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1395085 | | IRC flood | Flooding or scrolling on an IRC network is a method of disconnecting users from an IRC server (a form of Denial of Service), exhausting bandwidth which causes network latency ('lag'), or just disrupting users. Floods can either be done by scripts (written for a given client) or by external programs.
The history of Internet Relay Chat flooding started as a method of taking over an IRC channel from the original founders of the channel.
The first attacks generally used a modified IRC client or an application to flood a channel or a user.
Later they started to be based on bots and scripts.
This later moved on to starting IRC-based botnets which were capable of DDoS and IRC floods.
Types of floods
Connect flood
Connecting and disconnecting from a channel as fast as possible, therefore spamming the channel with dis/connect messages also called q/j flooding.
CTCP flood
Since CTCP is implemented in almost every client, most users respond to CTCP requests. By sending too many requests, after a couple of answers they get disconnected from the IRC server. The most widely used type is CTCP PING, although some clients also implement other CTCP replies.
DCC flood
This type consists of initiating many DCC requests simultaneously. Theoretically it can also be used to disconnect users, because the target client sends information back about what port is intended to be used during the DCC session.
ICMP flood
Typically referred to as a ping flood. This attack overloads the victim's internet connection with an amount of ICMP data exceeding the connection's capacity, potentially causing a disconnection from the IRC network. For the duration of the attack, the user's internet connection remains hindered. Technically speaking, this is not an IRC flood, as the attack itself doesn't traverse the IRC network at all, but operates entirely independent of anything but the raw internet connection and its IP protocol (of which ICMP is a subset). Even so, the actual IP address to flood (the address of the victim's connection) is frequently obtained by looking at the victim's user information (e.g. through the /whois or /dns command) on the IRC network.
Invite flood
Sending disruptive numbers of invites to a certain channel.
Post flood
This is the simplest type of IRC flooding. It involves posting large numbers of posts or one very long post with repetitive text. This type of flood can be achieved, for example, by copying and pasting one short word repeatedly.
Message flood
Sending massive numbers of private messages to the victim, mainly from different connections called clones (see below). Since some clients separate the private conversations into another window, each new message could open a new window for every new user a message is received from. This is exploitable by sending messages from multiple names, causing the target client to open many new windows and potentially swamping the user with boxes. Sometimes the easiest way to close all the windows is to restart the IRC client, although scripts (client extensions) exist to 'validate' unknown nicknames before receiving messages from them.
Notice flood
Similar to the message, but uses the "notice" command.
Nick flood
Changing the nick as fast as possible, thus disrupting conversation in the channel.
See also
Computer security
Smurf attack
External links
mIRC script database
Flood protection and ignoring information
Flood |
1397993 | | The Genesis Flood | The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications is a 1961 book by young Earth creationists John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris that, according to Ronald Numbers, elevated young Earth creationism "to a position of fundamentalist orthodoxy."
By the late nineteenth century, geologists, physicists and biologists agreed that the age of the Earth was well over 20 million years. Prior to the use of radiometric dating, scientific estimates before 1900 ranged between 20 million and 3 billion years old. Most Christians "readily conceded that the Bible allowed for an ancient earth and pre-Edenic life." With very few exceptions they accommodated the new geological theories either with day-age creationism, the belief that the six days of Genesis represented vast ages, or by separating the original creation from a later Edenic creation: the so-called gap theory. The primary promoter of "flood geology" during the early twentieth century was George McCready Price, but he had comparatively little influence among evangelicals because he was a Seventh-day Adventist, a church treated warily by many conservative Protestants.
By the 1950s, most evangelical scientists scorned flood geology, and those who accepted the theory were increasingly marginalized within the American Scientific Affiliation (founded 1941), an evangelical organization that gradually shifted from strict creationism to progressive creationism and theistic evolution. In 1954, Bernard Ramm, an evangelical apologist and theologian closely associated with the ASA, published The Christian View of Science and Scripture, which attacked the notion that "biblical inspiration implied that the Bible was a reliable source of scientific data." Ramm ridiculed both flood geology and the gap theory, and one ASA member credited Ramm with providing a way for a majority of Christian biologists to accept evolution.
Ramm's book sparked a young Bible teacher and seminarian, John C. Whitcomb, Jr., to challenge what he considered its "absurdities." Whitcomb had earlier studied geology and paleontology at Princeton University, but by the 1950s, he was teaching the Bible at Grace Theological Seminary. At the 1953 ASA meeting, Whitcomb had been impressed by a presentation of Henry M. Morris—a hydraulic engineer with a PhD from the University of Minnesota—called "The Biblical Evidence for Recent Creation and Universal Deluge." Following publication of Ramm's book, Whitcomb decided to devote his Th.D. dissertation to defending flood geology.
Berated almost from the beginning of his project by influential evangelicals such as Edward John Carnell, the newly installed president of Fuller Theological Seminary, Whitcomb completed his dissertation in 1957 and began condensing it for publication. With no illusions about his scientific expertise, Whitcomb sought a collaborator who had a PhD in science. He could find no geologists who took Genesis seriously, and even teachers at evangelical schools at best expressed distaste for flood geology. Eventually, Henry Morris agreed to become Whitcomb's collaborator for the scientific portions of the book. Despite his heavy teaching load and administrative duties at Virginia Tech, where he had just become head of a large civil-engineering program, Morris made steady progress on his section of the book, eventually contributing more than twice as much material as Whitcomb.
As the manuscript neared completion, Moody Press, which had expressed initial interest, now hesitated. The proposed book was a long work that insisted on six literal days of creation and was certain to be criticized by segments of Moody's constituency. Whitcomb and Morris instead published with the smaller Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, whose owner Charles H. Craig had long wanted to acquire a manuscript that supported catastrophism.
After opening with the declaration that "the Bible is the infallible Word of God," Whitcomb's section provides biblical arguments for a universal flood as well as attempting to refute non-geological difficulties with the biblical account. Whitcomb specifically addresses the local flood theories of Bernard Ramm—who has far more entries in the index than anyone else. Whitcomb concludes his section of the work with a review of how geological theories had influenced Christian views of the Flood since the beginning of the nineteenth century and draws the "one vitally important lesson," that the biblical doctrine of the Flood cannot be harmonized with "uniformitarian theories."
Morris introduces his section on geology with the frank statement that Bible-believing Christians face "a serious dilemma" because contemporary geologists present "an almost unanimous verdict" against the biblical account of creation and the Flood. Nevertheless, Morris assures believers that "evidences of full divine inspiration of Scripture are far weightier than the evidences for any fact of science." Morris then argues that "fossil-bearing strata were apparently laid down in large measure during the Flood, with the apparent sequences attributed not to evolution but rather to hydrodynamic selectivity, ecologic habitats, and differential mobility and strength of the various creatures." He also dismisses the theory of "thrust faults," the mainstream geological theory by which "old" rocks were presumed to have come to rest on "young" rocks. Morris argues that commonly accepted geological theories do not truly depend on scientific data but are rather a "moral and emotional decision," in which evolutionists seek "intellectual justification for escape from personal responsibility to his Creator and escape from the 'way of the Cross' as the necessary and sufficient means of his personal redemption." Finally, in the longest chapter of the book, Morris addresses "problems in biblical geology," which include commonly used dating methods (such as carbon-14 measurements) as well as geological formations, such as coral reefs, petrified forests, and varves, all of which imply great age for the earth.
Several dozen Christian magazines reviewed the book and generally praised its defense of the scriptural account of the Flood, although few seemed to understand that accepting Whitcomb and Morris meant rejecting the day-age and gap theories. Christianity Today, the most important evangelical magazine of the period, published a tepid review that did not address issues raised by the book but instead criticized the authors for using secondary sources and taking arguments out of context. The American Scientific Affiliation featured two hostile reviews, and in 1969, the ASA Journal published a highly critical commentary by J. R. van der Fliert, a Dutch Reformed geologist at the Free University of Amsterdam, who called Whitcomb and Morris "pseudo-scientific" pretenders. "To ensure that no readers missed his point," the journal "ran boldfaced sidebars by evangelical geologists applauding van de Fliert's bare-knuckled approach."
Outside fundamentalist circles The Genesis Flood created "hardly a ripple of recognition." Its release went unnoted by professional geology journals and periodicals covered by Book Review Digest. In a talk given to the large Houston Geological Society, Morris received a whimsical introduction by the president that fell well short of praise for his work. His call for questions at the conclusion of his talk produced none; one member said the audience was "too stunned to speak."
Scientists generally regard the book as a religious apologetic rather than a research document. The Geology Department of Baptist-affiliated Baylor University, in describing the known age of the earth as "4.51 to 4.55 billion years with a confidence of 1% or better", defined the key ingredient needed in methodology: "The defining characteristic of a scientific hypothesis is that it must be testable or falsifiable using reproducible observations. An idea that cannot be tested is not a scientific hypothesis. Scientific hypotheses are developed to fit data; data are not collected to fit or support hypotheses post facto." Joel Cracraft, "Systematics, Comparative Biology and the Case Against Creationism," in Laurie R. Godfrey, Scientists Confront Creationism (New York: Norton, 1983) attacked the Whitcomb and Morris theory of a quick dispersal of animals from the Ark: "During the last decade biogeographers have come to realize that when the postulated phylogenetic relationships of organisms—both plants and animals—are examined relative to their distributions, many highly congruent, nonrandom patterns emerge." The National Center for Science Education and other critics have shown The Genesis Flood misquotes scientific source material and takes remarks out of context. For example, in one instance, a source which read "the sea which vanished so many million years ago" was quoted as "the sea which vanished so many years ago." Geologist John G. Solum has criticized the work for being inaccurate. Solum noted "Whitcomb and Morris are mistaken about the nature of the rocks associated with thrust faults. Their claim about fossils is based on a Young Earth creationist misunderstanding of how rocks are dated relative to each other, and how the geologic column was constructed." In fact, Solum noted that Morris' explanation of relative dating was not merely "somewhat oversimplified" but "entirely incorrect".
Whitcomb and Morris "attributed the impasse between themselves and their critics to competing cosmologies" and argued that the term science could refer only to "present and reproducible phenomena", not to observations made about past events. Morris filled out his own cosmology a bit further in The Remarkable Birth of Planet Earth (1972), saying that the craters of the moon were probably caused by a cosmic battle between the forces of Satan and the armies of the archangel Michael. In defense of their work, Whitcomb and Morris noted that the founders of modern geological science were, like them, non-specialists: Charles Lyell (a lawyer), William Smith (a surveyor), James Hutton (a doctor and gentleman farmer), John Playfair (a mathematician), as well as a number of clergymen.
Cultural importance
Historian of Science Michael D. Gordin has called The Genesis Flood "one of postwar America's most culturally significant works about the natural world. It was read by hundreds of thousands, spawned its own research institutes, and remains absolutely rejected by every mainstream biologist and geologist." The Genesis Flood also "became a best-seller in the Fundamentalist world and polarized Evangelical opinion." In 25 years, The Genesis Flood went through 29 printings and sold more than 200,000 copies. An old-earth creationist book, written specifically to challenge young-earth geological theories, called the late twentieth-century revival of interest in flood geology "astonishing and perplexing," especially "in the face of increasing geologic and astronomical evidence for the vast antiquity of the Earth and the universe." Again, in the words of a critic, Arthur McCalla, the growth in young-earth creationism occurred not because modern fundamentalists were more ignorant than in previous generations but because young-earth creationism "better defended a plain-sense reading of the inerrant Bible than did the old-Earth creationism of Ramm and the earlier Fundamentalists....Legions of Bible believers responded gratefully to Whitcomb and Morris because their system eliminated once and for all the need for interpretative contortions that twist and bend the words of the Bible in order to reconcile them with the findings of modern science."
Publication changed the lives of both authors. Morris especially was deluged with speaking invitations, and his notoriety became an embarrassment to Virginia Tech. In 1963, Morris became a founder of the Creation Research Society and then, in 1970, the Institute for Creation Research. He wrote many more books devoted to young-earth creationism.
During the late twentieth century, young-earth creationism sparked by The Genesis Flood was regularly featured on Christian radio and became a staple of the home-school movement. An International Conference on Creationism, held every fifth year in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, produces papers of "considerable scientific and mathematical sophistication," and the movement attracts younger scholars with PhDs in the sciences, including even a few in geology. Ken Ham, perhaps the best known young-earth creationist of the early twenty-first century, the founder of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum near Cincinnati, called Morris “one of my heroes of the faith. He is the man the Lord raised up as the father of the modern creationist movement. The famous book The Genesis Flood...was the book the Lord used to really launch the modern creationist movement around the world.”
See also
Creation–evolution controversy
Deluge (mythology)
Noah's Ark
External links
John Whitcomb, "The History and Impact of the Book, 'The Genesis Flood'"
1961 books
Young Earth creationism
Creationist publications
Flood geology
Books about creationism
Collaborative books |
1424219 | | Saguenay flood | The Saguenay flood () was a series of flash floods on July 19 and 20, 1996 that hit the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region of Quebec, Canada. It was the biggest overland flood in 20th-century Canadian history.
Problems started after two weeks of constant rain, which severely engorged soils, rivers and reservoirs. The Saguenay region is a geological graben, which increased the effect of the sudden massive rains of July 19, 1996. In two days, rainfall accumulated that was "equivalent to the volume of water that tumbles over Niagara Falls in four weeks."
Over of water flooded parts of Chicoutimi and La Baie, completely levelling an entire neighbourhood. More than 16,000 people were evacuated. The official death toll was ten, but other sources (notably Canadian Geographic) cite ten. Estimates reach in damages, a cost made greater by the disaster's occurrence at the height of the tourist season. Post-flood enquiries discovered that the network of dikes and dams protecting the city of Chicoutimi was poorly maintained. In the end, 488 homes were destroyed, 1,230 damaged, and 16,000 people evacuated from the entire area. An additional two persons died in the mudslides produced by the incredible rain.
A small white house (referred to in French as La petite maison blanche, "The little white house") stood nearly unharmed in Chicoutimi while torrents of water rushed in on every side, and it became the symbol of surviving the flood. It was owned by Jeanne d'Arc Lavoie-Genest. With its foundation still highly exposed after the flooding, it has been preserved in Saguenay (the city name has changed) as a historical park and museum commemorating the flood.
An unexpected effect of the flood was to cover the heavily contaminated sediments at the bottom of the Saguenay and Ha! Ha! Rivers with of new, relatively clean sediments. Because of this, research has shown that the old sediments are no longer a threat to ecosystems and the river will not have to be dredged and treated to control contamination.
The Ha! Ha! Pyramid was created to memorialise the flood.
External links
CBC Digital Archives – The Saguenay Flood
"Bilan du Siècle", University of Sherbrooke
Meteorological Service of Canada: Top Ten Weather Stories of 1996
Project Saguenay, The scientific team doing research on the ecological effects of the flood.
1996 disasters in Canada
Dam overflows
Floods in Canada
History of Saguenay, Quebec
1996 natural disasters
1990s floods in North America
1996 floods
Natural disasters in Quebec
1996 in Quebec
July 1996 events in Canada |
1596342 | | Floodgate effect | A floodgate effect is situation in which a small action can result in a far greater effect with no easily discernible limit. The original analogy is that of a floodgate, which once opened, no matter how minutely, will allow water to flow from either side through the gate until both sides are balanced up. It may also be used to refer to the effect where, once a floodgate has been opened, water will gush out in a torrent through the gate, making it easier to continue to open the gate, but harder to close it.
The term is commonly used to illustrate a situation where a precedent will set the stage for repeated performances, the number of which is hard to control. Such an example can be illustrated as follows:
The setting up of a redlight district here will create a floodgate effect, causing redlight districts to be set up elsewhere.
See also
Floodgates principle
Social phenomena |
1636119 | | MAC flooding | In computer networking, a media access control attack or MAC flooding is a technique employed to compromise the security of network switches. The attack works by forcing legitimate MAC table contents out of the switch and forcing a unicast flooding behavior potentially sending sensitive information to portions of the network where it is not normally intended to go.
Attack method
Switches maintain a MAC table that maps individual MAC addresses on the network to the physical ports on the switch. This allows the switch to direct data out of the physical port where the recipient is located, as opposed to indiscriminately broadcasting the data out of all ports as an Ethernet hub does. The advantage of this method is that data is bridged exclusively to the network segment containing the computer that the data is specifically destined for.
In a typical MAC flooding attack, a switch is fed many Ethernet frames, each containing different source MAC addresses, by the attacker. The intention is to consume the limited memory set aside in the switch to store the MAC address table.
The effect of this attack may vary across implementations, however the desired effect (by the attacker) is to force legitimate MAC addresses out of the MAC address table, causing significant quantities of incoming frames to be flooded out on all ports. It is from this flooding behavior that the MAC flooding attack gets its name.
After launching a successful MAC flooding attack, a malicious user can use a packet analyzer to capture sensitive data being transmitted between other computers, which would not be accessible were the switch operating normally. The attacker may also follow up with an ARP spoofing attack which will allow them to retain access to privileged data after switches recover from the initial MAC flooding attack.
MAC flooding can also be used as a rudimentary VLAN hopping attack.
Counter measures
To prevent MAC flooding attacks, network operators usually rely on the presence of one or more features in their network equipment:
With a feature often called "port security" by vendors, many advanced switches can be configured to limit the number of MAC addresses that can be learned on ports connected to end stations. A smaller table of secure MAC addresses is maintained in addition to (and as a subset to) the traditional MAC address table.
Many vendors allow discovered MAC addresses to be authenticated against an authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) server and subsequently filtered.
Implementations of IEEE 802.1X suites often allow packet filtering rules to be installed explicitly by an AAA server based on dynamically learned information about clients, including the MAC address.
Security features to prevent ARP spoofing or IP address spoofing in some cases may also perform additional MAC address filtering on unicast packets, however this is an implementation-dependent side-effect.
Additional security measures are sometimes applied along with the above to prevent normal unicast flooding for unknown MAC addresses. This feature usually relies on the "port security" feature to retain all secure MAC addresses for at least as long as they remain in the ARP table of layer 3 devices. Hence, the aging time of learned secure MAC addresses is separately adjustable. This feature prevents packets from flooding under normal operational circumstances, as well as mitigating the effects of a MAC flood attack.
Computer network security |
1729089 | | Gerald Flood | Gerald Robert Flood (21 April 1927 – 12 April 1989) was a British actor of stage and television.
Early life
Flood was born in Portsmouth, Hampshire, but lived for most of his life in Farnham, Surrey, where he regularly appeared on stage at the Castle Theatre. He served as a wireless operator in the RAF during World War II, and worked as a filing clerk before becoming an actor. He joined the Farnham Repertory Company after the war.
Gerald Flood's first television starring roles were in the popular ABC science-fiction television serials Pathfinders in Space, Pathfinders to Mars and Pathfinders to Venus, 1960–61, as journalist Conway Henderson; these were follow-up sequels to Target Luna. This was followed in 1962-63 by the series City Beneath the Sea and its sequel, Secret Beneath the Sea, when he played the role of Mark Bannerman.
He came to national prominence whilst starring alongside Patrick Allen and Sam Kydd in the Morocco-based police series, Crane, which ran from 1963 to 1965 on ITV. In this he played the character of police chief Colonel Sharif Mahmoud.
In 1957 he performed in the pantomime Mother Goose at the Connaught Theatre in Worthing, Sussex, England with Douglas Byng, Eve Lister, Ann Lancaster, Rosalie Ashley, Reg Thompson, The Hedley Ward Trio, and Roland Curram in the cast. Guy Vaesen and Thurza Rogers were directors.
From 1959 to 1960 he acted in Graham Greene's play, The Complaisant Lover at the Globe Theatre in London, England with Ralph Richardson, Paul Scofield, Phyllis Calvert, Lockwood West, Helen Lowry, Polly Adams, Hugh Janes and Oliver Burt in the cast. John Gielgud was director.
In June 1967 Flood took over from Donald Sinden the role of Robert Danvers in the hit comedy There's a Girl in My Soup, at The Globe (now Gielgud) Theatre in London's West End, which he played until December 1968. He reprised the role during a UK tour of the play in 1972/73, including Wolverhampton, Leeds and Glasgow amongst other venues, and again at the Bristol Hippodrome in June 1976. In total he played the role of Robert Danvers more than 650 times.
In 1971 he played the role of Tom Hillyer in the Lesley Storm comedy Look, No Hands! at the Fortune Theatre in London's West End.
In 1974 he acted in JB Priestley's play, Dangerous Corner, at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre in Guildford, Surrey, England with Rachel Gurney, Barbara Jefford, and Christopher Good in the cast.
In 1977 he acted in She Stoops to Conquer at the 7 Arts Theatre, Salisbury (now Harare), Rhodesia. Co-Producer and actor David Nicholas Wilkinson set this in a pioneer Rhodesia setting, and it was first time black actors performed in the theatre in that country. Most of their scenes were with Flood who encouraged them to improvise. During the run, as a thank you Flood took these actors to a night club to see singer Kiki Dee perform. Although there was no apartheid in Rhodesia the management asked the black actors to leave. Flood would not tolerate this and persuaded the entire audience to leave until the actors were allowed back in. The management changed their mind.
In 1981 he acted in David Storey's play, Early Days, in a British National Theatre production at the Comedy Theatre in London, England with Ralph Richardson, Sheila Ballantine, and Marty Cruickshank in the cast. Lindsay Anderson was director.
In 1982 he acted in the play Public Relations, co-starring Richard Coleman.
In 1983 he acted in the play Underground at the Theatre Royal, York.
In 1985 he acted in the play The Cabinet Mole at the Richmond Theatre in Richmond, London with Amanda Barrie, Bruce Montague and Derek Bond in the cast.
Doctor Who
Flood's appeared in the BBC science fiction series Doctor Who as the voice of the robot companion Kamelion in two serials — The King's Demons and Planet of Fire as well as a brief scene in the regeneration serial The Caves of Androzani. Originally, the character was to have been featured more heavily in other serials but his scenes were either edited out for timing reasons or dropped due to the difficulty in operating the Kamelion prop.
Other work
Flood also appeared in a number of other television roles over the years. These included the ITC series The Champions, Strange Report and Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased). Flood starred as spy Peregrine Smith in The Rat Catchers (1967). He portrayed Sir Richard Flashman in the BBC's popular 1971 television serial Tom Brown's Schooldays and was also in Bachelor Father. Flood also appeared in Steptoe and Son, Raffles, Crown Court (TV series) ('Murder Most Foul' episode), Two in Clover, 'The Madras House and Comedy Playhouse.
During his later years, Flood was an alcoholic. The financial difficulties associated with this reduced him to living with his wife in a small flat in Aldershot. He later died from a heart attack on 12 April 1989, nine days before his 62nd birthday.
Toby Flood, the English international rugby union player, is Flood's paternal grandson.
Train crash
Gerald Flood was on the sleeper train which came off the rails at Morpeth, Northumberland on 24 June 1984. He was interviewed by BBC News afterwards.
His film credits included Smokescreen (1964), Patton (1970), and Frightmare (1974).
V&A Theatre & Performance Enquiry Service Archives
Cameron Mackintosh Ltd. & Delfont Mackintosh Theatres Ltd. Archives
theatre programmes
External links
1927 births
1989 deaths
20th-century English male actors
English male film actors
English male television actors
English male voice actors
Male actors from Portsmouth
Male actors from Surrey
People from Farnham
Royal Air Force airmen
Royal Air Force personnel of World War II
Survivors of railway accidents or incidents |
1805595 | | Buffalo Creek flood | The Buffalo Creek flood was a disaster that occurred in Logan County, West Virginia on February 26, 1972 when a coal slurry impoundment dam burst, causing significant loss of life and property damage.
The impoundment dam, managed by Pittston Coal, had been declared "satisfactory" by a federal mine inspector four days earlier. In its legal filings, Pittston referred to the accident as "an Act of God."
Terrain and sequence of events
There were three dams on the site. Dam #3 failed first. Located about above the town of Saunders, it was built on top of coal slurry sediment that had collected behind dams #1 and #2, instead of on solid bedrock. It was constructed of coarse mining refuse dumped into the Middle Fork of Buffalo Creek.
Dam #3's failure was followed by heavy rains. The water from dam #3 then overwhelmed dams #2 and #1. The resulting flood unleashed approximately of black waste water, cresting over high, upon the residents of 16 coal towns along Buffalo Creek Hollow. Out of a population of 5,000 people, 125 were killed, 1,121 were injured, and over 4,000 were left homeless. 507 houses were destroyed, in addition to 44 mobile homes and 30 businesses. The disaster destroyed or damaged homes in Saunders, Pardee, Lorado, Craneco, Lundale, Stowe, Crites, Latrobe, Robinette, Amherstdale, Becco, Fanco, Braeholm, Accoville, Crown and Kistler.
Two commissions investigated the disaster. The first, the Governor's Ad Hoc Commission of Inquiry, appointed by Governor Arch A. Moore Jr., was made up entirely of either members sympathetic to the coal industry or government officials whose departments might have been complicit in the genesis of the flood. One of the investigators was Jack Spadaro, a man who devoted his time to regulating dam construction for safety. After then-president of the United Mine Workers Arnold Miller and others were rebuffed by Gov. Moore regarding their request that a coal miner be added to the governor's commission, a separate citizens' commission was assembled to provide an independent review of the disaster.
The Governor's Commission of Inquiry report called for new legislation and further inquiry by the local prosecutor. The citizens' commission report, concluded that the Buffalo Creek-Pittston Coal Company was guilty of murdering at least 124 men, women and children. Additionally, the chair of the citizen's commission and Deputy Director of the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, Norman Williams, called for the legislature to outlaw coal strip mining throughout the state. Williams testified before the legislature that strip mining could not exist as a profit-making industry unless it is allowed by the state to pass on the costs of environmental damage to the private landowner or the public.
The state of West Virginia also sued the Buffalo Creek-Pittston Coal Company for $100 million (equivalent to $ million today) in disaster and relief damages, but a smaller settlement was reached for just $1 million ($ million today) with Governor Moore, three days before he left office in 1977. The lawyers for the plaintiffs, Arnold & Porter of Washington, D.C., donated a portion of their legal fees for the construction of a new community center. West Virginia has yet to build the center, though the center was promised by Governor Moore in May 1972.
Gerald M. Stern, an attorney with Arnold & Porter, wrote a book entitled The Buffalo Creek Disaster about representing the victims of the flood. The book includes descriptions of his experiences dealing with the political and legal environment of West Virginia, where the influence of large coal mining corporations is intensely significant to the local culture and communities. Sociologist Kai T. Erikson, son of psychologist and sociologist Erik Erikson, was called as an expert witness and published a study on the effects of the disaster entitled Everything in Its Path: Destruction of Community in the Buffalo Creek Flood (1978). Erikson's book later won the 1977 Sorokin Award, granted by the American Sociological Association for an "outstanding contribution to the progress of sociology."
Simpson-Housley and De Man (1989) found that, 17 years later, the residents of Buffalo Creek scored higher on a measure of trait anxiety in comparison to the residents of Kopperston, a nearby coal town that did not experience the flood.
Dennis Prince and some 625 survivors of the flood sued the Pittston Coal Company, seeking $64 million in damages (equivalent to $ million today). They settled in June 1974 for $13.5 million ($ million today), or approximately $13,000 for each individual after legal costs ($ today). A second suit was filed by 348 child survivors, who sought $225 million ($ billion today); they settled for $4.8 million in June 1974 ($ million today).
Kerry Albright became known as the "miracle baby" of the disaster. Running from the leading edge of the water, his mother threw him just above the flood level moments before she drowned. He survived with few ill effects, and was reared by his father. His survival gave hope and inspiration to other survivors.
Environmental impacts
Prior to the disaster, Buffalo Creek was a popular fishing spot. Due to the effects of the flood, Buffalo Creek would not support aquatic life "long after the Feb. 26, 1972 disaster", according to a 2022 account by The Associated Press. After extensive cleanup and remediation efforts, trout restocking began in 2006. By February 2022, 50 years after the accident, trout were once again plentiful in Buffalo Creek.
See also
Aberfan disaster
Coal slurry
Martin County coal slurry spill
Sludge (film)
The Buffalo Creek Flood: An Act of Man, a 1974 documentary film about the disaster
Gerald M. Stern, The Buffalo Creek Disaster
External links
Logan Coalfield
Coal mining disasters in West Virginia
Tailings dam failures
Dam failures in the United States
Disasters in West Virginia
Environmental impact of the coal industry
History of West Virginia
Environmental disasters in the United States
Logan County, West Virginia
Waste disposal incidents in the United States
1972 in the environment
1972 in West Virginia
1972 mining disasters
1970s floods in the United States
1970s floods
1972 natural disasters in the United States
February 1972 events in the United States |
1825226 | | 2002 European floods | In August 2002, a week of intense rainfall produced flooding across a large portion of Europe. It reached the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Ukraine and Russia. The event killed 232 people and left (US$27.115 billion) in damage. The flood was of a magnitude expected to occur roughly once a century. Flood heights unknown since St. Mary Magdalene's flood were recorded.
Flooding resulted from the passage of two Genoa low pressure systems (named Hanne and Ilse by the Free University of Berlin) which brought warm moist air from the Mediterranean northwards. The effects of El Niño may have contributed. The floods gradually moved eastwards along the Danube, although the damage in the large cities on its shores was not as severe as in the areas affected by the floods later.
When the rainfall moved northeast to the Bohemian Forest and to the source areas of the Elbe and Vltava rivers, the results were catastrophic water levels first in the Austrian areas of Mühlviertel and Waldviertel and later in the Czech Republic, Thuringia and Saxony. Several villages in Northern Bohemia, Thuringia and Saxony were more or less destroyed by rivers changing their courses or massively overflowing their banks.
Areas affected
The floods were part of a larger system that was also affecting Asia. Several rivers in the region, including the Vltava, Elbe and Danube reached record highs.
Czech Republic
Prague received significant damage from what were deemed to be the worst floods ever to hit the capital. The flow of Vltava culminated at 5300 m³/s, 20% more than during the flood of 1845. Among the regions of the capital city most severely affected were Karlín, Kampa, Holešovice and Libeň, where there was significant risk of building collapse. Most of Prague's art work was saved due to advance warning of high water levels, but there was significant damage to the Prague Metro subway system, much of which was completely flooded, as well as to the historic Prague pneumatic post, which was forced to cease operation.
The collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic and the Prague Municipal Library were inundated. Despite the chaos and lack of preparation, Czech librarians and archivists were able to send a significant percentage of their flooded collections to be frozen, thus staving off immediate destruction of these historic collections by water or mold.
The Terezín Memorial and Prague's Jewish Quarter also received significant damage, a part of the estimated $30 million in damage to Czech cultural sites including: the Prague Municipal Library, Malá Strana, the National Theatre and Terezín.
The evacuations before the worst of the flooding have been cited as one of the reasons for relatively little loss of life in the capital. An estimated 40,000 people were evacuated from Prague. Among the animal deaths resulting from the flood was Gaston, a sea lion from the Prague Zoo who swam to Germany following the flooding of his aquarium. For some time, it was believed he would survive, but he died following capture in Dresden.
In total, 17 people died in the Czech Republic due to the floods, and damage from the flood was estimated at between 70 and 73 billion Czech koruna. The damage to the Prague Metro has been estimated at approximately 7 billion Kč.
Germany was the hardest hit, with over two-thirds of the flood's total losses. The 10 years of renovation work that had been carried out since reunification in 1990 in the town of Grimma, in the former East Germany, were said to have been destroyed in one night.
Dresden received significant damage when the Elbe River reached an all-time high of 9.4 meters (30.8 feet). More than 30,000 people were evacuated from various neighborhoods throughout the city and some of the city's cultural landmarks were considered to be at risk.
Dresden's Zwinger Palace, home to a significant number of Europe's artistic treasures including Raphael's Sistine Madonna, was at risk from the flooding Elbe;, however, all of the art works could be saved. The Semper Opera House also suffered damage.
The Black Sea Coast region was among the most severely hit regions of Russia with significant loss of life due to a tornado that hit the tourist region and destroyed homes. This was after earlier summer floods in southern Russia. All told, damage in the region was calculated at more than $400 million.
Regions spared
Although all of Europe was affected to some degree by the record rainfall, some cities were spared the severe flooding that hit Dresden and Prague.
Although the Danube reached record highs, both Bratislava and Vienna were spared significant flooding. Bratislava's flood protection measures withstood the water, while it was generally believed that Vienna was spared significant damage due to the city's engineering, and plans were undertaken to see if such work could be applied to the other cities as well.
Once the water levels returned to normal and residents returned to their homes, they faced not only the damage left by the flood waters but also threats of disease due to decaying waste and food. The danger increased due to flooding of sewage treatment plants and the risk of damage to chemical plants.
European leaders gathered in Berlin to discuss the effects of the floods and to create a better understanding of how to prevent such disasters in the future. This meeting garnered some criticism, as Russia, which had suffered significant damage, was not invited to what was billed as a meeting of EU members and future members. The EU leaders did promise aid to the central European countries that suffered the most under the floods with money coming from the EU's structural budget and this outreach to non-members was seen as symbolic in an effort to portray a truly united Europe.
See also
List of floods in Europe
2002 Glasgow floods
European Flood Alert System
German Flood Service Medal (2002)
External links
Flood Photographs of Prague
Photographs of flooded metro in Prague
European Flood Alert System
European Floods, 2002
2000s floods in Europe
2002 floods
Genoa lows
August 2002 events in Europe
Floods |
1970621 | | 1986 Winisk flood | On May 16, 1986, the Northern Ontario community of Winisk was flooded during an ice jam. The ice jam on the Winisk River caused large chunks of ice and flood waters to overwhelm the village. Two people were killed and all but two of more than 60 buildings in the community were destroyed.
The community of Winisk was home to the Weenusk First Nation and located along the river of the same name. Homes in the First Nation were built on muskeg. Located in subarctic Northern Ontario, the area was sparsely populated and could experience large-scale flooding caused by erratic spring ice breakup.
During Treaty negotiations, Indigenous leaders warned the federal government that the area chosen for the Weenusk First Nation was prone to flooding but their warnings were dismissed. The community had previously been destroyed by floods in 1966 but was resettled in the same location. Chiefs had urged the federal government to relocate the community due to the risk of flooding for twenty years prior to the 1986 flood. The federal and provincial governments had planned to relocate the community by 1989, after first constructing an airstrip.
Chief George Hunter and the band council had undertaken studies to determine what it would cost to move the community to higher ground, but funding was not approved for the move until weeks before the flood. Some members of the community prepared for flooding by tying up boats in their yards during the spring in case flood waters reached the village.
Flood event
The ice upstream of the Winisk river broke up before the ice at the river's mouth. The ice and water flowing downstream could not flow into the bay, and was instead forced up onto the riverbank. The ice and water came in, bursting the river's banks and buildings were smashed and carried away by the ice. Although preparations were made, many residents of the community were caught by surprise when the ice came. Residents had minutes to board boats and canoes before the ice and water overwhelmed buildings. Massive boulders of ice, some described as being as large as two storey buildings, were carried by the torrent through town. Homes were lifted off of their foundations and carried inland by the floodwaters.Boats carrying evacuated residents were tossed around between huge chunks of ice, warping and crushing boats. Power lines snapped and the community's power station exploded as ice chunks impacted the building, cutting off telephone and electricity to the community.
The community's priest used the community's only working radio to contact Telesat before the power was cut. A man from Telesat contacted authorities and helicopters arrived in the community approximately three hours later.
Rescue efforts took several hours as helicopters rescued residents from the ice and displaced homes in foggy conditions. People were airlifted to the Winisk Airport, which was above the floodwaters, and evacuated to Attawapiskat. Residents were allowed back into the community to collect some belongings on May 17.
Two people died during the flood. An elderly man drowned after failing to reach his boat. A woman drowned and was crushed by ice after saving her baby from drowning. The community of Winisk was abandoned and the Weenusk First Nation relocated to a location chosen by the community, approximately 30 kilometres south. The new settlement was located on higher ground and was named Peawanuck, meaning "flintrock" in Cree language. It cost $10 million to construct the new homes in Peawanuck in 1987. The homes were built by Winisk residents, residents from surrounding First Nations and a few volunteers between May and December 1987. Supplies were delivered via helicopter transport and specialists from the south came to construct a diesel power plant, drill wells and to engineer an airstrip. During construction families lived in tents, and by the time they moved into their houses in December it often reached -30°C.
A coroner's inquest was launched as a result of the disaster. Several recommendations were made, including more effective surveillance of river conditions, the implementation of an early flood warning system, emergency transportation adequate to serve its population, and that a specialized committee be established to address the concerns of flooding in the James and Hudson Bay region. Communication was cited as an issue and it was recommended that each northern community be provided with portable radio systems. It was also recommended to Ontario Hydro that all power lines crossing river systems be raised to prevent damage like that caused at the Winisk flood.
The community of Peawanuck, as recently as 2016, commemorates the anniversary of the flood with community events.
Floods in Canada
1980s floods in North America
1986 natural disasters
Winisk Flood, 1986
Natural disasters in Ontario
1986 in Ontario |
2103714 | | Flood Range | The Flood Range () is an Antarctic range of large snow-covered mountains extending in an E-W direction for about 96 km (60 mi) and forming a right angle with the southern end of the Ames Range in Marie Byrd Land.
Discovered by the Byrd Antarctic Expedition in 1934 from a great distance. Reconnaissance flights by the USAS (1939–41) explored the range. The principle mountain was named "Mount Hal Flood" by Byrd for his uncle, the Hon. Henry D. Flood, U.S. Representative from Virginia. The name was subsequently transferred by US-SCAN from the mountain to the entire range. Mount Hal Flood is now known officially as Mount Berlin. Other mountains in this range include Mount Moulton and Mount Bursey.
The Flood Range consists of a linear volcanic chain of peaks in which there have been systematic migrations of felsic activity. This activity has moved 90 km from east to west between 9 million and 2.5 million years ago, and 154 km northward from the south end of the Ames Range toward Shepard Island between 12.7 and 0.6 million years ago.
Volcanoes of Marie Byrd Land
Miocene shield volcanoes
Pliocene shield volcanoes
Pleistocene shield volcanoes |
2154546 | | Clark County Regional Flood Control District | The Clark County Regional Flood Control District (CCRFCD) was created in 1985 by the Nevada Legislature allowing Clark County to provide broad solutions to flooding problems. The District has developed plans and so far successfully continued working on a 50-year program to eliminate most flooding from a 100-year flood in the populated areas for which the CCRFCD is responsible.
Voters in 1986 approved a quarter cent sales tax to fund construction of regional flood control facilities. The first project began in 1988.
As of June 2013, a total of $1.7 bill was spent on flood control, including construction of 90 detention basins and approximately 581 miles of channels and underground storm drains. To date, 51 square miles have been removed from federally identified FEMA flood zones, saving residents millions of dollars per year in flood insurance premiums.
The Regional Flood Control District is more than 75 percent complete with the Master Plan. Another 31 detention basins are planned, along with 226 miles of conveyance.
The District's website, provides citizens information about the District and the progress of flood control in Clark County. The site also gives current rainfall information on approximately 189 locations throughout the county.
The District produces a 30-minute television news program six times per year that updates the community about the progress of flood control and provides information about flash flood safety. The program airs about 40 times per month on Cox Cable channels 2 and 4, as well as on stations in Laughlin and Mesquite.
District direction for providing protection
Since Las Vegas is located in a basin with a single outlet, the Las Vegas Wash, all rain runoff drains to the east side of the basin where it will eventually be deposited into Lake Mead. Rainfall in the surrounding mountain ranges, can cause flooding in the area as water flows off the mountains onto the valley floor. The area is also subject to localized weather events. It is possible for an area to receive heavy rainfall in a short time, while nearby areas as close as one or two miles (3 km) away receive little or no rain. Additional history about past flood events is available as well as some historical rainfall data.
The increase of hardscape as the valley has developed has contributed to an increase of runoff over time.
To help alleviate the damage caused by flooding, the Clark County Regional Flood Control District has spent millions of dollars to build detention basins and concrete drainage channels throughout the area. The belief is that these structures will control the flow of water when there is storm runoff and reduce flooding in areas below the basins and near the channels and washes.
The detention basins operated by the district vary in size from and are up to deep.
Given the topography of the area, some areas may not be fixable. One example being the Flamingo Wash where the channel overflows into the Imperial Palace parking garage during flash flooding events.
How growth has affected plans and development
With the rapid growth occurring in the valley, the plan and finances have not been able to keep up. As a result, developers are deciding to build in areas not yet protected by detention basins or other control measures. This is causing many new home buyers to deal with damage or severe runoff on local streets which are used as flood channels when other facilities are not available.
How weather creates problems
Heavy rainfall can cause localized flash flooding. A thunderstorm hit the northwest part of the city of Las Vegas for two hours in August 2003, causing some hail damage and considerable water damage. Heavy localized flooding occurred, with property damage reaching into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. In February 2005, the southwest part of the Vegas Valley was hard hit by flooding from the mountain rainfall runoff. Higher than average precipitation that same winter was responsible for significant damage in Mesquite and Overton which, as of that point in time, had not received much attention since their populations were so much smaller than the Las Vegas valley area.
Event detection and notification
In addition to building and maintaining flood control projects, the District also operates a Flood Threat Recognition System of ALERT rain and stream gage, with the cooperation of the United States Geological Survey and the National Weather Service. This system collects hydrometeorological data primarily for the purpose of detecting situations which could cause flooding.
Major facilities
Detention basins
Angel Park Detention Basin
Anthem Detention Basin
Black Mountain Detention Basin
Caballo Basin
Horse Diamond Basin
Cheyenne Peaking Basin
Confluence Detention Basin
Desert Inn Detention Basin
East C-1 Detention Basin
Equestrian Detention Basin
Fort Apache Detention Basin
Gowan Central Detention Basin
Gowan South Detention Basin
Indian Springs Detention Basin
Kyle Canyon Detention Basin
The Lakes Detention Basin
Lone Mountain Detention Basin
Lower Blue Diamond Detention Basin
Lower Duck Creek Detention Basin
McCullough Hills Detention Basin
Meadows Detention Basin
Mission Hills Detention Basin
Oakey Detention Basin
Pioneer Detention Basin
Pittman East Detention Basin
Pittman Park Detention Basin
Red Rock Detention Basin
R-4 Detention Basin
Tropicana Wash Detention Basin
Upper Flamingo Detention Basin
Van Buskirk Detention Basin
Vandenberg Detention Basin
Veterans Detention Basin
Windmill Wash Detention Basin
Upper Duck Creek Detention Basin
Flood channels
Beltway Channel
Duck Creek Wash
Flamingo Wash
Halfway Wash
Las Vegas Wash
Naples Channel
Pittman Wash
Sloan Channel
Tropicana Wash
See also
Surface-water hydrology
External links
Clark County Regional Flood Control District website
1985 establishments in Nevada
Government agencies established in 1985
Government of Clark County, Nevada
Las Vegas Valley |
2159895 | | 1607 Bristol Channel floods | The Bristol Channel floods of 30 January 1607 drowned many people and destroyed a large amount of farmland and livestock during a flood in the Bristol Channel area of the UK. The known tide heights, probable weather, extent and depth of flooding, and coastal flooding elsewhere in the UK on the same day all point to the cause being a storm surge rather than a tsunami.
On 30 January 1607, around noon, the coasts of the Bristol Channel suffered from unexpectedly high floodings that broke the coastal defences in several places. Low-lying places in Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire, and South Wales were flooded. The devastation was particularly severe on the Welsh side, extending from Laugharne in Carmarthenshire to above Chepstow in Monmouthshire. Cardiff was the most badly affected town, with the foundations of St Mary's Church destroyed.
It is estimated that 2,000 or more people were drowned, houses and villages were swept away, an estimated of farmland inundated, and livestock destroyed, wrecking the local economy along the coasts of the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary.
The coast of Devon and the Somerset Levels as far inland as Glastonbury Tor, from the coast, were also affected. The sea wall at Burnham-on-Sea gave way, and the water flowed over the low-lying levels and moors.
Thirty villages in Somerset were affected, including Brean which was "swallowed up" and where seven out of the nine houses were destroyed with 26 of the inhabitants dying. For ten days the Church of All Saints at Kingston Seymour, near Weston-super-Mare, was filled with water to a depth of . A chiselled mark remains showing that the maximum height of the water was 7.74 metres (25 feet 5 inches) above sea level.
Contemporary accounts of the flood were written by people such as the Puritan pamphleteer, William Jones:
The flooding is thought to have been caused by an exceptional tide combined with severe weather. The spring tide in the Bristol Channel on 30 January 1607 reached a height of . This occurred in combination with a severe south-westerly gale with peak winds measured at Barnstaple from 3am to noon, and coastal flooding in East Anglia at night on the 30th, both of which are consistent with a storm tracking eastwards. It has been demonstrated that the tide and weather event that occurred on this date were capable of generating a surge consistent with the observed inundation.
Tsunami hypothesis
An earlier 2002 research paper, following investigations by Professor Simon Haslett of Bath Spa University and Australian geologist Ted Bryant of the University of Wollongong, suggested that the flooding may have been caused by a tsunami, after the authors had read some eyewitness accounts in the historical reports which described the flood. The British Geological Survey has suggested that, as there is no evidence of a landslide off the continental shelf, a tsunami would most likely have been caused by an earthquake on a known unstable fault off the coast of southwest Ireland, causing the vertical displacement of the sea floor. One contemporary report describes an earth tremor on the morning of the flood; however, other sources date this earthquake to a few months after the event.
Haslett and Bryant's evidence for the tsunami hypothesis included massive boulders that had been displaced up the beach by enormous force; a layer up to thick composed of sand, shells and stones within an otherwise constant deposit of mud that was found in boreholes from Devon to Gloucestershire and the Gower Peninsula; and rock erosion characteristic of high water velocities throughout the Severn Estuary. However, because of high wave energy conditions it is not methodologically possible to distinguish between storm and tsunami boulder deposits on North Atlantic coasts.
In attributing the flood to a storm surge in their 2006 paper, Horsburgh and Horritt show that those proposing a tsunami hypothesis underestimate the volume of water and coastal damage involved in storm surges, and fail to account for flooding on the opposite side of the country on the same day. There is also a lack of evidence for the event affecting West Wales, Cornwall, or southern Ireland. Their tsunami modelling showed that it would not be possible for a tsunami not to affect these areas, while causing flooding elsewhere in the country. Contemporary sources also indicate the flooding proceeded for a period of five hours, which is consistent with a storm surge rather than a tsunami.
Future recurrence
While the risk of similar events in the foreseeable future is considered to be low, it is estimated that the potential cost caused by comparable flooding to residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural property could range from £7 billion to £13 billion at 2007 insured values. There has also been concern that the nuclear power stations at Hinkley Point and Oldbury could be endangered.
A number of commemorative plaques still remain, up to above sea level, showing how high the waters rose on the sides of surviving churches. For example, at Goldcliff near Newport the church has a small brass plaque, inside on the north wall near the altar, today about above ground level, marking the height of the flood waters. The plaque records the year as 1606 because, under the Julian calendar in use at that time, the new year did not start until Lady Day, 25 March. The resultant financial loss in the parish was estimated as £5,000 (equivalent to £ million in ).
The flood was commemorated in a contemporary pamphlet entitled God's warning to the people of England by the great overflowing of the waters or floods.
On the 400th anniversary, 30 January 2007, BBC Somerset looked at the possible causes and asked whether it could happen again in the county.
In 2006 "Flood 400", a church and community partnership, was set up to commemorate the Great Flood. A commemorative service was held, on the anniversary day in 2007, with the Bishop of Bath and Wells. A series of events took place, throughout the year, centred on the public buildings in the villages of Goldcliff, Nash and Redwick and included exhibitions, lectures, religious services, school visits, guided tours and walks. A festival weekend took place between 24 and 28 May 2007.
See also
List of natural disasters in Great Britain and Ireland
List of disasters in Great Britain and Ireland by death toll
List of Deadliest Tsunamis
Geology of Great Britain
Tsunamis affecting the British Isles
1999 Blayais Nuclear Power Plant flood
Other sources
External links
"The Killer Wave of 1607" – BBC's Timewatch, 1 April 2005
The great flood of 1607: could it happen again? (BBC Somerset)
Anniversary of 1607 killer wave (BBC News)
Mike Kohnstamm: Text of original sources and local pictures
Floods in the United Kingdom
1607 natural disasters
1607 in England
Natural disasters in Wales
1607 in Wales
Water in Wales
Disasters in Somerset
17th-century floods
17th century in Somerset |
2172437 | | All Saints' Flood (1570) | The All Saints' Flood of 1570 occurred on November 1–2, 1570, and is considered the worst North Sea flood disaster before the 20th century. It flooded the entire coast of the Netherlands and East Frisia. The effects were felt from Calais in Flanders to Jutland and even Norway. Even though the alleged casualty figures were mostly based on rough estimates and should be viewed with skepticism, up to 25,000 deaths can be assumed.
Course of events
The morning before the storm surge, a warning of a very strong flood had been issued for the first time in history. In Bergen op Zoom, the Domain Council, the local administration, had issued the warning, but it had not had the intended effect, as most victims were not reached by the warning and were caught unprepared by the flood. With a level of more than four meters above the mean high water, the flood was well above the height of the dikes existing at the time, which were also severely neglected. In numerous places, the dikes were overrun by the water masses, causing incredible devastation. For example, in the area around Antwerp, four villages disappeared under a thick layer of mud and in Zeeland the small island Wulpen was permanently lost to the sea. Chroniclers of the time reported that 80 percent of the country was under water. It was confirmed that the floods drowned 20,000 people.
East Frisia and the offshore islands were also hit hard. A high tide mark at the church of Suurhusen, located north of Emden, showed + 4.40 m NN. In many places, the dikes broke and devastated entire stretches of land that were under water for up to four weeks. The salt water meant that fields and meadows could no longer be used for a long time. The flooding reached as far as the Alte Land on the Elbe, the Vierlande near Hamburg and as far as Eiderstedt. Between the Ems and Weser rivers, around 10,000 people died and tens of thousands were left homeless. Entire villages disappeared and livestock and supplies were destroyed.
The storm surge was seen as God's punishment. In the Protestant provinces of the Netherlands, it was understood as a call to rebel more vigorously against Spanish oppression, after the still unsuccessful uprising in 1568. In 1572, the Geuses succeeded in conquering the provinces of Zeeland and Holland, which had been badly hit by the floods.
See also
Floods in the Netherlands
Saeftinghe legend, folklore and legend of this flood
Part of the text on this page originated from the Internet site of the KNMI (page in Dutch).
External links
All Saints’ Flood (1570)
Floods in the Netherlands
16th-century floods
1570s natural disasters
1570 in the Habsburg Netherlands
European windstorms
History of North Brabant
History of Zeeland |
2173478 | | Christmas Flood of 1717 | The Christmas Flood of 1717 was the result of a northwesterly storm, which hit the coast area of the Netherlands, Germany, and Scandinavia on Christmas night of 1717. In total, about 14,000 people drowned.
It was the last large storm flood in the north of the Netherlands. Floodwaters reached the towns and cities of Groningen, Zwolle, Dokkum, Amsterdam, and Haarlem. Many villages near the sea were devastated entirely, such as in the west of Vlieland and villages behind the sea dykes in Groningen Province.
The local communities had to cope with population loss, economic decline, and poverty. No area of the coast between the Netherlands and Denmark was spared. Everywhere, dyke breaches were followed by wide flooding of the flat country. Between Tønder in Slesvig and Emden in East Frisia, about 9,000 people drowned. The Netherlands had 2,500 victims. The worse-affected areas were in the County of Oldenburg, around Jever, Kehdingen, and the principality of East Frisia. Butjadingen lost 30% of its population. In all the affected coastal areas, a large number of cattle were lost. In East Frisia, 900 houses were washed away completely. The damage to dykes and sluices was immense. Survivors remained unaware of the fate of missing family members for a long time. For example, of 284 persons missing from Werdum in East Frisia, only 32 of them had been found by 5 February 1718. The impact of this storm flood in the cold winter time—two days after this flood came hard frost and snowfall—was worsened on the night of 25 or 26 February by another storm flood.
See also
HDMS Lossen
Further reading
Lang, Arend W (1963) Die "Weihnachtsflut" vom 25. Dezember 1717 (Juist Verl. Die Bake)
Gottschalk, Felicitas (2011) Am Meer, am wüsten, nächtlichen Meer: Die Weihnachtsflut von 1717 und Oberdeichgräfe Eibe Siade Johans (Isensee Florian Gmbh)
External links
Weihnachtsflut von 1717
Floods in the Netherlands
Floods in Germany
Floods in Europe
1717 natural disasters
18th-century meteorology
European windstorms
Storm tides of the North Sea
1717 in the Holy Roman Empire
18th-century floods
1717 in the Dutch Republic
December events |
2173575 | | St. Elizabeth's flood (1404) | The St. Elizabeth's flood (Sint Elisabethsvloed) of 1404 occurred on or around 19 November 1404, the namesake day of St. Elizabeth. The floods were especially catastrophic in Flanders, Zeeland and Holland. The area in Zeeland and Flanders had been flooded 29 years earlier, on 8 October 1375. As a result of the floods, the Braakman was created or enlarged. In this new area, new parishes and villages started to appear. The flood in 1404 destroyed the area again, just as it had done in 1375. Other areas previously untouched such as the small towns of IJzendijke and Hugevliet were engulfed and destroyed during the flood.
When the flood occurred many were killed and homes destroyed due to the poor warnings.
On 19 November 1404, large areas of Flanders, Zeeland, and Holland, were flooded. The storm tide responsible became known as the First Saint Elizabeth's flood. The damage was catastrophic. The area of Zeeland-Flanders had already been flooded 29 years earlier, in 1375. Through this, the Zuiderzee was created. Around the Zuiderzee, polders were diked, and within these polders, new parishes arose. Unfortunately, in 1404, everything was destroyed again. This time, a complete spit that was home to a number of small towns such as Ijzendijke and Hugevliet, which were spared in 1375, was engulfed during the flood. In the county of Flanders all the coast islands in the mouth of the Westerschelde were washed away. After this calamity John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy (Jan zonder Vrees) gave the command to link all the dikes already existing into one large dike which ran from the north of the county to the south. This explains why the Belgian coast line is so straight. Since Jan zonder Vrees was also count of Flanders, this dike is still named .
See also
St. Elizabeth's flood (1421), a flood that occurred on the same day 17 years later.
Floods in the Netherlands
Floods in the Netherlands
15th-century floods
History of South Holland
History of Zeeland
1404 in Europe
15th century in Europe
15th century in the Netherlands
15th-century meteorology
European windstorms
Storm tides of the North Sea
Medieval weather events |
2173682 | | St. Elizabeth's flood (1421) | The St. Elizabeth's flood of 1421 was a flooding of the Grote Hollandse Waard, an area in what is now the Netherlands. It takes its name from the feast day of Saint Elisabeth of Hungary which was formerly 19 November.
It ranks 20th on the list of worst floods in history.
During the night of 18/19 November 1421 a heavy storm near the North Sea coast caused the dikes to break in a number of places and the lower-lying polder land was flooded. A number of villages were swallowed by the flood and were lost, causing between 2,000 and 10,000 casualties. The dike breaks and floods caused widespread devastation in Zeeland and Holland.
The outcome
This flood separated the cities of Geertruidenberg and Dordrecht which had previously fought against each other during the Hook and Cod (civil) wars.
Most of the land remains flooded even since that day.
Reclaimed parts
Most of the area remained flooded for several decades. Reclaimed parts are the island of Dordrecht, the Hoeksche Waard island, and north-western North Brabant (around Geertruidenberg). Most of the Biesbosch (a big area of nature in the Netherlands) area has been flooded since.
Cause of the flood
The cause of the flood was a powerful extratropical cyclone. Water from the storm in the North Sea surged up the rivers causing the dikes to overflow and break through. The flood reached a large sea arm between south Holland and Zeeland (or Zealand), destroying the Grote Hollandse Waard. At the lower point where the flood water reached the city of Dordrecht is the point where flood water still remains today.
Cat and cradle legend
According to legend, the water carried away a baby along with its crib and a cat. After the flood receded, people ventured out to assess the survivors. They spotted a cradle floating on the water and prepared for the worst: the chances of the baby surviving seemed slim. As the cradle approached the shore, they noticed a cat leaping frantically from one corner to another, desperately maintaining balance. It turns out, the cat's acrobatics managed to keep the crib upright, preventing it from overturning. The cat allegedly succeeded so well that even the peacefully sleeping baby's bedding remained dry.
The artist Lawrence Alma-Tadema captured this legend in his 1856 painting "The Inundation of The Biesbosch".
See also
St. Elizabeth's flood (1404)
Hook and Cod wars – dispute between Geertruidenberg and Dordrecht
List of floods in the Netherlands
Lists of disasters
External links recounting
Rijksmuseum brief description
Floods in the Netherlands
15th-century floods
15th century in the Netherlands
15th-century meteorology
European windstorms
Storm tides of the North Sea
1421 in Europe
History of North Brabant
History of South Holland
History of Zeeland
History of Dordrecht
Medieval weather events
Events in Dordrecht |
2187374 | | 2005 Gujarat flood | The 2005 Gujarat floods, during the monsoon season, affected the state of Gujarat, India, that included 20 districts (out of 33), with 10 of them severely affected. 117 of the 225 Tehsils (Talukas or mandals), 11 cities were included, and more than 7,200 villages inundated, with up to 10,000 affected. The cumulative of rain left approximately 176,000 people homeless during the flooding that included the drowning of a rare Asiatic lion from the Gir wildlife sanctuary. At least 173 people were killed in the flooding.
Eleven cities were severely affected by the floods that were Vadodara, Nadiad, Ahmedabad, Navsari, Surat and Limbdi, Dakor, Anand, Kheda, Petlad, and Borsad.
See also
Disaster Management Act, 2005
Maharashtra floods of 2005
2005 Chennai floods
2006 Surat flood
2017 Gujarat flood
2019 Vadodara flood
External links
The Hindu
NASA Earth Observatory
History of Gujarat (1947–present)
Floods in Gujarat
Gujarat |
2251661 | | 1955 Hunter Valley floods | The Hunter Valley Floods (also known as the Maitland Flood) of 23 February 1955 was a major flood on the Hunter River in New South Wales, Australia. They were one of the most devastating natural disasters in Australia's history.
The flood overwhelmed rivers on both sides of the Great Dividing Range, creating an inland sea the size of England and Wales.
Worst hit was the inland city of Maitland, which is sited precariously on low-lying land on the Hunter, and which on this occasion was completely inundated by floodwaters. A total of 25 lives were claimed during a week of flooding that washed away 58 homes and damaged 103 beyond repair. In Maitland alone, 2180 homes were invaded by water.
Heavy rain owing to the influence of La Niña had been occurring over the catchment of the Hunter River since October 1954 when, on 23 February 1955, an extremely intense monsoonal depression developed over southern Queensland and north-east New South Wales and moved southwards. The very strong and extremely moist northeasterly airflow meant that over the basin of the Hunter and parts of the Darling River, rainfall amounts for a 24‑hour period were the highest since instrumental records began around 1885. Around Coonabarabran, as much as 327 millimetres (over 13 inches) fell in a single day, whilst falls in the upper part of the Hunter Basin the following day were generally around .
With such heavy rain on already very wet ground the Hunter, along with tributaries of the Darling (Castlereagh, Namoi and Macquarie especially). reached levels quite unprecedented since measurements were first taken about 100 years earlier. For instance, the Namoi's discharge, normally only about , reached a massive , whilst the Macquarie peaked at around .
In Maitland the Hunter exceeded its August 1952 record height by nearly a metre, flooding as many as 5000 homes with as much as five metres of muddy water. 15,000 people were evacuated, most by boat or helicopter, whilst 31 homes were never rebuilt. In Dubbo, four thousand residents were evacuated as the main street was under more than a metre of turgid, muddy water, and the same thing occurred all along the Macquarie River, and at Gilgandra, a third of the buildings were completely destroyed. A hole torn in the main street was later found to contain two large semi-trailers.
The floods took altogether the lives of 25 people. Some 2,000 cattle and many thousands of head of other livestock were drowned. The damage to bridges, roads, railways and telephone lines took months to repair. There also were millions of pounds worth of crops destroyed.
Below in a timeline of the six days over which Maitland was ravaged by floodwaters:
24 February 1955 – Torrential rain covers the Hunter Valley. Flights are cancelled at Williamtown Airport. First lives are lost as floodwaters submerge Singleton, stranding 600 people at the railway station and convent. People living in low-lying areas of Maitland are warned of imminent evacuation as water rises across the valley and an emergency declared. During the night, Muswellbrook in the Upper Hunter goes under water and a mail train crashes into floodwaters at Togar.
25 February 1955 – 1100 people stand stranded on the platform at Singleton Railway Station as the Hunter River begins to overflow in the Maitland suburb of Bolwarra. The main crossing over the river, the Belmore Bridge, is closed at 8:30am and evacuation of the city begins. The Mayor of Maitland warns of an approaching "wall of water" at 11am as the first major levee failures occur, first at Oakhampton where homes are instantly ripped from their foundations. Before nightfall, water is 2 m deep on the city's main thoroughfare, High Street. Five men are swept to their deaths across the city, three at the railway station. During the night, floodwaters thunder through the city. 21 homes are washed away on one residential street alone, many occupants still inside or clinging to rooftops. Only female victim of the flood, Elizabeth Dickson is swept to her death in pitch darkness.
26 February 1955 – Australian Army DUKWs and Surf Life Saving Australia surfboats rescued over 1000 people across the city, many stranded on rooftops. A Royal Australian Navy Bristol Sycamore helicopter hits power lines in Maitland – four people who were being taken to safety while they dangled from a rope were electrocuted and another died after falling; the helicopter crashed and exploded, killing two of the crew. An army DUKW carrying military, police and ambulance personnel at Louth Park struck live power lines; the resulting electrical strike instantly killed two soldiers and caused the later death of a Sydney Water Police Constable. Nearby Raymond Terrace is hit hard while flooding extends across the valley. The entire township of Hexham, situated between Maitland and Newcastle on the Hunter River, is completely submerged and every resident evacuated. Floodwaters affect Newcastle and bring disruptions to industry and bring about evacuations in several suburbs, particularly Birmingham Gardens. 23 people were rescued by Royal Australian Navy helicopters, one of which crashed while rescuing people at Maitland railway station.
27 February 1955 – Thousands homeless, refugees taken to Greta migrant camp and homes all over the Hunter Valley as water levels remain at a historic high. The Royal Australian Air Force air drops 4000 food parcels.
28 February 1955 – Water begins to subside, leaving thick layers of stinking silt and debris. Clean-up begins as areas begin to emerge from the floodwaters. Samuel Upton is found drowned in his Maitland home while refugees continue to be moved to Greta by the thousands.
1 March 1955 – Joseph Murray drowns; the last victim of the flood.
Resulting flood-warning system
At the time of the Hunter Valley flood, there was no system in place to monitor and predict the height of rivers, the likelihood of flooding, nor was there an effective system for disseminating this information. Some of these functions were done by State governments, but they were not nationally coordinated. The 1955 flood provided the political impetus for the federal Bureau of Meteorology to develop a national flood monitoring and forecasting service.
External links
Floods in Hunter Valley, February 1955
Hunter floods of 1955–50 year commemoration
Floods in New South Wales
Hunter Valley floods
20th-century floods in Oceania
1950s floods
1955 natural disasters
Hunter Valley floods
1955 disasters in Australia |
2273154 | | Liam Flood | Liam Flood ( 1943 – 16 August 2014) was an Irish bookmaker and professional poker player who was the 1997 European poker champion.
Poker career
Flood began playing poker tournaments in the 1980s in Ireland. He won the Irish Poker Open in 1990 and 1996, becoming one of only four players to have won that tournament multiple times. He was a close friend of Terry Rogers who created the Irish Poker Open tournament, and has run the tournament since Rogers died in 1999.
He was a finalist in series 1 and 2 of the Late Night Poker television series and went on to be the floorman for the Celebrity Poker Club spin-off. In 1997, he had an 11th-place finish in the pot-limit hold-em tournament at the World Series of Poker. In 1998, he had a 15th-place finish in the no-limit hold-em tournament at the World Series.
His biggest cash win to date is a second-place finish at the Party Poker World Open in Maidstone, Kent, England on 3 April 2005. He won $150,000. Flood also appeared in the 2005 World Speed Poker Open. His total lifetime professional tournament winnings exceeded $1,100,000.
In 2007, Flood won the Party Poker European Open, beating Darren Hickman in the final head-to-head and pocketing the first prize of $125,000. This was his first outright win in a televised tournament.
On 16 August 2014, Flood died at the age of 71.
External links
Hendon Mob tournament results
1943 births
2014 deaths
Irish poker players
Irish Poker Open winners
Sportspeople from County Dublin |
2292635 | | Taken at the Flood | Taken at the Flood is a work of detective fiction by British writer Agatha Christie, first published in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company in March 1948 under the title of There is a Tide . . . and in the UK by the Collins Crime Club in the November of the same year under Christie's original title. The US edition retailed at $2.50 and the UK edition at eight shillings and sixpence (8/6). It features her famous Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot, and is set in 1946.
The novel tells a story of post-World War II England, when life seems turned upside down, with the relief of the end of the war, the changes from who lived and who died, and the economic challenge of post-war life, playing out for one family in a village not far from London. The detective Superintendent Spence is introduced in this novel, with whom Poirot works again in a few more stories. The Cloade family, brothers and one sister, have had many abrupt changes from the war, losing their brother Gordon in a London bombing raid shortly after his unexpected marriage to a young widow. One son is lost to fighting, a daughter returns from serving as a Wren, and another son seems to be making a successful venture at farming, despite losing his partner in the venture to the war. When the Wren Lynn returns, her interrupted engagement to her cousin resumes, with troublesome interruption from David Hunter, the brother of Gordon's widow Rosaleen. A stranger in the village, using the literary name Enoch Arden, blackmails David and is soon found murdered. Hercule Poirot is called in.
Maurice Richardson found the "doubly twisted" plot, to be "ingenious enough", but for him, "the quintessential zest, the sense of well-being which goes to make up that Christie feeling, is missing." Another reviewer was more pleased with the novel, saying that Poirot solves the mysteries "with all the acumen that has endeared him to Agatha Christie fans. Fantastic and topping." A review in 1990 was pleased to find a Christie novel tied distinctly to a specific year and world event, but had a more complex commentary on the novel as a whole, calling it a "Compulsive reworking of Tennysonian and Christiean themes, and pretty high up in the range of classic titles."
Plot introduction
In spring 1944 during World War II, Gordon Cloade marries a widow he meets on board ship to New York, Rosaleen Underhay. A few days after arriving in London with his new wife, his London home is bombed, killing all but two people: Rosaleen and her brother, David Hunter. Gordon did not write a new will upon arrival, and his existing will is invalidated by the marriage. Rosaleen inherits Gordon's fortune. A day or so later, during another raid, Poirot sits in a shelter with people from the Concordia club in London and listens to a story about Major Porter's friend Robert Underhay in Africa, about his unhappy marriage and that Underhay may not be dead, told after reading out the news that Gordon Cloade, the second husband of Underhay's widow, was killed by enemy action.
The death of Gordon Cloade brings unexpected change to his siblings and their families. Gordon gave them capital to start a venture, to handle unexpected expenses, encouraged them not to save, and promised his fortune would be split among them when he died.
Plot summary
In spring 1946, Lynn Marchmont, a Wren during the war, settles again in her mother's home in the village of Warmsley Vale in peacetime, at first happy to be home, then finding life dull. She has been engaged to farmer Rowley Cloade since before the war.
David guards his sister and her fortune. Mrs Marchmont gets up the courage to ask Rosaleen for five hundred pounds when David is away, and Rosaleen writes a cheque. David angrily turns down a request from Frances Cloade, whose family is in desperate need of money.
A man calling himself Enoch Arden arrives at the village inn The Stag, and attempts to blackmail David by saying he knows how to find Rosaleen's first husband, Robert Underhay. Their conversation is overheard by the landlady, who tells Rowley Cloade. A few days later, a maid finds Arden's body in his room with his head smashed in. That same day, David was down from London. He met Lynn on his dash to catch the last train to London, and evidently telephoned her from the London flat shortly after 11 pm, arguing first that he loves her and then that he cannot be good for her. As the murder is believed to have happened before 9 pm, he had enough opportunity and motive and he is arrested.
Rowley Cloade appeals to the detective Hercule Poirot to find the true identity of the dead man. Poirot asks Major Porter. Rosaleen sees the body and says she does not know the man at all. At the inquest, Porter says that Arden was indeed Robert Underhay, and the coroner's jury votes against advice to believe him, voting wilful murder by David. The estate will revert to the Cloades, if the jury's decision holds, as it means Rosaleen's second marriage was not valid.
Poirot talks to people in the village, including Mrs Leadbetter, a guest at the inn who saw a 'hussy', a heavily made-up woman wearing slacks and an orange scarf, enter the room assigned to the dead man after 10 pm on the fateful evening. As the police believe that David was on the train to London at that time, they let him go, and look more seriously at women. Poirot learns how the death occurred, with a fall on the marble fender of the fireplace. He proposes it was accidental death, not intentional murder.
Lynn is falling in love with David. Major Porter commits suicide in London but leaves no note. Poirot realises from a photo at the home of Frances Cloade that Arden was related to her; she admits Arden was Charles Trenton, her second cousin. She came up with the plan to blackmail Rosaleen after hearing Major Porter's story about Underhay. This explains Arden's true identity, but nothing else. Frances denies bribing Major Porter.
When Poirot and Lynn visit Rosaleen at home, the maid realises she does not respond. Poirot sees that Rosaleen has died in her sleep. The doctor identifies the harmless sleeping powder she took, at her bedside table. Superintendent Spence, the investigating officer, suggests that she was the murderer. Rosaleen died from too much morphine; where did she get it?
Lynn tells Rowley that she wishes to marry David Hunter and he explodes in anger. Rowley is strangling Lynn when Poirot enters the house, and Rowley stops. David arrives shortly, and Poirot explains everything. Rowley visited Arden, and seeing the resemblance to Frances, reacted angrily to the deception. Punched by Rowley, Arden fell against the marble fireplace fender and died. Rowley saw the opportunity to incriminate David. He smashed in Arden's head with fire tongs and left David's lighter at the scene. Rowley persuaded Porter to give the false identification by offering him money. Then Rowley employed Poirot, who would be sure to go to Porter. Porter's guilt led him to commit suicide, leaving a note that Rowley destroyed. David was about to pay the blackmail to Arden; upon discovering Arden's body, David ran for the late train but missed it. David then backtracked to The Stag, disguised himself as a woman, and played out the scene, heard by Mrs Leadbetter, which established the later time of death. Then he called Rosaleen, who placed a call to Lynn that was delivered by the operator but then cut off. A minute later, David called Lynn from the local train station, giving her the impression that he was calling from London. He returned to London on the early morning milk train the next day.
Of the three deaths, Poirot says one is accidental, one is a suicide, and one is murder. The true murder victim was Rosaleen. The woman known as Rosaleen was not David Hunter's sister; his sister was killed and the housemaid Eileen Corrigan had survived the bombing. Poirot sent to Ireland for a photo of Eileen, which explained the truth of what happened during the war. David persuaded her to be Rosaleen. Now he could kill this accomplice with a morphine pill and marry Lynn, whom he loved. Poirot knows all these details but only some of them are known to the police. Rowley feels guilty about the deaths of Trenton and Porter. The police focus on David killing Rosaleen/Eileen, and proving all of that case. After a while, Lynn returns to Rowley, realising she does love him, especially after his show of force. Life will not be dull with him.
Hercule Poirot: Belgian detective who lives in London.
Superintendent Spence: investigating officer.
Sergeant Graves: Spence's assistant.
Rosaleen Cloade: twice widowed while in her early 20s; formerly Mrs Robert Underhay. Most recently married to Gordon Cloade.
David Hunter: Rosaleen's brother. Former daring WW2 commando and a gambler in life. David gained luxury through his sister's marriage and is anxious to keep it.
Gordon Cloade: wealthy patriarch of the Cloade family. Long-widowed and childless, he shares his wealth with his sister and brothers. Abruptly, he remarried in 1944, only to die in a bombing raid in London soon after.
Jeremy Cloade: senior partner in a firm of solicitors and older brother of Gordon.
Frances Cloade: Jeremy's wife. Shrewd and level-headed. She is the daughter of one of Jeremy's late clients.
Anthony Cloade: son of Jeremy and Frances. Died in the war.
Lionel Cloade: a doctor and medical researcher. Younger brother of Gordon. Since his brother's death, he has become a morphine addict.
Katherine Cloade: Lionel's wife, referred to as Aunt Kathie. Aunt Kathie is a believer in the spirit world, and the first to visit Poirot regarding Underhay.
Rowley Cloade: a farmer who lost his farming partner in the war. Nephew of Gordon, son of Gordon's late brother Maurice. Engaged to his cousin Lynn Marchmont.
Johnnie Vavasour: Rowley's farming partner. Killed in the war.
Lynn Marchmont: a demobbed Wren, fiancée to Rowley, in her early 20s. Lynn is restless after the war and seeks excitement.
Adela Marchmont: Lynn's elderly widowed mother and younger sister of Gordon. She is inclined to procrastination.
Beatrice Lippincott: landlady of The Stag pub and inn.
Gladys: Maid at The Stag Inn.
Major Porter: a retired soldier who is a member at the same London club as Jeremy Cloade; he is called a club bore for the long stories he tells.
Enoch Arden: alias used by the blackmailer of David Hunter and Rosaleen Cloade; Charles Trenton. He threatens to expose the apparent illegitimacy of Rosaleen and Gordon Cloade's marriage.
Mrs Leadbetter: a widow and guest at The Stag who stays for a month each year. She is old-fashioned and captious.
Robert Underhay: Previous husband of Rosaleen Cloade. Said to have died in Africa.
Eileen Corrigan: A housemaid who once served Rosaleen and Gordon Cloade until the bombing attack on their house. She once shared a relationship with David Hunter.
Explanation of the novel's title
The title of the book in both the UK and US markets is a line from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in a speech by Brutus in Act IV: "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads on to fortune . . .". The quotation is given in full as the epigraph to the novel.
Literary significance and reception
For once, Maurice Richardson, in his review of the 21 November 1948 issue of The Observer, was slightly unimpressed: "Agatha Christie has, if not a whole day off, at least part of the afternoon. The killing of the blackmailing Enoch Arden, who puts up at the local to harry the already embarrassed Cloade family, the murder that follows, and Poirot's doubly twisted solution are ingenious enough, but the characterisation is a little below par. The quintessential zest, the sense of well-being which goes to make up that Christie feeling, is missing."
An unnamed reviewer in the Toronto Daily Star of 10 April 1948 said, "Hercule Poirot, whose eggshaped cranium is crammed with lively gray cells, proves himself a bit of a mug before he sorts out all the details of [Enoch Arden's] death and other even more baffling mysteries. But he does it with all the acumen that has endeared him to Agatha Christie fans. Fantastic and topping."
Robert Barnard summarised the plot of the novel as an "Elderly man married to a glamorous nitwit of dubious social background [which] is a common plot-element in Christie. Here she is widowed (in an air-raid – this is one of the few Christies anchored to an actual time), and burdened by financially insatiable relatives, both of blood and in-law. But who exactly is dead, and who isn't? And who is what they seem, and who isn't?" His commentary is favourable on the title, more cryptic on the novel itself, as he said it was a "Compulsive reworking of Tennysonian and Christiean themes, and pretty high up in the range of classic titles."
References to other works
The false alibi used by the murderer of a witness sighting the missed train smoke was a partial re-use of a plot device used by Christie in the 1925 short story The Sign in the Sky, later published in the 1930 collection The Mysterious Mr. Quin.
Publication history
1948, Dodd Mead and Company (New York), March 1948, Hardcover, 242 pp
1948, Collins Crime Club (London), November 1948, Hardcover, 192 pp
1949, Pocket Books (New York), Paperback
1955, Dell Books, Paperback, 224 pp
1961, Fontana Books (Imprint of HarperCollins), Paperback, 192 pp
1965, Pan Books, Paperback, 204 pp
1971, Ulverscroft Large-print Edition, Hardcover, 386 pp
2006, Audio Partners, narrator Hugh Fraser,
2016, William Morrow & Company (USA edition), Hardcover
A television film was produced in 2006 with David Suchet as Poirot in the ITV series Agatha Christie's Poirot. The cast included Elliot Cowan as David Hunter, Eva Birthistle as Rosaleen, Celia Imrie as Kathy Cloade, Jenny Agutter as Adela Marchmont and Tim Pigott-Smith as Dr Lionel Woodward. The film made several significant changes to the plot:
Like almost all episodes of the TV series, the adaptation shifts the setting to the late 1930s.
David's motive is modified in the adaptation, upgrading him from a simple murderer, to that of a mass murderer. In the adaptation, the deaths of Gordon Cloade, Rosaleen Turner, and the entire Cloade estate that is present with them, are assumed to be the result of an apparent gas explosion, but Poirot later investigates this, and reveals in his denouement that the explosion was caused by dynamite that David had planted in the house, who sought revenge against his sister for marrying Gordon and excluding her brother as her "first love". Whereas in the novel, there is no mentioning of incest. He and his accomplice, Eileen Corrigan, who were present in the house at the time, took shelter in the basement once the explosives had been planted, and then emerged from the ruins afterwards.
Eileen's involvement is significantly changed - She is an Irish Catholic in the adaptation, who was raped and impregnated by David, and then forced into an induced abortion. This breaks her and forces her to submit to David's will under the promise of heaven if she obeys his commands, or eternal damnation in "the fires of hell" if she refuses. Unlike the novel, she is saved from dying of a morphine overdose, thanks to Dr Woodward's addiction to the drug leading him to steal some, with Poirot proving that David had set it up so that she would be an addict herself out of guilt, and try to kill herself as a result of her own guilty actions.
Kathy repeatedly harasses Eileen with anonymous phone calls, in which she calls her "whore", "slut", "bitch" and "bigamist", an event that does not occur in the novel. In addition, she becomes Adela's sister: Lionel is no longer a member of the Cloade family, despite a mistake in the adaptation's credits that refer him to be so; he is instead renamed as Lionel Woodward, and introduced as such by Kathy when she visits Poirot at the beginning of the adaptation.
After David is denounced for his crimes in the Stag Inn, he threatens to blow it all up with everyone inside it, but reveals this to be nothing more than a cruel joke as there is no dynamite inside, after being talked into sparing everyone by Lynn; the event which does not occur in the novel.
Lynn does not marry Rowley towards the end. Instead, after David is hanged, she leaves England to head for Africa, stating in a letter to Poirot that despite everything, she is still in love with him.
This story was adapted for television in the episode Le flux et le reflux [The Ebb and the Flow] in the French series Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie, the eighth episode in the first series, first airing 15 April 2011. Antoine Duléry was Superintendent Larosière, and Marius Colucci was his assistant, Lampion. The adaptation was written by Anne Giafferi and Murielle Magellan, and directed by Sylvie Simon. The plot is essentially the same, but set in a chateau in France, where the extended family of Capitaine Delarive lives. He marries late in life to a younger woman, and brings her and her brother back to France. There is a fire, he is killed. He has not revised his will after his marriage, so his widow inherits his wealth. The denouement is announced by Larosière, who gets back on the case once he overcomes his grief for his good friend Delarive. The woman put forth as his wife surviving the fire was a maid, and the man who claimed to be her brother, was not her brother, and he killed the maid. There is a suicide and an accidental death, as well.
John Moffatt played Poirot in the 2004 BBC Radio 4 adaptation of the novel.
External links
Taken at the Flood at the official Agatha Christie website
1948 British novels
Hercule Poirot novels
Fiction set in 1944
Fiction set in 1946
Dodd, Mead & Co. books
British novels adapted into television shows
British novels adapted into films
Novels set in the 1940s
Novels set in London |
2302440 | | Ping flood | A ping flood is a simple denial-of-service attack where the attacker overwhelms the victim with ICMP "echo request" (ping) packets. This is most effective by using the flood option of ping which sends ICMP packets as fast as possible without waiting for replies. Most implementations of ping require the user to be privileged in order to specify the flood option. It is most successful if the attacker has more bandwidth than the victim (for instance an attacker with a DSL line and the victim on a dial-up modem). The attacker hopes that the victim will respond with ICMP "echo reply" packets, thus consuming both outgoing bandwidth as well as incoming bandwidth. If the target system is slow enough, it is possible to consume enough of its CPU cycles for a user to notice a significant slowdown.
A ping flood can also be used as a diagnostic for network packet loss and throughput issues.
See also
INVITE of Death
Ping of death
Smurf attack, including fraggle attack
Twinge attack
External links
"TBTF for 8/4/97: A morbid taste for fiber" by Keith Dawson
Denial-of-service attacks |
2320150 | | Maharashtra floods of 2005 | The 2005 Maharashtra floods impacted many parts of the Indian state of Maharashtra including large areas of the metropolis Mumbai, a city located on the coast of the Arabian Sea, on the Western coast of India, in which approximately 1,094 people died. It occurred just one month after the June 2005 Gujarat floods. The term 26 July, is used to refer to the day when the city of Mumbai came to a standstill due to flooding.
Many people were stranded on the roads, lost their homes while many walked long distances back home from work that evening. The floods were caused by the eighth heaviest-ever recorded 24-hour rainfall figure of 944 mm (37.17 inches) which lashed the metropolis on 26 July 2005, and intermittently continued for the next day. 644mm (25.35 inches) was received within the 12-hour period between 8 am and 8 pm. Torrential rainfall continued for the next week. The highest 24-hour period in India was 1,168 mm (46.0 inches) in Aminidivi in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep on 6 May 2004 although some reports suggest that it was a new Indian record. The previous record high rainfall in a 24-hour period for Mumbai was 575 mm (22.6 inches) in 1974.
Other places severely affected were Raigad, Chiplun and Khed, Guhagar.
On 26 July 2005, around 2:00 pm, the Mumbai Metropolitan Region was struck by a severe storm and subsequent deluge. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) station in Santacruz recorded . This is the wettest day on record in Mumbai.
Local train movement came to a halt by 2:30 p.m. due to the water-logging on the tracks. This caused traffic on roads to increase dramatically with water logging and submerging of certain low-lying pockets of the region, such as Dharavi and Bandra-Kurla Complex.
Thousands of school children were stranded due to flooding and could not reach home for up to 24 hours. The following two days were declared as school and college holidays by the state government.
Threat to public health
The rain water caused the sewage system to overflow and all water lines were contaminated. The Government ordered all housing societies to add chlorine to their water tanks.
Financial effect
The financial cost of floods was unprecedented and these floods caused a stoppage of entire commercial, trading, and industrial activity for days. Preliminary indications indicate that the floods caused a direct loss of about ₹5.50 billion (€80 million or US$100 million). The financial impact of the floods were manifested in a variety of ways:
The banking transactions across the counters were adversely affected and many branches and commercial establishments were unable to function from late evening of 26 July 2005. The state government declared 27 and 28 July as public holidays. ATM networks of several banks, which included the State Bank of India, the nation's largest national bank; ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, and several foreign banks like Citibank and HSBC, stopped functioning from the afternoon of 26 July 2005 at all the centres of Mumbai. ATM transactions could not be carried out in several parts of India on 26 July or 27 July due to failure of the connectivity with their central systems located in Mumbai.
The BSE and the NSE, the premier stock exchanges of India could function only partially. Electronic trading platforms of the brokerage houses across the country remained largely inoperative. In partial trading, the Sensex, India's most tracked equity index closed at an all-time high of 7605.03 on 27 July 2005. The Exchanges, however, remained closed for the following day.
Effect on Mumbai's links to the rest of the world
For the first time ever, Mumbai's airports (Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport and Juhu Aerodrome) were shut for more than 30 hours due to heavy flooding of the runways, submerged Instrument Landing System equipment and extremely poor visibility. Over 700 flights were cancelled or delayed. The airports reopened on the morning of 28 July 2005. Within 24 hours of the airports becoming operational, there were 185 departures and 184 arrivals, including international flights. Again from early morning of 31 July, with increase in water logging of the runways and different parts of Mumbai, most of the flights were indefinitely cancelled.
Rail links were disrupted, and reports on late evening of 30 July indicated cancellation of several long distance trains till 6 August 2005.
The Mumbai-Pune Expressway, which witnessed a number of landslides, was closed the first time ever in its history, for 24 hours.
According to the Hindustan Times, an unprecedented 5 million mobile and 2.3 million MTNL landline users were hit for over four hours.
According to the .in registrar (personal communication), the .in DNS servers in Mumbai had to be reconfigured because the servers were not operational.
Transport stats
52 local trains damaged
37,000 autorickshaws spoiled
4,000 taxis damaged
900 BEST buses damaged
10,000 trucks and tempos grounded
Factors aggravating the flood of 26th July 2005 in Mumbai
Antiquated drainage system
The present storm-water drainage system in Mumbai was put in place in the early 20th century and is capable of carrying only 25.1237 millimetres of water per hour which was extremely inadequate on a day when 993 mm of rain fell in the city. The drainage system was also clogged at several places.
Only 3 'outfalls' (ways out to the sea) are equipped with floodgates whereas the remaining 102 open directly into the sea for more than 24 hours. As a result, there is no way to stop the seawater from rushing into the drainage system during high tide.
In 1990, an ambitious plan was drawn to overhaul the city's storm water drainage system which had never been reviewed in over 50 years. A project costing approximately 6 billion rupees was proposed by UK based consultants hired by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation to study the matter. Implementation of the project would have ensured that rainwater did not flood the streets of Mumbai. The project was planned to have completed by 2002 and aimed to enhance the drainage system through larger diameter storm water drains and pipes, using pumps wherever necessary and removing encroachments. The project, if implemented would have doubled the storm water carrying capacity to 50 mm per hour.
The BMC committee had rejected the proposed project on the grounds that it was "too costly". These were few of the drawbacks due to which the city suffered so gravely.
Uncontrolled, unplanned development in Northern Suburbs
Development in certain parts of Mumbai is haphazard and buildings are constructed without proper planning. The drainage plans in northern suburbs is chalked out as and when required in a particular area and not from an overall point of view.
The Environment Ministry of the Government of India was informed in the early 1990s that sanctioning the Bandra-Kurla Complex,a commercial complex in northern Mumbai was leading to disaster. No environment clearance is mandatory for large urban construction projects in northern Mumbai. Officials in the environment ministry claimed that it was not practical to impose new guidelines with retrospective effect "as there are millions of buildings".
Destruction of mangrove ecosystems
Mangrove ecosystems which exist along the Mithi River and Mahim Creek are being destroyed and replaced with construction. Hundreds of acres of swamps in Mahim creek have been reclaimed and put to use for construction by builders. These ecosystems serve as a buffer between land and sea. It is estimated that Mumbai has lost about 40% of its mangroves between 1995 and 2005, some to builders and some to encroachment (slums). Sewage and garbage dumps have also destroyed mangroves. The Bandra-Kurla complex in particular was created by replacing such swamps. Mindspace CBD (Inorbit Mall) in Goregaon & Malad has been built by destroying a large patch of mangroves in Maharashtra.
Academic research
The floods have been the subject of research by scientists and social scientists attempting to understand the causes, impacts, and short/long term consequences. Scholars have studied the floods in Mumbai from the perspectives of climate change, disaster management / mitigation, urban health, vulnerability and adaptation, hydrology, environmental degradation and encroachment etc. Kapil Gupta (2007) assesses urban flood resilience, while Andharia (2006) contrasts the "widespread acts of generosity and altruism" in Mumbai with the general social disorder that was seen in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Aromar Revi (2005) draws lessons from the floods for prioritising multi-hazard risk mitigation. Parthasarathy (2009) links social and environmental insecurities to show that the most marginalised groups were also the most affected by the floods.
Role of climate change
Climate change has played an important role in causing large-scale floods across central India, especially the Mumbai floods of 2005. During 1901–2015, there has been a three-fold rise in widespread extreme rainfall events, over the entire central belt of India from Mumbai to Bhubaneshwar, leading to a steady rise in the number of flash floods. The rising number of extreme rain events are attributed to an increase in the fluctuations of the monsoon westerly winds, due to increased warming in the Arabian Sea. This results in occasional surges of moisture transport from the Arabian Sea to the subcontinent, resulting in widespread heavy rains lasting for 2–3 days. The Mumbai 2005 floods also occurred due to moisture surge from the Arabian Sea, and the heavy rains were not confined to Mumbai but spread over a large region across central India.
In popular culture
The disaster was featured in a National Geographic documentary, titled Mumbai Mega Flood.
Tum Mile, a 2009 Indian Hindi drama film is set against the backdrop of the disaster.
See also
Disaster Management Act, 2005
BBC News
BBC Updates
Mumbai Help A blog dedicated to disseminate information on emergency services, helplines, infolines, relief/rehab organisations and their activities etc.
Cloudburst Mumbai A blog dedicated for news, links and personal stories related to this tragedy.
Anjaria, Jonathan Shapiro "Urban Calamities: A View From Mumbai", Space and Culture, Vol. 9, No. 1, 80–82, 2006
Gupta, Kapil, "Urban flood resilience planning and management and lessons for the future: a case study of Mumbai, India", Urban Water Journal, Volume 4, Issue 3, 2007
Parthasarathy, D, "Social and environmental insecurities in Mumbai: towards a sociological perspective on vulnerability", South African Review of Sociology, Volume 40, Issue 1, 2009
Revi, Aromar, "Lessons from the Deluge: Priorities for Multi-Hazard Risk Mitigation", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 40, No. 36 (3–9 Sep 2005), pp. 3911–3916
External links
Photos of the disaster from Yahoo! News
Helpline Numbers A list of Helpline Numbers
2005 natural disasters
2005 disasters in India
History of Mumbai (1947–present)
History of Maharashtra (1947–present)
Disasters in Maharashtra
Floods |
2516037 | | Floodgate | Floodgates, also called stop gates, are adjustable gates used to control water flow in flood barriers, reservoir, river, stream, or levee systems. They may be designed to set spillway crest heights in dams, to adjust flow rates in sluices and canals, or they may be designed to stop water flow entirely as part of a levee or storm surge system. Since most of these devices operate by controlling the water surface elevation being stored or routed, they are also known as crest gates. In the case of flood bypass systems, floodgates sometimes are also used to lower the water levels in a main river or canal channels by allowing more water to flow into a flood bypass or detention basin when the main river or canal is approaching a flood stage.
Valves used in floodgate applications have a variety of design requirements and are usually located at the base of dams. Often, the most important requirement (besides regulating flow) is energy dissipation. Since water is very heavy, it exits the base of a dam with the enormous force of water pushing from above. Unless this energy is dissipated, the flow can erode nearby rock and soil and damage structures.
Other design requirements include taking into account pressure head operation, the flow rate, whether the valve operates above or below water, and the regulation of precision and cost.
Fixed cone valves are designed to dissipate the energy from a water flow during reservoir discharge. They are a round pipe section with an adjustable sleeve gate and cone at the discharge end. Flow is varied by moving the sleeve away or towards its cone seat. The design allows high pressure water from the base of a dam to be released without causing erosion to the surrounding environment. Fixed cone valves are able to handle heads up to 300 m.
Hollow jet valves are a type of needle valve used for floodgate discharge. A cone and seat are inside a pipe. Water flows through an annular gap between the pipe and cone when it is moved downstream, away from the seat. Ribs support the bulb assembly and supply air for water jet stabilization.
Ring jet valves are similar to fixed cone valves, but have an integral collar that discharges water in a narrow stream. They are suitable for heads up to 50 m.
Jet flow gate, similar to a gate valve but with a conical restriction prior to the gate leaf that focuses the water into a jet. They were developed in the 1940s by the United States Bureau of Reclamation to allow fine control of discharge flow without the cavitation seen in regular gate valves. Jet flow gates are able to handle heads up to 150 m.
The force on a rectangular flood gate can be calculated by the following equation:
F = force measured in newtons (N)
p = pressure measured in pascal (Pa)
ρ is the density of fresh water (1000 kg/m3);
g is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth (9.8 m/s2 );
h is the height of the water column in metres.
A = area = rectangle: length × height measured in m2
length = the horizontal length of a rectangular floodgate measured in metres
height = the height of a non-submerged flood gate from the bottom of the water column to the water surface measured in metres
If the rectangular flood gate is submerged below the surface the same equation can be used but only the height from the water surface to the middle of the gate must be used to calculate the force on the flood gate.
See also
Flood barrier
Tidal barrage
Canal lock
Thames Barrier
Delta Works
US Army Corps of Engineers. (31 July 1995). Engineering manual 1110-2-2607, Planning and Design of Navigation Dams, Chapter 5, Overview of gate types. Retrieved 2008-04-14.
External links
DeltaWorks.Org – project in the Netherlands on floodgates
Water transport infrastructure
Flood barriers |
2560058 | | 2005 European floods | The 2005 European floods hit mainly Romania, Switzerland, Austria and Germany, as well as several other countries in Central Europe and Eastern Europe during August 2005. The disaster came at a time when Portugal was suffering from intense forest fires which left 15 dead and days before the powerful Hurricane Katrina hit the United States.
Death toll
The death toll was 62, with 31 dead in Romania, 20 in Bulgaria, 6 in Switzerland, and 5 in Austria and Germany. Thousands were evacuated from their homes; the rains were the worst flooding to hit Europe since the 2002 floods.
Affected regions
Romania was the most affected by the 2005 floods, as it was faced with the most powerful and widespread floods and also the highest loss of life, with 31 dead. Total damages are estimated to be valued at more than 5 billion lei (€1.5 billion).
In mid August, the North-East region of Romania was heavily affected, with 1,473 evacuated from their homes in Iași, Suceava and Botoșani starting from August 16. In Suceava county, 555 km of roads were affected, while nearly 600 bridges were flooded, resulting in the flooding of 520 houses, 16 of which were significantly destroyed. Several communications networks, particularly electric cables and optical fibres, were also affected.
Before it had ended, on August 22, 2005, the Ministry of Interior was reported as saying that floods and landslides affected over 500 villages in 31 districts: 200 homes completely destroyed, 2,000+ other structures affected, 11,000 households flooded, 9,000 wells flooded with rainfall and groundwater displacement, 34,000+ hectares of farmland and 2,000+ hectares of forests and grasslands destroyed, 9 kilometers of highway, 265 kilometers of county roads and 906 other roads were all severely damaged, and 25 cities lost power.
Floods were particularly acute in the central county of Harghita, where flooding hit the town of Odorheiu Secuiesc and surrounding localities in mid-to-late August. The flooding was most intense in the period from 24 to 25 August, when ten people were killed, a further five were declared missing and 1,400 households were flooded. Other counties significantly affected in late August were Mureș, Prahova and Bistrița-Năsăud. The city of Târgu Mureș, an important regional centre, was also affected by the rising of waters on the Târnava River, even though there wasn't a significant amount of damage caused to infrastructure.
In northwestern Romania, the counties of Bihor and Cluj were also affected, although on a smaller scale than Harghita. In Cluj County, over 100 houses were flooded, with the flooding centred on the town of Turda. Railway lines in the county were also closed. The localities of Popeşti, Suplacu de Barcău and Valea lui Mihai were affected in Bihor County.
Central Europe and the Alpine region
The Swiss capital of Bern was also heavily hit after the Aar burst its banks, and the town of Brienz saw 400 residents evacuated. The village of Lauterbrunnen in the Bernese Alps was completely cut off. The only exit from the town is by a very narrow gorge just wide enough to take the river, road and railway, and the river expanded to fill the entire gorge. This stranded thousands of tourists in the village, and the only way out was by helicopter or by crossing one of the high Alpine passes.
The Tyrol and Vorarlberg states of Austria saw many areas cut off by flooded roads. The lower part of the Rhine overflowed, affecting the Swiss Graubünden Canton, as well as parts of Vorarlberg. The river Danube and its tributaries overflowed in many places, flooding parts of Germany, Bavaria in particular. Several floodings and landslides were reported in Lower Austria and Styria.
The floods also meant the temporary closure of many mountain passes, amongst them the Gotthard in Switzerland, and the Arlberg in Austria. On a section of the Arlberg, the road and rail were washed away. Austrian Federal Railways have issued a statement (in German) that the rail line reconstruction will take at least a month. The main phone and data line between Vorarlberg and the rest of Austria was destroyed and had to be replaced by a radio communication.
With rain and flood waters subsiding on August 27, people started to return to their homes, rail and road routes reopened and the cleanup began.
The town of Jaša Tomić in Serbia was devastated by floods. Poland, where seven bridges collapsed, and Slovenia were also affected by flooding in August.
Other countries
Bulgaria and Moldova were also affected, though to a lesser extent. In Bulgaria, three months of rain and flooding killed 20 people and left 14,000 homeless. The country was hit by further floods in August (normally a very dry month), though these did not cause such widespread damage, but caused damage to the year's crops, causing an increase in the price of fruit and vegetables. Moldova was also hit by torrential rains in August.
24 August 2005. "Floods cause havoc across Europe" at BBC News. Accessed 28 August 2005.
25 August 2005. "European Flood Deaths Rise To 42" at CBS news. Accessed 28 August 2005.
25 August 2005. "Ultimele inundaţii au ucis încă zece oameni, iar alţi cinci au fost daţi dispăruţi" at Gardianul . Accessed 31 August 2005.
26 August 2005. "Europe counts cost of flood chaos" at BBC News. Accessed 28 August 2005.
27 August 2005. "Flood risk across Europe subsides" at BBC News. Accessed 28 August 2005.
External links
Romanian Railways map of closed lines due to flooding (Romanian)
Austrian Federal Railways information about restrictions/deviations incurred by the flooding (German)
Swiss Federal Railways info page about the floods (also German)
2000s floods in Europe
2005 floods
August 2005 events in Europe
Floods in Bulgaria
Floods in Romania
Natural disasters in Switzerland
Natural disasters in Austria
Floods in Germany
Natural disasters in Moldova |
2563591 | | Flood insurance | Flood insurance is the specific insurance coverage issued against property loss from flooding. To determine risk factors for specific properties, insurers will often refer to topographical maps that denote lowlands, floodplains and other areas that are susceptible to flooding.
In the United States
Nationwide, only 20 percent of American homes at risk for floods are covered by flood insurance. Most private insurers do not insure against the peril of flood due to the prevalence of adverse selection, which is the purchase of insurance by persons most affected by the specific peril of flood. In traditional insurance, insurers use the economic law of large numbers to charge a relatively small fee to large numbers of people in order to pay the claims of the small numbers of claimants who have suffered a loss.
Some insurers provide privately written primary flood insurance for high-value residential properties, and for low-value and high value buildings, including through The Natural Catastrophe Insurance Program. However, claimants far outnumber the availability of flood insurance, since most private insurers view the probability of generating a profit from related premium payments to be remote.
In certain flood-prone areas, the federal government requires flood insurance to secure mortgage loans backed by federal agencies such as the FHA and VA. However, the program has never worked as insurance, because of adverse selection. It has never priced people out of living in very risky areas by charging an appropriate premium, instead, too few places are included in the must-insure category, and premiums are artificially low." The lack of flood insurance can be detrimental to many homeowners who may discover only after the damage has been done that their standard insurance policies do not cover flooding.
Flooding is defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres of normally dry land area or two or more properties (at least one of which is your property) from: Overflow of inland waters, unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source, and mudflows. This can be brought on by landslides, hurricanes, earthquakes, or other natural disasters that influence flooding, but while a homeowner may, for example, have earthquake coverage, that coverage may not cover floods as a result of earthquakes.
Very few insurers in the US provide private market flood insurance coverage due to the hazard of flood typically being confined to a few areas. As a result, it is an unacceptable risk due to the inability to spread the risk to a wide enough population in order to absorb the potential catastrophic nature of the hazard. In response to this, the federal government created the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in 1968.
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) found that 33 percent of U.S. heads of household still hold the false belief that flood damage is covered by a standard homeowners policy. FEMA states that approximately 50% of low flood zone risk borrowers think they are ineligible and cannot buy flood insurance. Anyone residing in a community participating in the NFIP can buy flood insurance, even renters. However, unless one lives in a designated floodplain and is required under the terms of a mortgage to purchase flood insurance, flood insurance does not go into effect until 30 days after the policy is first purchased.
Individuals who are eligible and who have mortgages on their homes are required by law to purchase a separate flood insurance policy through a private primary flood insurance company or through an insurance company that acts as a distributor for the NFIP. Flood insurance may be available for residents of approximately 19,000 communities nationwide through the NFIP. Flood insurance may be available through private primary flood insurance carriers in any of the 19,000 communities participating in the NFIP as well as other communities that are not participating in the NFIP. In March 2016, TypTap Insurance became the first private market, admitted carrier in the state of Florida to offer non NFIP flood coverage to policyholders.
After 2017 Hurricane Harvey, estimates of houses covered by flood insurance in the Texas resulting in over $30bn in property losses with only 40% of homes covered by flood insurance.
In the United Kingdom
Usually, the British insurers require from clients living in Flood Risk Areas to flood-proof their homes or face much higher premiums and excesses (American English: deductible).
In Canada
Historically, due to the rarity of flooding in Canada, it was the only Group of Eight member state not to offer some form of flood insurance. Partly in reaction to the 2013 Alberta floods, flood water protection offerings have been introduced as overland water protection or overland flood insurance.
Insurance |
2563599 | | National Flood Insurance Program | The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is a program created by the Congress of the United States in 1968 through the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (P.L. 90-448). The NFIP has two purposes: to share the risk of flood losses through flood insurance and to reduce flood damages by restricting floodplain development. The program enables property owners in participating communities to purchase insurance protection, administered by the government, against losses from flooding, and requires flood insurance for all loans or lines of credit that are secured by existing buildings, manufactured homes, or buildings under construction, that are located in the Special Flood Hazard Area in a community that participates in the NFIP. U.S. Congress limits the availability of National Flood Insurance to communities that adopt adequate land use and control measures with effective enforcement provisions to reduce flood damages by restricting development in areas exposed to flooding.
The NFIP is managed and administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) through the Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA). The program is designed to provide an insurance alternative to disaster assistance to meet the escalating costs of repairing damage to buildings and their contents caused by floods. As of August 2017, the program insured about 5 million homes (down from about 5.5 million homes in April 2010), the majority of which are in Texas and Florida. The cost of the insurance program was fully covered by its premiums until the end of 2004, but it has had to steadily borrow funds since, primarily due to Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy, accumulating $25 billion of debt by August 2017. In October 2017, Congress cancelled $16 billion of NFIP debt, making it possible for the program to pay claims. The NFIP owes $20.525 billion to the U.S. as of December 2020.
Floodplain definition
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) defines the floodplain as the area that would be flooded by a base flood, which is "the flood which has a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year". In this sense, a base flood is synonymous with a 100-year flood and a floodplain is synonymous with a special flood hazard area. This base flood "is used in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to indicate the minimum level of flooding to be used by a community in its floodplain management regulations." FEMA explains regulatory floodplains in some places including hills as "critical determinations are made by evaluating your community’s rainfall and river flow data, topography, wind velocity, tidal surge, flood control measures, building development (existing and planned) and community maps."
Scientists and engineers use statistical analysis of streamflow data to determine the likelihood of flood elevations. Theoretically a 100-year flood has a 1 percent chance (1/100 = 0.01 or 1 percent) of occurring in any given year and a 500-year flood has as a 0.2 percent chance (1/500 = 0.002 or 0.2 percent) of occurring in any given year. However, these expected flood elevations actually occur more or less often than expected.
44 CFR § 9.4 defines parts of the floodplain as follows:
Floodway means that portion of the floodplain which is effective in carrying flow, within which this carrying capacity must be preserved and where the flood hazard is generally highest, i.e., where water depths and velocities are the greatest. It is that area which provides for the discharge of the base flood so the cumulative increase in water surface elevation is no more than one foot.
Flood Fringe means that portion of the floodplain outside of the floodway (often referred to as “floodway fringe”).
Participation in the NFIP is based on an agreement between local communities and the federal government that states that if a community will adopt and enforce a floodplain management ordinance to reduce future flood risks to new construction in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA), the federal government will make flood insurance available within the community as a financial protection against flood losses. The SFHAs and other risk premium zones applicable to each participating community are depicted on Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). The Mitigation Division within FEMA manages the NFIP and oversees the floodplain management and mapping components of the Program.
The intent was to reduce future flood damage through community floodplain management ordinances and provide protection for property owners against potential losses through an insurance mechanism that requires a premium to be paid for the protection. In 2003, the GAO found that repetitive-loss properties cost the program about $200 million annually. Congress originally intended that operating expenses and flood insurance claims be paid for through the premiums collected for flood insurance policies. NFIP borrows from the U.S. Treasury for times when losses are heavy, and these loans are paid back with interest.
Between 1978 and 2014, the U.S. federal government paid more than $51 billion in claims under the National Flood Insurance Program.
From 2006, the NFIP has been directed by its Senior Executive, David Maurstad. A former Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska, he also serves as the Deputy Associate Administrator for FEMA's Federal Insurance and Mitigation (FIMA) division.
The program was first amended by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, which made the purchase of flood insurance mandatory for the protection of property within SFHAs. In 1982, the Act was amended by the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA). The CBRA enacted a set of maps depicting the John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) in which federal flood insurance is unavailable for new or significantly improved structures. The National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994 codified the Community Rating System (an incentive program that encourages communities to exceed the minimal federal requirements for development within floodplains) within the NFIP. The program was further amended by the Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004, with the goal of reducing "losses to properties for which repetitive flood insurance claim payments have been made."
The Biggert–Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 (Biggert-Waters) modified the NFIP. At the conclusion of 2011, as Congress passed Biggert-Waters, the NFIP cumulative debt was over $17 billion. A core principle of Biggert-Waters was to change the NFIP premiums to match actuarial risk-based premiums that better reflected the expected losses and real risk of flooding. These changes included removing discounts to many policies which were being sold below actual actuarial risk targets and eliminating "grandfathering" of older rates.
In March 2014, President Obama signed the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2013. The bill changed the process used to alter subsidized premiums and reinstated grandfathering of lower rates; effectively delaying the increases in flood insurance premiums to obtain risk-based premiums under Biggert-Waters and spreading the cost of the lost premiums over all of the remaining policy holders.
The National Flood Insurance Program was $24 billion in debt at the beginning of 2014 as a result of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Sandy. The passage of the HFIAA described above has concerned insurance and environmental observers that the delay in implementation of actuarial rates will leave taxpayers exposed to additional losses.
Floodplain status determination
Letter of Map Amendment
Insufficient map topographic detail or accuracy can result in the unwarranted determination of Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). An application for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) uses an Elevation Certificate (prepared by a Registered Land Surveyor or Registered Professional Engineer) to ask FEMA to remove the flood insurance requirement on individual properties.
Online Letter of map change
FEMA's website "Change a Flood Zone Designation - Online Letter of Map Change" says homeowners and other interested parties may submit an Online Letter of Map Change (LOMC). FEMA says this can be used for property that was incorrectly included in a flood zone or if the addition of fill has elevated the property above the flood zone. Information on the property's location, legal description, and use of fill are required for FEMA to determine if the property is located in a flood zone. FEMA might request additional information.
Letter of Map Revision
For multiple properties or a larger area, an application for a Letter of Map Revision can be submitted when the landscape topography is different from that shown on the floodplain boundary and/or flood heights shown on the FIRM and the Flood Insurance Study. A Letter of Map Revision based on Fill (LOMR-F) is used when landscape topography is altered by humans, usually to increase the land elevation and remove land from the floodplain. A Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and Conditional Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (CLOMR-F) are strongly advised as a mechanism to obtain FEMA feedback on the project before site changes are made, especially in light of the increasing attention on the nexus between the NFIP and the Endangered Species Act. 44 C.F.R. § 65.6(10) says "A revision of flood plain delineations based on topographic changes must demonstrate that any topographic changes have not resulted in a floodway encroachment."
Proposed encroachments
FEMA says that justifiable encroachment within the floodplain might include “construction or modification of a bridge, culvert, levee, or similar measure”. The NFIP prohibits communities to issue variances "within any designated regulatory floodway if any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge would result". However, a community may request FEMA's prior approval for a justifiable encroachment that would increase the base flood level. This community request must include seven required submittals such as a request for conditional approval of map change, an evaluation of alternatives, a request for revision of base flood elevation determination, and a request for floodway revision. All requests for revision of base flood elevations must include supporting data with "all the information FEMA needs to review and evaluate the request. This may involve the requestor’s performing new hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and delineation of new flood plain boundaries and floodways, as necessary.” Details of the required supporting data are listed in 44 C.F.R. § 65.7.
Outdated flood maps
The U.S. Geological Survey says increased runoff resulting from urban growth generally increases flood hazards to communities and that flood hazard maps based on data before urban growth may no longer be accurate. The U.S. Geological Survey gives the example that construction encroaching into the floodplain narrows the floodplain width thereby increasing the resistance to flow. Consequently, the water is at a higher stage as it flows past the construction causing backwater to flood a larger area upstream. FEMA's computer model image at right "represents the percent chance of flooding at least one time during a 30-year period for a given cell, or location, within the mapped floodplain".
Updating flood maps
NFIP regulation "Requirement to submit new technical data" says "A community’s base flood elevations may increase or decrease resulting from physical changes affecting flooding conditions. As soon as practicable, but not later than six months after the date such information becomes available, a community shall notify the Administrator of the changes by submitting technical or scientific data in accordance with this part. Such a submission is necessary so that upon confirmation of those physical changes affecting flooding conditions, risk premium rates and flood plain management requirements will be based upon current data." FEMA requires "Copies of the input and output data from the original and revised hydraulic analyses shall be submitted" with the hydraulic analysis supporting revisions to flood maps. A 2015 FEMA website identifies that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) computer program has been adopted for the preparation of studies and restudies for the NFIP.
Land use restrictions in floodplains
The U.S. Congress finds annual flood losses are increasing at an alarming rate and forms of Federal assistance are often determining factors in the utilization of land and the location and construction of public and of private industrial, commercial, and residential facilities The purpose for such Federal assistance is frustrated where Federal assistance is exposed to flood risks. A U.S. District Court finds that FEMA determinations of which properties are within the regulatory floodplain affects the location of development:
U.S. Codes
The U.S. Code (USC) codification of the Public Law where Congress established the NFIP in the section "Congressional findings and declaration of purpose" includes:
National Flood Insurance is limited to communities that adopted adequate land use and control measures with effective enforcement provisions consistent with these purposes. The USC section "Additional Congressional findings and declaration of purpose" says "property acquired or constructed with grants or other Federal assistance may be exposed to risk of loss through floods, thus frustrating the purpose for which such assistance was extended". This USC further says "The purpose of this Act, therefore, is to ... require States or local communities, as a condition of future Federal financial assistance, to participate in the flood insurance program and to adopt adequate flood plan ordinances with effective enforcement provisions consistent with Federal standards to reduce or avoid future flood losses". The specific prohibition is in the USC section "Prohibition against Federal approval of financial assistance" that says "No Federal officer or agency shall approve any financial assistance for acquisition or construction purposes on and after July 1, 1975, for use in any area that has been identified by the Administrator as an area having special flood hazards unless the community in which such area is situated is then participating in the national flood insurance program."
Code of Federal Regulations
FEMA created a regulation that identifies the minimum flood plain management criteria for communities including the following:
utilize base flood elevation and floodway data
require permits for all development in Zone A
determine whether proposed developments will be reasonably safe from flooding
determine that all necessary permits have been received from Federal and State government agencies, including section 404 permits of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972
require within flood-prone areas that new and replacement water supply systems to be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems
require within flood-prone areas that new and replacement sanitary sewage systems to be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and to minimize or eliminate discharges from the systems into flood waters
require within flood-prone areas that onsite waste disposal systems to be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding
notify adjacent communities prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse
determine that the flood carrying capacity within the altered or relocated portion of any watercourse is maintained
require that manufactured homes must be elevated and anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement
The Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) "Suspension of community eligibility" says communities that do not adequately enforce flood plain management regulations meeting the minimum requirements shall be placed on probation.Failure to correct the violation will result in the community losing eligibility for the NFIP.
Optional stricter standards
The NFIP encourages communities to adopt floodplain management standards more restrictive than the NFIP minimum standards. Communities must consider the additional measures specified in 44 C.F.R. § 60.22. Some states and communities enforce a more protective "Regulatory Floodway" by limiting the cumulative increase in water surface elevation to a half-foot or tenth of a foot instead of the NFIP minimum standard increase of one-foot.
This 44 C.F.R. § 60.22 says community flood plain management regulations should permit only development in flood-prone areas that is appropriate with the probability of flood damage. Flooding can damage underground storage tanks (USTs) resulting in leaks of petroleum that contaminate soil, surface water, and groundwater. USTs may even float out of the ground during floods.
This 44 C.F.R. § 60.22 says community flood plain management regulations should prohibit public utilities to be installed in flood prone areas unless it is essential to be located there. Leakage from on-site sewage systems cause contamination problems during floods. Sanitary sewer overflows and combined sewer overflows also release sewage contaminates into flood water. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency advises "Avoid contact with flood water due to potentially elevated levels of contamination associated with raw sewage and other hazardous or toxic substances that may be in the flood water."
This 44 C.F.R. § 60.22 says community flood plain management regulations should divert development to areas safe from flooding to prevent environmentally incompatible flood plain uses. Ruptures of crude oil pipelines result in crude oil contamination of floodplains. Oil spills create numerous environmental harms. Releases of gasoline, oil, or natural gas during floods also create fire hazards.
This 44 C.F.R. § 60.22 says community flood plain management regulations should provide access requirements so that people do not become isolated by flood water. The Illinois Supreme Court found:
Safety guidance for propane tanks in floods says propane tanks in floodplains need to be secured to prevent them from floating off during flooding. Propane tanks floating in floods break the connecting piping releasing the gas. Leaking propane tanks create fire hazards during floods.
A court finds that local governments might have immunity for negligent emergency response activities because in an emergency there may not be time to determine the best course of action. However, there may not be grounds for immunity for pre-emergency actions where negligence results in flooding.
In 2004 the Association of State Floodplain Managers stated "Most local governments have simply assumed that the federal floodplain management approaches embody a satisfactory standard of care, perhaps not realizing that they actually induce additional flooding and damage." In 2000, the Association of State Floodplain Managers recommended a “no adverse impact” goal to prevent one property owner from adversely impacting the properties of others.
Related floodplain regulations by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) identifies themselves as the Federal government's largest water resources development and management agency. USACE says they provide information, technical services, planning guidance, and planning assistance to guide the development of floodplains. USACE says their regulatory program after 1968 evolved to balance the national concerns for both the protection and utilization of important resources by public interest review. The 33 C.F.R. 320.4(l)(2) states:
FEMA shall consult with Federal, State, and local agencies
U.S. Congress requires FEMA to consult with other departments and agencies of the Federal Government, and with interstate, State, and local agencies responsible for flood control in order to make certain that those agencies' programs are consistent with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). For example, a U.S. District Court ordered FEMA to consult with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) on FEMA's mapping regulations and FEMA's revisions of flood maps to determine whether they jeopardize the continued existence of the Puget Sound chinook salmon.:
Prior to the program, property losses resulting from flood damage were largely the responsibility of individual property owners, although some losses were sometimes mitigated through provisions for disaster relief aid. Today, owners of property in flood plains frequently receive disaster aid and payment for insured losses, which in many ways negates the original intent of the NFIP. Consequently, these policy decisions have escalated losses stemming from floods in recent years, both in terms of property and life.
Moreover, certain provisions within the NFIP increase the likelihood that flood-prone properties will be occupied by the people least likely to be in a position to recover from flood disasters, which further increases demand for aid. This is an example of adverse selection. Some factors contributing to increased demand for aid are:
Flood insurance for properties in flood prone areas is mandatory only to secure loans, which makes it somewhat more likely that flood prone properties will be owned by seniors who have paid off their mortgages, or investors who have acquired the property for rental income.
Flood insurance only covers losses for the owner of the property, and claims are subject to caps, which further increases the likelihood that the property will be occupied by renters rather than the property owner.
Flood prone properties are more likely to be offered for rent because of the owners' increased risks and/or costs associated with occupying the property themselves.
Flood prone properties are more likely to be offered for rent at a discount, which attracts lower income groups, seniors, and infirm groups.
According to critics of the program, the government's subsidized insurance plan "encouraged building, and rebuilding, in vulnerable coastal areas and floodplains." Stephen Ellis, of the group Taxpayers for Common Sense, points to "properties that flooded 17 or 18 times that were still covered under the federal insurance program" without premiums going up. Critics say this program is underperforming because it is starved for funding compared to disaster response and recovery, and the process of applying for a buyout is unreasonably slow.
Another criticism is that FEMA doesn't administer all policies, instead outsourcing many policies to private insurance companies. When a disaster occurs, FEMA makes payments to those private insurance companies to offset their costs. However, there is little oversight and few rules as to how the money should be distributed. As a consequence, private insurers have been known to use FEMA payments to hire attorneys that fight policyholders in court. One law firm is estimated to have received from FEMA payments to fight Hurricane Sandy claims.
Flood risk management and climate change
President Barack Obama, on January 30, 2015, issued Executive Order 13690 requiring Flood Risk Management to anticipate flooding increases over time due to the effects of climate change.
During the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, just prior to the signing of the Paris Agreement, on December 9, 2015, Reforming the National Flood Insurance Program was presented to members of Congress by Marsh & McLennan CEO Peter Zaffino, urging policymakers to enact reforms.
A peer review study found climate change since 1900 may have increased the probability of extreme precipitation events like the August 2016 flooding in south Louisiana.
President Donald Trump, on August 15, 2017, issued Executive Order 13807 Section 6 of which revokes President Obama's Executive Order 13690.
In January 2021, a petition was filed by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Association of State Floodplain Managers requesting updates informed by climate change to the NFIP. In October 2021, FEMA issued a public request for information to upgrade the NFIP.
External links
Federal law authorizing NFIP
Experts: Flood terms mislead public MSNBC
Financial services companies established in 1968
United States Department of Homeland Security
Insurance in the United States
Insurance law
Flood control acts in the United States |
2570472 | | Flood (The Young Ones) | "Flood" is the sixth episode of British sitcom The Young Ones. It was written by Ben Elton, Rik Mayall and Lise Mayer, and directed by Paul Jackson. It was first aired on BBC2 on 14 December 1982 and was the final episode of the first series.
With none of the quartet noticing a medieval execution in their back garden, there is initial tranquility in the house, with Neil randomly hitting himself in the face with a frying pan, and Vyvyan reading one of Rick's "SS Death Camp Battalion go to Monte Cassino for the Massacre" war comics, leading to an argument with Rick over the comic's content. Before Neil prepares to go on a shopping trip for "everything except Green Globules and Super Mousse", Vyvyan mentions that he had concocted a 'homicidal axe-wielding maniac' potion disguised in a Coca-Cola can, that transforms the drinker into said person, under the guise of a "cure for not being a homicidal axe-wielding maniac", to which Vyvyan mentions the enormous potential market for such an invention.
Torrential rain soon traps everyone in the house and a game of hide and seek gets underway to pass the time. The house takes on a Narnia-esque feel, with a lion tamer in Mike's bedroom and Vyvyan finding a witch in a sleigh lurking in a new world at the back of the wardrobe where he was hiding. But all that - plus the sharks at the window and the arson attack on Rick's bedroom caused by Vyvyan - becomes irrelevant as Mr. Balowski arrives, unwittingly drinks Vyvyan's potion, and goes on the hunt. As Mike, Rick and Vyvyan prepare to kill Neil for food with an electric hedge trimmer, Mr. Balowski breaks down the door to Neil's room with an axe, leading to the group trying to escape him. After tricking Mr. Balowski into entering Mike's room, which was being rented out to Bobby the Lion Tamer and his man-eating lions, (Bobby coincidentally was Robert Raven from Gerry Cottles Circus), the group notice the floodwaters are subsiding. The episode ends by showing Vyvyan's hamster, SPG, floating on a discarded McEwan's Export can on the floodwaters, showing he had survived Vyvyan's angry outburst which led to him throwing him outside.
As with all episodes of The Young Ones, the main four characters were student housemates Mike (Christopher Ryan); Vyvyan (Adrian Edmondson); Rick (Rik Mayall) and Neil (Nigel Planer). The episode also features their landlord Jerzei Balowski (Alexei Sayle), a character who was appearing for the second time during the first series, and would appear once more in total.
This episode was the only one of the dozen made not to feature a band performing mid-show; the lion-tamer provided the "cabaret" instead.
External links
The Young Ones episodes
1982 British television episodes
Television episodes about floods
Television shows written by Ben Elton |
2620149 | | Flood Control Act | In the United States, there are multiple laws known as the Flood Control Act (FCA). Typically, they are enacted to control irrigation because of floods or other natural disasters and are administered by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. These laws were enacted beginning in 1917, with the most recent one being passed in 1965.
There were several major floods between 1849 and 1936 that moved Congress to pass legislation. The first significant federal flood control law was the Swamp Land Act of 1850. A flood on the Mississippi River in 1874 led to the creation of the Mississippi River Commission in 1879. Booming steamboat traffic on the Missouri River and a flood in 1881 led to the creation of the Missouri River Commission in 1884, but it was abolished by the River and Harbor Act of 1902. Floods on the Mississippi, Ohio, and other rivers in the Northeast led to the Flood Control Act of 1917, which was the first act aimed exclusively at controlling floods. The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 led to substantial flood control funding. And a series of floods in 1935 and 1936 across the nation were critical in the passage of the Flood Control Act of 1936.
List of Flood Control Acts
Flood Control Act of 1917
Flood Control Act of 1928, passed in the wake of the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. FCA 1928 had three important effects. It increased public awareness of advances in flood control theory and practice. It put flood control on par with other major projects of its time with the largest public works appropriation ever authorized. And, FCA 1928 increased debate on local contributions to a new level.
Flood Control Act of 1936. FCA 1936 was part of the profusion of important Depression Era legislation enacted by the 74th Congress in 1935–1936, including the Social Security Act, the National Labor Relations Act, the Banking Act of 1935, the Wealth Tax Act, the Public Utility Holding Company Act, the Rural Electrification Act, the Soil Conservation Service Act, and the $4.8 billion Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935.
Flood Control Act of 1937
Flood Control Act of 1938
Flood Control Act of 1939. FCA 1939 was instrumental in establishing the Federal policy of Cost-benefit analysis, the standard by which the government determines whether or not a project provides sufficient benefits to justify the cost of expending public funds. It specified the standard that "the benefits to whomever they accrue [be] in excess of the estimated costs.
Flood Control Act of 1941
Flood Control Act of 1944, also known as the Pick–Sloan Flood Control Act of 1944. The Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota tribes lost . The Three Affiliated Tribes, specifically, lost in their Fort Berthold Reservation due to the building of the Garrison Dam. This project caused more than 1,500 American Indians to relocate from the river bottoms of the Missouri river due to the flooding.
Flood Control Act of 1946
Flood Control Act of 1948. FCA 1948 gave the Chief of Engineers the power to authorize minor flood control projects without having to get Congressional approval. It also authorized several larger flood control projects and amended the budget set forth in the Flood Control Act of 1946.
Flood Control Act of 1950. The Act was prompted in part by floods that swept through the Columbia River watershed in 1948, destroying Vanport, then the second largest city in Oregon, and impacting cities as far north as Trail, British Columbia. By that time, local communities had become wary of federal hydroelectric projects, and sought local control of new developments; a public utility district in Grant County, Washington, ultimately began construction of the dam at Priest Rapids.
Flood Control Act of 1965. Prior to 1965, the state of Louisiana designed and built its flood protection through its levee boards. After Hurricane Betsy, Congress gave control of the flood protection to the US Army Corps of Engineers in the Act which called for a flood protection system to protect south Louisiana from the worst storms characteristic of the region. When Katrina struck in 2005, the project was between 60–90% complete and the projected date of completion was estimated to be 2015. The initial scope of the project was to provide hurricane protection to areas around the lake in the parishes of Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard, and St. Charles with the federal government paying 70 percent of the costs and the state and local interests paying 30 percent, the typical cost-share arrangement.
See also
Rivers and Harbors Act
Water Resources Development Act
Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act of 1954
References |
2643938 | | Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004 | The Bunning-Bereuter-Blumenauer Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004 () reformed the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and the terms of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968. It was designed to "reduce losses to properties for which repetitive flood insurance claim payments have been made." The Act's main sponsors were Sen. Jim Bunning, Rep. Doug Bereuter, and Rep. Earl Blumenauer.
The Act's preamble included the following Congressional findings that quantify the motivation for the new law:
the NFIP insures approximately 4,400,000 policyholders;
about 48,000 properties in the program have experienced, within a ten-year period, two or more flood losses where each loss is more than $1,000;
about 10,000 repetitive-loss properties have experienced two or three losses that cumulatively exceed building value;
these repetitive-loss properties cost the taxpayer about $200 million annually;
about 1% of insured properties account for 25-30% of claims losses;
the vast majority of repetitive-loss properties were built before the 1974 implementation of floodplain management standards created under the original program and thus are eligible for subsidized flood insurance.
When introduced in the House on January 8, 2003, the bill was called the Two Floods and You Are Out of the Taxpayers' Pocket Act of 2003.
External links
Senate and House Summary, from a Library of Congress website
Blumenauer's January 2003 news release about the bill
2004 in the environment
Flood control acts in the United States
Insurance legislation
United States federal environmental legislation
Acts of the 108th United States Congress
United States federal legislation articles without infoboxes
Flood insurance |
2649158 | | Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project | The Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (Southeast Louisiana Project, or SELA) is a flood control project by the US Army Corps of Engineers to protect the New Orleans district from flooding due to potential storms, hurricanes, or water surges. It was established in 1996.
Most of New Orleans lies below sea level, and relies on levees to protect the city against flooding from Lake Pontchartrain to the north and flooding from the Mississippi River to the south. In May 1995, record flooding events resulted in seven deaths and $1 billion in damage. As a result, Congress authorized SELA to improve flood control and rainfall drainage systems in Jefferson, Orleans, and St. Tammany Parishes. The authorization was contained in Section 108 of the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1996 and Section 533 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1996.
The project includes improvements to channels, canals, pump stations, and drainage lines, as well as the addition of a new pump station in Orleans Parish.
, seven contracts in Orleans Parish were complete, two were underway, and one had yet to be awarded. Other contracts were scheduled for award but limited by insufficient funding.
See also
Drainage in New Orleans
External links
Army Corps of Engineers page on the project
Flood control in the New Orleans metropolitan area
Flood control projects
Water in Louisiana
New Orleans
1996 establishments in Louisiana |
2660053 | | 1887 Yellow River flood | The 1887 Yellow River flood in Qing China began in September 1887 and killed at least 930,000 people. It was the single deadliest flood in China, making it one of the largest disasters in China by death toll.
For centuries, the farmers living near the Yellow River in China had built dikes to contain the rivers, which over time flowed higher because, not allowed to flood, they had to deposit their silt on the riverbed. In 1887, this rising river, swollen by days of heavy rain, overcame the dikes on around 28 September, causing a massive flood. Since there is no international unit to measure a flood's strength it is usually classified by the extent of the damage done, depth of the water, and the number of casualties.
The waters of the Yellow River are generally thought to have broken through the dikes in Huayuankou, near the city of Zhengzhou in Henan province. Owing to the low-lying plains near the area, the flood spread very quickly throughout Northern China, covering an estimated , swamping agricultural settlements and commercial centers. After the flood, two million were left homeless. The resulting pandemic and lack of basic essentials claimed as many lives as those lost directly to the flood. It was one of the worst floods in history, though the later 1931 Yangtze-Huai River flood may have killed as many as four million.
The highest estimated death toll is 2,000,000.
See also
List of disasters in China by death toll
List of floods in China
List of natural disasters by death toll
External links
Dealing with the Deluge, Flood! (Nova Online)
Yellow River floods
Yellow River Flood, 1887
History of Zhengzhou
Disasters in Henan |
2674350 | | 1878 flood in Miskolc | The Hungarian city of Miskolc lies on the drainage area of the river Sajó and the stream Szinva. Both the river and the stream played an important part in the development of the city, but during great rains they also meant danger. There were floods in 1691, 1788, 1813, 1845 and 1853, but the largest, which had the most victims and is still remembered as the "Great Flood", was the one which destroyed the city in 1878. Of all the floods in 19th century Hungary, this one killed the most people.
On August 30, 1878, large storms coming from the Transdanubian region arrived in Northern Hungary – first in Eger, next in Óhuta, Diósgyőr and Miskolc, and then in Tállya, Golop and Mád. The rainfall swelled the streams Szinva and Pece, and destroyed the largest part of Downtown Miskolc. The water swept away bridges, mills and houses, carrying a large amount of debris. The water level rose by half a meter per minute, making it impossible for many people to escape. In some parts of the city the water was 4–5 meters deep.
The flood destroyed 2000 buildings and killed almost 300 people (or 400 if people in neighbouring areas are also included in the count). In the small village of Óhuta, 73 houses were destroyed.
After the flood the citizens of Miskolc had to rebuild the city with almost no help. In previous and following years, the cities of Pest (1838) and Szeged (1879) were rebuilt in countrywide collaboration, with the help of generous donations. However, in the case of Miskolc, the fact that other, then more important, cities were threatened by flood diverted the nation's attention, even though the flood in Miskolc killed more victims than the floods in Szeged and Pest combined.
19th-century floods in Europe
1870s floods
1878 natural disasters
1878 in Hungary
1878 disasters in Europe
19th-century disasters in Hungary |
2696472 | | Saint Marcellus's flood | Saint Marcellus's flood or (Low Saxon: ; , 'Great Drowning of Men') was an intense extratropical cyclone, coinciding with a new moon, which swept across the British Isles, the Netherlands, northern Germany, and Denmark (including Schleswig/Southern Jutland) around 16 January 1362, causing at least 25,000 deaths. The storm tide is also called the "Second St. Marcellus flood" because it peaked on 16 January, the feast day of St. Marcellus. A previous "First St. Marcellus flood" drowned 36,000 people along the coasts of West Friesland and Groningen on 16 January 1219.
An immense storm tide from the North Sea swept far inland from England and the Netherlands to Denmark and the German coast, breaking up islands, making parts of the mainland into islands, and wiping out entire towns and districts. These included Rungholt, said to have been located on the island of Strand in North Frisia, Ravenser Odd in East Yorkshire, and the harbour of Dunwich in Suffolk.
This storm tide, along with others of like size in the 13th century and 14th century, played a part in the formation of the Zuiderzee, and was characteristic of the unsettled and changeable weather in northern Europe at the beginning of the Little Ice Age.
See also
Floods in the Netherlands
Storm tides of the North Sea
Floods in the Netherlands
Floods in Germany
Floods in England
Natural disasters in Denmark
European windstorms
1362 in England
14th century in the Netherlands
14th-century meteorology
Storm tides of the North Sea
14th-century floods
1362 in Europe
1360s in Denmark
1360s in the Holy Roman Empire
Medieval weather events |
2731280 | | Sarah Flood-Beaubrun | Sarah Flood-Beaubrun (born 8 January 1969) is a Saint Lucian lawyer and politician. Beaubrun is the former representative for the constituency of Castries Central in the House of Assembly. Beaubrun lost her seat in the 2021 Saint Lucian General Election dubbed a landslide victory for the Saint Lucia Labour Party.
Flood-Beaubrun who is a mother of two was educated at the Castries Comprehensive Secondary School and Sir Arthur Lewis Community College in St. Lucia and subsequently at the University of Hull where she obtained a Bachelor of Laws (LLB-Hons). She did post-graduate Law at the University of Westminster, leading to a degree of Utter Barrister, and was called to the Bar of England and Wales (1995) and the Bar of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (1995).
Political career
She was elected as a Member of Parliament in 1997 to represent the Castries Central constituency, beating the then sitting Prime Minister, and was subsequently re-elected in 2001. The election of Flood-Beaubrun and Menissa Rambally in 1997 and 2001, according to Cynthia Barrow-Giles, "transformed the St Lucia lower House of parliament from a virtual 'all boys camp' to a more gender integrated elected parliament". Flood-Beaubrun served as Minister of Health, Human Services, Family Affairs and Gender Relations in the SLP administration during the first term and during the second term as Minister of Home Affairs and Gender Relations.
Flood-Beaubrun again contested and won the Castries Central seat on the United Workers Party ticket in the 2016 general election. She was elected Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly on 12 July 2016. Beaubrun would go on to lose her seat in the 2021 Saint Lucian General Election.
In her various capacities as a Minister from 1997 to 2004, Flood-Beaubrun oversaw the construction of the first new correctional institution in St. Lucia for over 100 years, the complete upgrading and revamping to international standards of the main intake area of the islands primary medical institution, the establishment of the 1st women’s support center for abused women, the creation of the 1st Mother to Child HIV prevention of transmission program in St. Lucia, plus other programs. Under her focus and leadership she brought a completely new concentration on the appallingly ignored issue of mental health treatment and incarceration of the mentally challenged in St. Lucia. This focus and spotlighting subsequently led to the establishment of a new mental health institution in St. Lucia.
Following the general election in December 2006, Flood-Beaubrun was historically selected as St. Lucia's first female Speaker of the House of Assembly effective 9 January 2007.
Other Office
Flood-Beaubrun in September 2008 was subsequently appointed Deputy Permanent Representative for St. Lucia at the United Nations in New York and was succeeded in the role of Speaker of the House of Assembly by another woman, Rosemary Husbands-Mathurin.
Flood-Beaubrun has established a strong reputation in St. Lucia, the Caribbean and internationally as a persuasive defender of human rights and dignity. She has spoken in various Caribbean forum on these issues and their relation to good governance in the region.
Living people
1969 births
Speakers of the House of Assembly of Saint Lucia
Alumni of the University of Hull
Alumni of the University of Westminster
Government ministers of Saint Lucia
Interior ministers of Saint Lucia
Health ministers of Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia Labour Party politicians
20th-century Saint Lucian lawyers
Saint Lucian women lawyers
United Workers Party (Saint Lucia) politicians
Women government ministers of Saint Lucia
Female interior ministers
20th-century Saint Lucian women politicians
21st-century Saint Lucian women politicians
21st-century Saint Lucian politicians
20th-century women lawyers |
2733160 | | Willo Flood | William Robert Flood (born 10 April 1985) is an Irish former professional footballer who played as a midfielder. He earned 15 caps for his country at under-20 and under-21 levels. He represented eight clubs in England and Scotland including Manchester City, Cardiff City, Dundee United, Celtic, Middlesbrough and Aberdeen.
Early life
Flood was born in Dublin and grew up on a housing estate in the Ballyfermot area of the city. Flood started off his early career with Cherry Orchard before joining Manchester City. At the age of 14, Flood dislocated his patella playing in the All-Ireland Final. He described it as "very sore". Cherry Orchard won the final and Flood received a winners' medal, which was his only one until winning the Scottish League Cup in 2014 with Aberdeen. While at Cherry Orchard, Flood was mentored by Barry Pointon, who had known Flood since he was 15. Flood's Performances for Cherry Orchard attracted interest from Celtic, Manchester United and Arsenal, but he joined Manchester City.
Club career
Manchester City
When he joined Manchester City and signed a professional contract, Flood had injuries sorted by the club's medical team and quote: "If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be playing football"'.
After breaking through into the first team in 2002, he was sent out on loan spells to Rochdale and then Coventry City. Flood made his debut in the qualifying round of the 2003–04 UEFA Cup, in a 7–0 aggregate win over Total Network Solutions. His first career goal came in September 2004 when he scored Manchester City's third goal in a 7–1 win against Barnsley in the Football League Cup. Later in the 2003–04 season, Flood joined Rochdale on a month's loan.
He scored his first career league goal for Manchester City in November 2004 in a 1–1 draw at home to Norwich City. Manager Kevin Keegan was impressed with Flood's display following his performance. Following this performance, Flood signed a contract with Manchester City, up until 2007.
In the 2005–06 season, Flood joined Championship side Coventry City on a month's loan which was later extended into a second month. Flood scored his second career league goal in September 2005, in a 3–1 win at home to Watford.
Cardiff City
Flood joined Cardiff City for a fee of £200,000, paid in separate instalments, in 2006 and made 25 appearances for the Bluebirds. He scored just once for Cardiff, a memorable winning goal at Elland Road in August 2006. However, after struggling to settle at Ninian Park, he joined Dundee United on a season-long loan for the 2007/08 season as Cardiff manager Dave Jones wished to see how Flood would perform over a long season of first-team football.
Dundee United (loans)
Flood's debut resulted in a red card before half time on the opening day of the season, after collecting two cautions, and his second match, for the reserves, resulted in the same outcome. On this occasion, Flood was "bizarrely sent off...for taking a quick free kick when the referee was apparently not ready."
On 15 December 2007, he scored his first goal for Dundee United against St Mirren in a 3–0 win, a goal which later earned him the SPL Goal of the Season award. In follow-up interviews the next day, Flood said he would be disappointed to leave United at the end of the season, admitting he would be "gutted because I have loved it here."
Despite returning to Cardiff at the end of the season, a second season-long loan was agreed in July 2008. In the semi finals of the Scottish League Cup against Celtic, which finished 0–0 and went to a penalty shoot-out, Flood missed the eleventh penalty knocking Dundee United out of the competition. Four years on, Flood admitted that the penalty left him with bitter memories when he compared the penalty miss to Manchester United's match in the League Cup against Sunderland. When his move to Celtic came to light, Manager Craig Levein urged Flood to stay at Dundee United, rather than joining Celtic.
Flood joined Celtic on 30 January 2009, signing a two-and-a-half-year contract for an undisclosed fee, for the team he supported as a boy. Upon joining the club, Flood's move to Celtic was not well received by Celtic's supporters, with some of them believing he was "not good enough for Parkhead".
He made his debut for Celtic against Rangers on 15 February 2009 at Celtic Park, playing for just over an hour before being substituted. Flood commented that making his debut was a "big shock" for him.
By the 2009–10 season, with Celtic under the management of Tony Mowbray, Flood found himself out of the first team and expressed unhappiness over this. At one point, Dundee United considered signing him, but the move did not materialise. Despite not being a first choice player, Flood made his Champions League debut when the club played against Arsenal in the Champions League Qualifying Round, coming on as substitute for Shaun Maloney in the 61st minute. The match ended with Arsenal winning 5–1 on aggregate.
In December 2009, Flood admitted he "regretted" joining Celtic, describing it as "a mistake".
After leaving Celtic, Flood stated he didn't consider himself as a Celtic player, citing his frustrating spells there. Despite this, he stated that Neil Lennon helped him keep his focus when he faced difficulties and for keeping him sane.
On 13 January 2010, it was announced that Flood had officially left Celtic for Middlesbrough, along with his teammates Barry Robson and Chris Killen.
He made his debut for the club, in a 1–0 loss against Sheffield United and then scored his first Boro goal in his second game against Swansea City on 23 January 2010, a cross which turned into a 35-yard shot into the top corner. After making eleven appearances, Flood sustained a knee injury in the second half of a match against Cardiff City. Initially there was no suggestion of major knee injury, but in fact Flood was out for the rest of the season.
Ahead of the 2010–11 season, Flood recovered from the knee injury and joined the club's pre-season. While in pre-season, Flood aimed to force his way back into the first team at Middlesbrough. However, he was ruled out early in the 2010–11 season after suffering a serious injury in Middlesbrough's opening league game against Ipswich Town. Flood was taken off before half time after a collision with teammate Matthew Bates with manager Strachan expressing sympathy for Flood. After six months out, Flood made his return to the first team training.
Flood made his first appearance from injury when he played 60 minutes for the club's reserve Team against Leeds United reserves. Following the match, Flood was praised by Tony Mowbray on his return. Two months later, on 16 April 2011, Flood made his first appearance since being injured when he came on as a substitute for Andy Halliday as Middlesbrough drew 1–1 with Barnsley.
On 10 May, it was announced that Flood would be released along with Maximilian Haas and Andrew Davies.
Dundee United (third spell)
In May 2011, Flood returned to Dundee United, where he signed a two-year contract with the club. Craig Conway, leaving Dundee United, was reported to say this was a "good piece of business" and the fans will enjoy his arrival. Upon joining Dundee United, Flood said: "Without a doubt I played my best football here at United. That was the best time of my career." He was previously linked with a move to Hearts.
Flood made his second debut for the club when he played 90 minutes against Śląsk Wrocław, in a Europa League Second qualifying round game that Dundee United lost 1–0. However, Dundee United were eliminated from the Europa League through away goals, despite winning 3–2 in the return game. Flood made his second debut in the league in the opening game of the season, in a 1–1 draw against Kilmarnock. In the Scottish League Cup quarter final against Falkirk, Flood missed the third penalty in the penalty shoot-out, resulting in Dundee United's Elimination from the tournament. After the match, Flood had to make an apology to Manager Peter Houston via text. In a 3–1 loss against Rangers on 5 November 2011, Gregg Wylde received a red card after kicking Flood.
His first goal after his return was a "superb, low 30-yard drive found the far corner of the Hearts net", in a 2–2 draw against Hearts on 28 April 2012.
In the 2012–13 season, Flood scored in the Europa League qualifying third round tie, against Dynamo Moscow, which finished in a draw, 2–2. Despite making a start in the return leg, Dundee United were heavily beaten, losing 5–0 (agg. 7–2). Despite being eliminated from the Europa League, Flood set up two goals, as Dundee United won 3–0 against their derby rival, Dundee on 17 August 2012. Flood added further goals Dundee on 7 December 2012 and against Hearts on 9 February 2013.
At the end of the 2012–13 season, Flood stated his desire extend his contract and to stay at the club, and he expected 'something can get sorted', while new Manager Jackie McNamara, who replaced Peter Houston, said he was keen for Flood to stay at the club.
During his second two-year spell at Dundee United, he made 69 appearances and scoring three times.
On 31 May 2013, it was announced that Flood had signed a pre-contract with Aberdeen. Manager Derek McInnes was keen to sign Flood and described him as an "ideal" signing.
Flood scored his first goal for Aberdeen in the opening game of the season, as Aberdeen beat Kilmarnock 2–1. After the match, McInnes said about Flood, "[The performance of] Willo Flood was exactly why I brought him here. He'll be the catalyst for anything we do. He's energetic, passionate and dictates the tempo of the game, with and without the ball."'' After making four appearances, Flood sustained a hamstring injury while chasing a ball, as Aberdeen beat Alloa Athletic 6–5 in penalty shoot-out in the second round of Scottish League Cup. After a scan, which showed that Flood had torn his muscle, it was announced that Flood would be out for six weeks. However, after four weeks out, Flood made his return, in a 1–0 loss against Ross County. After making his return, Flood said that being on the sidelines is "frustrating". Flood suffered a further hamstring injury, which he sustained in a 3–1 loss against Hearts on 9 November 2013 and it was announced that Flood would be out for a further six weeks. Flood made his return for the club, on 7 December 2013, where he came on as a substitute for Jonny Hayes, as Aberdeen beat St Johnstone 2–0.
On 10 January 2014, in the 87th minute he scored a 22-yard winning goal in a 1–0 home win against Hibernian a goal that was later voted SPFL Goal of the Month for January. After helping Aberdeen reach the Scottish League Cup and Scottish Cup quarter-finals, Manager McInnes praised Flood performance, citing "consistency of performance, he brings an attitude to the team and he brings a real mentality to the whole club." Flood was in the squad for the Scottish League Cup final against Inverness Caledonian Thistle, playing the entire match, which finished 0–0 after extra–time, with Aberdeen winning 4–2 on penalties. Flood scored again on 2 April 2014, as Aberdeen drew 1–1 with Hearts. Flood's first season at Aberdeen ended positively, with the Club winning their first Scottish League Cup in nineteen years, and finishing third place in the league, with Flood making 40 appearances and scoring three times in all competitions.
Flood's second season saw him play 90 minutes in all the club's six matches in the Europa League. He continued to be in the first team and provided an assist for Peter Pawlett, in a 3–0 win over Ross County on 20 September 2014. Flood, however, again injured his hamstring and had to be substituted during the match against Celtic resulting in him being sidelined for two months. He made his return coming on as a substitute for David Goodwillie, in the 86th minute of a 2–0 win over Motherwell on 4 January 2015.
On 14 July 2016 his contract was terminated.
Dundee United (fourth spell)
Flood returned to Dundee United in July 2016 for his fourth spell with the club, initially signing a one-year deal. After twice failing to win promotion back to the Scottish Premiership, Flood was one of a number of players released by the club in May 2018.
Dunfermline Athletic and Bali United
Following his departure from Dundee United, Flood signed a one-year contract with fellow Scottish Championship club Dunfermline Athletic on 18 June 2018. Flood left Dunfermline just over a week after signing with the club, as he had received an offer from Indonesian club Bali United. He was officially announced as a Bali player on 6 July 2018. However, three days later, it was reported that eligibility rules on foreign players had meant that the deal could not be completed.
Flood announced his retirement from football aged 34, with the aim of pursuing a career as a football agent, in August 2019.
International career
Having represented the Republic of Ireland under-20 squad the previous year, Flood was called up for the under-21 squad in 2004. His good performances resulted in Republic of Ireland U21 team manager Don Givens suggesting he could be the next captain.
Flood's performance at Aberdeen caught the eye of Roy Keane, earning him a call-up to the Republic of Ireland Senior squad.
Career statistics
Personal life
Flood has a brother, Shane, and grew up in a family of Celtic supporters.
In December 2005, Flood's home in Wythenshawe was the subject of a burglary in which Flood himself was threatened and taunted at knifepoint for over 20 minutes by a 29-year-old man. The ordeal left Flood with recurring nightmares, resulting in him needing counselling and being unable to live alone.
Scottish League Cup: 2013–14
Dundee United
Scottish Challenge Cup: 2016–17
Scottish Premier League Goal of the Season: 2007–08
External links
1985 births
Living people
Association footballers from Dublin (city)
Republic of Ireland men's association footballers
Republic of Ireland men's youth international footballers
Republic of Ireland men's under-21 international footballers
Men's association football midfielders
Manchester City F.C. players
Rochdale A.F.C. players
Coventry City F.C. players
Cardiff City F.C. players
Celtic F.C. players
Middlesbrough F.C. players
Dundee United F.C. players
Aberdeen F.C. players
Dunfermline Athletic F.C. players
Premier League players
English Football League players
Scottish Premier League players
Scottish Professional Football League players
Republic of Ireland expatriate men's association footballers
Expatriate men's footballers in England
Expatriate men's footballers in Wales
Expatriate men's footballers in Scotland
Cherry Orchard F.C. players |
2754535 | | 1974 Brisbane flood | In January 1974 a flood occurred in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia after three weeks of continual rain. The Brisbane River, which runs through the heart of the city, broke its banks and flooded the surrounding areas. The cyclone that produced the flood also flooded surrounding cities: Ipswich, Beenleigh, and the Gold Coast.
In total, there were 16 fatalities, 300 people injured, 8,000 homes destroyed and an estimated A$980 million in damages.
Flood waters
It had been an exceptionally wet spring, and by the end of October most of southern Queensland's river systems were nearing capacity. Cyclone Wanda pushed the systems to the limit, and drew the monsoonal trough southward, providing the additional rainfall to the Brisbane River, Bremer River and Stanley River catchments to produce widespread and severe flooding. In the early morning of 25 January heavy rain began to fall on Brisbane. During a 36-hour period 642 mm of rain fell on the city. These torrential rains were caused by Wanda, a relatively weak tropical cyclone which did not even rate as a category 1 cyclone.
Continual, heavy rain had fallen for three weeks, leading up to the flood, which occurred on Sunday, 27 January 1974, during the Australia Day weekend. The floods peaked at according to the Port Office gauge at high tide at 2:15 am on 29 January. The peak flooding in the location of the city gauge was approximately .
Large areas were inundated, with at least 6,700 homes flooded. Around 13,000 buildings were affected by flooding in some way. Buildings in the Brisbane central business district were particularly hard hit.
The 67,320 tonne Robert Miller broke its moorings at Kangaroo Point and became adrift in the river. Because the ship was 237 metres long and the river was about 255 metres wide, it was feared that the ship could form a dam across the river. This would have caused the river to rise by a further 3 metres, leading even greater flooding in the suburbs. Two tugboats were needed to control the 15 m high and 239 m long oil tanker. The Robert Miller was the largest ship ever built in Australia at the time.
A gravel barge became caught under the Centenary Bridge where it damaged the pylons, causing fear that the bridge would be swept away. The barge was sunk to reduce the risk.
The most flood-affected suburb of Brisbane was Rocklea.
Close to Ipswich, 1,800 premises were affected by flooding.
The Nerang River flooded, cutting the Gold Coast off from Brisbane. About 2,000 people were evacuated from homes along the river and the canals; most of these homes suffered flood damage.
The total damage in Brisbane and the surrounding areas was initially estimated at , but the final value was over (1974 values), with made in insurance claims. While not as high as the floods in the 1800s this flood is considered to have been worse due to Brisbane's rapidly increasing population at the time.
Many houses were also damaged by land subsidence and land slippage associated with the flooding and high rainfall.
Sixteen people lost their lives, including twelve people who were drowned in Brisbane and Ipswich.
The first flood related deaths were at 11:20pm on 24 January. Raymond Roy Davidson (29 years, from Wacol) and Hazel Dulcie Afflick (40 years) were killed in a head-on collision at Wacol, both drivers being blinded by gale-force winds and heavy rain.
An army amphibious LARC vehicle was carrying out excavation work at Bellbowrie when the vehicle hit submerged power lines which were still live. Two men, Corporal Neville Hourigan and Captain Ian Kerr of the Australian Army Reserve (then called the Citizens Military Force) were thrown from the vehicle. Bill Lickiss jumped into the water to save them and another CMF soldier, Corporal Ray Ruddy, swam from his undamaged vessel to take control of LARC 05. Hourigan died at the scene and Kerr's body was found after the flood had subsided. Lickiss and Ruddy were both awarded the Queen's Gallantry Medal.
A young child, Shane David Patterson (of Yeronga) was swept from his father's arms on a causeway over Oxley Creek in Inala and drowned.
In addition to those that drowned, Robert Adams (aged 56 years) died of a heart attack during an evacuation of a caravan park at Newmarket. Aidan Sutton, a civilian working with the Queensland Police, aged 50 years, returned home to St Lucia for his reading glasses and was swept away in the flood waters, his body found in a tree.
Flood mitigation
As a result of the flood, planning for the Wivenhoe Dam included flood mitigation as well as its original water supply purpose.
The flood was a defining event for a generation of Brisbane residents. In 2009 as part of the Q150 celebrations, the 1974 Brisbane flood was announced as one of the Q150 Icons of Queensland for its role as a "Defining Moment".
The renewed awareness of the flood hazard in this rapidly growing region gave the state an opportunity to significantly re-think flood management and mitigation practices. This opportunity was missed, and the introduction of the Local Government (Planning and Environment) Act 1990 largely upheld conventional planning and development. The dependence on dams was confirmed; a flood plan policy was not introduced until the 21st century. Only 36 years later, the region suffered another disaster of similar magnitude during the 2010–11 Queensland floods.
See also
Corinda landslip
List of disasters in Australia by death toll
External links
The "Big Wet", Bureau of Meteorology
Known Floods in the Brisbane and Bremer River Basin, Bureau of Meteorology
Flood map of Brisbane & suburbs / drawn and published at the Survey Office, Department of Lands, Brisbane, Feb. 1974 (Link via National Library of Australia)
Local Government (Planning and Environment) Act 1990
Gary Golding 1974 Brisbane Flood Video - State Library of Queensland
1974 Flood Recordings Oral History January 1974, State Library of Queensland
API-84 1974 Flood Photograph Album: Digitised images - State Library of Queensland
Washed Away, 1974 Brisbane Flood Oral History 1974 - State Library of Queensland
Ann Shevill's St Lucia Flood Photographs: Digitised images - State Library of Queensland
Eric Gaehler Collection 1974, State Library of Queensland
Brisbane River floods
Disasters in Brisbane
History of Brisbane
Brisbane flood
1974 disasters in Australia
1970s in Brisbane
20th-century floods in Oceania
1970s floods
1974 natural disasters
Weather events in Australia |
2760093 | | Burchardi flood | The Burchardi flood (also known as the second Grote Mandrenke) was a storm tide that struck the North Sea coast of North Frisia, Dithmarschen (in modern-day Germany) and southwest Jutland (in modern-day Denmark) on the night between 11 and 12 October 1634. Overrunning dikes, it shattered the coastline and caused thousands of deaths (8,000 to 15,000 people drowned) and catastrophic material damage. Much of the island of Strand washed away, forming the islands Nordstrand, Pellworm and several halligen.
The Burchardi flood hit Schleswig-Holstein during a period of economic weakness. In 1603 a plague epidemic spread across the land, killing many. The flooding occurred during the Thirty Years' War, which also did not spare Schleswig-Holstein. Fighting had occurred between locals and the troops of Frederick III, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, especially on Strand Island. The people of Strand were resisting changes to their old defence treaties and the forced accommodation of troops. Supported by a Danish expeditionary fleet, they succeeded in repulsing first an imperial army and later the duke's men, but were eventually defeated in 1629. The island and subsequently also the means of coastal protection suffered from the strife.
The Burchardi flood was merely the last in a series of floods that hit the coastline of Schleswig-Holstein in that period. In 1625, great ice-floats had already caused major damage to the dikes. Several storm floods are reported by the chronicles during the years prior to 1634; the fact that the dikes did not hold even during summer provides evidence for their insufficient maintenance.
Course of events
While the weather had been calm for weeks prior to the flood, a strong storm occurred from the east on the evening of 11 October 1634 which turned southwest during the evening and developed into a European windstorm from the northwest. The most comprehensive report is preserved from Dutch hydraulic engineer Jan Leeghwater who was tasked with land reclamation in a part of the Dagebüll bay. He writes:
Leeghwater and his son fled over the dike towards a manor which was situated on higher terrain while the water had almost reached the top of the dike. At the time there were 38 persons in that manor, 20 of whom were refugees from lower lands. He continues:
The witness Peter Sax from Koldenbüttel described the scenario as follows:
In combination with half a spring tide, the wind was pushing the water against the coastline with such a force that the first dike broke in the Stintebüll parish on Strand island at 10 p.m. About two hours past midnight the water had reached its peak level. Contemporary reports write of a water level on the mainland of ca. above mean high tide, which is only slightly below the all-time highest flood level that was recorded at Husum during the 1976 flood with above mean high tide.
The water rose so high that not only were the dikes destroyed but also houses in the shallow marshlands and even those on artificial dwelling hills were flooded. Some houses collapsed while others were set on fire due to unattended fireplaces.
Direct consequences
In this night the dikes broke at several hundred locations along the North Sea coastline of Schleswig-Holstein and southwestern Jutland. Estimations of fatalities range from 8,000 to 15,000. 8,000 local victims are counted by contemporary sources and from comparisons of parish registers. The actual number is might be much higher, though, because according to Anton Heimreich's Nordfriesische Chronik "many alien threshers and working people had been in the land whose number could just not be accounted for with certainty."
On Strand alone at least 6,123 people (or 2/3 of the entire population of the island) and 50,000 livestock lost their lives due to 44 dike breaches. The water destroyed 1,300 houses and 30 mills. All 21 churches on Strand were heavily damaged, 17 of which were completely destroyed. Almost the entire new harvest was lost. And the island of Strand was torn apart, forming the smaller islands Nordstrand and Pellworm and the halligen Südfall and Nordstrandischmoor. The Nübbel and Nieland halligen were submerged in the sea.
On the Eiderstedt peninsula, 2,107 people and 12,802 livestock drowned and 664 houses were destroyed by the flood according to Heimreich's chronicle. Heimreich counts 383 dead in Dithmarschen. 168 people died, 1,360 livestock were lost, and 102 houses "drifted away" died in Busen parish (today's Büsum) and the areas along the mouth of the river Eider. Numerous people were killed in the coastal marshlands and victims were recorded even in settlements in the back-country like Bargum, Breklum, Almdorf or Bohmstedt. Even in Hamburg dikes broke in the Hammerbrook and Wilhelmsburg quarters. In Lower-Saxony, the dike of Hove broke at a length of 900 m.
The ambitious project by the Dukes of Gottorp to shut off the bay of Dagebüll, today's Bökingharde, with one single, large dike, which had been progressing after ten years of hard work, was now finally destroyed by the flood. Fagebüll and Fahretoft (which were still halligen back then) suffered great losses of land and lives. The church of Ockholm was destroyed and the sea dike had to be relocated landwards.
In southwestern Jutland, the Danish town of Ribe (a historically very important location and the main and largest town in that region) was entirely flooded and all dikes were penetrated. The Ribe Cathedral, which is located at a high point in the town that is above normal sea level, was flooded by of water. Although southwestern Jutland has experienced several severe floods, this is the highest ever recorded (also exceeding the historical Saint Marcellus's flood and the modern Cyclone Anatol flood) and today it is marked as the top point on a flood pillar in Ribe. Markings after the flood can also still be seen on the cathedral's walls. Limited data is available on the number of fatalities, but in Nørre Farup parish (just north of Ribe) about half the population drowned and there were records of people drowning as far as inland as Seem, normally located from the sea.
Long-term effects
The Burchardi flood had especially severe consequences for Strand island where large parts of the land were lying below sea level. For weeks and months after the flood the water did not run off. Due to tidal currents the size of the dike breaches increased and several dike lines were eventually completely washed into the sea. This meant that a lot of arable land which had still been worked on directly after the flood had to be abandoned in later times because it could not be kept against the intruding sea. Saline sea water frequently submerged the fields of Strand so that they could no longer be used for agriculture.
M. Löbedanz, the preacher of Gaikebüll, describes the situation on Nordstrand after the flood:
In cultural terms, the Old Nordstrand variety of the North Frisian language was lost. The number of victims who spoke the idiom was too high and moreover many islanders moved their homes to the mainland or the higher hallig Nordstrandischmoor – against the order of Duke Frederick III.
By 1637 dikes on Pellworm were restored for 1,800 hectares of land. On Nordstrand however, the remaining farmers lived on dwelling hills like the hallig people and were hardly able to cultivate their fields. Despite several orders by the Duke, they failed in restoring the dikes. According to the Nordstrand dike law, those who could not secure land against the sea with dikes forfeit it. Finally the Duke enforced the Frisian law of De nich will dieken, de mutt wieken (Low German:"Who does not want to build a dike, shall lose ground"), expropriated the locals and attracted foreign settlers with a charter that promised land and considerable privileges to investors in dikes, like the sovereignty of policing and justice. One such investor was the Dutch entrepreneur Quirinus Indervelden who managed to create the first new polder in 1654 with Dutch money and expert workers from Brabant. Other polders followed in 1657 and 1663. This Dutch settlement is still present today in form of an Old Catholic churchhouse. The Old Catholic Dutchmen had been allowed to practise their religion in Lutheran Denmark and to erect their own church. Until 1870 the preacher there used to hold the sermon in Dutch.
In the course of further land reclamation, both islands Pellworm and Nordstrand today have a total area of ca. 9,000 hectares which is one third of old Strand island. Between the islands, the Norderhever tidal channel was formed which has gained up to 30 m of depth during the last 370 years. It has frequently been a threat to the geological foundations of Pellworm.
Contemporary reaction
The people of the time could only imagine such a flood as a divine punishment from God. The evangelical enthusiast and poet Anna Ovena Hoyer interpreted the Burchardi Flood as the beginning of the apocalypse.
Works cited
General references
External links
Changing coastline of Nordfriesland (Page in German). Shows maps of the coastline as changed during the last 1000 years
Cor Snabel's "Flood of the Nordstrand Island, 1634" A rich resource including the eyewitness account of the hydraulic engineer Jan Leeghwater.
Floods in Germany
1634 natural disasters
1634 in Europe
1634 in the Holy Roman Empire
17th-century meteorology
European windstorms
Storm tides of the North Sea
17th-century floods |
2794009 | | The Land of the Mountain and the Flood | The Land of the Mountain and the Flood is a concert overture for orchestra, composed by Hamish MacCunn in 1887 and first performed at the Crystal Palace on 5 November of that year. The title is taken from Scott's The Lay of the Last Minstrel, canto vi, stanza 2:
O Caledonia! stern and wild,
Meet nurse for a poetic child!
Land of the heath and shaggy wood,
Land of the mountain and the flood,
Land of my sires! what mortal hand
Can e'er untie the filial band
That knits me to thy rugged strand!
After the premiere The Musical Times commented, "The work – which is spirited and bold in conception and brilliantly scored – was finely played and enthusiastically received". After an 1890 performance at the Crystal Palace, Bernard Shaw wrote of the piece:
In 1968, the overture came to renewed attention when EMI included it on an LP "Music of the Four Countries" (ASD 2400), played by the Scottish National Orchestra conducted by Alexander Gibson. It gained wider familiarity by being used from 1973 to 1976 as the theme for the BBC television series Sutherland's Law.
Concert overtures
Compositions by Hamish MacCunn
1887 compositions |
2828594 | | Great Flood of 1951 | In mid-July 1951, heavy rains led to a great rise of water in the Kansas River, Missouri River, and other surrounding areas of the Central United States. Flooding occurred in the Kansas, Neosho, Marais Des Cygnes, and Verdigris river basins. The damage in June and July 1951 across eastern Kansas and Missouri exceeded (equivalent to $ in ). The flooding killed 17 people and displaced 518,000.
The 1951 flood in Kansas began in May with the flood of the Big Creek, (a tributary of the Smoky Hill River) in Hays after of rain in two hours. The creek overflowed, flooding Hays (the location of Fort Hays State University) to a depth of in most locations inhabited by the students on campus, necessitating a midnight evacuation of the barracks by families on the G.I. Bill and dorms to the Stadium's third floor, which was still dry. Dr. Charles F. Wiest, Professor of Philosophy and Religion, and his seven-year-old daughter perished when their home caved in under the weight of the water while he was attempting to save prized texts in his basement. All records at the college were ruined and no graduation was held on the appointed date of May 23. Graduates were mailed their diplomas one month later.
At the time, there were no warning sirens in Hays. Two police officers drove the low riding streets with their sirens blaring, shouting to evacuate. They are credited with saving many lives.
The flooding continued into June 1951 with heavy rains. The flooding reached its zenith when between 8 and fell on the region between July 9 and July 13. The flood levels reached their highest point since the Great Flood of 1844 and Flood of 1903. July 13 experienced the single highest levels of flood, leading to the greatest destruction by flood in the Midwest as of then.
The specific flood-levels are not accurately known for the Kansas River, as the water crested above all official flood gauges. However, between Manhattan and Bonner Springs flood levels were between and above all previous records. The Marais Des Cygnes River, Verdigris River, and Neosho River crested more than above previous records.
The heaviest initial damage by the flood crest was to Manhattan and Fort Riley. Barracks at the Fort were destroyed, and in Manhattan the downtown business district was deluged under of water and two people were killed. Then, Topeka and Lawrence were damaged by the same crest. Approximately 24,000 people were evacuated from Topeka.
In the Kansas City Metropolitan Area, the flood began running over the top of the levees protecting the Argentine and Armourdale areas, resulting in the evacuation of 15,000 people. Water reached the rooftops of houses in Armourdale. The flood devastated the Kansas City Stockyards in the West Bottoms at the confluence of the Kansas and Missouri Rivers. The Stockyards never fully recovered. The flood destroyed the TWA overhaul base at Fairfax Airport in Kansas City, Kansas prompting the city of Kansas City, Missouri, to relocate TWA to a new airport in Platte County, Missouri that later became Kansas City International Airport.
On July 13, a total of in Kansas and in Missouri were flooded.
The crest continued downstream passing through Boonville, Missouri on July 17, Jefferson City, Missouri on July 18, Hermann, Missouri on July 19, and St. Charles, Missouri on July 20, resulting in further flooding.
On July 17, President Harry Truman toured the damage by airplane, as far west as Manhattan, and declared the disaster "one of the worst this country has ever suffered from water".
Flood levels
Here are the measured river crest levels.
Kansas River
Marais Des Cygnes River
Neosho River
Following this flood, a series of levees and reservoirs were constructed throughout eastern Kansas. This new network of flood control structures helped to prevent widespread damage when the region was hit by the Great Flood of 1993.
Prior to the flood, five federal flood control dams were operating in the Kansas River basin: Bonny Dam in Colorado, Enders Dam and Medicine Creek Dam in Nebraska, and Cedar Bluff Dam and Kanopolis Dam in Kansas.
Several others had been planned by the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation, both authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1944.
Since then, many dams have been constructed with a total of eighteen dams controlling the flow of the Kansas River, such as Webster Dam and Kirwin Dam on tributaries of the Solomon River in Kansas. Many other reservoirs and levees were built in other nearby basins, which were also built as part of the response to this flood. This includes the Osage River basin above the Lake of the Ozarks.
North Lawrence has a building shaped like a teepee, with a mark on the side indicating the water height of around the building.
In 2011, the painting Flood Disaster by Thomas Hart Benton was sold for $1.9 million in an auction at Sotheby's in New York City. Benton had made the painting at the time of the flood and sent lithographs to every member of Congress to support a flood appropriations bill.
Comparison to other big floods
Channeling and levee construction have altered how the floods have hit various areas along the Missouri River. Here is a comparison of the three big floods since the early 19th century.
The Great Flood of 1844 was the biggest flood of the three in terms of rate of discharge at Westport Landing in Kansas City. It is estimated that was discharged in the flood. On July 16, 1844, the crest was almost one foot lower than the 1993 flood.
The Great Flood of 1951 was the second biggest in rate of discharge at . The 1951 crest on July 14, 1951, was almost lower than the 1844 flood and lower than 1993. However, the flood was the most devastating of all modern floods for Kansas City because its levee system was not built to withstand it. It destroyed the city's stockyards and forced the building of an airport away from the Missouri River bottoms.
In the Missouri River Flood of 1952 in the following year, flooding just upstream on the Missouri River caused the Rosecrans Memorial Airport to be cut off from the City of St. Joseph, Missouri. This was part of a larger series of floods affecting the entire Missouri River basin.
The Great Flood of 1993 was the highest of any of the three but had the lowest rate of discharge at . Though the 1993 flood had devastating impacts elsewhere, Kansas City survived it relatively well because of levee improvements after the 1951 flood.
See also
Floods in the United States
External links
NOAA Article on the 1951 Flood
NOAA Report (PDF) on the 1951 flood with a comparison to the 1993 flood
Access documents, photographs, and other primary sources on Kansas Memory, the Kansas State Historical Society's digital portal
Article from Kansas State Board of Agriculture 1951/52 Biennial Report on the 1951 Flood
July 1951 events in the United States
Natural disasters in Kansas
Natural disasters in Missouri
Mississippi River floods
Missouri River floods
1951 meteorology
1950s floods in the United States
1950s floods
1951 natural disasters
1951 natural disasters in the United States
History of Kansas City
1951 in Missouri
1951 in Kansas |
2859749 | | Flood (video game) | Flood is a 1990 platform game developed by Bullfrog Productions. It was published for the Amiga and Atari ST by Electronic Arts. The objective is to collect all the litter and find the exit to the level.
The player controls a character named Quiffy who is the last of his race of small green creatures. He lives underground in a series of sewers and tunnels. His mission is to reach the surface by navigating all the sewers, whilst they are slowly flooding. Quiffy can walk on walls and ceilings.
Quiffy must collect all of the various pieces of litter on the level and then find the exit to complete each level. In general the litter is not particularly hidden, it is just distributed around the level. Quiffy can climb on most walls and ceilings, and swim through water. He has energy which depletes upon touching dangerous objects, but can also die instantly when touching any of the few lethal objects. Although he can swim and has the appearance of an amphibious life-form, he can only breathe above water and will start to drown if he runs out of air.
In each level, the player is followed by the ghost of Aunt Matilda, copying the player's movements and starts off about 15 seconds behind. However, she is very slightly faster and will eventually catch up. Touching the ghost will hurt Quiffy. Quiffy starts each level with no weapon, and can pick up any of five available weapons. He can only hold one of these at any time and if he picks up another one, it will swap for the current one.
Most of the levels have taps in them, which pour water in to the level. The modelling of the water was quite advanced for a home computer game of its time; the water will flow to the lowest point that it can and when multiple taps are pouring water in one place, it will fill up proportionally fast. A lot of levels feature taps in all areas so the entire level will eventually flood, leaving Quiffy with no available source of air. This aspect is how the game derives its title. There are various enemies on each level, some of which have special properties. In general the enemies move around in a specific pattern, and when killed will throw a heart up which will return health to Quiffy.
The game was reviewed in 1990 in Dragon #164 by Hartley, Patricia, and Kirk Lesser in "The Role of Computers" column. The reviewers gave the game 4 out of 5 stars.
The One for Amiga Games (Jul, 1991)
The One for ST Games (Jul, 1991)
Computer and Video Games (Aug, 1990)
ST Format (Aug, 1990)
The One (Jul, 1990)
ST Format (Jul, 1991)
Amiga Joker (Sep, 1990)
The Games Machine (Sep, 1990)
Atari ST User (Sep, 1990)
The Games Machine (Aug, 1990)
ACE (Advanced Computer Entertainment) (Sep, 1990)
Amiga Power (May, 1991)
See also
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (video game)
External links
Flood at Atari Mania
Flood at Lemon Amiga
Review in ST Format
1990 video games
Amiga games
Atari ST games
Bullfrog Productions games
Europe-exclusive video games
Video games developed in the United Kingdom |
2884778 | | Tryweryn flooding | The Tryweryn flooding or Tryweryn drowning (Welsh: Boddi Tryweryn), refers to the flooding of the rural community of Capel Celyn to the north west of Bala in Gwynedd, Wales, in the Afon Tryweryn valley. The village and other parts of the valley were flooded in 1965 to create Llyn Celyn reservoir, in order to supply Liverpool and Wirral with water for industry.
The Tryweryn flooding was opposed by 125 local authorities and 27 of 36 Welsh MPs voted against the second reading of the bill with none voting for it. At the time, Wales had no Welsh office (introduced in 1964) or any devolution.
In 1957, a private bill sponsored by Liverpool City Council was brought before Parliament to develop a water reservoir in the Tryweryn Valley. The development would include the flooding of Capel Celyn. By obtaining authority via an Act of Parliament, Liverpool City Council would not require planning consent from the relevant Welsh local authorities and would also avoid a planning inquiry at Welsh level at which arguments against the proposal could be expressed. This, together with the fact that the village was one of the last Welsh-only speaking communities in the area, ensured that the proposals became deeply controversial; 35 out of 36 Welsh Members of Parliament (MPs) opposed the bill (the other did not vote), but in 1962 it was passed. The members of the community waged an eight-year effort, ultimately unsuccessful, to prevent the destruction of their homes.
The Tryweryn flooding was opposed locally by the Capel Celyn Defense Committee led by Dafydd Roberts and Elizabeth May Watkin Jones. by 125 local authorities and 27 of 36 Welsh MPs voted against the second reading of the bill with none voting for it. At the time, Wales had no Welsh office (introduced in 1964) or any devolution.
When the valley was flooded in 1965, the village and its buildings, including the post office, the school, and a chapel with cemetery, were all lost. Twelve houses and farms were submerged, and 48 people of the 67 who lived in the valley lost their homes. In all, some 800 acres (3.2 km2; 320 ha) of land were submerged. A new reservoir, Llyn Celyn, was formed.
The water in the reservoir is used to maintain the flow of the River Dee () so that water may be abstracted downstream, and additionally to improve the quality of white-water sports on Afon Tryweryn.
A full list of the submerged properties (broadly from west to east) is as follows:
Glan Celyn + y Llythyrdy (post office)
Y Fynwent (cemetery)
Cae Fadog
Coed Mynach
Garnedd Lwyd
Y Tyrpeg (The Turnpike)
Y Capel (chapel)
Tŷ Capel (Chapel House)
Yr Ysgol (school)
Y Gelli
Penbryn Fawr
Dol Fawr
Hafod Fadog (Quaker meeting place) and Mynwent y Crynwyr (Quakers' Cemetery)
Tyddyn Bychan
Stones from the chapel (built in 1820 and rebuilt in 1892) and other buildings in the village were used in the construction of Capel Celyn Memorial Chapel, designed by the Welsh sculptor R. L. Gapper with the Liverpool City architect Ronald Bradbury, which was completed in 1967 and overlooks the reservoir at the north-west end. It is a Grade II* listed building.
Families who had relatives buried in the cemetery were given the option of moving them to another cemetery. Eight bodies were disinterred and the remainder left. All headstones were supposed to be removed, and the cemetery was to be covered in layers of gravel, then concrete, but this was not done.
When the reservoir dried due to a drought in the 1980s and early 1990s the village became visible. The whole of the walled cemetery next to where the chapel stood was completely covered in concrete. There were no gravestones left standing. The removed headstones are in a memorial garden at the memorial chapel.
Hafod Fadog
One of the farmsteads covered was Hafod Fadog, a Quaker meeting place. It is recorded on a bronze plaque in a lay-by near to the dam:Under these waters and near this stone stood Hafod Fadog, a farmstead where in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Quakers met for worship. On the hillside above the house was a space encircled by a low stone wall where larger meetings were held, and beyond the house was a small burial ground. From this valley came many of the early Quakers who emigrated to Pennsylvania, driven from their homes by persecution to seek freedom of worship in the New World.
Political effects
Almost unanimous Welsh political opposition had failed to stop approval of the scheme, a fact that seemed to underline Plaid Cymru's argument that the Welsh national community was powerless. At the subsequent general election, the party's support increased from 3.1% to 5.2%.
Of perhaps greater significance, however, was the impetus the episode gave to Welsh devolution. The Council for Wales recommended the creation of a Welsh Office and Secretary of State for Wales early in 1957, a time when the governance of Wales on a national level was so demonstrably lacking in many people's eyes. By 1964 the Wilson government gave effect to these proposals.
The flooding of Capel Celyn also sharpened debate within Plaid Cymru about the use of direct action. While the party emphasised its constitutional approach to stopping the development, it also sympathised with the actions of two party members who (of their own accord) attempted to sabotage the power supply at the site of the Tryweryn dam in 1962.
A more militant response was the formation of ("Wales Defence Movement") or MAC, which blew up a transformer on the dam construction site in February 1963. MAC went on to carry out a number of other bombings in the next six years.
In October 1965, the Llyn Celyn reservoir opened, and there was a sizeable Plaid Cymru-organised demonstration. A year later, Gwynfor Evans won Plaid Cymru's first parliamentary seat in Carmarthen. But according to some commentators, Capel Celyn did not play a major part in Gwynfor Evans's victory: in addition to Carmarthen's long distance from Tryweryn, they claim that Plaid Cymru's victory owed as much to an anti-Labour backlash in the constituency's mining communities as it did to Plaid's successful depiction of Labour's policies as a threat to the viability of small Welsh communities.
On 19 October 2005, Liverpool City Council issued a formal apology for the flooding. Some in the town of Bala welcomed the move, though others said the apology was a "useless political gesture" and came far too late.
Impact on Welsh law
The flooding is often cited in discussions around devolving powers to the Welsh Government, such as those following the Government of Wales Act 2006 and the Wales Act 2014. The 2015 United Kingdom election took place during the flooding's 50 year anniversary, and saw the UK Conservative Party campaign on the St David's Day Agreement which would give further powers to the Welsh government.
The agreement's proposals effectively meant that any Welsh laws on water could be overruled by UK ministers if they judged it would have a serious adverse effect on the water supply in England. As such, the proposals were heavily criticised in Wales; both the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru stated that a new agreement was needed to address the issues around devolved, reserved and excepted matters, especially on the emotive subject of water.
In backing the UK government's proposals, Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns directly referenced the Tryweryn flooding, stating that the UK proposals were "about righting a wrong from 50 years ago", adding that UK Government proposed settlement "sends a strong message" on how the UK and Welsh governments relate to each other.
The discussions would eventually lead the UK government losing the power to intervene in any laws relating to water (and many other areas) enacted by the Welsh Government, with supporters of the new Wales Act 2017 describing it as "preventing another Tryweryn". Alun Cairns again backed the amended act, stating that the new arrangement showed "how far we have come from the events of 52 years ago, which resulted in the flooding of the Tryweryn Valley".
Cultural references
The flooding of the village was dramatised in a joint production by Theatr Clwyd and Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru in 2007. The original title was Porth y Byddar and the revival in 2008 was titled Drowned Out.
The flooding of the village inspired a Manic Street Preachers song "Ready for Drowning" and Enya's song "" ("Under the Water") from her self-titled album of 1987. It is referenced in the Los Campesinos! song "For Flotsam" on their 2013 album No Blues. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the event, English composer Michael Stimpson released an album entitled Dylan & The Drowning of Capel Celyn, which featured a work for solo pedal harp, inspired by the flooding. Electronic musician Bibio released a song called "Capel Celyn" on his 2017 album Phantom Brickworks.
TV and film
In the 2010 British-Argentine drama film Patagonia by Welsh director Marc Evans, Capel Celyn is the place of origin of one of the film's protagonists. Scenes near the end of the film include a visit to the reservoir. The history of the villages provide inspiration for the 11th episode "" ("Saving the Whales") in Season 6 of the American animation series Archer, first broadcast in 2015. Guest-starring Matthew Rhys, a native Welshman, the episode was the result of a story told by Rhys on a night out with the show's creators (earning Rhys a writing credit). Capel Celyn and the reservoir also play a part in the 2016 Welsh film (The Passing, in English). The flooding of the valley seems to provide inspiration for the film's plot, and the movie is better understood and takes on a deeper level of poignancy when the history of the flooding is known. It is also referenced in The Crown, Season 3 Episode 6 "". A young Prince Charles stays in Wales to learn the Welsh language at University of Wales, Aberystwyth. His tutor, Edward Millward, and his wife Silvia are members of Plaid Cymru and briefly tell him about the village. Capel Celyn is also featured in the Rank film series ‘Look at Life’ in the episode ‘Running Dry’. The short film, shot in colour, includes shots of the post office, the school, the chapel and the local councillor Dave Roberts.
Reservoirs by R. S. Thomas appeared in Not That He Brought Flowers, published in 1968. It was written soon after the opening of Llyn Celyn and Llyn Clywedog.
Visual art
Capel Celyn (1997) is a floor piece made up of 5,000 cast wax nails inspired by the discovery of one rusty five inch nail which Welsh artist Tim Davies reclaimed one rainless summer from the dried up bed of the Tryweryn reservoir.
("Remember Tryweryn") is a motto referring to the drowning of Capel Celyn in 1965. It urges Welsh speakers to remember the destruction of a Welsh-speaking community and to safeguard the language. One instance of this motto is a graffito on the wall of a ruined stone cottage by the A487 at Llanrhystud, outside Aberystwyth which has come to be regarded as a "national landmark". Meic Stephens claimed to have been the first to paint the wall in the 1960s, with the slogan (sic, without the initial soft mutation and therefore grammatically incorrect). Since then, a number of people have repainted the wall, and the word has been corrected to .
In 2010, a fundraising campaign was launched to preserve the wall by Llanrhystud Community Council. £80,000 was needed, with Cadw declaring that it would contribute £30,000 to the fund.
The wall has been vandalised over on a number of occasions. In May 2008, the words were altered to "" ('forget Tryweryn'). The monument was defaced in April 2010, and a spokesperson for the Welsh Government said they were "disappointed" by the incident. Incidents of vandalism also occurred throughout the years, e.g. in 2013 and 2014. In 2017, the words ("Remember Aberfan") were added underneath the original message. This message was referring to the Aberfan disaster of 1966, when the collapse of a colliery spoil tip above the village of Aberfan led to the deaths of 144 people, 116 of them children. The original message was repainted in August 2018 but was again defaced in February 2019, when it was painted over with the name Elvis, a reference to the American rock-and-roll singer Elvis Presley. After the memorial was repainted, vandals knocked over parts of the wall. In response to the vandalism a wave of memorials were painted throughout Wales and further afield also.
The monument is featured in the music video for the Manic Street Preachers' single "Distant Colours".
See also
Epynt clearance
Mynydd Epynt
Derwent, Derbyshire (similar village 'drowned' to create a reservoir)
History of Liverpool
External links
Picture gallery
Photos of the protest at BBC Liverpool
National Library of Wales page on Tryweryn
Capel Celyn and other Welsh communities flooded to create reservoirs
Former villages in Wales
Welsh nationalism
1956 in Wales
1965 in Wales
History of Liverpool
History of Wales
Forcibly depopulated communities in Wales |
2894330 | | Northeast U.S. flooding of October 2005 | In October 2005, remnants of Tropical Storm Tammy and Subtropical Depression Twenty-Two merged with incoming continental cold fronts to produce torrential rains over interior New England, as well as over parts of New Jersey and New York. Particularly hard hit was the state of New Hampshire, which saw roads and bridges wiped out, several reported deaths, and whole buildings destroyed. Rain lingered over some areas for several weeks. Rainfall from both rain events totaled well over in some areas.
Meteorological history
In the first week of October 2005,
On October 5, Tropical Storm Tammy developed off the east coast of Florida, and moved ashore near Atlantic Beach. A larger extratropical storm in the eastern Gulf of Mexico absorbed Tammy on October 7. This low was connected to a cold front that stalled over the Mid-Atlantic states, drawing a plume of moisture from the western Caribbean Sea that brought heavy rainfall to the northeastern United States. By October 9, the frontal low was located over the Gulf of Maine, moving northeastward toward Atlantic Canada. Two days later, the remnants of a subtropical depression merged with a cold front to the east of North Carolina. This new low strengthened to gale force and meandered for two days off the eastern United States, until it was also absorbed by a larger extratropical storm on October 14. The low brought additional rainfall to the northeastern United States.
Effects by state
Rhode Island
With of rain in October 2005, T. F. Green Airport recorded its wettest month ever. During October 13–15, rainfall was heaviest in central and eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The NWS reported rainfall amounts of in central and eastern Massachusetts and in Rhode Island. A state of emergency was declared for the state, and thousands were without power. At least 100 residents were evacuated after swift rises in local rivers, and Red Cross shelters were set up throughout the state. The Pawtuxet River, at Cranston and Warwick, recorded its second-worst flood, at a stage of . The Blackstone River, at Woonsocket, also recorded its second-worst flood, at a stage of . The Woonasquatucket River in Providence and Central Falls recorded a new flood record, at . Damage in Rhode Island totaled $1.6 million (2005 USD).
Thousands of homes and businesses lost power, primarily in Bridgeport. Localized flooding was reported in certain areas of Connecticut: one death occurred when a woman was swept away at Diana's Pool on the Natchaug River, another death occurred when a man was swept away by the raging waters in a campground in Stafford Springs, and another woman fell into the churning Connecticut River. In addition, the rains softened the soil, creating mudslides that damaged a lengthy stretch of railroad tracks near Naugatuck, interrupting service. Residents in low-lying areas of Shelton, Seymour, Stratford, and Oxford were evacuated as heavy rains forced the Housatonic River out of its banks, inundating homes and businesses. It was the wettest October on record for Hartford. Damage totaled to $6 million (2005 USD).
Severe inland flooding resulted in $6.5 million in damage. In Greenfield, a trailer park was destroyed, leaving at least 70 people homeless. Officials evacuated 2,000 residents of Taunton when the failing Whittenton Pond Dam threatened to collapse and submerge the city under of water. The Massachusetts National Guard drained the reservoir behind the 173-year wooden dam using five high-volume pumps. Once the reservoir was drained, evacuees were allowed to return to their homes, and the Army Corps of Engineers removed the old structure and replaced it with an earthen dam.
New Hampshire
The state of New Hampshire was one of the hardest hit from flooding and mudslides, particularly in the southwestern part. The town of Alstead was especially hard hit, as the Cold River and its tributaries substantially overflowed due to the heavy rain and water flowing downstream, inundating the community. The city of Keene received over of rain, flooding communities near Beaver Brook and the lower Ashuelot River. More than 1,000 people were forced to evacuate their homes in the region. Seven deaths were confirmed in the state. In some areas, entire houses were washed off of their foundations. Damages totaled $15.8 million (2005 USD), primarily in Cheshire County. The storm dropped nearly of liquid precipitation, including nearly of snow on the summit of Mount Washington, as recorded by the Mount Washington Observatory. This contributed to a record-setting month on the peak with "the world's worst weather," which recorded of rain, a record for any month since 1934, and of snow, a record for the month of October.
New Jersey
Flooding was reported in several parts of northern New Jersey. Bergen and Passaic counties were hardest hit, as floodwaters covered several communities to varying degrees. In most places, flooding was the worst seen since 1999's Hurricane Floyd.
Several rivers, including the Pequannock River, Passaic River and Ramapo River, overflowed their banks. Evacuation orders were issued for parts of the towns of Bound Brook, Lodi, Oakland and Westwood during the peak of the flooding. Coastal flooding was also reported along parts of the Jersey Shore. A statewide state of emergency was declared by Governor Richard Codey.
New York
Coastal flooding was a problem on Long Island, and severe beach erosion was reported in many areas. It was the wettest October on record for Central Park.
Minor to moderate flooding occurred across the southern half of the state, in such cities as Portland, Bar Harbor, and Bangor. In Bangor, a total of of rain was measured during the month, making it the rainiest month in history.
The eastern end of the state suffered significant flooding early in the course of this storm. At in a matter of hours on October 8, it was the greatest one-day rainfall on record at Lehigh Valley International Airport.
See also
2005 Atlantic hurricane season
2006 New England flood
External links
The HPC archive for the first event.
The HPC archive for the second event.
2005 meteorology
Floods in the United States
2005 natural disasters |
2913436 | | Ship floodability | Floodability is the susceptibility of a ship's construction to flooding. It also refers to the ability to intentionally flood certain areas of the hull for damage control purposes, or to increase stability, which is particularly important in combat vessels, which often face the possibility of serious hull breach due to enemy action, and which rely on well-trained damage controlmen to equalize and then stop flooding of the hull.
Floodability is reduced by dividing the volume of the hull into watertight compartments with decks and bulkheads (which also increase the strength of ships), use of double bottom (or double hull), and by other means. If a ship's hull is divided into watertight compartments, any flooding resulting from a breach of the hull can be contained in the compartments where the flooding occurs. In most cases, the watertight compartments are fitted with a system of automatic doors, which can be triggered either remotely or locally as soon as flooding is detected (an early example of such as system was used on the RMS Titanic, which sank in spite of its watertight bulkheads). Smaller vessels and submarines generally feature watertight hatches between compartments, which are closed manually to block water from escaping the flooded compartment. As long as the flooding is localised, this can allow a ship to retain sufficient buoyancy to remain afloat, but if numerous compartments are opened to the sea, the ship can sink regardless. If a ship is fitted with longitudinal bulkheads (running fore and aft) as well as transverse bulkheads, flooding along one side of the ship can cause a serious list, which can threaten to capsize the vessel. In such cases, damage control parties can intentionally flood the corresponding compartment on the other side, equalizing the list (although this can happen in ships without longitudinal bulkheads, as well). Such techniques can work fore-and-aft as well; for example, if a flooded bow is holding the rudder and propellers out of the water.
Some types of ships, such as certain heavy lift vessels, can intentionally flood their own hulls or tanks within their hulls, to sink below the water, and then pump all of the water back out and re-float themselves with the salvaged object on deck. Similarly, submersibles and submarines also produce negative buoyancy by allowing compartments (called "ballast tanks") to flood.
The Song Dynasty Chinese author Zhu Yu wrote of Song Chinese invented watertight compartments in his book, Pingzhou Table Talks, written from AD 1111 to 1117 and published in 1119. Chinese shipbuilders made sailboats with bulkheads and watertight compartments as early as the second century AD. Bulkhead watertight compartments improved buoyancy and protected cargo. Development of watertight compartments continued during the Song dynasty in China. The watertight compartments were there to ensure that if one part of the ship was leaking, the ship itself would not sink. Song Chinese naval engineers came up with this idea by cutting up bamboo plants. In a bamboo plant, the stem is split into sections and at the end of a section there is a plug-like device that lets in water, but does not let it out. By using this as a model, they were able to make a large scale version that would protect the ship. In addition, the compartments were used as storage tanks in which fresh water could be stored for sailors on board. Compartments were also used to help control the masts and sails so they could all be used at once. The wide application of Chinese watertight compartments soon spread across East Asia and later to the Europeans through contacts with Indian and Arab merchants.
Watertight compartments were frequently implemented in East Asian ships, and had been implemented in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty maritime warships of Kublai Khan. Chinese seagoing junks often had 14 crosswalls, some of which could be flooded to increase stability or for the carriage of liquids.
Russian naval engineer and mathematician Alexei Krylov and Russian vice-admiral Stepan Makarov worked extensively on the research of ship floodability in the early 20th century.
Chinese inventions
Song dynasty
Yuan dynasty |
2913457 | | Floodability | Floodability may refer to one of the following.
Floodability (ship), a characteristic of the construction of a ship to resist flooding.
The risk of flooding of land areas or the degree of this risk. |
2954351 | | 1938 Yellow River flood | The 1938 Yellow River flood () was a man-made flood from June 1938 to January 1947 created by the Chinese National Army's intentional destruction of dikes (levees) on the Yellow River. The first wave of floods hit Zhongmu County on 13 June 1938.
The flood acted as a scorched-earth defensive line in the Second Sino-Japanese War. There were three long-term strategic intents. Firstly, the flood in Henan safeguarded the Shaanxi section of the Longhai railway, the major northwest traffic where the Soviet Union sent their military supplies to the Chinese National Army from August 1937 to March 1941. Secondly, the inundated land and railway made it difficult for the Japanese Army to mobilize into Shaanxi, thereby preventing them from entering the Sichuan basin, where the wartime capital of Chongqing and the southwestern home front was located. Thirdly, the floods in Henan and Anhui crushed the tracks and bridges of the Beijing–Wuhan Railway, Tianjin–Pukou Railway and Longhai Railway, thereby preventing the Japanese Army from mobilizing their machines and troops across the theaters of North China, Central China and Northwest China. The short term strategic intent was to stop the quick mobilization of Japanese Army from North China into the Battle of Wuhan.
The flood achieved the above strategic intent; in particular, the Japanese Operation 5 never captured Shaanxi, Sichuan or Chongqing. However, the flood came at human cost, economic damages and environmental impact: in the immediate aftermath, 30,000 to 89,000 civilians drowned in Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces, while a total of 400,000 to 500,000 civilians died from drowning, famine and plague. The Yellow River was diverted to a new course over swathes of farmland until the repair of the dykes in January 1947. Five million civilians lived on such inundated land until 1947. Inspired by the strategic outcome, dykes elsewhere in China, especially along the Yangtze, were later destroyed by the Chinese and the Japanese.
Destruction of dykes
The military history of China saw numerous man-made destruction of dykes. It was attested in 225BC, 219, 918, 923, 1128, 1232, 1234, 1642 and 1926. In 1935, Alexander von Falkenhausen was commissioned by the Chinese to write a report on the strategic planning of the upcoming Sino-Japanese War. Falkenhausen's report recommended the use of a Yellow River flood and was adopted into the annual National Defense Strategy of 1937.
Many of the officers in the Chinese National Army were familiar to the use of flood as the warlord Wu Peifu used it against them in the 1926 Northern Expedition. The suggestion of the use of flood was floated among various officers throughout May 1938. On 1 June 1938 in a military meeting, the Commander-in-chief Chiang Kai-shek sanctioned to open up the dikes (levees) on the Yellow River near Zhengzhou. After the Chinese were defeated in the Battle of Xuzhou, the Zhengzhou junction of the Beijing–Wuhan Railway was within reach by the Japanese. The goal of the operation was to stop the advancing Japanese troops by following a strategy of "using water as a substitute for soldiers" (以水代兵 yishui daibing). The Chinese National Army implemented the flood plan. The original plan was to use explosives to destroy the dike (levee) of Zhaokou, but due to difficulties at that location, the dike of Huayuankou, on the Yellow River's south bank, was destroyed on June 5 and June 7 via tunneling, with waters flooding into Henan, Anhui, and Jiangsu. The floods covered and destroyed thousands of square kilometers of farmland, and shifted the course of the Yellow River hundreds of kilometers to the south.
Attempts to seal the breach and return the river to its former course were made in 1946 by the KMT with assistance from UNRRA. Work began in March and was completed in June, but the dams were again destroyed by large summer flows. Subsequent repairs succeeded and were eventually completed in March 1947.
Effect on the war
Long term
The flood had three long-term strategic intents.
Firstly, the flood in Henan safeguarded the Shaanxi section of the Longhai railway, the major northwest traffic where the Soviet Union sent their military supplies to the Chinese National Army from August 1937 to March 1941. Once the German arms export to the Chinese National Army stopped in April 1938, the Soviet Union became the biggest arms exporter to China until the United States joined.
Secondly, the inundated land across Henan and the flooded tracks of the Beijing–Wuhan Railway made it difficult for the Japanese Army to mobilize into Shaanxi. Throughout Chinese military history, Shaanxi is always the major path to Sichuan (known as "Shudao" in historiography) and the Japanese plan to enter the Sichuan basin was no different. Securing Sichuan is important since it was where the wartime capital of Chongqing and the southwestern home front located.
Thirdly, the floods in Henan and Anhui crushed the tracks and bridges of the Beijing–Wuhan Railway, Tianjin–Pukou Railway and Longhai Railway. This prevented the Japanese Army from quick mobilizing their machines and troops across the theaters of North China, Central China and Northwest China.
The flood achieved the above strategic intent along with casualties and damages. Believing that the civilians would help them, the Chinese Communists turned the flooded area into a recruiting ground, directing survivors' anger towards a common enemy to bring them into their ranks. By the 1940s the area had evolved into a major guerrilla base known as the Yuwansu Base Area.
Short term
The Chinese National Army took the opportunities to encircle the swamped Japanese army. The 14th division was swamped in Zhongmu County and could only reassemble on 23 June. The isolated 16th was crushed by the Chinese National Army in Weishi County on 24 June and could only reassemble on 7 July.
Most of the flooded towns and transport lines had already been captured by the Japanese; after the flood, the Japanese could not consolidate their control over the area. In fact, large parts of it became guerrilla areas.
The flood bought time for the Battle of Wuhan. The flood stopped the Japanese Army from capturing the Zhengzhou junction of the Beijing–Wuhan Railway. Unintentionally, the flood also destroyed the Bengbu railway bridge of the Tianjin–Pukou Railway. The Japanese thus could not use either railway to send its troops and supplies.
After the flooding, the Yellow River was diverted from its earlier course at Huayuankou, and flowed into the Jialu River in Zhongmu County. The new course led the Yellow River into the Shaying River at the city of Zhoujiakou (now Zhoukou), eventually joining the Huai River. Water overflowed from these smaller rivers, causing widespread destruction in the basin. According to a postwar report, floods inundated 32 percent of land and 45 percent of villages in 20 affected counties.
Besides the massive death toll, the flooded areas were affected for years to come. The flooded countryside was more or less abandoned and all the crops destroyed. Upon the recession of the waters, much of the ground was uncultivable as much of the soil was covered in silt. Many of the public structures and housing were also destroyed, leaving any survivors destitute. The irrigation channels were also ruined, further adding to the toll on the farmlands.
The destruction also had a long-term psychological effect on the Chinese population.
The Nationalist government were slow to provide disaster relief.
The immediate drowning deaths were estimated to range from 30,000 (Kuo Tai-chun, 2015) to 89,000 (China Academy of Sciences, 1995). The total deaths resulted from floods, famine and plague had wild estimates. Two professional sources put it to between 400,000 and 500,000, according to Wang Zhibin (1986) and Bi Chunfu (1995), an editor at the Yellow River Conservancy Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources and a researcher at Second Historical Archives of China respectively. A much higher estimate of 893,303 total deaths given by the Nationalist government's relief statistics in 1948 was discredited for its unspecified methodology of body counting and its questionable approximation of the missing figure of Anhui province. The Nationalist government's relief statistics were even higher than two early communist estimates in the 1950s, which put the total deaths to 470,000 and 500,000 respectively. However, subsequent communist sources generally upheld the 893,303 figure to portray the Nationalist government as inhumane.
The figures of inundated land were exploited by Nationalist propaganda. Initially, the Nationalist government falsely claimed that the flood was caused by Japanese aerial bombing, hence the Nationalist initially claimed 12 million peasants living on inundated land to boost anti-Japanese public sentiment. Bi Chunfu (1995) estimated that five million peasants were living on the inundated land. Bi's figure was echoed by two early communist estimates in the 1950s, which estimated 6.1 million and 5 million respectively.
See also
1938 Changsha Fire
1941 eastern Ukraine floods during WW2
Destruction of the Kakhovka Dam
List of disasters in China by death toll
Military history of China
Military history of Japan
Military of the Republic of China
1930s floods
1938 disasters in China
1938 natural disasters
20th-century floods in Asia
Dam failures in China
Disasters in Henan
Floods in China
Man-made disasters in China
Mass murder in 1938
Second Sino-Japanese War
1938 Yellow River flood |
3010229 | | After the Flood (novel) | After the Flood () is a 1982 novel by the Swedish novelist P. C. Jersild. It was well received as it played into the contemporary fear of nuclear holocaust. P.C. Jersild was an active anti-nuclear campaigner as part of the Nobel Prize–winning NGO, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War.
Plot summary
Jersild used his medical knowledge of the long-term effects of a nuclear holocaust to great effect in this novel, which relates the adventures of a young man dumped on the island of Gotland some 30 years after a worldwide nuclear catastrophe. Humanity is about to go out with a whimper. The only inhabitants of the island are a band of aging convicts and a handful of religious women, also advanced in years, plus a few hermits. The economy is reduced to barter and plunder and the only medical care is provided by an ex-baseball player, who becomes the reluctant mentor of the protagonist. A ray of hope is introduced in the story with the arrival of a young Finnish woman, but it all ends in misery.
Books - In Short: Fiction, The New York Times review. January 5, 1986.
Facts about P. C. Jersild: contribution to Swedish literature, Encyclopædia Britannica.
1982 Swedish novels
1982 science fiction novels
Swedish science fiction novels
Novels set in Gotland
Post-apocalyptic novels
Novels set in Sweden
Swedish-language novels |
3039012 | | Flood wall | A floodwall is a freestanding, permanent, engineered structure designed to prevent encroachment of floodwaters. Floodwalls are mainly used on locations where space is scarce, such as cities or where building levees or dikes (dykes) would interfere with other interests, such as existing buildings, historical architecture or commercial use of embankments.
Floodwalls are nowadays mainly constructed from pre-fabricated concrete elements. Floodwalls often have floodgates which are large openings to provide passage except during periods of flooding, when they are closed. As a floodwalls mostly consist of relatively short elements compared to dikes, the connections between the elements are critical to prevent the failure of the floodwall.
The substantial costs of floodwalls can be justified by the value of commercial property thus protected from damage caused by flooding.
Floodwalls are sometimes bad for ecosystems. Floodwalls are almost always built in cities.
See also
Maccaferri gabion
External links
DeltaWorks.Org Flood Barriers project in the Netherlands
Flood barriers |
3051997 | | Flood barrier | A flood barrier, surge barrier or storm surge barrier is a specific type of floodgate, designed to prevent a storm surge or spring tide from flooding the protected area behind the barrier. A surge barrier is almost always part of a larger flood protection system consisting of floodwalls, levees (also known as dikes), and other constructions and natural geographical features.
Flood barrier may also refer to barriers placed around or at individual buildings to keep floodwaters from entering the buildings.
Delta Works
The Delta Works in the Netherlands is the largest flood protection project in the world. This project consists of a number of surge barriers, the Oosterscheldekering being the largest surge barrier in the world, long. Other examples include the Maeslantkering, Haringvlietdam and the Hartelkering.
Thames Barrier
The Thames Barrier is the world's second largest movable flood barrier (after the Oosterscheldekering and the Haringvlietdam) and is located downstream of central London. Its purpose is to prevent London from being flooded by exceptionally high tides and storm surges moving up from the North Sea. It needs to be raised (closed) only during high tide; at ebb tide it can be lowered to release the water that backs up behind it.
New Orleans
In 2007 the United States Army Corps of Engineers started construction of an ambitious project that aimed to prevent storm surges from flooding the city by 2011. The IHNC Lake Borgne Surge Barrier on the confluence of these waterways is the largest in the United States. It protects the city from the Gulf of Mexico from flooding the area. The new Seabrook floodgate prevents a storm surge from entering from Lake Pontchartrain.
The GIWW West Closure Complex closes the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to protect the west side of the city. This complex is unique in that it contains the world's largest pumping station, necessary to pump out rainwater that is discharged in the protected side of the canal during a hurricane.
Eider Barrage
The Eider Barrage is located at the mouth of the river Eider near Tönning on Germany's North Sea coast. Its main purpose is protection from storm surges by the North Seas. It is Germany's largest coastal protection structure.
St. Petersburg Dam
The Saint Petersburg Dam (officially called the Saint Petersburg Flood Prevention Facility Complex) is a barrier separating the Gulf of Finland from Neva Bay to protect the city of Saint Petersburg, Russia from coastal flooding. The Soviet Union started construction of the barrier in 1978 and it was completed and made operational in 2011.
New England
The New Bedford Harbor Hurricane Barrier protects the city of New Bedford, Massachusetts, with a mostly immovable barrier of stone and fill. It has three land and one marine door for access in calm seas.
The nearby Fox Point Hurricane Barrier protects the city of Providence, Rhode Island.
The US Army Corps of Engineers also owns and operates the hurricane barrier at Stamford, CT.
The MOSE Project is intended to protect the city of Venice, Italy, and the Venetian Lagoon from flooding.
River Foss Barrier
The River Foss, York, UK has a barrier to control the inflow of fast moving water from the River Ouse that may overspill its banks upstream the Foss and flood surrounding properties.
Proposed flood barriers
New York Harbor
The New York Harbor Storm-Surge Barrier is a proposed regional flood barrier system that would protect the harbor and the New York – New Jersey metropolitan region.
Ike Dike
The Ike Dike is a proposed flood barrier that would protect Houston, Texas.
Perimeter flood barriers
Flood barriers may be placed temporarily or permanently around individual buildings or at building entrances to keep floodwaters from entering those buildings. A wall constructed of sandbags is an example of a temporary barrier. A reinforced concrete wall is an example of a permanent barrier.
== References ==
Water transport infrastructure |
3080964 | | May 1995 Louisiana flood | The May 1995 Louisiana flood, also known as the May 1995 Southeast Louisiana and Southern Mississippi Flood, was a heavy rainfall event which occurred across an area stretching from the New Orleans metropolitan area into southern Mississippi. A storm total rainfall maximum of was recorded near Necaise, Mississippi. Considerable flooding was caused by the rainfall including several record flood crests along impacted river systems.
The flooding caused six fatalities and more than $3.1 billion in damage.
Meteorological synopsis
The entire 40-hour event from the evening of Monday, May 8, through the morning of Wednesday, May 10, consisted of two distinct heavy rainfalls. By Wednesday morning, storm total rainfall amounts of were common across portions of southeast Louisiana and south Mississippi.
A cold front approached the region from the west, preceded by a squall line. The airmass that entered western Louisiana on May 8 exhibited considerably lower dewpoints than the tropical airmass across east Louisiana and southeast Mississippi. By the evening of May 9, the cold front dissipated in the vicinity of Baton Rouge. The remains of the front served as a focusing axis for heavy precipitation that continued into the late morning hours of May 10. An upper-level trough helped to provide upper-level support to the system. At the surface, warm and moist air moved in from the Gulf of Mexico continually during the event. The swath of highest rainfall totals was closely tied to a theta-e ridge at the 850 mb pressure surface, which stretched from the central Gulf of Mexico into the Mississippi River Delta area.
During each wave of rainfall, heavy, "training" thunderstorms continued to form over the same areas for multiple hours. In the New Orleans area, pumping stations were overwhelmed and could not pump rainfall into Lake Pontchartrain as quickly as it was falling. At the time, pumping stations were only rated to pump per hour maximum.
Approximately 5:30 p.m. on May 7... heavy rainfall begins across areas south of Lake Pontchartrain, continuing into the early morning hours of May 8th.
Early morning hours on May 8... Flooding began in Jefferson Parish and Orleans Parish, including the cities of New Orleans, Metairie, Kenner, River Ridge, and Harahan
Evening hours on May 9... Heavy rainfall occurs across areas north of Lake Pontchartrain in Saint Tammany Parish, Louisiana, including Slidell, Covington, Mandeville, and Abita Springs. Heavy rainfall also occurs across south Mississippi, especially portions of Pearl River County, Hancock County, and Harrison County, including Bay St. Louis and Gulfport.
Late evening May 9th... flooding begins in the Lake Pontchartrain Northshore areas of Louisiana and also coastal Mississippi.
May 10th... severe river flooding impacts areas along the Wolf River, Tchoutacabouffa River, and Jourdan River in Mississippi, each of which set new record stages (Wolf River flooding from Hurricane Isaac in 2012 subsequently broke the record).
The heaviest rainfall from the first wave of rainfall occurred on the southshore of Lake Pontchartrain in the New Orleans metropolitan area, with a secondary maxima on the northshore. Heaviest rainfall from the second wave occurred across the northshore of Lake Pontchartrain and coastal Mississippi. By May 10th, rainfall totals of 10-20 inches were common. Some notable two-day totals from the National Weather Service archives and post-event surveys:
Necaise, Mississippi: 27.50" ()
Abita Springs, Louisiana: 24.46" ()
New Orleans (Tulane University), LA: 24.05" ()
New Orleans (International Airport), LA: 9.67" ()
New Orleans (Lakefront Airport), LA: 15.44" ()
Slidell, LA: 19.09" ()
For both waves of rainfall, several locations neared or exceeded 24‑hour rainfall amounts estimated as having a 1% chance of being exceeded in a given year, (100 year average recurrence interval) as determined by both the NOAA Atlas 14 and reports by the Southern Regional Climate Center. The rainfall maximum near Necaise of was estimated as having only a 0.1% chance of being exceeded in a given year (1000 year average recurrence interval).
Similar floods occurred in November 1979 Louisiana flood and November 7–8, 1989 Louisiana flood, although the May 1995 event was more extensive and costlier than both combined. It was the worst flooding the city had experienced between hurricanes Betsy in 1965 and Katrina in 2005. There has been no comparable recorded flood in New Orleans caused by rain alone.
Six people died as a result of the flooding. The city of New Orleans suffered $360 million in damages, and the damage of the surrounding areas put that total above $3 billion. Some 56,000 homes were damaged in 12 parishes. Thousands of cars were flooded. 14,600 homes and apartments were flooded in Jefferson Parish alone.
New pumping stations were built and canals were expanded to prevent further catastrophic rainfall floods. Some politicians began to push for pumping rain waters directly into the Mississippi River, but environmental groups argued against this plan. The flood prompted expansions and improvements of the city's drainage and pumping system, especially in the worst hit portions of the city, including improvements to the underground canals under Napoleon and Claiborne Avenues in Broadmoor and other SELA projects to improve drainage in Hollygrove connected to the 17th St. Canal.
See also
Drainage in New Orleans
External links
Rainfall Frequency/Magnitude Atlas for the South-Central United States, by Faiers, G.E., B.D. Keim, and R.A. Muller. 1997, Geoscience Publications: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 40 pp. , in PDF form
Technical Paper 40: RAINFALL FREQUENCY ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES, by Hershfield, David M. May 1961, Cooperative Studies Section, Hydrologic Services Division.
Flood Danger Rises North of New Orleans, Marcus, Frances Frank. May 11, 1995.
Television clips from WWL-tv covering the May 1995 flooding.
1990s floods in the United States
1995 floods
1995 natural disasters in the United States
20th century in New Orleans
Floods in Louisiana
1995 in Louisiana |
3096587 | | Flooding (psychology) | Flooding, sometimes referred to as in vivo exposure therapy, is a form of behavior therapy and desensitization—or exposure therapy—based on the principles of respondent conditioning. As a psychotherapeutic technique, it is used to treat phobia and anxiety disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder. It works by exposing the patient to their painful memories, with the goal of reintegrating their repressed emotions with their current awareness. Flooding was invented by psychologist Thomas Stampfl in 1967. It is still used in behavior therapy today.
Flooding is a psychotherapeutic method for overcoming phobias. In order to demonstrate the irrationality of the fear, a psychologist would put a person in a situation where they would face their phobia. Under controlled conditions and using psychologically-proven relaxation techniques, the subject attempts to replace their fear with relaxation. The experience can often be traumatic for a person, but may be necessary if the phobia is causing them significant life disturbances. The advantage to flooding is that it is quick and usually effective. There is, however, a possibility that a fear may spontaneously recur. This can be made less likely with systematic desensitization, another form of a classical condition procedure for the elimination of phobias.
How it works
"Flooding" works on the principles of classical conditioning or respondent conditioning—a form of Pavlov's classical conditioning—where patients change their behaviors to avoid negative stimuli. According to Pavlov, people can learn through associations, so if one has a phobia, it is because one associates the feared stimulus with a negative outcome.
Flooding uses a technique based on Pavlov's classical conditioning that uses exposure. There are different forms of exposure, such as imaginal exposure, virtual reality exposure, and in vivo exposure. While systematic desensitization may use these other types of exposure, flooding uses in vivo exposure, actual exposure to the feared stimulus. A patient is confronted with a situation in which the stimulus that provoked the original trauma is present. The psychologist there usually offers very little assistance or reassurance other than to help the patient to use relaxation techniques in order to calm themselves. Relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation are common in these kinds of classical conditioning procedures. The theory is that the adrenaline and fear response has a time limit, so a person should eventually have to calm down and realize that their phobia is unwarranted. Flooding can be done through the use of virtual reality and has been shown to be fairly effective in patients with flight phobia.
Psychiatrist Joseph Wolpe (1973) carried out an experiment which demonstrated flooding. He took a girl who was scared of cars, and drove her around for hours. Initially the girl was panicky but she eventually calmed down when she realized that her situation was safe. From then on she associated a sense of ease with cars. Psychologist Aletha Solter used flooding successfully with a 5-month-old infant who showed symptoms of post-traumatic stress following surgery.
Flooding therapy is not for every individual, and the therapist will discuss with the patient the levels of anxiety they are prepared to endure during the session. It may also be true that exposure is not for every therapist and therapists seem to shy away from use of the technique.
See also
Attachment therapy, a controversial autism treatment intended to induce long-term behavioral compliance in children by combining nonconsensual flooding and sensory-overload techniques with the traumatic bonding relationship also manifested in Stockholm syndrome
Behavior modification
Desensitization (psychology)
Immersion therapy
Systematic desensitization
Anxiety disorder treatment
Behavior therapy
Behaviorism |
3157248 | | Martin Flood | Martin Flood is an Australian quiz show contestant who competed and won on the show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, and participated in the short-lived program The Master. Flood was an I.T. analyst for Westpac bank at the time of winning Millionaire. He lives in New South Wales and retired from working altogether six months after the big win.
Harbouring an ambition to become a quiz champion, he studied general knowledge intensively for five years before appearing on the show, collecting information from trivia nights and also analysing past episodes of the show.
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
Flood was the second person to win the $1,000,000 major prize on the Australian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, after Rob Fulton. He won the prize on 14 November 2005 episode after being asked: "Who was never Time Magazine Man of the Year?" A - Adolf Hitler, B - Ayatollah Khomeini, C - Joseph Stalin or D - Mao Zedong. The answer was Mao Zedong. He answered the question only after using his final lifeline, the 50/50.
Flood was the last winner of the original incarnation of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? in Australia. Six further contestants, who then appeared on the Hot Seat edition of the show, attempted to succeed him as Australia's Millionaire, and all six failed (the most recent of which was Kevin Short in 2013). That was until 2016 however, when Edwin Daly, a 67-year-old retiree from South Australia, managed to correctly answer the fifteenth and final question for the first time in almost 11 years.
Flood's appearance on the show spawned some controversies, as it was marred by suggestions that he may have cheated. The program launched an investigation following complaints from audience members about coughing in the audience. The Nine Network's A Current Affair focused on a moment when an audience member coughed as Flood mentioned an answer (creating links to convicted British quiz show cheat Charles Ingram) and on suggestions that Flood was behaving erratically. Flood, who was unaware of the suggestion until after taping the second episode on which he appeared, was publicly cleared by the network of any improper conduct.
The Master
Flood was a key member of Australian quiz show The Master, which aired on the Seven Network on 16 August 2006 and was cancelled after the first episode. Flood played the role of "The Master", competing against contestants to thwart their attempts to win a $1 million prize. The show was brought back in December (after the 2006 ratings period had ended) with the six remaining produced episodes going to air at an earlier timeslot of Monday nights at 7:30p.m. (which The Weakest Link had previously occupied from 2001 to early 2002).
Australia's Brainiest Quizmaster
Flood also participated in this special show which was part of a series spin-off of Australia's Brainiest but did not make it past the second round. The show aired on 19 February 2006.
External links
Living people
People from Sydney
Contestants on Australian game shows
Entertainment scandals
Television controversies in Australia
1964 births |
3164450 | | Wake of the Flood | Wake of the Flood is the sixth studio album (and tenth album overall) by the rock band the Grateful Dead. Released on October 15, 1973, it was the first album on the band's own Grateful Dead Records label. Their first studio album in nearly three years, it was also the first without founding member Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, who had recently died. His absence and keyboardist Keith Godchaux's penchants for bebop and modal jazz (rather than McKernan's tendencies toward the blues and rhythm and blues) contributed to the band's musical evolution. Godchaux's wife, vocalist Donna Jean Godchaux, also joined the group and appears on the album.
The release fared better on the pop charts than their previous studio album (1970's American Beauty), reaching 18. An expanded version was released in 2004.
After three live albums in a row, the Grateful Dead wanted to record studio versions of songs written since Keith Godchaux had joined the band. At the time of recording, five of the songs on the album (and part of a 6th) had been in live rotation for up to a year and a half, as arrangements were road-tested and finalized. Referring to this period, bassist Phil Lesh explained, "We'd learned to break in the material at shows (under fire, as it were), rather than try to work it out at rehearsals, or in the studio at tremendous expense."
The new compositions drew on many of the band's influences, blending genres from country folk and R&B to ragtime and jazz rock, the latter being more prominent than previously. As had become routine, Robert Hunter and Jerry Garcia wrote the majority of the songs; Bob Weir contributed the epic "Weather Report Suite" with lyrics by John Perry Barlow. The "Prelude" section of this piece had been developed onstage, but the "Part 1" and "Part 2 (Let it Grow)" debuted after the album's recording. "Let Me Sing Your Blues Away" is the band's only singing-songwriting contribution from Keith Godchaux. It was performed live just six times, in September 1973, between the recording and release of the album.
Describing Godchaux's influence, drummer Bill Kreutzmann characterized the album as "Keith's coming out party." Remarking on the evolution in style, he remembered:
The band chose to record at the recently built Record Plant between August 4–15, 1973. It was in Sausalito, near their San Rafael home base, and had been used by cohorts New Riders of the Purple Sage for their successful album The Adventures of Panama Red (which featured input from Hunter and Donna Godchaux). Staff engineer Tom Flye, assistant engineer Tom Anderson, and Dead soundman Dan Healy recorded and mixed on 24-track, bringing the mixdown to Lacquer Channel in Sausalito for mastering. The initial vinyl runs were pressed by Monarch Record Mfg., in Los Angeles.
The album title comes from the opening stanza of "Here Comes Sunshine":
Wake of the flood, laughing water, '49Get out the pans, don't just stand there dreaming, get out the way,
a poetic reference to the historic flood in Vanport, Oregon (a site where the Dead would play in 1995). Though lyrically the songs continued Hunter's Americana themes, a thread of Earth, seasons and life cycles connects the material, particularly with Weir and Barlow's culminating suite. This is represented in the album cover artwork, designed by San Francisco counterculture artist and band associate Rick Griffin. It has an Earth tone and simple graphics including a woodcut-derived figure of a harvest-reaping man with a wheat bundle and scythe, and a field crow. Reflecting the cycles of nature is an image, hidden in a cloud, of a hooded skull. Griffin said that the artwork was inspired by a quote from Revelation – "And the sea gave up the dead that were in it and death and Hell gave up the dead that were in them, and they were judged, every man according to their works." (Revelation 20:13) He added that the image was designed "to show an alternative to that. I wanted to juxtapose that Scripture with a loving image, an image of loving harvest." (The list of song titles on the back cover is missing from some early pressings.)
After completing their extended contract and extracting themselves from Warner Bros., the Dead were left without a record label for production and distribution of their albums. The decision was made to start an independent label, in order to retain complete control of their recordings and allow for side-projects. Lesh explained, "We already owned our own sound system. Booking and travel were in-house. It seemed as if being our own record company would be worth a try. No one could see a downside." Though pressing their own records was foreseeable, setting up a distribution network to compete with existing channels was formidable and ultimately short-lived. Lesh continued, "How would we distribute the records? [Manager Ron] Rakow's original scam was to sell the records from ice-cream trucks...seriously impractical. In the end, we settled on a more traditional model: the Dead would finance and produce the recordings, and United Artists Records would manufacture and distribute."
Two singles were released: "Let Me Sing Your Blues Away (b/w "Here Comes Sunshine"), followed by single edits of "Eyes of the World" (b/w "Weather Report Part I"). Neither charted. The Dead's ex-label responded to the loss of the band by compiling "best-of" and archive albums, beginning with Skeletons from the Closet, just months after the release of Wake of the Flood.
All of the songs but "Let Me Sing Your Blues Away" and the first parts of "Weather Report Suite" remained in setlists throughout the existence of the band (though "Here Comes Sunshine" was absent from 2/23/74 to December 1992). Weir had played the finger-picked "Prelude" for months before attaching it to "Weather Report Suite", ultimately dropping all but the "Let it Grow" section after 1974. Though the album's version is concise, "Eyes of the World" in particular had already become an extended-jam set piece and would remain so.
With the collapse of the band's label in 1976, Wake of the Flood was in and out of print for many years. Exercising an active contract, United Artists made a one-off pressing on their Liberty label in 1979. The album went back into publication when it was released on CD in 1988, again on the Grateful Dead Records imprint. It was remastered and expanded for inclusion in the Beyond Description box set in October 2004. The expanded version was released separately in 2006.
A 50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition of Wake of the Flood, remastered from the original recording, was released on September 29, 2023. The CD version includes two bonus tracks – demo recordings of "Eyes of the World" and "Wake of the Flood" – and a bonus disc recorded live at McGaw Hall in Evanston, Illinois on November 1, 1973. The digital download version, in ALAC or FLAC format, has the same tracks as the two-disc CD. The LP version, on black or colored vinyl or as a picture disc, has the same tracks as the original album.
Track listing
The live version of "Eyes of the World" is an edited version of the performance.
"China Doll" has a coda of "The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down", written by Cliff Friend and Dave Franklin.
Wake of the Flood: The Angel's Share
On August 18, 2023, a collection of demos and outtakes from the Wake of the Flood recording sessions entitled Wake of the Flood: The Angel's Share was released in streaming and digital download formats. This is the third release in the Angel's Share series, following similar collections pertaining to the sessions for Workingman's Dead and American Beauty.
Track listing
Grateful Dead
Jerry Garcia – guitar, pedal steel guitar, vocals
Donna Jean Godchaux – vocals
Keith Godchaux – keyboards, vocals
Phil Lesh – bass guitar
Bill Kreutzmann – drums
Bob Weir – guitar, vocals
Additional musicians
Bill Atwood – trumpet
Vassar Clements – violin
Joe Ellis – trumpet
Martín Fierro – saxophone (alto, tenor)
Sarah Fulcher – vocals
Matthew Kelly – harmonica
Frank Morin – saxophone (tenor)
Pat O'Hara – trombone
Doug Sahm – bajo sexto
Benny Velarde – timbales
Reissue personnel
Tom Anderson – engineering, liner notes
James Austin – production
Hugh Brown – design, art direction
Reggie Collins – annotation
Peter Coyote – liner notes
Jimmy Edwards – associate production
Sheryl Farber – editorial supervision
Tom Flye – mixing
Joe Gastwirt – mastering, production consultancy
Dan Healy – engineering
Robin Hurley – associate production
David Lemieux – production
Hale Milgrim – associate production
Scott Pascucci – associate production
Ed Perlstein – photography
Bruce Polonsky – photography
Michael Putland – photography
Cameron Sears – executive production
Steve Vance – design, art direction
1973 albums
Arista Records albums
Grateful Dead albums
Grateful Dead Records albums
Rhino Records albums
Albums with cover art by Rick Griffin |
3189135 | | Flooded (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) | "Flooded" is the fourth episode of season 6 of the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Buffy attempts to repair a leaky pipe in her basement only to have it burst and flood the basement. At breakfast, the gang discusses the damage while Xander and a plumber examine the damage caused by the pipes. The plumber advises Buffy that a full re-piping is necessary and hands her a very large bill. The size of the cost leads to Buffy finding that, with hospital bills and funeral costs, the Summers girls are broke. Needing a way to pay for the expenses, Buffy goes to a bank to consult with a loan director. Buffy finds that, without a job and with no real collateral, she cannot get a loan. A demon breaks through the office window, interrupting the meeting, and Buffy fights him despite her conservative clothing. The demon escapes and the director refuses to give Buffy the loan for saving his life.
Later that night, Willow tries to upset Buffy purposely in order to get her to express some real anger, but Buffy does not fall for it. Dawn wants to help with research, but Tara thinks she is too young and that fact is proven when Dawn looks at a picture in one of the books. Buffy is not pleased that Dawn is researching with the gang, but Dawn is able to identify the bank-robbing demon that Buffy encountered earlier. Giles returns to have a happy reunion and intense discussion with Buffy before meeting up with the rest of the gang.
The bank robbing demon, an M'Fashnik, throws a fit in front of his "controllers", Jonathan, Warren, and Andrew (brother of Tucker from "The Prom") complaining that the Slayer still lives even though they got the money from the bank. After a brief internal argument, Jonathan, Warren, and Andrew think up a way to accommodate the demon without killing Buffy. Giles takes the couch at the Summers home and talks with Buffy, offering to help her take care of the financial problems in the morning. The three guys discuss their mission - taking over Sunnydale - and somewhat agree unanimously that none of them wants to kill Buffy, but Warren secretly provides Buffy's address to the M'Fashnik demon so he can kill her.
Later that night, Giles asks Willow for specifics regarding the spell she cast to bring Buffy back to life. Willow, seeking Giles' praise, begins to boast about how scary the spell was, but Giles harshly reminds her why such spells are not practiced, including the possible consequences. He notes that he left her in charge of the group because he thought she was the most responsible, which he now sees is clearly not the case, ultimately calling her a "rank, arrogant amateur". Failing to see that Giles' anger is at least partially motivated by his deep affection for her, Willow stands up for herself, even threatening Giles, however he reminds her that the gang still has no idea where Buffy has been or what she has been through. Spike finds Buffy – who overheard Giles and Willow's conversation – on the back porch and the two exchange small talk about life and money. Giles and Dawn both have trouble sleeping and go for a snack. The M'Fashnik crashes their late night cereal party, but Buffy catches him. A fight ensues with Buffy and Spike working together against the M'Fashnik.
The fight ends up in the basement where the demon latches on to one of the pipes and Buffy immediately attacks as the expensive pipes are threatened. The "supervillain" guys plot to hypnotize Buffy and make her their willing love slave. The Scooby Gang regroups after the demon is taken care of and hopelessly attempts to save the furniture that was destroyed in battle. A phone call off-camera reveals that Angel (currently in Los Angeles) needs to meet with Buffy and she needs the same so she leaves to meet him at an intermediate location.
In 2023, Rolling Stone, raked this episode as #115 out of the 144 episodes in honor of 20th anniversary of the show ending.
External links
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (season 6) episodes
2001 American television episodes
Buffyverse crossover episodes
Television episodes written by Jane Espenson |
3225194 | | North Sea flood of 1962 | The North Sea flood of 1962 was a natural disaster affecting mainly the coastal regions of West Germany and in particular the city of Hamburg in the night from 16 February to 17 February 1962. In total, the homes of about 60,000 people were destroyed, and the death toll amounted to 315 in Hamburg. The extratropical cyclone responsible for the flooding had previously crossed the United Kingdom as the Great Sheffield Gale, devastating the city of Sheffield and killing nine people.
The flood was caused by the Vincinette low-pressure system, better known as the Great Sheffield Gale, approaching the German Bight from the southern Polar Sea. A European windstorm with peak wind speeds of 200 km/h pushed water into the German Bight, leading to a water surge the dykes could not withstand. Breaches along the coast and the rivers Elbe and Weser led to widespread flooding of huge areas. In Hamburg, on the river Elbe, but a full 100 km away from the coast, the residential areas of Wilhelmsburg were the most affected.
On Thursday 15 February, German authorities published the first storm warning for the North Sea with wind speeds up to 9 Beaufort.
A severe storm warning followed the next day, with a predicted gauge of 3 metres above normal, which was a level the dykes could withstand.
The Storm
The severe storm and the flood it caused in the last hours of 16 February affected the dykes more than predicted and led to some 50 breaches before officials raised the alarm for Hamburg.
At this time of the day, most city offices were closed, which slowed the notification of the population. Civil protection plans were not implemented yet.
Due to telephone landline breakdowns, warnings could not be forwarded from coastal to inland emergency offices. Breakdowns in alarm siren lines and electricity lines severely affected the warning system. Radio amateurs had to establish emergency operations to support emergency services as a means of communication.
Around midnight, the peaks were too high for some dykes to withstand. The backs of the dykes were not fortified, so the first overtopping waters destroyed the dykes from behind and cleared the way for the flood.
Helmut Schmidt, then police senator of Hamburg, coordinated the rescue operations, and requested emergency help from countries throughout western Europe. He also called for elements of the Bundeswehr to assist with the emergency, especially engineers. That meant overstepping his legal authority, ignoring the German constitution's prohibition on using the army for "internal affairs" - a clause excluding disasters was not added until 1968. He also secured the assistance of helicopters from other NATO states. The latter were called Fliegende Engel (Flying Angels) by the people.
120 square kilometres or a sixth of the city of Hamburg were flooded, destroying 6,000 buildings. Streets were unusable and railway operations were suspended, which meant supplies could not reach the city.
Greece donated 500 tonnes of raisins to the people of Hamburg after the flood. Afterwards, emergency plans were implemented, and dykes were shortened and strengthened, leaving some river arms and bays cut off from the sea.
See also
History of Hamburg
North Sea flood of 1953
Storm tides of the North Sea
List of floods in Europe
List of deadliest floods
Further reading
Lamb, H.H. and Frydendahl, Knud (1991). Historic Storms of the North Sea, British Isles and Northwest Europe. Cambridge University Press.
Sönnichsen, Uwe, Staritz, Hans-Werner: Trutz, blanke Hans – Bilddokumentation der Flutkatastrophen 1962 und 1976 in Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg, Husum Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft, Husum 1978, (in German)
Schuller, Alexander: "Sturmflut über Hamburg. Die Nacht, in der eine Stadt ertrank – Ein Tatsachenroman", .
Heßler, Martina, Kehrt, Christian (Hrsg.): Die Hamburger Sturmflut von 1962. Risikobewusstsein und Katastrophenschutz aus zeit-, technik- und umweltgeschichtlicher Perspektive (= Umwelt und Gesellschaft. Bd. 11). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen u.a. 2014, .
Carstensen, Holger (Hrsg.): Schwarze Landschaft nach Sturm. Der Hamburger Künstler Arnold Fiedler erlebt die Hamburger Sturmflut von 1962. Verlag Cord Oltmanns, Hamburg 2011, .
Carstensen, Holger: Schwarze Landschaft nach Sturm. Arnold Fiedler erlebt die Hamburger Sturmflut von 1962 Verlag Cord Oltmanns, Hamburg 2011, .
Schäfer, Katrin: „Davongekommen“ Die Sturmflut an der schleswig-holsteinischen Westküste. Husum Verlag, Husum 2012, .
Storm tides of the North Sea
1960s in Hamburg
Floods in Germany
Floods in the Netherlands
20th-century floods in the United Kingdom
1962 in Germany
European windstorms
February 1962 events in Europe
1960s floods in Europe
1960s floods
1962 natural disasters
1962 disasters in Germany |
3232902 | | List of settlements lost to floods in the Netherlands | This list of settlements lost to floods in the Netherlands is an adapted translation of this list from Dutch, plus some additions from other sources.
"Oud-" is Dutch for "Old". If you cannot find a name, look for it under "Oud-".
Drowned villages and places in Zeeland and West-Brabant
Drowned villages and places in Noord-Beveland
Drowned villages and places in Zuid-Beveland
Drowned villages and places in the Verdronken land van Saeftinghe
Drowned villages in Schouwen (mostly in its drowned south part)
Drowned villages in the Drowned Land of Reimerswaal
Drowned villages in the Braakman
Zeeland and West Brabant: doubtful cases
Zeeland and West Brabant: drowned islands in the delta region
11 villages west of the Grote Hollandse Waard, east of the current gully of De Striene
4 or 5 drowned villages east of the Schelde
Drowned villages in the Grote Hollandse Waard alias South Hollandse Waard
9 villages on the south bank of the Maas, in Brabant and South Holland, in order from west to east
16 villages north of the Maas
Drowned villages in the former Grote Hollandse Waard alias South Hollandse Waard, whose locations are not known
One drowned village in the Hoekse Waard
Drowned villages in the Haarlemmermeer and other inland lakes
Drowned villages in waters round Wieringen, listed in records as property of Fulda Monastery, late 8th, early 9th century
Other drowned or otherwise lost villages in the Zuiderzee
Drowned villages in east and central Friesland and western Groningen provinces
Much land was lost when the Lauwerszee formed. It has been reclaimed since.
Drowned villages in Groningen province
See also
List of flooded villages in Zeeland
External links
Orisant website page (in Dutch)
The Flood of 1953 in the Netherlands
Floods in the Netherlands
Underwater ruins
Floods |
3247572 | | List of floods in the Netherlands | This is a chronological list of sea-floods that have occurred in the Netherlands. In addition to these there have been hundreds of river floods during the centuries.
See also
Flood control in the Netherlands
External links
Christmas Day flood 1717 map
The Flood of 1953 in the Netherlands
Rome's Greatest Defeat, A Review – All Saints' Flood of 1170
Medieval weather events
Netherlands |
3253126 | | St. Lucia's flood | St. Lucia's flood (Sint-Luciavloed) was a storm tide that affected the Netherlands and Northern Germany on 13/14 December 1287 (OS), St. Lucia Day and the day after, killing approximately 50,000 to 80,000 people in one of the largest floods in recorded history.
This disaster was similar to the North Sea flood of 1953, when an intense European windstorm coinciding with a high tide caused a huge storm surge. The St. Lucia flood had a major influence on the subsequent history of the Netherlands.
Creation of Zuiderzee
The name Zuiderzee ("Southern Sea", from the Frisian perspective) dates from after this event, as the water had before been a freshwater lake that was only directly connected to the North Sea by the former river Vlie. The St. Lucia's flood removed the last of a series of natural sandy dunes and boulder clay barriers, after which the new, now salty Zuiderzee came into existence and grew rapidly, since the peatlands behind the former barriers were now mostly unprotected against erosion from the sea. The coming into existence of the Zuiderzee was the undoing of the powerful medieval trading city of Stavoren on the right bank of the now disappearing river Vlie, and the making of first the IJssel Hanse-cities of Kampen, Zwolle, Deventer, Zutphen, and Doesburg, and later the anti-Hanseatic city of Amsterdam, which began its rise from nothing almost immediately after the St. Lucia's flood.
Netherlands (West-Frisia and Frisia proper)
Much land was permanently flooded in what is now the Waddenzee and IJsselmeer. It especially affected the north and northwestern part of the Netherlands, particularly the current provinces of North Holland and Friesland.
The island of Griend in the current Waddenzee saw serious destruction, with only ten houses left standing. After the flood, Harlingen, about 25 kilometres southeast of Griend and formerly landlocked, came into existence as the new seaport of Friesland, a role it kept for seven centuries.
The only part of the current northwestern Netherlands, apart from the western Dunes area (the old Dutch heartland) and the Frisian Islands that escaped annihilation was West-Friesland, since this area was already protected by a ringdike that mostly held and where not, could be repaired after the floods receded. Shortly after the St. Lucia Day disaster, the West-Frisia, now separated from the rest of Friesland by a strait of around 15 kilometres at its narrowest, was annexed by the county of Holland, expanding this county northwards. The flood also brought the Friso-Hollandic Wars, which had lasted around 200 years, to an end. Shortly after this annexation, the West-Frisian cities of Hoorn and Enkhuizen began a rise to prominence that would last until the 17th century.
In Germany (mostly East Frisia)
The Chronicles speak of 50,000 killed and total destruction. Many villages disappeared forever. In the current district of East-Frisia alone thirty villages disappeared in the North Sea. Also a first stage of the Dollart came into existence. Because of the large loss of land and the relative insecurity of living in the now far more unprotected peatlands, since natural barriers had been removed by the flood, many survivors gave up their ways of living in the fertile peatlands and moved to the Geest.
In England
Although not known by the name of St. Lucia, the same storm also had devastating effects on the other side of the North Sea in England. It killed hundreds of people in England, e.g. in the village of Hickling, Norfolk, where 180 died and the water rose a foot above the high altar in the Priory Church.
The storm is one of two in 1287 sometimes referred to as a "Great Storm". The other was the South England flood of February 1287. Together with a surge in January 1286, they seem to have prompted the decline of one of England's then leading ports, Dunwich in Suffolk.
See also
Floods in the Netherlands
Gevaar van water, water in gevaar uit 2001
Buisman, Jan, Duizend jaar weer, wind en water in de Lage Landen (Deel 1: tot 1300),
Floods in the Netherlands
Floods in Germany
Floods in England
History of Lower Saxony
History of Schleswig-Holstein
13th-century natural disasters
Medieval floods
13th century in the Netherlands
Storm tides of the North Sea
1287 in Europe
1287 in England
Disasters in Suffolk
Medieval weather events
1280s in the Holy Roman Empire
2nd-millennium floods |
3256016 | | 1998 China floods | The 1998 China floods (1998年中国洪水) lasted from middle of June to the beginning of September 1998 in China at the Yangtze River as well as the Nen River, Songhua River and the Pearl River.
In the summer of 1998, China experienced severe flooding of the Yangtze River, the Nen River, the Songhua River and the Pearl River after torrential rains took place. Areas that were most threatened associated the Yangtze include the low-lying basins surrounding the Dongting and Poyang lakes, and surrounding provinces in Hubei and Hunan.
The event was considered the worst southern China flood in 40 years. The floods resulted in 3,704 dead, 15 million homeless and $24 billion in economic loss. Other sources report a total loss of 4150 people, and 180 million people were affected. Around were evacuated, and 13.3 million houses were damaged or destroyed.
Yangtze River flood
The main cause of the flood was due to above average rainfall in the region for several months before and during the summer of 1998. Most areas saw double the normal amount of rainfall during the rainy season, with certain regions seeing rainfall levels as much as nearly three times the historical average. Combined with above average rainfall since the previous winter, this pushed water levels to above cautionary levels. The floods can be split into three general stages, beginning when one of the strongest subtropical highs in history arrived in the Yangtze River Basin during mid-June and lingered, providing sustained heavy rainfall for a period of roughly two weeks. As much as 1000 mm of precipitation was seen in some locations. After briefly shifting north, the same system eventually returned to the region in mid-July. Although the system had weakened, rainfall during this period was more intense and localized. During this second period of rain, many surrounding lakes and rivers broke record high water levels and overflowed into the Yangtze River, causing a sudden sharp rise in water levels. Another 300-500 mm of rain was seen across several areas during this second phase, causing significant damage as it flowed into villages and towns. The final period of rainfall occurred in August, with an average of 150-200 mm of rainfall seen in most regions. Although the water had begun to subside at this point, this extra rainfall caused further damage to homes and farmland in the surrounding areas. It was also during this period that the dikes began to break, causing further death and widespread damage to property.
Impact on environmental policy
The 1998 flood marks a turning point in China's environmental policy. Through the 1980s and early 1990s, China had not prioritized domestic environmental matters. State policy began changing in the mid-1990s to become more protective of the environment, with the pace of change accelerating following the 1998 floods. After investigating, government scientists attributed much of the cause for flooding to upstream deforestation that had occurred during logging booms in the previous two decades. State regulation of environmental issues became more active, with the State Environmental Projection Administration aggressively campaigning against deforestation, curbing excessive water use during irrigation, and emphasizing decarbonization of China's energy supplies.
See also
1931 China floods
List of natural disasters by death toll
Natural disasters in China
Songhua River
Tofu-dreg project
Gao Jiancheng
External links
1998 Changjiang Flooding Mini-report (Archived 2009-10-22)
( Archived 2009-10)
China: Yangtze River Flood (July-August 1998) ESA Earthnet Online Earth Observation
Jiang Zemin
Yangtze River floods
China floods
1990s floods in Asia
1998 floods
China floods
China floods
China floods
China floods |
3289252 | | Chris Flood | Chris Flood (born 1 May 1947) is an Irish former Fianna Fáil politician. He was a Teachta Dála (TD) for Dublin South-West constituency. Flood was first elected to Dáil Éireann at the 1987 general election and retained his seat until retiring at the 2002 general election.
In February 1991 he was appointed as Minister of State at the Department of Health by Taoiseach Charles Haughey and retained his post when Albert Reynolds became Taoiseach. He was not re-appointed in January 1993, when Reynolds formed a government with the Labour Party.
In June 1997 he was appointed as Minister of State at the Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation by Bertie Ahern and held that position until he resigned in January 2000.
Members of Dublin County Council
Fianna Fáil TDs
1947 births
Living people
Members of the 25th Dáil
Members of the 26th Dáil
Members of the 27th Dáil
Members of the 28th Dáil
Ministers of State of the 28th Dáil
Ministers of State of the 26th Dáil |
3307613 | | Flood forecasting | Flood forecasting is the process of predicting the occurrence, magnitude, timing, and duration of floods in a specific area, often by analysing various hydrological, meteorological, and environmental factors. The primary goal of flood forecasting is to deliver timely and accurate information to decision-makers, empowering them to take appropriate actions to mitigate the potential consequences of flooding on human lives, property, and the environment. By accounting for the various dimensions of a flood event, such as occurrence, magnitude, duration, and spatial extent, flood forecasting models can offer a more holistic and detailed representation of the impending risks and facilitate more effective response strategies.
Flood forecasting is a multifaceted discipline that aims to predict various aspects of flood events, including their occurrence, magnitude, timing, duration, and spatial extent. However, the scope and definition of flood forecasting can differ across scientific publications and methodologies. In some cases, flood forecasting is focused on estimating the moment when a specific threshold in a river system is exceeded, while in other cases, it involves predicting the flood extent and employing hydrodynamic information from models.
When flood forecasting is limited to estimating the moment a threshold is exceeded, researchers often concentrate on predicting water levels or river discharge in a particular location. This approach provides valuable information about the potential onset of a flood event, enabling decision-makers to initiate preventive measures and minimize potential damages. In this context, flood forecasting models are designed to predict when the water level or discharge will surpass a predefined threshold, usually based on historical data and established risk levels.
On the other hand, more comprehensive flood forecasting methods involve predicting the flood extent by utilizing hydrodynamic information from models. These approaches not only consider the exceedance of a threshold but also aim to estimate the spatial distribution, timing and extent of the flooding. Hydrodynamic models, such as the Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) or the MIKE suite of models, simulate water flow and its interaction with the surrounding environment, providing detailed predictions of flood extent, depth, and velocity.
Incorporating hydrodynamic information into flood forecasting models allows for a more complete understanding of the potential impacts of flood events, accounting for factors such as the inundation of infrastructure, agricultural lands, and residential areas. By considering the spatial distribution of flooding, these models enable more effective flood management and response strategies, ensuring that resources are allocated appropriately and that vulnerable populations are adequately protected.
Flood forecasting can be done using various methodologies, which can be broadly categorized into physically-based models, data-driven models, or a combination of both. The choice of the most suitable approach depends on factors such as data availability, catchment characteristics, and desired prediction accuracy. Here is an overview of each approach:
Physically-based models simulate the underlying physical processes involved in flood generation and propagation, such as precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and routing. These models are typically more stable and reliable due to their inherent representation of the physics, making them less susceptible to forecast errors in comparison to data-driven models, especially in the absence of inputs like rainfall. However, physically-based models are state-dependent and require accurate initial conditions for optimal performance. During the so-called "warming period" of the model, the performance might be lower due to the reliance on initial conditions.
Data-driven models focus on discovering patterns and relationships within historical data without explicitly representing the physical processes. They can learn complex, non-linear relationships and adapt to changing conditions, making them useful in situations where data is abundant and accurate representation of physical processes is challenging. Examples of data-driven models include regression techniques, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and tree-based algorithms like Random Forest or XGBoost.
Hybrid models combine the strengths of physically-based and data-driven models to enhance flood forecasting accuracy and reliability. Hybrid models can utilize the physical understanding from physically-based models while benefiting from the adaptive learning capabilities of data-driven models. An example of a hybrid model is coupling a hydrological model with a machine learning algorithm to improve flood prediction accuracy.
Flood forecasting can be mathematically represented as:
is the flood forecast at time ,
represents the precipitation input at time ,
denotes a vector of proxy variables (e.g., soil moisture, land use, topography) at time ,
is the historical data up to time ,
represents the initial conditions and catchment characteristics,
is the flood forecasting model, which can be a physically-based model or a data-driven model depending on the approach chosen.
In many operational systems forecasted precipitation is fed into rainfall-runoff and streamflow routing models to forecast flow rates and water levels for periods ranging from a few hours to days ahead, depending on the size of the watershed or river basin. Flood forecasting can also make use of forecasts of precipitation in an attempt to extend the lead-time available.
Flood forecasting is an important component of flood warning, where the distinction between the two is that the outcome of flood forecasting is a set of forecast time-profiles of channel flows or river levels at various locations, while "flood warning" is the task of making use of these forecasts to tell decisions on warnings of floods.
Real-time flood forecasting at regional area can be done within seconds by using the technology of artificial neural network. Effective real-time flood forecasting models could be useful for early warning and disaster prevention.
See also
Runoff model (reservoir)
Flood alert
Flood Modeller Pro
External links
Application of self-organising maps and multi-layer perceptron-artificial neural networks for streamflow and water level forecasting in data-poor catchments: the case of the Lower Shire floodplain, Malawi
Delft-FEWS, state of the art system for flood forecasting and operational water management (most advanced system available, used on national scale in Europe and the USA)
RainOff, a conceptual rainfall-runoff model using a nonlinear reservoir the Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction EXperiment, an informal yet highly active group of researchers in the field of predictive hydrologic uncertainty.
Hydrology |
3329381 | | UDP flood attack | A UDP flood attack is a volumetric denial-of-service (DoS) attack using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), a sessionless/connectionless computer networking protocol.
Using UDP for denial-of-service attacks is not as straightforward as with the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). However, a UDP flood attack can be initiated by sending a large number of UDP packets to random ports on a remote host. As a result, the distant host will:
Check for the application listening at that port;
See that no application listens at that port;
Reply with an ICMP Destination Unreachable packet.
Thus, for a large number of UDP packets, the victimized system will be forced into sending many ICMP packets, eventually leading it to be unreachable by other clients. The attacker(s) may also spoof the IP address of the UDP packets, ensuring that the excessive ICMP return packets do not reach them, and anonymizing their network location(s). Most operating systems mitigate this part of the attack by limiting the rate at which ICMP responses are sent.
UDP Flood Attack Tools:
Low Orbit Ion Cannon
UDP Unicorn
This attack can be managed by deploying firewalls at key points in a network to filter out unwanted network traffic. The potential victim never receives and never responds to the malicious UDP packets because the firewall stops them. However, as firewalls are 'stateful' i.e. can only hold a number of sessions, firewalls can also be susceptible to flood attacks.
There are ways to protect a system against UDP flood attacks. Here are examples of some of the possible measures:
ICMP rate-limiting: This limitation is generally placed on ICMP responses at operating system level.
Firewall-level filtering on the server: This enables suspicious packets to be rejected. However, it is possible for the firewall to collapse under the strain of a UDP flood attack.
Filtering UDP packets (except for DNS) at network level: DNS requests are typically made using UDP. Any other source generating huge amounts of UDP traffic is considered suspicious, which leads to the packets in question being rejected.
External links
Denial-of-service attacks |
3404879 | | St. Felix's flood | The St. Felix's flood (in Dutch Sint-Felixvloed) happened on Saturday, 5 November 1530, the name day of St. Felix. This day was later known as Evil Saturday (kwade zaterdag). Large parts of Flanders and Zeeland were washed away, including the Verdronken Land van Reimerswaal. According to Audrey M. Lambert, "all the Oost Wetering of Zuid-Beveland was lost, save only the town of Reimerswaal."
Reportedly, more than 100,000 were killed in the Netherlands by the St. Felix's flood.
See also
Floods in the Netherlands
External links
Floods in the Netherlands
1530s natural disasters
1530 in the Holy Roman Empire
1530 in the Habsburg Netherlands
16th-century floods
1530s in the Habsburg Netherlands
European windstorms
History of Zeeland |
3431459 | | Sonicflood | Sonicflood (sometimes stylized as SONICFLOOd) is an American contemporary worship music band from Nashville, Tennessee, that has been touted as "The Fathers of the Modern Worship Movement." The group took the name "Sonicflood", a reference to a line in the Book of Revelation, chapter 19, verse 6.
They released their debut album at a time when such music was gaining commercial success in the Christian music industry. In turn, their success fed the contemporary worship music genre, expanding its appeal.
Since their debut, Sonicflood has sold almost two million albums, and produced top worship hits (often as covers) including "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever", "Resonate", "Cry Holy" and "Here I am to Worship". In the early years of their existence, the group earned two Dove awards and three further nominations, and one Grammy nomination. Additionally, their eponymous debut took Gold status, and spawned several No. 1 hits on Christian radio.
As Zilch
The band originally formed in 1997 under the name, "Zilch". Zilch began as dc Talk's traveling band, forming into an independent act in 1997. The initial recording lineup was lead singer and guitarist Mark Lee Townsend, keyboardist Jason Halbert, bassist Otto "Sugar Bear" Price and drummer Rick May. Zilch released its first album, Platinum, in 1997 on Gotee Records but received little publicity. Platinum featured a modern rock sound with clear influences from 1960s pop music. One review cited the sound as being similar to that of All Star United, and another to Weezer plus pop and hip-hop influences.
This release was not praise and worship music, which the band would soon become known for, but contained more standard fare, including songs on topics like friendship, complacency, and priorities. Overall, the band was characterized as not taking themselves seriously, for instance by including a cover of the Schoolhouse Rock! song "My Hero, Zero", and reflected in the band's name, which was taken from the song by the same name written by The Monkees. Likewise, the title of the album was a play on their own status as musicians. "We're appointing ourselves superstars with a 'Platinum' album..." Jason Halbert told one reporter, "That basically means Zilch!," Their song "In The Sky" is an answer to two hits at the time, Joan Osborne "One of Us" and Dishwalla "Counting Blue Cars", opening with the line, "... she asked if God was just a slob like us, well maybe something there is lacking," the second verse begins with, "Let me tell you all my thoughts on God, cause I just met with Him this morning..."
In early 1998 Mark Lee Townsend stepped down from the role of lead singer and was replaced by then-independent artist Jeff Deyo. Zilch would play shows, sometimes ending them with a praise song such as "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High." The band found that playing such music changed the nature of audience interaction with their performance, in positive ways.
Formation of Sonicflood
Their label took notice as well, and eventually suggested that the band consider recording a full-length praise and worship album. This idea was initially met with resistance from the band, which was already in the process of recording a second album under the title Millennium. Eventually, the band agreed to do a praise and worship as a one-off, with no intention of continuing beyond the single album. However, as the recording progressed, the band decided to commit to the project. Jeff Deyo characterized the band's name change as a sign of that commitment, saying that it was similar to the story of the conversion of Paul of Tarsus.
Sonicflood began rotating personnel making changes that would heavily impact the future of the band. Otto Price played bass, co-produced, and shared some writing credits on the album, but not wanting to continue touring, dropped out of the core band. Price would eventually take the spot of vice president of A&R at Word Records. Mark Lee Townsend did similarly, and was listed on Sonicflood as an additional musician. Already an industry veteran, he went on to produce albums for The OC Supertones and Relient K, among others. Additionally, he intended to release a second project under the name Zilch. However, despite occasional status updates throughout the first decade of the 2000s, that album is yet unreleased.
Seven Day Jesus guitarist Dwayne Larring and drummer Aaron Blanton became members of the band, bringing their number to four. The original lineup, under which the album Sonicflood was recorded consisted of Deyo, Halbert, Blanton, and Larring. Heil, then the Big Tent Revival bass guitar player, took over on bass guitar in early 1999 and joined as a founding member before Sonicflood began touring, but did not appear on the album.
Sonicflood and Sonicpraise
Sonicflood released its debut album in February 1999. With this release, the band became one of many bands in the burgeoning genre of praise and worship music, joining Delirious?, Hillsong, Matt Redman, and others at a time when the genre was a fast-growing part of the Christian music industry. The album landed on Billboard charts including the Billboard 200, the top 10 Christian albums, and peaking at No. 2 on the Heatseekers Chart. The band would stay on the top 10 Christian album charts well into the year 2000 (for over 72 weeks), and becoming possibly the best known praise and worship band in America.
The release had two No. 1 hits on Christian radio, "I Want to Know You" (written by Andy Park) and "I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever" (written by Martin Smith of Delirious?), and several lesser charting singles. The latter was probably their most well known song, and would gain an additional Dove nomination the following year, in the "Song of the Year" category. The band garnered three Dove Award nominations in 2000 and one win, for "Praise and Worship Album". In 1999 the band recorded a live album at the Flevo Festival but featuring content from other shows as well. Originally scheduled for a late 2000 release, changes in the band's structure would delay the album until 2001. .
In the fall of 1999 the band toured with speaker Josh McDowell. The following Spring Sonicflood joined the "Love Liberty Disco Tour", headlined by the Newsboys. The band also recorded a track for the compilation album City on a Hill with Peter Furler as lead vocalist. This release would take a Dove award for "Special Event Album" in 2001, although by that time the band would bear no resemblance to the one which recorded it.
Sonicflood dissolved throughout the year 2000, citing differences over the vision of the band. Issues that led to the band dissolving included whether the band should return to a more conventional musical strain or continue making praise and worship music and how the band should sound. These were complicated by the fact that the band had no true leadership; the original arrangement was equal ownership for each member. In a corporate fashion, this meant that each one had equal say in the direction of the band. By the fall of that year, all members except Heil had departed. Heil took the role of lead singer and began recruiting new members to fill the band's touring obligations and continue making praise and worship music.
By spring 2001, Sonicflood had gone Gold and the legal complexities that surrounded the band's name and ownership had been resolved. Sonicpraise, the live album recorded in 1999, was finally released. Similar to their eponymous album, it featured a mix of songs from that Sonicflood and new covers written by other praise artists. This album earned a Grammy nomination for "Best Gospel Rock Album", and the band was on Billboard charts once again.
Under Rick Heil
With Heil at the helm, the band recruited Tom Michael, Todd Shay and Brett Vargason, each of whom were members of the John Cox Band and David "Moose" Alan, who played keyboards for Big Tent Revival. The band switched record labels, leaving Gotee and partnering with newly formed INO Records. Heil began developing a praise and worship album, designing it similarly to the band's 1999 release, with a mix of covers and original songs. The result of these efforts became Resonate, released in the fall of 2001. Their 2003 release Cry Holy takes an acoustic rock sound, drawing comparisons to Chris Tomlin.
Following the 2005 release of This Generation, the band toured internationally, recording their performances along the way. While in Muslim-dominated Turkey the band filmed a music video for their song "This Generation". Sonicflood toured with sponsorship by Compassion International in the Spring of 2006, and continued to tour in Europe in the Summer. These recordings were released as Glimpse: Live Recordings From Around The World in fall 2006. As support for Glimpse, the band embarked on a United States tour, with sponsorship from the Southern Baptist Convention's International Mission Board, and included missionaries as speakers.
In 2007, the band appeared on Trinity Broadcasting Network's Praise the Lord to promote their appearance at an upcoming World Harvest Church-sponsored event. Bandleader Rick Heil appeared again the following year, in support of A Heart Like Yours, telling the story of his healing from Crohn's disease Heil contracted the disease at the age of 11, and was afflicted with it for 26 years. Heil's case was particularly bad and, he was told, incurable, leaving his only hope for cure in miracles. While Heil does not profess to have experienced a miracle per se, he does say that "Jesus is the great physician... the healer of the heart, the soul, the mind."
The band went on to record "A Heart Like Yours" in 2008 which has a rock and piano-dominated sound. Then, in 2009 recorded a Christmas album, "When Love First Cried."
In 2009, guitarist Phil Baquie received notice of his military unit's activation, and orders to deploy to Afghanistan in October as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. Though not yet a United States citizen, Baquie is in the military reserve, which is a possible path to citizenship. Baquie's final album appearance was on their 2009 Christmas album, When Love First Cried.
Current members
Rick Heil – lead vocals, guitar (2000–present (formerly bass guitar with Big Tent Revival)
Ron Robinson – lead guitar, vocals, band music director (2009–present) (formerly guitar with Everlife)
Phil Snowden – bass guitar (2013–present)
Chris Bevins – keyboards, vocals (2013–present) (currently keyboards/vocals and band manager with Salvador)
Dango Cellan – drums (2016–present) (also drums with Scott Stapp, Fireflight)
Former members
Lead vocals
Jeff Deyo (1999–2000)
Dean Rush (2000)
Bass guitar
Otto Price (1998–1999)
Rick Heil (1999–2000) (switched to lead vocals exclusively)
Tom Michael (2000–2004)
Bryan Willard (2004–2005)
Grant Norsworthy (2005–2007)
Aaron Blanton (1999–2000)
Brett Vargason (2000–2004)
Ben Showalter (2004–2005)
Chris Kimmerer (2006–2009)
Chris Knight (2009–2013)
Derek Wyatt (2013–2015) (formerly drums with Kelly Clarkson)
Jason Halbert (1999–2000)
David Alan (2000–2004) (also in Big Tent Revival)
McKendree Tucker (2008–2009)
Dwayne Larring (1999–2000)
Matthew Knabe (1999-2000)
Todd Shay (2000–2004)
Trey Hill (2004–2007)
Jordan Jameson (2004–2007)
Phil Baquie (2008–2009)
as Zilch
1997 – Platinum
as Sonicflood
1999 – Sonicflood
2001 – Sonicpraise (live album)
2001 – Resonate
2003 – Cry Holy
2004 – Gold (best-of compilation)
2005 – This Generation
2006 – The Early Years (compilation)
2006 – Glimpse: Live Recordings from Around the World (live album)
2008 – A Heart Like Yours
2009 – When Love First Cried (Christmas album)
Awards and nominations
2000 – Dove Award for Praise and Worship Album: Sonicflood
2000 – Dove nomination for New Artist of the Year
2000 – Dove nomination for Rock Recorded Song Of The Year: "I Have Come to Worship"
2000 – Nashville Music Award nomination for Contemporary Christian Album: Sonicflood
2001 – Dove Award for Special Event of the Year: City on a Hill: Songs of Worship and Praise
2001 – Dove nomination for Song of the Year: "I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever"
2002 – Grammy nomination for "Best Gospel Rock Album": Sonicpraise
External links
[ Album charts] from Allmusic
Interview with Rick Heil by Wrecked for the Ordinary
American Christian musical groups
Musical groups established in 1997
Musical groups from Nashville, Tennessee
Gotee Records artists |
3482099 | | 2003 Santa Fe flood | Santa Fe, capital of the , flooded in April 2003. Santa Fe is the fifth most populated city in Argentina ( 370,000 inhabitants), and it is surrounded by rivers. The flooding was described as the worst since the city was founded in 1573.
At the end of April 2003, several days of heavy rainfall caused some major rivers in the Santa Fe area to rise as much as 50 cm in 12 hours. The water level of the Salado River (which flows through the north of the province and empties into the Paraná) rose by almost two metres in just three hours.
On 28 April, the Salado overflowed its margins and flooded large sections of Santa Fe. About 100,000 people had to be evacuated, 154 people died, and 28,000 houses were damaged or destroyed. A dyke had to be blown up in order for ease the flow of the floodwaters out of the city. In this key area for the agricultural and ranching industries, over 30,000 km2 of farmland were destroyed. The flood hit the capital hardest, but many other communities were also affected.
The flood was unusual because it is generally the east side of Santa Fe, beside the Paraná, which is affected by floodings. Salado River floodings are less usual.
Soon after the initial flooding, President Eduardo Duhalde declared the province a "disaster zone" and announced a $2 million emergency aid package. The World Bank later offered an additional $110 million. The Red Cross launched an emergency appeal in response to the flooding on 6 May.
According to a UN assessment requested by the provincial governor Carlos Reutemann, the total damages were about $1,000 million, and implied the loss of about 12% of Santa Fe's GDP.
The rains continued into the next days, exacerbating the catastrophe. As of 8 May, a quarter of Santa Fe remained under water. Precarious evacuation centres appeared in the capital and nearby towns to accommodate the evacuees.
The provincial government was heavily criticized for ignoring warnings about the possibility of a sudden rise of the Salado River, and for ignoring appeals to build the necessary preventive infrastructure to contain or divert floods. The official treatment of the people who lost their homes, possessions and jobs was also questioned; food relief and promised subsidies for reconstruction were insufficient. Governor Reutemann saw the end of his term in office marked by these problems. The critical situation of Argentina at the time (recovering from a major economic crisis) did not help. On 30 January 2004, nine months after the flood and under the administration of Jorge Obeid, a demonstration asking for government assistance to those affected by the flood ended with the burning of the government house's facade and several offices destroyed.
Argentina flood toll rises. BBC News, 3 May 2003.
Argentine flood inflicts $1 billion in damages. United Nations Development Programme, Newsfront, 23 July 2003.
U.S. National Climatic Data Center. Global Hazards and Significant Events, April 2003 and May 2003.
ReliefWeb. Argentina flood response, May 2003 and June 2003; Appeal No. 10/03
Santa Fe flood
2000s floods in South America
2003 floods
History of Santa Fe Province
Santa Fe Flood, 2003
Climate of Argentina
2003 disasters in Argentina
April 2003 events in South America |
3551695 | | Willamette Floodplain | The Willamette Floodplain consists of of natural grassland, near the Willamette River, that was made a National Natural Landmark in May 1987. The floodplain is within the William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge and located about south of Corvallis in Benton County, Oregon.
It is the largest remaining native unplowed example of bottomland interior valley grassland in the North Pacific Border natural region. It was classified as a natural landmark because such grassland and shrubland areas are exceedingly rare, with most having been cultivated or turned into pastureland.
External links
Map of William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Willamette Valley
Willamette River
Grasslands of Oregon
Regions of Oregon
National Natural Landmarks in Oregon
Landforms of Benton County, Oregon
Wetlands of Oregon
Floodplains of the United States |
3612238 | | Green Brook Flood Control Project | The Green Brook Flood Control Project is a flood control project in Somerset County in central New Jersey first proposed in the early 1970s in the wake of two major flooding events: a 1971 flood event and a major 1973 flood which ravaged the Green Brook and Raritan River basins, causing millions in property damage and several deaths in central New Jersey.
The worst flooding in the Green Brook basin occurs in Bound Brook, which partially lies on a natural flood plain of the Raritan River at the junction of the Green Brook and Raritan River.
To address this flooding problem, the United States Army Corps of Engineers has proposed the Green Brook Sub Basin Flood Control Project, which entails numerous flood walls, levees, channel diversions, widening projects and retention basins throughout the Green Brook basin.
Floodings during the project
The Green Brook Flood Control project has languished for decades due to a lack of federal funding. Hurricane Floyd in 1999 caused yet more property damage and deaths in the Green Brook basin, especially in Bound Brook, and reinvigorated the flood control project. As of 2006, two levees have been built on the western and eastern sides of Bound Brook. An important levee (R2) on the southwestern side of Bound Brook, which would prevent the Raritan River from flooding the downtown and nearby residential areas, has been completed. Full 150 year protection of downtown and nearby residential areas of Bound Brook is effectively in place with final construction due to be completed by the summer of 2014.
The April Nor'easter of 2007 flooded Bound Brook with the second highest crest ever recorded in the area, as the envisioned flood protection systems were not yet fully in place. However, the April 2007 flooding did reinvigorate efforts to complete the flood levee protection system around Bound Brook, to protect it from future flooding.
Flooding of downtown occurred in August 2011 when Hurricane Irene passed along the East Coast.
Current status
The R2 levee system is functionally complete – The R2 Levee System is designed to provide Bound Brook with protection from a 150-year flood level. The levee is built to the height of the raised Talmage Avenue Bridge.
Closure gates along Raritan are functionally complete – The gate closures across the New Jersey Transit railroad tracks on the western side of Bound Brook and at the South Main Street railroad underpass that leads to Queens Bridge have been completed and are used to keep flood waters out of Bound Brook.
The new Talmadge Avenue Bridge that connects Bound Brook and Bridgewater, New Jersey is functionally complete. The replacement bridge was built to the height of the R2 Levee to prevent Middle Brook and Raritan River waters from entering Bound Brook from the west.
To improve water flow through Bound Brook, the former Conrail bridge over the Raritan River and its associated railroad embankment that were located east of Bound Brook were removed during 2007. The bridge and embankment, when they were in place, acted to block the river flow through the Bound Brook area. To build the main Bound Brook R2 levee, the bridge and embankment needed to be removed.
Finderne Wetlands mitigation project
The Finderne Wetlands mitigation project (also known as Finderne Farms) is a wetlands project upstream of Bound Brook in Bridgewater, New Jersey that is tied into the Green Brook Flood Control project. When completed, Finderne Farms will serve as a Somerset County park with trails through wetlands and ballfields. More importantly, Finderne Farms will serve as an upstream wetland that will help to reduce flooding in the Raritan River valley by providing space for floodwaters to pool.
Sebrings Bridge
A roadway bridge called the Sebrings Bridge, which crosses the Green Brook and links Sebrings Mills Road and Greenbrook Road in the respective towns of Green Brook and Middlesex, was replaced in 2012 as part of the Green Brook Flood Control project. The bridge currently slows water flow in the Green Brook during periods of high water runoff and causes flooding in the areas upstream of the bridge. The new bridge will be widened and raised to ease water flow. Federal funding is in place for Fiscal Year 2014 for the bridge replacement. Replacement of the bridge also will allow for additional future flood mitigation measures in the areas adjacent to the bridge, such as additional flood walls and levees.
External links
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Green Brook Sub Basin Page - Army Corps Green Brook Flood Control Project Website
Green Brook Flood Control Commission - Official Project Website
History of The Green Brook Flood Control Project
Detailed Green Brook Flood Control Project Update U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Meeting With Local Officials - September 6, 2006
Officials pleaded for further flood control funds $400 Million Needed to Complete Project, $40 Million to Fully Protect Bound Brook - April 19, 2006
Lawmakers work to keep flood-control funds from drying up - January 11, 2006
House panel approves $5 million for Green Brook Flood Control Project - May 18, 2005
Raritan River Gauge, Bound Brook, New Jersey - Observation gauge approximately one-half mile west (upstream) of Bound Brook, NJ, just below Calco Dam. Main Street in Bound Brook floods when the river reaches a 30-foot stage.
Raritan River
Somerset County, New Jersey
Flood control projects
Flood control in the United States |
3621246 | | Flooded engine | A flooded engine is an internal combustion engine that has been fed an excessively rich air-fuel mixture that cannot be ignited. This is caused by the mixture exceeding the upper explosive limit for the particular fuel. An engine in this condition will not start until the excessively rich mixture has been cleared. It is also possible for an engine to stall from a running state due to this condition.
Engine flooding was a common problem with carbureted cars, but newer fuel-injected ones are immune to the problem when operating within normal tolerances. Flooding usually occurs during starting, especially under cold conditions or because the accelerator has been pumped. It can also occur during hot starting; high temperatures may cause fuel in the carburetor float chamber to evaporate into the inlet manifold, causing the air/fuel mixture to exceed the upper explosive limit. High temperature fuel may also result in a vapor lock, which is unrelated to flooding but has a similar symptom. Flooding can also occur if the choke has been over applied or has malfunctioned.
A severe form of engine flooding occurs when excessive liquid fuel enters the combustion chamber. This reduces the dead volume of the combustion chamber and thus places a heavy load on the starter motor, such that it fails to turn the engine. Damage (due to excessive compression and even dilution of the lubricating oil with fuel) can also occur. This condition is known as the engine "flooding out." Possible causes of too much liquid fuel in the engine include a defective carburetor float that is not closing the fuel inlet needle valve, or debris caught in the needle valve preventing it from sealing.
Liquids inside an internal combustion engine are extremely detrimental because of the low compressibility of liquids. Although not the most common cause, a severely flooded engine could result in a hydrolock. A hydrolock occurs when a liquid fills a combustion chamber to the point that it is impossible to turn the crankshaft without a catastrophic failure of the engine or one of its vital components.
The conventional remedy for a flooded carbureted engine is to steadily hold the throttle full open (full power position) while continuing to crank the engine. This permits the maximum flow of air through the engine, flushing the overly rich fuel mixture out of the exhaust. If the exhaust system is hot enough to autoignite, an after-fire may result; this can be seen as a flame discharging through the exhaust system. On a fuel-injected engine, ignoring the throttle (no fuel) while starting permits electronic logic systems to produce the correct fuel mixture, often based on exhaust gases. Some fuel injection computers interpret "pumping" the throttle to indicate a flooded engine, and alter the fuel-air mixture accordingly. In a carbureted engine equipped with an accelerator pump (which advances fuel flow to match air ingestion under rapid throttle acceleration), "pumping" the throttle will force excess fuel into the engine, further flooding it.
In worst cases, the excess fuel can foul spark plugs, sometimes necessitating their cleaning or replacement before the engine will start. This is most likely to occur on a carbureted engine in cold weather, after a running engine has been shut off briefly before being restarted. Doing so can cause the choke valve to configure the mixture for a cold engine start, despite higher actual temperatures, resulting in an overly rich mixture and flooded engine.
See also
Vapor lock
Engine problems |
3656551 | | The Buffalo Creek Flood: An Act of Man | The Buffalo Creek Flood: An Act of Man is a 1975 American documentary film produced by Appalshop and directed by Mimi Pickering.
The film is about the Buffalo Creek Flood, an incident that occurred on February 26, 1972, when the Pittston Coal Company's coal slurry impoundment dam in Logan County, West Virginia burst four days after having been declared 'satisfactory' by a federal mine inspector. The film includes interviews with survivors, mining officials, and union representatives, along with footage of the flood itself.
In 2005, this film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
See also
List of American films of 1975
Harlan County U.S.A.
External links
Buffalo Creek Flood: An Act of Man essay by Mimi Pickering on the National Film Registry website.
Buffalo Creek Flood: An Act of Man essay by Daniel Eagan in America's Film Legacy: The Authoritative Guide to the Landmark Movies in the National Film Registry, A&C Black, 2010 , pages 720-722
Excerpt on Appalshop's official YouTube channel
1975 films
American short documentary films
1970s short documentary films
United States National Film Registry films
Documentary films about United States history
Documentary films about coal in the United States
Documentary films about disasters
1975 documentary films
Environmental disasters in the United States
Disasters in West Virginia
1970s English-language films
1970s American films
1975 independent films |
3724197 | | Operation Flood | Operation Flood, launched on 13 January 1970, was the world's largest dairy development program and a landmark project of India's National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). It transformed India from a milk-deficient nation into the world's largest milk producer, surpassing the United States of America in 1998 with about 22.29 percent of global output in 2018. Within 30 years, it doubled the milk available per person in India and made dairy farming India's largest self-sustainable rural employment generator. The program was launched to help farmers direct their own development, and to give them control of the resources they create. The program has since been termed the "White Revolution".
Dr Verghese Kurien, the chairman and founder of Amul, was named the Chairman of NDDB by Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri; Kurien thrust the program towards success and has since been recognized as its architect. The making of skim milk powder out of buffalo milk, termed the Anand Pattern Experiment at Amul, was also instrumental to the program's success; the man who made this possible was Harichand Megha Dalaya, alongside Kurien. It allowed Amul to compete successfully with cow milk-based suppliers such as Nestle.
Introduction and objective
Operation Flood is the program that led to "White Revolution." It created a national milk grid linking producers throughout India to consumers in over 700 towns and cities and reducing seasonal and regional price variations while ensuring that producers get a major share of the profit by eliminating the middlemen. At the bedrock of Operation Flood stands the village milk producers' co-operatives, which procure milk and provide inputs and services, making modern management and technology available to all the members.
Operation Flood's objectives included:-
Increase in milk production
Augmented rural incomes
Fair prices for consumers
Increased income and reduced poverty among participating farmers while ensuring steady supply of milk in return
Program implementation
Operation Flood was implemented in Three phases:
Phase I
Phase I (1970–1980) was financed by the sale of skimmed milk powder and butter oil donated by the European Economic Community (EEC) through the World Food Program (WFP). NDDB planned the program and negotiated the details of EEC assistance. During this phase Operation Flood linked 18 of India's premier milk sheds with consumers in India's major metropolitan cities: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai, establishing mother dairies in the four metros. Operation Flood-I was originally meant to be completed in 1975, but it eventually lasted until the end of 1979, at a total cost of Rs.1.16 billion.
At the start of Operation Flood-I, in 1970, certain aims were kept in view for the implementation of the programs:
Improving the organized dairy sector in metropolitan cities Mumbai (then Bombay), Kolkata (then Calcutta), Chennai (then Madras), and Delhi through marketing,
An increase in producers' share in the milk market,
The speeding up of the development of dairy animals in rural areas to increase both production and procurement.
Phase II
Operation Flood Phase II (1981–1985) increased the number of milk sheds from 18 to 136; urban markets also expanded the outlets for milk to 290. By the end of 1985, a self-sustaining system of 43000 village co-operatives with 4,250,000 milk producers was covered. Domestic milk powder production increased from 22,000 tons in the pre-project year to 140,000 tons by 1989, with all of this increase coming from dairies set up under Operation Flood. In this way, EEC gifts and a World Bank loan helped in promoting self-reliance. Direct marketing of milk by producers' co-operatives also increased by several million liters a day.
Phase III
Phase III (1985–1996) enabled dairy co-operatives to expand and strengthen the infrastructure required to procure and market increasing volumes of milk. Veterinary first-aid health care services, feed, and artificial insemination services for co-operative members were extended, along with intensified member education. Operation Flood's Phase III consolidated India's dairy co-operative movement, adding 30,000 new dairy co-operatives to the 43,000 existing co-operatives organized during Phase II. The number of milk sheds peaked at 173 in 1988–89, with the numbers of female members and female Dairy Co-operative Societies increasing significantly. Phase III also increased emphasis on research and development in animal health and nutrition. Innovations such as a vaccine for Theileriosis, bypassing protein feed and urea-molasses mineral blocks, contributed to the enhanced productivity of milk-producing animals.
There were some distinctive features behind the success of Operation Flood:
Adopting new and modern methods to hold and milk cows
Changing the composition of animal feed for better adjustment to the condition
Revision of different producer costs on a sliding scale
See also
Green Revolution in India
Amrita Patel
Cooperative movement in India
External links
Operation Flood on NDDB
History of Gujarat (1947–present)
History of agriculture in India
Dairy farming in India
Indira Gandhi administration |
3858596 | | Flooding (computer networking) | Flooding is used in computer network routing algorithms in which every incoming packet is sent through every outgoing link except the one it arrived on.
Flooding is used in bridging and in systems such as Usenet and peer-to-peer file sharing and as part of some routing protocols, including OSPF, DVMRP, and those used in ad-hoc wireless networks (WANETs).
There are generally two types of flooding available, uncontrolled flooding and controlled flooding.
In uncontrolled flooding each node unconditionally distributes packets to each of its neighbors. Without conditional logic to prevent indefinite recirculation of the same packet, broadcast storms are a hazard.
Controlled flooding has its own two algorithms to make it reliable, SNCF (Sequence Number Controlled Flooding) and RPF (reverse-path forwarding). In SNCF, the node attaches its own address and sequence number to the packet, since every node has a memory of addresses and sequence numbers. If it receives a packet in memory, it drops it immediately while in RPF, the node will only send the packet forward. If it is received from the next node, it sends it back to the sender.
There are several variants of flooding algorithms. Most work roughly as follows:
Each node acts as both a transmitter and a receiver.
Each node tries to forward every message to every one of its neighbors except the source node.
This results in every message eventually being delivered to all reachable parts of the network.
Algorithms may need to be more complex than this, since, in some case, precautions have to be taken to avoid wasted duplicate deliveries and infinite loops, and to allow messages to eventually expire from the system.
Selective flooding
A variant of flooding called selective flooding partially addresses these issues by only sending packets to routers in the same direction. In selective flooding, the routers don't send every incoming packet on every line but only on those lines which are going approximately in the right direction.
The advantages of this method are that it is very simple to implement,
if a packet can be delivered then it will (probably multiple times), and since flooding naturally utilizes every path through the network it will also use the shortest path.
Flooding can be costly in terms of wasted bandwidth. While a message may only have one destination it has to be sent to every host. In the case of a ping flood or a denial of service attack, it can be harmful to the reliability of a computer network.
Messages can become duplicated in the network further increasing the load on the network as well as requiring an increase in processing complexity to disregard duplicate messages. Duplicate packets may circulate forever, unless certain precautions are taken:
Use a hop count or a time to live (TTL) count and include it with each packet. This value should take into account the number of nodes that a packet may have to pass through on the way to its destination.
Have each node keep track of every packet seen and only forward each packet once.
Enforce a network topology without loops.
In Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), flooding is used for transferring updates to the topology (LSAs).
In low data rate communications, flooding can achieve fast and robust data communications in dedicated protocols such as VEmesh, which operates in the Sub-1 GHz frequency band and Bluetooth mesh networking, which operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency band. Both these protocols serve as underlying technologies in the Digital Addressable Lighting Interface in use in professional and commercial lighting control.
See also
Broadcasting (networking)
Flood search routing
Spanning Tree Protocol
Routing algorithms
Flooding algorithms |
3865911 | | Texas Flood (song) | "Texas Flood" (sometimes called "Stormin' in Texas" or "Flood Down in Texas") is a blues song recorded by Larry Davis in 1958. Considered a blues standard, it has been recorded by several artists, including Stevie Ray Vaughan, who made it part of his repertoire.
Original song
"Texas Flood" is a slow-tempo twelve-bar blues notated in 12/8 time in the key of A flat. Davis wrote it in California in 1955 and the song is credited to Davis and Duke Records arranger/trumpeter Joseph Scott. Nominally about a flood in Texas, Davis used it as a metaphor for his relationship problems:
Although Davis later became a guitar player, for "Texas Flood" Fenton Robinson provided the distinctive guitar parts, with Davis on vocals and bass, James Booker on piano, David Dean on tenor saxophone, Booker Crutchfield on baritone saxophone, and an unknown drummer. The song was Davis' first single as a leader and became a regional hit.
Stevie Ray Vaughan version
According to Clifford Antone, Stevie Ray Vaughan was introduced to "Texas Flood" by Angela Strehli at Antone's club in Austin, Texas, where the three of them worked out the song. Vaughan drummer Chris Layton recalled that Albert King brought Larry Davis to the club several times, where Vaughan was attracted to the "intriguing guitar parts".
In 1983, Vaughan recorded "Texas Flood" for his debut album, also titled Texas Flood. He followed Davis' song, although he added several twelve-bar sections of improvised guitar soloing, which nearly doubled the length of the song and provided a showcase for his electric guitar style. Although Vaughan performed it in using G fingering, he tuned his guitar one-half step lower; as a result the song is played in the key of G-flat.
Vaughan recorded several live versions of "Texas Flood" during his career, which appeared on such albums as Live Alive (1986), Live at Montreux 1982 & 1985 (released 2001), Live in Tokyo (1985, released 2006), and the videos Live at the El Mocambo (1983, released 1991) and Live from Austin, Texas (1983, released 1995). Vaughan's version is listed at number 66 by Rolling Stone magazine in its "100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time"
1958 songs
Blues songs
1958 singles
Stevie Ray Vaughan songs
Songs about Texas
Songs about rivers
Songs about floods
Duke Records singles |
4006869 | | The Haystack in the Floods | "The Haystack in the Floods" is a narrative poem of 160 lines by William Morris, the Victorian writer and designer. First published in The Defence of Guenevere, and Other Poems in 1858, it is one of his best-known poems.
The poem is a grimly realistic piece set in France during the Hundred Years' War. The doomed lovers Jehane and Robert de Marny flee with a small escort through a convincingly portrayed rain-swept countryside, to reach the safety of English-held Gascony. They are however intercepted by the treacherous Godmar and have a last despairing parting besides the "old soaked hay" of the title. The encounter takes place shortly after the Battle of Poitiers but the characters Godmar and Jehane are entirely fictional. Morris used the name of an English knight Sir Robert de Marny, who was born in Essex and fought at Poitiers but who did not die in the manner recited.
Three passages from the poem are most often quoted:
The in medias res opening:
Godmar's threat to Jehane if she does not become his mistress:
And the forlorn conclusion, following Robert's brutal slaying by Godmar and his men:
The poem succeeds because of its narrative pace, rather than ostentatiously-crafted language. It was one of the poems from Morris' early romantic period which were brought to the fore by historian E. P. Thompson (himself a published poet) in his 1955 biography of Morris. Against a dreary background of leafless dripping trees, rain and mud, the focus is on the Frenchwoman Jehane, her physical and emotional exhaustion as she is faced with impossible choices, her sudden ferocity as she responds to threats of rape, and her "strangely childlike" manner as she makes a final decision that will mean immediate death for her lover and her own execution as a witch or collaborator when returned to Paris.
The American poet Amelia Josephine Burr (1878–1968) composed a sequel poem to "The Haystack in the Floods" under the title of "Jehane", written in broadly similar style.
External links
University of Toronto: "The Haystack in the Floods"
1858 poems
Poetry by William Morris |
Subsets and Splits