Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| answer
stringlengths 18
| question
stringlengths 12
| context
stringlengths 27
| translated_answer
stringlengths 12
1,200 | SELECT station_id, LOCATION, manager_name FROM gas_station ORDER BY open_year | Show gas station id, location, and manager_name for all gas stations ordered by open year. | CREATE TABLE gas_station (station_id VARCHAR, LOCATION VARCHAR, manager_name VARCHAR, open_year VARCHAR) | Mostrar o ID do posto de gasolina, localização e manager_name para todos os postos de gasolina encomendados por ano aberto. |
1,201 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gas_station WHERE open_year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005 | How many gas station are opened between 2000 and 2005? | CREATE TABLE gas_station (open_year INTEGER) | Quantos postos de gasolina estão abertos entre 2000 e 2005? |
1,202 | SELECT LOCATION, COUNT(*) FROM gas_station GROUP BY LOCATION ORDER BY COUNT(*) | Show all locations and the number of gas stations in each location ordered by the count. | CREATE TABLE gas_station (LOCATION VARCHAR) | Mostrar todos os locais e o número de postos de gasolina em cada local ordenado pela contagem. |
1,203 | SELECT headquarters FROM company WHERE main_industry = 'Banking' INTERSECT SELECT headquarters FROM company WHERE main_industry = 'Oil and gas' | Show all headquarters with both a company in banking industry and a company in Oil and gas. | CREATE TABLE company (headquarters VARCHAR, main_industry VARCHAR) | Mostre todas as sedes com uma empresa no setor bancário e uma empresa em Petróleo e Gás. |
1,204 | SELECT headquarters FROM company EXCEPT SELECT headquarters FROM company WHERE main_industry = 'Banking' | Show all headquarters without a company in banking industry. | CREATE TABLE company (headquarters VARCHAR, main_industry VARCHAR) | Mostre todas as sedes sem uma empresa no setor bancário. |
1,205 | SELECT T2.company, COUNT(*) FROM station_company AS T1 JOIN company AS T2 ON T1.company_id = T2.company_id GROUP BY T1.company_id | Show the company name with the number of gas station. | CREATE TABLE station_company (company_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE company (company VARCHAR, company_id VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome da empresa com o número de postos de gasolina. |
1,206 | SELECT company, main_industry FROM company WHERE NOT company_id IN (SELECT company_id FROM station_company) | Show company name and main industry without a gas station. | CREATE TABLE station_company (company VARCHAR, main_industry VARCHAR, company_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE company (company VARCHAR, main_industry VARCHAR, company_id VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome da empresa e a principal indústria sem um posto de gasolina. |
1,207 | SELECT T3.manager_name FROM station_company AS T1 JOIN company AS T2 ON T1.company_id = T2.company_id JOIN gas_station AS T3 ON T1.station_id = T3.station_id WHERE T2.company = 'ExxonMobil' | Show the manager name for gas stations belonging to the ExxonMobil company. | CREATE TABLE gas_station (manager_name VARCHAR, station_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE station_company (company_id VARCHAR, station_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE company (company_id VARCHAR, company VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome do gerente para postos de gasolina pertencentes à empresa ExxonMobil. |
1,208 | SELECT T3.location FROM station_company AS T1 JOIN company AS T2 ON T1.company_id = T2.company_id JOIN gas_station AS T3 ON T1.station_id = T3.station_id WHERE T2.market_value > 100 | Show all locations where a gas station for company with market value greater than 100 is located. | CREATE TABLE gas_station (location VARCHAR, station_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE company (company_id VARCHAR, market_value INTEGER); CREATE TABLE station_company (company_id VARCHAR, station_id VARCHAR) | Mostre todos os locais onde um posto de gasolina para empresa com valor de mercado superior a 100 está localizado. |
1,209 | SELECT manager_name FROM gas_station WHERE open_year > 2000 GROUP BY manager_name ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Show the manager name with most number of gas stations opened after 2000. | CREATE TABLE gas_station (manager_name VARCHAR, open_year INTEGER) | Mostre o nome do gerente com o maior número de postos de gasolina abertos após 2000. |
1,210 | SELECT LOCATION FROM gas_station ORDER BY open_year | order all gas station locations by the opening year. | CREATE TABLE gas_station (LOCATION VARCHAR, open_year VARCHAR) | Encomende todos os locais de postos de gasolina até o ano de abertura. |
1,211 | SELECT rank, company, market_value FROM company WHERE main_industry = 'Banking' ORDER BY sales_billion, profits_billion | find the rank, company names, market values of the companies in the banking industry order by their sales and profits in billion. | CREATE TABLE company (rank VARCHAR, company VARCHAR, market_value VARCHAR, main_industry VARCHAR, sales_billion VARCHAR, profits_billion VARCHAR) | encontrar a classificação, nomes de empresas, valores de mercado das empresas na ordem do setor bancário por suas vendas e lucros em bilhões. |
1,212 | SELECT T3.location, T3.Representative_Name FROM station_company AS T1 JOIN company AS T2 ON T1.company_id = T2.company_id JOIN gas_station AS T3 ON T1.station_id = T3.station_id ORDER BY T2.Assets_billion DESC LIMIT 3 | find the location and Representative name of the gas stations owned by the companies with top 3 Asset amounts. | CREATE TABLE gas_station (location VARCHAR, Representative_Name VARCHAR, station_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE station_company (company_id VARCHAR, station_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE company (company_id VARCHAR, Assets_billion VARCHAR) | Encontre a localização e o nome representativo dos postos de gasolina pertencentes às empresas com os três principais valores do ativo. |
1,213 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM region | How many regions do we have? | CREATE TABLE region (Id VARCHAR) | Quantas regiões temos? |
1,214 | SELECT DISTINCT region_name FROM region ORDER BY Label | Show all distinct region names ordered by their labels. | CREATE TABLE region (region_name VARCHAR, Label VARCHAR) | Mostre todos os nomes de região distintos ordenados por seus rótulos. |
1,215 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT party_name) FROM party | How many parties do we have? | CREATE TABLE party (party_name VARCHAR) | Quantas festas temos? |
1,216 | SELECT minister, took_office, left_office FROM party ORDER BY left_office | Show the ministers and the time they took and left office, listed by the time they left office. | CREATE TABLE party (minister VARCHAR, took_office VARCHAR, left_office VARCHAR) | Mostre aos ministros e o tempo que eles tomaram e deixaram o cargo, listados no momento em que deixaram o cargo. |
1,217 | SELECT minister FROM party WHERE took_office > 1961 OR took_office < 1959 | Show the minister who took office after 1961 or before 1959. | CREATE TABLE party (minister VARCHAR, took_office VARCHAR) | Mostre ao ministro que assumiu o cargo depois de 1961 ou antes de 1959. |
1,218 | SELECT minister FROM party WHERE party_name <> 'Progress Party' | Show all ministers who do not belong to Progress Party. | CREATE TABLE party (minister VARCHAR, party_name VARCHAR) | Mostrar todos os ministros que não pertencem ao Partido Progressista. |
1,219 | SELECT minister, party_name FROM party ORDER BY took_office DESC | Show all ministers and parties they belong to in descending order of the time they took office. | CREATE TABLE party (minister VARCHAR, party_name VARCHAR, took_office VARCHAR) | Mostre a todos os ministros e partidos a que pertencem em ordem decrescente do tempo em que tomaram posse. |
1,220 | SELECT minister FROM party ORDER BY left_office DESC LIMIT 1 | Return the minister who left office at the latest time. | CREATE TABLE party (minister VARCHAR, left_office VARCHAR) | Devolver o ministro que deixou o cargo no último momento. |
1,221 | SELECT T1.member_name, T2.party_name FROM Member AS T1 JOIN party AS T2 ON T1.party_id = T2.party_id | List member names and their party names. | CREATE TABLE party (party_name VARCHAR, party_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Member (member_name VARCHAR, party_id VARCHAR) | Listar nomes de membros e seus nomes de partido. |
1,222 | SELECT T2.party_name, COUNT(*) FROM Member AS T1 JOIN party AS T2 ON T1.party_id = T2.party_id GROUP BY T1.party_id | Show all party names and the number of members in each party. | CREATE TABLE party (party_name VARCHAR, party_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Member (party_id VARCHAR) | Mostrar todos os nomes dos partidos e o número de membros em cada partido. |
1,223 | SELECT T2.party_name FROM Member AS T1 JOIN party AS T2 ON T1.party_id = T2.party_id GROUP BY T1.party_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the name of party with most number of members? | CREATE TABLE party (party_name VARCHAR, party_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Member (party_id VARCHAR) | Qual é o nome do partido com maior número de membros? |
1,224 | SELECT T1.party_name, T2.region_name FROM party AS T1 JOIN region AS T2 ON T1.region_id = T2.region_id | Show all party names and their region names. | CREATE TABLE region (region_name VARCHAR, region_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE party (party_name VARCHAR, region_id VARCHAR) | Mostre todos os nomes das partes e seus nomes de região. |
1,225 | SELECT party_name FROM party WHERE NOT party_id IN (SELECT party_id FROM Member) | Show names of parties that does not have any members. | CREATE TABLE party (party_name VARCHAR, party_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Member (party_name VARCHAR, party_id VARCHAR) | Mostrar os nomes dos partidos que não têm nenhum membro. |
1,226 | SELECT member_name FROM member WHERE party_id = 3 INTERSECT SELECT member_name FROM member WHERE party_id = 1 | Show the member names which are in both the party with id 3 and the party with id 1. | CREATE TABLE member (member_name VARCHAR, party_id VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos membros que estão na festa com o id 3 e a festa com o id 1. |
1,227 | SELECT T1.member_name FROM Member AS T1 JOIN party AS T2 ON T1.party_id = T2.party_id WHERE T2.Party_name <> "Progress Party" | Show member names that are not in the Progress Party. | CREATE TABLE party (party_id VARCHAR, Party_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Member (member_name VARCHAR, party_id VARCHAR) | Mostrar nomes de membros que não estão no Partido Progressista. |
1,228 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM party_events | How many party events do we have? | CREATE TABLE party_events (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos eventos de festa temos? |
1,229 | SELECT T2.party_name, COUNT(*) FROM party_events AS T1 JOIN party AS T2 ON T1.party_id = T2.party_id GROUP BY T1.party_id | Show party names and the number of events for each party. | CREATE TABLE party (party_name VARCHAR, party_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE party_events (party_id VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes das festas e o número de eventos para cada festa. |
1,230 | SELECT member_name FROM member EXCEPT SELECT T1.member_name FROM member AS T1 JOIN party_events AS T2 ON T1.member_id = T2.member_in_charge_id | Show all member names who are not in charge of any event. | CREATE TABLE member (member_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE party_events (member_in_charge_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member (member_name VARCHAR, member_id VARCHAR) | Mostrar todos os nomes de membros que não são responsáveis por qualquer evento. |
1,231 | SELECT T2.party_name FROM party_events AS T1 JOIN party AS T2 ON T1.party_id = T2.party_id GROUP BY T1.party_id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 | What are the names of parties with at least 2 events? | CREATE TABLE party (party_name VARCHAR, party_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE party_events (party_id VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes das partes com pelo menos 2 eventos? |
1,232 | SELECT T1.member_name FROM member AS T1 JOIN party_events AS T2 ON T1.member_id = T2.member_in_charge_id GROUP BY T2.member_in_charge_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the name of member in charge of greatest number of events? | CREATE TABLE party_events (member_in_charge_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member (member_name VARCHAR, member_id VARCHAR) | Qual é o nome do membro responsável pelo maior número de eventos? |
1,233 | SELECT event_name FROM party_events GROUP BY event_name HAVING COUNT(*) > 2 | find the event names that have more than 2 records. | CREATE TABLE party_events (event_name VARCHAR) | encontrar os nomes de eventos que têm mais de 2 registros. |
1,234 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM region AS t1 JOIN party AS t2 ON t1.region_id = t2.region_id JOIN party_events AS t3 ON t2.party_id = t3.party_id WHERE t1.region_name = "United Kingdom" AND t3.Event_Name = "Annaual Meeting" | How many Annual Meeting events happened in the United Kingdom region? | CREATE TABLE party_events (party_id VARCHAR, Event_Name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE region (region_id VARCHAR, region_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE party (region_id VARCHAR, party_id VARCHAR) | Quantos eventos da Reunião Anual aconteceram na região do Reino Unido? |
1,235 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pilot | How many pilots are there? | CREATE TABLE pilot (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos pilotos existem? |
1,236 | SELECT Pilot_name FROM pilot ORDER BY Rank | List the names of pilots in ascending order of rank. | CREATE TABLE pilot (Pilot_name VARCHAR, Rank VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes dos pilotos em ordem crescente de classificação. |
1,237 | SELECT POSITION, Team FROM pilot | What are the positions and teams of pilots? | CREATE TABLE pilot (POSITION VARCHAR, Team VARCHAR) | Quais são as posições e equipes de pilotos? |
1,238 | SELECT DISTINCT POSITION FROM pilot WHERE Age > 30 | List the distinct positions of pilots older than 30. | CREATE TABLE pilot (POSITION VARCHAR, Age INTEGER) | Listar as posições distintas de pilotos com mais de 30 anos. |
1,239 | SELECT Pilot_name FROM pilot WHERE Team = "Bradley" OR Team = "Fordham" | Show the names of pilots from team "Bradley" or "Fordham". | CREATE TABLE pilot (Pilot_name VARCHAR, Team VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos pilotos da equipe "Bradley" ou "Fordham". |
1,240 | SELECT Join_Year FROM pilot ORDER BY Rank LIMIT 1 | What is the joined year of the pilot of the highest rank? | CREATE TABLE pilot (Join_Year VARCHAR, Rank VARCHAR) | Qual é o ano do piloto do mais alto escalão? |
1,241 | SELECT Nationality, COUNT(*) FROM pilot GROUP BY Nationality | What are the different nationalities of pilots? Show each nationality and the number of pilots of each nationality. | CREATE TABLE pilot (Nationality VARCHAR) | Quais são as diferentes nacionalidades dos pilotos? Mostre cada nacionalidade e o número de pilotos de cada nacionalidade. |
1,242 | SELECT Nationality FROM pilot GROUP BY Nationality ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Show the most common nationality of pilots. | CREATE TABLE pilot (Nationality VARCHAR) | Mostrar a nacionalidade mais comum dos pilotos. |
1,243 | SELECT POSITION FROM pilot WHERE Join_Year < 2000 INTERSECT SELECT POSITION FROM pilot WHERE Join_Year > 2005 | Show the pilot positions that have both pilots joining after year 2005 and pilots joining before 2000. | CREATE TABLE pilot (POSITION VARCHAR, Join_Year INTEGER) | Mostre as posições dos pilotos que têm os dois pilotos se juntando após o ano de 2005 e os pilotos se juntando antes de 2000. |
1,244 | SELECT T3.Pilot_name, T2.Model FROM pilot_record AS T1 JOIN aircraft AS T2 ON T1.Aircraft_ID = T2.Aircraft_ID JOIN pilot AS T3 ON T1.Pilot_ID = T3.Pilot_ID | Show the names of pilots and models of aircrafts they have flied with. | CREATE TABLE pilot_record (Aircraft_ID VARCHAR, Pilot_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE pilot (Pilot_name VARCHAR, Pilot_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE aircraft (Model VARCHAR, Aircraft_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos pilotos e modelos de aeronaves com as quais eles voaram. |
1,245 | SELECT T3.Pilot_name, T2.Fleet_Series FROM pilot_record AS T1 JOIN aircraft AS T2 ON T1.Aircraft_ID = T2.Aircraft_ID JOIN pilot AS T3 ON T1.Pilot_ID = T3.Pilot_ID ORDER BY T3.Rank | Show the names of pilots and fleet series of the aircrafts they have flied with in ascending order of the rank of the pilot. | CREATE TABLE pilot (Pilot_name VARCHAR, Pilot_ID VARCHAR, Rank VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE pilot_record (Aircraft_ID VARCHAR, Pilot_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE aircraft (Fleet_Series VARCHAR, Aircraft_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos pilotos e das séries de frotas das aeronaves com as quais eles voaram em ordem ascendente do posto do piloto. |
1,246 | SELECT T2.Fleet_Series FROM pilot_record AS T1 JOIN aircraft AS T2 ON T1.Aircraft_ID = T2.Aircraft_ID JOIN pilot AS T3 ON T1.Pilot_ID = T3.Pilot_ID WHERE T3.Age < 34 | Show the fleet series of the aircrafts flied by pilots younger than 34 | CREATE TABLE pilot_record (Aircraft_ID VARCHAR, Pilot_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE pilot (Pilot_ID VARCHAR, Age INTEGER); CREATE TABLE aircraft (Fleet_Series VARCHAR, Aircraft_ID VARCHAR) | Mostrar a série de frotas das aeronaves pilotadas por pilotos com menos de 34 anos |
1,247 | SELECT T2.Pilot_name, COUNT(*) FROM pilot_record AS T1 JOIN pilot AS T2 ON T1.pilot_ID = T2.pilot_ID GROUP BY T2.Pilot_name | Show the names of pilots and the number of records they have. | CREATE TABLE pilot (Pilot_name VARCHAR, pilot_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE pilot_record (pilot_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos pilotos e o número de registros que eles têm. |
1,248 | SELECT T2.Pilot_name, COUNT(*) FROM pilot_record AS T1 JOIN pilot AS T2 ON T1.pilot_ID = T2.pilot_ID GROUP BY T2.Pilot_name HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 | Show names of pilots that have more than one record. | CREATE TABLE pilot (Pilot_name VARCHAR, pilot_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE pilot_record (pilot_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos pilotos que têm mais de um registro. |
1,249 | SELECT Pilot_name FROM pilot WHERE NOT Pilot_ID IN (SELECT Pilot_ID FROM pilot_record) | List the names of pilots that do not have any record. | CREATE TABLE pilot_record (Pilot_name VARCHAR, Pilot_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE pilot (Pilot_name VARCHAR, Pilot_ID VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes dos pilotos que não têm qualquer registro. |
1,250 | SELECT document_status_code FROM Ref_Document_Status | What document status codes do we have? | CREATE TABLE Ref_Document_Status (document_status_code VARCHAR) | Que códigos de estado do documento temos? |
1,251 | SELECT document_status_description FROM Ref_Document_Status WHERE document_status_code = "working" | What is the description of document status code 'working'? | CREATE TABLE Ref_Document_Status (document_status_description VARCHAR, document_status_code VARCHAR) | Qual é a descrição do código de status do documento 'funcionando'? |
1,252 | SELECT document_type_code FROM Ref_Document_Types | What document type codes do we have? | CREATE TABLE Ref_Document_Types (document_type_code VARCHAR) | Que códigos de tipo de documento temos? |
1,253 | SELECT document_type_description FROM Ref_Document_Types WHERE document_type_code = "Paper" | What is the description of document type 'Paper'? | CREATE TABLE Ref_Document_Types (document_type_description VARCHAR, document_type_code VARCHAR) | Qual é a descrição do tipo de documento 'Paper'? |
1,254 | SELECT shipping_agent_name FROM Ref_Shipping_Agents | What are the shipping agent names? | CREATE TABLE Ref_Shipping_Agents (shipping_agent_name VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes dos agentes de transporte? |
1,255 | SELECT shipping_agent_code FROM Ref_Shipping_Agents WHERE shipping_agent_name = "UPS" | What is the shipping agent code of shipping agent UPS? | CREATE TABLE Ref_Shipping_Agents (shipping_agent_code VARCHAR, shipping_agent_name VARCHAR) | Qual é o código do agente de transporte do agente de transporte UPS? |
1,256 | SELECT role_code FROM ROLES | What are all role codes? | CREATE TABLE ROLES (role_code VARCHAR) | Quais são todos os códigos de função? |
1,257 | SELECT role_description FROM ROLES WHERE role_code = "ED" | What is the description of role code ED? | CREATE TABLE ROLES (role_description VARCHAR, role_code VARCHAR) | Qual é a descrição do código de função ED? |
1,258 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Employees | How many employees do we have? | CREATE TABLE Employees (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos funcionários temos? |
1,259 | SELECT T1.role_description FROM ROLES AS T1 JOIN Employees AS T2 ON T1.role_code = T2.role_code WHERE T2.employee_name = "Koby" | What is the role of the employee named Koby? | CREATE TABLE ROLES (role_description VARCHAR, role_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Employees (role_code VARCHAR, employee_name VARCHAR) | Qual é o papel do funcionário chamado Koby? |
1,260 | SELECT document_id, receipt_date FROM Documents | List all document ids and receipt dates of documents. | CREATE TABLE Documents (document_id VARCHAR, receipt_date VARCHAR) | Liste todas as identificações de documentos e datas de recebimento dos documentos. |
1,261 | SELECT T1.role_description, T2.role_code, COUNT(*) FROM ROLES AS T1 JOIN Employees AS T2 ON T1.role_code = T2.role_code GROUP BY T2.role_code | How many employees does each role have? List role description, id and number of employees. | CREATE TABLE ROLES (role_description VARCHAR, role_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Employees (role_code VARCHAR) | Quantos funcionários cada função tem? Liste a descrição da função, o ID e o número de funcionários. |
1,262 | SELECT Roles.role_description, COUNT(Employees.employee_id) FROM ROLES JOIN Employees ON Employees.role_code = Roles.role_code GROUP BY Employees.role_code HAVING COUNT(Employees.employee_id) > 1 | List roles that have more than one employee. List the role description and number of employees. | CREATE TABLE ROLES (Id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Employees (Id VARCHAR) | Liste as funções que têm mais de um funcionário. Liste a descrição da função e o número de funcionários. |
1,263 | SELECT Ref_Document_Status.document_status_description FROM Ref_Document_Status JOIN Documents ON Documents.document_status_code = Ref_Document_Status.document_status_code WHERE Documents.document_id = 1 | What is the document status description of the document with id 1? | CREATE TABLE Documents (Id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Ref_Document_Status (Id VARCHAR) | Qual é a descrição do status do documento com o ID 1? |
1,264 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Documents WHERE document_status_code = "done" | How many documents have the status code done? | CREATE TABLE Documents (document_status_code VARCHAR) | Quantos documentos o código de status tem feito? |
1,265 | SELECT document_type_code FROM Documents WHERE document_id = 2 | List the document type code for the document with the id 2. | CREATE TABLE Documents (document_type_code VARCHAR, document_id VARCHAR) | Liste o código do tipo de documento para o documento com o id 2. |
1,266 | SELECT document_id FROM Documents WHERE document_status_code = "done" AND document_type_code = "Paper" | List the document ids for any documents with the status code done and the type code paper. | CREATE TABLE Documents (document_id VARCHAR, document_status_code VARCHAR, document_type_code VARCHAR) | Liste os IDs do documento para quaisquer documentos com o código de status feito e o papel de código de tipo. |
1,267 | SELECT Ref_Shipping_Agents.shipping_agent_name FROM Ref_Shipping_Agents JOIN Documents ON Documents.shipping_agent_code = Ref_Shipping_Agents.shipping_agent_code WHERE Documents.document_id = 2 | What is the name of the shipping agent of the document with id 2? | CREATE TABLE Documents (Id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Ref_Shipping_Agents (Id VARCHAR) | Qual é o nome do agente de envio do documento com id 2? |
1,268 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Ref_Shipping_Agents JOIN Documents ON Documents.shipping_agent_code = Ref_Shipping_Agents.shipping_agent_code WHERE Ref_Shipping_Agents.shipping_agent_name = "USPS" | How many documents were shipped by USPS? | CREATE TABLE Documents (Id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Ref_Shipping_Agents (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos documentos foram enviados pela USPS? |
1,269 | SELECT Ref_Shipping_Agents.shipping_agent_name, COUNT(Documents.document_id) FROM Ref_Shipping_Agents JOIN Documents ON Documents.shipping_agent_code = Ref_Shipping_Agents.shipping_agent_code GROUP BY Ref_Shipping_Agents.shipping_agent_code ORDER BY COUNT(Documents.document_id) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which shipping agent shipped the most documents? List the shipping agent name and the number of documents. | CREATE TABLE Documents (Id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Ref_Shipping_Agents (Id VARCHAR) | Qual agente de transporte enviou mais documentos? Liste o nome do agente de transporte e o número de documentos. |
1,270 | SELECT receipt_date FROM Documents WHERE document_id = 3 | What is the receipt date of the document with id 3? | CREATE TABLE Documents (receipt_date VARCHAR, document_id VARCHAR) | Qual é a data de recebimento do documento com o ID 3? |
1,271 | SELECT Addresses.address_details FROM Addresses JOIN Documents_Mailed ON Documents_Mailed.mailed_to_address_id = Addresses.address_id WHERE document_id = 4 | What address was the document with id 4 mailed to? | CREATE TABLE Addresses (document_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Documents_Mailed (document_id VARCHAR) | Para que endereço foi enviado o documento com ID 4? |
1,272 | SELECT mailing_date FROM Documents_Mailed WHERE document_id = 7 | What is the mail date of the document with id 7? | CREATE TABLE Documents_Mailed (mailing_date VARCHAR, document_id VARCHAR) | Qual é a data de envio do documento com o ID 7? |
1,273 | SELECT document_id FROM Documents WHERE document_status_code = "done" AND document_type_code = "Paper" EXCEPT SELECT document_id FROM Documents JOIN Ref_Shipping_Agents ON Documents.shipping_agent_code = Ref_Shipping_Agents.shipping_agent_code WHERE Ref_Shipping_Agents.shipping_agent_name = "USPS" | List the document ids of documents with the status done and type Paper, which not shipped by the shipping agent named USPS. | CREATE TABLE Ref_Shipping_Agents (document_id VARCHAR, document_status_code VARCHAR, document_type_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Documents (document_id VARCHAR, document_status_code VARCHAR, document_type_code VARCHAR) | Liste os IDs de documentos com o status feito e digite Paper, que não foi enviado pelo agente de remessa chamado USPS. |
1,274 | SELECT document_id FROM Documents WHERE document_status_code = "done" AND document_type_code = "Paper" INTERSECT SELECT document_id FROM Documents JOIN Ref_Shipping_Agents ON Documents.shipping_agent_code = Ref_Shipping_Agents.shipping_agent_code WHERE Ref_Shipping_Agents.shipping_agent_name = "USPS" | List document id of documents status is done and document type is Paper and the document is shipped by shipping agent named USPS. | CREATE TABLE Ref_Shipping_Agents (document_id VARCHAR, document_status_code VARCHAR, document_type_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Documents (document_id VARCHAR, document_status_code VARCHAR, document_type_code VARCHAR) | O ID do documento de lista do status dos documentos é feito e o tipo de documento é Paper e o documento é enviado pelo agente de remessa chamado USPS. |
1,275 | SELECT draft_details FROM Document_Drafts WHERE document_id = 7 | What is draft detail of the document with id 7? | CREATE TABLE Document_Drafts (draft_details VARCHAR, document_id VARCHAR) | Qual é o detalhe do rascunho do documento com o ID 7? |
1,276 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Draft_Copies WHERE document_id = 2 | How many draft copies does the document with id 2 have? | CREATE TABLE Draft_Copies (document_id VARCHAR) | Quantas cópias de rascunho o documento com id 2 tem? |
1,277 | SELECT document_id, COUNT(copy_number) FROM Draft_Copies GROUP BY document_id ORDER BY COUNT(copy_number) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which document has the most draft copies? List its document id and number of draft copies. | CREATE TABLE Draft_Copies (document_id VARCHAR, copy_number VARCHAR) | Qual documento tem mais cópias de rascunho? Liste seu ID de documento e número de cópias de rascunho. |
1,278 | SELECT document_id, COUNT(*) FROM Draft_Copies GROUP BY document_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 | Which documents have more than 1 draft copies? List document id and number of draft copies. | CREATE TABLE Draft_Copies (document_id VARCHAR) | Quais documentos têm mais de 1 rascunho de cópias? Listar documento ID e número de rascunho de cópias. |
1,279 | SELECT Employees.employee_name FROM Employees JOIN Circulation_History ON Circulation_History.employee_id = Employees.employee_id WHERE Circulation_History.document_id = 1 | List all employees in the circulation history of the document with id 1. List the employee's name. | CREATE TABLE Circulation_History (Id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Employees (Id VARCHAR) | Liste todos os funcionários no histórico de circulação do documento com o ID 1. Liste o nome do funcionário. |
1,280 | SELECT employee_name FROM Employees EXCEPT SELECT Employees.employee_name FROM Employees JOIN Circulation_History ON Circulation_History.employee_id = Employees.employee_id | List the employees who have not showed up in any circulation history of documents. List the employee's name. | CREATE TABLE Circulation_History (employee_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Employees (employee_name VARCHAR) | Liste os funcionários que não apareceram em nenhum histórico de circulação de documentos. Liste o nome do funcionário. |
1,281 | SELECT Employees.employee_name, COUNT(*) FROM Employees JOIN Circulation_History ON Circulation_History.employee_id = Employees.employee_id GROUP BY Circulation_History.document_id, Circulation_History.draft_number, Circulation_History.copy_number ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Which employee has showed up in most circulation history documents. List the employee's name and the number of drafts and copies. | CREATE TABLE Circulation_History (Id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Employees (Id VARCHAR) | Qual funcionário apareceu na maioria dos documentos de histórico de circulação. Liste o nome do funcionário e o número de rascunhos e cópias. |
1,282 | SELECT document_id, COUNT(DISTINCT employee_id) FROM Circulation_History GROUP BY document_id | For each document, list the number of employees who have showed up in the circulation history of that document. List the document ids and number of employees. | CREATE TABLE Circulation_History (document_id VARCHAR, employee_id VARCHAR) | Para cada documento, liste o número de funcionários que apareceram no histórico de circulação desse documento. Liste os IDs do documento e o número de funcionários. |
1,283 | SELECT dname FROM department ORDER BY mgr_start_date | List all department names ordered by their starting date. | CREATE TABLE department (dname VARCHAR, mgr_start_date VARCHAR) | Listar todos os nomes de departamento ordenados pela data de início. |
1,284 | SELECT Dependent_name FROM dependent WHERE relationship = 'Spouse' | find all dependent names who have a spouse relation with some employee. | CREATE TABLE dependent (Dependent_name VARCHAR, relationship VARCHAR) | encontrar todos os nomes dependentes que têm uma relação de cônjuge com algum empregado. |
1,285 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dependent WHERE sex = 'F' | how many female dependents are there? | CREATE TABLE dependent (sex VARCHAR) | Quantos dependentes femininos existem? |
1,286 | SELECT t1.dname FROM department AS t1 JOIN dept_locations AS t2 ON t1.dnumber = t2.dnumber WHERE t2.dlocation = 'Houston' | Find the names of departments that are located in Houston. | CREATE TABLE dept_locations (dnumber VARCHAR, dlocation VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE department (dname VARCHAR, dnumber VARCHAR) | Encontre os nomes dos departamentos que estão localizados em Houston. |
1,287 | SELECT fname, lname FROM employee WHERE salary > 30000 | Return the first names and last names of employees who earn more than 30000 in salary. | CREATE TABLE employee (fname VARCHAR, lname VARCHAR, salary INTEGER) | Devolva os primeiros nomes e sobrenomes dos funcionários que ganham mais de 30000 em salário. |
1,288 | SELECT COUNT(*), sex FROM employee WHERE salary < 50000 GROUP BY sex | Find the number of employees of each gender whose salary is lower than 50000. | CREATE TABLE employee (sex VARCHAR, salary INTEGER) | Encontre o número de funcionários de cada gênero cujo salário seja inferior a 50000. |
1,289 | SELECT fname, lname, address FROM employee ORDER BY Bdate | list the first and last names, and the addresses of all employees in the ascending order of their birth date. | CREATE TABLE employee (fname VARCHAR, lname VARCHAR, address VARCHAR, Bdate VARCHAR) | listar o primeiro e o último nome e os endereços de todos os funcionários na ordem ascendente de sua data de nascimento. |
1,290 | SELECT T1.event_details FROM EVENTS AS T1 JOIN Services AS T2 ON T1.Service_ID = T2.Service_ID WHERE T2.Service_Type_Code = 'Marriage' | what are the event details of the services that have the type code 'Marriage'? | CREATE TABLE EVENTS (event_details VARCHAR, Service_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Services (Service_ID VARCHAR, Service_Type_Code VARCHAR) | Quais são os detalhes do evento dos serviços que têm o código de tipo 'Casamento'? |
1,291 | SELECT T1.event_id, T1.event_details FROM EVENTS AS T1 JOIN Participants_in_Events AS T2 ON T1.Event_ID = T2.Event_ID GROUP BY T1.Event_ID HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 | What are the ids and details of events that have more than one participants? | CREATE TABLE EVENTS (event_id VARCHAR, event_details VARCHAR, Event_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Participants_in_Events (Event_ID VARCHAR) | Quais são os IDs e detalhes dos eventos que têm mais de um participante? |
1,292 | SELECT T1.Participant_ID, T1.Participant_Type_Code, COUNT(*) FROM Participants AS T1 JOIN Participants_in_Events AS T2 ON T1.Participant_ID = T2.Participant_ID GROUP BY T1.Participant_ID | How many events have each participants attended? List the participant id, type and the number. | CREATE TABLE Participants (Participant_ID VARCHAR, Participant_Type_Code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Participants_in_Events (Participant_ID VARCHAR) | Quantos eventos cada participante participou? Liste o ID do participante, o tipo e o número. |
1,293 | SELECT Participant_ID, Participant_Type_Code, Participant_Details FROM Participants | What are all the the participant ids, type code and details? | CREATE TABLE Participants (Participant_ID VARCHAR, Participant_Type_Code VARCHAR, Participant_Details VARCHAR) | Quais são todos os IDs dos participantes, código de tipo e detalhes? |
1,294 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM participants WHERE participant_type_code = 'Organizer' | How many participants belong to the type 'Organizer'? | CREATE TABLE participants (participant_type_code VARCHAR) | Quantos participantes pertencem ao tipo 'Organizador'? |
1,295 | SELECT service_type_code FROM services ORDER BY service_type_code | List the type of the services in alphabetical order. | CREATE TABLE services (service_type_code VARCHAR) | Listar o tipo de serviços em ordem alfabética. |
1,296 | SELECT service_id, event_details FROM EVENTS | List the service id and details for the events. | CREATE TABLE EVENTS (service_id VARCHAR, event_details VARCHAR) | Liste o ID do serviço e os detalhes dos eventos. |
1,297 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM participants AS T1 JOIN Participants_in_Events AS T2 ON T1.Participant_ID = T2.Participant_ID WHERE T1.participant_details LIKE '%Dr.%' | How many events had participants whose details had the substring 'Dr.' | CREATE TABLE participants (Participant_ID VARCHAR, participant_details VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Participants_in_Events (Participant_ID VARCHAR) | Quantos eventos tiveram participantes cujos detalhes tinham a substring 'Dr.' |
1,298 | SELECT participant_type_code FROM participants GROUP BY participant_type_code ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the most common participant type? | CREATE TABLE participants (participant_type_code VARCHAR) | Qual é o tipo de participante mais comum? |
1,299 | SELECT T3.service_id, T4.Service_Type_Code FROM participants AS T1 JOIN Participants_in_Events AS T2 ON T1.Participant_ID = T2.Participant_ID JOIN EVENTS AS T3 ON T2.Event_ID = T3.Event_ID JOIN services AS T4 ON T3.service_id = T4.service_id GROUP BY T3.service_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) LIMIT 1 | Which service id and type has the least number of participants? | CREATE TABLE Participants_in_Events (Participant_ID VARCHAR, Event_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE services (Service_Type_Code VARCHAR, service_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE EVENTS (service_id VARCHAR, Event_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE participants (Participant_ID VARCHAR) | Qual ID de serviço e tipo tem o menor número de participantes? |
Subsets and Splits