Unnamed: 0
SELECT T1.Title, T2.Type FROM film AS T1 JOIN film_market_estimation AS T2 ON T1.Film_ID = T2.Film_ID
Please show the titles of films and the types of market estimations.
CREATE TABLE film (Title VARCHAR, Film_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE film_market_estimation (Type VARCHAR, Film_ID VARCHAR)
Por favor, mostre os títulos dos filmes e os tipos de estimativas de mercado.
SELECT DISTINCT T1.Director FROM film AS T1 JOIN film_market_estimation AS T2 ON T1.Film_ID = T2.Film_ID WHERE T2.Year = 1995
Show the distinct director of films with market estimation in the year of 1995.
CREATE TABLE film (Director VARCHAR, Film_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE film_market_estimation (Film_ID VARCHAR, Year VARCHAR)
Mostre o diretor distinto de filmes com estimativa de mercado no ano de 1995.
SELECT AVG(T2.Number_cities) FROM film_market_estimation AS T1 JOIN market AS T2 ON T1.Market_ID = T2.Market_ID WHERE T1.Low_Estimate > 10000
What is the average number of cities of markets with low film market estimate bigger than 10000?
CREATE TABLE market (Number_cities INTEGER, Market_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE film_market_estimation (Market_ID VARCHAR, Low_Estimate INTEGER)
Qual é o número médio de cidades de mercados com baixa estimativa de mercado de filmes maior que 10000?
SELECT T2.Country, T1.Year FROM film_market_estimation AS T1 JOIN market AS T2 ON T1.Market_ID = T2.Market_ID
Please list the countries and years of film market estimations.
CREATE TABLE film_market_estimation (Year VARCHAR, Market_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE market (Country VARCHAR, Market_ID VARCHAR)
Por favor, liste os países e anos de estimativas do mercado de filmes.
SELECT T1.Year FROM film_market_estimation AS T1 JOIN market AS T2 ON T1.Market_ID = T2.Market_ID WHERE T2.Country = "Japan" ORDER BY T1.Year DESC
Please list the years of film market estimations when the market is in country "Japan" in descending order.
CREATE TABLE film_market_estimation (Year VARCHAR, Market_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE market (Market_ID VARCHAR, Country VARCHAR)
Por favor, liste os anos de estimativas de mercado de filmes quando o mercado está no país "Japão" em ordem decrescente.
SELECT Studio, COUNT(*) FROM film GROUP BY Studio
List the studios of each film and the number of films produced by that studio.
Liste os estúdios de cada filme e o número de filmes produzidos por esse estúdio.
List the name of film studio that have the most number of films.
Liste o nome do estúdio de cinema que tem o maior número de filmes.
SELECT Studio FROM film GROUP BY Studio HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2
List the names of studios that have at least two films.
Listar os nomes dos estúdios que têm pelo menos dois filmes.
SELECT Title FROM film WHERE NOT Film_ID IN (SELECT Film_ID FROM film_market_estimation)
List the title of films that do not have any market estimation.
CREATE TABLE film_market_estimation (Title VARCHAR, Film_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE film (Title VARCHAR, Film_ID VARCHAR)
Liste o título dos filmes que não têm qualquer estimativa de mercado.
SELECT Studio FROM film WHERE Director = "Nicholas Meyer" INTERSECT SELECT Studio FROM film WHERE Director = "Walter Hill"
Show the studios that have produced films with director "Nicholas Meyer" and "Walter Hill".
Mostre os estúdios que produziram filmes com os diretores "Nicholas Meyer" e "Walter Hill".
SELECT title, Studio FROM film WHERE Studio LIKE "%Universal%"
Find the titles and studios of the films that are produced by some film studios that contained the word "Universal".
Encontre os títulos e estúdios dos filmes que são produzidos por alguns estúdios de cinema que continham a palavra "Universal".
SELECT Studio FROM film EXCEPT SELECT Studio FROM film WHERE Director = "Walter Hill"
Show the studios that have not produced films with director "Walter Hill".
Mostre os estúdios que não produziram filmes com o diretor "Walter Hill".
SELECT Studio FROM film GROUP BY Studio HAVING AVG(Gross_in_dollar) >= 4500000
List the studios which average gross is above 4500000.
CREATE TABLE film (Studio VARCHAR, Gross_in_dollar INTEGER)
Liste os estúdios que a média bruta é superior a 4500000.
SELECT t1.title FROM film AS T1 JOIN film_market_estimation AS T2 ON T1.Film_ID = T2.Film_ID ORDER BY high_estimate DESC LIMIT 1
What is the title of the film that has the highest high market estimation.
CREATE TABLE film_market_estimation (Film_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE film (Film_ID VARCHAR)
Qual é o título do filme que tem a maior estimativa de mercado.
SELECT title, director FROM film WHERE NOT film_id IN (SELECT film_id FROM film_market_estimation AS T1 JOIN market AS T2 ON T1.market_id = T2.Market_ID WHERE country = 'China')
What are the titles and directors of the films were never presented in China?
CREATE TABLE film (title VARCHAR, director VARCHAR, film_id VARCHAR, country VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE market (Market_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE film_market_estimation (market_id VARCHAR)
Quais são os títulos e diretores dos filmes nunca foram apresentados na China?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Ref_calendar
How many calendar items do we have?
Quantos itens de calendário temos?
SELECT calendar_date, day_Number FROM Ref_calendar
Show all calendar dates and day Numbers.
CREATE TABLE Ref_calendar (calendar_date VARCHAR, day_Number VARCHAR)
Mostrar todas as datas do calendário e números do dia.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Ref_document_types
Show the number of document types.
CREATE TABLE Ref_document_types (Id VARCHAR)
Mostrar o número de tipos de documentos.
SELECT document_type_code, document_type_name FROM Ref_document_types
List all document type codes and document type names.
CREATE TABLE Ref_document_types (document_type_code VARCHAR, document_type_name VARCHAR)
Liste todos os códigos de tipo de documento e nomes de tipo de documento.
SELECT document_type_name, document_type_description FROM Ref_document_types WHERE document_type_code = "RV"
What is the name and description for document type code RV?
CREATE TABLE Ref_document_types (document_type_name VARCHAR, document_type_description VARCHAR, document_type_code VARCHAR)
Qual é o nome e a descrição do código de tipo de documento RV?
SELECT document_type_code FROM Ref_document_types WHERE document_type_name = "Paper"
What is the document type code for document type "Paper"?
CREATE TABLE Ref_document_types (document_type_code VARCHAR, document_type_name VARCHAR)
Qual é o código de tipo de documento para o tipo de documento "Paper"?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM All_documents WHERE document_type_code = "CV" OR document_type_code = "BK"
Show the number of documents with document type code CV or BK.
CREATE TABLE All_documents (document_type_code VARCHAR)
Mostrar o número de documentos com código de tipo de documento CV ou BK.
SELECT date_stored FROM All_documents WHERE Document_name = "Marry CV"
What is the date when the document "Marry CV" was stored?
CREATE TABLE All_documents (date_stored VARCHAR, Document_name VARCHAR)
Qual é a data em que o documento "Marry CV" foi armazenado?
SELECT T2.day_Number, T1.Date_Stored FROM All_documents AS T1 JOIN Ref_calendar AS T2 ON T1.date_stored = T2.calendar_date
What is the day Number and date of all the documents?
CREATE TABLE All_documents (Date_Stored VARCHAR, date_stored VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Ref_calendar (day_Number VARCHAR, calendar_date VARCHAR)
Qual é o número do dia e a data de todos os documentos?
SELECT T2.document_type_name FROM All_documents AS T1 JOIN Ref_document_types AS T2 ON T1.document_type_code = T2.document_type_code WHERE T1.document_name = "How to read a book"
What is the document type name for the document with name "How to read a book"?
CREATE TABLE Ref_document_types (document_type_name VARCHAR, document_type_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE All_documents (document_type_code VARCHAR, document_name VARCHAR)
Qual é o nome do tipo de documento para o documento com o nome "Como ler um livro"?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Ref_locations
Show the number of locations.
Mostre o número de locais.
SELECT location_code, location_name FROM Ref_locations
List all location codes and location names.
CREATE TABLE Ref_locations (location_code VARCHAR, location_name VARCHAR)
Listar todos os códigos de localização e nomes de localização.
SELECT location_name, location_description FROM Ref_locations WHERE location_code = "x"
What are the name and description for location code x?
CREATE TABLE Ref_locations (location_name VARCHAR, location_description VARCHAR, location_code VARCHAR)
Qual é o nome e a descrição do código de localização x?
SELECT location_code FROM Ref_locations WHERE location_name = "Canada"
What is the location code for the country "Canada"?
CREATE TABLE Ref_locations (location_code VARCHAR, location_name VARCHAR)
Qual é o código de localização do país "Brasil"?
How many roles are there?
Quantos papéis existem?
SELECT role_code, role_name, role_description FROM ROLES
List all role codes, role names, and role descriptions.
CREATE TABLE ROLES (role_code VARCHAR, role_name VARCHAR, role_description VARCHAR)
Liste todos os códigos de função, nomes de funções e descrições de funções.
SELECT role_name, role_description FROM ROLES WHERE role_code = "MG"
What are the name and description for role code "MG"?
CREATE TABLE ROLES (role_name VARCHAR, role_description VARCHAR, role_code VARCHAR)
Qual é o nome e a descrição do código de função "MG"?
SELECT role_description FROM ROLES WHERE role_name = "Proof Reader"
Show the description for role name "Proof Reader".
CREATE TABLE ROLES (role_description VARCHAR, role_name VARCHAR)
Mostrar a descrição do nome da função "Proof Reader".
SELECT employee_name, role_code, date_of_birth FROM Employees WHERE employee_Name = 'Armani'
Show the name, role code, and date of birth for the employee with name 'Armani'.
CREATE TABLE Employees (employee_name VARCHAR, role_code VARCHAR, date_of_birth VARCHAR, employee_Name VARCHAR)
Mostre o nome, o código de função e a data de nascimento do funcionário com o nome 'Armani'.
SELECT employee_ID FROM Employees WHERE employee_name = "Ebba"
What is the id for the employee called Ebba?
CREATE TABLE Employees (employee_ID VARCHAR, employee_name VARCHAR)
Qual é o ID do funcionário chamado Ebba?
SELECT employee_name FROM Employees WHERE role_code = "HR"
Show the names of all the employees with role "HR".
CREATE TABLE Employees (employee_name VARCHAR, role_code VARCHAR)
Mostre os nomes de todos os funcionários com a função "HR".
SELECT role_code, COUNT(*) FROM Employees GROUP BY role_code
Show all role codes and the number of employees in each role.
CREATE TABLE Employees (role_code VARCHAR)
Mostre todos os códigos de função e o número de funcionários em cada função.
SELECT role_code FROM Employees GROUP BY role_code ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
What is the role code with the largest number of employees?
CREATE TABLE Employees (role_code VARCHAR)
Qual é o código de função com o maior número de funcionários?
SELECT role_code FROM Employees GROUP BY role_code HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3
Show all role codes with at least 3 employees.
CREATE TABLE Employees (role_code VARCHAR)
Mostre todos os códigos de função com pelo menos 3 funcionários.
SELECT role_code FROM Employees GROUP BY role_code ORDER BY COUNT(*) LIMIT 1
Show the role code with the least employees.
CREATE TABLE Employees (role_code VARCHAR)
Mostre o código de função com o menor número de funcionários.
SELECT T2.role_name, T2.role_description FROM Employees AS T1 JOIN ROLES AS T2 ON T1.role_code = T2.role_code WHERE T1.employee_name = "Ebba"
What is the role name and role description for employee called Ebba?
CREATE TABLE Employees (role_code VARCHAR, employee_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE ROLES (role_name VARCHAR, role_description VARCHAR, role_code VARCHAR)
Qual é o nome da função e a descrição da função para o funcionário chamado Ebba?
SELECT T1.employee_name FROM Employees AS T1 JOIN ROLES AS T2 ON T1.role_code = T2.role_code WHERE T2.role_name = "Editor"
Show the names of employees with role name Editor.
CREATE TABLE ROLES (role_code VARCHAR, role_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Employees (employee_name VARCHAR, role_code VARCHAR)
Mostre os nomes dos funcionários com o editor de nome de função.
SELECT T1.employee_id FROM Employees AS T1 JOIN ROLES AS T2 ON T1.role_code = T2.role_code WHERE T2.role_name = "Human Resource" OR T2.role_name = "Manager"
Show the employee ids for all employees with role name "Human Resource" or "Manager".
CREATE TABLE Employees (employee_id VARCHAR, role_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE ROLES (role_code VARCHAR, role_name VARCHAR)
Mostre os IDs dos funcionários para todos os funcionários com o nome de função "Recurso Humano" ou "Gerente".
SELECT DISTINCT location_code FROM Document_locations
What are the different location codes for documents?
CREATE TABLE Document_locations (location_code VARCHAR)
Quais são os diferentes códigos de localização para documentos?
SELECT T3.location_name FROM All_documents AS T1 JOIN Document_locations AS T2 ON T1.document_id = T2.document_id JOIN Ref_locations AS T3 ON T2.location_code = T3.location_code WHERE T1.document_name = "Robin CV"
Show the location name for document "Robin CV".
CREATE TABLE Ref_locations (location_name VARCHAR, location_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE All_documents (document_id VARCHAR, document_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Document_locations (document_id VARCHAR, location_code VARCHAR)
Mostrar o nome do local para o documento "Robin CV".
SELECT location_code, date_in_location_from, date_in_locaton_to FROM Document_locations
Show the location code, the starting date and ending data in that location for all the documents.
CREATE TABLE Document_locations (location_code VARCHAR, date_in_location_from VARCHAR, date_in_locaton_to VARCHAR)
Mostre o código de localização, a data de início e os dados finais nesse local para todos os documentos.
SELECT T1.date_in_location_from, T1.date_in_locaton_to FROM Document_locations AS T1 JOIN All_documents AS T2 ON T1.document_id = T2.document_id WHERE T2.document_name = "Robin CV"
What is "the date in location from" and "the date in location to" for the document with name "Robin CV"?
CREATE TABLE All_documents (document_id VARCHAR, document_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Document_locations (date_in_location_from VARCHAR, date_in_locaton_to VARCHAR, document_id VARCHAR)
O que é "a data no local de" e "a data no local para" para o documento com o nome "Robin CV"?
SELECT location_code, COUNT(*) FROM Document_locations GROUP BY location_code
Show the location codes and the number of documents in each location.
CREATE TABLE Document_locations (location_code VARCHAR)
Mostre os códigos de localização e o número de documentos em cada local.
SELECT location_code FROM Document_locations GROUP BY location_code ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
What is the location code with the most documents?
CREATE TABLE Document_locations (location_code VARCHAR)
Qual é o código de localização com mais documentos?
SELECT location_code FROM Document_locations GROUP BY location_code HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3
Show the location codes with at least 3 documents.
CREATE TABLE Document_locations (location_code VARCHAR)
Mostre os códigos de localização com pelo menos 3 documentos.
SELECT T2.location_name, T1.location_code FROM Document_locations AS T1 JOIN Ref_locations AS T2 ON T1.location_code = T2.location_code GROUP BY T1.location_code ORDER BY COUNT(*) LIMIT 1
Show the location name and code with the least documents.
CREATE TABLE Document_locations (location_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Ref_locations (location_name VARCHAR, location_code VARCHAR)
Mostre o nome do local e o código com o mínimo de documentos.
SELECT T2.employee_name, T3.employee_name FROM Documents_to_be_destroyed AS T1 JOIN Employees AS T2 ON T1.Destruction_Authorised_by_Employee_ID = T2.employee_id JOIN Employees AS T3 ON T1.Destroyed_by_Employee_ID = T3.employee_id
What are the names of the employees who authorised the destruction and the employees who destroyed the corresponding documents?
CREATE TABLE Employees (employee_name VARCHAR, employee_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Documents_to_be_destroyed (Destruction_Authorised_by_Employee_ID VARCHAR, Destroyed_by_Employee_ID VARCHAR)
Quais são os nomes dos funcionários que autorizaram a destruição e os funcionários que destruíram os documentos correspondentes?
SELECT Destruction_Authorised_by_Employee_ID, COUNT(*) FROM Documents_to_be_destroyed GROUP BY Destruction_Authorised_by_Employee_ID
Show the id of each employee and the number of document destruction authorised by that employee.
CREATE TABLE Documents_to_be_destroyed (Destruction_Authorised_by_Employee_ID VARCHAR)
Mostrar a identificação de cada funcionário e o número de destruição de documentos autorizados por esse funcionário.
SELECT Destroyed_by_Employee_ID, COUNT(*) FROM Documents_to_be_destroyed GROUP BY Destroyed_by_Employee_ID
Show the employee ids and the number of documents destroyed by each employee.
CREATE TABLE Documents_to_be_destroyed (Destroyed_by_Employee_ID VARCHAR)
Mostre os IDs dos funcionários e o número de documentos destruídos por cada funcionário.
SELECT employee_id FROM Employees EXCEPT SELECT Destruction_Authorised_by_Employee_ID FROM Documents_to_be_destroyed
Show the ids of the employees who don't authorize destruction for any document.
CREATE TABLE Documents_to_be_destroyed (employee_id VARCHAR, Destruction_Authorised_by_Employee_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Employees (employee_id VARCHAR, Destruction_Authorised_by_Employee_ID VARCHAR)
Mostre as identidades dos funcionários que não autorizam a destruição de nenhum documento.
SELECT DISTINCT Destruction_Authorised_by_Employee_ID FROM Documents_to_be_destroyed
Show the ids of all employees who have authorized destruction.
CREATE TABLE Documents_to_be_destroyed (Destruction_Authorised_by_Employee_ID VARCHAR)
Mostre os IDs de todos os funcionários que autorizaram a destruição.
SELECT DISTINCT Destroyed_by_Employee_ID FROM Documents_to_be_destroyed
Show the ids of all employees who have destroyed a document.
CREATE TABLE Documents_to_be_destroyed (Destroyed_by_Employee_ID VARCHAR)
Mostre os IDs de todos os funcionários que destruíram um documento.
SELECT employee_id FROM Employees EXCEPT SELECT Destroyed_by_Employee_ID FROM Documents_to_be_destroyed
Show the ids of all employees who don't destroy any document.
CREATE TABLE Employees (employee_id VARCHAR, Destroyed_by_Employee_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Documents_to_be_destroyed (employee_id VARCHAR, Destroyed_by_Employee_ID VARCHAR)
Mostre as identidades de todos os funcionários que não destroem nenhum documento.
SELECT Destroyed_by_Employee_ID FROM Documents_to_be_destroyed UNION SELECT Destruction_Authorised_by_Employee_ID FROM Documents_to_be_destroyed
Show the ids of all employees who have either destroyed a document or made an authorization to do this.
CREATE TABLE Documents_to_be_destroyed (Destroyed_by_Employee_ID VARCHAR, Destruction_Authorised_by_Employee_ID VARCHAR)
Mostre os IDs de todos os funcionários que destruíram um documento ou fizeram uma autorização para fazer isso.
SELECT clubname FROM club
What are the names of all clubs?
CREATE TABLE club (clubname VARCHAR)
Quais são os nomes de todos os clubes?
How many students are there?
Quantos alunos existem?
What are the first names of all the students?
CREATE TABLE student (fname VARCHAR)
Quais são os primeiros nomes de todos os alunos?
SELECT t3.lname FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Bootup Baltimore"
Find the last names of the members of the club "Bootup Baltimore".
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (lname VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR)
Encontre os sobrenomes dos membros do clube "Bootup Baltimore".
SELECT t3.lname FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Hopkins Student Enterprises"
Who are the members of the club named "Hopkins Student Enterprises"? Show the last name.
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (lname VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR)
Quem são os membros do clube chamados "Hopkins Student Enterprises"? Mostrar o sobrenome.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Tennis Club"
How many members does the club "Tennis Club" has?
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (stuid VARCHAR)
Quantos membros o clube "Tennis Club" tem?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Pen and Paper Gaming"
Find the number of members of club "Pen and Paper Gaming".
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (stuid VARCHAR)
Encontre o número de membros do clube "Pen and Paper Gaming".
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t3.fname = "Linda" AND t3.lname = "Smith"
How many clubs does "Linda Smith" belong to?
CREATE TABLE student (stuid VARCHAR, fname VARCHAR, lname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR)
A quantos clubes pertence "Linda Smith"?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t3.fname = "Tracy" AND t3.lname = "Kim"
Find the number of clubs where "Tracy Kim" is a member.
CREATE TABLE student (stuid VARCHAR, fname VARCHAR, lname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR)
Encontre o número de clubes em que "Tracy Kim" é um membro.
SELECT t3.fname, t3.lname FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Bootup Baltimore" AND t3.sex = "F"
Find all the female members of club "Bootup Baltimore". Show the first name and last name.
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (fname VARCHAR, lname VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR, sex VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR)
Encontre todos os membros do sexo feminino do clube "Bootup Baltimore". Mostrar o primeiro nome e sobrenome.
SELECT t3.fname, t3.lname FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Hopkins Student Enterprises" AND t3.sex = "M"
Find all the male members of club "Hopkins Student Enterprises". Show the first name and last name.
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (fname VARCHAR, lname VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR, sex VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR)
Encontre todos os membros masculinos do clube "Hopkins Student Enterprises". Mostrar o primeiro nome e sobrenome.
SELECT t3.fname, t3.lname FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Bootup Baltimore" AND t3.major = "600"
Find all members of "Bootup Baltimore" whose major is "600". Show the first name and last name.
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (fname VARCHAR, lname VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR, major VARCHAR)
Encontre todos os membros de "Bootup Baltimore" cujo major é "600". Mostrar o primeiro nome e sobrenome.
SELECT t1.clubname FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t3.major = "600" GROUP BY t1.clubname ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
Which club has the most members majoring in "600"?
CREATE TABLE student (stuid VARCHAR, major VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE club (clubname VARCHAR, clubid VARCHAR)
Qual clube tem mais membros se formando em "600"?
SELECT t1.clubname FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t3.sex = "F" GROUP BY t1.clubname ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
Find the name of the club that has the most female students.
CREATE TABLE student (stuid VARCHAR, sex VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE club (clubname VARCHAR, clubid VARCHAR)
Encontre o nome do clube que tem mais estudantes do sexo feminino.
SELECT clubdesc FROM club WHERE clubname = "Tennis Club"
What is the description of the club named "Tennis Club"?
CREATE TABLE club (clubdesc VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR)
Qual é a descrição do clube chamado "Clube Tennis"?
SELECT clubdesc FROM club WHERE clubname = "Pen and Paper Gaming"
Find the description of the club "Pen and Paper Gaming".
CREATE TABLE club (clubdesc VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR)
Encontre a descrição do clube "Pen and Paper Gaming".
SELECT clublocation FROM club WHERE clubname = "Tennis Club"
What is the location of the club named "Tennis Club"?
CREATE TABLE club (clublocation VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR)
Qual é a localização do clube chamado "Tennis Club"?
SELECT clublocation FROM club WHERE clubname = "Pen and Paper Gaming"
Find the location of the club "Pen and Paper Gaming".
CREATE TABLE club (clublocation VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR)
Encontre a localização do clube "Pen and Paper Gaming".
SELECT clublocation FROM club WHERE clubname = "Hopkins Student Enterprises"
Where is the club "Hopkins Student Enterprises" located?
CREATE TABLE club (clublocation VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR)
Onde está localizado o clube "Hopkins Student Enterprises"?
SELECT clubname FROM club WHERE clublocation = "AKW"
Find the name of all the clubs at "AKW".
CREATE TABLE club (clubname VARCHAR, clublocation VARCHAR)
Encontre o nome de todos os clubes em "AKW".
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM club WHERE clublocation = "HHH"
How many clubs are located at "HHH"?
CREATE TABLE club (clublocation VARCHAR)
Quantos clubes estão localizados em "HHH"?
SELECT t3.fname, t3.lname FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Bootup Baltimore" AND t2.position = "President"
What are the first and last name of the president of the club "Bootup Baltimore"?
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (fname VARCHAR, lname VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR, position VARCHAR)
Qual é o primeiro e último nome do presidente do clube "Bootup Baltimore"?
SELECT t3.fname, t3.lname FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Hopkins Student Enterprises" AND t2.position = "CTO"
Who is the "CTO" of club "Hopkins Student Enterprises"? Show the first name and last name.
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (fname VARCHAR, lname VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR, position VARCHAR)
Quem é o "CTO" do clube "Hopkins Student Enterprises"? Mostrar o primeiro nome e apelido.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t2.position) FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid WHERE t1.clubname = "Bootup Baltimore"
How many different roles are there in the club "Bootup Baltimore"?
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (position VARCHAR, clubid VARCHAR)
Quantos papéis diferentes existem no clube "Bootup Baltimore"?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Bootup Baltimore" AND t3.age > 18
How many members of "Bootup Baltimore" are older than 18?
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (stuid VARCHAR, age VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR)
Quantos membros de "Bootup Baltimore" têm mais de 18 anos?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Bootup Baltimore" AND t3.age < 18
How many members of club "Bootup Baltimore" are younger than 18?
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (stuid VARCHAR, age VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR)
Quantos membros do clube "Bootup Baltimore" têm menos de 18 anos?
SELECT DISTINCT t1.clubname FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t3.city_code = "BAL"
Find the names of all the clubs that have at least a member from the city with city code "BAL".
CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE club (clubname VARCHAR, clubid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (stuid VARCHAR, city_code VARCHAR)
Encontre os nomes de todos os clubes que têm pelo menos um membro da cidade com o código da cidade "BAL".
SELECT DISTINCT t1.clubname FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t3.city_code = "HOU"
Find the names of the clubs that have at least a member from the city with city code "HOU".
CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE club (clubname VARCHAR, clubid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (stuid VARCHAR, city_code VARCHAR)
Encontre os nomes dos clubes que têm pelo menos um membro da cidade com o código da cidade "HOU".
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.clubname) FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t3.fname = "Eric" AND t3.lname = "Tai"
How many clubs does the student named "Eric Tai" belong to?
CREATE TABLE student (stuid VARCHAR, fname VARCHAR, lname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE club (clubname VARCHAR, clubid VARCHAR)
A quantos clubes pertence o aluno chamado Eric Tai?
SELECT DISTINCT t1.clubname FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t3.fname = "Davis" AND t3.lname = "Steven"
List the clubs having "Davis Steven" as a member.
CREATE TABLE student (stuid VARCHAR, fname VARCHAR, lname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE club (clubname VARCHAR, clubid VARCHAR)
Liste os clubes que têm "Davis Steven" como membro.
SELECT DISTINCT t1.clubname FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t3.advisor = 1121
List the clubs that have at least a member with advisor "1121".
CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE club (clubname VARCHAR, clubid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (stuid VARCHAR, advisor VARCHAR)
Listar os clubes que têm pelo menos um membro com conselheiro "1121".
SELECT AVG(t3.age) FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Bootup Baltimore"
What is the average age of the members of the club "Bootup Baltimore"?
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (age INTEGER, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR)
Qual é a idade média dos membros do clube "Bootup Baltimore"?
SELECT AVG(t3.age) FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Hopkins Student Enterprises"
Find the average age of members of the club "Hopkins Student Enterprises".
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (age INTEGER, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR)
Encontre a idade média dos membros do clube "Hopkins Student Enterprises".
SELECT AVG(t3.age) FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t1.clubname = "Tennis Club"
Retrieve the average age of members of the club "Tennis Club".
CREATE TABLE club (clubid VARCHAR, clubname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE student (age INTEGER, stuid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE member_of_club (clubid VARCHAR, stuid VARCHAR)
Recupere a idade média dos membros do clube "Tennis Club".
SELECT T1.grant_amount FROM Grants AS T1 JOIN Documents AS T2 ON T1.grant_id = T2.grant_id WHERE T2.sent_date < '1986-08-26 20:49:27' INTERSECT SELECT grant_amount FROM grants WHERE grant_end_date > '1989-03-16 18:27:16'
What are the distinct grant amount for the grants where the documents were sent before '1986-08-26 20:49:27' and grant were ended after '1989-03-16 18:27:16'?
CREATE TABLE grants (grant_amount VARCHAR, grant_end_date INTEGER); CREATE TABLE Grants (grant_amount VARCHAR, grant_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Documents (grant_id VARCHAR, sent_date INTEGER)
Quais são os montantes distintos das subvenções para as quais os documentos foram enviados antes de 1986-08-26 20:49:27 e as subvenções foram encerradas depois de 1989-03-16 18:27:16?
SELECT T1.project_details FROM Projects AS T1 JOIN Project_outcomes AS T2 ON T1.project_id = T2.project_id WHERE T2.outcome_code = 'Paper' INTERSECT SELECT T1.project_details FROM Projects AS T1 JOIN Project_outcomes AS T2 ON T1.project_id = T2.project_id WHERE T2.outcome_code = 'Patent'
List the project details of the project both producing patent and paper as outcomes.
CREATE TABLE Project_outcomes (project_id VARCHAR, outcome_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Projects (project_details VARCHAR, project_id VARCHAR)
Liste os detalhes do projeto produzindo patentes e papel como resultados.
SELECT SUM(grant_amount) FROM Grants AS T1 JOIN Organisations AS T2 ON T1.organisation_id = T2.organisation_id JOIN organisation_Types AS T3 ON T2.organisation_type = T3.organisation_type WHERE T3.organisation_type_description = 'Research'
What is the total grant amount of the organisations described as research?
CREATE TABLE organisation_Types (organisation_type VARCHAR, organisation_type_description VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Grants (organisation_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Organisations (organisation_id VARCHAR, organisation_type VARCHAR)
Qual é o montante total da subvenção das organizações descritas como investigação?
SELECT date_from, date_to FROM Project_Staff WHERE project_id IN (SELECT project_id FROM Project_Staff GROUP BY project_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1) UNION SELECT date_from, date_to FROM Project_Staff WHERE role_code = 'leader'
List from which date and to which date these staff work: project staff of the project which hires the most staffs
CREATE TABLE Project_Staff (date_from VARCHAR, date_to VARCHAR, project_id VARCHAR, role_code VARCHAR)
Lista a partir de que data e a que data estes funcionários trabalham: pessoal do projeto que contrata a maioria dos funcionários
SELECT T2.organisation_id, T2.organisation_details FROM Grants AS T1 JOIN Organisations AS T2 ON T1.organisation_id = T2.organisation_id GROUP BY T2.organisation_id HAVING SUM(T1.grant_amount) > 6000
Find the organisation ids and details of the organisations which are involved in
CREATE TABLE Grants (organisation_id VARCHAR, grant_amount INTEGER); CREATE TABLE Organisations (organisation_id VARCHAR, organisation_details VARCHAR)
Encontre as IDs da organização e os detalhes das organizações que estão envolvidas
SELECT T1.organisation_type, T1.organisation_id FROM Organisations AS T1 JOIN Research_Staff AS T2 ON T1.organisation_id = T2.employer_organisation_id GROUP BY T1.organisation_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
What is the organisation type and id of the organisation which has the most number of research staff?
CREATE TABLE Research_Staff (employer_organisation_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Organisations (organisation_type VARCHAR, organisation_id VARCHAR)
Qual é o tipo de organização e ID da organização que tem o maior número de pessoal de pesquisa?
SELECT T1.organisation_type FROM Organisations AS T1 JOIN Research_Staff AS T2 ON T1.organisation_id = T2.employer_organisation_id GROUP BY T1.organisation_type ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
Which organisation type hires most research staff?
CREATE TABLE Research_Staff (employer_organisation_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Organisations (organisation_type VARCHAR, organisation_id VARCHAR)
Que tipo de organização contrata a maioria dos funcionários de pesquisa?