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{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "chmidt and Gordie Howe. Arbour st ated, Trottier was often referred to as the While the 1977–78 season was Bossys early ret irement at the end of the 1987 season.Undau nted by heavy criticis m from fellow Canadians, Trottier chose to play fo r the United States in the 1984 Canad a Cup tournament, after having previously repres ented Canada in 1981, because he wanted to pay back"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "the seeker alig ned with t he targe t. The wires t hat connect the seeke r with the rest of the missil e are carefully desig ned to avoid ind ucing motion or dra g on the see ker platfor m.The track er is key to guidance/ control for an eventu al hit. The sig nals from each of the 4,096 detector elemen ts (64×64 pixel arra y) in the see ker are pas sed to the FPA readou t integrated ci"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "s include: Discrete Manufacturing (A utomotive Suppl y Chain, Stamping, Forge and Casting, Pl astics and Rubber); Proc ess Manufacturing (Food and B eve rage, Ph armaceut icals, H ealthcar"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "spent two ye ars writing about. In 190 0 and ag ain in 1908 h e stated, \"I li ke \"Jo an of Arc \" best o f all my books, it is the best\".Those who kne w Twain well late in life recount that he dw elt on the subject of the afterlife, his daughter Clara saying: \"Sometimes he beli eved death ended everyt"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "lgorithms to per form the needed tasks.A subset of machine learning i s closely related to computational statistics, wh ich focuses on making pre dictions using computers; but not all machine le arning is statistical learning. T"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "one of the founding fathers of the Dayak U nity Party in 1945 and had been activel y assisting the Brunei Revolt in 1962 during the h eight of the Indonesia–M alaysia confrontation.Under Indonesia, Kalimantan is now d ivided into five self-autonomo us provi nces i.e. N orth, West, East, South, and Central Kalimantan. Under Indonesia's t ransmigratio n programme , which was initiated by the Dutch in 1905, settlers from de nsely populated Java and Madura were encouraged to settle in the Indonesian provinces of B"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ng–weak correspondenc es.Other consonant alt ernations.Many o f the remaining \"irre gular\" pattern s of F innis h nou n a nd v erb i nflectio n are expl ained by a chan ge of a"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ver was interested in shifting the blame for the lost war to the politicians and to the R eichstag parties.The Allies we re cautious, distrusting Max as a member of a rul ing family of Germany. Thes e do ub ts wer e in te nsified by the pub lication of a personal let ter Max had writt en to Prince Alex ander zu Hohenlo he-Schillingsfrs t i n ea rly 19 18, in whic h he h ad expressed cr iticism of an"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "withdraw from the war for eightee n months. Outside the fo rt the colum n of British evacuee s is betrayed and am bushed by 2000 Huron warrio rs in the ensuing massacre Ma gua kidn aps Cor a a nd Alice an d he lea ds the m to ward t"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "emb er of the di plomati c co rps in China and the Phili ppines durin g the 1930s and 1940s. Her father John wa s an agent with the William M orris Agency who represe nted Leo Carrillo, Loretta Young, Ed Wynn, and Carole Lombard.T yrrell spent her childhoo d in New Canaan Connectic ut. She was a poor st udent and as a teenager becam e estra nged from h er mothe r. Th rough her"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "nsky for the light heavywe ight champions hip of the wo rld. The fi ght took place on October 12, 1920, in Jer sey City and Levinsky was kno cked out in the fourth. Carpenti ers first million dollar gate . Carpentier was ba dly beaten around before suffering a kno ckout in the second minute of the fourth round. Carpentier never fought aga in for th at title . He l ost his w orld li ght he avyweig ht title and hi s Europe an heav yweight and light heavyweight titles the following yea r, on September 24, 1922, in a controversial bout with Senegalese fighter Battling Siki. His last truly notewo"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "s, since the condot tieri reco gnized it wa s more efficient to attac k th e ene my's abilit y to wag e war rather t han his battle f orces, disc overing t he concept of in direct war fare 500 ye ars bef ore Sir"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "natural w aters, to compl ete the chi ld's conv ersion to Judaism. This can be done be fore the child i s even one ye ar old. If the chil d did not immerse in t he mikveh, or the boy was too old, th en the chil d may ch oose of th eir ow n accord t o becom e Jewis h at age 13 as a Bar Mitzvah, and complete the c onvers ion then. Where t he pr ocedu re was perform ed but not f ollowed b"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "all title in 200 1 which h e w on ag ain i n 2003 and 2005. He won his first overal l World Championship titl e at t he 2008 ch ampionsh ips.Ohno s coverag e of the 2 014 Wint er G ame s in Soc hi an d th e 201 8 Winter Games in Pyeo ngchang. Outside of comp"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "is club sauna aft er a tennis g ame, and Hamilto n convinces Lisa to fellate him while As hly penetrates her.At the rec"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "used in chemistry for c hemical elements, functional groups and chemical compou nds. Element symbols for c hemical elements normal ly consist of one o r two letters from the Latin al phabet and are written with t he first letter capitalised. In Chine"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "fro m which it w as separat ed F ebru ary 19 18 85 an d was given its present name.Dawes C ounty lies on the north bo rder of Nebraska. I ts north boundary line abuts the south boundar y line of the state of So uth Dakota. Acc ording to the US Census Bu reau, the count y has an a rea of , of which i s land and is water.Since it l ies in the western part of Nebrask a, Dawes Coun"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "hich had tall Rushes gr owing along its banks. The area was o nce referred to as bec ause s eve n Ind ian trails me t at the creek. The Wieser Brothers wer e said to be the first founders o f the city and quickly f ollowed by hundreds.R ushford has had a"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "r a stay at his home i n Mississauga, Ont ario, during the couple's ca mpaign to promote world p eace. Lennon signed his erotic .In the e arly 1970s , Hawk ins notice d guita rist Pat Tra vers pe rforming in O ntario ni ghtclubs and was so im pressed with t he young"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "n this wider se nse the term refers no t only to grass past ure but also t o non-grassland habit ats such as heat hlan d moo"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "y \"Aryan\" ca me to the def ense of Relativity and quantum mech anic s. A s hi sto rian Mark Walk er puts it \"d espite his best e fforts in the end his scien ce was not accepted supported or use d by the Third Reich. Stark sp en t a grea t deal of his t ime durin"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "$582 39. M ale s h ad a m edia n i nc ome of $43906 versus $33248 for females. The per capita income for the county was $22473. About 11.7 % of families and 15.1% of the populatio n were below the poverty line including 19.7% of those under age 18 and 12.1% of th ose age 65 or over.Irwin County is a county located in the U.S. state of Georgia. As of th e 2010 census, the population was 9,538. The county seat is Ocilla. The county was created on December 15, 181 8. It was name d for Governor Jared Irwin.In the la st years of the American C ivil War , Irwin County gained the nickname of the Republic of Irwin due t"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "yan. The alb um feature d his fir st new so ng sinc e the motorb ike accide nt, \"Redee m me (Beau ty Will Redeem th e World )\". \"Stardom Road\" was t o be on e of three albums for t he Sanctua ry la be l, t he UK' s lar ges t in dependent record l abel up until 2007 wh en it got itself i nto financial difficul ty and was sold off in June 2007 to U niver sal Music Grou"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "vis in Finland and its for mer territories as well.1983 has seen many sequels and prequels in vid eo games such a s \"Mario Bro s.\" an d \"Pole P osition II \" along with new ti tles such a s \"Astr on Belt\" \"Cham pion Base ball\" \" Drago n's Lair\" \"El evator Action \" \"Spy Hunter\" and \"Track &am"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ay Kni ght then a me mber of the H ouston Astro s in O ctober 1982 i n P elha m G eo rgi a. Th ey wer e m arri ed for 27 yea rs divor cing in 2009 and ha ve three daug hters. While m arried Lopez and Knight lived in Ge orgia in his hometown o f Alban y. Since"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "les s uppo rted w ith c lustere d shafts. At this period the pinnacle"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "who had the ir interests in E retria. Acco rding to exc avation and inscription testimoni es the temple was probably built in the fourth c entury BC and was surrounded b y other edifices and auxiliary s paces. The initiation to the cult of Isis and th e Egyptia n deities occurr ed during t he Hellen istic period by Greek mer chants wh o came to G re ec e f ro m Egypt after the unifica tion of the then known world by Alexander the Great. Their wor ship in Eretria has also been at"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "third studio albu m \"The Remote Part \" in 2011. A 10th annivers ary two-CD ver sion of \"100 Broke n Windows\" was releas ed in 2010, with B -sides, demos, and radio session versions. The band performed the album in i ts entirety again, in 2010 i n Edinburgh. \"Roseability\", \"Thes e Wooden Ideas\", \"Let Me S leep \", and \"Little Discourage\" wer e included on the band's first compilation albu m, \"Scottish Fiction: Best of 19"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "d to a mean age of 15.8 years co mpared with 20.3 years for the exotropic g roup.A subs equent s tudy with pa rticipants f rom the sa me area monitored pe ople with conge nital esotropia for a l onger time period; results indicated t hat people who are esotropic were al"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "en under t he age of 18 livi ng with the m 68.9% were ma rried couples livi ng together 6.1% ha d a female househ older with no hus band present and 2 0.3% were non-familie s. 15.6% of househ olds were made up of individu als and 4.3% were o ne person aged 65 or old er. The average household size was 2.90 and the ave rage family size was 3.25.T he age distribution was 30.2% under t he age of 1 8, 6.8% from 18 to 24, 32.4 % from 25 to 44 , 22.5% fr om 45 to 6 4, and 8.2% 65 or older. The median age was 36 ye ars. For every 100 fem ales, t here were 107.7 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 105.6 males.The median household income was $52 106 and the median"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "s a clear warning to Germany not to at tack Canada.Second W orld War.The two nation s cooperated closely in World War II as both nations sa w new levels of prosperity a"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "as ke d hi m to wri te a s core that h ad to b e \"lik e Shos takov ich be ve ry Russ ian but make it the mo st be autiful thing b ut m ake it dark and a li ttle bit scary.\" Ba dalamenti's success with \" Blu e Velvet\" would lead him to con tribut"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "families residing i n the towns hip. The po pulation density was 947.6 people per square mi le . T he re w ere 1,599 housi ng units at an averag e density o f 472.9/sq mi . The racia l makeup of the township was 98.50% White, 0 .66% Africa n American, 0.1 6% Asian, 0.22% fr om other races, and 0.47% fr om two or more races. Hisp"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "umn . A n at tribute \"value\" is th e entry in a specific colu mn and row s uch as \"Jo hn Doe\" or \"35\".A t uple is ba sicall y the sam e thin g as a row e xcept in a n SQL DB MS where the c olumn values in a r ow"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "as elected mayor in the \"commune\" and held t hat office until 1937. His father was also local repr esentative (\"conseiller gnral\") of T ournan-en-Brie and pre sident of the canton's counc il in 1937.Papon studied at the Lyce Louis-le-Grand, in Paris. Fellow stud ents at the elite sc hool were Georges P ompidou, later Presid ent of France, and Ren Brouillet, who w ould join Charles de Gaulle's cabinet aft er the war. Papon enter ed Sciences-Po, the spe cialty university for future civil s ervants and poli ticians, and he studied law , psychology and sociolo gy.Early career.After entering public service at"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "S. Sena tor Philand er Chas e Knox . The event took plac e at the Bell evue-Strat ford Hotel, in Philadelphi a.He colla borated with T hom as Gar rigue Ma saryk d uring W orld War I in a questio n about the Czechoslov ak Legions. In 1934 he l ost the Pen nsylvan ia Democr atic U.S. S enate primary to Josep h Guffey wh"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "is came at t he age of twenty-t hree in 1864 with the accep tance of two landscape paintings. She continued to show regularly in the Salon to generally favorable reviews until 1873 the year before the first Impress ionist exhibition. She exhibited with the Impressionists from 1874 onw ards only mi ssing the exh ibition in 18 78 when he r d au gh te r was born.Im pressionism's al leged attach ment to brilli ant color, sensual"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "acility on th e nor th si de o f Route 13. A few y ears and another TIF district later dev elopers built the Hampt on Inn immediately west of the Drury. A local develope r Henry Mitchell built the first of th ree hotels on the west side of Exit 5 3 around the same time as the mall develo pment starting with a"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "high attrition rate of the Delta selection course. He said that out of his two clas ses of 120 applicants each, 12 to 14 completed the selection.The Central Intelligen ce Agency's highly secretive S pecial Activities Center (SAC) and more specificall y its Special Operations G roup (SOG), often works with – a nd re cruits – for mer op erato rs fro m Delt a Fo rce."}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ovision for pau pers.Until 1 834 provisi on for the p oor and d estitute in We st Sussex was made at pa rish level. Fr om 1835 until 1948 eleven Poo r Law Uni ons each cater ing for seve ral parishes t ook on the job.Sett lements.Most settlements in West S ussex are either along the south coast or in Mid S ussex near t he M2 3/A23 corrido r. The to wn of Crawle y is the largest in t he county"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "co m pound s are thioe sters.Na mes of acyl g roups of ami no ac ids ar e for m ed by replac ing the . For example the acyl g"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "Cooke Lecture, given on December 1, 2005 at the University of Victoria in Wellington, New Zealand. (Journ alists noted that the quote does not appear in McLachlin's sp eech.) Vellacott also i nformed reporters that he regards jud icial independenc e as a .Vellacott resigned f rom his role as committee chairman following signific ant opposition from other parties . He now serves as a member of the House of Commons Standing Committe e on the Environment, and h as called for the Canadian govern ment to intervene against state- sponsored violence in the Darfur province o"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "lon and back to the Valley of Gilgal, where Shared was slain. In the battle, Shared had wounded Coriantumr in the t hig h an d h e did not go to battle for t wo years, leavi ng th e people to war un restrained. The la nd then became cursed so badly that e"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "n now Kosrae Isl and conte mporary F ederated States of Micr onesia that same year. On t he ret urn v oyag e to Fr anc e the shi p sail ed thr ough th e Ellic e Island s .He w as th e first to pu t togeth er on a map the whol e Gilbert Islands a rchipelago, w hich are now p art of Kiribati . He was elected a F oreign Hon orary Mem ber of the A merican Acade my of Arts and Sciences in 1861.He died in 1865.T"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "globulin levels are incr eased when the seru m albumin levels are low which is most co m mo nl y see n i n n ephro tic syn dro me a condi tion wherein the kid neys start to leak out some of the smaller blood proteins. Because"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "n the heart of the Gr eat Lakes region Bright on weather rang es from warm su mmers with o ccas ion al t hu nd erst orm s to co ld dry w inters with mo derat e to heavy snowfall .Demog raphics. The city's median h ouseho ld inco me in 20 09"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "stablis hed in 1879 was the world 's second officia lly established national p ark.The largest nationa l park in the world is the N ortheast G reenland Nati onal Park, w hich was establis hed in 1974 and currentl y protec ts .Sub-nation al parks.In some Feder al systems many parks are managed by the sub- nati onal level s of go ver nment. In B razil the U nited States and some states in Mex"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "eryone's well-being into acc ount but gives greater weight to the well-being of those who fare worse. One argument ag ainst this type of appr oach is that it strays away from th e original intuition driving welfarism that well-being is the only thing \"intr insically\" valuable. But equality is a re latio n \"bet ween \" en titi"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "rs. This amendment is sometimes called t he Anabolic Ster oid Control Act o f 2004.The first thin g this amendment di d was insert a definition of AAS as follo ws \"The ter"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "r President Eisenho wer. Called lat er that year to a private hearing at the U nited Sta tes Capi tol in Wash ington, D.C., Co pland was questio ned by Jos eph McCart hy and Roy C ohn abou t his lecturi ng abroa d and his affi liations wit h variou s organizat ions and events. In the pro cess, McC arthy a nd Coh n neglect ed comp letely Copl"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "dropp ed in the 1930s there was a spike in 1930 during th e Great Dep ression. For example in N orth T exas a nd south"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "included in the school curriculum of th e state of Assam. They also demanded the creation of a two-ye ar diploma course in Mahdavdeva University.An online dictionary containing nearly 5, 000 entries has been created by analyzi ng old manuscripts, especially the Bar Amra. A descriptive grammar of Ahom, based on t he grammar found in old manuscripts, is being worked o n. A sketch h as been relea sed, titl ed “A Sketc h of Tai A hom” by St"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "to t he ta nk' s h ull co ul d be ex pell ed by an i nter nal bilg e pu mp. Nav igati on unde rwate r w as a cco mpl"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "0 with a less tapered fuselage an d new compound-delta wing. Th e d esi gn retained the high-mounted ca nard abov e the cockpit area and th e box-like engine area u nder the fuselage. The use of high-l"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "n it came under Muslim rule. The city was represented at the Council of Chal cedon by Heraclius of Azotus.In Nove mber 2017, archaeologists di scovered a church, later fully excavat ed and called An inscripti"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "wer e 19 0.5 mal es. The med ian in come for a hou sehold in the CDP was $ 12,500, and the median income f or a fami ly was $1 1,563. Males had a medi an income of $11,250 versus $0 fo r fem ales. T he per capi ta inc ome f or t he CD P w as $7 ,113. Th ere were 60.0% of familie"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "s thus dependent o n a much more exact alignment of the h ead switching point than is req uired for non-HiFi VHS mach ines. Misalignments may lead to imperfect joining of the signal resulting in low-pitched buzzin g. The problem is known as \"head chatter\" and t ends to increase as the audio he ad s wear down.Another issu e that made VHS Hi-Fi i mperfect fo r music is"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "y the Europe an Parliament the Council of Mi nisters and the European Com mission. Ho wever its then le gal statu s was u ncertain and it did not have full legal effect until the e ntry into force of the Treaty of Li"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "d fro m Kri bi, as we ll, thoug h the are a's thic k fore sts an d th e pr ese nce of th e tset se fl y prev en ts la rger-sc ale ope ratio ns. Kri bi is als o t he base for vari ous commerci al f ishi"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ranty is a pro mise which is not a condition of t he contract or an innominate term it is a term and whi ch only entitles the innocent party to dama ges if it is breached i.e. the warranty is not tru e or the defaulting party does not perf orm the contract in accord ance wi th the terms of the warrant y. A warranty is no t a guarantee."}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ary 1967 Cor ps of Engineers pe rsonnel compl eted constructio n of the S-IC B-2 t est stand a t MTF.Followi ng an exten sive systems s ubsystems and to tal integrated systems checkout of the B-2 t est stand at MTF on March 3 1967 workme n successfully fired t he S-IC battle ship/all-syste ms stage for 15 seco nds. This S- IC-T tes t the fir st MTF S-IC firing prove d the to tal com patibility of stage m echanical sup port equipment and S-IC test facilities.A second S-IC-T firin"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "art of the casing of smaller gearboxes. During World War II a special varia tion of epicyclic gearing was dev eloped for portable radar gear where a very hi gh reduction ratio in a small package was needed. This had two outer ring gears each half the thickness of the other gea rs. One of these two ring gears was held fixed and had one tooth fewer than did the other. Therefore several turns o f the gears complete a si ngle revolution whic"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "mat documents. Steven DeRose argues that HTML's use of descriptive mark up (and influence of SGML in partic ular) was a major factor in the succ ess of the Web, because of the flexibility and extensibility that it enabled. HTML became the main mark up language for creating web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser, and is quite likely the mos t used markup language in the world today.XML is a meta markup language that is very widely used. XML was developed by the Wo rld Wide Web Consortium in a committee created and chai red by Jon Bosak. The main purpose of XML w as to simplify SGML by focusin g on a particular problem — documents on the Intern et. XML remains a met a-language like SG ML allowing user s to create any tags n eeded and then descri bing those tags and t heir permitted uses.XML adop tion was helped because every XML document c an be written in such a way th at it is also an S GML docu ment and existing SG ML users and software could switch to XML fairly easily. However XML eliminated many of the more compl"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ommission headed by So uth Dakota Senator George McGovern t o select a new, less controversi al meth od of choo sing nomi nees. The Mc Govern –Fra ser C ommi ssion se ttled"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "o de Al buq uer que, and lik e all th e Brag an za s, sh o we d many aptit udes in th e arts, besi des his pursui ng a military education. Ar ound the tim e of Dom Lus Filipe'"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "idents of Regional Councils. The presid ent serves a 5-year term. T he president may be removed by the elector al college for gross misconduc"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ices Index (RPI) infla tion target o f 2.5%. The target has changed to 2% since the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rep laced the Retai l Prices Inde x as t he T reasury' s inflation index. If i nf lation ov ers hoots or und ershoo ts th"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "t being harasse d in any way by Nugent. By 15 April , the Austri ans had ret aken Fl orence and w hen the news reached Mur at, he ordered a general retreat of hi s main force back to their original headquarter s in Ancona.With the roa d to Florence now clear and the Italian peninsula openi ng up in front o f him, Frimon t ordered two cor ps south to d eal with Murat once and for all. Bianchi's c orps was ordered to march towards Foligno via Florence in an a ttempt to threaten the rear of the Nea polita ns a nd t o cu t o ff th eir line of direct retreat, whi lst Neipperg's corps was sent into dir"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": ".7% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age wa s 36 years. For every 100 fem ales, the re were 94 .9 males. F or every 1 00 fema les age 18 a nd ov er, the re we re 103.8 males.The median in"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ted land in the Northern Hemisp here.Earth has evolved thro ugh geological and biologic al processes that have left traces of the original condition s. The outer sur face is divided into sev eral gra dually mig rat in g te ctoni c plates . The inter ior rem"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "mayi is known for frequently referring to herself in the third perso n as \"Amma\", which is a common spiritual practice in Hinduism.Social iss ues.In her public talks an d i n a rti cl es , A mri tan an damayi has tak en up sev eral social issues, i ncluding t he importa nce of s elfless se rv ice , t he ne ed f or"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "rary over the s ummer of 2 004. There was co nsiderable cont roversy over a sho w held in Septembe r 2004 a film fes tival put on by a travelling grou p esp ousin g bord erline cr iminal ac tivities. The man ager o f the Dak ota Square Mall asked the presi dent of Minot State University to cancel t he show which was then scheduled to tak e place at the Aleshire Theatre on campus. Followin g a row with several professors over cen sorship concerns the show was reinst ated but by that time a room at the Public Libra ry had already been rented and fliers advertising the sh ow at the Lib"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "4 to 3.5 pounds in wei ght. Bandico ots have lo ng pointed snout large ear s short body a nd long tail. T"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "te redes ign.A met asearch en gine calle d Anvish was devel oped by Bo Shu and Subh ash Kak in 1999; t he se arc h res ults wer e sorted using instantan"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ongness is given a volunta rist treatment. But value whic h concerns goodne ss and badness i s treated as i ndependent of di vine comman ds. The result is a \"restricted\" divine comman d theory that applies only to a spe cific region of morality the deon tic region of obligation. This response is found i n Francisco Surez's discussio n of natural law and voluntaris m in \"De legibus\" and has been pr ominent in contemporary philosophy of religion appearing in th e wo rk of Robert M. Adams Philip L."}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "to Watsonia Primary Sc hool Greensborough Coll ege and Loyola College.W atsonia Library is a bright, moder n, well-equi pped com munity librar y located in W atsonia's sh opping preci nct with ample p arking an d adjacen t t o t he W ats on ia tr ain station . It is a b ranch of Yarra Ple nty Regi onal Library Watsonia Football Cl ub an Aust ralian Rule s foot ball tea m com petes in the Northe rn Football League.Popular culture.The ear ly 2000s punk indie band Kli nger mentions a long trip from St. Kilda to Watsonia north in their hit song Hello Cruel World.They also had a much less successful song called W"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "outraged, Parlia ment was re calle d in Decembe r and an i nvestigation began. Reporting in 1721, it revealed widesp read fraud amongst the com pany directors a nd corrupt ion in t"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "at Finland's survival as an independent so vereign democratic and capitalist countr y in the immediate proximity of the Soviet Union. Af ter the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 Finla nd freed itself from the last restrictions imposed on it by the Paris peace treaties of 1947. Th e Finnish-Soviet Agreement of Fri endship Co-operation and Mutual Assistance (and the restrictions incl uded there in) w as ann ulled b ut Fi nland recogn ised the Russ ian Fed era tion as t he suc cess or o f t he U SSR an d was quic"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "travel ed the w orld a nd com peted year-r ound i n the Un ited Stat es Cana da Jamaic a Ger many Sw eden No"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "court found in favor of father and d aughter order ing the newsp aper to p ay them both dam ages and to p rint a pu blic apology.A fter the we dding, Irene wa s very active i n her husba nd's right-wing political cau se, but ove r time they d rifted away fro m right-wing extremis m to left-wing sympathies and b ecame a part of the internatio nal jet-set crowd. In 1977, Iren e was expelled from Spain because of her political views; her hus band was also barre d from the country for the same reason. Prince Carlos was allowed to return i n late 1977, but Princes s Irene w as not pe rmitted"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "Union ism and Irish Nationali sm coul d nev er be cr ossed. Despit e this he sai d little a bout Home Rule until the passing of the Parlia ment A ct in 1 911, c allin g it th e \"Ho me R ule in Disguise Ac t\" and saying it wa s an attempt to ch ange parliame ntary proced ures s o as to allow Home Rule \"through the back door\".After the acts As the Conservative Pa rty was badly divided b"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "Mulch Diggums. Though it was not going well and now they are bounty h unters which are considered eve n less trustworthy then the crimin als they track. Holly is informed a bout the demon race a species of fairy that le ft e arth and are now i nhabitin g an is land in Limbo between ea rth and time and is rec ruited to Section Eigh t which monitors them. When it bec omes apparent th at Artemis has enco untered a demon the y encounter Minerva Paradizo another child genius who has managed to obtain a demon and the deranged Billy Kong. Artemis and Holly along with two demons №1 and Qwan are forced to go to Hybras to save demon civilization."}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "that, ev en if South A frica did become a repub lic, it did not automaticall y have t o sever all of its t ies with the UK and the Britis h Commonwealth. This gaine d the movement furthe r support fr om the E nglish-spe aking populace, wh ich was less worried about being i solated; and the republican ideal looked closer than ever to being fulfilled.Although he c ould not yet make South Africa a rep"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "o up 25–24 with thr ee mi nutes l eft in the four th qua rter, but th ey los t to the Arizona Cardinals by a scor e of 32–25 after quarterbac k Kurt War ner scored a last- minut e touc hdown .Enteri"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "Jar di ne sur vi ved fo r ove r four hours. He scored 110 4 first- class run s for the season at an aver age of 64.94.At the beginning of the 19"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "es and abroa d. Giv en t hat th e trade ma rk ed \" Wi nd ows\" nam e was in so me jeopa rdy, Mic rosoft pa id to sett"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "nich's garage into a ne w empty building on th e border of Palo Alto a nd Mou ntain View. Their start ing salaries ranged from $13 800 to $15600 per year . Hodgson who headed the board of directors suggested Noyce as th e ope rationa l mana ger of the c ompany but Noy ce ref used. F airchild kn owing No yce's pers onality also opposed h is leader ship. Rega rdless o f the will"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "and fall onto power lines. Windy c onditions and lightning, when present, will e xacerbate the damage. Power lines coated with ice become extre mely heavy, causing support poles, insula tors and lines to break. The ice that f orms on roadways makes vehicle travel dangerous. Unlike snow, wet ice provides al most no traction, and vehicles will slide even on gentle slop"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "of W ut ai' s f iv e story pagoda the last of these battles against G odo. Thes e fights and the seq uence of c onversa tions follo wing enable both fathe r and daug hter to understand the other's actions and to come to a mutual respect. At Godo's request Cloud officially t akes Yuffie wi th him on his quest.If Yuffie is present at the"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ld get ca ught up in a ser ies of fa ntastic a dvent ures in a ba ttle of good and evil."}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "practice in his nati ve Oakvil le, he atten ded Yal e Univer sity wh ere he spe cialized in the mental healt h of child ren. Duri ng this time, Chi shol m developed hi s str"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "rough a drive shaft when en gaged with a clutch and pla ced near the front of the aircraft to provide a count erbalancing thrust. Roll con trol during slow flight is ach ieved by diverting unheated engine byp ass air through wing-mounte d thrust nozzles cal le d r oll post s.An altern ative engine th e General Electric/Rolls-Roy ce F136 was being developed in the 20 00s originally F-35 engin"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "rial behind espousing his ideology. The politi cal economist Issa G. Shivji noted that although Nyerere was .Anti-colonialism, non-racia lism, and Pan-Africanism.Nyerere was an Afric an nationalist. He despised co lonialism, and felt duty bound to oppose the colonial state in Tanganyika. In campaigning against colonialism, Nyerere acknowledged that he was inspired by the principles behind b oth the American Revolution and the French Revolution. He was also influenced by the Indian indep endence movement, which successfully re sulted in the cr eation of an India n republic in 1947, just befo re Nyerere studied in Britai n. N yerer e insist ed that the situ ation i n Tan ganyik a wa s such that non-viole nt protes t was possible and should be pursued, stating: \"I'm non-violent in the sense o"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "l television satellite or cable.In popular culture.O ne Ca nad a Sq uare has bee n f eatured in severa l films"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "porters see Taiwanes e identity as one piece of a bro ader Chinese identity rather than as a separate cultural identity. However supporters do oppose desinicization inh erent in Communist ideology such as that se en d uring th e Cul tural R evolution a long with the effo rt to emphasize a Taiwanese i dentity as separate from a Chinese one. As of the 2008 election of President Ma Ying-Jeou the KM T agreed to the One China principl"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "aded into the \"Institute for Studyin g Marxism in Indochina\" as a gesture to unite all nationalist and n on-communist factors to fight against French and p ro-French forces. In practice, the Vietminh became the leader of struggle for inde pendence of Vietnam. The ICP was oste nsibly dissolved, but its core wa s still functioning. According to the CIA, membership gre w to about 400,000 members by 1950. In 1951, durin g the war for i ndependence, the officially dissolved Communist P arty was off icially re-est ablished an d renamed t he Worker's Party of Vietnam , often a bbreviated as WPV and nick named the Lao Do"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "of thing s Germans h ad done in the past, s o that people of ot her nations could feel re ady to shak e hands w ith a German a gain, as they w ould with anyone else. Notable perfor mances and recordings.Ma x Reger q uotes the t une in the final s ection of his organ pieces Op. 1 45 compo sed in 1915/1 6 when i t was a patri otic s"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ts ingredi ents. B etel le af ext ract alone has no t been sho wn to cause adve rse effect s. S mokeless tobacco"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "f $ 20. If J oane calls the $5 Al ice an d Diann e only have the option of calling or folding neither can r aise. But if Joane co"}}
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "with an Alliance S emiconductor AT25/AT3D 2D compone nt, but ther e were so me built wi th a Macronix chip and the re were initial plans to partner with Tri dent but no such boards w"}}