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300 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Army worm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroy crop remnants immediately after harvest
Biological Control measures = ETL 10% in affected parts Application of NPV 250 LE /ha with teepol 0.1% and Jaggery 0.5% thrice at 10 – 15 days interval Avoid green manure and apply FYM to prevent cutworm egg laying
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Chlorpyriphos 20% EC @ 2.5kg/ha Spray of Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC @ 125ml/ha Seed treatment with Cyantraniliprole 19.8 % + Thiamethoxam 19.8 % FS @2.38 g.a.i kg/seed. </s> |
301 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Black leg and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Crop rotation with non-host crops (non-cruciferous)
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Verticillium chlamydosporium 1.0% WP @20g/kg of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Spray Streptocyclin (( Streptomycinsulphate 90%+ tetracyclin hydrochloride 10%) @ 1.5g / 10l water. </s> |
302 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Black rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Treat the seed in hot water (58 ºC) for 30 min.
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Trichoderma harzianum 1.0% WP 6g/kg of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Spray Streptocyclin (( Streptomycinsulphate 90%+ tetracyclin hydrochloride 10%) @ 1.5g / 10l water. </s> |
303 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Cabbage looper and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid over-watering Spray of Azadirachtin 00.03% WSP (300 PPM) Neem oil based 2.5g/litre of water
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Beauveria bassiana 1.15% WP 20g/kg of seeds Application of NPV 250 LE /ha with teepol 0.1% and Jaggery 0.5% thrice at 10 – 15 days interval commencing from flowering stage. Hand picking of grown up larvae and blister beetles Neem seed kernel extract 5% (31.0kg/ha) pheromone traps 12/ha and bird perches 50/ha ETL 10% in affected parts
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Triazophos 40 EC 312 ml/acre Spraying of Phosalone 35 EC 0.5 lit.//acre Spraying Quinalphos 25 EC @ 400 ml/acre Dusting of Carbaryl 10% dust @ 10 kg/acre once at initiation of flowering controls the pest. Apply chlorpyriphos 25kg/ha Apply quinalphos 4D 25kg/ha Spray insecticide Carbaryl 10% DP @ 400ml/acre Spray insecticide Quinalphos 25 EC @ 400 ml/acre. </s> |
304 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Club root and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Deep ploughing of fields during summer. Three summer ploughings at 10 days interval reduces pests population.
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation 200 litres/ha
Chemical Control measures = Club root is reduced by raising the soil pH by liming. On acid soils, lime at the rate of 500g per sq m. </s> |
305 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Cutworm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Keep the nursery weeds free by hand weeding
Biological Control measures = ETL 10% in affected parts Application of NPV 250 LE /ha with teepol 0.1% and Jaggery 0.5% thrice at 10 – 15 days interval Avoid green manure and apply FYM to prevent cutworm egg laying Apply Baccilus thuringenesis + rice husk in main field to control cutworm Release Trichogramma parasitoid weekly once for 3 weeks continuously to control cutworm eggs
Chemical Control measures = Spray insecticides like Quinalphos 25 EC @ 400 ml/acre Spray insecticide Deltamethrin 2.8 EC @ 300ml/acre Spray phoshalone 35 EC @300ml/acre Spray insecticide polytrin C-44 EC @ 400ml/ha Spray insecticide spark 36 EC @400 ml/ha. </s> |
306 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Damping off and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use straw mulch in the nursery for better germination.
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecanii @ 1 litre/acre
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Carbendazim 50% WP 1g/kg of seed. </s> |
307 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Diamondback moth and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Grow the attractant, repellent, and trap crops around the field bunds.
Biological Control measures = Release egg parasitoid, Trichogramma chilonis/pretiosum @ 20,000/acre 4-6 times at weekly interval.
Chemical Control measures = spray of Pirimiphos-methyl 01 % Spray 100 ml/1 m2. </s> |
308 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Downy mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Keep the nursery weeds free by hand weeding
Biological Control measures = Spray of Bacillus thuringiensis WP Potency 55000 SU 500g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Azoxystrobin 23% SC 500ml/litre of water. </s> |
309 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Head borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Keep the nursery weeds free by hand weeding
Biological Control measures = Ha NPV 1.5 x1012 POB/ha with teepol (1 ml/lit.) at ETL 10 % affected parts
Chemical Control measures = Apply Quinalphos 25%EC 560 ml/acre Sparying of profenophos 50 EC 2 ml / litre of water as ovicides Spraying of Dichlorvos 76 WSC 250 ml/acre ETL: 2 early instar larvae/plant 5-8 eggs/plant. </s> |
310 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Appropriate drainage system to avoid movement of pathogens from plant to plant. Soil solarization of nursery beds with transparent polyethylene sheet
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation 200 litres/ha spray of Ampelomyces quisqualis 2.0% WP 2.5g/ml in 500 litres of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Hexaconazole @0.05% (5ml/10 litre of water Application of Penconazole 10% EC 500ml/100 litres of water spraying of Thiophanate methyl 38% + Kasugamycin 2.21% SC. </s> |
311 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Ring spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field sanitation, rogueing
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation 200 litres/ha
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Metiram 44% + Dimethomorph 9% WG 100g/100 litre of water. </s> |
312 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Thrips and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Be sure transplants are pest-free before taking them to the field Spray of Azadirachtin 05.00% w/w Min. Neem Extract Concentrates 2.5g/litre in 400 litre of water
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation 200 litres/ha
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Bifenthrin 8% + Clothianidin 10% SC @100g/l Spray of Acephate 50 % + Imidacloprid 01.80 % SP @500g/l Spray of Acephate 45 % + Cypermethrin 5 % DF @250g/l Spray of Tolfenpyrad 15 % EC @ 100g/l Spray of Cypermethrin 10 % + Indoxacarb 10 % w/w SC @50g/l. </s> |
313 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is Watery soft rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Plant tall border crops like maize, sorghum for the management of aphids.
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Trichoderma viride @ 4g/kg
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Dimethoate 30 EC 1.5ml/l. </s> |
314 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cabbage Chinese and Pest or Disease name is White rust and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Raised nursery beds. Application of Neem seed kernel extract 5% (12.4 kg/acre)
Biological Control measures = Spray of Trichoderma viride 1.0% WP @10g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Azoxystrobin 23% SC 500ml/litre of water spray of Copper Oxychloride 50% WG 240gm/litre of water. </s> |
315 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Anthracnose and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Be sure transplants are pest-free before taking them to the field
Biological Control measures = Infested seeds can be treated by soaking in 52 degree celsius hot water for 30 minutes Neem cake at the rate of 1 Kilogram may be mixed with the soil at the time of planting.
Chemical Control measures = Three sprayings with captan 0.2 percent- 1st spraying - just before flowering, 2nd at the time of fruit formation and 3rd - fortnight interval after second spraying Spray of Carbendazim 50 percent Wettable powder 0.5 gram per litre Spray of Chlorothalonil 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 0.15 percent (150 gram per 100 litres of water). </s> |
316 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Crop rotation with non-host crops (non-cruciferous) Field sanitation, rogueing Plant tall border crops like maize, sorghum for the management of aphids.
Biological Control measures = Encourage natural predators Diapha aphidivor , Ishchiodon scutellaris
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Imidacloprid 18.5 percent + Hexaconazole 1.5 percent Flowable concentrate at the rate of 35 gram per kilogram of seed Spray of Buprofezin 25 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate of 2 gram per litre of water Spray of Phosalone 35 percent Emulsifiable concentrate 2.0 millilitre per litre.. </s> |
317 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Ensure there is adequate soil drainage
Biological Control measures = Apply Pseudomonas flurescens 1.5 percent Wettable powder at 10 kilogram + 20 kilogram Farm Yard Manure per acre as soil treatment
Chemical Control measures = (Streptomycin Sulphate 90 percent + Tetracylin Hydrocloride 10 percent) Soluble powder at the rate of 50 to100 parts per million of solution. </s> |
318 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Beet army worm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use straw mulch in the nursery for better germination.
Biological Control measures = Meadoww grasshoppers , ants , birds , and toads feed on the pest Avoid green manure and apply Farm yard manure to prevent cutworm egg laying Apply Baccilus thuringenesis + rice husk in main field to control cutworm Release Trichogramma parasitoid weekly once for 3 weeks continuously to control cutworm eggs
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Chlorpyriphos 20 percent Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 2.5 kilogram per acres Spray of Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate of 125 millilitre per acres Seed treatment with Cyantraniliprole 19.8 percent + Thiamethoxam 19.8 percent Flowable concentrate for seed treatment at the rate of 2.38 gram per kilogram of seeds Spray Chlorpyriphos 20 Emulsifiable concentrate 80 millilitre + 20 litre of water Spray insecticide Deltamethrin 2.8 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 300 millilitre per acre. </s> |
319 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Blossom end rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures =
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Application of Calcium nitrate fertiliser at the rate of 1.5 to 2.5 gram per litre of water. </s> |
320 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Cercospora leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Crop rotation with non-host crops(non-cruciferous)
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.5 percent Wettable powder at the rate 5 gram per kilogram of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Spray twice at 10-15 days interval with Mancozeb 0.25percent or Chlorothalonil (Kavach) 0.1percent.. </s> |
321 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Colorado potato beetle and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Crop rotation with non-host crops (non-cruciferous)
Biological Control measures = Release exotic predator, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri at the rate of 10 beetles
Chemical Control measures = Application of imidachloprid 70percent Wettable granules at 3 to 5 gram per kilogram for seed treatment Spray of Lambda-cyhalothrin 04.90 percent Capsule suspension at the rate of 0.5 millilitre per litre of water. </s> |
322 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Damping off and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field sanitation, rogueing
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecanii at the rate of 1 litre per acre
Chemical Control measures = Drench with copper oxychloride at 2.5 gram per litre at 4 litre per squaremetre. </s> |
323 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Flea beetle and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Keep the nursery weeds free by hand weeding
Biological Control measures = Release exotic predator, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri at 10 beetles
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Spinosad 45percent Suspension concentrate 0.5 millilitre per litre. </s> |
324 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Fruit borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Appropriate drainage system to avoid movement of pathogens from plant to plant. Soil solarization of nursery beds with transparent polyethylene sheet
Biological Control measures = Spray Bacillus thuringiensis 2 gram per litre
Chemical Control measures = Apply Emmamectin benzoate 5% Soluble granules at 4 gram per 10 litre Sparying of profenophos 50 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 2 millilitre per litre of water as ovicides Spraying of Spray Acephate 95 percent water soluble granule 1.5 gram per litre of water . </s> |
325 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Fusarium wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Plant tall border crops like maize, sorghum for the management of aphids.
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate of 10 gram per kilogram of seed Seed treatment with Trichoderma harzianum 2.0 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 20 gram per kilogram of seed
Chemical Control measures = Application of Azoxystrobin 2.5 percent + Thiophanate Methyl 11.25 percent + Thiamethoxam 25 percent Flowable concentrate at the rate of 100 millilitre per kilogram seed Application of Carboxin 37.5 percent + Thiram 37.5 percent Water dispersible powder at the rate of 10 millilitre per kilogram seed Seed treatment with 2gram Carbendazim per kilogram seed. </s> |
326 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Gray leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use straw mulch in the nursery for better germination.
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment of Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate of 4 gram per kilogram seed seed treatment of Psuedomonas fluorescens 0.5 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 10 kilogram per seed Soil treatment of 1kilogram of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5 percent Wettable powder spread uniformly over 1 acre of land (foliar spray at 2 percent )
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Tebuconazole 6.7 percent + Captan 26.9 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate of 2.5 millilitre per litre of water Spraying of Metiram 44 percent + Dimethomorph 9 percent Wettable granules at the rate of 1 gram per litre of water Spraying of Hexaconazole 4 percent + Zineb 68 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 2.5 gram per litre of water. </s> |
327 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Leaf miner and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Burn the infected plant debries Neem seed kernel extract 5 percent (12.4 kilogram per acre) twice.
Biological Control measures = Spray Bacillus thuringiensis at 2 millilitre per litre of water Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.5 percent Wettable powder at 5 gram per kilogram of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Abamectin 1.8percent Emulsifiable concentrate at 0.2 to 0.5millilitre per litre of water Spray of Acetamiprid 20percent Soluble powder at 0.2 gram per litre of water Spray of Cyantraniliprole 10.26 Oil dispersion 1.8 millilitre per acre . </s> |
328 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Leaf roller and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid over-watering
Biological Control measures = Spray of Trichoderma viride 1.0 percent Wettable powder at 10 gram per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Spinosad 2.5percent Emulsifiable concentrate at 1.2 to 1.4 millilitre per litre of water. </s> |
329 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Mite and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = At the time of field preparation, adopt stale seed bed technique to minimize the weeds menace in field.
Biological Control measures = Hand picking of grown up larvae and blister beetles Neem seed kernel extract 5 percent (31.0 kilogram per acre)
Chemical Control measures = Application of Buprofezin 25 percent Suspension concentrate 2.0 millilitre per litre Spray of Propargite 57 percent Emulsifiable concentrate 2.5 millilitre per litre. . </s> |
330 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Mosaic and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Crop rotation with non-host crops(non-cruciferous) Field sanitation, rogueing Plant tall border crops like maize, sorghum for the management of aphids.
Biological Control measures = Spray neem oil 3percent
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Imidacloprid 18.5 percent + Hexaconazole 1.5 percent Flowable concentrate at the rate of 35 gram per kilogram of seed Spray of Buprofezin 25 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate of 2 gram per litre of water spray of Pirimiphos-methyl 0.1 percent at the rate of 100 millilitre per 1 meter square. </s> |
331 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Pepper weevil and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Neem seed kernel extract 5 percent (12.4 kilogram per acre) twice.
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5 percent Wettable powder 10 gram per kilogram of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Methyl Bromide 98 percent at the rate of 2.5 gram per litre of water Spray of acetamiprid 20percent Soluble powder at 0.2 gram per litre of water. </s> |
332 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Phytophthora blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Spray of Azadirachtin 05.00 percent or Neem Extract Concentrates 2.5 gram per litre in 400 litre of water
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 1.0 percent Wettable powder 5 to 10 gram per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Application of Mancozeb 75% Wettable powder at 400 to 600 gram per acre. </s> |
333 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Spray of Azadirachtin 05.00 percent or Neem Extract Concentrates 2.5 gram per litre in 400 litre of water
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 5.0 percent Liquid Formulation 200 litres per acre spray of Ampelomyces quisqualis 2.0 percent Wettable powder 5 gram per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray wettable sulphur at 3 gram per litre Application of Penconazole 10 percent Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 5 millilitre per litres of water Spray of Wettable sulphur at 3 gram per litre. </s> |
334 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Southern blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Grow the attractant, repellent and trap crops around the field bunds.
Biological Control measures = Tricoderma harzianum can control
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Propiconazole 25 % Emulsifiable concentrate at 80 to 100 millilitre per acre. </s> |
335 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Thrips and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Treat the seed in hot water (58 degree celcius) for 30 min.
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 5.0 percent Liquid Formulation at the rate of 200 litres per acre
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Ethion 50 percent Emulsifiable concentrate 2.0 millilitre per litre. Spray of Acephate Fipronil 5 percent Suspension concentrate 1.5 millilitre per litre. Spray of Spinosad 45 percent Suspension concentrate 0.5 millilitre per litre. Spray of Acetamiprid 20 Soluble powder 1.0gram per 10 litre. Spray of Emamectin benzoate 5 percent Soluble granules 0.5 gram per litre. </s> |
336 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Tomato spotted wilt virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid over-watering
Biological Control measures = Soil application of Tricoderma asperellum at 2.5 kilogram per acre
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Streptomycin sulphate 90% + tetracycline hydrocloride 10% soluble powder at 500 millilitre per acre Spray of Acephate 50 percent + Imidacloprid 01.80 percent Soluble powder at the rate of 0.75 to 1 gram per litre of water. </s> |
337 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Capsicum and Pest or Disease name is Verticillium wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroy crop remnants immediately after harvest
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment Pseudomonas fluorescens at 10 gram per kilogram of seed
Chemical Control measures = Application of Azoxystrobin 2.5 percent + Thiophanate Methyl 11.25 percent + Thiamethoxam 25 percent Flowable concentrate at the rate of 100 millilitre per kilogram seed. </s> |
338 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is Capsule borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = In primary nurseries, thin sowing may be practiced to avoid overcrowding of seedlings.
Biological Control measures = Soil treatment with Trichoderma harzianum 0.50% WS 100gm/plant
Chemical Control measures = Spray Quinalphos 25% EC @ 240-480 ml in 200-400 l of water/acre. </s> |
339 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is Capsule rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroy rhizomes infested with immature stages of the weevil
Biological Control measures = Treat the seed with Trichoderma harzianum 1.0% WP @ 20gm/kg of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Hexaconazole 4% + Zineb 68% WP 25g/10 litre of water. </s> |
340 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is Cardamom necrosis and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid exposure to direct sunlight from top or sides.
Biological Control measures = Spraying of 5% neem seed kernel extract 5g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Three sprays of 0.15 percent Carbaryl or 0.04 percent Monocrotophos or 0.05 percent Phosphomidon. </s> |
341 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is Cardamom thrips and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Sow the seeds in August-September, to ensure sufficient growth of seedlings, so that they develop tolerance to the disease.
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation 200 litres/ha
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Bifenthrin 8% + Clothianidin 10% SC @100g/l Spray of Acephate 50 % + Imidacloprid 01.80 % SP @500g/l Spray of Acephate 45 % + Cypermethrin 5 % DF @250g/l Spray of Tolfenpyrad 15 % EC @ 100g/l Spray of Cypermethrin 10 % + Indoxacarb 10 % w/w SC @50g/l. </s> |
342 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is Cardamom vein clearing and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = The practice of raising nurseries continuously on the same site may be avoided
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP 10g/kg of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Spray Thiamethoxam 12.60 % + Lambda-cyhalothrin 09.50 % ZC @200g/l Spray Quinalphos 25% EC @ 240-480 ml in 200-400 l of water/acre Spray of Bifenthrin 8% + Clothianidin 10% SC @100g/l. </s> |
343 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is Cardamom whitefly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Follow crop rotation
Biological Control measures = Spraying of 5% neem seed kernel extract 5g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Monocrotophos 36% SL @ 374.8 ml in 200-400 l of water/acre. </s> |
344 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is Damping off and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Regulate shade in thickly shaded areas
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Verticillium chlamydosporium 1.0% WP @20g/kg of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Carbendazim 50% WP 1g/kg of seed. </s> |
345 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is Early capsule borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Adequate drainage facilities may be provided to prevent water stagnation.
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment Beauveria bassiana 1.15% WP 400g/kg of seed
Chemical Control measures = Spray Quinalphos 25% EC @ 240-480 ml in 200-400 l of water/acre. </s> |
346 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is Hairy caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = At the time of field preparation, adopt stale seed bed technique to minimize the weeds menace in field.
Biological Control measures = Spray of Trichoderma viride 1.0% WP @10g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Phenthoate 50% EC @ 200 ml in 200-400 l of water/acre. </s> |
347 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is Katte disease of cardamom and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Cultivar Malabar variety, resistant to thrips. The hybrid Vazhukla is moderately resistant
Biological Control measures = Entomopathogens like Beauveria bassiana, Verticilium chlamydosporium and Paecilomyces liliacinus that feed on plants
Chemical Control measures = Spray Thiamethoxam 12.60 % + Lambda-cyhalothrin 09.50 % ZC @200g/l Spray Quinalphos 25% EC @ 240-480 ml in 200-400 l of water/acre Spray of Bifenthrin 8% + Clothianidin 10% SC @100g/l. </s> |
348 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is Mid rib caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use straw mulch in the nursery for better germination.
Biological Control measures = Spraying of 5% neem seed kernel extract 5g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Lambda-cyhalothrin 04.90 % CS 400ml/1000 litre water. </s> |
349 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is Rhizome rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid planting banana inside the cardamom plantation and destroy host plant like Colocasia and Alocasia to control aphid infestation
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0% WP @5gm/kg of seed
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Azoxystrobin 23% SC 500ml/litre of water. </s> |
350 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is Shoot fly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Soil solarization of nursery beds with transparent polyethylene sheet
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation 200 litres/ha
Chemical Control measures = Thiamethoxam 12.60 % + Lambda-cyhalothrin 09.50 % ZC 200ml/500 litre water. </s> |
351 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cardamom and Pest or Disease name is White grub and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Maintain proper phytosanitary measures in the nurseries by removing infected and dead seedlings.
Biological Control measures = Mix Metarhizium anisopliae 10% GR apply at the root base @ 6gm/m2 (=60 kg/ha) along the furrows at the time of sowing
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Diafenthiuron 50% WP @ 320 g in 400 l of water/ acre. </s> |
352 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Alternaria leaf blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Taking out the affect plants from the crop
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 1.0% WP 5-10gm/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Pyraclostrobin 133 g/l + Epoxiconazole 50g/l SE @700g/l. </s> |
353 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Using healthy, certified seeds
Biological Control measures = Spray of Bacillus thuringiensis WP Potency 55000 SU 500g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Thiamethoxam 12.60 % + Lambda-cyhalothrin 09.50 % ZC @200g/l Spray Quinalphos 25% EC @ 240-480 ml in 200-400 l of water/acre Spray of Bifenthrin 8% + Clothianidin 10% SC @100g/l. </s> |
354 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial leaf blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Correct crop rotation
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 1.0% WP 5-10gm/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = (Streptomycin Sulphate 90% + Tetracylin Hydrocloride 10%) SP spray 50 -100 PPM of solution. </s> |
355 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Black rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Storing vegetables in the best condition
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation 200 litres/ha
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Carbendazim 50% WP 1g/kg of seed. </s> |
356 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Cercospora leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Using only resilient species
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.5% WP @5g/kg of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Fluxapyroxad 250 g/l + Pyraclostrobin 250 g/l SC @100g/ litre of water. </s> |
357 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Cottony rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoiding sprinkler irrigation
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment Beauveria bassiana 1.15% WP 400g/kg of seed
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment Prochloraz 5.7% + Tebuconazole 1.4% w/w ES @ 3ml/10kg seeds. </s> |
358 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Cutworm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Rational irrigation is necessary to control pests Manual picking of caterpillar and destroying
Biological Control measures = Apply Baccilus thuringenesis + rice husk in main field to control cutworm Release Trichogramma parasitoid weekly once for 3 weeks continuously to control cutworm eggs
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Chlorpyriphos 20% EC @ 2.5kg/ha Spray of Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC @ 125ml/ha Seed treatment with Cyantraniliprole 19.8 % + Thiamethoxam 19.8 % FS @2.38 g.a.i kg/seed Spray insecticides like Quinalphos 25 EC @ 400 ml/acre Spray insecticide Deltamethrin 2.8 EC @ 300ml/acre. </s> |
359 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Damping off and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Sorting the carrot roots before storing
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecanii @ 1 litre/acre
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Carbendazim 50% WP 1g/kg of seed. </s> |
360 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Flea beetle and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Balanced fertilization
Biological Control measures = Release exotic predator, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri @ 10 beetles
Chemical Control measures = Application of Aluminum Phosphide 56 % 03 tablets/10 g per ton or 225 gm/100 m3 Spray of Lambda-cyhalothrin 04.90 % CS 12.5g/l. </s> |
361 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroying the vegetal residue, after harvesting
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation 200 litres/ha spray of Ampelomyces quisqualis 2.0% WP 2.5g/ml in 500 litres of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Hexaconazole @0.05% or dinocap @0.06% Application of Penconazole 10% EC 500ml/100 litres of water spraying of Thiophanate methyl 38% + Kasugamycin 2.21% SC. </s> |
362 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Root knot nematode and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Taking out all the vegetal residue, after harvesting Controlling the weeds
Biological Control measures = Treat the seed with Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0% WP @ 20 gm/kg of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Soil drenching with Carbofuran 03 % CG @1500g/l Spray of Imidacloprid 18.5% + Hexaconazole 1.5% FS 200g/litre of water. </s> |
363 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Rust fly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoiding overly humid lands
Biological Control measures = Apply Pseudomonas flurescens 1.5% WP @ 10kg+ 20kg FYM/acre as soil treatment
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Fluopyram 34.48 % w/w SC @ 250g/l. </s> |
364 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Watery soft rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroying and burning the vegetal residue after harvesting
Biological Control measures = Soil treatment with Trichoderma harzianum 0.50% WS 100gm/plant
Chemical Control measures = (Streptomycin Sulphate 90% + Tetracylin Hydrocloride 10%) SP spray 50 -100 PPM of solution. </s> |
365 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Carrot and Pest or Disease name is Willow carrot weevil and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Rational crop rotation
Biological Control measures = Spray of Trichoderma viride 1.0% WP @10g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Methyl Bromide 98 % w/w 2.5gm/litre of water Spray of Bifenthrin 8% + Clothianidin 10% SC 80g/l. </s> |
366 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cashewnut and Pest or Disease name is Angular leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = If disease is severe, it is advisable to spray Bordeaux mixture (I %).
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.5% WP @5g/kg of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Fluxapyroxad 250 g/l + Pyraclostrobin 250 g/l SC @100g/ litre of water. </s> |
367 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cashewnut and Pest or Disease name is Anthracnose and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Prune the affected branches well below the site of infection and destroy them. avoid interplanting cashew with other crops which are hosts for helopeltis bugs such as tea and cotton
Biological Control measures = Infested seeds can be treated by soaking in 52°C hot water for 30 minutes Neem cake @ 1 Kg may be mixed with the soil at the time of planting. Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.5% WP @5g/kg of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Azoxystrobin 23% SC 125g/litre of water Spray of Carbendazim 50% WP 150g/litre of water Spray of Chlorothalonil 75% WP 0.15% (150 g/100 litre of water). </s> |
368 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cashewnut and Pest or Disease name is Black mould and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Provide adequate drainage in the beds and polythene bags
Biological Control measures = Treat the seed with Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0% WP @ 20 gm/kg of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Application of Zineb 75% WP @1.5-2.5 g/kg seed. </s> |
369 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cashewnut and Pest or Disease name is Cashew weevil and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Monitor crop regularly for signs of damage
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP 10g/kg of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Methyl Bromide 98 % w/w 2.5gm/litre of water Spray of Bifenthrin 8% + Clothianidin 10% SC 80g/l. </s> |
370 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cashewnut and Pest or Disease name is Coconut bug and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Conserve natural enemies by avoiding unnecessary applications of insecticides
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Trichoderma harzanium @ 5g/kg seed
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Buprofezin 25 % SC @ 250g/l. </s> |
371 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cashewnut and Pest or Disease name is Inflorescence blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect all dried up and affected branches to reduce the source of inoculum.
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Trichoderma viride 1.0% WP 5-10gm/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Pyraclostrobin 133 g/l + Epoxiconazole 50g/l SE @700g/l. </s> |
372 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cashewnut and Pest or Disease name is Leaf miner and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Weaver ants can reduce populations
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.5% WP 5g/kg of seed Spray of Bacillus thuringiensis WP Potency 55000 SU 500g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Deltamethrin 02.80 % EC 12.5g/litre of water Spray of Imidacloprid 17.80 % SL 10g/litre of water Spray of Quinalphos 25 % EC 250g/litre of water Spray of Chlorantraniliprole 08.80 % + Thiamethoxam 17.50 % w/w SC 150g/litre of water. </s> |
373 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cashewnut and Pest or Disease name is Root borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Provide adequate drainage in the beds and polythene bags
Biological Control measures = Ha NPV 1.5 x1012 POB/ha with teepol (1 ml/lit.) at ETL 10 % affected parts
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Bifenthrin 8% + Clothianidin 10% SC @100g/l Spray of Acephate 50 % + Imidacloprid 01.80 % SP @500g/l Spray of Acephate 45 % + Cypermethrin 5 % DF @250g/l Spray of Tolfenpyrad 15 % EC @ 100g/l. </s> |
374 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cashewnut and Pest or Disease name is Shoot rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Protect the cut surfaces by applying Bordeaux paste.
Biological Control measures = Soil treatment with Trichoderma harzianum 0.50% WS 100gm/plant
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Fluxapyroxad 250 g/l + Pyraclostrobin 250 g/l SC @100g/ litre of water. </s> |
375 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cashewnut and Pest or Disease name is Tea mosquito bug and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = ensure that the cashew farm is properly attended with regards to weeding, pruning and intercropping where possible.
Biological Control measures = Spray of Verticillium lecanii 1.15%WP 2500g/l
Chemical Control measures = Spray of Buprofezin 25 % SC @ 250g/l Spray of Chlorpyrifos 20 % EC 700g/l Spray of Clothianidin 50 % WDG@ 60ml/l. </s> |
376 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Alternaria blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove and detroy the infected leaves and plant parts Weed management which may serve as source for the fungus
Biological Control measures = Soil application of Trichoderma viridae @ 1 Kg / acre + 20 Kg of well decomposed FYM or sand at 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Metiram 44% + Dimethomorph 9% WG 100g/100 litre of water Spraying of Hexaconazole 4% + Zineb 68% WP 25g/10 litre of water. </s> |
377 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Bihar hairy caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Summer ploughing to expose pupae to sunlight and natural enemies Collect and destroy egg mass, leaves with gregarious early instar larvae and also grown up larvae Setup light trap at 1/acre
Biological Control measures = Release Trichogramma chilonis @ 1 lakh /acre (20,000 per release for 5 times at weekly interval starting from one month after planting). Spray Bacillus thuringiensis formulation @ 2g/litre of water Spray Beauveria bassiana @ 5g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorpyrifos 20 %EC at 2ml/ litre of water Spray Emmamectin Benzoate 5 % SC at 0.3g/ litre of water Spray Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 % SC at 0.3ml/ litre of water Application of Flubendiamide 39.35 % SC at 0.3ml/ litre of water. </s> |
378 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Capsule borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Applications of resin soap or Neem Seed Kernel Extract (NSKE) 5% at early stage of population build up
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Quinalphos 25 % EC at 2ml/litre of water Spray Chlorpyrifos 20 %EC at 2ml/ litre of water. </s> |
379 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Castor semilooper and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Apply neem seed kernel extract 5% + Neem oil 2%
Biological Control measures = 0
Chemical Control measures = Spray Emmamectin Benzoate 5 % SC at 0.3g/ litre of water Spray Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 % SC at 0.3ml/ litre of water. </s> |
380 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Castor slug and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = The pest should be kept in check by picking the gregarious caterpillars and the cocoons which are found on tree trunks and destroying them in water with a film of kerosene.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Quinalphos 25 % EC at 2ml/litre of water. </s> |
381 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Castor spiny caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Apply neem seed kernel extract 5% + Neem oil 2%
Biological Control measures = Spray Beauveria bassiana @ 5g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Quinalphos 25 % EC at 2ml/litre of water Spray Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 % SC at 0.3ml/ litre of water. </s> |
382 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Cercospora leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use disease-free seed for planting Remove all debris after harvest Good aeration with proper sunlight penetration reduces pathogen growth
Chemical Control measures = Application of Microized Wettable Sulphur 80% WP at 3-5g/litre of water Spray Chlorothalonil 75% WP at 2g/litre of water Spray Mancozeb 63% + Carbendazim 12% WP at 1g/litre of water. </s> |
383 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Hairy caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Summer ploughing to expose pupae to sunlight and natural enemies Collect and destroy egg mass, leaves with gregarious early instar larvae and also grown up larvae Setup light trap at 1/acre
Biological Control measures = Release Trichogramma chilonis @ 1 lakh /acre (20,000 per release for 5 times at weekly interval starting from one month after planting). Spray Bacillus thuringiensis formulation @ 2g/litre of water Spray Beauveria bassiana @ 5g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorpyrifos 20 %EC at 2ml/ litre of water Spray Emmamectin Benzoate 5 % SC at 0.3g/ litre of water Spray Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 % SC at 0.3ml/ litre of water Application of Flubendiamide 39.35 % SC at 0.3ml/ litre of water. </s> |
384 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Jassids and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Soil application of neem cake 250 kg/ha followed by sprays of NSPE 4% or neem soap 1% at 10 days interval. Balanced fertilizer application
Chemical Control measures = Use seed treatment (imidacloprid 70 ws @10gm/kg seed) at the time of sowing Spray of Imidacloprid 200 SL @ 0.5 ml/l water Spraying of Fipronil 04 % + Thiamethoxam 04 % w/w SC at 0.4 ml/l. </s> |
385 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the affected leaves and beets
Biological Control measures = Amphelomyces quisqalis microbial fungicide powder @1 kg/acre or liquid 1litre /acre
Chemical Control measures = Spray Carbendazim 50%WP @120 g in 240 l of water. </s> |
386 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Red hairy caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Trapping of hairy catterpillars with the twigs of Jatropha or Calotropis install 10-12 bird perches
Biological Control measures = Spray commercial formulations of GV - Amsacta @0.3ml/litre
Chemical Control measures = Application og Quinalphos 1.5% DP 10kg/acre Dust the trenches with Carbaryl 50 % WP at 5%. </s> |
387 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Seedling blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal and destruction of crop debris. Practicing crop rotation helps to minimize the disease incidence.
Biological Control measures = Soil application of Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 1 Kg / acre + 20 Kg of well decomposed FYM or sand at 30 days after sowing. Soil application of Trichoderma viride @ 1 Kg / acre + 20 Kg of well decomposed FYM or sand at 30 days after sowing.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Thiram @ 2 g/kg of seeds Drenching with Carbendazim 50WP @ 1 gm/ litre of water Spray Hexaconazole 5% SC @ 1ml/l of water. </s> |
388 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Serpentine leaf miner and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Pheromone traps @25 traps/ha. Intercropping with soybean, pearl millet or lablab in 1 : 4 ratios. Mulching in dry lands helps to reduce leaf miner incidence.
Biological Control measures = Release of Trichogramma chilonis or Telenomus remus @50000/ha, 2 times @ 7-10days interval followed by the release of Bracon hebetor @50000/ha 2 times @ 7-10days interval
Chemical Control measures = Spray Lambda-cyhalothrin 05 % EC 0.5ml/ litres of water Spray Methoxyfenozide 21.8 % w/w SC 1.2ml/ litres of water Spray Flubendiamide 20% WG 0.75ml/ litres of water. </s> |
389 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Thrips and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Grow 4-5 rows of maize or sorghum thickly around the crop.
Biological Control measures = Predators such as green lacewings, predatory mites (Phytoseiulus persimilis) and predatory thrips should be encouraged Release larvae of Chrysoperla zastrowi @4,000/acre
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Imidacloprid 48 % FS at 10g/kg seed Spray Imidacloprid 17.8 % SL at 0.3ml/litre of water. </s> |
390 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Tobacco caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Install 1 to 2 light traps to attract adults in evening Install pheromone traps at 15/ha
Biological Control measures = Staple 3 Trichogramma pretiosum egg cards ( Each card contains 12000 to 20000 eggs) Spray Spodoptera litura nuclear polyhedrosis virus (SNPV) at 250 LE /ha
Chemical Control measures = Spray Flubendiamide 39.35 % SC @ 40 ml/acre Spray Novaluron 10 % EC @ 1.5 ml/litre of water Spray Indoxacarb 14.5 %SC @ 0.8 - 1 ml/litre of water Spray Spinosad 45% SC @ 0.5 ml/litre of water. </s> |
391 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Tussock caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Applications of resin soap or Neem Seed Kernel Extract (NSKE) 5% at early stage of population build up
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Quinalphos 25 % EC at 2ml/litre of water. </s> |
392 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Whitefly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Field selected should be clean and free from other host plants and weeds. Remove and destroy alternate weed host like Abutilon indicum and other host Plant fast-growing crops like maize, sorghum or pearl millet in the border of the field to act as barriers to reduce whitefly infestations.
Biological Control measures = Application of Verticillium lecani (Lecanicillium) @ 2-3 ml/ Liter of Water Soil application of neem cake @ 100kg/acre. Spray Azadirachtin 1.0 % EC (10000 ppm) @ 2.0 ml/ litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Diafenthiuron 50 % WP at 1g/litre of water Spray Acetamaprid 20 % SP at 0.3g/litre of water Spray Imidacloprid 17.8 % SL at 0.3ml /litre of water. </s> |
393 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Wilt and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and burn the infected plant Soil solarization before planting
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Trichoderma viride @ 10 g/Kg seed Root zone application: Mix thoroughly 2.5 Kg of the Trichoderma viride 1% WP in 150 Kg of compost or farmyard manure and apply this mixture in the field after sowing/ transplanting of crops
Chemical Control measures = Drenching with Carbendazim 50 %WP @ 1 gm/ litre Spot drenching with Copper Oxychloride 50% WP @ 2.5g/litre of water. </s> |
394 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Castor and Pest or Disease name is Wooly bear and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Apply neem seed kernel extract 5% + Neem oil 2%
Biological Control measures = Spray Beauveria bassiana @ 5g/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Emmamectin Benzoate 5 % SC at 0.3g/ litre of water Spray Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 % SC at 0.3ml/ litre of water. </s> |
395 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial soft rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = In storage, use buffering material such as straw or paper to prevent injury to the heads.
Biological Control measures = Spray Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (108 CFU/ml) effectively control the disease
Chemical Control measures = Clean and spray storage walls and floors with copper sulfate solution (1 lb/5 gal water).. </s> |
396 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Beet army worm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Disc fields immediately following harvest to kill larvae and pupae. Placing pheromone traps to monitor adults and predict egg laying.
Biological Control measures = Sprays of Bacillus thuringiensis ver. Kurstaki, NPV @ 2 g/l (or) 400 g/acre. Apply Verticillium lecanii @ 1 × 108 CFU/g @ 5 g/litre whorl application. Repeat after 10 days if required.
Chemical Control measures = Apply Chlorantraniliprole 9.3 % + Lambda-cyhalothrin 4.6 %ZC @ 14g/ acre. Apply Thiodicarb 75 % WP @ 300g/ acre.. </s> |
397 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Black leg and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Deep summer ploughing. .
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Trichoderma viride 4g/kg.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Captan or Thiram 4g/kg of seed.. </s> |
398 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Black rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Grow tolrant varieties. Treat the seeds in hot water at 50°C.
Biological Control measures = Treat the seeds with Streptocycline 100 ppm for 30 mins kill both internally and externally seed borne bacterium Seed treatment with Aureomycin 1000 ppm for 30 min.
Chemical Control measures = Application of bleaching powder at 10 to 5.06 kg/acre controls the disease. Drenching the nursery soil with formaldehyde 0.5% (0.5 g in 100 ml of water). </s> |
399 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Cabbage aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Control brassica weeds in and around fields. Use reflective mulches to deter aphids.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Phosalone 35 % EC at 75g/ ml. Application of Acetamiprid 20 % SP @ 75 g/ 500-600 l of water.. </s> |
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