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244334 | 47982 | 2225 | fr | 84 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/01/27/actualite/securite/nord-kivu-les-miliciens-mai-mai-leopard-se-dit-pret-deposer-les-armes | Le groupe Maï-Maï Léopard actif dans la région de Masereka accepte de déposer les armes pour la pacification de Lubero au Nord-Kivu. Dans une déclaration faite lundi 25 janvier dans le village Kaviniro, base de leur quartier général, ces miliciens souhaitent un désarmement public dans les plus brefs délais. Dans cette déclaration écrite, le groupe Maï-Maï dirigé par le général auto-proclamé Jacques Kalondero dit accepter de remettre toutes ses armes et munitions entre les mains de la MONUSCO. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Context->Security & Stability"
] | [] |
262880 | 49594 | 2028 | en | 69 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/homs-governorate-will-forcibly-reopen-old-markets-shops-unless-owners-resume-work-there/ | [February 12, Homs] The Homs governorate has given merchants and neighborhood committees two months to resume their commercial activity and reopen shops after their rehabilitation, or the governorate will reopen them. The shop owners have been demanding financial support to return to their stores, as their business was affected over the past period. They need financial incentives to boost their capital. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On People"
] |
104562 | 29885 | 1388 | en | 258 | UNHCR Costa Rica | 2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76211_0.pdf | Updated Sector Situation The COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean has impacted the social and economic development of the different countries and has generated a huge demand for health services, including sexual and reproductive health services. It has affected the continuity of and access to essential health services, including sexual and reproductive services and treatment, especially for the most vulnerable people, such as refugees and migrants from Venezuela. In the current context, where countries have imposed strict travel restrictions and reduced population movements in order to curb the spread of COVID-19, the regional Health Sector has identified the most pressing health-related needs of refugees and migrants from Venezuela, as well as their host communities. Refugees and migrants, having frequently lost their livelihoods, living in precarious conditions, and often without a realistic ability to adhere to social distancing and quarantine measures, are at increased vulnerability to COVID-19. In many countries in the region, they continue facing challenges accessing health services and treatment, even more so where they lack basic documentation or find themselves in irregular situations. Noting that the virus does not distinguish between persons’ nationality, status or gender, the systematic inclusion of all refugees and migrants in national responses to the COVID-19 situation, irrespective of their status in a country, therefore remains a priority – also with a view to protecting all persons in a country from the effects of the Coronavirus. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
175221 | 40897 | 1183 | es | 108 | UNHCR Colombia | 2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00 | https://redhum.org/documento/3676242 | El impacto de la pandemia puede ser mayor para las niñas y adolescentes, que para las mujeres adultas. Las dificultades y barreras en el acceso a servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva, incluyendo a métodos anticonceptivos modernos, sumado a una mayor exposición a situaciones de violencia sexual y abuso en el ámbito intrafamiliar, podrían llevar a un aumento en los embarazos no planeados y en la maternidad adolescente en América Latina y el Caribe, principalmente entre las poblaciones más dejadas atrás (Impacto del Covid-19 en el embarazo en adolescentes - América Latina y el Caribe - UNFPA LACRO 2020). | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
56341 | 17212 | 1183 | es | 62 | UNHCR Colombia | 2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00 | https://redhum.org/documento/3263338 | Pese a todo, Omaira no pierde la sonrisa y todos los niños y niñas de la comunidad la quieren y respetan como a sus propias madres, muchas de las cuales también acuden a los cursos de tejido y han encontrado una vía de ingresos vendiendo los productos que crean artesanalmente junto a esta voluntaria de UNICEF de 37 años. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
174331 | 41123 | 1388 | es | 122 | UNHCR Costa Rica | 2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00 | Los recursos económicos existentes para atender a la población solicitante de refugio son muy limitados, lo cual dificulta el acceso a las condiciones básicas para su sobrevivencia en el país, tales como vivienda, alimentación y salud. A ello se agrega que la institucionalidad pública, y el país en general, no está preparado para atender este flujo migratorio. El acceso a trabajo digno es muy limitado y los pagos son menores de lo mínimo establecido por la legislación laboral para las jornadas cubiertas. Según lo indican algunas de las personas entrevistadas, una persona refugiada o solicitante de refugio puede ganar la mitad o hasta un tercio del salario mínimo establecido por el MTSS. | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
300023 | 52146 | 2334 | fr | 38 | GIMAC Cameroon | 2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/2019_cmr_hrp_20190219_print.pdf | On estime à 437 0001 le nombre de personnes déplacées internes dont 105 000 dans le Nord-Ouest ; 246 000 dans le Sud-Ouest ; 54 000 dans le Littoral ; et 32 500 dans l’Ouest. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
227074 | 46299 | 2099 | fr | 77 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://www.fasoamazone.net/2020/12/16/covid-19-le-rapport-des-travaux-de-la-commission-denquete-parlementaire-rendu-public/ | Au regard de l’évolution de la pandémie de la covid-19 et au vu les rumeurs qui circulent au tour de cette maladie, depuis son apparition au Burkina Faso, l’Assemblée nationale, a initié une mission d’information parlementaire. Elle la porte sur la pandémie de la COVID-19 au Burkina Faso par résolution n°2020-03/AN/B/PRES du 4 mai 2020 conformément aux dispositions de l’article 154 de son Règlement. | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
353439 | 57762 | 2170 | en | 35 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_may_2021_0.pdf | [15th Jun 2021, North East Nigeria] High risk of epidemic outbreaks especially cholera, meningitis, measles, yellow fever. The northeast region is highly endemic for malaria and cholera. | [
] | [] | [
"At Risk"
] | [] | [
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities"
] |
213864 | 45361 | 2333 | fr | 76 | GIMAC Niger | 2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00 | https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/countries/Niger/Bulletin%20N%C2%B016%20%20COVID19%20-%20OMS%20Niger.pdf | Au cours des trois dernières semaines, les cas de COVID-19 ont été notifiés dans 6 districts répartis dans 4 sur 8 régions que compte le pays. Notons que les cas du district sanitaire de Tillabéry ont tous été dépistés chez des travailleurs retournés du barrage de Kandadji après 42 jours sans cas dans cette région. Les équipes de riposte ont ciblé les actions dans ces districts sanitaires à travers les différents piliers. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->National Response"
] |
316401 | 51577 | 2335 | en | 151 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/35217/South-Sudan-Economic-Update-Socioeconomic-Impacts-of-COVID-19.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y | Sourcing goods has become more difficult, but it is rarely considered a key business obstacle. Border closures and movement restrictions have raised transport cost and slowed down sourcing. Among market traders who source agricultural products from Juba or abroad, 85% said buying supplies had become more difficult since the onset of the pandemic. However, while traders mentioned poor availability of inputs (8%) and transport cost (13%) as obstacles, they gave far less prominence to them than to other constraints. Similarly, nearly four in five businesses (79%) said that since April, it had become more difficult to buy goods to re-sell or use as inputs. Yet, poor availability of inputs (2%) and transport cost (12%) were mentioned less frequently than more pressing constraints. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
69753 | 20017 | 729 | en | 47 | Libya Situation Analysis (OA) | 2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00 | https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-abducted-medical-staff-freed-after-12-days | Six medical workers abducted by a local armed group in Zintan, Libya, were freed on October 23, 2019, after 12 days of captivity, Human Rights Watch said today. The Zintan authorities should ensure that the captors are held to account. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
311714 | 53733 | 2098 | en | 96 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/04/18/covid-strict-lockdown-likely-to-be-extended-for-another-week | [18th April 2021, Bangladesh] Farhad Hossain said people should be more careful about coronavirus as there is no alternative to awareness. However, the NTAC on Covid-19 has recommended a 14-day fresh lockdown and the ongoing lockdown might be extended for another week based on the recommendation. According to a letter signed by Covid NTAC Chairman Prof Dr Mohammad Shahidullah, a 14-day lockdown should be enforced in city corporation and municipality areas, and a further decision can be taken after reviewing the infection rate of the two weeks. | [
] | [
] | [
"Priority Interventions"
] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures"
] | [
"Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
164801 | 39824 | 2028 | en | 60 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | Movement restrictions in NES: As of 28 August, curfew/lockdown measures are no longer implemented in any governorate in NES. Humanitarian partners continue to adhere to self-imposed limitations on movements, including working from home, working in shifts, reducing non-essential field visits/ meetings and, in camps, supporting a more localized response among camp residents | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures",
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures"
] | [] |
287774 | 51808 | 2028 | en | 50 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | https://syrianobserver.com/news/64848/one-million-syrian-pounds-for-one-night-in-damascus-private-hospitals.html | [23 March 2021, GoS] Medical sources in Damascus told Sowt Al-Asima that the Al-Mouwasat, Al-Mujtahid, Ibn Al-Nafees, Red Crescent, and Al-Assad University Hospitals have stopped admitting any positive cases, for they do not have any vacant beds in the coronavirus unit. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
94699 | 26635 | 1620 | en | 63 | 2020 DFS Nigeria | 2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/75273.pdf | Critical levels of out of school children were reported, with 72% of respondents pointing to moderate to high numbers of primary school age children not accessing education, which means that the majority of children in IDP camps do not receive the information sessions about human trafficking dangers that a few NGOs give in many schools, especially in Maiduguri. | [
] | [
"Information And Communication"
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
"Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers"
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
159429 | 35775 | 1183 | es | 73 | UNHCR Colombia | 2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/29072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_11_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf | Se observa que al menos 8,1 millones de trabajadores (36,1%) tienen una vulnerabilidad alta, principalmente en sectores relacionados con comercio y servicios. De igual forma, se considera que, en promedio el 47,4 por ciento de las mujeres (43,6%), jóvenes (43,2%) y refugiados y migrantes (55,4%) están ocupados en sectores económicos altamente vulnerables ante la COVID-19. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
328137 | 55000 | 2332 | en | 103 | GIMAC Chad | 2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00 | The onset of COVID-19 presents a new shock and worsens the preexisting crises in the LCB region. COVID-19 and its mitigation measures, including the closure of borders, restrictions on movements of goods and persons, and disruption of cross-border trade, has increased the vulnerabilities of local communities and, by extension, the number of persons requiring humanitarian assistance. This is evidenced by recent overcrowding at IDP camps, border processing posts, humanitarian processing posts and refugee camps across LCB territories. Since March 2020, this has been exacerbated by military offensives by MNJTF forces. | [
] | [
] | [
] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures"
] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
157278 | 38147 | 2099 | fr | 55 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | Avec les élections présidentielles et législatives attendues en novembre, il n’est pas exclu une recrudescence des attaques et menaces des groupes terroristes au cours des prochains mois. Cela pourrait entraver le déroulement activités agropastorales, le fonctionnement des marchés et la mise en œuvre adéquate de l’assistance humanitaire. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats"
] | [] |
500666 | 13155 | 1232 | es | 87 | UNHCR Uruguay | 2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00 | https://migration.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/DTM_Uruguay_Ronda_1.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=5235 | Con el objetivo de conocer cómo comenzó la ruta migratoria hacia Uruguay se los encuestados por el Estado de Venezuela donde comenzaron su viaje. La mayoría, precisamente el 38%, declaró haber comenzado el viaje en el Distrito Capital. En porcentajes inferiores, el 13% declaró haberlo hecho en Carabobo, el 8% en Bolívar, el 7% en Táchira y el 6% en Anzoátegui. Los demás Estados declarados presentan un peso relativo inferior al 5%. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
22125 | 8965 | 786 | en | 49 | Venezuela crisis 2019 | 2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00 | https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/57794/remarks-high-representativevice-president-federica-mogherini-press-conference-following-first_en | The ICG also recognized the humanitarian crisis that is deepening by the day, affecting millions of Venezuelans. The Group expressed its commitment to mobilize further assistance in areas of need and coordinate its delivery in liaison with the Joint UNHCR/IOM Special Representative, Mr. Eduardo Stein. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
7432 | 1261 | 321 | en | 76 | Situation Analysis Generic Libya | 2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/the-current-situation-in-libya.pdf | Six years after the fall of Muammar Gadhafi, Libya remains in a chaotic state. The United Nations-backed government struggles to exert control over territory held by rival factions, intensifying geographical and political divisions between the East, West, and South. Terrorist groups and armed militias exploit the turmoil, using the nation as a base for radicalization and organized crime, and pose a threat to the region and beyond. | [
] | [
] | [
"At Risk"
] | [
] | [
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities"
] |
124459 | 34143 | 1620 | en | 94 | 2020 DFS Nigeria | 2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000117621.pdf | Between May and June, the cost of the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) for a family of five increased by six (6) percent from 17,912.48 Naira to 19,071.68 Naira in Maiduguri and Jere. Similarly, in Damaturu, the SMEB increased by eleven (11) percent between May and June (from 13,798.58 Naira to 15,248.10 Naira). In the same vein, an increase the SMEB by 7 percent was recorded in Yusufari and Gujba, while it increased by 9 percent in Nguru. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
439786 | 63994 | 2099 | fr | 12 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | 3 124 voyageurs entrants enregistrés dans les aéroports de Ouaga et Bobo | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Covid-19->Contact Tracing"
] | [] |
308984 | 53597 | 2170 | en | 119 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_14_05_-11_april_2021.pdf | [5th-11th April 2021, Nigeria: Yobe State] Laboratory and Diagnostic Support: Twenty-six (26) samples tested positive, nine hundred, and twenty-six (926) are negative, and the results of the remaining six hundred, and fifty-two (692) samples are pending. The total number of samples collected is fifteen thousand, six hundred and seventy-three (15,673). Three hundred and sixty-five (365) results are positive, eight thousand, nine hundred and fifty-six (8,956) are negative, forty-two (42) for a repeat test and five thousand, six hundred and forty-four (6,310) remaining sample results are pending. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
337857 | 56224 | 2170 | en | 78 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Hard-to-Reach-H2R-Situation-Overview-Borno-and-Adamawa-states-Nigeria-July-September-2020.pdf | [1st July-1st September 2020, Adamawa and Borno States]Spending more time collecting water suggests that households have limited access to water, which may negatively impact their ability to engage in hand-washing practices to prevent the spread of diseases, including COVID-19. Additionally, given the high levels of insecurity, especially in Borno State, longer travel periods for water collection may put individuals at greater risk of security and protection concern. | [
] | [] | [
"At Risk",
"Humanitarian Conditions",
] | [] | [
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
418181 | 63857 | 1185 | es | 201 | UNHCR Peru | 2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00 | En la misma línea, el estudio del IEP para el PNUD (“El impacto socioeconómico de COVID-19 en los hogares peruanos”, noviembre 2020) nos muestra que un 24% de los informantes se quedó sin empleo durante la cuarentena y que aproximadamente el 50% disminuyó sus ingresos en más de la mitad. Estos efectos se muestran diferenciados dependiendo de las características de las unidades de producción. Así, el estudio encuentra que la probabilidad de mantener el ingreso es mayor para quienes lograron mantener su empleo en unidades de producción más grandes o en el sector público; mientras que es más bajo entre los independientes. Los independientes que se mantienen en su misma unidad de producción, vieron sus ingresos mermados en más de la mitad de lo que percibían antes de la cuarentena. Por otro lado, el estudio también encuentra que la proporción de personas que mantienen su trabajo es mayor entre los independientes que entre los asalariados. En tal sentido, el trabajo independiente permite a las personas seguir trabajando y obteniendo ingresos, aunque estos sean bastante más bajos que antes de la cuarentena. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On People",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
301575 | 52861 | 2331 | en | 84 | GIMAC Somalia | 2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_%20Humanitarian%20Bulletin_Junuary%2021%20-Final.pdf | Bakool region of South West State (SWS) has an estimated population of 320,000, with over 75 per cent living in rural settings as pastoralists or agro-pastoralists. While the region has faced food insecurity for many years, the humanitarian situation has significantly worsened recently, largely due to insecurity, intimidation and a blockade, as well as disruption of economic and commercial activities, and restricted humanitarian access owing to insecurity related to the presence oarmed non-state actors. | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
248109 | 48344 | 2225 | fr | 101 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/01/05/actualite/sante/nord-kivu-risque-de-contamination-au-coronavirus-avec-lafflux-des | « D’abord, nous félicitons les familles d’accueil. Vous savez, la ville de Beni passe un calvaire, parce que nous vivons aux dépens de ces périphéries de la ville. Ces agglomérations environnantes de la ville de Beni, c’est eux qui nous fournissent à manger. Mais entre-temps, il y a des attaques partout : à l’Est, à l’Ouest, au Nord et au Sud. Donc Beni est maintenant enclavé. C’est vraiment une difficulté », a déploré Jean-Paul Kapitula. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats"
] | [] |
165253 | 35235 | 2028 | en | 61 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | The spread of COVID-19 is further exacerbating the impacts of the crisis. The average number of new cases has been increasing daily since 23 May. Some of the measures the Government has been using to control the spread of the virus include movement restrictions between cities, a curfew, banning public gatherings and shutdown of economic activities. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures",
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures",
"Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors",
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures"
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
114725 | 31207 | 1898 | en | 38 | UNHCR El Salvador | 2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20North%20of%20Central%20America%20Situation%20Fact%20Sheet%20May%202020.pdf | UNHCR continues to ramp up efforts to support government responses to support IDPs, refugees and asylum seekers to cope with critical needs, like access to protection, food, housing and healthcare, including mental health | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response",
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being",
"Capacities & Response->International Response",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
235440 | 44665 | 2336 | en | 29 | GIMAC Afghanistan | 2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ipc_afghanistan_acutefoodinsec_2020aug2021march_report.pdf | Meanwhile, the lack of sustainable solution programmes and government support in allocating specific areas for them to build houses on have put them in a worsening situation. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
227605 | 46575 | 2332 | fr | 43 | GIMAC Chad | 2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20de%20situation%20-%20Chad%20-%2026%20ao%C3%BBt%202020.pdf | Concernant les migrations, le Tchad est un pays de départ, de transit et de destination pour les travailleurs migrants de l’Afrique du Centre, de l’Ouest et de l’Est motivés par des raisons économiques. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
235239 | 43598 | 2331 | en | 40 | GIMAC Somalia | 2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202009_HumanitarianDashboard_Final_Sub_0.pdf | Limited specialised services such as rape treatment for rape survivors, psychosocial support and higher levels of mental health care for traumatized women and girls are major hindrances to expanding provision of timely, confidential and quality GBV services. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
293643 | 50868 | 2466 | en | 41 | GIMAC Sudan | 2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2019_Humanitarian_Response_Plan.pdf | [2019, Sudan] This increases the risk of recruitment and use of children in armed conflict as well as dangers and injuries, sexual violence, and mental and psychosocial distress to women, men, boys and girls | [
] | [
] | [] | [
"Context->Security & Stability"
] | [] |
278191 | 50842 | 2225 | fr | 51 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC_%20FSO_2021_02_final.pdf | En ce mois de février 2020, le comité de conjoncture économique (CCE) a noté une stabilité de franc congolais se situant entre 1980 et 2015 franc congolais pour un dollar américain, une situation qui augure un bon comportement des prix des principaux produits sur les marchés. | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards",
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
224642 | 45371 | 2099 | fr | 24 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Renforcement%20de%20la%20redevabilit%C3%A9%20envers%20les%20populations%20affect%C3%A9es%20-%20Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Premi%C3%A8re%20phase%20-%20Novembre%202020.pdf | Les personnes consultées par le HCR ont déclaré que l’absence de sécurité leur donne le sentiment de ne pas être protégées. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
196514 | 44087 | 2170 | en | 36 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/427521-coronavirus-nigeria-records-155-new-cases-one-death.html | [22ndNov2020, Nigeria] With 60 new infections on Sunday, Lagos further stretched its lead on the number of infections to nearly 23,000, about a third of the country’s total. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
346398 | 56643 | 2311 | es | 82 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.sismamujer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Defensoras-2021-Pandemia.pdf | La evidencia demuestra que el acceso a la justicia para las lideresas y defensoras tanto frente a hechos de amenazas como de homicidios continúa presentando profundos obstáculos, especialmente en el caso de las amenazas, donde la impunidad supera el 99%. Se debe prestar atención a estas vulneraciones con el objetivo de prevenir y atender tempranamente estos hechos para que no se materialicen, es sabido que antes de ser asesinadas muchas lideresas y defensoras habían recibido amenazas previas | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
288763 | 51862 | 2225 | fr | 152 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://actualite.cd/2021/03/24/rdc-la-3eme-session-du-forum-economique-tuniso-congolais-souvre-ce-mercredi-kinshasa | Ouverture à Kinshasa, capitale de la République Démocratique du Congo du Forum économique tuniso-congolais qui va se tenir du 24 au 25 mars 2021 à l'hôtel Sultani. C'est pour ces travaux que séjourne à Kinshasa, le ministre des Affaires étrangères tunisien, Othman Jerandi qui est à la tête d’une forte délégation des investisseurs de son pays désireux de coopérer avec la RDC dans plusieurs secteurs dont l’éducation, l’agriculture, le commerce et autres. La 3ème session du forum économique tuniso-congolais a pour objectif d’étudier les moyens permettant de promouvoir les exportations entre les deux pays. Et ce, dans le but d’impulser les échanges commerciaux bilatéraux, et de consolider les relations économiques tuniso-congolaises. Ce qui permettra d’avoir une idée sur le climat des affaires et les opportunités d’investissement. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
275808 | 50673 | 2098 | en | 26 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | A total of 112 persons are currently in-home quarantine according to the Civil Surgeon Office in Cox’s Bazar as of 14 February 2021. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures",
] | [] |
342253 | 56254 | 2099 | fr | 67 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://ouaga24.com/burkina-crise-scolaire-le-premier-ministre-dabire-exprime-toute-son-amertume/ | Dans le domaine de l’enseignement supérieur, Christophe Joseph Marie Dabiré s’est satisfait de l’opération «un étudiant, un ordinateur» qui a permis en 2020, de mettre à la disposition des étudiants, «plus de 8 000 ordinateurs (…) pour améliorer les conditions d’apprentissage et la qualité de la formation universitaire». | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->National Response"
] |
306507 | 53244 | 2098 | en | 42 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/4/5/bangladesh-enforces-weeklong-lockdown-amid-spike-in-covid-cases | [5th April 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh is enforcing a lockdown for a week, shutting shopping malls and transportation, to help curb the spread of coronavirus as the rate of infections and deaths have increased in recent weeks. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures",
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures"
] | [] |
342472 | 56720 | 2311 | es | 86 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.fedesarrollo.org.co/sites/default/files/encuestas_documentos/eoe_boletin_abril_2021.pdf | Respecto al mes anterior, el porcentaje de empresas que tiene liquidez por más de 12 semanas, de 8 a 12 semanas, entre 6 y 8 semanas, y de 4 a 6 semanas se redujo en 5,4 pps, 2,1 pps, 2,3 pps y 1,9 pps respectivamente. Entre tanto, el porcentaje de empresas que tiene liquidez de 2 a 4 semanas y para menos de 2 semanas aumentó en 11,7 pps y 0,1 pps respectivamente (Gráfico 7). | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
189026 | 43380 | 2333 | fr | 65 | GIMAC Niger | 2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00 | https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Niger_FSO_Octobre%202020-Final.pdf | Concernant les marchés, les conditions de l’offre et de l’approvisionnement continuent à s’améliorer progressivement avec l’arrivée des nouvelles récoltes. La demande globale de céréales par les ménages s’est stabilisée par rapport à la moyenne. La demande globale de céréales par les ménages s’est stabilisée par rapport à la moyenne. | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
318485 | 54615 | 2336 | en | 53 | GIMAC Afghanistan | 2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_11_april_2021.pdf | The security situation remained volatile mainly in Kabul, Kapisa, Logar, Maidan Wardak, Khost, Ghazni, Paktika and Paktya provinces. During the reporting period, 10 people were killed and four people were injured in Khost, Maidan Wardak and Kabul provinces by targeted killings and ongoing fighting | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
11277 | 5265 | 321 | en | 113 | Situation Analysis Generic Libya | 2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2017%20August%202018.pdf | As of 17 August, the Libyan Coast Guard (LCG) rescued/intercepted 12,747 refugees and migrants (8,724 men, 1,964 women and 1,203 children) at sea during 91 operations. The main nationalities of individuals disembarked in Libya are Nigerian (1,696 individuals), Sudanese (983 individuals) and Eritrean (1,409 individuals). Since the beginning of the year, 97 bodies were recovered in Libyan waters while 583 lives were lost at sea. During the reporting period, 59 individuals disembarked at Azzawya Port (45 km west of Tripoli). The group included 34 men, 21 women and four children. | [
] | [
] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [
] | [
"Capacities & Response->National Response",
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
163908 | 39498 | 2098 | en | 20 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_16_19-25_june_2020_en.pdf | 20 June: Inauguration of Cox’s Bazar's first Intensive Care Unit for refugees and host communities. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
115108 | 32527 | 1184 | es | 346 | UNHCR Ecuador | 2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77380.pdf | Decisiones de migrar y ruta migratoria La situación económica de Venezuela fue la principal razón por la que más de la mitad de los migrantes (53 por ciento) fue empujada a abandonar a su país. La inseguridad generalizada también fue otro motivo importante para aquellos venezolanos que salieron al inicio de la crisis en 2016 y 2017 (27 y 39 por ciento, respectivamente). Sin embargo, para quienes migraron recientemente, tanto en 2018 como en 2019, la reunificación familiar comienza a ser un motivo importante para dejar Venezuela (11 y 18 por ciento). Esta última razón también es por la que 46 por ciento de los niños, niñas y adolescentes venezolanos han llegado a Ecuador.42 También se observa que los hombres llegaron primero para buscar trabajo (32 por ciento) en comparación con las mujeres que llegaron por esta razón (21 por ciento). Para estas el principal factor para migrar (41 por ciento) fue la reunificación de la familia.43 Casi tres de cada cinco migrantes venezolanos en Ecuador salieron de su ciudad de origen en 2018, viajaron principalmente en bus o en vehículo y una minoría viajó directamente al Ecuador. Un cuarto de la población venezolana encuestada inició su viaje desde Caracas, seguido por Carabobo, Aragua, y Zulia. El 92 por ciento de los migrantes pasaron primero por Colombia, mientras que menos del 10 por ciento fue directamente a Ecuador (7 por ciento). Las ciudades más transitadas en Colombia son Cúcuta, Bogotá, Cali e Ipiales.44 Notoriamente, más de cuatro quintos (84 por ciento) de los migrantes ingresaron por Rumichaca y el resto por San Miguel (8 por ciento), aeropuer- tos de Quito o Guayaquil (4 por ciento) y Huaquillas (2 por ciento). El 90 por ciento de los migrantes viajaron en bus o vehículo, y el 10 por ciento lo hizo a pie.45 | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
288836 | 51637 | 2099 | fr | 63 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20DE%20MONITORING%20FEVRIER%202021-%20BM.pdf | (Boucle du Mouhoun) Selon les participants à ces focus groups, le manque de moyens et perspectives socio-économiques aurait favorisé des cas d’abandon de femmes par les maris dans les localités de Djibasso et de Bomborokuy. Cette triste réalité contribue à accroitre la situation de vulnérabilité des femmes abandonnées et les expose à des risques de VBG. | [
] | [] | [
"At Risk",
"Humanitarian Conditions",
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards",
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
363272 | 59105 | 2028 | en | 66 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northeast_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_May_2021.pdf | [3-10th May 2021, NES] Cooking Fuels: The price of LP Gas is at 3,375 SYP per canister (20 Litres) (1.1 USD). There is a no change compared to the previous one month and 4% increase in the last six months. % of surveyed vendors reporting item as unavailable in their community/ neighbourhood: 2% | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards",
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
234425 | 46626 | 2336 | en | 70 | GIMAC Afghanistan | 2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00 | https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f857ce98108b70047c11831/1602583788535/Afghanistan-Analytical-Brief-September-2020.pdf | Most of the available tests are located in urban areas in Kabul, Herat, Kandahar, and Balkh. Demand for tests was lower in rural areas, per the MoPH [Ministry of Public Health]. Ahmad Jawad Usmani, the Afghan health minister, stated that although around 20,000 samples were taken daily across the country, there is only capacity to test around 2,000. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
390878 | 61343 | 2311 | es | 76 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://co.boell.org/sites/default/files/2020-01/IDEAS%20VERDES%20web%20_1.pdf | Se destaca, el programa Vías Terciarias para la Paz 50/51, por ser una estrategia del Gobierno nacional para intervenir y mejorar tramos en los 50 municipios más afectados por el conflicto armado, la pobreza, la debilidad institucional y los cultivos de uso ilícito. Este programa es parte de los acuerdos de paz, y debe ser implementado por las alcaldías a través de la Agencia para la Renovación del Territorio. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
306422 | 53171 | 2466 | en | 32 | GIMAC Sudan | 2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00 | https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/sudan_fsl_sector_-_2019_q2_dashboard.pdf | [Sudan, September 2019] Lifesaving interventions (SO1) was provided to 1.4 M individuals of which around 1.2 M with month food assistance and 200,000 with agricultural support. | [
"Food Security",
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
313804 | 54214 | 2311 | es | 45 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://noticias.canal1.com.co/noticias/colombia-denuncia-venezuela-onu-apoyo-regimen-grupos-narcoterroristas/ | Lacanciller Claudia Blumdenunció en un comunicado enviado alsecretario general y al presidente del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU“la grave situación que se vive en la frontera debido al apoyo que da el régimen ilegítimo venezolano a grupos armados organizados narcoterroristas“. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
298080 | 52699 | 2099 | fr | 88 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | Autres facteurs à prendre en compte sont les conflits communautaires liés à la gestion des ressources naturelles, entre les éleveurs et les agriculteurs, qu’ont connu une détérioration croissante parallèle à celle de la situation sécuritaire et donc la réduction de l’accès en général et à la terre en particulier, soit pour l’agriculture que pour le pâturage. L’impact de ces chocs alarmants sur la sécurité alimentaire est partiellement mitigé par les données de la campagne agropastorale. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
283473 | 51256 | 2335 | en | 62 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | https://logcluster.org/sites/default/files/logistics_cluster_south_sudan_operation_overview_2011.pdf | Following a recommendation from OCHA to postpone non-critical physical meetings, coordination meetings are held online for Juba, while physical meetings in field hubs are organised on an ad hoc basis, ensuring COVID-19 preventive measures are respected by attendees. In November, one online coordination meeting was held in Juba, attended by a total of 22 organisations. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
335682 | 55776 | 2098 | en | 40 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20in%20Cox%27s%20Bazar%20Information%20Booklet_April2021.pdf | [10 May, 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: In total 2,098 women engaged in the livelihoods programme, selling their products to fresh food corners. This includes 940 women who are using the Farm2Go application | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms"
] |
178665 | 39964 | 1183 | es | 143 | UNHCR Colombia | 2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00 | En la Guajira hay un enorme potencial de articular la producción local con los comerciantes, ya que el 96.3% de los comerciantes están dispuestos a comprar a los productores locales. En el caso de renglones como el arroz, café, carne de chivo, carne de pollo, carne de res, carnes frías, frijol, harina de maíz, huevos, leche, limón, maíz, ñame, panela, pescado, plátano, tomate y yuca. Otros renglones como la cebolla, la papa, la arveja, entre otros, ciertamente dependen de una producción externa al departamento ya que no se da la producción en este departamento. Hay renglones que no se pueden articular con los comerciantes como la pasta, ya que los proveedores son principalmente marcas comerciales reconocidas. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
113971 | 32341 | 1620 | en | 25 | 2020 DFS Nigeria | 2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/262_1592399794.pdf | There were 388 suspected cases of measles reported from 74 LGAs in 20 states. None was laboratory confirmed and one death was recorded. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
353465 | 57882 | 2311 | es | 59 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/la-brecha-digital-para-la-proteccion-de-derechos-de-la-poblacion-venezolana/2701 | .Pero ésta es una pequeña parte de la barrera administrativa, porque casi la totalidad de los servicios que habitualmente servirían para la protección de derechos de la población venezolana, se han visto afectados por la transición digital en su prestación.Esas comunidades de escasos recursos se encuentran aisladas y realmente excluidas del ejercicio democrático de sus derechos. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
117551 | 32630 | 1386 | es | 63 | UNHCR Venezuela | 2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cl%C3%BAster%20ASH%20%28WASH%29%20Venezuela%20%E2%80%93%20mayo%202020.pdf | Desde el inicio del año, los miembros del clúster ASH reportan haber atendido a 416.000 personas. Esto incluye 21 organizaciones que intervienen en 22 estados (falta Cojedes y Nueva Esparta), 64 municipios y 77 parroquias, sin embargo, la mayoría se concentran en Bolívar (132.000 per.) y Táchira (132.160 per.). | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks",
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
197861 | 43573 | 2331 | en | 58 | GIMAC Somalia | 2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119200.pdf | Additionally, 93 percent of MCHN beneficiaries participated in an adequate number distributions, indicating a high level of adherence. These improvements are attributed to the integration of nutrition-Sensitive Social Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) which encourages uptake of recommended dietary practices among caregivers and pregnant and nursing women and strengthened community mobilization and sensitization. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
428806 | 63531 | 2225 | fr | 82 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/compte-rendu_de_lactualite_des_nations_unies_en_rdc_a_la_date_du_18_aout_2021_final.pdf | Les acteurs étatiques sont responsables de cinq violations (FARDC : 4, PNC : 1). Globalement, 41% des violations ont été vérifiées [par la section Protection de l’enfant de la MONUSCO en juillet 2021] au Nord-Kivu (72), 29% au Sud-Kivu (51), 17% en Ituri (30), 7% au Tanganyika (12), et 5% au Maniema (9). | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
36536 | 13319 | 788 | en | 57 | Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA) | 2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF-CPiE-Caseload-Verification.pdf | Assessing the age distribution showed that children below the age of 10 constitute the larger proportion of the caseload (2,975: 52%), followed by children between the age of 11 to 15 years (2,178: 38%) and those between 16 and 18 years (604: 10%). | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
153752 | 37900 | 2028 | en | 63 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | https://www.syriahr.com/en/181529/ | According to SOHR statistics, based on reports obtained from reliable medical sources in regime-controlled areas, the total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases has reached nearly 10,050, of whom 1,170 recovered, and 640 died.The cases are distributed across all Syrian provinces. However, most of the deaths and infections have been in Aleppo, Damascus and Rif Dimashq. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
125054 | 34309 | 1185 | es | 47 | UNHCR Peru | 2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00 | https://redhum.org/documento/3655265 | Entre el 2017 y junio del 2020, en Piura se ha culminado la reconstrucción de 7,731 viviendas afectadas por el FEN (7,528 en zonas urbanas y 203 en zonas rurales) de un total de 12,621. Ello representa un avance del 61 %. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
241114 | 47521 | 2225 | fr | 52 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/communique_de_presse_situation_securitaire_a_beni.pdf | La plupart d’entre elles sont hébergées dans des familles d’accueil - lesquelles subissent une pression sur leurs ressources et sont d’autant plus vulnérables - tandis que les autres populations déplacées vivent dans des écoles ou des églises, dans des conditions de vie particulièrement précaires. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
260529 | 49010 | 2098 | en | 51 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/02/12/covid-19-experts-suggest-increasing-vaccination-centres | [12th February 2021, Bangladesh] Dr Mohammad Mushtuq Husain, adviser at the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR), said people are also being motivated to take the vaccine after seeing eminent politicians, cabinet members and senior citizens get the shot. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On People"
] |
250065 | 48432 | 2099 | fr | 54 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_%20MBDHP_%20DECEMBRE%202020_SAHEL.pdf | (Sahel) En plus, les classes sont surpeuplées du fait de la situation de déplacement dans la région. La majorité des écoles sont fermées dans les zones à risque du fait de l’insécurité et la plupart des élèves se retrouve dans les chefs- lieux des provinces pour la scolarisation | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
90236 | 25675 | 1621 | en | 53 | 2020 DFS Libya | 2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20programme%20in%20Mine%20Risk%20Education.pdf | According to the Humanitarian Needs Overview for 2020, the conflict has affected approximately 1.8 million people, including 268,000 children. Dozens of children have been killed and injured by airstrikes, shelling, small arms fire, Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Access",
] | [
"At Risk",
] | [
"Context->Security & Stability",
"Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints",
] | [
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"Impact->Number Of People Affected"
] |
214197 | 45401 | 2333 | fr | 93 | GIMAC Niger | 2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00 | https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/countries/Niger/Bulletin_4_nCOVID-19_Niger_2003200.pdf | Le patient a été transféré ensuite, au site de prise en charge de l’Hôpital Général de référence de Niamey en date du 19 mars 2020. La recherche des contacts autour du cas a permis de recenser au total 76 personnes dont 65 vivant dans la même concession, 8 collègues de travail et 3 autres au niveau de la clinique médicale qui a lancé l’alerte. Ces derniers sont en confinement au site identifié par le Gouvernement avec un suivi quotidien de l’équipe médicale. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->National Response"
] |
322079 | 54686 | 2311 | es | 48 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/pico-y-cedula-barranquilla-hoy-horarios-y-restricciones-este-26-de-abril/ | Además de esta medida, el toque de queda seguirá vigente en la capital del Atlántico desde las 6:00 p.m. hasta las 5:00 a.m. del día siguiente. Esta restricción está decretada desde este lunes 26 de abril y va hasta el viernes 30 del mismo mes. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures"
] | [] |
237758 | 47247 | 2225 | fr | 52 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_SO_1901_ERM_Oicha_octobre-decembre2020.pdf | Parmi les IC rapportant que l’école la plus proche avait été endommagée, 5/7 ont rapporté que ces destructions étaient liées à des attaques par des personnes armées, tandis que 2/7ont rapporté que ces destructions n’étaient pas liées à des violences, ni à un désastre. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
206731 | 44799 | 2028 | en | 42 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=212354 | [2nd December, 2020, Overall Syria]Health Ministry announced on Wednesday that 86 new Coronavirus cases have been registered in the country and that 65 patients infected with the virus have recovered, while 4 others have passed away | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
6296 | 270 | 321 | en | 153 | Situation Analysis Generic Libya | 2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00 | https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-migrants-and-refugees-out-plane-and-boat | A recent report by the Bundestag Research Services on SAR operations in the Mediterranean notes the support for the Libyan Coast Guard by EU and Member States in bringing refugees and migrants back to Libya may be violating the principle of non-refoulement as outlined in the Geneva Convention: “This cooperation must be the subject of proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights, because the people who are being forcibly returned with the assistance of the EU are being inhumanely treated, tortured or killed.” stated Andrej Hunko, European policy spokesman for the German Left Party (die Linke). A joint statement released by SAR NGO’s operating in the Mediterranean calls on the EU institutions and leaders to stop the financing and support of the Libyan Coast Guard and the readmissions to a third country which violates fundamental human rights and international law. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
68838 | 19726 | 1386 | es | 35 | UNHCR Venezuela | 2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00 | http://www.noticierodigital.com/2019/10/psicologo-luis-madrid-venezolanos-sufren-de-mas-insomnio-desnutricion-y-depresion-por-la-crisis/ | Madrid indicó que la salud mental del venezolano se ha deteriorado exponencialmente en los últimos 10 años. “hay muchos problemas de sueño de bienestar emocional que van afectando el desempeño del venezolano. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
276601 | 43574 | 2335 | en | 97 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SS_20200616_C19_HRP.pdf | Contextualized messaging on COVID-19 continues in close collaboration with partners and in line with the guidance from the Risk Communication and Community Engagement Technical Working Group. Key messages are disseminated using various modes of communication such as house to house visits, local FM radios, megaphones, and loudspeakers mounted on cars. Equally important, messaging on critical hand washing practices, maintaining environmental cleaning campaigns at household level, safe water management and safe disposal of human excreta were taken into consideration with adequate measures put in place on physical distancing practice. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response",
"Capacities & Response->National Response"
] |
199645 | 44244 | 2098 | en | 31 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://www.dhakatribune.com/world/2020/11/24/global-covid-19-cases-top-59-million?fbclid=IwAR3W378wmb4obad6839zPLpCs8UVmGh7k3ykGwgKtML2HD73GKZ5tjvxD4Y | [24th Nov 2020, Bangladesh] Bangladesh records 32 more deaths, 2,230 new cases19 new coronavirus cases in 24 hours until Monday, pushing up the tally to 449,760 | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
114100 | 29963 | 1183 | es | 137 | UNHCR Colombia | 2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00 | https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77001 | 9.300 mascarillas y tapabocas, 5.000 guantes quirúrgicos, 310 monogafas y 1.800 batas para el personal de salud. 892 kits de protección personal para el personal de salud y sustitutos del ICBF. 2.100 unidades de material informativo sobre la prevención del COVID-19 y lavado de manos en Maicao, Riohacha, Uribia y San Juan del Cesar. 500 kits para lactantes en Riohacha y 320 kits para gestantes y recién nacidos. 296 mosquiteros entregados en comunidades de Maicao. 25 RHU instaladas en el Hospital San José de Maicao, 2 RHU adicionales en el Hospital de San Juan del Cesar y 11 carpas entregadas en Maicao, Riohacha, Uribia y San Juan. Dotación de insumos y equipos médicos para los hospitales de Maicao, Riohacha y San Juan. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
498030 | 68545 | 1187 | es | 134 | UNHCR Argentina | 2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00 | El trámite de obtención de residencia de los niños y niñas quedaba en suspenso hasta que la familia aportara alguno de esos documentos. Ante la encrucijada (y la indicación de la autoridad migratoria), las familias concurrieron al Consulado de Venezuela en Buenos Aires para solicitar el certificado de nacionalidad. Efectivamente, se trata de una certifica- ción que todos los consulados emiten a sus nacionales, pero únicamente a aquellos que ya estén “identificados” en su país de origen: es decir, que cuenten con pasaporte o documento nacional de identidad —en este caso, cédula venezolana—. Puesto que los niños no contaban con ninguno de esos documentos, el Consulado no podía emitirles los certificados de nacionalidad solicitados por la autoridad migratoria argentina. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On People"
] |
209363 | 44943 | 2331 | en | 40 | GIMAC Somalia | 2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/health_cluster_bulletin_april_to_june.pdf | Nine health care facilities (HCF) in eight districts (Afmadhow, Afgoye, Baidoa, Beletwayne, Doolow, Hobyo, Kismayo and Qardo) were affected; restricting access to the health services for 275,300 people. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
165299 | 39846 | 1183 | es | 132 | UNHCR Colombia | 2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/estudio%20mujeres%20Migraciontes_final.pdf | 6.5 Obstáculos para acceder a medios de vida Las profesionales tienen dificultades para que las contraten en puestos acordes a sus conocimientos y experiencia laboral. Cuando han viajado con sus títulos se suma la necesidad de apostillar los documentos y convalidarlos, lo cual implica un tiempo y unos costos que no siempre pueden asumir. Las personas con conocimientos técnicos que no portan un título tienen la posibilidad de recibir una certificación de competencias de parte del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA). Las mujeres son una minoría de las personas venezolanas certificadas por el SENA, únicamente el 30,1% (69,9% son hombres) y esta proporción ha disminuido desde 2017, año en que fue de 32,3% (Khoudour, 2019). | [
] | [] | [
"At Risk",
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
133432 | 35113 | 1187 | es | 43 | UNHCR Argentina | 2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00 | El 54% de la población encuestada afirmó que dentro de su núcleo familiar ninguna persona tenía una cuenta bancaria. Estar bancarizados es un indicador de integración que le permite a las personas insertarse financieramente en el país que lo acoge. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
326504 | 53308 | 2098 | en | 53 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DEC_CVA_Rohingya_Response_Review_GroupeURD_2020.pdf | [3 December 2020, Bangladesh, Cox's Bazar] Other health-related concerns: Multiple factors, such as the lockdown, the isolation, the fear about the pandemic and the reduction of protection activities, have caused an increase in mental health related troubles for refugees and host communities. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On People",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
106345 | 31118 | 1860 | en | 161 | COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment | 2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00 | 2.3.1 Remittances to LAC in 2020 Will Be Highly Impacted by COVID-19 In 2020, remittance flows to the LAC region are expected to fall by 19.3 percent. These projected growth rates are lower than the decrease of 12.3 percent during the global financial crisis of 2009. The anticipated drop in remittances is likely to be sharper for LAC than other regions. This is because Italy, Spain, and the United States, which are the region’s main remittance-source countries, have been hit hard by the pandemic. Some corridors that are highly dependent on remittances from these countries, such as those involving Ecuador and Colombia, are likely to register larger declines. Prevailing high unemployment rates in Italy and Spain are likely to be exacerbated by the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis, fur- ther constraining remittance flows to Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Paraguay, and Peru. | [
] | [
] | [
"At Risk"
] | [
"Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics",
"Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors"
] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors",
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities"
] |
70652 | 20132 | 1386 | en | 49 | UNHCR Venezuela | 2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00 | https://redhum.org/documento/3367453 | More than 80 percent of the 4.5 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants have remained in the region, hosted by Latin American and Caribbean countries. These migrants and refugees are not confined to camps but are in towns and cities where they live together with local people. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
323188 | 54743 | 2331 | en | 57 | GIMAC Somalia | 2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00 | https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/0d2e5894/DBF_area | [WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported problems related to accessing sanitation facilities by households of IDP settlement were Sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) are not functioning or full (38%), Sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) are unclean/unhygienic ( 30%) | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
453657 | 64943 | 2099 | fr | 52 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION-PLATEAU%20CENTRAL_Juillet%202021.pdf | En ce qui concerne les enfants séparés, des cas ont été signalé (plus d’une dizaine) dans les communes de Zitenga, Dapélogo, Ourgou-Manega. Ces enfants vivent dans des conditions de vie précaire (besoins alimentaires, vêtements, santé, éducation, …). | [
] | [] | [
"At Risk"
] | [] | [
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities"
] |
415130 | 63863 | 1185 | es | 44 | UNHCR Peru | 2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00 | Además, debido a la emergencia sanitaria, en los albergues que reciben a personas nuevas se han implementado cuartos especiales para el periodo de aislamiento preventivo (los primeros catorce días de llegada) y otros espacios en caso de contraer la enfermedad | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
244522 | 47234 | 2225 | fr | 63 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/hno_2021-final_0.pdf | Personnes réfugiées congolaises à l’étranger et rapatriées en RDC Près de 927 585 congolais sont réfugiés en Afrique, principalement en Ouganda, en Afrique du Sud, au Burundi, en Tanzanie et au Rwanda.86 La tendance est à l’augmentation comparativement à la même période en 2019, où ces chiffres étaient de 886 881 personnes réfugiées congolaises | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
235254 | 45085 | 2335 | en | 29 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fsnms_r25_final_report_25_june_2020.pdf | As compared to January 2019, the proportion of the population facing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity has decreased by 9 percent. | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
343902 | 56628 | 2311 | es | 115 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.cepal.org/sites/default/files/publication/files/46914/cb2536_es.pdf | Sin embargo, el sector agroalimentario parece tener un comportamiento diferente al resto de los sectores económicos. Antes de la crisis, se esperaba que América Latina y el Caribe se transformara en la principal región productora de alimentos del mundo, aportando más de un cuarto de los productos agrícolas y pesqueros del planeta (OCDE y FAO, 2019) y después de casi un año de iniciada la crisis, la proyección no ha variado mayormente. Es más, la exportación de productos agrícolas y pesqueros producidos en la región ha aumentado en un 6% durante el primer semestre del 2020 (FAO y CEPAL, 2020). | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
196684 | 43642 | 2311 | es | 66 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/la-integracion-venezolana-un-proceso-social-a-largo-plazo/2265 | En Bogotá, el 61% manifestó no tener el plan de regresar y el 37% de hacerlo. Eso significa que una buena parte de la población venezolana que vive actualmente en Colombia tiene la intención de reconstruir su proyecto de vida en el país o retornar solo cuando las condiciones en Venezuela lo permitan, aspecto que aún se ve muy lejano. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
83707 | 23107 | 1621 | en | 38 | 2020 DFS Libya | 2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00 | https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-conflict-dg-echo-unicef-un-ocha-echo-daily-flash-09-january-2020 | Since 1 April 2019, there have been at least 60 registered attacks on health facilities and workers, impacting at least 19 ambulances and 17 health facilities and causing at least 75 deaths and 49 injuries. | [
] | [
] | [
] | [
"Context->Security & Stability",
] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
220778 | 45315 | 2336 | en | 18 | GIMAC Afghanistan | 2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/afghanistan_wash_cluster_strategy_in_the_context_of_the_covid-19_17th_may_2020.pdf | Position handwashing facilities with soap and set up mandatory handwashing for anyone entering and exiting the HCF. | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Interventions"
] | [] | [
"Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
320205 | 53182 | 2466 | en | 58 | GIMAC Sudan | 2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SDN_2021HNO.pdf | There are five million vulnerable residents throughout the country considered in the worst severity of needs as follows: 5.03 million people needs access to hygiene services, 3.7 million people needs access to sanitation, and 1.4 million needs access to basic water services. About 2.2 million IDPs are in the worst severity of needs. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
301883 | 51166 | 2335 | en | 40 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20South%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20152%20-%20January-December%202020.pdf | UNICEF field offices in Bor and Malakal also took part in the identification and prioritization of at-risk counties for heightened surveillance to prevent importation of cholera from neighboring regions of Ethiopia that reported a cholera outbreak in November 2020. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
386053 | 57658 | 2099 | fr | 51 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | BILAN PHYSIQUE DES ACTIVITES - Le concours meilleure école GHM [gestion hygiénique des menstrues] - Les rencontre périodique de bilan de mise en œuvre avec les acteurs du projet - Visites annuelle d'échanges dans les écoles avec les filles et les garçons - 2726 filles et 2820 garçons touchés | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps",
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
231746 | 46684 | 2311 | es | 49 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.dane.gov.co/files/investigaciones/boletines/ech/ech/CP_empleo_nov_20.pdf | Alojamiento y servicios de comida fue la rama de actividad económica con la mayor reducción de ocupados en el país en noviembre de 2020 (-413 mil, variación estadísticamente significativa). Por el contrario, Información y comunicaciones registró un incremento de 52 mil ocupados. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
Subsets and Splits