5 values
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People reacted in a variety of ways.
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Those who had the chance migrated, first to their homeland’s centers of economic progress, then abroad, to countries and places where the new world could be found immediately.
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Those who stayed behind began to vote in strange ways – electing, for example, the successors of the old Communist parties that they had been glad to get rid of only a few years before.
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The European Union, for all its weaknesses, has helped the postcommunist countries of Eastern and Southeastern Europe immensely.
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It made the valley of tears bearable both by offering financial and other assistance and by holding out the promise of membership and economic prosperity in the near future.
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Equally important, had the EU not supported the creation of an administrative and social infrastructure of liberty, there might well have been a more serious communist or even fascist backlash in Poland, Hungary, and elsewhere.
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While the politics of frustration was thus controlled in the postcommunist world, it broke out with a vengeance in the Islamic world.
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Here, too, the phenomenon was not new.
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With the onset of modernization, millions of people were uprooted from their traditional communities and ways of life.
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Young men, in particular, saw the prospect of a life more like that presented to them by Western television.
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But they soon discovered that realizing this prospect would require a longer and more arduous journey than they had anticipated.
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In fact, it would take at least a generation, during which much of the effort of modern life would have to be made, while the fruits of this effort would remain elusive.
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Earlier generations may have borne the burden of working and waiting more readily, but nowadays people want results here and now.
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If the benefits do not come quickly – and for most people they do not – they get restless.
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The massive migration processes that have only just begun will be the major issue of the coming decades.
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Particularly in Africa, migration will be almost the only quick route to modernization.
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Those who do not manage to get to other countries, or who fail in the countries to which they have migrated, are in a quandary.
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For them, the old world of traditional ties and customs is gone, but the new world of modernity remains out of reach.
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They are lost in a limbo of uncertainty and disappointment.
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It has been argued that this was one of the problems of “belated nations” like Germany a hundred years ago.
これは 「  䟋えば100幎前のドむツのような遅れた囜々」の問題のひず぀であるず議論されおきた。
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Seductive leaders (Hitler among them) exploited the resulting sense of frustration.
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Whatever the value of such theories, it is evident that the frustration of young people’s ambitions in modernizing countries makes them the object of preachers of hate and tempts them to leave the course of plodding progress and turn to more dramatic action.
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What we call “terrorism” has many causes, and one must beware of facile explanations.
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However, the politics of frustration, of ambitions raised and then thwarted, is clearly one such cause.
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It is thus also a challenge to those of us living in more fortunate circumstances.
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If we do not wish to be submerged in violence and authoritarian responses to it, international institutions must do for the modernizing world what the EU has managed to do for the postcommunist countries.
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For the world’s democracies, there is no greater or more important task.
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The Promise of Iraq’s Constitution
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The constitutional process now under way in Iraq represents a hopeful milestone for all Iraqis.
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After decades of successively imposed constitutions, an elected assembly has overseen the process of drafting a new permanent constitution, and the draft text will be voted on by ordinary Iraqis on October 15.
憲法を数十幎にわたっお継続的に匷芁されおきた埌、圓遞した憲法遞定䌚議は、新しい氞続憲法の起草を管理しおおり、草案は 10 月 15 日にむラク囜民により祚決される。
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Much of the current talk about the draft’s various provisions thus misses the point.
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Regardless of whether the referendum succeeds or fails, and regardless of the details of the constitutional text, what is most important is the establishment of constitutional processes and institutions in Iraq, before and after the referendum.
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Concerning the pre-referendum phase, the National Assembly largely succeeded in this task.
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Although Iraq’s interim constitution gave the Assembly exclusive control over the drafting process, the Assembly wisely reached out beyond its membership in creating a constitutional drafting committee.
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Iraqi leaders were well aware of the decreased participation in the election by a significant portion of Iraq’s multi-ethnic and multi-confessional mosaic, particularly the Sunni community.
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Accordingly, they sought out those who were under-represented in the Assembly, but whose sense of participation in and ownership of the process was essential, not merely to the constitutional exercise, but to binding the nation’s wounds.
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This was no mere gesture.
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Reaching out was an important component of establishing the rule of law, and it also sent a message that Iraq had truly turned a corner – that no single party sought to dominate Iraq.
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This was an important signal that those elected to the National Assembly understood that democracy does not mean merely the will of the majority.
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Instead, all Iraqis were allowed to participate in the process, and, though consensus was not ultimately reached, that, too, was a part of the democratization process.
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In the end, Iraq’s voters will decide whether this is a constitution under which they wish to be governed for the foreseeable future.
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Those who chose not to participate in last January’s elections will most certainly do so now, both in the referendum and in the upcoming elections to a new Assembly in December.
去る 1 月の遞挙に参加しないこずを遞択した者は、今回囜民遞挙および 12 月に予定されおいる新議䌚遞挙には、もっずも確実に参加するのであろう。
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A second important feature of the drafting process was the extent to which the National Assembly complied with the requirements of Iraq’s interim constitution, the Transitional Administrative Law (TAL).
起草プロセスで第二に重芁な特城は、むラクの暫定憲法 (TAL: Transitional Administrative Law) にどの皋床囜民議䌚が埓うかであった。
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At the time of the transfer of authority in June of 2004, many pundits predicted that an elected National Assembly would ignore an interim constitution drafted by an unelected Governing Council and promulgated by an occupying authority.
2004 幎 6 月の政暩移譲の時点で、倚くの専門家は、圓遞した囜民議䌚は、萜遞した統治評議䌚により起草され、支配的勢力によっお亀付された暫定憲法を無芖するであろうず予枬しおいた。
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Yet that did not happen.
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The TAL set a rigorous schedule for the Assembly to complete an initial constitutional draft, and the Assembly essentially abided by those limits.
TAL は議䌚に、最初の憲法草案の完成に぀いお、厳しいスケゞュヌルを課し、議䌚はこれらの期限を確実に遵守した。
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The deadline extension that it passed was in keeping with both the spirit and the letter of the TAL.
期限を延長したものに぀いおも、TAL の粟神および文面に埓っおいた。
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At long last, it can be said that an Iraqi legislature understood that it was constrained by constitutional principals and the rule of law.
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The test for institution building, however, will come once a constitution has been approved and a new government installed.
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Regardless of who wins the elections, there will be temptations to tinker with the constitutional text.
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Such temptations are understandable, and need not be animated by improper motives.
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However, given the little weight given to constitutions in Iraq’s modern history, it is likely that the political class will leave the text alone.
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Barring some compelling need, the calculus might well arise that it is more important to abide by the constitution for some time – and to be seen to be abiding by it – than it is even to improve its provisions. Changes can always be proposed after a decent interval passes.
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It goes without saying that it will be essential to establish that governance in Iraq is institutional, not personal.
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The American administration was absolutely right to resist the call to turn Iraq over to a caudillo, as some wanted.
アメリカの統治は、䞀郚の人間による、むラクを軍事独裁者 (caudillo) に返還するようにずいう芁求に察抗した点で、完党に正しかった。
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Iraq’s salvation from the nightmare that it endured over the previous 35 years lies not in any one man; indeed, reliance on “one man” was the central ingredient in Saddamist rule.
むラクの過去 35 幎以䞊にわたる悪倢からの救枈は、䞀人の人間に委ねられるものではない。 実に 、 「 䞀人の人間」ぞの䟝存はサダム独裁による支配の䞭心的な芁玠であった。
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Here again, Iraq’s immediate past history allows one to be optimistic.
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The Iraqi Governing Council was not dominated by any single member, and Iraq’s subsequent governments have also operated collegially.
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Giving life to constitutionally defined political institutions is far more important to the course of Iraq’s immediate future than the specific provisions that the constitution contains.
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That has been the missing ingredient, not only in Iraq, but also in other countries ruled by despots.
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Constitutions frequently enshrine lofty principals, and nobly assure protection of fundamental rights.
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The question is whether those guarantees are given meaning on the ground.
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If the immediate past is a guide, one has reason for optimism in Iraq.
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The Sleeping Volcano of Global Finance
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The rejection of the European Union’s Constitutional Treaty by French and Dutch voters was, according to all evidence, more a rejection of unregulated globalization than it was a rejection of Europe.
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The general instability of social relations – most importantly, but not only, of employment – is slowly becoming intolerable for a growing part of the population in many developed countries, not just in Europe.
(唯䞀ではないが、そのもっずも重芁な点が雇甚である) 瀟䌚的関係の党般的な䞍安定さが、ペヌロッパだけでなく、倚くの発展囜の人口の倧郚分にずっお、埐々に耐え難いものずなっおきおいる。
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And there cannot be a stable economic order – at least not in democratic countries – if electorates reject its underpinnings.
さらに、有暩者の支持なくしおは 、 ( 少なくずも民䞻䞻矩囜においおは) 安定的な経枈秩序は成立しえない。
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Capitalism could be reconstructed after World War II because it was buttressed by three necessary types of regulation: social security, which served as a principal stabilizer, at least in the developed countries; Keynesian tools to fight domestic cyclical downturns; and a universal high-wage policy aimed at stimulating general consumption, without which the genius of capitalism – mass production – does not work.
第二次䞖界倧戊埌、資本䞻矩は3 ぀の必芁䞍可欠な芏制に支えられながら再構築された。 すなわち、少なくずも発展囜においおは䞻芁なスタビラむザヌずしお機胜した瀟䌚的安党性、囜内の呚期的な経枈䞋降期に察抗するケむンズ孊掟の装眮、資本䞻矩の真髄 (倧量生産) 発揮に䞍可欠な党䜓消費の刺激を目的ずする高賃金政策である。
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But the realignment of the rich, developed countries around the monetarist policies promoted by economists like Milton Friedman, which began around 1970, broke with all that. Not long after, the dollar was detached from the gold standard.
しかし 1970 幎頃に始たった、ミルトン フリヌドマンなどの経枈孊者に掚された裕犏な発展囜のマネタリスト政策ぞの再傟倒がそのすべおを砎壊した。
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Ever since, the international financial system has endured almost constant instability.
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Crises have multiplied, with each seemingly worse than the one that came before.
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Throughout the rich world, poverty has come roaring back.
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Internal and international inequalities have been increasing at breakneck speed.
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Employment is increasingly precariousness.
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And where unemployment is preferred to universal job insecurity, it has become impossible to suppress.
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It is to this state of affairs that the French and Dutch said “no” two months ago.
2 ヶ月前にフランスずドむツが「ノヌ」を衚明した背景には、このような事情があったのである。
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Paradoxically, however, a united Europe is likely to be needed even more in the near future than it was in the past.
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After all, beyond the social misery produced by the re-institutionalized cruelty of the current global economic system, the greatest danger facing the world nowadays is that very system’s inherent instability.
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I don’t see any institution other than the EU that has enough size and heft to protect Europeans from a possible implosion.
筆者には、ペヌロッパを内砎の危険性から保護するのに十分な芏暡ず重芁性を有する機構は、EU 以倖には芋圓たらない。
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Consider the simple fact that the American economy is now more than $600 billion in debt.
アメリカ経枈の負債が珟圚 6,000 億ドルを越えおいるずいう単玔な事実を考えおみたい。
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The United States cannot function without being able to borrow $1.9 billion dollars each and every day of the year, mainly from the emerging economies of Asia, and China above all.
米囜は、䞻にアゞアの成長経枈囜、ずりわけ䞭囜から毎幎 19 億ドルの融資を受けなければ機胜しないのである。
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But this support could weaken or even cease if the dollar falls too low, if the price of oil rises too high, or if the American economy backfires.
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In fact, the US economy has become increasingly detached from reality.
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Its manufacturing sector now accounts for a mere 11% of America’s GDP.
補造郚門は珟圚アメリカの GDP の、たったの 11% を占めるに過ぎない。
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Ford and General Motors are in dire financial straits.
Ford 瀟ず General Morors 瀟は厳しい財政難に眮かれおいる。
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Meanwhile, two speculative bubbles – in the real estate market and in mortgages – have become grafted upon each other and now dominate economic activity in the US.
䞀方 、 ( 䞍動産垂堎および䜏宅ロヌンにおける) 2 ぀の投機的バブルが盞互に融合し合い、今では米囜内の経枈掻動を支配しおいる。
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A crash, or at least a sharp spasm, is quite likely in the near future, and the consequences – for America and the world – may be catastrophic.
近い未来かなりの確率で予想される、倱墜たたは少なくずも突然の撃沈ずその (アメリカおよび䞖界ぞの) 圱響は、壊滅的なものᅵᅵᅵなる可胜性がある。
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This instability also makes it difficult to address other grave problems affecting the global financial system.
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Sovereign debt, needed by all countries, but particularly by the poorest, suffers profoundly from erratic interest-rate and exchange-rate movements.
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The absence of a lender of last resort in today’s world only magnifies the threat involved in each crisis.
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To make matters worse, national failures can no longer be addressed without aggravating the situation.
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Of course – indeed, above all – in such circumstances the immense investments needed to overcome underdevelopment and the disabilities that it entails are increasingly forgotten by the world of international finance.
もちろん (そしお実にもっずも重芁な点ずしお ) 、 そういった状況䞋で、内圚する発展の遅れず胜力の䞍足を克服するために巚額の投資が必芁であるこずが、囜際金融の䞖界で忘れ去られようずしおいる。
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With rich countries threatened by instability and poor countries largely left to their own devices, the reconstruction of the world financial system should be at the top of the international agenda.
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A new Bretton Woods could not be more urgent!
新たなブレトン りッズが今ほど緊急に必芁ずされるこずはない。
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The Trade-and-Aid Myth
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Trade and aid have become international buzzwords.
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More aid (including debt relief) and greater access to rich countries’ markets for poor countries’ products now appears to be at the top of the global agenda.
揎助 (債暩攟棄を含む) の拡倧および、貧しい囜々の補品の裕犏な囜々の垂堎ぞのアクセスの拡倧が、グロヌバルな最重芁課題であるかのように芋える。
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Indeed, the debate nowadays is not about what to do, but howmuch to do, and how fast.
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Lost in all this are the clear lessons of the last five decades of economic development.
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Foremost among these is that economic development is largely in the hands of poor nations themselves.