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100 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bamboo and Pest or Disease name is Mealy bugs and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Deep summer ploughing up to base of the tree trunks to expose eggs of mealy bugs Remove weeds like Clerodendrum and grasses by ploughing
Biological Control measures = Release of predators, Australian ladybird beetle (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri) @ 10-15 no./tree are effective in controlling the nymphs. Application of Verticillium or Beauveria bassiana @2g/L of water Soil application of neem cake @ 100kg/acre.
Chemical Control measures = Early instar nymphs can be controlled by spraying Imidacloprid 17.8 SL 0.3 ml/litre of water Early instar nymphs can be controlled by spraying Acephate 75 SP 1g/litre of water Early instar nymphs can be controlled by spraying Bupropezin 25 SC 1ml/litre of water. </s> |
101 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bamboo and Pest or Disease name is Scale and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid excessive use of Nitrogen fertilizers
Biological Control measures = Tangle foot, stickem can be used around infestation of adults Parasitoids like Encarsia perniciosi, Aphytis diaspidis are found to be effective in parasitization
Chemical Control measures = Spray Acephate 50%+ Imidacloprid 1.8% SP at 2g/litre of water Spray Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC at 1.5-2ml/litre of water. </s> |
102 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bamboo and Pest or Disease name is Termite and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Frequent intercultural operations and irrigation before sowing. Field sanitation, timely disposal of crop stables and undecomposed plant parts. Undecomposed FYM or composed should not be used
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC at 0.3ml/litre of water Spray of Chlorpyriphos 20% EC at 2ml/litre of water Spray of Oxydemeton-methyl 25 % EC at 2ml/litre water. </s> |
103 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Anthracnose and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid damage to the plants during harvest, packing and storage Remove diseased leaves and fruits from the field
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorothalonil 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 2 grams per litre of water Spraying of Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 2 to 2.5 grams per litre of water. </s> |
104 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Banana aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove and destroy the infected banana plants Maintain clean, weed free field
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at the rate of 2 to 3 millilitres per Litre of Water Use Beauveria bassiana at the rate of 2 to 3 millilitres per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Oxydemeton-methyl 25 percent Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 1.5 to 2 grams per litre of water Spray of Acephate 75 percent Water soluble powder at the rate of 1 to 1.25 grams per litre water Spray of Dinotefuran 4 percent + Acephate 50 percent water soluble granule at the rate of 1.5 to 2 grams per litre of water. </s> |
105 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Banana bract mosaic virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use virus free planting materials Remove and rouging of infected banana plants
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at the rate of 2 to 3 millilitres per Litre of Water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Acephate 75 percent water soluble powder at the rate of 1 to 1.25 grams per litre water Spray of Dinotefuran 4 percent + Acephate 50 percent water soluble granule at the rate of 1.5 to 2 grams per litre of water. </s> |
106 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Banana leaf eating caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy egg masses. Cut and remove leaves containing young caterpillars which feed gregariously. Stir the soil at the base of the plant to expose the pupae.
Chemical Control measures = Spray chlorpyriphos 20 Emulsifiable concentrate 2 millilitres per litre of water Spraying of Spinosad 45 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate of 0.3 to 0.5 millilitre per litre water Spraying of Chlorantraniliprole 18.50 percent Suspension concentrate at 0.3 millilitre per litre water. </s> |
107 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Banana skipper and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Practice good sanitation by removing plant matter on the ground - burn or deeply bury to 50 centimeters Conserve nearby trees and shrubs where birds may perch and feed
Biological Control measures = Release parasitoids like Apanteles erionotae and Ooencyrtus erionotae Spraying of Bacillus thuringiensis variety krustaki at the rate of 1 gram per litre water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Emamectin Benzoate 1.5 percent + Profenofos 35 percent Water dispersible granules at the rate of 1.2 gram per litre of water Spraying of Spinosad 45 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate of 0.3 to 0.5 millilitre per litre water. </s> |
108 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Banana thrips and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroy all the volunteer plants and that could act as a source of thrips to spread to other plantings Bunch covers (which cover the full length of the bunch) protection applied very early. Use yellow sticky trap at 15 per hectare
Biological Control measures = Field release of coccinelid predators like lacewings, ladybird beetles exert some control over rust thrips on the plant, and ants may be effective in removing some of the pupae in the soil.
Chemical Control measures = Soil application Fipronil 5 percent Suspension concentrate 1.5 millilitre per litre of water Spray Indoxacarb 14.5 percent + Acetamiprid 7.7 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate of 0.8 to 1millilitre per litre of water Spray Acephate 50 percent + Imidacloprid 1.8 percent Water soluble powder at the rate of 2 grams per litre of water. </s> |
109 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Bunchy top of banana and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use virus free planting materials Remove and rouging of infected banana plants Maintain clean, weed free field for early detection of infested suckers
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at the rate of 2 to 3 millilitres per Litre of Water
Chemical Control measures = injected with 4 millilitre of Fernoxone solution(50gram in 400 millilitre of water) Spray of Acephate 75 percent Water soluble powder at the rate of 1 to 1.25 grams per litre water Spray of Dinotefuran 4 percent + Acephate 50 percent water soluble granule at the rate of 1.5 to 2 grams per litre of water. </s> |
110 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Burrowing nematode and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Fallowing for a period of six months or longer.
Biological Control measures = Application of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate of 2.5 kilograms per hectare with Farm yard manure
Chemical Control measures = Apply Carbofuran 3 Granules at the rate of 1 kilogram active ingredient per acre at transplanting.. </s> |
111 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Castor hairy caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = To control early stage larvae, spray neem seed kernel extract 5 percent Spray neem oil 5millilitre per litre of water.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray chlorpyriphos 20 Emulsifiable concentrate 2millilitre per litre Spray chlorpyriphos 20 Emulsifiable concentrate 2millilitre per litre. </s> |
112 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Cigar end rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Young bunches should be opened up to the light and air and the bracts which remain attached to the bunch should be removed especially during wet weather The plantations should have enough aeration by avoiding overcrowding of plants
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = The bunches may be sprayed with Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 0.25 percent solution along with a wetting agent at the rate of 0.5 to 1.0 millilitre per litre of spray fluid The bunches may be sprayed with Copper oxychloride 0.25 per cent solution along with a wetting agent at 0.5 to 1.0 millilitre per litre of spray fluid. </s> |
113 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Erwenia rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Good drainage and soil conditioning can control the disease to some extent Plant disease free suckers
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Dip suckers in Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder (40grams per 10 litres)+ streptocycline (3 grams per 10 litres) for 30 min before planting. Dip suckers in copper oxychloride (40gram per 10litre)+ streptocycline (3gram per 10litre) for 30 min before planting.. </s> |
114 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Fruit freckle and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field sanitization with weed management Remove and destroy the infected leaves and fruits
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 2 to 2.5 grams per litre of water sprays of mancozeb 0.25percent+copper oxychloride 0.3percent at 15 days interval effectively controlled the freckle. </s> |
115 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Lace wing bug and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the damaged leaves, flowers and fruits along with life stages Use yellow sticky trap at 15 per hectare
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Carbendazim 50 percent Wettable Powder 3 grams per litre of water and Application of press mud at 5 kilogram per tree reduces the wilt incidence Spray Dimethoate 30 percent Emulsifiable concentrate at 0.8 to 1.2 millilitre per litre water. </s> |
116 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Moko disease and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use uninfected seedlings raised from tissue culture Sleeve bunches at an early stage before fingers emerge
Biological Control measures = Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 5 kilograms per acre enriched Farm yard manure at 5 tonnes per acre
Chemical Control measures = Apply Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 3 grams per litre of water Apply Streptocycline at the rate of 0.5 gram per litre of water as a soil drench. </s> |
117 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Oriental fruitfly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy infested fruits such as fallen, deformed and stunted
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.5 percent Wettable powder 5 grams per kilogram of seed
Chemical Control measures = Spray 1 millilitre of Imidacloprid 06 percent + Lambda-cyhalothrin 04 percent Soluble liquid per litre of water. </s> |
118 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Panama wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Proper care should be given when planting susceptible cultivators such Rasthali, Monthan, Karpuravalli, Kadali, Pachanadan by selecting healthy suckers from disease fields
Biological Control measures = Application of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate of 2.5kilograms per acre with Farm yard manure
Chemical Control measures = Soil drenching of Carbendazim 50 percent Wettable powder 0.1 percent solution around the pseudostem at bimonthly intervals starting from five months after planting. </s> |
119 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Pseudostem borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Pruning of suckers and removal and destruction of infested pseudostems from the field
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Apply Fipronil 5per cent suspension concentrate at the rate of 3 millilitres per litre on pseudostem and basal application from fifth month to flowerin. </s> |
120 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Rhizome weevil and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = The use of clean planting material is widely recommended as this prevent the spread of the weevil.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Soil incorporation at the time of planting carbofuran 03per cent encapsulated granules at the rate of 33grams per sucker. </s> |
121 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Soft rot of rhizome and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid water stagnation
Biological Control measures = Application of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate of 2.5 kilograms per acre with Farm yard manure
Chemical Control measures = drenching with Streptocycline 1 litre per plant (500 Parts per million) at 1st Month After Planting + Trichoderma viride (50 gram per plant at 2nd 4th Month After Planting). </s> |
122 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Banana and Pest or Disease name is Yellow sigatoka and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of affected leaves. Keep the banana field as weed free and remove the suckers timely. Avoid planting at close spacing. Provide proper drainage and avoid water logging in the fields which favours infection
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray 3 times with Carbendazim 50 percent Wettable powder 0.1 percent and teepol (sticking agent) at 10 to 15 days interval, as the disease starting from initial appearance of leaf specks Spray Chlorothalonil 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 2 grams per litre of water Spraying of Copper Oxychloride 50 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 2 to 2.5 grams per litre of water Spray Mancozeb 63 percent + Carbendazim 12 percent Wettable powder at 1gram per litre of water. </s> |
123 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Applications of resin soap or Neem Seed Kernel Extract (NSKE) 5%, Neem oil (2%) at early stage of population build up High levels of nitrogen fertilizer favor aphid reproduction, so never use more nitrogen than necessary.
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at 2-3 ml/ Litre of Water Use Beauveria bassiana at 2-3ml/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Dimethoate 30 % EC at 0.8-1.2 ml/litre water Spray of Acephate 75 % SP at 1-1.25 g/litre water. </s> |
124 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Army worm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Management of weed around and in field Spraying Azadirachtin 00.03% WSP (300 PPM) Neem Oil Based at 5ml/litre of water Growing intercrops such as cowpea, onion, maize, coriander, urdbean in 1:2 ratio
Biological Control measures = Spraying of Bacillus thuringiensis var. krustaki at rate of 1g/litre water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Emamectin Benzoate 1.5% + Profenofos 35% w/w WDG at 1.2g/litre of water Spraying of Spinosad 45 % SC at 0.3-0.5ml/litre water Spray Flubendiamide 20 % WG at 0.5 g/litre of water. </s> |
125 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field sanitation Use certified seeds, avoid late sowing.
Biological Control measures = Soil Treatment: 2.5 kg of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP Spread uniformly over a hectare of land Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0% WP at 5 kg/ha enriched FYM at 5 tons/ha to the soil before sowing
Chemical Control measures = Apply 0.50 g Streptocycline + 2.50 g Copper oxychloride (COC) / Litre of water Spraying of Copper Oxychloride 50% WP at 2-2.5g/litre of water. </s> |
126 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Barley stripe and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Deep summer ploughing of field Adoption of crop rotation practice. Soil application of neem cake @ 150 kg/ha
Biological Control measures = Use of bio-inoculants Azospirillum at 20g/l of water for foliar spray or 1kg/50 litre water for nursery management
Chemical Control measures = Drenching of Carbendazim 50%WP(0.1%) once at initial appearance of disease and after one month. Seed treatment with Azoxystrobin 2.5% + Thiophanate Methyl 11.25% + Thiamethoxam 25% FS at 10ml/1kg of seeds Seed treatement with Prochloraz 5.7% + Tebuconazole 1.4% w/w ES 3ml/10kg of seeds. </s> |
127 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Barley yellow dwarf virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Adjust the date of sowing, avoid early sowing then recommended time Remove the grassy weeds and volunter plants in and around the filed
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at 2-3 ml/ Litre of Water Use Beauveria bassiana at 2-3ml/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Dimethoate 30 % EC at 0.8-1.2 ml/litre water Spray of Acephate 75 % SP at 1-1.25 g/litre water. </s> |
128 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Basal glume rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Follow field sanitation. Use certified seeds.
Biological Control measures = Soil Treatment: 2.5 kg of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP Spread uniformly over a hectare of land Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0% WP at 5 kg/ha enriched FYM at 5 tons/ha to the soil before sowing
Chemical Control measures = Apply 0.50 g Streptocycline + 2.50 g Copper oxychloride (COC) / Litre of water Spraying of Copper Oxychloride 50% WP at 2-2.5g/litre of water. </s> |
129 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Common root rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Wider spacing Use of resistan variety PLS 534
Biological Control measures = Mix 5.0 kg of Trichoderma viride 1.0% WP in 100 kg FYM and broadcast over a hectare land mix well with soil and irrigate the field immediately
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment Prochloraz 5.7% + Tebuconazole 1.4% w/w ES 3ml/kg seed Azoxystrobin 2.5% + Thiophanate Methyl 11.25% + Thiamethoxam 25% FS. </s> |
130 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Covered smut and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect smutted earheads in cloth bags and destruct by dipping in boiling water. Deep summer ploughing helps to incorporate spores deep into the soil.
Biological Control measures = Use Trichoderma virens (6g/kg seeds) and raw cow milk or raw goat milk (about 18h 50% dilution with water) as seed treatment.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Captan 50% WP at 4 g/kg of seed. Seed dressing with sulphur at 4g/kg seed.. </s> |
131 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Downy mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Infested plants should be removed up to 45 days of sowing as and when the symptoms are noticed. Drip irrigation effective in spread of disease
Biological Control measures = Apply Psedomonas flourescens at 1 kg/acre Apply Trichoderma viridae @2.5kg/acre along with FYM
Chemical Control measures = Spray Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP at 2g/litre of water Spray of Azoxystrobin 18.2% w/w + Difenoconazole 11.4% w/w SC at 1ml/litre of water. </s> |
132 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Ergot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Adjust the date of sowing so that the crop does not flower during September- October when high rainfall and high humidity favor the disease. Adopt long term crop rotation
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Carbendazim 50%WP 1g/litre water or Mancozeb 75% WG at 2g/litre of water when 5 - 10% flowers have opened and again at 50% flowering stage Seed treatment with Captan 50% WP at 4 g/kg of seed.. </s> |
133 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Eye spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Delay fall planting of winter barley.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Mancozeb 63% + Carbendazim 12% WP at 1g/litre of water. </s> |
134 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Fusarium head blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Deep summer ploughing helps to incorporate spores deep into the soil.
Biological Control measures = Soil Treatment: 2.5 kg of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP Spread uniformly over a hectare of land
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Carbendazim 50% WP at 2g/kg of seeds. </s> |
135 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Loose smut and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Burry the infected ear heads in the soil, so that secondary spread is avoided.
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment of Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.75% WP (In house isolated Strain Accession No. MTCC 5176) @ 5 g/Kg seed
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% WS @3g/kg of seeds. </s> |
136 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Mealy bugs and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove weeds like Clerodendrum and grasses by ploughing
Biological Control measures = Application of Verticillium or Beauveria bassiana at 2g/litre of water Soil application of neem cake @ 100kg/acre.
Chemical Control measures = Early instar nymphs can be controlled by spraying Acephate 75 SP 1g/litre of water Early instar nymphs can be controlled by spraying Bupropezin 25 SC 1ml/litre of water. </s> |
137 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Soil solarization : Cover the beds with polythene sheet of 45 gauge (0.45mm) thicknessfor 3 weeks before sowing will reduce soil borne diseases Irrigating overhead is avoided, late in the morning is recommended
Biological Control measures = Apply Trichoderma viridae @2.5kg/acre along with FYM
Chemical Control measures = Spray Zineb 75%WP 600-800g in 300-400ml water /acre Spray Cymoxinil 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP @ 3g/l water. </s> |
138 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Stink bug and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Brassica hirta and Bassica juncea can be used as trap crop for attracting the bug
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Lambda-cyhalothrin 5 % EC at 0.5-1ml/litre water Spraying of Clothianidin 50 % WDG at 0.2g/litre water Spraying of Bifenthrin 10 % EC at 1ml/litre water. </s> |
139 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Barley and Pest or Disease name is Wire worm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Effective Scouting: Walk fields to identify wilted plants or gaps where or areas of dead plants. Dig around the plant to look for feeding damage and insect larvae, to confirm the cause of the damage.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Application of carbofuran 3G @ 15kg/acre. </s> |
140 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Basil and Pest or Disease name is Aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Applications of resin soap or Neem Seed Kernel Extract (NSKE) 5%,Neem oil (2%) at early stage of population build up High levels of nitrogen fertilizer favor aphid reproduction, so never use more nitrogen than necessary.
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at 2-3 ml/ Litre of Water Use Beauveria bassiana at 2-3ml/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Dimethoate 30 % EC at 0.8-1.2 ml/litre water Spray of Acephate 75 % SP at 1-1.25 g/litre water. </s> |
141 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Basil and Pest or Disease name is Cercospora leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use disease-free seed for planting Remove all debris after harvest Good aeration with proper sunlight penetration reduces pathogen growth
Chemical Control measures = Application of Microized Wettable Sulphur 80% WP at 3-5g/litre of water Spray Chlorothalonil 75% WP at 2g/litre of water Spray Mancozeb 63% + Carbendazim 12% WP at 1g/litre of water. </s> |
142 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Basil and Pest or Disease name is Downy mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Soil solarization : Cover the beds with polythene sheet of 45 gauge (0.45mm) thicknessfor 3 weeks before sowing will reduce soil borne diseases Irrigating overhead is avoided, late in the morning is recommended
Biological Control measures = Apply Trichoderma viridae @2.5kg/acre along with FYM
Chemical Control measures = Spray Zineb 75%WP 600-800g in 300-400ml water /acre Spray Cymoxinil 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP @ 3g/l water. </s> |
143 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Basil and Pest or Disease name is Fusarium wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and burn the infected plant Soil solarization before planting
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Trichoderma viride @ 10 g/Kg seed Root zone application: Mix thoroughly 2.5 Kg of the Trichoderma viride 1% WP in 150 Kg of compost or farmyard manure and apply this mixture in the field after sowing/ transplanting of crops
Chemical Control measures = Drenching with Carbendazim 50 %WP @ 1 gm/ litre Spot drenching with Copper Oxychloride 50% WP @ 2.5g/litre of water. </s> |
144 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Basil and Pest or Disease name is Leaf roller and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Soil application of neem cake @ 250 kg/ha immediately after germination
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Quinalphos 25 % EC at 2ml/litre of water. </s> |
145 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Basil and Pest or Disease name is Leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field sanitation Use certified seeds, avoid late sowing.
Biological Control measures = Soil Treatment: 2.5 kg of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP Spread uniformly over a hectare of land Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0% WP at 5 kg/ha enriched FYM at 5 tons/ha to the soil before sowing
Chemical Control measures = Apply 0.50 g Streptocycline + 2.50 g Copper oxychloride (COC) / Litre of water Spraying of Copper Oxychloride 50% WP at 2-2.5g/litre of water. </s> |
146 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Basil and Pest or Disease name is Root rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid high N applications in spring, maintain moderate to high levels of P and K according soil test Deep summer ploughing of field Adoption of crop rotation practice. Soil application of neem cake @ 150 kg/ha
Biological Control measures = Seed pelleting with antagonistic fungi like Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma harzianum (Talc based formulation @ 6 g/kg of seed) Use of bio-inoculants Azospirillum at 20g/l of water for foliar spray or 1kg/50 litre water for nursery management
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Captan 50% WP at 3 g/kg of seed. or nursery bed treated with Captan 50% WP at 1 % Drenching of Carbendazim 50%WP(0.1%) once at initial appearance of disease and after one month. Seed treatment with Azoxystrobin 2.5% + Thiophanate Methyl 11.25% + Thiamethoxam 25% FS at 10ml/1kg of seeds Seed treatement with Prochloraz 5.7% + Tebuconazole 1.4% w/w ES 3ml/10kg of seeds. </s> |
147 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Basil and Pest or Disease name is Slugs and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Switching from sprinkler irrigation to drip irrigation will reduce humidity and moist surfaces, reduces these pests
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Use Metaldehyde 2.5% DP- SNAILKIL® 2.5 % Bait – 2kg/ac. </s> |
148 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Basil and Pest or Disease name is Snail and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Switching from sprinkler irrigation to drip irrigation will reduce humidity and moist surfaces, reduces these pests
Biological Control measures = The predatory decollate snail, Rumina decollata
Chemical Control measures = Use Metaldehyde 2.5% DP- SNAILKIL® 2.5 % Bait – 2kg/ac. </s> |
149 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Basil and Pest or Disease name is Tulsi lace wing and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Spray neem soap 1% or neem formulation with 10000 ppm or more (2ml/l) after 15 days sowing and repeat after 15 days, if necessary Maintain optimum water in the filed
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Malathion 50.00% EC @1000ml/500-1000 litres of water Spray Quinalphos 20% EC @300ml/150 litres of water. </s> |
150 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Alternaria leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove and detroy the infected leaves and plant parts Weed management which may serve as source for the fungus
Biological Control measures = Soil application of Trichoderma viridae @ 1 Kg / acre + 20 Kg of well decomposed FYM or sand at 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Metiram 44% + Dimethomorph 9% WG 100g/100 litre of water Spraying of Hexaconazole 4% + Zineb 68% WP 25g/10 litre of water. </s> |
151 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Applications of resin soap or Neem Seed Kernel Extract (NSKE) 5%, Neem oil (2%) at early stage of population build up High levels of nitrogen fertilizer favor aphid reproduction, so never use more nitrogen than necessary.
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at 2-3 ml/ Litre of Water Use Beauveria bassiana at 2-3ml/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Dimethoate 30 % EC at 0.8-1.2 ml/litre water Spray of Acephate 75 % SP at 1-1.25 g/litre water. </s> |
152 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field sanitation Use certified seeds, avoid late sowing.
Biological Control measures = Soil Treatment: 2.5 kg of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP Spread uniformly over a hectare of land Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0% WP at 5 kg/ha enriched FYM at 5 tons/ha to the soil before sowing
Chemical Control measures = Apply 0.50 g Streptocycline + 2.50 g Copper oxychloride (COC) / Litre of water Spraying of Copper Oxychloride 50% WP at 2-2.5g/litre of water. </s> |
153 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Beet curly top virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Soil application of neem cake 250 kg/ha followed by sprays of NSPE 4% or neem soap 1% at 10 days interval. Uproot the infected plants Balanced fertilizer application
Chemical Control measures = Use seed treatment (imidacloprid 70 ws @10gm/kg seed) at the time of sowing Spray of Imidacloprid 200 SL @ 0.5 ml/l water Spraying of Fipronil 04 % + Thiamethoxam 04 % w/w SC at 0.4 ml/l. </s> |
154 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Beet cyst nematode and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Uproot and destroy the infested plants
Biological Control measures = An extract of asafoetida, turmeric and water is eff ective against several plant pathogens including nematodes.
Chemical Control measures = Application of carbofuran 3G @ 15kg/acre. </s> |
155 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Beet web worm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove wild amaranth and Chenopodium species. Destroy the crop debris after harvest Applications of resin soap or Neem Seed Kernel Extract (NSKE) 5%, Neem oil (2%) at early stage of population build up
Biological Control measures = Spraying of Bacillus thuringiensis var. krustaki at rate of 1g/litre water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Emamectin Benzoate 1.5% + Profenofos 35% w/w WDG at 1.2g/litre of water Spraying of Spinosad 45 % SC at 0.3-0.5ml/litre water Spray Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 at SC @ 80 ml/acre. </s> |
156 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Beet western yellows and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Applications of resin soap or Neem Seed Kernel Extract (NSKE) 5%, Neem oil (2%) at early stage of population build up High levels of nitrogen fertilizer favor aphid reproduction, so never use more nitrogen than necessary.
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at 2-3 ml/ Litre of Water Use Beauveria bassiana at 2-3ml/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Dimethoate 30 % EC at 0.8-1.2 ml/litre water Spray of Acephate 75 % SP at 1-1.25 g/litre water. </s> |
157 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Beet yellows virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Applications of resin soap or Neem Seed Kernel Extract (NSKE) 5%,Neem oil (2%) at early stage of population build up High levels of nitrogen fertilizer favor aphid reproduction, so never use more nitrogen than necessary.
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) at 2-3 ml/ Litre of Water Use Beauveria bassiana at 2-3ml/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Dimethoate 30 % EC at 0.8-1.2 ml/litre water Spray of Acephate 75 % SP at 1-1.25 g/litre water. </s> |
158 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Blister beetle and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Intercropping with redgram, castor and marigold Maintainance of optimum plant population (30-35 plants/ sq.mt)
Biological Control measures = Spray of Azadirachtin 00.03% WSP (300 PPM) Neem Oil Based 2.5g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Dimethoate 30 % EC at 0.5ml/litre of water Application of Thiamethoxam 25 % WG at 0.3g/ litres of water. </s> |
159 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Cercospora leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use disease-free seed for planting Remove all debris after harvest Good aeration with proper sunlight penetration reduces pathogen growth
Chemical Control measures = Application of Microized Wettable Sulphur 80% WP at 3-5g/litre of water Spray Chlorothalonil 75% WP at 2g/litre of water Spray Mancozeb 63% + Carbendazim 12% WP at 1g/litre of water. </s> |
160 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Cutworm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Management of weed around and in field Spraying Azadirachtin 00.03% WSP (300 PPM) Neem Oil Based at 5ml/litre of water
Biological Control measures = Spraying of Bacillus thuringiensis var. krustaki at rate of 1g/litre water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Emamectin Benzoate 1.5% + Profenofos 35% w/w WDG at 1.2g/litre of water Spraying of Spinosad 45 % SC at 0.3-0.5ml/litre water Spray Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 at SC @ 80 ml/acre. </s> |
161 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Damping off and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Used raised bed Provide light, but frequent irrigation for better drainage
Biological Control measures = Treat the seeds with Trichoderma asperellum @ 4 g/kg or Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 10 g/kg of seeds 24 hours before sowing Soil application of Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 1 kg/acre with 50 kg of FYM.
Chemical Control measures = Drench with Copper oxychloride 0.2% (2 ml in 1000 ml of water). Spraying of Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP 5kg/1000 litre of water. </s> |
162 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Downy mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Soil solarization : Cover the beds with polythene sheet of 45 gauge (0.45mm) thicknessfor 3 weeks before sowing will reduce soil borne diseases Irrigating overhead is avoided, late in the morning is recommended
Biological Control measures = Apply Trichoderma viridae @2.5kg/acre along with FYM
Chemical Control measures = Spray Zineb 75%WP 600-800g in 300-400ml water /acre Spray Cymoxinil 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP @ 3g/l water. </s> |
163 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Flea beetle and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Adjust planting times (earlier or later) to avoid periods of peak adult activity Shake the vines to dislodge adult beetles Collect adults in a atry containing kerosenated water
Biological Control measures = Conserve parasitoid like Microcotonus vittage
Chemical Control measures = Spray Imidacloprid 17.8 SL 0.3ml/ litres of water Spray Lambda-cyhalothrin 04.90 % CS Methomyl 40 % SP @400g/acre. </s> |
164 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Leaf hopper and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Soil application of neem cake 250 kg/ha followed by sprays of NSPE 4% or neem soap 1% at 10 days interval. Uproot the infected plants Balanced fertilizer application
Chemical Control measures = Use seed treatment (imidacloprid 70 ws @10gm/kg seed) at the time of sowing Spray of Imidacloprid 200 SL @ 0.5 ml/l water Spraying of Fipronil 04 % + Thiamethoxam 04 % w/w SC at 0.4 ml/l. </s> |
165 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Leaf miner and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Light traps can be set up to monitor and trap the adults. Pheromone traps @25 traps/ha. Intercropping with soybean, pearl millet or lablab in 1 : 4 ratios. Mulching in dry lands helps to reduce leaf miner incidence.
Biological Control measures = Spray neem seed kernel extract (15 kg/ha) or neem oil (15 litres /ha) or neem leaf extract (25 kg/ha). Release of Trichogramma chilonis or Telenomus remus @50000/ha, 2 times @ 7-10days interval followed by the release of Bracon hebetor @50000/ha 2 times @ 7-10days interval
Chemical Control measures = Deltamethrin 02.80 % EC 500ml/400-600 litres of water Spray Lambda-cyhalothrin 05 % EC 0.5ml/ litres of water Spray Methoxyfenozide 21.8 % w/w SC 1.2ml/ litres of water Spray Flubendiamide 20% WG 0.75ml/ litres of water. </s> |
166 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected leaves and beets
Biological Control measures = Amphelomyces quisqalis microbial fungicide powder @1 kg/acre or liquid 1l/acre
Chemical Control measures = Spray Carbendazim 50%WP @120 g in 240 l of water. </s> |
167 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Root knot nematode and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Only seedlings with roots free of galls should be selected for transplanting.
Biological Control measures = Soil application of neem cake @ 100kg/acre.
Chemical Control measures = Application of carbofuran 3G @ 15kg/acre. </s> |
168 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Root rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid high N applications in spring, maintain moderate to high levels of P and K according soil test Deep summer ploughing of field Adoption of crop rotation practice. Soil application of neem cake @ 150 kg/ha
Biological Control measures = Seed pelleting with antagonistic fungi like Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma harzianum (Talc based formulation @ 6 g/kg of seed) Use of bio-inoculants Azospirillum at 20g/l of water for foliar spray or 1kg/50 litre water for nursery management
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Captan 50% WP at 3 g/kg of seed. or nursery bed treated with Captan 50% WP at 1 % Drenching of Carbendazim 50%WP(0.1%) once at initial appearance of disease and after one month. Seed treatment with Azoxystrobin 2.5% + Thiophanate Methyl 11.25% + Thiamethoxam 25% FS at 10ml/1kg of seeds Seed treatement with Prochloraz 5.7% + Tebuconazole 1.4% w/w ES 3ml/10kg of seeds. </s> |
169 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Scab and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Rake the soil and destroy infected leaves to reduce the number of fungal spores Water in the evening or early morning hours (avoid overhead irrigation) to give the leaves time to dry out before infection can occur A fall foliar fertilizer application of zinc sulfate and urea hastens leaf fall and speeds decomposition of fallen leaves.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Foliar application of Carbendazim 50% WP at 1g/litre of water Spraying of Copper Oxychloride 50% WP at 2-2.5g/litre of water Spray of Difenoconazole 25% EC at 15ml/100 litre of water Spray of Captan 50% WP at 2.5g/litre of water. </s> |
170 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Seed corn maggot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Follow late and shallow planting Use higher seed rate than recommended but prevent denser planting Remove and detroy the infested plant
Chemical Control measures = Soil drenching with Chlorantraniliprole 08.80 % + Thiamethoxam 17.50 % w/w SC @500ml/50-100 litres of water at the rate of 1 ml /plant Spray Thiamethoxam12.60% + Lambda -Cyhalothrin 9.50% ZC @ 125ml/ 500l water . </s> |
171 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Spider mite and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Provide proper irrigation Cut and remove the dried leaves due to mite attack
Biological Control measures = Conserve predatory mites, Amblyseius channabasavanni which will check the population of phytophagous mites
Chemical Control measures = Spray dimethoate 30 EC@1 .5ml/liter of water on the lower leaf surface Spray Hexythiazox 3.5% + Diafenthiuron 42% WDG at 1.2g/litre of water Spray Propargite 50 % + Bifenthrin 5 % w/w SE at 2ml/litre of water. </s> |
172 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Beetroot and Pest or Disease name is Vegetable maggot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid planting in soils that are high in undecomposed organic matter
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Cyantraniliprole 10.26 % OD@600ml/500 litres of water. </s> |
173 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bengal Gram (Chana) and Pest or Disease name is Alternaria leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Adopting wider spacing. Filed sanitation Burn the infected plant debries
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate of 4 gram per kilograms seed
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Tebuconazole 6.7 percent + Captan 26.9 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate of 2.5 millilitre per litre of water Spraying of Metiram 44 percent + Dimethomorph 9 percent Water dispersible granules at the rate of 1gram per litre of water Spraying of Hexaconazole 4 percent + Zineb 68 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 2.5 gram per litre of water. </s> |
174 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bengal Gram (Chana) and Pest or Disease name is Botrytis gray mold and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Deep summer ploughing Reduce plant density and increase in air passage between the plants.
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Bacillus subtilis at the rate of 4 gram per kilograms seed
Chemical Control measures = Spray of 0.2 percent of Carbendazim 50 Wettable Powder at the rate of 1.5 gram per litre of water. </s> |
175 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bengal Gram (Chana) and Pest or Disease name is Collar rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Frequent intercultural operations
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Trichoderma viride at the rate of 4gram per kilograms
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Mancozeb 75 percent Wettable Powder at the rate of 2.5 to 3 gram pers kilogram seed. </s> |
176 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bengal Gram (Chana) and Pest or Disease name is Cutworm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Deep summer ploughing. Early sowing in the last week of October. Intercropping with wheat or Linseed or Mustard reduces infestation. In the early stages pick the insects and destroy. Grow marigold on bunds
Biological Control measures = Economic threshold level 10 percent in affected parts Avoid green manure and apply Farm Yard Manure to prevent cutworm egg laying Apply Baccilus thuringenesis + rice husk in main field to control cutworm Release Trichogramsma parasitoid weekly once in 3 weeks continuously to control cutworm eggs
Chemical Control measures = Spray insecticides like Profenophos 50 Emulsifiable concentrate at 1500 millilitre per acre Spray insecticide Deltamethrin 2.8 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 300 millilitres per acre Spray phoshalone 35 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 300 millilitres per acre Spray insecticide polytrin C-44 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 400 millilitres per acre Spray insecticide spark 36 Emulsifiable concentrate at 400 millilitres per acre. </s> |
177 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bengal Gram (Chana) and Pest or Disease name is Dry root rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Soil solarization
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Trichoderma harzanium at the rate of 5 gram per kilograms seed
Chemical Control measures = Spot drenching with Carbendazim 1gram per litre. </s> |
178 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bengal Gram (Chana) and Pest or Disease name is Fusarium wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Deep summer ploughing
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate of 10gram per kilograms of seed
Chemical Control measures = Application of Azoxystrobin 2.5 percent + Thiophanate Methyl 11.25 percent + Thiamethoxam 25 percent Flowable cencentrate at the rate of 100 millilitres per kilograms seed Application of Carboxin 37.5 percent + Thiram 37.5 percent Water dispersible powder at the rate of 10 millilitres per kilograms seed. </s> |
179 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bengal Gram (Chana) and Pest or Disease name is Gram pod borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid closer plant spacing. Pheromone traps for Helicoverpa armigera 12 per hectare Bird perches 50 per hectare Hand picking of grown up larvae and blister beetles
Biological Control measures = Neem oil 12.5 litre per acre Neem seed kernel extract 5percent (31.0 kilogram per acre)
Chemical Control measures = Spray Phosalone 35 Emulsifiable concentrate 1.25 litre per acre Sparying of profenophos 50 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 2 millilitre per litre of water as ovicide Spray Acephate 95 percent water soluble granule 1.5 gram per litre of water Phosalone 35 Emulsifiable concentrate 1.25 litre per acre. </s> |
180 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bengal Gram (Chana) and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field and crop sanitation. Forcefull water spray will prevent the disease
Biological Control measures = Amphelomyces quisqalis microbial fungicide powder at the rate of1 kilograms per acre or liquid 1 litre per acre
Chemical Control measures = Dithane M-45 at 2.5 gram per litre Spray hexaconazole at the rate of 0.05 percent or dinocap at the rate of 0.6 millilitre per litre of water Penconazole 10 percent Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 5 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
181 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bengal Gram (Chana) and Pest or Disease name is Rust and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Deep summer ploughing Reduce plant density and increase in air passage between the plants
Biological Control measures = Application of Neem seed kernel extract 5 percent (12.4 kilograms per acre)
Chemical Control measures = Application of Kresoxim-methyl 44.3 Suspension concentrate at the rate of 1 millilitres per litre of water Picoxystrobin 22.52 percent Suspension concentrate 0.5 to 1 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
182 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bengal Gram (Chana) and Pest or Disease name is Semilooper and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid closer plant spacing. Deep summer ploughing in 2 to 3 years to eliminate quiescent pupa. Use well decomposed organic manure. Grow tall sorghum as comparison crop to serve as biological bird perches Collect and destroy larvae and adults to the extent possible Install pheromone bottle traps at a distance of 50 meters at the rate of 5 traps per hectare for each insect pest. Install Bird perches 50 per hectare
Biological Control measures = Releasing of Trichogramsma chlionis at weekly intervals at the rate of1.5 lakh per acre per week for four times Conserve green lacewing, predatory stink bugs, spider, ants Apply neem oil or pungum oil 80 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 2millilitre per litre Releasing of Trichogramma chlionis at weekly intervals at 1.5 lakh per acre per week for four times Spray Neem Seed Kernal Extract 5 percent (50 millilitre in 1 litres of water) twice followed by triazophos 0.05 percent (5 millilitre in 10 litres of water) Spraying of Baccilus thuringenesis at the rate of 600 gram, neem oil or pungum oil 80 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 2 millilitres per litre pungum oil 80 Emulsifiable concentrate at 2millilitre per litre
Chemical Control measures = Spray Emmamectin Benzoate 5 percent soluble concentrate at 0.3 gram per litre of water Spraying of Phosalone 35 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 0.5 litre per acre Spraying Chlorpyriphos 1.5% Dustable powder 25 kilogram per acre Application of 0.5 millilitre of Chlorantraniliprole 18.50 percent suspension in 1 litre of water Apply Chlorpyriphos 1.5 percent at the rate of 25 kilograms per acre Spray Phosalone 35 Emulsifiable concentrate at 2 millilitre per litre Spray Methyl demeton 25 Emulsifiable concentrate at 500 milllilitre per acre. </s> |
183 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bengal Gram (Chana) and Pest or Disease name is Termites and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Frequent intercultural operations and irrigation before sowing. Field sanitation, timely disposal of crop stables and undecomposed plant parts. Undecomposed Farm yard manure or composed should not be used
Biological Control measures = Undecomposed Farm Yard Manure or composed should not be used Hand picking of grown up larvae and blister beetles Neem seed kernel extract 5 percent (31.0 kilograms per acre)
Chemical Control measures = Application of Chlorpyriphos 20 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 4 kilogram per acre into the soil before sowing. Seed treatment with chlorpyriphos 20 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 15 to 30 millilitre per kilograms of seed. Seed treatment with chlorpyriphos at 4millilitre per kilogram of seed. </s> |
184 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Ber and Pest or Disease name is Alternaria leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Do not delay irrigation until the crop exhibits moisture stress symptoms Avoid planting in low - lying areas flooding
Biological Control measures = Psuedomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP seed treatment 10kg/seed Soil treatment of 1kg of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP spread uniformly over 1ha of land (foliar spray @2%)
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Tebuconazole 6.7% + Captan 26.9% w/w SC 2.5ml/litre of water Spraying of Metiram 44% + Dimethomorph 9% WG 100g/100 litre of water Spraying of Hexaconazole 4% + Zineb 68% WP 25g/10 litre of water. </s> |
185 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Ber and Pest or Disease name is Fruit borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = collection and proper destruction of infested fallen fruits harvest of fruits at immediate after maturity (green stage) Azadirachtin 00.03% WSP (300PPM) neem oil 400 ml/litre of water
Biological Control measures = Spray of Bacillus thuringiensis 5.0% WP Potency 55000 SU 50g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Broflanilide 25% SC 300g / litre of water . </s> |
186 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Ber and Pest or Disease name is Fruit fly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroy the hibernating pupae by exposing them to bright sunlight and birds
Biological Control measures = Spray of Ocimum sanctum 1ml/lit of water effective up to 10 days after spraying
Chemical Control measures = Install used water bottle baited with cue lure (MAT) saturated wood blocks (Ethanol:cuelure:carbaryl) 8:1:2 ratio @10 traps /acre. </s> |
187 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Ber and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = pruning of affected branches and their prompt destruction prevents the spread of the disease
Biological Control measures = Amphelomyces quisqalis microbial fungicide powder @1 kg/acre or liquid 1 litre/acre Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation 500litres/ha
Chemical Control measures = Sulphur 40% SC 7.50 kg/1000 litres of water Spray hexacenazole @0.05% or dinocap @0.06% Application of Penconazole 10% EC 500ml/100 litres of water. </s> |
188 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Ber and Pest or Disease name is Soft rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid bruising
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Trichoderma harzanium 2.0% WP for 20g /kg seed
Chemical Control measures = (Streptomycin Sulphate 90% + Tetracylin Hydrocloride 10%) SP spray 50 -100 PPM of solution. </s> |
189 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Ber and Pest or Disease name is Sooty mould and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = washing off sticky coatings of sap
Biological Control measures = Bacillus subtilis 1.50% L.F 5 litres /ha (foliar spray)
Chemical Control measures = Spray Mancozeb 75% WP 30g/ 10litre of water. </s> |
190 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bitter Gourd and Pest or Disease name is Aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Some aphid species breed in weeds, control weeds
Biological Control measures = Spray of Ampelomyces quisqualis 2.0% WP 2.5g/ml in 500 litres of water
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Imidacloprid 18.5% + Hexaconazole 1.5% FS 35g/kg of seed. </s> |
191 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bitter Gourd and Pest or Disease name is Bitter gourd yellow mosaic virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Ensure there is adequate soil drainage Spraying of 5% neem seed kernel extract 5g/litre of water
Biological Control measures = Ha NPV 1.5 x1012 POB/ha with teepol (1 ml/lit.) at ETL 10 % affected parts
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Carbosulfron at 30g/kg of seed Seed treatment with Monocrotophos at 5ml/kg of seed. </s> |
192 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bitter Gourd and Pest or Disease name is Downy mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Managing relative humidity and strict sanitation Remove plants with symptoms of disease Use drip irrigation, wide row spacing and encouragegood air movement around plants
Biological Control measures = spray of Ampelomyces quisqualis 2.0% WP 2.5g/ml in 500 litres of water
Chemical Control measures = Apply Azoxystrobin 23% SC 125g/kg of seed Spray of Azoxystrobin 23% SC 500ml/litre of water spray of Copper Oxychloride 50% WG 240gm/litre of water. </s> |
193 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bitter Gourd and Pest or Disease name is Fruit fly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroy the hibernating pupae by exposing them to bright sunlight and birds
Biological Control measures = Spray of Ocimum sanctum 1ml/lit of water effective up to 10 days after spraying
Chemical Control measures = Install used water bottle baited with cue lure (MAT) saturated wood blocks (Ethanol:cuelure:carbaryl) 8:1:2 ratio @10 traps /acre. </s> |
194 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bitter Gourd and Pest or Disease name is Fusarium wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Fumigate the infected soil with hydrogen peroxide and keep the pH of soil at 6.5 - 7
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Trichoderma harzianum 2.0% WP 20g/kg of seed
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% WS 3g/kg of seed. </s> |
195 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bitter Gourd and Pest or Disease name is Hadda beetle and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove the infected plants and plant residue by burning them
Biological Control measures = Spray of Verticillium Lecanii 1.50% Liquid Formulation 200g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Metyl demeton 25 EC @500ml/ha. </s> |
196 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bitter Gourd and Pest or Disease name is Leaf miner and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the damaged plant parts
Biological Control measures = Spray of Bacillus thuringiensis WP Potency 55000 SU 500g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Deltamethrin 02.80 % EC 12.5g/litre of water Spray of Imidacloprid 17.80 % SL 10g/litre of water Spray of Quinalphos 25 % EC 250g/litre of water Spray of Chlorantraniliprole 08.80 % + Thiamethoxam 17.50 % w/w SC 150g/litre of water. </s> |
197 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bitter Gourd and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Locate plants in sunny areas as much as possible Provide good air circulation Avoid excess fertilising
Biological Control measures = spray of Ampelomyces quisqualis 2.0% WP 2.5g/ml in 500 litres of water Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation 500litres/ha
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Bupirimate 26.7% w/w EC 500gm/ litre of water Spray of Carbendazim 46.27% SC 500g/litre of water Seed treatment with Carbendazim 50% WP 200g/kg of seed. </s> |
198 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bitter Gourd and Pest or Disease name is Pumpkin beetle and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid over fertilising plants
Biological Control measures = Release exotic predator, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri @ 10 beetles/vine.
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Malathion 50.00% EC 500 ml/ha. </s> |
199 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Bitter Gourd and Pest or Disease name is Whitefly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Drip and sprinkler irrigation are effective Spray of Azadirachtin 0.15% EC w/w Min. Neem Seed Kernel Based 2.5kg/5 litres of water
Biological Control measures = Spray of Verticillium Lecanii 1.50% Liquid Formulation 2.5g/800ml of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Clothianidin 0.5 % GR 40-60 g/litre of water Spray of Malathion 50.00% EC 500g/litre of water Spray of Spiromesifen 22.90 % SC 96g/litre of water. </s> |
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