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If it is, sorry. But I guess I'm willing to try things out here anyway. So, just to satiate curiosity — pictures first: [uno](http://i.imgur.com/0H7Y6.jpg), [dos](http://i.imgur.com/hhPRB.jpg), [tres](http://i.imgur.com/8kLOo.jpg). All images are completely SFW.
My name's Kris, I'm 20, and I'm from New Jersey. I'm gay, but you don't have to be gay to date me (I've never understood the 'bi-hate' that goes on sometimes, you know). I'm 5'9-10", about 210 lbs. (sometimes less, sometimes more), so I'm clearly not skinny, but I'm absolutely happy with my body the way it is. I speak Spanish, and I'm currently pursuing a degree in Spanish Literature at my college; I'm not closed off from other languages, though — in fact, I love learning other languages. My friends have taught me a little Bulgarian, and because I love French pop, I can speak a little bit after years of listening to it. I'm also taking Japanese right now, so I'm clearly a bit crazy (だから、頭がいい、ね?At least I hope lol)
If you catch me at the right time, I can be extremely talkative. I'm not really a sexually-oriented creature; what I mean by that is that I'm not just seeking sex from someone — honestly I'm practically asexual when it comes to the bedroom… I love cuddling, making out, and the like, but I have a low sex drive, otherwise — and I'd really love to have a strong, intimate connection with someone on an intellectual level.
My type of guy is around my age range, maybe ~17-24, taller than me (which I know seems awfully shallow, and I'm sorry cuz there are some truly great shorter guys, but I feel awkward being the tall one!); I don't care if you're skinny, toned, fat, whathaveyou, just so long as you're a genuine person and you don't mind opening up immediately. I harbor no secrets, you know? Vulnerability is a key personality trait that we *both* need to have in order to verily get to know one another well. And as far as distance and all that goes, I'm open for long-distance, even though I'd prefer someone whom I could meet in person more immediately, but if we find a way to Skype/text/maintain frequent communication in general, I think we're all set and golden.
So don't be afraid to message me. I don't bite. (: Just pretty please provide some pictures and stats (like height/weight) if you choose to say hello. | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRnh4Q2VXMVlOWFNqdDItVGh0bWhXamVOR0pmNklIU1JOeXczOUF6VVlndXRRTkdEWXB2QXIzal85T2o2NjNuSE9ubVZZU3lRa2FNQS1ZdVNNaG8tbFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zpc2ltOEFDc0U3amlKZ0Y3N3JoUEdjbnRLeTN1cFpJd1VmSHFQLTV5amhGMzF4aEQ3eE5JZ3hQM2NwTzVZOXZ4V2xtWHZHRVBUTE9tRmhFYjVRWTgtVldDRUtOeWNDOGg5WW1ZWTc2SGJINTA2QTlnU2pidTltNkdYS0pRdERQMmVELXFmVEFDVG81V2NOd1JnU21GS1hZQ19pRFVYLUFNMl8wZmNHeEZUMlE3WURXcW5VUThIZmRsZ2lJWVp4YnNOTzFlR2hIdlpQbDNrSzZVT0tDa24yZz09 |
With dualview this would allow gaming on one monitor/tv and surfing/w/e on the other.
Only the game controller input's DirectInput Cooperative Level needs to be affected.
How to have a program:
1-Locate and isolate the joystick class of inputs (entire class seems easier and appropiate),
2-Alter the Cooperative level of the input so it works with background windows (nonexclusive?), OR intake RAW Input from the controller (which may work better),
3- Identify all open windows and lock/bind the input to one specific window. | r/winternals | post | r/winternals | 2011-02-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQUg1c1pOWlA4X25iVTBFSjdBdWVaR3hsU0UzQUlEeVRJZlUya055WmpTMTU3MHVBNHVLQl8wWC15NVJ5cDJsaEZBTENzaVZpM181UFk5YXBNQ0JTSXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUXE5Uy1waXpITjM2ZUU4N0ZQR0cyN0hBbVZWemQzWVdCSXR5VDdjZXFGcGhrWEVpZE1UQUluR1VmREtKTVRVQWhoZm9IazQ3ek9hdnR0VUZBNkxEUXRLb002Sk8zY2Frb0NUVmFQZkRwRTFtTU5NM2F1ZGJFbzhTY3hWM19CaUFYaGJFRE85UWdHakJaYXAyQ0M2TWtPWVF1WmIzWXVkM1pCT20yU1gyUEFqVXhmeF9GWkZIT29qbmkybkxvN2Zqckc3eFJTMGxiMXd2MEF5cVJLamNhZz09 |
When I was a boy we had the sega game gear, which was pretty much a handheld master system. I didn't know that. The library consisted at least 30% sonic games, and obscure ones at that. My favorite game was by far, "Tails Adventure", a curiously the only Metroidvania sonic game to date. It had good action, unique boss fights, and enough metroidvania-style puzzles to keep you occupied for a long time. The areas are few in number but large in scape, so you have to make mental notes about what can go where, and figure out what bomb opens what door, and how to get upgrades for your yadda yadda yadda. You really feel like you're the adventurer; I remember mapping out the world on a piece of notebook paper I kept in my desk, and planning the routes I would take and what I would try and explore to try and find more upgrades to to more exploring. Talking about it almost makes it seem like minecraft, and tails's adventure feels like it too. I currently have it on an emulator for my gp2x caanoo, and loved it to death.
The library also included games like sonic triple trouble, sonic chaos and sonic labirynth. These games looked great and sounded like a nes on steroids, with graphics that were inferior to their megadrive/genesis counterparts, but still just as charming. Triple trouble introduces a more non-linear sonic game than the genesis, as it's followers, um, followed.
Don't you hate it when you love a handheld game so much that you sit around playing in on the couch when it advertised itself as being portable? You know it's good when that happens. | r/gamenostalgia | post | r/gamenostalgia | 2011-02-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxM2NlaUpOVWRVN0dKRHA3ZWIwbE5kTVMtTndSQUszYTF1M2R4X1JYZHc2czA2ZzFuc3pMSHU1VUhBOUJjQ2s4NVY3NUl2X09NQVlqeTc1YjE2dzVCSmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpcWRLbGF5Wi1zQVBBSFR3eW9ic1BzX3ZPVTlDZk1rc0Ixek5takVFRG1QQTJrZ2ZJRUdiakplZkpPS1BIN0Z4ZE03X2hYV3ZHRF9DbHdhZXRGOGNod0FtdmY3S0RLQXYwYmlvdTFucUljSG5mSmo4VnY5VFdScUdDQVpQdzVXZ3lpbDJZaWFLMTdmdWNWeUJrRkdUdVp5a2xCZGZyT19NaHpBbVMzd3NIVURBbUdYVEt6Q2FNVDlGLVdvOXZLSFFrdmNpZ0Z6LVVubzJiU3dWdlhFV25FZz09 |
I think this is the best place to ask...
Also, context if requested. | r/puremathematics | post | r/puremathematics | 2011-02-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUTVINHRhbzE5RGFwWHdCeTZuM21tV2xpZ3MwRThSZ2VZTVN0SUlrSGdmclZwbGFSdUY4ak9CU3B1X01WX0M4WWhSRjltckU4WC1fcjRja0tFNHRBUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpdGEwS3NNRjBWQTRQYlZqYnliSnJjbjluTklkR0U5Vzc1SnVzbUZNbFdfTGZYWGw0alBnVFVKT3BtZzlQT3pjRWJhdmUxZE1yN1NLLTFMZXNzQ08zdjd5VTN5WW1LUlNQX2FyRXhMWmk3Z0N4aFlBUHA3NlhSVHRPWk9qMW05TGEtRk9rMDktRnI4aWxuS1JFX01NYTEwVUZHMi12dU0wWll2T3h5QzI4TEdWZEgyVFJkekQ2cDE1bkh0bU9ZRGVXTzFMV2lMUDdlUmFBbHNfMFhjcmlVUT09 |
Love it when clueless humanities people approach system design. | r/resilientcommunities | comment | r/resilientcommunities | 2011-02-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYlpteDFGUTM2dlMtTEhyX21DOUZwLW9KUWFKM011WXdJVm1HdmE5U1d0Vi1RLWF0eXNjUmVGMTljZHBlR2puYjVaVnFMLW5zeG93dFJ1b3NaMm4zOUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpTmxXRy1seEx3M2dodXdmaE9OZVJmNW9nMzJzRF84aHZteHBuVnFOclJwcmY3WUJIT2ZWdEQzamI2UnVmMERvU3dvWHhzc2xadlpLdnBZZWhpMGhYeUpRSDNpdTkzSnB3cnNKaG0wVjlBaGYyYmpmdV84YVh4NWpaVWJsWHB5ZVNKT1RMVTY3aTI1NV96dWZsRUVpNkVHZDh3M1ozS3J1NDNJSWo0bzh1cWg0NEk3VlJWQVdtNU5mQ0tHeHI1VUs1Q1RSTjVMRkNxVVhaWDV3V1pmbk9rUT09 |
Did you knew that a /64 of IPv6 is fully enough to encode geographical position with ~2 m resolution? This means that centralism and decentralism can co-exist.
Dual-stack powerful wireless routers, check. Long-range WiFi, check. 300 m or 40 km SFP and SFP+ for cheap switches, check.
The basic components are getting there. Airy waffle will only guarantee the technical people won't join in.
| r/resilientcommunities | comment | r/resilientcommunities | 2011-02-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeXBHUVJKTkNhNEFNZE9TMWl1dUVZcS1CWUVJbTJTVjhmTTZoRW54VUNzM25XWU9uTWVUNWhYUWxCZ0JxbnhIdWRBMVpnU2piVFpHd2VVVk5LVm1tVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpNGdFUktuVFBlSDBOTmYwX1I1Z1NTTnhVR3J3WVh1VXl5V0tYamlNNHNHZFVXa2h3a3hUbzJuMnBPV2dsVUs4eDVPQzRRWFZYQTVoMGJlRHZlZWpPdkp2X3RwT3ZuQ3pmazdoeV82UWJMc29hVUw1d29MTWpYTFRXamlIdFZwWlNHTEdYdktIS0w3bXoxZ3JqOWRWS0Z4N0NTbC1wcGdpYy10R0lHSWRwMVctaU9JUnRIM29feFBibHpqRFJHMnl1UVItRFVTVU52UVQtV3dYZDlobVRtUT09 |
cold call? email? Do I take my portfolio in? I live in a hip area with several small regional mags that I know I could take way better shots than what they have...
How do I go about approaching the editor and get hired? I currently work as a portrait shooter mostly. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2011-02-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcDhrdjRLSU02bDRfMk5QSGRtNFMyR2xERXg5ZkQwMU5aOXBxYTFWX2x5VjZfUGZYaE9tV1dwTkhiOTg0NVQwRVJteTJFZmdoclhiMG5IbWVtMEJCR2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpZ1VpM2NPWUVXeEZWLUVNYkZlb0N6bUFIcUc2eFdOT3VNSVJGdFpYcXRUbjFQSlZGRjM3YThna0tJdlZST3BzTDl2S0RmY1JxQmFkeHpUWkhYR1RQVGNMVE41Z2JfMFZNY3l3Rzd3dDdNLXY5azNqaFdxOVpTWmRrZ0E0amZBLXBxczFMazQ4S0NiU21lTHJLXzNXTjJLOUFVaXAwQlpqTWxmN0haOFFJZXVyQU9XYTAtNFc2MGd5UE1sNE9WRm9S |
How much would this set up cost? | r/resilientcommunities | comment | r/resilientcommunities | 2011-02-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZlFLY3h3VEdMUXR0YVFYQmJrVU9zRHFlWTRsQTRLd2tJeUxzNDNkZUpreXdTOEFwazQxOXNUOEhnaHQyTHhSdzR3X3RiUTdjQ2hZc2pYNmQ4VWlDZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpWDJobnR1ZzdaVHEwRUM5Z1JqaThpRkFkdG1ZS210UUE1UTNYQzVHblQ1Rm1pQmVHdTdfSnRvUTVGWTlwN0ZGclhWRnZ1Y205M3ktazFJbmNhWHh3N3J4c1BCUVU3VmVGeE0wZ0pPVm5hZUQtUzdidDhSWVNXbnVEeU14QmZfWmxUWDZnSXFMVWN1aTZoWHZLTGVDdG5VMXFYTDg1RjEzSDFDXzBlUWNkLUlkNXc5S2E4QmZLRmxOa1A2eVFrUXd4YzlOaGlWZU1GRkd1ak81cV91SFp6UT09 |
Asus RT-N16 sells for about 100 EUR. If you go by way of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-range_Wi-Fi and used sat dishes, the limit is labor and mounting costs. If you want to run it off PV and battery-buffered, add about a kEUR.
1 GBit SR SFP sells for 200-300 EUR. 10 GBit SFP+ SR for about 400 EUR. LR more pricey, but there earthworks would dominate, then monomode fiber costs, and then splicing costs. The actual optics would be negligible.
The real issue would be developing scalable geographic routing protocols, which can deal with highly defective, sparse networks, and use the Internet as backbone for most of the links. | r/resilientcommunities | comment | r/resilientcommunities | 2011-02-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNkN3R1RfZVZUdmtDVm5tN0xSekgwelRJeHhwX1VDajVXcS1qNEhuZXNoTkVnUGVMa04tNmZOcWpnMWZJMnpZMUx4M29yNEFMZjhRMmdOeExST2xPWkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpRXg4a2l4Ui1DTUh4NzZNYXBtaDROVVJVdG1EdVRlTlJFSUE1R0E5MFEyNUpoSUdZanQ0dEVvNGlKZ2hFVkhqeGpjeHdLdktMbDk2YVBHTnRaSWFTc3RtNzl0OFFhRGNCOWJoQmplZVFTd3RjT2l3U2drQjJsbTJIRkRON0JSRTlvaGNERHFYZklMUHY3ZTBHWTRLaVRCZW01WHlqblFqU2lseV9pX0huaDZGbjhERGhfWVphUTZDNEdnbHVURmxQTk91b05BUEtXbzRiUjgyaDZxQmhMdz09 |
I have landed a gig shooting Airsoft games at a local indoor facility. Its dark, fast and a flash is probably not a good idea. I have been doing alright with the gear I have (50d 24-135mm 3.5-5.6/f USM II) but a majority of the shots are understandably unusable, mainly because I like to breath. I do have a 50mm 1.8 but that is a bit too much zoom for those close quarters and its focus is terribly slow.
I'm wondering if anyone has any tips or gear suggestions that would help save a few more shots. The guy who is running the place wants to open it up to LE training and I would like to be able to deliver higher quality images for the higher quality clients. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2011-02-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcmxTa1E1UW1BRTN3QUNDaWktR3JsN1JSbDAtQWVqd2IyNC1tR2xjV190aExob01idU9YZkZOQWk2RmZwOGh3eFN3N3BlLXBsSDdSdkk0UkNMTHdjMEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpaEtiYnY5QWVMZU15LXBEOTBIWF9iYk9Ld3Nfa0EzOWR5MldxVUJCTU9McDVGUEx5NTFlbjNIRl9CSkRLTnZQZUpmeWY5SURLX3JYN0VxUGlBanRzLUoyaE03SzRlcTVSTDNfSDM5d1lpSWptQWpydzB4RWdnUVNhcV9od1hWeFpzelp5SDBYSHV6TTRVWUFfM3NXZ0N4UGMySGYwV0ZUXzZfZGp1U3dVLWlyLVZPbzVnN2l0YjZLZThxSlh6SjctWVU1anBTNGJiVUkwLWpzNnRYcTNmQT09 |
For anyone having a less-than-happy day (like me), let's see some of your favorite pictures - cute, silly, fun. Cats, dogs, rats, kittens, bacon, whales, yourselves doing crazy things - something to help make this a better day. :) | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQmpHM3V0WUl5Q25FX2RLR2Jfc3d0Ul95a2VDMk1BSk9hbEhqNno3RS1uNkFTSV9YWmtQS1JnTHZNeXRhTWQtUUZDbHBmdnc3WjNCa2Z6a2lDWXI4SFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpZTRqUWNDTlJRTndIX3NXcGtFSmxQNkwxYy1ERTBUNE5UR0tMZnl2OHY3Z2pNNmUzcF9LWk56Z0I4cHBoeTBXRGtVNGJtYXpwQ2lMRHJMU0dsY3RLTHRpWF96djgzWFhDQlZudVBjbEN1Q1Q3T0NSRDJyanZkVzF3UXE3VHlYMVVQeHVFbTdyRWRURXNsVGV1dVFORElDY0dXenREV1pHOUo3SnhtRDNfOTMwPQ== |
I too would like to subscribe to the newsletter. | r/mansformation | comment | r/mansformation | 2011-02-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRTQtQVJqcWl0OVZ3MjZ5WnhITmNKYUFSUHFqbS1YXzNxaHo3M0pRWHowdmE0aG5fLW03S3JXd196ZU81bmNaTm9EN3JvYXJxM3JQalQ2eGxpdVctbEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpZHQtdmxoc3dwLWlzZV9aV2dFcXJrZWtSVFBZM1hNQ1BwdWpmb2IzT0lsQ1M5MWFObXZ2Z0lKbkdGZ2hvZlBLY1hmVXNoSEFjOVlhanF0bWpSb0dGbmNGeFdTMkdvU0JodnN6THl4Y2tWZ0FUQVE3Y1JGRVJqeGVEdkxlSnZReWJVVUxuLURwZFpFWnJjTTgwOW1PLXJDc09jZEpJMmFEWndSdHBPcVFqSW90V1NPeUtGenlyeW95UllmUXcyS1pL |
I like the "Bank of Albertane" and the 3CG :D | r/hanson | post | r/Hanson | 2011-02-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNUpIek5fYXktUjFZeVB4WDM4VnoyZEFVZGd0blMzeWdHNFRYWWtDSXBKa0ViVFNqa3VJNzFzcS1mQVhBR0hhQ2RQeVFwbzBZYWlMMkpjUmdna3VWTUkyWkhnNW9obks1X2hFUEJxMUxTdDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpT0tOYVVkNnBxdkhmYTRGSHY5RXhGbHhQdDZ6OTBLMjhYSlhxdFZlQ1h6QjR6LTUzMTI5dDhuUU5wWGNfNWVOWG84ckFTRWdzZWFwU0VPcnFYSFFEcU1nU1JhMXFJSC15bkdhSG9mT3JCVlFvU1o2cjk4aDh4ajVvY19VS2t6Z0Y2aFA4ZllTaTFUdnFlbHRmWUM2ZFFiazY2TnJEU180VXhXX3R3cHJCVXEwPQ== |
I've easily done it 40 times, I used to go once a week. Stunningly beautiful. Be careful around the cliffs though, seriously | r/ohiohiking | comment | r/OhioHiking | 2011-02-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNV8tdDNrcnRIbVN0SVlCcmFUZHY0V3F5eFRaWGhRN0JPZWpDTzU4dEFHWVUtck5sa0xMU09GSEdrQVZQeDcyNTRxOTE4NEozWkFFUFFnTWVYTmlZQWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpTXNnQjJhbUNoUVpIbHo2ZTVtYnM2eHdkTmQ4QVFIcjk4U01nOGhaVEVYYTdEYmlNUnRtQVlURHAxYllkdko1TW9sdmoxaFBBRGhZNUUxcV9xcEhJNlVpcUd3OU1OTFY1aUxOdmI5TW92VnN0Y1dTdnlIb0xwZWNyWXM0WUtnRUstRHJKX0VOZlZobkc1QlQteDlEU2xmMHgxVUlraS1aektObHhnVkYxRVo3a3dOdkNpMjhHbFRPckFreTVjMTFpOVozOWFDZERaSnFOQ0V4UmlVSWJFUT09 |
high iso? wide aperture? | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2011-02-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWDZCcXI0QVdWZVRqOTdlYU95SUFNY0tYT053b0wySjZkWDdLV0lFU2NTWm95M2JCaHRsYlE1UVBVb2JlNmZfMHJDMk5zS0JRTmRaTlpTVlhTazd1X2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpM2tyQi0xemFtbTZOdkoyYlpRU2RxV2ZCTkpIeXhTX2VJXzJiZnV0ZGVna013SlhXUTBPZDQxb3k2QWc3ZWdfbFczWkFkcnl2Zkl0akNrcWV6WnhXck9OR0pWRnhzaW9BT2pQM2xCYzJQQXktMU4xSHhEbjBQX1YtRHB4aUxmYWJfSmdjdElSSHRnb2NrbUJqWXVxaUk0Vm02Nk9UTTB6aDVSM2VSMzJ4dEpzOWJWcmhuaE9wb2RpMGFyYWphUW9x |
In the light of the recent events in Egypt, I figured I'd go thematic! [The Yacoubian Building](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Yacoubian_Building) by Alaa-Al-Aswany takes place in Cairo and serves as a metaphor for contemporary Egypt. I choose this novel specifically because of its revolutionary positive treatment of homosexuality. You can read an article on it [here](http://www.diabolicdigest.net/Middle%20East/Rainbow.htm).
The book has been adopted into a movie, available on Netflix.
Find the book free:
[Open Library](http://openlibrary.org/works/OL265620W/The_Yacoubian_Building)
For $10:
Discuss it below! :D
[Book 2 : Fried Green Tomatoes](http://www.reddit.com/r/MeetLGBT/comments/fa507/meetlgbt_book_2_fried_green_tomatoes/) | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSTJ5UjZGUnVzOHl2cTRxSXhqZ2dFSlh2WThydlRyTjZ2MmlJbTREZ3FIc2hTbEdNRkJZaWU2N3V4OVBoWGpmMVJ3WWh0cV9lb0lSbkRzb3M3VFNvQUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpblhSQ0tTbENWRnB1RzJ6MnJtc0ViUGx6alNlbUxtSWU1OFo5cHBNeDQ5SnhlZHA0NzR0NktfNUZQYVAxNHptaHJIUTgyMTZUYlJKNDJZZmRvWGltN21uTnNsbnR2ZGxHdmVkZ2hqeUlwYkYxUFRQZjlEa0Y3aXVEX3locy04cFA0eEwxeEJtQlpsNDBmSnVsVlcxUDRRYmU0aHE4QkRoSWZIT1VXS2dNQldlNS1aNDhsOWlZRXNXQTVabmNzVTBx |
**Movie 4: D.E.B.S.**
From [Wikipedia](https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/D.E.B.S._%282004_film%29):
D.E.B.S. is a 2004 American action-comedy film written and directed by Angela Robinson. It is an expansion of a short film of the same name that made the festival circuit (including the Sundance Film Festival). The film is both a parody and an emulation of the Charlie's Angels format. It features a lesbian love story between one of the heroes and the villain.
Look for my review in the middle of the week, once I hopefully have things set up after my move.
<- [Movie 3: Burnt Money](http://www.reddit.com/r/MeetLGBT/comments/fjf8m/meetlgbt_movie_3_burnt_money/) | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUEZ6eTQ0V1NuVXBQQllreVRCWXRKNUNrWFc4czFuVG94bTJwUlhmOGNIc1lLbjF2ZTNvUnZXZVBDdU1xUy13VlBpOWVWZXZiZk1tVXNSUDllLU1hc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpazFKQmdqWk50cE42bldSMEtxWkhBM3ZfX2FOQU9pWTJVUkhuY2JTcU44b0tGVTNFSGxQcmxjREh6bW1rMDVmZVRUbm13OFJjNG04UWljS2VkNlBRcmFDdGg2bmwyNTNmazVtRU42S3VUR3pLeDJtbDdCc3B6Rzc2aExVNE5kdHlLaWNRR1NVdTNiUzF5c2NQNldVbzJLVldEanltQ2piYm1QcTlHZTZWV05RPQ== |
I am doing a study abroad and research internship in Japan and will be finished between 8/1-12/26. I'd love to get back into sailing and I don't have a specific destination port in mind. I have an American passport (born and raised in FL).
I'm 22 and studying nuclear engineering and international business (along with Japanese). My Japanese is good and I can easily be your tour guide and take care of the various forms/procedures while in Japan.
I don't have a ton of experience sailing (been on ~10 weekend trips) but have been around boats all my life. I'm electronically and mechanically minded and also love cooking. I don't mind helping to clean or doing watch shifts either.
I love learning, traveling, and doing new things. Scuba is a big hobby of mine too. Once I graduate I plan on moving aboard so I'd really love to have this kind of experience and learn along the way.
Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to your ship! | r/sailingcrew | post | r/sailingcrew | 2011-02-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxXzA3WThoZk02OElVYWZhVjB6RWJ4ajhhczkwWGQyVVlBWjVYTjdBS0JKREpwd3JxRE5KLTlyM3hCTmFjWVNBZFlrYVJ4cklYb2ZwYi1wVU5NcGdMb3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpeG5nM3d6MHo4d25wUkUyQjR6a0VTUzJrc2t5TmI2RFFncjMtcDFESnl6R3haZ0dPY0tZa1Z6TnBjRmZYTjkxcGFDTEtYR0dNaXBuVFVGMmEyQWNWUlI0Sm5HeS03S1VXVDZHakpDVDVQcDVsZGd5cmNoNmpiTmRkVGd0eFpZekxLenRoSEt5TDVFb1dIV0tMQmNoN0JjYUVNR2tCTXliRjk0VHlaZ0FXWXZTMXg0UGNTUDFTRkVZRHV4MGpHRHlk |
I don't have any names for you right now.... Only questions.
I really, really want to start blowing glass, but I'm not sure where to start. Would you mind telling me how you got started, what I can do to prepare myself, things you wished you known when you started and anything else you might like to share?
Also if you post some pictures of your work I would brainstorm some name ideas for you. | r/glassart | comment | r/glassart | 2011-02-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZTBOYm13MDIzNWdOLUtzY05YckthQklXcEowakdreERodDdITzV0TFl3c2p2cjNzazh1eTBYTjUzNlZDSjV3eW4wYlFaa0dtTUctbVJOMThMRlozZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpbkhLbzJSYkhqZEEyam9vT3RUUWxJb21XSG1DMzh1S3k2aDhRLVgyVVR5MV9HcVpmdHVya2lpMUc0a2NqdXJkSW81MDlaOWp0aUFCLXVOVGNBN1dBdDA4bW1yLVBXVjhtdy01b0FuUTRQZkJpeVQ2MlZTblJldnIxc1RHNTdQV21rZUpNZDk0c1B2Wkt1c0s3TGpLdGdDcTFCMDhpQTltZTh4TEIxeTRDbVBjPQ== |
My story (as submitted to this sub back when it first started) has been put up on Richard Dawkins' converts corner! Check it:
http://richarddawkins.net/letters/converts?page=1#letter_595254 | r/thegreatproject | post | r/thegreatproject | 2011-02-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWUJWbDIxSVREdDdiNktLQzlDSkszNmo2bjRYX1hZb3MxbDFzZXEzMFlwY2FkQ0R4elgwRHBzd2VEdDFPMEQ1RDNTSWJhbS1HNF9ZMWUtTUF2THEydXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpSDlLa2hoWld5RjJNeXdrRmZ1a25qX3E3Y0NPRnJCcW9SekhPWG5wdGhuUzBOcFRPRjJoNm9kbzRxUmEtSVpaa013WDc3VWxhLUgzamtSRzVIT085ZmpfcGRhUDRoNG9VOU50RExLelJpby13bldmbnRnVklfZWdOVUFWX3ppSFBTbDU4Y0lXYU9uWFpSRHlyMy1vcUE3amhSVFpLSFdTTTgwemE5Y2FNa1VRPQ== |
Shouldn't you start that sentence with 'Yo trees, I'm real happy for you, and Imma let you finish but...' | r/mansformation | comment | r/mansformation | 2011-02-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYjk2ZG9hdnFXNy1jaVM3NG5nTnY4cktMMzdtMWZ1b0RkTWVIbHMyM1hESVVGc0tZOW5MTmRwR2JKWXVVemd2S0lpVWpvLVVIdndPYzBieHB6TG9GMnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpNzRQbGpNTEQtbUhPcFhjd3BQdkV6VG1VQmJ4SnpvQ05ja3pfTHBFMHVkV3JRTmkyRmQwY2hoUDlYbDhlU1lQRFBlLWR2cGdjMkNDaVo5SDJXYmZKSVh1R0M4dzB4enVKWTh6LTJvWXBMLU1VT3FqLXVLVm5VaGVPS3JCcWZOSzlPSW5zckh0S3FXSVZfYW9hU3p3aF85NThhYjJIZnJRaWpWOTUyeDhLVEhBTUNXVDY4c1JzV2J5OU42VnB2MU9ub3VOOXRqbjZYaWVlOXBMRFkzWEVhdz09 |
Do you like Garage, Punk, or Psychedelic music? Do you hate the Oscars? Come rock and roll to hits from some of the northwest's best rock and roll groups:
The Apollos - http://www.myspace.com/theapollosseattle
The Reservations
The Aurora Roarers - http://www.myspace.com/auroraroarers
Slushy - http://www.myspace.com/ronnymcclane
Show starts at 9 | r/seattleevents | post | r/SeattleEvents | 2011-02-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZGRPVTZFN3JNYkNLcXBtaEM1eHI5X012SGdIa0hHMmVvczJJblZrdlB0NVhpOHQ1dlkzZkVkSl9QNVJSczF1Ukhxb2NNZmtYOGpjQzUzaXZSOTh3N0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpaGtIY3ZZTk5ybUpWMDdzNkkwOU1QcjBFdlN4UGZSYmNGckFENFRkeVF0czJzZHRMbER3d0ZVcDMxWVE2U3lwajVYYng5QnAxZy0zZzI2RWZtOXRiTHgxSTFPdFhMeFE0dFpJWGlvUlVNRlBJRVc1QkJ4ZzdsbUc3SXluX2txdnA0Ri0zR2k3cm9VT3BnbnBKb09tVjhVbGdDRG1QY19obXR5MjQxUDhDam9sZkxVc0FNWEZ2djM5Z0VON2p4YjJleUExVFJNM3VRMVVrSWlDQm9SZzM0dz09 |
Knowing the people in the business is the best way to get started. My brother-in-law and I are pretty good friends and he has been blowing glass for 8 years now. He took me in as an apprentice. But there are studios for glassblowing in most major cities where you can pay for apprenticeships.
I live in Colorado and the studios I know are in Boulder and Denver. But we built a studio in my brother-in-law's garage and work there. It is an expensive trade to get started in because the tools and torches are expensive but after you have the tools of the trade glass tubes are pretty cheap.
Things I wish I had known when I started... maybe just the business side of things. You are self employed when blowing glass for a living so I am having to ask around with other glass blowers on how to set up a company for this kind of work. Other than that I can just say watch as much as you can of others work. You will pick it up so much faster by watching the styles and techniques people use.
I will get some pictures of my work when I can. Though I am just a beginner and have simple things in the works at the moment. | r/glassart | comment | r/glassart | 2011-02-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxM2RNbXgtVUwtZHZkT01PR3VUc0ZEeG9aV3ZMbW5veVJ3eS04RGdQSmdROWw4WHhVSkJpdmN2UWZXbmVrcTVUaDQ0U3piWVRVMkpmOWRPSzJtandIdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpX2tTM0h5NjBUdkxaX3dDSkIybDhzRnc3bXM2d2lycWM3U2dteHRENEc0aU1maWxmcFpmazBiQ1dLOVpGOGJHVUNTc2JhUnVXVTNJZ1VHNXVib0h0Q1NZUUluRHFWZkhZamNPZmlUQ043cnlVTGJ5T2ZidUs4TWQ3SThoX0JXY2paSDYyTjRXa3R5aUNYSXJTbExOWmRvUjZrbmZuanpLZWR1V1RCRkQzUlhNPQ== |
Hey, I'm doing a paper on ajax, although I'm not too big on it myself (never used it), so I'm wondering if anyone can help me with a few questions I have:
1. Probably a stupid question, but is AJAX a language?
2. Is there anything significant/new/notable about the language?
3. If a company converted to an ajax website, would anything become obsolete?
Thanks. | r/ajax | post | r/ajax | 2011-02-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxODV4MV9zYWZlS1p1LWZjR1RBV3RrM0JiSDNCMkF3c3hTa2xhOFBNNWl3bDk0eS1QN0g4VGpUOUU4QlpmWGNsZHY3Tm85YWZRUmNuUTh6RS16aHlUS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zpb3NsMzEtaW85cTBVY1lRaElfZlZPbThNaWVyV1hHZW9SNzJYd3RpYnRVTnlBSG5JcDRxV2dYVWJORGMtajR6U1dHM0k4TTVOMHB6SEkwV0Zqd25KY2NyaXpCRHRWOUhrNDN0cEZXWkNlVEgyTFdlaU94MUhxeGFkRl9jTkxvZjFQUFhpLWxjOEhqYkUyZEZLWlg5UUN1V3hnV2VGZ0ZiUk1sU0tHMGR2OVFjdG5Oc2ZhZnJsRmxwXzh1NlhUajlE |
1+1=2 hence Krugman is a moron. Which part do you disagree most?
Krugman refers to the red diapper KGB hack Naomi Klein. And it is already a problem: http://feeds.mises.org/~r/MisesBlog/~3/LClqaKMn9t4/ | r/mises | comment | r/mises | 2011-02-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVzdaUFRIZVBJN0p5MWRRcEpLOWdCZGhFdElld2xud0NwYzNSOUM2VHRRTEdjOXdGc1ByVXcyZlNRYzlNRGp4TzZIMFRGZGVsWkpBT18zUVRKRXpVY3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpT3BBZnNGZTJUNURvVk8xb2xWZnZHeHZsZWdSSjVNOEh5NXUxaDhBLVRHaHVLN0RFNmR0WHZabzJCNXE3c0czSk9JZHRoQm5yZEgxMWxXdnhmMVVkcTNYSVZ1Q1BuTl9OQUNlR1ROTFdyQy1QejZmQXh5eW1lYi1hRXhqckNkSEx3bzdudWVrR3JqU1c2OXV1aEhUdHFNODFnbmxyTnhqMU54Zl8xTVFoeWV1RHJuU2ZKUEVLTElnYTZDdE1lMGRicmlsZVNhQ296d21qT280UHN1eXJMQT09 |
standards sure have gotten low... | r/ajax | comment | r/ajax | 2011-02-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYm9NNTUwN29Ic3BNRkYxTFRldVB1SzYySGVLWmFpT2ZrU1NVQ0RuN1g4c0Q5V29zQlFlT1Fwc1g4RTBRSXNjbmg2a2YyWWltN21FRmg0ODVUMHBxVFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpQ3IxbVRySVdDdE9LMDF3dXMyOURpOXRseV9DWGNma1laSVdaQWJPLXVoN2kxWENKMGdEOERoLUY0aDE0d1hlOHZXOS1GVVVSVkhZM3ZLTDJrSGxzeERMOXcya0dhTlg4U0ZZaHlLMTFHckxqb0s3XzA5TTUxRGNHLWV3djEwdTJjZEgtSWU5SWNER1RFZkdZb2FhV2tUTGJOSndVNDNWdWdsTzhBYjREcnNyaTVpR0ZnT3Nla095RUNRd1c5cjZk |
I'm sorry, without trying to sound condescending ... you have been too brief here. You'll have to expand on your thoughts, because your thoughts may be well formed and left unsaid. I just can't understand what you mean to say. All I know is Krugman didn't say 1+1=2. It's a metaphor you may have thought through and simply didn't convey enough about, perhaps?
In the first comment, you condemn Rockwell apparently for being too hard on Krugman. In the follow-up, you link to an article written by a best friend of his and fellow Mises Institute staff member Art Carden. Color me confused, as you can see, because Rockwell is the founder and Chairman of the LvMI. | r/mises | comment | r/mises | 2011-02-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZDU2SndFRUVrN0dOR1dyOGpPT2hPa0tNRUpuVl8wak92WmxCcTA1ckdXT3hhVkNaQ2RfaW5WSi1XMnAwUnVCd3ZRLUNmcXVTYzNJN3BVMExGcnZiWEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUmw4OG5sODUya0dkZmhSdVRSd1dzdGdRVkVmUnVhVXU3bi1LdkdnbW1yZFRsY25kbmlJUXdfUi11VFRBVEctdnpXZlhjdmZDV3YyQnRaQl9GVXFuTmNDRG5OY21jb2hIZnNQTTZwaTIyRDdiSUFyblZDd2dVdEg3d3NzRTROdG1xQVZCaWxqSU05N0EwS0g4Qy1YQmpSeTBIem5wbXJUY2ozLTNCMm4zTkNVNmZnQ3J5M0dPRU9PZEVCUWhXN1BQcnE5V29ob1c4MUxhTEtoLWRWX0JQUT09 |
Oh man, I am very sorry: I thought that I was responding to a different question (regarding the recent oped by Krugman). Consider my previous comment as a blatant mistake. | r/mises | comment | r/mises | 2011-02-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYTVQRld2WjZ1V2xtLVBxUkdXZ3pjRTBfYmRDUEtnUzdXem9jck5JUlM2dE5zRFhsbW5MaTZydTduYXRLd3Mwbmlya0t6d2Y5MFRpWW1DZkxZUkRGdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpNmxMdzU0LUgwYThOWngzUEpLZHVob2NrRWl4QUh2bjhIQzUwX3pta0RLRFdIVmY5cTljNXU4ZmFoNEtOZGZ5TFVwblJaNHNhMV9ZbEx0MkItSUFuYXBNT1NacVVKdnhjVmxYdFRCdG9LdWxCeDZsYjFycGRycGxMbUg1OC10X2RLTTN5aHdmVDFGM0xXanFRVTFCdHNlMUx3NkhqNnFhR2JxejlLZXk0Q0ZGSGU0dlhUWjVwZllLckhyY0JzVmE0eEZkSlRjVTZQSm03WFJaWkZxMHdwZz09 |
No worries. Have a great rest of the day! | r/mises | comment | r/mises | 2011-02-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUFI5bWQtNzdoZlZOQUQ0Rjd4QWNrNDZQY0NlT2FXOFlpVnI2a045LUVxdi0wZkNNLTU5YUs1dzl6UDNxWU45RVBmMkZySkxrWEVrREVvVTJUZXppNXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpX1R4ekIyN2Z6ZWpBSkVRX2p2aW9oQVNMVUdSTnJyRkQ3TVV4eWhzeEcxNTVvTmRDTDg4UlIxRVdac1prWjZnM1dtSjN5TTF3M2NDekI4Q0dTVkk2ZHJ0cTBjc1JabnJaSW11RmlDd0NJa1Q3X2NJeDMzWGRCbXlkSG5PWjYwLUxzaUNqY0VhY0M0YkxQLVFBN2QwcTVqeW9Ra0tiS1U0X0tiaGVfakNFSmhBcjZXbHh5UTBvblNkVDRXU21QbEtsQ29SSFlBanVkbVNlTmVnT2pkb3d0dz09 |
I'm thinking about taking on the project of building my own processing/beowulf cluster. Has anyone here done it before? Ideas?
I'd like to try to keep costs as low as possible. This is more of a learning project than trying to build for any type of commercial or professional use. | r/distributedcomputing | post | r/DistributedComputing | 2011-02-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxOVllV2ZLV25yMWFRd25uV2xUdnMyLUktaXRKVXQzajI2TnIybDJKbDBaTVoybkRIR1c2aFdKYUw4ZnNkdWVEWEY1azcydE9oQzNmeDZWb2I1Q1hNZUhNSkxZUzFKaUU4WDJSaUlZdFprN1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpWmp6RHNmQW5LV3pUOFdRaUliNnVxUnZoS3JFUzVHd2pVYUJRRktCNXRWdE1tNUh6SFRxOHhDbHAzVlBZMENYOHRvTnRVQ2hxc2xBaXR0NlBER1JGbVhVM0NIRlh2RUZsZ080bmhjZnc5U0xNUThxVmRUZWVVVFVOVUdET0J3N20tWUNwSHhQcHpQdXBheW9IS3FVRjd6UTc3cXlGX1Qyc2RURjB4cDg1MHBkMUQ4TUk3aWRlWlk3MUhXa3JSbFo0eEVqS2FyVGRhNUlvV3dJcjRfQ0V4dz09 |
I just found out about this game and I love it! However I can't seem to right click on anything in the game using Linux. I would love to buy this game, but if it's broken then I'm not going to buy. Any ideas? | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-02-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcHlYWkJSQXNNeUpDbUFiaXhVRVY0OG5mZWdwcFJQaTFVNVJ6Uk1aZ0J3clZFbk1UUnNpVXdtVDlFeVA5dVZfcUpBZ0Vfa3djVEkzblltSUo5dXpnbWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zpck5TMmVjSm4tbXcwcDVqRjJERFdpczlEMmt0cWpEVFc2bTFjVUQ4M2FxVHhNN1ItQjZQR3J0WUoxQTROMEN4dVZaVUozamgyY3JxWi1mYk1YQ294Uzc3SnBYeFpZYkN5MzRabHdyUUNUdWJQYmtNRGN3N1VKelNZOHBRdGk4TTc2ZXlLOVhYTEpEaGMyNlQxazJZYXZrRG9SNWticXZhVVhPR0F3cjZQaGQtRk80SXM3TEt4OWF4RVZ5ZnBEVmRh |
Rockwell makes an impression as if there are only american client-dictators abroad (especially in the oil-rich regions). However, he could take into account that the Soviet Union intervened in the region as well, imposing its own puppets all over the oil wells.
Another issue is that he somehow suggests that the protests are about more freedom, democracy and capitalism. I doubt that this is the case, and I doubt that there is a direct relation between the intentions and the goals of the protestors and those who will get to power on that wave.
In general, I think that the situation is more complex than that simple picture of american imperialism installing puppets in remote nations. Especially, one has to take into account other superpowers competing for the leverage on the oil-rich territories. | r/mises | comment | r/mises | 2011-02-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQUdxb29SazNyYnJveXFCTnZITWRONjNUMVVWTzZBWThiVGlCVjFMbUlhUlhmaF84SjhXZFlJRjN3RzFQV1Yzdm9oZ0hBLVNKRzc5aTVrUTBvNFdHTEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpbF9UbHVKa1lybDI4ZmJ4eGotY1ZmR3NwSDRLNE51dVB4UmNlTXQ3RVNPclVEcXVVRTZmd2cySE41NGNxbWRfbUdmeEtITzk5b0JFdzJTbGp5eXZJRVFlZkZNLVBsYVVyR1hldEdPZmJUWHNZSm9MdS1QUVdnU0dpaE1SUGxySEFvSzZxMG1tOEVrVWxSVHhKTkkwZnZzWlZhVTRMWkc2dWw4NDFQUV9IZnFPVUxXVnBTMnlBWmsxeE5TU2RxYmVuMVpKSUU5SUpKcGtqVXpxVDVBRG1LQT09 |
###MeetLGBT Featured Member: February 28, 2011
>> * **Age**: 23
>> * ** Gender**: Male, but see gender stuff below.
>> * ** Location**: Toledo, OH
>> * ** Job**: I work in electronics manufacturing, but I'm looking for something in IT.
>> * ** Hobbies**: Computer programming. Reading and writing (I don't do either nearly as much as I'd like to). Older video games (currently playing FF6).
>> * ** Pets**: One dog, and some fish.
>> * ** Political views**: Mostly liberal, but conservative on some things. I tend to get annoyed by political signs and bumper-stickers, even when I agree with what they say.
>> * ** Religious views**: Agnostic, leaning toward Atheist.
>> * ** What makes you happy**: I'm a big procrastinator. But when I finally do get working hard on something, it really makes me happy. Which makes me wonder why I procrastinate in the first place.
>> * ** Favorite Things**: I love Chinese food, partly because Chinese is about the only thing other than pizza that I can get delivered. My favorite TV shows are; Glee, Doctor Who, Modern Family, Arrested Development, and Firefly. My favorite fiction book is Jennifer Government, and my favorite non-fiction is Masters of Doom.
>> * ** Orientation**: I guess 'questioning' is the correct term here. I'm mostly straight, but open to the thought of being with the right guy. I think that makes me a 1 or 2 on the Kinsey Scale, if you believe something as complex as orientation can be expressed as a number.
>> * ** Gender Stuff**: I was born a guy, and I identify as a guy (except in certain online games). I spend a lot of time lurking around /r/transgender. Although I do feel a lot of things the people there describe, I wouldn't call myself transgender -- genderqueer is probably a better term. While I think I would be a little happier as a woman, I'm not unhappy as a man. Many transgender people say they feel like they're missing a limb, I feel more like I'm missing some toes (something I can live and function without, but I still wish I had them).
>> * ** Coming out**: I spent most of my life trying to avoid behaviors that might make me appear 'gay' or 'too girly'. Although I haven't come out about anything, I have recently decided to start expressing myself a little more rather than caring what people think. I've started out by buying a dead-sexy purple t-shirt, and carrying a flower-y coffee mug.
>> * ** Relationship status/background**: Forever Alone, but I'm working on trying to be a little more outgoing and actually talking to people rather than hiding from them.
>>I think I may have some German background, but that's not where my username comes from. My username is 42 in resister color codes.
You can be a featured member, too! **[Click here for details](/d880k)** | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMlVCejBUd0xJR1A0RmNVdXduVzNsaDlsc0s4c05MY0Jua1hjVGgteDZiN3BkZ184cFZweGZraUNhdWpWaWFXY09IbTBQVVZEaDF6aTZKenFXMFFDa1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpRUljRmlFZVpXZDRpMXZndFdLT0tWXzNwNmtXZW1XUkVPX2l2YjIwUTlNa1VrSEVodUhfeWloWmxZMkVsX0dwTlUtRjRZcVRDbW96Rk96TEZNNWxWX1NMZE1vS0VBN1luRllkSFVBSTRUNG9Nb29Nci1seEZmNWRxcjRDbmlMc0Q2TE1DNFZXbW9rQmFSV0pDMGUwTEFMYW1KVi1NXzUwUGFYaWJ2UTNTZ1llRllaVzJRX09YX0JVcFdfQnhWMHpY |
SpaceChem's sound stutters if I try to do other things, like browse the web, while it's open. I'm guessing the thread that plays the music needs a higher priority or something.
Also! I'd like to be able to replace parts by dropping a new part in the relevant space. This would be especially useful for the arrow parts (I can't count the number of times I've pressed the wrong direction button and had to right-click on the arrow to fix it), but I think it should be the general behavior.
Also also, I think locking a layer should prevent me from adding parts to that layer, not just deleting parts from it. I only made that goof once, but it surprised me that I could. | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-02-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxb1RBa0M5OFFiXzJJSjhtSkdSckhGU2FJNmNDazR2Y2JUbzhlblN5S1BKTFE5aXNxWVhwOEd4MzZJSGhXUG9GTm44ZXdVZ3MxOEFPOFlhUy1yM2g4R3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpMWowY3pFaktqcGg3angwSFpCX3FJc3QtRFFoZzV5LW1qczFGVXdmUGJTVTBQV1dpVDJfRzlSNDF0X29sa3dUamxMenRSMGhuUDhoX2k5S25sQlkyVndmcC1fSWtzTElXUkIxWndrbzRJTlJzb3BsME5hLVh2Yk5FS2tKUWNvN194NGpNWmpnODQyVUlZaWUwWmFKUFBQWFpxZEM5Tmk1a3JMckNYbncwUDZnNHh4N1ZrZG1LWjdZUkVHZnYtQmxO |
I've found a good price on a used 430ex flash, but I've been told that they often misfire with 3rd party wireless triggers found on ebay. If I want to eventually want to try off camera flash should I invest in a new 430ex II or are there specific wireless tiggers that work better with the original 430ex? I've got a 500D and this would be my first flash purchase. Thanks in advance! | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2011-02-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNGpHY21LUmNueUtpZjU2ZUZfc2M1YjZlMWRxTzhMRS02c1FjcmZ1ZXBoMFZLMy1OeXRJV1RjdDUxRWRlVVVYVElpZzFqZW8tMmJqUFpQWkxIMERnWFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpemtRa0l6WmExYTl3ZWN6ZHluMldCZTFUTElNSzhBX0tTSkZnTjZMTGtLQ21JOVdMYmhYNWkxRGNZQVl5bXBvYlFqQjhKWWtha1pJajkwQzduenB5SmxBVncwM2JKVGZjOU4tQ2V1M29vek9pUVB3WWpPdjNBZHl0Q09ZWE1IdmhkbERPMFNBVlBraUo0Z3ZIdW9oMV8wbnVaLWhfVGJZcTFvWFdSNnVTVktmdG92NWJNYUllRllfYkExNk1oR041 |
that I'll never be able to read a recipe normally again. And I dont want to. Viva la f7u12d! | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2011-02-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxb0NkM2JYREE0aVFieEpaLVlQeVVubXhIOUFQc3BQU2tVai1PMGk3ampDNGw4OVBxRW5hbFh5cFpBWl9WakhtVmZhcEZYVmlGbEJNbG1LYWNNM0U3cXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpY3FiWEthb0JWODhpbkFMWUpYU3lLZHhUVEk2RDFjQVJZMXhHbzA4Z0Y5QW11ZXF1WW8za3d0WWhqbVNkU0ZYTmpid3g2c0ptWExJLVNteHdjTGh3NGVEUXBhcHBUQ2pyektDaWdYOUFTa0FhakpXYTdIUUpCb2d5ZExzc1B0RjdpekFJd2duNWVpWnNEeHhFME9qQUZxRTFBdGNzX29KZ1U2Vmp2alhuZDFJPQ== |
I don't do the imgur/f7u12 thing, so someone else can do this. There's good opportunity for brutal verbiage here.
Buy yogurt. Any kind, but greek is best. Greeks are sexy. If you get organic there'll be a payoff later.
Get one of those strainers that looks like a big spoon made out of a screen door.
Get a coffee filter, the basket kind.
Put the filter in the strainer and the yogurt in the filter. Balance them over the sink or a bowl or something so that the liquid runs out and away. Go away. For, like a day. At least.
Come back when it's a wad of spreadable cheesy stuff and a puddle of really weird looking greyish water. That's the whey, drink it, it's good for you, builds muscles.
Stir something into the cheese -- garlic works, or honey and walnuts, or chopped parsley. Not all of those.
Roll the wad up into a nice ball, cover with plastic wrap, shove in fridge.
Get a girl to come over to your house (that part's your problem).
Serve her this cheese on a wooden cutting board with some whole grain crackers. Tell her you made it yourself. She will fuck you, I promise, I'm a girl, and I know how our minds work. If you've used organic yogurt you'll get a blowjob too (told you that will pay off)
There, there's the basics, somebody else wanna do the visuals? Knock yourself out. | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2011-02-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQjhtYVBvU3lULU8wTnhvS1hZTThQZmFLMzlRTjNVZTQtVHViR2FpNTRybWo4dWhnUlEyTGZtMGtGVnkwVUJKa2ZodzA1U0xmd0JlNmx3cU10ODBMYkp3NEdMLVgxQnQ3aHFzZ2RNd2VXMlk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpMVNhR0lqbEM5Snp6TEZZT2NROWc4akNKZTRuTjFvVkcwUU1ad1ZrUlpVNDItS0MxbmhLQjFuNkIwRGg1N1UwNUd3a0wxSDJDdU1NUEFuN2RDUXBWYVpwZjZlMHhyanpkRmVXVjQwVXlXRFV6dTFOQ0Zwa184SGNVQkh0aXlsQzh5Mk8wUFFET1hQNzlSXzJEZDhPLURTZnRjUHhieTNmeE5VamxoY0I1ZWxaVHFIVWVDemdqVnRUYUQwM0VOYkMz |
I'm thinking of something like fuck yeah-face with a chef's hat (or whatever you call it). Sadly, I can't do it on my phone. | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2011-03-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUHo5SXNDV1ZILS12LUNka0dIeUdOZVFVWC1IR2VQQ0dicFgtdm5iTEtmYWJHVlRLS1dzcnR1ZnI5YXp4a0ZuNFhzZF9qTzJjX3RYaWl1czkxNklUZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpaTBoVURxUzBjNVJjanVEblZjTTNxODIzSmx5SWU5Zm0tUEZMWGhicTJoejdlREdLV3c1S1BBajdXNmt1U1A3cUp5S3o0eTdTYUdjUUhxanJ2Q2JhM0MzcVVvejFXWkhjMUhGRmZ3TDZpdGNrUGUzTDZXR0kyV1ZNY1V6dVRuY2lvblp6NW1GX1RpcVhwTXg0NXdhUVA5ZEJyNmtQVERhN0lRTk0xTkJQWXJxMXFkWnk5dVhGc1owSnc0WU81ZVpadFpuRk1GV2o0bG9yRGxPR2VabS1LUT09 |
As the Southerners say, "First you make the roux."
Take equal amounts of bacon grease and butter, get it spackling hot (but not smoking) and add an equal amount of flour. Stir until the it looks a little glossy and dust with more flour. Keep stirring, adding flour dustings until it stops shining. This takes approximately two weeks (or seems so, anyway.)
Cook the flour/oil mixture over medium heat, stirring without stopping, until it looks like dark chocolate. It should smell nutty but not burnt. If it should start to burn, the neighborhood critters will love it for a snack but you get to start all over again.
Once it gets dark brown, up the heat a bit and start dumping in chicken stock and stir until tennis elbow starts setting in. At this point the hard part is done and the rest just takes time...lots of time.
Add your favorite amounts of onion, celery, tomatoes (I cheat and use stewed in a can), garlic, bay leaves, okra, red pepper, a few jolts of Tabasco, Old Bay Seasoning, salt and pepper. Add a little water, wine or chicken stock if it looks thick. At this point it should be quite thin, more like a broth, not thick like gravy (that part comes later).A few hours later, add at least couple cups of peeled smallish shrimp. They'll pretty much disappear and that's okay.
This is the first layer that cooks pretty much all day. It'll be medium-dark in color and will crust over as it cooks. Stir those yummy crusts back in as they'll add to the flavor and color. At the end of the day remove from stove. Put the whole pot in the fridge and go to bed.
Day Two -
Heat it back up and add at least three teaspoons of liquid Crab Boil (double this amount if the people eating like extra-hot like we do). Everything should pretty much be liquefied at this point so you'll want to add fresh vegetables to the noxious potion for a good texture. Chop up more onion, celery, okra, fresh tomato and toss it in. By this time it should be almost black.. that's what you want. Swamp juice! Toss in a few blue crab bodies, more shrimp, and any other seafood you're fond of. It should look rich, but not so thick to spackle a wall.
Cook some rice w/ a bit of butter, salt and chopped up parsley. A sticky rice rather than smooth seems to work best but it's personal preference.
Here's where I differ from my family. Granny used to add gumbo file' to the entire pot before serving. My mom thought it made the gumbo stringy and I'm on the fence so I add about a tablespoon near the end, stir it in, and put the file' jar on the table so it can be added in as desired. Both ways work for me. By this time I'm so hungry I don't care.
I serve this mess over the rice with a healthy-sized spoonful of fresh picked blue crabmeat as a garnish.
| r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2011-03-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxLUZ3LUpnbDZvSktPQmdWMHltd1VvdmF2MmM0S204ZXVfczIyQmdETFphQU1rNWpXNmt6T0JOS2VHYzNuQWRYMHoyWUoyeERwQmFQVm9hM1EzOXNzRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpdkJ2NmZ6bER4RWVFeVZENzliblVmb2JfZlVXZE9nYzNOamxoZ3ZPQWdha1ZFWnVoNGVWdFJta0ZFb29ldEtqYlN2cllBbTFHejZjS0g0MlVGdENmTktXdW9rTjVtTjVQcEhYYnlWN08yNnlIUU9Bb1M1M29sS2JrUTVILTgzQTY3Y3Z4bjNLLXF5Z2FTd3pZQzRUbllZaGE4NGZicE0tNVMtQ1F3dTVNUGdSMGVtcVJYVVVHejRqVnJjTmNwVHJFVDJtRjFSc0NyV3d2MHRhdEdDcTJpdz09 |
Karma awaits! :) | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2011-03-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcExrQktfN082WGgtZEFBd1VVazc3OE55MG9QRmFEWDJXdG92bHlxdXRQdlBBd2lJZFdiSHhMWVVVWU5kRVVqQjZvd0hXWEt2UmVLOVpOeGVKU3RMT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpdzZ1Z0UwQmdfOW9RMncwX1prcXJmT25GMk5LVUpuSFNoRDVRVmxZZVZsaW1mb01mUVRGZ1cxY3RreXp6R3ZtMHREck0tX0dWMnVLLThYZk9HWS1SMlQzSDJRVUZYSi1xWGk3OF9wRk9ZQ2tBVk0xd2Z5cWFCU1dZS0UxQ3JxdXA0T0Y0YnpzRlVGN0tCLW1kNWlrbk5POEtWVEsxT2E5aTVndnlkQU05WC13WTExVExuWnFDSFp0T1MxMW4ydktESkFTS0hoQXpIZ3JuTThMZ1UwNG9SZz09 |
Continuing with the theme of non-contemporary post-apocalyptal SF it seems. Should be a good read, one that will be interesting to contrast to _Inverted World_ and _Anathem_.
Happy reading!
edit: F&$#@&$# iPhone. _Leibowitz_. _A Canticle for Leibowitz_.
edit2: Here are the three section-specific discussion threads for this month. Feel free to ignore them as you see fit :-). All I ask is that they stay on-topic and free of spoilers from later chapters. Also, if you don't like them, please hide rather than downvote, or you're hiding them from everyone.
[Part 1](http://www.reddit.com/r/SF_Book_Club/comments/fw0xc/canticle_for_leibowitz_pt_1_spoilers_for_this/)
[Part 2](http://www.reddit.com/r/SF_Book_Club/comments/fw11h/canticle_for_leibowitz_pt_2_spoilers_for_this_and/)
[Part 3](http://www.reddit.com/r/SF_Book_Club/comments/fw129/canticle_for_leibowitz_pt_3_spoilers/) | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2011-03-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQVl2emU4Nm5FLUxCeHA2NXZBVFp6V0J3M2V3bzhBeWFSM3d4clhORDB4d01SVnhvcmY3VTN0eXR1LXpkeHUtck9uMTVSZVVRNlkzSS0yZnJsd3Q3X0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpaXVfcVB6LVZzNVd6VTdGR0htOXlPRmZnM2lJTEFVNUkxVG9XV0Y4dEZMRWV6VUl6X2Z2OFlJbDZrLU1CdEk0SGZreWJaeGFTWVlWczVQZG83V0xZT3ZaRGl6Z0lZTHJoeE1BbHJiRXB0WXZ0RDJCUjJlaEVscG83eVBjRnFCYUp6YWhWeTNqR3RLb1hnMVY4Q2FwMWZTb2RaZzJITl93MVpQOExoLXdVQy12Y01ncUR5VFYxMmtjMW5oajV4ZW1vUlNJSW5xNExiZEVOUmpGOVlCLUJVdz09 |
Hello Photoit
I'm the owner of a Nikon D90 (DX dslr) and I'm looking for buying a macro lens (food / flower / insect + portrait in no specific order - for fun not professionnal). For info I already own the 18-105mm, the 50mm 1.8 and a samyang 8mm fish-eye.
I've been looking through the photoit and photography subs that already answered most of my question, to this point I still need some advice as I'm mainly hesitating between the tamron 60 mm, tamron 90mm and nikon 105 mm.
- what would you recommand for a macro beginner as a focal length on a DX sensor ? To this point I understand that 60 require to be closer from the subject than 90/105, is that a critical problem? (shadow / frightened little bugs ?)
- are there any pro/cons of 60 vs 90/105mm that I should be aware of (I noted the portability / ease of use / less mvt blur vs need to be closer)
- based on your experience, is there any drawback for the selected lenses (and maybe you have other lenses to recommend?). More specifically, is the fact that tamron/sigma lense do not have internal focus a real life issue?
- I do not have an external flash, should I start thinking about it right know?
If I lacked skills in my reddit search, don't hesitate to point me to any message that would answer my questions. :)
Thank you for your time reading this message (and maybe pointing me to some answers)
| r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2011-03-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaDFRYzNQSk9yQ3U3UElXRkN4S1Q5R21SdzJKN2l6bmdWUjdqYU1kWHI0VmRPd3VwNW9KTS1fUEhSNUtRWTlTVEhFbFo4SFlrQjlKcnhuTnJNeHdhaGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpTmhZaVFPR0hZd1piRlVVcHhQX0FaVzQ5OTV2OGxBMWswUDBjR1dGTVJBWmhwSk5zSDN4eWZQdFQ2d3M5TmR2bmx2S3VEcHV5Q3czMHBoNzd5OFJBejhxOVJWckRBTGZ0RzdVTmNoNjQySll1bkF1d21PYXVrNzc4cVdDdUs0WW91TE5idzJ4TkNSLVV2R1lxMkxJXzhUdlNjU0NCTE9kOFIxd3dqTE1VaEtPTlNTYUxkN3FmYTczWUNOQ3o3OFlH |
I got a speeding ticket this morning on 405 in Kirkland and was wondering if anyone knew a good and cheap traffic attorney? | r/kirkland | post | r/Kirkland | 2011-03-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSXVtYkVmeWNhT0c4a2F2azB1YjhHWEpNYlJUS0pEcWVfWWduNGR3WldRNTZKV0tVdEUzUl9zRGZuQTYzcUNaS2s0UnF6VlliREdJaENKQWpJRHpQVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpdWdybElvano4eGtLcjN5aEs5cl9oNEE0cHpfbkQ1Z0g0elFETmxCaTdxb0dOQnRtV3pjNW5Idl84ZUo0eF84Z3Y0T09pRGxlMkctb3dONzVqZGFrOExCNzVzMFJ1WDVjQWc2Y0g4QV9CRFI0eF9yd01hOUNnby1pemxKQmMxeWF0LURsdG9vS0JNRlAtYU1YWHhDaHRBbDMwc1RuTVpIR093Qklid3hBUnpRZGRNRFlnalBBUUxBc2lDZjF2SlVU |
You know someone is going to rip this brilliant ass shit off, print that fucking masterpiece up on some cheap shitty lead coated Chinese paper, and sell it to your mom's Rawdog Book Club, so why not plan ahead and fucking publish this shit yourselves? Maybe there's some online printing company that won't try to treat us like assholes and shake us up a fair fucking deal. Someone get on that shit, fucking now, damn! | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2011-03-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUjdJMGVjZ0hlY2NDME9RVFhCVElpUUxaV21Ga09tSHc3NUg1WThPZEpiYnBzY2pFejZ6eUZvQWpTTE1lcVJPVWVpOXpQdW1jcFdFYy1LSU5MdXROR3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zpb0N5NXhzajd6S0VhWVdLMGZxWkFhUTFTbjBRQjdKYzFfY3lodjV0TnMyb21qX0xuWWVselZEMnJWODNVZEhKNHdDX24zY1phbmNNRXJITGNqOTR2ZFJwMHV5bDZ6MFFHTWhNN1dHTFBhZ0dGc0V6MVluM0lUbkhQRmR1TW9ELUJNV2x6S0w0ZE1TZVBBbFBPX2d5aHliSTFVNWJCZXdFVkVnajBvZ2ZRdUxZODZ2M09haHlqS0MzZlRmaXNianJ2eDdLLXMwQzhuM2lqczZZdC1jZTY4dz09 |
I have been making a concerted effort to use Ahenny in sentences, it simply needs a word, nothing else suffices, "The people in the library all looking ahenny"
AHENNY (adj.)
The way people stand when examining other people's bookshelves.
I also had a sink where if you turned the taps up too high was perfectly sculpted and shaped to shoot up and over the rim giving anyone using it a perfect botley.
The prominent stain on a man's trouser crotch seen on his return from the lavatory. A botley proper is caused by an accident with the push taps, and should not be confused with any stain caused by insufficient waggling of the willy.
Link to Dictionary: http://folk.uio.no/alied/TMoL.html | r/douglasadams | post | r/douglasadams | 2011-03-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTFhPamFWX2YzUkF4NHJkSzJMelc4Mkt1LXcza1VjLWdtVDdzRFRuYzV0UnFXdTNqZjQzVmIzbUozZ2xaTW9pOGk3Yk1IdkZWODNBdkJWeHNQQXotOGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpeW96WGlnbW56TTE3M3Z4bG5ERHRWWk1lWDEzTEFvcmxhZ1MxcHM0emRfbi1aQWg2OEdjVVR5ZW9QWlBReEhXYzhpWXMxYmFxUVlUM2dDdThuSkRxYzZxdVBGWXJzUmZXdXVCb3RzVlZUQWV2ZFpqZnhtcUZ2czlsNlJ5cHYyZ25nVjJDOExta2FQU3lhdVU1RjBKQmtxdUQ2SmFUZnhEb091R0o2T3IwM3NwVDliMnBsSDFkRmZiVW5tTlpNaTF2d2Z6d0wzRm5QRUxUVmxJdWlKQnFuQT09 |
bored with my papers, and decided to waste my $ on something.
[](/itstime) | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2011-03-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSDhsWFZVZDNQUGsyYTlrZXExbzZaSmRvbWZDWHBDaU5KOEdqOFBnTWxSVlRQWHdidHRZd3MxVUtsZXZVSE1RMTlrb0pZMXRiOTE3VFcwTU5rdnJtS0RqeE9oN2xwSjM3MDUtX3hJUkdCbkE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUElpYjNUS3RzVkhwc2NJR2VwNDF4UjV6YUJ0dVdQWmkyZmp3Q1lYWXZVbnM3V2M1Um93eVg4UmlDeFlER3llUlB0MGdzdlRNeFFmRWU0UTVUOGt0UG05UDZDZDBPLWctM1drYUdzUG5ueW15SktDdmM3LV9PTGl6bk1YMHJVOGxZdS0ydHhkdVE1T0NRWmd0bVotTVI2UzlOWDBpQWtLeU1mZzZheXhsS0tFPQ== |
Because I just got at work and I simply cannot stand looking at all this incredibly delicious shit you're posting! | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2011-03-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxN3RwRFF6bElyOVRxT3VvdnM1RmpjaU5sMnBQX1hCSzN4aUxWTHVSUWxPREJwV1lUZWxGVzJ2b1hDMlJQcDFOMmtvNDdaQjhEa0VOcklpZDJoRF84dkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zpb0RiY1RrUlJKVjcwV290THlkcTVnbHFTVlh5X183WkExTWl1TFd4ZHdJcEVMZUQ1SENucm5GdDJpV3ZRYXdYcUc3Ni0wZjdNblBhTXJfTlBRVFNYa2poT2dneTh2cUJZenI3SEZlNzlSUVFTSWI0UmJ3WTRDdEtlY1VGNlpCUHk1T0g1Vi1DaUFPSGpfbzZVb0ZEQTRBd0FWTHFVMHVySVh5OGtYTUxaNVJFYTFSZVI5QjhpVlQ5T1FBaElXYnQ2TjJBMzRoemN6ZW05THVjM1lBS0tJZz09 |
Trying something different and offering "official" threads for each of the main parts of the story. Feel free to ignore them and post your own links, discussion threads, etc., as per normal. All I ask is that you keep discussion in these threads on-topic and free of spoilers from later parts.
[Part 2](http://www.reddit.com/r/SF_Book_Club/comments/fw11h/canticle_for_leibowitz_pt_2_spoilers_for_this_and/)
[Part 3](http://www.reddit.com/r/SF_Book_Club/comments/fw129/canticle_for_leibowitz_pt_3_spoilers/) | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2011-03-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYlRaelNTdVRTQUNMTUpPLUhhQkhpb1AyeWQ1WGlySU1tY3lBLTN6a0R2N1lNbncxdXV4OGJITXlORV9lZDBXckl5aWMxQmRXcjVQaGtTMVN4eUNCYUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpX0FKS09IQTVSNFAwNTJCVFFGS0RZRWpMTnM3R0l0d0g2UmRwaVFRUkNoSGZldTJ0U01lakJEN09XREtGc1AyTU95QXFlV1FYZGh5VHlLelBNbnk3cjZOblVNUW9lZW5uMjZGV2FyWGdUOHFndDlsb1VWZFp6T2N1bkhBbG1mQldMNk01Vmw4R09KWmpFNFd0U2ViazkyZXUwTnlJNUhJZHhvcktnMG5hRklBbnFFZGdoUWl4QmZCRE13VFNyNVZET2ZieVp4eV9vdkN5c2NkNllCZXFXdz09 |
Trying something different and offering "official" threads for each of the main parts of the story. Feel free to ignore them and post your own links, discussion threads, etc., as per normal. All I ask is that you keep discussion in these threads on-topic and free of spoilers from later parts.
[Part 1](http://www.reddit.com/r/SF_Book_Club/comments/fw0xc/canticle_for_leibowitz_pt_1_spoilers_for_this/)
[Part 3](http://www.reddit.com/r/SF_Book_Club/comments/fw129/canticle_for_leibowitz_pt_3_spoilers/) | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2011-03-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMENLaDdaN0otdTd4UzNKRW45RW9yaHhtYWlCdVdUbWtqbDZvQ3dfZm9LSVN1bGlFdEh2LXBtWlhMQ19xV2RjcGJGMnIxNFhJd2hHQXlCa3Z5Y2wwRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpTjdtaUNha3V3aDdnVG5uWGZybFpMT3hoRnhRQ1JiWGhJOUFGdGRsM05MZHBOR3FDTDBBanhhZGVZZ3FadzN5eEt5ekUzTXozZjZDZEltam9TNV8wNkNnVlkwU3gzaXhDeDF2cl9hakY4WFVEVEQwV2pFYjBjLVI1M3FoNXMySnZIMlZKLTdPNGVlSktXX0ZLeDVUT3NzX3BVQU9TbkE3S0JfcG5RT283RHAxdUUwU1VUNzIwWFhxR1ppMktkLXJLOW1yaVNkaFlna2JKRm9ZZGRBRF80UT09 |
Trying something different and offering "official" threads for each of the main parts of the story. Feel free to ignore them and post your own links, discussion threads, etc., as per normal. All I ask is that you keep discussion in these threads on-topic and free of spoilers from later parts.
[Part 1](http://www.reddit.com/r/SF_Book_Club/comments/fw0xc/canticle_for_leibowitz_pt_1_spoilers_for_this/)
[Part 2](http://www.reddit.com/r/SF_Book_Club/comments/fw11h/canticle_for_leibowitz_pt_2_spoilers_for_this_and/) | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2011-03-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxek9LQjV1MWNxbVZtbU9jOXY4ZHo5Nzh3eUk0MTkwcjBxUG01SmdIMENMaUhJbGdiR3FuQ0psRzc3QUw3UnNFa3VxWHRfVk1TT3BPeDBUUWtkMVBGRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpWDBYdzlxWG4yclpzejZiUlNyLWc0a3NOZjlJQnhpaVBIWHRacEpSM21yaHlLY0Q3U0VtVGEzWWJmMzI0SWliSWN6WldvcVM1R0dNbm1CYmIzZmczVnYtSmg0SjEzUGlfZFVRcE51Yk1GNHBfT29jRllpOVZBRzBKZG9ROElkME1WcmNUWC1Pbk1SSl9GSWZlYVVzUjlLdVBPRWNNZE90VmxVb1FBZFFhU1dXQkdjTG9hX01wMGUwRTN2dnJEa0pw |
The problem here is Posix never formally defined pthread lock semantics. What's here is part of a process to reason out what those would be for the c++1x memory model. The problem with the example on why there should be restrictions on what you could move into a locked region is that Posix doesn't say anything at all about synchronization that doesn't use any of the pthreads api. So you have an example with undefined behavior w.r.t. any possible Posix implementation.
A better example would be something like double checked locking where the first check is outside of the locked region. Moving that check into the locked region would kind of obviate the whole point of double checked locking.
In Java, the reference that you load and check would be volatile so you would get acquire semantics on the load. There is or should be a rule in Java that volatiles cannot be moved into a locked region. And of course no such prohibition against moving ordinary variables into locked regions. | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyUVo3Wms0UzlubDBvQ2QxX2piMGlDREZsbzB5Zl94a3ZZOXNiak54Y2RIVE9wUE1yY195MTFsVFBZdno0dzV4djE5amRRMVhrQkVrMmh3NUw0R3hCWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpX3lhWHdQX193blhabUhLaHVkTFRLUFhrWGI2bElIaGo3YTVWNVlRNU8td0Q0dEJPLTROVmowd0ZnVUoyaWtJSktHQ09JZ3JkOXZDbUhmWG1BbF80emVvN1hQUjZabVoyMlRTSklYbjhnNWdIdU1OZHhfYWxkVWJWeTU2ZHNtYkhqbzNGYXZaeFBLMGJwdC1CVUkwVEpCTVNidy02ZlZENWtKanJ3VVhTQUFtTGZ6cTZjODQzUEV4WkFjSlI2M0VRQ2N6U2pyMHhpaVFCemhwSFhCREQ4QT09 |
"Telecom" encompasses a *ton* of sub-topics: RF/wireless, information theory, protocols/networking, circuit design, system design...
You'll need to be more specific :) | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyT3lfdTdIN2x0SlB6eXlBWTlZd08yTkVFTHFQd3E5ZzBLSWN0VmJMRlFCTU4weUhhcXkzYVBYcmtra2NNMTBHOWwzWWJuZ0xqc1NPOVZKXzlyUTZnbkVNZXBqaWdjWU5IeXQtUVBfSXRxZEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUUZ4Mk9fRVR3SVRVeldRaWtXRlBoVC1SblhRSVhVT1FHZUIxYUM5N054Q01kTmMwN1VQMWV2eVFaRVdxNzBLam5OM3prc0UxMmpHb0VjSE5PZ1dMMU5wNFFMcHFuN1d1dC12X2RXUjZZcVY1RUFJSEJ1YkNUaU0zcHVCUnlKYmNmQW8zT0luNG1YRHpWM2kwU1FQSEdrZHJKLVZzTmUzc190ZDl3bkJtRDR6X2t0OFlscEtESW9hT1I4c3Y4LXhOLVBZcW9qdkpSenF6blFucWlrQktyZz09 |
> my telecom teacher is trying to gloss over the fact that we're actually doing physics by making it all about formula regurgitation
Welcome to engineering! =D
Other than what I was exposed to in the standard physics requirement classes, I had one undergraduate course (electricity & magnetism, 3rd year course) that dealt directly with the actual physics of it all... oh, and one other EE course in grad school that was very detailed in device physics (energy potentials at various device substrate barriers and/or at various dopings, etc.). Honestly, if that's the sort of thing you want to deal with, I'd switch over to a physics curriculum instead. | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyNmVkMzVVLWlDX21NbFdUR3BtVjl1TmJvc0UwUC00by1VRUp1OEtnVGRGY0hYdGJPOFNNcHMyT0VCTVFnM1N2M3p2Qmh1MkpNVWZremNDR1M3TFBVQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpRzRRTXI1T0x0djhfWVdSd21tS3dyenB1YkdrTXBYRlNoS2g1Z3l2dmx2S1ltazY4dHRnUThBREF2Y1FLTWE0U1hxX0ZMb25vZjV5em5hLXd0Tl9weTNSQ004QmotcFBkT05CU3dEZXFTV0JCNTkzOUJVZnRmYzlacS10cnJ5eGxGMWJnX0pWTUZHeF9wRW9PNEhtUi01ZkRkRDcwZm96VGJzaUZRMXpOX2dNQTRucVZzMzVzbjdWZ3ltNzZIWGZnYi1lSVJqN1ZGaWN3U280MW1vdW9iUT09 |
Good call, Oscar. I threw up the material that will be covered this semester, can't find anything for next. | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyYW9jUFJITTB1eEswa0tTdEJvc0tfRDk2TEZMX0tUdGszX3dlQzNPM1l4a2FBS2pGckVDQUsxSzRBVThXRkl4dG8yR0FiVGlYcnZpV1k2bktDSmE1NXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpcEdkamZvSUJLM05GQUdZNXpuTVNHbUFYdjBsSnpJeEhJaXZlZ3J1NVlRc25wY2xISzdCUzU2d01DWUhpSzhSNHRJalV4d1FJZlNqRjRjeEJPWmlVSEtrMDRUcFU3NGsyaDJOT1Q3dHk2aTM1WmdfQTB4UzhSRWl5OWJtRTA3SG11SUNSOW5SbU41SGlsekx0TEk5a21SUGM5M0RpSWxOTE9NOVl6bVpCRkdTYWR3RzJCMEVlTUFSUkhibkxDcjlISmR0SFpyS2pCbzBPMmxiODZRQmxfQT09 |
I've been trying to make heads and tails of the paper, but no success. Can any redditor help? | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyUjdWb1llRm1IM193Vkl0bGdpaVJ6eFU5ZjMwNUtJd3VGVGlwMWI0b1hNemhQNVk4V216dXdNM3NsSUtwWGJubWZHaU0yLVExeVlpSE9IQWhveHhpT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpRHYyZGxfd0diSHo1Y3pMNHZDX1k0UDhDVUxtUlBWRC1ITFFuV0laSlI2OHBWTENNWWxsaWRnTjFXN1lUMWdKaEpBcnFOdGN0SWJRMFBablM1TVUwYUxRRlNMai1FR3dRU2dIcWM0dENzYjNaWkZoZUx0RUJmU0N6RzBMS2dvVUsxVVJIbGxDbVl0N3VqY1MzMURTYXJwMm9QTDg5ZEZuMHpCdWNiLXZ4ZjRDNXNjZUY2bGhjc3BDWUdUNkdvV2tx |
I'm really quite sure I want to get into less abstract, more design-related work. I just want to put some solid metaphors in place, and maybe get some practice problems. My prof's posted notes read something like a reference for those who already forgot the material once :) | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyNHU4MmFHNVdfaWx2VlpETmJhYldiTzdVU2tVLTBSaFU5ODd0VnFENWVKNzVJMjZRaDN6enYyV0w2THZzUFVCanRJMnZhTVM1TV9EV3RJR0xzc0FmUmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpVG83X2xUdUZmZVQteDRwM0VkSGhqZTFXWEZTOURRM0t3ZjJwNlUtV1J0RG9ndmVOTGxXeEpCUTBDLXVMamFZRGdDWlk1aWRQbTJfcERLQ1Vkd2paOGF2YkRRRWZLdTk4M1hmRmJrMUxSRzczb2xIYlpwVWRmX0tJZkp3RW5WNDZfWVJEam9vQnlEVXdhSHF5R0JVS0g1TDJwb2lsWHRGT1E4dVB2NVQyVTBkQTdTakozTGFFZmlTd2ZMWHRaaDV5SU9ROHhZNGsySlFNM3Q5aTBFZjRBdz09 |
I only skimmed over it. The tricky part of lock-free programming is avoiding the ABA problem regardless of the data structure in question. There's lots of value recycling schemes out there already, e.g. RCU, hazard pointers, etc... Why would you care about an "almost non-blocking" one?
Besides, CASW or LL/SC are in all architectures that are still significant. You can use those to implement non blocking stacks
| r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyTzUxc2JyUjM4Umg4U0FnNV9pQXM4WnAteklfQ0xkT05qUlVwVFB2Nl9YUWw3ZnpwemVGNUN2aDh3T05fSG9FZXRxZzktbl8tcVJpQ3lwekxhaERia2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUUR5cUdEUmlsV2F4TTRJdGpCV1BIU3FGX2V1dHhIc0JhSzJlMUM2azVpZGdnUHVtUG1qYmdsMll1OUhDSXA3cmdhVE91WjJQVGIxb1lXNW91LWVqcWhpWTFUbzV4al96d0I2cG9hOFdQMmUxOV9RcWpVUFYzd1ZVS1Z4RHlYN2tQdHBIMjRLYkRaeDFTY1hPTzNCc0pxVzZkUUdUcXZvbzRZcUNyMVBvZFFtNG41S01ONjNyTzI5cUlhRC1KZ1pS |
Hands down my favourite in death metal. | r/death_metal | comment | r/death_metal | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyS1Rpa01QMVhHX29ncTVKMFJJeFpLcmVSbHdvNlhMYnI3OU03b3pFOXkzN3doSGd0bFp0dmVhTXhfODM1dVpyTHZ3QlhfZFUxZnFPMmJXY1ZkNVY5aXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpYlZ0Qkk3ZnBwaFRIcVNLV2g0MUJITEg4NUwyY042RFlYaHZrd3VJbXZsLURnenV1WEdiQS1wTUxVME9BYTlFQW8xeG1NUTVuTnM3WWZrWXMtN1l0bGpDQkZxNmhCbFFEc0M3Si1NZjhHTVJLcDBVY3ZNUm44ejFaZ2lVRE0xWXVqMFY0YjJRaW41RjNRZm5UZENsd3NzcGJzU0dtZ2kzVThQYUtQQW9ZU08wPQ== |
...because I didn't realize you could use more than one. \*le sigh\* Oh well, I got an achievement out of it. | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vyb2lYOUhIZUhNWHc4eEFfam5lcnBSblFfU0ZJNkJRNjR1dzBoRE5IczE5RWloUTJ0NnVLZDdWd3hDR3Z6ODFpZUtmbE5MZ2J5WjlMUXI5dmJYZ25jTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpVkd6QjJwazNfV1I1cFUxUkJNUGRyLThzYWk2Y2lKYmZKX2s3MjNGbWR6T1I0akl5aUVmNDdubE9LVmw1WEs3TDVDZUwwVFoxUGlrT1doaFlWMGZ2UGRkb3ZjOWVTWWFVSTlNRW94dWNlNTBRVTg4emRsYXhRblZnYy1EVW1yR0xOTTZxUGdDTVFsSlBIcjV3S3JJZVJkVW1IWTlwS1k4NzJBcWZwNEs2STRjUzhHSDc1NVZULXhtaEJtMDFRYWNsUFFMU3hvUVJGR3BxRzhwRy1DZHhnQT09 |
So, there's no real primer that i know of that covers such topics in a manner that you would really appreciate as a first year. When you get to your second year you'll start to get into ElectroMagnetism and DSP and circuits. Once you start to understand that stuff, you'll be good to read some basic stuff and fill out your understanding of the topic. For instance, ASK/FSK/PSK needs to understand signal processing, and receiver design (IQ receiver design), and noise, BW, sampling theory, ... are all mixed in there. If you want to get a head start, try to figure out what is going on in the paper "digital modulation in communication systems - an introduction" by HP, application note 1298. | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyTlR5ZUFtcUJ3RlhmYV9pRHBXLWxmQnd2bEtnUGtqVG5DNnZJVmo0SWpzLTRRRWJTbHBNSHBHbW9aOERBTzdJVkp0dmFWeHlweW5nLWtvVzdMdHlLQUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpLWkzbHdRZ0FmT2t1RTFOaGxVYjBHSE1PZTRfOEZCYmlFUWVGNkwzUlFnSGNLRG9zN3U3aG1UdXl5NDhJaDJSYjRYRktKTE5aQVk4UmV2anJndXJJUFRIWW1hcGVUdV9IdVFLSDB3VjQtb3pwancyMEp0QjhwMWxkUHo0VkZMWkhlWHBsbVdXeXVpbTJJRzVDdXRUQmUyYVZzRGJwODBkZlJjTlpyMDdqX1hwSVl6Nk9lbVhYcXpicDY5Y1A2WDU1OUctdGVvdEhtWm5uSzNMZUtLQ3Zzdz09 |
I disagree with the statement that "CASW is in all architectures that are still significant". SPARCv9 does not provide a CASW for 64-bit, for example. Additionally, CASW tends to be very high latency (on my Nehalem machine, I see a 34% throughput drop with CASW-based synchronization primitives). On IA32, lock-freedom in many cases implies higher fast-path latency, the situation is worsened with CASW (http://repnop.org/ck/doc/appendixZ.html). As far as LL/SC is concerned, it is a great primitive with many advantages. However, it does have a disadvantage as far as language integration is concerned (compilers would have to make very strong guarantees between LL/SC).
The stack he proposes is in fact N-non-blocking (based on length of black list), it implements a highly simplified version of HP. The hope was to implement a ABA-safe structure without relying on CAS2, HP or RCU and to allow for immediate re-insertion of nodes in and between stacks, something that deferred reclamation schemes do not allow (if you're implementing ABA-safety in terms of SMR).
Unfortunately, the performance was unimpressive due to the black list management overhead (where both push and pop can scale linearly with the size of the black list). His performance testing is also biased for non-blocking structures (for example, there is no point to comparing performance to a spinlock-based solution if you're going to use 15 threads on a 2-processor machine). Regardless, the interface is very clean and simple to use. There are some attractive properties to his technique and with additional algorithmic improvements, it may be possible to mold it into something attractive (from a performance perspective) and patent-free.
| r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyRWQ2TnhPME9wajV0VF9vbk9XWlIzVGRuUFZwaXZlUjAzTFBIdjFpajBfYXg3N3FIUWhEODF6V3JETFd6blRwY2IzR1gwVE9Kc3B6SVg2cV9XM3pZaGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpTkt2VWFmc1ZJNGFHV1pQcC1KX3FIcUZHcGJpcjhhUGd5bEFrRzctaGxBdFVQNmtBcExtSHBucVhiY1pjcGlfdWVVNzUwekdVR0JUX1d4Wm1fbkgyeTV3N3NHY3hIOGtZUW5lOGFSTllZSlBVM2U3bEV4Ni01M0ZCQ2NmS0E4M1lUbU45M3M4V1pENXVYNVpGRm03b3poTFJxNUx2OVFZRU5jWEFwQWJRMk9FR212UVVJNVVvWUV5THpYZG5uNVVJ |
Sure. Could you ask a more specific question first? For example, what *do* you understand from the paper? | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyVnV5MFpNQmtscHUxd0RhTkVreXI2QUNWOS14czduZVlvOW40WnpqTUctN3I1MVlPaUpRa2lXbUdMMG5HV2NCVndNRjR4UnFDYm0xZm81YTkwY1F2U3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpaUNLaGhzb1BzSWlZLVl3d0pvVlBxZjZJV29pNjVndjhXRWN5aFlEOWZzYmpSd0cyOHBIMjBsbjE0S2I0VVJHd3RTdDU2Q2xHb1ZBeTBBNjZkRXdWZWJESi1iYzRrV25DNkw5cF80c2cyOV9McHFyaE9UMUtCSmFNVVB3TE9QdXJJX2k0M3FkY250c0tNZFhyMlRVWk9uWkFVWXVLamdWbTBaQVg0MVRXY2hzSV9Ea29pM18yYkQyWllEdFY5WUh1 |
###MeetLGBT Featured Member: March 3, 2011
>>* **Age:** 22
>>* **Gender:** Male
>>* **Location:** Raleigh, NC
>>* **Pictures:** [One](http://i.imgur.com/H0Ycb.jpg), [Two](http://i.imgur.com/S7AcX.jpg), [Three](http://i.imgur.com/pPN0E.jpg) O'Clock, [Four](http://i.imgur.com/qodas.jpg) O'Clock. [Rock](http://i.imgur.com/GkinS.jpg)!
>>* **Job:** Graduate Student studying Mathematics and a student employee at the Campus GLBT Center
>>* **Hobbies:** PC Gaming, Reading, Rock Climbing, Hiking, Backpacking, Languages, DDR, Board Games
>>* **Political Views:** Socially very liberal. Fiscally apathetic.
>>* **Religious Views:** Agnostic. Though I do like [The Eightfold Path](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noble_Eightfold_Path) and [Spinoza's God](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Spinoza#Philosophy).
>##What makes you _\_\_\_:
>>* **Laugh:** Pretty much anything. I enjoy laughing. :D Although, puns get me every time.
>>* **Happy:** Everything, I'm generally happy 24/7. :D
>>* **Sad:** Sad movies.
>>* **Angry:** I don't really get angry. Although general selfishness irks me.
>##Favorite Things
>>* **Books:** And Then There Were None, Twelfth Night, Crime and Punishment, and The Count of Monte Cristo
>>* **TV:** Doctor Who, Archer, Supernatural
>>* **Movies:** Jumanji, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, Despicable Me, Easy A
>>* **Music:** Ludo, Ok Go, Weezer, Mika, Lily Allen, Relient K
>>* **Orientation:** Gay
>>* **Coming out:** I came out on Gaia Online back in 2004. A friend saw and told everyone. Fun times.
>>* **Relationship Status:** Single
>>* **Favorite subreddits:** [r/gaming](/r/gaming), [r/lgbt](/r/lgbt), [r/triangle](/r/triangle)
You can be a featured member, too! **[Click here for details](/d880k)** | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyQkhJWV81YS1xc1dzZk1nSGZfU3NOcElWYk92UmRfak1ab3ZzNGtEeGhPXzZ2QTFCaVFnU1ZWc29DdGVRbmNYVjIxcXN1aVNLM3BVREtnOFZjX0JiRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpOGRZT25oc0E3SFk0dmVBQU9Pd3BBTFBuYVdzU24zWlJ0UWRINHpaUHhWeGxnOGNMTFZOUEg2a3k5VXMtNE14dHFZUlFCVWdJbWVJN3UxZ2VQWlByYTZSaTBaaDR0WjdqYkstRzZtX0xmUGdEa1dqakJVREpYUmFLNTM4X3VzZkhKZFRLaXZrSjYzTjBnSFRUdWdTNGdVanFzQ1Q5MlFZcENRVUpTX1o2YVl3PQ== |
Just picked this game up on Steam today. Unfortunately, neither the demo nor the full version will start on my system. The icon shows up for less than a second in the dock, then vanishes. (MacBook Pro 2.53ghz, 4gb RAM, Snow Leopard 10.6.6) Noteworthy error messages below.
3/3/11 1:31:05 PM [0x0-0x40040].com.zachtronicsindustries.SpaceChem[687] Traceback (most recent call last):
3/3/11 1:31:05 PM [0x0-0x40040].com.zachtronicsindustries.SpaceChem[687] File "/Users/UserX/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/spacechem/SpaceChem.app/Contents/MacOS/SpaceChem", line 11, in <module>
3/3/11 1:31:05 PM [0x0-0x40040].com.zachtronicsindustries.SpaceChem[687] os.makedirs(APPDATA_DIR)
3/3/11 1:31:05 PM [0x0-0x40040].com.zachtronicsindustries.SpaceChem[687] File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/os.py", line 150, in makedirs
3/3/11 1:31:05 PM [0x0-0x40040].com.zachtronicsindustries.SpaceChem[687] File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/os.py", line 150, in makedirs
3/3/11 1:31:05 PM [0x0-0x40040].com.zachtronicsindustries.SpaceChem[687] File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/os.py", line 150, in makedirs
3/3/11 1:31:05 PM [0x0-0x40040].com.zachtronicsindustries.SpaceChem[687] File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/os.py", line 157, in makedirs
3/3/11 1:31:05 PM [0x0-0x40040].com.zachtronicsindustries.SpaceChem[687] OSError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '~/.local' | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-03-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyU3hnbU4zenFaV2RWYUJyQ20zbS1hUUNjZnEtamRDSkFCMHhfRk1rYmhRWFZDakhlRzZwOWNMVGhXNjlFQ2ZYYkR2bnNyRjk4LVR4THlZcG1ZSVZLRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpbkdyZEUzei1NaUlIcGNiWkpuZGZMR1JtUmtRYkh1UzhtMGxjcTZ4YmJpQnY3QXBHSl9qM09kQU9BenZ2MmtBZm12UjluNmhSS1FjWjlDYnBtV3VDUU9ld1dxeEdaUXZXNWJQM2plbHVjMEdnamVRNzFaWUZ1R1MzSmk3WHJsS25ScVFOaVdYdml3RTE3Nkk2aTdYQmhzM0pfTWVtWVFSR2xxc1FQZFdhZ1VxMnp3TVMwSFhaYlJyY080YnlocmZ5LUwxTlBWNmZraTRpay01aGdpZ0p3UT09 |
I took inspiration from [this here](http://www.reddit.com/r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud/comments/fwha4/bacon_pancakes_d/) and turned it into [BACON PANCAKE BREAKFAST SANDWICHES a.k.a. FUCK YOU, MCGRIDDLES](http://i.imgur.com/hmhqQ.jpg)
| r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2011-03-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyTnNIU2RMekNGeHRfYndqRjZ2UTdZUDQzbHlsR21EREJTa0M0NHRTRm5tN2VwY2lnSkdqc2lnVGpXc3g0SkNIeVo1Q1JpbG5zYjVEai1KM2xHdGFnMHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpSHkzdV8xakJkOWtJSndXRmNqQmgyM3dQM1g4aHRnSUVyNk1PNzVQa0tIQkRrOXFKUDBLTGFmR0lXNWFOdzhSOTg4WmZqLXlxN1pOWmlZQ0NEdTdhenlKcHRrb0VhZGVsYTNnc3hBVTR4a0gtbjRwSFBrZVRnOWIxNzAyT1JodXlHdEFNVk1TV3lkOXhSODVtVjRLeURNQ0tyaFBrYkFjNjlzUEJ5dGxKR3dMNXlOMDZTUWZQai03bngtaXhhdU5iODJlc2RVemdoa3QtN21KZW5odDVWdz09 |
Preferably by layer. Sometimes I want to try a new approach and I don't want to remove all of the elements manually, especially in the research missions. | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-03-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyTTRuSjl3OUdwZDM3NEkxSUZmOUVSdVdfSFIyY2Y5dy1mWTRCTjRIa0xXR0syMUo2cHI5MWdaZUx3RlVZTTRyMWp0S21yNUVNMTUxcGFiREVMdm4tZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpV2NuamUzUXFUcVFVMDdMTUE0Z3pDN2NpMjYxaFc4aHAxNHEzaHFrUXZKNG9aMW83TzJNVThhdTNTVkhHZlBINVBxblJPM0MzUUl0dmNub210LVNkWFZwNmxMblhPaV92OVBDNTJ2NllzU0N4ekhZMWd6TFBFQkZwX0l6Q3pKUVBMSzduaXItb19OT1NhMExrUmYweUJoSndHZURNNnVpQllMazY2YUlQZllJPQ== |
This subreddit is fucking AWESOME! I've been a member ever since this place has started and have made at least a dozen of the hilarious recipes posted here, and all of them have turned out great! | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2011-03-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyazRMUk9tUHU2Tk5CelZfeGYxZ2JfV3NBRW1peHhVREFwX3l2c18zY3pUeUd4dTZhRUZQNFI5Z1NuTFpQODlpblQ1M2Q3ZFI3cmhvblkzMGozSUxuNFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpWHlvRnFBeDRWa0J4RVM1TXFYWmVSWnJBZHppdjd4M1liRjh4dlhySmZKa1NCRTFlSWhaSTBTczNnb3JHekxQVGloMXJsLWR2eUZ3ZERaaXRxZElFUzZmQUhITVZfSDRSRHZCY3N4bzJaR0Y3T01VVm5PbGN4SnVnRDYtMmlTWEt1UEZZcUhjM3M4dUJDOC10bTNHWGdkT0RFaXNzMG9MQW4wX2xGNHZkTTBpaHdnUTV0RmJjNU5xY2lhUWNYamVlelNCb21FTnZmNTI5SEN1WmRmWi11Zz09 |
FWIW and relevant, the poster is the lead of this project: http://www.concurrencykit.org/ | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-03-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyYzZIeGZhOFlVQkloYnlNcDhyZ3FhdUtWb0E0em5VVDV5NjY5R0pEbUFFVTJKc3kwN3prLWxlQW9NWkJxNm9veUlsMGJ5NU9OaERzUVlDdnVoQ25kdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpOEFDMWxfeGlnX3RXNGZjY3RuVWxWLVVsVm1FWVVXaXpLa3hwZkhVRFNBeFhmb25nb084NGoxejB5OGViYlc2MXVUSFlJUnRlNFIzZDZEemk4eDZrT19RN2tqUW55N0ZhY2lySWl0dUczUUh6MjhET3ZMUWlmV0NEWHpiUjFhVFpLR2JSdDhuRUR6eV9OaUx5d0pvcHdISmpVLWk0Nk5ONTlWZUZ3YlZ6QW1ZV0FzYUc1elRUS091UDB4ZndhMXZjS1Nwb2dKbE4tMnhxWjdRMFVVNkV6dz09 |
It's easier to do things like atomically thread-safe lock-free reference counting if you have CASW or LL/SC. The synchronization group at Sun has a CAS based reference counting but that's after doing it with DCAS which is only available on Motorola 68000 series cpus, with ROP (Repeat Offender Problem) which as near as anyone can tell is a variation on RCU (their papers are difficult to read), with CASW (not realizing it had already been done 3 years earlier).
I don't think there's any intrinsic reason CASW has to be slower than CAS. So even if it is true now I personally wouldn't expend a lot of resources counting on it staying that way. I think there's more interesting problems to work on | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-03-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyTHk3Y2RLQzFHR2Q5aG1rZ1h5eXluVUt1WXUwcUxIV1pVLUFsdEsyc1ptYnotV2dKUmdNVnZ4R0VPc3M5b202VjFFbnI5STRWYnRVbF8xeW92dnlLYXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpLUpxaDNyTkhGZ1BjNnVFTUp5cW9GRGF6UjdGdWJhbmxBLUYxMFRBSTNBT0o1ajR1QWI2Vm1wZE9LQVVVVUNQQ2k3LWRMd19rVWxDekZtU2NIVmp6Y3hBYzcyWFBnWkdtbjUyTFpzc2l5QXRCUWlTVXNtaEpXbEtPZjVKdlNIeGdsd3RMcFJxTlZrTlZfU2ZGeTRpRHNKNVkxZGc2Z3pkTnBmQ0ozTFcwU2xLdkhMb050X3FKdGp1dmszZHJXc21E |
/r/techsupport | r/winternals | comment | r/winternals | 2011-03-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyRV84azE1YUdQZUFnaEZZdEU2THFCMVhYM2xFdzlqTkpvbXFsWkYzcXJ1U2pQeTdwN2ZzWWlpVkN6czNieElJMVExVUR6RldTLWJIRXFRc1hDVXJsUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUW5UOTRURjg5NVBkV2drY1VBaUhYYS14bFFJSXYyUkwtUGZLWU15VjE2Z183SmxXVlY0Zm1pLTZIRXpWRzdHQmxxOC02a3NsMFl1d19KbERyamprcy1DQjVfY05yYTNpYmFHQVpHSWZrQ1YzaUpsNTh3V2dEWnlRa18ybUZkaTA2N0lzQ2p4VVJHV3JUMldGamhxbDludm1kODdzbVlpTkpiSndhS0RpTWpaUXQ3MlRlZWF0U0VoYkN0T2dVRXZC |
The game screen is too large vertically for my laptop so there are parts of it I can't see. Going full screen doesn't help, and there's no way of resizing the window. I also tried operating in different screen resolutions with no joy. Anyone else getting this? | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-03-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyNFluMVc1VTA4ODNLdU9wVno2SEtDS01hYmZocTl0YVR3THJ3cGNtb3d0aC1RdnJmUlRRTVg4bnNVYUE3ZHl0X3BEOHNPU2xiQnZVWjNwYXZKUlE1ZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpQl9Qd0stV2ZUTExmR2hwZWxsanhaeDRENElXWnFMSUFrYmxwNXpLV2piZ3IxWmVaN3dDWGczc184T3NnbWpTcHoybTNPOU93ajlzYzl5ekhCWnJ2cEllWlV4MmxpTDBuZThyMU5zRXVjbjd4aDNCRm1TSWh3eFZfa0llcTFZdmNLM1FmazhtZjgwdEN5S2dfZU5VOHBWVUhoZEpxT3V1Z1IzWGprejRrZ3J6RXFaNkZuSzR2T1RzTmRqc2lsbG9zeURScS1WaWY4SXN6UlBDeHpBdGhDUT09 |
Most of those contents are entire fields in their own right and you will probably have separate courses covering each. E.g. EM waves, RF propagation and TL will probably be covered in a separate electromagnetics class, AM and FM modulation along with noise and discrete systems are likely to be covered in a signal processing class (might be called Signal Processing, Signals, Signals and Systems depending on what they're really focusing on), Shannon Channel Capacity might be covered in a Information Theory class (or shoved straight into Signals and Systems) and so on.
You shouldn't be too worried that you aren't learning much right now -- the important point of the class is probably for you to get the basic idea of all this stuff and a feel for the phenomena. | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-03-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyOENtQTRnZmRza3J2QXFIdFU3QkZzRTFXOHJVSlhSMDRkdG9wWjA5ZkhCdDNiWEhXWERjMFhhSFRTRWlIN0xBeWR6ekV3aVFXclhaOFFMVGk4ZWluTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zpdld3Q1I4UkdnRW5fU09NRW5QbmZ1RksxVW1GbXdaaWw1bTVvMldoSFljR1BMM3VuUjBvMGhmLWV3aHBodTlSd3ZINnpNVGhOVWFUQURtV2JvUlBLUXhfRjdHQWkzeGU5TnhMYkFmdzRTQk1aUGFCbWdiREpIZlpFOF9pTHhncTlYVlJLVXZFZGNoR254TUdiRGwxbE5MM0gtXzVmak1CeFRZUlpwTm1HVC1kZlFNX2p4Y0RQNnViNmJqOGNrQXVtVTNCOXMxR0JkRE0ySkxCTkRxU2FrQT09 |
Thank you... Have never found that sub before. The list of subs on here is daunting to look through... so thanks for the suggestion. | r/winternals | comment | r/winternals | 2011-03-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VySnEzaWJBcGlHd29tTi1oSWw5aGxoN1lzRjFLUEZua1hKWDZTcUJzb1JhREFmcjR6emxGRV9sZkswUFdZNVQ0TUlGODdRLXhkVDB1MlRvN051eE1NLXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpTVR5b3N5LV9YbkJJRnNlWkFSdGJQbWVDRlJ0WW1VSFktQjJKOHhmNVVTOXJ2RTZlaV92YnU3QXNhVzMwaVU4cEtvcGw3Ym5FVHRoTzJsUWlxYVJKWFdYN0FmQUtYSXhnU0FZZ2lQOHpjVUNkemotLWFhUG05Zm9FMXJsaWdaZEFtamhvNDBiZmN5cnBPLUZnaU5vRTdmbXExUE1JcGk2S2cwWGZKWmdKTHBsNEEwd0h3eFI2UTFGaGlEVlFRazRS |
In my experiments the performance of lock-free reference counting (in SMR context) has been very unimpressive (the two more popular SMR schemes, RCU and HP, do not rely on anything nearing this). For the HP + reference counting case I've found the performance trade-off to be unacceptable (at the cost of interface clunkiness it is much more convenient from a performance perspective to allocate additional slots). However, I still think this is a digression from the original point I am debating.
> I don't think there's any intrinsic reason CASW has to be slower than CAS. So even if it is true now I personally wouldn't expend a lot of resources counting on it staying that way.
Been that way for a long long time now.
> I think there's more interesting problems to work on
There definitely are (for my tastes at the least) but important to note that the problem Boehm was trying to work-around is not as simple as "How can I not use CAS2". This is just a side-effect. | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-03-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyYmNTajZLOWZNN3ZwMkNpREhJT1VsR3BrVXcxd2dCb2M5T3dRSVlJa2F4eXlIdFREV09wWmdwZHlOclRVT094SXRTRFB2U2VDV3pyZ2h3MDAtaC1LSnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUktraUZDeGVFMjdNV1ZBV0lYc2NhMmo3WG9HZlNGMGN4U255T3dqN3V6cFpybWJuYk9iRmJiRXYxS0xwNTVlSHkxaVc5NnVxMUZmbEF4VzZRcTZVZnhfbzRuYTdTMWVpdm1JLURxLVR6SWNHbG9JUFF2bmF0czB5XzBtTlZtOGRpTDR5MU9vdEg1QUxPNWdwS2hMTmV3ZVFfbUFybkUzRXZJUXI2MXRaZnNEZUZobmdRdXVPdjFobG5XUm1LYmIx |
I feel like a lot of the ideas shared and proposed in here represents new, leading science, not science that is cast off to the side, which is how the mainstream scientists view ideas that challenge their dogmas. | r/fringescience | post | r/fringescience | 2011-03-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyTThxNk9lSW5rNXhsZ0pBTXVHR2NPNDdNdUloUGJTUFJFeTAyUWxoUmlOR3pic3FnSkR2b1Y3OWZHeEQtNW9Ib0c1UHRucDNjTzBjQ2JKMVFXcFpfZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpOHo0Qm1RNFIzOFZ3UFk3cnVnOVQ1VkRjMkQxTlN0elVkaW01cU0xQmVyaDFPaEhLcWNtQVQycnRab0VTTlM2X0RSRHNidnZia0VxTlNlaXlhQ1VCLU94REJHRjBkcWxfV0J4TmM0c1MzWlRGdXhrY1h0bm9MT0tyV20zWDZFSHl4dzlyYnEzUzJ3VVd4YWV0a21mV2loUzR5eEpESUQ2Q01fWkY3N0piM2ljdVhfNEJ1MHN0OTBYMjhTOEYyRjl4RDRJUFVzM3pZdlIzUENqUnVfdkl4QT09 |
I have been reading this book on group theory:
I am confused about the lemma at the bottom of page 21 ("Schur's lemma, after equation 3-3). When they say commute with "any matrix", do they mean any matrix of the representation, or any matrix (i.e. I put whatever number I want everywhere).
If it means any matrix of the representation, does this mean that the only irreducible matrix representation of a commutative group is a 1x1 matrix?
I am a bit confused, so let's take an example: the Klein 4 group (i.e. the direct sum of two cyclic groups, each of order 2).
I think I can represent it with 4 matrices
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
0-1 0 0
-1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 -1
0 0 -1 0
0-1 0 0
-1 0 0 0
0 0 0 -1
0 0 -1 0
Now, all these matrices commute with each other. Is this an irreducible form or not? If not, what is the irreducible form for that group?
Tony | r/puremathematics | post | r/puremathematics | 2011-03-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vyd0FUOWt4NThXZUNKSTkzNjBQZ1otTlJ3TTM4ekV4RmhxRThKb3Nob18ycnhWTHhhZEhQcHotM2FDSVpYb1dwV2tzLTUxVW54cHF6RG9yWk84Ym9od2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpT3hHQXl0NDNhTnZlQ1JIejRzV193NkViNlBPYVBxUGpzdGtMQWo4MFNMTlF3N3ItNEE0VUdFN0xtcXNBM3Z3aW41c1NubVdjMlNaVk9XNUdlV256MTA5WVJzaUtxOF8xUnNqTTNLT2xsa2RPRXJ6OFQ4ekk0dXJHMmFTejd3Y1R2ak1CblRqdzl5M2RCSHRNakc1b3FiYlI0NVQ5YnRlbUdBblkxdXoxWG05SGxkcUNFdXV6Z2hscGwzYTN4bTctTVV1SkJib182aVlPSWg3U1VSbXhCdz09 |
I'm not so sure. I suspect a more [Earthly source](http://i.imgur.com/jCcP0.png). | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2011-03-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VycXM5UXhYaldVdUtfRncwNTNsaUxyZ3A1WkpMUDQtbl92eUhWZlE1UkxCOWs5b1d3MVZtY0htbjdSYTlJRURfSl9QQ1YwcmZ0RWlRbmtxbFoyVnd3WVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpazJEVTh0TmJpREUyMzdDRzYyc0ZYbDZiel81d0RsaU5TaERCajh6N0h5Z0xtVWhnS3pzdGJmSjlhUEtWNFdIeWtlV2dBVE9RM1lGVzA4VENEcW1SZUhmc0g1RDZsVnRFZTNFU1NiU3Ftb2pnRkd5MHBSS0lCUVNIZ1dqcU5zc1hQNlFRbDlhSzJLWlkxbFhSUDBRNWJjR3U0cGw0SXJiN3I4MkhDMUg2M3BVPQ== |
ha! awesome :) | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2011-03-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyUmJ4X2ZFS0dlMXFWUlp4OXlGRUlFcGczWGtfeC1KZWdBeFFVMUpuN0wwQkhEdkVsY0kxaEQ0OUM0YW5rclNXZlZ3Smw5QmxHakxNYnFLbnhpcnVva3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpVXdaOUN1UmJNc2hyV1hOdDNZcXZFX2MzNFJwUjlCMWdDTFVSckNINktMU3BTQXVIeHJLQUE4dTVra1FsUjE0Mm1MY2tlZmZvclRFNjFaUFFTcEdScmMtQnl3TGNxMHdMOS1FcDByak1tTDZuekVjdEJGU3dNYV9GUzJkV25ha2JpNnFMQ2VWQlhxMkxYTkltMGk1b3kyMU9qYjBsMEF1aUhWbTV5N3FHS3JJPQ== |
Running the Steam demo of the game on Windows 7, and it's great fun. Problem is, it keeps on hard-locking my system on Production levels.
Everything stops working. The image on the screen just freezes, and nothing responds at all (moving the mouse does nothing, toggling Num/Caps lock doesn't work, etc.) The sound loops the same millisecond repeatedly, but sometimes it continues for a few seconds before beginning the loop. The only way to stop any of this is to hit the physical reset button on the front of the computer.
**Causes/when it happens:** This is the odd bit - I don't have any issues at all on Research levels. The first time this happened was when I reached the very first Production level: instantly occurred before I could do anything. After rebooting, I was able to place a generator and drag a pipe a little before it happened again. Next reboot revealed that my progress was in fact saved, but it crashed again when trying to edit an output note. Crashed when dragging a pipe back to it's storage silo.
(Many more, but these are the ones I recall: basically whenever I'm in the view where you move generators and pipes around, anything I do has a chance of triggering it.)
**What I've Tried:** Deleted and reinstalled the demo. Verified the Steam cache (no issues were found.) Reinstalled .Net Framework 4.0 and 3.5SP1 (although the installer for the latter didn't seem to do anything). Uninstalled and reinstalled AMD Catalyst.
Nothing shows up in Event Viewer other than "The previous system shutdown at <date and time> was unexpected."
Brief computer specs:
* Core 2 Quad Q9300 (2.5GHz)
* Radeon 6950 (2GB)
* Gigabyte EP45-UD3LR Motherboard
Anyone else have this issue/a fix for this? | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-03-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyZmVRblEzMm9ra3VQUkRVRldSbGFmWFpMY2xfbi0wVm40S3hEVlp4TzhTLUFDNFdBZUNzNEhIczludTFsZlNSdk5RMHV6RWF2eGhEZWpYY014R1dGQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zpa2pia1hRSEJMc0k3ZXU4WHZsRVdmR3RyV01jbjN3TWFfN1MzeEZCTUc5SjVVcG9pZGtMWlVVT0FLckoxZ1hsNVRGOVhyRXdKMnI3aEhHak9HRy1WS0dENHkyeHdFUlUwVlhhVFJhOHh2R3lUa2xrOExPNkNQYmRIR1RsOEJ0bU1oREZtY200OHJnenMwWXB2ZXY5SXdlbEZfc3ZwYTVWX3puamM2V3dBR3Z1dU1veDFvdXZWbjNtZ2hZSHhoMVV0ZHo3YW9yTzV5dVJpSWZPV3JwNHNxUT09 |
Lock-free reference counting has some overhead but it has the least latency for privatization. You can amortize the costs somewhat by using it in a proxy collector.
CAS may have less overhead than CASW but that doesn't matter. What matters is whether the algorithms with CAS have less overhead than those with CASW. Assuming you have a choice between CAS and CASW. | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-03-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyUWd5R29qOXNIbFZMOU1Jb2tiSGE5bXI4YmJxcG55NlZfUUh5cFZYdzRJVEo4dXlUbkxwZVhzekM5WV81OVBGaE1sSHRYcGJWZEVtdTlscHNqcnZVYnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpVVJCRU8yZ1dUblhlVWNmREdmbGhoU2JPQUl5SU5HVDlSR2NVd2kzTE85LWMxMjhGUG4tcjhyM2Z3TE4zVDJVRmpJcEpTSmh2aUNDdl9uaDdXdGZOUndwVVFDZzYtN0o5dnlnMUZOQkkwOEtEdzQ1UU1YYThVU1JuX0xpY2R0S3E0LUFUZGJuR3U0TjFmZlBySUlSdmZsXzlZbnRYNC1TTENSSzA4UTFUT0JONFVzYXltZWQzcUhiaGFhdGczZk92 |
Is there a reset button when inside a reactor?
I'm tired of pressing undo a hundred times. | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-03-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyYWh0SC1zU2R1R0xaMzBKaVdBYlo4VzZTVE5XZkpkeGxzR0E4SjJRWmRhTDVSdFNRTlBhcVJQQnAyS1hzYkNRc3lTb2VvaExBWmt6ZUswQm11YWQxUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpVzd3djNVMmhfakdOaExOMl90cVNaLTczRkNjQjF0dmVJWUpFSmg1RW1Td2t3SGdKQU91dzBQLVVRSWROMnJ1dHJJaThFM1BRbExMT0FTMWlMV1hOQURLaW84cFh5TXMwdWRjRHFRX2l2aWxoSllMVE5JR016dWttOWptSU1nWUNQZU1vaVE0SWtCTjFscXRTOWVYcF8yVVhWTDJBWU5MZncxZjdCRHVSekhXVURFZGpGdVN1MWREM0UySHlYWTl5RzVvQmoxSFJMVGNlZHV2d1dDS3IyQT09 |
Still very new to this idea, but I believe I have found my first example of an XSS vulnerability. I thought to try http://eztv.it search function and see if it had an easy to find XSS hole, to my surprise it did. I'm not exactly sure how to turn it into a link, as when I search on EZTV it doesn't change the URL at all, perhaps you guys can go further and turn it into a link.
I'll briefly describe how I discovered it.
I first tried the very generic search:
which didn't do anything. After that search I opened the source of the page, and did a ctrl-f to find the word "search" so I could see what was being entered into the source. This is when I found the following:
Search: <input type="txt" name="SearchString1" size="47" value="<script>alert('xss');</script>" />
Then I had the idea to add one of these to the beginning of my search string before the <script> tag:
" / >
so my query looked like this:
" / ><script>alert('xss');</script>
which wrote the following into the source of the results page:
Search: <input type="txt" name="SearchString1" size="47" value=" " /><script>alert('xss');</script>" />
and gave me an alert saying "xss".
Not exactly a really great example, but like I said, its the first one I've found without knowing for a fact it was vulnerable beforehand. Hopefully my simple breakdown of how I discovered the hole will help some other newbies in finding their first. Good luck! Happy hunting.
edit: wording, clarification. | r/xss | post | r/xss | 2011-03-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyYTFMOFRCNkk2Ym5laHRMMG5relBNcWgzVXBCR3pQRXdCdjA1NUlwRmo3U2RRV1FGN09GNlFGM3JiQ09sLVhTdUhESlVWSHJsNnJQQVlvaTFpR1NzaVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpdDNhcU5YX3RrZ0xYeVptVXp6UjJGLWxfOFl3dDVGV1RYeUF2cktkRmxSVUVmczM5S2JtcFlkcE8tZUdUX1BJX2s1NFpUVEh0YlQ2TWk1WFlfV1dTSjNaQTZpRDNVTkpFY0xhTjJ2MVZBVjRIQmNIQXh2Z0E1U1NGMDFoYmx4UXllWGFfSXRzdndLdFJ1Zy1YcTRSOHp3PT0= |
I recently got a summer job at Yellowstone National Park starting in May. I was wondering if anyone has any input for a digital camera that can help me capture the beautiful landscapes and allow me to share them with friends back home. Unfortunately I am a poor college student and would preferably like to spend no more than $300.00.
Photography is becoming one of my hobbies but I do not own a camera (besides a Holga) and I found that I have little knowledge of digital cameras. I have taken two photography classes but I am used to developing my own film and have never used a digital camera for personal use. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
tl;dr: I need a nice digital camera for cheap. Any advice on models or places to go? | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2011-03-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyNm9zUENDSlQ1cFE5QjhZSlZ3RFNQcURPSkFPU1RjMk83ZUVNLUxxZXFNY2tfUjF0REpCT3N5MUFPMUxHa3U1OC1PQ1lyVkZzTFBrZXlHODY2SDd2LXpXWG5wejI3R2Zkc3Raay1lVVRXTG89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zpdmk2S3ZaZ3pfaVBPSkNJWkpFb2pRbl9xVkVhNW8tclVONTBGYXFySVM3eUlMU1BFdFdXcllSQmZLbXBVZC1vclhzRVl3cHg4bWpXLUMwOFZMeXJaN2ZsRXJfd3F6VzcxaEJWT2dLM2lpV3JRX1A5Nm5jellleWhwZ2l5NlBPaGJCQjk1N3lmdGtrT015TEhGUVhmQTJ6X1cxV2VPelpXeFhudGZjQ0o2WTV5ZzEzcExJTHJSRk1QSDZtUjVxWkJ1 |
Any takers? | r/learnanewlanguage | post | r/LearnANewLanguage | 2011-03-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyUG16aXhUejRhS0liNF9Td1Y2RG1aUXVQUHFmaE9IU2ZZQUd5YTkzbGIwb3c1OEM4TE5JZVRjcjRtSkNPNmhvQnlZSnU1RHZ5eF9wcFFGZGxnRHR3UUNmdG55OGxheEhNVzduMXd6MXdxdHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpaktsMXBPLTlfbWVHU292NGdjcHh2ZHI2RVhMQmhGVjB6S3ZxTm1HbEVYMUdXZGlEcElZOHVDM2Jfc2dieVBxVlVwMTdLaE1CdXdkRHFtVDY3VXZhNWdROXBhSEhpLXZSNG44T3BvSFU5T3p0b18wbDNZYWRtaXFiMUMtX05NQU51dnZXbmpya2s2NjhvSVVuTlJOeWp0TFFHRDhzTVkydGxmeGg0VjFUamdFPQ== |
I'm finally diving into the world of XSS vulnerabilities (and computer security in general). I know how to find them, but after that, what kind of malicious code can be injected? I'm learning Javascript right now, but have not started leaning about cookies, which is what I'm sure is one thing that is a source of attack through XSS vulnerabilities right? I hope I haven't shown my ignorance too much :) | r/xss | post | r/xss | 2011-03-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VybmNyY1pDSkxEM0NUc2l5X01PbC1Pa0MzZUtrYmZSdW9Tb2ZGTVB0dHFqbjloaHdoZDAtb1NPb1pqQUlJZTN3aHlyVFh1THl4bkFhZ3lzc1ZUampuUHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpM2pfQThnMnI1WkozTTMyMmpaQXN6ZHJtLXpBZUZoal9hSTZ6MGVKVHNFNVhycS0wQUxLNTZ6Yllma0RYbk9nYnlOdGdhQ3lVN1hWcmZYMy0xbV9PTUpwS0tYQmZVTjBYZG9PekxGcWRRRWpFbnFuS3RqZ1ByLTFzQ0NUYzNqTm5tLTBDOUZ0c3F4Q1ZmUW9tZWxZVG1BPT0= |
I am suggesting that we add a difficulty rating system so people can find a recipe based on the difficulty.
(example 1 easy muffins)
(example 2 hard cookies)
cookies[8] | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2011-03-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyYjE1dVlKNVV2ckxaLUpNeTd5dW5uWHpZZFE0QUk4TC1BbzNsMk9sVklFM0F3UWQ0REZmMG5pVnJHeWlhSE9LQTZPZnc4bE1oc0RpUXo0V2RSSDZUOFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpdnNpRWdXbjdLVUxlS0xMcVVMMWxXMncwTG9YSXJNbks5bEhhTDBKcmlGNHg0QzBBU3g2VWI3bEVIT3ZWNWZGcFdSQmhROUdRZDRSWFI2bDFULXAyQnFQWURCcXlLSFdiVTdMNEEya0lDQXVEMFFkb0huUm15Q3Q0U3lwR181Q0RMamRWUGhmbEwyLUVITF9xNURqTy03VmU5LUMzTDVBa0MwX25pZFB6WmVodmRUUWlNdHhxS2VaMTB0OUJXMllkd3YtNHJaZ0RMV0JJay1PRkYxUkxTQT09 |
I would personally recommend Schaum outlines. These books are pretty fantastic at covering material that is easily approachable and with lots of worked examples. They're not as thorough and in-depth as is necessary for a course but if you're a first year student you probably won't be diving too deep into these topics.
Also, I have used Telecomm books from the Wiley series, such as Digital Telephony by Bellamy. It might be out of print now but it covers a lot of digital communication topics. I have a feeling you'll be dealing a lot more with digital communications, but if not then maybe skip it. | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-03-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyQ3pBNGU4UWlCR1B6Z3lhZVZURnh0UDBZUUpMZ0JLX0l3Z1ZqVU1Gd0podmVMUklhMHNYaUwyVlFMMG1Xc2VUMWNWNDhWRVFXamhMczY2SDBYQUdfM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpNUlyVGZQRm1rVDhUZXdpMmw2Q1RWWHNLTjB3ZFZqZ1RoaXcwVDJWWHp3WERzR1hDUW54WERxV0thWjE0VGpPSHp6Y3UwZ3hvOHZzN2tReXFvYlJQdEt5R2NyeUhSLUhFZW12Y3lCQWFaUGxnQkszaXR4LWZwUURuREVGQ25vTHBxYVo4eG1pbjB1M21MT2dxNzZmQzR4QzNMUFhSZy1ZYXNJTkk0NlU3WEVwWi1UTnFZc1dTeUFrQV9iYzV6eHFqTUh0Q0NndHEwWHBfMzRwX1EzLTdsZz09 |
I really like this one. Thanks. | r/laymanjournals | comment | r/LaymanJournals | 2011-03-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyclFZdjZrZkpFdktOOXlrcGxsWUswVWNiRmk0OHNFTGd2b1lFUUhpLUdYME5EMkNlUXh2blhYUkpxNkJBeEh5VFhaSjBWeV8zeG8tTjdNV1pESVFtSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpazNSSUl5andUQXprQ1dvalVaejFrZGIwU2h1ODhoc0FSY3FSQlU3QllQN3dYcHlRQ3FCQlhsY2UtWEZheUJuTUN0aGx5cTBRV0lZXzJkVlQ2SHNjSEZRQ3VMSTlWZUxwUXJJZ2N0RFNtb3Y0dXNPMEpoREZZelJYSXh3UzloVVdTa3U3TFVPV3ZuQkdWZFM3SC1tbTZ3UUcxZjZacjdnelQyVEs3bDljaFBSWVpqZjBFV1hZek9MUHRYdmhzMFVWb0JBanFESzZxdURaTWdjTUZHQ2Z5cW45VFFiX1JwNnFURHdObGt3cmMyST0= |
have an upvote just for using reddit! | r/lufbra | comment | r/lufbra | 2011-03-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyRE5mcEVEY25sS0thMlJHZHY5TER2elpsVldrZjRaOFhkNEt2bmRLTWVZajEzZTlGV3AwSm9HZkQydlNQeDVmdzVRY3hsUmVjWDZPcHdUX0FIRHVuT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpWFgwLXZjYjN0aHZaYVlQcEpVYUpnNklXNGRNaEdwNjFzZk1LVzVtdnNxS3I5WExXekMwd1BnZnYtSjJJUGc5QTUxTTlaNUtpSHZWZ2FDbzh5VENKb3NkaG5DRTVCQ0pqQlM0VDRRZWRyZ2REdUZmaFkxelpTV3A0VDlkanpRblVnSlh0NWxnLXRTRnFpNnBTNndNbVFrVEMxcGpxaTN4Rk5oa3UwQVdneUN2X1NQdTVGZkJ5UVFCS0l5TUdpdE9EVFYxY1Q4eTJZSXRfUnA2X2dXTHZhQT09 |
So, now that Spacechem is on Steam, any chance of Steam Achievements and/or Steam Cloud saving? Hell, I'd be willing to pay a little extra to get the latter feature, I move back and forth between my laptop and desktop a lot... | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-03-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyNDJVclVUNzhENW5CbmRZZUdFLU9YOGJZV1dXNldKRWpSSEVUTGFBTHlBNm9IMHE4bl9udG5iUm1wbTVHN2VhRUMtekhwcUtiaGlNNlF1ZDN0cVhNMXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpekYzQ1ctV05SVmI5MFJoRXFIdzR3eV9jNURWbUpmdVJjNXR4WkE4VzBRb3dKellXWWw4TEU1WXg1amxJWlNHTmoxeVZ0WTg5RFg2ZmIxVFZGRS04azZKTWdCOXIwdDhUNFdLbWEydnRxSFA2emplQi1rY2FPV2ZPbUNVX2NLZHl4OWF3b0RtTHJkLWcwSU5mSmNYMkU4RTluSFhoSUZDTWRMbmx5SzBDdnhZRV9QRjdnWGFBeVpxLWFxbmpfd2t3 |
Requesting amazing how:to breakfast burritos. | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | post | r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuud | 2011-03-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vyd19mclhOWTd2SmtFVDhfdzREczU0eG0zdzlXR0ZWVFM4VzJZY0s2djRsTEdCalYyR2Y2a1E1akRuTy1RTVh4Y2hIYWNmYng5U2JUcTBxbzA4RVBTZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpMkUyR1JGdDRWNHJ2RDNvMDRmUDhxX09XcDBHNmNidHdHQURHbUxoTzBXWmRBbXczWnZ0em9JZ0dKdnVxZVFxOHR3c1R5X2RNMmk2amR4NzBEOWZIelIzc01SX0lFRUltYktpaG1GbmlSLVhHdGc2dkRqVkNPZWtrMVVoM0R4TmJpTnhkTHAxLXFCUkx5dVJlSHduR0tfN1UwRW8wa09aZ2ZaSUFqQ2ZRSG5kUTBhYTlROU92ajltNTJGUzFhd3BZ |
I figured it was closed down because of the transit center being built. I was hoping they would utilize it for something relating to public transit. Anyone know what's going to happen? | r/kirkland | post | r/Kirkland | 2011-03-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyVnNJNEsyTzVUNUR5Z2t6WEVXLVViSHZJRS0tTDhwX0dVaGFFbWR5a2lINDZqRFV2YWNkN0hEWjFOX3hKZWw3Rk5ieGxSRTZfdEpzQ3UzX0pLcDRHdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpcWhlU21YQTlWeE9ja2ZQaGctbXZqQ0NSbUxfTHZwdjVOalhyNGZlMGpsMjBTQzV5WlRJem9HMU5HYm53ZktlXzJ0ZWpQcGxXM0NJb19vaC1PbnNvOWNRSHlzOEY2eU9FSWNGWEVERzdNaURPb3ZZU1JoaG1helNKUFhNRG1uSWV2NG5GSWFfdTVwd3NMdm5GYzhnYWZJbW1jUTZsX1NhY1AwRmpSS0FPbEZjT05fbnpiWWxUbzBXU1hkOUFGV3prUkt4Qkh4R0FMdVN2UWpRaGhkaXp5dz09 |
Absolutely. I'm way more addicted to the social aspects of smoking than I am to the chemical itself.
If someone goes out for a smoke break, my desire to follow them is very strong. If in a house where no one smokes, generally dont 'remember' to smoke | r/laymanjournals | comment | r/LaymanJournals | 2011-03-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyNlF2WURKTUhUNnFtMHNSNkdKU2w3NHhCcFlabk40blJKcFZvZnJiQU1KRV85WjRDaWpzRk9oQ1RFMW8yZnhCd2FQXy10VXdRbWpkWHIycllHdDBmRVppalFWRkZGT3Y3YzdUWUVwbUFuMkk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpME0wRTBLZFhPRXVCdUlBZUlmVjZqOEJMRG1QUzE0UHlDNS1XMHZLRWlfT0hZZmJ1ZXNseE9wREMwQnBQTzdWU3lNN0NodVRib1I5a2ZQVzVjRm5qRXQ3QVRodVg1dUthMEhBcEkwaERfWFROMDVHMkRkMFdQaHItc3dNS2o4UGgtMDYtYVlrVjB2Y1lmLUFYMExscUhRYUwwaW9GVnVlVVBFWXJiNWdzdFZLaG5wRVFZamlleDRMd3Q0SDB4Zk9tbGw5Y2hKS1pWTzdMUlBqMVluNENWQT09 |
The Fed? Oh, yeah. That bitch is coming down. | r/mises | comment | r/mises | 2011-03-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vyc0Ftcy1UdTlWVE93ZkNSXzJJZHc0RGl5UnV6b0xkeU5xaVRqWFJnNkF2d1hZUzV0WXU5bDlsZGloM2U5YmZ3blFrYkVJeFVRNnI3SjhMQUgwa3FTeUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpaGFaLXF0S0QtbUpGSWstRW51ZGdfS2ZFVWJOcUxCOXRFYUZ6cHI3Z21TUUJMS0xDTkVhZVJTbGR0eE9MdFo3Y3E2ay1ldzNIRGpWZGVPR3hLQ2Y4eVhFeXFMZG9mU3R1MmdhaFRDVHpFb2RNRXBGcmNZbnZ5djRwZ1ZGTEF4enJjWEU4WHk5MnZZRVUxRnRnb3hnU092ODNyRXJIclZYTFgteTJyazA3amRmZHFmbTVUS3hnOEpIc3VVMnhCQThYS0hDZ0l4QUJ1cDJUbzI5RllZWFhrUT09 |
I joined the 'reddit users' group | r/distributedcomputing | comment | r/DistributedComputing | 2011-03-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyQVQ4bzdTUXhEeHk0QmxOVjRDaDBVWThxRS1jSjczbUVjQkF4SmpPaE9fWkVJS0dyVHpRa1p3RGU2ZGFqY2VnamZoejl1S1ktQTRPZXhxeDVlYzZkeEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpV2lnSUUzaDJ3WWxaQ0xkZmxraDVYZjRvZEZmVHFha05rSjkzZE9JQkN6QzR5X3FXT0pBTTdlemhHY0llZVA0cC1fQ0d3dWJ2UDN1WEg2NFctRDZaaWp5OFVyajk0dXllUC1BQ0RTdlRzZGZPOGp4aGtlc09UZmphbS0xNjlyUVNhZzFoVGs5ZERXdGVWOXdsRi1ZTzV0WFVvRG8tQ3RsWlk1VHQ0QnNhM2NzazE2TnRGa0UwT0oxLU0taFJscHh3T000bWdzN29XamZKWHJ0LVVULUJzWUIyVFI5MjNrc3dTZGhLZFNDQnhXYz0= |
I joined it because my g/f thinks she has lupus; she's had a ton of the symptoms for over a year and is being passed around to different doctors who keep testing her and coming up with "You seem fine/normal!"
I'm in DFW, so if anyone could recommend a decent specialist, it'd go a long ways to helping her feel better (at this point she just wants an answer).
-Edit- I think, given the name, 3 Wolf Moon is appropriate. | r/itsneverlupus | comment | r/ItsNeverLupus | 2011-03-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vya1BMV2tJTm1yR0d5NlVJYWhuX2VSaERwYzBud3R2ZFE2WkVlYWdYZGFvM3NPc2h2Mkc0OU9uUjc2VXNieF9iR0pKR28wZ1k5WDB0cERYMjJpNzVWdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpcGRfclFqUkV6cTlvdTQwUFJhRG5GNFZDYVNHN2JIMXN6T0ZtbjBYenBpZGI2Ni1YVldOVTBSd3l6Y2ppajdKYXRHYmU5bW1WblJlcUZxTDlKMWtEanRVMjB0c3dsdlpOLUdSRjliMkVOQjRMVExsSnk0T01NRTJVY3JpUVJVMHRtcXJnc3pPLVhqU2R4cHg5bWFBcURWOWhVNFB2bUxpUk5WMVpuN1lad3JWMGo2ZjZsNkFPNTc1ZWd6UlkteVNlMllXc0hRSjY4Y0xtMzF4TzhHNnJXQT09 |
By DFW do you mean Dallas Forth Worth?
As for a specialist she should try a rheumatologist instead of a primary care physician. (When I first got sick my primary care doc kept sending me home. A week later I was in the hospital.). A rheumatologist would have a lot of experience with lupus because RA is one of the big symptoms/ results of lupus. If you were in the Connecticut area I could give you specific names of a couple good doctors.
I can totally understand wanting to know for sure. Even having a positive diagnosis would mean a lot in terms of treatment and knowing if your just getting a cold or if it's a flare up.
Best of luck. | r/itsneverlupus | comment | r/ItsNeverLupus | 2011-03-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vyb0MxLUJxSVJ3d1QxbDlDVXF2QndsNFBKbGMwb3pqelN2SGZCREFwY2l0MlhwUEpFeGVpZEpmT0swa1BvdkEzTDRhQ3NyME5VeDlaT0U3bnM2NTVSTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zpc3NRSmVFaUN6NFBuN0F2dUdrOXhDdkZsRjRxV0xPejFfWFZZcTVILTdxdkVFczJGU1FKWXpiUnE4YTJvZXB6WS1VNFBkQWRUXzFtcXNvSVNEWnRLR1k5eF9RekpGS3dKOHdIME1EcHd4TzEtTmFqZlRockNUVkwxS3h5NnV1YXhZdndZUERpZVhpOWxwS0hreDFURXBEUEtEMDBaZU1fZHU2bktELXBDdXkxUmhoQTRFZFdvTFpwSjU2b1BXQk5nUGhiMnV0Q090T25XQ1h4dWJpdDlBUT09 |
She's mentioned this type of specialist before. There are a number of them but seem to be booked up for months. Guess its time to start setting appointments! | r/itsneverlupus | comment | r/ItsNeverLupus | 2011-03-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyZ1lkMmhWY2JFQklWRno2dm11b0JseFNrU1RGZnpndC1Ock9YYlBlbkVxUEF1bG1reWhsb2FfcE52VG8wZHYyVTQ0OTQ0a0lmM2cydXJmV1BrMk5BSUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpSVFiVVRtVXNCSnhHZGYxQ1FZeGZVZEVGN2Z4eWs3TnRZYkxxWkxtS2Rkaml0NkxzdU1ybXhCS1NQb3hTNExIZ2NYU0t0eHUxR0M3SXB5cWNFT1hOOWxLNDNWNXFXQW9kTjdIYWJKRjZGNjdCSnlmeUJWWFRZdll3cW9DODN6WkNDVmJQcFpWSEZpM0k2MDJpc2R6OUxQaGdCQ0RuaGNheTNwNXNlUnpVQ3RmOWt5NkRZd0lXQnpOaEFqRDRiUXQ0RWJVTzdtazU2Q2ZsUHVTOGtYbEd5dz09 |
Yep. And there is one good thing about having a serious diagnosis. Doctors get you in whenever you want and your blood work is done that day.
Btw. Did you mean give the logo a 3 wolf moon tshirt? I'll have to try it out when I get home. | r/itsneverlupus | comment | r/ItsNeverLupus | 2011-03-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VyNnhodnpCeDhKa19LTEhnXzJLWWphSzRtdFR6UDdOSE8wT1ZSRFZHMjJtMG5hNVRlXzZpeTNrUEpJZ0xId3VOQmEzVURjWkoweVJ0bWlabFA3SXFGanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpU1RucHRUQ0R4UUJLdzc2dVZYV25yOU5iVWlIaUx2aWhMSWtGRjBCQ3Q5R0JhSFRRaUtqUzZlNEV0MVJ2WkhDRmR2MjNrRHQ5ZTBfWE5kSERQZVVYM1VNal90WnFEa0JMeDY0YTFmZVBiZkpzZWJRUWhLNGtWdmxBUDQzYUlCbncwUmZ3TEZkUVg2cm1MRHhxaW1JLVd1QVVRdUN6N2ZhSnB4YlZTMTFNVWpvV1hfQWpzQ015YVJxYnctVVlDY0NKRV9BUDFhM29fcUU1bE5Cb1otaXNiUT09 |
Well lets see if this takes off or not. I hope we can have our own little community here. I lurk Dallas' sub and they have fun meetups and stuff...maybe can do same here. Can do tyler/ longview help and what not! I live in tyler but someone else from longview suggested to make it east texas...so here we are. | r/easttexas | post | r/EastTexas | 2011-03-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VycU1WckxDaXB2YWpzMWRHeXJoN1JfTmk2WEF6bVRLNGlCd1RiQkVlaU9nYmw1S05fbHhJdk9iWnY2QkdsYlVqZFBvU3h1NWN0cjV1aElyZDVNQXpiM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUmdOMDlRUjd0aVpWMC1iRUtuZ1k2cmh3bnFJem9DcTBGbXp2azZBNkV3X1pCOHVyNFpmRFc3azVER3NaZm1WR1NJeS1HMktqdzRKZHFuZE9PcWdJNDFkYXNhd3lTRzFGUFRzQTlFNU1rQnFJUUZYX3JESWV6MlhSUGI3OWNGdmV4NElrVVZKSV9fbF8tMDBSQTlKMTlTQWlwT2xXMHlsMTNSdloySERPdkJ3PQ== |