Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| answer
stringlengths 18
| question
stringlengths 12
| context
stringlengths 27
| translated_answer
stringlengths 12
2,600 | SELECT document_name FROM documents WHERE NOT document_code IN (SELECT document_code FROM document_sections) | Find all the name of documents without any sections. | CREATE TABLE document_sections (document_name VARCHAR, document_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE documents (document_name VARCHAR, document_code VARCHAR) | Encontre todos os nomes dos documentos sem nenhuma seção. |
2,601 | SELECT user_name, password FROM users GROUP BY role_code ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | List all the username and passwords of users with the most popular role. | CREATE TABLE users (user_name VARCHAR, password VARCHAR, role_code VARCHAR) | Liste todos os nomes de usuário e senhas dos usuários com a função mais popular. |
2,602 | SELECT AVG(t1.access_count) FROM documents AS t1 JOIN document_functional_areas AS t2 ON t1.document_code = t2.document_code JOIN functional_areas AS t3 ON t2.functional_area_code = t3.functional_area_code WHERE t3.functional_area_description = "Acknowledgement" | Find the average access counts of documents with functional area "Acknowledgement". | CREATE TABLE document_functional_areas (document_code VARCHAR, functional_area_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE documents (access_count INTEGER, document_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE functional_areas (functional_area_code VARCHAR, functional_area_description VARCHAR) | Encontre as contagens médias de acesso de documentos com área funcional "Reconhecimento". |
2,603 | SELECT document_name FROM documents EXCEPT SELECT t1.document_name FROM documents AS t1 JOIN document_sections AS t2 ON t1.document_code = t2.document_code JOIN document_sections_images AS t3 ON t2.section_id = t3.section_id | Find names of the document without any images. | CREATE TABLE document_sections_images (section_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE documents (document_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE documents (document_name VARCHAR, document_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE document_sections (document_code VARCHAR, section_id VARCHAR) | Encontre os nomes do documento sem imagens. |
2,604 | SELECT t1.document_name FROM documents AS t1 JOIN document_sections AS t2 ON t1.document_code = t2.document_code GROUP BY t1.document_code ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the name of the document with the most number of sections? | CREATE TABLE document_sections (document_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE documents (document_name VARCHAR, document_code VARCHAR) | Qual é o nome do documento com o maior número de seções? |
2,605 | SELECT document_name FROM documents WHERE document_name LIKE "%CV%" | List all the document names which contains "CV". | CREATE TABLE documents (document_name VARCHAR) | Listar todos os nomes dos documentos que contém "CV". |
2,606 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE user_login = 1 | How many users are logged in? | CREATE TABLE users (user_login VARCHAR) | Quantos usuários estão logados? |
2,607 | SELECT role_description FROM ROLES WHERE role_code = (SELECT role_code FROM users WHERE user_login = 1 GROUP BY role_code ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1) | Find the description of the most popular role among the users that have logged in. | CREATE TABLE users (role_description VARCHAR, role_code VARCHAR, user_login VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE ROLES (role_description VARCHAR, role_code VARCHAR, user_login VARCHAR) | Encontre a descrição da função mais popular entre os usuários que fizeram login. |
2,608 | SELECT AVG(access_count) FROM documents GROUP BY document_structure_code ORDER BY COUNT(*) LIMIT 1 | Find the average access count of documents with the least popular structure. | CREATE TABLE documents (access_count INTEGER, document_structure_code VARCHAR) | Encontre a contagem média de acesso de documentos com a estrutura menos popular. |
2,609 | SELECT image_name, image_url FROM images ORDER BY image_name | List all the image name and URLs in the order of their names. | CREATE TABLE images (image_name VARCHAR, image_url VARCHAR) | Listar todos os nomes de imagem e URLs na ordem de seus nomes. |
2,610 | SELECT COUNT(*), role_code FROM users GROUP BY role_code | Find the number of users in each role. | CREATE TABLE users (role_code VARCHAR) | Encontre o número de usuários em cada função. |
2,611 | SELECT document_type_code FROM documents GROUP BY document_type_code HAVING COUNT(*) > 2 | What document types have more than 2 corresponding documents? | CREATE TABLE documents (document_type_code VARCHAR) | Quais tipos de documentos têm mais de 2 documentos correspondentes? |
2,612 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Companies | How many companies are there? | CREATE TABLE Companies (Id VARCHAR) | Quantas empresas existem? |
2,613 | SELECT name FROM Companies ORDER BY Market_Value_billion DESC | List the names of companies in descending order of market value. | CREATE TABLE Companies (name VARCHAR, Market_Value_billion VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes das empresas em ordem decrescente de valor de mercado. |
2,614 | SELECT name FROM Companies WHERE Headquarters <> 'USA' | What are the names of companies whose headquarters are not "USA"? | CREATE TABLE Companies (name VARCHAR, Headquarters VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes das empresas cuja sede não é "EUA"? |
2,615 | SELECT name, Assets_billion FROM Companies ORDER BY name | What are the name and assets of each company, sorted in ascending order of company name? | CREATE TABLE Companies (name VARCHAR, Assets_billion VARCHAR) | Quais são o nome e os ativos de cada empresa, classificados em ordem crescente de nome da empresa? |
2,616 | SELECT AVG(Profits_billion) FROM Companies | What are the average profits of companies? | CREATE TABLE Companies (Profits_billion INTEGER) | Quais são os lucros médios das empresas? |
2,617 | SELECT MAX(Sales_billion), MIN(Sales_billion) FROM Companies WHERE Industry <> "Banking" | What are the maximum and minimum sales of the companies whose industries are not "Banking". | CREATE TABLE Companies (Sales_billion INTEGER, Industry VARCHAR) | Quais são as vendas máximas e mínimas das empresas cujas indústrias não são "Banking". |
2,618 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Industry) FROM Companies | How many different industries are the companies in? | CREATE TABLE Companies (Industry VARCHAR) | Em quantas indústrias diferentes estão as empresas? |
2,619 | SELECT name FROM buildings ORDER BY Height DESC | List the names of buildings in descending order of building height. | CREATE TABLE buildings (name VARCHAR, Height VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes dos edifícios em ordem decrescente de altura do edifício. |
2,620 | SELECT Stories FROM buildings ORDER BY Height DESC LIMIT 1 | Find the stories of the building with the largest height. | CREATE TABLE buildings (Stories VARCHAR, Height VARCHAR) | Encontre as histórias do edifício com a maior altura. |
2,621 | SELECT T3.name, T2.name FROM Office_locations AS T1 JOIN buildings AS T2 ON T1.building_id = T2.id JOIN Companies AS T3 ON T1.company_id = T3.id | List the name of a building along with the name of a company whose office is in the building. | CREATE TABLE buildings (name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Office_locations (building_id VARCHAR, company_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Companies (name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR) | Liste o nome de um edifício juntamente com o nome de uma empresa cujo escritório está no edifício. |
2,622 | SELECT T2.name FROM Office_locations AS T1 JOIN buildings AS T2 ON T1.building_id = T2.id JOIN Companies AS T3 ON T1.company_id = T3.id GROUP BY T1.building_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 | Show the names of the buildings that have more than one company offices. | CREATE TABLE buildings (name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Companies (id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Office_locations (building_id VARCHAR, company_id VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos edifícios que têm mais de um escritório da empresa. |
2,623 | SELECT T2.name FROM Office_locations AS T1 JOIN buildings AS T2 ON T1.building_id = T2.id JOIN Companies AS T3 ON T1.company_id = T3.id GROUP BY T1.building_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Show the name of the building that has the most company offices. | CREATE TABLE buildings (name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Companies (id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Office_locations (building_id VARCHAR, company_id VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome do edifício que tem mais escritórios da empresa. |
2,624 | SELECT name FROM buildings WHERE Status = "on-hold" ORDER BY Stories | Please show the names of the buildings whose status is "on-hold", in ascending order of stories. | CREATE TABLE buildings (name VARCHAR, Status VARCHAR, Stories VARCHAR) | Por favor, mostre os nomes dos edifícios cujo status é "on-hold", em ordem crescente de histórias. |
2,625 | SELECT Industry, COUNT(*) FROM Companies GROUP BY Industry | Please show each industry and the corresponding number of companies in that industry. | CREATE TABLE Companies (Industry VARCHAR) | Por favor, mostre cada setor e o número correspondente de empresas nesse setor. |
2,626 | SELECT Industry FROM Companies GROUP BY Industry ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC | Please show the industries of companies in descending order of the number of companies. | CREATE TABLE Companies (Industry VARCHAR) | Por favor, mostre as indústrias das empresas em ordem decrescente do número de empresas. |
2,627 | SELECT Industry FROM Companies GROUP BY Industry ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | List the industry shared by the most companies. | CREATE TABLE Companies (Industry VARCHAR) | Liste a indústria compartilhada pela maioria das empresas. |
2,628 | SELECT name FROM buildings WHERE NOT id IN (SELECT building_id FROM Office_locations) | List the names of buildings that have no company office. | CREATE TABLE buildings (name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR, building_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Office_locations (name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR, building_id VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes dos edifícios que não têm escritório da empresa. |
2,629 | SELECT Industry FROM Companies WHERE Headquarters = "USA" INTERSECT SELECT Industry FROM Companies WHERE Headquarters = "China" | Show the industries shared by companies whose headquarters are "USA" and companies whose headquarters are "China". | CREATE TABLE Companies (Industry VARCHAR, Headquarters VARCHAR) | Mostre as indústrias compartilhadas por empresas cuja sede é "EUA" e empresas cuja sede é "China". |
2,630 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Companies WHERE Industry = "Banking" OR Industry = "Conglomerate" | Find the number of companies whose industry is "Banking" or "Conglomerate", | CREATE TABLE Companies (Industry VARCHAR) | Encontre o número de empresas cuja indústria é "Banco" ou "Conglomerado", |
2,631 | SELECT Headquarters FROM Companies GROUP BY Headquarters HAVING COUNT(*) > 2 | Show the headquarters shared by more than two companies. | CREATE TABLE Companies (Headquarters VARCHAR) | Mostre a sede compartilhada por mais de duas empresas. |
2,632 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Products | How many products are there? | CREATE TABLE Products (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos produtos existem? |
2,633 | SELECT Product_Name FROM Products ORDER BY Product_Price | List the name of products in ascending order of price. | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Name VARCHAR, Product_Price VARCHAR) | Listar o nome dos produtos em ordem crescente de preço. |
2,634 | SELECT Product_Name, Product_Type_Code FROM Products | What are the names and type codes of products? | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Name VARCHAR, Product_Type_Code VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes e códigos de tipo de produtos? |
2,635 | SELECT Product_Price FROM Products WHERE Product_Name = "Dining" OR Product_Name = "Trading Policy" | Show the prices of the products named "Dining" or "Trading Policy". | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Price VARCHAR, Product_Name VARCHAR) | Mostrar os preços dos produtos denominados "Dining" ou "Trading Policy". |
2,636 | SELECT AVG(Product_Price) FROM Products | What is the average price for products? | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Price INTEGER) | Qual é o preço médio dos produtos? |
2,637 | SELECT Product_Name FROM Products ORDER BY Product_Price DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the name of the product with the highest price? | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Name VARCHAR, Product_Price VARCHAR) | Qual é o nome do produto com o preço mais alto? |
2,638 | SELECT Product_Type_Code, COUNT(*) FROM Products GROUP BY Product_Type_Code | Show different type codes of products and the number of products with each type code. | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Type_Code VARCHAR) | Mostrar diferentes códigos de tipo de produtos e o número de produtos com cada código de tipo. |
2,639 | SELECT Product_Type_Code FROM Products GROUP BY Product_Type_Code ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Show the most common type code across products. | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Type_Code VARCHAR) | Mostre o código de tipo mais comum em todos os produtos. |
2,640 | SELECT Product_Type_Code FROM Products GROUP BY Product_Type_Code HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 | Show the product type codes that have at least two products. | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Type_Code VARCHAR) | Mostre os códigos do tipo de produto que têm pelo menos dois produtos. |
2,641 | SELECT Product_Type_Code FROM Products WHERE Product_Price > 4500 INTERSECT SELECT Product_Type_Code FROM Products WHERE Product_Price < 3000 | Show the product type codes that have both products with price higher than 4500 and products with price lower than 3000. | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Type_Code VARCHAR, Product_Price INTEGER) | Mostrar os códigos de tipo de produto que têm ambos os produtos com preço superior a 4500 e produtos com preço inferior a 3000. |
2,642 | SELECT T1.Product_Name, COUNT(*) FROM Products AS T1 JOIN Products_in_Events AS T2 ON T1.Product_ID = T2.Product_ID GROUP BY T1.Product_Name | Show the names of products and the number of events they are in. | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Name VARCHAR, Product_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Products_in_Events (Product_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos produtos e o número de eventos em que eles estão. |
2,643 | SELECT T1.Product_Name, COUNT(*) FROM Products AS T1 JOIN Products_in_Events AS T2 ON T1.Product_ID = T2.Product_ID GROUP BY T1.Product_Name ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC | Show the names of products and the number of events they are in, sorted by the number of events in descending order. | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Name VARCHAR, Product_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Products_in_Events (Product_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos produtos e o número de eventos em que eles estão, classificados pelo número de eventos em ordem decrescente. |
2,644 | SELECT T1.Product_Name FROM Products AS T1 JOIN Products_in_Events AS T2 ON T1.Product_ID = T2.Product_ID GROUP BY T1.Product_Name HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 | Show the names of products that are in at least two events. | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Name VARCHAR, Product_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Products_in_Events (Product_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos produtos que estão em pelo menos dois eventos. |
2,645 | SELECT T1.Product_Name FROM Products AS T1 JOIN Products_in_Events AS T2 ON T1.Product_ID = T2.Product_ID GROUP BY T1.Product_Name HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 ORDER BY T1.Product_Name | Show the names of products that are in at least two events in ascending alphabetical order of product name. | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Name VARCHAR, Product_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Products_in_Events (Product_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos produtos que estão em pelo menos dois eventos em ordem alfabética ascendente do nome do produto. |
2,646 | SELECT Product_Name FROM Products WHERE NOT Product_ID IN (SELECT Product_ID FROM Products_in_Events) | List the names of products that are not in any event. | CREATE TABLE Products (Product_Name VARCHAR, Product_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Products_in_Events (Product_Name VARCHAR, Product_ID VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes dos produtos que não estão em qualquer evento. |
2,647 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM artwork | How many artworks are there? | CREATE TABLE artwork (Id VARCHAR) | Quantas obras de arte existem? |
2,648 | SELECT Name FROM artwork ORDER BY Name | List the name of artworks in ascending alphabetical order. | CREATE TABLE artwork (Name VARCHAR) | Liste o nome das obras de arte em ordem alfabética ascendente. |
2,649 | SELECT Name FROM artwork WHERE TYPE <> "Program Talent Show" | List the name of artworks whose type is not "Program Talent Show". | CREATE TABLE artwork (Name VARCHAR, TYPE VARCHAR) | Liste o nome das obras de arte cujo tipo não é "Program Talent Show". |
2,650 | SELECT Festival_Name, LOCATION FROM festival_detail | What are the names and locations of festivals? | CREATE TABLE festival_detail (Festival_Name VARCHAR, LOCATION VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes e locais dos festivais? |
2,651 | SELECT Chair_Name FROM festival_detail ORDER BY YEAR | What are the names of the chairs of festivals, sorted in ascending order of the year held? | CREATE TABLE festival_detail (Chair_Name VARCHAR, YEAR VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes das cadeiras das festas, ordenadas em ordem ascendente do ano realizado? |
2,652 | SELECT LOCATION FROM festival_detail ORDER BY Num_of_Audience DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the location of the festival with the largest number of audience? | CREATE TABLE festival_detail (LOCATION VARCHAR, Num_of_Audience VARCHAR) | Qual é a localização do festival com o maior número de público? |
2,653 | SELECT Festival_Name FROM festival_detail WHERE YEAR = 2007 | What are the names of festivals held in year 2007? | CREATE TABLE festival_detail (Festival_Name VARCHAR, YEAR VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes dos festivais realizados no ano de 2007? |
2,654 | SELECT AVG(Num_of_Audience) FROM festival_detail | What is the average number of audience for festivals? | CREATE TABLE festival_detail (Num_of_Audience INTEGER) | Qual é o número médio de público para festivais? |
2,655 | SELECT Festival_Name FROM festival_detail ORDER BY YEAR DESC LIMIT 3 | Show the names of the three most recent festivals. | CREATE TABLE festival_detail (Festival_Name VARCHAR, YEAR VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos três festivais mais recentes. |
2,656 | SELECT T2.Name, T3.Festival_Name FROM nomination AS T1 JOIN artwork AS T2 ON T1.Artwork_ID = T2.Artwork_ID JOIN festival_detail AS T3 ON T1.Festival_ID = T3.Festival_ID | For each nomination, show the name of the artwork and name of the festival where it is nominated. | CREATE TABLE artwork (Name VARCHAR, Artwork_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE nomination (Artwork_ID VARCHAR, Festival_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE festival_detail (Festival_Name VARCHAR, Festival_ID VARCHAR) | Para cada indicação, mostre o nome da obra de arte e o nome do festival onde ela é indicada. |
2,657 | SELECT DISTINCT T2.Type FROM nomination AS T1 JOIN artwork AS T2 ON T1.Artwork_ID = T2.Artwork_ID JOIN festival_detail AS T3 ON T1.Festival_ID = T3.Festival_ID WHERE T3.Year = 2007 | Show distinct types of artworks that are nominated in festivals in 2007. | CREATE TABLE nomination (Artwork_ID VARCHAR, Festival_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE festival_detail (Festival_ID VARCHAR, Year VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE artwork (Type VARCHAR, Artwork_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre tipos distintos de obras de arte que são nomeadas em festivais em 2007. |
2,658 | SELECT T2.Name FROM nomination AS T1 JOIN artwork AS T2 ON T1.Artwork_ID = T2.Artwork_ID JOIN festival_detail AS T3 ON T1.Festival_ID = T3.Festival_ID ORDER BY T3.Year | Show the names of artworks in ascending order of the year they are nominated in. | CREATE TABLE artwork (Name VARCHAR, Artwork_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE nomination (Artwork_ID VARCHAR, Festival_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE festival_detail (Festival_ID VARCHAR, Year VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes das obras de arte em ordem crescente do ano em que foram nomeadas. |
2,659 | SELECT T3.Festival_Name FROM nomination AS T1 JOIN artwork AS T2 ON T1.Artwork_ID = T2.Artwork_ID JOIN festival_detail AS T3 ON T1.Festival_ID = T3.Festival_ID WHERE T2.Type = "Program Talent Show" | Show the names of festivals that have nominated artworks of type "Program Talent Show". | CREATE TABLE nomination (Artwork_ID VARCHAR, Festival_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE artwork (Artwork_ID VARCHAR, Type VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE festival_detail (Festival_Name VARCHAR, Festival_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos festivais que nomearam obras de arte do tipo "Program Talent Show". |
2,660 | SELECT T1.Festival_ID, T3.Festival_Name FROM nomination AS T1 JOIN artwork AS T2 ON T1.Artwork_ID = T2.Artwork_ID JOIN festival_detail AS T3 ON T1.Festival_ID = T3.Festival_ID GROUP BY T1.Festival_ID HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 | Show the ids and names of festivals that have at least two nominations for artworks. | CREATE TABLE nomination (Festival_ID VARCHAR, Artwork_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE festival_detail (Festival_Name VARCHAR, Festival_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE artwork (Artwork_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre os IDs e nomes dos festivais que têm pelo menos duas indicações para obras de arte. |
2,661 | SELECT T1.Festival_ID, T3.Festival_Name, COUNT(*) FROM nomination AS T1 JOIN artwork AS T2 ON T1.Artwork_ID = T2.Artwork_ID JOIN festival_detail AS T3 ON T1.Festival_ID = T3.Festival_ID GROUP BY T1.Festival_ID | Show the id, name of each festival and the number of artworks it has nominated. | CREATE TABLE nomination (Festival_ID VARCHAR, Artwork_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE festival_detail (Festival_Name VARCHAR, Festival_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE artwork (Artwork_ID VARCHAR) | Mostre o id, o nome de cada festival e o número de obras de arte que ele nomeou. |
2,662 | SELECT TYPE, COUNT(*) FROM artwork GROUP BY TYPE | Please show different types of artworks with the corresponding number of artworks of each type. | CREATE TABLE artwork (TYPE VARCHAR) | Por favor, mostre diferentes tipos de obras de arte com o número correspondente de obras de arte de cada tipo. |
2,663 | SELECT TYPE FROM artwork GROUP BY TYPE ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | List the most common type of artworks. | CREATE TABLE artwork (TYPE VARCHAR) | Liste o tipo mais comum de obras de arte. |
2,664 | SELECT YEAR FROM festival_detail GROUP BY YEAR HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 | List the year in which there are more than one festivals. | CREATE TABLE festival_detail (YEAR VARCHAR) | Listar o ano em que há mais de um festival. |
2,665 | SELECT Name FROM Artwork WHERE NOT Artwork_ID IN (SELECT Artwork_ID FROM nomination) | List the name of artworks that are not nominated. | CREATE TABLE nomination (Name VARCHAR, Artwork_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Artwork (Name VARCHAR, Artwork_ID VARCHAR) | Liste o nome das obras de arte que não foram nomeadas. |
2,666 | SELECT Num_of_Audience FROM festival_detail WHERE YEAR = 2008 OR YEAR = 2010 | Show the number of audience in year 2008 or 2010. | CREATE TABLE festival_detail (Num_of_Audience VARCHAR, YEAR VARCHAR) | Mostrar o número de audiências no ano de 2008 ou 2010. |
2,667 | SELECT SUM(Num_of_Audience) FROM festival_detail | What are the total number of the audiences who visited any of the festivals? | CREATE TABLE festival_detail (Num_of_Audience INTEGER) | Qual é o número total de espectadores que visitaram algum dos festivais? |
2,668 | SELECT YEAR FROM festival_detail WHERE LOCATION = 'United States' INTERSECT SELECT YEAR FROM festival_detail WHERE LOCATION <> 'United States' | In which year are there festivals both inside the 'United States' and outside the 'United States'? | CREATE TABLE festival_detail (YEAR VARCHAR, LOCATION VARCHAR) | Em que ano existem festivais dentro e fora dos Estados Unidos? |
2,669 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM premises | How many premises are there? | CREATE TABLE premises (Id VARCHAR) | Quantas instalações existem? |
2,670 | SELECT DISTINCT premises_type FROM premises | What are all the distinct premise types? | CREATE TABLE premises (premises_type VARCHAR) | Quais são todos os tipos de premissas distintas? |
2,671 | SELECT premises_type, premise_details FROM premises ORDER BY premises_type | Find the types and details for all premises and order by the premise type. | CREATE TABLE premises (premises_type VARCHAR, premise_details VARCHAR) | Encontre os tipos e detalhes para todas as instalações e ordem pelo tipo de premissa. |
2,672 | SELECT premises_type, COUNT(*) FROM premises GROUP BY premises_type | Show each premise type and the number of premises in that type. | CREATE TABLE premises (premises_type VARCHAR) | Mostre cada tipo de premissa e o número de premissas nesse tipo. |
2,673 | SELECT product_category, COUNT(*) FROM mailshot_campaigns GROUP BY product_category | Show all distinct product categories along with the number of mailshots in each category. | CREATE TABLE mailshot_campaigns (product_category VARCHAR) | Mostrar todas as categorias de produtos distintas, juntamente com o número de mailshots em cada categoria. |
2,674 | SELECT customer_name, customer_phone FROM customers WHERE NOT customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM mailshot_customers) | Show the name and phone of the customer without any mailshot. | CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_phone VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE mailshot_customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_phone VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome e o telefone do cliente sem qualquer mailshot. |
2,675 | SELECT T1.customer_name, T1.customer_phone FROM customers AS T1 JOIN mailshot_customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T2.outcome_code = 'No Response' | Show the name and phone for customers with a mailshot with outcome code 'No Response'. | CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_phone VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE mailshot_customers (customer_id VARCHAR, outcome_code VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome e o telefone para os clientes com uma captura de e-mail com o código de resultado 'No Response'. |
2,676 | SELECT outcome_code, COUNT(*) FROM mailshot_customers GROUP BY outcome_code | Show the outcome code of mailshots along with the number of mailshots in each outcome code. | CREATE TABLE mailshot_customers (outcome_code VARCHAR) | Mostre o código de resultado dos mailshots juntamente com o número de mailshots em cada código de resultado. |
2,677 | SELECT T2.customer_name FROM mailshot_customers AS T1 JOIN customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE outcome_code = 'Order' GROUP BY T1.customer_id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 | Show the names of customers who have at least 2 mailshots with outcome code 'Order'. | CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE mailshot_customers (customer_id VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos clientes que têm pelo menos 2 mailshots com o código de resultado 'Order'. |
2,678 | SELECT T2.customer_name FROM mailshot_customers AS T1 JOIN customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T1.customer_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Show the names of customers who have the most mailshots. | CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE mailshot_customers (customer_id VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos clientes que têm mais mailshots. |
2,679 | SELECT T2.customer_name, T2.payment_method FROM mailshot_customers AS T1 JOIN customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T1.outcome_code = 'Order' INTERSECT SELECT T2.customer_name, T2.payment_method FROM mailshot_customers AS T1 JOIN customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T1.outcome_code = 'No Response' | What are the name and payment method of customers who have both mailshots in 'Order' outcome and mailshots in 'No Response' outcome. | CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, payment_method VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE mailshot_customers (customer_id VARCHAR, outcome_code VARCHAR) | Quais são o nome e o método de pagamento dos clientes que têm ambos os mailshots no resultado 'Order' e mailshots no resultado 'No Response'. |
2,680 | SELECT T2.premises_type, T1.address_type_code FROM customer_addresses AS T1 JOIN premises AS T2 ON T1.premise_id = T2.premise_id | Show the premise type and address type code for all customer addresses. | CREATE TABLE premises (premises_type VARCHAR, premise_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customer_addresses (address_type_code VARCHAR, premise_id VARCHAR) | Mostre o tipo de premissa e o código do tipo de endereço para todos os endereços do cliente. |
2,681 | SELECT DISTINCT address_type_code FROM customer_addresses | What are the distinct address type codes for all customer addresses? | CREATE TABLE customer_addresses (address_type_code VARCHAR) | Quais são os códigos de tipo de endereço distintos para todos os endereços do cliente? |
2,682 | SELECT order_shipping_charges, customer_id FROM customer_orders WHERE order_status_code = 'Cancelled' OR order_status_code = 'Paid' | Show the shipping charge and customer id for customer orders with order status Cancelled or Paid. | CREATE TABLE customer_orders (order_shipping_charges VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR, order_status_code VARCHAR) | Mostre a taxa de envio e o ID do cliente para pedidos de clientes com status de pedido cancelado ou pago. |
2,683 | SELECT T1.customer_name FROM customers AS T1 JOIN customer_orders AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE shipping_method_code = 'FedEx' AND order_status_code = 'Paid' | Show the names of customers having an order with shipping method FedEx and order status Paid. | CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customer_orders (customer_id VARCHAR) | Mostrar os nomes dos clientes que têm uma encomenda com o método de envio FedEx e o estado da encomenda Pago. |
2,684 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM COURSE | How many courses are there in total? | CREATE TABLE COURSE (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos cursos existem no total? |
2,685 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM COURSE WHERE Credits > 2 | How many courses have more than 2 credits? | CREATE TABLE COURSE (Credits INTEGER) | Quantos cursos têm mais de 2 créditos? |
2,686 | SELECT CName FROM COURSE WHERE Credits = 1 | List all names of courses with 1 credit? | CREATE TABLE COURSE (CName VARCHAR, Credits VARCHAR) | Listar todos os nomes de cursos com 1 crédito? |
2,687 | SELECT CName FROM COURSE WHERE Days = "MTW" | Which courses are taught on days MTW? | CREATE TABLE COURSE (CName VARCHAR, Days VARCHAR) | Quais cursos são ministrados nos dias MTW? |
2,688 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DEPARTMENT WHERE Division = "AS" | What is the number of departments in Division "AS"? | CREATE TABLE DEPARTMENT (Division VARCHAR) | Qual é o número de departamentos na Divisão "AS"? |
2,689 | SELECT DPhone FROM DEPARTMENT WHERE Room = 268 | What are the phones of departments in Room 268? | CREATE TABLE DEPARTMENT (DPhone VARCHAR, Room VARCHAR) | Quais são os telefones dos departamentos no quarto 268? |
2,690 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT StuID) FROM ENROLLED_IN WHERE Grade = "B" | Find the number of students that have at least one grade "B". | CREATE TABLE ENROLLED_IN (StuID VARCHAR, Grade VARCHAR) | Encontre o número de alunos que têm pelo menos um grau "B". |
2,691 | SELECT MAX(gradepoint), MIN(gradepoint) FROM GRADECONVERSION | Find the max and min grade point for all letter grade. | CREATE TABLE GRADECONVERSION (gradepoint INTEGER) | Encontre o ponto máximo e mínimo para todas as notas das letras. |
2,692 | SELECT DISTINCT Fname FROM STUDENT WHERE Fname LIKE '%a%' | Find the first names of students whose first names contain letter "a". | CREATE TABLE STUDENT (Fname VARCHAR) | Encontre os primeiros nomes dos alunos cujos primeiros nomes contenham a letra "a". |
2,693 | SELECT Fname, Lname FROM FACULTY WHERE sex = "M" AND Building = "NEB" | Find the first names and last names of male (sex is M) faculties who live in building NEB. | CREATE TABLE FACULTY (Fname VARCHAR, Lname VARCHAR, sex VARCHAR, Building VARCHAR) | Encontre os primeiros nomes e sobrenomes de homens (sexo é M) faculdades que vivem na construção NEB. |
2,694 | SELECT Room FROM FACULTY WHERE Rank = "Professor" AND Building = "NEB" | Find the rooms of faculties with rank professor who live in building NEB. | CREATE TABLE FACULTY (Room VARCHAR, Rank VARCHAR, Building VARCHAR) | Encontre as salas de faculdades com o professor que vive na construção de NEB. |
2,695 | SELECT DName FROM DEPARTMENT WHERE Building = "Mergenthaler" | Find the department name that is in Building "Mergenthaler". | CREATE TABLE DEPARTMENT (DName VARCHAR, Building VARCHAR) | Encontre o nome do departamento que está no Edifício "Mergenthaler". |
2,696 | SELECT * FROM COURSE ORDER BY Credits | List all information about courses sorted by credits in the ascending order. | CREATE TABLE COURSE (Credits VARCHAR) | Liste todas as informações sobre os cursos classificados por créditos na ordem ascendente. |
2,697 | SELECT CName FROM COURSE ORDER BY Credits | List the course name of courses sorted by credits. | CREATE TABLE COURSE (CName VARCHAR, Credits VARCHAR) | Liste o nome do curso dos cursos classificados por créditos. |
2,698 | SELECT Fname FROM STUDENT ORDER BY Age DESC | Find the first name of students in the descending order of age. | CREATE TABLE STUDENT (Fname VARCHAR, Age VARCHAR) | Encontre o primeiro nome dos alunos na ordem decrescente de idade. |
2,699 | SELECT LName FROM STUDENT WHERE Sex = "F" ORDER BY Age DESC | Find the last name of female (sex is F) students in the descending order of age. | CREATE TABLE STUDENT (LName VARCHAR, Sex VARCHAR, Age VARCHAR) | Encontre o sobrenome de estudantes do sexo feminino (sexo é F) na ordem decrescente de idade. |
Subsets and Splits