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1,100 | SELECT donator_name, SUM(amount) FROM endowment GROUP BY donator_name ORDER BY SUM(amount) DESC | List each donator name and the amount of endowment in descending order of the amount of endowment. | CREATE TABLE endowment (donator_name VARCHAR, amount INTEGER) | Liste cada nome do doador e o valor da dotação em ordem decrescente do montante da dotação. |
1,101 | SELECT school_name FROM school WHERE NOT school_id IN (SELECT school_id FROM endowment) | List the names of the schools without any endowment. | CREATE TABLE endowment (school_name VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE school (school_name VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes das escolas sem qualquer dotação. |
1,102 | SELECT T2.school_name FROM endowment AS T1 JOIN school AS T2 ON T1.school_id = T2.school_id GROUP BY T1.school_id HAVING SUM(T1.amount) <= 10 | List all the names of schools with an endowment amount smaller than or equal to 10. | CREATE TABLE school (school_name VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE endowment (school_id VARCHAR, amount INTEGER) | Liste todos os nomes de escolas com um valor de dotação menor ou igual a 10. |
1,103 | SELECT T1.donator_name FROM endowment AS T1 JOIN school AS T2 ON T1.school_id = T2.school_id WHERE T2.school_name = 'Glenn' INTERSECT SELECT T1.donator_name FROM endowment AS T1 JOIN school AS T2 ON T1.school_id = T2.school_id WHERE T2.school_name = 'Triton' | Show the names of donors who donated to both school "Glenn" and "Triton." | CREATE TABLE school (school_id VARCHAR, school_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE endowment (donator_name VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos doadores que doaram para a escola "Glenn" e "Triton". |
1,104 | SELECT donator_name FROM endowment EXCEPT SELECT donator_name FROM endowment WHERE amount < 9 | Show the names of all the donors except those whose donation amount less than 9. | CREATE TABLE endowment (donator_name VARCHAR, amount INTEGER) | Mostre os nomes de todos os doadores, exceto aqueles cuja doação seja menor que 9. |
1,105 | SELECT amount, donator_name FROM endowment ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 1 | List the amount and donor name for the largest amount of donation. | CREATE TABLE endowment (amount VARCHAR, donator_name VARCHAR) | Liste a quantidade e o nome do doador para a maior quantidade de doação. |
1,106 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM budget WHERE budgeted > 3000 AND YEAR <= 2001 | How many budgets are above 3000 in year 2001 or before? | CREATE TABLE budget (budgeted VARCHAR, YEAR VARCHAR) | Quantos orçamentos estão acima de 3000 no ano de 2001 ou antes? |
1,107 | SELECT T2.school_name, T1.budgeted, T1.invested FROM budget AS T1 JOIN school AS T2 ON T1.school_id = T2.school_id WHERE T1.year >= 2002 | Show each school name, its budgeted amount, and invested amount in year 2002 or after. | CREATE TABLE budget (budgeted VARCHAR, invested VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR, year VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE school (school_name VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR) | Mostre cada nome da escola, seu valor orçado e o valor investido no ano 2002 ou depois. |
1,108 | SELECT DISTINCT donator_name FROM endowment | Show all donor names. | CREATE TABLE endowment (donator_name VARCHAR) | Mostre todos os nomes dos doadores. |
1,109 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM budget WHERE budgeted < invested | How many budget record has a budget amount smaller than the invested amount? | CREATE TABLE budget (budgeted INTEGER, invested VARCHAR) | Quantos registros orçamentários têm um valor orçamentário menor que o valor investido? |
1,110 | SELECT SUM(T1.budgeted) FROM budget AS T1 JOIN school AS T2 ON T1.school_id = T2.school_id WHERE T2.school_name = 'Glenn' | What is the total budget amount for school "Glenn" in all years? | CREATE TABLE budget (budgeted INTEGER, school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE school (school_id VARCHAR, school_name VARCHAR) | Qual é o valor total do orçamento para a escola "Glenn" em todos os anos? |
1,111 | SELECT T2.school_name FROM budget AS T1 JOIN school AS T2 ON T1.school_id = T2.school_id JOIN endowment AS T3 ON T2.school_id = T3.school_id GROUP BY T2.school_name HAVING SUM(T1.budgeted) > 100 OR SUM(T3.amount) > 10 | Show the names of schools with a total budget amount greater than 100 or a total endowment greater than 10. | CREATE TABLE endowment (school_id VARCHAR, amount INTEGER); CREATE TABLE budget (school_id VARCHAR, budgeted INTEGER); CREATE TABLE school (school_name VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes das escolas com um orçamento total superior a 100 ou uma dotação total superior a 10. |
1,112 | SELECT T2.School_name FROM endowment AS T1 JOIN school AS T2 ON T1.school_id = T2.school_id WHERE T1.amount > 8.5 GROUP BY T1.school_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 | Find the names of schools that have more than one donator with donation amount above 8.5. | CREATE TABLE school (School_name VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE endowment (school_id VARCHAR, amount INTEGER) | Encontre os nomes das escolas que têm mais de um doador com valor de doação acima de 8,5. |
1,113 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM endowment WHERE amount > 8.5 GROUP BY school_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) | Find the number of schools that have more than one donator whose donation amount is less than 8.5. | CREATE TABLE endowment (school_id VARCHAR, amount INTEGER) | Encontre o número de escolas que têm mais de um doador cujo valor de doação é inferior a 8,5. |
1,114 | SELECT T1.School_name, T1.Mascot, T1.IHSAA_Football_Class FROM school AS T1 JOIN budget AS T2 ON T1.school_id = T2.school_id WHERE Budgeted > 6000 OR YEAR < 2003 ORDER BY T2.total_budget_percent_invested, T2.total_budget_percent_budgeted | List the name, IHSAA Football Class, and Mascot of the schools that have more than 6000 of budgeted amount or were founded before 2003, in the order of percent of total invested budget and total budgeted budget. | CREATE TABLE school (School_name VARCHAR, Mascot VARCHAR, IHSAA_Football_Class VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE budget (school_id VARCHAR, total_budget_percent_invested VARCHAR, total_budget_percent_budgeted VARCHAR) | Liste o nome, IHSAA Football Class, e Mascot das escolas que têm mais de 6000 de valor orçado ou foram fundadas antes de 2003, na ordem de porcentagem do orçamento total investido e orçamento orçado total. |
1,115 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM building | How many buildings are there? | CREATE TABLE building (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos edifícios existem? |
1,116 | SELECT name, street_address, floors FROM building ORDER BY floors | Show the name, street address, and number of floors for all buildings ordered by the number of floors. | CREATE TABLE building (name VARCHAR, street_address VARCHAR, floors VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome, endereço da rua e número de andares para todos os edifícios encomendados pelo número de andares. |
1,117 | SELECT name FROM building ORDER BY height_feet DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the name of the tallest building? | CREATE TABLE building (name VARCHAR, height_feet VARCHAR) | Qual é o nome do edifício mais alto? |
1,118 | SELECT AVG(floors), MAX(floors), MIN(floors) FROM building | What are the average, maximum, and minimum number of floors for all buildings? | CREATE TABLE building (floors INTEGER) | Qual é o número médio, máximo e mínimo de pisos para todos os edifícios? |
1,119 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM building WHERE height_feet > (SELECT AVG(height_feet) FROM building) OR floors > (SELECT AVG(floors) FROM building) | Show the number of buildings with a height above the average or a number of floors above the average. | CREATE TABLE building (height_feet INTEGER, floors INTEGER) | Mostre o número de edifícios com uma altura acima da média ou um número de andares acima da média. |
1,120 | SELECT name FROM building WHERE height_feet >= 200 AND floors >= 20 | List the names of buildings with at least 200 feet of height and with at least 20 floors. | CREATE TABLE building (name VARCHAR, height_feet VARCHAR, floors VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes dos edifícios com pelo menos 200 pés de altura e com pelo menos 20 andares. |
1,121 | SELECT institution, LOCATION FROM institution WHERE founded > 1990 AND TYPE = 'Private' | Show the names and locations of institutions that are founded after 1990 and have the type "Private". | CREATE TABLE institution (institution VARCHAR, LOCATION VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR, TYPE VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes e locais das instituições que são fundadas após 1990 e têm o tipo "Privado". |
1,122 | SELECT TYPE, COUNT(*), SUM(enrollment) FROM institution GROUP BY TYPE | Show institution types, along with the number of institutions and total enrollment for each type. | CREATE TABLE institution (TYPE VARCHAR, enrollment INTEGER) | Mostrar os tipos de instituições, juntamente com o número de instituições e o total de matrículas para cada tipo. |
1,123 | SELECT TYPE FROM institution GROUP BY TYPE ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Show the institution type with the largest number of institutions. | CREATE TABLE institution (TYPE VARCHAR) | Mostrar o tipo de instituição com o maior número de instituições. |
1,124 | SELECT TYPE FROM institution WHERE founded > 1990 AND enrollment >= 1000 | Show the institution type with an institution founded after 1990 and an institution with at least 1000 enrollment. | CREATE TABLE institution (TYPE VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR, enrollment VARCHAR) | Mostrar o tipo de instituição com uma instituição fundada após 1990 e uma instituição com pelo menos 1000 matrículas. |
1,125 | SELECT name FROM building WHERE NOT building_id IN (SELECT building_id FROM institution) | Show the name of buildings that do not have any institution. | CREATE TABLE building (name VARCHAR, building_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE institution (name VARCHAR, building_id VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome dos edifícios que não têm nenhuma instituição. |
1,126 | SELECT name FROM building EXCEPT SELECT T1.name FROM building AS T1 JOIN institution AS T2 ON T1.building_id = T2.building_id WHERE T2.founded = 2003 | Show the names of buildings except for those having an institution founded in 2003. | CREATE TABLE building (name VARCHAR, building_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE building (name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE institution (building_id VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos edifícios, exceto para aqueles que têm uma instituição fundada em 2003. |
1,127 | SELECT T1.name, COUNT(*) FROM building AS T1 JOIN institution AS T2 ON T1.building_id = T2.building_id GROUP BY T1.building_id | For each building, show the name of the building and the number of institutions in it. | CREATE TABLE building (name VARCHAR, building_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE institution (building_id VARCHAR) | Para cada edifício, mostre o nome do edifício e o número de instituições nele. |
1,128 | SELECT T1.name, T1.height_feet FROM building AS T1 JOIN institution AS T2 ON T1.building_id = T2.building_id WHERE T2.founded > 1880 GROUP BY T1.building_id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 | Show the names and heights of buildings with at least two institutions founded after 1880. | CREATE TABLE building (name VARCHAR, height_feet VARCHAR, building_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE institution (building_id VARCHAR, founded INTEGER) | Mostre os nomes e alturas dos edifícios com pelo menos duas instituições fundadas após 1880. |
1,129 | SELECT DISTINCT TYPE FROM institution | Show all the distinct institution types. | CREATE TABLE institution (TYPE VARCHAR) | Mostre todos os tipos distintos de instituições. |
1,130 | SELECT T1.institution, COUNT(*) FROM institution AS T1 JOIN protein AS T2 ON T1.institution_id = T2.institution_id GROUP BY T1.institution_id | Show institution names along with the number of proteins for each institution. | CREATE TABLE institution (institution VARCHAR, institution_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE protein (institution_id VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes das instituições juntamente com o número de proteínas para cada instituição. |
1,131 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM institution AS T1 JOIN protein AS T2 ON T1.institution_id = T2.institution_id WHERE T1.founded > 1880 OR T1.type = 'Private' | How many proteins are associated with an institution founded after 1880 or an institution with type "Private"? | CREATE TABLE institution (institution_id VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR, type VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE protein (institution_id VARCHAR) | Quantas proteínas estão associadas a uma instituição fundada após 1880 ou a uma instituição com o tipo "Privado"? |
1,132 | SELECT T2.protein_name, T1.institution FROM institution AS T1 JOIN protein AS T2 ON T1.institution_id = T2.institution_id | Show the protein name and the institution name. | CREATE TABLE institution (institution VARCHAR, institution_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE protein (protein_name VARCHAR, institution_id VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome da proteína e o nome da instituição. |
1,133 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM institution AS T1 JOIN protein AS T2 ON T1.institution_id = T2.institution_id JOIN building AS T3 ON T3.building_id = T1.building_id WHERE T3.floors >= 20 | How many proteins are associated with an institution in a building with at least 20 floors? | CREATE TABLE institution (institution_id VARCHAR, building_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE building (building_id VARCHAR, floors VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE protein (institution_id VARCHAR) | Quantas proteínas estão associadas a uma instituição em um edifício com pelo menos 20 andares? |
1,134 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM institution WHERE NOT institution_id IN (SELECT institution_id FROM protein) | How many institutions do not have an associated protein in our record? | CREATE TABLE protein (institution_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE institution (institution_id VARCHAR) | Quantas instituições não têm uma proteína associada em nosso registro? |
1,135 | SELECT LOCATION FROM cinema EXCEPT SELECT LOCATION FROM cinema WHERE capacity > 800 | Show all the locations where no cinema has capacity over 800. | CREATE TABLE cinema (LOCATION VARCHAR, capacity INTEGER) | Mostre todos os locais onde nenhum cinema tem capacidade superior a 800. |
1,136 | SELECT LOCATION FROM cinema WHERE openning_year = 2010 INTERSECT SELECT LOCATION FROM cinema WHERE openning_year = 2011 | Show all the locations where some cinemas were opened in both year 2010 and year 2011. | CREATE TABLE cinema (LOCATION VARCHAR, openning_year VARCHAR) | Mostre todos os locais onde alguns cinemas foram abertos em 2010 e 2011. |
1,137 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cinema | How many cinema do we have? | CREATE TABLE cinema (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos cinemas temos? |
1,138 | SELECT name, openning_year, capacity FROM cinema | Show name, opening year, and capacity for each cinema. | CREATE TABLE cinema (name VARCHAR, openning_year VARCHAR, capacity VARCHAR) | Mostrar nome, ano de abertura e capacidade para cada cinema. |
1,139 | SELECT name, LOCATION FROM cinema WHERE capacity > (SELECT AVG(capacity) FROM cinema) | Show the cinema name and location for cinemas with capacity above average. | CREATE TABLE cinema (name VARCHAR, LOCATION VARCHAR, capacity INTEGER) | Mostre o nome e a localização do cinema para cinemas com capacidade acima da média. |
1,140 | SELECT DISTINCT LOCATION FROM cinema | What are all the locations with a cinema? | CREATE TABLE cinema (LOCATION VARCHAR) | Quais são todos os locais com um cinema? |
1,141 | SELECT name, openning_year FROM cinema ORDER BY openning_year DESC | Show all the cinema names and opening years in descending order of opening year. | CREATE TABLE cinema (name VARCHAR, openning_year VARCHAR) | Mostrar todos os nomes de cinema e anos de abertura em ordem decrescente de ano de abertura. |
1,142 | SELECT name, LOCATION FROM cinema ORDER BY capacity DESC LIMIT 1 | What are the name and location of the cinema with the largest capacity? | CREATE TABLE cinema (name VARCHAR, LOCATION VARCHAR, capacity VARCHAR) | Qual é o nome e a localização do cinema com maior capacidade? |
1,143 | SELECT AVG(capacity), MIN(capacity), MAX(capacity) FROM cinema WHERE openning_year >= 2011 | Show the average, minimum, and maximum capacity for all the cinemas opened in year 2011 or later. | CREATE TABLE cinema (capacity INTEGER, openning_year VARCHAR) | Mostrar a capacidade média, mínima e máxima de todos os cinemas abertos no ano de 2011 ou posterior. |
1,144 | SELECT LOCATION, COUNT(*) FROM cinema GROUP BY LOCATION | Show each location and the number of cinemas there. | CREATE TABLE cinema (LOCATION VARCHAR) | Mostre cada local e o número de cinemas lá. |
1,145 | SELECT LOCATION FROM cinema WHERE openning_year >= 2010 GROUP BY LOCATION ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the location with the most cinemas opened in year 2010 or later? | CREATE TABLE cinema (LOCATION VARCHAR, openning_year VARCHAR) | Qual é o local com mais cinemas abertos no ano de 2010 ou mais tarde? |
1,146 | SELECT LOCATION FROM cinema WHERE capacity > 300 GROUP BY LOCATION HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 | Show all the locations with at least two cinemas with capacity above 300. | CREATE TABLE cinema (LOCATION VARCHAR, capacity INTEGER) | Mostre todos os locais com pelo menos dois cinemas com capacidade acima de 300. |
1,147 | SELECT title, directed_by FROM film | Show the title and director for all films. | CREATE TABLE film (title VARCHAR, directed_by VARCHAR) | Mostre o título e o diretor de todos os filmes. |
1,148 | SELECT DISTINCT directed_by FROM film | Show all directors. | CREATE TABLE film (directed_by VARCHAR) | Mostre a todos os diretores. |
1,149 | SELECT directed_by, COUNT(*) FROM film GROUP BY directed_by | List all directors along with the number of films directed by each director. | CREATE TABLE film (directed_by VARCHAR) | Liste todos os diretores, juntamente com o número de filmes dirigidos por cada diretor. |
1,150 | SELECT T2.name, SUM(T1.show_times_per_day) FROM schedule AS T1 JOIN cinema AS T2 ON T1.cinema_id = T2.cinema_id GROUP BY T1.cinema_id | What is total number of show times per dat for each cinema? | CREATE TABLE schedule (show_times_per_day INTEGER, cinema_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE cinema (name VARCHAR, cinema_id VARCHAR) | Qual é o número total de vezes por dia para cada cinema? |
1,151 | SELECT T2.title, MAX(T1.price) FROM schedule AS T1 JOIN film AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id GROUP BY T1.film_id | What are the title and maximum price of each film? | CREATE TABLE film (title VARCHAR, film_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE schedule (price INTEGER, film_id VARCHAR) | Qual é o título e o preço máximo de cada filme? |
1,152 | SELECT T3.name, T2.title, T1.date, T1.price FROM schedule AS T1 JOIN film AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id JOIN cinema AS T3 ON T1.cinema_id = T3.cinema_id | Show cinema name, film title, date, and price for each record in schedule. | CREATE TABLE schedule (date VARCHAR, price VARCHAR, film_id VARCHAR, cinema_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE cinema (name VARCHAR, cinema_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE film (title VARCHAR, film_id VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome do cinema, o título do filme, a data e o preço de cada registro na programação. |
1,153 | SELECT title, directed_by FROM film WHERE NOT film_id IN (SELECT film_id FROM schedule) | What are the title and director of the films without any schedule? | CREATE TABLE schedule (title VARCHAR, directed_by VARCHAR, film_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE film (title VARCHAR, directed_by VARCHAR, film_id VARCHAR) | Qual é o título e diretor dos filmes sem qualquer cronograma? |
1,154 | SELECT T2.directed_by FROM schedule AS T1 JOIN film AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id GROUP BY T2.directed_by ORDER BY SUM(T1.show_times_per_day) DESC LIMIT 1 | Show director with the largest number of show times in total. | CREATE TABLE schedule (film_id VARCHAR, show_times_per_day INTEGER); CREATE TABLE film (directed_by VARCHAR, film_id VARCHAR) | Show diretor com o maior número de vezes show no total. |
1,155 | SELECT LOCATION FROM cinema WHERE capacity > 300 GROUP BY LOCATION HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 | Find the locations that have more than one movie theater with capacity above 300. | CREATE TABLE cinema (LOCATION VARCHAR, capacity INTEGER) | Encontre os locais que têm mais de um cinema com capacidade acima de 300. |
1,156 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM film WHERE title LIKE "%Dummy%" | How many films have the word 'Dummy' in their titles? | CREATE TABLE film (title VARCHAR) | Quantos filmes têm a palavra "Dummy" em seus títulos? |
1,157 | SELECT T1.good_or_bad_customer FROM customers AS T1 JOIN discount_coupons AS T2 ON T1.coupon_id = T2.coupon_id WHERE T2.coupon_amount = 500 | Are the customers holding coupons with amount 500 bad or good? | CREATE TABLE discount_coupons (coupon_id VARCHAR, coupon_amount VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers (good_or_bad_customer VARCHAR, coupon_id VARCHAR) | Os clientes estão segurando cupons com valor de 500 ruim ou bom? |
1,158 | SELECT T1.customer_id, T1.first_name, COUNT(*) FROM Customers AS T1 JOIN bookings AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T1.customer_id | How many bookings did each customer make? List the customer id, first name, and the count. | CREATE TABLE bookings (customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Customers (customer_id VARCHAR, first_name VARCHAR) | Quantas reservas cada cliente fez? Liste o ID do cliente, o primeiro nome e a contagem. |
1,159 | SELECT customer_id, SUM(amount_paid) FROM Payments GROUP BY customer_id ORDER BY SUM(amount_paid) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the maximum total amount paid by a customer? List the customer id and amount. | CREATE TABLE Payments (customer_id VARCHAR, amount_paid INTEGER) | Qual é o valor total máximo pago por um cliente? Liste o ID do cliente e o valor. |
1,160 | SELECT T1.booking_id, T1.amount_of_refund FROM Bookings AS T1 JOIN Payments AS T2 ON T1.booking_id = T2.booking_id GROUP BY T1.booking_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What are the id and the amount of refund of the booking that incurred the most times of payments? | CREATE TABLE Payments (booking_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Bookings (booking_id VARCHAR, amount_of_refund VARCHAR) | Quais são o id e o valor do reembolso da reserva que incorreu na maioria dos tempos de pagamento? |
1,161 | SELECT product_id FROM products_booked GROUP BY product_id HAVING COUNT(*) = 3 | What is the id of the product that is booked for 3 times? | CREATE TABLE products_booked (product_id VARCHAR) | Qual é o ID do produto que está reservado para 3 vezes? |
1,162 | SELECT T2.product_description FROM products_booked AS T1 JOIN products_for_hire AS T2 ON T1.product_id = T2.product_id WHERE T1.booked_amount = 102.76 | What is the product description of the product booked with an amount of 102.76? | CREATE TABLE products_for_hire (product_description VARCHAR, product_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE products_booked (product_id VARCHAR, booked_amount VARCHAR) | Qual é a descrição do produto reservado com um valor de 102.76? |
1,163 | SELECT T3.booking_start_date, T3.booking_end_date FROM Products_for_hire AS T1 JOIN products_booked AS T2 ON T1.product_id = T2.product_id JOIN bookings AS T3 ON T2.booking_id = T3.booking_id WHERE T1.product_name = 'Book collection A' | What are the start date and end date of the booking that has booked the product named 'Book collection A'? | CREATE TABLE bookings (booking_start_date VARCHAR, booking_end_date VARCHAR, booking_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE products_booked (product_id VARCHAR, booking_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Products_for_hire (product_id VARCHAR, product_name VARCHAR) | Quais são a data de início e fim da reserva que reservou o produto chamado 'Recolha de livros A'? |
1,164 | SELECT T2.product_name FROM view_product_availability AS T1 JOIN products_for_hire AS T2 ON T1.product_id = T2.product_id WHERE T1.available_yn = 1 | What are the names of products whose availability equals to 1? | CREATE TABLE view_product_availability (product_id VARCHAR, available_yn VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE products_for_hire (product_name VARCHAR, product_id VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes dos produtos cuja disponibilidade é igual a 1? |
1,165 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT product_type_code) FROM products_for_hire | How many different product types are there? | CREATE TABLE products_for_hire (product_type_code VARCHAR) | Quantos tipos diferentes de produtos existem? |
1,166 | SELECT first_name, last_name, gender_mf FROM customers WHERE good_or_bad_customer = 'good' ORDER BY last_name | What are the first name, last name, and gender of all the good customers? Order by their last name. | CREATE TABLE customers (first_name VARCHAR, last_name VARCHAR, gender_mf VARCHAR, good_or_bad_customer VARCHAR) | Qual é o primeiro nome, sobrenome e gênero de todos os bons clientes? Encomende pelo sobrenome. |
1,167 | SELECT AVG(amount_due) FROM payments | What is the average amount due for all the payments? | CREATE TABLE payments (amount_due INTEGER) | Qual é o valor médio devido para todos os pagamentos? |
1,168 | SELECT MAX(booked_count), MIN(booked_count), AVG(booked_count) FROM products_booked | What are the maximum, minimum, and average booked count for the products booked? | CREATE TABLE products_booked (booked_count INTEGER) | Quais são a contagem máxima, mínima e média reservada para os produtos reservados? |
1,169 | SELECT DISTINCT payment_type_code FROM payments | What are all the distinct payment types? | CREATE TABLE payments (payment_type_code VARCHAR) | Quais são todos os tipos de pagamento distintos? |
1,170 | SELECT daily_hire_cost FROM Products_for_hire WHERE product_name LIKE '%Book%' | What are the daily hire costs for the products with substring 'Book' in its name? | CREATE TABLE Products_for_hire (daily_hire_cost VARCHAR, product_name VARCHAR) | Quais são os custos de contratação diária para os produtos com substring 'Book' em seu nome? |
1,171 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Products_for_hire WHERE NOT product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM products_booked WHERE booked_amount > 200) | How many products are never booked with amount higher than 200? | CREATE TABLE products_booked (product_id VARCHAR, booked_amount INTEGER); CREATE TABLE Products_for_hire (product_id VARCHAR, booked_amount INTEGER) | Quantos produtos nunca são reservados com valor superior a 200? |
1,172 | SELECT T1.coupon_amount FROM Discount_Coupons AS T1 JOIN customers AS T2 ON T1.coupon_id = T2.coupon_id WHERE T2.good_or_bad_customer = 'good' INTERSECT SELECT T1.coupon_amount FROM Discount_Coupons AS T1 JOIN customers AS T2 ON T1.coupon_id = T2.coupon_id WHERE T2.good_or_bad_customer = 'bad' | What are the coupon amount of the coupons owned by both good and bad customers? | CREATE TABLE Discount_Coupons (coupon_amount VARCHAR, coupon_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers (coupon_id VARCHAR, good_or_bad_customer VARCHAR) | Qual é o valor do cupom dos cupons de propriedade de clientes bons e ruins? |
1,173 | SELECT payment_date FROM payments WHERE amount_paid > 300 OR payment_type_code = 'Check' | What are the payment date of the payment with amount paid higher than 300 or with payment type is 'Check' | CREATE TABLE payments (payment_date VARCHAR, amount_paid VARCHAR, payment_type_code VARCHAR) | Qual é a data de pagamento do pagamento com valor pago superior a 300 ou com o tipo de pagamento é 'Check' |
1,174 | SELECT product_name, product_description FROM products_for_hire WHERE product_type_code = 'Cutlery' AND daily_hire_cost < 20 | What are the names and descriptions of the products that are of 'Cutlery' type and have daily hire cost lower than 20? | CREATE TABLE products_for_hire (product_name VARCHAR, product_description VARCHAR, product_type_code VARCHAR, daily_hire_cost VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes e descrições dos produtos que são do tipo "Cutlery" e têm custo de aluguer diário inferior a 20? |
1,175 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phone | How many phones are there? | CREATE TABLE phone (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos telefones existem? |
1,176 | SELECT Name FROM phone ORDER BY Price | List the names of phones in ascending order of price. | CREATE TABLE phone (Name VARCHAR, Price VARCHAR) | Liste os nomes dos telefones em ordem crescente de preço. |
1,177 | SELECT Memory_in_G, Carrier FROM phone | What are the memories and carriers of phones? | CREATE TABLE phone (Memory_in_G VARCHAR, Carrier VARCHAR) | Quais são as memórias e portadores de telefones? |
1,178 | SELECT DISTINCT Carrier FROM phone WHERE Memory_in_G > 32 | List the distinct carriers of phones with memories bigger than 32. | CREATE TABLE phone (Carrier VARCHAR, Memory_in_G INTEGER) | Liste os portadores distintos de telefones com memórias maiores que 32. |
1,179 | SELECT Name FROM phone WHERE Carrier = "Sprint" OR Carrier = "TMobile" | Show the names of phones with carrier either "Sprint" or "TMobile". | CREATE TABLE phone (Name VARCHAR, Carrier VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos telefones com a operadora "Sprint" ou "TMobile". |
1,180 | SELECT Carrier FROM phone ORDER BY Price DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the carrier of the most expensive phone? | CREATE TABLE phone (Carrier VARCHAR, Price VARCHAR) | Qual é a operadora do telefone mais caro? |
1,181 | SELECT Carrier, COUNT(*) FROM phone GROUP BY Carrier | Show different carriers of phones together with the number of phones with each carrier. | CREATE TABLE phone (Carrier VARCHAR) | Mostrar diferentes operadoras de telefones, juntamente com o número de telefones com cada operadora. |
1,182 | SELECT Carrier FROM phone GROUP BY Carrier ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Show the most frequently used carrier of the phones. | CREATE TABLE phone (Carrier VARCHAR) | Mostre a operadora mais usada dos telefones. |
1,183 | SELECT Carrier FROM phone WHERE Memory_in_G < 32 INTERSECT SELECT Carrier FROM phone WHERE Memory_in_G > 64 | Show the carriers that have both phones with memory smaller than 32 and phones with memory bigger than 64. | CREATE TABLE phone (Carrier VARCHAR, Memory_in_G INTEGER) | Mostre as operadoras que têm ambos os telefones com memória menor que 32 e telefones com memória maior que 64. |
1,184 | SELECT T3.Name, T2.District FROM phone_market AS T1 JOIN market AS T2 ON T1.Market_ID = T2.Market_ID JOIN phone AS T3 ON T1.Phone_ID = T3.Phone_ID | Show the names of phones and the districts of markets they are on. | CREATE TABLE phone (Name VARCHAR, Phone_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE market (District VARCHAR, Market_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone_market (Market_ID VARCHAR, Phone_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos telefones e os distritos de mercados em que eles estão. |
1,185 | SELECT T3.Name, T2.District FROM phone_market AS T1 JOIN market AS T2 ON T1.Market_ID = T2.Market_ID JOIN phone AS T3 ON T1.Phone_ID = T3.Phone_ID ORDER BY T2.Ranking | Show the names of phones and the districts of markets they are on, in ascending order of the ranking of the market. | CREATE TABLE market (District VARCHAR, Market_ID VARCHAR, Ranking VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (Name VARCHAR, Phone_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone_market (Market_ID VARCHAR, Phone_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos telefones e os distritos de mercados em que estão, em ordem crescente do ranking do mercado. |
1,186 | SELECT T3.Name FROM phone_market AS T1 JOIN market AS T2 ON T1.Market_ID = T2.Market_ID JOIN phone AS T3 ON T1.Phone_ID = T3.Phone_ID WHERE T2.Num_of_shops > 50 | Show the names of phones that are on market with number of shops greater than 50. | CREATE TABLE market (Market_ID VARCHAR, Num_of_shops INTEGER); CREATE TABLE phone (Name VARCHAR, Phone_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone_market (Market_ID VARCHAR, Phone_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos telefones que estão no mercado com o número de lojas maiores que 50. |
1,187 | SELECT T2.Name, SUM(T1.Num_of_stock) FROM phone_market AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Phone_ID = T2.Phone_ID GROUP BY T2.Name | For each phone, show its names and total number of stocks. | CREATE TABLE phone_market (Num_of_stock INTEGER, Phone_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (Name VARCHAR, Phone_ID VARCHAR) | Para cada telefone, mostre seus nomes e número total de ações. |
1,188 | SELECT T2.Name FROM phone_market AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Phone_ID = T2.Phone_ID GROUP BY T2.Name HAVING SUM(T1.Num_of_stock) >= 2000 ORDER BY SUM(T1.Num_of_stock) DESC | Show the names of phones that have total number of stocks bigger than 2000, in descending order of the total number of stocks. | CREATE TABLE phone_market (Phone_ID VARCHAR, Num_of_stock INTEGER); CREATE TABLE phone (Name VARCHAR, Phone_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos telefones que têm o número total de ações maior que 2000, em ordem decrescente do número total de ações. |
1,189 | SELECT Name FROM phone WHERE NOT Phone_id IN (SELECT Phone_ID FROM phone_market) | List the names of phones that are not on any market. | CREATE TABLE phone (Name VARCHAR, Phone_id VARCHAR, Phone_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone_market (Name VARCHAR, Phone_id VARCHAR, Phone_ID VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes dos telefones que não estão em qualquer mercado. |
1,190 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM company | How many gas companies are there? | CREATE TABLE company (Id VARCHAR) | Quantas empresas de gás existem? |
1,191 | SELECT company, rank FROM company ORDER BY Sales_billion DESC | List the company name and rank for all companies in the decreasing order of their sales. | CREATE TABLE company (company VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR, Sales_billion VARCHAR) | Liste o nome e a classificação da empresa para todas as empresas na ordem decrescente de suas vendas. |
1,192 | SELECT company, main_industry FROM company WHERE headquarters <> 'USA' | Show the company name and the main industry for all companies whose headquarters are not from USA. | CREATE TABLE company (company VARCHAR, main_industry VARCHAR, headquarters VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome da empresa e a principal indústria para todas as empresas cuja sede não é dos EUA. |
1,193 | SELECT company, headquarters FROM company ORDER BY market_value DESC | Show all company names and headquarters in the descending order of market value. | CREATE TABLE company (company VARCHAR, headquarters VARCHAR, market_value VARCHAR) | Mostrar todos os nomes de empresas e sedes na ordem decrescente de valor de mercado. |
1,194 | SELECT MIN(market_value), MAX(market_value), AVG(market_value) FROM company | Show minimum, maximum, and average market value for all companies. | CREATE TABLE company (market_value INTEGER) | Mostre o valor mínimo, máximo e médio de mercado para todas as empresas. |
1,195 | SELECT DISTINCT main_industry FROM company | Show all main industry for all companies. | CREATE TABLE company (main_industry VARCHAR) | Mostre toda a indústria principal para todas as empresas. |
1,196 | SELECT headquarters, COUNT(*) FROM company GROUP BY headquarters | List all headquarters and the number of companies in each headquarter. | CREATE TABLE company (headquarters VARCHAR) | Liste todas as sedes e o número de empresas em cada sede. |
1,197 | SELECT main_industry, SUM(market_value) FROM company GROUP BY main_industry | Show all main industry and total market value in each industry. | CREATE TABLE company (main_industry VARCHAR, market_value INTEGER) | Mostrar toda a indústria principal e valor total de mercado em cada indústria. |
1,198 | SELECT main_industry, COUNT(*) FROM company GROUP BY main_industry ORDER BY SUM(market_value) DESC LIMIT 1 | List the main industry with highest total market value and its number of companies. | CREATE TABLE company (main_industry VARCHAR, market_value INTEGER) | Liste a principal indústria com o maior valor de mercado total e seu número de empresas. |
1,199 | SELECT headquarters FROM company WHERE main_industry = 'Banking' GROUP BY headquarters HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 | Show headquarters with at least two companies in the banking industry. | CREATE TABLE company (headquarters VARCHAR, main_industry VARCHAR) | Mostre a sede com pelo menos duas empresas no setor bancário. |
Subsets and Splits