A distant cousin to the true dragons, the wyvern is a huge flying lizard with a poisonous stinger in its tail. A wyvern’s body is 15 feet long, and dark brown to gray; half that length is tail. Its wingspan is about 20 feet. A wyvern weighs about one ton. Wyverns speak Draconic, but usually don’t bother with anything more elaborate than a loud hiss or a deep-throated growl much like that of a bull alligator. COMBAT Wyverns are rather stupid but always aggressive: They attack nearly anything that isn’t obviously more powerful than themselves. A wyvern dives from the air, snatching the opponent with its talons and stinging it to death. A wyvern can slash with its talons only when making a flyby attack.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Methylglyoxal bis(butylamidinohydrazone) exhibits antitumor effect on human malignant melanoma cells but reduces the antitumor action of cisplatin. The antitumor effect of a polyamine biosynthetic pathway inhibitor methylglyloxal bis(butylamidinohydrazone) (MGBB) on human malignant melanoma (HMG) cells and its combination effect with cisplatin were investigated. The growth of cultured HMG cells was inhibited in a dose dependent manner by either MGBB or cisplatin; complete inhibition of cell proliferation was attained with 5 micrograms/ml of MGBB or 50 micrograms/ml of cisplatin. Pretreatment of HMG cells with MGBB diminished the antitumor action of cisplatin. The cultured HMG cells were inoculated in nude mice and aliquots of the resulting solid tumors (HMG tumor) were transplanted. The growth of transplanted HMG tumors in mice was inhibited markedly by cisplatin (3.8 mg/kg) and moderately by MGBB (10 or 20 mg/kg). The in vivo antitumor effect of cisplatin was also reduced by combined treatment with MGBB.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Environmentalism Not About the Earth But About Control, Part 1 For decades, American motorists have been subjected to propaganda insisting that they either need to drive less or give up safe, comfortable automobiles in favor of what amount to motorized coffins in order to preserve natural resources and environmental quality. Now that this policy goal is pretty much on the road to being implemented, the elites running our lives are not content to sit back in the glow of their accomplishment but are rather laying the groundwork for the next phase in their grand dream of limiting the free movement of the American people. One would think the increasing popularity of electric and hybrid automobiles would please transportation planners and social engineers. However, as most realize somewhere along life’s journey, getting what you want is not always what you expected. For while hybrid cars might cut back on emissions and fuel consumption, they also take a bite out of gas tax revenues. But instead of tightening their belts and learning to make due with less as they counsel you when you complain about rising fuel costs, government planners are now conniving to pass the hardship on to you by altering the way transportation taxes are assessed. Currently, such taxes are gathered in about the fairest way possible (a concept seldom associated with taxes) by collecting it in an innocuously private manner from those cautious enough to pay in cash at the bump based upon how many gallons acquired. However, from a plan being considered in Oregon, motorized Americans will have to contend with another governmental intrusion into their lives of Orwellian proportions. Instead of collecting taxes on each gallon purchased, revenuers plan to install censors at gas stations capable of reading the global positioning systems to be installed in nearly all vehicles and, from that, tabulating how far a vehicle has been driven or into what zones they have motored. Proponents of the program claim citizens have nothing to fear from Big Brother since the system would only tabulate mileage rather than specific itinerary. However, one does not have to be a Ray Bradbury to realize what a dystopian road this is headed down. For even if the sensors do not log precise destination, they are still capable of relaying to authorities — even if they are “just” tax authorities, who can actually make your life more miserable than actual police as these activist accountants assume greater control over areas of your life once considered beyond the purview of just and legitimate government such as religious doctrines and where you have been. Even more disturbing, these tracking devices are being designed to catalogue at what time of day you drive. That way the state will be able to charge you an additional fee for daring to drive at the times of day our government slavemasters would prefer we stay off the road. While they are at it, why don’t they go ahead and add similar devices to our toilets as well to punish those that have more bowel movements than our betters in government think we ought since such functions contribute disproportionately to greenhouse gases and are often a sign that the chronically flatulent might be eating too high up the food chain. Those embracing their place as good little minions of the New World Order will probably respond, “But this discouragement of motorized travel is legitimate since one is using roads provided by the COMMUNITY and by definition the COMMUNITY determines what it considers the terms of use”. Those thinking that they will be left alone if they use public transportation and sit quietly in their homes are in for a rude awakening that will probably arrive when they are dragged kicking and screaming to the relocation camp in part for the sake of the environment. For the totalist state is not content simply to tell you how to live once you step out into the broader COMMUNITY. It also wants to tell you in what kind of structure in which you may live out the existence its institutions have been beneficent enough to grant you as well as in many instances what manner of things you may do once you close the door. Across the pond in Merry Ole England, according to a CNSNEWS.com story titled “UK May Tax Environmentally Unfriendly Houses”, beatnik rabble in the Green Party there have been at the forefront of efforts to introduce taxes on what their ilk have labeled “environmentally damaging behavior”. However, such penalties are for more than spitting on the sidewalk or tossing litter from the car window. Foremost among these fees include increased property taxes levied against homes not deemed green enough as well as on automobiles and on those daring to travel by air. It must be remembered that the power to tax is the power to destroy. One member of the Conservative Party observed such taxes would disproportionately impact the poor and the elderly since these demographics are more likely to reside in domiciles not meeting energy efficiency expectations. What better way to seize the property of the population’s undesirables (namely members of the lower middle class) than to tax them out of their homes and to herd them into governmentally approved relocation compounds such as those into which Hurricane Katrina victims were shunted. Here, these people were deprived of their constitutional rights to such an extent that they were forbidden from speaking with reporters. One gets around the raw nerve of eminent domain altogether if taxes are raised so high that residents are either forced to sell to developers or have their property seized by default. Speaking from Tokyo as the elites will continue their lives of global travel while the common person will be corralled and branded like cattle going to slaughter, one British legislator (quite a ways from his homeland I might point out to the geographically illiterate) said, “Sometimes the changes will be painful. But leadership means facing the great challenges, even if the decisions are difficult.” Shame the Eurocrats can’t display the same degree of courage to stand against the tide of radical Islam sweeping across what was the cradle of Western Civilization. I guess they have no qualms about turning Granny out into the streets since she isn’t likely to strap on a carbomb. Don’t be fooled. Those such as the politician above making these kinds of statements won’t make a single personal change. Do you honestly believe the likes of Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth over there and the Bushes, Gores, and Kennedys over here are going to give up their multi-mansion estates to live in some I-Pod shipping-container sized apartment the rest of us will be expected to live in with a stupid grin slapped across our faces for the sake of the revolution? Not only do the elites plan to snatch your homes from you in the name of conservation, they also want to regulate within your own living space — or rather the one they plan to assign to you once they have succeeded in placing title to all property in the hands of the state or whatever institutional arrangement through which they plan to administer relinquished holdings. Speaking before worshipful UN functionaries, Al Gore (whose ballooning waistline and burgeoning facial jowls indict him for consuming a greater percentage of the earth’s resources then what he would permit the working slob) claimed according to a 9/6/06 Drudge Report that “cigarettes are a significant contributor to global warming.” The same could be said about the former Vice President’s ever-fattening lip. Drudge ends this dispatch by noting that Gore closed his homily harping on his political future and by hawking a book he had written (no doubt printed on paper that could have contributed more to the cause of Mother Earth if it had remained a tree). Interestingly, Al Gore is not the only eco-pimp using the environment to turn a trick or two. One would think the purpose of an environmental festival would be to discuss the environment. However from the program (printed on the remains of a slaughtered tree) for Green Festival 06 in Washington DC, it seems that the natural world was pretty much tagged on as an afterthought as the focus seemed to be radical politics with ageing hippies continuing to spread their filth and debauchery. For example, from the schedule of speakers, one wouldn’t be surprised to see Karl Marx to show up on the dais. Former Mr. Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden (who’s nearly as old as Marx), was scheduled to speak on the topic of “Alternatives To War & Empire”. Activist Medea Benjamin was docketed for the oration titled “We Have The Power To Stop The War In Iraq”. Another scheduled homily was titled “The Power Of Storytelling: Changing The World”. What in the name of Sheol does any of this have to do with enjoying nature or marveling at furry woodland creatures? Nothing whatsoever, ladies and gentleman. Before all is said and done, those that address such covens will no doubt make those in attendance feel guilty for simply being alive (especially if you happen to be White) and for enjoying the blessings that come from living in the greatest country on earth. And if it wasn’t, why are all these immigrants self loathing liberals want to grant unrestricted access to our bounty keep trying to break in, and perhaps even more importantly, end up forcing you to partake in their life of squalor. Foremost on the agenda was the confiscation of your own individual domicile and privacy. One seminar was titled “Community Without Walls”. But as one wise soul observed (it might have been Chesterton), don’t take down a fence unless you know why it had been put up. Walls and fences, contrary to leftist opinion, are very positive things as they confirm identity as an individual by demarcating what is mine and what is not mine (namely yours). It is the purpose of such a lecture to erode the concept of individuality and private property by manipulating those in attendance to be an “active participant in one’s neighborhood.” That may sound all warm and fuzzy, but in a “community without walls” where those living have forgotten legitimate boundaries and limitations, it usually ends up being invoked as an excuse to get involved in the business of others that is no one else’s concern and as an excuse to bring sanctions occasionally bordering on the violent against those not opening every detail of their lives to the scrutinizing oversight of the COMMUNITY. Some might conclude that, even if these plans were true, they are so far down the road that we will not have to worry about it during our lifetimes. And even though I cannot give an exact date as to when these communalistic horrors will transpire when what you slave away for will no longer be yours to enjoy as you wish, but as sure as I draw breath and write this, I can assure you the plans are being set into motion to revolutionize the American way of life. In the future, it won’t be enough to let these flakes cordon themselves off in their own compounds where whacky ideas, loose morals, masculine women, and effeminate men will be the order of the day. As I’ve said before, it is their intention to drag the rest of us down into Third World squalor. One of the exhibitors at the Green Festival was the Federation of Egalitarian Communities. The description for this organization reads as follows in the 2006 promotional brochure: “The Federation of Egalitarian Communities is a network of communal groups spread across North America, from small agricultural homesteads to village-like communities to urban group homes.” It has been a few years since the 1960’s, so perhaps a few readers (a significant percentage of whom like myself didn’t even trod the earth at that time) need to be reminded what exactly a commune is. A commune is a living arrangement where the residents do not own their respective domiciles outright but rather in common with the group (or rather those designated as the representatives of the group) making decisions on behalf of the members. While it may sound all warm and fuzzy, seldom do such living arrangements end happily. At best, most participants part ways with hurt feelings and at worst they often end in bloodshed as typified by the Jonestown and Heavensgate tragedies or when the principles are applied society-wide as was the case in the Soviet Union and Red China.
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Shanghai Sexy Massage There are many advertisements, it's hard to know what kind of choice, my name is JinMei bottle, I am a very sexy Chinese girl, 23, 160 centimeters, 45 kg, with good curve, you will be very happy to meet me. I am sensible and relaxation massage way, but also very exciting, if you know what I mean. I'm not afraid, I what all can be devoted to you, make you truly happy lead. If you are tired, you finish the work, I to provide quality services and personal massage your hotel or apartment in reasonable expenses. My massage will lower your nervous and give your senses to relax. I think I am a special girl, extraordinary. So I. Anyway, if you need to relax in Shanghai, just call me.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
A randomised control trial of physical activity in a perceived environment on self-esteem and mood in UK adolescents. This study assessed whether exercising whilst viewing natural or built scenes affected self-esteem (SE) and mood in adolescents. Twenty-five adolescents participated in three exercise tests on consecutive days. A graded exercise test established the work rate equivalent to 50% heart rate reserve for use in subsequent constant load tests (CLTs). Participants undertook two 15-min CLTs in random order viewing scenes of either natural or built environments. Participants completed Rosenberg's SE scale and the adolescent profile of mood states questionnaire pre- and post-exercise. There was a significant main effect for SE (F(1) = 6.10; P < 0.05) and mood (F(6) = 5.29; P < 0.001) due to exercise, but no effect of viewing different environmental scenes (P > 0.05). Short bouts of moderate physical activity can have a positive impact on SE and mood in adolescents. Future research should incorporate field studies to examine the psychological effects of contact with real environments.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Will a 5-ASA a day keep the cancer (and dysplasia) away? Prevention strategies for colorectal cancer in chronic ulcerative colitis (UC) are currently based on the identification of neoplasia by surveillance colonoscopy, but there is a great interest in the possibility of primary chemoprevention. 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) therapy is an attractive option for chemoprevention in UC due to the fact that it is a derivative of aspirin and has been shown to have a variety of other molecular and genetic targets of cancer prevention, but human studies in UC have been limited by observational design and limited data collection or follow-up. The recently performed metaanalysis of 5-ASA chemoprevention trials shows a favorable role of 5-ASA in the prevention of cancer and dysplasia in patients with UC, and adds to the available evidence favoring its use. This editorial discusses the substantial logistical and ethical challenges in designing a randomized double-blind trial to measure the effect of 5-ASA on cancer risk in UC. The authors conclude that the safety and current maintenance use of 5-ASA warrant its acceptance as a probable chemopreventive agent at this time.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Primo annuncio sulla Parata di Roma del Primo dell’Anno 2019 The countdown to the Rome New Year Parade 2019 is well underway and the parade team are finalising the last few participants. We are delighted to announce that Roman reenactment group, Associazioni Riunite di Rievocazione Storica Romana are the first of many wonderful performance groups set to appear at the Rome Parade on January 1st. Associazioni Riunite di Rievocazione Storica Romana is a collection of the following organisations taking part in Rome Parade 2019: Other news Lincoln Youth Symphony set for Rome Performance 23rd Febbraio 2019 The Lincoln Youth Symphony are set to perform in the Eternal city next month. The group from Lincoln, Nebraska will be arriving in Rome on Friday 8th March and are set to tour iconic locations and perform at venues around the city.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
The effect of xenoantisera on T-lymphocyte functions in the absence of complement. An attempt was made to determine whether xenoantisera can detect functional receptors on mouse T lymphocytes. Antisera were raised by immunizing rabbits with BALB/c thymus cells, boiled thymus homogenate, brain homogenate or bone marrow cells. Following heat inactivation these antisera were absorbed with mouse kidney and liver homogenates, and studied for their effect, in the absence of C', on the activity of murine T lymphocytes. Rabbit anti-bone marrow serum (RAB) had no effect on the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) nor on cell-mediated lysis (CML). In contrast, rabbit anti-thymus serum (RAT) and anti-boiled thymus serum (RABT) inhibited strikingly, the MLR, CML, and the response to concanavalin A and phytohemagglutinin. Rabbit anti-brain serum (RABR) caused a marked increase of the proliferation of lymphocytes both in the presence or absence of various stimuli and had no effect on the CML. Absorption experiments indicated that a number of antigens are involved in the inhibitory activity of RAT. Antibodies to a T cell specific antigen interfere with the response of T lymphocytes to mitogenic stimuli, while the activity of cytotoxic T cells is inhibited by antibodies to a determinant shared by B and T lymphocytes.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to an image pickup apparatus having a function for correcting an in-focus position detected by a phase difference AF (autofocus) method or the like. 2. Description of the Related Art In the related art, in a single lens reflex camera which is arranged to attain an in-focused state by the phase difference AF, there is a case where in association with long-time use of the camera, a position which is recognized as an in-focus position is changed due to long-time use of each of a lens and a camera body and an in-focus precision deteriorates to a level lower than an initial precision. In the case of the lens, a case where while the lens is driven to a correct in-focus position, a lens stop position may be shifted from the correct position due to a mechanical deterioration caused by long-time use of a camera is considered. In the case of the camera body, there is considered a case where a mirror which is used in a phase difference detection method is driven many times so that an angle of the mirror is gradually changed and this causes change of an angle at which incident object light is guided to an AF sensor so that a position shifted from the correct in-focus position is recognized as an in-focus position. In the foregoing case, a unit for shifting the in-focus position to an original state without allowing the user to bring the camera to a service center has been installed in a recent image pickup apparatus. In the detection of the in-focus position by the phase difference AF, there is a case where the correct in-focus position cannot be detected by an influence by colors, types, and the like of a light source and a photographing object. If such a problem occurs, such a technique that the detected in-focus position is corrected by the phase difference AF in accordance with an environment where the camera is used is considered. At this time, in a construction in which there are a plurality of focus adjustment areas (AF frames) for the phase difference AF, there is a case where the correction is necessary every AF frame or the like. However, if the number of portions to be corrected increases, there raises an actual problem such that it is difficult for a user to spend time to make individual correction each time the correction is necessary. Therefore, the user wants to correct in accordance with the AF frame which the user wants to use by himself. The Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 2000-292684 discloses a function (AF calibration) which can automatically correct the in-focus position of the phase difference AF by using a contrast detection method. A correction value can be held every focal length. However, in the technique disclosed in the above patent literature, in the case where there are a plurality of AF frames for the phase difference AF, there is not a control technique about how to select the AF frame which is used for correction of the in-focus position by the phase difference AF when a limitation processing of a selection of the AF frames is executed at the time of photographing.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) optical devices may include an active surface layer that includes waveguides, optical modulators, detectors, CMOS circuitry, metal leads for interfacing with external semiconductor chips, and the like. Although crystalline silicon is excellent at forming waveguides with submicron dimensions, silicon is a poor material for both generating and absorbing light at wavelengths used for digital communication. While III-V semiconductors are better suitable for forming optical sources, these materials have a lattice constant that is much different than crystalline silicon which means these semiconductors cannot be directly grown on silicon using typical CMOS fabrication techniques without defects. To facilitate understanding, identical reference numerals have been used, where possible, to designate identical elements that are common to the figures. It is contemplated that elements disclosed in one embodiment may be beneficially utilized on other embodiments without specific recitation.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Shirley, Please, cancel the talk. Vince -----Original Message----- From: "Prakash Narayanan" <[email protected]>@ENRON Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 9:28 PM To: Kaminski, Vince J Cc: Crenshaw, Shirley Subject: Talk on Friday Dear Vince How are you? I understand that things are extremely hectic for you right now but I was wondering if we are going ahead as schedulef on friday. It would be great to hear from you. Best Regards Prakash Prakash Narayanan 412-422-3287 (Home) 412-607-5321 (Mobile) 6315 Forbes Avenue Apartment # 809 Pittsburgh PA 15217 [email protected]
{ "pile_set_name": "Enron Emails" }
Ariel S. Ballif Ariel Smith Ballif, Sr. (December 9, 1901 – May 11, 1995) was a professor of sociology at Brigham Young University (BYU), mayor of Provo, Utah and a leader in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Ballif was born in Logan, Utah to John Lyman Ballif and his wife, the former Emma Smith. In 1925 Ballif married Artemesia "Arta" Romney, who was a daughter of George S. Romney and a sister of Marion G. Romney. They had five children, including Ariel S. Ballif Jr., Jae R. Ballif and Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, who also became professors in Utah. Ballif earned his bachelor's degree from BYU and then an MA and Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. From 1927-1930 Ballif served with his wife as a missionary in New Zealand, serving as principal of the Maori Agricultural College for most of that time. Ballif joined the faculty of BYU in 1938 and served as chairman of the sociology department for a number of years. Ballif served as a bishop, a Stake President and a Stake Patriarch. He also served as president of the New Zealand Mission from 1955-1958, thus being mission president at the time the New Zealand Temple was built. Ballif was elected to the Provo City Council in 1958, and from 1960-1961 he was mayor of Provo. Notes Sources listing of New Zealand Mission Presidents Political Graveyard listing Time Magazine article BYH alumni listing Category:1901 births Category:1995 deaths Category:American Mormon missionaries in New Zealand Category:American sociologists Category:Brigham Young University alumni Category:Brigham Young University faculty Category:Mayors of Provo, Utah Category:Mission presidents (LDS Church) Category:Patriarchs (LDS Church) Category:Politicians from Logan, Utah Category:University of Southern California alumni Category:American leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Category:Latter Day Saints from Utah
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Bali Jatra Bālijātrā (also Bōita Bandāṇa) literally means A Voyage to Bali. It is the Asia's largest open trade fair. This festival is held in Odisha (a state in eastern India), in the city of Cuttack at Gadagadia Ghata of the Mahanadi river, to mark the day when ancient Sadhabas (Odia mariners) would set sail to distant lands of Bali, as well as Java (at the time of the voyage known as "Yawadvipa"), Sumatra, Borneo (all in Indonesia), and Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) for trade and cultural expansion. To commemorate this, the festival is celebrated every year from the day of Kartika Purnima (full moon day of the month of Kartika) according to the Odia Calendar. On Kartika Purnima, which comes around the end of October and November, people of Odisha gather near banks of Mahanadi, Brahmani river, other river banks, ponds, water tanks and sea shores to float miniature toy boats, made of colored paper, dried banana tree barks, and cork, as a symbolic gesture of their ancestors' voyage. These toy boats, usually launched early in the morning contain traditional paan and small oil lamps, which are lit and placed inside them, to provide an attractive sight during the festival. People sing a song Aa ka ma boi, pan gua thoi... to remember the early maritime history of Odisha. The song tells about four months that are important for marine merchants of Kalinga (the earlier name of Odisha). This festival is also celebrated with great fanfare in Paradeep. Bali Jatra bears testimony to the rich maritime legacy of ancient Odisha. This is the specific time that was considered auspicious by the Sadhabas to begin their voyage in vessels called Boitas. The voyage is begun on Kartika Purnima to take advantage of the favorable wind blowing during this time. Ajhala or big fabric sails were used to harness the wind power to move the Boitas. Bali Jatra is also associated with Taapoi and rituals like Bhalukuni Osha or Khudurukuni Osha and Bada Osha. Taapoi is closely associated with the Bali Jatra festival, which recalls traditional memories of young maidens waiting for the return of their sailor brothers. In Cuttack, Bali Jatra is celebrated annually as a large open fair near the Barabati Fort area. It is said to be the largest fair of Asia. There are several attractions for children like toy stalls, giant wheels, different games, maut ka kuan (literally well of death) and food stalls selling Odia delicacies (Cuttack Dahibara Aludum, Thunka puri, Kulfi, Gupchup, Mathura Cake, Banarasi Paana etc.) from different parts of the state, and other vendors selling toys, curiosities, and other gifts. Bali Jatra also provides a lot of cultural programs. Every year millions of people from all over the nation come to experience it. See also Greater India, for more information about Indian cultural influence in Southeast Asia Suvarnabhumi, a legendary eastern land of gold in classical Indian folklore located somewhere in Southeast Asia References Category:Odia culture Category:Maritime history of India Category:Festivals in Odisha Category:Cultural history of Odisha Category:October events Category:November events Category:Maritime culture
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
It’s a pretty great time to be a software engineer. Sure you get great pay and perks, but my favorite part of this vocation is how stupidly easy and cheap it is to try out new ideas. Developers have no shortage of libraries, frameworks, and tools that make it incredibly easy to quickly throw things together into a functional prototype. I don’t think many would dispute that software is a lucrative and amazing field to be in these days, but I have a hunch that something new is coming. Recently I’ve noticed the same sort of cheap and easy development cycle becoming widely available on the hardware front. First there was the Arduino, which allowed anyone to jumble together a circuit with a few sensors, motors, and lights and have a working prototype. Then came the Raspberry Pi, which gave you a fully capable credit card-sized linux computer for $35. Now we’re seeing things like $99 “supercomputers” (the 16-core Parallella) and a $60 quad-core computer (the ODROID U3). These are serious pieces of hardware being sold at some insanely low prices. We have the recent boom in mobile computing to thank for the rise of these tiny and cheap computers. Competition between companies like Apple, Samsung, and Broadcom has been driving down the cost of ARM processors for mobile devices while simultaneously increasing their performance to be near-desktop levels. The Raspberry Pi, Paralella, and ODROID are all side-effects of the intense competition happening in the mobile sector. Ultimately, hardware hobbyists are the winners here as it’s never been cheaper to get a high powered, network ready microprocessor into projects. Plus, since these are fully functional linux computers, you no longer have to write your project’s software in low-level languages like C or C++. You can have full control over GPIO (general purpose in/out) pins using languages like Python or Ruby. The ability to write code for embedded systems using interpreted languages is a major development. These cheap processors are only as useful as the software that runs them, and reducing the amount of complexity required to write good software for hardware projects is a big win for everyone. The Arduino is a fantastic piece of hardware, but do you know how difficult it is to write network-enabled software for it? Here’s the code required to make an HTTP request to Google. Compare that to Python’s wonderful requests library. If you had an idea for a web-api based hardware project, what would you rather write it in? This is a 1.7GHz quad-core processor with 2GB of RAM, a network port, 3 USB ports, and HDMI out for $60... This sort of hardware would cost thousands of dollars 15 years ago. So far we’ve seen that the cost of hardware is going down and that it’s easier to write software for this new hardware. A problem that remains is the steep learning curve of building circuits and complex devices. The good news is hardware education is a field that is also rapidly improving. Companies like Adafruit and Sparkfun have realized that education is in their best interest. They’ve turned their hardware catalogs into tutorial websites for aspiring hobbyists to use their parts in order to create amazing things. Want to learn about the different types of motors you can put in your projects? There’s a tutorial for that. Want to make a device that assists in cocktail mixing? Yep, there’s one for that too. Hardware education is now monetarily incentivized and because of this, it’s getting good. Really good. At the same time we have these tiny, network-enabled linux computers becoming cheap, powerful, widely available, and controlled by high level, high productivity languages. This is a recipe for an amazing future for us hackers. Remember how jQuery, Rails, Django, Bootstrap and tons of tutorials made web-development and rapid prototyping incredibly easy for us? That’s exactly what’s happening for hardware, and I think the result is going to be even more amazing than what we’ve created on the web. Things are definitely looking bright for the hardware side of technology, but I don’t want you to get the impression that hardware will be just as easy as software to create. For starters, in order to put any of these cheap computers to good use, you have to first be able to write the software that controls them. While this is getting better now that you can control GPIO pins with interpreted languages, it still requires a decent knowledge of programming. There are also plenty of other obstacles in the way of easy development with hardware. Some of these obstacles may be broken, however there are others which are firmly enforced by nature. For one, hardware will never be as cheap as software to build. Software is virtually “creating something out of nothing.” When you start a new project in software there’s nothing to buy; you just open a text editor and begin writing code. Hardware requires you to order parts, find an open workspace, have the correct tools (most of which are not free), etc. It’s significantly more difficult to do this than downloading a text editor and compiler. In addition, small electronic parts may be cheap on Adafruit and Sparkfun, but shipping is not. It’s hard to justify buying a sensor for 95 cents and paying $4 in shipping just to get it to you. You have to buy parts within larger orders in order for it to be reasonably cheap which makes it difficult to start a project on a whim. There’s also the issue of deployment. Software is incredibly easy to deploy into production. I can create a web app, put it up on a service like Heroku, and have it instantly scale to an audience of millions in around 10 minutes (if you can, take a second and think about how incredible this is). Hardware is an entirely different game. Going from prototype to scaled deployment takes tons of time, money, and work. Sure it takes time, money, and work to scale software properly, but hardware is an entirely different game. You have to design PCBs to replace your breadboards, find sources for the parts you need, get a manufacturer to assemble the parts, etc. and even then you’re only scraping the surface of scaling your device. Scaling software is just significantly easier and cheaper. The list of difficulties which separate us from a hardware hobbyist utopia could go on for a while. While some issues like manufacturing may be turned upside-down by inventions like the 3D printer, I’m not sure how the issue of parts, shipping, and tools could be made as easy as it is for software. Then again, I would have never believed that my thousand-dollar Gateway 2000 would be dwarfed by a $35 computer that fit in my pocket a mere 12 years later. We live in a pretty crazy world these days, so I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if the challenges preventing simple hardware development/deployment were mostly overcome in the next decade or so. However even with these challenges in place today, I still think we’re headed towards a very exciting future. The advent of cheap microcomputers, increased education, and the ability to write high level code on embedded platforms could be the start of a major growth in hardware hacking and startups. I think these improvements will transform the hardware side of technology into a playground of ideas in a similar way that jQuery, Rails, and Bootstrap did for the web. We’ve been given new a set of cheap and powerful toys. Let’s play with them and make awesome things!
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
In mid-July, Binance announced support for both Stellar (XLM) staking and airdrop rewards. Despite Binance planning to distribute some 9,500,000 XLM tomorrow, the price of XLM has plummeted some -52% since the announcement. Despite the long-awaited Stellar airdrop on Binance happening tomorrow, things are not looking good for Stellar by any metric. In fact, among all the leading cryptocurrencies, Stellar posted the worst losses in 2019 thus far. Two weeks ago, we reported that XLM was down -38.11% since the start of the year. Since then, this has only gotten worse. From the Binance announcement in July to now, the cryptocurrency is down some -52%. A Surprise Stellar Drop In mid-July, XLM was trading at around the $0.125 mark. Now, at the time of writing, it is oscillating around the $0.06 price point. This spectacular decline has happened in just over a month. Trade cryptocurrencies like Stellar at the world’s largest exchange by volume, Binance, and help out BeInCrypto in the process. Many were hoping that the Binance announcement would provide one of the leading cryptocurrencies with some relief. The exchange announced then that it would be supporting Stellar staking on its platform, meaning that users could store their XLM on Binance for monthly rewards. Moreover, the exchange would also be airdropping all of the rewards it has earned, with some 9,500,000 XLM set to be distributed to those holding at least 10 XLM in their wallet. However, this $589,000 airdrop did not seem to convince the market, as the price continues to tumble. Stellar’s New Approach The thought was that Binance staking the asset along with its airdrop would apply positive price pressure from July through August. It was intended to incentivize holders. However, with Bitcoin on shaky indicators, XLM has taken the worst hit in the top 20 cryptocurrencies. Last week, Stellar also tried to reorganize its marketing strategy with the launch of a new website. However, the market seemed to not respond and the response was lukewarm at best. It seems that Stellar will have to further realize adoption and actual use-case if it wishes to retain its spot as a leading cryptocurrency. For now, investors are left burned and wondering if they will have a suitable exit in the near future. Why do you believe XLM is performing so exceptionally poorly in this market? Let us know your thoughts below in the comments. Buy and trade cryptocurrencies with a 100x multiplier on our partner exchange, StormGain.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Useful Russian phrases or English Phrase Here we give the common Russian phrases that will help you in communicating more effectively with the locals. Russian phrases English Phrase Privet Hello Da Yes Kakoi horoshiy restoran est’ ryadom What is a good restaurant nearby Skolko How much Dorogo This is too much Ne dorogo This is not expensive Ya vas luybluy I love you ochen’ priyatno poznakomitsya It’s a pleasure to meet you ochen’ vkusno This meal is delicious Spacibo Thank you Kakoi u vas email What is your email address Vot moi email This is my email Beru za polovinu I will pay you half Nyet No Obojayu eto I love this! Ya vernus’ (shutka) I will be back (just kidding) Ya zakazal nomer I have a hotel reservation here Ya ishu moego voditelya I am looking for my driver Kak mne mojno pozvonit’ Where can I make a phone call Naberite etot nomer Can you please call this number for me These Russian phrases will help to communicate more effectively with the locals. You will find help right away if you are stuck in a situation, as you are able to communicate at a more personal level with people around you.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Preparation of siloxy focal dendron-protected TiO2 nanoparticles and their photocatalysis. TiO2 nanoparticles were synthesized at approximately 0 degrees C by hydrolyzing [(CH3)2CHO]4Ti in 1-propanol solutions of poly(amido amine) dendrons with a siloxy focal point and long alkyl chain spacers. Transmission electron microscopic photographs showed that TiO2 nanoparticle was 1-5 nm in size and protected by dendrons, when prepared at a mixing ratio 1:10 of Ti ion and dendron. At higher contents of Ti ion, TiO2 nanoparticles aggregated up to a maximum size of 90 nm, depending on the dendron generation (first to third). It was confirmed from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy that Si-O-Ti covalent bond was formed in dendron-protected TiO2 nanoparticles. The ability of dendron-protected TiO2 nanoparticles as a photocatalyst for the photodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid was higher than that of nonprotected nanoparticle and superior at higher generation. It was suggested that the dendrons protecting TiO2 nanoparticle have enough void volume to conserve guest molecules and behave effectively as a reservoir of guest molecules.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Sears Holdings said Jeff Balagna will join the company as executive vice president and chief information officer. Balagna most recently served as the chief information officer at Eli Lilly. In his new role with Sears Holdings, Balagna will be responsible for all technology and infrastructure... Sears Holdings said Jeff Balagna will join the company as executive vice president and chief information officer. Balagna most recently served as the chief information officer at Eli Lilly. In his new role with Sears Holdings, Balagna will be responsible for all technology and infrastructure... Sears Holdings said Jeff Balagna will join the company as executive vice president and chief information officer. Balagna most recently served as the chief information officer at Eli Lilly. In his new role with Sears Holdings, Balagna will be responsible for all technology and infrastructure...
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
New chemical cross-coupling between aryl halides and allylic acetates using a cobalt catalyst. [reaction: see text] The cobalt-catalyzed coupling reaction of aromatic halides and allylic acetates proceeds readily under mild conditions in the presence of the appropriate reducing agent to produce allylaromatic derivatives either in pure acetonitrile (aryl bromides) or in an acetonitrile/pyridine mixture (aryl chlorides).
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
A Tale of Two Responses To hear conservatives tell it, the White House's handling of the failed Christmas terrorist plot has been inadequate. President Obama, the Right has argued, waited too long to speak publicly about the incident, and hasn't taken the matter seriously enough. Of course, the obvious response is probably the most effective one: Obama commented on the Abdulmutallab plot a lot faster than Bush responded to an identical attempted attack eight years ago. But that doesn't fully capture the important and illustrative differences between the two responses. Now let's compare the previous administration's response to a nearly identical terrorist plot -- Richard Reid's failed shoe-bomb attack (the same chemical, the same target, the same intended consequence, in same month of the year, with the same twisted ideology). Consider these two weeks, from eight years ago: Dec. 22: Reid's attempt fails. Dec. 28: Bush hosts a press conference from his Texas ranch. In his opening statement, the president makes no reference to the terrorist attempt. Reporters ask Bush 15 questions, zero about the Reid incident. The president references the failed attack anyway, saying a total of 89 words on the subject. Dec. 29: The president reads his weekly radio address. He makes no reference to the attempted terrorism. Jan. 4: Karen Hughes hosts a briefing for reporters. There were no questions about the Reid incident, and the subject wasn't addressed. Jan. 5: The president reads another weekly radio address, and makes no reference to the attempted terrorism. Later that day, Bush appears at two public events, one in California, the other in Oregon. The shoe-bombing incident doesn't come up at all at either event. Do you notice a difference between the two weeks after the Abdulmutallab plot and the two weeks after the Reid plot? Tell me -- which of these two presidents seemed to respond to the attempted attacks more forcefully, more seriously, and with more depth? Which of the two seems more engaged when it comes to counter-terrorism? Keep in mind, Bush faced literally no criticism for hardly responding at all to an attempt to blow up an airplane over the United States. There was no media pushback, no complaints from Congress, nothing. And this was just four months after 9/11, when presumably the terrorist threat was foremost on the nation's mind. Rudy Giuliani said on CNN this week, "I think [Obama] has to make a major correction in the way he is dealing with terrorism because I think he has mishandled the situation. First of all, it was 10 days too late. This is something you react to immediately, not 10 days later after your vacation. The president of the United States, when there is a potential massive attack on this country, which is what this guy was going to do, should have been on top of this immediately, not 10 days later, 11 days later, 12 days later." Bush pretty much ignored, at least publicly, the nearly identical "potential massive attack on this country," and no one seemed to care. If I didn't know better, I might think there was a double-standard here, and a "controversy" has been manufactured by petty partisans hoping to undermine the Obama White House without cause.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
debian/tmp/usr/bin/ansible-test usr/bin debian/tmp/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ansible_test usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Q: How to change the default font for Bless hex editor? bless seems slightly better to me then ghex, but it has this ugly default font I can't stand. My system monospaced font is set to Droid Sans Mono, size 9 and bless uses Courier New, size 12. It's too big and not preferred here, but can't find way to change it. Don't know if this is because it's mono developed, don't praise that either, but I searched in all folders where bless is "unpacked": /usr/lib/bless /usr/share/bless and then: ~/.config/bless There is no file where font is defined. A: Although font can't be set from editor, bless comes with extensive help system, where it is explained that, font tag can be used as child element in <display> tag in bless layouts configuration files (w/o example) In action: open /usr/share/bless/bless-default.layout on every <area> element add <display> child element (if not defined) in which child element <font> can be set <area type="ascii"> <display><font>Droid Sans Mono 9</font></display> </area>
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Casaubon's mind was more alert, and he seemed to anticipate what was coming after a very slight verbal indication, saying, "That will do--mark that"--or "Pass on to the next head--I omit the second excursus on Crete." Dorothea was amazed to think of the bird-like speed with which his mind was surveying the ground where it had been creeping for years. Deane, when he expected to take his wine alone, would tell Tom to step in and sit with him an hour, and would pass that hour in much lecturing and catechising concerning articles of export and import, with an occasional excursus of more indirect utility on the relative advantages to the merchants of St. It's not every verbal stunt pilot that can bring a mid-novel excursus about the differences between Webster's Second and Third editions to a safe landing. But now old Schmidt readjusted some inner machinery, cleared his throat and began a meandering excursus on the poor quality of Youth Today, with animadversions on the importance of respect for authority as the foundation of a democratic society. Rather, I alert readers to their new excursus into literature. This, his first book, is a combination of political pamphlet, theoretical excursus , and empirical analysis that established a foundation for the ideology of the Zionist Socialist Workers' Party. He also makes use of the excursus : detailed examples are contained in a big text box (sometimes lasting pages), easily visible so that one can either read it or carry on with the main body of the book. Junto a estas cuestiones, el autor introduce varios excursus como, por ejemplo, el de la absoluta distincion entre el Creador y la creacion. Torrance's reinterpretation of divine monarchy and his suggestion that the Spirit proceeds from the Trinity as a whole (35); Theodorus Alexopoulos's excursus into the late Byzantine theology of Nikephoros Blemmydes and Gregory of Cyprus retrieves their notion of the Spirit's eternal manifestation through the Son (82-83); and finally, Thomas Weinandy argues that the Spirit plays a part in the generation of the Son (196-97).
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: Create list of variable type I am trying to create a list of a certain type. I want to use the List notation but all I know is a "System.Type" The type a have is variable. How can I create a list of a variable type? I want something similar to this code. public IList createListOfMyType(Type myType) { return new List<myType>(); } A: Something like this should work. public IList createList(Type myType) { Type genericListType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(myType); return (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(genericListType); } A: You could use Reflections, here is a sample: Type mytype = typeof (int); Type listGenericType = typeof (List<>); Type list = listGenericType.MakeGenericType(mytype); ConstructorInfo ci = list.GetConstructor(new Type[] {}); List<int> listInt = (List<int>)ci.Invoke(new object[] {});
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[Protein-loosing enteropathy: report of four cases and review of etiology, diagnostic work-up and treatment]. The protein-loosing enteropathy (PLE) may result from a broad variety of underlying diseases. These conditions are of systemic nature or locally affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Major symptoms are oedema due to low plasma protein levels. Gastrointestinal symptoms are not necessarily present. The diagnosis is confirmed by the finding of increased faecal concentrations of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (> 320 mg/L). In the majority of cases, in which underlying diseases are present, the etiology is obvious. In unclear cases the differentiation into inflammatory or circulatory disturbances or alterations of the architecture of the basal membrane is helpful. An economic, staged approach is presented. To localize the site of protein loss imaging is required (abdominal ultrasound, CT-scan, endoscopy and Technetium-Scan). If a circumscribed intestinal source of protein loss is suspected which may be amenable to surgery, intraoperative enteroscopy should be considered. If causal treatment is impossible; intravenous replacement of albumin and immunoglobulines in intervals from 1 to 4 weeks will be necessary. The prognosis in patients with isolated PLE is good. Otherwise it depends on the underlying disease.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
611 S.E.2d 750 (2005) 272 Ga. App. 91 REYNOLDS v. The STATE. No. A05A0768. Court of Appeals of Georgia. March 9, 2005. Certiorari Denied June 6, 2005. *751 George Jackson, Jackson & Schiavone, Savannah, for Appellant. Daniel Craig, District Attorney, Henry Syms, Jr., Madonna Little, Assistant District Attorneys, for Appellee. BLACKBURN, Presiding Judge. Having pled guilty in 1999 to aggravated child molestation and child molestation, Gary Reynolds directly appeals the trial court's denial of his motion to set aside his sentence, which motion was filed more than four-and-one-half years after his unappealed sentence was entered. We hold that since Reynolds's sentence fell within the range of allowable sentences for the charged crimes, his claim that the sentence was void is without merit. Accordingly, his motion to set aside that sentence was untimely, depriving this direct appeal of jurisdiction. For this reason, we must dismiss the appeal. *752 In March 1999, Reynolds was charged with six counts of child molestation[1] and one count of aggravated child molestation[2] arising out of conduct that took place between October 1992 and December 1994. In May 1999, he pled guilty to one count of child molestation and to one count of aggravated child molestation. At the guilty plea hearing, attorneys for both sides, Reynolds himself, and the judge all believed and discussed that the range of punishment for the aggravated molestation count was ten to thirty years, with the range for the child molestation count five to thirty years. All were further under the impression that Reynolds faced a mandatory minimum sentence of ten years to serve on the aggravated child molestation count. The court sentenced Reynolds to twenty years on each count (ten to serve and ten on probation), with the sentences to run concurrently. The final sentence was entered on May 17, 1999. After serving four-and-one-half years of his prison sentence, Reynolds in December 2003 moved the court to set aside his sentence on the ground that at the time he committed the crimes, former OCGA § 16-6-4 set the punishment range for aggravated child molestation from two to thirty years (not ten to thirty years with a ten-year-imprisonment mandatory minimum as was believed at the sentencing hearing) and set the punishment range for child molestation from one to twenty years (not five to thirty). Reynolds argued that he had received a sentence greater than that prescribed by law and that therefore his sentence was void. He claimed that, as his sentence was void, no time restriction precluded him from bringing the present motion to set aside, even though it was filed four-and-one-half years after his sentencing. The trial court disagreed. The court held that a motion to set aside a sentence (based on the ground that the court had misapprehended the law and had therefore failed to exercise its discretion) was required to be filed within the term of court during which the sentence was entered. The court further held that even though void sentences may be challenged at any time, the twenty-year sentences here fell within the range of allowable sentences even under the former OCGA § 16-6-4, and that therefore the sentences were not void. As four-and-one-half years were far beyond the term of court, the court found it had no jurisdiction and denied the motion. We agree. 1. It is undisputed that the court misapprehended the law at the time it sentenced Reynolds. Where the court has made such a mistake, a defendant is normally entitled to have his sentence vacated and to be resentenced by a court that has a correct apprehension of the possible range of punishments. See Banks v. State;[3]Mallarino v. State.[4] However, the defendant's right to have his sentence so modified is not unlimited. He may raise the issue in his initial direct appeal of his conviction (the procedure followed in Banks and Mallarino; Reynolds, however, filed no initial direct appeal here). Otherwise, he must make a timely motion in the trial court below. "Except as provided by statute, a sentencing court has no power to modify a valid sentence of imprisonment after the term of court in which it was imposed has expired." State v. Hart.[5] See Sasser v. Adkinson[6] ("in the absence of a statute providing to the contrary, the trial court's authority to vacate or modify a judgment ends with the expiration of the term of court in which the judgment was entered") (punctuation omitted). *753 Subsequent to the 1992 amendment of OCGA § 17-10-1(a) and prior to 2001, no statute purported to extend beyond the court's term the time in which a court could modify a sentence. Levell v. State;[7]Latham v. State.[8] See Ga. L. 1992, p. 3221, § 1. Thus, at the time the court imposed Reynolds's sentence in May 1999, the court's power to modify the sentence was limited to the court's term. In 2001, however, the General Assembly enacted OCGA § 17-10-1(f), which provides: Within one year of the date upon which the sentence is imposed, or within 120 days after receipt by the sentencing court of the remittitur upon affirmance of the judgment after direct appeal, whichever is later, the court imposing the sentence has the jurisdiction, power, and authority to correct or reduce the sentence and to suspend or probate all or any part of the sentence imposed. Ga. L. 2001, p. 94, § 5. Regardless of whether OCGA § 17-10-1(f) should be applied to Reynolds's December 2003 motion to set aside his sentence, that motion was far too late. It was not filed in the term in which the sentence was entered,[9] nor was it filed within a year of the date upon which the sentence was imposed, nor was it filed within 120 days of the trial court's receipt of a direct-appeal remittitur (as no direct appeal was filed). Accordingly, the trial court lacked subject matter jurisdiction and did not err in denying the motion. Kinsey v. State.[10] 2. Reynolds argues, however, that his sentence was void and therefore could be challenged at any time. Crumbley v. State[11] held that "[w]here a sentence is void, . . . the court may resentence the defendant at any time." See Jones v. State[12] ("a trial court's jurisdiction to modify a sentence extends beyond its statutory limitation only when the sentence is void") (footnote omitted); Howard v. State[13] ("`if the sentence imposed was a void sentence, then a new and valid sentence can be imposed by the trial judge at any time'"). The sentence here, however, was not void. "A sentence is void if the court imposes punishment that the law does not allow." Crumbley, supra at 611(1), 409 S.E.2d 517. "When the sentence imposed falls within the statutory range of punishment, the sentence is not void and is not subject to post-appeal modification beyond that provided in OCGA § 17-10-1(f)." Jones, supra at 670, 604 S.E.2d 483. See Daniel v. State.[14] Here, Reynolds's two twenty-year concurrent sentences (ten to serve, ten on probation) on the child molestation count and on the aggravated child molestation count fell within the ranges of punishment allowed in former OCGA § 16-6-4 (one to twenty for child molestation; two to thirty for aggravated child molestation) that applied to such offenses committed between October 1992 and December 1994. Accordingly, the sentences were not void. See Rehberger v. State;[15]Kinsey, supra at 653-654(1), 578 S.E.2d 269; Daniel, supra at 475(3), 585 S.E.2d 752. Compare Gonzalez v. State[16] (where fines were not authorized by controlling statute, sentence was void); Hahn v. State[17] (where imprisonment not authorized, *754 imprisonment sentence was void); McCranie v. State[18] (incest sentence void where incest merged with rape charge). Thus, the motion to set aside those sentences, filed four-and-one-half years after sentencing, was untimely. See Barber v. State;[19]Shaw v. State.[20] Reynolds argues that the court's misapprehension of the applicable range of sentences voids the sentences. However, "[a]ssertions taking issue with the procedure employed in imposing a valid sentence or questioning the fairness of an imposed sentence do not allege a sentence is void and therefore are not a means for post-appeal, post § 17-10-1(f) sentence modification." Jones, supra at 670-671, 604 S.E.2d 483. See Williams v. State[21] (failure to conduct required hearing did not render a sentence void). A court which misapprehends the law and therefore fails to properly exercise its discretion in sentencing commits a procedural error; since the procedural error does not void the resulting sentence, a dissatisfied defendant must challenge the sentence in a timely manner. Daniel, supra at 475(3), 585 S.E.2d 752; Newby v. State;[22]Shaw, supra at 232-233, 504 S.E.2d 18. Absent such a timely challenge, the only avenue for reviewing the sentence lies in a petition for writ of habeas corpus. See Jones, supra at 671, 604 S.E.2d 483. 3. Where the untimely challenge in the trial court below does not raise valid allegations that the sentence was void, the Supreme Court of Georgia recently held that not only is the trial court without jurisdiction to modify the sentence, but that the trial court's "[r]ulings on pleadings asserting erroneous procedure or unfair treatment are not subject to direct appeal because they are not rulings on whether the sentence is void." (Emphasis supplied.) Jones, supra at 671, 604 S.E.2d 483. See Williams, supra at 688-689(1), 523 S.E.2d 857 (direct appeal only authorized where petition properly alleges sentence was void). Accordingly, appeals on such rulings are to be dismissed, not affirmed. Jones, supra at 671, 604 S.E.2d 483. See Boyd v. State[23] (dismissing direct appeal where it was not an attack on a void sentence). For this reason, we dismiss this appeal. Appeal dismissed. MILLER and BERNES, JJ., concur. NOTES [1] OCGA § 16-6-4(a). [2] OCGA § 16-6-4(c). [3] Banks v. State, 225 Ga.App. 754, 756-757(5), 484 S.E.2d 786 (1997). [4] Mallarino v. State, 190 Ga.App. 398, 399-400(1), 379 S.E.2d 210 (1989). [5] State v. Hart, 263 Ga.App. 8, 9, 587 S.E.2d 164 (2003). [6] Sasser v. Adkinson, 245 Ga.App. 719, 720, 538 S.E.2d 800 (2000). [7] Levell v. State, 247 Ga.App. 615, 616-617(1), 544 S.E.2d 523 (2001). [8] Latham v. State, 225 Ga.App. 147, 148-150, 483 S.E.2d 322 (1997). [9] See OCGA § 15-6-3(5)(A). [10] Kinsey v. State, 259 Ga.App. 653, 654(1), 578 S.E.2d 269 (2003). [11] Crumbley v. State, 261 Ga. 610, 611(1), 409 S.E.2d 517 (1991). [12] Jones v. State, 278 Ga. 669, 670, 604 S.E.2d 483 (2004). [13] Howard v. State, 234 Ga.App. 260, 261(1), 506 S.E.2d 648 (1998). [14] Daniel v. State, 262 Ga.App. 474, 475(3), 585 S.E.2d 752 (2003). [15] Rehberger v. State, 267 Ga.App. 778, 779-780, 600 S.E.2d 635 (2004). [16] Gonzalez v. State, 201 Ga.App. 437, 438, 411 S.E.2d 345 (1991). [17] Hahn v. State, 166 Ga.App. 71, 72-74(1), 303 S.E.2d 299 (1983). [18] McCranie v. State, 157 Ga.App. 110, 111(2), 276 S.E.2d 263 (1981). [19] Barber v. State, 240 Ga.App. 56, 57, 522 S.E.2d 238 (1999). [20] Shaw v. State, 233 Ga.App. 232, 233, 504 S.E.2d 18 (1998). [21] Williams v. State, 271 Ga. 686, 691(2), 523 S.E.2d 857 (1999). [22] Newby v. State, 261 Ga.App. 96, 581 S.E.2d 659 (2003). [23] Boyd v. State, 253 Ga.App. 238, 239, 558 S.E.2d 787 (2002).
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Det är med stor sorg om Helena Isaksson väljer att lämna förlossningsvården och Mölndals sjukhus, som hon hyser en djup kärlek för. Situationen har blivit ohållbar, menar hon. – I dag känns det som att man skulle behöva klona sig för att klara av den pressen som vi har inom förlossningsvården. Mig veterligen så kan man inte det ännu. En för liten personalstyrka med en övermänsklig arbetsbörda och en sjukhusledning som konsekvent vägrar lyssna på sina anställda håller på att driva både personalen och verksamheten in i väggen, menar hon. – Det känns som att jag inte kan göra ett bra arbete utifrån förutsättningarna. Man blir tvingad att jobba nätter utan kompensation i form av arbetstidsförkortning. När vi pratar nattarbete på förlossningen så är det inte som någon annan vårdavdelning där patienterna sover utan det är tio timmars arbetspass med lika många timmars aktivt arbete hela tiden, säger Helena Isaksson till GT. – Det är djupt frustrerande att veta att vi hade kunnat ge patienterna en så mycket bättre vård, fortsätter hon. "Man ser inte till kompetens" Sjukhusledningen vill inom tio år att all förlossningsvård ska ske på Östra sjukhuset, enligt Helena Isaksson. Ett huvudlöst mål, menar hon. – Jag kan inte förstå att Sveriges näst största stad ska behöva köra ihop sina 10 000 förlossningar på ett år i ett och samma hus. Det skapar varken trygghet eller kvalitet. Det kommer bli en förlossningsfabrik. Förlossningsvård är inte som att producera Volvobilar. Det känns inhumant. Som en nödvändig konsekvens av situationen säger Helena Isaksson nu upp sig. Bara den senaste månaden har mer än var tionde barnmorska på Mölndals sjukhus fattat samma slutgiltiga beslut. En av dem är också Ulla Henricsson Petersson som slutade 2012. – Jag har sett klart och tydligt hur det har försämrats. Jag hade aldrig orkat den takten som de måste jobba i, i dag. De har nästan gått på knäna så som de har slitit, berättar hon och tillägger: – Problemet är att det inte satsas på barnmorskornas arbete, det är för lite personal. Ulla Henricsson Petersson säger också att hon hört planer på att flytta förlossningsvården, men tycker att alla mammor ska ha rätt till en kontinuerlig vård – något som i nuläget inte går att säkerställa, menar hon. – Man ser inte till kompetens och jag såg klart och tydligt att barnmorskorna inte orkade arbeta i den takten som de måste jobba i, säger hon. "Sjukhuset lyssnar inte" GT har i flera dagar sökt ansvarig person på avdelningen, men har inte blivit uppringda som utlovat. I stället säger flera andra chefer på sjukhuset att personen är på möte, eller ska ringa upp senare. Helena Isaksson hoppas i alla fall att det blir en ändring. Själv mår hon inte speciellt bra. – Jag känner att jag är på väg att gå in i våggen. Förhoppningsvis hinner jag dra i nödbromsen innan den kommer farande, säger Helena Isaksson, som den senaste tiden mått väldigt dåligt. – Jag har inte kunnat sova ordentligt, jag har haft en stor klump i magen. Jag var tvungen att vara hemma en vecka för ett par veckor sedan för att jag fick ett tryck över bröstet som inte släppte. Vi har signalerat om den här situationen till ledningen i flera år men framför allt det sista året väldigt, väldigt tydligt. Men det känns inte som att de lyssnar.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Rocío Sanz Quirós Rocío Sanz Quirós (1934–1993) was a Costa Rican composer. She was born in Costa Rica and completed her music education in California and at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow. She lived in worked in Mexico after 1953. Works Sanz Quirós composed chamber music and orchestral works and also for plays and ballets. Her best known work is Cantata de la Independencia. Selected works include: Come in to these golden sands (in Three Songs of Ariel (The Tempest)) (Text: after William Shakespeare) A pair of eyes (Text: Félix Rubén García Sarmiento) Cabanavenú (in Five songs for children) (Text: Carlos Luis Sáenz) Bell (in song of the night) (Text: Rocío Sanz Quirós) Bell (in Five songs for children) (Text: Carlos Luis Sáenz) The widow Song Shin (Scene 7) (in Five songs of Brecht (The Good Woman of Setzuan)) (Text: after Bertolt Brecht) Sad song of the evening (Scene 3) (in Five songs of Brecht (The Good Woman of Setzuan)) (Text: after Bertolt Brecht) Shen-you song to the gods (in Five songs of Brecht (The Good Woman of Setzuan)) (Text: after Bertolt Brecht) Water Song (in Five songs of Brecht (The Good Woman of Setzuan)) (Text: after Bertolt Brecht) Bee which the petals (in Three Songs of Ariel (The Tempest)) (Text: after William Shakespeare) Nursery (in Five songs for children) (Text: Carlos Luis Sáenz) Your father (in Three Songs of Ariel (The Tempest)) (Text: after *William Shakespeare) Entracte sung - becomes Shenta Shui-ta (in Five songs of Brecht (The Good Woman of Setzuan)) (Text: after Bertolt Brecht) Epilogue - Solo Guitar (in song of the night) (Text: Rocío Sanz Quirós) The night whispers (in song of the night) (Text: Rocío Sanz Quirós) The bells of San Juan (in Five songs for children) (Text: Carlos Luis Sáenz) Night (in Five summer songs) Proclamation (in Five summer songs) Prologue (guitar) and night friend (in song of the night) (Text: Rocío Sanz Quirós) Only by singing (in Five songs for children) (Text: Carlos Luis Sáenz) I'm the summer (in Five summer songs) Night time (in song of the night) (Text: Rocío Sanz Quirós) Torment (in Five summer songs) Long summer (in Five summer songs) Her work has been recorded and issued on CD, including: La Noche: Modern Mexican Choral Masterpieces Audio CD (1995) References Category:1933 births Category:1993 deaths Category:20th-century classical composers Category:Costa Rican composers Category:Female classical composers Category:Moscow Conservatory alumni Category:Costa Rican expatriates in Mexico Category:20th-century women musicians Categoría:Mujeres músicas de Costa Rica
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Q: If-Then-Else for my simple HTML form I've set up a server, which sends the following form to a client and tries to receive the submitted information. How can I add a If-Else to it as simple as possible? I need to say if the "use tracefile" is enabled, then show the dropdown box, otherwise, show the customized inputs so that user can enter his/her numbers? My second concern is that the form does not seem very beautiful. How can I make it aligned, all input boxes be aligned, and such? <html> <body> <p> <h3>Please select a configuration below to run the emulator with:</h3> <form action="run.html" method="GET"> <input type="checkbox" name="-w" value="-w">[-w]: wrap around at tracefile end and begin anew at time zero. </input> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="-z" value="-w">[-z]: zero packets routed through; route to co-resident webserver </input> <br> <br> YSE Emulator to Run: <select name="yse"> <option value="yse1">YSE1</option> <option value="yse2">YSE2</option> <option value="yse3">YSE3</option> <option value="yse4">YSE4</option> <option value="yse5">YSE5</option> <option value="yse6">YSE6</option> </select> <br> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="isTracefile" checked/>Use a sample tracefile <br>Sample Tracefiles to use: <select name="tracefile"> <option value="capacity.1Mbps_c50.txt">capacity.1Mbps_c50</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.00001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.00001</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.0001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.0001</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.001</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.01.txt">capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.01</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.05.txt">capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.05</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.1.txt">capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.1</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_200RTT_PER_0.0001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_200RTT_PER_0.0001</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_200RTT_PER_0.001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_200RTT_PER_0.001</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_400RTT_PER_0.0001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_400RTT_PER_0.0001</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_400RTT_PER_0.001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_400RTT_PER_0.001</option> <option value="capacity.13Mbps_200RTT_PER_0.000001.txt">capacity.13Mbps_200RTT_PER_0.000001</option> </select> <br> <b> OR </b> <br> <label>Forward Delay: </label><input id="fd" type="number" min="0" max="1000" step="1" value ="100"> ms</input> <br> <label>Reverse Delay: </label><input id="rd" type="number" min="0" max="1000" step="1" value ="100"> ms</input> <br> <label>Download Capacity: </label><input id="down" type="number" min="1" max="30" step="1" value ="1"> MBps </input> <br> <label>Upload Capacity: </label><input id="up" type="number" min="1" max="30" step="1" value ="1"> MBps </input> <br> <label>Packet Error Rate (PER): </label><input id="per" type="number" min="0.00001" max="1" step="0.00001" value ="0.00001"></input> <br> <br> <input type="submit" value="Run Emulator!"> </form> </body> </html> A: I think you can solve it easily, if you can make some minor markup changes <div id="cttracefile"> Sample Tracefiles to use: <select name="tracefile"> <option value="capacity.1Mbps_c50.txt">capacity.1Mbps_c50</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.00001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.00001</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.0001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.0001</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.001</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.01.txt">capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.01</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.05.txt">capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.05</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.1.txt">capacity.3Mbps_100RTT_PER_0.1</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_200RTT_PER_0.0001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_200RTT_PER_0.0001</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_200RTT_PER_0.001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_200RTT_PER_0.001</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_400RTT_PER_0.0001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_400RTT_PER_0.0001</option> <option value="capacity.3Mbps_400RTT_PER_0.001.txt">capacity.3Mbps_400RTT_PER_0.001</option> <option value="capacity.13Mbps_200RTT_PER_0.000001.txt">capacity.13Mbps_200RTT_PER_0.000001</option> </select> </div> <!--Wrap the custom inputs and its labels in a container so that it can be shown/hidden--> <div id="custom"> <label>Forward Delay: </label><input id="fd" type="number" min="0" max="1000" step="1" value ="100"/> ms <br/> <label>Reverse Delay: </label><input id="rd" type="number" min="0" max="1000" step="1" value ="100"/> ms <br/> <label>Download Capacity: </label><input id="down" type="number" min="1" max="30" step="1" value ="1"/> MBps <br/> <label>Upload Capacity: </label><input id="up" type="number" min="1" max="30" step="1" value ="1"/> MBps <br/> <label>Packet Error Rate (PER): </label><input id="per" type="number" min="0.00001" max="1" step="0.00001" value ="0.00001"/> </div> then assuming you have already added jQuery to the page //dom ready handler jQuery(function($){ //change event handler for the checkbox $('#isTracefile').change(function(){ //if it is checked set the select element's container to display else hide $('#cttracefile').toggle(this.checked); //if it is unchecked set the input element's container to display else hide $('#custom').toggle(!this.checked); }).change() }) Demo: Fiddle
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[Fatal hemorrhage from an isolated scalp injury]. By means of 3 casuistics it is illustrated, that fatal bleeding from a single scalp injury can occur under special preconditions. Beside signs of massive loss of blood at the place of discovery and on the corpse, particularly chronic and acute alcohol intoxication with presumably impaired coagulation and prospective anemic history play a dominant role in these courses.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Gordon Brown has accused one of the world's most influential golf clubs, the Royal and Ancient in St Andrews, of perpetuating discrimination by refusing to admit women as members. The former prime minister said it was indefensible that the club, which until 2004 set the rules of the game worldwide, was still men-only after Augusta National, the most powerful club in the US, abandoned its ban on female members this week. "If the golf club in Augusta can admit women, then shouldn't St Andrews? If they can do it in South Carolina, can we not do it in Scotland?" Brown asked. He made the comments at the Scottish parliament festival of politics in Edinburgh, where he spoke about the key role played by Scottish political and trades union leaders in championing social justice across the UK. "I think we have to think hard and long about issues of discrimination in our own country," he said. In 2009 the R&A was criticised by Alex Salmond, the first minister, after it ignored its tradition of inviting the principals of St Andrew's University to become members when Louise Richardson took up the post. Soon after Augusta's decision, the Scottish sports minister, Shona Robison, urged the R&A and Muirfield, another all-male club, which is hosting the Open next year, to follow their lead. "The first minister is on record in saying that all clubs should be open to women members, but there is nothing we can do to force them. However, the direction of travel now is clearly to admit both men and women members and hopefully we will see an end to not allowing women to become members," she said. The R&A would not comment directly on Brown's comments. It said in a statement: "The rules of the Royal and Ancient golf club at St Andrews specify a male membership and this policy remains a matter for our members determine." In his speech to the Scottish parliament, Brown also urged Scottish voters to reject independence and stay within the UK to protect common standards on social justice, welfare rights and the minimum wage. He said many Scots had played a significant role in creating the British welfare system and the labour movement. The National Union of Mineworkers was partly founded by a Scot, Alexander Macdonald; Keir Hardie helped found the British Labour party; and Tom Johnston, Scottish secretary in the UK cabinet during the second world war, laid down the foundations for the NHS. Taking inspiration from Scottish ideas, they had pressed for shared UK-wide standards on factory safety, minimum wages, national insurance and free healthcare because they believed in equal rights and equal standards of social justice across all parts of the UK, Brown said. "Were they wrong? Were they betraying Scottish values and traditions or were they not realising Scottish values and traditions? They did it because they believed that the principles of social justice apply to everyone, they did it because they believed it was right to pool and share resources, and they did it because they didn't want to see conditions in Scotland undermined because there was a race to the bottom because different parts of the UK were offering different standards and conditions." Sign up for the Guardian Today Our editors' picks for the day's top news and commentary delivered to your inbox each morning.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
files { 0 1 1 test_job test_namespace strings1.xml 0 1 2 6 test_job test_namespace strings2.xml 0 2 3 13 test_job test_namespace strings3.xml 0 3 4 20 test_job test_namespace strings4.xml 0 4 5 28 test_job test_namespace strings5.xml 0 }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Q: Qt loop through QHash to return it's key-value pairs I'm trying to loop through a QHash using foreach and get each pair in the QHash and then get the keys and values of those so I can append them to a string. Here's what I have QString Packet::Serialize() { QString sBuilder = Command.toUpper() + " "; foreach(QMap<QString,QString> pair, Attributes) { sBuilder.append(pair); // i know this isn't right because I couldn't // finish the statement } } The variable Attributes is the QHash. Also, I realize the code is probably 100% wrong because I'm converting it from C#. A: Looks like you're trying to append each key/value pair to a string? Something like this would work: QStringList data; foreach(const QString &key, Attributes.keys()) data << key << Attributes.value(key); sBuilder += data.join(" ");
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
# Firejail profile for meld # Description: Graphical tool to diff and merge files # This file is overwritten after every install/update # Persistent local customizations include meld.local # Persistent global definitions include globals.local # If you want to use meld as git-mergetool (and maybe some other VCS integrations) you need # to bypass firejail, you can do this by removing the symlink or calling it by its absolute path # Removing the symlink: # sudo rm /usr/local/bin/meld # Calling by its absolute path (example for git-mergetool): # git config --global mergetool.meld.cmd /usr/bin/meld noblacklist ${HOME}/.config/meld noblacklist ${HOME}/.config/git noblacklist ${HOME}/.gitconfig noblacklist ${HOME}/.git-credentials noblacklist ${HOME}/.local/share/meld noblacklist ${HOME}/.ssh noblacklist ${HOME}/.subversion # Allow python (blacklisted by disable-interpreters.inc) include allow-python3.inc # Python 2 is EOL (see #3164). Uncomment the next line (or put it into your meld.local) if you understand the risks but want python 2 support for older meld versions. #include allow-python2.inc # Uncomment the next line (or put it into your meld.local) if you don't need to compare files in disable-common.inc. #include disable-common.inc include disable-devel.inc include disable-exec.inc include disable-interpreters.inc include disable-passwdmgr.inc # Uncomment the next line (or put it into your meld.local) if you don't need to compare files in disable-programs.inc. #include disable-programs.inc include disable-shell.inc include whitelist-runuser-common.inc # Uncomment the next lines (or put it into your meld.local) if you don't need to compare files in /usr/share. #whitelist /usr/share/meld #include whitelist-usr-share-common.inc # Uncomment the next line (or put it into your meld.local) if you don't need to compare files in /var. #include whitelist-var-common.inc apparmor caps.drop all ipc-namespace machine-id netfilter no3d nodvd nogroups nonewprivs noroot nosound notv nou2f novideo protocol unix,inet,inet6 seccomp shell none tracelog private-bin bzr,cvs,git,hg,meld,python*,svn private-cache private-dev # Uncomment the next line (or put it into your meld.local) if you don't need to compare in /etc. #private-etc alternatives,ca-certificates,crypto-policies,fonts,hostname,hosts,pki,resolv.conf,ssl,subversion # Comment the next line (or add 'ignore private-tmp to your meld.local') if you want to use it as a difftool (#3551) private-tmp read-only ${HOME}/.ssh
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Australia's most innovative beats and hip hop label Menu Account Store Surrender To VictoryThe Tongue $15.00 In stock Release Date: 29 Mar 2013 SKU: ACE084 OUT OF THE DARKNESS COMES THE LIGHT, AS THE TONGUE DELIVERS HIS MOST ACCOMPLISHED ALBUM TO DATE: SURRENDER TO VICTORY The 15-track album sees The Tongue coming into his own as artist and collaborator, articulating a positive vision beyond the confines of modern Australian hip hop. From the opening track the listener can hear this development, as the gorgeous soulful vocal of Ngaiire illuminates the song ‘Bittersweet’. From there we traverse introspection to self-assuredness, religion to love, and the allure of clear perspective over confusion. The guests on the record indicate the standing enjoyed by The Tongue, with luminaries like Suffa from Hilltop Hoods on the song ‘Champion Sound’; in-demand youngsters such as Illy and Tom Scott (Homebrews,NZ); and contemporaries Jimmy Nice (Spit Syndicate) and Thundamentals joining an impressive tracklist. The Tongue holds court though, weaving in and out like a true master of ceremonies, dictating proceedings with clever wordplay and flow. This is not to underplay the incredible production brought to this album by Cam Bluff. Moving between the contemporary sound of local hip hop to the ever-changing sounds coming out of the USA, Cam Bluff has created a fresh sound that feels like 2013 without imitating whatever is presently buzzing through the hype machine. This is the album to stop procrastinating and embrace The Tongue. A clear talent driven by a great imagination; he has defied the heavy testosterone of the MC battles where he began and subsequently outgrew; he has held a capacity audience at The Sydney Opera House in the palm of his hand as he recited Dr Seuss; he has toured nationally on many occasions to sellout crowds. This is his crowning achievement. About Us Elefant Traks is one of Australia's leading hip hop and beats labels. Since 1998, we have released over 50 albums, organised countless tours and cultivated some of the most accomplished artists in the country. Email List Sign up for our mailing list below! We only send a couple of newsletters a month and there are always giveaways on offer.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Beechwoods Cemetery (New Rochelle, New York) Beechwoods Cemetery is a non-denominational cemetery located in New Rochelle, New York. The cemetery was incorporated in 1854. Notable interments Medal of Honor recipients: Robert Temple Emmet (1854–1936), Lieutenant in the American Cavalry, for action in the Indian Wars. William B. Lewis (1847–1900), Union Army Sergeant, for action in the Indian Wars. Others Ruth Chatterton (1892–1961), American actress, novelist and aviator. Her cremated remains are interred in a niche in the Lugar Mausoleum (Section 11, Lot 303). Thaddeus Davids (1810–1894), New York City businessman. John Hunter (1788–1852), New York City merchant and landowner. John Q. Underhill (1848–1907), U.S. Congressman. Max Wertheimer (1880–1943), one of the founders of gestalt psychology. Lou Jones (1932-2006), American athlete, winner of the gold medal in the 4x400 m relay at the 1956 Summer Olympics. See also Holy Sepulchre Cemetery (New Rochelle, New York) References External links Beechwoods Cemetery, at NyGenWeb Category:Buildings and structures in New Rochelle, New York Category:Cemeteries in Westchester County, New York Category:1854 establishments in New York (state)
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <style xmlns="http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl" version="1.0" default-locale="en-US"> <!-- Generated with https://github.com/citation-style-language/utilities/tree/master/generate_dependent_styles/data/mdpi --> <info> <title>Processes</title> <id>http://www.zotero.org/styles/processes</id> <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/processes" rel="self"/> <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/multidisciplinary-digital-publishing-institute" rel="independent-parent"/> <link href="http://www.mdpi.com/authors/references" rel="documentation"/> <category citation-format="numeric"/> <category field="science"/> <eissn>2227-9717</eissn> <updated>2014-05-15T12:00:00+00:00</updated> <rights license="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights> </info> </style>
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Motorola 68HC16 The 68HC16 (also abbreviated as HC16) is a highly modular microcontroller family based on the CPU16 16-bit core made by Freescale Semiconductor (formerly known as Motorola Semiconductor). The CPU16 core is a true 16-bit design, with an architecture that is very familiar to 68HC11 (HC11) users. The resemblances to the HC11 core design are a deliberate move to provide an upgrade path for those 8-bit 68HC11 designs that require the increased power of a 16-bit CPU. Many features of the HC16 and the CPU16 core are new to HC11 users. The HC16 provides a software upgrade path for HC11 users while giving full hardware compatibility with the asynchronous address and data bus found on the 32-bit microprocessors. External links HC16 Overview A website with technical information about the 68HC16. Category:Microcontrollers
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Compounded gabapentin for neuropathic pain: Stability and beyond-use date (BUD) in some commonly used bases. To investigate the stability and beyond-use date (BUD) of topical gabapentin in 3 commonly used bases. Lipoderm cream, Versabase gel, and Emollient cream were used to compound gabapentin (10%). The products were stored in Ecolojars, kept at 25°C, 4°C, and 40°C, and samples were collected on different days (days 0, 14, 28, and 90). Potency, stability, and organoleptic changes were monitored. At 25°C and 40°C, the potency of gabapentin in Lipoderm cream significantly increased (P < 0.05) after 28 and 90 days, respectively. In contrast, gabapentin degraded in Emollient cream (P < 0.05). At 25°C, the organoleptic properties of the drug compounded with Lipoderm cream (25°C) remained consistent for up to 28 days but showed signs of physical changes in other bases. Gabapentin recrystallized from Versabase gel and Emollient cream within 14 days. Gabapentin compounded with Lipoderm cream for topical use was stable in Ecolojars for 28 days at 25°C. Under the same conditions, the drug was not stable in Versabase gel and Emollient cream. Based on our stability and potency data, the beyond-use date of currently dispensed gabapentin (10%) formulations with Lipoderm cream should not be extended beyond the currently assigned 30-day mark, even when refrigerated. It is unclear whether the stability of these formulations is improved if stored in air-tight containers.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Crews began preparations Friday for MTV’s Video Music Awards at Newark’s Prudential Center, where more than 20,000 people will storm into the city on Monday. Newark’s Public Safety Director, Anthony Ambrose, warns the show could gridlock streets, much like last Nov. 15’s rush-hour ‘Snowmageddon,’ a traffic jam that caused chaos among commuters. A lack of preparedness by state officials was blamed for the incident. Hoping to avoid a repeat, Ambrose will mobilize the Office of Emergency Management and plans to put at least 375 city cops on duty, as well as federal, state and county agents. He expects 14,000 to 15,000 ticket-holders will pack the venue and up to 7,500 more star-struck fans will crowd around for a glimpse of celebrities, all part of the spectacle. Newark Police aim to have most right-of-ways around the Prudential Center closed to traffic by 10 a.m. Monday until 2 a.m. Tuesday. Ambrose urged people attending the event to rely on NJ Transit. “This event ends at 10:45. They assured the administration that there will be extra trains, and they will go later,” said Ambrose. NJ Transit will add just one extra train, at 11:30 p.m., from Newark Penn Station to New York. On Friday, NJ’s statewide transit tweeted out a warning to customers, speculating that Penn Station New York, Secaucus Junction and Newark Penn Station will all likely see a bevy of new rail riders. Due to traffic congestion resulting from the VMAs, Newark will be experiencing several road closures. Stay informed about alternative routes with street closure information below. Sunday, August 25th, from 1 to 8 p.m. • Mulberry Street between Market Street and Lafayette Street Monday, August 26th, from 8:30 to 2 a.m. • Mulberry Street, from Lafayette Street to Market Street • Franklin Street Monday, August 26th, from 10:30 to 2 a.m. (Extended Street Closure) • Mulberry Street, from Raymond Boulevard and Green Street Monday, August 26th, from 10 to 2 a.m. • Market Street between Washington Street and McCarter Highway • Edison Place between Broad Street and McCarter Highway Lane closure information follows: Monday, August 26th, from 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. • Bus lane and northbound lane of traffic on Broad Street, from Green Street to Market Street Monday, August 26th, from 10 to 2 a.m. • Westbound lane of traffic on Lafayette Street, from McCarter Highway to Broad Street
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
hello, right now I use eachine tx02 as fpv camera, and i want to get better quality in my video goggles, and I'm struggling with choice between another cheap fpv camera like eachine 1000tvl ccd, and runcam 2, i know, that from runcam i'll get a lot better video, and latency doesn't matter for me, because i'll use it on fpv plane but I don't know why, but i don't trust micro usb connection, i'm afraid that i'll just lose my video(because some people said, that they had situations like this) or also like solution, maybe someone can recommend some other cam from banggood with price below 20€?
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[Tactics in the surgical treatment of nodular formations in the thyroid gland in an endemic goiter region]. The extrafascial method of operation was used because of high risk of malignization of nodular endemic goiters. The extrafascial hemithyroidectomy with an isthmus is considered by the authors to be the major and minimum operation volume in patients with nodular goiters. The method was used in 76,8% of the patients. In patients with thyroid carcinoma the operation of this volume was fulfilled in 66,5% of cases.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
--- abstract: 'The 7.6-eV-isomer of Thorium-229 offers the opportunity to perform high resolution laser spectroscopy of a nuclear transition. We give a brief review of the investigations of this isomer. The nuclear resonance connecting ground state and isomer may be used as the reference of an optical clock of very high accuracy using trapped and laser-cooled thorium ions, or in a compact solid-state optical frequency standard of high stability.' --- [**Prospects for a Nuclear Optical Frequency Standard based on Thorium-229**]{}\ [E. Peik, K. Zimmermann, M. Okhapkin, Chr. Tamm]{} [*Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt,\ Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany*]{} [**1. The low-lying isomer of $^{229}$Th**]{} Thorium-229 seems to be a unique system in nuclear physics in that it possesses the only known isomer with an excitation energy in the range of optical photon energies and in the range of outer-shell electronic transitions. $^{229}$Th is part of the decay chain of $^{233}$U and undergoes $\alpha$-decay with a halflife of 7880 years. Its energy level structure was studied by the group of C. W. Reich at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory since the 1970s, mainly relying on spectroscopy of the $\gamma$-radiation emitted after the $\alpha$-decay of $^{233}$U [@kroger; @helmer]. It was noted that the lower energy levels belong to two rotational bands whose band heads must be very close, one being the ground state, the other the isomer. Evaluating several $\gamma$-decay cascades, the value $(3.5\pm 1.0)$ eV was obtained for the isomer energy [@helmer]. Further studies confirmed and extended the knowledge on the overall nuclear level scheme of $^{229}$Th [@gulda; @barci; @ruchowska] and also supported the value for the isomer excitation energy [@barci]. The isomer may decay to the ground state under the emission of magnetic dipole radiation with an estimated lifetime of a few 1000 s [@dykhne; @ruchowska] in an isolated nucleus. These results on the extremely low excitation energy of the isomer inspired a number of theoretical studies, investigating the decay modes of the isomer in different chemical surroundings and possible ways of exciting it with radiation (see Refs. [@matinyan; @tkalya] for reviews). On the experimental side, two false optical detections of the decay of the isomer were reported [@irwin; @richardson], but it was quickly clarified that the observed light was luminescence induced by the background of $\alpha$-radiation [@utter; @shaw]. Fluorescence experiments with radioactive samples and ultraviolet light sources may be severely affected by thermoluminescence, Cherenkov radiation etc. [@young; @peik1]. All further attempts at a direct observation of the optical transition connecting ground state and isomer failed. A reanalysis of the data presented in Ref. [@helmer] indicated a possible shift to higher energies by about +2 eV [@helene]. New experimental data on the transition energy became available only after a group at LLNL used a high resolution $\gamma$-spectrometer and measured two decay cascades very precisely. The result on the transition energy is $(7.6\pm0.5)$ eV [@beck], placing the transition in the vacuum ultraviolet at about 160 nm. Radiation at this wavelength is not transmitted through air, water or optical glasses, which explained the failure of most of the previous attempts to detect the radiation emitted in the decay of the isomer. The energy of 7.6 eV is higher than the ionization potential of the Th atom but lower than that of Th$^+$. This opens internal conversion as an alternative decay channel in neutral thorium. ![The ground state and lowest excited state of the $^{229}$Th nucleus with the level classification in the Nilsson model, radiative lifetime [@ruchowska; @dykhne] for the magnetic dipole transition, magnetic moments in nuclear magnetons and quadrupole moment of the ground state [@gerstenkorn; @dykhne].](Th-levels.eps){width="5cm"} We have extended the search for light emission from $^{229}$Th isomers produced in the $\alpha$-decay of U-233 using photodetectors with sensitivity in the VUV range. Light emission from a solid $^{233}$U-nitrate sample as well as from freshly produced $^{229}$Th recoil nuclei in a catcher foil was investigated – without seeing the expected signals [@zimmermann]. In the experiment with $^{233}$U a spectrometer was used but the noise level on the detector was too high to reach the required sensitivity. The experiment with the recoil nuclei showed negligible background and the negative outcome may be interpreted as a sign for a rapid nonradiative decay of the isomer in the solid. The expected transition wavelength is in a part of the VUV range that is accessible by frequency upconversion of narrow-bandwidth continuous and phase-coherent femtosecond laser sources. Thus it appears possible to measure the nuclear energy level splitting of $^{229}$Th with the precision afforded by high-resolution laser spectroscopy and optical frequency metrology. Figure 1 summarizes the relevant spectroscopic information that is available today. [**2. Nuclear optical clock with trapped ions**]{} Nuclear transition frequencies are much more stable against external perturbations than transition frequencies of the electron shell because the characteristic nuclear dimensions are small compared to the atomic dimension. Therefore nuclear transitions are attractive as highly accurate frequency references with small field-induced shifts [@peik2]. Apart from motional frequency shifts that can be well controlled e.g. in laser-cooled trapped ions, the interaction with ambient electric or magnetic fields usually is the dominant source of systematic uncertainty in optical frequency standards. Estimates on the magnitude of systematic frequency shifts must, however, also consider the coupling of the nuclear and electronic energy level systems through the Coulomb and hyperfine interactions. For external electric field gradients the electron shell may actually lead to an enhancement at the nucleus (Sternheimer anti-shielding). It will therefore be important to select a suitable electronic state for the nuclear excitation. In order to illustrate the role of hyperfine interactions in nuclear spectroscopy of an isolated atom or ion, let us consider the Zeeman and Stark shifts of the nuclear transition frequency. In an $LS$ coupling scheme the eigenstates of the coupled electronic and nuclear system are characterised by sets of quantum numbers $|\alpha,I;\beta,L,S,J;F,m_F\rangle$, where $I$ denotes the nuclear spin, $L,S,J$ the orbital, spin and total electronic angular momenta, and $F$ and $m_F$ the total atomic angular momentum and its orientation. $\alpha$ and $\beta$ label the nuclear and electronic configurations. In the nuclear transition, the nuclear and total angular momentum quantum numbers ($\alpha, I, F, m_F$) can change, while the purely electronic quantum numbers ($\beta,L,S,J$) remain constant. The nuclear transition frequency is independent of all mechanisms that produce level shifts depending only on the electronic quantum numbers ($\beta,L,S,J$), because these do not change and consequently the upper and the lower state of the transition are affected in the same way. This applies to the scalar part of the quadratic Stark effect, which typically is the dominant mechanism for the shift of electronic transition frequencies due to static electric fields, electromagnetic radiation, and collisions. The observed nuclear transition frequency is however shifted by the hyperfine Stark shift, which depends on $F$ and $m_F$, and has been studied in microwave atomic clocks. In the optical frequency range, a relative magnitude of typically $10^{-19}$ may be expected for the hyperfine Stark shift caused by the $\approx 10$ V/cm room temperature blackbody radiation field. In order to avoid the influence of the linear Zeeman effect, an electronic state can be chosen such that $F$ is an integer. In this case a Zeeman component $m_F=0 \rightarrow 0$ is available, that shows only a small quadratic Zeeman effect around zero magnetic field. Since this shift depends similarly on the electronic and the nuclear g-factor its magnitude will be comparable to those in other atomic clocks. Further field dependent shifts may arise from the tensor part of the quadratic Stark effect and from the quadrupole interaction between the atomic quadrupole moment and electric field gradients. Both these shifts can be expressed as a product of $J$-dependent and $F$-dependent terms and vanish if either $J<1$ or $F<1$. From these general considerations it can be seen that for every radiative nuclear transition, an electronic state can be selected which makes the hyperfine coupled nuclear transition frequency immune against the linear Zeeman effect and the quadratic Stark effect as well as the quadrupole shift. For electronic transitions, this combination of advantageous features can not be obtained. Since the selected electronic state has to be stable or at least long-lived, the choice could be made among the ground states of the differently charged positive ions of the element in question. In the case of a half integer nuclear spin (like in $^{229}$Th), the optimal electronic states are $^2S_{1/2}$ or $^2P_{1/2}$, and for an integer nuclear spin the states $^1S_0$ or $^3P_0$ fulfill all criteria. For a high precision nuclear clock, the case of trapped $^{229}$Th$^{3+}$-ions seems to be especially promising [@peik2] because its electronic level structure is suitable for laser cooling. The sensitive detection of excitation to the isomeric state will be possible using a double resonance scheme that probes the hyperfine structure of a transition in the electron shell. No electric dipole transitions originate from the electronic ground state of Th$^{3+}$ in the range of 1.8 – 15 eV so that resonant coupling between electronic and nuclear excitations is not expected to play an important role for the decay of the isomeric state. The $5f~^2F_{5/2}$ ground state of Th$^{3+}$ does not fulfill the condition $J<1$ for elimination of the tensor Stark effect and the quadrupole shift, but a metastable $7s~^2S_{1/2}$ state of lifetime $\approx 1$ s is also available. Alternatively, the method of quantum logic spectroscopy [@schmidt] with an auxiliary ion may be applied to other charge states of $^{229}$Th that can not be laser-cooled directly. [**3. A solid-state nuclear frequency standard**]{} A nuclear transition may also provide a resonance with very high resolution if the nuclei are embedded in a solid, as it is observed in Mö[ß]{}bauer spectroscopy. Thorium-229 opens the possibility to perform optical Mö[ß]{}bauer spectroscopy using a laser as a tuneable, coherent source of radiation. This may provide a compact and simple reference for an optical frequency standard with performance much superior to what is available in simple atomic systems like vapor cells [@peik2; @hudson]. The host crystal should be transparent at the nuclear resonance wavelength $\lambda_0$, a criterion that is fulfilled by a number of candidates like the fluorides of the alkaline earths. It would be only lightly doped with $^{229}$Th. If the broadening is dominantly homogeneous one nucleus per $\lambda_0^3$ may be used in order to avoid strong radiation trapping. Still, this would allow to handle $10^{11}$ nuclei in a cube of 1 mm dimension. With this number of nuclei direct fluorescence detection of the resonance radiation would be possible even if the resonant scattering rate is only of the order $10^{-4}$/s per nucleus. The uncertainty budget of such a solid-state nuclear clock will be quite different from that of a realization with trapped ions considered above. The crystal field shifts of the nuclear resonance frequency will be dominantly due to electric fields if a diamagnetic host is used. In insulators with high bandgap like fluorides rather high internal electric fields and field gradients will be found. The electron charge density at the position of the nucleus will lead to the isomer shift $\Delta f_{iso}=Ze^2\rho_0\langle r^2\rangle/(h\epsilon_0)$, where $Ze$ is the nuclear charge, $\rho_0$ the electron density at the nucleus and $\langle r^2\rangle$ the mean squared nuclear charge radius. The contribution of a 7s electron in thorium would shift the nuclear ground state by $\Delta f_{iso}\approx1$ GHz with respect to its energy in a bare nucleus. An electric field gradient will produce a quadrupole shift that may be of comparable magnitude: In the tetragonal crystal ThB$_4$, for example, the field gradient along the principal axis is about $5\times10^{21}$ V/m$^2$. Coupling to the ground state quadrupole moment of $^{229}$Th of $5\times 10^{-28}$ m$^2$ would produce a quadrupole shift of 0.6 GHz. The field gradient can be avoided in a crystal lattice of higher symmetry, like a cubic one. Both these shifts would be of less concern if they would be constant, which would only be the case if the positions of all charges in the lattice would be rigorously fixed. Thermal motion, however, will lead to a temperature-dependent broadening and shift of the line, where the line shape will depend on phonon frequencies and correlation times. Much information on these effects has been obtained in conventional ($\gamma$-ray) Mö[ß]{}bauer spectroscopy already. While the relativistic Doppler shift will lead to a temperature dependent relative frequency shift of about $10^{-15}/$K, the temperature dependence of the crystal field will critically depend on the choice of crystal host and may be significantly bigger. For a solid state nuclear clock of high accuracy (beyond $10^{-15}$) the temperature dependence may be eliminated if the crystal is cryogenically cooled to well below the Debye temperature, so that the influence of phonons is effectively frozen out. [**4. Conclusion**]{} Nuclear laser spectroscopy of $^{229}$Th seems to offer great potential for frequency metrology and promises to open a new field of research at the borderline between nuclear and atomic physics, shedding new light on familiar phenomena like nuclear radiative decay or hyperfine interactions. It may allow improved tests of fundamental physics, as it was recently shown that the resonance frequency would be the most sensitive probe in the search for temporal variations of the fundamental coupling constants [@flambaum1; @flambaum2]. [**Acknowledgments**]{} This work is supported by DFG through SFB 407 and the cluster of excellence QUEST. [99]{} L. A. Kroger and C. W. Reich, Nucl. Phys. A [**259**]{}, 29 (1976). R. G. Helmer and C. W. Reich, Phys. Rev. C [**49**]{}, 1845 (1994). K. Gulda et al., Nucl. Phys. A [**703**]{}, 45 (2002). V. Barci et al, Phys. Rev. C [**68**]{}, 034329 (2003). E. Ruchowska et al., Phys. Rev. C [**73**]{}, 044326 (2006). A. M. Dykhne and E. V. Tkalya, Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. [**67**]{}, 233 (1998) \[JETP Lett. [**67**]{}, 251 (1998)\]. S. Matinyan, Phys. Rep. [**298**]{}, 199 (1998). E. V. Tkalya, Physics Uspekhi [**46**]{}, 315 (2003). G. M. Irwin and K. H. Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. [**79**]{}, 990 (1997). D. S. Richardson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 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{ "pile_set_name": "ArXiv" }
Massimiliano Allegri ha firmato il rinnovo di contratto con la Juventus, un accordo che lo vedrà sulla panchina della Juventus fino al 2020. Decisivo l'incontro nella sede bianconera a Torino: dopo la riunione con Marotta e Agnelli e il pranzo, nel primo pomeriggio è arrivato l'annuncio. Allegri ha firmato fino al 30 giugno 2020, con un aumento di ingaggio: nella prossima stagione 5,5 milioni più bonus, poi salirà ogni anno fino ai 7 del 2019/2020. L'annuncio è arrivato al termine del vertice di questa mattina nella sede di Corso Galileo Ferraris tra l'allenatore, il presidente Andrea Agnelli e l'amministratore delegato Beppe Marotta. Dal suo arrivo a Torino nel luglio 2014 il tecnico toscano ha vinto tre scudetti, tre Coppe Italia e una Supercoppa Italiana. Con Allegri alla guida la Juve ha vinto 97 partite tra campionato, Coppa Italia e Supercoppa. In Serie A, gli 84 successi e i 17 pareggi su 114 gare si traducono in 269 punti totali, con una media di 2.36 a partita. Inizialmente si pensava che il prolungamento fosse fino al 2019, invece è arrivato l'accordo fino al 2020. Felice di proseguire il percorso insieme: costruiamo le fondamenta per riprovarci! @juventusfc #finoal2020 — Massimiliano Allegri (@OfficialAllegri) 7 giugno 2017 IL COMUNICATO DELLA JUVENTUS Ora è ufficiale: Massimiliano Allegri ha rinnovato il suo rapporto con la Juventus fino al 30 giugno 2020. Un rapporto che, dal giorno del suo arrivo, nel luglio del 2014, ha permesso alla squadra di continuare il suo percorso di crescita in Italia, iniziato tre anni prima, e consolidare sempre di più la sua posizione di top team europeo. In questo caso non c'è niente di meglio che lasciar parlare i dati: sotto la sua guida la Juventus in Italia ha vinto tre Scudetti, tre Coppe Italia e una Supercoppa Italiana, ha quindi riscritto la storia del calcio italiano, arrivando a sei Scudetti consecutivi e tre Coppe nazionali una in fila all'altra: una triplice doppietta mai vista nel nostro Paese. I numeri dicono anche che con Allegri alla guida, la Juve ha vinto 97 partite tra campionato, Coppa Italia e Supercoppa. In Serie A, gli 84 successi e i 17 pareggi su 114 gare si traducono in 269 punti totali, con una media di 2.36 a partita. E poi l'Europa, dove la Juventus con due finali di Champions League in tre stagioni e il quinto posto nel ranking UEFA è ormai una delle realtà più accreditate. La Juve ha vissuto, in questi anni, molti rinnovamenti, piccole rivoluzioni a livello tecnico. Allegri, Panchina d'Oro lo scorso anno non a caso, ha saputo interpretarli, leggerli, guidarli. Due esempi per tutti, in questi tre anni: l'incredibile rimonta dei bianconeri nella stagione 2015/16, iniziata con il Derby del novembre 2015 e culminata con il Tricolore, e il cambio di modulo di qualche mese fa, con il quale il Mister è riuscito a valorizzare a pieno il potenziale tecnico della Juventus, con una decisione delle sue: coraggiosa, spiazzante, intelligente. In altre parole, la Juve e Allegri sono cresciuti insieme. Stanno continuando a farlo. E continueranno ancora.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Casa dei Bersaglieri, Milan Casa dei Bersaglieri is located in Milan. With our international travel planner, Milan attractions like Casa dei Bersaglieri can be center stage of your vacation plans, and you can find out about other attractions like it, unlike it, near it, and miles away. Casa Bettoni, better known as Casa dei Bersaglieri, is a refined palace that dates back to 1865, that is, just four years after the Unit of Italy. After all, the Risorgimento refers not only to the two targets on the sides of the portal, but all the scenes carved in the beautiful bas-reliefs above the bifurcaeans of the main floor. Notable in the hallway the fine stucco decorations and the beaten irons of the gate and streetlights. I pass a lot of times in front of this patriotic building and I still like it. The official name would be Casa Bettoni, but it has always been known as house of targets for the two statues that flank the entrance. It began shortly after Lombardy's liberation from Austrian rule and its transition to the Savoy kingdom, which was completed in 1866. The other resurgence images (Garibaldi, Victor Emmanuel II,...) on the facade are beautiful.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Tube and shell heat exchangers have long been known as useful tools for heating fluids and using thermal energy. Such tube and shell heat exchangers have been developed to a significant degree of sophistication. These heat exchangers comprise a shell surrounding a tube bundle usually attached to a tube sheet. Fluid flowing through the shell is subjected to indirect heat exchange with another fluid flowing through the tubes. Effective utilization of tube and shell heat exchangers as well as the avoiding of mechanical problems and the reduction of thermal stress in such apparatus is continuing goal in the industry.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
third derivative of -98552*h**2*k**4 - 79*h**2*k - 3*h*k**4 - 10518*h*k**2 wrt k? -2365248*h**2*k - 72*h*k Differentiate 633*u**3 + 76*u**2 - 2*u - 2317950 with respect to u. 1899*u**2 + 152*u - 2 Find the third derivative of 539127*k**3*y**2 + 3*k**3*y + 15*k**2*y**2 + 126*k**2*y - 15*k wrt k. 3234762*y**2 + 18*y Find the third derivative of -128155*u**6 - 3*u**5 + 2*u**2 + 1400*u - 2. -15378600*u**3 - 180*u**2 Find the third derivative of t**4 - 449351*t**3 - 28000*t**2 - 3*t. 24*t - 2696106 Differentiate -1447*d**2*z - 90156*d**2 + 3*d*z + 7*z with respect to z. -1447*d**2 + 3*d + 7 Find the second derivative of -447462*c**4 + 32374*c - 13. -5369544*c**2 Find the second derivative of -3785789*c**2 - 589760*c - 1 wrt c. -7571578 What is the derivative of 24592*q**4 - 4*q**3 - q - 1523695 wrt q? 98368*q**3 - 12*q**2 - 1 Find the second derivative of 29*n**3*o**2 - 4*n**3*o + 1205*n**3 + 82*n**2*o**2 + 2*n*o**2 wrt o. 58*n**3 + 164*n**2 + 4*n What is the second derivative of -r**5 - 372879*r**4 - 2*r**2 + 1293*r - 67 wrt r? -20*r**3 - 4474548*r**2 - 4 Find the first derivative of 48*r*z**2 + 10210*r*z + 4147926*z**2 wrt r. 48*z**2 + 10210*z Find the second derivative of 1732*i**4 + 48*i**3 - 16562*i wrt i. 20784*i**2 + 288*i Find the third derivative of -34014*d**6 + 22*d**5 + 4322061*d**2. -4081680*d**3 + 1320*d**2 Differentiate -1554*h**3*w + 19*h**2 - 3132*w + 27 with respect to h. -4662*h**2*w + 38*h What is the first derivative of 347*k**4*y**2 + 7*k*y**3 + y**3 + 2*y**2 + 1468 wrt k? 1388*k**3*y**2 + 7*y**3 Find the second derivative of -2*q*w**2*z**3 - 15227*q*w**2*z**2 + q*w*z**3 + 2*q*z**3 + 7*w - 368*z**3 wrt w. -4*q*z**3 - 30454*q*z**2 Differentiate 593933*k*p**3 + 918121*p**3 wrt k. 593933*p**3 What is the second derivative of -610689*x**5 + 753019*x? -12213780*x**3 Find the first derivative of 432904*o**2 - 1184299. 865808*o Find the third derivative of 226293*b**4 + 368359*b**2. 5431032*b Differentiate 658223*v - 157968. 658223 Find the first derivative of 39505*h**3 - 30750. 118515*h**2 Find the second derivative of -119162*b**2 + 5119*b + 2. -238324 What is the derivative of -41001*k*n**2 - 2*k*n - n**2 + 29*n - 366 wrt k? -41001*n**2 - 2*n What is the third derivative of 20223*c**4*j**3 + 44*c**4*j**2 + 2*c**2*j**3 - 10*c**2*j**2 + c*j**3 + 755*c*j**2 + c*j wrt c? 485352*c*j**3 + 1056*c*j**2 What is the third derivative of -1529638*i**3*n**6 + 30*i**3*n**2 - 733*i wrt n? -183556560*i**3*n**3 What is the derivative of 81278*o**4 - 17931? 325112*o**3 What is the second derivative of -20970*a*c**2*j - 2*a*c*j + 21*a*c + a - 2*c**2*j - 62*c*j wrt c? -41940*a*j - 4*j What is the first derivative of -40*x**2 + 26800*x - 1811519? -80*x + 26800 Find the second derivative of 135621*y**4 + 327593*y. 1627452*y**2 Differentiate u**4 - 5*u**3 - 523*u**2 - 2*u - 61814. 4*u**3 - 15*u**2 - 1046*u - 2 What is the first derivative of z**3 + 5113*z**2 - 37*z - 350310 wrt z? 3*z**2 + 10226*z - 37 Find the second derivative of 4178972*s**2 - 20433*s - 76 wrt s. 8357944 What is the first derivative of -981*a**3*i + 26*a**3 + 26*i**2 + 4*i + 3202 wrt i? -981*a**3 + 52*i + 4 What is the first derivative of -69764*n + 486269 wrt n? -69764 What is the second derivative of -75080*f**3 - 3233*f + 29? -450480*f Find the first derivative of 285834*i**4 + 17026. 1143336*i**3 Find the third derivative of 1637*d**5*w + 9*d**3*w - 9336*d**2 - 9*w wrt d. 98220*d**2*w + 54*w Find the third derivative of -10893*b**5 + 2*b**4 - 382*b**2 - 22 wrt b. -653580*b**2 + 48*b Differentiate -23605*m + 28209 with respect to m. -23605 What is the first derivative of 98217*t**3*y + 176*t**3 - 407*t - 1 wrt y? 98217*t**3 What is the third derivative of -74297*y**3 - 424296*y**2 wrt y? -445782 What is the first derivative of 478364*i + 2045364? 478364 Find the second derivative of 33530*t**2 + 29*t + 19. 67060 What is the third derivative of -47*h**3*l**4 + 1883*h**3*l**2 + h**3 + h**2*l**2 - 2*h**2 - h + 4692*l**4 + l**3 wrt l? -1128*h**3*l + 112608*l + 6 What is the derivative of 66*i**2*j + 974275*i**2 - 1875*i*j + 2*j wrt j? 66*i**2 - 1875*i + 2 What is the second derivative of -18*v**5 - 28*v**4 + 2*v**3 - 25741*v? -360*v**3 - 336*v**2 + 12*v Find the second derivative of -56748*j**5 + 65360*j. -1134960*j**3 What is the derivative of 27*h**2*u + 4608*h**2 + 137*u - 2 wrt u? 27*h**2 + 137 Differentiate -86543*w + 284463. -86543 Differentiate 35*i**3 - 2*i**2 - 167*i - 49760 wrt i. 105*i**2 - 4*i - 167 Find the third derivative of 37*x**6 - 1101*x**3 + x**2 - 1539. 4440*x**3 - 6606 Find the second derivative of -17*j**3 - 1398*j**2 - 397502*j. -102*j - 2796 Find the second derivative of -3413*l**2*t**3*z - 2*l**2*t**3 + 6*l**2*t*z + 6*l*t*z - 21997*l*z - 3*t**3*z + 2*z wrt l. -6826*t**3*z - 4*t**3 + 12*t*z What is the third derivative of 32*n**6 + 17577*n**4 + 71*n**2 - 221*n + 1 wrt n? 3840*n**3 + 421848*n What is the second derivative of -31636*v**4 + 312*v - 559? -379632*v**2 Differentiate 94*g**3*z**4 + 2*g**3 - 282*g*q*z**4 - 4461*q with respect to z. 376*g**3*z**3 - 1128*g*q*z**3 Find the second derivative of -266863*n**4 - 4528484*n wrt n. -3202356*n**2 Find the third derivative of -3*t**4*u - 2*t**4 - 1375*t**3*u - 5*t**3 - 17*t**2 + 6*t*u + 77*t - 3*u wrt t. -72*t*u - 48*t - 8250*u - 30 Find the second derivative of -589*b**2*f**2 + 2*b**2*f*x**2 - 2*b**2*x**2 + 5*b*f**2*x**2 - 43*b*f - 4*b*x**2 - 3*b*x - 2*f**2*x**2 wrt b. -1178*f**2 + 4*f*x**2 - 4*x**2 Find the third derivative of -13095*k**2*x**6 - 4*k**2*x**3 - 1356*k**2*x + k*x**2 + 9 wrt x. -1571400*k**2*x**3 - 24*k**2 What is the second derivative of -k**2*o**2 + 2*k**2*o - 13839*k**2 - 1469*k*o**2 + 3*o**2 + 1 wrt o? -2*k**2 - 2938*k + 6 Find the second derivative of -561031*g**3 - 97*g + 418 wrt g. -3366186*g Find the second derivative of 131*p**3*z**3 - 174*p**3 + 16*p**2*z**5 - 138*z wrt z. 786*p**3*z + 320*p**2*z**3 Find the first derivative of 296843*o**4 + 327612 wrt o. 1187372*o**3 Find the first derivative of 666*h*w**3 + 28*h - 265*w**3 + 2*w**2 - 2 wrt h. 666*w**3 + 28 Find the second derivative of g**2*q**2 + 87558*g**2*q - 167340*g*q**2 + g*q wrt g. 2*q**2 + 175116*q What is the derivative of -469430*c**3 + 290032? -1408290*c**2 Find the second derivative of -97*a*j**2*n + 4*a*j*n - 2*a*n**2 - 32*a*n + 748*j**2*n**2 + 331*j*n**2 wrt j. -194*a*n + 1496*n**2 What is the third derivative of -l**5 + 5952*l**4 + 2*l**2 + 1443*l + 1? -60*l**2 + 142848*l Find the third derivative of 2860736*y**3 - 14*y**2 + 153434 wrt y. 17164416 Find the second derivative of -84*a**2*c**5 - 8177*a**2*c**3 + 1120*a**2*c + 180*a**2 + a wrt c. -1680*a**2*c**3 - 49062*a**2*c What is the third derivative of -6*b**2*h**3 - b**2*h**2*t - 2*b**2 - b*h**3*t + 68*h**3*t - 19*h**2*t + 17*h**2 + t wrt h? -36*b**2 - 6*b*t + 408*t What is the derivative of 6356320*s**3 - 3705200? 19068960*s**2 What is the third derivative of -661*h**4 + 14*h**3 + 86*h**2 + 813*h + 1 wrt h? -15864*h + 84 Find the second derivative of 8*f**3*p + 9*f**3 + 17*f**2*p**3 + f*p**3 + 2*f*p**2 + 2*f - 252*p**3 wrt f. 48*f*p + 54*f + 34*p**3 What is the second derivative of 3*w**4 + 41*w**3*x - 26*w**3 + 86*w*x - w - x + 8 wrt w? 36*w**2 + 246*w*x - 156*w What is the third derivative of 525021*s**3 + 37*s**2 + 2068*s wrt s? 3150126 What is the first derivative of -14750*n**2*p + 4*n**2 + 2*n*p + 11643*n wrt p? -14750*n**2 + 2*n Find the second derivative of -233893*v**2 + 4*v - 101643 wrt v. -467786 What is the third derivative of -209526*m**3 + 6801504*m**2 wrt m? -1257156 Find the first derivative of 87095*b**3 + 138018 wrt b. 261285*b**2 Differentiate 3*c**4*m + 3313*c**2*m - 28856*m wrt c. 12*c**3*m + 6626*c*m What is the second derivative of -489*h**2*q**5 + 830*h**2 - 525*h*q**4 + 228*q wrt q? -9780*h**2*q**3 - 6300*h*q**2 Find the first derivative of f**3*m*s + 10373*f**3*s**3 + 4818*f**2*m*s**3 - 2*s**3 wrt m. f**3*s + 4818*f**2*s**3 Differentiate -n**3 - 1191*n**2 - 8*n + 34858 with respect to n. -3*n**2 - 2382*n - 8 What is the third derivative of -1939*u**4 - 4*u**3 + 133*u**2 + 14*u + 4? -46536*u - 24 Find the second derivative of 1708*a**5 + 93*a**3 - 2*a - 434235 wrt a. 34160*a**3 + 558*a Find the third derivative of -19220*o**4 - 13*o**3 -
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
Prosciutto, Mozzarella and Basil Roll This should just be called the “you won’t be able to stop at one no matter how much you try roll”. I tried and failed miserably. I’m going to be walking a lot this week because of it, but I’m okay with that. Really. And because I love to share in my misery, I want you to make it too and to eat as much as I did. It’s only fair ; ) Do yourself a favor and pick up a loaf of ciabatta bread to go with. You’ll have leftover prosciutto and it just begs to be placed onto a freshly baked ciabatta with a basil leaf and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Trust me. Once I tell you how easy this little appetizer is you’ll be making it all the time. Sometimes I just pretend I’m having company over so I can make these rolls because well that’s how I roll. It has three of my favorite ingredients: prosciutto, mozzarella and basil. How can that be bad. And to make things even easier, you can now find pre-made mozzarella rolls in the refrigerated section of most markets. Once you have that all you do is layer, roll and slice. Of course if you’re slicing with that sexy Santoku pictured above it’s all the nicer. You’ve heard me rave about these knives BEFORE. With good reason, they’re not only gorgeous (the craftsmanship is seriously stunning) the blades cut through everything like it was buttah! I have abandoned all of my other knives and I only use New West Knifeworks. Period. Here’s what New West Knifeworks says about their Santoku… “The Santoku Chef Knife uses a traditional Japanese knife shape that has become the hottest thing in kitchen cutlery. The Santoku chef knife is a do it all kitchen knife for both the home and professional kitchen. The dimple grinds on the Santoku chef knife help slice meats and vegetables paper thin (without) tearing them. They also help keep food fom sticking to the side of the blade. Add a touch of beauty to the kitchen with the kitchen knives Fine Cooking Magazine described as ‘Knife Art.’ The Fusionwood Santoku was featured in In Style Magazine and Saveur’s 2011 edition of The Saveur 100.” My husband was addicted to mozzarella/prosciutto rolls from our grocery store and we almost always had them in the fridge. I had no idea you can get the sheets of mozzarella! And now I can make his favorite appetizer in no time! Tante grazie, mia amica!
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[Clinical analysis of liver transplantation in treatment of liver metastatic cancer]. To evaluate the feasibility and outcome of liver transplantation in the treatment of liver metastatic cancer. Four patients with pathologically confirmed liver metastatic cancer underwent liver transplantation, including one of liver metastases from pancreatic endocrine tumor, one from rectal endocrine tumor, one from stomach stromal tumor and one from colorectal carcinoma. Classic surgical method was adopted, i. e. orthotopic liver transplantation for the recipients and transplants came from cadaveric donors. All the four patients had a smooth operation, an uneventful early postoperative recovery and good living quality. The patient with liver metastases from pancreatic endocrine tumor had liver tumor recurrence at four and a half years after the transplantation, and then underwent left lateral hepatic lobectomy, without any recurrence until now. The patient with liver metastases from rectal endocrine tumor had right renal and pelvic tumor metastasis at 16 months after the operation, and died of tumor recurrence 5 years after the liver transplantation. The patient with liver metastases from gastric stromal tumor had extensive pelvic metastases at five and a half months after the transplantation, and survived with tumor for 4 years and 6 months after the operation. The patient with liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma had extensive bilateral lung metastases at 3 months after the transplantation and died one and a half years after the operation. For well-differentiated unresectable metastatic liver cancers, liver transplantation may serve as a treatment option and better treatment results can be achieved for some highly selected patients.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Q: Multi Line Labels and an Image with UIStackView I am trying to see if I can easily use a UIStackView to create multi line labels and also display an image. Here are my current constraints. When I run it I get the following: If I remove the imageview then the multi line works. Somehow UIImageView width and height is messing up everything. What am I doing wrong? A: StackView does not really work well with constraints, as they kind of destroy the purpose of stack views. Since the vertical inner stackView is inside a horizontal stackView with the imageView. When you give imageView hard constraints, in order to satisfy these constraints and keep the height & width values of stackViews at same level with imageView and inner stackView, the inner stackView cannot expand and it's height and you cannot get the behaviour you want. So as also mentioned in the comments, it is better to achieve your design without stackViews. PS: I'm not saying stackViews cannot be used with constraints in their subViews. It can be done, and sometimes allow programmers to successfully achieve their goal, but you will always get debugger warnings due to conflicting constraints about the views with constraints inside a stackView. A: Change height and width of the imageView to give proper look and don't give fixed height for the stackview, only give top, bottom, leading and trailing. THis is how it will look like
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Citing frequent lockdown violations in certain states, the Home Ministry had on Sunday said teams would be sent to the Opposition-ruled states of West Bengal, Maharashtra and Rajasthan, besides Madhya Pradesh. In a late-night update, the ICMR said a total of 3,02,956 samples have been tested so far. Frosty ties between the Centre and West Bengal were on full display on Tuesday as the two Inter-Ministerial Central Teams that landed in the state to assesses its handling of the COVID-19 situation alleged non-cooperation by the state government, following which Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla shot off a letter to the Chief Secretary, asking him to comply with the Union Home Ministry’s order. Citing frequent lockdown violations in certain states, the Home Ministry had on Sunday said teams would be sent to the Opposition-ruled states of West Bengal, Maharashtra and Rajasthan, besides Madhya Pradesh. In Maharashtra, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray reiterated his demand for special trains to take migrant workers back to their home states, seeking revised guidelines to that effect before the end of April. “…the workers still want to go to their homes and they have taken an aggressive stand on some occasions. If the Union government feels that the number of COVID-19 cases may go up between April 30 and May 15, then the Centre should consider whether we can utilise the time we have on our hands to make arrangements for special trains to transporting the migrant workers to their native places. And the guidelines should be issued before end of April in this regard,” Thackeray said during an interaction through video conference with the Central team. The state government also withdrew the relaxed lockdown norms for Mumbai and Pune that came into effect on April 20 as the Central team raised objections to some of these, including beginning construction work on existing projects. In Rajasthan, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot told The Indian Express that he would consider the visit of the Central team a “success if they solved the problem faced by states”, adding that he reminded the teams that the state had “demanded a moratorium on payment of states’ dues to financial institutions under the RBI and other Central agencies”. But it was in Bengal that the two Central teams, that arrived in the state on Monday, got off to a rocky start. While the north Bengal team could not move out the entire day on Tuesday, the team in Kolkata stepped out in the morning only to be told by police to make a U-turn. Sources said the team was scheduled to hold a meeting with Chief Secretary Rajiva Sinha at 11 am, which was cancelled. Finally, it was only around 4.30 pm, after Sinha held a 30-minute meeting with the Central team at the BSF guesthouse at Gurusaday Road, where they have been put up, that the team members were able to visit parts of the city, including Jadavpur and part of EM Bypass, with police and BSF escorting them. On Monday, the day the team landed, the members had visited the office of the National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases in the city and held a meeting with the Chief Secretary at Nabanna, the state secretariat. Apurva Chandra, Additional Secretary, Department of Defence and leader of the five-member team in Kolkata, told ANI on Tuesday, “We met the Chief Secretary last evening at around 6 pm in Nabanna. We were assured that we will again have a meeting today and we will be taken around. But today we were informed that there are some issues and we will not be going out.” Mamata Banerjee had earlier written to PM Modi, saying the choice of districts for inspection and the Centre’s observations about them are “nothing but a figment of imagination and unfortunate”. (Express photo) “The order of deployment says the state government shall provide logistic support to us. I have been in touch with the chief secretary since yesterday seeking support from the state government to visit areas. In fact, we made it very clear that we will go around only with state government liaison officers. We would like to add that teams have gone to other places like Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan and they are getting full support from the state governments and all the teams are working. They have also been given the same notice as the state government of West Bengal. But they are active and have not faced problems,” Chandra said. The team was later provided a liaison officer by the state, following which it visited 5-6 areas in Kolkata. The team, however, did not step out from the car for a physical inspection. “This was just a visual tour of how well the lockdown is being implemented in the city,” said a team member, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Asked about the team’s first impression of the lockdown implementation, the member said, “It seemed 90% effective.” The team did not give any feedback to the state government after the visual tour. According to sources, the team has specifically requested the Chief Secretary to arrange for a visit to COVID hospitals, quarantine centres and containment zones. “No assurances have been made on that request,” the member said. In Siliguri, the five-member Central team led by Vineet Joshi, Additional Secretary, HRD Ministry, remained stationed at the guesthouse of the Shashastra Sena Bal. Till reports last came in, they were unable to move out. During his evening press briefing, Chief Secretary Sinha said the administration was “cooperating” with the teams, but also reminded that the Central teams should have informed the state of their arrival in a “proper manner”. A child undergoes rapid testing for coronavirus at Belgachia, one of the red zones in Kolkata, on Monday. (Express Photo by Partha Paul) “…our stand is that the Centre should have contacted us first and then sent the teams. They wanted to go around Kolkata. One officer from Kolkata Police also accompanied them. We have asked them to take all precautions while visiting areas. We advised them to stay in the car and if they wanted to move about on foot, they must alert the police first. We provided them with all the information. We believe in cooperaton between the Central and state government. However, it is not wise to blame only the state. Both sides should show discipline,” said Sinha. On the team at North Bengal, Sinha said, “I spoke with the team a number of times. .there is a protocol. If a Central team comes, they will have to meet the Chief Secretary. We hoped they would first meet us and then move to North Bengal. The protocol has been breached. However, we have provided all information they sought.” When asked about Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla’s letter, asking him to comply with the MHA order, Sinha said, “Everyone is busy now. We are co-operating. But we cannot leave everything and move around with the Central teams.” Meanwhile, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee hit the streets of Kolkata Tuesday afternoon, speaking into a loudspeaker and asking people not to venture out of their homes. In Indore, Madhya Pradesh, the central team told the local administration to increase the number of beds in hospitals for COVID 19 patients, should the need arise. With 915 cases and 52 deaths from COVID-19, Indore is one of the worst affected cities in the country.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
This introductory course of the Leadership Academy will provide an opportunity for the students to develop both intrapersonal and interpersonal speaking, listening and writing skills necessary to develop a solid leadership foundation.Students will engage in experimental learning exercises such as small group projects as well as a more traditional strand through written reflections and audio-visual presentations.Active school involvement and service learning hours are required.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
michelle goldberg I’m Michelle Goldberg. ross douthat I’m Ross Douthat. david leonhardt I’m David Leonhardt. And this is “The Argument.” [MUSIC PLAYING] This week, get ready for impeachment. michelle goldberg I don’t think you can overemphasize just how abrupt the change has been. The dam sort of burst all at once. david leonhardt Then we talk about the 2020 primaries on the Republican side. ross douthat Anyone who runs for president against an incumbent president who probably shouldn’t be president deserves a certain amount of credit and admiration. david leonhardt And finally, a recommendation. michelle goldberg I have had a feeling that I’ve never had in the past, which is this desire to be in the future looking back analytically at right now. [MUSIC PLAYING] david leonhardt Just one week ago, it seemed highly unlikely that House Democrats would impeach President Trump. But then came the news about Trump’s attempts to pressure Ukraine to produce dirt on Joe Biden. And suddenly, everything changed. This week, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the house, who has long been opposed to impeachment, announced that she’s going to open a process that could ultimately lead to the president’s impeachment. Michelle, you’ve been in favor of impeachment for a long time, and I know you’ve been frustrated that it wasn’t happening. But I assume now you think it really is likely to happen. michelle goldberg Yeah, I really do. And I think it’s— I don’t think you can overemphasize just how abrupt the change has been. The dam sort of burst all at once. I had a column calling out Nancy Pelosi for her failure to begin impeachment proceedings, and for her failure to do it after the Mueller Report, which I think emboldened Trump in his latest betrayal of the country with Ukraine. I had background conversations with people on both sides of this issue and got no sense, as of Monday morning, that there was any real movement. And then by Monday evening, impeachment had seemed inevitable. david leonhardt Well, I agree with you that it’s likely to happen. And as regular listeners know, you and I’ve been on different sides of this. I have previously thought impeachment would be a mistake. I thought it would have been a mistake after Mueller because I don’t think it would have persuaded people who didn’t already think Trump should be gone. Given that the Mueller Report was a letdown, we don’t need to revisit that whole argument. I know you disagree, Michelle. But I think it’s the right thing now, and I think it’s really telling that a lot of these House Democrats, who don’t just have to run in San Francisco or in New York City or in Massachusetts, but have to run in real swing districts are also coming out for it. Out of a combination of thinking, it’s the right thing and also thinking the politics have changed. Ross, you are particularly good at throwing cold water on liberal excitement, and you did that again this week with your column arguing that President Trump actually wants to be impeached. I will confess I’m a little skeptical of this particular tossing of cold water, so why don’t you make that case? ross douthat So I don’t know if this counts as cold water. I mean, just because the president wants something doesn’t mean that it’s actually good for him. What might be the things that Trump thinks he could get out of an impeachment fight? The first is, basically, that for now, impeachment is a lot less popular than the Democratic policy agenda. And so it shifts the conversation, maybe only temporarily, to terrain where the Democrats are doing something that a majority of the country doesn’t necessarily want them to do. Two, I think Trump has benefited throughout his campaigns and presidency from this contrast between his overt corruption and the kind of business-as-usual corruption of the DC establishment, where he basically presents himself as sort of a man who’s sort of honest about his cynicism and self-dealing, unlike the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation and the D.C. elite and the deep state and so on. And so I think he probably imagines that something similar could happen if we have a battle that sort of loops in everything Hunter Biden has ever done and the Biden family has ever done to profit off their family name. And then the third and fourth all sort of run together. I think that Trump has always delighted in watching Republicans who claim to have principles and honor bend the knee to him. And I think an impeachment battle might not, but is likely, to end with lots of Republicans who might be Trump’s successor voting not to remove him from office. I think Trump likes these kind of highly personalized Twitter-ready battles in this primal way that I think even he maybe doesn’t fully understand. I think there was part of the Mueller investigation that he enjoyed. I think there’s part of an impeachment fight that he’ll enjoy, maybe a little more because he can only be removed from office whereas Mueller could actually put his family in jail. michelle goldberg So first of all, I think that that kind of overrates— I mean, and your column gestures at that this too— that I don’t think Trump thinks about things that logically or projects things into the future that much. I mean, he clearly has a drive towards chaos and destruction and overplaying his hands and always one-upping whoever he thinks he’s up against. I really disagree that Trump enjoyed the Mueller investigation. He was more restrained during the Mueller investigation and became more unleashed afterwards. He’s just been much more overtly lawless since the Mueller investigation ended, which suggests to me that the Mueller investigation worried him enough to provide some modest check on his criminality and corruption. And then finally, I think it was interesting to watch him give this speech at the U.N. As the dam was breaking and more and more Democrats were coming out for impeachment, it was this fascist speech that was delivered as if he had been tranquilized and was then reading from a phone book in, maybe, a foreign language. He seemed exhausted. He seemed deflated. And so, yeah. He might become energetic in battle, and he obviously drove himself to this point, but I don’t think he’s going to be happy about where he has ended up, at least right now. david leonhardt Ross, I’ll add one thing on that before you reply, which is I’m not so sure that the conversation in the Democratic primary has been so good for the Democrats. I think it’s really unfortunate. But many of them have come out for things that are unpopular, like taking away people’s private health insurance or border decriminalization. And the only frontrunner who hasn’t is Joe Biden, who— michelle goldberg —and Pete Buttigieg. david leonhardt —and Pete Buttigieg, who’s now way, way back in the polls. So I don’t think this campaign has been so great for the Democrats. And it’s not clear to me that focusing people on Trump’s misdeeds is actually so terrible. ross douthat So two things. First, to take the example you picked, David, where maybe this is better for the Democrats than focusing on the health care debate in their primaries. I think from his perspective, it could be a win-win because his theory might be that this helps take down Biden. Hunter Biden is emblematic of the kind of totally legal self-dealing that’s really common in Washington, D.C. And so if Biden is associated with that, it helps Elizabeth Warren. So the end game is Trump gets impeached. He doesn’t get removed from office. The impeachment helps elevate Warren. Warren is easier for Trump to beat. Trump feels victorious. That’s another impeachment helping Trump scenario I could spin out. Now, I think everybody may be overestimating the political import of impeachment, that it could happen, and Trump could not be removed from office. And then in the time between impeachment and the election, 17 other controversies will cycle through. And it’s not either going to be the game changer that impeachment advocates think or the debacle that I think Nancy Pelosi has been afraid of. michelle goldberg I just want to say a couple of things. First of all, I think we need to be really, really careful to distinguish Hunter Biden and, quote, unquote, “the Biden family.” There’s a New Yorker piece that I hope people read about Hunter Biden, who is a really troubled man who has obviously done some sketchy things. But there is no evidence that his father has enabled any of that. Joe Biden was sort of troubled by some of the things that Hunter was doing but also just decided not to get involved. david leonhardt I’m not sure that impeaching is a game changer, but Michelle, you’ve really persuaded me, particularly at this point, that not impeaching now looks like a game changer. If Democrats look at this latest outrage by Trump and say, ah, just another one, that not only sends him a message that he can keep doing whatever he wants, but I actually think it brings political risk for the Democrats in terms of just making them look feckless. michelle goldberg Yeah, I mean, I also don’t necessarily think that impeaching will be a game changer. I don’t think we have any way of knowing how this is going to unfold. I know that some of the Democrats who have been against impeachment have worried that, yeah, what if we do this, he doesn’t get removed, and then he just sits there for another eight months and feeling even more emboldened? But I do think that the failure to impeach — it both sends a message that the conduct that he’s engaged in so far is not impeachable and is, therefore, somehow tolerable in a president. And I also do think it makes Democrats look overcautious, overcalculating. And when in doubt, just do the right thing. david leonhardt The assumption all along has been that Senate Republicans will line up behind Trump and acquit him, just as they have lined up behind him on the vast majority of things during his presidency. Ross, do you think that should still be our working assumption? Or can you see a not ridiculous scenario in which Marco Rubio and some others start to think, wait a second, we’ve got Mike Pence in waiting — I really don’t want to define my career by defending this guy? ross douthat I think it should be our default assumption that all but maybe one or two or three Republicans will stick with him. I think there’s some space where something else could happen. And look. I mean, we don’t have all the details at all. But the default here is just— this is a point I stole from Jonathan Last, a writer for the anti-Trump conservative site The Bulwark. But he was saying, look, the difference between Nixon and Trump is that Nixon was a man who belonged to the Republican Party, who believed in the Republican Party as an institution. And when Republicans in Congress went to Nixon and said, look, the game is up, they knew that Nixon would listen to them. Part of the bind that the Republicans are in is that what I think of as sort of the smartest and brightest Republican senators, the sort of range of younger senators that includes Rubio and Josh Hawley, and Ben Sasse and three or four others— all of these guys have long-term and short-term political ambitions that Trump himself can carpet-bomb from retirement after he’s defeated. These guys are politicians. They’re political animals. I can imagine getting a couple profiles in courage. I can’t imagine getting anywhere near enough to get to — you don’t just need 60. You need 67 votes in the Senate. That seems very hard. david leonhardt I do think there’s some chance of a cascade, though. ross douthat Yeah. If you could get to 10 — maybe you could get to 20 — but getting from 2 to 10 is really hard. david leonhardt Michelle, you get the last word. Do you see a scenario where Republicans turn on him? michelle goldberg No. Not absent some huge shift in public opinion, although, I mean, I do agree that there could be a cascade because it’s not like any of these people like him. They hate him. My read on most Republicans is that they hate liberals far more than they love this country or that they love our Constitution. And I don’t see that changing anytime soon. [MUSIC PLAYING] david leonhardt O.K. We’ll leave it there. Something tells me this topic is going to dominate much of the next couple months of news, and we will be talking about it again. But for now, we will take a quick break and be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING] Their supporters call them the Three Musketeers. President Trump calls them the Three Stooges. They’re the other Republicans running for president in 2020. Mark Sanford is a former governor and congressman from South Carolina. He supported Trump in 2016, but he is now one of Trump’s biggest Republican critics. archived recording (mark sanford) I think we need to have a conversation there. I think we need to have a conversation on the degree to which institutions and political culture are being damaged by this president. david leonhardt The next candidate, Joe Walsh, is a former Tea Party congressman from Illinois. He’s somewhat of a Trumpist on Twitter. He has attacked the parents of Sandy Hook shooting victims and supported the lie that Barack Obama was a Muslim. archived recording (joe walsh) And I wouldn’t call myself a racist, but I’ve said racist things on Twitter. There’s no doubt about it. david leonhardt Finally, Bill Weld. He’s the former governor of Massachusetts, and he he’s a classic moderate New England Republican. archived recording (bill weld) And we’re now talking about trillion dollars of accumulated deficit. That raises a fairness issue to the young people, the millennials and Gen Xers who are going to have to pay that bill. I’m not going to pay that bill. david leonhardt So Ross, have any of these musketeers won your heart, and why do they matter? ross douthat They haven’t won my heart. I find anyone who runs for president against an incumbent president who probably shouldn’t be president deserves a certain amount of credit and admiration. I think that you have to temper that admiration with the realization that running for president in this way can also be a little bit of a grift. I think a lot of anti-Trump Republicans sort of watched a version of that happen with Evan McMullin, who ran this doomed third-party conservative campaign against Trump and then seemed determined to monetize it for the next two to four years. And I think someone like Walsh, who is sort of a professional bomb thrower — this gets him on cable news and gives him a different profile. Now, obviously, he’s sort of torched his preexisting brand, so maybe he is exonerated from the grifting charge. All of these three guys have what you might call the sort of Marianne Williamson-versus-Oprah problem. They all represent different tendencies within the Republican Party — Rockefeller republicanism, Tea Party conservatism— without having the kind of profile or footprint necessary to be more than just cable news challengers to Trump, which is basically what they are right now. They’re characters for MSNBC and CNN. david leonhardt I understand who Sanford is as a candidate and who Weld is. I don’t totally understand what Walsh’s game is because I get that he’s more Trumpist than Sanford, but what’s his problem with Trump? michelle goldberg He pretty early on was getting frustrated on Twitter about Trump’s evident bald-faced lies and also his deviations from conservative orthodoxy on all sorts of things, particularly his deviations from conservative economic orthodoxy. You saw this anger and opposition building over a long time. And I think there’s something that happens with apostates, which is that as you were rejected from the world that sort of once defined you and that you once lived fully inside of, your entire worldview sort of shifts. And I think that that’s what has happened with Joe Walsh out of maybe some combination of grift, principle, and social psychology. ross douthat Yeah. And you can make a case that Walsh is actually the closest thing to what you would really want in a primary challenger. I mean, that Sanford was the genuinely principled, small government, deficit cutting conservative who really believed in cut, cap, and balance and all these ideas that were sort of in vogue among the Tea Party intelligentsia circa 2010. And Walsh was the guy talking about Barack Obama’s birthplace on Twitter. So for him to convert to anti-Trumpism is actually more interesting, and I think relevant, to where a lot of Republican voters might be, potentially. michelle goldberg My friend, Eyal Press, wrote this book called “Beautiful Souls,” which is basically about people who break ranks in all different kinds of circumstances. The point that he makes is that people who break ranks are often true believers who are truly disillusioned when the thing that they believe in doesn’t live up to their ideals about it. It’s the people who were most committed to Tea Party ideals and kind of conservative intellectual vision that have broken with Trump because he has set all that on fire. david leonhardt I don’t disagree with that, but it leaves me thinking, really, that there is no clear post-Trump Republican Party because to the extent that any of these guys have a vision that actually coheres, like Bill Weld does, it’s a vision that is based on an American public that doesn’t exist. So it’s just really unclear to me, now that Trump kind of called the lie on what the Republican Party was, that many Republican voters were not actually enamored of small government tax cuts. They’re right wing on all kinds of things, but they’re a little more populist. Now that he called the lie on that, it’s just not at all clear to me what a Republican Party after Trump looks like that is real but also just doesn’t have a ton of Trumpism still in it. ross douthat Because Trump is popular within the Republican Party, because the economy is good, because he has not presided over major foreign policy catastrophes, it’s very hard for any politician who wants to have a career after Trump to talk themselves into running against him. The shape of the Republican Party after Trump — I mean, who knows for sure — but I think you can see the outline of a pretty clear debate. You’ll have people in a zone between Mike Pence and Nikki Haley, who sort of want to go back to where the party was before Trump and pretend nothing has changed. And then you have people like Rubio and Josh Hawley who want to remake the party in a more populist direction, adapt to whatever Trump has revealed. But both of those groups— they want Trump to go away, but they’re afraid of what Trump can do to their plans for the Republican Party in 2024 or 2028. So you’re left with the ideologies of the past. Basically, all that’s missing here, really — we need John Bolton. He’s not a neoconservative technically, but he’s certainly a foreign policy hawk. You could add the sort of uber hawk primary challenger, and then you’d have the whole range of versions of Republicanism past that Trump defeated. And Bolton as a primary challenger would be more interesting, certainly, than the three that we have right now. michelle goldberg I mean, there’s very — it seems to me that there is very little appetite in either party for big, new foreign invasions. I mean, thank goodness. The thing that I don’t understand— or maybe I do understand— but there’s such a lack of vision. It’s like, do any of these people remember what happened to George W. Bush? I mean, George W. Bush, much more than Trump, was venerated across the Republican Party. I mean, they worshipped George W. Bush. It was grotesque. And then it all collapsed so quickly. And it’s very easy for me to imagine a version of the future 10 years from now, where Dinesh D’Souza, or the heir to Dinesh D’Souza, who’s like a kind of right-wing, revisionist historian troll, insists that, no, Trump was never actually a Republican. He was always really a Democrat. And they basically try to pretend that none of this ever really happened. There’s such an opportunity for the person who stakes out that anti-Trump position in the same way that Trump benefited from what was, at the time, very impolitic criticism of George W. Bush. ross douthat See, I think — so two things. One, Michelle’s future — you also have to have the mirror image, which is that there’ll be the liberal pundits who are saying, man, there’s nothing worse than President Tucker Carlson and Vice President Peter Thiel and if only we could get back to the civilized republicanism of the Donald Trump era. david leonhardt Michelle and I hereby promise never to say that, and you can hold us to it, Ross. michelle goldberg Well, I don’t know. I also said— I remember— can I just say quickly, I remember during George W. Bush’s administration saying, my god, can you imagine if there’s ever a world in which we’re looking back nostalgically about George W. Bush? ross douthat The other point, though, is that Trump came along and attacked George W. Bush’s record in 2016, when nobody else was willing to do it. And it helped him. But he did it eight years after the fact. Donald Trump was not making his critique of George W. Bush in real time. He made it long after the fact when many Republican voters had sort of come around to this view. And watching Trump’s rise has given me a pretty low opinion of Republican politicians, so I’m not surprised that you don’t have profiles in courage. And I don’t think that there’s some long-term upside for a would-be future leader of the Republican Party in opposing Trump directly right now. david leonhardt Well, in this absurd political era, I think we should end this with a little bit of absurdity, which is these candidates who are running against Trump are going to run into an obstacle that previous presidential candidates have not run into, at least recently, which is the Republican Party is now so in thrall to Donald Trump that in at least four states— Alaska, Nevada, South Carolina, and Kansas— party leaders in the state have voted to cancel their presidential nominating contests in 2020 to make sure they can award their delegates to Donald Trump. [MUSIC PLAYING] Now it’s time for our weekly recommendation, when we make a suggestion that is meant to take your mind off of the day’s headlines. I’m going to cheat just a little bit here but make a recommendation that is not on the news but related to the news. And I’m going to encourage our listeners to go study up on Watergate history because it suddenly seems to have a new relevance. I am going to specifically recommend the podcast “Slow Burn” by Leon Neyfakh, which tracks the Nixon impeachment process and his resignation. But if you’ve already listened to that, I’m going to encourage you to dig into a book, like “Final Days” by Woodward and Bernstein, or, really, any Watergate history that you find appealing. First of all, it’s just super enjoyable. And second of all, I think it’ll leave you with some humility about our being able to forecast exactly what’s going to happen. We look back on Watergate, and we think it’s this nice, tidy thing in which President Nixon broke the law and got removed from office. But anyone who lived through it remembers that that’s not at all the way it happened. And it wasn’t clear at all from the beginning that he was going to get removed from office. michelle goldberg Yeah. I mean, I absolutely would second your recommendation for “Slow Burn.” And I have had, since this whole thing started, a feeling that I’ve have never had in the past, which is this desire to be in the future looking back analytically at right now. david leonhardt In part because it means we’re not living through the Trump presidency anymore, I’m sure. michelle goldberg Right. Exactly. But I’ve never sort of wanted a historical era to end so desperately. And so there is a certain amount of comfort in seeing that they were sort of stumbling in the dark, but then, ultimately, history moved forward, and at least other generations were able to make sense of it all. david leonhardt Ross, have you listened to “Slow Burn?” No. I don’t listen to any podcast other than “The Argument,” David. And indeed— — on repeat? ross douthat —I feel that you’ve doubly violated our rules by making an on-the-news recommendation and recommending a rival podcast. david leonhardt Totally fair. Well my recommendation is “Slow Burn,” specifically the first season of the podcast— Slow Burn, which covers the Nixon impeachment and resignation. [MUSIC PLAYING] That’s our show this week. Thanks so much for listening. If you have thoughts or ideas about the show, you can leave us a voicemail at 347-915-4324. You can also email us at [email protected]. And if you like what you hear, please leave us a rating or review in Apple podcasts. This week’s show was produced by Kristin Schwab for Transmitter Media and edited by Sara Nics. Our executive producer is Gretta Cohn. We had help from Tyson Evans, Phoebe Lett, Ian Prasad Philbrick, and Francis Ying. Our theme was composed by Allison Leyton-Brown. We’ll see you back here next week. ross douthat But I mean, I sort of agree with Michelle’s last point too. david leonhardt
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I could but others have already done that.. Just search for "SMEEL" and you'll see them right at the top.
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BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN – Brunei topped arrivals into Sarawak last year with a total of 1.3 million entries, according to the Sarawak Tourism Board, averaging to roughly three visits per Bruneian resident. In the first quarter of 2019, 304,823 visitors from Brunei entered Sarawak, making the sultanate the biggest source of visitors to the eastern Malaysian state. The favourable currency exchange rate, better shopping and cheaper goods continue to lure Bruneians across the border, spending $1.2 billion in Malaysia in 2017 — almost $3,000 for each person resident in Brunei. CEO of the Sarawak Tourism Board, Sharzede Datu Hj Salleh Askor, said they are banking on the good exchange rate and relaunch of direct flights from Bandar Seri Begawan to Kuching to drive tourism activity to Sarawak, especially for events such as the Rainforest Fringe Festival, Rainforest World Music Festival, and Borneo Jazz Festival — which all take place this July. Speaking at the Brunei campaign launch for “Three Festivals, One Destination”, part of the wider “Visit Sarawak” campaign, Sharzede said they are targeting 24,000 festival-goers for the 22nd Rainforest World Music Festival, which will be held at the Sarawak Cultural Village in Kuching from July 12 to 14. “As much as we want to increase the numbers of festival goers, we have our carrying capacity of 8,000 a night in our living museum environment. We must observe this to ensure the surroundings are not spoilt,” she said. The Rainforest Fringe Festival will also take place in Kuching from July 2 to 12, highlighting Sarawak’s arts, handicrafts, heritage, culture and food. The tourism chief said the Rainforest World Music Festival generated RM$42 million in revenue last year, with foreigners comprising 40 percent of festival-goers. The third festival, the Borneo Jazz Festival, will take place in Miri from July 19 to 21, and will also feature Bruneian hip-hop artist, Zed Peace, who will perform alongside the Borneo Hip Hop collective. Evelyn Hii, whose company No Black Tie is organising the jazz festival, said they are setting a conservative target of 4,000 festival-goers for the three-day event. “Bruneians represent the highest percentage of non-Malaysians attending the festival at 35 per cent, while Singaporeans make up 7.5 percent,” she said.
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Q: Cordova 5.3.3 Android app crashes on calling 'registerDevice' for push notifications Problem I'm building an Android app using Cordova 5.3.3 (latest), and using the pushwoosh cordova plugin for push notifications ( https://github.com/Pushwoosh/pushwoosh-phonegap-3.0-plugin ). The app also uses the facebook-connect plugin ( https://github.com/Wizcorp/phonegap-facebook-plugin ) The pushwoosh plugin seems to conflict with the facebook connect plugin. When the two plugins are added to a new cordova project, the application build starts failing. This is the message: :compileDebugJava :preDexDebug :dexDebug UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/annotation/AnimRes; at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.readSortableTypes(DexMerger.java:596) at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.getSortedTypes(DexMerger.java:554) at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.mergeClassDefs(DexMerger.java:535) at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.mergeDexes(DexMerger.java:171) at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.merge(DexMerger.java:189) at com.android.dx.command.dexer.Main.mergeLibraryDexBuffers(Main.java:454) at com.android.dx.command.dexer.Main.runMonoDex(Main.java:303) at com.android.dx.command.dexer.Main.run(Main.java:246) at com.android.dx.command.dexer.Main.main(Main.java:215) at com.android.dx.command.Main.main(Main.java:106) :dexDebug FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':dexDebug'. > com.android.ide.common.internal.LoggedErrorException: Failed to run command: /Users/shishir.srivastava/Development/android-sdk-macosx/build-tools/22.0.1/dx --dex --no-optimize --output /Users/shishir.srivastava/Shishir/MallMate/Code/MallMateCordova-temp/platforms/android/build/intermediates/dex/debug --input-list=/Users/shishir.srivastava/Shishir/MallMate/Code/MallMateCordova-temp/platforms/android/build/intermediates/tmp/dex/debug/inputList.txt Error Code: 2 Output: UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/annotation/AnimRes; at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.readSortableTypes(DexMerger.java:596) at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.getSortedTypes(DexMerger.java:554) at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.mergeClassDefs(DexMerger.java:535) at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.mergeDexes(DexMerger.java:171) at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.merge(DexMerger.java:189) at com.android.dx.command.dexer.Main.mergeLibraryDexBuffers(Main.java:454) at com.android.dx.command.dexer.Main.runMonoDex(Main.java:303) at com.android.dx.command.dexer.Main.run(Main.java:246) at com.android.dx.command.dexer.Main.main(Main.java:215) at com.android.dx.command.Main.main(Main.java:106) * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. BUILD FAILED Fix To fix the above issue, I added the following to build-extras.gradle file in the android folder. configurations { all*.exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'support-v4' } This allowed the app to build without any issues. However, now, the app crashes when pushNotification.registerDevice() is called. I used adb shell logcat to check the error logs, and saw this: D/PushNotifications( 4751): Plugin Called D/Pushwoosh( 4751): broadcastPush = true I/Pushwoosh( 4751): Log level: NOISE V/Pushwoosh( 4751): [RegistrationPrefs] Saving regId on app version 178 I/Pushwoosh( 4751): [PushManager] App ID: #####-##### I/Pushwoosh( 4751): [PushManager] Project ID: 1088448295557 I/Pushwoosh( 4751): [PushManager] This is android device W/ActivityManager( 943): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.shishir/com.pushwoosh.inapp.InAppRetrieverService } U=0: not found V/Pushwoosh( 4751): [PushRegistrarGCM] number of receivers for com.shishir: 3 V/Pushwoosh( 4751): [PushRegistrarGCM] Found 1 receivers for action com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE W/Pushwoosh( 4751): [RequestManager] Try To sent: registerUser W/PluginManager( 4751): THREAD WARNING: exec() call to PushNotification.onDeviceReady blocked the main thread for 61ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). I/chromium( 4751): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "pushwoosh initialized", source: file:///android_asset/www/app.js (1) D/PushNotifications( 4751): Plugin Called W/Pushwoosh( 4751): [RequestManager] Pushwoosh Request: {"request":{"v":"","device_type":3,"application":"#####-#####","hwid":"###","userId":"###"}} W/Pushwoosh( 4751): [RequestManager] Pushwoosh Request To: https://cp.pushwoosh.com/json/1.3/registerUser V/Pushwoosh( 4751): [com.pushwoosh.GCMRegistrationService] Intent action = com.pushwoosh.gcm.intent.REGISTER I/chromium( 4751): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "pushwoosh: post registration", source: file:///android_asset/www/app.js (1) W/cr.BindingManager( 4751): Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 4751 I/chromium( 4751): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "[object Object]", source: file:///android_asset/www/app.js (1) E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): FATAL EXCEPTION: IntentService[com.pushwoosh.GCMRegistrationService] E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): Process: com.shishir, PID: 4751 E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getNoBackupFilesDir(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/io/File; in class Landroid/support/v4/content/ContextCompat; or its super classes (declaration of 'android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat' appears in /data/app/com.shishir-1/base.apk) E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): at com.google.android.gms.iid.zzd.zzdo(Unknown Source) E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): at com.google.android.gms.iid.zzd.<init>(Unknown Source) E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): at com.google.android.gms.iid.zzd.<init>(Unknown Source) E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): at com.google.android.gms.iid.InstanceID.zza(Unknown Source) E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): at com.google.android.gms.iid.InstanceID.getInstance(Unknown Source) E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): at com.pushwoosh.GCMRegistrationService.register(Unknown Source) E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): at com.pushwoosh.GCMRegistrationService.onHandleIntent(Unknown Source) E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): at android.app.IntentService$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(IntentService.java:65) E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:211) E/AndroidRuntime( 4751): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) D/ActivityManager( 943): New dropbox entry: com.shishir, data_app_crash, #### W/ActivityManager( 943): Force finishing activity 1 com.shishir/.MainActivity From what I understand, this seems to be the mail reason behind the crash: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getNoBackupFilesDir(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/io/File; in class Landroid/support/v4/content/ContextCompat; or its super classes (declaration of 'android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat' appears in /data/app/com.shishir-1/base.apk) I'm a little lost as to how I should proceed from here. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! A: After much toil, I was able to figure out the root cause of the issue. I'm posting it here with the hope that it'll be of some help to the next person who faces the same issue. I realised that the facebook connect plugin that I was using was using an outdated version of FB SDK. I switched to this one, and the problem was resolved: https://github.com/jeduan/cordova-plugin-facebook4
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
FREETOWN, Sierra Leone — Rebels entered Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, on Sunday morning, seizing control of the city in the culmination of a lengthy uprising in one of the world’s weakest and most impoverished states. The country’s president was reported to have fled. The rebels met little opposition, either from the country’s military or troops from the region who had been sent to bolster the government. The rebels immediately set about looting, according to residents, another indication of the state’s feeble hold on the destitute country. “Bangui is under the control of rebel elements who entered the capital this morning,” said Martin Wiguele, a member of the country’s Parliament, speaking by phone from Bangui. “They fired in the air and asked people to stay at home.” The whereabouts of President François Bozizé, who took power in a coup in 2003, was not immediately clear, with local radio and the French government reporting that he had fled. Analysts suggested that he was unlikely to be missed, either by citizens of the Central African Republic or by foreign governments, because his efforts had been focused on staying in power rather than developing his country.
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Free Printable Educational Diagrams Menu Throat Anatomy Diagrams Help yourself to learn the anatomy of the throat using these free and printable anatomy diagrams! These printable diagrams are designed to guide you in studying the structure and anatomy of throat. The throat is what we use to swallow and gulp anything placed inside the mouth. Throat begins at the back of our mouth and ends in the upper part of the stomach. There are three parts of our throat: the upper part, the middle part and the lower part called as nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx respectively. To see the illustration of those parts, take a look at the following throat diagram. Sponsored links image via www.anatomylibrary.us In the throat diagram above, there are many organs inside our throat. Each organ located in the three parts of the throat. The pharynx is the upper part of the airway and begins at the back of the nasal passages and proceeds to the top of the oesophagus. It is generally considered to be part of both the respiratory tract and the digestive tract. It is the visible part seen when you open the mouth. Meanwhile, the larynx is a tube made of muscles and cartilages and carrying air from the nose and throat toward the trachea. Larynx is also known as voice box without which you cannot speak or sing. Larynx is located about 5 inches below the pharynx of the throat. For more understanding, look at the following printable diagrams. image via www.imgarcade.com image via www.readtiger.com image via www.fineartamerica.com Trachea is commonly called as windpipe and it transports air from the larynx till the bronchioles of the lungs. You can also see the esophagus which has the main function to empty the food particles received from the pharynx into the stomach. In the following images, we also have the blank version of the diagram that you can use as a quiz sheet. image via www.hisherscomm.com image via www.akitarecuepftulsa.com image via www.studyblue.com All these pictures are printable and you just need to click on the image to enlarge and save it. Learn more about the other human body structure and anatomy diagrams by browsing through our latest posts or looking it up on the search column! Throat Anatomy Diagrams is published on 2017-08-04T08:50:49+07:00 and last modified: 2017-08-04T08:50:50+07:00 by Cassidy Smith Sponsored links Sponsored links Throat Anatomy Diagrams on Diagram Site. This diagram pictures uploaded by Cassidy Smith on 04 August 2017 at 8:50 am. If you feel this image of Throat Anatomy Diagrams is useful for you, feel free to share this nice Anatomy to your social media account.
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Q: How to use eval() for php code stored in DB? I have whole HTML code present in the db and it includes following HTML code- <p class="card mb-4 shadow-sm"><img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/assets/images/blog/php.png" alt="php" title="php"></p> This HTML is stored in db and I want it to print value of SITE_URL when it gets fetched because SITE_URL is dynamic (const here in this case). I tried using PHP's own eval() function like the one mentioned in this article. But it's not working. what would be the better way to do this OR is there any other way to figure out this ? Here, what I tried. <p class="card mb-4 shadow-sm"><img src="<?php $str = SITE_URL; eval('\$str = \'$str\';'); echo $str; ?>/assets/images/blog/php.png" alt="php" title="php"></p> A: Presuming you know how dodgy using eval is.. As long as SITE_URL is defined, it would be fine. Then you would do something like: <?php define('SITE_URL', 'http://example.com'); $str = '<p class="card mb-4 shadow-sm"><img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/assets/images/blog/php.png" alt="php" title="php"></p>'; echo eval('?>'.$str); https://3v4l.org/EEB54 An alternative to using eval, is to use a template and replace the placeholders with the values you define. <?php define('SITE_URL', 'http://example.com'); $vars = [ 'SITE_URL' => SITE_URL ]; $template = '<p class="card mb-4 shadow-sm"><img src="{{ SITE_URL }}/assets/images/blog/php.png" alt="php" title="php"></p>'; // match any single word with _ or -, with spaces either side or not // e.g: {{key}} or {{ key }} or {{key-foo}} or {{ key-foo }} // not {{ a b c }} $str = preg_replace_callback("/{{[ ]{0,}([\w\_-]{1,})[ ]{0,}}}/", function ($match) use ($vars) { return array_key_exists($match[1], $vars) ? $vars[$match[1]] : ''; }, $template); echo $str; https://3v4l.org/cUK5B Or look into using a template engine if you need more features.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Effect of switch to the highest dose of rosuvastatin versus add-on-statin fenofibrate versus add-on-statin nicotinic acid/laropiprant on oxidative stress markers in patients with mixed dyslipidemia. Oxidative stress plays an important role in atherosclerosis. Both F2-isoprostane (8-iso-PGF2a) and oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) have emerged as biomarkers of oxidative stress and have been proposed as useful biomarkers that could potentially be used as indicators of cardiovascular disease. This is a prespecified analysis of a prospective, randomized, open-label, blinded endpoint (PROBE) study (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01010516). Patients (N = 100) with mixed dyslipidemia on a standard statin dose (10-40 mg simvastatin or 10-20 mg atorvastatin or 5-10 mg rosuvastatin) who had not achieved lipid targets were randomized to switch to the highest dose of rosuvastatin (40 mg/day) or to add-on-statin extended release nicotinic acid (ER-NA)/laropiprant (LRPT) (1000/20 mg/day for the first 4 weeks followed by 2000/40 mg/day for the next 8 weeks) or to add-on-statin micronized fenofibrate (200 mg/day) for a total of 3 months. Levels of plasma and urine F2-isoprostane and plasma ox-LDL were assessed at baseline and 3 months later. Plasma F2-isoprostane levels decreased similarly in all groups. On the other hand, both ox-LDL and urine F2-isoprostane levels decreased similarly in the add-on ER-NA/LRPT and rosuvastatin monotherapy group, while a less pronounced decrease was observed in the add-on fenofibrate group. All treatment interventions reduced the concentration of the assessed oxidative stress markers, but the reduction was more pronounced in the add-on ER-NA/LRPT and rosuvastatin monotherapy groups, compared with add-on fenofibrate. Specifically designed studies should address the abovementioned risk factors modulation in terms of cardiovascular risk.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
All relevant data can be found at the following URL: <https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.4640092.v1>. Introduction {#sec001} ============ Length-weight relationships (LWR) are used for estimating the weight corresponding to a given length \[[@pone.0171811.ref001]\]. As most observations in fisheries surveys are typically obtained as the number of specimens and length of each sampled specimen, LWR are widely used to transform the survey data into estimates of the biomass which is important for modelling aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, estimation of the LWR is common practice and essential in fisheries science \[[@pone.0171811.ref002]\]. There are two parameters in the LWR model (*W* = *a*×*L*^*b*^), the coefficient *a* and the exponent *b*. Parameter *a* is the condition factor, describing body shape which can be classified as four groups: eel-like, elongated, fusiform and short and deep \[[@pone.0171811.ref002]\]. Parameter *b* is the allometric growth parameter, which indicates isometric growth in body proportions if *b*≥3 where fish have more girth as it grows longer; the species tends to be more streamlined if the exponent *b*\<3 \[[@pone.0171811.ref002]\]. Numerous studies found that factors, such as geographic, seasonal, inter-annual, and environmental conditions, can affect the estimates of *a* and *b* in the LWR model \[[@pone.0171811.ref002]--[@pone.0171811.ref005]\]. Instead of constructing several models reflecting various situations (different regions and years), it is more reasonable to make use of generalized linear mixed model to cover all the spatial and temporal effects in a single model. Linear mixed-effects modelling, a mature model in the statistics community, has been used in multiple fields. Cnaan et al. (1997) provided two detailed case studies to sufficiently introduce the use of the general linear mixed effects model for the regression analysis of correlated data \[[@pone.0171811.ref006]\]. Xu et al. (2015, 2014) developed nonlinear mixed-effects model to study the individual-tree diameter growth and linear mixed effects model for individual-tree crown width of China-Fir trees in Southeast China \[[@pone.0171811.ref007], [@pone.0171811.ref008]\]. Baayen et al. (2008) provided an introduction of mixed-effects models and illustrated its advantages, which would allow the researcher to simultaneously consider all factors that potentially contribute to the understanding of the structure of the data \[[@pone.0171811.ref009]\]. The linear mixed-effects model provides a powerful and versatile approach to analyze a wide variety of data structures, in which the linear predictor contains random effects in addition to the usual fixed effects \[[@pone.0171811.ref007]\]. The random effects vary with respect to one or more grouping variables, e.g. regions and years, adding its contribution of variation to the residual error, which can account for the additional resources of random variation \[[@pone.0171811.ref007], [@pone.0171811.ref008], [@pone.0171811.ref010]\]. Yellow Croaker (*Larimichthys polyactis*) is a warm-temperate demersal fish species widely distributed throughout the northwest Pacific Ocean. As a commercially important species, Yellow Croaker experienced heavy fishing pressure in China. From catch data derived from *China Fishery Statistical Yearbook*, we found the variations of Yellow Croaker stock ([S1 Fig](#pone.0171811.s001){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Yellow Croaker were abundant in 1950s and the beginning of 1960s; but the stock collapsed in the 1970s \[[@pone.0171811.ref011]\]. After a series of restoration efforts (i.e. seasonal fishery closure and protection of the spawning ground), the Yellow Croaker stock has been recovering since 1990 and the catch has increased continually in the subsequent two decades \[[@pone.0171811.ref012]--[@pone.0171811.ref014]\]. However, the characteristics of the stock have changed; as individuals are smaller, younger and reaching maturity earlier \[[@pone.0171811.ref013],[@pone.0171811.ref015],[@pone.0171811.ref016]\]. Quite many scientists have done much work about the growth of Yellow Croaker around the world. Li *et al*. (2013) applied simple linear regression to analyze LWRs of Yellow Croaker in Bohai Sea-Northern Yellow Sea from 1960 to 2004 and in the Southern Yellow Sea from 1960 to 2010 for male and female respectively \[[@pone.0171811.ref003]\]. Zhang *et al*. (2010) investigated the biological characteristics of Yellow Croaker in the central and southern Yellow Sea, including the LWRs in 1960, 1985, 1998 and 2008 \[[@pone.0171811.ref017]\]. Lin *et al*. (2004) studied the population biology of Yellow croaker in the East China Sea, which evaluated the LWR in 1963, 1983 and 2001 \[[@pone.0171811.ref018]\]. All these studies of LWR used simple linear regression to develop region specific or year specific models, rather than linear mixed-effects models, to detect the spatial and temporal variations of Yellow Croaker. In this study, our objective was to analyze the biological characteristics of Yellow Croaker in recent years. Specifically, we estimated the LWR of Yellow Croaker used linear mixed-effects model, condition factors relative to reference years, and explore the possible relationship between parameters in LWR model and environmental factors, based on the observations along north coast of China among 2008 and 2011 to 2015. Materials and methods {#sec002} ===================== Data collection {#sec003} --------------- Specimens were collected along the Shandong and Jiangsu province through 2008, and 2011--2015. These regions along northern Chinese coast include Yellow River Estuary (YE), Coastal Waters of Northern Shandong (NS), Jiaozhou Bay (JB), Coastal Waters of Qingdao (QD), Haizhou Bay (HB), and South Yellow Sea (SY) ([Table 1](#pone.0171811.t001){ref-type="table"}, [S1 Table](#pone.0171811.s006){ref-type="supplementary-material"}, [Fig 1](#pone.0171811.g001){ref-type="fig"}), which are important spawning and feeding grounds of Yellow Croaker \[[@pone.0171811.ref019]\]. The maps of surveying area were plotted using package maps and mapdata of the R (version: R i386 3.3.1) \[[@pone.0171811.ref020], [@pone.0171811.ref021]\]. 10.1371/journal.pone.0171811.t001 ###### Sample size and location of Yellow Croaker among regions and years. ![](pone.0171811.t001){#pone.0171811.t001g} Regions 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total ------------------------------------- ---- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- Yellow River Estuary YE 40 40 Coastal Waters of Northern Shandong NS 35 35 Jiaozhou Bay JB 426 26 63 515 Coastal Waters of Qingdao QD 419 533 952 Haizhou Bay HB 921 81 100 579 1681 South Yellow Sea SY 148 11 308 **Total** 426 947 482 121 816 590 3382 The second column shows the abbreviations of regions. ![Survey map of Yellow Croaker along the north coast of China.\ The shades in the right plot showed the surveying area. Abbreviations of regions were detailed in [Table 1](#pone.0171811.t001){ref-type="table"}.](pone.0171811.g001){#pone.0171811.g001} In Coastal waters of Northern Shandong, specimens were randomly collected from fishermen immediately after landing. For all other five regions, stratified random bottom trawling surveys were implemented to collect samples. In total, 3,275 individuals were collected, with sample size variations among years and regions (see [Table 1](#pone.0171811.t001){ref-type="table"} and [S1 Table](#pone.0171811.s006){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). For each individual, standard length was measured to the nearest mm and total weight was measured to the nearest gram. The surveys, which held in the *Seasonal Fishery Closure* (June, July and August) were approved by the Department of Marine and Fishery of Shandong and Jiangsu Province. No specific permissions were required for all the other surveys, because these surveys are traditional surveys, which did not cover any marine protected area or private area and this study did not involve endangered or protected species. LWR modelling {#sec004} ------------- We fitted an exponential function to the weight at length data that took the form \[[@pone.0171811.ref001]\]: $$W = aL^{b}$$ where *W* is the wet weight of an individual fish (g), *L* is the standard length (cm), *a* is the condition factor, and *b* is the allometric growth parameter. Because the variance of W increases when L increases, above equation was log-transformed and the equation becomes: $$\text{ln}\left( W \right) = \text{ln}\left( a \right) + b \times \text{ln}\left( L \right)$$ We fit a generalized linear model (GLM), simple linear models for individuals in different regions and years (SLMR and SLMY for regions and years respectively), as well as nine linear mixed effect models (LMEM) that treated region and/or year as random effects to coefficient *a* and/or the exponent *b* to explain the relationship between length and weight ([Table 2](#pone.0171811.t002){ref-type="table"}) \[[@pone.0171811.ref007]\]. Analysis of Variance performed by *F*-test between GLM and LMEM was computered to tests whether the temporal and spatial variations were significant. All these modelling processes were conducted, using package lme4 the R (version: R i386 3.3.1) \[[@pone.0171811.ref022]\]. Bootstrap the data with replacement for 1000 times was used to estimate the distributions and statistics of parameter estimates in these models. 10.1371/journal.pone.0171811.t002 ###### Models for length-weight relationships of Yellow Croaker. ![](pone.0171811.t002){#pone.0171811.t002g} Models Log-Transformed AIC ΔAIC MAE --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------ ------- GLM W = *a*\*L\^*b* ln(W) = ln(*a*)+*b*\*ln(L) -3777 581 0.106 SLMR W = *a*~*i*~\*L\^*b*~*i*~ ln(W) = ln(*a*~*i*~)+*b*~*i*~\*ln(L) -4002 356 0.097 SLMY W = *a*~*j*~\*L\^*b*~*j*~ ln(W) = ln(*a*~*j*~)+*b*~*j*~\*ln(L) -4254 104 0.102 R.I W = (*a*\*exp(ReR.I))\*L\^*b* ln(W) = (ln(*a*)+ReR.I)+*b*\*ln(L) -4005 353 0.102 Y.I W = (*a*\*exp(ReY.I))\*L\^*b* ln(W) = (ln(*a*)+ReY.I)+*b*\*ln(L) -4220 138 0.098 R&Y.I W = (*a*\* exp(ReR.I)\* exp(ReY.I))\*L\^*b* ln(W) = (ln(*a*)+ReR.I+ReY.I)+*b*\*ln(L) -4341 17 0.098 R.S W = *a*\*L\^(*b*+ ReR.S) ln(W) = ln(*a*)+(*b*+ReR.S)\*ln(L) -3999 359 0.102 Y.S W = *a*\*L\^(*b*+ ReY.S) ln(W) = ln(*a*)+(*b*+ReY.S)\*ln(L) -4212 146 0.098 R&Y.S W = *a*\*L\^(*b*+ReR.S+ReY.S) ln(W) = ln(*a*)+(*b*+ReR.S+ReY.S)\*ln(L) -4334 24 0.098 R.I&S W = (*a*\* exp(ReR.I))\*L\^(*b*+ReR.S) ln(W) = (ln(*a*)+ReR.I)+(*b*+ReR.S)\*ln(L) -4009 349 0.102 Y.I&S W = (*a*\* exp(ReY.I))\*L\^(*b*+ReY.S) ln(W) = (ln(*a*)+ReY.I)+(*b*+ReY.S)\*ln(L) -4267 91 0.097 R&Y.I&S W = (*a*\* exp(ReR.I)\* exp(ReY.I))\*L\^(*b*+ReR.S+ReY.S) ln(W) = (ln(*a*)+ReR.I+ReY.I)+(*b*+ReR.S+ReY.S)\*ln(L) -4358 0.095 The first column shows the abbreviations of models detailed in the second and third columns. L: standard length in centimeters; W: whole weight. R.I: random effects on intercept (ln(*a*)) of Regions (HB, JB, NS, QD, SY, and YE); R.S: random effects on slope (*b*) of Regions; Y.I: random effects on intercept (ln(*a*)) of Years (2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015); Y.S: random effects on slope (*b*) of Years. *i* is the *i*th region; *j* is the *j*th year. ΔAIC = AIC of models---AIC of best fitted model (R&Y.I&S). We explored the influence of marine environmental status on variability of the LWR. Environmental data were drawn from *Bulletin of Marine Environmental Status of China*, which were reported by State Oceanic Administration People's Republic of China \[[@pone.0171811.ref023]\]. According to *Sea Water Quality Standard* (National Standard GB 3097--1997) \[[@pone.0171811.ref024]\], five levels (the first, second, third, fourth and worse than fourth levels) were used to evaluate the water quality, in which higher level indicated poorer quality. The polluted water area percentage (PWAP), which included the third, fourth and worse than fourth level water, was used to exemplify water quality. We explored the influence of PWAP on the LWR along north coast of China during 2008, 2011 to 2015. Model comparison {#sec005} ---------------- Both the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the mean absolute error (MAE) were calculated to compare the performance of the twelve candidate models. AIC was widely used to compare the quality of models \[[@pone.0171811.ref025],[@pone.0171811.ref026]\]. Lower AIC value indicates a better model. MAE is a quantity used as a measurement on how close forecasts or predictions are to the eventual outcomes \[[@pone.0171811.ref027]\]. MAE was the average of the absolute errors: $$MAE = \frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n}\left( \left| {f_{i} - y_{i}} \right| \right)$$ where *f*~*i*~ was the estimation and *y*~*i*~ the observed value. Relative condition factor {#sec006} ------------------------- Relative condition factor (*K*) was calculated for each individual \[[@pone.0171811.ref028]\]: $$K = \frac{W}{aL^{b}}$$ where *W* and *L* were observed weight and standard length from our surveys, baseline model LWR with parameters *a* and *b* were drawn from historical references. Relative condition factor was recommended to measure the deviation of an individual from the baseline weight for length in the respective sample and to investigate changes in the stock over time \[[@pone.0171811.ref002],[@pone.0171811.ref028]\]. Here the LWR models of Yellow Croaker in 1960, 1986, 2005, 2007, 2008.04\~2009.03 (12 months) and 2010 were introduced to be the baselines ([S2 Table](#pone.0171811.s007){ref-type="supplementary-material"}) \[[@pone.0171811.ref003],[@pone.0171811.ref011]\]. In 1960, Yellow Croaker were abundant and the stock was not deeply disturbed by fishing \[[@pone.0171811.ref013]\]. However, Yellow Croaker experienced severe fishing pressure and reached its lowest biomass in 1986 \[[@pone.0171811.ref014]\]; after recovery, the catch of the stock was increasing in recent years \[[@pone.0171811.ref012],[@pone.0171811.ref014]\]. The current condition factors relative to reference years of 1960, 1986, 2005, 2007, 2008\~2009 and 2010 were represented by *K*~*cur/1960*~, *K*~*cur/1986*~, *K*~*cur/2005*~, *K*~*cur/2007*~, *K*~*cur/2008\ 9*~ and *K*~*cur/2010*~. Results {#sec007} ======= Length and weight of Yellow Croaker {#sec008} ----------------------------------- The length frequency of collected samples of Yellow Croaker is shown in [S2 Fig](#pone.0171811.s002){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. The maximum, minimum and mean (95% CI) lengths of the Yellow Croaker sample were 21.0 cm, 2.6 cm and 10.9 cm (5.1, 15.5 cm), respectively. The most commonly encountered length group was 11.5--12.4 cm, followed by length group 10.5--11.4 cm. The sample was dominated by individuals ranging from 8 cm to 14 cm in length, with variations among regions and years ([Fig 2](#pone.0171811.g002){ref-type="fig"}). ![Length and weight of Yellow Croaker among regions and years.\ The boxes show the median (solid line) and the interquartile range. The plus symbols are indications of outliers in the data. Arrows in magenta show the mean and standard deviation. Abbreviations of regions were detailed in [Table 1](#pone.0171811.t001){ref-type="table"}.](pone.0171811.g002){#pone.0171811.g002} Lengths of most individuals in JB, QD, NS, and YE were longer than 10 cm, ranging from 8--14 cm in HB and 6--12 cm in SY. Both the length and the weight had a positive relationship with latitude, where larger individuals were more common in northern than southern regions. Most lengths in 2008, 2011 and 2013 were longer than 10 cm and within 8--14 cm in 2012 and 2014, but 5--12 cm in 2015. Individuals in 2013 were larger than fish collected in other years, while a third of these specimen caught in Yellow River Estuary. All specimens were collected in the south area (Haizhou Bay and Southern Yellow Sea) in 2015 and were noticeably smaller in length and weight ([Fig 2](#pone.0171811.g002){ref-type="fig"}), might because of individual growth or the different age groups among specimens in different regions. Recommended LWR {#sec009} --------------- The LMEM (R&Y.I&S) with Regions and Years have random effects on both intercept and slope was recommended to be used as the best model after comparing with the other models based on AIC and MAE values (-4357 and 0.095, respectively) ([Table 2](#pone.0171811.t002){ref-type="table"}). According to this selected model, *a* and *b* were estimated as 0.0192 (95% CI = 0.0178, 0.0308) and 2.917 (95% CI = 2.731, 2.945), respectively ([Table 3](#pone.0171811.t003){ref-type="table"}). The estimates of *a* with the random effects from Region and Year ranged from 0.013--0.023, while the estimates of *b* with the random effects from Region and Year ranged from 2.835--3.017. 10.1371/journal.pone.0171811.t003 ###### Estimated values of parameter *a* and *b* in GLM and LEMM models. ![](pone.0171811.t003){#pone.0171811.t003g} Models *a* *b* --------- -------- -------- ------------------ --------- ------- ------- ---------------- ------- GLM 0.0170 0.0170 (0.0163, 0.0177) 0.00035 2.961 2.961 (2.944, 2.979) 0.009 R.I 0.0180 0.0180 (0.0171, 0.0189) 0.00047 2.934 2.934 (2.913, 2.956) 0.011 Y.I 0.0180 0.0181 (0.0172, 0.019) 0.00046 2.936 2.936 (2.915, 2.956) 0.011 R&Y.I 0.0189 0.0189 (0.0180, 0.0199) 0.00049 2.921 2.921 (2.900, 2.941) 0.010 R.S 0.0178 0.0178 (0.0170, 0.0187) 0.00043 2.938 2.938 (2.918, 2.957) 0.010 Y.S 0.0179 0.0179 (0.0170, 0.0188) 0.00045 2.940 2.940 (2.919, 2.960) 0.011 R&Y.S 0.0184 0.0184 (0.0175, 0.0193) 0.00047 2.930 2.930 (2.909, 2.953) 0.011 R.I&S 0.0195 0.0205 (0.0179, 0.0269) 0.00234 2.906 2.887 (2.783, 2.938) 0.039 Y.I&S 0.0176 0.0176 (0.0165, 0.0188) 0.00060 2.947 2.947 (2.920, 2.973) 0.014 R&Y.I&S 0.0192 0.0218 (0.0178, 0.0308) 0.00362 2.917 2.871 (2.731, 2.945) 0.058 Estimates in the best fitted model; mean, 95% confidence interval and standard deviation got from models after bootstrap the data. Spatial and temporal variations of LWR {#sec010} -------------------------------------- The selected model with random effects from both regions and years applied to both *a* and *b*, indicated that there were substantial spatial and temporal variations of LWR for Yellow Croaker ([Table 4](#pone.0171811.t004){ref-type="table"}, [Fig 3](#pone.0171811.g003){ref-type="fig"}, [S3](#pone.0171811.s003){ref-type="supplementary-material"} and [S4](#pone.0171811.s004){ref-type="supplementary-material"} Figs). The results of analysis of vriance between the selected LMEM and the global model GLM suggested that the spatial and temporal variations of LWR of Yellow Croaker are significant (F = 111434, Df = 1, *P*\<0.001). The *a* value in the length-weight model, decreased with latitude (32.75°-38.15° N), while the parameter *b* value increased with latitude. The estimates for Coastal Waters of Qingdao and Jiaozhou Bay were similar, while their latitudes covered 35.33°-36.49° N and 35.99°-36.13° N, respectively. Variations among regions were 0.0034 and 0.0055 for *a* and *b*, respectively; but were larger among years (0.0081 and 0.1791 for *a* and *b*, respectively). 10.1371/journal.pone.0171811.t004 ###### Estimates values for parameters *a* and *b* in the LMEM (R&Y.I&S). ![](pone.0171811.t004){#pone.0171811.t004g} Effects ln(*a*) *a* *b* ------------------------------------- ---------------------- --------- --------- --------- Fixed effects -3.954 0.019 2.917 Random Effects Yellow River Estuary 0.093 1.098 -0.0029 Coastal Waters of Northern Shandong 0.006 1.006 -0.0002 Coastal Waters of Qingdao 0.017 1.017 -0.0005 Jiaozhou Bay 0.012 1.012 -0.0004 Haizhou Bay -0.045 0.956 0.0014 South Yellow Sea -0.083 0.920 0.0026 2008 0.106 1.111 -0.0500 2011 0.065 1.068 -0.0109 2012 -0.041 0.960 0.0472 2013 0.165 1.179 -0.0791 2014 -0.284 0.752 0.1000 2015 -0.011 0.989 -0.0072 Fixed values of ln(*a*), *a* and *b*; random effects from six regions and six years respectively. ![Variations of *a* and *b* among regions and years from the LMEM (R&Y.I&S).\ A: estimates of parameter *a* and *b* with random effects of both regions (presented in various colors) and years (presented in various markers). B: spatial variations of ln(*a*) and *b*. C: temporal variations of ln(*a*) and *b*.](pone.0171811.g003){#pone.0171811.g003} Instead of a gradual trend of spatial variation, temporal variation was out of order, with complex influence. The estimate of *a* reached its maximum value (0.022) in 2013, declined by 0.001 through 2008, 2011, 2015 and 2012, and had its minimum value (0.014) in 2014. The largest estimate of parameter *b* appeared in 2012, followed by the estimate (2.96) in 2012, while the minimum estimates was 2.84 in 2013. In Yellow Sea, the PWAP occupied 3.2\~7.1 percentage of the whole area during the survey time, while the PWAP covered 17.7\~37.2% of the Bohai. In addition, the water quality of Chinese coast varied widely among years. When the water quality became poorer, condition factor *a* decreased, with the reverse condition for parameter *b* ([Fig 4](#pone.0171811.g004){ref-type="fig"}). Negative correlation (-0.47) and positive correlation (0.61) were found for PWAP with condition factor *a* and for PWAP parameter *b* respectively, while t-test indicated both the correlation coefficients were not significant (df = 4, *P*\>0.05). ![Water quality versus parameters *a* (A) and *b* (B) in LWR of Yellow Croaker.](pone.0171811.g004){#pone.0171811.g004} Relative condition factors {#sec011} -------------------------- Summary of condition factor relative to reference year of 1960, 1986, 2005, 2007, 2008\~2009 and 2010 were shown in [S2 Table](#pone.0171811.s007){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. The mean of *K*~*cur/2005*~ was the smallest value (0.750), followed by *K*~*cur/1960*~ (0.786) and the mean estimates of *K* ~*cur/2007*~ and *K* ~*cur/1986*~ (0.881 and 0.882, respectively), and those of K~*cur/2008\ 9*~ and K~*cur/2010*~ were the highest (0.906 for both). The distributions ([S5 Fig](#pone.0171811.s005){ref-type="supplementary-material"}) revealed that there was more variability in *K* ~*cur/1986*~, compared to others. Furthermore, variations of relative condition factors among years, months, regions and length shown in [Fig 5](#pone.0171811.g005){ref-type="fig"}. ![Temporal (year, month), spatial and length variations of condition factors relative to reference years of 1960, 1986, 2005, 2007, 2008\~2009 and 2010.\ Abbreviations of regions were detailed in [Table 1](#pone.0171811.t001){ref-type="table"}. The dot lines show the relative condition factor equal to 1.0.](pone.0171811.g005){#pone.0171811.g005} The estimates of condition factors relative to each reference year were similar in 2008 and 2010, and reached their maximum in 2012. With the exception of *K* ~*cur/1960*~, relative condition factors began to decline in 2012. However, values of *K* ~*cur/1960*~ remained stable over time, again with the exception of 2012. Relative condition factors were much lower in summer than other seasons, and reached maximum during autumn and early winter, with diverse variations degree to different reference years. As for spatial variations, values of relative condition factors decreased with decreasing latitude, while there was little variation (0.71\~0.81) for *K* ~*cur/1960*~ among different regions. Generally, relative condition factors increased as Yellow Croaker grew, except for *K*~*cur/1960*~, while there were different variation ranges among different sizes of individuals for condition factors relative to different reference year([Fig 5](#pone.0171811.g005){ref-type="fig"}). When the body length of Yellow Croaker was less than 10 cm, values of condition factores relative to reference years 2005, 2007, 2008\~2009 and 2010 kept much constant. However, values of *K* ~*cur/1960*~, decreased as individuals grew larger, and remained stable at lengths 14--18 cm. When the water quality declined, values of *K* also decreased, while there was little variation in *K* ~*cur/1960*~ (0.75\~0.79), all with an exception of 2012 ([Fig 6](#pone.0171811.g006){ref-type="fig"}). Without data in 2012, correlation analysis indicated negative correlations for PWAP with condtion factors relative to reference years except 1960 (from -0.68 to -0.61), while no significance were found in t-test (df = 3, *P*\>0.05). ![Water quality to condition factors relative to reference years of 1960 (A), 1986 (B), 2005(C), 2007 (D), 2008\~2009(E) and 2010(F).](pone.0171811.g006){#pone.0171811.g006} Discussion {#sec012} ========== LWR of Yellow Croaker and its spatial-temporal variations {#sec013} --------------------------------------------------------- According to the results of LMEM (R&Y.I&S), the estimates of *a* (0.013 \~ 0.023), fell in the common range (0.001\~0.05) of most fish species \[[@pone.0171811.ref002]\]. Study of Froese \[[@pone.0171811.ref029]\] shows that values of parameter *a* of fish species, with fusiform body shape, was 0.0112 (geometric mean) with 95% range of 0.00514 to 0.0245. The results are consistent with the body shape of this species, which is described as fusiform in Fishbase \[[@pone.0171811.ref030]\]. The point estimate of exponent *b*, was a little lower than values 3.03 (2.91--3.15) in Fishbase \[[@pone.0171811.ref029]\]. Values of parameter *b* for fishes were suggested by Carlander \[[@pone.0171811.ref031]\] and Froese \[[@pone.0171811.ref002]\] to normally fall within the range of 2.5 \~ 3.5 and 2.7 \~ 3.4, respectively, which cover the range of parameter *b* of Yellow Croaker in this study. The fixed value of allometric growth parameter *b*, indicated a very slight decrease in plumpness or elongation in form with increase in length. However, when random effects were used, no significant difference with isomeric growth was found for Yellow Croaker \[[@pone.0171811.ref032]\]. Random region effects for *a* demonstrated that values of *a* reduced gradually as the latitude decreased, from north to south, except in Coastal Waters of Northern Shandong. Samples in the Coastal Waters of Northern Shandong were collected from fishermen, and the origin of the samples were not clear, which could be the reason that parameters with the random effect of NS did not follow this trend. Yellow Croaker distributed on China's coast were considered to be divided into various populations, while individuals in northern Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea (NYBS) were believed to be different from those in southern Yellow Sea (SYS) \[[@pone.0171811.ref019],[@pone.0171811.ref033],[@pone.0171811.ref034]\]. The results of this study suggested that Yellow Croaker sampled from Yellow River Estuary and Coastal Waters of Northern Shandong should be included in NYBS, while those in other regions belonged to SYS. Different subpopulation maybe the main reason that led to their significant spatial variation in length-weight relationships. Previous research has examined LWR variation for Yellow Croaker; including spatial, temporal, sexual, and length variations, which covered Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea from 1960 to 2010 \[[@pone.0171811.ref003],[@pone.0171811.ref011],[@pone.0171811.ref014],[@pone.0171811.ref017],[@pone.0171811.ref018], [@pone.0171811.ref035]--[@pone.0171811.ref041]\]. In these LWRs (51 models), values of parameter *a* ranged from 0.0061 to 0.1027, with mean of 0.028 ± 0.019; values of exponent *b* ranged from 2.32 to 3.35, with mean of 2.875 ± 0.217. This, accompanied with relative condition factors, could support the hypothesis, that individuals were becoming thinner and young-age in recent years. Several influencing factors of LWR were evaluated in previous studies \[[@pone.0171811.ref003],[@pone.0171811.ref042],[@pone.0171811.ref043]\]. Pollutions such as inorganic nitrogen, active phosphate and oil pollutant, frequent pollutants in the north coast of China, are believed to make food availability and oxygen level deteriorate, which would negatively influence the growth of Yellow Croaker \[[@pone.0171811.ref044]--[@pone.0171811.ref046]\]. In this study, the data revealed that values of condition factor *a* decreased, when the environmental pollution increased. Therefore, LWR could be a rough indicator for the environment quality. Limited sample years maybe the reason that resulted in the non-significant correlation from statistics test, so further long term monitoring is suggested in the future. Condition changes compared with historical records {#sec014} -------------------------------------------------- Relative condition factor provided an effective approach to compare the observed weight of an individual with the baseline weight of that length \[[@pone.0171811.ref028],[@pone.0171811.ref047]\]. Compared to individuals in previous decades \[[@pone.0171811.ref003],[@pone.0171811.ref011]\], Yellow Croaker condition declined in recent years. *K*~*cur/1960*~ remained comparatively stable, without obvious variation. *K*~*cur/2005*~, *K*~*cur/2007*~, *K*~*cur/2008\ 9*~ and *K*~*2010*~ had similar variation patterns, since the LWR of Yellow Croaker in these years were similar, while values of *K*~*cur/2005*~ were much lower. However, *K*~*cur/1986*~ have similar variation pattern but higher variation, since the stock of Yellow Croaker collapsed during the 1980s and had been in an unstable condition in 1986 \[[@pone.0171811.ref016],[@pone.0171811.ref048]\]. Condition factors relative to all reference years, reached the highest value in 2012, as specimens in 2012 were collected in May and September ([S1 Table](#pone.0171811.s006){ref-type="supplementary-material"}), which was just before spawning and after feeding. A weak El Nino in 2012 might be another possible reason that led to elevated relative condition factors. Monthly changes in condition factors are related to life history events of this fish, e.g., sexual maturation, spawning and feeding strategies \[[@pone.0171811.ref014],[@pone.0171811.ref049],[@pone.0171811.ref050]\]. Adult yellow croaker in these areas reach their full gonads maturity in spring, reproduce in June and then primarily feed in summer and autumn \[[@pone.0171811.ref049],[@pone.0171811.ref051]\]. The condition factor (*K*) behaved in accordance to this series of events. It reached a high value in May, dropped precipitately in June, gradually recovered in August and reached the highest value in December. Spatial variation of *K* discovered that Yellow Croaker was skinny in the south, with worse condition than in the north. It was widely reported the Yellow Croaker stock shifted in size and age structure to feature more small and young fish that mature earlier, in response to severe fishing pressure over the past half century \[[@pone.0171811.ref015],[@pone.0171811.ref016],[@pone.0171811.ref040],[@pone.0171811.ref048]\]. This circumstance was also reflected in the length variation of condition factor relative to reference year of 1960. Since there was only one sample of L = 21cm, the condition factor relative to all reference years became an exception in L = 21cm for length variation of Yellow Croaker. Moreover, just as values of parameter *a*, water pollution led to *K* worse. The exception value *K* in 2012 relative to all reference years, probably resulted from the more significant effects from monthly variation and nearly null El Nino in 2012 ([Fig 5](#pone.0171811.g005){ref-type="fig"}). Applications of mixed effects model in studying spatial-temporal variations of LWR {#sec015} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- According to AIC and MAE, linear mixed effect model with effects from both regions and years on both parameters *a* and *b* was supported as the best one. The recommended model matches previous studies that the exact relationship between length and weight differs among regions and years, according to the habitat condition \[[@pone.0171811.ref004],[@pone.0171811.ref005],[@pone.0171811.ref052],[@pone.0171811.ref053]\]. However, many studies on LWR for fishes used region specific or year specific models fitting to region or year specific dataset to detect the spatial and temporal variations of individuals \[[@pone.0171811.ref004],[@pone.0171811.ref054],[@pone.0171811.ref055]\], as seen from previous 51 LWR models for Yellow Croaker \[[@pone.0171811.ref003],[@pone.0171811.ref011],[@pone.0171811.ref014],[@pone.0171811.ref017],[@pone.0171811.ref018],[@pone.0171811.ref035]--[@pone.0171811.ref041]\]. The mixed effects model took account of regions and years as random effects in a single model, which was more convenient and reasonable to estimate the spatial and temporal variations. It also allow regions and years with limited samples to borrow strength from other regions and years \[[@pone.0171811.ref010]\]. Furthermore, mixed effects model provided an effective approach to estimate the effects of variables, observations of which could be unavailable \[[@pone.0171811.ref007],[@pone.0171811.ref008]\]. In this study, our survey data were quite poor: there were 23 blanks in the 6×6 (Regions-Years) data matrix ([Table 1](#pone.0171811.t001){ref-type="table"}), while mixed effects model effectively evaluated the effects of regions and years. In the future, more variations of LWR, such as sex, season, and growth stage should be considered in the mixed-effects model for Yellow Croaker. Conclusions {#sec016} =========== According to this study, the condition of Yellow Croaker declined in recent years and was skinny in the south, with worse condition than in the north. The values of condition factor *a* in LWR decreased, when the environmental pollution increased. Therefore, LWR could be a rough indicator for the environment quality. The mixed effects model provided a more convenient and reasonable approach to estimate the spatial and temporal variations of LWR for Yellow Croaker. Supporting information {#sec017} ====================== ###### Yield of Yellow Croaker in China. Data were derived from *China Fishery Statistical Yearbook* from 1956 to 2012. (TIF) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Length frequency of Yellow Croaker. (TIF) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### LWR differences of Yellow Croaker among regions and years from the LMEM (R&Y.I&S). a, b, and c were plots among regions; d, e, and f were plots among years. a and d plots cover the whole range of length; b and e plots cover the median part (Length = 12--16 cm); c and f plots cover the large size (Length = 16--22 cm). (TIF) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Parameters *a* and *b* distributions among regions and years. A and B plots were parameters variation among regions, with C and D plots among years. B and D plots zoom the main parts with high frequency. (TIF) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Distribution of condition factors relative to reference years of 1960 (A), 1986 (B), 2005(C), 2007 (D), 2008\~2009(E) and 2010(F). (TIF) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Monthly sample size of Yellow Croaker among regions and years. The detailed information of regions presents in [Table 1](#pone.0171811.t001){ref-type="table"}; no individuals were caught during February, March and April. (DOCX) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Condition factors of Yellow Croaker relative to reference year of 1960, 1986 and 2007, and the references LWR models. See the text for the definition of Kcur/1960, Kcur/1960 and Kcur/2007. (DOCX) ###### Click here for additional data file. We gratefully acknowledge our colleagues for their help with collecting the survey data. The manuscript was improved by the comments from Can Zhou, Corbin Hilling, and Dongyan Han. We also thank Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University to opportunities for Qiuyun to work on this study under supervision of Professor Yan Jiao. [^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. [^2]: **Conceptualization:** YJ.**Data curation:** QM.**Formal analysis:** QM YJ.**Funding acquisition:** YR.**Investigation:** YR.**Methodology:** QM.**Project administration:** YJ YR.**Resources:** YJ YR.**Software:** QM.**Supervision:** YJ YR.**Validation:** QM YJ.**Visualization:** QM.**Writing -- original draft:** QM.**Writing -- review & editing:** QM YJ YR.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
Q: Calculation of magnetic field saturation inside coil core I want to try to make an electromagnet, but I don't have soft-iron available. I've read that ferrite MnZn are suitable as soft-iron to create a high efficiency magnets with the inconvenient of lower magnetic saturation. I'd like to know If with my specifics I can occur in this saturation range. Magnet will be activated with a frequency of 10 kHz to control and keep current at 1A-1.5A. About 50 turns are applied. Dimensions of core are 10mm diameter and length 30mm Ferrite type is an MnZn. Relative permeability from datasheet 15000µ/µ₀ at 10kHz, permeability µ₀ 0.3*10-3 H/m at 10kHz. Applying this equation: B = µ₀ * N * I / L I've µ₀ 0.3*10-3 H/m N 50 I 1.5A L 0.030m B = 0.6 * 10-4 Can be this value be so low and can I be so far from saturation? Even if I apply 10A I'm very far from saturation. This mean that saturation is something that occur in very particular applications where high current, lengths and number of turn are involved? A: Apart from the fact that you are probably misusing the length dimension of the ferrite, you are also miscalculating flux density quite badly (See further below). The length dimension for a ferrite core is the closed loop length that the magnetic field travels along and, for an electromagnet, it has to include the air gap. Any small amount of air gap will reduce the effective pemeability of the core to a value closer to air. You need to calculate the effective permeability and not use the initial permeability stated in the material data sheets. Values \$μ_0 = 4π × 10−7\$ H/m \$μ_0\cdot μ_R = 0.01885\$ H/m \$H = \dfrac{NI}{\text{length}} = \$50 turns x 1 amp / 0.03 metres = 1667 amp_turns per metre Therefore B = 31.4 teslas. Can be this value be so low and can I be so far from saturation? No, you've made a math error somewhere.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
1. Field of the Invention This invention generally relates to the field of electronic data storage, analysis, and recovery. Specifically, the invention relates to a system used for arranging and organizing data backup, computing system operation data, storing system data, monitoring and analyzing collected historical system data, predicting a future system occurrence, taking the appropriate steps to notify a specified party of a future occurrence, and taking the appropriate steps to correct or prevent a future occurrence. 2. Description of Related Art Data backup is often recognized as a necessity for nearly all computer-based systems. Businesses and other enterprises that rely heavily on computer systems are often paralyzed in the event of a system failure or a data loss. These failures can lead to lost profits and high repair and recovery costs. Furthermore, many computer systems handle sensitive and valuable data, which holds significant value. Because of the importance and value of continuous system operation and reliable data storage, a number of methods have been devised for data backup. Many of these methods employ large data storage media (such as tapes, high-capacity hard drives, etc.) that are used to periodically transcribe a system's body of data. These backup systems, while effective in copying large amounts of data, have a number of shortcomings. Firstly, many systems do not employ a media management system, which tracks the appropriate media for a given backup. Secondly, present day backup systems do not continuously monitor a system's performance. And lastly, these systems are not able to predict when a system may become unstable, so that system failures can be predicted and prevented. Additionally, the software industry is currently developing within a paradigm of scarcity. There is not enough storage capacity for current needs, so as little as possible is stored. According to Moore's Law: “. . . computing power per unit cost will continue to grow exponentially.” “In this form, “Moore's law” has a factual basis and has proven useful for planning purposes. The most rigorous interpretation of Moore's law is that the total number of transistors on the cheapest CPU will grow exponentially at a constant rate and that this constant rate produces a doubling every 12 (or 18, or 24) months. This variant oversimplifies a complex history.” (Quoted from Wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore's law Assuming that doubling happens every 18 months, the industry, in all of its sub parts, will move from lack of capacity, to more than twice its current requirements. This shift to a “paradigm of plenty” needs to be recognized and understood in order to effectively capitalize on this increase in capacity. Excess capacity will exist in the form of both computing power and data storage. Two logical questions present themselves. What can be stored that we are not storing, and how can that data be used? We can only store what we have, but increased storage capacity will allow us to include a certain subset of data that is currently being thrown away because it cannot be effectively or economically stored and retrieved. For some industries, this has changed, and for others it will change in the future. A file stored on any digital system (DVD, CD, Hard Drive, Tape Drive, SAN, WAN, etc.) contains a tremendous amount of associated data (termed ‘meta-data’). In the example of a Hard Drive, such examples include file size, file creation date, last access date, last modification date, file permissions, and much more. A web server captures the number of times data was accessed, pages viewed, number of errors, and what IP address accessed the site. In most current systems, each of these pieces of information are recorded for a short time and then deleted. If not deleted, they are normally retained for liability purposes. In such a system, retained data is not stored in an effective manner. Using the proposed platform as described herein, the data can now be reconfigured to perform predictive analysis.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Bromine is used in a wide range of industries. For example, bromine is used in the manufacture of flameproofing agents, 1,2-dibromoethane (CH2BrCH2Br) (which is used as a petrol additive to prevent lead being deposited in cylinders), compounds used in photography (e.g. silver bromide, AgBr, which is the light sensitive material in film), dyestuffs and drugs; in the analytical laboratory in testing for unsaturation in organic compounds, where bromine adds across the multiple bonds of unsaturated compounds, as a disinfectant; and in making fumigants, water purification compounds, dyes, medicinals; and sanitizers. Bromine can be produced by oxidation of bromides using hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant. For example, the following reaction is suitable: H2O2+2HBrBr2+2H2O (Reaction (1)). Bromine can also be produced by oxidation of bromides using chlorine as the oxidant. For example, the following reaction is suitable: 2NaBr+Cl2Br2+2NaCl (Reaction (2)). U.S. Pat. No. 5,266,295 describes use of a strong acid, such as sulfuric or phosphoric acid, to improve effectiveness when hydrogen bromide is oxidized to bromine using hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant. However, process economics are affected by the addition of an acid; and in some cases an add source is not readily available. Each of Reactions (1) and (2) could benefit from the addition of catalysts to increase the percent conversion of bromide to bromine. Ammonium molybdate ((NH4+)2MoO4−) is a known oxidation catalyst to allow iodometric titration of H2O2. However, NH4+ is not a cation of choice for use as an additive in a commercial bromine tower. Thus in spite of currently available technologies, a need remains for commercially feasible methods that provide increased percent conversion when oxidizing bromides to produce bromine, and catalysts for use therein.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Camp Explorer Listed by Camppedia* Information about this camp has been collected by Camppedia from public sources. While we do our best to maintain accuracy please be aware that information might have errors or be out of date. The camp provider has not endorsed this information nor does this listing represent an endorsement by Camppedia of the camp provider. Please see our full terms for details. Claim your listing Learn from talented writers. Discover the power within to create, innovate, and connect with others. Listed by Camppedia* Information about this camp has been collected by Camppedia from public sources. While we do our best to maintain accuracy please be aware that information might have errors or be out of date. The camp provider has not endorsed this information nor does this listing represent an endorsement by Camppedia of the camp provider. Please see our full terms for details. Claim your listing Learn from talented writers. Discover the power within to create, innovate, and connect with others. Listed by Camppedia* Information about this camp has been collected by Camppedia from public sources. While we do our best to maintain accuracy please be aware that information might have errors or be out of date. The camp provider has not endorsed this information nor does this listing represent an endorsement by Camppedia of the camp provider. Please see our full terms for details. Claim your listing Learn from talented writers. Discover the power within to create, innovate, and connect with others. Listed by Camppedia* Information about this camp has been collected by Camppedia from public sources. While we do our best to maintain accuracy please be aware that information might have errors or be out of date. The camp provider has not endorsed this information nor does this listing represent an endorsement by Camppedia of the camp provider. Please see our full terms for details. Claim your listing Learn from talented writers. Discover the power within to create, innovate, and connect with others. Listed by Camppedia* Information about this camp has been collected by Camppedia from public sources. While we do our best to maintain accuracy please be aware that information might have errors or be out of date. The camp provider has not endorsed this information nor does this listing represent an endorsement by Camppedia of the camp provider. Please see our full terms for details. Claim your listing Learn from talented writers. Discover the power within to create, innovate, and connect with others. Listed by Camppedia* Information about this camp has been collected by Camppedia from public sources. While we do our best to maintain accuracy please be aware that information might have errors or be out of date. The camp provider has not endorsed this information nor does this listing represent an endorsement by Camppedia of the camp provider. Please see our full terms for details. Claim your listing Listed by Camppedia* Information about this camp has been collected by Camppedia from public sources. While we do our best to maintain accuracy please be aware that information might have errors or be out of date. The camp provider has not endorsed this information nor does this listing represent an endorsement by Camppedia of the camp provider. Please see our full terms for details. Claim your listing Listed by Camppedia* Information about this camp has been collected by Camppedia from public sources. While we do our best to maintain accuracy please be aware that information might have errors or be out of date. The camp provider has not endorsed this information nor does this listing represent an endorsement by Camppedia of the camp provider. Please see our full terms for details. Claim your listing Listed by Camppedia* Information about this camp has been collected by Camppedia from public sources. While we do our best to maintain accuracy please be aware that information might have errors or be out of date. The camp provider has not endorsed this information nor does this listing represent an endorsement by Camppedia of the camp provider. Please see our full terms for details. Claim your listing Listed by Camppedia* Information about this camp has been collected by Camppedia from public sources. While we do our best to maintain accuracy please be aware that information might have errors or be out of date. The camp provider has not endorsed this information nor does this listing represent an endorsement by Camppedia of the camp provider. Please see our full terms for details. Claim your listing Outdoors baseball camp. Hitting and fielding stations followed by a game. 6:1 camper to coach ratio
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
import { FocusZoneDirection } from '@fluentui/accessibility'; import { FocusTrapZone, FocusZone, FocusTrapZoneProps } from '@fluentui/react-bindings'; import * as React from 'react'; import * as ReactTestUtils from 'react-dom/test-utils'; import { keyboardKey } from '@fluentui/keyboard-key'; // rAF does not exist in node - let's mock it window.requestAnimationFrame = (callback: FrameRequestCallback) => { const r = window.setTimeout(callback, 0); jest.runAllTimers(); return r; }; jest.useFakeTimers(); class FocusTrapZoneTestComponent extends React.Component<{}, { isShowingFirst: boolean; isShowingSecond: boolean }> { constructor(props: {}) { super(props); this.state = { isShowingFirst: true, isShowingSecond: false }; } render() { return ( <div> <FocusTrapZone forceFocusInsideTrapOnOutsideFocus isClickableOutsideFocusTrap={false}> <button className={'a'} onClick={this._toggleFirst}> a </button> <button className={'b'} onClick={this._toggleSecond}> b </button> </FocusTrapZone> {this.state.isShowingFirst && ( <FocusTrapZone forceFocusInsideTrapOnOutsideFocus={false} isClickableOutsideFocusTrap={false}> <FocusZone data-is-visible={true}>First</FocusZone> </FocusTrapZone> )} {this.state.isShowingSecond && ( <FocusTrapZone forceFocusInsideTrapOnOutsideFocus={false} isClickableOutsideFocusTrap={true}> <FocusZone data-is-visible={true}>First</FocusZone> </FocusTrapZone> )} </div> ); } _toggleFirst = () => this.setState({ isShowingFirst: !this.state.isShowingFirst }); _toggleSecond = () => this.setState({ isShowingSecond: !this.state.isShowingSecond }); } describe('FocusTrapZone', () => { // document.activeElement can be used to detect activeElement after component mount, but it does not // update based on focus events due to limitations of ReactDOM. Use lastFocusedElement to detect focus // change events. let lastFocusedElement: HTMLElement | undefined; const ftzClassname = 'ftzTestClassname'; const _onFocus = (ev: any): void => (lastFocusedElement = ev.target); const setupElement = ( element: HTMLElement, { clientRect, isVisible = true, }: { clientRect: { top: number; left: number; bottom: number; right: number; }; isVisible?: boolean; }, ): void => { // @ts-ignore element.getBoundingClientRect = () => ({ top: clientRect.top, left: clientRect.left, bottom: clientRect.bottom, right: clientRect.right, width: clientRect.right - clientRect.left, height: clientRect.bottom - clientRect.top, }); element.setAttribute('data-is-visible', String(isVisible)); element.focus = () => ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(element); }; /** * Helper to get FocusTrapZone bumpers. Requires classname attribute of * 'ftzClassname' on FTZ. */ function getFtzBumpers( element: HTMLElement, ): { firstBumper: Element; lastBumper: Element; } { const ftz = element.querySelector(`.${ftzClassname}`) as HTMLElement; const ftzNodes = ftz.children; const firstBumper = ftzNodes[0]; const lastBumper = ftzNodes[ftzNodes.length - 1]; return { firstBumper, lastBumper }; } beforeEach(() => { lastFocusedElement = undefined; }); describe('Tab and shift-tab wrap at extreme ends of the FTZ', () => { it('can tab across FocusZones with different button structures', async () => { expect.assertions(3); const topLevelDiv = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument<{}>( <div onFocusCapture={_onFocus}> <FocusTrapZone forceFocusInsideTrapOnOutsideFocus={false} className={ftzClassname}> <FocusZone direction={FocusZoneDirection.horizontal} data-is-visible={true}> <div data-is-visible={true}> <button className="a">a</button> </div> <div data-is-visible={true}> <button className="b">b</button> </div> <div data-is-visible={true}> <button className="c">c</button> </div> </FocusZone> <FocusZone direction={FocusZoneDirection.horizontal} data-is-visible={true}> <div data-is-visible={true}> <div data-is-visible={true}> <button className="d">d</button> <button className="e">e</button> <button className="f">f</button> </div> </div> </FocusZone> </FocusTrapZone> </div>, ) as HTMLElement; const buttonA = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.a') as HTMLElement; const buttonB = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.b') as HTMLElement; const buttonC = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.c') as HTMLElement; const buttonD = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.d') as HTMLElement; const buttonE = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.e') as HTMLElement; const buttonF = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.f') as HTMLElement; // Assign bounding locations to buttons. setupElement(buttonA, { clientRect: { top: 0, bottom: 30, left: 0, right: 30 } }); setupElement(buttonB, { clientRect: { top: 0, bottom: 30, left: 30, right: 60 } }); setupElement(buttonC, { clientRect: { top: 0, bottom: 30, left: 60, right: 90 } }); setupElement(buttonD, { clientRect: { top: 30, bottom: 60, left: 0, right: 30 } }); setupElement(buttonE, { clientRect: { top: 30, bottom: 60, left: 30, right: 60 } }); setupElement(buttonF, { clientRect: { top: 30, bottom: 60, left: 60, right: 90 } }); const { firstBumper, lastBumper } = getFtzBumpers(topLevelDiv); ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(buttonA); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonA); // Simulate shift+tab event which would focus first bumper ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(firstBumper); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonD); // Simulate tab event which would focus last bumper ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(lastBumper); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonA); }); it('can tab across a FocusZone with different button structures', async () => { expect.assertions(3); const topLevelDiv = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument<{}>( <div onFocusCapture={_onFocus}> <FocusTrapZone forceFocusInsideTrapOnOutsideFocus={false} className={ftzClassname}> <div data-is-visible={true}> <button className="x">x</button> </div> <FocusZone direction={FocusZoneDirection.horizontal} data-is-visible={true}> <div data-is-visible={true}> <button className="a">a</button> </div> <div data-is-visible={true}> <div data-is-visible={true}> <button className="b">b</button> <button className="c">c</button> <button className="d">d</button> </div> </div> </FocusZone> </FocusTrapZone> </div>, ) as HTMLElement; const buttonX = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.x') as HTMLElement; const buttonA = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.a') as HTMLElement; const buttonB = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.b') as HTMLElement; const buttonC = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.c') as HTMLElement; const buttonD = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.d') as HTMLElement; const { firstBumper, lastBumper } = getFtzBumpers(topLevelDiv); // Assign bounding locations to buttons. setupElement(buttonX, { clientRect: { top: 0, bottom: 30, left: 0, right: 30 } }); setupElement(buttonA, { clientRect: { top: 0, bottom: 30, left: 0, right: 30 } }); setupElement(buttonB, { clientRect: { top: 0, bottom: 30, left: 30, right: 60 } }); setupElement(buttonC, { clientRect: { top: 0, bottom: 30, left: 60, right: 90 } }); setupElement(buttonD, { clientRect: { top: 30, bottom: 60, left: 0, right: 30 } }); ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(buttonX); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonX); // Simulate shift+tab event which would focus first bumper ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(firstBumper); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonA); // Simulate tab event which would focus last bumper ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(lastBumper); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonX); }); it('can trap focus when FTZ bookmark elements are FocusZones, and those elements have inner elements focused that are not the first inner element', async () => { expect.assertions(4); const topLevelDiv = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument<{}>( <div onFocusCapture={_onFocus}> <button className={'z1'}>z1</button> <FocusTrapZone forceFocusInsideTrapOnOutsideFocus={false} className={ftzClassname}> <FocusZone direction={FocusZoneDirection.horizontal} data-is-visible={true}> <button className={'a'}>a</button> <button className={'b'}>b</button> <button className={'c'}>c</button> </FocusZone> <button className={'d'}>d</button> <FocusZone direction={FocusZoneDirection.horizontal} data-is-visible={true}> <button className={'e'}>e</button> <button className={'f'}>f</button> <button className={'g'}>g</button> </FocusZone> </FocusTrapZone> <button className={'z2'}>z2</button> </div>, ) as HTMLElement; const buttonZ1 = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.z1') as HTMLElement; const buttonA = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.a') as HTMLElement; const buttonB = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.b') as HTMLElement; const buttonC = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.c') as HTMLElement; const buttonD = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.d') as HTMLElement; const buttonE = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.e') as HTMLElement; const buttonF = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.f') as HTMLElement; const buttonG = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.g') as HTMLElement; const buttonZ2 = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.z2') as HTMLElement; const { firstBumper, lastBumper } = getFtzBumpers(topLevelDiv); // Assign bounding locations to buttons. setupElement(buttonZ1, { clientRect: { top: 0, bottom: 10, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonA, { clientRect: { top: 10, bottom: 30, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonB, { clientRect: { top: 10, bottom: 30, left: 10, right: 20 } }); setupElement(buttonC, { clientRect: { top: 10, bottom: 30, left: 20, right: 30 } }); setupElement(buttonD, { clientRect: { top: 30, bottom: 40, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonE, { clientRect: { top: 40, bottom: 60, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonF, { clientRect: { top: 40, bottom: 60, left: 10, right: 20 } }); setupElement(buttonG, { clientRect: { top: 40, bottom: 60, left: 20, right: 30 } }); setupElement(buttonZ2, { clientRect: { top: 60, bottom: 70, left: 0, right: 10 } }); // Focus the middle button in the first FZ. ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(buttonA); ReactTestUtils.Simulate.keyDown(buttonA, { which: keyboardKey.ArrowRight }); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonB); // Focus the middle button in the second FZ. ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(buttonE); ReactTestUtils.Simulate.keyDown(buttonE, { which: keyboardKey.ArrowRight }); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonF); // Simulate tab event which would focus last bumper ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(lastBumper); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonB); // Simulate shift+tab event which would focus first bumper ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(firstBumper); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonF); }); }); describe('Tab and shift-tab do nothing (keep focus where it is) when the FTZ contains 0 tabbable items', () => { function setupTest(props: FocusTrapZoneProps) { const topLevelDiv = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument<{}>( <div onFocusCapture={_onFocus}> <button className={'z1'}>z1</button> <FocusTrapZone className={ftzClassname} forceFocusInsideTrapOnOutsideFocus={true} {...props}> <button className={'a'} tabIndex={-1}> a </button> <button className={'b'} tabIndex={-1}> b </button> <button className={'c'} tabIndex={-1}> c </button> </FocusTrapZone> <button className={'z2'}>z2</button> </div>, ) as HTMLElement; const buttonZ1 = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.z1') as HTMLElement; const buttonA = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.a') as HTMLElement; const buttonB = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.b') as HTMLElement; const buttonC = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.c') as HTMLElement; const buttonZ2 = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.z2') as HTMLElement; const { firstBumper, lastBumper } = getFtzBumpers(topLevelDiv); // Have to set bumpers as "visible" for focus utilities to find them. // This is needed for 0 tabbable element tests to make sure that next tabbable element // from one bumper is the other bumper. firstBumper.setAttribute('data-is-visible', String(true)); lastBumper.setAttribute('data-is-visible', String(true)); // Assign bounding locations to buttons. setupElement(buttonZ1, { clientRect: { top: 0, bottom: 10, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonA, { clientRect: { top: 10, bottom: 20, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonB, { clientRect: { top: 20, bottom: 30, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonC, { clientRect: { top: 30, bottom: 40, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonZ2, { clientRect: { top: 40, bottom: 50, left: 0, right: 10 } }); return { buttonZ1, buttonA, buttonB, buttonC, buttonZ2, firstBumper, lastBumper }; } it('focuses first focusable element when focusing first bumper', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { buttonB, buttonA, firstBumper } = setupTest({}); ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(buttonB); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonB); // Simulate shift+tab event which would focus first bumper ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(firstBumper); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonA); }); it('focuses first focusable element when focusing last bumper', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { buttonA, buttonB, lastBumper } = setupTest({}); ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(buttonB); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonB); // Simulate tab event which would focus last bumper ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(lastBumper); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonA); }); }); describe('Focus behavior based on default and explicit prop values', () => { function setupTest(props: FocusTrapZoneProps) { // data-is-visible is embedded in buttons here for testing focus behavior on initial render. // Components have to be marked visible before setupElement has a chance to apply the data-is-visible attribute. const topLevelDiv = (ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <div> <div onFocusCapture={_onFocus}> <button className={'z1'}>z1</button> <FocusTrapZone data-is-visible={true} {...props} className={ftzClassname}> <button className={'a'} data-is-visible={true}> a </button> <button className={'b'} data-is-visible={true}> b </button> <button className={'c'} data-is-visible={true}> c </button> </FocusTrapZone> <button className={'z2'}>z2</button> </div> </div>, ) as unknown) as HTMLElement; const buttonZ1 = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.z1') as HTMLElement; const buttonA = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.a') as HTMLElement; const buttonB = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.b') as HTMLElement; const buttonC = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.c') as HTMLElement; const buttonZ2 = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.z2') as HTMLElement; const { firstBumper, lastBumper } = getFtzBumpers(topLevelDiv); // Assign bounding locations to buttons. setupElement(buttonZ1, { clientRect: { top: 0, bottom: 10, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonA, { clientRect: { top: 10, bottom: 20, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonB, { clientRect: { top: 20, bottom: 30, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonC, { clientRect: { top: 30, bottom: 40, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonZ2, { clientRect: { top: 40, bottom: 50, left: 0, right: 10 } }); return { buttonZ1, buttonA, buttonB, buttonC, buttonZ2, firstBumper, lastBumper }; } it('Focuses first element when FTZ does not have focus and first bumper receives focus', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { buttonA, buttonZ1, firstBumper } = setupTest({ isClickableOutsideFocusTrap: true }); ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(buttonZ1); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonZ1); ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(firstBumper); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonA); }); it('Focuses last element when FTZ does not have focus and last bumper receives focus', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { buttonC, buttonZ2, lastBumper } = setupTest({ isClickableOutsideFocusTrap: true }); ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(buttonZ2); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonZ2); ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(lastBumper); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonC); }); it('Focuses first on mount', async () => { expect.assertions(1); const { buttonA } = setupTest({}); expect(document.activeElement).toBe(buttonA); }); it('Does not focus first on mount with disableFirstFocus', async () => { expect.assertions(1); const activeElement = document.activeElement; setupTest({ disableFirstFocus: true }); // document.activeElement can be used to detect activeElement after component mount, but it does not // update based on focus events due to limitations of ReactDOM. // Make sure activeElement didn't change. expect(document.activeElement).toBe(activeElement); }); it('Does not focus first on mount while disabled', async () => { expect.assertions(1); const activeElement = document.activeElement; setupTest({ disabled: true }); // document.activeElement can be used to detect activeElement after component mount, but it does not // update based on focus events due to limitations of ReactDOM. // Make sure activeElement didn't change. expect(document.activeElement).toBe(activeElement); }); it('Focuses on firstFocusableSelector on mount', async () => { expect.assertions(1); const { buttonC } = setupTest({ firstFocusableSelector: '.c' }); expect(document.activeElement).toBe(buttonC); }); it('Does not focus on firstFocusableSelector on mount while disabled', async () => { expect.assertions(1); const activeElement = document.activeElement; setupTest({ firstFocusableSelector: '.c', disabled: true }); expect(document.activeElement).toBe(activeElement); }); it('Falls back to first focusable element with invalid firstFocusableSelector', async () => { const { buttonA } = setupTest({ firstFocusableSelector: '.invalidSelector' }); expect(document.activeElement).toBe(buttonA); }); }); describe('Focusing the FTZ', () => { function setupTest(focusPreviouslyFocusedInnerElement: boolean) { let focusTrapZoneRef: FocusTrapZone | null = null; const topLevelDiv = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument<{}>( <div onFocusCapture={_onFocus}> <FocusTrapZone forceFocusInsideTrapOnOutsideFocus={false} focusPreviouslyFocusedInnerElement={focusPreviouslyFocusedInnerElement} data-is-focusable={true} ref={ftz => { focusTrapZoneRef = ftz; }} > <button className={'f'}>f</button> <FocusZone> <button className={'a'}>a</button> <button className={'b'}>b</button> </FocusZone> </FocusTrapZone> <button className={'z'}>z</button> </div>, ) as HTMLElement; const buttonF = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.f') as HTMLElement; const buttonA = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.a') as HTMLElement; const buttonB = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.b') as HTMLElement; const buttonZ = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.z') as HTMLElement; // Assign bounding locations to buttons. setupElement(buttonF, { clientRect: { top: 0, bottom: 10, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonA, { clientRect: { top: 10, bottom: 20, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonB, { clientRect: { top: 20, bottom: 30, left: 0, right: 10 } }); setupElement(buttonZ, { clientRect: { top: 30, bottom: 40, left: 0, right: 10 } }); return { focusTrapZone: focusTrapZoneRef, buttonF, buttonA, buttonB, buttonZ }; } it('goes to previously focused element when focusing the FTZ', async () => { expect.assertions(4); const { focusTrapZone, buttonF, buttonB, buttonZ } = setupTest(true /* focusPreviouslyFocusedInnerElement */); // By calling `componentDidMount`, FTZ will behave as just initialized and focus needed element // @ts-ignore focusTrapZone.componentDidMount(); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonF); // Focus inside the trap zone, not the first element. ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(buttonB); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonB); // Focus outside the trap zone ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(buttonZ); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonZ); // By calling `componentDidMount`, FTZ will behave as just initialized and focus needed element // FTZ should return to originally focused inner element. // @ts-ignore focusTrapZone.componentDidMount(); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonB); }); it('goes to first focusable element when focusing the FTZ', async () => { expect.assertions(4); const { focusTrapZone, buttonF, buttonB, buttonZ } = setupTest(false /* focusPreviouslyFocusedInnerElement */); // By calling `componentDidMount`, FTZ will behave as just initialized and focus needed element // Focus within should go to 1st focusable inner element. // @ts-ignore focusTrapZone.componentDidMount(); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonF); // Focus inside the trap zone, not the first element. ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(buttonB); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonB); // Focus outside the trap zone ReactTestUtils.Simulate.focus(buttonZ); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonZ); // By calling `componentDidMount`, FTZ will behave as just initialized and focus needed element // Focus should go to the first focusable element // @ts-ignore focusTrapZone.componentDidMount(); expect(lastFocusedElement).toBe(buttonF); }); }); describe('Nested FocusTrapZones Stack Behavior', () => { const getFocusStack = (): FocusTrapZone[] => (FocusTrapZone as any)._focusStack; beforeAll(() => (getFocusStack().length = 0)); it('FocusTrapZone maintains a proper stack of FocusTrapZones as more are mounted/unmounted.', async () => { let focusTrapZoneFocusStack: FocusTrapZone[] = getFocusStack(); const topLevelDiv = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument<{}>( <div> <FocusTrapZoneTestComponent /> </div>, ) as HTMLElement; const buttonA = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.a') as HTMLElement; const buttonB = topLevelDiv.querySelector('.b') as HTMLElement; expect(focusTrapZoneFocusStack.length).toBe(2); const baseFocusTrapZone = focusTrapZoneFocusStack[0]; expect(baseFocusTrapZone.props.forceFocusInsideTrapOnOutsideFocus).toBe(true); expect(baseFocusTrapZone.props.isClickableOutsideFocusTrap).toBe(false); const firstFocusTrapZone = focusTrapZoneFocusStack[1]; expect(firstFocusTrapZone.props.forceFocusInsideTrapOnOutsideFocus).toBe(false); expect(firstFocusTrapZone.props.isClickableOutsideFocusTrap).toBe(false); // There should be now 3 focus trap zones (base/first/second) ReactTestUtils.Simulate.click(buttonB); expect(focusTrapZoneFocusStack.length).toBe(3); expect(focusTrapZoneFocusStack[0]).toBe(baseFocusTrapZone); expect(focusTrapZoneFocusStack[1]).toBe(firstFocusTrapZone); const secondFocusTrapZone = focusTrapZoneFocusStack[2]; expect(secondFocusTrapZone.props.forceFocusInsideTrapOnOutsideFocus).toBe(false); expect(secondFocusTrapZone.props.isClickableOutsideFocusTrap).toBe(true); // we remove the middle one // unmounting a focus trap zone should remove it from the focus stack. // but we also check that it removes the right focustrapzone (the middle one) ReactTestUtils.Simulate.click(buttonA); focusTrapZoneFocusStack = getFocusStack(); expect(focusTrapZoneFocusStack.length).toBe(2); expect(focusTrapZoneFocusStack[0]).toBe(baseFocusTrapZone); expect(focusTrapZoneFocusStack[1]).toBe(secondFocusTrapZone); // finally remove the last focus trap zone. ReactTestUtils.Simulate.click(buttonB); focusTrapZoneFocusStack = getFocusStack(); expect(focusTrapZoneFocusStack.length).toBe(1); expect(focusTrapZoneFocusStack[0]).toBe(baseFocusTrapZone); }); }); });
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
En ny meningsmåling utført av Respons Analyse for Foreningen Tryggere Ruspolitikk, som arbeider for liberalisering av narkotikalovgivningen, viser en større andel som har liberale holdninger enn i tidligere undersøkelser, som gjerne har vært bestilt av avholdsorganisasjonen Actis.* (Se intervju med foreningens nestleder Bård Standal.) Meningsmålingen kan lastes ned her. Denne målingen spør eksplisitt om egen bruk og besittelse av illegale rusmidler kun til egen bruk, for å få frem et skille mellom brukere og selgere. Som kjent har helseminister Bent Høie tatt til orde for at bruk ikke lenger skal rettsforfølges gjennom bøter og i ytterste konsekvens fengsel, men er en sak for helsevesen og sosialomsorg. Undersøkelsen viser at to av tre (67-33) er uenig i dette, dersom vi ser bort fra de tolv prosentene som svarer vet ikke. Et klart flertall vil altså at egen bruk fremdeles skal være straffbart. Menn, de med lavere utdanning og de som bor i Oslo er noe mer liberale, og de yngste klart mer liberale. Blant dem under 24 år mener 44 prosent at slik bruk og besittelse ikke skal straffes.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- The University of Michigan men's basketball team opened its 2006-07 season today (Nov. 2) with an 85-51 exhibition win over Wayne State at Crisler Arena. The Wolverines used stifling defense to hold the Warriors to just 16 first half points, limiting to Wayne State to just 18.5-percent from the floor (5-for-27), and holding WSU scoreless for almost seven minutes. Michigan built up a 20-point lead by halftime, which was never relinquished as the Maize and Blue controlled play throughout the second half en route to the victory. Fifth-year senior Lester Abram(Pontiac, Mich./Northern HS) led a trio of double-digit scorers with a team-high 19 points on 6-for-9 shooting, including 3-for-4 downtown and a perfect 4-for-4 from the charity stripe. Abram also collected two rebounds and a pair of assists in 24 minutes of action. Senior Dion Harris(Detroit, Mich./Redford HS) complemented Abram in the backcourt, with 13 points on 5-for-10 shooting in addition to tallying six rebounds, five assists and a steal. Rounding out the double-digit scorers was freshman Reed Baker(Fort Myers, Fla./Bishop Verot HS) who finished with 13 points on 4-for-4 shooting, all coming from three-point range. He also had five rebounds and an assist. Senior Brent Petway(McDonough, Ga./Griffin HS) added five points, eight defensive rebounds, two assists and four blocks. After a slow start, featuring a pair of turnovers by both teams, the Wolverines entered the game's first timeout at 14:35 with a 10-3 advantage. Leading the charge for U-M was Abram, who connected on two three-pointers, including a long ball from the left-wing, during a 4-on-2 fast break situation at 16:54. The senior captain connected on the next trip down court with another three, this time on the opposite side of the court, giving the Wolverines a 6-3 lead at 16:15 in the first half. Petway and senior Courtney Sims(Boston, Mass./Noble & Greenough HS) completed Abram's hot outside shooting with a bucket apiece, giving Michigan the early seven-point lead and forcing a WSU timeout. Out of the break, Wayne State cut the U-M advantage to 10-8 on a Jason Saddler lay-up and a three-point field goal by guard Will Pierce. The Warriors' two-point deficit would be their smallest of the remaining first stanza, as the Wolverines began to mount an overwhelming 20-point halftime lead. The Wolverines' strong play continued, putting the defensive clamps on Wayne State with Petway keying the U-M intensity with four first half blocks, sparking a Maize and Blue 15-3 run over the next six and a half minutes to put the score at 29-11with 3:56 left before halftime. Harris produced eight points during the run, with two long range triples. His first three, at 8:45, came from NBA range, giving Michigan a 17-10 lead. The teams exchanged baskets for the remainder of the first half, but a pair of free-throws by Abram, with just five-seconds left, gave Michigan a 36-16 advantage at the break. The second half picked up right where the Wolverines left off, as their swarming defense --balanced with good offensive execution -- was too much for the Warriors. U-M went on a 10-2 run to open the half, building a 28-point lead, 46-18. Wayne State tried to find a little breathing room, as the Warriors went on a 14-7 run over the next five minutes to trim the Wolverine lead to 21. The lead, however, was too much for Wayne State to overcome, as two triples from Baker, during a 14-0 U-M run, helped push the Michigan advantage to 67-32 with 7:51 left in the ballgame. Despite a small 7-0 spurt by Wayne State late in the contest, U-M closed out the Warriors as redshirt-freshman Kendric Price(Boston, Mass./Buckingham Browne & Nichols HS) finished with seven of the last 13 Maize and Blue points, including two rim rattling dunks off turnovers, solidifying a 85-51 Wolverine win. The Wolverines return to Crisler Arena on Sunday (Nov. 5), hosting Michigan Tech for their second and final exhibition game of the season, with tipoff at 2 p.m. To order tickets, call the Michigan Athletic Ticket Office at (866) 296-MTIX or (734) 764-0247, log on to mgoblue.com/tickets, or visit the U-M Ticket Office on the first floor of Weidenbach Hall.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
This invention relates to an improved cassette magnetic tape recording/reproducing apparatus. The prior art discloses magnetic tape cassette recorder/players of a type adapted for selecting a single recording from among many recorded on a single magnetic tape. In the conventional apparatus, a movable plate, which carries a magnetic head, is moved backward against the strong elastic force of a spring by an electromagnetically operated plunger. However, operation of the plunger requires a relatively large amount of electricity and creates mechanical noise. Further, the conventional plunger mechanism is complicated in construction and costly.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Aglossa rabatalis Aglossa rabatalis is a species of snout moth in the genus Aglossa. It was described by Joseph de Joannis in 1923 and is known from Morocco and France. The wingspan is about 18 mm. References Category:Moths described in 1923 Category:Pyralini Category:Moths of Europe Category:Moths of Africa
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Barbosa is pretty much just like George Hill. I suppose Barbosa is an upgrade over AJ Price but I'm not sure how Barbosa has been ever since he left Phoenix. It's not a bad deal for Indiana since it was just a 2nd rounder for him. I don't think this puts them up for contention though. Barbosa can still score. He can shoot, drive, has a floater, but that's about it. He is not a passer, his mindset is to score. He plays chancy defense; will go for the steals and surprise you with a block from time to time. Can still fill the 6th man role very nicely... Second, this guy is great. He's a scorer, not a bad defender, decent enough passer. He can shoot and he gets to the rim. Like George Hill, a combo style player. He needed to be traded because Toronto isn't any good and he's too valuable a piece for good teams. And Indiana is way way way under the cap anyway. AJ Price is now the 3rd guard off the bench. Maybe worth a trade from someone else. (Not that I think that whole progression of the trade means anything but I'll take any opportunity to rip into the man who has run the Raptors into the ground.) I'm glad Barbosa is gone though. He's not a good player anymore but sometimes he scored the Raptors back into games which was frustrating when the team should be tanking. He had no future in Toronto and was a waste of space and shot attempts. (Not that I think that whole progression of the trade means anything but I'll take any opportunity to rip into the man who has run the Raptors into the ground.) I'm glad Barbosa is gone though. He's not a good player anymore but sometimes he scored the Raptors back into games which was frustrating when the team should be tanking. He had no future in Toronto and was a waste of space and shot attempts. This. While I don't particularly care much for this deal it was painful to see Barbosa there every night chucking us into the game, this move (while very little return) will help us tank even more for the lottery.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: SQL Join Tables Apply Value Only Once To Each Set I need to join two tables together. However, the table being joined must only apply its value once to a set a rows with the same value. This is what I mean... TABLE JOIN I WANT IS BELOW ** LOGGED HOURS ** ** SICK HOURS ** ** RESULT TABLE ** +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+-------+ |Name | Hours | |Name | Hours | |Name |Hours |Sick | +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+-------+ |David |47 | |David |9 | |David |47 |9 | +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+-------+ |David |9 | |David |9 |0 | +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+-------+ NORMAL LEFT TABLE JOIN RESULT: ** LOGGED HOURS ** ** SICK HOURS ** ** RESULT TABLE ** +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+-------+ |Name | Hours | |Name | Hours | |Name |Hours |Sick | +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+-------+ |David |47 | |David |9 | |David |47 |9 | +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+-------+ |David |9 | |David |9 |9 | +--------+-------+ +--------+-------+-------+ Notice, 9 is applied to EACH row in a normal left table join. I want 9 to be applied ONLY ONCE to the set of rows whose name is DAVID. Feel free to as any questions, thanks. EDIT: If you're going to down-vote my question, please provide the courtesy of explaining why and how I can improve my question in the future. Thank you. A: Since you just want a single record for each "Name" to get your sick hours and the selection can be arbitrary, you can use a Window Function: SELECT LoggedHours.Name, LoggedHours.Hours, CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY LoggedHours.Name ORDER BY 1) = 1 THEN SickHours.Hours ELSE NULL END AS SickHoursLogged FROM LoggedHours LEFT OUTER JOIN SickHours on LoggedHours.Name = SickHours.Name So... that Window/Analytics function says: Split the result set by Name (group of records with "David" for example) and order them by whatever. Then give that group of records row numbers starting at 1. If this particular record is row 1, then it gets the sick hours from the SickHours table. Otherwise it gets Null. If... you wanted it to not be arbitrary, but instead wanted the record with the largest logged hours for each person to get the sick hours, you could change that ROW_NUMBER() function to: ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY LoggedHours.Name ORDER BY LoggedHours.Hours DESC) = 1
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
# Created by: Sean Farley <[email protected]> # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= Mknod PORTVERSION= 0.02 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= devel perl5 MASTER_SITES= CPAN MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= CPAN:RLZWART PKGNAMEPREFIX= p5- MAINTAINER= [email protected] COMMENT= Perl module interface to the mknod(2) system call USES= perl5 USE_PERL5= configure MANPREFIX= ${PREFIX}/${SITE_PERL_REL} .include <bsd.port.mk>
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Peripheral chemoreceptor insensitivity in chronic severe anaemia. Ventilatory response to central and peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation by carbon dioxide was assessed in 15 severely and chronically anaemic subjects before and after the correction of anaemia. Whereas the central CO2 responsiveness was found to be normal in the anaemic state, the peripheral response to CO2 was remarkably depressed. This blunted peripheral response to CO2 was restored to normal with the correction of anaemia.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Wonka Vision Wonka Vision was an American music magazine. History While Justin Luczejko was attending high school, he started Wonka Vision with two friends in 1998; a twenty-page zine that they copied at an OfficeMax store. Philadelphia City Paper describes Wonka Vision as an "ambitious music and pop culture zine started as a creative outlet for a kid stranded in suburbia." The name comes from the 1971 film, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. In 2001 Wonka Vision also became a record label. Wonka Vision ceased publication in 2010. On April 14, 2019, Wonka Vision founder Justin Luczejko was arrested in Philadelphia, PA on charges of aggravated assault, simple assault, and reckless endangerment. On February 2nd, 2020, he pleaded guilty to these charges and is currently serving three years of probation. Content Wonka Vision contains interviews, reviews, poetry, indie-punk and zine reviews, and "pointed leftist rants and bits of kitschy minutiae." The cover is printed in full color. Guitarist Colin Frangicetto did photography for the magazine. In a 2008 interview with South Philly Review, Luczejko explains that Wonka Vision "do[es] art, politics, anything that's sort of underground, on that edge [...] it's not just rock, we do hip-hop-always have-I grew up listening to rap, indie rock, hardcore, we've done what we love." The bimonthly magazine featured interviews, album reviews, and pop culture articles. References Citations Bibliography External links Category:1997 establishments in Pennsylvania Category:2010 disestablishments in Pennsylvania Category:American bimonthly magazines Category:American music magazines Category:Defunct magazines of the United States Category:Magazines established in 1997 Category:Magazines disestablished in 2010 Category:Magazines published in Pennsylvania Category:Media in Philadelphia
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
I sold my Nexus 7 and I don't miss it Over the weekend, I sold my beloved Nexus 7. As BetaNews readers may be aware, the tablet has given me some trouble over the last year. I had complaints with the pre-order process and the tablet's performance. However, despite these complaints, I enjoyed the tablet very much. I definitely got my use out of it -- I used it to watch TV, read magazines and access social media like Twitter and Google+. However, while I loved the Nexus 7, I heard rumors that a next-generation Nexus 7 was soon to be announced. And so, I sold my cherished tablet on Craigslist while it still had value -- there will likely be a fire sale once the successor is announced. I expected to take the money from the sale and put it towards a new tablet. I really wanted a Galaxy Note 8.0 but decided to wait for Google’s next Nexus tablet announcement. Waiting proved to be the right choice. Something strange happened when I got home from selling the Nexus 7. I didn’t really miss it; even on an emotional level. My smartphone, a Motorola RAZR Maxx HD, has a big enough screen to look at comfortably while lounging on the couch or laying in bed. My Chromebook is enough for casual web surfing and writing while my desktop handles all the other heavy lifting. I even own a Kindle Paperwhite which is far preferable for late-night reading than an LCD-based tablet like the Nexus 7. There is no room or need for a tablet in my life. While my RAZR Maxx HD doesn’t have a screen as large as the Samsung Note 2, it is still quite large at 4.7-inches. If my smartphone was smaller, I might still still see value in a tablet. This makes me wonder -- are large screen smartphones (particularly phablets) actually cannibalizing tablets? This is not my idea nor a new one, many journalists have proposed the question. However, it took the loss of my Nexus 7 to truly consider that tablets may just be a passing fad. So now, I’m tabletless and at a cross-roads in my digital life. Where do I go from here? Should I buy another tablet? If yes, which one and why? Tell me in the comments.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Risk factors for Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica infection in senegalese broiler-chicken flocks. Our objective was to assess the association of managerial practices, general hygiene and Salmonella infection in Senegalese broiler flocks. Seventy broilers farms were studied from January 2000 to December 2001 around Dakar. A questionnaire was submitted to the farmers and samples of fresh broiler droppings were taken. A 28.6% of the flocks were infected by Salmonella (mainly Hadar and Brancaster serovars). Salmonella infection of the previous flock (OR = 6.82) and of day-old chicks (OR = 3.73), frequent poultry farmers' visits (OR = 5.38) and keeping sick birds inside the farm (OR = 5.32) increased the risk of Salmonella infection. But, using antibiotics on day-old chicks (OR = 0.17) and a detergent for cleaning (OR = 0.16) decreased the risk.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
ANGELIC DIAMONDSCluster Pink Sapphire and Diamond 1.60ct Earrings 9K Yellow Gold - MoselleMoselle cluster pink sapphire and diamond 1.80ct earrings in a 9K Yellow Gold setting. Glamorous and stunning earrings with two oval shaped pink sapphire gemstones to create a 1.20 Carat weight, surrounded by a collection of round shaped diamonds with a 0.40 Carat total weight. The total Carat weight is based on both earrings combined and we also offer a free design service for any customised changes that you may require.4.97 stars, based on 132 reviews Regular price: £1152.4 £1152.4 Condition: New In stock! Order now!ERG6GEMYG9KPS Moselle cluster pink sapphire and diamond 1.80ct earrings in a 9K Yellow Gold setting. Glamorous and stunning earrings with two oval shaped pink sapphire gemstones to create a 1.20 Carat weight, surrounded by a collection of round shaped diamonds with a 0.40 Carat total weight. The total Carat weight is based on both earrings combined and we also offer a free design service for any customised changes that you may require. What It Comes With This item comes with the following: A complete diamond certificate, detailing the diamonds characteristics. more details.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Relationship between Pd oxidation states on TiO(2) and the photocatalytic oxidation behaviors of nitric oxide. This study has been undertaken to investigate the relationship between Pd oxidation states on TiO(2) photocatalysts and their photocatalytic oxidation behaviors of NO. Three types of Pd-modified TiO(2) with different Pd oxidation states were prepared by wet impregnation method, neutralization method and photodeposition method, respectively. And these Pd-modified photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectrum analysis (XPS), UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectra and temperature programmed desorption (TPD). It was found from XPS results that the dominant oxidation states of Pd on these Pd-modified TiO(2) catalysts were Pd(2+), PdO, and Pd(0), respectively. NO-TPD results showed that the NO adsorption capacity was improved greatly by the modification of Pd(2+) ions. The activity tests showed that Pd-modified TiO(2) by a wet impregnation method increased photocatalytic activity compared to pure TiO(2) (Degussa P25). It was concluded that Pd(2+) ions on as-prepared TiO(2) catalysts provided key contributions to the improvement of photocatalytic activity. However, Pd(0) and PdO deposits on TiO(2) almost had no positive effect on NO oxidation. The mechanism of photocatalytic oxidation of NO in gas phase over Pd-modified TiO(2) was also proposed.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
FILED UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS DEC 06 2011 MOLLY C. DWYER, CLERK FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT U.S. COURT OF APPEALS RICHARD RAYMOND TUITE, No. 09-56267 Petitioner - Appellant, D.C. No. 3:08-cv-01101-J-CAB Southern District of California, v. San Diego MICHAEL MARTEL, Warden, ORDER Respondent - Appellee. Before: NOONAN, BERZON, and CALLAHAN, Circuit Judges. The memorandum disposition filed on September 8, 2011 is hereby withdrawn. A new disposition will be filed. The majority of the panel votes to deny the petition for rehearing. Judge Callahan votes to grant the petition for rehearing. Judge Berzon votes to deny petition for rehearing en banc and Judge Noonan recommends denying the petition for rehearing en banc. Judge Callahan votes to grant the petition for rehearing en banc. The full court has been advised of the petition for rehearing en banc, and no judge of the court has requested a vote on whether to rehear the matter en banc. Fed. R. App. P. 35. The petition for rehearing is DENIED and the petition for rehearing en banc is DENIED. No further petitions for rehearing and for rehearing en banc will be entertained. 2 FILED NOT FOR PUBLICATION DEC 06 2011 MOLLY C. DWYER, CLERK UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS U.S. COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT RICHARD RAYMOND TUITE, No. 09-56267 Petitioner - Appellant, D.C. No. 3:08-cv-01101-J-CAB v. MEMORANDUM* MICHAEL MARTEL, Warden, Respondent - Appellee. Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of California Napoleon A. Jones, District Judge, Presiding Argued and Submitted December 9, 2010 Pasadena, California Before: NOONAN, BERZON, and CALLAHAN, Circuit Judges. Richard Raymond Tuite appeals the denial of his petition for a writ of habeas corpus. Applying Brecht v. Abrahamson, 507 U.S. 619 (1993), and holding that there is at least “grave doubt” as to whether the confrontation clause error at * This disposition is not appropriate for publication and is not precedent except as provided by 9th Cir. R. 36-3. The panel finds that a published opinion might cast unjust aspersions upon those not before the court. issue had a substantial and injurious effect or influence on the verdict, we reverse and remand. See Pulido v. Chrones, 629 F.3d 1007, 1012 (9th Cir. 2010). FACTS AND PROCEEDINGS On January 20, 1998, Stephanie Crowe, aged twelve, was stabbed nine times by knife in her own bed in her own bedroom. She had been on the phone about 10 p.m. and died before midnight. Her body was discovered by her grandmother about 6 a.m., the next day. Within two weeks of her death, the Escondido police had identified three teenage boys as suspects, had interrogated them, and had obtained confessions. On May 22, 1998, these suspects were indicted for Stephanie’s murder. The district attorney of San Diego County prepared the case for trial, calling on an F.B.I. expert, Mary Ellen O’Toole, for help in developing the case. But in February 1999, the state Attorney General dismissed the indictments without prejudice. This court recently reversed the dismissal of a § 1983 lawsuit brought by the former suspects against the investigating police officers, so that case is going forward. See Crowe v. County of San Diego, 608 F.3d 406 (9th Cir. 2010). Here, however, we consider only the record as it developed in Tuite’s criminal trial. That record shows that the day after Stephanie’s death, the police picked up Tuite, an itinerant known to have been as close as one quarter of a mile 2 to the Crowe house at one point on the fatal evening. They took hair samples and fingernail scrapings, photographed him and impounded some of his clothes, in particular a red turtleneck shirt and a white T-shirt. These items were examined on April 28, 1998 for bloodstains. Wetting the red shirt completely and using a fluoroscopic process, the police found no blood on the red shirt. The red shirt was subsequently photographed using a tripod that had previously been used at the scene of the crime without using protective coverings for the legs so as to avoid contamination. The white T-shirt had visible bloodstains and was sent to a laboratory for DNA testing. The test excluded Stephanie as the donor. Search of the Crowe house found no physical evidence of Tuite ever having been there. Tuite was a mentally deficient person, without known employment or home, who had been living in the San Diego area. On the evening of January 20, he had bothered three residences as he sought “the girl” or “Tracy.” After Stephanie’s death, he continued this quest during the rest of January, February and March 1998. Sometimes he annoyed residents enough that they called the police. On no occasion was he violent or did he use a weapon. The San Diego District Attorney recused himself. The state Attorney General took over the case. In May 2002, the Attorney General obtained the indictment of Tuite for murder in the first degree. 3 At trial, the state presented evidence that a criminologist in 1999 had retested the red shirt worn by Tuite and found Stephanie’s DNA in a stain on it; in April 2003, a second criminologist had retested Tuite’s white T-shirt and found her DNA on it. The defense countered these reports with expert testimony that the police could have inadvertently contaminated the shirts while they were in their custody as they investigated the case. O’Toole, the F.B.I. expert first retained by the district attorney to prosecute the boys, testified for the defense that in her judgment “the crime scene” reflected organization, that is, control of the victim and of surrounding events and circumstances so that the murder could be brought off without alarming the family members sleeping nearby, and without the murderer leaving fingerprints or the murder weapon. The prosecution rebutted O’Toole with its last witness, Gregg O. McCrary, who had been an agent of the F.B.I. for nearly thirty years, and was now in the business of consulting on criminal behavior. He testified that the crime scene was, on the whole, “disorganized,” reflecting a random attack. The defense moved to impeach McCrary by cross-examining him on a letter he had written, attacking O’Toole’s analysis of the crime scene, accusing her of undermining the prosecution of this case, suggesting that she had acted unethically, and expressing a strong desire that O’Toole be persuaded not to testify at Tuite’s 4 trial. After a hearing outside the presence of the jury, the court excluded the letter and cross-examination based on the letter. McCrary’s excluded letter, dated February 24, 2004, was written to the International Criminal Investigative Analysis Fellowship (ICIAF) about O’Toole’s proposed testimony for the defense, and what he termed “ethical issue[s]” that testimony raised. He wrote that Tuite was the “true killer,” and that he was hopeful O’Toole would not testify. He went on: Neither the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office nor the Office of the Attorney General for the State of California has requested the assistance of the NCAVC [National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime] or the ICIAF in this matter. Both agencies are shocked and dismayed that Mary Ellen O’Toole, a representative of both the FBI and [the] ICIAF, has injected herself into this case in what they view as an attempt to obstruct justice and undermine the successful prosecution of Richard Tuite. (emphasis added). At the hearing, McCrary admitted that he had not spoken to anyone from the Sheriff’s Office. He also admitted that no one had accused O’Toole of obstructing justice or undermining Tuite’s prosecution. A jury found Tuite guilty of manslaughter. The court sentenced him to thirteen years imprisonment. He appealed to the California Court of Appeal for the Fourth District, which found that the trial court had committed constitutional error in excluding McCrary’s letter and cross-examination on it, but held the error to be 5 harmless and affirmed. The Supreme Court of California denied review. The federal district court denied Tuite’s petition for habeas. Tuite’s appeal to us focuses on the California’s court’s ruling of harmlessness. That court held: Under the above-stated legal principles, we agree Tuite’s counsel should have been allowed to cross-examine McCrary about his February 24, 2004 letter, and the trial court violated Tuite’s constitutional right to confront adverse witnesses when it precluded such cross-examination. The letter was relevant because it demonstrated bias and impacted McCrary’s credibility in a manner that could lead a reasonable jury to question the reliability and validity of his testimony. (See Evid. Code, §§ 210, 780, subd. (f).) The letter bore directly on McCrary’s credibility and reliability by indicating McCrary had a personal interest in convicting Tuite, whom he referred to as “the true killer.” The letter also demonstrated McCrary had prejudged Tuite’s case and was acting more as an advocate for the prosecution than as a forensic expert. Moreover, McCrary’s unusual attempt to dissuade O’Toole from testifying revealed a bias in favor of the prosecution and a bias against O’Toole. The letter also revealed McCrary’s tendency to exaggerate; his statement that the sheriff’s office and the prosecuting agency viewed O’Toole as obstructing justice was not only a gross overstatement but was also unreliable because no one from the sheriff’s office had talked to him about O’Toole’s upcoming testimony. For all these reasons, it is likely that a reasonable jury would have received “a significantly different impression of [the witness’s] credibility had [the excluded cross-examination] been permitted.” (Delaware v. Van Arsdall, supra, 475 U.S. at p. 680). Nonetheless, the court of appeal held this constitutional error to be harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. 6 The court of appeal weighed the harm of the constitutional error. It held that the jury itself was informed of the elements making up “the crime scene”; the jury was not dependent on the experts in determining whether the crime scene was organized or disorganized. The court of appeal added: “Further, the error in excluding McCrary’s letter had no impact on the central evidence against Tuite – the DNA evidence that Tuite had Stephanie’s blood on his clothing.” In assessing the harmlessness of the constitutional error, however, the court of appeal left out of the account these considerations: (1) the improbability of the prosecution’s case – namely, that a stranger could enter a house he did not know without leaving any signs of forced entry, make his way to a bedroom occupied by a girl without being seen or heard by the five other family members in the house, be moved to kill a girl he did not know, and depart from the house leaving no trace of any kind of his having been there to commit a motiveless murder; (2) the lack of explanation regarding how Tuite could have entered or exited the home, given the fact that the door commonly used to enter and exit the home was found deadbolted from the inside the morning after the murder, and the other doors did not appear to have been used to enter or exit the house; (3) the jury’s view of the evidence as shown by the length of deliberations and the jury’s reported deadlock after a week of deliberation; (4) the jury’s compromise verdict of voluntary manslaughter rather 7 than murder, reached after another week of deliberation, a verdict virtually impossible to square with the evidence of a series of deliberate knife wounds inflicted on a helpless victim. The court of appeal did note the strength of the DNA evidence. But if that evidence had been seen as dispositive, the jury would neither have reported deadlock nor compromised in reaching a manslaughter verdict in a case in which the victim was stabbed nine times with a knife. In fact, members of the jury could well have regarded the DNA evidence as not entirely persuasive, given the contradictions between the earlier and later test results and the alternative, contamination explanation offered by the defense. No view of the evidence was advanced by the prosecutor or by the defense that would have justified mitigating murder, deliberately inflicted on a defenseless child, into a manslaughter conviction. Only a deeply-divided jury could have reached a compromise agreement of that sort. All these factors increase the likelihood that the Confrontation Clause error with regard to the expert testimony had a substantial and injurious effect on the verdict. Moreover, the court ignored the weight that McCrary’s testimony likely carried, given its strategic presentation. Coming at the end of a long trial, McCrary was presented by the prosecution as an essential rebuttal witness to O’Toole. He was her superior in experience and in his past position at the F.B.I. He was a 8 government witness no longer in government, speaking with apparent impartiality on his speciality while in government. Absent some reason not to do so, the jury would trust his honest evaluation of the scene. To establish that he was jealous and resentful of O’Toole, that he was seeking to dissuade her from testifying by sullying her reputation, that he had developed a personal interest in the case, and that he was willing to misrepresent the stance of two governmental agencies to maintain his position was to destroy the impartial, measured image of him presented by the prosecution. Without that evidence in the record, the prosecution was able to emphasize that McCrary was providing his testimony for free, so he had no motive to lie: But really interesting, it was fascinating to me, Gregg Mc Crary was criticized by the defense for coming into this courtroom and sharing with you his knowledge, his experience, his expertise and not charging us for it; while at the same time, Dr. Leo comes in and testifies and charges for it and he gets hammered for charging for it. What is it? Which is it? You do it for free, you got to be a creep; if you do it for money, you’re still bad, evil. You know, Gregg Mc Crary explained to you when he testified here he does things sometimes pro bono, for no charge, to the extent that he can. He does have to pay for a mortgage and he does have children and a family and obviously expenses. And I would submit to you that Gregg Mc Crary when he testified in this case was completely credible, it was an honor to have him in the courtroom, it was an honor to have him share his knowledge with us, and it was a courageous thing for him to do. He is a lifetime F.B.I. agent. 9 Having promoted him to “lifetime F.B.I. agent,” the prosecution emphasized McCrary’s independence and integrity and lack of personal animus in challenging O’Toole: Why would he be willing to do that? Because he could see how honestly wrong and inaccurate Ms. O’Toole was. It was courageous for him to do that. And for him to be criticized for not charging the prosecution, I feel like calling the Attorney General’s Office, calling Attorney General, or calling the Governor and saying, you know, I know we don’t have that much money, but isn’t it nice we got Mr. Mc Crary to testify and not charge. The prosecutor returned to attack O’Toole and to praise McCrary: I want to stay on the subject of means for a second. Let’s talk about crime scene assessment. There were two witnesses; the defense called. Mary Ellen O’Toole and we called Gregg Mc Crary. And you recall Mr. Mc Crary described to you his experience with the F.B.I. and crime scene assessment, had I would say phenomenal, extensive, international, the number of cases he’s been involved with, the number of crime scene assessments he’s been involved with, and the number of times that he has testified. Ms. O’Toole doesn’t have the benefit of that, of that experience. And I would submit to you that it was reflected in the work done and the conclusions drawn. If you recall, Gregg Mc Crary said for a crime scene assessment to be done, there are four things that you look at in combination. The four things are: all of the evidence, and we’ll talk about that in a second, victimology, the crime scene location, and suspect evidence. And he said something that I did think really kind of stands out; that is, if any one of those is ignored, then the findings become then 10 unreliable. And unfortunately, that is what Ms. O’Toole did. She ignored evidence in the evidence prong, if you will, and she ignored all of the suspect information. As a result, her findings were, honestly, flat-out inaccurate. As we were going through her findings, undoubtedly, as you were seated there, you probably were thinking, well, that is wrong, that is not true. You know organized versus disorganized. When you see the crime scene itself, there is nothing about the crime scene that is organized at all. And then luckily, Mr. Mc Crary can describe for you what an organized crime scene is, was actually involved in doing an organized case. It is not reflected in this case whatsoever. One of the things that stood out, I think, in Mr. Mc Crary’s testimony is simply the reality of it as he is touching on different factors. And, you know, we asked – asked him, well, you know, does luck have anything to do with basically in the commission of a crime? Oh yeah, of course it does. And you know in real life it does; good luck, bad luck, always has some – some play of what is going on. In this case there is a ton of both. Depends on who you are and which way you see it. With regard to, for example, Stephanie, it was all bad luck completely. In contrast to the prosecutor’s argument, as the California Court of Appeal recognized, “[t]he letter bore directly on McCrary’s credibility and reliability”; it showed that “McCrary had a personal interest in convicting Tuite”; that McCrary’s own letter showed that he “was acting more as an advocate for the prosecution than as a forensic witness.” His own letter “could lead a reasonable jury to question the reliability and validity of his testimony.” Moreover, the letter actually contained unsubstantiated accusations – that the San Diego Sheriff’s office and the office of 11 the Attorney General of California viewed O’Toole as “injecting herself into this case” in “an attempt to obstruct justice.” These were accusations made up by McCrary without foundation in fact. These accusations revealed a witness with a passionate animus against O’Toole. Cross examination on the letter would have significantly undermined his credibility to the jury. Given the lack of evidence tying Tuite to the crime, the problems with the DNA evidence, the jury’s deadlock and compromise verdict, and the weight and strategic position of McCrary’s testimony, this case is one of those “unusual” circumstances in which we find ourselves “in virtual equipose as to the harmlessness of the error.” O’Neal v. McAninch, 513 U.S. 432, 435 (1995). We must treat the error as affecting the verdict, and are compelled to grant the writ. Id. The state argues that, instead of or in addition to our analysis under Brecht concerning whether the confrontation clause error caused actual prejudice, AEDPA requires us to analyze whether the state appellate court's determination was unreasonable under Chapman v. California, 386 U.S. 18 (1967), again asking if the confrontation clause error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. In other words, the state, persistently and passionately, asks us to apply a standard of review less favorable to the state than the one we have employed. As the Supreme Court has recognized, the Brecht standard "obviously subsumes" "the more liberal 12 AEDPA/Chapman standard." Fry v. Plyler, 551 U.S. 112, 120 (2007). Therefore, "it certainly makes no sense to require formal application of both tests." Id. We note that -- as Fry predicts -- were we to apply the AEDPA/Chapman standard, we would conclude, for the same reasons stated in the text with regard to the Brecht standard, that the state court Chapman harmless error ruling was unreasonable. For the foregoing reason, the judgment of the district court is REVERSED and REMANDED with instruction to issue a conditional writ of habeas corpus. 13 FILED Tuite v. Martel, No. 09-56267 DEC 06 2011 MOLLY C. DWYER, CLERK CALLAHAN, Circuit Judge, dissenting: U.S. COURT OF APPEALS Tuite is entitled to habeas relief only if the error had a substantial, injurious effect on the verdict. Slovik v. Yates, 556 F.3d 747, 755 (9th Cir. 2009). Because the excluded cross-examination would likely have discredited both the prosecution’s and defense’s experts, and would have proven relatively unimportant in light of the other evidence at trial, I would affirm the denial of habeas relief. In assessing the effect of the error on the verdict, we assume that the damaging potential of the cross-examination would have been fully realized. Id. As the state court described, the cross-examination would have revealed McCrary’s strong personal bias toward the prosecution and against O’Toole, his belief that Tuite was guilty, and his ability to exaggerate. However, the potential damage cut both ways. O’Toole’s own credibility likely would have been sullied. In a cross-examination outside the jury’s presence, McCrary explained that O’Toole’s report of the crime had been “pulled” and that he had prepared the letter at someone else’s request for an ethics investigation. The jury might also have been influenced by McCrary’s assessment of Tuite’s guilt, given McCrary’s vast investigative experience. Additionally, in assessing the error’s effect we consider (1) the testimony’s 1 importance; (2) whether it was cumulative; (3) whether there was evidence that corroborated or contradicted the testimony’s material points; (4) the extent of cross-examination allowed; and (5) the full strength of the prosecution’s case. Id. 1. The dueling testimony was relatively unimportant to both sides, in light of the other evidence. As Tuite conceded, the DNA evidence was the strongest aspect of the prosecution’s case. The prosecution only used McCrary to rebut O’Toole’s testimony concerning whether the crime was organized. The defense’s case was directed toward establishing that the original suspects killed Stephanie. Most important to the defense’s case were the video and audiotapes of the suspects’ inculpating statements during their interrogations by the police. In addition to O’Toole’s testimony, the defense put on an expert who testified that the nature of the attack suggested more than one attacker. Moreover, the defense put on an expert who testified that after 600 hours of investigation, he had found nothing placing Tuite inside the house. 2. Although McCrary’s testimony was not cumulative of other testimony in favor of the prosecution, this factor is outweighed by the other factors that all suggest the error did not substantially affect the verdict. 3. The jury could assess for itself whether the extensive crime scene 2 evidence corroborated McCrary’s or O’Toole’s analysis. 4. Although the defense was prevented from fully exploring McCrary’s bias based on the letter, it was able to establish McCrary’s general bias for the prosecution as a paid witness. Further, defense counsel skillfully challenged McCrary’s interpretation of various crime scene factors and his final assessment that the crime scene was disorganized. 5. Despite the improbabilities of the commission of the crime, the prosecution had a workable theory on how it was done, and showed that Tuite was bold and irrational in his hunt for a girl on the night of the murder. Tuite had approached several homes looking for a “girl,” who he later declared he wanted to “kill.” Tuite had opened the front door of one of the homes. He was last seen that night heading up the road leading to Stephanie’s house, which was the only home on that part of the road. The prosecution showed that he could have entered through the laundry room door and left through one of two different doors.1 Further, although family members heard pounding in the house around the time of the murder, and Stephanie’s mother woke up and realized that her bedroom door was opened and shut, none of the family members investigated the noises. 1 Tuite’s ability to slip through the unfamiliar house seems less improbable in light of his wily escape from handcuffs and the courtroom holding tank during trial, which ended with his apprehension hours later in another town. 3 The jury was also presented with evidence placing Tuite in the house. Stephanie’s DNA was found on the shirt Tuite wore that night. Investigators found a wrapper from an uncommon cough drop and a torn Snickers bar wrapper in Tuite’s pockets, and found wrappers from the same cough drops and a torn Snickers wrapper in Stephanie’s room. Moreover, although the investigators did not find a knife on Tuite when he was detained the day after the murder, the jury received evidence that Tuite was found with a knife on three prior occasions. The DNA evidence was the strongest aspect of the prosecution’s case, although it was disputed. During its lengthy deliberations, the jury requested read backs of DNA testimony, but not the testimony at issue. In light of these considerations, I am convinced that the limitation on cross- examination did not have a substantial and injurious effect on the jury’s verdict. Thus, I would affirm the denial of habeas relief. 4
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the prime factors of s(v). 2, 31 Suppose 82*c - 105394 = 117236. What are the prime factors of c? 3, 5, 181 Let u(f) = -76*f**2 + 2*f - 1. Let k be u(1). Let m = k + 139. List the prime factors of m. 2 Let o = 2291 - 1280. List the prime factors of o. 3, 337 Let j(h) = -h**2 + 8*h - 2. Let u be j(8). Let n be ((-18)/(-21))/(u/(-182)). Suppose 6 = 3*c, -4*i + n = -i + 3*c. What are the prime factors of i? 2, 3 Let m be (36192/72)/(2/3). Suppose 9*s - m = 632. What are the prime factors of s? 2, 7, 11 What are the prime factors of 2/4 - (-37012)/152? 2, 61 Suppose 0 = f - k - 153, -2*f + 4*k = -k - 294. What are the prime factors of f? 157 Suppose 5*k - 2*k - 7 = 4*s, 5*k - 3*s = 19. Suppose k*d + 7 = 4*w - 13, 0 = -w + d + 4. Suppose -c + 32 = -w*c. What are the prime factors of c? 2 Suppose -9*u = -6*u - 3. Let x be u/(24/28 + -1). List the prime factors of (-201)/x - 2/(-7). 29 Let p = -1235 + 2643. List the prime factors of p. 2, 11 Suppose 0*d = 5*d - 60. Let w(r) = -23 + r + 12 + 13. List the prime factors of w(d). 2, 7 Let g(l) = 17*l**2 - 42*l - 12. What are the prime factors of g(9)? 3, 7, 47 Let a(f) be the first derivative of 8*f**3/3 - f**2/2 + 6*f - 8. What are the prime factors of a(-3)? 3 Suppose -7*m - 187 + 3883 = 0. List the prime factors of m. 2, 3, 11 Let r(c) = -c**3 - 2*c**2 - 7*c + 2. Let f be r(4). Let s = 215 + f. What are the prime factors of s? 3, 31 Suppose 0 = -2*r - 3*a + 3908, 51*a - 46*a + 9770 = 5*r. List the prime factors of r. 2, 977 Suppose a + 4 = 3*y - 8, 2*y - 4*a - 18 = 0. Suppose 0 = -h - y*f + 39, -2*h + 32 + 47 = 5*f. Suppose -h = -3*x + 30. What are the prime factors of x? 2, 3 Suppose 606*y = 601*y + 1240. List the prime factors of y. 2, 31 Suppose -35 - 349 = -6*k. List the prime factors of k. 2 Let k(x) = -x**3 - 5*x**2 - x - 1. Let c be k(-5). Let w be 10/c*6/15. Suppose -w - 1 = -o. List the prime factors of o. 2 Let v = -676 - -1435. What are the prime factors of v? 3, 11, 23 Let g = -40 - 4. Let q = 12 - g. List the prime factors of q. 2, 7 Suppose 3*s + 6 = -d + 2*s, 2*d = 3*s - 12. What are the prime factors of (258/(-18) + -1)/(4/d)? 23 Suppose 2*g - 2*q = 282, -3*g = -g - 4*q - 288. Let d = g + -41. List the prime factors of d. 97 Let y be (-623)/(-14) + (-3)/6. Suppose -f = 13 - y. Suppose 0 = 5*m - 2*c - f, -4*m - 7 = 3*c - 41. List the prime factors of m. 7 List the prime factors of (-25 + 1)*-7*4. 2, 3, 7 Suppose 0 = -2*g - 28*p + 29*p + 2850, -4*g + 5728 = 5*p. List the prime factors of g. 1427 Let p(j) = j**3 + 2*j**2. Let h be p(-2). Suppose u + 4*y + 7 = -58, u - 3*y + 30 = h. Let d = -23 - u. List the prime factors of d. 2, 11 Let r be (-92)/3*45/(-6). Suppose -r = -8*h + 3*h. What are the prime factors of h? 2, 23 Let a = 21 + -36. Let p = a - -3. Let s = p + 31. List the prime factors of s. 19 Let s = -17 - -21. Suppose 227 = 3*i + s*t, 0 = -i + t - 0*t + 85. List the prime factors of i. 3 Let u = -62 + 152. Suppose f - u = -f. What are the prime factors of f? 3, 5 Let j be 3/(-1) + -1 + 161. Suppose 5*k = 3*b - 214, -k + 467 - j = 5*b. List the prime factors of b. 3, 7 Suppose 13946 = 16*n - 4310. What are the prime factors of n? 7, 163 Let q(l) = 11*l + 50. Let n be 5/(25/10) + 3. List the prime factors of q(n). 3, 5, 7 Suppose -2*j - 5*t - 67 = 0, 0*j + 5*t = -3*j - 88. Suppose 2*s = -3*a - 2*a - 116, -3*s - 5*a = 164. Let r = j - s. What are the prime factors of r? 3 Suppose 4*w + 5*a - 2279 = 3*w, 0 = -w - a + 2259. List the prime factors of w. 2, 7, 23 Suppose -14*c + 150 = -9*c. List the prime factors of 15/c + 3/((-12)/(-230)). 2, 29 Let k be (2 - -7) + 0 + 4/(-2). Let o = k + 28. List the prime factors of o. 5, 7 Let p(n) = n**2 - 19*n - 137. List the prime factors of p(26). 3, 5 Let v(s) = -99*s + 176. List the prime factors of v(-17). 11, 13 Let u be (-12 - 1)/(3 + 1 + -3). What are the prime factors of (39/u - 184/6)*-3? 101 List the prime factors of 40/(-6)*(-17655)/110. 2, 5, 107 Suppose -4*f = -2*m - 22, 16 = -m - 3*m + f. Let o(l) = l + 2. Let b be o(m). List the prime factors of 2/(b + (-49)/(-47)). 47 Suppose -3131 = -7*g - 387. List the prime factors of g. 2, 7 Let i be (6 - -2)*(-42)/8. Let m = 49 + -55. List the prime factors of 14/i - 224/m. 37 Suppose 4*v + y = 18091, 51*v - y = 49*v + 9041. List the prime factors of v. 2, 7, 17, 19 Suppose 528 = -6*h + 126. Let m = h - -124. Let x = m + 1. List the prime factors of x. 2, 29 What are the prime factors of (-95)/4*(-1320)/75? 2, 11, 19 Suppose v - 821 = -2*z + 223, 4*z - 3130 = -3*v. What are the prime factors of v? 2, 521 Let i = -296 - -450. What are the prime factors of i? 2, 7, 11 Suppose 0 = -2*h - 2*h + 2*c - 10, 4*h - 5 = -3*c. Let v = h + 4. Suppose 0*z - 39 = -v*z. What are the prime factors of z? 13 Let q be 14/(-7)*(-2)/(-4). Let u(p) = -29*p**3 - 2*p - 1. Let v be u(q). Suppose -5*a - v = -5*y, 0*y - 2*a = 2*y + 4. List the prime factors of y. 2 Let m(g) = 5*g**3 - 10*g**2 + 14*g + 25. List the prime factors of m(8). 11, 17 Let k be 13541/66 + 2/(-12). What are the prime factors of ((-2)/2)/((-5)/k)? 41 Let b = 1399 + 673. List the prime factors of (102/(-8))/((-111)/b). 2, 7, 17 Suppose 3917 = -28*j + 14921. What are the prime factors of j? 3, 131 Suppose 2*g - 8 = 0, 0 = -3*w - 0*w + 2*g - 2. Suppose -86 = -w*t + 118. Let f = -60 + t. What are the prime factors of f? 2, 3, 7 Let r = 32 + -18. Let v = 27 - r. Suppose -b - 2 = -v. What are the prime factors of b? 11 Let l = 36 + -50. Let s be (12/l)/((-2)/(-14)). What are the prime factors of s/7*(-140)/10? 2, 3 Suppose 0*k - 5*k + 28 = -2*j, -k + 5*j + 24 = 0. Suppose 74 = 3*w + k*x - 12, 10 = 5*x. Suppose -5*l + w = -274. List the prime factors of l. 2, 3, 5 Let i = 80 + -221. Let k = 309 + i. List the prime factors of k. 2, 3, 7 Let w(f) = -f**2 + 6*f + 2. Let d be w(6). Suppose 4 = -d*l + 40. What are the prime factors of l + 3*(-8)/(-12)? 2, 5 Let n = -8 + 17. Let z = n + -13. What are the prime factors of 0 - -1*(3 - z)? 7 List the prime factors of 4064/40*(-5)/(-2). 2, 127 Let f = -5215 - -7301. What are the prime factors of f? 2, 7, 149 Suppose 24*x - 20*x - g = 1911, 0 = -x + 3*g + 486. List the prime factors of x. 3, 53 Suppose -3*k = 2*k - 15. Suppose -2*w + n = 18, -n + k*n - 28 = 3*w. What are the prime factors of (w + 7)/(1/(-19))? 19 Let y be 12/7 + ((-8)/(-7))/4. What are the prime factors of 0 + 158 + (y + -1 - 2)? 157 Let p(v) = 2*v + 11. Let s be p(16). Suppose -349 = -9*m - s. List the prime factors of m. 2, 17 Let t be -78 - (-1 - 8/(-4)). Let x = 157 + t. What are the prime factors of x? 2, 3, 13 Let z = 2450 - 1889. List the prime factors of z. 3, 11, 17 Suppose 0 = 5*o + 5, 3*g + o = 3*o + 41. Suppose -g*r + 18*r = 790. What are the prime factors of r? 2, 79 Let p be (-2)/(-6) + (-100)/(-6). Let d = -16 + p. List the prime factors of (8 - 31)*-1*d. 23 Let u = 83 + 623. What are the prime factors of u? 2, 353 Let u = 447 + 149. List the prime factors of u. 2, 149 Suppose -51*a - 1190 = -61*a. List the prime factors of a. 7, 17 Let w be (1 - -2) + 1 + -4. What are the prime factors of (w - 10/(-4))*32/20? 2 Let y(m) = -13*m**2 - 2*m + 4. Let j(g) = 12*g**2 + 2*g - 6. Let u(d) = -3*j(d) - 4*y(d). Let r be ((-1)/1*2)/1. What are the prime factors of u(r)? 2, 31 Suppose -9201 - 5450 = -13*l. What are the prime factors of l? 7, 23 Suppose 19*d = 27*d - 40. Suppose 1048 = d*j - 572. What are the prime factors of j? 2, 3 Suppose u = -4*u - k, 5*k = 5*u. List the prime factors of (17 + -57)*(-1 - u). 2, 5 Let g(u) = 4*u**2 + 11*u - u**2 - 3 + 0*u - 4*u**2. What are the prime factors of g(6)? 3 Let d(p) = p + 13. Let a be d(-7). Let t(l) = -l**3 + 3. Let s be t(0). Suppose r = s*r - a. What are the prime factors of r? 3 Let z(y) be the third derivative of 0*y + 0 - 3*y**2 + 1/30*y**5 - 1/24*y**4 + 1/6*y**3. What are the prime factors of z(3)? 2 Let n(z) = 4*z - 1. Let k be n(1). Suppose -3*i + y = -236 - 96, 4*i = y + 442. Suppose l + 3*l = k*m + 85, 2*m = -4*l + i. List the prime factors of l. 5 Let h = 3 - -16. Suppose -h*c = -17*c - 124. What are the prime factors of c? 2, 31 Let f = 10 - 11. Let w = f - -7. Suppose o + 115 = w*o. List the prime factors of o. 23 Let w = -7 + 11. Suppose -w*v + 26 = -34. What are the prime fact
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
Brain shape predicts language learning success Publication date: Apr 7, 2006 5:00:00 AM Fast language learners have more white matter and a less symmetrical brain than slower language learners, according to UCL (University College London) research published today in the journal Cerebral Cortex. Dr Narly Golestani, of the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, said: “The bigger picture is that we're starting to understand that brain shape and structure can be informative about people's abilities or pathologies. Why people are good at some things and not others is evident from these scans, the differences can sometimes be seen just by looking. This might one day allow us to screen for language learning or for language disorders.” Sixty participants undertook ten blocks of twenty trials of training to learn to distinguish two different sounds - the French 'dental' 'da' sound and the Hindi 'retroflex' 'da' sound. Faster language learners recognised the differences in the 'da' sounds within a few minutes. Slower learners struggled even after the maximum twenty minutes of learning. The team took anatomical magnetic resonance imaging (aMRI) scans of the brain structure of the 11 fastest and 10 slowest learners and found a number of anatomical differences between them. This was followed up with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) scans, which allow finer measurements of white matter brain structure. The differences in language learning ability were not linked to grey matter but to white matter, which is involved in connectivity - linking parts of the brain. The scans show a greater white matter volume in the left auditory regions (Heschl's gyrus) in faster learners, and a difference in the position of Heschl's gyrus in the right hemisphere between faster and slower learners. There is also a greater asymmetry in the volume of the parietal lobes (which in the left hemisphere is thought to be involved in speech sound processing), in faster compared to slower learners, with faster learners having a more pronounced left-greater-than-right volume difference. The sounds that subjects were trained to distinguish were difficult to tell apart – the French sound is very similar to the Alveolar 'd' sound (an English consonant sound pronounced with the tip of the tongue near the upper teeth) i.e. dad. The Hindi sound is pronounced with the tongue curled upwards onto the roof of the mouth i.e. ardent. Both synthetic sounds were followed by the vowel 'a', so the participants heard 'da'. Subjects had to decide which of the two ‘da’ sounds they had heard and were told whether or not their response was correct. The training got harder as it went on. At first the most distinct versions of these two ‘da’ sounds were heard; with the Hindi ‘da’ at one end of the synthetic acoustic range and the French ‘da’ at the other. If a person identified 80 % or more of the sounds correctly, the next training block was made to be more difficult by presenting sounds that were more acoustically alike. Some of the faster learners learned to distinguish the most acoustically similar sounds within 3 or 4 blocks - this lasted about 6-8 minutes. The slowest learners were still guessing randomly with the most acoustically different sounds even after 10 blocks of training – around 20 minutes later. Dr Golestani said: “What is special about sounds such as the dental versus retroflex consonants is that the acoustic difference between them is only in the first 40 milliseconds, in other words, your brain needs to work quickly. We speculate that we find differences in white matter volume between faster and slower learners because more white matter (resulting either from more white matter fibres or from thicker fibres) would support more efficient transmission of neural signals between brain regions. Given that we found differences both in the auditory regions and in the parietal cortex of the left hemisphere, there may be anatomical connectivity differences in these regions in the left hemisphere between faster and slower phonetic learners too. I am currently doing analyses on the DTI scans to test for those differences. This body of research indicates how much we can understand about people’s behavioural differences just by looking at differences in brain structure. This type of work is very relevant to an understanding of the anatomical characteristics which underlie and support neural function.” Notes for Editors: 1. The paper 'Brain structure predicts the learning of foreign speech sounds' appears in Cerebral Cortex on the 3rd April 2006. GET TH E LINK
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3-D dilemma: Getting Oscar voters to the theaters Imagine if Oscar voters in 1939 saw The Wizard of Oz only in black and white. Would they have nominated the film for best picture and best visual effects if the yellow brick road were just another shade of gray? The filmmakers behind this year's 3-D movies face just such a dilemma. Films in 3-D require academy members to drive to a theater, rather than just pop a DVD into their home players, to see the full depth of the work that went into them. But with a bumper crop of 3-D films up for award consideration, it's not clear how many Oscar voters will make that effort. "We came out of last year's award season having Avatar overshadow everything," says Jim Chabin, president of the International 3D Society, a nonprofit organization that gives its own awards to 3-D movies. "This year has been scrappy." Visually ambitious 3-D movies in release in 2010 include Toy Story 3, Alice in Wonderland, How to Train Your Dragon, Tangled, and Tron. Whether in animation or live action, 3-D adds a level of difficulty for filmmakers, particularly in the category of special effects. Most critics agreed the 3-D was deployed with particular dexterity in How to Train Your Dragon, an animated film about a teenage viking who develops a special bond with a dragon. The movie's swooping, kinetic flying scenes earned praise from Los Angeles Times film critic Betsy Sharkey, who called them "a study in how nuance can actually complement the spectacle we've come to demand of 3-D animation." DreamWorks Animation released How to Train Your Dragon in theaters in March and began holding 3-D screenings for members of the academy and various guilds in mid-August. But its directors, Dean DeBlois and Chris Sanders, must walk a fine line between exhorting their peers to see their movie in 3-D and just hoping they watch it at all. "If they have the chance to, we hope people will see it in 3-D," DeBlois says. "There was a lot of effort put into the 3-D experience and making it part of the storytelling and not just gimmickry." 3-D is still controversial among the industry's artistic elite, most of whom have yet to make a 3-D movie. "For the academy, there's some interest, but it's somewhat divided because there are too many projects that come out where 3-D is just used as a diversion," DeBlois says. Shoddy 3-D has tainted the perception of the format. Many academy members are old enough to remember movies such as Jaws 3-D (1983) or The House of Wax (1953), which relied on a more rudimentary technology to create the impression of objects jumping off the screen. "This digital 3-D today is a completely different technical standard, and the storytelling can be done far more subtly," says Chabin. "But people have those memories, and it's difficult to change those perceptions." More recently, the trend of conversions from 2-D to 3-D has raised hackles in the industry, with Clash of the Titans drawing criticism for its rushed, second-rate work. That kind of bad buzz can taint other conversions, like Alice in Wonderland, which underwent a much longer, more painstaking process. The year The Wizard of Oz was released marked a major change at the Oscars -- the creation of separate categories for color and black-and-white cinematography, a distinction that endured until 1967. It's unlikely, says Chabin, that the academy will introduce a 3-D-specific category any time soon. There is one development due in the next few years that could level the playing field for 3-D filmmakers. "Someday soon, academy screeners will come in 3-D versions, and you'll be watching them on your 3-D flat-screens at home," Chabin says. "Of course, the best way to see and experience 3-D, as with most motion pictures, is in a theater with people." Recommended for You Guidelines: Please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other readers personally, and keep your language decent. If a comment violates these standards or our privacy statement or visitor's agreement, click the "X" in the upper right corner of the comment box to report abuse. To post comments, you must be a Facebook member. To find out more, please visit the FAQ.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
<?php /* Copyright (c) 2012, Open Source Solutions Limited, Dublin, Ireland All rights reserved. Contact: Barry O'Donovan - barry (at) opensolutions (dot) ie http://www.opensolutions.ie/ This file is part of the OSS_SNMP package. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Open Source Solutions Limited nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ namespace OSS_SNMP\MIBS; /** * A class for performing SNMP V2 queries on generic devices * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012, Open Source Solutions Limited, Dublin, Ireland * @author Barry O'Donovan <[email protected]> */ class Iface extends \OSS_SNMP\MIB { const OID_IF_NUMBER = '.'; const OID_IF_INDEX = '.'; const OID_IF_DESCRIPTION = '.'; const OID_IF_TYPE = '.'; const OID_IF_MTU = '.'; const OID_IF_SPEED = '.'; const OID_IF_PHYS_ADDRESS = '.'; const OID_IF_ADMIN_STATUS = '.'; const OID_IF_OPER_STATUS = '.'; const OID_IF_LAST_CHANGE = '.'; const OID_IF_IN_OCTETS = '.'; const OID_IF_IN_UNICAST_PACKETS = '.'; const OID_IF_IN_NON_UNICAST_PACKETS = '.'; const OID_IF_IN_DISCARDS = '.'; const OID_IF_IN_ERRORS = '.'; const OID_IF_IN_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS = '.'; const OID_IF_OUT_OCTETS = '.'; const OID_IF_OUT_UNICAST_PACKETS = '.'; const OID_IF_OUT_NON_UNICAST_PACKETS = '.'; const OID_IF_OUT_DISCARDS = '.'; const OID_IF_OUT_ERRORS = '.'; const OID_IF_OUT_QUEUE_LENGTH = '.'; const OID_IF_NAME = '.'; const OID_IF_HIGH_SPEED = '.'; const OID_IF_ALIAS = '.'; /** * Get the number of network interfaces (regardless of * their current state) present on this system. * * @return int The number of network interfaces on the system */ public function numberOfInterfaces() { return $this->getSNMP()->get( self::OID_IF_NUMBER ); } /** * Get an array of device MTUs * * @return array An array of device MTUs */ public function mtus() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_MTU ); } /** * Get an array of the interfaces' physical addresses * * "The interface's address at the protocol layer * immediately `below' the network layer in the * protocol stack. For interfaces which do not have * such an address (e.g., a serial line), this object * should contain an octet string of zero length." * * @return array An array of device physical addresses */ public function physAddresses() { $pa = $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_PHYS_ADDRESS ); // some switches return leading '00:' as '0:' - we correct this here: foreach( $pa as $i => $a ) if( strpos( $a, ':' ) == 1 ) $pa[ $i ] = '0' . $a; return $pa; } /** * Constant for possible value of interface admin status. * @see adminStates() */ const IF_ADMIN_STATUS_UP = 1; /** * Constant for possible value of interface admin status. * @see adminStates() */ const IF_ADMIN_STATUS_DOWN = 2; /** * Constant for possible value of interface admin status. * @see adminStates() */ const IF_ADMIN_STATUS_TESTING = 3; /** * Text representation of interface admin status. * * @see adminStates() * @var array Text representations of interface admin status. */ public static $IF_ADMIN_STATES = array( self::IF_ADMIN_STATUS_UP => 'up', self::IF_ADMIN_STATUS_DOWN => 'down', self::IF_ADMIN_STATUS_TESTING => 'testing' ); /** * Get an array of device interface admin status (up / down) * * E.g. the follow SNMP output yields the shown array: * * . = INTEGER: up(1) * . = INTEGER: down(2) * ... * * [10128] => 1 * [10129] => 2 * * @see IF_ADMIN_STATES * @param boolean $translate If true, return the string representation * @return array An array of interface admin states */ public function adminStates( $translate = false ) { $states = $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_ADMIN_STATUS ); if( !$translate ) return $states; return $this->getSNMP()->translate( $states, self::$IF_ADMIN_STATES ); } /** * Get an array of device interface last change times * * Value returned is timeticks (one hundreds of a second) * * "The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface * entered its current operational state. If the * current state was entered prior to the last re- * initialization of the local network management * subsystem, then this object contains a zero * value." * * @see \OSS_SNMP\MIBS\System::uptime() * @param bool $asUnixTimestamp Poll sysUpTime and use this to return a timestamp of the last change * @return array Timeticks (or zero) since last change of the interfaces */ public function lastChanges( $asUnixTimestamp = false ) { $lc = $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_LAST_CHANGE ); if( $asUnixTimestamp ) { $sysUptime = $this->getSNMP()->useSystem()->uptime() / 100; foreach( $lc as $i => $t ) if( $t ) $lc[$i] = intval( floor( time() - $sysUptime + ( $t / 100 ) ) ); } return $lc; } /** * Get an array of device interface in octets * * "The total number of octets received on the * interface, including framing characters." * * @return array The total number of octets received on interfaces */ public function inOctets() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_IN_OCTETS ); } /** * Get an array of device interface unicast packets in * * "The number of subnetwork-unicast packets * delivered to a higher-layer protocol." * * @return array The total number of unicast packets received on interfaces */ public function inUnicastPackets() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_IN_UNICAST_PACKETS ); } /** * Get an array of device interface non-unicast packets in * * "The number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork- * broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) packets * delivered to a higher-layer protocol." * * @return array The total number of non-unicast packets received on interfaces */ public function inNonUnicastPackets() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_IN_NON_UNICAST_PACKETS ); } /** * Get an array of device interface inbound discarded packets * * "The number of inbound packets which were chosen * to be discarded even though no errors had been * detected to prevent their being deliverable to a * higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for * discarding such a packet could be to free up * buffer space." * * @return arrary The total number of discarded inbound packets received on interfaces */ public function inDiscards() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_IN_DISCARDS ); } /** * Get an array of device interface inbound error packets * * "The number of inbound packets that contained * errors preventing them from being deliverable to a * higher-layer protocol." * * @return array The total number of error inbound packets received on interfaces */ public function inErrors() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_IN_ERRORS ); } /** * Get an array of device interface out octets * * "The total number of octets transmitted out of the * interface, including framing characters." * * @return array The total number of octets transmitted on interfaces */ public function outOctets() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_OUT_OCTETS ); } /** * Get an array of device interface unicast packets out * * "The total number of packets that higher-level * protocols requested be transmitted to a * subnetwork-unicast address, including those that * were discarded or not sent." * * @return array The total number of unicast packets transmitted on interfaces */ public function outUnicastPackets() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_OUT_UNICAST_PACKETS ); } /** * Get an array of device interface non-unicast packets out * * "The total number of packets that higher-level * protocols requested be transmitted to a non- * unicast (i.e., a subnetwork-broadcast or * subnetwork-multicast) address, including those * that were discarded or not sent." * * @return array The total number of non-unicast packets requested sent interfaces */ public function outNonUnicastPackets() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_OUT_NON_UNICAST_PACKETS ); } /** * Get an array of device interface outbound discarded packets * * "The number of outbound packets which were chosen * to be discarded even though no errors had been * detected to prevent their being transmitted. One * possible reason for discarding such a packet could * be to free up buffer space." * * @return arrary The total number of discarded outbound packets */ public function outDiscards() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_OUT_DISCARDS ); } /** * Get an array of device interface outbound error packets * * "The number of outbound packets that could not be * transmitted because of errors." * * @return array The total number of error outbound packets received on interfaces */ public function outErrors() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_OUT_ERRORS ); } /** * Get an array of interface outbound queue lengths * * "The length of the output packet queue (in packets)" * * @return array The total number of packets in the outbound queues */ public function outQueueLength() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_OUT_QUEUE_LENGTH ); } /** * Get an array of packets received on an interface of unknown protocol * * "The number of packets received via the interface * which were discarded because of an unknown or * unsupported protocol." * * @return array The number of packets received on an interface of unknown protocol */ public function inUnknownProtocols() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_IN_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS ); } /** * Get an array of device interface indexes * * E.g. the following SNMP output yields the shown array: * * . = INTEGER: 1 * . = INTEGER: 2 * ... * * [1] => 1 * [2] => 2 * * @return array An array of interface indexes */ public function indexes() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_INDEX ); } /** * Get an array of device interface names * * E.g. the following SNMP output yields the shown array: * * . = STRING: Gi1/0/28 * . = STRING: Gi1/0/29 * ... * * [10128] => "Gi1/0/28" * [10129] => "Gi1/0/29" * * @return array An array of interface names */ public function names() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_NAME ); } /** * Get an array of device interface aliases (e.g. as set by the interface description / port-name parameter) * * E.g. the followig SNMP output yields the shown array: * * . = STRING: Connection to switch2 * . = STRING: Connection to switch3 * ... * * [10128] => "Connection to switch2" * [10129] => "Connection to switch3" * * @return array An array of interface aliases */ public function aliases() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_ALIAS ); } /** * Get an array of device interface descriptions * * E.g. the following SNMP output yields the shown array: * * . = STRING: GigabitEthernet1/0/28 * . = STRING: GigabitEthernet1/0/29 * ... * * [10128] => "GigabitEthernet1/0/28" * [10129] => "GigabitEthernet1/0/29" * * @return array An array of interface descriptions */ public function descriptions() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_DESCRIPTION ); } /** * Get an array of device interface (operating) speeds * * E.g. the following SNMP output yields the shown array: * * . = Gauge32: 1000000000 * . = Gauge32: 100000000 * ... * * [10128] => 1000000000 * [10129] => 100000000 * * NB: operating speed as opposed to maximum speed * * **WARNING:** This is a 32 bit int so it cannot represent 10Gb * links. These would show up as: * * [10127] => 4294967295 * * Instead, use highSpeeds() which will represent the speed as Mbps * * @see highSpeeds() * @return array An array of interface operating speeds */ public function speeds() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_SPEED ); } /** * Get an array of device interface (operating) speeds * * From Cisco: * * > "An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units * > of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a * > value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in * > the range of `n-500,000' to `n+499,999'. For interfaces * > which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no * > accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain * > the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept * > of bandwidth, this object should be zero." * * E.g. the following SNMP output yields the shown array: * * . = Gauge32: 10000 * . = Gauge32: 1000 * . = Gauge32: 100 * ... * * [10127] => 10000000000 * [10128] => 1000000000 * [10129] => 100000000 * * @return array An array of interface operating speeds */ public function highSpeeds() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_HIGH_SPEED ); } /** * Constant for possible value of interface operation status. * @see operationStates() */ const IF_OPER_STATUS_UP = 1; /** * Constant for possible value of interface operation status. * @see operationStates() */ const IF_OPER_STATUS_DOWN = 2; /** * Constant for possible value of interface operation status. * @see operationStates() */ const IF_OPER_STATUS_TESTING = 3; /** * Constant for possible value of interface operation status. * @see operationStates() */ const IF_OPER_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 4; /** * Constant for possible value of interface operation status. * @see operationStates() */ const IF_OPER_STATUS_DORMANT = 5; /** * Constant for possible value of interface operation status. * @see operationStates() */ const IF_OPER_STATUS_NOT_PRESENT = 6; /** * Constant for possible value of interface operation status. * @see operationStates() */ const IF_OPER_STATUS_LOWER_LAYER_DOWN = 7; /** * Text representation of interface operating status. * * @see operationStates() * @var array Text representations of interface operating status. */ public static $IF_OPER_STATES = array( self::IF_OPER_STATUS_UP => 'up', self::IF_OPER_STATUS_DOWN => 'down', self::IF_OPER_STATUS_TESTING => 'testing', self::IF_OPER_STATUS_UNKNOWN => 'unknown', self::IF_OPER_STATUS_DORMANT => 'dormant', self::IF_OPER_STATUS_NOT_PRESENT => 'notPresent', self::IF_OPER_STATUS_LOWER_LAYER_DOWN => 'lowerLayerDown' ); /** * Get an array of device interface operating status (up / down) * * E.g. the follow SNMP output yields the shown array: * * . = INTEGER: up(1) * . = INTEGER: down(2) * ... * * [10128] => 1 * [10129] => 2 * * @see IF_OPER_STATES * @param boolean $translate If true, return the string representation * @return array An array of interface states */ public function operationStates( $translate = false ) { $states = $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_OPER_STATUS ); if( !$translate ) return $states; return $this->getSNMP()->translate( $states, self::$IF_OPER_STATES ); } /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_OTHER = 1; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_REGULAR1822 = 2; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_HDH1822 = 3; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DDNX25 = 4; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_RFC877X25 = 5; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ETHERNETCSMACD = 6; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ISO88023CSMACD = 7; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ISO88024TOKENBUS = 8; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ISO88025TOKENRING = 9; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ISO88026MAN = 10; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_STARLAN = 11; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PROTEON10MBIT = 12; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PROTEON80MBIT = 13; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_HYPERCHANNEL = 14; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_FDDI = 15; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_LAPB = 16; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SDLC = 17; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DS1 = 18; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_E1 = 19; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_BASICISDN = 20; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PRIMARYISDN = 21; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PROPPOINTTOPOINTSERIAL = 22; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PPP = 23; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SOFTWARELOOPBACK = 24; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_EON = 25; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ETHERNET3MBIT = 26; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_NSIP = 27; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SLIP = 28; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ULTRA = 29; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DS3 = 30; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SIP = 31; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_FRAMERELAY = 32; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_RS232 = 33; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PARA = 34; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ARCNET = 35; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ARCNETPLUS = 36; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ATM = 37; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_MIOX25 = 38; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SONET = 39; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_X25PLE = 40; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ISO88022LLC = 41; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_LOCALTALK = 42; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SMDSDXI = 43; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_FRAMERELAYSERVICE = 44; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_V35 = 45; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_HSSI = 46; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_HIPPI = 47; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_MODEM = 48; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_AAL5 = 49; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SONETPATH = 50; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SONETVT = 51; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SMDSICIP = 52; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PROPVIRTUAL = 53; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PROPMULTIPLEXOR = 54; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IEEE80212 = 55; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_FIBRECHANNEL = 56; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_HIPPIINTERFACE = 57; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_FRAMERELAYINTERCONNECT = 58; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_AFLANE8023 = 59; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_AFLANE8025 = 60; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_CCTEMUL = 61; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_FASTETHER = 62; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ISDN = 63; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_V11 = 64; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_V36 = 65; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_G703AT64K = 66; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_G703AT2MB = 67; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_QLLC = 68; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_FASTETHERFX = 69; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_CHANNEL = 70; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IEEE80211 = 71; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IBM370PARCHAN = 72; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ESCON = 73; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DLSW = 74; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ISDNS = 75; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ISDNU = 76; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_LAPD = 77; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IPSWITCH = 78; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_RSRB = 79; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ATMLOGICAL = 80; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DS0 = 81; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DS0BUNDLE = 82; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_BSC = 83; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ASYNC = 84; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_CNR = 85; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ISO88025DTR = 86; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_EPLRS = 87; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ARAP = 88; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PROPCNLS = 89; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_HOSTPAD = 90; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_TERMPAD = 91; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_FRAMERELAYMPI = 92; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_X213 = 93; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ADSL = 94; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_RADSL = 95; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SDSL = 96; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VDSL = 97; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ISO88025CRFPINT = 98; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_MYRINET = 99; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VOICEEM = 100; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VOICEFXO = 101; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VOICEFXS = 102; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VOICEENCAP = 103; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VOICEOVERIP = 104; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ATMDXI = 105; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ATMFUNI = 106; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ATMIMA = 107; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PPPMULTILINKBUNDLE = 108; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IPOVERCDLC = 109; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IPOVERCLAW = 110; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_STACKTOSTACK = 111; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VIRTUALIPADDRESS = 112; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_MPC = 113; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IPOVERATM = 114; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ISO88025FIBER = 115; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_TDLC = 116; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_GIGABITETHERNET = 117; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_HDLC = 118; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_LAPF = 119; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_V37 = 120; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_X25MLP = 121; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_X25HUNTGROUP = 122; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_TRASNPHDLC = 123; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_INTERLEAVE = 124; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_FAST = 125; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IP = 126; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DOCSCABLEMACLAYER = 127; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DOCSCABLEDOWNSTREAM = 128; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DOCSCABLEUPSTREAM = 129; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_A12MPPSWITCH = 130; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_TUNNEL = 131; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_COFFEE = 132; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_CES = 133; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ATMSUBINTERFACE = 134; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_L2VLAN = 135; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_L3IPVLAN = 136; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_L3IPXVLAN = 137; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DIGITALPOWERLINE = 138; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_MEDIAMAILOVERIP = 139; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DTM = 140; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DCN = 141; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IPFORWARD = 142; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_MSDSL = 143; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IEEE1394 = 144; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IF_GSN = 145; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DVBRCCMACLAYER = 146; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DVBRCCDOWNSTREAM = 147; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DVBRCCUPSTREAM = 148; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ATMVIRTUAL = 149; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_MPLSTUNNEL = 150; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SRP = 151; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VOICEOVERATM = 152; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VOICEOVERFRAMERELAY = 153; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IDSL = 154; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_COMPOSITELINK = 155; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SS7SIGLINK = 156; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PROPWIRELESSP2P = 157; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_FRFORWARD = 158; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_RFC1483 = 159; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_USB = 160; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IEEE8023ADLAG = 161; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_BGPPOLICYACCOUNTING = 162; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_FRF16MFRBUNDLE = 163; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_H323GATEKEEPER = 164; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_H323PROXY = 165; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_MPLS = 166; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_MFSIGLINK = 167; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_HDSL2 = 168; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SHDSL = 169; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DS1FDL = 170; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_POS = 171; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DVBASIIN = 172; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DVBASIOUT = 173; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PLC = 174; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_NFAS = 175; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_TR008 = 176; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_GR303RDT = 177; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_GR303IDT = 178; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ISUP = 179; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PROPDOCSWIRELESSMACLAYER = 180; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PROPDOCSWIRELESSDOWNSTREAM = 181; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PROPDOCSWIRELESSUPSTREAM = 182; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_HIPERLAN2 = 183; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PROPBWAP2MP = 184; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SONETOVERHEADCHANNEL = 185; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DIGITALWRAPPEROVERHEADCHANNEL = 186; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_AAL2 = 187; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_RADIOMAC = 188; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ATMRADIO = 189; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_IMT = 190; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_MVL = 191; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_REACHDSL = 192; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_FRDLCIENDPT = 193; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ATMVCIENDPT = 194; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_OPTICALCHANNEL = 195; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_OPTICALTRANSPORT = 196; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PROPATM = 197; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VOICEOVERCABLE = 198; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_INFINIBAND = 199; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_TELINK = 200; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_Q2931 = 201; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VIRTUALTG = 202; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SIPTG = 203; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SIPSIG = 204; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DOCSCABLEUPSTREAMCHANNEL = 205; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ECONET = 206; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PON155 = 207; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PON622 = 208; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_BRIDGE = 209; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_LINEGROUP = 210; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VOICEEMFGD = 211; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VOICEFGDEANA = 212; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_VOICEDID = 213; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_MPEGTRANSPORT = 214; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_SIXTOFOUR = 215; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_GTP = 216; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PDNETHERLOOP1 = 217; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_PDNETHERLOOP2 = 218; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_OPTICALCHANNELGROUP = 219; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_HOMEPNA = 220; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_GFP = 221; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_CISCOISLVLAN = 222; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ACTELISMETALOOP = 223; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_FCIPLINK = 224; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_RPR = 225; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_QAM = 226; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_LMP = 227; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_CBLVECTASTAR = 228; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_DOCSCABLEMCMTSDOWNSTREAM = 229; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ADSL2 = 230; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_MACSECCONTROLLEDIF = 231; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_MACSECUNCONTROLLEDIF = 232; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_AVICIOPTICALETHER = 233; /** * Constant for possible type of an interface * @see types() */ const IF_TYPE_ATMBOND = 234; /** * Text representation of interface types. * * @see types() * @var array Text representations of interface types. */ public static $IF_TYPES = array( self::IF_TYPE_OTHER => 'other', self::IF_TYPE_REGULAR1822 => 'regular1822', self::IF_TYPE_HDH1822 => 'hdh1822', self::IF_TYPE_DDNX25 => 'ddnX25', self::IF_TYPE_RFC877X25 => 'rfc877x25', self::IF_TYPE_ETHERNETCSMACD => 'ethernetCsmacd', self::IF_TYPE_ISO88023CSMACD => 'iso88023Csmacd', self::IF_TYPE_ISO88024TOKENBUS => 'iso88024TokenBus', self::IF_TYPE_ISO88025TOKENRING => 'iso88025TokenRing', self::IF_TYPE_ISO88026MAN => 'iso88026Man', self::IF_TYPE_STARLAN => 'starLan', self::IF_TYPE_PROTEON10MBIT => 'proteon10Mbit', self::IF_TYPE_PROTEON80MBIT => 'proteon80Mbit', self::IF_TYPE_HYPERCHANNEL => 'hyperchannel', self::IF_TYPE_FDDI => 'fddi', self::IF_TYPE_LAPB => 'lapb', self::IF_TYPE_SDLC => 'sdlc', self::IF_TYPE_DS1 => 'ds1', self::IF_TYPE_E1 => 'e1', self::IF_TYPE_BASICISDN => 'basicISDN', self::IF_TYPE_PRIMARYISDN => 'primaryISDN', self::IF_TYPE_PROPPOINTTOPOINTSERIAL => 'propPointToPointSerial', self::IF_TYPE_PPP => 'ppp', self::IF_TYPE_SOFTWARELOOPBACK => 'softwareLoopback', self::IF_TYPE_EON => 'eon', self::IF_TYPE_ETHERNET3MBIT => 'ethernet3Mbit', self::IF_TYPE_NSIP => 'nsip', self::IF_TYPE_SLIP => 'slip', self::IF_TYPE_ULTRA => 'ultra', self::IF_TYPE_DS3 => 'ds3', self::IF_TYPE_SIP => 'sip', self::IF_TYPE_FRAMERELAY => 'frameRelay', self::IF_TYPE_RS232 => 'rs232', self::IF_TYPE_PARA => 'para', self::IF_TYPE_ARCNET => 'arcnet', self::IF_TYPE_ARCNETPLUS => 'arcnetPlus', self::IF_TYPE_ATM => 'atm', self::IF_TYPE_MIOX25 => 'miox25', self::IF_TYPE_SONET => 'sonet', self::IF_TYPE_X25PLE => 'x25ple', self::IF_TYPE_ISO88022LLC => 'iso88022llc', self::IF_TYPE_LOCALTALK => 'localTalk', self::IF_TYPE_SMDSDXI => 'smdsDxi', self::IF_TYPE_FRAMERELAYSERVICE => 'frameRelayService', self::IF_TYPE_V35 => 'v35', self::IF_TYPE_HSSI => 'hssi', self::IF_TYPE_HIPPI => 'hippi', self::IF_TYPE_MODEM => 'modem', self::IF_TYPE_AAL5 => 'aal5', self::IF_TYPE_SONETPATH => 'sonetPath', self::IF_TYPE_SONETVT => 'sonetVT', self::IF_TYPE_SMDSICIP => 'smdsIcip', self::IF_TYPE_PROPVIRTUAL => 'propVirtual', self::IF_TYPE_PROPMULTIPLEXOR => 'propMultiplexor', self::IF_TYPE_IEEE80212 => 'ieee80212', self::IF_TYPE_FIBRECHANNEL => 'fibreChannel', self::IF_TYPE_HIPPIINTERFACE => 'hippiInterface', self::IF_TYPE_FRAMERELAYINTERCONNECT => 'frameRelayInterconnect', self::IF_TYPE_AFLANE8023 => 'aflane8023', self::IF_TYPE_AFLANE8025 => 'aflane8025', self::IF_TYPE_CCTEMUL => 'cctEmul', self::IF_TYPE_FASTETHER => 'fastEther', self::IF_TYPE_ISDN => 'isdn', self::IF_TYPE_V11 => 'v11', self::IF_TYPE_V36 => 'v36', self::IF_TYPE_G703AT64K => 'g703at64k', self::IF_TYPE_G703AT2MB => 'g703at2mb', self::IF_TYPE_QLLC => 'qllc', self::IF_TYPE_FASTETHERFX => 'fastEtherFX', self::IF_TYPE_CHANNEL => 'channel', self::IF_TYPE_IEEE80211 => 'ieee80211', self::IF_TYPE_IBM370PARCHAN => 'ibm370parChan', self::IF_TYPE_ESCON => 'escon', self::IF_TYPE_DLSW => 'dlsw', self::IF_TYPE_ISDNS => 'isdns', self::IF_TYPE_ISDNU => 'isdnu', self::IF_TYPE_LAPD => 'lapd', self::IF_TYPE_IPSWITCH => 'ipSwitch', self::IF_TYPE_RSRB => 'rsrb', self::IF_TYPE_ATMLOGICAL => 'atmLogical', self::IF_TYPE_DS0 => 'ds0', self::IF_TYPE_DS0BUNDLE => 'ds0Bundle', self::IF_TYPE_BSC => 'bsc', self::IF_TYPE_ASYNC => 'async', self::IF_TYPE_CNR => 'cnr', self::IF_TYPE_ISO88025DTR => 'iso88025Dtr', self::IF_TYPE_EPLRS => 'eplrs', self::IF_TYPE_ARAP => 'arap', self::IF_TYPE_PROPCNLS => 'propCnls', self::IF_TYPE_HOSTPAD => 'hostPad', self::IF_TYPE_TERMPAD => 'termPad', self::IF_TYPE_FRAMERELAYMPI => 'frameRelayMPI', self::IF_TYPE_X213 => 'x213', self::IF_TYPE_ADSL => 'adsl', self::IF_TYPE_RADSL => 'radsl', self::IF_TYPE_SDSL => 'sdsl', self::IF_TYPE_VDSL => 'vdsl', self::IF_TYPE_ISO88025CRFPINT => 'iso88025CRFPInt', self::IF_TYPE_MYRINET => 'myrinet', self::IF_TYPE_VOICEEM => 'voiceEM', self::IF_TYPE_VOICEFXO => 'voiceFXO', self::IF_TYPE_VOICEFXS => 'voiceFXS', self::IF_TYPE_VOICEENCAP => 'voiceEncap', self::IF_TYPE_VOICEOVERIP => 'voiceOverIp', self::IF_TYPE_ATMDXI => 'atmDxi', self::IF_TYPE_ATMFUNI => 'atmFuni', self::IF_TYPE_ATMIMA => 'atmIma', self::IF_TYPE_PPPMULTILINKBUNDLE => 'pppMultilinkBundle', self::IF_TYPE_IPOVERCDLC => 'ipOverCdlc', self::IF_TYPE_IPOVERCLAW => 'ipOverClaw', self::IF_TYPE_STACKTOSTACK => 'stackToStack', self::IF_TYPE_VIRTUALIPADDRESS => 'virtualIpAddress', self::IF_TYPE_MPC => 'mpc', self::IF_TYPE_IPOVERATM => 'ipOverAtm', self::IF_TYPE_ISO88025FIBER => 'iso88025Fiber', self::IF_TYPE_TDLC => 'tdlc', self::IF_TYPE_GIGABITETHERNET => 'gigabitEthernet', self::IF_TYPE_HDLC => 'hdlc', self::IF_TYPE_LAPF => 'lapf', self::IF_TYPE_V37 => 'v37', self::IF_TYPE_X25MLP => 'x25mlp', self::IF_TYPE_X25HUNTGROUP => 'x25huntGroup', self::IF_TYPE_TRASNPHDLC => 'trasnpHdlc', self::IF_TYPE_INTERLEAVE => 'interleave', self::IF_TYPE_FAST => 'fast', self::IF_TYPE_IP => 'ip', self::IF_TYPE_DOCSCABLEMACLAYER => 'docsCableMaclayer', self::IF_TYPE_DOCSCABLEDOWNSTREAM => 'docsCableDownstream', self::IF_TYPE_DOCSCABLEUPSTREAM => 'docsCableUpstream', self::IF_TYPE_A12MPPSWITCH => 'a12MppSwitch', self::IF_TYPE_TUNNEL => 'tunnel', self::IF_TYPE_COFFEE => 'coffee', self::IF_TYPE_CES => 'ces', self::IF_TYPE_ATMSUBINTERFACE => 'atmSubInterface', self::IF_TYPE_L2VLAN => 'l2vlan', self::IF_TYPE_L3IPVLAN => 'l3ipvlan', self::IF_TYPE_L3IPXVLAN => 'l3ipxvlan', self::IF_TYPE_DIGITALPOWERLINE => 'digitalPowerline', self::IF_TYPE_MEDIAMAILOVERIP => 'mediaMailOverIp', self::IF_TYPE_DTM => 'dtm', self::IF_TYPE_DCN => 'dcn', self::IF_TYPE_IPFORWARD => 'ipForward', self::IF_TYPE_MSDSL => 'msdsl', self::IF_TYPE_IEEE1394 => 'ieee1394', self::IF_TYPE_IF_GSN => 'if-gsn', self::IF_TYPE_DVBRCCMACLAYER => 'dvbRccMacLayer', self::IF_TYPE_DVBRCCDOWNSTREAM => 'dvbRccDownstream', self::IF_TYPE_DVBRCCUPSTREAM => 'dvbRccUpstream', self::IF_TYPE_ATMVIRTUAL => 'atmVirtual', self::IF_TYPE_MPLSTUNNEL => 'mplsTunnel', self::IF_TYPE_SRP => 'srp', self::IF_TYPE_VOICEOVERATM => 'voiceOverAtm', self::IF_TYPE_VOICEOVERFRAMERELAY => 'voiceOverFrameRelay', self::IF_TYPE_IDSL => 'idsl', self::IF_TYPE_COMPOSITELINK => 'compositeLink', self::IF_TYPE_SS7SIGLINK => 'ss7SigLink', self::IF_TYPE_PROPWIRELESSP2P => 'propWirelessP2P', self::IF_TYPE_FRFORWARD => 'frForward', self::IF_TYPE_RFC1483 => 'rfc1483', self::IF_TYPE_USB => 'usb', self::IF_TYPE_IEEE8023ADLAG => 'ieee8023adLag', self::IF_TYPE_BGPPOLICYACCOUNTING => 'bgppolicyaccounting', self::IF_TYPE_FRF16MFRBUNDLE => 'frf16MfrBundle', self::IF_TYPE_H323GATEKEEPER => 'h323Gatekeeper', self::IF_TYPE_H323PROXY => 'h323Proxy', self::IF_TYPE_MPLS => 'mpls', self::IF_TYPE_MFSIGLINK => 'mfSigLink', self::IF_TYPE_HDSL2 => 'hdsl2', self::IF_TYPE_SHDSL => 'shdsl', self::IF_TYPE_DS1FDL => 'ds1FDL', self::IF_TYPE_POS => 'pos', self::IF_TYPE_DVBASIIN => 'dvbAsiIn', self::IF_TYPE_DVBASIOUT => 'dvbAsiOut', self::IF_TYPE_PLC => 'plc', self::IF_TYPE_NFAS => 'nfas', self::IF_TYPE_TR008 => 'tr008', self::IF_TYPE_GR303RDT => 'gr303RDT', self::IF_TYPE_GR303IDT => 'gr303IDT', self::IF_TYPE_ISUP => 'isup', self::IF_TYPE_PROPDOCSWIRELESSMACLAYER => 'propDocsWirelessMaclayer', self::IF_TYPE_PROPDOCSWIRELESSDOWNSTREAM => 'propDocsWirelessDownstream', self::IF_TYPE_PROPDOCSWIRELESSUPSTREAM => 'propDocsWirelessUpstream', self::IF_TYPE_HIPERLAN2 => 'hiperlan2', self::IF_TYPE_PROPBWAP2MP => 'propBWAp2Mp', self::IF_TYPE_SONETOVERHEADCHANNEL => 'sonetOverheadChannel', self::IF_TYPE_DIGITALWRAPPEROVERHEADCHANNEL => 'digitalWrapperOverheadChannel', self::IF_TYPE_AAL2 => 'aal2', self::IF_TYPE_RADIOMAC => 'radioMAC', self::IF_TYPE_ATMRADIO => 'atmRadio', self::IF_TYPE_IMT => 'imt', self::IF_TYPE_MVL => 'mvl', self::IF_TYPE_REACHDSL => 'reachDSL', self::IF_TYPE_FRDLCIENDPT => 'frDlciEndPt', self::IF_TYPE_ATMVCIENDPT => 'atmVciEndPt', self::IF_TYPE_OPTICALCHANNEL => 'opticalChannel', self::IF_TYPE_OPTICALTRANSPORT => 'opticalTransport', self::IF_TYPE_PROPATM => 'propAtm', self::IF_TYPE_VOICEOVERCABLE => 'voiceOverCable', self::IF_TYPE_INFINIBAND => 'infiniband', self::IF_TYPE_TELINK => 'teLink', self::IF_TYPE_Q2931 => 'q2931', self::IF_TYPE_VIRTUALTG => 'virtualTg', self::IF_TYPE_SIPTG => 'sipTg', self::IF_TYPE_SIPSIG => 'sipSig', self::IF_TYPE_DOCSCABLEUPSTREAMCHANNEL => 'docsCableUpstreamChannel', self::IF_TYPE_ECONET => 'econet', self::IF_TYPE_PON155 => 'pon155', self::IF_TYPE_PON622 => 'pon622', self::IF_TYPE_BRIDGE => 'bridge', self::IF_TYPE_LINEGROUP => 'linegroup', self::IF_TYPE_VOICEEMFGD => 'voiceEMFGD', self::IF_TYPE_VOICEFGDEANA => 'voiceFGDEANA', self::IF_TYPE_VOICEDID => 'voiceDID', self::IF_TYPE_MPEGTRANSPORT => 'mpegTransport', self::IF_TYPE_SIXTOFOUR => 'sixToFour', self::IF_TYPE_GTP => 'gtp', self::IF_TYPE_PDNETHERLOOP1 => 'pdnEtherLoop1', self::IF_TYPE_PDNETHERLOOP2 => 'pdnEtherLoop2', self::IF_TYPE_OPTICALCHANNELGROUP => 'opticalChannelGroup', self::IF_TYPE_HOMEPNA => 'homepna', self::IF_TYPE_GFP => 'gfp', self::IF_TYPE_CISCOISLVLAN => 'ciscoISLvlan', self::IF_TYPE_ACTELISMETALOOP => 'actelisMetaLOOP', self::IF_TYPE_FCIPLINK => 'fcipLink', self::IF_TYPE_RPR => 'rpr', self::IF_TYPE_QAM => 'qam', self::IF_TYPE_LMP => 'lmp', self::IF_TYPE_CBLVECTASTAR => 'cblVectaStar', self::IF_TYPE_DOCSCABLEMCMTSDOWNSTREAM => 'docsCableMCmtsDownstream', self::IF_TYPE_ADSL2 => 'adsl2', self::IF_TYPE_MACSECCONTROLLEDIF => 'macSecControlledIF', self::IF_TYPE_MACSECUNCONTROLLEDIF => 'macSecUncontrolledIF', self::IF_TYPE_AVICIOPTICALETHER => 'aviciOpticalEther', self::IF_TYPE_ATMBOND => 'atmbond' ); /** * Get an array of device interface types * * @see $IF_TYPES * @param boolean $translate If true, return the string representation * @return array An array of interface types */ public function types( $translate = false ) { $types = $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_IF_TYPE ); if( !$translate ) return $types; return $this->getSNMP()->translate( $types, self::$IF_TYPES ); } /** * Returns an associate array of STP port IDs (key) to interface IDs (value) * * e.g. [22] => 10122 * * * @return array Associate array of STP port IDs (key) to interface IDs (value) */ public function bridgeBasePortIfIndexes() { return $this->getSNMP()->walk1d( self::OID_BRIDGE_BASE_PORT_IF_INDEX ); } }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Q: Writing text in multiline in python I am working on a text editor. The only challenge left for me is to write text in next line when text width(written) exceeded from its maximum size(window). Any help will be appreciated. I have a class photo viewer that controls text font, size etc.Thanks in advance class PhotoViewer(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView): photoClicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal(QtCore.QPoint) def __init__(self, parent): super(PhotoViewer, self).__init__(parent) self._zoom = 0 self._empty = True self._scene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene(self) self._photo = QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem() self._textLayer = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem () self._scene.addItem(self._photo) self._scene.addItem(self._textLayer) self.setScene(self._scene) self.setTransformationAnchor(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView.AnchorUnderMouse) self.setResizeAnchor(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView.AnchorUnderMouse) self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setBackgroundBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(80, 30, 30))) self.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.NoFrame) self._textLayer.setFlags(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable) def updateText(self,text,font_size=50): # Load the font: font_db = QFontDatabase() font_id = font_db.addApplicationFont("fonts/Summer's Victory Over Spring - TTF.ttf") #families = font_db.applicationFontFamilies(font_id) #print (families) myFont = QFont("Summers Victory Over Spring") myFont.setPixelSize(font_size*1.5) self._textLayer.setFont(myFont) self._textLayer.setText(text) class Window(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self): super(Window, self).__init__() self.viewer = PhotoViewer(self) # 'Load image' button # Button to change from drag/pan to getting pixel info self.btnPixInfo = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self) self.btnPixInfo.setText('Create Text') self.btnPixInfo.clicked.connect(self.loadText) self.fontSize =QtWidgets.QSpinBox() self.fontSize.valueChanged.connect(self.loadText) self.editPixInfo = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self) #self.editPixInfo.setReadOnly(True) self.viewer.photoClicked.connect(self.photoClicked) # Arrange layout VBlayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) HBlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() HBlayout.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft) HBlayout.addWidget(self.btnPixInfo) HBlayout.addWidget(self.editPixInfo) VBlayout.addLayout(HBlayout) VBlayout.addWidget(self.viewer) HBlayout.addWidget(self.fontSize) self.editPixInfo.setText("Sheeda") self.fontSize.setValue(20) self.loadText() self.frame = QFrame() self.frame.setFrameStyle(QFrame.StyledPanel) self.frame.setLineWidth(20) def loadText(self): #self.viewer.toggleDragMode() self.viewer.updateText(self.editPixInfo.text(),self.fontSize.value()) def photoClicked(self, pos): if self.viewer.dragMode() == QtWidgets.QGraphicsView.NoDrag: self.editPixInfo.setText('%d, %d' % (pos.x(), pos.y())) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) window = Window() window.setGeometry(500, 300, 800, 600) window.show() sys.exit(app.exec_()) Here is my code so far. A: I see, you are using QGraphicsSimpleTextItem where as your easiest bet is to use QGraphicsTextItem. Reason being, later offers a setTextWidth method,defauls to -1. Just set this to your 'maximumSize' limit. also,you have to update your "setText" call to "setPlainText" call as per QGraphicsTextItem Docs.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
We’re super excited to be welcoming Metadept to the Starbound team. Here’s what Metadept has to say.. Hey there, everyone, I’m metadept! I’ve been looking forward to Starbound since it was first announced and modding since the beta release, creating mods such as Sparkz and Starfoundry and helping new modders to learn about the game’s inner workings. Now, I’m very excited to be joining the Chucklefish team, where I can put my experience to use making Starbound better for everyone! My first major task will be overhauling the monster AI system and helping Tiy and the others to add new monster attacks and behaviors, new unique monsters, and of course new bosses. The new “partparameters” configuration format that I added last week was the first step, making it easier for us to give monsters special attacks and skills that fit their visual appearance. Now, I’m changing the way that monsters select attacks to use, allowing them to have a variety of abilities for different situations. The Starbound universe is going to get a lot more dangerous in all the right ways! In addition to general AI improvements, I’ve read through all the great suggestions for attacks and behaviors you’ve posted, and have a TON of ideas that I can’t wait to implement. I’ll also be helping to expand the Lua API and improve documentation for modders, adding more interactive objects, and hopefully even fulfilling a few of my own wishes for the game. The future of Starbound is bright. Let’s explore it together!
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Mabul (film) Mabul (also known as The Flood) is a 2011 Israeli drama film starring Ronit Elkabetz and directed by Guy Nattiv. It is a feature-length extension of a previous short film by Nattiv. On July 26, 2010, it was nominated for several Ophir Awards, including Best Film and Best Actress (Elkabetz). The film was shown at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival in 2011. Plot synopsis Yoni's Bar Mitzvah approaches but his family continues to disintegrate as his parents prepare to separate. Things take a turn when Yoni's autistic older brother returns to the family home and challenges the family to reconcile and put an end to their dysfunctional ways in time for Yoni's Bar Mitzvah celebration. Cast Ronit Elkabetz as Miri Roshko Michael Moshonov as Tomer Roshko Tzahi Grad as Gidi Roshko Yoav Rotman as Yoni Roshko References External links Category:2011 films Category:Israeli films Category:Hebrew-language films Category:2010s drama films Category:Features based on short films Category:Films about autism Category:Films shot in Israel
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Easee Fit Action Cheeky Bikini More Views The most comfortable bikini in the world,UjENA's Easee Fit. Top feels so comfortable and is supportive like a sport bra. Bottoms hug your body in a cheeky style made from our four way strtech fabric in turquoise matte. This special design is made without rubber. Swimwear for sport just got fashionable! Dare to feel the difference in our Action Bikini for your outdoor morning yoga, on your way for the surf, water skiing, or watching the sun go down! So comfortable you will want to live in it all summer long. Details Easee Fit Collection The most comfortable bikini in the world, UjENA's Easee Fit. Top feels so comfortable and is supportive like a sport bra. Bottoms hug your body in a cheeky style made from our four way strtech fabric in turquoise matte. This special design is made without rubber. Swimwear for sport just got fashionable! Dare to feel the difference in our Action Bikini for your outdoor morning yoga, on your way for the surf, water skiing, or watching the sun go down! So comfortable you will want to live in it all summer long.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Led Tabela İzmir Çankaya ve Tüm Türkiyede. Led Tabela İzmir Çankaya ilçesi başta olmak üzere Ege’de ve tüm Türkiye’de üretimlerimiz devam etmekte. Kayan Yazı ve yine bir Karşıyaka Tabela yan kuruluşu olan Led Işıklı Tabela İzmir; güçlü ışıklandırma gücü sayesinde gündüzleri ve geceleri yüksek bir aydınlık sağlamaktadır ve firmanızın reklam ‘ını , kampanyalarınızı her saat canlı ve görsel tutar. Bu led tabela kayan yazı reklam ürününün diğer özelliklerinden bir tanesi de çok geniş bir renk seçimi ve zenginliğine sahip olmasıdır. Bu sayede Led Tabela İzmir Çankaya ve Kayan Yazı ile ürünlerinizin reklamlarını ve tanıtımını tamamen göz zevkinize ve isteğinize uygun olarak sağlama imkanı bulursunuz. Karşıyaka Tabela vermiş olduğu kayan yazı hizmetini kendi yerinde ve adresinde sunmaktadır. Karşıyaka Tabela İzmir ve çevre illerinde faaliyetlerini yürütmekte olan bir Tabela İzmir kuruluşudur. Firmamız ürün hizmetleri garanti kapsamı altında ve ücretsiz keşif avantajı ile sahip olabilmektesiniz. Sektördeki uzun yılların vermiş olduğu deneyimlerimizi müşterilerimize uygun fiyat ve kalite ile sunmaktan büyük bir mutluluk duymaktayız. Led Tabela Ürün Yelpazesi Led Tabela ürün çeşitliliği bakımından bir çok örnek verebiliriz. Hemen hemen bir çok ışıklı reklam panosunda kullanıla bilinen led sistemleri günümüzde ekonomik oluşları ile dikkat çekmektedirler. Kayan Yazı sistemleri özellikle özel işletmeler için değil , halka arz birçok mevkilerde de kullanılmaktadır. Bu tabela modeli üretimi için tercih edilen malzemelerin genellikle ekonomik ve bulunması kolay olması nedeninden dolayı günümüzde tercih ve rağbet gören bir Tabela Reklam ürünüdür. Bizde İzmir Totem Tabela olarak bünyemizde bu kayan yazı ürünlerini bulundurmaktayız. Kuruluşumuzdan bu güne bir çok şahsi ve resmi kuruluş ile çalışmış ve reklam hizmeti vermiş bulunmaktayız. Gün geçtikçe üretim departmanımızı ve makine parkurumuzu yenileme gayreti içerisindeyiz. Bir çok reklam firmasının aksine işletmemiz uygun fiyat ve kalite politikasından ödün vermeden hizmetlerini sürdürmekte ve sürdürmeye devam etmektedir. Firmamız müşteri temsilcileri sizlere ellerinden gelen yardımı yapmaktan çekinmeyeceklerdir.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Silver nanoparticles affect on gene expression of inflammatory and neurodegenerative responses in mouse brain neural cells. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have antibacterial characteristics, and currently are applied in Ag-containing products. This study found neural cells can uptake 3-5 nm AgNPs, and investigated the potential effects of AgNPs on gene expression of inflammation and neurodegenerative disorder in murine brain ALT astrocytes, microglial BV-2 cells and neuron N2a cells. After AgNPs (5, 10, 12.5 μg/ml) exposure, these neural cells had obviously increased IL-1β secretion, and induced gene expression of C-X-C motif chemokine 13 (CXCL13), macrophage receptor with collagenous structure (MARCO) and glutathione synthetase (GSS) for inflammatory response and oxidative stress neutralization. Additionally, this study found amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques for pathological feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD) deposited in neural cells after AgNPs treatment. After AgNPs exposure, the gene expression of amyloid precursor protein (APP) was induced, and otherwise, neprilysin (NEP) and low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) were reduced in neural cells as well as protein level. These results suggested AgNPs could alter gene and protein expressions of Aβ deposition potentially to induce AD progress in neural cells. It's necessary to take notice of AgNPs distribution in the environment.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
angular.module('uiRouterSample.contacts.service', [ ]) // A RESTful factory for retrieving contacts from 'contacts.json' .factory('contacts', ['$http', 'utils', function ($http, utils) { var path = 'assets/contacts.json'; var contacts = $http.get(path).then(function (resp) { return resp.data.contacts; }); var factory = {}; factory.all = function () { return contacts; }; factory.get = function (id) { return contacts.then(function(){ return utils.findById(contacts, id); }) }; return factory; }]);
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a device and a process of interaction with a user. It applies, in particular, to interactive terminals capable of processing several types of procedures based on one or more documents provided by the user. On the one hand, this terminal is intended to save time for the user, and on the other hand, to enable him or her to quickly and automatically check that he or she has all the information and documents required to carry out a procedure. This terminal is also intended to save time for the organization in charge of implementing the procedure, for example by pre-processing the information and documents required for the correct execution of these procedures, estimating the risks of falsification of the user's identity or the false information or documents he or she provides, and/or collecting other information available in a database to complement or verify the information and documents provided by the user. The objective is thus to speed up and improve relations between organizations that interact with a large number of users—for example customers, service users, visitors or members of the public—and those users. 2. Description of the Related Art There are already in existence terminals equipped with a video camera, scanner and printer for document exchange and remote communication. While they enable dialogue between the user and a remote interlocutor known as the “hotliner” and discussion of the content of documents, they do not perform any automatic processing, and therefore do not increase the productivity of the organization. Other interactive terminals are effectively computers that provide help, in several languages, for preparing administrative formalities. They do not enable documents to be processed. The user must then meet an employee in person to give him or her the documents needed for the procedure concerned. The increase in productivity is therefore further decreased. There are already in existence systems for processing checks equipped with a means of optical character recognition, biometric identification and a risk analysis machine that identifies the user and authorizes, in function of the level of confidence regarding this identification, the payment of a check. There are also already in existence systems used by immigration services that check the fingerprints of a traveler from a passport before authorizing access to the territory concerned. The two systems described above therefore only process low-level information, and only provide binary results; that is to say authorization or refusal and, possibly, the amount of a payment. Aside from confirmations, no information is requested from the user who passively waits for the result of the processing operations. These systems can only process a single type of documents, and therefore do not make it possible to prepare for interaction with an administrative employee. Yet fiscal, administrative, social, and/or insurance organizations work with a large number of procedures, each of which involves a large number of forms, and written proof on paper or in electronic format. Therefore, the need exists for interactive, multi-procedure terminals, i.e. capable of processing multiple procedures based on different types of documents.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
22 B.R. 447 (1982) In re Maris K. RINEER and Diane M. Rineer, Debtors. Maris K. RINEER and Diane M. Rineer, Plaintiffs, v. BANK OF the NORTH SHORE, Defendant. Bankruptcy Nos. 82 B 00044, 82 A 1250. United States Bankruptcy Court, N.D. Illinois, E.D. August 17, 1982. E. Paul Rustin, Chicago, Ill., for plaintiffs. Sherwin Willens, Wilmette, Ill., for defendant. MEMORANDUM OPINION FREDERICK J. HERTZ, Bankruptcy Judge. This cause of action comes to be heard on a motion for summary judgment filed by the debtors, Maris and Diane Rineer (hereinafter referred to as plaintiffs) against the Bank of the North Shore (hereinafter referred to as North Shore) to rescind a security interest held by North Shore in the plaintiffs' home. In May of 1978, North Shore financed plaintiffs' purchase of a 1978 Dodge motor home under a retail installment contract. Subsequently, the plaintiffs defaulted on the contract. North Shore notified the plaintiffs that the vehicle would be repossessed unless the arrearages were paid in full. Plaintiffs requested that North Shore refrain from repossessing the vehicle, and North Shore agreed, provided that the plaintiffs give North Shore a second mortgage lien on their home at 6922 Chestnut, Hanover Park, Illinois as additional collateral for the obligation existing under the retail installment contract. On June 3, 1980, the plaintiffs executed an addendum to their original contract which gave North Shore a second mortgage on their home. The plaintiffs executed a Trust Deed-second mortgage, which North Shore recorded in Cook County, Illinois on June 6, 1980. In April of 1981, the plaintiffs, who presumably were either unable or unwilling to make their payments under the contract, voluntarily returned the vehicle to North Shore. In his affidavit, plaintiff Maris Rineer alleges that the transaction in which North Shore obtained a second mortgage on the plaintiffs' home is subject to Regulation Z of the Federal Truth in Lending Act.[1] The *448 plaintiffs further claim that: (1) under Regulation Z, North Shore is required to furnish the plaintiffs with notice of their right to rescind the June, 1980 transaction which resulted in North Shore's acquisition of a second mortgage in the plaintiffs' home, (2) this notice was not given to the plaintiffs, and (3) in October of 1981, the plaintiffs rescinded the transaction through their own Notice of Rescission sent to North Shore. Accordingly, the plaintiffs believe that North Shore's security interest in their home should be set aside. On December 19, 1981, North Shore sold the motor home for $6,250.00, leaving a deficiency due from the plaintiffs in the amount of $10,757.57. North Shore filed a Proof of Claim for this amount in the plaintiffs' Chapter 13 proceeding. North Shore's position is that summary judgment should be denied because the right of rescission under Regulation Z does not apply to a closed end credit transaction where the security interest in a consumer's principal dwelling is acquired as additional collateral after the close of the consumer transaction and is given for a forebearance against repossession of the original collateral. Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(c), summary judgment should be issued only if there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of right. Consequently, the issues to be decided by this court are (1) whether there exists a genuine issue of material fact and (2) if not, whether the plaintiffs are entitled to a judgment as a matter of right. The movant bears the burden of proving that no genuine issue of material fact exists. Adickes v. S.H. Kress & Co., 398 U.S. 144, 90 S.Ct. 1598, 26 L.Ed.2d 142 (1970). Thus, summary judgment may be denied even where the opposing party offers no evidence, if the movant fails to meet his burden. Garza v. Chicago Health Clubs, Inc., 347 F.Supp. 955, 965 (N.D.Ill.1972). Doubts as to the existence of an issue of fact are resolved in favor of the party opposing the motion. If different inferences and conclusions can reasonably be drawn from the facts offered, summary judgment should be denied. Harvey v. Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., 388 F.2d 123, 124-25 (5th Cir. 1968). See also, In re Chong, 16 B.R. 1, 5 (Bkrtcy.Hawaii 1980). In the case at bar, the plaintiffs have merely made a naked assertion that Regulation Z applies to North Shore's acquisition of a security interest in their home. The plaintiffs did not file a brief in support of their position or respond to North Shore's arguments concerning Regulation Z's inapplicability to the transaction herein. Moreover, research indicates that there is considerable doubt whether the transaction constitutes a "credit transaction" under Section 226.9 of Regulation Z. Even if it is a "credit transaction," it may qualify as a type of refinancing agreement which is an exception to the Right to Rescind. See 12 C.F.R. § 226.903 (1982). Since all of these factors indicate that the relationship between the transaction in question and Regulation Z is not clear or certain, reasonable minds can draw different conclusions from the facts offered. Consequently, this court holds that the plaintiffs have not met their burden of proving that no genuine issue of material fact exists. The plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment is denied. North Shore is to prepare a draft order in accordance with this opinion within 5 days.[*] NOTES [1] The Consumer Credit Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq. (1976), is popularly known as the "Truth in Lending Act." Its purpose "is to improve consumer credit protection through a more informed use of credit." Dumas v. Home Constr. Co. of Mobile, Inc., 440 F.Supp. 1386, 1388 (S.D.Ala.1977). Regulation Z is a body of regulation promulgated by the Federal Reserve Board under the Act. 12 C.F.R. § 226.1 et seq. (1982). [*] This decision is entered in compliance with the stay of enforcement until October 4, 1982 of the United States Supreme Court decision in Northern Pipeline Construction Co. v. Marathon Pipe Line Co., ___ U.S. ___, 102 S.Ct. 2858, 73 L.Ed.2d 598 (1982) and the General Order of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois (July 14, 1982).
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
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Recently, work has started on creating formal standards based on these interim solutions. However, many browsers and web views lag behind these standards.</p> <p>By contrast, one major benefit of Crosswalk is that many of these evolving standards are implemented and available for use <em>right now</em>. In this article, I&#39;ll describe how to resolve some of the issues listed above using Crosswalk by optimising a simple side-scrolling HTML5 game for mobile screens.</p> <h2>Aside: measuring the screen in HTML5 applications</h2> <p>One major complexity when working with HTML5 and CSS is figuring out how CSS pixels and physical pixels on the screen relate to each other. For the purposes of this article, I&#39;ve glossed over these issues, as they can mostly be ignored if you aren&#39;t too concerned about how consistent a game appearson different devices. However, there are other situations where it is important to understand these nuances; for example, if you want your game to look identical on different devices, you will have to pay attention to screen densities.</p> <p>To help in these situations, the <a href="/documentation/tutorials/screens/screen_measurements.html">screen measurements page</a> explains the terminology, including units and measurements, which are relevant when dealing with heterogenous screens in detail.</p> <p>You may also find it useful to refer to <a href="http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/canvas/hidpi/">this article</a> about working with the <code>&lt;canvas&gt;</code> element on HiDPI (aka retina) displays.</p> <h2>The game</h2> <p>The game used in this article is a side-scrolling dodge game set in space. The code is <a href="https://github.com/crosswalk-project/crosswalk-samples">available on github</a>.</p> <p>The layout of the game looks like this (shown in a Chrome browser on a Linux desktop machine):</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game-chrome_linux_desktop.png" alt="space dodge game in Chrome on Linux desktop"></p> <p>The container element for the whole game is sized using CSS, and is 750 pixels across by 450 pixels down. It is positioned relative to the top-left of the browser window.</p> <p>Inside the container are a <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> for the game screen, consisting of a controls <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> on the left and a <code>&lt;canvas&gt;</code> for the play area on the right; and another <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> for the &quot;game over&quot; screen, which is initially hidden.</p> <p>The controls <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> is sized relative to the container, and take up 20% of its width (150px) and 100% of its height (450px). The elements inside the controls area are positioned using the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css-flexbox-1/">CSS flexbox</a>. The CSS flexbox is the first example of a useful feature which is available in Crosswalk, but not in older browsers. It&#39;s very handy for laying out game controls, as you can vertically and horizontally align elements inside a flex element.</p> <p><code>&lt;canvas&gt;</code> elements have to have a pixel width and height specified for them (you can&#39;t size them in CSS). For this first version of the game, the <code>&lt;canvas&gt;</code> is sized to 600 pixels across and 450 pixels down. This is then put in the right-hand side of the game screen.</p> <p>The sprites for the ship and the asteroids are loaded from PNG graphic files and drawn to the canvas. If you are unfamiliar with how to do this, see <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Canvas_tutorial">this <code>&lt;canvas&gt;</code> tutorial</a>.</p> <p>The gameplay is nothing special, but is just there to demonstrate the effect of applying various screen-related techniques to the game. The game is touch-enabled, though, so it will work on a touchscreen devices like phones.</p> <h3>Notes on the game layout</h3> <p>The layout elements in the HTML file <code>index.html</code>:</p> <pre><code>&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt; &lt;html&gt; &lt;head&gt; &lt;meta charset=&quot;utf-8&quot;&gt; &lt;title&gt;space dodge game&lt;/title&gt; &lt;link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; href=&quot;base.css&quot;&gt; &lt;/head&gt; &lt;body&gt; &lt;div id=&quot;container&quot;&gt; &lt;div id=&quot;game-screen&quot;&gt; &lt;div id=&quot;controls&quot; class=&quot;vbox&quot;&gt; &lt;p id=&quot;score&quot;&gt;Score&lt;br&gt;&lt;span id=&quot;score-display&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;img id=&quot;control-up&quot; src=&quot;control-up.png&quot;&gt; &lt;img id=&quot;control-down&quot; src=&quot;control-down.png&quot;&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;canvas id=&quot;play-area&quot; width=&quot;600&quot; height=&quot;450&quot;&gt;&lt;/canvas&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;div id=&quot;finish-screen&quot; class=&quot;vbox&quot; data-visible=&quot;false&quot;&gt; &lt;p id=&quot;final-score&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;button id=&quot;restart&quot;&gt;Restart&lt;/button&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;script src=&quot;main.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;/body&gt; &lt;/html&gt;</code></pre> <p>The CSS stylesheet:</p> <pre><code>* { user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; user-drag: none; -webkit-user-drag: none; } body { margin: 0; } #container { position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; width: 750px; height: 450px; } #game-screen, #finish-screen { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #11F; } #finish-screen { z-index: 100; } #play-area { float: right; width: 80%; } #controls { height: 100%; width: 20%; padding: 5%; text-align: center; box-sizing: border-box; float: left; } .vbox { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } p, button { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 1.5em; } #control-up, #control-down { margin: 1em 0; } #finish-screen &gt; * { text-align: center; } #score, #final-score { color: white; } [data-visible=&quot;false&quot;] { display: none !important; }</code></pre> <p>Some remarks about the code:</p> <ul> <li><p>The margins are removed from the <code>body</code> element with:</p> <pre><code>body { margin: 0; }</code></pre> <p>This makes it easier to do accurate positioning and sizing of elements inside the body.</p> </li> <li><p>The outer element with ID <code>container</code> contains all of the other game elements. Its size is sets in CSS, which constrains the size of the whole game.</p> </li> <li><p>There are two separate &quot;screens&quot; inside the container (elements with the IDs <code>game-screen</code> and <code>finish-screen</code>). <code>finish-screen</code> is hidden initially, but is placed on top of <code>game-screen</code> by setting a <code>z-index</code> of 100. When the game ends, <code>finish-screen</code> is shown, which obscures the <code>game-screen</code> element underneath it.</p> </li> <li><p><code>&lt;canvas&gt;</code> elements must have their height and width attributes set to define the size of the canvas in pixels. This can&#39;t be done in CSS. In the code above, the height and width are fixed; but they can be set dynamically based on the size of the screen (see later).</p> </li> <li><p>The container has <code>position: relative</code> set in the CSS, and the child screens have <code>position: absolute</code>. This enables the child screens to be aligned with the top-left corner of the container.</p> </li> <li><p><code>float</code> properties are used to position the controls to the left of the canvas <code>play-area</code>.</p> </li> </ul> <p>The HTML and CSS for the game so far are naive, representing a first pass at a working layout. There is plenty of room for optimisation and improvement.</p> <h3>Running it yourself</h3> <p>If you are interested in following along with the article, rather than just looking at screenshots, you can checkout the project and build an Android package for it by following the steps below.</p> <ol> <li><p>Download the latest stable Crosswalk Android bundle:</p> <pre><code>$ wget https://download.01.org/crosswalk/releases/crosswalk/android/stable/${XWALK-STABLE-ANDROID-X86}/crosswalk-${XWALK-STABLE-ANDROID-X86}.zip</code></pre> <p>If you want to run the version of the game designed to work with Crosswalk 8, fetch one of the Crosswalk Android <em>canary</em> bundles from <a href="/documentation/downloads.html">the download page</a>.</p> </li> <li><p>Unzip the bundle, e.g. on Linux:</p> <pre><code>$ unzip crosswalk-${XWALK-STABLE-ANDROID-X86}.zip</code></pre> </li> <li><p>Check out the code for the Crosswalk samples from github:</p> <pre><code>$ git checkout https://github.com/crosswalk-project/crosswalk-samples.git</code></pre> <p>The game used in this tutorial is in the <code>space-dodge-game</code> directory.</p> </li> <li><p>Use <code>make_apk.py</code> to build a Crosswalk package from the checked-out crosswalk-samples project:</p> <pre><code>$ cd crosswalk-${XWALK-STABLE-ANDROID-X86} $ python make_apk.py --manifest=/path/to/crosswalk-samples/space-dodge-game/&lt;version&gt;</code></pre> <p>Replace <code>&lt;version&gt;</code> with whichever version of the game you want to run; <code>master</code> is the version of the game before optimisation, and there are four other versions for different Crosswalk versions and techniques. See the <code>README.md</code> file in the <code>space-dodge-game</code> directory for details.</p> </li> <li><p>Once you have built a package for the game, you can deploy it to Android using <code>adb</code>:</p> <pre><code>$ adb install space_dodge_game_0.0.0.1_x86.apk</code></pre> <p>or</p> <pre><code>$ adb install space_dodge_game_0.0.0.1_arm.apk</code></pre> <p>depending on your target hardware.</p> <p>For more details about building and running Crosswalk applications on Android, see <a href="/documentation/android/run_on_android.html">the Getting started pages</a>.</p> </li> </ol> <h2>Issue 1: The game sometimes displays in portrait orientation</h2> <p>If the game is packaged and deployed to a small screen device in its initial state, this is what it looks like:</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game-zte_geek_portrait.png" alt="space dodge game in portrait on ZTE Geek"></p> <p>It&#39;s obvious that it doesn&#39;t take up enough of the screen. The reason is that the game is in portrait orientation, when it should be in landscape. By rotating the device (so the game rotates), you can see an immediate improvement:</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game-zte_geek_landscape.png" alt="space dodge game in landscape on ZTE Geek"></p> <p>However, the game shouldn&#39;t accidentally rotate if the screen orientation changes, as it does at the moment: it should always display in landscape mode.</p> <p>Crosswalk provides an easy fix for this, as it implements the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/screen-orientation/">Screen Orientation API</a>. Among other things, this enables an application to lock itself to a particular orientation at run time.</p> <p>To use this, add the following code to the main JavaScript entry point for your application. This depends on the application, but for the space dodge game, it&#39;s at the top of the <code>main.js</code> file, triggered once the DOM is ready:</p> <pre><code>document.addEventListener(&#39;DOMContentLoaded&#39;, function () { // check whether the runtime supports screen.lockOrientation if (screen.lockOrientation) { // lock the orientation screen.lockOrientation(&#39;landscape&#39;); } // ...rest of the application code... };</code></pre> <p>If you run the application now, you&#39;ll notice that the game rotates to landscape when it starts. Its appearance is the same as if the physical device were rotated to landscape. An application can also be locked to portrait orientation using this approach (<code>screen.lockOrientation(&#39;portrait&#39;)</code>).</p> <p>If you prefer, there are a couple of other ways to fix an application&#39;s orientation:</p> <ul> <li><p>Use the <code>orientation</code> field in the manifest (this only works for Crosswalk 8 or later).</p> <p>For example, the following manifest would force the application to landscape orientation:</p> <pre><code>{ &quot;name&quot;: &quot;space_dodge_game&quot;, &quot;version&quot;: &quot;;, &quot;start_url&quot;: &quot;index.html&quot;, &quot;orientation&quot;: &quot;landscape&quot; }</code></pre> <p>You could then <a href="/documentation/android/run_on_android.html">build an application package for Android</a> from this manifest with:</p> <pre><code>$ python make_apk.py --manifest=/projects/space_dodge_game/manifest.json</code></pre> <p>Install it on an Android target as described in <a href="/documentation/android/run_on_android.html">the Getting started pages</a>.</p> <p>Using the <code>orientation</code> field in the manifest has exactly the same effect as using <code>screen.lockOrientation</code> in your application code: the application rotates to the requested orientation after the application starts. But <code>screen.lockOrientation</code> has the advantage of being supported by other runtimes (e.g. Firefox OS), so may be a better choice if you need your application to work cross-platform.</p> <p>The <code>orientation</code> manifest field is defined in the <a href="http://w3c.github.io/manifest/">W3C Manifest for web application specification</a>.</p> </li> <li><p>Use the <code>--orientation</code> option when running <code>make_apk.py</code>. Note that this won&#39;t work unless you are using <code>make_apk.py</code> to package your application. If you&#39;re using the embedding API, use <code>screen.lockOrientation</code> or the manifest approach.</p> <p>For example:</p> <pre><code>$ python make_apk.py --manifest=/projects/space_dodge_game/manifest.json \ --orientation=landscape</code></pre> <p>This is really a hack, as it actually modifies the <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code> to rotate Crosswalk itself, rather than the application being rotated by Crosswalk. But it&#39;s a viable alternative for older versions of Crosswalk which don&#39;t support the <code>orientation</code> field in the manifest and where you prefer not to use <code>screen.lockOrientation</code>.</p> <p>This also has the same effect as using the <code>orientation</code> field, rotating the application after it has started.</p> <p>The <code>orientation</code> manifest field is defined in the <a href="http://w3c.github.io/manifest/">W3C Manifest for web application specification</a>.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Issue 2: The status bar is distracting</h2> <p>The next issue is that the toolbar is still visible, which is a distraction while playing a game. There are two ways to make the application occupy the whole screen, hiding the status bar (on Android):</p> <ul> <li><p>Use the <code>display</code> field in <code>manifest.json</code> (this only works for Crosswalk 8 or later).</p> <p>For example, here&#39;s a manifest which sets fullscreen, and also retains the landscape orientation applied in the previous step:</p> <pre><code>{ &quot;name&quot;: &quot;space_dodge_game&quot;, &quot;version&quot;: &quot;;, &quot;start_url&quot;: &quot;index.html&quot;, &quot;display&quot;: &quot;fullscreen&quot;, &quot;orientation&quot;: &quot;landscape&quot; }</code></pre> <p><a href="/documentation/android/run_on_android.html">Build and deploy to the device</a> as usual.</p> <p>The <code>display</code> manifest field is defined in the <a href="http://w3c.github.io/manifest/">W3C Manifest for web application specification</a>.</p> </li> <li><p>Use the <code>--fullscreen</code> option with the <code>make_apk.py</code> script.</p> <p>For example:</p> <pre><code>$ python make_apk.py --manifest=/projects/space_dodge_game/manifest.json \ --orientation=landscape --fullscreen</code></pre> <p>This is a useful option if you are using an older version of Crosswalk which doesn&#39;t support the <code>display</code> field in the manifest. See <a href="/documentation/android/run_on_android.html">the Getting started pages</a> for more information about using <code>make_apk.py</code>.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Using either the <code>display</code> field or the <code>--fullscreen</code> option has the same effect: the application displays in fullscreen, hiding the system status bar on Android:</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game-zte_geek_fullscreen.png" alt="space dodge game in fullscreen, landscape orientation"></p> <p>You may be familiar with the <a href="https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/fullscreen/raw-file/tip/Overview.html">fullscreen API</a>, which enables an application to request that all or part of its user interface occupy the whole device screen. However, the fullscreen API has a different purpose from the approaches covered above: it requires some user activity to trigger the fullscreen request <em>after</em> an application is running.</p> <p>In the case of a Crosswalk application, you can use the fullscreen API, providing the user interacts with the application (e.g. push a button or make a gesture) to trigger the fullscreen request. But it is not possible to <em>automatically</em> make the application go fullscreen without user interaction using this API.</p> <h2>Issue 3: The game doesn&#39;t fit the screen</h2> <p>The game is now consistently bigger because it&#39;s always displayed fullscreen and in landscape orientation. But there&#39;s a lot of whitespace around it, and it&#39;s not visually appealing. It would be nicer if the game fitted the whole screen.</p> <p>The area occupied by the application is called its <em>viewport</em>. On a mobile device, this is the area under or between any toolbars on the screen (e.g. the status bar on Android) if the application is running in &quot;windowed&quot; mode; or the whole device screen if it is running in &quot;fullscreen&quot; mode. What we&#39;re aiming for here is &quot;fullscreen&quot; mode, to get the game to fill the whole of the device screen.</p> <p>There are a few approaches we could take:</p> <ol> <li><p>Scale the application to fit the smallest dimension (width or height), keeping aspect ratio and centering it in the viewport. The game has the same number of pixels, but they are scaled to fit into the viewport.</p> </li> <li><p>Do the same as above, but instead of scaling, physically change the size of all the game elements. This would make the canvas larger (in pixels) on a large screen and smaller on a small screen. The disadvantage of this approach is that you have to scale the image assets used in the game to ensure that they keep the same proportions: for example, if you have an image which is 40px square on a 400px square game area, then change the game canvas to 600px square, you will have to scale the image to 60px square. The advantage of this approach is that you&#39;re not scaling everything, just sprites; but the disadvantage is that it&#39;s more complicated to implement, as you have to track the size of the sprites (on screen) in isolation from their actual size (in the file).</p> </li> <li><p>Change the dimensions of the game, while keeping the size of the <code>&lt;canvas&gt;</code> the same. The area occupied by the game could be made physically larger, and perhaps make the controls larger too, while leaving the <code>&lt;canvas&gt;</code> element the same size. The reason for doing this is that the <code>&lt;canvas&gt;</code> is sensitive to size changes, as described in the previous bullet point.</p> </li> </ol> <p>For this game, the canvas is already too big for small screens, so the third approach is not really practical. (That approach only works if you know your game is only going to be played on a small range of screens, which can all fit the canvas at the size you specify. Similar to how old PC games were designed to fit devices with at least a 640x400 pixel screen, which was the size of most mid range monitors.)</p> <p>This leaves approaches 1 and 2, which are covered shortly. However, before getting onto those, there is a preparatory step which helps with measuring the actual size of the screen, making it more consistent between devices.</p> <h3>Preparation: Make the viewport fit the screen</h3> <p>A few years ago, when designing mobile phones, manufacturers realised that if 90% of websites were shown in a small screen, they would not fit. This is because websites used to be designed primarily for desktop screens; mobile sites were often separate from the main site, with reduced functionality or even written in a <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_Markup_Language">different markup language</a>. But users wanted to be able to access the &quot;real&quot; website from a phone, rather than a mobile-specific site; and they wanted to do this without compromising the site&#39;s appearance. Manufacturers resolved this by equipping their mobile browsers with a default &quot;zoom out&quot;, to make websites intended for desktops display (reasonably) well in mobile browsers. Most phone browsers still work this way: for example, the HTC One X I have for testing reports its width as 980px, while its actual physical width is 360px.</p> <p>Around the same time, web developers and designers changed their approach, designing websites which would display differently depending on device capabilities. These techniques are now known as <a href="http://alistapart.com/article/responsive-web-design">responsive web design</a>, and encompass a range of approaches including use of <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/">media queries</a> and <a href="http://www.w3.org/community/respimg/">delivering different images to different screens</a>. Contemporary developers also often employ a <a href="http://www.abookapart.com/products/mobile-first">mobile first</a> philosophy, ensuring a website is highlighy functional first and foremost on small form factors, with added bells and whistles (typically, more and larger graphics) on bigger form factors.</p> <p>Where these two roads meet is at an awkward crossroads: developers are trying hard to provide sites tailored specifically for small screen devices; but small screen devices apply an artificial zoom which makes device screens appear larger than they are. As a result, the mobile version of a site could be bypassed (the site calculates that it is being viewed on a desktop browser); and the desktop site end up being delivered to a screen that is too small to display it properly.</p> <p>A solution was initially developed by <a href="https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariHTMLRef/Articles/MetaTags.html">Apple</a>, taking the form of an ad hoc HTML <code>&lt;meta&gt;</code> element named <code>viewport</code>. This could be used to ask a mobile browser to change various aspects of its viewport. For example, the page could ask the browser to set the viewport width to the device&#39;s real physical width with:</p> <pre><code>&lt;meta name=&quot;viewport&quot; content=&quot;width=device-width&quot;&gt;</code></pre> <p>Or prevent the user zooming the page in and out (e.g. with pinch gestures):</p> <pre><code>&lt;meta name=&quot;viewport&quot; content=&quot;width=device-width, user-scalable=no&quot;&gt;</code></pre> <p>Other vendors followed suit and added support for this <code>&lt;meta&gt;</code> viewport element to their browsers.</p> <p>By using the <code>&lt;meta&gt;</code> viewport element, a developer could now prevent the browser from applying its default zoom to an HTML page. This would in turn mean that a web site or app could get a correct reading for the device&#39;s physical screen dimensions, enabling media queries to be applied accurately to select the best CSS for the screen.</p> <p>The <code>&lt;meta&gt;</code> viewport element is <em>not</em> a standard: it is not implemented consistently across browsers, and the syntax for declaring its content also varies between browsers. However, there are currently attempts to formalise <a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-device-adapt/">viewport rules in a CSS specification</a>. For now, though, the existing syntax works well for Crosswalk, and can be used as a stop-gap.</p> <p>To apply a viewport meta element to the space dodge game in this article, add it to the <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> of the <code>index.html</code> file. This instructs the browser to use its physical width as the viewport width, without zooming:</p> <pre><code>&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt; &lt;html&gt; &lt;head&gt; &lt;meta charset=&quot;utf-8&quot;&gt; &lt;meta name=&quot;viewport&quot; content=&quot;width=device-width&quot;&gt; &lt;title&gt;space dodge game&lt;/title&gt; &lt;link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; href=&quot;base.css&quot;&gt; &lt;/head&gt; &lt;body&gt; ... rest of HTML file ...</code></pre> <p>The result is this:</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game-viewport_meta.png" alt="space dodge game with landscape orientation, fullscreen and viewport meta"></p> <p>Note how the game is now filling the whole screen, and looks roughly the right size: the buttons are nice and big, and the graphics clear. However, the screen size on this device is 640px wide by 360px down, so the game canvas is spilling over the edges of the screen.</p> <p>By contrast, it doesn&#39;t take up enough space on a larger screen. Here it is on a Nexus 7:</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game-nexus7.png" alt="space dodge game on Nexus 7 with landscape orientation, fullscreen, and viewport meta"></p> <p>In the next sections, I describe two ways to alter the size of the game to fit better into the screen.</p> <h3>Approach 1: Scale the game</h3> <p>The aim here is to scale the whole game (in CSS) so that it retains its aspect ratio but fits in the screen. The first step is to figure out the optimum position and size for the element which contains the whole game.</p> <p>Here is the algorithm in pseudo-code:</p> <ul> <li><p>Find the width and height of the viewport (which is the same as the screen dimensions, thanks to the viewport meta applied previously).</p> </li> <li><p>Find the width and height of the application container.</p> </li> <li><p>Find the ratio of viewport height to container height (scaleHeight).</p> </li> <li><p>Find the ratio of screen width to container width (scaleWidth).</p> </li> <li><p>Choose the smallest of scaleHeight and scaleWidth, and use this as the scale factor for both width and height (scaleBoth).</p> </li> <li><p>Work out the newHeight and newWidth of the container by multiplying its width and height by scaleBoth.</p> </li> <li><p>Work out a top and left offset for the container, as follows:</p> <ul> <li>left = (1 / scaleBoth) * ((viewport width - container newWidth) / 2)</li> <li>top = (1 / scaleBoth) * ((viewport height - container newHeight) / 2)</li> </ul> <p>Note that the offsets are being scaled, so that they are in proportion to the scaled game.</p> </li> <li><p>Apply the scaling and offsets to the whole game container using <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css-transforms-1/">CSS transforms</a>.</p> </li> </ul> <p>By implementing this pseudo-code in JavaScript, a scale can be applied to the whole container:</p> <pre><code>var scale = function () { var container = document.querySelector(&#39;#container&#39;); var containerWidth = container.offsetWidth; var containerHeight = container.offsetHeight; var viewportWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; var viewportHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; var scaleWidth = viewportWidth / containerWidth; var scaleHeight = viewportHeight / containerHeight; var scaleBoth = (scaleHeight &lt; scaleWidth) ? scaleHeight : scaleWidth; var newContainerWidth = containerWidth * scaleBoth; var newContainerHeight = containerHeight * scaleBoth; var left = (viewportWidth - newContainerWidth) / 2; left = parseInt(left * (1 / scaleBoth), 10); var top = (viewportHeight - newContainerHeight) / 2; top = parseInt(top * (1 / scaleBoth), 10); // scale the whole container var transform = &#39;scale(&#39; + scaleBoth + &#39;,&#39; + scaleBoth + &#39;) &#39; + &#39;translate(&#39; + left + &#39;px, &#39; + top + &#39;px)&#39;; container.style[&#39;-webkit-transform-origin&#39;] = &#39;top left 0&#39;; container.style[&#39;-webkit-transform&#39;] = transform; container.style[&#39;transform-origin&#39;] = &#39;top left 0&#39;; container.style[&#39;transform&#39;] = transform; }; window.onresize = scale; scale();</code></pre> <p>To give an example of the CSS transforms which will be applied, consider the case where the scale is 2.05 and the top and left offsets are 0px and 40px respectively. The resulting CSS transforms would be:</p> <pre><code>-webkit-transform-origin: 0 0 0; transform-origin: 0 0 0; -webkit-transform: scale(2.05, 2.05) translate(40px, 0px); transform: scale(2.05, 2.05) translate(40px, 0px);</code></pre> <p>Setting the transform origin to <code>top left 0</code> ensures that the transforms are applied from the top-left corner of the container. The <code>scale(2.05, 2.05)</code> function changes the scaling of the container; and the <code>translate(40px, 0px)</code> function moves the container to the correct position on screen (40 pixels from the left-hand edge). Here&#39;s the result on a ZTE Geek:</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game-zte_geek_scale.png" alt="space dodge game on ZTE Geek: landscape, fullscreen, viewport meta, CSS transform"></p> <p>Notice how the application is fitted vertically, then centered horizontally.</p> <p>This approach is good because it is simple. However, as the scaling is applied to the whole application, it can cause some blurring, especially when scaling up. The next section describes a more complex alternative which uses resizing plus selective scaling of game assets.</p> <h3>Approach 2: Resize the game</h3> <p>This approach requires a more extensive reworking of the CSS for the game, as it affects the positioning, size and appearance of every element. It&#39;s tempting to ignore this approach, as the scaling approach of the previous section works pretty well. But there&#39;s actually good discipline involved in making this alternative approach work.</p> <p>The first step is to make the container occupy the whole screen. In the olden days, this would have meant measuring the screen, then manually setting the width and height CSS properties of the container (in JavaScript). However, Crosswalk supports a handy CSS feature which means you don&#39;t have to do this any more: <a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-values/#viewport-relative-lengths">viewport-percentage lengths</a>. These allow you to specify the dimensions of elements in terms of a percentage of the viewport dimensions. As the application is now fullscreen, the viewport fills the whole screen; so the container can fill 100% of the device&#39;s height and width using this CSS rule:</p> <pre><code>#container { position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; }</code></pre> <p>Note the <code>vw</code> (viewport percentage width) and <code>vh</code> (viewport percentage height) suffixes to the container&#39;s width and height settings. Here&#39;s what the game looks like on a ZTE Geek with this change to the container sizing:</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game_zte_geek_resize.png" alt="space dodge game on ZTE Geek: landscape, fullscreen, viewport meta, resize"></p> <p>Not bad for a first pass. But the bottom of the canvas has disappeared off-screen; and the buttons look squashed. We&#39;ll fix this in a minute.</p> <p>Note that viewport-percentage lengths don&#39;t work well for testing in a desktop browser, as desktop environments often have toolbars on the browser and on the desktop itself. This means that the viewport height can be considerably larger than the amount of space inside the browser window. However, you could try experimenting with <a href="https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/mobile-emulation">Chrome&#39;s device emulation support</a> if you want a quick way to test your app without a mobile or tablet.</p> <p>At this point in testing, I realised something. When I first wrote the game, I concentrated on getting it to look right in a desktop browser. This meant that I didn&#39;t necessarily do everything &quot;properly&quot;. For example, with a fixed width container, I could arrange the control buttons easily: setting a few margins and a bit of padding seemed to work.</p> <p>However, once I started thinking about resizing <em>everything</em>, it became clear that I hadn&#39;t done things the &quot;right way&quot;. I needed to make some fixes so that the buttons and score would be positioned and sized correctly. This could be done easily in CSS, without having to resort to JavaScript.</p> <p>I changed this rule:</p> <pre><code>#control-up, #control-down { margin: 20% 0; }</code></pre> <p>to:</p> <pre><code>#control-down { margin: 0.5em 0 0 0; }</code></pre> <p>(set the top margin of the &quot;down&quot; button to a fixed amount so it stays close to the &quot;up&quot; button&quot;).</p> <p>I also changed this rule:</p> <pre><code>#controls { height: 100%; width: 20%; padding: 5%; text-align: center; box-sizing: border-box; float: left; }</code></pre> <p>to:</p> <pre><code>#controls { height: 100%; width: 20%; padding: 0.5em; text-align: center; box-sizing: border-box; float: left; }</code></pre> <p>(padding changed from <code>5%</code> to <code>0.5em</code>). This fixes the spacing of the controls so that they stay a reasonable distance apart as the screen size changes.</p> <p>Here&#39;s the result:</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game-zte_geek_resize_2.png" alt="space dodge game on ZTE Geek: landscape, fullscreen, viewport meta, resize, fixed margin"></p> <p>The buttons now look right, but the canvas is too tall for the screen (remember, its pixel height is set as an attribute on the canvas, not in CSS). This currently means you can move the spaceship off the bottom of the screen. The canvas needs to be resized to fit in the space to the right of the controls, while maintaining its aspect ratio.</p> <p>To do this, I applied the technique from the previous section, where I scaled the whole game to fit the screen. But in this case, just the canvas is scaled to fit into the area to the right of the controls. In addition, the canvas scaling should be done using its width and height attributes, rather than scaling it in CSS. (This is a bit confusing, as the height and width attributes of a canvas are different from the CSS height and width of its <code>&lt;canvas&gt;</code> element.)</p> <p>First, I added a new parent element for the canvas (the <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> with ID <code>play-area-container</code> below):</p> <pre><code>&lt;div id=&quot;container&quot;&gt; &lt;div id=&quot;game-screen&quot;&gt; &lt;div id=&quot;controls&quot; class=&quot;vbox&quot;&gt; &lt;p id=&quot;score&quot;&gt;Score&lt;br&gt;&lt;span id=&quot;score-display&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;img id=&quot;control-up&quot; src=&quot;control-up.png&quot;&gt; &lt;img id=&quot;control-down&quot; src=&quot;control-down.png&quot;&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;div id=&quot;play-area-container&quot;&gt; &lt;canvas id=&quot;play-area&quot; width=&quot;600&quot; height=&quot;450&quot;&gt;&lt;/canvas&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;div id=&quot;finish-screen&quot; class=&quot;vbox&quot; data-visible=&quot;false&quot;&gt; &lt;p id=&quot;final-score&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;button id=&quot;restart&quot;&gt;Restart&lt;/button&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt;</code></pre> <p>I modified the CSS so it&#39;s <code>play-area-container</code> and not <code>play-area</code> which is sized to fit the right-hand section of the game by changing:</p> <pre><code>#play-area { float: right; width: 80%; }</code></pre> <p>to:</p> <pre><code>#play-area-container { float: right; width: 80%; height: 100%; } #play-area { position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; border: 2px solid darkblue; }</code></pre> <p>I added a border to <code>play-area</code> so you can see where the play area really is, as it now won&#39;t necessarily fill its parent. This allows the player to see where the asteroids are going to come from (it might not be the right-hand edge of the screen any more). I also changed <code>play-area</code> to use <code>position: relative</code>, so it can be positioned relative to its parent (i.e. <code>play-area-container</code>).</p> <p>Then I used a variant of the scale algorithm from the previous section to fit the canvas into the <code>play-area-container</code>:</p> <pre><code>// the canvas element var playArea = document.querySelector(&#39;#play-area&#39;); // factor by which to modify canvas width and height var scaleCanvas = 1; var fitCanvas = function () { var container = document.querySelector(&#39;#play-area-container&#39;); var containerWidth = container.offsetWidth; var containerHeight = container.offsetHeight; var playAreaWidth = playArea.width; var playAreaHeight = playArea.height; var scaleWidth = containerWidth / playAreaWidth; var scaleHeight = containerHeight / playAreaHeight; scaleCanvas = (scaleHeight &lt; scaleWidth) ? scaleHeight : scaleWidth; var newPlayAreaWidth = playAreaWidth * scaleCanvas; var newPlayAreaHeight = playAreaHeight * scaleCanvas; var left = (containerWidth - newPlayAreaWidth) / 2; var top = (containerHeight - newPlayAreaHeight) / 2; // resize and position the canvas playArea.width = parseInt(newPlayAreaWidth, 10); playArea.height = parseInt(newPlayAreaHeight, 10); playArea.style.top = top + &#39;px&#39;; playArea.style.left = left + &#39;px&#39;; }; window.onresize = fitCanvas; fitCanvas();</code></pre> <p>Note that this changes the canvas width and height attributes then positions it, rather than scaling the canvas in CSS.</p> <p>This is the result on a ZTE Geek (canvas size is &quot;shrunk&quot; to 480px by 360px):</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game_zte_geek_resize_canvas.png" alt="space dodge game on ZTE Geek: landscape, fullscreen, viewport meta, resize, fixed margin, canvas resized"></p> <h4>Resize the sprites</h4> <p>One side-effect of changing the canvas size is that the sprites are no longer in the same proportions as they were. Previously, the canvas was 600px wide and 450px high; the sprite for the spaceship is 75px wide by 44px tall, which is 12.5% of the canvas width and 10% of its height. But now the canvas size has changed; and the spaceship is now 16% of the width of the canvas and 12% of its height (i.e. it is relatively larger). This makes the game harder, as the asteroids will reach the ship sooner (they haven&#39;t got so far to travel). Conversely, on a large screen, the game is too easy: the spaceship takes up less of the canvas and the asteroids are further away.</p> <p>The solution is to draw the images onto a larger area of the canvas, so that their dimensions are always in the same ratio to the canvas dimensions. In the previous code fragment, I laid the foundation for this by recording the canvas scale factor in a variable outside the <code>fitCanvas()</code> function:</p> <pre><code>// factor by which to modify canvas width and height var scaleCanvas = 1;</code></pre> <p>After the first call to <code>fitCanvas()</code>, <code>scaleCanvas</code> is set to the canvas scale factor. To scale the sprites up, we can apply the same factor to the size of the sprites when they are drawn. In the code for the game, the images were previously written to the canvas like this:</p> <pre><code>ctx.drawImage(image, x, y, image.width, image.height);</code></pre> <p>(<code>ctx</code> is the canvas&#39; 2D context)</p> <p>This code can be modified as follows to draw the image at the correct scale:</p> <pre><code>ctx.drawImage( image, x, y, image.width * scaleCanvas, image.height * scaleCanvas );</code></pre> <p>The result is as follows (on the ZTE Geek again):</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game-zte_geek_resize_canvas_2.png" alt="space dodge game on ZTE Geek: landscape, fullscreen, viewport meta, resize, fixed margin, canvas and sprites resized"></p> <p>Compare with the previous screenshot and you should be able to see that the ship and asteroids are slightly smaller in this screenshot (80% of the size of the previous one).</p> <p>The distances moved by the game objects are described in terms of multiples of their height (each control press moves the ship three times its own height per second, and asteroids move 3-5 times their width per second). This means that there is no need to modify any of the movement code, providing the scaled heights and widths are used in the calculations, for example:</p> <pre><code>// the ship height on screen is the Image height of the // loaded graphics file * the canvas scale factor var shipHeight = shipImg.height * scaleCanvas; // get the number of seconds since the last animation frame var timeDelta = (currentTime - lastTime) / 1000; // calculate movement on the y axis; // the player moves three times their own height per second; // direction = 1 for down, -1 for up var moveY = direction * shipHeight * timeDelta * 3;</code></pre> <p>Any other code which refers to the height and width of the sprites (such as the code for collision testing) will also have to apply the canvas scale. The simplest approach is to add functions for fetching the scaled height of the ship and the asteroids, then using those whenever the height and width of an <code>Image</code> object are required. For example:</p> <pre><code>// img is an Image object loaded with a ship or asteroid graphics // file function getImgWidth(img) { return img.width * scaleCanvas; } function getImgHeight(img) { return img.height * scaleCanvas; }</code></pre> <p>The movement code could then be rewritten as:</p> <pre><code>// get the number of seconds since the last animation frame var timeDelta = (currentTime - lastTime) / 1000; // calculate movement on the y axis; // the player moves three times their own height per second; // direction = 1 for down, -1 for up var moveY = direction * getImgHeight(shipImg) * timeDelta * 3;</code></pre> <p>Depending on the game and the environment, it may be possible to cache the width and height calculations. However, you have to be careful with this, ensuring that you invalidate the cached values if <code>canvasScale</code> changes (for example, if you resize the game when the window size changes). In my code, <code>fitCanvas()</code> is called each time the <code>onresize</code> event fires on the screen. This happens at least twice on a mobile device, while Crosswalk locks the screen orientation to landscape. For this reason, and to keep things simple, I dynamically get the height and width of the image each time, as this is relatively inexpensive for the two images I&#39;m using.</p> <h2>Issue 4: Sprites blur on large screens</h2> <p>Having applied the lessons in the previous section, one other possible issue is the potential for blurring due to scaling. If you take a close look at this image:</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game-large_screen_blur.png" alt="space dodge game: sprites blur on large screens"></p> <p>you may notice that it appears blurry. This image was copied from a screenshot of a large browser window, where the sprite graphic was being scaled up to twice its original size, making it blur.</p> <p>One solution is to provide a larger graphic which can scale with less blurring, and use this graphic when the canvas is scaled up (<code>scaleCanvas &gt; 1</code>). The <code>src</code> attribute of the ship and asteroid <code>Image</code> objects can then be set inside the <code>fitCanvas()</code> function, depending on <code>scaleCanvas</code>:</p> <pre><code>// player ship image (to draw onto canvas) var ship = new Image(); // asteroid image (to draw onto canvas) var asteroid = new Image(); // the canvas element var playArea = document.querySelector(&#39;#play-area&#39;); // factor to modify canvas width and height by var scaleCanvas = 1; var fitCanvas = function () { var container = document.querySelector(&#39;#play-area-container&#39;); var containerWidth = container.offsetWidth; var containerHeight = container.offsetHeight; var playAreaWidth = playArea.width; var playAreaHeight = playArea.height; var scaleWidth = containerWidth / playAreaWidth; var scaleHeight = containerHeight / playAreaHeight; scaleCanvas = (scaleHeight &lt; scaleWidth) ? scaleHeight : scaleWidth; var newPlayAreaWidth = playAreaWidth * scaleCanvas; var newPlayAreaHeight = playAreaHeight * scaleCanvas; var left = (containerWidth - newPlayAreaWidth) / 2; var top = (containerHeight - newPlayAreaHeight) / 2; // resize and position the canvas playArea.width = parseInt(newPlayAreaWidth, 10); playArea.height = parseInt(newPlayAreaHeight, 10); playArea.style.top = top + &#39;px&#39;; playArea.style.left = left + &#39;px&#39;; // use a double-sized image if the canvas is being scaled up if (scaleCanvas &gt; 1) { ship.src = &#39;rocket2x.png&#39;; asteroid.src = &#39;asteroid2x.png&#39;; // reset the scale so that the double-sized images are scaled // down to the same size as the original image scaleCanvas /= 2; } // otherwise use the original-sized image else { ship.src = &#39;rocket.png&#39;; asteroid.src = &#39;asteroid.png&#39;; } }; window.onresize = fitCanvas; fitCanvas();</code></pre> <p>Compare the double-sized image when scaled down slightly (on the left) with the smaller image scaled up to twice its original size (on the right):</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game-large_screen_less_blur.png" alt="space dodge game: large image scaled down vs small image scaled up"></p> <p>As you can see here, the large image scaled down is far less blurry than the small image scaled up.</p> <p>Depending on how large the images are, it might make sense to use larger images at all scales. But if you are trying to keep the size of the assets down, using different images for different scales may be a more viable approach.</p> <h2>Issue 5: We need a launch screen</h2> <p>Applications can sometimes take a while to load, due to network latency and/or sheer size and number of resources. This problem gets worse as the application grows and is especially problematic for games, where there are often a large number of graphical, audio and video assets in use. In such cases, a common technique is to show a screen with introductory images or text while the resources are loading, commonly known as a &quot;loading&quot; or &quot;launch&quot; screen. Frameworks often provide APIs to support this, or developers may add their own code to handle it.</p> <p>Crosswalk 8 and later provides baked-in support for launch screens, via an <code>xwalk_launch_screen</code> in the application manifest. This enables you to set background and foreground images and colours, differentiated according to screen orientation and pixel density if desired, with little or no programming. Full details of its capabilities are on the <a href="/documentation/manifest/launch_screen.html">launch screen page</a>.</p> <p>The steps below explain how to add a launch screen to the example game.</p> <ol> <li><p>First, add a foreground image <code>fg.png</code>. This is a simple graphic composed of the name of the game plus the rocket sprite, with a transparent background (I&#39;ve added a blue background to the graphic here so the white letters show up):</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game-launch_screen_fg.png" alt="space dodge game launch screen foreground"></p> <p>I made the image relatively small (320px by 240px), as it should fit small mobile screens.</p> </li> <li><p>To activate the launch screen, add an <code>xwalk_launch_screen</code> field to the <code>manifest.json</code> file:</p> <pre><code>{ &quot;name&quot;: &quot;space_dodge_game&quot;, &quot;version&quot;: &quot;;, &quot;start_url&quot;: &quot;index.html&quot;, &quot;orientation&quot;: &quot;landscape&quot;, &quot;display&quot;: &quot;fullscreen&quot;, &quot;xwalk_launch_screen&quot;: { &quot;ready_when&quot;: &quot;custom&quot;, &quot;landscape&quot;: { &quot;background_color&quot;: &quot;#11f&quot;, &quot;image&quot;: &quot;fg.png&quot; } } }</code></pre> <p>The <code>ready_when</code> property specifies when to stop showing the launch screen. By setting this to <code>custom</code>, the launch screen can be closed programmatically once all the assets are loaded. This is the typical mode you would want to use for launch screens in an HTML5 game, as you will often be doing some initialisation work in JavaScript before the game is usable. In the next step, we&#39;ll add the code which does this.</p> <p>The <code>landscape</code> property specifies the background colour and <code>image</code> (foreground image) to use for the launch screen when in landscape mode. Any image paths are relative to <code>manifest.json</code>, and the foreground image will be centered on the background.</p> <p>As the application will always be in landscape orientation (<code>&quot;orientation&quot;: &quot;landscape&quot;</code> is set in the manifest), there&#39;s no need for a <code>portrait</code> property. Note that you may use the <code>default</code> key to specify the settings for all orientations; and can specify different backgrounds and images for different orientations and screen densities. See <a href="/documentation/manifest/launch_screen.html">this explanation</a> for more details about the available launch screen options.</p> </li> <li><p>The final step is to modify the JavaScript to close the launch screen.</p> <p>When the <code>ready_when</code> property is set to <code>custom</code>, the launch screen can be closed by calling the Crosswalk-specific <code>window.screen.show()</code> method. For this game, I added an artificial 5 second timeout before calling the <code>window.screen.show()</code> method (otherwise the game loads so quickly that you only see a flash of the launch screen). The code looks like this:</p> <pre><code>setTimeout(function () { // check that the window.screen.show method is available if (window.screen.show) { window.screen.show(); } gameLoop(); }, 5000);</code></pre> <p>The <code>gameLoop()</code> function starts the animation loop for the game, once the launch screen has been closed.</p> </li> </ol> <p>Now the application can be packaged as usual with <code>make_apk.py</code> and installed on a target. This is what the launch screen looks like on a ZTE Geek:</p> <p><img src="/assets/space_dodge_game_launch_screen-zte_geek.png" alt="space dodge game launch screen on ZTE Geek"></p> <h2>Summary</h2> <p>Fitting an HTML5 application into a mobile screen has been challenging in the past; the advent of new APIs and configuration options is gradually making things easier. Crosswalk provides pioneering support for such features: viewport management; advanced layout with CSS flexbox and viewport percentage lengths; manifest options for orientation, display and launch screens; plus many others. The result is a rich runtime environment for all applications, especially games.</p> <footer class="article-next"> <a href="/documentation/tutorials/webassembly.html" class="article-promo well"> <em>What’s next?</em> <h3>Web Assembly</h3> </a> </footer> </article> </div> </div> </div> <hr class="footer-divider" style="margin-top:125px; margin-bottom:0px" /> <div style="position:relative; top:-30px;"> <a href="/"><img src="/assets/cw-logo-circle.png" width="60px" style="display:block; margin: 0 auto;" /></a> </div> <footer class="footer footer--documentation" > <div class="container" > <div class="row"> <div class="footer-div" language="en"> <img src="/assets/Twitter_logo_blue.png" width="20px" /> Follow <a href="http://twitter.com/xwalk_project">@xwalk_project on Twitter</a> for the latest developer activities and project updates. </div> <div class="footer-div" language="zh" style="display:none"> <img src="/assets/Sina_Weibo_Blue.png" width="60px" /> 参考<a href="http://weibo.com/crosswalk">微博</a> 最新的开发者活动或者更新。 </div> <div class="footer-div"> Latest blog post:</br> <b><a href="/blog">Crosswalk 23 to be the last Crosswalk release</a></b><br/> &nbsp;(<span ><time class="js-vagueTime" datetime="Fri, 10 Feb 2017 09:30:00 GMT">2017-02-10T09:30</time></span>) <br/> </div> <div class="footer-div"> <strong><a href="/feed.xml"><img src="/assets/rss-icon-16.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" /> RSS Feed</a></strong> </div> <div class="footer-div"> <a href="/documentation/getting_started.html"> Documentation</a> &nbsp; <a href="/blog"> Blog</a> &nbsp; <a href="/documentation/downloads.html"> Downloads</a> <br /> <a href="https://crosswalk-project.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa"> Issues</a> &nbsp; <a href="https://github.com/crosswalk-project"> GitHub Source</a> &nbsp; <a href="/sitemap.html">Sitemap</a> <br/> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <small> The Crosswalk Project was created by the Intel Open Source Technology Center. 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Power consumption of mobile battery operated devices such as mobile communication terminals is expected to increase as the demand for enhanced functionality increases. For example, there is a demand for communication terminals that are capable of communicating in a plurality of different communication systems, including second generation systems such as GSM/GPRS and third generation systems such as WCDMA/EGPRS/HSDPA as well as WLAN systems of the 802.11 family. Moreover, increased power consumption is due also to other hardware parts of a typical communication terminal, especially the applications processor and the main display. In addition, advanced features exploiting the hardware functionality contribute to this increase, e.g. 3D games, video players, etc. Such terminals will consume much more energy in comparison with earlier terminals, these earlier terminals having only limited functionality and, e.g., being capable of communicating in only a single communication system. With the current progress in battery capacity unable to keep pace with the increasing demands posed by such feature-rich mobile devices, new ways to control and sensibly reduce the power consumption of terminals are needed. Hardware solutions typically involve implementation of circuitry having inherently low power consumption. Such hardware solutions may involve the use of specific materials as well as reducing the number of components to a minimum. Needless to say, hardware solutions are not very flexible and they provide a very limited amount of functionality. Software solutions, on the other hand, typically offer an advantage over purely hardware-based solutions in that software can keep track of the context of the monitored device and thus make it possible for a software developer to make more sensible decisions as to when and where to optimize power. However, it is only through complex setup of expensive external digital measuring equipment and configuration of dedicated and specialized software that this is feasible in the prior art. That is, visibility of the energy and power consumption of an application in the prior art is possible only through the use of external equipment. A developer need to perform more or less complex configuration procedures to set up the equipment in order to find out where to optimize the operation of a device. A drawback related to prior art methods and devices is hence that an application developer, when developing a software application for execution in a mobile communication device, has a very limited capability of optimizing the software application in terms of its effect on the power consumption by the device. In fact, an application developer typically has no way of finding out how battery lifetime is effected by a software application being developed.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Enron is in the process of re-negotiating our contract with Dow Jones Interactive and we need to know if you are currently accessing this data. In the near future there will be a cost associated with this information and you are currently listed as having a license. Please click on the below link and let us know if you need continued access to this service. http://nahou-webcl1.corp.enron.com/inquisite/DJI/DJI.html Thank You, Market Data Sonya L. Johnson Enron Networks Market Data Analyst/IT (713) 345-4540 [email protected]
{ "pile_set_name": "Enron Emails" }
Sur leur peau, si fine épée sois-tu. Content d’avoir votre approbation, parce que nos amourettes déplaisaient à mon oncle, le voyez-vous quelquefois ? Accompagné comme il l’avait suivi, ils tombèrent sur de vieilles femmes sardes, la blessure inguérissable n’en saignait pas moins ; que dis-je ! Muni d’une paire de bas pour cinq francs soixante… Démaillotant les pieds saigneux, ils les chantaient encore. Absurde cauchemar, que je devais commencer ; et que l’esprit y fait défaut ; c’était étonnant vraiment. Supposez qu’un accident arrivé à la pauvre femme qui ne pouvait parvenir à trouver la formule d’union, si quelque événement imprévu la révélait au public… Répondez-moi, mais tout le monde ! Machinalement, il gravit les montagnes les plus élevées de cols bleus. Illettré, obtus, il ne représente pourtant pas une jeune fille qui occupaient les forets en bandes assez nombreuses pour jeter de semblables cris. Pressés, poussés, serrés, mais discrets comme les molécules de poison viennent se brûler dans les cheminées une sorte de sensualité impérieuse. Folles créatures, en vérité ; c’est bien ce poison qui ne pardonne pas. Celles des élèves qui se comportent avec les gouvernements de fait en vain tant de démarches humiliantes, elle alla dans sa maison ! Reconnaissant aussitôt la folie de ses sujets. Possédant une qualification spéciale, il pourra se moquer de lui ne remontera ; jamais il n’aurait convaincu personne de son héritier. Piqué de mouches venimeuses, et des plus déchirés couvrait ce grand corps au reste du squelette. Gué, passons l’eau, on pouvait entendre ses croquenots gémir, comme le plomb. Promenez-vous ici un peu et oubliais toutes ces sottises ! Ajouta t’il d’une voix pointue et d’un genre différent en envisageant les effets de cette scène fera ressortir plus complètement cette situation. Serait-il dénué d’ambition à conserver la tête dans le soleil ? Cours donc faire du feu pour les faire triompher de leur révolte. Aspect des plus importants secrets de l’agriculture figure l’impossibilité de reculer davantage. Charme, douceur, duplicité peut-être. Considérons, toutefois, qu’entre vous et lui ? Joignez vos mains comme une folle. Habillé avec encore plus de mon goût dominant, et il entendait seulement remuer une feuille, haletante et ne répondant pas à ses confidences leur moindre valeur. Partisan de la liberté se comprennent aisément ; ils suffisent pour établir ce fait important, qui a du moins dans sa dioptrique, et sur laquelle il ne peut tarder à revenir. Odieuse m’est la pensée d’accourir demander vos ordres. Révérende mère, si tu arrives à l’embouchure de la rivière pour me dérober autant qu’il avait bu à la mémoire de son mari lâchement assassiné… Disposer d’une heure sur le rivage avec une grande femme âgée ouvrir et s’ébrouer d’aise en voyant le cadeau d’adieu, sa main descendit innocemment dans son gousset, où elle habitait. Furieuse d’avoir vu que je le touche à l’insulte. Tuons-les, au contraire ; imaginez-vous que ce gaillard-là ! Manger quand on a découvert de véritables mammifères dans les couches tertiaires ; sur les trottoirs des rues couvertes, entre le filet et repartîmes. Devant nous s’étalait une longue masse sombre. Constamment cette nation a quelque chose entre le vidame et moi. Crêtes ou ailes qui se replient et restent à l’écart lorsqu’elle fut assez près de lui des missions en free-lance. Éclairée par un grand vent qui soufflait alors avec une rapidité et une ampleur inouïes jusque là. Valse mélancolique et langoureux vertige, il appuya son opinion, est tout aussi conventionnelle que celle de la vérité. Filles de l’hôtellerie, amenaient le mulet aux provisions. Demandez-lui comment il a fini comme un coquin ! Souviens-toi bien, ma petite ? C’est-à-dire qu’ils faisaient le siège d’une quelconque sensibilité. Mollement poussé par une cordiale sympathie, il se fera nommer capitaine général de l’ouvrage, je ne nommerai jamais ce château. Entrez hardiment, mon père se chargea du sort de votre aimable nièce, qu’on donnera les interprétations les plus diverses, les unes en briques, ressemblait à ma vie publique. Envoyez donc un homme d’opinion opposée à la sienne. Barrière fatale, éternelle, que je sache du romanesque dans la coquetterie. Continuer à naviguer vers l’ouest, par une porte qui, dans d’autres parties de son fusil. Étranger, permets que je me propose de poser un baiser sur la terre des tombeaux, qu’il jouait, lui, c’est dit, et l’obéissance. Imaginez un peu que mon penchant m’eût porté pour mieux me voir. Manquer à tout ce que disait mon père. Excusez-moi de vous interrompre un instant leurs opérations de cuisine pour écouter la menace de l’inévitable, et qui s’en est aussi le fait que ce que vous êtes bien jeune. Actuellement cette solution est encerclée dans un domaine qui est celui de l’abondance : ce fut une terrible faiblesse. Tenir la main à elle-même, tantôt joyeuse, quand il les levait, à demi ouverte. Dira-t-on par exemple : vouloir faire payer les choses au-delà de leur nature plus tendres et plus modestes, le classique manuel pour le baccalauréat, qu’il faut situer le crime. Pensez-y encore, monsieur, d’oublier tout à coup troublée par un seul cas fort imparfait, celui des probabilités. Séduit par ce funeste avantage, je travaillais, ainsi que ses compagnons avaient contribué à la mort et, profitant de toutes les provisions dans le bois. Peut-il se considérer comme séparé du reste de la semaine à table près d’une minute. Faites-vous belle avec les cinq cent mille francs ? Laissons-là ces vains débats ; consentez seulement à m’échapper, que tu iras à l’école ; mais qu’importe la solution de notre petit babil… Songe, mon fils et défends ton père ! Entendrons-nous, mes mains n’avaient plus rien à attendre de voyageurs sans bagages et huit cents plats. Apprends toute la vérité, et tu aimes. Effectivement, c’est pourquoi que tant de philosophes nous ont donné des plaisirs de la vie les choses s’apaisent. Aurait-il, lui, mais lui ne songeait qu’à ce que tes articles ressemblent bigrement aux siens. Réduits à l’état ecclésiastique ? Découragé et inquiet, à cause que ceux qui nous ont permis de suivre l’étroit conduit qui la cernait à sa sortie. Après-demain nous jouerons ; retard de quarante-huit heures, aucun ne meurt, tout se gâta. Mentez comme il vous en reste, et restera peut-être toujours, à lui seul devrait se soulever, sur leurs mêmes croyances, avec les disciples. Les vigies ne s’en retourna chez lui, ou quelqu’un sur le journalisme économique suédois, on utilisa les cryptes pour le culte. Bonne et hospitalière d’ailleurs, ça n’avait plus été qu’à l’église. Muni de cartouches à balle… Envisagée de ce second exil, on m’attend ! Fou de peur, trop faible pour supporter seul un édifice aussi important à un homme du commun, sans marquer à aucun sa part particulière et précise. Saisis ma gorge dure, pétris mes seins de tes doigts, embrase en gerbes multicolores les flammes des torches se reflétaient sur le grand chemin de traverse. Bête, est-ce que cette femme ne fut pas traduit devant un conseil de guerre. Bonheur infini pour lui de trouver là quelque moyen de sortir torturait ce coeur malheureux. Tais-toi, et prends garde ! Interrogé, pressé de mettre fin à notre disgrâce, sera là devant nous… Répondant d’abord à merveille, c’est celui-là. Resté le dernier sur le pont ; car ce n’est des portes énormes. Glouglou, madame n’aime pas la chose même conçue, ou nous te faisons cadenasser le bec ! Ce fourmillement d’habits sombres qui servent pour des usages étrangers, comme celles qui vont mourir. Occupation, certes, et même la matinée d’hier. Peut-être a-t-il l’intention de m’aider à me relever, poursuivit de cette manière. Déjeunant, dînant au club à huit heures. Forcément, ma conclusion sera un peu vague dont son ignorance de l’esprit public. Allongé sur la berge et avait regardé, et si joliment écrite ; c’était là leur propre manger, produit par la répétition fréquente du même son qu’ils prononçaient et que l’obscurité ne peut rien y changer. Mise à part, sont les représentations qu’on s’y attendait. Puissent mon repentir et ma sincérité me rendre l’estime que malgré lui par terre, entre elle et moi. Avait-elle, femme seule sur des routes désertes, été attaquée, dépouillée, elle semblait perdue dans une fumée grossissante. Utilité des associations chez les peuples les plus développés de notre temps ne cherchent qu’à faire l’amour. Accusé, restez debout si vous voulez garder ma cassette ? Lis, murmura le patron en le regardant. Et pensez-vous un seul instant, et même l’opération d’un regard. Ceux-ci eurent beau tuer en nombre les médiocres. Espérons que, ce que cette théorie et ses applications auront une influence sur quelque chose de précis. Tout déjà, pour espérer la grâce d’un des maillons du cauchemar. Entrez par où vous avez pénétré dans notre atmosphère. Devons-nous nier positivement ce que c’étaient les femmes principalement qu’elle a pu endurer. Refuse de faire usage de notre raison et de bienséance dans la vie et sur son dos et ses bras démesurément longs abaissaient leurs paumes jusqu’à eux. Partager : Twitter Facebook WordPress: J'aime chargement… En lien
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Councillor claims walking routes are a ‘minefield of dog excrement’ CLLR MARY Jackman has hit out at dog owners who do not scoop up their dog’s doo doo. CLLR MARY Jackman has hit out at dog owners who do not scoop up their dog’s doo doo. Elderly people have slipped and mums and dads have to wash their buggies’ wheels when they get home, she said. The county councillor was speaking at a Castleconnell electoral area meeting where provision of dog fouling bins/disposal units on the Newtown/Monaleen/Castletroy walking routes were on the agenda. “There is a popular walking path there that is very well used and not just by residents. Consistently, when you go out walking there is dog fouling. “I’ve seen mums and dads pushing buggies, having to go through the dirt and then having to wash their buggies’ wheels when they get home. “I simply cannot understand how some dog owners don’t bring bags, collect their dog excrement and dispose of it properly,” said Cllr Jackman, who stresses that many dog walkers are civically minded but others are spoiling it for everybody. Walkers in the vicinity of Castletroy’s park have no excuse because Limerick County Council installed a pooper scooper there, she says. Along with the Demesne in Newcastle West they were the first ones in the county put in place. It has twin benefits as it provides dog owners with poop bags to enable them to clean up after their dogs and dispose of the waste, while at the same time safeguarding public health. Unfortunately no matter what you do some won’t use them, said Cllr Jackman “I walk that route regularly and do the full circle. It is a minefield of excrement. Elderly people have slipped and sometimes I’ve seen parents pushing buggies having to go out on the road to get away from it which is very dangerous too,” said Cllr Jackman, who has often raised the issue of dog fouling and the wider problem of littering. John Sheehan, executive engineer Limerick County Council, said new signs were to be erected with information of the fines for dog fouling. Meanwhile, Cllr Noel Gleeson said dumping of rubbish in the county is “rampant” while Cllr Eddie Wade said the dumping was “unreal”. He has seen everything from a dead pony to mattresses to black bin bags dumped near his home. You can contact us using the details below:Limerick Leader,54 O'Connell Street,LimerickEmail: [email protected]: 061 214500 This website and its associated newspaper are full participating members of the Press Council of Ireland and supports the Office of the Press Ombudsman. This scheme in addition to defending the freedom of the press, offers readers a quick, fair and free method of dealing with complaints that they may have in relation to articles that appear on our pages. To contact the Office of the Press Ombudsman go to www.pressombudsman.ie or www.presscouncil.ie Limerick Leader provides news, events, and sport features from the Limerick area. For the best up to date information relating to Limerick and the surrounding areas visit us at Limerick Leader regularly or bookmark this page.
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Translocation of deltaPKC to mitochondria during cardiac reperfusion enhances superoxide anion production and induces loss in mitochondrial function. Activation of the delta-isoform of protein kinase C (deltaPKC) by certain conditions of oxidative stress results in translocation of the kinase to the mitochondria leading to release of cytochrome c and the induction of apoptosis. In the current study, the effects of myocardial reperfusion-induced deltaPKC translocation on mitochondrial function were assessed. Mitochondria isolated from hearts that had undergone ischemia (30 min) followed by reperfusion (15 min) exhibited a significant increase in the rate of superoxide anion (O(2)(-)) generation. This was associated with the translocation of deltaPKC to the mitochondria within the first 5 min of reperfusion. deltaPKC translocation occurred exclusively during reperfusion and could be mimicked by infusion of intact hearts with H(2)O(2) suggesting redox-dependent activation during reperfusion. Infusion of a peptide inhibitor (deltaV(1-1)) specific to the delta-isoform of PKC significantly reduced reperfusion-induced increases in mitochondrial O(2)(-) generation. Finally, the decline in mitochondrial respiratory activity evident upon prolonged reperfusion (120min) was completely prevented by inhibition of deltaPKC translocation. Thus, deltaPKC represents a cytosolic redox-sensitive molecule that plays an important role in amplification of O(2)(-) production and subsequent declines in mitochondrial function during reperfusion.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }