The higher the concentration of ethanol and methanol in blood, the higher osmalar gap (OG) (p<0.05).
OG on admission in methanol poisoning patients was higher than ethanol poisoning (80.7 ± 40.53 vs 48.5 ± 29.36; p <0.05); the time OG returned to normal was longer than that of ethanol (23.5 ± 8.69 vs 11.2 ± 4.24; p <0.05).
The blood osmolality gap decreased rapidly after admission, whereas the anion gap increases.
Methanol poisonings were more severe, developed more complications than ethanol and had a higher rate of mortality (66.7% and 2.9%; p <0.05).
Conclusion: The evaluation in elevated osmol pressure in patients with acute ethanol and methanol poisonings is essential for early prognosis of complications and having treatments for the patients.
Evaluating clinical, paraclinical characteristics and initial treatment results in male breast cancer at viet nam national cancer hospital
We present a clinical case of renal infarction at Vinmec Phu Quoc international hospital.
A 74-year-old female patient with a history of hypertension, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation was admitted to the hospital because of abdominal pain around the navel and left flank pain.
The patient was diagnosed with a partial thrombosis of the left renal artery with partial extension into the abdominal aorta.
The patient was then given anticoagulation, transferred to Kien Giang Province General Hospital, and then underwent intervention to place a drug-eluting stent in the left renal artery, maintaining anticoagulation and dual antiplatelet therapy.
After 2 weeks, the patient was re-examined with relatively good kidney function.
Through this clinical case, we want to emphasize the importance of clinical judgment in the diagnosis of rare cases such as renal infarction and provide the opportunity for correct treatment, minimizing kidney damage for patients.
Children with COVID-19: how long antibodies last
Male breast cancer occurs very rare which accounts for less than 1% of all breast cancers in general.
The rate of progression, recurrence and metastasis after treatment was 18.4%.
Conclusions: Male breast cancer is a rare disease, although treatment is based on the guidelines of female breast cancer, the clinical features still have its own characteristics.
We conduct this study to identify several clinical and subclinical features and treatment effectiveness in this population.
Patients and methods: This is a retrospective study with longitudinal follow-up of 38 male patients in Viet Nam National Cancer Hospital from 2014 to 2021 who was diagnosis with breast cancer. Results: The mean age in the study group was 63.0.
Time to symptom onset was 4.0 months (IQR 3.0 - 10.5) with tumor size of 21.5 mm (IQR 18.0 - 26.7).
Presence of skin invasion (T4b) accounted for 34.2%.
The most common histopathology (78.9%) is invasive ductal carcinoma and the Luminal molecular subtype predominates (92.1%).
The metastatic stage from primary diagnosis was 7.9%.
The percentage of patients who received surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy in general was 84%, 57.8%, and 78.9%, respectively.
Describe the clinical features and images of computer tomography in ruptured brain arteriovenous malformation
When infected with a virus or bacteria, our body's immune system produces specific antibodies to fight it.
The immune system can also learn to safely make antibodies through vaccination.
When you have antibodies against a particular disease, they provide some protection against that disease.
Even when sick, having antibodies can protect you from getting very sick because your body already has some 'experience' in fighting the disease.
Assessment of antioxidant activities of curcuma aromatica salisb extracts
Describe the clinical features and images of computer tomography in ruptured brain arteriovenous malformation.
Subject and method: Prospectively, the research group of 41 patients was diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhage in rupture brain AVM patients, the control group included 183 patients with non-AVM hemorrhagic stroke.
Result: Hemorrhagic stroke in rupture brain AVM was found in 53.67% at the age of 20 - 40, non-ruptured hemorrhagic stroke had a high rate at the age of 40 - 60, was 42.62%.
Intracerebral bleeding due to rupture brain AVM had glasgow 13.35±1.57 points, mRS 1.03±0.78 points, CT image with bleeding in cerebral cortex 80.49%, volume hematoma over 30 ml was 12.19%, with calcification 26.83%.
In patients with stroke without rupture of AVM, the corresponding rates were: glasgow 9.61 ± 1.72 points, mRS 3.11 ± 1.27 points, cortical bleeding 9.23%, possible hematoma volume > 30 ml 40.98%, calcification score is 1.64%.
Conclusion: Bleeding in brain AVM was common in people 20 - 40 years old, the clinical degree according to mild glasgow score, small volume of hematoma, or calcification score and better recovery ability compared with hemorrhagic stroke patients not due to rupture brain AVM.
Situation of tooth decay and treatment needs in Thai children aged 5 and 12 year-old, in Con Cuong district, Nghe An province in 2015
Curcuma aromatica Salisb, also known as ngai trang, has up to 27 species in Vietnam, with the most common being present in Lam Dong, Quang Binh, Northwest, and Dak Lak.
This paper presents the findings of an assessment of the antioxidant activity of a turmeric extract using DPPH, ABTS, and Ferric ion Reducing Antioxidant Power capacity.
The findings revealed that the anti-oxidation activity of white turmeric extract tested using the DPPH method with an IC50 was 129, 00  4, 816 (g / ml) and the ABTS method with an IC50 was 25, 29 1, 855 (g / ml) and that the extract's ferric ion reducing antioxidant power capacity was quite low.
An investigation of students' preventive knowledge of sharp object injuries in Nam Dinh university of nursing
The purpose of this study is to assess knowledge preventive y and injure by sharp objects from students of Nam Dinh University of Nursing in 2019.
Method: Descriptive research design was conducted with 300 nursing college students, regular courses 11, 12, 13 - Nam Dinh University of Nursing from January 2019 to December 2019.
Results: research shows that only 11% of nursing students are aware of all 6 causes of sharp object injuries; 33% of students named 3 common infectious diseases; 29% of nursing students have the right knowledge about safe needle handling; 67, 3% of students know the steps to be taken after injury and 85, 3% of students understand that a postinjury report is necessary.
Incidence, risk factors and effects on post-operative progression in adults undergoing open heart surgery
A cross-sectional descriptive study was implemented to assess tooth decay and treatment needs among children aged 5 and 12 year-old of Thai ethnic group in Con Cuong district, Nghe An province.
The study was completed in May 2015 with 473 children aged 5-year-old in 9 preschools and 476 children aged 12-year-old in 9 middle schools in the district, according to the method of investigation and classification of WHO-2013; Research results showed that: 5-year-old children: the rate of tooth decay was average (59.8%); male (62%) higher than female (57.2%) with the difference not statistically significant (p>0.05); the average of tooth decay-loss-filling was at an middle level (2.71±3.22), in which the index of decay was mainly, the index of loss was absent, the index of filling was very little; the average of decay-loss-filling of tooth face was quite high (8.36±11.5); treatment needs: 0.52 teeth/1 child need filling 1 tooth, and 0.79 teeth/1 child need filling 2 teeth.
Assessing treatment results by the sign nailing method without opening the fracture in tibial and fibula diaphyseal fracture at Vinh city General Hospital
A 73-year-old male patient, a recent history of diabetes, the patient had an enlarged prostate gland, he had tumor resected under spinal anesthesia.
After surgery, the patient had symptoms of numbness, weakness, severe pain on both sides of the legs.
The patient was diagnosed with radiculopathy, not excluding the transient neurologic syndrome after spinal anaesthesia.
After ruling out all causes requiring mechanical ventilation or surgical intervention, the patient was treated with steroid, lyrica, and pain killer.
All symptoms subsided and recovered almost completely after 1 month.
Anesthesiologists need to know the syndromes, disorders after spinal anesthesia, especially acute neurological disorders that must be early diagnosed and treated immediately.
Another case, it need to have different diagnosis so to give a treatment strategy and also explanation for the patient.
Giant fibroma in Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome patient: A case report
To describe clinical features, x-rays and evaluate the results of SIGN nail surgery for tibia fractures without opening the fracture at Vinh City General Hospital.
100% of patients did not need blood transfusion during and after surgery.
Most patients were discharged before 7 days after surgery.
100% of cases have good bone healing over 6 months, with good and very good rehabilitation results.
Method: The study used a descriptive design of case series with 28 patients treated for tibia fracture by SIGN nailing method without opening the fracture at Vinh City General Hospital, using the method of collecting retrospective data combined with the prospective method from January 2017 to December 2021.
Results: Research results show that the ratio between closed and open fracture is 1.8/1.
Patients with combined lesions were 28, 6%.
Preoperative soft tissue condition with edema was present in the majority of patients (89, 3%).
Results of fracture reduction are 100% of cases with good and very good anatomical correction.
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus
People with MRKH do not have periods although their secondary sexual signs are normal.
The fact that the fibrous cells in the Müller's fibrous strand grow into uterine fibroid tumors is very rare but often causes difficulties in diagnosing the origin of the tumor.
Surgical removal of the tumor to prevent other tumors from developing is the most effective treatment.
Evaluation of early feeding through nasogastric tube in patients after cardiovascular surgery at the hanoi heart hospital
My research aims to examine the role of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Methods and Methodology: This is cross-sectional descriptive study on 115 patients diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus according to SLICC 2012 Standard treated at the center of Allergology and Clinical Immunology in Bach Mai hospital from July 2020 to September 2021.
Results: the percentage of antibodies ANCA, MPO - ANCA, PR3-ANCA being positive are 33%, 3.5%, 32.2%, respectively.
The positive antibody PR3-ANCA is relevant to the patients whose illness time is less than 2 years (p=0.05).
The common clinical characteristics in the SLE patients with positive ANCA, c-ANCA are arthritis (57.9% and 56.8%), acute skin rash - butterflu rash (26.3% and 24.3%), interstitial lung disease (26.3% and 24.3%), multi membrane effusion (34.2% and 35.1%), ulcers in skin ((18.4% và 18.9%), Raynaud (16.2% và 16.7%), C3 deficiency (97.4% and 97.3%), C4 deficiency (84.2% and 83.8%) and 100% of SLE patients who have positive ANCA, c - ANCA antibodies has positive dsDNA.
There is no link or corelation between ANCA antibody with kidney damage in SLE.
Associations between the brain perfusion imaging and final infarct volume in acute ischemic stroke patients
With the recent transition in testing methodology used for preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) from array comparative genomic hybridization to next generation sequencing, mosaic embryos are being identified more readily.
Using higher resolution NGS methods, segmental mosaicism can also be detected whereby small chromosome deletions or duplications (typically >10 Mb) are identifiable.
Outcomes of immediate composite oromandibular reconstruction with osteocutaneous fibular flap after cancer resection
To evaluate associations between the baseline perfusion imaging characteristics and final infarct volume (FIV) in patients presenting with anterior circulation large artery occlusion who underwent endovascular mechanical thrombectomy.
Conclusions: Baseline perfusion imaging, recanalization situation at 24 hours after hospital arrival time may be predict FIV in acute ischemic stroke patients.
Subjects and Methods: Patients with perfusion imaging acquired at baseline and MRI acquired at 24 hours after hospital arrival time were retrospectively collected.
Ischemic core and hypoperfusion volumes, HIR were calculated using RAPID software.
FIV was assessed at 24 hours on MRI - DWI.
Patients were stratified by recanalization status assessed at 24 hours on MRA-3D TOF.
Results: Between June, 2019 and May, 2020, there were 88 eligible patients, all of them achieved recanalization mTICI 2b-3 after endovascular procedure.
Compare to 25 patients with re-occlusion at 24 hours, 63 patients remaining recanalization at 24 hours had smaller median FIV (25, 5 ml vs 68, 8 ml, p < 0, 01) and higher rate of mRS 0 - 2 at 3 months (65% vs 9, 1%, p < 0, 01).
FIV correlated with ischemic core volume in the patients with recanalization at 24 hours (r = 0, 702, p < 0, 01), correlated with Tmax > 6s hypoperfusion volume in patients with re-occlusion at 24 hours (r = 0, 523, p < 0, 01).
Patients with HIR < 0, 4 had smaller FIV than patients with HIR ≥ 0, 4.
Determination of glucosamine in functional food samples by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-FLD)
This paper aims to describe results of primary complex oromandibular reconstruction with osteocutaneous flap after cancer resection.
41.4% of aesthetic results were very satisfied, 50.0% satisfied, and 8.6% poorly satisfied.
Conclusion: Immediate composite oromandibular reconstruction with osteocutaneous flap after cancer resection has very favorable functional and aesthetic results, and should be performed as a routine basis to maximize patients' quality of life.
Methods: The study was conducted in 63 patients were diagnosed with maxillofacial cancer and had oromandibular resected in Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Hanoi National Hospital of Odonto - Stomatology from May 2014 to July 2021.
Results: The mean age was 54.05 ± 13.14 years, male / female ratio was 2/1.
Skin islands of fibular flaps had mean width of 5.79 ± 0.60 cm and mean length of 14.46 ± 1.33 cm, with 62 of total 63 skin islands were used for mucosal reconstruction, and 1 case was used for skin defect.
The mean number of fibular bone's fragments used for mandibular reconstruction was 2.44 ± 0.79.
There were 2/63 cases with total flap failure and no case with partial flap failure.
Complications occurred in 29 patients, with total 40 complications.
The average follow-up was 40.24 ± 21.25 months, there are 50 patients still alive and 13 patients are dead (the mean survival time was 23.92 ± 19.45 months).