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300 | Subacute and/or acute thrombosis was defined as the angiographic documentation of a complete occlusion (TIMI flow 0 or 1) or the angiographic documentation of a flow-limiting thrombus (TIMI flow 1 or 2). | 1 |
301 | Major ischemic complications were defined as chest pain with new electrocardiogram (ECG) changes, Q-wave and non-Q-wave myocardial infarction, repeat PTCA, stent placement for acute abrupt closure and CABG during the same hospital stay. | 1 |
302 | Since this method is primarily undertaken to assess uniformity of risk among strata, model fitting was also tested by fitting models to a 70% random sample of the study population, and then running the same model for the remaining 30% of the population to test for agreement. | 0 |
303 | Borderline hypertension was defined by systolic BP _140 but lt;160 mm Hg or diastolic BP _90 but lt;95 mm Hg. | 1 |
304 | Early stage (Stages I and II) breast cancer represented 87% of all incident cases, with 77% of cases occurring in women 50 years. | 0 |
305 | Preoperative and perioperative factors examined were weight loss, neoadjuvant therapy, smoking history, timing of smoking cessation relative to the operation, alcohol use (defined as _4 oz/d or its equivalent), hypertension, congestive heart failure, angina, prior myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD; defined as a disease requiring chronic bronchodilator use), prior cardiothoracic surgery, prior cardiac surgery, prior thoracotomy, procedure performed, mediastinal lymph node dissection, and intraoperative transfusions (defined as the use of any blood products intraoperatively). | 0 |
306 | Characteristics of the parents summarized in Table 1 were evaluated for inclusion in the model. | 0 |
307 | Analysis of nursing notes was stopped when no more new phrases were found__or each subject category this occurred when the nursing notes of around 15 patients had been analyzed. | 0 |
308 | A new MI was defined as a clinical event, electrocardiogram (ECG) changes and a creatine phosphokinase (CPK) rise to greater than or equal to twice normal levels with positive isoenzymes. | 1 |
309 | Categorical variables were described using proportions and analyzed using the _2 test. | 0 |
310 | Data on risk factors, comorbidities, history of cardiac disease and of CHF, as well as data regarding hospitalizations for CHF during the previous 18 months, were recorded. | 0 |
311 | Clinical and angiographic characteristics of the study groups are listed in Table 1. A history of previous myocardial infarction (MI) had been diagnosed based on typical chest pain lasting for more than 30 min with ST-T segment deviation on a standard 12-lead electrocardiogram and an increase in creatine kinase to at least twice the normal upper limit. | 1 |
312 | The average age of the patients was 71.0 years for angioplasty patients and 71.4 years for bypass surgery patients. | 0 |
313 | Patients were defined as having acute renal failure if their baseline creatinine level was less than 2.0 mg/dL and their maximum creatinine level exceeded 2.5 mg/dL. | 1 |
314 | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was defined as the patient requiring an inhaler or steroid treatment, or home oxygen dependency. | 0 |
315 | The determination of the time elapsed since acute dissection and the determination of whether the false lumen of the dissection was still patent was made by an experienced cardiothoracic surgeon on review of the patient s chart and the CT scans. | 0 |
316 | The ten remaining communitybased primary care practices enrolled in the study included family practice (4), internal medicine (5) and obstetrics (1). | 0 |
317 | To compare admission rates with respect to underlying risk of coronary events, participants were categorized according to quartiles of baseline five-year untreated risk of definite CHD death or nonfatal MI. | 0 |
318 | 5 Finalising the questionnaire for clinical use Questions were included in the definitive questionnaire if they satisfied at least two of the following three criteria: all response categories ticked by less than 800/o of patients; a significant coefficient within one of the important factors; and an item-total or relevant item-factor correlation above 0 2. Finally we checked that Cronbach s alpha for the resulting questionnaire exceeded 0 5 the criterion that needs to be satisfied when comparing groups of patients.2 VALIDATING THE QUESTIONNAIRE Criterion validity is the extent to which a new measure is correlated with established measures of the concept under study. | 0 |
319 | Open and double-blind dalteparin treatment On admission, the patients were initially treated with either subcutaneous dalteparin or APTT-adjusted standard heparin infusion. | 0 |
320 | Atherosclerosis of the ascending aorta is an independent predictor of long-term neurologic events and mortality | 0 |
321 | Diagnosis of myocardial infarction was based on a consistent history, ECG changes and cardiac enzyme level elevations. | 1 |
322 | Hypertensive group stages I and II were merged, and three groups were considered: low BP (lt;74.5 mm Hg), reference group (74.5 to 89 mm Hg), and high BP (_90 mm Hg). | 1 |
323 | At diagnosis of diabetes, patients were considered to have microalbuminuria if their urine albumin was in the range of 50 to 299 mg/L at their first two measurements. | 1 |
324 | Non-cardiac morbidity included: renal failure (defined as a twofold rise in creatinine over baseline), cerebral vascular accident, pneumonia, sepsis (defined by positive blood cultures) and anemia requiring blood transfusion. | 1 |
325 | Clinical diagnosis of BrOb was defined by moderate to severe obstructive ventilatory defects: forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) lt;70% and FEV1/forced vital capacity lt;80% of the predicted value [7,8] along with typical changes on high-resolution computed tomography. | 1 |
326 | For the current analysis, we excluded men who reported a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (n = 101) and those who reported having diabetes diagnosed before turning 30 (n = 57). | 0 |
327 | This is logical, since respiratory malignancies and age both increase the probability of death from heart attacks, but both may reduce the likelihood of an SGC. | 0 |
328 | Questions that did not contribute significantly to any of these important factors were considered for rejection. | 0 |
329 | Marked left ventricular systolic dysfunction was defined by low contractility (a stress-velocity index gt;2 SD below normal) and depressed fractional shortening (_25%) as measured by echocardiography (15_17). | 1 |
330 | The potential impact of a small increase in the proportion of hypertensiveswith controlled hypertension will be much larger in a group with a high prevalence of hypertension compared with a group with a low prevalence ofhypertension because a larger proportion of the population will have become exposed to antihypertensive treatment. | 0 |
331 | Medical records were reviewed by the End Points Committee without knowledge of treatment assignment. | 0 |
332 | Finally, patients with catecholaminergic VT (13), defined as occurrence of syncope due to polymorphic VT during exercise, were also not eligible for the present study. | 1 |
333 | The surgeon recorded objective outcome values, data about previous incontinence surgery, the identity of the surgeon, whether the incontinence procedure was combined with vaginal surgery and data about complications. | 0 |
334 | COMPARISON WITH THE GENERAL POPULATION A random sample of 900 members of the general population selected from the electoral registers for Aberdeen served as a comparison group. | 0 |
335 | The date on which patients were first prescribed antidepressant medication during the study period is termed the index prescription date (IPD). | 0 |
336 | The distribution of patients with normal (>55%), moderately impaired (35% to 55%) and severely impaired (<35%) rest left ventricular function at hospital discharge and at 6 weeks was similar for patients with and without antecedent angina. | 0 |
337 | Review of complications of angioplasty reported within the 1st 24 h of the procedure revealed llBt more patients with than without antecedent aneina had n-occlusion of the infarct-rdaled artery (5.7% vs. 2.2%, p = O.S08) or reinfarcdon (6.1% vs. 2.4%, p 0.007) (Fig. | 0 |
338 | For sites using selected hospitals, completeness of reporting was estimated collectively for persons diagnosedwithAIDS atthe selectedhospitals. | 0 |
339 | Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection was defined as a fourfold rise in antibody, CMV inclusion body or positive culture. | 1 |
340 | Categories of low, medium, high and very high risk were defined by categorizing the prognostic index and simplified risk score into quartiles based on the study sample. | 0 |
341 | Tables3 and4presentthepatientrisk factorssignificantlyrelatedto adverseoutcome in a logistic regression analysis. | 0 |
342 | Cineangiograms were recorded at 60 frames/s through a lens with a focal length of 135 mm and with an X-ray field of 15 cm. | 0 |
343 | For women, the base year included costs of prevalent hip and spine fractures, which were estimated by an iterative process. | 0 |
344 | We excluded countries in which no workers were classified as exposed to SO2 , as well as workers with unknown SO2 exposure status. | 0 |
345 | From the respondents, a stratified random sample of adults was selected to undergo full clinical examination. | 0 |
346 | Acute Response Evaluation The change in FEV1, FVC, and dyspnea score at the time of initial follow-up was determined for all patients whose initial follow-up visits were within 1 year of surgery. | 0 |
347 | Main outcome measures-The number of clinical responses to factors arising from the antenatal booking history according to method of taking the history. | 0 |
348 | Main outcome measures-The analytical quality of the immunoturbidimetric myoglobin assay and a comparison between the myoglobin assay and creatine kinase and creatine kinase MB for diagnostic sensitivity and performance. | 0 |
349 | Cyclosporine dose was adjusted according to renal function and serum cyclosporine level, which was maintained at the trough level of 300 to 500 ng/ml during the first 3 months after transplantation and 200 to 300 ng/ml 1 year after transplantation. | 0 |
350 | In this comparison we attempted to evaluate whether or not differences in patient identification procedures would result in differences in baseline demographic, patient presentation, process of care and outcome calculated in each database. | 0 |
351 | Patients in group 1 were from the following diagnostic groups: major postoperative vascular surgery (n 9); major postoperative maxillofacial/ENT surgery (n 9); elective oesophagectomy (n 9); major emergency general surgery (n 35); primary cardiac diagnoses (n 9); primary respiratory failure British Journal of Anaesthesia Noble et al. | 0 |
352 | The codes used were 428.0, 402.91, 404.93, 428.1, 402.11, 398.91, 404.91, 404.13, 402.01, 404.03, 404.11, 404.01 and 428.9. This method of case selection defined a group of patients whose primary diagnosis was CHF, irrespective of procedures performed. | 0 |
353 | A CTFC _40 was used to identify patients with depressed reperfusion, as opposed to patients with a CTFC lt;40, as described previously (11). | 1 |
354 | In this derivation set, we evaluated by visual inspection the association of the continuous variables with the outcome to check for assumptions of linearity. | 0 |
355 | Parameter estimates from the nonlinear regressions were used to calculate the changes in costs of initiating treatment for depression with other antidepressants in comparison with bupropion SR. For instance, to calculate the cost difference of initiating patients on fluoxetine vs. bupropion SR, we first obtained average total predicted payments for all study patients, assuming that the entire sample was started on fluoxetine, by using the formula: Next, we assumed that the full sample was started on bupropion SR and obtained the average total predicted cost by setting the value of the fluoxetine dummy in the above formula to zero. | 0 |
356 | Pain was considered to be present if the patient reported chest, back, neck, or abdominal pain at follow-up visits. | 0 |
357 | Of the 729 records (94%) with sufficient information available to verify MI, 85% had MIs that met the study criteria. | 0 |
358 | These include reliability, three groups was in the blood pressure levels. | 0 |
359 | Other than excluding patients with congenital or valvular heart disease, patients with underlying active inflammatory disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus and malignancy, all non-diabetic CAPD patients were included into the study. | 0 |
360 | Perioperative cardiac complications were defined as occurring within 30 days of surgery or during the hospital admission. | 0 |
361 | Coordinators attend a half-day training course and are provided with a reference manual that includes case report form field definitions and examples of correct responses. | 0 |
362 | Relative contraindications included age gt; 75 years, severe anxiety, severe depression, or CO2 retention with resting Paco 2 gt; 55 mm Hg. | 0 |
363 | Statistical significance was defined as p lt; 0.05 for all analyses. | 0 |
364 | An example would be a previously undetected ASD in a patient with Ebstein anomaly that would have been visualized by the surgeon during routine inspection of the atrium before tricuspid valve repair and thus did not change the surgery. | 0 |
365 | The prevalence of chronic bronchitis is taken from a large national study of GP consultations, and this information allowed us to identify our population of interest [1]. | 0 |
366 | Definitions Myocardial infarction was defined as new Q-waves on the electrocardiogram or elevation of CK or CK-MB. | 1 |
367 | 0 The coefficient of variation for analytic reproducibility of the measured concentrations ranged from 2-1%to 10-9%.7 The cataract cases were identified by linking the data from the health examinations with the Finnish hospital discharge register kept by the National Board of Health. | 0 |
368 | In the model, a cohort is followed as it transitions from a healthy state to a healthy, fracture, or dead state, using 1year cycles. | 0 |
369 | Ofthese, approximately 34 000 patients had only received a single prescription for an NSAID during this period, making their consumption of NSAIDS ambiguous. | 0 |
370 | Complete heart block was defined as a third-degree atrioventricular block when no atrial activity was conducted to the ventricles (16)and a ventricular rate of _50 beats/min. | 1 |
371 | Statistical analyses We used logistic regression analyses to estimate the prevalence odds ratios (POR) of congenital abnormalities, preterm birth (gestational age lt;37 weeks), and low birth weight (lt;2500 g) associated with penicillin V exposure, adjusted for maternal age, birth order and smoking. | 1 |
372 | Local anesthetic (1% lidocaine) was infiltrated at the access site. | 0 |
373 | ACR levels of 34 g/mol or more were defined as __vert_ albuminuria, corresponding to 300 mg albumin/g creatinine or more. | 1 |
374 | The diagnosis of myocardial infarction was established in the presence of characteristic symptoms, typical pattern on ECG and elevated cardiac enzymes, or by the appearance of a definite new wall motion abnormality on echocardiography, MRI or left ventricular angiography, in association with changes in ECG. | 1 |
375 | Subclinical CVD was defined for subjects without prevalent CVD at baseline as: ankle-arm index (AAI) _0.9, common carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) in upper quintile (gt;1.20 mm), maximum carotid stenosis _50%, major ECG abnormality (ventricular conduction defect, major Q-wave abnormalities, left ventricular hypertrophy, isolated ST-T wave abnormalities, atrial fibrillation, first degree AV block, or left ventricular ejection fraction borderline or abnormal (20). | 1 |
376 | The following variables were correlated with the presence or absence of PPE and wound infection: gestational age, severe pregnancy-induced hypertension (Davey and MacGillivary s definition),7 gestational diabetes mellitus,8 previous cesarean sections, fetal distress, perinatal mortality (anteparturn, intrapartum, and postpartum death), postpartum anemia (hemoglobin level of less than 10 g/dl), an Apgar score of -lt;3 at minute and -lt;7 at 5 minutes, and instrumental delivery by forceps or vacuum extraction. | 1 |
377 | Patients were ascribed to one of three groups: probable wound infection, non-specific wound pain and slight discharge, or miscellaneous. | 0 |
378 | Complete remission was defined by meeting all of the following criteria: normal bone marrow morphology with lt;5% blasts, resolution of previously abnormal cytogenetics, no evidence of extramedullary leukemia, and an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) _500/L and platelet count _140,000/L. Additionally, organ function needed to be adequate, as demonstrated by the presence of the following: bilirubin lt;1.5 mg/dL, alkaline phosphatase and aspartate transaminase less than twice the upper limit of normal, creatinine lt;2.0 mg/dL, cardiac ejection fraction _40%, and a carbon monoxide diffusion capacity gt;50%. | 0 |
379 | After discharge from the hospital, MI was defined by the occurrence of new Q waves in two or more contiguous electrocardiographic leads or an elevation of creatine kinase or its MB isoenzyme to more than twice the upper limit of normal. | 1 |
380 | Samples found to be repeatedly reactive were subjected to specific antibody neutralization (HBsAg Confirmatory, Abbott Laboratories), a previously described in-house immunoblot assay for anti-HIV9 or recombinant immunoblot assay (HCV RIBA-I, Ortho Diagnostics Systems), as appropriate. | 0 |
381 | Failure of thrombolysis was defined as continued chest pain with ST segment elevation more than 120 min after the initiation of thrombolytic therapy. | 1 |
382 | British Hypertension Society grading is determined by the percentage of differences _5, _10 and _15 mmHg, the device needing to obtain grade A/B for both systolic and diastolic measurements to be recommended (Table 2) . Furthermore, criteria set by the AAMI require the mean to be within 5 mmHg and the standard deviation to be within 8 mmHg for recommendation. | 0 |
383 | Therefore, as in the study by Silber and colleagues [1], this validation sample describes the natural history of neutropenia. | 0 |
384 | To assess whether the management of asthma had improved over the period of study results were analysed by x2 testing for discrete variables with Yates s correction for small numbers, when appropriate, and t tests for numerical data. | 0 |
385 | An IUGR birth was defined as one whose birth weight fell below the 10th percentile, by gender and gestational week, for live births in the Czech Republic (1991-1993) (17). | 1 |
386 | Among the 3013 other patients, dose estimation was not possible for 182 patients due to insufficient information, radiotherapy outside of a study treatment centre or irradiation of arms for which the positioning was unclear (Table 2). | 0 |
387 | These were calculated using a Cox proportional hazards survival model incorporating smoking, diabetes mellitus, nitrate consumption, angina pectoris, family history of CHD, widowhood, age, diastolic blood pressure and total/HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol ratio, as previously reported (13). | 0 |
388 | All diagnosis types (including most responsible diagnosis, primary diagnosis, secondary diagnoses, and complications) are requested, and charts are reviewed. | 0 |
389 | Cardiogenic shock was defined as maximal systolic pressure lt;90 mm Hg for at least 30 min, unless treated with inotropes or intra-aortic balloon pump insertion, or pump failure as manifested by a cardiac index lt;2.2 liter/min per m2 and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure gt;18 mm Hg. | 1 |
390 | To assess the significance of differences between means of continuous variables, among the matched pairs, we used the paired ttest procedure. | 0 |
391 | Patients did not undergo angioplasty if they appeared unlikely to benefit from angioplasty: if the infarct-related vessel was small, contained a stenosis of less than 70% or could not be identified. | 0 |
392 | Variables we abstracted included patient sex, age, race (African American, white, other), smoking history (never, previous, current), history of diabetes, access type (prosthetic graft, simple AVF, or venous transposition AVF), and history of previous access. | 0 |
393 | Approximately two thirds of the women scoring .30would be expected to meet diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder.29 For descriptive purposes, the observed CES-D means for each cohort overall and by selected characteristics are provided at the outset (Table 2). | 0 |
394 | The Utah BVR assisted in the coding ofall death certificates according to the ICD-9 (17). | 0 |
395 | Our institution is a tertiary care facility dealing with all kinds of gynaecological care from assisted reproduction (180 IVF cycles per year) to outpatient (950 operations) and major surgery (1020 patients each year), including a gynaecological oncology service, and it is part of a general hospital complex having a surgical/medical intensive care unit. | 0 |
396 | Recoarctation was defined when the arm-leg blood pressure difference was greater than 20 mm Hg or if a gradient of more than 25 mm Hg was noted by means of transthoracic echocardiography, the presence of a diastolic tail to the continuous wave Doppler signal in the descending aorta, or both. | 1 |
397 | The diagnosis of hypertension was based on JNC VI criteria 12 as a blood pressure _140 mm Hg systolic, _90 mm Hg diastolic, or the current use of anti-hypertensive drug treatment. | 1 |
398 | Names of potential subjects were gathered from the logs of the Emergency Department (ED) and Urgent Care Clinic, pharmacy printouts of prescriptions for albuterol, records of patients on home oxygen, and appointments to Chest Clinic. | 0 |
399 | Design Retrospective analysis of audit data recorded by the Medical Data Index (MDI) computer system for all patients undergoing emergency appendicectomy in one year; subsequent analysis of their hospital notes and notes held by their general practitioners for patients identified by a questionnaire who had consulted their general practitioner for a wound complication. | 0 |
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