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Done as a self post so that I could include the lyrics: [Link](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OifP370nFSA).
**Mr. Bungle - Platypus**
>Ornithorhynchus anatinus - platypus
>Sleeping geology
>On the isolated shore
>For millions of years
>Experimental continent
>On purpose or accident?
>Mysterious evolving
>Problem solving
>A vaudeville? A nation including one superior creation
>A vertebra? Inverted...quite unheard of...
>Orphan in a family
>And a sole survivor
>He's a living fossil
>Reptillian? Mammalian
>He's a bird-beaked, beaver-butt Australian
>Amphibious? Paradox wearing plaid socks
>Furry beetle? A bugbear, and a palezoologist's nightmare
>Symmetrical physique of disbelief
>The platypus has the brain of a dolphin
>and can be seen driving a forklift in his habitat of kelp
>He is the larva of the flatworm
>and has the ability to regenerate after injury
>No relation to the flounder.
>Someone shipped him to the blokes
>Who said he was a hoax
>So they cut him to pieces, wrote a thesis
>A cranium of deceit, he's prone to lie and cheat;
>It's no wonder -- a blunder from down under
>Duckbill, watermole, duckmole!
Being the guy usually behind the camera, I rarely get any pictures of myself taken. I intend to fix that, and I think taking care of it myself will be both an interesting learning experience and a chance for me to show myself in a better light.
Where do I start?
1) Let's talk about tools:
Let's assume I have a DSLR, a tripod, mostly natural lighting. What other tools do you think I'll need to get the job done? I think a remote control is pretty much mandatory, also a nice flash for when the lighting could be improved. Anything else?
2) How are self portraits usually shot? Do you just point, pose, shoot, go back to the camera and see what it looks like, or do you use tethered shooting?
3) What are some typical and time proven compositions that I should start with?
4) What are some good reading materials out there that you personally used that you would recommend?
Thanks! | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-06-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxam43SWR4cFRyQlRkZlRKSmhFQWVSaVAxZF93ekRkd1ZSQVdyY0V3cUZJZlIybm10d1d2cnlQNGdXTXZEYUNnTFpoUEZ2QnpRcGhMbElYZVRySUNHN3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoekRNVHBUc0ZodERIM01tMUVJd3RMRDk4Rm12eTNHWE91TXhvNDFqU1U5S05lcmp3SEcyY1hKS2R3MXh4akxlajV0VXBxLWdmYjZSa0FMTWtJTjhiOEFSbERrcEJ1b1BGaVhQYjROZVdiOWNzaDE0U09kLXJmVm12MTlqY09YUDVRbHN2akVyd01mRlc3d0I3MVVocHFUNWJad1pqZWZhN1loc2JHZTFaNmNqQzJ1NFdDVUIwUFlRWE82Rml0Ulkx |
Just bought the Canon EOS XS. I currently have the kit lens (EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens) and the telephoto lens that Newegg was bundling as part of the combo deal (Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS). I am looking to mostly shoot outdoor scenery (I'm into hiking/climbing), parties/concerts, and the occasional outdoor event. Are there any other lenses that it's essential to have, or that will make me life a lot easier, or pictures a lot better? I'm looking for the best bang-for-the-buck here. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-06-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWW9ZZW4xNFBGQ2tuTmxlZm8wcWdmZnNGNkRjQWZfOTFaTUtPZ3BOOEZOb09oQVhqbjN4RWNBeUpaTllCSTJjZDFMVl85c0lpOTBJUVdydF8tTHJ0S3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zobkl5d0VDaFo3bmM2UnN0YXVPYkl1T1J2LXBIdlB0SFllWk5SeThnUEdocmNMa2lkbmxCRnZKNUVrOGhwbnVnNV9XamJRakZPdGpLaWw2ckVwQ2N2Qk02SXI2RHdQZWhMX0lOT19YaGdTWE51d3A4TGpiMHJ3anFGa2NMUXFVTkljR2lIZjRaa2xfSkNyN0NEcElqNGZJcDRrU0FNWndScEtJWktPSk10M01ZPQ== |
love you too | r/program | comment | r/program | 2010-07-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbjN5TEwzLTdHWmZWbUU5Ums4SnJOWE40TXNrRVNoQTJLb3dCaHpZa0VYa1NyemFwOUxDbi1rOENxRGdXTlBYQ01tOG5qRzZqZXZxWU5rSEp4cUdWV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOXVFYTZDVEZEbGNZcW5zRGVDY1RFZmpZMkJMV0J0bThieHpZUm16R0hKLVpRMWpOcWx3V1JfeTd3cDNuMkxmS0FGRjlSaHVOYWlmRUdZQ3BHMVRCR3Z5QW44cU11QktxMTNKSllwVE9WVGtJeUVLM3ZyaFU5SW4wcjd6b1dVY016SEJGWE9DU21kUzI1U2JuNDB1UFNyeUNjc3ZUNHFLc3BTc3AxQzRYSk1ZN29HVVVvcjRRVTFjdGtrLWVadFdRVVdOSUJYS0pfTHNWR2pkRnd2WGF1UT09 |
Hello /r/edpsychers,
In case you've noticed, updates have been infrequent as of late. I traveled home last week, so I'm taking the time to visit friends and family while I'm here. I hope to get back to somewhat-frequent submitting again next week, so don't fret, I haven't abandoned you.
Here's a Wikipedia article on [Jean Piaget](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Piaget) to hold you off until I get back. | r/edpsych | post | r/edpsych | 2010-07-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaGlEMGNMOWd5WjRZdDhPY3ExeTdyMWE1dkFqaVd2c2dLYVE0eTVDVVREUjBzZmN3UllZbGN4ZUpyd1NSYjA0ZWpidHFscXNVbDhYbWFPcE9iMWpYcEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodmdFQU5IZkJhR1JiREZXX2RQNzFXRkROdERYN0ZLWGE0dUVYdTJUTEE4NDIybzhNNG9tSmROU0tJbXNfbTlpZVNmdkpTSDVxNC02MGc3TXZnWWdZRUkyM19BWGNXQVNwclR2U0FwSUQ2eWhsX3UxTVBMLVIzY1ZSb25lS2VuaEd3NmZEak84Q1FQSUVyMWVwYXpUVVZkUGszNUZTZ1h2MGhZSXJjdzJ5S3hNPQ== |
Kinda weirded out about this subreddit, but I'll take a hug, if they're being offered. | r/hug | post | r/hug | 2010-07-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZXF4T2FIV0RJTnJkS2RXRjA3b2gtX2tCQkUwY295a3E5RHR2U1Z6WGoxalBFRFRXd1BQcXBacEV4NVVyeGYzdktkWkhQZW1pb2hPbFJOMzJjUll5eGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWjFIZE5FaTFfb2Z0YWhwTHpXVXJYLVNudENuZ2RpV0JsczZoajJ6cG5mdW95OEtLamw3SXNEVENheU52OWZnTTFrSmFkaGlrSTVaZE1Ta3BPWmV3ZHFXVVRmQ2xpTlNWdFJQOXlGNnJDVl9YWVpqYnFudHpmU2FHX3ZNMEJkY2g0ejlaSTJVQTYxVmg4QXVpV19PTWZBPT0= |
I just showed up recently and [tried to engage /r/atheism](http://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/cmo98/can_anyone_help_me_understand_what_is_happening/) enough to realize I'm not going to get far with them without studying up a bit. My faith is mature, but communicating it with atheists is an issue.
Naively, I think I approached /r/atheism with this thought:
I believe in God. You don't. We're both speculating on the unprovable. How can either of us be dismissive towards the other's stance?
| r/apologetics | post | r/Apologetics | 2010-07-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTXpiUG1tNWhuVGhpNHZhRmFNc3kzcmR4XzhUaGdHVUZfaG9yWUpsNS0yLVBoOExMT3NjY0Y3em8ycTFjUUJ4UEJXT3dzZE0yWWE4VXZoQ2cxMHZ3SWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobEdqRndGTnNGV0hPanAyQUhVUXkxVlBrdmhLX09GVGJoSHI1VlJoQVhpUVhvb2lNdWFweldFT1U1T3lTMFhFejF5eVJVWjNoNlJuaWJUWndOR0xWVlpBYjNrTlh1R3ZvSDJER09tbWR3aFV1aS1wNG9UaDdESWlxU01pbjh5WHFzSmE0c2l3S1NjUlk4ZkFma3M2M0dxajJxbS04MXJ6YkJ4MG9hZk5PWDF3PQ== |
I've been trying to learn on my own with some friends, but I could really use a native speaker or someone fluent, perhaps to skype with? | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-07-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUkxhblVKN1JmbTJDaERxUE9zRGdGNVpyM3I3OXAzbDNXTEdtV2RtWklza0trYWJtSnBFWm51eThBV2xKX1ZfTko3WmFGblJzdUl2dkl2dHMxN1JINXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoblpQeTl4YmN4Q3VwWFdiYWhvSGdHMnBMQVFXZGNCN0lVUTVIYjlQMjVudklhajVOY3RfMDlsRGFQeHktaWd6d1MyVlBzNXdSMFBwa3BEMjVvVDB3YzMtTTgtMnU2Rmw1eTVKWGYtaFlhTmZiM0kwc2VSVVZUREo0UkZ2cy1xSTh0UVhQSUMzWjBHVFVzYlFHTG9VX3VLQWJLMnFPVmh4SlptVG5nZHQ2cEZDMURNTUlQdEJ3bFRVQkxxZ2tDR3U2 |
I've been learning Spanish for several months and have recently started watching Spanish language TV shows. I can't understand much but I pick up enough of the words and from context to figure out what's going on. I've also tried watching with the Spanish subtitles on. I can understand far more when I can read the language as well as hear it. Is this a mistake? Should I concentrate on simply listening?
My language learning goal is strictly being able to converse with people. I have no interest in reading or writing anything.
tl,dr: Watching Spanish TV, does reading Spanish captions help or hinder my ability to comprehend speech? | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-07-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxN0xzMDl5NWV3ZDRHMTdsSk9EZnQ3WXpoY3ZiVFhMdTNpeXNqNHJ1UGljY2pLWUltZS0xUVRyeWlPZmRmSHE2eVlQRTM1ZmhieW95Q2JzX0dPZElBckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZDI0MnNFWXlBMXhZT1cyblB2czB4UHU5bXdDMzVoODk1SHlXUkFJbHpqYWtoSGVsTWgyYk9rWGZ6WFBDZ2VydnZvMnV0QzNIbGlMRl82Q2t2QmFoeUNxbVl3NEhtT1Y5aXVxQVVOM1hsWkxXcG9UUU1GU3RDWF9pUXMxaEJUT0xldmZiT1I0RldFUDdJbmhwS1JKenpNVTVOZjk5MmxvMXplQUZnV3dXN3A5MHExWXc2RVF4QUVMc1BCZXVXN3BR |
I'm an atheist, and was not brought up religious, so quite a few of the more central ideas of Christianity are a bit foreign to me.
I'm assuming that you believe that the Christian God is Omnipotent. If you don't believe that, please tell me what you do think His powers and limitations etcetera are.
So what exactly does Omnipotent mean? I have two guesses, and would like to explain why I think that both are inherently contradictory, and therefore some third definition must be what you mean if your beliefs are to be consistent.
The first idea is that God is capable of doing anything that is able to be stated. This fails rather quickly because I can state "A and Not A" and that's logically impossible, so obviously that's not what Omnipotent means.
The second idea is that God is capable of doing anything that is not inherently contradictory, like the previous "A and Not A" idea is. That is, God has all powers that are not in-and-of-themselves contradictory. But this also fails, albeit by a more circuitous route. Warning, this is a bit long, there's a tl;dr at the bottom, but this is a bit more of a formal proof. Consider the power to make all of your powers permanent, always work, and unable to be removed by any being no matter what. This is non-contradictory, so God has it; call this power A. Now consider the power to permanently remove all of your powers such that you can never regain them no matter what. Again, this is not contradictory in and of itself (though it is one time use) and thus God has it. God uses A and then B. What happens? If B overrides A and thus God loses his powers, then God never had power A in the true sense (it didn't work when he used it) and so did not have all non-contradictory powers and thus was not Omnipotent. If power A overrides power B then God keeps most of his powers, but has lost the ability to remove his own powers, that is, power B. Thus power A didn't work: he lost a power, namely power B. Thus he never truly had power A, as explained earlier, and so was not Omnipotent. Thus this definition also fails.
**tl;dr** Can God make a rock so big he cannot lift it?
So what *does* Omnipotent mean, if it's neither of the above? | r/apologetics | post | r/Apologetics | 2010-07-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRHRLeS1iSENQX0RMU1hCb2VyNDBWc3RxY2NfODBXNHVfdzdubmdpUlk0Smtybkh2ZWhpd0U3UVhPeUJfeXJGa01XZmdSRjI5WVJHUUc1N0pLTUFleXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoYlhXTmJ2TkdUcmstWjM2RGZPeWMyUkVHbk9neUJidGFFVTh4bUJJcGVteE1pbXB4RERRNGhmNldwUEtxYWRQVGNwWV9LVDlsMllVT1ZJVl8tX25VZkZiRDdzcmFlZU9LbXBKOEJWbXNQWlVPdTRSNzl0SUtKcXhIUFFRaXRjMGhtbHd4WFRPM2hFWlRrVGxvTEpuN0VQU05GdFpRQ1NaZnBETG1YcnZ1OG5vPQ== |
So [subtextual](http://www.reddit.com/user/subtextual) started a [thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/Neuropsychology/comments/cmoeb/would_anyone_be_interested_in_a_sort_of/) a while ago to gauge the potential interest in a Neuropsychology book club.
It looks like it's going to happen, so [here's](http://www.reddit.com/r/psychology/comments/cnvl0/invitation_to_join_the_neuropsychology_book_club/) the link to the inaugural post with all the information you need to know. (I think everyone here subscribes to r/neuropsychology, r/cogsci, or r/psychology already, so most of you have probably already seen these posts)
The books to be discussed will not all necessarily have an "educational psychology" bent to them, but I think the ideas and discussions generated have the potential to be used in an educational setting, even if that is not their primary purpose. The details of where they will be discussed is yet to be finalized, so stay tuned for updates.
I encourage everyone to try to participate in the discussions, especially since we will have one (and potentially more?) professional psychologists available to clear up any misconceptions or questions we may have.
| r/edpsych | post | r/edpsych | 2010-07-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcUFfQVBfcWdFUkdNYWJ5SXVLX3VaVkhJV3Y4VVNtNzgwUlBpQ3pMX19SZVRUdnM0d0daRDg3LTljS1Y2c1pyUXU4d2ZVLVZtVjdwQjNWXzgwWXZkaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocUlfQXpvbjdlbjk3MXlTaDVWQ3JZVm13bGpNNkduaUlCelhZSlhHR1k5RjYxMWhkRE5iVUhqQ0R1eFlWOGtPTXFVUHhYdVV0YmtybmVEdnRuLU05QkR1eGI3MVo1azE5LWhmNXZ5SUlBbzE2RktKLU1ZNG5BVnRmZ2VOWV8xeFN1bkhuajFOMUxOZzlDcGlLNXprSnVtRXdsb1YxRHN2TDh6bGJSOFVkYXlaZ1Zfc0t2OG1JdkRfcG9qWDVxMG4xZTY3VU5XdksyUUZYV08yb0h3SDBhQT09 |
Peter Schiff needs the help of all his supporters if he is to get the GOP nomination for his senate run here in the state of Connecticut. I understand that a lot of libertarians are fans of Pete, so I ask for /r/libertarian's help.
The campaign has set up a very simple, easy to use phone banking system. It's free to call from a landline, and nearly everything is automated (except for what you say on the phone, of course). Here is a video from Pete giving the details: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPrNwZ23izg&feature=youtube_gdata
Please, if you want to see a senator representing the messages of sound money, limited government, and the rule of law, do all that you can to help Peter win this campaign. If he wins the Republican nomination, he will win the general election against Blumenthal. | r/peterschiff | post | r/PeterSchiff | 2010-07-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxajBBNDFwdHhld0JqM2lyRlR5V0hldm9LSG44OTNJaEdDLUxiOGx2Q1pZd3F4NmFNV3lZelBLU3U1SlUtV1JiTUJud3RwUjZWVDhHNm50b2N2MXd3UVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWmk0MDIxNFZfMXMwenU4Rl9jU25EWVBsUjdiNDdYT1dVaU9XYkI0UnVFaGNBSVlvMU1SSjZvTjdvanZjRmVjbmZ0STZtOHJubHpqenQ4NlZ0SlhkNl8tZHBUb0VnS3VNdThWMkRxLWN5bnJBM1hrWF85QllBcjZiUzAzY2xkVVBrWkpJZ3lkX1dDSFBpNDhYdHo1clBxWFJzSXJkdHI0YzdVRGItdG42X2xONHVNZUZZc1N1TXJEaUcxZExfRkd3V2dQdWlrME04SjUyRko5QV82ODBoUT09 |
I'm seen as a social outcast by my peers. I'd eat it with anything, banana, apple, grape, even egg (incest?). Heck I eat it on it's own sometimes, with just a spoon.
I'm 100% sure that I'm seen as a freak to anyone who has seen my eat/talk about a Banana and Mayonnaise Toastie, they quiver in fear at just the thought. Yet, I eat it almost daily, it's accompanied pefectly by a nice cup of tea. It makes me sad that some people don't love a good dollop of mayo on their chips, or a squirt along a hot dog.
My ideal world. Mayonnaise is accepted as a universal replacement for Ketchup. Ketchup can burn in hell. | r/mayonnaise | post | r/mayonnaise | 2010-07-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxM1B1WkRkeWZPZTFyQzBkWkNMX1UtOVpmckdQd2xUZ2stNG1DbDZBUWlfTU5NaGpkWjlKTThTUXhqck1HdUNJQjRTRU9RaUQ2eVY4S2FhSzBCUTRxSVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSGtXTVQ0dU43S2lLN0p1cHJpZzEtM1RyWHVrWEQ3ZFZ4QWh4QUNPZW96eFZEd0duRm9FNTMzMld2TkVEVDBhOE1YOVZDQzJjWWNZVHB2NUJHZXJBbThhNXBfTmQwM1FpNHVBQnRacTlpX3hJdy0wa01ZYlNvNm1aMUk0QjM3dGtRcm40WWI0dVBKYUk0bVVyYk15NEpfVlBlQnhkbEhlenJ5dWdvb2d6dkpJPQ== |
Just spent an hour perusing this reddit, now my appetite for Wiggly mayonnaise is more voracious than ever. Damn. | r/mayonnaise | post | r/mayonnaise | 2010-07-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxS1NXQWU5SXlRYjFRczFRLWNCWTkwWGoxTXdPMHBXZDRraWxUa0J0RHR3T3M5YTBDdVotRkdxRGRHdlI4WHozeVp2V1VoYndqbDd4NUhhWVdjS3dkcVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOXJHeWZZeGxxR1V2NFZxQTl5TmpQOWtyNWdOSlMtNHJRU1c1Sk5XMEplU1NCRElRSlRab3R5UjlscjJ5azJLU0VDQnVEbDMxaWQ1aTFRdW5NV3k1ZzU1LUJyM29Mc1VmRmh6VnBIdXVhbV9vay14QVZ4cXlEU2ktWDQwOXgxNGFQNFdiNndHZGJJTDlhbXhIZzljUndhR1JEN3AzamhqMFBhekpXWmdmbEtZPQ== |
My Cannon Xs Has a Setting for Raw or L jpeg. But it also has a setting for Both. What would be the best possible format to shoot in? | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-07-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNnh5dTUwRktPeG1zWDNnU1FTbHRCUXF1VmJWVFlVN3FZVktWUXlReUdhOHhBNmQ2ZWxFbUtuRFlWbkh2NnBxYWdRX2RZSmh3bDA0dkFSNGRmLWhFcGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSW10QmY3SlhINEZGWUpHVjlGWGhuYThxSERNYXRUYW5FM0pYYWRYd283eVZZdzBfZWVFa0pqZzZqRkpiLTB6dnFnSkc4LUxEa0d3ZTVLWTQtN1BqX1ZwQU1UNXM3eHNISlJjUkMwdk1PTTFydDRyV1ZUd0VpT1ZIcmJYbWRqRVhyQWl4eGVkSHkyYVQ5ZlM4NlhhN1NxYi1zVWMxRmFTNVppSEhIWFE4NGNNPQ== |
Here is my issue. So far every picture I have taken of her has looked horrible. Just did some rehearsal stuff and literally every photo of her is just awful. All of them "rejects" upon processing. I realize that I'm never going to be able to make her look the way she wants to look, but I would appreciate any advice on making her look less awkward.
And Why I do feel so so so guilty posting this?
TLDR - Need advice photographing a fugly bride. And I'm going to hell. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-07-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQzdybEFqa1VmM01meE5tRUt3dnJDdXlHLVAyN2VKZXppQkJ6Ykd2TzJqb0JBU2hpRnpQWFQxbWx2TWc2RnVQVDRvNGlPQldkMVlTWHJZWk9Lckk1SExYdk1NSlRLY041WkRNVmRqT1JyZDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zoa011Y1B1VF92cWZTN2E1OUtZX1hFcUxYSjRfSVo0cy1NNzVPUTloZ0pjQXFYRGdKS1o5YTlwTU5hVUw2czY2UkkydFdBSVBaSXVUaTRUUDRmQlhJck9oWTc5Znlucnd0cTFuQ0Y4UnFLa3JrMzJoRUZjWl9VNG9BTUt2VHU2S21YYlJGclpVZFg1YVVjRTVaVFlEV0N0eFZtdGJTZ1IwOE5NVWtiTTR0VFFvQU0wUlRQOVhMVzZ1ZmtZc25jeEc0 |
I shoot in RAW, import to LR, polish in CS5, post to the web and send client orders to a lab that only accepts sRGB JPGs.
Is there any reason to not just assign the sRGB profile right from the get go in LR, instead of the 16bit ProPhoto that LR recommends? | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-07-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxU3BWU3hvUDRVeWl5dGFMYXB2T2ZTUzkwM2FFZWpULW1PZTdHU3FlaDJ0bmJvOEV2ZE5YUmg4TE1tUFF1MmVFM3JlWWx4YUNacG0wMmt3ekZHWFN6aHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTGNCSXBjNmdkbGZUUlRHbUdEUVJydmRpTDBkXzJmVUtwb1V6Qy05NzgzM3o2Y3cyNkFWeDF1SVNhWDh0SUplZUctZjVZZllOaHM1eGZ2WTBkQ215MVZqMTJIX2NuOUtrRGN0eTJ4VHJNeElSNzRFNGpYRWRnLU9UVzRGOV9wbDl6S1RUME1lUmZkNjVBd1ZCLWJsSXpxOGRCWUFPSE1XWmZrMThOMEdDeVFxZ0NLVW96ZTR6WVNkWEhRQ3kzQ2RE |
I'm using default ubuntu bash prompt and am not satisfied with it. But the problem is that I have no clear idea what do I want until I see it (srceenshot).
It should be color, command I'm typing should always start in the beginign of the line, and possibly something more. I'll know it when I see it.
So, which PS1 are you using, and why is it good for you? | r/shell | post | r/shell | 2010-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRDJQU3haZFlfblBCUGxrVkFjMktnc252OUk5RmNJdGFhN1BjZkRXejZHUGtnbXAxMXpVTGcyX2pfb2ZFVVI5aVVhOE11Zk1zcW8wa2RCRGJGb3VJeUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRFlxOGhEUVRxYXRLdGU5aWRPWDY5RkZVSzVUcWFwSUdYdFNlelZHd2ViM3MyRnNjSGdSX1hnWXJXeVl6RzdQaEJtYmxfVl9KQ2FfLVBueEpSSDJBVW53dnlMSTFHT3dLNU84R3ZjbTBJN21oOFMtUUd0Xy1lTWRUb05TR3h4U1RWNEIyYVJsdWNBc0lTNEFDci00Skp6YXQ0amtxMUQyMklyaFdkZHRyazhzPQ== |
I've been interested in BeOS and Haiku for a while, and I decided a few days ago that I wanted to try programming in it. Over the past few days, I ported an application I wrote a couple of months ago; it's a game called Cephalopod (created by Mark Steere, website [here](http://www.marksteeregames.com/)); the rules are [here](http://www.marksteeregames.com/Cephalopod_rules.pdf). My Haiku version is at http://amecy.nfshost.com/ceph/haiku/Cephalopod ; for comparison, the original version (for Windows and Linux) is at http://amecy.nfshost.com/ceph/ . Please let me know what you think. There are some features I didn't port (changing the thinking time and using different colors), but if anyone's interested I could put them in. Thanks! | r/haikuos | post | r/haikuOS | 2010-07-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcXQ0NjJJdHFFaGdGdEJsV1ZmelpGdlhvNGlMdlI3bmM4bHJMWWg3U1d6YURoSThmRi00anFzeWhMQTU4UzF4Ymp3Q2h5UkpVTjFmMmNKc0NyRTJWU0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodTdSSlVsVHh3UG1KaldkUmplWDdOMW9NUlNSNjVXVHh2dVdWTVJfNGRybUJzX1VxNHhIR1p2ME9oSkU2Y0kyTXFUWEZZczZRbi1rRENfcHFwdnByS3hkVGdHRVREcVBxWHZXUkNyV1N2S1M5TV9vbE5yX2NjQmVvYUFydjk0UXMtZm1YblNaZDhMb1Z6ZEhCS2V0ZmxPRkwyY3lfV0VEMm95VUdtQUpNMTlvQmljaC1ZaHBfSjBtd0N6emJfN2px |
There are plenty of social-esque networks (like reddit) centered around different common interests or communities. Share what else you're a part of here so that we connect with you on those networks, or just stalk you (in a good way!).
As for me, I love music a little too much, so I keep an active [last.fm profile](http://www.last.fm/user/theirfour) and [rateyourmusic account](http://rateyourmusic.com/~theirfour), which is where I also keep track and rate the movies I've seen. The books I read get cataloged over at [shelfari](http://www.shelfari.com/theirfour/shelf). Finally, I enjoy writing, so I have an angst-ridden [blog](http://acommenton.wordpress.com/), which is probably more revealing than it should be. | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-07-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdUNlZFNnU3I5U3pYN2Y3NlJpREV1YW45UkQ0eW5OTjZ1Rl9yUDFJckxtX0lBSUlIVU9ZNnp5dzM3V1JPVktVT2w4NjdMaEctdFhnamFWY0FhUnFNcGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMEN1amVxc253dTNGZENwVTVSRzAtaG5ud01EZV9jWk9ER2xPUzVESDQ4UlhTU183cWJ4V1pfb21HMjBySEhMbGRfdENtcnc0ZUtDREhaVjVFOHo2ajFLaXRzYmdwcTVPX1lsTmszQ3l6OWYxYWRTZUlWd0pkc0ZfUklYS1lpZGk1RGNOdVZocjRjUEZVT0o5SVpkbk9jRnFzLWExclF0Z2hQMEdpeGttTlo0PQ== |
Theirfour came up with the best description of what I had in mind:
>We could probably use a queer hangout where we do more than just argue about the issues.
Things don't have to be lgbt-related; it's more about getting to know other members of /r/lgbt. Feel free to shamelessly plug anything you've created or written (art, pictures, stories, wallpapers).
It's new, and everyone probably has their own ideas about what they want in this community (or don't want). If there are things you'd like to be included, let me know- or things you don't want to see that should be filtered out.
One idea I had was something similar to [/r/redditoroftheday](http://www.reddit.com/r/redditoroftheday), and have a featured member answer questions about themself. If people like this idea, I'm thinking this can happen once a week, and anyone can be nominated.
Questions, comments, something doesn't show up when you submit, spam- message me. Feel free to use this thread for ideas and suggestions. | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-07-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNV8wcGp0SEU3eE9xbzNqUnVzSGlXdWZxbEs4N2xRNm92ZVREdVdPUFBFVW1VYmpYS0VCWG45clVBaG5MR2QzTDJDRVgxOW52cnNiOHpzT1BvZlBmQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobjFnSWhHMm93ODF2aGxxZVA2MUZNcDlvMFpiOGh6b0NCQS0yV1k0YmNjQmFLYXlyTy1CVktPT0tLaWU0bmRLOHpCS21vSE5SV2hla3N4YlY1QUFFbktfVmxXS1VDUVVJMHhULWVKM0E3LTZmUzVfeGJIRHA0Zlh2U09VRFVCaWhZcHZWS2NUaUNNMG5USndfU29NbDV3PT0= |
So, I guess we could either each make our own thread a little or maybe all introduce ourselves here...whatever happens sounds good! My name is Brian and I go to school in RI (born and raised) currently getting a master's in math. I work at school during the academic year and a camp over the summer.
I'm kinda excited to get to know ya'll better. I actually seem to see the same couple of names a lot (three come to mind; gayguy, yourfairygodmother, and ironically LGBTerrific) and I'm always kinda wondering what the people of r/lgbt are like other than just what we see in there.
Hi! | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-07-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZDdmOW9Xck0xYldQY29lbkdYa0FONTNYNzYwVjJTZV9HWWVCOXdfdnd0czQtXzNRUl8zUmttN0lUd0pBWnpIa3dmV01ITlc3Um1Yd1k3dEhRTmRHY3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoekhtNUVJT0dHc3ZBT1ROWDBMLVpaSTVDTFpJQ3NSSlJibFItenFYYzJ4SlB4NDlaSUs5Wno2SFowYlk0REtMdjJfanlVdWZBZjR5bHpIVF9fZlNqdl9HcEhYMHp2b3g0TVNndGZlQlhJeFROR29HR2FKUllidTBjYmxRck1vQjZ6YmxBQ2prejRraWEwckFmWTFxYjFPM0NWeTM2Zm1ISUlFVVd4UmFVcTF1cDNkU0dzVjRvSGQ3QnhZNlNWUGpk |
The shrink told my parents to spy on me. | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-07-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWjFLRUNSOEFhYkdVRXUzOXluWTJLLXN1T3NTSFNHcFZfU2Iwc2ZuVjNoN1VUbEludlRqYzZRc2NvOE9WZGJVTFF0VlBkTDNqQ0VRcEQ5TkJYNUtIelE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zob2xkelFzVkhpWkJDQzBQMTJoZmJ0cGhLSFVaNW04NmNYUThRdjN3aXlNd0J3aDFfeGVqb3lIN3BJa0JjMHdmdV9pT05WMEJhRmN4RjhZdjFaMnhVTjBhMFJhcHRleWJHMGhjaDZkSFZBMEh5bWJFVGhlR1hDR3J2M2JhbWVwSG1SWDZtSUxjUjBveV9MbW14YlZyb29mNnZiaVhpUGdqdG1YaGx6TjJZZXR6aFNJWEhudGlBbnZVV3NBc3ZKRm9VNmZFNHBYT0FIR2ZfemtxUXp6SkpYQT09 |
My username came from a webcomic I like, [Questionable Content](http://www.questionablecontent.net). How did everyone else choose their name? | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-07-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNzJZanlyN216LVRhSUpsN3FHTEZDMjFveDVoUktWNzA1TFh1bW5GejZ0U3dqenJBTUtvN192NkRPSE85N25MUkFmLTEzYklkeEREa2xRSTFqQzNvaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zoa1J5aUxYenE1VzFYZmZRcklvVGpVc3ZaclhkcFVCMHNBVEJUS2RzZUV1UnJsdEI2N0JjX3hMTEctaDRiUGFvT3Q3QXE4WGU3UzVzaDNqTVptYUFLNS1OX0ZyZGpzNkV0NHBKS0RpNU1rRVI0dGVQanRDdXlYdXRtaXkzSDhGODdMeDdrSjFhSjBTdm8takRETU9FVTlCVWRUUkxNa25wQld2WmNsVWo1LUFNPQ== |
Hi everybody!
/r/platypus needs a new moderator to replace me. I created this subreddit to show to my fiancee who loved platypuses, but she's left me and now it's too painful to see these posts on my frontpage (platypus was also her pet name for me so, yeah).
But that opens up space for a new mod! Please post in this thread if you'd like to be the new mod and (after checking your profiles and making sure you've been around for awhile and have a civil comment history) I'll add up the first couple qualified applicants as the new mods of this glorious kingdom. | r/platypus | post | r/Platypus | 2010-07-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVzA4Ymc4SGJ2ci0zSkxlQlJvTllTNmZFbV92bjlIb293a3l2bmgwZXVYaGJzbHpWVjJlQ0VxdzVSZnR0RFZUR0x0VlhSS01rSi1qbV9kU3BMRjZ0T0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoUWVOMUpxNmRJdkZBd1F3Ml9wcjJ5Vlc4clRlaU9ka2xXaGE4SUliRmtqUVNkSElDVWg3NWJYcG81aFVVd0tBQ2tFdExsdFJZalhJeS1WU3JtSjNyUDFnUnZtdDJKNWVFU0FISVdpd2VvUUNpMTZGZGNYX2RRY0hKdHFaR3BBUWFBRVcwT3ZUTUMzNk8tOWVhbF9OaEdodFVxc0ctbDVfbzBuTEhRaXBPakF3PQ== |
One of my favorite one liner jokes is: "The platypus is proof that God gets drunk."
Now, I'm a big believer in small government; and, this subreddit community seems nice enough so I don't imagine there will be too many problems. But if you guys have a problem or just need to talk I'm here.
Just keep postin' those platypuses. | r/platypus | post | r/Platypus | 2010-07-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNW5oWFZRcjY1UzBvNWJpSkNEU2N0Ry1leE9oY1UxekF1Wk9oLV9XWmNUNlRaOU9aRUVLU0NzUW1wUHJmQnRsd0k4aG9zUTVQcWtfQWcxNFVXYmRHUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQTMyRDNENFQxYlFpUlEwaVlHOE9tektNVXVlZ2ZFb1Y0NVNKZUlhMFc5LTZiVVhnWW5HUnR2UHBuazJxemN5dlVVYWZoekNkd2ZVMEUybjlScGVaaURrSXdPQzVNdUJKeE9jODItWEYyZThYRFplTmJ6NDVkWU83UFNaZGMyb2IxX3dHVElXNS1LZE1IeGhSdG45eWtpUnh3WUZIR3E2NzY3dl9WcmdZQ2ZHXzlVaVc0QUZFNnVPR2NsOFlZZ3R0 |
[Matchbox 20-Mad Season](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY-liihC-bo&feature=related) | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-07-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaHlqU1kwcWVnVGlLRmVyTW9zT25OOWdKT3NEMUdBY1RhOEZKWXM1cnV4Q3FBYlpiLU0yaEludENSOFRLSTVsNHhpQnotbzZsbnJuQ2Y2U1FHaXZVUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRTlhN0RNM1lOWDRLdHFzWEV4VnlFcm04LVVkN3cwdTFQT2JkbUtrZWxyYzQ1eDBFRHgyR25yUFhVaFFid21haElrUVJmdTZhUFlpOUdCbUk2eG1YMFNUNmNQYW1CZU9KNWVEZW5BVzh0dHN5TTU3dWhFSjZyamFMTzM0dzZ4dEpiajc4RkhjQmxIMllYVUlIWDVOc0I1b25YX3dsc1JDYmwzVVE1bVFPNFhVWWVuQUI2ZDdQZTZkMWstNVlsRmphZWJwUVRTNmhfQ01Kc0RfZjNUNk13dz09 |
Hi everyone and welcome to /r/tantricsex. I hope this becomes a source of lots of information, discussions, and generally learning. I know I for one would love to know more about this wonderful art
Here are a few links to start us off:
* http://www.care2.com/greenliving/tantric-sex-for-beginners-4-easy-tips.html
* http://tantricsecrets.com/ (book for pay, sorry)
* http://www.sacredloving.net/ | r/tantricsex | post | r/tantricsex | 2010-07-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSUU2Mm9rR09UM05sOG5QMW1Mc2RaMEJsWkNMSjZuaTROanVqVGRjS1lrbHkxV3FUNFNrM2d4bkVZVE1iT2tfVTdHa2ZBLVJQcFlpNHZSbVM1anB5cWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZVE4em5zdUdWMDN2VERDU3lrSU9obUppMFRUY1FGaEZHbGpWNXNfSWVkd0hCUG0zVXRHSXBWYl9vSVhsWi1ucFVSb0R4elVkdWxUVXZEMV95UGZrQXYyWXBrTDREbkVreUJQN0lWYXh6RzlQX3Z6SGM1R1BnTFNmYnVnNU1BVjcxOVdBTjlXOUtERVo1bjd0d1RQeWE2SzVKWG9IclV6TFV2OWx6eXY5VFM0PQ== |
**tl;dr**: What do you think the rules and book selection process of this subreddit should look like? Tell me below.
So, I've already posted book selections for the first month and rules for the subreddit, because I figured it would be better to get the ball rolling than to hash everything out then post this once everyone is already burnt out. So, I ask, what should the book selection look like in the future, and what should the general rules be?
My intention with the rules is to use reddit to have a kind of bookclub that you don't actually see. Rather than expecting people to have read the book by a certain time and then have one big discussion thread on it, I think we can use reddit to have a bunch of discussions on the things about the books that our members find discussion worthy, and that those who have already read the book should be able to start posting right away. This uses the whole reddit post style to its fullest extent rather than trying to jam a regular book discussion format into a medium that wasn't made for that. This is one of those things that I'm happy to change, although I think it would be a good idea to keep it this way for at least the first few weeks and see how it works. An experiment in using a social networking site in a new way. This also allows readers to post links to material that those who are reading the current selection might find useful: whether to interviews with the author, book reviews, philosophic or scientific articles or papers that pertain to the themes in the book, or whatever might strike your fancy. For instance, someone reading _The Windup Girl_ might decide to post a link to some new developments in biotechnology, while someone reading _Prime Intellect_ might want to link to David Chalmers' [philosophic analysis of the singularity](http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://consc.net/papers/singularity.pdf). These should be welcome, and I think this format will best allow us to have a wide range posts and discussion.
Regarding book selection, there are two main ways that this can be done. Either we can have a big thread where people submit and vote on which books they would like to read, or we can somehow select people to select the books. I favor the latter approach, because I think that an online book club could easily fall into the "I didn't vote for it so I won't read it" mentality. My own preference would be to have a committee of people to choose the books in advance, and for them to take recommendations from a large vote up/down thread every now and again. I don't even have to be on it, I just think this would end up being the most efficient way to do things. Other options are to have a benevolent dictator, have a benevolent democratically elected dictator, or even to have a monkey draw a willing member's name from a hat every every month to decide who picks the free and non-free book that month. Another thing to remember is that it would be nice to have books chosen at least a week or two in advance to let people have time to get them (and with this in mind, I have also posted the second Free SF selection, although if we decide quickly to change things, I'll happily conform to the will of the group and take it down).
So yeah. Please post ideas in this thread, and hopefully some time within the week we'll have down what we want to do. The easiest way is probably one idea per a post and to let people up and downvote it to see what gets most traction. I won't be making any decisions for the next few days as we acquire more members, but I will be taking part in the discussions here. | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2010-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeUpFRHhsTVFZcjlVODd1N0VER055TzhCZ25KMHo3YXo5MzM1cmF3cmVscVZEcExSOEFLQ1FjMERmTmxuVTA2OWFZVWo3c0dpS1hicjN1OU1JMzlDd0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVlEzX0wwNG01VlRJR1hnanoyclhDMVlDbHF1YW5FYzc0Y3hWcXl2LXNoV0hIbmJja3FSQldYTEhhRzRUZ21aMkJTRTdyajNCU3VDUGpjZkZOWkczRUg0SXZxMjhyRXNNNENBNjRzaFc4dW8yOHBSbUhNLURWQXpZTExPNlNRTU05d0RkTThlUWpoUC1MdGxzNWRENUdjVExmQkh6djdwOW5ya3Brc2IwVzZhZGdtNEduX2lKRHBBcjdfa0Vmd2xDNFBhQWwtSWVVUDBJMFVTWkViNGdIUT09 |
Total novice here. I know port, starboard, how to use a winch, and how to tack the jib with light coaching. I've been known to go the wrong direction when manning the tiller from time to time. I'd be happy to be put to work most weekend days as long as I have a couple days notice. | r/sailingcrew | post | r/sailingcrew | 2010-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMllXU0FmX3AzYnBPZ0ZPU2E4b2tKaEgxY3lOZnl6Wk53YnRfQnNoTlJGQnFNZkxWWnFUb01TcHp6djNTR2stZjdFNk1LU1JXQk5MeTNhTzRVcXJTTEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zoakd5SG4ycUNZRVVRaFd0TGN6M05VbWxMUU16RXFGd3FqWmFiRFdPQjdNZmVZZm1ZUFV4M3dnRnJEbDNFdUZGREJ6czZsWEpVZnN6Yjh1SVRLVWhrc2Q0Mm0tQm5SOFMtWXpRUXh6dUJYYnF4OGdNWHkxeXpoTmNIU1pIMTlkcFNzeXA3ZTNkbnR0U3lwOW9ZVkRvMVdBcjkzUlNycEhNaUF4MW1wQkt6UDV3PQ== |
The song has a hip-hop feel and uses scratch effects over a few swear words. I think. I know the song got plenty of radio play and was in the second half of the decade. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQ1BUTzFKSUI4d0YxbURuS24wY1lIZGVDdHQ5U1NrT0NGNnFIRTMyb0txZjRhdmlrb2NUejNrYlJnWWU2VElWZlR2c3Z5RkQwdTg0OUl2N0oyb0xrb1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVEhCdkRmWkZyaUpMTHpPd25CXzdyM2dGX1lxY21KdU9jSWUwRF9zVnRRSG5MSlBlX3JMbDNnZTl5NloxeUlxOENJLXVUNFN3TXNfNWNLZFhUYkx6R25nT2huYjFod3MxRFhZTEpSeHR5c3h2MERrVUlGWEYzUlo3ampNTDNBQXJHUVZyVTRaUzJndXAzdno4dWItbXg2TGNZQzExVVF4Z0NTaWhHYXE2S1BzTWc1WjAxMlZvN0VfX1liYU9aclVDajdhcjU0QUhJT1pDYmhVZ1ZhbUR1QT09 |
I'm curious what people think the take-away message of this story is supposed to be. I get the "humans need real strife in order to have meaningful lives" bit, but I was wondering whether people think the ending is supposed to be some sort of anti-tech message, or if it is rather supposed to be just the way those particular characters have to deal with their situation. | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2010-08-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSEx6emRZdmNmX0kwWkszdzR3d1I3eV9UY1VRU1dZcnkzVlotQ0hxYkY1aG9SSGp1OFhPTWVwXzR4UFdpb1BSTm03bTB0ajVoaTdXemdBd0tEMnlPT3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocTVIUXB5bDFPWFYwcVNiWkRSVVcydXI5THFPa2VLMDR4amUxZ2lQVUUwOU52aExOR3RBTkFjaHJJV3puTnpsQW9oVC0tLVo2UjhPZ3RZRVI1MlEtd3R1VGtMSkVidUlHdm1ral81ZHZLMmVaNmFSTEFBMjBucHZ2eGFETC1FSGVJcDUwQmEtcmVKbHNWay1qeHByOENzeTFLcTdRS0gwdG5nNktCZlZhVDJrQ2Z0YlRzYlV5VFIwUlRDenU1cE4y |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nunc nunc, pellentesque ac suscipit ut, egestas at diam. Donec at tortor sem, vel consectetur risus. Duis congue scelerisque ante vitae pellentesque. Maecenas vel elit eu lacus facilisis vulputate. Integer aliquam neque vel erat posuere vulputate. Sed sit amet est ac augue porta gravida ac ac tortor. Aliquam nibh lectus, tempus faucibus interdum sed, blandit at elit. Integer tellus purus, interdum sed tempor sit amet, porta a dolor. Nunc semper molestie felis, at volutpat tortor feugiat vel. Sed at neque eget velit lacinia adipiscing at et nisi. Aliquam luctus massa eu nibh mattis hendrerit. Nam ante diam, porttitor nec adipiscing ut, adipiscing a risus. Sed scelerisque laoreet elit, vulputate vestibulum erat tincidunt vulputate. Pellentesque dictum, arcu sed venenatis pretium, mi leo iaculis velit, at bibendum eros odio et nisl. In eget lorem neque, sit amet rutrum dolor.
Maecenas imperdiet nisi quis sem cursus non consequat sem hendrerit. Vestibulum pretium, est quis placerat interdum, dolor erat lacinia libero, vel vulputate dolor nisi vitae libero. Sed erat ligula, euismod non vestibulum et, eleifend sit amet tellus. Donec molestie, magna eu eleifend congue, turpis massa ullamcorper quam, quis tempus augue sapien vel nisi. Donec sed urna et magna condimentum adipiscing. Maecenas non volutpat leo. Suspendisse feugiat aliquam semper. Ut pretium arcu id lacus vulputate eleifend. Maecenas porta mauris non sapien hendrerit volutpat quis at arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque vitae tempor leo. Sed blandit enim massa. Fusce blandit porttitor tellus vitae consequat. Nullam semper placerat enim vel mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque viverra rutrum rutrum.
Donec quis ipsum id lacus euismod ullamcorper vel quis diam. In justo libero, congue non aliquam ut, aliquet sit amet dui. Nunc pretium blandit nisl nec porttitor. Morbi vestibulum gravida blandit. In ac rutrum nibh. Phasellus vel erat sem, quis posuere nibh. Mauris venenatis facilisis nisl, id vulputate purus dapibus a. Vestibulum tristique aliquam orci sit amet adipiscing. Integer congue elit sed odio imperdiet aliquam. Praesent tortor ipsum, gravida quis adipiscing vel, eleifend et quam. Donec nec turpis adipiscing metus accumsan dictum ut ac turpis. Maecenas aliquet molestie mi, vitae lobortis nunc lobortis sed. Nam lobortis ornare velit, vel facilisis augue porta eget. Duis at turpis sapien, et consectetur odio. Quisque dolor dolor, suscipit sit amet auctor in, tristique eu tortor.
Vivamus imperdiet vehicula leo sed euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque pulvinar fermentum dolor non porttitor. Nulla vitae dui orci, id tincidunt augue. Quisque sollicitudin tincidunt eros eget tincidunt. Nunc auctor porta commodo. Cras sit amet est elit. Curabitur molestie sodales felis, ut eleifend dolor luctus eget. Curabitur nec urna quam, laoreet auctor ante. Proin ligula libero, varius vitae suscipit semper, varius sed neque.
Pellentesque ullamcorper nisl vitae urna ullamcorper volutpat. Etiam rhoncus, ligula non adipiscing egestas, nibh diam blandit metus, at aliquam sem magna eu justo. In quis dui convallis augue tincidunt mollis hendrerit vitae turpis. Morbi in lorem vel sapien condimentum venenatis ut in eros. Maecenas leo libero, varius sit amet eleifend ut, condimentum in sapien. Cras imperdiet, arcu sed facilisis euismod, neque ligula convallis enim, at lacinia risus turpis a urna. Nam convallis gravida nulla vel facilisis. Nunc pulvinar, nunc ut scelerisque vestibulum, nibh turpis tempus diam, in bibendum elit sapien et orci. Sed eros magna, egestas vel mattis eget, elementum sed turpis. Nunc sagittis bibendum arcu, at porta massa ullamcorper et.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut faucibus sodales ligula iaculis eleifend. Ut justo urna, molestie sit amet ornare non, tristique elementum eros. Sed iaculis congue urna quis feugiat. Donec id nisi ipsum, ut consectetur dui. In risus dolor, laoreet in interdum accumsan, lobortis nec arcu. Praesent blandit adipiscing quam a pharetra. Aenean vel mi at purus vehicula ullamcorper eget eget lorem. Quisque velit mi, dictum nec adipiscing volutpat, vulputate euismod orci. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec sed nisi nibh, vel condimentum nulla. In nec vulputate ligula. Etiam sed urna lorem, non laoreet mi. Nullam tortor mi, bibendum eget interdum ut, volutpat id tellus. Proin quis eleifend mauris.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus ac orci iaculis justo tempus tristique. Integer et ante risus. Nam nisi est, laoreet et rhoncus ut, convallis in ante. Mauris sagittis aliquam gravida. Nunc tincidunt eleifend est, ac cursus lectus cursus nec. Phasellus vehicula, tellus et sollicitudin hendrerit, elit lacus suscipit sapien, vitae ultrices mi leo in turpis. Praesent sollicitudin, urna ut aliquet tristique, ipsum felis facilisis urna, at volutpat sapien eros eu massa. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla dignissim erat sed urna placerat vel tincidunt orci interdum. Praesent a sapien justo, eleifend luctus libero. Mauris neque magna, ultricies nec pharetra vel, malesuada quis velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi ultrices quam nec diam pretium ut rhoncus ipsum convallis. Curabitur convallis vulputate risus quis eleifend. Phasellus aliquet, magna non ultricies iaculis, mauris quam lacinia dolor, vitae feugiat elit orci vel tellus. Duis semper varius ligula in tempor. Fusce dolor sem, bibendum nec porta ut, aliquam vitae magna.
Aliquam ornare, leo sollicitudin viverra vestibulum, leo nisl ultricies erat, vel suscipit mauris lorem vitae nulla. Sed leo velit, vestibulum non placerat non, condimentum vitae quam. Mauris vitae lacus ipsum, vestibulum accumsan tortor. Nulla dignissim quam eu arcu malesuada hendrerit. Pellentesque nec massa at metus convallis sollicitudin. Pellentesque et risus ante. Proin interdum tristique tristique. Maecenas eget erat lacus, vel blandit elit. Fusce venenatis, diam quis pellentesque porttitor, quam felis gravida est, vitae interdum nisi nibh ac orci. Quisque ac quam in nunc interdum iaculis non vel dui. Suspendisse feugiat fringilla mi ultricies facilisis. Suspendisse pellentesque sodales libero eget sollicitudin. Donec in lacus mi, at bibendum massa. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas adipiscing rhoncus sem eu tempor. Morbi vulputate, justo non sagittis ullamcorper, nisi magna rutrum lacus, eget condimentum sem mauris eu libero. Cras at libero et nisl elementum ullamcorper. Vivamus auctor accumsan felis, ac tempus sapien consectetur sit amet. Curabitur consequat eros eu nunc euismod at molestie est venenatis. Nullam rutrum, enim quis pharetra ullamcorper, nulla dui laoreet massa, at sagittis velit arcu sed nibh. Nulla facilisi. Sed augue sem, pretium eu vulputate a, mollis eu sem. Maecenas euismod aliquet dui, vitae bibendum neque adipiscing at. Praesent id purus ut odio porta consequat et vel nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus tortor libero, cursus ac tempor at, pellentesque vel metus. Mauris vel ante vitae odio euismod auctor. Nunc tempus dui eget elit mattis at porttitor nulla convallis. Donec orci leo, vehicula sed suscipit eget, feugiat quis nunc. Vivamus vulputate eleifend justo feugiat gravida. Duis viverra nisl sed ligula egestas dapibus. Vivamus mattis odio in sapien semper condimentum.
Pellentesque tempus egestas lacus, a condimentum mauris ornare et. Nunc tempus pharetra dignissim. Nulla gravida urna in neque rhoncus bibendum. Vestibulum posuere lectus quis nisl molestie eget dignissim nibh convallis. Ut ut ligula quis quam pharetra interdum eu vitae ante. Pellentesque sapien purus, tincidunt et fermentum eget, dignissim ac nisl. Donec ac sollicitudin arcu. Proin turpis ante, mollis quis molestie sit amet, suscipit euismod augue. Maecenas congue, tortor at porta luctus, ligula dui malesuada turpis, ac sagittis tortor ante tincidunt magna. Maecenas condimentum eros vel velit auctor in hendrerit sapien viverra. Nullam egestas vestibulum pellentesque.
Nulla non ligula ipsum. Proin id eros eros, at condimentum magna. Mauris ultricies, magna eget molestie malesuada, mi lectus volutpat lectus, a auctor justo sem sit amet nunc. Nam vel turpis orci. Vestibulum dignissim justo in augue viverra fringilla. Ut accumsan sollicitudin libero, id mollis metus. | r/loremipsum | post | r/loremipsum | 2010-08-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMklDeHNabmZvWEtsY2h6LUtpejJJZHVXNmFhSU1ZM1FRTklnSnM3cTdiUjRqMnM0djdCV3hjTFdEVkdhTnloQWRjWUdyN2FWcFNnVzZCalVXaTRuV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTVZFb09jeEdsMUtOY25VWkluUFNsN1FLZVExWTZINTg0Y2JQVUl3dV83OFlVSGNWc0RON1JKeGtydkVsZTlYVDY1U2hVeDhCSVJjV2lkbFladFhpbWw1R2NXVVBwWkFhQjcwTk02ZU9ERWItUUZnZFhIMWU0NGl6Qm56ODU3VFNXNmRUUXEwZTZvN3NQN3JhQjZkWVdNcFRzSjBvTTVuWDlLSmRKTHVZb1ZWZGM0X1dSTzduTVJoWTVvU0M3OTBlb3poTUlfbHhUS0djVldIZEJDMHFuZz09 |
When I created this group, I wanted a place where we could share different parts of our lives- things that aren't (necessarily) lgbt-related, but to get to know each other. Here's my contribution to that.
I'm a major geek, with a strong interest in linguistics. Part of that interest includes constructing languages (conlanging). This is an example from a conlang I created a few years ago. It's the Tower of Babel story, translated into the language I created. Since I made that language, I've tried two or three times to make others, but keep getting indecisive and procrastinate.
#Tower of Babel in Silyon
1. Fælobæpe datübideali fig datüturbideapoli.
2. Jetea sadonem sæfüne, romtübrum fælodogito Shinar fælosæfabidea.
3. Mufædobrum eanulofü, “Teano, jæfutukli brotone kemobrumli pitoko.” Brotobideapobrumli dækupo, jæfupofibrum fælotumsü.
4. Mufæobrum, “Teano. Jæfotuk padogoli sulopofili jebosunposæfa fælobidea jelo. Jæfotuk brenutu kælo fæobæpe.
5. Geroŋanem jebo jelo ikeaŋa gofusubrüm padogoli suloli æsodü jæfü sæaftübideane keŋo.
6. Mufædo jelo, “[Gofusufüt!] Sæftünebrum fig. Bideabrum datü fig. Kar sofa sifa. Kar mekitobrum bronum gejeatubrum.
7. Geroŋafüt. Roŋatuk gejebo ikeaŋa botekæbideabrum datü ikeaŋa domænokohbrum datü eanulo."
8. Kælonem fælobæpe jelo brum. Jæfujetea brum padogo.
9. Brenututük “Babel” ikeaŋa botekæ jeto datü fælobæpe. Kælo fælobæpe jelo brum.
[English translation](http://www.omniglot.com/babel/english.htm) of the Tower of Babel. I mostly stuck with the 2002 version... although I also used the 1949 translation if it had a better way of phrasing something.
Things got crazy with the æ and ü. One reason I wanted to re-examine the language.
#Pronunciation guide
i = beat or each.
æ = fat, pat.
e = blood, about.
u = boot, gooey.
o = Go, Ohio.
a = hot, spa.
**Constants** P, t, k, m, n, f, s are all the same as in English.
ŋ = The "ng" sound in sing.
b (or br) = No English equivalency. The closest is the "brrr" sound. Think of this as a trilled "r" and a "b" at the same time.
r = Trilled r. I can't think of a good example for this.
j = The "y" sound in you or yesterday.
l = The "lli" sound in million.
I'm hoping everything makes sense, but feel free to ask questions if you don't understand something.
| r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-08-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTHA1TjNDLVZBWW5XaGI3cjgxclF3YnBwSEEzUkl0cVVmalJEdnNWQWhtLWNjOGp6dmNmTUdCbmVWcm9vUEI4bXR1VFJfeGtnenVtTHdZeFprMEFRa2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zoc2VIWWFCRjExZ3lWYTVHLW1HS1JSbW5ISTM5LUVuQVhrRzdqVllMQ2t5MFhvR194b2I1WE16VWl4aFV1cVJtdWlPbmZuTWcyMzdBc0xNUGRCR1JzYkpQOGw4b3hMZXpRWVpXTFNTVnBTNjZvVy14VW1GOXAzSXV0dG5ZQzZtTkVnbXoyMl9qT2x6U1hBSVRCVENIbEZodFkxaW5KbmpCUzNlU0EtTUtPWDBlRmZ2dmJEQ1Nka2tTS1hUYU82NE5r |
It surprised me what a villain Lake Anderson turned into. I thought he'd redeem himself with Emiko - perhaps get access to the Thai seedbank but not turn the seeds over to AgriGen. The calorie companies are the true villains of this novel, so I expected Anderson to eventually turn against them - perhaps under Emiko's influence. I've got to applaud Bacigalupi for ignoring the usual "hero's" arc and giving us something more realistic.
That said, I felt that the only part of the novel that really rang false (besides the lack of solar, wind and nuclear power... but that's the MacGuffin, I suppose) was the penultimate scene in which Anderson's plot is finally foiled by Kanya. This was the only place where I felt Bacigalupi reached into the sack of cliches to pull out an ending. There's something about the immaculately constructed double-cross (the construction of which is entirely hidden from the reader), impeccably executed, that just... wearies me. I dunno, too many action/heist movies, I guess.
| r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2010-08-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVEJZYng5ZWhlc25Qa1puMHJJV2NSRmd3ZWJCZXlvYW1nRXdLV1FuMm9xdFhOQ3NkOGd5cmVzeEhHeXBBZWxpN0NoUmhmQ1hTakJkTGdsbWwyZTRzakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNkJLZkJoWExtVUl6eVhSQ19Hd2ZoVHppWGZwZktOOXoxekstSFktRnpHQUNPUHl2ang0MFprR2RVVlFMd0lUdWlSU1J5ODNvZzhnYlYxUTBpUkQ2OUEtdF94UVo4QXRXb0RDaEJRVHFKbk1NbzZyaUxlbElfNXZTbTl4RmUzbVExaVBXMkdhR1RYd1lSQzNVa2NySlpDaTEzWmVXRjJXRWNNVjZ3RnlQSWpjdWIzYWtzSUJjT1gwQjFoemhqTjZKRVJ0SW56YU4wMGNHLXhIVWZjSmVIdz09 |
I have worked with digital and 35mm film for a number of years. My experience is mostly with digital but I've be spent a little time in the darkroom. I have a relative wanting to do tin photography. I'm not very familiar with it. Any tips, howtos, experience that someone could share would be appreciated. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-08-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNFFJa0JmbUNVeWxQMXpXeUJIZ2xLelBmWmllUmVvbGkyaWZZNHVCQ0lkWDNPRGN1UW9iVnJfR0ZOdDRLWDVGb2E0YjNjX1RuLUVwUVdvdFRNZlMzNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocHA2TFdUdWE3WkFQMXNmcThNdDJxcVVzdnM4d1l5TTRuY0dmNGthUGdqUXhhajJCS2JNM0ZETWs3NGU3M2t4OG1pWS1HV3hFOW9UWDlsdkUxeVk5WGxTYTk4VWFYYVpsVExQVWtkQzBoNFJsaTN5dEV1WmJBZW03Zi1BaEJJRGpsRWN3S1JRck9icGhXMUNJZi00N2gtZGF1NHJ4SUt2VHFxWWs2Y1Zrc1lfU3R0Vmd6MXM0MUV3RUUwNlg3TGViRWJ0RjNSMjVIWlIyWGZyRVFWRzdyQT09 |
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H
**8**| ♜ | ♞ | ♝ | ♛ | ♚ | ♝ | ♞ | ♜
**7**| ♟ | ♟ | ♟ | ♟ | ♟ | ♟ | ♟ | ♟
**6**| | | | | | | |
**5**| | | | | | | |
**4**| | | | | | | |
**3**| | | | | | | |
**2**| ♙ | ♙ | ♙ | ♙ | ♙ | ♙ | ♙ | ♙
**1**| ♖ | ♘ | ♗ | ♕ | ♔ | ♗ | ♘ | ♖ | r/markdown | post | r/Markdown | 2010-08-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQVVqS3d1bHhFeFEwZExwQWtRSm1tbklFTktwUVpTanE1eWFRbEExN2Qxc1ZwZ2VvYmFpcnRjRXI1VVF0cnVrTGc4eGxKUlNPcTQ5bF9xS3p0a3hodFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZjcyUFFmTjIyTXBVWHRicGo3VkdaMkNzYmJGbW1WUW9ySnB6UlZETldYTlMxYXY4amRDQUVuZ1p2TmJzYk1jM1Y5ems4ck13aFRQZF9vSFEyUE1PbjFGRVJBaHlUZkdTZ0dhSHBjcjZrT0xUUmFOWU1QVmFoU1hTUnhORXR3S09WaG0yVkdOWTFRa3Jsd3p3UHI2SFVBPT0= |
Skriv vad du vill, så länge det relaterar till AIK! Det är användarna själva som rankar inläggen vilket betyder att ouppskattade inlägg förpassas långt ner och uppskattade inlägg hamnar högt upp. Allt är sökbart, kommenteringsbart och väldigt smidigt. | r/aik | post | r/AIK | 2010-08-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQVBma2JHZDFiUm5SelpVSWoySC1fYnVoWjBQQzlkN2tvai1EbWF0UnZoUXRJREV3dC01SWpuVmdQcTJBdE96NnlpdmZYTEFoOWF3bmpENW9wdS01VWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoYWNQd05rMDE3TU1uVzFuNWkyWjRmVlBHMXlYQlRJRzhtaEJJQS1sV1dLOVF2OVlDQzMzTWFDSWtSbTM2d3hWX0lqalZybG92N0lvR1Y1QjNoanZPb0pPNVZMWVZRZmZ5ZlU5QnlfQzBzRG5NRVhoOEZCdGlHS0VpVzNmS2FJcGQzNTRockw2RXpWUkx1T3ZQUDBIaUlmQTJVUWlKRm9oVXhGY1g1ejBhUGZ3PQ== |
Det blev en AIK-sköld för UPPröst och en DIF-sköld för NEDröst. Det tyckte jag verkade kul, vi får se hur länge jag får tycka det.. Har ni andra förslag? | r/aik | post | r/AIK | 2010-08-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxY3pwV2FObkQzaXFjLWhtanY3V2c3cDJHUElsVk1MZXM0QUxoNTdhR0xMdXBrX0JlZ0xGa29uUmpYWmctX25SUklRcXJDMWN4a2llU1FqQmFIT1g5bmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoN25BVW9pb3hqb2FRcUcxYzRIWDExUXMwSHFrdjdYQnNQSlhENWpwX2RhQl8yT0JPdlJ6a2t0eFdwN19SMElZakdrMDRYcWE2R0pfbUVyMXg4SURxaEs5Tlp1OEJvMERTMkdyaW80RzRfUnpwZXAxVjJzQkZnT3lJVXdGb3RVMVM5RVNWYmdSVk9mdGJXVFhBMk91SUpEdU1pbWNhdFFWX1NiY1lqZjdiWWxzPQ== |
##[A CALL FOR PLANETARY DUTY! Become a Shepherd of the Sea.](http://www.seashepherd.org/get-involved/crewing-at-sea.html)
We are looking for navigators, sailors, engineers, mechanics, electricians, carpenters, welders, cooks, doctors, medics or nurses, small boat operators, helicopter pilots, scuba divers, photographers, videographers, computer specialists, and even a few unskilled dedicated Whale Defenders.
**Time Frame:**
Sea Shepherd Campaigns rarely last less than a month. Preference is given to crew who can give the most time.
**Room and Board:**
Sea Shepherd provides bunk, bedding, food, and water.
No whiners, malcontents, mattress lovers, and wimps need apply.
Our objective is protect and save ocean wildlife and to uphold International Conservation Law.
##[Sea Shepherd is looking for dedicated individuals to crew aboard our ocean-going ships.](http://www.seashepherd.org/get-involved/crewing-at-sea.html) | r/sailingcrew | post | r/sailingcrew | 2010-08-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcEFmR0lEWHJRWXhweGl2TTZqLTdDMVZRMFluVWtNLWtIREhUYjgzU1NmNHlmeDJUbjRkckVEdHMtVmRhaG5ZX3Via0ZYc3gwQUdPSjV1VnN4anZscHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQ3NhT0JRRDFya1JzZXVPcFFGQmNKNkFoc3dVNWQ5YVRCMUZRbVlLWTFvRVVSM3VIc2tUN3Z4bW1IREpIYUhwSW5BODN2ZDVRbWFhNV9JbUdqMlJkejJ2RGMxWWtBdjdYVGZRRGgwOVMyRnJvZ0ctOUpRWUJVRHdSVFcyNmMtRWdkQ2VSZ3E1NVNYYzdEOFlZcnpwWFVsX0hKeThmb0lRX3RidmVNelZQZU9mX3d4YTlfZ2FNT2s0Z2QzUVp0WHVzZmxLWUlBc2J2WkRvTndFb0FPUGQ1dz09 |
Hey everyone. As the sidebar shows, we have a new Free SF selection, Peter Watts' _Blindsight_. It's a story about first contact, packed with science and philosophy of mind. Watts is a very smart author, and his futures are highly entertaining in all their ideas. I'm curious what people think about the philosophy of mind that he presents in the story (is it compelling?), as well as how well he has done at describing a plausible future.
In other news, it's about time we select another book for the beginning of Sept., and I have two questions for people: the first is, should we keep this 2 books at a time thing, or are there simply not enough people participating for that to be viable? The second question is how we should choose the next SF book. I'm thinking of just doing a free-for-all to see how that works: another meta thread where people can post books and vote them up/down, and we decide from that. Worries include people not reading if one of their picks is not the final one, and there not being enough votes to have a significant winner of any sort. In the later case, I'd probably just use votes as a guide to pick something, but don't want people calling tyranny even if nothing would get done without it. So, discussion first, and I'd really love to hear people's ideas. | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2010-08-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbHlRdUdKQ3BFNm1YdGREM05UdDM0WlRSbVA2Tkx5N212MzhNNkZFQXNVdG8xellrMVJTMmFWbU03UmNmdVRMaWZKN09LWTh1RUp4ZGlQTXp5eGNLYWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoR2lYTmt2SVEwN3NWTzJiQVhtaXB1UWtoQUJqS19zblVQSGdCZFN0MVhuVEJzVnQzT2Z0OTk2dy1BR1FUUUR5OGNKSndSR09PWTRRNFRIazd3ak9Ob3ktQTU0LWZIc1BZaHhXUGc5ZktRRGtGTkNwVjV1ZG90TjNsM29CZzdaNEVoZlRTRlUxNkVnQ2RTa25GcEhyalhnUTdoNWVRTEFKeFJnSFZNYnJSNGpwMDk4aExQTEFqcEtIOUxBOEhjUGJYdGtsQ2V1amVVM3dMN05TYVJsVklMZz09 |
I haven't a clue how to even find reddit alien, but even if someone could help out there, I might be able to put a jersey on.
Thanks a bunch, in advance! | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2010-08-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRGxzY0hYYXBqV1pGbzhGR291X2RMRDlqQ2pMZnhYcjZaNEpCWWZLZzJtOWpYYkR1eUg3RkxMT3FLV3YzZ1hWcmxNeFlMRTBTMElZZUpzVE40Z1BGaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoR1JGdmZiWXl0Zzl4V3JkaE9Kb044Zk9XSXVfV2RadzJlU1oyWUFPT05ZMVVoRlRmQmhBNGpWVEtWRnZCcE0wbUlDUFRTRnJWcXJUY2c4SVUwUlMxeGtGZjhlbmhhWVAwYWpxQWVQRG9Jb2cxa0VrbFBQQnRqeXlYZEd2RzVnYWRIekNfd3dZR2ZSWHZZbkw0c3RDa2ZYa3lwbkszSUhKRHo1aXMwQThxak1mbV9jX1A4TVJvQzh6Z2VhVlF4ZjNp |
* [the triggering submission](http://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/comments/d3686/prop_8_its_the_evidence_stupid/)
There seem to be some downvotes out of disagreement, does this mean that we, as the community of this subreddit, are not mature enough for polarizing discussions? How can we grow up? Should we keep on discussing anyway? | r/metatruereddit | post | r/MetaTrueReddit | 2010-08-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQUhWVXhtNS1XSi1mYzV1V003YUJfdmxSa1lZUDJkVDRxaGl6ejJGX3c1RDlZRDZxNnJoU0d1X1Y0WXZaV2owYnd1MjZqVzhPZTg1dFFjcTJNbFJDWlN4WDBoQjVURnNGRHl5azY1QllISUE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocHhRT2kwNGRxeHpwUzJoeThjSFFKREg0b3NndWNwVGU3RXVwSTB2WnpLazhCTGU1NU0zcDZmamFYSEYteDhmSFB1S3htZnNpSTdTcXY1R3ZSLTVkQ2c1QXpieTQ3RUd0cWZuU2tETGlNcTNpZXpneEVMY3NJY0dzV3g2dVJpVHFTQkhSWUplUXozekN1QlVsbHVVSFBhN3lMT2Z3bE1XTzNUYmU0LTluRHJrSHRtbUV3a01EN0EtMER3amVyaDZiRGpNVnhuN1VTTHFKQ1dYNlVtc2Q4Zz09 |
[This photo](http://1x.com/photos/latest-additions/35900/) is beautiful. There are two main effects I see here that I don't understand:
* There seems to be some vignetting around the image; the edges and corners appear darker. How is that done?
* The clouds seem to be motion-blurred. Is that achieved by a long exposure? Clouds usually move slowly, so that would have to be a CRAZY long exposure... but the depth-of-field suggests a tiny aperture, so with a ND filter, that actually seems doable. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-08-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbmFQTkRGTFJ4bmlhLTNITVlsLW96VVV6WXUzY3NrQW5FZG52amJaVmFuZ1F1NEswMVN1ZUJVdThndkVEcGhwV3dBQ1BjZkExb1RLb1BXZzdvV01yVnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQW1WYzFLeUlyR2tud1p0U0tmemJORUc2R2tuN2FlRFJ5dXNFVDdYemRsWmR6clNESllGZWJCMXhqbGdfU0l4OGVNRndVZnhsZjdSU0hkbHBiR01Dblh2LVRtWDNRMHF5UWMxNTNhd3pVVVkwcExrTi1YaEl4UU10dE02cjQ2aWV5MHNNRjNMM2xNV3F2VGtCMWlDYUN4S09xYmo3ZmdQOV9JSUlQUjkzV09nPQ== |
What is the best procedure to get the many acounts like [this](http://www.reddit.com/user/bfk63) and [this](http://www.reddit.com/user/philosophersstone) blocked to keep them from clogging the feed. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-08-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYm1KbEFIa0o1X2laemx5bS1nQVFGd3hJWVl2a3FONmVyNXV2al93VzlfX1I3YURzNTR5VUtTN0xVUktRUm5ZSHpURUxzV3Vxb0VudnhWc3ZQb05oRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobE9POFBqZUlqLXFIajZZcUo2dDV5ZXlreG81T2xROFJqQngzQ0Y3SVRIeUVDWmZEZ0FubTBxRjduV1U1ZExjWlg4SHVwcEt0SXgwS1BzckduNlA0WU5Eb2h3SXVsN1F4bzJGTWUya1JwU3I5WmxtMUMwdjkxRDd2VGF2RXdGODhNZ2owTEQwRGVFbnJ3bkVrYkRHRDl6Y2JXZDVqQVktT0hRWXg2QmYtbTdfNkV1MEJPdjlfeGxpWTdIUHQzcUhHVTJLbDdEdXJFSlpVSE5INGk1MDlWdz09 |
Anyone else ever notice that if your going after dropping domains the weekends are the best time to buy? All of the huge automated systems that do this seem to do either a really bad job of it on Saturdays/Sundays or they only take the cream of the crop rather then try for anything with traffic. Anyone else have a similar experience? | r/domaining | post | r/Domaining | 2010-08-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxT1h0Q0F5cC1xc3dSWHdxUlBkUm84aEUtVU1EWjM5NU9ydzZkaWNSVjZWVmhhMmJaZlJjYzY3dkNxZi1pN3E1Nm95NkZxZUZaVmdpVjQ5Mkc0dzRMN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zod1BhMktrWHhpOVpLLS11dm92bnhjOGhueHkxSkNhU19jQ3kxOUZhWUw3RzZPOUt2bEhZZGRhWnA4R2xjQ1I4WEJSdDc2SS1tbnFBYWJXcUhmSGRaQW5OTXNXRllTV1dIMU90ZmR3TDltejhMVm5FYnhwcTZJczNna0VPb3JDRVE3STJYaDVWRWU0UTNUYjNadWdTNUxVRlBsLUpnOHNnR2JYVDJ3RlVmbUFRPQ== |
Sorry, folks. But we're homebuyers and I don't want any BS with the law. You are welcome to attend, of course, but no drinking while you are here. Otherwise we've a fun spot of the #28 busline. PM me for an adress and a phone number. | r/seattleevents | post | r/SeattleEvents | 2010-08-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWF9SVVVBeGUyMDFkZGdPQzJzOXhnTXh6NzM2VlBabndQVExSWUx1R0VCM3c0M2RubVZrVnBRc21xSU5GQk50X1RJbXJkazNLQ0l3MGJUcktDcjRCTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQ1FCbko2RkluaFFUZmdQU1FZSnZ5cFhVR2JKbWhYY2VIQzhETFo0Qnp6WkY4elViOGM4cnNMY2o5dUFpbFpidDZJYWZwVklMRldOQ1Npcl9MWmhib04wS0V0dWtOTTRqQ1k0VXpWWXkyR2FJNlUyeUhiZml6d3lQWTRPaGdzcWFCc2RfUW5NT2Z2Ym9iM3FxbmxKTDlERHBXR2hkQnY2eTVMSjhzRHJTTEN6eURFOXVQR3BYRDZ1U3BEOGZ2NEhIVmxMRll3VnJ3cWdNcTRxN3hhSWlPUT09 |
It seems the NoSQL movement is gaining strength with everyday that goes by and lately there is a lot of talk about the capabilities of NoSQL databases like Cassandra, Hadoop and CouchDB. Speed (000's of insertions per second) and availability (clustering and replication) are very important but coming from the relational database world im guessing the database design has also a very important role to get the desired performance. Looking at amazon, I could only find a few books about NoSQL, most of them introductory guides to specific databases - and some of them havent even been published yet. Do you guys know a good book about non-relational database design that you would recommend?
Sorry for the double post, but nobody in /programming/ seemed interested in the question | r/nosql | post | r/nosql | 2010-08-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYTBBMW9uZ1dQbVRPdXBLU3NVTW5jOWdoM3JFbmpKZ3FtUWNQcnBEWktrRXdrclZERXpqUVdMSFU3ZUx0VGxDR1F2MUJDc0ZkSlFXQU5qdnF5ODNaTmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoM3htOW40ajhFQ3dRd3dib2lrcnROVVMyUVMyRWt6bjBBaEdnZGRwSmRqdHlrc2U1TUhUdmt6NkwtaEhUeWp5ejkxZ3F2Wktmd3pJakZpd1J4cFltaWpETFNNTWh0RG1HdGJmd2ZaVTZhQl9XWkhWUjRQYmlwaGFJUTRyOWo0aGRuN0RIVFRtcFJ4N0dOQ3NCVDkxWG4zanBEUl9BSUNfRUtiYWJSQ015d3N5ei1VMmxFS28waDgzcUp5b3I1S2Fx |
I would love to polish my unused languages and read some interesting international articles but I don't want to browse the subreddits of foreign countries and hit their daily politics and funny pics submissions.
This is even more true for countries with languages that I don't understand. It would be interesting to use google translate for sufficiently interesting articles in languages that I don't understand, but I can't find them.
Any like-minded redditors? | r/metatruereddit | post | r/MetaTrueReddit | 2010-08-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxb3UyM1l2SXJCTC0zUGkteXJjRG9zZkNlR2s4b2dZOW82N3ZhbHV5SXBYdUZvY2RJblRZVEh1UnZCWmE1d2JKWEM5bE8yNEMtM2JVdWFSMzl3YWhrdWZNMVpnNXVOb2MyamRNSU9mMnNFMXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMHBOakpveUI5dTJCdnJHRkZGUDhhYnNwaVk2ZGJzMjRWYzRrWUY0RC1MdUt1OHRjYm9SaFQ0cm9mc3dGYWNWcUpLQnYyd3NaRlBkSldjTUpaRWtnZ3BXOGRhZXhYMGU3TUZ5UFhKMTVzZWxRUXFDenhFMnB1U1VQc1F5ZkY1Zy0tbzBBdExJb21HWEM3UDVhT2tLeHFMTW83bHNURG1JWFdHTU5TWTFWeHVrT0hKZ3FQRzFKa2NSdXlRakdmNDFwamJ5RHZ0a0t3c2ZDRk1leWNjRVViQT09 |
This is a pretty big change and is going to affect the biggest domainers the most.
http://domainnamewire.com/2010/08/25/google-may-change-domain-parking-requirements/ | r/domaining | post | r/Domaining | 2010-08-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNk4xV3NTaFE4dFlCRVV6c3BaemlEVDViMy1RUnRVS1lDYlBicElVRG53cEh0bWxYMW8tNkpnVkVKV2Qzckt5ZHBodDRGRTR2Mk9JbFh6UnpXb19NVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMzlDbEV5XzFNSVZJeGlFQ19IdmJtTl9HenZsajY3Unp6bzR4b05ibkNzb2dfOGYyVFI1di1Kb1o3RzBkU0pGTi1ENHhaOGpoczFxVWRNMDhVZkE2bFVNWkloRS1WMkRlT0tnck4zTVZLZEVkNnNVLTZGd1N5SC05MkJ6OEFLTmdjMnhxRE1SSGV2LURuMG5ud3NOcmM1RDQ5RkZhT2dYMXBUSDRsak9lMUIwZ1Z3OE5sMkFYTDBoMVM5Tjk3TnE2MEpJTE1BdWNLUlI2SUliajVxTXBIUT09 |
'TRILL WIT A BILL' | r/platypus | post | r/Platypus | 2010-08-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSVZyRU1zNjNhdk9JYkZQVmxhUmVObHZSYTJ5alF1UVVoZ0tlcjMxZTJTV0VLM1g2bmduaDVrQkpKUTdQYzF3RWQxUmpzZ0VZNV9hSk52QTJGTXNyUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoS1NxRUQzcWVRYnF5WmpsOGRiZkhIdG94OERSRi1mbE1yeXNaSnpzVzlGRmRqaEQ4UDF0Zy1fZmNqRDQxNTY0SjFUNUFBV0VlVkFQd1ZHeTNLemZSczF0aXBCX3pJQk9ZQkdpaGtVRzVKLUVCRVlWaTJQdE1XM2lNczdrUXFaRExmRFk2Qkx4Z2tsQVRwRGkzWnFlc0ZKSThrR20zVWoxeFFETVlPd0VXczZzPQ== |
I am reminded of [Robot Nation by Marshall Brain](http://www.marshallbrain.com/robotic-nation.htm) | r/sysor | comment | r/sysor | 2010-08-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTlpFaG5PRHUwV3NOalczUllfblZxNzBzQ3lDazgxTUJGY0x6R0RjZUxfRnFXaVkya0hiRVo5WFZDRzRiaEl2cGJQYjUxRjRLRUktQ1cxOUR1aE1ZVXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWEViVEtzZkpfamVTZUVPc3J6MDNvSFZ5WjNFRXlIRklWcThuT1d2LTNiSnJjakJLRmx0bnZNRFktNmsyMXR3ZFR0Ml9Eb1BqMmdaeEdYZzBxbmVGeWZMa0lwZGZtUkJNTEo5bFNQbWlyQUxXQmxvdkZSaWROdm9vWk9tTjBpS2trNkh6aWJoZndJSjVPRENRSEtSaFl5ZkVYSndMY0VOWjJ2d29WdWotN203TGZCRm15LWI1ek9maU1tenpzb2pPR2VFOVdWNnJWbEpQVVU5bE9vbVg2dz09 |
TR's oldest post on the hot page is 3 days old. This means that about 8 links get submitted per day. I don't have time to read each submission anymore. To me, this is the beginning of TR turning from a community that shares interesting links to read into a community where interesting links fight for attention.
I think it's (almost) impossible to break this development but we could create some subreddits, dedicated to a certain criteria for submissions, that maintain the possibility to consume each submission.
What would be some interesting criteria and who would be willing to join or moderate it?
(I know that it is possible to just create another subreddit and announce it in /r/newreddits but those submissions most probably don't reach the subgroup of those that are willing to read longer articles. TR needed one year to get going, maybe we can accelerate that process for another subreddit.) | r/metatruereddit | post | r/MetaTrueReddit | 2010-08-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxV3VpaUJseU1iQldRc3ZqZ0sxTkdjVlptTTNEY1F6MXJhX2JsWDhYMk9McGlId08zVnl0ZWhacDhEakhLd244c0JycXZWNHhfNnVhMGhpaXNaX1Nyb2prY1I1VDlKTzBZcnNnLTdSNVA2WUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoX3hzVGI5elh3c2V3eUxySG45VExSVGtsS3FySEpXaG1WOFJEYXZRczVRT2l5ei1nZmFPVUhnR1FzQXZaTHRXclAtdldfOWhGQWdFNEYwRDFyeHpERVhPOFY1ek5tb1RScVhLRHN0a2VmaFFiSEFKVXp2NEJMMnNSZ0YwanBzMjZFSzNhcWdPUGRScXZUbmVMeTZsbjBGVlVzanNBR1NiZmpBU2xlNG5FWDRZPQ== |
Next Generation Databases mostly addressing some of the points: being non-relational, distributed, open-source and horizontal scalable. | r/nosql | post | r/nosql | 2010-09-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSWZJUFFXM053cEVNbFR5dExCS2QzUTQybnBmUk5iQXZPQkk1NEw5SG9Genpnc2tFTU9LTV9ERXBZLVdEVWNGa1JKUlVyMjNFQWRtVkFNM2NIRHNlSEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoR1pJWmpZNWMtVzctTC1WSDh5bEZWdmZGYkNyMF9MS09YRFlVVW9GelhzTE9TZ2ZjazViUEFIb1drT1ZCR3NNZGI3aWMxWlNZcmVCeFM1Nks1MHVQN1VlWk5YbkVRU2R4NFAwZ2hNa1ZPYWJHdkFZQUJJd2FlSUpLT1B4T0w0RktfaHJacjJnUmJ6NW93cWlXUHl1bXhBPT0= |
Featured members are almost like short interviews with redditors in the community. There's a short questionnaire that is filled out. The questionnaire will be formatted and posted by the mods. Once it's posted, other redditors can ask questions and learn more about the featured member.
* **Anyone can be a featured member.**
This group is about meeting and getting to know /r/lgbt, which includes everyone.
* **To become a featured member:**
1. **[Message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23MeetLGBT;subject=Featured%20Member).**
Suggest someone you’d like to see be featured, or volunteer yourself.
2. **Fill out the [questionnaire](/r/MeetLGBT/comments/dfzuq/featured_members_questionnaire/).**
Send your answers (to the moderators) at any time. All questions are optional. You’re more than welcome to add in questions/comments of your own, as well. Add in pictures, links, or whatever you’d like. Don’t worry too much about formatting - it’ll be taken care of.
3. **Schedule a day.**
Featured members will generally be posted in the order the questionnaire's received. Feel free to specify a day, or it will be negotiated when it will work out.
4. **Enjoy the spotlight!**
On the day its posted, other redditors will leave questions/comments for you to reply to. It'll be a great chance to get to know you.
* **How Frequent?**
At the current moment, the goal is to have one (or two) featured member a week. This will change periodically depending on time/scheduling and the number of people interested in being a featured member.
**[List of Featured Members](http://www.reddit.com/r/MeetLGBT/comments/fapt5/meetlgbt_list_of_featured_members_books_and_movies/)**
Any questions/comments/suggestions about featured members can be left here, or in a message to LGBTerrific/mods. | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-09-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQVRWWG5BaXRRa0hXb3dPSk5FVlhablNldk1Iay1VX0JsanlVTXFGaWdDblNqM1pzV3pOT2FoU0RmUnR6ZzNGNUJQNE9nMnFjdXZSQlJZd1VyLTU1TGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoUHhucThIeEw4VmRITXl2Zzg2STg3bFd5VmlXSE5TTkU4SFBGS19YR3BIZThzbzMwTWxDZVQ0WlhzNnNaeHJFM1dBRGdKcmxvN1RxTFZ1TXZaRk5BcVVkbEhDZDhUeFpUR1lJR1VQT0dtODV1MFpfSjAwbjBSUS0tbUY1VmNwMWd2VFhfaFJGeUkwUjNfa3JidkNNbjl0UUxJTmtUYkpHaERnQVprSXExek5NPQ== |
I've been digging around, and I just can't seem to find the info. This has gone beyond the original reason why I was trying to find out, and is close to becoming an obsession. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-09-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRHh6UEU5M2NmT1V6N0w0VFpWUm5pbWRrRTVPbHJMY2JLYWlqQk1UOTJiNzV6U3R1bVg0T21WaGR2Z1JXUVhPZzFBWVBoRnV1X21kTWp2REhDUlBVLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVGpGUEdDUXBWbVJfcG9LMkNTZmxtenRWWHNuY2VZZS1xN21KYW1lS2NLQjdLd3BxTjQ1LVY1Zmxrc1d6NmlucWpZbW5DX0lXRk1rQU1ycUEydFNDM1FZVmw3MC1Qem9lbkxkMmdnNk1XV0J0NmtzUWY3MHIyYW9lNF84aXZaLTlDeW9SS0QxeHl2MXU4bU1aNjRKU3dOWjBUbFNRV0RTX3RDRlA3RTFINk1LUHMtOVo3eVRFYk9RRklDZ3BSUHFVSk5PMk40ekx6QmFXaHpoMXIya2JDdz09 |
I just sat through a history lecture in a class on the great depression in which our department head blamed The Great Depression on Andrew W. Mellon. If you are not familiar with him, Mellon was the Secretary of the Treasury starting with Warren G. Harding and through most of Hoover's administration. Hoover did not follow Mellon's advice. When Mellon was appointed he took a $1.00 a year salary because of his private success and wealth and he had a plan, which had four main points:
* Cut the top income tax rate from 77 to 24 percent
* Cut taxes on low incomes from 4 to 1/2 percent
* Reduce the Federal Estate tax
* Efficiency in government
I obviously think he is horribly wrong, but I wanted to get some feed back before/if I call him out on his views. I posted this in /r/history hoping to get some good discussion going, but no luck there. So I thought I would see what you all had to say.
| r/mises | post | r/mises | 2010-09-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxdm9kRkY1YWpLNEMyLW9ad0dzVEJQQUFQVWh1VGpiaDU0ZllRemJmYkVlSTZtOVF3Wld3STVTSHE2SU1HU25tcl82UW5MTGN5OGM4SGhPYTdDYllRWkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNDlvREdlTUxrUW9mZ3BoczFSWE9UTVJkdVZaTUwtTlZHbmlReXA3VDFZenc4cm1FNzZ1NkltaUN3cC0xTElPX2xGeExWdzVxYjd3WENzdlNyeFhaMXlfTGV5R0VDWTN5cnNFam9jM1ZVT2dxZlB4aFdWXzcxYUhnSzI2eFZIalZBbGlTTDhQOU5kYnIwUHRueVpjcVRabTA4VDlqc2VacGFhb3ktNFBFMEhlSWtWd1ktemd6OGM2TV8xUWtKeVB1 |
So, there has been no discussion on Blindsight yet, so I'm just going to suggest that we keep it as the official selection for September. I've just started a new job and been kind of busy, which is why I didn't get on top of selecting a new book for this month yet. Sorry about that.
Let's have people submit novels they would like to discuss in this thread.
Rules for book selection:
* Read through the submitted novels and upvote **all** those which you'd be OK with reading/discussing.
* Do not downvote unless there is a better reason than you don't like the book (really, that it is not Speculative Fiction should be the only downvoteable offense).
* If, after reading through the thread, you do not see the book(s) you would like to read, submit them. Please include **full title**, **full author's name**, a **link** to something about the novel -- Amazon, wikipedia, author's webpage, fansite, novel itself if released legally online -- and a short **reason** for picking the novel or **description**. If it doesn't have all of these things, it won't be selected.
* Please keep top-level comments to book submissions. If you want to talk about any of the submissions, reply to that submission. If you'd like to talk about other things (mods, selection process, etc.), reply to the catch-all comment I've made.
* This thread will be open until Sept. 15 or so. Around then, a new selection for October will placed on the sidebar so that people have two weeks to acquire the book.
* The mods* will have final say on October's novel selection. We'll use the results of the thread to inform our decision, but I don't anticipate there being an overwhelming winner due to the low amount of participation on this subreddit. If I'm shown wrong, we'll probably just go with the top selection.
*The mods are, as of now, me and punninglinguist. Why? Because the subreddit was originally my idea and creation, and because PL has posted more than anyone else and helped me a lot on the meta threads, here and in /r/scifi. I'd like to have 3-5 mods, so if you'd like to be one continue posting helpful and interesting discussion and links, and we'll come to you if we think you'd be good. Hopefully we can round out the moderators some time in the next two months. | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2010-09-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaWR5LUxxVll5NDhBUUdFWXNaMHlNXzc0cEp1TXptRGdLNU14OTRPbnh2azBmODYwZW12YXU5Uk9QVFJBSXAtU3A5NGw5bXQxak9SU3JYTU95eW9ISXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRWZBZ0pOU1dsaW1uVnpLSnY1RlZGMmZNbUNfZXBLcmtwT2RnV1dlUHNyUlM1T2pQT21Gb0xSTVlVZ1d6NzBwRld1WnVhbElYVkY3RlJydHR4WnFFVmoyTjBCTjFtNDZUblhHdTNkUDlobjd3YTBvNmFjb19qeHpjUURjVUFqVjhGOG0yU0NuMkZCLXd2dFV6eGJhbGFJTXRidXFXdWNUQWp0czAwVklPeTRyQ21keEExOC1ZMzdMVktVMi0tTF9K |
A great city! Lets hear it for Bates Burgers! | r/livonia | post | r/livonia | 2010-09-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbnR1SEgzRkFlanJ3Y2hsODc4R2hWcm51bWtFZGszcS1TRk9kUThlbzdPdjQ1ZGxEOGV4OWxJNEJ1dE91T3N0Wk5hRG9oQndqdEo2M3pJWjJJQlpOQ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobWg4dzJiRjFKaDgtMXRaRWsxQ0dIX284OWZCRDdPSlI3aW5SMDl3SDhHVWtRN2trRmNmTG9fanRqV1hSMkVvS0xCelhBWjNzSDhQUVRpZUVGU2ZsYWQwWUc2NVN4aG1XUjRiS3pvZTZSeXNVZ2RXUVdWRDNkVWZhMVgyeHhFc3dzVjhfbDBNOGl1UlRyQzdUM0dHQllRPT0= |
I've already read the book, so I'll post some thoughts when I have time. | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2010-09-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbG1nb0ZPNmNWUXFhbjR6VkNxOWZKcEZkYjRjVFBYMW9NRHdVbmpDZTFIT2RPUEpSbVZSOEtrdGhhbVZJZVVTY3Y5dW8wZjZGRGJ5Qi1CM25zOHBPOGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoV0pJRG1GclB5NTZHbFdUeXE1aFRjQncxb0Zaajl6SEJQMkVfZnlZaHNBYXcwNklhYXh5ZGJXQ1RNWDBsUk5GQ010Z3hCanZwUTRUTU1qUjBHUjlYSWp4UldOd00yRWFtVEdCQW0tQWIwTUJPcVFlUnJFaTZpWUNFaUpCdXFiR1NTVjE3WEJjQ29uZHp5VWJwU1VOVzNxdTJoNlJ5cy1EaklhSVdvTzlQSWp3QVBtNXVjMWN2TlJhcEdGSmVkdklO |
So, I quite enjoyed _Blindsight_ as a thought experiment, a philosophic pondering of consciousness in the guise of a story. One of the main points that Watts is trying to make is that we must look at consciousness as an adaptation, as a thing that will affect the way a creature behaves in such a way as to select for or against the original trait (that is, consciousness).
In certain ways, this directly contradicts Chalmers' "philosophic zombie" argument, that there is no way to tell apart me and zombie me, a physical being that is exactly the same as me in every way but has no subjective experience. Watts' philosophic zombies: the vampires, the _Rorschach_, the scramblers, even to a degree Siri, all exhibit certain behaviors that Watts clearly thinks they would exhibit differently with subjective experience.
In Siri's case, this is a lack of empathy, almost a lack of [theory of mind](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_mind). However, in this case one must ask the question of whether a lack of empathy is really indicative of a lack of consciousness: I don't think so, and Siri himself didn't think so, either.
In the scramblers' case, while they communicate symbolically and are computationally much more sophisticated than humans, they also have no sense of "I": there is an awareness but no self/meta-awareness. To me, this version of a philosophic zombie seems more palpably real.
However, in the end I think some of the philosophy falls flat, because Watts fails to entertain the thought that consciousness is a byproduct of a different adaptation, one which is itself useful even if consciousness is not (as he seems to conclude). Since reading _The Crucible of Consciousness_ by Zoltan Torey, I've been of the opinion that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of long-distance symbolic communication: that when a system is able to communicate in such a way as to define certain utterances as representing a specific category of thought, and this communication can influence others as well as the communicator, then consciousness from this will arise by virtue of the new ability to categorize the world and combine these categories in rule-defined ways. Thus, language is the adaptation, and subjective experience the by-product.
Anyway, I've wanted to throw these ideas out for a while, and wondered what other people thought about the philosophy of mind in _Blindsight_. Any particular insights the novel gave you? Any particular points you think Watts got wrong? Anything else interesting? | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2010-09-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdnAtMk95SVQxX05oeWpRRGZYT0hYSDdYdVkyYjJpeHFkOUZvZUVObmtJcFlkdFJ5U1RUQWFnc09qX0pQakFKQ0o1c0FOdTJKRVJpOGhpRXI4UHlWcnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVklmNUJoTXZUVzRhREViVnljZ3ZTNnZQZk9XYXZMMTZMemJnc2llVkQyODRqQlNFalY4MVg4cVBwa0FxVXpwdFg1WUNTaEs0LWJJdWl5STJCMF9fanJyZnZLS0pkdm1wcE9LbE8wRFZTR1gxeUdKUEswQUUxendhYnFwQnRMZFA2TERqb05VYkNBY3lwNUIxVEl6Z2x5b1psQTVubmF6dzZCS25ZMzZtd2VhYjNnWkhRZjRYVkF2Y1d1Y1NSb0Z1bVlUME12djBOR2J5NHVlcXc3VWRwdz09 |
It first appeared 4 or 5 years ago, and was was a series of linked web-pages. There were very few clues, usually the page consisted of a single jpg. In order to solve it you sometimes had to look at the source of the pages, as hints and clues were left in the html. Sometimes you had to work out what the url of the next page was and type it directly into the address bar.
It started with a picture of a door.
That's all I remember! | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-09-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZFlTbmQxcW5XdkRoRlVMNEpscURJcHBaV1hONjBXMWt0cVNUalJVVmM3MHhMSTU5cWV1WklZNjZCektYemFPaTlJZXRqRmVDQnVWa2Jlenc1X1FvZ2FzSThHUHVlWFhEZ3FPN3ZsU2NEM289 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobUlBU25TVlo0VUxUWENPcHJGMUg1WXFWNUVOSnZrTTRoN1o0Z3pKdU1oVnBSMmJFZFhselRib3dOa3ozejFrN0FFMnlRYm9MLUx1NTNyb0tlYjM5QUtMQVRQRnRMLVYya1A1WXlSY2dPU2c3Mm1YTEF3MWh4R1BQcng3VF8zbDQwUjlLbGJEY0UtVGdvdHpkUXJpaXZfcFV2Zy15RmdtVUNfSUdXb09OWjBSdXA2Ump4VFZZNDVRcEFGdV8xWGlZTU5KTFUyTFpSUllIOHFYZG95WG0zQT09 |
I just typed in r/apologetics in hopes of finding something at least as popular as r/climateskeptics... to no avail :(
I'm going to try to contribute what I can and when I can to this subreddit, I was just curious why it has been so quiet. | r/apologetics | post | r/Apologetics | 2010-09-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxb1BsYzVWMU96T1piX1ZFN1dsNGo1YklRMVhJZDVMdTdYM1g1b3ZkUnNHRTc4eE5RYkZCdkRSREJYekpiZTlmYUhTbk9qYzA1VF92dzRxOWpUVVk1cWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodER6WXBNeXJWZEdfbzdDVTBpbDZ6bkVCX0IyOGFRQmYyS3JhdWtjRzRnNENNbnZPa0JqWlk4X1hBa05IUG1tZ1RYeDFFa1JwRXo4RGctZTFpTDRrTXpaelU3aDU3Q1BpRDZJX2ZENHhLTzdhbVcySERfTEo3SjcyR1BiVHJhZW9JZGhGYjZYaThjb1FCZ0w2cXVMSThJNk96a3dmTGJ1V1h6MXFodmZ5WXVjejE2Q2xlVFhlaHhxSXFteWhDSDdwOXEyNzBXN2lPNlRtQ21OVGhXcnUzUT09 |
I'm finishing restoring a 1975 S2 8 meter. If there are any redditors with their own boats maybe we could have a meetup on minnetonka or a larger lake? | r/sailingcrew | post | r/sailingcrew | 2010-09-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVkFwUGk5Um9MVTY2VG5kSTlud3lJOVg2eC1Ja29zLVpwbW44UlhUOFZ1czJkNHlXVVdsWndqcUFRZXNnZ2VJRnNXR0pKZlliU3dKZ3NfU18zMDNoNVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobnpBVWw1anVOa0xqd2FRc1RWc2xJNm51LUZxYm4yTWJYaDU2X2ZPWnlBZWVWdmcyQTVaZ3pueDdENXhxMjE0U1ZPclo3SE5zcGZudWtzYktrYWRBMDd3cFBfTUk2clZfYXpDRGRPVDRqeTBGLVlNenJwM21tNlRZOXMyeEVUN3YtTlVvQmxNRVphTTMzX3hZMlhOanNCYnBWeFNSOW1HUWxfNmxORVhlbVYzbXFyRU02d3ZtTXJMdkxuWGV1V3FhcTQxOU5JNkk4MUx3MFB2NmJGUWIzZz09 |
There are "already" some reposts on TR, most famously the Julian Assange profile, but several others more.
Would it be intersting to start a /r/TRfromSeptembre2010 that consists of a community that reads every link and whoever submits a repost, gets banned? If it gets momentum, more people will join until there are so many reposts that banning doesn't work anymore - time for another subreddit. | r/metatruereddit | post | r/MetaTrueReddit | 2010-09-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMUtad0FOdkZvSVYzcVBabk5oa2lmRi0tZ0xxMy1YdXlJZWMtTWIwVVdHMjVnN2w4MmUwZ3VrRlF3d0FOV0gwRHlidHVlbTZib3dtYmpHMXdsa2Z4MFM4enJucm56T29ZVVExM2dRS04wMmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocTNhWGNjVjZzaE1MdGlxNUoxWGxtQXhBM2NGZ09HS2ZxZGx6UWdGcW9KU3ByYWJpaEM2SmhwWDlwZDYxcEQzSVBFWi1MdWNLbkM4RHhpaXotcGR2TDFfSWo3V09oUDNxZURTN2lfUVB4eURxTDVwdE54dUFSWHVKcDM4eVZWMEVnUWptdTZQSGs1Y3pQOVFkNkdveklpSkpEMFYzeTM3MkdTaEUyWnIwcWxZPQ== |
That is all | r/rockwall | post | r/Rockwall | 2010-09-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTWJUNF9ZV0lfZlBYRW42ZlFlZnJQZDUzMzVLMWJJQ0hYbndhNmtzTU1qaVktempEaFdZTU44X1dNbWlIZmRTVF9MVWU1eWVvNTdpamVZRl9za2dCNnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSEhNV25NMk9PT0UzeXYwc1Q2amVXd1F3VkVQNlQ5WGhJUElxMVpWV0hReGl5ckdrTEU5ZTNJdkFlZ3RvN3lqMVhXRVB0MXNKQmVEb0ExcUJqZ3JBUFFtbFpLVjMzRjRibWxpSWtuaXprbVRNbElhbzYzaHVQSk5wQ2dmS2hxV3JtZEJhWmZuUWJoM3l5YjlpMzVkYVV3PT0= |
then i got the hell out | r/rockwall | post | r/Rockwall | 2010-09-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRVFudW5ibGxuYmZMZWEyak5mTzFiTE1oX214V2lubk9NVVlTWTVwWHFoMmd3MHZXNHo3VDJycW1EUlFPZHdLcVdlY0lDQVdTdXVZcDY5dXhRLWM3RUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodFJzRDZ3YW45bTF4N3dtREM0TDViSTFKWFc4cEdXeUJjQm9qMWdYSm9kOHE1VGZzaFAyMzJ2ZUFWYUlSVWhfc3AybXAzM0RzQzZ5WkxmOUlWLVFPZEpmYVFyZFJsS1hkeE5YYzlJREF6b01WNHF2ZWhFRldfdWJXS1lld2NnOXVISXpDVVBFN1g0SXlDbVJ3aF9lT3Zvd2JBR01KVGQ2c0REcnQ5dWNoaHZ6VTJrVDBvWlJCTGJjY213UU0yN2h1 |
Seriously, how the hell are we supposed to talk about Rockwall? | r/rockwall | post | r/Rockwall | 2010-09-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRWt3eHlUZ1EySzRFR0xyWmtmd0JRMEQ2S1E2RU9Jaml5WVB3bnJ6X0xZNXJCQThtZUtzY1FXU3VhN1NTZjI3bjlsZndrbi0wTGF5NjRrQk1yQzdVamc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZndXZkQxZHp1NlR2ZXU5RlR6R2tUZG9pUkgzSDltdkZBMm1lb1huY3NPLWhIRjFYMU1LZERzZTZwTzBackxDMGtDVVNMeXQ4UjZBUkZrc1FXTzlJcXNBanBJQ1pZSTF2c1VsNkphNno5QXFySU9NRFdyZmh6RHFRN0s0TDNSUGtGNzNTcVhsUk1QWG1lWjBOcm1jQkVmRG9wbjEyZVk3STc5NkJWelVuX2dRRE1pbTljWjJoakdUWmhXc0l3eTZZ |
Anyone for or against this? Ive had a few people Going Halloween weekend. Those camping, we have plenty of room for more =D. Whaddah ya think? | r/renaissancefestivals | post | r/RenaissanceFestivals | 2010-09-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUERDejUwbDZEYmxGaWNpRUduQUc3ZWpVekN5MTdYQTY4UlFER2RYemxReGh6eU5jTkp2SnhDX1dfTGlmcTNKeV82Y0E0Z0lMaWpPaTBUbjVkVkZOSEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoREZmYVZXZ2U2RGVnUndqVnZVUDA3ZU9Va2hWSzJRNWl2QTdYSXlWSU5ZN0laZS1aVFVIcHJLSUQzU00wZHFDaDVWMWN3M2lxeFBQXzcwVmNITE9LWXMyZXR2VHJEY2JoM1RFRTRBald5X2piWHA3bjdfN1RiVkdmTmtQMWNYLUNsNnQ5QVlXQXFMUEZnWmd4NVNkM0hPd1dBRGdReE42cmlqelNIVjlBTEY0ZXRicFhLX3l0RTRMRnpqY1J1ekIx |
from [this thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/dc3k5/ranarchisms_mod_hierarchy_is_being_usurped_by/c0z395m), banned by who I was replying to: bmosely07
this is a blatant naked powergrab by feminists here. I have the feeling that the feminist block has been given innordinate mod powers. ie. most of them here have been modded by other feminists.
There is a definite need to purge this hate group from the undue influence they have here. The approach of ignoring or cowering in fear from their blatant power grab is not going to make it go away.
crdo's quotes above are balanced counterpoints that deserve addressing instead of silencing.
Any position that anti-feminism is evil, that anti-feminism must be purged to make it a "safe environment" for (evil) feminism, guarantees that feminism will become evil, or its most evil disturbed hate filled members will pull the rest of the group towards evil unopposed. The freedom to call out hate from any loyalty group here must continue. It is shameful depravity to allow the feminist ban block to escape accountability from their own hate speech, or to escape providing counter-points if they claim speech is offensive when pointing out their sub-human hate.
There needs to be a safe environment for anti-feminism speech. While anarchism must defend itself from statist spies, it must also defend itself from militant hate groups that simply want to leverage its army. Guaranteeing that any militant hate group cannot usurp power from us is more important than determining if each militant group is a love group or a hate group. | r/anarchist | post | r/Anarchist | 2010-09-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRm5JbUZmb3JQR0E5RHo1X2pYMjAtcTNYbGx4WUVxY3pSdGIxa2h4S2JGTWFZeURmV1FISHFDSnhtdENhMEUwWTI3LTBNLTR4NEFLY0hIekdGWnZzbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOE9yZGhaaXF0aFNHV0JxejVYMFdDQUdvdkk4WlF3ODllSGY4eHNQQ0xFVmstUzBMRGhHYUNQUzEtc1Q4ZE9iQm1scnVJbUpGYkFQWXhVY3M4XzJNNDdJOFM1YjAtMEpQMGdhTWtIYmtkdDlRc0NKSzVrSDI3Zlh3bkxNWmVOTnpnd3lZOU5FTmpESWI5WTl4QTVwVEdVaUplSDh4TzJPd200ZmJhVWNfRDdKWHVzV3pseXRRV3ZkclJ2RkNqRFFMODFGbW0yME1fdGpHQnFZRkRtTWF3dz09 |
Dr. Abdulaziz Sachedina from the University of Virginia ([CV](http://people.virginia.edu/~aas/info/vitae.htm)) has [several articles](http://people.virginia.edu/~aas/isislam.htm) on contemporary problems, including:
* [The Right to Die with Dignity](http://people.virginia.edu/~aas/article/article3.htm)
* [Cloning in the Qur'an and tradition](http://people.virginia.edu/~aas/article/article4.htm)
* [Brain death and organ retrieval](http://people.virginia.edu/~aas/article/article6.htm)
The author discusses these and other biomedical issues in _[Islamic Biomedical Ethics: Principles and Application](http://www.amazon.com/Islamic-Biomedical-Ethics-Principles-Application/dp/0195378504/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1284186059&sr=1-2)_. | r/bioethics | post | r/bioethics | 2010-09-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxby1wbER0ZW9BQm9zMldEb3ppLWw4X2xtd255YlFYMWFqZmVHMGwtdVRlTURyUGpoelVuZWZTUVJVbUZ1ejNXTjBmcmR3WnVzZ3NILTFlREtaSUdHblE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaUxUTTlQME1tbGpRWlBOYU9sbndUTzNZSG1hTmsxMG51amd1WXA1ZEZ6Qngxc0VqN3lKZTlJRm1FYm9laTAweXpNMy1PWTNRbEU2UG5Kb25aMVZTQVQ5czQxZmRJeXlNQ2JpbHJwczVMd2xyWFRPNG5JNURSQVJXSlNMY0JodVlvckwzWldIVVdXNFRIcjRBcC1LMU92RzZuelptdllrOVN4dHJpX3psZW5VPQ== |
Here is my very unique situation. I love learning languages and love that moment where I feel I really communicate or understand something. Sadly I've not been able to commit myself enough to achieve fluency. You may have asked, "In which language?" Well the problem is that I bounce. In college I got somewhat a grasp on German, however I've also been swayed by more recent studies of many languages.
I really want to get fluent somewhere, but I lack speaking partners and its hard to force myself to watch media, read and so forth without much interaction. I've also tried pen pals and the like with no luck. Does anyone have any advice? In particular, I'm very interested in German and Russian (and many many more but I'll be happy starting with one of these two). I'm heading to Germany for a week or so within a year so that would be probably be optimal.
TL/DR; Help I'm a language bouncer and need to settle down. How can I get good language interactions to help immersion? | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-09-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxME54Y2V0b3ZuUDh1OTUxNXdsY1dZcWJob3JUUE15OEtXMlNVSHpWOHdOa1R0WXVzc1YtZEpkNHJtTktGZDlUbDNtODl3Z2Q2RUZtY0V6VGZySHBUbEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSXVzNTZKNU5zQy1HM3FuTTdKZVJ6S1FyN3lGV1ZLTVl6aDlxVVFaZDF6ZmNFR2NlX3hNZl9tSlNELU11djZScWVSZE1oTzBXMXY2c0tJcWg0YWtWZS1DMmhyc2FLenRyNU5qTWNxRGFtS2FXcG9kSEZKR1NOZjBsNE1FQzN4dXZ4XzJRYUZtZlh2eV8yZFBsbWlSMXY3VjZLY2JJcEFycnRWbGJPa24zOXUxY1B0ZTVoUzFiOU5uU0ZsMTdUZnZUSTgyYmFsdE53bTF5OUtKZmJXaWhIQT09 |
Back in 2003 I ran into this prank phone call series that featured this guy that had an unbelivable talent to sound like an elderly confused woman.
The calls were absolute gems and I was wondering if anyone remembered the name of the character or the website where the calls originated from.
Example story lines (from memory):
- Old womans mentally handicapped grandson steals from the grocery store.
- Old woman drops a fillet of fish from her hover-round scooter and kicks it under the freezer and calls the grocery store back to express her guilt.
- Old woman calls walmart and can't make lamp work properly.
- Old woman calls blockbuster about Big Mamas house 2. Either the disc got lost or was damaged or something.
Your help is appreciated! | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-09-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxd0dzU3VMdGNYTXdMWkpGQ1lZQmVrQldzTk9Zc0lCX1hDNDFIV3lwOEx1d1FCNS1MMDlmYXlqV0lCbFpCMDRQSUktZThrY1RJOUFBZ2RReHJKV2NsX0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoUmU4YXM5X0dtb2NrVnZzcXp1R0hySDdGTnYwX3pIbVdfOGE5SEVqMTJjYmdaZndGYWRCWXJkdE5aTzRlb3JadlpDX0FicVRPTTUwV21EaE5HT0RsOHI3N3BuX1p0YVg4VzhzdDlfV0VFQTNPaDR4NURzRnVUTzdkR1VHS3RwbWVVYmY3WWY4LVVtTno5UnBDQ2Nia0xaZ0RudjFMMV9lbkVDNy1BYlVrQlVGdS0ycnF1MlNMRHlnSGx0Vzd4cE82 |
The HDCP Master Key submission has reminded me of the kind of submissions that I still miss: Insightful technology and science submissions. [ryuujin submitted a link to an article that explaiins the hack in detail](http://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/ddj5f/hdcp_master_key_pirates_1_riaa_0/c0zey2n). ([wiki page](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-bandwidth_Digital_Content_Protection))
Is there such an explanation in the [vaccine submission?](http://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/ddwc1/for_the_last_time_vaccines_do_not_cause_autism/). There is so much opinion that I don't care about the comments.
Chances are that I'm just ignorant and that I just like to think of myself as someone who likes to read more (scientific) demanding articles.
Anyway, TR seems to have specialized on non-scientific articles. Would there be room for a TrueScience subreddit? Or is wikipedia enough as any scientific question can be answered with some googling? | r/metatruereddit | post | r/MetaTrueReddit | 2010-09-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZWRhZFlka0JoZnBwTWtTZEluR1FYRnhDLWlQS21tdm40SVZOaVd3RllRN2IyemI0VUF2a2ZjWTRLelhRbzI3ZlRhV1AtS25qaGstLXllZnpuTFM5SUdMdDdaTjU3VEVrT2kzbUM5Y1ExaE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaUhDZVhkR2FfOVMwUjRtMWVMa2lRZmdGNWhibnFsM0dsUVlnVTA5YUtsSEpMRWlJRmE2dWhNcThNWUk3Y2VRRnF6Z1pqR1lOTlk5b1BmY2lpLXR3V1JYalNfb2RLMXJrS1o0VHQycEJKTjhkeFNFSWZqZ0o4TzAteEtNekRaSlFHNUQyWWJZZnBwdmV2aktzNzVweHE4VnRtQ1JpNUJOb21RQU1zbGpGbVRvRE9TS2ZJcUlrTGFZZC1YbnlQYlUxVUJmTTN4b2RHdnZvamkxcVpzX0tRZz09 |
Because no other links are being submitted. What the fuck? Is there seriously nothing in Rockwall that's pertinent, interesting, etc.?
SUBMIT MOAR LINKS FOR MY EYES TO LOOK AT | r/rockwall | post | r/Rockwall | 2010-09-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZU5YUTl1NVBqZmFrSkRFbl8wRkhFR2Q2Rloxdlc0UnEydzBkVDJPYzdDLXhiaURYTUxfSjJNNmpQQlU2T3ZNOUpfbHN0S3pFMlU4cS14VkttQWhZOWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZDZQT2liX3Y1N1h6aHQxRHNYMWRpY25PemFJOEk1aXl0TG91VGpZUXY4dkNLcGFwb3FJQndBenNWejVKZkMxdFRDSzVMN0tqRXhvZE5VNmVwUTIwNzd0QmdoOWVTVG44eDcxLWxDWXk5X3FsU0c0THpqd0JZWWNjUEtqZjVDV0xPRkQ4Z2RIajlHM0Fjc3hsamJrUy1kS09WX0dqUWNzVjVncGZKamV0akUyUHU4T2UtaU5UUVBYVWdfQW5sV09O |
### MeetLGBT Featured Member: September 16, 2010
# [Sandhouse](/user/sandhouse)
> ## **Stats**
>> * **Age**: 26
>> * **Gender**: F
>> * **Location**: Richmond Hill, GA, USA
>> * **Pictures**: I'll dig one up and post it if anybody asks for it.
> ## **Life**
>> * **Job**: Unemployed due to disability/illness
>> * **Hobbies**: Reading, cooking, learning web development, pc games ... I can't do most things anymore and spend a lot of time watching movies and shows online and listening to podcasts. Anything that I can do without moving.
>> * **Favorite things**: I love sci-fi movies but hate fantasy. Any movie that is weird and creative. Same goes with tv. I try to watch as much comedy as possible to keep my spirits up. I read a lot of nonfiction, usually something science related. Love Mexican food. Can't drink alcohol because I have an adverse reaction to it. I only drink water and tea.
>> * **Pets**: NOT a pet person
>> * **What makes you _____**: Noise makes me irritated. Humans make me laugh. Religious bigotry makes me sad. Being sick makes me angry.
>> * **Political views**: Liberal democrat
>> * **Religious views**: Atheist
> ## **Sexuality**
>> * **Orientation**: Gay
>> * **Coming out**: Complicated
>> * **Relationship status/background:** Single for several years because I'm always sick. I wish I could have an online girlfriend just to fill some of that stuff that's missing from my life. (hint hint)
> ## **Misc.**
>> * My favorite subreddits are [r/skeptic](/r/skeptic), [r/lgbt](/r/lgbt), [r/videos](/r/videos), [r/pics](/r/pics), [r/funny](/r/funny), [r/science](/r/science), and [r/wtf](/r/wtf). I also like to use StumbleUpon.
**[Learn more about Featured Members](http://www.reddit.com/d880k)** | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-09-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTEs0NUlZT3ZVS1k4emUzUV9VYk9WTi1nOTVQUm9aQ01KZEhHQktyMWc4d3lyM3F5a01LY0ZBbG81VEswVjVTOThFY056SnhFMl9LY19LZUFJQzJ4MHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocG9pSXZKdjhYX0NfZXF3WmtYSXItRHhYVFE5eElqNk9WOHhRaGtjVmVHVGN1dHA4OHBZYnhXX0ZaUkpQRUFfQnpRa0hMdUtSSGo2MTdnY3VlN25uaEJpQ1ZUaVZ4cjVRZVlXT1VGSHpWWnl5OTIwZ3hOUEtRbmwydHg5LXEzdU5jRzUxci14eEl1TG1BVjNNVWxBVGJUZVcySzdEN05GT2J4ZjhjOW02dm9jPQ== |
I live in Denton. Is this in the wrong post? | r/rockwall | post | r/Rockwall | 2010-09-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxakRsNFRoTlBZLUNhV0VNQ0NRUmVJeHdoRlZSWVY4cWpmNHAxbXBIaU5saGlwbUx2eFlpaS1Edl9RU1pTSHkzaWtOMGM1cVpkX3Fick5TT0RqeHR3Q2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSmFQbzlVTXE3d3BSUkVMTmJoRVJFUUotU3B1Um44SGg3VW1KTmJHXzdRN0xxQWNpMklBb1A2TV9TVW9SQjVHeXlsNWJ3WFItckx3MkVSNkVmTm01RHdaSTEyV204S0N6R2Z3bG5qaGZGQXRtR1hHM1hKanlITV9MVDdFTDdDSDBLREtDWEd2M25IM2lPM2dRcXRRQzk4YjNpTkZiR2FiS25aeDUyZGdrWmhZPQ== |
[The submission](http://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/comments/dflh9/the_12_most_depressing_keanu_reeves_quotes_pics/)
48 upvotes, that got countered by 48 downvotes - The homepage does stay clean but it reveals a problem in the subscriber structure: Many subscribers also enjoy funny submissions and don't realize that the post doesn't belong into TR. The submission went to +11 points before I wrote my comment. This means, unfortunately, that the voting system is not a reliable tool to control the content.
How can we deal with this problem? Do we have to ask the admins for passive memberships: Content for the frontpage without the ability to vote? | r/metatruereddit | post | r/MetaTrueReddit | 2010-09-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVDdXUkxZWUtrUTM5SERXem5jelczVTVmWDZvTGV2RnZjZWVZMUxvLThGdjdtUGFMMUhxYWx2LVIzR2lhMDFKMU51OEh0MWdCWW1Xbm1EZE9EOXdOYlVsSXIyNjNJYjJrQmwyQ1dWTzRuQ1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOHJFNkJ2c2FEOVlsNEo3aUpMZUpmVm9hOGZocDhHUm4zTUR6ZTFMamNWWjU5MHpxaWlONkF0ZHMtX2duZUJjZnRTdzNJbmZzRXoteWRBV2V0am1SUUZPanZZSld1UVU3bHp3SVVmekhreWNjaHlaWERBbF81RTZlMk5JYjRPNVJXZ2tZZEtrNTFsakNBODlQWllZOGNTN2V5RnZrZWRNaVdHTHpjNDAxVGw0aTctaFpQMF9UQVN2U1V4dnZUTDNX |
I have made a big mistake, and didn't fully credit individuals and reddits for using their CSS and other ideas. I screwed up.
Much of the CSS came from [/r/redditoroftheday](/r/redditoroftheday), including the headings/background (done by [chromakode](/user/chromakode)), and the rainbow next to the featured member's name. Also, much of the idea for this reddit came directly from /r/redditoroftheday, and I should have given credit to the mods for their hard work in what they do.
Highlighting the name of the featured member came from [/r/iama](/r/iama)
The rainbow dotted comment tree came from [/r/lgbt](/r/lgbt)
The colors of the heading (the green title) is from [/r/favors](/r/favors).
I am extremely sorry for this. It was wrong. All CSS will be removed. I had good intentions when starting this community, and didn't mean to cause any offense to anyone. I had only wanted to make this community as nice as possible.
Under these circumstances, I don't believe I will be hosting any more featured members. I will post the questionnaire up, and anyone will be able to submit their answers on their own.
Again, I'm sorry for all this. I realized I screwed up. I will gladly resign as moderator here if it's desired, and will appoint someone to take over.
Thank you to everyone who's participated here. | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-09-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNHotc2x4eDNhWHFBRDVzaW9CNmZPSjZSTDRyNC1heW5FNGlOMlBhcVhhOFp1ZWx5QlZNWThXYXFBaHhHbGloMmFxR2FublhUeUVYYVA2djV5RnVQclE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMTF5MjkwZV9FM29FM0NPb2tCS29ULS1iX3ZjOGRSRDJWczc1eEd2UTJubmh4NGsyV0owM0htQk9ZbmJKenNmV2dWc3gzQ2pYTnJxY1BiVEowZ2NkUnYwbkpJYjFhWnFUY3Qtd3YydVFTWGQyc1NYTWxxMTBudF9jazFVTEV5NUJoT2w5cWplUDRlQjZ4ZDVVQjVWYi1tVVhfUWVjaHZjakkyVlAxaGRTaWpNPQ== |
This is the basic questionnaire for anyone who'd like to be a featured member to fill out. Don't worry about formatting - just do the best you can. Everything will be taken care of to make it look nice when its posted.
**[Find out about featured members](/d880k)**,
including how to be the next redditor in the spotlight.
**All questions are optional.** Feel free to add questions, as well. Include links, photos, or whatever you'd like to share in your answers. It's about getting to know you.
*You can add in a brief introduction, or quick bio if you'd like, but this questionnaire should cover most things*
`* **Age:**`
`* **Gender:**`
`* **Location:**`
`* **Pictures:**`
`* **Job:**`
`* **Hobbies:**`
`* **Pets:**`
`* **Political views:**`
`* **Religious views:**`
`* **What makes you ____ :** (laugh/happy/sad/angry (pet peeves), etc.)`
`* **Favorite Things:** (movies, tv shows, books, foods, drinks etc.)`
`* **Orientation:**`
`* **Coming out:**`
`* **Relationship status/background:**`
`Basically, anything that hasn't been mentioned the featured member would to like mention- promotions, favorite subreddits, and so forth.`
*For images, please put a space between the title and link to make formatting easier.*
Example: `[title] (http://url)`
If you'd like to be a featured member, **[click here for details](/d880k)**
Once you've answered the questions, send them to LGBTerrific or message the mods. We'll take care of the formatting and posting. | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-09-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxV0tlSnpvUXF2QjdMekQ0SVRZR2FBTTAyOTZkaVo3d3g2NHl0bDFtZENORlR6UkU1NWtVNDNMQUNEbzRuaWs5SE1OcEp1SGZFYXdid2pMTlZfa2hYenc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZXlHTlNRMUV0WV9QZGJ5eDVoRmxfTVVzeFhHbkJzSzlrcDJrYUs5SV9TbkVJbnBBSUJpamVXX2lnTVRMMlZBWXc1M2M4T2ZHME9vcFMydmF0VTVXWDdlWUlMeG5fOHhLcHdKYjlCcGJEZURaOENvc1Nkb3F4ZWRKMjAxY1VzVHBvcURKTU9LRGtoSlpLQk1VRnNhSGk2S3BPZllSNUE3SVhtSkpiclVhekZOLS12VllUSlBMRVRwMXFITVNfTkRl |
Hey all.
So, _Anathem_ just eeked out Banks' _The Algebraist_, and punninglinguist and I figured it would be easiest to start with that for October, and probably use Banks' as November's selection since there was so much interest in that, as well. We'll discuss it closer to the date, as well.
_Anathem_ will become the official selection on Oct. 1st; I or PL will put up a general discussion thread then, and promote it in the sidebar. Until then, feel free to drop by and put your two cents in [one](http://www.reddit.com/r/SF_Book_Club/comments/da6yf/spoilers_blindsight_and_philosophy_of_mind/) or the [other](http://www.reddit.com/r/SF_Book_Club/comments/d9yfb/blindsightdiscussion_thread/) of the _Blindsight_ discussions (or [start your own](http://www.reddit.com/r/SF_Book_Club/submit)\), and pick up _Anathem_ and start reading and thinking. | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2010-09-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWVdlMU9BTzB0YVMwd2s2WHBVRkQzVkg3a3BCMWd2REZ1VTdDT1NfaE12OWlFbGJDR1hXVG00VjFKX2lwSnQxTTdjTzBMb0Jqd3JneHBTT3RXdWJtTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZ3BtTS1jWTNQb1Q0QTZzRnBZMWk3aFFmVDJ2YXRQNHk0QWJoZEdVTTBBa3RHMlRRX3RRMjVyV3lFc2d2NzloZk0wUV8tRFhKa2JQSHVtaUY4QjlLRFFscWtxYlhDZmNzNUpMNVhjcGIzLUE1RnR1R0lyaWg3N1hNMlVhamxsTTZ6TG8wcnZDcjJPZ0NwTEhRbDdjQldHQ19Ka1RKV3ZLNEdKWEpnTGw3UG50dXBDWExCcEZwaG9wWGtMRFVUamQtb1R5Znk5a0tOaWx0N1ZMSlhrSjAwdz09 |
Okay so I've been into photography for about 2 and a half years now (I'm 17). I started with a black and white film class at my high school and I bought a DSLR about a year ago. I feel like I've been doing a decent job learning about digital photography via the internet and I want to buy a new lens. I have an Olympus E-520 camera. What I can't really figure out though is if I absolutely have to buy the Zuiko Digital lenses or are there other brands that will work with my camera? Can I use any 4/3 lens or is the connection part different? I've also been reading about using vintage lenses with my dslr so if you have any recommendations on that front I'll love you even more.
tl;dr - I am a stupid teenage girl who wants to buy a new lens for an olympus DSLR what brands can I buy? | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-09-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWG9sdy1jMTFkTVFOcVVYOU5kSWxRLXFzRUZqWlRXNnNVd1JuUUFQYjNDb3Jxa010NnpIenlpOV8wdkhRVkxUdmFyc29BMlRKVGIxZXhFdlRSTXp5Z09ucWJsM2JsWWlwbVFFODdmMUd2NjA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocWNsNlB0ZFJRSjhoVUFyaU4tNXVpOV9tVVg4aENDZDhPdVZOS0swSVQzanMxUGlSOTAtSmtjVGJTMFVOdDJlOGcxM2MtYzd1SjlVQm9vV3g3N2dLaS01WWlhY2NMWDBiWlBvTFk5REc4OVluSWxKbFlyaEx0OTZhMEVyNFprX05YQlpHdHdEXzI1TDY5VVlyWV9LYktSYU0xWnRlSmlYVG96U2xyRnlnZ1ZjWjZQdmNTSmdUSURuMUFhQ2I1bXNpZDRoQkxSUThUZjZiSHFVYk81dGhMZz09 |
My wife and I are fed up with the crappy photos coming out of our point and shoot camera so are in the market for a DSLR. I like the features in the D3100, but all the listings so far are at MSRP (Amazon, B&H, etc). Should I expect them to stay there for a while or will they come down once it's released?
This will not be my first SLR, but will be my first DSLR. Let me know if this should go into another group. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-09-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVmgwTy1oVkw5WDFyZWxGVkVXSHFicmV5ejlfQ2k5T1NKSlpOYjRvV3k5ajJqVDBpWWdhdmZhd3NkX21xSWRkVXlZYTd6YnkxMm1iaGpOMTRLRi14ZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocG9fczlfLVM3RjFmNWpxNTNvbWlCZmdmRW5CY0FMbmV5QWFUZE90c3FZSlF4TzJjejVmeTJMdjNoY1BzOG1DTVJKQVBhWmkzSVJORUlleG50V3lWU2xraG5kLVUtUjRDaVI5Mkt1WDZoaDJsWlpVRzBTMWdDeUR1R0Rzc1Q2YjNTMmVaam1KSnR3b0xOUEVFVmN3UElvbXUxZjlsUUljUElhYl91alA4NjdqRXYwVVJrLWRWMDJUWkg1NFFCejBK |
i cant provide any really, really good links persay but i glanced at this subreddit again and realized this would fit the prevailing fetish here.
[atlas ksc nasa](http://atlas.ksc.nasa.gov/celss/celss.html)
[nasa celss](http://web.archive.org/web/20000301185118/http://atlas.ksc.nasa.gov/celss/celss.html)
[celss bibiography](http://www-cyanosite.bio.purdue.edu/nscort/biblio.html)
dated, but then again its 'space age', no?
edit: fixed mah links
| r/resilientcommunities | post | r/resilientcommunities | 2010-09-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZ1F0ZDZuTUl3RV9PQ3NkM1laV185T19hLXdrRWZ6d2VZR1FnRWphT1pfZnppTUtIbUtYRVJobmVKQ0tNbllMSG12RlFMZDRTZ3JUU3RSd2tkdkN6MUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRE51RnpudnNVcmw3YUhUbVliNUhNMDdNY0k4dEw5ZUxVWXY2Y1haNlYtNUVsVFV3RFdDdEhWTUp2UFhidXFHX1g4a2dxeW5MNUszb1F5RFdHWmJ1QXF6VlNIbk9CeUp1MzJFY1VTZlhMVFpSQ0FrRlgzYUllSFJlMHFRRlRBZm1KMmEtS01vWnBFSHRmQXRYdEc5bndtNDlNTlZrN2p3QUgzYWpRNHN2LS1mTUdpV2xwWk1kT3hNSUhkT2thRXNvNk1LQW42VWVkSnhOeVBsVzFwWmZHZz09 |
merow | r/meow | post | r/Meow | 2010-09-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMVhtOGdBNXBHbFU5M0ZnbUxoSFJSOFZzWjQyOURQazZjaHRfeUE5M1AxbllKZlpxNGszRk9tUmZKbUo5dnRHbS0yVEttTEZZVHl5Q3VYSHFZS3FvZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQ2t1UWh1aUR4NF9zVy1aYkJYdDgwM18xX1hSWU5tdTZ4UkRaaHljMTUyaXRfa0p2ZVN1VnhYQUk2MURXQ3IzWVd6cnZEUVd0N0IySWF0TE8xdHYxM3FIUEEtZnJQZUlDUG9nY2MyaW1XYmtKZW1CRkh1TGRLWkRoVDR3SFB2QjRvLTJDMHluT0tiY20zdzAwRlIzZmxBPT0= |
Depending on how late you go in the fall you always have the choice of rough footin it, IE sleepingbag/blanket and the sweet mother earth, its fun to sleep under the stars. But for those who like moderate comforts here are some tips and tricks from our experiences with camping at TRF.
*Tents are good
*Sleeping Bags/blankets & pillows, if you go near the end of october as we do its been known to get down in the 30's. Very cold when the dew and mist of predawns chill wakes you.
*Blow Up Beds are suggested, moderatly cheap and worth it VS the rooty bumpy ground.
* Babywipes,bathwipes,moistwipes. VERY VERY HANDY!! this is one of the most important things I can suggest, you will find all kinds of uses for them. Especially walkingaorund all day with the sweat dust and grim of fair. You'll thank me.
*Firewood, theres also the option of buying it there. YOU HAVE TO HAVE A FIRE RING or PIT in order to havea campfire.
*Bottled Water, or Jugs. Theres no water at the campgrounds.
* Laterns/Flashlights. These are essential in the wee hours of the morning as you stumble towards the portapotty!!!!!!! this is also where wipies come in handy =D
*Campfire foods.
*Asprin or Tylenol for the drinkers cause that sunday hangover is a biotch.
Sooo....This is all that comes to mind right now. I'll update as the weekend of awesomeness nears. *skree* so excited ^-^ | r/renaissancefestivals | post | r/RenaissanceFestivals | 2010-09-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVnY1ZWc2T3hoSGZKRmdDZERLb0R3YnltLUZmcVVGZm9TTkUyUUZydVhPcDJZaVJ3NTRqNTh4QzlhVjlET2ZicnJqd2xkTW1US0dEUkM2SXRoQ1JhbEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoazlLcklId1REY1YyaGtIVkV0X1dEZUhPS1p6Yl9Qd2QtOWZKV1hUcWVROGRHMUV1RHo5SG9jNS1iN3IwdmhDOUdRcFZYaE5fbUNIUlhlV0x5bHhaUmVOREFTSXBTc1N2UkZmZ0ZlRjh4eTZmS3dKNkRRa0FpRGU4RVNGOUx1N29pZG5yNzVDT2ZwR1RXNGxPc3BTQ3NRYzR1YTlWQ2ZINDNBd2Q4VWdKU1hmbzItRkFibTNvZ1Q5UzFZYlZWR3BwbzlwQ21OZHlycnlOd0dVUi1zbExZN2FwaHBNQm9RdFBfeVpZb3prcVhidz0= |
From time to time, submissions get burried on the [new page](http://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/new/) because one careless downvote is enough to throw them off the hot page so that they don't get any attention.
[This submission](http://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/comments/dgg07/theirs_but_to_do_and_die/) is the most recent example: One downvote put it at 0 points.
This submission stayed off the hot page for 16 hours which means that nobody checked the new page during that time. It would be nice if some subscribers would develop the habbit to visit the new page from time to time to rescue worthwhile submissions that fell victime to a careless downvoter. | r/metatruereddit | post | r/MetaTrueReddit | 2010-09-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVERkRjlGeDBlS3RXbm4zQS1Sbk9OZmN3SzR4c29aQjM0NTE5d2FwblBsN1dlZk9VaV9FUVdVeUl4bnFuOFVTdGR3RDVCbW9KUkJHeWNHVW5SOEg4N0pQd1dqVTd3ZlRYcGF0X1FnWkpfaGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoY2RMVXpTZUxTa0d1dG8zU3paVmF5TE1wbmMyMXdEbW1ubnFLZkY2WkJMWGVUeC0xaFNxXzFjMFFIMnlIS3lTbV90NUFrc1JSeDA1Vmk4QlRuazB4Z1FVbWdTdldxSW5zVENMWkUyZklmbThzMXNEYm5wWUN5SG5WM3lvMThiTFlIOHFfNzBSeEJ1SkhhWXNMUmplWTA5djBSaTVfMjFzQ1pqX2h6eHQzNjAwNXVkMnhUOGlIT3ZBQm1kWVNKR25k |
Well, if it was a business... Then I suppose I'd actually be employed.
[The other day](http://www.reddit.com/r/MeetLGBT/comments/dfzpz/credits_and_apology/), I had apologized for not giving credit for using CSS from other reddits. When I wrote that, I thought that was the crux of the issue. Having thought about it since, I've realized there was much more going on that evoked the anger. Some of it does involve having "featured members" here; the rest involves many conflicts that I don't fully understand- or haven't even been made aware of.
After being informed of these conflicts and their consequences, I spent the last two days somewhat lost. It was uncertain to me whether or not I would want to even stay on reddit, or what my involvement would be in /r/MeetLGBT considering those issues and how these individuals felt about the group.
This morning, however, I sat in bed and managed to put things together in a way that made sense to me. I could very well be trying to justify certain behaviors by myself, but I felt pretty kick-ass and happy again after a few miserable days. I'd rather be feeling good about things than miserable, no matter what version of "truth" I hold.
Everything will go back as it was- The CSS/formatting has been replaced. I'll continue to format all the interviews, since I realize it can be a pain to work with at times, and it'll be nicer to have a consistent look.
**TL:DR**: Lots of issues beyond not giving credit. I'm moving on. MeetLGBT will continue as created. Thanks for the support.
| r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-09-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdDVnWDJROUVVSGUyNGtsdWVlRl9ZWUNyRkNCWGFpLWl0b1VJSk5hVjU0Y0FKU0RoZV9iajM0QmRPX2k3S1ZLNWFfXzU5akl1Z0MyYjViQy0wM2M2anc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMUs2alJhenJGcmpQZnYybXFjaUoxMDV3UTlLNjlabnJFQV9ORlNvRjJFVldqbWE1YVlfdnVzR1BEc1VTYUNkWE53UjRCcUR0d1ZmTWFCdG00b3g3RzNiOFJFZTQwbWhnbjZnNmtqU083UDVCaWVNZDZHeGNJS01ON0I0dkpZbW5rREhJYTFaWUlVRExGNC00dnJmYW80Rjd1bDFQbENTSmpmUjluOTFJYldFPQ== |
If you trapped on a deserted island, what would be the one object you'd want to have with you (assuming you'd remain being stranded - so no boats, planes, helicopters, etc.; they're all broken)? Who would you like to be with? | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-09-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSy16Qmt2YjdaMDZpSUl1WGxUOGhJbkVpQlMtUGFnU2M2VmRiMWw3OGF1VUpBcC1JOGNhMUJTUHRpQktvU01aeExJNm4yY3E3eUV1eWdHc1M4MjNESWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNXhUWUpsZ1ZNRHNMR21mTjhtSG55QTJxbEE3b290eE4tZWVveGFSNHBqMTdTZ2ZFSFJ4QlZHZmNrTlU0U1BLVzVqS1dsSkF2WDBBZnQ3WXBRd1Q4eUFCT1Z6Qmx0Z2U0YUpQbTdRLXkxVlRZMklNLTFMalNQOWtrRzlkT1BPN2dISGt1VjBiRUVrSlZYMWt0UHpfQWkzYjRMdmtDdjhTWnQ2U3d0ZWpTMDVBM24tMVptdnZwaEJoZl8wcnFyU24z |
This is the link:
I think some of us here might be quite interested on how she cross-processed the images to make it look.. vintage? I can't find a suitable word for it.
But, thank you! | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-09-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZGxiNTl0UlF5RGloa3U4UmlNS0hzWUFnXzhQclFCZ3FRV0EyOHNlb0xMd1FrQWFhS1ZOVlg3ZTdZVmtkNUtwd2VKaEs5bmNXak9kbEN1eWphZXYzVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocVdQNjI4UjQ2My0tVENhekE2VTdiTXhXbDloeWdpVVV6ejNnNE95Y1hUMHVHVlpua09kbkFKcTkxRzZvaXFkSlRXeTBxOW9kLVRKSF8yYUhHRnpvb1BxR0g4S2Rya3k0RXAwUGU1dkZ6TTRHcXRBckhGUkdLMkRINEV6aFdNUlVXNlZkcW9sVWJfT1RxMG8ySm1qYlYzV3RJNGJ3bmRaS2UwVXV5SGFDS1N1TF9XMExRWjRxSW5MdDU5Yjl6bGx4 |
Schyler Towne has a [formspring account](http://www.formspring.me/stowne) where he answers questions. | r/locksport | post | r/locksport | 2010-09-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUzBRU3ZnMWwwVXRSb1FpeUxETHhjVWtkaENnNVJWbUxtX2tDVkYwTjdWZ2VrRDZZbG9SVWFKYmlObVdoUUR4MGhwdVNXTmZvWWxLYm5JYWE3QnI5dHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoUnVSNWY0Q0xUbktoNndqQjZnb2lESzJWeWdUOTJrRGZqMjBsX2I2dUZ1aFNIZjA0NGFtTEQ0aERJZUVHS3MzVWpmcDcwYlFTMmdYbFVvaXNmN1JjaF9CTkRYY01ZM0RzMUdocl9UNXB0WWhvUlZMNDdtbFVncERDQU05eHE5dmw0aFJYbzh0TWZSZVlISVNRWHhoQUo3TUNFMTJIRC1TVVdXcWlOaG5ZemUtdFVpaFRjM1psV0hHZmRFa1R5LUc3 |
If you are comfortable with it, you can post who you are so we can all get a better understanding of Rockwall Redditors. | r/rockwall | post | r/Rockwall | 2010-09-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWUZoTFJ2TjVLOGdTNmhESmNGalZzdHp6TjdlOHgxQ2UwanhIU0dibEl2OTl3OTdYWDhwSzcxVWktM01yT2owdzV2Ul9vcEozM1lWdUZJX3ZTRTJTUGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQ05pVWlLcWZqNG1HelMwSVBGYTVIM2hQSUFQbUFhLWdJSVl5enA1ZWFwLWxwdkhBOHNza3o4MWFYQW8wdlgxN3BWUzVqeVpqVFNrT0JJd29SU1FtLS0xM3VHdjNYZENuSUNHanpWekktUGQzLUFkMGhOY1F5WUxobTEzSlN0bjlEc0ltR3R1MHlldVdNWlNmb05PYmdBVXBiZWRGSUZlSmozVlZsNm0taUVPQS1Qa1hwaXF2Z0ZndVJPQTQzV0VVc0x6UnNaMUZIZVRLQkV2OTNOT1JsQT09 |
- | r/metatruereddit | post | r/MetaTrueReddit | 2010-09-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdDgxR1VNc1dMTHNpZTNSeXY1UGFrN2Q2c19rQ1h4TFRxa0JSckY0Z3ZicXV1SkNLdzBwUU12R1JfdFR3bUFlUEMtelluT2RFZFJ6Si01NmFSbHdnemphLUQwTG9CTU9yYzlseWR2OUdUSHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zobk15OWpOc0t5MjVxX3dHZFdXcjEteU1ZdnhNdThqaTFTVFR3Mjd1ejBQdlZzSkdoMUdLSGdVZjFOaVMxTWRIM3pJN1BUMHZQUmxxNlRwQ1M4MDYzZ29nSDRxaUVIaG4yU21DWTVOSGY4eGY3WjM2TGFuUFg5N2tvSm8zelNKcE4yMGZOa0hucGFrQS1ZZnp0aGZRSXpaZTZLMjVUZWhBbGZYMDdFYkVhQjgwPQ== |
Early this summer I tore my ACL (don't even get me started) which means I can't play Ultimate Frisbee this entire year. So I figured I might as well make use of my time not playing and become the team's photographer.
For now I'm just getting loaner cameras from my university's library (Canon Powershot S3 or Canon Powershot SX10) because they're free and I want to see if I'm serious about this hobby before I drop a couple-hundo on a camera.
My question is this: what are some good resources or advice for literally brand-new photographers? I've cruised around this subreddit it a little, but I'm looking for something specific to sports and fast-action photography. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-09-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTEcwNjgzclIzOFlSZzk4UE5vM1g0a2gwaHdNN3hoMm1CZFhEMTJDd3NtaWEwY0x6b1V1TFlKR3dnWkFkNG0yd2syemZpTU1Ecm5HdWZaVWdmUEZGZXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQ0xNT0V6NlhvSzMzeFJoVHZ5WjAzX2VOcG5xV3RhWFRtemZqYzE0S3dXbnpCMVI1WlFHOTg0a2lSN2NyV3dZZzc1Vm5YMEx6REg3U2JBa3VFWU5hUVhlaS1tMlBPRnJRVVNIWVRTUEZtd2NMZHFpRkktU3hJVzNKNzMzTzlGUU9iUEJVUFpCR0trQ0NlV21VeVc3NjZPbjQzNXhCQTNiZ0F3UWVQT1FqWTZFPQ== |
I need to do cpi analytics on a grocery store, as such i need to capture the brands and prices of all products on a shelf.
Any experience with taking pictures of text at a distance? Any Suggestions?
Thanks for any help you can offer. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-09-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxLWtKd0lNNU1LaEk5OTh0YlQwaW9ndFBtb3NzNEJWM3VrMHh0WnRYbjR4Mmw5eFQ3bjh6YXQ2cFhEYURTV21sWHhVMDE5YlJCdXdHVHJZQ2llODhCanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVUFvdzZnaWt5MGE1cUE5N3RqOGpWck9SYm12Z3Q3Rl9EeXpxMS1vY1QwQU1pUWRqMUVqVjc5RW5wWllZUS1PSUhWMHlkd0ZVSEdLamlnUFY5NUthTzRBYURGS2l5QTJ1ZTNsVEFCSC1XcVJjeEtfX1gwV0QtZmlKbURWT0R3ekhKU0xDUW82TWVMT2k5WXVyVmJpTjhRPT0= |
*Cis, trans, gay, straight, democrat, republican, patriot, expat, apathetic, compassionate, human... humanoid(?!)*
*All these labels I wind up hearing seem rather pointless. Gay bacon lettuce & tomatoers (GBLT — my favorite version of the shorthand version of the labelful acronym), do you think you could tell me your life's story and/or your philosophy toward life without actually using common labels? You know, the bare basics. It may be difficult, but try. I'll give it a shot myself:*
My name is Kristofer. I was raised by two parents who claimed very much to love me, although I was verbally abused to no end by my father, and coddled too much by my mother. They both seem to mean well, but as I age, I see how much my core ideologies differ from theirs.
I was always interested in learning. And I was incredibly interested in religion — my own, and all the rest (this led me to the "belief" that I've no reason to believe in anything, after all) — and my mother was very happy that I was so curious about the world around me. My father was one of those "there is only one Truth" kind of men, so he shunned my interests and molded me into a rather narrow-minded individual. Hopefully this is the only label I'll use in this entire thing: I became homophobic.
Love was only to be shared by two beings of opposing sex. Gender roles were to be played firmly as tradition imposed. There was no stripping of gender, changing of ideals, no open-mindedness to be had. My mind was muddled with the "clarity" which was "the Truth".
Little did I know, I exhibited many signs of being "*unique*". I was always called names, I even remember the first time anyone ever bothered to bully me: "You're **GAY**. Faggot, why are you sitting next to me?" From that point on, I remained an oddity among my peers. Being happy wasn't enough; ignoring the pain wasn't enough; lying and saying I wanted to kill myself wasn't enough.
By the time high school rolled around, I was the chunky kid whom the Drama Club affectionately nicknamed "Meatball". These people helped me to determine the difference between true open-mindedness and what I had thought open-mindedness was. Self-examination was at hand, and all I could say to myself was that I was wrong about everyone else, that I didn't have all the answers.
I grew to love languages and acting, and firmly believed acting would be my path to fortitude and fame. Sin embargo, los idiomas que me encantaban me dirigieron hacia otro destino (But the languages I loved guided me toward another path). By the time I reached college, I became a free-wielding spirit, still unaware of its own preferences and biases, for the most part, but free, nonetheless. The name of the game was friendship, and everyone suddenly loved me. The boy who wasn't even worth the time of day in high school transitioned — seemingly overnight — into the guy whom everyone loved.
This was a more confusing time than any other. A new life with people who didn't know anything about me; a new reputation to be made. I avoided old mistakes and old habits and changed thoroughly what it meant to be "Kristofer" to others, and no longer was I solely Kristofer, but クリストファー and Кристофер to those who cared to dive deep enough into my psyche. I had found a romantic niche, something to strive for, something which would make me happy. But I wasn't done growing.
Things got weird. I began to experiment with meeting guys online. I shied away from sex because I was embarrassed by my lack of experience, but I always found a way to get my tongue in another boy's mouth. I lost some self-respect when I tried (and failed) to prevent a boy from "servicing" me. I felt violated. I stopped him midway, and I didn't know what it was that I was feeling. Was this rape? Was this my own mistake? I said "no", didn't I? Why did he insist?
After this point, I somehow found myself telling this boy I "loved" him. No such thing existed, but I felt compelled to maintain the lie because of what I had allowed him to do to me. He was clueless. When I broke things off, there was nothing but utter confusion on his part; he truly believed that everything was happy between us, that *I* was happy.
More often then not, I'm actually happy now (for brief flickering sparks of fleeting joy). I'm still on the road of self-discovery, and have a feeling this road will continue on all the way until I reach the end of the road named Life. I'm attracted to the idea of a romantic relationship with someone, but I'm not sure that I'm attracted to the idea of sexual relations. People spout out labels, but how am I to know if the person I come to love will be male or female or in-between?
I don't know what I am anymore. On the exterior I'm what some might call confident, yet shy to compliments. Some days I think I'm above it all. Others I find myself under the pressure of what I find to be most trivial. By the night's fall, I just crawl into bed like the rest of those fortunate enough to own a sleep-square, and I try to dream, because it's the dreamless nights which lead me to peril and discomfort. A dream is the only thing which powers anyone, I've found. No more, no less. Just a dream is enough to both chain us down and set us free.
**tl;dr — I don’t know what this tangent just turned into. I’m not even sure I said anything worthwhile. I do know, however, that it was a cathartic experience to try to narrate my feelings from a third-person perspective.** | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-09-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaGxlNFVvZ0hQbHM0a2JRTDRjUXlSYmplTVFteG9kZ3ZFVlNfN1ZFSzMzYm5odm9xX1ZWbDhBTlNGMGY5d2VaTU9kSDlxWHhzTnRZc09CMWVfMEhsUHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNHAtV21jWjIwZ2tNdS1yRVRUYWgzbzdhU2daNUFOdVFrd0tMc2ZsVDVHY2xBWmFTWmpBeXh2UVd3alZ3aURwbkZnMThwclIyc0Uwa1U4TFhwSmRycVNnQXgxNlFlMFRjd1JRSjVEM0twLTV0RkY2dnBlOUFEX3Bvc2VraXlzUEZrNU5XNUlPX1UxT2k3Q0JBSjNkSUlpMTJ6eG1EN3lxTlZxYUJmMkhPclZydXVJa0pKTnliM0ZwTWFiMVh3UHhZ |
got this error submitting a complaint:
Can't locate Crypt/Blowfish.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/perl5/5.8.4/lib/sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/5.8.4/lib /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4 /usr/perl5/site_perl /usr/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.4/sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.4 /usr/perl5/vendor_perl .) at /opt/htdocs/help2.virginmedia.com/cgi-bin/formactions/new_kanamail.pl line 10.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /opt/htdocs/help2.virginmedia.com/cgi-bin/formactions/new_kanamail.pl line 10. | r/solaris | post | r/solaris | 2010-09-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRC1TWkhJWWtvbVk5by04cVJxd2lNLUdUSDdLa0VQZ3ZKX010bTV4MW0zNGM0cUxFVmJKd1hqTml5TjdmVzB3REctT080bER2ZUtEMUcwMFd6SzFGRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVl9weGlab3JrRG5mZW0zcVZZYlk2VFg2RTJVYXdFT29aZndmcWhISDIyaXFid1A4OThwYWRpZU9iZ18zZk5iLW1lZERpYjh5c2FWSmtEUk5Dc2x5NjRXUnJpaEJISEY0Y05JMmI3bVpQZnZXWGRHWm9QRjMySWRUTEp1TFlXc3ppT1Zqc0FTZXQ2cDJfXzhjU2p3MnJOUnNuWldlWU9oN0FmY3EyZHFZQlp0S0pnUF9jOWdYbHdMTnE0a3J6b2RD |
mid september [Devil's candy submission](http://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/comments/denel/it_has_been_dubbed_the_devils_candy_by_critics_a/)
end of september [subsidies submission](http://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/comments/djm0g/corn_subsidies_make_unhealthy_food_choices_the/)
It took the last growth from 9k to 11k subscribers to make [this comment](http://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/comments/djm0g/corn_subsidies_make_unhealthy_food_choices_the/c10pnie) possible.
We still need more informed subscribers, as nobody came up with better information in [this submission](http://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/comments/dj67x/bacteria_that_have_been_made_resistant_to_nearly/). | r/metatruereddit | post | r/MetaTrueReddit | 2010-09-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbDdlNUNCaVdrTWlyTzNwQWprTkdJVWJPS2g3VVdOYm1UM0prMjlkYzFRNy1PSmw5OWFuMXQwd09vc1p4NFpPcE1mV1RxSmdwcGpuNE9YYlJTQ0dQb1QyX0N0VW0xSFBPSXMyZHZiVFpNRUE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSTQ3SWJOWjZzYkVuVWVTbnJVMThaRGFZZWh6bUgzeFRiNXJFSVVMVXk2elJaQ0dvRWRnUks3M2lwcWFmTzBGQi1GTHhYZGxPRmo2Q29YMVd4WjZjYThmNEZnd3o0TWZWaGNDUGUyc1ZqaVVJdzNVM2d0eGRkMEJ5blFlWjJkaE5tS0VmS1M0TElPQUZSMkg3bE02NUNNUTNkSUg3OWFlZjVMMGlic0RqNVNmalV5dEJodENaRzhtSURDSWlVOV9JajBab2ctRHJMVkFaT1hqTUNJaU9yQT09 |
### MeetLGBT Featured Member: September 28, 2010
# [heart_pineapple](/user/heart_pineapple)
> ## [Quick bio]
>>heart_pineapple was born in and grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA as an only child. For 13 years of her life (K-12), she attended a conservative protestant Christian school. While at this school, she met her future spouse, who was a staff member (not a teacher). Of course, they "didn't date" until she had graduated from high school. She then attended college at the University of Minnesota and got a Bachelor of Science in "Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development". She is currently continuing her education by working towards her PhD in Developmental Biology at the University of Chicago.
> ##Stats
>> • **Age**: Born in 1986 (turns 24 in 2010)
• **Gender**: female (cis)
• **Location**: Hyde Park, Chicago, Illinois, USA
• **Pictures**: [1: in a dress](http://jerde.net/audrey/DSC02453.JPG); [2: at Chicago Pride](http://jerde.net/audrey/IMG_0797.jpg); [3: wedding picture](http://jerde.net/audrey/wedding.jpg); [4: recent](http://jerde.net/audrey/IMG_0005.jpg)
> ##Life
>> • **Job**: Full time PhD Student. I'm doing research on heart development. Someday, it may lead to treatments for congenital heart defects and diseases.
>> • **Hobbies**: Being a full time PhD student. No, but seriously, free time is not something I have in abundance. When I get a chance, I really do enjoy reading books (mostly science fiction or mystery novels), going camping, going to the theater, and baking and generally messing around in the kitchen. I do a lot of reading of scientific articles to keep up with my field, and in other random sciencey things that I think are awesome.
>> • **Favorite things**: I'm a big science fiction addict. I grew up watching Star Trek and loved it all. I highly recommend Eddie Izzard as a comedian if there is still anyone out there who hasn't heard of him. I'm a big fan of mexican food, giant salads, and fun-flavored martinis. My favorite vegetable is broccoli and my favorite color is yellow.
>> • **Pets**: I have no pets, unless you count the giant basil plant trying to take over the living room. My spouse has two cats.
>> • **What makes you _____**: Anything the spouse does to cheer me up makes me laugh. New underwear makes me happy, as does root beer. It makes me sad that I'm intolerant to "uncultured bovine fat" so I can't eat butter, cream, or beef. Thus, root beer floats are a thing of the past. It really bugs me when people are chronically late. It offends me when people assume they can tell a person's sexual orientation in the first five minutes of talking to them.
>> • **Political views**: I'm pretty darn liberal. But can't we all just get along?
>> • **Religious views**: Cheerful Atheism.
> ##Sexuality
>> • **Orientation**: human-sexual is my preferred label. Most people just call me bi. That's fine, too. On a scale from red (1) to purple (7) , with purple being completely gay and red being completely straight, I'm somewhere in the green area (4).
>> • **Coming out**: I never really "came out," I just stopped keeping it a secret when I graduated from my conservative Christian high school and went to a big secular university.
>> • **Relationship status/background**: I am married to the most wonderful dude in the universe, [pedropants](http://www.reddit.com/user/pedropants). It's been over two years now! He is fantastic. We've been together since 2005, and got married in 2008.
> ##Misc.
>> • I really enjoy the [r/TwoXChromosomes](/r/TwoXChromosomes), [r/atheism](/r/atheism), and [r/bisexual](/r/bisexual) subreddits
• You're all fantastic human beings and I love you all.
**[Learn more about Featured Members](http://www.reddit.com/d880k)** | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2010-09-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWVRrRFV1UlI1dnpJcmhhbGFkQnJQSWxkNlpkUWlEdGlUZWN1MlBvNmZveGlkUmVpYUFJOHZrUXJtU3dsM18tMm5kVzBYU3pEVGlHZll2T1E0WmdWY2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodjVubUY2OUF0X2txV3E2UVNqVmxXekVXT0hYbmpDc25aWjJtc1BNTktLRXFWZUoxWjJwUlA3ckZRZkpITVVVNERCOEkzQ1d1UWEzWGNlQ3JTVjV6eTQzNGFvN2ZPdk4zSVUxdDdQWlNFa0c3eFdQWGZaNUZBNUd3eEpzUjIzODZjTjNZTFRlaGlvdGNfbFBORjFta3RfMktTZzl1VXA5aVo1OWdKQS1MWWlBSkhBa3JwbzR4c1ZqbmxCZ2JGMEVK |
I'm a member of HacDC (a hackerspace in DC). We have space for meetings, equipment (donated by Schuyler Towne), and interested parties. What we don't have is a lot of experience. How can I help make our locksport group awesome? | r/locksport | post | r/locksport | 2010-09-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxa3AydTZSc3RnczVsZ2l2SjFidXZaSXU4RVhfekw5UWFxU0p2OU9abFpBck1kbGlJZ3RrYkloVmhrTVcxUjA2ck5jRGV2aHFWS1hNWXBja3NTYVdDZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoU0pUaGtkblVMNlRVSmdpald5ZHYzQ1pTVTJ1bi1EN1VWV2tEQlJYa0ZhcHlicDZpOVFkSkR6cERTalNIS3FTdGhncmpCQXo3aUNwa09XNm54VWRFbzdTUUNRdkpKOHNYUXhzVEhJemlPY2ZjTU1HbHBSS0JFQXA5WnpVd2x6X0VYeHJTYTlsak4xTW9raEZRSW05TFY2dk5iSEFrWnBfZ3RWUEg5U2l2NTg2M2FjakJjVHA1LUdCTHpJcW9KZTdmbEhzVDhaV2V6SzNJWmFZVFlBei1jQT09 |