~ Graph nodes: movies Graph edges: given 2 movies, an edge determined if a cast member play in both of the movies. Label: the genre of the movie. We treat multi genre as different label. For example: Drama-Comedy and Action-Comedy treat as different labels. ~_~_~ Knowledge-Graph ~_~_~ Knowledge-Graph nodes: classes that represented by genres types. Knowledge-Graph edges: Jaccard similarity, which means Intersection over Union, donate weight edges between the classes. For example: Drama-Comedy and Action-Comedy interception is Comedy (donate 1) The union is Drama, Action, Comedy (donate 3) Thus, there is an edge with 1/3 weight between those classes. ''' class DataCsvToGraph(object): """ Class that read and clean the data For IMDb data set we download 2 csv file IMDb movies.csv includes 81273 movies with attributes: title, year, genre , etc. IMDb title_principles.csv includes 38800 movies and 175715 cast names that play among the movies. """ def __init__(self, data_paths): self.data_paths = data_paths @staticmethod def drop_columns(df, arr): for column in arr: df = df.drop(column, axis=1) return df def clean_data_cast(self: None) -> object: """ Clean 'IMDb title_principals.csv' data. :return: Data-Frame with cast ('imdb_name_id') and the movies ('imdb_title_id') they play. """ if os.path.exists('pkl_e2v/data_cast_movie.pkl'): data = pd.read_csv(self.data_paths['cast']) clean_column = ['ordering', 'category', 'job', 'characters'] data = self.drop_columns(data, clean_column) data = data.sort_values('imdb_name_id') data = pd.DataFrame.dropna(data) keys = data keys = keys.drop('imdb_name_id', axis=1) data = pd.read_pickle('pkl_e2v/data_cast_movie.pkl') data['tmp'] = keys['imdb_title_id'] else: data =
import streamlit as st import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs import time import pandas as pd import random import re import urllib.request from PIL import Image import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpim import numpy as np from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d import matplotlib.image as mpimg from io import BytesIO import urllib.request #%matplotlib inline def app(): st.markdown(""" This app performs simple webscraping of NFL Football player stats data and creates a radar chart that we will be using as a common metric in order to have a visual representation of the performance done by each team (according to the passing category)! * **Python libraries:** base64, pandas, streamlit, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn * **Data source:** []( Data is from 1932 to 2005. """) # calculating current nfl season as most recent season available to scrape last_passer_rating_season = 2006 st.sidebar.header('User Customization') selected_year = st.sidebar.selectbox('Year', list(reversed(range(1932,last_passer_rating_season)))) @st.cache def scraping_QB_Stats(selected_year): players = [] url = ''+ str(selected_year) + '/passing.htm' headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0'} page = requests.get(url,headers=headers, timeout=2, allow_redirects = True ) soup = bs(page.content, 'html.parser') href = soup.find('table', {'id': 'passing'}) href_th = soup.find_all('th',{'class':'right'}) href_tbody = soup.find_all('tbody') href_tr = soup.find_all('tr') for i in href_tbody: href_tr_data = i.find_all('tr') for i in href_tr_data: while True: try: '''Rank of Player Collected''' ranking_search = i.find('th', {'data-stat':'ranker'}) ranking = ranking_search['csk'] '''Name of Player Collected''' names_search = i.find('td', {'data-stat':'player'}) #names = names_search['csk'] names_text = names_search.find('a') names = names_text.text '''Team of PLayer Collected''' team_search = i.find('td', {'data-stat':'team'}) team_name = team_search.find('a') team = team_name['title'] '''Age of Player Collected ''' age_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'age'}) age = age_search.text '''Games and Games played by Player Collected''' games_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'g'}) games = games_search.text games_played_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'gs'}) games_played = games_played_search.text '''QB Record and Percentage Wins for Players Collected''' #qbRec_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'qb_rec'}) #bRec_percentage = qbRec_search['csk'] #qbRec = qbRec_search.text '''Passes Completed of Player Collected''' passes_completed_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_cmp'}) passes_completed = passes_completed_search.text '''Passes Attempted of Player Collected''' passes_attempted_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_att'}) passes_attempted = passes_attempted_search.text '''Completion Percentage of Player Collected''' completion_percentage_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_cmp_perc'}) completion_percentage = completion_percentage_search.text '''Passing Yards of Player Collected''' passing_yards_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_yds'}) passing_yards = passing_yards_search.text '''Passing Touchdowns of Player Collected''' passing_touchdowns_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_td'}) passing_touchdowns = passing_touchdowns_search.text '''Touchdown Percentage of Player Collected''' touchdown_percentage_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_td_perc'}) touchdown_percentage = touchdown_percentage_search.text '''Interceptions of Player Collected''' interceptions_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_int'}) interceptions = interceptions_search.text '''Interception Percentage of Player Collected''' interception_percentage_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_int_perc'}) interception_percentage = interception_percentage_search.text '''First Downs of Player Collected''' #firstdowns_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_first_down'}) #firstdowns = firstdowns_search.text '''Longest Pass of Player Collected''' pass_long_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_long'}) pass_long = pass_long_search.text '''Yards per Attempt of Player Collected''' yards_per_attempt_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_yds_per_att'}) yards_per_attempt = yards_per_attempt_search.text '''Adjusted Yards per Attempt of Players Collected''' adj_yards_per_attempt_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_adj_yds_per_att'}) adj_yards_per_attempt = adj_yards_per_attempt_search.text '''Yards per Completion of Players Collected''' yards_per_completion_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_yds_per_cmp'}) yards_per_completion = yards_per_completion_search.text '''Yards per Game''' yards_per_game_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_yds_per_g'}) yards_per_game = yards_per_game_search.text '''Rating''' passer_rating_search = i.find('td',{'data-stat':'pass_rating'}) passer_rating = passer_rating_search.text #Formatting Data Collected player = { "Player": names, "Team": team, "Age": age, "Games Played": games, "Games Started": games_played, "Passes Completed": passes_completed, "Passes Attempted": passes_attempted, "Completion Percentage": completion_percentage, "Passing Yards": passing_yards, "Passing Touchdowns": passing_touchdowns, "Touchdown Percentage": touchdown_percentage, "Interceptions": interceptions, "Interceptions Percentage": interception_percentage, "Longest Pass": pass_long, "Yards Per Attempt": yards_per_attempt, "Adjusted Yards Per Attempt": adj_yards_per_attempt, "Yards per Completion": yards_per_completion, "Yards Per Game": yards_per_game, "Passer Rating": passer_rating} #Appending Each player to Players List players.append(player) #print(ranking, names, team, age, games, games_played) break except: break df = pd.DataFrame(players) #df.to_csv("NFL_Player_QB_Search_Passer_Rating_Era.csv") #print(df) return df df = scraping_QB_Stats(selected_year) ######################################################################################### # Player Image Scraper Starts Here def load_data(selected_year): player_images = [] url = '' + str(selected_year) + '/passing.htm' headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0'} page = requests.get(url,headers=headers, timeout=2, allow_redirects = True ) soup = bs(page.content, 'html.parser') href = soup.find('table', {'id': 'passing'}) href_th = soup.find_all('th',{'class':'right'}) href_tbody = soup.find_all('tbody') href_tr = soup.find_all('tr') for i in href_tbody: href_tr_data = i.find_all('tr') for i in href_tr_data: while True: try: names_search = i.find('td', {'data-stat':'player'}) #names = names_search['csk'] names_text = names_search.find('a') names = names_text.text for link in names_search.find_all('a', href=True): player_link = link['href'] base = '' url = base + str(player_link) page = requests.get(url,headers=headers, timeout=2, allow_redirects = True ) soup = bs(page.content, 'html.parser') player_img = soup.find('div', {'class': 'media-item'}) img = player_img.find('img') img_src = img['src'] #print(img_src) player_image = { "Player": names, "Player_Image": img_src } player_images.append(player_image) break except: break df3 =
import pandas as pd import pytest import woodwork as ww from pandas.testing import ( assert_frame_equal, assert_index_equal, assert_series_equal, ) from evalml.pipelines.components import LabelEncoder def test_label_encoder_init(): encoder = LabelEncoder() assert encoder.parameters == {"positive_label": None} assert encoder.random_seed == 0 def test_label_encoder_fit_transform_y_is_None(): X = pd.DataFrame({}) y =
pd.Series(["a", "b"])