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600 | The model always included age (four categories: 40 - 49, 50 - 59, 60 - 69, 70 - 79). | 0 |
601 | The chronologically first hospital admission during 1995 for each patient was considered the index admission (or discharge). | 0 |
602 | b. We decided to keep only the 3-year survivors in the analysis, rather than 2-year survivors as in the previous publication, because the British patients were 3-year survivors c. About a year of average follow-up was added. | 0 |
603 | Death certificates were requested from other states where cohort members died. | 0 |
604 | Ascertainment of chronic kidney disease and anemia At baseline, each participant was asked to fast for 12hours and then undergo a physical examination in which blood samples were collected. | 0 |
605 | CV deaths included ischemic heart disease, stroke, aorto-iliac disease, congestive heart failure, and sudden deaths, defined as witnessed deaths that occurred within one hour after the onset of acute symptoms, with no evidence that violence or accident played any role in the fatal outcome. | 1 |
606 | Measures of health included symptoms of asthma and of bronchitis assessed using questions from the American Thoracic Society Questionnaire (17). | 0 |
607 | The gestational age (GA) in weeks was estimated by gynecologists using each woman s prenatal history log (her maternity card), which included her reported last menstrual period (LMP) plus data on prenatal visits, ultrasound measurements, etc. Prenatal care began early for most women: 93% began prenatal care and had an ultrasound examination in the first trimester of pregnancy. | 0 |
608 | Hypertension was defined as a persistent resting blood pressure exceeding 140 mm Hg (systolic) or 90 mm Hg (diastolic). | 1 |
609 | 12 Dates of diagnosis and death were obtained from the cancer registry, which obtains information both from clinical records and from the NHS Central Register. | 0 |
610 | Prognostic value of dobutamine stress echocardiography in predicting cardiac events in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease | 0 |
611 | [8-10] Prescription drugs dispensed are identified by National Drug Code (NDC), American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) therapeutic category, brand name, and chemical name [11]. | 0 |
612 | In order to contrast variation between practices for different diagnostic groups, we need a measure of variability that takes account of differing mean rates. | 0 |
613 | Medications were classified similar to that previously reported[11,19] as follows: anemia (erythropoietin, iron), renal bone disease (calcium or aluminum salts, sevelamer, vitamin D analogs), cardiac (any agent used for hypertension, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, arrhythmia), cholesterol-lowering (niacin, fibric acid agent, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor), endocrine (any agent used for diabetes, thyroid disorders, menopause), anti-infective (including antiviral), antithrombotic (agents that may affect platelet function or prolong coagulation), psychotropic (antidepressants, antipsychotics), gastrointestinal (histamine-2 receptor antagonist [H2RA], proton pump inhibitor [PPI], promotility agents, laxatives), vitamins, analgesics, antipruritics, and other (agents with a prevalence of less than 10%). | 0 |
614 | Bacteremia was defined as the occurrence of one or more blood cultures positive for any org a n i s m , re g a rdless of associated symptoms. | 1 |
615 | We omitted three patients for whom mortality could not be confirmed, and excluded those considered to have a terminal illness (chart-documented as unlikely to live past six months) or metastatic cancer, because the focus of their treatment may not have been targeted toward a survival benefit. | 0 |
616 | Medicare data were used to identify subjects with OA, RA, and no arthritis diagnosis. | 0 |
617 | Percent of agreement was defined as the proportion of agreement plus the proportion of those who did not agree divided by the total number of matched patients. | 0 |
618 | Hospitalization was defined as high intensity management of a relapse. | 0 |
619 | A subject was classified as having diabetes if they reported a history of diabetes, or if the fasting blood glucose (FBG) or postprandial blood glucose (PPBG) was 7.0 mmol/l (126 mg/dl) or 11.1 mmol/l (200 mg/dl) respectively (11). | 1 |
620 | For these data to be compared with those reported by other investigators, 24,25 graft stenoses were defined and categorized into three distinct subgroups based on the first DUS-detected (index) lesion as follows: (1) normal (PSV lt; 200 cm/s, Vr lt; 2.0); (2) intermediate stenosis (200 cm/s lt; PSV lt; 300 cm/s, 2.0 lt; Vr lt; 4.0); and (3) critical stenosis (PSV gt; 300 cm/s, Vr gt; 4.0). | 1 |
621 | Hypertension, diabetes, number of risk factors, history of myocardial infarction, history of revascularization, rate__ressure product during stress testing, ischemia on the stress ECG, left ventricular ejection fraction, and SDS were incorporated into this model. | 0 |
622 | 2 pressure can be defined as abnormal remains a major Using the Remler device, Waeber et al found that only issue. | 0 |
623 | For instance, in department 1 the proportion of appropriate x ray examinations rose significandy after distribution of the guidelines (from 61% (202/330) to 73% (305/417)) and appropriate decisions on whether to x ray or not also rose (from 65% (340/522) to 72% (435/608)). | 0 |
624 | Atherosclerotic plaques were defined as irregular intimal thickening (at least 2 mm thick). | 1 |
625 | The temporal distribution of deaths was tested for homogeneity with a chi-square goodness of fit (9). | 0 |
626 | Actually, this study demonstrated that the FPG cutoff value separating normal and diabetes was 110 mg/dL and that for IGT and diabetes was 117 mg/dL 214 NEW ADA CRITERIA IN THE KOREAN POPULATION : FAS TING BLOOD GLUCOSE IS NOT ENOUGH FOR DIAGNOSIS OF MILD DIABETES ESPECIALLY IN THE ELDERLY by cumulative distribution curve analysis (Figure 1). | 1 |
627 | Data collection Because the overall follow-up period began on the date of right heart catheterization (time zero), all clinical, demographic, radiographic, electrocardiographic, echocardiographic and laboratory data were obtained from the medical records within three months before cardiac catheterization; otherwise, the studies were repeated. | 0 |
628 | Early reperfusion was assumed to have occurred (95% probability of correct classification) if there was both a myoglobin peak within seven hours and a creatine kinase peak within 16 hours after the onset of chest pain. | 1 |
629 | Subjects were considered to have DM if they had any of the following conditions: receipt of insulin or oral hypoglycemic medications before admission; outpatient visits, including a diagnosis of DM on two occasions; or a previous inpatient stay with a discharge diagnosis of DM. | 0 |
630 | In this randomized trial (CARPORT), a noncategorical approach was used, and restenosis was defined as a loss of _0.72 mm in the MLD from post-PTCA to six-month follow-up. | 1 |
631 | Results-281(76%) patients (mean age 45-8; 76% female) and 542(60%) of the general population (mean age 47-9; 54% female) responded. | 0 |
632 | High-volume NSGCT was defined by the presence of at least one of the following criteria: at least two sites of nonpulmonary visceral metastases, an extragonadal primary tumour, a serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level higher than 10 000 mIU ml71, or an alpha-foetoprotein (AFP) higher than 2000 mIU ml71. | 1 |
633 | For example, 507 patients who had both a temporary catheter and a native fistula in the baseline period were classified as having a temporary catheter, and 198 patients who had both a goretex or bovine graft and a native arteriovenous fistula in the baseline period were classified as having a goretex/bovine graft. | 0 |
634 | An intent to treat analysis was performed, which included all patients with known outcomes. | 0 |
635 | Patients with a prior MI and cancer were subsequently excluded from analyses. | 0 |
636 | Left ventricular systolic dysfunction was defined as EF lt;0.32, which is significantly lower than the 2.5th percentile. | 1 |
637 | We hoped to achieve a false positive rate less than 10% and a time benefit ofat least two weeks in the two treatment group. | 0 |
638 | The characteristics of these patients were typical of individuals who have AAAs (Table I).The patients underwent a preoperative work-up that included abdominal ultrasonographic scan or computed tomographic scan, carotid duplex scan, and lower extremity arterial Doppler scan studies. | 0 |
639 | Among participants without prevalent cardiovascular disease, subclinical cardiovascular disease was defined by abnormal results from the AAI, common carotid IMT, and echocardiography testing. | 1 |
640 | 2 For this analysis all the interim scans (between the first follow-up and last CT scan) were used, and patients who subsequently underwent operation were included as free of rupture until their penultimate scans because they could be documented to have been free of rupture for all earlier intervals. | 0 |
641 | Patients not receiving angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors at hospital discharge were then grouped on the basis of the reasons for nonuse as documented in the medical record: CRLimit (symptomatic hypotension, progressive renal insufficiency, or hyperkalemia), adverse effects (cough-other; all other reasons), and unable to be determined from the written record. | 0 |
642 | Women who underwent hysterectomy without oopherectomy were considered estrogen status positive if they were under the age of 50 and without symptoms of estrogen deficiency. | 0 |
643 | Other than excluding patients with congenital or valvular heart disease, patients with underlying active inflammatory disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus and malignancy, all non-diabetic CAPD patients were included into the study. | 1 |
644 | The provision of information and practical advice on how to recognise early symptoms, what to expect from treatment and how to manage existing problems were considered. | 0 |
645 | The data were taken from the Fresenius Medical Care (North America), Inc. [FMC(NA); Lexington, MA, USA] patient statistical profile (PSP) system that has been described previously 7-10 . A major subset of these data was the subject of an earlier report that compared different methods for estimating an SMR 6 . The data abstraction techniques are discussed therein. | 0 |
646 | Cardiac disease was defined as either a documented history of myocardial infarction or angiographically proven stenosis of _70% of at least one coronary artery. | 1 |
647 | Men were considered to have confirmed type 2 diabetes if any of the following criteria were met: 1) one or more classical symptoms (excessive thirst, polyuria, unexplained weight loss, hunger, or pruritus) plus a fasting plasma glucose level of _140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/l) or a random plasma glucose level of _200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l); 2) at least two elevated plasma glucose concentrations on different occasions (a fasting level of _140 mg/dl or a random level of _200 mg/dl and/or a concentration of _200 mg/dl after _2 h of oral glucose tolerance testing) in the absence of symptoms; or 3) treatment with hypoglycemic medications (insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents). | 1 |
648 | POLICY ON ANTENATAL CARE Before 1 August 1985 standard antenatal care for low risk multiparous women booking for shared care entailed a booking visit between 10 and 16 weeks gestation and two or three further visits in the third trimester, with all other care being given by the primary care team. | 0 |
649 | For key decision making variables the presence or absence of penetrating injury was least likely to be recorded (-0 1%) and that of loss of consciousness most likely ( >75%). | 0 |
650 | More than 70% had attained the age of 60 years at the end of the follow-up period or by the time they were deceased. | 0 |
651 | Furthermore, given the relatively low risk of death and lack of censoring in this study population (complete follow-up on all patients), Cox regression is not more efficient than logistic regression (32), and logistic regression allows reporting of odds ratios (ORs) that are easily interpretable. | 0 |
652 | Sudden death was defined as death within 1 h of development of new symptoms, and progression in heart failure was defined as hospital admission for heart failure, death resulting from progressive heart failure, or heart failure necessitating open-label ACE inhibition. | 1 |
653 | The economic outcomes included total cost = diagnostic cost (including all noninvasive and invasive testing) + follow-up cost (including cardiac hospitalizations through three years). | 0 |
654 | Methods Patients Information on all 1995 New York State hospital discharges assigned International Classification of Diseases_9__linical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes indicative of CHF in the principal diagnosis position were obtained from the Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS) database. | 0 |
655 | In this context, angina was defined as exertional chest pain or discomfort alleviated by rest or nitroglycerin, and stroke was defined as a focal neurologic deficit lasting more than 24 hours. | 1 |
656 | Patients with multiple lesions in the same or different vessels were eligible if all lesions met enrollment criteria. | 0 |
657 | For patients with missing values for categorical variables, a category of unknown was created and these patients were included in the Cox models. | 0 |
658 | Some UAMC patients in our study were discharged to home care before completion of antibiotic therapy and received the remainder of their FN treatment through home care. | 0 |
659 | The cardiac surgical procedures performed in these patients included: coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery in 1,472 (75.2%), valve repair or replacement in 224 (11.5%) and CABG and valve surgery in 261 (13.3%). | 0 |
660 | Valve-related morbidity was considered to be any hemorrhage, thromboembolism, aortic valve reoperation, or endocarditis. | 0 |
661 | Independent variables included age, sex, diabetes, pre-dialysis clinic attendance and length of attendance, history of ischemic heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, heart failure, malignancy, and chronic lung disease, residual creatinine clearance at dialysis initiation, and kt/v, albumin and hemoglobin at the time of QOL assessment. | 0 |
662 | The cost per patient of a single cycle of chemotherapy was calculated for each country. | 0 |
663 | Determinants of depressive symptoms in the early weeks after miscarriage. | 0 |
664 | Significant myocardial ischaemia was defined as ST segment depression of 2 mm or more below, or elevation of at least 3 mm above baseline at 60 ms after the J point and persisting for more than 1 min. | 1 |
665 | For each survey, an ageand gender-stratified random sample of 2,000 subjects aged 25 to 64 years was selected in both provincial cities of Ghent and Charleroi. | 0 |
666 | For symptomatic recurrences of genital lesions, dates of onset and healing of lesions were recorded. | 0 |
667 | Diagnosis-based risk adjustment for Medicare capitation payments. | 0 |
668 | Ischemic heart disease was defined by the presence of at least one of the following: history of acute myocardial infarction (MI; with at least two of the following signs: typical chest pain lasting more than 20 min, Q-wave MI on EKG, significant cardiac enzyme elevation), typical angina with ischemic signs on resting EKG and/or exercise EKG and/or thallium scan, significant coronary artery narrowing on coronary angiogram, history of coronary angioplasty or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). | 1 |
669 | We obtained the primary survival and resource utilization data from a large three-arm randomized trial comparing: paclitaxel 135 mg m-2 by 24-h intravenous (i.v.) infusion + cisplatin; paclitaxel 250 mg m-2 by 24-h i.v. infusion + cisplatin + granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF); and standard etoposide/cisplatin in patients with stage IIIb or IV NSCLC. | 0 |
670 | To evaluate the relative significance of some prognostic factors, the multiple regression model of Cox was applied . The set variables analyzed were as follows: stage according to Rai staging (0 vs I - II) , LDT (512 vs 412 months), absolute lymphocyte count (520 vs 4206109/l), LDH (5425 vs 425 U l71), b-2 m (52.89 vs 42.89 mg l71), sVEGF (5203 vs 4203 ng ml71). | 0 |
Subsets and Splits