15 values
38 values
"I Hid Not My Face" : An Essay on Women, Their Beards, and the Promise of Isaiah 50:6
C.A.M. van den Berg (https://openalex.org/A5078313838)
In this paper I explore the theological potential of trans*formation body in popular culture, more specifically, performance drag artist Conchita Wurst (Tom Neuwirth) at Eurovision Song Contest finale 2014. Contrary to Dana International, first (known) trans*woman win for Israel 1998, did not 'pass' as either male or female. As a 'bearded lady', she operates on borderline masculine and feminine, combining aesthetics both performed winning song Rise Like A Phoenix. various media, was read contemporary Christ figure. With her parted long hair, kind eyes, dress beard does indeed resemble those representations Jesus that have become dominant 'religious imagery visual piety' Western culture. Both stage character play with themes misrecognition, suffering resurrection. Read 'Christ-like figure' by Eastern Orthodox church leaders, moreover, accused blasphemy. argue if we take seriously figure, enables us construct liberationist theology uncertainty, particular enduring uncertainty gender-bending. To do so, will attempt understand current cross-dressing performances such Conchita’s from genealogy beard, focusing meaning biblical times well history women facial hair: archive bearded lady. Old Testament Christian tradition, beards often been simultaneously one most important markers hegemonic masculinity site where might be jeopardised. lady find margins society (funfair 'freaks', witches, old ladies countryside) confident queer activists who publicly claim showing how it fails ultimate marker masculinity.
Piety|CONTEST|Blasphemy|Meaning (existential)|Character (mathematics)|Art|Popular culture|Aesthetics|Face (sociological concept)|Literature|Philosophy|Religious studies|Sociology|Theology|Linguistics|Geometry|Mathematics|Epistemology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2915964833', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2143/eswtr.26.0.3285165', 'mag': '2915964833'}
Journal of The European Society of Women in Theological Research
"I Insist on Happiness": A Conversation with Opal Palmer Adisa
Erika J. Waters (https://openalex.org/A5084259298)|Opal Palmer Adisa (https://openalex.org/A5006310238)
Q&A "I Insist on Happiness" A Conversation with Opal Palmer Adisa Erika /. Waters PalmerAdisa, whowas born inJamaicaand now teachesatCaliforniaCollege of the Arts, has published ten books?short stories, novels, poetry collections, essays, and children's books?and holds a PhD from University ofCaliforniaat Berkeley.She isalso storyteller, runsparentingworkshops,and hostsa radio program.She traveled all over world giving performances readings,and haswon international prizes awards. TillieOlsen wrote thatherpoetry"sings illuminates passion courage," andAlice Walker said ofher fiction, "Solid, visceral, important stories writtenwith integrity love." ErikaJ. Waters: Your latestbook is IName Me Name. Can you talkabout title? PalmerAdisa: It's out theneed to identify myself, separate my perception as Carib bean/black person, deep desire toknow what name would have been had not enslavement robbed people theirnames theirlineage, theirconnectionwith theirancestry.How do Iknow if great-grandmother or great-grandfather callingme ifI don't know thename that I'd be called? How ever, there are reverberations other naming, daughter, lover, wife, mother, feminist, Caribbean t?an insistence inserting myself into many discourses. EJW:In thebook, youmake referenceto writers you've known. theyaffectedor impacted you? OPA: Barbara Christian, theVirgin Islands, was mentor friendhere in theBay Area. She talked about being within an African American context,how sometimes livinghere can lead erasure our identity.Others June Jordan,Toni Cade Bambara, Audre Lorde, Lorna Goodison, Erna Brodber,Michelle Cliff,and JeanBinta Breeze?also Buchi Emecheta Nigeria. Lou ise Bennett gave me permission towrite Jamaican nation-language ledme see us through own eyes celebrate resilient, humorous side. Early Una Marson Mary Seacole also provided insightand feministlenses. But Paule Marshall, Bajan writer, most profound impact fiction writer. My two all-time favorite novels Brown Girl, stonesand Praisesongfor Widow. Marshall writes intuitive space; I ancestors regularly dream her. As for male writers: foremost Pablo Neruda Kamau Brathwaite, whom love Iwas fortunate tohave publish early on.Meeting Brathwaite at nineteen significant moment inmy life. EJW: describe meeting? 14 1 World Literature Today (J^^^^^^B ^||^ ? J^^^^l ^nceIdecided beapoet Ifelt Ihad H^^^^^^K mL iir ~^0^ ^Hj^^^B^^^^^I meet one ofthe seminal voices right W^^^^^^mmjtjttj^^ ^^^^^^HBff^^^^^l backyard. Wemetathisoffice atthe ^^^^^^^H^^^^^HEgig^ West Indiesin Mona, Jamaica. ner ^^^^^^^^HL n J? ^l^^^^^^^^l vous, but he waskind generous, andIfell ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^nBtagM^K J^^^^^^^^l ^ove wim n^m' crusn' ^utsomething more ^^^^^^^^H^/^^^^ jj^^^^^^^^^H level-headed andspiritual, even mystical. He|^^^^^^^^^^H^^H^f;|v- j= jL^^jl^^^^^^^^^^l reac^ omer poets, then his poems?and ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^HlMfll^^HH^^^^^^^^H asked toread mine.He listened, commented, ^^H|9^^^^^^^^B^^^^^HPH^' SI^^^^^^^H anc* sa^ *should send him work regularly, ^V^^^^^^B^^^K, Jp^^^^l we should meetagain. His voicerangin ^H^^^^^^^^^^W^^ffiMfe'' vQvvJ^^^^^li neac* a^^e rest ?^^e several days: L ^^^^^^^^^^^^|9^Bk ^^Ffi ' ^irB^^W ne mac*e worc^s dance andleap. He inspired H^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^I^^ ^ rjM^I^^H t0 ^e reader. Inthat first meeting, Brath t '^B^ "^BB^^B waite made realize read aloud wl^^^^^^^^^^^^Bj^^^H^^ T s^9H could intoxicating far richer when ^^^^^^^^^^^^KSES^^B^ \ 1^I delivered byamaster orator wholoved lan * guage spoke. Speaking ofmale writers, your book Until Judgment Comes isunique thecanon ofCaribbean litera ture?isn't it??focused men way it is. believe is,yes. The seven very different men, each written inhis genre. elderwoman introduces themand theneach man tellshis story, without censorship interruption. reveal how they've betrayed abused bywomen, mostly mothers teachers. spoke friends inorder authorityand...
Conversation|Wife|Happiness|Courage|Context (archaeology)|Passion|Poetry|Tribute|History|Shadow (psychology)|Literature|Art history|Art|Psychoanalysis|Sociology|Psychology|Philosophy|Theology|Archaeology|Social psychology|Communication
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4206400303', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/wlt.2009.0019'}
World Literature Today
"I Know Thee not, I Loathe Thy Race": Romantic Orientalism in the Eye of the Other
Éric P. Meyer (https://openalex.org/A5074494002)
Napoleon's Egyptian campaign, conceived in a spirit of rivalry to British imperialism India, extended French military ambitions beyond the limits Europe and initiated legacy colonialism Africa that would produce, among other less commendable cultural artifacts, rich Orientalist literature, which Flaubert's Salammbo, with its luridly sensual evocations decadence corrupt grandeur power, might be considered typical. Napoleon, too, seems have gone Egypt pursuing mirage Oriental glory contribute his career as an aspirant Empire confer on him status world-historical figure Hegel others later fabricate for outstanding political leader age. The campaign itself was characterized by extremes violence bloodshed surpass even usual sanguinary passages exploits rival surrealistic excesses novel; desert conditions brutal methods warfare taxed capacity leadership. But it uneven contest at best, fully modernized forces clashed quasi-medieval Muslim hordes lacking arms discipline. Victory here, Europe, simply matter triumph modern imperial nation-state, institutionalized techniques organization, over peoples still living traditional forms social life. talent stage-managing events,
Race (biology)|Romance|Orientalism|History|Art|Psychology|Literature|Gender studies|Sociology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2328220657', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2307/2873460', 'mag': '2328220657'}
"I Saw You Disappear with My Own Eyes": Hidden Transcripts of New York Black Israelite Bricolage
Jacob S. Dormán (https://openalex.org/A5018078026)
To date, scholars have tended to view Black Israelites as mercenary, derivative, or imitative. However, this microhistorical reading of the public, partial, and hidden transcripts New York Rabbi Wentworth Arthur Matthew's beliefs ritual practices demonstrates that did not simply imitate Jews, but rather they were bricoleurs who constructed a polycultural religion creatively reworked threads from religious faiths, secret societies, magical grimoires. Israelite identity was imagined performed in sidewalk lectures Marcus Garvey's Liberty Hall; it embodied through Caribbean pageants, acted out parades. Israelism lived Spiritualist Kabbalistic rituals, taught openly Sunday Schools Masonic affiliates. Finally, an formed mixture Sanctified Judaic rites. Print culture, performance, complex social networks all important imagination realization new identity. Recognizing subversive quality bricolage complexity its partial belies attempts exclude esoteric African American movements categories protest black religion. When one combines study with similar studies NRM's 1920s, is possible appreciate remarkable wave overlapping creativity accompanied much more famous artistic Harlem Renaissance.
Israelites|Identity (music)|Creativity|Bricolage|Diaspora|Art|Religious studies|Literature|History|Sociology|Aesthetics|Gender studies|Philosophy|Law|Political science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2135804005', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1525/nr.2007.11.1.61', 'mag': '2135804005'}
Nova Religio|KU ScholarWorks (University of Kansas)
"I Thank Greece for Being Our European Shield": Von der Leyen Commission's Spatial Imaginations During the Turkish-Greek Border Crisis in March 2020
Selin Türkeş-Kılıç (https://openalex.org/A5044531046)
This study focuses on the spatial imaginations of European Commission’s response to TurkishGreek border crisis in March 2020. The goal is unpack discursive dynamics space using a critical geopolitical perspective that treats as constructed social category. To end, official statements and policies are deconstructed terms territoriality, securitization, identity. article advances argument increased political pressure influx refugees from Turkey triggered reflex reserved for nation-states, resulting Union flexing its muscles. In these practices, has served constitutive other by representing outside, insecure, distant.
Geopolitics|European union|Securitization|Political science|Turkish|Politics|Territoriality|Argument (complex analysis)|Economy|European commission|Commission|Political economy|Sociology|Law|International trade|Economics|Linguistics|Philosophy|Biochemistry|Chemistry|Communication|Financial system
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4316015881', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.33458/uidergisi.1233977'}
Uluslararası ilişkiler dergisi|DergiPark (Istanbul University)
"I Want to Live in an in-Between Jerusalem": Poetics as Ethical Imperative
"I Want to Live in an in-Between Jerusalem":Poetics as Ethical Imperative Karen Grumberg Review of Figuring Jerusalem: Politics and Poetics the Sacred Center by Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi. Pp. 321. Chicago: The University Chicago Press, 2022. Paper, $35.00. In 22 years since publication Ezrahi's important study Booking Passage: On Exile Homecoming Modern Jewish Imagination, she has continued consider way politics, poetics, place intersect. Her most recent book, Center, brings bear her thinking over last two decades indeed span career. this study, recalibrated focus earlier critical investigation, fixing eye unflinchingly on Place itself: Jerusalem – or, rather, literary poetic representations Jerusalem. She proposes a radical claim: that poetry imagination, honed centuries diasporic life, are our best hope stave off dangerous temptations sacred center. "Acts imagination," argues, "are original antidote idolatrous impulses have returned time gained momentum post-'67 Israel" (p. 26). These "idolatrous impulses" refer literal-mindedness behind violent rhetoric actions increasingly characteristic Israeli politics. asserts Ezrahi, "is meant bolster knowledge lurks deep recesses Hebrew imagination: liberating, inclusive, subversive forces naming, storytelling wedge against murderous, exclusive, literalized claims ownership divine presence promise" A network key concepts tensions animates argument: "perils proximity" liberatory force distance; literalization mediation; politics poetry; space language; tragedy comedy; designation. Ezrahi began grappling with some these Passage. readings literature authors from Paul Celan I. B. Singer Philip Roth others coalesce around salient question: "whether (particular) manifestation [End Page 269] holiness replaces text served its surrogate" (Booking Passage, p. 19). / sacredness triad underpins well, idea textual surrogacy means which language creates substitutions protect readers direct, literal contact core itself is further developed forcefully elevated become study's central preoccupation. analysis texts actively engaged alert notion specifically contrast, other places vie for attention, notes introduction: "This book was not only conceived but also largely about Jerusalem, yet stories, even when they situated nearly always located elsewhere" 4). personal element longtime residence mentioned both studies, emphatically prologue includes section titled "Personally Speaking" intersections biography Yehuda Amichai. position charged affords perspective one who near elsewhere simultaneously, indicating distance proximity feature so prominently representations. For reasons others, can be read companion taking up preoccupations mimesis, distance, imagination making urgent case what's at stake ethically. perpetual imaginative reinventions that, proposed constitutive what called "the poetics exile return" emerge, particularly consequential context all happened Israel eventful transformative between studies. When I reading struck choice, title, unusual gerund figuring. Why "Representing Jerusalem," or "Jerusalem Imagination," any...
Poetics|Politics|Literature|Poetry|Rhetoric|Hebrew Bible|Storytelling|Torah|Homecoming|Aesthetics|Judaism|Sociology|Art|Philosophy|Art history|Theology|Law|Biblical studies|Narrative|Political science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4389103851', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/hbr.2023.a912662'}
Hebrew studies
"I Was Born Here, but My Home, It's Not Here": Educating for Democratic Citizenship in an Era of Transnational Migration and Global Conflict
Thea Renda Abu El-Haj (https://openalex.org/A5015069627)
In this article, Thea Renda Abu El-Haj shares her research on how a group of Palestinian American high school youth understand themselves as members the U.S. community, and communities in Palestine. She argues that, for these youth, coming to terms with who they are has great deal do both view Americans viewed imagined community United States, especially after September 11, 2001. Her reports tensions face issues, like pledging allegiance flag, teacher harassment, disciplinary sanctions related being framed "terrorists," that affect think about citizenship belonging. Given complex way other experience belonging, ends call greater commitment to, more nuanced understanding of, education.
Allegiance|Citizenship|Sociology|Democracy|Gender studies|Sanctions|Political science|Politics|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2172771676', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.17763/haer.77.3.412l7m737q114h5m', 'mag': '2172771676'}
Harvard Educational Review
"I am a Teacher, a Woman's Activist, and a Mother": Political Consciousness and Embodied Resistance in Antakya's Arab Alawite Community
Defne Sarsilmaz (https://openalex.org/A5008665780)
Often pointed to as the region’s model secular state, Turkey provides an instructive case study in how nationalism, name of conjuring ‘unity’, often produces opposite effect. Indeed, production nationalism can create fractures amongst, well politicize, certain segments a population, such minority groups and women. This dissertation examines long-term present-day impacts on nationalist unity largely understudied event, annexation border-city Antakya from Syria 1939, its implications Arab Alawite population. In doing so, it deconstructs dominant Turkish narrative annexation, rewrites drawing oral history ground, shows nation-building is masculinist project that relies powerfully gendered language through studying national archives. The heart project, however, remains investigation political, social, religious subjectivity women, with emphasis resistance structures practices sustained by state patriarchy.
Nationalism|Gender studies|Politics|Population|Annexation|Resistance (ecology)|Narrative|State (computer science)|Subjectivity|National consciousness|Sociology|Political science|Law|Literature|Art|Demography|Ecology|Philosophy|Epistemology|Algorithm|Computer science|Biology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2883809611', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.25148/etd.fidc004024', 'mag': '2883809611'}
"I am not just a place for implementation. I should be a partner": A qualitative study of patient perceptions of their involvement in care in Saudi Arabia
Reeham Ahmed Alkhaibari (https://openalex.org/A5015278032)|Jennifer Smith Merry (https://openalex.org/A5093729452)|Rowena Forsyth (https://openalex.org/A5044132252)
Introduction: Patient involvement in care is a major component of high quality and becoming recognized worldwide with many benefits for improving patient outcomes. However, little known about the Middle East region. 
 Objectives: To evaluate patients’ perceptions their during interactions health providers Saudi Arabia.
 Methods: A qualitative exploratory study using semi structured interviews was conducted from February 2022 to March 2022. Responses were transcribed analysed thematic data analysis approach.
 Results: We seven patients diabetes ranging age 19 69 years old. identified following themes:1) care, 2) barriers involvement, 3) effective communication, 4) empathy, 5) culture. found that had minimal knowledge care
 Conclusion: There clear need improve education awareness Arabia. By educating possibilities explaining role it will make easier understand appropriate levels involvement. In addition, there establish frameworks which acknowledge impact culture on centred Key words: centered Arabia
Thematic analysis|Medicine|Empathy|Qualitative research|Nursing|Health care|Patient experience|Exploratory research|Patient satisfaction|Perception|Family medicine|Psychology|Social science|Neuroscience|Psychiatry|Sociology|Anthropology|Economics|Economic growth
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4390942087', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.5334/ijic.icic23449'}
Saudi Arabia
International Journal of Integrated Care
"I can speak for myself." : #whitewednesdays, Iranian feminism, and hijab in media discourse
Sara Shaban Hendrixson (https://openalex.org/A5037800863)
[ACCESS RESTRICTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AT REQUEST AUTHOR.] In December 2017, Viva Movahed stood on top of a utility box in Tehran with her hijab tied to an end stick protest against Iran's compulsory law. Movahed's actions initiated the campaign #WhiteWednesdays Twitter, inspiring global movement challenging hegemonic discourses women, hijab, and freedom choice. This dissertation examines mediated dialogue related #WhiteWednesdays, particularly between U.S. mainstream news narrative Iranian activists Twitter. Specifically, this explores how hierarchies visibility both social media discourse can overshadow transnational feminist politics while reinforcing femonationalist narratives. Such seemingly support women Iran but simultaneously promote Islamophobic messages aligned geopolitical politics. A critical analysis Twitter coverage complicates representations Iran, Muslim Furthermore, study unpacks representation, where certain voices ground are obscured favor elite sources who re-affirm U.S.-based xenophobic ideologies.
Mainstream|Gender studies|Hegemony|Ideology|Politics|Critical discourse analysis|Feminism|Islamophobia|Narrative|Media studies|Elite|Sociology|Representation (politics)|Political science|Orientalism|Discourse analysis|Islam|Law|History|Art|Literature|Linguistics|Philosophy|Archaeology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3196648450', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.32469/10355/83734', 'mag': '3196648450'}
"I don't discriminate, but..". Dutch stories about ethnic minorities.
Eva Abraham-Van der Mark (https://openalex.org/A5070805613)
In the working-class neighbourhood in Amsterdam, a study was conducted into how original residents experienced living side by with numerous newcomers their immediate environment, and they put it words. More than third of people are Turkish, Moroccan, Surinamese members other ethnic minorities. Attention is devoted to stories told older about experiences These provide insight image neighbourhood's develop newcomers, related self-image who live «degenerate " whose status Dutch society low. Although power difference between “outsiders" "established" negligible, tend emphasize own superiority. It not based on social position or high society, but belief value being "born bred" Netherlands, "real'' Dutchman. The purpose exaggerate themselves desire dissociate from minorities "they our kind we want make sure everyone realizes that" demand for assimilation have conform way doing things" both designed preserve little that left identity life.
Neighbourhood (mathematics)|Ethnic group|Turkish|Sociology|Cultural assimilation|Gender studies|Identity (music)|Social psychology|Psychology|Aesthetics|Anthropology|Mathematical analysis|Linguistics|Philosophy|Mathematics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3094487309', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.16995/ee.1398', 'mag': '3094487309'}
Ethnologia europaea
"I feel too lethargic to do physical activity": Perceptions of Iranian adults on the barriers to perform regular physical activity
Behrouz Fathi (https://openalex.org/A5086367543)|Haidar Nadrian (https://openalex.org/A5012413544)|Mina Hashemiparast (https://openalex.org/A5027851210)|Saeed Nikookheslat (https://openalex.org/A5024865187)|Safooreh Esmaeilzadeh (https://openalex.org/A5002786682)|Rahim Khodayari‐Zarnaq (https://openalex.org/A5060961532)
Background: Despite the intention to perform physical activity (PA), a number of individuals cannot manage have PA program on regular basis. In this study we explored barriers behavior among healthy adults in Tabriz, Iran. Methods: This qualitative with conventional content analysis approach, was carried out from June September 2020. Nineteen 30-59 years old individuals, were purposefully (purposive sampling) selected participate study. The participants formerly registered as "physically inactive" health records Tabriz Health System. Individual semi-structured interviews conducted until data saturation. Data managed using MAXQDA-10 software. Results: that emerged our being listless and lethargic, non-supportive environment, disintegration education chain, restrictive social norms. Conclusion: Our findings uncover several are less discussed literature. Poor level Iran, developing context, is rooted perceptions economic origins, which should be taken into account by public policy makers while planning promotion programs such communities. To promote countries, tailored bridge gap between their recognition subsequent change through creating group dynamics highlighting measures diminish behavior.
Nonprobability sampling|Promotion (chess)|Qualitative research|Health promotion|Context (archaeology)|Perception|Medicine|Bridge (graph theory)|Behavior change|Physical activity|Gerontology|Psychology|Public health|Nursing|Environmental health|Social psychology|Physical therapy|Politics|Political science|Population|Paleontology|Social science|Neuroscience|Sociology|Internal medicine|Law|Biology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4200252782', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.34172/hpp.2021.60', 'pmid': 'https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35079593'}
Behavior change|Health promotion|Public health|Sociology
Health promotion perspectives|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)|PubMed Central|PubMed
"I just want to be certain": psychometric properties and predictive role of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale-12
Alireza Rashtbari (https://openalex.org/A5050016288)|Tina Diba (https://openalex.org/A5085046740)|Fariba Nasiri Sharaf (https://openalex.org/A5024209015)|Ahmad Zolghadriha (https://openalex.org/A5084318222)|Omid Saed (https://openalex.org/A5014413152)
Introduction: Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) is a transdiagnostic vulnerability factor characterized by negative reaction at an emotional, cognitive, and behavioral level to uncertain situations. Aim: The current study investigates the structure, reliability, convergent validity Iranian version intolerance scale-12 its predictive role in anxiety, depression, contrast avoidance (CA). Method: This cross-sectional, psychometric study. Two large samples (N1=1210, N2=228) were collected with convenience sampling method from three university students Zanjan city (i.e., University Medical Sciences, Azad University, Payame Noor University) who studying February July 2020. Data using CAQ-GE, BAI, BDI-II, GAD-7 IUS-12. data analyzed Mplus 7.4, Amos 24, SPSS 26 software. Results: EFA CFA supported two-factor model for In addition, results indicated that IUS-12 has excellent (p<0.01) acceptable internal consistency (α=0.89). Regression analysis confirmed predicting anxiety depression pointed out possible nature CA. Conclusion: showed good properties robust structure. Therefore, it constructs related could help us extend our knowledge underlying factors psychiatric disorders.
Anxiety|Convergent validity|Psychology|Clinical psychology|Depression (economics)|Reliability (semiconductor)|Scale (ratio)|Construct validity|Cognition|Cognitive vulnerability|Consistency (knowledge bases)|Internal consistency|Psychiatry|Psychometrics|Depressive symptoms|Computer science|Artificial intelligence|Power (physics)|Physics|Quantum mechanics|Economics|Macroeconomics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4313656982', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.32598/shenakht.9.5.101'}
Cognitive vulnerability
روانشناسی و روانپزشکی شناخت
"I like ISIS, but I want to watch Chris Nolan's new movie"
Walid Magdy (https://openalex.org/A5070783596)|Kareem Darwish (https://openalex.org/A5006645360)|Ingmar Weber (https://openalex.org/A5033656008)
The recent rise of the Islamic State Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has sparked significant interest in group. We explored tweets a large number Twitter users who frequently comment on this subject by either showing support or opposition. ISIS supporters dedicate average 20% their to related content, compared 4.5% for those oppose ISIS. Thus, vast majority both groups are general topics, covering many aspects life, including politics, religion, even jokes funny photos. Our demo allows search explore 123 million 57 thousands have declared explicit positions towards Given query, our system displays comparative report that shows difference views between opponents topic. includes timeline per day mentions query terms each group, top retweeted tweets, images, videos, tagcloud results Time navigation exploration content shared specific dates, which can go back time period before appeared.
Computer science|Media studies|Computer graphics (images)|Art history|Art|Sociology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1983539273', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1145/2700171.2794352', 'mag': '1983539273'}
"I only wish I had a home on this globe": Transnational Biography and Dr. Mary Eddy
Ellen Fleischmann (https://openalex.org/A5030651948)
In 1893, Dr. Mary Eddy, an American Protestant missionary with the Presbyterian-run Syria Mission (based in what is present-day Lebanon), became first woman to obtain a license practice medicine Ottoman Empire. The daughter of missionaries and brought up Syria, Eddy spent much her adult life roaming countryside Greater alternately curing poor villagers' ills praying for their souls. This article examines exploring questions about tensions intersections between history, biography, transnationalism that confront historian when writing transnational individual.
Biography|Protestantism|Globe|History|Daughter|Nationality|Empire|Sociology|Gender studies|Ancient history|Classics|Art history|Political science|Immigration|Psychology|Law|Archaeology|Neuroscience
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2002934553', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/jowh.0.0090', 'mag': '2002934553'}
Journal of Women's History
"I prefer dying fast than dying slowly", how institutional abuse worsens the mental health of stranded Syrian, Afghan and Congolese migrants on Lesbos island following the implementation of EU-Turkey deal
Christos Eleftherakos (https://openalex.org/A5065474492)|Wilma van den Boogaard (https://openalex.org/A5030626035)|Declan T. Barry (https://openalex.org/A5053741716)|Nathalie Severy (https://openalex.org/A5081454457)|Ioanna Kotsioni (https://openalex.org/A5041281444)|Louise Roland-Gosselin (https://openalex.org/A5043664808)
In 2015 and early 2016, close to 1 million migrants transited through Greece, on their way Western Europe. the closure of “Balkan-route” EU/Turkey-deal led a drastic reduction in flow arriving Greek islands. The islands became open detention centers, where people would spend months or years under constant fear being returned Turkey. Syrians were generally granted refugee status Greece those arrived before 20th March 2016 had option relocated other European countries. Afghans some chances asylum whilst most from Democratic Republic Congo refused asylum. clinic run by Médecins sans Frontières Lesbos Island, psychologists observed deterioration migrant’s mental health (MH) since 2016. order understand MH needs for this stranded population it was essential explore how, what factors, has been affected Island due EU/Turkey-deal. This qualitative study which eight service providers’ interviews 12 focus group discussions with male female Syrian, Afghan Congolese two camps Island. Thematic-content analysis manually applied triangulation findings undertaken enhance interpretation data. Three main themes generated: 1) Institutional abuse, 2) Continuous traumatic stress (CTS) 3) provision. abuse expressed inhumane living conditions, lack information make future decisions, humiliation depersonalization. CTS that state permanent emergency protective measures. Delays appointments, psychiatric care differences perceptions amongst highlighted provision services. reduced migrant flows at very high price. Decongestion elimination institutional is urgently needed reduce improve migrants’ MH.
Refugee|Afghan|Mental health|Medicine|Population|Public health|Psychiatry|Political science|Nursing|Environmental health|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2887139556', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1186/s13031-018-0172-y', 'mag': '2887139556', 'pmid': 'https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30202431', 'pmcid': 'https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/6123956'}
Mental health|Public health
Conflict and Health|Europe PMC (PubMed Central)|PubMed Central|PubMed
"I should live and finish it": A qualitative inquiry into Turkish women's menopause experience
Serap Çifçili (https://openalex.org/A5063658119)|Mehmet Akman (https://openalex.org/A5070498491)|Abdullah Demirkol (https://openalex.org/A5007677332)|Pemra C. Ünalan (https://openalex.org/A5064947013)|Etienne Vermeire (https://openalex.org/A5058141604)
While bio-medically, menopause could be treated as an illness, from a psychosocial and cultural perspective it seen "natural" process without requiring medication unless severe symptoms are present. Our objective is to explore the perceptions of Turkish women regarding Hormone Therapy (HT) provide health care workers with insight into needs expectations postmenopausal women. A qualitative inquiry through semi-structured, in-depth interviews was used study questions. We purposive sampling included equal number participants who complained about climacteric those visited outpatient department for problem other than but when asked declared that they had been experiencing symptoms. The interview questions focused on two areas; 1) knowledge, experiences, attitudes beliefs and; 2) menopause-related experiences ways cope perception HT. Most defined natural transition one should go through. Cleanliness, maturity, comfort not having period positive changes in behaviour were concepts positively attributed menopause, whereas hot flushes, getting old difficulties relationships negatives. Osteoporosis important concern most participants. To deal symptoms, non-pharmacological options mostly favoured. our this first which focuses women's menopausal experiences. Menopause thought characterised by negative features. Understanding these features their implications lives may assist healthcare helping clients menopause.
Menopause|Medicine|Climacteric|Qualitative research|Turkish|Psychosocial|Perception|Nonprobability sampling|Family medicine|Gerontology|Psychiatry|Psychology|Population|Internal medicine|Social science|Linguistics|Philosophy|Environmental health|Neuroscience|Sociology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2045642985', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2296-10-2', 'mag': '2045642985', 'pmid': 'https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19134179', 'pmcid': 'https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/2642770'}
BMC Family Practice|Europe PMC (PubMed Central)|PubMed Central|PubMed
"I've never been that traditional domestic Turkish woman": Self, culture, and the dissociative mind
Esin Eğit (https://openalex.org/A5077033035)
There is an increasing overlap between contemporary interpersonal/relational theories and psychological anthropology, especially related in their conceptual formulations of, respectively, the self culture as dynamic, multiplicious, discontinuous process. The author argues that these corresponding behoove us consider are interwoven processes continuously inform shape each other, shaped by dissociative mental processes. Drawing from a series of ethnographic interviews participant observation conducted among cohort Turkish women, during process enculturation, people learn pertinent, yet devalued, aspects culture, incorporate them into self-consciousness disjointly. These disjointed can become activated, however, experiences cultural discontinuity; result often disorganization inner-conflict regarding identity.
Enculturation|Turkish|Psychology|Ethnography|Consciousness|Dissociative|Interpersonal communication|Self|Social psychology|Psychoanalysis|Epistemology|Sociology|Anthropology|Linguistics|Philosophy|Pedagogy|Neuroscience|Psychiatry
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3012172144', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1080/00107530.2020.1717211', 'mag': '3012172144'}
Contemporary Psychoanalysis
Bunyod Islomov (https://openalex.org/A5067474968)
This paper analyzes the institution of mitigation punishment in criminal legislation Arab Republic Egypt, including retroactive effect law, sentencing for inchoated offences committed at stage attempt, taking into account mitigating and aggravating factors, features liability minors, procedure more lenient sentencing, with mitigated composition provided by Special Part Criminal Code issues pardon amnesty, releasing from complicity, probation, parole, provocation, some legal persons, a state insanity diminished responsibility, plea agreement, role special laws Procedure Law country punishment, as final conclusion, provides proposals on implementation law norms Egypt to Uzbekistan well.
Punishment (psychology)|Law|Legislation|Criminal code|Criminal law|Criminal procedure|Political science|The Republic|Plea|Criminology|Amnesty|Institution|Psychology|Human rights|Social psychology|Philosophy|Theology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4389210883', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.51788/tsul.jurisprudence.3.5./wymc3495'}
Human rights
Volodymyr Lytvynenko (https://openalex.org/A5055017187)|Oleksandr Kantur (https://openalex.org/A5080163139)
The article examines the peculiarities and problems of fragmentation global network "Internet" by states dominated authoritarian regimes. An attempt was made to generalize interpretation definition "Balkanization Internet", principles Chinese development "Golden Shield" as a state system censorship in cyberspace were studied, implementation "National Information Network" Iran sovereign Internet Russia analyzed, North Korean experience "Kwangmyong" project considered. Based on results analysis legal acts, open data sources publications media, it found that most often governments justify such decisions protecting national security. At same time, practice, Balkanization levels out already limited freedom speech countries where other information are somehow under control, leads greater information, cultural, scientific, economic autarky societies.
The Internet|Authoritarianism|Censorship|Sovereignty|Political science|National security|Cyberspace|State (computer science)|Public relations|Internet privacy|Political economy|Sociology|Law|Computer science|Democracy|Politics|Algorithm|World Wide Web
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4388067452', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.17721/2616-9193.2023/17-5/7'}
Vìsnik Kiïvsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu ìmenì Tarasa Ševčenka
"IT'S HARD TO BE EVERYTHING AT ONCE": ISRAELI ARAB WOMEN BALANCING WORK, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ROLES / קשה להיות הכל בכל עת: נשים ערביות ישראליות מגשרות בין קריירה, משפחה וקודים חברתיים
Randa Abbas (https://openalex.org/A5003799558)|Sherri P. Pataki (https://openalex.org/A5082913121)|Abigail M. Folberg (https://openalex.org/A5071962007)|Clayton Juarez (https://openalex.org/A5040066846)|Carey S. Ryan (https://openalex.org/A5090790547)
<p>This research provides insight into the experiences of employed Arab women living in a traditional, Middle Eastern culture where most (nearly 65%) are not outside home. 287 Israeli reported on their personal balancing career with family and community responsibilities from within women’s employment is non-normative subject to significant social disapproval. Quantitative analyses indicated that perceived more benefits (role expansion) than costs conflict) related even context parenting role. Qualitative data provided nuanced account as described both associated possessing multiple roles, some they unique culture, others being universal for all women. This work highlights importance understanding work-family balance perceptions maternal non-Western, traditional cultures entry workforce recent non-normative. Our participants’ voices add literature significantly by examining real-time who actively breaking gender norms society front lines societal change.</p><p dir="RTL">מחקר זה מספק תובנה מחוויותיהן של נשים ערביות בעלות קריירה, החיות בתרבות מזרח תיכונית מסורתית שבה רוב הנשים (כמעט אינן מועסקות מחוץ לבית. דיווחו על חוויותיהן האישיות שלהן בגישור בין אחריות משפחתית ואחריות חברתית מתוך תרבות קריירת אינה נורמטיבית ונתונה לחוסר הסכמה משמעותית. ניתוחים כמותיים הצביעו כך שהנשים תפסו יותר תועלת (הרחבת תפקיד) מאשר עלויות (קונפליקט תפקידים) הקשורות לעבודתן גם בהקשר תפקידן ההורי. נתונים איכותיים סיפקו תיאור שונה במידה מה , שכן תיארו הן יתרונות והן לבעלי תפקידים מרובים, חלקם נתפסו כייחודיים לתרבותם, אחרים כאוניברסליים עבור כל הנשים. מחקר מדגיש את החשיבות הבנת האיזון עבודה למשפחה ותפיסות תעסוקת אימהות בתוך תרבויות מסורתיות לא מערביות שבהן כניסת לשוק העבודה היא דבר חדש ולא נורמטיבי. הקולות המשתתפים שלנו מוסיפים לספרות באופן משמעותי ידי בחינת החוויות בזמן אמת ששוברות ,באופן פעיל, נורמות מגדר חברה ושנמצאות בחזית השינוי החברתי.</p><p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0203/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>
Normative|Workforce|Context (archaeology)|Gender studies|Sociology|Social psychology|Psychology|Political science|Geography|Archaeology|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4315707112', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v8i3.1396'}
European Journal of Social Sciences Studies
"Ideal" Refugee Women and Gender Equality Mainstreaming in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps: "Good Practice" for Whom?
Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (https://openalex.org/A5086024361)
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Executive Committee and the Refugee Women Gender Equality Unit within have both asserted that Algerian-based National Union of Sahrawi is an “ideal” partner by virtue its success in mainstreaming gender equality empowering refugee women. In this article, I examine nature implications idealization protracted camps, arguing international celebrations women it purports to represent directly influenced development projects camps marginalize needs priorities “non-ideal” girls with grave effects. As such, suggest while refugees their political representatives may formally adopt donors’ rhetoric preferences vis-à-vis mainstreaming, such strategies facilitate solidify processes exclusion marginalization different contexts displacement. Concurrently, leads us ask who benefits from assertions categorizations “good” “bad” practice, whose interests are advanced discourses surrounding “gender equality”.
Refugee|Mainstreaming|Gender studies|Gender mainstreaming|Politics|Ideal (ethics)|Sociology|Idealization|Political science|Gender equality|Law|Special education|Physics|Quantum mechanics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2320852127', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1093/rsq/hdq023', 'mag': '2320852127'}
Sociology|Special education
Refugee Survey Quarterly
"Ideal" and "Real" in Classical Jewish Political Theory : From the Talmud to Abrabanel
Gerald J. Blidstein (https://openalex.org/A5076586547)
Rabbi Nissim has developed the distinction between real and ideal about as far it will go in Jewish political theory. Curiously, his work is a focus of attention today's Israel, offers religous legitimacy to state that orders its society by norms do not always dovetail with classic law. Yet, we may feel uneasy potential this doctrine, which can so easily be used justify virtually any abuse centralized power; was aware sinister potential. Detachment from idea dangerous step; people almost sense Machiavelli waiting wings. It presupposition social life self-governing. This assumption one bases communal premodern times, most likely informed Jew's consciousness an individual relating fellows.
Judaism|Legitimacy|Ideal (ethics)|Talmud|Politics|Doctrine|Presupposition|Sociology|Power (physics)|Law|State (computer science)|Epistemology|Philosophy|Political science|Theology|Computer science|Physics|Algorithm|Quantum mechanics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3162424870', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315486536-3', 'mag': '3162424870'}
"Identifying The Status of Education of Iraqi EFL Students With Learning Disabilities and How to Prevent Their Causes".
Najwa Yasien Ismail (https://openalex.org/A5042037549)|Dunia Tahir Hameed (https://openalex.org/A5079349399)|Manal Omar Mussa (https://openalex.org/A5056365814)
Learning disabilities can be found in every class. If the students have no ability to perform correctly a special context or if they struggle understand what are learning, might learning disability. When teacher parents notice that student has problem reading, writing, listening, speaking, doing any other practices concerning contexts, must search for sources of specific disability and investigate those problems. This study is concerns with Disabilities Iraq specifically at school level. It also identified Iraqi EFL learners attempted present solutions prevent these causes. aims observing problems an attempt find their causes presented. In order help teachers passing challenges disabilities, specified according teachers’, educational specialists’ parents’ observations. These observations used as guide disabilities.
Learning disability|Notice|Psychology|Active listening|Reading (process)|Context (archaeology)|Mathematics education|Class (philosophy)|Inclusion (mineral)|Pedagogy|Special education|Developmental psychology|Computer science|Social psychology|Linguistics|Communication|Paleontology|Philosophy|Artificial intelligence|Political science|Law|Biology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4313176541', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.25130/jtuh.26.7.2019.38'}
Special education
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities
"If I have a cancer, it is not my fault I am a refugee”: A qualitative study with expert stakeholders on cancer care management for Syrian refugees in Jordan
Manar Marzouk (https://openalex.org/A5088013848)|Maureen Kelley (https://openalex.org/A5037253874)|Ibtihal Fadhil (https://openalex.org/A5001883319)|Slim Slama (https://openalex.org/A5078136263)|Kajsa Stina Longuere (https://openalex.org/A5032779546)|Proochista Ariana (https://openalex.org/A5040163997)|Gail Carson (https://openalex.org/A5062294816)|Vicki Marsh (https://openalex.org/A5039570583)
Noncommunicable diseases including cancer are widespread amongst the 5.6 million Syrian refugees currently hosted in Middle East. Given its prevalence as third leading cause of death Syria, is likely to be an important health burden among refugees. Against this background, our aim was describe clinical, ethical and policy decision-making experiences actors working within current refugee care system; impact policies on providers makers context; provide suggestions for way delivery should optimised a sustained emergency situation.From April-July 2016, we conducted in-depth interviews with 12 purposively sampled officials workers from Jordanian Ministry Health, multilateral donors international non-governmental organisations. Data were analysed using framework analysis approach identify systemic, practical challenges optimising refugees, through author agreement issues emerging data those linked more directly areas questioning.As has been previously reported, central lack quality inform programming population, insufficient resource allocation support services. In addition, limited access funding host country, absence long-term schemes, barriers coordination between institutions frontline clinicians seen key barriers. context where economic priorities inevitably drive public individual provision, healthcare experienced significant moral distress duties humanitarian values often impossible uphold.Our findings confirm expand understanding involved decisions populations, highlight these particular situation long term Jordan. The insights offered by reveal unintended personal decisions. With many countries facing similar provision lessons learned Jordan suggest revision investment developing internationally.
Refugee|Context (archaeology)|Health care|Medicine|Population|Economic growth|Political science|Environmental health|Geography|Law|Archaeology|Economics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2975319189', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222496', 'mag': '2975319189', 'pmid': 'https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31560701', 'pmcid': 'https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/6764666'}
Health care
PLOS ONE|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)|Europe PMC (PubMed Central)|Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) (University of Oxford)|PubMed Central|OPAL (Open@LaTrobe) (La Trobe University)|PubMed
"If We Had Wings We Would Fly to You": A Soviet Jewish Family Faces Destruction, 1941–42 by Kiril Feferman
Natalie Belsky (https://openalex.org/A5045329130)
Reviewed by: "If We Had Wings Would Fly to You": A Soviet Jewish Family Faces Destruction, 1941–42 by Kiril Feferman Natalie Belsky Feferman. 1941–42. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2020. xvi + 295 pp. Feferman's recent monograph is a welcome addition the scholarship on Jewry during period of Second World War and Holocaust. This volume takes innovative approach focusing correspondence single family in order address several important questions which have been raised scholarship: What did Jews know/understand about nature threat [End Page 169] Nazi occupation for population Union? When they know it? Why some choose evacuate while others not? It has difficult scholars answer these specific terms because source base fact that decision-making calculus varied from family, community community, month month. uses unique trove family's reveal how individuals made sense events happening around them, perceptions changed over time, decided certain courses action (and inaction, as case may be). primary material Ginsburg wartime correspondence, consists 116 letters sent Efim Ginsburg, who had evacuated Alma-Ata, his sisters nieces were residing North Caucasus. The are held at Yad Vashem archive, having donated Ginsburg's widow after couple immigrated Israel 1970s. majority archive penned three members, all whom women. Based available information, was only member survived war. Therefore, this constitutes one surviving artifacts existence. divided into two parts. first offers historical background history civilian evacuation Caucasus, Holocaust second section, makes up bulk book, focuses analysis includes large excerpts letters. also conducted extensive research local, national, international press give reader better information different times. expertise Caucasus enables him contextualize within developments there between 1941 1943. reveals way political loyalties, economic considerations, familial dynamics shaped individuals' behavior, responses, decisions. He sheds light censorship severely limited civilians' understanding realities front lulled many false security, preventing people fleeing when opportunity do so. Furthermore, emphasizes fear privation suffering deterred leaving, with members even articulating belief it would be perish one's own home than escape an unknown future. One main themes missed opportunities Ginsburgs could escaped but against evacuation, eventually sealing their fate. As spans years, appreciate perspectives outlook demonstrating vacillated decision depending changing situation evacuation. factors might enabled escape, such professional affiliations or relative Alma-Ata...
Judaism|Scholarship|The Holocaust|Population|Classics|Nazism|Soviet union|Law|History|Period (music)|Genealogy|Sociology|Theology|Philosophy|German|Political science|Demography|Aesthetics|Archaeology|Politics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4312636054', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/ajs.2022.0016'}
Ajs Review-the Journal of The Association for Jewish Studies
"If You Ask Me"
A. Holly Shissler (https://openalex.org/A5079596307)
“Cici Anne” was a popular advice column that first appeared in two prominent Turkish journals, Resimli Ay and Hafta, subsequently one of Turkey’s preeminent daily newspapers, Cumhuriyet. The columnist, Sabiha Zekeriya Sertel, well-known journalist outspoken exponent women’s rights. Anne,” directed at more audience than Sertel’s other writings, outlet for her ideas on women their circumstances. Each took as its point departure reader’s letter proceeded to larger discussion, insisting need economic independence, challenging the very concept namus (honor), times calling into question value institution marriage. often proximity reports youth suicides. Thus context allow us examine social tensions produced by Republican elites’ attempts redefine family life gender roles, hear, albeit some remove, voices those caught up such tensions. It also reveals diversity within camp this early formative period.
Newspaper|Honor|Context (archaeology)|Independence (probability theory)|Period (music)|Institution|Column (typography)|Sociology|Formative assessment|Gender studies|Media studies|Diversity (politics)|Law|Political science|History|Art|Aesthetics|Statistics|Mathematics|Archaeology|Computer science|Operating system|Pedagogy|Structural engineering|Connection (principal bundle)|Engineering
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2119743236', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2979/mew.2007.3.2.1', 'mag': '2119743236'}
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies
"If You Want To Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want To Go Far, Go Together.": Outsiders Learning From Insiders in a Humanitarian Context
Janaka Jayawickrama (https://openalex.org/A5061657393)
A healthy global humanitarian system depends on effective partnerships. Donors, implementing actors, local organizations, and individual experts are all presented with the opportunity to partner actors in a beneficial manner, goal of best serving disaster- and/or conflict affected populations. This paper argues that lost current process is mutual respect, compassion, humility needed establish such meaningful partnerships between mobilizing team, or outsiders, organizations population, insiders. Even recent emphasis promoting localization aid delivery, has missed mark by using semantics as “developing capacity,” which subtly labels insiders not equal to, therefore lesser than, outsiders. Such relationship fails allow those whose lives have been directly disaster an active role re-shaping world around them. By relating impact personal experience Western Darfur, Sudan, examining within partnership approach, author shows outsiders who do build adequate fail respect thus learn from What needs be understood about used interchangeably throughout this discussion, continue live their both through beyond crisis, while international come go convenient for themselves organizations. While inherently own lives, continuously apply these experts.
Public relations|General partnership|Population|Humility|Context (archaeology)|Compassion|Political science|Humanitarian aid|Sociology|Business|Law|Geography|Demography|Archaeology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2892427370', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.24926/ijps.v5i2.1309', 'mag': '2892427370'}
Interdisciplinary journal of partnership studies
"If everyone sits on their hands, nothing happens": A phenomenological analysis of protest as a reflection of personal and communal processes
Liat Yakhnich (https://openalex.org/A5016372187)|Sophie D. Walsh (https://openalex.org/A5023775814)
In 2015, a video of policemen beating up an Ethiopian-born first Lieutenant in the Israeli Defense Forces, was published by media and triggered massive protest against police brutality discrimination Ethiopian community. The current study aimed to understand meaning members community attribute protest, its' relation their experiences within society. paper is based on data gathered through interviews with 19 young adults. analysis revealed that participants' interaction society characterized shared experience racism, which shaped perception as means speaking out, strengthening collective identity achieving feelings empowerment. However, individual differences were found way participants believed should be conducted. Findings suggest understanding take into account not only group but also illuminate differences. Universalist understandings widened include examination how can inform us about social historical process relations between minority majority group.
Meaning (existential)|Feeling|Interpretative phenomenological analysis|Social psychology|Empowerment|Nothing|Identity (music)|Gender studies|Sociology|Collective identity|Perception|Social identity theory|Racism|Psychology|Criminology|Social group|Political science|Law|Politics|Social science|Qualitative research|Epistemology|Aesthetics|Philosophy|Neuroscience|Psychotherapist
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4220768436', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2022.03.007'}
International Journal of Intercultural Relations
"If only they forgot that I was Syrian and an Arab, I am a human beings too." Syrian university students' experiences of being a foreigner: A phenomenological study
Yunus Kaya (https://openalex.org/A5031209522)
Migration is voluntary or forced relocation of individuals from a familiar physical, social, and cultural environment to an unfamiliar one. While migration challenging experience, traumatic experiences that happened before after migrating may have numerous adverse effects. The aim this study was evaluate Syrian nursing students’ being foreigner throughout their university lives. Phenomenology, which qualitative research design, used in study. conducted with 16 Turkey. Data collected through semi-structured, face-to-face, in-depth interviews. analyzed using interpretive phenomenological analysis, yielded four main themes 19 subthemes. were caused them migrate, problems migrating, at Turkish university, psychological issues. results show has cultural, mental effects on human
Relocation|Phenomenology (philosophy)|Turkish|Interpretative phenomenological analysis|Psychology|Qualitative research|Hermeneutic phenomenology|Forced migration|Lived experience|Social psychology|Gender studies|Sociology|Refugee|Anthropology|Psychoanalysis|Philosophy|Linguistics|Archaeology|Epistemology|Computer science|History|Programming language
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3159501386', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2021.04.014', 'mag': '3159501386'}
International Journal of Intercultural Relations
"In a Place Where There Are No Worthy People, Strive To Be Worthy"
Matthew Futterman (https://openalex.org/A5074638129)
"In a Place Where There Are No Worthy People, Strive To Be Worthy"1 Matthew Futterman (bio) When my dear friend, colleague, and teacher, Rabbi Michael Graetz, was honored by the members of Kehillat Magen Avraham in Omer for his 25 years leadership, love admiration were palpable. Graetz beloved as pastor respected scholar. Most important, he served leader anxious to implement vision consistent with religious practices, theological beliefs, ethical priorities. In essay "Whither Masorti?" continues synthesize values into that could shift Israeli society higher spiritual gear modern democratic intellectually grounded Judaism which most Masorti (Conservative) Jews subscribe. Graetz's approach is deeply rooted classical Zionist thought positive-historical Judaism. He suggests creation state allows connect tradition from radical position demands they design their ideas, it were, God's perspective. order complete transformation image Jew (one great successes Zionism), we need "new Judaism" match idea Jew." believes "no return Jewish people its homeland sovereign self would be or meaningful without renewed creativity." notes must [End Page 108] able step aside our own traditions when those have been used justify evils hate now wish disavow. These challenges create haunting dilemma. How can maintain both universal potential divinity within humanity coupled self-criticism (when actions depart vision), while at same time ensuring survival vibrancy?2 I am sure movement's lay leadership subscribe outlined thus far. The challenge devise delivery system bringing this mainstream. Clearly, existing structures associated Israel work who already identify movement. But not sufficient Graetz—nor community hope transform topography. Although has devoted adult life mission Masorti, very first paragraph explains come new realization. wants fulfill promoting an "abiding fidelity twin conceptions constitute beating heart authentic Judaism: God so profoundly believed worth human destiny all created God, make manifest reasonableness correctness faith humanity."3 accomplish this, establish political party. disagree more conclusion believe such effort terrible mistake. many believe, must, change effected through posturing, lobbying, machinations, negotiations, himself details situation regard parties thereby practically makes case rejecting thesis out hand. us limited effectiveness parties, explaining one-issue platform particular rarely receive enough votes granted seats Knesset. They are only electable but also subject mocking derision. (For example, recent elections there party represented Holocaust survivors marijuana habituates.) 109] compares role rabbi "a prospector looking ways mine compassion, bring people, give them express deeds. see task getting Israelis possible care about...
Judaism|Zionism|Sociology|Homeland|Aside|Democracy|Order (exchange)|Religious studies|Admiration|Aesthetics|Law|Philosophy|Theology|Literature|Political science|Art|Politics|Linguistics|Finance|Economics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2058508101', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/coj.2011.0011', 'mag': '2058508101'}
Conservative Judaism
"In painted chambers loaded with tilebooks"
Richard Bliss (https://openalex.org/A5057624238)
"In painted chambers loaded with tilebooks" Richard Bliss (bio) An obscure allusion made by Stephen in the library scene Ulysses has not been previously identified. When placed its original context, mysterious remark, "[i]n (U 9.354-55), highlights how unhappy is.1 It confirms that he is, William Empson's words, "in a terrible condition, near edge of madness or crime."2 As his agile mind tosses around images associated ancient Egypt, repeats phrase heard earlier newspaper office—"And I voice Egyptian highpriest" 9.353-54)— and follows it an exotic fragment from Jefferies's The Story My Heart: Autobiography.3 entire lavish sentence Jefferies reads: "Remember Nineveh cult fir-cone, turbaned bearded bulls stone, lion hunt, tile books, lore arrow-headed writing" (101-02). tilebooks, then, are Assyrian antiquities,4 clay tablets marked cuneiform inscriptions represent early achievement literacy. oracular tone (a constant work) makes comparison highpriest appropriate, but quotation only resonates when read context. theme, often repeated essays, is contrast between dismal mechanistic modern urban world temporary peace gains visits to British Museum National Gallery London. But such respites always end feelings despair futility. His studies prompt question: "Can any creed, philosophy, system, culture endure test remain unmolten this fierce focus human life?" (101). He answers resounding "no," examples include "tile books" ("an utter nothing"—102), "papyri ancient, Egypt" ("Nothing; absolutely nothing!"—101) "aged caves India" ("The indistinguishable noise be resolved, born struggle, mocks answer"—102). Having dismissed historical emergence literacy, declares western philosophy Aristotle Plato present day "useless alike" (103). Such cultural Luddism breathtaking scope at least supports transcendent view "[t]he sun was stronger than science; hills more philosophy" (23) one could establish redeeming pantheistic [End Page 129] rapport nature. Whatever appeal had for time, now hears oracle despair. Stephen's initial thoughts passage center on Egypt. describes books as "[c]offined … mummycases, embalmed spice words" 9.352-53). also invokes so question arises: why does change subject Assyria? simple bleakness image may explain decision, section about Egypt avoids suggestive: "is there anything slowly once mystic commonplace papyri held mummy's withered breast? In elaborate ritual, procession symbols, winged circle, laborious sarcophagus?" dead body holding book breast context funereal rituals described Book Dead all too pointed Stephen, beset mother's recent death. written articles James Joyce well contemporary fiction Threepenny Review other periodicals. Notes Footnotes 1. "Ulysses" Annotated: Joyce's "Ulysses," rev. ed. (Berkeley: Univ. California Press, 1988), p. 217, Don Gifford Robert J. Seidman resignedly gloss line following: "Apparently quotation, source unknown." 2. Empson, Using Biography (Cambridge: Harvard 1990), 204. 3. Jefferies, Autobiography (London: Longmans, Green, 1898). Further references will cited parenthetically text. (1848-1887), last Victorian...
Context (archaeology)|Allusion|Cult|BLISS|History|Art|Literature|Newspaper|Art history|Sociology|Archaeology|Ancient history|Media studies|Computer science|Programming language
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2057441060', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/jjq.0.0125', 'mag': '2057441060'}
James Joyce Quarterly
"In the Beginning was the Garden": Arthur Schnitzler and the Politicization of Jewish Identities in Fin-de-Siecle Central Europe
Ilse Josepha Lazaroms (https://openalex.org/A5020346482)
In the late 1860s, Hungarian-born laryngologist Johann Schnitzler travelled with his family to town of Nagykanizsa (Groß-Kanizsa), not far from Lake Balaton and Croatian border, where he had grown up. His young son Arthur was unimpressed. Years later, recalled only “a farmyard, a few hens, wooden fence, railroad nearby, trains passing, whistle locomotive fading into distance”. Despite desolate image, visit also prompted in famous playwright retrospective reflection about ambivalent attitude towards this generational heritage: I don’t know when my ancestors settled Gross-Kanizsa, or for that matter Hungary, they have wandered before down after having left their original home Palestine two thousand years before. The thing am sure is neither longing nor homesickness ever tempted me return Gross-Kanizsa; if fate chosen direct which grandparents once lived father born, would felt like stranger, perhaps even an exile. Thus come grips at point curious view person, born certain country, raised active there, supposed recognise as homeland another one parents decades ago but called native land thousands before, solely political, sociological economic reasons—which bear discussion—but emotionally.1
Homeland|Grandparent|Judaism|History|Politics|Ancestor|The Holocaust|Ancient history|Ethnology|Sociology|Genealogy|Law|Archaeology|Political science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2141205821', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1093/leobaeck/ybt006', 'mag': '2141205821'}
Leo Baeck Institute Year Book
"Infant and child mortality in rural Egypt"
John B. Casterline (https://openalex.org/A5032226805)|Elizabeth C. Cooksey (https://openalex.org/A5054161627)|Abdel Fattah Ismail (https://openalex.org/A5000287589)
This research examines determinants of infant and child mortality in rural Egypt, primarily the effects household economic status availability health services. Certain features service environment affect survival neonatal period. In early childhood, chances improve markedly as income increases if depends almost exclusively on employment income. infancy is strongly associated with region residence maternal demographic characteristics, weakly parental schooling.
Child mortality|Infant mortality|Developing country|Medicine|Child survival|Rural area|Pediatrics|Environmental health|Demography|Population|Economic growth|Economics|Sociology|Pathology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2334277831', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2307/1966899', 'mag': '2334277831'}
Studies in Family Planning
"Information Is the Alpha and Omega of Our Work": Bolshevik Surveillance in Its Pan-European Context
Peter Holquist (https://openalex.org/A5015743453)
Previous articleNext article No Access"Information Is the Alpha and Omega of Our Work": Bolshevik Surveillance in Its Pan-European ContextPeter HolquistPeter Holquist Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited The Journal Modern History Volume 69, Number 3Sep., 1997 Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1086/245534 Views: 316Total views on site Citations: 131Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright University ChicagoPDF download reports following citing article:Justin Clardie Protests Russia's regions: influence regional governance, Social Science Quarterly 103, no.11 (Feb 2022): 5–17.https://doi.org/10.1111/ssqu.13119Olga Velikanova Top-down Extraction Bottom-up Messages: Surveillance, (Mar 417–427.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-88367-6_25Yiannis Kokosalakis Bargaining Soviet Industry: Communists between State Society Interwar Union, 93, no.22 (Jun 2021): 324–362.https://doi.org/10.1086/714151Willem Bart de Lint Intelligence Crime Blur: Shaping Opinion, Smudging Records Spiking Policy, 171–201.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-0352-5_7Florian Altenhöner Selective Transparency. 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Hitchcock Frances Lynch, Economy: Vichy Treaty Rome 726–728.https://doi.org/10.1086/235324 Trevor Dean Reinhold Mueller, Money Banking Medieval Renaissance Venice. 2: Venetian Market: Banks, Panics, Public Debt, 1200‐1500 Dean, 728–730.https://doi.org/10.1086/235325 Oliver Thomas Domzalski, Politische Karrieren Machtverteilung venezianischen Adel, 1646‐1797 730–731.https://doi.org/10.1086/235326 Jon Snyder Burke, Fortunes Courtier: Reception Castiglione's Cortegiano Snyder, 732–734.https://doi.org/10.1086/235327 A. 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Context (archaeology)|Omega|Alpha (finance)|Political science|Work (physics)|History|Engineering|Law|Philosophy|Linguistics|Health care|Cronbach's alpha|Archaeology|Mechanical engineering
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2037393553', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1086/245534', 'mag': '2037393553'}
Health care
The Journal of Modern History
"Inherited Gentrification": Changing Profiles of Gentrifiers via Inheritance, The Case of Bozcaada
Duygu Okumuş (https://openalex.org/A5062316734)
PurposeRural areas have been through structural changes. The reorganisation of the rural economy from agriculture to services, in addition improvements transportation and infrastructures, migration patterns started reverse some regions hence change social composition those regions’ areas. These changes their implications largely debated gentrification literature, mainly by re-presenting cases Anglo-Saxon world. This paper contributes literature presenting an empirical study on a socio-cultural demographic that, together with local economic shift, is taking place location other than Global North.Design/Methodology/Approach A qualitative case examining socio-spatial structure small Turkish island, Bozcaada, presented following principal indicators countryside gentrification: socio-economic its citizens; emphasis cultural or national heritage aesthetics; emergence new institutions leading closure older ones; diversification products services; properties’ value.FindingsThe first-generation newcomers were line typical gentrifier’s profile studies. Differently, second-generation shown diversity terms both motivation class. argues that took part naturally process not because they inherited parents’ properties, but also play important role significant are still island.Research Limitations/Implications fact research based single limitation for generalisation. However, examined provides basis future work may validate findings different contexts.Originality/ValueThis introducing type process, ‘inherited gentrification’ identification gentrifiers who direct descendants first gentrifiers.
Gentrification|Diversification (marketing strategy)|Economic geography|Rurality|Diversity (politics)|Geography|Sociology|Rural area|Economic growth|Political science|Economics|Business|Marketing|Anthropology|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3114131203', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.15320/iconarp.2020.147', 'mag': '3114131203'}
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
"Intercultural mediation", the institution of learning and the process of educational 'integration' and assimilation: The case of Ethiopian Jews in Israel
Girma Berhanu (https://openalex.org/A5073989628)
The major premise of this paper concerns the existence an intrinsic connection between institutional culture school and students’ dispositions to learning. data presented shows three things in particular. These are firstly, strong mono-culture Israeli school, secondly, a virtual absence knowledge, understanding sensitivity on part these schools how students from different cultural backgrounds learn and, thirdly, workings environment impact academic development minority children. My findings suggest that teaching methods, social climate patterns work, regarding differences Israel may have same effect progress for Ethiopian children as family (cultural) background, neighborhood, peer socio-economic status seem white urban poor Western schools. inequalities imposed by their home such “immobilized” or “neutralized” inadequately reconstituted new one, interruption transmission young at home, carried along become with which confront life hence, future adult life.
Premise|Sociology|Pedagogy|Psychology|Social integration|Learning environment|Cultural diversity|Mediation|Cultural pluralism|Social psychology|Social science|Philosophy|Linguistics|Anthropology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2983911387', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.5897/err.9000061', 'mag': '2983911387'}
Educational Research Review
"Internal Homeland" and "External Homeland": A Literary and Psychoanalytical Study of the Narrative of R. Assi and His Aged Mother
Admiel Kosman (https://openalex.org/A5009269284)
This article deals with an aggadic story in the Babylonian Talmud (Qidd. 31b) concerning Rav Asa who fled from his mother to "Eretz Israel," after she began relating him sexual innuendos. Consequently, he hears that was pursuing and solicits Rabbi Johanan for permission flee.
Homeland|Talmud|Narrative|Permission|Judaism|Biblical studies|History|Psychoanalysis|Sociology|Literature|Political science|Law|Psychology|Art|Philosophy|Theology|Politics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2004004329', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/hbr.2005.0013', 'mag': '2004004329'}
Hebrew studies
"International Developments in Abortion Laws: 1977-88"
Rebecca J. Cook (https://openalex.org/A5089283997)|Bernard M. Dickens (https://openalex.org/A5089962510)
International developments in abortion laws have been diverse but the general thrust of legislation and court decisions has towards decriminalization liberalization reduction legal barriers to access therapuetic services presented by spousal parental authorization requirements. Most extended eligibility through traditional indications such as danger maternal health or fetal handicap other also created adolescence advanced age family circumstances Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Human Virus infection. Several jurisdictions established stages early gestation within which could be undertaken with minimal scrutiny. In Canada entire prohibition was held unconstitutional for violating womens integrity security. Under medical public guidance several countries amended their constitutions recognize protect human life from contraception. Cyprus Italy Taiwan an indication welfare while France Netherlands distress Hungary cites cases where women is single separated 6 months appropriate housing lacking she 35 years older had 3 deliveries. National insurance schemes vary coverage costs generally tend fund major park lawful services. Britain Israel US Yugoslavia husbands claims veto abortions rejected. Courts that mature adolescents although legally minors may give autonomous consent are entitled confidentiality. Few define when criminal liability commences conception occurs law moved restrict Honduras Romania Finland.
Abortion|Abortion law|Law|Political science|Population|Family planning|Research methodology|Demography|Sociology|Pregnancy|Biology|Genetics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2320553335', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2307/1966662', 'mag': '2320553335'}
Studies in Family Planning
"Intimate Neighbors": Life in Shared Apartments in British Mandate Palestine
Elia Etkin (https://openalex.org/A5059084968)
This article discusses a distinct form of urban housing that flourished in the Yishuv during British Mandate, which family dwelt with other families or individuals same household. The coins and defines term ‘intimate neighborly relations’ uses it to analyze living experience shared apartments describe relationships were formed between residents. An anthropological analysis overlap neighbors home is implied by concept neighbors’ refines our understanding private space among Jewish middle class Palestine. Moreover, demonstrates role gender neighborliness urbanity uncovers how women shaped intimacy apartments. main argument article, based on autobiographical legal documents alongside popular representations practice, together involved inconvenience, embarrassment even disgust. At time, despite difficulties, provided human interaction an immigrant society, many alienation loneliness. Finally, simultaneously personal public-national issue, especially 1940s when became widespread phenomenon conflicts escalated.
Mandate|Disgust|Loneliness|Sociology|Argument (complex analysis)|Mandatory Palestine|Social psychology|Gender studies|Psychology|Palestine|Political science|Law|Anger|History|Ancient history|Biochemistry|Chemistry
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4232904221', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.51854/bguy-34a110'}
’Iẇniym betqẇmat Yiśraʼel
"Investigation of the important items in the development of desert ecotourism (Case studies: Matin Abad eco-camp in Iran and Nights eco-camp in Oman)"
Deserts of high quality are key levels in nature tourism and can cater to a variety tourist needs. Because the world's deserts cover such large region, developing ecotourism be significant concern. Two Eco Camps Iran Oman (Matin Abad Night Oman) have been explored this regard. This study that has descriptive-analytical method was conducted which prominent crucial points these two camps were discovered comparison made. Finally, findings show that, particularly desert tourism, besides absorbing policy, physical spatial structures important sense place might increase number tourists enhance tourism.
Tourism|Ecotourism|Desert (philosophy)|Geography|Variety (cybernetics)|Destinations|Environmental planning|Socioeconomics|Political science|Sociology|Archaeology|Law|Artificial intelligence|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4285009576', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.55248/gengpi.2022.3.7.9'}
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews
"Iraq war framing in South Korea": the relationship between ideology and news coverage framing
Hyunyoung Ju (https://openalex.org/A5004082996)
The purpose of this study is to analyze how South Korea newspapers framed the Iraq war through a content analysis according principles and peace journalism developed by Johan Galtung. This examines 196 stories two that have different ideological characteristic, Hankyoreh Chosun-ilbo, from January 20, 2003 May 1, 2003. Result showed there were difference between Chosun-ilbo. More specifically, results suggest has strong peace-journalism frame, on other hand, Chosun-ilbo war-journalism frame. And emphasized role in world as make while focused military affairs. Also, did not support was neutral protagonists. Finally, both are supporting protagonists, United States government Saddam Hussein.
Framing (construction)|Ideology|Political science|Media studies|Sociology|Geography|Law|Politics|Archaeology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W238112766', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.31274/rtd-180813-16221', 'mag': '238112766'}
"Iraqi diplomacy towards the Arab world before 2018" "Analytical study"
Ayad Abdulkarim Majeed (https://openalex.org/A5038389563)|Burhan Ali Mohammed (https://openalex.org/A5065295226)
Talk about the Iraqi diplomacy towards Arab world after 2003, I mean talk pivotal and important stage in history of modern Iraq, as this stage, represented an turning point Iraq's yolk, has been associated with event \ nation, namely occupation Iraq change its political system.
 And characterized during period that followed a large led to lot obvious failures completing required level new diplomatic tasks, because problems were dictated quotas base broad form, especially sphere, one conditions weakened external action, well conflict constitutional powers between central government local governments, suffered last term conflicting visions represent different views forces participate power over many key variables foreign control determine quality international relations.
 However, was not without achievements they seem be enhanced next phase, light emergence movement based on conviction is pushing for change, therefore it expected coming set basic principles will support policy, perhaps most prominent those
Diplomacy|Politics|Political science|Political economy|Foreign policy|Political system|Negotiation|Government (linguistics)|Law|Sociology|Democracy|Linguistics|Philosophy
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2918566676', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.25130/poltic.v0i14.116', 'mag': '2918566676'}
مجلة تكريت للعلوم السياسية
"Is Resistance Your Real Name?"The Case Against the War
Russell C. Leong (https://openalex.org/A5018003834)
From worlds apart, the poetry above by Iraq-born poet and novelist Saadi Youssef, lines activist critic E. San Juan, Jr., speak to wilderness of war ordinary lives betrayed rogue governments East West. Yet, such disparate also broach possibility setting sail intervene in global crisis early twenty-first century-the ravaging arm U.S. British imperial, corporate, military Empire Middle East. However naive Asian Americans as intimate subjects were before 9/11 invasion Iraq, now is time divest ourselves any notions innocence, build hope inform order break stranglehold mass media an all too-placable academia.
Resistance (ecology)|History|Political science|Criminology|Sociology|Ecology|Biology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2218809143', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.17953/amer.33.3.m5167653u9370x21', 'mag': '2218809143'}
Amerasia Journal
"Is the Turk a White Man?"
Murat Ergin (https://openalex.org/A5052305432)
In 1909, the US Circuit Court in Cincinnati set out to decide “whether a Turkish citizen shall be naturalized as white person”; New York Times article on decision, discussing question of Turks’ whiteness, was cheekily entitled “Is Turk White Man?” Within few decades, having understood importance this for their modernization efforts, elites had already started fantastic scientific mobilization position Turks world history generators Western civilization, creators human language, and forgotten source racial stock. book, Murat Ergin examines how race figures into process interaction between global discourses local responses.
Turkish|Modernization theory|White (mutation)|Civilization|White supremacy|History|Political science|Race (biology)|Sociology|Gender studies|Law|Linguistics|Philosophy|Gene|Biochemistry|Chemistry
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4246930385', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004330559'}
"Islamic Yuppies"? State Rescaling, Citizenship, and Public Opinion Formation in Tehran, Iran
Farhang Rouhani (https://openalex.org/A5026229287)
The contemporary political map of Tehran, Iran, is marked by a central state conflict between the institutionalized theocratic system and newly emerging liberal-democratic system. While this has received worldwide media attention, underlying processes rescaling their effects on formation citizenship have not. Using concept rescaling, I argue that Iranian increasingly, though contentiously, constituted at transnational local levels; occurs through matters such as debates over opening political, economic, cultural borders, decentralization town city council elections. Tehran plays crucial role seat national government, an increasingly autonomous onto its own, Iran's window processes. seek to explore kinds identities can be created under turbulent neo-liberal democratization rescaling. conjectural point, it possible examine particular social constructions new forms address how transformations will potentially change into future. In particular, construction "the Islamic yuppie" public opinion polls arguments advocating kind urban, cosmopolitan citizen who move fluidly multiple spaces scales. These constructions, contextualized within current restructuring underscore need think in general, multiscalar process.
Citizenship|Politics|State (computer science)|Political economy|Islam|Democratization|Political science|Sociology|Public opinion|Decentralization|Democracy|Law|Geography|Archaeology|Algorithm|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2053460382', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.24.2.169', 'mag': '2053460382'}
Urban Geography
"Israel can hardly be a Jewish state and a democracy at the same time"
Tilde Rosmer (https://openalex.org/A5087683416)
Israel should divide religion and politics. Today's system encourages ethnic discrimination towards the Arab Israelis, having a minority who lives on crumbs is recipe for political instability flawed democracy.
Democracy|Judaism|Politics|Ethnic group|Jewish state|State (computer science)|Political science|Political instability|Law|Political economy|Religious studies|Sociology|History|Philosophy|Computer science|Archaeology|Algorithm
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2611034220', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.5617/ba.4123', 'mag': '2611034220'}
"It Is Futile to Trust in Man": Methodological Difficulties in Studying Non-Mainstream Populations with Reference to Ethiopian Jews in Israel
Shalva Weil (https://openalex.org/A5005091823)
There is an extensive literature on Ethiopian Jews, but it contains remarkably few references to methodological problems in studying this population. This article explores the nature of encounter between researcher and Jews their new setting Israel, where Israeli personalities are characterized by different sometimes opposing qualities. The intentional use ambiguities communication may produce extreme situation which collection data westerners consider basic be impeded. Can outsider collect valid information at all, or insider research, employing native as research assistant translator, more effective? Finally, discusses appropriate methodology for argues that a holistic approach combining innovative theoretical practical approaches should pursued order reflect effectively negotiated reality Other
Mainstream|Sociology|Epistemology|Social science|Environmental ethics|Anthropology|Political science|Law|Philosophy
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1985364843', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.17730/humo.54.1.u0742x7x54737754', 'mag': '1985364843'}
Human Organization
"It Steadies Me to Tell These Things": Memoir and the Redemptive Power of Truth-Telling
Caitríona Palmer (https://openalex.org/A5064190231)
"It Steadies Me to Tell These Things":Memoir and the Redemptive Power of Truth-Telling Caitríona Palmer (bio) In March 2016 I published a memoir, An Affair with My Mother. It told story my life that birth mother Sarah—not her real name—who gave me outside marriage in Ireland 1972 and, no other choice, handed over Catholic agency for adoption. 1999, when was twenty-seven years old, Sarah reunited. affair is provocative word describe relationship between parent child, but it only way knew how portray subsequent fifteen spent getting know on condition strictest secrecy. Our relationship—hidden from husband, children, friends—was conducted entirely undercover. Bound by conditions set Sarah, we emailed, texted, met at locations far perimeter social circle. Not once did knock door or call cellphone appointed time. Desperate keep life, obeyed rules. "Take your time," repeatedly "I can wait." What not understand those early days our would need lifetime. truth wrote Mother just one reader mind: Sarah. As journalist daughter, wanted competing forces kept arm's length: desire preserve carefully constructed wake loss be fully acknowledged as child she away. saw book love letter her; an attempt explain powers had conspired destroy back twenty-two old love. publicly exonerate woman who still believes—to this day—that alone blame falling pregnant 1972. [End Page 299] Blinded shame, does consider responsibility man impregnated walked away, nor culpability church, its culture institutional dishonesty Irish state, which allowed church dictate terms unmarried mothers their children were treated. seems strange admit now, process writing memoir never thought readers. imagined reading book, parents Liam Mary, agonized what they might think. But found hard visualize words travel beyond laptop into lives others. Imagine astonishment anxiety-filled following publication dozens emails social-media messages began pour in. They came mostly also around globe: United Kingdom, States, Canada, Spain, France, Malta, Australia, New Zealand, Tunisia, South Africa, Zimbabwe. Most secret adoptees like me, insisting written belonged them. Many more mothers, anxious why felt hidden. heard adoptive people discovered late adulthood older sibling given adults grown up without others raised home weighed down family secret. undergone abortion, another wished been born. email Boston typical arrived immediate publication: "My has almost fifty years. She completely rejected me. The pain too much bear feeling connection relate." communication living London: "Since almost...
Memoir|Power (physics)|Secrecy|Daughter|Psychoanalysis|Literature|Sociology|Art|Psychology|Law|Physics|Quantum mechanics|Political science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3083518972', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/eir.2020.0013', 'mag': '3083518972'}
"It Was our Home and Sadly We Will Never Return": Nostalgia and the Circulation of Images in Lebanese Jewish Virtual Communities
Molly Theodora Oringer (https://openalex.org/A5092879607)
Abstract: By focusing on photographs pertaining to Beirut's historic Jewish neighborhood and central synagogue, I address in this article the mobilization of collective nostalgia three Lebanese Facebook groups that provide a realm for debating, challenging, reconstructing concepts belonging while remembering shared homeland from diaspora. Furthermore, explore how nostalgic circulation sharing family anonymous snapshots community's pre-Civil War life privileges particular perspective once was, by excluding other realities both photographic frame historical narrative, creates community history through which imagine future.
Judaism|Homeland|Diaspora|Realm|Narrative|History|Spanish Civil War|Circulation (fluid dynamics)|EPIC|Sociology|Media studies|Aesthetics|Art|Gender studies|Law|Political science|Literature|Archaeology|Engineering|Politics|Aerospace engineering
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4386778707', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2979/jss.2023.a901515'}
Jewish Social Studies
"It Was our Home and Sadly We Will Never Return": Nostalgia and the Circulation of Images in Lebanese Jewish Virtual Communities
Molly Theodora Oringer (https://openalex.org/A5092879607)
Abstract: By focusing on photographs pertaining to Beirut's historic Jewish neighborhood and central synagogue, I address in this article the mobilization of collective nostalgia three Lebanese Facebook groups that provide a realm for debating, challenging, reconstructing concepts belonging while remembering shared homeland from diaspora. Furthermore, explore how nostalgic circulation sharing family anonymous snapshots community's pre-Civil War life privileges particular perspective once was, by excluding other realities both photographic frame historical narrative, creates community history through which imagine future.
Judaism|Homeland|Realm|Diaspora|Narrative|History|Spanish Civil War|Sociology|Aesthetics|Media studies|Art|Gender studies|Literature|Political science|Law|Archaeology|Politics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4387544750', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2979/jewisocistud.28.2.05'}
Jewish Social Studies
"It is filled with an assortment" : the transmission of the Instruction of Ani and the Instruction of Amenemope
H. Twiston-Davies (https://openalex.org/A5078820687)
This thesis examines the textual traditions of two Late Egyptian wisdom texts: Instruction Amenemope and Ani. It hypothesises scribal process copying through text-critical techniques, from perspective ‘Material Philology’. does not attempt to create a stemma codicum or reconstruct an Urtext, but considers possible role dictation visual copying, in transmission, how significant variations between manuscripts arose. The incidence obvious corruption is high, ‘aural’ error significantly more frequent than error. Since aural errors can occur even visually, determined be likely method transmission. Copying are found slightly frequently toward bottom each page p. Boulaq IV, suggesting that this manuscript was copied at time. Several have been corrected by their copyists, demonstrating attempts produce comprehensible text. Textual explained simply as results corruption, do provide ‘original’ Some ‘update’ grammar vocabulary contemporary idiom, systematic any manuscripts. most example consistent replacement Hr with r where has used abstract, non-locational sense. part broader trend end New Kingdom onward. variation seen culture which copyist plays active redacting text manuscript, literary texts personal rather published copies. rubrication appears connected closely text’s division into chapters. structure Ani less strictly represented its format, follow practice. P. Deir el-Medina 1 rubricated regular intervals, when shifts topic. post-Ramesside copies regularly, always according clear principles, related decline period. orthography IV much discussed past. Many peculiarities result use late Ramesside group-writings, plural strokes fixed determinatives ‘word-ending groups’ updating orthography, corruption. concludes transmission these demonstrate individual nature Egypt.
Copying|Dictation|Vocabulary|Philology|Linguistics|Variation (astronomy)|Computer science|Literature|Art|Philosophy|Sociology|Gender studies|Physics|Feminism|Political science|Astrophysics|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2933204025', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.17638/03017112', 'mag': '2933204025'}
"It is uncertain where the Fates will carry me": Cotton Mather's Theology of Finance
Jennifer J. Baker (https://openalex.org/A5006442953)
JENNIFER JORDAN BAKER "It is uncertain where the Fates will carry me": Cotton Mather's Theology of Finance In The Protestant Ethic and Spirit Capitalism, first published almost a century ago, Max Weber argued that Puritan commercial energy was fueled by spiritual anxiety accompanied predestinar- ían theology. Calvinist predestinarians, wrote, in trying to cope with uncertainty their destinies, often succumbed temptation see material blessings as potential manifestation ofGod's blessing. Though they insisted prosperity result of—and not cause of—salvation, Puritans strove nevertheless prove or "justify" publicly divine election through industrious profitable pursuit calling.' As his scholarly successors also observed, such attempts identify providential design were vexed at outset, because predestinarianism ultimately denied possibility ever discerning God's plan any certainty; these carried out, then, both contradiction belief fate predetermined immutable. this thesis, I discuss, does apply so easily all American Puritans, writings Mather show signs bind describes. While grace brought "prosperity" its forms, he maintained economic culture offered no clues, consolation for individual looking know status her soul. shall argue, complicated Arizona Quarterly Volume 56, Number 4, Winter 2000 Copyright © Board Regents ISSN 0004- 1 6 10 Jennifer Jordan Baker advent financial credit systems paper money 1690s early 1700s. New England economy, increasingly based on intangible abstract forms wealth during lifetime, only made more indecipherable workings dispensation. writings, instrument aptly evokes precariousness human existence. coin, which despite appearances might actually be counterfeit debased, served metaphor soul never fully reveals saved damned, financially speculative venture, undertaken guarantee success , dramatized predestinarían's always future. themes seem glance reflect worldly concerns, works lose sight spiritual; rather, are attempt mechanisms work simultaneously. did look world answers; saw inherent test conviction. Financial vicissitudes part crisis required fortitude unlike religious attempted illustrate Life William Phips, despair could devastate spirit precarious system built public credit. Thus, hagiography secular bent has been source speculation, posits itself an exemplum theological economic; it offers lesson readers —readers bills, dispensation, biography itself—on how maintain faith face uncertainty. turn illuminate overall mindset. Indeed, Janice Knight recent rereading Puritanism, predestinarían resultant ethic characteristic Puritans. "Preparationist " theology, emphasized performance sign salvation, gained ascendancy enshrined eccesiastical history England, Magnaiia Christi Americana . This theology came represent orthodoxy subsequent historiography, yet, argues, another strain immediate unconditional granting thus undermined necessity ofpreparation recipient, had coexisted challenged latter throughout seven- teenth (Knight 21 ).2 Anxiety, concludes, hallmark strains piety, so, if my readings of...
Prosperity|Blessing|Temptation|Contradiction|Protestant work ethic|Soul|Protestantism|Capitalism|Philosophy|Sociology|Certainty|Theology|Environmental ethics|Law|Epistemology|Political science|Politics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1983993307', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/arq.2000.0014', 'mag': '1983993307'}
Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory
"It was a really hard time and suddenly it was wonderful" – Experiences of mothers in relocation regarding their children's educational institutions
Yael Barak-Levy (https://openalex.org/A5044946835)
This study examined the experiences of mothers on professional relocation through their spouses work regarding children's schooling. We interviewed 29 Israeli at least two years into or having returned to Israel no more than five previously. Qualitative content analysis revealed three themes coping: control and organization in school context; language communication with educational staff; social emotional state children context. In each challenges, referred 3 points time: before move, initial period, after one year. While fathers were described as involved processes vis-à-vis children’s schooling period prior responsibility passed exclusively upon arrival. Regarding challenges concerning surroundings, mentioned involvement coping processes. A dual retrospective view emerged, indicating both advantages sacrifice for good family. The clarifies that while relocations are important global economic development, they accompanied by significant who escort knowledge-migrant bear organizing home supporting during entry setting. findings also indicate importance institutions support parental personal struggles, especially first year relocation.
Relocation|Coping (psychology)|Psychology|Context (archaeology)|Developmental psychology|Qualitative research|Period (music)|Social psychology|Sociology|Social science|Clinical psychology|Paleontology|Physics|Computer science|Acoustics|Biology|Programming language
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4387557522', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2023.101895'}
International Journal of Intercultural Relations
"It's More Complicated Than We Know": Pilgrimage as Metaphor and Method
Lisa M. Hess (https://openalex.org/A5045330389)|Brad Hirschfield (https://openalex.org/A5017717904)
"It's More Complicated Than We Know":Pilgrimage as Metaphor and Method Lisa M. Hess (bio) Brad Hirschfield This essay marks a convergence of streams scholarly inquiry amidst longitudinal pilgrimage collaboration between Modern Orthodox rabbi Protestant practical theologian/clergywoman. The Christian Spirituality Group asked questions around Pilgrimages Pandemics, which led to the presentation Know" at 2022 American Academy Religion meeting in Denver. other streams—the open-ended yet rigorous charisms academic study spirituality, thematic pilgrimage, challenges/opportunities pluralism—have been percolating Spiritus for well over decade. As such, this welcomes scholars into discussion on pilgrimages pandemic world, both honor previous contributions refine our own work. Arising out long-standing companionship, proposes metaphor "container"1 renewing, traditionally wise, religious leadership formation within principled pluralism. suggest co-emergent erodes many contemporary polarizations, cultivates intellectual humility, mobilizes force faith without fanaticism—a claim supported by ten-year annual Israel/Palestinian Territories.2 will begin articulating refining some terms, so better understand work distinct assumptions underneath fanaticism, interfaith, defined Sandra Schneiders3 opened doorway ten years ago generative collaborations, we orienting her methodological formulations. Part Two sense container, brought conversation with Daniel Hardy's "Ecclesiology Pilgrimage."4 Three brings Theory U Otto Scharmer others, it offered an articulate stream reflection undergirding collaborations while challenging co-evolving SSCS pillar self-implication toward eco-systemic perspective necessary world today.5 conclude harvested fruit study—five areas need impact continue deepen. [End Page 116] Ultimately, argue that polarizations today are not being redressed either institutions higher theological education or communities faith-observance, doubling down traditions we've known them. In fact, all too often spiritual/religious life, communal-individualized identities constructed nurtured through use polarization dichotomization, worsens very conditions bemoaned such institutions. urge instead co-emergent, cross-traditional method ancient/new way be about deeply rooted traditional pluralism—able hold ambiguity irreconcilable difference infinite mysteries beyond humanity. To clear, container creates holding space expense betrayal pilgrims' connection commitment their spiritual roots beliefs, but invitation expansion, dilution, from perspective. sacred requires honoring instances fanaticism within, when irreducibly certain broken open humility. It repetitive curiosity face complexities alongside companionship. reconnect land(s) depend humanity's survival. courage confidence prayerful mantra: It's more complicated than know. DEFINITION OF TERMS: SPIRITUALITY, FANATICISM, INTERFAITH, AND PLURALISM Schneiders's groundbreaking gave disciplinary precision6 spirituality scholar particularity needed Jew found ourselves co-creating together intelligibly coherently across seminary curriculum holy lands Territories cherished commitments (not despite them). co-led physical (and then virtual) Territories, envisioning implementations ecclesial settings. When crafted held team leading-learner, practitioners, pilgrimage...
Pilgrimage|Fanaticism|Sociology|Spirituality|Metaphor|Faith|Religious pluralism|Pluralism (philosophy)|Religious studies|Aesthetics|Epistemology|Philosophy|Political science|Theology|Law|Medicine|Alternative medicine|Pathology|Politics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4381954052', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/scs.2023.a899758'}
"It's Only a Penis": Rape, Feminism, and Difference
Christine Helliwell (https://openalex.org/A5032302753)
Previous articleNext article No Access"It's Only a Penis": Rape, Feminism, and DifferenceChristine HelliwellChristine Helliwell Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmailPrint SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited Signs Volume 25, Number 3Spring, 2000 Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1086/495482 Views: 112Total views on site Citations: 44Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright The University of ChicagoPDF download reports the following citing article:Kathleen Ratajczak, Jo Teut Queering Title IX: Protecting Transgender Gender Non-Conforming Students Discrimination, Harassment, Violence, Victims & Offenders 18, no.11 (Jan 2023): 101–121.https://doi.org/10.1080/15564886.2022.2138665Rachel O’Neill Notes not knowing: male ignorance after #MeToo, Feminist Theory 23, no.44 (May 2021): 490–511.https://doi.org/10.1177/14647001211014756Benjamin R. Weiss, Mahala Shulman Organizational Bias in Gender-Based Violence Research, Social Currents 9 (Jun 2022): 232949652211113.https://doi.org/10.1177/23294965221111339Lucy Delap Rethinking rapes: men’s sex lives feminist critiques, Contemporary British History 36, no.22 (Mar 253–276.https://doi.org/10.1080/13619462.2022.2051489Sealing Cheng Male Malady Globalization: Phallocentric Nationalism South Korea, Current Anthropology 62, no.S23S23 (Dec 2020): S79–S91.https://doi.org/10.1086/711664Arabinda Narayan Chowdhury Western Publications: Part Three—From 2001 2020, 313–380.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-87962-4_8Annie McCarthy Invaluable enmeshments pedagogy: An autoethnography an anthropologist classroom, HAU: Journal Ethnographic 10, no.33 906–918.https://doi.org/10.1086/711692Janine Natalya Clark Vulnerability Penis: Sexual against Men Conflict Security Frames, Masculinities 22, no.55 (Sep 2017): 778–800.https://doi.org/10.1177/1097184X17724487Holly Porter Rape Without Bodies? 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Dowsett price pulchritude, cost concupiscence: how have late modernity, Culture, Sexuality 17, no.sup1sup1 2014): 5–19.https://doi.org/10.1080/13691058.2014.959563Pratiksha Baxi Its Discontents, Annual Review 43, 139–154.https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-anthro-102313-030247Marya T. Mtshali, Breanne Fahs Catherine Breillat's Romance Anatomy Hell : Subjectivity Gendering Sexuality, Women: A Cultural 160–175.https://doi.org/10.1080/09574042.2014.944415KelleyAnne Malinen Thinking Woman-to-Woman Rape: Critique Marcus’s “Theory Prevention”, 2012): 360–376.https://doi.org/10.1007/s12119-012-9155-0Alexandre Jaunait, Frédérique Matonti L'enjeu du consentement, Raisons politiques 46, 5.https://doi.org/10.3917/rai.046.0005Elise Kramer playful is political: metapragmatics internet rape-joke arguments, Language 40, 2011): 137–168.https://doi.org/10.1017/S0047404511000017Jennifer Cobbina, Toya Z. Like-Haislip, Jody Miller Gang Fights versus Cat Fights: Urban Young Men's Gendered Narratives Deviant Behavior no.77 2010): 596–624.https://doi.org/10.1080/01639620903231522Maria J. Rebeiz, Charles Harb Perceptions Attitudes Toward Sample Lebanese Students, Interpersonal 2009): 735–752.https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260509334410Ann Deslandes GIVING WAY AT THE INTERSECTION, Australian 24, no.6262 421–437.https://doi.org/10.1080/08164640903289336Chloë Taylor Foucault, Sex Crimes, Hypatia 1–25.https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1527-2001.2009.01055.xBrett L. Shadle Courts Gusiiland, Kenya, 1940s–1960s, African 51, 2013): 27–50.https://doi.org/10.1353/arw.0.0063Lisa Sharlach Veil four walls: state terror Pakistan 1, Critical Terrorism 2008): 95–110.https://doi.org/10.1080/17539150701844851Amy Chasteen LIKE NATURAL WOMAN: NEGOTIATING COLLECTIVE GENDER IDENTITY IN AN ALTERNATIVE WORLD, Spectrum 27, 2007): 3–28.https://doi.org/10.1080/02732170601001227Mike Lloyd Show Tell: Making Humour Naked Man, Continuum 363–381.https://doi.org/10.1080/10304310600814292C. Chambers Masculine domination, radical feminism change, 6, 2005): 325–346.https://doi.org/10.1177/1464700105057367Katherine Chute Dialogics: Sidelong Glance Egypt, Maine, NWSA 1–22.https://doi.org/10.2979/NWS.2005.17.1.1Barry Hindess Citizenship all, 8, 2004): 305–315.https://doi.org/10.1080/1362102042000257023Maria-Barbara Watson-Franke world which women move freely without fear men, Women's Forum (Nov 2002): 599–606.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5395(02)00338-2Jo Winter Truth Will Out? Judicial Advocacy Verdict Construction, Legal 11, 343–367.https://doi.org/10.1177/096466390201100302 Carine M. Mardorossian New Mardorossian, (Jul 743–775.https://doi.org/10.1086/337938Lynda Newland Syncretism Tingkeban West Java, 12, 312–326.https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1835-9310.2001.tb00080.xL.F. Lowenstein Recent Psychological into Perpetrators, Police Journal: Theory, Practice Principles 74, 202–215.https://doi.org/10.1177/0032258X0107400304Christine Restoring balance, Asia Pacific 37–53.https://doi.org/10.1080/14442210010001705840
Feminism|Transgender|Harassment|Gender studies|Autoethnography|Sociology|Ethnography|Nationalism|Feminist theory|Anthropology|Political science|Law|Politics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1990128419', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1086/495482', 'mag': '1990128419'}
Feminist theory|Sociology
"It's a power, not a disease": Syrian Youth Respond to Human Devastation Syndrome
Tory Brykalski (https://openalex.org/A5019765978)|Diana Rayes (https://openalex.org/A5021958929)
While it is well acknowledged that the effects of war and exile are devastating for Syrian youth, there has been less focus on how they interpret their experience displacement. Integrating anthropological global health perspectives, we invite two Karim Khadijah, to speak larger theoretical questions about humanitarianism. We describe creation a new diagnostic term, “Human Devastation Syndrome” (HDS) by American Medical Society. Used displacement HDS provides lens through which Khadija introduce own theories devastation.
Power (physics)|Displacement (psychology)|Sociology|Political science|History|Psychology|Psychoanalysis|Quantum mechanics|Physics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2901870948', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.17192/meta.2018.11.7803', 'mag': '2901870948'}
Middle East : Topics & Arguments
"It's beyond the pale to smoke hookah": perceptions of Iranian adolescents on social unacceptability of hookah smoking.
Khadijeh Keshavarzian (https://openalex.org/A5035996993)|Asghar MohammadpourAsl (https://openalex.org/A5038133871)|Hamid Allahverdipour (https://openalex.org/A5074462697)|Haidar Nadrian (https://openalex.org/A5012413544)
Globally, the popularity of hookah smoking, as a social and entertaining behavior, is increasing among adolescents youths. The present study aimed to explore perceptions high school students on Social Unacceptability (Arabic/Persian term = Qabahat) Hookah Smoking (SUoHS) in an Iranian context.In this qualitative study, 31 student Tabriz, Iran, were invited participate semi-structured individual interviews focus group discussions (FGDs). Data analyzed using interpretative thematic analysis.The unacceptability smoking was viewed at "disreputability smokers". also explained SUoHS "incivility smokers society", "disrespectfulness their families", "the consequences smoking".The rooted values norms within communities. To decrease levels adolescents, health nursing interventions should be tailored bridge gap between recognition subsequent behavior change through creating dynamics highlighting domains behavior.
Thematic analysis|Focus group|Popularity|Context (archaeology)|Psychological intervention|Perception|Qualitative research|Psychology|Psychosocial|Arabic|Social psychology|Medicine|Nursing|Psychiatry|Sociology|Social science|Paleontology|Linguistics|Philosophy|Neuroscience|Anthropology|Biology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3157027728', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.15167/2421-4248/jpmh2021.62.1.1809', 'mag': '3157027728', 'pmid': 'https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34322623', 'pmcid': 'https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/8283656'}
"Jerusalem Assassinated Rabin and Tel Aviv Commemorated him": Rabin Memorials and the Discourse of National Identity in Israel
Vered Vinitzky‐Seroussi (https://openalex.org/A5088061612)
WHILE TEL AVIV commemorated Yitzhak Rabin and his assassination on the night of November 4th, 1995, Jerusalem virtually ignored both. By appropriating Rabin, Tel Aviv may have gained a measure legitimacy as real capital Israel, while through neglect, relinquished its symbolic role one. Through their distinct practices commemoration, Israel's two major urban centers define contrasting national identities—a contrast that reflects socio‐political bifurcation Israeli Jewish society.2 [Israel, politics, Jerusalem, Aviv]
Tel aviv|Judaism|Politics|Legitimacy|Sociology|Symbolic capital|Law|History|Genealogy|Political science|Archaeology|Anthropology|Library science|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1997411867', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1525/city.1998.10.1.183', 'mag': '1997411867'}
City & Society
"Jerusalem in Dialogue": Personal Contributions versus Institutional Determinants in a Tandem Tour Guide Project
Andy Simanowitz (https://openalex.org/A5081743876)
From December 2017 to May 2019, the Jewish Museum Berlin (JMB) put on a major temporary exhibition dedicated history, religious significance, politics, and contemporary daily life of highly contested city Jerusalem. The range programs available book included tandem guided tour called "Jerusalem in Dialogue." On each tour, two guides with their own personal relationship Jerusalem spoke from different perspectives about exhibition. This format was born out training program for museum that developed collaboration German-Palestinian Mohamed Ibrahim Israeli Shemi Shabat accreditation Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW). In this paper, I discuss institutional determinants involved production impact narration provided by guides. aim explore between intended contributions public space made invited participate determining structures de-personalized contributions. this, go draw conclusions suitability general, particular, achieving objectives participation setting.
Exhibition|German|Accreditation|Politics|Library science|Sociology|Narrative|Judaism|Visual arts|Media studies|History|Art history|Political science|Art|Law|Computer science|Literature|Archaeology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4296144080', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/ncu.2022.0012'}
Narrative culture
"Judaism Intertwines with Worldly Good": A Qualitative Study on Religious Rehabilitation Programs in the Israeli Prison Service
Noam Haviv (https://openalex.org/A5012617052)|Efrat Shoham (https://openalex.org/A5042565445)|Badi Hasisi (https://openalex.org/A5081104854)|David Weisburd (https://openalex.org/A5040123382)|Yaara Toren- Rozanski (https://openalex.org/A5039615701)
Background: Religion with its religious institutions has played a key role in shaping punishment and rehabilitation of offenders throughout history. The aim these programs is to transform person spiritually lead them intra-personal changes on the level by prompting repentance or reaffirmation one's faith. Objectives: We present qualitative findings from an evaluation two operating Israeli Prison Service: Torah Rehabilitation Program (TRP) that functions as community within prison walls, Study (TSP) which prisoners participate faith-based studies four hours day. main research question led researchers was how Judaism provides opportunities for prisoner’s rehabilitation. Method: This study includes seven interviews Rabbis who work Service programs. interviewees were involved formulation implementation correctional Results: have raised link between Jewish beliefs practices, including atonement, foundations prisoners’ Among themes been raised: promoting moral action; giving second chance; providing atonement; supervision; placing emphasis behavioral norms; focusing belonging commitment community; working alongside Torah; learning unique response each individual according their characteristics needs. Conclusions: emerging correspond well theoretical ideas found field corrections general positive criminology particular
Repentance|Prison|Faith|Torah|Judaism|Qualitative research|Punishment (psychology)|Sociology|Rehabilitation|Psychology|Criminology|Social psychology|Theology|Social science|Philosophy|Neuroscience
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3022004244', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.14', 'mag': '3022004244'}
International journal of criminology and sociology
"Jurisdictional Politics" in the Occupied West Bank: Territory, Community, and Economic Dependency in the Formation of Legal Subjects
Tobias Kelly (https://openalex.org/A5056976070)
This article examines the distribution of legal rights in Israeli occupied West Bank. It argues that are distributed through a “jurisdictional politics” tries to stabilize contingent relationship between political community, territory, and subjects. In particular, this jurisdictional politics seeks delimit contradictory boundaries state by creating distinct categories person out populations live work region. These issues addressed examining dispute concerning jurisdiction law over Palestinian workers settlements The ends arguing context multiple movements people, capital, military force, attention must be paid often ways which regimes seek produce particular types citizens
Politics|Jurisdiction|State (computer science)|Context (archaeology)|Political science|Law|Human settlement|West bank|Capital (architecture)|Settlement (finance)|Political economy|Sociology|Geography|Economics|History|Ancient history|Palestine|Archaeology|Finance|Algorithm|Computer science|Payment
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2064070115', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1747-4469.2006.00002.x', 'mag': '2064070115'}
Israel|West Bank
"Just Get 'em in the Air"
Joshua S. Aronoff (https://openalex.org/A5041151784)
Once the strongest airpower in Middle East, Al Quwwa al Jawwiya Iraqiya, or Iraqi Air Force (IQAF), was powerless when US invaded Iraq 2003. After realizing importance of IQAF for Iraq’s future, began to rebuild it from scratch 2004. Since then, has made significant strides with help Coalition Training Team (CAFTT): IQAF’s functional output grown exponentially; officers are commanding their own units; and pilots being recruited trained. However, CAFTT struggled effectively overcome many challenges, including American-perceived cultural barriers as well an ongoing counterinsurgency (COIN) battle. Circumstances beyond control caused these challenges. a lack preparation by both players also fueled struggles. Through primarily American lens, this paper paints panoramic picture new analyzing CAFTT’s strategy, achievements, failures. Specifically, personal interviews military officials offer insight into less tangible difficulties that faced rebuilding IQAF. This enables more in-depth critique, leading conclusion future remains gravely uncertain. Furthermore, shows is neither independent nor sustainable, will rely on years.
Battle|Political science|Military strategy|Public relations|Aeronautics|Law|History|Engineering|Archaeology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2034355642', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.15695/vurj.v8i0.3566', 'mag': '2034355642'}
Military strategy
Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Journal
"Just Like Prophet Mohammad Preached": Labor, Piety, and Charity in Contemporary Turkey
Damla Isik (https://openalex.org/A5044068350)
Based on research conducted in Konya, Istanbul, Afyon, Izmir, Manisa, and Denizli, Turkey, 2004–9, this contribution documents how gendered individual religious practices are conjoined to transnational business competition, changing labor conditions, broader projects of economic transformation. The study focuses the carpet-weaving textile industries civil society organizations investigating ways which charitable giving, pious practice, local conditions create uniquely complex socioeconomic policies, processes, commitments affect lives. What is witnessed weaving neighborhoods, organizations, linkages production–consumption neither a wholesale translation Weberian capitalism nor strict implementation Islamic texts practices. It unique Turkish assemblage faith, flexibility labor. This calls for feminist researchers empirically examine “pious economies” – that is, between practice behavior.
Piety|Capitalism|Islam|Consumption (sociology)|Turkish|Sociology|Weaving|Competition (biology)|Political science|Economy|Economics|Social science|Law|History|Philosophy|Zoology|Linguistics|Ecology|Archaeology|Politics|Biology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2027417321', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1080/13545701.2013.825376', 'mag': '2027417321'}
Feminist Economics
"Just Out Looking for a Fight": American Affect and the Invasion of Iraq
Gearóid Ó Tuathail (https://openalex.org/A5025339233)
AntipodeVolume 35, Issue 5 p. 856-870 “Just Out Looking for a Fight”: American Affect and the Invasion of Iraq Gearóid Ó Tuathail, Tuathail Government International Affairs, Virginia Tech, USASearch more papers by this author First published: 12 January 2004 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8330.2003.00361.xCitations: 102AboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text full-text accessPlease review our Terms Conditions Use check box below share version article.I have read accept Wiley Online Library UseShareable LinkUse link article with your friends colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share linkShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditWechat Citing Literature Volume35, Issue5November 2003Pages RelatedInformation
Government (linguistics)|Affect (linguistics)|Citation|Political science|Law|Media studies|Sociology|Linguistics|Philosophy|Communication
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2071257554', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8330.2003.00361.x', 'mag': '2071257554'}
"Just Stand" and "Just Struggle": China and the Peace Process in the Middle East
Yitzhak Shichor (https://openalex.org/A5066296664)
The Egyptian-Israeli peace process has put China in an awkward position: on one hand conforms to fundamental Chinese strategic interests area, as well long-held views about a possible settlement of Arab-Israeli conflict; other it is obvious that Egypt almost completely isolated and, more important, opposed by most Arab countries and particularly Palestinians whom have always regarded key any settlement. Explicit support for initiative could further strained China's already lukewarm relations with radical states, probably driving them closer Moscow; opposing undermined special relationship friendship achieved since death Nasser. Under these circumstances adhered their time-honoured policy Middle Eastern affairs, characterised non-commitment ambivalence. This public ambivalence, however, hardly conceal satisfaction positive important development East. initial reaction was slow cautious. Sadat's visit Jerusalem reported week after had taken place, then merely quoting foreign news agencies' dispatches,1 but fact not rejected forthwith meant approval. approval become outspoken early 1978. For example, following his PRC, French Premier Raymond Barre stated the two parties expressed regret recent initiatives yet borne fruit.12 A few days later People's Daily commentary charged suspension talks caused exclusively advised: only sticking just stand [in addition resisting super powers getting united] . can people defeat Israel's aggression compel Israel change
China|Ambivalence|Political science|Middle East|Settlement (finance)|Foreign policy|Friendship|Political economy|Law|Politics|Sociology|Social science|Psychology|Social psychology|Business|Finance|Payment
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2265170065', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2307/2158610', 'mag': '2265170065'}
The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs
"Justificação pela fé" em Lutero e "o povo da Aliança" em Sanders: uma nova hermenêutica para o Israel da Lei
Ângela Zitzke (https://openalex.org/A5029027935)
This article has the objective of working with concept justification through apostle Paul's theology. At first, it's necessary understand as a God's first act and that is mediated by his grace, faith. In second moment, it will speak about in Luther reaction to christian model, where only work because he motivated grateful love generated heart. third time, this deconstruct interpretation from reformers 16th Century, Israel interpreted people Law. Authors such SANDERS DUNN assert that, since principles, was religion grace Covenant God had made people.
Apostle|Covenant|Philosophy|Interpretation (philosophy)|Faith|Christian faith|Theology|Humanities|Sociology|Linguistics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2141627828', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.22351/nepp.v26i0.174', 'mag': '2141627828'}
Protestantismo em Revista
"Kabootar": Towards Informal, Trustworthy, and Community-Based FinTech for Marginalized Immigrants
Yasaman Rohanifar (https://openalex.org/A5088860036)|Sharifa Sultana (https://openalex.org/A5050884324)|Shaid Hasan (https://openalex.org/A5088321886)|Priyank Chandra (https://openalex.org/A5046684979)|Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed (https://openalex.org/A5089574660)
Financial technology (FinTech) platforms often exclude certain countries from their services due to global political conflicts. As a result, immigrants these neglected struggle with transferring money and homeland through formal mechanisms. Instead, they get involved in informal transnational transactions that, while flexible, are risky full of hassles. We looked into this issue an online survey (n=127) engaged multiple stakeholders (n=16), including the Iranian immigrant community Canada, co-design application called ?Kabootar' that matches senders receivers across borders. In application, sender-receiver pair is matched pertinent sending opposite direction. By facilitating two intra-national local currencies instead relatively complicated inter-national transactions, need for cross borders eliminated staying within boundaries law. Our user study (n=13) revealed several tensions users trusting such transactions. This work contributes CSCW, HCI, social computing's growing scholarship personalized collaborative computing technologies by advocating novel design approach based on collaboration informality extends scope domain FinTech politically marginalized communities.
Immigration|Homeland|Scholarship|Scope (computer science)|Work (physics)|Internet privacy|Financial transaction|Public relations|Computer-supported cooperative work|Communication source|Politics|Business|Political science|Sociology|Computer science|Database transaction|Law|Engineering|Mechanical engineering|Telecommunications|Programming language
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4309618886', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1145/3555109'}
Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction
"Kaizen Concept or Methodology to Improve the Performance in the Health Care and Patient Safety Business and its Advantages"
Ahsan Ali Siddiqui (https://openalex.org/A5066135037)
Ahsan Siddiqui* Author Affiliations Quality Management & Patient Safety Department, General Directorate of Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Received: November 25, 2021 | Published: December 03, Corresponding author: Siddiqui, DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2021.40.006439
Kaizen|Health care|Quality management|Medicine|Quality (philosophy)|Health care management|Patient safety|Operations management|Medical emergency|Nursing|Engineering|Public health|Management system|Political science|Lean manufacturing|Law|Philosophy|Epistemology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4207035251', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.26717/bjstr.2021.40.006439'}
Saudi Arabia
Health care|Public health
Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research
"Keep It under Wraps": The Arms Deals of the Austrian State Industry and the Noricum Scandal
Thomas Riegler (https://openalex.org/A5004738885)|Dona Geyer (https://openalex.org/A5030904650)
The so-called Noricum scandal deeply unsettled the political system of Austrian Second Republic between 1985 and 1993. So far, this case has not been subject historical research with exception journalistic or science accounts. affair was caused by illegal arms deals Iran Iraq, at a time when these countries were fighting against one another in Iran-Iraq War (1980–88). shipments conducted Maschinenbau und Handel Gesellschaft m.b.H, subsidiary firm Vereinigte Österreichische Eisen- Stahlwerke-Alpine Montan AG (VOEST-Alpine AG), heavyweight nationalized industries. sales encompassed 353 long-range howitzers (GHN-45), ammunition, supplies. constituted clear violation export laws, which forbade sale to belligerent states. After gradually became public, criminal responsibility clarified during several trials. This contribution explores regard overall context postindustrial change 1970s 1980s. is interpreted as continuation problematic exports Latin America Middle East. Furthermore, circumstances neutrality laws are highlighted, well political-judicial consequences.
Belligerent|Politics|State (computer science)|Political science|Context (archaeology)|Neutrality|Law|Disarmament|Legislature|Economic history|Economics|History|Algorithm|Computer science|Archaeology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4295165734', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/gych.2022.0005'}
German yearbook of contemporary history
"Kejserens datter i "The King and the Emperor": ett litterært, kønsreflekteret forsøg på at forstå rabbi Nahman fra Bratslavs fortelling
Marianne Schleicher (https://openalex.org/A5090068341)
In this article, I approach the problem of understanding emperor’s daughter in The King and Emperor by Nahman Bratslav exploring literary imagery characters which are gendered. Nahman’s use gender is no unique phenomenon Jewish mysticism. sefirotic system e.g. characterized its male female sefirot. Sefer ha-Zohar sefirah Tif’eret Shekhinah depicted as central figures whose sexual union crucial since creation God depends on union. Thus, known to play a major part mysticism critique must be leveled against scholars who tend explain referring his delirious maniodepressive periods problematic relationship women. Their biographical countered my analysis from vantage point following three assumptions: refers gendered system. By applying concept other focus valuation activity it possible uncover theological content tale. Finally, applies Tanakh kabbalistic literature, thus, authorizing message tale at same time forcing listener/reader engage able understand formal meaning well connotations. On basis interpreted uses every positive negative means further between Knesset Israel herself enabling her withdraw receptive position where she can bring fertility God’s creation.
Emperor|Mysticism|Judaism|Jewish thought|Meaning (existential)|Literature|History|Philosophy|Sociology|Art|Theology|Epistemology|Ancient history
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2496983217', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.30752/nj.69550', 'mag': '2496983217'}
Jewish thought|Sociology
Nordisk judaistik|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
"King Bibi" and Israeli Illiberalism: Assessing Democratic Backsliding in Israel during the Second Netanyahu Era (2009–2021)
Neta Oren (https://openalex.org/A5051107585)|Dov Waxman (https://openalex.org/A5049244431)
This article assesses democratic backsliding in Israel during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's years office from 2009 to 2021, drawing comparisons similar developments Hungary and Turkey. While the back-sliding that occurred this period resembled what was taking place these other countries, Netanyahu less successful achieving his goals than Viktor Orbán Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, despite employing rhetoric tactics. lack of success is explained by amount nature affective polarization Israel, its parliamentary system government, electoral system.
Prime minister|Democracy|Political science|Rhetoric|Law|Political economy|Development economics|Sociology|Theology|Economics|Politics|Philosophy
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4317888529', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.3751/76.3.11'}
Development economics|Sociology
Middle East Journal
"Kitchen Histories" and the Taste of Mobility in Morocco
Anny Gaul (https://openalex.org/A5007602606)
Scholars have long recognized the importance of everyday life to understanding formation modern nation-states and national cultures. Culinary culture offers especially rich insights into these processes, but nature culinary practice poses a challenge researchers: namely, much it exists not in conventional archives or written texts, embodied knowledge, learned gestures, oral tradition. This article outlines method for conducting “kitchen histories,” an ethnographically oriented history methodology focused on memories kitchens cooking. It describes narratives three Moroccan women which migration mobility are significant factors both class identities. These histories highlight tension between consolidating cultural styles tastes within bounded geographical unit centrality middle-class mobility, frequently cross borders, that process.
Taste|Embodied cognition|Narrative|Sociology|Aesthetics|Gesture|Class (philosophy)|Everyday life|Middle class|Gender studies|Political science|Art|Psychology|Epistemology|Literature|Law|Computer science|Neuroscience|Philosophy|Computer vision
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3003133953', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.24847/66i2019.232', 'mag': '3003133953'}
Mashriq & Mahjar|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)|Project Muse (Johns Hopkins University)
"Knowledge management applications in human capital investment "Case Study on the Human Resources Sector of Saudi Air Lines Company: تطبيقات إدارة المعرفة في استثمار رأس المال البشري
Yasser Omar Sindi Hassan Awad Al-Surhi (https://openalex.org/A5086413639)
The study aimed to identify clarify the role that can be played by Knowledge Management in human capital investment applications company Saudi Arabian Airlines, furthermore Recognize reality of field applications, As well as most serious obstacles for and development resources, fulfill these objectives descriptive analytical method is used this study, where researcher questionnaire collect primary data through direct questions inquiries. population consisted personnel management resources reached (586) employee, selected a simple random sample total overall society size was (296) employee community individual. concluded results there are many positive indicators suggest available air transport sector very high degree, also pointed some need activate up fit perform its vital company. showed important resource needs support represented existing knowledge staff modern techniques published, importance spreading culture seminars, workshops, training programs. revealed technologies providing work environment encourages creativity excellence. main recommendations maintain current ratio Management, encourage acquiring new information among workers, administration working provide advanced systems service personnel, attention deployment programs focus on they have dissemination disseminating them employees will contribute make aware of, open channels effective communication between activation all media means them. And excellence, recommended further studies subject scarcity such local Kingdom Arabia.
Human capital|Human resources|Knowledge management|Business|Investment (military)|Human resource management|Sample (material)|Population|Management|Economics|Computer science|Economic growth|Political science|Sociology|Chemistry|Demography|Chromatography|Politics|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3165006683', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.26389/ajsrp.y31716', 'mag': '3165006683'}
Saudi Arabia
Mağallaẗ al-ʿulūm al-iqtiṣādiyyaẗ wa-al-idāriyyaẗ wa-al-qānūniyyaẗ
"Laboratories of Yiddishkayt": Postwar American Jewish Summer Camps and the Transformation of Yiddishism
S. Fox (https://openalex.org/A5004946619)
"Laboratories of Yiddishkayt":Postwar American Jewish Summer Camps and the Transformation Yiddishism Sandra F. Fox (bio) In late 1960s, a group from Camp Hemshekh, Yiddishist, Bundist sleepaway camp in upstate New York founded by Holocaust survivors, took field trip to see regional theater production Fiddler on Roof.1 At campers spoke Yiddish daily basis, immersed themselves literature history Ashkenazi Jewry, commemorated through celebrating emulating Yiddish-speaking culture that existed before. To one counselor named Jo, felt not like depiction past, but rather "an expression our life," making think "very much 'chosen people' … Watching play, more importantly, watching rest audience watch we almost as though were very special secret." The campers, who sang songs play's "audience bewildered up-starters" afterwards, described their "inescapable feeling authenticity." Drawing clear line distinction between "Yiddish-speaking Jews Hemshikhistn" saw participators stage, contrasted what she authenticity life with mainstream was detached heritage authentic Jewishness.2 Yiddish-focused summer camps emerged United States beginning 1920s, providing immigrants' children an escape city recreation among fellow youth. These generally adopted socialist, communist or cosmopolitan worldview, encouraged continuation language. As use Jewry declined year year, two particular [End Page 279] assisted this trend doubling down ideologies educational efforts. Hemshekh Boiberik, post-World War II educators shaped programs hopes ensuring future after Holocaust, infusing language into official even it ceased be used for everyday communication campers. Much leaders Zionist, Reform, Conservative same period, also addressed general anxieties over they moved cities suburbs became increasingly affluent. attendees Jo came believe infusion contributed personal collective face these changes; attended Boiberik only different, believed, better than mainstream. thus merged twin concerns—one regarding Yiddish, other under new, comfortable conditions—into ambitious project camps. They reconstituted Yiddishism, late-nineteenth-century nationalist-linguistic ideology concerned raising status tool transforming youth according adult visions real ideal Jewishness. Some scholars have chronicled rise Reform camping movements, highlighting how movements transformed match intelligent capable lay leadership.3 Others centered work Zionist camps, showing "miniature Israels" where promoted Hebrew aimed build support state.4 With important exception Fradle Freidenreich Naomi Prawar Kadar's works secular education, historians largely early-twentieth-century incubators run institutions later subjects assessed 280] own right.5 Practically nothing has been written about World II; lack attention matches trends scholarship postwar broadly. Jeffrey Shandler argued, "more often not, discussions terminate 1939, 1948, some date, any phenomena involving either characterized vestigial mentioned at all."6 Indeed, did decline all world during years reasons including American...
Judaism|Jewish culture|The Holocaust|Mainstream|Culture of the United States|Feeling|History|Gender studies|Art|Sociology|Literature|Psychology|Political science|Law|Social psychology|Archaeology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2972393464', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/ajh.2019.0031', 'mag': '2972393464'}
American Jewish History
"Landmark Cases" and the Reproduction of Legitimacy: The Case of Israel's High Court of Justice
Ronen Shamir (https://openalex.org/A5017005610)
The image of courts as impartial and independent sources authority is considered a prerequisite if they are to play legitimining role. Yet many studies suggest that systematically support uphold state-sponsored policies. I ask how can dominant political interests at the same time appear impartial. A solution suggested by looking highly plblicibdml judicial decisions Israel's High Court Justice in which state policies concerning Israeli occupied territories were overruled. Such cases, while rare, nevertheless reinforce legitimacy courts. Consequently, counter some governmental practices allow confer on other sometimes similar Finally, place findings eomparative context outline possible explanation for circumstances under landmark reached.
Legitimacy|Reproduction|Economic Justice|Law|Landmark|Political science|Sociology|Geography|Biology|Cartography|Ecology|Politics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2317551058', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2307/3053859', 'mag': '2317551058'}
Economic Justice|Sociology
Law & Society Review
"Larger than a Party, yet Smaller than a State": Locating Hezbollah's Place within Lebanon's State and Society
Bryan R. Early (https://openalex.org/A5033171233)
the world's most lethal and effective guerilla/ terrorist organizations.' Although that reputation is certainly justified, organization has changed substantially from Iranian-led orga nization involved in 1983 suicide bombing of an American Marine base Lebanon. The U.S. government labeled, pushing rest Europe also to label, as a comprises largest party bloc within Lebanon's democratically elected parliament. It non state provider healthcare social services operates schools such high quality even non-Muslims send their children them. Equating Hezbollah al Qaeda war against terrorism ignores substantial role plays Lebanese society legitimate position it enjoys country's government. Within context its foreign policy towards Lebanon, gov ernment had difficulties differentiating between Hezbollah, organization, responsible politi cal actor, because two represent different faces same coin. nature Hezbollah's relationship with posi tion larger suggests attempts dislodge disarm could very well suffer fate Israel's did, and, furthermore, poten tially lead organization's empowerment. On basis intricate relationships exist state,
State (computer science)|Political science|Political economy|Sociology|Computer science|Algorithm
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1996531809', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.3200/wafs.168.3.115-128', 'mag': '1996531809'}
World Affairs
"Leonard Bernstein: The Power of Music": Touring Exhibit, created at the National Museum of American Jewish History, March 16–September 2, 2018
Judah M. Cohen (https://openalex.org/A5020566024)
"Leonard Bernstein: The Power of Music"Touring Exhibit, created at the National Museum American Jewish History, March 16–September 2, 2018 Judah Cohen Preface: This first entry in Public History reviews section opens a foray into sites scholarly discourse that range beyond written volume. While these have long been part historical landscape, questions about their permanence and accessibility, as well very status citable scholarship, largely kept them out pages this journal. These reviews, therefore, seek not only to document significant works events relevant Journal readers, but also offer ideas nature, production, dissemination work twenty-first century. Review: History's exhibit Music," mounted Bernstein centennial, assembles objects, images, media multilayered narrative serves both tribute twentieth century liberalism, more conventional portrait composer-as-Jew. Curated by Ivy Weingram from wide archives collections, with active involvement Bernstein's family, Leonard Office, substantial list foundation-based supporters, taps an celebrity whose public expressions Judaism seemed emanate him naturally his musical talent. Aptly, its numerous associated face balancing act dovetails NMAJH's own mission. On one hand, respects exuberant statements identity support for Israel larger program promoting diversity vision "great" liberal democratic society. Its [End Page 571] embrace music along same lines effectively avoids potential trap essentialism (i.e., subconsciously channeled tradition compositions). And yet making connection, brings up rich primacy liberalism presentation "American experience." Music" recounts messy restlessness engagement Judaism. Clearly informed recent research, presents story context, sagely lets artifacts themselves do most explaining. In other settings, displaying frontispiece dedication Talmud volume given father, or newspaper clipping noting pride son's bar mitzvah, might seem overly suggestive; when assembled museum history, objects are fair game, meaningful attempt gather scattered references coherent narrative. packs good deal information relatively small space. twisty, ovoid path on museum's fifth floor introduces large-print topic headings general chronological order every ten feet so. As per current standards narration, patches printed text give way handwritten documents, large (one pianos) (a set score writing pencils), select well-chosen video clips. Most effectively, reproduces redacted FBI file illustrated letter Israel, which, opposite ends wall, stark juxtaposition. Two particularly innovative sections thoughtful introductions interpretations music. Just past childhood, which emphasizes contacts Jews life Boston, sits table nine cubes, each representing composition. visitor can then place any side cube down light table-style square cutout conjure pre-selected texts, audio examples reveal some kind context About three-quarters through exhibit, meanwhile, pair theatres two key large-scale works: theatre, screens treat 1961 film West Side Story meme, syncing...
Scholarship|Judaism|Tribute|Power (physics)|Portrait|Narrative|History|Art history|Centennial|Literature|Sociology|Art|Law|Political science|Physics|Archaeology|Quantum mechanics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2998691651', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/ajh.2019.0057', 'mag': '2998691651'}
American Jewish History
"Let Us Help Them to Raise Their Children into Good Citizens": The Lone-Parent Families Act and the Wages of Care-Giving in Israel
Sara Helman (https://openalex.org/A5022471771)
Based on the assumption that construction of meaning in process policy-making is crucial if we wish to understand gender outcomes social policy, this article analyzes parliamentary debates preceded and accompanied legislation Israeli Mono-Parental Families Act, 1992. It focuses enunciation roles relations discourses framed justified Act as well how capacity establish maintain autonomous households was constructed legitimized. Two sets emerged during deliberations over each which endeavored interpret needs, identities, capacities for action among lone-parent families. The shows a specific version households—that caregivers who happen be workers—was privileged policy paradigm underlying Act. alternative vision—that workers with caregiving responsibilities—was marginalized eventually disregarded final wording implementation concludes an analysis socio-political processes underlie prioritization version, ultimately expressed suggested state-level collective identity project shaped by demographic concerns geo-political factors changes political economy combined define families terms model motherhood care-giving trumped paid work.
Legislation|Politics|Meaning (existential)|Sociology|Action (physics)|Identity (music)|Public relations|Political science|Law|Psychology|Physics|Quantum mechanics|Acoustics|Psychotherapist
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2094425153', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1093/sp/jxr004', 'mag': '2094425153', 'pmid': 'https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21692244'}
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society|PubMed
"Lieber Walter"—"Lieber Gerhard": The Dramaturgical Strategies for Including the Correspondence of Benjamin and Scholem in the Performance of Passport
Freddie Rokem (https://openalex.org/A5024847159)
This article describes my work as the dramaturg for a production called Passport, directed by Israeli director Yael Cramsky, which premiered in Tel Aviv 2013. The performance consisted of collage two dialogical texts: selections from Brecht's Conversations Refugees, written Helsinki 1940-1941 and correspondence between Walter Benjamin Gershom Scholem focusing on period after Hitler's takeover power Germany, when was forced to leave Berlin while establishing his scholarly career Jerusalem; well an adaptation story survivor Second World War, who escaped Nazis fleeing east Poland. three texts were interwoven performance, illuminating illustrating experience becoming being refugee different perspectives, presenting aspects homelessness. My discussion gradually leads up very preliminary Benjamin's theory theatre (which is subject that needs be explored depth) how it influenced dramaturgical process working Passport.
Dialogical self|Refugee|Power (physics)|Nazism|Sociology|Subject (documents)|Tel aviv|Art history|Period (music)|Psychoanalysis|Theology|History|Art|Philosophy|Aesthetics|Epistemology|Psychology|Linguistics|German|Physics|Archaeology|Quantum mechanics|Library science|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2728206157', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/dtc.2017.0003', 'mag': '2728206157'}
Journal of dramatic theory and criticism
"Lift Up Your Head"
Joel Gordon (https://openalex.org/A5073713332)
This chapter examines the Free Officers' political agenda for their revolution. The officers' revolution was supposed to be only temporary, but they ended up overturning liberal order in an attempt clear path a turnover party leadership. Their assertion of direct power reflection need bolder, more long-term strategy as far Egypt's reform concerned. first considers response many liberals new regime before discussing Command Council Revolution's (CCR) founding movement called Liberation Rally, designed encourage national unity under slogan “Lift your head, my brother.” It then looks at CCR's abolition monarchy and declaration Egypt republic headed by Muhammad Nagib Gamal Abdel Nasser. also analyzes show trials instigated government prosecute old-regime figures corruption abuse power.
Slogan|Politics|Political science|Power (physics)|Law|Political economy|Sociology|Physics|Quantum mechanics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4240243172', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.5743/cairo/9789774167782.003.0005'}
American University in Cairo Press eBooks
"Like Something Sacred": Palestinian Refugees' Narratives on the Right of Return
Sophie Richter-Devroe (https://openalex.org/A5008320465)
The Palestinian refugees’ right of return is an inalienable enshrined in international law. refugees are united their demand that this must be recognized, but proposed political narratives and scenarios differ on how exactly it should implemented. Based ethnographic fieldwork refugee camps the West Bank, Lebanon, Jordan from 2008–2011 I trace compare different cultures as articulated practiced by themselves across these three locations generations. While members Nakba generation tend to long for a permanent homes, identities, status villages origin, many middle follow rights-based approach, using United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194 other legal instruments call implementation return. Young often formulate most innovative imaginaries They frame within broader struggles justice, democratisation, human rights, equality can also imagine more flexible future nation-state. By going beyond territorially-based nationalist frame, thus offer critiques classic theory well elite (Palestinian, host country, regional international) politics. Doing so, they urge us rethink what – doing imagining politics Palestine means today.
Refugee|Politics|Human rights|Political science|Palestinian refugees|Narrative|Elite|Political economy|Law|Democratization|Sociology|Gender studies|Democracy|Philosophy|Linguistics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1984715272', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1093/rsq/hdt002', 'mag': '1984715272'}
Jordan|Lebanon|Palestine|State of Palestine|West Bank
Human rights|Sociology
Refugee Survey Quarterly
"Likes" for Peace: Can Facebook Promote Dialogue in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?
Yifat Mor (https://openalex.org/A5063452269)|Yiftach Ron (https://openalex.org/A5048114230)|Ifat Maoz (https://openalex.org/A5017300131)
<p>This study examines the ways in which social media is used to promote intergroup dialogue and reconciliation context of protracted, ethnopolitical conflict between Israeli-Jews Palestinians. We focus on content analysis posts comments a Facebook page named "Tweeting Arabs", states that its' main goal publicize opinions, thoughts beliefs Israeli-Arabs, enabling moderate voice be heard encouraging Israeli Jews The based data set containing collected from Arabs" since was founded November 8th 2014 until December 4th same year. This contains 85 gained total 9657 "likes", 461 "shares", as well 3565 replies these posts. Our findings reveal while presented narrative Palestinian suffering were mostly followed by negative Israeli-Jews, brought up peace seeking elicited higher Jewish-Israeli acceptance sympathy. research adds our understanding provoking platform enables users different groups, divided conflicted societies perform peacebuilding actions.<strong> </strong></p>
Sympathy|Context (archaeology)|Narrative|Judaism|Social media|Palestinian refugees|Sociology|Political science|Set (abstract data type)|Media studies|Social psychology|Gender studies|Psychology|Refugee|Law|History|Art|Literature|Archaeology|Computer science|Programming language
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4243126751', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v3i4.298'}
Media and Communication|Cogitatio (Cogitatio)
"Literally Destroyed as a Housekeeper": Hunger and Hardship in Civil War Kentucky
Anne Sarah Rubin (https://openalex.org/A5005345018)
"Literally Destroyed as a Housekeeper":Hunger and Hardship in Civil War Kentucky Anne Sarah Rubin (bio) The resulted deep disturbances the Confederate food system. Plantations were supposed to grow feed both soldiers families, but often continued grown inedible staple crops like cotton. Families on homefront had their smokehouses root cellars emptied by Union troops, particularly devastating 1864 Shenandoah Valley campaign Sherman's March through Georgia Carolinas final six months of war. Once controlled Mississippi, Confederacy lost access cattle from Texas suffered shortages beef that struck armies hard. Standard narratives war make many food-related stops along way: Richmond Bread Riots 1863 siege Vicksburg, horrors Andersonville, sharing rations after surrender at Appomattox.1 Southern hospitality was already well known before war, [End Page 215] groaning buffets symbol elite largesse. Food feeding also intimately bound up with ideas about comfort nurturing; being able ones family physical an emotional manifestation status, care, community. Being local or guerrillas tangible form support for cause—whether pro-Union pro-Confederate. As upended supply, so too did it disrupt social relations: within households, between neighbors, ultimately citizens governments. If so-called way life Confederates fighting preserve included luxurious fare served sophisticated fashion, perhaps loss style eating meant civilization itself.2 Yet these analyses substitutions are limited scope. majority focus white perspectives complaints, which makes sense, because they most likely leave behind written records changed diets. Such accounts do not always tell us what people actually customary menu dwindled. Most importantly, struggle can obscure more profound hardships lower classes. A slaveholding woman complaining she eat corn bread (rather than wheat) experiencing very differently African American who living contraband camp watching her children die malnutrition. occupies unusual place this story famine. Although state governors, riven guerrilla violence.3 In ways, experience civilians 216] similar Confederates, saw storehouses raided, feared starvation. At same time, other Kentuckians profited—or least tried to—off contracts supply army all manner foodstuffs.4 This paper draws Governors (CWGK) explore hunger during It shows how could serve status one political allegiance. White Kentuckians, especially women, used language appeal government intervention wide variety situations, directly related itself. While there numerous petitions references Americans governors' papers, rely degree those whites. absence hunger-related should be taken mean hungry; rather, focused relief charges running tippling shops prostitution—occupations may have turned order afford food. However, focuses Kentuckians.5 Culinary history gives new lens into tangled questions loyalty wartime divided state. Reading 1861–1862 diary Josie Underwood, young Bowling Green woman, someone hungry. Scattered throughout entries descriptions ham turkey, biscuits cakes, soups, jellies, syrups, coffee, pickles, peach...
Spanish Civil War|Siege|Foodways|Political science|Economic history|Surrender|Hospitality|History|Law|Sociology|Ancient history|Tourism|Anthropology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2972904868', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/khs.2019.0058', 'mag': '2972904868'}
The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society
"Living in Hell": Experiences of Iranian Families Living with Patients with Schizophrenia
Parviz Molavi (https://openalex.org/A5076158393)|Saeid Sadeghieh-Ahary (https://openalex.org/A5046815239)|Mohsen Rezaeian (https://openalex.org/A5028968517)|Elmira Taghizadeh (https://openalex.org/A5075414592)|Elnaz Nasiri (https://openalex.org/A5013107875)|Mansoureh Karimollahi (https://openalex.org/A5037405455)
Abstract Background: In addition to bearing on the patients and public, schizophrenia has a tremendous impact families caregivers. Its negative consequence been studied as burden. this study, by doing qualitative analysis, we examined experiences of Iranian within Ardabil, Iran, living with schizophrenia. Method: This research was data collection done through an in-depth, unstructured interview. Twenty family members were interviewed, analyzed conventional content analysis. Results: The major themes interviews classified into 3-level codes. Six subthemes found in families, namely stigma, sense shame, isolation, need for support, lack awareness, poor quality life, which combined one main category named "living hell". Conclusions: findings showed that impressive effect families' welfare; thus, it highlights necessity provide interventions help them adapt disorder. results also highlight caring is more demanding long-term disease patients.
Shame|Schizophrenia (object-oriented programming)|Qualitative research|Stigma (botany)|Quality of life (healthcare)|Psychology|Psychiatry|Psychological intervention|Clinical psychology|Medicine|Psychotherapist|Social psychology|Sociology|Social science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3198008934', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-644478/v1', 'mag': '3198008934'}
Research Square (Research Square)
"Liwāṭ" im "Fiqh": Männliche Homosexualität?
Arno Schmitt (https://openalex.org/A5005632208)
Despite widespread acceptance by (male) society, Islamic jurisprudence condemns anal intercourse—and this is the meaning of liwāṭ, not “homosexuality,” or “(male) homosexual behaviour.” The Arab conquest had changed neither modes production nor patriarchal order sexual mores Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Iran. In Hellenistic societies main gender division runs between male female, hetero- homosexual, but rather penetrator penetratable (women, boys, slaves, Jews, eunuchs dancers alike). To penetrate was normal desire, to suffer allow penetration shameful, enjoy it worse. law, on other hand, prescribes death penalty for extramarital intercourse—with female whether as penetrated. Considering sources paper reasons that Holy Book most authentic earliest apostolic sayings impose a sentence sodomy in life. But Ismaʿīlīs, Zaidīs, Jaʿfarīs Shāfiʿīs many Ḥanbalites punish liwāṭ with zinā; Mālikīs some Ḥanbalīs decree even ghair muḥṣan. Leaving ghulāt aside, who, if one believe Imāmī heresiographies, did viewing way transmit holiness, only marginal ẓāhirīya Ḥanafites argue there no ḥadd—they taʿzīr. Although classical period Ḥanafīs believed be allowed paradise, later Ḥanafīya narrowed gap maḏāhib, either imposing ḥadd az-zinā, removing all constraints from As sodomizing one’s were unambiguous their condemnation. solution tension societal attitude sharīʿa found strict requirements evidence: together general rules moral conduct, procedural law makes execution almost impossible—as long sinful shameful acts take place private are denied perpetrators.
Sodomy|Islam|Fiqh|Law|Jurisprudence|Sanctions|Sharia|Sociology|Mores|Religious studies|Homosexuality|Philosophy|History|Political science|Politics|Theology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2625988950', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.5617/jais.4565', 'mag': '2625988950'}
Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
"Local and national": the rise of populism and foreign policy as a two-dimensional process in Turkey
Sevin Gulfer Sagnic (https://openalex.org/A5082489444)
During the rise of populism with second AKP government, merged nationalism and authoritarianism - which also brought an end to peace process that was set bring a democratic solution long-standing problems Kurdish population. As tone increased, well-known “us versus them” rhetoric populist politics gave birth new term sharpened boundaries people: yerli ve milli, “local national”. While yerli, local, refers being independent from any malign foreign power; national, sets people by implying not everyone in Turkey is part nation. Consequently, national” used as adjective describe someone or something has no international connections nation (people). Political rivals government outspoken critics are frequently blamed for The simultaneously symbolizes alienation community discrimination against minorities. This two-dimensional creates feedback loop. Distancing itself enabled human rights violations Turkey; while rising alienated community. Using process-tracing method this chapter will analyze Turkey. It explore relations who were included within how shifted over time.
Populism|Nationalism|Authoritarianism|Political economy|Politics|Democracy|Political science|Xenophobia|Human rights|Population|Power (physics)|Law|Sociology|Physics|Demography|Quantum mechanics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4376270397', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802209549.00009'}
Human rights|Sociology
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks
"Long Live Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Dynamite:"1 The German Bourgeoisie and the Constructing of Popular Liberal and National-Socialist Subcultures in Marginal Germany
Oded Heilbronner (https://openalex.org/A5025308547)
Journal Article “Long Live Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Dynamite:”1 The German Bourgeoisie the Constructing of Popular Liberal National-Socialist Subcultures in Marginal Germany Get access Oded Heilbronner Shenkar College for Design, Tel Aviv, Israel Search other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Social History, Volume 39, Issue 1, Fall 2005, Pages 181–220, https://doi.org/10.1353/jsh.2005.0104 Published: 01 October 2005
Fraternity|German|Bourgeoisie|Law|Sociology|Political science|Economic history|History|Politics|Archaeology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2083727973', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/jsh.2005.0104', 'mag': '2083727973'}
Journal of Social History
"Love covereth all transgressions": Children's experiences with physical abuse as portrayed in their narratives during forensic investigations
Carmit Katz (https://openalex.org/A5054150010)|Zion Barnetz (https://openalex.org/A5007870688)
The aim of the current study is to promote understanding children's lived experiences with physical abuse. This an important area research that has rarely been studied, and provides a unique opportunity using narratives during forensic investigations. One hundred seventeen investigations children, alleged victims continuous abuse by their biological parents, were randomly selected from all interviews conducted in Israel 2011. well-trained interviewers, interviewers used NICHD Protocol, which allows standardized interviews. analysis paradigm was phenomenological, thematic identify key patterns within narratives. Following thorough analysis, five categories identified based on narratives: sensations abusive incidents, emotions, experiences, dynamics families desires for future. discussion addresses importance integrating voices regarding into work practitioners policy makers. information gathered can enhance both clinical contexts.
Narrative|Thematic analysis|Psychology|Forensic science|Child abuse|Lived experience|Physical abuse|Qualitative research|Narrative inquiry|Developmental psychology|Social psychology|Poison control|Suicide prevention|Medicine|Sociology|Psychotherapist|Social science|Philosophy|Linguistics|Environmental health|Veterinary medicine
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2022026069', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2014.04.012', 'mag': '2022026069'}
Children and Youth Services Review
"Love" (III) as a "Third Kind of Love"?
Sean McDowell (https://openalex.org/A5052323675)
"Love" (III) as a "Third Kind of Love"? Sean H. McDowell Aaron Kunin, Love Three: A Study Poem by George Herbert. Seattle: Wave Books, 2019. iv + 346 pp. $20.00 paperback. Some years ago, John R. Roberts told me that he easily could teach an entire course on Donne's "The Canonization." At the time, had nearly finished one crucial endeavor in his life's work: annotation all scholarship Donne published from 1912, year H.J.C. Grierson's landmark edition, to 2012, The Variorum Edition Poetry entered its last phase. Immediately I see what Jack meant. Canonization" opens onto many paths. Fabled source "well-wrought urn" so iconic New Criticism, it weathered anatomizing subsequent critical trends they competed with each other for dominance. In addition, also segued naturally into major concerns, themes, and investments life times: complicated relationship Catholicism family heritage, coterie context verse, "religion friendship," marriage Anne More, eloquence defining love" based not trappings classicism but (largely Catholic) Christianity. Better than most, poem lead places, if handled sufficiently contextualized way. Along way, bring Donne, early seventeenth-century England, modern history discourse sharp focus. Superficially, physical dimensions Kunin's Three suggest parallel Jack's hypothetical single-poem course: this is 346-page book nominally about single Herbert poem, (III). But any expectation will open wide vistas Herbert's Church or rich would be disappointed. Instead, enacts [End Page 61] poet's ruminations through sustained aesthetic historical recovery intense, often confessional scrutiny own psychology proclivities. It more writerly meditation scholarly explication, example reader's response mostly poem. does contain some quotations poems–"Superliminare," Sacrifice," Thanksgiving," Agonie," Temper" (I), "Jordan" "Vertue," (II), Quip," "Dialogue," Collar," Flower," Glance," "Psalm 23," Forerunners," "Discipline," "A Wreath,"–as well occasional references poems Jonson, Carew, Milton. Moreover, Kunin refers few prominent critics (Stanley Fish, Helen Vendler, Amy Charles, Richard Strier, Michael C. Schoenfeldt), enough disagreeing them. most part, features deep, word-by-word interrogation freely explores associations stirred questions much sees, considers, concludes. describes distinctiveness approach first page. simultaneously "study" (III), "essay eroticizing power," "memory palace sexual experiences, fantasies, preferences, limits, key" (p. i). As may apparent tripartite description alone, at least these conflicts generically others: purely construction palace" works against assumption essay thesis-driven driven argument. (I shall have say book's structure moment.) three emphasize commitment subjectivity primarily important. Indeed, sentence section one, announces highly personal, associational poem: "Try think third kind 1). While leaves two kinds love undefined, ensuing pages labor define "third kind" length 62] throughout rest book. acceptance premise requires him inhabit adopts first-person speaker himself, addresses second-person...
Poetry|Scholarship|Context (archaeology)|Literature|Classicism|Criticism|Friendship|Christianity|History|Art|Art history|Philosophy|Sociology|Religious studies|Archaeology|Law|Social science|Political science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4285718807', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/ghj.2020.0000'}
George Herbert Journal
"Lurking at the Edge of the Map, the Siren's Song": A Report on the 2019 North American James Joyce Symposium, "Joyce Without Borders," Mexico City, Mexico, 12-16 June 2019
Gabriela Villanueva (https://openalex.org/A5066162188)
"Lurking at the Edge of Map, Siren's Song":A Report on 2019 North American James Joyce Symposium, "Joyce Without Borders," Mexico City, Mexico, 12-16 June Gabriela Villanueva The streets surrounding premises are dingy with an almost obvious Joycean tinge. songs from modern city invade them: other-worldly murmurs that speak sound Korean headphones, recently bootlegged Hollywood films, Mexican fondas, and gentrified coffee-shops. But old house remains as if arrested in time. A large parlor leads to grand staircase where people stand wait open sunlit rooms, broad balconies, have a sip coffee continue conversation whatever else might be said about Irish author. murmur crowd has feel English sprinkled notes Spanish. waiters used catering loud weddings graduation parties stare these people, Joyceans coming remote lands this discuss books strange-looking man. White-suited pirate. Symposium is begin again. Students, scholars, artists around world met 1920s mansion, Casa Universitaria del Libro (CASUL), during event co-hosted by Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM-Cuajimalpa) National (UNAM): two public universities students all sorts backgrounds chance meet for first And spaces, works author become, fact, borderless; according Ambassador Ireland would never been able traverse just one day. varied Spanish-speaking audience perhaps most tangible proof ongoing work teachers universities, including Aurora Piñeiro (UNAM), Ramey (UAM-Cuajimalpa), Argentina Rodríguez Mario Murgia (UNAM). They devoted their lives introducing daunting literature hesitant who, little little, become independent [End Page 231] mariners learning art getting lost oceans themselves. With aid International Foundation, were also responsible bringing City building place encounter interested globe. sessions themselves organized matters importance considered ways which words like "borders," "nationalities," "identities" turned leaden today's world: Joyce's anticolonialist, frequently pacifist writings seem more necessary than ever. Most voices heard between 12 16 found overcome narrow boundaries under we told move, stay, accept. According organizers event, there 192 proposals twenty-four countries (Mexico, Ireland, United States, Canada, Turkey, France, New Zealand, Fiji, England, Denmark, Belgium, Australia, Germany, Japan, Peru, Scotland, Uzbekistan, Brazil, Czech Republic, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Qatar) through border get city. Such numbers refute idea solitary center. From presence political Rita Duffy, she explored ambivalences identity African, Asian, Latin readings Joyce, suggested something learned turn away concept South listen sounds sirens beckoning us let go narrowly defined divisions. In Samuel Beckett—who was quoted Barbara Jones, kind sponsor social behalf Embassy—the danger might, "in neatness identifications," overarching warning seemed prevail throughout readers repeatedly voiced reluctance accept such "neatness" opted instead openness text, thereby breaching borders basis narrow-minded policies represent much international relations.1 Jones insisted relevance might...
Irish|Siren (mythology)|Hollywood|Graduation (instrument)|White (mutation)|History|Art history|Conversation|Metropolitan area|Media studies|Sociology|Classics|Archaeology|Philosophy|Linguistics|Biochemistry|Geometry|Mathematics|Chemistry|Communication|Gene
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3007005562', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/jjq.2019.0052', 'mag': '3007005562'}
James Joyce Quarterly
"Malang", Sufis, and Mystics: An Ethnographic and Historical Study of Shamanism in Afghanistan
M. H. Sidky (https://openalex.org/A5033375531)
Demographic and historical factors in Central Asia have produced an ethnic cultural homogeneity, which overrides ecological diversity artificial political boundaries imposed by nineteenth-century Western imperialism (KRADER 1963, 2). Ethnographically, Afghanistan belongs to the Asian region (Map 1), area extending southward from Siberian forest belt Iranian plateau, southeastward Pamir mountains of northern Afghanistan, Tien Shan range, Hindu Kush. The last mountain range constitutes Great Divide between South (FRASERTYTLER 1950, 3).1 From west east, includes all territory Caspian Sea Mongolian steppes, including Altai 1-4; OSHANIN 1964, 1-2). population Afghanistan2 is overwhelmingly Muslim: 80% Sunni 19% Shi'ite.3 But as elsewhere Muslim Asia, Islam has had come terms with shamanistic elements derived earlier beliefs practices. In shamanism was once prevalent among Turkic peoples, originally occupying mountains. By sixth century Turks invaded bringing them their along cults ancestors, stones, mountains, earth goddess Otukan 131). Such seem been shared Uzbeks Oxus delta, Mongols Turkmen 131; CAR 1959, 109110). concept Tanggri, heaven or sky deity, associated beliefs, brought Hsiun-Nu. These people occupied steppes
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W198549286', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2307/1178037', 'mag': '198549286'}
Asian folklore studies
"Male Attitudes towards Family Planning in Khartoum, Sudan"
Mutasim Abu Bakr Mustafa (https://openalex.org/A5077648568)|Stephen Mumford (https://openalex.org/A5051246573)
Knowledge of attitudes toward and use contraception were investigated in a 1982 survey 250 men living Khartoum Sudan. Interviews conducted at mosques marketplaces government office building textile factory. 75% respondents ages 21-40. 92% expressed the belief that is overcrowded although this was attributed by 57% to rural-urban migration. Despite fact 85-95% linked overpopulation with social problems such as inflation food shortages unemployment 72% desire for 5 or more children. Only 30% interviewed supported concept family size limitation largely economic reasons. The majority those opposing cited religious Attitudes child spacing favorable 80% indicating approval 59% wives risk pregnancy reported they using some form but only 21% an effective method. Two-thirds do not discuss their spouse. 60% identified either mass media friends relatives source planning information. Although 64% indicated awarencess where obtain services 2.8% had ever received from clinic. 79% voiced interest information on reproductive age wanted services. Most desired sexual sterilization surgical available Sudan 10% said would consider method when attained size. should be limited increased dramatically education 9% among no formal schooling 45% 13 years school. Men under 40 than older men. Surprisingly most whereas employees conservative. Overall these fndings suggest present clinic system may falling short meeting demand
Family planning|Developing country|Socioeconomics|Economic growth|Geography|Population|Medicine|Environmental health|Research methodology|Sociology|Economics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2316937064', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2307/1965582', 'mag': '2316937064'}
Studies in Family Planning
"Managing ethnic diversity in Iran after 1979 (Non-Muslim religious minorities as a model) "
Assit.Prof. Dr Hamad J. Mohammed Alkhazrjy (https://openalex.org/A5092938343)
Many countries are facing internal and external pressures stemming from the surrounding environment, which is represented in a number of economic, political social changes, especially that include ethnic diversity, their greater responsibility requires them to pay increased attention structure by placing management diversity at top agenda. Creating common identity through everyone feels sense belonging state, has become an important often controversial topic recent times, controversy arisen about cultural pluralism as systematic comprehensive response dealing with this study we address phenomenon Iran Non-Muslim religious minorities how manage them, answering questions whether can promote harmony, equal employment trust between different groups, statement Iran’s policy after 1979 managing its order clarify lessons learned these Experience applicability elsewhere, attracted sociologists interested race Cultural immigration solutions.
Ethnic group|Pluralism (philosophy)|Cultural diversity|Harmony (color)|Immigration|Diversity (politics)|Politics|Sociology|Gender studies|Political science|Cultural pluralism|Law|Epistemology|Art|Philosophy|Visual arts
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4387029497', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.25130/tjfps.v4i26.215'}
مجلة تكريت للعلوم السياسية
"Many Ghosts To Fight, Many Prejudices To Overcome"
Samira Aghacy (https://openalex.org/A5054992671)
When asked by the Institute for Women's Studies in Arab World to write an introductory article (on short stories written Lebanese women since 1960) a "Bibliography of Woman's Writing," I did not hesitate despite many other responsibilities. Starting off, had expected handful stories, but began discover that number as well novels is considerable. found out with exception few writers, bulk women's writing virtually unknown reader sound quality their works.
History|Quality (philosophy)|Sound (geography)|Literature|Media studies|Sociology|Art|Epistemology|Philosophy|Acoustics|Physics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2765925753', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.32380/alrj.v0i0.738', 'mag': '2765925753'}
Al-Raida Journal
"May Her Likes Be Multiplied": "Famous Women" Biography and Gendered Prescription in Egypt, 1892-1935
Marilyn Booth (https://openalex.org/A5067976205)
Previous articleNext article No Access"May Her Likes Be Multiplied": "Famous Women" Biography and Gendered Prescription in Egypt, 1892-1935Marilyn BoothMarilyn Booth Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited Signs Volume 22, Number 4Summer, 1997 Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1086/495212 Views: 8Total views on site Citations: 4Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright The University of ChicagoPDF download reports the following citing article:Feras Alkabani Sexuality, nationalism other: Arabic literary canon between Orientalism Nahḍa discourse at fin de siècle, Middle Eastern Literatures 23, no.33 (May 2021): 111–139.https://doi.org/10.1080/1475262X.2021.1885133Alexandra Dika Seggerman Mahmoud Mukhtar: ‘The first sculptor land sculpture’, World Art 4, no.11 2014): 27–46.https://doi.org/10.1080/21500894.2014.893811Toufoul Abou-Hodeib TASTE AND CLASS IN LATE OTTOMAN BEIRUT, International Journal East Studies 43, (Jul 2011): 475–492.https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020743811000626Amal Treacher Edward said: Identity, politics history 1, Psychodynamic Practice 11, no.44 (Nov 2005): 373–388.https://doi.org/10.1080/14753630500387265
Orientalism|Biography|Art|Human sexuality|Politics|Feminism|Art history|Humanities|Literature|Gender studies|Sociology|Political science|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2095251581', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1086/495212', 'mag': '2095251581'}
"May a Wasp Sting Your Tongue!": The Armenian Stereotype in Ottoman Popular Performances from the Empire to the Nation-State
Murat Cankara (https://openalex.org/A5079107481)
"May a Wasp Sting Your Tongue!":The Armenian Stereotype in Ottoman Popular Performances from the Empire to Nation-State1 Murat Cankara (bio) The acclaimed theatrologist Marvin Carlson (2006) mentions Hamlet production he once saw Berlin and his surprise at "gales of laughter" everything Polonius said even when thought they were not funny all. After play, learned friend that actor spoke with Swabian accent, which was "a source much amusement sophisticated Berliners." then argues "so far visual… aspects performing race … have attracted more attention than vocal aspects, such as dialect, ethnicity," whereas drawing difference other's language has been one most effective strategies employed mark otherness on stage over centuries.2 As theatre across world almost always necessitated common language3 between performers audience, dialect4 (and, better, an accent)5 played key role marking stage. In other words, it efficient method use language, particularly underline difference.6 Emphasizing is social construct, highlights what come be known official, standard, or national society but dialect among many competing ones, ends up having superior status others for linguistic economic, social, cultural reasons. nation-building processes, emergent standard worked together solidify authority majority, especially West.7 representation historiography dialects, accents, ethnic stereotypes theatrical performances thus become highly political issues. [End Page 215] This essay looks stereotype late popular performances8 perspective offered by Carlson. By performances,9 I am referring Meddah (storyteller), Karagöz (shadow play), Ortaoyunu (middle show).10 Meddahs professional storytellers public spaces, coffeehouses.11 name Ottoman/Turkish shadow theatre. These plays feature two principal characters, Hacivat. characters spaces are represented two-dimensional figures made camel skin, called tasvir, reflected white screen before light source. puppeteer hayali. Ortaoyunu, "'entertainment staged middle place' around spectators form circle," based parallel those Karagöz12 likened commedia dell'arte.13 shortcuts laughter, historically prevalent comedy genres world. no exception. Alongside Armenians, Albanians, Greeks, Jews, Turks, stereotyped through their names, professions, clothes, birthplaces, ways speaking.14 Yet these performances, where anybody could simply object ridicule, humiliating members nationalities prohibited law, least nineteenth century.15 suggest, however, there something significant case also do Turkification performances. Turkification, process entertainment associated multiethnic, multi-religious, multilingual empire came framed heritage Turkish nation-state.16 will explain processes levels. On sociolinguistic level, build link rise hegemonic within Empire. historiographical historicize existing literature question how later generations intellectuals dealt ethnic, religious, diversity performance cultures reflected. emphasize continuity, terms, into Republic draw modern historiography's politically motivated ambivalent attitude against Armenians. aim show Page...
History|Stress (linguistics)|Armenian|Media studies|Linguistics|Psychology|Literature|Aesthetics|Sociology|Art|Ancient history|Philosophy
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2963204562', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/cdr.2018.0010', 'mag': '2963204562'}
Comparative Drama
"Media access in the Third World": A case study of a Jordanian radio program
Muhammad I. Ayish (https://openalex.org/A5075644979)
Although access to channels of communication has been an important issue in national and international communication, it rarely addressed as such exclusively Third World context. Research about media the seems perpetuate a mostly obsolete image regarding current situations systems those countries. With respect question access, dominant notion governing our thinking reflects elitist public institutional control over media. Such is usually criticized for being wholistic incapable accounting specific differences characterizing different around world. Taking daily Jordanian call-in radio program "Direct Broadcasting (DB)" case study, author sought examine how this reverse some conventional perceptions results study showed good number DB segments be dominated by actors associated with institutions, private citizens were also involved program. While involve ment sector was receptive (as targets phone calls), accessed initiators information. The found that majority calls broadcast on developmental subjects pertaining needs citizens. revealed role broadcasters either facilitative or inactive cases rather than active interrogative. main conclusion that, while broadcasting structures remain institutionally affiliated governments, airwaves not possible, though controlled basis.
Public relations|Context (archaeology)|Phone|Perception|Political science|Newspaper|Third world|Business|Advertising|Psychology|Geography|Archaeology|Neuroscience|Development economics|Economics|Linguistics|Philosophy
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2137834096', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1177/001654929004500303', 'mag': '2137834096'}
Development economics
"Millî Mücadele Döneminde Kastamonu’da Sosyal Hayat"
Rahmi Çiçek (https://openalex.org/A5073923120)
"After the Sivas Congress, with suspension of relations and communication between Istanbul Anatolia by Delegation Representation, importance Kastamonu, an important province located closest to Istanbul, increased extent incomparable its historical past. The main factors in increase strategic Kastamonu Province were fact that Anatolian side was kept under control Entente States, Greek occupation, starting from Izmir, included a significant part Western Marmara region. In addition, navy States Black Sea attempt reduce effectiveness Kuvâ-yı Milliye Ankara Government on railway highway routes Anatolia, small piers bays coasts after opening Turkish Grand National Assembly constituted only transportation line for people weapons ammunition. Therefore, became one lines outside world. period 1919-1923, had extraordinary mobility. reason this is it base transporting arms ammunition shipments Eastern region, region Russia western front. 1920, transit route human resources who wanted join Struggle illegally crossing Anatolia. It also centers diplomatic traffic Turkey carry out over Sea. For these reasons, organizations established provincial center towns coastal This article mainly based social organization formed during contribution Struggle. On occasion, population living civil initiative population; reflecting various aspects life such as Young People’s Club, Teachers’ Association, Himaye-i Etfal Society, Women’s Employment Association their activities 1919 1923 are discussed. information educational institutions, press broadcasting organs included. Apart these, local foreign delegations came mentioned dates changes they brought about city emphasized."
Geography|Black sea|Ancient history|Economy|Socioeconomics|History|Oceanography|Sociology|Economics|Geology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4389731894', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.53478/tuba.978-625-8352-69-6.ch15'}
"Millî Mücadele’de Kuzeybatı Anadolu Basını: Açıksöz Gazetesi"
Faruk Söylemez (https://openalex.org/A5002406555)
"At the beginning of 20th century mass communication was limited, thus in this period informing people could be done thanks to newspapers. In regard, Anatolian press played a great role enlightening during National Struggle and providing support movement. As result censorship Istanbul press, regional newspapers, way, fulfilled task One most important these local newspapers is Açıksöz newspaper. This paper focuses on both publishing activities Newspaper, which published Kastamonu as voice Northwest Anatolia Struggle, efforts newspaper owners writers who took part Kuvâ-yı Milliye movement (irregular militia forces). study deals with reactions given various towns against occupation İzmir by Greeks Maras, Antep Urfa French, announcement domestic public officials American European states Besides that, discusses interviews reporters ambassadors delegations Turkish-friendly governments. also writing staff Finally, assesses impacts Second İnönü, Sakarya, Great Offensive August 30 Victories Anatolia, Turkish army won perspective subject."
Newspaper|Offensive|Publishing|Turkish|Political science|Media studies|History|Law|Sociology|Engineering|Operations research|Linguistics|Philosophy
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4389731820', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.53478/tuba.978-625-8352-69-6.ch11'}