stringlengths 0
scale_y: The vertical scaling of the text, where the default is 1 (100%) |
subtitle_scale: The scale of the subtitle in reference to the title, where the default is 0.75 (75%) |
Image Cards |
Index |
All image cards go under an [image] table. The accepted image card parameters are triggers, name, time, fade_in, fade_out, opacity, scale_x, scale_y, horizontal_alignment, vertical_alignment, x, y, play_once, and vague. Here are what those do: |
triggers: A list of triggers that needs to be active for the image card to run. Remember to format |
the triggers as how they are seen in the debug info for this to work correctly. |
name: The name of the image file including the extension |
time: The number of ticks the image will be rendered for. |
fade_in: The number of ticks it takes the image to fade into the set opacity value. |
fade_out: The number of ticks it takes the image to fade out. |
opacity: The opacity of the image, where 1 (100%) pertains to the maximum alpha value. |
scale_x: The horizontal scaling of the image, where the default is 1 (100%) |
scale_y: The vertical scaling of the image, where the default is 1 (100%) |
horizontal_alignment: Determines the default horizontal alignment of the image before the x parameter is applied. |
Accepts "left", "center", or "right". |
vertical_alignment: Determines the default vertical alignment of the image before the y parameter is applied. |
Accepts "top", "center", or "bottom". |
x: The horizontal position offset of the image, where positive values move it to the right and negative values |
move it to the left. |
y: The vertical position offset of the image, where positive values move it down and negative values move it up. |
play_once: Determines whether the image card can play once or more than once. Unlike the song parameter, |
this one is a simple true/false. |
vague: If this is true, the set triggers need to be playable, but not necessarily active. |
Commands |
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As the name implies, the commands file allow commands to be attached to trigger configurations so that when the required triggers are all active, the command will be sent to the server to be run. |
Each command will go under a [command] table. There are 2 parameters commands can accept, being literal and triggers |
literal: The literal command string. You put the entire command here. |
triggers: The list of triggers that must be active to execute the command. Remember to format the triggers as how |
they are seen in the debug info for this to work correctly |
Toggles |
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The toggles file allows you to dynamically activate and deactivate triggers based on other triggers playing. Each toggle will go under a [toggle] table, in which each toggle table can have up to 3 [to] and 3 [from] child tables. |
To |
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Each [to] child table must contain both a condition and a triggers parameter. |
condition: The status that all triggers listed will be set to after the toggle is run. |
Accepts "true", "false", or "switch" where switch inverts condition of each trigger. |
triggers: A list of all triggers that will be affected by this particular "to" condition. Remember to format |
the triggers as how they are seen in the debug info for this to work correctly |
From |
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Each [from] child table must contain both a condition and a triggers parameter and may contain a play_once parameter. |
condition: The type of toggle that is being run for the specified triggers. |
1 = When the triggers are toggled on |
2 = When the triggers are playable |
3 = When the triggers are active |
triggers: A list of all triggers that must meet the "from" condition. Remember to format |
the triggers as how they are seen in the debug info for this to work correctly |
play_once: Determines whether the toggle will run once or if it is allowed to run multiple times. |
Redirect |
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The redirect file is a special config file that allows you to assign song names to sounds registered to the vanilla sound engine and external URLs for streaming audio. |
External audio supports streaming from all of the following places: |
YouTube |
SoundCloud |
Bandcamp |
Vimeo |
Twitch streams |
Yandex Music |
The redirect file comes with some instructions when it gets generated, but the basic idea is to do name = URL for audio streaming and name == resource for referencing sounds registered to the vanilla sound engine, where each entry needs to be on a separate line. You are then able to use the names you defined from the redirect file in the main config file for the channel as is, assuming there are no naming conflicts. |
Jukebox |
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The jukebox file is a special config file that allows you to assign songs to a Custom Music Disc without having to assign them to a trigger first. |
Subsets and Splits