LEIA Reverse engines
UTAPAU - ENTRANCE TO CAVE DWELLING - MORNING 45 Artoo and Threepio carry supplies out of the cave dwell- ing to where Luke loads them into the landspeeder
LUKE It looks like we don’t have much of a choice but I’ll remind him
P-59 Switch to bio… There they are! The Jedi materialize at the far end of the hallway and dash through the doorway that slams shut
DAGOBAH-DAY A small escape pod hurls toward the swamp planet and disappears in the mist
EXT YODA’S HOUSE – DUSK – DAGOBAH It is almost dark… in the woods a tiny light moves towards us… finally we see it is Artoo… he stops within sight of Yoda’s house
JAR JAR Da Queens- a bein grossly nice, mesa tinks
Something’s not right
I've been thinkin' about bringing on some more crew, Rey
LUKE (yelling) How's that? Threepio signals that it is fine, and Luke climbs back into the wind-whipped cockpit and slides the canopy shut
) AKIRA Get out of my way, boy, before I grind you into the surface
Han instantly draws his laser-pistol and then relaxes when he sees that it is Chewbacca leading Leia and little Artoo into the clearing
PADME sees KITSTER riding toward them on an EOPIE, a strange camel-like creature
These children are FORCE SENSITIVE
70 INT
MODESTA - DAY Finn notices a GLIMMER OF LIGHT in the distance
--Hattaska Ren’s Force-electrified mask
You assume too much
Not as clumsy or as random as a blaster
Everyone in the war room is surprised and startled
Through The Force, things you will see: other places, other thoughts, the future, the past, old friends long gone
RIEEKAN We have no choice
Copy and transmit
OBI-WAN Five thousand
SNAPPING AND METAL GROANS are heard as the main part of the collector starts to break away and move toward the lava fall
That's something
OBI-WAN can’t watch him as he struggles to climb the embankment, covered in flames
There appears to be an immediate danger
THEED – PALACE – THRONE ROOM – DAY NUTE, RUNE, DARTH MAUL, OOM-9, and a hologram of DARTH SIDIOUS walk through the throne room
FINN Hey, Solo -- I'm not sure what we're walking into here -- HAN D'you just call me "Solo"? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: FINN Sorry
The muted, gruesome crying sounds that naturally permeate this eerie purgatory are overwhelmed by the thundering din of ion rockets as four silver starships catapult from the foliage in a tight forma- tion and disappear into the morning cloud cover
ANAKIN/OBI-WAN Well, that was close
It is a grand parade
THREEPIO We have to leave?!? What are you talking about? I’m not going out in that storm again! LUKE 3PO, I need you to go with him to the palace
It's restricted
REY A planet
THREEPIO Yes, Master Luke
QUI-GON is talking on his com-link, while JAR JAR nervously watches the street
One thing you may be absolutely sure of – if an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist! OBI-WAN stares at her, then looks back to the map
Quite frankly, sir, I don’t know what he’s talking about
THREEPIO I don’t think they’re going to let us in, Artoo, maybe we should go
REY But if I’m here
Do you see it? FINN Hold on! I see it! POE Nice shot
Leia smiles
ANAKIN looks around front and back
The pull to the light
ANAKIN Break left, fly through the guns on that tower
The ferocious stormtroopers freeze and simultaneously direct their awesome weapons at the cockpit hatchway
(I’ve got some selling to do here
LAMA SU And now to business
As the Officer approaches the door, it slides open revealing the towering Chewbacca
GOLD FIVE’S Y-WING – COCKPIT The older pilot remains calm
Our only hope is for the Senate to side with us… Senator Palpatine will need your help
My Lord, I need the war code now
OOM-9 If they are down here, sir, we’ll find them
EXT IMPERIAL FLEET – SPACE – ASTEROID FIELD FULL SHOT – Fleet around Vader’s ship in the asteroid storm
PADMÉ (continuing) I warn you, if you vote to create this army, war will follow
The CHANCELLOR and his entourage approach MACE
He takes her hand
INT CORRIDOR – CLOUD CITY The group has crossed the narrow bridge and entered the city
95 INT
She makes room for him
VADER When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master
The general takes little Puck, and lets him sit on his lap in the forward compartment of the speeder
Then he sees why the rats scattered
MONTROSS Sir, we have picked up something! An asteroid, or solid comet moving away from the Anchorhead System
ANAKIN tries not to be nervous
She rebuffs him
NUTE yells at the TEN GUARDS in the room
Laser bolts hit several storm- troopers who scream and stagger through the smoke, holding shattered arms and faces
DARTH SIDIOUS This turn of events is unfortunate
CO-PILOT We made it
(Welcome!) Sebulba tuta Pixelito… EXT
PADME enters and crosses behind him
] 139
Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life … He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying
BLUE LEADER Great moves, Chewie
The Viceroy… QUI-GON and OBI-WAN turn off their swords and listen intently
They head to the exit ramp
FN-2187 I need a pilot
Finn eyes the old prison Command Tower in the center
102 INT
PADMÉ I’m not afraid to die
SERGEANT (to Oxus) Take only two of those power packs and then move out quickly
For a moment, he drives COUNT DOOKU back
55 INT
The ship moves into a deep trench, firing laserbolts
LUKE Dack! 108
I don’t trust him
X-WING - DAY At LIGHTSPEED, Poe pilots: POE Roger, base -- red squad, blue squad, take my lead
ANAKIN is back in his Jedi robes
OBI-WAN Well, Dex, if droids could think, we wouldn’t be here, would we? (laughing) Kamino… doesn’t sound familiar
CAPITOL NAVIGATION SUBSPACE - DAY Rose winces from spark as she rewires the hyperdrive on the Capitol, fingertips bleeding
MILLENNIUM FALCON – SOLO’S GUNPORT – COCKPIT Computer graphic readouts form on Solo’s target screen, as Han reaches for controls
Lots of fliers there
Only wind