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Hi everyone,
**tldr version: I teach digital photo at UC Berkeley, all the material is online, and I opened up public registration for the assignment galleries if you redditors are interested in keeping up with and posting assignments. Links at the bottom. http://photodecal.org **
So here at University of California, Berkeley we have what's called the "Decal" program, which is a program that allows for the creation of courses that usually aren't taught at the university level - usually niche topics, popular culture, or heavily applications-specific topics.
Over the past three years (six semesters) I've been teaching a course on digital photography through this decal program. Having grown up in the digital age and being an engineer by trade, it differs a bit from most photography courses you may have encountered in that it focuses on the fundamentals of photography from a theoretical/scientific standpoint, not just an applications based one. For instance, you'll likely learn (or already know) that high ISO often means noise, or that long shutter speeds lead to blur. In my course I go over the actual sources of noise (a large component of it is due to photon or shot noise, which is based on the number of photons counted and is independent of ISO), and break down camera shake into several movement components to create a formula that defines the amount of camera shake blur we'll get.
So this kind of knowledge may sound trivial to some of you, since you sort of do end up just proving the same rules (e.g. that 1/focal length thumb rule does check out in fact - at infinite focal length the relationship between focal length and minimum shutter speed required approaches a linear relationship). But I feel like those of you who really jumped on the physics or math when you were younger will probably appreciate the value of it. Most photographers operate based on a bunch of rules they've memorized, which is a bit like memorizing a "distance = velocity x time" formula without really understanding the relationship between the three. All the "rules" of photography work for specified situations, but when you're placed in unfamiliar ones where your rule no longer applies, you end up lost. As an example, that 1/focal length thumb rule completely breaks down at short focal lengths or short subject distances, so it's not applicable at all if you find yourself using an ultrawide 10mm or taking macro photos a few cm away.
The course I teach has a heavy online component. All the [lectures and assignments are posted online](http://photodecal.org/10sp/lessons.php), and the students [submit assignments on an online gallery](http://photodecal.org/gallery/main.php), which is how we review and critique the photos during our discussion section. I've also been recording the lectures and will likely post them up for webcast once I can find a host.
I was reading the photoit thread and this seems somewhat along the lines of what people were interested in, especially those who were interested in more fundamental photographic knowledge, so I thought I'd link it here.
Since all the material and assignment submissions are online, and since the semester just started (the class is just entering week 3), I thought it might be fun to open up an additional assignment gallery if any of you redditors wanted to basically "take" the course online, and submit assignments as the class went along as well.
Main site: http://photodecal.org
Lessons and assignments: http://photodecal.org/10sp/lessons.php
Assignment gallery: http://photodecal.org/gallery/main.php
Assignment subgallery specifically for redditors: http://photodecal.org/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=55290
How to upload assignments: http://photodecal.org/wiki/index.php?title=How_to:Upload_an_image_to_the_gallery
The lessons/assignments are updated as the semester goes along. If you want to get the full set you can [check out the Fall 2009 page](http://photodecal.org/09fa/lessons.php).
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. The main lecture and discussion happen on Tuesday nights, so lecture slides and assignments are usually posted that night or by Wednesday morning. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNXJfQUdvR05uSjdMb2VLTHB6MHJRd3V6R2pmX05HdFNHMmdaVUYyRzRPaHc1emxZMkljOFAyQXlUU0NUTl9VV2h0MEdsX3pPeDE2aXNTZG10a19iUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocF9haDFhSmx6LXkwaGRPdWhWVzJiNTdCelBucFc1MTdBMFI4VlYxcGxNOGN4ZEpPY1NJLXd0MGstT2V1X2dDazFEdzdNbndERVhsQm5TN29ZemtRb3dKSE9fLXBXanRJN0RONGhSQmxoRHQzei0tUXVyMlNRT0swdkJfb05sQzJTanAyYjBSUEg5bGNwZk82OGlwVzdqTFFoSXV1SUNIaEdabUlYellTTGFiS1ctSHVGRjhrY0xoUE1FcjNlUVBrM0RPajZ6UDdnZ09xOWVIckpwaHdRZz09 |
Shoot an object using [backlighting](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backlighting_%28lighting_design%29) to produce a result that is significantly different or more interesting than if it weren't [back-lit.](http://searchwarp.com/swa47169.htm)
Post a single link to your favorite result. How did backlighting your subject alter your choice of exposure settings? Did backlighting change any other decisions you made about shooting the image, such as composition, depth of field, or focus?
| r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVmd3MVNUTUFEd3lQc0lWR1RDcmNZOEFDeG5yM1diMEtqXzJBNzlVbVV3VGQwTE1mZGNGZEJOM21MRDlNd0lxUG53UjdVUnd4cE8ydXR0ME1waGtualE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocVhjMllmR3JJcFlnXzZXMEJvRHYtcmkydE1UVnZlRjljY1EwcUpwUzhDaThDUDRqdGUyX0FFVmRJODdrSVNRWGREZW15N1RTN01sdUNxSmtLT2gwbi1CVVZ2d2RxZkN2STlrU3ZvcVk2R3o3Wm84bjBGTnMwQU1Eek5PWlU3MEhpQnZHbjVVSDIyMVhUTFJudjRqdk5WYVhrTTR1ZDhYVHoxdUtEam91R2xqaFVIOG1oNGlqb3pKaEJSTThvRldv |
In AA/NA meetings I hear lots of folks talking about going to multiple meetings a day to keep from drinking or using. Sounds like they obsess over not drinking/using which means they are constantly thinking about it, which means they are still very much in the addictive thinking state. All the self-help books on addiction that I've read say that one needs to recover from his/her addictive personality and addictive thinking patterns in order to truly recover from their addiction...so I don't feel that depending constantly on meetings etc is true recovery, but just a way to not indulge in the booze or drugs and instead focus your addictive thinking elsewhere. This does not sound healthy to me...I'm psychologically addicted to pot and my goal is to rid myself of my addictive thinking, not to just quit pot. With me it has always been something that I'm "addicted" to. I used to habitually drink water and felt anxious if I didn't have my nalgene (water bottle) with me. I used to carry bible verses around (when I believed in God) constantly to read again and again to keep myself out of my own head. I don't want this sick addictive thinking anymore. But AA and NA groups are full of people who constantly, addictively (not a word) go to meetings and obsess on not drinking/using. This is not helpful to me. Does anyone know of any addiction therapies and/or support groups that focus on recovering from an addictive personality/addictive thinking? Perhaps other cultures have something to offer? | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-02-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQmctZHI0cTF2a2h0eVh6TWV3b0xRYlFEa1hfQ1lrUWZuUWIwRnJ1T19DbWd1Sko2d3dvcUhWWlNGanpzVG9LRktna2hld1g3WTE1ejZ0ZEtWZ3hDYTU4UlIxU3ZaRlJXVW82M05EMWxCTTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaUJHb25ZUDZyczAwQm9FbUxGV1I5cC1NSVpqT25lTzhFY2xuWl94SmJ2ZEkxQkwxbElpSDNxLW1TZzhaY3RSU2JoOGtoVXZCVmNHY1RiYUNQUFZZUVl2c1lTbVBCLWVVSEZXMlB2RWxtWWtLcHFKMnRvTEVCcWUzTnVNWTRvc3JBOWptOVBmYm1mSjBQYklJUEhjcWtWbmRodTAzOGZLQnQwaWd0WGhOZlVBTVFjYjVFeHZnR2t0bVgzWFZDYXNSMnJIOFVQaFp4aHcwQVVFWVkzRV9NZz09 |
We have a pretty good one now, but if anyone wants to make some cool alternatives, I'd be very thankful!
| r/logo | post | r/logo | 2010-02-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNWxDWWdyTlh6NEZ5NGdLSkM0dVVjQklwbDU1ZTU3bklCcjFSMFZXalNKX1Y3bkpGc3FOd0g3Zm9ObkRZT1ExZ011dVAxaGwyRXRvVDBzbV84MnlfaWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoT3RMN213VjVud255UVN3Q2tpcFVXVjFUVXg4bnR0aTgyXzZYeDNhbFowSTJPT2pMenZBSGZMckFNTDl6M2Zxck9feG4xdHBsMC01OV9WTndXYVRKbFNjR2dVOHJENjZRUVVPZ1cxQjJnNVkxSFhlV0pwQzhBNUdTRmNyWk0zTFZzNWoxX1hWbFVIampqaU1FSGtjVERBPT0= |
Thats it, I said it. | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2010-02-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWFFKY2lRYlhSS01OaU1EOVg1b3JHM1pmTkMyeVJIXzVIVHNlQkJMaGlVazZNZXVlUGd1Q3d4YWpQaXlHcnF3cEI2c0NtZXhsUDJEYXhRS1kwSGlsWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoODE5dWc4QnpDSmRJUFFhc1lROHpFbkJMeXQyMUhwaHlHQ0J0OW5ackxUU2FPcHNQWF9NdnlLVklqUUloaGppTVFKUmJlcXBFN3YzZ2Nha0pDZ3c4MGtVNk5kUEJNZkVoR0liR1ZpT1R5Sk1uLVZuaGlCQndWX3R3ZUVwXzdzS25iRUdaR1NxM0M0ZTFvWGV5Skc0QnNsR3NYbnRjMnNSeEZ6OHRmRXJfcFpZPQ== |
I like the logo for [/r/books](http://www.reddit.com/r/books/), so I was hoping for something in the same vein, but with maybe another alien alien to show it's a group thing.
Also, come join us! http://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2010-02-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQXQ2TnJFVVd5WTFYX0h0a1V1LXFwemxJay1JR3QwTFBEbTNmTmFzTlRURGtvdmRiWnp5cm83cDFMdzU4TnRMc0trdk55WWI4TzlKU1A2SWhibzc3QVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodXJJUXNLV2o2N2lfaDB0WUg2Y1BXR3dKRFAxdUp3bjNlMF8ybExockdVRXNfd2Vnbm9XWmhHUzlqaTlhZ0EyWERUeWdBR2t4ZHRXbm9BS1JVRWpyMnZ6dl9oSk5LVHVpbEpnN3RTZU9rUFQ0aEJ6UmNUaFM1ZklaVkRBN0VhMDROTkVnWFVidVNlQ0xnWmdfU1ZRcTZ3Y0d1YS1lQnBSOEgwcWlCVWZ4Z3ExakJPUUpFTTU4V0sxeFNFSy1kQnVv |
I've been in China for two years now. But just now I'm starting to make a real effort to learn Chinese. My primary goal is to learn to speak only. The writing part comes later.
The best way that works for my hectic schedule is using [Anki](http://ichi2.net/anki/)
To learn to speak, and for that, i have to learn pinyin first. But I can't find a collection of flashcards to teach me the pinyin tones. Any ideas?
Also, whats up with /r/LANL_Chinese ??
| r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-02-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYlhqd2tSR0ZDVFRoNzFkTS1YaGFNZl9tZndkYlc0elg2ZGxyQktDNVNmbTNodWFuU3hra25uZkluRjFneUFmbE9idDdFZUpCWm5tQmZ0RjBNSmVTM0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoLU8teGI5eUJGMmVjQ2VQRUp5XzBNa2ttUG1TTWVuUC0tTlFBUS1RRW1VSkhzOUExOUtlQktXTzBhVndnLXBBaHUtR3pGLXhrZnpxa1VCN3llNzZkV282TkE4bWptaVhhUlNjLTZzd24zTUM5RDJXNEVIZkJ5cHBNa1lJREt0cDBQa3AzSjlJRWI1ektoRTZNLXhRTDdiMXM5am9xdHB3OUlPSGMxS1F6VDdqYTl6S1pPci1DaFpQUGl5N3BfZXRR |
sqlToExecute.Append("LIKE '" + input.Replace("'", "''") + "'")
input is a user supplied string. The replace is replacing a single ' with two '' and then the statement is wrapped in surrounding '.
Is this safe, or can you come up with a way to bypass this? If so, what value for input can you give to bypass this, other than null.
*edit*: this is in MSSQL where ' is the escape character | r/websec | post | r/websec | 2010-02-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWmFhY21DcGxqSS05b2xFdDh5Q0NfcU9qbnhBLWp4Nk1PTFAxLS1tVzNZVTJfLVRHc01iNzUtM2RQQTNEQklYOTdkcHRsaTgyVmhCY2xld1dFRzNvSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOUEyQ1Q4T1RTWmFqd2x3Y0E3bXA1a0drSWU3YUJUVktMUlg4dkxZYVNPVkZoQ0xFNGdNb1M0bVZrWkhEUkI0LVRQS2d0V3dVSi1DOWp3WnJqY3RlSGtvOGZUZTJhMzRMZF9KSXlCUXNyTkFzb0NvTFdHaFk1a3A4RWJVUmkzR3ZtdGZTaFItZFJ3SjZpcG0tcUprWTdyTExQcWE5LVFCNUV0RlVvdE9ISjF4ODZ6a2NHWE1qUG5GNTFPb0JiNE5aSlhZVjA2LUx5U2MtSVhXUFpIRzhhdz09 |
I'm going to be traveling in Cambodia in a few months, and I was hoping to learn some simple phrases. I don't need to be or expect to be fluent. I haven't been able to find much in the way of lessons, though. Any ideas? | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-02-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUE80MFRvcjhsRkw0MU1YRTBxTEN5enFCT0FBQmZubDlnbk5pdkR1ajRtMFgzclF5SmRSR1U5Mk9PaFdCZ0ZhbHczV1pVNmJCNzFsalpwRUVjNlFYNFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zod3hhMExkRHk2anRMLW1BZGFiSGVGbF95X2F1aDJDLTI3blRHYk1vbHBWSnlwblFHc19BOVN5b3J2YVFWZG1vNmgtRnIxam42ZFAweEhBTnBoVVMyWVQxbGFIenJyeU5TLUJiLVdQVjhheVVhQ0RoazVCWmhILS1yaVFTVjhDckFLRWN5SnZIQ3FIZWo0TnU2eG1NX1V0Qk8zSTR1Rl9zaFg4MnpCUXNuWWRncTIxQzBlMERUeWJLODlPMWVqbmpM |
I am building a data-centric web app (forms, grids, etc) with PHP. I already have a data access class working and doing all the CRUD methods. I have my stored procs created with matching PHP data access classes and methods. I've had 15+ years as a web developer, but this is my first PHP. I'm taking what I know from past experience, but there are just so many frameworks and data patterns for PHP. I am going to create JSON services and have my web app make AJAX calls to make it as much thick-client like. I've been looking at PHPLiveX and it looks very promising. What AJAX framework or programming pattern/tool would you use? Any examples? Can a JSON PHP service page have multiple methods? How do you make use of the JSON dataset once returned to the parent form? It looks like jQuery is used more for UI look-and-feel, but I need something that will make it easy to make a call to get data, return data, and make webforms work. | r/ajax | post | r/ajax | 2010-02-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdWNja3U3UlN2bEFPWUdVVEotNTFRMUNDek9kYlhMdWpxRVVjU05Oa1BOUlJkeUgtdXNWMTA4XzdCVmlDM0RObTF2WF9lNFpBeEFCS2JESDNTSmoxcUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zod09sNUUxbTJiVV9GblA5X3h0WkdSZjFfM0V4UE9wNHBPb3F3RkxUNVFUWDMyOS1GT1MxSDdWWVpPVmlyVTc3eUhzRWdsMFJscmU0a3dmeDFBbjFzVmRSSVhiR05fdlNsS1kzcEg2aWRkWVdQUE02bkdGajFEQ2t2c1oyd2IwYS1pM3lyYy1OTlVqcnFmUWlHdkV1RmNrbmJ3SzV6NDQxUmFpeDVFQmJnNWpucHVNbjZ4amllcHQ4QndGWUZNV1hw |
Shoot the same scene twice, at two different aperture settings such that you create two very different images. Use varying depth of field as a compositional tool to help create images with different balance or mood; try to do more than simply shifting subjects.
What did you do about it?
I'm paranoid about taking it apart. Apple store said they'd either open it and clean it or replace it depending... I'm even more paranoid of getting stuck with a crappy refurbished iPhone and regretting bringing it in in the 1st place. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-02-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQkhPTU1RRXBiT0piT3EyMmpSbFU2Q1lvNHJROURPdEQ2SW9xM0N2Sy1adHhVbmNJdXdENGJsUk10cFYycmxUNnN5N3lMZkhJTjJVci1nNHpZV21VdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMF9xbFlKeUZPTTk5dlRmcVJ0TXFzVEpDSG1nVEhfQXFtdHNhendBcmFQRGNvdHhaVElHUDJQMjl2RV83UEJWZXZaSXlfTk1Ed3dkQkRtbUxmNmRwM3hEY3hIQ2RWYnlnel90a0l2R0VSODR5VXI0c2ZzRXJZQzlwT1k5d3lfQ19xbmFRZnFhQTFkd3RrQmdxUV9BeW1PNExzMFFjanF2T2YxRzdZMGJTY2xtRG1sRXlJTEN1aVlOTEoxbmo5aFJHeGtsd2I3UEJ6TDBuUEhSVnJBdU13UT09 |
[Part 1](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_M6kSZrYCs&feature=player_embedded)
[Part 2](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZYEJgEIwW4&feature=channel)
[Who won the debate?](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_M6kSZrYCs&feature=player_embedded) | r/peterschiff | post | r/PeterSchiff | 2010-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbkZHZERIVjgxUEc1dEhsLUVyVlIzWjhTVnlkWEt4NnZJWVdma0ZPLU5GWHAtdHNiS1ZaOVZJV015NURqX0NWZ0NJZDhFNWdwbUxKQVVVM2ZOMW5Nemc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMGZha1N5dzl6UllxdVlSNkx3bTR1OVB0NGNOWGFsbDQ1SDdJNTlOZkNJbG9weTlqZklzMlY1RlItZVFUbVpibWEydzNvQ1o0V1ZNdVBMbE85aGNUT2F4MkdEY3d2aDIyUkl5ZjZMcEVBQmpIUDBRV1ZISmRsclRzdFBnd3BwQ2dvRWZ3b1ZYMjU1NFlNRzdZWTE0eWU0dWl1YnNPdVY1SzVDQ3RjTmpKZENnPQ== |
Anyone know of a good dictionary site like tfd.com for Arabic? And how about flashcards? or any other sources to learn Arabic. I am a native speaker, and I am helping some people learn Arabic in return for some help learning Chinese.
Any help appreciated. Thanks.
**Edit:** http://www.yamli.com/arabic-keyboard/ type roman, get arabic. Google has something similar, but this is better, can auto complete, suggest. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-03-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxOVYwOTh2TE1JZGhnMHN1cmFyWW03aDZ3SWJ4NV9oSGpVR3RUaDZFbVQ0Unl0UlhOZ1p3cnlqeXplZjh1Q19pbFNPRWl0RThGWVh1VzVtMG1jZDhJc2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaDRaSjJHQnltNEFzcHpfOF8xdnFZaXlkSHg5bWI2M1NKdllTRnZHVGNjUzhGNWVrVFFKRHAycmhZOUVmZk5PRjNQYlZVQUR5OXViMnJDQkVES1FieE0wYktFT0pqZVctd2F1ajJTZ0dOVGUyeWFST1RoREVEUmNrSlQzQ1I4SS1TYTFucGRtMWpjU3RPQjBNT0QyaW4xU21hTkY3dkw5T2JmTkNFZXFUQTl0X2VBeHZrbVRlUWZYdVlVWDUtZkxk |
I decided to create a BBQ sauce to go with a roast chicken I was going to make. Only having a few essential sauces and ingredients around the house, my eyes fell upon the [Jack Daniel's Smooth Original BBQ Sauce](http://www.jackdanielsbbqsauces.com/) and our bottle of Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce. I knew it had to be done. I mixed the two in roughly equal quantities and my creation was done.
I glazed the chicken in it after partially roasting it so that the skin was slightly crispy, and made sure that the glaze was both underneath the skin and on top of it. Having the sauce both under the skin and on top of it ensures the meat absorbs the taste and, well, everyone loves extra sauce.
The roast chicken went down so well with my housemates, it's not a legendary dish we pull out in times of celebration. I'm sure I'm not the first to do this but it was a great personal discovery and definitely one I thought worthy of sharing. | r/jackdaniels | post | r/jackdaniels | 2010-03-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdVZYV0FaU09pTmw3VHRZb3RJOHFEYzQzdVM0NmFXaDh5X0RtRnNKOVBzX0lxXzdGRXpNbWpQazZFOVNodmEyUmtkdUM3NjJfRzRDZ1pGQmhwNFpLUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoclFzeHVKT0lHdGxXc0ZBQnIxMWI0SDVqWFVtVUt0NzBDTVZOZHRlaVdsWEJuMk02ZFVJQUFWTjRlZE5ObTI4NFR0d3B1TnhQeG5hSzRKZnJucURCdlRTNFRmemNHUlJkZUptaVRKcEF5andybTE2Nm16eTVySC1feTV1QmRIYklsRGpVc2tKZmx2OUN6UVFSeDhKYjg4Z05OZmZCeXNtTUtrUjgyMWZiQ0ZQWXhvZ0U1SXNzam85Y3FQZUJjNkNFUmNwRWxTb3cxQzd1RzZSOV80N2VJUT09 |
with a little teamwork, I'm sure we can beat the 1:24 currently the best.
I am minifig 1978284438 | r/legouniverse | post | r/legouniverse | 2010-03-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxN0M1OG53VDFiUW5ObUpLekJ2UnpkdFI5M1ZHUkR1S3ljLW1kY0IxSERiS2pXSDRGN25XUE5MRlI3Qm0xSnpsZHdGZWVxa25wcWx6YlhtVnMyTnl1YkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoS0p1QlVoal9xbFptaDU2clFRcDVCTm9EWG1fc2lTV3FodGF2QnJ3YkVrU2pJWnBycUpXLXJ3emNHem0wYmZVMHpYaFVnUnZKdUExT0lRWG5CYXd5a1l6RlJ3TEtDR1RjNnpWZzZINlNQekVKQUh1TWZNMjlHWG4zUDhVNWpGVVdsczdhcjFxN08zV0E1X3dybW5hdkJIZHF3U1RWekp6VldHQVVaOW4yeWFfNTF1NENLS3lPUVhseG5saFdOV1F3MGh1QnJNZy1PRE5yeUx2RDQ5TDNfQT09 |
Like, I couldn't even say any numbers. Apparently, numbers are bad. I get that it's a Lego game for all ages, but come on! | r/legouniverse | post | r/legouniverse | 2010-03-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUDlUV0tQcE9SWnpqbDVaaGNKaEZzWHE3OFBhRGt1TjBIcFNwUzNIa0FuZjhhTndydVFsZlVEOHZNWGtDQ0RiWUhpTFg0UG55WEpmaEJuQzZrdW55MHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobjBqdWM2M0U1bTdjUkdVMWJFN2x0al9WNkxROTZSdXRCX1ZGbzB2YXhnOXd2TGEzb21JTUZLcy1fU29rcHRobkcySkd2ajR4QUVoVlZweDQ1TW1wVFhsWE1EbjRPblRFUnVmaHJkdkFfN0N4LUY1cW56VkhsTmpDWUJxQ29VMFNMdHF5Q04wRTg0S1dEYldLMmI3NkVSazZXcXJTXzNTdWtNWXUxN1hqTE1OZERWTUIzUDEtUEVlX010bTBoY3hFNWJ2Qi1YRmF3OFR5N2laWmhaeGFEZz09 |
So I see that there's a few negative remarks on the game. Sure it has issues but it's in the closed Beta. Sure it is a bit linear and light but it's still in closed beta.
I'm wondering overall what people think of it?
For being a game geared towards 8-12 ages and I'm at least double that, I quite enjoyed myself. After playing a couple of bigger (WoW, LotRO...) giants out there, I found it to be an enjoyable break. Sure it's not the typical MMO that people get addicted to and consume their lives to but that's not the developer's point. The lack of slots and the focus on having fun was well done. I liked how combat was hack-n-slashish.
Sure it's not open world build-a-thon but the enjoyment I got out of it might see me buying the game when it comes out. Sure I might only subscribe once every few months to play the latest content but it will be money well spent...
So what is your LegU (heh, see what I did there :P ) opinion? | r/legouniverse | post | r/legouniverse | 2010-03-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxLS1nYnVHSGd6Q1Z1MUVxZkI0c3ZlVVRQZ2ZWMi10eXcxdXpTUDdZQkxxZm9ieDdUaHpHZkdEbnozcFVsdUVqN3pVTXZRUkI0dnhwa3pWUE9GNngzc2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVTk4bi1RSFQ3MGtlcGt3eGVvOEJGeW85T01RZHVwcGRGd0JxVlJHTExBcEM4UEFPODNINUJCVnNhNW51aU1OZ1Nobjh4THhvT01neGZMa3E0dzlNZC1JdmEyZnA5TmtlZUVuMTdGVHpfUm1jbEs5TGpTZW00THIyN2NwREYyRGlZOVVZUnd0c1BUcnoyTjZHSVRKSnZncUNNakNFUHNzT0dqRURRQkJCaXc3LXE0UTZ6OUNkUEJTbVJvQlctZGJE |
Having done quite a number of outdoor shoots utilizing lots of bright ambient light and naturally reflective surfaces, I never put much thought into how to select light source power output. Whether it's speedlights, strobes/monolights, or constant work lights, it's still kind of a mystery to me and I haven't found a great abundance of good -- or decent -- explanations of it. I've read a number of articles on how so-and-so chose specific settings and many times, they relied on lightmeters or flashmeters but I'm curious as to how one could do it rather quickly without extra equipment. I'm mostly curious about that because I like shooting at night with speedlights and flashmeters aren't terribly effective at 1AM with about 15% to 20% ambient light (light pollution).
So I ask you, /r/photoit, for myself and others, how do you do it? Me? Gross utilization of modeling flashes and test shots, which stink as the day wanes and light is changing nearly. minute-by-minute. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-03-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeW5IaU1uaHlwWHVBVkZTM1VNY3d0OGVOSlZzTU10eTNmeXNaOUU2bExmOXZYSWhCcGdLRHZLNVRxcUppTkZGZ0ZrUjY2blozUU1udk1YZVRTcTVIUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSzlzOC0wTUk1djRpblF6Mm9KQkw0MFhjUTBVenBDT3VmS1pBQTZIMVNIbU02SGh2d2lSS2dDV3JCc2otSHNDSHgzWXRFMWpQMnBQdjVUaVV6NXNtSkJ4VVpycEtwNzRaXzVnNXZxLUFINkJKcTBuZ3FiYTlZVjR6ckZyQ3JUbldyTEdtN2htRnRnazZRUFdUUUwwdDhuWklWTDJxVDZ4Mmc2RjNDRW9XSGRFPQ== |
I guess I'll get us started off by plugging these two sites that sell kits that i know off. If anybody has any of the pedals here, or any kits from other sites, tell us what you think of them!
[BYOC](http://www.buildyourownclone.com) | r/diygear | post | r/DIYGear | 2010-03-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNWt6ODBrUVhJSHRCRmxBdXhwQjJSNG5fVXdsR1VIUDZhNjhlR0dpVkdFRHlYRWw0UkZEVFJmVE1IWFh4MnBOa2RGWnRUanpNU1BlZ0k2UmU2RDZaa1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNFduTHI3czVxaDEyQzVQSHlaTDhGQ2d6THJGZkZ1WHFBRTVVYy1hc1huZ2dwRmFydGlySmNNSWVJV1d0cTVrSUE5Zlk4MU5OMVktOF9PWUVaMEYtS01Qbmc4NlhMYXN1UWtnNlpiTDFNTnR1TXhsT2VLdWVyYkhiYnpSb2U5Ul8xMnV1UlJNSERmTEkzanN1LU9TZTlsbWFxUF9DTzVmSkFVYk1vUHEyZVNrPQ== |
I've got a chronic and painful big toenail. It started about 8 months ago when I cut it too deeply, and now it gets very sore over and over. I've tried cutting a v-shaped wedge in the middle of the nail - worked for a bit, then got painful again. I've taken a slug of whiskey then snipped along the affected cuticle and took out a sliver of the nail. Peace at last, then pain came back. Help? | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-03-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWmptTU9yQlp1MG9WYjc2VTdTT3BQVngydFdCRm1RWXFHS2RwQXphOU51dTBIR09sZ3QzMXdNVEN0TnBkUXEyb0hiQmpZcTBNTGlfVEU5LW1LOGNwNWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoeDVrc2pVd3B5UEltY29mUU8xMkpIOGo5NkVfX3kxMDRNNEk1aHJqbm1BUnRiMmF5N1BFNDdSM083VGhfRkdnenlKSDRRelpSc1NrMWEtZ0l6TFg1V3ZzVHpCSlI2TEZHN2UxeGVCRWMwNEpmVnIxVWZOdlFUZF9tRFJDWmJySXZBdi1VSHZvZnRkbGZ4dTZTZ0g5ZkNOcV9iRXZMZUd3TnJidWY4UXFCYlVIeVlVVm5CeldlbGxZQjNZN21HSnhDZmpIMk9iN1JUc3NPUEhNNFdlXzNHUT09 |
Since a lot of submissions in /r/websec are linked to a baywords.com-website, I have to ask you. Are the same people in charge, who are threatening wikileaks? I read something like this... | r/websec | post | r/websec | 2010-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbmdUWmMxelpQYUV1WGpLQU5ZWTQ5OEJldFA2SDBlU2E3SDA5RXlXckdlWUtSeF9TOURidkdMX0N6bGlqdEtEVmJrM3JtZ2dNMWtOcUFJNUFzenZIWGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoUDIyeEJoWlEwX3l6eG8zWXByS2NpOHRiSE1fUkhoaHhZZnNBRnFobTdaNHIzWlhDOXVpWVVubDl4bS1Rcmk3QklvYWhVa2JqeW1oRWNzelhsdjVRcUU2dllYV2UyM3VKWUZ0TkhHeHp3bUo3WDhVZGFTelp0STlXUlJyYXNWdmkyLXQxbEVqQVVIZFRWbnlQenRHaGh1R2hyazd1N3dxOVpZSHZGZ1ZqcXg3bllnN0xGd2hSSGJ3TlBkVVNFa2lNUVJjQ3NJSUtsbC1xeGw3MVhnS0xoUT09 |
I've wanted this so many times - picnic shelters listed on something like google maps! Anyone know of a site that's catalogues public picnic shelters, at least for Indiana/Kentucky area? | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-03-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQ2t6REUxVjlxOHRKU0lfQ0NfMDZZQmc0eGxIZ2t2X3dJLThJdFVWQ1R6TjVBanRqNjY1ZHJSZk9ZSUNoUFVCdy0yYUhHYmYtTlFLY3N1NjhmRl9FeVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zobi1aSHZMVFV6Q2JabThzZ0FUOTNxakNpUkFZWFNqd00xTU1zRm9RUWpHb0R0Q2ozMGY0RExMYzV6TkJaTTYza3FvcmJNQ2tzbHBwejF3MlI0NzZ0Z3dQbHhZQ2xpQXpGMk5Bb0dHX3BZR1VJUjZMQU1UN1FTSkN3dkNCUGJZdlQxRGtZNTJwNUk3dFg0NUNKZHYzeWpnUU0zN3J4TjJPMFVHWG9ER3JUZG1PYXNzS1ZVSmppWTNUUnhTWmEwWGFY |
as im sure it changes often (it does for me at least), at this point what are the most significant (and possibly understated) dimensions/ attributes of a resilient community in your view?
to some degree, various societies/movements have addressed this (including the agrarian, primiitivist, survivalist, appropriate technology movements among many others), all with their own diverse evaluations of the problems..
does your perspective relate to any of these, to others, or ?
resilience in terms of which projected constraints?
or what brought you here otherwise? | r/resilientcommunities | post | r/resilientcommunities | 2010-03-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUndXWnlXR2xUSGNVa05aajVROW5nOFhSTU43dl9CVkZoalIzMmp1RHQ5ZHVfcWZnQWFhRzEtakVFTF9DSlh1czc1VTV3R1VUaGVrZnBHeUNZbkVnOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOVhsbzBSV3ZsSXpEYndMUWxTWkZCb3FpZm5oTndMTnFPekl2NWl5aEViekFtMkdSUkhkbUd0ZHZSTlhUc1ZfTkltd3lmMXFoakx0OHJFN2s5dDAtU2hGZ2I2NGhjdEZYVDlSSjl0VTVTSW5MeVBERWFCRkNpQkRPYzVjM2xSU2ZIYTNqcVR6WHhzT0JOcGlSS01xVE12Mk1FZE0zak1YelowWWxUWERVTVAwSV83eDhweGl6Y0lnNUowalZNd21i |
Until it's been proven as true later on that is. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-04-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxejlZLUxOS3pteTY0d2ZRaW9FcXNreEJhVml0ZmV6ODc0UmRnMXIxUEZsaF92cDExYUl0anNsbXg3MkRqOTlzTEEzQXNiQ0NwS3FLR1BGTS1IUjZVN2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTkVJWGtCWVZYb194bllrQV9PSThmaVZvX2RSWG56SXV6em43MWF3NzlhY0dEc2RLVUtlMDRmWkZJOXE5aXdGNnBNUVhIQThONzRfLW0zR0V4NFZaYXhISHU3VVNTR1dOMHFaYzVlZVgyNGZjTzZLWWdiS2pDM1l1dWRZTHVVeFQxYm9BUlJ5bmVfSTJEMlI0NXBiaVE5WEpCZWlOZ01jYXZwU1Itbm1oeDZiNEhqVmNUMGROYXRWdVZFdXBKTU95d1QtRndUMHZ3SVdwX210cVpKREc2dz09 |
(By RichardKenneway.)
I decided the following quote wasn't up to Quotes Thread standard, but worth remarking on here:
Read a book a day.
Arthur C. Clarke, quoted in "Science Fictionisms".
I've never managed to do this. I've sometimes read a book in a day, but never day after day, although I once heard Jack Cohen say he habitually read three SF books and three non-fiction books a week.
How many books a week do you read, and what sort of books? (No lists of recommended titles, please.) | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTlFWSHFJSF8tNV9XVHFrc2pvbEhON2JhcmpfVHhjMGxnSGw0dW9LV2NIdk1aVXRDYUg1UlgyVTRSWEs1UnNZTUxWODE2YUtxbTl6Smh3WXN0UHhZdjhaV05NX19abUFrSDBTdlNST0FlQ2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoU0hxa3pTVzVqSkRQckF0MjZ5a1E5ZXJrWnVFUzV3VnppSXR2MlVsODVQOGN6Qm10VkdSdkF0a3pBclM0OXFCTk13R2xvdU1aWGMyMTVVdzRqcGxzM2I5QUtka3ZuZzRJNXFMZ2RlVG1xRDZST2pOdGRlejVIVmZjQ0Q2dW5YQ1ZVSEtxcEZjWEFGejRSV1p1d052amJWOU1aMVVsNzlUMHl4bzdmVG1tLVBrbldMMm5yOERmVXo1M0Y2NXJmRG1V |
(By PhilGoetz.)
I have a couple of problems with anthropic reasoning, specifically the kind that says it's likely we are near the middle of the distribution of humans.
First, this relies on the idea that a conscious person is a random sample drawn from all of history. Okay, maybe; but it's a sample size of 1. If I use anthropic reasoning, I get to count only myself. All you zombies were selected as a side-effect of me being conscious. A sample size of 1 has limited statistical power.
Second, the reasoning requires changing my observation. My observation is, "I am the Xth human born." The odds of being the 10th human and the 10,000,000th human born are the same, as long as at least 10,000,000 humans are born. To get the doomsday conclusion, you have to instead ask, "What is the probability that I was human number N, where N is some number from 1 to X?" What justifies doing that? | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYjRLMzNWOFJMRUJJQS1PZ19yeUtmTktSZnBWQkFjZWlzOGdLWTFSb3VCTUlyemdQb0c0djFla1FVTS11Yy1rcGs4bngtNnlGQ09zTV9Ra29iaUpqT3JwaU5NYzJmRm9ueGhOeDAxeUV2N2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNFlsN21lY01uQ1VQZkZHSVdWZ1RhMXBScFJsa0pKWmxzNWI3OE00UmtWb3pxSnduVXktN3lLRUtveFZkT2NycVJTVlljd053cjNnaFQ4dWh4SXBtS0F0TlAxeUZBX1prZnZpQXZzRDZ2TDc4LVM2dVhFYmFsQVhTa2xnbFR0Q2ZjeGZTQVNFOHlmc0JUOE1VZ19yQ2s5N0xiRDB5a3lHZVU4R0Y5MjFhWXBJQ1JIRWFzUjRXRkxYNkRWdzdYblRZ |
(By Kutta.)
PDF: "Are black hole starships possible?": http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0908/0908.1803v1.pdf
This paper examines the possibility of using miniature black holes for converting matter to energy via Hawking radiation, and propelling ships with that. Pretty interesting, I think.
I'm no physicist and not very math literate, but there is one issue I pondered: namely, how the would it be possible to feed matter to a mini black hole that has an attometer scale event horizon and radiating petajoules of energy in all directions? The black hole would be an extremely tiny target in a barrier of ridiculous energy density. The paper, as rudimentary it is, does not discuss this feeding issue. | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNFE3MUhfcXhiZWtFNFh1akJZemxmdmN4TklUZmlpMkh5UXFLUUdkOUltdkJpNmY3amNmT2J4SXVsejR6c2hBV3JWeVBDckxQREk5MnRlX3pqUnRwRmZ3MkZ6R3R6YWdobkxERG9ZNnM2UEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoX3pmSFEwYmxYQnBrUmZqMXRmMElaMjY2dnNuX0xIaGNTN0JtaGJCQ09SZnV5cXpqTURJX1h1eWJyOFpjcFZGV3NqQzIzN2w1ZUR4YzdpRFNTcVZOVjU0SEIySzdnSWxqTXFNaWRzbUo4WEdaZVFkVHpwZlpzM1FKSjlLdF9SVUIzWnpzSFJhRm5wTkN5NEozU3Uzb2tKNDVXQnNBYmE2RndCM3ZZWWhpX0NXTm9ETW0yYTJOdFU5WFVnN3ZmdUVz |
(By Yvain.)
The London meet is going ahead. Unless someone proposes a different time, or taw's old meetings are still going on and I just didn't know about them, it will be:
5th View cafe on top of Waterstone's bookstore near Piccadilly Circus Sunday, April 4 at 4PM
Roko, HumanFlesh, I've got your numbers and am hoping you'll attend and rally as many Londoners as you can.
EDIT: Sorry, Sunday, not Monday. | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYzNpaENGeWlOdW82bWNXUUJ5VTZ5WUlkLUZXOEVYNFVtYjBYR0dKUzlieU90OE1OTDN4WTJkMGU5X2RYMUROVzJUWWVhT2dvTmx5VFVmRW9iN0lpLVNLSV9jT2NEZnFMbHZMaWFmeGFhSWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoeUpXVnVjRjZlaVUydXhHSU1kcGNfN0lsUjd0Vi1HU1lfVEI0UGhrZEVSY1RKY0dlelI1UENiSjQ0WWM0enViRklwSVBGdTlwdUlzSUlRQ2xRRkpCU002bE5WcEFMc0xsQnFpOVlmZEcxTjhRbTJrNXhXMjUwd2FnSUdORHpPQW1HallwV25IaGJTYjY1UFVaNUg2UmtTUndMSDl5YnhMSWN2OVlNZVU0NldRPQ== |
(By Amanojack.)
Why doesn't brain size matter? Why is a rat with its tiny brain smarter than a cow? Why does the cow bother devoting all those resources to expensive gray matter? Eliezer posted this question in the February Open Topic, but no one took a shot at it.
FTA: "In the real world of computers, bigger tends to mean smarter. But this is not the case for animals: bigger brains are not generally smarter."
This statement seems ripe for semantic disambiguation. Cows can "afford" a larger brain than rats can, and although "large cow brain < small rat brain", it seems highly likely that "large cow brain > small cow brain". The fact that a large cow brain is wildly inefficient compared to a more optimized smaller brain is irrelevant to natural selection, a process that "search[es] the immediate neighborhood of its present point in the solution space, over and over and over." It's not as if cow evolution is an intelligent being that can go take a peek at rat evolution and copy its processes.
Still, why don't we see such apparent resource-wasting in other organs? My guess is that the brain is special, in that
1) As with other organs, it seems plausible that the easiest/fastest "immediate neighbor" adaptation to selective pressure on a large animal to acquire more intelligence is simply to grow a larger brain.
2) But in contrast with other organs, if a larger brain is very expensive (hard for the rat to fit into tight places, scampers slower, requires much more food), there are other ways to dramatically improve brain performance - albeit ones that natural selection may be slower to hit upon. Why slower? Presumably because they are more complex, less suited to an "immediate neighbor" search, more suited to an intelligent search or re-design. (The evolution process would be even slower in large animals with longer life cycles.)
I bolded "dramatically" because the possibility of substantial intelligence gains by code optimization alone (without adding parallel processors, for instance) also seems to be a key factor in the AI "FOOM" argument. Maybe that's a clue. | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTndQTGkyMnNXS0VXRTJvb1pwbkNwSjhwY0E3ZEFwUjhjNDlfZWdmd1NDdU1WVnpwTjVUcFdNcDZKN2NNZEVpS0hFbWFEMUJUSU9rLUxIWktiTHNabUdlYjZFaGlTXzN0SG4ycW1fNHAyUGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSkVJaW4zaklkdnlacmtJYk9tOGlkNnNVZnBScmdybk5OV2ZDSnRNMFA5dWRaU0trYjNBekZHaFB5bjg1Tm9BQXdQQTc3R3dfdzY3U29GZy1mekNhejZELTBJS2VuNmQ2ck1TakZ5ME9NRWZkcHFDSkE5YktUVVlFTTl3NDFNMEVNY2ZFZTlUSUZabEpHRnMwZzRyVDZUSFlSRHF4VDJSbFA5V3NxRDZCNXRRPQ== |
(By SilasBarta.)
Question about Mach's principle and relativity, and some scattered food for thought.
Under Mach and relativity, it is only relative motion, including acceleration, that matters. Using any frame of reference, you predict the same results. GR also says that acceleration is indistinguishable from being in a gravitational field.
However, accelerations have one observable impact: they break things. So let's say I entered the gravitational field of a REALLY high-g planet. That can induce a force on me that breaks my bones. Yet I can define myself as being at rest and say that the planet is moving towards me. But my bones will still break. Why does a planet coming toward me cause my bones to break, even before I touch it, and there exists a frame in which I'm not undergoing acceleration?
I have an idea of how to answer this (something like, "actually, if I define myself as the origin, the entire universe is accelerating towards me, which causes some kind of gravitational waves which predict the same thing as me undergoing high g's"). But I bring it up because I'm trying to come up with a research program that expresses all the laws of physics in terms of information theory (kinda like the "it from bit" business you hear about, except with actual implications).
Relative energy levels have an informational interpretation: higher energy states are less likely, so less likely states convey more information. So structrual breakage can be explained in terms of the system attempting to store more information than it is capable of. Buckling (elastic instability), in turn, can be explained as when information is favored (via low energy levels) to be stored in a different degree of freedom than that in which the load is applied on.
Gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy from velocity also have an informational interpretation. So: how does this all come together to explain structural breakage under acceleration, in information-theoretic terms? | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRkVJdmttaTFrRXRTWjdnakxhSlNZMmJTYVFBZkJXUkVxdmFXQ2UtdS15MlotVFVEeGR0cGxWLUpFVTFfV0tOLTRrV2pfdmdkbzlaWGk5UXMwbmxsZjZQUkNUdmJULUtiQ0pqSTN5eE5UR009 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTFVySE52UF95VmJhQ2xsY3dwckJxUkVLSE5yZndsMDBmZDcxd0VjRG5BdG0tbkJGclVUYzNtQWJIeWZnOHExSURfenZtWHA5ZDVtRHFBdktaRjFRM1p6NmdyMVMtYklJUEN6RkNmc0ZmbXVFeTZKbmRtSzVCRktHSlFnaHhpU3Z6Ukw0Ql9uMERrWWx4bUxWQVZtN0R6S2VHbERhS2p4dGhhSUFNbXB1QXZ6azVvclFaNDlQNkl0dUpXdDRPOHdj |
(By Hegemonicon.)
After the top level post about it, I bought a bottle of Melatonin to try. I've been taking it for 3 weeks. Here are my results.
Background: Weekdays I typically sleep for ~6 hours, with two .5 hour naps in the middle of the day (once at lunch and once when I get home from work). Weekends I sleep till I feel like getting up, so I usually get around 10-11 hours.
I started with a 3mg pill, then switched to a ~1.5 mg pill (I cut them in half) after being extremely tired the next day. I take it about an hour before I go to sleep.
The first thing I noticed was that it makes falling asleep much easier. It's always been a struggle for me to fall asleep (usually I have to lay there for an hour or more), but now I'm almost always out cold within 20 minutes.
I've also noticed that I feel much less tired during the day, which was my impetus for trying it in the first place. However, I'm not sure how much of this is a result of needing less sleep, and how much is a result of me falling asleep faster and thus sleeping for longer. But it's definitely noticeable.
Getting up in the morning is not noticeably easier.
No evidence that it's habit forming. I'm currently not taking it on weekends (I found myself needing a nap even after getting 10-11 hours of sleep), and I don't notice any additional difficulty going to bed beyond what I would normally have.
I seemed to have more intense dreams the first several days taking it, but they seem to have gone back to normal (or I've gotten used to them/don't remember them).
Overall it seems to work (for me at least) exactly as gwern described, and I'd happily recommend it to anyone else who has difficulty sleeping. | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMDhZTW5MZDZfOUxlbmNfMFBlVFM4M1kya0ZaRFctSGhOWkRHSlFmcEFmTlZvck9FNzVvT2UtR0tmdUhkbjNhOXVobHlCNWNXZUtTRjVZc2pUTnhhNVFJMnhwVTFEc3BZaFNMWUFqVmlrblk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zoc2FnNmplVXZPLWxBNUd2eHAzWE13dmZpVEZ0WS1PZUlZa2xFdjNOcEVTVnRCYXMtWHNrSThzME1QYnF2LWhjcktGWE5oSnpsaU5vSzhWWW9qblJBQ0JQUUwzUjNIRXBRcHc3VDZ4MGJnN3g2TUNzcUNQajYySERFVVU5Z3dBTnB6eUdRSlFDbmdzOV9BUFpFTkN0YjR5cVdXV1BHX1dLRXBLa3FVY1BPYzNRM3E2WExHU3NKMmZHLWVJTzRTaTRX |
(By Peter_Twieg.)
I recently got into some arguments with foodies I know on the merits (or lack thereof) of organic / local / free-range / etc. food, and this is a topic where I find it very difficult to find sources of information that I trust as reflective of some sort of expert consensus (insofar as one can be said to exist.) Does anyone have any recommendations for books or articles on nutrition/health that holds up under critical scrutiny? I trust a lot of you as filters on these issues. | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxT2RadDg1bnctR3lKU3FfQlBFX2U2cmlRS2hTakJfaFdrQVNhUjZwbHZsYXhDcHJ6T0tOREZOeHliN00tbkYyOWI5a18zMnc0MktTeTJ5YWU3eXFwU19NcWtTSWp3ZzZxTVZLRm11ekhQeGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoT0t6UnpOUzlhRF81a1E0eXktbXRmTkFEbmlDNFlqdTRDSWJLT1Y0aUZSZGRhd1V2YjFkcGZBbWVKZGNwaVJpZUhwVUNUUDZvZXpEUEg1TlJLOXVUSWJiaGRkUzhYdl80OTBwLW9nbV9sdVVFeDRqNDhWR1p0cFJYODl4QUZEU0hhOXpQRWtidXVvdlRkMjlIdVdZVWRFZUxhckkzVW9Bc0lMUVpwVkRral9NPQ== |
(By PeerInfinity.)
I recently found something that may be of interest to LW readers:
This post at the Lifeboat Foundation blog (http://lifeboat.com/blog/risk-intelligence) announces two tools for testing your "Risk Intelligence":
The Risk Intelligence Game, which consists of fifty statements about science, history, geography, and so on, and your task is to say how likely you think it is that each of these statements is true. Then it calculates your risk intelligence quotient (RQ) on the basis of your estimates.
The Prediction Game, which provides you with a bunch of statements, and your task is to say how likely you think it is that each one is true. The difference is that these statements refer not to known facts, but to future events. Unlike the first test, nobody knows whether these statements are true or false yet. For most of them, we won’t know until the end of the year 2010. | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSVV1dWEtejlqNTQtUXVtUlN4a0Z0aXB2TE9OcGxLSTZlRURMVzN6VDZyVnI2X0RQSnA2RERRSVpDVFJfbkFYX0thYXBWXzZOY1dkVGNaSXJpV3lzNXpmb01kWHBCSGpIX1gxeTBub3lmZjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRkxEOE96TXYwTnhfMW5Mb3dvNGdoTWh2MTgwSU8wODViSGZkYVE0bjBYWHN1YzA2QUFQVGhHV29JcWh0b3NsaFFGUlg5VWhPQUlPV3dlM1lNV091QXNuSWgwVE9mR1U1cldKLWV3SmtOaVd3UjZtZ3FGck41QkNBcHhBT3NQTWUtSGQyRmdNNWVCY3BOYkVwdF9qNENJVk5uX21PTi1kempHaXJyZ2FWVS1VPQ== |
(By Tordmor.)
Are there any Germans, preferably from around Stuttgart, who are interested in forming a society for the advancement of rational thought? Please PM me. | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZ0NwZGxkUW9jTXVMUzRQMDZvZGtzS0xqX0dzWE0tMEhMeGM3UHVGVkxPb2R3cFBueXEwa0VjVG1Yb1BBaHJ5YTBWQlFhYUhWWW5jZFJUX2lvNzhXc1c5cU4zS0ZJOE5raEJuTkhrS2JWa009 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoVk52ZDFYY2Z2VTU2VHNrbFY0NnQ2S1JNZ3R6THNPOHZ6WW9fN3EydWI1OXJPYTAzeTU2SVlVdF9fU2VOZ2lTSUIxUFN2N0x1cFpxcnluZnE4UVlsbk82ZVkyLUpOYV9ROHQ1NzR4OVkwOFo2OVg5cm1URU1XQnpkTi1KOTR4WWxnU3hLRWpEYXpPbEx5bGNwQm14TzBOWHFXb1RJNzNpQnJZVGdFRHh4bWJvPQ== |
(By Oscar_Cunningham.)
My parents are both vegetarian, and have been since I was born. They brought me up to be a vegetarian. I'm still a vegetarian. Clearly I'm on shaky ground, since my beliefs weren't formed from evidence, but purely from nurture.
Interestingly my parents became vegetarian because they perceived the way animals were farmed to be cruel (although they also stopped eating non-farmed animals such as fish), however my rationalization for not eating meat is that it is the killing of animals that is wrong (generalising from the belief that killing humans is worse than mistreating them). Since eating meat is not necessary to live, it must therefore be as bad as hunting for fun, which is much more widely disapproved of. (I'm not a vegan, and I often eat sweets containing gelatine, if asked to explain this, I would rationalise that eating these thing causes the death of many fewer animals than actually eating, like, steak).
But having read all of Eliezer's posts, I now realise that I could have come up with that rationalisation even if eating meat were not wrong, and that I'm now in just a bad a position as a religious believer. I want a crisis of faith, but I have a problem... I don't know where to go back to. There's no objective basis for morality. I don't know what kind of evidence I should condition on (I don't know what would be different about the world if eating meat was good instead of bad). If a religious person realises they have no evidence they should go back to their priors. Because god has a tiny prior, they should immediately stop believing. I don't know exactly what the prior on "killing animals is wrong" is, but I think it has a reasonable size (certainly larger than that for god), and I feel more justified in being vegetarian because of this. What should I do now?
Footnote: I probably don't have to say this, but I don't want arguments for or against vegetarianism, simply advice on how one should challenge one's own moral beliefs. I've used "eating meat" and "killing animals" interchangeably in my post, because I think that they are morally equivalent due to supply and demand. | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUHR3T1BnV0xIRHFxNHlHdWtGNmNDZjFtUTdWdm5uVnd4bTV2N090clExSTdlN2VMUk1IUXRSeEVfUlh5VDBRYWMzVDByaEpYY0Zpam1GTkdoU3RhWDBGd01vUlN4N1FzQUFRYnFGazdTVlk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoX3FsQlVibjIyRDBSRVU2MjNudFdFbUZiNjJvcGFGTFAwdEZtNEpybmdzZWR5dGNHbDBPMXJKamlnVEhTZWJ0MFBtWW04SXhZVWlkXzJ6ZVBQUS1LLUxBVzlKMHUxb0NYN0VZQ2tzWk5Cczl4Y2lFaEUxYU1wMkNENzloZWlCOURnX3Z1djZMT3BoRjRvOGY1bkNma0VJQ2ZOZVZTUU5MMXB4WVVRX2xxbUhJPQ== |
(By wnoise.)
Some fantastic singularity-related jokes here:
http://crisper.livejournal.com/242730.html | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQjI2RThIdV9KVzdvZUNvc0VYcXNjSWxPeTdzVzJ5YndqQk8xWUhjUjAzNW0zdXAyX3AxMWl2R2hJQ1ZTOGFHMVdJRmFLeF85N0FOUU9iU0dlRW91aUM5dmEzY1lBbXpVRGM3UWZfN1NTR0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSHVyd3VjNjJHeGs1NDdGN2d2SGNWb1pqczdrSFJtczczUndHTlVmTVpBTldJQ1JhX1BkVktqYTRnaE5Nd1R5eFhnMXZhOXJObzVNd3U1bWc5dzVUR2FyLS1YeHlPdUZIWGJ4OHhmcVRPekx2MWVrd3BNUWduUFVROTc0ak1UbGROVHZSZUtHMnFJaXpXX3RVOWtmZmkxX01KR2tYZm9PMVdrOVZJWnNLbHdvPQ== |
(By AngryParsley.)
Sam Harris gave a TED talk a couple months ago, but I haven't seen it linked here. The title is Science can answer moral questions: http://www.project-reason.org/newsfeed/item/moral_confusion_in_the_name_of_science3/. | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMGs4dTQyemNKbjJkWlNUUXJEQWZ4WndkWlVDY2t1VjBsN1ltR3c1cGEzQ1Fjdl9HcDFzYi1UdkFpOTRoRU5uNG5CRVZXZEs4bjliblZkd2hmNDJsWjJnaFk1X2Jaa29Kb2hYTlhadkxsUDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSHgzMFVOX2lTVUJmSTZVanVhTFhtd2VpQzRWSlNqczJlY0Z0b2xBTEI2VFRTTVNySzdpRzJqd3lla1NhRUdqLWpPOHZHaHNBSEg2a2VtbWhTNkhOdE8yY2ZYLVROcVJqWndyNEhEeWw2cW5MOTJNWE8wdDhtbjJJT3ZKTEp4SE0zdi0zQmh4dkQtZVlpb21hU056TmpSOUR4TVB4dzh2ZUVDU2hNVUxhS3Z3PQ== |
(By Rain.)
What do you value?
Here are some alternate phrasings in an attempt to find the same or similar reasoning (it is not clear to me whether these are separate concepts):
* What are your preferences?
* How do you evaluate your actions as proper or improper, good or bad, right or wrong?
* What is your moral system?
* What is your utility function?
Here's another article asking a similar question: Post Your Utility Function. I think people did a poor job answering it back then. | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSWhIM0VDeGdKRm1KdzJZZmZtc1RNMnREUlJydk5Ya1hmUlB1TzZscXV4SHVUeFpvWlJkdjBSeDg5aVAxMnc5TjFlOEhBWnB1dnpQeHFLOWpub2ZyZ1RaRm1ETzNjZElBUjVKR3JoRS1kZXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaVlOR3pOZEs1akZ3b2d3b0VLNVNnNzI4VHc3R3dQbElCcmZFSm1YQ3BmeFd5eDJQTjBFUHdNTHllWUZlV05qUlZlWnJCUERFQlQ5SnNab29Wai1manlWU1I0MVFzNUhaSlhTR2M1RUkzdmVyNVhTOUduRmFjU1EyUTdBbE5XSnl6ejR5VWVnbFBWaS1ITV9Fc0hDVk8tWE55cDU1bkZQWGlYTmRTdi12d1dVPQ== |
(By SilasBarta.)
I know I asked this yesterday, but I was hoping someone in the Bay Area (or otherwise familiar) could answer this:
Monica Anderson: Anyone familar with her work? She apparently is involved with AI in the SF Bay area, and is among the dime-a-dozen who have a Totally Different approach to AI that will work this time. She made this recent slashdot post (as "technofix") that linked a paper (PDF WARNING) that explains her ideas and also linked her introductory site and blog.
It all looks pretty flaky to me at this point, but I figure some of you must have run into her stuff before, and I was hoping you could share. | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQTd3eV9OYTN6NUhXNFBya09kSDJERDRnZWVhMGc1ZE56Njh5ZHhHRi1KSkx2OTV1amg5TGF3X3FDNGhBLXlRUmMyOFFMX0VVaXBRYzBvQV9pcnBIOGRkTU5JXzJHMExIQ3o1TUxxa0NET009 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaTduaFlLQ0ZwaDBuR3oweEFUdURBN1lJRDYzeVhVbHktZkp0X082elZnSURfX19wd0dQdHY5NHJuQk9PallhLWh1LW5tOHJ4T2FMZGNiaFhNOWFmMUdjMGxyb2dVZ3Y5aFhTbTdiWVB3clNmX0lpVWdlOXp1bjAxSEt1c1VqWlUtaTJaRFdBeXJsUndqdnVIRUdyanRyQU90Y0s1LXFqZ25QUV84aUxjRlhnPQ== |
(By wheninrome15.)
Is there any chance that we (a) CAN'T restrict AI to be friendly per se, but (b) (conditional on this impossibility) CAN restrict it to keep it from blowing up in our faces? If friendly AI is in fact not possible, then first generation AI may recognize this fact and not want to build a successor that would destroy the first generation AI in an act of unfriendliness.
It seems to me like the worst case would be that Friendly AI is in fact possible...but that we aren't the first to discover it. In which case AI would happily perpetuate itself. But what are the best and worst case scenarios conditioning on Friendly AI being IMpossible?
Has this been addressed before? As a disclaimer, I haven't thought much about this and I suspect that I'm dressing up the problem in a way that sounds different to me only because I don't fully understand the implications. | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZXY3bnNDRHcxTEhNMWtIYmVEdWlkcVVMWUs2bEdYOUVKMTdJdGRiaVI3NTJyZkdXUTcycHQ4UWJFTEVqSU1zSXJSbGlSVjlvRF9aT213U3l2M1VETW11bGxQQmVscnVSMldnZlZHQkZrXzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoeC0wdUQwenAwcjAtNnhHb1Ftb3A2R1FmTC10LW1CMU81X0x2MTdmSmxQS3Z2b2JkWnh6OWtqY19qaHJlYXBPV3hWS3BNRWlJWlhEZWdNVmNOWjFyY013d2ptOHkwRWk5U0J5RjB0UElvZ3dvbjdZZ2FPSHJiVjVmLU1YQ3NueDJEM3FSNklJN0FDelBDOTV1cjRPclBsS0NCdkRqWlEyaER1bU9zRjVHUERNPQ== |
(By Vladimir_Nesov.)
David Chalmers has written up a paper based on the talk he gave at 2009 Singularity Summit:
* The Singularity: A Philosophical Analysis (http://consc.net/papers/singularity.pdf)
From the blog post where he announced the paper:
The main focus is the intelligence explosion that some think will happen when machines become more intelligent than humans. First, \I try to clarify and analyze the argument for an intelligence explosion. Second, I discuss strategies for negotiating the singularity to maximize the chances of a good outcome. Third, I discuss issues regarding uploading human minds into computers, focusing on issues about consciousness and personal identity.
| r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQjBHYzhzRzJwc0owZGhYczFHVWpuY0s1VzRyWTY1ZWtfOGgwZmpFWWRzeGx3OHpTZnFoUjRmTU1OWFdXNU03X1ZGS0JqemE0MWRNMk5zR25CdHdQS0FuWmFKdktRUTBEV04xcXNnRlMyYkE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTkg5WEtsYkJqU25vTXVDbW1SbFlSNmx2Qm9EU04wa2ZiTzVmdkNQMWVZLUNScDVnS2tYNnc1M3lwdWpMaTlzQzZTRHhCMnhpZWw0d3ZZSnZhM1V0LTJRbmxubC14Z2ttd3QwZm91LXZEcVN3WDYzYnc5ajdra0ctMWtYTy16YmRLMVZNWXJzaVlkT2NrRmxSV0Jsdk9BREhKQTdqU0xkLVNNVFIwaXl5akVlS0ZSc3FuamVVOUVJMmtUcnlnNTZo |
I'm wondering if anyone has done any work in this area. I haven't had time yet to dig into it myself, and before I do I wanted to ask here to see if anyone had.
I was skimming over the FLV spec and noticed that FLV files can contain data objects with action script. Not sure how this affects flv players but I thought possibly AS injection vectors. | r/websec | post | r/websec | 2010-04-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRW84eG9ZZDNrZDlnZmFSYU5DSmdHZWVCQkl4VWpwOGlqSUdFWFIxMjc5d2hjZTBQeGRyZGxrWU1fQW1Cd3FCV2dfOUNMWDdSanNYUlBwWDlOU0N5U3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodHhtSE9mRGRHcU5xa0RNRTUyeTJRc3gwWFczeGRETnFsLXcwVktJNUpVZFk4WXFsXzBhTjNfQk03UnIyTDJqaWtac0hxNzhwbVZIVG9Ya3E3NUVCc1pHX1pPakZRNXgxMVFSNm82d08wb3NXRnBWWlZqazRtX0JHaGJmR0FTaE5ldFZLV3JmQmJ0SFRCTVR1Snd1QTBtTk1GUEdTSklYODNDNFpZdWtvbVo4PQ== |
(By Baughn.)
It doesn't seem like it's ever going to be mentioned otherwise, so I thought I should tell you this:
Lesswrong is writing a story, called "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality" (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5782108/1/). It's just about what you'd expect; absolutely full of ideas from LW.com. I know it's not the usual fare for this site, but I'm sure a lot of you have enjoyed Eliezer's fiction as fiction; you'll probably like this as well.
Who knows, maybe the author will even decide to decloak and tell us who to thank? | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNGlqSGpKOEx1NHo3VVh6WkprUTRDNDNNaHVhS2lNY1Fpc3gtWVRfM1NwMVRNbUVrVUZqWExEcUxXUk4tbEdYZTJLWVQzdmtMZXYtSFUwME9BLTN5OEFLOFFsbW1raHFQOHBnZ0tOMHJCQ3M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoYi0xaEgtdkZ1ZFJRelpfcDh2YVdFVzU2emxyZ25FT0dCLU5FZnFxa1g3d1hCWE1raXBWdW83bkJBd0x4b3BiQWFGR3pnRmhkb2NHcnZsQ0VBTjFLMlljQ3R1OF9lNHdjMlBIR2k5N1htUzBiX0NKUElaM0t6MmZ2UW1qWGIyUDAwTW4wTjYzdFUwc2R2RTBIWXpJRm5wN0liak1iODVDblpCbzU2aEZRQ0REWE1rT0txaDJzUmJNRndmbk9zbm1q |
After seeing the success and excitement surrounding the launch of Mises Academy, I was struck with another idea. I recently received my copy of Human Action, Scholar's Edition. The study guide looks to be a valuable resource, as well, and is available for free from the Mises Institute's web site. I have postponed the start of my reading until I was ready to devote some time and energy into understanding this deep text. Perhaps you are in the same boat?
Is anyone else interested in forming an Internet-based study group focused on reading, understanding, discussing and applying the knowledge found between the covers of this work?
My idea is simple: we would form a group who would collaborate using any number of potential "online collaboration tools." We would agree upon a reading schedule/assignment that is due, complete the assignment and then discuss it as a group. For example, the first week's assigment might be to read the first chapter and complete the Study Guide questions for the same.
Each week we would discuss our reading and thoughts asynchronously (in a forum). As common questions emerge they might form the basis of a discussion agenda for our weekly synchronous discussions via video conference on TinyChat. (Just please don't mix this up with the GoneWild TinyChat ;-0 ).
This would be similar to a college course, without the professor... If there is interest, I will look into organizing it.
| r/mises | post | r/mises | 2010-04-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYWZQSXpSZ3p2U2hvbWJoWWZYSUpGUjh4OUF2dFZvb2NJNW5FOFFNMGxmZHAwSHE1Tk9rREFwRG42LUtGUDVIb19ORG1HSUVhVHVObWE5R2ZrQ1k3bGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobE9ROUJDVHhSSFlZRUladEN0azVUMHBjd0JPNFhBN29MWllCcFVnN1J1MVdSTWFYazF3WldrTW5jTENmNFpaT05obC1HeWg0eFlyeWw2eHZfZFhhOGhYVTFFUnEyVC1mZmNwblU4MmowSTU2VGdOU2hHaDEycFZ3OXk5bzF2ZmhyYXh5bXh0QmhsajFDazlicUtSRkNiWjcxdlN3RDNiVU4xSGJjOGs2djRKVDhGdnRnbU12Y2l2Smh1YlhvdXkx |
Once all of Germany's gold and silver reserves were gone, and inflation was at its peak for the Weimar period, it became understood that the economy needed to be stabilized. So the German government bunddled all public property into a pool and then issued the Rentenmark, as a sort of lien on the property, and put it into circulation as a paper currency. Everyone gets caught up speculating on a post-currency collapse return to some sort of metal standard, but what if all the gold is gone? Is there a backup plan? What's the Austrian perspective on the Rentenmark? | r/mises | post | r/mises | 2010-04-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaXBiVkt0UWthRG5qVmI1MzdfOXczdW1iNHdXVkxQaC1SSl9yRnBpcUFnQlFieFA5LU5IU25iN0VtZWhtUk5VSGphYm1ORzZaNk9od1RJa2ZOVW14bGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZobkFzNm5XZ2FDQUQtSDRGeVp2Nk1RTlF5M1dNZlZ1UWZBM2haMGt6SENKLXA5TklITlRRWkxFcmVDYTBRNGVOaExKUGE3a0FDcGxrdjlGR0ZRc3JLRUdOeTh6QmJBR3N0NWFjYThQM2VRaXdEQThKRkJnaWtmbjY2akgzUFh6TEhYR2h5Tk43d0ctQnJZdkpoaFFKTkc4QnFRdG1mMUNCdnNYcC1wVlBYTzBrM092V1UyOHNmV3E1UHRZLUJJeUlJWjN1RzFOMlJ4ZGw1VDV5YmFhYnJLdz09 |
I've been Googling madly trying to find this iso with no love from anyone. The Sun forums are useless. I dutifully created an account with Sun support but when I try to download this CD I'm told I need a contract to get it.
I bought a W2100Z and finally got it to boot after replacing one of the CPU fans and it seems I can't actually install any OS, although live CDs work quite well. I want to run Debian and XP and I know this is a Solaris forum but I'm posting this issue anywhere I can find and hoping I get a hit somewhere. Any help? | r/solaris | post | r/solaris | 2010-04-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxT0FhZXp2VEZZWnpzckc1VUR4aGwyNVNsUVlHcmtlaFBFNGlCenNHd1QwcEZPOEtCTld6T3RYZlVaNWF6eWtjRDZYZkd3YTNTOWlvUWRobUdUYVQzLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoS0NsdlM2bGZyUlZpWktBejRMUUplTGlNdEpKMlQ2TDJVOElSbnctMXpMZE1ZNmdsWmpyd3JrZkdybC1rZ1k0T0poMFZYSDhVa2d3WWdselVucXRhMmVfMGZQQmgzNjA4X3FjcUxuNE5tUkRYNU9fYzVrTEc2aEVsaGR2UzFXemtXZktpV082Nmd1RGlHRTVWYjVTa1k5TkRkRXlNOC01RWRpYTNJT0dsNi1GOU1MWW12V1hBQUR2TzhZZFRLd01C |
I've done this before, but I can't find the link. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-04-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZzBlU0hTcVFFTHNGcUd1aF9fd1FQdlRtdnNzVm9PR29MVnlzanlFQU1KMi1mMmdGOHdkYWRzU0ZQck0yT3RVTWlJSHZoc3RHYk41dmwwZE43TWR3emc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRlZqOE9INlA3bmpNUEJFTjVHMEN5LVBCZURoc3lEN0xhWWdFS0RObm55SDE1M0hxVERJYk84dUtqWUgyN01RMkFkS0hEbVVFaEpPdmI2UUViWVpGMDFZQTFSdjExRlFPSzZVR2JJZmlhOHdJSWM2WVUwS2tSR1RQQjVHUDExQ2ZTdU9nTXV1MmRnTzJYU1laQU0wclNMT0hWUG5sMkJkVGt2OGhON0wzLWM0MEpiMlh4ZUxXVmJXcVRaeGlxYmlNdFdsU2ZaZ2FqYkcta1FyWUxWT2hjUT09 |
Can anyone suggest resources for learning Malayalam? | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-04-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaTdBeklKN2M0TWZsb0doak83Z09KN3Y2Y2x0VmZUTjNnRnpqLUsybEJUbzVIeUczR18yeDdQRXJDWG5iMHZxZ19JaGdGNUpMYno1eGRsbFlkWTk5dmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoT1NfT01wU3BnN18tYU1faHF1dXR5eWtsaHFGTGs3bkxQWlNKemhmQUhUWFdfS0JhNTlhM25zcjczVDdaSUpqSzlleFE2Q0h0TTBNbEk1N0lFYnhiYXJVdmhLU0lOMzZ3WS1CMmpSVTVZdnZZSFNPLXVObkFFQVJqbjNaWjBVWUNLR0d0UFVzZUI2ZGVPMWRpTVR6N1FIeDVxcjE4YlBzWEFIQ0xHNkFTal9nPQ== |
I got into a bit of an unexpected scuffle in a self.redditdev [article](http://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/bodet/unwanted_jailbait/), specifically [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/bodet/unwanted_jailbait/c0nr8h9). The basis of the argument seems to have been a disagreement over the nature of jailbait, whether it is a subset of child pornography or not, and my general nature.
I feel that the argument was continually sidetracked. I tried, however, to maintain a reasonable discourse.
Be so kind as to critique me? | r/rhetoric | post | r/Rhetoric | 2010-04-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRmV2ZGdQTkViQXlJaEFKR3NIWEhFWWdtcEM4NloxbzlSWWNkZkVkR285eVdCTWs5cnBwcm9CTUdBR1JkcjhqSHBQRThYOGpDbTcyYTlaRVNaazltMFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZockdGYlg3bjIxMHBfWkJoel9DdDBQcGxkV3dYcENXOWQxc0lvUEpfeUhfaUttUW9Ob1NzNERWMEcwTWNRYTNialhYUHlPWC1KMHRZamZ5Mk5XbkRFc29WbDZhbzZlMXlVXzZMSUh0eGZZQ2d0WlBWN0NtNEhLT280SzBuMzNFZ1FaV0UzT1IyVmdSdHhXbUNwTHZEdVJnNGtXVW9IQi1RQ0VXT3NTUmprbWRJPQ== |
I wanted to make sure the logo I created for [/r/parenting](http://www.reddit.com/r/parenting) was clear. I'm pretty rusty with photoshop.
Also, is it ironic that /r/logo has a plain logo? | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2010-04-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZHlJNVdWM0k4Q252azdlYUVPQlVNbnVGMzdQWXZKa0VoWWtqaktTVzBmeU1mWmpTc3BaYWhSZXZ2QlhWMXB2eGtfY3JmV0lCdEJ0YlFiRXotOUNQUXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoNEtVZmlyMThDcVRFU3BWYWRfY3BRN3lCcmdfajBKeUZwalYtUTZLV2FQc3FvLXFfNVluQWtJXzRRaUJCYXZPdFhHcHNvUGR2NFNBNXBuLXpxeDJPbVJsQzFjaXh1dnVVU2ZKOTdCQnBjM2hlaHM5MzAwd1Zvd01GRHU1LUNFb05JUkdvWVMzcFZVX1A1RnctSnVlR0Rwa3RnZmJoenBYUnlnOHVjZ0h4NlFOcEFyeXQyaUdHb2RVRkp2ZWprVHBn |
Can anyone recommend speakers in England on the topic of the singularity, AI, and friendly AI to give a lecture to a crowd with little or no background in that areas? | r/lesswrong | post | r/LessWrong | 2010-04-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTW52Uk90Q29ELV9ZMU9Mc2gwcG5sYklSaFAyX2JHR0Fqbk5IRkZzbkN3eHMwekMwSHZFWkgtSnkwVWpaNUM4MFI1SGdQbnRFODN0ckZVZ3dKZkNIcWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoUExJQ1lEaXhNRnNva2dTTnRaTEhyanlSMDNxOGJNZm14bkVsYXBEQVAyalJublM2dm5sWWhubjV0ZUF1X3ZMQ3B6b1pJRXUwalhBNlRSbFJWcjl4cDZqQmpXVUlWZ3ExeVA3OUo3cWYyVnBmVzN3d041a3FSUW5uRUEtZ0NSaTg1VUxrV3VmMHBCY1RBV1FDbVhuU0ZaUTJVaDZMdGVQVUFzaHdSNGV3UlJXbm5LYUgtZUI4VFdldTk5M3k4TVdqc1FpcFYtNlFkNmNzemlhbVRPeEJ3UT09 |
This is a cross post from TEFL, in case there's not much cross pollination between the two groups.
I want to teach English in Spain for a school year, and would like to do it this coming autumn. I just found out that CELTA is the best certification course and that classes start tomorrow (I had previously only known about Oxford Seminars). Their next round of classes start in August. I hear CELTA thrown around the most and many people deride Oxford Seminars. So I ask the question that's the title of this post.
Some context: I took a two week vacation to London two years ago and enjoyed it immensely, and would like to do that in a Spanish speaking culture. My mother has roots in Spain, and went on a 3 month long trip when she was my age (24). I do want to explore/be a tourist a little, but I also like teaching, have taught music before and would like to get in touch with Spanish citizens on a more intimate level than any sort of long vacation might provide opportunity for. I speak a little Spanish. Spain also has the largest solar economy in the world and that field interests me greatly, I'd like to see what sort of connections I could make there. | r/tesl | post | r/TESL | 2010-04-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbVRBaXhaY1RWcTNxbTBob1JGa3hFUEZPbVdKY3poM1dFUUw0RUVOSU5EdU1KV1F1eVh5NVBVWldnY2tBQUI5RmRjMnZBNlVBelEzNG1GLTdpNkY1TFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTmRydHU3X2ZuUnZXSF9uay1NTjI3cHIzbGY3TmNzYmlwaVBKNy1WOE1JZl9xLXRsZlRlcU9LLWNFenhDVFJIbU92VEZLY1d5dHFZTUIyN0lvX09Ed21kQWFGUWNrMkhfTTlEUl9TMlA3YnBFcjhsYjNEbG5oajFVTVd0YXB4Ul9CRV9TV2lMTTNRNVR3S3NfSmxsaGlxdFZXbnpPX0t5OGNqN1RvS0ZWb3JKd1BvMnBtVTFNX09TLUdiU09NLXdW |
I miss those days. | r/gamenostalgia | post | r/gamenostalgia | 2010-04-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaFNkOWc2elQwTkJFY3I4NllxZTA3TTY2MW1LSk5IT3F0MFRpeWpmNlVQMk82emZqTU02ZVEzOVBHR2U1MWUzWnlGSmlSQTM4bXhQMmc0ck9BT2lMQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZjJqWnp4SkFkTlRVeHZhTXpiSGhjNl96blpyeTRkSUhFVkpERjN1Q2NqNXhwaGppeEZMVkFXdXRRRFRIYTlVSU1WTFNzOEpLWnc4b2FyREZXNFQ3bjVWTUVhbERHMzJCd3ZuLW5zWERRdy1LcEdqMDlhQnJKakE3Wno5dlBFWWVaRmhUUjdBaDhyZ0hrblZZOWtjVkJWRUZLR1cyZHNkVHJEY19zWExzamd1YmRGOGNfRm16OG1nTk5mZ3hPZGV0 |
I'm interested in learning COBOL for a z/OS programming project for a class I'm taking this year. Googling for COBOL tutorials has been relatively useless as finding a good tutorial is concerned.
Can anyone recommend a good COBOL resource? | r/cobol | post | r/cobol | 2010-04-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbE5URXVIZUhqZzI5alNjWTZiWi1WdjJmVzFTS1NUaFhTNHFodXpjVDJHQ2QyT1I4RDFMMTR0Uks2SVFvclNBVVZERGxhMS1mTnVaVHg3cmh2UkVEMGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZodE9PSDdaYjI0VlhMNzZ0U21RODlCTExjdkcyY2tPVnQxV2pMX21LcWJUd0JDSUhSTHdoZ2I5eDNmMkJqcWg3SGhwV2VkSFh1ZWNnV3dLdHI3OWd3RXNSeHJDWkJkWE9VTkFqNUdjZW1PYUhZMHBIcXNtbHlaMHNBcVpVYWlpMVJTVF9MTWNsZm5DSW1jQkk5RkNSRE9lTVFvekhzLXVSZmlkUFRucDV6NVlRPQ== |
because everyone needs to be a moderator of somewhere. | r/harrogate | post | r/harrogate | 2010-04-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRHdmbEJsOFRZTWJLS0lSSWxNSkhXMlptYmIwNVVJUlVmM09xTHh0aXM0ZkNyZW5Wb0YwUWZPM3YzNGxKRUVLbnQ0R3BVVzdzdUwwVnlmOFNhR1czWFVYXzk2bHRmVUpUU0lrYXlSOUtOaVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZlh4U2lHUkREeVdZVEhOT0tSNWVSR3RyQnZfVXF0elZENGIyOF9FSUFtRjFHSHJQX25aV0pLcHJaal9Vb1drRGo5TE9ObFV5bFFGQWZfVW1ZNzItM0dTdC1Xa1dIVTBnS2Fld1kyNWEtYWJBTFN3SzF6VURyU1hBTmpoMUNlaGhKNXpOMkJFYzE1Y0wtRUdnYVBfUV9SMkl5MFJMbkVZc3JkSGZ4bF9HWkVRYXZQcjJ6N2tYNVhsZkRwZVJiQU5DYms5ZWUwQkxMbDQ4a1FodjdpRjFqUT09 |
I'm dying to learn Urdu; it's technically my mother tongue, but no one in my family speaks it. How can I go about learning it? I'd like to learn formal Urdu, rather than street/slang-y Urdu.
Thank you! | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-04-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaGJRd0RiUC1NTFdNYURFV2t4VjdNZm8ycDUtb2tKSEFKZkZzbUc4YUg3YkpuVmtfWGcwaHpmOVRoUmdXc3VZVDNVWC1KWXgzQlNNX1g5OVZtcmhuQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoV0NKQ1VZRXRpZEJ3Z1ZOMnhYcENGTDV1eXVRN1QyY0xkZTVjbDJsdUZ3bVA5V3MybTVPZ2t6U3RLdFNJM2tWc0MzTmpFOE5oY3FHcE1qLVNiRjRtTkFnZnkwQkVsLXdPWVF6bi1Hc0xTcFJEYzBpQlBMQVNOTVNrQ1RRd0tMeFFCc2ZuWjFudHI4VDlUdWdfWkNmQVI4MFF6bS1DaWpXZlRZOEVJVU94X21jPQ== |
I joined and sent in a donation a month ago and haven't received any emails from them confirming my membership. I wrote and asked why, but still haven't heard anything. Has anyone else had this problem? | r/norml | post | r/NORML | 2010-05-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZ1FRR01oaElFd1paOFBDSGFycWlnQ3o1TWg5YnNveExFVGJIZi05NkJybVJROUVNakVJLXAzNDJNeTVrcEpiMkVtazh5RVI2YnlYUFA0cE5iZUNRSWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTXNOcEdtZEVMTFZaUGYzUmdhR3FicGc3eFgxU2Z6U180UmFYMHVmR3dnRWtBZ3h5UU51U2ZoVnZ2OVlDdUJkaDk1SUVFUTBKQnZ3ZjJvZkRJSjdXLW9MOWd5UUx0WGcxcXBYRDFsQ1hZZm41SXJ5eEFNbHhOVmN4R01GUW9DbDJZMzBWQTFXRnNrdVJ1dE1vQmhFR2NnYXlZM0RETjNBX1ZJYVBrWHE2dWFIaXhTb1Y0RlVnRXZ0aWFESFRLbU1C |
Years ago I got into sailing at a local sailing club, learned to sail first Sunfish then Mercuries and a handful of other small sloops there. I went on to teach sailing to others there. Most of my experience has been on fresh water in smaller boats, but I've sailed around Boston Harbor a handful of times, rented a boat in Miami for an afternoon, and worked crew to sail from Boston to Rockland ME twice, sailing through the night in shifts.
I'm pretty comfortable in boats and know all the basic terminology and know some basics of navigation. although maybe a little rusty having only sailed once last summer. If you need crew for a day or a few days at a time I'm willing to do so for free/food/beer. I don't drive but if it's anywhere bus/train accessable in New England I'll be happy to make an effort to get there. I'm working retail atm so scheduling could be flexible! | r/sailingcrew | post | r/sailingcrew | 2010-05-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVXFYWm9fdFZGNjJlNEx1Q1FiZjBQME5UV1pzOTZWNjlZZlJuekZSX2hEZjBIUHo2YXg5eDZfVmVNRmRaVm1kYThJeGRMTWdLTXFGZnlRLWYyVkRPTmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSFBHZUVqcFVDUmhCNTJYbWNKYWd6TFRGY2FRRXZBVzVGeVFwTVF2MjB5OV9RZWdTbV9iQU50anRPaXkwNmpRc2tqdzRWY2lYWVNYb2lRbXVpNFNYQjdtSGtCTW9nNGFES2p6MGNCajNUejQ2bUdaSkt6NTlNUy1DVTk3eExVWm9kMUdZQlZvUEgzcEdRLXJYWElScXUyMVJYS3ZCNFpFejhqUG1uWVlEaFpBcFhyOTFBYkFzX1VYcEVDUmRzaWJx |
I like [Float Plan](http://www.floatplan.com/crew.htm) and [Sail Net](http://www.sailnet.com/forums/crew-wanted/). | r/sailingcrew | post | r/sailingcrew | 2010-05-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMVpuVVhPU2RBYWVCWEwxSUdXYlozcTFZZXd4bWkxMHVycGRsQ3ZQOUk4RGNOX0k0TnlPSnBMbW5qdzgzeUVLOXR5b1lRZ1BtSGJYV29DUjlqdkhBV1gyVHJfcVlXRy1GcEVfRkZPa2lzdjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoanJhUHZraTB0REZOMVpCVUppSFI2THJodmF0c21hMUcwbGFOTlVDWlJmVGpjRHhBU2t6UDJlYWtFbEM2UWh3ZE9qakNBMFZDMlgyV0l1dW1MWEtIY0lZcWlydWR6dkhrcUl4bWMzTnJxdV9TVnA1STVEbjcxYlgzRkNubkxFVVh3aDlxa0p6QThibjBTN29aa0NPZklmbVJROTZqQzRFVl9Bam5ESVFDSlNadnRoWkpVWVJ5Q1B2LVk5dHJsX1F3Y2NDd09oRDRsTmc2WHdsODg0aTZsZz09 |
While I know a lot about tattoos I know almost nothing about computers so creating a logo is not my forte. I was kinda thinking the more simple the better. Or maybe one reddit guy "tattooing" another one. Any help would be super amazing!
Please come and check out our growing community! http://www.reddit.com/r/tattoos/ | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2010-05-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMHk4OHBDcjNGOHpXT3ZQRnNpTm1KcjZkS1VqRHBSSzZaLXdqZk5kZk8zZUUyekItZUsxQmJyNko4ZDI3ak85SE00bWV1S0t3dWRqdGczdEJETGh2bXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoeVR6SXVYYV9MVHBTbm1xcndjUEFiRDM0TkZjeDF5UV92cE9OVkN6ZW0yU2VMU3ExOVJtQTJOakVUd1lZa1pqZEVPU0dtQVVTOF85QkluYmU2UWZzUFRFNFo3V3Q0TjdMdkV6S2VYN0gwVFdfRTBxZjgxTU1EakpxSzRITHg4S1dHWFA0NzhqYmFJenRNYnFJWlNxNkNZRlhJTE4wS1F1X3hfQlF5NHFHVTZJYzZyNTBCaDZDQWRUZHAtakJtQ2dp |
I win, I win! | r/apatheism | post | r/apatheism | 2010-05-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbVJ2aTBFek1LWm93T3NHcDZ4SERaZDB3cWhZOVhoTzhDRVlPRWRwZmtsSHVhLTNqT2VraExGOFp4Y2NweDBvb2pERF85eDhTbzkyQ2IxNTJkeVd3eHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQmxnVWE4QW1IeDdOOFhNZWZMT3ZBaElKMXc2TmVpUm1FY2tGZmNUYzlKdy1SYTRqelM2aFYyWnZ3Y2I2UjQ3TC12VUtrb2xHVXdMMGgxMlZaeGV6SFk2VWR0cUkyZ1psTk9mQTlLWE12a3RyZ0lGaGxJWW16VjJvRDdMSGd3UnFLTXgxNmpSbk41MmRZYkc0bHhib01tV1pYUzNfYjN3UVVOV1pvcDRmWXgyN2hkVjdsUEVWbGFvTVVHaDJIZU9saTNFeUw4NXFMVDZ0TTFtb25hT212dz09 |
First, a disclaimer. I am a Jehovah's Witness, and thus, I do not believe in Hell, but I am not here to discuss on the merits of it. Since the doctrine of Hell is alien to me, I am sincerely interested on how people that believe in it can conciliate it with the two following widely accepted premises:
* If God is perfectly just and always exacts punishment in perfect measure, never too much and never too little, how can an eternal punishment not be 'too much?'
* If God is perfectly good, how can he torture? | r/apologetics | post | r/Apologetics | 2010-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQkVxYTljTkZadWdHQ1VBWGRrTS0zMVdkTGFhM1NkQzZYR29Vc2toQVVxWURfbzJUcXdaUjMyeWhTQ2JicURET3FUd3pIRDFFdTlEZFR6YWQyRXVZMFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOWpDc3k5R01HZnpCejd3OVJvVUNnMnAzVVNmNVZHVXlTWjRRb0hvOXl6MmhLcXpXV2ZmMnFwM09ucXRZR0dSa185Wk52UWNVSmxFU2xHOWl0OTJCeFlqNUNybVJmXzFraHZrdGMyeEVBald2WG1sZHp1S3J2Y19JNFBBTXlCMklsLThUNmxmQkV1R3JRcXhmZWZ3VjhBPT0= |
Correct? If so, hello fellow Blacksburgers. | r/blacksburg | post | r/blacksburg | 2010-05-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSllfR0xrQlNsT2xwZEl0WFgxczZDTmtIODZYNVQ0cWxUbm90UW0xMDBDUjgzLTlOQzYzN2dPZ3BDUWY5alFJdTl4YXFZTUk3aFIwWkl4dXRuRlhnUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaUdySmFBaTVicVN1NmkwMERpUXpDNWZ2RUZZLVpwbWMwcHRqdkFLcWFNZHN5SjZSSWtaTTdhazhQN2o0Mm51eHZDRjJnbk5UWmZjZ3YxNmhQU0oxTTJtY1lvUXkxQ3Bpem1UWHp4TlBQODZ5Q2RaSGxQdmhNcDdHNUdTcnFoTXFpVUV5YVRaa3U2b1RrYURXMWQwR3hzVWxyVllPZGJITDdSckxaMG9HTzFSQjh2M1pfYWE1M01mR2ZjM1B0N1pl |
Any ideas? | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-05-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcmNZNFJnYU41R2JqNE9iUzlsWktna3dQdTlQdWJrMGdlelhNSkdjN1FWSFRfc1M1Q18tdktTbVRnNC1IS1FIZW40cl9idW9aUTBCbjhkejRaSDd4SUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQ0sxZGJJRjMwZmJLdW1JMEtHbGgtWVgtOHdDTHA4TVBCSzZHVXBXYV9EN2VPXzRqMmZQSlZfcXEyaVhRZExaLUIxQk1vcXBjRmhKQmRLbDhua0w5LVh3cG1BS09hc28wSGV3OWsyLXhaSUQ2QXdJVVpGT2tIYW5Gdy1QbE1aMHpEUjNyem5yUkNFQW90TWxQTmJ1VW45VFBPTU9xS1FhV2pfaWhrTHI2cHNzPQ== |
This is part 1 (parts 2-5 are linked through the youtube sidebar) of a documentary on Susan Polgar, a chess grandmaster, and it explores various interesting points concerning memory, expert vs. novice knowledge, and information processing. Ms. Polgar is attempting to develop a learning/teaching method based on her experiences and she's employed the help of a few of the professors in my department. Thought the EDPYSCH sub might enjoy it.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WREgHsTr5yE&feature=related | r/edpsych | post | r/edpsych | 2010-05-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxM3FkNUlVcjV0TnZCbWFVTWNwVS1YWTFzQTVyZlFNdmVOaGlDQlotTURIekR5ZnBGejItWFdBdC11a0pMdGJRN0dzajNaakZjS1RfMDduRTRmVnY5QkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWTZpVzMyU1FDejNIWTFBSmhaN0tnd202RWdEeUdhY1BxZXNzT3Q1T1JvdnA2bm9hQmZQc05pODVQWFBUdUlBcVZsVlFweTViY005RlBGOTVGSkdCYVgwX1kwT2h6Y1dhdXN5THdjNjU2VzN3VmplQVIyMzhUek9XMzkyMG1iNjlyOFhKX2tZaWJlTnRBdVFtNWtLRkxfNlY5XzFOb2ZOSHJNMG9aMDlNalQ3Z2FzWEFaZWhCcEpWbVFzWGdzaVBa |
especially in mexican run places. they cannot seem to fathom the idea of a sandwich without mayonnaise.
they laugh at me when i order, and slather it on anyway.
"OH! you said NO mayonnaise. ok papi."
fuck you. | r/mayonnaise | post | r/mayonnaise | 2010-05-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUjBibzUwOTdJR184WmFlYUg2ald4MWVNS0N2eWxXejgzMlVFeEF2Z3l5Tm1nMDd4Y1ZlOU5ZR20xQ2tJVDdRbXU0V1BJQVlhanR5blZrRGV5S29OaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoLWtwbEhia1ZWdm5xNTRRTWVfQ29OUHFaQm54Yk5ITC1zNG9Id3dPc1h5RmZXblBIMzZydm5vOXNQdTFuZmE1akhxWW1XTEJrNWc3MlloTm1vVzJORG5wLVh4Z1FLRVVQeC1rUXRQVWx4R1UtYTFObGFTTTdWVXZJeVBtazRNRm9ZQ0V5cGowZ0kyWVhtaGxBN0NHdk5nU3czNnZqdkRJUzhWNzVBbTdtWG5naVIxaU5ONTI1NnJCblhvVWlOM21NRTFvM3lKOVJkanlqRkR2OUk0Qk9sZz09 |
I'm a teacher, and I do research on developmental psychology, and it occurs to me that there must be at least some schools or other educational programs that actively use Maslow's hierarchy as a basis for approaching helping students develop into self-actuated/transcendent individuals. Anyone know of any? | r/edpsych | post | r/edpsych | 2010-05-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbDhRZ0pNU2NTX2xIMFRhQTJENXVCY2ZsSEtEeE16UEdKbTUyX1NTSHJXWjRwcVBkYjZqOUI3Z0FCcTI0b0pVdGdiVDRFMUwtVllzWWJzeEp5MjdfakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoaWVaOUFOc0FJUUkxSjRFdGtEYWdtUGk4ejhvcVR6S1BNSmtsSHk5QzE3WTFPaHZ2WjdkZWtkVE1iNlFnYXZ0N2tCLXNZRnVtLWZqOTRnZmI5R281UG9ZcU5vY3BlNnpQb25JWWN5cExxc0lWUnhSNzlMQndXc1dYSlpyc1RmMWw2V2JYaUlFYTlHWVBjV2VrNVNtd1VCUkZjVndKZU9fV2N6bHNYQllmbV9GZmdPRWpka2xfRks1Vk01bFJXV3du |
Want to know more about Grandpa Wiggly's mayonnaise making days? [Read my AMA.](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/c9iq1/i_am_a_failed_entrepreneur_a_little_guy_who_lost/)
**Make your own Wiggly Mayonnaise at home.**
(Although it's not authentically Wiggly without Grandpa Wiggly!)
* one cup peanut oil (or a favorite flavorful nut oil of your choosing)
* one cup of corn oil
* one tablespoon of sesame oil
* two egg yolks
* one whole egg
* one tablespoon of honey Dijon mustard
* one tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice
* one tablespoon of white wine vinegar
* one small squeeze of indigenous honey
* one tablespoon of your favorite lard
* one teaspoon of garlic powder
* a pinch of salt
* a pinch of pepper
* a pinch of paprika
* a pinch of cayenne pepper
* a pinch of onion powder
* a pinch of tarragon
* All of your ingredients should be at room temperature before you begin. I prefer right at 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit).
* Add the eggs and half of the lemon juice and vinegar together in a bowl and lightly mix together.
* Slowly add your half of your oil mixture while whisking (not folding) everything together. It will start to thicken nicely, forming mayonnaise.
* Add the remaining half of your lemon juice and vinegar. Whisk.
* Add the remaining half of your oil. Whisk. The more you whisk, the thicker your mayonnaise will be.
* Add the honey Dijon mustard, honey and lard. Incorporate them into the mixture.
* Add the salt, pepper and other spices. Whisk. Whisk. Whisk.
* You now have Mayonnaise in its simplest form! Resist the urge to eat it. Your mayonnaise will have more of a creamy light yellow color than store bought mayonnaise. That's how you know its homemade mayonnaise!
* Refrigerate your mayonnaise for at least two hours, allowing it to cool completely. If you're planning on bottling your mayonnaise in mason jars still allow it to cool first.
* Once your mayonnaise has cooled you can enjoy your mayonnaise. But save Grandpa Wiggly some!
Some mayonnaise recipes call for sugar, not Wiggly Mayonnaise. I prefer to add a little sweetness to my mayonnaise using a sweet honey Dijon mustard and a dash of honey. Always use indigenous honey! You should buy local honey and only eat honey that is indigenous to your area and climate. No sugar means a healthier mayonnaise!
Olive oil, especially EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) will make your mayonnaise tangy and too heavy. Eventually the weight of the olive oil will cause it to separate from the egg and that's not mayonnaise. If you truly desire the taste of olive oil in your mayonnaise then substitute it for one-fourth (but no more than a half) of your corn oil.
For extra EXTRA thick mayonnaise: Freeze your eggs over night and then allow them to thaw. Make sure they cool to room temperature before you begin to make your mayonnaise.
For a thinner mayonnaise: Add in heavy whipping cream, half and half, or milk. The more you add, the thinner your mayonnaise will be.
If you want your mayonnaise to be extra rich use only egg yolks.
Mayonnaise with just white wine vinegar and no lemon juice will have a longer shelf life. Ideal if you're making mayonnaise for the season or for holiday/birthday gifts.
Remember to tell me how your mayonnaise turns out!
| r/mayonnaise | post | r/mayonnaise | 2010-05-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaU96QVR4ejJWWXFyTzF2RW52SGlrazNTVGFGLVgyendBU1dWSUlualdMY215WkpuXzVVdkpLaWc3SGVacWpzR244aGZsUzl4Mk92Mk0ySTk2blhMQlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoLWVJQS1xNnMxUTRrcTBkc1FZQUpWX0M2dVZmeFh6cTZGMnIzTEY4Ujl2OHpxV1lheTIwamdCdFBJSURUYVBwQS00M0pXQUlCb1N0UEdxV2VZYzZLQTl3SE1GLVcwbkY5WUYyM0ZVSFM0RGQ3cWR3bEZtZ3l3VHY3RHJpcV9WTG9MMGZScFJhUExqb01jQ2w4QUR2bU92R1RPSWR1Z0NDRFZBdnZrNDFiemFndXd0dy14T1hteTNmS3hRRnl0VWVP |
Are there going to be any more? | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-06-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMFZyZ0pGSk9lb0cwZDFCanZsU1hOa1huUjhId0xHM2x6SGhWNTBQMDFOd0FHVF9qbU56c3EyOURydjlVT2poMWtiZmgyZjRDWXVTeUpKR3NZZzY2dkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTHhST25KeS1sa1FseE82QkpHdThVYnNxNHVOcUliTm5VU2NDVzVRX1hZOTYtUG1UZlVzNTFIU3dqc3hJTVJXby0wNS1Zb1JXaDBVSzFOOGkxTG8xeHlOclBLMFlPQkRJTlRIV184c0VYc3hnLUtOSHNhZmMwS1dhQnMzaDlyeWVXNnBkTVNsSjg3b1dWdGNCYU1sQ19BPT0= |
edit: is [this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJDLQZWKWe8) it?
edit x2: because if so, that is incredible in many ways. | r/earlymusic | comment | r/EarlyMusic | 2010-06-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMTJiOHViNWVEVUw3WEd5eFg1VDNJb1R2Nl84cm5VVy01QVl0RndmWHpmREo5aGRnSWM5X2dBeDJ4eUJHUzladnphQXNnWGJJc1kxdUxyQWNxUDVtaUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZUwwOXlYRVVMczFZU1hYMmF5cXlKMDlySndwbENIaEVJenJtS3ZZOFNwbXRUaU1IMXZfWGtrOUJtYmNUNTZLM1NCdjhkZ1hsNU5UdXF3TFRuaTZYeUdHV3pWb1ZpMDAtSnRVZXFKQ2RSTUU4V0d3Y1hBb0ZNdTFxTW14MzNxcC1hekhmMm40SkZzcDY0OENnQWo3dTZrM0laSnlIcDFpZ3lXRE1YQWdmOUhGUDBTZFRGcWxFRWtsTEVNNHlQb2VBQnA3QlF5SzdPS25VYnBCSmRBbk5xQT09 |
It's just my buddy and me in our office in Exeter and damn it's boring at lunch sometimes.
We've driven to Hampton a bunch of times to cruise the beach but really, that's about it for around here. Anyone have any suggestions for interesting/fun things in the Exeter area that don't take more than 2 hours? | r/new_hampshire | post | r/New_Hampshire | 2010-06-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZzlVWkpHSWlNdVZycURFR0swOGpWVTlhUUdsbGtUTGwyQlRSWXhLYVlpQ0poajNQczhBLWVrb2lzQXdUSjJrRGY0bnlkVXlCOEVhRGpEeWlYWC1VM2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTnhrNFVnbnhCbjFXenVCV2dVSElLNHpEM0Nyc0o2R2dOVDIzUFVnVFlCZkpob3psdXZGY1UzWGViNXZHaENPUnR5RWdIU0dFaFRlMHRGTDVkLWF5X1lQUHFMQW8wYWYxZDBKd1dGUjFxeEJrcUxhQXNXeGRCOHlGcWRYd2tqdkZ5WmlxbEVYMnJEdVdwNDZwcXJhcnQwbDBHcnNqTGtDczZyS0wyaERFUHhmRUF1eUNUdFhMNlJoRjBPR3BUM3dsMDlYdVlzeGo1bFF0TG1QakJBc2NJdz09 |
French and Spanish specifically.
La Casa - La Maison
El perro - Le Chien
Just wondered if this applied to all nouns. I am a native Spanish speaker and I think it would be easier to learn French if I can just transfer the genders over. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-06-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbERDOWJxdFRDZjYxblhmazY4TU1EV2RrOTJlSkFlaFYzUkUxTHVJLW1FWngzTFcwR1FRaWxSd1FnMDNYTEE0ODBaUWVxVUxEN19XU0tfRTd6Vjl3V3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoeGRDOU4tdmhaczlNa3ItMlRzWmthU2pvWEpvTi1aWXhDcFBVLWk1MGRxUFc5WEtxNEFrd3ZmbGs1SlBCdDFQX0R2ODQzenpidDZLcEtTbnB2UlU1M1IyaHVlelgxOVNwTUVGQWcwODZ4cVVLS2lKeWc4UTRqZ3V3dkRHMThoMEVJekFtX2ZjVzdGNmsyN2ZxMU9Vc3lraEdOOTNxcDl0OVdOWFNXaXdOWTJlek9xQ2VpOXN4ck5wTzBsWlEtQmx1SExReGxlRlE1clljWEFpa0xOMjlFUT09 |
It's a subreddit for hockey fights and checks. Anything bloody including missing teeth would be awesome. Also if the player is a dinosaur. . . nevermind. Anything would be appreciated. | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2010-06-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeHBxaE8tRnJrZWNLT3ZYU2JIM1ZpUXBmWjdoNm8zSHUzX3VwR1dzYW5JSmNFdmpYZllTUDNNUG1UajVia2RvaUxGbURScjdEZUE0VlM5YkJUUmdnX2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocDRQb0RSaGJOOFJYTDZhVG04aks0dnd4ZTdGalBEOG1zc0JMR0xfM19pOExySlU4a0JnMTFDZ0tCbHlrWVhITFVTYkFNT3I0TWJsWkdBZ3pEaVVpUno5XzJua2R2Z01YamVzeDUxS2ZLd3hjdTlxQjlMQkZfZUw5Vl9QQkstRDdxaFh6Q1VMaFpRT1hpTmFZWUhpV05ITTFLam5xT0pQVjVPeUtGNXJ5ajlxa0JUQm0xUi1Qa1VCZG9EOE1td2FD |
So I tried making [Grandpa Wiggly's mayonnaise](http://www.reddit.com/r/mayonnaise/comments/c9rph/my_recipe_for_wiggly_mayonnaise/ ) this weekend - the first batch I thought I followed his recipe exactly, but it ended up super thin, like pancake batter.
I googled some other mayonnaise recipes, and decided that I might have added the oil too quickly, so I started over with 2 egg yolks and added the oil just a few drops at a time while whisking. It started out great, but I was losing the thickness by the time I had gotten to 3/4 cup of oil, so I stopped there since I didn't want to throw out this batch.
Is there something I'm missing? | r/mayonnaise | post | r/mayonnaise | 2010-06-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRWo3U0V0eGozMnNUdTd3ZUhIQWl4UDR0dDlRTk5BcnZwS09VSExQVFdQSTdYdEhaeHJuRjBtdXFmUDVPVnBkM0xWSF81azRDcDNIZ05MN2lRYW9XMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoZllsVXl6cXc4SWViWnBEM1VpRjdMUkxGaTlMOU5JZUVBbUZmc1VhUGVFY3Nqa0tGUFd2bHVsdWRYVm9kanNXdHl1NGFCSzhKbkFsNjBfYm84Q1RsWml2alc2WlFMUlVCcHl3RzVBM0ZEVnZtZ0pwTGUzS3NKLU5zOUtuX1hGSjY4RE5pS0xsb18tTng5Slpoa0lvS3FWWHdzTUJabjRFOU9WVDRkMWZLcldGNTRCSlRpNksxWGdmQUFlcHlpTHQ1UzFLQXNBRzhHUDJJYkZHT0FOX2p0Zz09 |
This is a subreddit dedicated to the discussion of farming in a small, typically suburban, setting. Techniques, tools, crops, animals, and strategies are all encouraged points of discussion. Links to relevant blogs, sale postings, videos, how-to's, and articles are all welcome.
Clearly, there is a movement growing to grow one's own food. Some people take it further and raise animals as well. Some even have solar panels, aiming to go entirely off-grid. Hopefully, everyone here can share knowledge and advice. Feel free to use this post to introduce yourself and post pics of your own little farm. | r/suburbanfarming | post | r/SuburbanFarming | 2010-06-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxc2pwODJvcFB6NWd4WjFjelYyckFfdGw3V2NJYXpYYURIcmxhUEFPcGRMRlRYTEpJM2JWa3M2ekZiT0tFLVR2eGJQa1dvekI2V2VtV0ZDY1B6bWdpVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWHEtQjhVRkczN01KWkNrZXphQlBUVmx5N3ZSQWFZOE9wRFlETmdNNFdna3daczl1dlEtV2NuaGxBQzA5LWNNaWF3VkxkX2NQUDJ5ZGtwcU5wSFRDMHlRTl9RVk5CWHp4blR4Z3E0N1NnYmVtaE5lN1J6YTVPTkRYQm5ZbndGcjlQcnVBX3ppbjdsM2ZaT0lhOTU4NEVfSGRkUjZrRzRmcG93OFNDTFZTSVZzUWQxRnoyUjRLelduWjFnYlBhSFhn |
[http://i.imgur.com/oFgvh.jpg](This is my current setup.) So far, it's given so-so results. I need to have the cameras quite far from the test stand, and the 90mm Macro lenses are very sensitive and difficult to focus.
The specimen, shown in the previous image, is a 12" x 12" flat plate, simulated in this case by cardboard. It has a speckled paint job for image recognition. Ideally, if I were to draw a grid on the face of the panel, the gridlines of the captured image would be nearly parallel. Calibration with a printed target will help mitigate the effects of distortion, but anything I can do ahead of time will help.
Also, the panel will bulge or recede by about an inch or two under load. As I understand it, a small aperture is needed to create a depth of field capable of maintaining detail integrity. Consequently, additional lighting may be required. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-06-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxLVJRbTdYNUhFYnlsRndhM3lrVTFPaEV2MnlHVmdPWFV6M3pISklMa2c1QlpoOUdXeFhmZGdBWWRHeDFGRmx2cVlYZm5yQzZtR2p5Sy1rUTQyX1pwOHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoandYdVdCZ05yWjNLSWRNbE4yeGpoMWRkLU5VOG1nSFREUGxvV0Z0R1JjTzliSG9nY2g2ZkVSa2lfbm1lblV1ejZXQXNQZ0dfai1TM01ZTTNKd21kNlFGQ2dsQUJGeElqcXFHTldPOV9iX0tBM1JXYV9GN3dTQ0FWUlBhS0ZSRUhla3JleXdfSUxaWlpNTWs0T0JocG1YS3hLdTAyWkt3ZU4zUzA5ZUxfajgtWDB2QUxUUk9reWMtdllvVEd3MkVWdG1qS0h1NWRGNk9wZzFkcEJMVTBNZz09 |
I know that it depends on each city/county/state, but if it was allowed, how many, what type, sex, and how do you take care of them. do i let them run free in a defined area or build them a shelter?
Update: I just found out that my city has no restrictions on foul within the city limits. Yay! | r/suburbanfarming | post | r/SuburbanFarming | 2010-06-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQkt6REQzTFVraEQ3bGI1eWZuZVIyZnUtOGtQdmtZbnl2UkQtYl9nZWxwV29mVjBxZGFEVHJxbTJHS3pFWHI0aXRDblVubEVpNjBnSXhTOGFzRWdsZ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoeWQwaVo0RXhQNHFTcWkxLWRnZk9TX2RIal83Mi1uRDdsRHFJOUxjTWJUU0ZGc2dnak9HSmdoYm9pMENrR3MwVlg0TkhBVGVHVHYyU1NYS0VtWXJiSnVlMFp1aUFnamF5TkxaNks3SVEwbndZa3JWdWd4RV9iOG9obnk0R3NBbFlScG9JTHdINGdjVWd6Vjk5SWlzZXhsU3k1MTJGaWg2YkhnVnp0WGpqYnA1WlVzQlk2V3ZBY1dyeG8zZWpRNUdI |
Apparently no one cares if your THAT kind of sub | r/submarine | post | r/submarine | 2010-06-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdWI5RGpsNHhocURfUkg2aEV1anM3NktOVlVEZkhIX3pQeXdDdU1QcVNYQ0dkOFkyTUVEenZPMWlacld2WDJBN05hMnMzR2c5anBacDRWNU1DUXpaVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoemdXbHItTzV5TmtjcWpDdVVYZU9qRzBLUUJtVHRiSm9yM0J6Yi1TQnNZeDQ1U25oUVRqQmZ2YmVMYVpEQkJOTnBIQTB1bnpfUk1RTDJ3T2g3eGlfODFCRWZCMmt0TTVMeHFDdlFfMTA5alYxRnVNaUZXdzdPbnh2NFNFYXV2dFJRaVZJcEl2MXQ5cXpHRkUyTmEzMzdWdFEzeXBYajR2ejRWZmlXcWhxYThVOEhieVRUbVh1N0Nxc3BScVRTT0FrT2FRVUxMVmpKWGJCVk92aUpYQVVwdz09 |
Here are my first two shots....more to come.
Here is what i'm going to do: Without going to crazy, my kids, wife, and I are going to start by planting cucumber, pumpkin, peas, squash, and carrots. I need to go buy a pepper and a tomato plant because its too late to seed them. We started a compost too! My oldest two boys and I are going to pick up some baby chicks today and attempt to raise them into egg layers and just enjoy the experience. I'll update as I go!
Project to do list:
raise chicks
get soil
plant seeds
build chicken coop
rain gutter water collection tank for watering garden
expand garden
Build great family memories (and values I hope)
Edit 1: NEW CHICKENS!!! (pic to come later)
Edit 2: Chickens! http://imgur.com/wta81 Jalapeños and Tomatoes! http://imgur.com/mXuj8 | r/suburbanfarming | post | r/SuburbanFarming | 2010-06-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNXhKM2Nwb2RFUVhwR0k3SElrLXJobkJmR2IzLWJjdmNqdFBKaXprOHdUQUx2bFJHWkNmMEJPeTFTNnltZDVaeVh6SERKMlN3OW0xYjliWXJlZE1tbHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQWg0TGhRT2VZVFhPcjdUYndVbzNybE1uc2RSQTF3SEpCUy1kV0IzVmpHNUFScnZfTGxJZVNTd3BhOTkyV3ljcTBIdU5NdUVlX2RiY0xGaExiM3FIOXkySTZ4eEpVMkR0Q0NlQVF6Z0xtbVdCSjAxcFJpMGtaWXJIWWE2Z3A5cjd3MnlPd2dUWXdIcXdPZnRpdGlmRXhKeXB3TUtVLWtUdU5qWU5sSTN5T2RnMUdOdkhBcTRVdFhTU3pIMGJHQ2JQdmZxTUozd0ZObUtnSTRnMVhwLV9Xdz09 |
Like the one on this site. I am fairly skeptical and they ask for my cell number and last 4 of my social. Which really creeps me out and keeps me from doing it.
IF anyone out there has done this with success I'd be interested to learn more about your experience. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-06-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxN3pxTmRGeXl5UTFETW1OQVdoSTRnZFl2MVZhWHBsYU9pbVhhQW9Rd2RQSXVERWZmWjJMZDJzV1lFeS01NmxvZmdnal9id1BfZk5VT3Z4bHNHRHJpLXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQm4zdG1HbTFYZzR2MkxkTkpmRkZmS1h0MDk5ajJySk1tWnJsd1p0aEVOazhPN21ZYUtEci1fM29MdHltQUtFa0Q0MVJfUGhoaE5HRkRmQmtwTW5QWTRRd21lTEFSZy11aUpmU0o4WXNtbHc5WnhFdFhYMWlHZXJ5RVR2TGVCZHVWS1NZRTViclJ2ajJ0QzVld0JvQjVZTFpKbnF4Q3Ytb1BJbnZpREVPTWNLNnZRQzItVkVYNUF6ZkVpVkJQNHZM |
It's a language learning system that I think only popular in ex-Soviet states. There are lot's of books for many languages. It's for example one paragraph in French , then next paragraph is exactly the same but with each sentence is translated (i.e. Russian ) or just the difficult words.I run out all my French-Russian books.
I appreciate any info maybe Amazon books or just some software.
I know that using Google Translate I can translate entire blogs,books or websites , but it's not the same .
| r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-06-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSWhsUTNuZUhfYjdFTFVrSzR2U2ZRLTFfcnZQb0VtLTl5bzVpUG9qdG1hUG52VGMyV2dXRzNqWmNHVnNwVThZQ2lJRGRZR0tFU2pYdy1ObEg0TEJuWGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocG9hdFRWMXZDYnNmcTVXNHVaV0dlRG5hUThkMU5pVHpxRDV6dldPYm1VU0x4LUoxcHIwN1FiY1JIamVISFBldmkwMThtcTNHU3E4LVlOTk5RcjdKRk11VWVhc0Q0b0dlZEkwaVRyMWQ3V2NqT3VubzF3OEhER0QwZzVBalBJMlladlIyRHR2eGRXc2VueFhpOHczLUd5ZlRjV2dyMEU2SUI0LVRiU1FUQjI2ZEJ4anhJdURsN1B6Y1d6T3V1YThKdUVzZTdjSnVqWjU2SXNEcE4tOHRiUT09 |
Do any Hokies or Blacksburgers want to do something on Saturday?
edit: hey, what good timing! the Summer Solstice Festival is this weekend! check it out and let me know if you think it's a good idea: http://bit.ly/bwNdsw
edit 2: I kind of dropped the ball on this one; I waited for too long to post a definitive location/time. For what it's worth, I'm going to try to make it to the dog parade (see link above) at 4:30, and I'll probably stick around for a while. I might go to the fire show at 10:30, if I've got some company. I'll be wearing this goofy yellow shirt: http://imgur.com/UD9N4.jpg | r/blacksburg | post | r/blacksburg | 2010-06-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxbno3UjIxVEFRN3hPRXFMOFJESEU2OVYtOHkxV3h6alZ2RXhuOF90cGlYS2h5OFRwQzdMRTNBeUhRWUFPUk9CcF9Qa0JxenIzbkRRRGVHV2VYTGp5SVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocGRpR2JlVU9UX0RISHFzYWRLUW1LSVNCWlRBeUg2WEc1YjlacnRwMTd6bWlqdnZuTk5pX1o3Z2NQOHNiTzRLdXRNT0Q3dkx1SlRiNEo2ME12blhJYndlZmd3eWQxbU56U1Z5X2R4Q2h5OTNfT3hxNy1BcHEwc1Q5SUlDV0hvNVZHU1JaQVpael80R0p4SFZpaDBXVTZUSEtaRkR3TzJSMXFhRXItLW5FS21iWmR0V2VMc3FsRks3RWNFdE81WUd1OFcwTUVXQy1wazRWLV9VdTl4cDc5dz09 |
I know it has been a year, but I still have this gaping hole that can only be filled with one of their corn dogs.
Does anyone know of other veggie dogs that are as good? | r/veg | post | r/veg | 2010-06-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVTJNaVQ3aGJGQWdQMllRbzJPU2lTX3Zvd1BobU5DUDlmZnNSbHBmTUNSV3otbjN0b3RhRFlDZGdkbi1rcXczRXBiN0tpeWRIa1dvbG5LdC1ZWTZZa1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoTUdXNU9kUnZCY0hxTUNTTEZ6WjZYZHVWREIxUEhkZ2c3ZVY2bkxZZ2MzRTUtZUxGUDZDZGlZekVUb0pydlphbGJqS3BMdFJmbzgwQk56ODlMZGViRlUyX0ZmdHYwaXJBUHNqSVcwZlhuamt1X253bW5vU250RG5CMFhqb1RyRXJFSnU5cXI5My1XT0NDYVdkTENRbWxXbXV3S1JtMVRBa25DVXRaM1pWUFpBQnJBczdfSDdzenJMOXZndWJLN2ZS |
I must know. Thanks in advance. | r/sandrabullock | post | r/SandraBullock | 2010-06-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYlJHa3FHZEVBXzNpRGdtazYzRlB1SjJSVm5rNVFuOTd2cElqSVhMVl91VDRlanl6LU5JRlFiLVI4Nl9WNktOQWVsUEtKRHMyUmVPdU03VkZZR1lCU3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoLUtaWnZFd0JFUjJzUmJoaEt6MFhRbDg0TUZRRGY2ZWpkUmdaaHRzbl9CS2FfQmNaQ0Q2YVQ1LXJLaEVyZlpHMTJxbWlZbUJ6Ni10TEltZmhsZW1paXprY2lha0ZkUDFXdWZId3pkY0RkcTNKLTV2dHUwc0YxNnNJVTZpbmRYTjZmc0tWTnExZ21KUXJKblo2YjcwcTVOczMteUFQaUdZc1B4YURFWFpreHRhaFZLZ3Fwb0tsLVpWUk9XVlF5ZXVF |
I'm not much of an artist, but I thought we should have something. Let me know if you've got something better. | r/bench | post | r/bench | 2010-06-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSE1IaWFSRUZ1OHc1aC0zUWItZFRkcEhxQUt6M3lfUTlSLXJJLS0wcDhXcktVRmNxRFVHMjdiMm0yazkxUHMzNklGcXpWUGlaLXJhNHMyRm9peDJ5dUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoMnVVRzVWOWRMeC14dnFwNFlldVgyT3d0cWd3LUlDbzBYbzA1Q2hpb3NYeXlPOU1zTnd1UVBNMWxBM0REdUd6QzZnbTFnclRPbzZNcHNYZjc1NTFTNXB6a1MyVjRWaG15M3VGcTRHTkZ1UEVaYk9yVjRpZW9IWllENXBROHdsd2RyZEt0eHpVb3FUNVNQR3MxaWt4bktuU0NyQ0lraTF1V3V1MW10aWt0Z2hBPQ== |
I have a little script that reads my git log and outputs the number of lines added and removed for the past week. When I execute this at the command line it works perfectly, for some reason when I put the code in a git hook it runs, but it always tell me 0 lines have been added and removed.
git --git-dir=/Users/home/Thesis/.git/ log --since="1 week ago" --numstat --pretty="short" | \
awk 'NF==3 {plus+=$1; minus+=$2} END \
{printf("Added %d lines\nRemoved %d lines\n", plus, minus)}' > ~/bin/GeekTool/gitThesisChangeInLastWeek.txt
I have done some reading and googeling on this, but I'm not sure where the problem is so I'm not sure what to search for. Can anyone here help me out? Thanks. | r/shell | post | r/shell | 2010-06-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxV1NvTEN2dFVHY24wTUxxUkRzYTFTckMtMzhseXozODRDVzJUSUlBbDZxQ2dnUU1EQ2x4NUF6LVNuajFySEhEcUdCSWgyRkhHaU9GOG9jZ08xTUpKdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQ3VJeVBnWV91VTJGV3JfQ3FvSUtWOFlqclJSV2dmbDhrNjZpXzBuYnFLb3hJVWNESVVNLS1LTWV1UEFWZ3dkcC1IX21VMlYzWXluZ0pFaGVOZEhxS2UtZm9VTGd1Q3NiMm9EX3ZuUnp3aEVlT3BfNldveVJRMzUyNVo5bkY2YnM2bndkRTRONGhJQlplcmNBVmtfQW9tMmt6OHJoT3pfR1JJVmE2N2RfVHZ4cWNmSDNWbUg5ckdQNzI0VkNCbGNY |
Here are my first two shots....more to come.
Here is what i'm going to do: Without going to crazy, my kids, wife, and I are going to start by planting cucumber, pumpkin, peas, squash, and carrots. I need to go buy a pepper and a tomato plant because its too late to seed them. We started a compost too! My oldest two boys and I are going to pick up some baby chicks today and attempt to raise them into egg layers and just enjoy the experience. I'll update as I go!
Project to do list:
raise chicks
get soil
plant seeds
build chicken coop
rain gutter water collection tank for watering garden
expand garden
Build great family memories (and values I hope)
Edit 1: NEW CHICKENS!!! (pic to come later)
Edit 2: Chickens! http://imgur.com/wta81 Jalapeños and Tomatoes! http://imgur.com/mXuj8
Edit 3: I planted Squash, Cucumber, and Pumpkins!!!
| r/suburbanfarming | post | r/SuburbanFarming | 2010-06-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYmd1bzlhMEFLeDdJN0N5TktEZU1LU1M3Y2x6dkptRjUzSy16WFNleXJDXzdsWnprMEZmSDZyeEhaVk83ek50ODdMMGltc1hFQ0NMNDZWbnhacTE5Y0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoRklvUVNJS0JHMVRpUUw3N21qX19aNURVaXVDaFVLaTVyZWxjekZQbzZKZC1GbV9QZW5wN0E1Ul9QdVA4SUwtTXI2cGhjSDVEWXVPNjdnWnoxLW1tbTVKajBGRFNhSHdycHdJbGtRRU1RZjFGQWViZlFkZFlGYVRFWE1tRElycGptcXo4UDBxZnQyQ1l2TnpQMFJlM3UzQzd6TTgyTzl6RWVvR01LUnRQZW5XYWVwS3VnTWVQaXBKSENtbXBrQjYzaGNLdFh4ZGlTNWFSWlc4UzF5RnpKUT09 |
Neat book, a real sleeper that deserves more popularity than it's enjoyed. | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2010-06-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcDZaLWlJcl8xUWd2aGlianY3dDRYZ2UxWUVaRlBEU1owQ3AxSEd1c1BlYWxuSlVLM0ZLNF9STVhuQzZtWXBGZkltUzVITVlMTEJtc1dqMDVyZzZJZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoOVZYWmpxY2lWaHAyWGdtMzBqdDdjeFdaOU5FRDZEYmRLY3N0ZjBvc2wyR3Vva0x4R3V0MlF6THVXYkZvOUNIVFJ6aFMzcjZ0dUlMNTREcUZVRXRGSmdwWXJrQ1AtUER0YjRVRzZ0OE9Ib3ZLeFBiOXdUdnlHYW9HQjNFZnNacmlrMEFqWUppa0lIdlVSNmFfTjdPalo0SUpDZVF5cnp4T0s2REVQcUQ4QUhtTmxvd1NqTnliTzFUblBvTWxCZVla |
Can anyone recommend some decent books to get me started | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2010-06-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbEhtSG9xVGVhQi16TllfZWJQTmMybXY3b0dpbml1dXpFR3FLYmtfYnVpSkV1eVhNeUFfTWhoeGlFTVBfcnlCN3JneGZBTXpYVXBCUkp4WTFjdmlGQUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoQi1BRm9yUjRYa014SHc4QlQyalFpNlkxSFVibVNPeG1oWGhmVTZicnBzblFrcWpUX2lJRUJWVWI5WGxqdjAwRzRRakhHU09LZHdOS2paNTFoUXo1akFqSWJ6dXdRdXk0MjdRWlNJaHVHczRvdmN2d2tDb0ZIR1U2Z1BEeW9fSGcyOUdoOF9VNzVYZUViUzFvQkoweE9PVklFd3JnWjZnZWpZVWREaFdTdUN3UnFSWHJvamxNSVJULUhLeTZaMU9a |
I'll try my best to spell it phonetically: bōg-lawg-liō
I can't recall what it means. It may be a swear word or the like. Also, it may be more than one word. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-06-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSGViUTJVVGY0cEJWV2wwRkl0akNTZ2dnaWtacHduRmFvWXJDMnRBbmc3SHF1OWZLRTFOd1RUNUVqdmJzMEhxVmxNQ0dsZVdycTFKcGxrcjJxV2xqQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoWExZbjFFUk1zTDg4M2x6YU5oZXR1d3dHTHFRaEc0ZFBReWdIXzFZRjZhOW5kdjYxcUcwdVVuNGJRZmx6d09oOWdOQXRpWTFMcm1UOG9nUFVLT2EyS3pNdndjNmtMS1hJZzR0RUlWN25jd09aQTM0N1drSl8tdkQ4eTdiUUlfUDNoWXVLb1M2cnhVYXRPV0wwWnNCV1pxeXU2dlJaQmExeXQ5MnAySm1lMVdrYnoxNU9FbWxhQU10cmEtbkVCcXB0 |
Even the subreddit info is a request for an invite. | r/demonoid | post | r/Demonoid | 2010-06-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcTJLRGs3UG9wX29mVXVwTWF3aVVvd0tJaXRnRFhIMFV4dVZTd25kcXkzUVhLRldzbGFxUXJZb19vaGE2dV9RZlRDZVZrTHp1T1pxY1pNbWJHYkFxR2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoUVdnOFNYN2FoWkJoVzBUWXowMXE3QmxKbl9NLXNsV2FKVm4yOTZkMk9MdmFTRjNwSDhCbjJlMWdmX0hVSWNUVXpvdnhrYXJGNFV5ajFFOWZqQ1FGX0FTVl9KQXUtbUVfREthbmFqQm1jSDFsMGQ3eTRoX3ZpMURvSHpmZE5oLVg0ZTc5SDJad25NYUp2MEJCMEJOdzhlZjVoSGE1c3BrYm51ZWZFOTdIS0Fqc21xbVNZaGRUQXRzdUdsclItT0ZqQ0o0cHRIekNnMDNGa2lhRDdxbUp1Zz09 |
When I started in my university's mock trial program, I had a lot of public speaking experience and a lot of experience as a reporter, copywriter, and editor, but absolutely zero mock trial experience. Sometimes, coming at things from a different perspective really helps. I believe my experience as a journalist helped my statement writing IMMENSELY. It's not because openings/closings look similar to news stories, because they absolutely do not. The conventions, the audience, everything is different.
The biggest commonality between writing a feature story/opinion piece and writing a statement is finding the story that needs to be told. Let me give an example from a job I had as a PR writer:
A client of ours, a car dealership, was having a 100th anniversary sale. Now, let's face it: this isn't really that exciting. Car dealers will come up with any excuse for a sale. Whoop-dee-doo. But hey, 100th anniversary...as a car dealership? In 2003? That's potentially a little interesting just in terms of longevity. My boss hoped maybe we could get a small blurb in the back of the automotive section.
I knew we could do better. I started looking up what had happened 100 years ago in automotive history, and found a lot of cool stuff. I phoned up the owner of the dealership, asked him to name the 4 years, other than the year of its founding, that were most critical to the development of his business -- and to tell me why they were critical. He gave me some stuff to go on, and I structured the press release by contrasting developments in automotive history and technology to the business locally.
The press release looked VERY different from a standard press release. It was really a story, and kind of an oddly structured one. My boss was unsure of it, but sent it out anyway. Suddenly our car dealership had a 40 column inch front-page Sunday story, with multiple full-color photos.
That's the difference a coherent narrative makes. Think about where the story is in the case, and what stories look good for your side. As much as you can within time constraints, use description.
BORING (and heard at least 20 times this past year): Jacob Bennett got on his boat expecting to meet his business partner, Casey Maxwell. Instead, he was ambushed by Jackie Owens.
BETTER: Jacob Bennett walks down the dock toward the boat, but something isn't right. The lights are all off. He looks for his partner, Casey Maxwell, the man whose boat this is -- but he can't find him. When he boards the boat, he realizes he's walked into a trap. A man is standing there with a gun -- a man we will prove today was Jackie Owens.
BEST: It's the evening of June 16th, and the Midlands Marina is pitch black. Overhead, the moon has been blotted out by an eclipse. It's the perfect place for stargazing -- and the perfect place for murder. Out on the docks, two men are shouting. One of them, Jacob Bennett, is scared. And he should be. Tonight is the last night of his life. The man yelling at him is holding a gun. That man's name is Jackie Owens.
You may notice that this latter stuff takes a bit longer. Indeed it does. So now you're asking: what the fuck do we cut? Cut your witness discussion. By the time people get to the names and roles of the witnesses, judges are in "name overload" mode. Later I'll talk about incorporating witnesses into your narrative, but for now, chopping the crap out of witness descriptions is a good use of your time. | r/mocktrial | post | r/mocktrial | 2010-06-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNkNNVzQ2TzVSam1fQXJZVmJhR2pHM1hFcTdienM0b3E0bGhMckJoSEJmcjFnRWVmWWJtSV81dERYa1JSd1RHdEE5WE1QQjFmOVBUMEl4eTlfNGluMUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoYUVPcGx5NUZPSFlzWXVXS0xFRmVfYlNSaTFEOXdISGoxZWJhSkV5bXNfbHdXanlzRmxVbWIxOE1QOWRtYXRrWWJXdlpaXzdRUjVsSEIzOHo2QlJ3czlHbTQxZzE4MGRQQzc5X3VJNmh6alQ4cERkdllhS0I3Tl9TLXZ3REF4X3Z2al9telJUbk53UzlaWXhia25YUVR0RmJRY1dvRFFHN3pkWmRScDZnS2ZGMVdxM0NhSGdfUmFJSUVvaWtTbmM1WDhGUTFrZkxTMklydWItUEJ1Yklzdz09 |
Personally I think she'd be better off with Wimpy. | r/oliveoil | post | r/oliveoil | 2010-06-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQzFVWVRlLUg1bVRCZDZBSVRyS1p1dy1ma1RmU01RYTc3SmJPa2s0LWRramZ2Z3dKTDlZZ2F1b1M3Smw3WFduNW1ZR1VPN3ZVSW4tU3pMWGJ5UzM5enc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZocjNRcHlEaDBOTXVtcXhYdDhsaGJQRWpMRTlQd0lib2J2c0dVS21WdUY4YWJkblBKWHhhWk8tLUZadFBPX2JkeU9lQ3R4RndBdGg0VGJJNFpSQ1RVWDRLbFFuRnI0dXFKUnRFYmNCdy1OUEVFT2NEZE1XV3hycGp3ZXlSaVF4NzF5N2d0NVF5Q0ZYZlhOS1JrNHNPcnpTR0dRc1BqNk1Yb2k3ZVJ5eVVUOEp3PQ== |
My boyfriend of about 2.5 years is first generation American, as his parents immigrated here from India over several years ago. He doesn't really have a strong background with the Gujarati language, though he can "get by" if need be. And, with me being American and him being Indian, his parents haven't been the most accepting of our relationship. So, being the language lover that I am, I'm asking for your help to give me some words/phrases or even just resources that would be of good use to me. | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2010-06-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSDU2Wk1WMm1SYUo4RmV3T2RYNFhPeUVydlRXMF9GYURPT2VFR2hkSjdLRDFvbFBTYy1UYm9tbE8xSk14eDd0YXZNd2xHeVVISlVPUHJPRUYyaXFBZkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoSld0VDAzRGIyMkpaRWtNRGtaWnlfZHhBTmJfVDIxU2FjOGhkbTkxVkJ1eTQ2cmQwVGh2Y0hFajAzZ19sTFpBTkxBcm1fZUxKdGdKVXVLeTNGTUM5WUdEYjM3YnVnVUpjRnBtbmtfU0VmYUxsdU1EWlVXVlBwYTQtZE5MenNwTmE2OG13VTdnVXNpbE82TUxsX1BzUUEtaTFTaU1aUFBHa2szU2h6Z1Z3Y3o3bkRPT2FfY3hJNWdZX2VvTS1DSk1lN2YyYjBLNUJ3eFJibVZPaERqaHJ6QT09 |
It's a crescent sun, with eyes.
Not another advert for Futurama, by the looks of it. | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2010-06-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYnduUUtwb054YU9STGdIRE5PZnN6MlRfU3B6VDQ0cTVwOUFSU3RESmNScmFDaGVsWmVTZHpzSThjeFg1Q0NPMWdvVlkzbGJaOW0xcEZwRkp5S3FKN0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoT3FNMWl1U25SSTFBQkpUb3BERUNkWDVWQTg3RjN1T05tOU5PNlRpYlVBUXRKaEluMVliMGlHNGUtdDFEQlFibmpZUHJVbG14VS1mcE1ld3R2VFNDVVRUaWE5aGxDOVhPSHBrSVQ0T1dDUENPYVh3Ri10RzVpZ3BTTkE2T3g5WDRybkU4U1RmdTk1V2JCOVhnNFN2Q1dDUEp5RjQ0dXZHRjhybGd2b1lLNjM4PQ== |
Hey r/logo,
I'm in a Medical School in the US that's setting up a free clinic. We're trying to create ourselves on paper and one thing we want (need?) is a logo.
A couple questions:
* Who should I be talking to about making a logo? Craigslist? Redditors?
* How much does that kind of job run? The budget is pretty tight since we're still starting up.
I'm a fan of the reddit community, so feel free to PM me if you'd be interested. But where should I start looking for this? And should I have a rough sketch of something we would like in mind?
Thanks for your help--I don't even know where to begin.
I am a woman, a mom.. Mothers day is always a big deal.. fathers day seems to be over looked. The futurama Logo could have waited a day...
The battle between otters and platypuses has waged long and hard, but the platypus will triumph in the end. [You're about to get your ass handed to you by a creature evolution and logic agree shouldn't even exist. How does it feel?](http://www.glogster.com/media/2/4/18/0/4180014.jpg)
As a second note, thank you for joining my subreddit and I hope this area can build into an authoritative source for all things Platypus. | r/platypus | post | r/Platypus | 2010-06-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeXhSdzVmRnp6NlhkSExoWjVUNXpaS1hOZFlwNFdYRkFRbkpNd1p0MDl5WUZBdXdKcFUwR2ZvRE1taTUtdmV1cVZ2M3pDTlk2eWxCNFU1TnlxYkpTeHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoeHNiN3ZwUkplbE1xelhYaUtDdE83dXRuNk1MVkg3M0taQWhqQ3NnbGNKN3QtVkdUcFZlSGs4eGluZ01GbzJOMk82ZU1fMXgzN0EyY3I3MVdLWnVFZ0ZwaEhMU05LcXZrN0RVd3ZHMEVSRTVueS1zSzNDRElNOG96Zkc5MkhzY05UdUpUM3BVWHBBZkc2SjM0OWtzNUcxb1d4djdDNElfZ1ZJSUlHNHBTSmJoTXFYSXBNZE1WdDhFbnc5VjdPeUM4 |
I think this is originally one of those hipster shirts you see around and I can't remember where I came across it, but either way it makes for a nice desktop.
[Enjoy :)](http://i.imgur.com/ZOKdo.jpg) | r/platypus | post | r/Platypus | 2010-06-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxLV9qM19GRUdZelZqTzVKckRudmVSQVBlVllYeXY1MVdJZzZYTlplWlVEM204X3pPV1ZOZ3VKRjR6S2NSUjFDblFpMFV3eVFpRng0QTBWT1pRdmNSUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZoUDJlYUZNQU9mMkJuNFFGeHZzOGRGa3FRSzZDRmhPdFNTTWkzOTdSemJCODdaQlBEdXdDTzBidFNvZnNZSEoyMFpkOS1MRVVPd1NlYzJDN1VjT2R1RFd5SDVoRzNEZnR6VlZ6Q3YzeHRCbk9vUF9BdXZIV0RKeGhGNXBnbldLTEpQQW5oNGJsN0hDdUdOMF84LTRBdFl3QmNyNHpJSWljRzQ5Unotc3NTY1pnPQ== |