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58357 | 17535 | 1186 | es | 35 | UNHCR Chile | 2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00 | En la Región de Los Lagos las personas extranjeras provienen principalmente de los colectivos de Venezuela en un 24,9%; de Argentina con un 22,9% y de Haití con un 19%. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
297611 | 52149 | 2334 | fr | 30 | GIMAC Cameroon | 2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2019_vf_light.pdf | des problèmes d’hygiène et d’assainissement persistent avec seulement 14,3 % de la population à l’Extrême Nord ayant accès à des installations sanitaires améliorées. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
299426 | 52556 | 2099 | fr | 121 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Pr%C3%A9vention%20et%20r%C3%A9duction%20des%20risques%20d%E2%80%99apatridie%20-%20Aper%C3%A7u%20des%20activit%C3%A9s%20de%202020%20au%20Burkina%20Faso.pdf | En 2018, l’UNHCR a financé la réalisation d’une étude préliminaire sur les risques d’apatridie dans 5 régions qui a révélé qu’environ 10.30% des populations enquêtées sont à risque d’apatridie ». Ce taux, appliqué aux résultats préliminaires du 5e Recensement Général de la Population et de l’Habitation (RGPH), publiés par l’Institut National des Statistiques et de la Démographie (INSD-22 décembre 2020), qui estime à Près de 20,5 millions d’habitants donne un nombre élevé de personnes ne disposant pas d’acte d’état civil ou d’identité (2 111 500 personnes). | [
] | [] | [
"At Risk",
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
357815 | 58565 | 2311 | es | 55 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.mineducacion.gov.co/portal/salaprensa/Noticias/405736:Gobierno-Nacional-firma-acuerdo-con-Instituciones-de-Educacion-Superior-publicas-de-Norte-de-Santander-y-honra-el-compromiso-de-brindar-matricula-cero-a-estudiantes-de-estratos-1-2-y-3-del-departamento | Gracias a la iniciativa de Matrícula Cero liderada por el Presidente Iván Duque, se beneficiarán cerca de 695 mil jóvenes de estratos 1, 2 y 3, que representan el 97 % de los estudiantes de pregrado de las Instituciones de Educación Superior públicas y cierra una brecha social de muchos años. | [
] | [
] | [
] | [
"Context->Legal & Policy"
] | [
"Impact->Impact On People"
] |
167937 | 40333 | 2098 | en | 65 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200917_acaps_coxs_bazar_analysis_hub_upazila_profiles_0.pdf | The lack of people coming forward for testing or treatment for COVID-19 highlights these existing frustrations with, and mistrust towards, healthcare facilities, along with doubts about the capacity of healthcare providers to ensure adequate and dignified treatment. As a result, pharmacies, allopathic, and homeopathic doctors remain the preferred source of primary treatment for COVID-19 and other illnesses. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
328232 | 55071 | 2099 | fr | 29 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | [mines] Les civils représentent 50% de l’ensemble des victimes en 2020 contre 36% en 2019 et aucune victime en 2017 et 2018. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
"Context->Security & Stability"
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
323210 | 53788 | 2225 | en | 78 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/qa-congo-facing-ebola-and-covid-19 | The country has been impacted since March 2020 by the different phases of restriction and limitation of movement. The socio-economic consequences are catastrophic. Cases continue to increase, but fortunately there are very few severe cases at the moment, and we have not seen an overload in COVID-19 facilities. The challenges remain the weakness of the system in terms of screening (timeliness and accessibility) and the lack of personal protective equipment. | [
] | [
] | [
] | [
"Covid-19->Contact Tracing",
] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
121228 | 32078 | 1187 | es | 24 | UNHCR Argentina | 2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77221.pdf | Los socios brindaron asistencia de emergencia a refugiado/as y migrantes de Venezuela con COVID-19 en Bolivia y Argentina, complementando los servicios nacionales. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions",
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
195901 | 43842 | 2225 | fr | 41 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_289_20201114.pdf | Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 11 788 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 321 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2). | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
456951 | 61066 | 2099 | fr | 68 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20%C3%89valuation%20des%20besoins%20en%20abris%2C%20articles%20m%C3%A9nagers%20essentiels%20%28AME%29%20et%20logement%2C%20terre%20et%20biens%20%28LTB%29%20-%20Ville%20de%20Dablo%2C%20Commune%20de%20Dablo%2C%20Province%20de%20Sanmatenga%2C%20R%C3%A9gion%20Centre-Nord%20%28mai%202021%29.pdf | Selon les IC, une partie de ces PDI est établie de façon dispersée dans la ville (4/5 IC), tandis que d'autres PDI sont regroupées sur des lieux d'installation spécifiques (5/5 IC). Parmi les installations groupées, principaux types de groupements rapportés par les IC au niveau du centre urbain : Sites spontanés (4/5), Sites aménagés (1/5) | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
157441 | 38525 | 2099 | fr | 48 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://news.un.org/fr/story/2020/09/1076352 | Il n’y a pas eu d’arrêt complet des vaccinations des enfants au Burkina Faso. En mars aucun des vaccins n’a pu atteindre 100% des enfants mais dès avril, la remontée de la couverture a commencé à être observée. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
185586 | 43220 | 2098 | en | 34 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/cxb_joint_monitoring_framework_report_-_october_2020__1.pdf | [31st July 2020, Cox's Bazar ] The COVID-19 exacerbated tension among host communities over assess to natural resources in particular relevant for the forest dependent people impacting overall environmental depletion. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Displacement->Local Integration"
] | [] |
417681 | 63154 | 2225 | fr | 106 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_DRC_Niyragongo_Situation_Needs_Assessment_Report_FR.pdf | Dans les localités de la zone de santé de Nyiragongo, et directement affectées par la coulée de lave, la majorité de la population ont vu leurs accès à l’eau diminué fortement les jours suivants l’éruption du Volcan. Afin de s’approvisionner en eau potable, les ménages de la ZS de Nyiragongo doivent parcourir désormais jusqu’à dix kilomètres14 à pied pour rejoindre les points d’eau d’urgence mis en place par les acteurs humanitaires, dont par exemple le bladder de 10,000L installé par le mouvement de la Croix Rouge à Mujoga. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
293511 | 52209 | 2170 | en | 112 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_09_1_-_7_march_2021.pdf | [1st- 7th Mar 2021, Yobe State, Nigeria] Five (5) samples tested positive, forty-eight (48) are negative, and the results of the remaining five (5) samples are pending Following-up with the laboratory team to retrieve pending sample results The total number of samples collected is six thousand and twenty-six (6,026). Two hundred and ninetythree (293) results are positive, five thousand, six hundred and eighty-six (5,686) are negative, forty-two (42) for a repeat test and one hundred and five (5) remaining sample results are pending. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
404556 | 63221 | 2028 | en | 74 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/wfp_syria_price_bulletin_june_2021.pdf | [June 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, the national average retail price of Egyptian white rice decreased by one percent reaching SYP 2,474/kg in June 2021, instead y-o-y, the price of Egyptian white rice increased by 74 percent. Quneitra recorded the highest price at SYP 2,917/kg (up 0.4 percent m-o-m), while Al-Hasakeh recorded the lowest price at SYP 2,023/kg (up one percent m-o-m). | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
324342 | 54921 | 2334 | fr | 30 | GIMAC Cameroon | 2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00 | https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM_ETT_Urgence_E-N_12_11-15042020_Doulo-Pouche-MassareII-Moramassif.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=8312 | - 20 ménages de 120 PDI se sont déplacés vers la localité de Doulo (arrondissement de Mora). Tous les ménages déplacés résident dans des abris spontanés. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
85708 | 19418 | 1224 | en | 149 | UNHCR Guyana | 2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71648.pdf | VIII. GBV prevention, mitigation and response capacity in the country Throughout the assessment, the need was identified to enhance the capacity at the national and local levels to efficiently implement mechanisms for GBV prevention, mitigation and response. There is a limited number of national and international GBV experts in Guyana who are involved in the response to the influx of Venezuelans and returning Guyanese. This situation leads to serious challenges in the development of tools for the collection of sex and age disaggregated data, provision of GBV lifesaving information, safe identification, referral pathways, standard operating procedures (SOPs), case management systems, provision of services, safety audits and mechanisms for complaints and feedback. Therefore, efforts need to be made to support the Government in ensuring the presence of more GBV experts in the response | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
159686 | 39268 | 2170 | en | 49 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2013%20-%20period%2022%20June%2022%20-%205%20July%202020.pdf | In Adamawa state, 50 posters were distributed to two HCFs in Yola South and Girei LGA to support COVID-19 awareness and prevention. 85 persons in one IDP host community reached with 408 pieces of soaps to promote hand hygiene measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps",
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
8846 | 2512 | 321 | en | 23 | Situation Analysis Generic Libya | 2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00 | https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/05/deadly-attack-hits-libya-election-headquarters-180502092921815.html | At least eleven people have been reported dead after armed men, including two suicide bombers, attackedLibya's electoral commission headquarters. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Context->Security & Stability"
] | [] |
16958 | 6325 | 322 | en | 84 | Situation Analysis Generic Yemen | 2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/July%20%26%20August%202018%20-%20Sit%20Rep.pdf | On August 9, an airstrike in Sa’ada governorate struck a bus in a market area, which killed 46 people and injured 75 others. Most of those who died were children aged 10 to 13 years. Along with the UN Secretary General and humanitarian agencies, ADRA condemned this attack. Between March 2015 and June 2018, UNICEF estimates that 2,398 children have been killed and 3,652 children have been maimed because of the war in Yemen. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Context->Security & Stability"
] | [] |
473438 | 67210 | 2311 | es | 83 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.fundacionexito.org/sites/default/files/publicaciones/Una%20mirada%20a%20la%20situaci%C2%A2n%20nutricional%20de%20ni%C2%A7os%20y%20ni%C2%A7as%20en%20Bogot%E2%80%A0%20en%20tiempos%20de%20pandemia%20-2020.pdf | En esa misma línea, la CEPAL (2020b) advierte además que: “El sano desarrollo de los niños, niñas y adolescentes está en peligro. Si no se mantienen los programas de alimentación escolar se deteriorará la nutrición y alimentación de la población estudiantil de los sectores más vulnerables. El incremento de la desnutrición infantil y la malnutrición por exceso de peso son riesgos críticos que se deben prevenir” (p. 7) (6). | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being",
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
228661 | 46639 | 2098 | en | 46 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/12/27/one-third-will-not-need-covid-19-vaccine | [27th December 2020, Bangladesh] The country will get around 60 million more vaccines (enough for about 20% of total population) from WHO Covex, and expects to receive the doses in installments from June next year, he added. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
385540 | 60401 | 1186 | es | 51 | UNHCR Chile | 2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00 | La valoración de la diversidad cultural en las salas cuna y jardines infantiles ha tendido a proyectarse mediante acciones de reconocimiento cultural, como la incorporación de material didáctico con pertinencia cultural, la realización de actividades con participación de la comunidad educativa y las adecuaciones en el lenguaje cotidiano. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
175045 | 41219 | 1183 | es | 149 | UNHCR Colombia | 2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00 | https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/no-hay-quien-sepulte-a-los-migrantes-en-pamplona/2202 | El personero de Pamplona, Jhony David Bernal, explicó alProyecto Migración Venezuelaque fueron "dos casos tenaces" y que con el primero la demora se presentó por el poco pie de fuerza de la Policía de Tránsito que no logró detener al conductor del vehículo. En consecuencia los funcionarios del Cuerpo Técnico de Investigaciones (CTI) no pudieron identificar a la persona que atropelló al migrante venezolano. En el segundo caso, aseguró Bernal, fue un tema de salud pública que debía atender la alcaldía municipal."Le correspondía a la Secretaría de Salud de Pamplona levantar el cadáver de la vivienda conforme con los protocolos de bioseguridad para que lo llevaran a la morgue a hacerle la autopsia. Aparentemente la persona falleció por causas naturales y el señor no tenía parientes ni familiares cercanos", precisó el personero. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
264738 | 49673 | 2170 | en | 103 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000124005.pdf | [1st Oct 2020,North east Nigeria]Insecurity and displacement are cited as one of the two main reason for lack of access to land (mentioned by 37.4 percent of households) – particularly in northern Borno. Insecurity further increases transportation prices in key supply corridors, thus further driving prices of food and key livelihood inputs. Safety is perceived as a major issue is northern Borno, particularly in Gubio, Nganzai, and Maiduguri LGAs, and Karasuwa and Gujba of Yobe states, and parts of northern Adamawa – particularly Song and Lamurde LGAs. | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards",
"Impact->Impact On People",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
338702 | 56095 | 2311 | es | 25 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/050521_alerta_por_confinamiento_en_nuqui_choco_vf.pdf | Salud: Es necesario el ingreso de una misión médica para verificar las condiciones de salud y atención psicosocial para todas las personas confinadas. | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs"
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
205144 | 44654 | 2333 | fr | 113 | GIMAC Niger | 2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00 | https://www.afro.who.int/sites/default/files/countries/Niger/Bulletin%20N%C2%B0%2019%20COVID19%20-%20OMS%20Niger.pdf | A l’instar des autres pays du monde, le Niger fait face à la pandémie COVID-19 depuis le 19 mars 2020, cette situation a conduit la Direction des immunisations du Niger et ses partenaires (de l’OMS, de l’UNICEF, de Gavi et JSI) à mettre à la disposition des districts sanitaires une directive pour la continuité des activités de vaccination. C’est dans ce cadre qu’une mission de supervision intégrée des activités de vaccination a été organisée avec l’appui financier et technique de l’OMS du 17 au 24 août 2020 dans huit régions du pays | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response",
"Capacities & Response->National Response"
] |
309526 | 53336 | 2334 | en | 42 | GIMAC Cameroon | 2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00 | https://static1.squarespace.com/static/531748e4e4b035ad0334788c/t/60520e054d40994eec3e1286/1615990278430/Street_Child_NFE_Needs_Assessment_Report_Final.pdf | There are observable disparities in access to NFE [non-formal education] with host community children more likely to access NFE than IDP children, and learners with disabilities, married girls and pregnant girls are least likely to access NFE. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
319497 | 53897 | 2099 | fr | 49 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_BFA_SO_HSM_November-2020.pdf | (Est, Sahel, Nord, Centre-Nord) En effet, l’assistance en sécurité alimentaire reste ce trimestre le type d’assistance dont les populations auraient le plus besoin dans près des trois-quarts (73%) des localités évaluées, selon les IC. | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs"
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs->Expressed By Population"
] |
247239 | 48211 | 2098 | en | 53 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/01/30/covid-19-17-die-363-new-cases-in-24hrs | [30th January 2021, Bangladesh] The 17 new deaths from Covid-19 include 10 men and seven women. Seven were from Dhaka division, five from Chittagong, two from Sylhet, and one each from Rajshahi, Khulna, and Barisal divisions. All the victims died at hospitals. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
70677 | 20019 | 788 | en | 85 | Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA) | 2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00 | https://nextierspd.com/the-voyage/ | According to the Worldbank, in 2017 Nigerians in diaspora remitted $22 billion to Nigeria, which is equivalent to the nation’s total crude oil earnings. The Worldbank also estimates that global remittance grew by 10 per cent to $689 billion in 2018 with developing countries receiving $528 billion of it. With Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) getting less than $60 billion of the entire sum, Nigeria accounts for over a third of all SSA remittance | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
214017 | 45096 | 2331 | en | 29 | GIMAC Somalia | 2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_%20Humanitarian%20Bulletin_October%202020_final.pdf | In South West State, overflowing water from River Shabelle has reportedly inundated six villages in Afgooye area, affecting 8,000 people, of whom 3,500 are displaced. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
228955 | 46555 | 2099 | fr | 63 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://www.lepoint.fr/afrique/vaccin-anti-covid-19-les-populations-d-afrique-pretes-a-l-accepter-24-11-2020-2402354_3826.php# | Au Cameroun, au Sénégal, au Bénin comme au Burkina Faso, entre 6 et 7 personnes sur 10 affirment qu'elles n'accepteraient pas le vaccin anti-Covid-19 si on le leur proposait : c'est ce que montre l'étude que nous avons menée dans le cadre du projet Coraf (coronavirus Afrique), en lien avec le programme de recherche opérationnelle Ariacov. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
266639 | 49718 | 2331 | en | 48 | GIMAC Somalia | 2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00 | Mogadishu Urban: assessment findings indicate GAM and SAM prevalence of 13.2 percent and 2.3 percent, respectively. These indicate a Serious nutrition situation which has been sustained since 2019 Deyr (i.e. 14.2% in 2019 Deyr and 14.8% in 2020 Gu). | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
94698 | 26635 | 1620 | en | 124 | 2020 DFS Nigeria | 2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/75273.pdf | Although most IDPs who go out of their camps in search of jobs often fall victims to labour exploitation, it is difficult to tell whether or not these movements constitute human trafficking. Therefore, it is important to look at the vulnerabilities to trafficking. Up to 6 per cent of respondents in Muna, Dalori 1, Dalori 2, Goni Kachallari, Custom House, Madinatu, and El Miskin camps reported being approached by persons who offered them jobs when they went to collect water some metres away from their camp. Lack of energy/fuel to constantly power the boreholes available in the camps was reported by key witnesses as the reason for water shortages in the camps. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
324287 | 53824 | 2225 | fr | 124 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/grands-lacs-selon-l-envoy-sp-cial-la-r-gion-semble-tre-engag-e-sur | Malgré ce contexte particulièrement difficile, a souligné l’Envoyé spécial, les leaders de la région ont maintenu leur engagement en faveur de l’Accord-cadre d’Addis-Abeba, comme en témoignent plusieurs initiatives politiques, sécuritaires, judiciaires et économiques. Sur le plan politique et sécuritaire, le Président Tshisekedi de RDC a poursuivi ses efforts à l’endroit de ses homologues des pays de la région, en particulier les Présidents Kagame, du Rwanda; Museveni, d’Ouganda; et Ndayishimiye, du Burundi, pour tenter de trouver des solutions concertées et durables à la question des groupes armés qui continuent de causer le chaos dans l’est de la RDC. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Context->Security & Stability"
] | [] |
234936 | 43598 | 2331 | en | 66 | GIMAC Somalia | 2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202009_HumanitarianDashboard_Final_Sub_0.pdf | CCCM Cluster systems are required to ensure equitable access to services and protection for displaced persons in informal settlements. Displaced people in informal sites are in the greatest need of CCCM services to reduce barriers to assistance, ensure access to quality basic services, enhance the accountability of humanitarian actors to affected populations, and strengthen community participation and empowerment through consistent engagement. | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Interventions"
] | [] | [
"Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
153336 | 38102 | 2099 | en | 38 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | UNICEF and partners continued monitoring community engagement activities carried out by over 620 community volunteers in churches, mosques, marketplaces, transport stations, with a focus on the most affected and at-risk regions and groups. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response",
"Capacities & Response->National Response"
] |
318063 | 53182 | 2466 | en | 32 | GIMAC Sudan | 2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SDN_2021HNO.pdf | Due to COVID-19 and conflict, during the first half of 2020, the number of children requiring family tracing and reunification services reached 65,000 (40 per cent female). | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On People"
] |
175678 | 41313 | 2225 | fr | 19 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/covid19-rdc-snapshot_principaux_resultats_entreprises_fa_0200904.pdf | Par ailleurs, une baisse statistiquement significative de la proportion d’entreprises ayant subi une fermeture forcée. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
145858 | 34802 | 2028 | en | 60 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | Needs: • Organisations responding to the needs of the affected population in northwest Syria require a reliable and consistent transshipment service that facilitates the delivery of life-saving cargo from Turkey into the region. • Ensuring the safety and health of the staff working at the transshipment points by following WHO guidelines on mitigating COVID-19 risks at transshipment points | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs"
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
25194 | 9863 | 788 | en | 92 | Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA) | 2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_FSO_2019_02_final.pdf | Analysis of nutrition screenings in reception centres for new arrivals revealed that the nutrition situation of children coming from hard-to-reach areas is worse than that of children in areas receiving assistance. For example, 4,663 children 6-59 months from new arrival households were screened by nutrition partners from August to November 2018. About 41 per cent of the children from hard-to-reach areas are considered acutely malnourished – 24 percent are considered severely malnourished, compared to only 14 percent of the children from accessible areas that are acutely malnourished. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
336062 | 55788 | 2099 | fr | 17 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | (Est, Tanwalbougou) 99% de la population a accès à un point d'eau salubre | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
165108 | 39484 | 2098 | en | 97 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | Mask production training for the community by the COMs continues with an enthusiastic response. Refugees are eager to learn new skills and find the mask production relevant and useful for their daily life. Since the initiative started at the end of May, over 4,300 training sessions were conducted reaching 9,500 refugees. This resulted in over 6,700 masks being made by community members. In addition to the masks the community is making, UNHCR has completed 22% of its planned distribution of masks across the camps it manages to approximately 91,000 households | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
91984 | 26134 | 1620 | en | 91 | 2020 DFS Nigeria | 2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.162%20%289%20-%2015%20March%202020%29%20.pdf | An exhaustive nutrition screening using monitoring of symptoms of acute malnutrition mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) and Oedema was conducted by Nutrition Sector partners for 234 children of 6-59 months. Of the 234 children screened, the MUAC reading was: 7 children (3 from inaccessible and 4 from an accessible area) in the Red category, 12 in the Yellow category and 215 measured in the Green category. No cases of Oedema were reported in the 4 LGAs that reports were received from. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
290185 | 51989 | 2099 | fr | 60 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | http://www.fao.org/news/story/fr/item/1390770/icode/ | Les populations les plus vulnérables à une augmentation de l'insécurité alimentaire aiguë, ou qui en subissent déjà les effets dévastateurs, sont les habitants du Soudan du Sud, du Yémen et du nord du Nigéria. Le Burkina Faso a connu une amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire depuis octobre dernier, mais la situation reste extrêmement préoccupante. | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
277526 | 50702 | 2334 | en | 18 | GIMAC Cameroon | 2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nwsw_health_cluster_covid-19_bulletin03_13_may_2020.pdf | MSF is assisting in transporting the samples [Laboratory COVID19] from Mamfe and Kumba to Buea. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response",
"Capacities & Response->National Response"
] |
296482 | 52504 | 2311 | es | 120 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Experto-de-Johns-Hopkins-destaca-estrategia-de-comunicacion-para-el-covid-19.aspx | Con un reconocimiento al programa Prevención y Acción, destacando la pertinencia de la información entregada cada día a los colombianos, Antonio Trujillo, director de Política Pública en Salud Internacional de la Universidad Johns Hopkins, destacó que las políticas de salud pública también requieren de una comunicación efectiva. "Con políticas de salud pública se puede aminorar y salir de la crisis", dijo Trujillo, precisando que dichas políticas, además de la cooperación, se requiere liderazgo y confianza, inversión en conocimiento y ciencia, del esfuerzo humano, "pero también de la comunicación de los líderes con la sociedad y este programa ha sido parte de este esfuerzo". | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
199940 | 44001 | 2311 | es | 31 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep2_choco_noviembre2020_v2.pdf | Alto riesgo por ahogamiento de NNAJ (fallecimiento de niños en inundaciones anteriores). Padres y adultos generan acciones de prevención y entrenamiento a NN en nado y salvamento. | [
] | [] | [
"At Risk"
] | [] | [
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities"
] |
94180 | 26513 | 1620 | en | 27 | 2020 DFS Nigeria | 2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_monguno_factsheet.pdf | Following the NSAGs attack in Monguno on 7 January 2020 that left many shelters burnt, the sector organized a joint assessment to inform the response. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
15835 | 6554 | 322 | en | 62 | Situation Analysis Generic Yemen | 2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Yemen%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20September%202018%20ENG.pdf | With regards to the Hudaydah crisis, UNHCR has assisted displaced families by distributing 26,767 CRIs and 4,430 emergency shelter kits from the start of June to 15 September. ■ Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster: UNHCR is also lead agency of the Shelter/ NFI/ CCCM Cluster, providing guidance and support along with critical coordination to all partners responding to shelter needs. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
251003 | 48418 | 2334 | fr | 52 | GIMAC Cameroon | 2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Vulnerability-Protection%20report%20FINAL%2007102020_compressed.pdf | [Milieux Urbains : Yaoundé, douala, akwaya, Langui, Banyo] Sous catégorie de la vulnérabilité Enfants à risque : 3.6% (11 individus) sont d'enfants parents et localisés comme suit, 73% à Mfoundi, 18% à Mefou-etAfamba, 9% à Wouri. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
224433 | 44629 | 2335 | en | 26 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/20200218_wau_shilluk_assessment_report_v3.pdf | There are permanent and semi-permanent structures including public administration, schools, health centres, and community structures constructed before the break out of the conflict | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
319212 | 54635 | 2332 | fr | 105 | GIMAC Chad | 2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00 | https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/TCD_FMR_FMS_Q4_2020_final.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10696 | [Analyse DTM nombre de voyageurs observés aux FMP entre Avril 2017 et Décembre 2020] Le nombre et la localisation des FMP n’a cessé d’évoluer depuis le début des activités de suivi des flux en avril 2017, en fonction du contexte et des projets en cours. Ainsi, d’avril 2017 à mars 2018, seul le FMP de Kalaït était actif. Il a été fermé en juin 2019. Les FMP de Zouarké et de Faya ont été installés en mars 2018 pour observer les mouvements des voyageurs en transit au nord du Tchad. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
97815 | 27412 | 1621 | en | 153 | 2020 DFS Libya | 2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/libya_hrp_priority_covid-19_contribution_v1.pdf | Government and health system capacity to respond to the pandemic is limited. The already fragile governance systems in Libya, especially those responsible for delivering basic services, have been tested to the limits by the protracted conflict. The health information system in Libya is weak and only a limited number of health care facilities are reporting to the Early Warning and Response Network (EWARN). Contact tracing capacity is limited, and laboratory capacity is mostly confined to Tripoli, and to a lesser extent Benghazi, and needs to be expanded. In municipalities where health services were already limited but who are on the front lines of combatting the pandemic, lack funding, capacity and equipment to respond. Many points of entry, particularly land borders, are not fully secured and don’t have capacity and resources for testing and quarantining. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
297578 | 50871 | 2466 | en | 36 | GIMAC Sudan | 2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan_2020_HNO.pdf | These food-based coping strategies include eating less preferred foods, borrowing money to buy food, limiting portion sizes, reducing the number of meals, and reducing adult consumption in favour of smaller children. | [
"Food Security"
] | [
] | [] | [
"Context->Socio Cultural"
] | [] |
393728 | 60812 | 1186 | es | 87 | UNHCR Chile | 2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00 | Un 20% de los entrevistados reportó haber sufrido algún problema de salud física o mental que requería asistencia médica desde su llegada a Chile. Un 87% de las personas acudió a un centro médico (en su mayoría a un centro de salud u hospital público), y sólo un 4% reportó no haber recibido la asistencia necesaria. De aquellos que no lograron acceder a una institución de salud, un 33% reportó no hacerlo por falta de documentación. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
165803 | 38889 | 2098 | en | 35 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRBD024eu1.pdf | At the same time a BDRCS affiliate, Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College and Hospital (HFRCMCH) has been providing medical service in case any volunteer or staff get infected by COVID-19. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->National Response"
] |
412653 | 63445 | 2099 | fr | 50 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bfa_viz_bilanreponse_hrp2021_t1_28062021.pdf | Des défis globaux en termes d'accès [à l'éducation], en particulier la demande de frais indirects de scolarité par certaines associations de parents d’élèves dans les écoles publiques. L’absence du mécanisme des plaintes au sein des communautés pour permettre une documentation adéquate. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
315152 | 54121 | 2225 | fr | 148 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | http://www.fao.org/republique-democratique-congo/actualites/detail/fr/c/1394284/ | Dans le but, d’améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition des ménages vulnérables touchés par la pandémie de la COVID-19, la FAO a lancé le projet « Strengthening the livelihoods of vulnerable populations facing COVID-19 in the DRC » dans les provinces de l’Ituri (Territoire d’Irumu), du Kasai (Territoire de Kamonia) et du Kasai Central (Territoire de Kazumba). Financé à hauteur de 3 000 000 de dollars canadien (CAD), par le Canada, ce projet de renforcement des moyens d’existence des populations vulnérables va permettre d’appuyer 8 500 ménages pour la production alimentaire, la gestion post-récolte et l'accès au marché ainsi que 3 000 autres bénéficiaires, en particulier les femmes et les jeunes pour la diversification des sources de revenus et d'épargne/crédit. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
391197 | 61343 | 2311 | es | 109 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://co.boell.org/sites/default/files/2020-01/IDEAS%20VERDES%20web%20_1.pdf | Por otra parte, esta subregión tiene la particularidad geológica de contener, de manera exclusiva, un área extensa de depósitos sedimentarios de origen transicio- nal marino del Eoceno; además, contiene parte de las formaciones más antiguas del continente (600 a 2.500 millones de años) representadas por rocas vulcanoclás- ticas, metamórficas e ígneas. de la subregión contribuye tanto a la presencia de una alta diversidad ecosistémica, como a constituir un gran potencial para la explotación de minerales considerados de interés estratégico para el país (ver mapa 13), en particular de oro y «tierras negras» o coltán | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
235360 | 47071 | 2335 | en | 135 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | South Sudan imports considerable quantities of cereals, especially sorghum, maize and other foods, from Sudan, Uganda and other East African countries. Domestic chronic cereal deficits are typically met through a combination of extensive imports and humanitarian food assistance. Truck shortages, limits on transport staff for border crossings, quarantine measures, work stoppages over issues of pay, personal protective equipment (PPE) and other COVID-19 concerns, and screening measures are all working to severely slow commercial traffic and limit road and river entry points into South Sudan. Humanitarian supply chains are also affected by these same slowdowns, reducing the speed with which humanitarian food and livelihood assistance enters the country for distribution and pre-positioning prior to the beginning of the rainy season. | [
"Food Security",
] | [
] | [
] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures"
] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks",
"Impact->Impact On People"
] |
57336 | 17258 | 1234 | en | 47 | UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago | 2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela%2BTrafficking%2BReport%2B-%2BAugust%2B2019%2B-%2BFINAL%20%281%29.pdf | Enact legislation on refugees and asylum that enshrines the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, and the Palermo Protocol in domestic law, and includes a right to work and access to education. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Context->Legal & Policy"
] | [] |
269467 | 50168 | 2170 | en | 44 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20in%20Nigeria%20North-East%20Operational%20Update%20Dec%202020.pdf | [1st Dec2020,North east Nigeria] In Adamawa State, NSAG increased activities with a surge in armed conflict and criminal activities especially in Gombi LGA where they attacked Garkida town, burned properties, abducted some people and killed others. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
"Context->Security & Stability"
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being",
"Impact->Impact On People"
] |
355499 | 58183 | 2311 | es | 80 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/04062021_alerta_por_confinamientos_resguardos_indigenas_en_puerto_leguizamo_putumayo_vf.pdf | Tambien fue reportado por instituciones pública otro confinamiento que afecta a 106 personas (28 familias) del cabildo Becocha desde el 24 de mayo, por causa de enfrentamientos entre los GAO, sumado a homicidios y desplazamientos que estarían cometiendo estos a quienes incumplen los códigos de conducta y normas de convivencia impuestos por éstos para ganar control social. Las diferentes restricciones en movilidad y acceso han configurado estas situaciones de confinamiento, dejando necesidades sectoriales. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
"Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics",
"Context->Security & Stability"
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
58469 | 17525 | 729 | en | 27 | Libya Situation Analysis (OA) | 2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00 | https://www.libyanexpress.com/haftars-forces-strike-a-civilian-car-kill-three-people-in-libyas-sawani-district/ | The airstrike hit the civilian car on Saturday morning and left the area of the attack with massive damage, in addition to the three deaths. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
211118 | 44890 | 2028 | en | 27 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-Syrian-Arab-Republic.pdf | COVID-19 containment measures are further eroding access to services, including routine immunization, education, protection, case management and mental health and psychosocial support. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
303113 | 52920 | 2331 | en | 20 | GIMAC Somalia | 2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Covid%20Impact%20report_16.pdf | Gaps & Constraints: Lack/limited availability of land adjacent to the existing IDP sites for expansion of the sites. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
247616 | 48230 | 2332 | fr | 45 | GIMAC Chad | 2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20de%20situation%20-%20Chad%20-%2025%20sept.%202020.pdf | Dans la Province du Lac, les attaques fréquentes des villages par des groupes armés ainsi que les inondations occasionnent de nouveaux déplacements et pérennisent l´état de déplacement des populations qui ne peuvent pas retourner dans leurs milieux d´origine à cause des contraintes sécuritaires. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
247487 | 45154 | 2335 | en | 174 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Lost-in-Translation-The-Interaction-Between-International-Aid-and-South-Sudanese-Accountability-Systems-Final-1.pdf | In Akobo, if a Nuer man is known to have behaved against socially accepted values, for example if he is thought to be guilty of theft, adultery, domestic violence or even murder, people will not immediately talk about it in public. But when this person engages in important public rituals, such as the marking or marriage of his child, the wives of the members of his age-set will gather to sing songs about all his wrongdoing in public. 27 This can have serious consequences for the status and social standing of one’s descendants, as in the future, his sons or daughters may struggle to find a family who will allow their children to marry them or accept them in positions of responsibility within the community. As a result, among the Nuer, women do have the means to hold individuals to account for transgressing social norms, using public shaming as a strong deterrent against breaking social rules. | [
] | [
] | [] | [
"Context->Socio Cultural"
] | [] |
353099 | 57750 | 2311 | es | 63 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.portafolio.co/internacional/alertan-sobre-precariedad-del-trabajo-en-plataformas-digitales-552954 | Los mercados laborales de la región demorarán en recuperarse del fuerte impacto de la pandemia, con una destrucción más profunda en el empleo informal, indicó el estudio de Coyuntura Laboral en América Latina y el Caribe, difundido por la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal) y la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT). | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On People"
] |
58444 | 17560 | 729 | en | 78 | Libya Situation Analysis (OA) | 2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/2019/08/20190815_Murzuq-Flash-Update.pdf | Health sector partners assessed local health facilities capacity to maintain essential service delivery as well as availability of medical personnel and supplies including trauma kits and medications for chronic conditions. Health response is ongoing, and the sector continues to coordinate, through its partners, to cover any emerging needs. However, there is a dire need to secure safe access of medical teams and supplies to provide the timely critical medical assistance required. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
400485 | 62995 | 2098 | en | 77 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | [8th August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: The Government of Bangladesh has taken initiative to ensure COVID-19 vaccination for the Rohingya Community. As per the govt. decision, eligible people of 55 years and above age in Rohingya camps and registered with the Government of Bangladesh and UNHCR, will be vaccinated in this phase as they have high chances of becoming very sick in case, they are infected. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
241368 | 47114 | 2028 | en | 41 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/what-is-the-infection-rate-of-coronavirus-in-northern-syrias-camps/ | [December 25, NWS] The northern Idlib camps are not properly prepared to prevent a further spread of the virus. These camps lack social distancing, water, cleaning materials, protective facial masks, and sterilizers. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures"
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
11217 | 2957 | 322 | en | 69 | Situation Analysis Generic Yemen | 2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180501_Humanitarian_Update_Draft_4.pdf | Sana’a Hub: The Protection Cluster reported that the number of civilian impact incidents in the Sana’a hub fell during the period from 19 to 25 April, although airstrikes hit an electricity power station in the south of Sana’a City. Five civilians were injured in the airstrike, and the damages caused to the facility will potentially affect 320 people. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
"Context->Security & Stability"
] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
54521 | 16880 | 1378 | es | 41 | Central America - Dengue Outbreak 2019 | 2019-08-09 22:51:53.645619+00 | https://www.elsalvador.com/eldiariodehoy/casos-sospechosos-de-dengue-hasta-julio-de-2019-superan-todos-los-de-2018/624302/2019/#cookies | A siete meses de 2019, los casos sospechosos de dengue sobrepasan las cifras de personas afectadas por fiebre a causa de la enfermedad que hubotodo 2018, año en que murieron ocho personas: una adulta y siete niños. | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
413105 | 63973 | 2311 | es | 32 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/24082021_alerta_por_inundacion_lorica_monteria_cordoba_vf.pdf | Recuperación temprana: se evidencian necesidades en recuperación temprana debido a la pérdida total y parcial de cultivos de pancoger, cabezas de ganado y proyectos productivos de las familias damnificadas. | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs"
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
151866 | 38247 | 1186 | en | 60 | UNHCR Chile | 2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00 | https://redhum.org/documento/3666451 | Two earthquakes of 6.8 M and 6.3 M at a depth of 23 and 17 km occurred off the coast of Atacama Region (northern-Chile) on 1 September at 04:09 UTC (00:09 local time) and 04:30 UTC. The epicentre of the 6.8 M was approximately 50 km north-west of Huasco City (Huasco Province). | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
227580 | 46575 | 2332 | fr | 57 | GIMAC Chad | 2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20de%20situation%20-%20Chad%20-%2026%20ao%C3%BBt%202020.pdf | Le gouvernement du Tchad a réalisé, en collaboration avec ses partenaires techniques, une étude d’impact de la COVID-19 sur la vie sociale et l’économie du pays. D’après les résultats de cette étude, la pandémie a eu des impacts importants dans les deux aspects de la vie. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->National Response"
] |
144456 | 34801 | 2028 | en | 37 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | • Since December 2019, GBV SC members distributed 152,537 dignity kits. Based on beneficiaries’ feedback, those kits where critical in responding to their increased need for personal hygiene products in time of COVID-19 | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response",
"Capacities & Response->National Response"
] |
145295 | 36176 | 2028 | en | 55 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-child-death-rate-triples-al-hol-camp-medical-access-deteriorates | While health partners are working intensively to ensure provision for all basic health services and resume operations, the restrictions in movement across the camp and the limited availability of skilled personnel to replace those who fall ill of COVID-19, such as health workers who may be quarantined, is a daunting challenge, | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures"
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
166010 | 39370 | 2170 | en | 90 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2014%20Sep%202020.pdf | The total number of severely malnourished children admitted so far in 2020 is approximately 50 per cent of the annual target. Over 90 per cent of all children in the OTPs and SCs have been discharged as cured; however, the mortality rate significantly increased by 50% compared to the previous months. This is mostly due to late reporting of medical complications by caregivers and is attributed to the initial COVID-19 movement restrictions and caregivers’ fear of contracting COVID-19 if they attend health facilities. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures"
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
345010 | 56074 | 2225 | fr | 152 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://actualite.cd/2021/05/18/rdc-le-sg-de-lepst-suspendu-pour-faute-administrative-lourde-sur-la-production-des | Le ministre de l'Enseignement primaire secondaire et technique (EPST), Tony Mwaba, a décidé de suspendre le secrétaire général à l'EPST, Jean-Marie Mangobe pour dit-il « faute administrative lourde ». M. Mwaba dit constater que les éléments de réponse apportés par le SG sur la gestion des fonds alloués à la production des certificats de fin d'études des élèves des écoles primaires [le fait d'avoir eu recours à la ligne des crédits de l'édition 2012 pour la production des certificats de l'édition 2012, sans passer par la procédure de certification pour un contrat vieux de plus de 6 ans] " sont non seulement superficiels mais encore et surtout injustifiés". (...) Le SG a démenti son implication, et déclaré « n’avoir été associé ni de près ni de loin dans les opérations ayant conduit aux paiements ». | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
474369 | 64946 | 2099 | fr | 65 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION%20NORD%20JUILLET%202021.pdf | Sur le plan sociopolitique, une manifestation des populations a été organisée le 03 juillet 2021 à Ouahigouya sur appel du Chef de file de l’opposition politique (CFOP). Cette manifestation, à l’instar des autres régions du pays, avait pour objectif d’interpeler les autorités au plus haut sommet sur la gestion sécuritaire du pays. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
87065 | 24048 | 1620 | en | 34 | 2020 DFS Nigeria | 2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.155%20%2820%20-%2026%20January%202020%29%20.pdf | Ngala: 609 arrivals were recorded in Ngala LGA of Borno State. The arrivals include 609 from Rann “A” ward. The arrivals were all due to poor living conditions. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Displacement->Push Factors",
] | [] |
114010 | 32339 | 1620 | en | 72 | 2020 DFS Nigeria | 2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.176%20%20%2815%20-%2021%20June%202020%29.pdf | Maiha: 161 arrivals and 8 departures were recorded in Maiha LGA of Adamawa state. The arrivals included 147 from Askira/Uba LGA in Borno state and 14 from Maiha LGA in Adamawa state. All departures were from Maiha LGA in Adamawa state. 87 per cent of the movement was due to fear of a�cak, 8 per cent from poor living condi�ons and 5 per cent relocated voluntarily. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Displacement->Push Factors",
] | [] |
243958 | 45082 | 2335 | en | 61 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/guidance_for_emergency_livestock_actions_in_ss_context_of_covid-19.pdf | Public Health and Veterinary Services should work together using a One Health approach to share information, assessments and service delivery to livestock keepers as may be feasible at the local level (OIE Questions and Answers on the COVID-19). This should include messaging to the general public on the safety of livestock products and transmission of COVID-19. | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Interventions"
] | [] | [
"Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
4787 | 622 | 322 | en | 63 | Situation Analysis Generic Yemen | 2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00 | http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/yemen/63-al-houthis-killed-on-nehim-front-in-sana-a-1.2180085 | The Iran-backed Al Houthis mounted an offensive against government forces along the rugged mountains in Nehim, triggering fierce clashes amid heavy air strikes by Saudi-led coalition fighter jets. The ministry said government troops pushed Al Houthis back as the coalition’s fighter jets destroyed their military reinforcements that came from the capital, and hit their gatherings in Nehim. | [
] | [
] | [] | [
"Context->Security & Stability"
] | [] |
275019 | 49642 | 2225 | fr | 161 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20de%20situation%20-%20DR%20Congo%20-%2012%20fe%CC%81vr.%202021_0.pdf | Par ailleurs, les autorités locales de Kalonge et l’association Commission de développement et de mouvement de population Kalembe-Kalonge (CDMPK) ont rapporté l’arrivée, depuis le 15 janvier, de plus de 5 600 personnes déplacées dans cette localité de la zone de santé de Pinga. Ces personnes ont fui des violences armées dans les villages de Munsanga, Muteresi, Kisone ainsi que dans le village de Kazuba du groupement de Kisimba. La majorité de ces déplacés se trouve en familles d’accueil, tandis que 1 750 autres personnes se sont installées dans le site de déplacés de Kalonge géré par l’OIM, selon les mêmes sources. Tous ces ménages se retrouvent dans une extrême vulnérabilité et ont besoin d’assistance dans tous les secteurs. Pour l’heure, aucun acteur humanitaire n’est présent dans la zone, faute de capacités. | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Access",
] | [
"At Risk",
"Priority Needs",
] | [
"Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps",
"Displacement->Push Factors"
] | [
"Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff",
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
134217 | 34364 | 1186 | es | 58 | UNHCR Chile | 2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe_Situacion-de-los-migrantes-y-refugiados-venezolanos-en-Chile.pdf | Incremento de venezolanos que ingresan a Chile por pasos no habilitados: la obligación de ingresar a Chile con una Visa Consular de Turismo ha hecho que más venezolanos decidan ingresar al país utilizando caminos irregulares. En 2017 ingresaron apenas 9 venezolanos por pasos no habilitados, mientras que en 2019 esta cifra aumentó a 3.333. | [
] | [
] | [
"At Risk"
] | [
] | [
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities"
] |
416179 | 63998 | 1185 | es | 68 | UNHCR Peru | 2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00 | Según un estudio realizado por el IDEHPUCP, con apoyo del ACNUR, pudo observarse que en cuatro albergues de Lima (Blouin, Goncalves & Jave, 2019), la precariedad de los espacios para proveer acompañamiento y la falta de interacción con instituciones gubernamentales impiden asegurar condiciones básicas para la dignidad y el respeto de los derechos humanos de las personas migrantes o refugiadas. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
498052 | 68542 | 1187 | es | 63 | UNHCR Argentina | 2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00 | A la mayoría de las mujeres les realizaron tactos vaginales durante los controles y el trabajo de parto. Algunas de ellas se mostraron disconformes: "Como mujer, me sentí violentada, como si me hubiesen violado de tactos tan fuertes que me hicieron. Sentía que estaba destrozada por dentro en todos los sentidos". (Mariana). | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
199076 | 44177 | 2099 | fr | 57 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://information.tv5monde.com/afrique/burkina-faso-la-lutte-contre-les-djihadistes-enjeu-majeur-des-elections-383879 | La plus grave attaque s'était produite le 19 août 2019, lorsque des djihadistes avaient frappé une base militaire à Koutougou (nord), tuant 24 soldats. Huit soldats trouvent la mort dans une attaque contre l'État-major des armées et l'ambassade de France le 2 mars 2018 dans la capitale du pays, Ouagadougou. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Context->Security & Stability"
] | [] |
221394 | 45831 | 2098 | en | 94 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/brief_6_foodsec_1_wb.pdf | [July 2020, Cox's Bazar] Host Community: 96 percent of camp households reported receiving WFP food assistance in March but more than half of them reported receiving less food than usual from this assistance. While the entitlement and caloric value of assistance provided per capita have not changed, the shift in modality to fixed food baskets due to new COVID-19 regulations has brought initiatives to improve nutritional intake and dietary diversity by the humanitarian response to a temporary halt, and may be driving these adverse perceptions. | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks",
"Capacities & Response->International Response",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
176972 | 41735 | 2225 | fr | 84 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://www.amnesty.fr/responsabilite-des-entreprises/actualites/rdc-et-covid-19-les-conditions-des-mineur-sconfines | Certaines des plus grandes sociétés minières du monde exploitent des mines de cuivre et de cobalt en RDC et on estime qu’au moins six sociétés minières seraient soumises à un «confinement» complet ou partiel : la Sino-Congolaises des Mines (SICOMINES), la Compagnie Minière de Musonoie (COMMUS), Somidez (la mine Deziwa), la Minière de Kalukundi (LAMIKAL), la mine Kamoa-Kakula et la Minière de Kalumbwe Myunga (MKM). | [
] | [
] | [
] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures",
] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
298347 | 52699 | 2099 | fr | 96 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | L’avènement de la COVID-19 s’effectuée dans un contexte où les prévisions agricoles ne se sont pas réalisées selon les attentes. En effet, la production céréalière (mil, sorgho, maïs, fonio et riz) nationale de la campagne 2019-2020 est estimée à 4 939 630 tonnes, ce qui représente une baisse de 4,65% par rapport à la campagne agricole 2018-2019, qui était déjà une période difficile avec plus de 1,5 millions de personnes en crise alimentaires [HNO 2020, OCHA, Avril 2020] | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being",
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks",
"Impact->Impact On People",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
255406 | 43591 | 2336 | en | 41 | GIMAC Afghanistan | 2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00 | https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_August2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf | Similarly, the Iranian embassy in Kabul does not issue visas for ordinary Afghan citizens, including migrants. Given these strict border patrols as well as ongoing forceful repatriation, remittances from Iran are likely significantly lower than average. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On People",
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
241246 | 47355 | 2170 | en | 36 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Response%20-%20COVID-19%20Response%2C%20Health%20Sector%20Bulletin%20-%20December%202020.pdf | [1st Dec2020, North east Nigeria]Sensitization on GBV and available services at referral centers was conducted in the HTR areas in Adamawa and Yobe state by WHO with 1,920 women were sensitized. | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
247959 | 48313 | 2099 | fr | 112 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/sahel-covid-19-les-populations-ne-sont-pas-pr%C3%AAtes-%C3%A0-la-vaccination-experts/2129545 | "Au niveau de la course aux vaccins il faut dire les pays de la région du Sahel ne sont pas réellement dans les [starting blocs] comparativement aux pays développés. Les Etats du Sahel ou du moins les populations de cette région ne semblent pas très intéressées par cette course. Cela pourrait s’expliquer par la dynamique de l’épidémie dans cette région et des perceptions qu’ont les populations de sa gravité", affirme à l’Agence Anadolu, Dr Zakaria Gansane, Médecin épidémiologiste et président exécutif de l’Observatoire Burkinabè pour la qualité et la sécurité des soins. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
20012 | 8353 | 786 | es | 40 | Venezuela crisis 2019 | 2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00 | https://www.diariodequeretaro.com.mx/mundo/en-una-semana-35-muertos-y-850-heridos-en-venezuela-2983746.html | Al menos 35 muertos y 850 detenidos ha dejado una semana de disturbios y protestas contra el gobierno del presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, de acuerdo con un balance publicado hoy por organizaciones defensoras de derechos humanos. | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
Subsets and Splits