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400 | All MIs were reviewed and classified by the Central Classification Committee; a creatine kinase-MB fraction (CK-MB) exceeding normal or, if no CK-MBs were available, a total CK greater than twice normal was considered evidence of infarction (1). | 1 |
401 | The SCr was higher by definition in group R2 (median, 2.6 mg/dL) than in group R1 (median, 1.5 mg/dL), but more patients in group R2 also had a history of congestive heart failure (CHF; P =.01), coronary artery bypass surgery (CAB; P =.044), or diabetes mellitus (P =.01). | 0 |
402 | Methods A few potentially contaminated homes were identified by reviewing limited notes found in the applicator s home, but the majority of the potentially contaminated sites were identified through self-report from residents to local health officials. | 0 |
403 | In summary, in this population of 1666 ICU patients ventilated for gt; 48 hours, we have demonstrated that clinically important gastrointestinal bleeding is associated with a significant increase in attributable mortality (full range of RRs, 1-4) and length of ICU stay (approximately 4-8 days). | 0 |
404 | We calculated odds ratios for each pollutant in relation to asthma hospitalization after adjustment for three weather conditions: daily maximum and minimum temperature and average relative humidity. | 0 |
405 | The mean pressure was calculated according to the following formula: [systolic pressure + 2(diastolic pressure)]/3. Values were obtained from either the sole office visit during which blood pressure was recorded or the most recent office visit during which blood pressure was recorded. | 0 |
406 | This study suggests that people with IHD and accompanying CHF and/or ARR constitute a sensitive subgroup in relation to the effects of criteria ambient air pollutants associated with motor vehicle combustion. | 0 |
407 | Postoperative data included length of mechanical support and ventilation, cardiac intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital lengths of stay, the need for early reoperation and mortality. | 0 |
408 | Methods Study design The LIPID study enrolled 9,014 patients with an acute MI or hospitalization for unstable angina between 3 and 36 months before study entry. | 0 |
409 | Clinical events, including death, predischarge HF (presence of new symptoms of dyspnea and/or edema, with one or more of ventricular gallop rhythm, pulmonary crepitations, elevated venous pressure and/or radiologic evidence of left ventricular failure) and later readmissions for HF (similarly defined), were recorded for a mean follow-up period of two years. | 1 |
410 | Simultaneous aortic replacement and renal artery revascularization: The influence of preoperative renal function on early risk and late outcome | 0 |
411 | On-site chart abstraction was used to collect information about medical utilization, including mental health treatment, drug therapy, and diagnoses. | 0 |
412 | Each vessel studied was assigned a score from 0 to 3 on the basis of the tightest degree of stenosis present in the vessel, according to the reporting standards of the Joint Vascular Societies Council. | 0 |
413 | Transmyocardial laser revascularization was performed through a left anterolateral thoracotomy without cardiopulmonary bypass using an 800-W CO2laser (The Heart Laser, PLC Medical Systems, Inc., Milford, Massachusetts). | 0 |
414 | For most patients who were asymptomatic, CEA was performed if there were at least 80% stenosis of the ICA or 60% to 79% stenosis of the ipsilateral ICA in the presence of an ICA occlusion on the contralateral side. | 0 |
415 | To determine statistical significance we calculated the 95% confidence intervals for each risk factor in the model. | 0 |
416 | Patients received intravenous sedation consisting of 0.075 - 0.2 mg midazolam/kg. | 0 |
417 | However, it was also deemed of interest to compare survival from onset of symptoms in all patients (n = 115). | 0 |
418 | These tests were performed in the laboratory of Dr. Kimberling using established markers for the PKD-1 and PKD-2 genes 4 . During their two-day hospital stay, the children had multiple blood pressure measurements obtained (mean 14, range 2 to 20); these were taken on the dominant arm with an automatic device (Dynamap; Critikon, Inc., Tampa, FL, USA) in the sitting position using a cuff appropriate for the child s upper arm circumference. | 0 |
419 | 2) cTn-I gt;0.6 ng/ml and/or cTn-T gt;0.03 ng/ml, which correspond to the lowest levels with lt;10% imprecision or coefficient of variation for these assays (16). | 0 |
420 | First, before primary antibodies were added, the slides were preincubated for ten minutes at room temperature with blocking-biotin system (Dako, Trappes, France). | 0 |
421 | In Jackson, 46% of eligible subjects participated; approximately 65% participated in the other three centers. | 0 |
422 | Preterm births (<37 weeks gestation) were excluded from this analysis because of the differences in factors affecting fetal growth (15). | 1 |
423 | Inquiry 27:225-233, F Beebe, J., Lubitz, J., and Eggers, P.: Using Prior Utilization Information to Determine Payments for Medicare Enrollees in HMOs. | 0 |
424 | The primary hypothesis of the study was that intensive blood pressure control would prevent the development and/or progression of diabetic nephropathy. | 0 |
425 | The diagnosis of an AMI was made based on the presence of at least two of the following three criteria: 1) chest pain suggestive of myocardial ischemia lasting 30 min or longer, 2) enzymatic evidence of acute myocardial necrosis, as demonstrated by a rise in creatine kinase levels with the creatine kinase isoenzyme__yocardial band (CK-MB) fraction being greater than 5%, 3) new electrocardiographic change which included development of Q waves or ST/T changes lasting 48 h or longer. | 1 |
426 | The previously correlation between serum VEGF levels and platelet count (Banks et al, 1998; FuhrmannBenzakein et al, 2000) prompted us to measure VEGF concentration on either plasma or serum in 30 unselected CLL Binet stage A patients. | 0 |
427 | In patients with bilateral disease, the clinically worse limb was considered for all analyses, each patient thus was included only once in the calculations. | 0 |
428 | Based upon an estimated standard deviation of 91 min for the time from EMS arrival to fibrinolytic, a sample size of 340 patients and at least as many controls was calculated to provide 99% power to detect a difference of 30 min. | 0 |
429 | Heart rate recovery was defined as the difference between heart rate at peak exercise and 1 min into a recovery cool-down period; a value of _12 beats/min was abnormal (8). | 0 |
430 | After termination of the dialysis, the venous needle remained inserted, and postdialysis blood samples were drawn after flushing of the venous line. | 0 |
431 | The groups of children studied were all those aged 2 years or 5 years on the first day of the quarter analysed (an average of 6600 and 6400 children, respectively). | 0 |
432 | The effects of pravastatin on hospital admission in hypercholesterolemic middle-aged menAppendix West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study | 0 |
433 | obstructive pulmonary disease or renal dysfunction), type of prosthesis, a history of preoperative coneestive hean failure, concomitant coronary artery bypass surgery, concomitant aortic reeureitation, radiologie hean size and cardiac rhythni. | 0 |
434 | For breast cancer, therapeutic options are dependent upon the stage of the disease at presentation, the age and menopausal status of the patient, and the hormone-receptor status of the tumour. | 0 |
435 | SPARCS is an agency of the New York State Department of Health which, by law, incorporates information or all patients hospitalized in acute care facilities from various sources including the uniform bill and uniform discharge abstract submitted by hospitals. | 0 |
436 | Two departments which had attendance registers to enable identification of subjects and where accident and emergency medical records were All cases of head injury Indication for skull x ray or admission | 0 |
437 | Monitoring and recording patients discomfort clearly need to be improved if the quality of anaesthesia is to be properly evaluated. | 0 |
438 | Among the postmenopausal women, those who consumed, on average, 27 g of alcohol/d experienced an odds ratio (OR) of 1.76 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.14-2.71] for ER-positive/PR-positive breast cancer relative to women who reported no alcohol consumption. | 0 |
439 | Patients were randomly selected for this study from the national population of ESRD patients in the Medicare ESRD registry using a two-stage cluster sampling procedure. | 0 |
440 | Life-table analyses36 were used to examine outcome related to single characteristics. | 0 |
441 | Process of care was determined by searching the principal procedure code and up to 14 secondary procedure codes for each patient. | 0 |
442 | The Marmara region, a densely populated and highly industrialized area, is located in the northwestern part of the country, and includes some major cities, such as Adapazari, Glck (the epicenter of the disaster), Kocaeli, Yalova, stanbul, and Eski_ehir, with a total number of inhabitants of approximately 20,000,000 7 . All of these cities are situated close to the North-Anatolian Fault Zone, which has been the location of many catastrophic earthquakes during the last century 8 . In the affected cities, many multistory buildings completely collapsed during the primary event, while multiple aftershocks following the initial shock caused a complete collapse of many of the partially destroyed buildings. | 0 |
443 | Each encounter was coded by the physician at the time of consultation with up to 11 diagnosis codes. | 0 |
444 | One other patient was excluded because time interval between the initial surgery and the restaging procedure was more than six months, and another patient was excluded because of insufficiency of data for analysis. | 0 |
445 | Eligible patients with N1 disease were offered neoadjuvant therapy on protocol. | 0 |
446 | Study outcomes The average scores of patients on each of the 8 scales of the SF-36 were used for descriptive comparisons between subgroups of patients. | 0 |
447 | Atropine was given intravenously at the discretion of the clinician conducting the test when the heart rate response appeared to be inadequate. | 0 |
448 | To obtain estimates of 10-year survival free of valve-related morbidity in selected age groups where several groups contained fewer than 10 patients, log curve fitting was used 16 (Fig. | 0 |
449 | MATERIALS AND METHODS Study subjects Initial cohort was established in 1991 and is for an ongoing study on the risk factors for chronic diseases, including hypertension and diabetes in Seoul, Korea. | 0 |
450 | The short-term postoperative improvement was defined as the FEV1 measured closest to 6 months following surgery. | 0 |
451 | Indeed, in our cohort, all patients were younger than 15 years old at the time of irradiation, and thus the time since first cancer and the attained age were too closely related. | 0 |
452 | The research nurse also reviewed the patient s hospital record after the interview to determine the occurrence of adverse events as recorded by ward staff. | 0 |
453 | For example, ifa physician had a mean score based on only two patients which was greater than the overall mean x, and another physician had the exact same mean score based on 10 patients, the standardized scores would be such that the ten-patient physician would have a more positive standardized score than the two-patient physician; similarly, if these same two physicians had equal mean scores which were less than x, then the ten-patient physician would have a more negative standardized score than the twopatient physician. | 0 |
454 | The category for cardiovascular disease was expanded to four categories (ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, arrhythmia, and other heart disease). | 0 |
455 | The recipient characteristics (age, gender, body weight, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol level, triglyceride level and viral infection), donor characteristics (age, gender, preexisting coronary artery disease and allograft ischemic time), rejection episodes, medications and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) match were recorded. | 0 |
456 | The normal ranges of these hemostatic markers in our laboratory from 16 healthy control subjects matched for age and sex with the cardiac patients were: 4.3 0.3 ng/mL for FPA, 0.9 0.1 nmol/liter for F1+2 and 1.5 0.3 ng/mL for TAT. | 0 |
457 | The ultrasonic images were evaluated for the presence of atherosclerosis by two observers blinded to the clinical data, as follows: 1) normal aorta (no intimal thickening), 2) mild atherosclerosis (<3 mm intimal thickening without intimal irregularities), 3) moderate aortic atherosclerosis (intimal thickening 3 mm, with diffuse irregularities and/or calcification) and 4) servere atherosclerosis (>5 mm intimal thickening and one or more of the following: large protruding or mobile atheromatous debris, ulcerated plaques and/or thrombi). | 1 |
458 | That is, while not having CHF explicitly listed in the chart, these patients received ICD-9-CM codes and had the cardiac substrate and associated findings to support the presence of CHF. | 0 |
459 | We defined an IUGR birth as birth weight below the 10th percentile, by sex and gestational week, in the general Czech population. | 1 |
460 | In the analyses, these categories were examined as dummy variables (medium vs. low, high vs. low) so that a dose-response relationship was not imposed on the initial analyses. | 0 |
461 | Myocardial infarction was defined as elevation in creatine kinase (CK) greater than 2_ normal, and elevation of MB isoform. | 1 |
462 | Recurrent ischemia was defined as rest angina or ischemic symptoms _5 min with ST-segment depression, T-wave inversion, or both with no cardiac enzyme elevation. | 1 |
463 | NUMBER OF CLINICAL RESPONSES The numbers of actions carried out by staff in each medical category were analysed by the X2 test for each intended method of history taking (table I). | 0 |
464 | Revascularization procedures were performed on 16 patients either by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (n = 13) or coronary graft bypass surgery (n = 3) at a mean time of 12 days after the onset of myocardial infarction. | 0 |
465 | Diagnoses were coded according to the International Classification of Diseases 8th Revision (ICD 8) and procedures according to the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Revision 4 Coding (OPCS 4). | 0 |
466 | Because the definition of unstable angina in the guidelines is based on the accurate distinction of unstable angina from nonischemic chest pain syndromes, we required demonstration of underlying coronary artery disease (gt;70% stenosis), exercise-induced ischemia (gt;1.5 mm ST segment depression or reversible defects on nuclear images or echocardiography) or CK-MB detection above the upper limits of normal (5 ng/dl) but below the threshold for AMI (5 to 10 ng/dl) to be classified as angina. | 1 |
467 | Between January and June 1990 leftover blood from samples obtained from newly admitted patients for determination of the complete blood count was collected from Monday to Friday each week. | 0 |
468 | 1886 F de Vathaire et al British Journal of Cancer (1999) 79(11/12), 1884-1893 Cancer Research Campaign 1999 each participating centre were included. | 0 |
469 | Controlled hypertension was defined as office BP lt; 140/90 mm Hg. | 1 |
470 | Initially, this model is estimated using all observations and it includes indicator variables for treatments with sertraline and paroxetine (with fluoxetine as the reference category) as explanatory variables. | 0 |
471 | Carotid artery stenosis was graded based on results of the carotid artery ultrasound performed in the longitudinal and cross-sectional axes, as previously described (39,40): 1) insignificant or no disease (luminal narrowing 50%), 2) moderate disease (luminal narrowing > 50% but < 80%), 3) severe disease (luminal narrowing 80% but 99%) and 4) complete occlusion. | 1 |
472 | Invasive pneumococcal infections: a clinical and microbiological analysis of 53 patients in Taiwan | 0 |
473 | The objective of the BHDPP, which was part of the WHO European Collaborative Trial (33), was to study the effect of a multifactorial intervention program for prevention of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in a population of middle-aged working men (34). | 0 |
474 | According to a national survey (46), NIDDM prevalence in individuals gt; 65 years old is higher among African Americans and Mexican Americans than in non-Hispanic whites, ranging from 10.9% for non-Hispanic white males 65-74 years old to 29% for Mexican-American females 65-74 years old. | 0 |
475 | Information was collected on the use of the feedback report, recognition of problem pathogens or excessive use of specific antimicrobial agents, and specific practice changes. | 0 |
476 | The criteria for selection were initiation of chronic maintenance dialysis for ESRD in 1986 or 1987, Medicare-entitlement for dialysis services, no transplantation as initial renal replacement therapy, and treatment at a dialysis facility that was within one day of travel of the ESRD network office. | 0 |
477 | The mothers were asked if the health visitor had offered them advice on three specific issues: immunisation, infant feeding, and child care for example, clothing and hygiene. | 0 |
478 | Telithromycin 800 mg once daily for seven to ten days is an effective and well-tolerated treatment for community-acquired pneumonia | 0 |
479 | We excluded patients with renal failure (serum creatinine level _176 mmol/l) or hepatic damage, with obvious present or past CAD, stroke (including transient ischemic attacks [TIA]), congestive heart failure or arrhythmia. | 1 |
480 | To more clearly define expected cost savings in the nuclear imaging patients, a multivariate linear regression model was used to estimate costs including pretest clinical risk as well as cardiac outcomes. | 0 |
481 | Data validation To validate coding for PAOD surgical procedures, 300 discharge abstract records from the CIHI database with ABS codes and a hospital code indicating Sunnybrook and Women__ College Health Science Centre, a major teaching hospital in Toronto, were randomly selected over the study period. | 0 |
482 | The data were collected by using a structured questionnaire which included information on: (i) sociodemographic characteristics; (ii) gynaecological and reproductive history; (iii) medical history (including autoimmune and chronic diseases and benign thyroid disease); (iv) family history (including thyroid disease and cancer); (v) habitual diet (frequency of consumption of 13 dietary items into one of the following six categories: never, occasional - few times a year, 1 - 3 times per month, 1 day per week, 2 - 4 days per week, or 5 - 7 days per week); and (vi) clinical and histopathological information (abstracted from the records of the cancer registry and KCCC). | 0 |
483 | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was considered present if the patient reported shortness of breath on even mild exertion or had been reported to have significant lung disease on the basis of previous examinations of pulmonary function or other tests. | 1 |
484 | Period 1971-1972, 1973-1974 The World Health Organisation Heart Attack Register criteria 0 were used for the registration of acute myocardial infarction events both in North Karelia and in Kaunas. | 0 |
485 | Obesity was defined as a BMI higher than 30 kg/m2; overweight was considered as a BMI between 27 and 29.9 kg/m2 23 . Renal insufficiency was defined as a SCr higher than 1.4 mg/dL together with a CCr lower than 70 mL/min/1.73 m2. | 1 |
486 | Smoking and cardiovascular outcomes in dialysis patients: The United States Renal Data System Wave 2 Study 1 , 2 1 The interpretation and reporting of the data presented here are the responsibility of the authors, and in no way should be seen as an official policy or interpretation of the United States government. 2 See Editorial by Orth and Uehlinger, p. 1580. | 0 |
487 | The perceived health of patients with varicose veins, as measured by the SF-36, was significantly lower than that of the sample of the general population adjusted for age and a lower proportion of women. | 0 |
488 | The process of identifying these factors was similar in all multivariable analyses. | 0 |
489 | Analyses were conducted overall and within strata defined by menopausal status, obesity, and exogenous hormone use. | 0 |
490 | The total cumulative dose of prednisone was not available in the USRDS. | 0 |
491 | Symptom intensity (pain, bleeding) was measured using the Mann__hitney U test. | 0 |
492 | Study population Men and women who were at least 18 years old were eligible for inclusion in the trial if they had ischemic discomfort lasting 30 min or longer within the prior 12 h and exhibited ST-segment elevation _0.1 mV in two or more contiguous limb leads or _0.2 mV in two or more contiguous precordial leads, or new left bundle branch block on a 12-lead ECG obtained in the field. | 0 |
493 | A matched number of patients identified as HPA-1a positive were randomly selected, consented and recruited as controls, and cord blood platelet counts were determined on their infants at birth. | 0 |
494 | To address the issue of change in baseline variables over the follow-up period, in selected analyses, we assessed the relationship between risk factors and early (within the first 6 months of onset of dialysis) versus late outcomes (after the first 6 months). | 0 |
495 | Before 1998, resistance to 184 International Journal of Infectious Diseases / Volume 7, penicillin was identified according to the criteria of the US National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, using penicillin disks. | 0 |
496 | Definitions Suspected intrapartum or puerperal genital tract infection-oral temperature gt; 38C with no other identifiable source or unusual abdominal pain or late postpartum hemorrhage, all -lt; 50 days postdelivery. | 1 |
497 | Patients were excluded if they had ECG appearance of multifocal atrial tachycardia at presentation or more than one mechanism for tachycardia. | 0 |
498 | The simplified cancer registry staging system was used to classify the tumour stage into the categories local (meaning confined to the organ of origin), local extension or nodal or distant metastases, or both, and not known. | 0 |
499 | A diagnosis of QWMI was accepted when Q-waves with a duration of 0.04 s or more and an amplitude equal to or greater than 25% of the R wave in that lead, as well as a typical pattern of evolutionary changes in the ST segment and T waves, appeared in two or more contiguous leads in serial ECGs with or without a typical clinical history or serum enzyme elevations. | 1 |
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