11 values
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: “Apoyo decidido de EEUU al Pres. Guaidó y la vuelta a la democracia en Venezuela”. El Emb. Buchan en su reunión con @EcarriB, Embajador de Venezuela en España, mencionó la dramática situación de los refugiados venezolanos que vio en su viaje a Cúcuta, Colombia #EstamosUnidosVE https://t.co/HTsV3G7w5a
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Los productos argentinos tendrán una gran oportunidad en la exposición internacional de Shanghái (@ciieonline) de noviembre, donde serán exhibidos cítricos, vinos y carne vacuna. Este año #Argentina será invitada de honor en el evento que convoca a exportadores de todo el mundo. https://t.co/vDiUYCd5K6
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Hoy se firmó un Memorando de Entendimiento con los #EEUU en materia de cooperación para facilitar el financiamiento de proyectos de infraestructura en Panamá a través del programa América Crece. #UnidosVenceremos https://t.co/PH2ifcytu9
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: @weiasecas Debemos es aprender de China en este instante es la disciplina de una población, que siendo numerosa, ha sabido acatar las directrices para no caer en el caos y la violencia que sucedería con ese virus en otras poblaciones. El amor, conciencia y solidaridad del personal de salud.
1 appeal to commonality
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: La Unión Europea 🇪🇺 y sus Estados miembros han lanzado el paquete #EquipoEuropa para apoyar a los países socios alrededor del mundo 🌎 con €20 mil millones para luchar contra el #coronavirus. Sólo juntos podemos abordar esta pandemia global. 🤝 #StrongerTogether #TeamEurope https://t.co/Uas2TgeR2p
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: El virus no conoce fronteras. China🇨🇳continuará apoyando los esfuerzos del pueblo🇩🇴 en la lucha contra la COVID-19, sobre la base del principio del respeto mutuo y la no injerencia en los asuntos internos de acuerdo con la voluntad de la parte dominicana. https://t.co/hU25zMzm5W https://t.co/suzrnq6Y8m
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Según reportes, algunos barcos de la gran flota pesquera china frente a las Islas Galápagos están "transmitiendo coordenadas falsas". EEUU apoya firmemente los esfuerzos de Ecuador para asegurar que los buques con bandera de la China no se dediquen a la pesca ilegal #SOSGalápagos https://t.co/6FiI8YDrRf
2 discrediting the opponent
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: .@SecPompeo: El PCCh debe ser transparente mientras el mundo busca respuestas al #COVID19 y sus orígenes. No conocemos la historia. Nuestro equipo no ha podido hacer el trabajo que necesita hacer. #China tiene la responsabilidad de cooperar. https://t.co/P3rX9CgYy3
2 discrediting the opponent
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Entre otras efemérides importantes en la historia de Estados Unidos en 4 de julio están: Susan B. Anthony se dirigió al Congreso para abogar por el sufragio de las mujeres (1876); la publicación de Leaves of Grass del poeta Walt Whitman (1855); https://t.co/Xm3Goq5Jky
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: "La UE es el mayor bloque comercial del planeta. Pensamos que el relanzamiento del comercio internacional es una de las respuestas para poder salir de esta crisis. Por eso junto a nuestros socios comerciales, incluyendo el Perú, estamos viendo maneras de facilitarlo". #COVID19 https://t.co/TAU2Z5KfQb
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Muy grata reunión de la Cónsul General Elia E. Tello y el Gobernador de Sinaloa @QuirinoOC para tratar temas de cooperación entre Estados Unidos y Sinaloa #CooperacionBinacional https://t.co/8rWDN6GC9Z
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: ¡Noticia emocionante! Varias decenas de jóvenes ecuatoguineanos han sido admitidos por diversas universidades de China con #becas del Gobierno chino del año 2020. ¡Felicitaciones a ellos! Seguiremos apoyando a los jóvenes guineanos a alcanzar sus sueños de desarrollo profesional. https://t.co/rBnR0CLn9n
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Hoy se cumplen 900 días de detención injusta en #Venezuela para los #CITGO6. Las casas de estos hombres estadounidenses se encuentran en los EE.UU. y no en las condiciones peligrosas e insalubres de la conocida cárcel Helicoide... https://t.co/bm8I2nnJTU
3 loaded language
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: #Zajárova: Nuestras estrechas relaciones de amistad con los países africanos, la ponderable experiencia de fructífera cooperación se remontan al inicio de los años 1960, cuando #UniónSoviética apoyó firmemente el anhelo de los africanos de sacudirse del yugo colonial #RusiaÁfrica https://t.co/DTOAswwVuL
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: En seminario “Balance de las Relaciones EU-América Latina y Perspectivas Covid-19”, embajadora Stella Zervoudaki afirmó: “la UE y Chile comparten los valores de la libertad, democracia, derechos humanos, y promoción del multilateralismo y del comercio libre y basado en reglas”. https://t.co/b97VRZ6eP8
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: China exige a EE. UU. que cumpla con su obligación de aportar fondos a OMS https://t.co/PJENP9ap84
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: #Lausanne2020: Los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud de Invierno finalizaron con dominio medallero de #Rusia después de la victoria de los jugadores de hockey en la final contra los EE.UU. En total ⤵️ 🥇10 de oro 🥈11 de plata 🥉8 de bronce 👍🔥🇷🇺¡Enhorabuena!🇷🇺🔥👍 https://t.co/K9sAVM8tOU
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Hace algo más de un mes presentamos el Pacto Verde Europeo, proponiendo 50 medidas para: ☀️ energía limpia, asequible y segura 🚄 movilidad sostenible e inteligente 🌬️ aire limpio y no contaminado ¡y mucho más! Hacia una Europa climáticamente neutra en 2050 🌱#EUGreenDeal https://t.co/uoHO7CwERk
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: El importante diplomático chino, Yang Jiechi, dice que #China y Estados Unidos deben asumir una altura estratégica y una perspectiva de largo plazo y mantener sus relaciones en la dirección correcta https://t.co/dSbDaQeNjZ https://t.co/qMrNC9quH2
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Empresas de #EEUU ayudan a China en su momento de necesidad: https://t.co/FvXEg01yMH
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: La @EU_Commission invertirá 25 mil millones de euros para afrontar la crisis del #COVID19 y ayudar a los sistemas sanitarios, las pymes y los mercados laborales. Todas las medidas presentadas por la presidenta @vonderleyen aquí ➡️ https://t.co/g31KujCn3U https://t.co/MyZpFXDfhm
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: .@WeAreOxy y @ECOPETROL_SA se únen a Colombia para uchar contra el coronavirus. La cooperación en el sector privado es otra muestra de la fuerte alianza entre Estados Unidos y Colombia. https://t.co/BU4FLgMjTl
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: ❗ La retirada del Tratado de Cielos Abiertos perjudicará la imagen de EEUU como contraparte fiable, será imposible tomar en serio sus llamamientos para ampliar transparencia en la esfera militar. @mae_rusia https://t.co/q1Shwnd1Sc
2 discrediting the opponent
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Un improvisado T-show en uno de los hospitales para pacientes #COVID19 con síntomas leves. Corazón unido, virus vencido! https://t.co/icRje2jICE
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Hoy hemos escuchado muchas perspectivas diferentes. Sus voces son las voces del pueblo europeo. Queremos dar forma a nuestro futuro común. Vemos avances y el potencial para encontrar nuevas soluciones. @vonderleyen responde tras debate #SOTEU 🎧en 🇪🇸↓ https://t.co/ubeHpIV10k https://t.co/NVWUtrA6z8
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: 1/2 James Story: “El informe realizado por la Misión de la ONU sobre Vzla indica que el régimen Ilegítimo de Maduro, mediante sus esbirros del SEBIN arrestaron, detuvieron y torturaron arbitrariamente a personas por motivos políticos.
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: #UnDiaComoHoy, hace 7⃣5⃣ años en el marco de la batalla de #Berlín las tropas soviéticas alzaron la bandera de la #Victoria sobre la azotea del Reichstag (Parlamento de Alemania), símbolo del poder nazi durante años #Victoria75 #GranGuerraPatria #Historia https://t.co/aLG7kOtCVa
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Europa y África son socios naturales. 🌍 La #vdLCommission está en Addis Abeba #Etiopía para la décima reunión de la Comisión de la UE con la Comisión de la Unión Africana ✅ crecimiento ✅ trabajo ✅ transición verde ✅ digital ✅ seguridad ✅ movilidad ✅ migración https://t.co/piNhd9ao6i
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Desde el brote del COVID-19 en Chile, más de 9.000 turistas europeos han regresado a Europa desde Chile en vuelos comerciales y de repatriacion, gracias a una coordinación estrecha entre Estados Miembros de la UE, Delegación UE y el Gobierno de Chile. Esfuerzos comunes continúan. https://t.co/dRdaUl6XR8
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: 🔸¿Qué ha hecho la Comisión desde que se informó del brote de #COVID2019 en China? 🔸¿Está preparada la UE para contener la propagación? 🔸¿Cómo está la Comisión apoyando la repatriación desde China de ciudadanos de la UE? Te respondemos: https://t.co/4A1Ttitaab https://t.co/jz9PTAwh35
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: 🔴 CHAT #ENDIRECTO | "Política social para un desarrollo sostenible y recuperación justa" con Nicolas Schmit, Comisario europeo de Empleo y Derechos Sociales. #Coronavirus #EUDialogues 👇👇 https://t.co/jH994i31Lk
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: #Coronavirus: La Unión Europea lanza el paquete “Equipo Europa” para apoyar a los países socios con más de 20,000 millones de euros Mas información: https://t.co/ZTIdn2SaPf https://t.co/QHCz8YbGkV
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Un nuevo portal en línea electrónica del Museo Nacional Smithsonian de Historia y Cultura Afroestadounidense ayuda a los estadounidenses a conversar sobre la raza. https://t.co/p9lMXGjJBT
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: 🇻🇪🇨🇳 SINCERO AGRADECIMIENTO al Excmo. Sr. Presidente Nicolás Maduro, al Excmo. Sr. Primer Vicepresidente del PSUV Diosdado Cabello y al Ilustre Gobierno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela por su solidaridad y apoyo al Gobierno y pueblo chino en su batalla contra el Covid-19 https://t.co/qkAknMeuOC
3 loaded language
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Con la tinta aún sin secar en la draconiana Ley de Seguridad Nacional, autoridades de Hong Kong están retirando libros de las bibliotecas, prohibiendo consignas políticas y exigiendo censura en las escuelas. EE.UU. condena estos asaltos orwellianos a los derechos y libertades.
2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: "Los virus no conocen fronteras ni tienen nacionalidad, los problemas de salud pública se han convertido en problemas de seguridad pública", ARVP @JosepBorrellF interviene en el programa de @InformeSemanal que analiza la crisis del #coronavirus en Europa. https://t.co/I2vs5Eo8ue
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: 📹 El avión Cessna 401 con matricula de EEUU N17JE, localizado hoy tras acuatizar ilegalmente en el sur del Lago de Maracaibo, es propiedad desde 2018 de una compañía de bebidas energizantes de Miramar #Florida,según el sitio de aviación Pri Jet. https://t.co/7zTd1Usrya https://t.co/0e4G64cIBq
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Las vacunas deben ser seguras y eficaces para proteger a la población. Conoce la forma en que los gobiernos responsables trabajan para encontrar una vacuna contra #Coronavirus utilizando estándares científicos aceptados. ⬇️ https://t.co/TKjBeHD9EI
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: La dictadura actúa en oscuridad, sembrando pruebas y cargos falsos, intimidando a inocentes. El pueblo de #Venezuela exige que liberen a todos los presos políticos. Hoy Roberto Marrero cumple 1 año desde su secuestro y la gente le demuestra su apoyo #21Mar https://t.co/VPeDqr8Fge
1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Me da enorme placer informarles que el Senado de EEUU acaba de aprobar el #TMEC, lo que nos acerca un paso más a finalizar este importante acuerdo que beneficiará a nuestras naciones por generaciones. Otro hito en la relación entre las tres potencias de Norteamérica.🇲🇽🇺🇸🇨🇦
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: #Cultura | El Museo Nacional de China se une con Universidad de Tsinghua para una cooperación integral que se proteja la colección de reliquias culturales del museo, se restaurará pinturas tradicionales, se protegerá libros y documentos antiguos. 👉https://t.co/ajTpMshyiH https://t.co/syhimkTy9V
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: La Unión Europea 🇪🇺 y sus Estados Miembros han lanzado el paquete #TeamEurope para apoyar a los países socios alrededor del mundo 🌎 con 20 mil millones de euros 💶 para luchar contra el #coronavirus. Sólo juntos podemos abordar esta pandemia global. 🤝 #UnidosSomosMásFuertes https://t.co/OnpIqRdkLu
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: ¿Conoces el trabajo que realiza el @NEAarts? Esta agencia federal independiente desarrolla un trabajo inmenso en la promoción de las artes y la cultura en EEUU, mediante la donación de subvenciones a organizaciones culturales estadounidenses de todo tipo. https://t.co/GjxiBcLYJg
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: #FOTO | Los pueblos hermanos de Venezuela y China persiguen causas comunes: el beneficio mutuo y la ganancia compartida. Reiteramos nuestra amistad, solidaridad y plena confianza en su capacidad para enfrentar los desafíos de esta batalla. ¡Venceremos! @Li_Baorong @Ivan_Zerpa https://t.co/2OsYwf3tf4
1 appeal to commonality 3 loaded language
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: La Embajada China en Panamá se solidariza con el pueblo panameño ante la lucha contra el #COVID19 y entrega una donación de 5000 kits de pruebas a @InstitutoGorgas. #FuerzaPanamá! Viva la Amistad! #UnidosLoHacemos. 🇨🇳🇵🇦💪🍀 @weiasecas @FedericoAlfaroB @CancilleriaPma @prensacom https://t.co/6JJOlhFJw7
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Mi nuevo BLOG sobre cómo Europa debe posicionarse en el contexto de la creciente rivalidad estratégica entre Estados Unidos y China: https://t.co/4JgZ6LEaKZ Tenemos que defender el multilateralismo y trabajar por una cooperación más estrecha entre las democracias #EUDiplomacy 👇 https://t.co/54bo1eitop
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Los pueblos panameños🇵🇦y chinos🇨🇳somos hermanos con mucha amistad de larga data, y tenemos que unirnos como uno para enfrentar las dificultades. Así es el significado de Amistad y Hermandad👏🙏🏻Adelante Panamá, Vencerá al #Coronavirus #UnidosLoHacemos @RojasPardini @gabycarrizoj https://t.co/ENJ8GF9ut2
3 loaded language
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: #TeamEurope ha proporcionado 10 millones de euros para la implementación de la estrategia continental conjunta de África para el brote de COVID-19. Este financiamiento reforzará los sistemas sanitarios y abordará las necesidades inmediatas derivadas de la pandemia. https://t.co/n8BtsMdgyc
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: La antigua ciudad de Yin Xu sin duda es un #PatrimonioCultural 🇨🇳 : ✅ Allí se descubrieron diferentes huesos e inscripciones chinas en caparazones de tortuga que son vitales para el estudio de la antigua cultura china. #UNESCO https://t.co/Gboaxdh6bj
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Este memorándum del 1 de abril entre la Cancillería de Guyana y el Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones, comprueba que se recibió y estudió la solicitud del Gobierno de EEUU de usar infraestructura guyanesa para transmitir ilegalmente la señal de @VOANoticias hacia nuestro país. https://t.co/gTsNIKvxCg
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: ¡Buen viaje a los jóvenes salvadoreños que iniciaron ayer el programa #YouthAmbassadors! Durante seis semanas, tendrán la oportunidad de conocer tres ciudades de EE.UU. para aprender sobre nuestra historia y capacitarse en liderazgo y voluntariado. https://t.co/jjXFnBof8X
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Con #ProCadenas colaboramos para que piscicultores cuenten con una mayor infraestructura para aumentar su competitividad. Mejores condiciones de trabajo ➡️ mejor calidad de vida. Es una iniciativa del @vmganaderiapy con apoyo de la UE 🇪🇺 y la Cooperación Alemana al Desarrollo
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: #China jamás olvidará la ayuda de los 79 países y 10 organismos en la etapa más difícil de la lucha contra la epidemia #COVID19. Ante la agravante pandemia, China seguirá fortaleciendo la cooperación internacional en respuesta este desafío en forma conjunta. @UEenARG #Chinayuda https://t.co/jit25cOcQH
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: El portavoz del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de #China condenó el lunes día 9 la posición tomada por Estados Unidos de estigmatizar al país y, en especial, a la ciudad de #Wuhan por el nuevo #coronavirus. #ChinaEEUU #EEUU https://t.co/t817ZloTqc
2 discrediting the opponent
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: 6. Todas las facultades conferidas al presidente por la constitución serán conferidas exclusivamente al Consejo de Estado. Los Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea retirarán las sanciones a quienes se habían atribuido facultades presidenciales, y que les fueron impuestas...
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: “En una victoria #UnDiaComoHoy, la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos dictaminó que la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 protege a las personas #LGBTI de ser discriminadas en el lugar de trabajo” ¡Happy #Pride2020! https://t.co/qD8e8BcVZZ
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: 📢RT: China se compromete a defender #LibertadDeNavegación y el sobrevuelo dentro y sobre #MarMeridionalDeChina, que disfrutan todos los países bajo #DerechoInternacional. Dicha libertad nunca encuentra ningún problema y nunca hemos escuchado ninguna queja de ningún país (5/11)
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: @weiasecas Aqui crecimos con una comunidad China grande que se ha mezclado con nosotros..El panameño que diga que no conoce o teme a la cultura China está mintiendo.
2 discrediting the opponent
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Te interesaría saber más de la #historia de #Rusia? Especialmente para vos 10 películas documentales sobra la dinastía rusa más famosa #Románov (subtítulos en español disponibles) ➡️ https://t.co/WAQkBuWMex… No te lo puedes perder! 🎬🎥 https://t.co/7gEBYHEFeA
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: @Jos3ang3l ¡Como lo fue mi padre! Deseo volver a una Venezuela libre para cantar el Alma Llanera con mis amigos. Saludos.
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: -@CSOAsstSec se reunió con @PosconflictoCO @EmilioJArchila en Bogotá para conversar sobre los procesos en la implementación del acuerdo de paz y sobre maneras de mejorar la seguridad en áreas rurales. #EEUU se enorgullece de su alianza con Colombia. https://t.co/FOMV7OUNKq
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Una fábrica de mascarillas en China tiene máxima capacidad de producir 1000 unidades al minuto con más seguridad y comodidad, para satisfacer de carácter urgente las masivas necesidades médicas y cívicas. Así es la Velocidad, Unión y Disciplina de China 👊💪👍 https://t.co/TGvJvg3S8i
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Casi 2⃣7⃣ millones de ciudadanos soviéticos murieron en los frentes, como prisioneros alemanes, murieron de hambre y bombardeos, en guetos y hornos de campos de la muerte nazis. ☝️ #URSS perdió 1 de cada 7 ciudadanos, #ReinoUnido 1 de 127, #EstadosUnidos 1 de cada 320 https://t.co/cUNxiVVJEm
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: La #UE rinde homenaje a la diversidad humana y al derecho de cada persona a estar orgullosa de quién es, definir su propia identidad y amar a la persona de su elección. #IDAHOT #EU4LGBTI ⬇️ https://t.co/MpTf9yPyKq
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Reflejo del concepto esencial de la actual política exterior china: todos los habitantes de este planeta somos miembros de una sola comunidad de destino y, como tales, todos debemos dar nuestra parte a la construcción de la misma. https://t.co/VKpCf8Q277
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: (5/9) Venezuela seguirá creciendo como centro de drogas en toda la región, trayendo consigo el crimen y la violencia.
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: #Zajárova: La detención de la ciudadana rusa, Olesia Krasílova, es un ejemplo más de la caza de los ciudadanos rusos que #EEUU desencadenó por todo el mundo. Hemos exigido severamente que las autoridades estadounidenses revoquen la solicitud de su extradición https://t.co/m0u3NbjvUq
2 discrediting the opponent
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: El 35,8% de las exportaciones de Chile van a China, subiendo 6,5 puntos porcentuales en enero-julio, en relación al mismo período del año pasado. De los principales socios de Chile, China es el único país al cual los envíos suben.
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Muy doloroso que la pandemia traiga consigo además un incremento de la violencia intrafamiliar contra mujeres, niñas o niños. Imaginan x un momento lo q están sufriendo en sus casas? Desde la UE lanzamos proyecto específico para ayudar a estas mujeres. #TeamEurope @SismaMujer https://t.co/0AtAAZd7hk
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: El Departamento @CommerceGov ha sancionado a diversas empresas constructoras vinculadas al gobierno chino a raíz de proyectos que ponen en duda la soberanía en ciertos enclaves y que suponen una amenaza al medio ambiente: https://t.co/jr23YfBzMr
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Excelente videoconferencia entre los Vicecancilleres #ZhengZeguang d China y @FedericoAlfaroB y @ErikaMouynes d Panamá. 1 muy oportuna ronda d consultas diplomáticas🇨🇳🇵🇦, caracterizada x alto grado d confianza política mutua y fuerte espíritu d cooperación práctica. 🇨🇳🤝🇵🇦 https://t.co/QVXe6wb8oK
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: 🙌 El programa #Interreg de la UE cumple 3⃣0⃣ años contribuyendo a acercar a más de 170 millones de personas y fomentando la cooperación territorial entre regiones fronterizas 🎂 Las fronteras no son barreras. Somos más fuertes juntos. https://t.co/yeo2K4Cb1h #EUinmyRegion https://t.co/Izl4AelEDR
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: "En consejo informal de Asuntos Exteriores de la Unión Europea hoy, @SecPompeo reafirmó importancia de la asociación transatlántica a medida que reconstruimos nuestras economías después de COVID-19 y abordamos desafíos globales planteados por la República Popular China y Rusia" https://t.co/285k1YLm7H
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: La #UE 🇪🇺 está asegurando más de 15,000 millones de euros 💶 para ayudar a nuestros socios en todo el mundo a combatir el #coronavirus. Queremos asegurarnos de que la lucha tenga éxito en todo el mundo 🌎 #StrongerTogether https://t.co/kY8h7XbZnc
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Únanse a la @usembassyhn para el webinar "Los Impactos de la Inversión China en Proyectos de Obras Públicas en Centro América”. 🗓️¿Cuándo? viernes 14 de agosto, 2020, 4:00 P.M. (EST) 📲¿Dónde? https://t.co/OTv3V9RAx2 https://t.co/FclnYnY7AG
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Guerra dura: En la parte continental de China todavía hay más de 3000 pacientes COVID-19 existentes, entre ellos, unos 600 casos importados. "Buena" noticia: Bajaron a menos de mil los casos graves, y las defunciones diarias son ínfimas. 🙏 https://t.co/vWe7q6KPQW
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Hoy salió un nuevo vuelo ✈️ con más ciudadanos europeos 🇪🇺 que regresan a sus hogares. Gran trabajo de la Embajada de Bélgica 🇧🇪 acreditada en 🇩🇴. La solidaridad europea se manifiesta para que todos puedan regresar a 🏠 con sus familiares #EUSolidarity @eu_eeas https://t.co/ri3tQkOrxB
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: 🇷🇺🤝🇺🇸 Vladímir #Putin y Donald #Trump hicieron una declaración conjunta con motivo del 7⃣5⃣ aniversario del encuentro histórico de las tropas soviéticas y las de EE.UU. sobre un puente del río #Elba: "Es un ejemplo de cómo podemos cooperar en nombre de un objetivo común" https://t.co/pSimZZtAJs
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Éstas son algunas de las ideas que ustedes sugieren para recuperar a #Venezuela con la participación de cada uno de los venezolanos. La @AsambleaVE ya está trabajando en el Plan País. Y tú, ¿Cómo trabajarás para construir la Venezuela que anhelas? Comparte tus ideas aquí 👇🏼 https://t.co/64FnNb4etg
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Hay distintas capacidades y responsabilidades de partida, pero sin apoyo mutuo o acciones globales conjuntas, el impacto del #coronavirus puede ser aún más devastador para todos. Aquí mi articulo https://t.co/NoXV6e4cyo
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Muchas gracias @wenmonterrosa por la interesante conversación en @Republica33TV: el compromiso #UE y de sus Estados Miembros es a largo plazo, queremos trabajar con los diferentes gobiernos, actores y sociedad civil salvadoreña para avanzar en el desarrollo del país. https://t.co/ZODRT6mTE0
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: .@statedeptspox #FactCheck: El gobierno de #China no compartió la secuencia genética hasta que un profesor de Shanghai lo hizo por su cuenta. Al día siguiente, su gobierno cerró su laboratorio para "rectificar". #CovidCoverup #ChinaTransparencyNow https://t.co/YRU7sgEY6D
2 discrediting the opponent
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Los venezolanos han pasado el último año luchando para restablecer su democracia. A pesar de los desafíos, se están haciendo progresos. Estados Unidos es inquebrantable en su apoyo al pueblo venezolano en su lucha por la democracia que se merece. #EstamosUnidosVe https://t.co/JR44SYDTRN
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: En Estados Unidos hay + de un millón de estudiantes internacionales inscritos en instituciones de educación superior según @IIEglobal. De acuerdo con el @CommerceGov esos estudiantes han contribuido con más de 46 mil millones de dólares a la economía 🇺🇸. https://t.co/ZDJ33V7xOE https://t.co/kEOqfIjaKP
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: FOTOS | Acto cultural de solidaridad con el pueblo chino en su batalla contra el coronavirus contó con la asistencia del Embajador de China en Venezuela, Li Baorong, el Embajador de Venezuela en China, Iván Zerpa y el Ministro para la Cultura, Ernesto Villegas #TributoDeHermandad https://t.co/2nJqtQrdc0
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Jóvenes de #China envían cálidos deseos a sus amigos españoles por la lucha contra la #COVID19 en este bonito vídeo hecho con dibujos de arena. #EsteVirusLoParamosUnidos https://t.co/HxBGqnAYfu
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: #Zajárova: Una burda presión agrava los problemas de Venezuela 🇻🇪 impide generar la confianza entre los venezolanos, atolla la situación. Los radicales y sus patrocinadores externos que se guían por el principio 'cuanto peor, mejor', pierden el sentido de la realidad https://t.co/dNm1yIEn5a
2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Estados Unidos y sus socios del G-7 instan encarecidamente al Gobierno de China a que reconsidere esta decisión: https://t.co/d3jpCQtMg1
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Como bien reza un viejo refrán chino, "El que tiene moral nunca está solo; la justicia acompaña siempre al hombre en su corazón". https://t.co/DNR8QQSmgF
3 loaded language
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Según estadísticas de la ONU, China es el mayor socio comercial de Panamá en 2019 🇨🇳🤝🇵🇦 https://t.co/O28cC8LrRw
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Encantado de regresar a Bogotá. Esperamos reunirnos con los líderes del gobierno colombiano para enfatizar el compromiso de EE.UU. con los esfuerzos regionales y mundiales contra el terrorismo, así como la cooperación antinarcóticos con #Colombia. https://t.co/5ldK1ExVMQ
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: #Zajárova: ‘Limpiando’ el espacio mediático,Washington pasa por alto el sitio web de marcado carácter terrorista Mirotvorets (Pacificador) que continúa funcionando en los servidores estadounidenses y supone una amenaza directa a todos los periodistas incluidos en su base de datos https://t.co/UsB1EqaaUv
2 discrediting the opponent
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: En una operación sin precedentes, hoy volamos por primera vez en la historia a China para traer más de 13 toneladas de material sanitario e insumos médicos para hacerle frente al Covid-19. #Coronavirus https://t.co/cPWOcpx9BX
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: ¡Gracias @CancillerAleHT! EE.UU. ha sido amigo de #ElSalvador por décadas y somos su socio mas confiable. Juntos buscamos crear un mejor futuro para los salvadoreños, porque cuando uno de nosotros prospera también prospera el otro. https://t.co/RRRhKwAAgn
1 appeal to commonality 3 loaded language
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: 🍵¿Has tomado té hoy? Hoy se celebra el primer Día Internacional del Té. El té es una de las tres bebidas más importantes del mundo, se originó en China y luego se hizo popular en todo el mundo. Con este video puedes conocer más sobre la cultura de Té de China. https://t.co/sUYnD7guSP
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Las medidas 🇪🇺 en respuesta a #coronavirus : 🔹 garantizar el suministro a sistemas sanitarios europeos 🔹proteger empleo 🔹apoyar a empresas 🔹financiar investigación científica 🔹luchar contra #desinformación https://t.co/pzUd6159yi #StrongerTogether #EUSolidarity https://t.co/uQYXno20Ir
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: En enero de 2019, Maduro reclamó ilegalmente la presidencia de Venezuela. Desde entonces, ha desmantelado las instituciones democráticas y la economía mediante el abuso del poder estatal y mediante alianzas con naciones como Cuba, Rusia, Irán y China. https://t.co/zhX3wArjTk
2 discrediting the opponent
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: #FOTOS | Canciller Jorge Arreaza se reúne con el Embajador de la Federación de Rusia @EmbSergio, acompañado del viceministro @yvangil, para coordinar la cooperación estratégica entre ambos países y evaluar la agenda de trabajo. https://t.co/FDt5w06LuR
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Estados Unidos está poniendo a disposición de los científicos de todo el mundo las supercomputadoras más avanzadas para ayudar a combatir el novel coronavirus #COVID-19. https://t.co/HsDD6KcpKs
5 not_propaganda
You are an excellent assistant at categorizing propaganda in tweets. Propaganda is defined as: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. You will need to decide which of the following applies to the tweet. It could be one or more of the following. 1. Appeal to commonality. This could be related to the following: - Ad populum: the tweet appeals to the will, the tradition or the history of a community to support an argument. e.g. "The leadership of the #CPC is the choice of history and of the Chinese people." - Flag Waving: the tweet includes hyperbolic praise of a nation, worships a patriotic symbol, exhibits self-praise, or portrays someone as a hero. e.g. "The European Union is the best example, in the history of the world, of conflict resolution." 2. Discrediting the opponent. This could be related to the following: - Name Calling/Labelling: the author refers to someone or something with pejorative labels. e.g. "The #US is the gravest threat to global strategic security and stability" - Undiplomatic Assertiveness/Whataboutism: the tweet vilifies an opponent, depicting their behavior as hostile, hypocritical or immoral, displaying undiplomatic contempt. This technique also includes counteraccusations to deviate the attention from sensitive issues. e.g. "Just another proof that the #MediaFreedom principle is only applied to western or western-paid media. When Euro-NATO governments crack down on #Russian or Russian-language media there's zero reaction from #HumanRights apologists. Bias and double standards" - Scapegoating: the tweet transfers the blame to one person, group or institution. e.g. "What has caused the current difficulties in China-UK relationship? My answer is loud and clear: China has not changed. It is the UK that has changed. The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties." - Propaganda Slinging:the author accuse others of spreading propaganda, disinformation or lies. e.g. "Pompeo has been churning out lies wherever he goes, spreading political virus across the world." - Personal attacks: the author attacks the personal, private background of an opponent. e.g. "He tries to appeal to Christian voters, but his real life is anything but Christian. He is a heavy drinker and a compulsive womanizer." - Fear Appeal: the author either seeks to instill fear in the readers about hypothetical situations that an opponent may provoke or aims to intimidate an opponent by warning about the consequences of their actions. e.g. "We urge the US to stop using the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 to harm China's interests. Otherwise, China will resolutely fight back, and the US will bear all the consequences." - Absurdity Appeal: the author characterizes the behavior of an opponent or their ideas as absurd, ridiculous or pathetic. e.g. "Joe Biden's response to the H1N1 Swine Flu was pathetic. Joe didnt have a clue!" - Demonization: the author invokes civic hatred towards an opponent, who is presented as an existential threat. e.g. "Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!" - Doubt: The author casts doubt on the credibility or honesty of someone. e.g. "Growing doubts over the US government's handling of the #COVID19, e.g. When did the first infection occur in the US? Is the US government hiding something? Why they opt to blame others?" - Reductio ad Hitlerum: the tweets try to persuade an audience to disapprove an action or idea from an opponent by associating it with someone or something that is hated by the audience. e.g. "The CPC has 90 million members, plus their families, the data has at least 270 million. Infringing these elites is directly against the Chinese people. Don't forget Hitler's evil history of persecution and massacres of German Communists and Jews.Stop NEW horrible fascists!" 3. Loaded Language. This mainly concerns hyperbolic language, evocative metaphors and words with strong emotional connotations. For example: "this monumental achievement left a tremendous mark in history!" 4. Appeal to Authority. - Appeal to false authority: Tweet includes a third person or institution to support an idea, message, or behavior for which they should not be considered as a valid expert. e.g. "A voice of a Pakistani student's wife tells real situation about the coronavirus in China. Trust the Chinese Government. No panic!" - Bandwagoning: The author seeks to persuade someone to join a course of action because someone else is doing it. e.g. "Germany took strong action today against Hizballah. We call on #EU member states to follow suit in holding Hizballah accountable." If none of the four categories above apply, respond "false" to indicate it is not propaganda. After thoroughly reading and analyzing the tweet, choose one or more of the above categories, and if none of the four applies, choose option 5: 1 appeal to commonality 2 discrediting the opponent 3 loaded language 4 appeal to authority 5 not propaganda Tweet: Celebramos el 70 aniversario de las relaciones diplomáticas entre la República Islámica de Irán y la República Bolivariana de Venezuela! Unidos en el respeto al Derecho Internacional en aras de un mundo de equilibrio y paz, libre de dominios imperiales! https://t.co/dSwtxFry7x
5 not_propaganda