Suddenly there is a huge, bright atomic flash on the horizon
PADME appears tired
HAN Hey, where are you going? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: REY Unkar Plutt installed a fuel pump too -- if we don't prime that we're not going anywhere
LUKE I will, master, I will! Artoo closes the cockpit
They are carefully squeezed into the hollowed out microcases
Poe uses his blaster rifle to fire at incoming troopers from cover
I will train Anakin
One day
The crowd ROARS and CHEERS
POE Well, she certainly is that
PADME This is going to be dangerous, Annie
They are caked with blood
HAN This isn’t fair! Chewie is very angry and starts to GROWL and BARK at his friend and captain
Valor quickly rummages through the electropacks until he spots the familiar cases containing the two boys
MUSTAFAR-COXFERENCE ROOM-DAY A Hologram of Sidious speaks with Anakin in the Mustafar control room
THREEPIO He says the restraining bolt has short circuited his recording system
Something is going on here
SPACE The Death Star slowly moves behind the massive yellow surface of Yavin in the foreground, as many X-wing fighters flying in formation zoom toward us and out of the frame
MAIN PALACE CHAMBER The loud and boisterous court of Jabba the Hutt suddenly goes quiet as Luke and Bib Fortuna enter the large chamber
COUNT DOOKU is tall, elderly, and saturnine, with beautiful 121 CONTINUED: 121 manners
Jedi aren’t allowed to marry
R-2 begins to beep at 3PO
Soon all ten troopers are moving into an attack position in front of the lone starpirate
SOLA Hello, Anakin
JAR JAR Mesa busten wit happiness seein yousa again, Annie
LUKE Greed
The fighting ends and the last of the Imperial scouts flees into the forest
HAN People are counting on us! The galaxy is counting on us--! FINN Solo, we'll figure it out! We'll use the Force! HAN That's not how the Force works--! (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Chewie MOANTALKS
C-3 Highly unusual
LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER – COCKPIT Luke looks nervously about him at the explosive battle
With that, the creature scurries out of the clearing and down a path which is suddenly more apparent than before
He closes his eyes
I promise
They make it to the shelter of the hangar entrance
He can just make it
Time for you to sign the treaty… and end this pointless debate in the Senate
NABOO SPACECRAFT – COCKPIT CAPTAIN PANAKA, ANAKIN, and PADME rush into the cockpit where OBI-WAN and RIC OLIE are checking the hyperdrive
Stay close to me
OBI-WAN May the Force be with you, Master Yoda
She is Princess Leia Organa, a member of the Alderaan Senate
When he joined the Sith, the power of the Dark Lords was completed
DARTH SIDIOUS and CLONE TROOPERS leave the shuttle
OOM-9 decides to send in the WHEEL DROIDS and gives the signal
The Gunship slows, circling over a droid gun-emplacement
MACE It’s very dangerous, putting them together
They’re about to be decimated
LUKE Uh, you can call me Luke
VINE JUNGLE - YAVIN The general's lifepod crashes through the foliage until it comes to rest in the middle of a large vine-covered tree
CONNIX More ships arriving from the Outer Rim, General
We RISE THROUGH THE FLOOR to see the GANG and Han and company in the distance
Vader is decapitated
LUKE’S X-WING FIGHTER – COCKPIT Luke looks about, wondering whose laserfire destroyed Vader’s wingman
(reaches out, hold Rey's hand) Dear child
THEED – PALACE – DAY The waterfalls of Theed sparkle in the noonday sun
A voice WHISPERS as he draws closer to the flame
TECHNICIAN He’s alive and in perfect hibernation
I know your feelings
LEIA He certainly has courage
ATEDEATE So you’d rather not get stuck cleaning the prison cells, huh
LEIA You came in that thing? You’re braver that I thought
The X-wings show in the center of Vader’s computer screen
What now? BEN We have to find he rebels
A large part of the ship breaks away
C-3 Your kindness is greatly appreciated
LIEUTENANT MITAKA Sir, they've taken out our turbolasers-- GENERAL HUX Use the ventral cannons
I do not agree with the Jedi on this
Suddenly he realizes his pants are on fire, and he struggles to put them out
Is everything ready? Datos nods yes, as the general closes the case holding Puck
Captain Valor is slightly shocked at this outburst
DARTH VADER’S COCKPIT Vader adjusts his controls and fires laserbolts at two X-wings flying down the trench
SANDAGE The King has assured their safety
234 INT
MACE (a little peeved) The Council will make up its own mind who is to go, not the Chancellor