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400 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Cabbage butterfly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy caterpillars in the early stage of attack
Biological Control measures = Conserve parasitoids like Cotesia glomeratus
Chemical Control measures = Spray insecticides quinalphos 25EC @ 500 ml/acre. </s> |
401 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Cabbage head borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collection and careful destruction of the larvae at gregarious stage with leaves twice a week.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Apply 5% malathion dust @ 15.17 kg/acre. </s> |
402 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Cabbage worm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Paper caps early in the season and row covers later are effective in preventing oviposition by imported cabbageworm butterflies. Azadirachtin 00.03% WSP (300 PPM) Neem Oil Based
Biological Control measures = Spray Bacillus turingiensis var kurstaki @ 2 g/l
Chemical Control measures = Spraying with Lambda-cyhalothrin 5% EC @ 120ml/160 litres of water per acre. Spraying with Deltamethrin 2.80% EC @ 200ml/160 litres of water per acre.. </s> |
403 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Cauliflower mosaic and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Grow seedlings in insect proof condition.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Control of aphid vectors through insecticides like methyl demeton 0.1% (1ml/1000ml of wter) at an appropriate stage. </s> |
404 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Club root of crucifers and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Maintain soil pH of 7.2 by liming. Follow crop rotation with non cruciferous crops
Biological Control measures = Treat the seeds with Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 10g/ kg followed by seedling dip of Pseudomonas fluorescens at 5g/ lit. Soil application of Pseudomonas fluroescens at 2.5kg/ ha + 50 kg FYM before planting. Seed treatment with Trichoderma viride 4g/kg.
Chemical Control measures = Soil fumigation with Methly bromide 1kg/10m 2 followed by covering with plastic film. Seed treatment with Captan/Thiram 4g/kg Application of lime 1 t/ acre.. </s> |
405 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Cutworm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove weeds and stubbles after harvesting. Avoid green manure and apply FYM to prevent cutworm egg laying.
Biological Control measures = Release Trichogramma parasitoid weekly once for 3 weeks continuously to control cutworm eggs.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Phoshalone 35 EC @ 500 ml/acre. Spray Quinalphos 20 EC @ 800 ml/acre.. </s> |
406 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Diamondback moth and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Inter-cropping is good for reducing pests.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Broflanilide 300 g/ lit. </s> |
407 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Downy mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Follow crop rotation with non cruciferous crops. Manage for cruciferous weeds (wild mustards, etc.) and volunteers that may harbor this microorganism during rotations.
Biological Control measures = Spray Bacillus subtilis @ 3ml/ litre of water. Soil application of Bacillus subtilis 2 litre/ acre.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Metalaxyl (Apron 6g/kg of seed ). Foliar spraying with Metalaxyl (Ridomil) 0.4 % (4ml/1000ml of water). </s> |
408 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Flea beetle and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove the loose bark at the time of pruning to prevent egg laying.
Biological Control measures = Collect into trays containing kerosenated water and destroy them
Chemical Control measures = Spray phosalone 35 EC 0.07% (7ml/10 litres of water) after pruning. </s> |
409 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Green semilooper and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Hand pick and destroy the caterpillars
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray insecticides like malathion 50EC @ 0.1% ha (1ml/1 litre of water). </s> |
410 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Leaf webber and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove and destroy all debris and stubbles after harvest of crop. Grow mustard as trap crop at 2:1 ratio (cabbage: mustard). Neem seed kernel extract 5%.
Biological Control measures = Pheromone traps @ 6/acre. Application of Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki 2g/lit.
Chemical Control measures = Cartap hydrochloride 0.5% (0.5 g in 100 ml of water)at 10,20 at 30 DAS (nursery) and primordial stage. Apply Lufenuron 5.4 % EC at 1.2 ml/lit. Spray spinosad 2.5 % SC at 1.2 ml/lit.. </s> |
411 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Painted bug and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove weed hosts in and near planting areas. Birds apparently find the taste of these bugs unpleasant and may avoid eating them.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Apply Dimethoate 30 % EC @ 660 ml/500- 1000 l of water. Apply Imidacloprid 70 % WS @ 700g/ 500 l of water.. </s> |
412 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Plant resistant varieties if available. Avoid over-application of nitrogen fertilizers.
Biological Control measures = Apply Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation @ 200 l/ acre.
Chemical Control measures = Spary inorganic sulphur 0.25 % (25ml/1000 ml water) Spraying of Dinocap 0.05% (500 ml in 10 litres of water) Spary Dinocap 0.05% (500 ml in 10 litres of water). </s> |
413 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Ring spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Hot water treatment of seeds 45° for 20 min.
Biological Control measures = Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP @ 10g /kg of seeds.
Chemical Control measures = Apply Azoxystrobin 23% SC @ 200 l/ acre.. </s> |
414 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Root knot nematode and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Only seedlings with roots free of galls should be selected for transplanting.
Biological Control measures = Application of Pseudomonas fluorescens @10g/m2.
Chemical Control measures = Application of carbofuran 3G @ 13.2 kg/acre.. </s> |
415 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Sclerotinia stem root and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Reduce humidity and high-moisture periods within the plant canopy and field. Field flooding during warm temperatures destroys sclerotia.
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Trichoderma viride 1.0% WP with minimum volume of water and coat the seeds uniformly shade dry the seeds just before sowing. Soil treatment with Trichoderma viride1.0% WP at 2.5 kg with 62.5 kg FYM and broadcast uniformly over a hectare of land and irrigate the field immediately.
Chemical Control measures = Spray azoxystrobin 400 ml/ acre. Spray prothioconazole 280 ml/ acre.. </s> |
416 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Thrips and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Cultivating nearby weedy areas before plants emerge reduces the potential of a thrips problem
Biological Control measures = Minute pirate bugs play a major role in controlling thrips populations.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Phosphamidon 40 SL 50 ml/acre. </s> |
417 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Tobacco caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Set up light trap @1/acre Hand pick grown up larvae and kill them. Plough the soil to expose and kill the pupae
Biological Control measures = Pheromone traps (Pherodin SL) @ 15/ ha to attract male moths. Spray Sl NPV @ 1.5 X 1012 POBs / ha + 2.5 Kg crude sugar + 0.1 % teepol. Poison bait: Rice bran 5 Kg + Molasses or Brown sugar 500g + Carbaryl 50 WP 500g+ 3lit of water/ha.
Chemical Control measures = Cyantraniliprole 10.26 % OD at 600 g/ml. Spray chlorpyriphos 20 EC 2lit/ha Spraying dichlorovos 76 WSC 0.4 lit/acre. </s> |
418 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is White rust and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove and destroy infected plant debris. Treat the seeds in hot water at 52°C for 20 min
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Bordeaux mixture 1 % (1 kg of CuSO4 + 1kg of lime in 100 lit of water) Metalaxyl + Mancozeb 0.2 % (2ml/1000ml of water). </s> |
419 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cauliflower and Pest or Disease name is Wirestem and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Adopt raised seed bed method. Discard the diseased seedlings before transplanting.
Biological Control measures = Treat seeds with Trichoderma viride or thiram 4g/ kg.
Chemical Control measures = Soil drench with carbendazim 0.1% (1m/1000 ml of water) Copper oxychloride 0.25% (25ml/1000 ml of water). </s> |
420 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroy infested crops immediately after harvest to prevent dispersal. Collect and destroy weed hosts.
Biological Control measures = Parasitic wasps provide natural control of aphids in celery most notably species in the genera Diaeretiella and Lysiphlebus. Predators such as lady beetles, syrphid flies and lacewing also attack aphids.
Chemical Control measures = Application of Chlorpyrifos 20% EC 400 ml/acre Application of Imidacloprid 17.8% SL 40-50 ml/acre. </s> |
421 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Army worm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Disc fields immediately following harvest to remove the food source for any remaining larvae. Destroy weeds along field borders
Biological Control measures = Sprays of Bacillus thuringiensis ver. Kurstaki, NPV. @ 2 g/l (or) 400 g/acre. Placing pheromone traps to monitor adults and predict egg laying.
Chemical Control measures = Application of Chlorantraniliprole 9.3 % + Lambda-cyhalothrin 4.6 %ZC 35g/ha Spray Chlorpyriphos 20% EC 1 l/acre.. </s> |
422 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Brown stem of celery and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Regulate free water on plant surface. Proper soil irrigation than overhead watering reduce the infection and disease development. Spray neem oil 3% at 250 lit/ acre.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Copper oxychloride 625 g/ acre. Spray Copper hydroxide 500g/ acre. Spray Streptomycin sulphate + Tetracyclin combination 150g/ acre.. </s> |
423 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Carrot weevil and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy adults.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Carbaryl 50 WP @3g + wettable sulphur 2g/litre.. </s> |
424 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Celery mosaic virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Plant resistant cultivars. Collect and destroy all weeds.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray insecticide Dimethoate 30 % EC @ 2 ml/litre. Spray Metasystox 1 ml/litre of water to control the insect vectors.. </s> |
425 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Damping off and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid stagnation of water. Provide light and but frequent irrigation for better drainage.
Biological Control measures = Treat the seeds with Trichoderma asperellum @ 4 g/kg. Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens to soil @ 1.25 kg/acre with 50 kg of FYM. Seed treatment with fungal culture Trichoderma viride (4 g/kg of seed).
Chemical Control measures = Drench with Copper oxychloride 50% WG 0.2% (2 g in 1000 ml of water). Spraying of Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP 5kg/1000 litre of water Spray 0.2% (2 ml in 1000 ml of water) Metalaxyl M 31.8% ES when there is cloudy weather. </s> |
426 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Downy mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Plant with proper spacing. Infected plants should be removed.
Biological Control measures = Spray Bacillus subtilis @ 3ml/ litre of water. Soil application of Bacillus subtilis 2 litre/ acre.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Metalaxyl (Apron 6g/kg of seed ). Spraying of Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP 5kg/1000 litre of water.. </s> |
427 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Early blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use Cercospora-indexed seed. Do not plant transplants infected with Cercospora apii.
Biological Control measures = Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.75% WP @ 5g/kg of seed.
Chemical Control measures = Application of Pyraclostrobin 133 g/l + Epoxiconazole 50g/l SE 750ml/500 litre of water Application of Pyraclostrobin 20% WG 375-500g/500 litre of water. </s> |
428 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Fusarium yellows and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use resistant or tolerant cultivars. 2 to 3-year rotation with onions or lettuce to reduce spore populations in infested fields.
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Trichoderma viride 4g/kg. Mix 2kg Trichoderma viride formulation mixed with 50kg FYM.
Chemical Control measures = Drenching with 1% Bordeaux mixture (1 kg of copper sulphate + 1 kg of lime in 100 lit of water). Application of Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% WS 10ml/kg seed. </s> |
429 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Late blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Don't plant new crop next to the infected crop field. Avoid sprinkle irrigation after symptoms are observed.
Biological Control measures = Application of 200g Pseudomonas fluorescens along with 50 kg of FYM+ 5 kg of Neemcake/ year.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Bordeaux mixture 1.0% (1 kg of copper sulphate + 1 kg of lime in 100 lit of water). Application of Fluxapyroxad 250 g/l + Pyraclostrobin 250 g/l SC 200-250 ml/500 litre of water. </s> |
430 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Leaf miner and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy mined leaves.
Biological Control measures = Apply Bacillus thuringiensis var. 4rustaki, serotype H-39, 3B, Strain Z-52 2-3g or ml/litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Chlorantraniliprole 08.80 % + Thiamethoxam 17.50 % w/w SC 15oml/500 litre of water single time soil drensching 8-10 DAT. </s> |
431 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Pink rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Proper irrigation.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Application of Botran 75W 2.4 kg/ acre at 4 to 8 weeks before harvest.. </s> |
432 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Grow resistant varieties. Avoid overcrowding and dence growth. Spray Eucalyptus leaf extract 10% at initiation of the disease.
Biological Control measures = Apply Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation @ 200 l/ acre. Foliar spray of Bacillus subtilis 1.15% AS @ 2 ml/litre of water.
Chemical Control measures = Sulphur 40% SC 7.50 kg/1000 litres of water Application of Meptyl Dinocap 35.7% EC @ 308.6-342.8 ml/500-750 l of water. Penconazole 10% EC 500ml/100 litres of water. </s> |
433 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Root knot nematode and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Crop rotation with non-hosts or resistant crops.
Biological Control measures = Application of Pseudomonas fluorescens @10g/m2 in nursery.
Chemical Control measures = Application of Carbofuran 3G @ 16.5 kg/ acre.. </s> |
434 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Celery and Pest or Disease name is Soft rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid using stagnant pond water for irrigation. Crop rotation. Avoid excessive N application.
Biological Control measures = Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0% @ 5g/kg of seed.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Streptomycin sulphate 90%+ Tetracyclin combination 10% SP @ 150g/ acre. Disinfect cutting knife in methyl alcohol 0.2% (2 ml in 1000 ml of water). Soil application of PCNB (15 kg/acre) at the time of planting Treat the seeds with Streptocycline 200 ppm (0.2 g / kg) for 30 mins.. </s> |
435 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Chow Chow and Pest or Disease name is Downy mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use of bed system with wide spacing with good drainage and air movement. Exposure the bed to sun help to check the disease development.
Biological Control measures = Spray Bacillus subtilis 3ml/ litre of water. Soil application of Bacillus subtilis 2 litre/ acre.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Ridomil MZ 72 0.1% (1 ml in 1 lit of water). Seed treatment with Apron SD 35 @ 2 g./kg. Spray Mancozeb 50WP 0.2%(2 g in 1000 ml of water). </s> |
436 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Chow Chow and Pest or Disease name is Fruit fly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect infested and fallen fruits and bum in deep pits. Provide summer ploughing to expose the pupa.
Biological Control measures = Spray bio pesticide Metarhizium Anisopliae 2-3 ml/ liter of Water. Release Chilocorus nigritus (or) Pharascymnus horni egg card @ 5cc/ac.
Chemical Control measures = Bait spray with malathion 50 EC 2 ml/l and molasses or jaggery 10 g/l. Mix methyl eugenol + malathion 50 EC at 1:1 ratio and keep 10 ml of the bait in polythene bags @ 12/acre.. </s> |
437 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Chow Chow and Pest or Disease name is Mealy bugs and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove and destroy the affected plants. Field borders should be free from weeds and debris.
Biological Control measures = Foliar spray of Beauveria bassiana (2 × 108 cfu/ml) @ 5 g/ml per litre of water is effective.
Chemical Control measures = Soil drench with chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 2.5 ml/l. Application of Buprofezin 25 % SC 1000 –1500 g/1000 l of water.. </s> |
438 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Chow Chow and Pest or Disease name is Mosaic virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Roguing and destruction of the infected plants.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Dimethoate 30 % EC @ 2ml in 1000 ml of water.. </s> |
439 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Chow Chow and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Follow field sanitation. Spray NSKE 5% at 250 litre/acre.
Biological Control measures = Spray Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation @ 200 liter/acre.
Chemical Control measures = Application of Wettable sulphur @ 0.2% (2 ml in 1000 ml of water). Spray Carbendazim 0.05% (500 ml in 10 lit of water).. </s> |
440 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Clove and Pest or Disease name is Chilli thrips and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Spray Azadirachtin 01.00% EC @ 400-500 ml/ 450 l of water.
Biological Control measures = Apply Verticillium lecanii 3.0% AS @ 2-3 ml/ l of Water.
Chemical Control measures = Apply Spinetoram 11.70 % SC @ 470-500 g/ 400-500 l of water.. </s> |
441 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Clove and Pest or Disease name is Scale insect and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Keep the fields and bunds free from weeds.
Biological Control measures = Release Chilocorus nigritus egg card @ 5cc/acre.
Chemical Control measures = Apply Monocrotophos 36 % SL @ 1500 g/ 500-1000 l of water.. </s> |
442 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Clove and Pest or Disease name is Stem borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Spray Azadirachtin 0.15% EC @ 1500-2500 ml/ 500 l of water.
Biological Control measures = Apply Bacillus thuringiensis var - japonensis @ 2-3 gm or ml / liter of water.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Dimethoate 30 % EC @ 660 ml/ 500-1000 l of water.. </s> |
443 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Clove and Pest or Disease name is Twig blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destruction of the weed, Clerodendron from the clove garden.
Biological Control measures = Apply Trichoderma viride 1.0% WP @ 5-10 gm/litre of water.
Chemical Control measures = Apply Kresoxim-methyl 44.3% SC @ 500 ml/ 500 l of water.. </s> |
444 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cluster Beans (Guar) and Pest or Disease name is Alternaria leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use healthy/certified seeds Destroy crop residues from fields.
Biological Control measures = Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.5% WP @ 5g/ kg of seed.
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Tebuconazole 6.7% + Captan 26.9% w/w SC 2.5ml/litre of water Spraying of Metiram 44% + Dimethomorph 9% WG 100g/100 litre of water. </s> |
445 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cluster Beans (Guar) and Pest or Disease name is Anthracnose and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Prevent this disease by using certified disease-free seed for planting. Treat the seeds in hot water before sowing at 56 °C for 10 min.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Apply Mancozeb 75% WP @ 1.5-2 kg/750 l of water. Application of Mancozeb 63% + Carbendazim 12% WP @ 1 g/Litre of water.. </s> |
446 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cluster Beans (Guar) and Pest or Disease name is Aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Spray NSKE 5% @ 250 kg/ acre. Spray Neem oil 2% @ 250 kg/ acre.
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecani @ 2-3 ml/ l of Water.
Chemical Control measures = Apply Buprofezin 25 % SC @ 1000 g/ 500-750 l of water. Seed treatment with Imidacloprid 48% FS @ 5 -10 g/kg of Seed.. </s> |
447 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cluster Beans (Guar) and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid overhead watering and do not touch plants when the foliage is wet. Do not plant beans in the same location more frequently than every third year.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Apply Kasugamycin 5% + copper oxychloride 45% WP @ 0.1% (1 ml in 1 l of water). Soak the seeds in Streptocyclin at 200 ppm (0.2 g/l) solution for 3 h.. </s> |
448 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cluster Beans (Guar) and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid closer spacing by providing proper spacing between the crops.
Biological Control measures = Foliar application of Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation @ 200 l/ acre.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Meptyl Dinocap 35.7% EC @ 308.6-342.8 ml/ 500 l of water.. </s> |
449 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cluster Beans (Guar) and Pest or Disease name is Termites and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Locate and destroy the termite colony.
Biological Control measures = Spray of Metarhizium Anisopliae @ 2-3 ml/ l of Water.
Chemical Control measures = Apply Bifenthrin 10 % EC @ 1000 ml/ 500 l of water. Treat the soil with lindane 1.6 D @ 20 kg / acre.. </s> |
450 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cluster Beans (Guar) and Pest or Disease name is Whitefly and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Dusting of cow dung ash as asphyxiants. Spray Azadirachtin 00.03% EC @ 2500-5000 ml/ 500 l of water.
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecani @ 2-3 ml/ l of Water.
Chemical Control measures = Apply Clothianidin 50 % WDG @ 40-50 g/ 500 l of water. Apply Cyantraniliprole 10.26 % OD @ 900 ml/ 500 l of water.. </s> |
451 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coccinia and Pest or Disease name is Aphid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroy infested crops immediately after harvest to prevent dispersal Set up yellow stick trap to monitor aphid population 5 nos/ acre. Spray Azadirachtin 00.03% EC @ 2500-5000 / 500 l of water.
Biological Control measures = Soil and foliar application of Beauveria bassiana (Mycotrol ESO) at 0.25 to 1 lit/ acre. Conserve the natural enemie Cocciniella septempunctata
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of systemic insecticides Dimethoate 30% EC @ 1.7-2 ml/ l of water. Apply Acephate 50% + Imidacloprid 1.8% SP @ 400 g/acre. Apply Deltamethrin 1% + Triazophos 35% EC @ 100 ml/acre.. </s> |
452 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coccinia and Pest or Disease name is Downy mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Follow crop rotation with non cruciferous crops. Remove cruciferous weeds in the field.
Biological Control measures = Spray Bacillus subtilis 3ml/ litre of water. Soil application of Bacillus subtilis 2 litre/ acre.
Chemical Control measures = Seed treatment with Metalaxyl (Apron 6g/kg of seed ). Apply Zineb 75% WP @ 1.5-2 kg/ 750-1000 l of water.. </s> |
453 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coccinia and Pest or Disease name is Mite and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Plowing stubble after harvesting crops and ensuring no re-growth of plant material for winter. Spray Azadirachtin 01.00% EC @ 400-500/ 600 l of water.
Biological Control measures = Encourage the activity of predatory mite: Amblyseius ovalis
Chemical Control measures = Spray Buprofezin 25 % SC @ 8.0 ml/10 lit. Spray Oxydemeton –Methyl 25 % EC @ 2.0 ml/lit.. </s> |
454 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coccinia and Pest or Disease name is Mosaic virus and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Eliminating weeds and infected perennial ornamentals that may harbor the virus is critical. Remove and destroy the diseased plants. Do not delay irrigation until the crop exhibits moisture stress symptoms.
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecani @ 2-3 ml/ l of Water. Spray Azadirachtin 00.03% EC @ 2500-5000 ml/500 l of water.
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of systemic insecticides Dimethoate 30% EC @ 1.7-2 ml/ l of water. Spray Ethion 50% EC @ 400 ml/acre. Spray Monocrotophos 15 % SG @ 1333 g/ 500-1000 l of water. Spray Spinosad 45% SC @ 75 ml/acre.. </s> |
455 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coccinia and Pest or Disease name is Powdery mildew and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid over-application of nitrogen fertilizers.
Biological Control measures = Apply Trichoderma viride 5.0% Liquid Formulation @ 200 l/ acre. Foliar spray of Bacillus subtilis 1.15% AS @ 2 ml/litre of water.
Chemical Control measures = Application of Azoxystrobin 8.3% + Mancozeb 66.7% WG @ 1500 ml/ 500- 750 l of water. Apply Sulphur 40%WP @ 7.5 g/ l of water. </s> |
456 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cocoa and Pest or Disease name is Cocoa mirid and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Spraying of Neem Oil 3% @ 250 l/ acre.
Biological Control measures = Spray Thevetia peruviana extracts @ 14.7 g/l proved to be more effective.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Bifenthrin 10 EC @ 35-40 ml/ pump.. </s> |
457 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cocoa and Pest or Disease name is Cocoa pod borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Prune trees every 6 months to have an open canopy, and trees no more than 3 metres tall. Pick pods frequently, as soon as they turn yellow indicating maturity.
Biological Control measures = Spray Metarhizium Anisopliae @ 2-3 ml/ l of Water.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Monocrotophos 36 % SL @ 625 ml/ 500-1000 l of water. Spray Indoxacarb 14.5% SC @ 160-200 ml/acre.. </s> |
458 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cocoa and Pest or Disease name is Cocoa swollen shoot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use barrier crops like oil palm, citrus and coffee. Remove all host plants of mealy bugs from cocoa plantation.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Monocrotophos 36 % SL @ 1500 ml/ 500-1000 l of water. Spray Fenvalerate 10 EC @ 200 ml /acre.. </s> |
459 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cocoa and Pest or Disease name is Frosty pod and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove all fruits showing signs or symptoms of the disease. After peak harvest remove all infected and healthy fruits before the next flowering peak.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Apply Kasugamycin 5% + copper oxychloride 45% WP @ 700 gl 400 l of water. Spray Bordeaux mixture 1% (1 ml in 100 ml of water).. </s> |
460 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cocoa and Pest or Disease name is Mealy bugs and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Spraying of Neem Oil 3% @ 250 l/ acre. Spray fish oil rosin soap 25g/litre.
Biological Control measures = Field release of Acerophagus papayae, the encyrtid parasitoid @ 100 per hamlet is recommended as the best management strategy.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Chlorpyriphos 20% EC @ 2 ml/litre. Spray Buprofezin @2 ml/litre.. </s> |
461 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cocoa and Pest or Disease name is Phytophthora root rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid intercropping with areca. Remove all the diseased pods at weekly intervals or during each harvest and buried in the soil.
Biological Control measures = Mix 2kg Trichoderma viride formulation mixed with 50kg FYM. Pseudomonas fluorescens (Pf1) liquid formulations @ 0.5% (0.5g in 100 ml of water)as soil and foliar spray (3 times per year- June, October & February).
Chemical Control measures = Spray Bordeaux mixture 1% (1 ml in 100 ml of water)with on set of monsoon and also frequent intervals. Spray Copper oxychloride 0.25% (25 ml in 1000 ml of water).. </s> |
462 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Cocoa and Pest or Disease name is Witches broom and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove and destroy the infected plant residues.
Biological Control measures = Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescence 1.5% WP @ 5 gm/kg of seed.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Mancozeb 50% WS @ 800 g/acre at the intimation of the disease.. </s> |
463 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Anaberoga and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and burn dead palms along with stumps and roots.
Biological Control measures = Apply Neem cake at 1.5 to 2 kilograms+ 15 to 20 kilograms Farm Yard Manure+ 15 to 20 kilograms green leaf and Nitrogen ,Phosphorous ,Potassium (100:40:140) per tree per year fertilizers to imporve the soil fertility and root formation.
Chemical Control measures = Drench the infected and adjoining palms with Bordeaux mixture 1 percent (1 kilograms Copper sulphate + 1 kilograms lime in 100 litre of water).. </s> |
464 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial leaf stripe and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Practicing field sanitation is important.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray fresh cowdung water extract at 200 millilitres per litre water Spray Streptomycin 90 percent +Tetracycline 10 percent at 0.1grams per litre or 20 grams per acre Apply Copper hydroxide 77 Wettable powder at 2.6 grams per litres of water or 520 grams per acre. </s> |
465 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Bag worm and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Set up light traps to trap at 6 number per acre.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Acephate 95 percent water soluble granule at 1.58 gram per litres of water or 316 grams per acre. </s> |
466 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Bark weevil and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Give balanced nutrition to improve the health of the palm.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Stem injection through a stove wick soaked in 0.2 percent Fenthion (2 millilitre in 100 millilitre of water) and plugging the hole and repeating the treatment using the same wick and hole a month after. Spray Tetraniliprole 18.18 Suspension concentrate 0.5 millilitres per litre of water or Thiacloprid 21.70% Suspension concentrate 1.5 millilitres per litre. </s> |
467 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Black headed caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove and burn all affected leaves per leaflets.
Biological Control measures = Release Goniozus nephantidis at 1200 per per acre under the coconut trees when the pest is in the second or third instar larval stage.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Penthoate 50 percent Emulsifiable concentrate 1 millilitre per litre of water or When infestation is very severe in young palms and if the biocontrol is not likely to be effective, spray the undersurface of the fronds Malathion 50 Emulsifiable concentrate 0.05 per cent (1 millilitre per litre) or 200 millilitres per acre. </s> |
468 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Coconut mealy bugs and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove leaflets harbouring these insects and destroy them
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = spray Oxydematon-methyl 25% Emulsifiable concentrate at 3 to 4 millilitres per litre of water. </s> |
469 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Coconut skipper and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the immature stages of the insects.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Acephate 95 percent water soluble granule at 1.58 gram per litres of water or 316 grams per acre. </s> |
470 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Crown chocking and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = In infected palms, the deficiency of nutrients, particularly nitrogen and zinc has been observed. Hence, nutrient management is important
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spraying with Copper oxychloride 50 wettable powder at the rate of 2.5 grams per litre water or 500 grams per acre. </s> |
471 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Eriophyid mite and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures =
Biological Control measures = Apply urea 1.3 kilograms, super phosphate 2.0 and muriate of potash 3.5 kilograms per palm per year Neem cake at 5 kilogram and organic manure 50 kilogram per palm per year
Chemical Control measures = Application of Borax 50 grams + gypsum 1.0kilograms + Manganese sulphate 0.5 kilograms per palm per year carbosulfan 25 Emulsifiable concentrate at 2 millilitres per litres in alternation with neem azal 1 percent at 5millilitre per litre as spot application. </s> |
472 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Inflorescence die back and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove fully affected inflorescence and destroy by burning them to prevent inoculum build up.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spraying with Copper oxychloride 50 wettable powder at the rate of 2.5 grams per litre water or 500 grams per acre Spray Aureofungin 2 grams+ Copper oxychloride 50 parts per million at the rate of 1 gram per litre of water. </s> |
473 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Lacewing bug and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove leaflets harbouring these insects and destroy them Spray Neem oil 3 percent at 250 litre per acre.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Methyl demeton 25 Emulsifiable concentrate at 1 millilitre per litre of water or 200 millilitres per acre spray Oxydematon-methyl 25% Emulsifiable concentrate at 1 millilitre per litre of water. </s> |
474 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Leaf blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove and burn the severly affected leaves to avoid further spread.
Biological Control measures = Apply Pseudomonas fluroescens 200 grams along with 50kilograms Farm Yard Manure + 5 kilograms of neemcake per palm per year.
Chemical Control measures = Give root feeding of Hexaconazole 0.5 percent Granules at 2 grams + 100 millilitre of water three times at three months interval.. </s> |
475 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Leaf caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the immature stages of the insects.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Root feeding with thiomethoxam + Chlorantraniliprole Suspension Concentrate 10 ml + 10 ml water in polythene bag.. </s> |
476 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Red palm weevil and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove and burn all wilting or damaged palms in coconut gardens to prevent further perpetuation of the pest.
Biological Control measures = Setting up of attractant traps (mud pots) containing sugarcane molasses 2½ kilograms or toddy 2½ litres + acetic acid 5 millilitres + yeast 5 grams + longitudinally split tender coconut stem per logs of green petiole of leaves
Chemical Control measures = Application of Spirotetramet 15.31 percent weight concentration of solution Overdose after dilution in distilled water at the ratio of 1:1 before application to the trees and 7 millilitre per tree of diluted insecticide were injected into the holes and were filled with cotton, and covered with plaster of Paris to prevent the tree from any new foreign infection.. </s> |
477 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Rhinoceros beetle and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove and burn all dead coconut trees in the garden (which are likely to serve as breeding ground) to maintain good sanitation. Collect and destroy the various bio-stages of the beetle from the manure pits (breeding ground of the pest) whenever manure is lifted from the pits. During peak period of population build up, the adult beetle may be extracted from the palm crown using galvanized iron hooks. Set up light traps following the first rains in summer and monsoon period to attract and kill the adult beetles.
Biological Control measures = Application of green muscardine fungus, Metarrhizium anisopliae at 5 x 10 power 11 spores per cubic meter to spray 250 millilitre Metarrizhium culture + 750 millilitre water in manure pits to check the perpetuation of the pest. Field release of Baculovirus oryctes inoculated adult rhinoceros beetle at 15 beetles per hectare reduces the leaf and crown damage caused by this beetle. Soak castor cake at 1 kilograms in 5 liter of water in small mud pots and keep them in the coconut gardens to attract and kill the adults. Apply mixture of either neem seed powder + sand (1:2) at150 grams per palm or neem seed kernel powder + sand (1:2) at150 grams per palm in the base of the 3 inner most leaves in the crown.
Chemical Control measures = The topmost three leaf axils around the spindle may be filled with any of the following mixtures as a prophylactic measure: (a) Sevidol 8Granules 25 grams + fine sand 200 grams, which is to be done thrice in a year in April to May, September to October and December to January. (b) For seedlings, apply Naphthalene balls 10.5 grams (approx. three to four balls) covered with fine sand, once in 45 days. Place phorate 10 Granules 5 grams in perforated sachets in two inner most leaf axils for 2 times at 6 months intervals.. </s> |
478 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Scale and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Pluck mature nuts
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Some of the recommended insecticides are diazinon, chlorpyrifos,methidathion and white-oils.. </s> |
479 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Shot hole borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Clean the frass and other materials on the trunk base.
Biological Control measures = Spray Bacillus thuringiensis variety Japonensis at 2 to 3 millilitre per litre of water.
Chemical Control measures = Apply Acephate 50 percent + Imidacloprid 1.8 percent Soluble powder at 0.75 to 1 gram per litre of water or 150 to 200 grams per acre . </s> |
480 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Slug caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Remove the affected leaves in the lower rows. Monitor the pest occurrence in new areas with the help of light traps to attract moths 6 numbers per acre.
Biological Control measures = Spray Bacillus thuringiensis at 2 grams per litre.
Chemical Control measures = Spray Acephate 95 percent Soluble granule at 1.58 gram per litres of water or 316 grams per acre Spray Methyl demeton 25 Emulsifiable concentrate at 4 millilitre per litre.. </s> |
481 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is Termite and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Locate termite mounds in or near the coconut nursery or garden and destroy. Swabbing with neem oil 5 percent (250 litre per acre) once on the base and upto 2 meter height of the trunk for effective control.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spray Copper sulphate 2.62 percent Suspension concentrate at 2 millilitres per litres of water or 400 millilitres per acre Spray Chlorphyriphos 50 emulsifiable concentrate at 5 to 10 grams per 1 litre of water or 100 to 200 grams per acre. </s> |
482 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coconut and Pest or Disease name is White grub and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the adult beetles attracted to trees like neem, Ailanthus andAccasia on the receipt of monsoon showers
Biological Control measures = Spray Metarhizium anisopliae at 2 to 3 millilitre per litre of water.
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Bifenthrin 8% + Clothianidin 10% Suspension concentrate at 1 millilitre per litre of water. </s> |
483 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Antestia stink bug and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Destroy weeds that are good overwintering hosts for adult stink bugs.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = 0.5 millilitres of Beta-Cyfluthrin 8.49 + Imidacloprid 19.81oil dispersion per litre of water. </s> |
484 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Anthracnose and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Provide drainage and follow balanced fertilization Conserve soil moisture by providing shade and mulch.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spraying Mancozeb 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 2 grams per litre of water ( 400 millilitres per acre) Spray Hexaconazole 75 percent Wettable granules at the rate of 0.13 millilitres per litre of water ( 27 millilitres per acre). </s> |
485 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Bacterial blight and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Avoid excess nitrogen.
Biological Control measures = Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.5 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 5 grams per kilogram of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Application of Kasugamycin 5 percent + copper oxychloride 45 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 0.1 percent(1 milllitre in 1 litre of water) ( 200 millilitres per acre). </s> |
486 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Black rot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Removal of diseased portions Maintain uniform, medium intensity of overhead shade to allow sunlight and air.
Biological Control measures = Apply Trichoderma viride 1.0 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 4 to 6 grams per kilogram of seed
Chemical Control measures = Spraying with Bordeaux mixture 1 percent at the rate of 1 millilitre per litre of water ( 200 millilitres per acre) Apply Zineb 75 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 2 grams per litre of water ( 400 grams per acre). </s> |
487 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Brown eye spot disease and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Maintain adequate shade to avoid sun scorching on berries.
Biological Control measures = Apply Trichoderma viride 5.0 percent Soluble concentrate at the rate of 200 litres per acre.
Chemical Control measures = Spraying with Bordeaux mixture at the rate of 1 millilitre per litre of water ( 200 millilitres per acre). </s> |
488 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Brown scale and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Control ants as in the case of mealy bugs. Remove and burn weeds which harbour the scale.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Oxydematon-methyl 25% Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 4millilitres per litre of water Apply Acephate 50 percent + Imidacloprid 1.8 percent Soluble powder at the rate of 2 grams per litre of water ( 400 grams per acre). </s> |
489 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Cercospora leaf spot and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Use disease-free seed for planting.
Biological Control measures = Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 10 grams per kilograms of seeds
Chemical Control measures = Spray Metiram 55 percent + Pyraclostrobin 5 percent Wettable granules at the rate of 3 millilitres per litre of water ( 600 millilitres per acre). </s> |
490 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Coffee bean beetle and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Maintain optimum temperature, relative humidity and moisture content (less than 8 percent )
Biological Control measures = Apply Bacillus thuringiensis - kurstaki at the rate of 2 to 3 millilitres per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Emamectin benzoate 01.90% Emulsifiable concentrate at 0.8 milliliters per litre of water or Ethion 50% Emulsifiable concentrate at 3 millilitres of water. </s> |
491 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Coffee berry borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Proper adoption of cultural practices and phytosanitary measures important for management of coffee berry borer. Transportation of infested coffee to uninfected areas is the main reason for spread.
Biological Control measures = Field release of Cephalonomia stephendarix and Phymastichus coffea for effective control these pests. Drying of coffee beans – prevents breeding of beetles in stored coffee based on moisture content level: Arabica (10 percent moisture content) - 16kg per litre, Roubsta (11 percent moisture content) - 18kg per litre
Chemical Control measures = Spraying with Acetamiprid 0.4 percent + Chlorpyriphos 20 percent Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 1 millilitre per litre of water or 200 millilitres per acre. Spraying with Lambda-cyhalothrin 5 percent Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 120 millilitres per 160 litres of water per acre ( 0.6 millilitres per litre). </s> |
492 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Green scale and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Control ants as in the case of mealy bugs. Remove and burn weeds which harbour the scale.
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Oxydematon-methyl 25% Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate 4millilitres per litre of water Spray Fenvalerate 10 percent Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 0.5 millilitre per litre of water ( 100 millilitres per acre). </s> |
493 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Hairy caterpillar and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and kill the caterpillars. Collect and burn pupae from January to May.
Biological Control measures = Apply Bacillus thuringiensis - kurstaki at the rate of 2 to 3 millilitres per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Apply Cypermethrin 10 percent Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 1.3 grams per litre of water (260 grams per acre) Apply Chlorantraniliprole 0.4 percent Granules at the rate of 4 to 7.5 kilogram per acre.. </s> |
494 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Leaf miner and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collect and destroy the infected fruits and grown up larvae.
Biological Control measures = Apply Bacillus thuringiensis - kurstaki at the rate of 2 to 3 millilitres per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Apply Chlorantraniliprole 08.80 percent + Thiamethoxam 17.50 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate of 200 millilitres per acre . </s> |
495 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Leaf rust and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Collection and destruction of diseased leaves. Grow S 238, S 395 resistant varieties. Maintain good overhead shade in plantation.
Biological Control measures = Spray Verticillium lecanii at the rate of 1 litre per acre
Chemical Control measures = Spraying of Bordeaux mixture at the rate of 0.5 gram in 100 millilitre of water before flowering, during rainy and after rainy seasons in the month of may, august- september and october respectively will prevent from the diseases. Spray Azoxystrobin 23 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate of 1 millilitre per litre of water ( 200 millilitres per acre) Spray Oxycarboxin at the rate of 1 millilitre per litre of water during august- september ( 200 millilitres per acre). </s> |
496 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Mealy bugs and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Maintain adequate shade. Destroy nets of red ant and cocktailed ant. Field release of two introduced natural enemies viz., the predatory lady bird beetle Cryptolaemus montrouzieri and the parasitoid Leptomastix dactylopii
Biological Control measures = Apply Verticillium lecanii 1.15 percent Wettable powder at the rate of 4 millilitres per litres of water.
Chemical Control measures = Apply Buprofezin 25 percent Suspension concentrate at the rate of 2 millilitres per litre of water (400 millilitres per acre) In young plants (2-4 year old) drenching with Dimethoate 30 Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 1 to 1.5 millilitre per litre of water effective in root and shoot mealy bugs. ( 200 to 300 millilitres per acre) Application of Thiamethoxam 25% Wettable granule at 0.25 grams per litre of water. </s> |
497 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Pink disease and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Prune all the diseased portion
Biological Control measures =
Chemical Control measures = Spraying with Bordeaux mixture 1 percent at the rate of 1 millilitre per litre of water ( 200 millilitres per acre). </s> |
498 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Red borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Affected plants or twigs - cut and burnt.
Biological Control measures = Field release of white muscardine fungus Beauveria Bassiana 1.15 Wettable powder at the rate of 5 grams per litre of water
Chemical Control measures = Spray Emamectin benzoate 5% Soluble granule 0.4 grams per litre of water or Diamethoate 30% Emamectin benzoate at 1.2 milligrams per litre of water. </s> |
499 | <s> [ISNT] Crop or plant name is Coffee and Pest or Disease name is Shot hole borer and its control measures or prevention measures are. .[/INST] Cultural Control measures = Prune the affected twigs 2 to 3 inches beyond the shot-hole and burn (September) Remove and destroy all the unwanted per infested suckers during summer Maintain thin shade and good drainage.
Chemical Control measures = Spraying with Dimethoate 30 percent Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 400 millilitre per 200 litres of water per acre.( 2 millilitres per litre) Spraying with Acetamiprid 0.04 percent + Chlorpyriphos 20 percent Emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 1 millilitre per litre (200 millilitres per acre). . </s> |
Subsets and Splits