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Suddenly there is a huge, bright atomic flash on the horizon |
PADME appears tired |
HAN Hey, where are you going? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: REY Unkar Plutt installed a fuel pump too -- if we don't prime that we're not going anywhere |
LUKE I will, master, I will! Artoo closes the cockpit |
They are carefully squeezed into the hollowed out microcases |
Poe uses his blaster rifle to fire at incoming troopers from cover |
I will train Anakin |
One day |
The crowd ROARS and CHEERS |
POE Well, she certainly is that |
PADME This is going to be dangerous, Annie |
They are caked with blood |
HAN This isn’t fair! Chewie is very angry and starts to GROWL and BARK at his friend and captain |
Valor quickly rummages through the electropacks until he spots the familiar cases containing the two boys |
MUSTAFAR-COXFERENCE ROOM-DAY A Hologram of Sidious speaks with Anakin in the Mustafar control room |
THREEPIO He says the restraining bolt has short circuited his recording system |
Something is going on here |
SPACE The Death Star slowly moves behind the massive yellow surface of Yavin in the foreground, as many X-wing fighters flying in formation zoom toward us and out of the frame |
MAIN PALACE CHAMBER The loud and boisterous court of Jabba the Hutt suddenly goes quiet as Luke and Bib Fortuna enter the large chamber |
COUNT DOOKU is tall, elderly, and saturnine, with beautiful 121 CONTINUED: 121 manners |
Jedi aren’t allowed to marry |
R-2 begins to beep at 3PO |
Soon all ten troopers are moving into an attack position in front of the lone starpirate |
SOLA Hello, Anakin |
JAR JAR Mesa busten wit happiness seein yousa again, Annie |
LUKE Greed |
The fighting ends and the last of the Imperial scouts flees into the forest |
HAN People are counting on us! The galaxy is counting on us--! FINN Solo, we'll figure it out! We'll use the Force! HAN That's not how the Force works--! (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Chewie MOANTALKS |
C-3 Highly unusual |
LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER – COCKPIT Luke looks nervously about him at the explosive battle |
With that, the creature scurries out of the clearing and down a path which is suddenly more apparent than before |
He closes his eyes |
I promise |
They make it to the shelter of the hangar entrance |
He can just make it |
Time for you to sign the treaty… and end this pointless debate in the Senate |
NABOO SPACECRAFT – COCKPIT CAPTAIN PANAKA, ANAKIN, and PADME rush into the cockpit where OBI-WAN and RIC OLIE are checking the hyperdrive |
Stay close to me |
OBI-WAN May the Force be with you, Master Yoda |
She is Princess Leia Organa, a member of the Alderaan Senate |
When he joined the Sith, the power of the Dark Lords was completed |
DARTH SIDIOUS and CLONE TROOPERS leave the shuttle |
OOM-9 decides to send in the WHEEL DROIDS and gives the signal |
The Gunship slows, circling over a droid gun-emplacement |
MACE It’s very dangerous, putting them together |
They’re about to be decimated |
LUKE Uh, you can call me Luke |
VINE JUNGLE - YAVIN The general's lifepod crashes through the foliage until it comes to rest in the middle of a large vine-covered tree |
CONNIX More ships arriving from the Outer Rim, General |
We RISE THROUGH THE FLOOR to see the GANG and Han and company in the distance |
Vader is decapitated |
LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER – COCKPIT Luke looks about, wondering whose laserfire destroyed Vader’s wingman |
(reaches out, hold Rey's hand) Dear child |
THEED – PALACE – DAY The waterfalls of Theed sparkle in the noonday sun |
A voice WHISPERS as he draws closer to the flame |
TECHNICIAN He’s alive and in perfect hibernation |
I know your feelings |
LEIA He certainly has courage |
ATEDEATE So you’d rather not get stuck cleaning the prison cells, huh |
LEIA You came in that thing? You’re braver that I thought |
The X-wings show in the center of Vader’s computer screen |
What now? BEN We have to find he rebels |
A large part of the ship breaks away |
C-3 Your kindness is greatly appreciated |
LIEUTENANT MITAKA Sir, they've taken out our turbolasers-- GENERAL HUX Use the ventral cannons |
I do not agree with the Jedi on this |
Suddenly he realizes his pants are on fire, and he struggles to put them out |
Is everything ready? Datos nods yes, as the general closes the case holding Puck |
Captain Valor is slightly shocked at this outburst |
DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Vader adjusts his controls and fires laserbolts at two X-wings flying down the trench |
SANDAGE The King has assured their safety |
234 INT |
MACE (a little peeved) The Council will make up its own mind who is to go, not the Chancellor |
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