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"Oh my god man I didn't do it." "I didn't do it." "I love you, Mikey." "That is at I love about this town." "They've got good eggs benedict 24 hours a day." "Just getting off shift?" "No, I'm going in early." "Thank you." "Do you ever eat dinner?" "You're looking at it." "Okay, I'll see you at the lab." "Bye." "Can I get a check please?" "That guy over there already paid and tipped." "Says he's your friend." "How's it going, Mike?" "What are you doing here, Frank?" "What do you want me to do?" "You don't return my calls." "I tried calling you, but I've been, uh... busy." "You didn't make it to Amy's memorial mass." "Yeah, I know." "I got the card from father Anthony." "Couldn't get away this year." "It's okay." "Dennis Graves and I decided to come to vegas for a few days, blow off some steam." "You like standing?" "Sit down." "I can't." "Look, Frank, I got to run." "We'll get dinner later in the week, all right?" "I'll call you." "Mike." "Listen, I..." "I'm in a bit of a fix;" "I need you to do me a favor." "I can't do it this time." "Okay?" "Don't ask me to do it, Frank." " Things are just starting to..." " Hey." "What are you getting so excited about?" "I didn't say anything." "I'm just getting the lay of the land here, you know?" "Trying to move on." "I got it, bad timing." "You all right?" "Don't you worry about it." "I'll sort it out." "Looks like it's you and me again, hoss." "You got a problem with that?" "No, no, I like your style." "It's just the whole suit thing you got to work on a little bit." "Yeah, yeah, what do we got?" "Two gunshot victims." "Male, two shots in the chest." "Female shot in the back, and her hand is missing." "Why take just one hand?" "Maybe there was something on it he wanted." "Boxer shorts, socks." "I'm guessing this is his." "You see another suitcase?" "No, no, I did not." "Looks like she was just visiting." ".45 automatic." "No purse... no valuables." "Did you see a safe?" "No." "No, no safe in here." "Looks like a robbery." "Hey, this guy has a bunch of law enforcement logo shirts hanging up in here." "Check the bible drawer." "Anything?" "Nine millimeter service pistol?" "Stamped "T.P.D."" "Could be any city starting with T." "I didn't find any nine millimeter casing, so this weapon was never fired." "The room is registered to a dennis graves trenton, new jersey." "He's a cop, trenton, pd." "Hey, you're from trenton." "Do you know him?" "No." "Who found them?" "His buddy, Frank McCarty." "So what were you two guys doing in Vegas?" "Playing a little golf, indulging in the buffets." "Is that all you indulged in?" "We were down in the bar, dennis picked up a date." "Is she the date?" "I didn't get a name." "Anyway, they went upstairs, I played a little blackjack." "Then what?" "Then, I pulled some strings and got us a tee time at the wynn." "Dennis didn't answer his phone." "I figured he was busy going around the world." "After a while, I..." "I knew something was wrong." "I got hotel security to open the door." "Excuse me." "Yeah?" "Captain, we got press all over the place." "Can you stick around?" "I'll be right back." "Yeah, sure." "Okay." "Mr. McCarty?" "If you don't mind." "You want to tell me what I'm seeing here, Frank?" "Could be anything." "Pimp went off on his whore." "Robbery gone bad." "It's a dangerous town." "Have a seat." "Yeah." "Heard we have a dead out-of-town cop." "Yeah, detective dennis graves." "Trenton pd." " Trenton?" " Yeah." "David, you got the T.O.D.?" "About four hours ago." "Male was shot twice, both frontal." "No exits." "The girl was shot once in the back." "Did you find the hand?" "I'm guessing the killer's got it, along with the rest of their valuables." "Hey, Catherine, check this out." "I've got an uncapped bottle of mouthwash here." "Probably come back to the hooker." "Yeah, but I've got something else, and this is good." "There are quite a few long, light-colored hairs snagged in the soap dish right there." "Not a match to either victim." "Sloppy housekeeping?" "I doubt the maid would miss this." "What appear to be high heel shoe impressions" "I checked, again, no match to the working girl." "Bath towels haven't been used." "So who was in the tub with her shoes on?" "Keppler, do me a favor." "Go over by the body, will you?" "Yeah?" "I can see you; can you see me?" "Yep." "What about if I get low?" "Not anymore." "So either she was lying in wait... or an eyewitness tried to hide from a killer." "Let's pull the elevator surveillance." "Maybe we can find a blonde who got off on this floor." "Welcome back, Dr. Grissom." "It's good to be back, Judy." "There are no words to describe how glad I am you're back." "But I'm sure you'll find some." "The lab almost went to hell in a handbag while you were sabbaticalling." "I'm sure you talked to Catherine, but just in case you didn'T... lot of hurt feelings, so in case you talk to Nick..." "I'd rather hear it from Catherine, thanks." "Fair enough, but, permit me to say that the" ""seasonal behaviors of the walden pond swamp mosquito"" "was an incredibly stimulating seminar." "And you know this how?" "I took your course online." "It's free to alumni." "Oh, you're spanky." "Seven-four-three." "I aced the final,didn't I?" "post-mortem tool marks to the left wrist." "No vital reactions from the tissue." "Cuts are scalloped, definitely a serrated blade." "Not a bad job." "Anything to help us identify her?" "David printed the right hand." "No hits on afis." "Lucky for you, like many young ladies her age, she had some surgical work done." "Feel these." "What do you think?" "Implants." "Kind of big for my taste, really." "The other end." "Oh, they're for the butt?" "Yes." "Implants are serialized." "We can get an id from those." "You know, I spent 12 hours on a court bench last week." "I could have used a pair of these bad boys." "What about C.O.D.?" "Single gunshot to the back, just to the right of the spinal column." "Bullet severed the aorta, lodged inside the sternum." "And the cop?" "I removed these from detective graves." "Large caliber, too." "I'll get those to ballistics." "Okay, so I'll run the serials?" "Yeah." "I am an ass man." "Michael Keppler." "Hi, Gil Grissom." "How's everybody been treating you?" "No complaints, you've got a great team." "Yeah, thanks." "Does ecklie still have you slotted for days?" "As far as I know." "I hear you're working the double homicide at the olympia." "What have you got?" "Oh, it's uh,bullets from Doc Robbins." "I was going to run them through ibis." "The dead cop was from your hometown, huh?" "Yeah." "Retired." "Did you know him?" "You know how many retired cops there are in trenton?" "Well, it's great to finally meet you." "Same." "I love you, Mikey." "Hey." "Hey." "I said, "how do you feel about butt implants?"" "You don't need them?" "Thank you." "I wasn't really talking about me, but... oh, right." "Sorry." "You got something on the dead cop case?" "The blond hair from the tub does match the saliva left in the mouthwash bottle." "And it's female, but not from the dead hooker with the big back seat." "Second female in the room uses mouthwash." "More than likely another hooker." "Looks like we got a witness." "Dennis should've lived long enough to spoil his grandkids." "He was a good man, good cop." "Good enough to spot a hooker when he saw one?" "You don't have to be a cop to have that radar." "So tell me about Dennis." "Did he major in French?" "Maybe liked ménage?" "trois?" "You know, two's company, three's a party?" "'Cause there was another girl in the room with him." "Really?" "I only saw him leave with one girl." "So as far as you know, there wasn't a blond in there with him?" "Dennis?" "He could barely handle one." "Besides, he was a little tight with the buck." "I'm looking at the over - under in the suns game." "What do you think?" "I don't bet sports anymore." "Not what I hear." "According to stokes, you're at the top of your game." "Well, why don't you get your picks from him with his fat texas mouth." "I'd take the over." "Hey." "Want some help?" "Welcome back." "What do you got?" "Well, I'm just following a lead off some serialized butt implants." "I missed las vegas." "what are you doing here?" "I'm avoiding the paperwork and mail that's piled up on my desk." "Well... we got a, uh, dead prostitute's apartment." "It's obvious that it's been ransacked and robbed." "I'm thinking that she was the target of the double and the cop was collateral." "Where would you like me to start?" "You can hit the dinette." "I haven't taken that yet." "Unless you're avoiding her paperwork, too." "There's a lot of it." "Well, she was past due" "But seems to have paid her telephone bill on time." "Telephone." "Hooker's lifeline." "I'm telling you, whoever hit this place left a lot of prints." "I, uh, heard there was some friction in the lab while I was gone." "You ever hear of "reverse forensics"?" "Keppler." "There was someone else in that hotel room." "I know." "I need a name." "I don't have one." "Don't let me down, kid." "You got to help me here;" "I'm counting on you." "You okay?" "Yeah." "Well, I tracked down the plastic surgeon that augmented courtney evans' glutes." "Probably the only implants ever paid for in cash by, get this... her pimp, a guy named eric hong, aka..." ""precious ricky," huh?" "Yeah, that's what my mama calls me." "Precious "licky"." "is she one of yours?" "No, ain't seen her before." "You bought her butt cheek implants." "Is that something you normally do for girls you don't know?" "Oh, see, that's the problem." "You're showing me the wrong end." "Okay." "So, then she is one of yours, right?" "Hey, I run an escort service." "Strictly legal." "I'm sure it is." "So what did she do, precious?" "She make you mad?" "No." "No, I don't get mad, man." "I'm blissed out." "I'm a buddhist." "I let the anger flow right through me." "Sentient beings are numberless, and I vow to save them." "I didn't do nothing to her." "Nothing?" "Like cut off her hand, and you kill the cop she was with?" "We know courtney was with a blond last night." "Long hair." "You got anyone who matches that description?" "Jenny, Coco, Lani..." "April, May and June, too." "But you know what?" "The cuffs don't always match the collars, you know what I... now, look, Ricky, maybe you're a nice guy, maybe you're not, but right now i really don't care, because I think you're lying to me." "And that could go very badly for you." "do you understand what I'm saying?" "Okay, okay." "They were all on the clock last night." "It was a bachelor party." "Nick, Mike, can you step out a minute?" "Miss mcfarland is a baby-sitter, of sorts." "I wouldn't leave her with my cat." "I think she likes the pipe." "She claims that that baby belongs to Courtney Evans." "She had a baby?" "Damn." "I'm going to call child services." "Yeah." "Ma'am, I'm Nick Stokes;" "this is Mike Keppler." "We're with the crime lab." "You mind if we ask you a few questions?" "Look, Courtney was supposed to come in the morning to pick up lila, okay." "I got to work." "You know, real work." "Okay, look, my own problems, okay?" "Otherwise, I would have taken her myself, but, um," "I ain't in no shape, okay?" "So, uh, you can find her a family, right?" "What about the father?" "Heard he was in prison or something like that." "I ain't never seen him." "When she left the baby with you, was courtney with anyone?" "A friend maybe?" "No, no, she ain't got no friends." "What about enemies?" "You know what?" "I got to go." "I can't take this." "please take her." "Thank you." "Please." "Go with her." "I got to go." "Looks like we have another victim, huh?" "It's gonna be okay, baby." "We got to talk, Frank." "Hold on, hold on, I'm on a streak here." "Now, do I keep the ace or draw the inside straight?" "I'm gonna draw to the straight." "She had a kid." "Oh, God." "Why don't you tell me about the hand?" "Why?" "She scratched me, Mike." "Come on, what was i supposed to do?" "I couldn't take the chance that one of your guys would find my dna under her nails." "Why, Frank?" "You know why." "That was a long time ago;" "dennis never said a word." "Yeah, but he was going to." "He was about to be indicted." "Wife, three kids." "There was no way he was doing time." "He was going down, Mikey, and he was taking us with him." "He was a cop, Frank." "Yeah." "You told me that." "You don't do that, not ven to save your own ass." "Yeah?" "What about yours?" "Hey!" "Give me another vodka and tonic." "And give my boy here a scotch." "Neat, right?" "Make it a double." "We got to loosen him up." "look at her." "Just like catnip." "Don't look at me like that, Mike." "We did the right thing, all of us" "But do you think the grand jury's gonna see it like that?" "They're gonna see a white cop turned "dirty harry"" "goes across the river to take out some puerto rican drug dealer." "Shoots him in the back." "They don't understand." "Every time we take one step outside the box for public safety, they nail our asses to the wall." " Sit down, Frank." " Hey, Mikey, there's no turning back." "You did the right thing." "If you hadn't taken care of that evidence... keep your voice down, all right?" "Come on, I need some help here." "Or you're gonna lose everything." "And that isn't what amy would have wanted." "She loved you." " Don't do that." " What?" "Don't bring her into this." "You think you're the only one who cared for her?" "I was her father, Mikey." "Don't ever forget that." "I would've killed that the scumbag who raped her with these bare hands, but you got to him first." "I love you for that." "Yeah, I made compromises for you." "You wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for me." "Yeah." "You're out of line, Frank." "Hey, Mikey, there is no statute of limitations for murder." "The kid you shot, his mother's still crying." "And I got the gun... with your prints and his blood on it." "You go down now, you take every case you ever worked on with you." "Trenton, Philly," "Baltimore, Vegas." "All those killers go free." "All on your hands." "So, pin it on the blond in the bathroom or the pimp." "Just do it, I don't care how, just do it." "I don't even know Courtney what's-her-name." "So how is it that your prints ended up all over her apartment?" "I've never been to her apartment." "Did I mention she was dead?" "What?" "Yo, I don't even know no dead person." "Pj, you know what I think?" "I think you killed her." "You took her purse, went to her apartment and stole all her stuff." "No, no, no." "I didn't kill nobody." "Well, she's dead." "And so is the cop she was with." "That's the death penalty." "Here's what happened" " I swear, this- this is the truth." "I was minding my own business." "I was checking out the dumpsters behind, behind the strip, and lo and behold, I find this lady's purse." "Right there in the dumpster?" "Yeah, like pennies from heaven." "It had a wallet, it had keys, it had a cell phone." "So I checked for her license, I got her address and went to her house." "I was going to return the purse, I swear." "Oh, like a good samaritan?" "Yeah, but, when I got here, no one was there." "So what'd you do?" "I used the key." "I was going to leave the purse inside." "But you didn't do that, did you?" "I might have taken a couple of things." "Where was the dumpster?" "Behind the palermo." "behind the palermo." "This is Catherine." "Catherine, it's Mike." "Mike." "Where have you been?" "I had to take care of something." "How's it going?" "Any I.D. On the blonde yet?" "No, but we got some info from the deadbeat who burgled the hooker's apartment." "Claims he found her purse in a dumpster behind the palermo." "I'm just off the strip now;" "I'll take care of it for you." "Mike, are you okay?" "Yeah, yeah." "I'm fine." "I'll see you in a little bit." "Hey, Mike." "Hey." "Did you get anything from the dumpster?" "Yeah... a bad smell." "So..." "Ecklie wants you on days now that Grissom's back, but..." "I could talk to them, get you to stay with us." "Oh, I'm sure you guys will do just fine without me." "yeah, usually transfers don't fit in, but... think about it." "Catherine." "Thanks." "Keppler." "Archie found the mystery blonde." "Before she was in dennis graves' room, she was with that cop, Frank McCarty." "They got on in the lobby, got off on 11." "Around the time McCarty said dennis picked up his hooker." "Hey, he never mentioned he had company, and he knew we were looking for another hooker." "Now I'm starting to think we're looking at a dirty cop." "Who knows about this?" "Pd's about to." "I'm calling them right now." "You'd think a cop would know he's on camera, huh?" "McCarty's phone keeps going to voice mail." "And, according to the receptionist, he didn't check out." "Lvpd." "Open up." "Give me the card." "I didn't do it..." "I didn't do it, man." "Come on, man;" "I didn't do it." "You got the wrong guy, man." "no!" "It's a.45 auto." "Same caliber as the gun that killed the cop and the hooker." "With blood stains." "This this is practically gift-wrapped." "If the guy wants to get caught so bad, just confessmake it easy on all of us." "I can't wait to get this back to ballistics." "I'll see you." "I'll finish up here." "You've reached frank." "Leave me a message after the tone." "Sara." "Hey." "You're back." "Yeah." "Uh, I've, I've been out at a, um..." "I've been at... a garbage dump?" "Yeah." "It's so obvious, isn't it?" "Nice, um... you look good." "Did you, uh, put the cocoon in my office?" "Cool, dry, not a lot of light." "It seemed like the right place for it." "I think you're going to be surprised when it hatches." "I have no doubt." "I'm gonna... go clean up now." "I'll see you later." "Yeah, you will." "McCarty's mystery blonde knew the dead hooker." "How do you know that?" "check out the time code." "1:10." "We recovered the hooker's cell phone, thanks to a dumpster diver." "These are all her voice mails, the last couple hours before she died." "At the same time the blond was making this call," "Courtney evans received a voice mail." "So, I synched up the audio to the video." "Yeah, courty, it's me, suzy Q. Got your message." "What are you, too busy to answer me back?" "Uh, so anyway, I just left my guy." "Eh, it went all right." "Usual "call me daddy" crap." "you know, he actually wanted me to whimper." "Whatever." "He kept calling me "amy. "" "Amy?" "...That three-way..." "I don't know, I don't know." "I think I'm gonna have to- do we have an I.D. On the blonde?" "Just now." "I st finished running names off Courtney Evans' incoming calls." "Yeah?" " We're looking for Suzy Gibbons." " Here it is." "Priors for prostitution and a last known." "Can I see that?" "She knew the vic." "She's the blonde in the bathtub." "Well, if we can find suzy, so can a retired cop." "He needs her dead." "If she's dumb enough to hide out in her own house, she already is." "Mike?" "Mike, where are you going?" "!" "Amy?" "Daddy said never tell you." "why would mccarty have a bloody gun with Keppler's prints on it, in his hotel room?" "Doesn't make any sense." "No." "Could mike have touched it when he found it?" "No, no way." "I was right there." "Besides, the blood was already dry." "You don't leave fingerprints in dried blood." "I compared the.45 ammo evidence to the dead cop and the hooker." "It's the correct make, model and caliber, but I'm telling you, it's a different gun." "Maybe he's being set up." "Why?" "By whom?" "Keppler told me that he didn't know Frank McCarty." "He also said he didn't know the victim." "Maybe he's lying about that, too." "I'm sorry, Catherine." "I like the guy, too, but I'm just following the evidence here." "We should be talking to Keppler about this." "Where is he?" "He was with me in a/V." "Nobody has seen him since, and he's not answering his cell." "He knows where the eyewitness lives." "What are you saying, Nick?" "I'm saying that if he had something to do with these two murders, then frank McCarty's not the only one we need to worry about." "Pd's on their way to Suzy Gibbons' apartment now." "Okay, grab Sara and go over there, and I'll have Brass call trenton pd, see who knows who." "Welcome home." "What other evidence did, uh, Keppler handle?" "He brought back the three bullets for autopsy, which didn't match the gun with his prints on it." "Could he have swapped the bullets?" "Anything's possible." "He also searched the dumpster where the homeless guy found the hooker's purse and cell phone." "He told Catherine he didn't find anything." "I got your dna results, and the blood on the gun from frank McCarty's hotel room, it doesn't match either victim." "There were no hits in codis, and the dna print ancestry markers say that it's from a black male." "Keppler and mccarty were both jersey boys." "Expand the search to the east coast." "Will do." "I really hope he's clean." "We have to treat him like a suspect." "I'll tell Ecklie." "still no answer on his cell." "Hey." "Got a fix on the gps in his denali." "He's near henderson." "What's he doing there?" "he just disabled his gps." "Smart guy." "Guilty guy." "Try tracking his cell." "Pd-issued phones have gps, too." "Yeah." "Got him." "I'll take that." "Suzy Gibbons how do I find her?" "Okay, you know what?" "First off, you're gonna get your freakin' hands off me." "I don't have time, Ricky." "Why should I tell you?" "Because if you don'T..." "I'm the last face you're gonna see alive." "I don't think Suzy works out of here." "Me, either." "Jim?" "So I finally got through to the homicide captain in trenton." "Anyway, here's the story." "Keppler not only knew McCarty." "Not only did he know him, he was like a son to him." "Keppler had a close relationship with his daughter, and McCarty was the one who got Keppler his job as a C.S.I." "And what about the victim - detective graves?" "Yeah, he knew him, too." "Graves was being indicted." "Seems like too many of his suspects were showing up dead before the trial." "Catherine, I think all three of them are dirty." "Okay." "You know, some women... live out of their purses." "I know a lot of working girls operate out of the siren." "I think we just found her office." "I'll see you back at the lab?" "Okay." "Hello." "It's Mike." "Where have you been?" "Everybody is looking for you." "I know." "I'm sorry." "Then come back in." "I can'T." "It's kind of complicated." "I... made a mistake a long time ago." "Let me help you." "It's too late." "You're gonna end up looking into my cases, Catherine." "they're clean." "I promise, every one of them." "Except the alvarez homicide in philly." "If you run the ballistics again, it'll come back to dennis graves." "Your guys are smart, they'll figure it out." "Mike, don't do anything stupid." "I got to go." "Hey, you've reached Frank." "Leave me a message after the tone." "if you still want to fix this, Frank, you got 20 minutes." "Blue siren motel, third, below fremont." "Grissom." "He just called, sounded desperate." "Like a man with nothing to live for and nothing to lose." "Well, he's not your priority." "Find the witness." "Yeah." "I'm on my way." "Just wanted you to know." "it's open." "drop it, Frank." "Put the gun down." "Look, Mike... about the bar, you were right." "I was out of line." "You know how I get - come on." "Put the gun down." "You're not gonna shoot me." "Suzy, I want you to get up and walk out of the room, all right?" "I can't let that happen." "Sit down." "it's over, Frank." "I know what you did." "What are you talking about?" "I know what you did to Amy." "I killed an innocent man." "Mikey, you're talking crazy." "She was your daughter, Frank." "You watch your frickin' mouth." "All right, okay!" "Put the gun down." "Shut up!" "I loved her, Mike, more than you know." "All right, okay." "I'm a dirty cop, rotten to the core." "What do you want from me?" "I want you to tell me why, Frank." "Why you would do that to your own daughter." "Come on, Mike." "You're all I've got." "No!" "No!" "Mike!" "Mike!" "Mike." "Mike." "Mike, hang in there." "Call the paramedics." "Dispatch, got a code 44." "You're gonna be okay." "Just stay with me." "I'm sorry." "I just know they both had guns." "Move it." "Pupils still fixed and dilated." "He's moving into v-fib!" "Let's go!" " Stay with me, Mike." " Place him into the back of the rig." "Mike?" " Let's go, let's go." " Hang on, Mike." " Charging, 300." " two placement's good." " Clear." " Clear." "No response." "Hitting him again." "Copy." "Clear." "Yeah, I've got nothing." "Still in v-fib." "Come on, come on." "No pulse." "What?" "He's gone." "Talk to me, Archie." "The signal's 20 yards north of your position." "I don't see anything." "I'm dialing the phone now." "All right." "Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait!" "I got something." "I'll call you back." "keppler left his phone so we'd find the hand." ""Check under the nails." "You'll find Frank McCarty's dna. "" | {
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"Previously on The Americans..." " FBI!" "Don't move!" " Ronald Reagan doesn't care!" "Your report can wait an hour." "I'm proud of you, Stan." "They say they want to give me a medal." " Where's your sister?" " She had to stay late at school." "Thanks for making this trip fly by." "It always feels better to have someone to talk to." "Sit, please." "Lying will not be tolerated." "Give me a call when you get back, if you want to hang out with other people who get it." "Kelli, it's Paige." "You too." "Hey, do you want to hang out?" " And Amelia?" " 9th grade, cheerleading." " Oh, my God." "No." " Yes!" "Jared's a senior?" "He's going to Carnegie Mellon next year." "Emmett?" "P-Paige and Henry..." "Go." "Who would do this?" "You want the list?" "Someone who knows us, every single one of us, someone who is onto the operation." "How are we gonna live like this?" "He is a brilliant physicist and an eloquent advocate for those Jewish Refuseniks still trapped in the Soviet Union, of whom he was once one." "Baruch ha'bah, Anton Baklanov." "Thank you, Rabbi Gittlesen." "The world of physics encompasses the microscopic, the submicroscopic, the very distant, the world of unseen things." "This afternoon, I want to talk about a world of unseen people, a society in which Jews are turned into nonpersons." "10 years ago, I was lucky enough to get out of the Soviet Union." "In America, I found a home, justice, dignity, baseball..." "And freedom... for myself, my beautiful wife, and most of all, our son." "♪ let it shine, let it shine ♪" "♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪" "♪ hide it under a bushel?" "No!" "♪" " ♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪" " Hey!" "Hey, you guys." "This is Paige." "Hey, Paige." " ♪ let it shine ♪" " Hi, Paige." "♪ don't let Satan blow it out, I'm gonna let it shine ♪" "♪ don't let Satan blow it out, I'm gonna let it shine ♪" "♪ and I've been thinking ♪" "♪ so much ♪" "♪ about you ♪" "I was listening to that." "I know." "Anton Baklanov would rather die than betray his new homeland." "Not recruitable?" "Never will be." "Any rush?" "I don't see why." "We can take the long way to work tomorrow." "Oh." "Where were you?" "Oh, Emily really needed me, so I just..." "She's got this guy, he's a junior, soccer captain, and he thinks he's God's gift, but I think that he's just taking her for granted..." "Okay." "We just..." "I want to know where you were." "Yeah, just call if you're gonna be late next time." "Okay." "Sorry." "Homework awaits." "So, what's this about a new car?" "Did Henry tell you th...?" "I'm kidding around." "Henry doesn't seem to think so." "You know, Stan's friend..." "the guy's a gold mine." "Got us the plumbers' union retreat..." "I'll bet we could get teamsters, hotel workers..." "We do not need a new car, Philip." "It's cheaper than a plane." "That's all I'm..." "I'm glad you're okay." "When I heard about Emmett and Leanne," "I was afraid you might..." "Well, it's a terrible time." "We need to talk." "Moscow was signaling me every hour." "For the first time I can remember, I didn't know what to do." "What could I do?" "It was done." "What does the Centre know?" "Not much." "They're looking into it, but they're going to be careful." "Do they think any of the rest of us have been exposed?" "They don't know." "Anything's possible." "You're still alive." "That's a good sign." "They put someone on our kids and then pulled them." "Risk, benefit..." "They're scared now." "I've seen it happen before." "They won't do what it takes to find out what really happened, and I can't live with that." "What do you want from us?" "I know it's been hard between us, and I'm sorry for my part of that." "Believe me or don't believe me, but we need the same thing now." "And what's that?" "You have to help me find Emmett and Leanne's killer." "Help you?" "Personally?" "Without the Centre knowing about it?" "I owe it to Emmett and Leanne." "We owe it to them." "I have some ideas who might have killed them." "Top of the list..." "Andrew Larrick, former Special Operations in Vietnam." "We believe he's currently involved in developing a special mission unit inside the Navy SEALs." "He teaches at the Naval War College at Annapolis." "Emmett and Leanne were blackmailing him." "He's homosexual." "He was the only agent they were running who might have been good enough to find them." "To get to Larrick, you'll need an air-tight cover." "First step is through this man..." "Brad Mullin," "Seaman Recruit working out of Dam Neck in Virginia Beach." "Elizabeth, last time I saw you, you were..." "just off an operating table." "I knew you'd live, but I didn't know if you'd make it back." "I'm back." "I'm glad." "I've thought about you a lot." "I..." "Well... there's no changing what was." "I'm glad, anyway." "Commendation day..." "your first?" "Task force in Arkansas all got medals." "I never picked mine up." "This one's a letter, in a very nice box." "You deserve a commendation for stopping that bastard, Agent Beeman." "Thank you, sir." "But unfortunately, we don't hold all the reins here." "The gentleman from the Soviet embassy who had the poor taste to get his brains blown out has earned me and the Director a joint inquiry of the House and Senate intelligence committees." "Shit." "And if we can't hold them off, Frank, you'll be next." "With all due respect, sir," "Agent Gaad wasn't in any way responsible..." "Agent Beeman, I don't care who was and who wasn't." "He was a KGB agent operating on US soil." "That is a risky enterprise, taking us on." "We understand each other?" "Yes, sir." "Now, will you excuse us for a minute?" "Certainly." "We have to do it." "We're gonna live or die with that woman?" "Or sit and wait?" "She wants to know what happened to Emmett and Leanne as much as we do." "Okay?" " Brad Mullin..." " Shouldn't be a problem." "Listen." "Why don't you let me handle this?" "Mullin's a computer nerd, camera buff, classical music lover." "There's a million ways in on this." "I'll handle it." "But thank you." "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "I'll see you tomorrow." "Good night." "Sir." "Is everything all right?" "Everything's hunky-dory." "I'm being layered." "Layered?" "Bureaucratese for "shoved aside."" "They're bringing someone in over me." "Jim Halliwell from the Atlanta office." "He'll be running CI until... well, I guess we don't know when." "You shouldn't have to take the fall for this." "I get no pleasure from the thought of taking you down with me, Stan." "Besides, no offense... they're after bigger game." "Good night, Agent Beeman." "Good night, sir." "Oh." "Wow." "Wow." "Yeah." "It's very, um..." "Actually, I hated it." "I don't know anything about classical music." "Well, you certainly picked it." "I mean, you probably thought, you know, "Good old Beethoven,"" "Yeah, I did." "I thought it might be soothing or uplifting, but, um... it's very dark." "Yeah." "Those quartets." "Is that good?" "This?" "Oh." "This is great." "This is..." "Actually, this is exactly the thing that you were..." "Are you gonna listen to it right now?" "Oh." "You want to hear it..." "take it." "No." "I meant I..." "could listen with you." "With me, like, in the booth?" "Not if you don't want me to." "No." "I do." "I mean, sure." "If you want to, that'd be great." "Right now?" "Yeah." "Oh." "Okay." "Sure." "That must be intense." "When it happens, you do what you have to do." "It's what we're trained to do." "It's right." "But..." "later on when the hoopla is over..." "You took a guy off the face of the Earth." "You ever do it before?" "Yeah." "So, what's going on with you?" "How's... work?" "Oh, your friend the plumber has been opening some doors for us." "Oh, good." "I'm glad to hear that." "I always like to help a friend." "Well, we appreciate it." "It's nice to have a little extra coming in." "We're thinking about sprucing up the office a bit... well, I am, at least." "I'm having an affair." "I haven't told anybody, so you can't..." "not even Elizabeth." "Oh, okay." "Come on." "Of course not." "I'm..." "I'm walking around..." "It's crazy." "I guess..." "you probably never..." "You think about it a lot..." "a lot." "But in all these years, I-I've never, never..." "Stan... we're all human." "You know, me and Elizabeth, we've been through some patches." " You know that." " Yeah." "No, I know." "We're solid now, I think." "Maybe you're never really solid." "Yeah." "It's hard... marriage." "You know, you love your wife, and then the day-to-day crap starts to creep in." "Yeah, but that actually doesn't..." "I mean, Sandra and I... we hardly spend any time together at all." "Oh." "This job takes its toll, you know." "There's a lot I can't share with her." "I wouldn't want to put her through that anyway." "Separate lives." "I thought moving here, to this post, would help, but... it's actually gotten worse." "I'm sorry." "And then, you know, I meet this woman at work, and she understands what I do." "She sees me in a different way." "Right." "Well, you're lucky to be a travel agent, Philip." "Happy people going on vacations." "Yeah." "Just... when I'm with this woman... something just..." "So, what are you gonna do?" "I don't know." "There's no way we could ever be together." "Why not?" "Well, she's married." "We're doomed." "Da." "Spasiva." "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "Yeah, that's just all we need around here is something that makes television more attractive to kids." "Yeah, but it makes us more intelligent." "That's why it's called Intellivision." "Please tell me we're not discussing video games again." "We are, but it's good for your brain." "And you're not just sitting there." "You're doing something." "Go up and get your sister." "You're both gonna be late." "Paige!" "Stan finally told me about his affair." "How did that happen?" "We're friends." "We're taking the scientist." "Okay." "You're in the middle with Brad?" "You all right there?" "Of course." "Okay." "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "I hope it's okay." "This is the place that we usually..." "Do you do this a lot?" "You know... not a lot." "I've never done this before." "That's okay." "I'm kind of a loner, really." "Me too." "I'm not the usual military type." "I guess that's obvious." "I wanted to see the world, but I wound up here." "Man, the Navy." "I figured, you know, not everyone, but there had to be at least a couple of guys I could relate to." "There had to be somebody who wasn't a freaking Neanderthal." "It's not like it's the army, right?" "I'm glad you're not a Neanderthal." "You're nice." "You know that?" "How can you be so nice?" "I'm like you." "I kept thinking I would meet someone around here." "You know, Navy town... you think there'd be a lot of great guys." "But it just didn't work out." "You know, someone who's sensitive and generous, kind." "I like you, Brad." " I'm so sorry." " What's wrong?" "I'm..." "I don't know." "I really like you." "I'm just having..." "a hard time." "You want a beer?" "I'm really blowing this." "You're not." "It's okay." "Is it okay if we just... take things kind of slow?" "Sure." "Oh." "Would you see me again, or..." "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to." "No." "I want to." "I'm so sorry." "I..." "I'll call you." "No." "I will." "I'll call you." "It's me." "So Thursday, yes?" "Listen, if you gave me 10 nights, I'd find 10 nights." "Yes." "However you want." "I'll arrange it." "So, he has a mistress." "George traced the number." "I took a look." "Residential area, quiet street, deserted at night." "Okay." "I'll go down and check in on Brad tomorrow morning." "I have to meet with that plumber first thing in the morning, so I have to get out of Martha's early 'cause I promised her a lazy morning." "Lazy morning?" "Yeah." "Yeah." "Okay, um... so, I'll meet with Claudia for the drop, and then get home for an early dinner," " and then we'll go." " Okay." "Good." "How's it going with Brad?" "Fine." "Piece of cake." "♪ I saw the world thrashing all around your face ♪" "♪ never really knowing it was always... ♪" "Don't you knock?" " ♪ ...mesh and lace ♪" " I did knock." "Well, I didn't say "Come in."" "You're right." "I'm sorry." "♪ you've seen the difference... ♪" "What is that?" "What?" "You're hiding something." "A book for school." "♪ I'll stop the world and melt with you ♪" "If it's for school, why are you hiding it?" "It's for this course about the Bible." "♪ dream of better lives, the kind which never hate ♪" "You're not taking a course on the Bible." "Why are you lying to me?" "♪ ...of imaginary grace ♪" "_" " Paige, what is this?" " I'm reading the Bible." "What is the Reed Street Church?" "I met this kid Kelli, and she's really nice, and this is where she goes, like a youth group." "And, you know, she's got a messed-up family, and it makes her happy." "But you don't have a messed-up family." "Do we have to talk about this?" "Paige, have you been to this group?" "What's going on?" "Paige thinks she's in a messed-up family, and she's been going to some youth group she doesn't tell us about." "You think you're in a messed-up family?" "She doesn't tell us where she's going." "Forget I said anything!" "It's not about what you said." "It's that you're lying to us and hiding things." "I'm allowed to have my own life!" "And we are allowed to know about it." "Well, I thought we're supposed to have privacy in this house." "This has nothing to do with privacy!" "Why don't we talk about this more later?" "Close the door." "I'm not saying I thought you wouldn't call." "I mean, I think you're a good person." "That's not why I called." "I want to get to know you." "Thank you." "Where are you from?" "Wyoming..." "dink of a town near Casper." "I know." "I don't look like a cowboy, right?" "What about you?" "I am..." "I'm kind of from all over." "Navy brat..." "and my dad... well, my dad died, and then my mom and I were here." "So, um, I just kind of stayed on doing secretarial work... until, um..." "Until what?" "I can't." "Sorry." "Come on." "You can trust me." "I'm..." "I was, um... attacked." "What do you mean "Attacked"?" "Oh, God." "You were..." "Jesus." "Did, um..." "Was it here in town?" "Um, do you know that bar where Atlantic sort of hits Auburn?" "Yeah." "Kennett's." "I was in there one night, and, um... was hanging out with these seals, these..." "big handsome guys." "They were all on leave." "And then this one guy... and he took me to one of those motels like you took me to." "Oh, my God." "I'm so sorry." "No, no, no." "That's not..." "I didn't..." "He just got really mean, and he... sort of had me on the ground." "I was flat on my belly, and he was shoving my head into the floor." "And then he sort of got on top of me from behind and... ripped my pants down, and..." "I remember I said..." ""No." "No!"" "Jesus." "Well, did you go to the police?" "You know, I tried, but the Navy's protecting him." "They told the cops that he was not on leave that day, that you know, he was on some secret, classified mission." "No one could get access to his files." "They just sort of buried them." "Assholes." "I don't know why I told you." "I'm so sorry." "I..." "You just... seem nice." "You're not like the rest of them." "I'm so sorry." "I wish..." "I wish there was something I could do." "No." "There's nothing." "I..." "Believe me." "I've tried everything." "But thank you." "Do you know his name?" "Larrick." "Andrew." "I think he's a captain or something." "I know where his files are." "You do?" "It wouldn't be easy, but I could get them." "You could give them to a lawyer, prove he was there." "No." "I-I wouldn't want you to do that because what if someone saw you taking them?" "I don't have to take them." "I could copy them." "Nothing much." "We're... we're having a long, lazy, romantic morning." "I know." "You know, once in a while you and daddy should just..." "No, really, you should." "Romance is so important." "Um, can I call you back, mom?" "Just a couple of minutes." "Okay." "Okay." "Bye." "Hey." "Why are you all spiffed up?" "What happened to our lazy romantic morning?" "I thought we had it." "Um, we had the start of it." "Yeah, and then you got on the phone with your mother like you always do." "Hey, I thought you loved my mother." "Martha, we have so little time together as it is." "Whenever we manage to squeeze out just a little extra, you get on the phone with your mother." "She called me." "So tell her to call back!" "Why should I sit around twiddling my thumbs while you talk with your mom?" "Twiddle your thumbs?" "Is that what you call it when we're lying here, cuddly and warm?" "There is nothing for me to do while you're on the phone with your mother." " This isn't my home." " This is your home." "Well, I'm like an intruder." "I'm lucky I have half a sock drawer." "Do you want a sock drawer?" "I can give you a sock drawer." "No, no, no, no, no." "Go ahead." "Call her back." "Don't let me interrupt." "Clark!" "Clark, I'm sorry." "I can't hear you!" "Water's running!" "I said I'm sorry!" "I won't do it anymore." "I won't call her while you're here." "I promise." "Did you wash your hair in the kitchen sink?" "Well, I guess so." "I-I always do." "Well, in the future, could you not?" "Either that, or could you clean up all these hairs?" "They're my hairs." "You should love me enough to..." "You should love me enough to change something if I want it changed!" "Oh, my God." "What's gotten into you?" "I'm sorry." "I just want some things different around here." "I never get asked what I want." "How can I ask you anything?" "I can't ever find you." "Find me when I'm here, damn it!" "Talk to me instead of getting on the phone with your mother." "You know what I think?" "I think that you just want to leave like you always do." "I think you got what you wanted this morning, and now..." "Do not pretend you didn't want that just as much as I did!" "No, you know what I wanted, Clark!" "I wanted a long, lazy, romantic morning like the one that you promised me." "But guess what." "You know, I don't think I want that anymore." " Oh, honey..." " Don't "Honey" me!" "You know what?" "Just go." "Go." "Off to work." "Dot of 9:00 like usual, like the time-card-punching, never-around pencil-pusher that you are." "I'm going." "So, go." "I signaled I didn't have the files yet." "What are we doing here?" "I know you don't want to hear this from me, Elizabeth, but it only takes three minutes in a car to know that you came back too soon." "Brad Mullin you can handle in your sleep, but Andrew Larrick is waiting around the corner." "And if you're not ready for him..." "I'll be ready." "Of course you feel that way." "But I'm telling you" "I see something that you're not aware of." "You're afraid." "Too afraid." "You're back, but you're not back." "I really do think you're trying to help, Claudia, but it just takes three minutes in a car to know there's something else going on with you, too, and I want to know what it is." "I don't want to lose anyone else." "Oh, this is so, so great of you." "I can't believe..." "Is something wrong?" "I don't have the files." "I don't understand." "I..." "Every time I went to do it, guys kept looking at me." "I..." "I kind of chickened out." "Oh." "Are you mad at me?" "I'm sorry." "No." "That's okay." "I..." "It was a lot to hope for." "I've probably seen too many movies, you know?" "You meet a guy, and you think... you've found your hero." "It was stupid." "Who thinks that way?" "It was just so risky." "I kept thinking, "This is insane." "I'm gonna get shot." "What am I doing this for?"" "I'm sorry." "It's making me so tense." "I could help you with that." "Oh, you don't have to..." "That's better, right?" "That's better?" "Oh, Jesus Christ." "That's better." "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" "_" " Here you go." " Thanks." "Okay." "So..." "Amen." "Please pass the chicken." "Clark, are you there?" "Pick up?" "Your wife." "Where are you?" "I know you can't tell me." "Ever." "We need to talk, Clark." "Call me." "_" "She was praying, Philip." "Praying!" "If she just wants to say grace, if that's all it is..." "It's not." "This is what happens." "They get them when they're children." "They indoctrinate them with friendship and songs and cute boys cooing about Jesus." "So?" "Maybe it's a crush." "Did you see any signs of this while I was gone?" "No." "We haven't been paying enough attention." "Yes, we have." "There's been kind of a lot going on, you know?" "If we'd been paying attention, this wouldn't have happened." "The lying?" "Well, yeah, that's not like her." "I mean, you protect them from the big things out there... the big life-and-death dangers... and then something finds its way into your own house." "Look, we don't know anything yet." "Kids go through phases." "Let's keep an eye on it." "No." "That's how this happened." "We let our guard down." "Philip, you and I, we know who we are." "We have values." "But these kids..." "what do they know?" "We're failing them." "We're not failing them." "We're failing to help them stand up to the distractions, the consumerism." "Look at this country." "Church, synagogue..." "I mean, that's what's holding it all up." "The opiate of the masses." "Let's eat later tomorrow." "What?" "We ate dinner early tonight." "You don't want to say grace as much when you're hungry." "Would you stop being so reasonable?" "We have to do something about Paige." "It's gonna have to wait." "It cannot wait." "Meet Anton." "Leave your name, a brief message, and a number where I can reach you, and I'll call you back." "Clark, it's me." "You see?" "This is why I need to be able to reach you." "I'm filling out this application, and there's this line here, and they want my marital status and my husband's name." "Now, I love you, Clark, but I'm not going to perjure myself for you." "And this has to be in tomorrow, so, if I don't hear from you, I just have no choice." "I'm putting your name down, Clark." "You're my husband, and it's the truth." "Call me!" "It's late." "I got to get home." " Thank you." " I know." "Good night." "Have a good night." "Call me." "Sleep well." | {
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"Previously on The O.C.:" "How would you like to go into business together?" "I don't need your charity." "Then why are you living in a trailer?" "I don't want to go to Berkeley." "I want to go to Brown." "What if he goes to college and meets a bunch of really smart girls and realizes that that's who he's supposed to be with?" " What the hell are you doing?" " Let me explain." "You call people in on a Sunday to fire them." "He likes you, and sooner or later, you're going to have to deal with it." "Maybe you just don't understand what she's going through." "You two talk, I'm done." "Ryan!" "I feel responsible." "I'm going to get the operation and get back on my board." "You guys, seriously, thank you." "Sure, we're happy to help." "Not a problem, man." "I'm just along for the ride, but you're welcome." "You didn't have to do this." "Come on." "Yeah, we did." "I mean, Chili's out of town, your mom's at work..." "We weren't going to let you take the bus." "Yeah, taking the bus never seems to end up well around here." "It's this one up on the right." "The one with the white trim?" "No, it's the one next to it." "The Infinity Pool's in the back." "Dude, don't even worry about it." "You should see where Ryan grew up." "We're moving soon." "After I go pro, a year on the circuit, save some money, buy my mom a house on the flower streets." "I may seem a little optimistic now, but..." "No." "Thanks again." "Yeah, see you." "Here, let me help you." "No, I'm fine." "You're all going to be late for school." "Don't forget." "Oh, thanks." " All right." " Yeah." "Okay, definitely not fine." "I can't watch this." "I have a free period right now." "You should stay, help him get settled." "You think?" "See you tonight." "We'll catch up, get something to eat." "Don't speak." "The kid has no one." "And I trust Marissa." "So, I was thinking our new business could provide something that's missing in Newport." "But we've got everything." "Not a great bookstore." "Latest fiction, authors giving readings..." "Ah, interesting." "But I was thinking that our new business could provide something that Newport actually wants." "Okay, Julie, what's your idea?" "Okay." "I was reading in Stuff magazine about this service." "We can get this girl come and clean your house." "I think they're called housekeepers, and Newport is definitely on to that trend." "Not housekeepers, nude maids." "Who wants to see their maids nude?" "Not maids, Kirsten, they're strippers." "Who wants a stripper doing their laundry?" "Well, as long as she knows how to iron my shirts the way I like them, wrinkle-free and not too starchy." "Sandy gets it." "Just a few weeks at the Newport Group, he's already thinking like a businessman." "You've got to give the people what they want." "Exactly." "And right now I'm trying to give people without a lot of money a decent place to live." "Matt set up a big meeting with some potential investors." "Sandy, I don't think I'm in favor of low-income housing." "Julie, you live in a trailer park." "And I'm highly motivated to change my circumstances." "If you make being poor too comfortable, what's the incentive to get rich?" "Believe me, if anyone should know..." "Well, on that uplifting note, I'll leave you two to hash out the finer points of the free-market economy." "Look, why don't we do something that we know Newport needs and we're already good at." "I'm blanking." "Party planning." "I'll cater charity events, private dinners..." "We know all the vendors, all the sites, already have a huge client base." "I'm in." "Has Marissa called?" "I just dropped her off." "Why would she call?" "She's busy." "Hey, guys." "Can't talk." "I have to go see Dr. Kim." "You in trouble?" "No, I have to change my college file." "I got my SAT score." "Summer, we got our SAT scores back months ago." "Oh, well, I took mine late, remember?" "There was a Valley marathon on the first time around." "How'd you do?" "Ryan, come on." "You never ask a lady her age, weight or SAT score." "I got a 2300." "What, that bad?" "That... good." "Hmm?" "As good as you, Cohen?" "Better." "By just the tiniest bit." "You know, I read a study once that said that if 1,500 third-graders took the SAT, one would get a perfect score by probability alone." "Yeah." "I'm not a third-grader, Cohen." "No, no, I'm not saying you are." "But, I mean, how else do you explain it?" "I don't know." "How is that even possible?" "She did save Chrismukkah." "Okay, so you've got your blanket pillows, um, what else?" "The remote, magazines..." "All right, just call me if you need anything, okay?" "Don't wait by the phone." "I mean, since you pretty much thought of everything." "Well, maybe I should stop by after school." "Give you your homework." "I'll get it later." "Is everything okay?" "Because if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to get rid of me." "Whatever you could do would help." "Ma, hey." "Please, call me when you have some information." "Thanks again." "Hi, baby, how you feeling?" "Okay." "Ma, this is..." "The famous Marissa Cooper." "Hi." "Come here, sweetie." "Oh, Johnny talks about you so much, I feel like I know you already." "You didn't tell me she was gorgeous." "Ma, you're embarrassing her." "Sorry." "Listen, thank you for bringing him home." "I tried to get someone to cover for me at the nursing home, but no one wants the night shift." "Go figure." "Mom, Marissa has to get to class." "You're going to make her late." "Just wait." "I've got some good news." "I got you an appointment... with the best sports medicine doctor in all of Orange County." "A real fancy orthopedic surgeon, works with the Angels and the Ducks." "Thanks, Mom." "One hitch." "Being that he's so in demand, there's a wait list, and the wait's going to be a little while." "What, like a week?" "It seemed kind of more like months." "But the team will be gone then." "I'll miss the tour." "I know, honey, but there's always next year." "And maybe there's a way to get moved up on the list." "No, no, I tried." "But you know, they give these favors to friends and donors to the hospital." "Babe..." "I'm sorry." "I did the best I could." " Hi." " Hey." "You're not going to believe this." "So it turns out that I am totally smart." "Yeah, you are." "In your own way." "Not in my own way, in your way, too." "Apparently, I have a lot of what they call "aptitude."" "Really?" "Dr. Kim told me that, like, every few years she has a female student that turns out to be, like, academically gifted, but just didn't apply herself." "You know, just focusing more on boys and shopping and celebrity gossip." "But she said if I study for my finals, I could get my grades up enough to go to Brown with you." "Wouldn't that be awesome?" "Yeah." "Sure, but, you know, do you want to go to Brown?" "Now I do." "Dr. Kim said that you can make your own major." "And the school colors are seal brown." "How cute are seals?" "And then look, they're having this thing tomorrow, for prospective students, and I thought we could go together." "Okay, yeah." "Mm." "Sounds like a date." "Okay." "What you reading?" "Hmm?" "Oh, it's just Fear and Trembling." "It's Kierkegaard." "He's the godfather of existentialism." "Sort of invented the concept of angst." "Well, now that I'm smart, I'm sure I'll enjoy it." "All right, I'll do the welcome, explain our philosophy, present the model..." "I'll follow up with the numbers." "What about Thai for dinner?" "Sounds great." "Happy days are here again." "You two are so perfect together." "It's almost painful to be around." "Well, we've been working on it for about 25 years." "You're bound to get it right eventually." "What about you?" "There's a girlfriend in Chicago?" "Yeah, yeah." "She's a great girl." "I look forward to meeting her." "Well, here's a couple of guys who know a thing or two about romance." "Seth, Ryan, meet Matt Ramsey." "Hey." " Matt, meet my boys." " Hey, there." "Matt and I are working on the proposal for our affordable housing development." "Oh, that's my cue to go help Mom with dinner." "This is it, huh?" "Yep." "It's an early version, but pretty much." "You guys probably don't want my two cents, but, uh..." "What?" "No, no, no, go ahead." "Well, you put a wall up here, it turns this whole space into a courtyard." "Add some benches, a playground, good idea." "It's just a thought." "You're a senior, right?" "Applying to college?" "Yeah." "What would look better on a resume than an internship with a prestigious development company?" "I mean, if it's cool with the boss." "We could use the help." "You got any plans tonight?" "Uh, yeah, my girlfriend." "Cancel them." "Well, this is the doctor's home page, and it says here he works out of Hogue Hospital." "My mom done a bunch of charities for them and Summer's dad even works there." "So this is kind of perfect." "Marissa, I appreciate everything, but... you can't do this." "Why?" "Because I might one day decide to become a surfer, get hit by a bus, need surgery, and then realize I used my one good favor with the best doctor in town?" "Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen." "I just don't want you to think this is your problem." "Too late." "Hang on." "Summer's picking me up." "Oops, sorry." "Hey." "Hey." "You ready to go?" "Oh, hang on." "Oh, it's Ryan." "We're supposed to have dinner tonight, I should..." "Hi." "You have to help me." "I thought Marissa was helping you." "She is." "She's driving me, feeding me, bringing me my homework." "Now she's trying to get me in with some doctor." "Well, she's a good friend." "I don't see the problem." "She's too nice." "She's spending too much time with me." "Well, she tends to be a little clingy." "No, it's not that I don't like it." "It's that I do." "A lot." "I called this, like, so long ago." "This, this is a major problem." "Not for anybody but me, okay?" "Just don't tell anyone." "Promise?" "Yeah." "What I miss?" "Thanks for droping me, Sum." "Hey, you think maybe you could pick me up, too?" "Oh, maybe you should ask Ryan." "Oh, I think he's gonna go to the Newport Group after school." "Oh, I guess I could swing by Union." "Oh, actually, can you pick me up at Johnny's?" "'Cause I'm gonna drop off his homework, and hopefully, he'll know about the doctor by then." "Hey, you think maybe you could ask your dad to put in a good word?" "Yeah, I guess." "Are you sure, I don't know, that that's the best idea?" "You being all involved in Johnny's life?" "You guys are getting really close." "Yeah, well, he doesn't really have anyone else." "I mean, his mom's sweet, but it just seems like everything's kind of hard for her, you know?" "I'm just trying to help." "Okay, I'll talk to my dad." "You know, the sooner that Johnny gets on his feet, the sooner you don't have to be his nursemaid." "I kind of like being his nursemaid." "You know, maybe I should be a nurse." "That is a good one." "So was Marissa totally cool with you canceling on her last night?" "Didn't have a problem with it." "But do you have a problem with it?" "I canceled on her." "Yeah, but if you canceled on me, I'd have a problem with it." "And, you know, if I canceled on you and you didn't have a problem with it, then I might have a problem with that." "Sounds like you already got a problem-- and not with me." "Who would my problem be with?" "I don't know, 'cause I think it's really great that Summer's a genius." "Whoa." "Whoa, whoa." "Listen, Dr. Kim said she had some untapped potential, and no one went around using the "G" word." "Don't do this, man." "Do what?" "Compete with Summer." "Why, because you think..." "Summer would win?" "So I figured out what our startup costs will be." "Do you want to share an appetizer?" "Crap cakes?" "Sounds good." "We can charge food and liquor on a per-event basis." "Dishes and linen, we have to figure out whether it's worth buying our own or not." "Mm, you know what I'm really craving?" "The sweet corn ravioli." "Or do you think that'll be too heavy with the crab cakes?" "What I think is, is that you don't find this business very interesting." "Oh, I'm sorry." "Kiki, I've just been eating a lot of ramen lately." "Julie, if this business works, you'll never have to boil your dinner again." "I had a supplier list." "I left it in the car." "I'll be right back." "I'll decide on my order while you're gone." "Or... read some spreadsheets." "Right here." "So I see you're suddenly without a lunch date." "Would you like to join me at the bar for a drink?" "No, my friend will be back shortly." "Well, maybe I could buy you both drinks." "Well, she's an alcoholic, and, uh, we're having a business lunch." "We're partners." "In a business." "Really." "What kind of business?" "Well..." "Hey, Julie." "Kirsten!" "Oh, this is Jeff Grenzel." "This is my business partner, Kirsten Cohen." "Nice to meet you." "Uh, we were in the middle of something, if you'll excuse us." "Actually, I invited Jeff to join us for lunch." "He just hired us to do a dinner party at his house this weekend." "For $5,000." "Oh, well, have a seat." "Do you like crab cakes?" "Hey, Ashley, Madison." " Summer, hey." " What's up?" "Didn't expect to see you here, at a Brown event." "No offense." "Oh, none taken." "Hey, you know, maybe we should just leave." "Why?" "Well, you know..." "You don't think I belong here." "No, it's not that, it's just, you know, you don't have to do this for me." "Oh, this isn't about you." "It isn't?" "Because this has been my dream for years, and, I mean... all of a sudden it's yours, too?" "Well, maybe I never had a dream." "You know, maybe for once in my life, I actually want to do something with my life, like something important." "Be the first woman in space, or win one of those noble prizes." "Summer, women have been going to space since the '60s, and it's not noble prize, it's Nobel." "Marie Curie won in 1903 for discovering radium." " Well, I think you've made your point." " Hey, hey, hey, don't leave." "Oh, I'm not leaving." "Look, you may know more about history and science and stuff, but..." "I know a thing or two about working a room." "Hey, Madison." "Wait up." "You all right?" "Yeah." "Uh, I just got a lot on my mind." "I promised it wouldn't interfere with my work." "Job means a lot to you, huh?" "Kind of means everything." "I relocated to do this with Sandy." "And my girlfriend, uh..." "Well, my ex now, I guess, so..." "I took her down to Cabo last weekend and invited her to join me here, as my wife." "It turns out she doesn't like warm weather... or me." "Have you told Sandy this?" "It's not his problem." "Sandy's a good guy." "He's taking a big chance on me." "I don't want to let him down." "Yeah, tell me about it." "Guys, I hate to do this to you, but my plate's full." "Whatever it is, put it right out of your mind." "Ryan and I are on it." "It's already done." "There's legislation in the works that would change the zoning at the site." "I need you to work out both scenarios." "One if it passes, one if it doesn't." "That means twice the work." "Maybe you could reschedule the meeting?" "I would if I could, but I can't; these guys are coming tomorrow, on a Saturday, and then heading straight down to San Diego to look at another development." "14 hours, laptop, coffee." "Ryan and I are good to go." "That's the spirit." "Thanks." "Hey, are we gonna have time to get ready?" "'Cause if not, we should tell him now." "Uh, come on, we'll take a little field trip." "You guys, next year is gonna be so much fun." "You know, maybe we should drive together, like, have a road trip?" "Shotgun." "Excuse me." "If I could have your attention, please?" "I want to thank you all for coming." "Great group." "So true." "But unfortunately, on average, Brown only admits one student a year from Harbor, and it's stiff competition." "I wish I could admit you all." "But enjoy the events, and good luck." "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" "No, I need to talk to the Brown guy." "Hey, hi." "Um, I was wondering, in your opinion, what makes a student stand out?" "Yes, besides good grades." "And high SAT scores." "Well, all our applicants are leaders at their schools." "What it really takes is a hook." "Fascinating." "Okay, okay." "Could you clarify with an example?" "Sure." "Next week!" "That is great news." "I can't believe it." "It's really not that big a deal." "You know, it turns out Summer's dad's a plastic surgeon at the same hospital, and they just knew each other." "I'm glad it worked out, though." "This calls for some kind of celebration." "Marissa, you're staying for dinner." "Mom, I'm sure she has plans." "Oh, I do, actually, with Ryan." "That's her boyfriend." "Well, invite him, too." "We'll-we'll order in." "We'll play board games or watch movies." "That's him." "Probably wondering where you are." "No, he knows." "Hey." "So do you want to come over to Johnny's and get take-out and DVDs?" "We're gonna celebrate." "Yeah." "Yeah, okay, that sounds good." "You should... probably start without me, though." "I'll be there as soon as I can." "It's cool." "He's with me." "Sure thing, boss." "Hey, what are we doing, man?" "I thought we were gonna go on a coffee run or something." "I never said that." "Do some of my best thinking here, man." "I can see why." "Loud music, topless women, no distractions at all." "Sometimes a good distraction is the best way to recharge." "Right?" "And here's my muse." "Lily." "Hey, Matt!" "How's my favorite customer doing?" "I'm in need of some serious one-on-one time." "Mm, should I ready the Champagne Room for you?" "Hey, come on, man." "I got this, all right?" "We're just gonna have a little time-out, then we go back to the office and pull an all-nighter." "I got plans." "I can't..." "I..." "First dance is on me." "I'll be right back." "Hi." "I'm Sipowitz." "Hi, Sipowitz." "I didn't know Julie was taking this seriously." "Well, you got to hand it to her, she's a born entrepreneur." "Hey, I'm starving." "And that actually smells good." "Well, it's not for you." "Pizza's coming." "Is that a pirate costume?" "Summer and I are in a war." "A pirate war?" "Well, it turns out Brown usually takes only one student from Harbor, and we both want to be it, so I need a hook." "Oh, you mean like Captain Hook." "I'll get that; maybe it's dinner." "Summer going to Brown?" "I mean, no offense..." "She did save Chrismukkah." "Is Ryan eating with us?" "No, he's working with Matt tonight." "I think he's a good influence on Ryan;" "you know, he's young, he didn't come from much, he's making something of himself." "He's a good role model." "You don't have to do this." "Already bought and paid for." "Oh, that's mine." "My cell." "It's ringing in my pocket." "Mmm, I definitely feel something vibrating." "Yeah, if you could just, uh..." "No." "Let me." "Hi." "It's Ryan, leave a message." "Hey, uh, it's me." "I was just wondering where you are, so, um, it's getting kind of late." "So call me." "Where have you been?" "Whoa, Summer." "I have been worried sick for hours." "Well, since my alarm went off 20 minutes ago and I noticed you weren't here." "Sorry, I fell asleep." "Oh, at Ryan's?" "At Johnny's." "At Johnny's?" "We were watching a movie." "What's that?" "A tuba." "Which you have, why?" "Because I do." "Because in fifth grade, you know, when I said I was going to beauty pageant camp," "I was going to band camp and learning to play the tuba." " Wh...?" " Wait, quit changing the subject." "I cannot believe you slept there." "Does Ryan know?" "Know what?" "Uh, how bad that movie was last night." "Where were you?" "Yeah, where were you?" "None of my business." "Uh, I was with Matt." "Uh, we were working." "Wow, so late?" "Yeah, big presentation today." "So, movie no good, huh?" "Yeah, well, it kind of put me to sleep." "Uh... how's Johnny?" "Uh, better, I think." "Good, good." "Get home okay?" "Uh, yeah, yeah, his mom drove me." "I just wanted to say hi." "Yeah, don't let me keep you." "Okay." "Matt, the investors are in the conference room." "I need your part of the presentation." "Call me when you get this." "Matt's missing in action." "Any idea where he could be?" "Uh, he was pulling an all-nighter, maybe he slept in..." "Right through the alarm." "Sorry, Sandy." "Ready?" "As I'll ever be." "Just let me put my tie on, clear my head." "Five minutes?" "You've got four, and you might want to run a comb through your hair." "Thanks for not busting me." "You gonna make me wish I did?" "I know these guys, man." "I got it under control." " Summer?" " Oh, hey, Ash." " You're not in the band." " Well, no, technically not." "But I thought I could play the tuba, blow a few minds, maybe get asked to join." "I'm a big fan of physical comedy and I'm extremely limber, plus Johnny Depp has been a huge inspiration in my life." "I just think he's taking the pirate thing to just a whole new level, and... the brown bear is retiring next year." "I told you, we already have a mascot." "Oh, my God." "And what's with the peg leg?" "Why?" "It's really creeping me out." "Cohen!" "Cohen, what are you doing?" "Summer, what are you doing?" "I asked first." "You know what?" "You don't need to answer that, because it's obvious." "Yeah, I'm not the one wearing a tuba." "Oh, that's really big talk from a guy wearing hoop earrings." "At least I play the tuba." "What?" "I do." "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to practice." "Ow!" "Did you just whack me with your tuba?" "Did you just jab me with your peg leg?" "It was a tap, you little whacker." "It was a jab, jabber!" "Why do you have to be better than me at everything?" "See, that's just it, Summer." "I'm not better than you at everything." "There was one thing that I was better at." "And the commercial space at street level can provide jobs, places to eat, a daycare center." "Sounds good, Mr. Cohen, but we've heard there are regulations in the works which could complicate things." "So have we." "Matt's worked out both sets of numbers." "Matt?" "Thanks, Sandy." "So if the legislation does not pass, the profit model will look something like this." "And if it does?" "Um, then we would have to decrease the amount of commercial space, which would, um... decrease the revenue." "By how much, do you think?" "I would say a significant amount." "Matt, we do business in dollars." "How many we talking about here?" "I'm..." "Well, we haven't worked out those numbers right now." "We didn't drive all the way down here for a hypothetical conversation." "Of course you didn't." "We'll have those numbers to you by this afternoon." "Right, Matt?" "Well, thank you, Mr. Cohen, for your impressive presentation." "I think we've heard all we need to today." "Well, thanks for your time." "I'm sorry." "Uh, I..." "Anything you'd care to tell me?" "Coming." "Johnny?" "In here!" "Oh, my God." "Oh, God." "All right, come on, here." "I think I twisted it again." "Okay, come on." "Where are your painkillers?" "Hello." "Good evening." "Good evening." "Oh, oh, Jeff." "What a beautiful, beautiful place." "Thank you." "Do you and your guests want dinner in the dining room, or..." "Oh, the terrace would be nice." "Uh, let me ask my guest." "Dining room or terrace?" "Excuse me?" "I haven't invited anyone." "I was hoping, Julie, that you might join me for dinner." "Uh..." "Mr. Grenzel, if this is a joke, it's not funny." "I've spent two days cooking, and Julie bought out the flower mart." "One dinner, please." "I'll pay what I promised." "I just want the chance to get to know you better." "Julie, we're leaving." "Julie." "You did all this for a date with me?" "Fine, but you're serving yourselves." "Hungry?" "Nope." "What the hell happened?" "I'm..." "I'm so sorry." "That you weren't prepared for the meeting, I could maybe overlook." "That you were here, that you brought Ryan here really tries my patience." "But I'd hear you out." "Thanks." "That means a lot." "But you lied to my face." "You disrespected me, and the company I'm trying to build, the one that you said you wanted to build with me." "It won't happen again." "You're right, it won't happen again." "I want you out of the office tomorrow." "You're fired." "Hey, come on." "No, not another word out of you, kid." "Don't think you don't have anything to be sorry about." "Hey, Johnny, do you know where there's a towel?" "I don't want this ice to melt all over you." "Try under the sink." "You know, Marissa... you're really making this hard." "Making what hard?" "We're friends." "Yeah, we are friends." "How many of those painkillers did you take?" "Uh, I have to tell you something." " I can't say it." " Say what?" "Don't say anything back, okay?" "I don't want anything." "I just want you to know the truth." "The truth about what?" "I really like you." "Okay, I really like you, too." "No..." "I mean..." "I like you, like you." "I think I'm in love with you." "So, Ryan, you're a working man now." "How's the job going?" "Model homes, calculators, dudes in suits, I bet that's pretty exciting stuff." "You'd be surprised." "So would Marissa." "Oh, and what's she been up to?" "I don't know." "I'll ask her when I see her, which hopefully will be tonight." "What's with all the questions?" "Nothing, I'm just trying to exhaust all your issues so we can get to mine." "Have we covered everything?" "My biggest fear, stated plainly." "What if Summer's being smart changes our whole dynamic?" "Why would it?" "Because my intelligence was the one quality she admired in me." "It made me almost a man in her eyes." "Come on, man." "That's not true." "You've got plenty of other positive qualities." "You're uh, you're... you're funny when you want to be." "Have you noticed how Summer's gotten a lot funnier lately?" "I mean, I think she's funnier than me now." "You're an expert in comic books and Yakuza films." "Girls don't like that." "You know how to work a grill." "I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry." "I thought I would come up with more, but the point is, Summer doesn't want to be you." "She wants to be with you." "Right?" "You want that, too." "So..." " Apologize, I know." " Yeah." " Where you going?" " I've got to go to Sandy's office." "I've got some apologizing to do myself." "Give me a ride?" "Why don't we have cars?" "Don't answer it." "Johnny's going to think I'm mad at him." "Maybe that's not such a bad thing." "Look, he was in pain." "He took a bunch of pills." "He probably doesn't even remember." "It's not a big deal." "Yeah, well, a Vicodin love confession is still a love confession." "I'm sure he didn't mean it." "I'm sure he did." "Why?" "Because he told me the night that I picked you up from his place." "Why didn't you say anything?" "He made me promise not to." "He said he wasn't going to do anything so he didn't want you to know." "Now I know." "What am I going to do?" "Pretend you don't." "Maybe you should just stay away from him for a while." "I've got to call Ryan." "Are you going to tell him?" "These guys won't return my calls." "I can't even get a response, much less schedule another meeting." "Look, I am sorry." "Matt said he had it covered, and I guess I believed him." "So did I." "You know, it makes no sense for him to blow this off." "He's the one who set up the meeting." "His girlfriend dumped him." "Why, 'cause he went to the strip club?" "Because he took the job." "I guess it hit him pretty hard." "Oh, you're breaking my heart." "He should have said something." "Because he didn't want anyone to know, especially his boss." "Sorry for the drop by." "Wow, Matt must be some tipper." "Matt and I are friends from college." "Yes, I went to college." "I'm dancing to pay for law school." "But I don't dance for Matt." "Mostly we talk." "About what?" "Matt's been under a lot of pressure and not just work stuff." "I think he just kind of crashed and burned." "Well, he couldn't have chosen a worse time." "I know, and maybe none of this makes any difference, but Matt is a good guy." "And this job means the world to him." "What if I told you I was the one that put Matt in touch with those investors?" "And that I could get you another meeting." "Is one your professor?" "No, a customer." "Dad, Gloria, I'm heading over to Seth's." "Hi, Seth." "Hey, I just came over to apologize." "Me, too." "Well, no, I mean..." "I'm listening." "Okay." "Look, I'm sorry I've been such an ass, okay?" "It's just you're so superior to me in so many ways, you know?" "You're better looking, you're more popular, you're stronger, and not just emotionally." "Cohen." "I'll always look up to you." "And not just because you're taller than me." "I am taller than you." "You know, that guy from Brown, he didn't say that they couldn't take more than one student from Harbor." "Hey, well, this might be the year." "That's right." "Don't bother to try and make me feel worse than I already do." "It's impossible." "You knew you didn't do the work." "You knew you'd get caught." "You knew how I'd react." "You must have wanted to get fired." "Right, since I'd have absolutely nothing else going for me." "The next time you have a problem, say something." "You need help?" "Ask for it." "I'll remember that." "Be here at 8:00 a.m. on Monday." "We'll give it another try." "You'd do that?" "Yeah." "This is your last chance." "Don't screw it up." "You owe me big time." "Oh, hey, Julie." "How was your date?" "Oh, it was awful." "We totally didn't click." "We had nothing to talk about, and his tongue was like sandpaper." "Sorry to hear that." "I'm sorry, I should never have stayed." "It was so unprofessional of me." "You made all that food for nothing." "Well, it wasn't for nothing." "We got paid." "In a way our first venture was a success." "Yeah, I guess so." "How weird is it that a guy would spent that much money just to have dinner with a woman?" "Julie, I have an idea for a new business." "Oh, my God." "High-class call girl operation." "I love it." "No!" "A high-end dating service." "Oh." "That could work, too." "Hey, Johnny." "What are you doing here?" "I'm sorry, you're on your way out." "I won't be long." "I..." "God, you must think I'm some kind of stalker, just showing up here like this." "All my calls went to voice mail, so..." "Johnny, look, you don't have to explain yourself." "You know, we can just act like it didn't happen." "Those pills will really mess with your head." "Believe me, I should know." "Look, Marissa, um, I didn't mean to say those things." "But I did mean them." "I just don't want things to get weird between us." "Oh, I think things already are a little weird between us." "Well, we could still be friends, right?" "Of course." "I just..." "I think maybe we need to spend some time apart." "Okay." "Okay, if you get in and I don't, you have to go, okay?" "Because this is your dream." "And if you get in and I don't, same thing." "It's your dream now, too." "Whomever gets in, I still love you." "And I still love you." "Actually it's whoever gets in." "Not whomever." "Because... you see, "who" is a..." "Hello?" "Hi." "Hey, I was just calling you." "Where are you?" "Summer's room." "No one's here." "You should have told me you were coming over." "Then it wouldn't have been a surprise." "Yeah, but then I wouldn't be sitting here in the pool house." "Right." "You want me to come over there?" "No, no, just talk to me." "Okay." "Hi." "Hi." "How was your weekend?" "It was pretty strange." "I bet mine was stranger." "I doubt it, but you go ahead." "Okay, well, I mean, there's no reason to be upset." "I'm the one that got a lap dance." "You got a lap dance?" "Well, maybe you should go first." "No, no, I interrupted you." "Please... please continue." "Um, okay, well, there's something I want to tell you about Johnny." "Ryan?" "I'm listening." "Well, the other night when you were supposed to come over..." "I fell asleep at Johnny's." "Nothing happened." "We were just really tired." "But then the next night..." | {
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"TENZIN:" "Earth." "Fire." "Air." "Water." "Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world." "Although the Hundred Year War has long passed, we are not living in a time of peace." "These revolutionaries, who call themselves Equalists, are not interested in equality at all." "They just want to wage war against benders." "Chief Beifong was supposed to protect Republic City, but she was powerless to stop Amon's attack on the arena." "She has failed us all." "If we are to survive these dire times, our law enforcement needs new leadership." "(CAMERA SHUTTERS CLICKING)" "Aw, I still can't believe they're shutting this place down." "Yeah, we had some good memories here, didn't we?" "KORRA:" "Guys, great news!" "You don't have to go back on the streets." "I talked to TenZin and made all the arrangements." "You can come live on Air Temple island with me." "Oh..." "We'd love to, but..." "Asami already invited us to live in her dad's giant mansion!" "From here on out, it's gonna be the lap of luxury for us!" "Hey, Korra!" "I was hoping you'd stop by." "I was just leaving." "So, I guess I'll see you guys around..." "Sometime." "Why not tomorrow?" "I'd love to have you come visit the estate." "I don't know." "I have some Avatar stuff to do." "(IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE) Come on, Korra!" "We all deserve a little rest and relaxation after all this craziness." "We can swim in Asami's pool." "It'll be fun." "(LAUGHS)" "All right, Pabu." "Great, we'll see you tomorrow." "(CHIRPING AND GROWLING)" "Looks like our intel was good." "There's enough evidence here to bury Cabbage Corp for an eternity." "(REPORTERS CLAMORING)" "LAU:" "This is an outrage!" "I'm innocent!" "POLICE OFFICER:" "Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say." "REPORTER:" "Is it true that Cabbage Corp is conspiring with the Equalists?" "The evidence points in that direction, but the investigation is ongoing." "For the time being, we have frozen Mr. Gan-Ian's assets and are closing Cabbage Corp." "No!" "Not my Cabbage Corp!" "TAHNO:" "Hey, Korra." "Tahno?" "Listen, I know we're not exactly best friends, but I'm sorry Amon took your bending." "I've been to the best healers in the city." "Whatever Amon did to me, it's permanent." "You gotta get him for me." "LIN:" "Mr. Sato, if you remember anything else about what you saw during Amon's attack, be sure to let us know." "I'm happy to help any way I can." "I want these Equalists to pay for what they've done." "We're ready for you now." "See you around, Avatar." "(SQUEALING)" "BOLIN:" "Earthbending bomb!" "Avatar Korra has arrived." " Hey, Korra!" " Glad you made it!" "Welcome to paradise." "Looks like you guys settled right in." "Pretty much." "Except someone forgot to ask her father if we could stay here." "Yeah, but I smoothed it over with him." "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission." "This is the greatest place in the world!" "Watch this, watch this." "Fetch me my towel, good sir!" "Yes, Master Bolin." ""Master Bolin."" "Ha!" "I love this guy!" "Now, pat me dry." "As you wish." "Don't forget Master Pabu." "SERVANT:" "Wouldn't dream of it, sir." "So, what do you have planned for us today?" "Let me guess." "Shopping?" "Makeovers?" "Ooh, ooh, I vote makeovers!" "I have something a little more exciting in mind." "Pretty cool, huh?" "Way cooler than a makeover." "This is where Future industries test drives their Sato-mobiles." "Ever been behind the wheel?" "The only thing I know how to drive is a polar bear-dog." "You want me to take you for a spin?" "Let's do it." "(TIRES SCREECHING)" " Yeah!" " Wahoo!" "Ah!" "That was amazing!" "I didn't think we'd make it." "Well, you can't be afraid to mix it up sometimes." "I gotta admit, I had you pegged wrong." "I thought you were kind of prissy." "No offense." "(CHUCKLES) it's all right." "People usually assume that I'm "Daddy's helpless little girl,"" "but I can handle myself." "I mean, I've been in self-defense classes since I was this high." "My dad made sure I would always be able to protect myself." "Smart guy." "Emergency!" "Emergency!" "Coming through!" "Beep beep!" "(WHIMPERING)" "Uh, is there another bathroom I can use?" "We have a ladies' powder room upstairs." "First door on your right." "You can freshen up in there." "Thanks." "(COUGHING AND SPLUTTERING)" "HIROSHI:" "No, no!" "I assure you, everything is going exactly as planned." "Mm-hmm." "Yes." "Luckily, the Cabbage Corp investigation has bought us enough time." "Trust me, by the end of the week, we'll be ready to strike." "You're leaving?" " But I thought..." " Sorry, I forgot," "I'm supposed to airsit..." "I mean babybend..." "I mean babysit the Airbender kids." "See you later!" "TENZIN:" "So, you think Mr. Sato manufactured those gloves for the Equalists, then framed Cabbage Corp?" "That's a bold accusation." "But what proof do you have?" "Well, I don't exactly have proof, but I know what I heard." "Sato's up to something." "He does have the means." "And he has a motive." "That's right." "A motive?" "What is it?" "Twelve years ago, the Agni Kai Triad robbed Sato's mansion." "A Firebender killed Sato's wife during the break-in." "That's terrible." "It was tragic." "It's possible he's been harboring anti-bending sentiment all this time." "Maybe we should look at Mr. Sato a little more closely." "What's going on?" "Why are they asking Hiroshi more questions?" "I overheard him on the phone yesterday." "Asami, I don't know how to tell you this, but I think your father might be involved with the Equalists." "What?" "I don't believe this!" "You spied on Hiroshi?" "What's your problem?" "Mr. Sato, we just have a few follow-up questions for you..." "My father is innocent!" "Just because we're not benders, doesn't mean we support those awful Equalists!" "Equalists?" "Is that what this is about?" "I can assure you, I have nothing to do with those radicals." "Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about, Korra." "I overheard you on the phone." "You said the Cabbage Corp investigation bought you time, and you're getting ready to strike." "Explain that!" "(CHUCKLES)" "This is all just a misunderstanding resulting from the young Avatar's overactive imagination." "My number one competitor was knocked out of the game." "It's providing me an opportunity to "strike" the market with a new line of Sato-mobiles." "It's just business." "Nothing nefarious." "In order to put all suspicions to rest, might we have a look into your factories and warehouses?" "(SIGHS ANGRILY) if you feel it's necessary, you are welcome to search all of Future industries." "REPORTER:" "Is it possible the presidents of Cabbage Corp and Future Industries both have Equalist ties?" "Or did Hiroshi Sato frame his longtime rival, Lau Gan-Ian?" "Or did Chief Beifong just plain arrest the wrong man?" "So far the investigation has yielded no evidence to incriminate Sato." "I can't believe we didn't find anything." "It would appear Hiroshi is innocent." "Okay, you did your search." "Now you can all leave." "Hmm." "So, I hope you're convinced now." "No, I'm not." "I don't care how cooperative Hiroshi is being," "I know he's lying." "Why are you doing this?" "Are you that jealous of me and Asami?" "(GASPS) What?" "Don't be ridiculous." "That has nothing to do with it." "If you don't drop this, consider our friendship over." "I'm sorry." "Hiroshi is not the man you think he is." "Hmm." "(SIGHS)" "KORRA:" "I think you guys should hear this." ""If you want to find the truth,"" ""meet me under the north end of the Silk Road Bridge at midnight."" "MAN:" "Psst!" "Over here." "Listen, I joined the Equalists because I believed in what Amon said." "I thought he could make life better for us non-benders." "But I didn't sign up for this..." "This war." "What do you have on Hiroshi Sato?" "He manufactured those gloves for the Equalists." "I knew it!" "And there are rumors he's working on something even bigger..." "Some new kind of weapon." "We searched all of Future industries and found nothing." "That's because he has a secret factory." "Where?" "It's right underneath the Sato mansion." "(ALL GASP)" "(SIGHS)" "TENZIN:" "Raiding the Sato mansion is a risky move with Tarrlok breathing down your neck." " If we're wrong..." " I know, I can kiss my job goodbye." "But protecting Republic City is all I care about." "We can't let Amon get his hands on this new weapon." "ASAMI:" "What are you doing here?" "We have reason to believe there's a factory hidden below the mansion." "I think I would have noticed if there were a factory underneath my house." "The lies you people come up with just to persecute my father..." "Where is your father?" "In his workshop, behind the house." "Dad?" "Hello?" "Chief, the estate has been secured." "No one's left the workshop since we arrived." "Perhaps we just couldn't see him leaving." "There's a tunnel beneath the workshop, running deep into the mountainside." "What?" "There's no tunnel." "(GASPS)" "(WHISPERING) Do you think your dad knows about this tunnel?" "I don't understand." "There must be an explanation." "Maybe you don't know everything about your father." "I'm sorry." "Officers, into the tunnel." "Be cautious." "Uh-uh." "You three stay up here." "Officer Song, keep an eye on them." "LIN:" "Not your average backyard workshop." "And I'm guessing those are the new weapons." "Hiroshi was lying, all right." "But where is he?" "What was that?" "We need to get down there and see what's going on." "Absolutely not." "You're staying put until the Chief comes back." "All right, we'll stay put." "But can we wait outside or something?" "It's so dusty in this workshop." "No." "We're waiting right here." "Okay, but don't blame me if I start snee... if I start snee... (STAMMERING)" "What's your problem, bub?" "I'm about to... (GRUNTING)" "(MUFFLED PROTESTING)" "Sorry, pal." "We know you were just doing your job." "Yeah, just stay put until the Chief comes back." "That sounds very familiar, doesn't it?" "Why?" "Because you said it." "Asami, you should stay here." "We'll check it out." "I have to find out the truth about my father." "I understand." "That's why I'm going down to find out for you." "Please." "All right." "ASAMI:" "Be careful." "HIROSHI:" "I'm afraid you won't be able to metalbend that wall, Chief Beifong." "It's solid platinum." "My mecha-tanks are platinum as well." "Not even your renowned mother could bend a metal so pure." "Hiroshi, I knew you were a lying, no-good Equalist!" "Come out here and..." "And do what, young Avatar?" "Face the wrath of your bending?" "No, I think I'll fight from inside here where my odds are a little more..." "Equal." "That source was a setup." "You lured us down here!" "Guilty as charged." "(SCREAMING)" "(GRUNTING)" "TENZIN:" "Korra!" "(GRUNTS)" "(GRUNTING)" "Well, I'd say that was a near-flawless test run." "Load everyone into the transports and deliver them to Amon." "Oh, no." "MAKO:" "Korra was right." "We gotta do something, quick!" "(GROANING)" "Not so fast, boys." "Hello, Mr. Sato." "Wow, what a really swell, scary factory you have here under your giant mansion." "Sponsoring our team, supporting the Avatar... it was all just a big cover." "Yes, and the most difficult part was watching my daughter traipse around with a firebending street rat like you." "ASAMI:" "Dad, stop!" "Why?" "Sweetie," "I wanted to keep you out of this for as long as I could, but now that you know the truth, please forgive me." "These people..." "These benders..." "They took away your mother, the love of my life." "They've ruined the world!" "But with Amon, we can fix it and build a perfect world together." "We can help people like us, everywhere!" "Join me, Asami." "No." "I love you, Dad." "(HIROSHI SCREAMING)" "MAKO:" "Let's get out of here!" "My Metalbenders are on their way to Amon, and it's all my fault." "Tarrlok's right, I failed as chief." "First thing in the morning, I'm handing in my resignation." "No!" "You can't give up like this." "I'm not giving up." "I'm going to find my officers and take Amon down." "But I'm going to do it my way, outside the law." "I'm sorry I didn't believe you." "But Asami's dad being an Equalist is not an easy thing to believe." " Even now." " I know." "I'm sorry this whole thing happened." "So, does your offer to live at the Air Temple still stand?" "Of course it does." "And Asami's welcome, too." "Thank you so much." "After everything she's been through, she's going to need you, Mako." | {
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} |
"Translated by Engin Akyurek Universal Fans Club En Der and Çıtı Pıtı" "Quiet, boy!" "Wait a minute, man!" "Get down!" "Down!" "Down!" "Down!" "Spread'em!" " What is your name?" "!" " Firat..." "Get up!" "Get on the wall!" "Who else is here?" "!" "No one but me, Abi!" "So, Mr. Firat..." "Where are the kids?" "What kids, Abi..." "I haven't seen any kids.." " What haven't you seen?" " No kids..." " What do you do?" " Driver...." " Where?" "Truck Driver..." "Where are the kids?" "I said, Abi, I haven't seen any kids..." "Then, why are you afraid?" "I am not afraid, Abi..." "Get back..." "It's clear inside..." " What's the matter?" " Nothing, Abi..." "Cengiz, keep an eye on him!" "Let's go, kids.." "As a result of a very carefully planned operation..." "We finally caught the criminals." "I owe Captain Omer Demir and his team from the Smuggling and Organized Crime Department a great dept of gratitude for bringing our kids to us safe and sound..." "Captain Omer's determined persistence... is a credit to the entire police department.." "He put so much into this situation he even postponed his engagement..." "On behalf of the entire department ." "I am honored to give him this medal..." "Lastly, for the Captain..." "I also am giving him a month's paid vacation..." "Let's take some pictures..." "Over here Captain Omer..." "Dear viewers in tonight's news... we'll talk about the kids kidnapped in Van last Friday Van Police department successfully...." "Why do love movies end badly?" "I don't know..." "Maybe, because there is no true love anymore." "Except us...." "Aren't you going to show it to me right away?" "Ohhhhh, you are still on the same topic." "Forget it..." "It is good to forget once in a while..." "Okay..." "I am just curious..." "But, I promise, I won't put it on..." "Let me just take a peak, okay?" "Nope... not happening..." "We just have two more days until our engagement party...patience for another couple of days.." "But I know that it is in your pocket now..." "I can't help myself.." "Let me just try it on..." "Maybe, it won't fit my finger.." "Hmmmmmm.." "Your ring size is eleven." "How would you know?" "Good day, ma'am.." "My sweetheart.... sweetie..." "Welcome home, my dearest friend!" "Thank you..." "Oh, I am so glad you are here!" "I am so happy you are my best friend!" "Thank God I have you, too!" "Oh oh, What's the matter?" "Aren't you happy to see me?" "No, I am just surprised...you know, Dad always picks me up.." "Where is he?" "He had said that he would wait around here and then we would go to dinner from here with the family." "Elif, my dear, your father has a very important meeting tonight." "You know..." "Night meetings." "He is really sorry..." "We will celebrate your birthday tomorrow." "I guess... so, it was really important, otherwise Dad would have cancelled it.." "I went to see his parents..." "I went to their home.." "But, there is no resolution yet..." "I don't want to wake the neighbors up.." "I won't ring the bell" "Hold this.." "You said you quit..." "What makes you think I started, Omer?" "It was just left from before..." "Sibel..." "Your fingertips are yellow." "You have been chewing mint gum the whole evening.." "Really..." "I just smoke once in a while... not that much.." "You remember, right?" "You promised to tell me if you started again?" "I am sorry." " Look, I swear..." " Don't swear don't swear..." "You know... ..I am angrier at you trying to hide it than your smoking.." "I know..." "Okay." "Look, okay..." "I am not going to smoke, nor am I going to hide" "Sibel..." "Omer..." "I promise.." "I won't smoke again.." "What are you doing?" "Open the door.." "....two people Oh..." "Are you home, honey?" "No, Mommy, we are still on the road..." "You brat!" "Sweetie, welcome..." " Come in..." " No, I won't come in, Mom..." "I don't want to bother you..." "Let me just leave my package..." "How can you bother us, son?" "We are always happy to see you!" "Come." "Give him slippers." "His feet are going to get cold.." "Come in, sweetie, come in.." "Go, get some tea." "It is hot..." "No, no there is no need..." "Go get him some tea..." "Pour him a cup.." "How are you, Dad?" "The usual, son... no change..." "My body is stiff from lying all the time.." "Sit down.." "I forgot this yesterday." "Ah, thank you, son (in law)!" "You know my Eagle?" "If it can only win the Gazi Race (Horse race)" " I am going to buy you all a house, son!" " Hopefully." "Welcome Uncle." "Ohhh. what's up, Doctor?" "Good, good.. nothing.. just studying for my exams.." "God, medical school is so difficult!" "..the whites of her eyes have become yellow she can't even lift her head..poor thing.." "I am going to pass... since I am up, I am going to take off.." "Ah... no, never, son..." "With your permission..." "Well, its up to you... give it to me, honey, I will drink it.." "Okay..we will let you go.." "Okay... goodnight to everyone.." " Good night, son..." " Give our regards to your parents.." "I will stop by tomorrow on my way to the market..." "If you want.." "I can pick you up tomorrow afternoon." " Ok..." " So we can get whatever else is left..." "Let's complete our shopping..." "Okay..." "Well...." "You haven't seen my engagement dress yet." "I am going to tell you something..." "Let it be a surprise for me." "Bahar, maybe, I should have gone straight home.." "I have really missed them..." "Ah, please cutie!" "You missed your parents, but not me?" "My dear..." "I am down to 53 kilos!" " Good night..." " Okay..." "I swear, I won't say anything... promise!" "Ah, stop, change that frown, smile!" "Aren't you going to celebrate your birthday with your parents tomorrow night?" "Let's leave the care with the guard.." "No... we will have to wait a long time when we are leaving.." "We are going to celebrate your birthday for forty days and forty nights!" "Can there be anything better?" "Come here..." "It is a little slow for a weekend..." "The place is ours!" "What else do you want...?" " What do you want to drink?" " Is it self-service now?" "No." "I am going to go get it.." "You want the usual?" "Yes, the usual..." "I have missed it..." " Wait..." "I will be back." " Okay.." "...the baby is going to wake up..." "Let her wake up..." "I missed her." "ah... wonderful... take the picture.." "I did, I took a picture, don't worry.." "I....." "Enough... time to stop.." "My brother... come in, come in.. sit..." "How is it?" "It's beautiful..." "Look..." "It has a secret place." "Look at your mother!" "Eh... what is in the treasury....?" "." "Happy Birthday to you Elif!" "Happy Birthday to you!" "Happy Birthday to you!" "Happy Birthday to you!" "Are you free, Abi?" "Ohhh, look who is here?" "I am always available for you, son." "You usually don't stay around this late?" "I was working with all this...would you like some cologne?" "Okay..." "Abi, with your permission, I am going to be a little late tonight.." "I don't have a problem..." "But, if Mom starts complaining, waiting around and worrying about you, I won't stand up for you..." "What's going on?" "Eh?" "Ah, nothing" " Pelin and Arda are on tonight..." "I am going to hang out with them.." "Son, use your vacation!" "You have come to Istanbul!" "You should go out, look around..." "Are you taking off?" "Yes, I am leaving..." "look, your Aunt sent a message.." "A list without a beginning or end...if only I can find an open store.." "It's difficult at this time of the night." "It's actually to my advantage.." "I don't have a penny!" "Let me give you some money- we can settle up on payday.." "No. man!" "Sibel is broke..." "You are broke..." "You will rent a house, furnish it, buy a bridal gift..." "Have a wedding... and all that goes with it.." "God is generous, Abi..." "Abi...." "Hmm?" "Shhh..." "No..." "You..." "No..." "We are going to settle up on payday..." "Abi..." "The same man committed these murders..." " Ha?" " Look.." "Son, are we filming an American film?" "What would a serial killer be doing here?" "Well, I don't know anything about serial or not.." "But, it is the same killer..." "look" "All the victims have handcuff marks on their wrists.." "I am taking off..." "Happy Birthday to you, Elif!" "Happy Birthday to you!" "Happy Birthday!" "Happy Birthday!" "Happy Birthday Elif!" "Happy Birthday to you, Elif!" "Happy Birthday to you, Elif!" " Happy Birthday!" "Happy Birthday!" " Welcome..." "Thank you..." "Happy Birthday, Elif How are you?" "Welcome home, sweetie.." "Mommy!" "My daughter..." "Blow out the candles.. everyone is looking.." "come on..." "let's go.." "Ah, this is so pretty.. how are we going to eat it?" "Let's make a wish.." "let's have your parents come stand next to you, and then we can blow out the candles.." "Please..." "If only everything would stay like this... it is enough for me..." "Happy Birthday, darling.." "Thank you, Daddy" "Many happy returns..." "All together..." "Will leave my daughter with me.." "Mommy, I missed you so much!" "That's what you say!" "But, you only come once a year!" "Just because one moves to Rome, does that mean they should behave like this?" "You are right, Mom.. you are right, but I am really busy at work..." "Forgive me..." "Okay, okay, my one and only..." "Elif, you didn't know, did you?" "That is, you thought we weren't coming, right?" "Bahar is a first class actor, I swear!" "You little witch!" "You came up with all this, didn't you?" "I really wish it was me... but, tonight's architect and planner is Dad..." "He rented the filming studio, and hovered over them for over a week..." "Dad...." "With everything going on and being so busy and all, why did you bother and tire yourself over this?" "My beautiful daughter... you deserve far better..." "Ohhhhh..." "I am the oldest, but nothing like this was ever done for me..." "Congratulations.. many more happy years..." " Happy Birthday..." " Thank you, Taner." "Ya, Abi.. 10 years!" "10 years!" "You must have forgotten how to be an Istanbul man..." "Son.. can I tell you something..." "If my mother wasn't here, if Sibel wasn't here..." "I would be happy in Van.." "Although, it is a little tough here.." "A captain came..." "I don't know whose man he is ..." "He has dirty hands..." "Before my transfer, I have to clean that up." "Abi, today, you are a hero, a captain with a medal.." "We'll see.." "If you are still curious to see her face, I can send you a photo." "I brought the "pides." (Turkish pizza)" "Where have you been!" "They must be frozen by now.. give it over... here.." "Oh... our king sits around..." "I go out to get the pizzas. and then get yelled at about being late..." "Wait a minute..." "I am going to wipe it with a wet wipe.." "Why did you go to the trouble, Abi..." "And, who said you were a detective?" "You chase after killers and criminals all day.." "But, you are afraid of some germs here!" "Women... they are always women, no matter where they are..." "Arda... don't mess with me.." "I will bring lace from home tomorrow..." "Make you laughingstock in front of everyone at the police station..." "She'll do it... for sure.." "Give it..." "Yes, Ma'am, Captain..." "Bon appetit... enjoy..." "Please!" "How can you be late today?" "What if Elif had figured it out?" "Where were you?" "You weren't at home, either." "too much traffic... there was an accident..." "You should have brought Sukru Abi... we could have met him.." "He is at home, in bed with the flu.. he is really sick.." "Are you really in love?" "I wish the same for you, my beautiful friend.." "Elif?" "I will look after the guests.." "Daddy.." "Thank you, everything is beautiful.." "No, I thank you, my dear..." "You have always made me proud.." "You didn't just live off my money.." "You did everything yourself.." "You started your own company, created a brand..." "The only one of my children standing on their own two feet is you.." "If anything ever happens to me... ..although, I am still young.." ".. I have no desire to die... ..but, at least, I won't be worried..." "I will say, Elif is here.." "...." "Dad..." "If I have been the kind of daughter you want... how wonderful for me.." "You are very successful, my girl." "But, know this..." "It is as if I was only half a person.." "You haven't made me a grandfather!" "If you would only make a home.." "Put my grandchild into my arms.." "Hmmmm?" "Yes, Dad, you are right.. but.." "..but, if I was a mother, I would not have had my career..." "Look at Asli.." "It's not because of kids... she is just lazy.." "You could handle your career and motherhood!" "It is 12:00..." "I have to go to the office.." "Okay..." "You all continue enjoying yourselves..." "okay." "Okay?" "Yes, Dad.. don't worry.." "I love you.." "And, I love you very much, Dad.." "Bye-bye.." "Good bye, honey.." "I am passing on this. not even a dog would live here." "Ah, look, this isn't too bad.." "Let me take a look at the bathroom.." "eh..." "look, the bathroom is nice, too." "Only the bathroom is nice.." "But, the price is 900,900... it is too expensive.." "Both of our salaries are known.." "Right, Abi he is gone.." "We can only afford 600 at the most.." "Yeah... but, let's wait and see.." "Maybe, you will like the house in our neighborhood." "I am going to get another tea.. would you like one?" "No.. thank you.." "42-15 45-25" "Good morning.." "45-25 listening.." "on Agva road, a thirty year old woman and a sixty year old man..." "It's subject is 240" "We are coming to the crime scene." "Abi, an old fart got a chick from the street to fuck." "And someone nailed them." "And who would take care of this?" "Of course, Arda!" "Son, you have written the report without even visiting the crime scene!" "You want to make a bet?" "I will one a hundred off you.." "Since when have you become such a gambler?" "Why don't you come along?" "Ohhh. it's morning, man..." "So what?" "It will be something for you to do..." "Maybe, you will win another medal.." "Okay.. sounds good to me.." "She says she likes her job... she won't have any kids or anything.." "I said, okay, but think carefully" "You know best... if it doesn't work out, we can always get divorced." "You shouldn't give up so quickly!" "Abi, she says she isn't going to have any children" "Good evening, men.. what's the situation?" "Good evening, Captain. 20 minutes ago, a youth group reported the incident." "We found two of them were dead by the time we arrived." "They were shot in the head.." "Let's take a look" "Huseyin.." "Huseyin!" "Huseyin?" "where are you?" " Where have you been?" " In the bathroom.." " How many times have I told you not to leave your pants on the bed?" " So what?" "What's the big deal?" "Hello.." "Arda, What?" "What happened?" "Abi... you have to come right away... something really bad has happened.." "Stop, get away!" "Get away!" "Get away!" "Get Away!" "Get away.." " What the hell is Omer doing there?" " Huseyin.. shhhh" "Just shut it!" "Idiot!" "Don't let Omer near there!" "I am coming over!" "Huseyin, what happened? Huseyin!" "Who am I talking to?" "What's happened?" "Sibel was killed!" "..." "Are you okay, buddy?" "Good, good.." "Good, the ambulance is here.." "Pelin, let's speed it up a little.." "Let's make sure the bodies get to the morgue quickly.." "I will go with them to make sure it goes quickly.." "Good.." "Omer..." "May God have pity on us.." "I left her at home.." "How did she get here?" "What was she doing here?" "Who is this man, Abi.." "We are going to find out.." "Who did this.." "What happened.. we are going to find out everything.." "What did you find out?" "Not much yet.." "Shot in the head.." "Forensics say its been about 2 hours or so.." "What's Omer doing here?" "Did you bring him?" "Stupid man!" "Idiot!" "Should he be here?" "Why did you bring him?" "You will pay for this!" "Let's go.." "Who could have wanted her dead?" " Good morning, Ma'am." " Good morning.." " This is Ahmet Denizer's house, right?" " Yes.." " What is it?" " Can I speak with Zerrin Denizer, please?" "Yes, why are you calling?" "hulya?" "What's going on?" "Elif Hanim, they want to see Zerrin Hanim." "Good morning... can I help you?" "Are you Ahmet Denizer's daughter?" "I am from the police department" " Hulya, did you wake up my father..." " Don't .." "Ma'am, my condolences.." "Your father, Ahmet Bey was found dead this morning.." "I don't understand.." "Hulya, I told you to wake up my father and bring him down here!" "He didn't come home.." "...he never came.." "Find out who called it in." "Maybe, it was the killer, or another person that saw the crime.." " Sir.. wait.." " Arda!" "Sir!" "Did you find out who the man is?" "Yes..." "Ahmet Denizer.." "Who?" "A famous businessman... owner of Denizer Corporation.." "Abi..." "Abi.. go home.." "leave it to us.." "Look this isn't even your area..." "Yes.. you can ask as a police officer and check around.. but.." "... don't do it to yourself." "...yeah... a person can't even read the forensics report of the one he loves.." "They are going to cut and dice.." "Please.. abi..." "let's go.." "Okay.." "Abi.. you know best.." "Don't talk empty crap..." "Tell me what you have found out.." "We don't know if he picked up Sibel from home, or on the street.. we are going to review the traffic cameras.." "We didn't find anyone suspicious in the area..." "Both were shot in the head.. obviously, they were parked." "The man is rich.. and the girl is.." "...that is.. it is Sibel.." "..it's Sibel?" "...Arda..." "That girl is an elementary school teacher, son.." "What business did she have with that man?" "Where could she have met him?" "It's just a mistake, something wrong happened.." "There is something.. a mistake somewhere.." "Sir, the bodies have been brought to Forensics.." "We have to let Ms. Sibel's family know.." "I will call them." "Where did they attack him?" "There is a park on top of Agva Road.." "The car was found there.. he was killed there.." "THEY were killed?" "Who was with him?" "A young woman was with him.." "A teacher named Sibel..." "Did you know that woman?" "I don't want to hear the rest..." "Mommy, please don't do this.. maybe it isn't my father.." "Please don't, Elif.." "Even the license plate is the same.." "Your father's car, Ahmet... both gone.." "We can't be certain without seeing anything, Mom.." "Please don't.." " Did you see him?" " We just got here." "Should we take you in for identification?" "I can't bear to see Ahmet in that condition." "I will go in." "I'm his son-in-law." "I will see him." "This way, ma'am." "Our friend will be helping you." "This way ma'am." "Over here." "Can you identify him?" "Is he Ahmet Denizer?" "Dad..." "Please, can you leave me alone for a little?" "Please say it." "Is this man your father Ahmet Denizer?" "Yes..." " My condolences." " My father Ahmet Denizer..." "He is my father..." "Ahmet Denizer..." "My father..." "Did they shoot him?" "Did he have a lot of pain?" "Did he die right away?" " Ma'am..." "Let's go outside." " No..." "Please..." "Please!" "Please!" "I won't leave him." " I couldn't get enough of my father." " Ma'am..." "I understand your pain..." "Please don't make things harder, ma'am..." "Please." "Ma'am..." "You are not allowed to touch the deceased before the autopsy." "It is too cold in here." "It is too cold in here." "My father will get cold." "Is it him?" "We don't want to disturb you during this painful time but..." "You have to come to the police station." "We have a few questions." "I can't." "My 40 year married husband was found dead with a girl half his age." "What can I tell?" "What do I know?" "My head is going to explode." "Please take me home." "I will come." "Is there any another entrance?" "There is a back entrance; but, it is under construction there." "You can't use that door." "Folks, she is here." "Elif Denizer is here." "Elif Hanim, did your father have enemies?" "Elif Hanim, our condolences." "We'd like to ask you some questions." "[Reporters are talking all together.]" "Are you feeling better, mom?" "If you are feeling better, our police friend, Arda, will ask you some questions." "He has to ask now to find out who did this." "Ok?" "Fatma Abla..." "First of all, my condolences." "Abla, I am just going to quickly ask you a few things.." "Omer told that he droppred off Sibel at 10 at night." "What time did she leave home?" "She didn't." "My child, she said she was going to go to sleep, and went into her bedroom at 11:00 PM." "We went to bed as well a little after she did." "I didn't hear the door or anything else." "Are you sure mom?" "Even the smallest thing you can remember will be very helpful." "No, son." "Do you know anything, sweety?" "I made her to go to bed early since she had the exam the next day." "Around 10:30 or so.." "Hatice... right?" "Mom..." "With Sibel..." "In the car..." "There was another person killed." "Ahmet Denizer." "Did Sibel know this man?" "Do you know him?" "I don't know him." "This is the first time I've seen him." "Abi, I am going to next room." " What was this man doing in the car?" " We don't know, mom." "We don't even know if they knew each other." "He left at 12:00 AM." "He said he was going to the office." "I didn't ask any questions since he always worked at nights." " Did he get any threats?" " No." "I mean..." "I don't think so." "My father... would help everyone since he grew up poor." "His employees use to call him "Dad", just think..." "Everyone loved my father." "I mean..." "I really don't know why someone would bear a grudge for a man who was devoted to his family and his work." "The woman with your dad..." "Sibel Andac..." "Do you know her?" " No." " Who do you think she is?" "I mean..." "Do you know anything about the degree of her relationship with your father?" " I don't know." " Think for a little." "Did he ever talk to you abour her before?" "Did your mother ever have any suspicions?" "Any love affair in the past?" "Did your father have any love affair in the past?" "You are certain..." "You really think that this girl and my father were lovers, is that it?" "Look officer..." "We are not talking about adultery here." "This is a murder." "You shouldn't be asking why these two people were together You should be trying to find out why these two people were murdered" "Look Ma'am..." "The degree of their relationship and whether they know each other could be the reason for their being killed." "Please..." "Think again." "What was the degree of the relationship between Ahmet Denizer and Sibel Andac?" " For example, could they have been lovers?" " I don't know sir." "I don't care..." "My father was devoted to his family and home and a good man!" "If he was having an affair with that girl, it must have been Sibel who started it!" "." "She probably seduced my father for his money" "Ok?" "Did you get your answer?" "Are you happy now?" "Ma'am, it is not important whether I am happy." "I am trying to take a statement." " Mom, my friends will take you home." " Thank you, son." "Please, ma'am!" "Look, I am asking for the last time." "Omer!" "How dare you talk that way?" "You can't talk like that about my fiancée." "Sir, calm down." "I am trying to give my statement here." " Don't slander people without knowing anything." "I won't calm down." " Slandering?" "What slander?" " Stop!" "Let me tell you something." "In your world, people would slander other people but Sibel is not a girl like that." "I won't let anybody talk bad about her." " Omer!" "Abi!" " And I won't let people talk bad about me and my family!" "So what?" " So what?" " STOP IT!" " Uncouth!" " Uncouth?" "!" " For God's sake, take this man out!" "Or I file a complaint against him!" "Ok, later on, you file a complaint to anywhere you want but take your words back first." "I am not gonna ask you how I will give my statement." "Because you have money, you think you can slander people?" " WHAT?" "STOP!" " Come on, abi!" " YOU CAN'T SLANDER PEOPLE" "GET OUT FOR GOD'S SAKE!" "I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU ANYMORE!" "Let me tell you something!" "I will prove it to you and your family that..." "My fiancée was not your father's mistress!" "Ok?" "Is this man crazy?" "As if my father killed his fiancée!" "Actually, I should file a complaint against you!" "You provoked me and made me tell all these nonsense." "And when girl's fiancé came, you didn't do anything." "Ma'am..." "As if our grief is not enough, you caused us to fight each other." "I wish I went to other floor." "I want to go if you're done with your questions." "My condolences, son... 2 days later..." "Omer!" "Have you been waiting for me?" "No, folks are not ready yet." "Ohooo..." "If it is up to Melike..." "Any progress?" "Omer, zilch..." "I mean..." "When did they start knowing each other?" "When did they meet?" "What did they go through?" "Man's family doesn't know anything." "He left at 12:00 AM saying that he had some work to do." "We don't know when Sibel left home." "We caught a man in Had?" "mköy, thinking that he was the killer but the gun didn't match." "And he had been in his office all night." "Omer..." "My boy..." "I won't allow anybody to speak ill of Sibel." "She is a member of our family." "If we want to solve this case..." "We have to think every possibility." "I mean... just an assumption..." "But..." "I mean..." "If they were having an affair..." "Abi..." "Let's pretend you've never said that." "Otherwise, I will break your heart." "My boy..." "Do I ever want to hurt you?" "Do I ever want to insult... insult you?" "We have to think about this possibility; we have to ask this question." "Don't ask any questions, abi..." "What question?" "That girl was my fiancée;" "I was going to marry her." "What are you talking about?" "Ok, my boy..." "Ok., but everything is for humans..." "You were in Van." "Maybe we couldn't know the girl enough." "Look, I have been living with your Melike Yenge for along time" "And the woman still surprises me, man." "You can't read people like a book." "Maybe she was in trouble..." "Maybe, she was hiding something from you..." " May be that's why... with the man...." " Abi..." "We have never talked these things with you before." "And there is no need to talk anyways." "Sibel and I had been waiting for the day we would get married." "Sibel wanted this, too." "Abi, I am sure that Sibel is not such a 'bad' girl." "Ok, my boy..." "When we get the report, all of us will be relieved." "Abi..." "Thanks for your consideration and being a brother to me." "Everybody is saying something." "For God's sake, let's not hear these gossips." "Ok..." "Ok..." "My boy..." "I die for you..." "Did I break your heart?" "Abi..." "You know I love you..." "I know that you have my best interest at heart." "But, you have to believe me." "I am sure of Sibel." "Ok, my boy..." "If you say so..." "And it will be like that in my book." "I will be waiting for you downstairs." " Come on, my girl..." "We will be late." " Son, give me your hands..." " We have to be there before eveyone else." " Give me that..." "Give me..." "Put your shoes on, Come on!" "I swear mom, I don't want to do this." "She'd better off being fed to stray dogs than dying on the laps of 60 years old man." "And they expect us to grieve for her." "Don't come at all if you are thinking like that." "Your prayers won't be accepted." "No... mom..." "She disgraced Omer." "You'll see..." "Huseyin will solve this." "He will unmask her;" "You will see that she was a slut." "Serenity now!" "Serenity now!" "Hasan!" "Son!" "Why are you still here?" "!" "Eh?" "Go on, catch your grandma!" "Come on!" "DEMET!" "Come on, girl!" "Coming..." "Demet!" "What is it with your face?" "What?" "We are going to the funeral, not to a wedding!" " It is barely there..." " Explain this to your father." "Dad said he wouldn't come." " He is in the garden, your grandma convinced him." "He waits in the garden." "Go tell him." " Mom..." "Clean your face!" "Hurry up, Demet!" " Ok?" " Yes." "Clean your cheeks as well." "Ok!" "Keep quiet!" "Come on, son..." "Women are upstairs, men are downstairs..." "[Praying in Arabic]" " My condolences..." " God bless you." "My condolences..." "My condolences..." "[People saying their condolences]" "Omer..." "Promise me, son..." "You will find the people who caused us this grief." "I will dad, I will." "Girls, everything should be perfect!" "Ok?" "Zerrin Hanim hates delays." " Always keep the plates and glasses full, ok?" "\" " Yes, ma'am..." "Of course, it is very hard." "It is very hard for us." " Pardon me..." "If you'll excuse us..." " I'll be back." "I thought you needed a break..." "Will Aunt Zerrin come downstairs?" "No, I told her not to come downstairs." "Talking with people makes mom feel worse." "She doesn't know whether she should get mad at my father or grieve for him." "Uncle Tayyar..." "My condolences..." "My condolences..." "Thank you." " How are you?" " Fine..." "Fine..." "I couldn't pull myself together since the funeral..." "Beyond a brother..." "I lost my faithful companion." "How can I be fine?" "It hurts so bad in my heart." "This is the worst kind of cheating." "They say she had been his lover for a long time." "And the girl was an elementary school teacher." "Such a disgrace..." "Out of words!" "This ruined the woman..." "It ruined her." "Cevriye Hanim." " Could you please come over here for a moment?" " My condolences, sweety." "Cevriye Hanim, I won't allow you to tarnish my father's memory and humiliate my mother." " Dear Elif, you misunderstood me." " I heard you very well, Cevriye Hanim." "Just know this:" "There is no place for gossip in the funeral house." "Please don't upset us any longer." "It's a little bit messy, sorry..." "Between the police investigation and funeral, I was unable to bring myself tidy it up." " Fatma Abla!" " Coming..." "Elif's birthday" " What's up Arda?" " Abi, I found something important." "You need to come immediately." "I'll be there right away." "Elif Hanim..." "Yes..." " Our condolences." " Thank you." "I am sorry, I couldn't recognize you." "Where are the diamonds?" "I don't understand." "You do." "Where are the diamonds?" "SIR!" "YOU..." "Sit here!" "I said SIT!" "Shut up..." "Elif Hanim..." "Your father stole our diamonds." "We want them back." "Stealing?" "Do you hear what you are saying?" "Diamonds worth of one hundred ten million liras." "Our diamonds; we paid for them, but your father didn't give us our dimaonds." "Since you are his inheritor, that means you will give us them." "I have no idea who you are or what's your relation to my father." "But I don't know anything about the diamonds." "Elif Hanim..." "You couldn't figure out who we are, but we know you very well." "Mr. Ahmet runs his all business with you." "Aren't you a jewelery maker, after all?" "You deal with many diamonds every day." "I don't know anything about the diamonds." "Elif Hanim..." "Didn't your father turn his business over to you?" "Eh?" "Think it over..." "Maybe you know where our diamonds are." "Look..." "That's large amounts of money." "If my father told me about this, I would definitely know; but" "Look girl!" "It's your choice." "Either you find those diamonds... or I hurt your family." "Do you understand?" "Let me call Sadik..." "He is always at the firm." "He may know about the diamonds." "Hush!" "Tsk!" "Tsk!" "You will not tell or ask anything about this to anybody." "Ok?" "You will find those diamonds without telling anybody about my visit." "For your own good." "Do you understand?" "You won't even mention to your mother." "Let's assume I found them..." "Where will I bring the diamonds?" "That's easy." "You find them first." "We will come to you." "Elif!" "What's going on here?" "Zerrin Hanim, my condolences." "May God give you patience." "Elif Hanim..." "See you soon." "If you'll excuse us, ma'am." "Who are they?" "Why was that man standing in front of the door?" "They are my father's friends, mom." "They were here for condolence." "Elif, I heard what you did to Cevriye Hanim." "Even though you were right, it wasn't nice." "Come on, come inside right now." "Don't put me in a difficult position, please." "Ok, mom." "You go." "I'll be there." "Elif?" "!" "Are you alright?" "Elif!" "Let go of them..." "Let go..." "I am sorry..." "Mom, you go." "Once I catch my breath, I'll be there, ok?" "Come on, go." "Omer!" "Yes, what is it?" "We got the recordings from the city surveillance cameras on A?" "va road." "Has anybody watched it, yet?" "No." "They told me that they got the camera recordings, and I called you right away." "They delivered them just five minutes before you arrived." "Arda!" "We got the phone recordings as well." " Eee, what've you got?" "Nothing." "They haven't called each other." "I knew it." "Let's see what we will get from the camera images." "I will be downstairs." "WHAT'S THIS, MAN?" "!" "Who is responsible for this, man?" "I swear I don't know Captain." "This is what was delivered to us." "The attendant said that the camera wasn't working properly." "Fuck this thing!" "Abi, what's going on?" "It is broken." "It is skipping." "10 minutes of recording, then 10 minutes of nothing." "What about the transit of Ahmet's car?" "It is not there." "The man passed from there at 2:17 in the morning." "The car is visible from the distant." "We can read the car plate... and we want to see whose inside..." "But nothing..." "Nothing after that..." "We got excited for nothing." "We only are able to do anything by God's grace in this country." " Send this for examination." " Abi, can I look at that, too?" "I love my daughter very much." "Hop.." "Did you see it?" " Yes." " Aw.." "Sweetheart, my beautiful daughter." "Stop there." "This recording has been tampered." "How did you figure out, abi?" "Ahmet Denizer's car passes." "Then, the recording streams clearly." "Someone had deleted the prior visual a little bit." "But, I guess, he got bored later on..." "He didn't do this for all the recording." "Do you understand?" "Look..." "Ahmet Denizer's car had passed from here at 2:17" "It is 33 km away from the crime scene." "Question:" "How many minutes does it take?" "I mean... the road is clear..." "At most 15 minutes with that car." "It makes 2:32..." "Let's assume 2:30." "Murder had been committed between 3:00 and 3:30" "Forensics says so." "Let's assume 3:30..." "One hour is missing." "What did they do in that one hour?" "Did they take another road?" "They might spend some time at the crime scene, too." "I mean... the scenery... etc.." "Abi, don't get me wrong;" "I am just trying to reason it out." "We'll see." "It is all assumption." "Abi..." "Abi, I called you because Captain Huseyin said so." "Otherwise, it is over my head..." "You know..." "Look, I will answer all your questions." "But, don't want the file." "I'll just take a look at it." "You know only assigned officer can take a look at it." "They will ruin me; they told me to keep you away." "Abi, please..." "Abi!" "Even though you are a police officer, the person killed is your fiancée after all." "I got it, I will get the file myself." "Bahar, did anybody entered my father's office after that night?" "The police searched the office and took your father's computer." "It is very messy now." "Did they find anything?" "No..." "I mean nobody told me anything." "Are you alright?" "We haven't been able to talk." "I am fine, Bahar." "How can I be?" "What will you do in the office alone?" "Do you want me to come with you?" "I just need to be alone a little." "I mean I can't do this at home because of the visitors." "Don't let anybody inside, ok?" "So, it became definite that both of them were killed with the same gun." "And these are Sibel's assault marks." "Abi, you told that a motorcycle courier hit her two days before the incident." "But, these are new." "It is obvious from its color." "As if she had been dragged." "Then, they carried her to the car." "Pull that chair." " What are you doing, abi?" " Pull that chair, abi, pull it." "Bring it here." "Sit abi." "Now you are Sibel." "Ahmet Denizer is here..." "The steering wheel is here..." "And I am the killer." "Whoa!" "Abi." "Take it easy!" ".." "Now..." "Ahmet Denizer didn't turn his face to the killer." "There were bullet exit holes in Ahmet and Sibel's heads." "Ahmet's blood was splattered on Sibel." "Where is Sibel's blood?" "Since Sibel was shot right in the forehead..." "We have three options about Sibel's death." "Let's assume, the killer was facing her." "BANG!" "What happens?" "The windshield explodes." "But the windshield was intact, wasn't it?" "Yes..." "Then..." "Other option:" "The killer went to her side to prevent her from escaping." "What do you do?" "She turns towards him." "Bang!" "He shot her from here." "But..." "But, Sibel's blood is not on Ahmet's body in the picture." "It is not on the driver's seat either." "Then, Sibel can't be shot from this side, either." "We have one option left." "The killer murdered Ahmet first." "Then he killed Sibel." "Do you have the picture of the Sibel's window?" "Do you have the pictures of the rear window?" "We can't determine the direction of the fire from these pictures." "We can't figure out if she was killed somewhere else." "This report is not complete." " You are right." " Of course, I am right!" "I will inspect the car myself." "Where is it?" " It was sent back." " What?" "HOW COULD IT BE SENT BACK?" "!" "I don't know." "It was sent back." "Arda, how could you that?" "The report is not complete, and the car was sent back before it was properly inspected." "How could you do that?" "Abi, upper management is putting pressure on us." "The media and what not..." "The man was rich." "They want to close the case as soon as possible." "Don't talk about their wealth." "I am trying to find out the truth here." "Arda, look, I have to find where the Denizer family took the car." "Help me..." "Help me so that I can find the car before they wipe out the evidence." "Huh?" "Ok, abi." "Let's find out where they sent the car." "There are no pictures of the car." "You sent the car back with undue haste." "That's not right!" "Omer..." "Ok, Omer, I was..." "What's going on?" "This is what is going on abi..." "The report is not complete and the car was sent back before it was properly examined." "We were talking about it and you came." "Ok, you come with me." "Your superior officer from Van wants to talk to you." "Son, he is on the phone." "Omer..." "I beg you..." "Ok, look..." "Our grief is big." "You are angry and sad." "But don't push people too much." "Sir, I called him, he'll be here in two minutes." "ok." "Let our guys do this however they know." "Then have your guys do their job right, abi." "This is not right." "ok, you are right." "I pull their ears and cover for their shortfalls." "The case is still open." "Son, back off a little bit." "The more you get involved in the case the more this chief pokes his nose into this case." "Let me take the control." "Hello, I'm listening chief." "Thank you, thank you." "Thank you." "But..." "I've just started my leave." "Fine..." "Fine..." "You have a good day, too." "What is he saying?" "Is he calling you back?" " Yes, tomorrow." " What?" "Tomorrow?" "We'll get your ticket next day." "Let him wait." "Jerk!" "See mom first." "Stay for the night; then you go." "The department gave me that leave as an award." "I am not going anywhere." "Omer!" "Stay, man!" "Ok, stay." "But, don't beat yourself up." "You will be calm." "I have the file, son." "Don't you trust your brother, either, son?" "What is your chief saying?" "He gave me one-month leave and now he is calling me back, knowing that I am onto him." "Obviously, I am not wanted here." " Will you go back?" " Now, Tell me..." "Where is the car?" "They sent it back to Denizer Holding." "Ok, thank you." "Bora Bey, I will ask you something if you are available." "Elif Hanim, Of course, of course." "Please take a seat." "Did my father have a safe outside of the firm;" "like in a bank or some other place?" "Not that I know of." "If he had it, probably, you will be informed by inheritance process." " I urgently need..." " Sebnem Hanim would come to you soon to talk about the inheritance." "I don't have time." "I urgently need large amounts of money." "It is impossible." "Ok, then, how soon can I get it?" "Miss Elif, it is impossible to get it right now." "Why?" "What can we sell fast, Bora Bey?" "Elif Hanim, could you please take a seat?" "Please." "You lost your father just recently." "On top of that, I wouldn't want tell you these." "Mr. Bora, please cut the long story short." "Look..." "Our business has not been doing well as we hoped for the last couple of years." "We couldn't win most of the tenders." "You see, we don't have any profiting brand other than your company." "I guess I couldn't express myself well enough." "I urgently need cash." "We can sell the house, offices, whatever we..." "Elif Hanim, you can't sell anything right now." "Because your family house, the house you have in Rome, company buildings..." "All of them are mortgaged." "You mean we went bankrupt?" "Yes." "I am very sorry." "How could they hide this from me?" "Not just from you..." "Ahmet Bey didn't tell this to anybody." "Nobody knows; only me and a couple of friends from my department." "Even Zerrin Hanim knows nothing about this." "And unfortunately, there is a large amount of bank loan whose payment is due." "Even Zerrin Hanim knows nothing about this." "[echoing the previous talks]" "Hello..." " How can I help you?" " Today, a vehicle was sent back to you by the police department." "We need to inspect it again." "Where is the vehicle?" "Just a sec..." "Murat Bey..." "Where is Ahmet Bey's vehicle?" "A police officer is asking." "It is in the auto park." "You can use elevator to go down level -2." "Thank you." "Elif.." "You are still here." "Come on;" "let's get some coffee together in my office." "Bahar, I'll take a rain check on that." "I don't want to leave my mother alone now." "I wish I could do more." "Why don't you stay with me for a couple days?" "You feel better." "Sweetheart, how can I leave my folks alone now?" "Ok, fine." "I'll come to you then." "Elif..." "I know it is not the right time..." "I don't know how to ask you but..." "The police department sent your dad's car back today." "As is... from the accident." "Sell?" "Get rid of?" "What do you want me to do with the car?" "I don't know..." "I don't know Bahar" "Did you take the car to car wash?" "No, we couldn't call anybody from the family." "Their grief is very fresh." "We've been waiting for them to come." "Taner Bey decides those things." "Thanks." "Abi." "Give me some privacy for the confidentiality of the investigation." "Of course." "Go ahead." "Thanks." "Elif Hanim..." "Wait a little." "I have something to do." "I will be back" "Hello." "What are you doing here?" "I am done." "I am leaving anyways." "You can't go just like that..." "You will make an explanation to me." "I am waiting..." "Or else, I am gonna call the police." " I think this is not necessary." " We'll see about that." "This is breaking and entering; they will explain this to you there." " I am already a police officer." " And I am dumb." "My identification." "Take it..." "But my place of duty is not here; it is in Van." "Ok?" "So, you expected me to understand it, right?" "What were you looking for in the car?" "Did you find anything?" "I came here to see if crime scene investigation officers missed anything." "Ok?" "So, even if you found something, you wouldn't tell it..." "Exactly!" "Well, what if you need help..." "I know, we don't know each other." "But, the things happened to your and my family are not normal." "Suddenly, we've become a party to the same grief." "I am sure we are asking ourselves the same question at nights." "How did your fiancée and my father know each other?" "And why were they killed?" "Maybe, we can find the answer if we search for it together." "You're right." "Our encounter at the police department was not good." "Let's forget about it and start all over again." "My condolences." "Do you realize that I am trying to communicate with you here?" "I do." "Good luck." "I am busy." "Look." "I have a right to know whatever you have found out." "I guess I couldn't express myself well enough." "I am a police officer." "Even if I found any evidence, I don't have to share it with you." "But, you told that this was not your place of duty." "Now, I am going to call the police department to tell them that you stole evidence." "Ok, tell my regards as well." "You can't leave without telling me what you have found." "So, what happened to polite girl act?" "You will tell me what you have found." "Let my arm go." "Good bye." "You..." "You are the most..." "I don't want to see you again, do you hear me?" "Yes." "Yes?" "Arda, are you available?" "There is a second crime scene." "I am sure of this after seeing the vehicle." "Sibel had been killed in another place and then carried into the car." "I don't know..." "Maybe, it was a bad coincidence." "Anyways, I'll call you back later." " Ok, abi." " Hold on." "Don't hang up." "I will tell you something." "You have to find me what Denizer family does." "Ok?" " Ok." " But, it is urgent." "I'll bring it to your home this evening." " Ok." " Yes, abi." " I found it." "It is near the lighthouse." "It is close to the place where we found the car." "Ok, abi." "I'll be there right away." "I guess we have never understood each other, Huseyin." "What's up chief?" "Where is Omer?" "He must be at home." "Really?" "Fine, call him to come here...call him..." "I am waiting..." "Go on." "Abi, Omer called." "New crime scene..." "I see that you are busy, captain." "I'll come back later." "Come son." "Come." "Come." "Tell me." "Chief..." "Omer called and he found a new crime scene near the lighthouse." "He is at home alright..." "We had assigned a new officer and we don't even know about that!" "OMER!" "OMER, what happened?" "Are you alright?" "What happened here?" "Whoever the killer is, obviously he doesn't want to get caught." "Come on, get up." "Can you get up?" "Are you ok?" "How is that possible?" "How can suddenly this giant holding go bankrupt?" "I don't understand." "It goes bankrupt if it makes a wrong move." "He also did this to us before he died." "Sebnem Abla, when you say "bankrupt", we do still have the cars and the house, don't we?" "Only the firm will be out of business." "Unfortunately, no, sweetie." "Everything has been seized." "We are going to apply for suspension of bankruptcy." "Isn't there anything we can do legally?" " No..." " Fuck..." "So, everything is finished." "Well, what about Elif's firm?" "Unfortunately, it is in the same situation." "What is Elif's fault?" "What kind of system is this?" "Elif..." "We went bankrupt." "They are taking everything we own." "I know sweetheart." "I found out today." "I wish I knew this before." "Maybe, I could do something about it." "I am sorry." "Why do you apologize, Elif?" "It is not your fault" "Your dad should have told us everything long time ago" "Welcome Sebnem." "Thanks, sweetheart." "Mom..." "What about the estates that my mom inherited from my grandfather?" "We do still have them, don't we?" "I had transferred them to the company." "Probably, everything was sold." "Correct." "In one day, he had sold everything that mighty Lutfu Pasha built throughout his life." "Are you ok?" "What are you trying to do?" "Eh?" "You are entering a place without permission." "Arguing with the victim's daughter..." "Finding crime scene by yourself..." "I would understand if it worked..." "But, it didn't..." "It burnt down into ashes." "Didn't we tell you stay out of this?" "Hmm?" "What are we here?" "The files and reports are not complete." " You need to pay more attenti..." " What are you trying to say, Omer?" "Eh?" "We are trying to do our business, putting our head in the lion's mouth..." "I am only telling this, chief..." "We need to pay more attention; there aren't many clues." "You are very careful, but this huge Istanbul police department is not careful, is that it?" "Mr. Omer, we are solving thousands of murder case each year...." "Do you know that?" "Chief, it won't happen again." "His chief called him from Van." "He will leave in a couple of days." "Abi, I won't go back before this case is closed." "Leave or stay!" "As you wish!" "But I don't want to see you working on this case anymore." "Otherwise, I will open a case file against you and suspend you." "Who knows?" "Maybe you are tampering the evidence to cover up the person who is behind this crime." "Then, don't bother chief..." "I will prepare my resignation and inform the department." "Are you threatening me?" "No..." "I am just letting you know." "Where are you going?" "I didn't say you could leave." "UNCOUTH!" "HOW DARE YOU SLAM THE DOOR ON ME?" "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" "Chief, please calm down." "I am not gonna calm down,man!" "Uncouth!" "Chief..." "Please understand Omer..." "Ok, you are right about everything you said." "But, this kid lost his fiancée." "It is gut-wrenching." "God forbid, if this happened to you or me..." "Could we stay out of it?" "Tell me if I am wrong." "I am taking over the case, Huseyin." " What?" "I don't understand..." " You are dismissed from this case, Huseyin." " Please don't chief..." "This is my job..." " Get out, Huseyin!" "Bring me the case file right now." "Yes, sir." "Hello officer..." "I am from forensics." "I brought a file to Huseyin Bey." "Where is his room?" "At the end of the corridor on your left." "Ok, thank you." "Hello." "Do you have the report related to Sibel Andac case?" "Yes, I do." "I'm glad that I saw you." "Give me that, let me take a look." "There was a traffic..." "But..." "I am newly assigned; but I can't quite place you..." "Good luck." "I am Captain Omer Demir." "Here it is, captain." " Thanks." " Thank you." "Have a good evening." "Virginity test on the deceased revealed that the victim was virgin." "My dad didn't like the defeat." "Probably, he tried to find a solution before things came to this point." "Elif..." "If you ask me, the best thing to do is to file disclaimer of inheritance." "Because, there is a lot of debt." "Then, we will lose everything." "I will find a way." "Obviously, my father was up against the wall." "He is not here anymore." "Now, I am here." "Everything will be ok." "I baked you bread with pepper..." "Come on.." "Eat it before it gets cold." "No, mom." "I don't want it." "Thank you." "My girl, take this..." "I couldn't eat anything when I lost your father, may he rest in peace..." "I thought who did it and why he did it for days..." "But, I have to be strong for you and your brother." "And, now, you are going to be strong for us." "Mom..." "Why do you think my brother and I became police officers?" "When I was a kid, I used to say...." ""If I become a police officer one day, nobody's killer will be able to walk freely like my father's killer."" "But, now, what happened?" "The same thing." "How can I live without thinking about this, mom?" "What happened that night?" "Why did they kill Sibel?" "I can't go on living without thinking these things." "Therefore...." "I will find out at any cost..." "Welcome." " Welcome son." " Thank you, mom." "Omer, come with me." "It is cold outside, wear your jacket." "Oh my god..." "Huseyin looks angry." "I bet they are gonna fight." "For once, say something nice, my girl..." "Didn't I tell you stay out of this?" "Didn't I tell you that I will handle this?" "And you are arguing with the chief on top of that." "You are ruining your career!" "For what?" "Open your eyes, son, open your eyes..." "Ok, we all loved Sibel." "But, we couldn't know her well." "Whatever deep shit she got herself into, we can't still solve it!" "Abi..." "I saw that I was right." "I saw Sibel's forensics report." "She was virgin." " I didn't see that report yet." " Then, look at it, abi!" "And don't you ever imply such nonsense again!" "Like not knowing her and whatnot!" "Do you know why I didn't see it?" "The chief dismissed me from the case." "This is the first time in my career that I was dismissed from a case." "The is the first time!" "How?" "WHAT DO YOU CARE?" "IT JUST HAPPENED!" "I am sorry abi." "Omer..." "I am acting out of concern for your good." "I don't care if I have one case file less." "Son..." "You have a lot to lose if you lead with your chin." "Omer..." "Is it that easy to turn your back?" "Is it that easy to resign?" "To have you attend the academy..." "Not to have you feel inadequate..." "I missed the opportunity for the academy." "I sat on my ass with a diploma I got from the police school." "Why did I do that?" "To earn money to help my brother study in academy." "Then I studied for the examinations for years like little kids to catch up." "Abi..." "I can't betray my profession." "But, I can't betray myself and my loved ones, either." "Therefore, please understand me." "Witch..." "What are you doing?" "I am checking-in online." "So, you are leaving us, eh?" "As if you are not going to go back to Rome..." "I don't have a job or a house in Rome anymore." "Ok, you start from the scratch." "I mean you can start from the beginning." "Everybody loves your brand." "For example..." "You can open your own stores." "You have many connections there, Elif." "You go and start all over before they forget you." "Not yet..." "I will stay here a little bit longer." "Ok, stay then..." "But, I want my life back." "As if only my mother's husband died." "Or only Asli's father." "Nobody asks me how I am." "We have no money." "We went bankrupt and nobody asks me how I am." "Am I going to be able to attend my college?" " What am I going to do?" "Am I going to be able to go to the college?" "And how will my life be?" " Shush..." "Look, don't do this." "Everybody is very sad..." "Stay with us a little bit longer." "I need you very much." "I can't." "I mean I don't want to stay." "I don't have money, either." "I don't know what I am gonna do there." "They will close the house in New York, too." "Right?" "Eh?" "We can't pay the rent, can we?" "Look, let's do this..." "You go there..." "Don't think about the house or tuition." "I will handle it, ok?" "Promise..." "Arda Abi, welcome." "Come and eat with us." "Thanks, but I won't..." "Enjoy your dinner." " Come and let's enjoy together." "Thanks mother Elvan." "I already ate." "If I knew, I wouldn't." "I came here to take Omer with me." " Mom, God bless your hands." "I won't be late." "Enjoy your dinner." " You, too." "Thank you son." "Chief, we just wanted to get some fresh air to make him feel better." "Ok, good evening." "Enjoy your dinner." "Good evening." "Thanks..." "And what else?" "Abi, his real business is construction." "Cooperative, road, office building, etc." "They did domestic transportation." "They had tried real estate as well, but it didn't work." "And also, jewelry." "What do you know about the jewelry?" "The firm is in Rome." "They also had a store in Turkey but it isn't open yet." "And the middle daughter is running the business." "Elif..." "The one you argued..." "The girl is designer." "She created the brand." "She is mostly in Rome." "She comes to Turkey now and then." "This is what we got so far." " Good morning Uncle Tayyar." " Woww.." "My dear Elif..." " Welcome." " Thank you." " What a nice surprise..." "Are you alright?" " I am fine." "How about you?" "I am fine, my girl, I am fine..." " Would you like to drink something?" " No, thank you." " Fine." " I am sorry, I am disturbing you at this hour, but..." "Nilufer will fly to New York in a couple of hours." "I wanted to see you before that." "Obviously, something is bothering you." "Sit..." "Look, please don't hesitate, ok?" "Ahmet entrusted you to me." "You are like my son Mert to me." "Thank you." "It is very difficult for me to ask someone for something..." "It was like that with my father as well." "Maybe, you already know that we went bankrupt." "Soon, we will apply for suspension for bankruptcy." "I was wrong then." "I didn't want to tell you not to upset you..." "But..." "I talked to him for months ago." "I said "Ahmet..."" ""Give up on this dam construction contract..."" "I said "Let's build a nice building estate in Dragos together... with pool and whatnot..."" "But, he didn't want to do it, of course." "Then I thought he straightened his affairs..." "I didn't ride him about it any longer." "He had conned people by establishing a cooperative." "What are you saying Elif?" "Ahmet doesn't do such things." "He always protected other people's rights." "I know..." "I am very confused, Uncle Tayyar." "But, I am not here to talk about these." "You still have the hotel in New York, right?" "You are asking this for Nilufer, aren't you?" "Ok, I will arrange a suite for her." "Her tuition will be a big burden to you now." "No..." "Look..." "Listen..." "Nilufer can assume that she is getting a scholarship from her Uncle Tayyar." "Tuition, room, and board...." "Everything is on me..." "Let her enjoy her college..." "Eh?" "Thank you so much!" "Thank you so much!" "But, I can accept this only as a loan." " I promise I will pay you back." " I know..." "I know..." "I know you are not a deadbeat." "Thank you." "Let me not wait Nilufer..." "I have to go, Uncle Tayyar." "Fine, ok." "Let me see you off." "Come on." "Uncle Tayyar..." "Our lawyer told us that my dad had illegal debt beside his bank debts." "Are you sure?" "And I thought... because of these debts...." "I thought maybe you knew who they were." "If I find out who they are, I can protect my family." "I am worried about them." "Look Elif..." "I don't know anything about illegal business." "... and I don't like it either." "I really want to help you but I know nothing about those men and your father's debts." "Thanks for everything." "I am so glad I have you." "Me, too." "Me, too." "Tell Nilufer that I wish her a safe and pleasant journey." "Tell her to go to the hotel as soon as she arrives in New York." "I will organize everything." " Ok, take care." " You, too." "Good job..." "Why don't you go after mom gets better?" "I going there to study, Asli." "We all have to work now." "At least I can have a job if I finish my school." "Painter..." "What a wonderful job..." "I am sure you will earn millions!" "Don't say these, my love." "She is going to the other side of the world." "Then, you will feel sorry." "Nilufer..." "Have a nice trip..." "Thanks Taner." "Mom..." "Don't be cross with me..." "Look, you will regret this moment if the plane crashes down." "You will say "I wish I hugged and kissed my daughter."" "Mommy..." "Mom..." "Aren't you gonna hug me?" "As you wish...." "But, you just didn't lose your husband." "I am offended with you." "My baby... my baby..." "I love you so much..." "Don't you forget this." "I will miss my plane..." "Elif, where were you?" "You left me alone here." "Come on, I have things to tell you in the car." "I went to Uncle Tayyar this morning." " He sent his regards to you." " Tell me what else he told you, Elif." "Did the company arrange this car?" "Elif, I don't know." "Probably, Bahar arranged..." "Come on, please tell me what he said." "What did he say?" "He said "I want Nilufer to receive straight A's on her report card."" "It is a very bad joke but..." "I will miss you a lot." "You know that, don't you?" "Now, I understand my mom better." "Staying behind is harder than leaving..." "Please take good care of my mom, ok?" "Because, I've never seen my mother like that before, and..." "Maybe, that's why I wanted to leave..." "I can't bear seeing her like that." "I know sweetheart." "I will miss you a lot." " What's going on?" "Who are you?" " Hello." "Elif!" " Keep going." " Who are you?" " Shut up!" " We will go for a ride." " Where are you taking us?" " ANIMAL!" "Leave my sister alone!" " SHUT UP!" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "!" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "!" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "!" "Where are the diamonds?" "Eh?" "Time is up." "You didn't keep your promise." "I swear I couldn't find it." "Look, don't you fool me..." "I swear I don't know." "Elif, shut up..." "Shut up..." "Maybe..." "You found them and are hiding them from us?" "I heard that you went bankrupt." "That money would help you." "No, I swear, If I found them, I would bring them to you." "I would..." "Your sister is a liar." "You tell me." "Please don't..." "She doesn't know anything...." "So, you know something then!" " I don't know." " You will find out." "I don't know what to say." "You don't have much time, ok?" "When I ask a question, you will answer it!" "OK?" "!" "Ok..." "Ok..." "Help the lady..." "I promise I will find them." "I swear..." "Please let us go..." "She will stay." "Come." "NO ELIF!" " GET UP!" " NO!" "NILUFER!" "NILUFER!" "NO!" "ABLA, DON'T LEAVE ME!" "ELIF!" "ELIF!" "Where is Nilufer?" "What did you do to her?" "Your sister is fine." "For now..." "Look, from now on, don't you dare defy me..." "You are not in a condition to set the rules." "We set the rules." "Now..." "You will do what I tell you." "You are going to talk to no one about this." "If you try, I will know." "If you go to police..." "I will know..." "I will cut your sister to ribbons and you won't be able pick up her pieces from both sides of the Bosporus." "I hope you got it..." "If you don't want get buried next to your father..." "You will do what I say." "As simple as that." "Did you kill my father?" "For diamonds..." "Why would we kill him before we get our diamonds?" "Are we stupid?" "Your late father bit the dust before he gave us our diamonds." "But, our contracts are beyond the grave..." ""You" will bring those diamonds." "How will I know that you haven't done something to my sister?" "You can't." "It is a mystery..." "If I don't hear Nilufer's voice, I won't bring the diamonds." "We will call you, don't worry." "You just walk now..." "Walk!" "Nilu..." "NILUFER!" "NILUFER!" "NILUFEEERRRR!" "You heard the boss." "You won't tell anything to anybody." "Welcome, Erdal." "Sit." "Sit.." "Sit..." "Erdal..." "Didn't I tell you to follow Ahmet Denizer all the time and to breath down his neck?" "I swear it wasn't intentional, sir." "Look..." "I... in fact...." "I mean..." " Did or didn't I?" "Eh?" " You did, sir." "Well, did you follow him?" "Eh?" "I did." "I did, but I don't how happened;" "I lost him when we entered the highway." "I swear I don't know how happened..." "But, you were able to think of running away from me." "Look, these men have been looking for you for days..." "Eh?" "Abi, I was scared when I heard that he was dead." "Abi, please forgive me." "Did you do what I said?" "I did sir..." "Please, I beg you..." "Please spare my life..." "Fugitive was found at last." "My condolences, uncle." "We arrange his report as if he died during the surgery." "And?" "What did you do?" "Did you get the girls?" "I did." "Elif was scared a lot." "She was shaking..." "But, we'll see." "The other one is shouting all the time." "Our men cannot keep her quiet." "So, a life school for Nilufer." "We'll help her to grow up." "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." "I am a police officer." "I will know if you go to police." "I will cut your sister to ribbons and you won't be able to pick up her pieces from both sides of Bosporus." "Did something happen?" "Leave me alone." "What's wrong?" "Are you running away from someone?" "What do you care?" "WHAT DO YOU CARE?" "Wait, I'll show you something." "You were looking for this in the car, weren't you?" "I found the same thing in Sibel's house." "Yes?" " Who is the man with you?" " Who?" "Are you trying to fool me?" "Didn't I tell you that we have our eyes on you?" "You misunderstood me." "Didn't we tell you not to tell anybody?" " He isn't nobody..." " Is he a police officer?" "Eh?" "Don't lie to me, or else I slit your sister's throat." "I am asking you!" "Who is that man?" "He is my lover." "You are lying." "No." "I swear I am telling the truth." "He is my lover." "Don't lie..." "Look, if I find out that you are lying, I promise to kill you and your sister." "Ok?" "What's going on?" " What are you doing?" " Please play along..." "Please..." | {
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"...the big fat morning show." "Now, you wanna play the brand new big fat game:" "big fat match game, call us now...." "Hello?" "Hello?" "Who was that?" "They hung up without saying." "They hung up without saying?" "What you care?" "You never use the damn phone in here no how." "What's up, baby?" "I need you to get them phone lines up out that house." "Out of the apartment?" "Why?" "I'm saying, what Chantay gonna say... about not havin' no line in her own place?" "All right." "Got you." "What's up, baby, you got a problem?" "Good." "I'm just sayin' though, man... it seem we just goin' past careful, man... with all of this, man." "Like we buggin' out or something." "You know, like we paranoid and shit." "Naw, I don't wanna use this phone." "We used this phone yesterday." "What you blowing out your mouth for, man?" "You act like...." "Ain't nobody out to get me, man." "I got no motherfuckin' enemies." "Naw, man." "We all right." "All right, this gonna be so easy... them Eastside chumps, they ain't nothing like Avon's people." "Watch, y'all gonna see." "All right, now y'all gonna be here, right?" "Hold up." "Yo, Boo!" "I'm gonna slide up through here." "Bailey, you gonna cover the alley." "Yo!" "Yo, Maurice short, man." "How short?" "Three." "Tell him to grow a couple of inches." "Where you gonna be at?" "That be the trap right there, homes." "You figure they roll through the alley for sure?" "Man, rats always run to holes in times of danger." "And you him, ain't you?" "Who?" "Danger." "Naw, man, I'm just a nigger with a plan, that all." "And a shotgun." "For sure." "Sorry I'm late." "Got myself lost down the other hallway." "That leads to the loading dock." "Yeah, and deep storage." "So, this is where they put you?" "Quite a message they're sending." "Yeah, and that message is...." "Out of sight, out of mind." "Spoken like a true troglodyte." "Whole lot of dead trees behind this nonsense." "The foundation of your case, Detective." "You lay it in right, you can build on it." "You lay it in wrong, everything on top falls." "We ready?" "Do you solemnly swear and affirm that the affidavit is true... and accurate to the best of your knowledge?" "I do." "I do." "Then by the power vested in me, I now declare you man and wife." "Did he swear already?" "The state's attorney?" "Yeah." "I see it." "Second copy is sealed for the court, and the police get the others." "How's this work?" "Same frequency as the one carried by D'Angelo Barksdale." "He gets a page, we get a page." "So, we up now?" "It's official." "You're up." "Then let the game begin." "Celebrities always seem much smaller when you meet them in person." "Yo!" "Yo!" "Check it out, here he come." "Somethin' ain't right, yo." "Watch out, man, he got that boom." "He's packing." "Here he come." "Yo, come on, Omar's coming, man!" "Oh, shit!" "Yeah... the cheese stands alone." "How you know?" "'Cause if you could, I'd have been had." "Yo, he saying you can't catch the bug... just by getting your dick sucked." "Dumb-ass, you gotta be in some pussy to get it, all right?" "Man, wear a coat if you want, don't nobody like suckin' on a rubber." "How would you know?" "Who you trying to fuck anyway?" "Arletta Mouzone." "Treenee's cousin." "Damn, man, in that case use a big-ass condom, all right?" "You need a trash bag." "Fuck that." "I wouldn't run up in that bitch with D'Angelo's dick...." "It's trifling'." "Easy to see why niggers come around here stealing our shit!" "Yo, you know what, nigger?" "What?" "Forget it." "142 isn't a working telephone exchange." "Six intercepts so far, and five aren't working numbers?" "Something wrong with the recorder?" "We're getting what you'd expect, seven digits of a telephone number... and a two-digit add-on to identify the caller, like here, 13." "McNulty, line one." "Yeah." "Did youjust get a 142 exchange?" "Yeah, that's what we got, too." "That's fucked up." "All right, later." "He's got the same numbers on the readout of the cloned pagers." "So it's not the recorder." "These mopes are using a code to cover their calls?" "That's pretty damn sophisticated." "What is?" "They've coded the telephone numbers in their pager messages." "How do you know?" "Every time the Barksdale kid's pager goes off... this machine gives us a message and time." "McNulty's carrying a cloned pager, but this is what we use in court." "Same with those pen registers." "Every time a pay phone in the low-rise court is used... we get the telephone number, the time and the duration of the call." "Incoming calls, too." "Spy shit." "Very cool." "You say they're using some kind of code?" "Yeah, they got to be." "These numbers don't make no fuckin' sense." "You rang?" "Omar's ride." "Bubbles spotted it." "Different tags, no stolen report, these come back right for the van... but Bubs makes it by the cargo rack on the roof." "Good scope." "You wanna take him?" "Can't hurt to try." "We pop Omar, get a gun, he might let us work him." "Anything coming through on the pager?" "Eight hits so far, most of them in some kind of code." "These ain't Baltimore exchanges, that's for sure." "Three weeks to get Daniels to agree, a week to write out the affidavit... and then this bullshit." "How complex a code can it be if these knuckleheads are using it?" "Then again, what does it say about us if we can't break it?" "You wanna run Bubs back downtown, I'll sit here and wait for you." "All right." "What'd I miss, girlfriend?" "Not a goddamn thing." "Yeah, boring, ain't we?" "How y'all do what you do every day and not wanna get high?" "That's what I be asking." "It's been a little hectic down here, right, cuz?" "String, man, I can't lie." "Them stick-up boys, they caught us dead up." "And the knockos, shit, I don't know what the fuck that was." "5-0." "Comin' up!" "5-0 comin' up, y'all." "Time-out." "C'mon, man, what is that?" "What?" "You gotta get your crew to understand that... it's the stick-up crews and the creepers... that give us the most trouble." "When they start thinking like that... you're not gonna have any more surprises, you feel me?" "'Cause you know, your uncle and me... we think you got a snitch up in the shop." "What?" "Someone who tips off the stick-up crew." "And you gotta be on that, right?" "You gotta be on that." "I'm gonna tell you what you do." "What day is it today, Friday?" "What happen on Friday?" "Payday." "Not this Friday." "Why not?" "No, what you gonna do is you gonna call 'em..." "like you gonna pay 'em and then you crack 'em." "You tell 'em you're not happy... with what they fuckin' pass as work down here." "And when you're not happy, they ain't gettin' paid." "You feel me?" "Yeah, but String, you don't pay a nigger, he ain't gonna work for you." "What, you think a nigger's gonna get a job?" "You think these niggers gonna be like, "Fuck it..." ""let me quit this game here and go to college"?" "Naw, they gonna buck a little, but they not gonna walk." "And in the end, you gonna get respect." "Yeah." "And when that money run out, they'll come up to you and roll on you..." "And when that money run out, they'll come up to you and roll on you... and ask you for an advance and shit, when they flat-ass broke." "Them the niggers that you strike off your list." "But that nigger that stay eating'... the nigger that steady rollin', ain't asking' you for shit... that's the nigger I want to hear about." "Understand?" "Yeah, man, shit, you know how to play a nigger into a corner, String." "Yo, take care of this right here." "You my favorite girl." "Shit, let me handle this, man." "Yo, Poot." "Yeah, l" "Come here, man." "What's happening?" "What the fuck is that?" "What the fuck is that?" "You know the fuckin' rules." "What the fuck are you doing?" "Copying." "A telephone." "This fucking detail is too much for me." "It's after 3:00." "So, where are the boys at?" "Maybe they only come out at night." "I used to have a guy like Omar working for me." "Guy named Reuben Terry." "Is he good?" "Saw the street like we wish we could." "Ain't nothing like a good Cl." "School's out." "Can I use your cell phone?" "Yeah, I got that." "I did." "I know." "I don't know about this...." "What do you mean, you don't know?" "How can I trust you...." "For chrissakes, Elena, I'm their father." "You think I'd let 'em sleep on the floor?" "Yes, I got them." "Sheets, pillows, comforters, pillowcases." "I fuckin' got them." "What color are they?" "Color, what the fuck do you care what color they are?" "Hello?" "Lost her." "I bet." "You know something?" "My ex-wife, the way she acts sometimes, the way she deals with shit... you would think a less enlightened man than myself, cruder man than myself... a man less sensitized to the qualities and charms and value of women... a man like that, not me, but a man like that, he just might call her a cunt." "You just called the mother of your children a cunt." "No, I did not call her that." "Yes, you fuckin' did." "No, I did not." "Let's just leave this, okay?" "I got some stuff to do." "5-0, gotta go." "Whoa, man, get out the way!" "Shit." "Not much fighting this time." "You getting tired, asshole?" "Still dragging from the whupping Kima put on him." "Fucked you up like a cop should, didn't she?" "That's one thing about Kima, she put a hurtin' on you like a man." "Get your monkey ass up." "You're gonna want your business card back, right?" "Come on." "From Bantry Bay to the Derry Quay" "And from Galway to Dublin town" "Well, I've never seen" "My brown Colleen" "That I met in the County Down" "There's a man in the County Down" "There's a man in the County Down" "First, I go in, play nice." "Then you come in, play bad." "I ain't gonna be playin'." "Bracelet too tight?" "You racking' up all kinds of points, ain't you?" "First, you put a cop in the hospital, damn near kill his ass with that punch." "Now, you on the wing from Boys' Village." "Man, I'm 16, all right?" "What the fuck they gonna do to me?" "That's the least of your worries, my friend." "I got a partner outside who can't wait to get in here and fuck you up." "Cop you banged was Herc's uncle." "Herc wants off the leash on this one." "And I suppose you at the other end of that leash?" "See, I don't want to play it that way." "I know about comin' up hard and all." "Why, you came up hard?" "Flag House projects." "Eastside." "Yeah, Flag House?" "You know, you remind me of me." "I'm thinking we should work something out." "What do I get?" "What you want?" "I want.... for you to suck my dick." "I'll beat your fuckin' monkey ass." "You supposed to be the good cop, dumb motherfucker." "What?" "Hello, may I help you?" "Yeah, we'd like a table." "And you have reservations?" "Naw, I thought, you know, we could just walk in...." "Let me see what I got." "That's two?" "Follow me, please." "Your coat, ma'am?" "Can we get that one, over there?" "It's Friday night... those are for patrons who made reservations." "Let me get your chair for you, ma'am." "It's okay, man, all right." "Here you are." "Here you are, sir." "Your waiter will be with you shortly." "You shoulda pushed him, Dee." "Bastards." "Sarge, nobody answers at juvenile intake and we been calling." "Clearly, they're not as dedicated as you two detectives." "So what time does the duty intake consultant get here?" "You missed the 8:00." "You got another one around midnight." "Midnight?" "You think maybe if we left you... the paperwork, you could put him in the box 'til intake gets here?" "Hemorrhoid." "For the crumbs." "Yeah, right." "You like your dinner?" "Yeah." "That shrimp was right." "Yeah, it was good, right?" "Think they know?" "Do they know what?" "You know." "What I'm about." "What you mean, Dee?" "Come on, you know, it's like... we get all dressed up, right?" "Come all the way across town." "Fancy place like this." "After we finished, we gonna go down to the harbor." "Walk around a little bit, you know?" "Acting like we belong down here, know what I'm saying?" "So?" "Your money good, right?" "Dee, we ain't the only black people in here." "It ain't what I'm talking about." "It's about where we...." "Come on, you know." "I'm just saying, you know, I feel like some shit just stay with you... you know what I'm saying, like, hard as you try... you still can't go nowhere, you know what I'm saying?" "Can I interest you in dessert?" "Yes, thank you." "Can I have some chocolate cake?" "I'll bring the cart." "Boy, don't nobody give a damn about you and your story." "You got money, you get to be whatever you say you are." "That's the way it is." "Sir, I'm sorry." "These are the samples." "And for you, sir?" "Very good." "Don't be a bitch, admit it." "Go ahead." "Admit you're wrong, be a man." "Yeah, I gotta confess... this sub beats chink-ass Bob's by a mile." "'Course, you might be all that when it comes to thumping' on niggers..." "'Course, you might be all that when it comes to thumping' on niggers... but you can't do shit with that stick, man." "You'd do better." "I play." "Says he plays." "He might." "I'm even better with two hands." "I checked it out, man." "Stinkum true on this one." "Except for that nigger, Scar, from New York..." "Edmondson gully is wide open." "What about Tee-Tee's crew?" "Naw, them niggers dried up when they took that federal charge." "Most of 'em laid up somewhere, gettin' high and shit." "I'll tell you what." "You holler at the boy Scar." "Let him know, man, it's time for him to take a stroll." "If he give you any beef at all, we'll put Wee-Bey and Bird on it." "All right." "And then once we got him outta there... we'll send in the smokers to run out all the little poop-butt locals and shit." "Or, if you think there's some cats in there who got game..." "then we put 'em on our team." "All right, who you want to run it?" "Send Stinkum up here." "All right." "He the one who saw the shot." "So, he gets a shot." "All right, okay, not bad." "Can't let the duty officer see that." "You wanna give it a rest, man?" "You down $60." "That might be your whole damn salary, but I clock that shit in minutes." "Rack 'em and break 'em, man." "You the guys waiting for juvenile intake?" "He's in the squad room." "If I had more time, I'd run you." "Give you a tip, Preston." "You gonna run a hustle, you best stay with what you know." "Man, fuck you and your tired-ass advice, all right?" "But that sandwich was good." "You gonna move our little thing down to Edmondson Avenue." "Take the gully." "What about Scar?" "Who?" "Listen, I'm giving you points on the package... so, you make a go of it, you hear me?" "You working for yourself, too, so you gonna put out the strong product... and you gonna get the locals behind it." "It's as simple as that." "You get your team together, you feel me?" "Go and wait for me downstairs." "I'll be down in a minute, man." "We gonna make this money run in a few." "Smile or something, nigger." "Made that nigger's night." "Yeah, he deserved it, though." "He deserved it." "It's Wee-Bey." "We got one." "You think it's Omar?" "Nah." "It's one of the young 'uns, I think." "One down, two to go, right?" "Yeah, motherfuckers." "Try to rob me, baby." "One, two, three." "A winner." "A match?" "Which case?" "The one you just brought me, Bunk." "Casing in that girl shot up in Northeast." "Kresson?" "Diedre Kresson, right, yeah." "She matches up with two other cases, both from last year." "Which ones?" "Toreen Boyle...." "Someone named Ligget." "It's in the report." "It's Toreen Boyd, Roland Leggett." "Yeah, them." "Casings from all three killings go to a .45, probably Colt Classic." "That fucker Landsman." "How's he do it?" "You like Landsman for these three?" "I don't know, Bunk." "As sergeants go, Jay's a sociopath and all, but I'd have to go with an actual gangster." "Jimmy, you sitting down?" "I said it was hot, but ifyou got these barbecue gloves." "You got a Johnny Weeks up in here?" "Who?" "Johnny Weeks." "Over in the game room." "Obliged." "Any smokes?" "I'm out." "How long have you been here?" "You gotta give the medication... a chance to work in your system, man." "Brought you something." "Yeah, some chicken pieces and some fries." "Bought you a shake, but I dropped it on the bus." "It comes in a bag, goes out in a bag." "How long you have that for?" "I fucked up, man." "Yeah, I saw." "I fucked up, man." "Yeah, I saw." "There was nothing I could do, you know?" "It's like first I got beat, right, then I get this." "What are these for?" "They say I got the bug." "The bug?" "They checked me when I was in the hospital" "Are they sure?" "Where you been at?" "Here and there, I'm at it." "I'd have come past sooner, but I been on kinda like a mission." "A mission?" "Yeah." "Them hoppers that beat you down... they got problems now." "Them and the people they sling for, even." "What?" "I put the police on their ass." "Police?" "What, you get locked up or something?" "No, come on." "No, I'm not working for them." "I'm working with them." "They don't give me the badge soon enough, I keep doing like I do." "Why?" "What do you mean why?" "How can you ask me why?" "Why the fuck are you in here, man, with all these falling-down motherfuckers?" "Why you passing shit through a bag?" "Why they beat you down?" "Why I couldn't do nothing about it?" "It's all part of the game, right?" "I mean, you taught me that." "What you up to in here, man?" "Doing the meetings." "N.A.?" "Yeah." "Twice a day." "That's good, man." "It's good, you give the body comfort, you know." "Yeah." "No, you needed a change." "Guess so." "I'll be getting out of here the end of the month." "It's all right." "They got meetings everywhere." "You ain't gotta worry about that." "Bubs." "Who's got the best package now?" "Get the fuck out of here, man." "I'm coming home, right?" "Shit is weak all over, you know?" "Got some boys up in Baker and Calhoun, though." "They had a smoker out the other day though." "Yeah?" "Knocked a couple of niggers out." "Ain't you a trip?" "Beat down, bagged up, still ready to rip and run, huh?" "I'm a Viking, homes." ""I'm a Viking, homes."" "McNulty." "There's something here that needs kissing." "Speak again, toothless one." "I guess you know now why I wear the stripes in the family." "Good call, Jay." "Of course, if Keeley hadn't fucked the scene up... you'd have had that casing months ago, right?" "Keeley." "Let Keeley be Keeley." "We all can't be princes of the city, now can we?" "Speaking of which... sit down." "May I ask you a question that is essential to your career?" "What?" "Who do you serve?" "I am asking you to identify for the record your commanding officer." "Major Rawls." "Excellent." "And with that thought in mind, I advise you to go immediately into the Major's office... carrying the break I've given you in the Kresson case... and kiss the man's ring." "Because..." "I have talked you right out of the shithouse." "Here's the deal." "You wrap up this thing with Narcotics in two weeks." "You put yourself back in the rotation when we go back to night work." "You do that and you're back in the fold." "Thanks, Jay." "No problem." "Shit ain't right." "You work, you get paid." "That's what I'm saying." "I'm gonna say something to him, all right?" "You should." "Truth." "What's up, Dee?" "What's up, Shorty?" "$530, the count is right, man." "Okay, re-ups on the way down." "Go tell Sterling to be ready for it." "All right." "Yo, Dee, man." "You know, me and Poot, we been steady working it, you know?" "Nothing sloppy, no troubles, right?" "No." "And we was wondering if, maybe you could let a little something go... until payday, 'cause you know, right now, we some broke-ass niggers, man." "Right now, whoever did our girl... also did Boyd and Leggett a month earlier." "Leggett." "And those two are definitely... straight-up drug executions." "No mention of Dee in either file." "But I did get a fresh number..." "on Tywanda." "Who?" "The girl who called in on Kresson." "Right." "She put Dee in for that." "Have you seen this?" "Jaybird." "And the bear said, "You didn't really come here to hunt now, did you?"" "You see Saturday's 24s?" "Sunday morning." "Did you see the one Worden got on the Westside?" "John Bailey, in a Kevlar vest, lit up by three separate shooters." "Carey Street." "You made the Kresson connection... you didn't think Bailey might tie in with Barksdale?" "Worden's on the other shift." "I'm trying to work my murders, Jesus Christ." "Tony, Line 3." "What took you so long?" "You might've heard, we get a few murders here in Baltimore... sometimes we just get backed up." "You weren't followed here?" "Why would we be followed?" "Diedre was playing with scary people." "Who might that be?" "You called this in after the murder and you told the detective... that you talked to her the night she was killed." "She called." "It was late." "She didn't talk long, she said she had to go." "Dee was at the door." "And that was the last time you spoke with her?" "Yeah, she was killed that night." "Dee was her boyfriend?" "No, Dee was his nephew or something." "Dee would be D'Angelo Barksdale." "And the boyfriend, Avon Barksdale?" "And the boyfriend, Avon Barksdale?" "You know Avon?" "The question is how do you know him?" "You out there running the street with the players?" "I used to be... but not after this thing with Diedre." "I mean, damn." "We used to go to Odell's for ladies' nights... and one time he was there with all his people in one of the big booths... ordering drinks, acting like he was king of everything." "And Diedre ate that shit up." "And you?" "I ain't gonna lie." "I did the club thing for a while, but... some of those places, everybody in there's on some kind of game." "But Diedre went with Avon?" "She was with Avon for like a year... and something happened." "Toward the end, she started getting real possessive... and that didn't sit with Avon, 'cause he has other girls, too." "She started bitching on him one minute... crying the next minute, threatening to do all kinds of things." "She threatened Avon Barksdale?" "The girl was off the hook." "One time, she threatened to write a letter on him." "A letter." "A letter to the state's attorney." "Supposed to be some sort of kin to her." "She said that if he dumped her... she was gonna tell about the drugs." "Did she write this letter?" "I don't know." "I tried talking to her about the way she was acting, but she wouldn't let it go." "She even had it out with him in his club one night in front of all the people." "What, Avon has a club?" "Orlando's, titty bar." "Does he own it?" "That's what Diedre said." "She said he owned a whole mess of stuff." "Tell me something, man." "What's that?" "How can you run this place and not just OD on pussy?" "Shit." "You try dealing with all these bitches and their problems for a few days." "Get so you'd rather be running a goddamn laundromat out this fucker." "Heard you're doing okay in the Pit." "Yeah, well." "What, you ain't getting it like that?" "Man, my uncle still got me working on salary." "Damn, boy." "You ain't the only one your uncle keeps close." "What?" "Come on, man, you ain't making no ends?" "I know you getting something on this by now." "No, man." "I'm just the front, clean name for the liquor board." "I'm saying" "What the fuck?" "Is there a problem?" "That was for the drink before." "It was for this one." "It ain't like I'm calling your uncle out or nothing... but give a nigger a chance." "Plenty of pie out there for everybody." "Believe." "You heard Stinkum gonna be coming off the clock, right?" "Getting a percentage." "What?" "Open up fresh territory." "Take over the corners down near Edmondson and Brice." "So, my uncle gave that to Stink?" "Figured you knew." "Orlando!" "Excuse me, Orlando, can you help me down here, please?" "I already paid for that last drink." "That was for the drink before." "Hell, no, that was for this one." "What's up here?" "Look, he ain't paid for that drink and I took $20 off the bar." "Look she took $20, then $20 more." "Hell I did." "Come on, now, why you gonna do me like this?" "I been with you for an hour and a half buying drinks." "Look, man, this ain't right." "I just spent $1 20 in drinks, $40 in tips." "Now, you gonna take all that and still try to sneak into my pocket?" "Shit, girl!" "You got to go, get him the fuck outta here." "I ain't done so much as touch your kneecap." "Trying to treat her with a little respect, and this is the way you do me?" "Wait, wait!" "Why you do that?" "Did you take his money?" "No, I didn't take his money." "You buying me a drink?" "Can I see you sometime?" "Like, you know, not in here." "I don't usually see men that I meet in here." "Usually." "What kind of strip joint has a video camera looking out?" "More to it than the girls, maybe." "So, he's got the club, he's got the warehouse... he's got the apartment building by Druid Hill Lake... he's got the tow truck company... and that's just what she knew from what he bragged about to the dead girl." "Major likes assets." "The Deputy, too, I imagine." "Nothing like a few property forfeitures to swell the departmental operation budget." "Check city assessments to see who owns the club." "Run the company name through the state corporate charter office." "Also, Homicide picked up one Saturday night." "Might be one of ours." "John Bailey, he's a stick-up artist I used to know from the Murphy homes." "He was wearing Kevlar, but it didn't help." "39 casings on the scene, from three different guns." "Overkill for a burn bag... but about right if he was running with Omar." "Lookit, our buddy." "Just once, I wish they'd use the right number." "Ain't like him to be late." "Bailey, you fucking dope fiend." "I'm telling you... them fucking people ain't to be relied on." "Why you always gotta talk like that, man?" "What?" ""F" this and "f" that." "If I give it up, I lose half of what I mean to say." "Don't nobody want to hear them dirty words, man." "Especially coming from such a beautiful mouth." "Wait for Bailey?" "Early bird catches the worm, dog." "I beeped you." "I didn't get it." "Let me see." "You want to see my pager?" "Sure, Prez, you want to see my pager?" "I beeped you too." "You all right, Prez?" "714-3432?" "I got that." "That was you?" "You try it?" "Yeah, I tried it." "Twice." "Non-working number." "It would've worked if you knew the code." "Shit, I'm as surprised as you." "I like word-search puzzles." "You know, where you gotta find the hidden words?" "So, I thought I could do the same thing with the numbers." "Take the number I sent you." "Now, take the seven and jump it over the five." "You get three." "Jump the one over the five... you get nine." "With four you get six." "Three, that's seven, four is six... a three again... and two is eight." "Zero switches with the five." "So 714-3432 is... 396-7678." "Our number." "And that's the code?" "And it works, because it's all about where the buttons are on a phone." "If it was a code that involved math... or algebra or whatever... these little yos in the projects wouldn't be able to follow along." "But with this, all you gotta do is jump the five button." "Ain't no math to it." "It's just... how a phone looks when you look at it." "Prez, you little genius!" "Jesus." "I could kill you, that's so good." "Your mother keep ragging at me... to take him outta here and put him in a private nursing home." "You know, she ain't never gonna let that go." "I keep telling her, man, we can't show this legit money yet, man... especially since he ain't got no insurance." "Soon, though." "So, you ain't big on coming here, right?" "No." "Tell you something, man... you about to see your uncle, you understand me?" "This is family." "I know." "Family is what counts, family is what it's about." "Family gonna always be there 'cause it's blood." "Man." "You never figured on this, did you?" "Live the life, lead the life." "Ain't no big thing." "He used to talk that shit all the time and he believed it, you know what I'm saying?" "What's up, baby, talk that shit now." "You know, you're right." "It's kind of hard to be in here right now." "He scare you, don't he?" "You know, I'm just saying" "He scares me." "See, if he dead, you know, I could carry it better." "Coming up the way we did, you kind of expect that." "Waiting on it." "See... the thing is, you only got to fuck up once." "Be a little slow, be a little late." "Just once." "And how you ain't gonna never be slow... never be late?" "You can't plan for no shit like this, man." "It's life." "Scares me." "They're still using it." "I was by on Saturday night and it was gone." "On your own time?" "You still getting your boys?" "Yeah, tonight for a sleep-over." "Omar's rolling." "What the hell?" "Call for backup?" "Not yet." "Let's see how it plays out." "An invitation." "Feel a little lonesome for backup." "Yeah, me, too." "That's nice." "I'll check the rear." "I'll watch the boys." "Afternoon, gentlemen." "Saying, if you were gonna use that you would've been done using it by now." "It's clean." "Got to keep it clean." "We having one of our little parlays like this, got to keep it clean, right?" "Omar with no gun on the street?" "Must be a first." "Yeah, sometimes who you are is enough, dog." "But being as y'all sitting on my ride so long, I thought I'd save y'all some time." "Come straight on out." "I ain't taking no charge." "You ain't putting me back in no cage." "We're not here to bury you, Omar." "We're pulling you up 'cause we got a problem in common." "Problem?" "Barksdale." "No, he ain't no problem." "I don't know." "Avon's been chalking up a lot of bodies." "And you being you...." "Put it that way, I guess he could be a little problem... but I just can't really come out and help you all." "You know what I mean?" "Snitchin' just rubs me wrong." "Personally, I don't think the game is played like that." "We respect that." "If you do happen to take a charge though..." "I'm McNulty, that's Greggs." "You give us a call, we'll sort something out." "Fair enough." "You know, I used to work the homes, back when your brother was up there." "You get a chance..." "let him know they blew up John Bailey last night." "Good man." "Lot of enemies." "Saying, you trying to catch up with Bird?" "Word is he dropped a workin' man." "Wait, hold up." "Come on, don't play me." "What working' man, what Bird?" "Come on, now, ain't but one working man, now, is there?" "And Bird?" "I think your snitch can handle that." "Shit, Bubbles know Bird." "You working late?" "A little." "Got a minute?" "Sure, have a seat." "No, this is better said standing up." "You know, I've been 13 years on the shelf." "I ain't bitched." "It was me that put me there." "But I'm here now, and I gotta say a piece." "We should've had a tap on the project pay phones by now." "A wire there will get us the drugs." "Keep pushing, we'll get a whiff of the money, too." "I know you're serious about climbing that career ladder... and I know how slippery it gets the higher you go... but for me..." "I don't want to go to no dance unless I can rub some tit." "I appreciate your honesty." "Good night, Lieutenant." "So, what you say to make Dee pay out?" "I told him to give it up or I'm taking him out of the count." "Shit." "Look." "I'll pump niggers when I got to." "That's him." "That's who?" "One of the ones that robbed us." "That light-skinned boy." "That's him?" "All right, come on." "I'm the king of this shit." "So, you want us to wait?" "Yeah." "All right, we on it, man." "All right." "There goes Scar right there." "Right there in the blue?" "Number 80?" "Yeah, I'm on him." "All right, you got him?" "Find a phone real quick." "What's wrong?" "It looks like my man Dee got himself an emergency." "What, he been stuck up again?" "What's up, what do you need?" "My people are onto one of Omar's boys down at Greek's." "Word?" "All right, sit tight." "I'm gonna take care of it." "All right." "Ain't nobody coming." "Dee said wait." "Dee said wait." "Told you." "He still in there?" "Yeah, he's playing the games." "All right." "You are sharp, son." "What's your name?" "Wallace." "Wallace, all right." "This nigger's gonna point him out to us, all right?" "Yeah." "It's done." "Nice work, cuz." "All right." | {
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"I beg your pardon." "I forgot to knock." "I'm alone." "Aren't we all?" " You're late, 007." " I had to stop in the bathroom." "Ready to save the world again?" "After you, 006." "James, for England." "For England, Alec." "It's too easy." "Half of everything is luck, James." "And the other half?" "Fate." " Set timers: six minutes." " Six minutes, check." "Fire!" "Closing time, James!" "Last call!" "Buy me a pint." "This is Colonel Ourumov!" "Come out with your hands above your heads!" "How original." "Shut the door, Alec!" "There's a draft!" "Alec?" "Move out." "Throw down your weapon and walk towards me, slowly." "Finish the job, James!" "Blow them all to hell!" "You have ten seconds." "Ten... nine... eight... seven... six... five... four... three... two" "For England, James!" "Hold your fire!" "You'll blow the gas tanks!" "This is your last chance." "Come out with your hands above your" "Wait!" "You can't win." "Get out there!" "Move!" "Move it!" "Hold your fire!" "Wait!" "James, is it really necessary to drive quite so fast?" "More often than you'd think." "I enjoy a spirited ride as much as the next girl, but" " Who's that?" " The next girl." "James, stop this!" "Stop it!" "I know what you're doing." "Really?" "What's that, dear?" "You are just trying to show off the size of your, your" " Engine?" " Ego." "We're having a pleasant drive, and you've got to bring psychology into it." "I was just sent here to evaluate you." "Let's try and put that behind us, shall we?" "Ladies first." " James, I want you to stop this car." " Really?" "Stop this car at once!" "As you can see, I have no problem with female authority." "James, you're incorrigible." "What am I going to do with you?" "Well, let's toast your evaluation, shall we?" "A very thorough evaluation." "Madame wins." "Bet, Mademoiselle?" "No?" "Monsieur?" "Bets, ladies and gentlemen?" "No players?" "It appears we share the same passions." "Three, anyway." "I count two." "Motoring and baccarat." "Seven." "Madame wins." "I hope the third is where your real talent lies." "One rises to meet a challenge." "Madame stands with five." "Six." "Madame loses." "Enjoy it while it lasts." "The very words I live by." "And what words do you live by?" "The trick is to quit while you're still ahead." "That's one trick I've never learned." "Perhaps you'll show me how it's done." "Vodka martini." "Shaken, not stirred." "And for you?" "The same." "How do you take it?" "Straight up, with a twist." "Thank you, Mr.--?" "The name's Bond." "James Bond." "Xenia Zaragevna Onatopp." " Onatopp?" " Onatopp." "Your accent, Georgian?" "Very good, Mr. Bond." " You've been to Russia?" " Not recently." "I used to drop in occasionally." "Shoot in and out." "It's very different now, a land of opportunity." "With a new Ferrari in every garage?" "No, not quite." "That belongs to a friend." "A tip for your friend:" "The French registration plates for this year's model start with the letter 'L.'" "Even the counterfeit ones." "Oh." "And what rank do you hold... with the Motor Vehicles Department, Mr. Bond?" "Commander." " Shall we go?" " This one is an Admiral." "I like a woman who enjoys pulling rank." "Nice to meet you, Mr. Bond." "The pleasure, I'm sure, was all mine." "Transmission begins from Moneypenny." "Identification confirmed:" "Onatopp, Xenia." "Ex-Soviet fighter pilot." "Current suspected links to the Janus crime syndicate, St. Petersburg." "Yacht Manticore is leased to a known Janus corporate front." "M authorizes you to observe Miss Onatopp... but stipulates no contact without prior approval." "End transmission." "Moneypenny." "Good night, James." "I trust you'll stay 'on-a-topp' of things." "Xenia, I can't breathe!" "Yes!" "Yes!" "My respects, Admiral." "Delighted to have you aboard, Mademoiselle." "Ladies and gentlemen... please take your seats on the upper deck for the demonstration of the aircraft." "What you are about to see in operation... is Europe's answer to the electronic battlefield:" "the first working prototype of the Tiger helicopter." "Uniquely maneuverable, the Tiger not only uses stealth technology... it is the only helicopter to be hardened against... all forms of electronic interference... radio jamming and electromagnetic radiation." "I have a small surprise from your friends back at the barracks." "I think I've gone to heaven." "Not yet." "Now please welcome the pilots." "Lieutenant Commander Bernard Jaubert... and Lieutenant Francois Brouse." "Select Mir." "Autographic projection." "Compute possible intercept with second stage geo-sat two." "Anna." "He wouldn't know a woman if one came up and sat on his head." "Boris." " Boris!" " What?" "I thought I'd post it on the Internet, no?" " What's the password?" " I made it easy this time." "Even you should be able to break it, borscht for brains." "All right, all right, I'll give you a hint." "They're right in front of you and can open very large doors." "You're such a geek." "Yes, I'm in!" "You've hacked into the U.S. Department of Justice." "Do you know what will happen if they trace it here?" "The Chief of Computers will call me a genius... move me to Moscow and give me a million bucks hard currency." "I think not." "Besides, the Americans are slug-heads." "They'll never detect me." " You were saying, slug-head?" " Nobody screws with Boris Grishenko!" "Spiked them!" "Come on, Boris, just hang up." "No way!" "I spiked them!" "All right, what's the password?" "I'm not going to tell you." "Okay, let me guess." "It's not in front of me?" "You sit on it, but you can't take it with you." "My program seizes the phone line of whoever's tracing me... and jams their modem so they can't hang up." "Now the hunted becomes the hunter." "Better luck next time... slug-heads!" "Bang!" "Gone!" "I am invincible!" "Was it good for you, too?" "I'm getting some coffee." "I'm going for a cigarette." "General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov... head of Space Division." " General, if I'd known" " You'd have been ready." "This is an unscheduled test of the Severnaya facility." "War simulation." "We are going to test-fire GoldenEye." "Report your status." "Two operational satellites, sir:" "Petya and Mischa... both in 90-minute earth orbit at 100 kilometers." "Good." "Here is the authorization code." "Now, the GoldenEye and today's access numbers for satellite Petya, please." "I am timing you." "Good." "Thank you, Major." "On my count." "Three... two... one." "Set target:" "Severnaya." "Arm the weapon." "Check it!" "Their best response time is 19 minutes." "They'll be late." "It's clean." "I had to ventilate someone." " Good evening, Moneypenny." " Good evening, James." "M will meet you in the situation room." "I'm to take you straight in." "I've never seen you after hours, Moneypenny." "Lovely." " Thank you, James." " Out on a professional assignment?" "Dressing to kill?" "I know you'll find this crushing, 007... but I don't sit at home every night praying for an international incident... so I can run down here all dressed up to impress James Bond." "I was on a date with a gentleman." "We went to the theater together." "Moneypenny, I'm devastated." "What would I ever do without you?" "As far as I can remember, James, you've never had me." "Hope springs eternal." "You know, this sort of behavior could qualify as sexual harassment." "Really?" "What's the penalty for that?" "Someday you have to make good on your innuendos." " After you, Moneypenny." " No, I insist." "You first." " Good evening, 007." " Tanner." "What's up?" "Sixteen minutes ago, we intercepted a distress call... from a supposedly abandoned radar station at Severnaya." "Look what the satellite picked up." "We found a match:" "your missing Tiger." "In the middle of Northern Russia." "It seems your hunch was right, 007." "It's too bad the evil Queen of Numbers wouldn't let you play it." " You were saying?" " No, I was just" "Good." "Because if I want sarcasm, Mr. Tanner, I'll talk to my children." " Good evening, 007." " Good evening, M." "The Prime Minister's waiting for an update." "Proceed with your briefing, Mr. Tanner." "Thank you." "After the distress signal, your helicopter took off... and the Russians scrambled these three MIGs here to intercept it." "What do you think the Russians are using the base for?" "Well, at one point we suspected Severnaya might be the ground station... for a secret space-based weapons program called GoldenEye, but" "Our statistical analysis saw they had... neither the finance nor technology to implement it." "Numbers were never my strong suit." "Are these pictures live?" "Unlike the American government, we prefer not to get our bad news from CNN." "Negative so far." "Everything seems normal." "What the bloody hell was that?" "Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova." "Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova!" "Boris!" "Boris!" "Thanks." "Our satellite is knocked out." "So are two of the Americans." "We have another coming into range... now." "Good God." "Two of the MIGs are down." "And it looks like the third went into the dish." "What do you think?" "No lights." "Not one single electric light on in a 30-mile radius." "E.M.P.?" " That explains the MIGs and satellites." " And the blackout." "Electromagnetic Pulse:" "a first-strike satellite weapon developed by the" "The Americans and Soviets during the Cold War." "I've read the brief." "Discovered after Hiroshima." "Set off a nuclear device in the upper atmosphere." "Creates a pulse... a radiation surge that destroys everything with an electronic circuit." "The idea being to knock out the enemy's communications... before he, she, or they could retaliate." "So, GoldenEye exists." "Yes." " Could this be an accident?" " No." "The helicopter." "If you wanted to steal the GoldenEye, it was the perfect getaway vehicle." "Setting off the blast was the ideal way to wipe out any trace of the crime." "The Janus group?" "It may have been involved with the helicopter." "I know the Russian failsafe systems." "You don't just walk in and ask for the keys to the bomb." "You need the access codes." "It had to be an insider." "And at least one person probably knows who it is." "Very well, sir." "Thank you." "Good night." "The Prime Minister's talked to Moscow." "They're saying it was an accident during a routine training exercise." "Governments change." "The lies stay the same." "What else do we know about the Janus syndicate?" "Topflight arms dealers, headquartered in St. Petersburg." "The first outfit to restock the Iraqis during the Gulf War." "The head man's unreliably described." "No photographs." "The woman, Onatopp... is our only confirmed contact." " Would you care for a drink?" " Thank you." " Your predecessor kept cognac in the" " I prefer bourbon." " Ice?" " Yes." "We've pulled the files on anyone who might have had access... or authority at Severnaya." "The top name on the list is an old friend of yours, I understand." "Ourumov." "They made him a General." "He sees himself as the next Iron Man of Russia." "So our political analysts rule him out." "He doesn't fit the profile of a traitor." "Are these the same analysts who said that GoldenEye couldn't exist?" "Who said the helicopter posed no immediate threat... and wasn't worth following?" "You don't like me, Bond." "You don't like my methods." "You think I'm an accountant... a 'bean counter,' more interested in my numbers than your instincts." " The thought had occurred to me." " Good." "Because I think you're a sexist, misogynist dinosaur." "A relic of the Cold War... whose boyish charms, though wasted on me, obviously appeal... to that young woman I sent out to evaluate you." " Point taken." " Not quite, 007." "If you think for one moment I don't have the balls to send a man out to die... your instincts are dead wrong." "I've no compunction about sending you to your death." "But I won't do it on a whim, even with your cavalier attitude towards life." "I want you to find GoldenEye." "Find who took it, what they plan to do with it, and stop it." "And if you should come across Ourumov, guilty or not..." "I don't want you running off on some kind of vendetta." "Avenging Alec Trevelyan will not bring him back." " You didn't get him killed." " Neither did you." "Don't make it personal." "Never." "Bond." "Come back alive." "Good morning, General Ourumov." "Defense Minister Mishkin, gentlemen." "Please deliver your report." "As this Council is aware, 72 hours ago... a secret weapon system code-named GoldenEye was detonated over Severnaya." "As head of Space Division..." "I personally undertook the investigation." "I have concluded this crime was committed by Siberian separatists... seeking to create political unrest." "Regrettably, the peaceful work... and much-needed hard currency earnings of Severnaya... have been set back by several years." "Therefore, I tender my resignation." "It seems the Council does not want your head, Arkady Grigorovich." "Merely your loyal assurance that there are no other GoldenEye satellites." "I can give you that assurance, Defense Minister." "And what of the two missing Severnaya technicians?" "I was aware only of the one, Boris Grishenko." "There was a girl also whose body was not among the dead." "Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova, a level-two programmer." "I will investigate immediately, Defense Minister." "It would seem presumptuous, General... to blame this incident on Siberian separatists... before the whereabouts of your own people are determined." "Do you agree?" "Yes, Defense Minister." "Thank you for bringing it to my attention." "That will be all." "Morning, Q. Sorry about the leg." "Skiing?" "Hunting!" "Right." "Now pay attention, 007." "First, your new car, BMW." "Agile, five forward gears, all-points radar... self-destruct system... and naturally, all the usual refinements." "Now, this I'm particularly proud of." "Behind the headlights, Stinger missiles." "Excellent." "Just the thing for unwinding after a rough day at the office." "Need I remind you, 007... that you have a license to kill... not to break the traffic laws." " I wouldn't think of it." " Good." "Right." "Let's get on to more practical matters." "A typical leather belt." "Male, size 34, buckle notch." " Have you finished?" " Yes." "Good." "A typical leather belt." "Q, I'm familiar with that device." "Not one with a 75-foot rappelling cord built into the buckle." "Fire, and out shoots a piton... followed by a high-tensile wire designed to support your weight." "I see." "And what if I need additional support?" "It's tested for one, 007." "Flight 878 to St. Petersburg." "X-ray document scanner." "A pen." "This is a Class Four grenade." "Three clicks arms the four-second fuse." "Another three disarms it." "How long did you say the fuse was?" "Oh, grow up, 007!" "They always said the pen was mightier than the sword." "Thanks to me, they were right." "Look, let's ask Freddie here to demonstrate for us." "Here we are." "Sorry about this, Fred." "One... two... three." "Don't say it." "The writing's on the wall?" "Along with the rest of him." "Now, 007, do please try and return some of" "Do please try and return some of this equipment in pristine order." "Don't touch that!" "It's my lunch." "In London, April's a spring month." "Oh, yeah?" "And what are you, the weatherman?" "For crying out loud, another stiff-assed Brit... with your secret codes and your passwords." "One of these days you guys are going to learn just to drop it." "Come on, my car's over there." " After you." " Thank you." "Like you said, drop it." "In London, April's a spring month... whereas in St. Petersburg we're freezing our butts off!" "Now, is that close enough for government work?" "No." "Show me the rose." "Please, no." "All right, all right, all right!" " Muffy?" " Third wife." " Jack Wade, CIA." " James Bond, stiff-assed Brit." " That's a nice move." " Nice car." "This baby hasn't let me down yet." "She's an ugly little bitch, but she gets you there." "Hey, Bond, you do any gardening?" "Hand me that wrench, Jimmy?" " What do you know about Janus?" " Zilch." "Zipsky." "No one's ever seen him." "But the man's connected up the kazoo." "KGB, military." "Screwdriver." "Rumor has it, he lives on one of those old Soviet missile trains... that armored stuff they ran around the country so we couldn't target them." "Want to hand me that hammer, Jimbo?" "No, the bigger one." "The sledge." "Anyways, to tell the truth, you don't find this guy." "He finds you." "Hell, it's all Russian Mafia." "The best thing I can do is point you in the direction of his competition." " Who is the competition?" " An ex-KGB guy." "A tough mother." "Got a limp on his right leg." "Name's Zukovsky." " Valentin Dimiterveych Zukovsky?" " Yeah." "You know him?" "I gave him the limp." "Yes?" "Are these all you have?" "How many do you want?" "Twenty-four for the American school, eleven for the Swedish." "IBM compatible with 500 meg. hard drives..." "CD ROM and 14.4 modems." " Will you pay dollars?" " Of course." "If madame would require a demonstration, I could" "Madame requires one demonstration model and a quiet place to test it." "Natalya." "Is everything satisfactory?" "Everything except the interruption." "Now let me get you straight, Jimmy." "You shot him in the leg, you stole his car, you took his girl." "And now you want Valentin Zukovsky to set you up with Janus?" "Yes." "Well, what are you going to do?" "Appeal to his heart?" "No, his wallet." "Oh, that might work." "Okay, show time." "Valentin operates out of building number 23 there." "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Last guy who dropped in uninvited went home airfreight... in very small boxes." "Make sure they send me home first-class." "Natalya, it's me!" "It's Boris!" "It's Boris!" "It's Boris!" "Hello." "Another morning shot to hell." "Free market economy." "I swear it will be the end of me." "Walther PPK, 7.65 millimeter." "Only three men I know use such a gun." "I believe I've killed two of them." "Lucky me." "I think not." "James Bond." "Charming, sophisticated secret agent." "Shaken but not stirred." "I see you haven't lost your delicate sense of humor, Valentin, huh?" "Or your need for an audience." "Who's strangling the cat?" "Strangling a cat?" "That is Irina, my mistress." "A very talented girl." "Irina!" "Take a hike!" "So, Mr. Bond... what is it that brings you to my neighborhood, hmm?" "Still working for MI6... or have you decided to join the 21st century?" "I hear the new M is a lady." "I want you to do me a favor." "He wants me to do him a favor!" "My knee aches... every single day, twice as bad when it is cold." "Have you any idea how long the winter lasts in this country, hmm?" "Tell him, Dimitri!" " Well, it depends" " Silence!" "For an ex-KGB agent, you surprise me, Valentin." "Someone of your stature must've realized the skill was not to hit your knee... but to..." "miss the rest of you." "So why did you not kill me?" "Call it professional courtesy." "Then I should extend you the same courtesy." "Kirov's funeral parlor, 4:00 this afternoon." "Two hundred pounds of C4 explosives hidden in a casket." "Your man drives the hearse in, the money's exchanged... their man drives the hearse out." "Their man will be arrested with the explosives." "Your man will make a miraculous escape with the money." "Your money." "And what do I owe for this accommodation?" "I want you to set me up..." "with Janus." "What has he done to deserve you?" " Stole a helicopter." " I have six." "Three." "None that fly." "Who's counting?" "These are not just criminals, Valentin, they're traitors." "They used the chopper to steal a nuclear weapon." "Killed a lot of innocent Russians doing it." " What do you expect from a Cossack?" " Who?" "This Janus, I've never met the man, but I know he's a Lienz Cossack." "Group that worked for the Nazis against the Russians, Second World War." "You know your history, Mr. Bond." "At the end of the war... the Lienz Cossacks surrendered to the British in Austria... believing they'd join your government and wage war against the communists." "But, the British betrayed them... sent them promptly back to Stalin who promptly had them all shot-- women, children, families." "Not exactly our finest hour." "Still, ruthless people." "They got what they deserved." "I want you to set me up with Janus." "Tell him I'm asking about the chopper." "You're going to meet me tonight at the Grand Hotel Europe." "And then, you and I are even and he owes me one?" "Precisely." "You don't need the gun, Commander." "That depends on your definition of 'safe sex.'" "That's close enough." "Not for what I have in mind." "Oh, you think you can hurt me?" "You think you can break me?" "Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!" "No, no, no." "No more foreplay." "Take me to Janus." " This is it?" " Yes." "Well, I must say, I've had a lovely evening." "You?" "Well, once again, the pleasure was all yours." "You'll understand if I don't call." "I won't lose sleep over it." "Sweet dreams." "Hello, James." " Alec?" " Back from the dead." "No longer just an anonymous star on the memorial wall at MI6." "What's the matter, James?" "No glib remark?" "No pithy comeback?" "Why?" "Hilarious question, particularly from you." "Did you ever ask why?" "Why we toppled all those dictators, undermined all those regimes?" "Only to come home: 'Well done, good job." "But sorry, old boy." "Everything you risked your life and limb for has changed.'" " It was the job we were chosen for." " Of course you'd say that." "James Bond, Her Majesty's loyal terrier... defender of the so-called 'faith.'" "Oh, please, James, put it away." "It's insulting to think I haven't anticipated your every move." "Yes." " I trusted you, Alec." " Trust?" "What a quaint idea." "How did the MI6 screening miss that your parents were Lienz Cossacks?" "Once again, your faith is misplaced." "They knew." "We're both orphans, James." "But where your parents had the luxury of dying in a climbing accident... mine survived the British betrayal and Stalin's execution squads." "But my father couldn't let himself, or my mother, live with the shame of it." "MI6 figured I was too young to remember." "And in one of life's little ironies... the son went to work for the government whose betrayal... caused the father to kill himself and his wife." "Hence, Janus." "The two-faced Roman god come to life." "It wasn't God who gave me this face, it was you... setting the timers for three minutes instead of six." "Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?" "No." "You're supposed to die for me." "Oh, by the way..." "I did think of asking you to join my little scheme... but somehow I knew... 007's loyalty was always to the mission, never to his friend." "Closing time, James." "Last call." "For England, James." "Wake up!" "Mister!" "Wake up, please!" " Wake up!" " I'm here." " I'm here!" " Hurry!" "Hurry up!" "Come out!" "Pull yourself together!" "We're going to die!" "Do something!" "Get us out of here!" "I'm a little tied up-- Never mind." "The things that we do for 'frequent flyer' mileage." "Here, let me help you." "That's it, mind your head." "Let me go!" "Who are you?" "Listen, I'm on your side." "I'm here to help you." " I don't know anything." " I don't believe you." " I don't care what you believe." " Look!" "They might be back for us any minute." "You either take your chances with me... or your fellow countrymen who killed everyone at Severnaya." "I've never been to Severnaya." "Your watch has." "Frozen by the GoldenEye blast." "And I'm willing to bet you're the one who climbed up the dish to get out." " Who are you?" " I work for the British government." "And the more you tell me, the more I can help you." " But I don't know anything!" " Then let's start with what you do know." "My name is Natalya Simonova." "I was a systems programmer at Severnaya facility until" "Go on." " Until they killed everyone." " Who?" "Alec Trevelyan?" "No." "I don't know who that is." "Who was the insider?" "Who was the traitor?" "Boris." "Boris Grishenko." " KGB or military?" " Computer programmer." " There was no one else?" " No." "They're going to kill me, aren't they?" "Trust me." "Trust you?" "I don't even know your name." "Good morning, Mr. Bond." "Sit." "I'm Defense Minister Dimitri Mishkin." "So, by what means shall we execute you, Commander Bond?" "What, no small talk?" "No chitchat?" "That's the trouble with the world today." "No one takes the time to do a sinister interrogation anymore." "It's a lost art." "Your sense of humor doesn't slay me, Commander." "I'm sorry." " Where is the GoldenEye?" " I assumed you had it." "I have an English spy, a Severnaya programmer and the helicopter they took." "That's what some traitor in your government wanted it to look like." " Who was behind the attack on Severnaya?" " Who had the authorization codes?" "Russia may have changed, but the penalty for terrorism is still death!" " And what's the penalty for treason?" " Stop it, both of you!" "Stop it!" "You're like boys with toys." "It was Ourumov." "General Ourumov set off the weapon." "I saw him do it." "Are you certain it was Ourumov?" "Yes." "He killed everyone and stole the GoldenEye." "And why would he do that?" "There is another satellite." "Another GoldenEye?" "Thank you, Miss Simonova." "You were saying something about the lost art of interrogation, Mr. Bond?" "Defense Minister, I must protest!" "This is my investigation." "You are out of order." "From what I am hearing, it is you who's out of order!" " I have seen this gun before." " Put it down." " In the hand of our enemy." " Put it down, General!" "Do you even know who the enemy is, Dimitri?" " Do you?" " Guard!" "Defense Minister Dimitri Mishkin... murdered by a British agent, James Bond." "Himself shot while trying to escape." "Guards!" "Come on!" "They're in the archives!" "Down!" "Spread out!" "Cover the other side!" "Trust me." "Go now!" "Faster!" "Damn it!" "Down the alley!" "Use the bumper!" "That's what it's for!" "What was that?" "Go left!" "Get out!" "Either you've brought me the perfect gift, General Ourumov... or you've made me a very unhappy man." "Mishkin got to them before I could." "Bond is alive?" "He escaped." "Good for Bond." "Bad for you." "Take a seat, my dear." "You know, James and I shared everything." "Absolutely everything." "To the victor go the spoils." "You'll like it where we're going." "You may even learn to like me." "Stay with her." "Bond." "Only Bond." "He's going to derail us." "Full speed!" "Full speed!" "Ram him!" "Why can't you just be a good boy and die?" "You first." "You... second." "Up!" "Situation analysis: hopeless." "You have no backup, no escape route." "And I have the only bargaining chip." "Where is she?" "Oh, yes." "Your fatal weakness." "Ourumov, bring her in." "Lovely girl." "Tastes like..." "like strawberries." " I wouldn't know." " I would." "So, back where we started, James." "Your friend or the mission." "Drop the gun." "I'll let her live." "Ourumov, what has this Cossack promised you?" "You knew, didn't you?" "He's a Lienz Cossack." " It's in the past." " He'll betray you!" " Just like everyone else." " Is this true?" "What's true is that in 48 hours you and I will have more money than God." "And Mr. Bond here will have a small memorial service... with only Moneypenny and a few tearful restaurateurs in attendance." "So, what's the choice, James?" "Two targets." "Time enough for one shot." "The girl, or the mission?" "Kill her." "She means nothing to me." "See you in hell, James." "One-inch armor plating." "I'm fine, thank you very much!" " Boris, yes!" " What are you doing?" "Boris is on-line, backing up his files." "If I can spike him, I might be able to find out where they're going." "But don't stand there!" "Get us out of here!" "Yes, sir." "Good luck with the floor, James." "I set the timers for six minutes-- the same six minutes you gave me." "It was the least I could do for a friend." " What does that mean?" " We've got three minutes." "What else do you call your butt?" " What?" " It's Boris' password." "He plays word games: 'What I sit on, but I don't take it with me.'" " Chair." " Like I said." "Thirty seconds." "He's not in Russia, Germany, Paris, London, Madrid." "Twenty-five seconds." "New York, Toronto, Chicago, San Francisco." "Twenty seconds!" "Mexico City, Rio, Miami." " Come on!" " Wait!" "He's in Cuba, Havana." "No." "Now!" "Do you destroy every vehicle you get into?" "Standard operating procedure." "'Boys with toys.'" "Maybe I should take care of the transportation for our trip to Cuba." "Our trip?" "Do you know how to disarm the weapon?" "I suppose that depends on what kind of weapon you're talking about disarming." "So, tell me." "Are there any other standard operating procedures..." "I should be aware of, Commander?" "Thousands." "But I only pay them... lip service." "My whole life, I dreamed about coming to the Caribbean." "It's so beautiful." "Not another human being in sight." "What is it with you and moving vehicles?" "Yo, Jimbo!" "Brought a little gift from old what's-his-name, uh, T, Z--?" " Q." " Yeah." " What are you doing here, Wade?" " Banyan trees." "I am not here." "The CIA has no knowledge, no involvement, absolutely nothing to do... with your insertion into Cuba, if you catch my drift." "Yes, I do, perfectly." "Borrowed the plane from a friend of mine in the DEA." "Now, the Coast Guard and the FAA are both in the loop." "You're cleared on our radar for 0600 hours." "Here's the latest Sat-Int from Langley." " Stay below 600 feet." " 500 feet." " Who's that?" " Natalya Siminova." "Natalya Simonova." "Russian Minister of Transportation." "Did you check her out?" " Head to toe." " Right." "So, you're looking for a dish the size of a football field, huh?" "Doesn't exist." "You can't light a cigar in Cuba without us seeing it." "I know it's there." "It's a duplicate of Severnaya, like your secret transmitters in New Zealand." "I've never been to New Zealand." "How'd she know about that?" "What if I need backup?" "Get on the radio." "I'll send in the Marines." "Anyway, hang a left at the end of the runway." " Cuba's 80 miles on your right." " Yo, Wade." "Just one thing:" "Don't push any of the buttons on that car." " I was going to go bombing around in it." " Exactly." "Yo, James, I got faith." "But be careful." "He knows you're coming." "He was your friend, Trevelyan?" "And now he's your enemy and you will kill him." "It is that simple?" "In a word, yes." "Unless he kills you first." " Natalya" " You think I'm impressed?" "All of you with your guns, your killing, your death." "For what?" "So you can be a hero?" " All the heroes I know are dead." " Natalya, listen to me." "How can you act like this?" "How can you be so cold?" "It's what keeps me alive." "No." "It's what keeps you alone." "James?" "Yes?" "On the train... when you told him to kill me and I meant nothing to you... did you mean it?" "Yes." "Basic rule:" "always call their bluff." "No." "Turn ten degrees south, bearing one-eight-four." "Yes, sir." "Nothing." "There is nothing here." "Let's make another pass." "Maybe Wade was right." "There is no dish." "Natalya." "This time, Mr. Bond, the pleasure will be all mine." "Wait for your turn." "She always did enjoy a good squeeze." "Is the satellite in range?" " Six minutes." " Prepare the dish." "No!" "It's too early." "I am not ready." "Do it!" "No wonder we couldn't see it." "Come on." "The world's greatest cash card." "It had better not be rejected." " Mischa is on-line." " Sir." "Kill him!" "The man just won't take a hint." " Target coordinates?" " The target is London." "He's getting ready to signal the satellite." " How do you stop it?" " The transmitter above the antenna" "Antenna in position." "On my count." "Three... two... one." "God save the Queen." "The mainframe computer." "Don't move." "James!" "What an unpleasant surprise." " We aim to please." " Where's the girl?" "Find her!" "So, how is old Q?" "Up to his usual tricks?" "The watch." "A new model." "Still press here, do I?" "Interesting setup, Alec." "You break into the Bank of England via computer... and then transfer the money electronically... just seconds before you set off the GoldenEye... which erases any record of the transactions." " Ingenious." " Thank you, James." "But it still boils down to petty theft." "In the end, you're just a bank robber." "Nothing more than a common thief." "You always did have a small mind, James." "It's not just erasing bank records." "It's everything on every computer in Greater London:" "tax records, the stock market, credit ratings, land registries... criminal records." "In 16 minutes and 43 sec" "No, 42 seconds-- the United Kingdom will reenter the Stone Age." "A worldwide financial meltdown." "And all so mad little Alec can settle a score with the world 50 years on." "Oh, please, James." "Spare me the Freud." "I might as well ask you if all the vodka martinis ever silence the screams... of all the men you've killed." "Or if you find forgiveness in the arms of all those willing women... for all the dead ones you failed to protect." "England is about to learn the cost of betrayal... inflation-adjusted for 1945." " Welcome to the party, my dear." " Natalya!" "Don't ever do that again!" "This is not one of your games, Boris." "Real people will die!" "You pathetic little worm." "She was in the mainframe." "Check the computer." "She's a moron." "A second-level programmer." "She works on the guidance system." "She doesn't even have access to the firing codes." "Retrorockets firing!" "What the hell's happening?" "We will have reentry in..." "12 minutes!" " It will burn up over the Atlantic." " Deal with it!" "She changed the access codes!" "Well, then she can fix it." "Go ahead, shoot him." "He means nothing to me." "I can do it!" " I can break her codes." " Then get on with it!" "Tell him, now!" "Give me the codes, Natalya!" "Give them to me!" " Can Boris break your codes?" " Possibly." "Possibly?" "We have to destroy the transmitter." "By the way, I'm fine, thank you very much." "Do you know how to use one of these?" "Yes." "Good." "Stay out of sight." " How long?" " Two minutes." "One minute." " Guard!" " I'm fixing it!" "If he moves, kill him." "Yes!" "I am invincible!" "You know, James..." "I was always better." "Alpha One to Gunship." "Alpha One to Gunship!" "Speak to me!" "For England, James?" "No." "For me." "Yes!" "I am invincible!" "James!" "James!" "Are you all right?" "Yes, I'm fine, thank you." "Suppose someone is watching?" "No." "There's no one within 25 miles, believe me." "Yo, Jimbo!" "Is this supposed to be your idea of, uh, coming through in a clinch?" "It's tobacco plants." "I said I'd be here, huh?" "Yo!" "Marines!" "Maybe you two would like to finish debriefing each other at Guantanamo." " You ready?" " I'm not going on a helicopter with you." "No plane, no train, nothing that moves." "Darling, what could possible go wrong, eh?" | {
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} |
"I looked up all the documents from before you were adopted." "Before you were adopted, you were reported as an orphan." "I went to the neighborhood and asked around." "Luckily, there was a woman who remembered you." "Thank you very much." "I'll never forget your help." "Hey, you bitch!" "Where the hell do you think you're going?" " Pay up..." " Let go, you bitch!" "Why you, bitch!" "You're stealing a zipper that's only a dollar?" "Is this the way you sew on a zipper?" "Of course, this is the way!" "How else, bitch?" "She's the one I told you about!" "Ugh... dumb, fat bitch... huh." "Scratching a person's face like this." "Hello." "This is the man I told you about." " Then... this is..." "Jin-woo?" " Yes." "I wanted to see you because there's something you should know." "Sit, sit here." "I was hoping to have this time with you some day." "It's a long story..." "Today, commentator Bang speaks about the Kwangjoo incident." "Hello." "This is Young-jin Bang" "Today, I'd like to talk about the military that has entered Kwangjoo." "The difficulties the military had in stabilizing the crisis is well known." "The military under martial law worked hard to bring it under control." "It is well understood that it was hard for the military to protect the innocent majority of Kwangjoo who are citizens of this country." "Thus the army acted cautiously." "We will not forget their endeavors." "The Martial Law headquarters released its report on the Kwangjoo riot today." "According to the report, there were 33 main instigators," "30 who attacked the prisons, 33 looters who also set fires, 174 who left the main party, 10 who spread rumors, and 74 who participated in demonstrations or riot" ""The river is flowing..." "Underneath the Third Han Bridge..."" "Hey" "Did you see the guy who moved into the second floor?" "He looks real elegant" "His fingers are white and really long" "What good are pretty hands, you fool" "Look at Kyung-chul." "He easily makes 10 bucks a day." "Ugh... whatever." "Who cares if he's a good worker" "You crazy bitch!" "Then what's great about pretty hands?" "What's he gonna use them for" "You haven't got a clue..." "A fool, that's what you are." "Ki-ok, all you do is curse" "Stop it." "It's irritating." "Huh!" "Am I wrong?" "It's not like his thing is pretty." "Who cares about his hands, right?" "Ki-ok!" "You do know something, don't you?" "You go, girl!" "Ugh..." "I'm sick of this neighborhood" "I've gotta get out of here." "So let's get out together, okay?" "They say the discomfort index is high today." "But I can't tell." "Just like I don't know about pleasure," "I don't know about discomfort either." "I'm just used to this space." "I couldn't take such humid weather before." "But once you get used to it, it feels comfortable." "That's life for me." "The fact that there's nothing for me to do is also comfortable." "I just have to live." "It's okay to just feel alive every now and then" "So many fucking bills." "And no one who cares." "Dammit..." "You should've told me before if it fell out" "You gotta take care of these things right away" "I fixed it good now." " When are you going to paint this?" " Soon." " Dammit!" "Get over here!" " Oh... at it again, those crazy fools." "Hurry, it's your move" "Why are you so slow" "What kind of move is that" " Who says you're a great player, huh?" " Move your 'cha,"cha, '..." "What do you mean 'cha?" "' I win if I do this" "Give it, give it" "The girls at the teahouse in front they smoke really cool." "How" "Look at you..." " But where do you hide your ciggies?" " My cigarettes?" "Wo" "Plan on working at a match factory" " Let me see." " What the hell..." "Dammit!" "I stepped on shit!" "Yuck" "What's the ring for" "You know." "It's Detective Im's son's first birthday" "He has all the luck" "Gets promoted..." "You know what" "I think I'm gonna get my job back soon" "They know I took the fall for them that I didn't do it." "Just wait a little." "They said they'd call me back" "Our troubles are over" "We'll live like we used to" "I'm confident" "Just be patient" "We'll get out of this shitty neighborhood..." ""Who said love was beautiful..." ""Rather, rather..." "Put me to sleep with your empty hands."" "I went to a friend's house yesterday" "His sister was sleeping" "I put my hands under her skirt" "Crazy bastard" "Who the hell" "I'll kill you" "You!" "It was you, right?" "Stupid bastard" "Look!" "Look!" "Crazy bastard..." "Dammit..." "Shit" "Who put this..." "Wait till I get my hands on you..." "Fresh cabbages" "Fresh cabbages from Kangwon" "If I catch the bastard, I'll stick his head in the can." " What kind of sick pig peeks at that?" " Exactly." "Hey, are you talking to us" "Mr. Park, I beg you, change the bathroom door." "Why me" "Plus, today's a holiday." "Why'd you come here?" "Why don't you go use your own bathroom..." "I won't mention names but there's a price who's ruining the neighborhood" "You can't even take a dump in our own neighborhood." "When I catch him, I'll fuck his life up good" "What?" "Fuck his life up?" "Don't talk like that, Ki-ok" "Fuck up his life cause he saw her take a dump" "Is that a thing to say" "I'm not being mean." "That's how the world is today." "Say the wrong thing and they'll tear you apart" "Peeking into the bathroom, that's a crime!" "A big one!" "Im... im..." "Young-mi" "What was that in the papers a few days back" "Immoral behavior?" "The thing that they're trying to set an example with?" "That's it!" "Immoral behavior!" "Set an example." "What?" "What?" "What'd you say" "Well, you know..." "I don't wanna b too mean living in the same neighborhood." "But there's a bastard who doesn't seem to get it" "And if that's the case, you're part of the problem, too." "Boy, you're so smart, aren't you" "I don't get a word you said." "What?" "Set what" "Set an example!" "You don't need to get it all." "If you don't want to be dragged of and tortured then watch out." "It's a scary world right now" "Let's go." "Peeking into the bathroom..." "What?" "What?" "Torture?" "Man..." "She's so full of herself..." "These mosquitoes are driving me crazy" "Why aren't you sleeping?" "Come here" "I'm gonna steam some yams" "Don't pee there." "Go over there" ""My love who has left me"" ""if I could only meet him today..."" ""With my tired lips, I can tell you all about it." "Where is everybody" ""..." "I've lived, unaware of the world." "How far are you going to follow me" "Wanna go see the circus?" "I happen to have two tickets." "No thanks" " Can I see your place?" " No!" "Oh... how about tomorrow night at 8" "Okay" ""The river is flowing..."" "Cut it out" ""I'm so... fucking embarrassed." "Hey!" "What is that" "Do we always gotta listen to country" "Let's get some culture." "Crazy bastard." "Do you even know the title" "You making fun of me" "It was as popular as Paul Anka, Diana" "Do you even know that" ""I'm so... fucking embarrassed."" "Sure, no matter what you spit out no bitch here can understand you." "We have nothing to do with English except for 'thank you. '" "What" "What" "I'm telling you it's something like Diana" "Are you crazy?" "Hey" "Polka Inca, Diamond, whatever what the hell are you throwing at me" "Dammit..." "Hey!" "Pick that up!" "Pick it up" "Well... you were laughing at me..." "That's why..." "I'm out of here" "Hey!" "Where are you going" "What are the torture camps doing?" "Not taking that one..." "What did you say?" "Bitch..." "You brat, you out of your mind" "We've a big load to send out in two days" "Did you even do your job" " Kyung-chul." " Yes." "Is this a dance hall" "What are you doing" "Stop being full of yourself an undo these stitches, will ya?" "I'm sorry." "It's just that you're so beautiful." "It was you the last time too, wasn't it" "You always look so lonely" "Why doesn't your husband look at you" "How do you know that" "Over there" "I'm sorry I couldn't make it last time" "I had to work overtime." "Do you work in the factory out front" "I'm just a low-level worker right no but one day, I'll have my own store" "I have a savings account, too." "In a few years, I'll have enough." "I'm different from the people around here" " Some thread here..." " What are you doing?" "It must've gotten there at work." "I had to do a lot today" "Do I have any on my back" " Yes..." " Could you take them off?" "Sure" "Get that bastard!" "Get him" "You bastard" "Hey!" "Hey, you dick" "Grab that guy for me!" "You bastard" "What's wrong with you" "Get him" "Crazy bastard!" "Come out!" "Come out" "Move, you fucking bastard" "Should I kill you or cripple you, you son of a bitch" "Fucking asshole, you think you're still a cop?" "Huh?" "Stinking security guard" "Don't shoot" "Don't shoot" "Calm down." "Calm down." "What's wrong with everybody?" "We're neighbors." "Why do this" "Calm down..." "Ki-ok, what's going on" "Don't cry." "Tell me" "Why I..." "I was taking a dump an" "I saw this bastard's eyes through the door." "Fucking bastard!" "This is all your fault" "I told you to change the bathroom door" "And you didn't!" "What?" "Why is that my fault" " I lost a lot of hair, right?" " I can't tell." "You think that's all?" "That dickhead tried to rape me." "Shit!" "When did I" "You think I have no bitch to have that I'd do you?" "Fuck" " What'd you say, dick!" " Why are you guys doing this?" "Fucking pisses me off when I think of lying by that shithole!" "Scum, you gotta push me down there, huh?" "Dirty pig!" "Fuckin' ass!" "Alright, I hear you." "Let's go." "We'll need your statement, too." "Come on!" "Do I go too?" "Rape's a crime by complaint." "Let's go." "Wait." "There's no need..." "Dammit, rape's a serious complaint." "We gotta to report it." "Um, thanks for catching him but you don't seem to understand." "Pisses me off just living in the same neighborhood with this crazy bastard." "But compliment?" "Young-mi, did I ever compliment this asshole?" "She never did." "This crime is no compliment, it's not." "Who said it was a compliment?" "I meant, you have to file a complaint." " You get it now?" " Man..." "You crazy bastard, you think this is funny?" "Enough." "You see... it's hot and he's young, his blood boils..." "It doesn't matter." "You, follow me." "To the station." "Ki-ok, come a little later." "Who is it" "Your husband seems very insecure" "But how did you two meet" "I want to know" "My father was suspected of having ties to the student movement." "It must've been because he le his students hide out in his attic." "He had to leave the school" "And he went into hiding" "I asked my husband a few time but he says he doesn't know either..." "He's probably passed away" "Do you ever... want a different life" "Different" "You can leave here and go somewhere else" "It's the same everywhere" "Hide under the bed, hurry" "One second" "I'm coming" "I bought a cake." "Let's eat it together" "Why is the bed so messy" "I must've moved around in my sleep" "Let's eat it tomorrow" "Sure..." "Your birthday's tomorrow anyway" "Aren't you... going to work today" "I can go in a little late" "I feel sluggish" "Just a quickie and I'll go" "What's with you today" "I'm really tired, too" "Did something happen" "Why am I the only who got fired" "The bastard who took more than I did got a promotion..." "I don't think I'm getting my job back" "It sounded like I would just a while ago" "How... how did I end up this way" "Where did you hear this" "Today at the station..." "You can't leave me..." "You do know... you're all that I have" "Do whatever you want" "Just don't leave me" "That's all" "You can do that, right" "Happy birthday" "Thank you" "Blow them out" "When did you stop ballet" "I saw your toe shoes under the bed" "In high school" "I've never seen the ballet" "I'd like to see you dancing once wearing a tutu" "Open wide" "Not like that." "Open wide." "Like this" "Actually, I'm wanted" "It doesn't matter" "I was going to leave once things settled down" "But I've lost all contact" "My friends must've been all arrested" "I don't think I can stay here" "I have to leave here soon" "Come with me" "Is she seeing someone these days" "Hey, looking good today!" "Where are you going?" "Whatever" "What a snot!" "Fine..." "Oh, you're home." "I knew you'd be" "Wow, it's nice out today." "Let's go downtown together." "I know a great place." "Their pork cutlet's really good." "Let's go." "My treat." "Come on." "I have to get my laundry and I have a lot to do..." "Sorry." "Let's go next time." "Are you really gonna be like this?" "Young-mi, this is for your own good." "He's going to hurt you." "Ki-ok, leave me alone." "Hey." "I'm looking out for you." "Do you know what kind of guy he is?" "Do you?" "Oh, Young-mi..." "I'm begging you, don't worry about me." "You bug me." "Hey" "You know what?" "Taking someone else's girl is the best." "When you having so much fun, it makes you blind, get it?" "What are you saying?" " What I mean is..." " Hello." "You've waited long for today." "Yes." "Today, let's get plastered." "I'm treating big tonight, okay?" "Bastard, when are you not plastered?" "I'm trying to have a serious talk" "Let's get plastered again, my ass..." "Come on, Ki-ok..." "I'm treating" "You gonna be that way, huh?" "Hey, aren't you spending too much" "What do you mean too much?" "It's just a few bottles." "I just gotta work 20 days to make what a guy usually makes in a month" "10 bucks a day?" "If I wanted to, I can make 15, 15." "Alright, big shot" "Young-mi, oh..." ""I'm so your... and you so..." "It's, I..."" "Hey, is that the only song you know" "Why are you hitting me" "Man, sing another one" "I've heard that so many times" "I can sing it better." "Sing something else" "Then you do one." "Do one." "Go ahead" "Me" " Go ahead, go ahead." " Sure." "I'll do one." ""Oh..." "I'm so your..."" "Hey, you gotta watch me at least!" "Oh, okay, okay." "Nice, nice." ""I'm so... can't stop me..." "Night of Shilla..."" "Look, look, you're shaking your squid leg too much" "I..." "leave tomorrow." "It's not like I was a core member of the movement." "I participated after watching my friends get hurt and then went on the run." "I've been really happy." "I haven't been any help to you, Sang-ho..." "It was short but I was happy to share a moment of freedom." "I'll never forget you" " Mr. Im!" " Yes?" "Come on over." "Good work in this heat." "Here, take a swig." "Thanks" "Really cool, don't you think?" "For you..." "Okay, Young-mi." "I'll tell you a fun puzzle, puzzle." ""My love cries while holding me..." "Don't stop me from leaving..."" "(Stop the sun from setting!" "Oh, oh... what to do?" "Trouble ahead, an enemy, an enemy..." "An enemy, an enemy..." "A parting..." "He who makes a parting" "We are enemies..." "Others ask me to go." "My love holds me fast" "When I see you, I don't like it" "When I don't see you, I hate it." "I shouldn't have had..." "I didn't know you..." "Now that I think about it, I want to know..." "A sigh at the end of my thoughts" "Night and day, my troubles are endless" "I'd rather..." "You die first and I'll take you..." "When I see you, I don't like it." "No, no" "(When I don't see you, I hate it." "I shouldn't have had..." "I..." "Why" "I never stopped loving" "you even for a moment." "So why did you" "Love" "You... took me when I was in high school." "A girl lost her father" "And you forced her legs apart." "Is that what you call love" "Then you never loved me" "Not even for a moment" "In the end, it all ended like that because of my jealousy." "I didn't know something so big would happen" "I really didn't know" "Then what about Jin-woo's mother" "Jin-woo, stand there." "Jin-woo..." "Look here..." "To comfort Young-mi, I even took you in like she wanted but it was no use." "Without Young-mi," "I didn't have the guts to raise you all alone." "But now... to see you all grown-up" "It makes me feel better." "Um, I have something for you" "This is all that your mom left you" "Will you forgive me, Jin-woo" "You will, won't you?" "Jin-woo..." "Jin-woo..." | {
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} |
"Hello, everyone." "Everyone, can I have your attention, please?" "Hello?" "Ron, Lily, nice to see you." "Welcome, everyone." "As you know, my name is Pamela Brinton." "It feeds the soul to do good deeds." "So, tonight, I want all of our souls to get absolutely stuffed." "Ha-ha!" "As you know, my tireless work with the Pamela Brinton Foundation has saved 4,000 lives." "That's 28,000 lives in dog years." "Yep." "Canine hip dysplasia." "It robs a dog of its mobility, its dignity, its very cani-ninity." "That's not a word." "What was that, Catherine?" "That's not a word." "Please, continue." "Imagine how scared you would be if you lost your mobility, your legs, all the..." "Allen." "Thank you for coming." "Didn't know you were gonna be here tonight." "Nice to see you." "Okay, auction time." "Seems like everyone here has got the fever for the flavor." "Well, except for Catherine, avowed cat lover." "No judgment." "Judgment." "I kid!" "Well, my nickname is Cat, so..." "I suppose my husband Robert is the real Cat lover." "Well, I guess my name would be Dogela 'cause I like dogs." "Doesn't mean anything." "My God!" "Th-That's just Leonard." "He's just trying to make tonight about him." "Get your own charity, Leonard." "Stop trying to horn in here." "Um..." "All right, well, let's get this auction started, right?" "Who's the cutest?" "Who's the cutest?" "Ooh, Jeremy, yes, you are, you're my cutest." "Thank you, Christina." "That will be all." "Alana, what are the headlines?" "Flooding in Tennessee is expected to continue through the weekend." "President Pence plans to visit the affected areas." "The Federal Pandemic Agency has released new guidelines for combating the emerging viral outbreak." "Ooh, Alana." "Little dark today." "How about a joke?" "Why did the banker quit his job?" "He lost interest." "What?" "!" "Interest!" "I needed that." "Guess what I heard about" "Catherine and Robert." "They bought another home." " Guess where it is." " London?" "They wish." "It's under the ground." "What do you mean?" "It's a bunker." "It's, like, a bomb shelter or something where paranoid people go and live when they think it's the end of the world." "It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." "I mean, talk about overreacting." "It's just a bad flu season." "You wash your hands, you don't buy a bunker." "Am I right?" "What are they, mole people?" "Mole people?" "Benjamin!" "You are giving Alana a run for her money." "Mole people." "No." "This place is an absolute pigsty." "Where in the hell is Christina?" "Christina texted." "She died." "What?" "Her daughter or someone texted." "You okay?" "There's got to be a vaccine." "Pamela, we talked about this." "There is no vaccine." "Well, something fishy's going on, if you ask me." "You mean to tell me the President of the United States doesn't have a vaccine?" "Yeah, right!" "And there's the presidential hearse, as they head towards Arlington Cemetery." "Michael Richard Pence, 46th President of the United States, dead at the age of 61." "President Paul Davis Ryan Jr..." "President Rex Wayne Tillerson..." "President Steven Terner Mnuchin..." "President Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions..." "President Betsy DeVos, dead at the age of 61." "Catherine?" "Pamela!" "Is that you?" "I love your bag... outfit." "Yes, well, safety first, you know?" "And that's always in fashion." "Yeah." "Yes." "So... interesting times." "How's Benjamin?" "He's good." "We made love this morning." "With all the bells and whistles." "And, Robert?" "He's a little under the weather." "So, um, when do you head off to your little... bunkery place?" "We have to wait a little bit." "They make you take a physical before you enter, so..." "Just a precaution." "I didn't know you had a dog." "I don't." "Well, I... should be going." "Benjamin?" "Benjamin?" "Benjamin, the door's locked." "What are you doing in there?" "I think it's best that I stay in here for the time being." "Do you have it?" "I think so." "Well, would, you... would you like me to make you some soup?" "Get out of here." "Who knows what I've touched?" "It could be anywhere." " I'm not leaving you!" " You have to." "Where would I go?" "I don't know." "Anywhere." "Just leave here now." " My God." " Now!" "Fine!" "I'll leave!" "But, Benjamin..." "I'm making you that soup... in my heart." "And I'm eating it in mine." "Catherine?" "Catherine?" "Hello?" "You here?" "God, God." "What am I doing?" "God, God, God!" "What am I doing?" "Catherine?" "Are you alive?" "I'm gonna poke your buns a little bit." "God." "Thank you." "Okay." "Air seal initiated." "Is this the master?" "I love it." "She said, sarcastically." "Refried beans?" "Why didn't you fry 'em right the first time?" "Gross." "Well, this is fun." "Let's see what else we have." "Desert." "Rain forest." "City street." "Prairie." "Country field with an old red barn." "Sphinx!" "Mobile surveillance system initiated." "Mobile what?" "Use the control surface to pilot your Breathe Systems drone." "Drone?" "No, no, no, no, no." "Drone?" "No." "Log off." "Log down." "Sphinx please." "Sphinx?" "Unstable." "Unstable." "Where am I?" "What is this?" "Returning to charge station." "Yes, please." "It's about time." "Sheesh." "Sphinx!" "There she is." "He?" "Aren't you gonna eat?" "Look, I know things are grim, but at least we're safe here." "And I bet you there are lots of other bunkers out there just filled with scientists working on a vaccine as we speak." "And once they figure it out, they'll give us the all clear, and we'll be able go back home." "So hang in there." "We just have to wait for the all clear." "Until then, we'll make our own fun, won't we?" "Okay." "Dig in." "I made it myself." "Come on." "Hey!" "All right." "All right, there you go, Pamela." "Leveling off." "I can see everything." "Well, well, well." "If it isn't news anchor Lester Holt." "Yum, yum." "Happy Halloween, Jeremy!" "What do we have over here?" "Well, it's been a tough year." "But we made it through." "Without you, I'm afraid..." "I'm afraid I might have given up." "So thank you." "And Merry Christmas." "I love..." "There he goes." "Milk." "Milk." "Milk." "Come on, you can say it." "Milk." "All right, fine." "That's enough for today." "But mark my words... you will talk." "Milk." "Milk." "Milk." "Milk." "Milk!" "Damn it, Jeremy!" "You're not even trying!" "Do you even want this?" "Just say it!" "I'm not talking to you." "Beach." "Mountain." "Desert." "City." "Farm." "Antiques." "Peru." "Prairie." "Stream." "Everest." "Dune." "Raccoon." "Roller coaster." "Hilltop." "School." "Fancy party." "Jeremy." "Dinner is served." "Come on, Jeremy." "Come on." "Come on, you little dum-dum." "Good boy." "Do you know you're eating cat food?" "And you look like a fool." "What would your parents think?" "You'd be the laugh of the kennel." "You give me that." "Did you want to eat it?" "You can't have it." "Say "milk."" "Just say it!" "No, no." "No, no." "Who did this?" "Jeremy!" "In or out?" "Make up your mind." "You want to go out there?" "'Cause you certainly don't seem very happy in here." "Is that what you want?" "Okay." "Here's your chance." "So what's it gonna..." "Jeremy!" "Jeremy!" "Jeremy!" "Jeremy." "Jeremy." "Well, go figure." "You're a cat person that eats dog food, and I'm a dog person that eats cat food." "I guess we're more alike than I thought." "My God." "My God." "My God, my God, my God!" "Can you hear me?" "!" "Can you, can you hear me up here?" "!" "My-my name is, Pamela Brinton!" "Look at me!" "Can you hear me?" "!" "Can-can you see me?" "!" "Battery low." "Drone returning to charge." "No." "No, no, no." "No, no, no battery low." "No!" "No, no, no, no, no!" "Mobile surveillance system recharged." "My God!" "My God." "My God, it's real." "Hello!" "Can you hear me?" "!" "I'm nice, too!" "I'm not afraid!" "Hi!" "My name is Pamela Brinton." "Je m'appelle Pamela Brinton." "I'm in a bunker!" "Please come find me!" "No!" "Fatal error." "Unit lost." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Samsara" "Sonam..." "Oh no, not again!" "How long?" "Three years, three months, three weeks and three days." "Tashi, we are taking you back." "Tashi, it is time." "Tashi, you pushed it too far." ""How can one prevent a drop of water from ever drying up?"" "Apo is back..." "Kala!" "Now, I must leave." "Safe return!" "No. I want to go home!" "Tashi, did you cry when, ...you father left you here?" "The head lama, His holiness Chen Tulku ...will be performing a sacred initiation in five days." "He asks that you attend." "So prince Siddhartha left his palace and luxurious life and from his golden chariot... saw suffering for the first time!" "Thus one night, prince Siddhartha decided to leave his beautiful wife, Princess Yashodhara... and his son, Rahul, and go away." "He left his son?" "Well, yes." "Because he wanted to find out true cause of our suffering and... I want to go home!" "Tashi, Rinpochey is here!" "After twenty years studying in our monastery Lama Tashi completed three years of meditation," "Truly this is the path towards Nirvana." "His Holiness, Dhyan Rinpochey... has therefore awarded Lama Tashi the precious 'Khenpo' degree... in recognition of his achievement." "He is a very good monk!" "Kala, you monkey!" "Tashi..." "You spoke!" "It was him." "Kala...hear my voice, what?" "Rinpochey, thank you." "For Tashi..." "Precious degree of Khenpo." "For Kala... nothing." "Jhulley!" "Tashi Delek!" "Hail!" "Hail!" "Hail!" "... to four noble truths!" "Who?" "Tashi." "Faster, faster, faster..." "Can you explain what's going on?" "Apo, I ask that you take Lama Tashi with you tomorrow for the harvest ceremony." "I feel he is in need of some fresh air." "Tashi, next time you wish to modify a performance please let me know in advance." "Where is Tenzin Thorgay's house?" "Right There." "Come, I will take you there." "Tashi Delek, jhulley, welcome." "Oh Apo..." "My head..." "Last night I have..." "Yes, I know." "Dreams are like that!" "So Tashi still dreams?" "You see, even you can be angry." "Here, the map." "You leave at dawn." "It is time to choose." "Kala!" "What is it with you today?" "!" "Kala... when did you learn to read maps?" "!" "Jhulley, Tashi Delek!" "The venerable Khenpo Apo sent me..." "No speech?" "Understood, only body and mind!" ""Everything you contact is a place to practice the Way"" "Where's Apo?" "Even He was allowed a worldly existence until he was 29!" "But since the age of five I've been disciplined to live like Buddha after He renounced the world." "Why?" "How do we know that His Enlightenment was not a direct result of His worldly existence, too?" "Apo, where is that freedom promised to me after a strict monastic discipline?" "Where is the promised satisfaction, from our vow of celibacy?" ""You should not accept my teachings on hearsay unless and until you understand it from your own point of view" he said once." "There are things we must unlearn in order to learn them." "And there are things we must own in order to renounce them." "Tashi..." "Your dream back in the village wasn't a dream." "But..." "Kala?" "Kala." "Kala!" "It's me!" "Kala!" "Kala." "For the rest we talk tomorrow." "Dolma, we have another mouth to feed." "A nomad." "I told him he could work until the harvest was done." "It will reduce some of my work." "And of course increase mine!" "Sujata, here." "Oh mother, some more." "Pema." "Take some food over to that new hardworking guy." "Tell him he can even stop to eat it!" "Enough, father!" "Hey Mister!" "Take a little rest, make a little break for lun..." "Pema!" "Pema... wait!" "Do not tell me that you did this for me..." "No, I did it for myself as well." "But why?" "I am sorry if this is my fault," "Shhh..." "Pema please." "Maybe I was wrong to do that but I..." "All I wanted to do was comfort you for a moment." "And look now." "Are you sure that it was all about a momentary comfort?" "If you are, then I will be gone ... before the sun rises." "From now on you will go out wearing this!" "Roaming here and there!" "I gave you a job and this is how you repay me?" "You worthless..." "Oh, it's you!" "?" "Forgive my violence!" "No, no." "Why are you asking for forgiveness?" "He WAS A LAMA!" "Pema, what are we going to do?" "Your family has already accepted my engagement with you." "I know." "Should I wash your hair?" "I have nothing else but you." "Astrologer will be here tomorrow." "I let him decide my destiny." "Pema, but why the Astrologer?" "Planets indicate 1 0th would be an auspicious date for the wedding." "So fix it for that day." "That's good. I am sorry." "But... the wedding is with whom?" "With whom?" "I think it was all decided last night!" "Jamayang came to see me and requested to come here and decide the wedding date of Pema and Tashi." "Why?" "Why did you do it?" "Jamayang?" "Even if the decision was in my favor... you wouldn't have married me, anyway!" "Would you?" "Woman will dominate!" "Hey, stop, eat now!" "Cry when I tell you." "Something is wrong." "Who is he?" "My husband." "What's going on?" "After all the years we've worked together." "Tenzin, you allow him to doubt me?" "Now you can cry, my son." "You better start building a new granary." "You're going to be needing a lot of storage space from now on." "Tashi, I feel we are satisfied in what we get." "Besides, you HAVE to sell it to him." "No one else comes to this valley!" "Let me take our harvest to town!" "I'll sell it all." "We'll teach Dawa a lesson!" "And what makes you think, those city guys will buy from us?" "What is that?" "For a safe journey." "One man, five Rupees." "Two men, ten Rupees." "You see, even notes don't fit in your purse!" "Wow, incredible!" "More than twice of what Dawa pays!" "Tashi, you are too much!" "Guess what?" "Now the bank-notes fit into my purse!" "Your father has also gone with Tashi!" "I know." "You don't understand!" "Why change traditional practice?" "Dawa buys everyone's crops for years!" "It is dangerous to oppose him." "Jamayang." "Fetch my mother!" "Go, go..." "Now who would this be?" "It's me!" "So it seems you've been to town?" "We've been working." "I can see that." "Hiding your grain?" "That's easy." "Hiding from me, that's harder." "You better remember that." "Besides, what did I tell you?" "He's ruining the whole valley!" "Look at you!" "'Salley!" "'" "It's Pema!" "The baby's coming!" "No!" "Women only!" "I see!" "A great soul is already reborn here!" "What a beautiful boy." "A great spirit has surely returned!" "Maybe, you're a Tulku, Karma?" "So it's settled?" "The next is Sujata." "Where..." "No!" "Keep all my money!" "Just keep passing it on to me!" "Pema knows what to do." "She always pays me the day we leave." "And how long has that been?" "I am nineteen." "Figure out the rest!" "Your money!" "I wish you a safe return." "See you next year!" "Karma, that's very good." "This wool is so heavy!" "Oh, you're still carrying it!" "What's inside the momos, Apa?" "Meat." "Where does the meat come from?" "From a goat." "Did you have to kill the goat to take its meat?" "Yes." "But mother says we shouldn't kill any creature, not even an insect!" "We didn't kill the goat." "Someone did it for us." "Why someone else?" "Why didn't we kill the goat ourselves, Apa?" "Less talking and more eating, Karma." "Stop!" "Wear something warm." "Let him go." "But, it is freezing outside!" "Let him find that out." "No over-protection!" "It is freezing!" "So you see, it is freezing outside!" "is everything all right?" "It's just the ...migrant workers." "Maybe we don't need so many." "I sometimes wonder if we need them at all." "They cost so much money!" "I want you to tell me what will happen to that stick." "It will drown!" "Suppose it doesn't." "It will get stuck in the rocks!" "Suppose it doesn't get stuck?" "We don't really need all these workers?" "What is it you suddenly have against our poor workers?" "It will stay in the water and rot!" "No." "It will get stuck in the whirlpool or it can go down with a waterfall and crash!" "Suppose even that doesn't happen." "What then?" "Do you give up?" "The answer's simple." "The stick will reach the sea!" "Jamayang, congratulations." "I heard, you are soon going to be married." "By the way we're taking our harvest into town." "Don't you think it's time you joined us?" "I sell only to Dawa, like I always have." "Like my father did." "But you know Dawa cheats you." "After all these years you still don't know how things work here, do you!" "We are back!" "And look!" "Apa!" "What did you do when you were a boy?" "He always made his own toys!" "Jamayang..." "Please, you don't need him any more!" "Hey stop!" "I don't even know why I bother with this valley." "Jamayang, let him go." "Listen..." "And prepare yourselves to eat all what you grow!" "You can sell in the town with us." "You chased him away." "Everything you touch, you ruin!" "Dawa!" "Jamayang is hot-headed." "He will calm down once he is married." "Let him go his own way." "Ama?" "Karma, stay outside please!" "Karma, you can come in." "What's the matter with him?" "I told you we shouldn't make love in front of him!" "Help!" "Apa says we saved over half the crop!" "Everyone came to help us." "The whole valley." "It's you, isn't it?" "Why would I do a thing like that?" "You're insane." "It wasn't me." "Then who, who?" "Try!" "Take a guess!" "You fool, why don't you try asking your neighbours." "You think I burnt your field?" "No one does such a thing here." "Grow up!" "And you guys, thank you for joining us." "Now why don't you stay for dinner too!" "'Salley!" "'" "Are you sure you're old enough, ...to do business in town?" "I'm a man now!" "For a safe journey." "is Pema in?" "We leave my money?" "Okay." "How old are you?" "You ask me that every year!" "Careful, it is fragile." "l hear something!" "Don't move!" " ...someone..." "Oh!" "Hurry!" "Pema's coming!" "My Sari, you tore it!" "You must leave now." "Hurry!" "Leave." "What are you still doing here?" "Pema's here." "Keep calm." "Why you're so worried." "She told me this would happen!" "Look Apa, a pony just like yours!" "I made it myself!" "That's good." "This is for you." "Very nice." "Thanks." "Aren't you going to..." "Later, I have some work." "... try it on?" "Tashi!" "Sonam!" "It's about Apo?" "When Apo knew it was time he went to prepare himself in the sacred cave." "He asked that I accompany him." "We both meditated together until ..." "He asked that I give you this." "I realize now that my task is not over and so I will be returning to Samsara." "I know that we shall meet again." "Perhaps when we do you will be able to tell me what is more important:" "Satisfying one thousand desires ... or conquering just one." "Yours Apo." "I've heard so much about wild-weddings in your region!" "And for your marriage, I should be there but you know I can't leave the farm." "It feels so strange knowing I won't be coming back." "Look after yourself." "Yashodhara." "Do you know that name?" "Prince Siddhartha, Gautama," "Sakyamuni, Buddha." "Everybody knows these names but Yashodhara?" "Yashodhara was married to Siddhartha." "She loved him dearly." "One night Siddhartha left her and their son, Rahul while they were sleeping, to seek Enlightenment to become Buddha." "He did not even say a word to her when he left." "Yashodhara has shown compassion for the sick ... and ailing long before Siddhartha ever did long before Siddhartha was even aware of suffering!" "Who can say if he owed his Enlightenment to her?" "Pema ..." "Perhaps Yashodhara wanted to leave Siddhartha and Rahul." "How can we ever know if Yashodhara fell victim to anger to loneliness or bitterness after Siddhartha left her." "Who even thought about her?" "What must she have said when Rahul, her son asked that eternal question:" "Where is my father?" "What must she have told him?" "How could a mother leave her own child in the middle of the night?" "It is only possible for a man to do." "Tashi, only for a man." "After that, Yashodhara had no choice." "She had to lead a life of renunciation." "She cut off her hair and lived like an ascetic." "Oh Tashi ... lf your thoughts toward Dharma were of the same intensity as the love and passion you have shown me you would have become a Buddha in this very body in this very life." "Pema ..." "Forgive me." "I am going back with you." "Back where l belong." ""How can one prevent a drop of water from ever drying up?"" "By throwing it into the sea ..." "The End" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"WOMAN:" "The year is 2048." "Evolving technologies can no longer be regulated." "Dangerous advancements forever alter the criminal landscape." "Police are not prepared." "Law enforcement combats this corruption with a new line of defense." "But not all are created equal." "RUDY:" "The idea behind the DRNs was to be as human as possible." "They were based on a program called Synthetic Soul." "JOHN:" "That's one of the crazy ones." " I'll lead you in?" " Let's go." "WOMAN:" "Now all cops..." "human and manmade together... take on the battle to watch over us all." "(alarm beeping)" "(sighs)" "?" "Wake up" "?" "It's the morning..." "FEMALE ELECTRONIC VOICE:" "Charge at capacity." "?" "Monday morning's coming on" "?" "The sun is shining down... (grinding, squeaking)" "?" "The sun is shining down" "?" "Sunlight" "?" "See the daybreak" "?" "Shake your bones, lift your head ?" "?" "Look up" "?" "The sun is shining down... (squeaks)" "(stops squeaking)" "Hmm!" "?" "The sun is shining" "?" "Down." "Hey." "Hey, James." "Morning, Mr. Navarro." "How you doing?" "Miss Miller." "Oh." "James." "Left your key in the lock again." "Thank you." "I swear my memory gets worse every day." "I told you, I can have maintenance come in and switch those out for bio locks if you'd like." "That's all right, I prefer the old-fashioned way." "I'm funny, I guess." "No, no, no, I like that." "Uh, this came to the security desk for you." "Oh, thank you." "I got to get back to the desk." "See you." "Hi, can I help you?" "What's your name?" "James." "Let's go." "(grunts)" "(beeping rapidly)" "DORIAN:" "You know what I love best about you?" "Your punctuality." "JOHN:" "What's that supposed to mean?" "You're late and the car smells like olive oil." "Hold this... and this." "What am I doing here?" "You're heating my coffee." "Hey!" "I like it hot." "It's best between 155 and 175 degrees." "Most people prefer it at 175." "You like it at 165, and that's what it is." "You know how I like my coffee?" "Yes, I, unlike you, pay attention to details, like what time it is and what time you're supposed to pick up your partner for shift." "Oh, I pay attention to details, like you just put your finger in my coffee." "If you'd like, I could put it somewhere else." "Wa-Wa-Wait, go back." " To where?" " To when I didn't have a partner and I could drive to work in peace." "I know you took my advice and used olive oil on your leg, John, and it works." "You're just too stubborn to say thank you, but you're welcome." "I ate a salad..." "a Greek salad." "At 10:00 a.m.?" "Boy, you're some detective." "Finally." "Now you're talking." "DISPATCHER:" "13 RAY." "Possible 31." "Homicide." "Body discovered at 4500 Crescent Av." "That's three blocks away." "All right, let's go to work." "How long you been here?" "We just got here." "There were no witnesses to the shooting." "The incident happened within the last 20 minutes." "JOHN:" "Who found him?" "These two, and we've cordoned off the area." "DORIAN:" "They killed the cameras." "I think I can still access the archived footage." "John..." "DORIAN:" "They went up to the 25th floor." "They shut down the elevator." "Transmit that security footage to Maldonado, so we can try and I.D. these guys." "Officer Harrison, call for backup and begin evacuation protocols." " Yes, sir." " And be careful." "Perps are still in the building." "You got it." "What's the plan?" "I got no idea... but we got 25 floors to figure it out." "(woman sobbing)" "MAN:" "Hand over the phone." "MAN 2:" "Shut your mouth." "MAN 1:" "Hand it over." "Stop talking." "WOMAN:" "Please don't hurt me." "MAN 1:" "Let me see it... hey, hey." "I told you, you sit down." "(clattering)" "(panting quietly)" "Hello." "What's your name?" "Oh, you, you don't know how to answer that, do you?" "You're afraid if you answer, you'll get hurt, huh?" "Well... the only way around that is... that you answer honestly." "It's always the best policy." "Jenna." "Why don't you come and join me, Jenna?" "(gasps)" "Yo." "We can start now." "Cops are still in the lobby." "Well, that's their fault." "It's time to get their attention." "(beeping rapidly)" "(screaming)" "Out of the way, out of the way." "Stay down." "(crewmen shouting)" "Police." "Keep moving." "FEMALE VOICE:" "This is not a drill." " What's going on?" " Sir, we need you to keep moving, continuing out of the building." " Go down the stairwell." " What's going on out there?" " Out of the building, please." " Take the rest of the day off." "Move to the stairs, exit the back of the building." "What's the update, Stahl?" "It's the Sanderson building downtown." "John's on the second floor ascending." "Ascending?" "John!" "What's your status?" "Dorian says the building is still structurally sound." "There's damage to the third and fourth emergency exits." "The southeast stairwell is also blocked." "Emergency personnel are getting people out by the second story." "John, do not ascend." "Negative." "Continue to direct the employees to the second floor and go there yourself until we know what we're dealing with here." "I know what we're dealing with." "The assailants are still in the building." "We're going after them." "Buy me some time." "You should initiate the protocol." "Jam all comm signals coming in and out of the building, cut their communication, and get me some backup." "John, if we jam the signal, comms won't make it out of the building." "We won't be able to communicate." "Leave the building now." "There's..." "I can't..." "What... do..." "Do you... (gibberish)" "Christmas." "Did you just hang up on Captain Maldonado?" "Yeah, boring conversation anyway." "I just love that you wear your insubordination like it's a virtue." "Did we evacuate the perimeter?" "Per protocol, three-block radius." "Yeah, this is Paul." "Lock down communications." "Initiate the jam." "Sequence initiated." "(rumbling, blipping, electronic whirring)" "PAUL:" "Okay, signal active." "Switching to internal comms." "They jammed us." "All external communications are blocked." "Law enforcement is nothing if not predictable." "Alpha team, take the north side." "Bravo team, take the rooftop." "Hold your fire until instructed." "Clear." "Any more thoughts on that plan?" "We're running out of floors, John." "Well, I thought backup would be here by now." "Guess we just keep moving up." "Maybe there's another option." "The entire air system is interconnected." "We just have to make it to the 23rd floor." "There's an access door to the air system there that'll take us up to where these guys are." "See?" "Told you we'd come up with a plan." "Hey." "What's with the disco face?" "Got something to tell me?" "Since the signals are now being jammed, every emergency call being placed in this building is bouncing back to me because they can't get out." "Answer the calls." "We might get some information." "Hello?" "(woman speaking foreign language)" "(speaking with woman's voice)" "What are you doing?" "In the Portuguese culture, it is proven that people find a woman's voice more soothing in moments of crisis." "WOMAN:" "Hello?" "(John's voice):" "Hello." "I'm Detective John Kennex." "I'm an automated police officer with a very difficult personality." "WOMAN (crying):" "911?" "Please remain calm." "I'm-I'm trapped with a gunman." "Please help." "Everything's all right." "Just take a breath." "What is your name?" "(quietly):" "It's Paige." "Hi, Paige." "What can you tell me about the gunmen?" "I don't know." "They have my sister... (crying):" "and others." "Listen, Paige," "I'm in the building." "I need to ask you a few questions, but first I need to know..." "are you safe?" "Are you out of harm's way?" "I think so." " For now." " Okay, listen to me." "Where are you?" "What floor are you on?" "I'm on the 25th floor." "I'm in the utility closet." "(door slams)" "MAN:" "Next face." "You, on your knees." "On your knees!" "WOMAN:" "Oh, no, no!" "Oh, God." "(gunshot) (others screaming)" "(screaming, crying over comm)" "JOHN:" "Paige?" "Paige, what's happening?" "They've shot him." "Lou is dead." "(people crying)" "Hey, dogface." "Water." "(indistinct radio communication)" "(glass shatters in distance)" "MAN:" "We got a body!" "(officers shouting)" "MAN:" "Keep those people back!" "MALDONADO:" "Those bastards." "What do they want?" "Detective Paul, initiate hostage protocol." "Send them the comm." "Send them the comm!" "Get that drone in the air." "We've got to start negotiating." "BOONE:" "Comm's here." "What's your name?" "Captain Maldonado." "And you are?" "Well, I'd tell you, but I don't want to nullify your efforts." "Now that we have your attention... we have some demands." "Paige, can you hold the phone up so I can hear what's going on?" "I really hate to throw out any more hostages." "Let's get down to brass tacks, huh?" "What do you want?" "First, get your snipers off the roof, and tell those men you have assembled out front to stand down, and keep them away from the building, or hostages will continue to fall from the sky." "Tell Detective Paul to have his men stand down." "Bravo team, stand down." "All clear." "Done." "What else?" "We'd like three v-tols on the roof standing by, clear airspace from here to the border, and finally, I'd like one fission igniter delivered to me, please." "That's military-grade technology." "I don't have that authority." "Well, then I suggest you contact someone who does." "FEMALE COMPUTER VOICE:" "Facial recognition identified." "Now, you listen to me, Lucas, if you want me to cooperate with you," "I need you to cooperate with me." "How many hostages do you have?" "More than enough to end your career if they die." "You have 43 minutes." "Set the timer for 43 minutes, and get me Rudy Lom." "(pants)" "Hello?" "Are you there?" "Right here, Paige." "Is anyone coming?" "You just hang tight." "We're gonna be with you real soon." "Did you hear the phone call?" "Yeah, I did." "Thank you." "Just hold on a second." "I'll be right back." "(beep)" "Is a fission igniter as bad as I think it is?" "It's a trigger mechanism for a large explosive device." "Megaton level." "Megaton." "(comm beeps) Paige, you there?" "Can you tell me how many hostages they've got up there?" "PAIGE (crying):" "25 or so." "At least in this room." "It's hard for me to see." "You're doing great, Paige." "How's your sister?" "This is all my fault." "She wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me." "She's visiting from out of town." "She just stopped by to have lunch... and now she's all alone." "Paige, can you tell me how many gunmen there are?" "People keep coming and going;" "I don't know." "Five... six, at least." "But there were more." "I'm sorry, I can't do this." "I'm so scared." "Paige, you ever been ice fishing?" "(Paige sighs)" "No." "When I was 11 years old, my dad took me ice fishing to Lake McFarland." "We were coming back, and all of a sudden the ice cracked, and I went right under." "I couldn't see, I couldn't breathe." "I thought I was gonna die." "The water was so cold, it was like thousands of needles stinging every part of my body." "And then my dad jumped in, and he grabbed me and started dragging me back to shore." "Are you trying to put her to sleep?" "And even though we were still in a lot of danger," "I felt safe." "I felt like... everything was gonna be okay, because I wasn't alone." "Paige... you're not alone." "I'm with you." "Everything is gonna be okay." "Do you believe me?" "(softly):" "Yeah, I do." "All right, good girl." "You just hang in there." "(beeping)" "Yeah." "Paul." "MALDONADO:" "Any sign of Kennex and Dorian?" "Uh, nothing so far." "Keep your men back, but I want drones and spotters on every window and exit." "I want to know what's happening with my men." "Yeah, you got it, Captain." "There's no way I can get a fission igniter." "What if there was a way to give them what they wanted and stall them at the same time?" "What have you got?" "I could build a replica." "What if they can spot a fake?" "I can make one that will pass a scan." "If they test it out or try and use it immediately, then we're out of luck." "That's risk we'll have to take." "Let's get started." " Captain?" " Yep?" "Lucas Vincent... he's a high-level operative in the Holy Reclamation Army, a decentralized network of terrorist cells with anti-Western bias and a history of hostage taking, none of them ending well." "Last August they took over an embassy near Tokyo." "Same MO..." "they enter with force, drew the attention of the media and law enforcement using human hostages as collateral for their demands." " What happened?" " They facilitated the release of several of their comrades." "Once they got what they wanted, they released the hostages." "But they're not afraid to take lives... including their own." "DORIAN:" "You know, everyone trips on stairs, and it's calculated to occur in one in every 2,222 occasions." "That's very interesting." " You know what would be interesting, John?" " What?" "If you told me that ice fishing story again." "If you want to get in shape, we can run the O-course every weekend." "O-can we?" "Let's split up." "?" "(ringing)" "Dorian, you okay?" "DORIAN (over comm):" "John, get over here." "Floor's clear." "You okay?" "You took one to the head." "Yeah, ricochet." "Whatcha got?" "I'm not sure." "But there's writing on it." ""Start."" " Start?" " Start." "You I.D.'d him?" "His name is Michael Demerais." "He's a member of the Holy Reclamation Army." "So they're behind this." "Maybe not." "It's a facemaker." "So who's this guy?" "His name is Gregor Stone." "He has a few priors for armed robbery." "Why would they impersonate members of a radical organization?" "(electrical crackling) What's wrong?" "My dynamic voltage scaling has been damaged by the bullet." "You want to say that a little less complicated?" "I won't be able to walk in five minutes." "Where are our v-tols?" "I'm working on it." "Based on the frequency at which these transmit..." "I detect seven facemakers in the building." "If they hide their identities, why not just wear a mask?" "Why pretend to be something else?" "That's a good question." "All right. (Sighs)" "Let's try and fix you." "How does it look?" "Yeah, it's, uh, totally fine." "You can hardly see it." "Okay." "So, what do I do?" "All right, there's a magenta colored tendon." "I need you to cut it." "All right, is..." "is that thing clean?" "Of course it is." "Are you sure?" "Positive." "(crackling) (groans) Damn it." " I said magenta." " It was magenta." " I said magenta." "That was lavender." " The hell's magenta?" "There's 50 shades of purple in there." "I'm telling you, that was the lavender one." " No, no." "Okay, wait a minute." " What?" " What are you doing with that?" " Gotta cut the wire." "That's not going inside of my head." " I'm your partner, trust me." " If Rudy were here, he'd have a really big issue with you right now." " John..." " Look, it could always be worse." "John, the statistics..." "You're going to be fine." "(whirring, powering down)" "Dorian?" "Please stop looking at me like that." "You have five minutes to deliver the decoy fission device." "I'm working as fast as I can." "Four minutes, 45 seconds." "You can't put a clock on perfection." "Clearly someone was rushing when they designed your manners chip." "(breathing anxiously)" "PAIGE (over comm):" "John, are you there?" "I can hear you, Paige." "They've moved." "They keep going to a corner window... doing something." "What are they doing?" "PAIGE:" "I don't know." "(woman crying)" "My sister... she's crying." "And one of the guards, he keeps looking at her." "Look, I promise I'll get to you soon, Paige." "What's your sister's name?" "Jenna." "Jenna?" "Her middle name's Gertrude." "Ooh, that's rough." "What's yours?" "Oh, no." "No, no, we're not doing that." "Come on, tell me." "All right, but you better not tell anyone, okay?" "Police orders." "It's Reginald." "My dad was a big Elton John fan." "Who?" "Elton John." "He's an old-time singer." "Apparently, his real name was Reginald." "(gasps)" "You okay?" "PAIGE:" "Huh?" "Gross." "But good." "Something's happening." "LUCAS:" "Get over here and help." "(groans) One of the gunmen, he's hurt." "Who shot you?" "There are two men in the building." "Cops?" "I don't know." "Where's Gregor?" "We got separated." "BOONE:" "Do you want us to look for him?" "No." "Put more men on the stairwell." "No one gets up on this floor." "Go." "You, go." "John, they know you're in the building." "They sent a couple guys with giant guns to guard the stairs." "Even if you do get up here, how are you gonna get in?" "Trust me, Paige." "We'll find a way to get to you." "LUCAS:" "I'm disappointed in you, Captain Maldonado." "I thought we were getting along so well." "I don't know what you're talking about." "I said no cops." "I pulled my men back." "The only people I have there are conducting the evacuation, outside the building." "Then how do you explain the two cops my men just killed downstairs?" "(quietly):" "He's bluffing." "I don't know what men you killed, but they weren't mine." "We made a deal." "I get you what you want, no one else dies." "When do I get my fission ignitor?" "It's on its way, ten minutes or less." "Great." "Every minute longer is another body you'll be scraping off the pavement." "(murmuring, crying)" "(crying)" "Keep your mouth shut." "PAIGE:" "John?" "I'm going out there." "I can't leave Jenna alone." "Paige, that's a bad idea." "I have to." "I have to." "We're a few floors away." "She needs me." "I need her." "If we're gonna die... (cries) ...I want to be with her." "She's my sister." "Now is my only chance to blend in without anyone seeing me." "Paige, just stay where you are." "I'll leave my phone open." "You'll be able to hear what's going on." "Paige, it's too risky." "Listen to me, just stay put." "I have to." "Paige, please, just listen to me." "Paige." "Paige, are you there?" "Paige?" "(speaking indistinctly)" "I think I can do that." "I'm here." "It'll be okay." "MALDONADO (over comm):" "Detective Paul?" "Copy." "The ignitor is ready for delivery." "Come on." "Come on, come on, speed it up." "(coupling clicks, hisses)" "It's good to go, sir." "Okay, waiting on your order." "Send it." "Let's get her up." "Excuse me." "I have to go to the bathroom." "You're not going to make me pee on the floor, are you?" "You've got 30 seconds." "MAN:" "Hey, boss... we're getting another delivery." "The drone's coming." "(lock whirs, clicks)" "(shuddering exhale)" "MALDONADO:" "We had an agreement, Lucas." "We've operated in good faith here." "LUCAS:" "I believe in honoring a deal." "Stand by." "I'll let you know how we're gonna release the hostages." "Let's hope they buy it." "Send the message to the other crew now." "They should be ready." "It's time to wind this up." "What other crew?" "Maybe there are more of them in the building." " Maybe they're outside the building." " But the jammer's still on." "If they have people outside, they wouldn't be able to talk to each other." "Unless they were talking some other way." ""Start."" "(whirring)" "They must be using it as some sort of point-to-point communication with someone in proximity" " of the building." " Paige said the man in charge... kept going to the window." "I didn't think they'd come through." "What if there's a tracking device?" "We're not taking it anyway." "It doesn't matter." "(panting)" "He doesn't want the tech." "That doesn't make sense." "Why take hostages and negotiate for tech you don't want?" "Maybe it's a diversion." "Yeah, but for what?" "Are there any targets of value in the adjacent buildings?" "The only target of any value is a precious metal weigh station specializing in palladium." "It's a heist." "Palladium." "That would make all this worthwhile." "(quiet clicking)" "Wrap it up." "We're out of here in ten." "(woman crying in distance)" "(clank, click)" "Hang in there, Daniel." "When this is over, we'll all be on a beach somewhere, you'll be as good as new." "I need a doctor." "Soon." "(beeping, whirring)" "JOHN:" "What's that beeping?" "You and the guys pick three hostages." "Why?" "We may need insurance." "Let's pack it up." "John, they've activated a light bomb." "They're gonna kill the hostages." "What are you doing?" "Sticking to the plan." "We're going up." "John, they know we're here." "They're expecting us to come up the stairs." "We won't make it to the 25th floor alive." "You heard him." "We have no choice." "I don't have a choice." "People's lives are in jeopardy." "You've been shot." "Your head's full of bubble gum." "You can't do this alone." "I have to." "Then I'm coming with you." "You can't." "I'm designed to do this, John." "(cables rattling)" "LUCAS:" "It's time." "Jenna... why don't you come with me." "No, no, no." "Don't you touch her." "Don't you touch her." "Take me!" "Let her go!" "I will shoot you!" "I will shoot you!" "PAIGE:" "No, no!" "Take me!" "No, leave her!" "Take me!" "Please!" "Me!" "(hostages screaming)" "Police!" "Get down!" "(grunts)" "(yelling)" "(electrical crackling)" "(whirring)" "What's your name?" "I've never killed a man I didn't know." "But then again... you're not a man." "Are you?" "Nice of you to show up, Gregor." "Where the hell have you been?" "We thought you were dead." "(grunting)" "(grunts)" "(beeps) Maldonado?" "John?" "The hostages are secure." "The whole thing is a palladium heist." "Shut it off... now!" "They got us to block the alarm system." "Turn the jammer off!" "Detective Paul, turn off the jammer now!" "Shut it off." "(whooshing, powering down)" "(computer trilling, whooshing)" "(phones ringing)" "(alarm blaring)" "Let's go." "(door whooshes shut)" "(indistinct shouting)" "(sighs)" "(panting)" "(garbled radio transmission, indistinct shouting)" "Thank you." "PAIGE:" "John?" "You must be Paige." "(Paige laughs quietly)" "Thank you." "No." "Thank you." "You were very brave." "You helped save a lot of lives today." "Where's your partner?" "Oh, he's, uh... he's getting patched up." "John, this is my sister." "This is Jenna." "Jenna, it's a pleasure to meet you." "I've heard a lot about you." "(applause)" "(applause fades)" "I'm glad you're okay." "Thanks." "I've got some intel on the perps." "Guy behind it all was Gerald Leighton." "We linked him and his men to four high-value robberies in the last two years." "JOHN:" "Using police jamming protocol to initiate a palladium heist." "Pretty elaborate for a bunch of thieves." "It's going to be a paperwork nightmare." "And I thought you had come down here to thank me." "For what?" "Doing your job?" "Just for the record," "I did tell you to get out of the building, right?" "I swear, all I heard was static." "Oi!" "I've got a bone to pick with you, Detective." "Chewing gum?" "Really?" "Would you fix a race car with chewing gum?" "Uh, yeah, if it was busted, and I need to win a race." "He'll need extensive diagnostics." "Ah, that can wait." "Come on, let's go get some noodles." "You are aware that I don't eat." "Perfect." "I'm buying." "Let's roll." "Well, I'll just wait here, shall I?" "(engine revving)" "Thank you for what you did back there." "Don't mention it." "Besides, no one messes with my coffee warmer." "Hey, John, you know that story you told Paige, when you fell through the ice as a kid?" "When that gun was pointed at my head," "I felt something similar." "I-I didn't want to die." "I know it's not the same with me, but..." "Hey, dead is dead." "Yeah." "I suppose so." "Why don't you chuck some music on?" "?" "She's got electric boots, a mohair suit ?" "?" "You know I read it in a magazine... ?" "Elton John, huh?" "You heard me, didn't you?" "(sings along): ?" "Buh-buh-buh Bennie and the Jets ?" "ELTON JOHN:" "?" "Bennie... ?" "(joining in):" "?" "Bennie and the Jets ?" "Don't." "Don't." "Please, don't do that." "Whatever you say, Reginald." "ELTON JOHN:" "?" "Bennie ?" "(singing along):" "?" "Bennie ?" "?" "Bennie, Bennie and the Jets... ?" | {
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"GREY HOME" "Episode 03" " Robija" "Stand still!" "Look to the right!" "Stand still!" "Count yourselves in pairs!" "1st. - 2nd. - 1st. - 2nd..." "Stand still!" "To the right!" "Go for a warm-up after the first row." "Run..." "Slow running, come on." "Come on..." "Now run sidewards." "Everybody run sidewards!" "Good morning, chief." " Hi." "Last night around 11pm, the juvenile Mitar Borcic had a tooth ache, but there was no need for a doctor." "It stopped." " Continue." "The female juvenile, Mira Sreckovic, complained of kidney hurt around 1pm, but it turned out she stirred up a fuss 'cause she felt bored." "A peaceful night at last!" "This needs to be celebrated." "I didn't finish yet." "There's another detail." "Which one?" " Four of them escaped." "Why you didn't tell me that first?" " I thought it was better to do it chronologically, since the escape took place around 3pm." "Have you issued a warrant?" " Yes, right off." "Who are these four?" " Five actually." "Five, how?" " They persuaded one of the guards to come along with them." "You're boring just like my wife." "When she starts with bad news, can't stop." "Visit!" "Is it for me?" "Koske, are you deaf?" " What?" "A visit." "Ok." "It's home-made." " I don't want to." "I'd like cakes, too, but there's no any." "I wouldn't like cakes either." "So what would you want?" "Eat that and keep quiet." "Of course I'm gonna eat it." "I worked 12 hours in the night shift, and then boogied all the way here for another six hours to visit the gentleman." "You could have saved the money." " Do you have anything more to say?" "Where's your glasses?" "Doctor told you that you have to wear -1 dioptry." "Doing what you like again, eh?" "Fine, son." "Socks." "For your birthday." "You have a nice place here." "Nicer than at our place in Stuttgart." "You should see where I live." "Hundreds of people of all sorts." "Mutton and fat." "Fights every night." "Police doesn't leave our house." "So you compare." "I work night shifts, so..." "Let me show what I brought for you." "What's wrong?" "I was going to make you laugh." "You wanna chewing gum?" "How come you?" "What do you want?" " I wanted to tell you something." "What's so important so that you need to tell me of all people?" "Yes, comrade principal." "Speak." " I'm leaving." " I know that." "We said 'bye' to each other." "What is it about?" "It's ok." ""Separation with the juvenile hall's principal"" "What's so green in the white mountains?" "Is it posts or white banks?" "It's neither posts, nor white banks, nor the treasury of some other kind that could be robbed - all that belongs to the past." "No, this is a hall called VPD with 432 comrades and 26 comradesses, with staff numbering 130 people, who care of its proteges that they don't take the wrong life path..." "Not to take the wrong life path, but rather do something worthy, to forget what's spoilt, redecorate what's dilapidated, and comfort what's discomforted in unhappy juvenile being." "My Ratkovic, you scared me!" "I thought I'm gone." "I couldn't put the rest in rhymes." "Basically, it's about looking for something good in a person like me, was often like looking for a needle in the heaps of hay." "That person was you." ""He was like a miner looking for coal."" "And if he sometimes didn't find it, it wasn't his fault, but ours." "And that's why, thanks and all the credits to you!" " Wait." "You wrote something, too?" " No, but this is from the heart as well." "And let me tell you..." "Your speech was manlike." "Straight to the heart." "You finally improved." "They praise you." "You need to hold on a bit more." "They have confidence in you." "I bet he's up to something." "All those years..." "I can't even think of everything." "When I remember what scumbag you used to be!" "I thought it was over!" "That's past." "What dude he was!" "He drank their blood through a straw." "He was known in every hall that exists." "He's slumped." "Now he's smaller than a flea." "Take it." "I'm healthy, thank God." "I work." "Time passes by somehow." "Let's go, mom." "What a cunt you are, Chombe!" "Cunt." "They broke his spirit." "He just bows his head at whatever they tell him." ""Yes, sir."" "That's how Houra played naive for 6 months, but when he done what he did, it was known all the way to Belgrade." "Houra was somebody." "That's nobody." "He's too suspicious to me." "If he knew some tricks before, why would he change his ways all of a sudden?" "All because of leaving?" "He can do that whenever he wants." "But he wants lawfully." "Houra is a knife in their heart!" "I just can't figure out one thing:" "where did he find a bomb?" "Houra..." "They will remember his name for billion years." "Hey pal..." " One ticket for Belgrade." "Leaving?" "I wish you all best." " Same for you." "All best, Robija." "I took account: we've been fighting fiercely 128 times." "I don't even count light stuff." "We solved nothing." "You wanna fight now?" "No." "I don't even know why did I fight you so many times." "You're my best suit as a friend." "Whatcha gonna do now?" "Via French riviera." " Boy you're lucky!" "That's why I did all that time here so I could create something there." "Rale, take this for the memory." "Please don't." " Take it, he'll change his mind." "I'll know to appreciate this." "Why did you give him that watch?" "It's broken." "Nah..." "Excuse me." "What time is it?" "13.10." " Correct." "Say, what time is it?" "13.10." "Correct." "Son, where are you traveling to?" " Via French riviera." "Come in, Petko." "How did you know it was me?" "Well, this is your hour." "Wednesday, math, you don't know shit and who else will teach you, but me?" "What did you make up now?" " I didn't make it up." "You want me to show you math?" " No, comrade Zeka." "Looks like I swallowed something." ""Looks like"?" "Have you swallowed it, or not?" "I'll have to go to X-Ray room." "We send you to scanner every Wednesday." "You're gonna be radiated." "Sit!" "Take out the notebook." "Let's see what's the problem." "Last time we had a problem with triangles, right?" "In fact..." " What?" "How about we go to your place home?" " You don't say!" "?" "And maybe you'd like sauerkraut with lamb." "And corn bread." "All that boiled." "I cooked it last night all by myself, cutting it and preparing until half past midnight." "One who doesn't know with women, knows with cooking." "Get up." "Let's go!" "Can I go, too?" "Come on, you ragged ones!" "What is with you?" "Go take a rest." "Come, you!" "Hey kid." "What's new in Zabela?" "Say..." "Be tough, young man." "Accept the facts." "Don't be a wimp who falls down after every hit." "Come on, have some more." "No..." " Just eat." "Pepperones?" " Yeah, I like spicy." "Are they home-made?" "Zeka, may I take to the hall some 10 pieces?" "Take the whole jar." "Zeka, you're not only the best teacher, but you make this sauerkraut like nobody." "You don't say!" "?" "Swear on my mother." "Hello." "How's going, Mrs Ljilja?" "Hi." "Do I bother you?" "Sit." "Robija, let's go." "Zeka, we're leaving." "You just sit and eat." "Ljilja, why don't you eat sauerkraut with us?" "You really don't want to?" "Move your ass." "That's my place." "I feel sorry, Mr Zeka." "I swear." "For who?" ""For who?"" "You." "Why me?" "Your wife makes you trouble." "You married a husband." "It's a nice joint..." "Hers." "Not yours." "Lousy paid." "Shitty job." "Maybe all that is true, but don't mess into my job." "I would do things differently." "As first, her." "She wouldn't..." "You know how would I deal that?" "Roundhouse, uppercut, direct, floor." "She'd break like a crystal vase." "What kind of behavior is that?" "Man has to be in charge of the house:" "to bring money home, provide, and let her say something then." "Who teaches who here?" "That's not teaching." "That's life." "You either find your place, or not." "Do you have a watch, for instance?" " No." "He has no watch." "Fuck..." "Check this one." "How does it look like?" " Good." "Seiko." "You like it, eh?" "Take it." "What else do you have in pockets?" " Nothing, I swear." "For sure?" "Not quite." "Show it." "What's this?" "Watches." "Where from?" "I knicked it from..." "In fact, I've got a day out, and saw a guy smuggling these watches." "That's illicit trade." "I came, slapped him twice, took his watches." "From a thief." "Am I a thief, then?" "I swear." "I have a witness, too." "Tell him, Petko." "Seven days in jail." "No less." "What are you shitting about?" "Tell whose watches I stole." "Karadzic the watchmaker's." "Teacher Beli would spill your brains out for this, you know." "And Zeka is a good man." " What are you, his lawyer?" "Petko, go wait me in the car." "Thanks for the sauerkraut." "I have to knick something every once in a while." "Alright, Robija." "I'll give you another chance for the seventh time." "I'll give back to watchmaker his watches." "I won't file a report at the hall." "I will believe you for the eight, ninth, tenth time." "I will be a fool." "I will be dumb." "And what are you gonna be?" "Thief." "I told you to wait me in the car!" "You'll drop out of my group." "You'll fall into other people's hands." "And you know there's all kinds of people." "I won't be always there to help you." "Go now." "You're doing good in crafts." "You'll be a tinsmith." "That business pays off." "And I can suggest you to let you home in one year." "What home?" "You'll find an apartment." "You'll get a job." "I started from nothing myself, Robija." "You think I had someone to help me?" "I've got my way out anyway." "Come on, bye." "I feel sorry for disappointing you." "Do not do this again, and it will be forgotten." "I'm engineer Petkovic." "I'm at specialization here." "You have a nice city here." "People are friendly, too." "I feel like I'm born again here." "Should I carry that for you?" "Bye." "And your environment is totally natural." ""Totally natural", you idiot." "We're about to boogie for two hours all the way to the hall." ""Totally natural"." "You moron." "I'm engineer Petkovic." "I'm at specialization here." "You have a nice city here." "And people are friendly as well." "I feel like I'm born again here." "And your nature is totally natural." "Do your tits move?" "No." "Fuck..." "Has to be something serious." "What the hell is this?" "Tie the knot for me." "They took two packs of cigarettes." "You take them to your house." "You let them give you life advices." "You heard it?" "You've been eavesdropping?" "Sometimes it all looks rather anxious to me." "What are you laughing at?" "At Donald Duck." " Because they make you look ridiculous?" "They come to your house, eat, drink, listen to your nag about friendship and honesty, and then steal two packs of fags no less." "Doesn't matter." "The next time they'll steal one, and after that none." "I know what do you want to accomplish." "I even see how." "It all looks nice..." "It is human." "Honest." "Patiently." "In the long run." "But man, I look that for years." "With no results." "Nothing but scum and ragtags." "They don't get you." "They make you look silly." "When they say your name, they probably say:" ""Oh, Zeka?" "It's easy with him."" "My only shortcoming is persistence." "And the fact I don't wanna change." "I wish you luck." "Don't." "Come on, left one..." "Right one." "What?" "Scram, you." "Go out." "Matke..." "Let me ask you something." "What?" "Is that serious?" " What?" "With Savka." "You don't wanna have kids, do you?" "They will be big-assed like mother, and big-nosed like father." "They could work as scarecrows at agricultural cooperatives." "What did you say?" "But only if the faculty of medicine doesn't take them for their jars." "Don't, Sojka." "Wait, let me ask you something." "Say, who your godfathers are gonna be?" "Dracula and Frankenstein?" "Sojka, don't." "What's that?" "Party, eh?" "Matic is kinda worried." "Now it's all fine." "Shut up, Sojka." " It's shut." "Matic, can't you see they pick on you?" "Matke..." "We're just making jokes." "You just have fun and enjoy." "These bums here are jealous for not being able to find such a nice broad like yours." "Fighters, practicing again, eh?" "I'll show you two." "Oh fuck..." "What?" "Prostate burns me." "How does it burn you?" "It turns around and tightens like on a rope." "That's dangerous." "Hallo?" "Comrade principal, good evening." "It's Zeka." "I couldn't hold out." "I had to call you." "Did you hear about Tasic Bosko?" "Robija." "He did a heroic act." "He took seven or eight people out of a burned van." "Yes..." "I told you so." "I'll go visit him." "I have to, he expects that from me." "Ok..." "See you tomorrow." "Good night." "Mr Zeka, congratulations on your protege's heroism." "Well done!" "Good day." " Good day." "Your ID's please." " We were announced already." "From television." " Your ID's please!" "Ok just a moment, then." "Tone?" " Rolling." "Camera?" " Rolling." "We already spoke to main hero." "He gave us all a lesson from bravery and human solidarity." "Could you expect something like this from this boy, considering his living environment, as well as his past?" "I did expect that." "Not especially that, because I couldn't know what particular thing would happen." "I was rather deeply believed that he has a heart." "That he has honesty." "And..." "As strange as it sounds, has morale." "His nickname is Robija (jail)." "Why do they call him that way?" "You see, hew was born..." "In fact, we do not know where he was born." "He was first taken to a home for foundlings in Zvecanska street, and then to pre-school shelter." "Later he went to school shelter." "Then he was taken to educational institution." "And then he got here." "That's his life." "He was called 'Robija' by his fellow surroudings." "And he only responds to that." "I would only ask you that informations I gave you about his life you try to mitigate somehow..." " Stop!" "I would like you to tell me more about your working methods." "Namely, I heard that you don't apply punishments in your education..." "It's not only me like that." " Stop!" "Can we start again, please?" "It's not only me like that." " Stop, please." "Let us repeat this frame." "Tone?" " Rolling." "Camera?" " Rolling." "It's not only me like that." "And generally," "I find all this conversation kinda unpleasant." "Because accentuation is too much on me, which I wouldn't like to be." "I just do my job..." " That's correct." "One loses nerves." "Everything happens." "We are humans." "One of our younger colleagues couldn't hold on for two months." "He ran for his life." "While this older generations somehow resist." "The older they are, they put more effort in it." "Stop." "We're done." "Thanks for your conversation." "Now you should ask for free days off." "Maybe." "And reduce your smoking." "You cough like an idiot at night." "Idiot will reduce!" "To rest yourself." "To eat more." "Something else, I guess." "Look at him!" "How come you?" "He's the one I'm telling you about." "Congratulate him." "I'll make coffees." "What's the occasion, then?" " I've got a free night out." "Go then." "Have some fun." "I can't." "Why?" "You don't have money?" "I have money." "What is it, then?" "Why are you somber like that, as if you all your ships sunk?" "What is it?" "What's this?" "What's this?" "Whom this belongs to?" "To those whom I saved." "How's that?" "Like that." "While I was taking 'em out, I knicked their wallets." "Everything's there:" "Money, documents..." "I took all the rest back." "I only tore up their ID's." "Yeah I know." "I screwed up both the principal and you, and the hall..." "I should go to Zabela." "You'll have to." "There's no other way of dealing with me." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"NARRATOR:" "Previously on Two and a Half Men:" "Great news, Alan." "Berta has agreed to be my live-in housekeeper." "Yeah, he talked me into it." "BERTA:" "I wonder what his sweat tastes like." "Time for me to go." "Wait, come here." "Give us a hug goodbye." "[ALAN CHUCKLES]" "I'm taking your room, Zippy." "You saved my butt back there." "I owe you big-time." "If there is anything you need, any way I can help you...." "Well, it's really uncomfortable living at my mom's." "You think I could stay for a few days till I find my own place?" "Yeah." "No problem." "I'm back." "[SINGING] When Alan comes Marching home again, hoorah, hoorah" "We'll give him a hearty welcome then Hoorah, hoorah" "Hello, room." "Do you miss me?" "BOTH:" "Whoa!" "What are you doing here?" "I live here." "What are you doing here?" "Walden said I could stay for a couple of days." "You don't stay anywhere for a couple of days." "Besides, this is my room now." "It was my room first." "Walden!" "Why don't you just take Jake's room?" "Why don't I just rip your arm off and slap you silly with it?" "Oh, hey." "What's going on?" "Did you tell him he could stay here?" "Just for a couple of days." "Okay, I've got to explain something to you." "This guy is like genital herpes." "Once you got him, you got him for life." "Now, that's not very fair." "How long did you tell your brother you'd be here?" "I'll just move over to Jake's room." "Good idea, go to Jake's room." "Wait, why are we calling it Jake's room?" "Herpes has a kid." "Herpes, Jr.?" "Hey, what you doing?" "I'm building a neural metric backend for a social media aggregator." "If I nail it, I can revolutionize the online entertainment sector." "Ooh, neural metrics." "Cool." "You know, I buy all my underwear online." ""Add to cart."" "[DOORBELL RINGING]" "Oh, no, no, no." "Let me get that, boss." ""Add to cart."" "That's adorable." "What are you doing here?" "It's your weekend to have custody of this." "Hello." "Judith, I told you I'm a guest here." "I can't just bring my kid over without asking." "So ask." "Bye." "Judith." "Judith." "Wait." "Judith." "She left the car running, Dad." "All right." "All right." "Don't move." "Don't come in the house." "Just stand right there." "But I really have to use" "Okay, how am I gonna play this?" "Dishonestly." "Hey, Walden." "I just got an e-mail from Bridget." "We're going out to dinner." "Oh, dating the ex." "Always good news." "Oh, hey, speaking of broken families and good news do you remember my son Jake?" "Uh, yeah." "Nice kid with the big head?" "Mm." "Yeah." "I like him." "And he liked you too." "So much so that he decided to drop by and say hi." "Where is he?" "Waiting outside." "I told him you can't just come over unannounced." "Why not?" "I do it all the time." "You're a handsome billionaire." "People are happy to see you." "I told him there was no way he could sleep over." "Why not?" "You wouldn't mind?" "Why would I mind?" "[URINE TRICKLING]" "Hey." "No reason, he's a great kid." "You need to keep in mind that it's not like the old days." "I'm a guest here." "You mean like the old days when you were a guest here?" "I was not a guest." "Right." "Because guests eventually leave." "Charlie was my brother." "He loved having me here." "Wow." "Denial isn't just a river in South America." "Africa." "What about it?" "Never mind." "Just behave yourself while you're here." "Fine." "Can I have some privacy now?" "That actually leads me to another thing." "See, Berta's got my room now, so" "No." "Yes." "It's just temporary." "No." "I'm not sleeping with my dad." "When you go to college you'll have a roommate." "But it won't be you." "It'll be like that time we went camping." "I was 10." "It was the worst weekend of my life." "Hey, I didn't enjoy it either, but it's a memory we'll share forever." "What, are we gonna sleep on the same bed?" "I'll get the air mattress." "That you'll sleep on." "No." "No." "Yes." "Yes." "Forget about it." "Look." "Look." "Okay." "I will pack up our stuff and we will go back to Grandma's." "Fine." "[SCOFFS]" "Fine." "Okay." "Don't come crying to me when she starts driving you crazy." "I won't." "At Grandma's, you gotta pee sitting down so there's no splatter." "I'll manage." "And that's how you pee, anyway." "I am not bluffing, Jake." "I believe you." "All right, I'll sleep on the stupid air mattress." "Good." "Three more seconds and I would've folded." "Damn." "So where do you wanna go to dinner tonight?" "What do you mean?" "You always pick the restaurant." "Well, who says the man is supposed to pick the restaurant?" "Well, that's a stupid rule." "Yeah." "Okay, yeah." "Fi" " I'll pick a restaurant." "Okay." "Bye." "Hey, Jake, do you know a romantic restaurant I can take a girl to dinner?" "How about Souplantation?" "Is it good?" "Are you kidding?" "All-you-can-eat salad, soup, pasta." "I am in." "Dude." "What?" "That's my sandwich." "It's delicious." "[WALDEN GRUNTS]" "So, what's your deal?" "Huh?" "What's your deal?" "I'm 17." "I don't think I have a deal yet." "Eh, come on, everybody's got a deal." "Your deal is you got no deal." "Cool." "I'm a man without a deal." "What are you, like, a high school senior?" "Well, I should be." "But they got this dumb rule that you have to pass every single course." "I think five out of seven is plenty, don't you?" "Heck, yeah." "In eighth grade, I flunked all my courses." "Really?" "Yeah." "My mom had me evaluated." "Turns out I was just bored because I was too smart for all the classes." "Huh." "Maybe that's my problem." "I'm too freaking smart." "Ow!" "I'm sorry." "I just think we need to establish some boundaries." "Hey." "Don't make hitting your deal." "[GASPING AND BLOWING]" "Hey, Dad." "Hang on." "[PANTING]" "Didn't you used to have a bicycle pump?" "Yeah." "I also used to have my own room." "Oh, what do you want, Jake?" "So you know how you're worried that because I get bad grades I'm not gonna get into college and find a job to support myself?" "That pretty much sums it up." "Yeah." "Well, it turns out I get bad grades because I'm too smart." "Too smart?" "Yeah." "I'm gonna forget college, drop out of high school and start my own business." "Hold on, hold on." "You're too smart?" "Yep." "Walden and me have that in common." "Walden and "l" have that in common." "No offense, Dad, but I don't think you're that smart." "So you're saying you wanna drop out of high school?" "Why not?" "Did you know that Walden made his first million before he was 19?" "How many zeros in a million, Jake?" "M-I-L-L-I-O-N." "One." "Okay." "Okay, Jake, listen carefully." "You are not dropping out of high school." "But" "No, you're not a genius." "You're not a prodigy." "Nice." "My own father doesn't think I'm special." "Oh, on the contrary your father thinks you're very special." "Of course, I'm the dummy sleeping on the floor." "[AIR HISSING]" "[KNOCKING ON DOOR]" "All right." "Come in." "Got a minute?" "Sure." "Hey, I'm getting dressed for my dinner with Bridget." "How do I look?" "Your face should be on gay money." "Listen." "You say something to my son about quitting high school..." "...and starting a business?" "Oh, yeah." "I told him that's what I did." "Hey, what do you think about a hat?" "The only reason to wear a hat on a date is if you're hiding a bald spot." "Oh." "For your next date." "Thank you." "So you really quit high school?" "No." "I skipped high school." "I quit MIT." "Ah." "Okay, see, there's the misunderstanding." "Jake has a hard time spelling MIT." "Well, then he really shouldn't quit school." "Hey, check it out." "My socks match my sneakers." "But your sneakers don't match each other." "Oh." "Ho, ho." "Bridget used to pick out all my outfits." "I can see why you miss her." "Well, thank you for clearing the Jake stuff up." "Yeah." "No problem." "And going forward kids like him are looking for role models." "So you have to be careful around them." "Sure." "Although, truth to tell, unless he sees you passed out in a pool of vomit with a tattooed prostitute you're gonna be an improvement in the role model department." "Hey, Alan?" "Yeah?" "You've got a lot of experience with women, right?" "A lot?" "I don't know." "You know, I've been around the block a few times." "Did a little dance, made a little love." "Got down tonight on several occasions." "Why do you ask?" "What can I do to convince Bridget to take me back?" "Oh." "Walden, Walden, Walden." "Come, sit." "Really?" "I gotta sit?" "A woman's heart is a deep and mysterious place." "Almost impossible to reach." "Much like the G-spot." "Although, at least we know the heart in fact exists." "Is that it?" "Can I stand up now?" "No, no." "Hang on." "Hang on." "When that heart closes itself to a man, and in my experience, it inevitably does the only way to reopen it is to allow time to pass." "That way, the woman can reflect on how much she misses her man." "And that's worked for you?" "Oh, yeah." "There are quite a few ladies out there currently reflecting on how much they miss Alan Harper." "Good luck." "Should've asked the kid." "Unbelievable." "You don't like it." "No, no, I blame myself." "I trusted you to make a simple dinner reservation." "Don't blame me, blame Jake." "Who's Jake?" "He's some kid without a deal." "Besides, does it matter where we eat as long as we're with each other?" "[KID BANGING ON BOWL]" "I gotta pee." "Okay, bon appétit." "I gotta pee." "Don't you move." "Hello." "Heh, heh, heh." "She's cute." "You know, it's not too late." "We could still have a kid." "We already do." "I'm looking at him." "Oh, come on." "That's not fair." "Ah!" "Hot soup." "Hot soup." "Ah." "Thank you." "Look, Walden I agreed to have dinner with you because I care about you, but I just" "Are we gonna have sex later?" "Let me finish." "But, no." "WALDEN:" "Aw." "The thing is, even though I care about you, this marriage is over." "I don't wanna get a divorce." "Why do we gotta get a divorce?" "Because I have grown up." "You are still the same guy you were at 19." "No, not true." "I got a lot more money now." "Money isn't the point." "I got lawyers, accountants." "I got my own charitable foundation." "It's not about what you have, it's about who you are." "Oh." "Well, I'm pretty much the same guy." "What I want, what I need, is a partner in life." "A grown-up, mature, responsible adult." "What, you don't think that's me?" "No, I don't." "You don't think I can change?" "No." "What if I can?" "Can too." "You can't." "Just eat your dinner." "Ugh." "This blows." "I know, but it's something we're both just gonna have to accept." "How's your beach house?" "It's okay." "But I miss you." "I miss you too, sometimes." "Really?" "Walden, we were together for 15 years." "Those feelings don't just go away." "[GIGGLING]" "Hey, be cool." "So you really still have feelings for me?" "Of course, I do." "[LAUGHING]" "Hey, big girls don't throw food." "Trust me, I can change." "I really can." "Hey." "All right, that's it." "Eat lettuce." "Walden!" "What?" "She started it." "Oh!" "No pasta." "I call no pasta." "[GIRL LAUGHING]" "Oh, it is on." "And she got some pasta." "Here it comes." "Here it comes." "[DOORBELL RINGING]" "Berta, can you get the door?" "I'm off the clock, Zippy." "What clock?" "You're a live-in." "And I'm living." "[MUSIC PLAYING ON TV]" "You know you took the wrong brother, right?" "What are you doing here?" "Why did you tell Jake he could quit school?" "I didn't." "Where did he get the idea?" "Walden." "He told him about how when he quit, he made millions of dollars." "Jake thinks he can do it." "Terrific." "I thought your brother was a horrible influence." "Don't speak ill of the dead." "But you're right, he was a terrible human being." "Hey, who's at the--?" "Whoops." "JUDITH:" "You come back here, young man!" "He's not coming back, is he?" "I wouldn't." "Hey." "Walden, I want a word with you." "Walden, you remember Judith." "Bye." "You're Alan's ex, right?" "Yes, and Jake's mother." "You and I need to" "I just had dinner with my ex." "Well, that's very nice." "Anyway" "She's not my ex yet, she's gonna be." "I'm sorry." "She hates me, but I'm still in love with her." "Well, I'm sure you'll find somebody else." "Since we were teenagers, she's been the only one." "You were high school sweethearts?" "Yeah." "That is so romantic." "And I blew it again tonight." "Hey, come on now, it'll be okay." "No, it'll never be okay." "She's my soul mate." "Oh, you poor, sweet man who smells like ranch dressing and fettuccine Alfredo." "Have you ever loved anyone like that?" "No." "Don't, because it hurts too much." "Oh, I wish there was something I could do." "Like what?" "Oh, yeah, I'm so quitting high school." "For the last time, Jake, you are not dropping out of high school." "What if I can convince Mom to let me?" "Heh, heh, heh." "Sure." "If your mother says it's okay, you can have my blessing." "Cool." "And while I'm at it, I'll buy you a car." "Oh, no, no, a space ship." "Car is fine." "Good night, Jake." "Good night, Dad." "[FARTING NOISE]" "That was the air mattress." "Okay." "[FARTING NOISE]" "That was me." "[JUDITH PANTING]" "Holy moly, what got into you tonight?" "You know, besides moi." "Shh." "Don't talk." "Okay." "[SIGHS]" "How would you feel about growing a beard?" "Wouldn't that scratch your face?" "Yeah." "[English" " US" " SDH]" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Mom?" "Mommy?" "Mommy!" "Are you okay?" "No." "I'm scared." "It's just thunder, sweetie." "I know." "I'm scared of thunder." "Can I sleep with you tonight?" "You're almost six, Billy." "I think it's really important that you learn to sleep in your own bed." "Even when it's thunder and lightning?" "Even when it's thunder and lightning." "But mom..." "But what?" "They come for me when it's dark." "Honey, nobody's coming for you." "Except maybe me if you don't go to sleep." "Okay?" "Okay." "Check first?" "Yes sir." "Do you want to look?" "Daddy and I are right downstairs." "If you pull the covers over your head, you're safe, right?" "Right." "Okay." "I'll leave the door open a crack, okay?" "Okay." "Mom?" "Mommy?" "Mommy!" "It's mom." "I'm not going to make my Friday visit, but honey..." "What else is new?" "You got to keep up with those pills." "Yes mother." "Julia, hi, Doctor Crowley." "The thirteenth's fine for your thesis defense." "Say 9 a.m." "I'll let Professor Essex know." "Please confirm as soon as you can." "Thanks." "Jules, take off the bike shorts and listen to me..." "The ambulance threw a rod so I'm switching shifts and I got the night off, are you free?" "Julia, it's Kim." "Join us here in the 21st century, huh, get e-mail." "I hate e-mail." "Think of it as an actual "date"." "Foreign concept, I know, but a break just might free your fevered mind." "I can't go out tonight, I have to study." "And don't say "I can't go out tonight, I have to study."" "I'm picking you up at eight." "You've done a year of research." "Presented your thesis..." "So all that's left's the defense, right?" "Hmm hmm." "Then I've got my Masters." "Great." "Then you can psychoanalyze me." "Well, I can do that now." "C'mon, give me credit for being a little mysterious." "Raised by puritanical Midwestern parents, you are hardworking, honest to a fault," "and very, very empathetic." "Okay, my turn." "Raised by an overbearing mother, you're passionate, driven, maybe to a fault, and just a little bit moody." "Moody?" "The highs are high, the lows are low." "It means you feel." "That's a good thing." "Trust me." "That's why we're good together." "Body and soul." "Playing a good game of pool is a sign of being well-rounded, you know." "Says who?" " Some dead English guy." "What do you want me to say?" "I'm feeling it." "Let's see if you "feel it" when something's riding on it." "Twenty's yours if you sink it." " Alright." "No pressure." "Oh." "One more time." "Double or nothing." "Driven to a fault, remember?" " It's your money." "Alright." "Here we go." "... steadfast in their stance on the issue." "Earlier this week civic government announced..." "Hey, what's up?" " Hey." "Uh... sorry we're home." "We were just - actually - uh..." "Reese kind of flaked on us so we decided to be domestic." "... power crises intensify, the specter of rolling blackouts goes from threat to reality." "Speaking of, you guys pay the electric bill?" "Tragedy struck a downtown warehouse today..." "Well, Paul, you see there isn't..." " Come on." "You know what?" "We were thinking, like, why should we pay for something we're not even going to get, right?" "You got fired again." "Yeah." "So you don't mind fronting us again, right?" "Just, like, until I get back on my feet, man, I swear to God..." "It won't be long." "Anyone comes in my room, they're dead." "You got it, man, you got it." "That's what I'm talking about..." " It's not my fault." "Alone at last." "You gonna get that?" " I have to... it could be Crowley." "On a Friday night?" " I paged him." "Hello?" "Billy." "Hey." "What's wrong?" "I can't leave right now." "I'm kind of in the middle of something." "I could see you tomorrow." "Um... okay." "I'll come and meet you." "Hmm hmm." "I'll be there in a half hour." "Okay." "Bye." "What now?" " He didn't say." "But he sounded terrible." " He always sounds terrible." "The guy's permanently freaked out." " You know the shit he's been through." "Yeah, well, who hasn't?" "Look, I know you guys are close, and I'm cool with that, even if you have known him since you were, like, five." "But you can only expect so much understanding from one mortal." "But you're not just any mortal." "I won't be long." "Julia?" "Billy?" "My god, I almost didn't recognize you." "What's wrong?" " I look bad, huh?" "Terrible." "What happened to your hand?" "It's... it's hard to explain." " Try." "They're here!" " Who?" "Billy, it's just a power surge from the storm." "No, it's not." "Listen to me..." "You remember those night terrors that we used to have?" "What, when we were kids?" "That's when they marked us." "And now they're back." "Who?" "You see that?" " What?" "Listen to me:" "When you hear a baby crying, or you hear a kid crying you keep moving, okay?" "Children can sense them." "It's your warning." "Warning against what?" " Also, they affect the electrical things." "They affect the lights and the phones." "They... they affect things." "Billy, stop!" "You're not making sense." "Just tell me what happened." " What I am telling you." "They can't be in the light." "They hide in the dark so you can't see them." "I mean I've been doing research, and reading and..." "I don't think I'm alone." "Poe..." "I think he saw them too." "His writing's dark, and hopeless." "And he went crazy too." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Well of course you don't." "I have to work nights so I can sleep days!" "My own fucking mother has to look at me like I should be locked up." "I even tried to find out if there's other people like us." "I made friends, to see if it wasn't just me." "And you know what I found out?" "What?" " Nobody can help me." "I'm going to help you." " No!" "You can't." "I shouldn't have called you." "No, you did the right thing." "Just try to explain it to me." "I'm scared." "I'm scared." "There's nothing to be scared of." " You're wrong." "Billy." "I'm sorry." " Sorry for what?" "No..." "Hello?" "Hello?" "Hello?" "Paul?" "Paul?" "Paul?" "Julia?" "!" "Julia!" "Julia..." "Stop!" "JULIA!" "Julia!" "Stop!" "Hey, listen, I'm not going to hurt you!" "I'm going to stay right here." "Honey, listen." "Hey..." "hey... there's nothing to be afraid of." "How did I get here?" " You must have been sleepwalking." "It's nice to see someone else born after 1950." "Hey." "So, how did you know Billy?" " We were friends since we were kids." "I'm Julia." "Right... yeah... um..." "Billy talked a lot about you." "Um..." "I'm Sam, this... this is my roommate..." "Terry." "Hi." " Hi." "Billy, Sam and I were really close in college." "Yeah." "You were with him, weren't you?" "The night that he..." " Yeah." "I'm sorry." "Did he say anything to you?" "Nothing I could understand." "It was all pretty incoherent." "Sort of like maybe he was on something again." "You know he was taking Prozac." "I guess it didn't work." "Excuse me." "What?" "Hey..." "I just wanted to apologize for Sam's comment back there." "The guy engages his mouth before his brain sometimes." "It's okay." "I'm just a little over-sensitive right now." "We all are." "So, had you seen much of Billy recently?" "Yeah, until he moved back here about 3 months ago." "Do you know what he was trying to tell us with all this?" "Maybe he was planning for a really long camping trip." "Or that he was afraid of the dark." " I know that feeling." "You had night terrors as a kid, right?" "Did Billy tell you that?" "Yeah." "For a while that was all he could talk about." "In fact, it is the reason that him and Sam and I met." "We all had 'em." " What?" "It's crazy, huh?" "See, we all got really close freshman year, but it was only later that Billy told us he had sought us out." "He was obsessed back then." " And what about lately?" "He'd come to me, recently, a few times, babbling about how we shared the same problem, how we need to stay in the light." "I guess I should've taken him more seriously, but I was so used to Billy acting crazy, you know?" "It never occurred to me that the same thing could happen to us." "You are the string days collected like tiny silk beads and counted before sleeping." "Julia!" "Hey, baby..." "Welcome home..." "Are you drunk?" " I prefer intoxicated." "Come on, I'm just having a couple of drinks." "What's with all the hostility?" "I had an accident." " What?" "On the way home." "I had an accident." " Are you hurt?" "No." "Okay." "Tell me what happened." "I was driving out in the middle of nowhere and..." "I thought something ran out in front of me, so I had to slam on the brakes and I nearly went off the road." "Did you hit the 'something'?" "I don't know." "I don't think so." "I thought I saw what..." "I'm just not..." "exactly sure what happened." "Okay, well, was it an animal?" "I don't think so." " Okay, so what'd you hit, an alien?" "I should have known..." "I should have known!" "Oh, hey..." "No, I should have known that you would make fun of me." "Well, what do you want me to say!" " I don't know." "I just know that something scared me." "I've got my defense the day after tomorrow." "I just don't need to come home and find you getting wasted with your idiot roommates!" "Look, let me tell you what I've been up to." "There was a thirteen car pile-up on the 80 last night." "So for the past 24 hours I've been cutting dead people out of their cars." "There's a difference between what you've been through and what I've been through." "Yours is in there..." "Mine's out here." "Don't get confused about which is which." "Billy must have been writing in this diary since childhood, so we thought you might want to take a look at it." "Maybe you can make more sense out of it than we could." "It's pretty deranged stuff." "Like this:" ""Saw them again, beneath my window, in the alley."" ""Always in darkness and shadow."" ""Where do they come from?"" ""Could it be that darkness is their way in and out?"" ""Origins." "Incubus, bringers of nightmares."" ""Grendels lurking in the darkness,"" ""can only assume that light is my savior..."" ""Maybe it's all in my head."" ""The insane nightmare of a schizo."" "You don't seem surprised by any of this." "It's a lot like the stuff he talked about the night he died." "It's not too surprising that he would write about it too." "No, I guess not." "It's just that..." "We were wondering if..." "What?" "If you've had any recent 'night terrors'?" "Yeah, actually, I have." "Us, too." "Ever since Billy killed himself, I've had this uneasy feeling." "You know, like I'm being watched or something." "I mean, I'm 24 years old, and I walk in a dark room and it's like I'm 5 again..." "C'mon, you guys." "We've all been through an extremely traumatic experience." "It's only natural that certain uncomfortable feelings would be stirred up..." "You don't remember." "Remember what?" "How powerful those feelings were." " What do you mean?" "When I was five," "I watched my sister drown in a lake where we used to spend our summers." "Right after, I started to suffer from terrible night terrors." "There was one particularly bad night." "I woke up screaming my head off." "My parents finally managed to get me to sleep, and a couple of hours later, my mother came back to check on me and I was gone." "They looked everywhere:" "In the attic." "In the basement." "All over the house." "My mother was hysterical, she thought I'd been kidnapped, or I'd run off, or who knows what." "Then my father went into the backyard and he heard a noise in the doghouse, of all places." "He stooped down, looked in, and there I was, huddled in the back." "Naturally, he reached in." "And... that's when I stabbed him in the eye with a kitchen knife." "I was convinced he wasn't my father." "That he was some kind of demon coming for me." "I was absolutely sure of it." "I haven't had that feeling since I was a kid, but I have it now..." "and so does Sam, and... we thought you might, too." "Julia?" "Yes, Dr. Booth." " I hardly recognize you!" "In fact, I don't recognize you at all, but come on in." "It's hard to think of you as that frightened little girl who used to come in here." "My god, it's been what..." "Twenty years." "Twenty years." "It's a wonder I'm still around." "So, what have you been doing with yourself?" "Well actually, I'm going for my masters in psychology." "Psychology?" "!" "That's wonderful!" "Now, tell me, outside of studying, how are you doing?" "I'm not doing that well, Dr. Booth." "That's why I came to see you." "I haven't been sleeping that well..." "I think I had a recurrence." "A recurrence?" "Of what?" " Night terrors." "What makes you say that?" "A few nights ago, I woke up in my bathroom... totally disoriented." "My boyfriend came to help me and I attacked him." "Well, it certainly sounds like a night terror." "It's not unheard of in adults..." "But really quite abnormal." "Yes, that's right." "Night terrors can be part of normal childhood development." "But I've found that the most violent and persistent cases occur in children who've suffered profound emotional trauma." "If I recall, you came to see me shortly after your father took his own life, isn't that right?" "Yes." "So, your recent night terror could possibly have been triggered by an increase in stress or fatigue." "Am I far off?" "No." "No." "Julia, why don't we schedule a formal session." "I don't usually treat adults, but since we have a history, you could come in here, describe the things you're going through, and we'll try to figure out if it really is a recurrence" "of night terrors or if it's... something else." "You scared the hell out of me." "Sorry..." "What do you think went through Billy's mind when he did it?" "The bullet." "I don't know, Terry, the same thing that goes through everybody's mind before they kill themselves:" "That they hate their life;" "they're better off dead than alive." "Blam!" "Blam!" "Blam!" "I wonder what it's like to get to that place." "Terry, stop picking it or it's never going to heal, okay?" "It's not healing anyway." "I might as well get some satisfaction." "I think it's getting worse." " Maybe it's cancer." "There is something seriously demented about you, do you know that?" "You know, maybe I should've gone to law school." "Like I said... demented." "Look, I'm going to go out, try to detox for a little bit." "Are you going to be alright by yourself?" "Yeah." "Sure?" "Yeah." "Okay." "Bye." "Got you!" "Damn rats." "Understanding your Child's Dreams" "Hello?" " Hey, Julia." "How goes it?" "Lousy." "I'm still on chapter four in Crowley, and I can't remember half the other sources in my bibliography." "Well, look at the bright side." "If you flunk, it's only another 12 months of hell and another 20 grand." "But it could be worse." " How?" "I'm not sure exactly." "Hey, listen Kim, will you call me later?" "Make sure I'm still awake." "Okay, bye." " Thanks." "Bye." "Could somebody turn the lights back on, please?" "Hello?" "Open the door!" "Please, somebody help me!" "Damn it!" "Moore's Theory of Discordance postulates that subjects, when presented with evidence hostile to their world view, experience disassociative discordance or fight or flight reflexivity." "And discordance here is defined... as... delusions of reality stemming from childhood trauma and... a heightened state of anxiety..." "Yes." "Sorry." "By increasing the number of familiar external stimuli individuals will well, individuals will try individuals experiencing discordance will..." "Would you please excuse me?" " Yeah." "Certainly." "Hey, it's Julia." "Leave a message after the beep." "Julia, come on, pick up." "I know you're there." "I'm sorry about the other night." "So consider this the official apology." "Besides, I want to hear how your defense went." "I bet you knocked 'em dead, but I need specifics, so pick up the phone." "Alright, I can take a hint." "But I'm gonna harass you until you call me back." "Hey, it's Julia." "Leave a message after the beep." "Paul..." "Hello?" "Julia." "This is Sam." "Oh, hi." "I need to talk to you." "Hello?" " Hey, it's Julia." "Yeah, come on in." "Okay." "Hello?" "Sam?" "Depressing, isn't it?" "Look, I'm sorry that I called you." "I just figured that you'd be the only one that would understand." "Understand what?" " I mean, you see it, right?" "I don't know what I see." " But you can feel it." "You definitely feel that something bad is happening, right?" "Yes." "You see, you do understand." "Terry's missing." "What do you mean, 'missing'?" "She didn't come home last night." "The rec center called me this morning." "And they said that they found her bag with all of her stuff in it." "Sam, slow down." "Maybe..." "Maybe she just forgot her stuff in her locker." "And what, left the building in her bathing suit?" "Did you call the police?" "Yes, I did." "They're not going to find anything." "I've been studying Billy's diary ever since we found it." "You know, I can't seem to do much of anything else." "It's like..." "Sam..." "No, wait, wait." "Just listen." "Okay, now I can't make sense of all of it, but..." "I was taken to their world when I was five and marked, but it faded." "They only mark kids who have night terrors." "Listen to this..." ""Last week the mark reappeared."" ""It means they're coming for me."" "Just listen to his last entry, okay?" ""I can't write much longer,"" ""the mark on my hand keeps getting worse."" ""I can't stand it."" ""I pulled out this thing they planted in me."" "Sam, Billy was unstable, we know that." "No..." "This is ridiculous..." "he'd had problems since he was a kid." "We all did." "Now, don't you think it's possible..." "that something that scared us as kids has come back... to collect us?" "What are you saying?" "I never saw Billy's mark, but I did see Terry's... and hers looked a lot like this..." "Hi." "Hi." "What's your name?" "Sarah." "My name is Julia." "Are you all by yourself?" "Where's your mom?" "Heaven." "Do you work here?" "No." "I don't either." "I'm a patient." "Sarah... do you have bad dreams?" "Sometimes." "What happens in your dreams?" "They come for me." "Who comes?" "They." "Why do they come for you?" "To eat me." "Does anything keep them away?" "Lights." "You think I'm crazy?" "No." "Why don't you tell me what you think it all might mean." "Our night terrors may not have been induced by emotional trauma at all." "Maybe something really did come for us when we were kids, and planted something in us." "And whatever it was, it left a mark." "Just like that little girl's." " And now they're coming back?" "Yes!" "And that's why the marks reappear." "So that they can find us and take us back to the place in our night terrors... out of the light." "I know how it sounds." "Julia, you say you failed your thesis defense with Dr. Crowley?" "Perhaps you'd like to tackle this case?" "Subject is suffering post-traumatic stress from witnessing the suicide of a close friend." "Influenced by the erratic behavior of two strangers, she allows herself to entertain... the paranoid schizophrenic delusions of her dead friend." "And why does she do that?" "Because she feels a sense of personal failure and guilt that Billy that her friend died." "And you are going to be an excellent psychologist." "I'll see you on Thursday." "Thank you, Dr. Booth." "Oh, Julia..." "If these demons were coming back, wouldn't you have the mark too?" "Remind me what I'm looking for?" "Like an infected mark-thing." "Little, pinkish." "Like the size of a dime." "Well... nothing yet." "But it's early." " Paul, this is serious..." "Okay." "I'm sorry." "You're all done." "No marks." "You sure?" "Double-checked, trust me." "Not that I'm complaining, you know, but why'd you need me to do that?" "I met these two friends of Billy's at the funeral." "And?" "Well, they both had marks like Billy's." "And so I went to tell Dr. Booth, and..." "Oh, you're just gonna think this is crazy." "Julia." "Didn't we just search your entire body and find nothing?" "So, what have you got to worry about?" "You're right." "You're right." "Jesus!" "Somebody!" "Hey!" "Over here!" "Help!" "Hey!" "Over here!" "Come on!" "Hey, Paulie!" "We're going down to the..." "Woah." "Hello, nurse." " Get out!" "Get out!" "You mad?" " Not mad." "I'm embarrassed." "But I'll get over it." "Troy may not, however." "I'm sorry about the last couple of days." "Hey, you feel." "Don't apologize for it." "Good night." "I'll see you tomorrow." "... and all for less than a dollar." "What do you think of that?" "You can't beat that kind of value." "... as the power shortage reaches critical levels, residents are asked to save energy and turn off the lights in an effort to avoid more rolling blackouts this weekend." "And in a related story, officials say the rolling blackouts will have an effect on emergency services provided in the largest metropolitan hospital." "This comes as another blow to the already beleaguered medical center as eleventh-hour talks broke down today between doctors and hospital administration." "Hospital spokesperson Jason Hildin stated that the doctor's strike is a foregone conclusion." "This is getting ridiculous." "On the lighter side of civic news..." "Paul!" "Paul!" "Paul!" "Let me in!" "I'm coming!" "My God, what happened to you?" "Julia, what happened?" "Look at me." "Let me see you." "Look at me." "Look!" "Look!" "I've got it!" "Just like Billy and Sam..." "I've got this thing on me..." "Jesus, how the hell did you manage that?" "Ouch!" "Be careful!" "It hurts..." "Don't move." "Don't move." "There was..." "There was this thing... like a..." "like a big splinter, and I pulled it out of me I pulled it out of me..." "You pulled what out of you?" "It was in my head." "This thing was in my head!" "Slow down." "Slow down." "What was in your head?" "I don't know..." "like a kind of a bone..." "or something..." "I don't know..." "they grabbed me in my apartment." "In my apartment, they tried to get me..." "I ran down the street and I I was in this bathroom and..." "Because of the light." "It has something to do with the light." "I think that they can't be in the light." "Billy wrote it all down..." "Drink this." "...and electricity!" "Which is why the whole blackout thing..." "They could be everywhere..." " Sit." "No... everywhere." " Sit down." "Okay, take a few deep breaths, okay." "You'll be asleep soon." " Asleep?" "!" "I'm not going to go to sleep!" "Honey, you need to go to sleep." "Okay?" "I can't go to sleep!" "What did you give me?" "!" "Don't touch me!" "Get away from me!" "Listen to me!" "Nothing's going to happen to you." "I will not let anything happen to you." "I won't let anything happen to you." "Now, sit down." "Sit down." "I'm going to get you some clean clothes, and then I'm going to take care of everything... okay?" "Alright?" "Alright." "Everything you're feeling is perfectly understandable considering the week you've had!" "The best thing you can do is just stay here and get some rest." "No!" "No!" "Let me out!" "Somebody!" "Wait!" "No!" "No!" "Stop!" "Stop!" "No!" "Help!" "Hey!" "This really isn't like her." "She's just confused." "All we can do is to wait, see what happens." "Make sure that..." "Julia!" "It's okay." "It's okay, Julia." "It's okay." "You're safe now." "You're safe." "Did you think something was attacking you?" "They found you in the subway..." " With a concussion." "You're pretty banged up." "Let's get you back into bed." "I was trying to get to the red light..." "Okay, we'll work all that out." "But right now you need to rest." "Everything's going to be fine." "How could she get out of a locked room?" "That door was bolted." "Julia?" "What is it?" "Nothing." "Nothing." "Help!" "Help me!" "I'm here!" "Help me!" "I'd better go call security." "Help me!" "Hey!" "I'm here!" "Help!" "Are you coming?" "Wait!" "I'm here!" "Nooo!" "I'm here!" "I'm here!" "No!" | {
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"...a Saxon knight, called Wilfred of Ivanhoe undertook a private crusade of his own." "England's warrior king, Richard the Lion-Hearted had disappeared during his homeward march, vanishing without trace." "His disappearance dealt a cruel blow to his unhappy country already in turmoil from the bitter conflict between Saxon and Norman." "And in time, most of his subjects came to mourn him as dead." "But Ivanhoe's faith that his king still lived took him on an endless quest from castle to castle until, at last, he came to A ustria." "Who are you?" "What do you want of me?" "T ell me what is written here." "I read no Austrian." "Happily, I read English." "Read it to me happily, then." ""To the people of England I am here held captive by Leopold of Austria." "My brother, Prince John, has knowledge of it yet he has denied me ransom, 1 50,000 marks of silver." "I fear he does conspire with certain Norman knights to seize my throne." "People of England, speed my deliverance." "Your kingdom is at stake."" "lt is signed" "I know the hand that signed it." "But the eyes that saw it shall forget that name and all they read." "Or this knife will pluck them out and cast them to the crows." "Do you remember what you saw?" "I have forgotten every syllable." "" Prince John and certain Norman knights."" ""Certain Norman knights."" "These glades go on forever." "I hope we find shelter before nightfall, Bois-Guilbert." "What do you fear, De Bracy, Saxon hobgoblins?" "No, a Saxon arrow in the small of my back." "I wager there's a cutthroat behind every tree trunk." "Aye." "And soon, they'll be hanging from them." "Unless we are." "God save you, knight." "And God save you." "We ride to Ashby." "Which crossroad do we take?" "The right will take you to Ashby." "Shall we get there by nightfall?" "By nightfall tomorrow." "Tomorrow?" "Can you show us the way to a roof for the night?" "I know of a roof nearby, but perhaps you would scorn it." "Why?" "Is it humble?" "No, sire." "It is Saxon." "I'd sooner bivouac by the road." "'Tis a fine night." "To be butchered in one's sleep." "Would you sooner walk into a Saxon trap?" "What is this house you speak of?" "Rotherwood, the keep of Cedric the Saxon." "I believe I know this Cedric the Saxon." "Has he a ward, a woman of great beauty?" "The Saxon princess, Lady Rowena, is his ward." "Aye, Rowena. 'Tis the same Cedric." "He loves us not, but we would sleep safe beneath his roof." "You know the way?" "Well enough to lead." "Then lead us, but one false step and you'll sing a different song." "I have a song to fit every occasion." "He means he'll lop your head off, minstrel." "Yes, sire, I knew what he meant." "Now, Locksley, while they're in range." "Peace, hothead." "Would you slay lvanhoe?" "Ivanhoe died in the Holy Land." "The troubadour is lvanhoe." "He takes those Normans to his father's." "Ivanhoe defied his father when he went to the war." "Cedric cast him off." "He would never go back, unless he's turned traitor to the Saxons." "Put down your bows." "I'll know why he takes those Normans to his father before I'll believe ill of Sir lvanhoe or Cedric." "And so shall you, you rattle-pate." "By your leave, milord, two knights do request food and lodging." "They are Normans, lately returned from the Holy Land." "If they break no laws of courtesy as guests, I'll break none as host." "Bid them enter and depart in peace, or else depart in pieces." "Elgitha, tell the lady Rowena I do not desire her presence here tonight." "But she is pining for news from the Holy Land." "When she hears they are Normans, she'll want none of their news." "Tell her to keep to her chambers till we're quit of them tomorrow." "Sir Brian De Bois-Guilbert and Sir Hugh De Bracy, milord." "We come in peace, Sir Cedric." "In peace, I greet you." "We come, also, as friends." "I greet no one in friendship, save those who share the royal Saxon blood." "Homely fare is before you." "Eat your fill of it." "Take me to the Lady Rowena." "Who is there?" "A sort of fool, milady." "Come in, Wamba." "Make me laugh a little." "Tonight, milady, I do not play the fool." "I play the wizard." "Close your eyes, and I will perform a wonder." "How long must I keep my eyes closed?" "Till you have wished." "What shall I wish for?" "Whom do you hold most dear?" "You know who that is." "Say his name, and he shall come to you." "Ivanhoe." "Oh, I knew, I knew." "Knew what, Rowena?" "I knew that you were safe and that you were alive and that you loved me still." "I used to reach out my hands at night when I couldn't sleep and there was only darkness all around me." "And I'd feel your fingertips touch mine and I knew you were still alive, and I was comforted." "There was never a day nor an hour when your hand was not in mine." "Why are you crying?" "I'm" " I'm too happy to laugh." "I've never known such happiness." "Nor have I, ever." "It's as if you'd never been away, as if I'd never suffered any loneliness except in a dream that I awoke from when you kissed me." "This was not a dream, though." "The scars are almost gone." "Do you remember how afraid you were?" "Not when you cut my wrist, only when you cut your own." "And I know I didn't show it." "You were trembling as you knelt beside me when we made our vow to God." "While my blood mingled with yours." "Does my father hate me still?" "No one is allowed to speak your name." "Then I must make my peace with him as swiftly as I can." "Ivanhoe, what trouble are you in?" "None yet." "But Richard is not dead." "He's held for ransom in Austria and John would keep him there." "I've snared two Norman hawks below." "I cannot hood them single-handed." "I need aid." "What help can I be?" "Come and draw them out." "These are John's friends." "If my father will help me I can trick them into telling what they know." "And if he will not help you?" "Then, indeed, I have no father." "Where's Wamba?" "Where's my fool?" "I want to be amused." "And you'll find it hard enough to do." "I've been unavoidably delayed, milord." "Delayed?" "How so?" "When I heard Normans were approaching I ran to lock up my wife." "But she'd also heard they were approaching and locked me up instead." "A fool's wife is safe, milord." "We are bound for combat against your Saxon knights at Ashby, three days hence." "Not for any Saxon lady's chamber." "And how will you spend your last three days on earth?" "It will not be my friend and I who will die." "Will you be there to see the Saxons fall?" "Milord, there is a stranger at your gate who begs shelter." "He is a Jew who calls himself Isaac of York." "I share no roof with an infidel." "Why not, sir knight?" "For every Jew you show me who's not a Christian I'll show you a Christian who's not a Christian." "Why should my guests be subject to your prejudices when they have not been subject to my own?" "Bid this traveler enter in peace." "I come in peace, milord." "May God reward your mercy." "In peace, I greet you." "Make a place for him at the table, and give him food and drink." "If hearsay does not lie, you have a ward of surpassing beauty, milord." "Why is the hall dimmed by the absence of the brightest flame in Saxon England?" "Because, sir knight, we Saxons have learned to hide our light under a bushel." "Are we condemned never to pay homage to her?" "No Saxon princess seeks homage from the men who took her lands by conquest threw down her ancient laws and put her subjects to the sword." "Those well-chewed scraps of bile were better thrown to the dogs than to Normans." "While such as you were sulking here at home we held the infidel at bay in England's name and fell before his fury." "If our blood is red enough to bleed for England it's red enough to pay homage to any woman:" "Saxon, Norman, Dane or Celt." "Then pay me your homage, sir and let me be the judge of its gallantry." "We pay you homage, milady." "But it must be silent homage, for words would fail it just as they have failed my friend, and all but failed me." "I thank you, sir knight." "There are questions that I would ask of you as soon as your tongue is loose again." "At your command, milady." "What is the news from the Holy Land?" "Alas, milady, I can add little to what you must already know." "The war has ended in a truceless truce once more and Richard vanished upon the wind that once made up the better part of him." "Richard should've stayed at home and kept England and left Jerusalem to be lost by knights like you who lost it anyway." "Are you for Richard, milord, or for John?" "Richard and John had the same mother" "One was a Norman So, what was the other?" "Both were Norman, true." "But Richard, with all his faults, was for England." "And John?" "John is for John." "Then you're against John?" "That's another Norman question." "Shall I answer it for you, milord?" "No, I would have my questions answered first." "Sir knight I believe there were tournaments between Saxon and Norman knights..." "...to prove which was more valiant." "Aye, milady, in the Holy Land." "The Saxons were at last taught to bow to their betters." "And yet, I hear the Saxons won the tournaments." "How does a Saxon lady come to know so much of such distant matters?" "Only from the tales I hear, sir knight." "And I was told that in the tournament at Acre Richard of England led five of his Saxon knights into combat and vanquished all who challenged them." "The one who fell was named De Bracy." "And another, Bois-Guilbert." "True, milady." "I blush, but I admit it." "I can still feel the dust in my mouth." "Is it out of your teeth yet, Guilbert?" "A broken saddle girth caused my fall, not the bumpkin of a knight I tilted." "And who was this bumpkin of a knight?" "He named himself Wilfred of Ivanhoe." "Ivanhoe?" "Aye, milady." "A friend of Richard's who vanished as suddenly as his king." "What manner of knight was he to look upon?" "I never saw his face." "Few men did." "But he wore a dragon charge upon his shield." "I shall know him by that, if we ever meet again." "And why did he vanish, sire?" "Because he was a coward." "Coward?" "Aye, a coward who fled when there was no Richard to hide behind before I could challenge him to meet me." "Then I give you the challenge that Ivanhoe would give to you were he here, sir knight." "And I bid you drink to his honor as a fellow knight." "And you, milord." "Will you drink to his honor too?" "To lvanhoe." "To lvanhoe." "To lvanhoe." "Why this Saxon passion for a stranger, milady?" "Ivanhoe was not always a stranger to these halls." "He's a stranger now." "He was my son." "Was?" "Have I been cheated?" "You mean he's dead?" "He is to me." "I have come at my foster child's request." "Nothing else would've brought me." "What do you want of me?" "Your hand first, sire." "I do not give it." "Milord, he is still your son." "What do you want of me?" "Be brief, for I want none of you." "I will be brief, then." "I have found the king." "The king is dead." "He is alive held by Leopold of Austria." "It's all here in his hand." "Read it yourself." "John has left him in chains so he can steal his throne." "As those two Norman knights in your castle could testify, if you put them to the sword." "Is it Richard's hand?" "Perhaps." "Written before they killed him." "I heard his voice, I tell you." "The king is alive." "What is the ransom?" "1 50,000 marks of silver." "There's not that sum in England." "You could pay your share of it." "For what, to buy back Richard's corpse?" "I'll use what money I have left to slay the living Normans, not dig up the dead." "You'll leave your king to rot, then?" "I'll leave him to mad, wild fools like you who can do neither harm nor good." "Then you force me to choose between my father and my king." "Choose?" "Choose between whom?" "You have no king, and I have no son." "I bid you take no part in this nor look upon his face again." "Begone from here within the hour." "What will you do now?" "Follow Bois-Guilbert to Ashby and meet him in the lists." "Be cautious, Ivanhoe." "Don't be afraid, Rowena." "Richard will be king again, and we shall be there to see the crown set upon his head." "Look for me at the tournament and pray for me." "Farewell." "Farewell, and God protect you." "Sir lvanhoe, I heard an old bear and a young bear growling." "Which one would leave the den?" "The young bear, Wamba." "Alone?" "Alone." "No, sire." "I will go with you." "My servant's collar and all." "Is your heart not here with the Lady Rowena?" "No, sire." "My heart is in there, with yours." "Then henceforth, you shall be my squire, Wamba." "Squire?" "Squire Wamba?" "Wamba the squire." "Oh, if it weren't for this, I'd be a gentleman." "We'll have that collar off as soon as we're away from here." "What--?" "Help!" "Help!" "Bind them together, Wamba." "How badly are you hurt?" "Only a little." "My home, Sheffield town..." "..." "I want to go back there at once." "Alone at night?" "You'd perish." "Even so, I must go back to Sheffield." "Then I shall take you there." "I've trussed them up, like capons." "Bring our horses and meet me in the courtyard." "But, Sir lvanhoe, I have no horse." "Then steal one." "A gentleman at last and my first task is to steal a horse." "Take quarters at the sign of the longbow." "I'll join you." "Master." "Master." "Enough, enough." "All's well with me." "Let us in." "Are you recovered?" "Yes, yes." "And much beholden to you for your kindness, sire." "Yet there is one question I would ask." "What is it?" "I heard the jester call you " Ivanhoe."" "But lvanhoe is Cedric's son, and Cedric called him dead." "Who are you, then?" "I am King Richard's envoy." "Does that make us friends or foes?" "It does not make you my foe, sire but then, I am allowed no king." "Why not?" "Because I am allowed no country." "I am deeply in your debt, sire." "Tell me how I can repay you." "I seek 1 50,000 marks of silver the price of Richard's ransom from Leopold of Austria." "Glance around you, sire." "What you see is all we've saved from every home we tried to make." "A toy or two from every land that cast us out." "I am not a rich man, Sir lvanhoe." "No, but you are the patriarch of your tribe." "Tell your people Richard must be ransomed." "They will find the wealth." "I see you love Richard, sire but he was no friend to my people." "Our synagogues were looted to send him on his crusades." "Do you prefer the persecution of his brother, John?" "There is little to choose between Black John and Richard, yea and nay, if you are a Jew." "Then I pledge you this, Isaac." "You're a race without a home or a country." "Deliver Richard, and he will deliver your people from persecution." "My friend, you ask for more than we can give." "And you offer more than Richard can give." "Do you doubt my word?" "Write down whatever terms you want." "I shall sign them in King Richard's name." "We shall need no pledge on paper, you and I." "Let Richard promise this instead." "Let him promise justice to each man whether he be Saxon or Norman or Jew for justice belongs to all men or it belongs to none." "But that is a Christian teaching." "Strange as it may be, sire, we are taught it too." "What you ask shall be done." "So be it, then." "Whatever money you cannot find among your own people I shall try to find it for you." "Does that fulfill our pact?" "Not quite." "This combat at arms at Ashby is a weather vane to test the strength of John." "If his knights were to sweep the field, how would it go with Richard's cause?" "Badly, sire." "Money takes fright when might conquers right." "My worldly goods are what I stand in." "I have no armor and no warhorse." "But I must ride against John's knights at Ashby, or they will win." "A horse and gear would borrow from the ransom." "Then I'll seek them elsewhere." "You'll find me at the sign of the longbow." "Here is my hand, in token of my pledge to you." "Why do you look at me thus, Isaac?" "This is the first time I touch a Saxon hand in friendship, Sir lvanhoe." "It is Richard's hand you touch." "Now for thy collar, good squire." "Kneel down." "A cow jumped the moon But a fool, he jumps higher" "From Wamba the serf To Wamba the squire" "Oh, strike, Sir lvanhoe, while I still have me courage." "Then off come your shackles." "Oh, no." "Make sure it's the shackles, not my head." "There." "May your next collar be no heavier than a pretty woman's arms." "Oh, that, sire, is a collar that I shall change every day." "When they first put this on me, sire, I was 1 1 years old." "My father died with his still around his neck." "I feel very strange." "Strange?" "To be free?" "Yes, and I could wish that the whole of England could feel as strange as I do." "And so they shall, as soon as Richard's king again." "Now, good squire, get you to sleep." "Squire." "Stand and declare yourself." "Now, milady, what is your purpose here?" "I was told to deliver this to your lodgings." "At this hour?" "By the window?" "Who sent you?" "This is no time to lose your tongue." "Who sent you?" "I come from the household of Isaac of York." "Open the box." "What are these for?" "For you." "If these are Isaac's, he would have given them to me before I left." "They are not his to give." "They were handed down to my mistress by her mother." "Who is your mistress?" "Rebecca, the daughter of Isaac." "She bade me tell you that these are for your armor and your horse so that you may ride at Ashby." "Is this with your mother's knowledge, Rebecca?" "My mother was killed in Spain two years ago." "That is why my father brought me to England." "If I should fall at Ashby, horse and armor are forfeit to the victor." "These would all be lost." "You will not fall." "But if I should?" "Then England would fall too." "Do you love England so much?" "Does a prisoner love his prison?" "Then why do you give me your jewels?" "ln return for my father's life." "Your father has rewarded me already." "Then I reward you again." "If you change your mind, in fear, to ride at Ashby, give these back to me." "Otherwise, use them to win the day." "I shall use them." "That is all I came to hear." "May I have your leave to go?" "Not alone." "Squire?" "Wamba!" "Squire Wamba?" "That's me." "Coming, sire." "My squire will attend you." "Thank you." "Give this lady escort to the house of Isaac." "Right willingly, sire." "I wish you well, sir knight." "Farewell." "Farewell?" "Will you not be there at Ashby, when it is you who have put me in the lists?" "Do not look for me at Ashby, sire." "Why not?" "Because it is not wise for me to go and still less wise if you were seen to greet me there." "But why?" "Because I am my father's daughter, sir knight." "Why else?" "Nobly ridden, my lords." "I never yet saw better sport." "The day is already ours, Your Highness." "Aye, the Saxons are poor losers, Fitzurse." "Look at their faces now." "Richard destroyed the flower of the land." "And now his brother destroys the seedlings that are left." "If only I were a man for one short hour." "We'd still need a hundred like you to bring back Saxon glory to this field." "I was wrong to let you coax me here, Rebecca." "Only grief can come of it." "What's this, another challenger?" "I thought we'd picked them clean." "Your name, sir knight, or your degree?" "My name, I withhold." "My allegiance is to Richard, King of England." "Are you Norman or Saxon?" "I am Saxon." "Choose your adversary by stroke of lance upon his shield." "Black from hoof to plume, the ill-omened knave." "He'll soon be bright with blood, Your Highness." "The madman." "He defies all five!" "Bash him quickly, Malvoisin." "By all that's wonderful, I almost see myself grown young again, Rowena." "He reminds me much of a certain pupil of mine." "I'll bring Malvoisin to his knees for this, the empty-headed jay." "By holy St. Dunstan, our champion pays homage to the Jews." "No, milord his homage was to beauty, not to faith, I fear." "I think I know that knight, Rebecca." "But how do you?" "But did you not bring him to our house?" "How did he get his armor and his horse?" "My mother's jewels were mine to give." "Did I do wrong?" "Nay." "I approve." "But only of the gift." "Aye." "Hide that face from every man, save me." "His taste in women is a glove in every Saxon face." "Now let Sir Ralph throw him, and his shame's complete." "Front De Boeuf, the field is all yours." "I shall follow you to glory." "Follow with a basket, then." "I'm going to strew the field with Saxon guts and bones." "If you could tear your eyes from your light of love, Guilbert..." "...this black knight's tricks bear watching." "I have been watching." "He swings his shield low, levels at the head, but drops point before shock." "I swear I've met these methods once before, but where?" "Oh, rich." "Oh, richly done." "Let him do it twice more, and I'll not say a word if his love was a Barbary ape." "I would she were." "This knight is no stranger." "Only one Saxon could ever fight like that." "Sir lvanhoe?" "And you would've had me shoot him down." "Why, it was I who stopped you." "May he choke on his beard!" "He went at his foe like a stupid bull to the slaughter." "Now it's De Bracy." "He's hurt." "Oh, I pray to God he rides no more." "To whose god shall a Jew pray for a gentile?" "To the same God who made them both." "Fitzurse, have this upstart brought before me." "I intend to mark him well." "Marshal!" "Ride again." "It takes more than a lisping Norman to unhorse my son." "You have no son." "I've heard you say it." "Your foe has bloodied you, sir knight." "Will you concede defeat?" "You fight too well to die so mean a death." "Will you not throw in your lot with me instead?" "That would be an even meaner death, Your Grace." "Lower your lance." "By laws of chivalry, you've earned the right to choose who shall be queen of love and beauty at our sport." "It is our pleasure you shall appoint her so that one, at least, shall mourn you when you lie cold beneath your shield." "A Saxon queen." "Confound the dog!" "Is there no end to his insults?" "Why does he plague me so?" "Forget him, Your Highness." "His strutting cannot harm you." "You're too well-loved." "Wake up." "The crown is not so firmly on my head that I can let a rebel tilt at it in public." "You speak of the dead, Your Highness." "He now faces Bois-Guilbert." "I hope he cleaves him so he splits in two." "We know you, sir knight." "From this moment on, at any time, at any price, we are your men." "My son." "Milord, your place is at his side." "Go to him and forgive him." "Go instead, to see that his wounds are cared for." "Then come to tell me how he fares." "But never let him know I sent you." "He will not let me touch him, milady, but he'll die from loss of blood if we leave him." "He shall not be left here, and I shall not let him die." "Sir squire, fetch a litter." "Ivanhoe." "Ivanhoe." "I failed you, Rowena as I failed my king." "You have won the king's first victory." "No." "Not until I have defeated Bois-Guilbert." "Wamba, go find a physician and bring him here at once!" "No physician, milady." "He's bled enough." "Who are you to say what shall be done?" "I was taught medicine by Miriam of Manassas and I can heal him." "Miriam of Manassas?" "But she was a witch." "They burned her at the stake." "Yes, milady, as they well may burn me too." "But the point of De Bracy's lance is still deep within that wound." "If it is probed for here not even you could answer for his life." "How can I be sure what you're telling me is the truth?" "Shall I argue with you while he dies?" "I can heal him, milady." "If you can say the same, take him." "If you cannot, stand aside." "Stand aside, for you?" "No, milady." "For lvanhoe." "How did you come to know him?" "My father knows him, milady, not I." "Where will you take him?" "To my father's house in Sheffield." "I leave him in your care." "I shall not fail him." "May I send his squire for the litter?" "Do as the lady bids, Wamba." "Yes, milady." "Swear to me his wound will mend." "His wound will mend." "You love him." "Why, I told you, I hardly know him, milady." "How shall I know how he fares?" "I will send word to you by his squire, milady." "I will await it." "Well?" "He is in good hands, milord." "His wounds, are they slight or heavy?" "Heavy, milord." "They'll carry him to Sheffield." "He will be tended there." "We'll go to Sheffield till he's out of danger." "See he never hears of it or he'll think I've softened into dotage." "Hundebert!" "The horses!" "Roast your liver." "To the confusion and confounding of that cursed death's-head knight." "Why couldn't you fools kill him on the field?" "Because he was no fool." "How can a Norman hold the throne of England when his knights go down like chaff beneath an unknown Saxon mountebank?" "Neither a mountebank nor yet unknown." "I rode against that knight at Acre, in the war." "Then tell us who he is." "The favored henchman of your brother Richard, my liege." "Wilfred of Ivanhoe." "Ivanhoe?" "Here in England?" "You told me he was dead!" "He should be, and he shall be when he and I meet again." "I carry his death warrant here against my breast." "Then why is he here?" "Where else but among Saxons would he seek the ransom for his Richard?" "Do you know this?" "Nay." "I do but trust my nose, sniffing like a badger in a wood." "To whom did lvanhoe tip his lance in gallantry today?" "To a Jewess named Rebecca, daughter of Isaac, the banker of his tribe." "What could he want of the Jews except money for the ransom?" "Where is he now?" "Not far from the money, if I know lvanhoe." "I empower you to find and seize him and every man who's tried to help him." "Their women too?" "Their women, their servants, their dogs." "I want every creature Saxon, Jew or Norman, who's had a hand in aiding Richard." "But most urgently, I want lvanhoe..." "...no matter what it costs." "You shall have him, my liege." "Set about it." "De Bracy, go with him." "Front De Boeuf, you too." "Aye, my liege." "So the plum drops ripe into your outstretched hand." "Into mine or no one's." "I love you." "And I must not feel it." "And yet I love you, Ivanhoe with all the longing in the lonely world." "How is he?" "All is well with him, Father." "And with you?" "I've not been blind to the loneliness of your life, my child." "The happiness you long for is real, and all men long for it but you will not find it here." "This knight's faith forbids him to look upon you as a woman even as yours forbids you to look upon him as a man." "Then why does it not also forbid me to feel joy or sorrow?" "It tries to teach you that as well." "Then it has failed." "If our teachings are false, they will pass away but until that time, we must abide by them." "Perish by them, you mean." "My heart is breaking, Father." "My heart broke long ago but it serves me still." "My daughter brought you back here and tended your wound, Sir lvanhoe." "Again, you come to my aid." "And you, Isaac." "Rest peacefully, sir knight." "The ransom is growing even while we speak some here in Sheffield, but most in York." "When you can, we will journey there to gather it." "We?" "You've risked enough." "Stay here in safety, Rebecca." "What place in England is safe until the ransom is paid?" "And you said you loved not England." "Locksley seeks word with you, sire." "Sir lvanhoe Prince John's jackals are upon you." "They know it's you and that Isaac aided." "And John's sent Bois-Guilbert to seize you." "Will you be safe in York?" "Yes, Sir lvanhoe." "Then get you there." "They'll break down every door in Sheffield." "Not every door." "Not Cedric's." "Or he'll bring the roof about their ears." "Cedric in Sheffield?" "Yes, sire, to hear news of you." "Take this lady and her father to him." "Beg him for protection as far as Rotherwood." "I'll join you in York as soon as I can ride again." "Guard your charges with your life..." "...until they're safe in York." "I will." "Go, then, at once." "We'll hide you in the forest till your wounds are healed." "No one here." "What did you expect?" "They had wind of us and flew the trap, your ladybird with them." "They'll not have flown far." "I've traced Isaac and his daughter." "Where are they?" "On the way to Rotherwood under Cedric's protection." "And lvanhoe?" "Fled to the forest with Locksley's rebels." "Then we take the father first." "Take Cedric and rouse all Saxon England?" "John gave me full powers." "I'll use them." "Once we hold Cedric, we'll smoke out lvanhoe." "Assemble the men." "We ride at once." "Aye." "Guilbert." "Have you weighed this well?" "Yes." "I'll risk all on one throw and win." "Win what?" "A Jewess or a hornet's nest?" "Squire Wamba." "Squire Wamba!" "I'll squire you, you renegade." "I'll collar that neck again or wring it." "Touched, milord." "Is that the tone for one gentleman to use to another?" "Out of my sight before my wrath boils over and I squash you like a plum!" "I left lvanhoe in your care to nurse until his wound was healed." "And now you ride beside me as calmly as I would ride to church." "Do you infidels never show your feelings?" "We are taught not to have them, milady." "Will you see lvanhoe in York?" "I do not know, milady." "But you hope to." "Yes, I hope to." "Does he know we quarreled over him at Ashby?" "No, milady." "Does a Jew feel jealousy?" "Yes, milady." "Then they're not so different from the Saxon, after all." "Death to the Norman dogs!" "God save England!" "God save Wamba." "I bid you right welcome to my keep, Sir Cedric." "Your keep." "Torquilstone was cursed forever when you put your Norman foot across it." "Talk sweeter, Saxon, or I'll put my Norman foot across your neck!" "A horseman approaching from the south!" "Milord, it's Ivanhoe." "Ivanhoe." "Yes, milord." "Coming like a lamb to the butcher." "So we see his face at last." "Bois-Guilbert, you hold my father and his train." "This issue concerns only the two of us." "I charge you to release them and make your case with me." "What is your bargain, if I let the rest go free?" "I'll surrender for fair trial before Prince John if they are no longer prisoners in an hour." "Clap the dog in irons and have done with him." "Come forward and surrender, and the rest shall go free." "By the authority conferred upon me by Prince John, you're my prisoner, Ivanhoe." "You do not fool us, Ivanhoe." "No man gives himself up to his enemies like a drunken apple woman." "What's afoot?" "Are you afraid of what one unarmed man might do?" "I ask time alone with my father to make my peace with him." "Let him go and take me before Prince John." "You shall see your father alone." "Take this knight to his father, but guard him well." "Go with him, De Bracy." "I am in your debt, Bois-Guilbert." "You shall repay it, Ivanhoe." "Here's the old bull's pen." "He's roared himself silent, it would seem." "Show your head, and I'll knock it off your neck!" "A reunion should be touching." "Are you such a ninny that you let them catch you too?" "I'm the only one they want." "Bois-Guilbert pledged that you can go free." "And leave you here to hang?" "Be still and hear me." "Locksley and his bowmen are all around us but you're the only leader skilled in siege to take this keep." "He's waiting for you." "Go to him." "Aye, right willingly." "You went with Richard in defiance of my will, but all's forgotten, boy." "Perhaps you'll listen next time." "My father is ready to leave." "So he shall, when you've told us where Richard's ransom money is hidden." "Take them to the dungeons and bind them." "This is the way you pledge your word!" "You cursed Norman!" "Bois-Guilbert, you shall hang for this!" "Ivanhoe!" "Ivanhoe!" "I heard lvanhoe's voice." "You did indeed, milady." "And I hope you heard it clearly." "It'll be many a long year before you hear it again." "If Prince John harms Sir lvanhoe may the curse of every Saxon bring ruin and disaster upon the heads of you all." "May death blight you as you stand and walk and ride and sleep." "Curse Prince John all you wish, but he'll still put England's crown upon his head." "And I shall sit at his feet when he's king." "So will you." "We are neither of us fools." "We?" "Yes, we." "You are the last in line of the old Saxon royalty." "Now that Cedric can't find a Saxon king for you to marry I am, by far, the most eligible of the new order." "Are you mad?" "No, dear lady, only ambitious." "I have a taste for beauty and a love for money and you have both." "I see I shall have to mend your Saxon manners for you." "Even that will be a pleasure." "Come in." "Come in, Sir lvanhoe." "We were about to tickle the old Jew into speech but you'll take precedence, being a Saxon knight." "String him up beside the other." "Delay the questioning till I return." "Return fast..." "...or 1 50,000 marks of silver may go." "I shall be swift." "What have you done with my father?" "Front De Boeuf plays host to him, as I play host to you." "May God have mercy on him, then." "We are merciful men, Rebecca when our mercy is appealed to." "If you hold us for a price, name it." "Our people will raise it if my father is unharmed." "Your people cannot pay it." "You are the price, Rebecca and I am the collector of the debt." "Then you are a false coward who believes in nothing least of all your vows of chivalry." "On the contrary, my vows of chivalry bid me slay the infidel but my heart is stronger than my sword." "I shall possess you, Rebecca, if I die for it." "Try to possess me, and we shall both die for it." "I now, and you when Richard returns to England." "You deny me because of Ivanhoe, do you not?" "What would you say if he were within these walls, held captive with the rest of you?" "I would despise you for a liar." "Nevertheless, he is here." "You don't believe me, do you?" "How, then, if I say he came delivering himself as a hostage for his father and we took him without violence?" "Still not enough?" "How, then, if the bandage on the shoulder of his shield arm were of fine linen and if the linen were fastened with a golden pin?" "I believe you." "Then believe this also." "He cannot save you." "But you can save him not by dying, but by living." "If you die, so does he and all the rest." "There are many ways of dying and this is the basest." "You mistake the nature of our bargain, Rebecca." "I want you alive, not dead." "When next I come to you, meet me with desire in your breast or no man's life is saved." "The fire's at white heat, milord." "Tell us where the ransom's hidden, and I'll make your dying fast instead of slow." "If you harm him, you Norman dog every Saxon in England will avenge his blood." "Ever seen half a beef turning on a spit?" "I've seen whole traitors." "Well-basted, they drip a rich, red gravy." "I command you, deliver up the captives that you hold or suffer siege and attack!" "This demand, we make but once!" "Shall we hire him for a jester or hang him for a lout?" "Get you gone from here before we flay you for your empty boasting!" "I'll show you how emptily I boast." "Where's your laughter, Norman?" "Does my jest fall flat?" "Another blast on that horn and even the trees will come alive." "Have you men enough to hold the keep?" "Against that rabble?" "Twice as many as I need." "I doubt it." "That rabble's drunk with hate of us." "Then let us feed their hate." "Bring lvanhoe to the battlement." "Cut him down." "Ready arrows!" "I'll have your answer, Normans!" "You have it, Saxon!" "Look, you." "One false move, and your knight shall hang before your eyes." "Now, take your men and get you gone." "Hold fast, Locksley!" "In the name of Richard, attack and wipe them out!" "Why waste good rope?" "This is how we deliver up the captives that we hold." "Here comes the first!" "Cut me loose or I take your master to his death!" "Cut nothing or I'll cut your throats!" "If he has me, I also have him." "De Boeuf's a brave enough fool." "Too brave to lose." "Cut him loose!" "I order it!" "Away arrows!" "After him!" "Blast!" "I lost him!" "We'll catch him soon." "Look to your men." "We're under siege." "Sound the alarm!" "Up drawbridge!" "Down portcullis!" "Trumpets, sound every man to post!" "Armor and swords!" "To the drawbridge!" "How goes it with us?" "Locksley's attacking." "Show me a Norman throat." "Can Saxons fight?" "All day and through the night!" "All day and through the night!" "It works for us!" "Feed it!" "Keep it going!" "Hold!" "Forward!" "They're going to charge us from the drawbridge gate." "Stand ready with your bows!" "Corked in like cider in a jug, eh?" "And now to burst the jug." "To the walls!" "The keep's afire." "This time, men must go where arrows went before." "Can you take the barbican?" "What, that dog kennel?" "Single-handed." "Take it, then." "They can't fight fire and Saxons." "De Boeuf!" "Take 1 2 men and stamp that fire out." "Hold!" "The fire must wait." "We need your men." "Then I'll do it myself, with two to help." "What next, milord?" "Our women next." "Where's Rowena?" "Close to the cell they locked me in." "And Rebecca?" "We must look for her." "No!" "Look for me, and look your last!" "Make ready the boulders!" "Away!" "Rowena." "Come on!" "Hurry!" "Faster!" "Faster!" "Ram!" "Faster!" "Ram!" "Ram!" "Ram!" "The barbican's fallen." "We've lost the castle." "It's the end of us all." "There's one chance left." "Not noble, but our last." "We could force through on horseback." "Run before them, we two?" "We four." "We use the women as our shields." "Come with me quickly!" "The castle's in flames!" "Follow me." "You're in danger." "I'll die before I'll follow you." "No time for lovers' quarrels." "You will roast." "Why make me use" "Turn and defend yourself, De Bracy!" "Enough." "I cry quarter." "Where have you hidden Rebecca?" "I fear you'll be too late." "Bois-Guilbert has fled with her." "Down drawbridge!" "Hold your arrows!" "The maid's with him!" "So Torquilstone is lost, and you are our only prisoner, infidel." "Your pardon, my liege." "My prisoner." "Our prisoner." "But, my liege" "Return to your keep until my plans are made and I send for you again." "What of my prisoner?" "She will remain within these walls." "My liege" "You have our leave to go hence." "Your defeat at Torquilstone can still be twisted to advantage, Your Highness." "With the castle burned, the good Boeuf dead and Ivanhoe running loose, gathering that infernal ransom..." "...with both hands?" "And the maid Rebecca in your hands." "A sorceress, taught by a witch who was burnt at the stake." "And you believe that nonsense?" "No, but your people shall." "I think you have the spade with which to bury Richard at last." "Who needs more wealth for Richard's ransom?" "We're the new rich, milord." "We bank for the Normans and lend to the Saxons." "From a Norman who has no further use for it." "He plays a harp instead." "And this from his lady, who gave everything she had to the poor." "Bless her generous nature." "Disclose no more former owners, you villain lest my name be among them." "ls this enough yet?" "Not yet." "From the people of Israel, 1 00,000 marks of silver." "So do we fulfill our part of the pledge to ransom Richard." "One hundred thousand marks of silver in that scrap of nothing?" "We need help for Richard that a man can see and touch." "That scrap of nothing is not nothing, milord." "There are merchants in Vienna who owe sums to our people in York." "These writings call on our debtors to pay what they owe in Austrian gold." "Can you also convert this weighty trash to writings?" "It shall be done." "My son." "Have you news of Rebecca?" "Aye, at last." "Isaac, prepare your heart for evil tidings." "Prince John holds your daughter captive in the royal castle at Wallingford." "What is the charge against her?" "I do not know." "But you have 40 days in which to find the ransom." "One hundred thousand marks of silver, the very sum you give to Richard." "Can you raise as much again?" "John knew that when he named the sum." "Then use what you have to free Rebecca." "We'll search again to find the ransom." "We lose a king, or you lose your child." "Your will is ours, Isaac." "My will is God's." "Free the king." "Richard would not accept his throne at such a price." "My daughter does not die to save Richard's throne, Sir lvanhoe." "She dies to save her people." "Then I pledge my word to put all else aside until she's free again." "But the ransom." "Who will take it to Austria?" "You will, sire." "Aye, that I will." "Why are you so pale?" "Are you afraid for me?" "I shall only know that when Rebecca is free." "That will be soon." "But will lvanhoe still be lvanhoe?" "A man torn is two men." "I will still be lvanhoe." "Perhaps, and perhaps not." "The choice is yours, Ivanhoe, not mine and not Rebecca's." "Do you think I go to her aid because I love her?" "I shall know that when I know where pity ends and love begins." "I am afraid, Ivanhoe and I am jealous." "Go and free her." "Farewell." "Rise, infidel, so that the court may gaze upon your face." "The infidel, Rebecca of York, stands accused of the foul crimes of sorcery and black magic." "Let her trial begin." "The witness, Roger of Bermondsley, a soldier at arms." "Tell the court what you know of this woman." "At the castle of Torquilstone with my own eyes I saw this accused perched on the highest parapet of the tower." "With my own ears I heard her call upon the powers of darkness." "Forthwith, she was changed into a black swan which three times circled the castle and returned to the tower and was again this accused!" "My lord!" "The tribunal will address you when fitting, knight." "Until then, be you silent or quit this court!" "I draw my wage, milords, as servant to Isaac of York in Sheffield town." "Some nights past, I heard the sound of chanting and I looked through a keyhole." "Through this I saw the body of a knight lying dead on a pallet." "Above him crouched this evil spirit speaking in a soft tongue and lo, the knight stirred and came back to life again." "Can you name this knight?" "The name Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe was spoken and he rose and replied as alive as me." "You may go." "Forgive me, milady!" "They made me say it!" "The words of Sir Brian De Bois-Guilbert to the accused were these:" "" I confess to living under a spell." "Who could cast it so well as you?" "Who could bind me so fast except a sorceress? "" "Did the witch reply?" "Only by the use of her evil powers which cast a palsy into the knight's hand and drove him from her presence." "My lord, he lies." "This woman is no more a witch than you or I." "What further proof do you need than that of the knight's bewitchment?" "I lent my sanction to this inquiry with a heavy heart but a duty seen must be discharged." "Like a plague passing from hand to hand so the scourge of witchcraft spreads across this land even to men in other lands." "Aye, even to my brother Richard." "No!" "No!" "Aye, Richard, long sought by me and long thought dead, has been found." "But better by far that he had died for he has fallen into the hands of sorcerers and idolaters." "Consider this:" "If one of their tribe can so deprave a man like the Saxon lvanhoe and a man like the Norman Bois-Guilbert what has the whole tribe done to Richard, who is also a man?" "They found him, and with their accursed gold they bought his freedom and his soul." "Now he will try to return to these shores, but he is no longer the Richard who left." "He is a man seduced and bewitched, in league with the infidel against England." "Never was a king more cheaply bought." "No!" "No!" "I say save England without spilling one drop of English blood." "For as the servant of the Jews, who would call Richard English?" "I say burn this infidel!" "And with the same torch, drive her people into the sea and Richard with them." "No!" "No!" "Justice of this court allows the prisoner to speak in her own defense." "I was taught healing by Miriam of Manassas." "That is true." "But I have always sought to use that skill in the service of man, to relieve his pain." "If this convicts me of witchcraft, and with me, my people then may God pity every man who seeks mercy and justice from his fellow men." "For the only merciful power in this world is death and the only justice is beyond the grave." "I am innocent." "Milords, before the prisoner convicts herself out of her own mouth I demand the right to address her before the court." "Shall I refuse?" "No." "Let him speak." "Your request is granted by the court, sir knight." "This court long ago closed its eyes and ears to your fate, Rebecca." "You will be found guilty and you will be burnt at the stake and the ashes of your body will be scattered to the four winds." "I pray my people will not be ashamed of the way I die." "The trial cannot be halted, but the sentence can." "When charged, confess." "To what?" "Crimes I have not committed?" "No matter, confess and ask for pardon." "They must grant it on one condition:" "That you renounce the faith of Israel." "I would not live in the world you offer." "It has neither sun nor moon, nor air to breathe." "It has no faith, no love, no honor." "When you leave it, I think it will have no life." "Enough." "You waste the time of the court." "Proceed." "It is the solemn judgment of this court that Rebecca of York be pronounced a witch infected with satanic powers and guilty of demoniacal arts." "For this, we abandon her to her punishment:" "Death by fire." "Hold, milords!" "I, Wilfred of Ivanhoe, do challenge the judgment of this tribunal." "I demand that her guilt or innocence be determined in the eyes of God by wager of battle." "Instruct me if this wager of battle is mandatory upon the court." "It is, sire." "An appeal to God's judgment cannot be denied by common or canon law." "Unless the accused rejects the offer of championship." "What says the accused?" "I accept the offer with all my heart." "May the court choose its own champion?" "lt may, sire." "Sir Brian De Bois-Guilbert, you shall accept this challenge on behalf of the court." "I do humbly accept the honor bestowed upon me to uphold the mercy and justice of my prince by wager of battle." "Court so orders." "On the third day hence, let the wager of battle be fought in the lists at Ashby to the death." "As master of the lists, I hereby charge ye that if either combatant violate the laws of chivalry I will cry, "Foul craven!" And upon the casting of my truncheon to the ground the offender shall instantly be slain by the royal bowmen." "Rebecca, once I enter these lists in combat I must maintain my name in arms." "And if I do so, Ivanhoe dies quickly and then you in such pain as they say is in store for the guilty hereafter." "If I withdraw now, Ivanhoe wins by default, and you both will live while I shall fall from grace, a degraded knight without fame and without honor." "All this I would endure if you would say:" ""Bois-Guilbert, I turn from Ivanhoe to you."" "We are all in God's hands, sir knight." "Then count your life by seconds, and the Saxon's life as well." "Since you ride for the court, Bois-Guilbert, choose first." "What arm do you elect to bear?" "I bear mace and chain this day." "Your foe declares for close combat." "This denies to you the lance." "Therefore, elect from ax or blade." "I choose the ax." "Arm you, then, valiant sirs, and to your stations." "May God defend the right." "May God defend the right!" "Beware, Saxon, lest you strike horse!" "Ivanhoe, God spare you." "Rebecca." "You must blame the Fates that it was I who loved you and not Sir lvanhoe." "But you were always mine and only mine." "God keep you." "Milady, in death he spoke the truth." "You still love lvanhoe?" "No, milady." "I stole a little happiness, perhaps but not from him or you only from my dreams." "His heart was always yours." "Before me kneels a nation divided." "Rise as one man, and that one for England!" "Long live England!" "Long live England!" | {
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"Hi, honey." "Welcome home." "You're home early." "And look, she brought me flowers." "How was your day, my busy little reporter?" "My busy, busy little reporter." "How about a picture of her where she's not so..." " Clothed?" " Grow up." "I meant smug." "Excuse me." "Would you mind switching it from freeze to photoflash?" "Say freeze, baby." "Very nice." " Come on." "Let's go." " But we didn't find what we came for." "Maybe that's because it's not here." "Can I have one of these?" "I love these." "Come on." "She has another." "Can I have one?" " Okay." " Out." "I've been trying to get ahold of you." "You won't believe this." "The Prankster broke out of jail." "I know." "Griffin and his beady-eyed friend were waiting for me when I got home." "In your apartment?" "They must be looking for something." "The place was a mess." " Are you all right?" " Yeah, I guess so." "Chief!" "Chief, you better take a look at this." "What is this?" "It was the weirdest thing." "I walked in and there was this intense yellow light." "And you don't remember a thing that happened after." "How did you know?" "Same thing happened at the penitentiary." "That's how Griffin and Victor broke out." "They froze a guard in the laundry room and they left him in his underwear in a dryer." "What is with me and people breaking into my apartment and flashing lights in my eyes?" "You know, Lois, this doesn't bode well for your interview with the president." " Why?" " The White House won't be excited about exposing the president to The Prankster." "Clark, the president is coming to present the city an award for the lowest crime in America." "It would be embarrassing for him to cancel his trip because there's one criminal loose." "Lois, I know you're the only reporter to get an interview with the president." "I'm proud of you, but I think this has gotta be the White House's call." " But, Perry..." " Lois it is the president of the United States." "All we have to do is figure out a way to make this thing work on Superman." "We're home free." "Do we have to go up against him again?" "Why can't we just use this thing to, you know..." "Rob a bank or something?" "Victor I'm gonna teach you to use something you don't use every day." "It's your mind." "The mind helps us see the big picture, Victor." "If we rob a little bank we get a few measly little dollars." "But imagine the big picture." "Big picture, Victor." "Millions of dollars." "Picture yourself making history." "Because how much money do you think the government of the United States of America would pay to ransom the president?" "A lot." "A lot." "You know, Victor you have a sweet and ultimately irritating knack for understatement." "Would you mind handing me the photoconductive cell." "Did you see it?" "A rat." "A huge rat." " Probably a whole nest under the floor." " Victor." "I'm not interested in hysterical fantasies from your screwed-up childhood in that day care center basement." "Now, may I have the photoconductive cell, please?" "Do not make me ask again or the consequences will not be pretty." " That wasn't so hard, was it?" " I guess not." "Now, pick it up again, but slowly this time because you gotta face those fears, Victor." "You gotta get down and you gotta pick..." "Not a word." "Not a word." "Down you go." "Face those fears." "Good boy, Victor." "He's a good boy." " You're a good boy." " Why do we have to stay here?" "Can't we hide in a place that's a little nicer?" "I'll tell you, this is a condemned building." "No one can find us here, which I find to be a pretty good ingredient for a hideout." "All right." "All new and improved." "All we have to do is come up with a micro step-up transformer." "Did you locate one?" " Yes, yes." "Yes, I did." " And where is it?" "At the Metropolis Department..." "Of...?" " Light and Power." " Yeah, and do they have one?" "Yes." "They just installed them in their master switcher." "Goody." "When Griffin's father got out of jail, he sold the store and disappeared." "And that warehouse you caught Griffin in they turned that into a Buddhist temple." " Thanks, Jimmy." "Keep searching." " You got it." " Miss Lane?" " Yes." "Carrigan." "Secret Service." "You phoned our office." "Oh, yes." "You didn't have to come down here." "You could've just called me back." "I never use the phone." "Commies can tap phones." "Now, what is all this about?" "I'm the reporter that's going to be interviewing the president." " We know that." " Of course you do." "Well, I just wanted to make you aware of the fact that we have a minor situation that's developed with a small-time criminal." "If it's about The Prankster, we know about it." "Oh, you do." "Oh, then there's no problem." "There's always a problem." "There is?" "No one thought there was a problem when Carter went fishing until that killer rabbit came out of nowhere and charged his rowboat." "Killer rabbit." "Yeah, I get it, that's good." "Twenty-first April, '79." "I should've been there but I took the day off that day." "I went to the dentist." "Impacted tooth." "If you wanna take care of the president, you've got to take care of your teeth." "I see." "Well, I can see that with you and your men protecting him the president has nothing to worry about." "Clark, I want you to meet Mr. Carrigan from the Secret Service." "He says that he and his men have everything under control." "Oh, good." "Then you're not worried about this freezing weapon?" "Weapon." "It's not a weapon." "It's an invention." "It seems to freeze people in place very temporarily." "It's really harmless." "Sort of a '90s version of that kid's game, freeze tag." "Oh, God, what am I saying?" "Anyway, I get nervous, you know." "The presidential..." " Lois, that's not exactly..." " What?" "You weren't there." "He wasn't there." "He doesn't know." "Mr. Carrigan is a trained professional." "The police are looking for The Prankster." "And Superman, I'm sure, is on the job." "The president would probably be safer here than in the White House." "And what do you know about the White House, ma'am?" "Nothing." "Nothing." "It was just an example, you know." "I could've said safer than a bug in the rug." "Or two peas in a pod." "Are you on any type of medication, ma'am?" " Who are you?" " The painter." "The city decided this place needed a little sprucing up." " Let me see your work order." " Oh, I'm sorry." "Right here, there you are." "Oh, I'm sorry." " You know, no one told me about this." " That's bureaucracy for you." "You're gonna get a nice fresh coat of Navajo white." "Okay." "Hold on." "Just wait a second." "Hold on." "Okay, okay, okay." "I'm going, I'm going." "All right." "This won't take long." "I'm in." " Hey, Dad." " Hey!" " Nice job." " Oh, stuff it." "You know how I hate suck-ups." "Did you find the keys?" "You and your stupid questions." " You idiot." " You idiot." "Micro step-up transformer." "This little baby will increase the weapon's power 12-fold by coupling itself with the multiplex negative...!" "You're boring me." "Come here." " Now." " Okay." " See..." " Shut up." "Go get the contact lenses." "This isn't fair." "I put him away twice before." " Are you gonna stay at your apartment?" " I didn't want to." "Every hotel room in town is booked because of the president." "Perry offered, but Alice has the flu, so I don't wanna impose." "Well, you know you could..." "Oh, no." "I..." "I just think with us dating or almost dating, that I would feel uncomfortable." " Night, guys." " Hey, Jimmy." " You have a pull-out couch?" " Oh, Clark." " Yeah, why?" " Well, it's just that Lois needs a place to stay until this whole Prankster thing is resolved." "Oh, um, well are you sure you wanna stay there?" "It's just a hole-in-the-wall bachelor pad." " If it makes you uncomfortable..." " No, no, no." "As long as you don't mind roughing it." "That's what friends are for." "Thanks." "I promise you won't even know I'm there." "Maybe I'd better get home, straighten things up a little bit before you get there." " Hold the elevator." " That was sweet of him." "What the heck?" " Lois Lane." " Hi, Lo." "Great to talk to you again." "I know you're wondering where I am and I didn 't want you to be kept in the dark." "You're controlling the lights at the Planet." "Oh, well, I'd say I'm pretty much controlling the whole darn city." "Take a look." "What do you want now?" "Well, since you're my favorite reporter I thought I'd give you a scoop on an electrifying story." "Shut up." "I've accessed the computers from Light and Power and later on when I shut down the airport it should be a real party." "Talk about flying blind." " Where are you going?" " To the airport." "In case The Prankster makes good on his threat." "Okay." "I'll follow up on Metropolis Light and Power." "You've reached Metropolis Light and Power." "Due to the high volume of calls, your wait time may be 5 to 15 minutes." "Thank you for your patience." "Oh, this is ridiculous." "Hey, Lois." " Griffin." " I knew you'd come." "Reporters are so predictable." " What's this all about?" " "What's this all about?"" "It's about magic." "It's about wonder." "It's about power." "Lots of power." " If you give yourself up..." " Shut up." "There's only two words we wanna hear." "And those two words would be:" ""Help, Superman. "" "Come on." "Let me hear you say:" ""Help, Superman. "" "Victor, I think she's gonna need some persuasion." "Lois, this is a boiler." "It's very hot." "See?" "And this is the gauge that tells us how much pressure's in the boiler." "Now normally this old boiler could take this much pressure." "But today we're gonna turn the pressure all the way up to here." "Thanks for playing along." "Johnny, tell her what she's won." "A trip for one into orbit." "Don't get steamed." "Superman, I could really use your help right now." "Who am I kidding?" "Superman, help!" "Help, Superman!" "There goes my dream of living on a ranch with Lois, kids, roping steer, deep-frying..." "You should've never come back to Metropolis." "I'll be out of your life." "Just came back to pick up my CDs." "Smile." "Darn it." " Don't you ever learn?" " Learn this." "In about 15 seconds a boiler is gonna blow up and Lois Lane will be just a memory." " Where is she?" "That's for you to know and us to find out." "Victor why haven't I killed you yet?" "Superman." "I hope I never get laryngitis." "Did you see Griffin?" "He got away." "You were his safety valve in case his weapon couldn't freeze me." "Lois, you might wanna leave town until I can catch him." "I can't leave town." "In two days I have an exclusive interview with the president." "And it's not that often I get to meet somebody with such incredible power." "Except for you." "You're different..." "Not different in an obvious way, but you're just, more than a story..." "I don't know." "You know, you're..." "You're, well you know what you are, don't you?" "This new transformer lets me modulate the intensity and duration of the blast." "Allowing me to freeze someone for a minute five minutes, an hour or a day." "Yeah, except for Superman." "That's right." "That's right, Victor." "Thank you for bringing that to my attention." "Now, you see, that's why we have to figure out where besides Lois Lane's apartment, we can get the information on him that we need." " What?" "What is it?" " There was a tail under the bed." "Listen, I saw this documentary where this whole family got bitten by rats..." "Rats, they all got sick and they had to get shots and you know I hate needle..." "Now, Victor." "Now, instead of putting pincers up inside our nostrils which is ornamental, but not as helpful as one would wish why don't you help Kyle come up with some kind of idea." "Okay." "Okay, I've got an idea." "Maybe Lois Lane has some sort of file on her computer at work." "You know, like maybe a diary or something?" "Victor!" "Do you realize what you've done?" " Bad idea?" " No, it's wonderful!" " Yeah?" " Yeah." "Don't expect me to be all happy and peppy on three hours' sleep." "Ever since I was a kid, I've slept with the TV on." "I can't help it." "Don't you think freaking out when I turned it off was over-dramatic?" "I mean, come on, it was a 976 infomercial." "I didn't do it on purpose." "That's the way I wake up when there isn't noise." "Which explains why you live across from a fire station." "I spoke to Metropolis Edison." "They managed to contain the blast so they can still meet the city's needs." "Oh, well, thank God." "One blackout's about all I can handle." "Lois, I just got off the phone with Helen Bartlett at the White House and they are very concerned about The Prankster." "And the president's gonna cut his trip as tight as possible." "Don't tell me." "My interview's canceled." "Well, they did say that they wanted to reschedule." "If I ever get my hands on Griffin, I swear..." "Hey, hey, hey." "Just hold your horses." "I said they wanted to reschedule." "I told them they weren't dealing with some small-town rag." "This was the Daily Planet." "So in other words, chief, you groveled." " But only on one knee." " Yes." " You got five minutes." " Five minutes?" "That's it?" "Lois, that's five minutes more than any other reporter." "I guess you're right." "All right." "I want you to concentrate all your attention on The Prankster." "People in Metropolis hate him, but they love reading about him." "Five minutes." "What can I do with five minutes?" "Look, we've still got 24 hours." "There has to be somebody who can give us a lead." " What do you mean you don't know?" " What are you doing?" "I am not feeding you so you tell me you don't know." "You gotta feed me on spec." "I'll find something out in a couple days." "A couple of days will be too late." "Well, then consider it a down payment on the next time." " Boy, oh, boy, are we testy." " She's just upset." "Her interview with the president got cut down to five minutes." "I only get to ask one question." "It's not fair." "I have so many areas I wanna cover." " Don't play with that." " I wasn't playing with it." "Okay, I won't do it again." "I think I found the perfect test target." " Where?" " Right over there." "Yeah." "It worked." "You're not just gonna leave him like that?" "Oh, yes, I am." "That's why they call me The Prankster." "And that's funny." "So, what would you ask him?" "Something about the economy or foreign policy?" "I think I'd ask him something that people would find interesting but wouldn't normally ask." "Like, if he could be a baseball player, what position would he play, and why?" "Are you serious?" "That would be your one big question?" "No offense, but I think that's pretty dumb." "Clark, that's a very good question." "Thank you." "Help!" "Somebody, help!" "The piano 's gonna fall." "I just remembered I have an appointment in a few minutes." "I'll meet you at the Planet." "Griffin." "Lois?" "I'd like to apologize about last night." "I've never had anybody sleep over before." " Little wonder." " Yeah." "Well, anyway, I think I've solved the problem." "Headphones." "Now we can both sleep." "Thanks, Jimmy." "That was awfully sweet." "You got it." "So, what are you working on?" "The one question I can ask the president." "You're a part of Generation X. What would somebody your age ask?" "Me?" "I'd..." "I'd ask him for a job." "It'd be cool working in the White House." "That wasn't exactly what I had in mind." " Sorry." " Here you go, Lois." "Perry, what one question would you ask the president?" "Easy." "I'd ask him why he vetoed the bill to make Graceland a national monument." " Perry, I'm serious." " Well, I am too." "When it comes to that, I'm serious as a heart attack." "Now, anything new on Griffin?" "Why don't you ask him yourself." "These shoes are new, Perry." "What...?" "What...?" "What's this?" "What's so funny, C.K.?" "Why am I...?" "Griffin." "Jimmy, give me back my dress." "Now, there's something you don't hear every day." " Look at my tie." " How do you get this thing off?" "Look on the bright side, Lois." "No permanent damage was done." "Oh, yeah." "Tell that to my tie." "I loved this tie." "Why couldn't it have been that ugly fish tie Alice gave me for Christmas?" "Well, I think the better question, chief, is why was Griffin here?" "My continuing degradation comes to mind." "No, I think that's just a bonus." "My guess is he was looking for whatever it is he couldn't find in your apartment." "You ought to check your computer, Lois." "Hello, Lo." "Wasn 't that fun?" "Well, it was for me too." " There's one thing I'd like to know." " Where you buy your lingerie." "Bye." "Why is it that Victor and Griffin can zap an entire newsroom and not be affected?" "Because they're subhuman." "No, maybe Professor Hamilton has a slightly more scientific explanation." "Ordinarily signals are sent via the optic nerve to the occipital lobe of the brain." "However, this Griffin character seems to have found a way to divert the light to the central motor cortex, which is located here." "And that causes paralysis." "Spontaneous muscle contraction effectively freezing the victim in place." " So why wasn't Griffin affected?" " I don't know." "Unless he wore some glasses that would block the effects of the rays." "No glasses." "His eyes did look strange." "They were sparkly and they had a reddish tint." " Contact lenses?" " That could be it." "Could you make contact lenses like that?" "I don't know." "It's a long shot." "I'd have to experiment with various occipital lobes to determine..." "Anything you could do." "Thanks, professor." "Oh, by the way." "If you could ask the president a question, what would it be?" "I'd demand to know why the government is covering up data on the existence of UFOs." "Yeah." "That's a good one." " Obviously." " Thanks." "Occipital." "Occipital." "Occipital." "Victor?" "Victor?" "What are you doing?" "I'm..." "You sound like a pervert at a magazine stand." "What did I ask you to do?" " Look up information about Superman." " That's right." "And are you looking up information about Superman?" " Not exactly." " I see." "Well, Victor, what exactly are you doing?" "Well I found this file on Lois Lane's computer." "And it looks like she's writing some kind of novel." "It's a story about this female reporter who meets this guy from outer space." "And it's really very good." "It's got a lot of that stuff in it." "It was the last file." "I couldn't find anything else." " I found something." " You did?" "What?" "Well, there's a whole subdirectory on Lois Lane's C-drive about Superman." "Unfortunately most of it is just worthless, worthless, worthless." "Except for this." "Now, it seems about two months ago our friend Superman was rendered temporarily..." "What's this word?" " Inflicted with occipital opacity." " What does that mean?" " Couldn't see." " Couldn't see." "Couldn't see?" "He couldn't see because of a special light beam developed by a certain Dr. Faraday." "And she's got all the unprintable details about it right in here." "Victor, all we have to do is make the light beam shorter." "Jimmy, I don't wanna talk about it." "I didn't know the guys were coming by." "They live with their parents." "They have no place else to kick it." "Did they have to "kick it" at your place until 3 in the morning." "Lois, I tried to keep it down, honestly." "All right?" "They're kids." "Where'd you go when you left?" " I had to use the phone." " I have a phone..." "Wait a minute." "Are you the neighbor who called the cops on us?" "Oh, that's funny." "Oh, that's funny." "Oh, yeah." "What in the sam hill is this?" " Have you seen today's edition?" " Not yet, chief." "Why?" "Look what Griffin's done to my masthead." "He somehow broke into the computerized typesetter." "Have you got any leads on this guy?" "He's made us look like a laughingstock." "No, not yet." "Clark's down at the police station trying to get a lead." "All right." "Stay on it." " Lois Lane." " This is Miss Bartlett from the White House." " Hi." " Miss Lane, we've set up a press room in the penthouse at the Lakeside Towers." "Can you come over now so we can discuss protocol?" "Yes." "I'll be right there." "All right, Miss Lane." "We'll be expecting you." "Good day." "She's on her way." "Oh, this is so cool." "It smells great." "Specialty of the house." "Oh, those teeth." "An ode to your teeth:" "They're so perfect and shiny" "I love you so much" "I wish you were mine-y" "Hey, I had a second verse." "Jimmy." "How is your house guest?" "Hear she called the cops on me?" "What?" "Why?" "Well, I had a few friends over." "She thought we were too loud." "A monk would be too loud for Lois." "You know what?" "I know you two have this thing going on together but let me tell you something." "You do not know the real Lois Lane." "I been trying to get back at her all day." "Hold on, Jimmy." "She has been under a lot of stress lately." "She's gonna find out what real stress is all about." "Jimmy." " Clark Kent." " Hi, Clark." " This is The Prankster." " What do you want?" "Do I sense some hostility?" "Some?" "Let's just say that everyone's getting sick of your games." "Not everyone." "As a matter of fact Victor and I and Lois are just sitting down for three-handed pinochle." "She and I have become inseparable." "If you can get a message to Superman tell him we're in the penthouse of the Lakeside Towers." "Buh-bye." "This is such a nice place." "We live in such a dump." "Kyle, why can't we live in a nice place like this?" "We will, Victor." "Soon." "Hi, Supey." "Glad you could join us." "Care for some pinochle?" " You're finished, Griffin." " Gosh, I hope not." "I'm at the pinnacle of my pinochle." "Come on, Supester." "Join me for just one hand." "All work and no play makes Superman a very dull boy." "You'll find out how dull life can be when you're back in prison for the rest of your life." "Okay." "Have it your way." "When will you realize that doesn't work on me?" "Correction." "It didn't work." "But I've made a few improvements." " It worked." " Of course it worked." "I designed it, didn't I?" "He's not so tough." "Come on, Superman." "Show me what you got." "Oh, this is a Kodak moment." "I predict Victor will be the victor." " Oh, my God." " Yeah." "It's kind of a pretty picture, isn't it?" "Your little boyfriend frozen just as stiff as a fish stick." "You know what the problem is with being the Man of Steel?" "Steel don't bounce." "How could you do that?" "Kind of like this." "Hey, Supe." "He caught her." "Darn, he caught her." "It's a bad thing." "Are you all right?" "You seem to ask me that a lot lately." "People seem to try to kill you a lot." "Yeah." "I was so popular in high school." " If you'll excuse me." " Oh, Superman?" "There's nothing you can do." "If he froze you once, he'll do it again." "Look." "Clark and I think we found a way of neutralizing Griffin." "Professor Hamilton is working on it." "So I guess this time you'll just have to rely on us." "I don't think you're getting the point." "Try it again." "I still can't hear you." "The Prankster has found a way of stopping Superman." "No." "I'm not reading you." "So I think that as much as this pains me to say I think the president should consider postponing his visit." "I found the problem here." "If you would just have general services send up a box of cotton swabs, that ought to do it." "What?" "I can 't hear you, say again." " Are you hearing anything I'm saying?" " I'm hearing you." "Now hear me." "All systems are go." "My men are trained for any eventuality." "I heard from Bobby Bigmouth." "What did he want, seconds?" "Said he had an address on The Prankster." "The apartment he grew up in." "But I checked it out." "Now it's just a condemned building." "Either Griffin's a very concerned voter or the president's in trouble." "Clark, look." "It's a map of today's motorcade." "I guess we could notify Carrigan." "What for?" "He and his men are trained for any eventuality, remember?" "You try and find Superman." "Have him meet me at Professor Hamilton's ASAP." "Sure." "Okay." "Since you told me the light he used was yellow I ground and tinted the lenses so that the yellow light instead of going to the motor cortex will be diverted to the inner and outer canthus." " What's that?" " It's in back of the canal of Schlemm." "Do you really want to know?" "All I wanna know is, will they work?" "Not knowing the exact frequency of the light, I can't really promise." "Victor, you're on." "Roger that." "Hey!" "You, get that thing out of here." " I'm trying." " We have a situation here." "Some idiot just parked in the middle of the street." "You're in big trouble, pal." "Now move it." " We'll see." " It's now or never, son." "Carrigan, look out, it's a trap!" "Well, well." "Who looks like the idiot now?" "Come on." "We got a president to kidnap." "Yeah." "There she is, Lois Lane." "Just as frozen as she could be." "Too bad she's not awake to see my greatest triumph." "Well, maybe we could take her with us and I could explain it to her later?" "Victor, you did good this time, so I'm gonna let you have her." " I'm gonna let you have her." " Oh, thank you so much..." "Business before pleasure." "And that's a lovely face." "Now, look." "Here's what I'd like you to do." "Just help me carry the president to the van." " Superman!" " Superman!" "Yes, I am." "Sorry to ruin your plans, Griffin." "But the president is safely tucked away." "Just like you're gonna be." "But how?" " Look deep into my eyes." "Contacts." "I'm sorry, but that is really not fair." "Neither is this." "Just thought one good prank deserved another." "My contacts." "You knocked out my..." "I think turnabout's fair play." "Oh, come on, he deserved that." "I should've had a daughter." "This is unit 15, sector seven is secure." " What?" " I repeat, sector seven is secure." "I don't wanna tell you your job, sir." "But if I were you, I would take this man into custody." "I knew that." " I knew that." " All right, let's go." "Move it." "He's hitting me." "Do I have the right to hit him back?" "Lois, you better get going." "Don't wanna be late for your meeting with the president." "That's right, my big moment." "I still have no idea what I'm gonna ask him." "What one question would you ask the president?" "I guess I'd ask him why he wouldn't give a great reporter like Lois Lane more than a five-minute interview." "I gotta hand it to you, Lois." "This is one terrific interview." "You really pulled it off." "Take a lesson." "This is the mark of a seasoned reporter." "Someone who can get her subject to open up and talk freely." "That one question you were sweating about must've really broken the ice." "So, what was it?" "Well, I just asked him if he was a professional baseball player what position would he play and why." "That's a great question." "That's first-rate." "This girl thinks on her feet." "Jimmy, I just wanna say thank you and also apologize." "You really helped me out by letting me stay at your place." "I know I wasn't very grateful." "I've just been under a lot pressure." "Anyway, I'm sorry." "Hey, it was no sweat." "You know something, C.K?" "She's a class act." "I've always thought so." "I can't believe I was thinking about getting revenge." "Lois, don't open...!" "That." "Oh, I think I'm about to use one of my sick days." "Hold the elevator!" "Subtitulos por Loysriono para Tusseries-cifirip" | {
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"(Clock striking the hour)" "Can't beat a spot of fish and chips, can you?" "Well... you can, actually." "Salmon en croute and cold bottle of Sancerre." "But, er, we have to cut our cloth accordingly, don't we?" "I'm not the only dealer having a hard time." "I mean, you might find me looking through the old obituary column for a sniff." "But you know what some of them are doing?" "Some are so eager to anticipate a house sale they're phoning up the undertaker to see who passed away that afternoon." "I mean, I ask you." "Is there no... decency left, hm?" "(Engine revving)" "(Alarm ringing)" "(Clock strikes)" "(Man)... an incubator with something called an oxygen headbox." "Apparently, this is some kind of special incubator which keeps the baby at a constant temperature," " regulates the amount needed, yes?" " Yes, that's right." "Now, all these things are desperately needed by the baby unit and, as ever, the fundraising falls to us." "So, any bright ideas on how we should kick the appeal off?" "Apart from the summer féte." "What about baby dolls?" "Organize a sale." "Sexy nighties?" "Hardly!" "No, dolls." "Baby dolls." "They're quite collectable." "If you can encourage people to look through their attics, children's cupboards, and put the dolls up for sale." "As it's the baby unit, it would be very appropriate." "Eye-catching." "All proceeds to the appeal." "I think it sounds a splendid idea, Lady Felsham." "Hire a hall - or better still, we'll use your hotel for free." "Advertise the event and bingo!" "Ah, now bingo." "That is always popular." "They'll spend a fortune at bingo..." "Good heavens." "Who's that?" "It's, er, just a waif and stray." "(Mouths)" "Comes to the door occasionally." "Very sad, really." "How's your luck at the moment, Lovejoy?" "Oh, looking up, Tink, you know." "Things on the go, couple of deals in the pipeline." "Thank you, Eric." "Irons in the fire." " What irons?" " What fire?" "Who's, er, Jane got up with her at the big house at the moment?" "Ooh, the do-gooding brigade." "Local hospital." "It's funny, those committees are always the same." "Ladies in hats and sensible shoes and the retired military type who insists on running everything." "(Tuts) Little bit cynical, Tink?" "Ha!" "Well, that's calling the pot the..." "kettle..." "Oh, rubbish, Eric." "There's one cause that's very close to my heart." " How much, Lovejoy?" " Oh, Janey." "For the cause that's closest to your heart." "Um, can I, er..." "As you were, boys." " Can you lend me 500?" " (Sighs)" "Come back to the house." "What about all those irons in the fire, Lovejoy, eh?" "Fires need stoking occasionally, Eric." "(Clock strikes)" "Oh, forgive me, Lady Felsham." "How rude of me, I just couldn't resist admiring your beautiful house." "Hope you don't mind." "No, not at all." "Edwin Felt, Lovejoy." "Edwin is the chairman of the Dalefield League of Friends." "Oh, support your local hospital." "Can't argue with that, eh?" "Lovejoy's on a fundraising mission now, as a matter of fact." "Really?" "Who for?" "You must tell me more about the League of Friends, I'm fascinated." "Eh, Janey?" "Right now we're raising money for the baby unit." " Smashing." " Although raising money isn't all we do." "We run a book-lending scheme in the hospital, visit the elderly on the wards, especially those who normally don't get visitors." "All sorts of things on their minds, poor things." "Who's going to feed the cat, who's going to keep an eye on the house while it's empty, what to do with their contents if they move into a home, that sort of thing." "Oh, really?" " Hmm." " Oh, bless you, Nurse Nightingale." "What's going on, Lovejoy?" "What are you up to?" "Just doing my bit." "Ah, Tinker." "I want you in my bedroom as soon as you can." " Well..." " Ah, is this the one?" "Oh, no, that's Millie." "No, she's priceless." "No, one of these." "Um, take that one, the green." "But this is a..." "It's an Ernst Heubach." "Yes." "This is turn of the century, this is three or four hundred pounds." " Why don't Eric and I see if we can find..." " I'm not looking for a bargain, Tinker." "It is for charity, remember." "No, take her." "You're very generous." "Isn't she, Millie?" "All right, Michael, here's the deal." "You sell it, we split the commission 60/40." "Why is he selling it?" "Like most people, his cash flow's been reduced to a trickle." "He needs the readies." " Yes, it's a lovely little Sheraton." " Isn't it?" "But do you think it'll go?" " Eventually." "What's he looking for?" " About seven grand." "Maybe six." "And after we've split the commission 50/50..." "Wait a minute, I bring you business and make your stock look good?" "But as you so rightly point out, it's going to be for sale in my highly reputable premises." "At your risk, of course." "Oh, aye?" "5% each, you filthy capitalist swine." "Erm..." "Shall we just call it a gentlemen's agreement?" "So, I'm bid 300." "Now, don't forget, this is a doll by Ernst Heubach and it has been in the Felsham family for generations." "I mean, it's been cuddled by Lady Felsham herself." "325?" "Thank you very much, sir." "350?" "Thank you, sir." "I mean, don't you want to get close to Lady Felsham?" "Hmm?" "Do I hear any more than 350?" "Do I hear any more?" "400." "Thank you, sir." "Sold for a very worthy cause." "(Applause)" "Ah..." "Congratulations, Jane, it was a great idea." "Well, thank you for letting us use the hotel as a venue." "Nonsense!" "You should expect it of me." "You know, Jane, this is one occasion when I can unashamedly say I'm only in it for the money." "Me too." "Me too." "Jane, they want you to present the doll personally." "Excuse us." "Of course." "Good to see you again, Monsieur Forget." "Doing good works, I see." "Oh, yes." "Yes." "Perhaps you'd care to make a contribution." "(Clears throat) You can have the rest when you finish your shift." "When did you say that was?" "I didn't!" "Ladies..." "Lovejoy." "Friends of Dalefield Hospital." "(Chuckles) Fun in here, isn't it?" " What's your name?" " Shove off." " Well, there's not much wrong with you!" " What do you want?" "No, that's what I'm supposed to ask you." "I'm a friend of the hospital." "Can I get you any books?" "Um, can I get you anything from your home?" "No!" "Fair enough." "Hoo-hoo!" "Yoo-hoo!" "(Chuckles)" " And what's your name?" " Florence." "Hello, Flo." "(Laughing)" "Oh!" "(Laughs)" "Here we are." "Two cups of tea." "And could you keep the noise down, please?" " Sorry." " Do you want sugar, Mr?" " No Mr., just Lovejoy." " Lovejoy?" " Is that for real?" " By name and nature." "Thank you, Kay." "Ooh!" "You tickle me, Lovejoy!" "I never touched you, Flo." "Well, an old woman can but hope, can't she?" "Hey, you know where I'm going next, don't you?" "Oh, don't be so morbid, you're not going there!" "Not the crematorium, silly!" "Retirement home, I mean." "The Glades." "Mind you, the crematorium would probably be a lot livelier." "You don't seem very impressed by the idea." "My son arranged it." "He's very keen on the idea." "(Sighs) I know it's for the best, but..." "nobody likes to leave their own home, do they?" "I don't know how much I'll be able to take with me, either." "Well, what you can't take with you, what are you going to do about them?" "I suppose my son'll get his greasy hands on them, more's the pity." "Well, if you want anything looked over, I've got a friend who's in the antique business." "Oh!" "You're in the antique trade, aren't you?" "!" "(Alarm ringing)" "(Police radio chatter)" " Condolences, Michael." " I don't understand." "I'm only a couple of Regency tables short, and a carriage clock." "Not much else." " What kind of animals would do this?" " At least I'm covered." "Oh!" "What..." "What am I?" "What am I gonna tell the owner?" "What am I gonna say?" "Oh, hello, Lovejoy." "Mr. Church, if you need any restoration doing, we are your man." "Er, men." "This is criminal." "This is absolutely criminal." "Of course it's criminal." "It's theft, innit?" "No, I mean as in immoral, as in wanton destruction." "No, the thing I don't understand is why." "Why ruin one thing to get at another?" "What's their mentality?" "What are they thinking?" "Taking this a bit personally, aren't you, Lovejoy?" "Those barbarians didn't only destroy a Sheraton bureau, it was a Sheraton bureau that Michael was selling on my behalf." " How come?" " It was a mate, I said I'd get him six grand, now it's a heap of firewood." "Well, you're in a heap of trouble." "How are you gonna face him?" "Search me, Eric." "I don't know." "I mean, he's lost his bureau, I've lost my commission," "Michael's lost a couple of Regency tables." "Oh, please, Eric, would you cover it up?" "I can't stand looking at it anymore." " It's the second raid in a week." " I wish I could get my hands on 'em." "Bloody hell, he'll have his hands on me in a minute!" "Don't look now, he's the owner of the Sheraton!" "Get rid of whatever's left of it, will you?" "Jamie!" "Jamie..." "Ha ha!" " Heard about this on the local news." " Yeah." " What a mess." " Yeah, isn't it?" " What brings you here?" " You know, restoration." "Never miss a trick." "Any luck selling that Sheraton yet?" " No." " Just as well it wasn't in there, eh?" "Yeah, it'd be in pieces by now." "But I'm working on it, Jamie." " It is all right, isn't it?" " Oh, safe as houses." "Absolutely safe as houses." "I need that seven grand, Lovejoy, I really do." "Trust me, Jamie." "Thank you, lads." "(Man) Lovejoy!" "Is this your vehicle?" "Ah... (Chuckles)" "You know DC Burston." "I'm Detective Sergeant Greenland." "Is this your vehicle?" "Yes." "To hands across the sea, Monsieur Forget." " The free market, ah?" " The free market." "So, what have you got on your shopping list this time around?" "Do you think you can find me something like that, Mr. Gimbert?" "Let's have a look." "I think I can get my hands on a nice mahogany for about four grand, no trouble." "I am not interested in what you can get your hands on." "What does the photo tell you?" "Oh, er..." "Walnut." " Bit earlier?" " Burr walnut veneer." "With a brass dial, not a painted one." "And silver chaptering." "So once again, you think you can find me something like that?" "Yes..." "Hang on, I'm..." "I'm sure I've seen one of these recently." "Of course." "I'm sorry?" "Ah." "Doesn't matter." "How much are you prepared to pay?" "Six thousand, seven - depends on the name." " Leave it with me." " I'm staying at the Bull." "It'll be in Ostend by the end of the week, Monsieur Forget." "That's a promise." "European partners, ah?" "Absolutement." "It's a charming house." "Thank you." "Last night, I was visiting a sick old lady in hospital - voluntary work, they call it." " And you seriously expect us to believe that?" " I do." "And this flagpole's to do with the baby appeal, you say?" "I do." "Now, may I go or do you just like my company?" "Oh." "This... was found at the scene." "Can you shed any light on it?" "I usually charge for my professional services but I'll settle for a cuppa." "Whoever caused what happened here last night were out-and-out amateurs, cowboys right off the dole queue." "No professional thief would have caused such havoc." "I bet they destroyed more than the value of the stuff they took." "Not pros." "They knew exactly what they were looking for, though." "Stealing to order, eh?" "Probably cash up front." "And, er, where do you think the tables are now, then?" "Halfway across the Channel." "On a ferry." "Whoever these villains are stealing the stuff for knows there's a market for it." "It's portable, highly priced and very keenly sought-after." "Now, if there's anything else I can help you with," "I'm available on a consultancy basis." "Give you guys a lift anywhere?" "(Eric sighs)" " It's sad, Tink." " It's a travesty, Eric." "No insurance." "What's he gonna do?" " Inventory." " What of?" "What you see, what's left." "Three good legs?" "Well, there's handles, knobs..." "I suppose we can make a milking stool." " Philistine." " Al right, then, what?" "You've got to think like Sheraton." "See, he didn't make, he designed." " So?" " Well, his love was pleasing the eye." "So he had to understand all the processes - wood, metal, glass, inlays - everything." "He virtually invented the tray." "That's no good to us, all we've got is legs." "But that's all a butler's tray is." "Look." "What I'm saying is, we should improvise." "We should look around, find a drawer here, a piece of Hepplewhite there, and eventually we'll come up with an après le Sheraton whatever." "Oh, no!" "Eric, please cover it up, I can't stand looking at a corpse." "Look, Tinker thinks we can salvage something from this wreck." "What do you reckon?" "I reckon..." "I reckon..." "I reckon things have been worse." "Remember that time we had to make an original Chippendale table, Tink?" "Yes, we sold the Chippenjoy to Charlie Gimbert!" "Yeah." "In the meantime, Eric, if Jamie comes round, tell him..." "I'm onto a buyer." "Tell him I'm away for a few days." "Tell him... anything, Eric." "What I've begun to realize, Jane, is that in life, you can't just take." "You've got to put back in." "When I read about your baby appeal, I said to myself, "Charlie, get out there and do your bit."" "Well, of course, I haven't got any dolls but here I am, ready and willing to sign up." "And, er... there's 100 for the appeal." "Are you sure?" "Oh, all right. 150 since it's you." "Thank you." "Well, why don't I just go and get you some literature and some other bits and pieces then I'll tell you a little bit about what we do." " Wonderful." " No, no." "What was that?" " Yes, storm brewing, I think." " Oh." "Yes." "Jane, I was just admiring your longcase clock." "Walnut, isn't it?" "1760?" "Yes." "The maker's name was Justin Vulliamy." "It carries quite a premium." "Really?" "I've got a Belgian dealer." "Quite interested in that sort of thing, that period certainly..." " Might even make you an offer." " Sorry, not interested." "Well, he'd give you a very good price." "It's a family piece." "Even so, Jane, these days..." "Not for sale." "Now, there's the bumf..." "and the tools for the job." "Tools for the job..." "Yes, when you're out collecting." "There's a sash for you to wear, a collection box and some stickers and badges to pin on people." "I'm out of pins - would you mind getting your own?" " Yes, er, sure." " Great!" "All set for rattling." "Wonderful." "Would you like to?" "Oh, you've done it." "Would you like to donate something?" "Thank you..." "Oh!" "Oh..." "Oh, my God." "Get off!" "Are you all right?" "Do you want to go to the hospital?" " No, no, I'm fine." " Are you sure?" "It's nothing permanent, I'll live." "Erm, this is yours, I believe." "Thank you, I'm really grateful." "Thank you so much." "Can I just..." "No, no, no." "There's no need, thanks." "Thanks but no thanks." "Anyone would have done the same." "Would they?" "At least let me buy you a cup of coffee or something." "There's a nice café just up the hill." "Please." "OK." "My name's Danny, by the way." "Sir?" " Well, I never!" " Push off, Lovejoy!" "Such an inspiring sight, Charlie." " Yes, well, I felt the call, same as you." " Course you did." " Ask Lady Jane." " I believe you, Charlie." "I believe you!" " Lovejoy?" " Charlie." "This charity number - what's in it for you?" "Well, I find that virtue has its own reward." " Don't you, Charlie?" " If you say so." "By the way, love the sash." " You know what you can do that flagpole." " Put it up?" "What do you want?" "Oh." "Remember, Charlie, it's all in a good cause." "I'm studying at the poly." "Just looking for some summer work at the moment." "Thank you." "And what brings you to this neck of the woods?" "Well, there's less competition than in London, and it's cheaper." "I'm staying at a hostel just outside town." " I could offer you some work." " Really?" "Doing what?" "I'll think of something." "Look, you've been too kind already, thanks." "Look, I've got windows that need cleaning, quite a lot of them." "I'd pay you." "All right." "That'd be great." "(Charlie) I went, I saw, I made an offer." "No go." "No?" "You mean the clock does not work?" "No, no, no." "The owner of the clock..." "she isn't interested, I'm afraid." "I'm sorry." " She can't be persuaded?" " You haven't met Lady Felsham." "Well, perhaps if I, er..." "Some Gallic charm?" "Monsieur Forget... it's not for sale." "I know her." "Ah, well, then perhaps a toast, huh?" "To other fish in the sea." "To other fish in the sea." "I'm sure she has something else that she would like to get rid of." "Thirsty work, eh?" "Ah, God bless you." "A lot of bleeding' windows." "Hm!" "(Man on megaphone) Stay exactly where you are with your hands in the air." "I repeat, stay exactly where you are with your hands in the air." "Look, is it's about that parking ticket..." "On the deck!" "Arms outstretched." "Go!" "Lovejoy." "We've got you for something at last." "Breaking and entering and in possession of a firearm." "What?" "Firearm?" "Go and look at the gun!" "You know him?" "This house belongs to this gentleman's mother." "So what the hell were you doing in it?" " You must be Phillip, right?" " What?" "Phillip!" "Hello." "In my pocket." "Left-hand pocket, have a look." "Don't be shy." "Hey, that's my mother's key!" "That's right." "I'm one of the Friends of Dalefield Hospital." "I visit her there." " So she'll back your story up, then?" " Go and ask her." "He's just a parasite." "Con man!" "Well, search him." "Go on, search him!" "Is this the gun?" "Phillip, your mother was right about you." "So what do you think?" "I've never noticed them much, to be honest." "They were my mother's before me." "Are they worth something, then?" "About four grand." "Oh!" "(Laughs)" "My son'll be furious!" "Oh!" "Do you want to buy them?" "I mean, after all he's put you through." "No, I'll sell them for you if you want me to, for a commission." "It's a deal." "I need the money." "What for?" "(Jane) Hello?" "Anyone there?" "(Cock crows)" "Oh..." "Thank goodness!" " Where's your truck?" " It's been stolen." " Where from?" " Well..." "Thank you, Eric!" " Janey, you wanted to see me." " Yes." "Something's going on, Lovejoy, someone's been here." "Well, it's not me." "I've had enough of going through houses for the time being." "I'd have given anything to have been there." "Janey, I could have been killed." "Hm." "Look." "I found it here this morning." "I mean, what's it doing here?" "There's nothing been taken, there's no sign of a break-in either." "Just this window was left open." "I don't understand it." "I know someone's been in here but..." "Oh, it's just so creepy." "I haven't had a wink of sleep all night." "Something's going on, Lovejoy, and I don't know what." "(Lovejoy) Tink!" "Eric!" "Here he is." "The hard man of Littlewick Cottage." "Scared, were we?" "What, of men with baseball caps and loudhailers backed up by marksmen with automatic rifles trained and ready to kill?" "Course I was scared!" "What do you make of this, Tink?" "Ah." "Now, there are two scenarios here." "The first is that this was taken last night, one of several and got left behind." "The idea is that you take the snap away and tout the contents around for business." "Find out what's getting a good price, like?" "Exactly." "And then nick it later." " The second scenario..." " Photos were taken already." "And used as a sort of shopping list." " Stealing to order, you mean?" " Exactly, Eric." " So why didn't they?" " For the same reason that got left behind." "Modus operandi interruptus." "Eh?" "Janey woke up." "I think they'll be back, probably not in the same way, though." "What does he mean by that?" "Think of Forbes." "Think of ramraiding." "(Danny) Lady Felsham." "(Jane) Hello." "Hi." "Erm, the Jobcentre's found me something a bit more permanent." " Oh, good." " Yeah." "So, er, I got you this." "It's a sort of thank-you present." " Oh, Danny..." " It's nothing much, it's just to let you know I really appreciate the chance you gave me." "It was nothing." "Well, good luck, then." " Thank you." " Can I offer you a lift somewhere?" "Er, no, I'll walk." "Bye." "Admirer?" "I put some work his way." "He's put a smile on your face." "Shut up, Lovejoy." "Janey, has anyone been round lately, showing an interest in anything?" "Apart from him." "No one sinister." " Unless you count Charlie Gimbert." " Gimbert?" "We wanted to make an offer on the grandfather clock, I told him it wasn't for sale." "Drop me at his place, will you, Janey?" "(Doorbell ringing)" "Charlie." "So, to what do we owe this little, erm?" " Pleasure." " If you say so." "Jane says you're very keen on her grandfather clock." "So keen that you pitched up there on the pretext of doing some charity work." " Slander, Lovejoy." " Charlie, I've known you a long time." "It's true I had a professional interest." "Not a crime, is it?" "Not yet." "What are you talking about?" "After the last ramraid, police found pages torn from an antiques magazine and a Polaroid." "(Charlie) What's that got to do with me?" "Jane found this in her drawing room." "Someone from House And Gardens?" "Except they hadn't made an appointment." "What did they take?" "Probably just the other photographs they brought with them." "Jane disturbed them." "Stealing to order, eh?" "You tell me." "Not my style, Lovejoy." "You wanted the clock, Janey wouldn't do a deal." "This ramraid at Forbes has put quite a bee in your bonnet, hasn't it?" "Tell me, did you have the Sheraton cremated or just buried quietly?" "Reincarnated." "Those clowns were stealing to order too." "If I find it's you who put them up to their little adventures..." "Don't be ridiculous!" "It wasn't even me that wanted the clock in the first place." "Well, who, then?" "Client confidentiality, Lovejoy." " Really, Charlie?" " Yes, really." "Your client could face incitement, conspiracy to rob and receiving." "And remember the old line about being known by the company you keep - no straight punter will ever be seen with you again." "And you'd know about that, wouldn't you, Lovejoy?" "Come on." "But you're driving." "I'm afraid Monsieur Forget checked out this morning." "And you've no idea where he's gone?" "No, none at all." "Oh, he usually flies from Stansted." "Er..." "I hope you don't mind my asking, Lovejoy, but the whereabouts of this Belgian gentleman, is it really important?" "I mean, it won't detain you both from the flag hoist?" "It is this afternoon." "I hope you haven't forgotten." "Oh, yeah." "The flag hoist." "We'll be there, won't we, Charlie?" "Charity begins at home." "(♪ Brass band plays Congratulations)" "Come on, Charlie." "Apart from having designs on your clock, he's probably behind the ramraids." "Well, where is this Mr Forget now?" "On his way to Bruges, probably." "We went to the hotel but he'd left in a hurry." " My truck!" " What?" "My truck." "Janey, who's at Felsham Hall, now this minute?" " Well, no one." " Deserted?" " Yes, but the security system's on." " Try and find Tinker and Eric!" " Ladies and gentlemen, your attention..." " Meet me at Felsham Hall, soon as you can!" "The buffet is now being served." "Come on!" "Ohhh!" "About time!" "What's going on?" "Is this the ramraiders in your truck, Lovejoy?" "Let's introduce ourselves, shall we?" "Come on out, you trash!" "Do you know what else you destroyed apart from my truck?" "(Jane) Danny!" "What, the guy who..." "And he's the man who tried to mug me." "What were you going to take?" " Nothing." "And you can't prove otherwise." " No?" "Just went to pick up something I forgot, that's all." "Oh, yes, and who were you stealing them for?" "The Belgian, eh?" " Where were you taking 'em, Danny?" " (Tinker) Same place as he took the other lot." "Where was that, Danny?" "Do you wanna talk to me or the police?" "Sorry." "Invisible trade, I think they call this." "What next, Forget?" "A Biedermeier for a Belgian baron or something a little more rococo for an Italian aristo?" "Just make sure I get paid in Deutschmarks, there's a good chap." "(Forget) Your merry men." "Well, did you leave Felsham Hall standing?" "What do you care?" "You got what you wanted, that's all that matters, isn't it?" "That's right." "Ah" " I'll take that." "It's all under control, Lovejoy." "Well, this is turning out to be a day of surprises." "Dear..." "Jane." "Lady Felsham." "You waiting for a hand, are you?" "Obviously don't like getting yours dirty." "Look, I..." "I didn't approve of their methods." "I was as horrified as anyone." "Horrified as in appalled or horrified as in how clumsy they were?" "They were getting me what I wanted." "Or what you were stealing to order for Forget." "All that fundraising for the hospital..." "How could you have the gall?" "Allez, vite!" "Lady Felsham, please, I can... (Engine starting)" "(Lovejoy) Be seeing you, Danny." "I'll handle this, Lovejoy." "(Sneezes)" "Central heating." "(Tinker laughs)" "All right, all right." "What I don't understand, Lovejoy, is why Charlie Gimbert was chasing around after longcase clocks" " when For-git..." " Forget." "...Forget... could have just smashed and grabbed 'em." "Yes, Eric." "Ah, I get it." "Forget was using Charlie Gimbert as a front." "Brilliant!" "Er..." "Lady Felsham, er..." "I expect you'll be wanting your tables back." "They're perfectly intact, so really, no harm's been done." "And I'll return the other stuff... anonymously, of course." "What about the stuff that's gone forever, hm?" "Smashed to smithereens?" "My Sheraton at Forbes, for instance, hm?" "We could come to some kind of arrangement." "You're the first Euro-thief I've met." "Is that how you came to own the hotel?" "You and Forget do have very good taste, you know." "Is this stolen?" " Certainly not!" " Yours?" "Er, half mine." "Janey?" "Oh, yes..." " Yours?" " No." "His." "He'll kill me." "Look, let me give you a check, please." "No, you keep your eurocheck." "I'll take this armoire, Janey, you take the table... and, oh, yes, and I'll take this bureau to replace my Sheraton, hm?" "And a receipt, and your resignation from the committee, naturally." "And Mr. Catchpole and Mr. Dill will collect them." "When?" "!" " And that's it, is it?" " Mm." "I get a table, you get a wardrobe, we let Danny go and Felt carries on virtually as normal?" "Well, it might be your idea of an arrangement but it certainly isn't mine." "(Siren)" "Er..." "What?" "All right, all right, I'm sorry." "Oh, Janey, I'm shattered, this day's gone on forever." "Can I sleep on your couch or are you tired of intruders?" "I haven't been much of a judge of people lately, have I?" "Oh, you think the best of them." "Nothing wrong with that." " You know what it is, Lovejoy?" " What?" "I think you've turned me into a soft touch." "Well, I've just got the sort of qualities you admire." "I'm kind and decent, trustworthy..." "Hm?" "(Lovejoy sighs happily)" "Right." "Bring the check up a bit, please." "Come on, lovely big smile." "One big smile." " Great, smashing." "You got that?" " Got it." " Right, this Mr. Lovejoy." " Mm." " He sold your saltcellars at auction..." " That's right." "...for 4,500, and you've given all the money to the baby appeal?" "Yeah, that's right." "Well, it's the least an old life can do for a new one, isn't it?" "Beautifully put, nice gesture." "Bye." "Thank you so much, Florence, we really appreciate it." "Was he behind all this, then?" "He just helped me sell something, I didn't need anymore." "Janey." "My commission." "The 500 quid I owe you." "Thank you." "Oi, Lovejoy!" "Them saltcellars are mine!" "You had no right to take 'em!" "It's part of my inheritance." "They were your mother's." "Go argue with her." "Lovejoy, what have you done with my car?" "Where is it?" "Charlie, it's very nice of you to come." "Ah, Mr. Gimbert." "Would you like to be in the papers too?" "Lovejoy, where's my Sheraton?" "Jamie, everything's under control." " (Baby cries)" " Oh..." "Suits you, Janey." | {
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} |
"My name is Sydney Bristow." "Seven years ago I was recruited by a secret branch of the CIA called SD-6." "I was sworn to secrecy but I couldn't keep it from my fiancé." "When the head of SD-6 found out, he had him killed." "That's when I learned the truth." "SD-6 is not part of the CIA." "I'd been working for the people I thought I was fighting against." "So I went to the only place that could help me take them down." "Now I'm a double agent for the CIA." "My handler is a man named Michael Vaughn." "Only one other person knows the truth about me." "Another double agent inside SD-6." "Someone I hardly know." "My father." "Mr Tippin?" "I'm Kate Jones." "Danny and I had an affair." "I knew he was seeing someone but I wasn't really thinking so much about her." "Here's what doesn't make any sense." "I did a trace on you." "Kate Jones." "You died in 1973." " I have to go." " Who the hell are you?" "Oh, no." "That leak." "The glitch." "There's a worm, a hacker on the network." "They're downloading files." "Gotta cut the hard line." "Hello, Alain?" "We need to meet." "I think we have a mole." "Parkashoff was assassinated by Martin Shepard." "Shepard checked into a mental institution in southern Romania." "Get close enough to Shepard and get him to tell you where Parkashoff is buried." "Agent Fisher will be your support on this." "His alias is Dr Carlos Fontanetta." "Fisher?" "Jack, I thought you should know," "Sydney and Fisher missed their scheduled contact." "What are you thinking?" "Worst case is they're not alone in there." "Maybe someone posing as a patient or a doctor." "Come on, Jack." "Sydney's a smart kid." "We've seen her through worse than this." "Maybe not." "Maybe not." "But I believe in her." "I believe in her as if she were my own daughter." "That's nice to hear." " When's her next scheduled contact?" " Ten hours." "Then we'll know how hot the water is." "Let us not waste time." "I know that you work for SD-6." "I know that you are here to find out where Martin Shepard buried Parkashoff." "That you need Parkashoff's DNA to read FTL code." "What I do not know is whether you have succeeded." "Since we're not playing games, which is refreshing, I'd like to know who's asking." "My affiliation is unimportant." "You have until the machine charges." "Answer my question." "Wait." "This can't be the best version of this conversation." "Shepard didn't talk." "I don't know where Parkashoff is buried." "Wait." "I'm telling you." "I don't know anything." "Wait!" "Mr Bristow." "Your usual table is waiting for you, sir." "Thank you, Joey." "Mr Bristow, sorry about..." " Who are you?" " I'm CIA." "Operations Officer Vaughn." "Sydney's handler." "I cleared this meet with Devlin." "Kretchmer walked me through your SOP." "We're safe." "Are Sydney and I switching handlers or is this a special occasion?" " We have a problem." " Fisher hasn't made contact." "We believe K-Directorate had an agent waiting in the hospital." "SD-6 does not have confirmation of that." "The CIA does." "We have an extraction team on the ready line out of Serbia." "I want to pull Sydney out." "I was hoping that maybe we could co-ordinate this together." "Mr Vaughn, you're young." "You're eager." "I understand that." "One thing you're not, and this is something only time can provide, really, is wise." " You don't think this is right?" " Listen carefully, Mr Vaughn." "Even with a minimal extraction team, you can't guarantee containment." " If Sloane finds out, Sydney dies." " Retire her." "End her service." "Expose your operation at SD-6?" " Sydney's life is worth the risk." " Not to Sydney." "Taking them down is what gets her up in the morning." "Or did you think it was those meetings she has with you?" " What is your problem with me?" " You pulled my file last week." "That's my problem, Mr Vaughn." "Did curiosity get the better of you?" "Or were you trying to impress my daughter?" "She thinks you were KGB." "But I'm sure you knew that." "So I'm wondering, what were you doing checking up on me checking up on you?" "This meeting is over." "You can't torture Shepard for information." "Electroshock won't work." "FTL trained him to forget everything he did." "That's why you're here posing as his shrink." "You're K-Directorate." "What makes you think I work with K-Directorate?" "Your accent's Georgian." "Georgia, former Soviet Union." "Their main recruiting ground." "Shepard thinks I'm a patient." "He's more likely to trust me." "Except he has already attacked you." "Which I can use to seal his transference, by bringing his guilt to the surface then forgiving him." "I suppose you'd like your life in return?" "If you get Shepard to recall the location of Parkashoff, you might just live out your life in a Chechnyan internment camp." "You have until lockdown tonight." "Stay away from me." "I'm here to help you." "I don't want your help." "I'm not open to your help." "I think I know what's happening to you." "I'm sure you do." "Because you're one of them." "You know the words that are going on in my head." "I know." "I've seen you somewhere before." " I've seen you." " No, you haven't." "I'm safe here." "Safe here." "I thought I was safe." "What I'm about to say to you is the truth." "You gotta listen to me." "They are gonna kill us both if we don't help each other to get out of here." "Then you have a real problem." "Because I'm not leaving here." "I would rather die than leave the way I am now." "Do you have the chart Dr Kreshnik asked for?" "Yellow sky." "Interesting choice." "I told you to stay away from me." "I know that you're starting to remember some things." "I know you think I had something to do with them, but I didn't." "Piss off." "You can't see colours?" "Who are you?" "If you're not one of them, then how do you know that?" "I'll tell you what you need to know." "But first you have to help me." "I was sent here to get information but I don't care about that any more." "All I care about is that the main exit door has a dual-key lock." "That means two people using two keys at the same time to open it." " I'm not leaving here." " Please believe me." "Other people want to find out what's in your head." "When they don't, they will kill us both." "You want me to believe you but don't tell me anything." "I know..." "I've seen you somewhere." "Look." "You were trained..." "You were programmed to follow orders." "Whose orders?" "Whose orders?" "To do what?" "To do...?" "To kill." " No." " The things you remember are real." "I know it's hard to hear." "Accept that you did these things." "I'd rather be crazy, then." "When you're following orders, you're trained to see in black-and-white, to keep you detached from what you do." "You're not supposed to remember but you are." "Your training must be short-circuiting." "What you did is so painful to remember you see black-and-white all the time, as a defence mechanism." "But it's good, you're starting to heal." "Stop it, please." "Guard!" "Take him." "Lockdown." "Tell Dr Kreshnik I have the information he needs." "A memo from Legal about reporters quoting other reporters." " What's it say?" " "Cut it out."" " Happy Thanksgiving." " Thanks, Jenny." "Davis, scroll down a second." " Did you get the memo?" " Show me the picture." "Alright." "Jeez." "Her name was Eloise Kurtz, local girl, found shot to death in Echo Park." "Do you know her?" "She called herself Kate Jones, not Eloise Kurtz." "She was my source about Danny Hecht." "She was involved somehow." "She was trying to tell me something." "You're not hearing me." "I'm not saying..." "You won't publish this even though there are now two murders?" "The fastest way to be discredited is to author a conspiracy theory without background." "Believe me, you might as well publish your own homepage." "But will you at least take a look at my notes?" "Leave them on my desk when you go." "I'm not telling you to drop this, I'm not being a monster." "I'm telling you to bring it back more developed." "My God." " Ferroq, report." " We are coming, Doctor." "What is that tattoo on your arm?" "Special Forces?" "I almost got a tattoo once." "I was on the guy's chair." "Take her." "Hurts, doesn't it?" "You're right." "I don't want to die here." " How'd you get out of your room?" " I was quite good." "I pretended to swallow my tongue and lifted the RN's keys." "Look at me." "You can do this." "You think I'd help you out if I thought you'd kill someone?" "Unless you're planning on killing me." "Why would I do that?" "Sorry." "Get in." "Seatbelt." "Whoa, company." "Here, I'm totally a mess in here." "Sorry." "I wasn't expecting anyone." "Do you wanna have a seat?" "I have a minor form of scoliosis." "The air ergonomically hugs me." "You want to stretch out?" "I can inflate the couch." "I'll stand." "By the way, I scanned every byte of the computer network." "No more virus, that leak is plugged." "Even better, as it exported files at a low bandwidth..." "Marshall, the virus was a security section drill." "A drill?" " Like a test?" " You were the only one to catch it." "Faster than anyone anticipated." "So good work." "It transmitted over an unsecured connection." "Isn't that risky?" "Security Section was surveilling it the whole time." "I just wanted to let you know." "Thanks." " Yes?" " Dad, where's Vaughn?" "I had his number forwarded." "Are you alright?" " I'm at the safe house." " Any trouble finding it?" "Only took six hours driving in the dark." "Is Shepard with you?" "Get to Rinas airport in Tirana." "There's a charter flight waiting under Kraja Petrol Corp." "The hardest part's over." "We'll talk when you get back." "Why me?" "Why did you ever come talk to me?" " I was looking for a man." " Who?" "A man who you killed and buried." "His name was Gareth Parkashoff." "That's what I was sent in to find." "A man I killed?" "The first time I had the images in my head it was like a seizure." "Flashes of people, places a street sign." "I thought I was remembering bad dreams." "It was in black-and-white, but it was so vivid." "I didn't know how much of it was real." "I found the street." "I heard there had been a murder." "A shopkeeper recognised me." "I was convinced I was delusional." "I couldn't be a killer, I couldn't be." "Where you found me was as... remote a place as I could find to lock myself away in case in case I was wrong." "It's not your fault." "I feel like I've been stolen from myself." "I don't know if there was ever a me." "I don't know who..." "Please tell me who you are, Sydney." "Maybe that will..." "How did you know my name?" "How did you know my name?" "The banner." "What banner?" "It said, "Happy Birthday, Sydney."" "I heard the water... running." "I'm so... sorry." "The man you were ordered to kill was my fiancé." "His name was Danny." "I told Danny I'm a spy." "Because he was the one part of my life I couldn't stand to be a lie." "And when SD-6 found out they called on one of their hit men, someone they'd already enlisted." "They called on you." "I think the man who programmed you is named McCullough." " He's their neurotech." " McCullough?" "He's in here." "The irony is, they never lied about what would happen if I told someone." "It was the one thing they said that turned out to be true." "Now I'm a double agent for the CIA." "And I will be until SD-6 is gone." "Will finding where Parkashoff is buried help you to take down the people that did this to us?" "Yes." "I left his body in marshland." "The Louisiana-Texas border." "Off the l-ten." "So that's the deal?" "Shepard wrote down the location of Parkashoff's body." "In exchange I helped him escape the asylum." "I see." "Where is Shepard now?" "He committed suicide." "Something went wrong." "He started remembering what he had done." "He snapped." "When we were crossing the border into Bulgaria he jumped." "Threw himself off the bridge into Lake Scutari." "There is no way he could've survived." "If by some miracle he did survive, we'll hear about it sooner or later." "I told SD-6 Shepard was dead." "I was gonna lie to you about it too, but the truth is I can't stand lying to anyone else." "I appreciate that." "I'll be honest." "Some people at the agency will want him found." "He's as much a victim of SD-6 as I am." "Shepard buried Parkashoff's body in a Louisiana marshland." "Sloane sent out a forensics team to get a DNA sample." "They should be able to decode the FTL message by tonight." " We were worried." " The CIA hates to lose its assets." "I mean, I was worried." "For you." "In fact, I..." "I contacted your father." "Just so you know he knows I pulled his file and suspects you've seen it." "It's OK." "It's me." "That's what I thought." "Seems our SD-6 computer virus is turning into a gold mine." "Good." "Maybe we can get ahead of them for once." "Why don't you go home, get some rest?" "Happy Thanksgiving." "Oh, God." "OK, were you ever gonna call me back?" "Sorry." "Where the hell were you?" "I left three messages." " My trip was extended." " You can't just disappear." " What's burning?" " Just an oven fire." " I just moved in." " I fricasseed the turkey." "Are you OK?" "I'm glad to be home." "OK, but the turkey's really burning." "Everything's burning." "Greasy steam." "What'd you do?" "This is Jenny." "She works with me." "Thanks for letting me crash your party." "I would have totally brought some wine but I got carded." "So, cider." "Cider's perfect, thank you." "Come in." "You look great." "Is this the sweater I got you?" "That's not why I wore it." "I'm gonna go put that on ice." " She's cute." " Yeah." "It's our new intern." "Her parents were in Europe so I felt bad." "That's Jenny?" " It's strictly professional." " Really?" " What are you saying?" " Nothing." "Happy Thanksgiving." "Cheers." "Are your parents really away?" "Somebody's always gotta bang the glass." "This year it's me." "I wanted all of you to be here for what I'm about to do, which is probably going to be one of the most embarrassing moments ever." "This thing is burning a hole in my pocket." "The last stop, baby." "Will you marry me?" "Yes." "Yes, Charlie, I will." "OK, watch your tongue." "Glad you're taking it slow." "Dad." "This was on your lawn." "It's my neighbour's." "I'll give it to him." " Do you...?" " Shepard killed Danny." "I'm assuming you know that." "If I hadn't, thank you for breaking it to me so gently." "I'm telling you because I don't want you to think it's my mission in life to keep things from you." "Then why do you?" "FBI report, signed by the Deputy Director, clearing me of having any involvement with the KGB." "You have to understand it was the height of the Cold War." "After they caught Boyce and Lee in '77, everybody was under suspicion." "So I suppose, in a way your mother's accident was my fault, since the FBI was after me." "If I could give her back to you, I would." "Take it." "I don't need to." " You should stay." " Work." "I'm glad your trip went well." "Happy Thanksgiving." "You too." "We found Parkashoff's body and ran a DNA sample through the genetic decoder you obtained." "It decoded the FTL communiqué." "Here's the full text." "Possible location of Rambaldi Artefact discovered in Tunisia." "Dig proceeding." "Now we know where those FTL agents went off to in such a hurry." " So I'm off to Tunisia?" " Actually, no." "We sent an advance team there on a recon mission." "But the dig had been evacuated." "FTL must have found whatever was buried there." "We traced a shipment out of El Kef to the Department of Engineering Science at Oxford." "FTL has no idea what they've uncovered or else they wouldn't send it to civilians for analysis." "But whatever it is, some of the best minds in the world are studying it as we speak." "The University holds a reception for visiting professors tomorrow night." "You're going as a scout for the Marisa Foundation, looking for grant candidates." "Keep in mind that FTL is likely to have a large presence to make sure that we don't try what we are about to try." "In the interest of fairness, I reread your notes." "There wasn't much there." "You need more shoe leather to go with the story you're looking for." "You're right." "I think it's better to drop it." "You've got enough for a piece on why the police are not more curious." "So take it from that angle." "We go to press on Tuesday." "Wait." "I'm not..." "I mean..." "Thank you." "Tuesday?" "Is that, like, set?" "Will, are you on dope?" "24 hours ago, you were begging me to publish." "OK." "Here's the thing." "Danny Hecht." "The murder that started this, he's my friend's..." "He was my friend's fiancé." "I'm having second thoughts." "She doesn't know about the story." "I think she'd want it investigated." "I did tell her, a while ago." "She asked me to drop it." "I don't want to hurt her." "I'm genuinely sorry to hear that." "This is now a legitimate piece." "If you don't want it, it goes to somebody else." "Don't chicken out on me now." "Whatever the Rambaldi Artefact is, the CIA wants photographs." "Do it in your hotel room." "We'll plant a mini-camera in the Bible." "There's one more thing." "One of our Romanian assets spotted Anna Espinosa leaving the psychiatric hospital after you escaped." "Be careful." "She's on this." "How was your Thanksgiving?" "Good." "My friend got engaged." "What's her name?" " How was yours?" " Typical." "Spent it with my mom." " What about...?" "Is it Alice?" " Yeah, we broke up." "The security section has made us aware of the concern that you may have a mole in your department." "It would appear so." "Some in the alliance believe you may have more than one." "Well, if that's true McCullough will draw them out." "It is our intention to make an example of them." "I know." "I'm taking care of it." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"I've tried my best, with these subtitles" "I did them by listening so they might not be perfect (just 99.99%) a few words I couldn't hear properly, I hope you overlook that" "ENJOY!" "West Valley High." "My high school." "I bet it's a lot like yours which means, it probably sucks." "But you see we got something other schools don't:" "The dirty deeds." "Once a year, the night before homecoming, anybody can take this challenge." "Hardly anybody ever does, and when they do, it's usually a punk kid with a death wish out to prove that he is tough or cool." "To me it's bullshit, just like everything else around here." "Welcome to homecoming weekend." "Until, today." "Come on, move!" "That's my spot." "First of, I'd like to announce that this years honorary chair person," "Rachel Buff, homecoming queen 4 years ago and now a professional model, will be joining us this weekend." "You've no doubt seen her on the catalogue for the laundry." "She'll be giving out the senior words tomorrow morning at the carnival." "Red light." "God, I'll love you for ever." "Meg, I've finished your college recommendation letter." "Oh thanks, Mrs. Hale." "I've told them your odds on favorite for valedictorian." "Valedictorian?" "What does that mean?" "It's Latin, means a post scholarship." "Ticket out of this town and a guarantee" "I'll never have to wait tables in my life." "Crap, I'm late." "We're not late." "And now, to unveil this year's homecoming banner, your senior class president:" "the fabulous Dan Lawton." "Hey, how is it lookin'?" "First, I wanna say that the Vikings are gonna kick some major ass tomorrow." "Did you watch where you're goin'." "Every time." "Sorry." "Moron." "Sorry." "And now... let's get homecoming weekend started." "Who would wanna go and do a thing like that?" "My office, Mr. Harper, now." "We're gonna be late." "Not me." "I graduated in June." "That'd be all, Miss Straight." "So Mr. Harper." "Yes, Mr. Fuchs." "Pronouncing my name correctly, that's a start." " Well I can always go back to..." " I have no doubt, Mr. Harper." "I still think you know something about this recent outbreak of pranks." "Shall I call your mother try to arrange a conference one more time?" "Knock yourself out, fifth time is a charm." "I seem not to have a number for your father." "Join the party." "You don't have a lot of respect for authority, do you, Mr. Harper?" "I'm sorry, I wasn't listening." "I wanted a moment alone with you guys, cause you're the leaders of this school." "Trust me Biggs." "I'm depressed about that as you are." "How can we help you, Officer Dill?" "Well it's homecoming weekend at West Valley, and everybody knows that means a lot of talk about the dirty deeds." "I haven't heard anything." " How about you guys?" " Naa, naa." "Hey!" "Well let's just keep that that way, shall we?" "It's been a long time since anybody's tried it and I don't want any of you, knuckleheads, getting any ideas." "Actually my dad said:" ""Back that day, you've tried it"." "But he pissed his pants before he did burst one." "Yeah... well your dad used to shower in his bathing suit." "We've got everything under control." "Good." "We'll see that you do." "Come on, Bevins." " It's all good, Officer Dill." " "Douh"." "Douchebags." "Now was that the work of you and your band of misfits?" "You flatter me, Mr. Fuchs, because that is first rate stuff." "I've noticed the letters "I-A-B" appear once again, Mr. Harper." "Tell me, what do they stand for?" "I am... bored?" "Just a guess." "Sadly the school board and I differ on rules regarding suspension." "They require inconvertible proof of a transgression, but I will say this, Mr. Harper:" "Any student I catch right handed, I pity them." "I pity anyone who has to deal with you, sir." "Anything else you'd like to add before you're dismissed, Mr. Harper?" "No, just keep up the good work." " Hey." " So did he suspended you?" "Not yet, but the man is trying his best." "Listen Zach, how can I say this without sounding harsh?" "Stay the hell away from my brother." "OK, now maybe it's me," " but that still sounded harsh." " I'm serious." "Yeah, way too." " Look, some strange reason, he really looks up to you." "Well we gotta stop that." "I mean I don't want anybody looking up to me." "I'm the one who looked down on the people that others look up to." "Is everything a joke with you?" "Is anything joke with you?" "Hey, come on." "Come on." "What are the honor society taking no smile oath?" "Look, I just don't want Kyle getting into things he can't handle." "I mean, next year when I'm away at school, who's gonna look out for him?" "Nobody." "I let the kid hang out." "What's the harm?" "Just don't drag him down Zach, OK?" "Excuse me." "I got a note from dentist." "I can't go to gym." "Excuse me." "OK, I'm coming, I'm coming." "Now, what is it young man?" "Holy crap, what did you eat for dinner last night?" "A Mexican village?" "I'll just go to gym." "Morning, Meg." "You are looking so hot." "Is your girlfriend sick today?" "You think Jen has to know everything?" " The less they know the better, right?" " You know it." "You know they work better if you drink them." "Damn dentist drove trough my head." "Did he give you anything for the pain?" "Yeah, but I'm not sure I can take them." "I can't reach my sponsor, and I don't want to drove my sobriety down the drain." " It's been five days." " Which beats your regular by what," " five days?" " Roughly." "It's a prescription." "You're in pain, it's medicine." "Take it." "No, no." "One, one." " Find me in 4 to 6 hours." " Cool." "Hey Cummings, like the way you make maintenance." "The extra money helps." "The sprinklers still busted?" "Yeah, low water pressure." "All what's coming out is hot air." "Fascinating." "Hey listen," "I heard that you're fast." "4-940?" "4-7." "4-7?" " Whoa." " Damn." " Hey listen, let's put all this crap behind us." "We could use a little bit more speed on the team." "Wide receiver, something like that." "You interested?" " Maybe." " Great, once you ran a lap with a stamina." "Yeah right now." " Yeah man, go." " Are you ready?" " Set, go!" " Come on baby, come on." "Ok, everybody, a little contribution." " Good, look at you man." " Man oh man." " You could totally make this team." " Amazing." " Yeah?" " Yeah man, most definitely." "Your acceleration is fast." "I thought you'd be happy." "We got your sprinklers working." "Sorry to piss you up, dude." "What's going on?" " Lawton." "Such an asshole." " You want me to do somethin'?" "No." "I can take care of myself, OK?" "Ooh, you just gonna let him keep kicking your ass until his foot hurts?" "Something else." "I heard that there's 10 of them, and they get like harder as you go on." "I heard one year a freshman lost his balls by trying to do the deeds." "Freshmen loose your ball sex all the time." "The senior class pres has a key to some locker somewhere and that's where the deeds are." " Really?" " Totally." "I heard you could die doing a deeds." "How very cool is that?" "Yo, 15 years ago, we hit the mall." "Football player, homecoming king." "Dude's name was Duncan Rime." " Duncan Rime." " Yeah, yeah, I've heard he did." "No he didn't die, you retards." "Homie did a vanishing." "And nobody seen his white ass since." "Yo." " I heard he joined the mob, son." " Yeah, that's somethin'." " Ill type." " Yeah." "Who talks like that?" "It would be so cool man." "I mean... think about somebody trying the deeds, would pump up this homecoming weekend" " and totally put up our class on the map." " Why don't you try, Biggs?" "Me?" "Yeah, that's right." "Hey, Lawton." "What's the matter, Cummings?" "You still thirsty?" "Check this out, Z." "You think you're the big shit around here?" "How come you don't try the dirty deeds?" "Cause I'm not the dumb shit around here." "I say it's cause you don't have the guts." "But I do." "Tonight I'm doing the deeds." "You're on big man." "I'll see you tonight." " Zach." "Hey." " Hey." "Listen." "You gotta stop Kyle." "OK, he's gonna get hurt." "Is this the same Kyle you said you wanted me to stay away from?" "Yes, but maybe he will listen to you." "He really wants to do this." " Anything to get smart?" " I won't do it." "Zach, you're the only person I can ask for help here." "I don't know what I'm supposed to do, Meg." "Look I think that's really cool that he's got somebody to look out for him." "Kyle is about to get thrown in jail, expelled." "Yeah, I'm doing a great job." " There he is." " Hey, Mullet, attention." "Nice shot." "Alright." "Hey Mullet, you alright?" "You alright?" "Yeah, yeah." "Somebody's gotta teach that asshole a lesson." "Only the losers showing up, Laws." "Maybe it got boo someplace." "Guys, take a look." "This is so stupid, Kyle." "OK." "You don't have to do this." "It's the only way to get Lawton off my back." " Kyle..." " Just stay out of it." "OK, Lawton," " Let's do this." " Kyle." "I'm doing the deeds." "Sorry, the job's already filled." "Wrong." "He's a freshman, I'm a senior." "Rules say I get priority." "He's right." "Dan if a senior wants the challenge, he ge..." "I know the rules." "You want the deeds?" "Fine, they are yours." "I'm gonna enjoy watching you go down." "I'm gonna get the deeds." "That will give you some time to chicken out." "Harper's going to do the deeds." "Zach, what are you doing?" "You're making me look bad." "Why do you get to have a lot of fun?" "What are you doing?" "I thought you told me to get Kyle out of this." "I didn't say you should screw up your own life." "That's a nice thing to say." "It's just, this deeds thing is sick." "Not if it gets Lawton off your brother's ass." " Why does he have it in for Kyle, anyway?" " You're kidding, right?" "You're the only girl at school that Lawton can't have his way with." "Kyle is just payback." "Take your brother home, Meg." "Deeds." "Deeds." "OK." "Alright Harper, you know the drill." "You don't get the second deed until you finish the first." "So it goes in like order?" "Every time you finish one, if that happens..." "Yeah." "You come back here to get the next envelope." "The rules say you gotta be done by the start of the homecoming rally, tomorrow morning 9:00, which gives you... 12 hours." "Ok, here we go." "It's an easy one for starters." "All you have to do is drink a beer in front of a cop." "Looks like Dill is right inside." " Here's a cold one." " That means he's gotta see you do it." "That means he's watching you drink it." " That means while you're drinking..." " Yeah, I got it." " What's he doing?" " The code doesn't say what I have to drink it out of." "Just says beer." "He's right." "There you go." "This Bud is for you, asshole." "Officer Dill." "Harper, what the hell is going out there?" "You know kids." "Friday night." "Nothin' to do." "Well they better not be up to any of that deeds crap." "Cause tonight me and Bevins are ready to slide on anything?" "Anything to drink officer?" "Yeah, I want one of those." "Damn that is a good cup of coffee." "Well you have a good night officers." "I know the town is safe, thanks to you." "Douchebag." "I hope soon it's got harder." "Second deed." "You've got to punch the toughest kid in town." "Gee, I guess it's up to me to decide, who the toughest kid is." " Don't worry I am not gonna choose myself." " That's disappointing." "I know." "What about JD Riplock?" "You know him, don't ya?" "Guns for biceps." "Genuine cycle badass." "He did a stretch of ju before he put a kids head to the blackboard." "Hey, you alright, Ricky?" "Go get him, slugger." "Good luck, Harper." "Nice time with ya." "Riplock..." "He's... a psychopath." " The guy's like a." " Bobby D." "Yes, sir?" "What's the D stand for?" "Sorry bout that." " Stands for DeSanchez." " No stands for Douche, but we can change that." "All you gotta do to change that is helping me with a little problem." "As you guys all know, Harper is doing the deeds tonight, right?" " Yeah." " Yeah, and there is a little tradition that goes along with that." "All night rager at a freshman's house." "That's funny, that's good." "And Bobby Douche," "I heard your parents are away for the weekend." "Well, they are." "But they said I can't have anyone over, unless it's the studies." "So..." "Yes, he's not lying." "I've heard them say it." "I understand that." "We'll do a lot of study." "Calculus, geometry and anatomy." " Yeah, congratulations, Bobby." " Right." "Thanks." "Who's next?" "Who's next?" "Do you really think this is gonna work?" "No, but what choice do I got?" " Nice place." " Yeah, thanks man." " That can't bee good." " Yeah, I better go do something." "Go do something." "Smile." " Come on." " Come on, yeah, come on." "Come on." "Get him." "You get him." "Yeah, you go." "You go." "Get him up, come on." " Yeah." " Come on." "Are you lost, Harper?" "Nice, cool." "I'm gonna find out what his deal's like." "Hey, make sure you put that back." "Hey what do you...?" " Where's the booze man?" " Booze?" " Yes, freshman throwing the party got the booze." " I... don't know." " You didn't get the memo?" "That's OK." "We can search trough everything until we find it." " No." "No." " Yes." "Yes." "Booze hunt." "Come on, go fellas." "Yeah, two deeds for Harper." "Is that what you did?" "As low as humanly possible." "Two, two, two..." "You've got balls, Harper." "I'll give you that." "Gee, turns out you're gonna need him to do the third deed." " What?" " That's my favorite one yet." "I'd hurry if I was you." "Supermarket closes in 20 minutes." "Yo, Biggs." "Yo." "So what's the third one, my friend?" "Go to the market..." "Ok, yes, sure." "Hello, beautiful." "Should we go back to my place?" "You guys seen Harper?" "I need to give him something." "That's what he's gotta do?" "That's like so gross." "Not, really." "Everybody, need to be careful." "There's lots of breakable stuff here." "Now there is one less." "I know, this is your first time." "God, I hope so." "He's gonna die." "I'm going to kill him." "He's gonna die." "That's right, make a sandwich out of me." "Here let me help you." "That a boy." "Know what I love?" "Mayo between my slices." "Come on." "Hey, move it." "Come on." "Let's go, move it." "What is this?" "I'll love you forever." "You kiss my "scrunchie", BJ." "I don't hear a thing." "I am gonna kill you." "I heard that." "Ooh God." "Ooh, my car." "As soon as I get Harper, I'll come after you BJ." "Enjoy her BJ until she's alive." "Spread it on me, big boy." "I love mayo." "Yes... yes..." "Jesus Christ." "I call you tomorrow." "Daddy's coming home." "Ooh, when I'm done whit you," "I'm gonna make your ass look like you're a fag." "Look like a fag." "You see a lot of things in this job... but I've never thought I'd see anyone trying the dirty deeds again." "That is what you're doing, right?" "Absolutely, sir." "Rock on, son." "This is whole wheat, right?" " Right?" " Right." "Hey man, my bad." "Here's your whole wheat." "This one's sour dough." "Out of my way, Harper." "Hey, Mr. Fuchs." "You have yourself a good night now." "Two, two, two." "Three." "So, we got you for speeding, driving an unregistered vehicle and being a douchebag after midnight." "Son, we got to sort all this out down at the station house." "We know kind of stupid, aren't you?" "Put that down!" "Beef off the table." "Off the table, thanks." "The couch is expensive." "Be careful." " Sorry dude." " Yeah, thanks a lot." "Paul, rewind." "I gotta see that again." "A port from the market says, you made a local bread very happy." "A gentleman never tells." "Hey cool, girls." "This asshole's got work to do." "Number 4..." "You've got to drag that big ass leprechaun from Lucky's used car lot, all the way to the high school." "In one peace." "Why are you sweating, Dan?" "I'm the one doing the work." "I'm not sweating." "Yo, where's my marker?" "My marker." "Not so bad dude." "Ooh, yeah." " For me." " My life is over." "No, no, no, no, no, no!" "I'm breaking up with you Brian, because you don't have any guts." "You know who has guts?" "The guy hosting this party." "Whoever he is." "Alison, I've heard you broke up with Brian." "You know he was never good enough for you." "Bri, I think I go now." "Right." "Dude." "Dude did you hear that?" "Go get her." "Go, go, go." "Son of a..." "Try a school board, my friend." "Thought it would be easy, huh?" "You supposed to be home." "I'm supposed to be doing the deeds, but I got blocked by a senior trying to show off." "You know what Kyle?" "I've got it under control." "Obviously." "What?" "What?" "Taking the blinds is not gonna help." " You got a better idea?" " Maybe I do." "There." " Ready?" " Yeah." "That's the way it is done." " Hey you find her?" " No." "Look harder." " God, this is such a cool night." " Yeah." "We switch the sprinklers on without water flow, hot air pours out from the heads," "The balloon inflates and goes airborne." " Or not." " Since I have no other options." "I love it." "How long we give him, Laws?" "I don't know." "Give him till about now." "Hey listen up everybody." "Listen up." "We got another loser." "As your class president, I tried to give you a kick ass homecoming weekend." "But, unfortunately, Harper has ruined it." " He did it." " What?" "Ohh my..." "I've wouldn't be making any more speeches for a while." "Whatever, your Harper's luck not gonna last." "Now will you go home?" "Ok." "Look, I would have been screwed, if you didn't show up tonight." "Same here." "I knew I'll find you here, Kyle." "Get in the car." "But I'm helping Zach to the deeds." "Look we get the leprechaun up." " But, he just showed up." " Yeah, and now he is going home." "He was just helping me out." "Don't be mad at him." "I'm not mad at him." "Look, Zach, I've always thought you were different." "You were smarter than Lawton and his macho crowd, you cared about other things." "Still we have to do, but always be careful." "Four." "Hi." "So, you're having a good time?" "Are you talking to me?" "I'm Bobby DeSanchez." "Your host." "Bobby, hi." "It's 4 deeds for Harper." " Forget Harper." " We got 4 for you right here." "Wait, wait, I wanna remember this forever." "That's enough." "Sorry that took so long." "Were you guys worried?" "A little." "I was." "You're not even halfway there yet." " Don't get cocky, Harper." " You're the boss." "For now." "What is it?" " What is it, Zach?" " Come on, Zach." "Hey, Stash," "I thought you were at the party." "Yeah, well I need a little pain pill, it's been 6 hours." " Been 2 hours." " Anyways." "There's a lot of kids drinking." "I couldn't be a part of it." "I'm trying to clean in my ab." "You want help me steal a dead body?" "Cool." "Steal a dead body and put it in the middle of the school." "Evening, Mr. Rasdale." "How things out of the lodge?" "Wait, José, what's it to you?" "My name is Ryan, sir." "Did you want your usual?" "How do you know what my usual is?" "Because you come in every night, before your shift start." "Don't get smart with me, Luis." "It's homecoming weekend." "Dirty deeds time." "Sir..." "Deeds got me once, here's a go." "It's not gonna happen again." "Those are preordered." "You tell any of your hombres, that if they are even thinking, even tick about the deeds," "Vic Rasdale is waiting for them." "Serve your coffee, sir?" "Something you can spit into?" "You'd like that, wouldn't ya, Miguel?" "Very much, sir." "A Newton imperial." "That's about to hard to pick as my ass." "Talk this loud and you pick your ass?" "It's the same lock they have on most docker's offices." "Not that I've ever broken into any of them to steal drugs" " back when I was using." " That's a load off my mind." "Evelyn Easterbrook." "Loving wife, mother and grandmother." "Service Thursday." "No." "Anything?" "Jerry Noblock." "Friend to all." "No flowers make donations to boys athletic club." "Nice guy." "What you got?" "John Doe." "Found in park." "No roots" "No service scheduled." "He's got nobody." "He's got us." "So I speak to the big, that if someone is trying the deeds," "I'll throw a big party." "Hey you guys got everything you need?" "Alright, yeah." "Then I just told my parents to clear out." "Come on, come on, hurry." "Careful, careful, wait the door." " Move." " Hey man." "I'm stuck." "I'm stuck." "Are you pocket, John?" "This guy is a maniac." "And let me know if there is too much air." " He's good." " Yeah." " I told you wrap it tighter." " And I ignored you." " Shit." " Pull the car over." "Get back cover him, quick." "Reported a break in." "Swan Point funeral." "Ohh, shit." " Harper, Harper, Harper." " Sir." "You know why I've stopped you?" "Fighting real crime is hard, sir." "Wrong, cause 30 mph does not mean 38." "I'm sorry, officer." "Who the hell is that back there?" "Well, that's Stash and his uncle." "He had a rough night." "No shit." "Officer Dill, I'm just trying to get the guy home." "He is really just dead..." "drunk." "I can see that." "Alright, I'm gonna let you slide this time." "Thank you, thank you." "And one more thing." "And Harper, your vehicle registration expires at the end of..." "I mean that is just wrong on so many levels." "Tell me about it." "Get him the hell out of here." "There are a lot of sick people in this world." "Now, how very cool is that?" "Five." "Yeah, I'm here." "You wanna go upstairs?" "I don't wanna move, ever." "But aren't there bedrooms upstairs?" " I'm sure there are." " Can you get me a drink first?" "Ohh yeah, sure." " How is it going?" " Unbelievable." "I may be dead tomorrow, but I'm gonna die a man." "She's so hot." "Six." "You don't talk as much as you used to, Dan?" "Just do the damn deed." "Bring back a homecoming queen's bra." "Signed." "Hey, Jen." "Yeah, right." "What is it?" " Is Amy home, sir?" " Who the hell are you?" "Zach Harper." "You Amy's dad?" "No, I'm her big brother." "I can see that." "Is she home?" "I just need to get a bra from her." "But she doesn't have to be wearing it." "You know what kid?" "Why don't you come back tomorrow, when it's light out?" "And then, when I swing at you, I won't miss!" "You got it." "Hello." "Hello, Miss Moskowitz." "Zach Harper." "I was two years behind Leah in high school." "Ohh, yes Zach, who could forget you?" "Is everything alright honey?" "What's going on?" "Well, I think you gonna get kind of a kick out of this." "I was wondering if I could swing by, pick up some of her underwear." "Hello?" "Yes." " Jennifer, hey, Zach Harper." " Zach, it's late." "Ah yeah, well, it's late for me too, but I think you gonna get kind of a kick out of this." "You see, I need one of your bras." "Just for a while." "I promise I'll give it back." "You know what?" "You're sick Zach, sick." "What was that about?" "Did I say you could speak, slave?" "Sorry, mistress, sorry." "May I have another?" "Yeah." "You're looking for a homecoming queen?" "Who is this?" "Someone, who wants to see you take Lawton down." "Someone who knows where you can find what you're looking for." "I'm listening." "Vicky Crabbe." "Queen from 5 years ago." "She's got an apartment on 47 Grandview, downtown, across the street at the Excelsior hotel." "She's home now." "Grandview, got it." "I've been had, a setup and knocked over." "Five deeds down five more to go, and it looked like that the night was coming to an abrupt ending." "You know, It's amazing how the best ideas come in the most desperate times." "Cause I had to piss like it was nobody's business." "It's a good thing, Excelsior hotel's across the street." "Can I use your men's room?" "Bathroom is for customers." "Then, I don't know I'll take a beer." "Maybe in a couple of years." "Make it a Coke." "$6.50." "Am I a customer now?" "Men's room is on your right, sir." "So kid, what's her name?" "What?" "The girl, that put that nasty look on your face." "What's her name?" "What do you mean?" "You're a mess." "What did she do to you?" "Look, this has nothing to do with the girl, OK?" "OK, a little bit." "OK." "Fine, a lot." "Like 80%." "There you go." "Now here is the deal." "I'm doing this high school thing, mostly so that her brother won't have to." "But the real reason is... she's great." "Pretty, smart, not into the games that everyone else says." "And she probably has no idea how you feel." "Hey, it's her loss." "Are you trying to?" "Pick you up?" "Are you?" "No, I'm just..." "Let's stick to what's really bothering you." "Talking helps you." "Nothing's gonna help now, unless you're a homecoming queen at West Valley." "Rachel Buff, sir, class of '99, homecoming theme:" ""Reach for the stars"." " Are you kidding me?" " No." "My mom still has my honor at the piano." "So what can I do for you?" "Actually," "I think you might get kind of a kick out of this." "You mind helping me with the clasp?" "That would be a... sure." "Sure, I can." " Your hands are cold." " Sorry." " So it's how?" "What number deed is this?" " Six." "Six, ohh my god." "It's closing in on Duncan Rime." "You're a stud." "There you go." "You're the greatest person I've ever met." "Thank you." "Do you have a pen?" "Hey, did you found her yet?" " No." " OK, keep looking." "Alison?" "How do I know this is legit?" "Well I got her on picture phone, too." "Hey everybody, it's Rachel Buff." "Sorry that you had to wait, I'll see you tomorrow at homecoming." "Better be there." "Go, Vikings." "Ohh and there's more." "That'd be yours, Danny boy." "Whatever." "Here you go." "Lucky number seven." "It's never gonna happen, Harper." "You've been right so far, Dan." "Ohh, shit." "Ohh, God." "Those assholes." "Son of a... bitch" "Alison, I've been looking all over for you." "Sorry, Bobby, I had to pee and the line was like a mile long." "So where were we?" "I was about to go upstairs with the guy with your gut." "Hey man, you should have seen him pissed up, when we told him, he had to hold this rager." "I'd thought he shit himself." "Right, douche?" "Douche, douche." "Wait, hold on." "Kyle can't come out and play." "Just go away." "Look, Meg." "Can I borrow your car?" "Are you serious?" "Yeah, Lawton's goons slashed my tires." "Ohh, my." "You don't expect that from goons." " I need to get to the Patriot Lodge." " That's the deed?" "And... kind of borrow the night watchman's leg?" "Ohh, OK, Yeah, yeah." "Well, as long as it is for a good cause." "Meg, look nothing will happen to your car." "Look." "You can't have my car." "Meg." "I've got nobody else to go to." "Please." "Stash's lock picking tools." "I'll be right back." " Zach..." " You told me your folks are out of town and you're worried that Kyle is gonna sneak out again." "I'll be as quick as I can." "No, I was actually gonna say, good luck." "Look." "I know I can get too serious sometimes." "It's OK." "You'd be better going." "Right." "Shit." "This is a private club, son." "And we don't cut into a lot of things here." "Integration, breaking and entering." "I suggest you show yourself with 3 things up in the air:" "Your hands and my leg." "Otherwise, Vic Rasdale is gonna be filling this fine antique, with buckshot." "And your ass will be hanging on our trophy wall." "Now, I am gonna count to 50." "48, 49..." " You saved me." " Yeah, you can thank me later." " Let's get you home." " No, no." "You have to do more deeds." "Look." "You can just take my car." " What?" " Yeah." "I can't believe you're doing this." "I can't believe I've just flashed Rasdale." "Go." "Go, go, go." "A couple of pricks got my leg." "I only saw the girl." "But I got a real good look at her, alright." "You mean describe her face?" "Well I can't." "Hey Dan." "I bet you're wondering how much you owe me" " for the flat tires." " Here's deed number eight." "Here comes deed no. two, just catching up with you." " That spare leg should come in handy." " Shit." "This is gonna hurt a little." "Hey asshole." "You better lie here." "Hey, Mullet." " You ok, man?" " Yeah." "Yeah, man, thanks." "Tell me you're thinking about bailing on this deeds thing." "Why about this time, when it's starting to get fun?" "Thanks." " Made his calling." " My God, my God." "No" "It's not a threat." "Could you tell him it's a favor for me." "And I don't have to call myself." "Yeah, hang on." "There is an extra ten bucks for you kid, if you bring her back cherry." "Yeah, very good." "Come on, Alison, I was desperate," "As soon as death's been seeing you right in the face," " I didn't think I'd live trough another day." " Look do you wanna whine or do you wanna go upstairs?" "Hey, a freshman hitting on a senior?" "Pretty guts." "Ohh, God, some shortcut." "Kyle." "Kyle, you're awake?" "What's going on?" "You deal this time, Kyle." "We were just playing for pennies." "It's nice rally game, for now." "Who are you?" "I'm the last man in the world, you wanna piss off." "You see, your boyfriend stole my Ferrari." "Dumb ass left your crap box car at the club." "A cop buddy run the plates, and guess what?" "Here I am." "Look, Kyle has nothing to do with this." "OK?" "Kyle has everything to do with this, because if I don't get my vehicle back very soon," "Me and homo'll gonna play for bigger stakes." "Lawton, where did you get that piece of shit car?" "I'll bet you're surprised to see me right now." "If I'd had a little beat down to make me quit?" "What?" "What did you do?" "He tried to throw me with the animals at the zoo." "That's bullshit, Dan, you know it." "Doesn't even matter anymore." "Because the last two are lost, when i figured" " he wasn't coming back." " Well I'm glad I've picked them up, then." "What does it say?" ""Find Duncan Rime"." "Yep, that's what it says." "There's no way that that is a deed." "Hey I don't write the deeds, Harper." "I'm just gonna enjoy the fact, that you're gonna choke on this one." "It's a tough spot, Harper, and my heart goes out to you." "I mean you must be saying how do I find a guy, who doesn't even exist any more?" "Over here." "I'm Duncan Rime." " What?" " What?" "The picture is a little old." "But it's me." "I don't believe this shit." "What happened to you?" "Long story." "It started way back, senior year in high school." "You should have seen me." "I've had the best car, hottest girl, and I've figured to do the one thing, nobody had ever done, would be the perfect caper." "You did all ten dirty deeds." "No, at my day there were only eight deeds." "So the rules say you gotta add to the list if somebody gets trough them." " Why?" " No reason." "No reason for any of this." "But I didn't get that until I was out in the real world." "Then I've realized just how miserable I've been all trough high school." "It's just playing some bullshit game, pretending I was cool." "If you keep playing by the rules," " they are always gonna beat ya." " Right." "Even when you think you'd won." "What the hell are you doing?" "Give me the last deed." "This is a waste of time, and you are a waste of skin." " Ohh, yeah." " Tear it." "Ohh, shit." " You are under arrest, Harper." " For what?" " For doing the dirty deeds." " That's not a charge." "Yeah, how about grand theft auto?" "The kid didn't steal anything." "That's not what my report said." "Well the report you got can eat me?" "Alright?" "It's my car and I let it to the kid." "And I'm just gonna assume that you won't have a problem with that." "Mr. Scarno." "Well good evening, sir." "You know, I don't think an exchange of paperwork is in our best interest." "What is in our best interest is for you to let the boy go and I go on my merry way." "Does that sound good?" "Well, yeah, I... he can... just..." "Good night, Officer Dill" "do." "See you dildo." "Go home." "Except you, valet." "You're with me." "Don't worry." "Nothing's gonna happen to your boyfriend." "He's not my boyfriend." "He almost got my brother killed." "What?" "Yeah, you know you almost did." "Let's go." "Bobby..." "Are you coming?" "Ohh, yeah honey." "Come in." " Me too." " Bri, I'm kind of busy here." "Well I'm worried about you." " You really shouldn't be alone right now." " I'm not." "You've found a guy?" "I'm jealous." "Of him or of me?" "Are you ready for Bobby?" "Two?" "Two, two." "Ohh, yeah, thank you." "The parent's are home." "Two." " The parents." " I need to get out of here." "The parents are home." " The parents." "Hey, girls you need a ride?" " Give it." "It's mine." " Give it" " It's mine, it's mine." " Give it." "Where're you going?" "You'd help bro?" "Fuck." "I'm ready." "Yeah, you are." "I'm not." "Come on." "Now what are we gonna do?" "Everyone get out." "Everyone get out." "Go." "Who are you kids?" "What is this?" "I've got what the place used to look like," " for the insurance company." " Ohh, my god." "Robert." "What are you doing in our house?" "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Seaver," "Hi, I..." "I was just leaving." "I'm calling his mother, right now." "This could work." "Thanks, Millie." "You know I've used to pull a lot of cars when I was coming up, but I never did your valet bit." "That was smart... when you don't leave a car behind." "My first day." "So you did all this, just to get that dickwad in BMW stop picking on her brother?" "I can see why you wanted to get on a good sign." "I can tell you I'm very impressed." " You're 17?" " 18." "I've killed 3 men, by the time I was 18." "Legally, in Vietnam." "I've signed up to get away from my father." "You see, my father was an asshole." "He did teach me one thing, though." "That I didn't need him, and that's an important lesson to learn." "Because when you depend on people, they disappoint you." "You gotta step up yourself, like you did tonight." "Well it took me till I was 20, sitting in a jungle." "What did you do?" "We had this lieutenant, who was determined to get us all killed." "So, I've got him sent home." "How?" "I kicked the shit out of him." "This better be good." "I told my mom I'd be home by now." "I'll write you a note." "Pop the damn leprechaun." "Just get it off my football field." "Where is maintenance?" "Dealing with what dead body?" "Damn those I.A.B.'s." "Zachary, it's my card." "You ever need anything, call that number." " Zach." " Look Zachary, it's dickwad's little girly." "Lawton gave the tenth deed to Riplock." " So?" " So he is gonna ruin the homecoming carnival." " That's what the tenth deed said to do." " Look I'm way past caring." "You're gonna get blamed." "The cops know you're the one doing the dirty deeds." "How do I know your boyfriend didn't put you up to this?" "He's not my boyfriend anymore." "Look Riplock said he's gonna pack the stage with fireworks and scare the hell out of everybody." " So watch people get scared." "So what?" " These are M-80s." "Zach, something could catch fire." "People could panic." "And Meg's on the stage having the honor society, remember?" " What time is it?" " 8:30." " It starts at 9:00." " Where is this thing?" " The football field at the school." " We should get going." " It's gonna be close." " Here, take the car." " We?" " Well you don't mind stealing it, when I flip you the keys?" " What about you?" " I've got something to do." "Go on." "Yeah, who's working today?" "Yeah." "That's it, move it back three feet." " I'm gonna go look for Zach." " Ok." "Thank you being so prompt, Miss Cummings." "Let's get this show on the road." "Instruments up." "Ready?" "Let's play people." " Hey Stash, have you seen Zach?" " Hey I'm looking for him too." "He's got my painpills." "Hey pal, what part of 30 miles an hour didn't you understand?" "We got Harper?" "I'll catch him." "Come on." "May I have your attention, please?" "Yeah, we have a long programme to get trough, people." "Our presentations this morning will be given out by Miss Rachel Buff." "Yeah." "Who is not quiet here yet." "Meg, get off the stage." "Meg get off the stage, it's gonna blow up." "Get off the stage." " People, welcome to state high in..." " Not in scenario Fuchs." " I got you, Harper." " Look." "Officer Dill." "No, you look." "You're under arrest." "Ohh, my God." "Holy shit." "Bevins, stay with Harper." " God, he's such a dildo." " What?" "Go on, get out of here." "Get out of here." " Let's Go." " Come on." "Homie's truck blew up man." "Mom, yeah." "My truck just blew up." "I don't know." "No." "Don't yell at me." "Harper, what the hell is this?" "Pretty damn cool." "Mr. Fuchs, It's All Bullshit." "I.A.B. "It's All Bullshit"." "I just thought you might wanna know." "This is gonna get me to film school, for sure." "Hi, Paul." " You were awesome." " Thank you, baby." " Ohh, Paul, tell me you got that." " I got that." "The I.A.B. Sees all." "So cool." "So Zachary, the boys do nice work?" "Yeah they do." "Thanks." "Thanks for everything." " We gotta run." " Hey, kid..." "There is an extra 10 in it for you if you bring her back cherry." "BJ, you're a bad boy." "Seven years and I've never missed a homecoming." "And I never will." "I'll love you forever." "Double head for BJ." "I'm with you, pal." "I'm with you." "Yes, yes, at West Valley high school." "There has been an explosion." "The main field." "Excus..." " You." " Lieutenant, you remember." "That is so sweet." "You." "You, You, You..." "So are you still mad at me?" "Furious, can you tell?" "Bevins, get over here give me a hand." "Who's that douchebag, who got us this fire extinguisher?" "There you have it." "My page in the dirty deeds legend." "You might ask what's the gain from any of this." "Do I need to say any more?" "subs by f0rdi" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Previouslyon"marvel's agentsofS.H.I.E.L.D."..." "Daisy:" "It seems Radcliffe is keeping our team alive in this framework." "So we have to hook up with our people and find out where on earth their bodies are being held." "And rescue them." "Lincoln." "Ward." "Don't forget this." "You were the director of S.H.I.E.L.D." "And now you're trapped in a virtual prison, and I am here to wake you up." "Put that away before we both get arrested." "Yes, I'd like to report a subversive." "A woman with a S.H.I.E.L.D. ID." "Really?" "I want any and all assets in the area on this." "Hydra is after you." "We have to get somewhere safe." "Ladies." "Is she your source in the resistance?" "Ward, I have nothing to do with the resistance!" "Well, I do." "Fitz:" "Good evening, madame." "Leopold." "These..." "Subversives..." "Apparently, they've got a mole inside hydra." "Coulson..." "Remember me." "You're the closest thing i have to family." "Daisy?" "So, we're both from the "real world,"" "we're S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, our bodies are being held captive, and this is all a virtual prison, built to keep us sedated." "Am I missing anything?" "No, that's about the gist of it." "I knew I wasn't crazy." "Hydra lies about everything." "The news?" "It's all fake." "Take the Cambridge incident." "It was a setup." "That girl shouldn't have been at that school in the first place." "Where we're from, she died." "This never happened." "Hey, Mr. coulson, my homework was done, I swear, but then my dad made me " "Amy, we've been over this." "Until first bell, this is my time." "Right." "Okay." "Geez." "Sorry." "It's okay." "Hydra used Cambridge to take control, in the name of law and order -- to justify everything." "It wasn't supposed to be like this." "I knew if anyone would understand, it'd be you." "I would've figured it out a long time ago if it wasn't for the mind-control soap." "Yeah." "Wait." "What?" "That blue soap everyone uses?" "Hydra loads it up with chemicals." "It seeps into our bloodstream." "Implants false memories into our brains." "They want us to believe this is a magical place." "But don't worry, I'm clear." "I make my own soap now." "No, I think that you're talking about project Tahiti." "They messed with your head a little bit which is why you probably remember some things, uh..." "Why don't we put the soap theories on hold just for one second, okay?" "Yeah?" "We got a problem." "Oh, you have no idea." "Something big's going down over here." "They're sending a unit to pick up your teacher friend." "You're gonna need a substitute." "come on." "Don't quit on me." "Not now." "Not now." "How did you beat me?" "Girl:" "The human brain peaks as early as age 24." "Face it -- you're slowing down, dad." "Oh, is that right?" "Well, tell me, show-off, what'd you use for an electronic speed control?" "Well, I sort of found something by school, in the park." "A hydra drone?" "Maybe I borrowed a part or two." "Hope, you know better." "We don't mess around with those guys." "It was all crashed and messed up." "I made sure no one was looking -- no, no, we stay off hydra's radar, we keep our heads down, and follow their rules, always." "Always!" "I know." "I'm really, really sorry, daddy." "It's okay." "It's okay." "Just want you to be more careful, all right?" "I tell you what." "I'll take the drone parts back later, and then you and I can try to get mine working together." "But you got to promise to go easy on your old man." "No promises." "No promises?" "No?" "No?" "Get out of here." "Go on." "Go get your bag." "We'll be late for the bus." "All right, sparkplug... 10 o'clock." "Easy -- Harley-Davidson." "Engine?" "Twin cam, 88." "Ooh!" "That's my girl." "Keep your head down." "Do what they say." "I'm right here with you." "Move it, move it!" "Line up!" "Ids out!" "You know the drill." "Let's get them out -- now!" "got to be contraband." "They busted my neighbor for a laptop last night." "The drone -- it's in my bag." "What?" "I was gonna take it back myself so you wouldn't get in trouble." "I'll handle this." "man:" "Get him!" "he's on the list -- potential inhuman." "Take him away." "It's okay." "It's okay." "hi." "Oh, hi." "It's me again -- Phil coulson." "I called hydra on you." "My bad." "Water under the proverbial bridge." "I'm so glad to see you, sir." "Apparently, in the real world," "I have a robot hand." "Pretty cool, right?" "And here, he makes his own soap." "How about that." "Coulson:" "I do." "You should, too." "Daisy:" "Okay." "We need to move." "Hydra came back for coulson." "Ward warned us away, but we barely made it out." "Oh, thank goodness for Grant ward." "I don't love it, either, but this is the second time he's helped us." "And so I hate to say this, but I think we can trust him." "Until we can't." "Betraying those closest to him is his signature move." "For now, we just need to get somewhere safe." "Ward set up a time and place for us to meet the resistance." "It's a whole password-exchange thing." "Bona fides?" "I always wanted to do that." "Or, I've been thinking..." "What if i reached out to Fitz?" "Simmons, we've b-- we've been over this." "If you were able to get through to coulson, then surely I could get Fitz to remember me." "Fitz is not the same." "He's different here." "This reality may be upside down, but Fitz is still Fitz." "He's still a good person." "Who happens to be second in command at hydra." "Yeah, which means he has resources, not to mention framework expertise, which we'll need to get out of Radcliffe's hydra snow globe." "Holden Radcliffe, the scientist?" "I..." "I-i saw something a while back, and I cut it out." "I..." "Here it is." ""Famed hydra scientist working on inhuman cure."" "Something felt off about him." "Do you know him?" "Do we know him?" "Why would Radcliffe be in here?" "I don't know." "But think about it." "He built the framework, which means..." "He can help us get out." "Coulson:" "Yeah, one catch." "Nobody's seen him since this photo was taken." "You guys meet up with ward's contact." "I'll go back to the triskelion and get a location on Radcliffe." "Daisy, it's too dangerous." "I'll be fine." "I'll be in and out." "No one will even know I'm there." "Man:" "It's only a matter of time before we find her." "We've detained several inhuman sympath-- dismissed, agent." "All this for one subversive?" "Why won't you let me help you?" "I need you focused on your work right now." "Project looking glass is ahead of schedule." "Tell me what's really going on." "It's fine." "I'm handling it." "Ophelia, i know that look." "You're worried." "Who is she?" "no one." "She doesn't matter." "she's plotting against me." "I need to find her and expose anyone who's helping her." "I'll send my team." "Consider the threat eliminated." "You'd really do anything for me, wouldn't you?" "I'd cross the universe for you." "what the hell are you doing?" "I got a lead on someone who could take down this whole place." "It's not safe here." "All right?" "I think they're on to me." "Listen, this will go a lot faster if you would quit mouth-breathing on me." "Madame hydra's restricted files?" "You have lost your mind." "The soap made me do it." "Let's go." "May:" "Hold it!" "Skye, you need to come with us." "I'll take may, you take the others." "When we get to the door -- get this to Simmons." "She'll know what to do." "Skye " "I'll be fine." "Go." "According to ward's intel, the drone should leave in five seconds." "Coulson:" "This ward guy -- where we're from, he's a friend of ours?" "Uh..." "He was." "Didn't end well." "I take it you're our contact?" "For the season, it's been unusually rainy." "rain or shine, the man with the umbrella is always ready." "what?" "Did I say it wrong?" "Hands out front." "Wrists together." "honestly, is this really necessary?" "Oh, cool!" "I'm Jeffrey mace." "Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D." "Sorry about the hoods, but trust is a luxury these days." "That being said, ward vouched for you, so I'm happy to provide you sanctuary." "Thank you, sir." "My name is Jemma Simmons, and this is " "Phil coulson." "Wow." "I can't believe it's really you." "The patriot!" "The inhuman leader of the resistance." "He's kind of a big deal!" "Uh, Jeffrey's fine." "The patriot's a little much for my taste." "Man, I dreamed about what your suit would look like." "I made a few sketches, but this is actually way cooler." "This place -- what happened here?" "For about 70 years after world war ii, nothing." "No one even knew it was here." "But then, a couple years back, a brave agent named Billy koenig gave his life getting me the location." "It's taken all that time just to get it operational again." "Got to say, the whole rebel alliance aesthetic's really working for me." "I'll take that as a compliment." "I think?" "This way, please." "The early days were tough." "A lot of good agents died for this." "Agent Burrows." "Sir, it's bad out there." "And, uh..." "We lost agent cook." "I'm sorry." "We honor him by continuing the fight." "Who are these people?" "Potentials." "Some of them have the inhuman gene or they had a relative who did." "Hydra's hunting them." "It's all we can do to find them first, give them shelter, and relocate them somewhere safe." "Well, look what the cat dragged in." "Ward:" "Been too long, sir." "What's happened?" "They got Skye." "is this gonna take long?" "We have a mission." "Madame hydra's office requested you specifically." "Why me?" "The target was spotted via drone yesterday." "She's been reaching out to leaders of the resistance and is planning a major attack." "Capture any subversives found on site, but do not underestimate this woman." "Lethal force is authorized, if necessary." "Did you know about this?" "And believe me, we will defeat these terrorists, and we will make our society great again." "Hail hydra." "Hail hydra." "Hail hydra." "Hail hydra." "hope:" "He was inhuman, that man they arrested?" "Does that mean he's bad?" "I don't know, sparkplug." "Do we hate inhumans?" "No." "They're people, just like you and me." "But if they didn't do anything wrong, why are they all being arrested?" "Look, you're smarter than most kids your age, and you pick up on things pretty quickly." "But I don't want you worrying about this stuff, okay?" "What would've happened if they'd looked in my bag?" "Then I would've taken care of it, 'cause that's my job." "Tell you what -- how about if we..." "Make some popcorn and watch a video?" ""Chopping mall"?" "Again with that silly robot movie?" "Don't pretend you don't love it." "Okay, okay." "But I'm still fast-forwarding through the bad parts." "I don't know." "It all happened so fast." "From everything you've told me, Skye's tough as hell." "She can handle herself in there." "Before they took her, did she get a location on Radcliffe?" "you know, Skye hasn't been herself ever since you showed up." "what is it that you're really after?" "You,ofallpeople, the hydra double agent, are doubting my loyalty." "That is rich." "Mace:" "But don't forget -- you're only here because I trust him, not you." "Fine." "You want to question me?" "When hydra wiped out the academy and people were dying," "I was there." "I fought and took a bullet." "I had to claw my way out of a mass grave." "How's that for loyalty to S.H.I.E.L.D.?" "I apologize." "ogygia?" "These coordinates -- they're east of Bermuda." "There shouldn't be anything out there." "Who is this Radcliffe?" "He's a scientist." "Skye said he could take down hydra." "what does that mean?" "I can't be sure, but we need to find him as quickly as possible." "I'm sorry." "With all that's going on, i can't send a team today." "Then send us." "With all due respect, this is a spy organization..." "And you're a teacher." "Seems you need all the help you can get." "Skye did risk everything for this." "They may have a point, sir." "I can pilot and supervise." "all this because of one subversive?" "Seems a little extreme." "May:" "Be quiet." "Do your job." "No!" "No!" "No!" "Daddy!" "Leave him alone!" "Daddy!" "Let her go!" "Daddy, help me!" "Daddy, help me!" "Daddy!" "Daddy!" "She's just a kid!" "Let her go!" "No!" "The hangar was in total disrepair when we first found it." "We've had to steal what vehicles we could." "Someday, this could really be special." "Imagine a fleet of quinjets launching from here." "Imagine that." "Ward:" "Sir." "Good luck out there." "Simmons:" "Thank you." "Why didn't you tell them this reality's fake?" "Keep your voice down." "You lied to them." "It wasn't a lie." "It was an omission." "Not everyone is ready for that truth." "Oh, but I am?" "Yes." "So far, you're the only one who remembers the way things should be." "It's only fragments." "Fragments have got you this far." "We liberated this guy last year." "Thisisaquinjet?" "Yeah." "And that fleet mace described?" "You commanded it." "Except yours were loads nicer, and you wouldn't believe Zephyr one." "Mack:" "This has to be a mistake." "We didn't do anything." "We -- we shouldn't be here." "You're in a lot of trouble." "But we're innocent." "We keep our heads down, we obey the rules -- people who haven't done anything don't end up here." "We don't want to cause any trouble." "And hope -- she's just a kid." "That doesn't mean she's innocent." "Please..." "I'll do anything." "So, this Radcliffe -- is he dangerous?" "Maybe not physically." "But sometimes the greatest threats are the ones right in front of you." "I'm sorry." "Excuse me?" "I should've never left Skye." "Oh." "I'm sure she'll be okay." "Which I keep telling myself, but if anything happens..." "I'd never forgive myself." "I'd die for her." "Why don't i give you a minute?" "Everything all right?" "It's been years since I've even been on a plane." "It's perfectly normal to be nervous." "For the longest time, i just wanted someone to believe me and tell me I wasn't crazy." "You are not crazy." "I live alone and make my own soap." "I -- uh..." "It's quaint." "Hipster, even." "That's not how my ex-wife saw it." "Who am I kidding?" "I'm not remotely qualified to be here." "I know the real coulson, and I believe in you, even if you don't just now." "you're exactly where you're meant to be." "Ward:" "30 minutes out." "Torrent downloaded from RARBG" "Leopold?" "what's wrong?" "turns out your new subversive was executed at the academy." "But I suppose you knew that already, didn't you?" "I can explain." "So, she's an inhuman, then?" "what else have you been keeping from me?" "This woman is not from here." "She crossed over -- from the other side." "I thought that was impossible." "As did I." "So this is why you've been so keen on finishing project looking glass." "The people from that world want to destroy what we've built." "I was only trying to protect you." "You never talk about your time there." "Why?" "Tell me the truth." "You owe me that much." "Over there, the worst thing happened." "S.H.I.E.L.D. won the war." "Hydra lost." "I was their slave." "Treated as less than human." "When I escaped," "I hoped they couldn't follow me, but..." "Here they are." "if I can't return there and defeat my enemies, we'll never be safe." "everything I do is so that you and I..." "Can be together." "we'll finish this later." "Come." "I'm Skye." "What's your name?" "Hope MacKenzie." "Hope..." "You're the hope that he lost." "He didn't lose me." "I was taken by you people." "My dad follows the rules." "He's a good person." "I'm sure he is." "Then let us go home." "I wish it was that simple." "It's not my call." "Dad warned me not to mess around with that drone, but I didn't listen." "This is all my fault." "I -- hey, hey, it's okay." "Your dad's gonna be all right." "I promise." "Please help my dad." "Don't let anything happen to him -- please." "get anything from the girl?" "She's scared." "What about her dad?" "I haven't broken him..." "Yet." "I was just with hope." "She's safe." "That's one special girl." "Thank you." "Listen, we need to talk." "do you know who I am?" "You're Daisy Johnson." "we're both S.H.I.E.L.D. agents." "Yes." "Yes." "Oh, thank god." "Okay." "We need to get you out of here, reconnect with coulson and Simmons." "Definitely." "Yo-yo is with us on the outside." "She's safe." "You have no idea how worried she is about you." "You don't..." "Know who she is." "Uh..." "And me?" "Do you know me?" "I'm sorry." "That's what the other agent told me to say." "Lock down the elevators." "Find her!" "Simple extraction." "We grab him and go." "Keep your eyes open." "I'll do the talking." "What about me?" "What should I do?" "Just..." "Try to not to get yourself killed." "Consider it a precaution." "A "break glass in case of emergency."" "drop it." "Hive?" "No." "It can't be." "Hello, again, traitor." "surprise." "You shouldn't be here." "None of you." "Unh-unh." "That's close enough, pal." "Oh, but..." "No, you're not hive at all." "You're the one who came before." "I never did meet him." "This is not a social visit." "Oh, Jemma, if only you knew the trials and tribulations I've endured." "I am fresh out of sympathy for liars who kidnap my friends and replace them with killer androids." "Don't forget about implanting bogus memories and letting me think I'm off my gourd." "Not cool, bro." "Catch up later." "We need to move." "It's all become so very complicated." "I never meant to hurt anyone." "Right now, I don't give a damn about what you meant." "You're going to help us find our friends and escape." "My dear, I'm afraid there is no escape from this place." "Man:" "Level 7 clear." "Going down?" "there's no way out." "It's over." "Radcliffe:" "This isn't the world I'd intended." "Things have gone dreadfully wrong." "Maybe not so much for you." "I promise you, this is a gilded cage." "One can only drink so many mai tais, watch so many sunsets -- oh, stuff it." "You're in early retirement while the rest of your world tears itself apart." "I assure you, my intentions were pure." "The framework was to be a paradise, a-a pleasant forever-after." "All right, story time is over." "You're coming with us." "I'm afraid that's not possible." "That wasn't a request." "who is that?" "No one." "It's unimportant." "You guys watch him." "I'll go and get her." "No, you can't drag her into this!" "It'll only confuse her." "She doesn't remember the other world." "It's Agnes." "Agnes was dying." "In order to save her," "I had to bring her consciousness into the framework." "And her body?" "Deceased, I'm afraid." "We gave her a burial at sea." "It was very emotional." "The framework is all Agnes has left." "Okay, what the hell is he talking about?" "To be honest, he lost me there, too." "As a matter of fact, she's not the only one in that particular boat." "Aida..." "Sort of killed me, as well." "What?" "!" "How did she go against her programming?" "She found a loophole." "I mean, it was really rather clever." "If I weren't dead already, I'd be impressed." "Ward:" "We're getting that woman, and we're going." "We can sort this out at h.Q." "I never wanted any of this to happen." "I only wanted to do good." "Then actually do good." "Tell me where aida is keeping our friends." "The Russian has a base under a drilling platform in the baltic." "Go and save them, and leave us in peace." "How do we get out?" "Did you build an exit back to the real world?" "Of course I did, but I suspect aida's discovered it by now." "You'll just have to go however you came in." "That's the problem." "Ours isn't working." "Yeah, but that means..." "Oh, dear god." "Then she knows you're here." "Who?" "!" "Who?" "!" "Who is "she"?" "Oh, my..." "Go!" "Hide!" "Hide!" "All of you!" "search the island." "Find them." "You two, with me." "look at that plane." "What kind of monster flies around in something that size?" "Radcliffe:" "We had a deal." "You promised me if I stayed on the island, out of your way, you'd leave us alone." "Drop the indignation, doctor." "This island's no-fly zone was breached an hour ago." "We both know you're harboring subversives." "And I'll find them soon enough." "What is Fitz doing with aida?" "I don't know who aida is, but that's madame hydra." "Subversives?" "They are people who happen to be our friends." "I wanted to help them." "You've turned them into prisoners!" "I did exactly as you asked." "Don't play innocent with me." "We both know it's gone much further than that." "I took away their one greatest regret." "How things played out from there wasn't up to me." "You put yourself into the framework." "You've been manipulating it ever since." "The whole thing is an unmitigated disaster, and all you do is lie!" "Sometimes it's okay to lie to save a life." "You taught me that." "Don't use my words or my bloody programming against me, aida!" "Do not..." "Call me that here." ""Aida" is an acronym." "The "a" stands for "artificial."" "do you know how degrading it is..." "To be kept in a closet, to be used..." "To be treated as a thing?" "Well, i am not your tool." "Not anymore." "Found one in the back." "Holden, what's happening?" "Who are these people?" "mack:" "Sparkplug." "You okay?" "I'm so sorry." "I'm all right." "Really." "Skye!" "What happened?" "She was nice to me." "hydra thanks you for your service." "daddy?" "hail hydra." "well, it's exactly as you said." "The other side's coming for us." "She even has your face." "wh-- why does she look like me, Holden?" "Radcliffe:" "Don't panic, love." "I can explain all of this." "I-i-i-I've meaning to, really, but the timing just -- this man is from the other side." "He's the one who enslaved me." "What?" "!" "Now, hold on." "That's a pretty extreme bit of paraphrasing, don't you think -- he used me." "Kept me as his property." "Leopold, my dear boy," "I don't know what lies she's been feeding you, but -- he wants what we have for himself." "He means to replace me with her." "No." "That couldn't be further from the truth." "This is Agnes." "She's harmless." "There's no threat." "You have to believe me." "Aah!" "then convince me." "This isn't real, Jemma." "This world isn't real." "He's gonna kill her." "Fitz would never do that." "Are you sure?" "Get back to the quinjet." "I'll deal with this and meet you there." "Simmons:" "Stop." "We're going to need him." "Need the doctor?" "Are you nuts?" "There's more you don't understand." "I know everything i need to know." "The man is a sadist, and I have a shot." "That's the mission now." "Listen to her." "Please." "You know, you've been lying to me since the moment we met." "A woman's life is in danger." "I'm done listening." "You're right." "I haven't told you the whole story." "I know him, not as the doctor, but as a -- a brilliant, awkward, heroic scientist named Leopold James Fitz." "He is a good man, and I love him." "That woman, madame hydra?" "She's -- she's messed with his mind." "If you do this, i lose him forever." "I will tell you everything -- everything " "I just -- i need you to trust me." "Fitz would never hurt an innocent woman." "Y-you're right." "The subversives arehere." "I-i-i-i see now, I should've been more forthcoming." "Please, put the gun down." "I'll " " I'll take you to them." "Tell me the truth." "You act like you know me." "Why?" "The soldiers can find the subversives." "We should be going." "You were like a son to me." "We worked side by side in the lab, on occasion, we'd raise a pint -- or six -- watching football -- realfootball." "That's absurd." "It's the truth, my boy." "You even helped me build aida." "Enough!" "We're done here." "Then why don't i remember you?" "Because it all happened in the other world." "Aida:" "It wasn't you, Fitz." "It was their world's version of you." "And the woman?" "Jemma Simmons?" "Simmons?" "You two were in love." "Unbreakable." "A force to be reckoned with." "The Fitz I knew nearly drowned for Jemma." "He crossed the bloody universe to rescue her!" "You see what we're up against?" "They mean to destroy us." "She lies because I'm right." "She's trying to deceive you." "I love you." "They're trying to take you away from me." "The world has changed, but you're not this man." "You're one of the good guys." "You help people." "Look inside." "This isn't you." "you say that I'm not myself." "I don't know who I am." "It isn't your fault, any of it." "But you're wrong." "I know exactly who I am." "Simmons:" "Fitz!" "No!" "get back!" "now!" "hang on to something!" "How about that?" "There was nothing else you could've done." "He killed Agnes." "Fitz killed her." "I'm sorry." "someone had better explain what the hell happened out there, pronto!" "Ward tells me he had a shot on the doctor, but you stopped him." "And that you're in love with that psychopath!" "We can explain everything." "She says madame hydra brainwashed him." "That's a bold claim." "You have evidence, or do we have to take this at face value, too?" "She's been through a lot." "We all have." "Step aside." "This can wait." "No, she owes us answers." "This is wrong." "We don't even belong here!" "None of this is real!" "please!" "She just needs some time." "Burrows:" "Sir." "A recon team found a civilian sniffing around one of our dead drops." "He's got quite the story." "Mace:" "Well, glad somebody wants to talk." "Let's hear it." "I met a woman today who was with S.H.I.E.L.D." "Her name is Daisy Johnson." "You might know her as Skye?" "Hydra used me to..." "Trick her and take her captive." "No." "Please tell me she's okay." "why are you here?" "Today, for the first time," "I couldn't look my little girl in the eye." "I need to make that right." "I'm here to help." "I take it all back!" "I'm sorry!" "I can beg!" "I'm good at begging!" "Just tell me what to say!" "Please!" "Fitz." "Hear me out." "You and me..." "We know each other." "We're friends." "I can explain all of this." "How curious." "Someone else tried that today." "Maybe you heard him just now, learning his lesson." "Hoo." "So, I re-ran your test results." "Guess who turned out to be a potential inhuman." "Go on." "Guess." "Ah, well." "No matter." "We've got plenty of ways of making you talk." "No, Fitz." "You don't want to do this." "Yeah, I do." "No." "I guess you don't know me at all." "Robbie:" "They say when the rider burns you, he burns your soul." "Hyah!" "You don't get to decide who deserves to die." "Robbie:" "I'm not the one who decides." ""Marvel's agentsofS.H.I.E.L.D.-- ghostrider."" "Tuesdaysat10 :00/9:00central onabc." "Do you trust me?" "Where are we going?" "Entera wholenewworld wheretheuntoldstories ofsomeof yourfavorite characters- " "AladdinandJasmine," "Dr.JekyllandMr. Hyde, thecountof montecristo, andmore-- willbeunleashed." "What's coming, and how do I stop it?" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"We're both rotten." "You're a little more rotten." "You got me to take care of your husband." "Then you'd get Zachetti to take care of Lola, maybe me too." "Then somebody would come along to take care of Zachetti." "That's how you operate." "Suppose it is?" "Is what you've got cooked up for tonight any better?" "I don't like that music anymore." "Mind if I close the window?" "You can do better than that, can't you, baby?" "Better try it again." "Maybe if I came a little closer." "How's this?" "Think you can do it now?" "Why didn't you shoot again, baby?" "Don't tell me it's because you've been in love with me all this time." "No, I never loved you, Walter, or anybody else." "I'm rotten." "I used you just as you said." "That's all you ever meant to me until a minute ago..." "What the fuck are you doing?" "... when I couldn't fire that second shot." "You know what time it is?" "Listen up." "At 2200, Wetsuit's down the hole when the snake hits the carpet." "Security lifts the key." "I terminate the torpedoes." "Charm the snake into the stall." "Bait and switch." "At 2220, Wetsuit turns out the lights." "Glasses on." "I bag the snake." "Key in the bag." "Bag to the boat." "No radio unless absolutely necessary." "Code red, five minutes to blackout." "Drop everything." "Walk away." "If the cops catch you, tell them the truth." "You know no one." "Got it?" "Got it?" "You have your passport?" "The plane leaves tomorrow at 0700." "And remember, no names and no guns." "Are you high?" "Then stop dreaming, bitch." "This isn't a game tonight." "People can die." "Now get moving." "You forget something?" "Stepping onto the red carpet here is Régis Wargnier, the director of East West, present tonight for a special screening of his film" "..he is accompanied by the producer Yves Marmion and the splendid actress Sandrine Bonnaire" "On his right is Veronica, who is wearing an amazing top... in the shape of a serpent..." "Hey, get a load of that!" "...it was especially designed by Elli Medeiros for the Chopard jewelers." "...adorned with 500 diamonds for a total weight of 385 carats." "With an estimated value of over 10 million dollars." "Look at that, oh man!" "Incredible, how can she walk around like that!" "Oh fuck!" "I can't believe you did that!" "What am I supposed to do now?" "I'm sorry, I'll clean them off." "Good evening." "Thank you very much." "Oh, it's a picture of you?" "Let's go." "I got to go to the bathroom." "You know how it is for girls." "You come back?" "One minute." "Here they are." "Okay, great." "But look what you did to my pants." "I've got just the thing to fix you up." "With an ass like that, I don't think you need makeup." "I've got to piss too, I'll be right back." "Give me the key." "Got a light?" "We've got a problem." "Mademoiselle Veronica?" "Okay, baby." "Baby, wake up." "We gotta go." "No." "Time to go." "Mademoiselle Veronica?" "The key's in the bag." "Get moving!" "Move!" "You better get out of here." "Go!" "They stole the diamonds..." "Asshole!" "You said, no fucking guns!" "These are glass." "They switched them, these are glass!" "Where's my passport?" "It's fucking glass!" "You better kill me now, bitch." "Shut the fuck up!" "Call security!" "Understand?" "Dead!" "Don't move!" "Stay where you are!" "Don't move or I'll shoot!" "The bitch double-crossed us." "She took off with the diamonds!" "Where is she?" "In Paris." "She's got a girlfriend in Belleville." "No, you don't understand." "I need a passport yesterday." "Did you get it?" "Yeah." "Here." "Wait!" "Did you hear that?" "What is that?" "What the fuck are you doing?" "Excuse me, madame, but I believe this is a free country." "I'm entitled to make any picture of anything I want from my balcony." "Go fuck yourself!" "Go to church." "Try to save your soul." "Got you!" "Yes!" "Lily!" "Lily!" "Hotel Sheraton." "Go and get the car... hurry up!" "Yes?" "...what do you want?" "Maybe I should hire you." "Over here...!" "No, she went over there!" "No, Irma, she went over there!" "Nonsense, I saw her there!" "I'm sure it's her, she went that way." "Keep looking over there!" "Don't move...!" "...don't move, stay put." "Take off your glasses good, the light is perfect..." "Brought the money?" "Of course perfect for what?" "I need a picture for the passport." "Look right at the lens." "I got you, fucking bitch!" "Come on!" "Before I snap your double-crossing neck!" "Just tell me one thing." "Where are the diamonds?" "Payback time, bitch!" "Oh my God!" "Don't touch her, don't...!" "Are you preparing the tea?" "Yes, of course." "I'm not just boiling the water." "Oh forget it." "I told you we should have done something." "It's none of our business." "Oh right." "You read two words and she falls apart." "That's none of our business, I suppose." "It had to be done." "People die and will have to be read." "Did you see the look on her face?" "And her hair..." "What has she done with her hair?" "What do I know about looks?" "I'm just a notary, damn it." "What if the kids and I were killed?" "Would you give a damn what I left you?" "When your gun disappeared I knew she would do something crazy." "How do you know she stole it?" "Who else?" "Go, check on the tea." "Feeling better, Lily?" "Excuse me but I don't understand..." "Now, you just shut up, honey." "save your strength." "You just have to rest." "You have suffered a terrible tragedy, and... you need time to get better, you know." "And if you get the urge to do anything silly, I want you to call me." "Before we leave..." "I want you to answer just one question..." "Did you borrow Louis' gun?" "Are you sure?" "Okay, but if you come across it, you'll tell me, won't you?" "I'll turn the TV on so you'll have some company." "Here" "We'll be back tonight with some dinner." "Drink your tea while it's hot." "Holy shit!" "Oh, my God!" "And if you could see the future in a crystal ball, or in the palm of your hand, or in a dream Would you change it?" "Yep." ""We are sorry for your great loss."" ""I thought I'd go to America and start a new life." "My English isn't so good but I'm a fast learner." "I even bought a plane ticket, but I've lost it." "I just can't go on without my Thierry and Brigitte." "Please God, forgive me, and let us now all be together."" "There's been a mistake." "The computer has sold the same seat twice." "I'm terribly sorry." "Could we accommodate you in our first class cabin?" "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "You were sleeping." "Are you okay?" "I didn't mean to frighten you, I'm sorry." "Are you okay?" "I'm sorry." "Yes." "California." "I mean, I grew up in California, but I live in Washington now." "And what do you do, in life?" "In life?" "Well, I started in software, ordinateur and made some money then found out that I was interested in other things." "Like what things?" "Like the whole world." "I went back to school in Washington." "Got a degree in foreign relations, taught for a little while." "Then got a posting at the State Department." "America is a country very big, no?" "Very big." "Is this your first trip?" "Yes." "I begin my new life there." "France is no good for me." "How can you say that?" "France is a fabulous country." "Really." "It's the queen of Europe to me." "The art, the history the sense of language, Stendhal, Racine, Balzac" "I lost my baby there." "I'm sorry, I don't know what to say." "That's terrible." "Please forgive me." "I didn't know." "It's okay." "It's okay." "That is just awful." "What, are you dodging bill collectors?" "Nick, it's Johnny." "I know." "What are you doing?" "Working." "Something I could sell?" "Could be." "Just need one more piece." "Another shot of that table?" "Are you eating?" "Barely." "Like to take a break from your masterwork and make some money?" "What are you selling?" "You know who Bruce Hewitt Watts is?" "Strange as it may seem to you, photographers actually read." "Books, magazines, even newspapers." "All right, smart-ass." "Who is he?" "New American ambassador?" "Bingo." "He's got a wife, but no one seems to have a picture of her." "Maybe she's camera-shy." "No." "She's got a past and she's not talking." "I did some checking." "She's French." "Married before, with a kid." "I got an ex I don't talk about." "What's wrong with that?" "Nothing, except you don't dodge photographers like you're hiding." "So you want me to nail her, right?" "You are the best." "Come on, you know I don't like to do this." "I feel like shit and besides, I am retired." "On what, IOUs?" "I'm not just your agent." "I'm your bank, and you're way past due." "Do yourself a favor and go to work." "I get five figures for this picture." "All right." "What's her schedule?" "She arrives by private jet tonight." "I gotta go." "Bye." "Take that picture." "Be careful, you almost fell!" "Oh thank you." "Where are you going?" "Listen I'm looking for public toilets the Champs Elysées are over there or over here?" "I don't understand, sorry..." "Do you speak English?" "No, no, very little..." "I don't speak English, but..." "What do you want?" "I'm going to the toilets over there..." "Could you...?" "Stop that." "You pervert!" "I'm telling you they're this way...!" "Shit!" "Nice wheels!" "What did you expect...?" "...I only steal the best!" "Is this Nicolas Bardo?" "Speaking." "You took a picture of Mrs. Watts?" "Who wants to know?" "Leonard Shiff, head of Watts' security." "I'd like to buy it." "Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Shiff, but it's already been sold." "Unsell it." "We'll double whatever you got." "That's very generous, but I" "You don't realize who you're dealing with." "We know all about you." "Your overdrawn bank account, your criminal record." "I suggest you get that picture back, and you bring it to me at the residence tomorrow morning, 11 a. m. sharp." "Don't keep me waiting." "Sir, hold on." "Hello?" "Nice going man." "Really." "Thanks for keeping your mouth shut." "They must have offered you some sweet deals to talk." "There was nothing to talk about." "They just asked about the diamonds, of which I knew shit." "Once the insurance paid off, they stopped asking." "That bitch knows." "I thought about her every fucking minute for seven fucking years!" "Where... is she?" "Hey, I've been looking." "I talked to everyone, I never stopped." "I ran down every scumbag that ever knew her, but so far nothing." "She just vanished off the face of the earth?" "Hey, I'm not Interpol, all right!" "I've been fucked same as you!" "I did a hell of a lot of checking!" "I've got one thing, maybe, one thing..." "You know that girlfriend of hers?" "...the brunette..." "She's fencing diamonds." "It's all I've got." "I'll ask you this just once." "Where is she?" "Park Bardo in the office until I can get" "Hold on a second." "I don't believe it." "This paparazzi scum is wearing a wire." "Make sure it doesn't get past security." "Hold on." "Une minute, pal." "Damn it!" "Damn it!" "Oh, shit." "Is the bar open?" "Yes, of course, sir." "But you can't stay there." "Please move your bike." "Can't leave it there." "You can't leave it there." "I know, I know." "Please." "Okay." "Hi." "I'm sorry to bother you, but I rented this room last night..." "... and I think I left my disk here." "Disk?" "When I got home, I checked my laptop, and the backup disk was gone." "It's the only copy I have." "I searched like hell for it." "Then I remember, the only place I could've left it was here." "Do you mind if I take a look?" "I don't think it's a good idea" "Thank you very much." "Thank you." "I appreciate it." "Thank you." "Oh, my God, I got so much information on that disk." "You didn't see a disk, right?" "Actually, it's not a disk." "It's not like a CD or DVD or anything like that." "It's called floppy." "It's like a black thing you introduce in the computer." "I am remembering now that I put it there." "Because I was working in bed." "I love, I just love to work in bed." "I bet you do too." "Anyway, let me just remember exactly what I did." "I just" " I sat over here." "Oh, my" "I sat over here, put it on my lap because it's a laptop and plug it over there." "You know what happened?" "It happens that I wasn't alone." "I wasn't alone, and" "Oh, my God!" "That's not your business." "Well, no, it's not." "It's not, but it is." "Because..." "Excuse me." "Are you all right?" "I think I can help you." "I have been working in a hospital, I'm a candy striper." "Sit down." "Give me your arms." "Put them up like this:" "And relax, relax!" "And breathe." "Breathe and relax." "And now listen to me." "Listen to me good." "I know." "I've been accused of having an overactive imagination but when a classy woman checks into an airport hotel in the morning with bullets and a gun there's one word that follows." "What word?" "Bang!" "Now, if a guy walks in, maybe there doesn't have to be a bang." "Maybe there is something to talk about." "Coffee?" "Well..." "Maybe we should start with some introductions?" "I don't care who you are and I don't want you to know who I am." "All right, that's fair enough." "Let's call me Harry." "And let's start with the shiner." "Who is beating you up?" "Must we talk about this?" "Yes." "Or we're gonna go find a local police station, and we'll talk about it there." "My husband." "All right." "Why?" "He has difficulty to control his temper." "Why does he lose it?" "Because I can't live with him here." "Why not?" "I have a past here." "I was safe in the States, but here, it only takes one photo." "Like the one today." "I took that picture." "So Harry is Nicolas Bardo." "Why did you follow me?" "To get more photos?" "No, no, I..." "I came to tell your security goon, Mr. Shiff I couldn't stop the picture from being published." "Sorry." "Anyone can see that." "You've wasted your time." "This espresso is cold." "Can I get you another cup?" "Why?" "There's nothing more to say." "Can I go now?" "You have the gun." "Sex shops are open all day." "I don't think I'll be going to one." "How can I be sure?" "Just stay with me." "I need air, but I don't want to talk anymore." "Good... so where is she?" "The ambassador is extremely worried." "...the police...?" "...God no keep calling Shiff." "Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please." "We advise you not to leave luggage unattended and to beware of pickpocket." "When I got divorced, I decided to come to Paris to reinvent myself." "That kind of thing." "I've got these crazy photographer ideas." "Don't think I'm a paparazzi." "I hate it." "I feel like shit, but I have to make some money." "But there is a square here in Paris full of coffee shops, beautiful." "This one particular with light reflections and I saw something that changed my life." "It's a great story." "This is the best part." "I know, I know." "Maybe another time." "It's a great story." "But right now I'm very tired and I'd like to take a warm bath and relax a little before I go home, okay?" "Thank you for today." "I'll be waiting out here, just in case you need anything." "You don't trust me, do you?" "No, no, no." "It's not that." "It's just being careful." "Are you all right?" "No." "I'm out of my medicine." "There was a pharmacy in the airport." "That's right." "My" "My inhaler is in my car." "They can refill it for me there." "That wouldn't be being careful." "I..." "Nicolas, take my car take my purse if you're so worried that I go somewhere." "You can call a taxi." "Come on." "Yes, Nicolas." "I could call a taxi but I'm not going to do that." "I'm not going to need these in the bath." "Wait, wait." "Hold it." "Definitely not going anywhere without them." "Are you flirting with me?" "Was I?" "Well..." "I believe so." "Yeah." "I didn't mean to." "It's just that all your boyhood stories make you so damn lovable." "Was that the point?" "...Hello, is this policia...?" "Madre de Dios, my name is Sofia..." "I call from the Charles de Gaull Airport..." "A man just hit the lady in front of the pharmacy yes, wait a second yes, man is still there, but i see no Lady he steal her car no, sorry, my husband calling me..." "Is it your car?" "Well, it's not mine, but somebody loaned it to me." "Lay down." "Just put it down here." "Could you hand me my bag...?" "Of course." "It's over there by the bed." "I don't see it." "Maybe on the floor?" "I'm sorry, but I don't see it." "This is the gun we found in the Mercedes." "Any details?" "It's not registered." "Concerning the car it belongs to the American Embassy." "This doesn't make much sense." "I'm Chief Inspector Serra." "Maybe you can help me out." "I said it already." "But, okay, all right." "Mrs. Watts is trying to kill herself." "I stopped her." "So she set me up for you guys, to get me out of the way." "That's it." "How did you come up with that?" "I read a lot of mysteries, and I figure out the endings halfway." "I know what happened." "What happened, Mr. Bardo was a car belonging to Ambassador Watts was found in your possession." "I know that." "On the front seat was a gun, bullets a blouse and dress." "The only thing missing is the woman." "Where is she?" "I don't know." "I don't know." "You check out the hotel?" "Yeah." "We checked the room." "We found a naked waitress in a coma." "Did you have anything to do with that?" "No." "No, no." "I wasn't there." "I was buying an inhaler." "Inhaler?" "Yes!" "An inhaler." "An inhaler!" "All right, Mrs. Watts has asthma." "So I went to a pharmacy to get her prescription refilled." "That's it." "So you figured by having her car and clothes, she wasn't going anywhere?" "That's correct." "Yeah." "And you kept the gun so she wouldn't shoot herself?" "That's right." "Why would she want to do that?" "Excuse me?" "Why would she want to do that?" "Well, her husband was beating her up because she wanted to leave him." "The American ambassador beats his wife?" "Yes, that's right." "Yes, and she has the face to prove it." "You see I'm kind of a mystery buff myself." "And you know what kind of mystery this is?" "A kidnapping." "Come on." "Ambassador's wife held for ransom." "Everything was going fine until someone reported a stolen car." "You didn't have time to send the ransom note." "No, no." "What are you talking about?" "No." "I am no kidnapper, sir." "Why don't we go to the residence and see what he has to say?" "I think this is a terrible misunderstanding." "I spoke with Mrs. Watts." "She explained how she let Mr. Bardo use her car." "I don't know who reported it stolen." "It wasn't." "My attorney has indicated to me that no crime has been committed." "So I'm a little confused as to what we're doing here, inspector." "You spoke to your wife yourself?" "Yes, I did." "Could I speak with her?" "I don't think that's necessary." "This has been an awkward situation for all concerned and I really don't want to prolong it." "Mrs. Phillips will handle your questions from now on." "I have an engagement." "Please excuse me." "Inspector Serra you've displayed a boorish lack of sensitivity towards the ambassador." "We do not need or want your investigative skills employed to discover why Mrs. Watts was in a hotel bedroom with Mr. Bardo." "I suggest you return to your duties and drop this matter." "The less said about it, the better." "I'd still like to talk to Mrs. Watts." "And what crime has she committed?" "No crime." "I just wanna see her." "Well, I'm sure we all want to see lots of people." "But, fortunately, in our country and in yours they are not compelled to see us." "Good day, inspector." "Sir." "You know the penalty for a handgun?" "I told you, it's not my gun." "Then we'll just keep it." "Now, about your motorcycle." "You really want to report it stolen?" "If it wasn't at the hotel, somebody took it." "Why don't you look a little harder?" "If it doesn't turn up, give me a call." "Sir." "You don't believe one thing I said, right?" "Not only don't I believe you, I don't even like you." "Look, Bardo, I know who you are." "Ex-paparazzi smart-ass, who hasn't worked for seven years." "I don't know what you're up to, but it's not smart." "Keep it up and you'll wind up in a cellblock full of smart guys like you." ""Mr. Watts, if you ever want to see your wife again bring 10 million dollars in bearer bonds to the Passerelle Debilly at 2 a. m. this morning." "If you inform the police or arrive with anyone besides yourself she will be killed."" "Oh, shit!" "Son of a bitch!" "Mrs. Watts." "Call me Lily." "Okay, Lily." "What the hell do you think you're doing, Lily?" "Are you mad at me?" "Mad?" "No." "You are making everybody think I've kidnapped you." "Haven't you?" "That is not funny." "No, Nicolas." "You're right, it's not funny." "It wasn't funny when you sold my picture either." "And then you showed up to do what?" "Explain?" "Apologize?" "Lie?" "I was afraid for your life." "I felt responsible for it!" "That's so sweet, Nicolas." "I'm a bad girl, Nicolas." "Real bad." "Rotten to the heart." "Last scrape I was in, I fucked up a lot of people." "Bad people, people like me." "People that don't forget." "But I was given a second chance." "So I went back to the States, where I got everything a bad girl ever wanted." "Fucking Watts." "He was kind of a sweet guy until being the richest man wasn't enough." "He had to have public glory." "He gave away a ton of money, bought the ambassadorship which meant the little missis got dragged out in the Parisian limelight." "Well, I couldn't do that, because bad people read newspapers too." "Et voilà." "Enter my worst nightmare." "You snap that fucking picture, sell it to the tabloids and now it's only a matter of time before those bad people come running." "So I got the photographer turned blackmailer to kidnap me." "Blackmailer?" "You offered me money!" "And I have never kidnapped anybody, you fucking bitch!" "Then where am I, Nicolas?" "Why did you have my car, my clothes, a gun?" "Why was a ransom note e-mailed from your computer?" "Everyone knows you did it." "I've gotta think." "What?" "I've gotta think about" "You don't have to think about anything." "I've got it all thought out for you." "Watts is coming up here at 2 a. m." "with $ 10 million." "Now, if you start being a little nice to me I might cut you in on the take." "We are going to the police." "Why would you wanna do that?" "You're gonna tell them the crazy story you just told me." "Come on!" "What, do you think I'm stupid?" "I'm not gonna tell them that story." "I'm gonna tell them the kidnapping story, starring you." "Son of a bitch!" "Nicolas." "Hold on, hold on." "I went back to that sex shop." "Oh, shit." "Come on." "What did you do with that other gun?" "The cops took it." "They did?" "Yes, they did." "I got you another one." "Come here." "Be careful with that thing." "It's all right." "Nicolas." "Isn't sugar better than vinegar?" "Come on." "We have a couple hours, baby." "Let's go do something fun, you want to?" "Hey, how come you're the only man in this room that doesn't wanna fuck me?" "What?" "Nicolas, where are you going?" "I'm just going to buy some cigarettes." "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere while you have my balls in your pocket!" "Pack of cigarettes." "Anything American." "Hi." "What's your name?" "Hey, Nicolas." "Come here." "Meet my friend Napoleon." "Oh, yeah." "I think he's in love." "Can we just go outside?" "I need to talk to you." "Come on!" "We're having fun." "Just be cool." "I'm gonna go outside." "No!" "Nicolas." "We don't want you to wait out in the cold." "Do we, Napoleon?" "I mean, if we hit it off" "I thought of letting you off the hook." "Really?" "Yeah." "You don't seem to be enjoying my company much." "Maybe Napoleon and I should sail off into the sunset and you can go fuck yourself." "I hope you didn't kill him." "He was gonna save me from a dip in the Seine." "What?" "We had big plans." "I was gonna go off the bridge into his boat." "Big plans." "Oh, poor Lily, whatever happened to her?" "She must have drowned and washed out to sea." "Thanks a lot." "You've ruined everything." "Fuck you." "What's the matter, Nicolas?" "Don't I make you jealous?" "Jealous?" "Yes." "Yes." "I was jealous." "I am jealous." "Nicolas, you don't have to lick my ass." "Just fuck me." "You know what?" "What?" "We can still go away." "Both of us, together." "That's so sweet." "Come here." "Come here." "That's so romantic." "But without the money?" "Are you nuts?" "Yes." "That's a choice." "A bad choice." "There are other ones." "What, like doing the right thing?" "That's a start." "I tried that once, Nicolas." "And you know what it got me?" "A lifetime of looking over my shoulder." "You know why no good deed goes unpunished?" "Because this world is hell, and you're nothing but a fucking patsy." "I made everybody think you kidnapped me so I could screw my husband out of 10 million bucks." "That's what it's all about." "Me disappearing with 10 million bucks." "So wipe it off and let's go get it." "Fuck you!" "You're not gonna hurt her, right?" "Because I've done exactly what you've told me to do." "I brought the money and I haven't talked to anyone." "Don't do anything foolish, darling." "I won't." "He just wants me to take the money and bring it back to him." "Okay!" "Watts, it's Nicolas Bardo." "Your wife is staging this kidnapping to take your $ 10 million." "If you don't believe me, I got it right here on tape." "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" "You killed him." "I was just being careful." "That fucking bitch..." "She's at it again!" "Fucking bitch!" "You didn't think I'd give you a gun loaded with real bullets, did you?" "Baby there's one more thing we gotta do." "Oh, God!" "Somebody, help!" "My husband." "Fucking over everyone again?" "But not this time." "Where are the diamonds?" "Fuck you!" "Wake up, bitch!" "Before you die!" "You know what's in this?" "The bullet that's going to spread your brains all over that wall." "You know how I know?" "Look at me." "I'm your fucking fairy godmother and I just dreamt your future." "And mine too." "And all I know is if there's a chance of any of that shit happening, we're gonna change it here." "Now listen." "I know you got a bad break, but you better forget it." "Because if you can't then you may as well go ahead and pull the trigger." "But if you don't end it here and you get your ass on that plane to America your future will be sitting right next to you." "His name is Bruce, and he's a really good guy." "He'll look into your eyes and he's gonna fall in love." "And after that, you're on your own." "So, what do you say?" "Do I pull the trigger?" "Or do you get your ass on that plane and have a wonderful life?" "How do I know that you tell the truth?" "How do I know there's a bullet in the chamber?" "That sure is pretty Where did you get it?" "In a curio shop in Belleville." "I got it for my daughter." "I've got a little girl myself..." "She'll be ten next June." "Do you remember the name of the store?" "I make lots of deliveries there." "I'd sure like to get her something like that for her birthday." "You give this to her." "That's sure nice of you..." "She'll just love it." "It's just for a little girl when she grows up, she'll think it's too silly..." "So just take it and hang it right there." "So that when you're on the road your little girl will always be with you." "Are you dodging bill collectors?" "Nick, asshole, it's Johnny." "I know who you are." "What's up?" "Trying to catch lightning in a bottle." "Are you eating?" "Barely." "Like to make some real money?" "What are you selling, John?" "You know who Bruce Hewitt Watts is?" "The new American ambassador?" "Bingo." "He's got a wife and three kids, but no one has a picture of them." "Maybe they're camera-shy." "Some people like to keep their home life private." "I know it's weird, but they do." "Did you find fucking God?" "You owe me, pal." "I guess I'll have to keep on owing you." "That's your half." "A little under 4 million." "Four?" "That's the best I could do." "I had to fence them off one at a time." "Sorry that it took so long, but it was the safest way." "Not bad for a night's work, huh?" "You call that work?" "Bye, Laure." "It's best if we don't see each other again." "You bitch, you and Laure set us up!" "She never switched the bra... and you walked right the hell out" "WEARING IT!" "Excuse me, lady." "Are you all right?" "It was an accident, it was terr" "Sorry." "I'm just a little shook-up." "Actually, you look like you need a drink." "Drink?" "Yes, come on." "I'm sorry you look so familiar." "Have we met before somewhere?" "Only in my dreams." | {
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} |
"That was good." "Top dog, big dog, bad dog." "Who's the best dog?" "That's my dog." "Who's the best dog?" "That's my dog." "It's a big, bad dog." "Number one dog." "Dog at the top." "Slow down, Fido." "We need to talk." "Yeah?" "Vince." "You see the Vitagirl numbers?" "You hit that demographic dead on." "Yeah, looking good." "Talk about what?" "Us." "We're 24 hours away from fast-food fame oroblivion." "Will you sign off on that copy?" "No." "No?" "What do you mean, no?" "Nelson, we've been killing ourselves with this" "What?" "Meet you in 20." "Nelson!" "I remember growing up." "Summertime..." "I'm starving!" "...baseball..." "Ready for the game?" "You bet." "Go get 'em!" "...and Dr. Diggity Dogs." "Us. lsn't there some kind of limit on the "us" talks?" "One, okay." "Two, if necessary." "Three, cruel and unusual." "Great dog, big dog." "Forgot about my parents, didn't you?" "I can't make it. I'm sorry." "Nelson, this is their third trip to the city." "You could make an effort." "This is important to me." "This account is very important to me." "It's Dr. Diggity, practically an American institution." "American institution." "Dr. Diggity." "Amer" "No." "You know, there are people who don't work 24 hours a day." "They stop, relax..." "... havelives." "I have a life, Angelica." "And I'm late for it." "I'm not sure I like the tag line." "It needs to be deadpan." "I want to play with it." "lf it ain't broke, don't fix it." "That rule applies to mediocrity." "We want perfection." "We want a check." "You worry too much." "Worrying about losing keeps you winning." "Congrats." "Nelson, you got the Ad Age for the Pelican spot." "Give that to me." "Look, it says "team. " l'm "team. "" "God!" "Morning, Mr. Moss." "Thanks." "Vince." "Beatrice, I'll have the" "Edgar Price is coming out of retirement." "Says he's tired of being ripped off, might as well rip himself off." "Edgar Price, huh?" "Was the best." "Remember that Mercedes ad?" "The car, floating in outer space, comes right at you." "Genius." "Check this out." "What?" "Balance." "How's my dream team?" "Got it locked up?" "Sure, chief." "Just finessing" "No, no, it's all locked up." "lt's minor details." "Minor." "See that?" "Make it happen." "Red!" "Blood red!" "I can't read this." "is English her second language?" "You'll love these frames." "I ran with your idea." "It's still your idea, just better." "Client will love it." "Ethnic." "Give me a bonfire, three-quarter." "More cleavage, more dogs." "There's three girls." "Let's make this night." "Night?" "What's this, porno?" "You said you wanted edge." "l don't feel it." "There you are." "Blood red." "Forget your 1 :00 at the DMV?" "Reschedule." "I don't have time." "Wait till the presentation's over." "If you don't renew today, they'll suspend your license." "You get pulled over, they can throw you in jail." "Bet you don't have time for that either." "Nobody beats the DMV." "Not even you." "Bye-bye." "I got it." "l don't feel it." "Not feeling it." "Blood red." "Blood red!" "Let's go, let's bleed!" "Thanks." "All right, there will be no talking, eating or drinking..." "... duringthetest." "If your personal hygiene becomes a distraction..." "... you'llbeaskedtoleave." "Sorry." "If you need to use the bathroom, raise your hand." "Would you pass me the Colombo, please?" "Yeah, the salami." "Thanks." "You cannot take the test with you to the bathroom." "If you do not come back from the bathroom..." "... youcannotpassthe test." "You may begin." "Falling rocks?" "Oh, Christ!" "Hey." "Number nine..." "... trueorfalse?" "Oh." "I'm not there yet." "Sorry." "But when I do mine" "Excuse me." "Bring your test papers forward, please." "Me?" "You." "With the scarf, yes." "I wasn't cheating." "Why would I cheat on a DMV test?" "You may retake the test in 30 days." "That's a joke, right?" "Thirty days?" "That's a whole month." "Great." "Fine." "Guess I'm going." "Walking." "Hey..." "... goodluck." "Shane and Dunne." "Nelson Moss for Vince." "One moment." "Did Ruben tweak the music?" "No, he said it's fine." "Shit." "Cut him." "Get Johnson McDonald." "Give him the sample." "Tell him" "You've lost your mind." "No, beg him for 1 0 tomorrow." "That's crazy!" "How did it go?" "Did you get your license?" "Vince." "What?" "What do you think about this?" ""Barking mad for Dr. Diggity. "" "That sucks." "Congratulations." "You can read." "Call you back." "No, no" "Can I help you?" "Can you help me?" "Yeah." "That's your van, isn't it?" "is this your car?" "Wow." "Nice." "You can't drive, right." "No." "This is the way that you... ." "Right." "Shit." "How much do you make a month?" "Doesn't look like much." "I'll cover your expenses." "Here, call my secretary." "We'll work it out." "is this quest for redemption from remorse?" "Or are you scared my sitting on your car will cause a dent?" "The dent." "That's what I thought." "What are you doing?" "Buying redemption." "Redemption's not for sale today." "Sorry." "Okay." "Guess I'm going to hell." "Get off the car." "Okay." "Bye." "Yeah, here we go." "I'm gonna get it." "Get it." "Okay." "What is it?" "It's a hot dog." "It's a hot dog." "It's a hot hot dog." "It's a hot dog." "It's a hot dog." "Yeah?" "Mr. Moss, it's Manny from downstairs." "We have a bit of a situation." "There's a lady here who 's saying strange, personal things about you." "You can 't talk to him!" "Move over." "You can 't talk to him." "I can talk to him." "Look, I'm going to." "How are you, big spender?" "Remember me?" "I'm downstairs." "You want to come down here?" "I can 't stop thinking about you." "Did he hear me?" "Yeah." "You sure?" "I think he hear you." "Hello?" "Yeah." "Okay, I'll" "What?" "l'll see you in five." "Okay, I'm down here." "Okay?" "Then my wife, she says to me:" ""You can fix nothing. "" "So then she leaves me for plumber." "No." "Yeah, plumber." "Look at that, Manny." "My very own Prince Charming." "I don't think I've ever met such a royal asshole in my entire life." "So does your mom know you treat women like hookers..." "... ordidsheraiseyoutobelieve..." "... thatbeingnicemeans patronizing the whole world?" "Uh-oh, I smell trouble." "Can I talk to you?" "Yeah." "Bye, Manny." "How did you find me?" "l'm smart." "So, I need a ride." "is this a joke?" "Well, you're the reason I can't drive." "So the least you can do is schlep me somewhere." "It'll be painless." "Where's your car?" "Been a ball, but some of us have to work." "Please don't make me throw a tantrum." "Would you like to get naked with us?" "We have a tub full of fudge!" "Ignore her." "lt'll be fun!" "ignore her." "He's cute!" "What are you doing?" "You know what?" "You're a flasher." "A flasher!" "lt has to stop." "Mr. and Mrs. Johnson." "Don't walk away!" "l'll call the police." "He keeps flashing!" "Medication." "Are you nuts?" "I live here." "Do you have any shame?" "Well, I just want a ride." "Please?" "Oh, by the way..." "... I'mSaraDeever." "Nice to meet you." "You want to get in the right lane." "Put your indicator-- -l know how to drive." "Okay." "You want to take the 80 to Oakland." "Oakland?" "Yeah." "You said this would be quick." "l also said it would be painless." "This is really nice of you to do this for me." "And I'm sorry if I went too far, but I did need this ride." "So I really appreciate it." "Thanks." "Right here." "What do you plan to do with that?" "Commit a heinous crime." "What else?" "You'll wait for me, right?" "Right?" "Of course you will." "What am I doing?" "What am I doing?" "Go!" "Go!" "Go, go, go!" "Oh, my God!" "That was so great!" "Feel like Bonnie and Clyde?" "No, I don't." "Why not?" "They got shot." "Don't open it. I don't want to know." "Just relax." "They're just my little furry friends." "Say, "Hi, Nelson. "" "Somebody was gonna do nasty little experiments on your brains." "But I wouldn't have it." "What do you do, by the way?" "I'm in advertising." "Advertising." "So you enjoy it?" "People tend to enjoy what they're really good at." "Besides your job, what else makes you miserable?" "I mean, what do you do for fun?" "I didn't think so." "No hobbies?" "No diversions?" "No kinky obsessions?" "For one quick second there, I thought you" "Just get in the car." "Want to come up for cocoa?" "As titillating as the evening's been, I'm afraid not." "Okay." "How about I make you a deal?" "Come up for one cup, and I'll never ask you for another ride." "No, thanks." "Okay." "Thanks." "I'll see you tomorrow then." "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" "Hold on." "Hold on." "8:00 is good for you, right?" "You, me, Manny, the doorman, that whole thing?" "Come in." "There you guys go." "I can help you." "See, I have a gift." "A special ability to help men with problems." "I don't have problems." "Now, see that, usually, is the first sign." "Of what?" "Denial." "Denial?" "First of all, I think you work too much." "Really?" "And what do you know about work?" "Plenty." "You admitted you do nothing else and it doesn't make you happy." "I admitted nothing. I was silent." "No special interests, no pets." "You hate dogs." "Busted." "Actually I do have a pet, a fish." "A fish?" "Doesn't count." "Cold-blooded." "Sorry." "No, you are a walking case study." "Look at you." "You're a workaholic at such an advanced stage..." "... thatyourintimacyskillshave withered away to almost nothing." "Left untreated..." "... youcouldbecome emotionally extinct." "Out of sheer perverse curiosity..." "... howdoesalunaticlike you help a guy like me?" "You live in a box." "I could lift the lid..." "... letsomelightin." "Wow, that's deep." "I feel almost cured just hearing it." "Well..." "... ifyouwantmyhelp ..." "... it'llrequireacommitment on your part." "You have to live with me here for a month." "No more, no less..." "... andnoworkallowed." "You don't even know me..." "... andyou'reinvitingmetomovein?" "And how's my girlfriend supposed to feel about that?" "Girlfriend?" "You don't have a girlfriend." "I mean, it's something you feel." "There's something intimate a woman leaves on a man that you don't have." "Her name's Angelica." "Well, I feel sorry for Angelica." "Great." "I'll relay that to her when I leave." "Which is... rightaboutnow." "October's almost over." "We can start midnight..." "... firstofNovember." "If you're brave enough to commit, I'll devote myself entirely to you." "Brave enough, but not stupid enough." "Now listen up, moonbeam." "Here's how it works." "No more harassment." "No more rides." "No more extortion." "Next time you come into my building..." "... Ireallywillcallthecops." "This is your image, Mr. Leach." "We polled your primary demographic." "Know what 89 percent said?" ""Boring. "" ""Safe. "" "We need to drop a bomb." "You don't want hot dogs "safe. "" "What's in a hot dog?" "Don't tell me. I don't want to know." "They're dangerous." "What are we selling here?" "We're selling temptation, desire..." "... animalinstincts..." "... gluttony,sin." "We want to show man as he really is." "A savage." "He needs fire." "He needs food." "He hunts and gathers." "What does he get?" "He gets a hot dog." "We're pagans." "We love our rituals." "Our team hits a home run, we're screaming." "What do we want?" "We want a hot dog." "Let's go to your preteen demographic." "Kids, the little angels." "They're not." "They're monsters." "We give them a tuna sandwich, they don't want a tuna sandwich." "They want a hot dog!" "We need women." "We've got the mothers..." "... wewanttheirdaughters." "Let's ask that age-old question:" ""What does a woman really want?"" "You know." "I know." "She wants a hot dog." "We're hot-blooded." "We need sex!" "We need a sinful, dangerous food!" "What is it?" "It's a hot dog!" "It's a hot dog!" "It's a hot dog!" "It's a hot dog." ""Dr. Diggity. lt's a hot dog. "" "No." "No?" "What do you mean?" "It's not for us." "You don't understand our company." "I don't understand?" "What did you ask us for?" "Edge." "This is edge." "We're going with Baker Bohanon." "I think you're making a mistake." "I've seen your sales." "You're in big trouble." "Oh, no." "We are America's favorite hot dog, son." "Were." "Were." "You're a dinosaur." "You're flat-lining." "You're dead meat." "And you just went too far, you little punk." "So I'll tell you what I really think of your campaign." "This is cheap, tasteless crap." "Really?" "That's funny, because so is your product." "Stop it." "I make a wholesome hot dog, you prick." "It's mystery meat." "Come on, Nelson!" "lt's toxic waste in a tube!" "You're killing me!" "You're killing us!" "You're killing all of us!" "Mr. Leach!" "Hey, buddy!" "What the hell happened in there?" "I know." "Can you believe that asshole?" "Baker Bohanon." "I've always said you're brilliant." "A machine." "But I knew one day you'd snap, and we'd all burn." "What are you talking about, burn?" "You know what was at stake?" "How many millions you lost?" "You just dragged my agency's name through the gutter." "Hold on a second." "Gutter?" "I'm the best thing this agency's got." "And that rabid dog routine makes you the best?" "I don't think so." "It makes you a wreck!" "It makes you a liability." "You need a vacation." "Now." "Screw vacation." "Give me another account." "Come on." "Nelson, did you hear me?" "Take a vacation." "Short or permanent, your choice." "Are you threatening me?" "That's hilarious." "I'm two Clio's ahead of the game, Ray." "You can't afford to lose me." "You're fired." "Say that again." "I don't think I heard you." "You're fired!" "God, am I..." "... gladtoseeyou ." "You've got to be kidding me." "Mr. Moss?" "Are you doing okay?" "I'm fine." "You have a deliv" "You have delivery." "Leave it!" "l do not think you want me do that." "It's from the crazy lady from the other night." "She tell me I have to deliver in the flesh." "I said, leave it!" "Okay." "You've got to be kidding me." "Hey!" "Do me a favor." "Stay out of my life." "Goodbye." "is that Ernie?" "It's Ernie!" "I missed you so much!" "Hi." "Did you rethink my offer?" "I don't feel like playing the Deever Mad Hatter game." "What is this?" "What happened?" "Nothing." "Can I look at it?" "Why?" "Because I'm a vampire." "Because it's bleeding." "And maybe... ." "Maybe I can help you." "What are you after?" "What do you want from me?" "You should come with me." "Why are you sending me dogs?" "So, what did you do today?" "What did I do today?" "I got fired." "They took the company car..." "... andmygirlfriendleftme." "Perfect." "Define "perfect. "" "Well..." "... it'sthefirstofNovember." "Our month to be together." "You're actually serious about this." "Oh, yeah." "Very." "You think I'm just gonna drop everything?" "I don't want to bust your bubble, but it sounds like you already have." "Live here..." "... andletyoumesswith myhead for a whole month?" "I don't know if I would put it that way..." "... butyeah,Ithinkyoushould." "I'm sorry, I can't stand watches." "So this..." "... whateveryoucallit- " "Help." ""Help. "" "What are you doing?" "Taking your shirt off." "Why?" "So you can clean up." "Why?" "Because you smell like puppy pee." "Just for the night." "Whoa." "Hey." "Okay." "What?" "Slow, you know." "Yeah." "Gentle." "Look at me." "This is not very comfortable." "Wait, what are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?" "Wait, just go slow." "Just" "What's wrong?" "What's wrong?" "Where are you going?" "To hell with this!" "But, wait" "Please wait!" "Will you just wait a second?" "I have no words to describe how positively wacked you are." "What are you so pissed off about?" "This has been the day from hell." "I don't need you telling me what to do in the sack!" "l didn't mean to. I just" "Just what?" "Making sure your game was going according to plan?" "lt's not a game." "Really?" "Then just what is it exactly?" "I'm trying to help you." "I don't need help." "It doesn't get much sweeter than this." "What I'm offering is a win-win situation." "Yeah?" "And what do you get out of it?" "I get to help you." "I don't understand you." "This whole thing" "You don't need to understand me." "You just need to let it happen." "Please, don't go." "Why not?" "Because I know you don't want to." "Have you ever considered a career in sales?" "No." "Well, you should." "You're relentless." "Nelson..." "... wouldyouliketobemy November?" "Yes." "What's your name?" "Raquel." "That's a beautiful name." "Could you put an extra shot of chocolate in my mocha?" "Chocolate's an aphrodisiac." "Did you know that?" "You look great in that smock." "Yeah." "Vince." "Where are you?" "I've been calling" "Edgar Price." "Edgar Price?" "Edgar Price." "Edgar Price." "What, what, what?" "Can you get us a meeting?" "You and me?" "You and me." "Edgar Price's new company." "Game?" "That's brilliant." "That's genius." "I'll do that." "They stuck me with that loser, John Heedley." "Can 't go on like this." "Vince?" "Call me with news." "Absolutely." "Hey!" "Stop what you're doing, right now." "Why?" "Because it's the same boring thing you do every day of your life." "And you can't do that with me." "What's wrong with your TV?" "Good morning." "It doesn't work." "Of course it doesn't. lt's a planter." "Right." "Where are my clothes?" "l gave them away." "You what?" "I gave them away." "Oh, but..." "... lookatthis." "Oh, yeah, baby!" "Freedom." "No more suits." "I got you those." "Sara, this is not helpful." "Give me my shirt and pants back." "What?" "It's clothes." "It's just gonna cover your body." "What do you care?" "Hey, do you like cheese?" "Hey there, Ernie." "Hi!" "Ernie, are you sad?" "Do you miss your brother?" "You'll stay with me until we find you some decent parents." "Hey, by the way, when do I get to meet your parents?" "My parents are dead." "I'm sorry." "Sara, I'm not amused." "I want my clothes back." "Now." "I told you, I gave them away." "I promise, I'll never lie to you." "So..." "... wouldyoulikevegansausage, vegan bacon... ." "That's all we got now." "Huh?" "I make it with a lot of vegan butter so it gets nice and black and crispy." "But if you don't like it that way, I won't make it that way, okay?" "Hey, hey." "Three hours sleep last night." "Tried valerian root, melatonin, the Shopping Channel." "You know what did the trick?" "What?" "Jimmy Cagney." "Public Enemy." "Violence as a tranquilizer." "How twisted is that?" "You're looking very sexy today." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "Wow." "I do believe that is my favorite sweatshirt I see." "You must be November." "I must be November?" "That's Nelson." "Hey, Nelson." "How are you?" "l'm Chaz." "Hey." "You know what?" "Keep the sweatshirt." "It looks better on you." "is this some kind of a communal-culty- squeaky-Charlie type of deal?" "That's very good." "He's really funny." "Much cooler than October." "A lot of good he was." "I gotta go." "l love you, baby." "l love you." "You sure you don't want any food?" "And get fat like you?" "See you around, Nelson." "See you." "I think I'll pull myself out of monthly rotation while I'm ahead." "What?" "Nelson." "Who the hell was that, your pimp?" "Chaz?" "Chaz lives downstairs." "We look after each other." "I think Chaz can take care of himself." "He just needs a good night's sleep." "Hi, sweetheart, how are you?" "Hey, guys." "Nelson... ." "Sorry." "lt's okay." "I was trying to introduce you." "That's Al and Osiris." "They own that bookstore." "They used to be friends with Jack Kerouac." "I don't care. I don't read." "Sara, can you spare 1 5 bucks?" "Bruce, I gave you those clothes." "Why are you so greedy?" "That's my shirt!" "Those are my pants!" "Doesn't it feel good to give?" "No!" "You November?" "Where am I?" "You have to meet." "Nelson, this is Abner." "Abner, Nelson." "Abner's gonna set a world record one day." "What's today's project?" "Standing on one leg." "Want to time me?" "I have to break the record of 300 hours." "No." "Loser." "Get a life." "Good one." "You let a 1 0-year-old wind you up?" "Forget him." "What about you?" "You sleep with half the city, get the whole neighborhood involved." "You'd prefer if I was a virgin?" "Considering the alternative, yes." "I'm yours." "All yours." "Look, Sara, you're great." "You're a very sexy, smart, interesting, somewhat unusual woman." "But we-- l always think it's best to clarify issues." "You are the most egotistical man I've ever met." "I am talking about a month." "The truth is, I don't have a month." "Time is money." "Okay." "Let's just-- How long do you think..." "... youcouldputthisbig, lucrative career of yours on hold?" "Just, just" "God, what am I talking about?" "!" "You are unemployed!" "You don't have a job!" "You got fired, Nelson." "You have nothing to go back to." "This project of yours feels like an excuse to get laid." "Sara, I'm sorry. I... ." "Sara, I didn't mean to-- l didn't think you'd-- l don't understand why you're doing this, is all." "I told you." "I have my reasons." "Still friends?" "Only if you give me what I want." "What?" "Time." "All I can do is a day." "l'll take it." "Okay." "I'll take it." "Always a thrill to explore new career possibilities." "How much do you charge?" "l don't do this for the money." "Why do you do it?" "I like it." "You can take them off the leashes." "Come on." "Oh, yes, you're so excited, I know." "Yeah, you go raise some hell." "Don't tell your mom, okay?" "You can let them go, you know, Nelson." "Come on!" "Yippee." "Come on." "Let's go." "Come on!" "Get off me!" "So when was the last time you spent a whole day outside?" "When my parents dragged me to Alcatraz for the day at the age of 9." "Wow." "Now you tell me something." "Anything." "What was so enlightening about what we did today?" "Why is letting some dogs go wild a better way to live than my way?" "Granted, it was mildly amusing, but my third eye didn't open." "Well, these things take time." "And you don't have time." "No, seriously." "It's a question of values." "Why is doing something fundamentally trivial better..." "... thanlivingaresponsiblelife ?" "Boring as that might seem to you." "And who made you the expert, the doctor, the guru?" "Why do you have all the answers?" "Well, I used to own this company called Sublime Pets." "No, I really did." "And then I quit." "It wasn't fun anymore, you know." "Before or after you toured as a standup comedian?" "I never did that." "Well, this... ." "This would be really good for you." "Sharpen your instincts." "No, no." "Not those kind of instincts." "So the object of the game-- Get your hands off me." "I run around." "You lose track of me." "Then you" "No, no peeking." "Hands off." "Count to 1 0..." "... thencomefindme." "One, two, three-- l'm gonna get you." "Four, five, six-- l know where you are." "Seven, eight, nine, ten." "Oh, Nelson, that was terrible." "You didn't even get close." "This is funny?" "I'm sorry." "Are you okay?" "Sara, you're not going to be upset when I leave tonight?" "I told you one day." "Yeah, of course." "Mitch was my October." "He was so shy." "I think he was the shyest man I've ever met." "So..." "... wefocusedon strengthening his confidence." "And was the patient cured?" "Oh, yeah." "My treatment was so effective..." "... thatwehadtoterminate the month early." "And what about September?" "No." "No September." "What?" "You didn't think I was weird about it, did you?" "And you and all these guys... ?" "Does it matter that much to you?" "Why a month?" "It's long enough to be meaningful and short enough to stay out of trouble." "It was delicious." "Thanks." "It's getting late." "Don't worry about this." "I'll clean it up." "What are you gonna do when you go home?" "I don't know." "I don't usually map out my evenings." "You're gonna go home." "Turn on your TV." "Get bored." "Turn on your computer." "Go through your work." "Get bored." "Surf the net." "Get bored." "And think of me." "Ernie." "Try to be wrong once in a while." "It'll do my ego good." "l don't see why we didn't take a cab." "Because I make the rules, Nelson." "Rules you must submit to, utterly and completely." "If you want to be a dominatrix that bad..." "... whydon'twe buyyou the leather and get it over with?" "I think I'm strangely aroused." "That's Abner." "Hi." "is that you?" "He's got a face. lt's a good one too." "Did you wait long?" "No." "Good." "What is that?" "You didn't." "You did not bring that!" "What can I say?" "Yeah?" "Just call me genius, I don 't mind." "What up, Vince?" ""What up"?" "You, me, Edgar Price, November 1 7th, Friday." "That's what up." "I'm your rainmaker." "You're a genius." "It's about time you said so." "I heard about Angelica." "I'm sorry." "As much as I knew, she wasn 't right for you." "So do I smell new female friend?" "What makes you say that?" "You don 't return my calls." "There's estrogen in the air." "Don 't insult me." "Come on, who is she?" "You wouldn't know her." "But would I despise her?" "That's the question." "On a scale of 9 to 1 0, is she a 9 or a 1 0?" "Listen, I gotta run." "Great news on the Edgar Price thing." "Go launch it, okay?" "Oh, that's really cool." "Not." "What is it, Pokemon's dinghy?" "All right, let's do this." "All boats in the water." "Except for this kid's." "That's not a kid, that's a girl." "Maybe I should forget about it." "Just ignore them, Abner." "Abner?" "Abner?" "Hang in there, Ab." "All boats in the water." "Let's do this." "Say your prayers, Abner!" "Go, Abner!" "Go, Abner!" "Go, Abner!" "Excuse me." "You want to make a hundred bucks?" "Sure." "Come on, Abner!" "Come on!" "Hey, my boat's all" "What's going on?" "Straight." "Straight!" "Come on, you can do it!" "I guess I'm winning." "That little creep is cheating." "No, I'm not." "My boat's just better." "Go, Abner!" "I guess I won." "That was fun." "Next time can we do it with cars?" "Sure." "No." "Bye." "See you, Abner." "Good night." "Good night." "You know, that was really nice what you did today." "Thanks." "But it's not gonna help him." "What do you mean?" "He's gonna have a lot of obstacles..." "... andhehastolearn to deal with them." "Those kids were laughing at him." "You ever been laughed at?" "Okay, cheating's bad, I guess." "You're a father figure now." "Get out of here." "The kid just met me." "When you don't know your dad, you're not picky." "Look at that, Nelson." "That's life." "It's just happening around us all the time." "I think that's so beautiful." "Tell me your secret dream." "I'm not much on that kind of thing." "Oh, come on." "Everybody's got one." "One they only tell after a couple of drinks." "Tell me." "My father sold door-to-door." "Vacuum cleaners, life insurance." "For a while he even sold plastic food." "We were kind of the joke of the neighborhood." "And believe me, the neighborhood was a pretty grim joke itself." "Where'd you grow up?" "Right here." "I still own the house, but I never go there." "Anyway..." "... everynightafterdinner, he would..." "... shuthimselfin theTVroom ..." "... andlistento 45s:" "Bobby Darin, Perry Como, Tony Bennett." "For a year or so..." "... Idesperatelywanted to be a singer." "You thought it would make him happy?" "No." "I thought those guys..." "... wereeverythinghe wasn't." "Successful, proud..." "... incontrol." "I'd like to hear you sing." "That will never happen." "Come on." "One day." "One day you'll sing for me, right?" "What are we doing?" "The movie starts in 1 0 minutes." "Should we skip it?" "I'll get you a cappuccino." "I can find a cappuccino." "Relax." "I hope that I can eat all of this." "Oh, my God!" "Somebody went domestic on me." "Okay." "Well, okay." "I get it. lt all makes sense." "Mystery woman, unveiled." "What kind of Bohemian backwater is this?" "Do they read poetry here?" "Sara, Vince." "Vince, Sara." "Hey." "Very nice to meet you." "l gotta go." "Was it something I said?" "Vince, the movie." "Oh, that's my good friend, um... ." "What, you can't remember her name?" "She doesn't care as long as I remember to pick up the check, right?" "That's incredible." "I mean that is, I think, the most astute observation..." "... offemalebehaviorI'veever heard." "She's funny." "You're funny." "That's funny." "This is my very good friend Nelson, and his very good friend... ." "Tell me." "Sara." "Hi." "Lexy." "Hi, nice to meet you." "Lexy, Sara." "Sara, Lexy." "We should all go out sometime, get drunk and nasty." "Quick order:" "one cappuccino to go." "Quick answer:" "no quick orders." "We love this place." "We'll be back every day." "I gotta go take care of Lexy." "Remember the 1 7th: you, me and God." "Sara, very nice to meet you." "It was an honor." "Very entertaining." "God!" "Wow." "We're going to be late, and it's your fault." "He's actually a good guy, deep down." "Somewhere." "Yeah." "I just mean the glibness..." "... kindofwearsyou out after a while." "Do you trust him?" "Like friends do, you know." "Do you think he'll be there for you?" "When?" "Like a scary situation or something." "You may have noticed..." "... Idon'tputmyself in scary situations." "Hey, you know what?" "Why don't we go see that house you grew up in?" "Want to do that?" "That's not too scary, is it?" "It's just a house." "I tried so hard not to come back here." "Sorry." "Ouch." "Sara?" "I know I don't know a lot of things, but I do know how to slow dance." "You're terrible." "Here, let me show you." "I looked up your Web site the other night." "You sister's pretty." "Looks a lot like you." "But it's not my Web site anymore." "It's not my anything anymore." "Why'd you quit?" "It started out small and then it got big." "That's generally considered a good thing in business." "Yeah, well, everything got big." "Egos, lives, desires." "I didn't like the big me." "I wasn't very happy." "You want to know the most amazing part of it all?" "What?" "I got out before it got really big." "Can you imagine that?" "No, I can't imagine you with millions and millions of dollars." "Did you change the beans?" "It's hazelnut." "You don't like it?" "Honestly?" "Tastes like camel piss." "Let's stick to the classics." "Excuse me, privacy." "Heard of it?" "Very impressive set of pecs you got." "You work out, then?" "Me, haven't got time." "Your pecs on the other hand, darling, are edible." "Now don't forget, dinner's at 8." "It's dressy, because we're gonna eat and we're going dancing." "We'll see if "Last of the Mohicans" here has rhythm." "Doesn't he know how to make his own coffee?" "You ready to go?" "Yeah." "Okay, good." "Because I told Chaz Cherry we'd be on time." "We're calling everyone by first and last names now?" "I don't want to see Chaz Cherry." "I want to get naked with Sara Deever." "You look beautiful." "Thank you, Nelson Moss." "Come on." "You won't be bored, I promise." "Chaz Cherry is a great cook." "We're here." "Oh, hallelujah!" "And we're hungry." "Too late." "I sold your dinner to the homeless." "Nelson, look at you." "Didn't recognize you with your clothes on." "Nelson, you've met Chaz." "This is Cherry." "Oh, watch the nails." "Thanks very much." "Wow." "Very Pink Flamingos." "Oh, my God!" "Sweetheart, he says I look like Divine." "Oh, that's awful." "You could lose a few pounds." "Stop." "You stop." "Bitch." "Brandy this is Nelson." "Nelson, this is Brandy." "Hi." "Oh, he is handsome." "Put it back in your pants." "Grab a drink, Nelson." "You all right?" "You seem a little bit uncomfortable." "Come here." "Let me loosen you up." "Just one top." "ls it the music, maybe?" "No, it's great." "Because we got some Michael Bolton if you prefer." "Alabama." "Or is it the decor?" "No, it's... ." "You're in dresses." "This isn't a dress." "This is a sequined sensation." "Cheers." "That's not a dress." "God, let's eat." "Come on." "Starved." "I am hungry." "There, you want those?" "Thanks very much." "God, they're absolutely beautiful." "Brandy, take care of them." "Very nice." "A little loving From the oven" "Couscous for everyone." "Wow, did you make that?" "Excuse me, what did you just say?" "Making, buying, it's all a very thin line." "Oh, my God." "I don't believe it!" "You know what's a thin line?" "Your outfit." "It's a thin line between late Cher and early Howard Keel." "Eat up." "Where we're going, you go before 1 0..." "... yougetagoodplacetodance and boys get in free." "Bring your dancing shoes?" "Can you dance shirtless?" "It happens there." "Are your nipples pierced?" "You have a "Mom" tattoo on your ass?" "You're not exactly a Muscle Mary, but I think you'll cut it." "You're smearing it." "I'll see what lover-boy's doing." "You can talk about me now." "We will." "A lot." "You want an Advil?" "How'd you know?" "The couscous." "l'll be right back." "Thanks." "Oh, God, I love this one." "It's brilliant." "I mean, the tartan's for shit." "What's wrong with the tartan?" "It's a Scottish thing." "I mean, from concept to execution, it's just sublime." "There you go, sweetie." "Thank you." "Your home base for everything." "From fast searches to shopping." "Get whatever you want" "Just an ad." "Now, don't be modest." "I know you won a Gold Pencil for this." "How do you know that?" "Well, I've got a day job as well, you know." "What do you do?" "I work in the dreaded world of advertising." "Oh, really?" "Oh, really." "What firm?" "Baker Bohanon." "Oh, my God, you're Chaz Watley!" "Oh, look." "Baby's famous." "Don't even go there." "You've been that Chaz Watley..." "... allthistime?" "Did you get the Dr. Diggity account?" "Oh, my God." "Nelson, just let it go." "Cherry doesn't care about things like that." "Oh, really?" ""Cherry doesn't care about things like that"?" "I bet Chaz cares about things like that." "Or do you two not talk to each other?" "I know Nelson cares about things like that." "She should've told me." "This is" "This is awkward. lf l'd known who you were, I wouldn't have" "What?" "You would've worn a dress?" "I don't think so." "You would've been especially nice to me?" "Yeah, something like that." "Thanks very much." "He's not here right now." "I said, he's not here right now." "Why are you calling here?" "How long have you been doing this?" "How long have you been calling here?" "I asked-- l can't-- l can't talk." "I can't talk right now." "I said, I can't talk to you right now." "is everything okay?" "Ten guesses who that was." "Shit." "So, how long has it been going on?" "lt's not what you think." "You've talked to her behind my back?" "Do you really want to talk about this now?" "No. I'm sorry." "Guys, I don't think I'm gonna go dancing tonight. I feel so tired." "Come on, sweetheart." "What was that all about?" "She gets migraines." "You know..." "... terribleheadaches." "No, the phone call." "Who was that?" "Her sister." "It's a long story, and I am not going to tell it." "Hey. I'm sorry about what happened down there." "That's okay, gives me a boost to know that you're not perfect." "Feeling better?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "Chaz told me it was your sister on the phone." "Why does it upset you so much?" "Remember talking about getting naked?" ""Naked with Sara Deever. " l think it's a good time for that." "Don't dodge me, talk to me." "Come get naked with me." "What happened?" "That's not fair." "You expect me to be so honest..." "... soforthcoming." "I do." "Because it's your month, Nelson." "Not mine." "Come on, you don't want to hear about stupid family stuff." "Don't be mad." "Please." "Please." "You're not feeling well, are you?" "Maybe tomorrow we'll get naked." "And tonight..." "... we'llwearPJs." "Every woman I know spends $200 on a haircut." "You use a vacuum cleaner." "Quit trying to change the subject." "You made a commitment, Nelson." "Our time isn't over." "It's one meeting." "Why is going to some powwow with this slicko guy, Vince, such a big deal?" "Because it's probably the chance of a lifetime, that's why." "If it's a whole lifetime, why not just postpone it for one more week?" "Sara, when Edgar Price says he'll meet you..." "... youdon'tsay:" ""Wait, how about next month?"" "You say, "Thank you, I'll be there. "" "He's one of the greats." "Where's my phone?" "I hate it." "Nelson!" "Nelson!" "Damn it." "We can take anything and just sell it, make it work." "Exactly. I mean, we've done very well with Telecomputer." "Actually, I'm sure you're aware of" "No, I wasn't." "We just won the Ad Age award for that spot." "I think that was last year's spot." "So we have a symbiosis, the two of us, as a team" "We know a lot of guys who do this for the awards, Mr. Price." "Not to say we don't get the awards" "But still..." "... we'renotaboutthe acclaim." "Handholding, dinners..." "... sendingprostitutesto theclient." "Prostitutes?" "Who sends prostitutes?" "Who doesn't?" "We're about the work." "If the work is great, it speaks for itself." "That's all I need to know." "But are you married, any kids?" "No, we've avoided the family thing for quite some time." "Most of our lives." "Good." "Because if you're worried about quality of life or paternity leave..." "... oranyof thatother New Age crap..." "... asmuchas Ilikeyou, we can stop right here." "I want to be your full-time commitment." "I can do that." "We still had two weeks to go." "What's two weeks?" "You're kicking him out anyway." "Good shot." "Thanks." "You know what?" "I should've locked him in there." "I should've tied him to the bed." "What, do you mean you didn't?" "It wouldn't have stopped him." "You can't force people to do what they don't want to." "That's the whole point of this thing, isn't it?" "Besides, I know guys like Nelson." "You may have bitten off more than you can chew this time." "That's what I like about him." "It's also what scares the hell out of me." "Just so you know, we've got a couple of great clients in our hip pockets." "Plus, some leads on some new accounts." "So we come to you fully loaded." "You're not selling me a car, Holland." "Frankly, I'm not impressed with you." "But your reputation precedes you." "And if I have to take him to get you, I will." "So here's my offer." "It's good as long as we're at this table." "Oh, my--!" "I'm so sorry!" "Excuse me." "That's okay." "Stop it." "You know, sweetie..." "... wearewhatwedoin thisworld, and you're a waitress." "All that requires is that you bring food and drink..." "... toandfromthe table without making a mess." "That's it." "So when you screw up something as incredibly simple as that..." "... itdoesn'tsayawhole hell of a lot about you, does it?" "I'm-- l'm sorry." "If you gave a penny for her thoughts, you'd get change." "They ought to fire her." "I always say a bad hire strengthens the competition's hand." "A good general feeds off his enemy." "Actually, Sun Tzu said that last line." "In The Art of War." "You're right, Nelson." "You're very smart." "Take a look, buddy." "Not interested." "You don't like my offer?" "It's not the offer I don't like." "It's you." "Nelson, wait" " Nelson!" "You know what?" "This isn't-- -l hope you can afford this." "Shit." "Oh, Jesus Christ... ." "What's wrong with you?" "You just shit in God's face." "If he's your god, you're in trouble." "He's not for me." "He's not for you?" "He is you." "You're cloned from the same DNA." "l'm not. lf l am, shoot me." "Where's the gun?" "It's my career too!" "You just blew it in there." "What is going on, man?" "I know what it is. lt's the girl." "The new mystery woman." "What's her name?" "Don't ignore me." "What's her name?" "Sara." "Don't you see what's happening?" "She has got your balls in a jar." "I'm your friend. I wouldn't lie." "You blew it in there." "l'm sorry I cost you your job-- l don't need your pity, Nelson." "You blew it!" "You're a loser, Nelson." "Loser!" "Fine. I don't need you, Nelson." "Have you ever heard of Phalaenopsis sanderiana?" "It reminded me of you." "You got the job, didn't you?" "Best offer anyone ever made me." "So when do you start?" "We had a little problem agreeing on that." "He suggested immediately." "I suggested..." "... never." "Never?" "Never." "Come on, let's keep Ernie." "Nope." "I found a home." "He's gotta go." "But you love this little monster." "Soon I'll love another little monster." "Cold, heartless woman." "What about vegan turkey stuffed with tofu and cranberries?" "Ordering sounds better." "We're not ordering Thanksgiving dinner." "It's the one time in life it's good to be "trad. "" "In that case, are you inviting your family?" "No." "Holiday fights are a little too traditional for my taste." "What do you fight about?" "Everything." "Religion, money, sex." "Sara's decisions." "Sara's unconventional ways." "Sara's lifestyle." "They think I'm a freak." "You are a freak." "Anyway, boring subject." "I'm sure they miss you." "I know they do." "You know, there's a good tradition called "making up. "" "You could try it." "Yeah." "Someday I'll have to do that." "Mind walking him down?" "Sure." "Thanks." "Come on, boy." "Say goodbye to Sara." "Bye." "Hey, come on, puppy." "Thanks." "Yeah." "Sure." "See you, Ernie." "Hey." "Why can't she keep one for a change?" "I guess she helps more this way." "I've been thinking." "Oh, yeah?" "If you want to adopt me, you can." "I mean, Father Sunday is on Monday." "It would be good timing." "I don't quite know what to say." "I'll tell you what..." "... Ican'tadoptyou ..." "... butI 'llcomewithyou to Father Sunday." "Promise?" "Promise." "Wait till my mom hears!" "Sara!" "I have an announcement to make." "What's wrong?" "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "What do you keep in there?" "Nothing." ""Nothing" doesn't require a lock." "What's wrong?" "So..." "... what'sthebigannouncement?" "Don't do the dodge." "Am I okay?" "No, I'm not okay." "I miss Ernie." "And I've got a migraine." "So..." "... what'syourbigannouncement?" "Marry me." "What?" "Will you marry me?" "Sara, I stood on the street..." "... andI realized..." "... thisisit ." "Life will never be better..." "... orsweeterthanthis." "I'm happy." "I'm in love." "Marry me." "That's incredibly sweet." "But you don't understand." "Yes, I do. lt all makes sense." "I want you." "I want this life." "Marry me." "Marry me, Sara." "l can't." "Why not?" "Because of me." "What about you?" "For God's sake, Sara." "Please, just" "Just tell me what's wrong." "Tell me the truth." "I can't." "Sara?" "Jesus." "I'm fine." "No, I'm fine." "l'm fine." "What the hell is going on?" "No, Nelson." "No, Nelson, no!" "No." "is this what you wanted to see?" "This is it!" "is this enough truth for you?" "Does this make you happy?" "Goddamn you!" "You just couldn't leave it alone!" "Sara, stop." "You just couldn't leave it-- God, just leave it alone." "It's non-Hodgkin's lymphoma." "It's a type of cancer." "You shouldn't have to find out like this. I'm sorry." "She's gonna be asleep for hours." "You want to go for a walk, have a chat or something?" "Yeah." "Yeah, okay." "You said she stopped her treatments a year ago?" "What about the pills?" "It just gets her through the day." "She stopped trying to beat it." "She did it all for a year." "Nothing worked." "Look, I'm no doctor, but when you're unchecked, wouldn't that--?" "Yeah." "It's spread everywhere." "How could she get involved with me and not tell me she was sick?" "I mean, what was she thinking?" "She was thinking you'd be the same as all the others." "She'd dump you after a month." "You've got to understand something." "She's completely powerless." "With these rules, you know..." "... theygiveherthe illusion and dignity of control." "It's kept her alive." "The rift with her family, that's what it's about?" "These rules." "Yeah." "Her family couldn't handle it." "They wouldn't let go." "They kept trying to run her disease." "So she took off." "And came here?" "She told me if she couldn't live a normal life..." "... shewasdeterminedtolive an abnormal one the best way she could." "I don't get it." "She loves life more than anyone I've ever met." "How can she just give up?" "You listening to anything I'm telling you?" "She's not giving up." "She's making the most of the time she's got left." "Don't mess with that." "I'm sorry." "I didn't want you to see any of this." "I wanted you..." "... toknowme lovinglife,youknow?" "Come here." "Will you do something for me?" "Anything." "Will you get me out of here?" "Take me home." "Okay." "Jesus." "They're here." "Hey, darling." "Hey, sweetie." "You're sick?" "You look fabulous." "Oh, this is just a lie." "You look great." "Want a nice, warm bath?" "Come on, sweetie." "We'll run you a bath." "What's on the menu tonight?" "We have lovely appetizers." "Nice codeine." "Codeine?" "What else?" "Donnatal, that's your favorite." "Come on, girl." "Let's get you in here." "Okay." "Nice and easy." "Sara, I know doctors I could call." "No doctors." "I'm gonna be fine, Nelson." "But you can't be here." "I don't want you here." "You can't see this." "Please, go." "Okay, okay, he's going." "I can't stand by and do nothing, just watch her... ." "Die?" "That's why she wants you to go." "Go on." "Hey, Abner." "Today's not gonna be a great play day." "I know." "It's gonna be Father Sunday." "Did you forget?" "Oh, God, I'm sorry, Ab. I can't." "But you promised." "I guess I don't have a dad." "I mean, I do, but I don't know who he is." "So I brought Nelson." "We do stuff, and it's fun, because he makes me feel smart." "I guess I feel like..." "... ifI gotintotrouble, he'd take care of me." "Kind of like a best friend, just bigger." "Thank you, Abner." "I guess I'll see you tomorrow." "I don't know." "I probably won't be here tomorrow." "How come?" "I gotta do some thinking, make a tough decision." "Sara thinks you don't respect her choices?" "Something like that?" "I don't know." "You always see that stuff on TV." "I think you're the coolest kid I've ever met." "l'll see you." "See you." "Take care." "Shit." "You all right?" "Yeah." "Yeah, I'm fine." "Good." "I was planning on serving the pumpkin on the floor, so this is... ." "This is really good." "Oh, God, Chaz." "Please tell me we're gonna have fun." "Thanksgiving's fun, right?" "It's fun." "It'll be a riot." "Come here." "Give us a cuddle." "I need some fun." "You know, he asked me to marry him." "He's not the first." "No, but it was the first time I wanted to say yes." "So why didn't you?" "Because, Chaz, I let the whole thing go too far." "Oh, yeah?" "Too far for who?" "Both of us." "Anyway... ." "No need to talk about it." "He's gone." "Well, you did kick him out." "He'll be back if you let him." "I don't want him to come back." "Right." "You know, it's okay to break your own rules, Sara." "You fell in love." "That's great." "It may not follow your master plan, but you can't control everything." "Okay, just stop it." "I really don't need this right now, Chaz." "Jesus!" "There's no rule that gives me the right to put him through all of this." "This hell." "I don't... ." "lt'll just hurt him in the end." "lt'll hurt, whatever you do." "We all will." "But..." "... ifI 'velearnedanything..." "... it'sthatyoushouldhave those who love you near..." "... aslongas youpossiblycan." "Yeah." "Toast!" "Toast." "Happy we-stole-your-land- and-killed-your-people day." "Oh, Al." "That's a good one, Al." "Here's to you." "Here you go, babe." "Here's to you." "Merry Christmas!" "Merry Christmas!" "Merry Christmas, Sara." "I think it's Thanksgiving, isn't it?" "Not for you." "You shouldn't have to wait." "Does anyone else have a sudden desire for Chinese food?" "Right on!" "Yeah." "It's good to see you, Nelson." "Do you know how the Chinese celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving?" "Ciao, Santa." "I thought you'd never get here." "Come on, let's go." "For you, my sweet Sara..." "... Ibringyou12gifts ofChristmas." "One:" "The famous Colombo log." "The salami that started it all." "Two:" "A kaleidoscope of a coiffeur, for the barking-mad pet crusader." "Number three:" "A bullwhip for the dizzy dominatrix." "So you can rule your world in style and whip me into shape." "Four:" "I present..." "... Sara,a custom-madefragrance capturing..." "... thatspecialsomething..." "... awomanleavesona man." "Nelson, this is... ." "Only the beginning." "Five:" "Why is Harriet so Hairy?" "The definitive guide to understanding our transvestite friends." "Six:" "Tiny bubbles, for those leisurely soaks we love so much." "Number seven:" "A hundred muni train tokens..." "... forthemany,many..." "... greatridesof yourlife." "Number eight:" "A collection of music to swoon by." "Which, by the way, happens to go very nicely with gift number nine:" "Dance classes." "Mildred's Academy of Dance, guaranteed to get you off my toes..." "... ina week." "You sure?" "l'm positive." "Number 1 0:" "For the gentle lady who hates doing dishes." "A dishwasher!" "Nelson, this is too much." "It's not enough." "Number 1 1 :" "Live, and in your apartment, back by popular demand..." "... Igiveyou..." "... Ernie!" "Hi, baby!" "I missed you." "And if this last gift doesn't prove how much I love you, nothing will." "Every month is November, Sara." "And I love you every day." "Nelson, there's" "This is our month, and it never has to end." "I surrender all attempts to control life..." "... yoursormine." "I live for one thing:" "To love you." "To make you happy." "To live firmly and joyously in the moment." "November is all I know." "And all I ever want to know." "What are you doing?" "Where are you going?" "Out." "This will give you time to get your stuff together." "So you can go." "Our month is over." "Sara, I'm not leaving." "Sara!" "Sara, stop!" "Sara, stop running." "Sara!" "Sara, please." "I'm not leaving you." "l know you love me." "l do." "I've never felt this." "I never thought I'd have the chance, and you gave that to me, Nelson." "Then why are you doing this?" "Because it's starting to happen." "I don't care." "Nelson, if you leave now, everything we had will be perfect forever." "Sara, life isn't perfect." "All we have is how you'll remember me." "And I need that memory to be strong and beautiful." "Don't you see?" "If I know that I'm remembered that way, then I can face anything." "Anything." "Nelson, you're my immortality." "I want to take care of you." "I'm gonna be all right." "I'm going home." "They know I'm coming." "I need to do this." "It doesn't seem" "Just like I need to know that you'll go on and have a beautiful life." "The one you deserve." "I only want you." "You have me..." "... forever." "Now let me go." "All right, Sara." "All right." "Close your eyes." "I love you, Nelson Moss." "I love you, Sara Deever." "Remember me." | {
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"(♪♪♪)" "♪ Young man goes out ♪" "♪ Looking for the diamond in the sea ♪" "♪ Old man rows his boat to shore ♪" "♪ And falls on twisted knees ♪" "♪ And you'll drown before the water lets you in ♪" "♪ And you'll drown before the water lets you in ♪" "(Water splashing)" "(Motorbike approaching)" "(Man 1 in Spanish) Tell me." "(In Spanish) Coast Guard." "(Man 2 in Spanish) I think we lost them." "(In Spanish) Did you?" "(In Spanish) Maybe." "(Footsteps thudding)" "(Squeaking and clanking)" "(Motorboat engine starts)" "(Footsteps thudding)" "(Man speaking Spanish)" "(All coughing)" "(All screaming and shouting)" "It was found pretty far south from where we discovered the body, but come on." "See why I'm thinking what I'm thinking?" "Hm?" "Yeah, I do." "(Kevin) Hey." " For me?" "You shouldn't have." " (Marco) Hey." " Hey, brother." " Hey, Kev." "(Kevin whistles)" " How you doing today?" " All right." "That's a piece of work." "You think there's any way you can tell me where this boat was built?" "Well, it's definitely been repurposed." "Cobbled together from God knows where." "Doubt it's local." "(John) Thanks for letting us tow it out here." "My God." "How many times do I have to tell you, John?" "Don't smoke and boat." "We've been over this 100 times." "Hey." "You helping Danny out with the truck?" "What an idiot." "What is he messing with that truck for?" " Your dad's truck?" " Yeah." "We can't find the parts for it." "Yeah, but are you helping with it?" "(Kevin) Yes!" "I'm gonna help him." "I'm gonna help him." "(♪♪♪)" "(♪♪♪)" "(Inaudible dialogue)" "(Robert) Hm." "You're right, my love." "(Chuckles)" "That's nice to know." "About what?" "Exactly what you're thinking." "Ha, I don't even know what I'm thinking." "How can you?" "That little critter." "He's in the same boat as us." "Just hanging on." "(Chuckles)" "Feel like playing that thing?" "(Sally laughing)" "No." "Guess not." "Feel like going home." "Our guys said they can't get us any point of origin information on this boat." "All the serial numbers, they were burned in the fire." "Is there any evidence the fire was started intentionally or caused by an explosion?" "No." "But, ahem, check out Page 3." "Right there." "Wait." "Go right there, right there." "(John clears throat)" "There." "The chemical markers in the boat's fuel matched that found on the, uh, girl." "She was on the boat, John." "For sure." "All right, well, let's start simple." "She's on the boat." "It was an accident." "End of story?" "No." "I ain't buying that shit." "No way a 15-year-old girl's gonna be on a boat like that." "Not alone." "Oh, no." "Very unlikely." "So there was someone else." "They killed her?" "Possibly, and/or immigration." "See, that's where my money's at." "Except she's not gonna cross the Gulf Stream on her own." "Maybe they made it to dry land." "So, what?" "We have fire." "Do I check burn wards for survivors?" "Burn wards." "That's what I'd do." "That's where I'd start." " Well, this looks like my signature." " I know." " Well, it's squiggly." " That's why I didn't file it." "You really expect me to read all this?" "I thought you and John and..." "What's his name?" "What's his name?" " Kevin." " Kevin, yeah." " You were gonna divide it equally." " It's whatever you like." "If you have anything you want me to explain or any questions, let me know." "I already signed it." "I know, Dad, but you were in the ICU." "I thought maybe you might have changed your mind, so I didn't file it." "Nothing's changed." "Danny is living and working at the inn now." "Oh, Danny." "Danny, Danny." "And he's doing a really good job." "Look, sunshine, what do you expect me to do with this, huh?" "I was hoping you and Danny could work things out." "But I'm your lawyer." "If that's what you want, I will file it today." " Did you hear me?" " Yes!" "Okay." "(Sighs)" "I'll think about it." "(♪♪♪)" "(Danny) Oh..." "Fuck me." "(♪♪♪)" "(Ignition clicks)" "You know, Danny's the one who saved you." "That's what you told me." "I asked him to stay." "I know you wanted him to leave, and I hope it doesn't upset you." "Whatever makes you happy." "(Sally) I missed you." "(Robert chuckling)" "(Sally) Good morning." " Thank you." " Guess who's upstairs winning another gold medal for snoring." " They cut him loose?" " With flying colors." "And he's okay with you being here." "Maybe I should stay with John for a couple days." " No." "He wants you here." " I don't mind." "We're gonna all be fine together." "(Chuckles)" "The beach looks perfect since you've been doing it." "We start fresh every day." "(Danny) Hm." " That's the word for it." " Yeah." "(Danny) Fresh start." "(Both panting and grunting)" "(Alec chuckles)" " I told you I liked compliance." " Shut it." "(Alec laughing)" "(Both sigh)" "You got something against a motel?" "Shit." "I gotta get ready for the meeting." "(Alec chuckles)" " You don't look sweaty at all." " It's a thousand degrees in here." "(Kevin) Okay, Reynolds, 27 boat slip, Hey There." "Gone for the season, but they said we could take her out." " (Little Jake) You got it." "What?" "What?" " (Kevin) Oh, fuck." "Fuck." "Dr. Sachs, he wanted us to put in a new jack plate by the end of next week when he gets back." " Three weeks is pushing it." " I know." "Please say we can do this." "Please." "I can't afford to lose this guy's business." " Come on." " We'll make it happen." " Thank you." "I love you." " I can't tell." " (Kevin) I love you." " (Little Jake) Yeah, yeah." "I love your pretty, round... (Rock music playing over speakers)" " Howdy, Kev." " Hey, Susie." "(Susie chuckling)" "Who do you think she's talking to?" "Well, they don't look like tourists." "Oh, fuck." "Nick the dick is home." "That fucking car." "Hey, how are you?" "(Man) Say yes." " (Nick) I'm here again." " (Susie) Hi, there." "I'm sorry, but it's just not gonna happen." "But how can you be so sure?" "(Meg) Look, you could lobby the committee for the next year." "But at the end of the day, they won't let you put in a landing strip." "Well, we cater to a clientele that expects that access." "You said there's nothing within the regulations that forbids it." "Right, but you hired me for my advice." "Even if the committee says yes, the community won't allow it." "But it's not impossible?" "(Meg) It'll be a waste of your time and your resources." "If it's a deal breaker, you might consider pulling out of the project." "Okay." "Well, is it a deal breaker?" " (John) Let's go, kids!" " (Kevin) Look alive, look alive!" "Here we go, Ben-o!" " (John) Come on, Benny!" " (Kevin) Look alive!" "Here we go, Jaguars!" " (Danny) Come on, Jaguars!" " (Kevin) Here we go." "Look alive, Ben!" "(Cheering) Here we go, Jaguars!" "Here we go!" " (Robert) What's he playing?" "Left field?" " No." "Coach Louie took..." "He's at third base right now, Pa." "He's at third base." "Get out of here!" "Hey, thanks for coming out today." "It means a lot to him." "It really does." "Thank you so much." "So how's he going in the old Jaguar tail department?" "Dude." "Shut up, man." "(All laughing)" "Dad..." " It's a compliment." " Inappropriate." "There are kids around." " (Robert) Jaguar what?" " Never mind, Dad." "I wished that I looked half as good as he did when I was his age." "I would have done a little better in the friendship department." "I'll wash your mouth with soap." " Jaguar tail. (Laughs) - (Kevin) Hey, Dad." "Dad!" "When did everybody get wrapped so tight?" "I thought I asked it quiet enough." " (John) Benny, you got this!" " (Kevin) Let's go, kid!" " Heads up!" " Go number two!" "(All chuckling)" "Number two?" " (Meg) The one in the center is new." " (Belle) Not fair." "Oh, she's always doing something out there." "Yoohoo!" " I forgot the tonic." " Oh, I brought it." "Nice." " Hey." " I'm so glad to be out of that hospital." "I wish I could stay longer." "Don't apologize today." "Come on." "(Meg) Yeah." "Just relax and have fun, Mom." "Let the wheels stop turning." "Well, I do really only have an hour." "Good, 58 more minutes." "Who's tending bar?" "I'll shake and stir." "Gotta be 5 p.m. somewhere." "I really did miss being with you guys." "Let's have a toast to Dad coming home." " Yeah." " Hey, Mama." "I'm sorry I didn't get to the hospital." "I'm not good at doing hospitals." "Oh." "Don't worry about it." "There's probably tequila if you want it, Mom." "I think somebody's trying to get me drunk." "Oh, look." " She just pours." " I just pour." "You get yourself drunk." "(All chuckle)" " Thank you, honey." " Oh, oh, oh, you guys move fast." "Ready?" "To Dad coming home." " To Dad coming home." "Eyes." " To Mom." " Mama, eyes." " (All) Eyes." " (Meg) Eyes." " This is creepy." "(Crowd chattering)" "(Woman) Go, boys!" "All right, boys, look alive!" "Here we go!" "Please, God." "Please, God." "Get a hit." "(Mosquito buzzing)" "(Kevin) Has he been sneaking beers in here or something?" "What?" "Look at Dad." "Let's go!" "I'll take him home." "No, leave him." "He needs his rest." "(♪♪♪)" "(Inaudible dialogue)" "Hey, Pop." "You want me to take you home?" "Nope." "(Sighs)" "What's the score?" "(All laughing)" "No, we should have it at the inn." "Oh, I would love to see Janie and her friends all dressed up." "(Soft folk music playing)" " I had mine on the front lawn." " (Belle) That could be fun." "Oh, it was so fun!" "Do you remember...?" "Until Kevin and John crashed the party and started singing with the band, trying to impress my friends." "My husband should never be near a microphone." "(Sally) Never let him sing in front of the children." "(Diana) Janie's talking about wanting to keep it real small." "Kevin told me about what happened." "I just..." "If you want to talk, I'm here." " Thanks." "Not now." " (Diana) She wants it on the boat." "Have an overnighter with her best friends." "Oh." " Is she old enough for that?" " One of us would go with them." " I mean..." " (Sally) Oh!" "Then that's fine." "I wanna be with my friends and parents on a boat in the middle of the ocean." "What do you think's gonna happen?" " I don't know." " She's 16." "Well, I just was a little bit worried there for a second." "(Belches)" " (Sally) Whoa!" " (Meg) Ew!" "God." " Well done." " (Diana) Did you hear that?" " Yes!" " (Sally) Okay, that's it." "I'm done." "Give me another glass of chardonnay." " (Robert) Thanks." " (John) You coming?" " (Robert) Yep." "Yep." " (John) You all right?" "Yeah?" "That was a pretty good catch old Ben made, huh?" "In left field." " Yeah." " Out of bounds." "Dad, you gave, uh..." "You gave myself, Meg and Kevin the decision on whether" "Danny was gonna stay or not." "You remember that, don't you?" "I remember that." "We decided all together that he shouldn't stay, but I..." "I told Danny that that was your decision." "I lied." "I'm sorry." "I..." "Well, we all lie." "(Kevin) How's it going?" "(Danny) This fucking thing, man." "You know, I just..." "I can't get this thing to turn over." "Didn't I tell you not to start messing with this truck?" "Who told you not to mess with this truck?" "Could have tried some reverse psychology." "Hey, you got any ideas?" "Look, changed the carb." "Changed the battery." "Changed all the ignition shit." "I still can't get it to turn over." "What about the cap and rotor?" " Did you?" " No." " Fine." "I'll look at it." " Yeah?" "Because I gotta go do the welcome tour." " All right." "Go." "Go." " All right." "Thanks, man." "Ugh." "If you're doing the tour, take a shower." " (Danny) Oh, you think?" " Yeah." "You smell like ass." "(Danny) Fucking hell." "That's the pot calling the kettle black." "I mean, man." "You're the fucking smelliest motherfucker in the family." "(Laughing) That's it, you motherfucker." "You'd better run." "(Cell phone ringing)" " Rayburn." " John." "Yeah, I got a call on my way in." "I think we may have caught a break." "I'm at the Oceanside Marina." "Can you make it down here?" "So how's everything going?" "Well, I got a call from Mr. Morris late last night." "He's decided not to move forward with the project here." "Oh." "Yeah, he's gonna start looking at other locations." "Well, that's probably the best decision." " Thank you for letting me know." " Of course." "I hope your firm was happy with the service." "Actually, that's something I wanted to discuss with you." "Alec mentioned it, but I would have said the same thing." "We were all very happy." "Frankly, impressed." "Have you ever considered joining a larger firm?" "(Laughs) Oh, God." "Uh..." "I have a lot of FSU law friends who did." " Yeah?" " Yeah." "Miami, D.C., Houston." " I did my third year summer in Dallas." " Mm." "So I've seen that world." "Yeah?" "Any appeal?" "Oh..." "I don't know." "Work 80 hours a week." "Just to make enough to vacation in a place like this." "Fair enough." " I'm gonna tell you a little secret." " Yeah." "I actually don't give a shit about the law." " Does anybody?" " (Laughs) I don't know." "But I do like helping people." "And I get to do a lot of different stuff here." "Family law, estate planning." "I help my parents with their business." " That's great." " My family lives here." "We're very close." "No, I get it." "I'm from a big family myself." " Vermont." " Oh." "A place almost as beautiful as this." " Without the heat, of course." " Oh, God." "I don't know how the fuck you people do it down here." "Unbelievable." "Thank you." "(Waitress) Uh-huh." " Have you ever been to New York?" " (Meg) A couple of times." "It's a completely different world there." "You could really stretch yourself." "Personally, it'd be great to have someone like you." "Someone with your perspective working at the firm." "You should give it some thought." "I appreciate that." "Don't appreciate it." "I want you to consider it." "Let us fly you up there." "Show you around the firm." "You can meet some people." "Um, I..." "I'm flattered." "Truly." "Thank you." "Okay." "Oh, and just between us..." "I put in 60 hours, tops." "Gas with the same chemical marker found on the boat and on the girl was stolen from here two weeks ago." " What about those?" " Yeah, I saw that." "Owner said the cameras have been here since he bought the place." "They never worked." "Well, that's useful, isn't it?" "The only other place where you can get gas with this same exact chemical marker is south of Marathon." " Marathon, huh?" " Yeah." "So they steal the fuel, they fill the boats, they take them back wherever they came from." "And it explodes." " Your eyes all right?" " Yeah, why?" "Just wondering." "Hey, why don't you find out who owns this boat?" "Why?" "Because of that." "Ah, come on." "I mean..." "All right." "Eight a.m. to 11 a.m., then we begin serving lunch at midday." "That goes to 2, 2:30." "And later on this afternoon, near sunset, we're gonna take you out on a cocktail cruise." "What a depressing place to grow up." "Yeah." "Yeah, it's the worst." "(Pearl) Mom, Mom!" "(Ginny) Dad." "There are flowers growing out of the trees." "Where?" "Why don't you show them, girls?" "Please, after you." "(Danny) Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah." "That is Mama Ray's handiwork right there." "(Ginny) Can we pick them?" "(Vera) We can enjoy looking without touching." " (Ginny) Can I put one in my hair?" " (Pearl) I'll climb and get it." "Look, I'll see what I can do, okay?" "(Ukulele playing)" "Oh, that's my dad." "That's my dad." "That's Papa Ray." "Wave and say, "Hi, Papa Ray."" "(All) Hi, Papa Ray." "Actually, out on this cruise that we're gonna go out to is the best place anywhere to see the sunset." "Which is a great Keys tradition." "Also, Didi makes a mean margarita." " Now, that's what I could use." " (Danny) Yeah." "Long flight?" " Bumpy." " I'm not the greatest of flyers." "Well, you're here now." "The only thing you gotta worry about is not worrying." " (Ronald) Sign us up for that, yeah?" " (Danny) Cool." "Let's bring you over to the bar, and let you get one of those margaritas." "How about that?" "Oh, look." "The ladies look like they're enjoying themselves already." "The big questions here are salt or no salt." "And that's it." "It starts quick once you get here." "And we try to do everything we can to make sure you don't have to do anything." "Oh, we know this at the inn... (Inaudible dialogue)" "And to that end, anything that you guys think of that you need, any questions you have, anything, please don't hesitate to ask me or one of our... (Rock music playing over speakers)" "(Camera shutter clicking)" "(Kevin) Nicky!" "(Nick) Kevin." "I thought we lost you to those Berkeley fuckers for good." " Stanford." " Mm." "My bad." "So, what are you doing home?" " You miss the fishing?" " I came to help my mom." "She officially put the property back on the market." " We got a few buyers." " Yeah, I saw." "Those Merrill Lynch-looking douche bags." "Looking for some property to build a vacation home together?" " They're developers." " Developers." " What do they want to develop?" " It's not really my business." "Or yours." "I'm sure they'll clean this place up though." "Even Florida deserves a bit of class." "Listen, Nick, I wanna make an offer." "(Nick scoffs)" "We seem to be pretty far downfield with these guys." "Besides, how can you afford it?" " You're barely staying afloat as it is." " I'm doing just fine." "Okay, Kev." "(Man speaking indistinctly on monitor)" "(Marco) Yeah, it's a good thing you made me get this footage." "Heh." "(John) There." "(Marco) All right." "(Typing on keyboard)" "I'm trying to back it up." "(John) Just hold it there, would you?" " They can't get any clearer on that?" " No." "I mean..." "You've asked?" "No." "You know what?" "I'll ask." "I'm pretty sure this was the best they could do." "You know?" "It's great to see you up and back in action, Pop." "It really is." "You look good." " Play something." " What?" " Anything." " I don't know anything." "I never knew how much that thing... reminded me of this place until you weren't here to strum it." "We missed it." "Oh, hey, Dad." "I gotta be honest." "I'm really surprised." "Danny's really, uh..." "I think he's actually..." "He's actually turning it around this time, you know?" "He's doing great." "Yeah." "You know, I was watching that young Ben in the game, and... that big, strapping kid." "And I was wondering when you're gonna have a boy." "Huh?" "I hear you, okay?" "We're working on it. (Laughs)" "Soon enough." "Don't worry." "I'm working on it." "Yeah." "Yeah." " You sure you're all right?" " Yeah, I'm good." "I'm great." "Well, you're young yet." "Heh." "(♪♪♪)" "(Kevin whistling)" "(Kevin) Did I just fuck these up?" "I think I did." "(Engine sputtering)" "Hold on." "Hold up." "All right." "(Engine sputtering)" "(Engine starts, then revs)" "(Kevin laughing)" "(Horn honking)" "(♪♪♪)" "(♪♪♪)" "(Squawking)" "(Coroner) Female." "Hispanic." "Burns." "Everything's consistent with the other girl, except that this body's been in the water longer." "So I'm gonna have to take a closer look." " Talk to you soon." " (Coroner) All right, guys." "Be well." "That's a second body." "But we don't know if they were on the same boat." " Sure we do." " We'll see when we get the tests back." "We don't need tests." "Let's say that they were on the same boat." "It could have just been an accident." "You really believe that's an accident?" "Well, the evidence isn't saying otherwise, so, yeah, I do." "Two Hispanic teenagers." "Girls." "Both burned." "Both on the same boat." "What the fuck does that tell you?" "Immigration run gone bad." "(Ringtone playing on cell phone)" " Yeah?" " (Man) O'Bannon." "Oh, hey." "I got another job for you." " Uh, great." " You prep those cans?" "Yeah." "Yep." "Doing it right now." "How big a delivery you thinking?" "Thinking two, three dozen." "Later this week." " Okay." " Is that a problem?" "Yeah." "No, no, no." "That's no problem." "Absolutely." "I'm good." "We need this done quick." " Okay." " When can you have it done?" "Uh..." "Any night you want works." "You keep doing things right and I'm planning more work for you." "Okay." "Very cool." "Yeah, you know how to get in tou..." "You just call..." "(Plays note)" "(Sighs)" "(Robert tuning ukulele)" "(Danny grunting)" "(Continues grunting)" "Ladies, I cannot be the only one who's wearing these." "Okay?" "So pick a pair." "Any pair." " She's scared." " No, I'm not!" " Are too." "You said so." " You said you were." "Okay, okay, ladies." "No, no, no." "There's nothing to be scared about." "You know, I'm the best swimmer in the whole of the Keys." "So you're safe with me." "Dad, they're scared." " Yeah, I don't blame them a bit." " Hey, you gonna be around later?" " (Robert) Yeah." "Sure." " (Danny) I have a surprise for you." "That man there..." "That's my dad." "He taught me how to swim." "He taught me good." "Now I'm gonna teach you guys." "And one day, I'm sure, you guys are gonna teach someone else." "I think my mom's pregnant." "There you go!" "All right." "There you go." "Come on, let's pick a pair." "Let's pick a pair." "Take a look." "See what you like." "That's good." "They look like they're gonna fit." "Get the other one?" "That's good." "They wanna feel too tight here so that when we're in the water, they fit you perfect." "You don't have to put them on here!" "You don't have to be a jackass like me." "Just pick a pair." "But let's go." "(♪♪♪)" "(Inaudible dialogue)" "(Danny) That fits you good." "You ready to put the other one on now?" "Don't be scared." "Go ahead." "Put the other one on." "Yeah, that's good." "You want them under your feet." "(Woman speaking indistinctly)" " Hey." "You wanted to see me?" " (Meg) Hi." "Yes." " It's about work." " Oh, the project's dead." " I thought Susannah talked to you." " She did." "But, uh, she offered me a job." "Yeah." "Well, an interview." "Congratulations." "Is it your way of getting me to New York?" "(Chuckles) What?" "I don't need your help with my career." "Okay?" "I like what I do." "I'm fine here." "I'm glad." "Thank you." "That was very nice of you to put in a good word." "You're welcome." "I didn't." " She said you mentioned it." " All I said was you did a great job." "So if you impressed her, that's on you." " You don't believe me?" "Meg." " No." "I don't." "Susannah has her own firm." "She has her own hiring practices." "I would never tell her what to do." "She wouldn't listen to me anyway." "Okay." "Get used to the fact that if she wants you, it's based on merit." "Think you can handle that?" " Of course I can." " Okay." "So you interested in the offer?" "(Robert) ♪ I've been in the bend too long ♪" "(Robert playing ukulele)" "♪ I was alone in the bend ♪" "♪ I was alone in the bend ♪" "♪ I was alone, my friend ♪" "♪ I lived down in the bend ♪" "♪ And I was alone in the bend ♪" " Hey." " Hi." "(Continues playing ukulele)" "Made any decisions?" "(Chuckles)" "It's no rush." "I mean, we shouldn't take too long." "We should file something." "I'm closing in on it." "You remember that song...?" " How...? "I've been in the bend"?" " Uh-huh." "Yes." "♪ I've been in the bend so long ♪" "♪ I've been in the bend so long ♪" " It's the bend, right?" " Yes." "It's the bend." "(Robert laughing)" "♪ I've been in the bend too long ♪" "(Cell phone ringing)" "Yeah." "(Clears throat)" "Yeah." "We still on?" "All right." "I'll see you in about five minutes." "All right." "(Upbeat rock music playing over speakers)" " (Laughs) - (Danny) Yeah!" "Hi, honey!" "Hi, sweetheart." "♪ Or why I came ♪" "(John) Watch out he doesn't kick that gas and you go flying back." "And he went around in the fishing boat." "♪ I'm the last of the good old-fashioned ♪" "♪ Steam-powered trains ♪" "And they must have had three campers." "Big, strapping guy." "You know, as best I could." "Howdy." "(John) Good job." "♪ I'm the last of the good old-fashioned ♪" "♪ Steam-powered trains ♪" "♪ I'm the last of the good old-fashioned ♪" "♪ Steam-powered trains ♪" "(Sally) So I should wait to start cooking?" "(Robert) It won't be long." "I'm just going to have a beer with the boys." " Oh, great." " You can start without me." "Oh, I can wait." "Whatever suits you." "Maybe I'll just catch up with the newspaper." "Have you thought about things?" "I mean..." "We have to file the will." "There's nothing to discuss." "You're not dying." "You're doing your exercises." "You're doing everything they ask you to do." "Sal..." "I don't wanna talk about it, Robert." "I don't need to think about who's gonna run the inn." "I am." "You are." "You're not going anywhere." "So there's no need to talk about a will." "(Robert) Well, this is a good place." "I haven't been here in years." " What are you drinking?" " Um, I thought we'd sit out back." "Okay, I'll tell them to let Kevin and John know." "Um..." "Actually, they're not coming." "(Robert) So how you feeling?" "(Danny) You getting tired of being asked that 50 times a day, thought you'd try it out on me?" "(Robert) You wanna sit with us?" "(All chuckling)" "(Country music playing over speakers)" "You supposed to be drinking?" "No, I'm supposed to be dead." "Kind of hard to care about things like drinking." "(Sighs)" "You know what I like about you and me, Danny, is that we can lay all our cards on the table." "You know, there's no bullshit." "What's going on, Pop?" "Well..." "I want you to go." "I want you to leave and not come back." "(Chuckles)" "It's never worked out with you being here, has it?" " But why do you think that is?" " I don't know." "I don't know exactly." "Yeah, you do." "Yeah, you know." "You know." "Too many memories." "I don't remember anything." "Bad things." "Bad things." "Bad things follow you around, don't they?" "I saved your life." "I want to stay and you're kicking me out?" "No, I'm not." "I'm your son." "I gotta do what's right for everybody." "For the family..." "Here." "Here." "Take this." "And use it however you want." "Start brand-new or something, you know?" "Do something for yourself." "I'm too old to start brand-new." "I'm too old for that." "Don't you want it?" "You want it?" "Yeah." "Yeah." "Yeah, I want it." "And more." "(Chuckles)" "Because it feels to me like we're in a negotiation now." "So why don't you come talk to me when you're sitting at my table?" " Do you know how much money this is?" " It's not enough." "That's not enough." "I know I'm not in the will." "Why don't you show me what it's worth to you?" "I mean, really show me what it's worth to you to protect your family." "Rayburns." "Go on." "Show me." "Not just tell me about it." "Really show me." "I am showing you!" "That's not enough." "I mean, I will leave." "For a price." "Okay." "Okay." "Tomorrow morning... you tell me your price, and I'll wire it to you wherever you are." "I will." "I'll wire it to you." "Deal." "You will never see my face again, Dad." "(♪♪♪)" "(Inaudible dialogue)" "♪ The losers, we started winning ♪" "♪ With a bar full of toothless grinning ♪" "♪ Spouses are bound to grieve ♪" "♪ And it's all our fault ♪♪" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"This is Michael Bluth." "For 10 years, he's worked for his father's company... waiting to be made a partner." "And right now, he's happy." " This is Michael's mother." " Look what they've done, Michael." "She isn't happy." "Look what the homosexuals have done to me." "You can't just comb that out and reset it?" "Currently, she's upset that her husband's retirement party... is being upstaged by a group of gay protesters." "We're here!" "We're queer!" "We want to get married on the ocean!" "Everything they do is so dramatic and flamboyant." "It just makes me want to set myself on fire." "Good grief, Mother." "Not all homosexuals are flamboy..." "Oh, my God!" "I have the exact same blouse." "This is Michael's twin sister, Lindsay." "I like it better on him." "As a youthful act of defiance, Lindsay married... this man." "They moved to Boston, where they've become celebrated... for their wine and cheese fund-raisers." "Oh, no." "I'm completely stuffed." "Michael and his sister haven't spoken in a year." "Neither has acknowledged this." "And this is Gob, Michael's oldest brother." "So, this is the magic trick, huh?" "Illusion, Michael." "A trick is something a whore does for money." "Or candy." "Gob recently started the Alliance of Magicians... an organization that blackballs any performer... who reveals a magician's secret." "And finally there's Buster..." " Hey, Buster." " the youngest of Michael's siblings." "You know, you don't need to do that, buddy." "It's okay." "Thanks to the family's largesse, Buster has studied everything... from Native American tribal ceremonies... to cartography, the mapping of uncharted territories." "Hasn't everything already sort of been discovered, though... by, like, Magellan and Cortés?" " Oh, yeah, yeah." " All those folks." "Those guys did a pretty good job... but there's still, you know..." "He also suffers from crippling panic attacks." "Yes, this is his family." "So why is Michael so happy?" "Because he's decided to never speak to these people again." "Michael was feeling more generous about his family... on the morning of the boat party." "What comes before anything?" "What have we always said is the most important thing?" " Breakfast." " Family." "Family." "Right." "I thought you meant of the things you eat." "This is Michael's son, George Michael." "I mean, we have made nothing but sacrifices for this family... and tonight it all pays off, my boy." "Tonight your granddad makes me partner." "To prove his dedication to the family business..." "Michael has decided to live here..." "in the model unit... ofhis father's latest housing tract." "The guys live in the attic so that the house... can still function as a pristine selling tool." "And when I do get that promotion..." "I'll finally be able to get you what you deserve." "Like a real home." "This is a real home." "No, it's not." "It's a fake home, son." "You want the loops or the flakes today?" "The guys then headed down to Balboa Island... so George Michael could work at the frozen banana stand... his grandfather started in 1953." "Bananas." "Michael, meanwhile, was meeting his brother Gob... hoping to discuss his father's boat party." "Do you have your check for your share of the party?" "You know, I sort of thought my contribution... could be a magic show." " Oh, that's perfect, Gob." " Thank you." "I just remembered something." "Dad's retiring, not turning six." "Hey, come on!" "I just bought this new illusion called the Aztec Tomb." " It cost like 18 grand!" "I'm gonna do it on the boat." " I don't care." "What do you care?" "Can't you just charge the party to the company?" " It's not a business expense." " So what?" "Lindsay's been staying at the Four Seasons for a month." "She's probably charging the company." "Lindsay's been in town for a month?" "I don't think so." "Michael was upset to hear this... so he went to discuss it with his mother." "Mom!" "Mother!" "Give me your company checkbook." "You're cut off." "Michael, look." "Look what happened to my fox." "Someone cut off his little foot." "Is it..." "Is it noticeable?" "You've gotta remember..." "you're gonna be all splattered in red paint." "That's gonna distract the eye." "I don't want you charging any more of your personal expenses to the company." "Well, I had to pay for the Aztec Tomb." "Gob says it's a career maker." "Wait a minute." "The company paid for the Aztec Tomb?" "That's great." "Well, I was talking about Lindsay, okay?" "You put her in a five-star hotel, on top of which you didn't tell me she was in town." "If you're saying I play favorites, you're wrong." "I love all my children equally." "I don't care for Gob." "Good grief." "I dipped into the kitty a couple of times." "You should be focused on tonight." "Dad's making a big announcement." "Yeah?" "I knew it." "It's about me, isn't it?" "I wonder how I can talk you out of ever making that face again." "Michael!" "Tobias." "How are you?" "Good, good." "How's your job search comin'?" " It's good." "It's going to be good." " Yeah?" "Great." "I'm hoping the universe provides a path for me." "Tobias recently lost his medical license... for administering C.P.R. to a person who, as it turned out... was not having a heart attack." "Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight, start a career as a pirate." "I haven't packed for that." " Couldn't find a thing." " Lindsay!" " Michael!" " How was your flight?" " Great." "Great." "We just got in." " He knows." "A month ago." "Oh, I'm sorry." "I've been meaning to call you." " I really have." " Really?" " It's just been very busy." " Ugh!" "It's been crazy." "We just had an amazing fund-raiser for HOOP." " HOOP?" " My anti-circumcision movement." "I think it looks frightening when it's cut off." "It's a Doberman." "Let it have its ears." " Hmm." " Believe it or not... we brought in over $40,000." "Unbelievable." "Sounds like you saved enough skin to make 10 new boys." "Well, most of that money was from the Bluth Company." "I mean, how... are you?" "Still good." "You know what?" "You guys have had your hands in the company coffer for years." "But starting tomorrow, there is going to be a new boss in town... and you're all gonna have to start fending for yourselves." "You're all gonna finally feel that sweet sting of sweat in your eyes." "As..." "Buster!" "You can't do that on the balcony, buddy?" "Mom says it's too windy." "Who could've done this?" "While Michael was getting fed up with his family..." "George Michael was finally getting to know them." "Um, yeah." "I bought a frozen banana... and when I bit into it, I found this." " Looks like a foot." " It tasted like a foot." "Which I didn't really mind, but I'm pretty sure I said no nuts." "Hey, you're my cousin, aren't you?" "Maybe." "This is George Michael's cousin, Maeby." " I can't believe you didn't recognize me." " We never see you." "We never see anybody in our family." "I know." "It's our parents' faults." "We should teach them a lesson." "Yeah." "No." "I don't think so." "I should go to my mom tonight... and be like, "I met the cutest guy."" "And then she'll see you and me totally making out." "But..." "But not really, right?" "It's perfect." "She'd freak out... and I'd be like, "If we saw each other more often, this wouldn't happen."" " But we're cousins." " That's what makes it funny." " But isn't it against the law?" " Come on, George Michael." "Tobias, now believing the boat party to be pirate-themed..." " You look like a pirate!" " began searching through his wife's luggage for an outfit." "I should say so!" "Look at the blouse, sir!" "Then, mistaking a group of garishly dressed men for pirates..." "Tobias boarded a van full ofhomosexuals." "Soon he was unwittingly part of a protest against the local yacht club." "How are you?" "Oh, my God!" "I have the exact same blouse." "I like it better on him." "And Michael's big moment finally came." "I give you the new C.E.O. for the Bluth Company." "Certainly the smartest Bluth." "My favorite Bluth." "And the, uh, sexiest creature I have ever laid eyes on." "My lovely wife, Lucille." "Mom!" "Mom, congratulations!" "Sorry." "It's not the right time." "I'm not gonna lie to you, Michael." "This is great news for HOOP." "Hey." " You okay?" " You and I, we've waited long enough." "It's time to move on." "All right?" "I guess we're gonna see you guys even less now." "I told you." "We should've taught them a lesson." "Lindsay, I want you in this picture." "Come on." "All right." "Let's see some smiles, people." "It's a..." "It's a party, not a shareholders' meeting." "Are those police boats?" "No, I'm serious." "I think they are police boats." "Prepare to be boarded." "Prepare to be boarded." " I knew it was against the law." " That's the Securities and Exchange Commission." " They have boats?" " Give me a cell phone." "Lindsay, Buster, up to the bridge!" "Come on, Buster!" " Almighty good grief." " Delores, listen to me." " Out of my way!" " Empty the account." " Out of my way!" " Why are you crying?" "Why are you crying?" "Out of my way!" "Out!" "Out!" "Out!" "Lindsay, take the wheel!" "Buster, find us a channel to the ocean!" "Gee, I don't have any mapping equipment with me." "You've had $80,000 worth of cartography lessons." "Get us a channel to the ocean!" "Okay." "Okay." "Okay." " Can you hear me now?" " Obviously this blue part here is the land." "That would mean..." "Oh, Buster, Buster." "You'll be all right." "Shredder." "No." "Save it." "Save it." "Shredder." "Please don't leave us now, Buster!" "Please!" " Get in the tomb." "The Aztec Tomb." " Save it." "Shred it." "Hold on." "I don't have time for your magic tricks." "Illusions, Dad!" "You don't have time for my illusions!" "What is wrong with you?" "Why are you so angry?" "Look." "Just stay in the box." "I'll make you disappear." "The Bluth family dominated the news that night." "Bluth Development Company president George Bluth... was arrested tonight for defrauding investors... and using the company as his personal piggy bank." "More intrigue on the high seas tonight... as dozens of local pirates were arrested... for protesting the yacht club's discriminatory policies." "Even Michael's brother Gob made the news." "It was Mr. Bluth's son Gob, a part-time magician... who hid his father here in the Aztec Tomb." "By pushing on this pivoting panel..." "I have to think the Alliance is gonna frown on this." "Perhaps a good trick for a human... but the dogs found him almost instantly." "Free at last, darlings." " I'm all right." " Thank God." "Oh, what an adventure." "Oh, my goodness!" "Buster!" "Don't do that." "What an adventure, gang." "I thought that the homosexuals were pirates... but it turns out that most of them were actors in the local theater." "You're right though." "It is amazing." "I've been waiting for the universe to provide a path for me, and... and I think it has." " You're gay?" " No." "No." "I'm not..." "I'm not gay." "No." "Lindsay, how many times must we have this..." "No." "I want to be an actor." "Okay, guys." "Um, they are gonna keep Dad in prison... at least until this gets all sorted out." "Also, the attorney said they're gonna have to put a halt on the company's expense account." "Interesting." "I would have expected that after the "keeping Dad in jail."" "You know, Michael, Dad did name Mom as his successor." " And I'm putting Buster in charge." " That's a good choice." "Buster?" "The guy who thought that the blue on the map was land?" " He's had business classes." " Wa-Wa-Wa-Wait." "Eighteenth-century agrarian business." "But I guess it's all the same principles." "Are you at all concerned about an uprising?" "That's it." "I'm done." "I'm sick and tired of the greed and the selfishness and the taking." "Forget it." "I've got a son to think about." "And, Lindsay, by the way, I expected this from them... because they're completely oblivious." "But you..." "you should know better." "In the days that followed, Lindsay had no choice... but to check her family out of the hotel earlier than planned." "And her husband started looking for work." "My name is Dr. Tobias Fünke." "I was Chief Resident of Psychiatry at Mass General for two years... and I did my fellowship in psycholinguistics at M.I.T." "And this is "I'm a Bad, Bad Man" from Annie Get Your Gun." "Lucille was finding it difficult to go about her daily life." "The S.E.C. is making him out to be some kind of mastermind, which... believe me... he's not." "The man can barely work our shredder." "Michael was able to secure a job with a rival housing company almost immediately." "We'll set you up in Arizona in one of our finest estates." "Attic or main house?" "And Buster was discovering his academic pursuits... didn't fully prepare him for his new responsibilities." "Have you looked at the latest figures on the Sudden Valley expansion... vis-à-vis the development versus the tax..." " You guys are so smart." " Two percent per annum." "This is a non-recoupable..." "We need Michael." " We need ice." " Michael." "We need Michael." "And so the family staged an intervention." "I'm sorry." "What exactly is this intervention for?" "We need you to come back and run the business." "Okay." "So technically it's not really an intervention." "It's more of an imposition." " Whatever you want to call it." " I'd love to call it an imposition." "We're in trouble here, Michael." "And I can't perform my magic." "I'm getting blackballed from even the smaller venues." "I'll be honest." "I'm just more comfortable with an Alliance-approved magician." "Give 'em a hell of a show, champ." "off, traitor." "Can you believe this?" "They're still fighting." "Yeah, I know." "I'm tempted to kiss again so we could teach 'em a lesson." "Why would that teach them a lesson?" "No, I mean, uh, to freak them out." " That doesn't make any sense." " Isn't that what makes it funny?" "I'm laughing." "Go fish..." "Uno..." "Okay." " I just need a drink." " Well, I'm sorry." "It's just too late." "I'm moving to Phoenix." "I got a job." "Something you apply for, and then they pay you to, uh..." "Never mind." "I don't want to ruin the surprise." "So, no hard feelings." "Adios." "Sayonara." "I'll see you when the first parent dies." "Well, I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona." " Touché." " George Michael, grab the coat." "I think Dad would really want you to help us out here." " Dad's in jail." "Here we go." " Well, the least you could do is say good-bye to him." "In fact, Michael had not spoken to his father since the arrest... and he decided to give his father the courtesy of a formal resignation." " I quit." " Probably a good career move." "You know, I parked in the same spot for the last five years." "I was there on time every single day." " Mike..." " I was so loyal." "I worked so hard." " Why didn't you just put me in charge?" " Michael, listen to me." "These guys, the S.E.C., they've been after me for years." "I put you in charge, you're gonna be wearing one of these jumpsuits too." " I could've helped..." " You'd be an accomplice." "No." "It had to be your mom." "They cannot arrest a husband and wife... for the same crime." "Yeah, I don't think that that's true, Dad." "Really?" "I got the worst..." "attorneys." "With Michael leaving town..." "Lindsay decided to take inventory of the family's last remaining asset:" "their model home." " What are you doing?" " Packing up." "What are you doing?" "Well, just looking for... you." " To say good-bye to you." " Gonna miss you guys." "Oh, well." "We'll come out and see you in..." "Yeah." "We'll miss you too." "It's been nice having you guys around..." "you know, to talk to." "Well, since Mom died, it's been kind of lonely and..." "I just wish we could all stay here." " l..." "I need a hand with the van, please." " Okay." "Sorry." "Well, l-I guess he really misses his family." " Well, he doesn't know us very well." " Yeah, clearly." "Let me ask you a question." "Where the hell have you been?" "Why didn't you call me?" "Look at my life, Michael." "Tobias is out of work." "We're in debt." "It's..." "What are you doing?" "Are you trying to cry?" "I'm sad." "Life is hard right now." "I've got theJ.D.L. on my ass." " J.D.L.?" " Jewish Defense League." "Oh, the circumcision thing?" "This is why I was against HOOP." " Why didn't you just mind your own business?" " This is why I didn't call you!" " You're so judgmental." " No, I'm not judgmental." " And you're disappointed in me." " I'm not disappointed in you." " You are." " So I'm disappointed in you." "But come on." "What is not disappointing about my life?" "Dad didn't give me the promotion." "Dad's in jail." "How disappointing is that?" " We're a disappointing family." " We're an incredibly disappointing family." "But we are a family, and I want my son to be happy." "So maybe we should be in each other's lives." " I'd like that." " Yeah?" " Seriously, you're gonna pull a muscle." " I used to be able to do this." "So Michael decided to stay in California... and try to save the family business." "And for the first time ever, he gathered his family together in the model home." " Dad was always banker, so there was no beating him." " Totally." "He should've been stocking up on those "get out of jail free" cards." " Good one, George Michael!" " Very good." " Two hundred for Short Line." " I wish you guys didn't have to go so soon." "Oh, on that subject, these guys are actually gonna be staying with us." "For a while." "Just your aunt and her husband." "Not Gob." " Really?" " Yeah." "What the hell, huh?" "Family first." "It is gonna be a little crowded, so you're gonna have to share a room with your cousin." "On the next Arrested Development..." "George Michael gets a new roommate." "It was really your brother we were interested in." "I mean, you don't even have any references." "Is that enough of a reference for you?" "And Michael finds it difficult to get his father out of jail." "You love it here?" "Oh, I'm having the time of my life!" "Hey, T-Bone." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Hey, Robyn." "It's good to see you again." "Now according to your chart, your hair has been falling out, your nails are splitting and you're fatigued." "Robyn, you're a zombie." "Patient also grumpy and not responding to classic comedy." "Just a little hard to find the funny when you're 32, single and balding." "Point taken." "We're gonna figure this out, okay?" "And don't you worry, if you need me, I will be here all night." " So you're working tonight too, huh?" " Yeah." "I'm new on-call surgical attending." "I kind of signed up because JD was supposed to be working with me." "I'm covering for him." "He and Sam went on a trip to..." "You know what?" "It's not important." "No, no." "Finish your thought." "I didn't want to tell you this." "Kim had a medical conference in Anaheim." "And so JD went and took Sam to Disneyland." "That's impossible." "Because he and I swore to each other that since we've never been to Disneyland that we would go for our 40th birthday together." " What do you want me to say?" " That he's not at Disneyland right now." " Can you tell me that?" " No." "You know what?" "Adults move on." "And that's what I'm doing right now, I'm moving on." "How do you want to handle tonight's workload?" " I was think..." " I can't do it Elliot!" "You know, I tried!" "I tried but it hurts too bad." "It hurts me deep right here." "I can feel it in my chest." "That man went to Disneyland without me!" "They got roller coasters that roller-coaster in the dark." "You don't where the turns are coming from." "They've got the Finding Nemo ride where you ride in round with Nemo." "It is a ride!" "A ride with Nemo!" "Tonight's gonna be great." "My co-pilot here is a blubbering man-child." "and the interns begin to think they know what they're doing." "We totally saved that patient's life up there." "Cancer's our bitch!" "No one does a Foley cath like Howie Gilder." "Up high!" "I'm not gonna get mad because you're new." "But I'm kind of the high-fiver around here." "From now on, you're only allowed to high-five when I'm not here." "Are we clear five?" "You may hit that because I'm instigating." "Now get the hell out of here." "I put that central line on Mr. Phelps for you." "So next time you give me an assignment, can you make it something that's a challenge?" " Okay." "Next time." " Make sure you do." "That's my surgical intern." "He's been here less time than everyone else and that's how he acts." "You know what we should do?" "We should scare the hell out of them." "Full moon tonight, guys." "Wanna know what that means?" "Means it's getting fricking crazy up in here!" "Buckle up for some nasty stuff." "I'm talking nightmares that you cannot unsee." "During my first full moon shift, psych patient Tony Belmont bit off his own tongue." "And threw it at me." "We couldn't reattach the sucker so I tossed it into that very Hazmat bin." "Later that night, we heard a sound coming from in there." "So we open up the lid very very slowly." "And inside, is Mr. Belmont holding his own tongue." "Do you want to know what he said to me?" "He said..." "Nailed it!" "Give it up!" "Guys!" "High-fiving?" "I feel like I've been more than clear about this." "It won't happen again, Todd." "Promise." "You're my friends, so I hope not." "I'm sorry five?" " Still." " Still." "Season 8 Episode 13 My Full Moon" "{\pos(192,220)}Alright, Robyn." "Here's the deal." "{\pos(192,220)}The last time you were here, all your health issues were from malnourishment." "{\pos(192,220)}And now, a year later," "{\pos(192,220)}you're nine pounds lighter than you were at your lowest rate." "{\pos(192,220)}You know what's weird." "I really have been eating." "{\pos(192,220)}I'm gonna have you talk to a specialist named Dr. Paulson." "{\pos(192,220)}He's on his way." "Why are you having her talk to the staff shrink?" "Because she's anorexic, Turk." "{\pos(192,220)}You know, I... {\pos(192,220)}I have a complicated psychological issue too." "{\pos(192,220)}Mrs. Powell, your gall bladder surgery went terrific." "{\pos(192,220)}However I can't discharge you until I'm sure your pipes are working." "{\pos(192,220)}And since you said it's impossible for you to go number two" "{\pos(192,220)} outside of your house due to the fact that you're a nervous pooer... {\pos(192,220)}I feel you, sister." "{\pos(192,220)}I'm gonna have to ask you to pass gas." "Excuse me?" "You know..." "I don't do that." "{\pos(192,190)}" " Women fart." " You know." "{\pos(192,190)}" " We should go." " I know they do." "{\pos(192,190)}Cause I have a wife and a daughter, and they both fart... {\pos(192,220)}And she farts and I smelt it before." "{\pos(192,220)}It smells like hot dogs." "{\pos(192,220)}Okay guys, full moon is upon us." "{\pos(192,220)}It's only 8:30, we already have 10 new admissions so let's stay sharp." "{\pos(192,220)}Nights like this are why you got into medicine." "{\pos(192,220)}Sunny, I'm gonna need you to get that lady in bed six to fart." " I'm on it." " Why don't you just pull her finger?" "Howie, did you just make a joke?" "I did and it felt great." "Good for you." "{\pos(192,220)}And as a reward, you get the gentleman in bed three." "{\pos(192,220)}He poisoned himself." "We need to know what he took." "Go." "Gone." "{\pos(192,220)}My pneumonia patient is presenting with a crap load of fluid in her left lung." "Crap load really isn't a technical term." "Fine." "Bucket load." "{\pos(192,220)}Is she being sassy?" "Because I love it." "{\pos(192,220)}More than Space Mountain?" "Why, Elliot?" "{\pos(192,220)}I just forgot about it." "{\pos(192,220)}Derek, can you get Denise's patient a thoracentesis" "{\pos(192,220)}and get that fluid out of there?" "{\pos(192,220)}Surgery to the rescue." "{\pos(192,220)}You are welcome." "Oh that's adorable." "You have a crush on yourself." "I'd be careful." "The guy you're in love with is a douche." "Where's Katie?" "I've been doing post-op on your hand surgery patient Mr. Gold." "He says he can't feel anything in his arms from his elbows up." "Now, I've been doing research for hours, and I think it's either a radiculopathy or a brachial plexus injury." "Or..." "He's lying." "Patients do that." "Katie, a word please?" "Look, the man is homeless and not all there." "You see his bandages?" "It means he's been chewing out his sutures." "I'm probably gonna have to strap him down." "I can find another way to make him stop." "Suit yourself." "If he messes up my handiwork, it's on you." "Hi, Mr. Gold." "Can you do me a favor and stop chewing on your hands?" "Pass." "I had to talk to that shrink for an hour." "Dr Reid, I am not anorexic." "You've lost weight, you're anemic." "Your prealbumine is low." "All symptoms point to it." "Who are you gonna believe?" "Me or that stupid chart?" "Robyn, I'm a doctor." "We believe everything on the charts." "That's why I write "Elliot has a slammin' tushie"" "on every single one, see?" "Right here." "I keep making jokes at all the wrong times, don't I?" "I know that this is hard..." "It's only hard because it isn't true." "I've been eating." "You have already made up your mind, haven't you?" "Mrs. Powell, it's not your fault you don't want to pass gas." "It's society's." "Guys have always been allowed to do it." "There's no shame for them." "But if a girl lets out even a little squeeker, she's a freak." "So come on, for women everywhere, let's do it together on the count of three." "One, two, three." "You didn't do it." "Neither did you." "There's people around." "Hey Mr. Swick, I'm Dr. Gilder." "I'm gonna grab a chart that doesn't say "Elliot has slammin' tushie" on it." "Much better." "And now, Mr. Swick..." "This one's got it too." " Is her butt that nice?" " It's okay for a white chick." "Anyway, I want you to tell me how you poisoned yourself." " I can't." " Why not?" "Because you're not my doctor." "You may sound like him and you look exactly like him." "But you're not him." "Excuse me." "Alright thanks, Dr. Paulson." "So..." "The staff shrink says that Mr. Swick has Capgras syndrome." "It's a brain disorder." "Basically, he thinks everyone in his life has been replaced by an identical impostor." "That's wicked cool." "I know, dude!" "If we sent the twins from radiology in there, his brain would explode." "Still," "I think it's more important that we try and figure out what he ingested." "You know?" "So he doesn't die." "Yeah, fine." "Hey Katie, how is it going?" "Doing great over here." "It's hard to believe that we were interns eight years ago, you know." "What?" "Oh sorry." "My patient has really got into my head so I'm looking over her case history." "That's crazy boring to me." "So you know what I'm gonna do?" "I'm gonna just continue my conversation." "All the signs point to anorexia." "Do you like being a doctor?" "I just want to believe her." "I love being a doctor." "It's not like all of those other jobs where you just sit on your ass all day." "You actually get to do things." "Okay, Mrs. Emmett." "There's gonna be a little discomfort from the needle." "but not too much." "Prepare to witness perfection." "Did you really just say that?" "I also like that doctors get to think on their feet." "I want to commend you for not disclosing what you ingested before because well, you were actually talking to my impostor." "I knew it." "I'm impressed cause the differences are subtle." "His voice sounds like this." " And my voice sounds like this." " I heard it." "Anyway, what don't you just tell me what you took before he comes back?" "I tricked his ass!" "Someone give me some!" "Look, I came from home because I couldn't sleep." "I've decided I'm not comfortable with you giving high fives." "Even when I'm not here." "But I just totally nailed a diagnosis." "The fact that I'm not making a tremendous sex joke right now about who or what I nailed tonight should tell you how serious I am." "I'm spending so much time focusing on Robyn's past" "I'm prejudicing myself." "If I just looked at her admission form from this morning..." ""Young woman who has undergone a drastic weight loss even though she says she's been eating."" "I know exactly what to look for." "Handle your business." "I'll go check on the interns." "Katie, no." " But it works." " I said no!" "He's human." " We got blast off here?" " Nothing yet." "Give me some good news." "I need a win." "He overdosed on acetaminophen." "Here we go." " Everything all good in here?" " You know it." "But I'm getting some bubbles coming out with the fluid." " Is that supposed to happen?" " No." "Step back, please." "Thank you." "Mrs. Emmett, I need you to hold still." "You might have a collapsed lung." "Quick, tell him that's impossible cause you're the greatest doctor in the world." "The troops are one for four." "How is it going over here?" "Not great." "Robyn is HIV-positive." "That sucks." "When she wakes up, I have to tell her." "Elliot, maybe it won't be so bad." "You know, we made a lot of headway with HIV." "It's not a death sentence anymore." "Check on Mr. Maller over here." "He found out he was HIV-positive today." "Admittedly, he's not psyched about that." "He's actually watching sports on his computer." "My point is maybe it won't be that hard telling Robyn she has the "hivy"." "Hivy?" "I heard somebody say it and I thought I was kinda cool." "Sounds like a dance the kids do nowadays." "Do the hivy, do the hivy..." "Like this?" "Bring it down." "Here it is." " I like when you do the hivy." " We should not do the hivy!" "Do the hivy..." "Mrs. Emmett, we can't drain the fluid in your chest until we repair your collapsed lung." "How did I get a collapsed lung?" "That happened when I tried to drain the fluid." "I'm sorry." "Okay but when it's fixed," "I want the procedure to be done by a real doctor." "So how long is it before you become a real doctor?" "Is it soon?" "Back off, okay?" "Come on, when you act all hurt, it ruins all the fun for me." "Anything?" "Mrs. Powell, when I was a kid, my mom used to tell me that farts were demons that were crawling around in your belly and if I ever let one out, it would give my grandma cancer." "So I know what you're going through." "But let me tell you the real issue here." "The number one killer in hospitals is infection." "And since you just underwent surgery, you're very susceptible." "We need to get you out of here, but we can't until you do it so..." "It's up to you." "I'm so sorry we have to strap your arms down." "Please know I'm just trying to help." "Hey Katie." "I can't really talk right now." "Looks like someone got her first face spitting." "See, there's a lot of things to hate about being a doctor." "For starters, no women looks good in scrubs." "But guys do." "It's unfair." "Plus, malpractice insurance, bad hours..." "Yeah, but at least you guys in medicine get to figure stuff out." "You were like a detective with your HIV patient." "Surgeons, all we do is cut and sew." "Sometimes I feel like a glorified mechanic." "Well..." "Spleen is shot to hell." "I'm gonna have to remove it." "While I'm in there, I might as well get that gall bladder too." "You can leave it in there but..." "Just gonna be back in a couple of months." "To be honest with you, I ain't do great with those "japonese" models." "I'd look good in a jumpsuit." "If you fantasize like JD, you have to talk like him when you come out of it." "I'd look good in it, in a jumpsuit." " Better." " Thank you." "Gotta tell you what else I don't like about being a doctor." "The patients." "Sometimes they're great." "But sometimes, like you said, they just lie through their teeth." "Guzzle this Mucomyst to counteract the effects of the acetaminophen overdose." "It wasn't acetaminophen." "There was a guy in here before pretending to be you, so I lied to him to throw him off the trail." "Dude, you're killing me!" "I think the only way I got through my first year here was leaning on the people around me." "You know how you found Carla and I found JD?" "You ever think how weird it would've been if you and I found each other?" "Elliot..." "You're very cute, but your booty is really tiny," "I don't know what I would do with that thing." "You could start by smacking it." "And secondly, if we were in a committed relationship," "I'd have gained like 30 to 40 pounds for you." " Really?" " No." "Still this place could use some jungle fever." "The whole white doctor black surgeon thing." "Wait, wait." "Why is this happening?" "That whole pathetic no self-esteem thing you have going on right now..." "I'm really vibing that." "That's why I used to date fat guys." "The reason why I work my body so much now is cause I was... kind of a heavy kid." " How heavy?" " 260." "Oh god." "We're acting all nostalgic, but we're barely in our thirties." "We could still do anything we want with our lives." "You don't think we'll both be doctors forever?" "Dr Reid, your patient Robyn is up." "Great." "Here goes." "Also, I got Mr. Swick to admit he actually ate fertilizer." " How did you do that?" " I may have given him a little slap." "You'll do fine here." "It's done." "Just me being a guy, I have to ask this question." " What did it smell like?" " 30 years of repression." "And hot dogs." "Good job." "I'm HIV-positive?" "You were right." "It's not anorexia." "Wow, that's a..." "Huge victory for me." "I know it's scary to even be talking about the "hivy"." "The what?" "I'm sorry, forget it." "I'm just really nervous." "The point is, HIV is very treatable now." "This does not have to ruin your life." "So I should just... stay positive?" "Definitely." "Because..." "Even though I really want to get married and have kids, this will probably make it easier... to find someone." "Don't try to make this okay." "This is not okay." "This is the worse thing that's ever gonna happen to me in my entire life." "And you're here to see it so... you need to find a way to handle it better." "Cause I get to handle it however I want." "Do you want me to shut up?" "Do you want me to leave?" "Here." "Sorry about the guy spitting in your face." "Thanks, Howie." "You smell horrible." "I showered three times and I can't get Mrs. Powell's stink off me." "It's in my hair." "Where have you two been?" " Nowhere." " We weren't anywhere." "What smells?" "I'm going to go take a bath in tomato juice." "Look at that." "They have no idea what's ahead of them." "You know, I never answered your question earlier about whether you and I would always be doctors." "You will." "You have this amazing ability to find joy in everything you do." "Thank you." "Whether it's like an operation you've done a hundred times, or even teaching." "Alright, the trick to this is to get the needle right between the ribs, okay?" "Watch." "Like... so." " Nice." " You wanna get it for me?" "But as for me," "I know you think it was a big victory figuring out what was wrong with Robyn." "But those moments are kind of like eating a piece of chocolate." "I enjoy the satisfaction for about ten seconds and then it's gone." "See..." "The thing that sticks with me is the anguish on a patient's face when I give them crappy news." "I hold on to that forever." "You're a surgeon, you occasionally get to fix people." "I figure out what's wrong and then most of the time I can't do anything about it." "I just wish them luck dealing with it... or try to keep them alive for a while longer." "So you wanna know if I'll always be a doctor?" "I'd have to say, I don't know." "I'm a doctor now, I will be tomorrow." "But I can't tell you that if I'm ever lucky enough to get married, to have some kids, to maybe not need the money," "I think I'd walk out of here and never look back." "But how am I supposed to express my joy?" "{\pos(192,220)}Dude, you gotta find your own thing." "{\pos(192,220)}I'd tell you to do the low arm pump, but Dr. Fordham owns that." "{\pos(192,220)}Here's the coffee you wanted." "{\pos(192,200)}Deb, relax." "It's just coffee." "{\pos(192,210)}Don't tell her there's donuts in the break room." "{\pos(192,210)}We have donuts?" "{\pos(192,180)}Anyway." | {
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"From my beloved river Permessus I come to you" "Illustrious heroes Descended from kings" "You are renowned for your exploits" "But the truth can never be known Since it is beyond reach" "I am Music I can calm troubled minds With my sweet sounds" "With noble anger or with love I can melt the hardest of hearts" "I can charm people With my golden lyre" "So I can prepare their souls" "To receive the sweet music They will hear in Heaven" "Now I want to tell you about Orpheus" "Orpheus who tamed wild animals With his singing" "And who conquered the underworld With his playing" "Orpheus, the eternal glory Of Mount Helicon" "Now I will sing you songs Some happy, some sad" "While I sing, let the birds be silent And the river be calm" "Let each little breeze die away" "ACT I" "This happy day brings to an end Our demigod's lovelorn torments" "Shepherds, let us sing as sweetly" "As Orpheus himself" "Today even Eurydice's Hard heart has melted" "Today even Orpheus is happy When once in these forests" "He used to weep" "This happy day brings to an end Our demigod's lovelorn torments" "Shepherds, let us sing as sweetly" "As Orpheus himself" "Come, God of Marriage" "Let your blazing torch Bring these lovers happy days" "And banish pain and suffering From now on" "O Muses, the glory of Parnassus Much loved in Heaven" "Bring comfort to heavy hearts" "Let your sweet lyres Bring cloudless skies" "We will celebrate Their marriage in song" "Let us unite in singing their praises" "Nymphs, come down From the hillsides, leave your springs" "And celebrate the wedding in dance" "Let the sun shine down On your dances" "The sun, far lovelier than the stars Which dance to the moon" "Nymphs, come down From the hillsides, leave your springs" "And celebrate the wedding in dance" "Then honor them with flowers" "After the anguish they have suffered" "Let them now enjoy Their happiness together" "But you, gentle singer, as you once Made the fields weep with you" "So now make these hills and valleys Rejoice to the sound of your lyre" "Sing of love From the bottom of your heart" "Rose of Heaven, life of the world" "Created by the universe" "O Sun, you who circle the world From your celestial orbit" "Tell me, have you ever seen A happier lover than I?" "How happy I was On the day I first saw you" "And was happier still When I first yearned for you" "But I was happiest of all When you first pledged yourself to me" "If I had as many hearts As Heaven has eyes" "Or the flowers ln these hills have leaves" "They would all be overjoyed At the happiness I feel today" "I cannot tell you How happy I feel for you" "My heart has joined yours in love" "If you want to know how happy it is" "Ask it how much it loves you" "Nymphs, come down From the hillsides, leave your springs" "And celebrate the wedding in dance" "Let the sun shine down On your dances" "The sun, far lovelier than the stars Which dance to the moon" "Come, God of Marriage" "Let your blazing torch Bring these lovers happy days" "And banish pain and suffering From now on" "But if your joy derives from Heaven lt is right that we offer up lncense and prayers" "So let us all go to the temple To pray for our happiness" "Let no one give in to despair" "Even though it sometimes Puts us in grave danger" "When the menacing clouds Have passed" "The sun shines even more brightly" "And after the sharp frosts of winter" "Spring covers the fields with flowers" "Here is Orpheus" "Yesterday he was so miserable" "But today he is so happy" "And has all he wants" "ACT ll" "Now I have returned to you Dear woods and hills" "Blessed by the sun Who has turned my nights into days" "Orpheus, see how enticing ls the shade of those beeches" "Now that the sun is so hot" "Let us rest on these grassy banks" "And let our voices mingle With the sound of the water" "These lush meadows often cause The woodland gods to linger here" "Pan, the shepherds' god ls often heard" "Lamenting his unluckiness in love" "Here the lovely wood-nymphs" "Can be seen gathering roses" "So, Orpheus Let the sounds of your lyre" "Drift across these fields and mingle With the soft breezes from Arabia" "Shady woods, do you remember My long and bitter sadness" "When even the very rocks themselves Seemed moved to pity?" "Tell me, didn't I appear then More wretched than any other?" "Now my luck has changed And turned pain into joy" "Once I led a life Of sorrow and sadness" "But now I'm happy, and the sadness I bore for so many years" "Makes my happiness now All the more precious" "For you alone, Eurydice I bless my torments" "We are more content after sorrow And happier after misfortune" "Only for you, Eurydice" "Orpheus, see how All the woods and fields are rejoicing" "So let your playing continue to Sweeten the air on so blessed a day" "What a bitter blow!" "How cruel Fate is" "Wretched stars, insatiable Heaven" "What is this mournful sound Which disturbs our happiness?" "Must I pierce his heart with my news" "While he delights Heaven With his music?" "This is Sylvia Eurydice's sweetest companion" "How sad she looks;" "Whatever has happened?" "O Gods, don't turn away from us now" "Shepherd, stop singing now - All our happiness has turned to grief" "Whence have you come?" "Where are you going?" "Why are you here?" "Orpheus, I am the bringer of bad news" "Your lovely Eurydice..." "What?" "Your beloved wife is dead" "She was gathering flowers With her companions" "To make garlands for their hair" "When a snake in the grass" "Bit her foot" "lmmediately she turned pale And the light went from her eyes" "We were horrified" "And all tried to revive her With cold water and powerful spells" "But it was all in vain" "She half-opened her eyes And called for you, Orpheus" "But after a few deep sighs She died in my arms" "I was left feeling pity and horror" "What a bitter blow!" "How cruel Fate is" "Wretched stars, insatiable Heaven" "The wretched man is struck dumb By this bitter news" "He is so grief-stricken He cannot grieve" "One would surely have to have The heart of a tiger or bear" "Not to feel pity for you" "You are dead, my love" "While I am still alive" "You have left me" "Never to return and I am still here" "No, for if my songs have any power I will go down into the deepest abysses I'll melt the heart of the King of Hades" "I will bring you back with me To see the stars again lf, by some ill-luck, I should fail I will stay with you in death" "Farewell, earth" "Farewell sun and sky, farewell" "What a bitter blow!" "How cruel Fate is" "Wretched stars, insatiable Heaven" "Let no man put his trust ln fleeting, fragile happiness" "It's soon gone - there is often A precipice at the top of the mountain" "As for me Whose words have ripped like a knife" "Through Orpheus's loving heart" "The nymphs and shepherds hate me I hate even myself So where can I hide?" "I'll become a doomed creature Of the night, forever shunning the sun" "And leading a life ln keeping with my sadness" "Who will comfort us?" "Or, rather, who will give us A living fountain in our eyes" "So that we can weep As we should on this sad day?" "Today ill-fortune has extinguished The two brightest lights of our woods" "Eurydice and Orpheus" "One bitten by a snake And the other lacerated by grief" "What a bitter blow!" "How cruel Fate is" "But where is poor Eurydice" "Whose sweet soul" "Has departed ln the flower of her youth?" "Shepherds, let's go and find her" "And with our bitter tears Pay tribute to her corpse" "What a bitter blow!" "How cruel Fate is" "ACT lll" "Guided by you, Goddess of Hope The only solace of afflicted mortals" "I have reached this infernal kingdom" "Which the sun never reaches" "You, my companion and guide Have led my faltering steps" "Along such strange unknown paths I still hope to see again My beloved's eyes" "Which alone can Bring the light back into my eyes" "Here is the hideous river" "And here the boatman Who ferries the dead to the other side" "To Pluto's vast kingdom of darkness" "Beyond that stygian swamp Beyond that river ln those fields of weeping and pain" "is hidden the woman Who was everything to you" "Now you will need to have A stout heart and a sweet song I have led you so far, but am allowed To go no further with you" "A harsh law forbids it" "A law inscribed in iron on stone at The threshold of the lowest kingdom" "Which expresses its grim message ln these words:" ""Abandon all hope, ye who enter here"" "So if you still determined To set foot in the city of sorrow" "I must leave you And return to my usual surroundings" "Where are you going My only comforter?" "Now, after my long journey I can see the gate" "Why have you abandoned me On this perilous threshold?" "How can I carry on lf you desert me now, sweetest Hope?" "You rash man, stop where you are" "Mere mortals are not allowed On these waters" "Nor can the living have shelter Among the dead" "You are an enemy of my master" "Perhaps you will try to lure Cerberus Away from the gates of Tartarus" "Or perhaps even abduct My master's wife" "Forget any such ambitions" "Never again shall a living person Step into my boat I have not forgotten similar outrages ln the past" "Mighty spirit" "Formidable god" "Without you no soul can hope" "To reach the opposite bank" "But I am not alive" "Since my wife died" "My heart is no longer with me" "Without a heart, how can I be alive?" "It is to see her" "That I have journeyed Through this foul air" "But I am not yet in Hades" "For wherever there ls such beauty as hers" "There is Paradise" "I am Orpheus" "Following Eurydice's steps" "Through this gloomy land Where no mortal has ever set foot" "My beloved, just one look from you Would restore me to life" "Who would deny me such solace?" "You alone, noble god, can help me" "Don't worry" "My only weapon is my lyre" "To which even The most hard-hearted succumb" "I am moved by your sad plight" "But I cannot allow myself to feel pity" "A sentiment unworthy of my standing" "How wretched a lover am I Should I not hope" "That the citizens of the underworld Will listen to my prayers?" "Am I to be denied Both Heaven and Hell" "Like the shadow of an undead?" "is it to be my fate To call out your name in vain" "To exhaust myself lmploring and weeping?" "O gods of Tartarus Give me back my beloved" "He's asleep" "Even if the playing of my lyre Left him unmoved" "He couldn't resist my singing" "There is no time to lose lf there is no one here to stop me I must cross over to the other side" "Let my courage win through Where my prayers failed I must seize the moment" "While I weep bitter tears O gods of Tartarus" "Give me back my beloved" "None of man's ventures ls undertaken in vain" "Nor can Nature Defend herself against him" "He has ploughed the rolling fields And reaped golden harvests" "The memory of his glory shall live on ln the Temple of Fame" "He tamed the sea in a fragile boat" "And mocked the fury of the winds" "ACT iv" "My lord, this unhappy man" "Wandering through These fields of death" "Calling for his Eurydice" "And whose lament You have just heard" "Has moved me to tears" "I beseech you to look kindly on him" "If you have ever truly loved me" "If you find me so beautiful" "That you do not envy Jupiter" "I implore you To allow Eurydice to return" "To enjoy again those days She once spent dancing and singing" "And to put wretched Orpheus Out of his misery" "Although what you want ls against the law, dear wife" "It is hard to deny Such beauty and such pleading" "Despite the fatal decree" "Orpheus shall have back His dear Eurydice" "But while he is leaving the underworld" "He must never try to look back at her" "A single glance Would lose her for ever" "That is my will" "Now, ministers, spread my word Throughout the kingdom" "And tell Orpheus and Eurydice too" "Let no one try to change it" "O mighty King of Hades Your word is our law" "It is not for us To pass judgment on your will" "Will Orpheus lead his wife From this dreadful region?" "Will he be able to resist His youthful exuberance?" "Will he remember the edict?" "How can I thank you, gentle sir For granting my request?" "Blessed be the day When I first pleased you" "Blessed be the abduction And the sweet deception" "Though I lost the sun lt was my good fortune to win you" "Your sweet words Remind me of our love" "But don't let heavenly delights Deflect you from the marriage-bed" "Compassion and love triumph ln Hades today" "Here is the gentle singer Who will lead his wife up to Heaven" "You deserve the highest praise My all-powerful lyre" "You have won over the hardest hearts ln the underworld" "You shall have your place in Heaven" "Where the stars will orbit To the sound of your music" "Today, thanks to you I will embrace my beloved again" "But while I'm singing, how will I know That she's following me?" "Who will be hiding The light of her eyes from me?" "Perhaps the envious Gods of the underworld" "Will blight my happiness on earth" "By stopping me From looking into her eyes" "Her eyes Which can bring joy to anyone" "But why should I be afraid?" "What Pluto forbids, Love commands I must obey a divinity More powerful than men or gods" "But what is that noise?" "Perhaps it's the enraged Furies" "Who will punish me by snatching My beloved away from me" "Will I let that happen?" "Now I can see you, my love" "But what has happened to you?" "You have broken the law And are unworthy of mercy" "It's too sweet and too painful To look at you" "Are you to lose me Because you love me too much?" "And am I to lose the right To light and to life" "And to lose you, my husband" "Who are more precious Than anything?" "Return to the shadows of death Unhappy Eurydice" "Give up hope Of ever seeing the stars again" "Hades will not hear your prayers" "Where are you going, my love?" "Look, I'm following you" "But who is holding me back?" "is this a dream or am I going mad?" "What strange power Among these horrors" "Drags me, against my will Up to the hateful light?" "Virtue is a ray of celestial beauty" "The prize of the soul" "It does not fear time" "On the contrary lt increases in men as they get older" "Orpheus conquered Hades" "But was then defeated By his own passions" "Only the man Who can control his own emotions ls worthy of eternal glory" "ACT V" "These are the fields of Thrace" "Where I first heard the fateful news" "Since there is no longer Any hope of getting back my beloved" "What else can I do But turn to you, gentle woods?" "You were there to comfort me ln my darkest hours" "The mountains grieved And the rocks wept" "At the departure of our sun I will weep with you for ever more" "And give myself up to pain and grief" "Sweet, loving Echo You too are disconsolate" "Yet you try to console me I have wept so much already" "But still my tears keep flowing" "If the hundred-eyed Argus Were to weep a sea of tears" "It would still not be as great As the grief I feel" "If you take pity on me I am most grateful" "But while I am crying, why do you Echo only my last syllables?" "Repeat my laments in full" "But if you, my soul Ever return to these friendly shores" "Accept from me this final homage" "For now I dedicate my lyre And my singing to you" "As I once offered you my heart" "You were beautiful and wise" "And Heaven blessed you With all her gifts" "Other women were less fortunate" "You deserve all praise" "Your beauty harbored An even more gentle soul" "All the more worthy For being so modest" "Other women are Haughty and unfaithful" "Heartless and fickle To those who love them" "Devoid of reason and noble thoughts lt is right That they should not be praised" "May I never fall in love With a worthless woman" "Why are you so miserable, my son?" "You should not be slave To your own passions" "Since you seem to be So full of self-reproach I have come down from Heaven To help you" "Listen to me now And you shall have praise and life" "Dear father, you have come to me ln the hour of my greatest need" "I have been at my lowest ebb" "Now I am ready to listen to What you have to say, heavenly father" "Once you rejoiced too much At your good fortune" "Now you are too bitter At what fate has done to you" "Haven't you realized yet That in this life no pleasure is lasting?" "So if you want to enjoy immortal life" "Come with me up to Heaven Which invites you" "Shall I ever again gaze into the eyes Of my beloved Eurydice?" "You will embrace her Among the sun and stars" "It would be an unworthy son who did Not follow such a father's advice" "Let us go up to Heaven singing" "Where true virtue has its just reward - Joy and peace" "Go, Orpheus, to enjoy those Celestial honors, in perfect happiness" "Up there, good never fails And sorrow never existed" "We joyously offer you altars Incense and prayers" "There he goes - one who does not Shrink from the call of eternal God" "So he who has experienced Hell Will attain grace in Heaven" "And he who sows in sorrow Will reap the fruits of grace" "DVD Subtitles by international Broadcast Facilities" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"♪ Harvey ♪" "♪ Harvey ♪" "♪ Harvey ♪" "Please leave me alone." "You're fun to hang with." "Whoa." " Yeah!" "Whoo!" " Oh, yeah!" "Whoo." "Here... we...go!" "I got lift." " Hey, Harvey." " Hey, Foo." "What are we doing?" "Running?" "Riding bikes." "You want to join us?" " Yes!" " Oh, I don't know." " I've got enough cardio for today." " Yeah, I gotta go too." "I got a date with, like, 50 ladies, you know." "I gotta go get ready." "Oh." "Guess I'll just go play with my stick." "No, man, you're my best friend." " I'd love to ride bikes with you." " Really?" "Sure." "So grab your bike and let's get our ride on!" "I don't have a bike, so, I'm just gonna have to hop on the back of yours." "Oh, no!" "What are you doing?" "I was getting ready to ride a bike." "Duh." "Uh, I think we should get you your own bike." "Harvey, that would be amazing." "synccorrectionbyf1nc0" "Well, if we're going to get you a bike, this is the place to go." "I want one with a bell and a basket and three wheels and..." "How many wheels does a bike have again?" " Usually two." " Cool." "First, we need to find the shopkeep." "Oh, hello." "Uh, welcome to Randl's Rentls." "Everything in here is mine." "I found it." "It's mine." "I rent it." "You don't own it." "It's only out temporarily." "It's mine." "What do you want?" "I would like to rent a bike for my good friend here." " And if it's possible..." " Speed bike!" "With two wheels." "Whoa there!" "You want to rent my stuff?" "Well, then you gotta follow my rules." "Randl, you're gonna scare these nice girls away." "Quiet, Ma!" "I'm sorry about her." " She won't live in a home." " I raised you wrong." "You're the one scaring away the customers, Ma." "Uh, actually, you wouldn't be interested in renting a nice, elderly lady, would you?" "Whaat...?" "We'll just take the bike if that's okay." "Hey, don't touch anything." "This is my favorite, favorite bike." "20 bucks." "I've got 16 ones and a silver dollar my grandma gave to me for my birthday." " This is all my money in the world." " Leave it on the floor." "Great." "Come on, Foo, we're leaving." "Okay, bye, lady." "It's perfect, Harvey." "It's perfect." "Now we just have to grab my bike and we'll be all set." "Uh, are bikes supposed to do that?" " Is there a problem?" " Hi." "Yes." "Um, I think this bike may be... defective." "Well, you should've rented the bolts that hold the bike together." "Ah, corn-bucket!" "Well, I guess we won't ride bikes together." "No, you know what?" "I'm not ready to give up on this yet!" "One way or another, Foo, today we are gonna get you a bike." " But how?" " I don't know!" " Let's ask Fee." " Just steal it." " We haven't even told you our problem." " Okay, shoot." "Well, Randl won't give us the bike even though we..." " Just steal it." " Sounds like a plan." "But we can't just steal a bike." "That's crazy, right?" "He's right." "If we're going back, we should steal an even better one." "Listen, dude, you already paid for the bike, right?" " It's only stealing if you keep it." " I guess that's true." "Grandma did say not to waste my birthday money." " So what's the plan?" " I don't know." "But whatever it is, it's gonna be really, really, really good." "Hello." "Hello." "My husband and I are looking for some fine jewelry." "You kids can't have the bike back." "We are conducting a survey on local businesses." "Wait, which one of you is supposed to be the wife?" " Is it you or you?" " Uh, he is." "Wait." "Harvey, it's me, Foo, I forgot the plan again!" "Just sneak off and go find the bikes in the back." "I'll stall him." "Be sure to get the one with the bolts this time." "Right!" "Hehe." "So..." "do you come here often?" " This is my store." " Oh, right." "Uh..." "I have to go use the little... woman's room?" "You know I can see you walking over to the bikes." "And now you're taking one off the rack." "Now you're heading towards the fire exit." "And now you're leaving the store." "Wow!" "These disguises really worked." " I love being a girl!" " No, Foo, I'm the girl, remember?" "Hey!" "I can see you out there." "You've got five seconds to bring that bike back or I'll come get it myself." " And you don't want that." " Foo, get on the bike!" "I'll hop on the pegs and we'll head to my house." "But I don't know how to ride a bike." "You drive it." "I can't!" "I don't have my helmet." " I never ride without it." " Then..." " we'll ride to your house and get it." " Do you not get how this works?" "I see you guys arguing." "I'm coming over." "Come on, let's go." "I'll just have to teach you to ride a bike." "Okay!" "Let's hide here." "I think we're in the clear." "Let's try again." "Hands go here." "Feet go here." "And one last thing." "Now concentrate and find your center of gravity." "I feel alive inside!" "Am I moving?" "Kinda." "No worries." "Aah!" "Okay, Foo, try it again." "Just like I showed you." " I can't do it, Harvey." " Yes, you can, man." "You've got this!" " We're dead, Harvey." "We're dead!" " Hold up!" "Time to back off you cheapskate nut-job." "Go and ride bikes, dudes." " I'll take care of this guy." " Thanks, Fee." "Okay, you raccooned piece of dumb." "Do your worst." "I slowed him down for you." "Come on!" "Go, go, go!" "Get on your bike." "Hop on your bike." "Get up!" "Get up!" "Get up!" "Go, go, go, go!" "They're close." "You two better give it up." "I'm not afraid to throw a pair of kids in jail." "You wouldn't be the first ones." "That was close." "We gotta figure out a way to outrun Randl." "Maybe something involving glue?" " Huh..." " Harvey, listen." "I don't want you to go to jail." "I'm the one that got you into this." "You've done so much for me." "You even dressed up like a really pretty girl." "You are so pretty, Harvey." "You're a really very good friend." "But maybe I'm just more of a stick kind of guy, you know." "Riding bikes sounds really, really, really cool, but not if it means getting you in trouble." "Foo, that's it!" "I think I figured out a way we could get your bike ride after all." "We'll just have to get to the top of that hill." "Once we do that, it'll be all downhill from..." "Give me back my bike." "Ah, my tassels!" "Ah." " My bike." " Foo, we're gonna make it." "Yeah..." " Ready, Foo?" " So ready." "I believe in you, dude." "Ahh!" "Bike!" "Get off!" "Get off!" "Get off!" "Get off!" "Aah!" "Here's your bolt back, mister." " Yay!" " Go, Foo, go!" "See you're riding." "No." "We're riding." "Ow, ugh, unh, ugh..." "We did it." "Ah, you two look really hurt." "But I still need my bike back." "Ow." "You know what?" "Take it." "I promised my friend we'd ride together today, and..." "Whoa." "I stood up too fast." "We regret nothing!" "Right, Foo?" " Foo?" "Uh-oh." " That was the best ride I've ever had!" "Thanks, Harvey." "Hey, mister, you can take the bikes back now." "All right, pleasure doing business with you." "Hey, wait, one of those is mine..." "Oh, well..." "Come on, I know some even more bigger hills back that way." "Okay, first, we gotta find our center of gravity." " Harvey?" " Coming!" "Hey, Perry Perry, I have something for you." " Happy Valentine's Day." " Oh, my gosh!" "Claire, that is the best Valentine's card I've ever seen." "Really?" "My mom said I cut it crooked." "No." "It's perfect." "I've got something for you too." " Ta-da." " Oh, wow." " That's very thoughtful." " Here, I really want you to embrace it." "Oh..." "Gosh, I love Valentine's Day." "Do you guys like my Cupid wings?" " My mom helped me make 'em." " Your mom rules." "You guys ready to get some love and cards and candy and love and sweetness and hugs?" " Knock on the stinkin' door already." " I want candy." "Oh, hey, Harvey." "Happy Valentine's Day." " Hey, Mikey." " Happy Valentine's Day!" "Whoa!" "I come bearing a Valentine's Day gift from me to you." "Wow!" "Thanks, Harvey." "This is awesome." "I inhaled a lot of glitter." "But it was worth it." "Here, I made this for you." " Look, I made you one too." " Oh, okay." " Yeah, I made it with real bugs." " Happy Valentine's." "I made this for you." "Bleh." "This piece is the best tasting one." " For you." " Um, thanks?" "All right, see ya." "Hey, don't worry, guys." "He's probably getting your Valentine's goodies right now." "Oh, hey, Harvey, what's up?" "Oh, yeah, you forgot to give Fee and Foo their Valentine's." "Oh, right." "Yeah, I don't have cards or anything for them because I don't really like them." "So... anyway bye." " Whaaat?" " Oh." "That's okay." "I guess this day really isn't for us after all." "I hate Valentine's Day." "Hang in there, guys." "I'm know the next house is going to have a bunch of Valentine's for you two." " I can feel it in my little Cupid wings." " That's easy for you to say." "You already have so many." "Foo and me still have sacks full of nothin'." "Yeah, mine's still pretty empty, except I found this old shoe." " But I think I put it there." " Guys, Valentine's is so cool." "It's about love and being nice to each other and kissing if you're old enough." "Valentine's isn't about love." "It's about stuff." "Everyone wants cute cards and candy." " But somebody always gets left out." " Will you be my Valentine?" "Oh..." "The whole Valentine's Day thing is rotten." " We need a new day, a darker day." " You mean like night?" "No, an Anti-Valentine's Day." "A wha-wha-what?" "Everyone just likes to get cards." "They don't care what they say." "Whoa." "I can feel what you're writing." "Are you really going to give that to someone?" "Um, yeah." "Happy Anti-Valentine's Day, Mikey." "I made you something." "You think I smell like farts?" " Yes." "Now you make a card for me." " Uh, okay." " Here you go." " "You are a butt."" "Look, Foo, we got a card!" " We did?" " Yeah!" "It says we're butts." "We are?" " Thanks, Mikey!" " Yeah." "Thanks, Mikey." "Sure, happy Anti-Valentine's Day." "My first real card." "Anti-Valentine's Day rules." " Yeah!" " Hey, guys, wait for me." "I wonder if I have any..." "Oh!" "Oh, my gosh." "A Valentine's." "Harvey, was this you, man?" "Oh, Harvey, you sneak." "What?" "!" "Is this some kind of sick joke?" "This card claims that I "smell like old feet," which is insane." "People stop me on the street just to tell me" "I smell like mint because I brush my teeth daily." "So this entire thing is completely false." "Hey, we all got cards like that." "It's supposed to be funny." " Who is responsible for this?" " We are!" "Happy Anti-Valentine's Day." "There's nothing happy about this note." "I don't smell weird at all." "Harvey's my witness and he totally agrees." "Actually, Dade, you kinda smell like..." "I want to say hotdogs." "Kids of Little Bark Grove, I come with a message." "Valentine's Day bites." "Aah!" "Who want sappy card that don't mean squat?" "Uh, not me." "Why don't we give each other fun cards?" " I like fun cards." " Yeah!" "Farts are fun!" "Telling people what's wrong with them is fun." "Boo-ya!" "Ha-ha!" "I just snorted." "I can't read but I'll cherish this." " Who's with me?" " I don't know." "Harvey, you're the king of Valentine's Day." "What do you think?" "Yeah, Harvey, you tell 'em what you think." "Uh... well..." " Yeah." "I like it." " Long live Anti-Valentine's Day!" "My eyes!" ""Your head looks like a butt with a wig on it."" ""This is you."" ""No."" "Oh, hey there, Francois, I have a card for you." "Oh, wait, no." "Maybe this is too mean." "Okay, um..." "Happy Anti-Valentine's Day!" "You having fun over there, Foo?" "I have so many cards that I built an igloo out of them." "I can fit my whole body in here." " Hey, you okay there, buddy?" " Yeah, I'm okay." "It's just that everyone stopped giving me cards." "I think I'm writing mine wrong or something." "Let me see." ""Sometimes you seem grouchy, but you mean well, and you're probably just tired." "So I hope you get more rest soon, because you deserve it." "Love, Harvey." Harvey, this is way too nice." "No wonder no one has given you cards." "You have to write something dumb or rude." "Um, okay." " So something like this?" " Harvey, come on." "Just write the rudest thing you can think of." " Toenails?" " Ruder." " Two toenails." " No, not toenails." "I want you to look in the deepest, darkest part of your soul." "Okay, but it's not a pretty place." "Eh." "Whoa." "Whoa." "Foo, look what Harvey wrote." " I thought I knew you, Harvey." " I know, right?" "Now go give this to somebody special." "I..." "I..." "Hey, hon, do you know where the scissors are?" "I was making you a Valentine and I got glued to my..." "Oh, my gosh!" "Why would you say that to your mother?" "!" "Don't look, Egg." "You go to your room, young man!" "You are grounded!" "But, Mom, it's funny because it's slightly true." "It's all in the spirit of the holiday." "No!" "No!" "Please wait!" "Oh!" "Ow." "Hey, Harvey." "I've been looking for ya." "How come you're in your room?" "Mom didn't like the rude card, so Dad grounded me." "Are you an idiot?" "You weren't supposed to give it to your mom." "You told me to give it to someone special!" "Maybe this holiday isn't for people like me." "Harvey, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." "It just felt nice not being left out for once." "I know." "But I..." "I just want to be alone." "Come with us." " We're here." " This is where rude kids go." "What?" "Nooo!" "I'm sorry." "I don't want to go down the hole." "There's so many things I haven't gotten to do yet." "I haven't had pizza with pineapple." "Okay, go on." "Do it." "I deserve it." "Huh?" ""I'm a lumpy buttface?"" " You sure are!" " I don't get it." "You're gonna insult me and then throw me in the hole?" "No, Harvey, we were thinking something more like this." "Happy Anti-Valentine's Day!" "What's up, Lumpy butt." " Look, I'm a zombie Cupid?" " Wait." "What?" " Huh?" " It's a party, dummy." "Look!" "I still don't understand." "Fee explained the whole "new holiday" thing to us." "And then we felt bad for grounding you." "So we're having a party instead." "We get it." "It's fun to be rude sometimes." "Just please don't ever write anything like that again." " It was disturbing." " Oh." "Okay." "Oh." "Hold on." "A box full of broccoli and office supplies?" "What?" "You guys..." "You know what?" "This holiday is pretty swell." "I love everyone... so much!" "Man, Harvey, you just don't get it... at all." "synccorrectionbyf1nc0" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"I WAS A MALE WAR BRIDE" "Bitte, wo geht die Autobahn nach Heidelberg?" " Wie?" " Vous parlez français?" "Wo geht die kurzeste Strasse nach Heidelberg?" "Ah, Heidelberg." "Sergeant." "Which is the quickest way to Heidelberg?" "Down here four blocks, turn right and straight on until the autobahn." "There are signs, you can't miss it." "Thank you, sergeant." "What have you decided?" "We don't know." "I know." "Drive." "If you want, I can take you to the town hall." "Wait here." "I know the mayor..." "Wait here." "I can help you..." "Wait here!" "Capt. Rochard, French Economic Mission." "Joe, you'll need to interpret." "Never mind, we'll get along all right." "Sorry, sir." "Who did you wish to see?" "The O.I.C.A.M.G.W.A.C." "First floor, turn to your right." "Thank you." ""War Administration Industrial Relations" "Coordinator's Office"." ""Service of Supplies Displaced Persons Property Disposal Department"." ""Labour Administration Department..."" "I beg your pardon, I'm looking for Lieutenant Gates' office." "This isn't it." "Isn't it?" "Right over there, Captain." "Thank you." "Yes." "Yes, Colonel." "Yes, sir." "Yes, sir, yes, sir..." "Oh, it's you." "What do you want?" "One nightshirt." "What do you call this thing?" "Gown." "One pair of bloomers, two pairs of stockings..." "Just a moment." "One slip." "Sorry I couldn't get them to you sooner." "Goodbye Lieutenant Gates." "What a stinker you are." "Did I forget something?" "Dirty stinker, get right back in there and explain to them how you got my laundry by mistake and forgot to give it back to me." "It's such a dull story." "Who would care?" "You know what they think." "I don't understand..." "Oh, no..." "You mean you and me?" "I'll explain that the idea is revolting." "Oh, no you don't." "Never mind." "I'd be delighted to explain that I think you're repulsive." "Never mind." "Forget it." "You've had your joke, now beat it." "I'm here on official business." "Don't tell me." "Another mission?" "Don't get your hopes up." "You're not coming with me." "Thank heavens." "Who is your victim?" "My interpreter and aide is Lieutenant Eloise Billings, who I'm reliably informed is intelligent, pretty and, as you Americans say, stacked." "That she is." "You haven't met her?" "No, that will occur in Major Prendergast's office in 30 seconds." "Goodbye again, lieutenant Gates." " Where are you going?" " Major Prendergast's office." "There's nothing for you to do there." "Wait..." "I'm in a hurry." " Hello, Eloise." " Hi, honey." "Capt. Rochard, Lieutenant Billings." "You'll work together." "Enchanted." "How do you do..." "We have a mutual friend, Alex Brissac." "Sure, I remember him." "As I was on previous missions with Capt. Rochard, he just returned some of my things." "Perhaps I can help." "I can explain." "Don't you have somewhere to go?" "No, I'm free until 2.30." "About this mission..." "It's simple." "We have to go to Bad Nauheim, a pleasant village..." "Till you get there." "I can explain better when we're alone." "Better wear side arms." "He uses maps instead of etchings." "I've so looked forward to going to Bad Nauheim." "The French army shoe is slightly different." "Hold the foot, junior." "Yes, yes." "As shown by the captain's foot and my thigh." "For goodness sake!" "That was purely accidental." "The mark on my chin..." "May I have my foot?" "Thank you." "The mark under my chin was an accident." "My fault entirely." "I tripped while he was chasing me." "Will you shut up?" "See?" "Something I'd never have mentioned, his temperament." "But he's not to blame, more like a form of epilepsy." " Will you shut up?" " I tell you..." "Will you sh...?" "Henri, I'm talking." "Yes, you are." "I tell you because we're members of the same army and the same sex." "It's only fair to warn you that Jack the Ripper is up that alley." "In case anything happens, would you give me your mother's address?" "I've been trying to tell you, I'm not going on this mission." "I'm going to Frankfurt with Colonel Bliven." "But who?" "You're going with him." "Who is Jack the...?" "Honey, maybe you better leave me your mother's address." "Hello, Captain Rochard." "I was going to send for you, Gates." "Come in." "You too, Captain." "This shouldn't take long." "Gates, Billings is needed elsewhere." "You'll go with Captain Rochard." "Thank you, no." "If I may suggest, Lieutenant Perry has almost finished her assignment..." "No experience." "The captain wants our best, don't you?" "Well, Major, this is not an important mission." "My government request for an officer is only a technicality..." "Your orders call for our full co-operation, I'll see you get it." "Here's your identity card, security pass and ration card." "Gates, Captain Rochard will brief you on the mission." "Yes, Major." "Major, this Lieutenant Perry, she ought to do." "You're very kind, but we're used to being short-handed." "Besides, if I remember, you've had assignments with Gates before, and very successfully." ""Recovered art treasures stolen by the Nazis from the Lille Museum"." ""Located hidden documents relating to rocket research." "Received Legion of Merit..."" "She's your man." " Wish she were." " Pardon?" "Nothing." "Is there anything else?" "No, thank you." "You've done more than you realise." "Good luck then." "Goodbye, Major." "Jack the Ripper was a famous..." "Thank you." "Thank you, Captain." "I wonder what the army would do if I deserted?" "They'd shoot you." "The thought makes my mouth water." "I'd almost prefer it myself." "Which way do we go?" "Well, let's get the briefing over." "What's the job?" "You don't need to know." "Come on, what's the job?" "To keep your mouth shut and do as I tell you." "I need to know what equipment to draw from the quartermaster." "See if they have a spare head." "I warn you, bubble mouth, I'll carry a revolver and a trench knife." "If you touch me, you'll go back minus a lot of parts you value." "There you go again, you idiot." "I didn't touch you." "I'm sorry, but we're stuck together." "Why not make the best of it?" "There is no best." "I'll go crazy if you..." "We turn here." "I'll go crazy if you keep losing your maniac temper." "Let's grow up." "I'm sorry about the wine cellar." "I have no temper." "No one ever accused me of that!" "They didn't?" "Do you remember the last time I saw you?" "You were chasing me around Düsseldorf swearing you'd tear my head off and make me eat it." "And what colour was I?" "I was a lovely robin's egg blue." "You looked so funny." "On account of being pushed into a vat of dye by you!" "I didn't know, I thought it was water." "Water..." "Blue, all over, blue." "It's your own fault." "Drinking free wine and turning into an octopus..." "You misunderstood." "I was trying to be friendly." "I'm sorry, I misunderstood." "Let's forget it, the dye has come off." "No, it hasn't." " It hasn't?" " No." "I'm sorry." "That's all right, there's an advantage in being an oddity." "In here, Henri." "Hello, Jack." "Hello." "What's so funny?" "It's difficult to describe." "Captain Rumsey, Captain Rochard of the French Economic Mission." "Je suis enchanté de faire votre connaissance." "Hiya." "Have you some orders for me?" "All ready, Burns..." "Cathy, this means no dance for me Saturday night." "Don't be silly, take Kitty." "I'd rather sit in my room and think of you." "Wouldn't you, Captain?" "Alone, in my room." "Take good care of her." " I'll watch her every moment." " That's fine." "We better be going." "Bye, Jack." "How about dinner the night you get back?" "It's a deal." "Alors, mon capitaine..." "Avez..." "Avez de bonne chance." "See you in church." "Sure." "So long." "So long." "That linguist is stuck on you." "What's the matter with him?" "It's only natural that you wouldn't understand." "It certainly is." "You chase after anything in skirts." "They're all the same to you." "But lots of men can tell them apart." "Sometimes they find one they like more than the others." "That's called love." "You probably haven't experienced it, but you must've read about it." "Where are we going?" "I go that way, I have to get my stuff." "Where do I go?" "I have to pay off my cab." "I'll meet you at the motor pool in twenty minutes." "Before you go." "Why did you say I run after everything in skirts?" "I didn't." "I said anything." "That's different, then." "American women..." "For weeks, you've been talking about the man as if he had jaundice." "He did." "Now you're over the moon because you'll be alone with him three days." "You can do a lot in three days." "If you work at it." "What about the dye?" "Is he still blue?" "He's still mad, but he's fun to fight with." "Bring that, will you?" "Sure." "Are you ready, Captain?" "Quite ready, Lieutenant." "Morning, Sergeant." "We need transportation to Bad Nauheim." "Sorry, you're all out of luck." "We'll settle for a jeep." "All we've got are motorcycles and side cars." "Come on, sergeant." "Did you look at your orders?" "What about those cars?" "You've got priority 4." "That's bottom." "Well, Captain, what do we do?" "We'll have to take a motorcycle." " Are you checked out on motorcycles?" " I can drive one." "If you ain't checked out, you can't." "I have a motorcycle licence." "Well, I guess that fixes you up." "We'll wait for a car." "I can drive one." "I'm sure." "I'm good on a motorcycle." "My brother had one, we went hill climbing." " I can even ride standing up." " What for?" "I can still ride a motorcycle." "Or are you afraid?" "We'll take it, Sergeant." "And I am afraid." " Any one of these?" " Sure, take your pick." "Remember, she has to drive." "That's regulations." "Thank you." "Sergeant, can we have a helmet and goggles?" "In the toolbox, lieutenant." "Yes." "Thanks." "What are you laughing at?" "Begging your pardon, how do you intend to ride?" "Side saddle?" "No." "Begging your pardon, astride." " It's a shame." " Excuse me." "How far is it to Bad Nauheim?" "About 120 kilometres." "Do you know the way?" "I've got a map." "Of Germany?" "Yes, Captain, of Germany." "You'll be all right." "Lieutenant!" "You forgot something!" "Never mind, let her go." "Sorry, I took it off for oiling and forgot to hook it up." "Take this one, it's all in one piece." "It would be better, don't you agree?" " I don't know." " You don't?" "Yes, I don't know." "You know how silly you look sitting there?" "Is it still so funny?" "No, I was just thinking how nice it'd be if this one came off while we were driving." "Oh, I dropped my lipstick." "It rolled over there." "Get it, will you?" "It's a pleasure to get out of this portable bathtub." "I can't reach it." "It's over there." "Climb over the top." "Let me down!" "Let me down!" "Henri, what are you doing up there?" " What's the deal?" " The area's sealed off from here to Battenberg." " What for?" " Rounding up a gang of black market dealers." " I have a pass." " Sorry, it's no good." "I've got a general pass." "Keep it." "All passes are suspended." " For how long?" " 8 to 12 hours, maybe 24." "I'm sorry." " Well?" " I might've known." "Don't blame me." "It's not my fault." "What'll we do?" "I can't wait here." "I've got to be in Bad Nauheim at 3 pm tomorrow." "If this thing had wings, we could..." "What's wrong with that?" " What?" " That boat." "It should say U.S. Navy on it." "Why not put the motorcycle on it and row down past Battenberg?" "It's not far." "We can pick up the road there." "Do you think they'll let us?" "We can try." "Lieutenant, can we take that boat and row past Battenberg?" "So long as you don't row on the road, it's none of my business." "Can we have some help?" "Thanks." " Sergeant Christian!" " Yes?" "Bring some men over here." "Watch your feet." "Put it in gear." "Thanks." "Lieutenant, tell the O.I. C we'll return the boat or telegraph him where to pick it up." "Will you help us to shove off?" "Thanks." "Have a nice trip." "Thanks." " Grab an oar." " Me?" "Yes, you." "An oar." "Pull, pull." "Pull." "What's that ahead?" "A bridge." "It's not on the map, though." "Where are we?" "A couple of miles should do it." "What's that noise?" "Sounds like a C-47." "It's bigger than that, must be a C-54." "Must be a lot of C-47s." "C-54s!" "Whatever kind of planes the are, they make a lot of noise." "It doesn't..." "Henri, row for shore, quick!" " Why?" " Don't argue, row!" "Let me tell you something." "I'm going straight down this river." "You sure are, but you're going over a waterfall first." "That's different..." "Henri, stop playing ostrich!" "Hold this!" "Let's try to pull ourselves free!" "All right." "Come on, pull, pull hard!" "I'm pulling!" "Now we're getting it!" "Danke!" "Now row." "I'm rowing." "Come on, Henri, pull." " Row hard." " I am!" "Now, turn it around." "I'll turn it." "You're so clumsy!" "Have you got it?" "A bit more." "That's awfully wet ground you're sitting on." "At the moment, I can't feel anything, but, when I do, I'm going to kick you bowlegged." "For what?" "For saving your life?" "Oh, yes." "You did catch that rope." "I did." "Convenient, wasn't it?" "They always are." "I suppose I owe you something." "I'll call it square if you explain the mission." "Come on, Henri." "There's a man there who grinds lenses." "His name is..." " What's the matter?" " Charley horse." "Roll over, I can fix that." "Never mind." "Go ahead with the story." " His name's Schindler." " A lens grinder." "I have to persuade him that we'll pay more than the black market." "That's sore." "Roll over, I'm good at that." "All right." "What's our problem?" "No problem." "A few well-chosen words, a contract, a passport and then home." "That's the whole plot." "Simple, isn't it?" "I don't see why they assigned me to this mission." "They didn't want to make it too easy." "How is my leg?" "Not bad, better than I remembered." "Perhaps the other..." "No, never mind." "That'll do." "Help me up." "I was just being friendly." "But you're never friendly from a distance." "Henri, one move, and it won't be a vat of dye, it'll be the river." " You wouldn't." " Yes, I would." "I think you would." "Catherine, your lack of co-operation is amazing!" "I'll co-operate by finding out where we are." "Who put us on the river?" "I knew you'd say that." "You're tiresome." "You're subnormal." "I don't propose to argue any further." "That darn road doesn't come within 10 kilometres of here." "Across open country in that thing?" "It'll be a little bumpy, but we'll make it by 3 o'clock." "We won't get there before dark, if we get there at all." "This motorcycle will go anywhere, if you help me get it out of the boat." "We'll be on the road in no time." "Pitch dark." "We're lost, absolutely lost." "Is there a difference?" "Haven't you got a bump of direction?" "It's the only kind I haven't got." "Come on, you drive." "My back hurts." "You're the one who checked out on the motorcycle." "Stop being so cute." "I hate you when you..." "What's that?" "Listen." "We must've been driving alongside that road for the last hour." "Perhaps they just moved it there." "Oh, shut up." "There's a sign back there." "See what it says." "I don't suppose you have a flashlight?" "No, I haven't." "What does it say?" "I can't see!" "Well, climb up, silly." "Hurry up, it's starting to rain." "What does it say?" "I can't tell." "It's in German." "Well, move your arm!" "You can come down now, Henri." " What does it say?" " Never mind, get in." " What does it say?" " "Wet paint"." "How many miles...?" "No, Henri." "No, no." "You'll get wet." "Get in the sidecar." "I know." "Hurry up." "All right, we're in Bad Nauheim." "You can come out." "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure." "And bring my bag." "Good evening, come in." "Do you have any free rooms for this evening?" "Of course." "Do you want a one or two rooms?" " Two, please." " What are you talking about?" "He wanted to know if we want one room or two." " You told him?" " I told him." "Come this way." "What's the matter?" "My back, I think it's broken." "And it's all your fault." "If you'd got that cow out of the way, we needn't have taken that detour." " It was a bull." " Cow." "You said you couldn't tell at 20 yards away." "I know, but it couldn't be a bull, he would've had horns." " Who is it?" " Cinderella." "What do you want?" "My slipper." "Well, open the door." "What do you want?" "You just said that." "How's your back?" "Awful." "It hurts." "Get into bed." "I will not get into bed." "What are you doing?" "What's that?" "I brought you a drink." "I thought so." "I knew you'd get up to your..." "And some liniment to rub your back." "Get into bed." "We'll need some water." "Take your shirt off too." "I am not going to take my shirt off." "How am I going to rub your back through it?" "You won't rub my back through anything, including my foolishness." "Here, drink this." "Want some water?" "No." "It's good." "My back..." "Do you want it rubbed or not?" "Is that stuff any good?" "Turn over." "Wait a minute." "Stop bawling." "I don't want them to think we smuggled in a cow." "It stings." "It's supposed to." "Let it soak in for a while." "Relax." "You're dislocating everything." "Relax." "I hurt further up." "How can you relax if you won't co-operate?" "I said I hurt further up." "That's better." "Makes me feel sleepy." "Good." "That's nice, Henri." "I'm sorry I thought when you came in you were behaving like a stinker." "You've been a stinker for so long, I just didn't..." "I know." "Go to sleep." "With you in the room?" "I can't rub you from the hallway." "If I go to sleep, will you promise to leave." "I'll go now." "No..." "Feels good." "Go to sleep, I'll be gone in a minute." "Henri, about this mission..." "Never mind." "I just want to ask you a question." "What?" "Is this mission so important?" "It is to me." "It's my last assignment for the army." "I'm getting out next week." "I didn't know that." "Then, it is important, isn't it?" "Henri, I..." "I'm so sleepy..." "Good night." "She'll never believe me." "What happened?" "What happened?" "You unspeakable weasel, I knew you'd be up to your old tricks." " That's ridiculous." " Get out." " I said get out." " I can't." " Why not?" " The door handle came off." "What an excuse." "Couldn't you think of a better one?" " I don't believe you." " You try to open the door." "All right, I will." "Try to open the door." "How did you do that?" "You liar, you..." "You're worse than I thought." "Put on your shoes and get out." "Don't speak to me." "Do you understand?" "Don't speak to me again." "Ever!" "I don't want to talk to you." "Don't speak to me." "Stop banging on that door!" "You can't come in!" "I'm in." "Magic." "Henri, I told you not to speak to me." "Someone's out there." "Perhaps they'll let me out." "Who is it?" "Wer ist da?" "It's me, the innkeeper's wife." "Ein Moment." "We must do something." "I know, get out that window." "You can't be found here." "Don't argue." "American women..." "But..." "Come in." "Guten Morgen." "Morgen, Fraulein." "The door handle came off." "It's happened before." "I put it back." "I'm very sorry." "Climbing in the nice young lady's room?" "Raus hier!" "Raus hier!" "Henri!" "Come in." "Excuse me, I was looking for Captain..." "Henri." "No..." "What do you want?" "You look like an organ grinder." "Excuse me." "Sorry." "Excuse me." " What was that?" " The innkeeper." "I've borrowed his clothes." "Why?" "I came here to find Herr Schindler." "I'm going to the black market hangouts to see what I can find out." "If I'm in uniform, no one will tell me anything." "Is that reasonable?" "See you later." " Don't you want any help?" " No." "Oh, now, Henri..." "I'm sorry about the door handle." "You were telling the truth." "Nice of you to apologise." "That fixes everything." "What more can I do?" "I often wonder." "Henri, stop being like that." "You're behaving like a little boy." " I know it." " You said it was important, I just want to help." " Never mind." " Can I try to find Schlindler on my own?" " I could do something..." " Don't do anything." "You make me so mad, you don't want my help." "Don't do anything." "If you see me, don't speak to me, you don't know me." "Why not?" "You're in uniform." "They'll think I'm a stool pigeon." "Can't I go out by myself?" "Just take orders." "Remember, you don't know me." " All right." " You can't speak to me." " Okay." " I'm transparent, you can't see me." "I never could, not for sour apples." "You stubborn..." "He makes me so mad, I could..." "Catherine." "Catherine Gates." "Jowitt, how are you?" "Good to see you." "What are you doing here?" "I'm on a mission." "I'll tell you about it." "Shall we get breakfast?" "I know where we can get real coffee." "Come on." "Will you be here long?" "Just for a couple of days." "Fine." "Here we are." "Bill Trumble, Catherine Gates." "Hello." "How are you?" "Sit down." " Catherine just got in." " Guten Morgen." "Want anything besides coffee?" "Jam rolls, anything." " Make it for two." " Jawohl." "How long will you be here?" "Just a couple of days." "You haven't said why you're here." "It's not much of a story..." "Isn't that the fellow you were talking to at the inn?" "Yes, that's him." "He's going into the wrong place." "That's a black market hangout." "Bill has a friend in the MPs." "The German police are going to raid that place this morning." "The place he just went into?" " That's why we're here for breakfast." " Get a floor show for free." "You couldn't have chosen a better spot." "Here they are now." "Watch them operate." "She can identify me, an officer of the U.S. army." "Come here." "Catherine, tell these men who I am." "Identify me, please." "Is something wrong, officer?" "Lieutenant, he says he's a French officer and you know him." "I never saw him before in my life." "That's what I thought!" "You shouldn't have done this." "I'll get even!" "I'll get even!" "I'll get even, traitor!" "I'll get even!" "What is going on here?" "I'll tell you later." "Could you help me find a German lens grinder named Schindler?" " Sure." " We ought to be able to help." "Think so?" "Is this the man?" "Yes, that's Captain Rochard." "Good morning, Henri." "I trust you understand." "There was nothing else we could do." "No identity card..." "It was not really our fault." "Don't worry, I'm entirely aware of whose fault it was." "Henri, I did exactly as you told me." "Thank you, Captain." "One question." "Why have you no beds here?" "Didn't you have a bed?" "You see, when we had beds, everyone wished to be arrested." "It was terrible." "People did anything, just so they could have a bed." "I know how they felt." "Poor dear, you haven't had a wink..." "Shut up." "May I go now?" "Of course." "Thank you very much." "I'd like a word with you, outside." "Of course, I want to talk to you, too." "I want you to meet this..." "Listen, you bug-eyed traitor, remember this:" "I'll get even, I swear." "Even if it takes years, if it takes forever." "Go away, I'm busy." "I'll break you... like a dry twig, I'll turn you into a shaky old woman..." "I said I was busy." "...with tin cup." "This is the man..." "I understand you can be a rat, but there's one thing that baffles me..." "There's no pleasing some people." "It's your job." "The army gave you an assignment." "You took an oath as an officer, the oath of duty." "I followed your orders." "We'll never find Schindler." "Where is he now?" "He'll have heard I'm looking for him and gone underground." "I know how those fellows work." "What do you want?" "Who are you?" "." " Schindler." " Fine." "Will you please stop...?" "You're Schindler?" "Why didn't you say so?" "You wouldn't give anyone a chance to say a word." "Button your big lip so he can talk." "He hasn't much time before his train." "I just wanted to say I'm so glad, so grateful, so full of happiness." "Thank you." "Well, goodbye." " Wait, I want to talk to you." " He'll miss his train." "I'm going to Paris, French Economic Bureau." "I have my passport, documents and contract." "I took them out of your briefcase." "This wonderful lady gave and told me everything." "So, I leave Germany now." "I never wanted to be in the black market." "I'm a scientist." "Now, I'll work for science and for France." "No more like a thief in the night." "Thank you." "Thank you." "Goodbye." "Thank you again." "Goodbye." "Nice little guy." "So, you found him..." "I ran into him." "Someone I knew, knew him." "He was very anxious to go, as you heard." "It was easy." "Yeah, easy." "Easy." "Go ahead, start hollering, calling me names..." "Guten Morgen." "Was darf sein, bitte?" "Bitte, haben Sie kaffee?" "Zwei, bitte." "Just a minute, do you speak English?" "Sure." "You know, there's nothing I've ever really wanted in life." "Fame, money, position." "Nothing, until now." "There's just one thing: never to see you again as long as I live." "That was a rotten thing to say..." "Will you get the coffee, please?" "That was mean rotten." "Maybe, but it wasn't accidental." "Fortunately, I'm leaving the army." "I'll be a civilian." "Never again can they order me to work with you." "I'm going back to Heidelberg by train." "Get some other chump to torture in that sidecar." "I know why you're mad." "I don't blame you, I would be too." "I knew it was your last job." "I didn't think, I spoiled it for you." "I'd give anything if I hadn't." "I'd cut off my arm, almost." "I like you, Henri." "I can't help it." "You're stubborn and you don't know anything, but I don't want you to disappear without saying you'll write, or kick me, or use my toothbrush." "I wouldn't put it past you." "After all we've been to each other." "And all we haven't been." "After all we've done together." "And all we haven't." "I know that's not your fault." "It's mine and I feel..." "I'm making a fool of myself." "Now, get out or say something nice." "I don't know, Catherine..." "That was nice, Henri." "Please, say more." "If we're going to get back before dark, we better be going." "Henri..." "But, Catherine, just one thing." "Pay for the coffee." "Yes, Henri." "What happened?" "You went to sleep so I pulled over." "I thought this would be better." "Thank you." "I've been thinking." "Why do we fight all the time?" "You tell me." "Sex antagonism, I guess." "What does that mean?" "I think it means just the opposite of what it sounds like." "I can't even think what it sounds like." "Henri, I think it means we like each other, but won't admit it." "I'd like it distinctly understood..." "If I weren't so sleepy..." "Don't do it." "Go to sleep." "I will." "Are you all right?" " Go back to sleep." " Why are we stopping?" "I want to see a man about a road." "I'll be back in a minute." "Take your time." "Aufwiedersehen!" "Henri!" "Henri!" "You know, Catherine, I don't mind being the first to say it:" "I like you very much." "In fact, I'd miss you if you weren't here." "Henri, stop!" "Come back!" "Henri!" "Oh, no..." "Catherine, now that I've told you how I feel..." "My, this is terribly bumpy." "Look out!" "Catherine!" "Catherine!" "Darling, are you all right?" "Where are you?" "Yes, I'm here." "I'm coming." "I can hear you, but I can't find you." "Darling, are you all right?" "Where are you?" "Here I am, over here." "There you are." "Darling, thank goodness you're safe." "How did you get out there?" "Wait a minute." "I'm all out of breath from chasing you." "Chasing me?" "You weren't on the motorcycle?" "You were by yourself." "You got off and left me." "Henri, what's all this "darling" business you were mumbling about?" "Darling?" "Did I say that?" "I heard you." "Probably fright, it's natural." "Did you mean me?" "I think I was stunned momentarily." "Maybe, but you looked like you were going to kiss me when you saw me." "I what?" "I wish you had." "I've never been kissed by a Frenchman." "What's so strange about that?" "You know what people say." "That's nonsense." "You hear people talk..." "We're no different than anybody else." " I don't know, I've just heard talk." " That's silly." " Why don't you try it and let me see?" " Catherine..." "It's the only way to find out." "But it's so silly." "No harm in trying, is there?" "I suppose not." "All right, go ahead." " Are you ready?" " Sure." "That was no good, that wasn't different at all." "I told you it wouldn't be." "I thought it'd be better than that." "You didn't give me much of a chance." "That wasn't fair." "Of course it wasn't." "I ought to give you another chance." "Yes, you ought." "Go ahead, try again." "All right." "Come here." "Well, that was a little better." "See?" "Could've been even better if I'd had some co-operation." "If I'd had a French girl here..." "What do you mean by that remark?" "You haven't been giving me much help." " You think a French girl could do better?" " Yes, I do." " Do you want to try again?" " Yes." "So do I." "Wait a minute." "Lean back." "Comfortable?" "Yes." "Major, we want to get married." "When did you reach that decision?" "This afternoon, about 2:30." "In a haystack, Henri was on the motorcycle..." "I don't think the major will be interested in the details." "And you two didn't want to go away together." "It would seem your mission was very successful." " Thank you." " Congratulations." "You're the first to know." "I guessed as much." "As to getting married, there's one hitch." " Itch?" " It's probably the haystack..." "I don't..." "Hitch." "Marriages between American military personnel and aliens, and you come under that heading, must be approved by the general." "There's a set procedure." "It's only red tape." "Do you itch, Catherine?" "She said "hitch"." "We've got to get things approved." "Here are the forms." "Fill them out in quadruplicate." "When completed, send them to the Colonel's office." "And good luck." "Goodbye, Captain." "Yes." "Is she always so confusing?" "No, but this will be." "Look at all this stuff we've got to fill in." "She said there were only four." "You misheard." "She said four of each." "Let's go to my room to work." "Fine." "Wait a minute." "Souvenir." "You'll end up with a pocketful." "This is impossible." "Don't give up now, we're half way through." "My uncle's politics, my aunt's religion, any warts..." "By the way, my Aunt's name is Fanny." "Put that down." "Any identifying scars on my second cousin's clavicle..." "We'll never get this done." "Look at this: "Name your father's gender"." "No..." "It says so." "No, father's birthplace." "Gender belongs to this question." "I thought there was something wrong." "Idiot." "Were you ever captured by Peruvian Indians?" "No, why?" "I understand they do a good job of shrinking heads." "Come on, let's take time out." "There are a lot of things I'd rather do than answer questions." "This, for instance?" "Maybe I better go back and see another double feature." "No, come on in." "We're still filling out forms." "If anyone wants to do that with me, let me know." "I'm going to sleep." "Good night." "We've got to get busy." "Why do we have to go through all this?" "It's the army's way of finding out if you really want to get married." "I know a much better way." "Mayor Prendergast." "Yes." "At ease, Gates." "That'll be all right." "Well, Gates?" "I'm sorry to bother you, but we haven't heard a word in over a week." "Your papers must've bogged down." "Isn't there something you can do?" "He's getting nervous, and so am I." "I'll see what I can do." "I'll let you know." "Thank you, Major." " Gates..." " Yes?" "He is worth waiting for, isn't he?" "He is now." "I don't know what he'll be like by the time I get him." "I can't understand her marrying a foreigner she hardly knows." " It's ridiculous and disgraceful." " I can't see why she wants to." "You better get glasses." "Why are you women such pushovers for this parlez-vous hand kissing?" "Hand kissing?" "He does more than that." "Catherine told me he was plum crazy, chasing her and beating her up." "He left marks all over her, I saw them." "He could leave marks on me any time." "I'd bring the stick." "It wasn't a stick." "He kicked her right in the..." " What?" " He did." " Hi, Catherine." " We were just talking about you." "I bet you were." "Well, say something." "Did you see her?" "Don't lose your temper." "The papers are stuck somewhere." "Stuck how?" "Bogged down, lying on someone's desk." "What for?" "Henri, please." "I don't know." "They let other people get married." "What've they got against you?" "Me?" "It'll be you they're investigating." "Nonsense." "Why should they?" "Please." "There are other people here." "Why should they investigate me?" "Because the American army is very careful." "They better be, or they won't have any American children." "Will you lower your voice?" "I'll do better." "I'll take it somewhere else." "Do that." "And while you're about it, go bag your oars." "Bag your oars?" "What's that?" "More army talk?" " Navy." " Naval talk." "Charming." " You make me sick." " Good." "Henri..." "Excuse me." "Catherine, let me ask you something like a brother." "Do you really want to marry that phoney joker?" " Certainly not." " You're kidding?" "I hope he chokes, slowly." "Very slowly." "That's what I said." "A girl like you couldn't make a mistake like that." "Thank heavens for army red tape." "Don't thank the army." "Thank me, personally." "You?" "Why?" "I hid the papers." "I knew you'd change your mind." " You hid the papers?" " I knew I was doing you a favour." "You hid the papers..." "I filed them." "I don't mind going out on a limb for a friend." "It was taking a chance, sure..." "Now, your marriage." "Catherine, you want me to marry you in my church." "And you, Henri, promised the pastor of your parish he'd do the job." " Yes." " You better have both marriages." "I think he's right, Henri." "Let's get started." "Just a moment." "There's more to it." "Under German law, recognised by the occupying army, you have to go through a civil ceremony before the church ceremony." "So you have to be married by the Burgermeister in Heidelberg and then, come to me, and then go to Henri's pastor." "That makes three times." "Three?" "In China, the bride and groom drink tea out of the same bowl, that's it." " Are you Chinese?" " Of course not." " I thought not." "I'm not." " What brought that up?" " You mentioned drinking tea." " I was telling the chaplain..." "I'll drink tea with you." "Stop it." "Perhaps I shouldn't go through with this." "You can still say no." "We'll go to the Burgermeister and come back." " I'll be ready, any time." " Thank you." "Don't pay any attention to her." " Goodbye." " Goodbye." "Captain Henri Rochard, Catherine Gates..." "You've decided to live your future life together." "...and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as you both shall live?" "I will." "Please join right hands." "Henri, will you repeat after me," "I, Henri... take thee, Catherine... to be my wedded wife..." "He wants the ring." "I haven't got it." "Here." "Je t'épouse avec cet anneau." "Well, like it?" "I like it." "It's been quite a day." "We're a lot married, three times." "It was worth it." "I don't see how we could ever get a divorce." "It would be like unwinding the inside of a golf ball." "Want some more coffee?" "I just had four cups." "Besides, it keeps me awake." "What's the matter?" "I'm just thinking about a friend on his wedding night." "What happened?" "You see, he was..." "Pardon, monsieur." "Il y a quelque chose que vous voulez?" "Non, non, non." "Bon soir." " Tell me about it." " What?" "Your friend, on his wedding night." "I'm not so sure I can tell you." "Of course you can." "That's right, I can now, can't I?" "Well, here's what happened..." "This is just like my friend's story." " Now what?" " Can I come in?" " You're in." " I didn't want to come, but..." "Then go away." "Kitty, why are you here?" "I thought you'd gone back." "Of all the times..." "What do you want, anyway?" " I certainly didn't want to come here." " Then go away." "I've got something to tell you and you're not going to like it." "What?" "The Colonel gave orders you're to leave for Heidelberg in 20 minutes." " You're kidding!" " The whole outfit's going back to America." "America?" "Well, not right away." "We don't have to leave tonight." "Maybe you don't, but Catherine does." "Those are orders." " When do I have to report?" " Not until morning." "Then we stay here, fly back and report in the morning." "Tell the Colonel you couldn't find us." "He said if I tried to pull that one, we'd both be sorry." "I'm in a spot, so are you." "Get working on Henri's passport, or he won't be able to sail with you." "Henri, we're dead." "This is a fine wedding night!" "Find a place to stay in Heidelberg, it's better than nothing." "What do you mean, nothing?" "Start packing." "You've only got 20 minutes." "How do we get back from here?" "Plane to Frankfurt, there'll be a jeep there." "See you later." "Orders are I'm to stick with you till you get back to Heidelberg." "Orders..." "Orders?" "Orders..." "They wouldn't do this in the French army." "Poor Henri..." " Want me to wait for you?" " What do you mean?" " All night?" " I don't think it'll be that long." "What trouble are you dreaming up now?" "Where you're going it says B.O. Q:" "Bachelor Officers' Quarters." "I don't care." "That's where I live and where I'll take my wife." "It's against regulations." "Who cares about regulations at a time like this?" "Besides, I know the sergeant and he always looks the other..." "He's a very nice fellow from Tulsa, Oklahoma." "Please take the lieutenant home." "Goodnight, Kitty." " Goodnight." " Come along." " But..." " Please." " Goodnight, Kitty." " Goodnight." "Hope it works." "Leave it to me." "It's just us." "B.O. Q means." "Bachelor Officers' Quarters." "We went to six hotels, and they're all against regulations..." "What's the matter?" "Billings is on the couch." "Thompson and Kay are in the bedroom." " What are they doing here?" " Sleeping." " Come on." " Where?" "Since time began, man has always found a place for his mate, even if it was a cave." "Tonight, mankind's a flop." "You haven't a cave or even a bed..." "It's 3 am and it's my wedding night..." "My feet hurt, I couldn't walk another step..." "Yes, darling, yes." "Do you want to sleep here?" "No." "I mean yes, but I want you to sleep here too." "You can bunk up with me and he can sleep in the bathroom." "Sitting up?" "It's not so bad." "I slept in a bathtub once." "On your wedding night?" "No." "I'll get you some blankets and a pillow." "Come along, dear." "How could it turn out like this?" "I always planned a wonderful..." "I know, I know." "Come on." "The bathroom's there." "Goodnight, Henri." "Good night, dear." "Oh, everything's wrong." "I can't wear my new nightgown, there isn't any rice..." "Maybe Kitty has some mothballs." "I don't think it's funny." "Me, in one room and you, in a bathtub..." "Yes, dear, but never mind." "Goodnight, darling." "Don't cry, I'll be all right." "I'll be quite comfortable." "I'll just turn on the cold water." "Come on, Henri, hurry up." "We've a lot to do." "I am hurrying." "This is as fast as I can go." "Straighten up, you look like a question mark." " Thank you." " That's better." "What a place to put a faucet, in the middle of my back." "It is unusual." "Cheer up, tonight you'll have a bed to sleep on." "That's just it." "I don't mean to sound cranky, but this is so unnatural..." "I'll be at B.O. Q and you'll be miles away." "All because the army..." "We haven't time to look for somewhere else, we have to see the Consul." "Come on." "What are you doing in the gutter?" "Where else would I be?" "I know it's very important and you're in a hurry, but it won't be easy." "Take the matter of support:" "Captain, have you any money in the US?" "No." "And the laws of your country only allow you to take a nominal amount." "Yes, that's right." "A visitor's visa is no good, you couldn't take a job." "And unless your wife can prove she's able to support you, you couldn't get a permanent visa." "Catherine isn't going to support me." "Is there any other kind of visa?" "What about the French quota?" " It's filled up for this year and next." " What'll we do?" "I was wondering if public law 271 would apply." "That's the one regulating immigration of war brides." "Catherine doesn't have to immigrate, she's an American citizen." "I was thinking of you as the bride." "That's a good imagination you have there." "It says "spouses", it doesn't mention sex." "I'm convinced the American army doesn't believe in it." "This is going to work." "Yes, I think this will work." "Sure it will." "This is wonderful." "What?" "Spouses means mates." "It doesn't say male or female." "We're mates, right?" "I really wouldn't know..." "You're a spouse of a member of the American Expedition." "Therefore, you're eligible to travel under section 271, as her bride." "As her bride?" " Henri..." " Your bride?" "It'll be fun." "I know it's ridiculous, but it'll work." "It's the only way." "Here's the application." "I'm not going to travel as her bride." "Besides, her name's Rochard." "Excuse me, but officially, it's still Gates." "No, officially, it is Rochard." "I have 3 certificates to prove it." " Henri..." " I don't care." "Rochard." "Rochard." "Pay no attention." "What do we have to do?" "Fill out your name, rank, organisation, wife's maiden name..." " She hasn't got a wife." " Just for the time being." " Have you got a wife?" " No, but it's only a piece of paper." "Obviously, these applications are intended for the husband." "I can write." "We know, dear." "You can write." "No, this doesn't apply to you." "Just make the proper adjustments." " What?" " On these papers." "You want to go, don't you?" "Well, it's the only way." "Hand them over to the Immigration Officer when you've filled them out." " Thank you." " Catherine..." "It'll be simple, you'll see." "On the contrary, turning a man into a woman is enormously complicated." "But, I'll do my best." "Thank you, good day." " Goodbye." " Goodbye." "Just a moment." "Brides first." " I beg your pardon." " That's all right." "Hello, Henri." "Well, nothing happened." " Hasn't it come yet?" " I wonder if it even arrived." "I handed it to the immigration officer myself." "Henri, brace yourself." "I'm leaving." "Our whole outfit leaves tonight." "Tonight?" "That does it." "We're cooked." "The application will come this afternoon." "It won't." "You'll go and I'll sit here, wondering which sex I am." "A marriage of solitary confinement." "I've never been so lonely." "If I have to leave you, I'll shoot myself." "Shoot me too." "I think this is it." "It came to the office." "Thank you, Kitty." "At last..." ""Dear madam..." That's me." ""Following application of your husband..." That's you." ""...permission to enter the US as a war bride has been granted"." "I've got to go, see you later." "I'm so happy." "Kiss me." "We've time, that can wait." "Or maybe not." "No, Henri, the letter." ""Please fill in a test form and bring to this office..."" "Another form." "Will they ever run out?" "I won't." "I won't answer those questions." " This isn't so bad." " I won't answer those questions!" " You've got to." "You don't want to stay, do you?" " No." " Then you've got to answer." " How can I?" "You can." "Perhaps the man at the office will help you." "Impossible." "Control yourself and be nice." "Everything will be all right." "Read it on the way." "Goodbye and good luck." " I tell you, there isn't another form." " I told you first." "This form is for a woman." "On the other hand, if you don't fill it out, you can't go." "That's right." "I've got to use this form." "I felt the same way, but if it's the only form, let's fill it out." "Well, let's see." "Age and birth place, we've got." "Here's the first:" "Are you an expectant mother?" "Yes..." "How many months?" "20." "20?" "20 months..." "Any female trouble?" "Nothing but, Sergeant." "Have you had children before?" "My aching back..." "You know that awful feeling before breakfast?" " No, I don't." " You're lucky." "This doesn't make any sense." "I know, but we've got to fill it out." "Ask another, there are some good ones." "Attention, please." "Attention, please." "Will Mrs Milton come to the desk, please?" "Take seat 18 in bus number 3." " Mrs. Rochard." "Take seat 19 in bus number 3." " Thank you." "Wait a minute." "You're not Mrs. Rochard." "I'm Mr. Rochard." "It's your wife who must report for transportation to Bremerhaven." "According to the War Department, I am my wife." "You can't be your wife." "If the American army says I can be, who am I to dispute that?" "This is all wrong." "Major, for your information, I am a war bride." "A war bride?" "I'm slightly confused." "I don't blame you, but the official wording says:" ""I am a alien spouse of female personnel, en route to the US under public law 271 of the Congress"." "This is a strange situation, but I suppose it's legal." " Yes, it is." " Well, Mrs..." "Mr. Rochard, it won't be necessary for you to stop at the nurse's desk." "No?" "Attention, please." "All passengers must have their baggage checked before boarding." "All passengers must have their baggage checked before boarding." "Mrs. Turner, please come to the desk." "Mrs. Turner, please come to the desk." "He's crying, the baby." "Is that what he's doing?" "He wants water, yes?" "I wouldn't know." "When I want water, I ask for it differently." "He's a baby." "You are a man." "Thanks." "I'll get him some water." "You hold the baby." "I..." "I'll only be a minute." "I don't know anything..." "Oh, my God." "Yes, yes..." "Yes, yes..." "Attention, please." "Ladies, please stop moving and stay where you are till I finish." "This is the first leg of your journey to the US as guests of the army." "Arrangements have been made for your comfort at the Dependents Hotel." "You'll be able to get all you need at the PX there, such as lipstick, hairnets, garter belts, foundation garments..." "A lot of you have asked about the latest styles in the US." "Hair is being worn shorter, close to the head." "Skirts are long and rather hippy, the full blown look." "The trend is to the natural bust line." "Between us, girls, looking around, I don't think any of you need worry." "Now, if you'll move out in order, the buses are ready." "Happy journey, ladies." "He has to be here somewhere." "Look." "Henri, you look so maternal..." "What is that?" "A human fire extinguisher." "Want to try?" "Come on..." " He's cute." "What's his name?" " Niágara." " Henri, what a thing to do." " Where's the mother?" " She went to get more water." " She ought to get a plumber." "You've got to get out." "How can we...?" "There's the mother." "I'm sorry." "Oh, darling..." "Mr. Rochard." "Your seat on the bus has been changed." "You're sitting with the driver." "I thought I could sit with you." "You can't, Kitty and I are flying." "The whole outfit's going." "Come on." " No!" " I'll be there to meet you." "Will we be together in Bremenhaven?" "I hope so." "I'll try." "If not, I won't sit with the driver." "Do you want me to carry that?" "No, thank you..." "Darling, was it bad?" "30 women." "With the exception of you, I may never talk with another." "Poor Henri..." "Let's get away." "Where do we go?" "You don't, Henri." "I don't?" "You couldn't fix it?" "They wouldn't hear of it." "I'm in building 11 and you stay here." "Isn't there any chance?" "I've argued for an hour." "I'm learning what it is to be a soldier's wife." "I know, dear." "I feel the same way." "Tomorrow on the boat, it'll be different." "I've got to go now." "Come on, Kitty." "I'll meet you on the dock tomorrow." "Get a good night's sleep." " That's all I'll be getting." " Hello and goodbye." "Hello and goodbye, hello and goodbye your name on the list, you understand there'll be a wait, because we've a lot of people to attend to." "Fill out the form and bring it back, and I'll see what I can do." "I'm sorry, visiting hours are over." "You can see your wife tomorrow." "My wife will have to visit me, I'm billeted here." "You are?" "But you can't..." "Lieutenant." "There must be some mistake." "No mistake." "I'm an alien spouse of female military personnel en route to the US, under public law 271 of the Congress." " Good grief." " The record shows 139 war brides, 126 children of war brides, 9 dogs, 3 cats, 2 canaries, one parrot..." " Oh, yes." "Here you are." " Then, me." "You must've been added later." ""One war bride, male"." " Is that you?" " That's me." " There's a problem." " Why?" "You can't stay here." "I have to, I'm billeted here." "If you insist." "We already have 3 to 10 women in every room." "To say nothing of the dogs and cats." "I mean, you can't stay here." "I can't stay here." "The place for you is the officers' billet in the staging area." "It won't be half as interesting." "It's just down the street, the third building on the left." "Thank you very much." "Thank you." " Hello." " Hello." "I suppose you wonder what I want here." "I will, if you want me to..." "I'm an alien spouse of female military personnel en route to the US, under public law 271 of the Congress." "I'm a war bride." "No kidding?" "That's interesting." "Would it interest you enough to give me a bed?" " You can't sleep here, Mack." " Why not?" " Are you an American officer?" " No." "You can't sleep here." "Go to the Dependents Hotel." "I have just come from the Dependents Hotel." "The one in Bremerhaven?" "I mean the one down at the staging area." "I'm too tired to walk all that distance." "Suit yourself, Mack, but you can't sleep here." "There must be a bed that's free." "You must have one, where is it?" "Across the street." "My wife's in it." "And you can't..." "Of course not." "Quite right." "Naturally." "Well..." "Oh, brother." "Down this way." "This is awfully kind of you, sergeant." "I'm a private, but you've got to sleep somewhere." "You won't get in trouble, will you?" "What can they do?" "Bust me to civilian?" "It ain't the Ritz, but it should do." "It's fine." "I'm grateful to find a friend like you." "Where do you live?" " Brooklyn." " I'll look you up when I get there." "Get a good sleep." " No, thank you." " Wake up." "No, thank you." "What are you doing here?" "I had a feeling." "I'm an alien spouse of female military personnel en route to the US, under public law 271 of the Congress." "Why aren't you at the Dependents Hotel?" "I am writing a book about that." "You see, I'm not a woman." "That's too bad." "But I tell you one thing: you can't sleep here." "Note I have not taken off my clothes in anticipation." "Where will I go?" "I don't know, but you can't sleep here." "We're agreed." "Where will I go?" "The only place left is a German hotel, but you're a dependent." "You come under military law and German hotels are out of bounds." "Where will I go?" "I don't know." "I'm sorry, but there's an army rule and you can't sleep here." "I beg your pardon." "Where will you go?" "I don't know." "It's a shame." "If we was in Brooklyn, you could've slept with the old man." "Hiya." "Oh, hi." "What can I do for you?" "I'm looking for a place to sleep." "Can you help me?" "Afraid not." "Nothing but women sleeping in there." "I know, building 11." "My wife's in there." "A lot of people's wives are in there." "Have you ever noticed women always get a place to sleep." "Why is that?" "I suppose it's because they're the weaker sex." "I believe they're stronger." "Do you know why?" "Because they get enough sleep." "I'm sorry I can't help you." "Very kind of you, Corporal." "Good night." "Are you from Brooklyn?" "Yonkers." "What are those?" "Good night, buddy." "I'm am an alien spouse of female military personnel en route to the US, under public law 271." "I've been all over looking for a place to sleep." "You poor man." "You can't stay here." "This is a female building." "It is?" "Another women's building." "I've come to the conclusion that American men don't sleep." "Well, not in this building." "Would there be any objection to me sitting here for a while?" "Imagine I'm waiting for something." "It depends on what you imagine you're waiting for." "I don't want to send you out on a night like this." "Very kind." "That's nice." "Tell me, what part of the US do you come from?" "Boston, Massachusetts." "Massachuchu..." "Is there a place called Yonkers?" "Sure, it's in New York." "I was wondering..." "I'm a little mixed up." "May I hold that for you?" "Thanks." "I just got married." "Where's your wife?" "She's in a female building, building 11." "And you couldn't find a bed anywhere?" "No." "Well, almost." "There was one in Brooklyn, and another with a woman in it." "He was a very disagreeable man." "Who was?" "Her husband." "It would've been nicer in Brooklyn." " With the husband?" " No, the old man." "You are tired, aren't you?" "There he is." "See you on the boat." "Okay." "Excuse me." "Pardon me." "Pardon me." "I was afraid you'd missed the bus." "Could you take these bags, please?" "Thank you." "Henri, you look awful." "What have you been doing?" "Sitting up all night with a redhead, knitting." "You ought to see me pearl." "You want to see her pearl." "What are you talking about?" "Attention all passengers." "Get on board as soon as possible." "I'd like to show you how to do that." "We've got to go." "Have you got your papers?" "Right here." "We just have to get aboard." "Remember, no back talk, no argument." "Keep your temper." "Promise?" "I promise." "Come on." "Here's your boarding card." "Your orders, Lieutenant?" "Thank you." " Lieutenant Gates." " Right." " Your boarding card." " Thank you." " What do you want?" " To go aboard." "Sorry, this ship is for war brides and a few military personnel..." "I know." "Here are my orders." " Have you a Rochard on your list?" " Yes, Mrs. Henri Rochard." "That's me." " You're not a woman." " We want your wife." "You can't have her." "I'm particular about that." "Henri..." "Yes, Catherine." "I'll remember." "There's been a misunderstanding." "My name is Henri Rochard." "Have you ever heard of a woman called Henri?" "I'm trying to think..." "You know a lot of dames, Sam." " I know a Billie..." " Maybe he's right." "I am a war bride." "This is my wife." "It's a natural mistake, you're not the first to make it." "If my papers are in order, may I go aboard?" "We'll have to let him on." "Your boarding card." "Thank you, good day." "Good day." "You were wonderful." "I knew if you kept your temper it'd be all right." "I thought I behaved quite well." "You did." "Room B14, Lieutenant." "Thank you." "How did you get here?" "This is for war brides and military personnel." "I know." "My name is Rochard." "You'll think I'm a bride, but actually I'm a husband." "There'll be some confusion, but if we keep our heads, it'll be fine." "I don't think it will." "I've got a Mrs. Rochad on my list." "Rochard." "She's in A88, with two brides and three children." "That will have to be altered." "Not by me." "I've just explained to the army, they understood and passed you." "The army passed you." "That's fine, that's just dandy." "Did you hear?" "The army understood and passed him." "This is the Navy, bud." "I have had weeks of the US army and am quite prepared to take on the US navy." "And the Navy is quite prepared to take you on." " Get this guy off." " Get going." "Just a minute." "Have you eve heard of a women called Henri?" "Yeah, Henrietta, from San Francisco." "Take him." "Never mind, never mind." "Just go on about your business." "You shouldn't have lost your temper." "Where are you going?" "To change back into a man." "I'm tired of being my own wife." "Wait, you can't give up now." "Make them give up Someone has to." "Once on board, everything will be over and you'll be a man forever." "It's worth a try, isn't it?" " How can we?" " I don't know..." "Would you take this bag?" "I left something on the bus." " I'll have someone put it in the mess hall." " Thanks." " What were you saying?" " Do you love me?" " Of course." " You'll make one more try to get aboard?" " If you say so..." " Promise?" " Promise." " You'll keep it?" " I promised, didn't I?" " Come on." "Here, hold these." "Whoa boy." "No, that won't do." "Here's a better one." "Whoa, boy." " What are you doing?" " Come on, lean down." "Lean down." "I want to see something." " That goes perfectly." " With what?" " Give me your knife." " You're not going to...?" "I won't do it." "It'll make a perfect wig." "And we've got the clothes." "I will not do it." " You said you loved me." " I'm not so sure." "You promised." "Give me your knife." "Come on, there's not much time." "This is ridiculous." "Can't you at least cut it off the mane?" "You're taking this too personally." "Stand so no one can see." "It's a little thick." "It won't be so bad when I get your bangs rolled." "Want to see?" "Horrible." "I don't think I'll have to defend my honour." " I doubt it." " A pity." "I wonder if some lipstick would help." " No." " Why not?" "I'm the outdoor type." "Seabiscuit, bangtail, you know." "Silly." "Hold still." "Let me roll these." "Wait, I forgot something." "Can you talk like a woman?" "Like this?" " Awful." "Can't you do any better?" " No." "All right, then not a word, leave everything to me." "And keep your head down." "Would you put this in the mess hall for me, please." "Thank you." "Wait a moment." "Did you hear that?" "I must look pretty good." "Don't be silly, that was for me." "I ought to punch him in the nose." "Remember, you're a lady." "Oh, yeah..." "We have our boarding cards." "We've been up before." "Go ahead." " I don't remember the tall one." " It's hard to forget a face like that." "Yeah." "Lieutenant Gates, B14." "I was up before." "Yes." "Your orders, please." "This is funny." "Rochard..." "Why aren't you listed among military personnel?" "Save your voice, dear." "Excuse her, she has laryngitis." "What was that?" "Why isn't she listed among the military personnel?" "She was just married." "That may be, but..." "Red, come here." " What's the trouble?" " This lieutenant's listed as a Mrs." "Why did they put you down as...?" "How do you do?" "Why did they put you down as Mrs instead of lieutenant?" "She has laryngitis, she can't talk." "Maybe it was because of her husband." " Who did she marry?" " Admiral Rochard." " Who?" " Admiral Rochard." "The name's familiar, but I don't remember an admiral." "You never heard of her husband?" "He won't like that." "Florence, if I were you, I wouldn't say a word." " You heard him, Red, Admiral Rochard." " Yeah, maybe I have." " All right." " Room A88, Lieutenant." "Get your instructions in the mess hall." "Thanks." "Come, Florence." "First time I ever felt sorry for an admiral." "Cams aren't bad." "Now, I'm beginning to feel sorry for you." " In here, please." " We were..." "Please, your instructions first." "Come on, Florence." "I don't like that name." "Shut up." " Kitty..." " No..." "Stand on the other side so they can't see." "They wouldn't let him on..." "Henri, duck down." " I can hear." " You're too tall." "Duck down." "He looks awful." "I didn't have much to work with." "Have you got a room?" "Yes, but they wouldn't let a thing like that in." "We've got to hide him somewhere till the boat sails." "We better not stand here." "Someone's spotted him." "We need a nurse." "It's an emergency." "Will you come with me?" "I'm a nurse." "Come along." "I hadn't counted on this." " Very lucky to find a nurse." " What's the matter?" "My wife's expecting a baby." "What?" "Oh, no..." "It isn't very convenient, is it?" "You can say that again." "It isn't very convenient, is it?" "No, no it isn't." "I wonder if it'll be a girl." "I'll be grateful if it's a baby." "You will?" "You're very kind." "I wish I knew what was going on." "You won't have long to wait." "I won't?" "Gee whiz, I don't think I can stand this." "You've got a bigger shock coming." "I have?" "She got dizzy." "Thank you, I'll take care of her." "I'll get you some water." " Pardon me." " This is the father." "How do you do." "Is it a boy, or a girl?" "What happened to him...?" "Well, if it isn't Florence..." "Arrest that man." "It's all right, Henri." "The ship has sailed." "Come on, Flo." "Florence..." "May we come in?" "I don't see how I can stop you, the key's on the outside." "Henri, this is Lieutenant Perkins and Commander Willis, the chaplain." "Chaplain?" "Oh, no..." " No, nothing doing." "I'm sorry, chaplain." " Nothing doing what?" "No more marriages." "I won't marry her again." "That won't be necessary, Mr. Rochard." "Everything's straightened out." "Sorry about the mix up, but your case was unusual." "You're an alien spouse of female personnel en route to the US, under public law 271 of the Congress." " Am I now?" "Under the circumstances, the Captain would like to forget the whole thing." " Don't you understand?" "You're free to go." " Where?" " Anywhere on the ship." " You're bunked in with an officer." "He doesn't mind." "I think he would mind." "He won't like that." "I snore terribly." "You don't snore." "How would you know?" "Couldn't we do something simple?" "Couldn't I just stay here?" " I suppose..." " I don't see why not." "Thank you, that's very nice." "You've been a great help." "Good night." "Thank you very much." "You wouldn't." "Yes, I would." "I believe you would." "How will we ever get out of here?" "I'm not going to worry about that until I see the Statue of Liberty." | {
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} |
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Police squad!" "In colour." "Starring leslie nielsen." "also starring alan North." "And Rex hamilton as Abraham lincoln." "Tonight's special guest star, Georg Stanford Brown." "Tonight's episode, A Dangerous Assignment." "Break it up." "Come on." "Okay, kid." "When we get the high sign from Martin, then you take the dive." "Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, you're out!" "Mike, I think you made a big mistake." "Cooper, you worry too much." "I'm sorry, no one's allowed inside." "No, I'm sorry." "It's the rules, it's the rules." "No entry." "Press." "Okay." "My name is Sergeant Frank Drebin," "Detective Lieutenant, police Squad, a special division of the police force." "I'd just come from the stockyards." "We'd gotten reports that hundreds of cows had been senselessly slaughtered in the area." "But I couldn't find any evidence." "I stopped off for a hamburger and checked in with headquarters." "There'd been an apparent suicide." "I went right to the scene." "My boss was already there." "Ed." "What's up?" "Hi, Frank." "Guard discovered the body about an hour ago." "Somebody went in here right before it happened, but the guard's got bad eyes and he can't make an l.D." "We're dusting for prints now." "What happened?" "Kid named Mike Schultz." "Set up to look like suicide but I'm not so sure." "Why would a boxer who just scored the biggest victory of his career go out and commit suicide?" "Are you thinking murder?" "lt could be." "Anyone with Schultz after the fight?" "Just his manager." "Who's that?" "Some joe named Cooper." "Who's this Joe Cooper?" "No, no, it's Sol Cooper." "He manages half the boxers in town and they're all on the take." "Want me to question him?" "No, no, Frank." "No." "We may be dealing with murder and corruption here." "I want you to go undercover." "I knew that Montague Martin was one of the few criminals who still tampered with the outcome of fights." "My plan was to find a crooked fighter and straighten him out." "Mabel, Mabel, set the table." "Don't forget the red hot..." "Aren't you Buddy Briggs?" "Yeah." "Too bad you lost your last three fights." "So I had some bad luck." "So what?" "Well, maybe you don't have the right kind of management." "Don't you think you should start thinking about that, Buddy?" "l make a pretty good living." "Maybe you can make a better one, and a cleaner one and a better one." "Where's your manager?" "ln the back." "One of you manage Buddy Briggs?" "Yeah." "You gotta be Cooper." "I hear you own a piece of just about every boxer in town." "Yeah, what's it to you?" "l'm a manager." "I wanna take over Buddy Briggs' contract." "What are you, some kind of wise guy?" "Yeah, I'm a wise guy with a lot of long green." "You manage Lorne Greene?" "l'll trade Buddy for Lorne Greene." "No, no. I mean I got cash." "You manage Johnny Cash, too?" "Wait a minute." "Who are you?" "Kelly." "Bob Kelly." "Mind if I sit in a few hands?" "Your money's good here." "Goodyear?" "You got the blimp, too?" "It didn't take long for me to see that the game was as crooked as Cooper's smile." "Just you and me, Kelly." "l raise you $500." "Well, that's my kind of action." "Here's your $500." "One grand more." "That's a lot of do-re-mi, Kelly." "I'm out of cash." "What about these?" "No dice." "But there is something else I'm interested in." "What's that?" "Buddy Briggs' contract." "All right, Kelly." "What do you got?" "Full house." "Kings over." "Not so fast, Kelly." "A straight beats a full house." "No it doesn't." "A straight beats three of a kind." "A full house beats a straight." "Doesn't a flush beat a straight?" "A straight flush beats everything." "Not a royal flush." "Does a flush beat a full house?" "A regular flush or a straight flush?" "A flush beats a straight." "I've played a lot of poker." "A full house beats a straight." "Maybe so, Kelly." "But four of us beats one of you." "All right, I've got an ace in the hole." "That makes me the winner." "Buddy Briggs belongs to me now." "But just to make it nice and legal, I brought along a bill of sale." "Sign it." "You." "You witness it." "You, check for spelling errors." "All right, Cooper." "Get that stuff in there." "How many "l's" in legally?" "You may have a fighter, Kelly, but you'll never get a fight." "We got this town sewn up tighter than a floozy's skirt." "We'll see about that, Cooper." "Well, gentlemen, it's been a nice afternoon." "Hope we can do it again some other time." "I'm free Wednesdays." "This guy's more trouble than he's worth." "I want him knocked off!" "My plan was working." "I was now Buddy Briggs' manager." "But I still had no way to connect Cooper and Martin with the murder." "I got a call from olson." "The lab had come up with something." "So you see, Katie, when I throw this switch, the electrical current from the power source is able to continue its journey to its final destination." "In our case, the light bulb." "All set then?" "l guess so, Mr Olson." "Here we go." "Hi, Frank." "Ed." "Yeah." "Why don't you run along now, Katie?" "And next week remember to bring three things from your mother's dresser." "Thanks, Mr Olson." "Bye." "Anything on the Mike Schultz case?" "The dead boxer?" "Well, there weren't many clues." "Any prints?" "No, but we found some whiskers." "Take a look in here." "Facial hair." "Yep." "Hair is like fingerprints." "No two follicles are alike." "The strand on the left belongs to Schultz." "The one on the right was found near his body." "So, whoever belongs to that whisker is our killer." "Have you identified him?" "Yes." "It belongs to him." "Luca Burnett was a five-time Ioser who was working for Montague Martin." "Now I knew who was responsible for the murder." "But I needed someone who wasn't afraid to talk." "The next step was to work on Buddy Briggs." "Hi, Buddy." "What are you doing here?" "l'm your new manager." "Look, buster, I don't know who you are or what you're trying to pull," "but I work for Cooper." "Not anymore." "And you don't go in the tank anymore either." "l don't know what you're talking about." "All right, Buddy, play it stupid." "I don't care." "You hear me?" "I don't wanna end up dead in some locker room." "Now get out!" "Mary." "Mary, why aren't you at waitress school?" "Mary." "You've been drinking again, haven't you?" "You're a bum!" "Mary." "The only money you've ever earned is by throwing fights." "You're not the man I married." "How can you say that?" "Because here's the man I married." "Mary, I love you." "I'm trying to give you all the things you never had." "A decent home, a decent life, your own synagogue." "You're never gonna give me those things, and you know why?" "'Cause you got no guts." "You're scared of Martin and Cooper." "They own you." "Nobody owns Buddy Briggs!" "Nobody!" "Don't lie to me!" "Every big fight you've ever been in, you've taken a dive." "And you know what?" "You could've been somebody." "You could've been a contender instead of a bum, which is what you are." "Muffin." "Buddy, I'm here to help you." "Now, do you think you can beat the Champ?" "l can take him blindfolded." "What if he's not blindfolded?" "I can still beat him." "I believe you." "That's why I won you in the poker game." "You fight on the up-and-up, you'll be able to look in the mirror and see a winner." "You've been living in the dumps too long, pal." "I'm gonna help you and Mary get out of this sewer." "Come on." "All right, Buddy, now, you meet me tomorrow at Maury's Bar on Prospect." "I'm gonna get you a fight with the Champ." "How are you gonna do that?" "You leave that to me." "Buddy." "What'll it be?" "Screwdriver." "Anything to drink?" "No, thank you." "Hey, Kelly." "Sure are a lot of photographers here tonight." "Yeah, I know." "is Cooper and Martin here?" "Yeah." "They're sitting at the table with a couple of tramps." "I think it's time to go and meet Mr Big." "His name's Mr Martin." "Well..." "Hey, Cooper, you calling any bluffs lately?" "If it isn't Mr Kelly." "It's the guy I was telling you about, the guy who manages Lorne Greene and Johnny Cash." "Go powder your noses." "Listen, smart boy, I own this town." "You may have a fighter, but you're never gonna get a fight." "We'll see about that." "Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, I'm gonna break your face." "Buddy Briggs could break every bone in your body." "Yeah, well, he must be a pretty good boxer." "How would you know?" "You never won an honest fight in your life." "Take it easy." "Nobody wants to get hurt." "Just cool off." "Why should I?" "The only reason you're champ is 'cause of guys lying down or dying." "Let me buy you a drink." "We'll talk." "I wouldn't drink with you, you two-bit, phoney excuse for a fighter." "You're just tired," "you didn't mean it." "Forget it." ""Forget it"?" "Nobody says "forget it" to me!" "Sorry, buddy, no sax before a fight." "Are you nervous?" "Yeah, a bit." "But I know I can take this guy." "Nothing can stop me tonight." "What are you doing here, Martin?" "Get out of here. I've gone straight." "If you're smart, you'll go straight to the canvas in the 12th." "Forget it." "We've got Mary." "What?" "You're bluffing." "Oh, yeah?" "Mary's scarf!" "You could have gotten that anywhere." "How about this?" "Mary's purse!" "There are millions of purses like that." "How about this?" "Mary's toaster!" "Oh, my God." "In the 12th, Buddy." "I can't believe it." "I trained to win this fight." "I can win this fight." "Now I gotta lose." "Buddy, I'll make a deal with you." "I'll bring back Mary, you beat the Champ." "I radioed Hocken to get some men and meet me at the Arena." "If I wanted to put Martin and his monkeys behind bars," "I had to find Mary, and fast." "Johnny, I need some information and fast." "There's a woman in trouble." "You mean Mary, the boxer's wife who was just kidnapped?" "Right." "You know anything about it?" "Maybe I do, maybe I don't." "She's in big trouble." "She's being held by Martin's goon, Luca." "What's a "goonluca"?" "No, Luca Burnett." "Martin's henchman." "Right." "Where are they?" "It's a big city." "Could be most anyplace." "You might wanna try Jim's Gym." "Thanks, Johnny. I'll be in touch." "lt's a bypass operation, Johnny." "So?" "The guy has a history of sinus bradycardia." "I wouldn't know anything about it." "You got him on atropine?" "Of course." "Do a midline thoracotomy, strip the saphenous vein, be careful not to puncture the myocardium." "Tonight's main event, 1 5 rounds for the Championship of the world." "In this corner, weighing 210 pounds in the dark trunks is the current champion, the Champ." "Jack and Jill went up the hill, I'm gonna break your face!" "I'm gonna break your face!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "Help!" "Police squad!" "You're under arrest!" "No way, Ray!" "All right, Luca, I've got a gun in your ribs." "I'm not Luca and those aren't my ribs." "Eat lead, copper!" "Mary, you all right?" "Yes." "So am I." "How about now?" "Now?" "Not so good." "We're about to start the 12th round." "And remember, Buddy Briggs has never gone the distance." "At this point, I'd say it could go either way." "Both men are strong, but tired." "And one punch could end it at any moment." "One, two," "three..." "Mary, Mary." "Every big fight you've ever been in, you've taken a dive." "I'II get you a fight with the Champ and then maybe you'II be a winner." "A winner." "There's no place like home." "There's no place like home." "Auntie Em!" "And Toto, too!" "And Toto, too!" "You'll always be a bum!" "Buddy!" "...six, seven, eight, nine..." "How many fingers do you see?" "Thursday." "The winner!" "Yeah, Mary!" "Yeah, Mary!" "Mary!" "Yeah!" "How do you feel about the victory, Champ?" "Great!" "It's not only a victory for me, but for all of boxing." "'Cause I'd like to tell you about some cheap crooks who are trying to ruin the game." "Montague Martin!" "Kelly!" "The name is Detective Frank Drebin and I'm a boxing fan." "What the..." "All right, Martin, you've fixed your last fight." "From now on, the boxers in this town will lose honestly." "Buddy!" "Buddy!" "Buddy!" "Buddy!" "Mary!" "Hi, Ed." "Hi, Frank." "Excuse me." "Yep." "Drebin here." "Get me Pete Preussing." "Tell him I'd like the final report on Martin and Sally Decker." "Right." "Looks like we got a new champ, huh?" "Well, looks like I can get back to reading the sport pages now." "Speaking of sports pages, I see they're bringing your friend Martin in now." "You think you're a big man, Drebin, but I'm telling you, I'm gonna beat this rap." "Don't count on that, Martin." "Looks like you and your cohorts'll be doing your boxing up at the Statesville Prison from now on." "Be sure to tune in next week for another exciting story from the files of Police Squad!" | {
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"♪ ♪" "My name is Dylan Resnick." "Three nights ago, my wife went for a jog." "She never came home." "If anyone has any information on Alison's whereabouts, please, come forward." "Elizabeth, Alison's mother, and I, we just want her home." "(rhythmic breathing)" "(engine starting)" "DYLAN:" "Alison and I met freshman year of high school, and I fell in love immediately." "She is the sweetest, most kind-hearted person that I've ever known." "I don't know why anyone would want to hurt her." "Ali, if you can hear me..." "I love you." "I can't imagine my life without you." "(Alison moans)" "These last few days have been hell, and I've been looking for you." "I've been looking for you since you disappeared, and I'm not going to stop." "I'm going to find you." "(men talking indistinctly, dogs barking)" "Seek, seek." "Seek." "MAN (over radio):" "Yeah, we're going to need a couple more units." "OFFICER:" "Yeah, clear over here!" "(dog whining)" "OFFICER 2:" "Come on, Shaky, come on now." "Nothing here!" "(groans)" "(grunts)" "Hey, guys, over here!" "What you got?" "OFFICER 3:" "Go this way." "OFFICER 1:" "Hey, Tom, over here." "Come on, come on." "OFFICER 2:" "Yeah, on my way." "You pick something up?" "OFFICER 1:" "Yeah." "♪ ♪" "Looks like Alison Resnick's wearable was carrying a whole bunch of code that the manufacturer never intended." "Malware." "Whoever wrote this malware is Alison's killer." "(shuddering)" "Hey, keep the change, thank you." "D.B. Russell, you are aware that work starts at 8:00 a.m., not 8:13." "Yeah, I know, I'm sorry." "Uh, there was a..." "A woman." "(laughing):" "A what?" "You've been working at Cyber for five months." "You haven't been late, not once." "Now in the span of a week, you've been late three times." "Come on, who is she?" "No, no, no, no, no, it's this winter weather." "I'm not used to it." "It's slowing me down." "Come on, there's a spring in your step, you got a grin a mile wide." "You, sir, are smitten." "Who is she?" "Oh... her name is Greer Latimore, and I got to tell you, like, um, like Nelson would say, I'm really feeling it." "(laughs)" "She's a very attractive, um, former secret service agent." "Wow, that's impressive." "Mm." "Well, I guess that means our plans are off for Friday." "What?" "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, we're going." "Come on, you kidding me?" "Cal versus Georgetown?" "Friday night, two seats, courtside." "Come on." "You should take Greer." "To watch my Bears dismantle your Hoyas?" "No, no, it's you and me, Missy." "You are aware, I never went to Georgetown." "You live a block from the university." "Technically, that makes them your team." "True." "The Hoyas versus the Bears." "They-they haven't played since 1907." "It's gonna be huge." "I'll bring the tissue." "Trust me, you're gonna need them." "No, I'm not." "Yes, I will win." "No, I'm gonna throw you out." "I'm gonna whoop you." "What?" "I don't know, a little something... a little wager." "A little side bet?" "Come on." "You guys ready for something new?" "Krumitz found malicious code on Alison Resnick's fitness band." "All right, malicious code in a wearable." "Every time a new device comes out, black hats race to be the first to hack it." "Yeah, well, maybe you'll consider that the next time you look at my purchase order of gadgets." "She thinks I'm just buying toys." "I'm actually doing research to find and stop the next attack." "Was Krumitz able to recover any data from the fitness band?" "Ah, not yet." "The device was damaged." "MUNDO:" "The wearable's chip was smashed and waterlogged, but Krumitz has promised to bring it back to life." "Well, this was not a robbery turned homicide." "No thief would leave a diamond ring like that behind." "This is interesting." "Alison's cause of death-- blunt-force trauma to the head, but they also found bruising on her lower back." "Traces of Propofol in her system." "That's a sedative." "An injection site was a median vein on her left forearm." "Our killer had access to pharmaceutical-grade drugs and knew where to inject Alison to sedate her quickly." "Target could be a doctor." "Or a veterinarian." "Alison's husband, Dylan Resnick, is a veterinarian." "Medical knowledge and Propofol might make him our prime suspect." "NELSON:" "All right, local FBI field office imaged every device found in the Resnicks' home." "Cell phones, laptops, tablets, the router." "I mean, they sent us everything." "What about Dylan Resnick's phone?" "NELSON:" "Yeah, well, that's where things get interesting." "It was powered off for about three hours, so, from 8:33 to about 11:30 that night." "And most people can't go without their phone for ten minutes." "Three hours-- it's a very long time, especially when your wife has gone missing." "Gives you enough time to murder your wife and throw the body in a field." "Raven thinks that the husband is guilty." "Did you see the way Alison's mother, Elizabeth, was looking at him during his heartfelt press conference?" "In cases like these, it's the husband more than 50% of the time." "Raven's right." "Dylan was the last person to see Alison alive, and neighbors heard them fighting minutes before Alison's run." "RYAN:" "We don't have to speculate." "Resnick's devices will lead us to the truth." "We're still recovering data, but we should have some answers shortly." "Hey, guys." "I can finally name the flavor of malicious code on Alison's wearable." "It's spyware." "It allowed our target to track where she was at all times." "92% of divorce attorneys said that their clients have used spyware on their spouse." "And guess who bought Alison a fitness band for Christmas." "Her husband." "Just because" "Dylan bought her the device doesn't mean he put the spyware on it." "Do we know how the malware was loaded onto the wearable?" "No." "No, when, where, and how the spyware got onto the fitness band is still a mystery." "NELSON:" "Hey, guys, check this out." "Alison's husband is being taken in for questioning." "KRUMITZ:" "Based on what evidence?" "We're still dissecting Alison's wearable." "Alison's from Charleston." "She's loved by everybody in her hometown." "Police are probably scrambling." "The public's demanding a suspect to blame." "Look at his eyes." "RAMIREZ:" "He's guilty." "NELSON:" "He ain't guilty." "He's practically in tears, Raven." "I mean, the man just lost his wife." "It's ironic." "The device that Alison was using to improve her health... it's also the same device that's gonna allow us to catch her killer." "♪ CSI Cyber 2x14 ♪ Fit-and-Run Original Air Date on February 21, 2016" "♪ I know you've deceived me, now here's a surprise ♪" "♪ I know that you have, 'cause there's magic in my eyes ♪" "♪ I can see for miles and miles ♪" "♪ I can see for miles and miles ♪" "♪ I can see for miles and miles ♪" "♪ And miles... ♪" "♪ Oh, yeah. ♪" "== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man" "All right, Krummy, now that we got" "Alison's wearable working again, how do we find the killer using just the data off the fitness band?" "I'm still working on that, Nelson." "I am open to any piece of brilliance you might like to offer." "All right." "(groans)" "(Nelson laughs)" "I give him one more day." "Who, Barry?" "Yeah." "No, he's doing fine." "Man, four days in and I haven't seen him successfully recover any evidence on one cell phone yet." "I'll bet you he quits." "First week's hard for everybody." "You had to adjust, too, you know." "(clicks tongue) Please." "I knew how to extract data off a broken phone since day one." "And I could do that with my eyes closed." "(snorts)" "(laughing):" "Okay." "Oh, really?" "Okay, I see how it is, Krummy." "If you really believe that Barry's gonna make it through the week, let's make it interesting." "No." "I don't feel comfortable gambling on the fate of our subordinates." "Not even if the loser has to do all the processing paperwork for our entire backlog of cases?" "Well, I feel comfortable with that." "All right." "All right." "It's a bet." "(Krumitz chuckles)" "Barry's coming through." "I doubt it." "That handsome man..." "He's nervous." "Hey, able to find anything?" "We know that Alison was a very heavy fitness wearable user, and I mean heavy." "She wore that thing all the time." "RUSSELL:" "Wow, look at that." "So, that thing recorded her sleeping patterns, workout schedule, eating habits." "Even stored medical stats." "That's amazing." "Her whole life, right there on her wrist." "Three-axis gyroscope that logs movement data in real time." "That's acceleration, speed, and direction." "Meaning we can tell when Alison was walking, running, or driving a car, right?" "Yup, that, too, I mean, this is everything that happened on the night of Alison's abduction." "At 8:29 p.m. Alison loaded a playlist and set her running goal to four miles." "Then, at 8:32 p.m., she started jogging." "And at 8:57 p.m., something happened that made her heart rate spike and her pace quicken." "Well, when you run your pace should quicken first, then your heart rate goes up." "But... that's not what happened in this case." "Both heart rate and pace increased at the exact same time." "Why?" "Something or somebody scared her, right?" "Well, she was sprinting hard for almost a minute before something caused her heart rate to drop at 8:58 p.m." "What's going on here after the unknown event at 8:58?" "The wearable's still logging data, but it's all over the place." "The wearable's accelerometer and the gyroscope were completely out of whack." "Because the wristband was damaged, it went haywire." "That's why the data is skewed." "It's skewed, but it's internally consistent, right?" "World War II, Germany, uh... the encryption device..." "Enigma machine." "Right." "Yeah." "Nazis wanted to keep info on troop movements secret from the Allies." "Mm-hmm, right up until my man" "Alan Turing invented the Bombe." "That's right." "The first computer ever built, and he used it to crack the Nazi" cipher, by pulling a commonly used phrase, "Heil Hitler,"" "from Enigma's daily messages." "Turing was able to build a baseline that broke Enigma's encryption." "(Russell laughs)" "What?" "A brother can't binge-watch a little History Channel at night?" "I just figured you were the guy who was always playing Halo during his time off." "So, wait a minute, we're-we're on to something here, right?" "To unskew this jumbled data, we need to create a baseline of known, good wearable data to compare to the skewed data of Alison's band." "Which will allow us to decrypt the jumbled fitness data and figure out the rest of Alison's night." "Okay, D.B., I'm walking." "Both wearables transferring data?" "Yup, just keep walking straight." "You're wobbling a little bit." "I'm not wobbling." "Yeah, a little bit." "Um, guys... (laughs)" "What is happening here?" "We are calibrating data from Alison's fitness band and the, uh, brand-new one over there." "Hopefully we'll get a baseline to figure out what happened to her." "That's good." "All right, you're good." "Come on back." "Let's take a crack at our own version of the Enigma code." "Okeydokey." "Here we go." "Okay." "(Russell chuckles)" "All right, are you responsible for this," "Avery Ryan?" "(Ryan laughs)" "Oh, look how cute he is." "What is he doing?" "Is he moping around?" "Just like the Cal Bear fans will be doing after the Hoyas mop the floor with them." "Yes, you are very funny." "(Ryan laughs)" "What's the new password, please?" "(clears throat) Unbearable." "(both laugh)" "Why, I ought to..." "All right, so the green points are what Alison's damaged fitness band recorded while Danny was walking down the hallway, and the red points are the new fitness band, what it recorded." "How long will it take you to use the good data to decode the bad?" "Well, considering the gyroscope and accelerometer were both busted, it's gonna be a little bit more complicated than simply figuring out that the letters "ABC"" "actually mean "XYZ."" "Right, but the-the inner clock had no movable parts, so it should still be functioning properly." "RYAN:" "So, even though Alison's data on her fitness band is incorrect, we can still say with certainty that she was attacked, murdered, and her body was dumped before 11:38 p.m.?" "Yeah, uh, after 11:38 p.m., it looks like Alison stopped moving altogether." "Probably when her body was dumped in the field." "RUSSELL:" "Which means... that everything that happened to Alison after she was abducted, happened during the three hours her husband's cell was off." "NELSON:" "Hey, Avery, check this out." "Router logs came back with something interesting." "And, now, according to the Internet activity in the Resnick's house, someone came home after Alison was murdered." "Data look like it was the husband." "Well, that goes against the statement that Dylan gave to the local police." "Raven may be right after all." "Dylan Resnick may be our murderer." "We're going to South Carolina." "DYLAN:" "I don't know how many times" "I can say it, I didn't kill my wife." "Why'd you lie to the police?" "In your official statement, you told them you spent the whole night searching for her." "Because that's what I did." "RUSSELL:" "Except you didn't, Dylan." "We imaged your home router, took a little peek at your activity log." "Does not support your story, and, activity logs, unlike people, do not lie." "You see, what routers do is they keep a log of all the Wi-Fi devices that connect to them." "It's like an on, off switch, so, right here... is the activity in your home during the night your wife was murdered." "The police report states that your neighbors heard you and Alison fighting at 8:00 p.m." "At 8:34, she went for a jog." "At which point, you shut off your cell phone, which disconnected from your home router." "I didn't turn my phone off." "The battery died." "I couldn't even call Ali." "And I didn't charge it until I got back, after I got back from looking for her." "Why don't you just tell us what you did do while your cell was off?" "Ali and I fight sometimes, and she goes for a jog to clear her head, but something was different that night." "And so after I didn't find her on her route," "I went looking in the woods on foot." "You're lying, Dylan." "The shoes you're wearing right now... the same shoes you were wearing the night your wife was murdered, they come with a built-in smart chip that logs your data, including your step count activity." "RUSSELL:" "You came home and plugged in your cell to recharge it, right?" "Well, the built-in chip in your shoe paired with your phone over the Bluetooth, and then pushed data to the app on your cell." "When we analyzed your cell, the step log tell us you weren't exactly running around in the woods all night long." "As a matter of fact, there was an hour here where you barely walked at all." "Between 9:47 and 10:49 you were idle, so... let's cut the crap, please." "Dylan, tell us where you were and what you were doing." "I went to see someone." "My ex-girlfriend." "We're just friends." "I'm not having an affair." "Sometimes I just need someone who will listen, and..." "I've been turning to Maya for relationship advice." "Now, if I mentioned that to the cops, how does that make me look?" "Guilty." "I didn't kill my wife, I swear to you." "I didn't kill my wife." "I loved Ali." "I've always loved her." "I wouldn't hurt her." "(panting)" "(shouts, groaning)" "(grunting):" "Aah, my leg, it's... it's broken." "Please know, I didn't want this, okay?" "I have no choice." "I'm sorry." "(groaning)" "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "(man grunting)" "I'm sorry." "Finally decrypted all the jumbled data from Alison's wearable." "RAMIREZ:" "Why are those pins different colors?" "It's a movement log of Alison's evening." "The yellow speed graph shows when and where she stopped jogging, and where she was transported in a car for the first time." "NELSON:" "And the red speed graph leads to that GPS location." "She was there for five days before the highway patrol found her body." "RAMIREZ:" "Yeah, but the first red pin drop, that's the area where Alison's heart stopped beating, and where she died." "Yeah, Alison was at that location for 94 minutes before her fitness band shows her body was moved again." "94 minutes gives you enough time to kill her and dump her body." "Sending GPS coordinates to Elijah." "Clear." "AGENT:" "Clear." "(sighs)" "We got a body." "(steady beeping)" "(gasping)" "Call EMS." "(gasping)" "RUSSELL:" "Can you tell me what you remember, Ron?" "RON:" "I was on the last mile of my run." "A car came out of nowhere." "I didn't even feel the impact." "I just remember flying through the air." "Were you able to take a look at the car or the driver?" "No." "I did hear a voice." "I think it was the guy who hit me." "He was apologizing." "Just please know, I didn't want this, okay?" "I have no choice." "I'm sorry." "(groaning)" "That's all I remember." "Then I woke up here." "Okay, hey, fellas... these gentlemen are gonna get you to a hospital." "Thank you." "MUNDO:" "Unlike Alison's fitness band," "Ron's was still intact." "I imaged it and sent it back to CTOC." "All right, so Ron said he was hit by a car before he was abducted." "The coroner found the same bruising on Alison's legs and her lower back." "Which means they were both hit by cars." "RUSSELL:" "That would also explain the spike on her wearable data at 8:58 p.m." "(groaning)" "Vehicular blitzing." "It's a tactic used by pedophiles." "They hit a kid, helps incapacitate them before abduction." "RUSSELL:" "So, our target is using these fitness wearables to profile, and then stalk and kidnap people in top physical shape, right?" "That's surgical tools, a cooler, blood bags, anesthetic machine, heart rate monitor." "Ice in the cooler is still frozen." "We must have scared our target away." "RYAN:" "Well, we're either dealing with a modern day" "Victor Frankenstein, or this is organ harvesting." "RUSSELL:" "If that's the case, then why did he leave all of Alison's organs behind?" "She must have died before he could operate." "You know, there are plenty of organs that are still viable in a body post-mortem, so maybe they were too damaged from the impact of the car." "So, what are we saying here?" "That our organ harvester is being selective about the organs he's chopping out to sell?" "Our target is hunting." "(tires screeching)" "I had to leave our donor." "What the hell happened?" "The Feds busted in." "The O.R.'s burnt." "They're on to us." "We-we have to stop this." "No, no." "Bring me the next person." "No, no, Richard, this is getting out of hand." "This isn't what we agreed..." "We don't have a choice, Keith." "We're running out of time." "We have to do this." "We need to do this." "Find me someone new." "Bring them to me." "(panting)" "(engine starts)" "(tires screeching)" "All right, where are you with Ron's wearable?" "Moments away from pinpointing the exact moment it was infected with malware." "Judgment day." "How you feeling?" "KRUMITZ:" "Confident." "Barry's gonna come through for me." "Once you bring that first phone back to life it's addicting, like resurrecting a body back from the dead." "I think you need to clear your social calendar tonight, Krummy, because, uh, you're about to have a hot date with a mountain of paperwork." "Hey, look at this." "Yeah." "The malware was dropped onto Ron's wearable two weeks ago using an NFC, like Bluetooth." "So, that means the black hat had to be within 100 feet." "Where was Ron at two weeks ago?" "The corner of 5th and Washington in Rockland, South Carolina." "He was running a 10k race." "So was Alison Resnick." "The target used the race as a hunting ground." "Yeah." "He could have waited along the race route and forced malware on any fitness band that went past." "NELSON:" "And anybody with a wearable could have been his next victim." "Our target's hitting people with cars, right?" "Correct." "Means the wearable would show an odd sequence of metrics at the moment of impact." "Both Alison and Ron Bechtel's heart rates increased rapidly when they realized that they were being chased, huh." "Then, boom." "The vehicles hit them, and they're transported in the car." "This anomaly..." "It's the same for both." "NELSON:" "It's like finding the same fingerprint at two crime scenes." "I'll put a flag on the fitness network." "If we get another anomaly like our first two, it'll send us an immediate alert." "RYAN:" "All right, something about this isn't adding up." "Organ harvesting is a huge business." "There are sites on the Deep Web that bring in millions of dollars every year." "Supposedly, over 100,000 people in the U.S. alone are legally waiting for an organ, so some of them must get desperate and go on the Deep Web's Red Market looking for a miracle." "The classic supply doesn't meet demand scenario." "But our target isn't trying to meet demand." "He's very specific about choosing his victims." "Yeah, he's only going after people in the best physical shape." "It's not about quantity, it's about quality." "But organ harvesters don't care about quality." "In the Deep Web, an organ is an organ." "They just find one and sell it to the highest bidder." "RYAN:" "But that isn't what our target's doing." "All right, so both of our victims, Ron and Alison, they had the same blood type, right?" "Right, B positive." "Both of them." "Organ harvesters don't care about blood types." "They only care about getting as many organs as they can, from as many people as they can." "It's weird, it's like it's not a business, it's personal." "No, I agree." "Yeah?" "Send us the coordinates." "Krumitz just got a hit on the fitness band database." "Our target's taken another victim, Karen Carter." "MUNDO All right, I got the wearable's GPS coordinates." "We can track Karen." "They're on the move." "(sirens wailing)" "(tires screeching)" "AGENT:" "FBI!" "Freeze!" "Stay right there." "Stay right where you are." "Slowly, turn off the ignition." "Throw the keys outside the car." "Where is she?" "(indistinct radio transmissions)" "Karen Carter, where is she?" "Who?" "Hands on the wheel." "The tarp." "Remove it." "(sighs)" "Avery, the target knows we're tracking his exploit, sent us on a wild goose chase." "Karen Carter could be on an operating table right now." "We're running out of time." "Please." "I was just married." "My husband... he has money." "We can pay you whatever you want." "Shh..." "Money's not gonna save my wife." "(whimpering)" "I'm sorry, Karen, but I need you." "(crying)" "Shh..." "KEITH:" "We shouldn't do this." "We shouldn't do this, I mean, m-maybe the network will come through." "RICHARD:" "If there was any possibility, any possibility that that phone would ring," "I would stop right now, but we both know that's not gonna happen." "I don't want more blood on my hands." "I can't do this alone, Keith." "I need to know that you're on board." "The only thing that matters now is Sarah." "(woman coughing)" "Hey." "Keith." "Hi, beautiful." "Hi, I'm sorry we-we didn't mean to wake you." "You need to rest." "What are you boys fighting about?" "(sighs)" "(whispering):" "Nothing." "Nothing." "You're a terrible liar, you know that?" "(chuckles)" "I know what you're up to." "You called in some favors to get me higher on the list." "And I appreciate it, but it's enough." "No." "Yeah." "No, it's not." "Enough of all the hushed conversations." "Enough of everybody worrying all the time." "Dad." "(sighs)" "I'm tired." "I lost your mother to this." "Honey, I..." "I'm not gonna lose you, too." "Daddy... let me go." "(sighs)" "Just... just relax, baby." "Just sleep." "All right, thanks, bud." "Where are we at with Karen's wearable?" "Krumitz says that the fitness band malware is a custom script, definitely domestic in origin, but otherwise a big, fat dead end." "I just sent images of our third victim's devices back to CTOC." "Okay, we've got the full image of our third victim's fitness band and cell phone." "KRUMITZ:" "There it is." "The same anomaly we saw on Alison and Ron's wearables." "Tells us Karen was hit by our target's car at 2:35 p.m." "Okay, I'm gonna cross-reference that timestamp with the wearable's GPS map." "All right." "Karen was abducted on the corner of Chester Avenue and Ashford Street." "RYAN:" "Well, our first two victims were taken at night, and our last victim was taken in broad daylight." "So, our target's taking risks." "They're changing their plan." "They're on a clock." "The organ's intended recipient could be nearing death." "Which means they've been sick for a very long time." "They could have gone through legitimate channels, trying to get an organ, and finally given up hope." "If you need an organ, first step is to register with NORD," "National Organ Recipient Database." "Our sick person might be on the NORD list." "NELSON:" "Anything on Karen Carter's cell phone?" "KRUMITZ:" "A bunch of apps, nothing exciting, just calendar, e-mail, text..." "Wait, wait, she's got a jogging app that's still running." "Okay, this jogging app connects over Bluetooth to chips built into user's sneakers, means Karen was wearing chipped running shoes when she was abducted." "Now, can we track them?" "Unfortunately, no, smart sneakers don't have GPS." "The only way they can dump the data is to be paired with her phone, but that would have to be near the sneakers, and not in FBI custody." "(thumps)" "MAN:" "Hey, Barry, you did it." "All right, Barry." "Way to go." "Really?" "All right, that was the network admin at NORD." "Get this, about a month ago, their intrusion detection system flagged an attempted hack." "Someone tried to move a loved one's name up the list?" "Yes and no." "Turns out there's no actual waiting list." "It's an algorithm that pairs donors with recipients based on body size, blood type and geographic location." "You said attempted hack, they weren't successful?" "Booted off the system before they could do any damage." "Used a spoof I.P. address." "Totally anonymous." "Not totally anonymous." "I'm guessing that our hacker is Alison's killer." "So, plan A was to rig this NORD algorithm." "When that didn't work, it escalated to abduction." "Any digital dust left in the network hack?" "No, but... based on the algorithm, I can tell you which part of it the hacker was trying to adjust." "Our target is shopping for a kidney." "Okay, that is a list of 120,000 people from the National Organ Recipient Database, and the almighty Krumitz is about to whittle it down to just one." "Excuse me, Almighty?" "(scoffs)" "Elijah said a new person is added to the list every 12 minutes, so move along." "Well, we know our person needs a kidney, so that cuts our pool down to... 104,000." "RAMIREZ:" "Well, we know more than just the organ they're after." "We know that the blood type of the recipient is B positive." "And the state they live in." "Narrowing down by blood type and all states surrounding South Carolina, gets us down to... over 3,000 people." "All right, Avery said the person we're looking for is desperate." "That means they would have been waiting a long time for a donor." "Let's sort by duration." "Here's a list of 800 people who've been on the list longer than five years." "It has to be one of them." "All right, guys, look at this." "20 people have been flagged ineligible for a transplant." "Let's focus on those." "Wait, wait, no, we don't have 20." "17 of these people are recently deceased." "Okay, three people." "We need something, anything, that proves they're related to the abductions, okay?" "Let's start with their FriendAgenda pages." "Guys, look at this post." "Sarah Walker, diagnosed with" "Polycystic Kidney Disease." "Husband, programmer, but her father... is a retired surgeon." "You're gonna be okay." "Do you hear me?" "It's gonna be okay." "You're gonna get through this, I promise you." "I love you." "Are you ready?" "Yeah, I think so." "Keith, when I open her up," "I need to know you can do this." "When I tell you," "I want you to put some pressure on her abdomen." "What do you got, Krumitz?" "Okay, we believe our target is Keith Walker," "Sarah's husband and a former programmer at Tech Line Industries." "Yeah, we're guessing that the surgeon is her dad," "Dr. Richard Margolin." "About three years ago he retired to take care of his ailing wife." "A couple months later, she died of complications from Polycystic Kidney Disease." "Same genetic disease that's killing his daughter." "We need to find Karen Carter before they harvest her kidney and possibly kill her." "Do we have any idea where these people are?" "No, the phones are off." "Uh, no social media activity." "Local PD checked their homes." "No sign of them." "Last time they popped up was five days ago when Sarah's father checked her out of the hospital, against medical advice." "Let's think this through." "They lost the operating room that they'd setup." "So, they got to be looking for another one." "Well, they could be at any hospital or clinic in a hundred-mile radius." "We need to narrow down the search." "Okay, how?" "(sighs) Wait, wait, wait, wait." "Everyone in the NORD system is given a cell phone." "They're instructed to keep it on them at all times." "It's how NORD alerts them immediately if an organ becomes available." "But Sarah is still in the system." "That was Sarah's lifeline for three years." "She took it with her everywhere." "There's a good chance she's got it with her right now." "All right, got the number for Sarah's NORD phone from their data bank." "It's active, location services are on." "I've got a location." "We need to make sure that they're at that location." "They sent us on a wild goose chase with Karen's phone earlier." "We don't have time to be wrong again." "KRUMITZ:" "What if we track our last victim," "Karen Carter, by her running shoes?" "Krumitz, that's brilliant." "Guys, want to fill us in, please?" "Karen Carter was wearing Bluetooth enabled running shoes when she was abducted." "Those shoes pair with an app on her cell." "Tracks step count." "If we push Karen's sneaker app to Sarah's NORD phone, maybe we can trick the phone into pairing to Karen's shoes." "It would immediately give us" "Karen's location." "There's only one problem." "What?" "We need to send it to Sarah's phone." "We'd have to embed the app in a text message so we can send it to the phone." "The chimes could alert our targets." "We have no choice." "Do it now." "(phone dinging)" "(phone dinging)" "It worked." "Nelson, you're right." "We got a location." "Carolina Outpatient Clinic." "(sirens wailing)" "AGENT:" "Negative." "All clear." "FBI." "Put your hands in the air." "Do not say a word." "Cuff him." "FBI!" "Hands in the air, now." "Slowly, step away from the table." "Turn around." "Drop the knife." "You're too late." "It's done." "(steady beeping)" "AGENT:" "Clear." "Keep going, keep going." "Okay, now the whole floor's blocked off." "They're alive!" "Both of them!" "Get the paramedics in here now!" "KEITH:" "Sarah!" "Sarah, baby, everything's gonna be all right." "You made it through surgery." "You just got to hold on, okay?" "It's all right now." "Hey, will you just please let me know when she wakes up?" "Please!" "If you had a wife, you would understand." "I had no choice." "Get him out of here." "Sir, please!" "Sarah!" "Sarah!" "Karen, hi, my name's D.B. Russell." "I'm working with the FBI." "You're safe now, and you're gonna be all right." "You're gonna have a hard time believing what I'm about to tell you." "Alison Resnick, Ronald Bechtel, Karen Carter." "Are there others out there that we don't know about?" "No, there's nobody else." "I'm sure you think" "I'm some sort of monster... but I'm not." "I'm just a father." "A father whose little girl is gonna live because of what we've done." "That's true." "But I wonder how Sarah's gonna feel, knowing that her life was paid for with murder." "We never intended to kill Alison." "That was an accident." "Alison Resnick was someone's daughter, too." "It was worth it." "Take him away." "(humming)" "Seriously?" "It isn't enough to know that you won the bet, and that I have hours of paperwork ahead." "(chuckles)" "You really gonna stand there and watch?" "I just wanted to take a moment and bask in the sweetness of victory." "(slurping)" "My main man Barry's here to stay." "Okay." "That's for you." "All right." "Oh, my God." "Let's hear it." "I, Brody Nelson, on this day do solemnly admit, with clear eyes and a full heart, that Daniel Krumitz was right." "And?" "And..." "I was wrong." "Why?" "Come on, man, bet's a bet." "And that I should have known better than to bet against" "The Almighty Krumitz and his main man Barry because... (quickly):" "Krummy don't play that." "What?" "No, I'm sorry, what?" "I can't hear you." "Krummy don't play that." "That's right, that's right." "One more time." "Man, I'm not doing it." "Okay." "All right." "(laughing)" "Damn." "Let's get to work." "Okay." "What is this thing?" "This thing doesn't have a keyboard." "REPORTER:" "Dylan Resnick is finally a free man, after the recent capture of two suspects in the Alison Resnick murder case." "Dylan Resnick's out of jail." "Amen to that." "He has been released, and reunited with his mother-in-law, Elizabeth Turner." "In other news..." "You know, sometimes humanity surprises me." "How so?" "Karen, the girl who lost her kidney..." "First thing she asked after she realized that she was gonna be okay, was whether Sarah was gonna make it." "Hmm." "Cool, huh?" "Okay, here, hold this." "What is this?" "I thought we missed the game." "Yeah, well, I had Nelson record it." "(whooping) All right!" "(chuckles)" "Ah, after this match, ooh, your Golden Bears are gonna get destroyed, D.B. Russell." "Yeah, in your dreams there," "Deputy Director." "Ah, all right, this is more like it." "(laughs)" "(Ryan whooping) No, no, no!" "What is a Hoyas anyway?" "You know what, I have no idea." "Oh, no, no, no!" "(Ryan whooping)" "== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"South Hartford 911." "What is your emergency?" "This is Lieutenant Dreyfus, badge number 3525, at 174 Willow Lane." "Now entering what appears to be the living room." "Living conditions are best described as being in a state of disarray." "Watch your step." "Kitchen also in a state of disarray." "Approaching the stairwell where first victim was found." "Note the instrument on the floor." "Victim number one is facing north." "Male, approximately 160 pounds." "Sustained injury to the left temple." "Now entering the basement where victims number two and three were found." "Entered the basement of the house." "We find victim number two." "Female, approximately 120 pounds." "Facing west." "In the victim's right hand, we have religious paraphernalia, apparently is clutching." "Heading south we find another instrument on the floor." "We find victim number three." "Male, approximately 210 pounds." "We have trauma to the head." "Apparent strangulation with rope, which is broken or torn away." "We have blood splattering against the door." "In the center of the room, we have a chair." "The right armrest of the chair is broken with apparent claw marks from a struggle." "Various straps used for restraint." "WJBP, Channel 11." "A quiet South Hartford community was leveled by tragedy as three clergy members were found dead." "At about 11:47 p.m. on Sunday evening, the 20th, we received an emergency call on our 911 line." "At least three bodies were taken out of this house, two local priests and a nun." "We checked the location for any other victims and have not found any." "Apparently, Maria Rossi was hosting a church group meeting at her home." "Our homicide detectives and our lab people are conducting their investigation." "Mrs. Rossi was found by police in a crawl space." "We can't speculate as to what the cause or the motive may have been." "They are not ruling out any possibilities." "However, at this time, we don't want to speculate on what may or may not have been the cause." "My name is Isabella Rossi and that was my mother." "The thing you have to understand about my mother is that she just had a huge heart." "Down came the rain and washed the spider out." "Out came the sun and dried up all the rain." "And there we are." "That was actually on my..." "Can you see that?" "That was my first birthday party." "And I don't think it was until I was about six years old that I actually started to notice, you know, something was different, her moods were changing." "Then, she went away for a little bit and when she came back they said she was better." "But she wasn't." "We couldn't understand what was happening." "No one had answers." "So why are you doing this film?" "Because I really need to understand what happened." "What Maria Rossi did, and her subsequent life, was incredibly tragic and clouded." "And caught in the middle of it is a daughter who is just now learning the circumstances of that tragedy." "Isabella, look at the camera, honey." "If someone had asked me how is it possible for Mrs. Rossi to have done what she did," "I would have gone through the list of things that cause human aggression." "Something like major depression, or schizophrenia, or dissociative identity disorder." "It's my understanding that her current psychiatric diagnosis has been D.I.D." "But this is her seventh different diagnosis since 1987." "You start wondering, is it in my genes?" "You know, am I going to flip out one day?" "Just a matter of time?" "Two years after she brutally murdered three people in her home, a South Hartford jury found Maria Rossi not guilty by reason of insanity." "Rossi was committed to the South Hartford State Asylum." "And then in September of that year, my mother was transferred to the Centrino Mental Hospital for the Criminally Insane in Rome, Italy." "I never really questioned why Italy." "When did your father tell you what really happened?" "May 23, 2009." "I was 25 years old." "He just said it." "He said," ""Mom attacked those people during an exorcism."" "An exorcism performed on her." "It's the job of science to try to sort out what is a reasonable, plausible explanation." "But science can't explain everything, such as a person levitating two feet off the ground during an exorcism." "I asked my dad if he thought she was possessed." "He said he didn't know." "That she was gone." "It didn't matter." "Not any more." "He died three days later." "I called the church where the priests had come from." "And they wouldn't talk about it." "They said they don't have an ordained exorcist and never did." "So we're on our way to see the Vatican School for Exorcism." "And to see my mother." "Are you nervous?" "Yeah, I'm nervous." "Twenty years is a long time, you know?" "So, later, I was contacted by the Diocese of Rome." "They told me they never authorized my mother's exorcism." "That's when I knew I had to go to Italy." "I wonder how seriously they take the exorcism school, you know." "I hope it's not a joke." "Oh, wow." "There it is, St. Peter's Square." "Something like that." "This school has drawn a lot of interest from all over the world." "Maybe it can help me understand my mother's situation a little better." "From post-traumatic shock to serious injury, death even." "And not just for the victim." "Also for the family members, for anyone in the vicinity, especially the priest." "Sometimes a person can be tormented by more than one demon in what we call multiple demonic possession." "These cases are extremely volatile and dangerous, and they sometimes lead to transference, which means the demon jumps from one person to another." "The purpose of the class is to educate priests and, of course, laypeople, about the Devil's presence in their lives, in modern society." "For example, in Italy alone there are over 800 satanic cults." "We had a problem." "We needed more exorcists." "If it is possession, then first and foremost we must rule out mental illness." "Schizophrenia." "Bipolar disorder." "The course is designed to explore all these conditions." "Okay, anyone, any thoughts on that?" "I believe the subject was clearly possessed." "The subject spoke in multiple languages." "Come on." "Speaking in tongues?" "Maybe." "Incoherent babbling from a mentally-disturbed person, certainly." "I'm sorry, Father." "And the subject displayed abnormal strength when confronted with holy water, and while heavily sedated." "The delusional mind of a paranoid schizophrenic may actually react to holy water as if it were," "I don't know, acid, urine." "I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to disagree." "The girl fractured her own femur." "Her strength might have been abnormal, but not impossible." "It's very well known that some epileptics do break their bones during a seizure." "It's a fact." "As I said, we must be sure to rule out mental illness." "In the end, this case could not be proved as possession." "The diversity of the class was comforting." "It wasn't just priests or nuns, but regular people, people who are facing the same things I'm facing." "People like me, looking to help someone." "So why are you here?" "All this knowledge, you all agree on this, all this knowledge is invaluable for us, no?" "David, what would you say drew you to this school?" "In particular, to exorcism?" "The combination of science and religion." "I think, based on my background in medicine, it gave me a greater sense of purpose." "We all talk so definitively about God and about the Devil but we can all agree that there's no real facts, right?" "No proofs?" "God has never helped me." "What about you?" "Sure." "Yeah." "So when do you actually witness an exorcism in class?" "This class is all theory." "This is a school of exorcism, is it not?" "It's not reality." "Look at the tape we watched today." "That girl fit every criteria for possession except she wasn't." "It's a mental disorder." "No." "When you witness someone possessed, you'll know the difference." "You say that like you have." "Have you witnessed a real exorcism, Father?" "Yeah." "Right after he saw the Easter Bunny." "I may have." "Can I ask you something, Isabella?" " Sure." " I'm curious." "Why are you doing this documentary?" "I will be honest." "My mom." "When I was about eight years old she murdered three people." "Members of her church." "I found out that she had committed these murders during an exorcism." "An exorcism on her." " See you." " It was nice meeting you." "Your mother must be at Centrino, right?" " Have you seen her yet?" " Tomorrow." "Okay, well, the class won't give you the answers you need." "You need to see a real one." "How do you know when it's real?" "You know." "Good luck." "Thanks." "That was interesting." " Hey." " What are you looking at?" "My mother's hospital instruction manual." "Look at this thing, it's huge." "Okay." "So, camera one, two and three." "Which one do I look at?" "You don't have to look directly at the camera." "Right." "I knew that." "Remember, the cameras are always running when the car's on." "Let's go." "You know, my father received a letter from Rome." "I guess because priests were involved." "The Holy Church got involved as well." "And they said that they wanted to treat my mother at Centrino." "They called it an "offering of forgiveness."" "And I remember thinking that meant God was forgiving my mother." "I was young." "Okay." " No camera." " Show him the media pass." "It felt like a prison." "An old prison, really." "But Dr. Costa seemed concerned, so that was good." "Follow me." "I only show you this because your mother has not had a violent outburst in over 7 years." "She's extraordinarily anti-religious." "We refrain from religious items and discussion at all times." "They can make her hostile." "But I want to put..." "That's enough." "I'm not sure if you knew this, doctor, but my mother was involved in an exorcism while she committed those murders." "Did you know that?" "Isabella, your mother's case, although unique, is not a matter of demonic possession." "It's a matter of brain function." "So why do you think she was transferred all the way from the States to Rome?" "I don't know." "It was before I arrived here." "Unfortunately, we've had to keep her heavily medicated." "An exhaustive amount of meds, to be honest." "Antipsychotics." "Sedatives." "Anti-anxiety." "It constantly changes." "She is a very, very complex patient." "Miss Rossi, let's keep moving." "She is having a very good day today." "But there still are rules." "Don't talk about faith or God." "And stay passive." "Hostility and aggression are..." "Well, they've provoked her in the past." "Just precautions." "It will be fine." "In fact, there is a very good chance she won't even recognize you." "Maria?" "You have a visitor." "Come." "Come." "Hi, Mom." "I like your drawings." "Maria, I'd like to speak with you if you'd let me, please." "My name is Isabella." "Isabella Rossi." "I'm your daughter." "I just haven't seen you in a long time." "Connect the cuts." "Connect the cuts." "Connect the cuts." "Connect the cuts." "Connect the cuts." "Connect the cuts." "Connect the cuts." "Connect the cuts." "Connect the cuts." "Connect the cuts." "Connect the cuts." "Connect the cuts." "Do you recognize this?" "Do you know how to connect the cuts?" "I don't know what that means." "Connect the cuts." "Did you do that to yourself?" "Please stop." "Maria, I came a very long way to see you." "Do you want to see my painting?" "Yes." "I'd like that." "I'd love that." "Yes, yes." "Maria, he was your husband." "You loved him very much." "Do you remember?" "Who are you?" "I'm Isabella." "I'm your daughter." " I don't have a daughter." " Yes, yes, you do." "We just haven't seen each other in a very long time." "I don't have a daughter." "Do I?" "Why?" "Why?" "Why not?" "Well, thank you for coming." "Please say hello to your family from me." "Have a nice day." "Thank you for coming." "I have to go." "I have to go." "I have to get ready." "I have to get ready." "I have to get ready." "Get ready." "Get ready." "You shouldn't have killed." "What did you say?" "Maria, please." "I don't have a lot of time." "Please, tell me something." "You shouldn't have killed your child." "What?" "It's against God's will, you know." "Out, out, out!" "Shit, that was great." "That was great stuff." "Are you all right?" "Isabella?" "Isabella, I..." "What's it like, losing both parents?" "It feels empty." "Like there's no safety net to fall back on." "And it forces you to be resilient." "Possession and exorcism have dictated my life." "It took my mom and it basically killed my dad." "It defines me now." "I mean, here I am." "I flew halfway across..." "You know, halfway across the world." "To see this woman who I never thought I'd see again." "I don't like that it defines me." "I contacted Father Ben Rawlings and David Keane in hopes that they would review the footage of my mother." "Luckily, they agreed and invited me to their loft." "Isabella, hi, welcome." " How are you?" " Good." "Come in." "It's hard to say why I wanted to be a priest." "Maybe I was drawn to helping people." "I think that duality exists within all of us and, occasionally, it can take form." "Science can no longer help, and religion has to take over." "Which can be really difficult for people to accept." "Isabella, nice to see you again." "How are you?" "You okay?" "Okay, great." " Can I get you a cup of tea or anything?" " Sure." "I'm sorry, I forgot your..." " Michael." " Michael." "My family were always very religious." "My mother and father, they were teachers, but I was closest to my uncle." "He was a priest." "By the time I was 13, he told me that he was an exorcist." "And, well, if you can imagine..." "It's like, I suppose, you know, you being told that your dad is Superman." "That's what it felt like to me." "That he was in direct, you know, war, I suppose, with the Devil." "And, I don't know, it blew me away, really." "And so, he took me along with him and by the time I was 18," "I'd seen four exorcisms." "I'd even assisted on one." "And it just changes you." "Unfortunately, he passed away a couple years ago." "Anyway, when I was 23, I went into the priesthood." "And by the time I was 27, I was an ordained exorcist." "But I'll tell you this." "After all the years that I've been in the Church" "I've seen the Devil way more than I've seen God." "That's just not the way it's supposed to be." "There, what did she say to you there?" "Yeah, at the end there, she started remembering things, specific things, and she said something to me." "But I'm not sure if she said..." "What?" "What was it?" "I terminated a pregnancy about four years ago." "The doctor said I couldn't carry it to term, so..." "Anyway, she knew about it, and she said that..." "Something about being against God's will or something." "Hang on." "Let's just look at that." "It's against God's will, you know." "That means something, right?" "Possibly." "You said you had a copy of her medical charts?" "What are those?" "She cuts herself." "Those are crosses, Ben." "Crosses?" "Wait, wouldn't she not want crosses if she's possessed?" " Not necessarily." " Look at them." "Look at them." "The way that she's seeing them, they're upside down." "They're inverted crosses." "They're typically used in Satanic rituals." " I don't have a daughter." " Wait, is she speaking with an accent?" "Yeah, she did that some." "Why?" "Different accents can be like speaking in tongues." "The pregnancy, did you tell her about that at all?" "No." "And you're absolutely sure there's no other way she could have found out?" "I mean, there's no way." "See, there are basically four factors when it comes to determining demonic possession." "One, unnatural strength." "You got aversion to holy objects." "Languages or events that they could not have known." "And preternatural movement, which is basically objects moving around the room." "So, strength?" "No." "Languages, no." "Preternatural movement, no." "Aversion to holy objects, maybe." "Yeah, but there are accents and," "Ben, she knew that information." "Yeah, that interests me." "We need to show you something." "Okay." "Can I bring the camera?" " Sure." " All right." "Okay." " Can I bring this?" " Yeah, of course." "Come on through." "I'm good." "I'm right behind you." "Keep going." "What is all this?" "Who are these people?" "These are people the Church turned down for exorcism." " And they're all possessed?" " We believe they are." "These two cases are resolved." "Those two are open and we're almost done with this one." "This is the girl, Rosa, right?" "From the video we saw in Gallo's class?" "You both thought she was possessed." "She is." "We think the Church made a mistake." "So correct me if I'm wrong, but you guys are performing these exorcisms yourselves, without the Church's permission?" "That's right." "We have to." "Otherwise, these people would continue to suffer." "What is all that?" "We monitor everything." "Heart rate, blood pressure." "Yeah, go ahead." "That's a camera we use to determine pupil dilation, which is very important in cases of possession." "Nine millimeters is as large as the average pupil gets." "Maybe 10 or 11 under certain substances like cocaine, psilocybin, methamphetamines." "Anything above 11 is considered preternatural." "Why doesn't the Church help these people?" "You see, that's just it." "The Church isn't in the business of healing people." "The bureaucracy won't allow it." "Their hands are tied." "In 1999, the Church changed the exorcism rites for the first time in almost 400 years." "Now a priest has to be absolutely certain that there's an evil presence in order to even attempt an exorcism." "And that's a near impossible task, because a lot of the time it takes an exorcism for a demon to reveal itself." "But rather than get distracted by the Church's hypocrisy, we're going to continue to care for these people." "So that means that my mother's case can actually be something..." "No, no." "Isabella, you..." "The Church will never pursue your mother's case because the last time someone did, people died." "What do you suggest?" "If you really want to help your mother, you need a better understanding of exorcism." "A real understanding." "Okay." "So take more classes and maybe show Gallo the tape?" "Isabella, you'll learn more in five minutes of an exorcism than you will in three months in some class." "Plus, you'll get to know the real difference between possession and mental illness." "So witness a real exorcism?" "With you?" "If you want." "So the exorcism rites, when they were updated, what exactly changed?" "Well, for one, all media coverage of exorcisms were banned." "Not that they were filmed much anyway." "Exorcisms can take minutes or they can take years." "No two are the same." "Is this thing we're doing even legal?" "No." "Not exactly." "You never know what's going to happen." "So do you still get nervous or..." "No, not really." "Demons, like angels, have orders, or spheres, to be more specific." "A hierarchy, basically." "Now, it's imperative you get the demon to reveal itself so you can deduce its rank in that hierarchy." "In our last session we were able to hone in on our demon's identity." "His name is Berith." "Look, I know we went over this before." "Keep us between you and her, okay." "I'm not kidding." "All right, all right." " Father." " How is she?" "She's worse?" "Okay, let me see." "No, no." "We had to move her downstairs." "To the basement." "The basement?" "This is it." "We're actually going to see a person who is supposedly possessed." "So I guess now we'll see if it's bullshit or not." "She's in here." "Michael, come in." "Everyone, bow their heads." "May the Lord bless us and keep us." "May the Lord let His face shine upon us." "May the Lord lift up His countenance onto us and give us peace." " Amen." " Amen." "This really is no place for her, Mrs. Sorlini." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." "We don't know what to do." "Please, please, it's going to be okay." "It's going to be okay." "Rosa?" "Bless you for your prayers." "You must leave her to us now." "All right?" "Yes, Father." "This is to help loosen her limbs, keep her calm." "It's very similar to a muscle relaxant." "She's looking right at me." "Okay." "Okay." "Let's get set up." "It's best just to stay close to Michael, okay?" " A little to the right." " No, no." "It's set." "It is Thursday, December 3, 2009." "Subject, Rosa Sorlini." "Last session, November 13, 2009." "Rosa's appearance has worsened, skin color and weight." "Temperament appears stable." "Vitals are slightly elevated, but basically normal." "Her pupils are dilated to approximately nine millimeters." "Okay." "Let's begin." "Pupils still normal." "Rosa, are you in there?" "Can you hear me?" "I want to know how you're feeling today, Rosa." "I remember last time," "Rosa, you were strong." "You spoke to me." "No, no, she's strong." "And getting stronger than..." "You don't want this one any more." "It's no good for you." "She said my name." "She said my name." "How did she know my name?" "Stay back." "Don't listen to her." "Five minutes alone with her," "I promise you, her cunt will know me." "I want you to leave the girl out of this." "I know who you are, demon!" "Your name is Berith!" "Behold the Cross of the Lord." " Lord, have mercy." " Lord, have mercy." " Christ, have mercy." " Christ, have mercy." "God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ," "I appeal to Your Holy Name that you graciously grant me help against..." "That you graciously grant me help against this unclean spirit that's tormenting this creature of Yours!" "Ben, she's hemorrhaging!" "God, creator and defender of the human race, who made man in Your own image, look down in pity on this, Your servant!" "Help me hold her down, Ben." "Ben, help me hold her down." "Taste it, bitch!" "Come taste your mother's sweet milk!" "Stay back." "Inserting anti-coagulant." "...overwhelms it with fear and panic." "Repel, O Lord, the Devil's power." "Break asunder his snares." "You can't hide, Berith!" "The Mystery of the Cross commands you!" "Blood pressure's way up, 190 over 110!" "Come on, hang in there!" "Heart rate's up." "So is blood pressure." "190 over 110." "Hang in there." "Blood pressure's going crazy!" "It's 220 over 110!" "Say it, Ben!" "St. Barnabas commands you!" " Ben?" " Just keep hold of her!" "Ben, I can't hold her!" "Oh, my God!" "Where is she?" "David!" "David!" "I can't see!" "I need light!" "I need light." "Do something!" "Get her back on the bed!" "Ben!" " Get her legs." " Michael, get away." "I'll carve out your diseased heart and eat it!" "I have a whole army of angels and the Lord Almighty by my side!" "You want pain?" "I'll give you pain!" "St. Barnabas commands you!" "From whose sight you are not hidden!" "St. Barnabas commands you!" "St. Barnabas commands you!" "You foul, treacherous beast!" "Give way to Christ, in whom you found none of your works!" "Bow down before God!" "Okay, bring her back on her legs." "She's stabilizing." "She's stabilizing." "Turn that off." "Yeah." "I don't know what to say." "Right there, right there, you see how her pupil is normal again?" "That indicates that she's clean." "Now that you have this, now you can tell the Church, right," " That you saved her?" " No." "Yeah, it worked." "But that doesn't mean the Church will support it." "That doesn't make any sense." "Why not?" "Because..." "Because the Church would have us arrested and deported." "What we're doing in the eyes of the Church is very wrong." "That's why we know it's so right." "Look, her appearance is completely normal, and so quickly after the exorcism." "Hello?" "This is she." "Excuse me." "R-O-S-S-I." " What's that?" " I don't know." "I'm her daughter." "I just got here from America." "I think that's a big mistake." "We could go back to the charts, you'll see that..." "This is amazing." "Thank you." "That was the Diocese of Rome." "I asked for a reevaluation of my mother." "What did they say?" "They thanked me for my concerns and said that any interference would probably jeopardize her well-being." "And that God would be watching us over these trying times." "Are you all right?" "Fine." "I can't believe the Church turned her down." "Of course they're gonna turn it down." "...go straight to Dr. Costa with my own doctor, like David." "The hospital is outside Vatican City walls, and I think that means it's out of their jurisdiction." " What are you two talking about?" " What's that?" "What are you talking about?" " Okay." "Okay." " We need to talk." " David?" "Do you have a sec?" "Okay." " Yeah." "We don't know what's wrong with Isabella's mother." "Nobody does because she hasn't been evaluated in over 15 years." "She deserves a second opinion." "A second opinion?" "It would give us enough time to determine her condition." "No, you want to give an exorcism to Isabella's mother." "That's not what we're saying." "We just need time and we need to know that she's actually possessed." "Yeah, then she can get the proper attention." "Look, okay, that's not how this works." "You're here to document, you're not here to get involved." " First of all, it's illegal." " No, it's not illegal." "Yes, Ben, it is!" "And in the eyes of the Church..." "You know, forget about the Church, David!" "Why does it always come down to that?" "What if this works?" "What if we find out that it's not D.I.D.?" "Yeah, think about it, David." "This could work." "Michael, I know what you're doing." "I know it would be provocative for your film, but we will be arrested." "How would it even work?" "As soon as they found out what we were doing, they'd shut us down." "The staff won't be allowed with us in the room." "Yeah, we should have that right to privacy on her behalf, right?" "Yeah, you're right." "David, just..." "What if it was your own mother?" "I'm really nervous." "I'm an active priest in good standing with the Holy See." "And regardless of the outcome, the Church will find out, and it will put my job in jeopardy." "Father Ben Rawlings." "But at the same time, there are problems within this institution." "There are things that I don't agree with." "In the case of Maria Rossi," "I think we should take the time to actively deduce whether or not she's being tormented by an evil presence." "I think." "What's the Church's stance on Maria Rossi?" "Well, she's faded into the system." "She's pumped full of drugs and forgotten." "If she becomes too difficult, there's a panic button on the wall." " Yeah?" " Yes, I saw that." "Thank you." "The bottom line here is that something horrible happened back in 1989." "And it wasn't Maria Rossi's fault." "You'll be screening her using SCID-D?" "Two hours?" "More or less two hours, yeah." "I'd say so." "I feel the Church needs to change." "We're so eager to just brush things under the carpet as if they don't exist." "I don't fit in this Church, in this guise of the Church." "And I have to do what I believe." "I'll see you soon, Maria." "I know it's dangerous, and it might not even work." "But I can't just sit back and do nothing." "Okay, not a problem." "The time is 8:32 a.m." "on Monday, December 7, 2009." "Subject is Maria Rossi." "Session one." "Subject appears docile." "Heavily medicated." "Pupils are mildly dilated due to the medication." "Okay." "Let's wake her up." "When she wakes up, we'll see if she gets a reaction." "Counteracting medication." "Medication should take effect in 20 seconds." " So this is when you provoke her?" " Exactly." "Ten seconds." "Five, four, three, two, time." "Maria?" "Maria, do you know what this is?" "Maria, is there someone in there with you?" "I don't know." "Yes, you do, Maria." "Who's in there?" "We can help you." "We can free you from it." "EKG is normal." "They'll be angry." "There's more than one?" "Maybe she's clean." "What was that?" "Yeah, we got something." "Her pupil's still normal." "It's nothing." "Is she all right?" "Yeah, she..." "She's sleeping." "That's the first time I've seen a possessed person fall asleep when confronted by a priest and holy water." "What does that mean?" "I don't know." "I think..." "I think we might be wasting our time." "I came here for her and I'm going to do everything I can to help her." "This isn't consistent with any form of possession that I've ever seen." "I'm sorry, Isabella." "This..." "Her pupils are almost fully dilated!" "Lord, have mercy!" "Christ, have mercy!" " What are you doing?" " We're helping her, David!" "We need to help her!" " Ben, this is not the time or the place!" " Stay back." "I need you to calm down." " Christ, have mercy." " Christ, have mercy." " Christ, hear us." " Christ, please hear us." "God, the Father in Heaven." "I know you!" "I know you, little girl!" "God, the Father in Heaven." "God, the Father in Heaven, most merciful." "God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ," "I appeal to Your Holy Name." " Against this unclean spirit!" " I know you!" "Shove that needle in your fucking eye, you faggot!" "I adjure you, ancient serpent by the judge of the living and of the dead." " Don't get too close." " By your Creator..." " Ben?" "Ben?" " Michael!" "The faith of the holy apostles and of all the saints commands you," " Reveal yourself before the Creator!" " Watch it!" "David!" "The devout prayers of holy men..." "God the Father commands you!" "You can't get back in your God's good graces, priest." "Not after what you did." "Ben, what are you doing?" "Her vitals are going crazy." "Get back." "Get back." "Michael, put the camera down and help!" "I want to help her!" "Get her leg!" "Get her leg!" "Careful." "Grab her leg!" "I got her." "Get her arm." "Isabella, is it locked?" " Close the bolt!" " Yes!" "Yes!" "Tell me your name, coward!" "Asbeel!" "Come that close to me one more time and I'll use your tongue to skull fuck the baby killer over there!" "The itsy bitsy spider came down the water spout." "Down came the rain and washed the spider out." "Out came the sun..." "Isabella, don't listen to it." "It's not your mother." "Come on, baby." "Isabella, it's not your mother!" "You know the words." "Isabella, snap out of it!" " Do it!" " Demons!" "You are guilty before our Lord Jesus Christ." "You are guilty before our Lord Jesus Christ whom you dared to nail upon the cross." "Pulse is 284." "Rhythm is way off." "I'm not like the others, demon!" "Do you hear me, transgressor?" " I hear you, priest." " Seducer!" "All you fucking do is talk!" "The holy apostles Peter and Paul and all the saints command you." "Give way to Christ, in whom you found none of your works!" "For it is not He who condemns you, but rather He who rules the living and the dead." "Our Father, who art in heaven..." "No, it's gonna kill her!" "Just stay there, Isabella." "No, no, no." "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever." "Amen." "Let my mother go." "You'll burn." "You'll burn eternal." "Poor child." " Please, open this door now!" " Pulse is dropping." "Maria?" "Maria, can you hear us?" "Starting to regain consciousness." "Temp is returning to normal." "Over." "Tell me your name, coward!" "Asbeel!" "I'll be feeling that tomorrow." "See, this is preternatural movement right here." "I've seen it before, but I've never captured it on tape." "So, what does that mean?" "It means we've got everything that we need right here." "This is huge, Isabella." "Let's play it again." "Do you realize how big this is?" "With the evidence we've got, the Holy See has to see us." "They have to." "We can go to the press with this and in an instant, we'd have 1,000 people standing out there." "Our priority right now should be getting her back to the States." "The endorsement of Dr. Costa is vital." "But after the results that he saw, there's no way that he can't agree." "Dr. Costa doesn't believe that she was possessed or anything." "He thinks it was an exercise that shocked her system." "Anyway, it doesn't matter what he believes because his referral's actually gonna help us get her back to the States." "You can't get back in your God's good graces, priest." "What are you doing?" "I'm just..." "I'm just analyzing Maria's audio." "I'm just trying to work out if there is more than one voice inside her." "See, there can..." "See?" "See?" "Right there." "You hear that?" " She's speaking in tongues, right?" " No, no." "It's one sentence, spoken in more than one language, I think." "I'm just trying to isolate how many." "You wanted him to die, didn't you?" "Ben, what is she talking about?" "You wanted him to die, didn't you?" "Is she talking about your uncle?" "I found four voices on the recording." "I found four voices on the recording." "You found four?" "Wait, what does that mean?" "It means that the entity in your mother had disciples." "We call it multiple demonic possession." "You might have heard Gallo talking about it in class." "Wait, so it's a powerful demon." "Yeah." "It's a beast." "What?" "You know how lucky we are?" "Look, we're gonna deliver all our findings to the Holy See next Friday." "Yeah, maybe." "He hasn't agreed to see us." "Yeah,well, have you told him that the press might be interested?" "That's not very diplomatic." "Can't we just wait a little bit till my mother's case is resolved?" "I mean, the press?" "Hang on a minute." "Just because you've got what you want now, you're expecting us just to keep quiet?" "Michael, please, just get..." "Stop!" "Stop!" "That's not what I meant!" "Because there are lot more people to help rather than just your mother, okay?" "Wait, did Father Gallo call you?" "What's your problem?" "No." "You?" "Yeah, he called me twice." "What did he say?" "He wants to help us make the right decision." "He's worried about us." "Especially, he's worried about me." "You?" "Why?" "Because of my job, Ben." "David, what are you doing with the papers?" "Are you okay?" "I'm fine." "The conversation's just giving me a little bit of a headache." "David, he's just trying to scare you." "That's all." " Is that blood?" " He's a moral man." "And he's toeing the company line on this one and you know it." "Is your nose bleeding?" "David, you got something." "Are you okay?" " Are you okay?" " I'm sorry." "I'm fine." "Look." "I'm sorry." "It's probably stress." " It's a lot of work to do for Friday." " Yeah." "Are you all right?" " They won't release her." " What?" "Why not?" "I don't know." "They won't say." "They can't or won't believe that she's better." " Where are my keys?" " I don't..." "Where are my fucking keys?" "They were right here." "I don't know." "Relax." "Where are my fucking keys, Michael?" "I don't know." "It feels like they'll never release her." "There's no way the Church can't see this." "I can look them in the eye and tell them that it was the right thing to do." "This is what they do." "They cover things up, they ignore it, no matter who it hurts or destroys." "Well, not this time." "Not this fucking time." "This was supposed to be about my mother." "Not anybody else." "Not about Ben's ego, or David's job." "I have a sinking feeling I'm going to be excommunicated for all this." "I think." "For what we did." "David's inner coward is really coming out." "Ben and David, maybe I get them." "They have their own thing going on, but Isabella, we started this together." "Michael just has to stop." "He just wants to..." "They have this group of three and I'm like the annoying guy with the camera." "David, what the fuck are you doing?" "If it weren't for me no one would know anything about what the hell they're doing in their Church and in their basements." "Look, I really think we need to talk about some stuff." "What's wrong with the camera?" "I don't know." "Just..." "What's wrong?" "Not then." "Before she hit you." "Michael, did you see anything?" "No, I didn't see anything." "Okay, we'll just try another..." "This is something else." "Yeah, but it's at the exact same time." "It must have been just a power surge through the hospital." "It's the only thing I can think of." "For all the cameras?" "It could be something else." " Hey, we're filming." " I'm sorry." " David, you have to see this." " I have to go." "I said we're filming." "I know." "I heard you." "I got to go." "What's the matter?" " The bishop denied our request." " What?" "It's just a bloody meeting." "What was the reason?" "The incident's under investigation." " Well, of course it is." " David..." " David." " Yeah?" " It's going to be okay." "All right?" " I hope so." " I hope so." " David, wait, wait." "I'm coming with you, remember?" "The baptism?" "Come on." "Let's go." " Michael, how long is this going to take?" " Just a second." " Do we really need this?" " Yep." "Are you okay with that, David?" "I'm fine." "You ready?" "Baptism, baptism." "Baptism is the transferal of sins,ao both original and personal." "Now, for example, if a baby were to die after being baptized it would go to Heaven." "And if before it would go to Hell." "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." "Brethren, our fair Father Christ in His great loving kindness hath ordained that His mystic bride, the Holy Mother of the Church, to protect her children at every stage from the cradle to the grave." "And to this end is the Sacrament of Holy Baptism ordained." "Amen." "John Thomas, in the name of Christ our Lord" "I anoint thee with oil for thy safekeeping." "John Thomas," "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." "David?" "What's he doing?" "David!" " Father, stop." " Please stop!" "What are you doing, David?" "David, stop, stop!" "David!" "For God's sake!" "Somebody, stop him!" "You know what I'd like to do?" "I'd like to take this fucking camera, turn it around and stick it in Michael's face." "I'd like to ask him, "What was it like, Michael?"" ""What was it like when"" ""your mom fucked your father's best friend?"" "David?" "Hey, David!" "Michael, what's wrong with David?" "What's happened?" "What's going on?" "The..." "The kid almost died." "What?" "What happened?" "What did you say?" "The baby he was baptizing, he almost drowned it." " What are you doing?" " Setting up the camera." " No, wait." "Just leave the camera." " Is the baby okay?" "Yeah, I think so." "You think so?" "Did you see it?" "Were you there or not?" "Do I think the baby's okay?" "Yeah." "Is he in trouble?" "I don't know." "They called the police and he just left." " David!" " Okay, just come back when you..." "Well, he's been acting strange all day." "Did you see it happen?" "See it?" "I filmed it!" "It was like he lost it!" "He's been under a lot of stress lately, so maybe that contributed to..." "I don't know." "You should have been there." "It was like he was crazy!" "Has anything like this ever happened before?" "No, of course not!" " David!" " David?" "What the hell's going on?" "Michael, get the camera." "We need the light." " Ben?" " David?" "David?" "What's he doing up there?" "Watch." "Careful." " What the hell is all this?" " I don't know." "Ben, are those Bible pages?" " Oh, Jesus." " David!" "Come here." "What have you done?" "Oh, my God, Ben." "He's bleeding all over." "Get his arms up." "Put them up." "Put them up." " No, no, no." " What is it?" "No, no, no." " What do we do, Ben?" " I don't know!" " What do you mean, you don't know?" " I don't know." "I don't know what to do!" "Where's..." "Go, go, go!" "Get out!" "Stay out!" "Stay downstairs!" "Don't come back upstairs again!" "Just stay down there!" " Okay, okay." " Look at me." "Look in my eyes." "Michael, did you see his eyes?" "Did you see his eyes?" "Shit!" "No, no." "Father Keane?" "Where is Father David Keane?" " He's upstairs." " He's very, very sick." " Turn on the lights." " I can't." "This is the only light we have." " Are you David Keane?" " No, no." "He's upstairs, he's upstairs, but it's not safe to go up there!" "Stay down here, please!" "Holy shit." "Do you need the light?" "David!" " He took your gun?" " Yes, he took my gun!" "We need to get out right now." "All of us need to get out." "We need to..." "David?" "David?" "David?" "He's my friend!" "David?" "David, listen to me." "Put down the gun." " Just put down the gun, yeah?" " David..." "Listen to me." "It's Ben, okay?" "It's your friend." " No, no!" " Be quiet, Isabella." "David, listen to me, all right?" "This isn't you." "Just listen to my voice, okay?" "This is your friend, Ben." "This isn't you." "Something else has taken control of you." "You know this." "You know this." "Okay?" "Focus on my voice." "You need to trust me, David." "Okay?" "Just stay calm." "I can't stop." "I can't stop it, Ben!" "You can, you can fight it." "Just fight it!" "Fight it, David." "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name." "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth..." "I forgot it." " Just give me the gun." " I forgot it." "He says to say, "Thank you"." "Jesus!" "The light!" "Come here, come here." "Oh, shit." "Fuck!" "I need an ambulance now!" "What's wrong with her?" "She's having a seizure." "Come here." "You saw his eyes, right?" " Ben!" " I saw his eyes!" "Tell me what's happening, Ben!" "I don't want to..." "I got to know what's happening, Ben!" "Maybe there's some transference." "Demonic transference?" "Of course I mean demonic transference, Michael!" " Transference like?" " Just fucking..." "Michael, please just shut the fuck up!" "Don't you fucking yell at me, Ben!" "Of course I'm gonna fucking yell at you!" "You've been here the whole fucking time!" "Have you not listened to me?" "Jesus." "No, no!" "Please, wait here." "Wait out there!" "Yes, please." "Her name is Isabella Rossi." "Can we see her yet?" "I believe there's transference." "I don't know." "Not for certain." "Who are you talking to?" "More than one." "Four, possibly." "Okay, okay." "I'll bring her to you as soon as I can, Father Gallo." "Thank you." "Yeah, I know." "It's David's fault." "The doctor asked me to talk to you, yes." "She's doing much better, your friend." "She's stable and she's resting, so I suggest you go." "When can we see her?" "She's gonna be here overnight, so you can see her tomorrow." "Overnight?" "That's not possible." "Why is that?" "There's something wrong with her." "It's not safe here." "No, this is very safe, I assure you." "Something's wrong with her." "We need to get her out of here right now." "No, gentlemen, we are extremely..." "Do you know who Father Robert Gallo is?" "Father Gallo, yes, I know him, but I don't understand..." "Isabella?" "Isabella?" "What do we do, Ben?" "Isabella, listen to me!" "We need to get her out of here now!" "Michael!" "I've got her now!" "We need to get her under control!" "Help me, please!" "I know this woman." "She needs to be sedated." "Do it, now!" "Jesus will bring your plans to nothing." "Christ will have none of your plans." "Let's take this outside." "Michael, put the camera down!" "Listen to me." "I'm a priest." "Please, go and help those people." " Keep her here." " Thank you, Father." "Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go." " Come on." " She just killed that woman." "We need to end this." "Grab her legs." "Help me grab her legs!" "We're going to Father Gallo's." "What's he going to do?" "I need help with the exorcism." "Get the door." "Get the door." "Oh, my God." "What have I done?" "You really think Gallo's going to help?" "Yeah, I need help." "I need to fix this." "Oh, shit." "Oh, shit." "She's waking up." "She's waking up." "We haven't got much time, Michael." "We haven't got much time." "Stay with me." "Don't let it get to you." "When I was 13, my uncle told me he was an exorcist." "You can't get back into God's good graces, priest." "Not after what you did." "Ben?" "You wanted him to die, didn't you?" "What is she doing?" "He says to say, "Thank you."" "Who are you?" "You know me." "Everyone knows me." "Lord, have mercy!" "Christ, have mercy!" "God the Father!" "Oh." "My God!" "Oh, shit!" "Your place is in solitude!" "Your abode is in the nest of serpents!" "Be gone forthwith from this servant of God!" "Get out of her!" "Get out of her!" "It's working, right?" "I have got her under control, but I don't know for how long." "You've got to hurry up." "It's okay." "It's going to be okay." "I'm sorry." "Just be strong." "Be strong." "Just be strong." "Michael!" | {
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"Previously on "rescue me"..." "Made my decision." "I'm gonna leave the fdny." "Maggie,we've been married 9 months." "What are you talking about," ""breathing life into the relationship"?" "Everyone needs breath." "Everyone needs a spark,sean." "Ok,and the spark is by watching some chick get double-teamed by guys with cocks the size of telephone poles?" "***" "Who?" "Tony." "Yeah,he's my boyfriend." "I'm pretty sure that she's banging this guy." "I know." "Look,she's on the pill." "You put her on the pill?" "I got a girl." "Really?" "She's in a wheelchair... but she's got the sweetest ass." "Coming through the probie class right now is a black kid-- afro-american, as kramer might say--who is so goddamn good as an outside shooter, people are calling him the next jackie ryan." "What?" "You know,how come you never ask me about my day?" "Listen,you got to get me the hell out of here." "My wife,she's driving me nuts." "You mark my words,once I'm sprung, she'll lose all interest in me." "That's her M.O." "How you doin',kid?" "I'm engaged." "You're kiddin'." "Nope." "Who's the lucky girl?" "Steven--my boyfriend." "I didn't put my papers in." "Hmm?" "Things changed." "Things stayed the same,but they changed." "I bought this for us." "I--you think I wanted this,huh?" "Is that what you think, you son of a bitch?" "!" "Shit!" "Oh!" "Tommy!" "Tommy!" "Wake up!" "The word on the street is you're going to jail." "I don't know what street that is, but that's the wrong street, 'cause I'm not going to jail." "I'm just saying-- That's not what I hear." "I got a friend down at H.Q." "He says they're this close to getting rid of you." "I'm telling you," "I think I would remember" " You don't remember starting the fire." "How the hell can we expect you to remember signing the go the goddamn policy?" "I didn't start the fire,ok?" "Listen to me." "We've got $2 million on the line, and you are totally screwing this up." "Look,I knew you wouldn't sign the policies yourself." "But I knew that it was the right thing to do." "Thank god I did it, considering the circumstances." "You're stuck with a newborn child and two other kids,tommy." "Listen,we get this money, you are never gonna have to worry about anything else ever again,all right?" "Colleen's college tuition,katy's college,a trust fund for the baby." "Janet can get her own house." "The insurance payoff is gonna be,like,close to $2 million." "And,um... we can cut that right down the middle." "I got an offer on the land where the house was." "400 grand." "I don't want your money." "You're not gonna do anybody any good sitting in prison,you big dum-dum." "What the--what are you doing?" "You had a little, like,baby stink on you." "And anyway,it's curious, by britney spears." "It's fancy." "Well,the Well,the mystery's over." "She's a whore,ok?" "I want to know what really happened that night,ok?" "All of it." "You know the truth,tommy." "You're an uncontrollable alcoholic with a heavy case of survivor's guilt." "A couple of big swigs,your guilt goes right out the window,bing,bang,zoom-- you're whipping off my panties and whipping out your dick." "I saw something about it on "oprah"--the whole grieving process?" "That's how men deal with death-- they want to have a lot of sex." "They think it kills off all the emotions inside." "Oprah said that?" "She did." "What,did you buy all new stuff for this place?" "Yeah,I did." "I went to this place on fifth avenue." "I mean,you can't fill a manhattan apartment with all the same stuff that you had in bay ridge." "So what,did you spend,like, the rest of the widow money?" "I needed a place to live." "I needed a change." "Damien's at nyu." "I wanted to be close to him." "Besides which,we pull this off, this apartment is just the tip of the iceberg." "What are you doing?" "I want the truth." "Ho ho ho!" "That bowl... cost me 5 grand." "Really?" "Yeah." "Mm-hmm." "What about this?" "Listen,I told you the truth already." "Ooh!" "Look,you can destroy this whole goddamn apartment." "It's not gonna make a shit lick of a difference." "Oh." "Oh,no." "Oh,no,no,no!" "Give me that!" "Give me that!" "No,no,no,no!" "Give me that..." "Nope." "I want the whole truth." "Ok!" "God!" "Ooh..." "You were sober-- you were sober when you first came over." "***" "I remember breaking the news to you,I remember you... getting pissed off,and I remember... watching the meerkats." "You were more interested in the meerkats than my feelings." "That's such a bunch of bull" " Anyhoo!" "We watched the meerkats for" " I don't know--like, minutes or something;" "I wasn't really paying attention." "And then,that's when I realized... that apparently,this entire time... you were making drink after drink for yourself." "Actually,you weren't even making drinks;" "you were just pouring these huge glasses of vodka for yourself." "I thought that you were drinking water." "And then,the next thing I know... you were all over me, and it was getting... really hot." "And then..." "What?" "You couldn't get it up." "I tried everything." "I did." "And then,the more I tried,the madder you got." "And then you flipped out, and then you picked up this, like,vase or something--I don't know-- and hit the gas lantern antiquey thing that I bought." "And so I ran upstairs to go get the fire extinguisher... and then I heard this-- this huge explosion, and you came running up the stairs to get me, and then I saw you--I saw you fall backwards down the stairs." "So... you're telling me... you tried everything?" "Even the... tongue thing that you sometimes do?" "I tried it... twice." "I got to go." "No,wait." "I--wait." "Where are you going?" "I got to talk to eddie." "My hearing's in,like,an hour." "I'll call you when we decide which story we're gonna use." "Christ." "Rescue Me Season 4 Episode 2" "It's not that funny." "Oh,no,it's not just funny,man,it is brilliant." "Shh." "What,huh?" "Brilliant how?" "Because,I am telling you, this is manna from heaven." "Well,I know it's good,but-- No,no,no,listen,listen." "Every time you been in there, you been feeding them this... convoluted couple of tales of alcohol and passing out and it's all pretty suspicious." "Mm-hmm." "Right,but this-- god damn, this is perfect,you know?" "First,it tells how the fire started,right?" "Right.It was truly accidental." "Yeah." "Second,it shows you doing your dead-level best to save her,which goes to character." "And third,it gives a plausible reason why you didn't want to confess to the truth in the first place--the fact that you couldn't get it up." "Shh." "Your limp,lifeless little dick might actually save your a your ass." "Works fine now." "5 more minutes,jerry." "It's lookin' good." "Hey,ma." "How you feelin'?" "You look good." "Oh,look who's here again." "Oh,hey,marlene." "Oh,and look at the balloons and the flowers." "You're a lucky woman,mrs." "Silletti, to have such a sweet boy to take care of you." "I have to shift her now." "She's got significant skin breakdown." "You can wait outside." "Oh,I'll stay." "It's quite painful,michael." "I'm not sure you want to be here." "No,I'm not leaving her." "Michael." "I'll stay." "Ok." "Here we go,mrs." "Silletti." "Ohhh..." "Ok." "Which one is he?" "Number 11,do-rag." "Whoo,shit." "Yes." "Kid's the second coming,isn't he?" "Yeah,he's the black jackie ryan." "Why can't he just be a kick-ass baller without being the black version of some old white guy?" "'Cause I'm a lieutenant." "I get to say what I want." "I could have said he was "the chocolate jackie ryan," but I didn'T." "Jesus,even basketball makes you think of chocolate." "No,basketball makes me think of pumpkin, which makes me think of pie,which makes me think of whipped cream." "This probie makes me think of chocolate." "Oh." "Man,he does have all the skills." "Yes,he does,and everyone out here just licking their lips for him." "Look,murph the surf,75 truck." "Jimmy the jew from 66." "Hey,you know,I thought jimmy was famous for,like,hating jewish guys." "Oh,gotcha." "We're gonna have to make this kid a serious offer." "Yeah,like what?" "I don't know." "You know,no grunt work-- no sweeping the floors,no cleaning up the shitter." "Nah,nah,tommy ain't gonna go for that." "Well,you know what?" "If we want a winning hoops team again, we're gonna have to pay the price." "They're gonna offer this kid the world." "Shit,the last time murph pulled a hot shooter out of the probie school, the kid didn't even see his first fire for,like,6 months." "Ok,now,look." "Laugh,put your arm around me like I said something funny." "What?" "Come on,he's coming right over here." "I want to promote racial harmony in the house." "Come on,quick." "All right,promise me I don't have to clean the kitchen after dinner next shift." "Blow me." "All right." "No kitchen deal,no racial harmony." "Here he comes." "Ok,ok,ok." "Fat-ass irish donkey." "You sneaky little spic." "Hello?" "Franco,it's me." "High-five me." "Uh,hey,what's going on,man?" "I need you to come get me." "Go low." "Uh,richie,I'm a little bit busy right now." "And I also need $2,000. 4." "What?" "Where are you?" "Oh,what?" "Is it impossible for you to put your own lunch in knapsack?" "You know,when I was your age" " You didn't have backpacks or buses or electricity." "Very funny,smarty pants." "Did you wake up your sister?" "She's already gone." "Oh,ok." "Good." "So go." "Go." "Go,go,go." "Mom?" "Mm-hmm?" "Does the new baby hate you?" "No,no,of course not." "It's just--he's colicky, which means" " He pukes a lot.I know." "Can we name him puke face?" "No." "Ok,go,go,go." "Go." "Bye,mom." "Bye,puke face." "Hey." "Flying colors,huh?" "Well,the doctors have to check all the bells and whistles,you know-- ekg and blood work." "Someone from headquarters will give you a call." "Ah,that's great." "Look,I never felt better in my life." "I just had to buy a new suit for my son's wedding." "Old one's too big." "Good for you." "Congratulations on both fronts." "Mm-hmm." "So do you like his fiancee?" "Yeah." "She's a real doll." "Good." "And as I was showing a customer these rings,your...son?" "Brother... in-law,possibly,in the future." "He grabbed one and stuck it in his mouth." "Nigger." "Ok,that's it." "Look,I don't care if he is retarded." "If he says that again,we're gonna have a serious problem." "Sir,I understand,all right?" "He's got,like,a tourette's thing going on and he's a little,you know,slow." "Richie,just please apologize." "No." "Rich." "I want that ring,franco." "Buy me that ring!" "That ring costs more than i make in a goddamn month,rich." "Hey,hey,yo." "I'm sorry." "We can't afford to buy anything in here,all right?" "Now,rich,please,say you're sorry." "I'm very,very sorry I tried to eat the ring." "And I'm sorry that we wasted your time tonight,ok?" "Come on,rich." "I'm sorry." "Whoa." "That is dope." "Uh,sir,I'm sorry." "Just on a lark,what would something like that ring right there-- what would that go for?" "That would be 37... hundred." "Hundred." "My girlfriend would love that one,too." "Yeah,well,you know, quite frankly,rich, we could buy your girlfriend a beveled glass doorknob and it'd keep her mollified for at least a month." "You know where to get one of those?" "Yeah." "Come on." "Dr. Lowry?" "Oh,mike." "Good morning." "Morning.She seems,uh,worse today." "She's--she's coughing a lot." "Mike,we got the most recent blood work back and the biopsy." "Yeah?" "It's not good." "She's she's got two more major malignant polyps, and the lower intestine is being eaten away very quickly." "We can't remove any more of it." "We could operate again, but we'd have to operate several more times over the next few weeks." "Or we could try another round of aggressive radiation therapy, which would significantly weaken her immune system." "I'm afraid that's her best chance." "So,um,she's gonna be fine then?" "Ok.Michael,I want you to listen to me very carefully." "It's not good." "The chances of your mother's recovery are very,very,very... slim." "You mean, like--like... like slim like when the red sox are down to the yanks 3 games to zero, and they're,like, suddenly" " Slim to none,ok?" "Slim to none." "Closer to none." "Much closer." "Wow." "Talk about dropping the bomb." "And that's my mom we're talking about,not some goddamn baseball team." "I--I know my mom." "She... she's like--she's like the babe ruth of moms." "If anyone can beat cancer,she can." "What?" "Mike,babe ruth--he,uh... he actually died from cancer." "Oh." "Yeah,ok." "Look,I'm really sorry,michael." "I'll talk to you later,ok?" "Hey." "Hey." "How's the coffee?" "Coffee's good." "Was that your,um" " That was--that was my porno,yeah." "Wow." "I just started thinking about it from your point of view,sean." "And I thought about it and i realized that I was wrong and you were right." "I was emasculating you in order to get myself off." "I was injecting my former fantasies into a present-day relationship." "Totally unfair,totally unnecessary,'cause I have you." "You are so sweet and gorgeous, and you're here and now." "So I'm all done with porno." "I'm all yours,sean." "Wow,that's--thank you so much,maggie,really." "That's just a really nice gesture on your part,really." "So good." "Ok." "Ok,'cause I was getting sick of always hiding that box." "Yeah,I was getting sick of looking for it." "Yeah,and always having to dust off those dvds." "Can't imagine how dusty they get." "Yeah." "Yeah,so I guess it's back to the old spank bank for mags." "Hey,honey,did you get my tampons?" "Honey,jesus." "Did you just say... maggie?" "Did you just say "spank bank"?" "Well,yeah." "Wow." "So you--you actually have a" " A spank bank?" "Yeah,yeah,a huge one." "Oh,I know,I know." "You think only men have spank banks." "But don't forget that I grew up around tommy,the king of the spank bank." "I learned from the master how to store up all my eager little fantasies and then access them in my mind whenever I feel the need to get off." "Huh." "I haven't done that in a while,though." "Speaking of which,don't you have somewhere you have to be?" "Well,I--no,I--not at all,really." "What,what?" "You don't have a spank bank?" "Yeah,of course I have a spank bank." "I'm a guy,but-- So am I in it?" "Yeah,yeah,of course." "You're in it in a variety of ways." "What about me?" "Am I in yours?" "Well,I--I'm gonna be putting you in this afternoon." "Maggie" " I just said I haven't been using the goddamn thing!" "Sean,sean,sean.Sweetie.Ahem." "I,uh..." "I feel,uh,like I'm better prepared to,uh, illuminate you about what went on that night." "And why would that be,mr." "Gavin?" "Well,um... you know,I've put--ahem--I've put some thought into it--ahem." "And I think,um,um... uh,you know,I'm more capable of--of presenting the facts." "Perfect." "We are eager to listen." "Um--ahem." "Does she have to be in here?" "Yes,she does." "She's the recording secretary." "Please,continue,mr." "Gavin." "Hey,tommy,how'd it go in there?" "It went fine,all right?" "It went fine." "Hey,don't worry about the chick,huh?" "All right?" "Who's she gonna tell?" "15,20 people,tops." "Look,the important thing is that sheila is backing us up." "We're ready for you." "Now after we get past this thing, the next fire you have to put out is the one down at headquarters,all right?" "I called down there about 10 times already." "Nobody's calling me back." "Fdny,man." "Ain't like it used to be." "It's all bea it's all bean counters and brown nosers now." "Guys like me?" "Dying breed." "Oh,yeah." "Yeah,with the drinking and the drugging and the mistresses and the lying and the cheating,yeah." "World ain't what it used to be,huh,tom?" "Hey,we got to go." "Teddy's jury just came in." "Is that good or bad?" "Look,if I had to bet right now on your case or teddy's,I'd have to call it even." "Why's that?" "Because they both hinge on the same thing." "Which is?" "Dead dicks.Ha ha ha!" "So,no slide show then,right?" "Dad." "Come on.I mean,you were such a cute kid." "Remember when you had that lead in the elvis musical?" ""Bye,bye,birdie." "" Dad" " Yeah,and how about the junior prom,the beach?" "Remember,tommy had that really,really bad sunburn?" "Dad,no slide show." "It's a wedding reception, not a birthday party." "Just a quick little speech." "Hey!" "Ok,I got it." "Who told you to move this shit?" "Hey." "Hey,jer,how are you?" "Well,I'm doing ok." "I just come back from my stress test,passed with flying colors." "That's great." "Yeah,it's great." "You believe these ...?" "What are you standing around for?" "Oh,wait,needles.Hold on,guys." "I told them to do that." "It's been just sitting there for about 5 years." "Nobody's touched it." "Just taking up space,so i figured I'd put the lockers back where they used to be, and then I want to take a couple of" " I touch it." "Huh?" "Yeah,me and chief pecker." "We got a best-of-7 going." "We play between shifts." "I'm up 3-nothing." "Oh.Oh,well,good." "Then I'll just have them throw it down in the basement so this way you guys" " No,you see,it's better up here." "That way,if we get a call, we just jump in the suburban." "You're shittin' me I mean, you want me to rearrange my rearrangement because of you two julio fangulios?" "Oh,ok.Hey,guys,guys." "Give us a minute,huh?" "Thank you." "All right,look,jer, this is your house." "I know that." "But me and chief pecker,you got to give us a break here." "What?" "Hey,look,we're covering for you, and we got no problem doing it." "Happy to help,jerry,but you come waltzing in here, these guys don't know which way to look." "I mean,it's hard enough to keep these mugs in line, but we're doing our best." "You can't keep whacking us off at the knees like this." "Oh,is that what I'm doing?" "I'm just saying,jer" " And I'm just saying to you,needles, you just shut your mouth and tell chief peckerhead to do the same thing." "You want to go and play chief,you go play in some other goddamn house." "This is my house." "I make the rules,all right?" "These are my guys." "I keep these mugs in line,and that's including you and the other guy." "Now,I'm gonna go upstairs in my office and get it ready for when I come back to full duty in a couple of weeks." "You want to make yourself useful?" "Go get me a cup of coffee." "Make it black." "Get that piece of shit out of here and put the lockers back where I told you to." "Hello?" "Yeah, this is she." "Her absence?" "When, today?" "No, no, that's not possible." "No, I mean, I didn't see her leave for school this morning." "I have a new baby here, but every other day this week, she's left at her regular time." "3 days?" "Ok, thank you." "A victory celebration this morning at the courthouse in lower manhattan, as 54-year-old theodore gavin is being released." "Gavin's closely watched murder trial ended moments ago when the jury handed down a not-guilty verdict, a result influenced in no small part by the very vocal support gavin received from the mothers against drunk driving." " Mr. Gavin, how do you feel?" " I feel great!" "I want to thank the girls from mothers against drunk driving." "They do nice work, and the first thing I'm gonna do today is raise a glass in their honor." "Not while driving, of course." "Mr. Gavin, now that you're a free man, what are you looking forward to most?" "Oh, I'm looking forward to a lot of things:" "A nice, big breakfast, a trip up to aqueduct, and finally being able to sleep on my stomach again!" "See ya!" "So how's your thing going, tommy?" "Well, I'm waiting to hear, you know?" "Good.I hope you don't have to go to jail." " Yeah, me, too." " What'd you say that for?" " Hello?" " I'm trying to be nice." " Hey, it's me." " What's up?" "Hey, colleen hasn't been to school in at least 3 days." "What?" "Yeah, and that's not the worst part." "I think she may have run away." " Why?" " Why?" "Oh, let's see.Your affair with her aunt, your possible jail sentence, your drinking." "Yeah, how about your affair with my brother and then having an affair with me while you're having an affair with my brother, huh?" "How about that?" "Sorry, it's the wife." "You know?" "I don't mean "why"-- psychologically, emotionally "why"" "I mean, "why do you think she ran away" why?" "Because she emptied out her bra and panty drawer, and no girl does that unless she's leaving for a long, long time." "Hey." "When a girl takes off and she takes all her bras and panties with her, what does that mean?" "It means she's going to the laundromat." "Really?" "Yeah, and she's never back." "Where are you?" "I'm in a car with teddy and ellie." "He just got off." " Oh, um, tell her I said hello." " Janet says hello." " And congratulate teddy." " I will." "And call the police about your missing daughter." "Ok, first of all, you can't file a missing persons report for, like, the first 48 hours." " 24." " What?" "24 hours." "You can file the report in 24 hours." " How old is she?" " 18." " She have a boyfriend?" " Yeah." " Is he in a band?" " Yeah." "She'll be home in two months." "Two months?" "!" "Jesus!" " Ok, calm down." " How do you know?" "Well, I ran away with a lead guitarist when I was 18." "Then, two months later, I found him in bed with a groupie." "What'd you do?" "I joined in." "What do you mean, what did I do?" "I threw his guitar out the window and then I called my mother." "Is her boyfriend a lead singer?" " Uh, yeah." " Yes." "Well, then that's totally different." " That's different." " It is?" "Yeah, she'll be back in two weeks." " Two weeks?" " Take it easy." "Honey, stop crying." "That is not me, tommy." "That's the baby." "Give him some benadryl." "All right." "You know what, honey?" "Hang on a second." "You got a pen?" "What's this guy's name?" "Oh, uh, it's so italian." "Verucci." "Verucci, ok." "Where's he live?" " I don't know." " Great." "What's the name of the band?" "Christ, uh... something... fake baby head." "Why?" "Never mind why, ok?" "Here you go." " Jameson'S." " What?" "My mother.When we were babies, she used to put a little drop of jameson's in our bottles." "Worked like a charm." "Not in this family." "I'll call you back." "You know where the secret ingredient in jameson comes from?" " Where?" " The gavin dna." "Hey, if you see a liquor store, pull over." "See?" "That is a bad idea, tom." "Here's one." "Tom, it's a bad idea." "Pull over, eddie, pull over." "All right." "I'll see you guys later." " It's a bad idea." " Yeah, it's a bad idea." "I'm doing it." "I'll see you later." "Tom Tommy." "Tom." "Hey, tom, he's right.It's a bad idea, but since you're going in anyway, could you get me a bottle of cristal?" "Yeah, right." "Screw.I'll see you later." "Not those little shooters" " Screw!" " Would you shut up?" "Hey, I've been away for a year." "Sir." "Hey." "Um... give me a bottle of... johnnie walker blue." "Ok." " Yeah?" " "Yeah"?" "Uh, that's a nice greeting." "Who's this?" "It's nona, you asshole." "Hey, nona." "Uh, what's up?" "All right.So are we on for thursday night?" "Oh, shit." "You know what?" "Nona, I" "Tommy, you owe me." "I know." "You know what?" "I'm not really dating right now." "Oh, please." "Yeah, right." "I bought a goddamn dress." "Ok, I understand, but, you know... it just doesn't make any sense, nona." "I got my--you know, I got a baby, I got my wife." "Oh, please, not with the wife again." "Ok, you know what?" "My daughter's missing." " What?" " Yeah." "My daughter ran away." " Oh, my god." " Yeah, ok?" "I cannot believe you would stoop to this level of bullshit." "I'm not bullshitting, ok?" "She ran away with her stupid rock star boyfriend." "Ok, ok, fine." "Sorry." "Yeah, you--you should be, all right?" "So everything takes a back seat until I find her." "Yeah." "Right." "Ok." "I got to go." "Jesus." " How much?" " $229.98." "Jesus christ." "It's whiskey, right?" "40-year-old whiskey, sir." "What, are you charging me 8 bucks a year?" "There you go." "Michael." "How are you feeling?" "I want you to do something for me." "Anything, ma." "Kill me." "I'm--I'm sorry, mom." "The machines and so much stuff." "I couldn't quite catch what you said." "Kill me." "Tonight, if you can." "But, ma..." "I don't want a long, slow, ugly death, stuck in here with these vultures looming above me, waiting for me to waste away, sucking all the money I have left into their medical vacuum." "I just want to leave with dignity." "Promise me you won't let me waste away like this." "Promise me." "I love you, mom." " I don't know if I can" " You have to." "I don't want to die a penniless vegetable." "Put me out of my misery." "Please." "Ok." "I'll do it." "Good." "Mommy loves you, baby." "Now go find something to kill me with." "Honey, I got to get something out in the open." " What?" " I know how you are." "You're into guys that are cooped up, and once they get sprung, you lose interest." "At least that's how it's been, right?" " Oh, but" " Let Let me finish, darling." "The way I feel about you," "I'll cut right to the chase." "You want to let me go, do it now." "Don't drag it out." "I'd rather get my heart broken now." "Oh, theodore." "You're right." "I used to be that way." "But I've changed." "Your love has transformed me." "I will never leave you, never." "Oh... that's fantastic." "I got to go to the can." "Hey, where do the probie wannabes come out after their-- thank you." " Kenny shea." " Hey, jimmy the jew." " Not funny." " Very funny." "If you're waiting on that black point guard, get in goddamn line." " Who says I'm waiting on him?" " Common goddamn sense." " He's mine." " Oh." "You know, here's a heads-up." "A guy named abraham lincoln freed the slaves, and then lbj, he re-freed them." "This was decades ago." "One more thing." "There's millions and millions of jews roaming the world, untethered, including right here in the big apple." "Hell, you might as well call it the big bagel now." "I'm gettin' that kid, all right?" "And if you try to steal him away from me," "I'll use any piece of dirt I can dig up on you or gavin or anyone else in your lowlife goddamn house." "Anything." "Yeah, well..." " good luck with that." " Yeah." "Johnny always got me one of tse on my birthday." "He knew I loved the stuff." "It was during the 6 months or so it'd take me to polish it off that every time I looked the label, I'd see his name and I'd think of him." "I still think of him, tommy." "Every goddamn day, I think of him." "We all do." "But, you know, you can't go banging around every day with that kind of guilt, you know?" "I mean, my job..." "I get 5, 6 shoulda woulda coulda situations a year, and..." "I mean, 9/11 alone." "That morning, I got a" "I got a million shoulda woulda couldas just from that morning alone, you know?" "I know, man, but... he was my partner, you know?" "Anyway..." "How's--how's the baby?" "Spitting image?" "He looks, um, a lot like his mother, actually." "So, um, you remember when at johnny's funeral, you said, you know, any time I needed anything, you know, I could call you?" "Yeah, anything." "Look..." "I feel like..." "I feel like I owe your family so much, man." "Right." "Anyways... do you remember colleen, my oldest?" "She ran away with her scumbag boyfriend." " She's 18 now?" " Yeah." "Her mother just, you know, completely yessed her to death from the time--she's spoiled." "I mean, when she was small," ""yes" this, "yes" that, "anything you want, sweetheart,"" ""yes, yes, yes." Blah blah blah." "Now, of course, you know, she's 18 years old and then pulls the ultimate test on her mother- she runs away from home." " Actually... in a lot of these cases, tommy, both parents are at fault, bro." "Yeah." "You gonna help me or what?" "We usually wait at least 24 hours." " Plus, she's legal, bro." " I understand.Are you even gonna cut me some slack or what?" "Yeah." "Give me the boyfriend's name." "This is his name." "That's a band name." "He's in a band." "Now I don't have an address or anything, but colleen told her mother that his band plays in all those joints down on the lower east side, so..." " Least I can do, bro." " Yeah." "I would hope so." "Huh?" "I said johnny--johnny'd be proud." "Always here, man." "Are you worried?" "Huh?" "I said are you worried?" "Yeah, I'm worried." "Well, how can you fall asleep, then?" "Because somewhere between... me sleeping with her aunt and you sleeping with her uncle, I thought maybe we'd come to a little bit of a mexican standoff." "Ow!" "God damn it." "You slept with sheila first." "Ok, ok." "Yeah, when we were separated." "Who had sex first, huh?" "Oh, that we can prove?" " That might be her." " Ok." "You stay here." "I'll go." "Just the neighbors." " You want a water?" " No." "Hey." "Colleen?" " Tommy?" " Yeah." "You all right?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "Tom Tommy, the baby." "Yeah, ok." "I got it, I got it." " Any word on mike's mom yet?" " No, nothing." "He's basically just gonna move in with her, sit in the room and wait." "Hey, you got something." "Huh?" "What?" "Hey, why are you touching me?" "You had some schmutz on you." "Sorry, it's the baby." "Hey, guys, uh, can I ask you something?" "Oh, here we go." "What?" "What do you mean, "here we go"?" "Well, whenever you say, "hey, guys, can I ask you something?"" "We're either gonna end up in some ridiculous, dead-end, incredibly moronic conversation, or you're gonna say something so stupid that we're gonna spend the night unable to sleep because we keep thinking back about what you said" "and laughing our tired asses off, not like it's gonna stop you." "My grandmother's lemon chicken, by the way, so eat slow, you dumb irish micks." "Proceed, sean." "Thank you." "Ok, you know how, uh... porn has come out, like, on dvd, so it's, like, really cheap and available and you can go onto the internet and it's, like, right there, kind of pop-uppable..." " Yeah?" " In your face?" "Well, here's my question:" "Do you guys--you know, do you still use... the old spank bank?" "Finally, a perfect fit for some fine dinner conversation." " Congratulations, garrity." " You're welcome." "I'll play." "My wife's a snoop." "I don't use a computer." "I hate my wife and I have a lot of romantic regrets, so my spank bank's open every goddamn day." "Who you got, "t"?" "Ellen degeneres." "What?" "You guys seen her dance?" "Ok, you know what?" "It's official now." "You definitely need some sleep.Nils?" "This chicken." "Jesus, lou." "Yeah, well, my grandmother will be very proud." "Thank you." "Frank?" "Um, yeah, you know, I usually keep a rotating stable of, like, a dozen or so women in my bank:" "Famous chicks, chicks I've saved in fires, chicks I meet at my actual bank." "That's my bank spank bank." "But ever since I met natalie, you know, she's the only one in there." "I might be in love." "Love in the spank bank." "That allowed?" "Well, in franco's case, we'll make an exception." "Who do you got, lou?" "Well, you're assuming I get to jerk off, which... in my case, seeing as how I'm dating a sex-crazed ex-nun, it's not the case." "I make a move for my joint, 9 times out of 10, she's already saddled up and ready for the ride." "All right, well, when you were jerking off?" "An eclectic mix:" "Jessica lange, jessica biel." "Jesus, lou, she's old enough to be your daughter." "Yeah, bingo." "Sally field." "Now or "gidget"?" "No, "flying nun," which might explain my current situation." "How 'bout you, hot stuff?" "Well, at this stage of the game, my wife's got a bigger bank than I do." "I'm eating." "Let me think, though." "Scarlet johansson." " Oh, yeah." " For sure." "Jennifer aniston, jennifer garner, uh, barbara hirsch." "Who?" "She was this chick I went to high school with." "Uh, brittany klein, another chick I went to high school with." "Karen posnowski." "Whoo!" "She was on the swim team." "Uh, janet." "Uh, let's see." "This chick I met, um" "Janet who?" "What?" "Janet who?" "Janet... uh, jana...kowski." "She was, uh, on the debate team." "She was so hot." "She was really--she could really debate." " Who else?" " Uh" " Shit." "Give me the knives." "What?" "What's happening?" " Give me your knife." " What's happening?" "I don't understand." "Anyway, where was I?" "Uh--oh, the chick that we-- remember the--remember the" "I think you were talking about my wife," " that's what I think." " No, god!" " I was not talking--your wife?" " Yes, you were." "You're jerking off to my wife." "No!" "Oh, my god!" "That's what you said." "Yes, you did." " Tom, I would never" " You just said it." " Yes, you did.You said" " I did not." "Yes, you did.Yes, you did." " Yes, you did." " I d I did?" "Yes, yes." "Ok, I did, but let me explain." "It was the picnic a few years ago, ok?" "Remember, she showed up with the white blouse on and it was kind of see-through, you know, and then we had a water balloon fight!" "I mean, come on!" "The water balloon fight?" "Come on.You guys remember the water balloon fight, right?" "Come on." "Guys, help me out." "Oh, my god!" "Come on!" "Ohhh..." "Tommy, listen." "You're jerking off to my wife?" " I never jerk off to janet" " Ah, ah, ah!" "Don't use her name in the same sentence." "Ok, if you just let me explain, it's very innocent." "Ok, yeah." "Explain, explain." " In my mind..." " In your mind." "She--she just kind of wanders in" " and she happens" " She wanders in where?" "She wanders into my mind, and she comes in wearing the same white blouse, and it's see-through and wet and clingy," " and she tries to seduce me, ok?" " And she does what?" "She--she tries to seduce me, ok?" "She tries to un--un..." " blouse herself." " Janet tried to unblouse herself?" "From the clingy, wet blouse, but here's the thing." "I don't--I don't do it." "I run--I run away." "I run into the arms of janet-- janet-fer aniston." "You believe--this is-- he's married to my sister and he's jerking off to my wife." " No, I'm not." " I mean, I--I--y-yeah." "It's just a matter of time before my 18-year-old daughter." "Excuse me." "Come here!" "Never fails." "Yeah?" "********* ******" "They said that we should know something in the next couple days." "Who Who was the guy?" " What guy?" " The guy." "I know." "Just kidding." "What do you mean?" "You don't remember him?" " No." " That's my vollie." "That's my lifesaver." "He's the one that pulled me out." "You're dating the guy who saved your life?" "Yeah!" "He's cute, he's sweet, he's strong." "He's 12, ok?" "Such a cliche." "You know what?" "I got to tell you something." "You know what?" "I got to go." "Hello?" "Hey, nona, what's going on?" "You ready for our, uh, big date?" "Oh, tommy." " Yeah, I thought you had a, um" " No." " You gonna back out on me?" " No." "So, I thought you had to find your daughter." "Yeah, yeah, we found her." "Oh." "Well, that's great." "So thursday, right?" "Yes, it's a date." "All right." "I'll call you tomorrow." " Ok." " All right." "Luis, what's up?" " I got her." " You found her?" "Yeah." "Ninth, between "c" and "D."" "Ok, I'm on my way." "This guy's been picked up before, tommy." "Drug possession, drunk and disorderly, multiple times." "Yeah, what a surprise." "I got no reason to shake him down right now, so... hurry up." "Ok, I'm coming now." "I'll be there in 5 minutes." "Guys, they found colleen." "Let's go." "Hey!" "Where you going?" "They found colleen." "Faster, nils." "Hey, tom, we're not even legally on a call, all right?" "You know, you got insurance investigators breathing down your neck, we got headquarters crawling up your ass." "Do you really want more shit on the plate right now?" "It's my goddamn daughter, lou." "Rescue Me Season 4 Episode 02" | {
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"Mike." "Hey." "Hey." "Thanks for coming." "Oh, yeah, of course." "I'm just parked across the street, so..." "Okay." "I..." "I was just gonna hit the..." "Yeah, sure." "I'll meet you out front." "Okay." "Janitor." "Anybody here?" "Higher!" "Higher?" "Okay, you asked for it." "Oh, sweetheart." "All right." "Come on down." "Pop-Pop's getting tired." "Aw." "Don't "aw" me." "You take a little break..." "Little break." "Go on." "A good kid." "Yeah, she is." "So, how do you like it..." "Out west?" "I like it." "Wide-open spaces." "Yeah." "Mmm." "Different, anyway." "Yeah." "How you doing?" "I'm..." "Yeah, I'm okay, you know?" "Adjusting." "And Kaylee?" "Yeah, she's settling in." "She still asks about him..." ""Where is Daddy?"" "She just misses him." "Yeah." "How long you in town for, Mike?" "I'm here..." "For the duration, indefinitely." "I'm, uh..." "I'm better." "And I'm sorry it took me so long." "But I'm not like I was." "I'm back." "I'm solid." "I want to be here for you, for Kaylee, for my family." "That's good." "I'm glad to hear you're better." "What?" "What is it, honey?" "Mike, I got to ask." "I mean..." "I know I just need to move on from this, but I keep thinking about something." "About what?" "How, before Matty died, like, for a few weeks there, he was... different." "Different how?" "Different..." "I don't know." "Moody, you know?" "He barely ate." "He wasn't sleeping." "He snapped at me about the stupidest things." "I started to think something's up at work or..." "Or someone's sick, something like that, but he wouldn't talk to me." "He clammed right up." "Cops aren't real touchy-feely." "You know that." "No." "They're not." "No." "But this wasn't the normal "tough guys don't cry" crap." "This was more." "I mean..." "Did you notice?" "I mean, did you feel anything like that from him?" "I don't..." "As far as I remember, he seemed okay." "He seemed okay to me." "Well, I started to think..." "I'm..." "I don't know." "I didn't know what to think." "But then..." "Three days or four..." "I don't remember, but before he died, there was this phone call." "2:30 in the morning, I wake up, and Matty's not in bed." "And I hear him." "He's talking downstairs." "So..." "I go to listen on the stairs, where he couldn't see." "He gets intense." "Like, he'd be screaming if he wasn't whispering, you know?" "Matty didn't get worked up." "He'd let things go." "But..." "But this..." "I mean, he was angry." "He was really angry." "What was he saying?" "I couldn't make it out." "It was something about..." "I don't know." "I couldn't hear it." "But the next morning, I called him out," ""What the hell was that about?" "What's going on?"" "And he wouldn't talk to me." "But I think..." "I think he was talking to you." "Me?" "I mean, who else?" "Huh?" "For one hot second, I thought maybe he was catting around..." "No, he wouldn't do that." "No, I know." "I know that." "But you..." "He knew he could call you anytime he had a problem." "You were thick as thieves, the two of you." "And there was something in his voice." "It was..." "How he was talking." "It makes me think it was you." "Stace, I don't think it was." "I can't recall any late-night heart-to-hearts with him, not around then." "Maybe it was a C.I. or a case." "Listen." "I know what you're doing, replaying it over and over, thinking, "If I'd noticed this or changed that," ""maybe I could have done something."" "You don't think I haven't had those thoughts?" "I do." "Every day." "You got to quit beating yourself up like this." "Matty's gone." "That's really all there is to it." "Yeah." "I guess that's that." "It's getting on." "I got to..." "Get Kaylee her dinner and put her to bed." "Uh, yeah." "Okay." "Well, if you want me to drop by and keep an eye on her, I..." "I want to help." "See you around." "Where to?" ""Francisco."" "Yeah." "You know this town?" "Yeah, sure." "How well?" "You sew this up yourself?" "Not bad." "Bet there's a story there." "Isn't there always?" "Yeah." "All right." "Little sting here." "Okay." "That ought to do it." "Now..." "You're gonna want to take it easy." "Keep it clean." "Keep it dry." "Let it heal." "There's a Walgreens a couple blocks over on Louisiana." "Maybe go get yourself a sling." "You don't have one?" "Sorry." "Got a cone you can put around your neck." "Yeah." "It's about the same, right?" "So, it's gonna be $500?" "$500." "I can, uh, throw some pills in for the pain." "This stuff's essentially Vicodin." "I can give it to you for $25 a pill..." "Maybe drop the price to $15 for something a little less human-centric." "I'm an aspirin man." "Tell you what." "Take a couple on the house." "In case you change your mind." "You new in town?" "Yeah." "Passing through or sticking around?" "Why?" "No reason." "It's just, if you're relocating to the Land of Enchantment," "I know people." "I could get you some work." "I am not looking for that kind of work, but..." "Thanks." "Don't know why it has to be this way." "Could have been friendly." "Could have talked in your house." "You really want the formal treatment?" "Lawyer." "Come on, Mike." "It's just a couple of questions." "Uh, ain't nothing but a thing." "Lawyer." "You're not under arrest." "Okay, did anybody here say "arrest"?" "No." "You want to walk, walk." "I got to say, I, uh, expected more cooperation from you on this, cop to cop." "Lawyer." "Fine." "What lawyer?" "Ehrmantraut." "Who's got him and where?" "That way." "Hey, fellas." "How you doing?" "James McGill." "Here to see my client." "What?" "You look like Matlock." "Uh, no." "I look like a young Paul Newman dressed as Matlock." "Where's my guy?" "Say hello to Barney Fife." "Wrong show, but thanks for playing." "So, what happened?" "The Mayor didn't give you enough stickers?" "You want to tell me what we're doing here?" "Oh, here's your coffee." "Uh, hope it's good to the last drop, 'cause I'm billing you the full hour for it." "That's for you." "Oh." "That's very thoughtful." "You serious?" "Why did you have me bring it to you?" "All right, here's what's gonna happen." "Those two cops out there are from Philadelphia." "They've come a long way to see me." "When they come in here, we're all gonna have a little chat." "And when it's over, the young one, who's been writing in his little notebook, he's gonna take it and put it in his jacket." "And when he does that," "I want you to take that coffee and spill it on him." "Little accident, that's all." "And why, pray tell, would I do that?" "Because I'm asking you to." "It's the only reason you're here." "So I'm here because you want me to assault a police officer." "I am asking you to take a few ounces of lukewarm coffee and spill it on him." "I doubt that satisfies the definition of "assault,"" "but, hey, you're the lawyer." "Right." "How silly of me." "All you want is for me to aid and abet you ripping off that guy's notepad, 'cause that's what you're doing here, right?" "Huh?" "What, are you nuts?" "You can't be serious." "Hey, I hate to remind you of this, but you owe me one." "The assist I gave you with the missing persons problem?" "One good turn and so forth?" "You want a good turn?" "Here's your good turn, okay?" "I'm gonna behave like an honest-to-God, law-abiding, licensed attorney, 'cause, clearly, you need one with whatever the hell is going on here." "Now, those two jokers out in the hallway..." "I'm gonna make sure they dot their I's and cross their T's..." "Everything square and above board." "That's what I'm gonna do, and you're gonna be happy as hell that I'm here." "But this little Juan Valdez bump-and-dump..." "No." "Not gonna happen." "Hey, gentlemen, we're prepared to indulge you." "Detective Escalara will be sitting in with us, as per APD policy." "Okay with you, right?" "Fine with me." "Okay." "You got your lawyer, Mike." "Can we talk already?" "Great." "So, like we said, we're here looking into this Hoffman and Fensky thing." "Yeah, and whatever you can tell us..." "Anything at all." "Uh, hold on." "Hold on." ""Hoffman." "Fensky."" "Fill me in." "Assume I know absolutely nothing about my client here, all right?" "Start at the beginning." "Jesus." "Seriously?" "Look, don't let Mr. Ehrmantraut's dancing eyes and bubbly, bon vivant personality fool you." "He's actually, believe it or not, somewhat taciturn." "Shall I fan you gently, so you don't go into shock?" "Start at the beginning, okay?" "We're talking Book of Genesis." "Okay, Mr. McGill, as you probably gathered, we..." "Detective Sanders and I work for the Philadelphia Police Department, as did Mr. Ehrmantraut for nearly 30 years." "Philadelphia?" "Go, Eagles." "Mr. Ehrmantraut had a son, Matt." "He, too, was with Philly PD." "He was a rookie officer with about two years on the job." "He was a good cop." "Yes, he was." "About nine months ago, he responded to a shots-fired call in some Westside rattrap." "Matt went in with his partner, Officer Troy Hoffman." "They had Sergeant Jack Fensky backing them up." "Unfortunately, things got out of hand." "The three of them were ambushed, and, uh, Matt didn't make it out." "Hoffman and Fensky returned fire, but the shooter got away." "We chased a few leads, shook up the usual suspects..." "Came up short." "I'm very sorry to hear it." "Anyways, we kept beating the bushes, kept coming up dry until three months ago." "That's when Hoffman and Fensky both turned up dead in a vacant lot out in Nicetown." "Again, an ambush of some kind, it looks like." "And with whoever killed Matt out there in the wind, we're thinking..." "Well, it's our operating theory that Hoffman and Fensky were mixed up in something, some bad business, and maybe that got Matt killed." "Yeah, sorry." "I got to do my lawyer thing here." "Uh, what does my client have to do with any of this?" "Uh, Mike, this is a Hail Mary." "Uh, beyond that." "I mean, if we had any hard evidence or leads, we wouldn't be out here." "Now, there's anything you can tell us about what Hoffman and Fensky were into?" "Yeah, help us out, Mike." "Help us catch the bastard who killed Matty." "I don't know much about Hoffman and Fensky." "They were Matt's people." "I'd see them around sometimes." "I saw them in a bar the night they died." "It was McClure's, maybe the Red Dog..." "Probably McClure's." "Were they drinking with anyone?" "It's a cop bar." "They were drinking with everyone." "Yeah, but did you see them with anyone in particular?" "I couldn't tell you." "I was..." "You know how I was." "How you doing these days?" "Feeling like I crawled out from the bottom of a bottle and working hard to stay there." "Although I've got to say, doesn't help much, dredging up the past like this." "Let me ask you, uh, when did you come out here to Albuquerque?" "It couldn't have been, uh, too much later." "I think it was the very next day." "Yeah?" "The day after Hoffman and Fensky died, huh?" "You didn't think to, uh, stick around once you heard the news?" "I don't think I heard the news till I was west of Kansas City." "Still, you, uh..." "You didn't come back for the funerals, correct?" "Even though Hoffman was Matt's partner?" "Uh, do you remember anything about that night at the bar?" "Uh, did you talk to Hoffman or Fensky at all?" "Sorry." "I got nothing." "They weren't my people." "I'm sorry you guys took a flier on me." "I wish it'd have paid off." "That it?" "We done here?" "We're done here, yeah." "Hey, that wasn't so hard, huh?" "Thanks, Mike." "Yeah." "Listen, we're probably gonna kick around for another couple of days, in case you think of something, all right?" "You know, I've never been out west before." "Oh, hey." "Oh!" "Oh, shit!" "Jesus." "Sorry." "Sorry." "Come on!" "Here." "I can get most of it." "You got any paper towels?" "You know what?" "Hey, hey." "I..." "I got it." "I got it." "Thank you." "Sorry." "Oh, for the love of..." "You got to do that right here, right in front of me?" "What's so important in there that we had to pull that third-rate Marx Brothers routine?" "You really want to know?" "And risk getting a piece of an obstruction rap?" "No, thank you." "Anything else you want to ask?" "How did you know?" "Know what?" "That..." "That I would do that, that..." "How did you know that I would, uh, spill that coffee?" "What the hell's that?" "What's supposed to mean, huh?" "Okay, great." "You're the strong, silent type." "Hooray for you." "But in case you missed it, your friends from Philly back there?" "They think you killed two cops." "Yep." "Yeah, it's me." "We need to talk." "You call the cops?" "What?" "Philadelphia PD." "Did you call them?" "Yeah, I did." "Why?" "Well, I told them I heard about Hoffman and Fensky and..." "And what?" "And you don't think it's strange?" "First Matt, then not six months later, his partner and his sergeant?" "Yeah, I called them to help catch Matty's killer." "Mike, what if the same person, if the..." "What if the piece of shit who got Matty got them too?" "And what exactly did you tell them?" "I told them..." "You tell them Matt was dirty?" "Is that what you told them?" "I..." "How could you possibly think that?" "That's your husband, the father of your child." "I didn't say that." "I..." "I told them I found money." "After Kaylee and I moved here, when I was unpacking, it was in the lining of an old suitcase." "Matt must have tucked it away in there, 'cause this was cash... $5,000, $6,000 from God knows where." "I mean, we were basically paycheck to paycheck." "Where the hell did he get it?" "Why didn't you ask me?" "Why didn't you come to me?" "I couldn't." "I knew what it would do to you." "First, he's murdered, and then for you to think..." "It would have burned you to the ground." "There would be nothing left." "And you wouldn't talk to me." "Every night, you were drinking yourself unconscious, like you were the only one who lost him." "Look, I don't care." "He was dirty, he was clean..." "I don't care." "All I want is for whoever killed Matty to rot in a cell for the rest of their life, and then I want whatever's left of them just dumped in the trash." "That's what I want." "I don't care where it leads, what it uncovers." "I mean, what difference would it make if he was... anything?" "I'd still love him." "I'd still miss him." "He'd still be gone." "Matt wasn't dirty." "Well, so be straight with me!" "Right now." "This is it, Mike." "What was that phone call before he died?" "Don't bullshit me." "That was between me and my son." "So you're admitting it was you." "He wasn't dirty!" "Goddamn you!" "You get that through your head!" "My son wasn't dirty!" "♪ Oh, it came out of the sky" "♪ Landed just a little south of Moline" "♪ Jody fell out of his tractor" "♪ Couldn't believe what he'd seen" "♪ Laid on the ground, a-shook, fearing for his life" "♪ Then he ran all the way to town" "♪ Screaming, "It came out of the sky!"" "♪ Well, a crowd gathered 'round" "♪ And a scientist said it was marsh gas" "♪ Spiro came and made a speech about raising the mars tax" "♪ The Vatican said, "Woe, the Lord has come"" "♪ Hollywood rushed out an epic film" "♪ Ronnie the popular said it was a communist plot" "♪ Whoa" "♪ Oh, the newspapers came and made Jody a national hero ♪" "♪ And my mind goes back to a girl I left" "♪ Long years ago who told me" "♪ Just hold on loosely" "♪ But don't let go" "♪ If you cling too tightly" "Just let him cry it all out, okay?" "Hey, Mikey." "Young Hoffman." "Mikey boy." "What's going on, my brothers?" "How you doing?" "Brothers, huh?" "Good to see you, too." "It's been a minute." "Yeah." "I know." "I know it was you." "♪ Don't let your heart get in the way" "♪ You see it all around you" "♪ Good loving gone bad" "♪ And usually it's too late when you" "♪ Realize what you had ♪" "Closing time, Mikey." "Yeah?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay." "Hey, how about I give you a lift home?" "Mmm..." "I'm fine." "No, I can't let you drive." "Get you a cab?" "No, I'm good." "I'm good." "Don't worry." "Anyway, I sold my car, so I'm walking." "Thank you." "Albuquerque, New Mexico." "You ever been?" "Nope." "Well..." "That's where I'm headed." "Tarantulas, they got." "That's a big minus in my book." "Well, I will be on the lookout." "You take care, my friend." "Take care." "Hey, Mike." "Mikey." "You want a ride?" "I'll walk it." "Pull over here." "What are you doing out here?" "Come on." "Let us drive you." "It's colder than my ex-wife's tit out here." "Come on." "Come on." "I'm walking." "Come on." "Don't..." "Don't be an ass." "Come on." "Let us take you home." "Get in the car already." "It's cold out here." "What?" "Come on, Mike." "Come on." "Come on." "Okay." "Easy." "We're gonna have you home in no time." "Oh, God." "Hey." "What are you doing?" "Hey." "Give me that." "That's mine." "Later." "We don't want you to shoot your foot off, now, do we?" "Hey, Mikey." "What?" "Mikey, you with us?" "Why?" "You really tied one on good back there, buddy." "Shit, yeah, he did." "Put it away like they were fixing to bring back Prohibition." "Hey." "Hey, back at McClure's, you were talking out your ass, hmm?" ""I know it was you."" "What's that supposed to mean, huh?" "You think you know what?" "You got something you want to get off your chest?" "Something you want to say to us?" "You killed him." "You killed Matty." "And you killed him for nothing." "You killed him because you were scared of what you thought he might do." "You got him in that crack house..." "And you staged it..." "Made it look like a junkie with a gun." "But it was you." "And I know it was you." "And I'm gonna prove it." "Help me get him out of the car." "What?" "Come on." "There you go." "Watch your head." "All right, come on, Mike, huh?" "One, two, one, two, buddy." "Now, you wait there one second." "We're gonna work this whole thing out, okay, Mikey?" "What do we do now?" "Hey." "Grief, it's a bitch." "He couldn't live with it..." "Matt dying the way he did." "It's too much for the old man." "So Mikey here decided to eat his gun." "It's tragic, but anyone could see this coming, hmm?" "He's drinking himself to death." "We're doing him a favor." "Smart." "That's what I would have done if I were you." "Whoa." "Mike, I..." "You let some things slide and you look the other way." "You bust a drug dealer that has more cash than you'll ever earn in a lifetime." "Some of it doesn't make it back into evidence." "So what?" "You took a taste." "So did everyone else." "That's how you knew you were safe." "It's like killing Caesar..." "Everyone's guilty." "Matt wasn't dirty." "I was." "Everyone was in that precinct." "That's how it worked." "You turn in your buddy, you're screwing yourself." "You go along to get along." "And you went along." "I did." "Yeah." "I did." "Okay." "But you said Matt didn't." "No." "Not Matt." "Fensky got to Hoffman early." "Kickbacks from some gang or another..." "Protection, basically." "And Hoffman went to Matty and offered to cut him in." "Only fair, right?" "They were partners." "And Matt did what you would think..." "He agonized." "And then he came to me, wanted to go to the IA, do the right thing, shut 'em down." "Oh, my God." "And you let him?" "That's why he got killed?" "'Cause he was gonna turn on those guys?" "No." "No." "I told him..." "You know what a cop fears most?" "More than getting shot, more than anything?" "Prison." "Getting locked up with everybody you put away." "You threaten a cop with that, you make him dangerous, and that's what I told him." "I talked sense." "No one was getting hurt." "But if you go to the IA, if you even look like you're going..." "He had a wife, a kid, responsibilities." "Take the money." "Do something good with it." "Well..." "I tried." "I tried." "But he wouldn't listen." "My boy was stubborn." "My boy was strong." "And he was gonna get himself killed." "So I told him..." "I told him I did it, too, that I was like Hoffman, getting by, and that's what you heard that night..." "Me talking him down, him kicking and screaming until the fight went out of him." "He put me up on a pedestal..." "And I had to show him that I was down in the gutter with the rest of them." "Broke my boy." "I broke my boy." "He went to Hoffman, he took the money, but he hesitated." "Even looking like you're doing the right thing to those two meant that he wasn't solid, that he couldn't be trusted." "I got Matty to take the money." "And they killed him two days later." "He was the strongest person that I ever knew." "He'd have never done it, not even to save himself." "I was the only one..." "I was the only one that could get him to debase himself like that." "And it was for nothing." "I made him lesser." "I made him like me." "And the bastards killed him anyway." "Hoffman and Fensky..." "If they killed Matty..." "Who killed them?" "Pop..." "What happened?" "You know what happened." "The question is..." "Can you live with it?" | {
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"Previously on:" "Billy called." "Billy Stanhope?" "Yeah, he said he has a business proposition for you." "How 'bout that?" "Billy Stanhope..." "What went down between you two?" "Well, we built Eddie's software company in Bridget's garage and then sold it for a couple billion dollars." "That son of a bitch." "He didn't want to sell." "You really think we can finally build the electric suitcase?" "Yes, we have the technology now." "I-I just need you to help me write the code." "Hey, you know, while we're on the subject..." "What?" "Peeing?" "No, sex." "There's something you should know." "It's about your ex-wife." "What?" "Bridget?" "Yeah, I'm, uh... kind of sleeping with her." "What?" "!" "W-Wait, hey..." "Mom, this is Alan." "Alan, this is my mom, Jean." "Hi." "Nice to meet you." "You know what?" "Tell you what." "I will call my mom and try to set up a dinner." "Evelyn says there's a place right down the street where they have music and dancing." "Why don't you two fuddy-duddies run along and let Jean and I have some fun." "You think we'll find some cute fellas to dance with?" "Oh, Jean, Jean, Jean... we're not going to dance." "I adore your mother." "That's only because you just met her." "I don't know." "I think I got to know her pretty well." "Good morning, darling." "Hi, Peaches." "* Men...*" "Great." "I'll pick you up at the airport." "I can't wait." "I love you, too." "Tell Zoey I said "hi."" "Oh, Alan says "hi."" "Yes, he's still here." "Uh-huh." "I know." "You're right." "She says "hi" back." "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." "Here you go." "Oh, thank you." "You got to be excited about having your girlfriend back." "What has it been, a month?" "Three weeks." "Still, that's like a decade in penis years." "Yeah." "Tell you the truth, I'm actually a little bit worried." "About your relationship?" "Come on." "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." "At least for guys like you." "For guys like me, absence is more often enforced by the state of California." "Zoey doesn't know that I started a new software company with my old partner." "Yeah, with Billy, I know." "What's the big deal?" "Well, there's a third partner... that Zoey's not gonna like." "Walden... you made me a partner?" "All I did was bring you two guys together," "The third partner is Bridget." "Your ex-wife?" "Come on, I brought you two guys together!" "But she helped me design the original code for the software;" "I had to bring her in." "Oh, right, right." "Well, I guess that would make a very awkward conversation with Zoey." "Yeah." "I think I'm just gonna try to slip it in without her noticing." "Hmm." "Story of my life." "Well, listen, just remember, that love will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no love." "That's good advice." "Thank you." "And, uh, just to be clear... uh, I have zero stake in this potential billion-dollar business?" "Well, actually, I was gonna give you a hundred shares of founders' stock." "Wow." "If this thing works, it could be worth millions." "Thank you." "My problem is I still got to figure out how to explain this to Zoey." "Dump the bitch." "Don't let her screw this up for us." "Once again, thank you for the advice." "Well, if it makes you feel any better," "I've got my own little relationship problem brewing." "Yeah, that doesn't make me feel better." "My girlfriend's mom and my mom have become lovers." "Okay, that does make me feel better." "* Men, men, men, men, manly men, men, men *" "* Men, men, manly men, men, men * * Ooh *" "* Men, men, men, manly men * * Ooh *" "* Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ohh, ooh-ooh... *" "* Men, men, men, men, manly men, men, men *" "* Ooh * * Men, men, men, manly men, men, men *" "* Ah. * * Men. *" "* Two and a Half Men 9x20 * Grandma's Pie Original Air Date on April 9, 2012" "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" "* Men... *" "Can I ask you a question?" "What?" "If we just had sex in England, would I be lying on the other side of the bed?" "Oh, God, I've missed you." "I missed you, too." "And you can call me Walden." "So, what have you been up to?" "Actually, I've been, like, very, very busy." "With what?" "I started a new software company with my old partner Billy Stanhope." "Walden!" "Yeah." "That's terrific!" "It's amazing and, and we built this amazing product." "It's called the electric suitcase." "I-It's gonna completely revolutionize the global energy market." "Whoa." "Sounds big." "No, it's bigger than big." "I mean, the three of us could end up splitting billions of dollars." "The three of you?" "What?" "You just said the three of you." "Y-Yes, there are in fact three of us." "Who's the third?" "Oh, not Alan." "No, God, no." "So, who is it?" "It's Bridget." "Your ex-wife?" "There's nothing I could do." "I mean, she helped write the original code for the software so she still owns a third of it." "So you've gone into business with a woman who drove her car into your living room because you chose me over her?" "Crazy world, huh?" "On the plus side... s-she's sleeping with my ex-partner." "So..." "Why is that a plus side?" "B-Because she's with him, so you don't have to worry about me and... her." "I wasn't worried about you and her." "Good." "Until just now." "Why didn't you tell me about this before we had sex?" "Do you want to have sex now?" "No!" "That's why!" "I'm going home." "Oh, come on, Zoey." "Don't make a big deal out of this." "If I told you I was going into business with my ex-husband would you consider it a big deal?" "No, not at all." "You're a liar." "Life would be so much easier if I dated dumb chicks." "I heard that." "It was a compliment." "Here you go." "Thank you." "So.." "have you given any thought as to what we're gonna do about our little..." "mother situation?" "Golden Girls Gone Wild?" "Hey... what can we do?" "They're grown woman." "They've made a lifestyle choice." "I have no problem with the lifestyle." "I've tried the lifestyle." "Really?" "!" "When?" "Who?" "College?" "Camp?" "Shut up, Alan." "Sorry." "Go ahead." "How am I supposed to have a relationship with you when your mother is clearly taking sexual advantage of mine?" "H-Hang on a second." "I don't think anyone is taking advantage of anyone." "You don't?" "A week ago my mother was living in a retirement community playing golf with her girlfriends and watching reruns of Cagney Lacey." "Well, I don't know." "Golf, Cagney Lacey..." "Sounds like she was already halfway there." "Shut up, Alan." "Oh, good, you're here." "Mom!" "What have you done to yourself?" "Evelyn took me shopping." "Do you like my new look?" "Isn't she gorgeous?" "Yeah, I-I guess." "We also got matching tattoos." "Oh, Mom, no." "See?" "It's a little heart." "Uh, with an "E plus J" in it." "I don't see one on your ankle, Mom." "It's not on my ankle." "Oh, glory-oski." "Mom, you've been gone all day." "I thought you and I were gonna spend some time together before you went back to Sunset Village." "I know." "I'm sorry, sweetheart." "We've been so busy." "But don't worry." "You're gonna be seeing a lot more of me after I move in with Evy." "What?" "I've got this huge place." "Why shouldn't she enjoy it?" "You're talking about your huge house, right?" "We're just gonna pick up some things here and then go close up Jean's condo." "And then we'll start our new life, right, Peaches?" "That's right, Pumpkin." "Come on." "This sort of makes you brother and sister, doesn't it?" "Is it just me or is..." "that idea kind of a turn-on?" "It's just me." "* Men...*" "Oh, come on." "It's not that weird." "Yeah, because we have a child together." "Okay, well, Bridget and I have a business together." "It's basically the same thing." "Have you been sniffing glue?" "No!" "They both require nurturing and attention." "The only difference is your kid's gonna cost you a fortune and mine is gonna make a fortune." "Wow." "Good-bye." "Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait." "J-Just... do one thing for me." "What?" "Let's the three of us have dinner together." "You want me to have dinner with you and your ex-wife?" "Yes." "That way you can see that everything is cool between us." "Come on, Zoey." "This is really important to me." "God, I'm gonna regret this." "One dinner." "Thank you." "I will see you tomorrow." "Good-bye." "Well done, old boy." "You dodged the crazy girlfriend bullet." "Walden, I'm still outside the door." "You didn't let me finish." "All right, finish." "I love you so much." "* Men...*" "Here you go." "Thank you." "So did you tell Zoey about working with Bridget?" "Uh, yeah." "How'd it go?" "Not good." "But she did agree to have dinner with us." "W-Wait, you're having dinner with your girlfriend and your ex-wife?" "Bad idea?" "Well, not as bad as me trying to turn my girlfriend on with a little incest fantasy, but it's right up there." "What else was I gonna do?" "Well, I..." "I'm not gonna dump the bitch." "Okay." "Fine, fine." "We'll just keep our eyes on the prize here." "What, your hundred shares in the company?" "I was more thinking about your happiness, but sure, there's that." "Hey, uh, this might make you feel better." "Uh, I'm having my own bad idea dinner." "What's that?" "Lyndsey, her son, my son, and the two gay grandmas." "Once again, that does make me feel better." "Hey, how about this?" "Why don't we meet back here after our respective dinners and compare notes?" "Sort of like a recap at the end of a reality show." "Yeah." "Yeah, we could, uh, you know, have a little contest." "See whose dinner was worse." "Shame we can't let America vote on it." "Yeah." "Or can we?" "* Men. *" "* Men. *" "Hey, this is really nice, huh?" "Zoey, uh..." "Bridget and I were talking about your your concerns, and" "Bridget was very eager to assuage them." "Right, Bridge?" "Absolutely." "Okay." "Let the assuaging begin." "Anybody?" "I'll take a crack at it." "No, thank you, Berta." "All right, obviously, this is an awkward situation." "Walden and I were together for many, many years, and you and he have been dating for a few months now, so clearly, you're insecure about us working together." "I am not insecure." "Right, and there's no reason you should be." "Yes," "I've known this guy since high school, and yes, we fell in love, and yes, we spent many happy years together, but the reality now is, we're simply business partners." "Right." "And not all those years were happy." "Oh, sure, there were some great times." "Also, I want to build..." "But there were also some bad times." "Also some bad times." "I mean, the point is, is that our relationship now is just strictly business." "Oh, speaking of which, we need to upgrade the ventilation for the server farm." "Oh, that's a good idea." "Oh, also, I want to build triple redundancy." "Of course, but we shouldn't be talking shop and leaving poor Zoey out of the conversation." "No, that's all right." "I love to hear about Walden's work." "Oh, that's so sweet." "I'm so glad he found someone like you." "Oh." "Thank you." "After I threw him out, I wondered how he'd survive." "He's so needy." "I'm not needy." " Yeah, you are." " Yes, you are." "So what's the deal?" "Are you guys in it for the long haul, or are you just gonna date and see what happens?" "Well, we're just finding our way for the moment." "Oh, good." "Mm." "Good." "Keep it casual." "That way no one can accuse you of going after his money." "Excuse me?" "I'm not after his money." "Oh, no, you misunderstand." "I..." "I'm sure you're not, but unfortunately, there's no way to prove it." "Luckily, I met him when he had nothing, so there's no question about my intentions." "Are you questioning my intentions?" "No, she's not." "She's not." "No, you're not." "You're not, are you?" "Of course not." "Are you questioning my intentions?" "Me?" "No!" "Berta, how is the pot roast coming?" "Got another 30 minutes." "You guys keep chatting." "* Men. *" "I don't understand." "Why is my grandmother living with his grandmother?" "Yeah, I was kind of wondering that myself, but I didn't want to look stupid." "Too late, dude." "You want to handle this, Alan?" "Not really." "I wasn't asking." "All right." "Um..." "Well, fellas, um, your two grandmas are, uh... are both very lonely, and so, they've, uh, decided to become... uh, roommates, uh, and keep each other company." "Oh, that makes sense." "Mm." "Plus, if one of them falls down, the other can call the ambulance." "What if they both fall down at the same time?" "Um, I guess they starve to death and die." "Unless they go cannibal and try to eat each other." "If that happens, I'm betting on my grandma eating your grandma." "Dude, there's no way in the world that your grandma eats my grandma." "My grandma totally eats your grandma." "Nuh-uh." "If any grandma's doing any eating, it's my grandma." " No way." " Come on." "My grandma has real teeth." "You happy?" "How do you know?" "She bit me once." "Well, that was great." "I'm really glad we got to spend some time together." "Yeah, it was lovely." "Yeah." "Oh, don't forget we have that meeting with the venture fund tomorrow." "Oh, yeah, right." "Bye." "Oh, bye." "Oh, do me a favor, Zoey." "Don't let him wear sandals to the meeting." "I really don't tell him what to wear." "That's okay." "You'll learn." "Don't wear sandals to the meeting." "Good night." "Good night." "Night-night." "Bye." "Drive safe." "Mm." "I think that went great." "Do you?" "You don't?" "I don't." "I don't, either." "Did..." "Um, did I miss something?" "Obviously, you missed everything." "That horrible woman won't be happy till she's destroyed our relationship, and she has you back." "What?" "No!" "She has a boyfriend." "She's happy." "Oh, how can you be so smart about some things and so stupid about others?" "Okay, wait, just to be clear, what am I smart about and what am I stupid about?" "!" "Oh, what?" "Now you can't hear me!" "* Men. *" "Anybody want more mashed potatoes?" "Oh, gosh, I'm full, Jean, but everything's so delicious." "Thank you." "And how lucky were you to grow up with Mom's home cooking?" "Excuse me." "You grew up with home cooking, too." "Yes, but the maid did the cooking." "It was still at home." "Make sure you leave room for dessert." "I made pie." "Oh, I love Grandma's pie." "Yeah, yeah, I heard it, too." "There's something I'd like to say." "Oh, dear God, here it comes." "It gives me such pleasure to welcome Jean into my home and to share our new friendship with our two families." "Hear, hear." "Hear, hear." "Hear, hear." "And I'd just like to thank Evy for showing me that it's never too late to teach an old dog new tricks." "Certainly didn't teach her to fetch a bone." "Shh." "I have a question." "Oh, God, here it comes." "If you and her were cannibals, which do you think would eat the other?" "There you have it:" "the upside of stupid." "I'm sorry, Walden, but Bridget's right." "You have history with her;" "you have none with me." "You can't even be sure I love you for yourself and not your money." "What are you saying?" "I'm saying, I think it might be better for both of us if we went our separate ways." "Okay, that's one approach... which stinks." "So, let me make a counterproposal." "Why don't you move in with me?" "What?" "Yeah, you and Ava move in with me." "I love you, and I want you in my life," "I want..." "I want to have a future with you." "Really?" "Really." "Mummy, Mummy, please say yes!" "What are you doing out of bed?" "!" "I love you, Walden!" "I love you, Ava." "Get back into bed!" "Hmm." "Let's see." "So, that's one vote for yes, and I vote yes, so, the motion is passed." "There is one tiny little problem." "What's that?" "If Ava and I move in, isn't somebody going to have to move out?" "Hmm." "What's the matter?" "I don't know." "Just felt a little shiver go down my spine." "* Men. *" "Here you go." "I got to ask." "What's with the tea?" "You make it for me." "You make it for Lyndsey." "Well, I've got a little philosophy." "When someone's nice enough to let me into their home or their pants," "I like to show my appreciation." "Without spending any money." "You know me so well." "So, recap." "How'd your dinner go?" "Oh, pretty well, actually." "The grandmas were on their best behavior, and the two boys-- well, let's just say, they're gonna be living with us for a long, long time." "And you?" "Oh, good, good." "It went really good." "So, everything's okay with Zoey?" "Yeah, it's fantastic." "Sounds like everything's great with you and Lyndsey, huh?" "Oh, yeah, more than good." "Oh, forgot the honey." "She owns her own home, right?" "Yeah." "Hmm." "Think I may be coming down with something." "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
" I saw Ron Austin." " The counterfeiter?" " In Alpine Crest?" " Let's go get him!" "He is a slippery one, isn't he, Michael?" "I have a constitutional right to know what's going on." "As soon as I know what's going on, I promise you..." "you'll be the second to know." " [Man] Money!" " I gotta get through!" "It's counterfeit!" "Either you find a way to detour him, or I'll shut down the presses." " He's a Bible salesman." " That's what keeps America great." "Michael sent me." "He's in jail." "[Man] Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man... who does not exist." "Michael Knight, a young loner... on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law." "I don't know, KITT." "Maybe he slipped out the back." "I'm picking up a man who fits his description... coming out... now." "Stand by, KITT." "I may need you." "Of course, Michael." "Get him around back." "Pick me up real quick." "[Beeps]" "[Engine Starts]" "Here I am, Michael." "Hop in." "Let's go get him!" " He is a slippery one, isn't he, Michael?" " That's the word, KITT." "[Man] I still don't believe it.!" "Money.!" "Money.!" "He's throwing away money.!" "[Horn Honks]" "[Chattering]" " [Tires Screeching] - [Michael] Move!" "I gotta get through!" "It's counterfeit!" "Anyway, for the first time, I had him cold." "He goes in to make his contact, he comes out with a briefcase... briefcase full of money." "Then he slips out to the back side of the hotel." "I follow him." "He opens the briefcase..." " How do I look?" " [Bonnie] Fine." " Where's the matching handkerchief?" " Oh." "There we are." "Oh." "KITT's rotors are overheating." "I'll increase the gap five degrees and retime." "Am I interrupting something here or what?" "Relax, Michael." "We'll manage to capture your counterfeiter." " Good." "When?" " We'll get together immediately after my speech." "My speech." "Bonnie, I seem to have misplaced my note cards." "Your left pocket." "Oh." "What is so important about this speech?" "The Foundation is presenting an award to the town of Alpine Crest... for the lowest per capita crime rate in the state." "Although it may seem unlikely to you, Michael, it is barely conceivable that you may find parts of my speech... interesting." "After all, at the very worst, you could use an hour or two of relaxation." "Yeah, b..." "¢ÜI get off on '57 Chevys ¢Ü" "¢ÜI get off on screaming guitars ¢Ü" "¢ÜLike the way it gets me ¢Ü" "¢ÜEvery time it hits me ¢Ü" "¢ÜI've got a rock-and-roll ¢Ü" "¢ÜI've got a rock-and-roll heart ¢Ü¢Ü" "[Chattering]" "Can I buy you a drink?" "Uh, normally I don't accept offers like that from strangers, but since it's lemonade, I'll make an exception." "Got it." "Hi." "Hi." "I'm Michael Knight." "Jobina Bruce." "Nice little town you've got around here." "Yeah." "Is this your first visit to Alpine Crest?" "Actually, I'm just passin' through." "I didn't think places like this existed anymore." "Neither did I. I came here a couple months ago to help my aunt, and I was shocked." "Hasn't changed in 12 years." "What do you do?" "Um, I help run the local newspaper." "I'd call myself a reporter, but actually, there's not too much to report." "[Applause]" "This is Mr. Miles." "Thank you, sir." "Sit down." "Well, what a turnout." "You know, it's civic pride like this... that's made Alpine Crest what it is today." "Wouldn't you say so?" "Now, before we get to our honored guest," "I would like to turn the microphone over to one of my favorite people, and I'm sure one of yours," "Martha Haberstraw." "[Applause]" "Uh, thank you, Sheriff, and Mr. Barnswell, and thanks all of you folks for your support and for your enthusiasm." "It is my pleasure to introduce a distinguished gentleman... who has come here to confer an honor upon all of us." "Uh, Devon Miles, from the Foundation for Law and Government." "Uh, Mr. Miles." "[Applause]" "Thank you, Mrs. Haberstraw." "Sheriff, Mr. Barnswell, members of the town council, ladies and gentlemen, the Foundation, of which I am the director, annually presents an award... to the community with the lowest per capita crime rate." " This year it is my honor to bestow that award..." " [Crowd Murmuring]" "[Grunts]" "What do you think you're doing?" "Trying to catch up to an old friend." "I advise you to catch up with your friend someplace else, or else I'm gonna have to take you in for disturbing the peace." "Yeah, right." "Thanks for the advice." "I'll say this for you, Michael." "You have an uncanny facility for making me forget my lines." "If it hadn't been for my notes, I would have been hopelessly lost." "Devon, it wasn't intentional." "Not to mention, if those people had known that you were employed by the Foundation, they would have thrown me off the dais." "Devon, I'm sorry I spoiled your presentation, but I had a very good reason." "And what, may I ask, was that?" " I saw Ron Austin there." " The counterfeiter?" " In Alpine Crest?" " The most crime-free community in the state?" "Crime-free or not, I saw him." "He may have been on his way to Twin Falls or a bigger city, but as long as he's here, I'm gonna give it a shot." "With your permission, of course." "As you say, Michael, give it a shot." "Not even a good-bye?" "See you later?" "Aloha?" "Aloha." "Cheers." "Cheers!" "KITT, I need a visual on Ron Austin." "Certainly, Michael." "I'll show you what I have available." "[Beep]" "[Michael] That's good." "Freeze." "Picture perfect." "Can you give me a hard copy?" "[Beeps] [Electronic Twitter]" "[KITT] How's that for service?" "Terrific." "Wait a minute." "Are you sure this is not counterfeit?" " I beg your pardon?" " Just a joke, pal." "That's the guy that caused all the trouble." "Uh-huh." "Excuse me, Sheriff." "Well, a familiar face." "Yeah." "Sorry about that." "In fact, that's why I'm here." "I'm a freelance skip tracer." "I've been chasing this guy across the tristate area." "You know him?" "No, never saw him before." "What's he wanted for?" "Well, he jumped bail on an old warrant." "I saw him this morning in the crowd at the award ceremony." "Oh, I find that pretty hard to believe." "[Chuckles]" "A fella like that in Alpine Crest?" "Why?" "I don't know." "I don't either." "Well, I'll keep an eye out for him, pass the word on to my deputies, but I wouldn't get any hopes up if I were you." "Sorry." "Can't ask for more than that." "Mm-hmm." "Thanks for your time, huh?" "[Door Closes]" "Boy, I don't believe this place." "It's like it's frozen out of the '50s." "I keep expecting to see Wally and the Beaver." "[KITT] "Wally and the Beaver"?" "That doesn't compute, Michael." "Are they a part of the counterfeit operation?" "[Laughing] No." "Just part of my past, KITT." "Michael, we've covered every block in Alpine Crest 2.7 times." "I think it's reasonable to assume Mr. Austin is, as the saying goes, long gone." "I wish I could argue with you, pal, but I think you're right." "¢ÜI've got a rock-and-roll ¢Ü" "¢ÜI've got a rock-and-roll heart ¢Ü" "¢ÜI've got a You've got a ¢Ü" "¢ÜRock-and-roll heart ¢Ü" "¢ÜI've got a You've got a ¢Ü" "¢ÜRock-and-roll heart ¢Ü¢Ü" "Michael." "Hi, Jobina." "Uh, I'll be back." "Hi." "Hi." "Can I buy you a drink?" "Yeah." "How about a beer?" "Good." "Uh, Christy, bring the man a beer, please." "Thanks." "Well, this is a surprise." "Um, the way you took off all of a sudden, I never expected to see you again." "Well, here I am." "How's the biggest story of 1983 coming?" "Slow." "Writing is hell." ""Writing is hell"?" "I thought the expression is "War is hell."" "Obviously said by someone who never attempted to write." "[Chuckles] So why'd you decide to stay?" "Well, it's too late to drive anywhere." "I thought I'd check in, get a room, take off tomorrow." " What about you?" " It's not that simple for me." "I keep waiting for my good-bye story." "Good-bye story?" "What's a good-bye story?" "That is the story that will launch me into big-city journalism." " Aha." " Aha." "You see, I'm a little impatient, and... well, I don't want to spend 10 years as a junior reporter on some big-city paper... before I get a chance to cover something other than," "well, the social events or the food section." "Listen to me rattle on." "You probably want to get up to your room." "Well, I could use a shower." "Okay." "Well, listen, if you need anything, please feel free to call me." "I'll be at the office, slaving away." "Okay." "Good luck." "And, uh, thanks for the beer, huh?" "My pleasure." "Well, guess what." "Knight just checked in to the hotel." "Terrific." "What does this mean I'm supposed to do now?" "Spend the night here?" "Well, you got a safer place in mind?" "Of all the places, this guy had to decide to spend the night in the sleeping bag of the West." "Wait a minute." "He'd have been gone this afternoon... if you hadn't taken your little stroll through the park." "Now, what is this?" "A hamburger?" "I ordered a steak." "Oh, that's too bad." "I don't want to give you a hard time, but you have to understand about my lifestyle." "You see, I go first-class." "I stay in the best hotels, eat the best food." "I cannot operate at my peak if I'm sleeping in cots, eating hamburgers... and the TV..." "all I can get is this crazy lady and her knitting class." "Why don't you people get a cable TV hookup?" "Austin, look," "I don't give a damn about your lifestyle." "You just do your job, and I'll do mine." "That's fair enough." "I'd say your job right now is to see that Knight leaves Alpine Crest as soon as possible." "He will." "Leave it to me." "In the meantime, I want you to do your job tomorrow... and fast." "'Cause every minute you're in this town, you disturb my lifestyle." "[Sighs]" "Perfect." "I'll wire a copy of this off to Washington, and in 24 hours I'll know everything there is to know about Michael Knight." "And whatever breaks, it's my exclusive, right?" "That's our agreement, isn't it?" "Yeah." "Oh, I meant to ask you something." "Why did you pick me to work with you?" "I believe I explained to you how sensitive this case is." "If the C.I.A. Is involved, I know how sensitive it is, but you never told me exactly what the case was." "It involves a terminated federal project... and counterfeit money." "Counterfeit money?" "Can you tell me anything else?" "Who are you suspicious of?" "Why are you so reluctant to be seen?" "Look, I can't answer those questions." "Not yet." "Now, your participation in this phase is finished." "Stay away from Knight." "You know, I wouldn't mind doing a little extra research." "All for the good of my country, of course." "There are two rules in this business, young lady." "Rule number one is never become involved with a potential adversary." "What's rule number two?" "Never become involved with a potential friend." "Tough rules." "Well, it's a tough business." "That's what keeps America great." "¢ÜBlame it on midnight ¢Ü" "¢Ü Ooh ¢Ü¢Ü Good morning, Michael." "Morning, KITT." "Well, KITT, say good-bye to Alpine Crest." "It's such a nice, decent little town." "That's what everybody says." "[Michael] Bet your turbo ducts will miss the fresh air, huh?" "[KITT] I'm specifically designed to perform uniformly in any type of weather." "Thus, fresh air is neither an advantage, nor a disadvantage." "[Michael] In other words, neither rain, nor snow, nor gloom of night... will stay you from your appointed rounds." "[KITT] That was, as they say, rather poetic." "Did you make it up?" "Nope." "Read it in the post office... underneath the mug shots." "I should have known." "Sheriff, this is Deputy Cole." "Knight's gone." "[Woman Chattering On TV]" "You're missing the climax here." "The knitting lady is slipping a thing around a mannequin." "Very sensuous stuff." "Get your gear ready." "He's gone?" " He's goin'." " Well, it's about time." "Not that I don't appreciate your hospitality." "Have you talked to Barnswell?" "I don't talk to Barnswell unless I have to." "That is your department." "Considering the fat percentage you pull down, what is your department?" "Saving you from yourself... and keeping Alpine Crest the kind of town nobody looks at twice." "Now get your stuff." "Michael, what's our destination?" "I don't know, KITT." "We're not giving up on Ron Austin, are we?" "No, we're not giving up." "We never give up." "You know that." "[Michael] 'Alpine Crest." "Home of the Hallelujah Press."" "Hallelujah Press?" "I wonder what that is." "[Electronic Twittering]" "It's the largest Bible printers in the state." "You know, we've been stumped as to why Ron Austin came to this little town." "What if it wasn't to... to distribute money, but to pick it up?" "I don't follow your logic." "I'm not sure that logic enters into it." "Except to make counterfeit money, you need more than plates and paper." "You need a printing press, KITT." " Are we hiding?" " No, KITT." "We're just keeping a low profile for a while." "Oh, hello." "Hi." "Oh, can I help you?" "Yes, you can." "I just dropped by to seeJobina for a couple minutes." "Oh, you're the young man she told me about." "Michael Knight?" "That's right." "You're Martha Haberstraw, aren't you?" "Do you have any idea... how long it's been since a handsome young man remembered my name?" "Don't answer that." "Be patient with her." "She likes you." "I can always tell." "Oh, what are you saying about me?" "Aunt Martha!" "Oh, it... it is time to be moving on." "Remember what I said." "Bye-bye." "Take whatever she said with a grain of salt." "I thought you left town." "Yeah, I did." "But you know what?" "I'm beginning to like this little town." "As a matter of fact, I'm thinking about staying and buying a small business." "I heard the Hallelujah Press was for sale." "Well, Charles Barnswell bought it from my aunt last year." "I can't imagine where you heard it was for sale." "No kidding." "Who's Charles Barnswell?" "A businessman." "He, uh..." "He's a retired government official." "What branch of government?" "I don't know." "Why are you asking me all these questions?" "What's going on?" "I wish I knew." "Besides this newspaper here and the Hallelujah Press, are there any other companies in town that use printing presses?" "No." "No, not that I can think of." "Okay." "Thanks." "Michael." "Michael, I'm a reporter." "Listen, I have a constitutional right to know what's going on." "You're absolutely right." "And when I find out, I promise you..." "you'll be the second to know." "[Phone Ringing]" "Tribune." "Jobina Bruce speaking." "What?" "I thought you told me to discourage him." "Yeah, well, I just got the report back from Washington." "There's no record of his prints, no driver's license, no social security number... nothing." "Well, then who is he?" "That's a very good question." "I want you to try and get close to him, okay?" "Use your feminine wiles on him." "Work him over a little, love him up some." "He'll break." "They all do." "Mr. Larkin, there are limits to what I consider my patriotic duty." "And another thing, why am I the only one doing any work around here?" "Well, look at it this way." "Those Watergate reporters had to spend months in a damp garage." "All things considered, you got it pretty easy." "Thanks." "[Michael] You got that, Devon?" "[Devon] Charles Barnswell, retired federal employee." "Let me see what I can do." "By the way, are you still in Alpine Crest?" "Are you enjoying yourself?" "Well, let me put it this way." "It's a real nice place if you're thinking of retirement." "Oh, don't mention that, my dear fellow." "Don't even think it." " I'll get back to you as soon as possible." " Okay." "Give Bonnie a kiss for me, will you?" "I will." "Of course." "Michael, believe it or not, there's Austin." "[Engine Starts]" "Hi." "Listen, I'm sorry I was so rude in there." "I just had a lot on my mind." "Excuse me." "[KITT] Michael, look out." "KITT, watch out for pedestrians." "Of course, Michael." "Don't worry, Michael." "We'll catch him." "[Horn Honking]" "[KITT] Here we go." "Whoo!" "Yeah!" "[Siren Wailing]" "[Man] Attention all units, two vehicles are racing out of control through town." "This is Car Three." "I got the lead vehicle in sight." "Hey, what's going on?" "I'm pursuing a suspect." "You have the right to remain silent." "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." "Hey, Sheriff." "Hmm?" "What about that phone call, huh?" "Local call?" "No, it's not a local call." "What is this?" "I'm entitled to a phone call." "Okay." "I'll see what I can do." "Look, you may not like what I did, but I did it because I was pursuing a suspect." "Knight," "I don't know who or what you are, but you are not a cop." "And in this town, the cops will pursue the suspects." "Okay?" "Sheriff, i-if you don't mind, I'd like my watch back, please." "Sorry." "Against regulations." "[Buzzer Buzzes]" "Look, you're in big trouble, man." "If I were you, I'd be less concerned with regulations... and more concerned with what's going on in front of your face!" "Mr. Knight, there are a lot of people in this world I'll take advice from, but they don't talk to me from behind bars." "See?" "Enjoy your meal." "That corn bread's homemade." "Well, I've never seen anything like this car before." "I got an idea." "Nice car." "Good car." "It's a car, Hanks, not a dog." "[Engine Revs]" "Wait a minute." "I got a better idea." "Do it again." "It'll just move again." "Do it." "[Laughing]" "All right.!" "[Both Cackling]" "[Barnswell] Where have you been?" "[Austin] Don't ask." "What do you mean, "Don't ask"?" "You were supposed to be here at 1:00 this afternoon." "I'm having a little problem with a joker in a hot Trans-Am." "He's been on my tail for two days." "Every time I think I've lost him, he shows up again." "It's okay now." "Moore's got him in jail." "It's about time he did something to justify his percentage." "I gave him a hard enough time." "Don't you get on his case." "He does his job." "Who'd ever think of Alpine Crest as the counterfeit capital of the world?" "Anyway, I've got some people to see." "Where's the money?" "It's not ready yet." "It was supposed to be ready by 1:00 this afternoon." "You got problems, I got problems." "There's a company man in town." "Company." "You mean C.I.A." "I saw him this afternoon when I went out for a sandwich." "His name's Larkin." "I remembered him from a couple of years ago." "He was a junior field operative at the time." "He's apparently been promoted." " Good for him." "Where's a glass?" " Don't you hear what I'm saying?" "You think Larkin's here for the clean air?" "He knows something." "He's here on assignment." "You're not letting your imagination run away with you again?" "Don't be condescending with me, Austin." "I'm the one who's vulnerable here." "I'm the one who headed up the pilot program to counterfeit money." "And when the company shut it down," "I'm the one who got the plates before they were destroyed." "I created this operation." "Imagination?" "You wouldn't know the meaning of the word." "I'll make it real clear for you." "I spent 25 years with the company, and there's no way I'm gonna spend the next 25 in prison." "Now, if Larkin stays, I go." "Either you find a way to detour him, or I'll shut down the presses and take the plates with me." "[Devon] KITT?" " KITT, are you there?" " [Beeps]" " Yes, Devon." " Ah." "KITT, what's happening?" "I've been trying to reach Michael for over an hour." "Michael is... indisposed." "Oh." "That means he's either with a young lady or he's in jail." " No comment." " I admire your loyalty, KITT." "Frankly, I'd just as soon not know..." "unless, of course, he's in real trouble." "I've got the information on Charles Barnswell that he requested." "When you see him, tell him that Barnswell worked for the C.I. A... on several top-secret pilot projects... before retiring last year." " That's curious." " Retiring?" "No." "The last project he worked on involved a plan to destabilize the economies of unfriendly countries." "Believe it or not, it involved infiltrating... counterfeit U.S. Dollars into the monetary system." "Hmm." "The counterfeit plates used were of the highest possible quality." "Only recently it was discovered that they were not destroyed after all." "At present, their whereabouts is unknown." "Well, there you have it." "Keep an eye on Michael." " I'll do my best, Devon." " Right." "That's the spirit." "[Buzzer Buzzes]" "As an American citizen, not to mention a member of the press, I insist..." "Wait a minute." "That little fish wrapper you're printing up, you're calling that the press?" "Just as surely as you call those six high school dropouts in uniform the police force." "Jobina, I've known your Aunt Martha four years now... ever since I took over as sheriff." "I like her, she likes me, and that'll buy you a little flexibility." "But it won't buy you sensationalizing Knight's arrest in the Tribune." "This town has a reputation to maintain, and I'm the head maintenance man." "Got that?" "Now don't forget it." "He's right in there." "Hi." "Hi." "Listen, I would have baked you a cake with a hacksaw blade in it, but I flunked home economics." "That's okay." "I flunked hacksaw." "Thanks for coming." "It's the least I could do." "You okay?" "No." "What'd they do?" "Violate your civil rights?" "Did they beat you with a rubber hose?" "Wait, wait." "Wait a minute." "Wait a minute." "Just forget about your good-bye story for a minute and listen to me." "Jobina, I'm not a skip tracer." "I'm not an investor looking for a small business." "I work with Devon Miles, the man your Aunt Martha invited to speak at the award ceremony." "If you're with that Foundation, why are you keeping it such a big secret?" "Because something strange is going on around here, and it's gettin' stranger by the minute." "Jobina, I came here in pursuit of a counterfeit-money broker." "When I saw him at the award ceremony, I thought he was passing through." "But I changed my mind." "I think he came here for a reason." " You mean Ron Austin?" " You know Ron Austin?" "The..." "The guy you chased in the park." "He's a Bible salesman." "At least that's what Mr. Barnswell told us." "You've seen him before?" "Yeah." "He comes through here once or twice a month." "He stops by the Hallelujah Press, picks up some Bibles." "You know, for a guy in that profession, he's a terrible flirt." "Barnswell!" "Why didn't I think of that before?" "Barnswell." "He bought the Hallelujah Press as a front for the counterfeit-money presses." "Michael, this is it." "This is my story." "Jobina, I'll make a deal with ya." "We need each other." "Now, we team up here," "I get the counterfeiters and you get your good-bye story." " Deal?" " What do I have to do?" "[Exhales Sharply]" "I've never talked to a car before." "Actually, that's not true." "Yeah, I did talk to my Volkswagen." "The difference is it never talked back." "Please, talk to me." "If you don't, I'll never forgive myself." "Michael sent me." "He's in jail." "KITT, he needs your help." "Please, he told me you'd know what to do." "Is there anything I can do for you?" "Now that you mention it, yes." " If you'd be so kind as to put me down." " Down?" "My dear, I'm a car, not a plane." "Oh." "Yes, of course you are." "The release button is to your left." "So, tell me, what were you doing up there in the first place?" "Spinning my wheels." " That was a joke." " Oh." "As Michael would say, thanks, pal." "Oh." "Sure." "Oh, of course, of course." "Anytime." "Uh, is there anything else I can do for you?" "Yes." "Stand back." "[Tires Squealing]" " You rang, Michael?" " What the hell was that?" "Hop in." "Michael, I must remind you..." "this sort of thing is causing excessive wear and tear to my system." "When he didn't answer a second time, I thought I'd check and see if he was okay." "This is it." "Hey, hey." "Stand back." "Uh, his name's Larkin." "Is he dead?" "Jobina." "Jobina!" "My, aren't we in a foul mood." "Busy morning?" "I want to see both those stories." "Knight's escape and the murder before you go to press." " I can't believe you said that." " Well, you believe it." "And you believe I can back it up too." "Sheriff, I don't know where you think you are, but you've got your geography confused." "This is not Russia!" "It's not some South American dictatorship." "We have freedom of the press here and very tough laws to guarantee it." "A lot tougher than you are." "Give a girl a little college, she thinks she knows how the world works." "You stay away from me." "No." "That isn't my style." "Here's my style." "I've got a witness who can place you in the immediate vicinity of the police garage... just minutes before somebody took that car and busted Knight out of jail." "Now, if you weren't with your Aunt Martha playing bridge during that time," "I can arrest you right now..." "as an accessory." "Now you think about that... before you print your little stories." "[KITT] Michael, we can't stay hidden here forever." " Punch me up a visual, will you, KITT?" " Right away, Michael." "As you can see, the patrol cars are still in the immediate area." "Ah." "Yoo-hoo." "Good morning." "Good morning." "Let me give you a hand with this, huh?" "Oh." "Well, just put it on the chair there." "We'll take it inside in a while." "No luck?" "No luck." "Aunt Martha, they're everywhere." "I couldn't get within a hundred yards of Hallelujah Press." "Good." "Then maybe you'll have enough time to come for a country breakfast with me." "I couldn't think of anything better..." "Oh." "But I'm sorry, I don't have the time." "Aunt Martha, I need your help." "[KITT] Now, Aunt Martha, just sit back, relax, and leave the driving to me." "Oh, KITT, this is fun." "I love it." " I'm glad, Aunt Martha." " Oh, my.!" "[Siren Wailing] Patrol, we've spotted Knight heading north on 3-7." "Repeat." "Highway 37, heading north." "Move in to intercept." "That's a roger." "Oh, my Lord!" "[KITT] Here we go, Aunt Martha." " Wow!" " Sheriff, I got him heading my way." "I'll run him back to you." "[KITT] Hang on, Aunt Martha." " [KITT] Here we go." " [Beeps]" "[Martha Gasps]" "Oh!" "[Barnswell] What you did is the act of an insane man." "You said to detour Junior Agent Larkin." "Well, dig this." "One man's detour is another's derailment." "So I derailed the sucker." "[Barnswell] What are you, a child?" "You don't walk around, kill a C.I.A. Field agent... and continue to walk around." "Whether you know it or not, you're a dead man." "I don't do business with dead men." "You take one more step, and you'll never do business again." "Okay, Austin." "You want the plates?" "You got the plates." "You're driving." "[Engine Starts]" "[Car Departs]" "Hey." "What are you doing in her car?" "I thought I told you to let me handle this." "Well, they're not in there." "They left." "Which way?" "[KITT] Here we are, Aunt Martha." "Safe and sound." "Oh, hot dog!" "What a car!" "I gotta borrow it." "Well, whatever you say, good-lookin'." "What do you think you're doin'?" "You want to argue or catch those guys?" "Okay." "Bye-bye." "Whoo!" "[Electronic Trill]" "I'm getting a reading on the suspect vehicle." "He will enter the monitor at south-southeast, color yellow." "All right." "If we play this one right, we should be able to run the whole table with one ball." "Let's go for it!" "Hang on." "Sheriff, this is Deputy Cole." "The suspect's headed your way, north on Highway 12." "[Sirens Wailing]" "I got him now." "[Michael] There he is." "You said some guy in a black Trans-Am had been following you." "Look behind and tell me if that's him." "[Austin] I don't believe it." "Give him a blast, KITT." "[KITT, Amplified] You there." "Austin." "Pull over." "Are they okay?" "Yeah." "Just shaken up." "Hey, KITT." "I think we crossed the county line." "Patch me through to a friendly sheriff, will ya?" " I'll see what I can do, Michael." " Is there anything this car can't do?" "I think a woman would be a better judge of that." "I beg your pardon?" "[Michael] Tell you the truth, Devon, don't you feel a little foolish, giving them the Foundation's award, finding out their town didn't have a low crime rate after all?" "I imagine the new sheriff will, uh, restore tranquillity in short order." "I'm glad they kept the award." "I never realized there were still towns like that." "I think I'd have liked growing up there." "By the way, is Jobina really going to leave, now that she's got her good-bye story?" "Well, if I were a betting man, I would, uh, wager that she would think it over and then decide to stay." " I hope she does." " So you know where to find her?" "Yeah, that's a thought." "Well, now that Aunt Martha's back at the helm of the Hallelujah Press again, she wanted each of you to have a keepsake." "Ah, a Bible." "Hey, it's nice." " Beautiful, isn't it?" " Yes." "Quite." " And informative." " May I ask who programmed it?" "Well, that's, uh, kind of a long story, KITT." "That's all right, Michael." "I have plenty of time." "It seems to me that you've got your work cut out, old boy." "Come, Bonnie." " Oh, wait a minute." " Bye-bye." "Uh..." "Uh..." "[KITT] Michael, I'm sure it's no problem." "Just begin at the beginning." "Okay." | {
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} |
"It's perfect." "Oh, great." "I'll take it." "Wonderful." "I'm so happy." "There's one thing." "I'm gonna need some references." "I don't have any of those." "Oh, dear, that's serious." "I don't know that we can do business together if you don't have references." "Bye, now!" " Daddy." " What's going on, Isabel?" "I'm moving here." "To the Valley?" "Why on earth would you do that?" "Because it's normal." "You're normal." "You're just..." "I know." "But I'm not gonna be one anymore." "You have no choice in the matter." "It's what you are." "Orange is a great color." "Orange is happy." "Why don't we just paint it yellow?" "We can't, we're gonna paint the bathroom yellow." "Since when are we doing that?" "They're arguing about paint." "Yes, I can see that." "I wanna argue about paint." " With whom?" " With someone." "A man?" " Yes!" " Oh, Isabel." "I'm through with warlocks." "They're all like you." "Even when you and mom were married you were casting spells on other women." "Your life is total instant gratification, Daddy." " It's fantastic, isn't it?" " No." "No, it's not." "Because how do you know that anyone really loves you for yourself?" "It's like those rich men who are never sure why women sleep with them." "But women sleep with them, so it's not really a problem." "I want a man who needs me." "Needs you?" "Because he is a completely hopeless mess." "Oh, no." "You're talking about love, aren't you?" "What do you suppose it's like?" "Oh, it's simple." "You say, "I love you" to someone you want to go home with." "And then when things get messy, you say, "I don't love you anymore."" "And that's pretty much it." "I feel as if I'm pressed against a glass window." "It's right there on the other side." "I can see it, but I can't feel it." "I can't touch it." " Does your mother know about this?" " She disappeared again." "$420.56." "Money." "Money." "That was my last thing as a witch." "I wanna be like everyone else." "I wanna have friends and I wanna..." "And I wanna go to the Coffee Bean where we all discuss our problems, which are absolutely unsolvable." "You can have anything you want." "Every woman wants to be a witch." "I don't." "I wanna feel thwarted." "I want days where my hair is affected by weather." "Yeah, hi, what can I get you?" "Scrambled eggs, please." "I am through with just snapping my fingers and getting my way." "No breakfast after 11." "My absolutely last thing." "Don't do this." "You'll meet someone, you'll get this close." " And when he finds out about..." " lf he loves me, he won't care." "I'm going to get an umbrella." "Go on." "Get yourself one." "No, Daddy." "No." "I mean it." "No." "Never again." " You'll get wet." " I hope so." "I know what you're gonna say." "I'm a mess." "Get a grip, Jack." "Get a grip." "I can't help it." "Hey, how do I look?" "You look great." " I look great?" " Yeah." "I always look great." "That's a given." " And the important thing is..." " What?" "I have no idea what the important thing is." "I'm telling you, I feel like I'm about to go out of my mind." "You know, I want my life back." "Okay?" "I want my wife and my house." "I wanna be a movie star again." "I mean, what the hell happened, Richie?" "Things were going so great for a while." "Last Year in Katmandu." "It cost 140 mil to make." "Grossed 1.6." "The only DVD to sell no copies." "We probably shouldn't have shot it in black-and-white." "But now you're gonna do a televisión series and it's gonna be a hit." "So pull yourself together, man, because you look like Don Johnson." " But in a bad way." " Okay, I got it." " I'll pull myself together." " Let's go." "And don't get all nice on me." "Be mean." "I'm gonna be mean." "I'm gonna be mean." "Hit me." "There you go." "You're the Jackerator, baby." "Let's go." "Let's go." "Come on." "Yo, gentlemen." "How are you?" "Oh!" " Hey, hello." " Jack Wyatt." " Hi, I'm Jack." " Oh." "Huge fan." "Huge." " How are the kids, guys?" " Great." "Good." "Well, let's cut the chitchat." " Thank you." "I'm Jack, by the way." " Nina." " Jack wants to do the show." " That's great." " I wanna do it." " That's great." "That's terrific." "He only has one concern." "We had the same concern." "But we think everyone's forgotten about Last Year in Katmandu." "Unless they saw it." "His concern is the witch has all the fun." "You will be fun." "We're changing it from the original." "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "Don't all go crazy." "Okay?" "I mean, it is Bewitched." "I mean, Samantha should be strong." "Right?" "This should be a two-hander." "Oh, my God." "Huh?" "Hey." "What a relief." "I was worried because Larry told me you'd want to tilt the show toward you..." "Stu, Stu." "We gotta have a great ensemble is what I'm thinking." "You know?" "Endora, the next-door neighbors, all those crazy family members." "Who's gonna play Uncle Arthur?" "Huh?" "I used to love Uncle Arthur." "Well, we're looking for Uncle Arthur." " Your table's ready." " Thank you." "I don't know if you remember but when he'd appear in the mirror, it would crack." "It would always crack." "And you knew it was coming, and yet, every time it happened I laughed and I laughed and I laughed." " Can I talk to you?" " I loved it." ""Hi, Sammy."" "One second, fellas." "We'll meet you guys at the table, all right?" "Hey, I like those guys." "What?" " You're being a pussy." " What?" "You're being a pussy, pussy, pussy!" "No, I'm not!" "I want the show to be good." "You want the show to be..." "You know what?" "Jack Wyatt's doing TV now because his film career ate it!" "And he's not even the clear star of his own show." "Jack, screw Uncle Arthur." "Hell, screw ensembles, man." " I'm being a pussy." " Yes." "If this show tanks, you'll be on Hollywood Squares for 10 years." "You will also be the mayor of Pussytown." "I don't wanna be the mayor of Pussytown." "Get in there and be the sheriff of Ballsville." " All right?" " Okay." " Bring it." " Okay." "Let's go." " Stop that." " Sorry, sorry." "Sorry, guys, where were we?" "Couple of big names are available for Samantha." " To hell with that." " Yeah." "I want an unknown in the lead." "All right?" "A hot new face that's gonna look good and set me up." "Because I have worked my ass off to the bone for too long to build up the brand value of the name Jack Wyatt!" " This show has one star." " And I want three trailers." "Nobody in televisión has three trailers." "He wants them, you get them." "And I want my own makeup team in matching jumpsuits." "And a leopard!" "I want a pet leopard." "With a diamond-studded collar." "Real diamonds." " That's enough, Jack." " And a cake." "A two-story-high cake." "Every Wednesday's Cake Day." "And we're gonna bring it out and we're gonna pretend it's a surprise." "Because it's Cake Day." "We get it, Jack." "If we have a leopard, we're gonna have major insurance issues." "We're willing to give on the leopard." "It's getting hard to breathe." " Should I be writing this down?" " No." "So this should be fun." "Huh?" "Right?" "I used to have the biggest crush on Elizabeth Montgomery when I was 10." " We all did." " The nose." "I mean..." "It's not gonna be easy finding a nobody to play Samantha." "Be the sheriff." "Well, Jack Wyatt says get it done, y'all." "Hey, I'm turning on the sprinklers in my front yard." "Dimming up." "Dimming down." "Dimming up." "Dimming down." "Wow!" "I don't think you quite understand." "This is very confusing." "I put the black cable in the red plug like they said and the screen is still blue." "I'm here to give you cable." "Oh, thank you, I already have some." "Hello?" "Don't go away, please." "To heck with all this bunk!" "There." "Let's just keep this between us, Lucinda." "Is your self-esteem low because you aren't participating in the real world?" "Yes, my self-esteem is very low." "Well, let's face it, you need a job." "There's something I have to tell you, Darrin." " I'm a witch." " I'm a witch." "I am a witch." "Good." "Good." "Oh, my goodness." "God bless you." "Don't look, but Jack Wyatt is staring at you." "My heart's pounding, and I am feeling very weird tingles." "I know." "He makes me sick too." "You know him?" "Jack Wyatt?" "The actor?" "Where have you been?" " May I join you?" " Sure." " Hi, I'm Jack Wyatt." " I know." "Thank you." "Look, I've never done this before." "How would you like to be on a televisión show?" " Ms..." " Bigelow." "Bigelow?" "Isabel Bigelow." "What do you think?" "Wanna be a famous actress?" " Me?" " Yeah." " An actress?" " Yeah." "I can't act." "Anyone can act." "If I can act, you can act." "Amen." "I think those people over there just finished their plate of hummus." "You might wanna help them by clearing it." "Thank you." "So, Isabel Bigelow, do you have a job?" " No." " Are you rich?" "Because I am." "I'm extremely wealthy." "Which I'm about to prove to you by taking care of this bill for two dollars and 31 cents." " Wow." " Yeah. "Wow" is right." "I have to remember to get some money." "Yeah." "So do you wanna be rich and famous?" "I just wanna be normal." "Well, acting is better than normal." "Yeah." "You get to pretend to be normal." "And then if you're good, you become a big star and guess what happens." " What?" "You snap your fingers and pretty much anything you want materializes." "Oh, no." "No, no, no." "I have that now." "It's what I'm giving up." "Oh, it was lovely to meet you." "You seem very sweet and unkempt and troubled." "Hey!" "Hey, hey, hey." "Those are bad things to say to a person." "Oh, no, they aren't." "I think the fact that you're a hopeless mess is very refreshing." "It moves me." " Isabel Bigelow." " Yes?" "I need you." "What did you say?" " I said, I need you." " You need me?" "I need you." "You don't have to come audition." "Just come and show everyone what you look like when you do it." "Like this?" "Uncanny." " It's identical." " I told you." "You go, girl!" "We would just like you to read the script." "Start on page 13." "Should be marked there." "Read it?" "Okay..." "Out loud." "Yeah." "We want an idea of what it could sound like." ""Int., honeymoon suite, night..." "Dash, night." "Darrin and Samantha are sitting on the bed."" "Someone's not too bright." "Just..." "Just read the part that says "Samantha."" ""Darrin, I know it's our honeymoon, but there's something I have to tell you." "I'm a witch."" " I'm not a witch." " Yeah, exactly." " No, you're giving it up." " Who told you?" "You're about to." "On the next page." "It's Bewitched." "The TV show." "We're redoing it." "Oh, I wasn't allowed to watch Bewitched." "Who wasn't allowed to watch Bewitched?" " That's great, Jack." " That's great." "Well, I play a mortal." "And I'm in love with you." "And I don't care that you're a witch." "You don't care?" "No?" "Is that true?" "Yes, it is." "Yeah." "Now go ahead and read the lines." "I'll read with you." "We'll do it together." "Randall?" "Where are you?" "Yes." "Thank you." "This'll be easy." " Here?" " Yeah." "I'm a witch, Darrin." "A house-haunting, broomstick-flying, cauldron-stirring witch!" "Great." "Great." "Know what?" "Let's put the script down, let's put it away, and we'll improvise." "Jack." "That was only one line." "Not a big deal." "Go ahead, just set it down." "Randall." "I'm gonna ask you questions, just answer them as if you're a witch." " Sure." " Yeah." "Were your parents in the witch business?" "Both of them." "My mother fixed the 1986 Worid Series." " Funny." " Make a note of that." "Do you carry around poison apples, like in Snow White?" "Oh, no, you have to have a permit for a poison apple." "Permit?" "Okay, good to know." "That's good." "Oh, what's it like to date a warlock?" "Oh!" "Horrible." "They're self-centered, not very bright, and all that feel-good-in-the-moment." "Not at all like you." "What's so funny?" "Nothing, J-Bone." "What's your favorite spell?" "Oh, no, I don't like to talk about that because I'm quitting and..." "No, talking about it just makes it harder, so..." "Are you sure you never saw Bewitched?" "She's incredibly dialed-in." " Can I ask a question?" " Sure." "How much longer do we have to do this for?" "Oh, this?" "We're almost done with this." "I mean, if you do the show, we'll be together forever." " You and I?" " Would you please do the show?" " What?" "This show?" " This show." " The Bewitched show?" " Absolutely." "We'll work together." "We'll be partners." "Be my TV wife." " This is very complicated." " Marry me." "Say yes." "What are you doing, Isabel?" "Easy answer." " Yes." " Yes!" "Great." "Thank you." "Okay." "Let's make the deal." "Right?" "Once upon a time, there was a typical American girl who happened to bump into a typical red-blooded American boy." "And she bumped into him, and bumped into him." "So they decided they'd better sit down and talk this over before they had an accident." "They became good friends." " Hi!" " Hello?" "They brought this while you were out." "I said I'd bring it over." "I'm your neighbor, Maria Kelly." " Come in!" " Thank you." "What is all this stuff?" "I just got the most amazing job." "I'm gonna be Samantha on Bewitched." "They're redoing it." "Are you an actress?" "I guess I am." "I love that show." "Is that the one about the genie?" " No." " This is so exciting!" "Oh!" "There you are." "Come here." "This is you!" "Oh, I love this show." "You know it?" "Watched it every night." "Love the song." "Perfect." "There you are!" "You're great!" "Look at the nose!" "I hope you can do that." "That's how I got the job." "Wriggling my nose." " Really?" " It's easy." "Who's gonna play your husband?" " Jack Wyatt." " Oh, my God." "He believes in me." "He wants to be partners with me." "Listen to this:" ""Looking forward to working with you, Isabel." "As dictated to Jack's assistant, Randall."" "Isn't that amazing?" "He's single." "It's in all the tabloids." "His wife dumped him." " Is that true?" " Yes!" "Oh, my gosh." "I don't know why we're doing this, but it's fun." "I know!" "Although, you shouldn't get involved with someone you're working with." "It can destroy your references." "I'm a career counselor and..." "Well, that's the only reason I took the job." "He is the cutest mess you have ever seen." "He is hopeless." "Oh, gosh, he's beyond mortal." "My father would never approve." "Oh." "Well." "I won't?" "Daddy." "Hi." "What are you doing here?" "Hello, Isabel." "Love the hat." "And who is this?" "This is my father." "This is Maria Kelly." "How witchy was that?" "We talk about your father and he turns up." "Maria is my neighbor." "Nigel Bigelow." "Enchanté." "Okay." "And what won't I approve of?" "A man Isabel thinks is cute." "I'm completely against it." "I'm gonna be an actress in a televisión series." "She's gonna play Samantha on Bewitched." "Bewitched?" "That's an insult to our way of life." "Your dad is a hoot." "I'm gonna take one of these, because you got a lot." "Oh, sure." "Anyway, if anyone's robbing my house, let me know." "I'll do the same for you." "Oh!" "And if you get a date that has a friend make sure he's not secretly married before you call me." " Bye, Nigel." " Bye, Maria." "Bye, Maria." "Why can't you be happy for me?" "In less than a week I have become a rich and famous actress living in a house I don't even have to pay rent for just like every other person in the world." "Why wouldn't I be happy?" "You've turned your back on your own kind and now you live down the street from a Denny's." "Don't make fun of my life." "I could make fun of your life." "So, what about this man?" "No, I am not telling you anything anymore, you're too negative." "One morning, I shot a lion in my pajamas." "What he was doing in my pajamas, I'll never know." "Uncle Arthur." "Classic." "Your brand of low comedy always did appeal to adolescent mentality." "I won't do it." "Speaking of traveling, remember that time..." "Maybe I will." "Maybe I will." " sent over from Europe." "It's simply gorgeous." "It reminds me of the one in California." "Lucinda, you really should be watching this." "I'm only trying to say that you broke your promise." "You gave me your word, no more..." "Stuff." "It's a little harder to break the habit than I thought." "Well, you can do it." "I've got a lot of faith in you." "Thank you, darling." "Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the star of the new Bewitched:" "Jack Wyatt!" "I didn't expect you guys to be here." "Okay, as you know, we're here for Bewitched." "But it's not the same Bewitched that you remember." "It's being retooled." "But there is going to be a Samantha?" "Of course." "Isabel, can you come out here?" "Be brave." "You look beautiful." "Ladies and gentlemen of the press I'd like you to meet the talented and delightful Ms. Isabel Bigelow." "Say hello to the people, Isabel." "Hello." "No, no, into the microphone." "Here." "Here." " Hello." " That's enough." "Now do that thing that you do." "Isn't that great?" "That was great." "Great." "Just stand there." "And guess who's playing Endora." "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the great, the legendary Miss Iris Smythson, as my mother-in-law." "That's right." "Iris Smythson." "Iris?" " Iris?" " All right, what's going on?" "Iris Smythson." "And of course she hates me." "Don't you?" "Anything you say, Jerry." "Jack." "See what I mean?" "That's a joke, right?" "Endora used to refer to Darrin as Derwood." "No, I just forgot your name." "But the news here isn't Iris Smythson or Jack Wyatt, who's trying the small screen after the twin disasters of his last movie and a messy split from his wife, Sheila who's already found someone new after a marriage that lasted only 19 months." "Didn't she leave him for a snowboarder/underwear model?" "He's a moronlidiot." " That's right." " Aren't they living together?" "Yes, in my house!" "My house that I bought before I even met her." "And she won't move or sign the divorce papers." "The big news is the surprise casting of an unknown as Samantha." "Her name is Isabel Bigelow and she's quite the charmer, isn't she?" " That's magic." " So, what's Jack Wyatt thinking?" ""My career has tanked, so I'll fix it by playing Darrin"?" "Yeah." "Because that's crazy." "Who's running his life?" "Plus, he did not look well." "Not look well?" "I look fine." "I'm extremely healthy." "Richie." "Richie." "What am I gonna do with you?" "Boy." "This is Richie." "Richie." "Why'd you talk me into doing this show?" "Huh?" "What was I thinking?" "What were you thinking?" "We were both thinking the same thing, Jack Attack." "Cast a nobody." "You're completely safe." "Richie, can't you come over here?" "I could use a little support on this one." "Jack, I can't because I'm about to step into a meeting with the head of NBC." "I'll be right there!" "One second." "Look, I don't know if you know this, but I'm Darrin, okay?" "They replaced Darrin on the original Bewitched and no one noticed!" "Nobody is going to replace you." "I'm Darrin!" "How did this happen?" "!" "Hold the work!" "Once upon a time, there was a typical red-blooded American boy who happened to bump into a typical American girl." "And, cut!" " Jack, Jack." " How was I?" "How was I?" " You were wonderful, man." " So good." " Don't lie to me." " No." "My ribs hurt." "It's what I get paid to do." "Jack?" "Uno más?" "From the top?" "One more?" "Did you see what happened?" "Good stuff." "Moving on!" "You know it, dude." "Nice one." "Here we go." "Off to a good start, huh?" "And after a while, he did what any red-blooded American boy would do." "Samantha, will you marry me?" "Cut!" "Great!" "Beautiful." "That was good." "That was good." " Action." " You're a witch?" "And you waited until our wedding night to tell me?" "I don't believe this!" "Oh, golly!" "Samantha." "Cut!" "Cut!" "Joey, for God's sake." "Are you trying to kill everyone?" "Because we can't breathe." "And what's going on with the lightning?" "You can't nod to the audience in the show." "It just breaks the reality." "What?" "You can't nod to them." "You can't do..." "Go sit in your chair." "Back to your chair." "All right, but..." "Take two up." "Rolling!" "You're a witch?" "And you waited until our wedding night to tell me?" "I can't believe this." "What's going on?" "Samantha." "Why is she waving?" "Who are you?" "I am Samantha's mother, Endora." "A mortal?" "You married a mortal?" "Oh, my poor, poor baby." "This is just horrifying." "I think I need a drink." "Freeze!" "Unfreeze!" "What a shame you didn't drink it." "If you had, perhaps you could've spent your wedding night as a bullfrog." "Don't worry, Samantha." "I won't do it." "Witch's honor." "My darling, we are quicksilver." "We're a fleeting shadow." "We're a distant sound." " That's your mother?" " We live on the wind in the sparkle of a star." "And you want to trade all that for an acre of crabgrass?" "Did she just call me an acre of crabgrass?" "Deal with it, Derwood." "Thank you." "Thank you." "Thank you!" "I want a piece of the show." "Why?" "Because I put this thing together, that's why." "Because Jack Wyatt doesn't parallel park without checking with me." "Let me call you back." "J-Bone!" "You're crushing it, baby." "Absolutely crushing it." " I think we got something." " It's exciting." " How's Isabel doing?" " She's perfect." "She looks hot and she lets you score like a madman." "I know." "She's great." "I can't believe you found her." "You think she's gonna notice?" "What?" "That she doesn't have a part?" "Not a chance." "She's clueless." "Plus, I think she's got a little thing for you." "It's freaking pathetic." " You think so?" " Yes." "Man, that would be..." "Such a nightmare." "I know." "Can you imagine?" "Although, she does have kind of a cute little back end on her." "I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating a box of crackers." "Isabel?" " Did she hear us?" " Not a chance." "A couple of changes to the script." "It was running a little long, so we cut your lines." "Think of it this way, it's less to memorize." "Sorry." "Lunch!" "Isabel!" "I feel like a fool." "A big, stupid, sad fool, and yet I'm angry as well." "What's going on?" "Let's set fire to his trailer." "Let's just do it." "Isabel, this is awesome!" "You're on TV." "He lied to me." "He tricked me." "He said he needed me." "When all he needed was someone to stand next to him while he says his stupid clever lines." " Hi, I'm Maria." " Nina." "He seemed so messy and sincere." "But really, he's just a big fake." "We could electrocute him." "There's tons of wires around here." "I wanna cry, I wanna break things." "I wanna hurt him." "Yet there's a part of me that still has a small amount of feeling for him." "How can this be?" "When my first husband left me, I wanted to cut the brakes in his car but instead we ended up having sex on the elliptical machine." "He doesn't understand who he's dealing with." "He has no idea." "Look, you have three options:" "You put up with it quit or get mad." "What would Samantha do?" "She chose mad, right?" "Okay, everybody, settle down." "Okay, working very quietly, like little mice." "I don't want to see or hear what you're doing." "I don't want to see or hear what you're doing." "Okay, so, Isabel, just to refresh your memory, Darrin's ex-girlfriend..." "I read the script." "Okay." "Well, let's just go over it one more time." "Oh, and we rehearsed it a lot." "Well, I'm aware of that." "Darrin's ex-girlfriend has invited you both over for dinner." "And Darrin forced you to come with him..." "He tricked me." "Because he is a self-centered has-been." "No, no, baby, that's not it." "No." "Because he wants his dog back, and then Darrin says his line:" " "It's my dog." " It's my dog." " I want him back."" " I want him back." "It always kills me, Jack." "You ready to go?" "Let's do it." "Let's do it." "Saddle up." "Rolling!" "Action!" "It's my dog." "My dog!" "And I will die if I do not have him back." "Do you understand?" "!" "I will die if I do not have him back!" "Cut." "Well, that was a bit much, Jack." "You wanna take it down a notch?" "Or five?" "You know what?" "Just keep it going." "Let me just go." "I'll get it this time." "Rolling!" "Action!" "Where art thou, dog?" "Thy canine lover." "What's happening?" "Where is your hot breath upon the nape of my neck?" "We shall form a bond of brotherhood:" "Man and beast." "You shall lick my face and I shall lick your snout." "Cut." "Jack." "Guys, I'm not doing this on purpose, I swear to you." "Okay." "All right." "Rolling." "Oh, my God." "Where's my dog?" "Totally." "I have a totally great dog." "Jack." "Jack." "What are you doing?" "This is where the dog has to decide between Darrin's ex and Darrin." "Samantha wiggles her nose and the dog chooses Darrin." "Rolling!" "I know how we can solve this, Darrin." "We'll let Satchel decide." "That's a great idea." " Come to Daddy, Satchel." " Look!" "Good boy." " Come to Mommy." " Good boy." " Satchel..." " Okay, Isabel, wiggle your nose." "Satchel." "Satchel." "Come to Mommy." " Satchel." "Satchel." " Come on." "Come on." "Up!" " Right here." "Come to Daddy." " Come to Mommy, Satchel." "I got it, Jack." "I got it." "Don't you dare go to Daddy." "Come to Mommy!" " No, no, no." "You love Daddy." " Come on, Satchel." " Come on." " Come on." "Satchel, come to Mommy." " He's coming." "He's coming." " He's just sitting there." "Come on!" "Come on, boy!" "To Mommy, Satchel." " Cut!" " Jim, what's going on here?" "Joey!" "If the dog runs to you again, try this." "Come to Daddy, Satchel." "Satchel, come to Mommy." "Come on!" "Come on, Satchel." " Come on, boy, please?" " To Mommy." "Good girl." "Please, boy, come on!" "Jump, boy!" "Jump!" "Thank God you didn't have a Great Dane." "Damn it!" "Cut!" "Darling, that was marvelous." "But..." "Watch out for that." "Please don't say anything." "Calm down, you're not alone." " I'm not?" " No." " Are there others?" " There are many others." "Many actors, they develop tricks twitches, really." "You don't want to become mannered." " Oh, no, I don't." " No." "Thank you, Iris." "Hello." "Daddy, what...?" "If it isn't my spell-casting magical daughter who gave up witchcraft." "You've had quite a day today, haven't you?" "I was provoked." "I fell off the wagon." "It was a one-time thing." "So you're not in love with him anymore?" "I have never disliked a man more in my entire life which proves that I am completely over him." "Not necessarily." "In fact..." "Besides, it was just a crush, which is an intense but superficial attraction that can easily be mistaken for something deeper." "Now go away." "I have a crush on Endora." "What?" "!" "Daddy, where are you?" "I said, I have a crush on Endora." " Daddy!" "No." " So lovely." "Her name is not Endora." "It's Iris." "Iris." "A spring flower." "You can't." "Now that I turned out to be so wrong about him, my job is all that I've got." " Please don't mess it up." " How could I do that?" "You'll sleep with her, cheat on her she'll go crazy and she'll take it out on me." "I don't want you to get involved with Iris." "I mean it." "You can't stop being a witch." "I can too." "You'll see." " Cannot." " Can too." " Just accept it." " Never." "Tell me about Bewitched." "Some have said it's a crass attempt by the network to market nostalgia rather than take a risk on new ideas." "This isn't the old Bewitched." "It's been refocused." "Let's just say the only thing I won't be doing is this:" "So you leave the nose-wiggling to the witch." "But you do it so well." "Well, I don't know about that." "I did coach her, though." "Can we get a close-up on the nose?" "I'd rather not." "Which camera?" "Here?" "Okay." "Shall we discuss dare we discuss, Last Year in Katmandu?" "Hi, Nina." "Yes!" "Yes, I am watching him." "What's a dick?" "No one ever sets out to make a bad movie." "What does that have to do with how obnoxious he is being?" "Some movies are career-enders." "Right." "Right, we need a plan." "What went wrong?" "You know, I hate to point fingers but I'm gonna blame the wardrobe department." "The wardrobe department?" "I think it got in the way." "Maybe I should quit." "Honey, you can't quit." "Why not?" "Isn't that what people do?" "He has to quit, not you." "Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen." "We have to make him quit." "If we get naked pictures of him and pictures of farm animals I could just Photoshop them." "That's an excellent idea." "No, no, no." "Wait." "Calm down." "Calm down." "No, no, no, this not what I wanted." "I wanted something normal." "What should I do?" "Oh, my." "What a mess." "Your Aunt Clara used to be able to make a clean landing." "Aunt Clara?" "Oh, Aunt Clara." "Oh, thank goodness you're here." "I am in the middle of a total, total crisis at work." "I'm quitting." "You mustn't quit." "The show must go on." "Isabel, are you all right?" "Oh, my friends..." "I have friends..." "They don't know we're witches." "Mum's the word." "You know, there was an Aunt Clara on the original Bewitched." "What a coincidence!" "She was a witch." "So am I." "She was always screwing up." " Really?" " I have made up my mind." "I am quitting tomorrow and I'll do something else, like sailing or polishing fruit." "It's too bad you're not a witch, you could put a hex on Jack." "Oh, I can." "I certainly can." "Who is Jack?" "The reason I'm quitting." "Well, why not put a hex on him." "Because I'm giving it up." " Just a little one." " Aunt Clara." "Just to get him to behave." "I'll do it." "And then I can keep my job." "Which would help my self-esteem." "You know, there's only one problem with a hex." "There's no such thing as magic." "So what's your idea, Little Miss Doubtful?" " Well, I have a Taser." " Nina." "I think we should Taser him and throw him into the shark tank at seaworld." "No." "You think we should do a hex." "I think we should do a hex." "Pinch of jasmine." "Wolfbane." "Grapefruit pith." "Grapefruit pith." "I feel so alive." "I feel like one of those people I'd make fun of." "I feel like I believe in unicorns." "Did I put in the wolfbane?" "I can't remember." " Aunt Clara." " Thank you, darling." "Thank you." "Oh, well." "Isabel." "Isabel, bo-bel" "Bonana-fana fo-fel" "Fee-fy-fo-fel" "Isabel" ""The Name Game"!" " Oh, boy." " Good morning." "Randall, take that stupid sign off that machine." "Free cappuccinos for everyone." " How we doing?" "Anyone seen Isabel?" " No, why?" "Because I miss her." " Listen, Jack." " Yes?" "We got the test scores from the pilot..." "How did Isabel do?" "Ninety-nine percent in the top box!" "Why didn't you tell me?" "This is great news." "Of course she got a 99 percent." "Because she's dynamite." "Absolute dynamite." "High-fives all the way around." "But, Jack, there is a problem." "Your scores..." "Thirty-two percent." "That's better than zero, huh?" "You know what?" "That's constructive criticism." "The dog scored higher than me." "He's a cute dog." "What do the comment cards say?" "Oh, they don't really..." ""Jack Wyatt is a real tool."" "But a good tool." "Like a Jacksaw!" "You know what?" "Who cares?" "This just means we got hard work to do, okay?" "Hey, I never said I was perfect." "The important thing is Isabel." " Isabel." " Yeah, no question." " Agreed?" " Totally on board." "Good morning, everyone." "There she is!" "Is it just my imagination, or is the room actually brighter with her here?" "Look at this bundle of miraculous talent." "Forget 99, I give her 100!" "100!" "Rehearsing!" ""Interior, apartment, day." "Samantha and Darrin are sitting in their overcrowded apartment."" "Darrin, I think we should buy a house and I found one that I love." "You nailed that!" "I'm about to have a heart attack." "Isn't she great?" "And now I kiss her, because she's in love with our new house." "Oh, you can't kiss me." "I'm not in this scene." " You're not in the scene?" " No." "No, no, no." "She isn't in the scene?" "This isn't happening!" "What?" "!" "She has to be in every scene!" "Okay?" "Rewrite!" "Go!" "Rewrite." "Everyone, Isabel needs a joke." "I would love a joke." "One joke, coming up." "Oh, and then I kiss her because she's so funny." "And a job." "She needs a job." "Yes!" "Yes!" "Make this woman the CEO of a multinational corporation." " Good idea, Jack." " No." "Great idea." "And then I kiss her because she's so powerful." "It's too much, what happened?" "Aunt Clara." "Aunt Clara?" "Please pick up the phone, something terrible is happening." "Something terrible is happening." "I know, I know." "It wasn't supposed to, and..." "You should never, ever get involved with an actor." "I'm not involved with him, I don't think." " Witch's honor?" " What?" "I'm just being Endora." "Isabel, actors look normal, sometimes better than normal." "But deep down, there is no deep down." "I thought you were safe." "He loathed you." "What on earth happened?" "A little witchcraft, I suspect." "Even though we weren't going to do it, were we, darling?" "I'm Nigel Bigelow, I'm Isabel's father." "How do you do?" "Daddy, we talked about this, remember?" " I'm..." " I know who you are." "I've seen everything you've ever done." "Lysistrata in Florence, Blithe Spirit in New York." " Daddy!" " But your Endora is a marvel." "It comes so easily, really." "Oh, yes, because I am a witch." " Oh, really?" " Oh, yes." "I put out all the lights in Leicester Square just by walking past." "Oh, tell me more." "Tell me everything." " Oh, please come in." " Charmed." "This is just..." "What...?" "Isabel!" "Hey!" "Isabel!" "Isabel!" "Hi!" "Listen, maybe we could go to dinner tonight." "God, I'm so nervous." " I don't think so, I have to get home." " We won't make it a date." "I'll just happen to stop by and ask if you're hungry." " No." " Yes!" "That's a yes!" " No!" " I'll be by at great." "I mean, I'll be by at 8." "Stop by if you need anything." "I'm right here." "Okay." "Aunt Clara!" "Undo it!" "Undo it!" "You overdid it!" "Undo it!" " Oh, dear." " Aunt Clara!" "I'm not too sure how to undo it." "Undoing it's not the same as doing it." "He wants to have dinner." "This isn't what I wanted." "Lorna Doone?" "No!" "Darling, I'm sure you can undo the hex if you really want to." "I'm expected in Japan." "That certainly didn't work, did it?" "Aunt Clara?" "Aunt Clara, come back here right now." "He's gonna be here any minute." "Aunt Clara!" "But that doesn't matter, because I'm not going out with him." "No, no, I'm not." "I'm not!" "Oh, I'd better..." "Oh, who cares what I look like." "I'm just gonna undo the hex." "I'm not even gonna bother dressing up." "I'm just gonna open the door, undo it and slam the door in his face!" "Hey." "I just happened to be in the neighborhood with these roses and a Cat Stevens CD and this bracelet and I thought I'd stop by." " You're sweating." " Like a pig." "Oh, how divine." "You look stunning." "No!" "Ravishing." "You look "stunnishing."" "Is this your purse?" "You're not too cold, are you?" " No." " You're not too warm?" "Okay." " Are we going somewhere?" " Dinner." "Here." "Here you go." "I wanna know everything." "You talk, okay?" "I'm just gonna listen." "Shed your radiance and I'll just soak it up like a plant." "Start in kindergarten." "I didn't go to kindergarten." "I was homeschooled." "You were homeschooled?" "So was I." "How amazing." "That's freaky." "I'm getting chills." "Yeah, that is kind of amazing." "My parents were hippies." "Were yours?" " No." " That's so weird!" "My parents were hippies, and yours weren't." "What are the odds?" "But we did have incense and candles." " So did we." " You did?" "To this day, incense makes me puke." "Yes, me too!" " Amazing!" " Wow." "I brought duck." "I love duck." "So do I. How amazing is that?" "Well, most people love duck." "You know what?" "No, they don't." "Wait." "I wrote you a song." "No one's ever written me a song." "Well, I did." "Hey, pretty lady" "Come back here with my heart" "Hey, pretty lady" "Are you a dream made real?" "My soul, you have healed" "Make me a better man" "I wanna set up residence" "In your promised land" "Okay, and this is the power ballad guitar solo." "Promised land!" "Now you sing the chorus." "Promised land" "Drum solo." "Promised land!" "Leg kick." "Okay, I'm gonna break the guitar." "Promised land!" "Promised land!" "We're about to kiss, aren't we?" "I thought so, but thanks for ruining the moment, Miss Narrator." "Oh, my ruby jewel." " What?" " My chocolate-covered strawberry." "I wanna bask in our love like a house cat lying in the sun." "Jack, Jack, Jack." "Stop." "Stop." "I forgot." "Oh, I let myself forget." "It was so nice, I couldn't help myself, and..." "Oh, Jack!" "This is sad." "This is..." "No." "Let's make love in a hot-air balloon." "Let's make love in a candy factory." "Let's make love in a petting zoo." "I have to undo this, I do." "Let's make love at seaworld, on the back of a killer whale." "Because it doesn't mean anything unless it's real." "What witches wish No mortal needs" "Let time repent And unsow its seeds" "And now, I speak the ancient word of redemption and regret:" "Rewind." "So you leave the nose-wiggling to the witch." " But you do it so well." " I did coach her, though." "Can we get a close-up on the nose?" "I'd rather not." "Which camera?" "Hello, Nina." "I just knew it was you, that's all." "Yes, he is." "He is a giant male reproductive organ." "We don't need a plan, I already know what I'm gonna do." "I'm gonna speak to him about his behavior." "I'm gonna talk to him sensibly and directly, and I know he will change." "You'll see." "Bye." "Butt out, Samantha, I know what I'm doing." "I mean it." "Jack, Jack, bo-back" "Bonana-fana fo-fack" "Fee-fi-bo-back" "Jack" "Guys, make me 20 cappuccinos." "Bring me the best one." "Hey, J-Bone." "Hey, buddy." "The test scores are in." "How'd I do?" "Ninety?" "Hundred?" "One-twenty." " One-forty!" " Good ballpark." "What did it say?" "I got it." "I got it right here." "Thirty-two." "I got a 32?" "Is that for real?" "The dog scored higher than I did." "Well, it's not you, Jack, it's Darrin." ""That Jack Wyatt is a real tool." "We hate him." "We mean the actor, not the character."" "Get a grip." "Hug me." "Come here." "I'm gonna be doing dinner theater in Boca Raton." "They hate the show, the whole show." "They hate everyone on it." " Yeah, everybody." " They did." "Yep." "Isabel must've gotten savaged." "She got a 99?" "!" "Ninety-nine?" "Is this for real?" "Is that a joke?" "She didn't say anything!" "How is it that someone who doesn't say anything scores higher than someone who had all the lines?" "Oh, my..." "Did anyone anticipate this as a possibility?" "Hindsight's 20l20." " Good morning, everyone." " And they think I'm a tool?" "!" "I haven't been called a tool since I was 15!" "Thank you, guys!" "Thank you!" "You know what?" "No one ever liked Darrin!" "No one!" "Why did we ever think that was gonna change?" "I have something to say." "This is unbelievable!" "A 32?" "That's for real?" "A three in front of a two?" "Oh, my God!" "Wait, I have something to say." "A 32 and she got 99?" "!" "Were they high?" "!" "Were the people in the test group high?" "Did we drug test them?" "Were they just sitting in the studio, smoking crack, saying:" ""Let's give her a 99 and him a 32." "By the way, I'm high on crack"?" "!" "I have something to say!" "What?" "!" "You're a jerk." "What did you just say?" "I said, you're a jerk!" "Everything is about you." "You are selfish." "And you are self-centered." "And you lied to me, you said you needed me." "You don't need anyone!" "Listen, sweetie, why don't you go to your trailer and take a Midol?" "Hey!" "You be quiet, or I'll give you a tail!" " Just calm down." " You sit down!" "Sit down!" "This show is supposed to be about a marriage." "A real marriage, with real problems, like what color to paint the kitchen or, I don't know, other problems, I can't even think of them now." "But the only problems you care about are your own!" "No wonder the audience doesn't like this show!" "A witch marries a mortal." "Who in their right mind would want to marry you?" " Hey!" " Excuse me." "That's it." "You're fired." "Doesn't matter." "I quit!" "Yeah!" "So you better call my agent." "You don't have an agent." "Then call my cable man!" "Sorry." "So..." "You all right?" "No one's talked to me like that in 20 years." "Once a week a woman talks to me like that." "She just stripped me bare and stuck the knife in." "Let's go to The Peninsula and get some oysters." "You know what I think?" " Hey." "The woman needs a part." " I'm sorry?" "I mean, if you got Sammy Sosa, you don't bench him." "If you got Gorbachev in the ballet, you let him dance the big number." "I don't think Gorbachev was a dancer." "Yes, he was, Richie, he absolutely was." "Look it up." "Isabel!" "Hey!" "Hey, Isabel!" "Wait, wait, wait, don't go!" "Isabel!" "Please don't go." "Please don't go." "That was incredible." " What?" " Just now." "That." "I mean, you yelled at me." "You were up-front, and honest and you called me out on all my crap." "It was just great." "Oh, God, I'm hyperventilating." "I've never done anything like this." "It was very hard, but secretly quite thrilling." "Even my ex-wife, she never yelled." "She just locked me out." "In my family, we usually just disappear." "No, no, don't disappear, Isabel." "One more show." "One more show." " I don't think so." " No, one more taping." "Please?" "It's just that I'm feeling that..." "I'm feeling like maybe..." " I'm sorry." " What'd you say?" "I'm sorry for how I've been." "I'm sorry." "You're sweating again." "I know, just..." "I just..." "Look, one more." "I love it when you sweat." "One more!" "Just one more." "And the second I'm being a jerk, you can yell, "Hey!" "He's being a jerk!"" "And we'll shut the whole thing down, I promise." "We'll burn down the sets and sell the costumes, and give the money to little children." "I mean, that's one possible scenario." "You want me to say "He's being a jerk"?" "Yeah." "Or you can yell, I mean..." "He's being a jerk!" "He's being a jerk!" "Yes." "I can't just walk back in there now." "Once you show up on a golf cart, believe me, all is forgiven." "I've done it a lot of times." "But I was fired." "Oh, no." "That's right, I quit." "Yeah." "Here, let me carry your plant." "Honey, your mother's here." "Are you two getting along?" "Not exactly." " Like this?" " You're doing great." "Really, really great." "One more time." "So it says here that marriage can lead to a loss of passión." "It's true." "I feel empty and bored already." " Oh, great." "It's you." " Mother!" "I see you two are actually getting along?" "Endora, you rancid fruit bag, get out of my room." " Darrin!" " And my daughter is happy?" "That is the cruelest twist of all." "I am happy, Darrin." "Real, honest, no-spells happy." "And cut!" "Actors, cut." "Really, cut now." "You were great today." "Just absolutely amazing." "You were great today." "Just absolutely amazing." "I don't think I've ever had so much fun." "Acting is fun." "That is a profoundly true thing." "Would you like a water chestnut?" "I'd love a water chestnut." "I'm gonna teach you everything I know starting with the eye thing." "The famous crazy-eye thing of mine." "Okay?" "This almost won me a Golden Globe." "Almost." " Is that it?" " That's good." "Oh, that's even better." "This is the "I just realized things are worse than they seem" thing." "Also known as "the Yikes Take."" "Yikes!" "Wow." "Yikes!" " That was terrible." " It's okay." " No, I was terrible." " I don't think mine was good, either." "That's it." "I'm out of tricks." " What about the funny walk you do?" " The funny walk?" " You don't wanna see the walk." " I do." "Funny walk is embarrassing." "I'd like to see it." "Yeah?" "Okay." "Let's go to our place." "Magic hour." " Is that it?" " That's great." "It's much harder than it looks." "Five, six, seven, eight." " Move back!" " Hey!" "Something magical happened all by itself." "Table read in 10 minutes!" "Okay, close it up!" " Good morning, everyone." " Morning, Jack." "Look, Jack, I just need to talk to you about a couple of these things." "Number one, we're thinking about moving the whole kitchen scene." "Just..." "It's such..." "It's a funny scene." "It's really funny." "We'd like to get it in a little earlier." "So probably what we're gonna do is switch it with the office." "But we're gonna drop that to a little later on in the show." "Dude." "Dudes, are you watching Jack throw the vibe to Isabel right now?" "How are you?" "I'm great." "That's for you." "Thank you." " Call me." " That's fantastic." "Stop." "Fine." "Yeah." "I mean, I can find something for him." "I'll put him in a little part with maybe no lines or anything like that." "What is going on between you and Jack?" "Nothing is going on." "We had a date and we kissed and now we just wanna spend all of our time together." "That is the very definition of something going on." "And you know what?" "I didn't use any tricks." "I am trick-free." "Oh, my God, it's her." " Who?" " Jack's wife." "I saw a picture of her in InStyle when she was the fashion "don't."" "Excuse me." "I'm looking for Jack." "You must be Samantha." "You look just like the old one." "Thank you so much." "Oh, excuse me." "Love the nose." "Good work." "There he is." "There's my guy." "I've missed him so much." "Let's just say the "Do Not Disturb" sign will be on the doorknob tonight." " Oh, my God!" " Oh, God!" "Help me lift it." "Help me lift it." "Slowly, slowly, slowly." "That was a little harsh." "I've missed him so much." "Let's just say the "Do Not Disturb" sign will be on the doorknob tonight." " Sheila." " Hi, baby." "What are you doing here?" "You want my car?" "My grandmother's brooch." "Oh!" "You want more money." "Ding-ding-ding!" "Correct answer." "No." " I want you back." " What about Captain Underpants?" "I'm through with him." "I love you, Jack." "Oh, wait, wait, I get it." "You heard that the show's getting picked up." "I heard it's gonna be a hit." "But so what?" "I want you." "I want my husband." "You know, a week ago I would've fallen for that." "But now there's someone else." "Someone who's incapable of guile." "What's guile?" "I'm not gonna do it." "I think it means tricks." " I love you, baby." " No, I'm not." "Maybe I will." " What the heck is going on?" "!" " Joey." "This place is spooked." "I quit." "Joey." "Joey, come back here." "Get me a mirror!" "Jack!" " Jack!" " Are you okay?" "Am I okay?" "!" "And one more time." "I'm fine." "And I'm signing the divorce papers right now." "You are?" "Maybe two." "And I'm moving out of the house this afternoon." "Where are you going?" "Reykjavík." " Where is it?" " Iceland." "I love ice." "Goodbye, everyone!" "I'm off to Reykjavík!" "Oh, my God." "Everyone, did you just see that?" "She's gonna sign the papers!" "This is incredible." " Isabel." " Party at my house!" " Isabel." " Party at my house!" "You're out of control." "Every time I think I have things nailed down, I just lose it." "Oh, don't be so hard on yourself." "It's gonna be okay." "Oh, whoa." "Who is that?" "No, Maria." "No." "Too late." "Second of all, like..." "Everyone, can I have your attention, please?" "I just wanna say a few words." "Randall, can we deal with this?" "Thank you." "Where do I start?" "What a night." "Is everyone having fun?" "Yeah?" "Great." "I'm so grateful for so many things tonight." "The show, all of you amazing and talented people and especially Isabel." "To a woman who'd never trick me into thinking she was something she wasn't." "From now on, everyone tells the truth." "Okay?" "Except if I don't look good, say I do anyway." "Isabel, you are a beautiful person." "And that's the truth." " Cheers." " Cheers!" "Have a great time." "Cheers." "Don't break anything, okay?" " We won't, Jack." " Thank you." "I hope that touching speech hasn't made you think that you should tell the truth." " I'm going to." " Oh, don't be silly." "And he's gonna accept me." "He's got to." "You can't live with a secret like that." "Of course you can." "For thousands of years." "Don't do it." "Big mistake." "Won't work." "Well, hello there." "Now, don't tell me..." "Coconut shrimps." "Oh, yes." "Would you like one?" "Yes." "Thank you." "Do you know, you're quite fetching." "And I'm Nigel Bigelow." "Yes." "I will sleep with you because I have a thing for father figures." "Well, that's great, then." "But in the morning, I will not get 90 percent of your jokes and I'll go on and on about opening an aerobics center in Agoura." "Are you looking for me?" "Missing you, actually." " How strange." " Not really." "I'm just gonna say it like it's a completely matter-of-fact thing." " Guess what." " What?" "I'm a witch." " Guess what." " What?" "I'm a Clippers fan." "Yeah, it's not like it's a big deal." "I'm not a bad witch, and we're getting it out there and telling the truth, right?" "Right." "And I'm not just a fan." "I made the mistake of buying courtside seats." "No, no, no, really." "Jack." "Jack, I am." "I, Isabel Bigelow, I'm a witch." "Okay, great." "So you're a witch." "Come on, let's make out in the hall closet." " Jack." " Okay, okay, I'll play along." "Like it's an improv." "Prove it." "So I just said, "Listen, you guys, I believe Cher has another hit in her."" " Really?" " Yeah." "Wow, fantastic trick." "Not a trick." "Whoa!" "How'd you do that?" "To the most powerful witch ever." "Can you make an umbrella appear in this drink?" " I can." " Really?" "That's amazing." "I had no idea you were an amateur magician." "Hey." "Wait." "Hey, hey, hey." "Hey, I'm talking to you." "Hey, Isabel." "I'm..." "Jack, listen to me, I was born a witch, my parents are witches, I'm a witch." " A real witch." " That's right, Isabel." " You go, girl." " Isabel, you tell him." "That is cool." "That's great." "You are very frustrating." "Do you have some Daniel Day-Lewis thing happening here?" "How's it going?" "I'm leaving." "Thank you." "Hey there." "I have hepatitis C." "Isabel?" "Isabel." "Isabel, what's going on?" "Come back to the party." "What are you...?" "Where are you going?" "What...?" "Wow." "That's really cool." "Did Props make that?" " I keep trying to tell you..." " Can I get your car, miss?" "She doesn't need her car, she has her broomstick." " You think I'm nuts, don't you?" " Of course not." "I know plenty of women who carry around collapsible broomsticks." " I'll get the car." " It won't be there, I sent it home." "This looks so real." "I can't even see the buttons." "It is real." "Flies too." "Oh, I'd love to see that." " Hang on." " What?" "Put me down!" "I kept trying to tell you." "It's no big deal, Jack." " It's no big deal." " This is a huge deal!" "We can work this out." "It's just who I happen to be." " Get away from me." " What?" "You tricked me!" "You put spells on me!" "Well, only a few, yes, I did." "But I took most of them off." "Help!" "Someone help!" "Jack." "I thought this would be okay." "How would it be okay?" "!" "Because it's me." "It's still me." " I'm a little freaked out now." " I know, but I can't change what I am." " Are you crazy?" "Are you even human?" " Jack!" " Am I gonna get pregnant?" " What?" "Because I can't get pregnant right now!" "How does this work?" "Will I get webbed feet?" "You're hurting my feelings." "Shoo!" "Shoo!" " Shoo?" " Shoo!" " Now you're making me angry!" " Go!" "Scat!" " You want me to leave?" " Yes!" " Fine!" " Fine!" " Fine!" " Fine!" "Goodbye, Jack." "You jerk!" "Sorry, Mr. Wyatt, I can't find her car." "So she quit." "So what?" "How's Jack taking all this?" "Let me tell you guys something." "Jack Wyatt's like a jet fighter pilot." "Nothing rattles him." "I'm sure he's just at the gym." "Hey, okay." "Stop holding my arm." "Found him picking up pennies out of a shopping-mall water fountain." "Thank you so much, officer." "How much do I tip you for that?" " You don't tip me." " Hey, Jack." " Hey, all." " Hey, big guy." " How's it going?" " What's up, Jack?" " You all right?" " Boy." "Yeah, I'm all right." "I've never been better." "Come on." "What's the bottle of ketchup for?" " Come again?" " The..." "Oh." "Forgot to leave it at this diner in Mexico." "Don't freak out on us, Jack." " You're fired." " Classic." " Anyone have a light?" " Yo." " I do." " Right here, pal." "Everybody." "Let's just calm down." "We've only shot two episodes." "We've got 10 weeks before we air." " So we recast." "Piece of cake." " Next." "I don't know." "It'll be hard to find somebody with those scores." "It's good scores, good scores." " She's a witch." " That's more like it." "You just keep telling yourself that, man." "I'm fine, really." "I mean, last night I ate three burritos and smashed every dish in my house." "Isabel." "You can't let this guy ruin your life." "They're recasting your role." "They're recasting my role already?" " Well, you quit." " Tough town." " I mean, like, what happened?" " He said I wasn't human." "And he waved a tree branch at me." "Like:" "There must be a solution." "No, there isn't." "We're at the Coffee Bean and there is no solution." "I love you, Jack!" "Jack, I dreamt about you last night!" "Jack, remember me?" "Amber?" "Oh, my stars." "Darrin's coming home and I haven't even made dinner." "What?" "You're great." "You want anything?" " Thank you." " Thank you very much, that was..." "Thank you." "Boo!" "Trick or treat!" "You guys look great." "Happy Halloween." "Mommy!" "I'm sorry I don't have any candy." "Hi, everyone, and welcome once again to Jeopardy!" "Another exciting half-hour of answers and questions with these categories in our first round of play." "First off, "Cheese."" "Next, "Things That End In '" " Zing."'" "I have no idea where we are." "I mean, I literally could not find Vietnam on a map." "And now we're about to die here?" "I think it's next to Argentina." "Well, at least nobody shot at us yet." "Yikes!" "That's not good." ""Yikes."" "I think the lions are here, Atticus." "And there's Willy, doing his famous Willy Walk." "Sherpa!" "We've got to go." "Don't look at me like that." "It's the only solution." "Isabel, would you please join me in the dining alcove?" "Thank you." "Daddy?" "Something very odd is happening." "It's not odd, it's what you predicted." "I'm leaving." "I can't stop thinking about Iris." "You were right." "I don't belong here." "I find myself uninterested in any other woman." "Now, that's not natural." " Do you think there's a chance that..." " What?" "That she might be a witch?" "Don't be silly." "And she put a spell on me?" "Please." "Why not?" "You're a witch." "I'm a witch." "She could be a witch." "I guess she could." "What else could it be?" "Love." "Isn't there a spell that can make you stop crying?" "No, darling, there isn't." "He's idiotic, and yet I find him completely charming." "It's been like that since the beginning." "Only now, I also hate him." "Love." "Daddy, what am I gonna do?" "Go home." "Where's that?" "Wherever you've been the happiest." "Perhaps I'll go to Aruba." " Aruba?" " But then again, perhaps I won't." "I don't know if I'm loving my haircut." "Well, Conan, I can't believe you're bringing this up." "No." "No." "No, no, no." "I'm not gonna tell that story." "There's no way." "Okay, okay, if you insist." "It was last June, and I actually cast this witch as a witch and now brooms make me cry." "I can't sleep, and I don't know what's real or what's the TV show." "Hi-de-ho!" "Look what the cat dragged in." "Somebody is retaining water." "Uncle Arthur." "It's you." "Oh, no, you're gonna crack the mirror, aren't you?" "You watch too much televisión." " I know you'll do it." "You always do." " Don't be silly." "Come closer." "Do I have something in my teeth right there?" " Where?" " Look!" "That was fun!" "Where's Sammy?" "Where's my Sammy?" "She quit." "Now, leave me alone." "But she was the one." "I know, I know." "I can't stop thinking about her." " But she's a witch." " Yes, and?" " Jack, you're on!" " Oh, no, I'm on." "Go get them, tiger!" "revival of the hit series Bewitched." "You know him from such films as Last Year in Katmandu An Onion For Willy and Atticus Rex." "Please welcome our good pal, Jack Wyatt!" "Oh, my God." "It was a dream." "Thank God." "No such luck, Jackie boy." "Stay back!" "Okay, okay." "You are not real." "You're from the TV show." "You have blond highlights and had to wear a girdle on your last movie." "Who's calling who not real?" "Okay, I do not believe this." "I am not..." "You are..." " You are real." " Temporarily." "Oh, Uncle Arthur." "You're my favorite character." "I know." "What the hell's going on?" "You need help." "Your love life's a mess, buddy boy." "I know, I'm miserable." "So am I. I have been in reruns for 32 years." "I need the sizzle of prime time!" "I need to get this show back on the air." "Okay, this is very complicated and unsettling, all right?" "I don't think I understand." "Oh." "All right." "Do you want the short versión or the long versión?" "Keep in mind that the long versión is in Aramaic." "The short versión." "You got involved with a witch, and when you do that weird stuff happens." " That's it?" " Do I have to explain everything?" "Okay, here's the deal." "I'm not real." " Iris is a witch." " Iris is a witch?" "Don't dwell." "And, in my opinion that manager of yours, Richie..." " What?" "...isn't even human." " Now, where was I?" " When?" "Before you woke up." "Oh, right!" "Who wants to be with a witch?" "Crazy crap like this would always be happening!" "And your point is?" " The point is, you'd never know." " What?" "Whether you were in love with her, or whether she put a spell on you." "Like when you first spotted her in the bookstore." "Probably her idea, right?" "No, that was my idea." " Oh, that's terrible." " I know, I just love to blend." "And when you got down on your knees and you begged her to take the job." "What are you saying?" "She probably planted the words in your head." "No way, my words." "Yeah." "What about the nose?" "Hello?" "Is that even really her nose?" "Of course it's her real nose." "Look." "Is all's I'm saying is, who wants to be with a witch?" "I do." "She's going home." "And once a witch returns home, she can't come back for 100 years." "She can't leave." "I need her." "I want her." "I want Isabel." "Well, come on, let's go get her." "Here we go!" "Let's go!" "Let's go get her!" "Follow me!" "Follow me, here we go!" "Come on, here we go!" "We'd better hurry." "She's leaving right this minute." "We've gotta stop her." "Hey, wait." "You can't drive, remember?" "Remember that episode where you pulled out and almost crashed?" "Yes, well, that wasn't exactly me." "I, personally, am a great driver." "Whoopsie doodle!" "Take it easy!" "Can you slow down just a tad?" "Is it "Porsche" or is it "Porscha"?" "Who cares?" "Watch the road, please." "We've gotta get Isabel!" "Oh, all right, party pooper." "Let me drive!" " There she is!" " Where?" "Oh, no, she's flying away!" "Pedal to the metal, buddy boy!" "Watch it!" "Oh, I'm about to be killed by a fictional character." "Yes, you are." " We're here." " Here." "Where?" "Where is she?" "Our place." "She's at our place." "Thank you." "Thank you, Uncle Arthur." "Run to her, you idiot!" "Isabel." "Oh, my God, you're here." "I'm so happy you're here." " I'm leaving." " No, no, no, you can't." "You'll be gone forever if you leave." "You'll be gone 100 years without being able to come back." "That's ridiculous." "Who told you that?" "He did." "Well, what are you doing here if you're leaving?" "I was going home." "But I don't know where that is." "Home is with me." " Don't go." "Please." " But I'm..." " We'll work it out." " We can't." "Yes, we can." "I can't be normal, because I'm a witch." "I can't be a witch, because I really wanna be normal." " It's not possible." " Of course it's possible." "There's tons of other witches who've done it." "Who?" "Well, maybe not tons of other witches, but at least one." "Samantha." "Caught between two worlds, and yet completely happy." "She lived happily ever after, in fact." "Although there's no way to be sure." "She went off the air." "We'll work it out." "Don't cry, little witch." "I love you, Samantha." "Isabel." "I knew that." "I think." "I love you, Darrin." "It just occurred to me, you could have any guy in the whole world." "Oh, but I chose you." "Honestly, I think you made a mistake." "If I did, I can always get out of it." "Now we have things to do." " We have a show to do." " Yes." "And then, maybe after a while, we could get married." "There it is." "Good brakes." "Abner, come look!" "The new neighbors are moving in!" "Not now, Gladys, I'm busy." "Yes." "I'm now going to carry you across the threshold." "Don't you think the front lawn looks a little bare?" "No, I don't." "But I think it could use a little something." "It's fine the way it is, honey." "Abner!" "A tree just appeared in the front yard!" "It's perfect." "Oh, great." "I'll take it." "Wonderful." "I'm so happy." "There's one thing." "I'm gonna need some references." "I don't have any of those." "Oh, dear, that's serious." "I don't know that we can do business together if you don't have references." "Bye, now!" " Daddy." " What's going on, Isabel?" "I'm moving here." "To the Valley?" "Why on earth would you do that?" "Because it's normal." "You're normal." "You're just..." "I know." "But I'm not gonna be one anymore." "You have no choice in the matter." "It's what you are." "Orange is a great color." "Orange is happy." "Why don't we just paint it yellow?" "We can't, we're gonna paint the bathroom yellow." "Since when are we doing that?" "They're arguing about paint." "Yes, I can see that." "I wanna argue about paint." " With whom?" " With someone." "A man?" " Yes!" " Oh, Isabel." "I'm through with warlocks." "They're all like you." "Even when you and mom were married you were casting spells on other women." "Your life is total instant gratification, Daddy." " It's fantastic, isn't it?" " No." "No, it's not." "Because how do you know that anyone really loves you for yourself?" "It's like those rich men who are never sure why women sleep with them." "But women sleep with them, so it's not really a problem." "I want a man who needs me." "Needs you?" "Because he is a completely hopeless mess." "Oh, no." "You're talking about love, aren't you?" "What do you suppose it's like?" "Oh, it's simple." "You say, "I love you" to someone you want to go home with." "And then when things get messy, you say, "I don't love you anymore."" "And that's pretty much it." "I feel as if I'm pressed against a glass window." "It's right there on the other side." "I can see it, but I can't feel it." "I can't touch it." " Does your mother know about this?" " She disappeared again." "$420.56." "Money." "Money." "That was my last thing as a witch." "I wanna be like everyone else." "I wanna have friends and I wanna..." "And I wanna go to the Coffee Bean where we all discuss our problems, which are absolutely unsolvable." "You can have anything you want." "Every woman wants to be a witch." "I don't." "I wanna feel thwarted." "I want days where my hair is affected by weather." "Yeah, hi, what can I get you?" "Scrambled eggs, please." "I am through with just snapping my fingers and getting my way." "No breakfast after 11." "My absolutely last thing." "Don't do this." "You'll meet someone, you'll get this close." " And when he finds out about..." " lf he loves me, he won't care." "I'm going to get an umbrella." "Go on." "Get yourself one." "No, Daddy." "No." "I mean it." "No." "Never again." " You'll get wet." " I hope so." "I know what you're gonna say." "I'm a mess." "Get a grip, Jack." "Get a grip." "I can't help it." "Hey, how do I look?" "You look great." " I look great?" " Yeah." "I always look great." "That's a given." " And the important thing is..." " What?" "I have no idea what the important thing is." "I'm telling you, I feel like I'm about to go out of my mind." "You know, I want my life back." "Okay?" "I want my wife and my house." "I wanna be a movie star again." "I mean, what the hell happened, Richie?" "Things were going so great for a while." "Last Year in Katmandu." "It cost 140 mil to make." "Grossed 1.6." "The only DVD to sell no copies." "We probably shouldn't have shot it in black-and-white." "But now you're gonna do a televisión series and it's gonna be a hit." "So pull yourself together, man, because you look like Don Johnson." " But in a bad way." " Okay, I got it." " I'll pull myself together." " Let's go." "And don't get all nice on me." "Be mean." "I'm gonna be mean." "I'm gonna be mean." "Hit me." "There you go." "You're the Jackerator, baby." "Let's go." "Let's go." "Come on." "Yo, gentlemen." "How are you?" "Oh!" " Hey, hello." " Jack Wyatt." " Hi, I'm Jack." " Oh." "Huge fan." "Huge." " How are the kids, guys?" " Great." "Good." "Well, let's cut the chitchat." " Thank you." "I'm Jack, by the way." " Nina." " Jack wants to do the show." " That's great." " I wanna do it." " That's great." "That's terrific." "He only has one concern." "We had the same concern." "But we think everyone's forgotten about Last Year in Katmandu." "Unless they saw it." "His concern is the witch has all the fun." "You will be fun." "We're changing it from the original." "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "Don't all go crazy." "Okay?" "I mean, it is Bewitched." "I mean, Samantha should be strong." "Right?" "This should be a two-hander." "Oh, my God." "Huh?" "Hey." "What a relief." "I was worried because Larry told me you'd want to tilt the show toward you..." "Stu, Stu." "We gotta have a great ensemble is what I'm thinking." "You know?" "Endora, the next-door neighbors, all those crazy family members." "Who's gonna play Uncle Arthur?" "Huh?" "I used to love Uncle Arthur." "Well, we're looking for Uncle Arthur." " Your table's ready." " Thank you." "I don't know if you remember but when he'd appear in the mirror, it would crack." "It would always crack." "And you knew it was coming, and yet, every time it happened I laughed and I laughed and I laughed." " Can I talk to you?" " I loved it." ""Hi, Sammy."" "One second, fellas." "We'll meet you guys at the table, all right?" "Hey, I like those guys." "What?" " You're being a pussy." " What?" "You're being a pussy, pussy, pussy!" "No, I'm not!" "I want the show to be good." "You want the show to be..." "You know what?" "Jack Wyatt's doing TV now because his film career ate it!" "And he's not even the clear star of his own show." "Jack, screw Uncle Arthur." "Hell, screw ensembles, man." " I'm being a pussy." " Yes." "If this show tanks, you'll be on Hollywood Squares for 10 years." "You will also be the mayor of Pussytown." "I don't wanna be the mayor of Pussytown." "Get in there and be the sheriff of Ballsville." " All right?" " Okay." " Bring it." " Okay." "Let's go." " Stop that." " Sorry, sorry." "Sorry, guys, where were we?" "Couple of big names are available for Samantha." " To hell with that." " Yeah." "I want an unknown in the lead." "All right?" "A hot new face that's gonna look good and set me up." "Because I have worked my ass off to the bone for too long to build up the brand value of the name Jack Wyatt!" " This show has one star." " And I want three trailers." "Nobody in televisión has three trailers." "He wants them, you get them." "And I want my own makeup team in matching jumpsuits." "And a leopard!" "I want a pet leopard." "With a diamond-studded collar." "Real diamonds." " That's enough, Jack." " And a cake." "A two-story-high cake." "Every Wednesday's Cake Day." "And we're gonna bring it out and we're gonna pretend it's a surprise." "Because it's Cake Day." "We get it, Jack." "If we have a leopard, we're gonna have major insurance issues." "We're willing to give on the leopard." "It's getting hard to breathe." " Should I be writing this down?" " No." "So this should be fun." "Huh?" "Right?" "I used to have the biggest crush on Elizabeth Montgomery when I was 10." " We all did." " The nose." "I mean..." "It's not gonna be easy finding a nobody to play Samantha." "Be the sheriff." "Well, Jack Wyatt says get it done, y'all." "Hey, I'm turning on the sprinklers in my front yard." "Dimming up." "Dimming down." "Dimming up." "Dimming down." "Wow!" "I don't think you quite understand." "This is very confusing." "I put the black cable in the red plug like they said and the screen is still blue." "I'm here to give you cable." "Oh, thank you, I already have some." "Hello?" "Don't go away, please." "To heck with all this bunk!" "There." "Let's just keep this between us, Lucinda." "Is your self-esteem low because you aren't participating in the real world?" "Yes, my self-esteem is very low." "Well, let's face it, you need a job." "There's something I have to tell you, Darrin." " I'm a witch." " I'm a witch." "I am a witch." "Good." "Good." "Oh, my goodness." "God bless you." "Don't look, but Jack Wyatt is staring at you." "My heart's pounding, and I am feeling very weird tingles." "I know." "He makes me sick too." "You know him?" "Jack Wyatt?" "The actor?" "Where have you been?" " May I join you?" " Sure." " Hi, I'm Jack Wyatt." " I know." "Thank you." "Look, I've never done this before." "How would you like to be on a televisión show?" " Ms..." " Bigelow." "Bigelow?" "Isabel Bigelow." "What do you think?" "Wanna be a famous actress?" " Me?" " Yeah." " An actress?" " Yeah." "I can't act." "Anyone can act." "If I can act, you can act." "Amen." "I think those people over there just finished their plate of hummus." "You might wanna help them by clearing it." "Thank you." "So, Isabel Bigelow, do you have a job?" " No." " Are you rich?" "Because I am." "I'm extremely wealthy." "Which I'm about to prove to you by taking care of this bill for two dollars and 31 cents." " Wow." " Yeah. "Wow" is right." "I have to remember to get some money." "Yeah." "So do you wanna be rich and famous?" "I just wanna be normal." "Well, acting is better than normal." "Yeah." "You get to pretend to be normal." "And then if you're good, you become a big star and guess what happens." " What?" "You snap your fingers and pretty much anything you want materializes." "Oh, no." "No, no, no." "I have that now." "It's what I'm giving up." "Oh, it was lovely to meet you." "You seem very sweet and unkempt and troubled." "Hey!" "Hey, hey, hey." "Those are bad things to say to a person." "Oh, no, they aren't." "I think the fact that you're a hopeless mess is very refreshing." "It moves me." " Isabel Bigelow." " Yes?" "I need you." "What did you say?" " I said, I need you." " You need me?" "I need you." "You don't have to come audition." "Just come and show everyone what you look like when you do it." "Like this?" "Uncanny." " It's identical." " I told you." "You go, girl!" "We would just like you to read the script." "Start on page 13." "Should be marked there." "Read it?" "Okay..." "Out loud." "Yeah." "We want an idea of what it could sound like." ""Int., honeymoon suite, night..." "Dash, night." "Darrin and Samantha are sitting on the bed."" "Someone's not too bright." "Just..." "Just read the part that says "Samantha."" ""Darrin, I know it's our honeymoon, but there's something I have to tell you." "I'm a witch."" " I'm not a witch." " Yeah, exactly." " No, you're giving it up." " Who told you?" "You're about to." "On the next page." "It's Bewitched." "The TV show." "We're redoing it." "Oh, I wasn't allowed to watch Bewitched." "Who wasn't allowed to watch Bewitched?" " That's great, Jack." " That's great." "Well, I play a mortal." "And I'm in love with you." "And I don't care that you're a witch." "You don't care?" "No?" "Is that true?" "Yes, it is." "Yeah." "Now go ahead and read the lines." "I'll read with you." "We'll do it together." "Randall?" "Where are you?" "Yes." "Thank you." "This'll be easy." " Here?" " Yeah." "I'm a witch, Darrin." "A house-haunting, broomstick-flying, cauldron-stirring witch!" "Great." "Great." "Know what?" "Let's put the script down, let's put it away, and we'll improvise." "Jack." "That was only one line." "Not a big deal." "Go ahead, just set it down." "Randall." "I'm gonna ask you questions, just answer them as if you're a witch." " Sure." " Yeah." "Were your parents in the witch business?" "Both of them." "My mother fixed the 1986 Worid Series." " Funny." " Make a note of that." "Do you carry around poison apples, like in Snow White?" "Oh, no, you have to have a permit for a poison apple." "Permit?" "Okay, good to know." "That's good." "Oh, what's it like to date a warlock?" "Oh!" "Horrible." "They're self-centered, not very bright, and all that feel-good-in-the-moment." "Not at all like you." "What's so funny?" "Nothing, J-Bone." "What's your favorite spell?" "Oh, no, I don't like to talk about that because I'm quitting and..." "No, talking about it just makes it harder, so..." "Are you sure you never saw Bewitched?" "She's incredibly dialed-in." " Can I ask a question?" " Sure." "How much longer do we have to do this for?" "Oh, this?" "We're almost done with this." "I mean, if you do the show, we'll be together forever." " You and I?" " Would you please do the show?" " What?" "This show?" " This show." " The Bewitched show?" " Absolutely." "We'll work together." "We'll be partners." "Be my TV wife." " This is very complicated." " Marry me." "Say yes." "What are you doing, Isabel?" "Easy answer." " Yes." " Yes!" "Great." "Thank you." "Okay." "Let's make the deal." "Right?" "Once upon a time, there was a typical American girl who happened to bump into a typical red-blooded American boy." "And she bumped into him, and bumped into him." "So they decided they'd better sit down and talk this over before they had an accident." "They became good friends." " Hi!" " Hello?" "They brought this while you were out." "I said I'd bring it over." "I'm your neighbor, Maria Kelly." " Come in!" " Thank you." "What is all this stuff?" "I just got the most amazing job." "I'm gonna be Samantha on Bewitched." "They're redoing it." "Are you an actress?" "I guess I am." "I love that show." "Is that the one about the genie?" " No." " This is so exciting!" "Oh!" "There you are." "Come here." "This is you!" "Oh, I love this show." "You know it?" "Watched it every night." "Love the song." "Perfect." "There you are!" "You're great!" "Look at the nose!" "I hope you can do that." "That's how I got the job." "Wriggling my nose." " Really?" " It's easy." "Who's gonna play your husband?" " Jack Wyatt." " Oh, my God." "He believes in me." "He wants to be partners with me." "Listen to this:" ""Looking forward to working with you, Isabel." "As dictated to Jack's assistant, Randall."" "Isn't that amazing?" "He's single." "It's in all the tabloids." "His wife dumped him." " Is that true?" " Yes!" "Oh, my gosh." "I don't know why we're doing this, but it's fun." "I know!" "Although, you shouldn't get involved with someone you're working with." "It can destroy your references." "I'm a career counselor and..." "Well, that's the only reason I took the job." "He is the cutest mess you have ever seen." "He is hopeless." "Oh, gosh, he's beyond mortal." "My father would never approve." "Oh." "Well." "I won't?" "Daddy." "Hi." "What are you doing here?" "Hello, Isabel." "Love the hat." "And who is this?" "This is my father." "This is Maria Kelly." "How witchy was that?" "We talk about your father and he turns up." "Maria is my neighbor." "Nigel Bigelow." "Enchanté." "Okay." "And what won't I approve of?" "A man Isabel thinks is cute." "I'm completely against it." "I'm gonna be an actress in a televisión series." "She's gonna play Samantha on Bewitched." "Bewitched?" "That's an insult to our way of life." "Your dad is a hoot." "I'm gonna take one of these, because you got a lot." "Oh, sure." "Anyway, if anyone's robbing my house, let me know." "I'll do the same for you." "Oh!" "And if you get a date that has a friend make sure he's not secretly married before you call me." " Bye, Nigel." " Bye, Maria." "Bye, Maria." "Why can't you be happy for me?" "In less than a week I have become a rich and famous actress living in a house I don't even have to pay rent for just like every other person in the world." "Why wouldn't I be happy?" "You've turned your back on your own kind and now you live down the street from a Denny's." "Don't make fun of my life." "I could make fun of your life." "So, what about this man?" "No, I am not telling you anything anymore, you're too negative." "One morning, I shot a lion in my pajamas." "What he was doing in my pajamas, I'll never know." "Uncle Arthur." "Classic." "Your brand of low comedy always did appeal to adolescent mentality." "I won't do it." "Speaking of traveling, remember that time..." "Maybe I will." "Maybe I will." " sent over from Europe." "It's simply gorgeous." "It reminds me of the one in California." "Lucinda, you really should be watching this." "I'm only trying to say that you broke your promise." "You gave me your word, no more..." "Stuff." "It's a little harder to break the habit than I thought." "Well, you can do it." "I've got a lot of faith in you." "Thank you, darling." "Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the star of the new Bewitched:" "Jack Wyatt!" "I didn't expect you guys to be here." "Okay, as you know, we're here for Bewitched." "But it's not the same Bewitched that you remember." "It's being retooled." "But there is going to be a Samantha?" "Of course." "Isabel, can you come out here?" "Be brave." "You look beautiful." "Ladies and gentlemen of the press I'd like you to meet the talented and delightful Ms. Isabel Bigelow." "Say hello to the people, Isabel." "Hello." "No, no, into the microphone." "Here." "Here." " Hello." " That's enough." "Now do that thing that you do." "Isn't that great?" "That was great." "Great." "Just stand there." "And guess who's playing Endora." "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the great, the legendary Miss Iris Smythson, as my mother-in-law." "That's right." "Iris Smythson." "Iris?" " Iris?" " All right, what's going on?" "Iris Smythson." "And of course she hates me." "Don't you?" "Anything you say, Jerry." "Jack." "See what I mean?" "That's a joke, right?" "Endora used to refer to Darrin as Derwood." "No, I just forgot your name." "But the news here isn't Iris Smythson or Jack Wyatt, who's trying the small screen after the twin disasters of his last movie and a messy split from his wife, Sheila who's already found someone new after a marriage that lasted only 19 months." "Didn't she leave him for a snowboarder/underwear model?" "He's a moronlidiot." " That's right." " Aren't they living together?" "Yes, in my house!" "My house that I bought before I even met her." "And she won't move or sign the divorce papers." "The big news is the surprise casting of an unknown as Samantha." "Her name is Isabel Bigelow and she's quite the charmer, isn't she?" " That's magic." " So, what's Jack Wyatt thinking?" ""My career has tanked, so I'll fix it by playing Darrin"?" "Yeah." "Because that's crazy." "Who's running his life?" "Plus, he did not look well." "Not look well?" "I look fine." "I'm extremely healthy." "Richie." "Richie." "What am I gonna do with you?" "Boy." "This is Richie." "Richie." "Why'd you talk me into doing this show?" "Huh?" "What was I thinking?" "What were you thinking?" "We were both thinking the same thing, Jack Attack." "Cast a nobody." "You're completely safe." "Richie, can't you come over here?" "I could use a little support on this one." "Jack, I can't because I'm about to step into a meeting with the head of NBC." "I'll be right there!" "One second." "Look, I don't know if you know this, but I'm Darrin, okay?" "They replaced Darrin on the original Bewitched and no one noticed!" "Nobody is going to replace you." "I'm Darrin!" "How did this happen?" "!" "Hold the work!" "Once upon a time, there was a typical red-blooded American boy who happened to bump into a typical American girl." "And, cut!" " Jack, Jack." " How was I?" "How was I?" " You were wonderful, man." " So good." " Don't lie to me." " No." "My ribs hurt." "It's what I get paid to do." "Jack?" "Uno más?" "From the top?" "One more?" "Did you see what happened?" "Good stuff." "Moving on!" "You know it, dude." "Nice one." "Here we go." "Off to a good start, huh?" "And after a while, he did what any red-blooded American boy would do." "Samantha, will you marry me?" "Cut!" "Great!" "Beautiful." "That was good." "That was good." " Action." " You're a witch?" "And you waited until our wedding night to tell me?" "I don't believe this!" "Oh, golly!" "Samantha." "Cut!" "Cut!" "Joey, for God's sake." "Are you trying to kill everyone?" "Because we can't breathe." "And what's going on with the lightning?" "You can't nod to the audience in the show." "It just breaks the reality." "What?" "You can't nod to them." "You can't do..." "Go sit in your chair." "Back to your chair." "All right, but..." "Take two up." "Rolling!" "You're a witch?" "And you waited until our wedding night to tell me?" "I can't believe this." "What's going on?" "Samantha." "Why is she waving?" "Who are you?" "I am Samantha's mother, Endora." "A mortal?" "You married a mortal?" "Oh, my poor, poor baby." "This is just horrifying." "I think I need a drink." "Freeze!" "Unfreeze!" "What a shame you didn't drink it." "If you had, perhaps you could've spent your wedding night as a bullfrog." "Don't worry, Samantha." "I won't do it." "Witch's honor." "My darling, we are quicksilver." "We're a fleeting shadow." "We're a distant sound." " That's your mother?" " We live on the wind in the sparkle of a star." "And you want to trade all that for an acre of crabgrass?" "Did she just call me an acre of crabgrass?" "Deal with it, Derwood." "Thank you." "Thank you." "Thank you!" "I want a piece of the show." "Why?" "Because I put this thing together, that's why." "Because Jack Wyatt doesn't parallel park without checking with me." "Let me call you back." "J-Bone!" "You're crushing it, baby." "Absolutely crushing it." " I think we got something." " It's exciting." " How's Isabel doing?" " She's perfect." "She looks hot and she lets you score like a madman." "I know." "She's great." "I can't believe you found her." "You think she's gonna notice?" "What?" "That she doesn't have a part?" "Not a chance." "She's clueless." "Plus, I think she's got a little thing for you." "It's freaking pathetic." " You think so?" " Yes." "Man, that would be..." "Such a nightmare." "I know." "Can you imagine?" "Although, she does have kind of a cute little back end on her." "I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating a box of crackers." "Isabel?" " Did she hear us?" " Not a chance." "A couple of changes to the script." "It was running a little long, so we cut your lines." "Think of it this way, it's less to memorize." "Sorry." "Lunch!" "Isabel!" "I feel like a fool." "A big, stupid, sad fool, and yet I'm angry as well." "What's going on?" "Let's set fire to his trailer." "Let's just do it." "Isabel, this is awesome!" "You're on TV." "He lied to me." "He tricked me." "He said he needed me." "When all he needed was someone to stand next to him while he says his stupid clever lines." " Hi, I'm Maria." " Nina." "He seemed so messy and sincere." "But really, he's just a big fake." "We could electrocute him." "There's tons of wires around here." "I wanna cry, I wanna break things." "I wanna hurt him." "Yet there's a part of me that still has a small amount of feeling for him." "How can this be?" "When my first husband left me, I wanted to cut the brakes in his car but instead we ended up having sex on the elliptical machine." "He doesn't understand who he's dealing with." "He has no idea." "Look, you have three options:" "You put up with it quit or get mad." "What would Samantha do?" "She chose mad, right?" "Okay, everybody, settle down." "Okay, working very quietly, like little mice." "I don't want to see or hear what you're doing." "I don't want to see or hear what you're doing." "Okay, so, Isabel, just to refresh your memory, Darrin's ex-girlfriend..." "I read the script." "Okay." "Well, let's just go over it one more time." "Oh, and we rehearsed it a lot." "Well, I'm aware of that." "Darrin's ex-girlfriend has invited you both over for dinner." "And Darrin forced you to come with him..." "He tricked me." "Because he is a self-centered has-been." "No, no, baby, that's not it." "No." "Because he wants his dog back, and then Darrin says his line:" " "It's my dog." " It's my dog." " I want him back."" " I want him back." "It always kills me, Jack." "You ready to go?" "Let's do it." "Let's do it." "Saddle up." "Rolling!" "Action!" "It's my dog." "My dog!" "And I will die if I do not have him back." "Do you understand?" "!" "I will die if I do not have him back!" "Cut." "Well, that was a bit much, Jack." "You wanna take it down a notch?" "Or five?" "You know what?" "Just keep it going." "Let me just go." "I'll get it this time." "Rolling!" "Action!" "Where art thou, dog?" "Thy canine lover." "What's happening?" "Where is your hot breath upon the nape of my neck?" "We shall form a bond of brotherhood:" "Man and beast." "You shall lick my face and I shall lick your snout." "Cut." "Jack." "Guys, I'm not doing this on purpose, I swear to you." "Okay." "All right." "Rolling." "Oh, my God." "Where's my dog?" "Totally." "I have a totally great dog." "Jack." "Jack." "What are you doing?" "This is where the dog has to decide between Darrin's ex and Darrin." "Samantha wiggles her nose and the dog chooses Darrin." "Rolling!" "I know how we can solve this, Darrin." "We'll let Satchel decide." "That's a great idea." " Come to Daddy, Satchel." " Look!" "Good boy." " Come to Mommy." " Good boy." " Satchel..." " Okay, Isabel, wiggle your nose." "Satchel." "Satchel." "Come to Mommy." " Satchel." "Satchel." " Come on." "Come on." "Up!" " Right here." "Come to Daddy." " Come to Mommy, Satchel." "I got it, Jack." "I got it." "Don't you dare go to Daddy." "Come to Mommy!" " No, no, no." "You love Daddy." " Come on, Satchel." " Come on." " Come on." "Satchel, come to Mommy." " He's coming." "He's coming." " He's just sitting there." "Come on!" "Come on, boy!" "To Mommy, Satchel." " Cut!" " Jim, what's going on here?" "Joey!" "If the dog runs to you again, try this." "Come to Daddy, Satchel." "Satchel, come to Mommy." "Come on!" "Come on, Satchel." " Come on, boy, please?" " To Mommy." "Good girl." "Please, boy, come on!" "Jump, boy!" "Jump!" "Thank God you didn't have a Great Dane." "Damn it!" "Cut!" "Darling, that was marvelous." "But..." "Watch out for that." "Please don't say anything." "Calm down, you're not alone." " I'm not?" " No." " Are there others?" " There are many others." "Many actors, they develop tricks twitches, really." "You don't want to become mannered." " Oh, no, I don't." " No." "Thank you, Iris." "Hello." "Daddy, what...?" "If it isn't my spell-casting magical daughter who gave up witchcraft." "You've had quite a day today, haven't you?" "I was provoked." "I fell off the wagon." "It was a one-time thing." "So you're not in love with him anymore?" "I have never disliked a man more in my entire life which proves that I am completely over him." "Not necessarily." "In fact..." "Besides, it was just a crush, which is an intense but superficial attraction that can easily be mistaken for something deeper." "Now go away." "I have a crush on Endora." "What?" "!" "Daddy, where are you?" "I said, I have a crush on Endora." " Daddy!" "No." " So lovely." "Her name is not Endora." "It's Iris." "Iris." "A spring flower." "You can't." "Now that I turned out to be so wrong about him, my job is all that I've got." " Please don't mess it up." " How could I do that?" "You'll sleep with her, cheat on her she'll go crazy and she'll take it out on me." "I don't want you to get involved with Iris." "I mean it." "You can't stop being a witch." "I can too." "You'll see." " Cannot." " Can too." " Just accept it." " Never." "Tell me about Bewitched." "Some have said it's a crass attempt by the network to market nostalgia rather than take a risk on new ideas." "This isn't the old Bewitched." "It's been refocused." "Let's just say the only thing I won't be doing is this:" "So you leave the nose-wiggling to the witch." "But you do it so well." "Well, I don't know about that." "I did coach her, though." "Can we get a close-up on the nose?" "I'd rather not." "Which camera?" "Here?" "Okay." "Shall we discuss dare we discuss, Last Year in Katmandu?" "Hi, Nina." "Yes!" "Yes, I am watching him." "What's a dick?" "No one ever sets out to make a bad movie." "What does that have to do with how obnoxious he is being?" "Some movies are career-enders." "Right." "Right, we need a plan." "What went wrong?" "You know, I hate to point fingers but I'm gonna blame the wardrobe department." "The wardrobe department?" "I think it got in the way." "Maybe I should quit." "Honey, you can't quit." "Why not?" "Isn't that what people do?" "He has to quit, not you." "Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen." "We have to make him quit." "If we get naked pictures of him and pictures of farm animals I could just Photoshop them." "That's an excellent idea." "No, no, no." "Wait." "Calm down." "Calm down." "No, no, no, this not what I wanted." "I wanted something normal." "What should I do?" "Oh, my." "What a mess." "Your Aunt Clara used to be able to make a clean landing." "Aunt Clara?" "Oh, Aunt Clara." "Oh, thank goodness you're here." "I am in the middle of a total, total crisis at work." "I'm quitting." "You mustn't quit." "The show must go on." "Isabel, are you all right?" "Oh, my friends..." "I have friends..." "They don't know we're witches." "Mum's the word." "You know, there was an Aunt Clara on the original Bewitched." "What a coincidence!" "She was a witch." "So am I." "She was always screwing up." " Really?" " I have made up my mind." "I am quitting tomorrow and I'll do something else, like sailing or polishing fruit." "It's too bad you're not a witch, you could put a hex on Jack." "Oh, I can." "I certainly can." "Who is Jack?" "The reason I'm quitting." "Well, why not put a hex on him." "Because I'm giving it up." " Just a little one." " Aunt Clara." "Just to get him to behave." "I'll do it." "And then I can keep my job." "Which would help my self-esteem." "You know, there's only one problem with a hex." "There's no such thing as magic." "So what's your idea, Little Miss Doubtful?" " Well, I have a Taser." " Nina." "I think we should Taser him and throw him into the shark tank at seaworld." "No." "You think we should do a hex." "I think we should do a hex." "Pinch of jasmine." "Wolfbane." "Grapefruit pith." "Grapefruit pith." "I feel so alive." "I feel like one of those people I'd make fun of." "I feel like I believe in unicorns." "Did I put in the wolfbane?" "I can't remember." " Aunt Clara." " Thank you, darling." "Thank you." "Oh, well." "Isabel." "Isabel, bo-bel" "Bonana-fana fo-fel" "Fee-fy-fo-fel" "Isabel" ""The Name Game"!" " Oh, boy." " Good morning." "Randall, take that stupid sign off that machine." "Free cappuccinos for everyone." " How we doing?" "Anyone seen Isabel?" " No, why?" "Because I miss her." " Listen, Jack." " Yes?" "We got the test scores from the pilot..." "How did Isabel do?" "Ninety-nine percent in the top box!" "Why didn't you tell me?" "This is great news." "Of course she got a 99 percent." "Because she's dynamite." "Absolute dynamite." "High-fives all the way around." "But, Jack, there is a problem." "Your scores..." "Thirty-two percent." "That's better than zero, huh?" "You know what?" "That's constructive criticism." "The dog scored higher than me." "He's a cute dog." "What do the comment cards say?" "Oh, they don't really..." ""Jack Wyatt is a real tool."" "But a good tool." "Like a Jacksaw!" "You know what?" "Who cares?" "This just means we got hard work to do, okay?" "Hey, I never said I was perfect." "The important thing is Isabel." " Isabel." " Yeah, no question." " Agreed?" " Totally on board." "Good morning, everyone." "There she is!" "Is it just my imagination, or is the room actually brighter with her here?" "Look at this bundle of miraculous talent." "Forget 99, I give her 100!" "100!" "Rehearsing!" ""Interior, apartment, day." "Samantha and Darrin are sitting in their overcrowded apartment."" "Darrin, I think we should buy a house and I found one that I love." "You nailed that!" "I'm about to have a heart attack." "Isn't she great?" "And now I kiss her, because she's in love with our new house." "Oh, you can't kiss me." "I'm not in this scene." " You're not in the scene?" " No." "No, no, no." "She isn't in the scene?" "This isn't happening!" "What?" "!" "She has to be in every scene!" "Okay?" "Rewrite!" "Go!" "Rewrite." "Everyone, Isabel needs a joke." "I would love a joke." "One joke, coming up." "Oh, and then I kiss her because she's so funny." "And a job." "She needs a job." "Yes!" "Yes!" "Make this woman the CEO of a multinational corporation." " Good idea, Jack." " No." "Great idea." "And then I kiss her because she's so powerful." "It's too much, what happened?" "Aunt Clara." "Aunt Clara?" "Please pick up the phone, something terrible is happening." "Something terrible is happening." "I know, I know." "It wasn't supposed to, and..." "You should never, ever get involved with an actor." "I'm not involved with him, I don't think." " Witch's honor?" " What?" "I'm just being Endora." "Isabel, actors look normal, sometimes better than normal." "But deep down, there is no deep down." "I thought you were safe." "He loathed you." "What on earth happened?" "A little witchcraft, I suspect." "Even though we weren't going to do it, were we, darling?" "I'm Nigel Bigelow, I'm Isabel's father." "How do you do?" "Daddy, we talked about this, remember?" " I'm..." " I know who you are." "I've seen everything you've ever done." "Lysistrata in Florence, Blithe Spirit in New York." " Daddy!" " But your Endora is a marvel." "It comes so easily, really." "Oh, yes, because I am a witch." " Oh, really?" " Oh, yes." "I put out all the lights in Leicester Square just by walking past." "Oh, tell me more." "Tell me everything." " Oh, please come in." " Charmed." "This is just..." "What...?" "Isabel!" "Hey!" "Isabel!" "Isabel!" "Hi!" "Listen, maybe we could go to dinner tonight." "God, I'm so nervous." " I don't think so, I have to get home." " We won't make it a date." "I'll just happen to stop by and ask if you're hungry." " No." " Yes!" "That's a yes!" " No!" " I'll be by at great." "I mean, I'll be by at 8." "Stop by if you need anything." "I'm right here." "Okay." "Aunt Clara!" "Undo it!" "Undo it!" "You overdid it!" "Undo it!" " Oh, dear." " Aunt Clara!" "I'm not too sure how to undo it." "Undoing it's not the same as doing it." "He wants to have dinner." "This isn't what I wanted." "Lorna Doone?" "No!" "Darling, I'm sure you can undo the hex if you really want to." "I'm expected in Japan." "That certainly didn't work, did it?" "Aunt Clara?" "Aunt Clara, come back here right now." "He's gonna be here any minute." "Aunt Clara!" "But that doesn't matter, because I'm not going out with him." "No, no, I'm not." "I'm not!" "Oh, I'd better..." "Oh, who cares what I look like." "I'm just gonna undo the hex." "I'm not even gonna bother dressing up." "I'm just gonna open the door, undo it and slam the door in his face!" "Hey." "I just happened to be in the neighborhood with these roses and a Cat Stevens CD and this bracelet and I thought I'd stop by." " You're sweating." " Like a pig." "Oh, how divine." "You look stunning." "No!" "Ravishing." "You look "stunnishing."" "Is this your purse?" "You're not too cold, are you?" " No." " You're not too warm?" "Okay." " Are we going somewhere?" " Dinner." "Here." "Here you go." "I wanna know everything." "You talk, okay?" "I'm just gonna listen." "Shed your radiance and I'll just soak it up like a plant." "Start in kindergarten." "I didn't go to kindergarten." "I was homeschooled." "You were homeschooled?" "So was I." "How amazing." "That's freaky." "I'm getting chills." "Yeah, that is kind of amazing." "My parents were hippies." "Were yours?" " No." " That's so weird!" "My parents were hippies, and yours weren't." "What are the odds?" "But we did have incense and candles." " So did we." " You did?" "To this day, incense makes me puke." "Yes, me too!" " Amazing!" " Wow." "I brought duck." "I love duck." "So do I. How amazing is that?" "Well, most people love duck." "You know what?" "No, they don't." "Wait." "I wrote you a song." "No one's ever written me a song." "Well, I did." "Hey, pretty lady" "Come back here with my heart" "Hey, pretty lady" "Are you a dream made real?" "My soul, you have healed" "Make me a better man" "I wanna set up residence" "In your promised land" "Okay, and this is the power ballad guitar solo." "Promised land!" "Now you sing the chorus." "Promised land" "Drum solo." "Promised land!" "Leg kick." "Okay, I'm gonna break the guitar." "Promised land!" "Promised land!" "We're about to kiss, aren't we?" "I thought so, but thanks for ruining the moment, Miss Narrator." "Oh, my ruby jewel." " What?" " My chocolate-covered strawberry." "I wanna bask in our love like a house cat lying in the sun." "Jack, Jack, Jack." "Stop." "Stop." "I forgot." "Oh, I let myself forget." "It was so nice, I couldn't help myself, and..." "Oh, Jack!" "This is sad." "This is..." "No." "Let's make love in a hot-air balloon." "Let's make love in a candy factory." "Let's make love in a petting zoo." "I have to undo this, I do." "Let's make love at seaworld, on the back of a killer whale." "Because it doesn't mean anything unless it's real." "What witches wish No mortal needs" "Let time repent And unsow its seeds" "And now, I speak the ancient word of redemption and regret:" "Rewind." "So you leave the nose-wiggling to the witch." " But you do it so well." " I did coach her, though." "Can we get a close-up on the nose?" "I'd rather not." "Which camera?" "Hello, Nina." "I just knew it was you, that's all." "Yes, he is." "He is a giant male reproductive organ." "We don't need a plan, I already know what I'm gonna do." "I'm gonna speak to him about his behavior." "I'm gonna talk to him sensibly and directly, and I know he will change." "You'll see." "Bye." "Butt out, Samantha, I know what I'm doing." "I mean it." "Jack, Jack, bo-back" "Bonana-fana fo-fack" "Fee-fi-bo-back" "Jack" "Guys, make me 20 cappuccinos." "Bring me the best one." "Hey, J-Bone." "Hey, buddy." "The test scores are in." "How'd I do?" "Ninety?" "Hundred?" "One-twenty." " One-forty!" " Good ballpark." "What did it say?" "I got it." "I got it right here." "Thirty-two." "I got a 32?" "Is that for real?" "The dog scored higher than I did." "Well, it's not you, Jack, it's Darrin." ""That Jack Wyatt is a real tool." "We hate him." "We mean the actor, not the character."" "Get a grip." "Hug me." "Come here." "I'm gonna be doing dinner theater in Boca Raton." "They hate the show, the whole show." "They hate everyone on it." " Yeah, everybody." " They did." "Yep." "Isabel must've gotten savaged." "She got a 99?" "!" "Ninety-nine?" "Is this for real?" "Is that a joke?" "She didn't say anything!" "How is it that someone who doesn't say anything scores higher than someone who had all the lines?" "Oh, my..." "Did anyone anticipate this as a possibility?" "Hindsight's 20l20." " Good morning, everyone." " And they think I'm a tool?" "!" "I haven't been called a tool since I was 15!" "Thank you, guys!" "Thank you!" "You know what?" "No one ever liked Darrin!" "No one!" "Why did we ever think that was gonna change?" "I have something to say." "This is unbelievable!" "A 32?" "That's for real?" "A three in front of a two?" "Oh, my God!" "Wait, I have something to say." "A 32 and she got 99?" "!" "Were they high?" "!" "Were the people in the test group high?" "Did we drug test them?" "Were they just sitting in the studio, smoking crack, saying:" ""Let's give her a 99 and him a 32." "By the way, I'm high on crack"?" "!" "I have something to say!" "What?" "!" "You're a jerk." "What did you just say?" "I said, you're a jerk!" "Everything is about you." "You are selfish." "And you are self-centered." "And you lied to me, you said you needed me." "You don't need anyone!" "Listen, sweetie, why don't you go to your trailer and take a Midol?" "Hey!" "You be quiet, or I'll give you a tail!" " Just calm down." " You sit down!" "Sit down!" "This show is supposed to be about a marriage." "A real marriage, with real problems, like what color to paint the kitchen or, I don't know, other problems, I can't even think of them now." "But the only problems you care about are your own!" "No wonder the audience doesn't like this show!" "A witch marries a mortal." "Who in their right mind would want to marry you?" " Hey!" " Excuse me." "That's it." "You're fired." "Doesn't matter." "I quit!" "Yeah!" "So you better call my agent." "You don't have an agent." "Then call my cable man!" "Sorry." "So..." "You all right?" "No one's talked to me like that in 20 years." "Once a week a woman talks to me like that." "She just stripped me bare and stuck the knife in." "Let's go to The Peninsula and get some oysters." "You know what I think?" " Hey." "The woman needs a part." " I'm sorry?" "I mean, if you got Sammy Sosa, you don't bench him." "If you got Gorbachev in the ballet, you let him dance the big number." "I don't think Gorbachev was a dancer." "Yes, he was, Richie, he absolutely was." "Look it up." "Isabel!" "Hey!" "Hey, Isabel!" "Wait, wait, wait, don't go!" "Isabel!" "Please don't go." "Please don't go." "That was incredible." " What?" " Just now." "That." "I mean, you yelled at me." "You were up-front, and honest and you called me out on all my crap." "It was just great." "Oh, God, I'm hyperventilating." "I've never done anything like this." "It was very hard, but secretly quite thrilling." "Even my ex-wife, she never yelled." "She just locked me out." "In my family, we usually just disappear." "No, no, don't disappear, Isabel." "One more show." "One more show." " I don't think so." " No, one more taping." "Please?" "It's just that I'm feeling that..." "I'm feeling like maybe..." " I'm sorry." " What'd you say?" "I'm sorry for how I've been." "I'm sorry." "You're sweating again." "I know, just..." "I just..." "Look, one more." "I love it when you sweat." "One more!" "Just one more." "And the second I'm being a jerk, you can yell, "Hey!" "He's being a jerk!"" "And we'll shut the whole thing down, I promise." "We'll burn down the sets and sell the costumes, and give the money to little children." "I mean, that's one possible scenario." "You want me to say "He's being a jerk"?" "Yeah." "Or you can yell, I mean..." "He's being a jerk!" "He's being a jerk!" "Yes." "I can't just walk back in there now." "Once you show up on a golf cart, believe me, all is forgiven." "I've done it a lot of times." "But I was fired." "Oh, no." "That's right, I quit." "Yeah." "Here, let me carry your plant." "Honey, your mother's here." "Are you two getting along?" "Not exactly." " Like this?" " You're doing great." "Really, really great." "One more time." "So it says here that marriage can lead to a loss of passión." "It's true." "I feel empty and bored already." " Oh, great." "It's you." " Mother!" "I see you two are actually getting along?" "Endora, you rancid fruit bag, get out of my room." " Darrin!" " And my daughter is happy?" "That is the cruelest twist of all." "I am happy, Darrin." "Real, honest, no-spells happy." "And cut!" "Actors, cut." "Really, cut now." "You were great today." "Just absolutely amazing." "You were great today." "Just absolutely amazing." "I don't think I've ever had so much fun." "Acting is fun." "That is a profoundly true thing." "Would you like a water chestnut?" "I'd love a water chestnut." "I'm gonna teach you everything I know starting with the eye thing." "The famous crazy-eye thing of mine." "Okay?" "This almost won me a Golden Globe." "Almost." " Is that it?" " That's good." "Oh, that's even better." "This is the "I just realized things are worse than they seem" thing." "Also known as "the Yikes Take."" "Yikes!" "Wow." "Yikes!" " That was terrible." " It's okay." " No, I was terrible." " I don't think mine was good, either." "That's it." "I'm out of tricks." " What about the funny walk you do?" " The funny walk?" " You don't wanna see the walk." " I do." "Funny walk is embarrassing." "I'd like to see it." "Yeah?" "Okay." "Let's go to our place." "Magic hour." " Is that it?" " That's great." "It's much harder than it looks." "Five, six, seven, eight." " Move back!" " Hey!" "Something magical happened all by itself." "Table read in 10 minutes!" "Okay, close it up!" " Good morning, everyone." " Morning, Jack." "Look, Jack, I just need to talk to you about a couple of these things." "Number one, we're thinking about moving the whole kitchen scene." "Just..." "It's such..." "It's a funny scene." "It's really funny." "We'd like to get it in a little earlier." "So probably what we're gonna do is switch it with the office." "But we're gonna drop that to a little later on in the show." "Dude." "Dudes, are you watching Jack throw the vibe to Isabel right now?" "How are you?" "I'm great." "That's for you." "Thank you." " Call me." " That's fantastic." "Stop." "Fine." "Yeah." "I mean, I can find something for him." "I'll put him in a little part with maybe no lines or anything like that." "What is going on between you and Jack?" "Nothing is going on." "We had a date and we kissed and now we just wanna spend all of our time together." "That is the very definition of something going on." "And you know what?" "I didn't use any tricks." "I am trick-free." "Oh, my God, it's her." " Who?" " Jack's wife." "I saw a picture of her in InStyle when she was the fashion "don't."" "Excuse me." "I'm looking for Jack." "You must be Samantha." "You look just like the old one." "Thank you so much." "Oh, excuse me." "Love the nose." "Good work." "There he is." "There's my guy." "I've missed him so much." "Let's just say the "Do Not Disturb" sign will be on the doorknob tonight." " Oh, my God!" " Oh, God!" "Help me lift it." "Help me lift it." "Slowly, slowly, slowly." "That was a little harsh." "I've missed him so much." "Let's just say the "Do Not Disturb" sign will be on the doorknob tonight." " Sheila." " Hi, baby." "What are you doing here?" "You want my car?" "My grandmother's brooch." "Oh!" "You want more money." "Ding-ding-ding!" "Correct answer." "No." " I want you back." " What about Captain Underpants?" "I'm through with him." "I love you, Jack." "Oh, wait, wait, I get it." "You heard that the show's getting picked up." "I heard it's gonna be a hit." "But so what?" "I want you." "I want my husband." "You know, a week ago I would've fallen for that." "But now there's someone else." "Someone who's incapable of guile." "What's guile?" "I'm not gonna do it." "I think it means tricks." " I love you, baby." " No, I'm not." "Maybe I will." " What the heck is going on?" "!" " Joey." "This place is spooked." "I quit." "Joey." "Joey, come back here." "Get me a mirror!" "Jack!" " Jack!" " Are you okay?" "Am I okay?" "!" "And one more time." "I'm fine." "And I'm signing the divorce papers right now." "You are?" "Maybe two." "And I'm moving out of the house this afternoon." "Where are you going?" "Reykjavík." " Where is it?" " Iceland." "I love ice." "Goodbye, everyone!" "I'm off to Reykjavík!" "Oh, my God." "Everyone, did you just see that?" "She's gonna sign the papers!" "This is incredible." " Isabel." " Party at my house!" " Isabel." " Party at my house!" "You're out of control." "Every time I think I have things nailed down, I just lose it." "Oh, don't be so hard on yourself." "It's gonna be okay." "Oh, whoa." "Who is that?" "No, Maria." "No." "Too late." "Second of all, like..." "Everyone, can I have your attention, please?" "I just wanna say a few words." "Randall, can we deal with this?" "Thank you." "Where do I start?" "What a night." "Is everyone having fun?" "Yeah?" "Great." "I'm so grateful for so many things tonight." "The show, all of you amazing and talented people and especially Isabel." "To a woman who'd never trick me into thinking she was something she wasn't." "From now on, everyone tells the truth." "Okay?" "Except if I don't look good, say I do anyway." "Isabel, you are a beautiful person." "And that's the truth." " Cheers." " Cheers!" "Have a great time." "Cheers." "Don't break anything, okay?" " We won't, Jack." " Thank you." "I hope that touching speech hasn't made you think that you should tell the truth." " I'm going to." " Oh, don't be silly." "And he's gonna accept me." "He's got to." "You can't live with a secret like that." "Of course you can." "For thousands of years." "Don't do it." "Big mistake." "Won't work." "Well, hello there." "Now, don't tell me..." "Coconut shrimps." "Oh, yes." "Would you like one?" "Yes." "Thank you." "Do you know, you're quite fetching." "And I'm Nigel Bigelow." "Yes." "I will sleep with you because I have a thing for father figures." "Well, that's great, then." "But in the morning, I will not get 90 percent of your jokes and I'll go on and on about opening an aerobics center in Agoura." "Are you looking for me?" "Missing you, actually." " How strange." " Not really." "I'm just gonna say it like it's a completely matter-of-fact thing." " Guess what." " What?" "I'm a witch." " Guess what." " What?" "I'm a Clippers fan." "Yeah, it's not like it's a big deal." "I'm not a bad witch, and we're getting it out there and telling the truth, right?" "Right." "And I'm not just a fan." "I made the mistake of buying courtside seats." "No, no, no, really." "Jack." "Jack, I am." "I, Isabel Bigelow, I'm a witch." "Okay, great." "So you're a witch." "Come on, let's make out in the hall closet." " Jack." " Okay, okay, I'll play along." "Like it's an improv." "Prove it." "So I just said, "Listen, you guys, I believe Cher has another hit in her."" " Really?" " Yeah." "Wow, fantastic trick." "Not a trick." "Whoa!" "How'd you do that?" "To the most powerful witch ever." "Can you make an umbrella appear in this drink?" " I can." " Really?" "That's amazing." "I had no idea you were an amateur magician." "Hey." "Wait." "Hey, hey, hey." "Hey, I'm talking to you." "Hey, Isabel." "I'm..." "Jack, listen to me, I was born a witch, my parents are witches, I'm a witch." " A real witch." " That's right, Isabel." " You go, girl." " Isabel, you tell him." "That is cool." "That's great." "You are very frustrating." "Do you have some Daniel Day-Lewis thing happening here?" "How's it going?" "I'm leaving." "Thank you." "Hey there." "I have hepatitis C." "Isabel?" "Isabel." "Isabel, what's going on?" "Come back to the party." "What are you...?" "Where are you going?" "What...?" "Wow." "That's really cool." "Did Props make that?" " I keep trying to tell you..." " Can I get your car, miss?" "She doesn't need her car, she has her broomstick." " You think I'm nuts, don't you?" " Of course not." "I know plenty of women who carry around collapsible broomsticks." " I'll get the car." " It won't be there, I sent it home." "This looks so real." "I can't even see the buttons." "It is real." "Flies too." "Oh, I'd love to see that." " Hang on." " What?" "Put me down!" "I kept trying to tell you." "It's no big deal, Jack." " It's no big deal." " This is a huge deal!" "We can work this out." "It's just who I happen to be." " Get away from me." " What?" "You tricked me!" "You put spells on me!" "Well, only a few, yes, I did." "But I took most of them off." "Help!" "Someone help!" "Jack." "I thought this would be okay." "How would it be okay?" "!" "Because it's me." "It's still me." " I'm a little freaked out now." " I know, but I can't change what I am." " Are you crazy?" "Are you even human?" " Jack!" " Am I gonna get pregnant?" " What?" "Because I can't get pregnant right now!" "How does this work?" "Will I get webbed feet?" "You're hurting my feelings." "Shoo!" "Shoo!" " Shoo?" " Shoo!" " Now you're making me angry!" " Go!" "Scat!" " You want me to leave?" " Yes!" " Fine!" " Fine!" " Fine!" " Fine!" "Goodbye, Jack." "You jerk!" "Sorry, Mr. Wyatt, I can't find her car." "So she quit." "So what?" "How's Jack taking all this?" "Let me tell you guys something." "Jack Wyatt's like a jet fighter pilot." "Nothing rattles him." "I'm sure he's just at the gym." "Hey, okay." "Stop holding my arm." "Found him picking up pennies out of a shopping-mall water fountain." "Thank you so much, officer." "How much do I tip you for that?" " You don't tip me." " Hey, Jack." " Hey, all." " Hey, big guy." " How's it going?" " What's up, Jack?" " You all right?" " Boy." "Yeah, I'm all right." "I've never been better." "Come on." "What's the bottle of ketchup for?" " Come again?" " The..." "Oh." "Forgot to leave it at this diner in Mexico." "Don't freak out on us, Jack." " You're fired." " Classic." " Anyone have a light?" " Yo." " I do." " Right here, pal." "Everybody." "Let's just calm down." "We've only shot two episodes." "We've got 10 weeks before we air." " So we recast." "Piece of cake." " Next." "I don't know." "It'll be hard to find somebody with those scores." "It's good scores, good scores." " She's a witch." " That's more like it." "You just keep telling yourself that, man." "I'm fine, really." "I mean, last night I ate three burritos and smashed every dish in my house." "Isabel." "You can't let this guy ruin your life." "They're recasting your role." "They're recasting my role already?" " Well, you quit." " Tough town." " I mean, like, what happened?" " He said I wasn't human." "And he waved a tree branch at me." "Like:" "There must be a solution." "No, there isn't." "We're at the Coffee Bean and there is no solution." "I love you, Jack!" "Jack, I dreamt about you last night!" "Jack, remember me?" "Amber?" "Oh, my stars." "Darrin's coming home and I haven't even made dinner." "What?" "You're great." "You want anything?" " Thank you." " Thank you very much, that was..." "Thank you." "Boo!" "Trick or treat!" "You guys look great." "Happy Halloween." "Mommy!" "I'm sorry I don't have any candy." "Hi, everyone, and welcome once again to Jeopardy!" "Another exciting half-hour of answers and questions with these categories in our first round of play." "First off, "Cheese."" "Next, "Things That End In '" " Zing."'" "I have no idea where we are." "I mean, I literally could not find Vietnam on a map." "And now we're about to die here?" "I think it's next to Argentina." "Well, at least nobody shot at us yet." "Yikes!" "That's not good." ""Yikes."" "I think the lions are here, Atticus." "And there's Willy, doing his famous Willy Walk." "Sherpa!" "We've got to go." "Don't look at me like that." "It's the only solution." "Isabel, would you please join me in the dining alcove?" "Thank you." "Daddy?" "Something very odd is happening." "It's not odd, it's what you predicted." "I'm leaving." "I can't stop thinking about Iris." "You were right." "I don't belong here." "I find myself uninterested in any other woman." "Now, that's not natural." " Do you think there's a chance that..." " What?" "That she might be a witch?" "Don't be silly." "And she put a spell on me?" "Please." "Why not?" "You're a witch." "I'm a witch." "She could be a witch." "I guess she could." "What else could it be?" "Love." "Isn't there a spell that can make you stop crying?" "No, darling, there isn't." "He's idiotic, and yet I find him completely charming." "It's been like that since the beginning." "Only now, I also hate him." "Love." "Daddy, what am I gonna do?" "Go home." "Where's that?" "Wherever you've been the happiest." "Perhaps I'll go to Aruba." " Aruba?" " But then again, perhaps I won't." "I don't know if I'm loving my haircut." "Well, Conan, I can't believe you're bringing this up." "No." "No." "No, no, no." "I'm not gonna tell that story." "There's no way." "Okay, okay, if you insist." "It was last June, and I actually cast this witch as a witch and now brooms make me cry." "I can't sleep, and I don't know what's real or what's the TV show." "Hi-de-ho!" "Look what the cat dragged in." "Somebody is retaining water." "Uncle Arthur." "It's you." "Oh, no, you're gonna crack the mirror, aren't you?" "You watch too much televisión." " I know you'll do it." "You always do." " Don't be silly." "Come closer." "Do I have something in my teeth right there?" " Where?" " Look!" "That was fun!" "Where's Sammy?" "Where's my Sammy?" "She quit." "Now, leave me alone." "But she was the one." "I know, I know." "I can't stop thinking about her." " But she's a witch." " Yes, and?" " Jack, you're on!" " Oh, no, I'm on." "Go get them, tiger!" "revival of the hit series Bewitched." "You know him from such films as Last Year in Katmandu An Onion For Willy and Atticus Rex." "Please welcome our good pal, Jack Wyatt!" "Oh, my God." "It was a dream." "Thank God." "No such luck, Jackie boy." "Stay back!" "Okay, okay." "You are not real." "You're from the TV show." "You have blond highlights and had to wear a girdle on your last movie." "Who's calling who not real?" "Okay, I do not believe this." "I am not..." "You are..." " You are real." " Temporarily." "Oh, Uncle Arthur." "You're my favorite character." "I know." "What the hell's going on?" "You need help." "Your love life's a mess, buddy boy." "I know, I'm miserable." "So am I. I have been in reruns for 32 years." "I need the sizzle of prime time!" "I need to get this show back on the air." "Okay, this is very complicated and unsettling, all right?" "I don't think I understand." "Oh." "All right." "Do you want the short versión or the long versión?" "Keep in mind that the long versión is in Aramaic." "The short versión." "You got involved with a witch, and when you do that weird stuff happens." " That's it?" " Do I have to explain everything?" "Okay, here's the deal." "I'm not real." " Iris is a witch." " Iris is a witch?" "Don't dwell." "And, in my opinion that manager of yours, Richie..." " What?" "...isn't even human." " Now, where was I?" " When?" "Before you woke up." "Oh, right!" "Who wants to be with a witch?" "Crazy crap like this would always be happening!" "And your point is?" " The point is, you'd never know." " What?" "Whether you were in love with her, or whether she put a spell on you." "Like when you first spotted her in the bookstore." "Probably her idea, right?" "No, that was my idea." " Oh, that's terrible." " I know, I just love to blend." "And when you got down on your knees and you begged her to take the job." "What are you saying?" "She probably planted the words in your head." "No way, my words." "Yeah." "What about the nose?" "Hello?" "Is that even really her nose?" "Of course it's her real nose." "Look." "Is all's I'm saying is, who wants to be with a witch?" "I do." "She's going home." "And once a witch returns home, she can't come back for 100 years." "She can't leave." "I need her." "I want her." "I want Isabel." "Well, come on, let's go get her." "Here we go!" "Let's go!" "Let's go get her!" "Follow me!" "Follow me, here we go!" "Come on, here we go!" "We'd better hurry." "She's leaving right this minute." "We've gotta stop her." "Hey, wait." "You can't drive, remember?" "Remember that episode where you pulled out and almost crashed?" "Yes, well, that wasn't exactly me." "I, personally, am a great driver." "Whoopsie doodle!" "Take it easy!" "Can you slow down just a tad?" "Is it "Porsche" or is it "Porscha"?" "Who cares?" "Watch the road, please." "We've gotta get Isabel!" "Oh, all right, party pooper." "Let me drive!" " There she is!" " Where?" "Oh, no, she's flying away!" "Pedal to the metal, buddy boy!" "Watch it!" "Oh, I'm about to be killed by a fictional character." "Yes, you are." " We're here." " Here." "Where?" "Where is she?" "Our place." "She's at our place." "Thank you." "Thank you, Uncle Arthur." "Run to her, you idiot!" "Isabel." "Oh, my God, you're here." "I'm so happy you're here." " I'm leaving." " No, no, no, you can't." "You'll be gone forever if you leave." "You'll be gone 100 years without being able to come back." "That's ridiculous." "Who told you that?" "He did." "Well, what are you doing here if you're leaving?" "I was going home." "But I don't know where that is." "Home is with me." " Don't go." "Please." " But I'm..." " We'll work it out." " We can't." "Yes, we can." "I can't be normal, because I'm a witch." "I can't be a witch, because I really wanna be normal." " It's not possible." " Of course it's possible." "There's tons of other witches who've done it." "Who?" "Well, maybe not tons of other witches, but at least one." "Samantha." "Caught between two worlds, and yet completely happy." "She lived happily ever after, in fact." "Although there's no way to be sure." "She went off the air." "We'll work it out." "Don't cry, little witch." "I love you, Samantha." "Isabel." "I knew that." "I think." "I love you, Darrin." "It just occurred to me, you could have any guy in the whole world." "Oh, but I chose you." "Honestly, I think you made a mistake." "If I did, I can always get out of it." "Now we have things to do." " We have a show to do." " Yes." "And then, maybe after a while, we could get married." "There it is." "Good brakes." "Abner, come look!" "The new neighbors are moving in!" "Not now, Gladys, I'm busy." "Yes." "I'm now going to carry you across the threshold." "Don't you think the front lawn looks a little bare?" "No, I don't." "But I think it could use a little something." "It's fine the way it is, honey." "Abner!" "A tree just appeared in the front yard!" | {
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"I'm having a dump, sir." "Wow!" "You got'em easy?" "The Speed Course T1, just like you wanted." "Too classy!" "Thanks!" "~ The other foot." "~ Too beautiful!" "That's right, man!" "I'm clamping you in." "Go ahead." "There you go." "You got the money?" "Yeah, don't worry." "Here." "In your race... will you do well?" "Yeah, not bad, I think." "Well, I'm going." "Ciao." "Bye." "You talk to me." "I'll find all the brands." "~ Helmets and goggles, too." "~ Yeah, yeah, I'm trying." "Ciao!" "You forget, this, right!" "Stop right now!" "Asshole!" "~ What?" "~ Give me a cigarette." "Go on, beat it!" "Fuck you!" "~ I'm tipsy, Simon." "~ Who's that guy?" "Who is he?" "A guy from work." "~ That's a Series 1?" "~ What?" "The car." "It's a Golf Series 1, I think." "An old one." "It's a car cunt of a car anyway." "I really need to piss here." "Don't look!" "I took the lead with the boss." "I'm fed up with all these shit jobs." "I won't go back to work." "~ What will you do then?" "~ I don't know." "~ Hey, you're looking!" "~ No." "You want a Christmas tree?" "Hey, did you see this?" "I kept this blouse." "I snapped it right up." "Let's go." "~ You do the shopping?" "~ Don't worry, sister!" "Well then, is that all you've got?" "~ Are you sure they're fresh?" "~ They were this morning." "But it is disgusting!" "What is this thing?" "It tastes like shit, it's disgusting." "People eat up anything." "You're right, it stinks of shit!" "I think it's from Dutch folks." "Take this one." "~ Hey, what's yours?" "~ Salmon." "~ Salmon?" "You cheat, you kept the best!" "~ Let me have some!" "~ No way." "~ Go on!" "~ No!" "Bastard!" "Here." "Take it." "It's a gift, for you." "It's for me, is it?" "You didn't take any risks, were you safe?" "People don't care up there." "They're seasonal rentals." "~ Go ahead, try it." "~ OK." "It's pretty high-tech, for a jacket." "This is super-hot." "It suits me well, don't you think?" "Can you move, please?" "~ Well?" "~ Turn around a little." "I'll test it out immediately." "I'm not cold!" "~ Open up!" "~ Keep testing it a bit!" "Open up, Simon!" "Simon, open up!" "~ What's she yelling about?" "~ She's being punished." "~ What are you doing?" "~ Nothing." "Just eating." "What do you want?" "There's a problem with the skis." "~ They are too new." "~ So what?" "My father will kill me." "~ You could have said." "~ I didn't think of that." "Simon, open this up for me right now!" "~ You're so stupid!" "~ Bring them by tomorrow morning." "~ Great, thank you." "Enjoy your dinner!" "What's the story, you done yet?" "Get on with it, OK?" "What are you waiting for?" "This is where you pissed." "Cut the one next to it." "I thought that you were strong!" "Here, give." "It's the blade." "It's shot." "~ Shit." "Would you wait here for two seconds?" "What are you doing here?" "I can't, my brother's there." "It is my intention to take the air." "You said it was a cunt." "Besides, you know I hate Christmas." "When will you be back?" "I won't be long." "You can manage by yourself, anyway." "You're big enough." "Right, Simon?" "Can I go?" ""Enjoy the snow."" ""Enjoy the snow."" "~ She's not here, your sister?" "~ She's on vacation." "Again!" "Yeah, what did you think?" "~ When'll she be coming back?" "~ Soon." "You're lucky, there's no one to give you shit!" "~ You do it." "~ Oh no, I can't." "It cornholes me to do this." "You're a shit." "That's one done." "Let's get that second-hand look." "It would have done better to peel some off!" "Look, guys!" "It's Simon!" "Simon!" "~ Simon!" "~ Come on, line up." "Next!" "What do you want?" "Sunglasses." "~ Here." "~ Super, they are super cool." "You got any loot?" "~ How much?" "~ Ten." "~ Ten." "~ And this is how much?" "~ Twenty centimes." "You don't have enough." "Empty your pockets." "Come on." "Empty your pockets." "That's it." "There, there you go." "Thanks!" "He needs gloves." "His hands are chapped." "Show him your hands." "Look, they're blue." "Oh yeah, they must smart." "~ How much have you got?" "~ Two francs." "~ They're four, with two up front." "~ What are you smoking?" "I have to pay the fee." "There's nothing without this." "You know how much this costs?" "Mittens or gloves?" "Real gloves." "I'll see what I can find." "Move over, Blue Hands." "~ Can I go get them with you?" "~ No way, José!" "Whoa!" "Anybody out there?" "Stand up." "Stand up!" "~ Are these yours?" "~ Yes, sir." "Are they really yours, Simon?" "No, sir." "You stole them!" "~ Yes, sir." "~ You're a thief." "You're a thief, you little bastard!" "Steal." "Why?" "Oh no, sir." "I'll show you." "Thank you, this is very nice." "A pleasure." "My name is Julien, like your son." "Ah, Julien." "Hello, Julien." "Goodbye!" "What are you doing here?" "Come down from there immediately!" "There's nothing for you here." "The restaurant's on the other side." "~ Hey, sir!" "It was more than I could carry." "I was too cold." "Yes!" "I found them!" "OK, I'll keep them." "~ For three." "Fifty..." "Seventy..." "Ninety..." "A hundred ten." "A hundred twenty, one hundred thirty, one hundred forty." "Simon!" "Simon!" "Am I glad to see you!" "What are you doing here?" "I lost everything." "Even the keys." "What have you got here?" "Did you notice?" "I wear it all the time." "I should change." "~ I can't." "~ Why?" "I have nothing to pay with." "What do you want?" "A sandwich and coffee, but I don't know how." "I'll pay." "~ Shall I pay for some cigarettes, too?" "~ Sure." "You're well organized." "It's a bit like your room." "I haven't been here before." "Is this yours?" "Yes, yes." "I have something for you." "~ Is it silver?" "~ I don't know." "It's nice." "Will you put it on for me?" "Hmm." "Thanks." "How much do you have there?" "Pass me those skis there?" "You got a hell of a lot, it seems." "You're going to cash in the skis." "~ How much are they worth?" "~ Uh, new?" "With the fittings, 1,200, 1,300." "Really?" "How do you sell them for?" "Skis like that, 200, easy." "Yep." "They're beautiful, huh?" "Set to the wool setting." "You melt few drops like that,... over the entire length, like that." "It must plug all holes." "Voilà." "Smooth as the skin of your ass." "~ Like what?" "~ The skin of your ass." "It's smoother,... and it's much more expensive." "Go on." "Try." "Always along the direction of sliding." "Hey, can you light me a cigarette?" "Like this, there?" "~ But stop, you'll burn the surface!" "Always be in motion!" "~ Like that." "~ OK, OK." "I am not disabled." "~ Where did you learn this?" "~ I just watch people." "Oops, damn it!" "You could find a dead body in that hole!" "~ Can't you see this hole?" "~ Watch out, you bitch!" "You're a slut!" "It's disgusting now." "Now you scrape with a spatula to fix it, you know?" "~ Let it have some fresh air." "~ I will." "~ I've got go." "~ Where?" "I've got go, I tell you." "We've got work here." "You're not finished." "Finish before you go." "OK, Simon, you're not my boss." "I'll finish tomorrow." "Damn, I smell of wax." "Who is this guy?" "Don't start this crap." "Can you give me an advance?" "Can't you spare a little more?" "I can't do anything with that." "When'll you be back?" "What time?" "No, it's OK." "Here." "Here." "It's me, Julian." "You recognize me?" "Oh, thank you, ma'am." "Are you on your own?" "You have no friends, or a sister, a brother?" "No, I'm all alone." "I'm all alone." "You can address me familiarly, ma'am." "~ Not formally." "~ Oh, OK, if you want." "~ Excuse me." "~ Thank you very much." "Bon appétit." "~ A beer?" "~ Sure." "This is my brother, he's staying here for a moment." "Here." "~ Hi." "The groomer, it died." "Guys, move it, the boss wants you!" "You need sunglasses?" "What?" "What did you say?" "Do you need anything?" "Sunglasses, masks, gloves?" "~ These, 35." "~ What is this stuff?" "35 for these." "It's 35, it's got anti-fogging." "~ Let's see these glasses." "~ They're not bad." "~ How much for the gloves?" "~ 40." "~ It's OK I have for the job." "~ This is for my son." "~ Your son?" "~ What size is he?" "~ Like you." "Like me?" "I recommend this model." "How much?" "Ten." "They're very warm." "~ How much for this helmet?" "~ 40." "40?" "This helmet's been damaged." "~ It has already been damaged." "Where did you say you found this stuff?" "~ Where did you find it?" "~ In a surplus shop." "From surplus?" "Do you want the model for sunlight or fog?" "~ Sun." "~ OK." "I recommend this model for 100% U.V. blocking." "Here you go.." "Hey, mister!" "You've robbed me here!" "You talking to me?" "I'd point out that if there's a thief here, it's you." "You're going to search me?" "~ How much?" "~ 20." "Here, boy." "My glasses!" "Are you there, Simon?" "~ What did you do to yourself?" "~ I fell." "You fell?" "You were in a fight, right?" "You got busted up?" "You said that there was no risk." "Yeah, but..." "Ow, gently!" "Let's see." "Look at me." "You've been hurt everywhere." "Check it out." "You see?" "Soon I'll be as big as you." "Come on, stand next to me." "Look." "There." "The day I get bigger than you, what'll you do?" "The guy in the red BMW, what did you say about me?" "Nothing." "How much will you ask for?" "You've redone the entire surface, at least 200." "You won't get it!" "And the CISS 300 application?" "There's a Giant Slalom you can try." "Where does it say it's a Slalom?" "There, you see, G.S. Giant Slalom." "Oh yeah, it's stupid." "You get some jeans, too." "They'll look nice, OK?" "OK, thank you." "~ You'll come back on which bus?" "~ The 4 pm." "Are you sure?" "This summer, you'll steal bicycles?" "Simon, are you all right?" "OK?" "~ You look like a chicken." "~ I'm a chicken." "~ Chicken Boy." "Are you hurt?" "So how do you find?" "Move some, please?" "A bit more." "A little, again." "OK, OK!" "Well?" "You look good." "You've got a nice ass, I think." "Oh, you're stupid!" "~ Is it the same?" "~ This is the one you told me about." "How much of the Giant Slalom is left?" "I know there's more." "How much, do you know?" "~ You'll give me the rest of the money?" "~ Come on, Simon!" "You got a new oven --- isn't that enough?" "~ Hi." "~ Hi." "There's no milk here?" "What are you doing... with these skis?" "If I get a chance, I'll sell them." "Oh yeah?" "It's good stuff." "It's yours, that red BMW?" "Yes, why, you saw it?" "It accelerates well?" "OK, yeah, it goes well." "I can get you a price." "What is your level of skiing?" "~ Hi." "~ Hi." "Are you OK?" "Your brother's trying to sell me skis." "That's how he gets pocket money.." "Is there any coffee?" "Where do you live normally?" "~ At my parents." "~ They're far away?" "Yeah, pretty much." "It's a bit like the Bronx, our family." "He goes, he comes." "It's true." "Our family is shit." "I left her floundering so she'll learn faster." "~ You've already sat in a BMW?" "~ No, never." "There's still some work to do here." "~ Go on, get in." "~ Get in ~ No, he'll block me." "He'll be very small." "~ It can reach 240, your car?" "~ Well, yeah." "You see, it's affordable." "~ But how will I pay?" "~ We can make arrangements." "And it'll help you find a better job." "Oh yeah, you think?" "And it's a Toyota." "It's indestructible." "Incredible." "I'll check under the chassis." "Can we get you something for tonight?" "No, it's OK." "This isn't my sister, she's my mother." "What did you say?" "This isn't my sister, she's my mother." "He says he's your brother?" "Louise, what did he say?" "This isn't my sister, she's my mother." "What did he just say?" "No, but wait, Louise!" "Say something!" "Louise, ho!" "This kid'll say anything." "You shouldn't have brought him along." "You're done saying anything!" "What do you take me for?" "What is this crap?" "What's the fuss?" "What is this crap?" "He said that to piss me off." "She's lying!" "There's a problem here." "I'll let you two off to discuss it." "I would have told you." "What does it change?" "What difference does it make?" "Can't you see any difference?" "For you, it changes anything?" "But you're crazy, both of you!" "Get out immediately, I don't want to see you anymore." "Out!" "You, too." "You, too." "I would have told you, I swear." "You should have told me when?" "You were going to tell me?" "It was him who had to tell me." "You're completely sick." "Get out." "Get out." "This is your fault." "It's your fault!" "Why did you do that?" "Huh?" "Why did you do that?" "Did you have to say that now?" "You're a drag!" "For twelve years now you've been a drag!" "Do you hear what I'm saying?" "I can't fuck with you!" "I can never fuck with you!" "Always nothing!" "Stop following me like a dog!" "Stop now!" "It's you who's the drag." "You fake anything!" "Even your jeans, it's me who paid for them." "You hear me?" "Can I sleep with you?" "~ I can't sleep with you?" "~ No." "Why not?" "You can't, that's all." "And if I pay you 100?" "150." "No way, right?" "Get the fuck out." "20...50..." "Stop it." "~ 100... 110... 130... 150..." "Wait, I still have a little bit more." "160...180... 180." "Can I sleep with you, now?" "Hey, sis." "200." "200?" "200." "OK." "I don't have that much." "Give." "It's OK, come on." "You can hug me a little?" "Where should I put my head?" "I didn't want you, Simon." "Why did you keep me, then?" "I don't know." "To not be alone." "And to piss someone off." "No one wanted me to keep you." "What?" "No one?" "No, no one." "You know, the money is for real." "You can keep it." "I don't care, really." "I'm OK with being your brother." "You think she's asleep?" "She's drunk!" "Madame, Madame!" "I think she's pissed!" "You could help me carry her." "She's well built, your sister." "Fuck!" "~ What?" "~ She blew all our money." "What are you doing?" "Turn around." "Wow!" "That's fab!" "Whoa!" "Did you see that jump?" "Shall we?" "Wait, there was a guy who'll make a figure!" "You're shit, Blue Hands!" "Did you come along to actually do anything?" "Will we ski this afternoon?" "Put on your ski mask." "I can't, it itches." "Put it on anyway and don't ever take it off if you get caught." "You know the good brands?" "Yeah, you think I'm lame?" "Pull on your gloves!" "You sure you're not scared?" "He's asking your age." "~ Say ten." "~ Ten." "You look like a baby." "~ He said what?" "~ That you're a baby." "~ What an idiot!" "~ Why him?" "Is he taking them or not?" "Shut up!" "It smells like shit here." "Can't we go to the restaurant?" "You got the money?" "And we haven't even skied." "~ I don't even know how to ski." "~ Are you kidding!" "This is pointless, it's just small change." "~ Hey, baby." "~ You idiot!" "Pass me a sandwich." "~ Pie or cheese?" "~ Anything else?" "I'm keeping the other one." "~ It's for your sister?" "~ What is it you doing?" "What does she do for a job?" "She is a whore or what?" "Ow!" "It's not me, that's what my brother says." "I'm having a dump, sir." "The little laugh." "Shhh!" "Open up!" "Get out of there!" "Fine." "I didn't do anything!" "I had a dump." "Look at this work." "You shit teddy bears, now?" "You've eaten one for lunch?" "You take me for a fool, do you?" "I saw it, we unearthed all your messing around." "Come here, you!" "Go!" "Mike, wait!" "Your loot." "Your loot, I said!" "This is the key to what?" "For a locker?" "No, sir, I swear." "OK, small garbage with the trash!" "Go!" "Take a good look at these tykes." "They never come back!" "Blacklist." "Blacklist, OK?" "OK." "OK, send it!" "Five francs!" "Five!" "Five!" "Five!" "Good afternoon." "Five francs." "~ Ten francs." "~ No, too expensive." "~ Five francs." "~ Too expensive." "Three!" "Three!" "~ Stop it." "~ Stay there." "~ Go!" "~ Stay there, I'm selling stuff." "Just leave me alone, stay away." "~ You're not going to sell stuff all your life." "~ Buzz off!" "~ Go away!" "~ Look at me when I'm talking!" "Even farther." "Further!" "Further!" "Further!" "Further!" "Further!" "Hi." "Have you got something to eat?" "I've got nothing." "Wait, I'll see." "I'll cook." "Who's the kid?" "My brother." "He helps me." "Good enough." "You want to sit on my knees?" "Simon, what you are looking for there?" "~ Don't steal anything, right?" "~ OK." "I'll pay you back." "Pay me back what?" "What you lent me." "Why?" "I don't care." "I don't want to owe you anything, Simon." "Here, take this." "Take it." "Go on, take it, there." "Take it, listen!" "Come along." "~ Can I raid the fridge?" "~ No, not here." "The owners are there." "What can I do then?" "~ Go help Maria instead." "~ Hello!" "Miss?" "Can you mind the baby for five minutes?" "Otherwise, I can't pack." "Thank you very much." "~ Whose is that baby?" "~ The son of the boss." "You know how to do that?" "Sure, what did you think?" "Take this." "It smells like shit!" "So did yours, yours felt like shit." "Can the boy help me with the suitcases?" "What are you waiting for?" "Go help." "You clean cottages, now?" "She's my sister." "She cleans." "I help." "Always busy with the hotel, Julien?" "I'm not Julien, ma'am." "My name's Simon." "Julian, Simon." "I'm sorry, ma'am." "OK, can we go?" "~ What you got?" "~ Nothing." "Where did you know the owner from?" "What do you care?" "I'm done." "Can you ask the boy to come here?" "Simon?" "Can you come here for a few minutes?" "There was a watch in the bathroom." "It's no longer there." "Was that you?" "I didn't take it myself." "I didn't even see it." "And your brother?" "~ Simon?" "~ No." "~ Empty your pockets." "That's all you got?" "Are you sure?" "You're an asshole, Simon." "You can go now." "Leave." "You're sick!" "I don't want you!" "I don't want you!" "Give." "Give." "You're still here, are you?" "Everyone works, don't stop there." "Ho!" "Watch where you put your feet, I just polished there." "~ Hey, goodbye." "~ Ciao!" "It is that the keys there?" "Hey!" "Look, guys, here's the little thief." "~ Where are you going?" "~ To work somewhere elsewhere." "It's finished here." "Can I come?" "How old are you?" "Fifteen." "Just what do you want to do?" "I can do stuff." "Come on, come on, hurry!" "I'm paying for more hours!" "Last dump load in half an hour!" "I know you, you." "You're back, you couldn't stop yourself." "Come on, get the hell out." "Get out of here!" "Come on, kid." | {
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"Zubair Chisti." "Construction king of Bradford and Manchester." "Owner of hotels and clubs to boot." "we've been trying to meet you since the last three months." "I know." "Arindam Ghosh." "10 years in Rajputana Rifles." "on special duty for the PM for five years." "And an active member of the Mukti Bahani for two years." "I know." "And I also know why you've been sent to England by your government." "According to our agencies his companies have funded.." "..the Jihadi group behind the bomb blast in Delhi last week." "Iqbal Ghani and my father used to be good friends." "They came to London together." "They worked together." "And then, over a small issue, he killed your father." "Even I know everything." "I, too, have been waiting for an opportunity to kill him." "But for the sake of my business' prosperity.." "..I think it's wise to forget the enemity for the time being." "My government isn't in the mood to forget." "I can't help you." "Sorry." "Let's go, sir." "I told you, this won't work." "Rafiq." "He's Rafiq." "He used to work for Ghani." "He knows everything about Iqbal Ghani." "Perhaps he might be of some use to you." "Imam Zaidi." "Ghani's friend." "His confidant." "He has been with Ghani for the last 20 years." "Mohammad Bakraan." "A holy man." "He usually keeps reading the Koran." "But if anyone even tries to harm Ghani.." "He can kill him without blinking an eye." "Muraad." "A new recruit." "Ghani's distant relative's son." "who is he?" "Long time ago there was a shootout in Lester." "Ghani's closest friend, his accountant died in it." "After that Ghani brought his son up as his own." "Now he's most loyal to Ghani." "If you want to kill Ghani, you'll have to kill him first." "what's his name?" "David." "Zubair 'bhai' (brother) has sent his greetings and well wishes.." "For your new project." "He's very happy for you." "He has sent a special gift for you." "100% finance and with only 50% profit in return." "Mr. Smith is financing this project." "Ghani Sahib, this is an act of friendship." "Please don't take otherwise" "That's why I am personally here to meet you." "So, Ghani bhai, what have you decided?" "Everyone will benefit from this friendship." "Your decision." "Our money." "we'll split the profit." "It's business so it's better if we resolve it in business terms." "Anyway, bullets have become very expensive these days." "whether you use them or we.." "Not so expensive that we can't get rid of trash." "Mr. Smith, next time you come to me directly." "Usually I am more hospitable than this." "why don't you come home for dinner tonight, with your family." "we can always discuss business later." ""You are our support, Oh Lord."" ""Guide us in dark nights, Oh Lord."" ""Oh." "Lord."" "Life is not fair." "what else will you call the fire that.." "..that burnt down the houses adjoining the Bandra railway lines?" "Afew lives were lost." "But people also lost their houses, homes and businesses." "Everything was ruined." "Everything." "is it ill-fate or a bad phase?" "Today, I've called you here to.." "..help those unemployed homeless people." "Go." "As much as you want." "I know no one here is rich or loaded." "Tanker!" " The water tanker is here!" " The water tanker is here!" "Listen!" "Hey!" "Dad.." "water?" "Oh God." " Oh God." "This meal.." " This meal.." "is your blessing. - ls your blessing." "Help us.." " Help us.." "with every sip and with every bit of food.." "Amen." "Always take.." " Always take.." "Your name." " Your name." "Amen." " Amen." "So, dad, how much did you manage to collect?" "10 million?" "A hundred thousand?" "Thousand?" "100 bucks?" "Not even 100?" "Dad.." "You don't know how to deliver a speech." "If it would've been me, people would've given bags full of money." "They wouldn't run away." "Oh yes, with that money you would've got her married." "In Dubai." "And Alice, in an engineering college.." "I don't want to get into engineering." "I don't want to marry." "You don't!" "Fine." "with that money, I would've got married in Dubai." "And I would've done engineering." "David.." "To give with a hope of return is meaningless." "I feel happy when I help." "And you, when you taunt." "Hello, Father." " Hello, Father." "Come in." "Join us for dinner." "Come in." "Yes, please do come in." "Join us for dinner." "There's a lot to eat." "Come in." " David.." "Finish your dinner." "what will be left for them if I eat?" "Dad, it's going fine." "what?" "My music." "You enquire about it everyday, but today you forgot." "David..." "Stay with me till my ride comes." "No." "Come on. I want to talk to you." "Shall I.." "Fine." "Come with me." "I don't have a cigarette." "Cigarette?" "who smokes?" "Oh, really?" "So you are not here to ask for a cigarette?" "why don't you just tell me that you don't want to talk to me?" "why lie unnecessarily?" "well, there are two cigarettes lying with dad." "Shall I get them?" "Mr. Pandey paid me a visit in the office yesterday." "For money." "Then?" "Then what?" "He created a scene and left." "This has happened for the second time this month." "I've an offer to do a devotional album next month." "I'll get enough money from it." "I'll make hymns and return his money." "You'll keep such hair and sing hymns?" ""Hail Krishna!" "Hail Rama!"" "Hey, music knows no religion." "Okay?" "what, uncle?" "An upset stomach?" "Dad will be very happy to hear your hymns." "Yeah." "Let him think what he wants to." "It makes no difference to me." "what do you gain by getting angry on dad so often?" "He's fine the way he is." "Everything's not fine." "And to make things fine, I'll have to get out of here." "I'll also have to leave." "My ride is here." "See you." "Hey, Suzie, I'll become a famous musician." "I'll get you married in Dubai." "And will send donation to Father Noel every month." "why do you insist on getting me married in Dubai?" "Sheikhs there really like beauties like you." "I got lucky today!" "I've hit the jackpot!" "Damn man! "Here comes Peter!"" "Hey, Roderick!" "Just a minute." "Just a minute." "Excuse me." "Just a minute." "Just a minute." "How much?" "You want the first catch?" "Then go to the vegetable market." "You shouldn't come to Peter." "Here you go." "Be happy." "How much?" "This won't suffice." "Everyday.." "For 100 bucks all you'll get is its photo." "You can fry it. want some?" "David!" "Merry Christmas, David!" "David!" "David!" "Christmas comes once a year." "Today is my Christmas!" "Then I'm Santa Clause today." "Now you just wait and watch, from the next month.." "Quantity will double and profit, triple." "How?" "Look, whatever we make we give 80% of it as boat rent." "So what are we left with?" "Nada." "Now we'll have our own boat, David." "How?" "I'm getting married." "How?" "with whom?" "You know the guy in our village?" "Almeda." "You are getting married to him?" "No." "His daughter." "Oh yes." "But she is dumb and deaf." "And your wife is characterless." "Have I ever objected it?" "what?" "She is mute. it's perfect for me." "what do I do everyday?" "I get drunk and get into a fight everyday." "A normal girl will nag me to death." "Yes, of course." " She won't say a word." "She is mute." "If she won't say anything, I won't hear anything." "If I won't hear anything, I won't get irritated." "If I don't get irritated then my health and mood will stay sexy!" "But both, her incoming and outgoing are not working." "Half-blind aunt, talk sense into your son." "Asshole, I'll kill you right away!" "Bloody talking nonsense!" "You know what you are doing, right?" "100 percent." "I'm getting a boat in dowry." "Peter, better keep your wife in check." "Otherwise, she, too, will run away like David's wife did." "Briganza, want some general knowledge?" "Your sister has 12 moles on her body." "Eight have been seen by the entire village, even your friends." "There are three which only she can see." "And there is one which only I can see, exclusively." "Do you want me to tell you where it is, you scoundrel?" "Peter!" "Forget it." "Forget it." "Peter, you're getting married, right?" "Better keep your wife tied down." "Otherwise, looking at this ill-omened chap, she, too, will run away." "Briganza.." "All this has happened because of you." "Shut up." "what did you just say?" "I said, Peter, you're getting married.." "Hey, you hit my mother!" ""Maria's father is a cheater.."" "Mom!" "what is it, mom?" "How many times have I told you not to fight with those rascals!" "Yes?" "Hey, come on now, let's go home." "Bloody pig." "Aunt, I told him not to fight." "Get lost, you dog!" "Get lost!" "Mom!" " Come on." "You will find it much tastier if you eat with your hands." "Your wife might disagree, but you should try it." "No, thank you." "Try it." "My house, my rules." "Hello." "Good evening, folks." "we have...guests." "what's for dinner?" "So you found the time to have dinner with us?" "Mr. Smith, this is my son." "He doesn't have any traits of his father." "But my wife assures me that he is mine." "Eat your food quietly." "Don't force me to slap you in front of everyone." "And tidy yourself up." "Please." "Fatima Bi (lady), some flatbreads please." "what is it?" "why do you look so upset?" "Nothing." " l'll tell you." "She is not saying anything because she is scared." "we've got a marriage proposal for Noor from a very nice family in Lahore." "She wants to accept it right away." "But Noor.." "Only you can talk some sense into her." "Noor, my child, come here." "what do you say?" "Should we send you to Lahore?" "No." "Fatima Bi, you've been with our family for 20 years." "I respect you." "It's justified that you are worried about your young daughter." "But if she isn't willing, you shouldn't force her." "But she says that she doesn't want to get married!" "what's wrong in starting things off if the family is good?" ""what's wrong in starting things off, huh?"" "You were acting smart in front of everyone." "Are you scared of a bad name or your deed, asshole?" "Should I marry a stupid Pathan?" "Should I go to Pakistan, huh?" "what is wrong with Pakistan?" "what is good about it?" "Their cricketers." "Their...poets." "But what do I like?" "Do you know?" "what?" "I like.." "Agangster!" "This is groovy, man." "Groovy." "David, coming?" "You alright?" "You alright?" "Don't go out." "Your father will get angry." "How will he know?" "Jehanzeb.." "If I know something, he knows it too." "David.." "You have better things to do." "Let's go.." "Party!" "Hey." "what's your name?" "David." "what's your name?" "My name's Mariyam." "He's my son, David." "what's your name?" "Mother.." "wedding should take place next month." "I'll bear all the expenses." "Three hundred thousand in cash as well.." "My blessings, for the couple." "I need time to think." "It will be better." "will you ask the girl to come, please?" "A big piece of land back there." "My second blessing, for the couple." "Fine." "But will you call the girl, please?" "Two flats in Panjim." "My third blessing.." "For the couple." " For the couple." "At least call for the girl." "Blessie!" "And she has even done a beauty course." "She is very good in waxing." "Have a look." "Have a look." "She has done everyone's waxing in this house." "This house is also on her name." "My fourth blessing...for the couple." "Today she made me meet a baldy." "In future she will make me meet a dumb, deaf, lame girl." "I don't want to get married!" "I know for sure." "Mom is seeing someone." "She's having an affair." "She wants me to get married and get rid off me, so that she herself can settled down with someone" "Bonehead, your mother was young when your father passed away." "She didn't do anything back then." "And now, when she wants you to settle down so that she can die in peace.." "You are accusing her." "But I can't get married, Frenny." "I don't get along with women." "So do you get along with me?" "Yes, I do." "Because when Annie left me at the altar.." "Everyone laughed at me." "You were the only one who cried with me." "How many times do I have to tell you, David?" "Annie stole money from the till and ran away." "That's the reason I cried." "But...you cried with me, right?" "Come on, uncle." " But.." "Come on, time's up, enough of massage." "Come on." "You were the only one, right?" "That's when I promised myself.." "That I'll involve you in every aspect of my life." "what mess has Annie got me into!" "Darn her!" "Come on.." "Let me share a secret with you." "It should be top-class, got it?" "Have you heard about Screwy-Santa?" "That's me." "Screwy-Santa." "Mom.." "Yeah?" "Hey!" "Come on!" "Get lost!" "Never come back to my massage parlor." "what is this?" "I'm trying to make things better for you.." "And you are yapping about Screwy-Santa all across the village." "Idiot." "But, dad, Frenny won't tell anyone about it." "She is my friend." "what kind of a friend is she?" "She's not your friend." "when Annie left you, you became the butt of everyone's joke, right?" "when these people will find out about your Screwy-Santa act.." "..they will fry you like a fish and eat you up." "Okay." "Fine." "But you tell mom not to get me married." "Oh, man." "She never listened to me when I was alive." "why will she after I'm dead?" "You miss mom, don't you?" "Shut up." "But there's one thing.." " Yes?" "Had I been alive, I would've repaired.." "..the short-circuit between you and women." "But it's still not too late." "Come on, let's get drunk and discuss women." "No." "Hey!" "No. I don't want to drink." "Are you or aren't you my son?" "Hey, come on, man." "Come on." "Let's go." "Come, let's get drunk." "Sorry." "I'm David." "Aguitarist." "I was here yesterday as well, sir." "You were here yesterday." "You are here today." "You'll be here tomorrow and the day after as well." "So what do I do?" "Sir, if I could meet Mr. Trilok.." "Andy, get me a cup of coffee, please." "Sit." "Thank you." "I've been his manager for many years." "I know, sir." "That's why I've come to you." "Sir, if you want.." "To want.." "It's important to have something.." "Sir, I don't have something.." "But, sir, I have a gift for you." "what's this?" " lt's imported, sir." "Made in Hong Kong." " Oh!" "And this is made in Bandra." "And what is this?" " My demo tape, sir." "For Mr. Trilok." "Please." "Bitch!" "Bull.." "Mummy!" "Hi!" "Hi!" "Mamma's rock star!" "School's over?" "Hey, man." "How was school?" "Good?" "Fine?" " Fine." "Are you hungry?" " Yes." "Yeah?" "Hi, dad." "Hi, uncle." "Okay." "Go inside." "Mamma is coming in two minutes." "Ma'am, this is the first song which you've picked up so quickly." "I'm impressed." "I wanted to learn it quickly so that I can teach it to Shaurya." "This song?" "!" " Yup." "why this song?" "This song is so old." "Mr. A.K. Hangal used to listen to it when he was just a kid." "we'll teach him some nice, rocking song." "Actually, Shreedhar and my first car was an old second hand ambassador." "One cassette was stuck in its tape recorder." "we had to listen to this song time and again, whenever we used to go out." "After selling the car, we used to miss this song more than the car." "I heard this song again on radio yesterday afternoon." "Sometimes I feel as if Shreedhar is.." "..looking for new ways to make me think of him." "Okay." "So this song, too, has a flashback." "This is the problem with memories." "They show up anytime, without a reason and tickle you." "Tickle?" "Tickle." "Aguitarist and a philosopher." "Oh." "Jesus took his time while creating me." "Oh, really?" "I'm late." "Bye, Neelam ma'am." "Got to run." "Bye." " Tomorrow at 4:00pm, okay?" "See you." " Bye." "we can't wait any longer." "Can he wait?" "what did you say?" "No?" "If he can't then we can't either." "He was getting married next month." "Shakeel was my only nephew." "You want Ghani, right?" "I, too, want him." "whatever help you need, I'll give it to you." "But Ghani will have to die." "Ali Akbar mounted on the horse." "And fought such a battle at the battlefield.." "..that in Ali Akbar's battle people saw a glimpse of Hazrat Ali." "Oh Hussain!" " Oh Hussain!" "Oh Hussain!" " Oh Hussain!" "Oh Hussain!" " Oh Hussain!" "Oh, Sakeena, where are you going?" "Give him back to me!" "Hussain!" "Hussain!" "Hussain!" "Hussain Shah!" "Hussain!" "Hussain!" "Hussain Shah!" "Hussain!" "Hussain!" "Hussain Shah!" "Hussain!" "Hussain!" "Hussain Shah!" "Let's go." "Let's go." "Sir!" "Let's go!" "Let's go!" "Hurry up!" "Let's go!" "Ready?" " Ready." "One, two, three, four." ""lt's an amazing day."" ""Just think about it."" ""lt's just crazy."" ""Just look around."" ""You're alone, so am I.."" ""we're having so much fun together.."" "How was it?" "Superb, right?" "Thanks, David." "I've never seen Shaurya so happy." "He was looking so cute, wasn't he?" "He or me?" "Both of you." "Sorry, ma'am. I'll just make a phone call and be right back." "Yes, sir?" "It's me, David, the guitarist." "who?" "The one with lots of hair?" "You're the one who gave me that watch, right?" "Yes, sir." "Tell me. what can I do for you?" "Do you have some work with me?" "Forget work." "Do you have a passport?" "Yes, sir. I do." "And do you have another watch?" "The watch that you gave me isn't working properly." "It's running backwards." "Yes, sir." "Of course. I'll get you a new watch." "Sir, you were saying something about the passport.." "where do I have to go?" " To a place where they sell watches." "You'll get another watch for me." "And you'll give it to me." "Got it?" "Now listen to me very carefully." "Mr. Trilok heard your demo tape." "He has selected you for a music festival." "You have to go to US." "Come here with your passport, tomorrow." "Hello?" "Hello?" "Yes, sir." "Thank you so much, sir." "So, I'll come there right away." "Not today." "Come to the office tomorrow with your passport." "And don't forget to get a new watch." "Forget the watch, I'll get you an alarm clock." "Thank you." "Thank you." "Thank you." "My rock star!" "You were so good!" "Ma'am." "Ma'am." "Come." "Come." "Come." "what?" "what?" "Just come, come, come." "Please come." " David." "I'm going!" "I'm going." "Didn't I tell you that I'll make it big?" "I've got a job, ma'am. - wow!" "Music director Mr. Trilok has personally selected me for his world tour." "You know, Neelam ma'am, other than Suzie.." "..you are the only one who believed in me." "I have to go home and inform Suzie, Alice, Father Noel.." "Father Noel will be the happiest because I'm going." "Thank you, Neelam ma'am." "You really are my lucky charm." "Hey, keep your passport ready." "Bye, ma'am." "what happened?" "Your girl won't be coming?" "No. I mean what if you don't like her?" "That's what I'm worried about." "So what?" "You won't marry her?" "You just say it once, brother." "Just say it." "I'll cancel the wedding right away." "But we'll lose the boat as well." "Don't blame me later." "tuka zai zai ..tuka zai zai bareek bareek wakol tuka zai" "Hey, she's coming." "where were you yesterday?" "You didn't come to meet me." "Oh, church." "I thought your father thrashed you." "True." "Brother, she is Roma." "Roma..." "David." "David.." "Let me show you something." "Roma, your father is a loser." "An asshole." "tuzo bapoi pizoo.." "Crazy ..pichanche kutum tujhe." "Love you." "Bro, her play button and the speakers are not working." "But she's a nice girl." "I just keep blabbering anything." "But.." "She can see." "Of course she can, bro." "It's a bit too much for you." "tuka zai zai ..tuka zai zai lt's a bit too much for you." "Okay." "Paritosh.." "Jehanzeb?" "where is Jehanzeb?" "Father.." "Jehanzeb!" "Father.." "Paritosh, what are you thinking about?" "Shoot him." "It's your mother, right?" "You're out of bullets." "I'm not." "Paritosh, why are you talking to him?" "Shoot!" "Your mother was Ghani's keep." "Do you know that?" "Scoundrel!" "Rascal!" "Son of a bitch!" "what are you doing?" "!" " You swine!" "Get off my way." "Move!" "No.." "Let go of him." " Let go of me." "what...what.." " Let go of me." "Let go.." " Father.." "Let go of him." "Let go of him." "Move!" "Enough!" "Enough!" "Enough is enough!" "Do you want to kill him!" "If I want, I can kill you right away." "But we want Ghani, not you." "we're the same, David." "The only difference is, I'm loyal to my country, and you.." "To that deceitful Ghani." "He has been cheating people for years." "First, he killed your father." "Then he kept your mother as his keep till she died." "All this is a lie." " No, it's not!" "And now...now he has made you his pet dog." "You are ashamed to call him your son?" "The truth is you are ashamed of yourself." "Because you've been an unsuccessful father!" "If you would've shown concern for our son.." "..as you showed for David then you wouldn't have to feel embarrassed!" "All he knows is how to use people." "we were here to punish him for the sins he committed in the name of religion." "But you have a better reason to punish him." "And if you feel that I'm lying, here.." "Kill us whenever you want." "But if it is true then you'll help us kill Ghani." "Come on.." "what?" "David!" "David!" " Yes." "Yes." "Yes." "You are my brother, David!" "Yes." " Hey, when did you come?" "maje rani, mazhe moga .." "tujhe dolyat sodhata thav .." "fulafullak pushit aayalo .." "fulafullak pushit.." "Love you." "He's asleep." "Go home." "Goodnight." "Yes." "Bye-bye." "what?" "Hey!" "what?" "what!" "Yes." "Home?" "Go." "Home flew away!" "Oh." "It didn't?" "You.." "To drop?" "I've to drop you home?" "Drop you home.." "No. lt's too far." "what is it?" "Yes?" "Huh?" "Hey.." "Huh?" "Yes." "Yes." "Yes." "Yes!" "Life is a video-game.." "Played by God." "Oops." "God." "Punch, kicks and biffs.." "He gave me everything." "But did I question it?" "No." "But today, I have finally.." "won this game!" "Hey!" "Dad.." "No more church, bar and singing hymns." "Because I am going abroad." "Your son is going on a world tour." "world tour!" " Yes!" "with whom?" " with music director Mr. Trilok." "He has selected me." "Me!" "Me!" "David." "Now I know, dad, that you must be feeling sad.." "That your son is leaving this house." "He's going on a world tour." " But the thing is, dad.." "Really?" " ..when a bird gets its wings.." "It should fly away." "But don't you worry, dear sisters!" "Very soon, I'll free you two birdies, too, from here." "So get ready!" "Father Noel!" "Come outside!" "Father Noel, come outside!" "Long live Malti 'Tai' (sister)!" "Long live Malti 'Tai'!" "Long live Malti 'Tai'!" "Long live Malti 'Tai'!" "Long live Malti 'Tai'!" "Malti 'Tai'!" "Malti 'Tai'!" "Dad?" "Dad, who are they?" " No, no.." "Long live.." " Malti 'Tai'!" "Long live Malti 'Tai'!" "Dad, who are they?" " No, no, no, no, no." "I don't know." " Let's go inside." " Dad.." "Monsters like Father Noel wish to destroy religion." "They want to hollow our society." "This poisonous snake is using western culture as his weapon.." "..is trying to destroy our religion." "Dad, you go inside." "I'll go and check." "No, I'll check." " No." "He is forcing our innocent men.." " Dad!" "No!" "He is luring them into converting their religion." "He's converting them into Christians." "No." "No, this is a lie." "This monster should be punished." "Hit him!" "Hit him!" "Hit him!" "Hit him!" "Hit him!" "Hit him!" "Love live.." " Malti 'Tai'!" "Down with.." " Father Noel!" "Dad!" "Dad!" "Hit him!" "Hit him!" "Hit him!" "Hit him!" "Hit him!" "Hit him!" "Dad!" "David!" "David!" "David!" "Get up!" "Dad.." "David!" "Get up!" "David!" "'This protest rally that you are seeing belongs to Competent India Committee.'" "'Malti 'Tai', famous for her numerous deeds..'" "'..is about to take a new step today, against conversion.'" "'Hit him!" "Hit him!" "'" "'Hit him!" "Hit him!" "'" "'This isn't an ordinary battle, this is a battle for religion.'" "Everything happened so quickly that we didn't get a chance to react." "If you have the courage.." "Even a minute is enough." "Hey, I know him." "He's a real estate agent." "The one in black jacket." "You know where l can find him?" "Iqbal, get a grip." "This isn't the time to shatter." "I won't let you shatter." "Think sensibly." "How will I face the society if anyone comes to know about it?" "I'll lose the respect I've earned over the years." "I've a solution." "with Mr. Shah Hussain.." "A bride gift of 1.25 hundred thousand pounds on this date." "And give it to you for the wedding." "Do you accept this marriage?" "Do you accept this marriage?" "I do." "I do." "Sign here." "Congratulations." " Congratulations." "Congratulations." "Sometimes, wrong is right." "Especially when it's about your honor." "You are family." "You understand." "Perhaps I am your culprit." "But this was necessary." "You knew everything." "Yet you acted ignorant." "This is a temporary wedding." "Only on paper." "So that we can tell the world nothing's wrong with Jehanzeb." "And that he is a decent family man." "It can be nullified in a year." "Then you.." "You and Noor.." "My mother was Ghani's keep." "True.." "..or untrue?" "what are you staring at?" "I've tolerated enough." "I can handle another truth." "Did Ghani kill my father?" "Iqbal was madly in love with your mother." "But your father was also his good friend." "why did he hide this from me?" "He didn't have the courage." "He feared losing you." "He still does." "David.." "A lot of pain and despair lies in your eyes." "I want to give you some advice." "Don't do anything such in rage which would destroy everything." "I'm leaving." "Come with me." "Did you hear me?" "Come with me!" "Leave." "You scoundrel!" "You son of a bitch!" "Am I only a body?" "!" "Don't I have a soul?" "!" "You don't want to leave, right?" "Fine." "I'll stay here." "with you." "In this house." "In your bed." "You grew up without your father, right?" "But my child will grow up with his father." "Did you hear me!" "Anyone can do anything they want." "Dad, I need to talk." "Go away. I am busy." "Dad, I need to talk." "Come.." "You should have told me earlier." "why are you making a double omelet of a single egg" "Dad, she kissed me!" "Kiss!" "Look at the mark." "Oh, come on!" "A peck on the cheek is not a kiss!" "Foreigners keep pecking each other on the cheek.." "..all day for no reason ." "But, dad.." "Of all the women in the world, you could only find her?" "So what if she is deaf and dumb." "She is still human!" "You donkey, she is Peter's fiancée." "She is your 'Bhabhi' (sister-in-law)." "Not Savita 'Bhabhi' (slutty sister-in-law)." "But, dad, I love her.." "Oh, my thickheaded son.." "I realize you are going to inaugurate at the age of 40.." "But know this before you move those scissors." "You'll be the one cutting and you'll be the one cut too." "Because Peter is your friend." "Understand this!" "You son of a bitch!" "How dare you make my son drink!" "Come, let's go." "where did she kiss you?" "Here." "Have a look." "Here or here?" "There's a lot of difference." "Here somewhere." "Plus one." "were the eyes open or shut?" "Hers or mine?" "Hers!" "Open." "Minus one." "what?" " Make it rough." "Don't go soft." "Okay, where were her hands?" "On your hair.." "On your shoulder.." "On your back.." "Or your.." "I don't remember." "Another minus point." "Okay, for how long did the kiss last?" "Just a minute." " One full minute!" "Hey!" "Come on, man!" "You are absolutely amazing!" "Not even heroines kiss for that long." "Oh man. I meant give me a minute.." "To recall.." "Mosquito." "Yes." "It lasted for about two seconds." "Two seconds." "Now you are talking." "Look, she is interested in you." "That's for sure." "Now whether the bank named Roma.." "..gives you 2% interest or 81/2 % interest.." "Or whether she gives you full 100% festival bumper.." "You should meet her and find that out." "Okay." "Look, David, in this world there is only one emotion, called love." "the rest of them are loose motions." "So what do I do now?" "Get on your ride." "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "I need to talk to you." "Not bath." "Talk to you." "I need to talk to you." "Then my marriage got fixed with Annie." "Annie.." "Annie ran away with her boyfriend on the day of the wedding." "My luck is all...bad luck, Roma." "And...people in the village consider me as bad luck." "I don't get invited to any weddings here." "Roma.." "Hey." "Roma.." "Did you feel the same?" "Did you feel the same way I did..." "last night.." "You, I.." "Muah." "Yeah." "Yeah." "The mark." "Look at the mark.." "You and me.." "Did you feel it?" "I need to talk to him." "Stay away." "Have you lost your mind?" "what is wrong with you?" "You'll get hold of anyone and thrash him?" "I'm talking to you, David!" "You think you'll handle everything on your own!" "You didn't even think about us!" "I too am angry, David." "And we won't stay mum." "we'll go to the cops." "Look, I'll lodge the compliant." "But let me forewarn you of its consequences." "You'll lodge a complaint." "Her workers will come." "Earlier they blackened your father's face." "Now they will go for your face." "Right?" "So, why get into this mess?" "Shall I lodge the complaint?" "I have a pen." "How can they do this?" "How can they misbehave with your father?" "How can they blacken his face?" "How?" "The law gives the power to the common man." "The common man can go to the court and say.." ""Your Honor, give me justice."" ""l am a common man." "Give me justice."" "I can speak to the chairman.." "..and fix a meeting for you with the police commissioner." "But I have just one question for you." "Are you sure you want to do this?" "People who can enter into your house in broad daylight and do this.." "..will hardly take any time to gather false evidence against your father." "So?" "what should we do?" "Forget everything?" "Truth is not taken seriously in our country." "So don't bother." "I hate my father, Neelam." "I just hate him." "But that's between us." "I can tell him whatever I want to." "I can taunt him, abuse him." "He is my dad." "I have a right." "what relationship does that politician have with my dad?" "Yes?" "what relationship?" "It's okay. lt's okay. lt's okay." "How can she do this to him?" "It's okay." " No one did anything for him." "Nothing.." "David." "The house in Birmingham, the hotel in Southall.." "And the parking lot in Crompton.." "I've spoken to the lawyer and transferred them to you." "Don't think that I want to thank you." "I am doing so because.." "I should do this." "If I knew about Noor and you.." "Don't hate me, David." "Did I do anything wrong?" "You can never do anything wrong." "who is he?" "where did you get this?" "From our place." "Once upon a time he was Ghani's Man Friday." "I feel you still don't believe that Ghani killed your father." "were you there when my father died?" "But if he was there.." "..then I want to hear it from him about what happened there." "I have two conditions if you want me to kill Ghani." "You're in no position to keep conditions." "My first condition." "I want this man." "And the second condition?" "Sir, how did you manage to pull David on your side?" "David must've made a huge demand to kill Ghani." "You've been called here to fulfill a demand of his." "what do you mean?" "where are you going?" "To my room." "Noor.." "Now this is your room." "No, this isn't my room." "David's room is mine." "It would be better if you and others get this straight." "But what I'm doing with Peter isn't right." "Oh, man." "You are once again getting Peter into the picture." "I'm feeling sorry for him." "Anyway Peter is getting married to Roma for the boat." "Right?" " Right." "And you because you love her, right?" "Right." "Now.." "what should I do next?" "Okay, tell me, who really wants you to get married?" "That will be me." "Oh, no." "No." "Your mom." "Mom." "Mom will accept it?" " Of course, she will." "Tell her, "Mom.."" " Mom.." ""l was thinking.."" "I was thinking.." "what's going to happen to me once you pass away?" "You figure that out after I pass away." "I want to get married." "Really?" " Really?" "Thank God. I'm so happy, David." "I am so thrilled, my son." "I am very happy." "Really. I am happy. who is the girl?" "Tell me, who is the girl?" "It's Roma." "which Roma?" "Peter's Roma?" "Yes, Peter's Roma." "You stupid swine.." "when will ever get some sense into yourself?" "She is getting married in another 10 days." "You know if the village gets to know about this.." "..then they will cut you in pieces." "You'll die." "Go." "Get out of here." "Go." "what is this, David?" "Stop it." "Untie me." "Untie me!" " tie me!" "going to talk to Roma's dad or not?" "No." "God will never forgive me." "It's a sin, David." "Please." "Please understand, my son." "Understand, my son." "Now tell me." "David." "David." "No, no, David." "will you talk to them or not?" "No, David." "David, no." "No." "will you do it or not?" "No." "David, no." "David." "No." "No.." "I can't live without you." "Even I can't live without you." "But I want Roma too." "Please, mom, talk to them." "Please." " Okay." "Go." " No." "Please." "Excuse me.." "Mr. Almeda.." "Mom!" "Mom!" "Mom.." "She's going to be under medication for two weeks." "And complete bedrest for three weeks." "She will not be able to talk for atleast a month." "Mom.." "I told you.." " Dad!" "This was not right." "That was no coconut." "That was a message from God." "what message?" "It was not a coconut." "It was a warning from Jesus." "And what broke was not your mother's head.." "..but a good morning in Jesus's style." "That, son, wake up, you have slept long enough." "Good morning?" "'Hit him!" "Hit him!" "Hit him!" "'" "In Kabaddi safety comes first, otherwise.." "Ranade 'Bhau' (brother)!" "I want answers!" "Ranade 'Bhau'.." "I want answers!" "what do you want?" "why are you getting yourself hurt everyday?" "Tell me." "why did you hurt my father?" "Are you repetitively coming here to ask this?" ""why did you hurt my father?"" "Do you have a death wish?" "we have no enmity with your father." "we thrashed your father for money." "Got it?" "For money?" "who gave you the money?" "Malti 'Tai'." "why?" "Business." "Your father was thrashed for business purposes." "Do you wear underpants?" "which brand?" "Jockey?" "why not Rupa?" "The material is the same, so is the fit." "Even the elastic." "Yet you don't." "Jockey means cool." "Similarly.." "Religion, too, is.." "Like underpants." "God, Lord, Allah, Jesus." "Same material, same fitting." "But the brokers of religion, the marketing guys.." "Try to prove others as bad." "This causes riots, fights and such fuck ups." "we thrashed your father because his brand is Jesus." "And theirs is different." "Now quietly go home and take care of your father." "what will you do now?" "Now I'll go and meet Malti 'Tai'." "David." "I'm Thomas Louis's son." "Did you know him?" "No!" "Yes!" "I know him. I know him." "Did Ghani kill him?" "That was an accident." "I don't remember anything." "You were with Ghani." "Tell me, did Ghani kill him?" "That was a shootout!" "I don't remember anything.." "whose bullet struck whom?" "Did Ghani kill my father?" "I'm telling the truth!" "I don't remember anything!" "I'm telling the truth!" "I don't remember anything!" "Do you even know who your father is?" "where are you going?" "why?" "Jehanzeb, why?" "Because there's nothing left for me here." "I have a wife.." "who openly sleeps with you." "I have a father.." "who is more like a father to you than to me." "why should I stay here?" "why?" "I know you're angry with him." "But the truth is, he loves you a lot." "He loves me?" "He either loves himself, or you." "Isn't it, mother?" "Don't go." "Don't go, my son." "Don't go." "The coconut that fell on your head, mom.." "It was not a coconut." "It was a message from God." "Do you also feel so?" "Then what!" "It was a message from God, stating.." ""Boss, the covering of the coconut.."" "what is it called?" "Coconut!" "Na!" "The shell.." " Yeah, yeah." "The shell is always hard." "But if you wish to eat the fresh coconut inside.." "..you will have to break the shell, right?" " Yes." "You'll have to work hard." "Now take me for example." "How did the coconut fall on me?" "How?" "This is my third time in prison, right?" "Yes." "Right?" " Yes." "But has that stopped me?" "No, right?" " Yes, you haven't." "Right?" "I'll go and open another parlor." "Right?" " Yes." "Similarly, if you want Roma.." "A lot of such coconuts will fall in the future, David." "But boss, you shouldn't give up." "what should I do now?" "Asshole.." "You take a bribe and yet you raid my parlor." "Should I tell your wife.." " No.." "Don't.." " About your affairs.." "It's not so, madam." " Then what is it?" "we've got a new boss." " Okay." "It's his fresh orders." "He'll release you by tonight." "Listen.." "Has my husband come with lunch?" "Sorry." "Look.." "I feel, you should involve a senior." "who?" "Everyone hates me." "Even the pain in the neck Father Albert." "why don't you get Albert sentimental?" "Look.." "Roma loves you." "And if Father Albert is forcefully getting her married to Peter.." "..then he is committing a sin." "Right, isn't it?" "And.." "And priests aren't allowed to sin." "Priests are not allowed to sin." "what?" "Roma and I want to get married." "I know Roma is getting married." "But whom are you getting married to?" "To Roma." "And Peter?" "To Roma." "So you and Peter both want to get married to Roma." "Then how many people does roma want to get married to?" "No." "Peter is going to get married to Roma." "But Roma wants to marry me." "who do you want to get married to?" "To Roma." "Then Peter?" "How do I know!" "I am telling you that I and peter want to get married." "Peter and Roma.." "Roma and I want to marry." "Peter, Roma, Peter, Roma." "Peter, Roma." "Are you married?" "Almost." "Just got saved." "That's why I am a priest." "I can see why!" "Look, David, I don't know what your scene with Roma is." "But both the families will have to come and sign an agreement." "I can not do all this." "I am a priest!" "But not God!" "Go, man." "Hey." "Hey!" "God has his hands and legs all crucified." "Crucified!" "So he has a reason to not do anything." "But what is your reason, man?" "Bearded priest." "Hello" " Hello!" "Hi, baby." "Hello." "Priests are allowed to sin?" "Na." "He will not do anything for you." "You are wrong." "He's a man of God." "But you are not a man of God." "what do you mean?" "You will have to help me." "what?" "I will not help you." "Aren't you my father?" "Cookie.." "Come." "Come." "Your mummy and daddy are home?" "Very good." "Very good." "David is a very good boy." "Peter is also a very good boy." "Very good." "Both of them will keep you very happy." "But the question is who do you want to be with?" "David or Peter or both?" "Hey, what?" "Dad.." "He's going to be under medication for two weeks." "And complete bedrest for three weeks." "He will not be able to talk for atleast a month." "This was God's second message." "You didn't read the first one properly." "So he sent another." "Follow up." "I'm telling you. lt's not too late." "Forget Roma." "Everything will be taken care of." "See you." "Goodbye." "See you downstairs." " Yeah." "See you." "See you downstairs." "Ma'am, we have a meeting at three in Gowandi." "Mr. Roy will also be there." " Okay." "Have you informed the driver?" " l have." "who are you?" "Move!" "Ranade 'Bhau'!" "Ranade.." "I want answers!" "why did you blacken my father's face?" "who are you?" "I'm Father Noel's son." "Look, son.." " Don't address me as son!" "Don't.." "I forced a relationship on you and you got hyper." "You should think about how we feel.." "..when your father forces his God on someone." "He has done no such thing." "what I did was right." "If your father is guilty then it is good." "If he isn't then too what I did was right." "Because this has made your father an example." "In politics you either make your enemy guilty or an example." "You are still a kid." "You won't understand." "Open the lift's door." "Otherwise my men will kill you." "Open it!" "Open the door!" "what harm had my father done to you?" "Open it!" " what had he done!" "we won't spare you!" "Move!" "Move!" "Open the door!" "Malti 'Tai', I want answers!" " Open the door.." "You.. - l want answers, Malti 'Tai'!" "Take him away!" "Answer me!" " Let's go." "I'll answer your questions." " Take him away!" "Get lost!" " Move!" " Son of a bitch!" " Get lost!" "Go and ask Malti 'Tai'!" "what wrong has my father done to you!" "Yes?" "Get lost!" "You come here!" "Come here!" "Son of a bitch!" "Ask your Malti 'Tai' to come here!" "Long live Malti 'Tai', my ass!" "Done?" "Go on!" "Are you done?" "Go on!" "I'll screw Malti 'Tai's' mother!" "I'll screw Malti 'Tai's' maid!" "Did you gain anything?" "who are you?" "Another of her dogs?" "Dog?" "Neither am I her dog nor are they." "You are a dog." "A dog that barks." "But when this barking dog bites, he makes everyone shit." "So stop barking and start biting." "Bite." "Bite!" "Good luck!" "See boss this is a war." "And in this war the question is of killing or getting killed." "And the one who will pick up the weapon to kill first, the victory will be his." "Take care, good luck, bark." "Stop right there." "You don't need to come here any more." "You'll get your dues." "Leave." "Sir, I want to meet Neelam ma'am." "I said, leave." "Sir, let Neelam ma'am say so, I'll leave." "Hey.." " Okay?" "You are bullish!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Let go of my hand!" " Hey!" "Let her come, I'll leave." "Get out!" " Let her come, I'll leave." " Get out!" "Let go of him." "You leave." "Dad go inside." "Please, dad." "David.." " Ma'am.." "Please leave." "And never come back." "Please leave." "I can't do this anymore." "You are like over here and dad over there.." "Even I am angry over these things." "Before whom should I cry and scream?" "Enough is enough!" "we belong to the lower middle class." "we shouldn't expect justice from the system." "David.." "Forget everything." "David!" "Dad isn't at home!" "I've looked for him everywhere!" "I don't know where he has gone!" "Listen children." "Happiness and sadness are a part of everyone's life." "In this world.." "It's not possible that everything in this world goes in our favor." "we should try to accept all situations and move ahead in life." "That's why it is important for us to understand that.." "..God doesn't give the power to everyone to accept pain." "Let's go" "Let's go." "Okay." "God is testing you, David." "How many tests will He take?" "Now I'm a double graduate." "This is the final test of God." "Take Rodriguez for example." "He proposed me 17 times." "I accepted it when he proposed the 18th time." "If he would've given up the 3rd or the 4th time like you are.." "..then how would this drama company come into existence?" "Hey, you are the best man tomorrow, right?" "Yes." "So?" "So it's simple, David." "You know how the wedding ceremony takes place, right?" "Yes." "Priest will ask.." "Does anyone in the village or family object to this wedding?" "Yeah." "During my wedding my wife objected and ran away!" "why do you keep looking at that pillar?" "Listen up." "So when the priest will ask does anyone object it.." "You object it." "The wedding will stop." "Yeah." "But.." "David, are you sure that Roma loves you?" "Yes." " Then she's unwillingly getting married to Peter." "Only you can save it." "It is your duty." "It is my duty." "I have to.." "Save her." "Do you think David will bring Ghani tomorrow?" "And what will we do about David once we kill Ghani?" "Once Ghani is dead.." "we don't need David." "David.." "Peter?" "I lied to you, David." "About what?" "That I'm getting married to Roma for the boat." "I don't want any boat, David." "The thing is when I saw her for the first time in church.." "It was love at first sight." "what happened?" "why did they stop?" "what relationship did you and my mother share?" "Tell me, father." "Let's go." "Let's go." "It's been my privilege and honor working with you." "Here is to my friend and colleague General Pramod Bhatt." "Cheers!" " Cheers!" "So what do you plan to do next?" "Nothing immediately." "My daughter is in America." "I'm thinking of paying her a visit." "well, have a good trip." "Thank you." "Hello?" "Hi." "Hi." "Imam sahib?" "Yes." "Just a minute." "Imam sahib, it's Iqbal." "I hope.." "I'm about to do the job I came here for." "I'm going to be back home soon." "Have patience." "who is that?" "who's on the line?" "Hello?" "Iqbal, is that you?" "is that you?" "Iqbal, talk to me." "Don't do what you've gone there to do." "It's wrong." "It's not wrong, mother." "It's not wrong." "This revenge is necessary." "A lot of blood has been lost." "It's enough." "There's some left." "Father!" "A lot of blood has been lost." "It's enough." "There's some left." "Amen." "Rings, please." "Please exchange the rings." "In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit." "I now pronounce you man and wife." "Let go, man." "Hey, I am okay." "what's your problem, huh?" "Just, just, just relax okay." "Just relax, okay?" "Beautiful." "She is so beautiful." "Lucky guy." "Not him, you." "what?" "Only a selected few are destined this pain." "This pain gives a strange pleasure." "Right?" "You are very lucky, mister..." "David." "My name is David." "All the problem lies in this name." "David!" "If I would've been Peter.." "I would've been with Roma." "But I am not Peter, I am David." "why am I David?" "You are David because you can't be Peter." "The thing which David did today.." "..Peter perhaps could've never done it." "You'll find many people in this world who are like Peter." "But David.." "But people like David are very rare." "Thanks, Father.." "David." "My name is Father David." " Dav.." "I hope you remember the name." "Yes." "David?" "Father David." | {
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"One, two." "One, two, three, four!" "¶ I've been out of the woods for six days and nights now ¶" "¶ and I'm a little hard-wired but I'm feeling all right now ¶" "¶ I've been out of the woods for six days and nights now ¶" "¶ I got some money in my pocket and I won't need a ride yeah ¶" "¶ I've been out of the woods for six days and nights now ¶" "¶ got a big-jetted car and a baby by my side, yeah ¶" "¶ I've been out of the woods for six days and nights now ¶" "¶ well, I'm a little hard-wired but I'm feeling okay ¶" "¶ I've been out of the woods for six days and nights now ¶" "¶ and I got a little lost out along the way ¶" "¶ I've been out of the woods for six days and nights now ¶" "¶ but I'm just around the corner to the light of day ¶" "¶ I've been out of the woods for six days and nights now ¶" "¶ yeah ¶" "¶ I've been out of the woods for six days and nights now ¶" "¶ I'm just around the corner to the light of day, yeah ¶" "¶ I've been out of the woods for six days and nights now ¶" "¶ I'm drivin' 500 Miles got 500 to go, yeah ¶" "¶ I've got rock 'n' roll music on my radio ¶¶" "¶ I'm drivin' 500 Miles got 500 to go, yeah ¶ look, Debbie!" "¶ I'm drivin' 500 Miles got 500 to go, yeah ¶ oh, my God, hi!" "How are you?" "¶ I'm drivin' 500 Miles got 500 to go, yeah ¶ we watch your show all the time." "Good to see you." "¶ I'm drivin' 500 Miles got 500 to go, yeah ¶ thank you." "Thank you." "All right." "You have a good day." "¶ I'm drivin' 500 Miles got 500 to go, yeah ¶" "Bye!" "¶ I'm drivin' 500 Miles got 500 to go, yeah ¶" "They say the only luck is the luck you make." "In the winter of '88, I was the luckiest man alive." "They say the only luck is the luck you make." "I had it all... fame, fortune and my own parking space..." "They say the only luck is the luck you make." "At Harrisburg's trendiest bistro." "They say the only luck is the luck you make." "I would have done anything to keep it all." "They say the only luck is the luck you make." "And, unfortunately, I did." "They say the only luck is the luck you make." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Did you get a haircut?" "Oh, yes." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Yeah, it looks good." "Don't get too good-looking." "I'll be out of a job." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Oh, how about this winter weather, eh?" "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Farmer's almanac sure didn't get it right this year." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." ""Caterpillar in June, cold winter soon." That's what they said." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Well, amateurs, Jack." "Hillbilly folklore, that's all it is." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "You should write your own almanac, Mr. Richards." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Something people could believe in." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Maybe one day I will, Jack." "Maybe one day I will." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Enjoy your breakfast." "Good morning." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Wendy, how are you?" "Just fine." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Yeah." "How's the cold?" "Oh, it's just allergies, I think." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Really?" "Oh, not allergic to me, are you?" "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "No." "I don't think so." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "You're so bad." "Guilty as charged." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "I'll be right back with your cantaloupe and egg whites." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Okay." "You pick me a ripe one." "Excuse me, Mr. Richards." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "I'm sorry to bother you, but can I get a picture?" "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Well, sure." "It's my son's birthday," "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "And he saw you walk in." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "What's your name, skipper?" "Sam." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Sam." "Well, you're a big fella, samarino." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "How old are you today?" "Twenty-seven?" "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "I'm five." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Five?" "Well, how's the wife?" "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "All right." "Happy Birthday." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Thanks for coming by." "All right." "Thank you." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Oh, you gotta love it." "Wow." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "You're Russ Richards, aren't you?" "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Last time I checked." "Well, hello!" "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Hi." "Here." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Let me guess." "Mmm." "It's a resume of some sort," "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "And you're looking for a job in broadcasting." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "Yeah, just read it." "Asshole." "Jack, how are ya?" "Good morning, Mr. Richards." "You are Mr. lucky today." "I found you the ripest melon in Harrisburg." "You are Mr. lucky today." "¶ Christmas don't be late ¶¶ fuck!" "You are Mr. lucky today." "Live from Harrisburg and news center six." "You are Mr. lucky today." "Covering Harrisburg, York, Lancaster and Lebanon, it's news at five with Dan shuff, Heidi zimmer..." "Covering Harrisburg, York, Lancaster and Lebanon, and Russ Richards with the weather." "Covering Harrisburg, York, Lancaster and Lebanon," "this is news at five." "Good evening." "A Perry county teacher is behind bars tonight..." "This is news at five." "For allegedly locking an unruly student in a broom closet." "This is news at five." "That story coming up." "This is news at five." "But first, let's check in with the weather center..." "This is news at five." "To see if these beautiful spring-like temperatures will continue." "This is news at five." "Russ?" "Yes, it's the middle of December, this is news at five." "And we still have more 60-degree weather heading our way." "This is news at five." "Now don't panic, folks." "You're not in the twilight zone." "This is news at five." "This is news at five." "Now, on the downside, if the weather gets any nicer, this is news at five." "My aunt Mildred could move back from ft." "Lauderdale." "This is news at five." "Just kidding." "A wonderful woman." "This is news at five." "Anyhoo, I'll be back with a complete forecast a little later." "This is news at five." "Take it, Dan." "This is news at five." "Thanks, Russ." "We'll check in with you later." "This is news at five." "And now the fourth." "Eleven." "And the fifth number, please." "Eleven." " Hi, Russ." " Thirty." "Eleven." "Hey, dottie." "How are you?" "Eleven." "Oh, still struggling with the diet." "Oh, yeah?" "Eleven." "Don't get too thin." "It's not good for you." "Eleven." "Eight." "Eleven." "And there you have it." "Tonight's Pennsylvania lottery number: 19, 47," "And there you have it." "3, 11, 30, 8." "And there you have it." "If you have it, come and get it." "And there you have it." "If not, better luck next time." "Back to you, Dan." "And there you have it." "We gonna talk about this?" "There's nothing to talk about, cochise." "And there you have it." "I told you no more loans." "Penn fed's down the street." "This is not..." "And there you have it." "This is not..." "And there you have it." "This is not a loan, this is an advance." "Stop acting like it's coming out of your pocket." "And there you have it." "If you didn't piss your money away, you wouldn't need an advance." "And there you have it." "Now what is it this week..." "racquetball courts?" "Peewee golf?" "And there you have it." "Snowmobiles." "You know it." "I told you that." "And there you have it." "Jesus Christ." "It's exhausting with you." "And there you have it." "Snowmobiles." "How's business?" "And there you have it." "When this heat wave ends, I'm golden." "And there you have it." "Well, you're the weatherman." "End it." "And there you have it." "Where the hell is he?" "Crystal!" "And there you have it." "How many times do I have to tell those guys about the cables?" "And there you have it." "I almost broke my fucking neck on live television!" "And there you have it." "Yeah." "And there you have it." "Oh, sorry." "I didn't realize you were in the middle of a meeting." "And there you have it." "No, it's okay." "It's okay." "Calm down." "And there you have it." "Calm down." "You know..." "And there you have it." "Come with me." "I have to leave, of course." "And there you have it." "I talked to them about this thing." "It's never gonna happen again." "And there you have it." "All right?" "Just relax." "It's not gonna happen again." "And there you have it." "Hi, boss." "Hello." "How you doing, Bobby?" "And there you have it." "I can't do the olive garden tonight." "And there you have it." "My wife invited a few people over." "And there you have it." "I've gotta eat at home." "That's just great, dick." "And there you have it." "No, you know what?" "I am tired of this bullshit." "And there you have it." "Hey, hey, hey." "Easy." "Come on." "And there you have it." "Remember, we got that affiliates thing coming up." "And there you have it." "Uh-huh." "Six days in Hawaii." "And there you have it." "Mm-hmm." "Eating like pigs." "And there you have it." "Christ, you got some body on you." "And there you have it." "Tell me something I don't know." "And there you have it." "Do we have anything else to talk about?" "I think we're through here." "Unless you want to torture me about the fucking weather chopper." "Do we have anything else to talk about?" "I think we're through here." "Like that was a bad idea." "Weather chopper?" "Do we have anything else to talk about?" "I think we're through here." "Come on, I'm a weatherman." "You know what the truth is?" "Do we have anything else to talk about?" "I think we're through here." "I feel bad for you, dick." "I do." "Do we have anything else to talk about?" "I think we're through here." "Because one day you're gonna wake up, and you're gonna realize..." "Do we have anything else to talk about?" "I think we're through here." "That you had a diamond in the palm of your hand and you let it slip away." "Do we have anything else to talk about?" "I think we're through here." "To where, Atlantic city?" "Do we have anything else to talk about?" "I think we're through here." "Oh, that's what this is about." "To be a big game show host." "Do we have anything else to talk about?" "I think we're through here." "That's right." "I hear everything." "Do we have anything else to talk about?" "I think we're through here." "I'm like a satellite in outer space." "Did you get your audition?" "Do we have anything else to talk about?" "I think we're through here." "My agent is all over it." "Right." "Do we have anything else to talk about?" "I think we're through here." "Mace kornberg, please." "Yes, this is Russ Richards." "Mm-hmm." "Mace kornberg, please." "You know, this is getting a little ridiculous." "I've already left, like, five messages." "You know, this is getting a little ridiculous." "All right, your boss, mace kornberg, saw me on TV, okay?" "You know, this is getting a little ridiculous." "He loved me, okay?" "He wants to represent me." "You know, this is getting a little ridiculous." "We... we sat at my personal booth at Denny's..." "You know, this is getting a little ridiculous." "For over an hour, and I told him all about myself." "You know, this is getting a little ridiculous." "And now for some reason, he's not returning my phone calls." "You know, this is getting a little ridiculous." "Well, what part of that was too long?" "Well, just... just tell him that Russ Richards called, okay?" "Thank you." "Well, what part of that was too long?" "What's happening?" "Still not there?" "Nah, but, you know, the whole agency is out for the week." "A retreat or something." "What's a retreat?" "Oh, I'm not sure, but I think it's a religious thing." "Hey, I got some great news for you." "Oh, yeah?" "Yeah, remember I told you about my brother's car, the one that was in a wreck?" "For the sake of expediency, I am going to say yes." "Well, he's finally ready to sell it." "It's all pounded out, repainted, and ready to go." "Beautiful lime-green finish." "Looks just like a popsicle." "Now, Larry, is there some reason that I should know this?" "Well, just if you decide the jag is too much of an extravagance, you know." "I'm not selling the jag." "I'd sell my body parts to South America before I'd sell that jag." "Okay." "You're the boss." "Yeah, I am the boss." "And here's another news flash for you." "I'm not losing the house either." "You know what you laymen fail to realize?" "It's not about the snowmobiles." "Come on." "It's about the weather, okay?" "One cold front, a little moist air, and bam!" "Yeah, I'm rockefeller." "I'm on Broadway." "I'm doing the cha-cha-cha." "Yeah!" "Oh, God!" "Oh, whip me forever!" "Oh!" "Oh!" "Oh!" "Boy, whew!" "That is always such a treat." "Oh, with dick, it's like having sex with a sloth." "Boy, whew!" "That is always such a treat." "Don't put that image in my head." "Boy, whew!" "That is always such a treat." "Here." "Try this just one time." "No." "Yeah, it'll help you relax." "Here." "Try this just one time." "No!" "I don't even want a contact high." "It makes me nauseous." "Here." "Try this just one time." "You shouldn't even be smoking it." "You're the lotto girl." "Here." "Try this just one time." "You practically work for the state." "Put it out." "Here." "Try this just one time." "Okay, I'm putting it out." "Here." "Try this just one time." "I have a question to ask you." "Yeah?" "Here." "Try this just one time." "If you had an agent, and you tried to get him for two weeks, here." "Try this just one time." "You tried eight times and he didn't return your call, what would you think?" "Here." "Try this just one time." "Um... huh?" "Here." "Try this just one time." "I can't relate." "I've never had a guy not call me back." "Here." "Try this just one time." "Oh!" "I just don't get it." "Here." "Try this just one time." "When I met..." "I met this guy, he was... he was gushing." "Here." "Try this just one time." "He wanted to do this for me, he wanted to do that." "Here." "Try this just one time." "I've had my ass kissed, but this was really special." "Here." "Try this just one time." "So, he is officially your agent, right?" "It's not like you just had that one meeting." "Here." "Try this just one time." "It's splitting hairs here, you know." "Here." "Try this just one time." "I mean, it was clear he wanted to sign me." "Here." "Try this just one time." "You know what he said to me?" "Here." "Try this just one time." "He said that I delivered the weather forecast with a shakespearean flair." "Here." "Try this just one time." "Was he drunk?" "Here." "Try this just one time." "No, he wasn't drunk." "What's wrong with you?" "Here." "Try this just one time." "Look." "If the guy's not returning your calls, then fire his ass." "Here." "Try this just one time." "Just hire someone else." "What's the biggie?" "Here." "Try this just one time." "Do you know who mace kornberg is?" "Uh-uh." "Here." "Try this just one time." "Do you have any idea of the pedigree of this man?" "No." "Here." "Try this just one time." "Here's a little primer for you." "Here." "Try this just one time." "He only handled gene rayburn at the height of the match game." "Here." "Try this just one time." "That's all." "Here." "Try this just one time." "Wow." "All right, so he is kind of a big shot." "Here." "Try this just one time." "Yeah, congratulations." "You just won the cutlass." "Here." "Try this just one time." "I wouldn't be caught dead driving a cutlass, thank you." "I'll trade it in." "Here." "Try this just one time." "Well, how about door number two?" "Here." "Try this just one time." "Old reliable." "Here." "Try this just one time." "Wait." "Here." "Try this just one time." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "What is it that makes you successful..." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "And all the others knocking on the doors not so successful?" "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "Well, I'm not so sure." "You know, as I travel around the country, you're in a very small, select group of guys." "I see on television, I see guys that would make good game show hosts." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "But I don't tell them." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "No." "I think, to me, the analogy is a game show host is the icing on the cake, you're in a very small, select group of guys." "But the format is the cake." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "Yeah, format is the cake." "To me, dick Clark, you're in a very small, select group of guys." "For all the things he does, is an outstanding game show host." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "He stays out of the way." "He lets the format work." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's your host, Russ Richards!" "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's your host, Russ Richards!" "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "So, Russ, it sounds like we can keep those scarves and mittens..." "In mothballs a while longer then." "That's what it sounds like, Dan." "And the sleds and snowmobiles can stay in the garage." "That is correct, Heidi." "I think we all get the point." "Thanks, Russ." "We'll check in with you later." "Hello." "You have one message." "Hello." "You have one message." "Uh, yes." "This message is for rob Richards." "This is Sandy from the gabler-kornberg agency." "Uh, yes." "This message is for rob Richards." "I'm sorry no one got back to you sooner, but we were away on a retreat." "Uh, yes." "This message is for rob Richards." "Apology accepted, Sandy." "Uh, yes." "This message is for rob Richards." "Anyway, I just wanted to let you know..." "Uh, yes." "This message is for rob Richards." "That Mr. kornberg is dead." "Uh, yes." "This message is for rob Richards." "He passed away around eight months ago." "Uh, yes." "This message is for rob Richards." "Oh!" "I'm sure had he not, he would've returned your call." "Uh, yes." "This message is for rob Richards." "Oh, jeez!" "For what it's worth, he went quickly." "Uh, yes." "This message is for rob Richards." "Yeah." "Yep." "Bye-bye." "Uh, yes." "This message is for rob Richards." "That was your last message." "Uh, yes." "This message is for rob Richards." "Yep, that was my last message." "Uh, yes." "This message is for rob Richards." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "You don't do coke." "You're not a pussy hound." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Well, what the fuck did you blow your money on?" "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "It just... it just went, okay?" "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Does it matter?" "What was that?" "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "That's Carla, the human Cannon." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Oh, she's good." "She's Dutch." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Russ, we go way back." "Right." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "And I like you." "I do." "I'm a fan." "But 25 grand." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "I just don't think I can lay my hands on that kind of money." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Oh." "Especially now." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "I'm going through a very messy divorce." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "I'm sure you understand." "Sure." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "I do now." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Okay." "Take care, gig." "Thanks a lot." "Take care." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Hypothetically speaking though, it's not like you're a man without options." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "What do you mean?" "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Well, you do have options." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "What are they?" "Come." "Speak up." "Hello?" "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Take your glasses off." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Well, what is that?" "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Russ, I assume you have insurance on your dealership." "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Yeah, so?" "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Don't you think now would be the appropriate time to, you know," "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Make a few claims on, you know, some of those premiums?" "Russ, let me get this straight." "You don't drink." "Oh, God." "Oh, jeez!" "Are you talking about arson?" "Oh, God." "Oh, jeez!" "The last thing you want to get involved with, mate, is arson." "Oh, God." "Oh, jeez!" "Well, that's right." "Yes, of course not." "Oh, God." "Oh, jeez!" "No, the way to beat an insurance company these days is with a phony robbery." "Oh, God." "Oh, jeez!" "Oh, God." "Oh, God." "Oh, jeez!" "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "First of..." "look." "If I weren't, okay, the President of the rotary, you are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "The vice president of the sunshiny day club..." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "And I'm a big brother, gig." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "Russ, it's your money." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "The insurance company is earning interest off it." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "I mean, the whole "man of the people," nice guy thing, you are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "It's very quaint, but don't you think it's time to put a cap on it, hmm?" "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "Well, how would it work?" "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "You know, like, you know, hypothetically speaking." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "How would, you know, how would it go down?" "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "Well, it's nothing." "No?" "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "If I were to put it in medical terms..." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "Where you would equate brain surgery with a bank robbery, you are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "This would be like a visit to the podiatrist." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "Hmm." "And it just so happens..." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "I have an acquaintance named Dale who is a specialist in this sort of thing." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "It's a very simple procedure, Russ." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "The whole thing would take..." "40 minutes." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "Forty?" "Wow." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "Forty minutes, tops." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "Dale arrives at your dealership on a prearranged night with his crew." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "¶ It's so easy to blow up your problems ¶¶ you are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "Finds his way inside." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "Leaves the telltale signs of a break-in..." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "And gains entrance." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "Then it's just a simple matter of getting the sleds out the back door." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "I mean, the actual extraction process is the easiest bit." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "And, uh, that's that." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "All that's left is between you and your insurance company." "You are veering in that direction." "That makes me very uncomfortable, gig." "End of story." "Easy as pie." "I, of course, would command you know, the standard 20% consultation fee." "End of story." "Easy as pie." "I figured that." "You know, it's up to you, Russ." "End of story." "Easy as pie." "I mean, only you know if you're ready for something like this." "End of story." "Easy as pie." "That visit to the podiatrist." "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "An ingrown toenail, at the very most." "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "Funny." "Okay." "Okay." "Well, make the call then." "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "Good choice." "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "¶ I was in the right place but it must have been the wrong time ¶ well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "¶ I was saying the right things but I must have used the wrong line ¶ well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "¶ I was on the right trip ¶ all right." "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "Let's do this cocksucker." "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "All right." "Let's do it." "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "¶ I've been runnin', tryin' to get hung up in my mind ¶ well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "This is so cool." "You can just come in here anytime you want." "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "Yeah, I got the keys, don't I?" "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "All right." "This one's for Charlie hustle, okay?" "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "The pricks wanna keep him out of cooperstown?" "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "¶ I was in the wrong place but it must have been the right time ¶ well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "Home run." "¶ I was in the right place ¶ well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "It's happening right this second." "Send a squad car now!" "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "¶ I was in the right world but it seemed like a wrong wrong, wrong, wrong ¶¶ well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "Come on." "Move it!" "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "Let me just ask you one question, your honor." "Where's my bat?" "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "Don't worry about your bat, asshole." "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "Well, it's like removing a bunion or something." "Yeah?" "I'm gonna break your fuckin' face, man." "What?" "You better have a bag of money down here..." "The split fuckin' second they set bail, or I'm going to tell them who hired me." "Who is this?" "I also want an extra ten grand for pain and suffering." "Are we clear, weatherman?" "No, we're not clear." "We're the furthest thing from clear." "I don't even know who you are." "Look." "A second ago I was asleep." "And two seconds ago, I was in a blueberry field with my mother," "And we were getting along really well." "Save that bullshit for your psychiatrist." "I want my ten grand." "Stop it!" "Stop saying that!" "I don't have ten grand to give you." "Oh, no?" "You'd better sell something or kill someone." "I don't care!" "You just get me my fucking money!" "What..." "Okay, Russ." "It's gonna be a better day." "Russ Richards!" "Hi!" "How are you?" "Okay, Russ." "It's gonna be a better day." "Merry Christmas." "Okay, Russ." "It's gonna be a better day." "Okay." "Mmm." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "Problem." "What?" "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "Dale the thug's getting a bit pissy about his ten grand." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "Dale the thug?" "Dale the thug?" "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "That's his nickname?" "When did that happen?" "Yeah." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "Oh, that's childhood issues." "Trust me, you don't wanna know." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "He was fine for a day or two, but now he's had time to stew, you see?" "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "Good morning." "What can I get you?" "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "Can I have coffee?" "But with whole milk." "Okay." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "And do you have those little apple pastries?" "Wendy." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "The apple pastries with the cinnamon swirls." "He's not staying." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "He's leaving, okay?" "Okay." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "Okay." "All right." "Thanks for asking." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "I cannot be seen with you." "I am a public figure." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "Russ, you don't return my calls." "I'm doing you the favor." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "And if there's a Dale the thug issue on the table, time tends to be of the essence." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "Gig, I'm tapped out." "All the money I got for the jag, I barely covered his bail." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "I am not having this conversation here with you." "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "Th-there's an omelette named after me, for God's sake!" "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "What's in it?" "You leave that alone!" "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "You leave and just go!" "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "Really?" "Really." "I'll follow you." "Yes!" "Scoop-a-doop, Russ, love." "What are you doing here?" "Hmm." "Well, I'll... um, Russ, I'll just be outside then?" "Hmm." "Well, I'll... oh, God!" "Right?" "Hmm." "Well, I'll... let's go." "On top of everything else, hmm." "Well, I'll... they've impounded his baseball bat as evidence." "Hmm." "Well, I'll... he bought it at an auction." "Pete rose hit with it or some shit like that." "Hmm." "Well, I'll... he shouldn't have used it then." "Christ, even a plumber knows..." "Hmm." "Well, I'll... to take his ring off before he snakes the drain." "Hmm." "Well, I'll... well, you screwed up, he got pinched." "Hmm." "Well, I'll..." "I-I did not screw up!" "Hmm." "Well, I'll..." "I can't control the sexual appetite of my employee." "Hmm." "Well, I'll..." "I mean, either way, you're gonna have to pay for it." "Hmm." "Well, I'll... you know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Why don't you just set up an appointment at his convenience..." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "To come break my legs or kick me in the nuts, or whatever he does?" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Well, you know what?" "I very much doubt it'll be the latter." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "That's practically how he treats his friends." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "You know, Russ, I've been thinking about your situation, you know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "And it occurs to me that sometimes in life..." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "The greatest opportunities are sitting right under your nose." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "The only thing under my nose is this place mat with the presidents up to Carter." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Am I missing something?" "The lottery." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Oh, that is so stupid!" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "You think that my playing the lottery is going to solve all my problems?" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Not playing the lottery, winning the lottery." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "You got that lotto ball machine down at the station, right?" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "All I'm saying is a little razzle-dazzle, you're set for life." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Gig, I just came off a botched phony robbery." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Let me bask in that for a while before I start thinking about tampering..." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "With the fucking state lottery!" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "I'm not talking out of my ass here." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "I do have experience with this sort of thing." "Really." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Yeah." "About ten years ago, great." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Before I washed up on these golden shores, you know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "I rigged a bingo game in my local church hall." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Church hall, huh?" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Weighed down a few ping-pong balls, Bob's your Uncle!" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "I walked away with a fucking lawn mower." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Oh, a lawn mower." "Wow." "This is not war and peace, you know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Merely the concept of gravity." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "No, no, the concept of gravity..." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Is when you fall down and you break your head open." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Well, your glass is obviously half empty." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "No, gig, my glass is totally empty." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Watch it!" "Hate you!" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Calm down!" "Bastard!" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Calm down." "You're acting like a child." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "You're acting like a child." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Stop!" "Calm down, please." "You promised!" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "What do you want me to do?" "What's going on?" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Everything's fine." "Thank you." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "She told me she wanted to go." "What do you want me to say? "I'm sorry, you know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "I'm banging the lotto ball girl, and I promised her first."" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "I don't believe this 'cause I bought sandals in December for no reason!" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Well, I'll take you the next time." "In June, I have a conference in Seattle." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Take your wife to fucking Seattle, all right?" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "I wanted to go to Maui, you asshole!" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Oh, I'm an asshole." "Am I the same asshole..." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "That takes you out to dinner and buys you fancy European underwear?" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Try to get that from the weatherman, you know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Who I notice you've been awfully chatty with these days." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Blow me." "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "Is everything okay?" "Yes, everything's fine!" "You know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "¶ I'm dreamin' of a white ¶ you know, why don't you just do this?" "Take... just... just get it over with." "¶ Christmas ¶" "¶ just like the ones ¶" "¶ I used to know ¶" "¶ just like the ones ¶" "¶ where the treetops glisten ¶" "¶ and children listen ¶" "¶ where the treetops glisten ¶" "¶ to hear sleigh bells in the snow ¶" "¶ where the treetops glisten ¶" "¶ oh, I'm ¶" "¶ dreamin' of a white ¶¶" "¶ oh, I'm ¶" "I have to ask you something." "¶ Oh, I'm ¶ what?" "Oh, God." "Oh, God." "¶ Oh, I'm ¶" "I don't know how to ask you this." "¶ Oh, I'm ¶ just ask." "I wouldn't blame you if you said no." "¶ Oh, I'm ¶ as a matter of fact, I already expect you to say no." "¶ Oh, I'm ¶ but I need your help on something." "¶ Oh, I'm ¶" " We're gonna be millionaires!" " I can't believe this!" "¶ Oh, I'm ¶" "I have to admit, I thought it would be a slightly harder sell." "¶ Oh, I'm ¶" "all right, most important thing..." "Is getting alone with that machine..." "All right, most important thing..." "Five minutes before and five minutes after the broadcast." "All right, most important thing..." "That's key." "Absolutely." "That's as key as it gets." "All right, most important thing..." "Five minutes before, five minutes after." "Did you hear that, crystal?" "All right, most important thing..." "I'm two inches away." "How could I not hear it?" "All right, most important thing..." "You better start taking notes, 'cause when gig and I start hashing it out, all right, most important thing..." "There's gonna be lot of gold flying around here, and I don't want to miss any of it." "All right, most important thing..." "Okay?" "N-now the first piece of gold is this." "Yeah." "All right, most important thing..." "I think someone should call in a bomb scare." "All right, most important thing..." "Then the building gets evacuated, and I'm alone with the lotto balls." "All right, most important thing..." "Okay?" "Are you writing this down?" "All right, most important thing..." "When we decide, I will write it down." "It's good, right?" "All right, most important thing..." "Russ, um, forgive me." "Just a second." "All right, most important thing..." "You call in a bomb scare, they evacuate the building, mm-hmm." "All right, most important thing..." "And shut down the broadcast." "All right, most important thing..." "Right, and then the firemen will come..." "All right, most important thing..." "And then the policemen will come, so kind of a lame idea, you know?" "All right, most important thing..." "All right." "Jeez." "It's just an idea." "All right, most important thing..." "It's a work in progress, for God's sake." "All right, most important thing..." "Even a painter's got to take the brushes and clean 'em." "All right, most important thing..." "Whatever that means." "All right, most important thing..." "You have any better ideas, miss smarty-pants?" "All right, most important thing..." "Why can't I just distract Bobby somehow, the security guy?" "All right, most important thing..." "And then you switch the balls." "All right, most important thing..." "No, uh, lame." "That's lame." "What?" "All right, most important thing..." "No, that's brilliant." "All right, most important thing..." "Yeah?" "No, really, it's so simple, all right, most important thing..." "It's brilliant." "All right, most important thing..." "In its simplicity, Russ." "Simplicity." "That's... all right, most important thing..." "And movin' on." "Okay, movin' on." "All right, most important thing..." "Movin' on, I guess." "All right, most important thing..." "Okay, next most important thing, right?" "All right, most important thing..." "Uh-huh." "All right, most important thing..." "We need to find your beard?" "What the hell's a "beard"?" "We need to find your beard?" "You need someone to buy the ticket and claim the winnings." "We need to find your beard?" "But it has to be someone that you absolutely trust." "We need to find your beard?" "One beard." "Check." "Time out, folks!" "We need to find your beard?" "There's not a person I would trust to do this thing." "We need to find your beard?" "Not a single person." "We need to find your beard?" "Ah!" "Oh, God!" "Oh, God." "Okay." "All right." "We need to find your beard?" "I buy the ticket in disguise." "We need to find your beard?" "Okay?" "And this eliminates all the outsiders." "We need to find your beard?" "That's the answer." "That's it." "Okay?" "We need to find your beard?" "Yeah, yeah." "Now we're cooking with gas, huh?" "We need to find your beard?" "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "What, as Charlie chaplin?" "As the tramp or something?" "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "Yeah, or no, like, from the wizard of oz." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "The straw guy." "The straw man." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "Yeah, he could put hay in his clothes and wear a hat." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "With a pom-pom on it?" "With a..." "no one will know it's him." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "Ooh, it's clever." "Nobody would ever know!" "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "No!" "Russ." "It's the scarecrow from the wizard of oz." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "Oh, okay." "It's Dorothy, I-it's the cowardly lion," "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "It's the tin man, it's the dog, it's the flying monkeys..." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "And it's the scarecrow." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "If you're gonna make fun of me, get your facts straight." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "Well, my apologies, sir." "I am not the, uh, cartoon aficionada that you are." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "It's not a cartoon, crystal." "So what?" "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "It's a movie." "Who gives a shit?" "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "Children... excuse me." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "It's a movie!" "For God's sake." "Calm down." "Calm down." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "Calm... calm down." "Sorry." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "Please?" "All right." "Okay." "Back to square one." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "Let's go." "I mean, how would you disguise yourself?" "Hey, I know." "My cousin Walter could do it." "Who?" "From Ohio." "He would be the perfect beard." "He's this totally straight guy." "Who?" "From Ohio." "He doesn't even drink, and besides, he has a crush on me." "Who?" "From Ohio." "¶ The minute you walked in the joint ¶ who?" "From Ohio." "¶ I could see you were a man of distinction ¶ who?" "From Ohio." "¶ A real big spender ¶ who?" "From Ohio." "¶ Good-lookin', so refined ¶ oh." "Walter." "Who?" "From Ohio." "¶ Say wouldn't you like to know what's goin' on in my mind ¶ you look great." "Who?" "From Ohio." "I got you these balloons." "We should go." "Thank you." "Who?" "From Ohio." "¶ So let me get right to the point ¶ who?" "From Ohio." "I got you a room at a lovely country inn." "Who?" "From Ohio." "¶ I don't pop my cork for every guy I see ¶ who?" "From Ohio." "¶ Hey, big spender ¶" "¶ spend a little time with me ¶¶" " oh." "It's so green and lush." " Oh!" "Look at this room." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "Oh, this is so great." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ look at this TV, a closet." "God, look at the painting" "¶ spend a little time with me ¶¶ with the three mile island thing." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ oh, and this clock with a little light." "It's so... it's so modern-day." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" " Oh, shower curtain." " Oh, Walter, look at this." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ all-you-can-eat buffet." "Oh." "Right up the block!" "Oh." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "And towels." "They're all prepared for you." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ how comfy." "What do you think?" "Yeah, what do you think?" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "Mold spores." "What?" "Huh?" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ this room has a high content of mold spores." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ my throat's closin' up." "Oh, jeez." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "Oh." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ are you... are you all right, Walter?" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ mm." "Tsk." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ oh, jeez." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ all clear." "All right!" "Hey, thank God" "¶ spend a little time with me ¶¶ for modern medicine." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ yeah." "Hey, Walter, test the bed." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ it's a combination of the heat and moisture." "That's what does it." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ oh, yeah?" "Yeah." "Is it always this sticky in Harrisburg in the winter?" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ well, you know, it's..." "it's a fluke, of course," "¶ spend a little time with me ¶¶ but it's not entirely uncommon, no." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ uh-uh." "W-why's that?" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ well, okay, well, historically weather has been you know, unpredictable." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ yeah, well, w-why's that?" "Why?" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "Well... well, okay, you got... ¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ your, uh... you got your cold fronts and you got... ¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ your warm fronts, and then you're talkin', uh, barometric pressure." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ well, without my gauges, I-I..." "I love hotels." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "Walter?" "Walter?" "Hey!" "Walter." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ yeah?" "Are you clear on what we're doin' here?" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ how long will it be be-before I get my money?" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ oh, well... oh." "Yeah, no." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ um, it's real simple, honey." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ when we get our first payment, you just take your 20,000" "¶ spend a little time with me ¶¶ right away." "Right." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ that's yours." "Right." "Tax-free." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "We want you to be happy, Walter." "Oh." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ well, I could..." "I could really use the money," "¶ spend a little time with me ¶¶ 'cause m-m-my church needs a new furnace." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ oh, well, that is so refreshing." "Yeah." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ and I'm gonna use the rest to open an adult bookstore." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ ah." "Well, okay." "Well, that's good." "That's good too." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ yeah." "Do you masturbate, Russ?" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "Jeez." "I've been so busy lately, I barely Polish my shoes." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ 'cause I masturbate all the time." "Oh, yeah?" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ yeah." "Some people think it's a sin," "¶ spend a little time with me ¶¶ but I think God gave us the ability to masturbate to protect us from sin." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ oh." "Oh, okay." "Yeah." "I could..." "I could see that." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ sure." "Why not?" "I like sex." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ there's a lot of sex in the Bible." "Mm-hmm." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "I'm sure there's a Bible here somewhere." "Yeah." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ yeah, sure." "S-so, we... ¶ spend a little time with me ¶¶ we're a team, right?" "Yeah, yeah, a team!" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ yeah?" ":" "Team." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶" "Ooh." "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ yeah?" "Yeah?" "¶ Spend a little time with me ¶¶ oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "Please, let me finish." "Okay, 16." "I wanna pick one." "Oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "Sixteen, okay?" "That's how old I was when I first got laid." "Oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "Really?" "Yeah." "Okay." "Oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "Twenty-five." "Okay, twenty-five." "My mother's birthday." "Oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "January 25, 1912." "All right." "No, no." "This... oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "No, the 25th was my anniversary, oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "And I got divorced, and I got screwed in that." "Oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "I didn't get a good settlement." "Seventy." "Oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "I had a '70 Camaro, and I got in that bad car accident and got a huge settlement." "Oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "Oh, yeah." "Famous whiplash." "Okay." "Remember?" "That's right." "Oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "Um, I got some randomly selected numbers, okay?" "Oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "These are like completely random." "Oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "Okay?" "Flick it like that." "Make sure air gets... oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "Twenty-two, seventy." "Oh, I've got one." "Let me pick." "No, no, no, no, no!" "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "You know, weigh 'em down." "Sixteen." "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "Then we put a little glue over the hole." "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." " Nine." " Isn't this fun?" "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." " Twenty-seven." " It's like summer camp." "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "It's like arts and crafts." "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "Seven." "The six we don't inject." "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "Those are gonna rise to the top." "It'smybirthday." "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "Get it?" "Okay." "Those are the winning numbers." "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "This is the concept of gravity." "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "Sweet, simple concept of gravity." "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "Here we go." "Go." "Ready?" "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "Yeah!" "Whoo!" "Oh, my God!" "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "That's brilliant." "That is brilliant!" "All right." "Go." "Puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "¶ And she wasn't gonna sit around and wait ¶ puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "¶ This guy was wise to all of the lies ¶ puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "¶ And he flies out the door ¶ puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "¶ Easy money ¶¶ puncture." "Then you inject a little paint into the ball." "Will these warm temperatures continue?" "This is Russ Richards." "Catch me tonight in the weather center and find out." "Will these warm temperatures continue?" "This is Russ Richards." "Right here on channel 6, wtpa." "Will these warm temperatures continue?" "This is Russ Richards." "Okay." "Ready." "Yeah, hold on a second." "You hear that?" "Okay." "Ready." "I have been watching your show... okay." "Ready." "Okay." "Ready." "Enough about me." "I don't know why." "But I'm fine." "I just don't know... make way." "Give her space." "Bobby!" "Oh, Bobby!" "I don't know why." "But I'm fine." "I just don't know... thank God." "Yeah." "Crystal, you all right?" "I don't know why." "But I'm fine." "I just don't know... but I don't know what happened with the car." "Come on." "Give her space." "I don't know why." "But I'm fine." "I just don't know... and I just had the car checked." "Oh, that's crazy." "Yeah." "Lucky you didn't hit your head." "And I just had the car checked." "Oh, that's crazy." "Well, who knows?" "Maybe I did." "I don't know." "And I just had the car checked." "Oh, that's crazy." "Maybe you should see a lawyer." "And I just had the car checked." "Oh, that's crazy." "Yeah, that's a good idea." "I know a lawyer." "And I just had the car checked." "Oh, that's crazy." "Do you?" "That's great, Bobby." "Thanks." "And I just had the car checked." "Oh, that's crazy." "Let me know if you want his name!" "And I just had the car checked." "Oh, that's crazy." "Tonight's jackpot is $6.4 million!" "And I just had the car checked." "Oh, that's crazy." "Our machine contains 80 balls, and we'll draw 6 balls from the machine." "And I just had the car checked." "Oh, that's crazy." "Drawing tonight will be channel 6's lottery girl, crystal latroy." "And I just had the car checked." "Oh, that's crazy." "Now, let's start the machine, please." "And I just had the car checked." "Oh, that's crazy." "Now, crystal, draw the first number." "Seventy!" "And the second." "Twenty-two!" "And the third." "Twenty-two!" "Seven!" "And now the fourth." "Seven!" "Sixteen!" "And the fifth number, please." "Nine!" "And the sixth!" "Twenty-seven." "Nine!" "Twenty-seven!" "And there you have it." "Twenty-seven!" "Tonight's Pennsylvania lottery 70, twenty-seven!" "22, 7, 16, twenty-seven!" "9, 27." "Twenty-seven!" "If you have it, come and get it." "Twenty-seven!" "Good girl." "If not, better luck next time." "Twenty-seven!" "Back to you, Dan!" "Twenty-seven!" "That about wraps it up for this edition of news at five." "Twenty-seven!" "Enjoy the rest of your evening." "We'll see you back here tomorrow night." "Twenty-seven!" "You can see all the Pennsylvania lottery drawings right here..." "Twenty-seven!" "On wtpa, channel 6." "Twenty-seven!" "Oh!" "My head!" "Crystal!" "I got you." "Oh!" "My head!" "I got you." "Come on, come on." "Oh!" "Thanks, Bobby." "Good." "Oh!" "My head!" "No, let's... please, this way." "No, this way's better." "Oh!" "My head!" "No." "This way!" "All right." "Oh!" "My head!" "Oh, I'm not making any sense." "Okay." "Nice and easy." "Oh!" "My head!" "I-I-I don't... oh!" "Nice..." "I got you." "I got you." "Oh!" "My head!" "You feelin' better now?" "Ugh." "I don't know." "Yeah." "You feelin' better now?" "Ugh." "Uh-huh." "Thanks." "I really do." "You feelin' better now?" "Ugh." "Oh." "Oh!" "Shit!" "Shit!" "Oh." "Oh." "Oh!" "God!" "Stop it!" "Oh." "Oh!" "Stay in!" "Come on!" "Oh." "Oh!" "Get in!" "Oh." "Oh!" "Stay in, little mothers." "Oh, shit." "Oh." "Oh!" "Okay, okay, okay." "Oh." "Oh!" "Okay." " Hey!" " :" "Oh, Bobby, okay." "You scared me." "Okay." "Are you sure you should be drivin'?" "Okay." "Why don't you let me give you a ride home?" "Okay." "No, I'm fine." "I'm fine now." "Okay." "Yeah." "I had a three musketeers." "Okay." "Okay, then." "Get some sleep." "Okay." "All right." "Thanks, sweetie." "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home?" "Okay." "No!" "Okay." "Thank you, though." "You're sweet." "Okay." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Hey, Russ." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "I've been thinking about you." "Big news." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "No, I have." "First of all, this is for you." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Token of my appreciation for how hard you've been working." "Thanks." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "And let me tell you something else." "A lot of people have been talking about you." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "What people?" "Let's get another thing straight." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "No one is stealing you away from me, because you are... good afternoon, Lawrence." "What are you?" "Number one." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "That's right." "Wow, it's quite an honor." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "I don't know what to say." "Well, don't say anything." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "As our Jewish friends say, "enjoy."" "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Look, Russ, remember I told you about my cousin's stepdad?" "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "The one with the roadside fun park in Colorado, good afternoon, Lawrence." "In leadville?" "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Well, if you did, my brain immediately purged it." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Well, I gave him a call, and I told him about our situation, good afternoon, Lawrence." "And he said he'd buy our whole inventory in one fell swoop." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Really?" "Well, how much?" "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Okay, well, here's where we run into a small asterisk." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Thirty thousand?" "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Who is this guy, Jesse James!" "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "I oughta get in a Santa claus outfit and give 'em away." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "I just thought, you know, if the noose starts getting tighter." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." ""The noose"?" "Who am I talking to?" "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Is this Larry, the winner?" "Is this Larry number one?" "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Am I talking to the Larry that everybody's talking about?" "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Who's talking about me?" "Oh, hey." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Hey, hey, good." "Good idea." "Good afternoon, Lawrence." "Good morning, sweetie." "Hi." "Hi." "So, where is it?" "What?" "Good morning, sweetie." "Hi." "Hi." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Well, I have it." "Don't worry." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "I'm not worried." "May I see it, please?" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Well, actually, the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "I might hold on to it for a while." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "What does that mean?" "Well, the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "First of all, how come I'm only getting $20,000?" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "I mean, I'm taking all the risk, right?" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Walter?" "And, you know, the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "I'm..." "I'm the one who's gotta cash it in." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "What if they find out this was rigged?" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "No." "W-w-what if th-they... the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "It's like this is a setup or some kind of, like, you know, an ambush." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "I could get caught." "I could get in trouble." "That's not gonna happen." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "No." "Shh." "Sweetie, listen." "You're being really silly." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Okay?" "Now, we made a deal, and you agreed to it." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "So let's just move forward as planned, okay?" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "No, why... why can't we split it three ways?" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "The weatherman, you and me." "Who the fuck are you?" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "I'm doin' all the work." "You're lucky to even get a little bit, which is a lot." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Well, can we..." "I'm family." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Go get the fucking ticket!" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Now, give me the ticket, you jerk-off!" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Get off me!" "You're a whore!" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Stop it!" "Oh!" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Do not fuck with me, you sick, masturbating retard!" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Go ahead and rape me." "That's what you want!" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Shut up!" "Where's the ticket?" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "I'm not telling you, slut!" "I want that ticket now!" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "I'm telling your parents!" "Stop it!" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Are you ready for the song "bingo was his name-o"?" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Yeah!" "All right." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "¶ There was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name-o ¶ the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "¶ B-I-n-g-o, b-I-n-g-o ¶ the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Where is it?" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "My... my... my... my..." "my puffer." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Your what?" "Stop it!" "What?" "Puffer!" "Puffer!" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "My puffer!" "I can't breathe!" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "I'll get it." "God." "Get it." "Thank you." "Thank you." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Is this what you want, your puffer?" "Where's the ticket?" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "I'm not telling you." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Fine!" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "F-fuck y-you." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "¶ These days are all ¶ Walt, look." "Happy days is on." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "¶ Happy and free ¶ ¶ those happy days ¶ the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "¶ These days all ¶ ¶ share them with me ¶ the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "¶ Good-bye gray skies hello blue ¶ ¶ hello blue ¶ the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "¶ There's nothing can hold me when I hold you ¶ the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "¶ Feels so right it can't be wrong ¶ ¶ can't be wrong ¶ the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "¶ Rockin' and rollin' all week long ¶¶ the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "¶ The people on the bus go yap-yap-yap ¶ the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "¶ Yap-yap-yap yap-yap-yap ¶ the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "¶ The people on the bus go yap-yap-yap ¶¶ the ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Laverne de fazio and Shirley feeney!" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." " Casablanca." " Casablanca." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." " Shit!" " Okay." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Damn it!" "The ticket." "I'm dying to see it." "Come on." "Where is it?" "Oh!" "Goddamn it!" "Ugh." "I'm gonna puke." "Oh!" "I'm gonna puke." "Yes." "Yes!" "Yes, yes, yes!" "Yes!" "Hey, Walt, met your girlfriend." "Yes." "Yes!" "Yes, yes, yes!" "Yes!" "Cute." "Yes." "Yes!" "Yes, yes, yes!" "Yes!" "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "My cousin... had some kind of asthma attack." "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "He's not moving." "Okay." "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "I can't believe it." "I-I m in shock." "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "I thought he had one of those inhaler things." "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "His puffer?" "Yeah, I couldn't find it." "Yeah." "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "You couldn't find it?" "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "No, well, we couldn't find it at first." "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "And then when we did find it, it was all out of shit, out of juice." "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "Mist?" "Yeah, mist." "It was out of mist." "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "Know what his last words were?" "What?" "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." ""Crystal, my sweet angel, don't, don't." "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." ""Go into my wallet and take the ticket," "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "'Cause you and Russ deserve to have that money."" "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "Oh, God!" "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "Oh, fuck me." "No fried clams?" "Yes, I need an ambulance right away." "Crystal?" "I know, baby." "Hmm." "It's insensitive to... well, to bring up something at a time like this, crystal?" "I know, baby." "Hmm." "But I think we do have a little problem." "Crystal?" "I know, baby." "Hmm." "What?" "Crystal?" "I know, baby." "Hmm." "Well, with Walter gone, crystal?" "I know, baby." "Hmm." "We have no one to cash in the ticket." "Crystal?" "I know, baby." "Hmm." "I mean, God rest his soul and everything." "I wouldn't worry about that." "Crystal?" "I know, baby." "Hmm." "Why?" "I've got plenty of relatives." "Crystal?" "I know, baby." "Hmm." "In fact, I'll probably see a lot of them at Walter s funeral." "Crystal?" "I know, baby." "Hmm." "No." "You know, I wouldn't bring them into this." "Crystal?" "I know, baby." "Hmm." " I mean, they've suffered enough." " There's Russ Richards!" "Crystal?" "I know, baby." "Hmm." "He's more handsome in person!" "Crystal?" "I know, baby." "Hmm." "You know, it's times like this you wonder." "You wonder if there's a higher being out there." "You know, it's times like this you wonder." "I mean, maybe it was just Walter s time on earth... all right!" "Key lime pie." "You know, it's times like this you wonder." "You know, it's times like this you wonder." "Hello, Jerry, mate." "How are you?" "Gig." "Wanna hear a cute story?" "I would love to hear a cute story." "Wanna hear a cute story?" "You know I got a grandson, six years old?" "That's a great age." "Yeah." "You know I got a grandson, six years old?" "He says to me the other day, he says, you know I got a grandson, six years old?" ""Pop-pop, when I grow up, you know I got a grandson, six years old?" "I wanna be a bookie and run a numbers racket just like you."" "You know I got a grandson, six years old?" "Ohhh." "You know I got a grandson, six years old?" "I know." "I melted." "You know I got a grandson, six years old?" "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop," ""when people play the numbers, and then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, what number do they try to win?"" "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, so I explain to him." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop," "I say, "sweetie, every week we bookies, and then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, we get the number from someplace our customers know we can't control."" "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, and he says, "like sesame street?" Lovely that, isn't it?" "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop," "It's amazing what these kids come up with, isn't it?" "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, it's amazing." "And I say, "no, no, no, no, not sesame street." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop," ""we get the number from the lottery drawing on television, and then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop," ""the last three digits of the real lotto, and then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop," ""because everyone knows no one..." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop," ""can rig the state lottery, and then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, which means no one can rig a bookie's number."" "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, that's right." "And he, he looks at me." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, you know, big long look with these big brown eyes, and he says, and then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop," ""and I bet no one can win either!"" "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, he's a genius." "Kid's a genius." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, after all, h-how often do I have to pay out?" "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, once, twice, three times a year." "If." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, if." "So, moving right along." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, next day, guess what." "I had 12 people hit the same number." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, no shit!" "Yeah." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, which even a six-year-old kid knows..." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, statistically it's impossible." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, out of the realm of possibility." "Can't happen." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop," "I don't know what to tell you, Jerry." "Here's the funny thing, though." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, when I looked at the people who picked, and then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, a pattern started to emerge." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, really?" "Yeah." "Your ex-wife." "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop," "And then he asks me, he says, "pop-pop, your ex-wife." "Your ex-wife's mother." "Her mother's sister." "Your dentist." "Your ex-wife." "Your ex-wife's mother." "Your cousin Vic." "Your ex-wife." "Your ex-wife's mother." "A few other stray crinkly leaves from the family tree." "Your ex-wife." "Your ex-wife's mother." "They all played variations on the same number." "Your ex-wife." "Your ex-wife's mother." "You know, Jerry." "Hmm." "If it wasn't for the fact that we are dear friends... you know, Jerry." "Hmm." "We are dear friends, right?" "Dear friends." "You know, Jerry." "Hmm." "I would suspect that you are accusing me of something." "You know, Jerry." "Hmm." "Of what?" "I mean, Jesus Christ himself can't rig the state lottery." "Of what?" "Thank you." "Unless... thank you." "Unless Jesus had a buddy down at the TV station." "Thank you." "Ahh." "Ahh." "Nah." "A real stumper, huh?" "Ahh." "Ahh." "Yeah, it's a fuckin' head scratcher, Jerry." "A fuckin' head scratcher." "Ahh." "Ahh." "Fuckin' head scratcher, mate." "Ahh." "Ahh." "You know, I got some pals down at the d.A.'S office." "Ahh." "Ahh." "Always looking for a good head scratcher." "Ahh." "Ahh." "Now, Jerry, you never told me you had a grandson." "I don't." "Hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "What you gonna do tonight, kippy?" "Gonna watch sportscenter." "Hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "You're gonna watch sportscenter, hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "And you're gonna see if winchell is still out with the knee thing." "Hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "And if he's still out with the knee thing, hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "We gotta change the spread on Detroit, right?" "Hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "Right." "So what are you gonna do?" "Hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "I'm gonna watch sportscenter." "Go home." "Watch it." "Good night." "Hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "Good night." "Hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "Beautiful." "Lovely." "Flat tire. ¶ Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear ¶ hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "Kippy?" "Kippy!" "¶ And it shows them pearly whites ¶ hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "This is just lovely." "¶ just a jackknife ¶ hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "¶ Has old macheath, babe ¶ just lovely." "Hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "¶ And he keeps it out of sight ¶ hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "Ah!" "¶ You know when that shark bite ¶ hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "¶ With his teeth babe ¶ hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "¶ Scarlet billows start to spread ¶ hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "¶ Fancy gloves, though wears old macheath, babe ¶ hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "¶ So there's never never a trace of red ¶ hello, Dale, love." "How are you?" "¶ Now on the sidewalk huh, huh ¶" "¶ ooh Sunday morning uh-huh ¶" "¶ now on the sidewalk huh, huh ¶" "¶ lies a body ¶" "¶ just oozin' life ¶" "¶ lies a body ¶" "¶ eek and someone's sneakin' ¶" "¶ lies a body ¶" "¶ 'tound the corner ¶" "¶ lies a body ¶" "¶ could that someone be mack the knife ¶¶" "¶ lies a body ¶" "nine!" "And the sixth." "Nine!" "Twenty-seven!" "Ooh, twenty-seven." "What the hell is she up to?" "You're not smart enough to pull a thing like this off." "Balls are just laying there." "Hey." "How are you?" "Hey!" "Hey." "Hey, you're that, uh..." "you're the, uh... hey." "Weatherman." "Oh, shit!" "Hey." "Hey, I watch you every night!" "Yeah?" "Thank you." "Hey." "Let me give you a hand." "No, it's okay." "Hey." "I insist!" "I can carry my own groceries, please." "Hey." "Wow, man!" "It must be great having a job like yours, no?" "Hey." "Well, it, uh, it pays the bills." "Hey." "Nah, you guys just read a bunch of crap from cue cards, right?" "Hey." "Cold in the east." "A storm on the right." "It looks like rain." "Hey." "Aah!" "It's a little more complicated than that." "Hey." "Let me ask you something." "I'm trying to plan my birthday in a couple of months." "Hey." "Can you tell me if it's going to be a nice day?" "It's gonna be grand." "Hey." "Oh, right, hey, nice meeting you." "Hey." "Always great to know a fan." "Your name was?" "Hey." "Dale." "Dale." "Hey." "Yeah." "The thug?" "Hey." "So, Russ, I just want to apologize about the last time we spoke." "Hey." "I wasn't really feeling good." "I was feeling sort of vulnerable." "Hey." "I had fear issues come up, being arrested and all." "That's okay." "Hey." "Oh, yeah." "Plus, I was drinking, hey." "Which I'm really not supposed to do, you know, on the medication." "Hey." "Oh, I see." "Can I have some of these?" "Hey." "Yeah, go ahead." "You know, it wasn't a good moment." "Hey." "I just wanted to make an amends." "Hey." "Hey, listen, don't you worry." "Hey." "The truth is, I should be apologizing to you." "Hey." "I was gonna call you about the $10,000, but the station got so busy." "Hey." "Don't worry about the ten grand, Russell." "Hey." "It's water under the bridge." "Really?" "Wow!" "Hey." "I didn't know that." "All right then." "Hey." "Okay, let's celebrate." "Hey." "Yeah, I wanna move forward hey." "Because the new number I have in mind is more like half a mil." "Hey." "Hey." "Hey." "Come here, Russ." "Hey." "I rather not." "Russ, come sit down." "Hey." "No, no." "Come on." "Sit the fuck down!" "Hey." "Okay." "Hey." "Unfortunately, Russell, we have a new wrinkle in the situation." "Hey." "Oh, really?" "What's the wrinkle?" "Hey." "Basically I had to play piñata with Jerry the bookie's skull." "Hey." "See, that ups the invoice a little." "Is he okay?" "Hey." "No, he's dead." "Oh!" "Oh, God." "Hey." "You know, okay." "Hey." "I'm really uncomfortable with this kind of conversation." "Hey." "You know, not to mention, hey." "I broke my 1986 world series commemorative bat." "Hey." "Oh, yeah?" "It was a birthday gift from my mother." "Hey." "She's gettin' a little old, and she's not feeling good these days." "Hey." "She hasn't left the house in six weeks." "Okay, just give me... hey." "You killed Jerry the bookie with a bat?" "Hey." "It's not like a half a mil is gonna hurt you, you crushed his skull?" "Hey." "With that lottery ticket of yours." "Hey." "Get me the money, Russ." "Ohh!" "Great, gig." "We gotta talk about this." "Get me the money, Russ." "Ohh!" "I'll fuckin' ball-bat you, you creep cocksucker." "Get me the money, Russ." "Ohh!" "Okay, okay." "Get me the money, Russ." "Ohh!" "Okay." "Get me the money, Russ." "Ohh!" "Mint listerine?" "Yeah." "When did they come out with this?" "I don't know." "Mint listerine?" "Yeah." "Is it good?" "Yeah, it's good." "Mint listerine?" "Yeah." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "Big deal." "It's better than losing it all." "Better than being dead too." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "Crystal, he hits people with commemorative bats!" "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "He's not gonna hit you with a bat." "He's your friend." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "What?" "Yeah." "You wanna see the leather jacket I got?" "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "He's not my friend." "I just met this guy." "How can he be my f... all right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "Look... $900." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "Made in Italy." "I'm not screwing around anymore, you know?" "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "If it wasn't on a boat, I don't want it." "Stop it, crystal." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "You have got to stop buying things from Italy." "You are not a millionaire." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "We... we are not millionaires." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "The first thing we gotta do is find a trustworthy, non-asthmatic person..." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "To cash in this ticket a.S.A.P., or we're dead." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "Funny you should mention that." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "I think I have another candidate who'd be perfect." "Oh, yeah?" "Who?" "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "This guy that I was seeing for a while when I was waitressing at the racetrack." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "I think he still works there too." "A real sweet guy." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "Bought me a really expensive parrot, too, from Brazil or something." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "My cat bit its head off." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "You hated that fucking bird, didn't you, sweetie?" "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "The racetrack, eh." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "Well, actually, he's an unofficial employee." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "He injects horses with some kind of shit that makes them run faster." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "Forget it." "Just cross him off the list." "Forget him." "Who else?" "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "There is scatter, the guy who installed my carpet." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "Went to high school with him." "The man's name is scatter?" "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "Yeah, well, he's a total coke freak, all right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "Which could work in our favor because he usually needs money." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "No, junkies are problematic." "Let's keep thinkin'." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "Mm-hmm." "All right, look, just give this Dale guy a little extra money." "Wanna have sex?" "Oh, yeah." "You know, I..." "I was just feeling good that day." "Yeah." "I, uh..." "I don't know what to say." "I'm at a loss, boy." "Yeah." "I, uh..." "I'm at a total loss." "Yeah." "I, uh..." "I mean, here you are, supposedly injured, all right?" "Yeah." "I, uh... you're collecting your full lieutenant's salary and full disability." "Yeah." "I, uh..." "I didn't even want to do this." "Matt had to talk me into it." "Yeah." "I, uh... you know how stupid I felt?" "Yeah." "I, uh... the lower back, it's an enigma." "Yeah." "I, uh... pat, I'm gonna be straight with you." "Yeah." "I, uh... obviously I have alternatives to pursue here, but I'm not gonna do it..." "Yeah." "I, uh... because... 'cause I don't want this getting out." "Yeah." "I, uh... all right?" "It makes everybody look bad." "Yeah." "I, uh... from now on, you are back on full patrol." "Yeah." "I, uh... here, get started with this." "Yeah." "I, uh... a missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "Jerry green." "No one's seen him for about a week." "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "Huh." "Jeez." "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "What happened to him?" "I don't know, pat." "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "That's what you're supposed to find out." "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "Right." "All right." "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "We talked earlier about the fact there's a shortage of wading pools in the area." "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "Dick?" "Judy said you wanted to see me." "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "Oh, hey, sport." "Have a seat." "Be right with you." "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "Is that Chuck rhodes?" "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "This guy kills me." "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "I found crystal too." "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "Oh, hiya, kid." "Judy, close the door." "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "Okay." "Thanks." "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "What's going on?" "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "A missing person's case?" "Yeah, a bookie." "So, Russ, how's the finances?" "What?" "What?" "The finances." "So, Russ, how's the finances?" "What?" "W... great." "Good." "So, Russ, how's the finances?" "What?" "Because you seemed to be in a bind a few weeks ago." "Well, that was then." "So, Russ, how's the finances?" "What?" "Terrific." "And how are you, honey?" "We haven't talked in a while." "So, Russ, how's the finances?" "What?" "Did you know may left me?" "Jeez, I'm so sorry about that." "So, Russ, how's the finances?" "What?" "Life's tough." "And how." "So, Russ, how's the finances?" "What?" "But you seem to be doing well." "I'm great." "So, Russ, how's the finances?" "What?" "Why wouldn't you be great, with a friend like Russ here?" "So, Russ, how's the finances?" "What?" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Oh, boy." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "How 'bout that?" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Don't say a word, not one." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "'Cause if I hear one bullshit comment like, "what are you talking about?"..." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "I'm gonna call the cops." "What?" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Wh-what do you mean?" "It slipped out, dick." "We're listening." "Go ahead." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "I chewed on it for three days, yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "And I'm convinced I have enough evidence to fuck you both up big time." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Bullshit." "You don't have any evidence." "What is that?" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Stop it." "Shut up." "You shut up." "You shut up." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Shut up!" "No." "That's bullshit." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Dick, you have the floor." "You have the floor." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Go ahead." "Short and sweet." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "I want half the money, yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Or I'll have you arrested, yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "And I might even do it on air, live." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Imagine the ratings." "I'd like to see you fucking try, asshole." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "You're gonna see me." "I'll kill you, I swear to God!" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "I'm gonna kill you!" "You treacherous little bitch!" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "You got one week to get your shit together." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." " Hey, you listening to me?" " I want the money." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Okay." "Okay." "Okay, let's do a little math." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "You want 20 percent, Dale wants half a million, God bless him." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Dick wants half of everything." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "I don't have a calculator, but it seems to me I'm suddenly in debt again!" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Dale's money comes out of your share." "He's your friend." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "He's not my friend." "He's his friend." "I hardly know the man." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Who cares?" "It's all fuckin' moot now." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "The only thing that's moot to me is the dick Simmons issue." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Yeah." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "You get a toothache, you pull the tooth." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "What does that mean?" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Let's kill the son of a bitch." "Oh, God!" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Yes!" "No!" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Yes!" "One quick call to Dale, and we're back on track." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Absolutely!" "Let's do it." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "What is wrong with you?" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "He threatened us." "Just remember that." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "It is extortion." "Does that mean he's gotta be dead?" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "We're not giving him half our money." "What money?" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "That worthless scrap of shit we have?" "Yeah, okay." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Maybe it's time for your friend, the drug-addicted carpet installer." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Oh, scatter." "Scatter!" "Yeah!" "Maybe he could help us." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "This is killing me." "I have slept five hours this whole week." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Oh, God, here we go." "I have dandruff with flakes this big." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "I've gained two pounds!" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Listen to my voice." "I'm losing my instrument." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Shouting isn't helping." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Gig?" "Yeah?" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "There's a couple of cops in the club asking for you." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "I'll be right in." "Oh, great!" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Now there's cops in the club." "I've always wanted to give an inmate fame." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "They kill the celebrities first and then they fuck 'em in the butt." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Will you just relax, please?" "There are cops always in this club." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "They're probably arranging an engagement party." "Yeah, right." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Just hold on a tick." "Yeah." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "¶ Toe to toe ¶ yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "¶ Dancing very close ¶ yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." " ¶ Body breathing ¶¶" " Good evening, officers." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "What can I do for you?" "Are you the owner?" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Yes, I am." "Gig." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Gig, do you know a guy by the name of Jerry green?" "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "He apparently is known to come in here." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Yeah, Jerry the bookie." "Comes in here all the time." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Has he been in here lately, because, I mean, yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Nobody's seen this guy around for a while." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Ah..." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "About a week ago, I think." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "Huh." "Yeah." "Look at that, huh?" "Oh, jeez." "¶ Back to back ¶" "¶ sacroiliac ¶" "¶ back to back ¶" "¶ spineless movement ¶" "¶ and a wild attack ¶¶ excuse me, you wanna get back to this?" "¶ Spineless movement ¶ maybe ask another question or two?" "Yeah, yeah." "¶ Spineless movement ¶ where... do you find girls like that?" "¶ Spineless movement ¶" "I mean, who'd do that kind of stuff." "¶ Spineless movement ¶ well, you know, it's remarkably easy." "¶ Spineless movement ¶ you'd be surprised." "¶ Spineless movement ¶ these two, I believe, we imported from upstate New York." "¶ Spineless movement ¶" "I was gonna say, they seem like..." "Albany girls." "¶ Spineless movement ¶ uh, so, anyway, we just wanted to drop by..." "And find out if you've seen this guy." "Uh, so, anyway, we just wanted to drop by..." "Well, I'll let you know." "Uh, so, anyway, we just wanted to drop by..." "Although, with Jerry, he could be shacked up anywhere." "Uh, so, anyway, we just wanted to drop by..." "He's a bookie, for Christ s sake." "Uh, so, anyway, we just wanted to drop by..." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "See, Mr. crazy man?" "Thank God!" "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "They were checking on Jerry." "A missing person's thing." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "They asked about Jerry?" "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "It was just routine." "Not routine." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "It's called a murder investigation." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "No, trust me." "Dale took care of everything." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "They'll find a cure for cancer before they find Jerry." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "Live from Harrisburg and news center six." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "Covering Harrisburg, New York, Lancaster and Lebanon, it was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "It's news at five with Dan shuff, Heidi zimmer..." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "And Russ Richards with the weather." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "This is news at five." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "Our top story tonight:" "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "The body of a local bookmaker was found floating in the susquehanna river today." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "Police say it was definitely foul play and are following leads." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "More on that story in a moment." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "First, let's check in with the weather center..." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "To see if we can expect more of these springlike temperatures." "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "Russ?" "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "Russ?" "It was nothing." "Nothing." "The word "lotto" never even came up." "Oh, yeah?" "How about these springlike temperatures?" "What?" "Oh, yeah?" "The uncommonly warm weather..." "will it continue?" "Oh, yeah?" "Russ?" "Russ?" "Uh, um, wh-what was that question?" "Thanks, Russ." "Uh, um, wh-what was that question?" "Well, it seems like we can keep those thermal socks in the cedar closet..." "Uh, um, wh-what was that question?" "For the time being then." "Uh, um, wh-what was that question?" "That's right, Dan." "Uh, um, wh-what was that question?" "Police are calling it..." "Uh, um, wh-what was that question?" "The crudest attempt to dispose of a body in recent memory." "Uh, um, wh-what was that question?" "Jerry green of linglestown..." "Uh, um, wh-what was that question?" "Was apparently bludgeoned to death..." "Uh, um, wh-what was that question?" "And then dropped into the river with a small brick taped to one wrist." "Uh, um, wh-what was that question?" "Police say this was insufficient weight to keep the corpse submerged." "Uh, um, wh-what was that question?" "What time did they pull this bookie out of the river?" "Scotty told me around 6:00." "Ted told me 8:00." "It's like a fucking guessing game." "They pulled him at 6:00 and bagged him at 8:00." "Was he nude?" "Somebody said he had a t-shirt on." "Why don't you get off your ass and check the reports, man?" "I'm goin' with nude." "I'm so glad this thing is finally over." "I'm goin' with nude." "What does that mean?" "We don't have to look for this guy anymore." "What does that mean?" "Gee, wouldn't it be great if we found out who killed him?" "What does that mean?" "I realize that entails a little more work, but I'm just thinkin' out loud." "What does that mean?" "Has it ever occurred to you, chambers, that he was drunk..." "What does that mean?" "And he just slipped off the bridge?" "What does that mean?" "Hmm?" "A little thing called an accident." "What does that mean?" "Why is everybody around here so foul-play happy?" "What does that mean?" "The man was bludgeoned to death, lakewood!" "What does that mean?" "His skull was bashed in, he had a plastic bag over his head..." "What does that mean?" "And duct tape around his neck." "What does that mean?" "Keep going." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "What is it that makes you successful..." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "And all the others knocking on the doors not so successful?" "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "I'm not so sure." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "As I travel around the country," "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "I see on television guys who would make good game show hosts," "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "But I don't tell 'em." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "I think, to me, the analogy is a game show host is the icing on the cake." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "But the format is the cake." "No one..." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "I'll love you till the day I die." "You're in a very small, select group of guys." "Yes!" "And again." " At 2:15 that afternoon," " Johnny Clay... yes!" "And again." "Yes!" "And again." "He's expecting me." "Come in." "I don't know why I did it." "It all unraveled and then one thing happened after another." "I don't know why I did it." "Jesus." "I'm still in shock, boss." "I don't know why I did it." "I'm in so much trouble, Larry." "I don't know why I did it." "No man becomes wise without stepping on the soil of fools." "I don't know why I did it." "Right." "Right!" "I don't know why I did it." "But I never claimed to be..." "I don't know why I did it." "That's good." "Where did you get that?" "Is that from the Bible?" "I don't know why I did it." "Actually, it's from this play I wrote in eighth grade about evel knievel." "I don't know why I did it." "Oh." "What are you gonna do?" "I don't know why I did it." "Well, I have a plan, I do." "I don't know why I did it." "But I need money." "I need it fast." "I don't know why I did it." "So I was thinking about that guy who wanted the snowmobiles, the one in Colorado?" "I don't know why I did it." "Yeah." "Well, you think he's still interested?" "I don't know why I did it." "Yeah, I think so, but you'd have to find some way to deliver 'em." "I don't know why I did it." "Set it up." "Set... it... up." " A hundred thousand dollars?" " That's right." "Set it up." "Set... it... up." "You wanna sell me a lotto ticket worth $6.4 million for $100,000?" "Set it up." "Set... it... up." "Correct." "I want out." "Set it up." "Set... it... up." "However, this is a one-time-only offer, dick." "One-time-only." "Set it up." "Set... it... up." "I want the money, I want it tonight at the station." "Set it up." "Set... it... up." "If I hear any excuses, any bullshit comments like, "I can only get part of it"..." "Set it up." "Set... it... up." "Or "I need more time," the deal is off." "Set it up." "Set... it... up." "Be reasonable." "It'll take me a couple of days... deal's off." "Set it up." "Set... it... up." "I'll get it, I'll get it." "Good decision." "Set it up." "Set... it... up." "Now, I believe that I have solved all of our problems." "Really?" "What century is this guy in?" "Why don't you pass him?" "Now, I believe that I have solved all of our problems." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "A year and a half behind this freak." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "One, I found a buyer for the snowmobiles, a guy in Colorado." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "I'm renting a trailer, and I'm gonna deliver them myself." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "But why Colorado?" "But, uh, uh!" "Put a motor on it, Jake!" " The lotto ticket." " I sold it to dick." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "Hundred grand cash." "Now it's his problem." "I don't think so." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "Number three, which is probably the most important of all, put a motor on it, Jake!" "I'm leaving tonight for good." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "Now, questions." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "You fucked up the whole thing!" "You screwed it all up!" "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "Stop it!" "You crazy fool!" "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "God, and I could've got a car and everything!" "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "Hey, now listen." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "If I didn't do this, we would be in jail put a motor on it, Jake!" "Or at the bottom of a river..." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "With bricks taped around our wrists." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "And you know it." "Oh, my God." "You're so stupid." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "Oh!" "Oh, crystal." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "We are under surveillance." "Oh, yeah?" "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "Yes." "Last night I stopped by a convenience store." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "A cop pulled in behind me, he got out, he followed me in..." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "And then he pretended to get a cup of coffee!" "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "Did he pretend to get a doughnut?" "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "Oh, you know... you are nuts!" "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "You need to see a psychiatrist." "Oh, I'm nuts?" "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "You can't handle this!" "What about this little puppy?" "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "There's enough mist in this thing to save ten masturbators." "Put a motor on it, Jake!" "¶ Ain't no big thing to wait... ¶¶ that's an ugly turn of events." "Mm-hmm." "¶ Ain't no big thing to wait... ¶¶ mmm!" "What is this?" "¶ Ain't no big thing to wait... ¶¶ schnapps?" "What, am I in third grade?" "¶ Ain't no big thing to wait... ¶¶ can I have a drink, please?" "¶ Ain't no big thing to wait... ¶¶ let's just talk this through, shall we?" "¶ Ain't no big thing to wait... ¶¶ you're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, yeah." "Sold the ticket for a hundred grand." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, can you believe it?" "A $6 million ticket!" "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom," "I've got more brains in my... shoe!" "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, you know, Russ never really had the stomach for this sort of thing, did he?" "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, well, I do, and I want that ticket back, and I want dick Simmons dead!" "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, do you hear me?" "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, fine." "Fine." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, speed dial." "I love it." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, and I want his head cut off so I can hang it from my rearview mirror!" "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, that's just your anger talking." "Yeah." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom," "Dale." "Dale, it's gig." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, his machine." "Oh." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, um, see, things have got a little bit sticky over here." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, slight change of plans, nothing that your deft touch couldn't rectify." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, so either swing by or just return the call." "That'd be marvelous." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, thank you." "Great." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, slight snag though." "What?" "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, well, Dale... bless him... has been doing favor after favor for us." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, if it's not one thing, it's... the other." "So... you're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, so what's your point?" "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, if he's gets the ticket back for us, we're gonna have to give him a little more money." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, no." "No way." "N-o." "That would only be fair." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, there is a limit to my classiness." "You're saying that Russ, in his infinite wisdom, quite obviously." "Shut up!" "I'll handle this." "You just leave Dale out of it." "Quite obviously." "Shut up!" "Bunch of morons." "I have to do everything myself!" "Quite obviously." "Shut up!" "Hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "An old face from the past." "What's on your mind, gorgeous?" "Hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "Oh, nothin'." "Just wanted to say hello." "Really?" "That's sweet." "Hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "'Cause the last time we chatted, I believe you threatened to kill me." "Hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "Gee, has something changed since then?" "Hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "Well, you really did outsmart us, didn't you?" "Screwed us royally." "Hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "I'm impressed, dick." "I'm like a lion that way." "Hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "I hide in the weeds, bide my time, hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "Then I jump out and tear the ass off some dumb buffalo." "Hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "Ooh." "So, Mr. lion, hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "How are you gonna cash in that ticket?" "Hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "I'll think of something." "Don't lose any sleep over it." "Hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "Believe me, honey, I sleep like a baby, hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "'Cause the second you try to cash in that little fucker, hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "I'm going straight to the lottery commission and tell them everything." "Hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "If you did that, angel, I'd rat you out quicker than a frog can take a piss." "Hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "Mmm." "Hi." "Well, well, well." "Look who it is." "What do you want?" "Halfsies." "Half." "What do you want?" "Halfsies." "Have you been exercising?" "'Cause you look great." "Deal." "Nothing like rekindling an old friendship." "Hey, that's him." "Wagstaff." "Wagstaff?" "Yes, wagstaff." "Hey, that's him." "Wagstaff." "Are you sure?" "Hey, that's him." "Wagstaff." "Yeah, light hair, 6'2", lives at this address." "Hey, that's him." "Wagstaff." "You need anything else?" "Does he have a record?" "Hey, that's him." "Wagstaff." "You should read the report sometime." "Hey, that's him." "Wagstaff." "Wagstaff was overheard hey, that's him." "Wagstaff." "Bragging about the bookie's murder in a bar." "Hey, that's him." "Wagstaff." "Oh, what a jerk." "Hey, that's him." "Wagstaff." "You know what would be unfortunate?" "Hey, that's him." "Wagstaff." "If we got into that whole let's-follow-him rigmarole." "Hey, that's him." "Wagstaff." "Oh, perfect." "Hey, that's him." "Wagstaff." "Oh, man!" "It's getting cold out, huh?" "I never realized how heavy these things were." "Yeah, 4-40s, you know." "K.C.-Inducted engines, twin carbs." "Just touch that throttle and boom!" "It's like gettin' a chick off." "Jeez, I hope that wasn't your sales pitch." "Oh, yeah." "You actually said that to people?" "Well, you know, just like biker types." "Huh." "Hey, Russ." "Check it out." "I don't believe it." "I thought you called for partly cloudy and pleasant tonight." "I don't believe it." "A backdoor cold front." "I don't believe it." "A what?" "A backdoor cold front." "I don't believe it." "Rare." "I don't believe it." "Almost impossible to predict." "I don't believe it." "The atmosphere... a beautiful yet fickle beast she is." "I don't believe it." "Is that from the evel knievel play?" "I don't believe it." "Yup." "I don't believe it." "Where in the hell is he going?" "Beats me." "Where in the hell is he going?" "He's definitely up to something." "Definitely." "Where in the hell is he going?" "We should call for backup." "You know, it never hurts." "Where in the hell is he going?" "You know, backup, it's like an old friend." "Where in the hell is he going?" "It's like an old, comfortable sweatshirt you slip into on a cold winter's night." "Where in the hell is he going?" "Are you listening, chambers?" "Get your head out of the clouds!" "Where in the hell is he going?" "Hey." "Hey, wake up." "Hey." "Come on." "Wake up." "Hey." "Fuck it." "What?" "Wake the fuck up!" "Fuck it." "What is this?" "What do you want?" "Fuck it." "You know what I want." "My wallet's in my pants." "Fuck it." "Take the $50 out of my wallet." "Fuck it." "And don't hurt me!" "I'm just sleeping over." "Fuck it." "Where's the ticket?" "What ticket?" "Fuck it." "Gig sent you?" "Fuck it." "The fuckin' tooth fairy sent me, twiggy." "Fuck it." "Who do you think?" "Hey, please leave." "Fuck it." "Don't fuckin' play games with me." "Fuck it." "I'm hopped up on wine coolers and antidepressants." "Fuck it." "I'm not feelin' good." "Where is it?" "Fuck it." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Fuck it." "You don't know?" "No, I don't know what you're talking about." "Fuck it." "Do you like baseball?" "What?" "Fuck it." "Do you like baseball?" "Yes." "Fuck it." "Who's your favorite player?" "Ted Williams." "Fuck it." "Ted Williams." "Oh, yeah." "He had some swing." "It was sort of like this." "Fuck it." "Fuck it." "No, hey, hey." "Hold on." "Fuck it." "Just take it easy." "I'm gonna call for backup." "Fuck it." "I'm gonna go around the back." "You cover the front." "No, you're in cowboy mode." "Fuck it." "Stop that!" "Wait for backup." "Fuck it." "Oh, shit." "Shit." "Fuck it." "Shit!" "Fuck it." "Are we speaking the same language now?" "I'm gonna give him the ticket." "Fuck it." "It's not worth it." "Life's too precious." "Fuck it." "Good girl." "You see, that's all I ask for, a little cooperation." "Fuck it." "Here's your cooperation, you mongoloid piece of shit!" "Aaah!" "Ooh!" "Fuck it." "Oh!" "Aah!" "Aah." "Fuck it." "Police!" "Freeze!" "Don't shoot!" "No, no!" "There's a raving crazy guy up there!" "Police!" "Freeze!" "Just go kill him." "Police!" "Freeze!" "Aah!" "Ohh!" "Lakewood, I'm hit!" "Aah!" "Ohh!" "Huh?" "Say what?" "Don't let him through!" "Aah!" "Ohh!" "Aah!" "Somebody!" "Get me a fucking robe!" "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "Just another word for saying you're getting screwed." "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "But so what, right?" "It's all over now anyway." "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "In a little while, bim-bam-boom, I've got this town in the rearview mirror." "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "Hey, take me with you, boss." "What?" "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "Yeah, a little Colorado road trip." "No, no, Larry." "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "Come on." "Let me go." "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "I'm practically a fugitive." "I can't take you with me." "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "Well, Russ, today, yeah, isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "I'm an authorized yamaha sales associate, isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "But tomorrow I'm just another guy..." "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "Boxing peanut butter cups at hershey." "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "Come on, Russ." "I have faith in you, man." "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "Really?" "You would just drop everything to come with me?" "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "Yeah, let the word go forth... isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "The Russ Richards freight train is about to leave the station." "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "New horizons, new conquests." "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "Ready to kick some new ass." "Bob barker, watch out." "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "Russ Richards is headin' west." "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "Now let's see what's behind door number three." "Whoo-hoo!" "Isn't it ironic?" "Yeah, ironic." "¶ You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it ¶" "¶ I thank you all ¶" "¶ you brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it ¶ come on. ¶ This will be no bed of roses ¶" "¶ you brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it ¶ all right, I'll take the first eight hours." "¶ You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it ¶ you ever driven one of these things?" "Nope." "¶ You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it ¶" "¶ I consider it a challenge before the whole human race and I never lose ¶" "¶ you brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it ¶ all right." "Here we go." "¶ You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it ¶ hey." "Yeah, baby." "¶ You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it ¶" "¶ we are the champions ¶" "¶ you brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it ¶" "¶ my friends ¶" "¶ you brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it ¶" "¶ and we'll keep on fighting ¶" "¶ till the end ¶" "¶ and we'll keep on fighting ¶ damn the torpedoes!" "Full speed ahead!" "¶ And we'll keep on fighting ¶ whoo!" "¶ We are the champions ¶" "¶ and we'll keep on fighting ¶" "¶ we are the champions ¶" "¶ and we'll keep on fighting ¶" "¶ no time for losers ¶" "¶ and we'll keep on fighting ¶" "¶ 'cause we are the champions ¶¶" "¶ and we'll keep on fighting ¶ so far, so good." "Let's go." "¶ And we'll keep on fighting ¶" "I'm not gonna look." "I think that's a good idea." "Yup." "I'm not gonna look." "Easy, easy." "I got it." "Let's get him up." "Easy, easy." "I got it." "Dick, where's the ticket?" "Easy, easy." "I got it." "Answer me." "He can't answer you, ma'am." "He's been sedated." "Easy, easy." "I got it." "Why did you do that?" "Oh!" "Easy, easy." "I got it." "Fuck." "Here." "Oh." "Here." "Thank you." "That was, uh, very brave tonight, ma'am." "Yeah." "He was an animal with an intent to kill." "Thank you." "That was, uh, very brave tonight, ma'am." "No shit, the fucking creep." "Oops." "Excuse my French." "Thank you." "That was, uh, very brave tonight, ma'am." "Um, can I give you a lift..." "To the hospital?" "Um, can I give you a lift..." "Why?" "I'm fine." "Um, can I give you a lift..." "No, I meant, to be with Mr. Simmons." "Um, can I give you a lift..." "Oh, right." "Yeah." "Um, can I give you a lift..." "You know, it's kinda late, and I have a lot of stuff to do in the morning, early." "Um, can I give you a lift..." "Stuff." "Mm-hmm." "Um, can I give you a lift..." "Well, we might need some more information, and, uh, um, can I give you a lift..." "Uh, I might call you." "Um, can I give you a lift..." "I'm available." "Um, can I give you a lift..." "Fantastic." "Okay." "Can I go now?" "Um, can I give you a lift..." "Sure." "Thank you." "Um, can I give you a lift..." "Get him out of here." "Hey, chambers." "All right, hang on just a second." "Hey, chambers." "How you feeling, partner?" "Hey, chambers." "I'd feel a lot better if I could get to the hospital." "Could you make this quick?" "Hey, chambers." "We're all gonna pull you through this, all right?" "Hey, chambers." "Positive attitude..." "that's everything." "Hey, chambers." "Hey, pal, he got shot in the leg." "I think he'll be fine." "Hey, chambers." "Let's hope so." "Be careful with him!" "Hey, chambers." "What are you doing?" "Hey, chambers." "I'm trying to disconnect this trailer so we can get out of here." "Hey, chambers." "Base to car six." "What?" "We've got a jackknifed tractor-trailer at route 22 in Devonshire." "You're about a mile away." "Great." "Now I got another 20,000 forms to fill out." "Why do they make these things out of metal?" "Uh, I think it's twisted." "Why do they make these things out of metal?" "No, it's coming." "It's coming!" "Why do they make these things out of metal?" "Oh, I don't know, Russ." "It's coming!" "Why do they make these things out of metal?" "Shit!" "Fuck!" "Why do they make these things out of metal?" "Why... why the hell is it snowing now?" "Why do they make these things out of metal?" "Why the fuck is it snowing now?" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Why do they make these things out of metal?" "Uh-oh." "Why do they make these things out of metal?" "Don't say a word without your lawyer, even if they beat the crap out of you." "Why do they make these things out of metal?" "Not tonight." "Nobody's beating the crap out of me." "Why do they make these things out of metal?" "You get out of here." "I don't want you mixed up in this." "Why do they make these things out of metal?" "If I go to jail, I'm goin' alone." "Wait!" "Why do they make these things out of metal?" "Your money's in your briefcase!" "Why do they make these things out of metal?" "No, Russ, don't do it!" "Don't take that sled." "It's a piece of shit." "Take the 4-40!" "Excellent power-to-weight ratio." "No, Russ, don't do it!" "Don't take that sled." "It's a piece of shit." "What?" "Two-year unlimited service warranty!" "No, Russ, don't do it!" "Don't take that sled." "It's a piece of shit." "A fix-it-yourself onboard tool kit in the backseat!" "Okay!" "Fine!" "No, Russ, don't do it!" "Don't take that sled." "It's a piece of shit." "This beauty is built for you!" "No, Russ, don't do it!" "Don't take that sled." "It's a piece of shit." "Hand warmers, halogen lights, special all-track suspension!" "No, Russ, don't do it!" "Don't take that sled." "It's a piece of shit." "Shut your trap." "I got it!" "No, Russ, don't do it!" "Don't take that sled." "It's a piece of shit." "Don't pull the choke." "The lines are dry." "No, Russ, don't do it!" "Don't take that sled." "It's a piece of shit." "No, don't flood it." "You said don't pull the choke." "No, Russ, don't do it!" "Don't take that sled." "It's a piece of shit." "Finesse it, don't flood it." "It's like getting a chick off." "We went over this!" "No, Russ, don't do it!" "Don't take that sled." "It's a piece of shit." "All right, you fellas." "No, Russ, don't do it!" "Don't take that sled." "It's a piece of shit." "It looks like you're in need of some assistance." "No, Russ, don't do it!" "Don't take that sled." "It's a piece of shit." "Get back!" "Huh?" "Back off!" "Huh?" "Get back!" "Huh?" "I said back off, motherfucker!" "Get back!" "Huh?" "Hey." "Hey!" "Get back!" "Huh?" "Ho!" "Oh, man!" "Get back!" "Huh?" "Give me the case." "Get back!" "Huh?" "Whoo!" "Hoo-hoo!" "Whoa!" "Hail yamaha." "Whoa!" "Ah, Jesus Christ!" "Whoa!" "This night never ends." "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "¶ Let me loose I just got back ¶" "¶ I was pushed and I got dragged ¶ okay, kids!" "¶ Let me loose I just got back ¶ now it's time to play the snowmobile game," "¶ let me loose I just got back ¶ with your host, Russ Richards!" "¶ Let me loose I just got back ¶" "¶ destination anywhere ¶" "¶ let me loose I just got back ¶" "¶ so far gone I'm almost there ¶" "¶ let me loose I just got back ¶" "¶ can't you see I can't deny ¶" "¶ let me loose I just got back ¶" "¶ I'm outta here like I'm on fire ¶" "¶ let me loose I just got back ¶ yeah!" "Whoa!" "¶ Livin' like a caged-up animal, criminal ¶" "¶ let me loose I just got back ¶" "¶ television newsman so subliminal ¶ whoa!" "¶ Let me loose I just got back ¶" "¶ bringing down the walls of wonderland ¶" "¶ let me loose I just got back ¶ ohh!" "¶ Let me loose I just got back ¶" "¶ just another highbrow cowboy telling' me everything and everyone ¶" "¶ let me loose I just got back ¶" "¶ and all the things I oughta be ¶" "¶ let me loose I just got back ¶" "¶ here I am your demolition man ¶¶ oh, jeez!" "Aaah!" "¶ Let me loose I just got back ¶" "Russ?" "Russ." "Russ." "No." "Russ?" "Russ." "Russ." "No." "Russ?" "Russ." "Russ!" "Oh, my God." "Russ?" "Russ." "How you feelin'?" "Russ?" "Russ." "Oh, you got pretty banged up there." "That's beautiful." "Russ?" "Russ." "We figured you'd be up in a minute." "Russ?" "Russ." "You were singing "my way" in your sleep." "Russ?" "Russ." "You are so funny." "You're as funny in a coma as you are on TV." "Russ?" "Russ." "I can't believe I'm alive." "One more." "Russ?" "Russ." "You get it?" "Okay, you have a visitor outside." "Russ?" "Russ." "I'm gonna get your dinner, and I'll be back in a minute, okay?" "Russ?" "Russ." "Okay." "Bye." "Yeah?" "Russ?" "Russ." "Okay, bye-bye." "Bye." "Russ?" "Russ." "Please don't upset him." "I'm not gonna do anything to upset him." "Russ?" "Russ." "You're in big trouble, mister." "Russ?" "Russ." "No." "Oh, God." "Yup." "Russ?" "Russ." "You're gonna have to pay for it." "I told them, officer." "Russ?" "Russ." "I said it was a stupid idea right from the start, but nobody listened to me." "Russ?" "Russ." "That's good." "Remorse." "Nice candy." "Russ?" "Russ." "'Cause, for starters, we're looking at three big ones." "Russ?" "Russ." "Oh, God!" "Three big..." "three years?" "Russ?" "Russ." "Three hundred dollars." "Russ?" "Russ." "What?" "Russ?" "Russ." "For the windshield." "Russ?" "Russ." "Plus, there's this little baby right here." "Russ?" "Russ." "You'll have to put that together with scotch tape, but it still counts." "Russ?" "Russ." "This... this is a ticket." "Yeah." "Russ?" "Russ." "For operating a class-two vehicle without a license." "Weight class two." "Russ?" "Russ." "Officer, can't this wait?" "Mr. Richards is suffering from a mild concussion." "Russ?" "Russ." "We're talking." "It's not even filled out." "There's nothin' on it." "Russ?" "Russ." "My pen ran out of ink." "Russ?" "Russ." "Officer, I really must insist." "Russ?" "Russ." "From doing paperwork all night, between you and saving your boss' ass." "Russ?" "Russ." "My boss?" "Dick Simmons." "Russ?" "Russ." "He's right down the hall here." "Wh-why is he here?" "Russ?" "Russ." "Some thug broke into his house." "Russ?" "Russ." "And broke both his legs with a baseball bat." "Officer, please." "Russ?" "Russ." "Boom." "Was it... was it Dale the thug?" "Russ?" "Russ." "Well, I don't know." "Some jerk with a plaid shirt." "Russ?" "Russ." "But don't worry." "Russ?" "Russ." "I killed him." "Russ?" "Russ." "Oh, jeez, that's just..." "Russ?" "Russ." "Come on." "Thank you." "Russ?" "Russ." "Back, back, back, back!" "Russ?" "Russ." "Scoot!" "Scoot!" "Yes!" "Russ?" "Russ." "I can't stand it." "Yes!" "Russ?" "Russ." "What?" "Dick, I'm back." "This is the lightning round." "I'm calling the shots now." "Quiet, I'm trying to ski." "Look, I got your money." "I'm gonna give it back, but I need the ticket." "Where's the ticket?" "It's my show..." "Okay, this is the plan." "I'm docking you for being an asshole." "And I'm docking gig for having people killed." "And I'm docking crystal for being a twisted, psycho bitch!" "Starting today, I decide where the money goes." "If anyone doesn't like it, we're all going to jail." "Give me that ticket." "Where is it?" "Where is the ticket?" "I..." "I gave it to Larry king." "Uh, no... don't you care to share your toys?" "Uh, no..." "The search is over." "The winner of last month's $6.4 million lottery jackpot..." "The search is over." "Has finally stepped forward." "The search is over." "She's a waitress at a local Denny's right here in Harrisburg." "The search is over." "Pennsylvania's newest multimillionaire is Wendy fawcett." "The search is over." "Thank you so much!" "I don't know what to say." "The search is over." "I've never won anything before in my life." "The search is over." "Wendy, what are you gonna do with the money?" "The search is over." "I'm going to put some of it in savings and some of it in checking." "The search is over." "And the rest I'll be sharing with a good friend." "The search is over." "And who's that?" "I'm not telling you!" "The search is over." "And we're giving a lot of it away to the big brothers," "The search is over." "The sunshiny day club, asthma..." "The search is over." "Do you have asthma?" "No." "The search is over." "But many people out there do." "The search is over." "Wendy, how did you pick the numbers you played?" "The search is over." "How did I what?" "The search is over." "How did you choose the winning numbers?" "The search is over." "Oh, I get what you're saying." "The search is over." "I... okay, I get it, I get it!" "Um, wow." "The search is over." "Uh, let's see, uh," "The search is over." "Seventy... seventy is because..." "The search is over." "A cheeseburger deluxe with bacon..." "The search is over." "Is 70 cents extra." "The search is over." "And, um, 16..." "The search is over." "When I was 16, I went to a party." "The search is over." "And, uh, nine..." "The search is over." "Well, nine, we all know, is just lucky." "The search is over." "Oh, man." "And, um, seven is..." "I have seven Barbies, oh, man." "And, um, not including the ones that got their face chewed off..." "Oh, man." "And, um, by the next door neighbor's dog, who's just such a great dog." "Oh, man." "And, um," "So there you have it... a story to tell your grandchildren." "Oh, man." "And, um, well, maybe not." "Oh, man." "And, um, dick Simmons was fired from wtpa..." "Oh, man." "And, um, after calling the head of the network "the luckiest asshole on the planet."" "Oh, man." "And, um, he now teaches communications at pocono community college." "Oh, man." "And, um, ethics." "Oh, man." "And, um, crystal married and divorced a sickly 80-year-old millionaire..." "Oh, man." "And, um, and sued him for half his money." "Oh, man." "And, um, she testified he was a svengali, oh, man." "And, um, a word she mispronounced throughout the trial." "Oh, man." "And, um, he was like..." "like this "svenjelly."" "Oh, man." "And, um," "She lost the case." "Oh, man." "And, um," "¶ you're making my dreams come true ¶ ten." "Oh, man." "And, um, she now works at gig's five nights a week." "Seventy-eight!" "Oh, man." "And, um, no cover charge, free buffalo wings with coupon." "Oh, man." "And, um, thirty-nine!" "Gig bought an obscure stock called Microsoft in 1990." "Oh, man." "And, um, he now divides his time between Harrisburg and his estate in Monaco." "Oh, man." "And, um," "¶ listen to this ¶ oh, man." "And, um," "¶ I've done all my daydreaming' ¶ oh, man." "And, um," "¶ oh, that sleep walk should be over by now ¶ oh, man." "And, um, as for me, I moved to St. augustine, Florida, oh, man." "And, um, where it hasn't snowed in 50 years." "Oh, man." "And, um," "And you know what?" "Oh, man." "And, um," "I auditioned, and I was back on TV." "Oh, man." "And, um," "And now, it's time to play north Florida cable's..." "Oh, man." "And, um, second-most popular game show, lucky numbers, oh, man." "And, um, with your host, Russ Richards." "Oh, man." "And, um, hey!" "How are ya?" "Oh, man." "And, um, thank you." "Thank you so much." "Oh, man." "And, um, hey." "What a great-looking audience." "Oh, man." "And, um, my goodness, I'd love to take you home with me tonight." "Oh, man." "And, um, how 'bout it?" "Tonight, after the show?" "Oh, man." "And, um, dinner for 250?" "Okay." "Oh, man." "And, um," "I'll make the margaritas." "All right now." "Oh, man." "And, um," "You know, sometimes I walk past an appliance store..." "Oh, man." "And, um, and there are 45 TV sets in the window, and I'm on every one of 'em." "Oh, man." "And, um, at times like that, I say to myself, "why me?"" "Oh, man." "And, um," "I mean, "why me?"" "Oh, man." "And, um, if I had to answer the question, I'd have to say, "just lucky."" "Oh, man." "And, um," "¶ you're making my dreams come true, doo-ooh, doo-doo doo-doo, doo-doo ¶¶ oh, man." "And, um," "¶ Nights were warm ¶" "¶ dreams were easy ¶" "¶ nights were warm ¶" "¶ no one standing' ¶" "¶ nights were warm ¶" "¶ overhead ¶" "¶ nights were warm ¶" "¶ conversation ¶" "¶ nights were warm ¶" "¶ didn't mean much ¶" "¶ nights were warm ¶" "¶ we were hungry but we could not be fed ¶" "¶ nights were warm ¶" "¶ radio blastin' ¶" "¶ nights were warm ¶" "¶ silly little love songs ¶" "¶ nights were warm ¶" "¶ we only listened for the beat ¶" "¶ nights were warm ¶" "¶ takin' our chances ¶" "¶ nights were warm ¶" "¶ out there on the mean streets ¶" "¶ nights were warm ¶" "¶ hiding in the shadows from the heat ¶" "¶ nights were warm ¶" "¶ from the heat ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ just brave strangers ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ as we fought and we tumbled through the night ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ we were players ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ not arrangers ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ and we jammed till the dawn's early light ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ swimming in the big lake ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ taking it easy ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ taking any comfort we could find ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ didn't need the real truth ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ didn't need the meaning ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ straight ahead ignoring every sign ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ every sign ¶" "¶ and, oh, I remember ¶" "¶ I know you do too ¶" "¶ oh, that one evening ¶" "¶ I know you do too ¶" "¶ the moon flying' high ¶" "¶ the moon flying' high ¶" "¶ the moon flying' high ¶" "¶ and you took my hand ¶ ¶ ooh ¶" "¶ the moon flying' high ¶" "¶ ooh-ooh ¶" "¶ the moon flying' high ¶" "¶ you took my hand ¶" "¶ the moon flying' high ¶" "¶ ooh-ooh ¶" "¶ the moon flying' high ¶" "¶ and it went all right ¶" "¶ the moon flying' high ¶" "¶ it went all right ¶" "¶ it went all right ¶" "¶ it went all right ¶" "¶ it went all right ¶" "¶ it went all right ¶" "¶ oh ¶" "¶ so we walked out ¶" "¶ hardly speaking ¶" "¶ so we walked out ¶" "¶ disappearing ¶" "¶ so we walked out ¶" "¶ in the night ¶" "¶ so we walked out ¶" "¶ saw each other ¶" "¶ so we walked out ¶" "¶ a few times after ¶" "¶ so we walked out ¶" "¶ but we never really got it right ¶" "¶ so we walked out ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ just brave strangers ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ as we rolled and we tumbled through the night ¶" "¶ we weren't lovers ¶" "¶ we were players ¶" "¶ not arrangers ¶" "¶ we were players ¶" "¶ and we jammed till the dawn's early light ¶" "¶ we were players ¶" "¶ just brave strangers ¶ ¶ early light ¶" "¶ just brave strangers ¶ ¶ whoa-oh ¶" "¶ whoa-oh ¶" "¶ whoa-oh ¶" "¶ whoa-oh-oh ¶" "¶ whoa-oh ¶" "¶ whoa-oh ¶" "¶ whoa-oh ¶" "¶ yeah ¶¶" "¶ whoa-oh ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ I can't wait to go to heaven ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ before I get my big reward ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ if I'm good I could ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ that's what they tell me I've been workin' for ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ when I prove that I can do it ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ that's when I'll get my big reward ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ keep that big wheel turning' ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ and my number will come up for sure ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ I'm gonna get my big reward ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ wanna get my big reward ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ wanna have it all sewn up ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ before I'm all grown up ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ gonna get my big reward ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ gonna get my big reward ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ gonna get my big reward ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ right now ¶" "¶¶¶" "¶ never mind the odds against us ¶" "¶ I won't give up my big reward ¶" "¶ never mind the odds against us ¶" "¶ we have to take our chances ¶" "¶ never mind the odds against us ¶" "¶ we got a plan and we can make a score ¶" "¶ never mind the odds against us ¶" "¶ I'm gonna get my big reward ¶" "¶ never mind the odds against us ¶" "¶ wanna get my big reward ¶" "¶ never mind the odds against us ¶" "¶ wanna have it all sewn up ¶" "¶ never mind the odds against us ¶" "¶ before I'm all grown up ¶" "¶ never mind the odds against us ¶" "¶ gonna get my big reward ¶" "¶ never mind the odds against us ¶" "¶ gonna get my big reward ¶" "¶ never mind the odds against us ¶" "¶ right now ¶¶" "¶ never mind the odds against us ¶" | {
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""To Yaki"" ""Message sent"" "Paychecks?" " Yeah." "Did you get mine?" " You didnt ask." "Management office" "Shaul Cooper" "Cover for me a minute?" " Okay." "Mom told you I was working?" " Yeah, but I would"ve come anyway." "I came with an escort..." "He-llo, man!" "What do you say about your brother?" "Huh?" "A mans man..." "Shaul, any way you can get us all in the movie?" "I told you, Dad, Thursdays are opening nights." "Yeah, but I got ltzik to drive us all the way here so Yaki wouldn't have to take the bus, so I thought we could catch a movie." "I'll sneak you in during the previews." "Let's get a big bucket of popcorn, Moti, live it up a little." "Want some popcorn?" " Something to drink?" "No." " No?" "Come on, well get some popcorn and drinks." "When did you get here?" "About an hour ago." "What took you so long?" "You think this is a joke?" " What?" "I got detained for an hour because of all the messages you sent me." "It was urgent, I had to." "It wasn't urgent, it could've gotten me into trouble big-time." "And delete all the photos." "Shaul, sit with us." "I'll come back later." "The lock?" "Great song, huh?" "A real tearjerker." " Gives me goosebumps." "You understand why youre deleting them?" "Yeah." " Yeah, what?" "Yeah, mind-fucker." "Yaki!" "Come here a minute." "When will you be back?" " We"re just going for a little spin." "Have you been smoking?" "You can smell it?" "I just took a puff of ltzik's." "What do I tell Mom?" " Nothing." "She doesn't need to know everything." "Why get her upset?" "If she asks, tell her I'm with ltzik." "L"ll be home later." "Lets go." "I love you." "Hi!" " Hey." "How was the movie?" "Not so good." "I'm gonna take a shower." "Yaki." "What?" " Come sit with me." "Okay, in a minute." "Dad"s with ltzik." "Good for him." "I'm glad someone has the patience for ltzik." "Want some coffee?" "Are you nuts?" "It's late." "None for you either." "You wont sleep." "You coming?" "Yeah, in a second." "Mom thinks those odd jobs of hers will help but they're gonna end up losing the apartment." "How can you be so sure?" "Thats how it is." "They just dont tell us anything." "Check it out." "Hey, whats up?" "Hello there, how's it going?" " Hi." "You got a long weekend off?" " Home already?" " Wait a second." "What's up, bro?" " He"s already on leave?" "Just came to show my face." "Who wants to see your face anyway, asshole?" "Anything left?" " Right over here." "Give it to me." "You've had enough." " Go ahead." "Show me the rifle." "Bro..." "Scratch it up a little, so you won"t look like such a rookie." "Give it to me for a minute." "This is so cool, you guys!" "Wow..." "Awesome!" "A real killer." " Give it to me." "Hey, give it back, man!" "The paycheck was okay." "Yeah." "Its a big help." "Good." "Did they give you more hours?" " No they didn"t." "Why not?" "You didn't ask?" " Mom, what do you think?" "What did they say?" " They said "fine'." "I don't want to go to school, I want to hang out with Yaki." "You can hang out with him later." "I deserve some time off." "Time off?" "Get up." "Wipe your face." "Skim off the foam." "When it boils, lower the flame." "Hi, Simon." " Hi." "This is my soldier." "Keeping us safe, huh?" "Trying to." "Bye, Mom." "Everything"ll be okay, Mom." "What is this?" "Your card is full." "What do you mean?" " There"s one more." "What happened?" "You're okay." "I'm going this way." "We"ll talk later." "Bye." "Keep your eyes on the building." " I never saw this place before." "Hello?" " Shauli, is Yaki with you?" "He's not answering his phone." " Hes probably with friends." "What do you think of car dealers?" "Car dealers?" "I don't know." "What am I supposed to think?" "It's a good job, right?" " Why, someone offered you a job?" "I was talking to Yossi..." "Remember Yossi?" "Yeah." " He said I"d be good at it." "What do you think?" "I have a way with people." "But you don't know anything about cars." "Tell Yaki to call me when you see him, okay?" "I want to ask his opinion..." " Dad, I have to go." "I'll tell him to call you when I see him, okay?" "Bye." "She just left." "Dont move!" "If you move, we'll shoot." "Don't push us." "Your only chance to stay alive is to listen to what I say!" "We"ll start walking now." "The rifle is right next to you, just so you don't forget." "L"m warning you, one wrong move, one word and you"re dead." "Got it?" "Got it?" "Move your bag, Id like to sit down." "Come on." "Hey, whats your problem?" "Don"t rape me, don"t rape me!" "Shut your mouth!" "Shut the fuck up!" "Don"t hurt me!" "Let me go!" "Shut up, shut up!" "What do you want?" "Don"t hurt me!" "No, no!" "Dont!" "No, no!" "Let me go!" "Shut up, shut up!" "Be quiet." "Lift her head up a little." "That's better." "Stand next to her." "Bend down a little." "Your head's cut off." " So open the frame a bit." "No, its better that way." "She doesn't look like shes suffering." "Want me to do it?" " No, here." "Why don't you rip her dress?" " No, no, don"t!" "Shut up, shut up!" "Let"s take another one." "Wait a second, Yaki." "Why'd you say my name?" "Are you nuts?" "Keep it together." "Put your foot like you're stepping on her." " Like this?" "Yeah, don"t move." "I took it." "Looks good to me." "Yeah, it"s good." ""If you want your daughter back alive, pay us $152,000"" "Which version are you using?" "The "alive'" one." "It"s the shortest." "But..." "What"s wrong with it?" "I don"t know." ""If you want your daughter back alive, pay us $ 152,000."" ""To Dad"" ""Message sent"" "No, let go of me!" "No, no!" "No!" "Dont leave me here!" "How many times have you been told not to play here?" "Fuck off or I shoot." "I don"t believe it." "We did it." " Whoa!" "Can you believe it?" "It's gonna work, right?" "Lt'll be okay, don"t worry." "Come on, Yaki, stop it..." "Come on, Yaki, cut it out!" "Yaki, cut it out!" "You asshole, you promised you"d stop doing that." "What's the big deal?" " You jerk..." "Give me some." "Fuck!" "What?" "The bags are over there." "It"s okay, they"re Paula"s sons." "Shaul, she wanted some cola, too." "Thanks, Margalit." " We just go?" " Yeah, I"ll put it on her bill." "It's been too long." "Why doesn't he respond?" "Maybe he doesn't understand what he sees." "We said that could happen." "We"ll call him now." "Grab these bottles." "Hey, let me help you." " It's okay, I can handle it." "Have you been smoking again?" " I called before and left a message." "Yeah, I saw, and Shaul told me." "I wanted to call you back." "Then why didnt you?" "I had some stuff I had to deal with and things to do at home." "Never mind." "I wanted your advice on something." "And to remind you about the haircut." "Is that mine?" "I never recognize the ringtone." "Shaul, you said you"d change it." "I will." "You gonna answer?" " No, itll stop in a minute." "Here, I'll get it for you." " Nah, itll stop in a minute." "Come on..." "Take it, here." " No, never mind." "Hello?" "Hey, Yossi." "Thanks for calling back." "No, its okay." "Don"t worry, it"s for the best." "Thanks anyway." "Bye." "What is all this stuff?" "How are we gonna eat all of it?" "Your mom invited the whole family over." "In honor of your enlistment." "She didn"t say anything." " Of course not, its a surprise." "Did anyone see my cheese?" "She forgot it again." "All this shopping and she forgets the cheese I asked for." "What's the big deal?" " Shut your mouth." "Give me a hand, dont just stand there!" "He's getting on my nerves." " Leave him be." "This is Akiva Edelman." "Olease leave a message... - 1, 2... 7, 8..." "Why did you hang up?" "Voicemail isn't good enough, we have to speak to him directly." "Shut your mouth." "I want to take off the gag, but I want to be sure you keep quiet." "Are you Arabs?" "Your mother"s an Arab!" "Listen good, Dafna." "L"m going to call your house." "L"ll put it on speakerphone." "Ask for your father and tell him you"ve been kidnapped." "If he doesn"t pay a ransom of $ 152,000 he can forget about ever seeing his daughter again." "Ready?" "This is the Edelmans:" "Akiva, Gila, Yosef, Gila, Nathan and Dafna." "Olease leave a message." "Mom, Dad, it's Dafna." "L"ve been kidnapped." "They want money..." "Shut up, we hung up!" "What's with your family, doesnt anyone answer the phone?" "What time is it?" "What did you say?" "What time is it?" "You still don't get it, we ask the questions." " No, no!" "Please, no, it's choking me." "Youre choking me!" "Please, it's choking me, lm begging you, please!" "It's choking me, I can't take it, it"s choking me..." "No, no, please, no!" "Shut up!" "Shut the fuck up!" "There is nothing we can do." "We knew it all along." "That's the fucking business." "Think of why we"re doing this!" "Say it!" "This is for 152,000." "She's nothing." "She"s a fucking bitch." "Say it!" "This is for 152,000." "She's nothing." "She"s a fucking bitch." "Say it!" "This is for 152,000." "She's nothing." "She"s a fucking bitch." "Should I say it again?" "Say it!" "She"s a fucking bitch." "What are you doing?" "Just wanted to check it out." "You"re nuts." "We can take turns every week." ""'Blocked number"" "That's gotta be him." " Maybe not." "We're gonna miss his call." "Lets go down." "Come here, help me out with the table." "Yaki, why don"t we give you a crew cut before everyone gets here?" "We're in a hurry, Dad." "Well do it tomorrow, okay?" "Whatever you want." "I just wanted you to look good for the meal." "Push it." "You have thick hair, like your moms family." "Prickly like a porcupine." " You always say that." "Don't move, lets have some discipline." "Maybe I"ll shave your beard." "Youll look neater." "I can't take it off." "Its how I enlisted." "Ow!" "Fuck!" "Look at him laughing at me." "I told you not to move, didn't I?" " Then be careful." "Okay, then don"t move, don"t curse." "Who left the key in the lock?" "Take off the uniform." "One son in the army is enough." "Start getting ready." "They"ll be here in an hour." "We wanted to go out for a minute." " What for?" "To show Nissim something." " Nissim?" "Now?" "Let them go, they said they"ll be right back." "Stay out of it." "If you had told us before, we wouldnt have arranged to meet." "We'll be back in a few minutes." " Bye." "Grab hold of her!" "Bitch!" " Let me go!" "Shut up!" "Let go of me!" "Let go of me!" ""Mom calling"" "Shut up!" "Shut up!" "Do it fast!" "Come on!" "I'm going back to loosen it." " Well do it a little later." "She can barely breathe." "That's the way things are going nowadays, everywhere." "Whoever invests, will make money." "Seriously, Moti, electric cars?" "Lts science fiction." "Anybody who believes that crap will regret it." "Its nonsense, the whole thing." "Nothing will ever come out of it." "It has to happen." "The Arabs have all the oil." "It's just a matter of time, a few years." "Not everything is in the Arabs"hands." "Don"t exaggerate." "Paula, how'd you cook the chicken?" "Same as always." "I just added some honey." "You can tell." " Its delicious." "I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you, Paula, for the great meals you make us, and keeping this house together." "May God bless you." "Stay healthy for all of us." "Amen." "Moti, that's a bit much, no?" " Why?" "Cant I compliment my wife?" "That's going to fall." " It"s okay, itll hold." "Well, we've come together here today in honor of our soldier." "Hey..." " Shaul, what's wrong with you?" "She took my cellphone." "What are you, 4 years old?" " Neslie, that"s not nice." "Give it back." "Neslie, can I have my phone, please?" "Calm down." "But..." "Do you mind, sweetie?" "Lt'll keep her at the table a bit longer, okay?" "Why is your phone pink?" "What are you, a girl?" "Neslie!" "That"s not nice." "Apologize." "Whose phone is that?" "Lts not yours." "A friend gave it to me." "He doesn"t like the touch screen." "I don"t like it either." "Grosses me out." "He just gave it to you?" "For free?" "He"s loaded, Mom." "So, Yaki, Mom said you"re going into a combat unit." "It"s time to make a toast." "Pour the wine." "Good luck to our combat soldier." "To Yaki!" "Cheers!" " To Yaki!" "Good thing you're here, Yaki." "Yeah, otherwise what your mom said would happen, wouldve happened." "It"s no big deal, Mom." "He never listens." "Yeah, but it didn't fall, so why rattle on about it, huh?" "Cheers, Yaki." " Cheers." "Tell us about basic training, Yaki." "I don't know..." "Its like you imagine it would be." "Run, drill, sleep, that"s it." "Give me back the phone, please." "What"ll you give me for it?" "I'll give you a surprise." "What"s the surprise?" "Dad, your phone." "Excuse me." "Come to my room, I"ll show you the surprise." "Great idea." "Go play and we"ll clear the table." "Good." "Uri, do whatever you want." "I don't discuss such things on the Sabbath." "It's a holy day." "Did you watch all those movies?" "Yeah." "Didnt you get bored of them?" "A little." "So what"s my surprise?" "One second." "You like it?" "I don"t know, I"ll ask Mommy." "Give me the phone!" " Don"t want to!" "What's that?" " It"s from the army." "That"s nice." "Leave it on." "There"s something I want to see." "Paula, leave the dishes, come sit with us." "In a minute." "Who's that?" " I don"t know." "Shaul's girlfriend." "Give it to him." "Arent you going to answer?" "III talk to her later." "You're embarrassed to talk to her while we"re here?" "No, III talk to her later." "So who is she?" "Moti, have you met the bride yet?" "I didn't know there was a girlfriend." "She"s just a girl in his class, not a girlfriend." "Cut it out." "A girlfriend"s not a bad thing." "I didnt say it was." "Come on, sis, sit with us!" "Turn off the TV." " Its almost over." "Enough." "We're all together now, lets talk like human beings." "Looking at us now, I realize how fast time goes by." "I know." "Can you believe Neslie"s in 1 st grade?" "Wow!" "1 st grade?" "Nesloosh!" "I remember Shaul in first grade." "Like yesterday." "I came to school because you fell, remember?" "Mom, please, not that story again." "Have I told it before?" "I don"t remember." "I remember something about a fall." "Tell us again." "Shaul was a spaced-out kid." "He was playing in the yard and fell down." "They call me from school, saying that my son fell down and lost his memory." "I ran down there." "He was in the nurse's office, white as a sheet." "I ask him, "'Shaul, are you okay?" But I can see he isn"t." "He"s acting strange and has this dazed look on his face." "It stressed me out." "We get home." "He sits in front of the TV and I call Moti." "Moti was at work, busy." "But he didn"t get upset." "He told me to ask Shaul the names of all his WWF figures." "I hang up and ask Shaul and he starts telling me every detail, every name." "Yakuzoma, Yakuzomi, all of them, all their names." "He didn"t forget a single one." "I called Moti and told him the boy is fine." "Remember that?" "Of course I do." "Moti, are you okay?" " Yeah." "What's with you?" "You"ve heard that story so many times." "Leave it, Dad, I'll take it." "Why should you have to do it?" "Sit down, it"s okay." "Thanks for having us." "Take care of yourself, soldier." " Thanks, Grandpa." "You take care of your mom." "She needs your help now that your brothers not here." "Bye, Grandpa." "Thanks." "Drive carefully." " Thanks." "Straight to your savings account." "Last push of cleaning and it"s behind us." "Drink." "I'm sorry things came to this, it should've been over by now." "Your father didn"t call." "Time is not in your favor." "Do you understand your family is getting you into trouble?" "My family..." "My family keeps the Sabbath." "Thats why they dont answer the phone." "What?" "They observe the Sabbath." "They wont answer on Friday night." "I'm gonna call them every 5 minutes." "This is the Edelmans..." "This is the Edelmans..." "They won"t answer." "At some point they'll realize you didn't get back, Sabbath or no Sabbath." "This is the Edelmans..." "I do it all the time, dont you get it?" "I run away from that stupid Sabbath and come back on Sunday." "They're used to it." "They won"t pick up." "This is the Edelmans..." "This is the Edelmans..." "What are you going to do with me?" "You're here until Daddy pays." "You better pray he does." "Sunday will be too late." "What do you mean Sunday will be too late?" "Come here." "Leave it." "She"s lying, the bitch." "Yaki, it's okay." "I'll take care of her when youre in the army." "Why not?" "I'll give her food and text you what"s going on." "We went over this." "You cant handle the deal alone." "So we just stop everything now?" "Her father will call." "Shes bullshitting us." "We'll keep guarding in shifts, like we said." "Text if there"s news." "You little shit, stop throwing stones!" "Can"t you see youre hurting her?" "Did I ask you?" "Say what?" "I'll break your neck, you little shit!" "You understand me?" "You little shit!" "What are you doing?" "Let me go!" "Come on, come on!" "Youre afraid, you loser!" "Get off me!" " Ill break your neck, you faggot!" "What are you doing with the bills?" "Leave it." "I have to sort things out for the meeting about the apartment on Monday." "'"Bring her a change of clothes." "She pissed herself."" "Here, change your clothes." "I can't get dressed if I cant see." "Where can I change?" " Here." "I have to put the blindfold back on you." "What will you do to me on Sunday?" "I want to know." "If you take me home, I"ll get you the money." "I'll tell my dad I got into trouble." "I'll get the money." "I swear." "Please, I swear." "I'll get you the money." "L"ll talk to my dad..." ""She says she's getting bitten by mosquitoes." "What do I do?"'" ""Let her scratch"" "'So should I untie her hands?"" "What are you doing?" "I'm hungry." " Shut up, this isn"t high society here." "Wait, what?" "How many gigabytes in this iPod?" "How many gigabytes in this iPod?" "Thirty-two." "That"s the shit you listen to?" "I like it." "How much did it cost?" "I asked how much it cost." "I don"t know, it was a gift." "Well, lm confiscating it." "His name is Yaki." "Whats yours?" "His name isn"t Yaki." "So he just jumps down your throat when you call him that?" "I'm about a minute away from confiscating your life." "You can't do anything." "He decides." "You"re wrong again, so just shut up." "Why did you give 100 shekels to your boyfriend on the bike?" "He's not my boyfriend." " Answer the question." "You wouldn"t understand." "Youre too young." "Hear that?" "That's what it's gonna sound like when I smash your face." "Is it good?" " Yeah." "You have 5 minutes before I cover your mouth." "Where you going?" "Go on home." "I'll keep watch." "Dad, are you okay?" "Whats going on with you?" "Can I have one?" "Never mind, it's okay..." " No, no, it"s okay." "Take one." "You cant sleep, huh?" "I had a few drinks." "We"ll be all right with the money." "Everything"ll be all right." "Yeah, I..." "I have something in mind too." "The world is shit." "It"s all about money." "Without money, you're nothing." "Stop it, Dad." "Let them go fuck themselves." "Are you thirsty?" " Yeah." "The rice was good." "Homemade, like we eat for Sabbath dinner." "Ready for me to put on the cloth?" "Can I have some more water first?" "You're the one who followed me, right?" "You followed me on my way home from school." "No, it wasn"t me." "I smelled cigarettes before." "Can I have one?" "Give me a second." "Thanks for the food." "You sure you don't want to wait till Saturday night?" "Yeah, give me Grandpas money." "Cooper!" " What"s up?" "Green doesn"t suit you." "Where are you going?" "To a friend of Yaki's." " Whatever, man." "Just fill the tank up when you bring it back." "What?" " You heard me." "You going to get drugs?" " No, you fuck, we"re going to see friends!" "What?" "Don't talk to me like that, I ain"t your brother." "I don't have to do you any favors." "You know what?" "I won't." "Hezi, stop." "We were joking." "Your brother's a dog, he doesnt know how to do business." "I want him to apologize, now." " He"s sorry." "No, I want him to say it." "Come on, say it." "Come on, tell him youre sorry." "I'm sorry." " I didnt hear you." "Im sorry." "You got scared, huh?" "Not really." " Yeah, right." "That dwarf plays the gangster." "Get her stuff." "You're putting on your clothes now." "Stay still!" "Stay still!" "Whats going on?" "Shaul and I are looking for a ball to take to my units picnic." "Since when are there balls in the shelter?" "I saw one in there once." "But it's filthy down there, stay out of there." "We barely got a chance to see each other." "I'll get lots of long weekends off, Dad." "No, long weekends are a rare thing." "Yaki, come on, it's a long way." "There won"t be any food left." "Go." "Bye, Shauli, have fun." "She gave us the right number." "What the fuck?" ""400-shekel limit on this card"" "Wait here." "Why can"t I withdraw more than 400 shekels on your card?" "I don"t know." "Think." "Maybe because its a youth card." "What did she say?" " It"s a youth card." "Let"s take out 400 a few times." "Sons of bitches." "Whats the number again?" "82-10." "Withdrawal denied'" "Just because we let you out doesn"t mean you"re free, get it?" "You owe us your useless life." "I bet you think you're smart." "You think we"re suckers that will take your shitty 400 and forget?" "Well, you're wrong." "You"re gonna pay for this mess." "It's your fucking fault, understand?" "You're gonna keep your mouth shut." "We werent kidding." "We'll haunt you and your family forever if you don"t shut up." "I'll smash your face, I'll hurt you." "You"ll beg me to kill you." "Don't test me." "Keep quiet, and maybe you"ll live a few more years." "Spoiled bitch." "When I tell you, start walking, straight ahead." "Slowly." "Step by step." "When you get to 100, you can open your eyes and sprint home." "I want you to understand, screw up and III shoot you." "Turn around and I'll shoot you." "One false move, you"re dead." "Got it?" "One..." "Two..." "Three..." "Six, seven..." "Eleven, twelve..." "What was that?" "Did she see you?" "Lts late now, isnt it?" "Where"s Yaki?" "He left this morning at 5:00." "Why didnt you wake me?" "You didn"t ask me to." "I didn't say goodbye to him." "You knew he was leaving early, you could"ve got up yourself." "I didn't say goodbye to him." "What's with you?" "Hell be back in two weeks." "Well, I have to go." "You leaving too?" " Yeah." "Hey." " Were you at my parents?" " Yeah." "Good night." "Hi, honey." " Hi." "Everything all right?" " Yeah." " Yeah." "Weren"t you supposed to meet Uri tomorrow?" "You saw him downstairs?" " What did he want?" "To settle things about the apartment." "Where are you going?" "We need to go over this." " L"m not going anywhere." "Write down all the details." "For the lawyer..." " Why do you need a lawyer?" "Fire." "Cease fire." "Lock." "Cooper." "Get up." "Get up." "Yaki Cooper?" "You must realize that something bad has happened." "Listen, Yaki, your father... hurt himself last night." "I'm sorry to break this terrible news to you, but I want you to know, the whole unit is with you, we share your grief." "You're going home today to your mother and brother." "You need to be with them." "Yaki, are you okay?" "Let me go!" "Stop it!" "Let me go!" "I'll get some refreshments." " Next to the microwave." "Here." "Ill get the door." "Thanks for coming, Uri." "I want you to know, it'll be all right." "Leave it, sweetie." "L"ll take it down later." "Its okay." "Take care of yourselves." " You too." | {
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"Hey, Donna." " Hi." " James, come on in." " Hi." "We just came to say goodbye to Maddy." "Oh, I'm sorry, you just missed her." "In fact, I dropped her off at the bus station not 20 minutes ago." "She's gone?" " Yes." "She thought that you were coming over last night." "Did she say anything?" "Well, I would have to say that she was a little bit disappointed." "Leland?" "Leland, honey?" "Excuse me." "You know, if you'd like, you could write her." "I'm sure she'd be glad to hear from you." "Yeah." "Look, I'm sorry we bothered you." "Hey, no bother, no bother." "Say hi to your folks for me, Donna." " Okay." "Okay." " Goodbye, Mr. Palmer." "Bye, James." "Take it easy now." " All right." "Leland?" " Yes, dear." "Remember to sign us up for the Glenn Miller Night at the club." "Don't worry, dear, I won't forget." "Bye, hon." " Bye, Leland." "It smells like a toilet in here." "There's nothing..." "Jerry, what the hell took you so long?" "Gee, datelines, time zones, I don't even know where I am." "God, you look terrible." "Jerry." " Ben." "Well, Ben, since your regular mouthpiece has been charged with murder himself," "I'm gonna be handling your case personally." "So let's get started." "Did you kill her?" "Jerry, for God's sakes." " Sorry, you're right." "The last thing a good defense attorney needs to know is the truth." "Jerry, can you get me out of here?" "Well, they can only hold you for 24 hours without charging you." "Or is it 48?" "Oh, Jerry, Jerry, I am in trouble here." "Under control, big brother." "Okay, so where are we saying you were on the night Laura died?" "I was with Catherine." " That's not a good choice." "It happens to be the truth." "Oh, dear." "Is there any sign of her?" "Bone..." "Bone fragments or teeth?" "Charred corroborating note regarding your whereabouts?" "I'm so depressed." "Bunk beds." "Do you remember our first room, Ben?" "Me on the top bunk and you on the bottom bunk." "And Louise Dombrowski dancing on the hook rug with a flashlight." "Lord, what's become of us?" "You know, the first time I went in, they thought it was my bladder, so they checked it again." "It was an infection." "I hadn't even been near a rusty nail." "I mean, you remember that time my toe turned purple, right?" "So instead, I took a bath in baking soda and then my toe came around, but I got the worst cramps like I swallowed a kinked hose or something." "Have you seen Andy?" "Oh, you must be that native person I've heard so much about, Eagle Eye?" "Hawk." "Sister?" "Oh, yeah, this is my sister Gwen." "This is Hawk." "Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you." "God, how you must hate us white people after all we've done to you." "Some of my best friends are white people." "Anyway, oh, come on." "My stomach..." "Diane, 10:03 a.m., Great Northern Hotel." "Sheriff Truman and I have just been with the one-armed man, or what's left of him." "In another time, another culture, he may have been a seer, a shaman priest." "In our world, he's a shoe salesman and lives among the shadows." "Leland Palmer." "Excuse me." "Does he know we arrested Ben Horne?" "Doesn't look like it." "Harry, best if he'd hear it from you." "Hi, Harry, Agent Cooper." "Just having a little fun." "You're looking good, Leland." "Just call me Fred." "Leland, I'm sorry." "We didn't want you to hear it from anyone else." "We've arrested Ben Horne for Laura's murder." "He hasn't been charged, but we're holding him." "Ben?" " That's right." "There must be some mistake, Harry." "Ben?" "I thought that Jacques Renault had..." " No." "Ben." "You have a strong case against him?" " Yes, we do." "Oh, God." "Will you be all right, Leland?" "Yeah." "The law will handle this." " As it should be." "Thanks, Harry." "Agent Cooper." "Harry, I'll catch up with you." "Leland?" "Yes." "If you can remember anything unusual about Mr. Horne's behavior the night of Laura's death, would you please let me know?" "I will, of course." "Thank you." "Everything okay?" "I'm not sure." "This won't hurt a bit." "Sheriff, I protest this brutal treatment of my client." "After all this man has done for this town..." "Now, hold still." "I'll have the results in a couple of hours." "Thanks, doc." " Gentlemen," "I demand that my client either be released or charged." "Never in all my years of practicing law have I witnessed such a complete and utter disregard for an accused man's constitutional rights." "Jeremy Horne, Gonzaga University, 1974." "Graduated last in his class of 142." "Passed the bar on his third attempt." "License to practice revoked in the states of Illinois, Florida, Alaska, Massachusetts." "Hey, I'm not on trial here." "Sit down." "Mr. Horne, do you know what this is?" "A book." " A book." "Take a closer look." "A diary." "We all know about One-Eyed Jack's." "So did Laura." "'Someday, I'm gonna tell the world all about Ben Horne." "I'm gonna tell them who he really is.'" "She never got the chance, did she?" "Come on, Ben, we're all adults here." "Wild, young girl like Laura Palmer, things spin out of control." "She becomes a threat not just to you, but to your business, your family." "You are way out of line." "Well, maybe you don't have anything to hide." "That's not what it says in here." "You cannot talk to me like this." " Ben." "Ben." "You cannot, you understand?" " Sit down." "Nice and easy." "Gentlemen, I'd like a moment alone with my brother..." "With my client." "If you don't mind?" "You have your moment." "Ben, Ben." "Ben, if you're gonna blurt out a confession like that, it's gonna make our options shrink down to a tiny little nub." "All right, what are we gonna do?" "What are we gonna do?" "Your alibi has been roasted." "They can establish motive." "And your blood may have Laura's fingerprints on it." "Ben, as your attorney, your friend, and your brother," "I strongly suggest that you get yourself a better lawyer." "Okay, one last chance, Leo." "Don't disappoint me." "The mill?" "Okay, one last chance, Leo." "Don't disappoint me." "The mill?" "Keep it simple." "Insurance investigators should read 'arson.'" "Block letters about 6 feet high." "The deal as we discussed?" "Ben Horne, his voice, and Johnson's voice, Ben and Leo." "Special delivery for Mr. Horne." "Bobby." "Oh, God." "Bobby." "He did it again." "It's your turn to clean him this time." "What's that?" "That is our ship." "What's that mean?" "Since our cash cow in the other room has turned into a sinkhole," "I've decided to pursue a career in business." "Really?" "Like a salesman?" "Oh, no, I'm thinking more executive suite." "Really?" " Yeah." "Bobby, that sounds great." "I'm gonna give you anything you want." "I want a full-time nanny." "Maybe a French maid." " Bobby." "Hello, Norma." " Mother." "I trust those are real potatoes and not flakes?" "Real potatoes." "Excuse me." "What a nice surprise to see you here." "Hey, those are good." "I see they taught him a skill in the stockade." "Where is your charming husband?" " Hank?" "He's not here right now." "I see." "Mother, I got your message." "But if you don't mind my asking, what are you doing here?" "I want to introduce you to my new husband." "Husband?" "Ernie, this is Norma." "Hi, how are you?" "We're honeymooning." "I wonder if I could bother you for a cup of coffee?" "Nice girl." " She's darling." "Ernie's a financial analyst." "I just love what you've done with your diner, darling." "The flowers add such a measure of cheer." "Oh, thank you." "Thank you so much." "Nice to see those good looks haven't isolated themselves to one generation." "Yeah, I know, go with gold figures." " Excuse me." "You still look very smart in that uniform." "Your figure's lovely." "It hasn't changed." "Now, I don't mean to be rude, but how long will you be staying?" "A couple of days." "Ernie wanted to see something of the country." "Why?" "I just wish I had known, that's all." "Oh, I didn't mean for you to go into any fuss." "You know me, dear, I'm easy." "What's wrong?" "Nothing, it's just that there's a food critic coming and I'm short on help, that's all." "Food critic." "So that's why you tried so hard to make the place look nice." "Norma, hoping to spend much more time with you." "If it's all right, we'd better check in." "I've got a Tokyo fax waiting for me at the desk." "We'll be at the Great Northern." "I'm sorry we missed Henry." "I'll call you later, okay?" "Okay." "Nice to meet you." "He's close." "Nurse." "Could I have a glass of water, please?" "Yes, sir." "I'm sorry." "Hi, Norma." "I guess I'm a little late." "Forty-eight hours is not late, Hank, it's missing." "I'm sorry, it was some..." "Some business I had to take care of." "Business?" "No, this is business." "Business is a place where you come to whether you feel like it or not." "Norma, I..." " Don't sweet-talk me," "I'm this far from telling you to take a hike." "Norma, please don't make that kind of judgment until you hear me out." "Because of the bad choices I've made, there are people out there," "people from my past who wanna see me fail." "I've tried fighting them, but I just get in more trouble." "I've tried running from them, but there's always somebody faster." "I know it's no way for a man to live his life, but sometimes it's just best to hold up and wait for the storm to pass." "I didn't mean to hurt you." "I'm just trying to keep my head above water." "Maybe next time, you'll ask for a little help." "Next time, I will." "Well, the prodigal son returns." "Vivian." " Hi." "You look great." " Thanks." "Prison treat you well?" "Well, that's a long story." "I'd like to hear it over dinner tonight." "I have a new husband." "Great Northern, 8:30?" " We'd love to." "I don't think if I'll be able to get there." " We'll be fine, honey." "Eight-thirty sharp, we'll be there." "Harry?" " Oh, hello, Pete." "What you got?" "Woodpecker." "Pileated, I think." "Yeah." "Here." "Pileated woodpecker." "Outstanding." "Harry?" "Yeah, Pete." "Harry, Josie's gone." "Yeah, I know." "When I came home from the late shift, she left a note on the kitchen table, no explanations, no goodbyes." "A note." "She sold the mill to Ben Horne." "Well, not exactly." "You don't have to explain." "I loved her." "There." "I said it." "No offense, Harry." "I loved her too." "I stood there and watched her go." "Watched her assistant carry her bags away." "Her assistant?" "Yeah, Asian fellow." "Never saw him before." "What did he look like?" "Average height, medium build, ponytail." "Oh, that was her cousin, Jonathan." "She said it was her assistant, Mr. Lee." "Mr. Lee?" "Harry, I have a bad feeling." "I'm right there with you, Pete." " Harry." "Hello, Pete." "Gerard's missing." "He knocked the deputy out." "Pete, you'll have to excuse us." "He don't get far." "Hi, sheriff." "Agent Cooper." "Lucy?" "Lucy?" " What?" "Andy?" "Step right in, Pete." "We desperate criminals are locked safely in our cages." "I have a message for you." "Greetings from the boys down at the mill?" "But first, a little music." "Hello, Benjamin." "Oh, I'm sorry I haven't dropped by for a visit, dear." "But I have a strong aversion to prisons." "How awful..." " She's alive?" "The night we spent together lost in love." "When was that?" "It seems so long ago." "Almost like a dream." "Oh, yes, I remember, it was the night Laura Palmer died." "Memory is so unreliable finally, maybe it was a dream." "Maybe it never happened." "To tell you the truth, I can't be sure anymore." "What does she want?" "I'll pay anything." "What does she want?" "You okay there, Benji?" "In exchange for my testimony, dear, you will sign the mill and Ghostwood Estates back over to me." "I will consider letting you keep your precious hotel." "A representative of mine will come to you with the documents within 24 hours." "If you won't cooperate..." "Well, I'm confident that you'll go on from here to excel in one or another of the many fine career opportunities offered by the federal prison system." "Ben, so nice to see you again." "She set me up." "That Catherine." "She set me up." "She's a cautioned, isn't she?" "You set me up." "You bitch." "You bitch." "I'll get you, you bitch." "Set me up." "Set me up." "Chicks and ducks and geese Better scurry" "When I take you out in the surrey" "When I take you out in the surrey With the fringe on top" "When I take you out in the surrey" "When I take you out in the surrey" "With the fringe on top" "Harry, are driver education programs mandatory in your school system?" "Yep." "I think we got a dropout." "Harry, look out." "With the fringe on top" "Leland." "Agent Cooper, Harry, I'm sorry." "Are you two all right?" " Leland, we're fine." "How about you?" "Oh, sure, I'm fine, I'm fine." "I was just on my way to the club to try out a new set of irons, and I must have started thinking about Ben." "I guess my mind just wandered." "It's a good idea to leave your troubles at home when operating a vehicle." "You're right, of course." "My apologies." "I did remember something, as you asked, about the night Laura died." "I was working late at the office with Ben, it was about 10:00." "He left the room to make a phone call." "I don't know who he was talking to, but his voice was raised, he was angry." "I heard him mention something about a dairy." "A dairy?" " That's what I think, yes." "A diary." " That could be it." "Sheriff Truman, Sheriff Truman, this is Lucy." "Are you there, sheriff?" "I have an urgent message from Hawk." "Do you play golf, Agent Cooper?" " Yes, Leland, I enjoy its precision." "I'd like to invite you for a round at the club someday." "May I show you my new clubs?" "Sure." "Cooper." "They found Gerard." "Near the waterfall." "Better go." "They're waiting for us." "Let's go get him." "Leland, we'll see those clubs another time." "I understand, Agent Cooper." "You let me know if there's anything I can do to help." " Will do." "Poor Andy." "You know, the exact same thing happened to me when I first got pregnant." "I would be out shopping, and then boom, pass right out in the produce section." "Then come to covered in bruises and crushed fruit, and strangers standing over me waiting to see if I was dead." "You see, people want terrible things to happen to you, I know." "I wanna talk to you about my sperms." "Sperms?" "You know, that is all men think about." "You know, I remember when little Carl was first born and they laid him out on my breast," "I looked down and saw what kind of a tiny little creature I was dealing with." "And I thought to myself, I thought, 'My God, just what the world needs, another sperm gun running around loose." "Right?" "Women beware.'" "Well, I did." "I had mine counted twice." "The first time, they were all dead." "Oh, man, if I had a nickel every time I heard that one." "Second time, they were jumping like..." " What?" "What?" "Like salmon swimming upstream." "So, of course, all you could think of was spawning." "Shut up." " Shut up, Gwen." "So when you told me that you were pregnant, I didn't think it could be me because mine were all dead supposedly at the time." "But they got better." "I was misinformed." "I'm the father." "Oh, brother." "Aren't I?" "Oh, yeah." "Oh, come here." "You want to see your mean Aunt Lucy." "Oh, aren't you neat, you little snooky-bookems." "He's been close." "Bob is not here now." "Sheriff." "Sheriff?" "Isn't there something that you'd like to share with us?" "Oh, great." "And would you tell this guy to stop staring at me like I'm a dog biscuit." "Bob has been very close." "Who's Bob?" "I don't know a Bob." "Do we know a Bob?" "Sheriff, no offense, but clearly, this man's stairs do not reach the attic." "Now, your 24 hours are up." "You either charge my client or let him go." "Ben Horne, I'm charging you with the murder of Laura Palmer." "Yeah." "Good move, Jer." "Hawk, take Mr. Gerard back to the hotel." "Nail all the windows shut." " No." "No." "I want two men on the door." " You two-bit lumberjack." "You are finished in this town." " Don't make it worse." "You're finished." "Calm down." "What are you doing?" " Step outside, please?" "I'm all right." "Harry." "Harry, I think we're saddling the horse before we're ready to ride." "I don't follow." "I don't think Ben Horne killed Laura Palmer." "What?" " You should release him." "Cooper?" "I've backed you every step of the way." "I've had enough of the mumbo jumbo." "I've had enough of the dreams, the visions, the dwarfs, the giants," "Tibet and the rest of the hocus-pocus." "Now, we've got hard evidence against Ben Horne." "It's my job to lock him up." "You're right, Harry." "This is your back yard." "Sometimes an outsider can forget that." "Well, the salmon was fresh and firm and just a little bit overdone." "Mine too." " Just right." "Would you excuse me for a minute, please?" "I'll join you." "Ladies, hurry back." "You're not gonna say anything, are you?" "If Vivian ever found out I'd been inside she'd..." "She'd drop me flat." "I like your new hair color." "Ernie Niles." "Ernie 'The Professor' Niles." "So when did you?" " A couple of weeks ago." "Let me tell you, Ernie, without you in there to pal around with the last six months were sheer hell." "Nobody to go to the library with." "Nobody to stamp out license plates with." "So, what's your angle here with Miss Moneybags?" "No angle." "Come on, buddy, we don't have any secrets." "Vivian's rolling in dough." "I met Vivian at a Republican fundraiser." "We're married." "You must have told her some tall tale, a whopper." "I'm trying very hard to tell nothing but the truth these days." "It's therapeutic." "And Vivian wants me to handle all her investments." "What about yours?" "Introduce her to your loan shark?" "I'm out of it, I'm out of it, Hank." "I don't gamble anymore." "I go to meetings." "I go to church too." "So, what happens when Vivian finds out that you ran off with the congregation's picnic fund?" " I never stole from a church." "It was a savings and loan." "I was sick, it was an illness." "I paid my debt." "It's a new life, a clean..." "Clean slate." "So she really doesn't know?" " No." "Well, Ernie, this is interesting to me." "Because family is the most important thing in the world to me." "One must be prepared to pay any price to protect it." "Don't you agree?" "Oh, yeah, yeah." "I completely agree." "We'll talk more later, Ernie." "I've always enjoyed our talks in the yard, man-to-man, prisoner-to-prisoner." "We're back." " Ladies." "I would like to propose a toast to the newlyweds and their happiness." "Thank you, Henry." "It's very generous." "To Ernie and Vivian, to much success in their future and all their future dealings." "How sweet." "That's sweet." "Diane, it's 11:05 p.m. I'm in my room at the Great Northern Hotel." "There's not a star in the sky tonight." "Ben Horne is in custody." "The trail narrows, Diane." "I'm very close, but the last few steps are always the darkest and most difficult." "Hi." " Audrey?" "Can I come in and talk?" " All right." "Is that where you got shot?" " Yeah." "Did you arrest him?" "Yeah." "Did he do it?" "That's for a court to decide." "What do you think?" "What I think doesn't really matter right now." "Did you arrest him because of what I said?" "Only in part." "But it helped?" "Yeah." "All I ever really wanted was for him to love me." "I'm sure that he does." "He's ashamed of me." "No, he's not." "Agent Cooper, when I was at One-Eyed Jack's, I never, never let anyone..." "Audrey, you don't have to say anything." "I want you to know." "I know." "I have to get that." "Okay." "Cooper here." "Where?" "How long ago?" "I'm on my way." " What's wrong?" "I want you to go to your room and lock the door." "Why?" " No questions, do what I say." "All right." "It's Maddy Ferguson." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"I can't do a job interview right now." "My head's not in the right place." "I should be in jail, not Lacey." "Lacey was on probation." "She should've known better than to be shoplifting." "I just keep thinking," ""I should've put the marshmallows in my clothes."" "But, no." "I watched her put her hands in her dress and I tried to say "Stop,"" "and then the only sound that came out was..." "You can't sit around thinking about Lacey." "You gotta move forward." "The best way to do that is to get a job." "It's what Lacey would want you to do, if she ever thought about anybody other than herself." "Why would Kate even hire me?" "Because you have all the qualifications to make a great receptionist." "You can talk, you can push buttons, you're a carbon-based life form." "But what if Kate and I don't get along?" "Look, you have a history of seeking out women who are cold, domineering, and borderline abusive." "You're gonna love her." " So you think she'll yell at me?" " I don't see why not." "Hey, come on." "I got a lot of work to do." "Fix your hair." "This is a job interview." "I like her." "So, Nolan, tell me about yourself." "Well, I think my résumé speaks for itself." "From '98 to '98, I worked at Taco Bell." "And then from '98 to '98," "I Worked at Jiffy Lube." " And then in '98..." " Can I see that for a minute?" "But I still have 14 more years to go." "On your résumé or to tell us what's left in '98?" "Would you mind waiting in the reception area while Kate and I talk?" "I should tell you." "I do suffer from migraines, so there'll be days that the office has to be pitch-black." "So what's it gonna take to land this guy?" "I know, I know." "He's a mess, but hire him and I'll owe ya." "Okay." "What do I get?" "How does an entire night of passionate lovemaking sound?" "Exhausting." "Then give him the job or that's what you'll get." "You're gonna have to do better." "This guy's like a human rescue dog." "He's cute and he's sweet, but soon as I leave, he'll whine and pee on the couch." "Okay, how about this?" "I give you my credit card and you go crazy at Agent Provocateur." "Can I get the fishnet bodysuit with the horsehair whip?" " You can if you hire Nolan." " Fine." "You know the whip isn't for show." "I know." "After four hours of trying to lead this woman to fashion sanity, she picks out the pink leopard-skin coat." "I thought, "She has to be a hooker."" "Patrick, you really gotta work on being less judgmental." "Just because she has a bold fashion sense doesn't mean she's a prostitute." "She offered to pay me with her mouth." "Well, that does mean she's a prostitute." "That reminds me, how's Lacey doing in the hoosegow?" "I talked to her last night." "She's having a hard time in jail." "And, big surprise, she's getting into it with some of the other inmates." "So I've arranged to do an anger management session at the jail." "Might wanna consider wearing some protection over your private parts." "Otherwise, those cats will be scratching at your post." "Well, thanks for that homespun wisdom." "So, Nolan." "How do you like working for Kate?" "I've never been so fulfilled." "I made some coffee, did some filing, saw some crazy half-naked pictures of her, watered some plants..." " What's this about pictures?" " That was my bad." "I opened up her outgoing mail by mistake and a lingerie photo fell out." "With a lot of shaking, a bunch of other photos fell out by mistake, too." "How can you not tell the difference between outgoing and incoming mail?" "When you're facing the desk, the outgoing is on the right, but then when you're sitting behind the desk, it switches to the left." "It's like stairs." "Are they going up?" "Are they going down?" "Who knows?" "All right." "I'll see everybody next week." "Nolan, can I talk to you for a minute?" " Is everything okay?" " Everything's fine." "Everything's fine." "It's just there's a lot of stress in a new job and it can affect one's memory." "So I thought we'd do some quick memory exercises" "and make sure everything's okay." " Okay." "Completely off the top of my head and unrelated to anything, can you remember where Dr. Wales was sending those naked pictures of herself?" "Oh, man." "I don't know." "Work must be really stressing me out." "Think, Nolan, think." "All I can tell you is what she was wearing." "It was black and see-through." "Her boyfriend Bart's a lucky guy." "Bart?" "Who's Bart?" "I don't know." "She wrote it on the picture, "Bart, for your eyes only." "Katie."" "Katie?" "Since she was eight years old, her nickname's been Dr. Wales." " Is it bad I saw those?" " I wouldn't tell Dr. Wales and I certainly wouldn't tell her that you told me." "We don't want to embarrass her." "Based on the pictures of her crawling around on the mirror," "I don't think she embarrasses easily." "Yeah, she is a confident woman." "Who drinks milk out of a saucer like a cat." "Hi, everybody." "I'm Charlie Goodson." "I am an anger management therapist." "There's been some issues on this cell-block, so Dr. Cynthia thought it'd be a good idea if I sat in for her while she recovered from her injuries." "And she wanted me to tell you guys, "That was not cool at all."" "You know, you look like you keep it real nice down there." "Yeah, bet you're bigger than your wrists would indicate." "Let's keep it professional, ladies." "But, yes, my wrists are misleadingly slim." "Now, I know some of you might be wondering," ""Can a man relate to women's anger issues?"" "Well, the truth is, most men have female traits." "Just as I'm sure most of you have female traits." "It says here there was an incident recently." "And as an unbiased observer who doesn't know anybody here," "I think I can mediate objectively." "Now, I understand it's easy for men to voice their anger and women are taught sometimes to withhold their anger." "I'ma gut this ho like a puppy." "Actually, I believe the expression is "Gut this ho like a trout."" "She always talks like that." "Yesterday, she said she was gonna stab me in the face." "Not true." "She said, "You got a face that was good for stabbing."" " It was a compliment." " Ladies, ladies." "Donna certainly seems to have a big problem with Lacey," "but let's hear it from her directly." " All right." "Curry spice over here is trying to steal my girlfriend." "I am not, bitch." "I just gave her a makeover." " Yeah, makeover, my ass." " I would, but I don't have that kind of time." "Sounds to me like Kim and Donna are in a relationship and Donna is experiencing jealousy over Lacey giving Kim a makeover." "I just wanted to feel pretty." "And you totally are." "You look crazy hot." " Hey!" " Easy, Donna." "Easy, Donna." "There's no way she could've possibly meant that." "You got the nerve to come in here with your fancy education and your belt and your shoelaces." "What do you know about what goes on in here?" "Yeah, you don't know nothing about jealousy." "I know jealousy." "Believe me." "I'll share a little." "Recently I found out that my girlfriend was sending some suggestive pictures to another man." "I'm struggling with jealousy as well, but I've got it under control." "If you got everything so under control, why is your lady sending naked pictures to another man?" "We have an arrangement." "We see other people." "I wouldn't lick that stamp." "Somebody else been licking it." "Am I right?" "No,no,no." "Ours is not really a traditional relationship." "Yeah, it's a relationship built on lies." "It's a little more sophisticated than that." "We have a noncommittal, purely physical, friendly, but not emotional arrangement..." "Built on lies." "Look, Donna." "I didn't mean to humiliate you the way this woman is obviously humiliating Charlie." "All right." "I won't stab you in the face." "Thanks." "Think maybe you could give me a makeover, too?" "That depends..." "Is that really just a trick so you can stab me in the face?" "Kinda." "A dream analysis is tricky, but the flat tires could represent your frustration with the slow progress of your ongoing anger issues and the scary hermaphrodite might relate to when you were at the women's prison and you saw the scary hermaphrodite." "You see, that's why you've got the PhD." "Well, I gotta go, Charlie." "My 4:00 will be here any minute." "Kate, before I go, can I ask you a quick question?" " Our arrangement hasn't changed, right?" " What arrangement?" "You know, if one of us is seeing somebody, they tell the other." "Are you trying to tell me you're seeing somebody?" "No, no." "I'm not." "Well,okay." "See you later." " So our arrangement is the same." " Yes." "'Cause if I was seeing somebody, you'd be the first to know." "Well, actually the third." "Obviously, I'd be the first and then the girl, of course, she'd be in on it, too, but then you." "Well, I got the bronze." "Hey, at least I medaled." "Goodbye, Charlie." "Nolan, remember the guy that Kate sent those pictures to the other day?" "I sure do." "Hey, my memory's back." "Guess I'm not so stressed anymore." "Great." "I need you to go in Kate's phone and get me his address." "I'm sorry, Charlie." "I like Kate, I like this job, and if I go through her phone, she'll fire me." "Okay." "I didn't want to have to tell anybody this, but I'm throwing a surprise party for her and it just wouldn't be the same without good old..." "That Bart guy." "Where you gonna have it?" "At a bowling alley." "So you'll get me that address?" "But Kate hates bowling." "We gotta find another place." "Fine." "You get me that address and I'll find another place." "You know what's good?" "A batting cage." "Perfect." "We'll have the party at a batting cage." "Or Disneyland." "Just get me the address, okay?" "Fine." "You know, it doesn't seem like you put a lot of thought into this." "Remember, don't tell Kate anything." "Well, there's nothing to tell because of your poor planning." " Hey, Nolan." " Hey." "You get that guy's name and address I asked for?" "Yeah." "I got it out of her phone when she went to the bathroom." "That is great." "I really appreciate this." "See you later." " Everything okay?" " Yeah." "It's just..." "I haven't got my invitation yet." " Invitation?" " To the surprise party." "I virtually planned the thing." "Turns out her buddy Bart told her about it." "Ruined the whole thing." "Then why do you need his address?" "Well, someone's gotta write him an angry letter." "No, Sam." "I'm not buying you another pair of boots." "You got one pair at my house and two pairs here." "Yeah, but if you guys hadn't gotten divorced, then all of my boots would be at one house and this wouldn't even be a problem." "Don't you guys even feel guilty about that?" "Sam, your mom and I were doing fine." "It was your boot habit that tore us apart." "Okay." "Different approach." "Sincerity." "It would really mean a lotto me if you guys bought me these boots." "Different approach." "Sarcasm." "Yeah, sure." "You'll have those boots any day now." "Final approach." "Lying." "Love you." " Here you go." " Thank you." "Can I ask you something?" "All that time that I cheated on you, did you ever get the urge to confront any of the women?" "What?" "You cheated on me?" "Seriously, I know it's a weird question, but do you think you would've gotten some sense of satisfaction from it?" "For all I know," "I've met a bunch of 'em and didn't even know it." "I mean, at the movies, at the grocery store, at the home-wrecking skank convention." "You know, every year, I say I'm gonna go." "And every year, I don't." "I thought about it, but then I realized it's not gonna make me feel any better to confront them face-to-face." "And showing up on some stranger's doorstep just makes you pathetic." "Yeah, you're probably right." "Hi." "Can I help you?" "Wow, look at the wrists on you." "Look, I don't exactly know why I'm here." "I just felt like we had to meet." "Obviously, Kate means a lot to both of us." "Who?" "Kate." "Kate Wales." "Katie." "The girl in the pictures." "She got it going on." "Hey, Bart, show some respect." " You're here to see Bart. I'm his nurse." " His nurse?" "Yeah." "Come on in." "I still enjoyed the naked pictures, though." "I get it, I get it." "You're a nurse, but you're straight." "Bart, somebody's here to see you." "Wow." "You're Bart?" "Are you here to fix the keyboard?" "The is sticking." "No, no." "No, I'm not." "I'm Charlie Goodson." "I'm a friend of Kate Wales." "So what can I do for you?" "Look, I'm sorry to barge in like this." "Truth is, I'm involved with Kate and I care about her very much." "Are you and Kate in a relationship?" "A relationship with Kate?" "Sarcastic ha." "Sarcastic ha." "Sigh." " So you're not?" " We were once, but as soon as it got serious, she broke up with me." "So she ended it, huh?" "Yes, and it hit me like a ton of bricks, as did the actual ton of bricks that hit me a week later on a construction site." "So that's how you ended up in the..." "Dumb question." "It's all right." "I still have a fulfilling life." "Sarcastic ha." "Sarcastic ha." "Look, again, I'm sorry to bother you." "I just..." "I found out Kate was sending you pictures." "Kate and I are in a relationship." "Well, it's not really a relationship." "It's..." "And it never will be." "You'll never get more than that." "She's a cold one, that Kate." "She is kind of robotic and hearing it in that voice really drives it home." "It would be intolerable if she didn't have such a sweet heart." "Yeah, I feel your pain." "Stop bragging" "Okay." "I'm gonna get going now." "ls there anything I can do for you?" "Yes." "Can you pull out that plug?" "The gray one." "It goes to the lamp." "Sure." "Hey, this is the plug to your life support machine." "You want me to kill you?" "If it's not too much trouble." "I'm sorry." "I can't do that." "Never mind, but could you help me with my medication before you go?" "Turn it up to 10." "It's on one now." "Wait." "That'll kill you, too." "How about I turn it up to three and just get you really high?" "Sold." " Morning, Nolan." " Hey, Dr. Wales." "When you borrowed my phone to make a call, did you do anything else with it?" "No." "I'm going to give you one more chance to tell me the truth before I show you the video you accidentally took when you were on my phone." "You're bluffing." "Nobody's that stupid." "Oh, no." "This isn't the address book." "What were you doing in my address book, Nolan?" "I'm sorry." "It's just that Charlie needed that Bart guy's address." "Son of a bitch." "I can't tell you any more because of the party." "Damn it, Nolan!" "It's supposed to be a surprise." "Damn it, Nolan!" "Kate, please, act like you don't know." "There is no party, Nolan." "Perfect." "Thanks." "Hey." "If this is a booty call, I can't right now." "Sam will be home soon." "How dare you!" "Fine, I'll send 'em to the movies for a few hours." "I can't believe you violated my privacy like this!" "And what kind of a therapist would use their patient to spy on somebody?" "I don't know." "An unconventional one." "A maverick, if you will." "My relationship with Bart is none of your business." "Nothing is." "You don't share anything with me." "I tell you everything." "My innermost thoughts, my feelings, everything that's happened to me." "Because I'm your therapist, you dumb-ass." "I just don't understand why you had to keep it a secret." "I mean, okay." "You dated the guy, he had this terrible accident, and now you're doing this sweet thing for him..." "Wait a minute." "I know why you didn't want me to know." " Why?" " Because it's sweet." "You are sweet." " I am not." " Yes, you are." "You're a big, soft pile of sentimental goo and you don't want me to know it." "That is absolutely not true." "Just because I do something decent for a guy who happened to fall in love with me and have his whole world cave in does not make me an emotional pile..." "What are you doing?" "Trying to comfort you." "I have to go rip Nolan a new one." "Must be hard since you're such a softie." "Shut up!" "It is so cute when you try to act tough now." "I hate you!" "I am leaving!" "If you need a hug, I'm here." "Now you're sweet and off-balance." "Everywhere I look, there's Relax The Back stores." "Relax the front." "Now that's a business model." "It's actually the oldest business model." "Weren't you there for the grand opening?" "Lacey just pulled up." "Everybody get ready." "Now, I wanna surprise her, so don't tell her I got a job." "Okay, don't tell her I lost my job." " I'm out!" " There she is." "Everything is so much different now." "The clothes, the music..." " No, it's just a really boring bar." " Thank God." "I wanna let you know, the whole time you were inside," "I was faithful." "Yeah, well, I was..." "I missed you, too." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"My love, my love!" "How was I?" "Did you record it?" "I'm so nervous..." "Poor Rafael, he'll never write for TV again." "If I win another one, they are going to hate me." "Raffy, pour me a drink, I'm thirsty." "Thank you for looking after my teddy bear." "No, don't thank me." "He took care of me." "I told him everything." "I'm filing for divorce." "I don't know why I married again." "Jorge is so sweet..." "He doesn't have a clue." "You're mad and drunk." "Let's go home." "Shit, don't touch me!" "Let me, I'll go." "Help!" "Help!" "My boy friend wants to kill himself!" "Downstairs, downstairs!" "Take it easy, please!" "What are you doing here?" "Get the hell out!" "Leave me alone!" "I'm going to kill myself!" "Lucia!" "Get out of here!" "You stop the neighbors, I'll take care of him." "Everything will be OK." "You can go back home." "No, don't call the cops." "Damian's father is well-known." "Call his mother." "405-1092." "Bring a glass of water." "From the kitchen." "Hurry up!" "Lift up your head." "Come on..." "Help me." "Grab him from the other side." "To the mattress." "Easy..." "Sit down, come on." "Don't pull him!" "We've been together for two years." "But I met another man... and Damian can't understand..." "He can't cope with his own self." "I can't bear it anymore." " What happened?" " My poor boy..." "What are you doing here?" "I live upstairs." "Is he Damian?" "QUE SERA SERA" "I am considering you for the score of my next film." "You too?" "Okay, yes." "All right, good." "I brought you the script and these video tapes." "I'm in a mess, Maria." "A real fuck-up." "That's why I wanted to see you." "I don't know where to start." "By the end?" "By the end..." "First I met her father, through Tita." "By the way, did you know I won two tickets to Paris?" " No kidding?" " Great!" "We could go together." "Like old times." " I don't think so." " Why?" "You've told me nothing yet." "This man tells me his daughter sings." "She wants to study piano." "And Tita spoke so much about me..." "I haven't given lessons for quite some time." "It takes up time I need to compose." "She is so young, so beautiful..." "And now... she's going to have a baby... and she says it's mine." "And now you'll tell me she is a schoolgirl as I was then..." "The baby we refused to have." "I left Rafael, you know." "Stop torturing yourself, Marisa." "What's over is over." "We were too young." "We couldn't." "Let the past be the past." "No, I didn't know." "What?" "That you left Rafael." "When?" "Give me a cigarette." " Since when do you smoke?" " As of today." "I don't know why I married." "Illusion is a bad advisor." "You had no illusions." "I thought I had." "We're past our time for almost everything." "Do you remember how far away 40 seemed?" "A child... what will you do?" "I don't know." "That's why I wanted to see you." "I need your help." "She could be lying." "I hardly know her." "And Rafael?" "Nothing extraordinary." "My best friend..." "And what is the film about?" "It's a love story between... and old and crazy musician... who falls for a girl... who wants to study piano..." "Crazy, my ass!" "No, don't go yet." "I have an appointment." "I'm seeing Marisa." "Want me to tell her anything?" "Pedro, how are you?" "I'm in the middle of a misunderstanding." "No, tomorrow I'm not recording." "You and Schumann are such good company." "This is my first concert in ages." " One drops so many things." " Tennis, for example." " Then I could beat you now." " Very probably." "You mean it?" "Would you dare?" "I would." " To play tennis!" " Whenever you wanat." "Well, I'm leaving..." "Madame won't be back." "Since when do you call her Madame?" "Can you tell me where she has gone?" "To a rehearsal." "Why didn't you tell me this before?" "Why have I been sitting here for 2 hours like a jerk?" "I don't know." "Do you know who I am?" "We all know who you are." "I'm also an actress, but you're the lucky one." "Now tell me, where is she?" "I don't know." "Nini!" "Yes?" "Would you make me a coffee?" "Nothing matters more to me than my son." "The day he was born I said:" "He's mine!" "And sometimes I wonder how I'd feel... if something terrible happened to him." "One shouldn't have just one child." "At least he's guaranteed to be the favorite." "Two years ago... he left home." "You remember how hard school was for him?" "Well, that never changed." "I graduated again with him." "He always loved the stage." "But to become an acrobat..." "He has a perfect body and an uncertain future." "So there I am... helping him with his dreams." "And are you doing all right?" "Yes, the office steams ahead." "Divorce is ever on the rise, and that's my speciality." "Me, of all people." "But women trust me." "And they're right." "I stand up for them fiercely." "And you?" "You're still with your father's firm?" "No, we sold it last year." "A good thing, I was neglecting my family." "I was a workaholic and I forgot about everybody." "I forgot my daughters, my wife..." "I'll always be just a businessman." "Now I own part of a bookstore." "What d'you think I should do with Lola?" "Forgive her." "And let her see the girls at will." "You know you're wrong with Lola." "You played it so straight with me..." "You weren't possessive, no pressure." "I've kept what you wrote when we parted." "Do you remember?" "I loved you so much..." "I didn't think I'd never survive our break-up." "You were so important to my life..." "My first great love." "I had forgotten about this." "Some memories just get stuck in the past." "I was desperate." "So was I." "Many times I thought I'd look for you." "It was best you didn't." "I remained with Emilio, it worked out in the end." "Was there anyone else, when you divorced?" "Sorry for asking." "No, there wasn't anyone, and I don't mind you asking." "Lola is wonderfull." "But sometimes one is not so lucky." "Take your time." "Isn't this place divine?" "Nini!" "Who's been messing up my desk?" "Okay." "Thanks, Nini." "Haven't I told you before to mind your own business?" "May I know why you stood me up?" "I suppose I didn't want to see you." " What can we talk about?" " I don't deserve this." "You're my best friend." "I trusted you." "I also trusted you." "I trusted you more!" "Isn't Rafael enough?" "What more do you want?" "What's mine." "I want the role Rafael wrote for me." "I need that role." "I've been dreaming obout it." "Nobody else can do it." "That role is no longer yours." "You lost it!" "In fact, it was never yours." "She was always 20 years old." "It's true, I was ready to concede." "I thought that having a TV star would be good for the film." "But I was wrong." "Can you stop lying?" "All this..." "Fuck it!" "This is because of Rafael!" "You can think what you like." "I'm tired." "I'm going to bed." "Jorge wants to take the girls away from me." "I'm desperate." "You must help me." "Where are the girls?" "At home with him." "He kicked me out like a dog." "Rafael's rented a one-room flat." "It's pathetic." "I need to stay here one night at least." "All I want is to see my babies." "I have nowhere to go." "I can't go back." "No, it's all right." "It's very late, but..." "I thought you might still be up." "Mother, please don't shout at me." "I know you're deaf." "No." "I'm not drunk." "I have problems, mom." "Problems inside my head." "Yes, I have work." "Can you hear me?" "We can have lunch tomorrow and I'll tell you everything." "Don't worry, I'm okay." "A little blue, that's all." "Thank you, mom." "I love you very much." "Hello, this is Marisa." "I'm out, you can leave your message." "Hello Marisa." "I must see you." "I miss you." "Please call me, so we can meet." "I promise you..." "I won't make a scene." "I just want to see you." "All I do is listen to Serrat and cry." "I do nothing else but think of you to flatter you and to be known" "I took pencil and paper and wrote the values of your love" "I looked for a song and got lost in a heap of worn-out words" "I do nothing else but think of you" "and nothing else comes up." "Now... ready for the act." "Yes, I like it." "Hold it now." "Tght-rope walkers!" "Down, Luciano." "Look up, Sulla." "Good, go back a little." "Open up..." "You will do it, won't you?" "Ready to close." "Out you go..." "And the color..." "Oh, excuse me." " Hello!" " How are you?" " Everything okay?" " Yes, and you?" "Working a lot." " That was nice." " Wasn't it?" " Ready to climb up to the trapeze?" " Yes." "Vicky, you introduce him." " Do stay, Jorge." " But of course." "This is Damian, the boy who'll do the trapeze part." "Ivan, our choreographer." " Nervous?" " A little bit." "Okay, go get changed..." " Want him right away?" " Yes." "He told me he won't see me again." "I just want to see her, hug her, forgive her." "Why can't things be as they were?" "I know I was wrong..." "I got carried away... but I never wanted Jorge to know." "Do you have paper tissues?" "Lola and I had this unbreakable commitment." "I was always faithful." "In ten years I never..." "and not because..." "It was because I never wanted." "That was our agreement." "Once he said... we had to allow ourselves... other affairs." "That it had been like that with his previous relationships." "Idiot..." "He wanted to show off..." "I told him he was completely mad." "I know she's an extremely attractive woman, desirable..." "I desire her." "It's not easy to be her husband... but I need her, deeply." "I'm cold." "The girls can't live without me." "Where can my mother be?" "The problem is that I miss Lola in my bed." "I want to hold her." "I want to smell her..." "How long will you be away?" "I'll be a few days at Marisa's." "Mom and Dad have to talk." "Why don't you talk here?" "They can't because we are here." "Can't we go to granny's?" "Mom and Dad are separating." "Mom and Dad are not separating." "We need some time apart." "Isn't it the same?" "I don't want you to go." "I don't want to go either." "It isn't the same, you know." "I need a strong hug." "Don't cry, mom." "Will you come everey day?" "Yes." "Soon everything will be like it was." "Ceci sees you on TV and cries." "I don't." "I've told you what happens on TV is not true." " Are you real?" " Yes, I'm real." "Before you quarrelled, she also cried." "She's a cry-baby." "Like me." "What are you doing here?" "What are YOU doing here?" "I live here." "The owner is a friend of my mother's." "How are you?" "I want to meet him." " I came alone." " Show me the bastard!" "Let's go out." "I want to know what he looks like." " What for?" " Just to know!" "To compare myself, to see if he suits you... or if he is a sonofabitch..." "He is not a sonofabitch!" "And I'm in love with him." "You can't be." "He's old enough to be your father." "When did you stop loving me?" "From one moment to the next?" "Does he think he can buy immortality... by getting a young beauty?" "You realize you're talking about your old man?" "I mean every old man in the world." "They leave us a world without ideals and also without girls." "I must go." "Try to understand." "I don't want to." " Too bad for you." " Don't leave me." "I put up with you." "What about the cocaine?" "It was never easy." "I'm clean now." "I've got a job, I train every day, I get paid..." "Congratulations." "This isn't the end of the world." " You'll make it." " Not without you." "Please..." "let me be happy." "Have a look!" "You came out wonderful!" "I sent them to Jorge." "Home and to the store." "Do you think he'll call us?" "The one who does call is Rafael." "And his mom." "They keep leaving messages." "She to him, desperate." "He to me, desperate." "He needs attention." "Are you kidding?" "I live the moment." "And I have no room for Rafael." "Will you come early tonight?" "They're showing the commercial, and..." "I'd like to watch it with you." "Yes, I'll be home early." "The girl to play Gaia will audit today." "The boy Jorge brought is extraordinary." "He's 22." "Each one must take his place, don't you think?" "Sorry." "Do I sound like Carlos?" "You nerd!" "My heart opens up to your love like flowers to kisses from the dawn" "Here I am a lonely star in my boundless sky of darkness" "There you stand a soul offered to birds' flight" "I love you and I want to love you forever" "You'll beat them all, you'll see." "The part is yours, I'm sure." "You'll be a star, and what will I do?" " Don't say that." " Why?" "I don't want to be a star." "It scares me." "I don't like to shine more than others." "You know what I want?" "I want to work, make some money... and be happy." "To love... be loved... and live." "That's what matters most to me." "The rest... is empty talk." " I love you, Juan." " I love you, baby." "We're going to have a baby, right?" "Absolutely perfect." "Lovely, ma'am, lovely." "Thank you." "D'you need anything else, ma'am?" " No, thanks." " Then I'm off." "Divine!" "Perfect!" "Stunning!" "Damian, remember that until the film is over... you have no feelings or sex." "So let go of the lady." "Why don't you give her the role of my girlfriend?" "Look at this couple." "Yes, I listened to them." "Not all of them." "Some I scratch off." "No, I can't." "I'm in bed." "You have nowhere to go?" "No, I have no room." "Lola's staying here." "You want to speak to her?" "He rang off." "Why does everybody want to live with me?" "Well, I'm off to bed." "You can do what you like..." "but each in his own bed." "No fooling around with my film." "She's right." "Let's not mess things up." "I love you, you know." "But I'm very depressed, you know." "I've got to get my daughters back." "And me, Lucia." "Let's toast." "For this moment of closeness, and... may all our dreams come true." "His people nourished with celestial bread... to eternally sing His mercy... as Saint Theresa." "For Jesus Christ, Our Lord..." "The Lord be with you." "The blessing of God Almighty... who is Father, Son and Holy Ghost... may descend upon you." "May we go in peace." "I'm glad you called." "You had forgotten about me." "I think I lost a couple of parishioners since you left." "Don't say that." " Do you attend Mass?" " No, I'm sorry." "You're not the only one." "I'll have to change my marketing strategy." "I'm pregnant." "And I don't know by whom." "With Damian things were going from bad to worse." "I met Juan, who's divine... and I moved in with him." "With Juan?" "Yes." "I told him this child is his." "But maybe it's Damian's." "You want to have it?" "I'd never get rid of it." "How is Damian?" "As always." "Now he's got a job on a film... he's better, cared for..." "Juan is divine." "He's older... he makes me feel safe." "He's a musician." "I think he loves me." "Have you spoken to the old folks?" "No." "Mother asked me why I didn't drop Damian." "I didn't say a word about either." "How far are you into it?" "One month." " Have you absolved me?" " No." "What penance, Father?" "Come and see me more often... and carry on singing." " What's the girl's name?" " Lucia Roca." "I know her from somewhere." "She has little experience... but you also think she's the best." "I want you to see these sketches." "I worked all night." "I think we've got it." "I hope you like them." "We must make Damian meet Lucia." "Here's Lucia's data." "She has no agent." "You must see her brother." "He's a priest." "What?" "Do business with a priest?" "First time it happens to me." "Tell him to come and bless the set." "We could do with God's blessing." "I want to see those sketches." "I'll call you later." "Malaver's resigned from the Film Institute." "Yes." "This is a mess." "Olivares could be the replacement." "Why don't you propose yourself?" "Aw, come on." "What are we going to do?" "Don't worry." "I have a solution for everything." "Congratulations, Sophie, they're excellent!" "You press Pedro to cough up the money." "Just as you imagined them." "¡Yes!" "What a young voice." "A beautiful voice." "I'm Emilio, Damian's father." "I'd like to have dinner with you tonight." "Or tomorrow... or the day after." "Call me on my mobile phone." "445-9020." "And say yes." "Thank you." "MARISA NAGUIL FACES A NEW CHALLENGE" "What happened to us, baby?" " Have you forgiven me?" " No." "I swear I'd like to, but..." "I thought you loved me." "I don't know what's wrong with me." "But I never knew why..." "I never wanted you to know." "We had a deal, Lola." "How the hell can I trust you again?" "You weren't mistaken when you trusted me." "I was wrong." "And I spoiled everything." "Jorge, give me another chance, please." "I miss you so much." "If I lose you, I'll die." "I dream about you every night." "All I want in life is to be with you." "With you and the girls." "Remember when I was expecting Ceci?" "I love you." "I love you, teddy bear." "I think that in spite of everything you do, too." "Please, forgive me." "I can't sleep without you." "The house is empty since you left." "I can't continue living like this." "How could I?" "Do you want... do you want to try?" "Look." " Nabokov." " Nabokov." "The composer, not Lolita's." "Oh, I see." "You read Lolita, didn't you?" "No." "This Nabokov, the musician... was a great friend of Stravinsky's." "I bought that book in London... in a second-hand bookstore." "I was just married, was a student..." "My passion for Stravinsky is a fulfilling passion." "Apollo..." "Apollo was like my first love." "He's always been my favorite." " Hey!" "What's the matter?" " I'm nervous." "Take it easy, Lucia." "Marisa says the acrobat is tops." "You'll love him." "And if you don't like him... pretend you do." "That's acting, I suppose." "It's all so strange..." " Why?" " Because Damian is an acrobat." " Yes?" "So?" " He got a job on a film..." "What if it's this one?" "Please, with the number of films being shot..." "What do I do with Marisa?" "Have you known her for long?" " A coffee." " All right." "No, sorry." "Make it a..." "No, better a coffee." "Thank you." "Don't you remember me?" "Of course, excuse me." "You're Jorge's friend." "Some friend." "Sorry." "I keep saying sorry." "I feel ridiculous." " How are you?" " Nothing." "Nothing right." "I screw up everything I do." "I was about to call my mom." "I tell her I'll visit her..." "I don't show up... then I call her to say I couldn't... then to say when I'll come... and that's how the day lingers on... until night comes and perhaps I can... overcome insomnia, and catch some sleep." "The bad part is waking up." "Have I bored you already?" "No, certainly not." "I'm expecting my son." "Damian, you remember." "He's started work on a film... and we're going to dinner together." "Is Damian Roco?" "Yes!" "How do you know?" "Well, while cooped up in alcohol, calling my mom... and leaving messages nobody answers..." "I know many things." "Did you read the script?" "Yes, I liked it." "It's sort of magic." "I like it." "I am like that when I write." "Did you really write it?" "Why are you so sad now?" "I'm not sad now." "I was born sad." "Life has made me weary." "I'm a writer and I live as such." "I drink, and I hope the muses... will inspire my work." " Won't you have a drink?" " Yes, please." "What will you have?" "A margarita." "Perhaps I'll be able to understand the acrobatics of my son's heart." "Who's playing Gaia?" "A good, new actress..." "They'll be meeting soon." "Between ourselves..." "I hope they fall in love." "Damian must forget Lucia." "They'll fall in love." "I promise." "That's what the story is about." "He's my Damian." "He's your Damian." " Let's go." "I can't." " Where are you going?" "I won't permit it." "It's written down, you must do it." "You must do it, Lucia." "Hello, I thought you'd gone out." "I was in my room." "Am I bothering you?" "What's the matter?" "Juan is going to have a son." "I got rid of the only baby I was ever about to have." "Why, Lola?" "How could I?" "You were too young to know." "So many years married to Juan, pretending... music and my films were everything that mattered..." "We were so selfish..." "You were scared." "Anyway, you're still young." "No." "And much less to have a child." "The ghosts came back a while ago." "They're all dead." "What are you talking about?" "Father, mother, my little child... uncles, aunts, they're all gone." "We were all here, that early morning... before the TV waiting to see Neil Armstrong... step on the moon for the first time." "Juan played the piano, and hugged me, because... next day..." "I wanted to go to the moon, and never return!" "Hernan and Marie came with us..." "We were all such great friends." "We did everything together... and the entire time Juan rattled on about Stravinsky." "Hernan is the one who crashed on a motorbike?" "I miss Marie." "The day I knew she was dying..." "I was doing screen tests for my last film." "A week later she went into hospital... and I was shooting that film." "Since the day she died..." "I think of death every single day." "Of my death." "How it will be..." "If I'll be scared..." "I can't... know if I'll know beforehand." "Follow me." "You're not going to die because you're an artist." "What is this old bag doing here?" "An old bag that destroyed your life." " What are you doing?" " To hell with all the people... the people who kill joy." "To hell with them, and this one, too." "No, not the wedding!" "There, step on it." "More, more, more!" "And stop talking about death!" "Come, let's get drunk." "I made up with Jorge." "Really?" "Why does good news always make me cry?" "That's feeling." "I'm very happy." "And very scared." "I hope everything turns out all right." "It will." "Is he coming to get you?" "With the girls?" "Let's lay out the cards." " Poor Rafael." " Stop pitying him." "Rafael is the son I never had." "He's a handsome, alcoholic... talented child." " He's a pain in the ass." " That too." "Somebody is in danger." " Rafael?" " Could be." "He'd do anything to draw attention." "Mine or yours?" "Beautiful..." "I see great love between the stars of your film." "Damian falls for the girl." "Thank God you didn't give me the role." "Juan is not fathering any child." "You're trying to console me." "Cards speak for themselves." "The action takes place in a circus." "It is a love story between..." "Gaia, that's me, and Roco... a trapeze artist born in the circus." "Not Gaia." "She arrives there for other reasons." "She's an orphan." "And you, have got a boyfriend?" "What?" "Ah, no." "I've no boyfriend... but I'm very much in love with Roco." "Although I think I'm in love with a magician... who's much older than me and plays the violin." "Plays the violin." "No, I play the trapeze." "My character was born in the circus." "Gaia is a very romantic, magical character..." "I'm in love with her, but..." "How did you get the part?" "Through Jorge, the neighbor who saved my life... and who introduced me to Marisa." "Everybody has helped me." "Had you met Lucia before?" "No, we had never met before." "I've known Damian for a long time." "Falling in love on a film set is a great fiction." "There are many..." "Liz Taylor and Richard Burton..." "Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy..." "Faye Dunaway and Johnny Depp..." "Tanguito and... what was her name?" "To be famous?" "I don't know." "Why do you ask?" "Must we talk about this?" "I can refuse to answer." "The subject was the film, not my life." "Can you leave me alone?" "I'm through with this." "Stop!" "Hold him!" "Incredible!" "Astonishing!" "An interview with a young actor... has turned into chaos." "At least you're here safe from your screw-ups." "I miss you so much." "So does Nini." "And your mother?" "She's expecting me for dinner." "Lola saw it in the cards." "Your accident." "If you were trying to kill yourself, you goofed it." "Thank you." "How's the film going?" "Better than you." "Showing no pain." "My wounds may not be showing, but any moment I'll produce... a brain hemorrhage." " You like it?" " I think it's excellent." " Does it hurt?" " It does." "Sorry." "If this is being an actor, I'd prefer not to." "Better than finding yourself in the paper as an obituary." "I told you I quit." "You did tell me." "But is it true?" "It is." "My heart opens up to your love like flowers to kisses from the dawn" "Here am I a lonely star in my boundless sky of darkness" "There you stand a soul offered to birds' flight" "I love you and I want to love you forever" "I want to go with you I want to fly to the universe beyond the moon" "I see myself in you I give you my love to adore you forever to wrap myself in your silence" "my love my love" "I love you I love you..." " Are you very busy?" " What a pleasant surprise!" "No, I've just received these books." "Bioy will be signing today." " How are you?" " Very well." "I wanted to know how you were doing." "As I was on my way... to the law courts..." "The old excuse..." " You haven't changed." " I wish." "Now I dare say I came to see you." "Much less romantic." "How did you know I'd be here today?" "Thank you." "One time each." "What a nice party!" "It's a real blast." "You're a wonderful dancer." " Happy birthday." " Thank you." "You know something?" "It's not my birthday." "In fact, I've stopped having birthdays." "But you're difficult." "So I invented a party..." "I hope you aren't upset with me." "I wanted you to know, that's all." "I like cinema." "And your films, they're very good." "Furthermore, I never give up on... a beautiful woman." "A real admirer." "Damian was a happy excuse." "Almost perfect." "He told me you were alone." "Something difficult to believe." "And you?" "Me?" "I'll be a grandfather." "Difficult to believe." "So young..." "With Lucia?" "The cards were right." "What cards?" "Nothing." "Congratulations." "I'd like to do something." "With me?" "With your film." "And you can't refuse." "I'm certain." "When you get to know me better... and you'll want to..." "Will I?" "You'll see I don't give up easily." "But tonight I'll direct." "Marisa and Emilio look at each other." "I say: "Shall we go?"" "You answer: "And your guests?"" "And I answer: " I don't care, I don't know them. "" "Then you and I..." "The action occurs, let's say, in a circus" "Ah..." "no, I'm not dating." "I think I'm in love with another character, the magician... who is much older than I am and plays the violin." "Did I tell you he plays the violin?" "All I want is to see her, to hold her... to forgive her." " What happened with Rafael?" " Nothing too great:" "...my best friend." "And the winner is!" " Why can't everything go back to what it used to be?" " I told him everything" "Tomorrow I'll file for divorce." " Let's go home." " Let go, bastard." " Leave me alone!" " Easy." " Leave me alone!" " Drop that..." "I'm going to kill myself!" "Lucía!" "I met another man..." "and Damián doesn't understand it." "And now she says she's going to have a baby." "And she says it's mine." "The child we didn't want to have." "I want the part Rafael wrote for me!" "Hello, Marisa." "You can't be in love with a guy who could be your father." " I miss you." " He was never yours, Lola!" "The girl was always 20." "They leave us a world without ideals, no one to follow... and they want to leave us without chicks!" "Sebastián." " Do you forgive me?" " No." "I was looking for a song and I got lost" "I am cold." "In a maze of empty words." "Al I do is think about you" "And I can't think of anything." "Where is my mum?" "DIARY OF A SHOOTING SET" "¡Video!" "Silence, please." "I don't know how it occurred to me." "I always say these days... that we talk so much about the movie, it's got to do with... many years waiting for the moment..." "of having wanted, fantasized... of having worked different positions in different projects... and at one point, since I'm a bit of a kamikaze I just went for it and..." "Writing is the first thing." "Having the idea and writing it down." "Actually doing it was something else." "I decided, and just went for it." "Cut!" "My love, my love..." "How was I?" "Did you have a good time?" "Poor Rafael didn't get it, they didn't know he wouldn't write again..." " for television." " If I get another one, they'll hate me." "I'm dead tired." "I told him everything." "Jorge is so sweet... he didn't suspect a thing." "You are crazy and you're drunk." " Let's go home." " Let go, bastard!" "Don't touch me!" " What is the movie about?" " It's a love story... between an old geezer, a musician who falls in love with a girl... who wants to learn how to play the piano and..." "Old geezer, my ass!" "Here I am, a solitary star." "On my endlessly dark sky." "I've studied singing and I intend to continue... it's something I love to do and I don't feel inhibited." "So I felt at ease with the part." "In the movie within the movie... in "Leaping Hearts"... where I audition to sing, and have to scenes singing." "I met another man and..." "Damián does not understand it and... he can't stand himself." "What are you doing here?" "Fuck off!" "We came to help you." " Leave me alone!" " Easy." " Leave me alone!" " Drop that..." "I'm going to kill myself!" "It was very nice." "The character is called Lucía." "She is a girl... of 23, Teresa told me." "I think that should be up to the audience." "She lives an intense situation for someone her age." "She is pregnant, and tells her boyfriend she no longer wants to be with him." "She falls in love with someone else." "And I see her in the movie..." "The first time I saw it I said:" ""She's old"." "A person who's sad, sour, very tense." "And I said:" ""I was wrong... what's this?"" "Then I said: " It's OK, she's living up... to the circumstances"."Something very dramatic is happening to her"." "And as the story unfolds, luckily... she grows happier, she finds her balance... and she grows less tense." "Do you dare?" "I felt good acting." "I love acting... and I felt very much at ease because I gave this character... a very intense emotional life." "It was a challenge to remain relaxed and let things happen and emotions run down I felt at ease working." "With all the other pressures involved in shooting a film..." "I give actors a space to create, to express, very relaxed... with a lot of silence and concentration, and with a lot of contention." "And I could give myself that... because the team was already trained for that when my turn came... to act in the movie." "As a director Terese can really contain people... and an actor finds that soothing." "You only have to worry... about your part, which in itself is quite a task... and demands a very special concentration." "Her merit is that she soothes actors... and she achieves the necessary mood for one to work." "The problem is that I miss Lola in my bed at night." "I miss the warmth of her body next to mine, I miss her smell, I miss her..." ""Puma" is a great actor, you have to... with care, you can get anything out of him." "He needs you to ask of him, he likes to be asked." "He likes being demanded: " No, give me something else" And he likes it." "When you see Teresa seeing her actors she is in them... and it is then that she stops worrying about herself and it's a marvelous woman" "I discovered in her as a director." "I think that's the most valuable part of the movie... how each actor achieves what he or she achieves... because the right conditions are created to allow this." "He told me he doesn't want to see me again." "Why can't everything go back to what it used to be?" "Where is my mum?" "Mi character is a director who's been directing for a while... and that's not my case, it was my first movie as a director." "But being an entrepreneur, a woman eager to do things and being on the creative side of things" "Marisa us very much like me." "I think all the female characters in the story... are about women with the same restlessness, such is today's woman." " Good!" " How much time do we have?" "We can go on for a while." "This is an informal chat." " Girls." " Dowe need this to talk?" "You may chose not to use it, but you won't be heard." "What shall I do, mimicking?" "The action happens at a circus and it is a love story... between Gaia, my part, and Rocco, who is a trapeze artist... born into a circus and who always lived there." "Silence, please." "We're rolling." "Action..." "From the moment the script was finished and I started talking with the people... it took six months to have it ready." "It's really no that long." "6 weeks of pre-production, 6 weeks shooting... and about 8 weeks editing." "I delayed the opening... because I wanted to take distance from the film." "I always wanted to release it in the year 2000." "It wasn't too long a period but it's been two years since the project began." "I pretend the camera is not there." "I have to stay natural..." "I am natural." "Let is start, let it start..." "What do you want to talk about?" "Really." "There is something I'd like to ask Cecilia to tell us..." " in this informal chat." " Find out." "What you were saying just now about the songs." "And something that's happening to you as an actress who directs." "I like being behind the scenes, off the stage... and behind the camera as well." "With my boyfriend we are writing a script" "I like that very much." "I began... by writing a story." "Well... we are experimenting... and I'm having a good time." "This is very creative for me..." " and very different." "Let me ask something:" "We are actors... and the three of us try something else, related to the freedom of generating or inventing a place to move with more freedom." "As if we actors were in passive places, sometimes... where we are told what to do, but we are not told enough..." " which is not very gratifying." " No, but also... we are talking about individual projects in the case of us three... it's like we are trying other places, experimenting other position." " Yes..." "Direction... you are also director as well as an actor... and it seems that in "taking the risk" one dares to change..." " "I try the other side"" " I think the "motor" is what you say." "Having more freedom to express and making our own mistakes... instead of someone else making mistakes for you." "In the case of the director until you have the final cut, and saying what I want to tell, and what do I look" "Perhaps based in the previous relationship between "Puma" and I and that beautiful working relation we achieved in the short film... it was that she called me for this part and she told me, which is flattering... and touches me deeply, that she wrote it thinking about me." "It's not enough with what you've done with Rafael?" "What else do you want?" "I want what's mine!" "The part that Rafael wrote for me!" " Please!" " I need that part!" "I've been dreaming for a year with that part!" "Nobody knows it like I do!" " I must do it!" " That part is no longer yours." "You lost it!" "In fact, it was never yours, Lola." " The girl was always 20!" " In writing each of the women..." "I gave them some traits of mine or that I know in other women... and perhaps, other men." "When you write... you spread your own energy on many characters... the range opens." "I hope they fall in love." "Damián must forget Lucía." "They'll fall in love, I promise." "That's what the story is all about." "Hello?" "Hello..." "Hello..." "Hello, Marisa." "I need to see you." "I miss you." "They say this is one of your best works as an actress." "You only directed yourself this time." "This comes to my mind now:" "Being the director... and asking so much respect for others, when it came to me..." "I had to wait to see what happened." "The space was created and the actors helped me a lot." "My mates." "That's also good." "When you are creating a story... and creating a scene with another actor, and you are also the director... the other also looks at you as an observer..." "Do you love me?" "Do you want to try?" "Congratulations." "I'd like to do something." " With me?" " With your movie." "Cut!" "[SEC. 77" " INT." "Bookstore JORGE" " DAY]" "Action!" "Thanks." "Once each." "This is the first time I'm involved in a project... in which I can't think about the end, I'm enjoying the process." "...100%" "Cut..." "You did it" " I heard - from the point of view of the director." "You know what I mean?" "You can focus by editing... at any point." " A thousand things, you can do a thousand movies..." " with the same footage." " And you did... what?" "Like Troufeau in "American Night"?" "Like a director... all the time answering questions..." " or did you do a mix?" " I, really..." "I was impressed by what was given to me, and what surprised me most... was finding Teresa in her debut as a director... which is one of the highlights of this release." "I know her as a producer and actress." "Here I discovered her as a director." "Not only for her work, but as a woman taking care of her actors... and this is what you see in the documentary when you see her... seeing her actors as her creatures, and that's how she loves them." "Also, this is a movie within a movie." "I was very touched when I first saw it, when he showed it to me." "The feeling was that rather than a "backstage" or a "making of"... it was a homage." "You know, when you are through seeing something and you say:" "Aunt Adela... what is this fucking old gezzer doing here?" " What are you doing?" " What am I doing?" "Fuck all the people who block creativity." "I wanted to go to the moon and never come back." "My heart opens up to your love like flowers kissed by dawn." "Here I am, lonely star, in my endlessly dark sky." "There you are, a soul given to the flight of birds." "What else do you want to know?" "See the movie!" "Go and see the movie!" "After all this, they'll see it." "After all this you've got to see "Leaping Hearts"." "What do you want to know?" "Who works in it?" "Goity, Madam." "The bald guy with glasses." "Awada is the one with a beard." "Negro Gomez is the acrobat." "It's called "Leaping Hearts"... because there is a likeness between all the pirouettes one does... to accommodate the spiritual problems" " Right?" " And there are some gorgeous circus scenes." "What Juan Pablo Gomez does at the trapeze is incredible, gorgeous." " Who else?" " Virgina Innocenti..." " An actress playing the actress part." " She's very famous." " She does it well." " Then there is Antonio Grimau who is so handsome." " Yes!" " And he plays the handsome as well." " He's a killer seducing." "When Grimau appears the first time the camera pans his back... and the women go..." "Y love you and want to love you forever." "I want to fly with you to the universe beyond the moon." "I'm yours, I give you my love." "To adore you and illuminate me." "To get wrapped in your silence." "My love, my love..." "I love you." "I love you." "He took me to a place I don't know." "We drove around for a while before getting there." "It was like a loft, untidy, but with good vibes." "He was very quiet." "And then he... took my hand very gently and... he took me to the bed and sat me down there." "I was very... nervous and very excited at the same time." "I caressed her face and her hair... and got close to smell her." "She smelt... a sweet perfume... soft, like her skin." "He started caressing my legs, very gently." "I asked him if he usually did this." "I lied to her..." "I told her I did." "I didn't dare tell her it was my first time." " She asked me if I was married." " He looked like a married man to me." "I didn't want to ask, didn't want to talk about me." "But anyway, he wouldn't stop touching me." "I offered her something to drink, I needed a drink..." "I was so nervous." "I was fascinated." "I'd been watching her for days." "Well... from the restaurant where I usually read the paper and eat breakfast." "I would see her come." "He told me he never came to that part of town, that he was there by chance." "That he saw me go in and waited to see if I came out." "All the time touching me." "I did nothing." "I let him carry on and got more and more excited." "His voice in my ear." "I realized his voice made me feel horny." "I didn't want him to stop talking to me." "No... she didn't accept a drink, a coffee, nothing." "I approached her with the glass in my hand and downed the drink in one gulp." "And then I started caressing her." "She was so sweet her eyes." "I caressed them." "Her lips... her lips..." " He kissed me." " I kissed her." "He kissed me and kissed me... with a passion I no longer remembered." "I died with his kisses." "I held him close, I didn't want him to go." "He kissed me all over the body." "I liked her lips." "I was careful." "I think..." "I mean..." "I kissed her gently, gently..." "Trying to feel her mouth, I sensed she like it." "We did it again and again..." "we couldn't stop." "I couldn't stop." "He asked me to get dressed." "To put the skirt and the blouse on, no underwear." "I did it and..." "he looked at me." "The he took me by the hand, led me to the kitchen... and he sat me on the counter, right by the sink." "I understood, I opened the tap and..." "She asked me if I liked movies and I said yes..." "I liked movies a lot." "I understood the code." "I said the words and he acted." "I was thrilled we both liked the same... it was like an amazing ping pong, exhausting... fascinating." ""91/2 Weeks", "The Postman Always calls Twice"..." "With "El Imperio de los Sentidos" he quite didn't remember..." "With "Atame" it was fun because he would talk to me with an accent." "And with "Tacones Lejanos" we went real wild." "It had been so long since..." "I think I never before had..." "What is this?" "What is this?" "I don't know that man." "I'd never seen him before." "Here... we've spoken many times about me and my husband." "You know that lately..." "But I love him." "He is my husband and I am with him because I love him." "Everything's fine with my wife." "She's really sweet." "I can't complain." "But this is very intense, something new, something forgotten." "It's been years sincew something like this happned to me." "It's..." "I am an honest guy:" "I like being honest." "But this shattered my brain." "I know where to find her, we didn't agree to meet again, but..." "I dropped her at a corner and saw her take a taxi." "I can't stop seeing her." "I'm scared." "I'm afraid this could be the beginning of something unknown to me." "I don't know, a trend towards..." "I am afraid of having fallen in love with this woman..." "I know nothing about yet." "How many hours in my life could I invest in this?" "It's dangerous game." "How many hours a day I am alone in the street?" "How many guys drive around alone?" "How many guys want me?" "What if today's accident turns into a routine?" "What happened today was really an accident or am I... a slut?" "You can use that color there, right?" "Dad's home!" "Kiss... kiss..." "Go with your sister, go." "Be good." "Beautiful alheli bud, if only you knew about my pain loved me back and calmed my suffering." "Because you know that without you life means nothing to me." "You really know it, alheli bud." "Beautiful alheli bud, if only you knew about my pain loved me back and calmed my suffering." "Because you know that without you life means nothing to me." "You really know it, alheli bud." "Help!" "THE OWNERS OF THE KINKY FANTASIES" "If only you knew about my pain loved me back and calmed my suffering." "Because you know that without you life means nothing to me." "You really know it, alheli bud." "Beautiful alheli bud, if only you knew about my pain loved me back and calmed my suffering." "Because you know that without you life means nothing to me." "You really know it, alheli bud." | {
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" Hello!" " Hello!" " So, did you ask 'em?" " Yep." "They said fine." "Oh, good!" "Sure it's okay with your mom, though, right?" "Yeah, she doesn't care." "She's working." "Isn't she coming up this weekend?" "I don't know." "So, ah, come on, how cute is he?" "Spit it out." " Oh, he's kind of gorgeous." " Yeah?" "He's sort of like a cousin, but not really." "He wants to be a forest ranger." "Oh, good!" "Well, then after dinner we could set a fire in your room, and he can come and rescue us." "You should've seen the look on her face." "I never laughed so hard, I swear to God." "I just can't believe you might miss it." "Oh." "Hi, Gulliver." "How you doin', boy?" "Hey, Pilgrim." "Come here." "Hey, babe." "You're such a beautiful boy." "What are you thinkin', huh?" "What are you thinkin', boy?" "You wanna go for a ride?" "Let's go for a ride." "Come on." "Come on, boy." "Come on." " Hello?" " It's me." " Hi." " Hi." " So what train are you taking?" " Um, I should be in by 2:00." "Okay." "You want me to pick you up?" "No, I can take a cab." "Grace go riding?" "Mm-hmm." "What do you want to do about dinner?" " I hadn't thought." " I can ask to try that place Emily says" " Oh, hang on." " They're here, so" "I, I'll let you go." "We'll figure it out when you get here, okay?" "Yeah, okay." "Okay." "Bye." "Hello?" "Please!" "Oh, God, please!" "Oh, wait." "Have you seen that stupid cereal commercial?" "It's like" "And where are the paintings?" "It's about her work, and we can't even see it." "But we're trying to" "We can change the colour of the deck, and we can move it up so then you can see the paintings" "We need to see the paintings." "She's an artist." " Have you checked on her going rate?" " Gottschalk." "Yes." "The legal department's on that right now." " David!" " Did you speak to Felton?" "Yes, we're suing." "Well, is that absolutely necessary?" "It'll just make it a bigger story." "Am I on the speaker?" " David, he signed an agreement that he wouldn't talk to the press... and now he's libelled me by saying I faked the figures." " You're not going soft on me, are you?" " Well, nothing like a good public feud." "Exactly!" " You know that kid Adam?" " Yeah." " Mm-mmm, he's very cute!" " I, I think you'd make a good couple, Grace." " I don't think so." " Oh, I do!" " You think he's cute?" " Eww!" "Are you serious?" " I think he's cute." " Oh, I think he's lucky that he lives next door to you." " I think, I think I" " What do you think?" "I think you have a crush on him." "All right, let's take a shortcut." "Let's take a shortcut." " You know, we can't even read it." " Friday is confirmed." " Right, okay." "No, no, no, no, no, no." "We have to reshoot this." " I said it" " I said that" " I said it" " It's "that." It's "that."" " I said it" " I swear to God, it's "that."" " It, it, it, it!" " It's "that."" " All right, fine." "Let's start again." "Ready?" " All right, fine, fine, fine." "All right." "I met him at a party" "And he told me how to drive" "He said he'd like to do it backwards" "I said it It" " Come on." "Judith." "I said it It!" "Come on!" "Gulliver." "Gulliver, up!" "Up, Gulliver!" "Whoa!" "Judith!" " Hey!" "No!" "No, no, no!" "Grace, look out!" " Pilgrim!" "Judith,Judith!" " Grace!" "Hello!" "No!" "Gulliver!" "Gulliver, stop!" "Hold it, Gulliver!" "Gulliver!" "Come on!" "Robert." "Judith's dead." "And what about Grace?" " She's in pretty bad shape." " It's a multiple trauma." " Where is she?" " She's still in the O.R." " O.R.?" "What for?" " I-It's just" " It's" "It's a mid-shaft, tib-fib fracture with a vascular compromise, meaning the blood supply to the lower leg" "They think they have to take part of the leg off." "Which leg?" "T-The right leg." "Oh,Jesus." "Okay." "Just take it easy." "This is gonna be tough on both of us." "So let's not make it any harder than it has to be." "Judith." " That bag's almost empty." " Oh, they'll be in to change it." "If you leave it up to these people-- Excuse me." " My daughter needs a new I.V." " Yes, I know." "We have her down." "Well, I'd like it taken care of now, please." "You have to stay on top of these people constantly." "I'm sorry." " Thank you." " Thank you." "We really should let her get some rest, and I do have to change the bandage." "You can come back in a couple of hours and see how she's doing." "Mrs MacLean?" "Mrs MacLean, you have a call on line two." "You can take it right there." " Hello?" " Annie, it's Liz." "How's Grace?" "Her leg was very damaged, and they had to remove it." "Oh, God." "Annie, I'm so sorry." "Listen, I, I know that you're being hit with a lot now... and it's hard to think about anything else, but I have to talk to you about Pilgrim." "Hello?" "Yeah, I'm here." "I've never seen an animal with these injuries still breathing." "I'd like your permission to put him down." " It's, it's really the best thing" " Uh, I" " Y" " Uh-- You mean shoot him?" "Annie." " Well, um" "Um, look, Liz." "The doctor's here right now... and I, I can't make this decision on my own." "Annie, I understand that, but I have to know" " Uh, just do what you can." " Okay?" " Annie, no matter what I do, this horse will never be the same." "Well, look, I, I, I, I just don't know." "It's Grace's horse, so when she" " It's not right to make it suffer." " I cannot deal with this now, Liz." "I-If you need a yes or a no, then don't do it." "Okay?" "Just, just, just, j-just do what you can for him, okay?" "Right." "Animal should be put down." "Anybody can see that." "What did he say?" "Nothing." "He's just going off duty." "Well!" "That's important information, huh?" "Christ." "Doctors, huh?" "I'm gonna get to know all the nurses' names." "It's, it's good to know their names." " I'll go get some of her things." " I'll go." "No!" "I'll go." "You stay, in case she wakes up." "You guys go on ahead." "I'll be up by Christmas." "Oh, I meant to tell you." "I got those tickets for the Knicks game." "Good." " Wanna come, Annie?" " No." "Why don't you go with a friend, Grace?" "Yeah." "Wanna eat something else, honey?" "We can order out something else." "No, I'm just not that hungry." "That's all." "Well, you should try to eat anyway." "It's the only way you're gonna" "I said I wasn't hungry." " Wanna watch some television?" " I think she should finish first." " Maybe." "I just" " I" " I can't." " Here." " I'm sorry." "No, Dad!" "I got it." "Got it." "Sorry." " You've got to stop doing that." " What?" "Helping her all the time." "Running to her every time she trips, anticipating her." "You know, Annie, this didn't just happen to you." "Hi, Grace." "I don't care what he told you." "The man's a liar." "He's a actor, for God's sake." "He'd do anything to get a cover." "Gracie, what happened?" "It doesn't matter." "I just" "I don't wanna come back." "That's all." "Well, what are you gonna do?" "I mean, you have to go to school, sweetheart." "I said no!" "I don't want to come back." "That's it." "I wanna go home." "Grace, listen to me." "Hmm?" "Your leg is just healing, and you have to give the rest of you time as well." "Is that your version of a pep talk?" "Well, you're not staying home all day, feeling sorry for yourself." "You're gonna get up, and you're gonna figure this out." "Fine." "It's still early." "What's your next class?" "Gym." "Appears to be an excellent jump." "Head and hands, eyes, perfect." "Pilgrim moves with absolute confidence at the command of Miss MacLean." " What is it, sweetheart?" " I wanna see Pilgrim." " Hello." " Hi." " Hi." "It's so good to see you." "How are you doing?" " She's doing just great." "Aren't you, kiddo?" " I'm fine." "Watch your step." "Mind how you go." "It's muddy back there." "Back there?" "W-Well, what do you, what do you mean?" "Why isn't he in the barn with the other horses?" "Well, Grace, you see..." "Pilgrim just isn't the same horse that he used to be." "As a matter of fact, maybe now's not the best time for you to see him." "I really wanna see him." "Can you open it, please?" "Hey!" "Hello, beautiful boy." " No!" "No!" " Grace." " Oh, God, no, no, please." " No, Grace." " No, no, no, no." "Leave me alone!" "Here." "Grace." "Grace!" "Mr MacLean, I'm so sorry." " Dad, why didn't you tell me?" " I'm so sorry." "You should've told her, Annie." "This animal is beyond help." "Annie, can I have your permission now to put him down?" "No." "And get me every publication on riding, racing, breeding." "Everything." "Medical publications as well." "Veterinarian journals." "And tell them it's me, and I want it now." " Hold on, hold on." "Gottschalk." " I'll call him back." " He says he's on his way to the airport, he really needs" " Lucy, I'll call him back." "I'll call him back." "Just get me what I want." ""A million years before man..." ""they grazed the vast and empty plains..." ""living by voices only they could hear." ""They first came to know man as the hunted knows the hunter..." ""for long before he used horses for his labours..." ""he killed them for meat." ""The alliance with man would forever be fragile..." ""for the fear he'd struck into their hearts..." ""was too deep to be dislodged." ""Since that Neolithic moment..." ""when a horse was first haltered..." ""there were those among men who understood this." ""They could see into the creature's soul..." ""and soothe the wounds they found there." ""The secrets uttered softly into troubled ears." "These men were known as the Whisperers."" "It's perfectly shot, perfectly cropped... perfectly laid out, and I am so bloody bored." "Start again." "Thank you." "Would you excuse me for a moment?" "Yes." " Hello?" " Yeah, this is Tom Booker." "I got a message you called." "Oh, hello, Mr Booker." "It's Annie MacLean from Cover." "You know, the magazine." "Um, well, thank you for returning my call." " Is there something I can do for you, ma'am?" " Yes, yes." "I read this article about what you do for people with horse problems." "Well, truth is, I help horses with people problems." "Well, whichever way you want to put it." "Uh, this article said that you were, you were a, a horse whisperer." "Oh, they said that, huh?" "A whisperer." "Hmm." "And I was hoping that you'd come to New York... and take a look at my daughter's horse and possibly do some" "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but I'm, I'm afraid you've misunderstood whatever it is you read." "Because that's not exactly what I do." "I mostly conduct clinics, you see, and" "Well, could you come to New York just for the day?" " It's only a few hours by plane." " And I'm not doin' them now." "I'm on my way to Montana where I have a ranch to take care of." "Well, I'd pay your fare, of course." "Uh, first class." "Ma'am, first class to Montana is a waste of good money." "Well, if you could just give me a time when you'd be available." "Say, am I, am I being too polite here when I say "no" in Nevada?" "Does that mean "yes" where you are?" "Look, I'm really sorry for your situation, but there's nothing I can do." "You just called the wrong person is all." "I'm sure there's some fine horse doctors back east." "No, but I don't want a horse doctor." " I want, I want you." " So I, I hope everything goes okay with you and your horse." " Well, but you see, it's not my horse." " So, so, goodbye now." "Grace?" "Grace, it's Mom." "Grace?" "Grace?" "Are you all right?" " I've decided about Pilgrim." " Oh." "I think we should put him down." "It's not fair to let him suffer." " Well, I think that's a very" " Maybe they should put me down, too." " What?" " I'm not much use anymore." "You're getting a fax." " You're up late." " Is it?" " How was the dinner?" " Is Grace asleep?" " Yeah, I think so." " Nothing we haven't heard before." "Just louder this time." "That's all." " So why'd you go?" " Well, one of us had to." "They're still our friends, Annie." "Listen, I had a thought." "What do you think we go someplace warm, the three of us?" "Bermuda or the Bahamas or-- What?" "Mmm, nothing." "No, I just don't know if Bermuda would be such a good idea." " Grace would have to wear summer dresses or shorts." " Oh, yeah, of course, of course." "What is it?" "I want to take Pilgrim out to see this horse guy." "Drive him out to Montana." " No, I'm serious." " Now, wait a minute." " I thought you said you didn't like the way he sounded on the phone." " Well, I didn't." " I want to take Grace with me." " You're kidding!" "Liz'll find me a trailer." "We can stay at motels along the way." " What, you made arrangements already?" " No, I just checked out a few things." "You know." " Wait a minute." "Drive a crazed horse all the way to Montana with" " Oh, he's not crazed, Robert." " Don't exaggerate." " No, I can't just pack up and leave." " Well, I'm not asking you to." "I'll do it." " By yourself?" "How?" " You can't take care of Pilgrim." " He'll be sedated." " I do know a thing or two about horses." " What about the magazine?" "I'm in charge." "I can oversee things from Montana." " I can take my fax, my computer." " Oh, you're in charge." "Well, what about Grace?" "The doctor says she needs stability and security." "Well, I can't say he's being all that effective with her." " Are you a psychiatrist?" "He says it takes time." " Well, I don't care what he says!" "I cannot sit here and pretend everything's gonna be all right." " I am not pretending." "I am trusting." " We have to do something, Robert." " Other people know more about this than we do." " We are losing" " We are losing her!" "I don't care what the doctors say." "They don't know her." "I don't care if this doesn't sound rational." "Nobody is suggesting anything better!" "I, I can't explain it, Robert." "I just have this feeling." "I just know it's the right thing." "Why, Annie?" "I just know it." "Does this, uh, cowboy vet know that you're coming?" "Yeah." "What if Grace doesn't wanna go?" "She will if you think she should." " And you think it's best if I don't come." " No, that's not what I said." "Daddy?" "I don't wanna go." "Straight back." "Come on." "A little closer." "A little more." "Watch it." "Get behind him." "Hold it!" "Get back!" "Hold it." " Watch it!" " There he goes, Eddie!" " Why don't you get inside and" " Lady, we're doing the best we can!" " It's the only way to load this kind of horse." " Keep trying." " Maybe we should give him another sedative." " We did." "Get the gate!" "Get the gate!" "Let's get out of here!" "Hold that door!" "You got a gun, just in case?" "Of course not." "That's probably best." "You may want to shoot yourself halfway to Ohio." "Grace, are you hungry?" "Do you want to stop for lunch?" "I don't care." "I want to find a place before it gets dark." "What do you think?" " Grace?" " Doesn't matter." "Okay, Lucy, look." "This is what I'll do." "I'll get to the next motel, see if they have a fax and then" "Oh, wait, hang on." "Uh-- I gotta go, okay?" "Later." "Grace, do you want to put your music on up here?" "Grace." "Do you want to put your music on up here?" "And when you purchase your Eureka World Deluxe Vac" "Here the agricultural markets and farm news headlines continue to" "Insecticide for small grains." "Important to always read and follow label instructions" "This here man was rejuvenated in the grace of the Lord." "He was washed." "Mmm, Grace, look at this." "Do you wanna see that?" " I don't care." " "I don't care."" "Oh, it'll be fun." "You haven't seen any of the sights yet." "It's history." "When I was 1 3, I used to love doing things like this." "Oh, you were never 1 3, Mom." "Oh." "Great idea, Mom." "Now what?" " How long is this gonna go on?" " What?" "You know what I mean." "Do you want us to go back home?" "Is that what you want?" "What are you asking me for?" "You didn't ask me if I wanted to come in the first place." "Now I get to decide?" "Sorry." "Do you know who I'm doing this for?" "I'm doing this for you." "Bullshit!" "It's all about you, about you deciding, about you being right!" "It's like we work for you or somethin'!" "I don't believe this!" " How come Daddy didn't come, huh?" " What do you mean?" "You know everything." "You figure it out." " Your father had to work." " Yeah, right!" " Would you please stop acting like you know what you're talking about?" " You are amazing, you know?" "I mean, you act like I don't even live in that house anymore." "What, you think I don't know what's going on?" "You think I'm still five years old!" " When you act like this, you are." " How long are we gonna be away, huh?" " I don't know." "I don't know." " Yeah, well, what if this guy can't do anything, huh?" "I don't know!" "I don't have all the answers." "No, you just act like you do." " You okay, ma'am?" " Yeah, I'm, I'm fine." "That young lady's gettin' a little worried." "Oh, sorry." "Sorry." " Good night, ma'am." " Good night." "You buckled up?" " Are you cold?" " A little." "You may have seen the Kennel Club champion being rewarded with a box of chocolates the other day." "Veterinarians and humane" "But I can't get you out of my mind Everybody" "Winter weather got you down?" "Wilson Travel is offering charter packages to sunny Orlando, Florida." "Well, looks like lots of precipitation, as we mentioned, overnight." "Great Falls, an inch and a half." "Plus, it looks like about another half an inch." "He had an epiphany." "Paul had been transformed by the grace of God... so he was a new creation in Christ." "Is there a man who is completely" "Hop on down to the Northern Plains John Deere." "We'll be glad to see you." "Gee, this place looks like fun." " Don't they believe in signs around here?" " What would they say?" " "Ten miles to Big Rock, twenty miles to Bigger Rock"?" " No." " Great trip, Mom." "I'm having so much fun." " I think I should turn here." "Oh, yeah, those rocks over there, much more interesting." "Can we take a look at Bronty's foal when we're done here, Dad?" "Sure, as long as she don't mind." "There's this kid at school says we should have imprint-trained him." "Says if you do it soon as they're born, makes 'em real easy to handle later on." "That's what some folks say." "There's this thing on the TV about a guy who does it with geese." "He has this aeroplane, and these baby geese all grow up thinking it's their mom." "And he flies it, and they just follow." "You hear about that, Uncle T?" "Yeah." "Heard about it." "Well, what do you think about all that stuff?" "Well, I'll tell ya,Joey, it might be all right for geese to grow up thinkin' they're aeroplanes... but horses, as far as I can tell, can't fly." "We expecting company?" " You know who it is?" " Nope." " Mr Booker?" " Yeah?" " Yeah?" "Tom Booker?" "Annie MacLean from New York." "We talked on the phone." "I had a little bit of a hard time finding the place." "There are no signs." "Oh, there are plenty of signs, just not many of them printed." "Why do I get the impression that you're just not driving through?" "I want you to take a look at my horse." "Now, it won't take long." "And if you still feel the same way, then I'm sure I can find" "You thinkin' about personally driving me back east?" "Oh, no, no, no." "No, I brought him along, and my daughter, too." "We're at, we're at the Lazy J Motel." " You hauled him all the way out here?" " Well, yeah." "I had a trailer." "It's not like I made him run alongside the car." " By yourself?" " Mm-hmm." "Well, ma'am, I appreciate the pains that you've obviously gone through" "Look, please don't do the "Shucks, ma'am" thing again." "I have just driven a few thousand miles for a few minutes of your time." "I have brought him all the way out here." "Just take a look at him." "If you still feel the same way..." "I will be on the road by morning, and you'll never hear from me again, okay?" "Deal?" "We're at the Lazy J Motel." "Whenever you're free." "You don't have to call." "Jesus!" " No, this is what you call the boonies." " Mom, the door." "No." "No, not really." "No services, and there's one doctor in town." "But I managed to find a therapist for Grace." "I had to drive, like, two hours." "Mm-hmm, mm-hmm." "Did they get the colour corrections?" " Yeah?" " Uh, I'm Tom Booker." "Is your mother around?" "She's on the phone." "She'll be right out." " Could I" " Mom, there's a cowboy here." "This is not Gottschalk's business." "Why is he interfering with this?" "I told him I'd take care of it." "No." "I told him I'd take care of it, and I will take care of it." "I just have to get myself settled here." "Well, um, put it in a memo, and I'll sign it." " This your first time in Montana?" " Oh, no!" "Really?" "Uh, it's completely ridiculous." "It's completely ridiculous." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." "I can imagine." "I can imagine." "They are?" "Then why did you go to meet him, alone, secretly?" "All dressed up?" " That's, that's funny." "No, really?" "I can't believe that." " Is she gonna be long?" " Probably." "She's on the phone 23 hours a day." " What does she do?" " She's an editor." "An editor?" "Ah, ah, yeah." "Just in case she hasn't told you, which she probably hasn't..." "I don't wanna be a part of this, okay?" "Mm-hmm." "Thank you." "Hi." "Sorry about that." "Grace, this is Mr Booker." "Did you look at Pilgrim yet?" "I was gonna take that look now." "Would you like me to come with you?" "I have to run over to the office and give Mr Peterson a cheque." " Doesn't matter." " Grace?" "Do you wanna come with us, take a look at Pilgrim?" " Probably best she stay behind anyway." " Okay." " Howdy, Lester." " Howdy." " Goin' to see that horse?" " Yeah, I thought I might." "Well, I hope you got insurance." "That dirty son of a bitch." "Well, you're the closest anyone's ever gotten." "I have to be honest with you." "I still feel you've made a long trip for nothin'." "But before I even think about it..." "I need to know somethin' right now." "And it's a question for Grace." "You see, when I work with a horse, it's no good just me doin' it." " The owner's gotta be involved, too." " Well, that'll be a little complicated." "You can make it as complicated or as easy as you like." "But she's the one that's gonna be ridin' him." "Am I right?" "Hey?" "Right?" "Now, here's the deal." "I don't know that I can do anything." "But I'm prepared to give it a go, if you'll help." " Oh, you have a problem with that?" " Isn't it, like, obvious?" "Not to me." "Either you want to or you don't." " Look, I'll talk to" " Excuse me." "With all due respect, this is her decision, not yours." "Now, I don't wanna waste anybody's time here, mostly mine." "Well, nothin' else to do around here." "That's not good enough." "I can't help you." "What do I have to do?" "I said, what do I have to do?" "Well, what does she want?" " Does she want you to take care of her horse?" " Somethin' like that." " And they're stayin' in a motel?" " The Lazy J. Can I have some butter please?" " Not exactly a tourist stop." " Well, well, what about the girl?" "Doesn't she go to school?" " I don't know." " You know, I just think she's got a lot of nerve showing' up here." "Draggin' that, you know, poor animal and that child all the way" "Honey, don't eat with your fingers." "Frank, don't you think she's got a lot of nerve?" "Well, hell, I don't know." "According to Tom, she's a pretty determined woman." "She must've thought it was worth it." "Yeah." "Well, I guess they'll want feeding', bein' out here all day long." " I don't think they'll expect that." " What, they gonna drive 40 miles into town every time they want a hamburger?" " Mixed salad." " What?" "Well, I believe women from New York eat mixed salads." " Ain't that right, Tom?" " I believe so." "Well, that's just what we need!" "A vegetarian from New York on our cattle ranch." "A Great Traveller, interested, not merely a good one... is a kind of introspective." "As she covers the ground outwardly... so she advances towards fresh interpretations of herself, inwardly." "And this is the quality which lends Frea Starks'books... the memorable poetic density which is their special cachet." "Moreover, it is this quality which makes them as fresh and strike" "You're at a good place to quit." "Oh, I got him movin' out a bit." "That's about it." "It's still a long ways away from gettin' a leg over him." "Well, we're movin' along." "What's he doing?" "Is this some kind of physical therapy?" "Hello?" "Hello?" "What?" "No, you're breaking up." "Hold on." "Hold on." "Don't start a fight with him." "Joey, give me your rope." "Just to pull him back." "We'll never get him outta there." "Let me go in after him." "Mr Booker, I'm really not comfortable with you taking these kind of risks." " Oh, God!" " Hey, hey!" "Pilgrim!" "Let him go!" "Let him go." "Does that hurt you?" "Only when I kick somebody." "Don't you go to school?" "Taking a break." "Don't you?" "School term's out early for us so we can work the ranch." "Look at him out in the pasture." "He must've been a big, beautiful-lookin' horse." "How was he to ride?" "Excuse me." "I've got chores to look after." "Are we in the way?" "Should we leave?" "I guess we'll go then." "From now on, leave your phone somewhere else." "Miss MacLean, would you and your daughter like to stay for dinner?" "Joe, take off your hat at the table." "I don't want to say it again." "Uh, dear Lord... we are humbly thankful for these gifts... for the blessings on our home, our family and our guests." "And bless those that aren't as fortunate." "Bless all God's creatures." "Amen." " Amen." " Amen." " Like some roast beef?" " Looks great." "Thanks." "Thank you." " Want some milk?" " Yeah." "Thanks." "Ol' Hank got us a couple more men... to move the cattle." "And what kind of cattle do you raise, Mr Booker?" "Well, we run a mixed herd, but mostly Black Baldies." "And, uh, what're, what're those?" " Black Angus Herefords instead of straight Herefords." " Oh, Black Angus." " There you go." " Of course." "And, uh, what's, what's the difference?" " Well, they suit the weather better." " And their utters are black instead of pink." "They don't get burnt with the sun bouncing' off the snow." " They make good mothers." " Our daddy raised straight Herefords." "You know, that's interesting." "Um" "I've always wondered every time I, you know, when I go into a restaurant... what's the difference between a regular steak and a Black Angus steak?" "I can never taste the difference, but I could swear that one was more tender than the other." "I didn't know there was that much difference between the cows." "Of course, I've never been on a cow farm before." "Seems to me that the bulls have the best of the time." "Just laying around the fields, waiting for somebody to come along and ask them to do their work." "You get born a bull, got a 90% chance of getting castrated, served up as hamburger." "So on balance, I reckon I'd choose being a cow." "Yeah." " Hey, young man." " You get back up to bed!" "So how's the Lazy "J" holding up for you?" "Oh, it's fine." "I still can't get used to how dark it gets around here, though." "Every time I leave the ranch, I hold my breath until I can see the motel." "Well, by golly, that's a lot of drive time." "You know, Tom, while you're working on that horse of theirs..." "Annie and Grace should move into the old creek house." "Nobody's usin' it." "It's silly for her to be driving back and forth... when she, she don't know her way around that well." "Well, that's very kind of you, but really we're fine where we are." "Oh, hell, look, I know the Lazy "J."" "Whole place is as good as falling down around your ears." "Frank, they're already all settled in." "And anyway, I'm sure they want their privacy." "Well, it's got doors, Diane, and private as can be." "Tom?" "I don't have a problem with it." "I think it's up to Annie." "Well, it'd be great for when my dad comes to visit." "Where is your dad, honey?" "He's at home, working." "You know, um" " I don't know, um" "Is it worth it, really?" "I mean, how long do you think you'll carry on working with Pilgrim?" "That depends on Pilgrim." "I know." "Me, too." "When are you comin' to visit?" "Yeah, well, there'll be plenty of room 'cause we're moving down to the ranch." "Yeah, yeah." "They've got this really cute little house down by the creek." "It's really pretty." "Okay." "Okay." "I love you, too." "Ho-Hold on." "Dad wants to talk to you." "Hi." " Well, she sounds like she's doing all right." "How is she?" " Yeah." "You know, I think she seems to be getting more comfortable on the ranch... which is, which is the only reason I said yes to this move." "Well, that makes sense." "So, how are you doing out there in Marlboro country?" " Is the magazine complaining at all?" " Yeah, but nothing I can't handle." "Lucy says she thinks Gottschalk's plotting." "But what else is new, hmm?" "So when are you coming home?" "You know, I asked him that myself tonight, and he doesn't know." "Hmm." "I miss you, Annie." "Yeah, I know." "We miss you, too." " Good night." " 'Night." "Did you ask him to come visit?" "You already did." "Do you want me to help you pack?" " Hi." " Howdy." "What's he doing?" "He's tryin' go get him to hook on." "How's it going?" "Get over there!" "Ha!" "Come on!" "Hey, you over there!" "Wanna make yourself useful?" " Hey, Hank." " Yeah?" "I think you got a volunteer here." "You wanna take care of her?" "Where's Grace?" "Grace?" " You okay?" " Yeah." " Cocktail hour yet?" " What?" "I said, is it cocktail hour yet?" "Come here a second." "You handled that pretty well." "I think it's time you started earning your keep around here." "So when we're not working, you're not doing your therapy..." "I'd like you to help out with the horses, you know, rubbing' them, cleaning' the stalls." "Think you can handle that?" " That's not a question, is it?" " Nope." "Okay." "Hey, cowboy." "When I was out walkin' one morning for pleasure" "Spied a cowpuncher come a-lopin'along" "His hat was throwed back and his spurs was a-jinglin'" "And as he approached he was singin'this song" "Hey, you little ones." "How are you?" "He was only 1 8, he had a flat on his little pickup, and" "You know you're not allowed to go swimming in the river." "And Marie here made the best pie." "Cherry pie." "Go get some." "As luck would have it, he didn't have all the lug nuts off... but the jack slipped and fell right on that rock he calls a head." "Is he okay?" "Well, it rearranged his scalp about 1 2 inches" "But he always dreamed of having a place where he could raise horses... and have a whole separate life." "My grandson Joe is named for him." "And somebody told him about a place called Stockett." "He got on his horse and he rode over there... and he got off, and he walked as far as he could one way." "And then he turned around, and he walked as far as he could to the other." "And then he decided that that's where he was going to settle." "And that's where we raised Frank and Tommy." " Where do you call home?" " She's from New York, Mom." "Um" "Well, I was born in London, but I'm from all over really." "My father was a diplomat, and so we moved constantly." "Oh, my." "That sounds very important." "No." "No, he was, he was a wonderful man." "He died when I was 1 2, but we, we lived all over the world." "We" " It's, it's not the same as, as knowing a place like this." "Well, sometimes people carry it more on the inside... than the outside." "If it hadn't have been for them troublesome doggies" "I suppose I could gather up some of these cups and plates." " You guys done with these?" " Yeah?" "You better give me that recipe." "It was really" "I know, I know." "Be glad to tell her anything." "This family has quite a history." "Yeah, it's a story, all right." " I love how she calls him Tommy." " Yeah, always did." "I think she always favoured him." "She loves telling' this story about... when he was two years old, he ran off... and they found him sleepin' in the barn... between two giant hooves of a Percheron stallion." "He said that horse was protecting' him, and nobody could convince him otherwise." "Why do you always wear that hat?" "'Cause it fits my head." " Wanna try it on?" " Come on!" "What do you want me to do?" "What do you want me to do?" "Huh?" "What?" "What do you call that?" "Okay, one more time." "You gonna, you gonna sit on me?" "Here." "So you can watch this 'cause I don't wanna do this too many times, okay?" "Put your finger up." "Okay?" "Okay?" "Loop's knotted, right?" "Looks like the only way to get it off is to break the touch, right?" "Now watch." "You watchin'?" "Watch careful." " Again!" "Again!" " Again!" "Again!" "One more time." "Oh, no, no." "I don't fall for that one twice." "Now, you guys get on in before your mother calls you." " Here." " So" "Thank you." " What?" " Do you ever sit still for just a minute?" "Well, you sit still too long in New York and you get renovated." "Why is it, Mr Booker, that sometimes I get the feeling that you're laughing at me?" "I don't know." "Why?" "No." "You're supposed to say you're not laughing at me." "Oh, I see." "You take care of both sides of the conversation, do you?" "It's a man's world, Mr Booker." "Most women have to." "You can call me Tom." "Maybe I am laughing' a little bit." "I figure since you're here, it might be nice to relax into the place a bit." "Yeah." "Well, it's beautiful country." "And I could see having some kind of a... you know, vacation place, retreat." "But I don't know how you do it full-time." "Don't you miss the rest of the world?" "What's there to miss?" "Well, if you've never lived in a city with... with museums and theatre and... and restaurants and music... uh, well, I can't explain." "Well, does Chicago count?" " You lived in Chicago?" " That's where I met my wife." "You, you were, you were married to a woman in Chicago?" "Yeah, really." "A woman." "No, I'm sorry." "I didn't, I didn't-- No, I'm so" "I was studying engineering... and she was studying music, the cello." "And I once heard her play a Dvorak concerto... and I thought it was the most beautiful piece of music I'd ever heard in my life." "So, just who's laughin' at who here?" "Jogger, huh?" "I don't jog, Mr Booker." "I run." "Well, that's lucky for you." "Grizzlies around here mostly go for joggers." "You sleeping' okay in that house?" "Well, I don't sleep well anywhere, but the house is fine, yeah." "Oop." "I have a way with animals." "That's all right." "He's just young." "Here, hold out your hand just a little lower." "That's it." "So he can get the smell of you." "He's beautiful." "Now, how come you don't ride anymore?" "Hmm?" "Grace told me you used to ride when she was younger." " She did?" " Yep." "Uh, I don't know." "Uh, no time, I guess." "I thought it was supposed to be spring." "Enjoy the day." "You, too." "Come take a ride with me." " Can you drive?" " Drive?" "Not old enough." "Well, it's never too soon to start." "Here." "Get in." "Uh, I, I can't." "Come on." "I don't have all day." "Put the key in and turn it on." " This one?" " Mm-hmm." "Now, the right pedal is the gas." "The other one's the brake." "Uh, I don't think I, I can with my, uh, with my leg." "Well, there's only one way to find out." "Now, put it in "D."" "Now give it some gas." "Okay, we know you can." "Now you just gotta feel how much." "Now give it" " Try it again." "There you go." "Nice." "Real nice." "Now there's a little road up at the end here." "Turn onto it." "Now just follow this." "Nothin' to it." "I'm gonna kinda close my eyes here for a little while... so keep goin' till you run out of road." "Uh, I, I, I don't think I can." "It's not a question if you can." "You are." "Where'd you get Pilgrim from?" "We bought him in Kentucky." "Me and my mom took a trip down there to see him." "Well, that must've been special." "Yeah." "Are you afraid of anything, Tom Booker?" "Oh, growing' old." "Not bein' much use." "Hey, Grace?" "What went on out there with Pilgrim?" "See, Grace, I got a problem." "When I work with a horse, I like to know its history." "Now most of the times, a horse, in its own way, can pretty much tell you the whole story... but sometimes they get so messed up in their head that you need more to go on." "Now, I don't know how you feel about talkin' about it... and if you don't feel like it, I understand." "But if I'm gonna figure out what's goin' on in his head... sure would help me if I understood exactly what happened that day." "You know, not today." "Whenever you feel like it." "I'll leave that up to you." "Uh-oh." " The answer's no." " You haven't even heard the question yet." "Now, the truth is, you'd be doin' me a real favour." "I got all these young colts that need riding'." "Rimrock here, he's" " I mean, he's feelin' kinda left out." " Poor thing." "He'd be grateful, and he'd take real good care with you." " Is this how you're gonna make me pay my phone bill?" " No." "No, ma'am." "That part's extra." "Oh, brought you a hat." " Oh, I have a hat." " I know." "I've seen it." " I think my stirrups are too long, or" " No, they're fine." "Just relax your centre." " Yeah." "Just sittin' in a bucket." "Well, it's all coming back, you know." "I mean, I'll be fine." "Okay." "Well, then I'll stop talkin' then." "No, I didn't mean that." "I" " You know, I've never ridden western before." " So" " Yeah, but he doesn't know that." "Just sit the horse." " Yeah." " You have a nice seat." "You're doin' fine." "Thank you." " You look good." "You feel okay?" " Yeah." " You wanna pick it up a little?" " Yeah." "Watch your reins." "Give him some room." "Let him do the work." " Okay?" "You okay?" " Yep." "Let's go." "I envy your mother." "I do." "It must be great to be her age... and to be at the point in life when you have no more guesswork." "No more impossible decisions to make." "And anyway, it doesn't matter because all the worries and all the wrong turns that you made... are as valuable and as, as... as cherished as the things that you did right." "I-- Oh, it must be such a relief." "Must be such peace in that." "Well, I don't think you have to wait to be her age to find that kind of peace." "Yeah, but how would you know unless it was all behind you?" "Do you have it?" "Sometimes." "Not all the time, but sometimes." "When?" "Wakin' up on the ranch in the morning, knowin' what I'm supposed to do that day." "Knowing I'm home." "I wake up every morning, and I don't know a damn thing." "Was I" "Was I right to bring her here, away from what's familiar... away from her father, her friends?" "And the more I try and fix things, the more everything falls apart." "Maybe you should let 'em fall." " No, I can't." " Why?" "Do you think I was right to come?" "I can't answer that, Annie." "Well, I'll know soon enough." "If I've made a mistake, Grace'll let me know." "She's a strong kid." "She gets that from somebody." "Thank you for all you're doing." "You and your family, letting us stay at the house." "It wasn't gettin' much use." "What was your wife like?" "She had reddish hair." "Not, not quite." "Almost." "Depended on the light." "She had green eyes." "And when she played, that was it." "Something just went right through me." "I'd never heard music like that played before." "And the way she looked when she played it." "And then one day, she looked at me that way, and that was it... for both of us." "I knew she didn't want to be a rancher's wife, but I wanted to give it a try." "I thought maybe she could give music lessons to the kids in town, the school maybe... and that our kids would grow up with my brother's kids and play together." "But she wasn't happy here." ""Too much space," she said." " So why didn't you stay in Chicago?" " Wasn't enough space." "It just wasn't meant to be." "But how did you know, for sure?" "Knowing's the easy part." "Saying it out loud's the hard part." "Mmm, seems so obvious now, doesn't it?" ""We weren't right for each other." "If only we knew then."" "I didn't love her 'cause it was right." "I just loved her." "For whatever it's worth, Annie, took a lot of guts for you to come here." "Lift your leg." "Come on." "Come on." "Hey,Joe." "Hi." "Would you let me ride your horse?" " Have you talked to Tom about it?" " Of course I have." "I don't know." "You sure Tom said it's all right?" "You gonna give me a hand or what?" " You sure?" " Come on." "Okay." "Easy." "Hold it." "Okay." "Whoa." "Got it." "Got it." "I can do it." "Here." "Are you okay?" "Hey!" "You better not say anything!" "I thought there were too many forks, so I just, um" "Oh." "You look really pretty." "Thanks." "Does anybody want something to drink?" "Shit!" "Better go give your mom a hand." "Oh, yeah." " Everything under control here?" " Um, no, not really." "Uh, it's been so long since I've done this." "I've forgotten." "Uh, and I couldn't find any Parmesan cheese." "Well, you got an easy crowd out there, as long as it's hot." "Can I do anything?" "Uh, just make yourself comfortable." "I am comfortable." "Well, um, in that case you can bring in the pasta." " You missed a button." " Thank you." "You know, I'll have another round of that spaghetti, if I may." " Oh, of course." " Thank you." "I, uh, like the sauce." "Maybe I could get the recipe." " It's from a jar." " Oh." "Well, now, you know what?" "I, uh, used jar sauce once." "I don't believe it was near as good as this." " Isn't that right, Frank?" " No." "No." "You know, I think you gotta know which brand to pick." "I sure would like the name of this one." "Annie, you've given me a rare night off." "Ooh, you're touchin' on a sore subject here." "Diane's got these big dreams in her head about gettin' away to" " Gosh, what was it?" "Greece, Morocco?" " Morocco." "One of these places where women wear masks and... everybody's runnin' around in robes and" " Well, we could use a vacation." " Mmm." "We're going to Branson for the wedding." " It is not." "You just had a turn." " You don't know how to play the game." " Hey!" " Yes, I do." " You do not." " Uh-huh." "You know, Frank." "You know..." "Branson, Missouri is not exactly Morocco." "I got family there." "Got no family in Morocco, far as I know." " It's my turn." " Is not." " You had a turn." " Was not." " Was so!" " Boys, settle down." " You're just showin' off for her." " Shut up, stupid." "You're the only one who's stupid, letting' her go and fall off your horse." "Hey, boys." " Oh, you little turd." " I saw 'em in the pasture, her tryin' to get on Gonzo." " Hey, boys!" " I saw 'em." " Oh, you turd." "Joe!" " Did you go riding?" " No!" " Get up off that floor." " Out you go." " Get outta here." " Right now." "Out the door." " Go on home now." " I didn't start it." " My gosh!" " Here, here.Joe,Joe." "Hey." " Come on, let's go." "Right now." "Come on." " Let's go." " What's the matter with you boys?" " Annie, I'm so sorry." "They're just tired." "We, we should just get 'em home to bed." " Say good night and thank you." " Annie, the dinner was delicious." " Thank you so much." "It was wonderful." " Thank you." "You, say thank you." " Thank you." "Joe, did Grace try to ride?" "I expect you should talk to Grace about that, ma'am." "If I did anything wrong, I'm sorry." "Don't let her turn you away." "Grace?" "Is everything all right?" " Did you try riding again?" " Yeah." "Does that mean I'm cured?" "Nobody's trying to cure you." "Look, I just wanna say I think it's great that you're riding again." " And I think I know why you needed to" " Yeah, you know everything." "Stop it." "Why won't you let me talk to you?" "Why are you so angry with me?" "Whatever I do, it's wrong." "Whatever I say, it's wrong." "Yeah?" "Well, now you know how it feels." "Look, I, I know that I'm hard on you sometimes." " Right." " And I'm sorry if that makes you feel this way." "But if I push you, it's only because I want" "Because if I'm the perfect daughter, that makes you the perfect mother, right?" "I don't deserve that!" "I don't push for me." "I push for you so that you don't spend half your life not knowing where you belong." "Yeah?" "Well, you've done a great job." "Yeah." "Who's ever gonna want me like this?" "Don't cry." "Who's ever gonna want me like this?" "Nobody will." "I know it sometimes doesn't seem this way, but I do understand what, what you're feeling." "When I was your age, and when my, when my dad died..." "I'd felt like I'd lost everything and I'd be all alone, and" "And" " But I've got you." "I used to pray every night... that you and Dad would have another kid... so I wouldn't have to be so, uh, special." "I, I know." "And I know how, how hard it must be to have lost your best friend... and have your body be different than from how you'd like it to be." "But one day, somebody will look at this extraordinary woman that you're becoming and... all they'll see is how much they love you." "That's all I see." " Yep?" " Hello, this is A T T Conference Service." " Is this Annie MacLean?" " Yes." "I have a conference call scheduled for you with Mr Gottschalk and Mr Felton." "Mr Felton." "Hold on, please." "Okay, I'm ready." "I've been waiting for you to come back." "Are you hungry?" "Judith was, um, telling me about this boy." "I never even got his name." "We were gonna go around the railroad bridge." "We were laughing about something." "I don't know what." "And, um, her horse fell... and Judith's foot was caught in the stirrup." "And she was so scared." "And next I saw this truck coming around the turn." "And it was honking, trying to get us to move." "And I, I-I tried to grab her reins and... to get her horse to move out of the way." "And the truck started to skid." "And th-there was no time to do anything." "It ran right into Judith, and" "And she just disappeared." "And then it came at Pilgrim and me." "And Pilgrim reared up at the truck." "And I fell off." "But Judith-- Oh, God,Judith." " I'm so sorry,Judith." " Grace." "Now, I'm not gonna tell ya it's gonna stop feelin' this bad." "But I will tell you you didn't do anything wrong." "The same thing could've happened to me... or to Frank or to Joey." "And it doesn't make any sense to try to figure out why these things happen." "There was a boy from the Blackfeet reservation." "He used to do some work around here for a while." "Sixteen, strong kid, good kid." "He and I were really, really good friends." "One day he went swimmin' and dove headfirst into the lake... and right into a rock." "And it snapped his neck, paralysed him." "And after the accident..." "I'd look in on him from time to time." "But he wasn't there." "It was like his mind, his spirit, whatever you want to call it, just disappeared." "The only thing left was just anger." "Just sort of as if the... the boy I once knew just went somewhere else." "I know where he goes." "I know you do." "Don't you disappear." "You do whatever you have to do to hold on." "I'll tell you one more thing." "You know when Pilgrim reared up against that truck?" "You know what I think?" "I think that damned horse loved you so much he was tryin' to protect you." "That's what I think." " How did you get like this?" " No, no, no." "Get up." "Let me show you." " Wanna see it again?" " Yep." " Can you do it without smiling?" " Yep." "No, you can't." "Not possible." "I can feel the muscles right" " Try me." " I can feel the muscles right" "Must be nice to have a few days off work, huh?" "Yeah." "Yeah." "It's more than a few days, though." "I'm not an editor anymore." " First time I said it out loud." " They fired ya?" "No, no." "It's more like a" "Yeah." "They fired me." " You don't seem too upset about it." " Delayed shock." "Or maybe not." "I'm sure I can talk my way back in there or get another magazine someplace." "But maybe I don't" " Well, I'm just not sure I" " I'm not sure I want to." "Well, I guess you don't have to figure it out till you get home." " See, when you hit like a windmill..." " Yeah." "it's not gonna do any good." "But if you hit down, like you can hit a golf club... come back down, down into it." "Did you always know this is the life you wanted?" "Well, I was a rancher's daughter." "I guess it's not too far to go to becoming' a rancher's wife." "Yeah." "Yeah." "Frank's a good man." "Oh, they don't come better." "I don't deny there are times I think about all the things I won't have." "Maybe I'll get to see Morocco." "Probably not." "Did Tom have many girlfriends after his divorce?" "Hey, look, Annie, I'm not good at this sort of talk." "Goes around and round somethin', and never gets to it, so let's just say what it is." "Tom means so much to this family." "Don't you go lookin' here for whatever it is you're lookin' for." "Don't make that man go through somethin' that took him so long... to see his way clear of in the first place." "I don't think Tom would do anything he didn't want to do." "Yeah." "He's a good man." "Ooh, he's got a gift." "Comes from heaven above, I swear." "But he's still just a man." "Bitter raindrops glisten" "On the painted Injun flower" "Honey child, the mornin'" "Loves you true" "The muddy road is brown and still" "As far as you can see" "Honey child, the noontime is" "Couldn't, um" "There's something I need to know." "Are you sure?" "Gotta get back." "Dad?" "Dad!" " Diane." "It's a pleasure." "Welcome." " Diane." " Hello." "Frank." " Hello, Frank." " This is our oldest boy,Joe." " Hi,Joe." " And, and this is Mr Booker." " Tom." " Hi, Tom." " It's a pleasure." "And I want to thank you for the way you took in my girls here." "I can already see a difference in them." "Very grateful to you." "Dad?" "Dad, did you notice?" "No cane." "I know." "It's amazing." " Could we show him Pilgrim, Tom?" " You bet." " Let's go get your bags." " Need a hand, Annie?" " Yep." " See you later." "So at this point I'm, I'm pretty sure I'm lost." "So I stopped by this general store and ask if anyone knows the Booker ranch." "And this, this nice, uh, older gentleman with a bandage on his head... uh, gave me directions." " Sweet Jesus." "That's Henry Vanoker." " Oh." "I'm surprised you didn't wind up in Mexico." "Well, once when, uh, Dad was in India, he, he got lost... way, way up in these mountains." "And when he finally found his way back, everyone said that he had discovered a new route." "And they redid all the maps." "Well, now how'd you end up in India, Robert?" "Oh, this is right after college." "I was in the Peace Corps." "Well, that's where he met Mom." "Hey, tell 'em about when, uh, Mom went looking for Tubab." " No, honey, I" " Oh, Dad!" "Come on, Dad." "Uh, well, Mom was a writer, and, um, Dad knows the rest." " Come on." " She was a journalist for an English periodical." " Uh, what was it called?" " Cambridge Monthly." "Right." "And she decided to go to India all by herself without knowing a soul." "Uh, she had no place to stay, but she was, she was told to look up Tubab." " Tubab?" " She comes to my door... suitcase and typewriter... and asks where Tubab is, and I said, "Right here."" "And she said, "You're Tubab?" I said, "No, my name is Robert." "Tubab means white man, and yes, I am."" "And that was how we met." "Small bed." "Maybe I should sleep in the barn." "You're allergic to hay." "I, I apologize for the surprise." " But the days only opened yesterday, and I figured that" " You don't have to apologize." "You have every right to be here." "You were right to bring her here." "Well, there've been plenty of times I wasn't so sure." "Must be tired, huh?" "Yeah." "And then out here, not far from this, I'll show you the, uh, bulls" " Sorry about that." " Oh, that's okay." " I can't believe it's the same horse." " We still have a ways to go." "So, uh, how much longer do you think?" "Like I told your wife, it's really up to Pilgrim." "Uh-huh." " Dad, will you come dance?" "Please, Dad." " All right." "Daylight has found me" "Here again" "You can ask me anything" "But where I've been" "You should know the reason" "Why I called" "I was lookin'for" "A soft place to fall" "Lookin'for a soft place" "Nothin'more than a small taste" "Of a love that ended" "Long ago" "Lookin'for a place to hide" "A warm bed on a cold night" "I didn't mean to hurt you" "No, no, no" "Lookin'out your window" "At the dawn" "Baby, when you wake up" "I'll be gone" "You're the one who taught me" "After all" "How to find a soft place" "To fall" " The summer is really very brief." " Oh, there's no time at all." "After I doctor those fellas, do you want me to put them in the upper or lower pasture?" " Well, upper." " Okay." "That's very short, very short." "You grew up here?" "This is, this is where you're from?" "I, I wasn't born here, but I've always" " The winter is real" " I asked Annie." "Of course she didn't know." " What do you do?" " Well, of course that's the time we gotta feed cattle... and hope the majority of'em survive the summer here." "Is this how it's gonna be now, hmm?" "You don't speak to me?" "We don't speak to each other?" "Well, I'm speaking to you now, so say something." " No." " Why?" " I can't get in the middle of this." " Well, I'm afraid you are in the middle of this." " He's a good man, Annie." " I never said he wasn't." "I can't change the way I feel." " You gotta figure out what you want." " Do you know what you want?" "I do know what I want." "And I'm tryin' real hard not to get lost in this." "I never expected to feel this way again." "Annie, this is where I belong." "This is who I am." "Is this what you want?" "Yeah." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." "Can you tell that to your family?" "To Robert?" "To Grace?" "If you had a chance to go home and change things, would you?" "You can't ask me that." "It's not that simple." "It is." "It's not fair." "No, it's not fair." "There's something you gotta do tomorrow, boy." "He'll be okay, Grace." "Just hang on there a minute or two." "Tom will get him all right." " What are you doing?" " Gonna have to do somethin' different, Grace." "It's not gonna hurt him, right?" "Nothing we've done has hurt him." "Grace, this is Pilgrim's chance, and it's yours, too." "Okay." "Let him get everything ready." "Come on, Grace." "Come along." "That's enough!" "Stop!" " Grace, this is where you come in." " No." "Come on." "Okay, I want you to get down here, Grace." " Grace, I want you to come over here and sit next to me." " But" " But, why, why would he let me" " Grace, look at him." "Look at him." "He's okay." "And you never did anything to let him down." " No." " Grace, listen to me." " No, I can't." "Grace, you've gotta do this." "Trust me just one more time." " Do what?" " I want you to come over here and sit next to me." "Start right here where the neck is and the head, and I want you to stroke him." "I want you to rub him and feel him all over." "That's it." "That's it." "That's it." "Go on ahead." "Grace." "Now we're going to show Pilgrim here how to help you get on him." "Because, you see, there's a point where neither of you is gonna need me anymore." "And we're there." "I'm not askin'." "Put your leg over the saddle here." "That a girl." "Now, we're gonna rock him up." "Oh." " Dad." " Honey, you were wonderful." "Hey there!" "Gettin' ready to go home, are ya?" "Mm-hmm." "Is Tom around?" "No, he went to Sheridan to get some horses." "He left last night." "Um, when's he coming back?" "Oh, I don't rightly know." "Let me know when you need some help loading' Pilgrim, okay?" "Yeah." " What time's your flight?" " 1 2:1 5." "The Bookers want to leave for the airport by 9:30." "Sure you want to drive Pilgrim back?" "Well, I already know the way, and it's not like I have a job to rush home to." "To tell you the truth, I could use the time alone." " When are you planning to start?" " Oh, I guess I'll leave when you and Grace go." "May I make a suggestion?" "What?" "Take your time." "What's the matter?" "You look like there's something wrong." "I'll tell you something, Annie." "I stood there looking at that horse, and I swear I felt like the same thing was happening to me." "And I have two choices." "I can either fight the way things are... or accept them." "See, um..." "I always knew I loved you more." "Didn't bother me." "I guess I felt kind of lucky, a little amazed that... a woman like you would want to be with a man like me." "And I guess I thought if I could do everything right" " If I could" "If I was the best husband I could be, the best father... even, even being a good lawyer only mattered because of what it meant for us." "If I could do all that... it wouldn't make any difference if we loved each other the same or not." "I didn't ask for more." "I told myself I didn't need any more." "But... the truth is, you don't know how you feel about me." "You don't know if you want a life with me anymore." "And the truth is..." "I don't want you to come home until you do know... one way or the other." "Okay?" " Thanks,Joe." " Yep." "Goodbye, Annie." "Good luck to ya." "Thank you." "And, and you, too." " All right, everybody in." "Frank, we all set?" " I believe so." " I can't believe he's not here to say goodbye." " Oh, he probably got held up is all." "No, sweetie." "The truth is, he's not real good at goodbyes." "You know, come to think of it, not too good at hellos either." "Frank." " You ready?" "Just a second." " When will you be home?" " Oh, in a few days." "I'll miss you." "Well, if I get lost, you know where to send the search party." "Could be just about anywhere." "I'll call you, okay?" " Bye." " Bye." "He going' back inside the trailer or runnin' alongside it?" "I just wanted to be here when you left." "I don't want to leave you." "I don't want you to." "Just a few more days." " And then?" " Oh." "Why did this happen?" "I don't ask those questions, Annie." "And I didn't ask to love you, but I do." "Oh!" "I'll always have that with me." "Tom." "Can we go for one last ride, hmm?" "Yeah." "I'll saddle 'em up." | {
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"I can't hold her much longer." "She's taking on too much water." " What is going on back there?" " Keep your pants on, Murphy." "We blew the starboard engine." "Port engine's way too hot." " Hold on." " Shorten the tow or cut her loose." "Epps get off my damn tugboat." "We don't have much time." "Move it, Epps." "If she sinks, she's taking us with her." "Got a punch in the port floater." " Five minutes before she floods." " Less than that!" "Get back here." "We're cutting her loose." " Cut her loose." " That's it." "Get back here." "Come on!" "You heard the man!" "Took us three months to get her off the bottom." "I will not lose her now!" "Goddamn it, Epps!" "You can't fix everything!" "Christ!" " For the last time, get back here!" " She's taking on too much water!" "Why do you always have to break my balls?" "I said get back here!" "Do you want me to come down there and kick your ass?" "Because I'll do it." "Here's to the best damn salvage crew in the business!" " We did it, guys!" " Yeah, look at that!" "All right." "Nice work." " Here's to the fucking sea!" " To the sea." "To a job well done." "Mr. Murphy?" "I'm Jack Ferriman." "I was wondering if I could buy you a drink." "He doesn't drink." "Could I talk to you alone?" "You talk to me, you talk to my crew." "That's the way it is." "I fly the Arctic Weather Patrol flights out of Mackenzie Bay." "Last month I was out in the middle of the Strait when I came across this." "Congratulations." "You found a boat." "In the middle of the ocean, of all places." "I tried for radio contact and got nothing so I figured she had to be adrift." "In the Bering Strait?" "That's miles from shipping lanes." "Did you alert the Coast Guard?" "It's international waters, so they noted it and that's it." "You get a name?" "No, I put it out of my head until two days ago when I saw it again." "What are we talking about?" "What kind of tonnage?" "Big." "Huge." "Could be military." "Let's say that we're a little bit interested." "What's in it for you?" "I want 20% finder's fee, whatever she's worth." " Have you told anyone else about this?" " Not a living soul." " Give us a minute, will you?" " Okay." "So?" "What do you think, Murph?" "Who knows?" "Could be full of shit." "I do know one thing." "I've seen strange things happen in the Strait." "I know something else:" "Sea gives you an opportunity, take it." "That's at least a week out of our way." "We've been out for six months already." "I got a fiancée waiting, remember?" "I'm getting married in a month." "Plan was to go back to Anchorage." "Starboard diesel needs an overhaul." " In our business, the only plan is:" " There is no plan." "If you don't want to go, that's fine." "Let's tell him we'll get somebody else." "Wait a minute." "Let's not be hasty." "What's a ship like that worth?" "Who knows?" "Millions?" "Thousands?" "Could be nothing." "Depends on a lot of things." " Mainly, if we have the right to salvage." " Pretty big "if."" " What's the split?" " We split it even, six ways." " Even split?" " Beats me paying you overtime." "I'm good." "I'm in." "Greer?" "What do you say?" "All right." "Hey, Ferriman!" "Can you come over here?" "So this is the way it works." "10% instead of your 20% finder's fee." "I can't let you take advantage of me like that." "That's the way it is." "Take it or leave it." "Fine." "But I go with you." "Not on my boat, you don't." "Think I'd tell you where a fortune might be without insurance?" "There are five other boats that would jump at this." "I come with you." "So you take it or leave it." "Things are dull!" "She'll love it." "What do you think?" "Too much off the sides, but I can come up with something she'll love." " Shave that yourself." " Don't want to help me out?" "Who the fuck are you kidding?" "Everybody knows you Navy boys take it up the ass." " Enjoying the ride, Jack?" " No, sir." "Not the same as flying planes over ice sheets, is it?" " What's the appeal?" " I could ask you the same thing." "What's a nice girl doing in a dump like this instead of raising a family?" "I own a third of Murphy's operation." "I'm not that nice." "And these monkeys are my family." "Santos to Murphy." "Come in." " Yeah?" " I think you should get up here." " What is it?" " I think you should see this!" "It was there a second ago!" "Ten miles to the northwest." "Would you turn off that fucking music?" "I'm telling you, there must be a glitch." "I saw it with my own eyes." " Glitch, my ass." "There's nothing there." " Give me a look at this." "There it is!" "Right in front of you!" "Tell me you don't see nothing." "Do you see what I'm saying?" "Do you see what I'm saying to you?" " Dodge, could you get on the bow light?" " All right, Murph." " It's there, right?" " There's something there." "Hey, Murph, what's up?" "Vessel at position 7-5 north this is Arctic Warrior." "Come in." "This is tugboat Arctic Warrior." "Do you read me?" "This is Arctic Warrior." "Do you read me?" "Come in." "Shit!" " Now do you believe me?" " Holy shit!" "An ocean liner?" "Where did that come from?" "It's the Antonia Graza." "Jesus Christ." "This is civilian tugboat Arctic Warrior." "Is there anyone aboard?" "This is civilian tugboat Arctic Warrior." "Is there anyone aboard?" "This is Arctic Warrior." "Can you read us?" " You know her, Murphy?" " Only in my dreams." "Christ, she's beautiful." "Italian liners couldn't compete for speed, so they built floating art palaces instead." "She was reported missing May 21, 1962, off the coast of Labrador." "Funny thing is, there was no distress signal." "She just disappeared." "Ever since, every captain's been looking for her, hoping she hasn't gone down." " Do you know what this means?" " What?" "Under the law of the sea, she's ours." "Let's not keep a lady waiting." "Santos, bring us alongside." "Fire up the crane." "We got business to do." "When we get onboard, stay together." "We don't know what kind of shape she's in." " Take us up, Greer." " Aye, aye, captain." "Hey, Murphy, please remember to keep all channels open." "Thank you." "They won't let me go." "Safety first." "That's why you go last, Jack." "Can you sit down?" "I'm trying to keep this steady." " I just want..." " Sit down!" "Get out of the way!" "Okay." "She's had some battering over the last 40 years, you can tell." "Stand by." "Setting you down topside." "She's still a beaut." "Unbelievable." "You better stay alert." "Watch your step." "40 years of rust can turn deck plates into quicksand." "We'll make our way in at the fore, then check the bridge." "This way." "Careful." " Forward mast is history." " Epps and Murphy, are they a couple?" "Hell, no." "She's like a daughter to him." "He'd be lost without her." "Superstructure's in decent shape." "No sign of damage." " Lifeboats are gone, stern to bow." " Life preserver lockers are all empty." "Sure no survivors ever turned up, Murph?" "Sure as we're walking on the Graza, Dodge." "This way." "Let's go." "Jesus." "She's no fiddler's green." "You're wrong, Munder." "She's beautiful." "Whoever was on here originally sure left in a hurry." "Murphy, come in." "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard." "I'm Julie." "I'll be your hostess this evening." "Have some respect, okay?" "Check out all those champagne bottles." "Looks like we missed one hell of a party." " And one hell of a hangover." " Shut up!" " Shut up!" " Let's find the bridge." " Such a manly man." " What?" " You all right?" " Shut up!" "Come on, Mary, let's go." "Murph, how many passengers did she carry?" "Over 600." "The créme de la créme of society from all over Europe." "Crew of 500 from Italy." "Talk to me." "How's everything going?" "Okay, good." "This companionway should get us to the bridge." "Here, Epps, hold this." "What's going on?" " After you." " No, after you." "No, no." "After me." "Tough guy." "Don't let go!" " Pull!" "Pull!" " Please, Epps!" "Please, Epps, don't let go!" " Give me your hand." " Pull us up!" "Oh, God!" "I told you to watch your fucking step!" " Oh, shit." "Oh, Jesus." " From now on, you let me lead." "Okay?" "Let's go." " I think I just shit my pants." " No, you always smell that way." "Compass is dead." "Helm's not responding, either." "Fuel tanks are empty." "She must've rode on full throttle till she was bone-dry." "Epps!" "I'm looking for the ship's log." "Let's get this documentation back..." " Are you okay?" " Yeah." " You sure?" " Yeah." "Let's get to it." "Hey, check this out." " It's a watch." "Congratulations, buddy." " No." "Look again, you moron." "It's a digital watch." "Do the math." "They didn't have digital watches in 1962." "So we're not the first people to board this ship." "But she's ours now." "Let's get some sleep, tow her at dawn." "Let's hope there's no more surprises." "Amen to that." "Oh, God." "Epps, can I get some tea?" "Any sign of what might've happened?" "How she got here?" "That's the $64 million question, isn't it?" "Ever hear of a ship called the Marie Celeste?" "Twin-masted brigantine out of Charleston during the Civil War." "She was bound for London with a cargo of cotton." "Thanks." "Two months after she set sail, she was sighted by fishermen off Tripoli." "She was doing 12 knots an hour in a stiff breeze." "Something wasn't quite right." "They didn't know what so they went onboard." "You know what they found?" "Nothing." "No passengers." "No crew." "No captain." "No sign of distress." "59 days after the last log entry, it had traveled 4500 miles across the ocean past the Rock of Gibraltar and into the Mediterranean Sea at full sail." "And nobody at the helm." " What do you make of that?" " A ghost ship." "Hey, you smell that?" "I smell bullshit." " Been on the sea a lot longer than you." " I know." "Seen things that you can't even imagine." "Maritime history is full of Marie Celestes." "So, what's our plan?" "I think we should do what we came to do." "Tie her up, tug her in." "You think our little tug will pull this entire ocean liner?" "Not with the problems we got." "We could set her at anchor and come back with two or three tugs." "No, some Russian trawler will come along." "I've already looked for her anchors, anyway." "They're gone." " What do you think?" " Get the engines working it could take us two weeks minimum to tow a vessel this size." "For my share of what she's worth, I'd drag her back to Anchorage myself." "Don't let go!" "Help me!" "Don't let go!" " Thought you might want a jacket." " Thanks." "Boy, do I miss that." "You okay?" "You seem quiet since you came back." "I think I saw something I couldn't possibly have seen." " Like what?" " No, it's crazy." "I'm curious." "Tell me." "I think I saw a little girl." "On..." "On the..." "The boat?" "Yeah." "Looking right at me." "And then what happened?" "Nothing." "She disappeared." "Sometimes, when I'd be flying for hours on end I'd think I'd see stuff too." "It'd be there one second and gone the next." "Like a dream." "Thanks." " See you in the a.m." " Okay." "Good night." " See you tomorrow." " Yeah." "She's got a big hole." "She's sinking." " This is where the damage is." "See?" " Breach in the hull, about 10 by 20 torn to the port collision bulkhead." " Did it hit an iceberg?" "No, you don't need an iceberg to rupture a hull." " She's been hit recently." " About a week ago, I'd say." "This is where we are." "The problem's this group of islands." "Nothing spectacular just rocks, a couple thousand seals." "The Antonia Graza's caught here in this strong current loop and slowly she's been pushed towards those rocks." "Last time she hit them." " What about next time?" " Won't be one." "We've got three days to fix it." "That's if the weather holds." "Why can't we tow it like it is?" "It'd be like towing a car with four flat tires." " It's a bump in the road." "We can fix it." " Murph, bump in the road?" "The breach we can probably patch if we can get to the inside." "We'll weld shut the flooded compartments, pump out the water up to the aft peak." "On top of that, the rudder's jammed." "We jerry-rig it, set a 38-degree current drift to clear the island chain." "What does all that mean?" "I just..." "That's a lot of work for three days." "But with the gear we've got onboard and what's on that ship, we can try." "We can do it, right?" "With the gear we've got onboard, I can't fix our engine." "Quit bitching and overhaul the starboard engine." " So that's the plan?" " Just do it." " I'll call it in." " I wouldn't do that if I were you." " Maritime law states..." " I know." "We just don't want any unexpected guests." "Just leave it." "Your call, captain." "All right, you know the drill." "We do a complete recon." "Make sure we've got no problems before we get to work." " Stay with me, Greer." "Don't wander." " Okay." "Dodge, Munder, go to the port collision bulkhead." "Jack and I'll work back from the fore." "Call if you need anything." " How about a pizza?" " You're so funny." "The only plan in this business is that there is no plan." "What is that?" "What these people talking crazy for?" "That's not even good English." "Hang in there, okay, preciosa?" "Because someday he'll find some other genius to fix his boat." "You want to play like that?" "It's still sweet, though." "Light coming up." "You were right." "She is beautiful." "She sure is." "Epps, we're heading for the main engine room." "Epps?" "All right, capitano." "Oh, shit." "We're gonna have to dive to get to that tear." "Epps, the engine room is totally flooded." "Epps, can you hear me?" "Wait!" "What happened?" "You okay?" "What are you doing down there?" "Did you hurt yourself?" "What are you doing?" "The whole bottom's riddled with them." "Looks like someone used it for target practice." " That's the happy version." " What's the not-so-happy version?" "There were people in there." "I saw that little girl again." "What?" "Where?" " I must be losing my goddamn mind." " Well, did she say anything?" "Forget it." "Come on." "Murphy, come in." "Dodge!" "Anybody!" "Shit." "I think she's fucking with us." "Looks like central laundry." "This vent connects to the forward hold." "We need to see if it's flooded." " I may need help shutting it." " You sure we need to...?" "Murphy, where the hell are you?" " How long have they been here?" " A month, maybe less." " What are we gonna do?" " Get off this boat!" " But the ship..." " Lf it sinks, it sinks." "You're right." "Stinks." " What the hell?" " We came through there." "No shit!" "Come on!" "This way." "Come on, Jack." "What the...?" "When'd you start wearing lipstick, Epps?" "Epps?" ""Francesca."" "Nice titties." "Not that you can hold a candle to the future Mrs. Greer, though." "Come on, Jack." "Stop dragging ass!" "What's your problem?" "What's this?" "Forget it." "Let's go!" "Jack!" "'58 Jaguar X150." "I've dreamt about this car since I was a kid." "We have to get out of here now." "Do you understand?" "Now." "There's something moving in there." "Fuck!" "Oh, my God!" "I hate rats!" "What?" "Oh, my God!" "Look at this!" "I have to get Murphy." "Murphy!" "Is someone trying to call me?" "Dodge!" "Munder!" "Maureen..." "Who's Maureen?" "It's my first name." " It's cold..." " He said "cold"?" "The galley." " It's cold." " Please help us." "Don't go in there." "You fucking assholes!" "Fuck you!" "Take it easy!" "You were fucking with us." "We fucked with you." "Why aren't you laughing?" "Wanna hear something funnier?" "We found dead guys in the laundry room." "And this in the cargo hold." "Need some help, skipper?" "I'm sorry." " Jesus." " Oh, man." "Holy shit!" "Yeah!" "We're rich!" " You son of a bitch!" " Rich!" " Come on." "Let's go." " Move this shit out!" "One." "Two." "Three..." "How much you figure it's worth, boss?" "There's a lot of gold." "Hard to know." "Two, 300 million, maybe." "Maybe more." " Jesus." " I don't know." "Lock boxes with half of Fort Knox in them?" "They gotta be insured." "No way somebody will let this much gold float away." "Well, the markings have been filed down." " What does that mean?" " Someone didn't want this traceable." "It's stolen." "It may have to do with the reason this ship disappeared when it did." "Wait." "If the gold's got something to do with 1962 what about the bodies?" "They can't be more than three weeks old." "Somebody's gotta say it, and it might as well be me." "This ship is fucked up." "Earlier I could swear I heard a woman singing." "It's like she was..." " Like she was coming on to me." " Oh, no!" "It was the sexiest voice I ever heard, man." " She got any backup singers?" " Whatever you're on, get me some!" "Maybe you're not quite ready to get married, Greer." " Fuck you." " Okay, guys." " What about the Coast Guard?" " No." "You call the Coast Guard..." "What if the gold did turn out to be stolen?" "Under maritime law, anything found in international waters belongs to the finder." "Okay?" "That is the law." " Right." " Finders keepers." "If we're gonna do this, I say we do it now." "Get our boat going, grab the gold and get the hell out of here." "We leave the boat, take the gold." "Who's with me?" "I'm with the gold, man." "Gold." "The gold." " Epps?" " I just want to get off this boat." "Okay." "Let's go to work." "Okay." "Warrior is in position, Murph." "Can we please get the hell out of here?" "Yeah, preciosa!" "Smell that money!" "100 million." "You hear what I'm saying?" "100 million!" "Greer?" "Get those engines going." "I'm bringing the gold down." "Yes, sir, captain, sir." "Hey, Santos." "Hurry your ass up, vato." "We got to go like this." "I wanna see these gauges rocking, because you just had an overhaul." "And you, I want you to give me some too." "Let's do this!" "Hey, yo, Greer!" "Fire it up!" "We're going to haul ass." "Bring it on!" "We'll be so fucking rich!" "Stop!" "Stop!" "You don't know what you're doing!" "We're good to go, skipper." "Don't start the boats!" "He'II..." "Shit!" "Greer!" "Greer!" "What the hell just happened?" "Jesus Christ!" "Fire on deck!" "Santos!" "Greer!" "Munder!" "I got you." " Epps!" "I got Munder!" " Greer!" "Come on!" "Santos!" "Santos, answer me!" "I don't know what happened." "The engine room just blew." "Maybe Santos rushed the engines, didn't seal up the gaskets right..." "Jack, did you find anything out about this ship before you sent us out here?" "No, but I..." "Look, we've got the gold, and we are still alive." " Tell that to Santos, asshole!" " Ease up!" "This is bullshit!" "Santos came here out of free will just like us." " What does that mean?" " Enough!" " Santos is dead because of you!" "Come on!" "It's not gonna bring him back." "Murph, it's not your fault." "You know that." "How is he?" "Here's the plan." "We're professional salvors with a fortune onboard." "I say we do what we do best:" "fix this rust bucket." "Control her drift." "Clear those islands." "We can survive long enough to get picked up." "Why is this a question?" "We have the materials." "Why don't we build a raft and leave?" "There is something wrong with this boat!" " Lf we stay here, we may not survive." " You want to build a raft?" " I want to build a raft." " Even with the Warrior we were stretching to do this in three days." "We can't do this." "You're the best spot-welder I know." "We can do it right now, but I need you." "Fine." "But there's no way we're doing a major patch-and-pump in the dark." "Even with the lights we have, it'd be like going in blind." "Okay, fine." "We'll chill tonight and go in the a.m." "Greer?" "What do you say?" "Now you want to know what the first mate has to say?" "I say go to hell, Epps." "You're not qualified to get us off this ship." "Had Murphy let me do it my way, we wouldn't be in this." " And the Coast Guard..." " So it's everybody else's fault, right?" "They'd be here and we'd be on our way home, millionaires." "That's bullshit." "Grow up, asshole." "Fucking bitch!" "Keep fucking talking." "Say another word!" "Say another word!" "Here it is." "Katie." "B-deck." "You were alone." "100-to- 1, somebody poisoned the passengers to get the gold." "Okay, Sherlock, if they were poisoned, why are these cans safe?" "They're still sealed." "It's been sealed for 40 years." "It's safe." "Okay, shoot for it." "Loser goes first." " Paper beats rock." " Come on, man, best of three." " Bullshit." "You lost." " Where's your empathy?" "Winners do not empathize with losers." "Bon appétit." "I screwed up." "I should've called it in." "Damn!" "I knew better!" "I'll make it home to you, baby." "I swear." "What the hell are you looking at?" " That's all right." " No way." "No, really." "It's good." "Look, I'm not kidding." " Are you serious?" " I'm serious." "It's good!" " You gotta try that!" " That's good!" "That's great!" "Katie?" "Katie?" "Can I tell you something else?" "We get back I'm gonna take my money and I'm gonna buy you a bathtub." "I'll get you a lifetime supply of titty magazines and toilet paper!" "I already beat you to it, bro!" "There's something on your..." "Katie?" "Who, me?" "Francesca, I know all of this isn't real." "So I'm just gonna go with it, okay?" "Can't cheat on your fiancée with a dead girl, right?" "Her parents." "Please." "Don't close it." "Haven't seen them for years." "They moved to New York." "I was on my way to join them." "But they're dead now." " How would you know?" " When you're like this you know these things." "My mother she made me this dress." "Do you like it?" "You remind me of her." "I don't think so." "Well, here." "You should have this back." "Oh, God, you really are a fucking ghost." "Where are you going?" "Santos was my goddamn responsibility." " The Lorelei." " She was adrift." "We rescued her." "I've heard the story of the Lorelei." "I didn't know the Graza was involved." "The gold was onboard the Lorelei?" "It says here "May 19, 1962."" "That's two days before your ship disappeared." "There were no survivors onboard the Lorelei." "Jesus Christ!" "Where you going?" "Most spirits are free to be with their families." "So why aren't you with yours?" " We're all trapped here." " Who?" "My shipmates and I." "Even the ones who aren't marked." "Marked?" "Katie, what do you mean?" "When the boat's full..." "What?" "You can tell me." "When he has all the souls he needs and has filled his quota we'll all be ferried to..." "What is it?" "What's wrong?" " What is it?" " He doesn't want me talking to you." " He who?" " But I'm not like the others!" "You need to tell me." "You must go at once." "Leave the ship while you still can!" "Katie, what is it?" "Katie!" "Katie?" "Epps?" "Come on!" "We have to leave." "Where you going, Murphy?" "What's the matter?" "It's me." "Santos." "It's no fun lying at the bottom of the ocean." "No lights at the end of the tunnel." "Not for me, Murph." "No 10,000 virgins at the pearly gates." "Because of the plan, I'm trapped on this dreamboat of yours." "So you know what?" "You're coming along for the ride." "No!" "Murphy?" "You all right, Murph?" "You okay?" " What's the matter, Murph?" " It's me!" " It's me!" " Do it, come on." "It'll make you feel good." "Come on!" " Come on!" " Hey!" "Oh, God." "Epps, you okay?" " Keep him in the aquarium." " No, listen." "He was drunk." "He didn't know what he was doing." "Look, he just tried to kill you." "He stays in there." "Let's go find Greer." "Any sign of him?" "No, we looked all over." "Man's pissed off." "Seems to happen on this boat." " Least we weren't around 40 years ago." " The passengers were poisoned to get to the gold?" "Isn't that...?" " Extreme?" "Maybe, but if the shoe fits..." "Next thing you know, we'll be trying to kill each other." " What's with the heart?" " Found it." "Belonged to this little girl." " What girl?" " She told me to get off this boat." " She's talking to you now?" " What are you talking about?" " You're seeing ghosts, Epps?" " Just forget it." "So the ship's got a few kinks." "Let's stick with Munder's specs and try to fix the ship." "No way five people and the gold will fit on any raft." "Murphy's not going anywhere, and we're not leaving him here." "We stick with the plan." "Fix the boat." "Let's get going." "Come on." "That's the collision bulkhead hatch." " Wheel's busted." "It won't open." " Arming the C4." " Dodge?" " I'm good." " Munder?" " I'm good." "Contact." " There's the tear, portside." " Looks bigger from here." "I'll shut her up, no problem." " Munder, rudder's fixed." "You all right?" " I'm good." " What do you think, Dodge?" " She'll hold." " We're set with the pumps." " Start them up." "Copy that, Epps." "One and two, kicking in." " I give it 12 hours till she's bone-dry." " Both on full." "Get ready, Epps." "Here it comes." "Great work, guys." "Damn." "Current's faster than I thought." "If we control her drift, headed in this direction, we should clear those islands." "We'll keep it afloat until we get picked up." "Son of a bitch." "We may just get out of this yet." "Kazillionaires." "Check on the bridge when you're done here." "I'll see if I can find Greer down below." "Greer?" "Katie?" "Greer?" "Jesus!" " Shit." " Number two's clogged." "Who's going?" "You go." "Shit." "Every single time!" "Oh, my God." "Come with me." "I want to show you something." "No!" "Come on!" "No!" "Come on!" "You can't die on me!" "Dodge." "Murphy's dead." " What?" " We have to get off this boat." "There's a reason you, me and Munder are still alive." "That's why he came after us." " To fix his ship." " I just saw Murphy." "What's happening?" "I don't know." "I want you and Dodge on the rudder." " But you just said..." " Listen to me." "I'll get Munder, we'll see if the welds are holding." "Stay here till we get back." "I do not want you out of each other's sight." "Take this." "Take it." " Be careful down there." " I will." " That's it, then." "We made it." " For now." " I'll check on Epps." " No, she said to wait here." " Yeah, but..." " Hey, she said to wait!" "So wait." "You disgust me." " What did you say?" " You heard me." "You're a pathetic excuse for a man." "She says, "Jump," and you jump." "You're disgusting." "I don't have time for this." " Who the hell are you?" " The question is, who are you?" "You worship her, yet you've never had the balls to tell her because you're a weak, cowardly child." "However, if you'll kindly step out of my way, I'll make your dream a reality." "You know, Dodge, if you kill somebody, you go to hell." "Well, you live for her." "You willing to die for her?" "I shot Ferriman." "He's dead." "Yeah?" "Don't be so sure, Dodge." " What are you doing?" " Trip's over." "I'm sinking the boat." " It's taken its last victim." " That'll kill us." " We'll have to take our chances." " What about the gold?" "Fucking kidding?" "We're not getting the gold off this boat." "Nobody ever does." "Wait, wait." "Wait!" "That gold can give us everything we ever wanted." "We could have our own boat." "The two of us." "We could have a life together." "You and me." "What are you talking about?" "Dodge, we gotta get out of here." "Now." "Well, I can't let you do that." "So that's it, huh?" "All right." "Okay." "You win." "All right." "Fucking bitch!" "All right, you win!" "Go ahead, do it!" "Go ahead." "Blow it up!" "Kill us all!" "Hey, Dodge." "Why haven't you asked me where Munder is?" "Well, I suppose that's because I already know." " You won't pull that trigger, Maureen." " Try me." "Dodge made the same mistake." "He's dead." "Katie told you, didn't she?" "Souls without sin can't be marked." "Makes them tough to control." "But as long as I keep the boat afloat, we'll all go down together." " What the fuck are you?" " I'm a salvager." "Just like you." "You collect ships, I collect souls." "And when I fill my quota, I send a boatload home." "This will make management happy." "You see, it's a job." "Given to me after a lifetime of sin." "So if I lose this ship, management won't be happy, which is not a good thing." "I'm not getting through to you." "I'm asking for an exchange." "This ship for your life." "I want my crew back." "Sorry." "Once a passenger's marked, they're mine." "Then I guess it's over." "All you had to do was fix the ship!" "I gave you a great opportunity." "All you had to do was take it." "What are you gonna do, shoot me?" "Careful." "Hang in there, ma'am." "No!" | {
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"Construction crew found them when they came in to work this morning." "The woman is dead, the guy is still alive... but he's not talking." "Wouldn't even give me his name, even after I gave him my name." "Did you, huh... pull his wallet ?" "No, everything is just the way I found him." "I mean, I figured some knucklehead..." "you know, came in off the street, found him, figured he had a free pass and picked his pocket, you know..." "Anyway, I'm, huh..." "I'm talking to people, I'll, huh..." "I'll let you know what we find out." "Catherine, do you need a minute?" "Yes, I'm..." "I mean no, Gil, I'm good." "So, how's your day going?" "Lady, best day I ever had is worst than the worst day you'd ever imagined." "Oh, I doubt that." "Who's you lady friend?" "I never saw that woman before in my life." "You're not going anywhere." "It would be a lot better for you if you just cooperate and tell us what happened." " You wanna know what happened?" " Mmh, mmh." "Figure it out yourself." "That's the fun part." " Hey." " Hey." "Qué pasa?" "One of the residents reported smelling a gas leak at 6:00 A.M." "He, uh, called the gas company." "They arrived;" "they evacuated the building." "I'm surprised anyone picked out a gas leak through the rest of the stench around here." "Yeah, smells like used diapers." "The gas boys traced the leak to this apartment, and that was when they found... this." "Whoa." "Alyona Ivanovna." "Manager said she's lived here alone for 27 years." "Head in the oven... it's kind of a classic, huh?" "Maybe not." "I mean, this apartment is neat as a pin." "A lady this tidy wouldn't leave a broken dish in a rack like that, you know?" "It doesn't necessarily indicate foul play." "I checked the doors and the window." "There's no sign of forced entry." "What do you make of this?" "A busted phone... with gray hairs in it." "She's definitely got gray hair." "Sir... this good" "Ok then, let's roll her over together." "Got her." "One, two..." "Single stab wound, just below the sternum." "It feels domestic." "Crime of passion?" "Him?" "Good point." "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "You ready to give me a name?" "You know, you are in a very deep hole, in every sense of the word, my friend." "Think about that while we chisel you out." "It's going to take a few hours... assuming we're careful." "See ya." "It's just a guess, but I'd say she's in rigor." "Blunt-force trauma on the forehead, and on the base of the skull." "I doubt very highly that those were self-induced." "Look at that:" "It's dented." "Looks like she may have been slammed into her own oven." "Yep." "She's been dead at least 12 hours." "I've got a substance on her... right ear." "She doesn't really look like the hair gel type." "Hang on a second, fellas." "Look at that." "Her dentures... they were in upside down." "Hey." "You're coming with me." "We got another 419 out by nellis." "Wow, busy night." "Any details?" "They tell me it tastes just like chicken." "So let see where we get." "The dead guy in the bath is Raymundo Suarez." "He works the night shift." "He cleans the equipment from 8:00 P.M. To 4:00 A.M." "The day-shift guys came in, found him like this." "The foreman here called it in." "This basin is designed to transfer an electrical current." "Of course it does." "It's a stun bath." "We use it to stun the chickens before they go into the next room." "Where they get their throats cut." "Which is why we electrocute them first." "It's humane." "Was the current on when you found the body?" "No, sir, it was off;" "it stays off all night." "Hey, huh... how long is this gonna take?" "As long as it takes." "I got a lot of birds piling up outside." "They're gonna die out there in that heat." "Well, it's not like they're gonna do any better in here." "Come on, I want to talk to your crew." "Maybe he was high." "Passes out and falls in?" "How does he end up face down in the middle of the bath?" "Kind of tough to drown in three inches of water." "Not impossible." "If he hit the water when the current was on, his muscles could've contracted, making it impossible for him to get out." "But the machine's off at night, and it was off when they found the body." "Which means someone turned it off after he was dead." "Yeah." "Who?" "All right, what's your name, and what do you do here?" "Name's Ernie Dell." "Maintenance man." "I work 3:00 to 11:00." "You see the victim last night?" "Uh, yeah, and Raymundo was just fine when I left." "You and Raymundo get along?" "Kept my nose out of his business;" "he kept his out of mine." "Didn't have a problem with him." "But you know somebody who did?" "Well, between you and me, the guy you ought to be talking to is Ike Mannleigh." "Oh." "You mean the guy who owns the company?" "Well, Raymundo's pretty far down on the pecking order." "You think the big boss had a problem with him?" "No." "Not unless you think a guy banging your wife is a problem." "I can't blame him, though." "Bubbles Mannleigh is a cheap whore." "Did you and Bubbles take a tumble?" "Me?" "Nah." "Reminds me too much of my mother." "Besides, uh..." "Bubbles likes the dark meat." "Unappetizing place to get your rocks off." "Not if you have a poultry fetish." "You got something?" "Yeah, I think so." "One more chance." "You look like a kid who's just found the prize at the bottom of a Cracker Jacks box." "Definitely some kind of doll." "It sure is." "Three different views of the same dead doll." "Maybe this is more than a signature." "Maybe there's something these victims have in common." "First two victims were white, third hispanic, two men, one woman, one rich, two poor, one young, two old, one famous, two obscure..." "Yeah." "And unfortunately, this is the best lead we have for their killer." "This is the most that Archie could get off that video?" "Yeah, well, with the equipment we have here." "I'm getting Raymundo's cell phone records." "I'm gonna see if any of his calls are a match to the numbers that Penny Garden and Izzy Delancy had in common." "What ever happened with that number we got off the disposable cell phone?" "Any luck with that?" "Disposable phone numbers are assigned by the carrier to the phone distributors." "It took a little bit of legwork, but I did find the store where the phone was sold." "Let me guess." "It was paid for with cash." "Yeah." "Mannleigh chickens." "What about it?" "I'll let you know." "See how it feels?" "You know, we're getting kind of backed up in here." "The only one I hear complaining about it is you." "Your cement lady's approximately 40 to 45 years old." "C.O.D. is exsanguination due to laceration of the right ventricle." "Wound seven centimeters long, five millimeters wide." "That looks like it could be a double-edged blade." "It's pretty thick, too." "Well, it passed into the heart with point of entry midline just below the xiphoid process." "Upward thrust." "I just said that." "Okay." "Any idea what the weapon might have been?" "If I knew, I would've told you." "I got to get to work." "Taxpayers are getting their money's worth tonight." "Thank you." "Tingles." "You take them out, he puts them back in." "What is it?" "It's acetic acid." "Do you do feet?" "I got a bunion that could use some soaking." "What's this do?" "Takes your fingerprints." "Good luck with that." "How's mr." "Hoffa?" "Hey, Jim." "Cathy and I are just getting reacquainted." "Will Gilbert be stopping by?" "I take it we don't have a name yet." "No." "I bet you ten bucks that I have you made by 9:00 P.M." "You're on." "Okay, Hodges." "What do you got?" "The green trace on your old lady." "Adipic acid, disodium phosphate, sodium citrate, fumaric acid, yellow #5, blue #1, bha, a whole lot of gelatin, and sugar." "Which is?" "Oh, come on." "There's always room for it." "Just tell me what it is, Hodges." "Jell-O." "Lime jell-O." "Lime jell-o?" "I tell you what." "You tell me why." "Clear." "Oh, boy." "Looks like somebody cleaned up in a hurry." "More green jell-O." "Sofia, you get a tenant's name for this apartment?" "According to the management office, this apartment's a sublet, has been for years." "He's not sure who lives here." "I got blood, too." "This place has a direct view of the old lady's apartment." "So, what, the guy's killing the old lady, he sees he's being watched, and he, what, comes back here and whacks the witness?" "It's possible." "But why get rid of this body and leave the old lady?" "Hi." "I'm Izzy Delancy." "And back in my bad old days," "I'd do almost anything to sell albums." "People even accused me of biting the heads off live chickens on stage." "I'm not proud of that." "But..." "I've worked hard to change." "And with the help of the good lord, 14 years of therapy and two loving wives," "I humbly believe" "I've made progress." "But this story is not about Izzy Delancy." "It's about something much, much bigger:" "Cruelty." "Did you know that every day in the united states, more chickens are killed than all the people in the Rwandan genocide?" "Now, you may argue,"Izzy, african people are not a food source."" "Well, you're missing the point entirely." "Cruelty is cruelty, whether the victim be a chicken or a malnourished african." "Where did you find this?" "I like animals, and after the delancy murder, I brushed up on my history." "As it turns out, three years ago," "Izzy Delancy had a midlife awakening and became an animal rights activist." "He starred in and financed this psa targeting Mannleigh Chickens as the epitome of everything that is wrong in the slaughter industry." "It takes a manly man to make a Mannleigh chicken." "Now, perhaps you've purchased Mannleigh roasters, fryers or assorted parts at your local grocery store, and you believe you're eating chicken." "But what you're really eating is cruelty." "Our undercover investigators secretly recorded workers at a mannleigh processing plant throwing loose animals up against the wall, stomping up and down on them, kicking them across the room." "How bad did mannleigh get hurt by this?" "His sales dropped 60%." "He launched a very expensive pr campaign to rehabilitate his image, including retrofitting a plant with cruelty-free equipment." "His business never recovered." "He probably hated Delancy." "I have no idea how Raymundo ended up dead." "I liked that boy." "Apparently, so did your wife." "She was spending some quality time with Raymundo down at the plant." "If I killed every guy that banged my Bubbles, they'd be stacking up like cord wood." "So you have no problem with it?" "Look." "Bubbles is an insatiable slut, but she's my slut, and I love her." "I don't expect you to understand." "Oh, I get it." "Do you know this woman?" "I've never seen her before in my life." "How about him?" "Let's not screw around here." "You know I knew him, and you know I hated him." "That jerk nearly put me into chapter 11." "He ended up dead, too." "And I sent his wife a hallmark and a case of frozen chickens the day he died." "He was murdered." "That's what I heard, too." "We're done here." "You want to call my attorney or should I?" "Whoo, whoo-whoo!" "Thank you, Hodges." "I can see that it's a train." "Yeah, it's Locomotiveville." "Sorry." "Thought you might be a member." "Attention all units, the suspect's name is Ernie Dell." "Copy that." "All units please be adviced that..." "Ernie Dell?" "Las Vegas police." "Open up." "Go ahead, break it." "Clear, Captain." "There's a workshop in the basement." "One of the other residents id'd the tenant in the sublet apartment as Paula Sullivan." "That's good." "Well, it's better than good." "Apparently Paula Sullivan does a little day care on the side." "We have a witness." "Hi." "I'm Warrick Brown from the crime lab." "Hi." "My Suzy was in that apartment yesterday." "And she was filthy when they sent her back, and I marched right over there to give Paula a piece of my mind, and she wasn't home." "Paula wasn't there." "Max watched me." "He's nice." "Her husband." "Neither of them was there when I went back." "Well, ma'am, we're going to need your daughter's clothes from yesterday." "I like you." "You're a giant." "And you're a princess." "Thank you." "Okay, Suzy, tell me about Max." "What's Max like?" "Max is my friend." "He's a lion tamer and an astronaut and a spy." "Guy always kinda creeped me out." "How come you didn't know that Paula Sullivan wasn't home?" "We live across the courtyard." "Bye." "I send Suzy over." "I watch until she gets inside." "I went in." "It was a big mess." "A big mess?" "What color was the mess?" "Red and green." "Don't eat that." "Max came into the kitchen in his underpants." "Did Max try to hug you or touch you?" "Oh, no." "He went and got dressed." "Did Max seem surprised to see all that big mess there?" "I don't know." "What did Max do next?" "He started cleaning up the big mess." "I bet he didn't want to get in trouble." "I bet you're right." "You know what?" "Could you help me?" "I've got a picture right here." "And I have some crayons, too." "Could you draw where the red and the green is in the room?" "So the green was all the way up here in the cabinets, too?" "He, um, he had to stand on a chair to reach it." "Did you help him clean up the mess?" "At first, but then he said there was sharp stuff, so I watched tv." "And then what happened?" "Then I watched some more tv." "Then I watched some more tv, nd then I watched some more tv, and then I went home." "Do these belong to you?" "You know damned well they do." "You took 'em from my house." "They're mine and I want them back." "So you worked with Raymundo Suarez." "Did you know Izzy Delancy?" "Everybody knows Izzy Delancy." "He's famous." "Used to do it to his music." "And how did he thank you for that?" "Public humiliation?" "And you knew Penny Garden." " Who?" " Penny Garden." "You delivered a package to her house." "You're a handyman." "What'd you fix for her?" "I don't know anything about that." "Lots of guys got that shirts." "Do you have any idea how .your work ended up at crime scenes from three different murders?" "I've been making scale models since I was nine years old." "I sell my stuff at craft fairs, to hobby shops, over the internet, every damned place." "Sold things to hundreds of people over the years." "Any of them could have ended up in the hands of your killer." "You're just picking on an old man 'cause you got nothing." "We're just talking here, Ernie." "We're just talking." "You charging me with something?" "You want a cup of coffee, Ernie?" "We got decaf." "Charge me or let me go." "I want a lawyer." "You're free to go." "So was he right?" "Are we really just picking on an old man or is he the bad guy?" "Well, he's associated peripherally with all the victims, and he certainly has the right skills." "Yeah... he spent half his life in Locomotiveville." "I know what it's like to lose yourself in little things." "After a while it gets to you." "We're coming up goose eggs on cement boy and his lady friend." "You got to be kidding?" "No hits on AFIS, no hits on CODIS." "Guy's got no work card, and his keys weren't a match for any vehicle in a three-block radius of the construction site." "Unbelievable." "Apparently, just a couple of law-abiding folk." "Well, keep me posted." "Hello, Jim." "Hello. who?" "You know, I don't need your name to arrest you." "I can call you John Doe." "Okay, let's assume for the moment that you did know the dead lady laying five feet from where we found you." "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that you killed her, and then you tried to dispose of her body, but you did something very, very stupid." "Are you with me so far?" "Interesting." "Do you have the time, Jim?" "Yeah." "'Cause it looks like it's half-past." "You owe me ten bucks." "Make sure this goes in his personal effects." "Now, I'm gonna suggest you get a name tag, put the name "Trixie" on it,'cause that's what your cell mates will be calling you." "Take him to his cell." "Anybody want anything from the vending machines?" "Come on." "It's on me." "Actually, it's on jimbo." "Took this baby off of captain Brass myself." "Look at me, generating income my first day in the joint." "Yeah, mom would be so proud." "Not hungry?" "Soda, maybe?" "Anybody?" "Hi, Max!" "Hi, Suzy." ""Hi, Max."" "Yeah, I killed my wife but it was an accident." "You accidently stabbed her through the heart?" "That's right." "Believe me or don't believe me." "I don't care." "It's the truth." "Oh, Max." "You got coffee on your shirt." "You're gonna be late again." "Could I please..." "just get some..." "Oh!" "Idiot." " Nice" " God..." "Max, I want to believe you, but..." "If I wanted to kill her, do you think I would've dropped a bowl of jell-o and stabbed her with a piece of broken glass?" "But if it was an accident, why didn't you just pick up the phone and call the police?" "Because I killed my granny." "Okay?" "It was a long time ago, and it was an accident." "she stroked out." "It wasn't my fault." "They never should've put the oxygen line there." "They let me off for that, but I didn't think anyone would believe me this time." "You were never convicted of killing your grandmother." "No." "Which is why you don't have a record." "You would've found out eventually and held it against me." "All right, what about your neighbor?" "Mrs. Ivanovna-- did you kill her or was that an accident?" "I just wanted to talk to her." "You know, I thought I could make it be okay." "Mrs. Ivanovna?" "Hello." "Hello." "What do you want?" "Good morning." "I was wondering if I might borrow some sugar." "I get sugar." "You stay." "Sure." "I get sugar." " Stay!" " Yeah." " I get." " Yes." "I get." "You stay." "I can't have my coffee without my sugar." "The last thing I wanted to do was hurt that lady." "Mrs. Ivanovna, it's not what you think!" "No, Mrs. Ivanovna, it's not what you think." "It was an accident." "Oh, God!" "Mrs. Ivanovna?" "She was dead." "So, you know, I thought... maybe I'd make it look like a suicide." "It was not... a good start to the day." "Hi Max." "Don't eat that!" "After Suzy went back to her mother," "I... decided to, you know..." "What, to give your wife-- your beloved wife-- a proper burial?" "Something like that." "But along the way, I had a bit of car trouble." "Few hours later, some punk wanders over and swiped my wallet." "That's my life." "That's who I am." "I'm the guy who buys his daughter a puppy for her eighth birthday, and the next day, he backs out of the driveway and..." "No." "No." "Don't tell me you ran over the puppy." "No." "I ran over my daughter." "20 years later, she still walks funny." "I'm sorry." "It's horrible." "But it's really funny." "It's horrible and it's funny." "Are you okay?" "A guy kills two people before breakfast that he had no intention of killing when he woke up that morning." "By all accounts, he's led a meager life, an unnoticed life." "And then all of a sudden, in a flash, it's over." "And now, for him, the real suffering begins." "You're tired." "Yeah." "Hey." "Guess what." "Mankind has reached a new evolutionary plateau, and starting tomorrow, no one will rape, murder or maim again." "Uh, no." "Too bad." "But we did catch a break on that disposable cell phone number." "Raymundo Suarez called it as well." "No, he didn't." "But according to the carrier, additional minutes were recently purchased with a credit card belonging to Ernie Dell." "Brass is already on it." "They're picking him up." "We've got the miniature killer." "You have e-mail." "I CONFESS TO THE MURDERS OF..." "My name is Ernest Edward Dell." "I was born in 1946 in Ames, Iowa." "My life's been hard, but I don't complain." "I never expected better." "I'm good with my hands." "I make things." "I fix things." "I'm a handyman." "That's what I am." "A man has a right to an honest day's pay." "Me, I service the machinery of death so that people can eat." "If that makes me evil, then so be it." "I'm not the sociable type." "I know that." "Spend any amount of time around people, you get your heart broke." "Treachery, hypocrisy." "Promise of love." "Look into the mouth of a person, and you'll find lies wriggling there like maggots waiting to grow wings." "The world has gone mad." "A man could kill from sunup to sunset, and still his work would never be done." "Sous-titres :" "Abra Cadaver Team" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"(Sobbing)" "(Gunshot)" "Such a little coffin." " Wind's from the north." " It's like a toy." "They say the storm caused havoc all down the coast." "Six men down with the Charlotte, several others lost." " It's so quiet in this house." " Winter's scarce begun." "Perhaps 'tis better we do sell Nampara." "I do care no more." "You must find something to fight for, Demelza." "For what reason?" "Fight for what?" "I've already lost Julia and I'm about to lose everything else any minute." "That's the nature of things." "Aye." "Beg pardon, sir." "What is it, Jinny?" "Cap'n Poldark." "Ma'am." "McNeil." "It pains me to intrude upon your grief." "But I have no choice." "What are you saying, man?" "You once said we all have duties that give us no pleasure to pe_orm." " Aye." " Well, I have one now but I'll do it." "What do you want?" "Captain Poldark, I arrest you in the name of the King." " What?" " Arrest me?" "On what charge?" "On the night of January 3rd last at Nampara Cove, you did incite the populace to riot and took part in the looting of a seagoing vessel, the Queen Charlotte." " (Sighs) - l warned you, Poldark." " l warned you!" " This is madness." "That's not true!" "He's innocent of what you say." " You'll come with me, Captain?" " Tell him, Ross!" "Tell him!" "You saved the sailors, you didn't rob the ship." "I have my orders, ma'am." "I cannot ignore them, however much I might wish I could." "(Softly) Oh, Ross." "Ma'am." "No." "It'll be all right." "(Wind whistling)" "Ross!" "Ross!" "Ross!" "Ross!" "Ross..." "Master Paynter?" " That depends, sir." " On what?" "On whether I be or not, sir." "Don't be a fool, man." "We want to talk to you." "And it's to your advantage." "(Hooves approaching, horse whinnying)" "Ross..." "Ross!" "Ross!" " But how?" " Mr Pearce agreed to stand my surety." " Surety?" " A guarantee of my good behaviour." "As long as I don't run away, his money will be given back to him." "Will you have to go back there?" "Not until my trial." "Oh, Ross!" "Oh!" "Tell me how you've been." "Lonely." "And frightened." "Aah!" "You were on the beach that night, Master Paynter." " What night would that be, sir?" " The night there was a vessel wrecked." "Ah." "Aye, I remember." "Two year back." "But that were three mile down the coast." "Try remembering only two weeks back, Master Paynter." "The Queen Charlotte, driven ashore in Nampara Cove." "Ah!" "That wreck, sir." "Now you gentlemen do remind me." "I do remember I was, as you might say... round and about, sir." "Yes." "Master Paynter, Mr Tankard here is an attorney of the Crown." "We have a weight of evidence against a Captain Poldark concerning his activities that night." "And it's Mr Tankard's job to get any more that he can." "For which, as you might put it, trouble, the office of the Crown is willing to pay the expenses of your...statement." "That's rare kind of the Crown, God bless 'em." "How much is the Crown willing to pay?" "That depends on how much you're willing to say." "I be willing to say anything you like, sir." " Provided the price be right." " Ten guineas." " For what?" " To give evidence against Poldark." "Ten now." "Ten after." "Which by my reckoning makes..." " 20." " 20 'tis." "(Mutters) You gentlemen put me in a mortal difficult position." "Would ee by chance be Bible-read men, sir?" "Bible-read?" "Are you saying you have a conscience, Master Paynter?" "I'm saying I was always taught to believe in the Holy Scripture, sir." "And as far as silver be concerned, 30 be the going price, God help us all." "15 now, 15 after." "Ah. I can see you're a man of God, sir." "Pay him." "Ross, you can't just sit here and do nothing." "I'm enjoying my first civilised meal in a week." "You know I didn't mean that so don't make fun of me." "What would you have me do?" "Try to help yourself." "I'm not guilty." "I'll have a fair trial and I'll state my case." " Fair?" " Gathering evidence is Pearce's job." "While someone else is out buying evidence against you?" "What?" " 'Tis what I've heard." " Buying?" "Nonsense." "Who told you?" "Jinny." "She said..." "Well, tell me!" "Three men in the village, asking who'd been on the beach that night, asking questions about you, offering money." " To do what?" " To say you'd helped steal the cargo and start the fight with the soldiers." "Did she know who these men were?" "But 'tis a fact, Ross." "Someone be out spending money to buy witnesses against you." "In God's name, who?" "Who can hate me so much?" " Well?" " Three so far, sir." "Two for ten and one for 15." " 15?" " 15 now, 15 after." "You're spending my money like water, Mr Tankard." "I'd almost forgotten what pleasure there is in kissing you." "Well, you've had little enough reason to, not si..." "Not since Julia died." "It will do no good dwelling on the past, Ross." "'Tis now and the future we must think of." "Yes." "Perhaps it's as well she died." "No child wants a gallows bird for a father." "Ross!" "I don't understand you." "What don't you understand?" "You've got friends." "Why don't you get them to speak for you?" "It's not my job to do so." "What does it matter whose job it is when they hang you?" " Demelza!" " That's what will happen!" "No!" "It will be a fair trial." "They've bought witnesses to damn you." "Ross, don't you see?" "Money is buying the verdict." "Then what do you suggest?" " That I should buy witnesses too?" " No." "Demelza, I'm innocent." "Ross, you be as stubborn as a mule." " If you don't do something, I will." " No!" "I'll have no repetition of that." "I've not forgotten the way you asked Bodrugan for money." "We've got to do something, Ross." "I love you, don't you understand?" "I want to help, cos l love you so much." "And I love you." "God knows, I'm luckier than I deserve." "I couldn't bear to be long parted from you now." "But the law will not be inte_ered with." "It has its own way of doing things, which we must accept." " l don't understand." " It's the nature of justice." "Any inte_erence is as like to harm my case as help." "So let's have no more talk of it." "Father?" "I must have mistook the time." "Dinner already?" "I thought it but 1 1 ." " Where've you been?" " Oh, here and there." " Do we have a case against him?" " We have a few good witnesses." " Who'll swear against him?" " If they don't they won't be paid." "One's a discharged servant, nursing his grudge as you nurse your guineas." " Speaking of that..." " Only a guinea or two, Father." "I want to see Poldark hang but I don't want to be bankrupted by it." "You have great faith in hope." "Put more faith in cash and you won't be disappointed." "Thank you kindly." "(Distressed mooing)" "(Mooing)" "Sir John Trevaunance?" "Your servant, ma'am." "I don't believe I've had the pleasure." "You know my husband." "You were in business" " Ross Poldark." "Ah, yes. I'm very pleased to meet you, ma'am." "I was wondering if I might have a word with you." "They told me I'd find you here." "My honour, ma'am, if you'll wait a while." "I have a sick cow." " It will take but a minute." " Me mind's on me cow, ma'am." "She's a valuable beast and you'd not have the attention you deserve." "'Tis about my husband." "He needs your help." "I'm flattered, ma'am, but me cow needs me more." "Wait at the house and I'll attend you when I can." " What's wrong with the cow?" " What?" " What's wrong with her?" " Her hindquarters are paralysed." " It might be whiptail." " Your pardon, ma'am?" " It's often called tail shot." " Well, I confess, I've never heard of it." " l saw a cure for it once." " Did you, now?" " How?" " Well..." "You split open the tail, where the joint's slipped." "You get a well-salted onion and put it in." "You bind up the tail hard with coarse tape, leave the tape on for a week, and feed her nothing 'cepting a cordial made of equal parts of rosemary, juniper and cardamon seed." "That's an unlikely-sounding remedy, ma'am." "It worked well the last time I saw it." " Now, can we talk, Sir John?" " Can you remember all that?" "Then try it, man." "It can't make her worse than she is now." "Your servant, ma'am." " You'll take a glass of canary?" " l'd rather have port, thank ee." "As you wish." "My husband was proud of his association with you, Sir John." "He was unhappy when it ended." "Nobody's fault, ma'am." "I had - still have a high regard for your husband." "But it happens in business." "Circumstances prove too much." "You must have lost a deal of money." "Well, I lost some, as did your husband." "We're reforming the company with the Warleggans behind us, which makes a difference." "I, er..." "I'm only sorry your husband isn't able to take part." "Thank you." "Oh, I'm sure he'd like to, if it weren't for other things." "Yes." "You, er..." "You want me to speak at his trial, hm?" "Well, of course I would if I was called but I could only be a witness to his character." "I wasn't on the beach." "How do I know what went on?" "Sir John, someone be buying witnesses against him." "You be a magistrate." "Be that fair or proper?" " Certainly not." " If no one speaks for him... lt makes no difference." "I don't doubt your husband's innocence." "But?" "All he can do is put himself in the hands of the court." "Now, I know the judge, Mr Wentworth Lister." "And he's a fair and honest man." "You can do no better than leave the matter to him." "But if you know the judge, why don't you speak to him?" "Tell him the witnesses be false and lying." "He wouldn't listen." "He's an honest judge." "He wouldn't listen to me or anyone." "I beg you, ma'am, leave it at that." "You can do no more, much as I'm sure you'd wish to." "I hoped Ross's friends would stand by him more." "It's a question of what the law allows, ma'am." "What I don't understand is how one side can buy witness whilst the other isn't allowed to defend himself." "Oh, good day, Sir John." "I'll show you the way." "Whoever it is must have money and hate Ross." "Who do you think that might be, Sir John?" " l have no idea." " l have." "Mayhap the Warleggans weren't content to take Carnmore away from Ross, mayhap they want to see him hang as well." "I'll find my own way out, thank you, Sir John." "I'll send word if the cow improves." "A safe journey, ma'am, my regards to your husband." " Hello, brother." " Unwin." " Who was that?" " Ross Poldark's wife." " Pretty young thing." " Mm." " Pretty enough to be dangerous?" " No, not at my age." "Why are you here?" "The elections are next week." "Caroline is travelling down from Bath tomorrow." "You know how she is without someone to keep an eye on her." " You should marry her." " l would." "If only the wench would say yes." "You know these 18-year-olds." "Well, I used to when I was younger." " She's upset me, you know." " Caroline?" "No, no." "Poldark's wife." "Damned unsettling little thing." "Good day, Mr Warleggan." "Mistress Poldark." " Enchanted, ma'am." " l see you be going riding." "Oh!" "A present." "For my godson." "What brings you to Truro?" "Shopping?" "Yes." "To buy widow's weeds." "For when Ross be hanged." " l sincerely hope not, ma'am." " Oh, do you, Mr Warleggan?" "Truth is, I've come to ask what you be doing to my husband." "Why not come to the bank instead of lurking like a beggar?" "Everybody be beggars when dealing with you." "I'm doing nothing against your husband." "Why do you think I am?" "Because you're the only man with reason and money enough to buy the lies that somebody be buying." " What lies?" " As if you didn't know." "Well, it won't work, I tell you." " Pray keep your voice down." " l won't!" "I'll tell the judge and everyone what you be doing." "(Laughter)" "(Man) What do you think about our women?" "(Woman) Found another one, eh?" "May I join you?" "It's a public place." "You seem low in spirit." "I've had a long meeting with my legal and financial advisors." "With what result?" "Generosity of spirit, an attempt to solve the problems, a certain doubt as to whether they can be solved." " Er, if I can help..." " l think not." "Thank you." "I have a little money put by if things go badly in court." "I'll look after that this morning." "I would be willing to use what little I have to help Demelza." "Ross, I..." "I'm sorry... about my earlier behaviour, especially to her." " She bears you no grudge." " Do you?" "I see no reason to thank you or curse you, Francis." "Truth be told, I've not the energy or time to do either." " l had hoped my apology..." " Apologise to Demelza!" "Yes, of course. I will." "She's a generous woman." "She helped me when I was sorely ill, the result... the result being far from happy for you." " l'd have put it more strongly than that." " l'm sorry." "So are we all." "(Man) The dirty rogue!" "(Chortles)" "But at least allow me to wish you well for the trial." "What happens there depends on God and a good lawyer." "But I thank you." "(Man) The bloomer's at it again!" "(Laughing)" "Did none of your men see what happened?" "My men were about their business, ma'am, trying to prevent a riot." "How is it that one can buy lying witnesses and search everywhere and not find an honest one?" "I would help you if I could, ma'am, I would do a lot to help you." " Would you?" " Indeed." "My husband was not on the beach when you were hit, Cap'n." "I cannot say one way or another." "All I can say is the truth." "Ross was not on the beach when it happened." "Well, that I do not know." "If you don't know, can I not persuade ee just to say he wasn't?" "For me." "You said you'd like to help." "Well, I could, but, er..." " l would be under oath." " But it would be the truth." "And I'd be very grateful for someone to tell the truth." "I will do whatever my duty and conscience permit, ma'am." "I'll be relying on you, Cap'n." "Come on. (Clicks teeth) I hope the next time we meet it may be under more...pleasurable circumstances." "I hope so." "But if my husband is not acquitted, there'll be precious little pleasure for any of us." "When you've learnt to ride it, I'll give you a real one." " Can I ride it now?" " You must break it in first." "I should take it into the garden." " You've been very kind to us." " 'Tis nothing." "A little toy for the child." "No, I didn't mean that." "Without your help, I don't know how we'd manage." "It grieves me to see you in any distress, Elizabeth." "Whoa!" "(Shouts to stable hand)" " Where did you get that?" " Uncle George bought it for me." " Is Uncle George still here?" " Yes." "Giddy-up!" " Hello, Francis." " George." "You're becoming a permanent guest." " Can I get you a drink?" " l have one, thank you." " Have you seen this thing?" " What is it?" "A filthy, scurrilous broadsheet about Ross." "They're all over Truro." "Have you seen them?" "Yes, my groom had one. I destroyed it." "Yes." "By next week, they'll be all over Bodmin." "What does it say?" ""The true and sensational facts in the life of Captain P-D-K," ""bold adventurer, seducer, suspected murderer," ""soon to stand trial at Bodmin assizes," ""written...by an intimate friend."" " Yes, but what does it say?" " Slanderous accusations that Ross only went to serve in the American war to avoid being taken to court on various ludicrous charges!" "That the countryside is littered with his illegitimate children." "That he is a rogue, a murderer, a wrecker!" " But this is untrue!" " Of course it's untrue!" "These things often come out when there's a big case." "Someone wants to make a little profit." "George, these are being given away!" "Not sold." "Given." "That's costing somebody a great deal of money." " This could influence the jury." " What do you think it's for?" "If I were you, I'd burn it." "Uncle George, come and watch me ride Bucephalus." "Yes, of course I will. I must go." "So have you given him a name?" ""lntimate friend"?" "Who would do that?" "Who around here has the money to pay for that much paper?" "And then to say, "Burn it"?" "What's that?" "A copy of the statement I made for my counsel." "Why don't you want me to come to Bodmin with you?" "No man wants his wife to watch him be carried off to prison." "I meant the trial!" "It might upset you." "Would I be less upset sitting here waiting for the verdict?" "It might upset me to have you there." "Going to be reading that all night?" " l'm discussing it tomorrow." " Oh, Ross!" " What is it?" "Demelza?" " Oh, read your document!" " What is it?" " Nothing!" "Don't you realise?" "Realise what?" "If you're found guilty, this'll be the last night we ever sleep together." "No, leave yours alight." "Let me do that." "Ow!" "Take the damn thing out of the ruts!" "Oh, damn it, how I hate travel." "Well, I think we can dispense with that to start with." "That document is of more use to the prosecution than the defence, and I'm here to defend." " Ooh!" " l simply put down the facts." "What you put down is a muddled version of events which you could not have known the ins and outs of." "You'd be well advised to be guided by Mr Clymer." "He is, after all..." "Mr Clymer is engaged to put my case as I knew it to happen." "No, sir. I am engaged to assist you in defence." "A client should not instruct but be guided by his legal advisors, or what the devil's the good of engaging them?" "We must not let our tempers outrun our heads." "To say he attempted to oversee the events of the night then admit he took no action to prevent the cargo from being looted is tantamount to an admission of guilt." "Ooh!" "If you can't keep the damn thing out of the ruts, take it across the fields!" "The people were near to starving." "A romantic excuse." "Henry Bull..." " Who?" " The prosecuting counsel!" "He'll mince this statement into a pie and have us for breakfast." "Captain Poldark, I have my reputation." " So have I." " Ooh!" "I stand by what I said in my statement." "Then heaven help us." "They've taken Poldark to Bodmin Jail." " Yesterday." " Let's hope they keep him there." "If they do, it'll be at public expense." " Cheaper that he were hanged." " Or transported." "Let Australia feed him." "There's a reception tonight for the elections." " Are you going?" " No, tiring rubbish." " The food's free, Father." " The company's expensive." "Someone will want a favour doing." "Excuse me, gentlemen." "I was asked to give you this message." "Thank you, sir." "I'll see you again, in a more private place." "Of course, sir." "Thank you." "(Distant drunken singing)" "(Approaching footsteps)" "Sorry I'm late." "The streets are full of drunks and rogues, here for the elections." "Took me half an hour to get through them." "No need to apologise." "I wasn't going anywhere." "Three drunks in my cell already, so we're in here." "We have a deal of work to do before the session tomorrow." "And I have to attend some form of reception later to meet the Parliamentary candidates." "I don't envy you. I shall probably have a more amusing time here." "You may be right." "Now, have you made for me any more reasonable notes, sir?" " (Knock at door)" " Come in." "Oh, excuse me, ma'am." "The hotel being so crowded on account of the elections, might you be prepared to share a room with another lady?" "I care not for the elections, sir, but much for my privacy." "I'm sorry, I couldn't po..." " Verity!" " Demelza!" " But how?" " Oh, it's wonde_ul to see you." "And you." "You don't mind if I share your room?" "Of course not. I'm only too glad 'tis you." " What are you doing here?" " The same as you, I think." "For Ross." "Oh, 'tis kind of you." "I'm sure things will turn out right, Demelza. I'm sure of it." "I hope so." "What a beautiful dress." "We have so much to talk of." " We'll talk when I get back." " Where are you going?" " A reception at the guildhall." " Are you being escorted?" "No, but I'll be all right." "You can't go out alone." "The streets are packed with all sorts." "I have to." "There's something I've got to do for Ross." " Let me come with you." " No." "Besides, you haven't brought a dress." "They'll turn you away - then you'll have to walk back alone." "Don't fret. I'll be all right." "We'll talk when I get back." "Demelza!" " (# Chamber music)" " The honourable Mr Justice Lister!" " Mr Lister." " Mr Trevaunance." "Sir John." "May I introduce my intended, Miss Caroline Penvenen?" " Ma'am, your servant." " Mr Lister." " You'll pardon me?" " Yes." "Unwin, I do wish you wouldn't keep introducing me as your intended." "It may be your intention but it isn't necessarily mine." "Mr Francis Poldark." "Ah, Francis." "We all look forward to the excitement of this evening." "Has Francis Poldark been drinking again?" "As you say, Connie." "The bottled horse droppings will make him ill." "Mr George Warleggan." " (Music stops, applause)" " Warleggan." "The honourable Mr James Dawson." " Hello, George." " Francis." "Are you here for the elections or to see Ross hanged, drawn and quartered?" "For the elections, as everyone else." "Have you got money invested in the elections as well?" "Dear George, you've got your dirty little fingers in every pie." " Francis, I..." " You know, I doubt... if there's a profitable pie in all Cornwall that you Warleggan blackbirds aren't comfortably... I don't think this is the place..." "Don't tell me where or when I should not do things." "I don't want an argument, not here." " You're a little drunk and..." " Whether I am or am not drunk, I come from a family of gentlemen, George, a condition that you and your father could not understand." "Do you know, I found out tonight who paid for these broadsheets." "How?" "Because I went to the printer... and I paid him four guineas." "You said burn them." "I absolutely agree." "Go on, George." "Have 'em back." "And if you need something to put the fire out... (Shocked gasping)" "What was that?" "I don't know." "It was some private quarrel." "Mistress Ross Poldark." "What the devil's she doing here?" " No, no, no, Captain Poldark!" " What the devil's wrong now?" "Captain Poldark, Iet me try and explain a court of law." "It's not a pitched battle, it's a field of manoeuvre." " You should tell the truth." " l have!" "It depends on how you tell it." "To antagonise the court by making statements of personal opinion with no evidence and then to refuse to - how can I put it?" " Lie?" " No, I don't mean lie." "Everything you've written is the truth as you think you see it." "But we have to make a case." "The truth is not necessarily how you think you saw it, if you saw it at all." " Witnesses are notoriously..." " l've written down..." "Opinions, feelings, attitudes, Captain Poldark." "They have a string of sworn witnesses as long as your arm." "We have three." "I've heard rumours that someone is out for your blood." "That's possible." "Then why won't you sit down with me to make out a case to beat 'em?" "You're a proud man, Captain Poldark, but pride goeth before a fall." "I am trying to avoid a fall, Captain, yours and your family's." "What do you want me to do?" "I want you to go through the events of that night with me, minute by minute." " (# Chamber music continues)" " Excuse me." " Sir John." " Mistress Poldark." "Delightful to see you again." "May I introduce my brother and Miss Caroline Penvenen?" " Good evening" " Mistress Poldark." "If you'd kept your eyes on your hounds instead of on women, you could have been master of the hunt by now." "I was master of the hunt three years ago, Connie." " It is..." " The crowd is shouting for us." "If we don't go now, they'll break the door down." "Let them wait. I'm talking." " The most important question..." " l think you'd better go." "Take your brother's advice, Unwin." "After all, it's his money that's buying your votes." "You haven't any, apart from what you hope to get if you marry me." "Come along, Horace, let's go and watch Unwin wave to the public." "I was glad to hear your cow got better." "Thanks to you, ma'am." "I didn't expect to see you here tonight." "I was told Mr Justice Lister would be here." " Will you introduce me to him?" " Not under any circumstances." "I know what you're trying to do and I admire you for it." "I heard it'll cost your brother f2,OOO to keep his seat." "If you can buy votes, why can't I tell the truth to one of His Majesty's judges?" "Ma'am, it's not the same." "I don't believe in the buying of votes but it's allowed to happen." "Now, as I've already told you, Mr Lister is an honest man." "Anything you and I said to try to influence him he would disregard, and I would lose a friend." "But how can he know the facts when he's come from London?" " All I want to do..." " All you want to do is illegal" " while the case is sub judice." " l don't know what that means." "It means that if you try to do what you want, not only will your husband certainly go to jail but so will you." "(Crowd cheering)" "Wave, Caroline." "Smile and wave." "Do you know these people?" "They look like a field of turnips." "Don't be absurd, Caroline." "They're the voters." "If you don't know them, why are you waving to them?" "Stop being ridiculous, Caroline." "And wave." "Come along, Horace." "Wave to the turnips." "You might get into Parliament." "Mistress Poldark, ma'am." "A dance?" "Oh, thank you." "The floor's a trifle packed." "Can I press you to a glass of port?" "Thank you." "Do you know Mr Justice Lister, Sir Hugh?" " Yes." "Yes, I do." "Why?" " Would you introduce me to him?" " Now?" " l'd be so grateful." "Why?" "The man's a walking beanpole." "Please." "Can I count on your company when you've finished with him?" " l couldn't bear to deny you." " Thank you." "If there's any witnesses we might shake, let me know." "I'll look through it." "Remember, you're in a tight corner, Captain." "If you want to hang, well, that's your affair." "But I recall seeing a man strung up at Tyburn once." "They cut him down for dead but he grimaced and twitched for quite five minutes after." "I saw that when a man's head was shot off by a cannonball." "It's even more peculiar when the head and body are apart." " Yes?" " Yes." "Yes, well, till the morning, Captain." "I might say that Henry Bull, the prosecuting counsel, is a very ambitious man." "He is after a position that I also want...and need." "If you will let me save my career, I will save your neck." "Otherwise, sir, we might both go down." "Does Your Lordship dance?" "No, ma'am. I never learned when I was young and now the spectacle of others in effort is more entertaining than the effort itself." "But...please, don't let me deter you." "Oh, you don't deter me." "I sometimes think 'tis better to keep out of the crush." "Then we see what we look like when we're in it." "You argue with a ready wit." "That's a rare thing in women." "Perhaps Your Lordship has little experience of women." "As little as possible, ma'am." "From choice." "I doubt if she'd be good for your health, Hugh, even if you did get her." " He won't." " l'm far healthier than you think." "One jump and your heart would stop." "Get me another glass of this cow's coddle and stop boasting." "(# Music starts up)" " Do you like music, my lord?" " l like music." " Ah, but this ain't music, is it?" " You know about music?" "I say, Hugh, the learned judge is unusually conversational." "Course he is." "Girl as pretty as that." "Damn me, he's had her long enough." "No harmony, even of the most primitive kind existed in church music until the tenth or eleventh centuries." "If Your Lordship would excuse me, time to eat, my dear." "There's a devil of a shindig at the table, we must go now." "I'm not yet hungry, Sir Hugh." "His Lordship's telling me about church music." "Church music?" "What subject is that for election night?" "It's a subject for any night if you can understand it." "There are those plainly who cannot." "Now, as I was saying, Gregorian plainsong, that was..." "Here is the list for tomorrow." "Ah." "You must excuse me, ma'am." "Thank you for my one interesting conversation tonight." "Forgive me. I don't recall your name." "Poldark." "Mrs Ross Poldark." "But I wanted to speak to Your Lordship on another matter." "I fear I am called away." "Your servant, ma'am." "Let me tempt you to a little partridge, my pigeon." "Sir Hugh!" "Who did you say has been taken ill?" "Miss Caroline Penvenen, sir." "I was told it's urgent." "Through here." " Dr Surgeon Enys, ma'am." " Madam, I was told you were ill." "I am not ill." "It's Horace." "He's very ill." " And may I ask where Horace is?" " Here." " Your dog?" " Yes, he's very distressed." " The noise downstairs..." " Your footman made a mistake." "If you wish your dog to be attended to, go to a farrier." "I don't want a horse doctor for Horace." "I'll pay in advance." "Madam, I attend patients who cannot pay at all." "And I'm damned if I'll waste their time on a dog." "Please!" "He isn't well and I'm very fond of him." "I'm sorry if you've been called away from something more important." "But have you never had a dog of your own?" "Yes." "When I was a boy." "Would you have let him die on a point of formality?" " No." " Then will you let mine die?" " How old is he?" " Twelve months." " Why do you think he is not well?" " He's had two fits tonight!" "In this place I'm not surprised." "(Music ends, applause)" " Is he all right?" " l doubt if he's going to die." "I had an aunt whose spaniel suffered the same trouble." "Never got enough exercise." " What happened to it?" " Nothing disastrous." "It had fits whenever she played the spinet." "We didn't know if it was because it was musical or it wasn't." "That's a nice story." "Erm, have this made up at the druggist." "And, er...keep him off sweetmeats." "Give him some exercise." "Real exercise." "Not just jumping out of your carriage." "It wouldn't do you any harm either if you want to keep your figure." "You're very impertinent." "Part of my profession, madam, is to be accurate." "So you think I have a figure worth preserving?" "Well, I wouldn't throw it away if I were you." "Take the dog for a walk occasionally." "It'll do you both good." "Aren't you being a little above yourself?" " How old are you?" " 1 8." "Forgive me, madam." "From your behaviour I hadn't realised you had reached such an advanced age." "Your servant, ma'am." "(Sighs) I hate men like that, Horace." "They frighten me." "Such a to-do, ma'am!" "Never known a town like it." "'Tisn't safe on the street without an escort." " How far is the guildhall?" " Don't go near there, ma'am!" "I hear the place be surrounded by drunken voters and the like." "(Knock at door) I want to see Mrs Poldark." "She be not here, sir." "She be out." " Then I'll wait for her." " You can't come in, sir..." " Oh..." " Francis." "What the hell are you doing here?" "I'm her brother." "Go and wipe your snotty nose." "(Sniffs) Humph!" "Gentlemen!" "So what are you doing here, dear sister?" "I came for Ross's trial." "Demelza's gone out." " And is your husband here?" " No." "He's at sea." "How very fortunate for him." "This isn't a reconciliation, dear sister, I'm sharing a room with our doctor friend." "He said I'd find Demelza here." "Is there anything to drink?" "I believe Demelza has some port." " How are you, Francis?" " Drunk." "How are you..." "Mrs Blamey?" "Happily married." "(Coughs)" "What's the matter?" "Oh, God knows, dear sister." "God knows." "I had a hell of a row tonight with George Warleggan." " That wasn't very wise of you, Francis." " Oh, I know, I know." "I'm a fool." "Or I wouldn't be in the position where George could own me." " Another drink." " Francis!" "Another drink!" " Francis..." " Verity, please." "No sympathy." "It's far too late for sympathy." "(Yelling and cheering)" "(Enys) Miss Penvenen!" "Oh, Doctor." "Are you following me?" "Yes. I was going back to the hotel." "I saw you leave alone." "That was very foolish of you." "Unwin was becoming unbearably pompous so I decided to leave." " Unwin?" " Yes." "He calls me his intended." " Ah." " Don't concern yourself." " l'm returning to my hotel." " And where are you staying?" " At the Rose and Crown." " Not far from my own." " Come, I will escort you." " Thank you." "And Horace." " Come on, then!" " (All yelling)" "Oh, Demelza, thank goodness you're safe!" "I was in more danger dancing with Sir Hugh Bodrugan than I ever was in the street." "Oh, but you shouldn't have waited up." "Francis came while you were gone." " Francis?" " To see you." " He wanted to wish you well." " That was kind of him." " Was it amul for you?" " No." "But he was in such a strange mood." " Perhaps he'd been drinking." " Oh, he had." "But it was much more than that." "I've never seen him like it before." "So hopeless." "(Clicks)" "(Drunken singing)" "(Lock turns)" "I'm sorry to have made so much noise." "I thought you might have been asleep." "Have you been drinking?" "It is the custom on election nights." "Please don't let me disturb you if you're writing a letter." "No, I've finished it." " Have you eaten?" " l wasn't hungry." "I'd have been here sooner but I was called to attend some girl's dog." "What's the matter?" "Are you a fatalist, Dwight?" "Are we having a philosophical discussion or have you a more personal reason for asking?" "Are we the masters of the dance?" "Or are we merely puppets, do you think?" "I don't know." "What has made you wonder that at this time of night?" "This thing." "Five minutes ago I tried to shoot myself." "The damn thing misfired." "Since then I have been debating as to whether I should try again." "I realise it is not in the best of taste to use the hospitality of your room to do it in but I couldn't get a room of my own and it seemed faintly vulgar to do it in some dirty street." "I don't understand you." "What don't you understand?" "Why you should want to kill yourself." "And if you do, why you should ride 25 miles to a strange town to do it." "Well, one can develop a quite unreasoning prejudice against spilling one's blood on one's own doorstep." "It makes a mess of the house." "It'll make a mess wherever you do it." "Can you explain to me, Doctor, scientifically... what happens to our resolve when you put the barrel to your head, pull the trigger and nothing happens?" "Should I blame myself for not remembering that powder gets damp quickly in this damned Cornish atmosphere and that I should have brought some dry, or say it was just fate?" "Or is the final humiliation to shirk having another try?" "No, it seems the most sensible course." "Why suicide anyway?" " What story?" " Never mind!" " You're young, propertied..." " Mortgaged." "You have a wife and a child." "Doctor, please, you'll make me weep for joy(!" ")" "Had it been your cousin Ross I might have understood." "On trial for his life, and having lost his only child." " His business having failed..." " God damn you!" "Be quiet." "However, he seems to have kept his self-respect, which you, perhaps, have lost." "What makes you say that?" "I think there must be a great loss of self-respect before suicide can even be thought of." "There are times when it may be the only way of restoring... one's self-respect." "Perhaps you didn't drink enough." "Get twice as drunk and sleep it off." "A pistol ball is very dramatic." "Hm." "A pistol ball, Doctor, has no morning after." "Well, it would be even more vulgar to do it whilst I'm here." "Why don't we have a drink and talk about it?" "We have all night." "Here, drink this brandy." "That cheap gin'll poison you." "Bring up unhealthy thoughts." "(Chuckles) Oh, my thoughts were unhealthy without the gin." "Do you...want to tell me about them?" "No." "No, they're very private." "Well, perhaps we can talk about something else." "Well, here's to the devil." "God knows whose side he was on tonight." "And God knows whose side he'll be on tomorrow." " Put up Ross Vennor Poldark!" " (Gallery muttering)" " Poldark's on next, sir." " Sober this one up." "Use the room behind the court." "I'll get him outside." " Master Paynter?" " (Singing drunkenly)" "Master Paynter!" "(Man) It'll be starting soon." " (Man) There he is!" " (Cheering)" " You are Ross Vennor Poldark?" " Yes." "Ross Vennor Poldark, hold up thy hand." "He must be a very hard man, then, your Captain Poldark." "Oh, he get his temper up... I heard he threw you out." " He thrashed me." " Thrashed you?" "For nothing'!" "For gettin' drunk!" "For nothing'!" "Just for getting drunk?" "He thrashed me." "Threw me out!" "Gentlemen of the jury, look upon the prisoner." "He is indicted in the name of Ross Vennor Poldark." "Now, that night." " What night?" " The night of the wreck!" "Let's see if we remember everything that happened." "That on the 7th day of January in the year of our Lord 1790, not having the fear of God before his eyes but being seduced by the devil did incite peaceable citizens to riot and plunder feloniously with force of arms" "and did take away goods belonging to a ship in distress." "And upon the arrival of officers of the law did lead and direct resistance to them resulting in loss of life and the wounding, directly or indirectly by the accused, of Captain McNeil." " (Crowd muttering)" " Prisoner, how do you plead?" " Not guilty, my lord." " (Woman cheers)" " How will you be tried?" " By God and my country." "You may sit at any time you wish, Captain Poldark." "Mr Bull, when you're ready." "No doubt there are a great many of you here who will remember the great gale of January last." "A mighty gale." "And no doubt many will remember the ship, a Cornish-owned ship, not a foreigner, that was driven into distress on Nampara Cove, just as it happened, below the house of the prisoner." "A man comfortably circumstanced, a mine-owner and a landowner of ancient name." "I believe, gentlemen of the jury, that you would have expected, as any honest man would expect, that one's thoughts would be for the safety of those aboard." "But apparently not, according to the prisoner's behaviour." "His only concern was to rouse the lawless spirits of the village." "And within one hour, without any thought for those aboard, the ship was dismembered, the prisoner having personally conducted the operation." " That is not true!" " (Gallery shouting)" "We will come to your evidence, Captain Poldark, in good time." "On the night of the raid, gentlemen, it must be remembered there was one passenger left on board." "Matthew Sanson." "Prompt help may have saved him..." " He was dead!" " Restrain yourself, Captain." "All we do know, and this is all we know, is that no such help was given" " and a man lost his life." " He was already dead." "I must ask you to let the court proceed in its own manner." "The prosecution will also show that when a contingent of His Majesty's Dragoons arrived the prisoner warned them not to inte_ere at peril of their lives and when they did they were set upon by the prisoner and others." "(Gallery yelling)" "This court will be cleared following any further disturbance from the body of the public." "Continue, Mr Bull." "An officer received serious injuries." "There were two deaths among the rioters and many injured." "It was, as evidence will show, a night of riot, theft and murder!" "All instigated by the prisoner!" "(All yelling)" "(Bull) It is not within the Crown's scope to bring previous acts of lawlessness... lt is certainly not!" "The Crown neither knows nor can prove that there were any!" " Your Lordship, uphold me." " l do, Mr Clymer." "Remain within facts we can dispute, not gossip you hear!" "This is a court of law, sir, not a market square." "I ask Your Lordship's pardon." "The jury will disregard the prosecution's suggestion, difficult as that may be now Mr Bull has introduced it" " contrary to the rules of law." " Your pardon." " l withdraw my observation." " A little late, Mr Bull." "Please continue." "(Retching)" "(Slurring) I dearly loved my mother, sir." "We all love our mothers, Master Paynter." "If only she could see me now." ""What's become of you, Jud?" she'd say." ""What's become of you, Jud, me son?"" "Come along, Master Paynter, we haven't got that much time." "Get a mug of water and fill it with salt." "Now, let's go over it again." "Captain Poldark roused you." "Captain Poldark roused me..." "And?" "Captain Poldark roused me." "And he said?" "I don't know what he said." "He said there were pickings for all!" "Pickings for all!" "Now!" "Captain Poldark roused me..." " There was a wreck." " There was a wreck... and there were pickings for all." "And when he boarded the ship..." "Master Paynter..." "Listen to me, it's to your own advantage." "When he boarded the ship he carried a line to take off the cargo." "Do you hear me?" "It is also obvious from the prisoner's statements that he has sought to justify his actions, justifications that have stamped him as a man of dangerous sympathies." "Gentlemen, all amongst you have owned some property." "If you would keep that property intact, then such men must be made an example of." " An admirer of the Jacobins!" " Mr Bull!" "The Jacobins would take your property and share it out!" "Sedition, unrest and violence must be stamped upon..." " (Gavel banging)" " My Lord, I object!" "I object on your behalf, sir." "Mr Bull!" "We are trying a criminal charge, not a political charge." "Any further attempts to introduce extraneous evidence," " l'll have you removed." " (Man) Yeah!" "Get him out!" "If you wish to continue, Mr Bull, you will do so on direct and disputable fact." "Do you wish to continue, sir?" "I bow to Your Lordship's judgment." " Call the first witness." " (Clerk) Call the witness!" "Nicholas Vigus." " How is he?" " Has a sore head but all right." "Salter's looking after him." "Forcing salt water down his throat." " This Vigus, is he one of ours?" " l don't think he'll give any problems." "(Sighs) Nicholas Vigus?" " Yes, my lord." " No, it's "sir", not "my lord"." "Yet." "Mr Vigus, will you tell the court what happened on the morning of the 7th of January?" " 7th..." "Well..." " Er, don't..." "Don't hurry yourself, Mr Vigus." "There's no need to be nervous." "The morning of the 7th of January." "I was woken up by Captain Poldark here banging on the next-door cottage." " Could you hear what was said?" " l heard Captain Poldark." "He was shoutin' "Jud, Jud, good picking's for all," ""there be a wreck comin' ashore."" "Will you swear that is what he said?" "You are under oath, Mr Vigus." " Aye, sir." " And then what?" "I went back to sleep." "In the morning I went to see what was goin' on." "What did you see?" "Captain Poldark was directing operations." ""Directing operations"?" "Telling people what to do." "Did he instruct anyone to go aboard the vessel to see if there were further pickings?" "Mr Bull, rephrase that, please." " Who boarded the vessel?" " He did, sir." " And came back alone?" " Yes, sir." "Going on further, Mr Vigus, what happened when the Dragoons arrived upon the beach?" " Captain Poldark spoke to them." " In what manner?" "Seemed they was having high words, sir." " What sort of high words?" " l couldn't hear, sir." "Thank you, Mr Vigus." " He's a liar!" "He's been bought!" " Shh." "It isn't over yet." "You can cross-examine him if you wish, or would you rather I did?" " No, I'll do it." " If you wish." "You would be putting your guineas to better use if you'll let me speak for you." "Captain Poldark, do you wish to question the witness?" "I do, my lord." "Ten to one on hanging if his counsel isn't speaking for him." "Who's got the brandy?" "What kind of a night was it, Nick?" "Rough, sir." "Blowin' up something proper." "In which direction, do you remember?" "If the ship was dead on, it must've been sou'westerly." "And your cottage is southeast of Jud Paynter's - not next door but next door but one." "Aye, sir." "You must have very good hearing to hear something said two doors down." "That or you've been paid a lot of money." "(Crowd yelling)" "Captain Poldark, I'm warning you as I've warned others, we are here to find the facts, not to present unprovable suppositions." " l beg your pardon, my lord." " Continue but do it reasonably." "This court is not without intelligence, whatever you may think." "My lord, may I elucidate a point?" "You may elucidate a great many points." "Did Captain Poldark rouse you that night?" " No, sir." " Did you resent that?" " Why should I?" " You were not there for the..." " "pickings"." " l be no wrecker!" " But you were there?" " l went to look." "You got there after dawn. I was gone." "Captain, either you examine this witness or your counsel," " not both of you." " What did you see, Mr Vigus?" "What were they about?" "I was on the beach and Captain Poldark boarded the ship carrying a line." " A line?" "Ha!" "To rescue people!" " No, to drag ashore cargo!" "So Captain Poldark organised the looting of the ship?" " He carried out the line, sir." " Did you carry a line?" "Yes, I did." "If you are to rescue people from a wrecked ship you need a line, if only to save yourself." "Now, repeat." "When the soldiers arrived..." "Damn him!" "(Panting) I'm going!" "I can't..." "Here." "Sit down." "Now, when the soldiers arrived..." "Mr Vigus, for the benefit of the jury may I clarify your evidence?" "His evidence is clear." "He saw it happen." " How?" "He wasn't there." " Captain Poldark, there were many people on the beach that night." " l know he wasn't there." " It is a matter of evidence!" "Leave it to your counsel for one moment." "Mr Vigus, you tell us you were not roused but were present when Captain Poldark boarded the ship?" "You heard Captain Poldark rousing some other person?" "Although the wind was in the wrong direction." "(All laugh)" "Not one witness mentioned you there and yet you saw it all?" " l damn well did!" " You also tell us that you heard Captain Poldark having "high words"" "with the captain of Dragoons and yet you were not aroused." "Nor with the weather as it was is it likely you would've been awakened by any commotion." "Mr Vigus, to be in two places at once, you're either a magician...or a liar!" " The weather woke me!" " (Crowd yelling)" " Wind in the wrong direction." " l heard 'em!" "I watched to see what they was doin'!" "(Man) He's a liar!" "What were they doing?" " Wreckin'." " (Crowd) No!" "No!" " (Man) Liar!" " Thank you, Mr Vigus." "Put up the next witness." "Put up the next witness!" "Captain McNeil." "Five to one on hanging." " You're Captain McNeil?" " Yes, sir." "On the night, you were making your way down to the beach?" " Yes, sir." " For what purpose?" "To prevent the looting of a ship and to disperse a riot." "As you were making your way down, did the accused address you?" "Yes, sir." "is it true he warned you not to go any further since he or others would use violence to prevent you?" " My lord...!" " Rephrase it please, Mr Bull." "What did the defendant say to you?" "He said there were a great many people on the beach and that many were drunk and it might be dangerous to proceed." " However, you did proceed." " It was my duty." "And you were struck and rendered unconscious?" " l was." " By the accused?" " That is a leading question." " l'm aware of that." "Mr Bull, I don't want to have to reprimand you again." "This is a court of law, sir." "We will conduct it as such." " Do you know who struck you?" " No, sir." "Thank you." "Captain McNeil, Captain Poldark is accused of inciting a riot in which you were wounded." "On oath, can you say that he did?" "Certainly not." "And equally on oath, since you were unconscious at the time, can you say that he didn't?" " No, sir." " So it is possible, and I only say possible, my lord, that Captain Poldark rendered you unconscious." " l did not." " Or incited others to do so." "Now, Captain McNeil, as you were unconscious... are you able to swear that Captain Poldark did not lead or assist in the riot?" "No, sir, I cannot." " My lord!" " Allow counsel to continue." "And therefore, as an obviously honest man, can you now swear on oath before this jury that Captain Poldark did not incite the riot?" "No, sir, I cannot." "Thank you, Captain McNeil, the court is very grateful." " l feel sick." " Do you want to go out?" "Mr Clymer, Mr Bull... we're getting close to the recess." "I'd like to complete this case today." " l think we can, my lord." " Mr Bull is obviously an optimist." "This can't be a very pleasant experience, Master Paynter." "No..." "A court of law can be a frightening place, what with the judge and jury all looking at you." " Yes." " Now, all we're trying to do is help you through that ordeal." "If you make a mistake they could make a fool of you." "And if you make a very stupid mistake, they could even send you to prison." "Eh?" "So let's get it all in good order, then we can get some fresh air, if you've a mind." "Now, it was Captain Poldark roused you..." "Yes, sir." "And he told you to rouse the village because there would be pickings for all." "Yes, sir." "My lord, I would like to place before you the sworn statements of seven witnesses who saw Captain Poldark lead the assault on the troops." "I have copies here, Mr Bull." "Edwin Truwant from the parish of Truro saw Captain Poldark on the beach when the captain of the Dragoons was struck." " Is..." "What was his name?" " Edwin Truwant." " Is he present?" " Is Edwin Truwant present?" " Pissed in the street, me lord!" " (Laughter) I don't know him and I don't think he knows me." " Simon Glanville...." " Who?" " Captain Poldark." " These are statements from people I don't doubt have never seen me!" "Quieten yourself, sir!" "You're doing yourself no advantage." "I will take these statements into account in my summing up." " Does that satisfy you?" " Thank you." " They are lies!" " The jury will decide that!" "Allow your counsel his best advice and let me be the judge!" "Gently, gently." "This court will adjourn!" "Until 2:30." " (Clerk) All stand!" " (indistinct singing)" "How's it going?" "I think the odds are on our side." "Vigus was dubious but he stood by his story." "The sworn statements will count and Poldark doesn't have witnesses to refute them." "He's also being pig-headed, which isn't helping." "And Bull?" "Is he giving a memorable pe_ormance?" "He's doing well but Poldark's counsel's as good." "Then Bull must make sure he's better." "Won't you have something to eat?" "I can't. I can't eat." "It's so lonely for him." "All on his own." "And people telling lies!" "The trial isn't over yet." "Lies, lies, lies!" "Where do they get their lies from?" "Will anyone say anything?" "He was at the house!" " Somebody will stand by him." " Who?" "He may have witnesses we know nothing of." "What will I do if they..." "Oh, Verity, I don't want to be without him." "Without him I'm only half alive." "Will you take a glass of claret with me, Mr Clymer?" "You're very kind, sir, but shall we wait till the case is over, at which time we shall know who pays?" "Every single day!" " This afternoon instead of..." " Oh!" "There's the dog doctor." "Ma'am." "And how is the little beast?" "He is not a little beast, he's a little dog." "And he is, in fact, much better." "Good." "Are you exercising him?" "Yes, I walked him round the park this morning." "Neither of you will regret it, I'm sure." "That dog doctor should be told his place." "He's not a dog doctor, he's a very good physician." "Then why doesn't he have a practice in Bath?" "Being a good doctor and being acceptable in society isn't necessarily the same thing." "He may even be penniless." "Are you feelin' better now?" "Yes, sir." "Just have a little sit down, sir." "You sit there while I go behind a tombstone a minute." "Hear me?" "Yes, sir." "Jud!" "Mistress, what a day." "Yes, what a day." "I've been drunken and foolish again." "Dear knows how it all happened." "Then you must say you don't know how it happened!" "But I don't know how, I swear I don't!" "Oh, please, Jud, just tell 'em." "They won't listen." "They tell me." "Oh, please, Jud." "Mistress, what a day." "What a day." "'Scuse me, ma'am, this gentleman be a witness in a court case and it ain't allowed to speak to witnesses." " Are you coming for the verdict?" " l can't waste more time." "I've business in Truro gathering dust for want of a signature." "As you wish." "I'd better see what's happening." "You haven't finished your food!" "You finish it." "We don't want to show a loss on that, do we?" "(Bell)" "Captain Bray, I have three questions for you." "is it true that you met Captain Poldark on the beach?" "Yes, sir." "He came to my assistance when I was attacked by the rioters." "He then took me and my crew to his house and gave us shelter." "Did you see Captain Poldark meet the officer of Dragoons and if so would you tell us what happened?" "I did, sir." "He warned the captain it might be dangerous." "Was it a friendly warning, intended to avoid bloodshed?" "Mr Clymer, that is a leading question." "Let me rephrase my question, Captain Bray." "Did they quarrel?" "It didn't seem so to me, sir." "Thank you, Captain Bray." "Captain Bray, did the accused accompany you to the house?" " Yes, sir." " How far is the house from the beach?" "About six or seven minutes." "And after you'd arrived, when did you next see Captain Poldark?" " For myself, I..." " When, Captain Bray, when?" "About an hour, sir." "An hour?" "An hour?" "!" "Well, during that hour you can't possibly know where Captain Poldark was." " No, sir." " Perhaps the servants knew?" "I know he made us comfortable." "His charitable acts have no bearing on this case." " Do you know where he was?" " No, sir." " Back at the beach?" " l don't know." " But he could have?" " Sir, he..." "Answer the question, Captain." "Would you swear that while he was away from you he didn't return to the beach?" " No, I can't swear to that." " Thank you, Captain Bray." "Call Dr Enys." "How do you feel, Master Paynter?" "Reckon you be sober now?" "As a judge." "But I wish I had the same income." "You are an apothecary, I believe, Mr Enys?" " No, sir." " You're not an apothecary?" "No, sir, I am a physician." "Oh, a physician." "So there is a difference?" "But cannot any man set himself up as a physician if he so desires?" "He can do but he has no right to." "What right have you?" "Yes, sir, I am a licentiate of the London College of Physicians." " (Crowd muttering)" " A professional man." "Equally with you, and my title is not "Mr" but "Dr"." "We are getting things clear." "It seems to be taking you some time." " (Laughter) - (Bangs gavel) ln your statement..." "Doctor, you say the accused had been under mental strain on the night in question brought on by some personal distress." "Yes, sir." "Did you study mental affliction in the London College of Physicians?" "There is no such tuition, sir, as you probably know." "One learns it through clinical experience." " How old are you, Dr Enys?" " 26, sir." "Not many years in which to have gained such enormous experience" " on the effects of insanity." " l do not say he was insane, I say through grief and lack of sleep he was not himself." "His child had recently died." "A fact you would have us believe could justify anyone to create riot, wreckage and loss of life!" "I am not suggesting it, sir, you are!" "I do not believe he did create a riot." "Might that not be the legal diagnosis a physician is not qualified to give?" "Surely a physician may diagnose his patient as a lawyer does his client?" " (Laughter) - (Gavel bangs)" "Dr Enys, you formed this diagnosis, you must have some basis for it." "Can you tell the court what it was?" "His child died, my lord, the same night as the wreck." "He was deeply distressed, his wife was very ill." "He had suffered a loss he could almost not bear." "He did not know what he was doing but he was not wrecking." " That is a personal opinion." " A moment." "Dr Enys?" "At the child's funeral, it greatly upset him that he was not able, through financial problems, to offer hospitality to the mourners." " It is the custom..." " Was the funeral..." " before or after the wreck?" " A_er." "Then what bearing can it have on this case?" "This man is here as a witness to the defendant's character, not to events." "Continue, Dr Enys." "It is the custom in Cornwall to offer hospitality to the mourners." "It greatly upset him that he was not able to do so." "Why do you mention this, Dr Enys?" "As an illustration of the man's character." "He is an honest man and feels things deeply." "He is not a man to create riot and wrecking." " (Crowd murmur agreement)" " Thank you, Dr Enys." "We'll have the next witness." "(Clerk) Jud Paynter." "(Footsteps approach)" "Were you on the beach on the night of the wreck?" " Yes, sir." " Doing what?" "Helpin' to save lives, sir." "Innocent seafarers." "Did you see Captain Poldark?" "I did see him at one time." "You were too drunk to see anything." " Captain..." " What was he doing?" "There were a deal of people on the beach." "Yes, but it has been said he boarded the vessel carrying a line." "He'd have been a fool to go without a line, sir." " (Laughter) - (Bangs gavel)" "Could the line have been used to remove the cargo?" "You can use a line for anything on a ship." "Could it have?" "It could, yes, sir." "And was it?" "I wasn't on that part of the beach, sir, at the time, I was helpin' the crew ashore." "Savin' lives." "(Crowd muttering) lt was Captain Poldark who came to your house that night?" "What did he say?" "He said for me to get out and rouse the men of the village." "What else did he say?" "There might be women and children aboard and we must get the men and save them from the sea." "That is not your sworn statement, Mr Paynter." "Eh?" "I said, that is not your sworn statement." "I be not too good on statesmen, sir." "I..." "I be a bit hard of hearing and I may've mistook what was being asked of me." "Apart from that, I can't write." "(Judge) Mr Paynter... there has been reference to Captain Poldark saying when he banged on your door there would be pickings for all." "If your hearing has improved, Mr Paynter, you will understand that this means his intent was to despoil the ship." "Did he or did he not say it?" " No, sir, I said it." " (Crowd cheering)" "(Gavel bangs)" "What will you take on an acquittal, George?" " The witness's statement..." " Yes, I have read it." "It must be obvious that either perjury has been committed or that corruption has taken place!" " It'll be looked into!" " (Crowd quietens) ln the meantime, the jury cannot form an opinion on the present witness's testimony." " l therefore instruct..." " It be the truth!" "Have that woman...!" "I pray you, be quiet, ma'am." "I therefore instruct the jury to disregard the evidence of the last witness and that it be struck out." "The witness may leave the dock." "(Crowd muttering)" "The last witness having been called... culprit, do you wish to address the court?" "No, my lord." "Say something, for God's sake." "At least ask for clemency - and do it courteously." "My lord, my counsel has advised me to say something on my own behalf." "It must be a great relief that you're taking notice of him at last." "I won't ask for clemency - l need none." "We all need clemency - from God, Captain." "But you are not God, sir." "And neither is this court." " Captain Poldark..." " l admitted that I did rouse the village and that when I boarded the ship I carried a line." "We rescued the crew and looked after them." "It may be that the learned counsel, and yourself, my lord, do not know what happens here when a wreck is blown ashore." "People come from far and wide." "Some to help, some to watch." "Two widows in my parish would not be widows if their husbands had not tried to rescue shipwrecked sailors." "(Crowd mutter in agreement) I don't know what happened after I left the beach but if they took cargo and used it to feed their children, better they should have it than let it rot." "(Cheering)" "(Banging gavel) I would not insult your intelligence by asking for clemency in the face of lies told by witnesses who've been privately purchased to voice these slanders." "You mustn't make such statements in a court of the king." "I have just made it, my lord." "I plead not guilty to everything else." " (Cheering) - (Judge) Silence in court!" "(Banging gavel)" "Gentlemen of the jury, this is a very difficult case." "The prisoner stands before you on three charges - of causing riot, of wrecking and of leading an assault on officers of the crown." "You may find him guilty on all charges or on any one." "He pleads mitigating circumstances with regard to the removal of the cargo with which you may feel sympathy." "However even if he wasn't there, and we have no proof he wasn't, by his statement he has admitted an element of guilt - to condone a felony is to be equally guilty of it!" "Now, gentlemen... let me take you through the evidence." " How long do you think they'll take?" " l don't know." " l've never been in a court." " Nor I." "Never thought I would." "Oh, why didn't he just..." "He turned them all against himself." "Why didn't he just say things quietly?" "If the judge is an honest man, he may understand." "I'm sure he will." ""Annie Taylor, died aged 90."" "Perhaps she'll lend me a flower for luck." "The jury are coming in." "Now, do you want to come back?" "I can't not be with him now, can I?" " l didn't get asked." " You shall in turn." "He'll come see you today." "The bet's off, George." "They can't look at him." "It's evens on hanging." "Ten to one on transportation." "I'll take it." "(Gavel taps)" "Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict?" "We have, my lord." " Not guilty." " Not guilty?" " On all three counts." " Not guilty?" "Father, are you going deaf?" "You told me we had witnesses." "Bought and reliable." "We bought fools." " You bought fools." " (Rings bell)" "We bought them, Father." "And the prosecuting counsel, who it seems couldn't get a conviction on even one count." " Sir?" " Bring Mr George his dinner." " l'm not hungry." " He's not hungry." "Get out!" "Yes, sir." " How much did we spend?" " In all, 180 guineas." "God save us." " Any recoverable?" " No, it'll all be spent by now." "Not guilty!" "180 guineas and not guilty." "The prosecuting counsel from London and not guilty!" "12 pig-headed fools for a jury, an incorruptible judge, and Jud Paynter, who changed his evidence at the last moment." "The judge discounted it but the jury heard." " Was he paid?" " 15 before, 15 after." " And changed his evidence?" " At the very last minute." "So that man owes us 15 guineas, doesn't he?" "Yah!" "Eh!" "Yah!" "(Slurring) Hey!" "Hey, bloody d-dog!" "Very pleasing verdict, my boy." "A very pleasing verdict." "Yes." "Better than transportation to the wretched antipodes." "Why aren't you overjoyed?" "I'd be happier if I'd been allowed to say what I wanted to say." "Ho ho!" "Damned good job you weren't." "They'd have needed a big gibbet to hang a man as tall as you!" " Are you all right?" " Yes." "Well, at least you're here and free." "Back in the bosom of your family, dear boy." "Ready to pick up the reins again." "Your houses, children to come, et cetera." "Not children." "I don't need any more responsibility." "Or fodder for the epidemics." "We're buttering no parsnips dwelling on it." " Poldark's had the advantage." " This time." "Don't do that, George!" "Not when I'm thinking." "Calm yourself." "You're not usually so heated." "So has his cousin, Francis Poldark, had too much advantage." " How do you mean?" " He insulted me in public." " l'd like to see both Poldarks go down." " Francis is no problem." "Call in his mortgage." "No." "No." "Someone else would be hurt." "Someone?" "What someone?" "Never mind, Father." "Let's concentrate on Ross Poldark." "Then let us do it in a businesslike way." "Heading..." ""Ross Pol...dark."" "On the left..." ""Assets."" "On the right..." ""Lack of Assets."" "If we're going to defeat him, Iet's do it to our advantage." "Now... under assets, what would you put there?" "His shares in the mine." "Shares in the mine." "That's where we can snare him." "He's gonna have to sell to survive." "There are more ways of killing a cat than hanging it, George." "And show a profit on it." "Not like your witnesses." "Hey." "(Shouting incoherently)" "Will you stop the coach a moment, please?" "Whoa-ho." "Whoa." "Good day, Captain." "Ma'am." "What are you doing here, Jud?" " Walking home, Captain." " It's a long walk." "No other way." "Got no horse." "Well, I expect you'll get there by tomorrow." "Drive on, coachman." "(Coachman) Go on." "Go on." "Walk on." " Ross, he did help..." " Shh." "All right, Jud." "Get aboard." "Oh, that's rare kind of you, sir." "No, inside." "I want to talk to you." " Hello, doggy!" " Hey, get away from him!" " Bleedin' varmint." " Is it yours?" "My lord, never is." "Don't know whose it is." "Been following and plaguing me these last three miles." " Out!" " No, let it stay!" "It be lost." "Damn it, dear boy, did you have to?" "To travel alone is bad enough but having to sit and rock about in what smells like a moving bear pit for another six miles at this speed is more than the human body can stand." " Did you walk to Bodmin, Jud?" " No, sir." "How did you get there then?" "I was tooken, sir." "In a coach." " Who paid for that?" " Don't know, sir." " Do you know who might have paid?" " No, sir." "Remember, my boy, that although the judge ordered" "Master Paynter's evidence to be struck out, its very nature may have influenced the case your way." " Well, at least you told the truth." " And we're very grateful to you." "It was just the facts, ma'am." "Get up in that box..." "it's like talking to God." "I was being seen through, as you might say." "What have you been doing since you left us?" "Bit of this, bit of that." "Can't you find anyone to employ you?" "Not regular, sir." "I can't say I'm surprised." "No, sir." "(Softly) Ross." "Go on." "What would you say if I offered you and Prudie your old jobs back?" "Prudie and me... our old jobs back?" "I'd say you were a saintly man, sir." "Yes, well, you must continue to live in the village, mind your tongue and be careful on the drink, understand?" "Aye, sir." "Giddup." " (Mooing)" " Come on." " Fair price, Captain?" " Yes." "Thank you." "Good luck, Captain." "Yeah." "Thou shall need it." "What are we gonna farm with now?" "We've got almost nothing left." "You've sold it all!" "We need the money, Jud." "You can't farm without stock." "Three cows and two horses." "And them not even ploughing horses!" "We can borrow a ploughing team." "When 'tis ploughing time, people use their horses." "How can you farm without stock?" "Plant money in the ground, master, it don't yield no barley." "It don't give no milk neither!" "There's enough to keep us going." "For how long?" "Jud's right!" "What are we gonna live on?" "Not a very difficult diagnosis." " l think you know the result yourself." " Yes." " You're with child." " Yes, I know." "Doesn't that please you?" "It would please me if it were some other time." "Don't tell Ross, please." "Why not?" "He doesn't want any more responsibilities." "He's got too much on his shoulders." "But he will know in a short time." "Yes, but not until he's able to deal with things." "What with the trial and Julia dying, and now nothing but debts, I can't tell him anything that might distress him." "He is not the only one to be cared for." "It is you who are carrying the child." "Say nothing." "Please." " How's it working out?" " Hm?" "How do we stand?" "We're a little down." "We might just manage." "Pascoe says he'll extend, so that'll help." "Will we be able to manage?" "I've no intention of letting either of us go under." " It'll take hard work." " l'll work." "You always do." "It may be I... won't be able to do it for long." "Hm?" "Nothing." "Can't we borrow?" "No, I'm over-borrowed already." "And in four months' time, I have to find 400/o interest on f1 ,OOO." " Will you be able to?" " Possibly." "With luck." "Ross, how much longer will this go on?" "Who can say?" "Till we find some way of making more money." "Till times change." "Don't you worry." "You look tired." "Go to bed." " You coming?" " l have to finish this." "I must talk to you sometime." " You can talk to me." " Not when you're working." "Will you ever stop working long enough?" " Dr Enys." " Ma'am?" "You must know, of course, that Ross and my husband are not entirely on the best of terms." "I had heard of it, yes." " Do you see them often?" " From time to time." "My husband is anxious - very anxious - that this quarrel should come to an end." "He would like to regain good relations with them both and so would I." "We are neighbours and we are relations." "It's absurd..." "My husband feels it very deeply." "Ma'am?" "He has tried, I know, but Ross is proud." "I wondered if I could prevail upon you..." "Anything I can do, willingly, but what?" "Well, Francis - no, we would both - be very happy if they would call on us sometime." "But it's a little difficult for us to ask them..." "And you would like me to give them an invitation?" "I would be very grateful but... say it was Francis who asked." "I'm not sure how Ross now regards me but do assure him that Francis...and I still have a great love for him." "(Approaching hooves)" "Dr Enys, sir." "Jud." "Would it be asking too much if I were to walk back with you to me cottage?" " It is only half a mile." " l know, sir." "But there's men following me." "Footpaths." " You mean footpads?" " That's right, sir, footpaths." " Are you drunk?" " No, sir." "Why would men rob you?" "Are you carrying money?" "I reckon it'd be more like murder be in their minds, sir." " Don't be absurd, man." " 'Tain't absurd." "Can I walk wi' you, sir?" "They're back there!" "Very well." "Come along." " There!" "Right, sir." " Hold it." "Right, Jud, take it outside and cool it off." "Aye, sir." "Prudie's complaining you're cluttering up her kitchen." "Since when did Prudie love work so well?" "Oh, Dwight called when you were at the barn." "Said Francis and Elizabeth want us to call." " Oh." " Well, what shall I tell him?" "We've not time to save ourselves from ruin, let alone pay social calls." "I thought you were on better terms now?" "I wasn't aware the terms were better or worse." "Well, I think they're trying to make up the quarrel." " What shall I tell him?" " Tell him what you like." "If you want to go, then I suppose we must." "Where are you going?" "You're not the only one that works here, you know!" "I reckon it's right for holding now." "Right." "It's too late for planting that lower field now." " We'll let it lie fallow." " 'Twas fallow last year." "It'll be fallow again this." "It'll do it no harm." "'Tain't much income from fallow fields, sir." "When I wasn't working for you, I was working on and off for this other chap." "I reckon he might be able to put a bit of business in your way." "What kind of business?" "I reckon he'd rather discuss that with you." "But I know you'd be interested." "In what?" "Shall I tell him to come and talk with ee, sir?" "If it's business." "Who is he?" "Do I know him?" "I don't think so, sir." "Name of Mr Trencrom, sir." "Sound man of business." "In his way of business." "And what is his way of business?" "Best for him to tell you that, sir." "They've got to use the fire, we ain't got no forge." " They got no right..." " It's cheaper than the blacksmith." "Oh, well, if he don't want no dinner." "And we're out of pig meat." "Well, get Jud to kill another." "Sell half and salt half." "Use your head, Prudie." "That's what you're here for." "Out again, are we, ma'am?" "Ain't nothing to do with you." "I wouldn't go rowing if I were ee." "Been sickening for something." "No, I ain't, and mind your own business." " Why don't you tell him?" " Tell him what?" "What are you trying..." "What you do in the afternoons." "Because he'd try and stop me." "He's got too much pride to let his wife try and help." "You make sure he don't find out!" "Well, he's going to notice there's a deal of fish being eaten here." "And that you can't keep it down." "Mother, Demelza, if the gentlemen will excuse us." "Don't quarrel with the Warleggans." "Very influential." "Take care." "Yes, Mother-in-law." "Have you been quarrelling with the Warleggans?" "Oh, I had an argument with George the night before your trial." " What about?" " Just the fact that I don't like him." "Good enough reason." " They'll own all Cornwall soon." " They'll try." "Tell me, are they still trying to buy you out of Wheal Leisure?" " They've been trying for years." " Will you sell?" "Not unless I have to." "Then only to put the money into something that will show profit." "Well, have you got anything in mind?" "Yes, I think I have." "Excuse me, sir, but there be a man here asking for Dr Enys." "Someone's been taken ill, sir." "Tell them to be ill on a more convenient night." "No, no, I must go." "How is it that people always know where to find you?" "Because I leave word where l am to be found." "You must be the most accommodating doctor I know." "This isn't another epidemic of the morbid sore throat, is it?" "No, it's more likely to be scorbutus." "Scorbutus?" "What the devil's that?" "A form of scurvy." "Please thank Elizabeth for the food and hospitality." " Oh, yes." " Good night." " Where is it?" " The man is from Kilwarren." "Scurvy at Kilwarren!" " Good night." " (Ross) Good night, Dwight." "Good night, Ross." "Thank you for coming tonight, Ross." "We've enjoyed it." "I'm glad that... the anger is over." "is it over?" "Yes, it's over." "Demelza told me you came to Bodmin for the trial and offered her kindness." "Yes, well, she was very kind to me." "She was very kind to me when she... when she nursed me and when your...when your child..." "Francis, let the past belong to the past." "Thank you." "But what of the future?" "You said you had something in mind." "A possibility." "No more." "But will you tell me?" "What is it this time, Miss Penvenen?" "Has Horace got a cough?" "No." "It's me this time." " What appears to be the matter?" " It's my throat." "Excuse me." "Erm, bend your head forward, please." "Let me see your hands." "My uncle tells me there's an epidemic of scor..." "scar..." "Scorbutus." "Yes." "And that people are dying from it." "I doubt you have scorbutus, ma'am." "Scorbutus is a disease of poverty caused by lack of food and fresh citrus fruit." "Open your mouth, please." "There is a famine in the county." "The miners are out of work so cannot afford fresh fruit." "But I doubt you have that problem." "Then what is wrong with me?" "Open your mouth once again, please." "Do you remember when Keren was murdered?" " Keren?" " Keren Daniel." "Her husband killed her for cuckolding him." "She was in love with Dwight Enys." "I remember her being killed but I didn't know about Dwight." "That's how it was." "When Mark found out, he strangled her." "Oh, yes, I remember that." "Well, Mark hid down Wheal Grace while the soldiers were searching for him." "He was there nearly two days until I helped him get to France." "He said while he was down there, he'd seen a huge lode of unmined copper." "What?" "But everybody knows Wheal Grace was played out years ago." "Apparently not so." "Mark was a very experienced miner." " He'd know copper when he saw it." " So?" "Well, I know it's a gamble but I'd like to reopen Wheal Grace if I can find the capital." "You have to put money in before you take any out." "Oh, cousin, I know how much mining costs." "Grambler closed because I couldn't afford to look for new lodes." "Although you have money put by?" "But not enough to reopen Grambler." "I wish it was." "Keep very still, please." "(Coughs) ls it very serious?" "Probably more painful than serious." "What did you eat last night?" " Soup, beef." " Fish?" " Yes." " It was badly filleted." "A fish bone." "(Chuckling) I thought I was going to die." "No." "However, remain in bed for a day or so until the swelling subsides." "And to make sure there is no infection you must be attended." " At what time will you call?" " Dr Choake is your uncle's doctor." " l will acquaint him..." " l don't want Dr Choake." "He is your uncle's physician." "I ethically cannot... I can choose my own doctor." "And I want you... as my doctor." "Then you must notify Dr Choake." "He will be informed first thing in the morning." "At what time will you call?" "If you insist, ma'am, shall we say midday?" "Francis has gone for the horses." "Yes." "I'm afraid my mother has trapped Demelza a moment." "My mother can be a very boring woman." "You're looking well." " So are you." " Thank you." "I think I begin to feel a little old." "Nonsense." "Ross, it would make Francis very happy if you and he..." "Yes, I know." "He would dearly like for things to be as they were once before." "I have told him that for my part, I see no reason why they shouldn't be." "I'm glad." "Tell me, before my trial, Francis offered me financial assistance." "If he has money, why doesn't he spend it on the household or on you?" "It's a special sum, f600." "The Warleggans gave it to him as repayment for their cousin cheating him at cards." "I think he wants to use it in a special way." "Your marriage seems so happy." "Is it?" "I wonder if anyone is ever truly happy." "I do begin to feel old." "I'm a lot older than when I first met you." "And I think I begin to look old too." "Then that mirror is a liar." "(Demelza) Mirrors always are." " You ride too fast in the dark." " l wanted to get home." " If your horse had stumbled..." " l've got a good horse, I'm a good rider." " Has something upset you?" " Why should it have done?" " It was your idea to accept..." " l had a very pleasant evening." "Something has upset you." "They may be poor but she's able to wear a beautiful dress." "I think she's had it for some time." "Do you remember it from somewhere?" " You have dresses I remember!" " Are you still in love with her?" "Of course not!" "She's an old friend." " l think she's still in love with you." " No!" "It's the past." "Sometimes it comes back." "Oh, I know that. I know that." " What is the matter..." " Nothing!" "Just get on with your books!" "What did you mean, "ls anyone ever truly happy?" l used to think we were!" "Aren't we?" "To put it as simply as possible," "Nicholas and George Warleggan have been making offers for shares in Wheal Leisure and have been successful." " Who's sold?" " Erm, Mr Renfrew," "Dr Choake, Mr Gillespie, Jeffries, Odgers and Whitworth." "So only Mr Treneglos, Captain Henshawe and myself are left." "The Warleggans have made offers for all other shares." "Well... what is the situation?" " Well, Mr Treneglos..." " l want to sell." "Copper's high and I can get a good price." "Normally, I wouldn't." "But I need capital as we all do and copper's fickle." "Mr Treneglos's sale would give the Warleggans 520/o of the holdings." "They would then be the major shareholders." "We felt you and Captain Henshawe should be given the first opportunity of making an offer for Mr Treneglos's shares." "I can't afford it, as you well know." " Can you?" " No." " l assure you, Poldark..." " Business is business." "I must point out it puts you in an untenable position, Ross." " Neither of you would have any say." " l realise that." " What are they offering?" " 50/o over." " Is that a good price?" " Very handsome, sir." "Then you must advise me." "You hold my shares against my debt to you and Mr Pearce." "Do you want to sell?" "I need the money just as Mr Treneglos does." "I don't want to sit with the Warleggans." "For what do you need the money?" "Business or debts?" " For what money is used for." " Ross." "A moment. I think Mr Pearce and I would agree, provided the money is used as an investment to protect our interest." "I want to be fair to us all." "I understand your sentiments, sir, and appreciate them." "I believe I have found an investment." "So you can tell the Warleggans that I will sell but for 80/o over, not a penny less." "Ah, do I find ye alone, ma'am?" "No, Sir Hugh." "Prudie's about." "Send her on an errand." "I know your husband ain't here cos l saw him riding to Truro." "Damn me if the sight of your bare arms covered in flour don't drive me mad!" " Like a delicious pie!" " Don't be silly, Sir Hugh." " Your husband owes me f50." " Owes you?" "I bet on him getting transportation at the assizes." "I might have got you to meself then." "Well, you wouldn't and you deserve to lose your money." "Send the woman away and come and sit on my lap." " l'm working." " Let the woman do the work." " Let's trot upstairs..." " Sir Hugh!" "Oh, I beg your pardon, ma'am." " Oh, bread, eh?" " Come in, Prudie." "You can gut the fish." "Thank you for calling." "Sorry my husband isn't at home." "It was really you, ma'am, that I wanted to see." "One of me mares has gone lame." "John Trevaunance tells me you cured his cow of whiptail." "I bethought me you might come over, have a look at my beast." " Can it walk?" " In a manner of speaking." "Then walk it here one day and I'll gladly look at it." "I'll see if it can make the journey." "(Stifles laughter)" "My regards to your husband, ma'am." "(Prudie chuckles)" "Get on with your work, Prudie." "And don't use a rusty knife." " Sir." " Yes." "We've been looking for Dr Enys' house." "I am Dr Enys." "That is my house up on the headland." "Why?" "These are for you." "I haven't ordered anything." "Are you sure?" "Dr Enys, The Lodge, Nampara Estate." " What are they?" " Fresh oranges, sir." " Unshipped at Falmouth this morning." " Oranges?" "Let me see." "Well, I haven't ordered any oranges." "Who sent them?" "It doesn't say, sir." "Would you show us where we should unload 'em?" "Aye." "(Owl hoots)" "Good boy, come on." "Good boy." "That's a good boy." "(Jud) Master..." "Can I see to your horse for you, sir?" "What are you doing here this late?" "He's come to see you, sir." "Who?" "Mr Trencrom, sir." "At this time of night?" "Mr Trencrom's hours of business is any hours that suits him." "He do a lot of business after dark." "Prudie's put him in the parlour, sir." "Ah, Captain Poldark." "Mr Trencrom." "Please, don't get up." "Can I offer you a glass of something?" "Oh, I never touch it, sir." "Your charming wife was kind enough to make me a dish of tea." "The, er..." "The news from France is depressing." "The Times gives one little hope at the moment." "Mirabeau and his government appear in a parlous state." "However, I didn't come here at this time of night to discuss politics, did I?" "Of course not." "Purpose one, to inquire after your affairs and if they prosper." "Purpose two, to speak of mine." "What are your affairs, Mr Trencrom?" " You don't know?" " l know nothing of you at all." "I was told you wish to speak with me on business." "I'm a dealer, sir." "Have I got anything that you and I can deal in?" " l don't think you take my meaning." " No." "But you haven't been clear." "I deal... in imported articles, without tax, Captain." "You mean smuggling." "I prefer to think of it as a protest against excessive taxation, which also shows a small profit." "A solitary way of looking at it since it is to your advantage." "Mine is a commercial undertaking, not like your cheap-jack runs." "I have overheads, wages, deliveries to maintain, equipment to buy, expenses to pay to people who assist us." "Why are you telling this to me?" "I've had the devil's own luck of late." "All my old landing places seem known to the excise." "Troublesome and worrisome." "What I need is somewhere new, never been used before." "A navigable inlet... about the size of your Nampara Cove." "Mr Trencrom, I think you must have made a mistake." " l have recently stood trial..." " l know about that... ..for something that I did not do." "But that won't prevent the excise men watching..." "Don't you worry about them, Captain." "I'll look after them." "You wouldn't be involved." "All you would have to do is draw your curtains...at f80 a run." "You want me to risk being hanged for f80?" "We're only discussing it, Captain." "There's room for manoeuvre." "How often?" "Difficult to say." "Four, five, six times a year." "I'll think about it." "But for not less than 150." "Captain Poldark, you are a businessman." "Do you want to take my profit out of it?" " 90." " 100." "Think of my neck, Mr Trencrom." "We might consider 100." " What do you say?" " l'll think about it." "Thank you for calling, Mr Trencrom." "Prudie!" "Thank you for receiving me, Captain." "And please thank your dear wife for the tea." "Mr Trencrom is leaving now, Prudie." "Yes, sir." "This way, sir." "Good night, Captain." "Whichever way you decide, Jud Paynter can carry a message." "(Bird squawking)" "So now the Warleggans own Wheal Leisure... lock, stock and Captain Henshawe." " Who else has sold?" " l have." "Why?" "Cos I'll be damned if I'll be a Warleggan lapdog." "And I can use the money better elsewhere." " At Wheal Grace?" " Yes." "They must have paid you a handsome price." "Very handsome." "Which makes us both recipients of the Warleggan largesse." "Now, it seems to me that since they've been so generous we should repay them in some way." "Preferably by making that money work against them." "Francis?" "I'm sorry, I don't understand." "Will you sink your capital with mine in Wheal Grace?" "Are you asking me to become a partner?" "Yes, I am." "Will you join me?" "Well, I can't think of anything I'd like better but... I'm sorry, it's rather taken my breath away." "Are you sure that's what you want?" "If I hadn't wanted it, I shouldn't have suggested it." "No, I suppose not." "God, what a strange world." " l should be very pleased." " Good." "Here's to it." "Wheal Grace." "But since you've sold your shares, what are you going to do for income?" "Wheal Grace won't bring us any return for months." "No." "But I do have certain other arrangements in hand." " Where did you get these donkeys?" " Farmer Gillespie." "Same as usual." "Tell him if he sends such rubbish again, he'll lose his income or get his ricks burned down." "Whichever he pleases." "Er, master..." "He do be waiting for a message." "He be a dangerous man if he be crossed, sir." "Let him wait." "He won't be crossed." "It's not dark yet." "You got any milking to do?" "Make certain 'tis all ashore before you part with any money." " Aye, sir." " Has Mr Jago seen to the excise men?" "Aye, sir." "The patrol's over at St Agnes." "The cutter, he be ten miles down." "Where do we land, sir?" "We're waiting for a message, Master Martin." " l'll tell you when and where." " Yes, sir." "I got to tell him something, sir, one way or the other." "Tell him I'll draw my curtains." "But I want 110 and I want it in advance." "Any more suggestions from you and I'll flay your skin off." " It was only what he said, sir." " He may have done." "But tell him, no more than 100 in future." " Where is she?" " Sighted, sir." "Laying off till dark." "Signal them to Nampara Cove." "When it's ashore and stacked, come to Truro." " You know where to find me." " Yes, sir." "110, sir." "What time does he want me to draw the curtains?" "About now, I reckon." "Right." "You can get off home..." "or wherever you're going." "# Oh, don't deceive me" "# Oh, never leave me" "# How could you... #" " Ross, look who's here." " Dwight!" "Sorry, I didn't know." "I would've come in earlier." " l should apologise for intruding so late." " You're always welcome." "I've been meaning to call for days but I've been uncommonly busy." "You wouldn't know why, I suppose?" " No." " You're not dealing in oranges?" "Oranges?" "What the devil would I want with oranges?" "Well, someone has delivered 12 sacks to me obviously to distribute around the villages." " l thought it was you." " No, not me." "Well, who the devil can it be?" " Why oranges?" " To relieve the scurvy." " The juice contains..." " Ah, yes." "(Plays tune) lf you'll excuse me, I must go." " (Both) No!" " Stay a while." "It's not that late." "Take a glass of wine with us." "Are you sure I'm not intruding?" "Of course not." "We have little enough company these days." "12 sacks, you say?" "That must be a great number of oranges." "(Braying)" "Ross, it isn't safe for him to go yet." "It is." "They'll be on the beach by now." "By the time they start back, he'll be home." "How often is this going to happen?" "As often as is necessary until we have enough to live on." " Every penny counts, you know that." " Your life counts." " If the excise runners find out..." " They won't." "Besides, all I am doing is closing my curtains at a proper time." "Trust me!" "Trencrom knows his business." "Here she comes." "Right, lads." "Mr Trencrom told me to ask you if you brought any Geneva." "Yes, ten casks in t'other boat." "Right, lads, let's go." "(Woman) Don't try to attack me." "I'm holding a gun." "I had no intention of attacking you, Miss Penvenen." "I was merely on my way home." "Oh, it's you." "Yes, and do please lower the pistol." "They are dangerous." "My horse has gone lame." "I've been walking for an hour." "Well, we can walk them both home." "It's not far." "Come on." "I doubt whether you'll be needing it." "Unless, of course, youlre nervous in my company." "No." "Come on. (Clicks tongue)" " Where are you coming from?" " A friend of my uncle's." " l left when it was light..." " (Braying)" " ..but Epidaurus caught a hoof..." " Shh!" "Shh!" " (Braying)" " In there!" "Quickly!" "(Softly) Come on, come on!" "(Clicks tongue) Come on." "Nampara." "He must have lost his reason." " Who?" " Get down!" "Ow!" "What are you do...?" "Trust me, ma'am, you are not in London now." "Go on, get up." "Ross, do you reckon they be finished yet?" "Possibly." "Well, I haven't heard anything for ten minutes." "Then it's probably all over." " Why don't you go to bed?" " Ooh, not till I be sure." "Oh, I know you do think I worry for no reason." "But luck don't last forever and we've had a lot of luck since you were took to trial." "All right, so this time nothing went amiss." "But what about the next?" "(Smashing)" "# The fly, the fly, the fly be on the turmut" "# 'Tis all me eye for l to try" "# To keep 'em off the turmut" "# The fly, the fly" "# 'Tis all me eye for l to try... #" "Master Paynter." "Ah, Mr Garth." "Nice to see you, sir." "Nice to see you, Master Paynter." "We've been trying to see you this last three month or so." "Ah, that's real kind of you, sir." "If it be about the money..." "Oh, it's not the money, Master Paynter." "It's the principle of the matter." "(Jud) Eh..." "(Grumbles)" " Who are you?" " l'm a friend of his." "You told me you were my friend." "I am." "And now we will discuss friendship, Master Paynter." "Firstly, if you accept money for doing something you must do it." " (Groans)" " And you did not." "Secondly, you've caused your friends trouble, which has distressed them," " which has also distressed us." " (Jud) Please!" "Which we do not like." "Explain the matter to Master Paynter." "(Thrashing and groaning)" " No!" " They found him lying in the lane," "Ezekiel and Sid Bunt." "He'd been set upon by villains." "(Sobs) No." "(Sobbing)" "Jud." "Jud Paynter." "What have you done now?" "He's died, ma'am." "Dead?" "He was attacked." "God knows who by." "Apparently he's dead." "I must go and see Prudie." "C'mon!" "He were one of the best, master, one of the best." "We did have our ups and downs like most folk but he were one of the best." "And now he be dead." "Oh, it isn't fair nor right, sir." "I'm very sorry, Prudie." "That's kind of you, sir, but... nothing will bring him back to me." "I think we'll all miss him." "Poor old varmint." "Don't nail him down till all his friends has seed him." "When's the funeral, Prudie?" "Demelza and I would both like to come." "Why, that be kind of ee, Captain Ross, and your good lady." " l've known Jud since I was a boy." " Still, it be good of ee." " We be burying him come Thursday." " We'll both be here." "We've got to give him a proper send-off with a ham and a bit of a spread." "He'd have wanted to go like that." " If you need any money..." " No." "He did have money, sir." "He did have money I knew nothing about." "He had 15 guineas in his baccy pouch." "15 guineas?" "Where would Jud get 15 guineas?" "I don't know, sir." "He never told me nothing about it but... I'm gonna use it to give him a good send-off." "He'd have wanted burying proper, a fitting going, and that's what we'll give him." "If I were you, I'd put the money aside to live on." " Keep you well and clothed." " Oh, no, sir, no." "No, he'd have wanted it proper and that's what it'll be." "Are you mad?" " It wasn't intended, Father." " That's neither here nor there." "How in the devil's name did you get us into this mess?" "Trying to recover your money." "Money's one thing, murder's another." "In the second place..." "Why do we have to keep on going over and over it?" "Constable Vage be only doing his duty, my dear." "He do keep on reminding me." "Villains have done it, anyone knows that." "We all do know that villains have done it." "What we be trying to find out is who they are." "We don't know, do we?" "And if we did we'd tell ee, wouldn't we?" "If ee don't see that, thee be more of a fool than I thought." " Poor Jud." " Poor Prudie." "Poor they may be but who are they?" " They work for us, husband and wife." " Well, so-called husband and wife." "Shouldn't speak ill of the dead." "No, I wasn't speaking ill of the dead." "I was very fond of Jud." "And Prudie." " They smelt so, both of them." " They sound delightful." "Oh, no, he wasn't as dreadful as all that." "He was certainly a rogue but he wasn't a bad one." "Remember, Ross, up in the tors when we were boys?" "The great fishing expedition." "He took us up the river to catch trout." "We'd walked for nearly two hours, then he discovered he'd forgotten the nets." " He hadn't forgotten the cider." " So what did he do?" "He took off all his clothes apart from his underwear and he lay down in the river and taught us how to tickle trout to catch them." "He caught six!" "How did he die, this poacher?" "He was attacked and murdered in a lane not far from here." "Murdered?" "Who by?" " No one knows." " He was afraid of someone." "Of being attacked." "He stopped me the other night and asked me to walk him home," " said he was being followed." " Did he say by whom?" " No, he was rather secretive." " Did he carry much money?" "From what I remember he never carried more than the price of a drink." "I think he might have had that night." "Prudie told me that she found 15 guineas in his tobacco pouch." "15 guineas?" "Where the devil did he get that?" " God knows." " Can't you guess?" "And they wanted it back." " It was only 15 guineas." " It was murder!" "There's nothing to associate us with the death of Master Paynter." "That man Garth may talk." "He wouldn't dare." " Where are you going?" " To bed." "You're no pleasure to be with when you're worrying." "We shall have to get Garth out of the county." "Which will cost us money!" "Your blundering, George, comes hard on my pocket." "The death of a drunken fool will hardly cause a hue and cry over the whole county." "He was nobody." "He won't even be missed." "Never ee fear, Prudie, ma'am, we'll catch the villains that did it." "We'll find them and we'll hang 'em from the highest tree." "You name the tree, ma'am, and we'll hang 'em from it, on account of your untimely loss." "My poor husband." "Cut off in his prime." "Don't think I can finish me pudding." "I'm meeting Pearce and Pascoe next week about reopening Wheal Grace." " Can you come?" " Yes, surely." "Ross, I don't want this venture to go the same way as all the others, into the pocket of the Warleggans." "It won't." "We'll make this one hard and fast." "is Mr Trevaunance enjoying Parliament?" "Indeed." "He writes of nothing else." "His letters say he enjoys himself greatly." "I hear his majority at Bodmin is somewhat reduced." " Indeed it was, to nothing." " Sorry, I don't understand." "It was a tie between him and another candidate." "Poor Unwin was quite put out." "What?" "In spite of all the money his brother gave to help him win?" "Unwin says it wasn't enough." "If he got no majority how is it he's in Parliament?" "Apparently, being the sitting member gave him some advantage." "He merely resumed his seat and has refused to budge!" " Shall we continue in the other room?" " Indeed." "Go straight through." "Elizabeth, show Demelza through." "Miss Penvenen." "Might I speak with you before we go in?" "Certainly, Dr Enys." "About what?" "I have had...some oranges delivered." "How interesting!" "I have a recipe for orange ice. I will send it to you." " How many do you have?" "A dozen?" " No." "Twelve sacks." "Heavens!" "That will make a lot of orange ice." "Miss Penvenen, I am being serious." "Oh." "Then I will sit down..." "Dr Enys." "(Whooping)" "(Raucous laughter)" "Friends!" "Friends!" "(Hush descends)" "Friends, this be a sad moment in our lives." "I think it beholds us to take it serious." "Among our many memories of times past, pleasures had, this, that and the other, we did ought to remember the vacant chair." "The emp..." "That chair, where our departed brother, Jud Paynter, did used to sit." " God bless his soul." " (All) Amen." "Friends... to our departed, beloved brother." "(All) Our departed, beloved brother." "Dr Enys, if you don't come to the point, our friends will think we have eloped." " l'm merely trying to say..." " Then please do say it." "I mentioned to very few people that the disease scorbutus is caused by the lack of fresh fruit." "One person was Ross and you were another." "I know from Ross that he didn't send me any oranges." "Then might it not have been one of the other very few people?" "Exactly. I believe it was you." "Why on earth should you think that, Dr Enys?" "Because none of the other people could have afforded such an extravagant gesture." "Was it you?" " Yes." " Why?" "Because I could afford it." "Money should have some use and I saw some use for it." "It was...very good of you." "No, not entirely." "Maybe I had a selfish motive." "Perhaps I didn't want you to think I was just a frivolous person." "I never really thought you were." "At least no more than your youth allowed." "That is a disability l can't help, Doctor." "However, time, I understand, is a great cure for it." "Now, we must join the others or they will begin to discuss us." "And I don't want ee to upset yourselves about me." "I don't want ee to feel... that ee have to concern yourselves about me in my... my deep grief." "Cos my husband, my dear Jud, he was to me a whited sepulchre." "The light, he was, and... the pleasure through the whole of my married life." "It's gone!" "What has?" "The brandy?" "No." "The corpse!" "It be gone!" "He been spirited away." "Body snatchers, that be what it is." "There be body snatchers working here." " Who'd want a body like his?" " For medical studies." "Though 'tis my belief a lot of them end up in pies." "(Gasps)" "Someone'd need a rare set of teeth for old Jud, he were like a bit of leather." "No, these be criminals who do make their living from it." "What be we going to do?" "Take immediate action." "(Door opening)" "Glass of brandy." "(Wind howling)" "Glass of brandy!" "We be c-closed." "(Growls)" "What be the matter with everyone tonight?" "Now, the people we be looking for be wearing smart clothes." "Probably they be coming from London." "All right?" " l do beg ye pardon, sir." " Not at all, sir." "Be a lot of people about tonight." "There be a hideous crime committed." "Ahhh, ahh, 'tis a rare terrible world we do live in, sir." "(Tuneless, slurred singing) # O for a heart" "# To praise my God" "# A heart from sin set free" " # A heart that always - (Door opening)" " (Wind howling) - # Feels thy blood... #" "(Music stops)" "Oh...oh." "(Screams)" "What's all this about, then?" "(Screams)" " No!" " (Women screaming)" " Ready?" " Almost." "Come along, then." "This could be rather a painful morning for everybody." "(Demelza) Prudie!" " Yes, ma'am?" " What on earth are you doing here?" "Tidying up, master." "But ain't you going to the funeral?" " No, ma'am." " Why not?" "Cos there ain't going to be one." "He ain't dead." "Prudie." "What do you mean he's not dead?" "I saw him." "That's as may be, master, but he did make a miracle recovery, rot his black heart." "But Prudie, that's wonde_ul." "I don't think it be, ma'am, not in the mood he be in." "Well, how was I to know he was going to come back?" "And I was spending the money on him." "Oh!" "Ooh, get away from it!" "Leave me be!" "Can't a man have some peace?" "Walked away from the Lord God, then, eh, Jud?" "If you don't leave me be I'll send you there!" " How did it happen?" " l truly don't know, Ross, but I doubt in Jud's case it is a miracle." "Don't keep him too long." "Being a phenomenon means he gets little rest." " Hello, Jud." " Ah, Cap'n." "You look a deal better than before." "I'm beginning to wish I were dead." "We all thought you were." "With God's help I soon will be." "Look at them!" " Get off!" " (Crashing)" "They been here all day and all last night like I be a picture." "Get off home, will you?" "!" "Oh, it be a hard life, Cap'n." "Thank God it do last no longer than a lifetime or I couldn't live through it." "What did ee say to the Archangel Gabriel at the gates, eh, Jud?" "I'll bet ee had a tale to tell him!" "Go to the devil!" "How did it happen, Jud?" "I wish I knew, Cap'n." "All I do know, I... I wakes up and there I am, lying in a coffin and... the rain dripping down on me." ""What be I doing here?" l says." ""l'll go and have a drop of brandy," l says." "And when I do get there they all look at me as if I was unhuman or something." " l expect they thought you were." " Well, I ain't." "And when I do get back, what do I find but that Prudie has spent all me money on me funeral and I ain't even dead!" "You can't blame her, she was doing it for you." "You should be thankful you're not dead." "Huh!" "After what I been through?" "Especially so." "That beating was enough to see any man off." "Oh, not me, Cap'n." "Who was it, Jud?" "Did you know them?" "No, sir. I didn't." "Did you know what they were after?" "Was it the money?" " What money?" " You know what I mean." "It's all lies, sir." "No matter what they said." "It's not true!" "Well, it doesn't matter any more." "If that is what they were after they certainly didn't get it." "Oh, no." "Because that old mare of a wife of mine's gone and spent it all!" "And I haven't got it!" "No one's got it!" "(Francis) Thank you, Ellen." "Mr Ross will be arriving shortly." "Will you show him up?" "(Snoring)" "I think we're a little early." "Unless his watch is slow, Pascoe should be here in 15 minutes." "On the stroke of ten." "In the meantime we'll have a glass of Mr Pearce's excellent port." "Splendid." "And decide on how we want to approach this matter." "Am I ill again?" "I didn't know I'd sent for you." "Since you were so kind as to recommend me to your uncle, I am not an infrequent visitor." "However, I did also want to see you." "I have received another cartload of oranges." "I'd like to say how grateful I am, although that is difficult when you refuse to stay still." "Oh, I love swings." "Miss Penvenen, please listen." "Your generosity will save many poor people a great deal of suffering." "It is not fashionable nor witty to express one's feelings openly but I am grateful to you, on their behalf." "Your servant, ma'am." "Dr Enys." "I didn't expect gratitude for being rich." "Oh, not because you are rich." "Many people are rich." "But you have done something with your wealth." "When will you be distributing the oranges?" "On Wednesday." "Why?" "I thought perhaps that I might come and help." "I'm afraid I cannot allow that." "Oh, I would be very pleased but many of my patients suffer from contagious diseases." "To which you, I presume, are immune." "No, but it is my work." "Well, you need have no fear - l will not be troubling you on Wednesday." "Unwin is coming to discuss the marriage vows and everything that goes with them." "Unwin?" "Of course - your intended." "Who seems to think that marriage is a contract, like buying a cartload of oranges for a fixed price." "You see how being wealthy has its drawbacks, Dr Enys." "I have been financially spoken for - not for love but for what my father left me and for what my uncle intends to leave me." "I sometimes wonder, given another father and another uncle, who would've spoken for me?" "Nevertheless, I'll wish you pleasure of it and say goodbye." " Thank you again for your kindness." " Not at all." "It was my pleasure, Dr Enys." "(Snoring lightly, bell chiming)" "He'll wake on the fifth stroke." "(Chiming continues)" "(Snorts)" "And on the eighth stroke, Mr Pascoe will enter." "(Chiming continues, knock on door)" "Mr Pascoe, gentlemen, we are gather..." " Where is Mr Pascoe?" " Entering, Mr Pearce, entering." "Good, then we can start the business." "Now, where's my port?" "You're not gonna be able to keep it up much longer." "You go out rowing after next month and you're gonna lose that baby." "Mind your own business, Prudie." "Yes, ma'am, but you'll lose it as sure as eggs is eggs." ""So thusly it is agreed that Ross Poldark, Francis Poldark," ""and leaving room for any other persons agreeable to investing," ""subject to the agreement of the original investors," ""wish to draw up articles of association towards the setting up of a company" ""to reopen the mine known as Wheal Grace."" " Is that your intention?" " (Both) Yes." ""And that the company's legal adviser shall be myself" ""and that the company's bankers shall be the firm of Mr Pascoe."" " Yes." " Before that minute is passed..." " Beg your pardon?" " The minute." "Er, 25 past the hour." "I'm referring to the point under discussion, Mr Pearce." " The minute." "There." " Ah." "I must point out to Captain Ross Poldark and Mr Francis Poldark, the investors heretofore stated..." " As we have it writ here." " l know, sir, indeed I know." "I'm trying to put a point before you." " Then you shall." " Thank you." " Pardon?" " You must understand that times being what they are and capital not readily available and so on..." "What are you telling us?" "That my bank can help to a certain point." "Certain point." "We will go as far as we can." "But unless the mine prospers within a reasonable time..." " It will, I think." " Good, good." "But you must understand that I shall be investing other people's money and I must protect them, I have a duty to." "We've done business many times, I understand your position." " So does my cousin." " Are you willing to take the risk on us?" "Yes, I am, but in all honesty I must point out that should you require Iong-term risk and liquidity, the only other bank with such facilities is the Warleggan bank." "Not under any circumstances." "Are you willing to be our banker, Mr Pascoe?" "Yes, sir. I know that you're both men of your word, of which there are not many left, but we must be realistic." " l nominate Mr Pascoe as our banker." " l second that." " The motion is carried." " Thank you, gentlemen." "If you'll forgive me I must leave you." "Other appointments." "Things to do, things to do." " l wish you well." " Goodbye, Mr Pascoe, thank you." " Goodbye." " Goodbye." " (Pearce) Good day, Pascoe!" " Good day!" "A very satisfactory meeting, gentlemen." " Augurs well for the future." " One more thing, Mr Pearce." "I would like the articles of agreement to be drawn up in my son's name." "A child?" "Well, it can be done but may I ask why?" "Yes, I have debts with the Warleggans, my son doesn't." " Oh." " If the mine proves successful they may try to have call on me." "But they have no call on my son." "I can see you're a very intelligent man, Mr Poldark." "What are your feelings, my boy?" " l second it." " Then the motion is carried." "Father, Pearce's clerk told Garth he'd heard there was enough copper in Wheal Grace to fill Truro." " If that's true..." " Doesn't matter." "It takes money to dig more money out of the ground and they haven't got any." " They're finding it." " Where?" "Ross has the money from Wheal Leisure." "Barely enough to cover his debts." " Be that as it may, Father..." " First, nearly ten years back I had my mine captains all over Wheal Grace and I know there isn't any copper there." "Second, money breeds money." "If you haven't got none, it can't breed none." "So let 'em open." "See what comes of it." "Excuse me." "One lesson we should've learned about Ross Poldark was the danger of underestimating him." "I thought we were arranging for Mr Garth to quit the county." "It's in hand." "We can't do anything until we get the water out." "What pumping machinery were you thinking of?" " What?" " Pumping engines, for Wheal Grace." "I haven't given it much thought." "Something we must decide." "Poulton 8 Watt are very good." "Yes." "Sorry?" "Forget him, Ross." "Let's prove the Poldarks are better than a blacksmith's son by making Wheal Grace the richest mine in the country." "Yes, I'm sorry." " Poulton 8 Watt." " Very good engineers." "But Henshawe had an idea about two young engineers in Redruth." "I didn't bring it up at the meeting but I'd like to offer Henshawe the job of mine captain." " What do you think?" " l can't think of anyone better." "He can't afford shares but I'd like him in." "He's dependable." "Yes, but isn't he still involved with Wheal Leisure?" "Yes." "But there's no reason why he shouldn't retain his investment there and work for us." "It would annoy the Warleggans." "That potman's always somewhere else." "I'll get another bottle of brandy and we can drink to the future." "How are you, Ross?" " You're looking well." " So are you, George." "I was pleased to hear the verdict at the trial." " You surprise me." " l never thought you guilty." "I wasn't." "Someone spent a great deal of money trying to prove I was." " We all have enemies." " A witness who spoke for me was attacked, and is lucky to be alive." "I hope the contrivers know intimidation isn't one-sided." "Probably some private quarrel." "I hear that you and Francis are embarking on a new venture." "Do you keep your ear to the ground or the keyhole?" "It's a foolish investment." "Wheal Grace has no drainage." "It'll cost you a fortune in pumping engines alone." " We'll find the money." " Not from Mr Pascoe." "And certainly not from you." "No matter what happens." "Would you mind removing that?" "You do know where Francis's money came from?" "Yes, and we're both very grateful to you." "Now, if you don't remove that stick..." "Thirty pieces of silver." "One of the things I've always most disliked about you, George, is the way you dress." "Aah!" " Potman." " Ross!" "Aah!" "Give my regards to your tailor, George." "Had an accident, did ee, sir?" "Yes, I fell off my horse." "Where's your mistress?" " Er, she went out, sir." " Where?" "She didn't say, sir." "Where the devil did she go when I want to talk to her?" "Fishing, sir." "(Fire crackling)" "Can I talk to you?" " Course you can talk to me." " l mean, can we talk serious?" "What about?" "I'm sorry I haven't been... well, close to you in bed this while." "You're usually asleep already and I'm tired." "I didn't mean that." "Anyway, I'm not always asleep." "I don't want to give you no more trouble than you already have... but I fear I will." "What are you talking about?" "I know that after Julia you do want no more children, you do want no more responsibilities, you've got enough." "But... I'm going to have another baby." "Ross?" "I see." "It's too late to get rid of it." "Good God, surely you don't want to get rid of it, do you?" "Well, I thought of it but then I remembered the first time." "Thank God you didn't try." "I thought you'd be so angry." "No. I might have been a month or two ago." "I was frightened to tell you." "Frightened of me?" "Demelza." "Well, it was what you said that made me afeard." "Then I should not have said it." "Do you think I could be anything but glad?" "Thank you." "Thank you." | {
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"Fitz:" "Dinner." "Simmons:" "Fast approaching, yes, and we'll eat it, I'm sure." "Yeah, no, no, no." "But me and you... maybe we could eat somewhere else," " somewhere... nice." " Oh." "[snap]" "Good." "Uh, well, y..." "uh, you should come find me when you're finished here, and... and I'll..." "I'll start working on options to run by you... for that." "_ [door closes]" "Ugh." "What idiot..." "Oh!" "Aah!" "Aah!" "Hey!" "Help!" "Where the hell am I?" "[panting] [grunts] [wind howling]" "No." "That's not possible." "Everything will be fine." "_" "Proper protocol for agents lost in the field... remain in position, wait for extraction." "This is Dr. Jemma Simmons, updating the file on the Monolith Fitz and I have been studying." "I now know that it is an alternating matter-transportation device... portal." "Quite remarkable, really." "I've been transported to an unknown planet in a different solar system." "[inhales deeply]" "Air is breathable, oxygenated." "Gravity seems to be slightly stronger..." "or I'm very tired." "No, I think it's the gravity." "The terrain is barren, desert-like." "[camera shutter clicking]" "Although conditions seem favorable for terrestrial organisms, there's no immediate sign of life nor any noticeable vegetation or water." "It will open again." "Fitz will find a way." "After all, we're going for dinner." "_" "What is it you always say?" "If you can't solve a problem, sleep on it." "[sighs]" "Goodnight, Fitz." "[cellphone beeps]" "_ [gasps, breathing heavily]" "How long are the nights on this planet?" "There has to be a sunrise eventually." "_" "Where is the sun?" "!" "What did you do to it?" "!" "I want the sun!" "[crying]" "I want it!" "[sobs]" "[sniffles]" "I want to go home." "3x05 - "4,722 Hours"" "The average person can survive _ up to three weeks without food, but only 100 hours without water." "I'm sorry, Fitz." "I can't wait here any longer." "But if you do show up while I'm away, you'll know where to find me." "_" "Is it going to be an expensive place?" "Have you already picked it?" "Should I wear a dress, or would that be weird?" "Oh, please, don't pull out the chair for me." "Or do, if that's what you want." "What if we run out of things to talk about?" "For the first time ever." "Of course that's when it would happen." "Ugh." "That would be terrible." "[gasps] [grunts] [grunting]" "_" "Just... get... to the top." "[wind whistling]" "Water... [wind whistling]" "_" "[groans]" "Fitz..." "Oh, Fitz." "Unh!" "Ah." "[sighs]" "Oh." "[sighs] [laughing]" "_" "[chuckles]" "[gasps]" "Aah!" "Aah!" "Aah!" "Aah!" "Aah!" "[grunting] [breathing heavily]" "_" "[coughs]" "It's been three weeks, Fitz." "_" "If I don't find something..." "If I don't eat, I won't make it." "Unfortunately, the only source of food also thinks I'm food." "You want me?" "!" "Here I am!" "It's dinnertime!" "Come and get it!" "Ohh!" "[gasps] [panting]" "You're dinner, biatch!" "[chuckles] Whoo!" "[gasps, laughing]" "[sighs]" "[chuckles] [laughs]" "[sighs] [burps, laughs]" "You'd be so proud of me, Fitz." "I killed the monster plant, then I made a fire, cooked him, and ate him." "And then I burped really loud." "[laughs]" "I wish you could've been here." "Actually, no, I don't." "I wouldn't wish that on anyone." "[wind whistling]" "Everyone always said we could read each other's minds, Fitz." "So I really need you to read mine right now." "I'm alive. [chuckles]" "But I'm terribly alone and afraid." "So I really need you to come and get me, okay?" "I know you won't give up, so I won't, either." "[wind whistling]" "_" "You'll notice I'm giving less updates to conserve battery power." "Been on this stupid planet for a month now, and I lost my way to the entry point." "I need to find..." "[tapping]" "[tapping continues]" "[wind whistling]" "Oh. [clattering] [screams]" "Unh!" "[breathing heavily]" "[gasps]" "Who are you?" "!" "What do you want?" "!" "_" "You're still here." "Of course I'm still here." "Let me out of here." "Let me out of here now!" "[crying]" "_ [grunts]" "Welcome back." "How was your day?" "[sighs]" "My name is Jemma Simmons..." "Dr. Jemma Simmons." "I'm from Earth, and I came here through a portal." "And since you speak English, I suspect you might have, as well." "If you let me out, I can help you." "We can help each other..." "Aah!" "You're going to eat me!" "Is that what this is all about?" "!" "You fatten me up and then leave me to the slaughter!" "Not a bad idea." "[footsteps departing]" "[groaning]" "You poisoned me." "Why would you do that?" "What threat could I possibly be to you?" "[groaning continues]" "Definitely real." "[grunting]" "Man:" "Get back here!" "[panting] [music]" "Aah!" "[grunts]" "Aah!" "[groans]" "Kill me if you want." "But I'm not going to be your prisoner." " Aah!" " You're bleeding." "Aah!" "What do you care?" " Aah!" " It smells blood." "Get away from me!" "Don't touch me!" "[wind howling]" "It's coming." "We have to go." " Aah!" " We have to go now!" " No!" "Aah!" " We have to go!" "Stop pulling me!" "I'm not going with you!" "Get in." "Now." "Come on!" "[groans]" "Aah!" "Move!" "[panting]" "What do you think is out there?" "[panting]" " Death." " The only thing out there is a sandstorm." "It's a desert planet, in case you hadn't noticed." "It affects the planet." "That's how you know it's coming." "Or th-the planet affects it." "Either way, it's evil." " This whole godforsaken planet is evil." " Planets cannot be evil." "Everything that happened was a natural, climate-related phenomenon." "Planets have ecosystems with definable patterns and rules that can be understood after enough..." "This planet does not have rules." "It has moods." "Perhaps it's you who has moods." "We need to sew that up." "And maybe your mouth, too, while I'm at it." "I'm perfectly capable of tending to my own wounds." "Why would I trust you, anyway?" "You locked me in a cage, stabbed me with a spear... [grunts] ...threatened to eat me..." "That was your idea." "Besides, that's before I knew you were real." "The evil hadn't gotten to you or to me." "Look." "Next time you have doubts about whether someone is real," " ask them to hit you." " I'll keep that in mind." " Do you have a name?" " Will." "You wouldn't happen to have any alcohol, would you, Will?" "Yeah." "I'll run down to the drugstore and get it for you." "Would you, please?" "If it's not too much trouble." "[sighs]" "[gasps]" "_" " Will:" "You're a doctor?" " Not a medical doctor, but yes." "I have PHDs in biology and chemistry." "But I have more than my fair share of emergency work in the field." " You?" " Not very sciencey." "Hmm." "You certainly came here prepared." "Wish I'd had time to pack, but my trip was rather unexpected." " You come here alone?" " Yes, I'm alone." "Are you?" "You're the first person I've seen in a long time." "How long have you been here?" "I don't know, my watch broke quickly, and it's hard to keep track of the days without a sun." " What year is it?" " 2015." "You're an astronaut." "If NASA sent you, they must know how to bring you back, right?" "This equipment is ancient." "I know NASA has funding issues, but you'd think they'd upgrade for a mission like this." "It was new at the time." " What year did you come here?" " 2001." "My god." "You've been here 14 years." "Like I said... it's hard to keep track." "You'll see." "Technology must have hit warp speed after I left." "Yeah, it's hard to keep up sometimes." "If it wasn't for Fitz, I'd be lost." " Fitz?" " My best friend." "He loves tech." " Is this a map of the area?" " Only the areas we were able to explore." " What's this, the no-fly zone?" " Off limits." "Only bad things happen there." " How much memory you have in this thing?" " 120 gigabytes." "Hundred and... 120 gigabytes in this little thing." "14 years..." "I'm sorry, but I need to conserve the battery." "Oh." "Fitz engineered it to last a long time, but it's draining." "So unless you have some way to generate power..." "NASA sent us here with all the power we could ever use." "Except it's all solar." "And in case you haven't noticed, there's not much sunshine." "Where's this light coming from?" "There's a luminescent substrata below us." " Oh." "It's warm." " It's a natural source of heat." "Keeps the planet warm without sunlight." "That sounds very sciencey of you." " I think it's the fires of hell." " Okay, then." "Hey, you hungry?" "You said your whole team came through the portal." "How long were you supposed to be here?" "They said they could have us back within a year." "But there was always a possibility it would be a one-way trip." "NASA was always curious about the Monolith." "Budgets for space exploration had vanished, so some small group on the inside convinced everyone it was the affordable future of space exploration." "If you're not with NASA, h-how did you get into the Monolith?" "It's not with NASA anymore." "It's with S.H.I.E.L.D." "They've had it for quite some time." "I'm not sure how or why." " That's real?" "S.H.I.E.L.D.?" " It was." "I was recruited right out of the academy." "I was a test pilot for the air force, recruited by NASA." "Now here I am." "Here we are." "At least you volunteered." "Yeah." "I have never been able to resist doing something when I'm told the odds are impossible." "When NASA wanted volunteers, I was first in line... and the first one through the portal... me and all the gear." "The other three were right behind me." "They were all scientists." "How did NASA know there would be an" " hospitable planet on the other side?" " Classified above my pay grade." "Our job was to collect samples, map the terrain, study the stars." "My job was to keep my head if things went sideways." "Keep everyone alive till they found a way to bring us back." " What happened to the others?" " It." "It has this way... of getting inside your head and just making you crazy." "Austin threw himself off a cliff." "Brubaker..." "set himself on fire." "Taylor took an axe to the gear and then he came after me." "I had one job." "Keep them alive." " How did you survive?" " Oh, just managed to avoid it." "Occasionally outsmart it." "Mostly..." " just luck." " And if there is no "it"?" "You still think I'm making all this up?" "It's just that there's also a psychological reason for what happened to them." "Maybe they went mad from extreme isolation." " It's not uncommon." " It is for astronauts." "We're trained for years of isolation." " Well, if they didn't go mad..." " Well, then I must have gone mad." "Maybe I went crazy, and maybe I killed everyone." "I..." "I didn't..." "You have no idea what the hell's going on here." "[bowl clangs]" "I didn't mean to imply... perhaps it's best if we start over, since we're going to be working together." "Working together?" " On what?" " On getting home." "There's no getting home." "The sooner you accept that, the better." " Survival's all that matters." " I will not accept that." "[sighs] There's always hope." "Not on this planet." "Then that's how we'll work together." "I'll be the voice of hope." "You'll be the voice of doom." "We'll keep each other in check." "Deal?" "See?" "It's working already." "No, it's not." "_" " Will:" "Ice-cold beer." " Oh." "Truffle fries." "Steak, medium-rare, and another ice-cold beer." "Mm-hmm." "Wine." "Oh, I'd kill for a glass of wine." "What do you miss that's not food?" "Well, the sun, without a doubt." "You?" "Coulson:" "Okay, Jemma, get ready to make a wish, and we will blow out the candle for you." "All:" "Happy birthday, Jemma!" "Fitz:" "Happy birthday, Jemma." "It's not the same without you here." "Say hi to your parents for me, and I'll see you soon." "That's Fitz." " That's Fitz." " Yeah, I figured." "You talk about him a lot." "[chuckles]" "His name is like your favorite word." "I mean, that's... a little bit more than a best friend." "Oh." "We're inseparable." "[chuckles]" "Well, we were." "Anyone in your life?" "I always thought there'd be time for that later." "[sighs]" "I think I'm going to turn in for the night." "Thanks for dinner." "Goodnight, Fitz." "[cellphone beeps]" "Goodnight, Will." "_ [wind whistling]" "Damn it, Fitz!" "What are we missing?" "If there's a way in, there has to be a way out." " Everything okay?" " No, it's not okay." "I've been going over and over this research for over two months, and I'm still no closer to an answer." "Well, why don't we go outside, go for a little walk?" " I want to go to the no-fly zone." " We've been over this a hundred times." "You're not going out there." "That's a bad place." "The answer might be there." "I'm tired of sitting around and waiting!" "Nothing is out there except for death!" "I told you, that's where they all went right before..." "It's a coincidence!" "[breathes deeply]" " There could be something there." " You are not going." "We made a deal to keep each other in check." ""In check" doesn't mean you get to keep me as your prisoner." " Where you going?" " Obviously, nowhere." "He means well, Jemma." "[sighs]" "You should make him dinner tonight." "Yes." "That seems like a good idea." "[sighs] Then you should stop talking to yourself." "[wind whistling]" "[chuckles]" "The stars." "Fitz, that's the answer. [laughs] [thunder rumbling]" "[wind howling]" "[grunting] [breathing heavily]" "Aah!" "[music]" "[panting]" "Oh." "Open the door!" "It's coming!" "You were right, Will." "I saw it, whatever it is." "Something was out there." " Where'd you see it?" "Where were you?" " Out by some junkyard." "We weren't the first ones here." "It was a masquerade." "Jemma, that's near the no-fly zone." "I told you never to go there." "You could've been killed or worse." "You knew about that place?" "All those bones, proof of others, and you didn't tell me?" "Yes." "Because I knew you'd want to see it." "And it's better that you didn't." "That thing... has been killing everyone that's come through here for centuries." "How long have people known about the Monolith, and why keep sending people when there's no way back?" " It's as if they're being sacrificed." " I'd prefer not to join them." "So from now on, will you just please stay put?" " That doesn't matter anymore." " Why?" "'Cause I know how to get us home." "This is where you came in." "This is where I came in." "_ All right, professor, I'm listening." "The Monolith creates a wormhole... a direct line from its location on Earth to a fixed location here." "You said the portal is moving." "It appears to be moving, but it's the planet that's moving, rotating on its axis." "The portal is fixed." "Since we know the date, time, and place we both arrived," "We know how long it took to move from "x" to "y."" "If we track the stars long enough, we can determine the rate of the planet's rotation and predict when and where the portal will appear." " With that thing?" " Not with this." "With that." "Assuming we could even fix that heap of junk," " there's no way to power it." " Yes, there is." "I have enough battery left to get the data we need." "If we use up your battery and this doesn't work..." "That's the end of Fitz and all your friends." "All:" "Happy birthday, Jemma!" "Fitz:" "Happy birthday, Jemma." "It's not the same without you here." "Say hi to your parents for me, and I'll see you soon." "Goodbye, Fitz." "I'll see you soon." "[cellphone beeps] [music]" "_ [chuckles]" "[gasps] What happened?" " It died, but it's in a better place now." " You get anything?" "We got one... there..." "18 days from now." "[sighs]" "Did it have to be there?" "That's the no-fly zone." "It's a 40-hour hike, at least." "There's a canyon 30 meters wide waiting for us." "It's impossible to cross, Jemma." "We'll never make it." "Didn't you say you can't resist doing something when the odds are impossible?" "I knew that snake would come back to bite me." "Got two weeks, fly boy." "Figure it out." "_" "So, question, professor... why science?" "How'd you figure all this out?" "The planets, the math..." " Scoliosis." " Okay." "I had scoliosis as a kid." "I had a small surgery to correct it." "I was flat on my back for a few weeks, so to help combat the boredom, every night, my father would wheel my bed out and talk about the stars." "Nice job, dad." "So, this portal... how do we know it's not just a door that swings one way?" "I think it acts more like a valve." "On Earth, it seemed to open randomly, but it only appeared random from our point of view." " What opens it?" " The moons." "Their degree of alignment affects the portal the way our moon affects the tides, 'causing it to ebb and flow, pulling things in and out." "So, the portal opens, we just jump right through," " go with the flow?" " It doesn't stay open very long, so in case there's no time for that... we send a message in a bottle... everything Fitz needs to know to open it," " keep it open, and come and get us." " I'm glad that thing sent you" " over here and not the janitor." " Thanks." "How exactly is this supposed to get us across the canyon?" "We only have one shot, and we have to leave tomorrow." "Well..." "I'm gonna shoot this into the wall across the canyon..." "And we're gonna slide across on the rope." "What, did you think I was gonna build a helicopter?" "Kind of." "You think it's gonna work?" "It'll work." "You still want to do this?" "We don't have a choice." "_" "Eat, shower, or sleep?" "What are you gonna do first when we get back?" "Eat." "Please." "Who you talking to?" "What're you gonna do?" "Um, I'm gonna eat in the shower and fall asleep while doing it." "That's very efficient." "I expect nothing less." "The geologist who came with us had this theory that this planet used to be a paradise, garden of eden." "What'd he think happened?" "It, death..." "whatever that thing is..." " consumed this world." " Do you think we'll see it?" "[sighs] I don't know." "But if we do... [gun cocks] ...I'll be ready." " You have a gun?" " Only one bullet left." "It was gonna be my ticket out of here in case things got too bad." "Come on, hurry." "[breathing heavily]" "Oh." "This can't be it." "We made a mistake." "We went the wrong way." " This is the spot, but..." " You said it was 30 meters wide!" "There's no way we can cross that." " It was, I swear." " That's more like 100 meters." "Unless there was some significant earthquake... it doesn't want us to leave." "[rumbling] [gasps]" "There it is!" "It's opening!" "There has to be a way to make that." "We didn't come this far to fail." "Maybe we don't have to get there." "Hand me the bottle." "We can fire it right into the portal." "If it's not dragging any rope, it might just make it." "Hurry." "We've only got one shot." "Ready?" "Now!" "[grunts]" "Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on... [gasps] No... [music]" "We're never going home." " Will:" "Maybe this is our home now." " This isn't a home." "This is hell." " Aah!" "[crying]" " Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." "[sobbing]" "You were right." "[sobs]" " There's no hope on this planet." " That's what I used to think." "Then you showed up." "Jemma, you're ready?" "_ [scoffs] Relax." "We're not going to miss it." "I'm the one who did the maths, remember?" "Even if we do miss it, there'll be another one in 18 years." "Not funny." "[wind whistling]" "Will:" "Pretty good spot for a sunrise, huh?" " It is." " Think I'll get a tan?" "Well, it's only going to last a few minutes." "We're on one of the poles." " Look what I found." " Will, where did you... is that the wine from the graveyard?" "You went back for it?" "[chuckles]" "I can't vouch for the year, but I do know it pairs well with roots and moss." "[laughs]" "To the sun." "[chuckles]" "It's about time." "[cups clink]" "Oh, my god. [chuckles] That's horrible!" "[coughs] That's pure vinegar." "It just needs to breathe." "[laughs]" "Maybe we use it in our cooking." " Add some flavor to our lives." " There's that hope again." "I think my dad would've liked you." "Sometimes, you remind me... [flare crackling in distance] [gasps]" "[gasps] It's Fitz!" "He found a way!" "We're going home!" "[laughs]" "Come on!" "We can make it!" "It's just over the ridge!" "[thunder rumbles]" "Jemma!" "Jemma, stop!" "Get back here!" "Jemma, stop!" "Will, come on." "What are you doing?" "!" "Oh, no." "Not now." " Jemma, go." "You can make it." " I'm not going without you!" "[thunder rumbles, wind howling] [gasps]" "Will!" "Will!" "Will!" "They came for you!" "It wasn't Fitz!" "It's one of yours!" "Will:" "Jemma, run!" "It's not what you think it is!" "It's okay!" "We're going home!" "Will:" "Jemma, don't trust it!" "It'll do anything to fool you!" "Oh, God." "It's here." "It's here!" " Will!" " Jemma, Jemma, Jemma, look at me, look at me, look at me." " Run, run." "Go!" " No!" "Yes, you can make it." "Go!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "Will!" " Go, Jemma!" " Will!" "Will!" "[crying] Will!" "[gunshot] No!" "Will!" "Fitz:" "Jemma!" "Jemma, are you there?" "!" " Fitz?" "!" " Jemma!" "[music]" "Fitz, can you hear me?" "!" "Jemma?" "!" "Jemma!" "Come on, Will." "Come on, come on." "Fitz!" "Simmons:" "I don't know what happened to him..." "Jemma!" "...if he's alive or dead." "[sighs] But I never would have survived without him." "Talk to me, Fitz." "Please." "[footsteps depart]" "Oh, God." " Please, Fitz, I need you to understand." " I understand everything, Jemma." "Well, then why won't you talk to me?" "What are you doing?" "[keyboard clacking] [computer beeping]" "We're gonna get him back." "[crying]" "[wind whistling] [music]" "[gun cocks] [clatter]" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"LEWIS:" "Gemma?" "Gemma, you round?" "Gemma!" "Gemma!" "Oh!" "Oh!" "What are you doing?" "Well, what are you doing?" "I'm meditating." "Well, I was." "Since when do you meditate?" "It's a new thing. (SIGHS)" "What do you want?" "The Licensing Commission is threatening to take away our license." "We could lose the pub." "And I was hoping you might write a statement about how much money we raised for the new kidney machine at the hospital." "Yeah, sure!" "Hey, er, this mat's gonna be much better for the outdoor stuff." "Hey, Lewis." "Damo." "Damo's teaching me yoga and meditation." "(SIGHS) It's great." "Uh-huh." "Hey, you know what?" "You should join us." "I mean, it really is fantastic." "In fact, I could show Lewis the 'extended puppy' - that's great for anxiety." "I don't have anxiety." "Some time today?" "Sure." "Nice pants, Aladdin." "Meet you outside, Tilly." "Oh!" "Aladdin." "He's got a good sense of humour, hasn't he?" "Yeah." "SONG: # Done, done, done Done, Done" "# We are done... #" "I can give you a pilot, but I can't give you a postman." "I don't want a pilot..." "So when's the hearing?" "Tomorrow." "Ugh." "It's all my fault, isn't it?" "No!" "There have been a whole bunch of problems." "Well, is there anything I can do to help?" "Well, it might be good if you appear as a witness at the hearing." "Talk about how you served that underage girl, how it was a simple mistake." "Yeah, sure, happy to." "Pump that plunger for me." "Should you get a plumber?" "The landlord's been saying he'll send one for a week." "Joys of renting, hey?" "STELLA:" "Look at it!" "FINN:" "Who cares?" "They're stupid cards anyway." "I want my astronaut!" "I haven't got your astronaut!" "KANE:" "Oi!" "What's the problem here?" "Someone stole my astronaut." "It's the hardest Schnapps card to get!" "It wasn't me!" "I bet it was Tilda." "She looked in my bag." "OK, OK." "I'll get you more Schnapps cards." "Astronaut?" "Whatever!" "If you promise to stop fighting," "I'll make you chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast." "BOTH:" "OK." "Make your beds first." "Go." "You too, Finn." "Pancakes for breakfast." "Is bribing kids bad parenting?" "Not before 8:00am." "I love you." "Too soon?" "No." "I love you too." "(CHUCKLES QUIETLY)" "You took my astronaut!" "Did not!" "You took my racing car driver!" "Did not!" "Liar!" "STELLA!" "We need some new astronaut cards, ASAP." "I can't just conjure up some astronauts!" "Why not?" "Those cards are scarce for a reason." "Withholding one or two cards from the market ramps up the intensity of the card-collecting experience." "You can say that again - the kids are gonna kill each other!" "Somebody needs to burn those bloody cards." "Hey, those cards are my business." "Give me a hug." "Sheesh!" "Come on, darling." "Hey, guys, look, I'm so sorry." "I heard you could lose your pub license." "Yeah, we were talking last night about how weird it is." "Weird?" "How?" "Just that we've lost all the points so quickly." "Yeah, it's as if someone's setting us up." "Who would do that?" "He might." "Uh, I'm sorry, what are you talking about?" "We know you paid that girl to buy alcohol from our pub." "What was her name" " Michelle?" "The underage girl." "I have no idea." "Lewis!" "You were seen." "I saw you behind the pub giving her something from your wallet." "Yeah." "She'd just been busted by the cops." "She was freaked out." "I gave her some cab money to get home." "Right." "That makes sense." "Right?" "Alright." "Well, I'll leave you to it." "I'll see you later, yeah?" "What is wrong with you?" "!" "I'm concerned about our pub, Kane." "He agreed to testify on our behalf at the hearing." "He won't be doing that now, will he?" "No!" "Would you?" "!" "Well, I think it's a great idea." "Two days of yoga and meditation?" "If I wasn't working, I'd come with you." "Hm." "Damo asked me." "So if I go, it'll be with him." "As friends." "Uh-huh." "And how does Lewis feel about you going away with Damo?" "It's a yoga retreat, it's not a dance party." "There are separate sleeping arrangements." "Yeah." "Lewis will still hate it." "Oh." "Lewis will hate it." "(LAUGHS)" "But does that matter?" "Well, the thing is since I've been doing the meditation," "I am so much more calm!" "I haven't been thinking about him and us and this whole mess." "(CHUCKLES)" "I think you should go." "Hmm?" "Yeah." "Oh, I don't know, Abi." "Please, just lay down." "Just lay down for me." "No!" "What's your name?" "Tell me your name!" "Hey!" "Shh!" "OK, relax." "Relax." "I don't know what she's taken, but she's strong as." "We'll take some bloods when she calms down." "Hey, look at me." "Look at me." "What have you taken?" "It's OK." "Listen, you're not getting out of here until you tell us what your name is and what you've taken, OK?" "We're very patient people." "Get a psych nurse." "(SOBS AND SCREAMS) Shh, shh, shh." "Yoga's looking good." "Hi!" "Hey!" "Bringing me lunch at work." "Is this a special occasion?" "No, I just wanted to see you." "Thank you!" "I was worried Lewis might've..." "You can tell your friends I'll still get up and be your witness." "No, I was worried Lewis might've put you off me." "Actually, I was thinking maybe you and I should buy a place together." "I mean, let's face it, renting sucks" " I hate it, you hate it." "We've both conquered the L word." "Wow." "It's something to think about anyway." "I mean, I could do half a mortgage if you can." "Gemma!" "I wrote you a statement." "Thanks." "And I'm going away on a yoga retreat." "So I was hoping Tilda could sleep over here a couple of nights." "I've packed her a bag." "Is that OK?" "Yeah, sure." "Where's this retreat?" "Oh, it's a bunch of people doing some yoga and some meditation at the Bridgeworth ashram." "It's meant to be all soothing and cleansing or something." "Who's going?" "Damo and I." "Right." "Well...have fun." "OK." "Thanks." "(CAR ENGINE STARTS)" "In." "And out." "Think of the Sahastrara chakra, the thousand-petal lotus of your brain." "In." "(DOOR CLUNKS) And out." "We are so late!" "(WHISPERS) Sorry!" "We got lost." "(CLUNK!" ")" "(VELCRO SCRATCHES LOUDLY)" "(WHISPERS) Sorry!" "Is that the underage drinker that Will served?" "Mm." "Justin's right, they know each other." "(SCOFFS) What, cos they're smiling?" "Paranoid much?" "Did you speak to those locals about the noise complaints?" "Nah, not yet." "What are you looking at?" "Look, if we can prove to the Commission she looks older than she is, then..." "Don't bullshit me." "You're sussing out Will again." "We're trying to save this place." "No, you're telling me you don't trust the guy that I'm in love with." "Nah, mate, we're not saying that." "I am." "Which means you don't trust me." "(SCOFFS) You are so eaten up with your own guilt over Gemma, you hate the idea that someone else might be happy." "You are so desperate not to be alone, you're blind." "Hey!" "We should never have gone into business in the first place." "I'm out." "I wanna sell." "(SCHOOL BELL CHIMES)" "Lewis doesn't speak for the rest of us." "If you trust Will, so do I." "Thanks, but you're a bit late." "Hey, Kane, listen..." "I've been thinking." "The pub's gonna be worth a lot more with a license than without, so we should all rally together to win this hearing." "Yeah, we should." "Great." "Then I'll sell my share." "Had a look for that Schnapps card you reckon Tilly stole." "Stella, not me." "Whatever." "Couldn't find it." "Hi, Daddy." "Hello, chook." "Go and get Lily." "We're gonna walk home together." "I've got some big news." "Will and I are buying a house." "Congratulations." "I wish I'd never told you what I saw." "Dad!" "Hello, mouse." "How are you?" "Since the Sergeant Schnapps collector's cards have been launched at Traders Hardware stores, sales have increased 3% to 6% week upon week." "At the same time, ratings figures for the Sergeant Schnapps television series have risen 10%." "In conclusion, we have a strong, multi-modal promotional platform built around the Sergeant Schnapps brand." "Australia is in love with Sergeant Schnapps." "Top class presentation, Mark." "Thanks, bro." "Couldn't have put it better myself." "Everyone wins." "(ALL APPLAUD) (CHUCKLES TRIUMPHANTLY)" "But everyone doesn't win." "I don't win." "They're making all the cash and we're barely covering our mortgage." "Sergeant Schnapps has been commissioned for two more series, you'll get a cut of his fee." "15% of bugger all." "And it's hardly looking like the pub's a winner." "Look, the fee will be enough to get us back on track." "Wait, wait, wait." "Where are you going?" "You only just got home!" "Double shift." "See?" "!" "How is this fair?" "!" "I am kicking major goals and they're making all the cash." "(SIGHS) How did I get us into this position?" "Because you're not a greedy guts." "That's why I love you." "I love you." "(FOOTSTEPS DEPART)" "(GENTLE MUSIC PLAYS)" "Panchakarma is a whole-body experience." "It is based on discipline, fasting and cleansing." "(WHISPERS) Fasting?" "No talking." "Eyes closed." "You will emerge purified and refreshed." "Now, I want you to reach out and find the person next to you." "Stand back to back, then bend from the waist, reach across and place your hands on your partner's shoulders." "(DAMO GRUNTS)" "(BOTH GIGGLE) It's not gonna happen, is it?" "Am I right in saying we don't eat for two days?" "Quiet!" "Sorry!" "Hold that pose." "Breathe." "Sorry, Gemma." "(BOTH GIGGLE)" "NED:" "Is that the teenage drinker?" "Jeez, she doesn't look underage, does she?" "Still, you'd ask for ID, wouldn't you?" "Yeah, well, what's her name?" "Maybe we can track her down." "It's Michelle something." "There's no surname in any of these documents from the Commission." "What, so if you guys lose your license, what happens then?" "I don't know what I'll do." "I love this place." "You can always go back to the building caper." "Nah, I'm not going back there." "It's a young bloke's game." "Alright, well, what did you do before you owned this pub?" "I was a stay-at-home dad." "I was giving Gemma her turn." "But clearly, I can't go back there either." "Hey!" "Hey." "Support from the locals." "They love us." "Nice." "Yeah, apart from the ones making all the noise complaints. (LAUGHS)" "Did you get some more of those dog cards for the kids?" "I can't just snap my fingers and get more for you." "Why not?" "Don't you own them?" "I sold the copyright to Traders Hardware." "For how much?" "Not enough." "What kind of negotiator are you?" "Poppy, let's go." "Hey, Lewis, give us a hand, will ya?" "You're pushing everybody away." "Don't you start!" "Mate, you're just pissed off Gemma's gone." "Admit it." "How about you do something about it instead of making the rest of us suffer?" "Make sure Mr Driscoll gets his anticoagulant." "3mg should be enough to keep him in the target INR." "(SIGHS)" "Um..." "(SCREAMS)" "RYAN:" "Stop!" "Security!" "(SCREAMS) Ugh!" "Get off me!" "NO!" "Argh!" "GET OFF ME!" "Get off!" "Don't!" "(SCREAMS)" "Any nausea?" "No." "Blurred vision?" "No." "Confusion?" "Memory loss?" "Flashing lights?" "Where did you get that?" "The Internet." "It's the concussion checklist." "I can diagnose concussion." "(SIGHS) Not if you're distant and confused." "Are you distant and confused?" "I've just got a headache." "Can you get me some aspirin?" "You wouldn't be here if you weren't working so hard." "My reaction time was a little off." "If I knew how to run a business better, you wouldn't be lying here." "I'm here because I work in emergency." "Simple as that." "Argh!" "Ooh!" "(SIGHS) Do you think it's broken?" "(NASALLY) No, it's just bent." "You should probably stop talking." "You sound like a cartoon." "Phoebe..." "Mm?" "Why don't I make you something to eat?" "What's good for bent noses?" "You are." "(GIGGLES)" "The only thing I could think of when I was laying in the pool of my own blood... ..was you." "Aww." "You make it sound like you were dying." "(SCOFFS)" "Phoebe... ..will you barry be?" "(LAUGHS) Barry you?" "(PEACEFUL CHANTING)" "(ALL CHANT)" "(CHANTS WITH GROUP)" "Hey, Lewis." "Great you could join us." "Oh, thanks, mate." "I'm loving it so far." "Good!" "You done much yoga in the past?" "Aww, not much, but I'm hoping we get to do the extended puppy." "Sounds like great fun." "Oh, the extended puppy." "Panchakarma, that's, er, that's very challenging stuff." "I love a challenge." "So the women's tents are pitched on the east side of the grounds and the men's are on the west." "See you in the morning." "Namaste." "Righto." "What are you doing?" "I'm taking up Damo's offer to learn yoga!" "This is supposed to be calm and tranquil " "I can already feel my stress levels rising." "Don't worry." "You won't hear a peep out of me." "And what's happened with Tilda?" "Tilda, she's bunking in with Justin's boys." "You know, they're probably snuggling up for a quiet bedtime story as we speak." "(GIGGLING) Alright, come on, kids." "Back outside." "Finish your nuggets." "Come on." "We'll go home in a second, OK?" "Hey, I can lock up here if you wanna take the kids home." "Yeah, OK." "Sweet." "Mark said he'll be back a bit later." "Yeah, no worries." "Hey, um, if Kane balls out of the pub... ..I might be able to cover his share." "Yeah." "Let's just see what happens in the Commission hearing first." "Yeah, sure." "Cos you know...it'd be a shame to see the old man lose his dream." "Yeah." "Yeah, it would." "Alright, kids!" "Moving out!" "(TAPS KEYS)" "So apart from the fact that we're too young and that we don't own our own place and that your dad has shaken your belief in marriage..." "And I wanna wait for marriage equality to happen." "And that you're not sure that you wanna be with just one person for the rest of your life, why won't you marry me?" "Too much paperwork." "Covered!" "I registered us." "I had this whole proposal planned out and then Justin and Lucy, they gazumped us." "And then when things didn't work out with them, it kinda felt like bad form to go ahead." "How did you register us?" "You need my consent." "I forged your signature." "A criminal act?" "That's sexy." "But not enough to make me change my mind." "I can take 1,000 nos but all I need is one yes." "(SIGHS)" "Oh!" "No, no, no." "Leave that." "I'll get that." "Oh, for heaven's sake, I'm not a cripple." "Poppy June Oliver, you said you were gonna go and clean your room." "Off you go." "Thank you." "Go on!" "This is an atypical response to head trauma." "What?" "!" "It's secondary post-traumatic mania." "And it is not helped by the blood-thinning properties of the aspirin." "Please don't tell me you got all this off the..." "Off the Internet?" "Yeah, well, it's a very handy diagnostic tool." "And it's a total pain in the arse for doctors, Mark." "I'm fine." "Just tell me where Poppy keeps all these Schnapps cards." "She keeps them in a shoebox under her bed." "Should probably build her a kennel." "Oh, yeah." "With all the spare time you have." "I should build her a kennel." "Didn't you just say that?" "Yes." "Yes, I did." "(CRICKETS CHIRP)" "(DAMO SIGHS) Okey dokey." "Well, umami broth, 5:00am, after morning meditation." "Can't wait." "Night-night, Lewis." "Tent buddy." "(ZIPS SLEEPING BAG)" "Yeah." "Goodnight." "(CHUCKLES)" "(ZIP!" ")" "(ROCK MUSIC BLASTS FROM HEADPHONES)" "Gemma!" "Are you awake?" "Who's that?" "Hungry?" "And I see her packing up, right?" "And she's got this packet of chips sticking out of her bag, but it wasn't until I see her smuggle the little esky in that I knew she was a fraud." "Thank goodness." "I couldn't have gone two days without food." "Or a beer." "Hello." "(BOTH CHUCKLE)" "Mm." "Wonder what else she's got hidden in that hall?" "Let's go have a look." "Do you want to?" "Hey, this reminds me of that school camp in Year 9, do you remember?" "Yeah, but then we weren't paying to starve ourselves to death." "(CHUCKLES) Shh!" "(FOOTSTEPS APPROACH)" "(ZIP!" ")" "Men and women are supposed to sleep separately!" "I didn't make the rules!" "We were NOT sleeping together!" "We were eating chips!" "You know what?" "This is the first time in six weeks that I spent the afternoon NOT thinking about you and me and this crap between us." "I had fun." "Can you at least give me that?" "(WOMAN CLEARS THROAT)" "Namaste." "Pack your bags." "And you owe me a six pack." "Michelle!" "Yeah?" "Hey, I'm Ned." "I called the ice-cream parlour earlier." "Oh." "Yeah, I, um, noticed the logo on your T-shirt." "Am I in trouble?" "I just wanna talk to you for a minute." "Is that OK?" "(QUIETLY) Yeah." "(READS) "I climb inside the tree." ""It's dark, but the twisted roots make windows." ""This is a good place to hide." It's a cassowary." "(KNOCKING AT DOOR)" "Ned!" "I brought a friend." "You met her once." "At the pub." "Michelle!" "Hey, Will." "You know Michelle." "(SCOFFS)" "She's Lily's babysitter." "You did pay her." "Yes." "And you called the licensing sergeant so she'd get busted." "Yes." "You set us up!" "It...it started out as a business plan." "You wanted us to lose our license so you could buy The Mill?" "It's a good business, I knew that if I could get the pub cheap, then my boss would be impressed." "And you made the noise complaints too?" "I spoke to some locals about how noisy the pub was." "Yeah, I'm sure you gave them plenty of encouragement." "What about the stolen beer?" "I told you about that and you tipped off the cops!" "Wow." "All those things - the 'let's buy a house together', the 'I love yous'?" "It was one big lie." "No!" "No!" "Listen to me!" "Listen." "It started out as a business decision, but then you and I happened." "I was gonna pull the plug, but then I saw how your mates treat you." "You work harder than any of them." "You deserve a place of your own." "They're holding you back." "You thought you could get me AND the pub?" "You and me...we're real, I swear." "You are gonna front up to that hearing... ..and admit that you set us up." "Whatever you want." "I want you to leave." "(CHUCKLES) Oh, dear." "If you're hungry, I can make you some cheese on toast." "Oh, I'd love that." "I am so sorry that Lewis got us chucked out." "Oh, best laugh I've had in ages." "(SIGHS) It was VERY funny." "(LAUGHS)" "Look, Damo, this whole thing between us..." "Gemma, don't think about it too much." "Well, I have to." "I'm a single mum now." "I can't afford to act on a whim." "And so much has changed for Tilda in such a quick period of time, I... (SIGHS) I get it." "I get it." "Really." "It's OK." "Now, is that cheese on toast still on offer or has a bloke gotta starve to death?" "Yes." "I knew I heard noise!" "What happened to your face?" "Oh, I got assaulted a work." "By a girl." "Are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "Sounds nasty." "Damo, what are you doing here?" "Actually, I'm not OK." "I'm having flashbacks." "Yeah, I-I-I can see her face, it's right there." "Her terrible, angry face!" "Oh, no, come on, sit down." "Come on, sit down." "Take deep breaths." "(BREATHES DEEPLY)" "I probably need a fully qualified nurse to monitor me or something." "This is weird!" "You know, I should probably scoot." "I'll give you a call tomorrow." "OK." "Thank you...for all the laughs." "(CHUCKLES)" "Do you want some paracetamol?" "Oh, yeah." "Yes, please." "Thanks, Mrs Crabb." "(SIGHS) Flashbacks?" "Yeah." "They're terrible." "You were just saying that to get rid of Damo, weren't you?" "That's what you wanted, wasn't it?" "Yes." "(CHUCKLES)" "I will barry you." "Really?" "(CHUCKLES)" "(SIGHS)" "On one condition." "How'd it go?" "Great." "I'm a yoga expert." "Wow, that was quick." "Yeah, well, I'm a fast learner." "Did you see Gemma?" "Yep." "Oi!" "Get your own chips!" "Oh!" "Why do you always get takeaway?" "There's plenty of leftovers." "Was Tilda playing with these dog cards in here?" "Yeah." "She did steal it." "OK, it is a shoebox-sized kennel, with separate compartments for the cards." "With different pictures of Schnapps on either side so each kennel's its own collector's item." "Yeah, and the way that the cards were free - these, these we sell." "I love it." "Hopefully, they do too." "Hey, why don't we go and build some Schnapps kennels...on the computer?" "Actually, I was gonna ask for a few days off." "Starting when?" "Now." "You can do this on your own!" "You're the dude." "See ya, Poppy." "When did Lily and Will leave?" "Uh, a bit late, chook." "You were asleep." "Why'd they leave?" "Uh, Lily's dad remembered he needed to fix something." "Will they be back tonight?" "I don't think so." "I'll tell you about it later." "(SIGHS) Racing-car driver." "Lewis, I found this." "It's Tilda's." "It was blocking my kitchen sink." "Apparently, Stella felt guilty and tried to flush it." "Is there anything you wanna say to Kane?" "So we're on for the hearing at 1:30?" "Yeah, we're good." "Kane, you coming?" "Gentlemen." "Miss Looby." "Mr Albert, this belongs to Lily Stevens." "Your friend's daughter." "She was very fond of it." "Well, you should give it to Will yourself." "Well, I would, but he withdrew Lily from the school this morning." "You forgot something." "Oh." "Lily's." "Thanks." "Where you heading?" "Sydney." "I've got an office up there." "So when you said you'd front up to the Commission, that was another lie." "Look, if I confess to everything, then...it could ruin my career." "You wanted to ruin mine." "No, I wanted to start it." "If you don't tell the Commission what you did, we'll lose our license." "I'm sorry." "I'd burn the place down before I ever sold it to you." "I know." "(MELANCHOLY GUITAR MUSIC)" "# One Sunday morning rain" "(ENGINE TURNS OVER)" "# I found it rather strange" "# To hide in lies I couldn't sell" "# I wanna be well" "# I wanna be well... #" "(KNOCKING AT DOOR)" "Hey." "Looks like Tilda stole this from Stella after all." "So we're square." "Thanks, Lewis." "Hey, Kane, um, we know you don't wanna go to the hearing..." "Why wouldn't I come?" "Don't you wanna sell your share?" "Not anymore." "You back on board?" "I've got written statements from all the residents saying that we're good for the area." "And there's no noise complaints." "Plus a signed affidavit from Will's babysitter confessing that he bribed her." "Great!" "Let's win this." "Actually, guys, I'm gonna have to meet you at the Commission." "I've got a business meeting to go to." "What?" "!" "THIS is a business meeting." "I'll meet you at the hearing, it's not gonna take long." "You're the licensee!" "I am also the managing director of a company and I need to kick a major goal today, so that Abi doesn't have to keep working her...bottom off." "(TRAM CLANKS)" "You alright?" "You seem a bit twitchy." "I'm fine." "I'm on." "Good." "I've asked the merchandising guys to join us." "Great." "That shows how influential you are, when I say, "Mark's coming in to pitch,"" "and they're all hanging out to hear why." "You wanna give me the sneaky heads-up?" "Oh, sure." "But I'd like you to sign this first." "It's a memorandum of understanding." "Laying out the profit share." "50/50 - can't be fairer than that." "You want me to agree to a profit share before I even hear the idea?" "The Schnapps Kennel acts like an album." "As you collect your cards, you decorate your kennel." "Only $4.99 at Traders Hardware - every kid will want one." "That's great, Mark, the perfect next step." "Thanks." "I'll have legal draw up an official contract in the next few days." "And how long till we can roll them out?" "Well, I should be able to get a prototype up by next week." "Fantastic!" "Let's have a drink, seal the deal." "No, actually, I've..." "I've got..." "Just one drink." "The board's gonna be here any second and you have to meet the chairman." "(VOICES APPROACH) Ah, speak of the devil." "Matthew Graham, this is Mark Oliver, the man behind the Schnapps cards." "Matthew is the chairman of our board." "Good to meet you." "You too." "Mark's the guy I suggested as our next head of marketing Asia-Pacific." "Remember?" "Of course I do." "Me, head of..." "You two should talk." "Cheers." "(GLASSES CLINK) Cin-cin." "Well, we can't go in without him." "He's the bloody licensee!" "He said he was coming." "(READS) "Dear Mrs Crabb," ""by the time you read this, we'll be a long way away." ""And depending on how long it takes between the time we've written this" ""and the time you get home..." Cut that." "Too wordy?" "Mm-hm." ""Why have we eloped?" "Good question." ""Is it about the financial burden?" "No." ""But that's also a good question." ""The truth is we don't wanna seem insensitive," ""but with you and Mr Crabb fighting all the time," ""this is no place for wedding bells to ring."" "No, cut that bit." "Too insensitive?" "Too weird." ""We've decided on a modest service at a registry office." ""Please don't be cross," ""it's just that we're very excited and passionate young people" ""who act without thinking and live for the moment," ""except for taking the time to write this note." ""Thank you for reading." "Warm regards, Phoebe and Ryan." ""PS, hope you don't mind, we borrowed your car."" "It'll do." "Come on, baby, we're going on an adventure." "I am very interested in the position and actually, I'm quite flattered." "It's...but, really, I..." "I have to go now!" "You said that two drinks ago." "(LAUGHS) That was five drinks ago, actually!" "(LAUGHS) That's right." "Mm." "That is the best whisky I think I've ever tasted." "There's plenty more where that came from." "Afternoon, gentlemen." "WOMAN:" "Excuse me, you can't come in here!" "Do I know you?" "This is Justin..." "Sorry, no time for introductions." "Oh, boys!" "It was very nice to meet you." "Stay in touch." "They're just mates." "(LAUGHS)" "You gonna be right to read your own statement?" "I'm fine, I'm fine." "Just let us do the talking, OK?" "Ooh!" "Oh, you reek of booze." "They loved my idea." "They've already called you." "WOMAN ON P.A.:" "Mr Mark Oliver, room 5." "Mr Mark Oliver..." "That's us." "You guys ready?" "I've gotta..." "I've gotta go to the toilet." "You can't!" "I'll be just two..." "Just... (SIGHS)" "You take this, I'll get him." "This is the final call for Mr Mark Oliver." "Room 5." "Mr Mark Oliver." "And having said that, Your Honour, we are mindful of the need to coexist with our neighbours, and as you can see from our documentation, we have an enormous amount of community support." "Well, you lost all your points in a very short space of time." "The licensee's statement will make it clear that we weren't actually responsible for that." "And, Your Honour, we won the Metropolitan Small Business award for best local pub." "Almost won." "We came second." "Alright, so which one of you is the licensee?" "He..." "He's just freshening up." "Sir." "This hearing has been convened specifically to deal with the licensee." "Oh, he's coming, I'll just go get him." "(LOCK CLICKS)" "How is he?" "Mark!" "You OK?" "(MARK VOMITS)" "Look, just stall them, I'll have him out in a minute, OK?" "(VOMITS)" "Maybe a minute and a half." "Go, go, go." "Mark?" "Mark?" "(SIGHS)" "Mark, I want you to listen to me very carefully - repeat after me, got it?" "You say, "I am well," OK?" ""I am well."" "(GROANS)" "(WEAKLY) I'm well." "Whoa." "(KNOCKS AT DOOR)" "Ah!" "Hey, Gemma." "Hi!" "Ah, actually, I was hoping to surprise you." "Well, you certainly did that." "No, I don't mean...uh..." "No, I mean with him." "Oh!" "Thank you!" "Yes, they say there are three things that cannot be long hidden." "The sun, the moon...and the truth." "I reckon you need a friend right now and..." "I'm more than happy to be that friend." "And I would never, ever wanna push you into anything." "But if you ever wanted to be more than friends... ..you know I'd wait." "What is it?" "It's Phoebe and Ryan." "They've run away to get married." "MAN:" "I agree." "I think it's completely disrespectful." "He's coming, Your Honour." "He's just got a bit of a stomach bug. (LAUGHS NERVOUSLY)" "Mm." "Alright, that's it." "No more, alright?" "This is absurd." "Now, under the terms of this hearing, failure to appear means I have no choice but to... (DOOR CLUNKS) Sorry I'm late, sir." "Thank you very much for your patience." "I'm the licensee." "Mark Oliver." "Good." | {
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"[people speaking Arabic]" "[screaming, yelling in Arabic]" "[men speaking Arabic] [speaking Arabic]" "We go now." "Where your friend?" "He's outside taking a piss." "He'll be right back." "Gun no good." "You give me." "No. lt's a very good gun." "Give me your gun." "You understand?" "I understand." "I'm just not giving you my gun." "[yelling in Arabic]" "Give him the gun, Archer." "You're kidding, right?" "Every 12-year-old in this country is carrying a Kalashnikov." "Exactly why your pea shooter ain't worth shit." "Give it to him." "[speaking Arabic]" "[men speaking Arabic]" "[man speaking Arabic]" "[speaking Arabic]" "Where are you from?" "All over." "But I was born in Sudan." "Your English is very good." "So is yours." "What is your business here?" "Ahmed asked me to come." "He didn't tell me." "[metal clicking of gun]" "I can't negotiate like this." "Negotiate what?" "I have six crates of Semtex, custom-built detonators, in my truck." "Are you interested?" "Please... sit down." "I can also show you how to use them without blowing yourself up." "Unintentionally, that is." "Unintentionally." "[laughs]" "That's funny." "Samir." "Ahmed." "[conversing in Arabic]" "He was just about to." "[speaking Arabic] [men speaking Arabic]" "What was that all about?" "The captain was impressed with the sig." "I told him he could keep it." " My gun?" " [speaking Arabic]" "You gave him my gun?" "A small gesture of good will goes a long way in this part of the world." "Shukran." "Let's go." "[cocking gun]" "[speaking Arabic]" "[gunshots] [shouting in Arabic]" "Come on!" "Come on!" "[men speaking Arabic]" "[dogs barking]" "[metal door opening]" "Hello, Mr. Horn, I'm Special Agent Clayton, fbi." " This is Agent Archer." " [metal door closing]" "fbi?" "Since when does the fbi operate in Yemen?" "We don't." "We have no authority here." "You're under Yemeni custody." "Bad fucking news for you." "If you're willing to help us, we may be able to help you." "You're gonna help me with no authority?" "They listen to us a touch closer when it comes to terrorism." "Oh, I'm a terrorist?" "I don't know." "You tell me." "You been selling them explosives?" "Oh, I sell to whoever can afford to buy." "Like the United States government." "Only ours don't kill innocent people." "Oh, yeah, they do, genius." "People just usually have darker skin." "Let's skip the political debate." "We just want to know where the Semtex was headed." "I don't know." "I didn't ask." "But you knew where it came from." "Yeah. lt fell off the back of a truck." "Answer the question." "You need to take some lessons from the locals." "Ohh!" "[coughing]" "Let me talk to him." "Sorry." "Must have forgotten my Bill of Rights at home." "It's clear to me that you're not a fanatic, Samir." "An opportunist perhaps, but not a fanatic." "So consider this opportunity." "You have an American passport, which means I can get you out of here." "But I do need an answer." "You want to spend the rest of your life here, in Yemen?" "You go right ahead." "But you and I both know that I'm likely to be the last friendly face you're gonna see for a very long time." "I don't have anything to say to you." "The only difference between you and him is he knows he's an asshole." "Why don't you just go home, Agent Clayton." "[metal door opening]" " Nice guy." " You shouldn't have hit him." " He deserved it." " That's not the point." "You get a suspect to talk by pushing his buttons, not by letting him push yours." "Nobody ever teach you that?" "[water running]" "[man speaking Arabic]" "You are a traitor." "You sold us out." "Then why am I in here with you?" "[man speaking Arabic]" "[Samir whispering Arabic]" "[Muezzin chanting over loud speaker]" "[men speaking in Arabic]" "Allahu Akbar." "Allahu Akbar." "Allahu Akbar." "[men muttering in Arabic]" "[speaking Arabic]" "Eh, eh, eh." "You understand me?" "Do you understand me?" "Mmm." "[clapping]" "Ah, forget Allah." "[speaking Arabic] [men yelling in Arabic]" "[yelling in Arabic]" "[groans]" "[Woman] They cracked the encryption on that satphone you guys found in Yemen." "Check out the call log." "1 4 calls to Rome in early January, 1 7 calls to Berlin in March," "1 1 to Amsterdam in early May." "It correlates exactly with the Al-Nathir bombings." "Rome, Berlin, Amsterdam." "Where did the calls go?" "Payphones located in largely immigrant, Muslim neighborhoods." "What have you found on Samir Horn?" "No criminal record." "I searched NClC, state and local databases." "Nothing so far." "Well, check with the military liaison, too." "He sure as shit didn't learn to put detonators together in high school." "[flies buzzing]" "Allahu Akbar." "It's time to finish what we started." "[Man] lt's already finished." "Lay your hand on any of my brothers, and it will mean your life." "Shukran." "Where did you learn to play?" "My father." "How about you?" "Boarding school in Switzerland." " You win." " You want to play again?" "I haven't had anybody to play with for ages." "Why don't you play with one of them?" "They're soldiers, not thinkers." "Soldiers or martyrs?" "You know, I've been in a lot of battles." "And they may have felt like a suicide mission at the time, but we always had a plan to come home." "You must be willing to sacrifice some of your pawns if you want to win the game." " l don't know." " l think you do." "You risked your life to share your food with a stranger." "That's not the same thing." "I was just doing my duty." " lf l'd known there was" " Jihad is also your duty." "Ahmed told me what you have done in Afghanistan." "Tactics have changed, my friend." "Tactics always change." "You don't defeat an empire fighting by their rules." "Once upon a time, it was the Americans who were terrorists to the British." "They've forgotten the history already." "[men speaking Spanish]" "Allahu Akbar." "Allahu Akbar." "Piece of sh" "Senor?" "[beep]" "[woman screaming]" "All right, don't tell anyone I said this, but you're right." " The military had a file on him." " Hmm." "Staff Sergeant Samir Horn." "U.S. Army Special Forces." "Trained at Fort Bragg." " Engineering and Explosives." " All right, skip to the next page." "Horn was his mother's name." "She's from Chicago." "His father was Sudanese." "Moved all over the Middle East." "Had ties with the Muslim Brotherhood." "Was killed in a car bombing in '78." "Not sure which side was behind it." " ls that so?" " Oh, and it gets better." "The Army sent Horn to Pakistan in '86 to train in the Afghan rebels." "It's where he got in touch with his Muslim roots." "Decided he wanted in on the action." "When his tour was over, he stayed behind, and joined the Mujahideen." "There's been a bombing in Spain." "Eleven Americans dead." "They've got the bomber." "[Female Reporter] ...an American tour group was the target of the attack, apparently." "The latest carried out by Nathir, the Islamic terrorist whose identity and whereabouts remain a mystery to authorities." "Do you have a woman?" "A family?" "No." "You don't want no kids?" "I don't have a woman." "What language do you dream in?" "English." "Me, too." "Really?" "You know, it's funny-- l don't even feel at home speaking my own language sometimes." "I don't feel at home anywhere." "Samir." "Samir?" "There is somebody that I want you to meet when we get out of here." "[laughs] We're in prison in Yemen for terrorism." "I wouldn't make any plans, man." "This guy's got to be in a state of shock." "He planned on waking up in Paradise with 72 virgins." "Blow yourself up to get laid." "This has got to be some crazy shit." "Where I grew up, the Klan burned crosses in front of people's houses and called it "Christianity."" "And then my daddy and the folks from the church would drive over and put 'em out." "Seems every religion has more than one face." "How you doin'?" "Okay, I think I know." "You wish you were dead, don't ya?" "You wish you'd been successful?" "I've killed dozens of infidels." "But you're still alive." "And you don't strike me as a coward." "Of course I'm not a coward." "Well, some people are going to think you lost your nerve." "I didn't." "You know, tomorrow's newspaper is going to have your face on the front page with a story about you being captured and helping the police." " That's a lie." " You survived the blast." "You fell into enemy hands." "I don't think it is a lie." "Who do you think's gonna have to pay for your failure?" "So I'm guessing it'll be your cousin, Hussein." "He's the one that got you into all this, right?" "Don't be surprised, Ziyad." "We know everything about you-- family, friends..." "work, phone records." "We even know what you listen to on your iPod." "Leave me alone." "[voice over headphones] There is a way out." "But you're gonna have to give us some information." "Nobody knows you're alive." "If you answer my questions, tomorrow's headline could tell the world that you're dead." "Why should Hussein suffer for this?" "Why should everyone think you're a coward?" "Come on, Ziyad." "You talk now or talk later." "The only difference is the story that everybody's gonna hear about you." "[speaking Arabic]" "Everything all right, brother?" "Have faith." "And stay close." "[men shouting]" "No, no, no!" "No, no, no." "Stay down." "Wait, wait, wait." "Now!" "Go, go!" " Sh" " No, no, no, no." "Wait, wait." "Come on!" "Come on!" "[Ziyad, recording] All I know is I was supposed to go to America, not Spain." "[Ziyad, recording] All I know is I was supposed to go to America, not Spain." "Nathir was sending a whole bunch of us." "[Clayton] And how many made it in the U.S. ?" "I don't know-- 30, 40." "Maybe more." "They were handing out student visas." "And that's all l" "Nice work." "[Clayton] The confession we got in Spain was clear." "Now, the only reason Ziyad Hamzi didn't make it into the United States is because his student visa was rejected." "But Nathir has sent others and they are here." "Anybody else have anything on Nathir?" "[clears throat]" "About six months ago we picked up an intercept." "Nothing solid but they did talk about a Al-Nathir operation code named "Risala"-- an attack with multiple suicide bombers here in the U.S." "Hold on a sec." "You had intel on a domestic attack and you didn't pass it on?" "It was unsubstantiated." "Well how could it be if you didn't share it?" "Enough. I don't want to hear anymore about people hoarding intel." "We're taking this threat seriously." "The White House is gonna want action." "I'm talking about a major roundup of guys who fit this profile." "And everyone works together on this." " Kelly was pretty worked up." " So?" "So a couple months back he told me that you were working an asset inside on Nathir." "That was off the record." "Yeah. I'm just saying maybe, uh... maybe that guy knows something." "He's gone silent." "For all I know, he's gone over to the other side." "When the ship docks, you have a choice." "You can get off and walk away as a free man." "Our people can get you past customs." "Then you're on your own." "What if I stay?" "Our path is not for everyone." "I understand." "I think of you as a friend, Samir." "So I will tell you this." "Do not decide lightly." "## [Mediterranean]" " Bonsoir." " Bonsoir." " [cork pops]" " Merci beaucoup, ma cherie." "What's the matter?" " lt's halal." " lt's a Krug '95, actually." "Don't look so disturbed, Samir." "We shave, we drink alcohol, and sometimes we even eat pork." "Hmm?" "In the Qur'an, it's called Taqiyya." ""Become like your enemy to deceive your enemy."" "That's not Taqiyya." "Excuse me?" "With all due respect, Brother Fareed, the Hadith says that the prophet Muhammad Sall-Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam told his followers that they could lie about being Muslims to save their lives if death was imminent." " lt didn't mention-- - ls death not imminent now?" "We're at war today." "And to be effective, you need to blend in." "No one's even looking at us." "I told you, he's not some foot soldier." "Samir is a man of faith." "Faith is good." "But you have to know how to follow orders, too." "[Male Reporter] ln one of the largest Homeland Security operations to date, lCS and fbi agents are questioning foreign students who were issued visas in Middle Eastern countries over the past two years." "In some major cities, where there are large numbers" "[Female Reporter] A number of American groups have protested the operation, claiming that it unfairly targets innocent civilians and amounts to racial profiling." "The American Civil Liberty's Union has filed..." "[Male Reporter speaking indistinctly] ...has found that the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism." "[Clayton] Homeland Security-- a waste of time and resources." "We'll never find them this way." "There are 1 .2 billion Muslims in this world." "Only 20% of them are Arab." "These people could look like anybody, except maybe you." "What, so you don't think we should be profiling these guys?" "I just think we should be concentrating on the one suspect that we do have." "[all talking at once] [all talking at once]" "[Man] We train to kill, but it doesn't mean that we love violence." "We use violence only because it has been used against us." "The crusaders have invade our land, drop bombs on our people, stole our natural resources." "We are fighting to end the suffering." "We are fighting to end the humiliation and murder of" "The Americans accuse us of killing innocent civilians." "Yet they have been spilling the blood of innocent Muslims for decades." "Does our blood not count?" "[Men] Allahu Akbar." "History has shown us that time and time again no matter how great the empire, no matter how difficult the odds, a man who is not afraid to die can never be defeated." "[Man] Allahu Akbar." "[Men] Allahu Akbar." "Thank you." "Your son is in a lot of trouble." "What sort of trouble?" "He's involved with a terrorist organization." "Do you believe in God, Detective Clayton?" "Uh, we don't use the term "Detective," ma'am." "You didn't answer my question." "Yes, I do believe in God." "Why do you ask?" "Because you will never understand a man like Samir if you don't." "Would you describe him as a devout Muslim?" "He's Muslim." "I don't believe there is a sliding scale." "Do you know what the word "Islam" means?" ""Submission."" "Yes. "Submission."" "Submission to God's will is absolute." "Do you think Samir believes it's God's will for him to kill others?" "You carry a gun yourself." "Now, you didn't answer my question." "My son has seen enough death to understand the value of life." "[buzzing]" "[Woman over speaker] Who is it?" "fbi, ma'am." "It's about Samir Horn." "Now, the State Department hasn't answered any of my letters for weeks." "I mean, I don't even know what prison he's being held in." "Well, he's not being held anymore." "He has escaped." "When?" "A week ago." "It was a prison break organized by the terrorist group he's working with." "What are you talking about?" "I mean, this whole thing is a mistake." "I'm afraid it's not, ma'am." "We have evidence." " What evidence?" " That's classified." " l can't tell you that." " Yeah, of course it is." "You people are incredible." "How long has it been since you've seen him?" "I don't remember." "If you want to help Samir, you should talk to me." "Do you think that every Muslim man is a terrorist?" "On the contrary." "I am, however, looking for those who are." "Now if you have any knowledge of what he's been involved in, you do have an obligation to share that with me." "Are you charging me with anything?" "No, I'm not." "When you have something more than secret evidence, then I'll talk to you." "Uh, they just fired him." "No explanation." "But, uh, it was pretty obvious why." "How did Samir take it?" "How do you think?" "So why did you let Mr. Horn go?" "Jeez, that was over a year ago." "I don't recall the details." "The information that we gather for these types of background checks is strictly confidential." "Look, as far as I'm concerned, a man's religion is his own business." "But when you wear a skullcap and pray to Allah five times a day, people are gonna notice." "Some of our clients complained." "Horn gets to Chicago when he's 12." "He's just watched his father die." "He's arrived from Sudan." "He's going through culture shock." "It's a classic profile." "He's caught between traditional Islam and the West." "His test scores are off the charts." "But it said he had some behavioral problems." "He was kicked out of high school his senior year for getting into a fight." "About what?" "Three white students were harassing a black girl." "Horn intervened." "Two of the boys had to be hospitalized." "Now he enlisted in the military right after that." "His Army file was classified." "But here's a copy." "After he leaves the Army, Horn fights in Afghanistan for a few years." "The list of people he could have met there is practically a who's who of Islamic terrorists, from Abdul Azim to Osama bin Laden." "Now we pretty much lose track of him until he shows up in Bosnia where he meets Chandra Dawkin, the photojournalist." " ls she a spy?" " No." "The fbi tried to question her, but my source says she was uncooperative." "Last fall is when things seemed to change." "He loses his job, spends more and more time at the mosque." "Then he begins disappearing on these long trips overseas." "Last one he never comes back from." "And somewhere along the way he meets up with someone who's connected with Nathir and bingo!" "You got yourself a terrorist." "[bangs table] Boom!" "If this were the real thing, he could have blown everybody up." "Come on, Omar." "This kid is too young." "He's not ready." "I'm telling you." "I'm sorry." "Let me try again." "No." "Nobody cares about you being sorry." "We cannot have mistakes." "We can't play around with this shit, Omar." "Bring me somebody who can do it." "Please. I can do this." "Give me a chance." "is this mission important or not?" "'Cause if it's important, you need to bring" "Samir." "Let him try again." "Turn around." "All right." "Let's see what you have." "There's a copy of the transcript printing out for you know, sir." "I got something." "This guy made a call yesterday from a phone in Marseilles that we've been sitting on." "Claims he's been selected to become shahid." "You picking up a little Arabic?" "Ah, just your basic "Jihady"." "Now Clayton, this one's operational." "This cat thinks he's gonna be in Paradise by the end of the week." "[speaking Arabic]" "Brothers, I know how proud everybody is about what we're going to do." "It's an honor to carry out a mission like this." "But we have a problem." "Somebody talked about it." "Hey, guys. I'm sorry." "It was just my cousin." "Omar, I didn't tell him anything specific." "I just wanted him to know, to tell my family." "Omar, he can be trusted." "I swear." "It wasn't for you to decide." "Okay." "Okay." "It will never happen again." "Omar." "Wait a minute." "Don't let them-- Guys, hey!" "Bashir!" "No!" "Laissez-moi!" "Laissez-moi!" "No!" "[loud crash] [train passing]" "Hey, stupid!" "You just ruined the mission." "What the hell is wrong with you?" "You gonna put the bomb on now?" "Listen to me." "The boy was a liability." "Samir, we don't allow liabilities." "We are very happy to welcome you, but it was not necessary for you to come all the way here over one phone call." "We have reason to believe that this particular phone booth has been used by Nathir's operatives in the past." "This could very well be their next suicide bomber." "Thank you for the information, monsieur, but the situation is under control, I assure you." "[speaking French]" "We didn't come here to play tourists." "We came here to stop an attack." "So can we please dispense with the horse shit?" "Okay." "Ali Abbas Mukhtar." "He was born in Marseilles." "French citizen." "1 7 years old." "But...no longer a threat." "Why is that?" "He was found dead Tuesday morning." "[Horn] Omar." "Nathir is angry." "He wanted this thing to go forward on time." "Well, it can still happen." "[scoffs] We have to start over." "A new target, a new bomber." "Look, a new target, yeah." "But for- [conversing in French]" " Bonjour." "Look, I've been thinking about this." "I want to use a remote trigger." "Do you know how important this mission is, Samir?" "Nathir is watching." "He has plan for you." "He knows who I am?" "So tell me your idea." "The American Consulate in Nice." "[scoffs]" "[loud whistle]" "[men speaking French]" "[explosion] [screaming]" "[Female Reporter] The American Consulate in Nice" "[Female Reporter] The American Consulate in Nice has sustained major damage in a bombing earlier today." "Police are still searching the site for the body of a suspected suicide bomber." "This attack bears all the hallmarks of other blasts earlier this year conducted by a group calling itself Al-Nathir." "[Male Reporter] Three or more charges of high-impact explosives were placed... [doorbell ringing] [men speaking Arabic]" "Samir." " As-Salamu Alaykum, my friend." " Wa alaikum assalam." " Welcome back." " Thank you." "Congratulations, Samir." "Job well done." "The glory belongs to Allah." "Look." "[Female Reporter] ...American Consulate here in Nice, victim, of course, of a devastating terrorist attack earlier this morning." "The death toll is now confirmed at eight, with five people reported injured." "Well done." "What's the matter?" "Eight?" "l-l thought there would be more, many more." "My brother, congratulations are in order." "What you have done is fantastic." "Today you have struck a great blow against the myth of American power." "Nathir is pleased." "[speaks Arabic] I only wish to serve his will." "That's good to know." "But tonight, you relax." "Please, make yourself at home." "[speaks Arabic] [bell tolling]" "There you are, my brother." "Nice view, huh?" "Yeah." "What you did, Samir, what we are doing-- it's all about setting our people free." "Even if you and I don't live to see it." "If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live." "Who said that?" "Martin Luther King." "Ah. [laughs]" "You're a very funny man, Samir." "Yeah." "[speaking French]" "[Archer] Lab results are back." "Traces of PETN, RDX." "Semtex again." "Just like the other Nathir attacks." "Except all the other attacks were suicide bombers, and this looks like it's from an RF Receiver, hmm?" "Yes." "He used small charges." "One... and two." "But just in the correct place to make collapse the building." "This man, he knows what he's doing." "RF range is usually no more than a hundred meters, so let's pull the tapes for all the security cameras within a five-block radius." "No one there." "Keep going." " More." " [computer mouse clicking]" "Back it up right there." "What happened?" "There were no Americans inside." "The two dead embassy employees were fakes, bodies from the morgue with false identities just like we talked about." "Why is the news saying eight people?" "There was some unscheduled maintenance in a part of the consulate that was supposed to be empty, all right?" "I didn't know they'd be there." "Listen, we couldn't control everything." "Nobody was supposed to die!" "I'm sorry, Samir." "Look, what do you want me to say?" "We set off a bomb." "No, I set off a bomb." "Look, I know you paid a price to get this far." "Okay?" "You're close." "You're very close." "I don't know, man." "You tell me." "Do we stop?" "[thunder rumbling]" "[speaking Arabic]" "What made you learn Arabic?" "I took a class in college and got hooked." "I even switched my major from Religion to Arabic Studies." "You were a Religion major?" "My daddy was a Baptist minister." "His daddy was a Baptist minister." "It's in the blood." "You know, when J. Edgar were in office, he never would have let you into the fbi." "Wasn't my original plan." "Not a lot of jobs, however, for Ph.D.s in Arabic Studies." "Oh, I get it now." "You were an egghead who got dragged into a street fight." "Nobody gets dragged into a street fight." "[bell dings] [wheels screeching]" "[speaking in Arabic]" "Welcome to Toronto, Brother Samir." "It's a great honor, Emir." "Please, sit." "Thank you." " Tea?" " Yes, thank you." "Omar tells me that you play chess." "Only a little." "Thank you." "In chess and in war, the key to winning is to anticipate what your opponent will do in advance." "Think two moves ahead." "The art of asymmetrical warfare is less about inflicting damage than provoking a response." "Terrorism is theater." "And theater is always performed for an audience." "Ours is the American people." "But we are dispersed across a large country." "The question is, how to convince them that nowhere is safe." "Samir, imagine a bus traveling cross-country filled with average, everyday Americans." "People from-- from all over." "From small towns, from the country." "Imagine the effect it would have if that very same bus were to suddenly explode." "Now multiply that by 50." "Fifty buses across the heartland of America, all at the same time, on the same day." "We call this operation Risala Shukra Al-hiba." "For years we've been planting martyrs in their midst." "They are waiting for a signal, instructions, material." "We need somebody who can move about the country without drawing attention." "Somebody who blends in." "An American messenger, Samir." "He isn't capable of this." "I don't like having to show these to you, Chandra." "But we need to find him before this happens again." "Samir always said that these people were Islam's worse enemies." "Oh, he fought a Holy War with these folks in Afghanistan and then again in Bosnia." "He was trained to kill." "He was a soldier, not a murderer." "I believe he deceived you as much as anybody else." "His faith was a source of strength." "Not this." " Welcome to the U.S." " Thanks." "I'm a friend of Nassim's." "I'm here to see Iqbal." "Shukran." "They transferred the funds for the Spain bombing the Middle Eastern way." "You give a thousand Euros to somebody in one city and their cousin or uncle pays it in the" "Thank you, Mr. Hayes, we do know what a hawala network is." "The money trail ended in London." "A Pakistani with some shady business dealings was the source of the money for the Spain operation." "Yesterday he transferred $25,000 to Los Angeles." "Do you have an id on him?" "We're close." "That's an encrypted phone." "You can call me on it safely." "Nobody can listen in." "including the fbi?" "Yeah." "Especially the fbi." "When do you think you can get in a room with Nathir again?" "I don't know." "Probably not until I do what it is they sent me to do." "Then you keep on going." "Well, the problem is, to keep going means I'm going to have to put real bombs in their hands now soon." "If that what it takes to keep your cover." "[scoffs]" "Do you realize how far I've gone to protect your identity, Samir?" "I have kept you completely off the books." "My boss, his boss-- nobody knows you even exist." "Look, I don't give a shit about any of that, okay?" "We need to rethink things." "If you don't succeed, we may not get another chance." "How far are you willing to take this?" "We've got blood on our hands." "We've killed innocent people." "Yeah, and if we stop now, they'll have died for nothing." "This is a war." "You do what it takes to win." "You know who you sound like, right?" "We're the good guys, Samir." "Oh, I know." "Hey!" "Remember who you answer to." "I answer to God." "We all do." " Any problem?" " No." "Omar." "Omar, Omar!" "Don't!" "Don't!" "[laughs]" "Can't blow up unless there's a detonator in it." " Don't worry." " lt still makes me nervous." "We gotta talk about how we're gonna send these e-mails." "What do you mean?" "I thought we decided to use coded e-mail." "No, no, we did." "We did." "But the problem is e-mails can get intercepted." "I got a better idea." "We're gonna give each of our people an e-mail account and a password." "All right?" "Then when we're ready to go, we log onto each one, we write the instructions, but we don't send them." "We save it as a draft." "The next morning they log on, they check their unsent messages." "Nothing is sent." "There's nothing for the fbi to intercept." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." "I like this." "Here are the names." "There's only ten." "We don't risk putting them all on one list." "None of them even knows that the other exists." "Ah. I like that." "[speaking Arabic] [speaking Arabic]" "As-Salamu Alaykum, sister." "Sorry." "That's okay." "They want that file translated right away." "Sure." "From British intelligence, huh?" "Yeah." "Good night." "Good night." "[ringing]" "[ringing]" "You have to get out, now." "Leave nothing." "[cocking gun]" "[tires screeching]" "Hold it right there!" "Get your hands up!" "Right there!" "Against the wall!" "Mr. Raman, how are you?" "Perhaps you haven't had time to read the fine print of the Patriot Act, but any person operating a money transmitting business must register with the U.S. government." "Something you neglected to do, Mr. Raman." "Now each transfer in excess of $10,000 can be treated as a separate felony and each count is punishable by up to five years in prison." "And you moved over $2 million." "I mean, you are the money guy." "You can do the math." "Now if you choose to cooperate, the charges against you will be dropped." "The choice is yours." "We'll give you five minutes to think about it." "Wait!" "You having some car trouble?" "Yeah, it was making a funny noise." "I think the radiator's loose." "I got a toolbox." "I've been praying for this day to come." "Your prayers have been answered, brother." "Now these go to the trigger mechanisms." "All you have to do is attach it to the power source." "This e-mail account has your final instructions on it." "[speaking Arabic]" "Chandra." " Samir!" " Don't, don't, don't, don't!" "Pretend we're not talking." "They're probably watching you right now." "Just keep stretching." "Keep stretching." "Samir, what's going on?" "I'm sorry. I never meant to get you mixed up in all of this." "Mixed up in what?" "I mean...you didn't have anything to do with that bombing in France, right?" "Just keep stretching." "Samir, I need to know the truth." "The truth is... it's complicated." "Holy shit." "Get on the radio." "Hey." "Did you do-- Did you do what they said?" "Yes." "Then you just stop it." "Okay?" "Whatever-- Whatever you're involved in." " Chandra" " Whatever you're doing, you just" "Chandra, listen to me." "I can't stop and I'm not coming back." "You have to forget about me." "Just forget about me." " No, Samir, listen to me" " Samir" " Let me go." "Let me go." "We're on the ground." "No, just keep him in your sight, but don't move on him yet." "We're on our way." "[tires screeching]" "We're at 128 South Randolph Avenue." "Continuing surveillance undetected is going to be a problem." "We think he entered that building there, sir." "Who followed him in?" "Uh, we were waiting for backup." "You two go around back." "You take the side." "[Archer] Come on." "Let's go." "It's all right." "We're not here for you, fellows." " l'll take the rooftop." " Okay." " [thud]" " Ohh!" "[grunting]" "Agent Clayton." "You're a persistent son of a bitch, aren't you?" "You're a hard man to catch." "Turn around!" "Not too late, Samir." "We can work something out." "Tell 'em to stay put." "You're coming out." "Basement's clear." "I'm coming out." "[Man on radio] Copy that." "We have something in common." "My father's a man of God, too." "Yeah?" "We're practically brothers." "Sit on your hands." "Sit on 'em." "I've read some of your father's teachings." "He's a man of great integrity." "How'd you stray so far from his way of thinking?" " Your father was a preacher?" " Oh, yeah." "Then you know the Lord's Prayer." "Say it." "[gun cocks]" "Say it." "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name." "Thy kingdom come" "Ohh." "[grunts] [door closes]" "He's gone." "And we had guys everywhere looking for him." "But those basement tunnels-- they run under five city blocks of buildings." "Yeah." "He knew that, too." "He used to live there." "128 South Randolph." "It was in his file." "It didn't occur to me." "I wonder why he let you live." "[laughs softly]" "Because I didn't try to beat the crap out of him like you did." "[tires screeching]" "Carter, you put a tracker on me?" " Are you crazy?" " The fbi's all over you." " l'm on a meet!" " Come with me." " l'm on a meet, Carter!" " [tires screeching]" "[whispers] Shit." "Push me." "Push me!" "Let's go!" "[tires screeching]" "[horn honking]" "What the hell happened?" "Who was that?" "It was a cop." "I went to see a woman." "An old girlfriend of mine." "And" " And they were watching her, and then the dude jumped on me." "I didn't even know he was there until I got to the" "We have to get out of the country tonight." "We've only made contact with 30 of the bombers." "You better hope that's enough." "And when we see Fareed, let me talk." "Put your seatbelt on." "[police radio chatter]" "This is the car Horn stole from the projects." "Two of the shell casings have his prints on them." "The body's over here." "You say you had a federal id on him?" "Yeah. lntelligence contractor." "As-Salamu Alaykum, Brother Fareed." "Wa alaikum assalam, Omar." "[speaking Arabic]" " As-Salamu Alaykum." " Wa alaikum assalam, Samir." "Good trip?" "Um...we had a problem." "Samir has made a small mistake." " He went to see a woman" " Chandra Dawkin?" "Yeah, Chandra Dawkin." "Listen" "Yeah, but Fareed, the important thing is that he carried out his mission successfully." "The important thing is... that she was cooperating with Federal agents." "No." "No." "That's-- l'm sorry." "You're mistaken, Brother Fareed." "I'm not mistaken." "We have a source inside the fbi." "Well then your source is mistaken." "There's" " No." "She would never do that." "I've known this woman for years." "Show Samir to his room please." "Omar and I need to talk alone." "Yeah, but he's an integral part of our mission, Fareed." "Yes." "But going to see the woman has put us in jeopardy." "Oh, come on, man." "Who amongst us hasn't faced temptation?" "This isn't about temptation, Omar." "It's about security." "[sighs] Leave aside your friendship for just one moment, my brother, and think." "Think sensibly." "What if he did it deliberately, huh?" "Unfortunately his actions have left us with a doubt." "And what does that mean?" "We eliminate all doubts." "Ml5 has recovered some files from a hard drive" "Ml5 has recovered some files from a hard drive in Nathir's London safe house." "One of them has a record of an operation" "Risala Shukra Al-hiba." "Where have I heard that before?" "Our phone intercept." "Your intercept only picked up the first part of the code name." "The date of the attack is in the full name." "Leyla?" ""Risala" means "message,"" ""Shukra" means "thanks" and "Al-hiba" is "the gift."" "So the literal translation is "Message of thanks for the gift."" "Thanksgiving." "Exactly." "That's when they're gonna strike." "In two days time." "What about the target?" "Well, we found traces of Semtex in the vehicle" "Horn abandoned in Chicago." "But that was purchased in California a month ago." "And he could have been distributing bombs right across the entire country by now." "We'll raise the threat level." "Double up protection on bridges, airports, monuments, the White House." "Sir, I would also suggest that we place Horn on the high-value target list, too." "He killed a good man." "You're not going to get any objections from us." " You let me win, Omar." " No." "No, I swear." "[laughs]" "You've gotten better, my friend." "Please, don't bullshit me." "You beat me enough times for me to know when you're throwing a game." "[sighs]" "Fareed has made up his mind." "Sorry." "It's not your fault." "I did this." "We're only men, my friend." "I have a girl in Paris, Samir." "Beautiful." "Beautiful." "She thinks I'm a music producer." "[laughs]" "You know, it's true what they say." "War is the lesser jihad." "To overcome temptation, to live rightly, that is the great jihad." "And is that what we've been doing?" "You ever ask yourself that?" "Sometimes." "But Nathir is the leader." "And my duty is to follow." "Come, let's pray." "We've just received word from our source in Washington." "It appears you're on the high-value target list." "What is that?" "What does that mean?" "It means I owe you an apology, Samir." "That means that the American government has put a fatwa on you." "[laughs] They want you dead." "[speaking Arabic]" "Hang on." "This is-- The system's running really slow." "We need to get back on the road and make it to Halifax by tonight." "Halifax?" "They will be looking for us big time after tomorrow." "We'll be cruising across the ocean by then." "All of us." "[typing] [scoffs] Computer's frozen." "[sighs] What?" "Jeez, I gotta reboot the whole thing." " What do you mean?" " Good God." " l gotta get some coffee." " No, no, no." "You stay here." "I'll get it." "Make sure you get the numbers exactly right." "I want each person on the road at the same time." "Got it." "That's it." " Done?" " Yeah, we're good." "Let's go." "Aah." "[chatter]" "[kids yelling] [dogs barking]" "[long exhale, praying in Arabic]" "[Male Reporter talking indistinctly]" "[Archer] You've got to be shitting me." "The U.S. is going to be attacked today and we just arrived at the ass-end of Canada." " Roy Clayton?" " Yeah." "This fax came for you." "What is it?" "The county records for the two State Department employees killed at the consulate bombing in Nice." "Well, these people died as infants." "Wait a sec." "These deaths are fake." "Yeah." "[praying in Arabic]" "[praying in Arabic]" "[speaking Arabic]" "[Man] A few dozen ships in port right now, but only these five are scheduled to head out today." "All right, all these ships are destined for U.S. ports except for this one-- The Ivory Star." " lt's a tanker registered out of Aden." " Yemen?" " That's gotta be it." " That's gotta be it." "You want to board her, we'll need an official request from the fbi in Washington." "We go through HQ, this information's gonna get leaked right back." "Wait a minute." "Customs can search any ship that it wants if it thinks it has drugs on board, right?" "You have any friends left in Narcotics?" "We'll soon find out." "[speaking Arabic] [speaking Arabic]" "Good to see you." " [speaking Arabic]" " Welcome, my friend." "This is going to be a great day." "It's almost time." "[speaking Arabic]" "The Americans love to brag about how their government represents the people." "So we should accept that every American shares equal responsibility for their government's crimes." "Nobody is innocent." "[Man] We're leaving harbor soon, Emir." "We have to stay below decks for a while." "What's the matter with you?" "Uh, I'm getting a little seasick." "I think I need to take some air." "May I, Emir?" " You're the head of security, brother?" " Yes, sir." "And how many men in your detail guarding the Emir?" "Seven crew members." "Don't worry." "We're certainly safe." "[groaning]" "[gun cocks]" "Shit." "Nothing." "I think he's leading us on a goose chase." "That was the harbor master." "There's one more ship going into international waters today." "Cargo carrier headed for Marseilles." "Which one is it?" "[chanting softly in Arabic] [chanting softly in Arabic]" "[chanting softly in Arabic]" "Samir?" "Wait, brother." "Think of your duty to" "Omar!" "Omar!" "Omar!" "Don't shoot!" "Don't shoot!" "Listen to me!" "What have you done, Samir?" " l didn't come here to kill you, Omar." " You are a traitor!" "No!" "Nathir was the traitor." "Fareed was the traitor." "They betrayed Islam!" "No!" "I don't want to listen to you!" " l'm gonna kill you, Samir!" " lt doesn't matter." "I was dead as soon as I stepped foot on this ship." "But I had to stop them." "I had to stop this" "What the hell are you talking about?" "You haven't stopped shit!" "Thirty buses are going to explode!" "[breathing erratically]" "Allahu Akbarl" "What are you doing?" "[all shouting at once]" "Who are you?" " Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar." " Why are we on the same bus?" "What the hell are you doing?" "[tires screeching]" "I put them all on the same bus." "No." "No, that can't be." "I saw you give them the bombs." "I saw the e-mails." "I changed the e-mails, Omar." "It's over." "[crying] I put my trust on you." "I thought you were my brother!" "Omar." "Omar." "I am your brother." "They used you, Omar." "They used me, too." "All of them." "They used us for our faith." "[metallic clang]" " Drop your weapon!" " [men shouting indistinctly]" "Omar." "Omar!" "Hold your fire." "Hold your fire!" " Samir?" " [groaning]" "Samir, where's Nathir?" "Hang in there, Samir." "Call a paramedic." "It'll be okay." "Samir." "You wanna take a ride and talk?" "We can talk right here." "Good to see you up and about." "Didn't know if you'd make it." "How's the shoulder?" "I'll live." "I don't suspect anybody's said this to you, but this country owes you a huge debt." "You came all the way out here just to tell me that?" "Come on, Clayton." "I'm going someplace." "What do you want?" "I've had your file wiped clean." "Everything." "The bombing at France, the bus, all of it." "Effectively, you're a free man but there's still a lot that you can do for us." "I'm a free man?" "This doesn't feel like freedom to me, Clayton." "You think because you hit "delete" on some computer somewhere that that's it, it's over?" "I made choices about people's lives." " And I gotta live with that." " l understand." " Forever, Clayton." " l understand that." "But you and I both know that this fight is far from over." "You know, the Qur'an says that if you kill an innocent person, it's as if you've killed all mankind?" "[sighs] lt also says that if you save a life, it's like you've saved all mankind." "You're a hero, Samir." "Look, whatever you want to call me, I'm done." "Well, we know how to find each other." "As-Salamu Alaykum." "Wa alaikum assalam." "And you should start the conversation with that." "## [Middle Eastern]" "Subtitled By R3N" | {
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} |
"I deliver perfection..." "and don't brag about it!" ":" "D" "Such a boy." "Kazik, speak to me." "Let's get out of here." "No stinking Jews in my line." "The bread is for Poles on the Aryan side, not Jews." "Go to your side!" "Go to the Ghetto!" "Officer, I am a veteran of the Polish armed services." "Then you're a fighter?" "Mordechai Anielewicz?" "You're wanted for work detail." "Let's go." "Work detail?" "Where?" "Who knows?" "What's the difference?" "All Jews ordered to report." "How will I know what to wear?" "Don't get smart." "Put on a shirt." "Let's get moving." "This work detail." "It wouldn't by any chance be a German work detail?" " I warned you..." " Because I only work for my people." "Now, move!" "You, a Jewish policeman, are a traitor to your people." "For this alone, I should kill you." "But often I ask myself the following:" "Can a moral man, that's me maintain his moral code in an immoral world?" "Does this question interest you?" "Get out of here before I hurt you." "Papa, why are so many people moving here?" "Just be glad you've got the bread, Tosia." "Take off your hat." "No, thank you." "I said, take off your hat." "Hurry up!" "What's the matter with you?" "I take off my hat for myself, Yitzhak." "For nobody else." "What now?" "Please, stop." " Let go." "No." " Please, stop." "Please." "Please, stop." "He's my grandson, David." "They're bastards." "They create a Jewish police force for their dirty work unless, of course, they feel like having some fun themselves." "Of course, divide and conquer." "What is next?" "Kazik." "What are you doing with this fancy car?" " Driving, if you hadn't noticed." " What did you do?" "Did you steal it?" "Now, Mordechai, why would I steal what I can have for free?" "What scheme are you up to now?" "I am the official driver for Adam Czerniakow." "The head of the Jewish Council." "That's who I am here to pick up as we speak." "Traffic permitting." "You can help us set up a meeting with your boss Czerniakow." "If I did that, as his driver, I'd put my position at risk." "If you don't, you'll be helping the Germans." "This doesn't worry you at all, aiding the enemy?" "I'd worry more if I couldn't feed myself and what remains of my family." "Never mind how we deal with the Jewish police." "Never mind how we deal with schooling the children." " We all have..." " We don't want Kazik to lose his job." "I wish you well." "Mira has contacted some sympathizers at the border who said they might be able to get some of our students out of Poland." "But it has to be right away." "What do you think?" "If you can get them out of Poland and to Palestine then I would do it at once, before the opportunity is lost." "Yeah." "I think you're right." " Wish me luck." " Luck." "Captain Szerynski, you're taking these boys illegally." "All Jewish men between the age of 12 to 60 are decreed to perform forced labor." " Did you examine their documents?" " And you are?" "Yitzhak Zuckerman, their teacher." "Look at their documents." "They are legally exempt from forced labor." "Yes, they are, aren't they?" "Today, everyone works, Zuckerman." "See that Zuckerman gets the opportunity to work as well." " Hello, everyone." "Take your seats, please." " Mordechai." " Yes, Julian." " I understand..." "We understand we might be leaving for Palestine through Romania, any day now." " What do you know about this?" " Where did you hear this?" "Rumor." " Rumor from where?" " Rumor mill." "Rumor mill." "Unfortunately, I have to leave immediately today but I hope to return very soon and address this nasty rumor." "In the meantime, taking my place for today's lesson, I have a special treat." "A renowned scholar and rumormonger Mr. Julian Wald." "Julian, come up here, please." "Okay, who remembers today's topic?" "Anybody?" "Help me out here because I forgot to write it down." "Something about morality." "Yes, Frania." "Can a moral man maintain his moral code in an immoral world?" "Very good." "Okay, Julian?" "Can you work with that topic?" "Sure." "Okay." "Today's topic:" "Can an immoral man maintain his moral code on a first date?" "So, everything is arranged until you get to the border." "Still, you will have to get across on your own." "And?" "And if you find a safe passage..." "Yes?" "If you find a safe passage and return safely then you will get a reward." "What kind of a reward?" "Perhaps the fulfillment of your dreams seeing your students make the desert bloom and become fertile." "That's it?" "That's a lot of work." "The danger alone is..." "All right." "Perhaps the eternal gratitude of your people and of a certain person in particular." "Who?" "Someone very close to you." "What kind of gratitude?" "What if I find two safe passages?" "You can take off your armband now." "Go." "Go." "Get down to the stream and follow it." "Over there is the border." " Is it very far?" " No." "You should reach the safe house before nightfall." "They are aware of your journey." "I will receive my payment now." "Thank you very much." "Good luck to you." "Welcome to our country!" "See if you can pull around them." "So, Kazik how did you get this assignment, driving my car?" "Your other driver was taken to a slave labor battalion." "And?" "I was chosen to replace him." " Kazik." " Yes, sir?" "Do not steal the car." "Yes, sir." "A detachment of SS soldiers, under the command of Lieutenant Muller expended a number of hours burning the Jewish synagogue on Stawki Street upon request of the Health Ministry, after finding unsanitary conditions." "About the hostages taken to Pawiak we provided you with the paperwork yesterday." "For this operation, 30 liters of benzene were expended for which we will expect reimbursement from the Jewish Council." "That would be 20 zlotys per liter." "Six-hundred zlotys." "We will get you the funds." "About the other matter 23 hostages were taken, some women and children all because a Polish police officer was roughed up." " Certainly the children..." " This paperwork!" "Yeah, here it is." "Commissar Auerswald you have appointed me to administer to the needs of 350,000 people." "I find it impossible to manage the community under these circumstances." "And I must ask you to release me from my position as head of the Jewish Council." "That would be inadvisable." "The fine levied on each prisoner is 10,000 zlotys." "If the Jewish Council wishes to pay the full fine, 230,000 zlotys make sure they do so by 6:00 p.m. tomorrow." "You should get busy, Czerniakow." "Stop." "What are you hiding there?" "Smells good." "Be better with jam, but try it." "Get out of here." "No, please, it's for my father." "He's very sick." "He needs it badly." "How badly?" "Please." "Now get out of here." "Tosia, come." " Are you all right, Mama?" " I'm fine." "It's too dangerous to go out like you do." "Hello, dear." "Go, Rachel." "Papa?" "Go." "Papa, we're going to sell a few books, but we'll try to keep your favorites." "I think we need some more." "Do you want another blanket?" "Are you warm enough?" "I won't allow you." "Do you hear me?" "Papa." "I'm going to keep your favorites and I'll bring back bread." "Your mother thinks I don't know she sews for rich Polish women, but I do." "Make sure she's careful on the streets." "It's so dangerous." "Promise me you won't tell her I know." "I promise." "We have to hurry, Rachel." " I promise, Papa." " I go to help." "Be careful on the other side." "I will be, Papa." "I will." "Now light a Shabbat candle." "Sorry I'm late." " You heard about the ransom demand?" " Yes." "It's a terrible situation." "I think now we must ask your men to speak to the relatives of the hostages." " See what they can contribute." " How much time do we have?" "Tomorrow night, 6:00." "For 38 years, this is on my hand." "Here." "Put it in the envelope, Mrs. Rochon." "You will get my David back." "He's a good boy." "They have no business taking him." "You are a good boy, too." "Your mother must be very proud, Calel." "Good day." "Captain Szerynski, this is the ring you wanted to see." "So what's a pretty girl like you doing here?" "Same thing you're doing, getting by." "But you're not Jewish." "So why are you in the Ghetto?" "But I am." "I have to go to the other side to make money for food." "Can you help me get across?" "I could but then I could cause myself a lot of trouble." "This is the money from Captain Szerynski's men." " This is all you received?" " Yes." "Have you counted it twice?" "No." "Three times." " They're short." " I know." " They're 80,000 zlotys short." " I know!" "It's already 4:00." "Why didn't Szerynski call?" "He said he's doing his best." "Get me Rabbi Lebowicz." "Come, Rabbi." "Please." "Excuse me for being so bold, sir, but a rabbi should not go into an establishment of such ill repute." "Mr. Asher, in the Jewish faith, it is customary that we demonstrate our love of God through our good deeds." "It is true." "And in this manner, God is able to bestow his great blessings upon us." "This is also true." "I believe today, you have a special opportunity to demonstrate your love of God should you wish to do so, preferably before 6:00 p.m." "Mr. Czerniakow I wish to thank you for affording me this special opportunity to receive God's blessing." "Should you ever bring a rabbi in my club again if you pull a stunt like this again, I will kill you." "Make no mistake about that." "Commissar Auerswald!" "Commissar..." "Commissar Auerswald is not here." "He must be." "He's handling the Pawiak hostages." "There's a deadline: 6:00." "Commissar Auerswald was called to Berlin for important meetings." "Then who's in charge?" "Please, do not stand so close to my desk." " Who is in charge?" " I'm asking you." "Who is in charge?" "I'm here to pay the full fine." "There is a deadline." "I know nothing about this situation." "The Commissar left no instructions about this." "Someone must know." "Who is handling this?" "Step back from the desk!" "I do not wish your diseases." "This is the payment." "Call Pawiak prison." " Tell them the payment has been delivered." " Did you say Pawiak?" "Pawiak prison." "Yes." "Twenty-three hostages." "I saw a notice on Pawiak." "Yeah, here it is." ""On the authority of the Commissar's office..." ""...23 prisoners were executed at 10:00 this morning..." ""...for crimes against the Polish people."" "No." "These were not crimes." "There were no crimes." "These were innocent people." "There were children." "You are with child." "Did you know there were children?" "I know nothing about this situation." "If you wish to discuss this with the Commissar he will return next Tuesday." "You are with child." "Have you no connection?" "I have answered your questions." "You are free to go now." "This morning, at 10:00, the 23 hostages were executed by order of the Commissar's office." "I am very sorry." "So you still don't want to tell me who your comrades are?" "Maybe I can be more convincing." "Very convincing." "We've had 4,000 deaths by starvation and typhus this month." "We've lost a third of the Ghetto." "The population is nearing 450,000." "The Germans are rationing daily calories." "We are calculating 2,613 for German nationals 699 for Poles and 184 for Jews." "Auerswald's office has ordered the Jewish Council to pay for all costs labor and material for this Ghetto wall." "I want you all to know that I do not believe that our situation..." "I do not believe it to be hopeless." "I believe that if we remain strong and active that somehow, some sense of reason will return." "That's it." "We must persevere." "Wait!" "Wait!" "Let me see what's in your coat." " I don't have any bread." " I can see it right now." " I don't have anything." "Leave me alone." " I have money." "No!" "You have to give me the bread." "Mira." "I can't believe you're alive." "It's been so long." " Are you okay?" " Yes, I'm fine." "Here." "I'll take this." " How's my sister?" " Gina's fine." " Do you want me to wake her?" " No." "Let her sleep." " Are you sure you don't need a doctor?" " No." "I just need to rest." "You weren't successful, were you?" "No." "If we can't get to Palestine and be farmers, we'll stay here and be fighters." " That's a fine way to greet a friend." " I wouldn't do that again." "Somebody else would shoot first, and ask questions later." "Duly noted." "So, Kazik, what could've made you give up your fancy car and join the resistance?" "I can't think of a better way to meet women." "Always the idealist." " You look like crap." " Thank you." "But to be honest, you were never really that good-looking to begin with." "Thank you." "Don't worry." "He'll survive." "I brought you a little something." "A gift from my travels." "The first of many, I hope." "Here." "In case you run into trouble again." "You and me, we are going to put a stop to this, yes?" "We've already begun to bring together various factions into a coherent, underground organization." "And the Bund, are they with us?" "They're still unconvinced." "We have so much to do, and little time to do it in." "We've organized our own underground soup kitchens our own schools, our own hospitals." "It's our own little society." "It's just surrounded by a brick wall." " What about..." " No." "I have been unable to get you a meeting with Czerniakow." "He refuses." "He refuses." "I don't see him." "Do you?" "His car is there." "Over there with Captain Szerynski and that pest, Calel Wasser." "He'll be here." "There he is." "Sir." "So you refuse to meet my friend." "Tell me, my recently departed driver just whom am I refusing to meet?" "Mordechai Anielewicz." "Professor Ringleblum's friend who has an interest in history." "And an interest in protecting our people." "And you think that by writing up flyers and having underground meetings and preparing resistance against the Germans, we'll accomplish this?" "It is not all I propose, sir." "We must strike back in any way we can." "You're not worried about the German doctrine of collective responsibility." "What you're proposing is spitting right in their eye, and they will retaliate against innocent Jews even harder than they did in the last hostage crisis." "They suffer anyway." "Every day they die of disease, starvation, and worse, and you sit at a table, sir." "You negotiate with Germans as if they're reasonable?" "Yes, I do." "I try to minimize the harm." "Believe it or not, so do we." "Please give us a chance." "Give us some money and your support to get started." "Your dream is a romantic notion that will get you all killed." "And I will not support them." "I will not." "You should be wearing a hat." "In this weather you can get pneumonia." "Good day." "And five, six seven, eight." "Plié and stretch." "Relevé, down." "Grand plié five, six seven, eight." "Grand plié one, two, three, four." "They're gone." "It's clear." "They're gone." "So you talked to Czerniakow?" " What did he say?" " He said they won't support us right now." " So what about later?" " We're going to be more persuasive." "Perhaps we can rendezvous at the Copernicus statue tonight and discuss your views more fully." "There are many things we must talk about today." "It is our priority to find more women couriers who can pass as Gentiles, and work on the Aryan side." " Why not men who can pass?" " Clara." "Men do not fare as well in a strip-search." "Circumcision." "I know you will think it's dangerous, but I have some fresh bread for you." "Look." "Papa?" "Papa!" "Papa!" "Papa!" "I have bread for you!" ""One, two, three" ""One, two, three" "You're okay here?" "Yes." "Because you can stay with me, yeah?" "You know this." "It's fine with me." "You feel safer here, don't you?" "Yes." "On the street, I'm afraid." "And if you were to be taken, I would be alone." "You've been thinking about this." "Go to class." "Go." ""One, two, three" ""Children marching on the road One, two, three" ""One, two, three" ""They're on the road The sun is shining, smiling at the children" ""One, two, three" "Dr. Korczak." "Have you had any luck convincing Czerniakow to help us?" "No." "But come to our next recital." "Yes." "Join us on Thursday." "Czerniakow loves recitals." "Very good." " Tosia, is this the child?" " Yes." " You found her near the cemetery?" " That's correct." "And you lack the resources to care for her?" "I have nothing." "This child is not well." "Mrs. Linder, can we afford to take another child?" "We cannot." "We cannot take another child." "But then, we have no choice, do we?" " I want you to meet my family." " Yes." " My wife, Else." " Pleasure, madam." "This is Calel Wasser, one of our finest young officers." "And this is our daughter, Inka." "We'll let you two get acquainted." "It's a lovely house." "Thank you." "That ring, I couldn't help but notice." "It's very unique." " Yes." " Have you had it long?" "No." "Just since my birthday." "And your father gave it to you?" " Yes." "How did you know?" " Just a guess." "We just had reports that there were mass killings in the village where your parents live." "No one survived." "How about the rumor that the Gestapo has offered you a certificate to Palestine?" "It is not a rumor." "It is the truth." "I refused." "I must thank you for your help, raising money for us." "I wish I could do more for the children." "Then, by all means, do more." "Do not lose your temper." "Let me do the talking, okay?" "You do the talking." "Mr. Chairman?" "Mr. Chairman, you have received our latest request?" "Yes, I have received it." "You want to buy arms." "And the Council?" " They are aware." " And?" "You want to buy guns." "And then what?" "Jewish honor." "Jewish honor." "A father who's hiding his son is not honorable." "A rabbi who is teaching a child his lessons is not honorable." "A mother who is taking care of her children and many more she is not honorable either." "No, for you, honor..." "Honor can only come out of the barrel of a gun." "You talk about Jewish honor." "I talk about Jewish responsibility." "Call it what you like." "Will the Council support the resistance movement?" "No, they will actively oppose it for your own good." "What?" "You've heard of the mass killings at Radom and Kielce, yes?" "These are not rumors." "These are facts from the mouths of our own people." "Outside of Chelmo, thousands of Jews were taken in sealed vans with hoses pumping gas into them." "I know this because my parents were among them." "I am sorry for your loss but the largest armies in the world have not been able to defeat the Nazis." "What makes you think that a handful of untrained Jewish citizens with pistols will be the ones to prevail?" "So, instead of opposing the Germans, you want to leave the fate of our people in their very hands?" "Mothers held their infants to their breasts to protect them from the gas." "When the Germans found these babies still alive, they would swing them against trees to kill them." "Is that graphic enough for you?" " That is not the point." " That is the point!" "Then let's just salute." "Salute?" "Salute what?" "Your disciples." "Your followers." "Your foot soldiers." " My what?" " They are all over there in the parade." "That's your honor, Chairman." "Halt!" "Halt!" "Halt!" "This is an illegal gathering." "You are instructed to return to your homes immediately." "Is this really necessary?" "I struggle to find why our recital is injurious to the Third Reich." "I believe that concludes today's program." "Please, join us tomorrow for a very special salute to Richard Wagner." "Good evening." "Jew." " Play something for us." " We have just been instructed to go home." "I instruct you now." "Play something." "You." "Play something." "Grab the guns." "I am sorry about your friend." "What the hell do you think you were doing?" " I was avenging a murder." " But the Germans will retaliate." "They do whatever they want anyway." "This is not a responsible fighting organization." " Then we're not a responsible organization." " You must not act impulsively!" "We must carefully plan and coordinate every action we take." "I'm sick of watching, waiting, and standing by being passive." " I won't do it anymore!" " We are not passive!" "Prudent in our actions." "We need to get weapons from the Polish underground." "Arie needs all the help he can get." " Will you look after my sister?" " I will look after Gina." "Go." "Five, six, seven..." "Move!" "And what is this?" "You are Czerniakow, the chairman of the Jewish Council?" "Yes." "I am Dr. Fritz Hippler." "I'm with the Public Information Office." "Please." "Under the auspices of Secretary Goebbels, we document Jewish life in the Ghetto." " We wish you to be a participant." " What do you wish me to do?" "Sit at your desk and conduct business as you would." "Come over here." " What is this?" " This makes the picture look good." " I would not have that." " Good." "Now, I want you people to talk and conduct business as you would on any normal day." "Please, have a seat." " Are we ready?" " Yeah." "And roll camera." "And begin." "Begin talking." " Adam." " Yes, Nathan." "Are you aware that there is a rather large candelabra on your desk?" "Yes, I am aware." "Keep talking." "And are you aware that wax is dripping all over your work?" "Yes." "I see that." "Then, if I may ask, why would you have a large candelabra on your desk if it drips wax all over your work?" "I have it, Nathan, because it is good for the picture." "Stop." "Stop." "Just a moment, please." "The lighting is all wrong." "Look." "This one has a perfectly good Hebrew nose, and I can't see it at all." "Commissar Auerswald, there is talk about deportations and the putting to death of people in the camps." "Just talk." "Rumors." "I can assure you, no truth to them whatsoever." "Places, people." "Please." "Would you sit down please, in your chair?" "Can we see that?" "Yes, that's much better." "There's one thing though." "You are all being very still." "Too still." "Jewish people normally move their hands around when they talk." "I want to see you move your hands more." "Yes?" "Let me see that." "Like this." "Bigger." "And you?" "Very good." "Yes, that's..." "Something like that." "Good." "All right." "Roll camera and begin talking." "And use your hands." " Adam." " What?" "Are you aware there's a large candelabra in the middle of your desk?" "Yes, Nathan." "You can rest assured that I am fully aware of all that is transpiring." "The essential trait of the Jew is that he always tries to hide his origin when among non-Jews." "People!" "I want you to work faster." "Wherever rats turn up they carry destruction to the land, and spreading diseases and plagues just as the Jews do among mankind." "This is a conspiracy against all non-Jews by a sick, deceitful, poisoned race against the Aryan peoples and their moral laws." " Thank you, Marek." " Enjoy your work, but do it faster!" "Remember, work will make you free." "Come on, Sarah." "And for you, two work permits." "All right?" "Listen to me." "These two cards right here can save your life." "All Jews, regardless of sex and age, with certain exceptions are to be deported to work camps in the East by 4:00 p.m." "Commissar Auerswald..." "Today, we expect you to provide the first contingent of 6,000 people." "This will be the minimum daily quota." " And the children in orphanages?" " Regardless of sex and age." " Perhaps something..." " Regardless of sex and age." "Lieutenant, I am Adam Czerniakow chairman of the Jewish Council." "I have been given assurances at the highest level concerning the treatment of the children." "I fully expect those assurances to be honored." "Kindly sign this proclamation." "I will not." "Mr. Czerniakow if the deportation is impeded in any way by you or your people the consequences will be dire." "This is the beginning of an assault on the existence of the Jewish people." "What do we do in the face of this horror?" "Do we sit on our hands and wait for the next slap in the face from the enemy?" "Or do we hide within ourselves, so that the blows don't hurt us so much?" "Or maybe we lift our hands to God, and pray for the Messiah to come." "Messiah, are you coming?" "I don't think he's coming." "So what do we do?" "We use our hands, our arms our hearts, our lives, our deaths, and we fight back, we resist." "If you can't fight, run." "If you can't run, then hide." "But you must resist." "You must!" " Rachel!" "Mama!" " Tosia!" "Mama, show them the permits!" " Show them!" " I did, but they didn't care!" "No!" " Tosia!" " Mama!" "I want to go with you!" "I want to go with you!" "Those of us who are willing to resist must work together." " We must share arms, information and..." " Mordechai." " What?" " We must leave for Warsaw." "What is it?" "We must leave now!" ""They've asked me to kill the children with my own hands." "This I cannot do." Signed, Adam Czerniakow." "Don't forget your diaries." "There'll be a lot of time to record your thoughts." "You said we had 15 minutes, and we will take our 15 minutes." "And when we get to the camp we will all get to see the most beautiful pine trees and birch trees." "And if there are beautiful trees, what else will we see?" " Birds!" " Birds!" "Yes!" "That's right!" "And what else?" " Rabbits?" " Rabbits, yes." "Very good." "And?" " Squirrels." " Squirrels." "Very good, Leon!" "Many, many squirrels." "Don't forget the flag." "Don't let them know that you're afraid." "Don't let them know." "Do your friends in the Bund still have contact with the railway workers?" "Yes." " Can you make it out of the Ghetto again?" " I can try." "Go, Zygmunt, follow the trains, and tells us definitively where they go." "Please, I am separated from my wife and children." "Can I go find them so we can board the train together?" " On the train." " No, sir, please." "Take these." "They are worth quite a bit." "Just give me a minute." " Please." "I beg you." " On the train!" "On the train." "Dr. Korczak." "Why are you here?" "You are exempt from this order." " What about the children?" " The children must board the train." "And I will do as well." "You mustn't do this." "I won't allow you on the train." "Well, then kill me here and now in front of the children." "Don't let me go!" "Let me stay with you!" "Don't let me go with my parents!" "Please!" "I'll be safe with you!" "Don't let them take me away!" "Get off me!" "Don't let them take me away!" "What is it?" "Where are we going?" "They want workers." "But they're not taking cripples." "It's your only chance." "Quickly now, before the guard returns." "It's your only chance." "But I am a dancer." "Clara, hold your breath." "Gina was taken to the camps." "Zygmunt is back from Treblinka." "Zygmunt, it's Mordechai." "Can you tell us what you saw?" "Collect yourself, and tell us." "Children, women, by the thousands gassed to death in showers." "They can hide everything, but not the stench of the dead." "This is the map of a camp of death." "This is the map of Treblinka." "There were people pleading for their lives with this scum." "These scum." "I want their blood on my hands." "We know that Adam Czerniakow has committed suicide." "We now know that 300,000 Warsaw Jews have been either sent to Treblinka, a death camp, or have been murdered." "For now, the deportations have ceased." "They are going to resume." "When they do, we will no longer submit." "We're going to respond with armed resistance." "We have to use this time wisely, to root out traitors and collaborators acquire weapons, prepare our plan of battle and most importantly, to let all who remain in the Ghetto know that we can and we will fight our enemy now!" "With all the Jewish groups finally under one banner, with one purpose." "Perhaps we can save some lives or remove a few Germans from the face of the Earth." "But this much I promise you, we will live with honor." "And we will die with honor." "Jewish honor." "I am ashamed of what I have been party to." "I am a lawyer by training." "I just wanted to save my family, to survive like everyone else." "Now, I am ashamed to wear my uniform." "You should be ashamed." "And stop crying like a child." "I don't trust him." " Send him on a mission." " I don't trust him!" "Send him on a mission and then we'll see which side he's on." "Zachariah will observe him." "If he fails, we'll execute him like the others who have been exceptionally cruel to their own people." "If he succeeds, keep him in uniform." "It could prove useful to have a policeman working for us." "We want you to go undercover to the Aryan side to smuggle weapons into the Ghetto." " Are you willing to do that?" " Yes." " Good." " She has no family anymore, no one left." "This is a map of Treblinka." "You must get it to one of our couriers, and it must travel to England." "Do you see your name?" " Viatia." " Viatia Savitska." "Viatia Savitska." "You are to hide this map inside your shoe." "Do you understand?" " Do you know what night this is?" " No." "I think it might be Friday night." "We didn't light the Sabbath candles." "I don't have any Sabbath candles." " Good night." " Good night." "I forgot to ask your name." "It's Viatia." "And you are?" "Frania." "Good night, Frania." "I say that we just go out in broad daylight, and we shoot as many as we can." "Forget dying in a blaze of glory." "Why give them the satisfaction and make it easy on them?" "We should wait as long as possible so we can acquire more weapons and train." "No, we have to organize an escape to the woods create a larger organization and fight them from outside the Ghetto." "No, we'll never make it on the outside." "We'll be sold out, informed on and slaughtered." "I think we should take them all hostage and make them listen to German folk music really loud until they lose their minds and give up." "This is serious." "Every day of peace in the Ghetto is another day that we can prepare for the organized attack of the future." "Look, we need to send a series of messages to the Jewish police to the Jewish Council, to our own people in the Ghetto and to the Nazis." "And we need to do it right now, we can't wait." "They have to know who we are, and that we mean business." "Even if that means using up..." " All the weapons?" " Yes, even if it means this." "Then we just have to pray." "For what?" "For Tosia to get the map out of the Ghetto." "And for Tosia and Arie to smuggle more weapons back in." "Go in the shack." "Come on, go in the shack." " Place of work?" " The Schmidt foundry." " Location?" " Chmielna 2." "Give me your coat and dress." "Now the rest." "Do you want these, too?" "Shoes." "I said, shoes." "Do you want me to use this?" "Another one." "Another one!" "A Jew has escaped." "We must capture him now." "Quickly." "Get dressed and get out of here." "Quickly." "Where are you going?" "To work." "I just passed my inspection." "Hey, Jew, what are you selling today?" " How close are we to the plant?" " A couple of blocks." " You're lucky." " Lucky?" "Most people who go to that guard shack, don't come out." "I think this is where you take your armband off and leave us." "Are you going to turn me in?" "No." "Viatia." "Viatia, it's Kazik." "I couldn't get close to the gate." "It wasn't safe." "I had to follow your wagon." "Come." "Walk." "Blackmailers up ahead." " We need to laugh." " Laugh?" "Yes." "Jews look down." "Jews look sad." "Jews avert their eyes." "Blackmailers can smell fear." "So, can you laugh?" "Try again." "No." "Try to do it big, like this." "I said, sleep!" "Not sheep." "Sleep." "Not bad." "Keep practicing." "Viatia, this is Michael Klepfisch." " Hello." " Nice to meet you." "Arie Wilner." " We've met." " Get to know them both well." "So, he was good." "I wanted to arrange a meeting with your boss Szerynski." "Can you accomplish this?" "Yes." "Good." "I'm sorry if it's..." "It's been in my shoe for a couple of days." "Gives it character." "Do you realize that this map of Treblinka will travel by special courier all the way to Prime Minister Churchill himself?" "With the other documents he has, hopefully it will persuade the Allies to give us weapons we need to bomb the German trains, and hopefully the death camps themselves." "Do you understand now?" "Yes." "Come on, Zach." "Zygmunt, let's go!" "Captain Szerynski, I have a message for you from the Jewish Fighting Organization." "For your traitorous activities, and collaboration with the enemy you have been tried in a court of your people and condemned to death." " Goodbye." " Goodbye?" "Papa!" "Is it too heavy?" "No." "I can carry it." "But what if it gets dropped?" " You wouldn't want to drop dynamite." " I know, but what if something falls?" "You wouldn't want something to fall." " What if it gets bumped?" " Bumped could be okay." "Good work." "Good job, Calel." "Calel, welcome." " Welcome to the family, Calel." " Now the Germans will come to us." "Lady, wait." "Hold on." " Thank you." " Let's go." "Quickly, lady." "Good." "Remember:" "One round, one German." "No wasted rounds." "Okay, front row kneels." " All right." "Steady." " Tosia." " Viatia." " It's okay." "You're with friends here." "Steady, and fire!" "Mordechai, Tosia has brought us gifts." "Perfect timing." "When can we expect more?" "Arie said there'd be another shipment momentarily." " He will smuggle them personally." " Good." "Steady, and fire!" "I said, aim." "It's very important to aim." "Arguably, almost as important as firing itself." "Marek, look what Tosia has brought us." "Good rule of thumb:" "Never pat the bomb-maker on the back while he's working, okay?" "What's this?" "Dynamite." "Excellent." "I also need potassium chlorate." "I also need bottles." "Can you get me those?" " Yes, I'll try." "I also need a new set of lungs." "Marek used to work in the lab at the hospital." "This is more fun." "Anything else, Mr. Engineer?" " More." "Just more of everything." " More." "You are all under arrest!" "Put down your bombs and return immediately to the "Umschlagplatz"!" ""Heil" Shitler!" "So, that'll bring us here, right?" "Who is that girl with the pistol?" "Devorah Baron." "She's with Marek and Gutman at the brushmakers." "That's such a coincidence." "I was thinking that I should be stationed at the brushmakers." "Don't you agree, boss?" "Intelligence estimates that there are only 30,000 to 40,000 left, "Reichsführer"." "I am disappointed, Col. Von Sammern." "There are so many." "They sabotaged our factories, they attacked our soldiers." "There and there." "Look." "You see?" "And another." "Now, we have an understanding, Col. Von Sammern?" "Now, can I rely on you to make sure that Warsaw is free of these vermin?" "Absolutely." "It's a blockade." "We are surrounded." "Mordechai!" "It's a blockade." "We are surrounded." "All right." "Let's go!" "Guns up here, ammo as well." "Let's do it." "This is the moment we've been waiting for." "Pay attention." "Keep the guns out!" " Don't forget ammo." " Zachariah, go with Kazik." "Clara, let's go." "Clara, come on!" "Out!" "Out!" "Get in the line! "Get in the line", I said!" "Up here!" "There are Jews inside!" " Where is he?" " They're inside." "Here." "Out!" "Look out!" "Move!" "Look out!" "Get down!" "Look out!" "Come on, come and get me!" "Come and get me!" "Come on!" " Come on, it's enough." "Let's go!" " No!" "Let's go!" "Now!" "We will fight later." "Come on!" "Now!" "Yitzhak, he's dead." "Come." "Please." "Get him off." "Arie." " Enough!" " Tosia, Arie, let's go." "Grab the guns and ammunition." "Hurry, grab the guns!" "For the first time, we have stopped the deportations." "For the first time, the enemy knows who we are as a people." "They know that we will resist." "They know that we will fight back." "They know they will pay for their mass murder." "What they don't know, is how long, how hard, and how successfully we'll fight." "In fact, we'll light a torch of resistance, and it will burn so brightly that others everywhere will be inspired to resist as well." "For Moshe, for Michael, for Leon for Ariel, for Zee and for Clara who sacrificed their lives for our dignity:" "A moment, please, of reflection and of silence." "I have good news to report." "Faced with ferocious Jewish resistance, the Germans have surrendered." "Hitler has apologized for all the inconvenience." "The Jews have won." " I should notify the Allies." " What for?" "What have they done for us?" "What I like about the zoo is the animals." "They won't turn you in." "What about him?" "That Polish monkey there?" "He's okay." "He used to date my cousin Ida." "This letter goes to Klepfisch as soon as you leave." "Follow my lead." "Sorry." "I was just being protective." "If you'd like to be my boyfriend, that's all right with me." "I'll be on going on these missions, and if I don't come back I'd like somebody to know that I didn't come back." "Stop." "Sir this man died on the Aryan side." "I have orders to take him to the Jewish cemetery." "What's in the box?" "A Jew named Izzy." "Open it." " The casket?" " Open it, now." "All right, sir." "Get that away from here!" "Yes, sir." "Good work, lzzy." "You were a good stinker." "Did Arie say anything?" "He said there are more on the way." "But for now, fifty pistols and two rifles." "But now, I must attempt an even more important mission:" "Procreation." "So that the Führer will have one more ghetto fighter to deal with." ""Attempt" is the right word." "My father always said:" ""Study hard, get a degree, so you won't have to dig ditches."" "The Home Army is impressed with our actions." "It's just a start." "I hope." "Throw it quickly!" "You both want to stay here to fight." "But what are we going to fight with?" "One of you must go." "Arie's sources are probably in hiding, terrified he might talk." "Arie won't talk." "Arie will not talk." "We know that." "They don't." " Kazik, can we get him out?" " It'll be difficult." "Can we do it?" " What'll it cost?" " It's not matter of money." "You must focus on reconnecting with Arie's sources." "Come on, decide." " You know the Aryan culture." " You have a better face." "I know too many people, I'll be recognized." "You know the language." "My language is obviously foreign." " What if someone asks where I'm from?" " What if I'm denounced?" "What, you'll flip a coin to decide?" "Come on, Yitzhak." "You go, bring us the weapons we need." "Look at this." "You look fine, you look like a Polish businessman." "Here, if anyone asks you, you came to buy shirts, okay?" "The guards have been greased." "Look at this suit..." " It's all we could find on short notice." " It's ridiculous." "You look fine." "Really." "Nice ankles." "Your documents and your new identity, Witold." "It's good work, Marek." "Frania will take you to the other side and bring you to Tosia who'll arrange for you to contact the necessary Poles." " Where is Frania?" " Over there with Julian." " She's one of our very best." " Good." "I'll be watching your back." "That makes me feel much better." "I'm just across the street." "Luck." " How is he?" " He's not going to win any beauty contests." "Welcome back." "You all right?" "I've been better." " Conserve your strength." "Rest." " Mordechai..." "You'll fight later, just get better." "I need to ask you..." "I didn't tell them anything." "Rest." " Kazik, how did you get him out?" " We did nothing." "The Gestapo made a mistake and accepted our bribe." "Even when I believe you, I think you're making it up." "That's a vote of confidence for you." "A 1929 Lafite Rothschild." "Flawless." "A bouquet that will last a century." "Have yourself a sip, Dr. Fritz Hippler." "You won't regret it." "Do I lie?" "Is it not flawless?" "Yes, it's very good." "Good?" "It's not good." "This is exquisite." "I liked your movie, "The Eternal Jew"." "It was relentless, as the French would say:" "Impitoyable." ""Without pity"." ""The Eternal Jew"." "What a terrifying title." "A big nose, fruity." "What do you think?" "I agree." "You're not a wine aficionado, are you?" "No, not really." "It's a Jewish wine, made by a Jewish viticultor Rothschild." "Surprising, isn't it?" "Enough about wine." "In confidence you've spent time around Col. Von Sammern haven't you?" " Yes." "Tell me about him." "Where should I start?" "With the engagement on January 18th, when his troops were first fired upon by the subhumans of the Jewish sector." "German soldiers are massing outside the Ghetto by the hundreds." " Caliber?" " 9 mm." "One German, two Germans, three Germans..." " Caliber?" " 7.62." "7.92 carbine." "Julian, how did you get the rifle?" "My eyesight." "Julian!" "I don't miss." "One German platoon." " Zygmunt?" " 7.92." "Everyone's in place." "Do you hear this?" "They're singing." "The bastards are singing." "Go, get down." "Bring Dr. Hippler here." "Hit the tank on the hedge!" "It's open!" "Why are you filming this?" "I've been assigned by Goebbels to film this operation." "He says the film of these engagements will outlast us all." "Victory will outlast us, this is not victory." "It depends where you put the camera." "Did he think he could waltz his army into the sector?" "Like sightseers on holiday?" "All is lost." "The troops have retreated, many are dead or wounded." "I know." "I was there." "We must respond with overwhelming force immediately." "From the "Reichsführer"." ""Reichsführer" Himmler promised Hitler a Warsaw free of Jews by his birthday, tomorrow." "Do you understand?" "And if other Jews are emboldened by this turn of events if other sectors initiate their own uprisings, it spreads to the Poles?" "You see the implications?" "See the cause for concern?" "Under orders of the high command, you are relieved of your post forthwith." "And to avoid any unnecessary strain between German-Austrian factions in the SS ranks the order for your execution has been withdrawn." "You are dismissed." " We're still here." "Who would've bet on it?" " Now we have real weapons to fight with." "Julian, well done." "Look." "Our little nation." "Did you ever think in your lifetime, you would see this?" "What is he doing?" "Either he's showing his troops he's not afraid or he really likes his table." "Give those out to the officers, good for their nerves." "How can you sleep at a time like this?" "Easily." "Dr. Hippler." "Yes, sir." "I don't care where you put the camera, just don't film the flags." "But it makes for a better story." "They show what our soldiers had to overcome to achieve victory." " Gen. Krüger was explicit..." " You are not to shoot the flags." "Unless Gen. Krüger shows up in person and instructs you to do so." " Is that clear?" " Crystal clear." "I should wake Marek." "Marek, wake up!" "Now?" "Not yet." "Now?" "Six more." "Now." "Dozens of our men were killed, more wounded, at the brushmakers." "Pull the tank out!" "Pull the tank out!" "Further." "No, further." "Hold your positions!" "It's not safe for you to be here." "Hold your positions!" "Quickly." "Far enough?" ""Dear Yitzhak, I don't know what to write you." ""Let's dispense with personal details this time." ""I have only one expression to describe my feelings and the feelings of my comrades:" ""Things have surpassed our boldest dreams." ""The Germans ran away from the Ghetto twice." ""One of our units held out for 40 minutes, and the other one for more than 6 hours." ""Know that the pistol has no value." ""We practically don't use it." ""We need grenades, rifles, machine guns and explosives." ""Your friend in arms, Mordechai."" "Yes, I did say that, "Reichsführer" Himmler." "They are crafty, but we will put an immediate end to this uprising." "No, not today." "Two or three days, perhaps." "Excuse me." "Yes, of course." "Yes, "Reichsführer"." "Now they're serious." "Go, get down in the basement, now!" "Bring everybody in from the roof." "Get Calel in." "Pull back, bring everybody in!" "Pull back!" "Fire!" "Get out of here!" "Hurry!" "To the right!" " Who are these people?" " Civilians." "We'll assemble the fighters right away." "I have corrected your mistake." "There were no casualties today." "There are no mistakes." "There were..." "There are no mistakes now!" "Have you apprehended the leaders yet?" "Not yet, sir." "I am not looking for an explanation." "I am looking for an acceptable answer." "That would be, "Yes, we've captured and destroyed the leadership"." "Heil Hitler!" "I have a message from Himmler." "I have just begun to get us out of a disgraceful situation." "Do you wish to hear what the "Reichsführer" has to say?" "Of course." "As a lover of Wagner, he said that you have conducted the overture to this grand operation magnificently." "Particularly compared to Von Sammern." "He went on to say, "Play on, maestro." "The Führer and I won't forget you"." "We, in London, now have in our possession concrete information concerning the mass murder of the Jewish population in Poland committed by the German nation." "The Polish courier must've got through." "There is no other way they could've got those details so right." "If the Allies will bomb the railroads, or the camps or Warsaw itself, we'll have a chance." " I don't know." "Do you really think?" " Sure." "This scum killer!" "Jewish police scum!" " What is he doing here?" " Leave him!" "He watched my children go to the trains." "He sold my mother to the Germans!" "I'll kill you with my own hands!" "He's fighting for you now." "They're right." "What they said, I did." "I know, and you know I know." "Listen to me." "We don't have time to dwell on the past." "We only have time to plan for our immediate future." "The weapons didn't make it through." "Yitzhak?" "Our shipment of weapons was intercepted by the Germans in the cemetery." "And the Germans have discovered the tunnel at Muranowska." "It is no longer safe." "Today is Easter, right?" "Tosia, you're going out for some fresh air." "You must take these explosives and get them to Mordechai." "You must get them to the fighters, do you hear?" "Get back everybody!" "Out for a Sunday stroll, Jew bitch?" "We'll follow you around all day." "Three thousand zlotys or we introduce you to the Gestapo." "Okay, let's go." "Come." "Let's go." "I want to see the little room." "What little room?" "The room the Gestapo reserves for pathetic crooks who waste their time turning in fellow Poles." "I understand those thugs are given the full treatment." "So, let's go." "Let's go, I will create a diversion." "Strip the women naked." "This won't happen again." "Get the ladder." "Now, that's a fine marksman." "They call them "parachutists" or "balloonists"." "They've devised a game, whereby the winner is he who delivers the most bullets to the jumper before he hits the ground." "Films and photographs of this grand operation will be invaluable to future historians of the Third Reich." "It will also be useful as training materials for the SS and as a living document of the sacrifices that the Nordic races made to rid Europe and the world of the Jews." "All the exits are blocked." "We can't stay here, we have to leave." "How?" "If there is no way out, we'll be easy targets." "I'll go out first." "I'll get their attention." "What are you talking about?" "You once asked me:" ""Can a moral man maintain his moral code in an immoral world?"" "Here's my answer." "Rot in hell, you bastards!" " Paradise." " Lost." "Follow me." "Quick, follow me." "This way." "The relativity Jew, Albert Einstein who masked his hatred of Germans behind his obscure pseudo-sciences." "The art of propaganda is not well understood, is it?" "Keep it simple, repeat it over and over until it takes on a life of its own becomes the truth, in effect." "We aren't the only ones fighting the war on the film front." "The Allies have hired Frank Capra to direct their efforts." "Should I know that name?" "He's a very successful Hollywood filmmaker." "A little sappy for my taste, but at the top of his game." "It seems the Americans weren't all that interested in going to war so he was brought in to popularize the notion." "Worse, he stole footage that I had commissioned and used it for ridicule." "As I say, it all depends on where you put the camera and who is telling the story." "These are not the Aryan women from my hometown of Detmold." "They are acrobatic sharpshooters, fighting demons, amazons." "I don't believe this business about Jewish women bewitching Aryans." "She's expressive, though." "Careful with the basket." "Is she all right?" "Did you hurt yourself?" " I'm all right." " What have you brought us?" " Dynamite." " Excellent." "Cmd." "Zuckerman, you understand that the considerations we face today are extremely complex?" "Of course." "There are those in the Home Army, both here and in London that feel the transfer of weapons to untrained Jewish street fighters is a futile and wasteful use of our limited resources." "And what if this Jewish uprising were to spread?" "The Polish underground is hardly equipped to take on German forces." "Thousands of Poles would be slaughtered, and we cannot allow that to happen." "May I remind you, Colonel, that we, too, are Polish citizens?" "Perhaps these influences in the Home Army are secretly grateful to the Nazis for ridding their country of Jews." "I pray to God you can rise above those influences." " The considerations we face are complex." " That may be, but you see, Colonel the considerations my people face are simple." "In fact, I would have to say that the conditions my people face are positively elemental." "We must have arms." "We must have explosives!" "We must have something other than our fists, and bricks and our unbreakable will." "Immediately!" "You take no risk." "And if you fail to act, our blood will be on your hands." "Mommy!" "Mommy!" "Hands up!" " Hands up!" " Check the holes!" "Take your clothes off." "Right now, hands up!" "Your plan sounds reasonable." "Your reports to Himmler make it seem as if things were going well." " But they aren't now, are they?" " Gen. Krüger within a short while, the Jewish sector of Warsaw will be no more." "Every building will have been razed to the ground." "Then we will bring these vermin to the surface or bury them." ""A short while"?" "This little group of bandits have held off the German military for longer than the entire country of Poland." "Is that "a short while"?" "It would make your job and mine easier if your reports weren't so optimistic and our casualties were shall we say, less." "To be perfectly blunt." "Jan." "No luck." "The Poles won't give us any more weapons." "And you?" "None." "Any word from Tosia?" "The others are secure." "Follow me." " Where?" " There's a bunker at Miliatin." " These are your fighters, Kazik?" " Yes." "Okay, go." "Schmuel Asher." "Mordechai Anielewicz." " Hello." " Hi." "I've heard about you and your group." "Now let me show you around my basement empire." "Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor." "And there is Mauthausen." "We have running water." "We have electricity." "It's too hot, and the dust is horrible for my allergies." "Good to see you." "Come on, I show you something, guys." "There are five entrances and five exits." "They come in handy in my line of work." "This way." "Who's winning?" "Whatever is ours is yours." "Not really everything." "Tuvia was unable to get to Yitzhak via the sewers." " I'll go." " Not until your ankle heals." "Kazik, I want you to go." "And bring Zygmunt with you." "That's perfect." "Tuvia couldn't make it, so we send Kazik." " What makes you think we can succeed?" " You're going to go through the tunnel." " What tunnel?" " The tunnel at Muranowska." "There's a tunnel there for special occasions." "The question is:" "How safe is it?" " Yes, that's a good question." " Yes, it's risky, but worth it." "If Yitzhak found guns and supplies, we can hold off a while longer." "Even if he hasn't, it's critical to find a way in and out of the Ghetto." "We are playing cat and mouse with Stroop and his men." "We can't hold off forever." "Yesterday, we were seeking safe passage to Palestine." "Today, we seek safe passage across the street." "Our world has gotten pretty small." "Luck." "Luck." "Go." "Make me proud." "Make yourself proud." "Let's go, Romeo." "I am instructing Zivia and Marek to assemble a small squad." "Their mission will be to find an exit out of the Ghetto through the sewer canals." "This will be difficult, if not impossible, as we know." "The maze of canals is vast and confusing." "Those who wish to leave will be given the opportunity." "Those who wish to stay, will do so." "Perhaps it will be possible to connect with the partisans in the forest to continue our fight." "Perhaps not." "Throughout our difficult struggle we have been determined to preserve one choice:" "How we die." "Whether it be here, in an airless bunker, or elsewhere I don't know." "But I can assure you of one thing:" "The spirit of our deaths..." "The spirit of our deaths will shape the soul of a new generation a new nation of Jews." "All right." " Let us wish Zivia and Marek luck." " Luck!" "And we continue." " You're a sight for sore eyes." " So are you." "And Julian?" "He's our best marksman." "No!" "Kazik, it's all right!" "Tell me." " Something is not right." " What?" "The level of fighting has decreased." "They only attack us at night." "They are playing possum." "The Gestapo's informer has told us where the command bunker is." "And this time, I think it's accurate." "That is good news, isn't it?" "Too good." "Too easy." " Is your ankle better?" " Yes." "If you wish to go with the others, you can." "It's up to you." "I'd rather stay here and fight with you and Arie, if that's all right." "It's all right." "Where are the sewer workers?" "I don't know what happened." "They were paid to guide us." "But they haven't shown up." "We need to go now." "This is far too dangerous for you." "No." "We are going into the Ghetto tonight." "If not through the sewers, over the wall." "Are you out of your mind?" "We have no chance to survive without a plan." "Nor do the fighters, if we don't get them out now!" "How will we do that if we get shot getting in?" " I am going." " How do you intend to get them out?" "Are you with me or not?" "We have no chance to succeed without a Polish guide to take us in the sewers and out again." "Do you see a guide?" "Do you?" "There is no sewer worker!" " Are you with me or not?" " I will go with you, Yitzhak." "You two can make your own funeral arrangements." "I will not carry your coffin." "I will accompany you, but he makes sense." "Maybe we should try again tomorrow with the Poles." "We can't rely on the Poles, Frania." "We can't rely on anyone else to get us in!" "Zivia, when you get down to the sewers, go left." "And let's hope for the best." "I will cover your escape." "Go, before you forget why you are leaving." "We will be back." "Goodbye, Zachariah." "Come on, you're already a day late." " Let's go!" " Follow me." "Tell our friends to keep their spirits up." " Charming." " This way." "I just wish we had more weapons and ammunition." "It would be really something." "What is it?" "I had the most ridiculous dream." "It was so vivid." "I was sleeping and your sister, Gina, came and woke me up." "She took me outside to this beautiful garden." "And there were grapes and nuts and figs." "It's very biblical." "Then she took me to a basket." "And there was a baby inside it." "And she said that he was mine." "My child." "Then I took him and I held him in my arms." "Tell me the history of "The Eternal Jew"." "How did this film of yours come to be?" "Goebbels commissioned it." "It was his idea, his pet project." "He felt that the Germans weren't anti-Semitic enough." "It didn't come as easy to them as, say, the Poles, or the French or even the English." "The film was the psychological underpinning of the Führer's plan for racial purity." "Why do you think these Jewish women are such ferocious fighters?" "Desperation?" "But I have never witnessed this before." "I saw one woman shot several times, and, as she was dying, she cursed me in a language that was beyond vile." " I can't get the image out of my mind." " Maybe you're bewitched?" "Here's to a good bewitching." "Halt!" "Check that tunnel." "See if it's passable, Mira." "Tosia, down there." "Devorah?" "Down there, Julian." "They can't have found all five exits." "Hurry!" "It's completely blocked." "Mira!" " No." "It's not safe." " Julian?" "It's clear." "We can make it out of the sewer." "Maybe there's a way to the sewers through the sewer wall." " That way?" " Yes." " Tosia, go in and see if this is possible." " Yes." "Mira." "Hurry." "Hurry." "We need reinforcements." "Spread out, and try to outflank them." "Find Zachariah, spread out, and create a diversion." "Hurry up." "Die!" " The Ghetto is through this." " Good, lead me." "No, I go no further." " You have been paid to lead me." " I show you." "That's all." "As a member of the Home Army, it is my assigned mission to rescue Christian Poles trapped in the Ghetto." "If you do not wish to cooperate, then I'll give you a simple choice:" "Lead me, or die." "That's your choice." " Follow me." " Good decision." "The exits are sealed." "The fighters are all dead." " Okay, we stay." "We fight here." " Let's go." " This way." " Quickly, come on." "How much further till we get to the Ghetto?" "Everything is sealed." "Get everyone into position." " Does everyone have a gun?" " One person, right over here." "Come on, move!" "Every exit!" "Go see if Tosia and her men have made any progress." "Move!" "There's another wall." "Tosia, have you found an entrance to the sewer canals?" " Not yet." " Hurry." "We are." "Mordechai, I don't think they will make it through soon enough." "Sorry." "All right, Julian, take your position." "You've done well." "I wonder if Zivia and her group made it through." "Zivia will find a way out." "I would have bet that Kazik found a way back." "He won't disappoint you." "Mira, let me ask you a question." "How do you manage to always be so positive so optimistic and so supportive?" "I'm lucky." "To luck." "To luck." "Go through, right now." "I will get Mordechai." "This way." "If you sense gas cover your faces with a wet cloth and stay low." "Cover your face and stay low to the ground." "I found a way out!" "I found a way out through the sewer." "Stay low, low to the ground!" "Keep low!" "Save the last bullet for yourself." "Everyone follow me this way!" "I found a way out!" "Let's give them a greeting they'll remember." "Kazik." "Tosia." " You're alive." " Tosia." "Where are the others?" "A few of us made it out of the sewers but Mordechai, Mira, Arie and all the rest, all died here or in the bunker." "How did you get in?" "I thought I was the last Jew in the Ghetto." "The last one." "Kazik, how did you get in?" "Through the sewer canals." " Then you will get us out." " No." " Yes." " No." " Come." " No." "Kazik, come." " I want to stay here." " There are others who need our help." "Paradise." "This way." "In the tunnel." "All right." "Paradise." "Paradise." "Lost." "Marek?" " Zivia?" " Tosia?" "This is a miracle." " We were lost." " We've been walking in circles." "What a miracle!" " Kazik, have you been to the other side?" " Yes, he has." " Then, he is our leader." " Yes." "All right." "All right, everyone." "Follow Kazik quickly and quietly." "Follow me." "Come, Sarah." "Heil Hitler." "One of Major Hoffle's SS informants says some of the leaders are still alive." "He heard they were taking the sewers to the Aryan side to join up with the partisans and continue the fight." "The Major wanted me to inform you of this as soon as possible." "You need a truck." "We have a truck." "We'll need it for two nights." "Trucks are expensive." "Drivers are expensive." "I thought you might say this." "Wait, wait." "All right, under here." "Stick with your gun." "Watch your head." "Come under here." "Over here." " All right, Zivia." " Is it safe?" "You must be quick, the water is rising." "Coming through." " Where's the boy and the girl?" " They're coming through." " Sarah." " Isaac, come here." "I'll go through." "All right, everybody through?" "We have to get through quickly!" "Coming through!" "The children!" "It's shut." "It's closed." "Please, don't panic." "Please, be calm." "A little bit further on, it opens out to a canal at the beginning of the Aryan side." "Well, we are at Prosta Street on the Aryan side but there is no one waiting for us up above." "I cannot hold on any longer." "There's no way to get all these people out without a truck to get us out of the city." "Kazik, you will go by yourself." "Meet Yitzhak." " Find an exit." " Yes, tonight." " Where is it?" " I don't know, they're late." "We can't afford late." "There's been a delay." "They will try again later." "We must keep everyone calm." "I'll let them know." "Yes, an office. 54 Prosta Street." "Office furniture." "Cabinets." "Just the driver, we have our own laborers." "You can." " We must have water." "We must have food." " It is coming." "Stay calm." " We are doing all we can." " It is not enough!" "I'd rather die on the street with a German bullet." "You'll do as you are instructed for everyone's safety." "Now, be quiet." "There's another landing." "Go, get out of the water." "The people cannot take anymore!" "Silence yourself." "You think I will let your weakness jeopardize the lives of all these people?" "Have you any idea the sacrifices they have made so you can be standing here alive?" " Alive and on the verge of freedom!" " I want to get out!" "Don't think for a moment that I'll hesitate to put a bullet through your skull." "I'll fulfill your wish if you keep your foolishness up." " Where's the office?" "I don't see it." " In the basement." "What is this?" "This is your chance to be a hero before God." "Drive." "Pull over there." "Please come out quickly and quietly, and do exactly as Kazik instructs." "Why are we doing this in broad daylight?" "Because we are." "You're mad." "You're right." " Are there many more?" " Yes." "How many?" "Forty on this landing and a dozen on another." " We can't wait." " They'll come." " We can't wait." " I promised them." " Just one more minute." " One minute and then we leave." " I'll get them." " But we have no time." "I'll get them." "Quickly." "Twenty more." "Come, come, come." "This is an operation of the Polish underground." "And I believe in Santa Claus." "Well, Santa, this is a pistol I am pointing in your ribs." "Do you believe that?" "Yes." "Then you also believe that I won't hesitate to splatter your guts all over these cobblestones unless you do exactly as I say." "Stay there." " Into the truck, quickly." " Ten more." "Hurry, hurry, now." "They're Jews." "That's everyone on this landing, forty in total." "Come, Kazik." " That's it!" " No, I'm not leaving without them." "You're putting us all at risk!" "I'm not asking you." "I'm telling you." "Get on the truck!" "Zivia, get on the truck." "We'll come back for them." "Come." "Go!" "Go!" "Go, go, go!" " They've escaped." " It seems to be so." "I'll have you communicate to "Reichsführer" Himmler that Warsaw will be free of Jews tomorrow." "My engineers have prepared the dynamiting of the Jewish synagogue." "Further, I have informed Himmler that the remainder of our work here will be carried out by the local police under my control." "Now, you may even receive a commendation for your efforts." "But between you and me, you let the bandits get away." "I want everything brought up!" "Every body, every corpse, every piece of evidence!" "And then seal it shut!" "Tighter than a pharaoh's tomb!" "And every manhole cover in Warsaw, I want welded shut!" "Every single one!" "Enough!" "Mordechai Anielewicz sent me this letter shortly before his last battle." "I want to read a part of it to you." ""Our fighters have endured conditions beyond description yet they have persevered." "No, more than persevered." "They have conquered these conditions, and fought on bravely over and over and over again."" ""Perhaps we shall meet again." Perhaps." ""But the main thing is, the dream of my life has come true." "I've lived to see a Jewish defense in the Ghetto in all its greatness and glory."" "Let us remember Mordechai and all the others." "And let us continue." "And let us continue to fight on." "Look, Kazik how deeply they breathe." "Each breath so peaceful, so rhythmic." "Yes." "One after another, after another after another..." "Ripped with SubRip 1.14 and Verified by CdinT ([email protected])" "I deliver perfection..." "and don't brag about it!" ":" "D" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"My name is Oliver Queen." "For 5 years," "I was stranded on an island with only one goal-- survive." "Oliver Queen is alive." "Now I will fulfill my father's dying wish-- to use the list of names he left me and bring down those who are poisoning my city." "To do this, I must become someone else." "I must become something else." "Previously on "Arrow"..." "Rescuing your father and stopping Fyers is not going to be some walk in the park." "Yao Fei!" "Ba!" "How did you escape?" "I didn't." "You told me to stay away from your family and I did, but your family isn't staying away from me, which means something must be done about it." "You're going home." "About my mother, and about her involvement in the Undertaking." "She's working with Malcolm Merlyn, and they're planning something terrible." "So, I was wondering-- there's a late night happy hour at Stella's." "You know, the place across the street." "You mean the place that's always playing loud salsa music at all hours when I'm trying to work late?" "That--that would be the one, yeah." "Anyway, I was thinking that, um, maybe, you know, if you wanted to, we could perhaps grab a drink?" "How about two?" "Oh, my God!" "Please." "I did everything Mr. Merlyn required of me!" "He knows, Dr. Markov, and he thanks you for your service." "Open the door!" "Open the door!" "Freeze!" "No!" "Open the door!" "Get down on the floor!" "♪ Arrow 1x22 ♪ Darkness on the Edge of Town Original Air Date on May 8, 2013" "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" "I've been watching your mother for days now, Oliver, and nothing." "She goes to work, she comes home." "Occasionally she goes out for dinner." "She seems to particularly like the salmon tartar at table salt." "I'm linked into her home and office phone." "Nothing out of the ordinary." "No mention of Walter's abduction or the Undertaking." "Just a few innocuous calls to Malcolm Merlyn." "Why wouldn't she call him?" "They're old friends." "We're all old friends." "Are you ok?" "My mom and my best friend's dad are involved in a conspiracy that may have dire consequences for the city." "And I'm pretty sure they murdered my father." "I'm not planning on using the word "ok"" "again any time soon." "Listen, all we know for sure is that Malcolm and your mother are planning something for the glades." "And that Walter and I were getting too close to it, that's why they had him kidnapped." "We have to find out what this Undertaking is." "I got to ask her." "Well, no." "The last time the Vigilante paid your mom a visit, you got shot, and I got to play doctor with you." "Ahh!" "My brain thinks of the worst way to say things." "This time it'll just be me asking." "Friendly mother-son chat." "Laurel?" "What are you doing here?" "It's not even 7:00 a.m." "That's just after closing time, right?" "How's business?" "Well, it's busy." "Busy." "It was easier when Tommy was running things." "Tommy's a good guy." "Yeah." "Are you?" "What do you mean?" "Last week, I told you that I wanted to get back with Tommy." "That I needed you to go to him and explain to him that you didn't still have feelings for me." "But instead, you told me that you did." "As I'm sure you can probably imagine," "I haven't been able to think of much since." "I shouldn't have said that." "Then why did you?" "I didn't..." "have an agenda." "I didn't mean to make it more difficult for you to fix things with Tommy." "But what if you did?" "After you disappeared-- with Sara" "I was sorry I ever knew you." "But now, things have happened that" "I never thought would." "You coming home." "My parents being in the same room." "And you." "What if I'm finally starting to see you for who you really are?" "No, Laurel, it's" "And maybe Tommy was right." "Maybe he and I weren't meant to be." "Maybe I'm finally ready to admit that... that I still have feelings for you, too." "Nothing's changed." "My life hasn't changed." "I haven't changed." "I got to go." "Walter's coming home." "Everything's exactly as you left it." "How are you feeling, Walter?" "I'm on the mend, thank you, Oliver." "Oh, I'm so glad you're home." "That makes two of us." "All of us." "We've prepared a delicious brunch for you." "All your favorites." "Oh, yum, English food." "Actually, I'm more tired from the drive than I expected." "So I think I'd like to lie down for a bit." "Yes, of course." "Walter doesn't really seem like himself." "He's gone through a lot." "It's just..." "going to take a little bit of time." "I'm really sick of us all having to go through a lot, you know?" "Six scientists and three security personnel are confirmed killed in the massacre." "Among the dead, respected seismologist Brian Markov." "A spokesperson for Unidac Industries says a comment would be forthcoming." "Mom, we need to talk." "Oh, uh, later, Oliver." "...co-workers, parents and families of all the victims to see how they're coping with their loss." "You!" "Save it." "We don't have the luxury of indulging in vendettas." "Ba!" "Shado." "You led Fyers right to us, you coward!" "Fyers was about to fire bomb the entire forest just to eliminate you." "This way, you all have a chance." "Well, pray I don't get the chance to repay your mercy." "How fitting." "Everyone reunited for the end." "The end of what?" "What is all this for?" "HKIA, this is Ferris Air flight 637 out of Paris, nonstop to Hong Kong." "We are steady on approach at 33,000 feet and winds at 15 knots." "ETA, two hours, 15 minutes, over." "Ferris 637, this is hkia." "Adjust course to 0.6 degrees south." "11 minutes, over." "Roger, HKIA." "Why the course change?" "Nothing to worry about, 637." "Just looking to make sure you avoid a little turbulence." "Roger that." "Adjusting course now." "They're altering course, sir." "The plane will be in range of Lian Yu in 26 minutes." "Good." "Keep tracking it." "That's a commercial airliner, Fyers." "It's not like it can land here." "It won't be landing anywhere, Mr. Queen." "I'm going to destroy it." "Arrows are black, not green." "Copycat archer again." "Psychopaths are color-coding themselves now." "That's helpful." "Yeah, except we haven't seen the copycat in quite a while." "Ok, last time he took hostages to draw out the Vigilante." "This time, he massacres a bunch of lab nerds?" "I want a press lockdown, nobody hears about the other archer and we need to get a list of all Unidac employees and find out what they're working on here." "Apparently it was a tight group." "Anyone who knows anything about the project is dead." "And the copycat fried all their computers and burned their research." "Whatever's going on here, someone doesn't want anyone to know about it." "Where did you even get that camera?" "Come to think of it, where did you get this car?" "I borrowed it." "Illegally." "You know, when I imagine being in a car with you, this isn't exactly what I had in mind." "Yeah, well, you're the one who said you'd help me find the Vigilante." "I know, but it's been two weeks, and the closest we've come is snapping photos of the cop who hates the Hood just as much as you worship him." "I don't worship him." "I just need to find him." "You don't need to find him to be somebody." "Besides, it's not like you're going to meet him any time soon." "Just that the cops don't have a clue." "We don't know what they know." "Ok, I officially do not like that look." "You still work at CNRI, right?" "Hey, Mom." "Walter's upstairs resting." "I think he's..." "doing well, don't you?" "Who took him?" "Well, we don't know yet." "But I'm going to make sure all the resources of Queen Consolidated are behind it." "That's the answer that you gave to reporters yesterday." "Tell me the truth." "I don't know what you mean." "I think you do." "A couple months ago, when I showed you dad's notebook, you seemed to know something." "Something about our family being in danger." "Are you suggesting that I knew something about my husband's kidnapping?" "I'm just suggesting that maybe you were scared." "That maybe you didn't mean for any of this to happen." "But it was harder than you thought." "And now you're barely keeping your head above water." "Please, Mom." "Let me help you before you drown." "You need to stop asking these things." "Do you understand?" "I need you to stop." "I can't." "I need to know." "Is that a power outage?" "I don't know." "Oliver!" "Oliver!" "Mom!" "Oliver." "Are you ok?" "Oliver?" "What--what-- we got to get out of here." "Moira Queen..." "You have failed the city." "It doesn't make any sense!" "Why do you want to blow up a plane?" "When the New York Stock Exchange reopened after 9-11, the Dow Jones dropped nearly 685 points." "Can you imagine what would happen to China, the world's second largest economy, if all air travel in and out of China were to be grounded indefinitely?" "You want to destabilize China's economy?" "It's not what I want, but rather my employer." "We have enough missiles here to shoot down any aircraft approaching the mainland." "And that will decimate China's economy." "Especially..." "once a rogue element in China's own military claims responsibility." "You see, inconvenient though you occasionally were, you're always worth more to me alive than dead." "Then you should have killed me." "Because I won't do it." "Ahh!" "Shado!" "Shado!" "I said I need you alive, but I can kill everyone you care about." "Help you with something?" "Yes, um, I'm from CNRI and we're investigating claims of racial bias in SCPD arrests." "So I'm going to need a copy of each file from every arrest in Starling City January," "2011 to the present." "It's almost 9:00 at night." "Yeah, well, tell that to Judge Crow." "He's the one who signed the court order." "Wait here." "I don't know, it seems like a bit of a reach." "Yeah, which is what you do when you got nothin'." "'Cause all I know is the copycat, he torched every record down at Unidac." "And all we got are phone records and they show that this Markov guy, he made a couple of calls to an unclaimed line at Merlyn Global." "A couple of calls?" "Did I say reach?" "I misspoke." "I meant leap." "Just get someone down here from Merlyn Global to answer a few questions under oath." "Did you find anything?" "Lots." "Anything helpful?" "No, still looking." "What about you?" "You learn anything from the cops?" "As a matter of fact..." "I like the sound of that." "You know that copycat archer?" "Yeah." "Turns out he's connected to Merlyn Global somehow." "Or, at least his victims are." "We're looking for the Hood, not some crazy wannabe." "Well, the guy with the black arrows seems to hate the guy with the green arrows, so..." "So what, we just show up at Merlyn Global and hope the Hood shows up, too?" "Last I checked, you don't have any better ideas." "Please!" "Do not hurt my son." "Tell me what the Undertaking is and I won't have to." "No!" "Tell me!" "Please!" "Leave my son alone!" "What is Malcolm Merlyn planning?" "!" "I can't tell you!" "He'll kill me, he'll kill my family." "You should be more worried about what I'll do." "No!" "Malcolm is planning to level the Glades!" "He said so he could rebuild it, but..." "How?" "There's a device." "What device?" "!" "He says that it can cause an earthquake." "How is this possible?" "I don't know." "It was invented by Unidac Industries." "Malcolm used my company's Applied Sciences to turn it into a weapon." "Why would you get involved in something like this?" "My husband..." "He got involved without my knowing." "He was just trying to do some good." "He was lost." "He..." "His decisions left me vulnerable to Malcolm, and I had no choice." "I had to protect my family and my children." "This device..." "Where is it?" "I don't know." "If you don't tell me, I can't stop Merlyn!" "Oh, you can't stop him." "It's too late." "No, no, no, I told you everything!" "Oliver!" "No!" "Oh, sweet" "Please, I know what you must be thinking, sweetheart, but I never intended any of this to happen." "You know I would never willingly be a part of anything like this." "I don't know anything anymore." "Oh, my God." "You said you were going to pull your punches!" "I did." "Let me get you an icepack for..." "Everything." "I'm fine." "I need you to dig up everything you can on Unidac Industries." "Well, we know Queen Consolidated acquired them seven months ago." "That's when we met." "I need information about what I don't know." "Unidac is a small research and development technology company that specializes in seismic infringement." "Merlyn plans on leveling the Glades with a device that triggers a manmade earthquake." "You're kidding." "What else does it say?" "More information on the stock auction and, you know, the latest on what the media's calling" "The Unidac massacre." "There's no way this timing is a coincidence." "Oliver, there's a website claiming the police suspect a copycat archer." "What?" "!" "So the other archer works for Merlyn?" "He's tying up loose ends." "Erasing all evidence this device exists so no one can trace the devastation back to him." "All right, so you're going to have a pointed conversation with Mr. Merlyn." "Well, even if I take out Merlyn, the other archer is still out there." "He can set off the device." "We need to find it." "Then Merlyn can get his." "Well, maybe there's another way to get Merlyn to tell us." "What do you have in mind?" "As I keep proving, people keep secrets." "Computers don't." "Felicity, are you hacking into the Merlyn Global mainframe?" ""Hacking" is such an ugly word." "No." "I'm..." "Yeah, totally hacking into the Merlyn Global mainframe." "Stop!" "I'll do it." "I knew your good judgment could be counted on." "Come along now." "We need to get you back into uniform." "It's Fyers." "It's happening." "Understood." "That was Fyers." "Everything is proceeding to your plan." "It truly is very kind of you to come all the way out here." "Walter?" "Who are you speaking to" "Moira." "How are you?" "Well." "Thank you." "Actually, you look a little bit out of sorts." "Oh, no, no, I'm fine." "Malcolm stopped by to check up on his nemesis." "On the racquetball court." "I didn't get a chance to talk to Walter at the hospital." "Like everyone," "I'm glad he's back where he belongs." "With his family." "Yes." "I'll let you get some rest." "Thanks again." "Yeah." "Uh, I'll walk you out." "Your assassin wasn't too subtle in eliminating those people at Unidac." "Well, now the police are focused on the copycat archer instead of the Undertaking." "As for our collateral damage," "I had to limit our exposure." "I see." "And does paying Walter a visit just now fall under the same category?" "You held him for nearly six months." "Surely you had him questioned." "He was." "And I assume that if Walter knew something you'd rather he didn't, agreement be damned," "I would be a widow again." "Am I wrong?" "Rarely." "Well, we discovered a few phone calls between one of the Unidac victims and someone at the Merlyn Global group." "Which is why I asked for someone at your company to help me with my investigation." "But naturally, they send down the one guy that's been working there 30 seconds and knows nothing." "Detective Lance, if someone from Merlyn Global is involved with those deaths," "I want them found as much as you do." "Give me more to go on than some phone calls and I will help you in any way that I can." "Thank you." "What are you doing here?" "Helping your father with an investigation." "Uh..." "Call me if you need anything else." "Thank you." "One second, sweetie." "Ok, someone at Merlyn Global could be connected to the copycat archer, all right?" "Any chance you can have a little snoop around their computer systems?" "You'll need a warrant." "No, we'll need a judge who owes me a favor." "Hey." "You never did tell me what had you and Merlyn on the outs." "No, I didn't." "You don't have to tell me." "Oliver." "Come on." "I know." "I know." "Say it." "You--you think I'm crazy." "I mean, Oliver, he cheated on me, he broke my heart, he led Sara to her death and you would probably rather drink acid than see me with him again." "Dad..." "I am sure you're disappointed in me." "Since Queen's been back, he's..." "Different." "I'll deny ever having said that." "Hmm." "Let's eat." "Anything?" "Just for the record, I will pump my fist in the air and scream, "yes!" If I get in." "You know, you can just say this isn't working." "This isn't working." "All right, there has to be some other way we can find out where he's keeping this device." "Unless I can waltz up to Merlyn's mainframe and plug in my tablet directly, there's no way of getting that location." "Then we waltz." "Excuse me?" "You need direct access to the mainframe, so we get you direct access to the mainframe, and we figure out where the device is being kept." "Oliver..." "I did mention that the mainframe is located inside" "Merlyn Global Group's main headquarters, on the 25th floor?" "It's only accessible through a restricted access elevator." "I know." "We're going to have to break in." "Hi." "Oliver Queen." "I have an 11:30 with Tommy Merlyn." "I have a super deluxe big Belly Buster for a Mr. Andrews." "I think he's in security." "He a good tipper?" "You can go on up, Mr. Queen." "You can wait a second." "New guy, you order food?" "Yeah, I'm addicted to big belly burger." "Never had it." "I'll split it with you." "Keep the change." "Hold that." "Where you heading, sweetie?" "19th floor." "Too bad, I'm going to 13." "Damn it!" "Mr. Andrews got his lunch?" "One belly buster with benzodiazepine." "Hold the mayo." "Sleep tight." "Mainframe's on 25, guys." "That's as close as I can get you." "Come on." "Don't look down." "Too late." "I should mention, I'm afraid of heights, which I just learned." "Hey, Felicity." "Hmm?" "Hold on to me tight." "I imagined you saying that under different circumstances." "Very platonic..." "circumstances." "Ready?" "Uh-huh." "Come on." "You all right?" "I'm fine." "Yeah, this is just my "about to hack" face." "I always..." "Oh, look like this right before I, you know, hack." "Security patrol's on a ten minute cycle." "I'll have my meeting with Tommy and be back in nine, ok?" "Ok." "Ok." "Dig, you got eyes on her?" "Five by five." "Ok." "Sure beats the back of a bar." "I saw your name in my schedule," "I thought it must be a typo." "Why so serious?" "Did someone decide that they didn't want you putting an arrow in them today?" "I thought it was past time we talked." "About what?" "Me leaving the club, you being a serial killer?" "We're not lacking for topics." "Let's start with Laurel, since you're still in love with her." "So are you." "I can't be with her, Tommy." "You know why I can't." "So what?" "I'm her consolation prize?" "I'll pass." "She's not anyone's...property." "Laurel makes her own decisions." "And she chose you." "Until you couldn't handle it." "Lord knows I am guilty of a lot of things between us, but not you and her." "That's all I came to say." "What exactly do you do here?" "I work closely with my father." "Guys, you got trouble." "What?" "!" "Felicity's about to have some head of schedule company." "I'm not there yet on the download." "Hold tight, I'm on my way." "Oliver." "Mr. Merlyn." "I must say, I'm surprised to see you here." "Tommy and I just had a little unfinished business." "Ahh." "I know things have been challenging between you two, but I trust you're working things out." " Felicity!" " Just a few more seconds." "Yes." "I'm sorry, I have to go." "There are some investors waiting for me back at the club." "I'm heading out to a meeting myself." "I'll walk you down to the lobby." "She's going to get made, Oliver." "Oliver, did you hear me?" "!" "Felicity!" "What?" "Just a few more seconds!" "Come on, come on, come on." "You don't have a few more seconds." "Yes!" "Wow, I really do do that." "Damn it, Oliver, she's in trouble, where are you?" "This is a restricted area." "Let's see some I.D." "I.D.?" "Um..." "Tell your mother I said hello." "I will." "Got held up." "Heading back upstairs." "Ollie?" "Thea?" "What are you doing here?" "I, uh, just saw Tommy." "Yeah, me, too." "I'm going to run back up, I don't want to be late." "Oh, I thought you just came down." "There you are!" "Thanks a lot, man, this one snuck past security." "One of Merlyn junior's bimbos." "She's pissed he never called her back." "Copy that." "I read the tabloids." "Yeah." "Thanks again." "Let's go, Barbie." "Your new last name ain't going to be Merlyn." "But I love him!" "He's my man!" "You're my knight in shining armor." "Is that your friend Roy?" "No, um..." "No?" "Yeah, he gave me a ride." "Thea, what are you really doing here?" "The truth, please." "The truth?" "Mm-hmm." "Um..." "We're trying to find the Vigilante." "What?" "Roy's been kind of obsessed with him since he saved his life at the subway." "And I overheard Detective Lance saying that the other archer was connected to Merlyn Global, so" "Hey!" "Roy." "We haven't met." "I'm Thea's disapproving older brother." "Yeah, I know." "Good to meet you." "Don't mess around with the Hood." "He's a psychopath, he's dangerous, and anyone who gets near him winds up dead." "That will not be my sister." "Do you hear me?" "Ok." "Take her home...now." "What are you doing?" "The Vigilante's not too fond of guys who sell Vertigo." "I know a guy who claims he still has a stash to sell." "Maybe we could stake him out, hope the Hood shows up for him." "Did you not hear what my brother said?" "What does your brother know about him?" "Uh, for one thing, the Vigilante once saved his life, so if he's telling us to keep away, that should say something." "No offense, Thea, but your brother's kind of a wimp." "Don't say that." "Why not?" "It's true." "My brother survived five years alone on an island!" "Five years I thought I had lost him." "Yeah?" "Well, I lost someone, too." "And they aren't coming back." "Who?" "It doesn't matter." "That is why I need to find him." "So he can teach me to be like him." "I'm not losing anyone else ever again." "I can't do this, Roy." "If you don't give this up, you're going to lose me." "Better now than later." "Oh, good." "I was just coming to check on you to see if maybe you'd like some tea, or..." "What is this?" "Walter..." "Please." "Divorce is an extreme reaction." "Well, considering the circumstances," "I find it somewhat reserved." "Or do you think I believe that my abduction on the night you told me that I was getting too close to your conspiracy was a coincidence." "You--you were in danger." "This arrangement, it saved your life." "Well, that's ironic." "Because it feels like you've destroyed it." "Walter..." "You know, I read about people in forced captivity." "Some of them said it was a simple thought that got them through the isolation and fear-- returning to their loved ones." "So I don't know really why I'm still alive, Moira, because I didn't have that." "Walter, please..." "What do you think you can say to me to convince me that everything I knew, my whole life... hasn't just evaporated?" "Where are you going?" "Come here." "Detective?" "What'd you find?" "Merlyn Global's cyber security is off the charts." "Firewalls, NSA-grade I.P.Sec protocols..." "What's that, tech speak for "I struck out, boss."" "Yeah, but I wasn't the only one." "Somebody else tried hacking into Merlyn Global systems." "Same pathways I used, same result." "You're saying that someone else was looking for Merlyn's connection to Unidac?" "Yeah, someone good." "Knew how to reverse engineer her footprints." "I almost didn't catch her." "Her?" "Yeah." "She works at Queen Consolidated." "Name's Felicity Smoak." "Who the hell is Felicity Smoak?" "In addition to the download, I also took the liberty of uploading a trojan to Merlyn's system." "Figured it might come in handy." "That's smart." "If Merlyn thinks he's been compromised, it'll help if we know first." "Can you locate the seismic device?" "I'm working on it." "But there's at least a terraflop of data to go through." "You all right?" "My father, he told me that he failed the city." "Asked me to right his wrongs, but I never knew what he meant until now." "It's the Undertaking." "I promised myself that when I crossed all these names off the list, I'd be done, but..." "Taking down these people, it doesn't honor him." "I was just treating the symptoms while the disease festered." "I stop the Undertaking..." "I wipe out the disease." "What are you saying, Oliver?" "You would hang up the Hood?" "Merlyn's plan is what I returned from the island to stop." "Where are you going?" "Out." "Hi." "Can we talk?" "Thank you." "What did you want to talk about?" "Wow, I thought this was going to be easier to say." "But now I'm standing here..." "Looking at you, and it's" "Just say what you have to say and go, ok?" "Ever since I've been back, we've been doing this dance." "We come together, and then I pull away." "Something pulls me away." "But I think... finally... that something might be over." "What are you trying to say?" "That...you know me better than anyone." "And that you... are more important to me than anyone." "I just hope I didn't wait too long to say it." "♪ I'm breaking in, shaping up ♪" "♪ then checking out on the prison bus ♪" "You didn't." "You're right on time." "♪ I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones ♪" "♪ enough to make my system blow ♪" "♪ welcome to the new age, to the new age ♪" "♪ welcome to the new age, to the new age ♪" "♪ whoa oh oh" "♪ whoa oh oh" "♪ radioactive, radioactive" "♪ whoa oh oh" "♪ whoa oh oh" "♪ radioactive, radioactive" "What is it?" "Felicity found the Markov device." "Merlyn's keeping it at a warehouse his company owns in the Glades." "Good." "Coordinate an attack." "You take the device, I'll take Merlyn." "Got a location?" "Yeah." "According to Felicity's trojan," "Merlyn's logged on to his computer from his office." "I'm on my way." "The uniform suits you, Yao Fei." "Any time you're ready." "To the people of China and citizens of the world," "I make this statement voluntarily, taking responsibility for the shooting of Ferris Air flight 637 to protest the People's Republic of China's treatment of me;" "for betraying and abandoning me to the island of Lian Yu." "Consider this my righteous delivery of powerful vengeance." "Thank you." "No!" "Ba!" "Ba!" "Sir." "Plane is within range." "Very well." "I'll be in touch." "Can I help you?" "No..." "I wasn't talking to you." "Malcolm Merlyn..." "You have failed this city." "And how have I done that?" "The Undertaking." "It ends now." "Oliver, the device..." "It's gone." "Where's the device?" "Safe." "I don't know how you got that trojan onto my system, but it prompted me to take precautions." "There is nothing you can do to stop what is about to happen." "And you shouldn't." "This city needs what is about to happen in order to survive." "The people who are destroying it from the inside need to be erased from the map." "Fine." "Let's start with you." "Ironic, isn't it?" "Last Christmas, I almost killed you." "A few months ago, you saved my life." "And now you're here trying to kill me." "You should make up your mind." "Done." "Oh, no." "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Hyde." "New releases just arrived at the store." "Oh !" "Is that Abba ?" "Huh" "Oh cool !" "I love the Talking Heads." "They have a girl in the band and she's like a real musician who doesn't have to use her sex-appeal." "Although it wouldn't kill her to put on some lipstick." "Maybe pop a few zits..." "I mean you're on stage for God's sake." "My band has a girl in it too." "We totally respect her as a musician." "A musician with really big boobs." "Hey." "You know what they should have ?" "An all girl band." "Except in stead of playing instruments, they just dance around and make out." "You know you and Karan could totally hit it off." "My band and I are heading up to my parents cabin this weekend." "If you wanna come ?" "Oh well me to shave a G into his back for the Packers' game." "Soooo...." "YES, I would love to come." "Ohhh Barry Manilow." "Alright Randy, here is what I want you to do." "Take this record, go back to the store." "Anybody looks like a Manilow-fan, chuck it at their head." "Even better." "I'll throw it at their crotch." "We don't want those people reproducing." "Sooo..." "Donna." "Sounds good." "You and Randy in a cabin." "Breathing in the fresh mountain air." "Having sex." "What are you talking about ?" "Well you see, when a boy likes a girl, the boy gets the girl drunk..." "Hyde." "That's not gonna happen." "He's not into me like that and he knows I'm getting over a break-up." "Come on man." "Don't you know how guys think ?" "Not really." "The only guy I have ever been with is Eric, and as far as I know, a typical guys thoughts are:" "Who would win in a fight ?" "Bigfoot or Chewbacca ?" "All right." "Here is what a typical guy thinks about." "Sex, beer and pinball." "Now, if a guy can have sex while drinking beer on a pinball machine... well that's the beautiful story of how I met my wife." "Well...if it isn't Miss Mooch, my unemployed roommate." "What would you like to mooch today ?" "My cheese puffs ?" "My yoo-hoo ?" "My Oil of Olaz ?" "Fez, I want to find work but it's really hard." "I spend all morning going to every store in the mall." "And when I find the right outfit, I'm gonna look for a job." "Fez !" "I look fantastic !" "You know, I always give credit where credit is due." "So, thank you God for my fantastic bone-structure !" "So Christine, what's on the agenda for my favorite local talk show host ?" "I mean besides from looking Fez-tastic." "Well today I'm off to the zoo." "It seems a baby elephant is being born." "And I wanna be the first thing it sees, so it knows there is beauty in this ugly world." "Well for my money, nothing beats the time when you ran along with cops and stopped the liquor store hold-up." "Well, I got lucky then." "The day before the show I learned to do the Flamenco." "And as it turns out, a high dance kick doubles beautifully for a knock-out blow to the face." "Ciao darling !" "I love it when she says ciao." "It's like she made up a whole new way to say goodbye." "Was that Christine St. George ?" "!" "She my idol !" "THAT's who I should be working for !" "OH !" "We could co-anchor What's Up Wisconsin together !" "Oh, I could just picture it !" " I'm Christine St. George." " And I'm Jackie St. Jackie !" "And it's time to ask..." " What's up Wisconsin ?" " What's up Wisconsin ?" "Coming up today: war, famine, disease..." "But first, our top story." "Jackie St. Jackie is SPECTACULAR !" "And in sports today:" "I'm GORGEOUS !" "Oh, this is just in." "Jackie St. Jackie is the greatest girl ever !" " I am !" " I know !" "Jackie St. Jackie ?" "I got breaking news." "You're freaking nuts !" "That 70's show" " Saison 8 Episode" "Traduction par Yvan et Guzo Synchro par DaddyK!" "FF" "Merci à ..." "Oh Jackie, you're watching Christine St. George." "I just love her !" "The other day she had a tiger cub on her show it was just the sweetest thing you ever saw !" "Right up until it mauled the weather man." "Yah, but he probably deserved it." "He looks like he smells like ham." "Oh but you what Christine handled it perfectly." "She distracted the tiger with the food critic's lamb chop and then she made a tourniquet out of her microphone cord." "I know, she's amazing !" "Oh, oh she's back !" "That sure is one big pumpkin Tim !" "Coming up, a high school marching band that collectively has lost more then 400 pounds !" "You know what ?" "I'm gonna write Christine a letter and ask her for a job." "Oh no no no no, you have got to go talk to her in person." "Trust me, there is nothing celebrities like more then people showing up in their offices." "Steven, you have finally reached that point in your life where you're no longer a dumb-ass-kid." "You're a dumb-ass-man." "Wow." "Those dumb-ass-teen years just flew by." "And now that you're married," "I'm gonna take you through a rite of passage." "To the Viking Lodge" "Gosh Red." "I don't know what to say." "I guess the first thing that comes to mind is uh... no." "I stripped at the Viking Lodge in Vegas for a guys 85th birthday." "He had a heart attack." "But then the paramedics showed up and they were really good tippers." "Come on Steven !" "You need a place where you can hang out and have a beer with other married men." "BOY does that sound boring." "Hanging out in a dingy room drinking beer and doing nothing." "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be in the basement..." "All right Red." "I guess I'll go." "You're not gonna make me wear one of those silly Viking heads are you ?" "Course not, don't be ridiculous." "Ours have horns and chin straps." "And your name stitched in yarn." "It's very classy." "Wow." "Nice cabin." "It has a cozy, mid-century dead carcass feel to it." "Yeah." "I like to come up here when I really feel like roughing it." "So, you hook up the VCR, I'll go microwave some nachos" "Heyyy Donna." "Did you have sex with Randy yet ?" "Would you shut up ?" "!" "That is NOT what this weekend is about." "Oh." "Yeah." "You're right." "A guy invites a hot girl to a private cabin deep in the woods." "It can only mean one thing." "He wants you to meet his band !" "Okay." "Maybe it's a little weird that they're not here." "A little weird ?" "That's like saying it's a little crazy that you're talking to a floating head." "We are all alone." "Did bring wine." "Wait a minute !" "Maybe you're right !" "Maybe he wants to get it on !" "Did somebody say "get it on" ?" "Fez will you get out of here ?" "Yeah Fez, beat it !" "Why you..." "Son of a bitch !" "Hiiii, uh, I'm here to see Christine St. George." "Do you have an appointment ?" "No, but I am her biggest fan and I would love to be her co-anchor." "Okay, have a seat and a psychiatrist will be right with you." "Oh please Miss, couldn't you just let us in for two minutes ?" "I got a better idea." "How about if I let you in for no minutes ?" "Please ?" "Please could you let us in ?" "I know I have what it takes to be on TV and I just need to demonstrate my talents to Christine." "Oh and I just want an autograph." "Or a souvenir." "She made cheesecake on yesterday's show, is that around ?" "You really want to get in huh ?" "Okay, I'm thinking of a number between one and ten." " Six." " You got it !" "Ohhh So does that mean that we can go in ?" "!" "No." "That's the number of cops I'm gonna call if you don't beat it." "But..." "I'm supposed to be her co-anchor !" "And I'm supposed to be Brooke Shields." "Ain't life a bitch ?" "So Steven, this is the Viking Lodge." "What do you think ?" "I can see why you got that CPR poster in the hallway." "Red !" "It's great to see you !" "Who's the new guy ?" "Murph, Smitty, this is my friend Steven." "Hey" "Steven just got married." "My condolences." "Listen." "I've been married for forty years and I'm half the man I used to be." "But it even out." "My wife is twice the woman she used to be." "He's saying she's fat." "Biiiiig woman." "You know, pretty soon your wife will be nagging at you about doing one chore or another." "You know uh taking out the garbage, mowing the lawn." "Making love to her." "Wait till she starts finishing your sentences for you." "Or in my case, my pieces." "You know I used to think it was cute when my wife finished my sentences." "You know what I want her to finish now ?" "Living !" "See, that's the thing about marriage." "No-one tells you about the three rings." "There's the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffer-ring." "He's saying she's annoying." "Biiiiig pain." "Is this all you guys do ?" "Kinda stand around the bar and complain about your wives ?" "Of course not !" "So listen." "I'm having a few drinks the other night." "And my old lady says:" "I suppose you like yourself better when you're drunk ?" "I says:" "No, I like you better." "My wife came to me the other day and said:" "We don't talk anymore !" "And I said:" "You ruined the streak !" "You know, I'm learning a lot from you guys in here." "For instance: bras." "Not just for girls." "the steam is great." "Time to loosen the towel and release the hounds" "Don't look down....don't look down..." "Aaaaahhhhh !" "I saw the hounds !" "Ms. St. George, you put the beauty in beautiful, the sass in sassy and what else can I say ?" "I love a big tip !" "And what else can I say ?" "I love a big kiss-ass !" "So, who is gonna be on the show today ?" "Oh, Pete Rose." "I gotta go warm-up, I don't want my slider to hang over the plate." "He really took me downtown last time, but not today Pete Rose !" "NOT today." "Okay well, let me get your hair products, I'll be right back." "Okay darling." "Hiiiii, this is Jackie St. Jackie, reporting live from Fresh Hair." "Today's topic:" "Ugly people who are running with scissors, health hazard or community service ?" "Ohhhh why hello Christine St. George !" "Why hello crazy girl talking into a hairbrush !" "Jackie !" "Out !" "Out !" "Out !" "Out !" "I apologize Miss St. George." "This is Jackie, my roommate." "She wants to be your co-anchor on What's Up Wisconsin." "Huh." "Well, from what I've seen you do so far Jackie...." "I'd say yououou have what it takes." "Really ?" "!" "Uhhhh no." "But you seem like a dear thing so good luck to you." "Adios !" "Adios ?" "How does she even come up with those ?" "OH, she forgot her hair products." "Christine !" "Wait !" "No no !" "Fez !" "Wait, wait, let me deliver them to the studio." "They'll have to let me in and I can talk to her." "I don't know Jackie." "I'll give you a free peek at me in the shower." "This end is up" "Well, it took a while, but then the rugged outdoors man finally got the fire going." "Lucky for us he was hiking by." "Well Randy." "Here we are." "All alone." "In front of a nice roaring fire." "This has worked out perfectly." "The only thing you forgot is I'm not a stupid bimbo !" "What ?" "This whole act may work on your little groupies, but not me." "So find another groupie to grope, you gross groupie groper !" "Donna, how can you say that ?" "I mean literally, that sounded really hard to say !" "This whole night has been one long set up to get me alone !" "Oops, my friends didn't make it, what's next, oops, I spilled wine on your blouse, oops, we're naked !" "Oops, made an ice cream sundae on your boobs !" "Uh Donna...meet my band." "The band is here !" "Band, meet Donna." "Believe it or not, she's sober." "I'll help you guys unload the van." "Uhm Randy..." "I feel like such a moron, I thought you were trying to hit on me." "Donna, I wouldn't do that." "I'm pretty old-fashioned when it comes to romance." "We're talking flowers, candy, love poems." "And well, you haven't given me any of those things." "I mean this is gonna be really hard to say but" "I'm sorry that I called you a groupie gro - a gross groupie..." "I can't even say it." "Wait, you two aren't going to do it ?" "!" "No." "You guys were wrong." "And since I control you, I can make you do this !" "Donna stop it !" "Gross man, what did you eat for lunch ?" "!" "Christine St. George ?" "Hi, uh Jackie Burkhart." "Yes the roving hairbrush reporter." "How did you get past reception ?" "Well I really wanted to talk to you, so I asked Fez if I could deliver your hair products." "Oh." "Oh !" "Well I'm glad you did." "Because now that I see you standing in a television studio," "I think you have a solid career ahead of you." "As a delivery girl." "Can I validate your parking ?" "But Ms. St. George please, if you would just give me a chance ?" "Look, I know I have what it takes to be on TV." "I own three of them !" "I also know everything about you." "What you like, what you don't like." "What you wear." "Dear, these are skills I could teach a monkey" "And as a matter of fact, I did." "Episode 427." "Wow." "But here's the good news." "I like you." "You've got sssspirit." "No...m...moxie, yes mo..." "Wait, no, it's it's gumption." "Oh there's a word for it and I can't think what it is..." "Oh well." "But the point is, look, you have a job if you want it, as my assistant." " Really ?" "!" " Yes." "Ohhh I'll take it !" "Ohhh !" "I have a job in television !" "Oh wait, wait, do I get to say What's Up Wisconsin ?" "You can answer the phone any way you like !" "Oh there is my little Viking-in-training." "So, how was last night ?" "Don't even get me started on the hounds." "Oh !" "The hounds..." "The hounds are an old man's testicles." "I don't know how I'm gonna tell Red, but I don't wanna be a Viking." "All that those guys do is sit around and complain about their wives." "Oh Steven no." "Those men were just kidding around." "Did Red tell the one about the three rings ?" "I came up with that." "Steven !" "Bad news about the Viking Lodge." "They don't want you back." "All my hopes and dreams have been... unaffected." "But you know, just out of curiosity, why would they not want me back ?" "It was Smitty." "He felt that your eyes were..." "lingering..." "Oh Jackie." "How is the first day of work going ?" "Terrific." "I can't believe I'm in the glamorous world of show business." "I have finally arrived !" "Oh, here is your coffee." "Thank you" "Uhm, I asked for half and half." "This is milk." "Right, but I kind of thought they were the same thing." "No no, half and half is NOT the same thing as milk." "They're different." "Just as listening to me and NOT listening to me....are different." "Like happy and FURIOUS are different !" "Like employed and FIRED are different, do we understand each other ?" "GOOD !" "Now get me the coffee I want or I'll get a monkey to do it !" "Jackie !" "Psst !" "Come here !" "Don't take it so hard sweetie." "Sometimes Christine flies off the handle like that." "But most of the time she's a real sweetheart." " Oh." "Really ?" " No." "Welcome to hell !" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"[ Man] ♪ And when I die ♪" "♪ Won't you bury me ♪" "♪ In the par kin' lot ♪" "♪ OftheAP?" "♪" "♪ Blow out the candles ♪" "♪ And blow out the lamps ♪" "♪ And light my pyre ♪" "♪ With my trading" stamps ♪ Yee-ha!" "♪ I had three books ♪" "♪ But I needed four ♪" "♪ To go to heaven ♪" "♪ And redeem my soul ♪" "What happened to two, Mike?" "♪ I had two books ♪" "♪ But I needed three ♪" "♪ To deliver me ♪" "♪ From the AP N" "Bravo, Mike!" "Bravo!" "Bellissimal" "You really make all that up?" "Are you really going to shave your legs?" "Ce/10." "All the Italians do it." "Eh, some country." "The women don't shave theirs." "Eh, huh?" "Stop!" "It was somewhere right along here that I lost all interest in life." "Aha!" "It was right here." "This is where I saw Dolores Reineke... and fat Marvin!" "[ Grunts ]" "Why, Dolores?" "Why?" "They're married now." "See what I saved you from, Cyril?" "If I hadn't told you, you never would have followed them out here." "Well, thanks, Mike." "You made me lose all interest in life, and I'm grateful." "My brother said he saw you and Nancy, Moocher." "When'?" "Uh, last Friday." "Well, it wasn't me." "I'm not seeing her anymore." "[Cyril ] I kind of miss school." "This is gonna be the first time no one's gonna ask us to write a theme... about how we spent our summer." "Yeah." "When you're 16, they call it sweet 16." "When you're 18, you get to drink, vote, and see dirty movies." "What the hell do you get to do when you're 19?" "You leave home." "My dad said Jesus never went further than 50 miles from his home." "Look what happened to him." "Whoo!" "[ Moocher] Hey, man, this feels great!" "[ Cyril ] Ahh!" "Come on in!" "[ Moocher] Hey, come on in, Dave." "I read where this Italian coach said it's no good to go swimming right after a race." "[ Cyril ] Who's swimming?" "I'm taking a leak." "♪ J' [ Singing In Italian ]" "♪ J' [ Continues ]" "Dave, is Moocher home?" "J"J" [ Continues In Italian]" "[Children Chattering ]" "Hey, ciao, bambini." "Buon giorno!" "♪ J' [ Continues ]" "He was as normal as pumpkin pie, and now look at him." "♪ J' [ Continues Singing ]" "His poor parents." "It's that cologne he wears." "It's called..." "Neapolitan Sunset." "Yeah?" "Well, the flies seem to like it." "There." "This is it?" "Well, you know what the doctor said." "At your age" " What the hell do you mean "at my age"?" "Goddamn see-through coffee." "He says you have a bad heart." "That's got nothing to do with my age." "It's our son that's ruining my health, Evelyn." "What's he going to do?" "He wanted a year off with those bums so I give him a year." "It hasn't been a year yet." "But, Evelyn, look what's happened to him." "He's turned into an "lty."" ""Ciao, Papa." "Ciao, mama." "'Arrivederci. ." "That's "lty" talk." "I used to think it was funny at first." "It's not funny anymore." "He was very sickly until he started riding around on that bike." "Well, now his body's fine, but his mind is going." "He used to be a smart kid." "I thought he was going to go to college." "I thought you didn't want him to." "Why should he?" "I never went to college." "When I was 19, I was working in the quarry ten hours a day." "Most of the quarries are closed." "Let him find another job." "Jobs are not that easy to find." "Let him look at least." "Let him come home tired from looking." "He's never tired." "He's never miserable." "He's young" "When I was young, I was tired and miserable." "[ Chuckles ]" "I had my own place at 17." "He says Italian families stay together." "Evelyn, we are not Italian." "Oh, I know, I know." "It's just that I come from a big family myself... and it was kind of nice." "He thinks we should have another child." "What?" "Buon giorno, Papa." "I'm not Papa!" "I'm your goddamn father!" "Buon giorno, Mama." "She's your goddamn mother." "What'd you do?" "Win again?" "The victory, she was easy." "But the promoter tells me that the Italians will be here soon." "I will race with the best- italianos." "Like the nightingales, they sing." "Like eagles, they fly." "Speaking of flies, you brought a hell of a lot in with you." "Fly in Italian is mosca." "In English it's "pest." Speaking of pests- lsn't this a lovely trophy?" "Look." "Oh, yeah." "So what?" "I lived 50 years, I never got a trophy." "You never got a trophy?" "Nope,I never got one." "I give you this one." "You are numero uno, King Papa." "Don't do that." "I have to take a shower." ",/3/'[ Figaro ]" "There's that "lty" music again!" "I'm gonna have this out with him now!" ".R.r [ opera 1" "What's the matter?" "He's shaving." "Well, so what?" "His legs." "He's shaving his legs." "♪ Figaro ♪" "♪ Fi... garo' ♪" "♪ Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro J'.i'" "Yoo-hoo. [ Moocher] Nancy." "I was just on my way to work." "Come on in." "You know what?" "No." "What?" "L'm leaving home, that's what." "What?" "Where are you going?" "About five blocks south." "Oh." "I found this nice little place to rent." "It's so cute I could scream." "Scream." "My folks said I could have some of their furniture from the basement." "All right!" "[ Inhaling, Exhaling ]" "Maybe you could give me a hand... moving." "Oh, sure." "If I'm not too busy, you know?" " How's the job?" " You know what?" "Frank said if I keep up the good work, it'll just be a matter of time before I become head cashier." "That's great." "Well, I should go now." "Nancy." "Uh..." "I think I'll walk you to work." "I'm going out that way anyways." "It gets 30 miles to the gallon." "Of course, the mileage you get may vary." "It's a beaut, right?" "Right." "Boy, you sure know how to pick 'em." "Frankly, this is the best car on the lot." "Quality product." "Buon giorno, Papa!" "Come stai?" "Friend of yours?" "Aren't you glad we got fired from the A P?" "I mean, right now, we'd be working." "We didn't get fired, Mike." "You got fired." "We quit." "All for one and one for all." "You know, there ain't many places that are gonna hire all four of us." "You know what I'd like to be?" "Smart." "[Laughs]" "A cartoon of some kind." "Wouldn't that be great?" "You know, when they get hit on the head with a frying pan... and their head looks like the frying pan with the handle and everything?" "Then they go boing and... their head comes back to normal." "Wouldn't that be great?" "How did you get to be so stupid, Cyril?" "I don't know." "Guess I have a dumb heredity." "What's your excuse, Michael?" "[ Chuckles ]" "You hear from your folks, Mooch?" "Yeah, my dad called." "He says there's a lot more jobs in Chicago." "He hasn't gotten anything yet, though." "Wanted to know if the house was sold." "Hmm." "He could use the money something fierce." "You can come live with me when it's sold." "In Italy, everybody lives together." "[Chuckles] Since you won that Italian bike, man, you've been acting weird." "You're really getting to think you're Italian, aren't you?" "I wouldn't mind thinking I was somebody myself." "I think the door's stuck on that icebox." "I can't see him!" "Oh, yoo-hoo!" "It's got no back on it." "[Laughs]" "Funny shit." "Funny." "[ Hooting ]" "[Chattering ]" "What the hell are they doing here?" "[Girls Cheer And Clap]" "I've never seen anybody dive off from up there." "Hey, you bastards!" "Who's that?" "Hey, cutters!" "They got indoor and outdoor pools on campus, and they got to come here." "It's my goddamn quarry." "This hole, this quarry hole is mine!" "Hey, screw you, Cyril." "Come on." "Let's get out of here." "[ Mike] If they're gonna come here, then we're gonna go to their campus." "[Tires Screech ]" "Going to college must do something to girls' tits, I swear." "Just look at 'em." "Hi there!" "What's your major?" "[Whistles Blowing ]" "Sure look like they've got it made." "That's because they're rich." "Italians are poor, but they're happy." "Yeah, maybe in Italy." "Whoa!" "Whoo!" "Hey, good one, Kath." "Go!" "Rod, here." "I wonder what it's like to kiss a coed." "Wonder about that a lot." "Whoa!" "Hey!" "[Tires Screech ]" "[Laughs]" "[ Rod ] Come on!" "Hey, that bastard's giving us the finger." "[ Mooch ] Hey, we're on their turf, Mike." "Come on!" "Dumb-ass cutters!" "Goddamn bastard-Ilickiin' retards!" "Number 1, move!" "Hut!" "18!" "Hut!" "[Whistle Blows]" "I used to think I was a great quarterback in high school." "Still think so too." "Can't even bring myself to light a cigarette... 'cause I keep thinking I got to stay in shape." "Know what really gets me though?" "I got to live in this stinking town, and I got to read in the newspapers... about some hotshot kid, new star of the college team." "Every year it's going to be a new one... and every year, it's never going to be me. [Scoffs]" "I'm just going to be Mike." "20-year-old Mike." "30-year-old Mike." "Old mean old man Mike." "These college kids here are never gonna get old or out of shape... 'cause new ones come along every year." "They're going to keep calling us cutters." "To them, it's just a dirty word." "To me, it's just something else I never got a chance to be." "[ Reading In Italian ]" "Mamma mia!" "[ Horn Honks ] [Tires Screech ]" "[ Muffled ] Signorina" "Signorina!" "Signorina!" "Signorina, Signorina, you,uh" "Is yours, no?" "[Scoffs] You mean you've been chasing me with this?" "Is nothing." "Niente, signorina." "What, are you an exchange student or something?" "Sì"." "I am italiano." "My name is Enrico Gimondi." "My name is Katherine Bennett." "Ah, Catherina." "Catherina." "Well, thanks again..." "again." "Bye." "Ciao." "[ Pop, Hiss] Son of a bitch!" "All right, keep it steady!" "Keep your elbows bent!" "That's" " That's right!" "Pick it up, Kath!" "30!" "Hi." "What are you doing, Kathy?" "Goddamn it!" "I want an answer, Evelyn." "What are we going to do about him?" "I don't know, dear." "We could always strangle him while he's asleep." "That's not funny, Evelyn." "Why don't you talk to him?" "I'm afraid to talk to him." "I'm afraid to look at him. [Sighs]" "I'm afraid if I did, his eyes would be twirliin' like pinwheels." "Mmm." "I'm only giving you these because you promised to calm down." "Don't expect any more." "J"J" [ Italian Opera]" "I can't eat with that noise on." "./"J" [ Continues]" ".r.r [ Stops ]" "Evelyn, he's not even in his room." "Stop!" "What the hell are you doing?" "Them's my French fries!" "Oh, Mama!" "Evelyn!" "Oh, my God, what's the matter?" "Mio cuore." "My heart." "Oh, my heart!" "It's these damn French fries." "Hey, they're my damn French fries." "I have such a pain in my heart, Mama, Papa." "[ Sighs ] I'm in love." "If [ Rock]" "Suzy says this guy sent you flowers." "So what?" "You never sent me flowers." "Who is he, Kath?" "Some crazy guy I met." "God, what's gotten into you?" "Buon giorno." "Mama!" "Mama!" "Mama, the Italians are coming!" "They're coming to race in Indianapolis!" "The team Cinzano!" "Oh, grazie tanto, Santa Maria." "Oh, Dave, try not to become Catholic on us." "Grazie, signore." "Molte grazie!" "Faster." "I Siren ]" "Damn!" "Ahh." "[ Speaking Italian On Record ]" "Ah, there you are, Fellini." "Come stai, eh?" "Are you hungry?" "This is spicy meatballs here." "[ Record:" "Man ] It's hot today, isn't it?" "[ Man Speaks Italian ] M m m !" "[ Slurps ]" "Mangiare, eh?" "Hey, he)!" "'" "Guess what." "The Italians are coming." "Guess what." "Moocher's going." "Dave, you've got to talk to him." "Where're you going, Mooch?" " He's getting a job." " So?" "So?" "He's getting a job!" "[ Mike] Campus Street Car Wash." "Going to wait on college boys." "[ Cyril ] Don't forget to smile now if you want a tip." "I thought we were going to stick together, man." "I need a job, Mike." "Don't go, Mooch." "They only let you out on weekends and national holidays." "See you later, Cyril." "Hey, don't forget to write." "Hey." "Take it easy." "Ciao." "You're a little late, but I guess you won't let that happen again." "Sorry." "Here's your sponge and rag, and there's your place." "And don't forget to punch the clock, shorty." "[ Cyril ] All right!" "[ Dave ] Bravo!" "[Whistling ]" "Yeah!" "Whoo!" "Get out of here!" "Way to go, Mooch!" "Raymond?" "You know, them college boys ain't so smart." "I sold one of my worst cars to one of them today." "They ain't too smart. lt's a good thing that Dave never" "What is this?" "It's, um, sautéed zucchini." "It's "lty" food." "I don't want no "lty" food." "It's not." "I got it at theA P." "It's like, uh, squash." "I know "lty" food when I hear it." "It's all them "ini" foods" "Zucchini and linguine and fettuccine." "I want some American food, damn it!" "I want French fries!" "[ Meow]" "Oh, get off the table, Fellini!" "That's my cat!" "His name is Jake, not Fellini." "I won't have any "mi" in this house!" "Your name is Jake, you understand?" "[ Meow]" "[Shouting ]" "Your parents asking what you're going to do?" "[ Dave] I think they're getting curious." "I sure miss playing basketball." "I got depressed as hell when my athlete's foot and jock itch went away." "So why did you give it up?" "Oh, I don't know." "Ah." "I was sure I was going to get that scholarship." "My dad, of course, was sure that I wouldn't." "When I didn't, he was really understanding, you know?" "He loves to do that." "He loves to be understanding when I fail." ""That's okay, Cyril." "I understand."" "He even bought me that guitar 'cause he was sure I'd never learn to play it." "I'm supposed to take this college entrance exam." "Are you gonna go to college?" "Hell, no." "I just want to see if I can pass." "Huh." "Maybe I'll take it, too, and flunk it." "My dad's birthday's coming up." "[Chuckles]" "Hey, now, look at this." "That's the place to be right there" " Wyoming." "Nothing but prairies and mountains and nobody around." "All you need's a bedroll and a good horse." "Don't forget your toothbrush." "You're still in your cavity-prone years." " [ Dave ] Hey, here's your brother." " [ Mike] Shit." "I, uh, hear you've been hot-rodding around campus again." "I wasn't hot-rodding." "Well, I'm going to have to take the car back if you keep it up." "All right." "All right, all right, all right." "All right." "How you doing, guys?" "Well, we're a little disturbed by the developments in the Middle East... but other than that- Pussy cop." "Hey, I know what let's do." "Why don't we drive to Terre Haute tomorrow?" "We ain't been out of this B-town in God knows how long." "That sounds like a good idea." "I'm, uh" "I'm kind of busy tomorrow." "Yeah, that's right." "I'm kind of busy myself tomorrow." "Well, I just might go myself, then." "♪ J'[ Italian]" "♪ J' [ Humming ]" "If [ Guitar Notes ]" "That's it." "Cyril, that's it." "I recognize it." "Damn right." "But you got to play it much louder, okay?" "Don't worry." "I'll make this catgut meow." "[Strums Loud Chord ]" "♪ Ha, ha, ha, ha ♪" "Come on, just slow down." "Watch out for the hole!" "Ow!" "How about a little music?" "Catherina!" "Catherina!" "Catherina!" "♪ J' [ Man Singing In Italian ]" "[ Giggling ] J'J' [ Dave Singing In Italian ]" " Play it, Cyril!" " If [ Continues Singing]" "J"J" [ Italian Continues]" "♪ J' [ Continues Same Song ]" "[ Giggling ]" "♪ J' [ Continues ]" "Oh, hi, Rod." "I was just wondering if you knew there was a guy over here with a guitar serenading Kath." "If [ Together]" "./"J" [ Solo ]" "If [ Same Song Continues ]" "♪ J' [ Dave Continues]" "[ Applause ]" "[ Whistling, Cheers ]" "Good night and thank you!" "Whoa!" "Shit!" "I have to go in." "I haven't ridden double since I was a little girl." "And I've never been serenaded." "So... it was a lovely evening." "Molte grazie." "Right?" "Buona notte, Ca lherina." "Are you sure you're okay?" "I'm fine!" "I'm fine." "Let me see." "He won't tell me who did it." "It was dark!" "I can tell you for sure they all wore Brut aftershave... and reeked of Lavoris." "What were you doin' there by yourself?" "I was just walking." "Well, what kind of car did they drive?" "It was a Mercedes convertible." "Was it blue?" "Yes." "We seen that car." "All right." "They want a fight, we'll give them a fight." "We rednecks are few." "College paleface students are many." "I counsel peace." "Come on." "Let's go find those bastards." "[ Dave ] I have to go somewhere." "If [ Disco ]" "You haven't pledged any sorority yet?" "No." "You should." "Most frat guys won't go out with dormies." "I'm the exception." "So, you're on the swimming team, huh?" "Yep." "Breaststroke." "♪ Loosen it up J"" "♪ Loosen it up If" "[ Mike] Is that him?" "[Cyril ] I guess." "Who are they?" "A bunch of cutters." "What are cutters?" "Townies." "[Tires Screech ]" "[ Mike] There it is." "There's his Mercedes." "[ Cyril ] Hey, Mike." "Mike, I don't think we can go in there." "Oh, yeah?" "Watch this." "Shit." "Uh, due cappuccini, per favore." "Oh, that's the wrong guy." "That's the wrong guy." "[ Man ] A bunch of cutter kids." "There he is." "[ Bowling Pins Rattle ]" "Hi there." "Would you like to roll some balls?" "[ Mike] Come on, Cyril!" "I can't get it out." "My-My finger's stuck." "My papa, he tells me, "Figlio mio, " he tells me," ""we are fishermen in our family for as far back as I can see." "You" " You can do what you want." "You go to America." "Say hello to the new world for me."" "MY Papa." "It's nice to hear somebody misses his parents." "Ce/10, I miss." "Just like you miss your mama and papa." "L" " I don't miss them." "I went as far as I could to get away from them." "Ah, but they miss you." "Eh, at home, they sit, and they look at your photo... and they say, "Ah, how we miss our Catherina... our bambina."" "You shouldn't smoke." "What's your major?" "Sosh." "Oh, Sosh." "That's a nice major." "Would you mind if I" "What are you cutters doing here?" " Did you get lost?" " No." "Then why don't you get lost now?" "Is that him?" "No." "No, I don't think it is." "No." "Let's get out of here." "Smart move, shorty." "[ Shouting, Screaming ]" "[ Grunting ]" "Ow!" " All right!" "Break it up!" " Watch it!" "Oh, shit." "Break it up!" "[ Katherine ] We gotta go now." "Come on." "The cutters started it!" "[ Man ] Come on." "Let's go." "Fun's over." "Come on." "[ Man #2 ] Break it up, everybody." "Get out of there." "[ Officer] Move it!" "Let's go!" "Most of you will only spend four years here... but to a lot of us, Bloomington is our home." "I don't like the way you boys have been behaving in my home." "If you feel compelled to compete with the kids from the town... you will do it in a different arena." "We've decided to expand the field of this year's Little 500 bicycle race... to include a team from the town." "But, sir, they're not good enough." "Why not?" "I don't want to be in the Little 500." "Oh, Christ." "I thought you'd jump at the chance." "L" " I don't want to be seen with all those college kids." "That's the whole point!" "They're all gonna be there." "Don't you want to beat those shitheads in front of everybody?" "Doesn't it take four people to have a team?" "Well, we got four." "I mean, don't we?" "We all enter, Dave rides the whole thing, and we win!" "Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure." "Uh, look, Mike." "I'm going to be working that day, okay?" "Working?" "Yeah, I'm going to get a job." "By yourself?" "Yeah!" "I need the money." "Thanks a lot, Dave." "That's really great." "You're a real pal!" "You won't be working the day of the Italian race." "Mike, the time comes when we all have to go our own ways." "[ Mike] You're a real adult, aren't you?" "B-town boy grows up." "It's going to happen sometime." "Oh, yeah." "Is that what Nancy says?" "You can just leave her out of this." "Shut up, would you?" "I wasn't talking to you in the first place." "Hey, well, I don't give a goddamn!" "You're not the quarterback here, Mike!" "At least I was once!" "Which is better than being a midget all my life!" "Cut it out!" "Just cut it out!" "Hey, bambino, che cosa?" "Just drop that Italian shit, too, all right?" "I'm really sick of that crap." "Oh, shit!" "You know, I think you're just afraid of those college guys." "And you're not, right, Mike?" "The only thing I'm afraid of is wasting the rest of my life with you guys!" "I thought that was the whole plan... that we were going to waste the rest of our lives together." "[Chattering, Giggling ]" "What's he doing?" "That guy" "[Laughs] Man!" "[ Girl ] Come on, Rod!" "[ Cyril ] Come on, Mike!" "[ Girl ] Yay, Rod!" "Whoo!" "[ Cheering ]" "[ Girl ] Come on, Rod!" "[ Moocher] You can do it!" "Come on, Mike!" "[ Girl ] Yay, Rod!" "[ Applause ]" "[ Groans ]" "[ Dave] Mike!" "Mike!" "Hold on, Mike!" "[Gasping ]" "[ Coughing ]" "I tried calling her to tell her, but I just couldn't." "She's going to see you in the 500, you know." "You know, if she really likes you, she just won't care." "Hey, uh, Dave, me and Nancy, we're going to get married." "What a mess." "Moocher, you're Catholic, aren't you?" "Yeah." "You ever go to confession?" "Twice." "Make you feel better?" "Once." "[ Bell Tolls ]" "Hi." "Sorry I'm late." "You look nice." "Your hair looks great." "What do you think they're going to ask us?" "Nothing we can't answer, I suppose." "Wonder if I have to have a job to qualify." "I don't think so." "I think it's mostly blood and relatives that they're interested in." "Blood and relatives?" "That's great." "I got both of them." "Oh, fudge!" "You know what?" "No." "What?" "I only brought $4.00." "Oh, well, it's only five." "I'll tell you what." "We'll go Dutch." "On a marriage license?" "Sure." "Why not?" "[ Horn Honks ]" "Papa!" "Ciao, Papa!" "[ Car Engine Sputters ]" "Aw, damn." "You know what I did?" "I put premium gas in this baby by mistake." "It hates expensive gas." "[ Horn Honks ] [ Engine Sputters]" "[Groaning ]" "I should've hit him when I had the chance." "He'd be dead now." "No more worries." "I'll talk to him, dear." "I'll tell him he either has to get a job or go to college." "College?" "So he can thumb his diploma at me?" "[ Evelyn ] Dave never thumbed anything at anybody." "That's because he never went to college." "Besides, he's probably too stupid to get in." "Shh!" "He'll hear you." "I don't care!" "It's my house." "Besides, he doesn't speak English anyway." "I'm sure he'll find a job somewhere." "He couldn't find a job to save his life." "He's worthless, Evelyn." "I tell you." "I die of shame every time I see him." "Goddamn [ Evelyn ] Shh!" " lazy freeloader." "[ Honks Horn ]" "Hi, Alvin!" "Look who's here!" " Looks like the safety inspector." " Or a union organizer." "Dugan, I thought you'd retired." "They won't let me retire." "Howdy, Floyd." "We could sign you up as an apprentice." "Like hell you can!" "I'm only here for a visit, but if I wanted to start over again..." "I could pick up right where I left off." "How are you, Russell?" "Hi, Ray." "All right." "How are you?" "Pretty good." "Mind if I drive in a wedge?" "All right." "Hey, how's your son?" "He's fine." "How 'bout yours?" "I'm just tired of it, Evelyn." "I'm tired of worrying about him." "Who'd ever hire a guy like that?" "He's going to wind up a bum- An Italian bum." "Well, you could use some help." "What if you gave him a job?" "I don't want him selling used cars." "Why not?" "It's good enough for you." "Who says it's good enough for me?" "You do." "Damn right it's good enough for me, but I don't need any help." "He'd ruin me if I hired him, a weirdo kid like that." "Gee." "[ Sighs ]" "[Whistling ]" "Hey!" "No whistling!" "You're supposed to be a shag boy, so shag." "If I wanted whistling, I'd get a bird." "How are you feeling?" "Tired, Papa." "Exhausted?" "Yeah." "Good." "Get used to it." "It's going to be more of the same." "Let's go home." "I have to train." "The Italian race is next week." "[ Horn Honks ]" "Papa, can I have this Saturday off?" "Hell, no." "Just this once, Papa." "The Italians are coming Saturday." "I don't care if the Second Coming's coming." "But I waited so long." "No!" "N-O double-O." "No." "Uh-oh." "You stay out of this." "Don't come in here with that." "This car's been sold." "You said there was a 90-day guarantee." "Guarantee?" "What guarantee?" "You gave me your word." "On paper?" "Have you got it on paper?" "Well, there was no paper, but you gave me your word." "Word?" "I don't remember hearing any word." "Get this car off my lot!" "Papa, if you gave him your word, then we have to take the car back." "Who are you?" "We're poor, but we're honest." "All I want is a refund." "Refund?" "Refund?" "Are you crazy?" "Refund?" "Refund?" "Refund?" "Refund?" "Easy." "Easy." "Easy, Ray." "Refund?" "Refund." "Refund?" "I've ruined everything." "He needed a rest anyway, and now he's getting it." "I'm not going to go to the race." "I should be right there when Papa wakes up." "Um, did I ever show you this?" "It's a passport." "It's quite cheap, you know." "A real bargain." "I carry this with me all the time." "Someday, there'll be a new girl at the A P... and when I cash a check, she'll ask for identification... and I'll take out my passport, and fll sayn." ""Here!"" "Oh, Mama." "So you see, I think you really should go." "I think you should come home... singing... with a trophy." "I think you should do all those things while you can." "I'll win this one for you, Mama." "Ladies and gentlemen... welcome to today's Cinzano 100-mile road race." "Here they come to the starting line" "Team Cinzano, ladies and gentlemen!" "[ Scattered "Ciaos"]" "Timers, if you are ready, we'll stand by for the start of the Cinzano 100." "Riders, ready!" "Timers, ready!" "[ Starter Pistol Fires ]" "The Cinzano 100 is under way, ladies and gentlemen." "The riders are starting off on a 100-mile journey." "Come on!" "[Cheering ]" "[ Speaking Italian ]" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Buon giorno!" "Come stai?" "Oggi é molto umido, non é vero?" "Andiamo!" "Avanti!" "Avanti." "Grazie!" "Grazie!" "Grazie!" "[ Mutters In Italian ]" "[ Speaking Italian ]" "[Speaks Italian ]" "[Speaks Italian ]" "[ Groans ]" "Bravo!" "Bravo!" "[Continues In Italian ]" "I feel like one of those dwarves, you know?" "Like, when they think that Snow White's dead." "Well, I guess you're a cutter again, huh?" "Just like the rest of us?" "I guess so." "[ Moocher] Hey, cheer up, Dave." "You still got the 500." "Thanks a lot." "No, I don't feel lucky to be alive." "I feel lucky I'm not dead." "There's a difference." "[ Evelyn ] Mm-hmm." "Oh!" "What happened to you?" "It's nothing." "How do you feel, Dad?" ""Dad"?" "I'll tell you how I'm feeling, son." "I had nightmares all night that everybody I ever sold a car to... came in to ask for a refund." "You were there handing out the checks." ""One for you, one for you."" "I'm sorry I gave him back his money." "I really am." "Everybody cheats." "I just didn't know." "Well, now you know." "Where's your trophy?" "Daddy!" "What's the matter?" "What are you crying for?" "Acting like you lost your wallet." "I didn't want you to be this miserable." "A little bit's all I asked for." "[Chuckles]" "Go on now." "It's all right." "Talk to him, Evelyn." "What are you doing?" "Hi, Kathy." "Oh, God, what did you do to yourself?" "I just, uh- Oh, I liked you better before." "What happened to your cornicello?" "Now you look like everybody else." "I am everybody else." "I mean" "Listen, Kathy" "Catherina!" "I feel terrible." "You sound funny." "Che cosa, Enrico?" "Tell me." "Look." "Kathy, I- My name is Dave Stohler." "I made all that other stuff up." "I was born in Bloomington." "I went to Bloomington High." "I was treasurer of the Latin Club and usher on the senior" "Okay." "Stop kidding around." "I'm not kidding around!" "See," "I'm what you call a cutter." "Why Napoli?" "And the big family?" "Well, it was a good act." "You- You certainly fooled me." "You know what you are?" "I got a clue." "I'll tell you what you are." "[ Sobs ] Oh, God!" "You" "[Sobbing ]" "Dave." "Yes, Dad?" "[ Sighs ]" "I cut the stone for this building." "You did?" "Yeah." "I was one fine stone cutter." "Mike's dad, Moocher's, Cyril's, all of us." "Well, Cyril's dad- Never mind." "Thing of it was, I loved it." "I was young and slim and strong." "I was damn proud of my work." "And the buildings went up." "When they were finished, the damnedest thing happened." "It was like..." "the buildings was too good for us." "Nobody told us that." "Just" "Just felt uncomfortable." "That's all." "Even now, I" "I'd like to be able to stroll through the campus... and look at the limestone," "but I just feel out of place." "You guys still go swimming in the quarries?" "Sure." "So the only thing you got to show for my 20 years of work... is the holes we left behind." "I don't mind." "I do." "Cyril's dad says he took that college exam." "We both took it." "How did both of us do?" "Well, I don't know." "One of us did okay." "But neither... of us" "Hell, I... don't want to go to college, Dad!" "To hell with them!" "I'm proud of being a cutter." "You're not a cutter." "I'm a cutter." "What, are you afraid?" "Yeah." "A little bit." "And then there's the rest of the guys." "Well, you took the exam." "Did all right, didn't you?" "Yes." "Well, that's" " That's good." "Well, your mom- [ Sighs ]" "Your mom will be expecting us home." "Come on." "Am I supposed to ride this thing?" "Well, that's the official issue." "You can't add or change anything." "Well, it's a piece of junk!" "Hey, it's got a lot of personality to it." "It doesn't look that bad to me." "That's 'cause you don't have to ride it." "You don't have to ride it either, Dave." "We're not going to beg you." "We may plead, but we would never beg." "Aw, the hell with it!" "Get off, Cyril." "At least we got invited." "I'm just gonna take it back." "You seem relieved, Mike." "What's the matter?" "Don't you think we can win anymore?" "Why not?" "Maybe those guys are better than us." "Maybe they are, but that's the first time I heard you say anything like that." "That's the first time I ever felt that." "All right." "[ Sighs ]" "Hello." "What are you doing here?" "I'm leaving soon." "Where are you going?" "I got a job in Chicago." "Moocher's dad's in Chicago." "He got a job there." "He's, uh" "And I'm going to Italy after all with my parents." "Great, Kath." "I wish you a nice trip." "You too." "I'm not going anywhere." "I don't know about that." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "If you eat so much, Moocher, how come you're so damn small?" "Oh, it's my metabolism, Mr. Stohler." "I eat three times a day." "My metabolism eats five times a day." "Well, I go back to work tomorrow." "You're not gonna come see us race?" "He thought he might bring you bad luck." "Well, I just have work to do." "That's all." "Besides, there might be another metabolism to feed around here." "You mean, we might be a father?" "No, I might be a father." "Your mom might be a mother." "You might be a brother." "That way, I keep it all in the family." "Wow." "I didn't think people your age" "The next word may be your last, kid." "You must be very happy, Mr. Stohler." "'Course I must." "Do I have any choice?" "You said you were going to give them a little pep talk." "They don't need pep." "I need pep." "Go on." "Give it to them." "Uh, we thought" "As long as you're goin' out there, you might as well tell 'em who you are." "Right." "[Laughs] Oh, wow!" "[Woman ] ♪ Oh, say, can you see ♪" "♪ By the dawn's early light ♪" "♪ What so proudly we hailed ♪" "♪ At the twilight's last gleaming?" "♪" "♪ Whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪" "♪ Through the perilous fight ♪" "♪ O'er the ramparts we watched ♪" "♪ Were so gallantly streaming ♪" "♪ And the rocket's red glare ♪" "♪ The bombs bursting in air ♪" "♪ Gave proof through the night ♪" "♪ That our flag was still there ♪" "♪ Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner ♪" "♪ Yet wave ♪" "♪ O'er the land of the free ♪" "♪ And the home oi the brave N" "[ Man ] Gentlemen, thank you very much." "I want to take a second to point out two or three flags you'll have to obey." "The first, and most important is the green flag." "That means the race is on." "When the green flag is out, you are racing." "If you see the yellow flag, that means there's been an accident... or someone has a problem that will force the track to slow down." "Please follow your leader." "The third flag is the checkered flag." "This needs no explanation." "[ Man Continues On P. A . , indistinct ' ] We can do it!" "This is a 200-lap, 50-mile bicycle race... ridden on a one-quarter mile track." "It consists of 33 four-man teams." "However, this year," "President Ryan has invited an out in town team to participate." "Although they're newcomers, I'm sure they'II give it their best effort." "The Cutters, ladies and gentlemen." "Any of the team members during the race may exchange to another member... whenever they feel exhausted or in need of help." "[ Man In Red Jacket] Gentlemen, mount your Roadmaster bicycle." "[ Cheering, Applause ]" "[Man] Go!" "♪ J' [ Organ ] [ Chorus, Audience ] ♪ Indiana, our Indiana ♪" "♪ Indiana, we're all for you ♪" "♪ We will fight for the cream and crimson ♪" "♪ And the glory of old l.U. ♪ I.U.!" "♪ Never daunted We'll never falter ♪" "♪ In the battle, we're tried and true ♪" "♪ Oh, Indiana, our Indiana ♪" "♪ Indiana, we're all for you ♪ I.U.!" "♪ Indiana, our Indiana ♪" "♪ Indiana, we're all for you ♪" "♪ We will fight for the cream and crimson ♪" "♪ And the glory of old l.U. ♪ I.U.!" "♪ Never daunted, we'll never falter ♪" "♪ In the battle, we're tried and true ♪" "♪ Oh, Indiana, our Indiana ♪" "♪ Indiana, we're all for you ♪" "L.U.!" "♪ Indiana, we're all for you If" "I.U.!" "[ Man Over P.A. ] They're on the starting line." "They're coming down now!" "The green flag is up!" "The Little 500 is under way!" "[ Man ] Hey, move it!" "Get out of my way!" " Go, faster!" " Hey, hey." "Come on, man." "Let's go." " Move it!" " Hey, watch it." "[Announcer] Ana' here they come, rounding the corner... for the completion of the first of this 200 lap event." "[ Man ] Watch it, man." "[Cheering ]" "[ Man ] Look out." "[Announcer] The perennial favorite teams are up in the lead group of this race." "[ Cyril ] Come on!" "All right!" "He's movin' up!" "Look at him go!" "[ Hollers]" "[ Announcer On Radio ] So after 25 laps, two of the perennial favorites are up front" "The Sigma Tau Omega team and the Acacia team." "I should point out what a remarkable job the Cutter team is doing." "They started in 34th position, and they're doing a beautiful job moving up through the field." "Oh." "The Acacia team has just' given a signal on the last' lap that they wanted to make an exchange." "We see the rider from the Acacia team accelerating away... giving himself a lead so the receiving rider can get on the bike... and not be behind when the pack comes by." "Beautiful exchange!" "Another team is exchanging right behind." "Here are our leaders coming in for an exchange." "Sigma Tau Omega team." "One of the teams is moving up very quickly on the outside." "It appears to be team number 34, the Cutter team." "Here he is, fighting nip and tuck to take the lead." "He's done it!" "He's taken the lead!" "Team 34 has assumed the lead, coming from last position." "What an incredible effort on the part of the leader of this race." "[ Man ] Come on!" "You got him!" " Let's go!" " Come on!" "The leading teams at this point' in the race are the Curlers, the Sigma Tau Omega team, the Phi Psi's, the Delta Chi's and the Acacia team." "The rider for the Cutters team- Dave Stohler" "That's my boy!" "Is pulling ahead e even further a we y." "Pulling ahead!" "It' is incredible, the job he is doing." "[HonkingHorn]" "Come on, Dave!" "He is really bearing down and is turning in some terrific lap times here." "!" "don't happen to have a stopwatch, but" "[Tires Squeal ]" "He won't last." "This is utterly amazing." "After 25 miles" " That's 100 laps, folks- the rider for the Cutter team is still out front." "We've learned he has yet to come in for an exchange." "We're number one!" "Someone's down." "There's an accident in the second corner." "I can't see who it is." "Just a second." "It's Dave Stohler from the Cutter team... who's taken a bad spill." "He had a 3/4 of a lap lead." "I can't see if he's hurt." "He is up, and he's getting on the bike, but he's obviously in agony." "Come on, Dave!" "No way." "He wants off, man." "That's the signal." "He's coming in." "Here you go." "I don't want to race." "You go!" "Get on the bike!" "[ Sigma #1 ] lt's ours now. lt's our race." "[ Sigma #2 ] We got it." "Get going!" "We got a lead!" "No one is going." "The other rider is standing in the pit holding the bike." "Get out there, Mike!" "Get on the bike!" "The little guy's getting on the bike!" "You okay?" "What's the matter?" "What happened?" "[ Sigma #1 ] I don't believe it!" "[ Laughing ]" "As a result of that terrible exchange... the Cutter team has dropped from the lead." "The Sigma Tau Omega team has regained the lead." "The Cutter team has fallen into second position." "Here comes another team challenging and has passed the Cutters." "The Cutters have fallen into third place." "Try as they may, they seem to be losing ground." "Dave Stohler has been taken" "[ Cheering ] Let's go!" "Well, Ev, he tried." "Even the announcer said he tried." "It's all over." "[ Man ] Let's go!" "Help!" "Nice try, kid." "The lead team has just completed 170 of these 200 laps." "There are only 30 laps remaining." "The Sigma Tau Omega team looks unbeatable." "Although many things can happen, as we've already seen today... things can change like the wind." "Stay on this side of the bike." "The other side." "Bring it in!" "Go, you cutter, go!" "[ Man ] Move out." "Move out." "The Cutters made an exchange." "They now have a new man on the bike." "He's been doing a very good job." "He has moved the Cutters into fourth position." "Ana' appears to be moving enough to make a serious challenge for third position." "We'II have to wait and see if this is able to happen." "We're not doing too bad." "This once again points out the fact that this is a team effon'." "One man may fall back, another may be exceptional... but sometimes when you're down another man can pick up ground that you've lost." "This appears to be what's happening here." " We showed those shitheads." " Showed them what?" "Come on, Mike!" "Bring it in!" "Come on!" "It appears even with the injury, Dave Stohler- [ Indistinct]" "It appears he may be getting back on the bike." "Dave Stohler is back on the bike." "But his teammates are taping his feet to the pedals." "This is perfectly legal... but it does mean he will not be able to exchange for the remainder of the race." "The next 15 laps he must ride by himself." "Pick it up!" "Pick it up!" "Pick it up!" "He's back in the race!" "He has dropped from fourth into fifth position." "There are only 15 more laps remaining." "Go, son!" "Go, damn you!" "It remains to be seen if Dave will be able to close up the gap." "[ Muttering, Indistinctly]" "You'll get on the bike when he does." "Stay behind him till the third turn." "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "One hundred ninety six completed." "The Cutters, team number 34, now in second place." "They have completed 198 laps." "198 laps!" "Still leading, Sigma Tau Omega, team number 1." "[Crowd Chanting ] Go, go, go, go, go, go!" "And here comes your leader now through turn number four." "Coming down to take the white flag!" "One lap to 90-'" "It's a duel between Sigma Tau Omega and Cutters... team number 1 and team number 34... as they battle it out through the last lap." "[Crowd Shouting ] Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "[Announcer] Teams number 7 and 34 battling it out neck-and-neck... as they come down the short stretch." "Half a lap to go." "They're going into turn number three." "Number 1, still leading." "34 coming up very close on the inside!" "Here they go for the checkered flag!" "And 34 wins!" "[ Indistinct]" "All right!" "And now, this is what you have been waiting for." "The winning team, from Bloomington, Indiana... the winner of the Little 500" "The Cutters!" "[ Shouts ]" "Bye." "See you later." "The Union?" "[ In French Accent] Pardon." "Do you know where is the Office of the Purser?" "You must mean the Bursar's Office." "Uh, oui Bursar." "I was thinking of taking French, but it's my first year." "Have you ever seen Le Tour de France?" "No." "No'?" "Mon dieu!" "[ French Accent] The French riders, they're the best!" "Hiya, big shot!" "Bonjour, Papa!" "I We will fight for the cream and crimson I" "J" And the glory of old I.U. J" I.U.!" "♪ Never daunted We 'II never falter ♪" "♪ In the battle, we're tried and true ♪" "♪ J' Oh, Indiana, oh, Indiana' ♪" "♪ Indiana, we're all for you If" "I.U.!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Previously on Mom..." "I just found out my teenage daughter is pregnant." "Really?" "Wow." "She's not a cheerleader with an overbite, is she?" " No, why?" " No reason." "I love you and I'm gonna love your baby." " It's our baby." " What?" "I'm sorry, I got a lot on my mind." "Well, I'm a good listener." "A penny for your thoughts?" "Okay, fine." "How's this?" "I'm working my ass off so I can take care of my children," "I just found out I'm gonna be a freaking grandma, and the man that I'm sleeping with only has time for me when his wife is out of town, and I desperately want to run away from it all" "with a bottle of this, but I can't because my name is Christy and I'm an alcoholic." "Hola, Christy." "Are we ready to order?" " Yeah, I think so." "Sis?" " You go first." "Thanks for putting me on the spot." "My sister does this to me all the time." " Okay." " Family, huh?" " Yep." " Yeah." "Okay, let's see." "I would like the scallop risotto since I am not allergic to shellfish, unlike my sister." "Idiot." " Good choice." " Thanks, yeah." "We're celebrating her divorce." "Now we're both single." "Oh, that's nice." "I hope my son and daughter can be there for each other when their spouses inevitably turn on them." "Oh, you have children." "I love children." "I-I believe they're our future." "So, how about you?" "Do, do you have a spouse who turned on you?" "Oh, yeah, lot of hard feelings." " Ah, terrific." " Wow." "Can I grab you for just a sec?" "I'll be right back." "He probably needs me to open up a jar of pickles or something." "Ooh." "Okay, well, bye." " Was that guy hitting on you?" " Yeah, he absolutely was." "Thought so." "I'll ask Richard to take the table." " Why?" " I don't want him bothering you." "He's not." "Is he bothering you?" "No, I'm just protective of you 'cause you and I have, you know, something special going on." "Yeah, it's called adultery." "Why do you make it sound so cheap and ugly?" "Oh, I'm sorry." "Unicorns, rainbows, you're cheating on your wife." "I told you they were doing it." "And another thing... you have no right to tell me who I can and cannot see." "What are you saying?" "We're not monogamous?" " Gabriel, you're married." " We do it once a month, and I don't even take off my T-shirt." "Let me make it simple for you." "All of this stuff here is in play." "Oh, that's good thinking." "Uh, Gabriel," "Paul and I would like you to give us money not to tell your wife you're banging Christy." "A lot of money." "Hey, sis, look who's back." "Give it a rest." "So, what's the deal with your brother?" "Good guy, whack job?" "Give it to me straight." "I'm a single mom and I don't have a lot of time." "He's amazing." "I'd go out with him, you know, if it didn't make us hillbillies." "All right." "I'll write my phone number on the check." "Hold on a second." "What makes you think I was even trying to ask you out?" "You weren't?" "Oh, uh, this is, this is awkward." "Let me get you a new server." "Wait, now, I was just trying to be cool!" "Mission accomplished!" "1x03" " A Small Nervous Meltdown and a Misplaced Fork" "This is a cute top." "Oh, that's actually a party dress from my drinking days." "Wow." "Were you drinking when you bought it?" "I hope so." "Anyway, it doesn't matter," "I'm not that kind of girl anymore." "Hello." "What kind of girl were you when you wore this?" "Popular." "Oh, my God, I hate everything in my closet!" "It all looks like Halloween in Slutsylvania." "Calm down, we'll find something." "Okay, so tell me about this guy tonight." "I don't know." "Cute, kind of boyish..." "pretty normal really." "You just described every serial killer." "No!" "He loves his sister, which I take as a good sign." "Boing, my gay-dar just went off." "He's not gay." "He puts ketchup on his steak." "I don't get what you're so jittery about." " You know how to do this." " I know how to do this drunk." "Come on, you've been dating your boss since you got sober." "You can't call what we do dating." "It's just sex in uncomfortable places." " I hope you mean broom closets." " Yes." "Oh, Mom, God!" "The point is, Gabriel's married, so there's no future with him." "But this guy tonight, who knows?" "We could wind up with a little house, picket fence, missionary sex twice a week." "You know, I had sex with a missionary once and oddly he was not a fan of that position." "Thank you for that image." "I'm just worried that if he finds out the kind of person" " I was, he won't like me." " Oh, honey." " I know, it's silly." " It's not silly... you should definitely lie about your past." " What?" " Yeah, sometimes I like to tell guys I'm Carole Anne Stevenson from Albuquerque, New Mexico." " You're kidding." " Nope, Carole's a schoolteacher like her mother and her Aunt Judy." "She loves baking and gardening and volunteering down at the homeless shelter." "Now tell me about this." "That's actually yours." "Are you taking the prenatal vitamins we got you?" "Uh-huh." " Did you stop smoking pot and drinking?" " Of course." "Don't bite my head off." "Not everybody does." "Thanks for looking after Roscoe tonight." "Yeah, whatever." "You're really wearing that on a date?" "What's wrong with it?" "You look like a slutty highlighter." "You know what?" "I think I look great, and that's all that matters." "Where are you going?" "Where do you think?" "To change!" " Why are you being such a bitch?" " I'm just being honest." "Good, I'll be honest, too." "You're being a bitch." "And I use that word instead of the word I want to use because you're my granddaughter and I love you." "What, so I'm supposed to make a big deal just because she's going out with some random guy?" "Excuse me, young lady, but your mother going out with some random guy is the only reason you exist." "And I'll tell you another thing... if she doesn't meet somebody, she's going to turn into one of those crazy old ladies with 20 cats who lives with their daughter." "You're going to be chasing her down the street, trying to pin her robe shut." " Better?" " Ugh." "Damn it." " Mom, wait." " What?" "Why don't you try on that black dress in my closet?" " I think it'll look cute on you." " Thank you." "Well, look at you being a nice person." "I'll tell you what." "As a reward, why don't you go out with Luke tonight" " and I'll watch Roscoe?" " You don't have plans?" "Nah, at my age, when you've had sex in the afternoon, you're good for the whole day." "If our waitress is cute, it's totally okay to say I'm your sister." "No, I'm good." "Have you ever eaten here before?" "No, I haven't." " How about you?" " No." "Ah, look at us." "We already have something in common." "Yeah." " So, what do you do?" " Oh, yeah, I'm, I'm a civil engineer." " Wow!" " Yeah." "I have no idea why I said wow 'cause I don't know what that is." "Oh, okay, uh, well, today, for instance, the city decided that it needed a new stoplight, so it's my job to go over all the contracts with the stoplight manufacturers and just get the best price... for the s-stoplight." "That sounds crazy." " No, it's pretty boring." " No, no, no, it's not." "From now on, every time I stop at a red light," " I'll think of you." " Oh, so th-that'll be often." "Not really, I tend to just blow right through 'em." "Good evening, folks." "Can I start you off with a cocktail or some wine?" " Yes, would you like a drink?" " No, thank you." "Ah, come on, live a little." "Oh, you can live a little for both of us." "No, don't be silly." "Glass of wine never hurt anyone." "Oh, boy." "I don't drink... not because I don't want to but because I can't." "It wrecked my life, it destroyed my relationships, and I'm still picking up the pieces, but if you want a glass of wine, you go right ahead." "Won't bother me at all." "I'm his sister." "So once I finally quit drinking, I had all these feelings come up, and I didn't know how to deal with them, so I started eating." "Every night after work I'd come home," "I'd take a bag of salt-and-vinegar potato chips," "I'd hit it with a book so it was just crumbs, and I'd mix it with a pint of vanilla ice cream." "I gained 18 pounds in, like, a month." "Then in the middle of the night, I woke up and I thought" "I had a cat on my lap..." "looked down turns out it was my own stomach." "I don't think I can do this." "It's our first date." "So..." "Okay, you've got an eight, and I give you... a seven..." "how many is that?" " Fifteen." " Very good." "Now, the house is showing a face card." " And you're the house." " Yes, I am." "How much you want to bet?" " All of it." " On a 15." "Interesting." "Ooh!" "Another eight." "How many is that?" "Twenty-three?" " But the name of the game is...?" " "Twenty-One."" "Exactly." "Thanks for watching Roscoe." " We'll see you later." " Hey, hang on." "You listen to me, teen Jesus..." "I want my granddaughter back by 11:00 with her hymen intact." "What?" "!" "I'm just screwing with you." "You already knocked her up;" "do whatever you want." "I know that was supposed to be funny, but I peed myself a little." "Sorry, sir, only players at the table." " I want to play more Blackjack." " Okay." "Ante up." "I can't." "I don't have any more money." "No money?" "Or no money on you?" "I have some in my piggy bank." "Well, it's not doing you any good in there, is it?" "Be right back." "Wait'll I teach him how to play Pai Gow." "Oh, God, I'm gonna die alone." "Please let it be now." "Open the door." "Damnit!" "Hey." "Hope you're hungry, 'cause I..." " brought us dinner." " What?" "How?" "As I was chasing you out of the restaurant," " I bought a guy's to-go order." " Really?" " Yeah." " That's so adorable." "And/or... desperate." "Well, let's go with adorable." "'Cause I really want you to like me." "Okay, let's see what we're having for dinner." "This looks like some kind of chicken." " Ooh, I love some kind of chicken." " Yeah?" "Okay, okay." "And I have a pasta..." "looks like, uh, Bolognese." "Ooh, I like that, too!" " You want to switch?" " No, no, no." " Well, yeah." " Yeah." "Okay." "Wow." "Uh-oh, no, there are no utensils." "Oh." "Check the glove compartment." "I eat in my car a lot." "Ooh." "Fancy." "Okay, time for bed." "I'll tell you what, just to show you how much we appreciate your business, we're gonna comp your room." " Come on, just one more game." " Well, sorry, buddy, but you're broke." "Well, um, how about if you lend me five dollars and I'll pay you back when I win?" "Oh, sweetheart, you're gonna grow up and make some nice lady so sad." " How about if I sell you my iPod?" " That might work." " Hey." " What can I do for you, Baxter?" " Just came to see my kid." " Hey, Dad, can you lend me some money?" "That's so weird..." "I was gonna ask you the same thing." "I'm gonna hang with you guys for a bit." " Here's a question for you." " Shoot." "What's wrong with you that you would chase a crazy lady out of a restaurant with a bag of someone else's food?" "Why does something have to be wrong with me for me to like you?" "Nice try." "Answer the question." "No, seriously, I thought we really made a connection in there." "Answer the question." "Okay, uh... well, I did just get out of a relationship." "That's what I'm talking about." "Tell me about it." "She-she was very nice." "Sweet." "No drama." "Um..." "Her name wasn't Carol Anne Stevenson, was it?" " Yeah, why?" " No reason." "Continue." "Anyway, uh, she was great, but in all the time we were together, she never once told me how she was feeling." "Whereas you, literally, can't stop telling me." "I'm-I'm sorry." "I feel terrible." " See?" "You just did it again." " Okay, but in my defense," " I am emotionally all over the place." " Oh, wow!" " There it is again." " And I am dealing with a number of personal crises which you really don't need to know about, but I feel like I'm gonna tell you anyway." "What is wrong with me?" "Why can't I stop talking?" "Well, that shut me up." " Nice." " Yeah." "Now what?" " Now you get out of my car." " Why?" "I love it in here." "I'm sorry." "This is good, you're good, but I am clearly not ready to start dating." "I wish I could disagree." "But I want you to know that when I am..." "you are at the top of my list." "And the list isn't very long." "In fact, it's just you." "Great." "You're not as crazy as you think you are." "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me." "Run." "What do you want to do with that soft 19?" " I'll hold." " Hold?" "What's that?" "It means you have a number you like, and you're not gonna take any more cards." "You can hold?" "I'll get it." "Iwasneverhere!" "You can hold?" "!" " Oh." "Hi, is-is Christy here?" " Who might be asking?" " Um, I work with her." " Oh." "You must be her boss." " I am." " You leave your wife yet?" " No." " Then I have no choice but to inform you that she is out on a date with a wealthy, educated, eligible bachelor who's got a cannon between his legs." "So her mom's not a fan." "..by focusing on the positive," "I attract only the best into my life." "By focusing on the positive..." "Oh, my God!" "Are you okay?" " Uh, I think you broke my foot." " Oh..." " And maybe my nose." " Oh!" "Sorry, sorry." "Okay, don't-don't move." " I'm gonna call an ambulance." " No, wait!" "My wife can't know I was here." "Okay, well, um, let's get you in the car, and I'll take you to the emergency room." "Ow!" "Ow!" "Careful." "Careful." " It... it, uh, hurts pretty bad, huh?" " It's awful." "Well, then this probably isn't a great time to say this, but... um, I don't think we should see each other anymore." "Wait, you're breaking up with me?" " Why?" "!" " Well, uh..." "I found out something about myself tonight." "Um..." "I deserve to be in a relationship with a man who..." "I can hit with my car and... you know... not feel like I did something wrong." "Okay, uh..." "I'm not sure what that means, but..." "What?" "!" " What?" " There's a fork in ass!" " Knocky-knocky." " Hi." " How's your little boss?" " Oh, I broke his leg and his nose." "Admit it, it felt pretty good, didn't it?" "No!" "No, no, no." "A little bit." " I got you a gift." " Thanks." "What's the occasion?" "Well, I know you don't feel ready to date for a while." "I thought this might put a little spring in your step." "What is it?" "Thank you." " Do you mind finishing the dishes?" " My pleasure." "I am such a good mother." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"It's so green." "Well, hello there, folks." "Hi." "We're movin' in today." "Ah." "Could I see some I.D., please?" "Thank you." "Well, welcome to Evergreen Estates..." "Mr. And Mrs. Winslow." "The, uh, moving van... delivered your things this morning." "Thank you." "And these must be your daughters." "Hello there, sunshine." "I have a sunflower on my ass if you're interested." "Maple street is your third left turn." "Meet the Winslows:" "A family searching for a way... to control their troubled teen." "How far they're willing to go... will take them to a gated community, whose address can only be found... in The Twilight Zone." "I promised myself I wasn't gonna... let your bad attitude get to me... but damn it, I am tired of your antics." "Ed, please." "You know what the doctor said... about getting upset." "You think she cares... if she gives me another heart attack?" "That is mean." "You should apologize, daddy." "Did she apologize to me... when she nearly burned down her school?" "Did she apologize to anyone?" "All right." "I see the geeks... now show me some freaks." "What's that?" "I don't know." "She's not the only one who feels like crying." "Hel-lo." "Break time!" "I'll have a shot of tequila... with a lime wedge." "Or..." "lemonade will work." "The lemonade... what did you guys put in it?" "Honey, it's for your own good." "You're traveling to another dimension... a dimension not only of sight and sound... but of mind... a journey into a wondrous land... whose boundaries are only that of the imagination." "You're entering..." "What?" "What the?" "What?" "What?" "!" "Crap!" "Aah!" "You bastards!" "Mommy, how could you do this to me?" "This is my body!" "And look how you've been treating it." "Ed." "Oh, what?" "You don't like my tattoos, huh?" "I'll get bigger ones!" "You don't like my hair?" "I'll shave it off!" "They made me take my earrings off, too." "This is insane!" "You drug me, you take my tats... my CDs, everything!" "Honey, it is for your own good." "Your parents love you very much, Jenna." "They've told me many times." "Who the hell are you?" "Cliff Brooks... head of the Evergreen Homeowners Association." "So this was your idea?" "Jenna, do you realize... what your parents had to sacrifice... to move here?" "Everything we own." "Your parents are providing you... a haven from the outside world... with its drugs, gangster rap, violent movies." "Oh, you mean everything I care about?" "Life is full of trade-offs." "Whatever." "You're not gonna change me." "That wasn't fair, daddy." "Cigarettes gave daddy a heart attack." "Not according to him." "He thinks I did." "How'd you sneak 'em in, anyway?" "In the trunk, underneath the jumper cables." "Listen, Jules, I gotta get outta here." "You mean running away?" "Yeah." "L..." "I gotta get away... while I still know who I am." "You're just gonna leave me here?" "No." "I'll come back for you... just as soon as I get a place, some money..." "The hell you will." "Hey, watch your language." "But mom and dad moved here... because of you." "Well, maybe they can get a refund." "Mike." "Walt." "How you guys doin'?" "So they got you with the lemonade, too, huh?" "Yep, the same way they stripped me clean... my first night here." "Welcome to heavenly Evergreen." "How long have you lived here?" "Long enough to know that if there was a way out..." "I'd have found it already." "How do you survive?" "I got ways." "I'm Logan." "Jenna." "Winslow, I know." "16 years old." "Arrested twice for possession." "Got suspended from Holy Cross... for sleeping with a teacher's aide." "Nice." "L..." "I'm assuming it was a "he."" "How do you know about all this?" "Well, the Homeowners Association has files... on all the families living here... and I happen to have a key to the file room." "This place is like a prison." "Yeah." "Although it's not as bad as Arcadia." "Arcadia?" "What's that?" "I think it's, like..." "like a military school." "See, if you piss people off... that's where they send you." "And if Brooks and the rest of the storm troopers... send you someplace, you know it ain't good." "So, what do you do to have fun around here?" "Well, there's... there's always homework." "Or I got a stash of MP3s... a bottle of Jack, and a little weed... all buried not far from here." "My hero." "There's a community picnic this Saturday... sack races, 3-bean salad... clay making for the kiddies." "Oh, you'll be there." "Yeah, it's mandatory." "Everyone's there." "But I say that we meet up... grab a blanket... sneak back up here, and break some rules." "I'm in." "That's the way I like it." "You should have him come over... spend some time." "Found him yet?" "Not yet, but we will." "There's no place to hide." "I'm afraid he's gone." "Jack, seriously..." "Logan's had plenty of chances." "He's our only son." "His fate is in the hands of the Community Council." "Jules, what are you doing sneaking around?" "You're supposed to be in bed." "So should you." "It's past 10:00." "Oh, I'm breaking my curfew." "I'm so scared." "They're gonna send me to Arcadia." "Oh, no." "I'll be good." "I promise." "That's not funny." "What are you doing reading the Evergreen bylaws?" "Huh?" "This crap will warp your brain!" "I'm just doing it to make mom and dad happy." "You coming inside?" "In a minute." "Wait." "No good night?" "You can be such a butthead sometimes." "That's me." "Mom!" "Dad!" "It's me!" "Let me in!" "Let me in!" "It's me!" "Logan!" "Hide!" "Now!" "Logan... surrender." "There is nowhere to run." "What took you chuckleheads so long?" "Jenna!" "Downstairs, right now!" "Coming!" "We'd like to talk to you about Logan." "What about him?" "He's in very serious trouble." "Several witnesses saw the two of you... together the other day." "Yeah, so?" "We weren't doing anything." "Did you know about... all that crap he had buried in the woods?" "Look, who's in trouble here, me or him?" "Are you aware that he... had a hunting knife out there, too?" "And he attacked one of our security guards... quite brutally, I might add." "Logan..." "I told him that he was gonna get in trouble." "I know this has been... a difficult transition for you, Jenna." "In the future... if someone approaches you with anything off-limits..." "I'd like to believe you'll report it." "I'll keep my eyes open." "We'd appreciate it." "You know your daughter." "Can we trust her?" "I'd like to think so." "What's gonna happen to that boy?" "Oh, he'll turn over a new leaf... one way or the another." "We'll decide at the Community Council... at the high school tonight, which is mandatory, by the way." "Look, I'm tellin' you... there is somethin' seriously wrong with this place." "I went online and ran all kinds of searches... on Arcadia Military School." "There's no such thing." "There's no school with that name." "Well, why would they lie about that?" "I don't know, but I know that they are lying about..." "Logan cutting up that guard." "There's no way." "There is just no way." "So what are you gonna do?" "I'm gonna figure out what's going on around here." "We should get back inside." "Jen, mom and dad signed a contract." "If we get kicked out of this place... we lose everything." "You're gonna have to trust me." "OK, Jules?" "West side, report." "7-10." "All clear." "While we wait for the official count..." "I'd like to move on to other business." "Now, in the light of this recent incident..." "I propose that we instate random car checks... upon reentry into Evergreen." "Obviously, this is troubling... but unless we stop contraband... from coming into this community... we're gonna find ourselves... right back here in the same situation." "Uh, Ron..." "Nell..." "I want you to remember... that Logan will always have a place in this community." "We've already picked out a beautiful spot for his tree." "For God's sake, he's my only child." "A number of us have sent kids off to Arcadia... myself included." "But it must be done for the good of this community." "And people, let us not forget... that we've saved plenty more than we've lost." "Plenty more!" "And if we have to toss out a few bad apples..." "I say it's worth it." "Let's face it..." "Evergreen is the good life." "Keep moving." "We got the Agar boy." "We're bringing him in." "Logan!" "Get out!" "The sign!" " What?" " The sign!" "Get out!" "Don't!" "Run!" "Run!" "Run!" "Looks like one of the Winslow girls." "Jules!" "Jules!" "Jules!" "Hurry up, wake up." "I need your help." "What's going on?" "I gotta get out of here before they find me." "They're gonna be here any minute." "What'd you do this time?" "I can't explain it to you." "You wouldn't even believe me if I told you." " It's a nightmare." " You're scaring me." "Just listen to me, OK, Jules?" "All right, when they get here, I want you to tell them... that you saw me, and you spoke to me... and I said that I was gonna be hiding... in the ravine down by Willow Road." "Where will you really be?" "I'm gonna be waiting for you, OK... at the park down the street." "As soon as they leave, I want you to sneak out... and come find me, OK?" "We're gonna find a way out of this together." "I promise." "Can you do this for me?" "Ok?" "Jules?" "You scared me." "Jules, what's wrong?" "Why?" "Jules, why?" "You were going to ruin everything again." "No!" "Mommy!" "Daddy!" "Please don't let me... please don't do this!" "Mommy, daddy, please don't let them do this to me!" "Mommy, daddy, please don't let them do this to me!" "Now, Julie... let this tree be a reminder... that there's something good... in each and every one of us." "That's my good girl." "The Winslows have finally... taken back control of their family... but it cost them one teenage daughter... a deal brokered only in The Twilight Zone." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"No more than six guards." "Paltry defences." "It's perfect." "Huh!" "These are easy pickings." "Come on!" "I just said, I don't understand the rush to get married." "You've been sweethearts since you were children." "Engaged for five years" "I don't call that a rush." "Bridget?" "What if he isn't the one?" "You're getting married in three days." "You're just having a wobble." "Listen, good men aren't just rare right now;" "they're practically non-existent." "Leontes is young, good looking, and the king's champion, for goodness sake!" "He's a good union, and he'll protect your father's land." "But most of all, he's the one your mother always wanted for you." "I've told Leontes, wherever we go," "I want you with me." "You're not just my cousin;" "you're my closest friend." " Guinevere!" " Father, do you mind?" "!" "We must leave here." "We're being attacked." "Come on, we must leave." "Father, stop them!" "We can't just let them do this!" "This is no time to argue." "Put those things down!" "Get out of our things and just go!" "Guinevere, you can't fight them!" "There's too many of them." " Guinevere, now!" " We can't just leave!" "Leave before I hurt you!" "Let's go!" "What are all these people doing here?" "What do they want?" "Favours from the new king." "Your Highness, might I have a moment, just to beg your indulgence" " Sorry." " Sire." "Your Highness, just a moment of your time." "Wrong brother;" "it's him you want." " Oh, Your Highness" " I'll be with you soon." "Or someone will." "I promise." "The word has spread." "The people are flocking." "It's good." " Your Highness." " Leontes." "What's wrong?" "What's happened?" "Bandits attacked us, Your Highness." "They took everything." "We can't go back there; it's not safe." "Can we give them sanctuary here?" "Find them rooms?" "I'll vouch for them." "No." "This isn't a lodge." "Of course." "You can choose whatever room you like." "They won't be comfortable, but you'll be safe here." "Thank you." "But there will be no wedding now, just when she most needed your protection." "You're due to be married?" " In three days." " Then it must be here." " What?" "No." " Why not?" " You didn't want them to stay." " Oh, I changed my mind." "Nothing says hope like a wedding." "The marriage of the king's champion--a perfect symbol." "Unless you object, Your Highness?" "No, of course not." "Thank you." "Your daughter and Leontes shall marry here at Camelot." "You're very kind." "Break the lock." "So this is where Uther tortured his prisoners." "Did you bring prisoners here?" "Not just prisoners;" "anyone who crossed him." "Leave us." "What's your name?" "Vivian." "Come here." "Did you serve my father?" "Yes." "Where did you get these markings?" "The Romans brought my family here as slaves, hundreds of years ago." "I was told that when the Empire fell, we stayed." "The markings are from our homeland." " Tell me what you thought of Uther." " I respected your father." "Did you like him?" "Did you fear him?" "I respected your father." "I want you to do something for me." "Go through the staff." "Everyone you trust, keep;" "anyone you don't, get rid of." "All right." "This castle needs new air." "More women would be good." "But first have this room cleared." "Except for those." "The chambers are in a poor state now, but it'll just take a little work to improve them." "There." "Forgive me for asking, but where are all the servants?" "Who do we talk to about the preparations?" "Oh, well there aren't exactly any" "Just us, then?" "Right." "Good." "Okay." "You are what we need." "The first wedding of Camelot." "I am going to make you a bride worthy of legend." " You're going to make me blush." " You've done well." "Leontes is an excellent match." "That's what I keep telling her." " And he has the king's favour." " I know." "I couldn't ask for anyone better." "Here, come." "Do you love him?" "I'm not sure I even know what that word means." "That's all right." "I was the same." "But, you know, with a little luck, in time, you might fall in love with him." "And if you don't, before you know it, he'll give you children, and then you'll you'll love them." "Hardly an army fit for a king." "We lost a lot of good men during the fight with Lot." "Sooner or later others are going to come." "But right now we're vulnerable." "If we recruit an exceptional warrior, it would boost our morale, shake things up a bit." "Then with a bit of luck, everyone will hear about it and come." "Anyone spring to mind?" "Maybe." "Gawain, a warrior I fought against once." "I tried to recruit him to Uther's men, but he refused." "What makes you think we get him this time?" "This is different." "Isn't that what you keep telling me?" "No harm in asking." "Can I help you?" "I'm here for the king only." "His sister sends a message." "Your sister and ally invites you to visit your father's castle." "She's planning a feast in your honour." "Such hospitality." "Why?" "I only relay what I am told." "Then we accept." "We'll ride out immediately." "She'll be delighted." "You don't accept anything without conferring with me." "I'm the king and I made a decision." "I think there's quite enough to be doing here." "Like hosting a wedding?" "Morgan's my sister." "I want to get to know her better." "If I can't unite my own family, how am I going to unite the country?" " So, where do we find this warrior?" " The last I heard of him, he was a day's ride from here." "Yah!" "I see the way you look at her" "Guinevere." "Leontes' Guinevere?" "You dreamt of her." " No I didn't." " Don't lie to me." "Have you met her before today?" "At the coronation, that's all." "Nowhere else?" "No." " Not on a beach?" " Why do you think I met her on a beach?" "Because I saw it." "It was a dream." "I had a dream of her; nothing else." "Good, because she belongs to Leontes." "Nobody belongs to anyone." "And nothing jeopardizes our work here, least of all a woman." "Do you think you have the right to talk to me like that?" "Everything you are right now is because of me." "Remember that." " Yah!" " Yah!" "Your Highness." "I'm honoured." "Thank you." "You have made changes." "Yes, it needed a woman's touch." "Come on." "I'm sure you'd like to relax before dinner." "Vivian will look after you and show you to your chambers." "Merlin, you're with me." "I'm so glad you accepted my invitation." "I didn't;" "Arthur did." "You can't let the boy out of your sight." "It's my job to protect him." " I simply want to know him." " The crown is his now." "I understand that." "So you've abandoned your claim entirely." "Here you are." "Your old room." "From when you were Uther's lackey." "Impressive." "And why don't we have meals like this?" "Thank you, Vivian." "If I wanted to poison you, I wouldn't do it by wasting good quail soup." "So Arthur, now that you have the crown, what will you do with it?" "That's a good question." "Then dazzle me with a good answer." ""The first duty of a man and of a king is the seeking after and investigation of truth." Cicero." " That's right." " He's been a good student." "But how do you apply that principle in practice?" "Before I make too many decisions, I must get to know my kingdom-- get to know its people." "And they must get to know you." "I didn't know you were there." "That was quite a feast you gave us." "I just wanted to spend some time with you." "I've had a lot to eat and drink." "Can't promise I'll be awake for that long." "Men seldom are." "Is this the room our father used to sleep in?" "Yes, with my mother." "When I was very little." "Tell me about him." "He" "He was a great warrior." "He could be kind." "But he could also be cruel-- extremely cruel." "I know my arrival was difficult for you." "But I'm glad we got to start again tonight-- glad we could get to know each other properly." "Yes." "It's just that I I don't really know you, Arthur." "Who are you?" "I can't really tell." "Ask me anything." "Were you ever told you were the son of a king?" "No." "Honestly." "Until Merlin arrived just after our father's death," "I knew nothing." "You knew nothing." "Yes." "And now?" "What do you hope for?" "What's in there?" " I'm so sorry." "Did I hurt you?" " No." "No, it's fine." "Now, if you don't mind, I'd quite like to pass out." "Of course." "Sleep well," "Your Highness." "Just Arthur." "Yes." "Just Arthur." "So your fearless warrior lives in this burnt-out church." "This is the place;" "has to be." " And you're certain?" " Let's find out." "Come on." "Hello?" "Your king requires your service." " I don't recognize any king." " Well, he recognizes you." "And he demands your loyalty." "You." "I've told you before, I'm not interested in serving Uther." "I thought you said he was good." "He's not that good." "Camelot's got plenty of men as good as him." " Who's Camelot?" " It's not a who; it's a place." "From where my brother, King Arthur, rules the country." " Not my bit, he doesn't." " You don't know anything about him." "Hardly surprising, if you shut yourself away here." "So he's another warlord who thinks he's a king." "I'm not interested." " He's from Uther's bloodline." " That's nothing to be proud of." "He pulled the sword of Mars from the waterfall." "What do you want me to do?" "Cheer?" "He vanquished King Lot." "Lot's dead?" "So what do you want with me?" "We need a strong warrior to return with us, help train others." "We came from the coast to look for you." "Then you wasted your time." "Obviously." "We're going to have to sleep here." "Not unless you pay me." "This is what's happened to you?" "From a respected warrior to demanding payment for lodging." "It's impressive." "There's nothing worth fighting for anymore." "I take money where I can get it." "This is the Lord's dwelling." "And this grants me access." "Fine." "But come first light, you leave." " What is your name?" " It's Guinevere." "He was so proud at that kill." "The stag refused to die for a long time." "Uther loved to fight." "I remember." "The wounded deer jumps highest, strives the hardest." "I'm not a wounded deer, Merlin." "And I'm not a king's trophy." "Good." "Let's drink to that." "Do you remember me as a child?" "No." "I remember you." "You came once when my father was ill." "You cured him." "I've cured many." "I adored you for that." "I told him that when I grew up, I'd marry you." "And do you know what he said?" "No." "He said, "Marry Merlin and everything will be yours." "Except your soul"." "A little harsh." "I can smell you, Merlin." "It was you." "I should've known." "The wine." "The wine!" "Arthur You can't be in here." "Don't do this." "I have to see you." "I have to talk to you." "I can't." "Tell me you're not thinking of me, and I'll leave you alone." "Meet me at the beach." " I don't know if I can." " I'll wait for you." " If I'm not there" " I'll wait for you." "Get off me!" "Where's Arthur?" "Arthur!" "Let me go." "Do you always wake in such a bad mood?" " What are you taking?" " Just a few toenails." "And I trimmed your beard." "You were looking dishevelled." " Where's Arthur?" " Gone." "He left in the night." "Why are you holding me?" "I'm worried for my brother." "You may be dangerous." "I'm dangerous?" "I saw what you did to Uther." "You murdered your own father." "Father!" "Hm!" "He never deserved to be called a father." "Fathers don't do to their daughters what Uther did to me." "What did he do to you, Morgan?" "He made me strong." "And for that I'm grateful." "What you can do-- this power you've learned-- that doesn't make you strong;" "it hurts you;" "it costs." "Don't try and frighten me, Merlin!" "It's true." "You're in its grip even now." "Oh, you don't realize it, but you've never been more vulnerable in your life." "I'm not the one tied up here, am I?" " You think I can't free myself?" " Then do it." " Oh, no, no, no, no." "I don't perform tricks." " Because you can't." "Because I'm strong enough to choose not to." "It would be stronger to choose to do it." "To do it at will?" "Is that what you can do?" " Yes." " Show me." "Show me what you can do." "That's you." "That's you as a child." "Enough!" "The price will be too high." "No." "Not too high at all." "Let me go." "Untie me." "Morgan." "Morgan." "MORGAN!" " Don't marry him." " Don't be ridiculous." " He's not right for you." " You don't even know me." "There was something between us." "At the coronation." "And here, when we met." "I didn't feel it." " Stop denying it." " What do you want me to say?" "That there could be something between us." " I'm getting married." " Don't." "Are you asking me as my king?" "Or as a complete stranger who's only met me twice who has decided that he can order me about?" "If you don't feel the same way, then why did you come?" "To ask you to stop." "You could've said that at Camelot." "You came because you wanted this too." "No." "Maybe." "Again." "Stop." "He'll know." "Why are you crying?" "Because I want this." "Just once, just once," "just once, just once" " You get away from that stuff." " Marcus Aurelius." "You've read it?" "One of the great philosopher kings." "I'm, uh struggling a little." "Where are you up to?" ""From the reputation and remembrance of my father," ""I learnt modesty and a manly character." ""And from my brother Severus, I learnt to love my kin, and to love truth and justice."" "You're very good." "Who taught you?" "My father." "What about you?" "Teaching myself." "That's quite a task." "So why bother?" "To be better." "You were right about him." "He'd be perfect." "If only he knew it." "If I did come, one condition:" "teach me how to read this book." "By the time we're finished at Camelot, you'll be ready to write a book." "It's over." "This was it-- the once." "Now we must never talk of it." "He must never know." "I have to get ready for my wedding." "Oh, good, yes." "Put one here and just put one there." "Oh, I need you to switch." "Yes, madam." "Higher!" "Bring it up a bit more." "You're going to put that up?" "Oh, yes, higher." "And a little bit higher." "Okay, stop." "He'll know." "Tonight, Leontes will know." "What are we going to do?" "We have to fix this." "Leontes is a good man." "I know." "Oh, my God." "Give me the knife." " It's already dead." " We can make it right." "Get me the wine sack." "What are you going to do?" "We have to get back." "You're leaving?" "What you showed me;" "is that all you've learnt?" "For now." "You don't understand the forces you're messing with." "I do." "You won't get what you want." "We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?" "I've learned to be patient." "Tell the king he has a home here, always." "Morgan?" "Morgan." "May your health and judgment return promptly." "Open the gates!" "Last night of freedom, Leontes!" "You'll soon be a married man!" "No!" "Put me down!" "No!" "Gawain." "Arthur." "Apparently I work for you now." "Here we go, son!" "Messenger brought this." "Didn't say who it was from." "Do you want to open it now?" "Yes." "Oh, that is so beautiful." "We should put it on a ribbon so that you can wear it." " Your health, Sire." " Your Highness." "Your Highness." "Arthur, Your Highness, there's something I wanted to ask you." "Would you preside over our ceremony?" "I've arranged to have an elder from our village do it, but it would mean so much more if the king would honour it." "Of course." "Thank you." "Lucky Leontes." "Let's see what's truly in your heart, brother." "May these rings stand forever as a symbol of your unity and fidelity." "May you live and grow old together, knowing only the truth of undying love." "By witness of all of those present" "I confirm you as man and wife." "Leontes and Guinevere!" "Leontes and Guinevere!" "My wife." "My husband." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Hello?" "Hello?" "Radio Tower?" "Lisbon plane taking off in 10 minutes." "East runway." "Thank you." "Louis, have your man go with Mr Laszlo and take care of his luggage." "Certainly, Rick." "Anything you say." "Find Mr Laszlo's luggage and put it on the plane." "Yes, sir." "This way, please." "If you don't mind, you fill in the names." "That'll make it even more official." "You think of everything, don't you?" "And the names are Mr and Mrs Victor Laszlo." " But... why my name, Richard?" " 'Cause you're getting on that plane." " I don't understand." "What about you?" " I'm staying here with him till the plane gets safely away." " No, Richard!" "No, what's happened to you?" "Last night you said..." "Last night we said a great many things." "You said I was to do the thinking for both of us." "Well, I've done a lot of it since then and it all adds up to one thing:" "You're getting on that plane with Victor where you belong." " But Rick, no I, I..." " Now, you've got to listen to me." "You have any idea what you'd have to look forward to if you stayed here?" "9 chances out of 10 we'd both wind up in a concentration camp, isn't that true Louis?" "I'm afraid Major Strasser would insist." "You're saying this only to make me go." " I'm saying it because it's true." "Inside of us we both know you belong with Victor." "You're part of his work, the thing that keeps him going." "If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it." "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon for the rest of your life." "But what about us?" "We'll always have Paris." "We didn't have we... we'd lost it until you came to Casablanca." "We got it back last night." " When I said I would never leave you." " And you never will." "Look I'm no good at being noble." "But it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people... don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world." "Someday you'll understand that." "Now, now." "Here's looking at you, kid." "There's something you should know before you leave." " Mr. Blaine, I don't ask you to explain anything." "I'm going to anyway because it may make a difference to you later on." "You said you know about Ilsa and me." " Yes." "She didn't know she was at my place last night when you were." "She came there for the letters of transit." "Isn't that true, Ilsa?" "Yes." "She tried everything to get them but nothing worked." "She did her best to convince me that she was still in love with me." "But that was all over long ago." "For your sake she pretended it wasn't and I let her pretend." " I understand." " Here it is." "Thanks." "Are you ready, Ilsa?" "Yes, I'm ready." "Bye, Rick." "God bless you." "You better hurry, you'll miss that plane." "It might be a good idea for you to disappear from Casablanca for a while." "There's a Free French garrison over at Brazzaville." "I could be induced to arrange a passage." "My letter of transit?" "I could use a trip." "It doesn't make a difference about our bet." "You still owe me 10,000 Francs." "Ah that 10,000 Francs should pay our expenses." ""Our" expenses?" " Uh huh." "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." "Who am I kidding?" "I'm not like that." "I never was, I never will be." "That's strictly the movies." "I'm so depressed." "Maybe if I took two more aspirin it would help." "That would make..." "two, four, six aspirin." "I'm turning into an aspirin junkie." "Soon I'll be boiling the cotton at the top of the bottle to get the extra." "I shouldn't have signed those papers." "Let her take me to court." "Two years of marriage down the drain." "I couldn't believe what she said to me." "She was like a total stranger, not like my wife." "I don't want any alimony." "I just want out." " Can't we discuss it?" " We discussed it 50 times." " Why?" " I don't know." "I can't stand the marriage." "You're no fun, you suffocate me." "There's no rapport and I don't dig you physically." "For God's sake, Allan, don't take it personal." "I won't take it personal, I'll just kill myself." "If only I knew where my analyst was vacationing." "Where do they go every August?" "They leave the city." "Every summer the city is full of people who are crazy till Labour Day." "What if I reach him?" "What's he gonna tell me?" "Whatever I say he tells me it's a sexual problem." "Isn't that ridiculous?" "How can it be sexual?" "We weren't even having relations." "Maybe once in a while." "She used to watch TV during it." "Change channels with the remote control." "Why should a divorce bother me so?" "Maybe I'm better off without her." "Why not?" "I'm young, healthy, got a good job." "This could be my chance to step out a little bit." "If she can swing, so can l." "I could turn this place into a nightclub." "Get broads here like you wouldn't believe." "Swingers, freaks, nymphomaniacs, dental hygienists." "If she didn't want me, I won't push myself on her." "I couldn't believe what she said when she left." "I want a new life." "I want to go skiing, go dancing, go to the beach, ride through Europe on a motorcycle." " All we ever do is see movies." " I write for a film magazine." "Besides, I happen to like movies." "That's because you're one of life's great watchers." "I'm a doer." "I want to participate." "We never laugh together." "How can you say that?" "I'm constantly laughing." "I chuckle, I giggle, I guffaw." "Why didn't this come up when we were dating?" "You were more aggressive then." "Everybody is during courtship." "It's natural." "You can't expect me to keep up that level of charm, I'd have a heart attack." "Goodbye, Allan." "My lawyer will call your lawyer." "I don't have a lawyer." "Have him call my doctor." "What's the matter with me?" "Why can't I be cool?" "What's the secret?" "There's no secret, kid." "Dames are simple." "I never met one that didn't understand a slap in the mouth or a slug from a .45." "Yeah, cos you're Bogart." "I could never hit Nancy." "It's not that type of relationship." "Where'd you learn that word, the shrink?" "I'm not like you." "In Casablanca, when you lost Ingrid, weren't you crushed?" "Nothing a little bourbon and soda wouldn't fix." "I can't drink." "My body won't tolerate alcohol." "Take my advice and forget all this fancy relationship stuff." "The world is full of dames." "All you got to do is whistle." "He's right." "You give them an inch and they step all over you." "Why can't I develop that attitude?" "Nothing a little bourbon and soda couldn't fix." " Are you all right?" " You poor thing!" " Why didn't you call us?" " I didn't want to bother you." "Not bother us?" "For God's sake, what are friends for?" "Why did she say she wanted a divorce?" "She doesn't laugh enough." "Insufficient laughter - grounds for divorce." "She wants to go skiing." "She wants to ski down a mountain laughing." "Let me call my office." "I ran out of a meeting when you called." "They must think I'm crazy." " Have you heard from her?" " I heard from Schulman and Weiss." "I signed some papers and Nancy went to Mexico." "We went there on our honeymoon." "Spent the entire two weeks in bed." "I had dysentery." "Hello, George?" "Did they agree to the terms?" "Oh, hell." "Well, if we blow it, we blow it." "God!" "Can't you cook anything but TV dinners?" "Who bothers to cook them?" "I suck them frozen." "I'll tell you where you can reach me, I'll be at 362-9296 for a while." "Then I'll be at 648-0024 for about 15 minutes." "Then I'll be at 752-0420 and then I'll be home at 621 -4598." "Right, George." "Bye-bye." "There's a phone booth on the corner, shall I get the number?" "You'll be passing it." " I'm sorry, Allan." " She wants to be a swinger." " Married life is no good for her." " Don't get worked up." "I gave her a home, affection, security." "This was a girl I found waiting on tables at the Hip Bagel." "I used to go there every night and over-tip her." "$1 .50 on a 35-cent check." "Nancy was impulsive." "We all knew that." "She didn't leave impulsively." "She talked about it for months." " I didn't believe she'd do it." " It's good you find out now." " You're young." "Make a new life." " I'm 29." "The height of my sexual potency was ten years ago." "Look at the bright side." "You're free." "You'll go out, there'll be girls." "You'll go to parties, have affairs with married women." "Sexual relations with girls of every race, creed and colour." "You get tired of that." "Besides, those kinds of things never happen to me." "I managed to fool one girl into loving me and now she's gone." "See how he downgrades himself?" "Don't you think plenty of women would find him attractive?" " Yes, of course." " The world's full of eligible women." "Yeah, but not like Nancy." "She was a lovely thing." "I used to lay in bed and watch her sleep." "Once in a while she'd wake up and catch me." "She'd let out a scream." "He really loved her." "I feel like crying." "Why do you feel like crying?" "A man makes an investment, it doesn't pay off." "Could I get an aspirin?" "I have a headache." "He's having a breakdown and you're sick." " Don't get upset." " I'm not, I just had a rough day." "You want an aspirin too?" "I ate all the aspirin, what about Darvon?" "Yes, my analyst suggested that when I have migraines." "I used to get migraines but my analyst cured me." "Now I get cold sores." "I still do." "Big, ugly ones from tension." " I may need a lobotomy." " With mine away I feel paralysed." "You should move to hospital together." " You want a Fresca with the Darvon?" " Do you have apple juice?" "They're fantastic together." "Have you ever had lithium and tomato juice?" "No, but another neurotic tells me it's unbelievable." "Can I get a Coke with nothing in it?" "I'll get the pills." "Poor guy." "If there's anything we can do..." "He never should have married Nancy." "I thought they were getting along." "You're so busy all the time you never see what's going on." "Didn't you think it strange that he was married but still couldn't get a date on New Year's Eve?" "Darling, don't get overwrought." "This is Mr Christie, I'm no longer at 752-0420," "I'm gonna be home at 621 -4598." "What?" "Yes, I'll hold on." "Honey, these things upset me." "I'm experiencing a wave of insecurity." "You are?" "Did I tell you what happened to me today?" "I bought 100 acres of land in Florida and it turns out that 98 of them have quicksand." "My syndicate wanted to build a golf course." "All we can do is build a three-hole golf course with the biggest sand trap in the world." "What are you taking a pill for?" " I'm tense." " Why?" "The whole subject of divorce is traumatic for me." " He's getting divorced, not us." " It's the idea of it." "I guess I've never gotten over my parents' divorce." "Well, it's about time." "Come here." "You're so insecure." "I wish I could..." "Milt?" "Dick." "That deal is unacceptable." "The figures are lousy." "No, I can't take it." "Marjorie, did Mr Hardy call?" "I'm at 922-3299." "Yeah, I'll be here..." "I'm picking my wife up." "What?" "Who?" "Oh, Allan Felix." "All right, I'll call him later." "Bye-bye." "Allan's calling again." "We got to find him a girl." "Somebody he can be with." "Well, find him a nice girl." " There must be somebody here." " Not single ones." " What about Carol?" " Engaged." " What about her?" " She's living with a priest." "The tall one with the blonde hair?" "She'd eat him alive." "There'd be nothing left but his glasses." "This is going to be a bit of a problem." "Mr Christie, there's a call for you." "Listen, Linda and I are going out for dinner tonight." "We'll invite some nice girl and we'll all go." "You've got to start meeting girls." "I haven't done that in two years." "I'm out of practice." "When I was in practice, I was out of practice." "You invested your emotions in a losing stock." "It was wiped out." "What do you do?" "You reinvest in a more stable stock." "Something with long-term growth possibilities." "Like who, General Motors?" "Come on, shape up." "She'd have to be damn good to do anything for my morale at all." " Who can we get?" " You don't have anybody in mind?" " We have several in mind." " What kind do you like?" " He likes neurotics." " I like blondes." "Blondes with long hair and short skirts and boots and big chests and bright and witty." "Don't set yourself silly standards." "She must be beautiful with a big bust?" "And a good behind." "Something I can sink my teeth into." " He was always fussy." " But look at the result." "You never went out." "Sally has long hair and a good size chest." " What's good size?" " Like this I guess." " She's not very bright." " What does she do?" " She works for an astrologer." " Forget it." "You might get her into bed." "With my luck I won't get her into a chair." "These girls often don't have great minds." "Why all this fuss over a dinner companion?" "Look, I can't go out, I'm still attached to Nancy." "Will you forget about Nancy?" "She's gone." "That's true." "She wanted to be free so she could swing." "Darling, think of somebody." "I can just picture what she's up to." "Baby, this is wonderful." "My ex-husband would never take me on a motorcycle." "He fell off a scooter and broke his collar bone." "And I mean the kind of scooter you push." "Movies." "That's his whole life, he's a watcher." "I'm a doer." "It's been so long since I've been made love to by a handsome blond man." "We're divorced two weeks and she's dating a Nazi." " What about Sharon?" " I like the name." "She works as a photographer's assistant." " She's bright and cute." " Let's go." " Call her." " Perfect." " What will you say?" " I'll ask if she's free for dinner." "Don't mention the divorce." "Say my wife's dead." "I don't know if we should do this." "The old tension's beginning to set in." "Sharon Lake, please." "Linda Christie." "I don't want to hear this." "It's Linda, how are you?" "Fine." "We're going to dinner tonight with an old friend, we thought you might want to join us." "No, it's nothing." "We just have the radio on." " You don't know him." " A widower." "Tell her my wife died in a mine shaft explosion." "He's lots of fun." "You'll like him." "If she doesn't want to, forget it." "I don't need this aggravation." "We'll pick you up at eight o'clock." "Simple dress." "Sure, flats are OK." "Let her wear heels." "What am I?" "Toulouse-Lautrec?" "Bye-bye." "You're set." "I really have mixed feelings about this." "What if I have this chick in bed and Nancy comes back?" "Let's not hope for too much this first night." " Did she say anything about me?" " She doesn't know you!" "You never said I was a widower." "I got you the date, you tell her about your wife's death." "I'm excited about this." "We'll pick Sharon up and then you after eight." "I can't stay out late, I have an early meeting." "We can eat at the Pier in Sausalito." "Wonderful." "It's so romantic." "The food is terrible and I think it's going to rain." "I'm going to shower and douse my body with Canoe." "I'm going home." "I'm going to brush all my teeth." "I think he and Sharon should hit it off." " Yeah?" " You don't think so?" "He'll probably calm down by tonight." "I wish she'd seen me before." "I hate to be there on a blind date when the girl first sees me." "What if she's disappointed and she laughs or screams?" "Ridiculous." "Has a girl ever once reacted by laughing or screaming?" "Once." "A co-ed from Brooklyn College." "Came to the door, saw me and passed out." "She was weak from dieting, though." "What the hell?" "Bogart was short." "That never seemed to bother anybody." "You're starting off on the wrong foot." " Yeah, negative." " Sure." "She's getting the best of you before the game starts." "What's that stuff you put on your face?" " Canoe." "It's an aftershave lotion." " What about that other stuff?" "Lavoris, Mennen spray deodorant and baby powder." "You're gonna smell like a French cathouse." " I need them." " Why?" "Are you ashamed of sweat?" "I want to make an impression." "You know, kid, somewhere in life you got turned around." "It's her job to smell nice for you." "Don't tell her you don't drink, she'll think you're a boy scout." "And don't get nervous." "The only bad thing is if she turns out to be a virgin or a cop." "With my luck, she'll turn out to be both." "You know he's right." "A lot of women are turned on by a masculine, earthy quality." "I shouldn't have put so much Binoca under my arms." "Wouldn't it be great if we hit it off at first sight?" "Why not?" "They say that dames are simple." "I never met one who didn't understand a slap in the mouth or a slug from a .45." "Come here, Sharon." "You are fantastic." "Up until tonight, the doctors had told me that I was frigid." "I want to thank you for proving them wrong." "You got any girl friends with the same problem, bring them over." "When Dick and Linda spoke of you, they used terms like," ""brilliant " and "genius"" "but they didn't say that you were also an animal." "Sorry I had to slap you around, sweetheart, but you got hysterical when I said "No more."" "It's Linda." "I'm alone." "Sharon's with Dick, they're out parking." "He sent me in to make sure everything's OK." "I didn't realise it was so late." "Did you break a bottle of shaving lotion?" " I'm wearing too much?" " It's a touch strong." "Once we get out into the air, you won't notice." "I better set this place up quickly." "It's fine." "We'll just have a quick drink and go." "A few carefully-placed objects create the proper impression." "You can't leave books lying around like you're reading them!" " It creates an image." " You don't need an image." "Got just the thing, my 100-yard-dash medal." " You can't leave out a track medal." " Why?" "I paid $20 for it." "I got a big decision to make." "Do I go with Oscar Peterson or Bartók String Quartet No. 5?" "Play Oscar Peterson and leave Bartók out so everybody can see it." "That's a good idea." "I've never seen anybody go to so much trouble to impress a date." "If you devoted so much time to Nancy, I don't see why she left." "I used to write her poems, take her to restaurants and order in French." "The waiter would bring the wrong things." "If you just leaned across and kissed her..." "I tried." "She used to say, "Not here, everybody's staring."" "Once, my sleeve caught fire..." "See, you laughed." "It's funny, right?" "She took it as a symbol of my clumsiness." "Tremendous poise." "I'm an absolute master." "Come on in." "Allan, this is Sharon." "I've got friends on this block, right across the street." "Do you know the Gibsons?" "They're a fantastic couple." " He's an interior decorator." " That's sort of a hobby of mine." "The key to it is to avoid looking like you used a decorator." "I've got to make one quick call." " Linda, are you wearing Jasmine?" " Me?" "No." " What are we drinking?" " JB on the rocks." "A Harveys Bristol Cream." "I'll have the usual." " Bourbon and water." " A bourbon man." "I got to cut down on my drinking." "I'm putting away a quart a day." "This is Mr Christie, I'm no longer at 431 -5997." "I'll be at..." "What time did that come in?" "Sharon did a movie." " Underground." " Stag film?" "Underground, you know, arty, 16mm." " Allan is interested in cinema." " Really?" "What do you do?" "I'm a writer." "Nothing much." "Film Weekly." "Articles, essays, criticisms." "This film I did got very good reviews." "I got singled out." "Course, I was the only girl in it with nine men." "What's it called?" "Maybe I saw it." "Gang Bang." "These films have the raunchiest titles." "Really, it wasn't sexy." "You were all out of bourbon so I made it straight water." "It's so humid out, I think it's going to rain." "Maybe that's why I have a headache." "I get terrible sinus attacks." "You should have them drained." "That's why it's silly to go the Pier." "Could you turn the music down a little bit?" "Of course." "Why go to an outdoor restaurant in the rain?" " We used to go walking in the rain." " I love the rain." "It washes memories off the sidewalk of life." "Gee, Allan, you really have the delicate touch." "He's a trifle tense, he had some misfortune with his wife." " His wife?" " His ex-wife." "She's gone." " She's dead." " How awful." "She's not really dead." "Technically not dead, but we're not dating." " She left him." " I'm sorry." " Is he on anything?" " He's been under some strain lately." "This is Mr Christie, I'm at The Hong Fat Noodle Company." "That's 824-7996." "Yeah, right." "OK." "Bye-bye." "What's interesting is when they eat rice with chopsticks authentically, they bring it up to their mouths in a shovelling move with your arm." "What's the matter?" "Would you excuse me a second?" "I'll be right back." " She likes me." " What?" "I can read women." "She wants me to come on with her." "She digs me." "She's playing it very coolly." "I'm going to come on with her later." " Good night and thanks for dinner." " It's only ten o'clock." "I have a headache and I have to get up early." " I'll walk you upstairs." " It's OK." "This city's a jungle, I better go." "If I'm not down in an hour, sublet my apartment." "You know any other girls?" "I don't know if any of them are his type." "Most of the girls I know are normal." "He's just over-anxious." "As soon as she came over he went into his act." "Well, night." "You know, Sharon, a dame like you and a guy like..." "How'd it go with Sharon?" "Really?" "I keep striking out with women and you keep laughing." "Everybody's insecure, Allan, not just you." "No, you're wrong, Dick is." "Me?" "Are you kidding?" "Ask my analyst." " How many times a week do you go?" " Three, but one is group." "Anyone in your group who'd be good for me?" "Emotionally disturbed women are interesting." "A pervert or something." "Jennifer?" "What do mean "crazy"?" "It'll strictly be sex." "She's too weird for a relationship." "I don't mind just sex." "I'd prefer a girl that doesn't get hung up on me." "I definitely think we should try it." "I really appreciate this." "I know it must be a drag for you." "You know who's not insecure?" "Bogart." "That's not real life." "You set too high a standard." "If you're gonna identify, who am I gonna pick?" "My rabbi?" " Bogart's a perfect image." " You don't need to, you're you." "I know that you can't believe that." "Anyway, onward to Jennifer." "Allan, I won't deny it." "I'm a nymphomaniac." "I discovered sex very early." "I slept with everybody." "My schoolteacher, my sister's husband, the string section of the New York Philharmonic." "I want to have sex all the time, play all the time otherwise you're just down, and why be down?" "The best way to get up is sex." "I'm not like my sisters." "They're so inhibited, they never want to do anything." "I believe in having sex as often, as freely and as intensely as possible." "What do you take me for?" "How did I misread those signs?" "This stuff just knocks me out." "We're in a room that has some of the highest achievements" " of Western civilisation." " There's no girls." "Look at the Rouault." "Look." "It's pretty." "If you could have any painting, what would you pick?" " A van Gogh." "Any van Gogh." " Me too." "I feel a mystical attraction for van Gogh." "Why is that?" "I don't know." "I just know he cut off his ear for a girl he loved." "That's the kind of thing you'd do for a girl." "I'd have to like her a lot." "I wonder if Dick would cut his ear off for me?" "I don't think you should ask him." "He's very busy." "It must be fantastic to be loved so intensely." "Why don't we split and see if there's any action at the Berkeley Museum?" "There's one." " She's great." " Go ahead, speak to her." " No, are you kidding?" " Go on." "Go on, give it a try." "That's what we're here for." "Go on." "Casual." "It's a lovely Jackson Pollock." "Yes, it is." "What does it say to you?" "It restates the negativeness of the universe." "The hideous, lonely emptiness of existence." "Nothingness." "The predicament of man forced to live in a barren, godless eternity" "like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void with nothing but waste, horror and degradation forming a useless straightjacket in a black absurd cosmos." " What are you doing Saturday?" " Committing suicide." "What about Friday night?" "If they're beautiful, they're crazy." "Beauty drives a woman crazy." "What's he ranting about?" "Why am I going to the beach?" "I hate the beach." "I don't like swimming or the sun." "I'm red-headed, fair-skinned." "I don't tan, I stroke." "A lot of good women go to the beach at weekends." "Secretaries, receptionists." "I want a really, really, great woman." "Well, Madame Curie's dead, who else is there?" "I thought you were too busy to go away." "A few guys from the office are going, I've got a few meetings." "Do you think we'll get to see you?" " I got you pencilled in for dinner." " Very funny." " Are there spiders at the beach?" " Come on!" "Anything with more than two legs that walks across my chest kills me." " We got to find him a broad." " That's for sure!" " I'm carsick." " Come on, Allan!" "We're gonna drop you in the bay." "This is Mr Christie, I'm longer at 731 -071 1." "I'll be at 885-0714." "That's good for the whole weekend." " What a terrific beach house." " Glad you like it." "Let's burn it down for the insurance." "There's a single bed in here!" "What happens if I get lucky?" "You make love on the beach." "On the beach?" "I'll be making love in the sand and the tide will come in and carry me off." "I'll score and drown at the same time." "Look at that, that is pretty." "Look out there." "That's really beautiful." "The fog's gonna creep in." "Look, you can see the seagulls flying over the cesspool." "This is fun." "I haven't been to a place like this in a long time." "I'm getting a heart attack, I can't believe that girl." "I'm at 392-8098." "She's a doll." "I'd sell my mother to the Arabs for her." "Why don't you ask her to dance?" "I can't." "I don't know her." "I can't stay long." "I've gotta get up early to play tennis with the guys." "You wanna dance?" "We can't do those dances, you have to be under 16 to look good." "I love you, miss, whoever you are." "I want to have your child." " All right, get up and do it." " No, I can't dance." "I'm scared." "I had measles as a child, my body won't function." "Come on, go." "Now, start dancing." "You ready?" "Keep count." "And it's one, two..." "One, two." "Right." "Go ahead, say something to her." "One, two..." "Try something more meaningful." "Three, four..." "Speak to her." "Are you interested in dancing?" "Get lost, creep." " What did she say?" " She'd rather not." "Even if we buy two more lots, we'll have to wait." " It's cheaper to hold on to them." " The price will move." "It'll require using our current holdings as collateral." "You've got a lot going for you." "You're bright, funny and you're romantic, if you'd only believe it." "Why put on a mask every time you meet a girl?" "Will we be able to build?" "Even in the new tax year?" "Why build if the interest rate might go down?" "I keep telling you, be yourself and a girl will fall in love with you." "You've been great, spending your time with me." " I'll tell you the truth, I'm having a ball." " Are you?" "It'll make a big difference." "If you're gonna pay $600 a lot..." "It's a great opportunity." "You may have half a per cent more interest rate." "I got you a present cos I know it's your birthday." "How'd you know?" "You mentioned the date and I remembered it." "It's the same date my mother had her hysterectomy." "It's lovely." "It's beautiful." "A plastic skunk." "It's so cute and I heard you say skunks are your favourite animals." "I'm so touched." " You like it?" " I love it." "It doesn't do anything, it's just a skunk." "She liked your present better than mine." "She's usually so excited when I get her something but all she could talk about was her skunk." "It's your imagination." "I don't know." "She's moody lately." " Cos you neglect her." " I know." " Did she say something?" " She doesn't have to." "I see the two of you together." "Plus she said something." "It's nothing we haven't been through." "She's very insecure, she needs attention." "What's she insecure about?" "She knows I'm crazy about her." "Why, because I'm too busy now to always dote on her?" "Linda's used to being fussed over." "She's always been pretty, high marks in college." "I sometimes think she married me because I didn't fawn over her." "But you must admit you're driven." "Do you know what's happening in the stock market?" " Where are we going?" " There she is." "She works in my office." "She just broke up with her boyfriend." " There's too many people at the table." " Come on!" "I don't want to." "We'll do it later." " What shall I say?" " Ask her to dinner." "I can't." "Why can't you and Linda come..." "Cos I have to work late." "Julie, this is Allan Felix." "Would you like to go to dinner tonight?" " That's right to the point." " That was pretty fast!" "Forgive me, I'm..." "It needed tossing anyhow." "Let's go in there and get stoned and watch the freaks." "You sure you don't want to go to the movies?" "Come on!" " You wanna dance?" " No, thanks." "I didn't ask you, I asked her." "I don't wanna dance either." " What the hell is this?" " 7 Up." "I'm on the wagon, doctor's orders." "My hand shakes." "It's like battle fatigue..." "He kills me." "What's your name, honey?" " It's a nice name." " Must get her back to the orphanage." "I take her out once a year to the zoo and the circus." "Excuse me." " Sit down." " I'd love to stay but I gotta be up early." "Going to a temple, it's my people's Sabbath." " Come here." " Chris is coming over, is he?" "I want you to meet this good-looking broad." "Thanks for inviting us over." " Just get right in here." " I love parties." "You'd look real good on the back of my chopper." "Have you fellas seen the new production of The Trojan Women?" "What are you doing?" "Financial reports." "Which are not fun." "Have you seen Allan around lately?" "Oh, he was here before." "He's out tonight." " On a date?" " Yes, I fixed him up." "You did?" "Who with?" "One of the girls at the office." "Which one?" " Which one is she?" "Do I know her?" " Very sexy." "And bright." "I think they'll like each other." "Is Julie the blonde one with big eyes?" "Blonde, big eyes, very earthy, wears those see-through blouses." "Every guy in the office likes her." "You think she's right for Allan?" "Cos to me, she doesn't seem like the type." " He liked her." " Really?" "How do you know?" "I could feel it." " Did he say anything?" " Hey, I'm trying to work." "OK, I'm sorry." " Those guys are following us." " Don't worry, I'm a fast runner." " Where're you going with that chick?" " Don't look back." " I'm scared." " I'll go into my fake limp." "Let's all go on a little party." "Fellas, I'm a veteran." "Get rid of this creep and I'll take you for a ride." "Take your hands off her!" "Did I say that?" "All right, shorty, let's go..." " Your tattoo's coming off on my neck." " I'm gonna start screaming!" "Don't worry, I can handle this." "Start screaming." " Allan, is that you?" " Yes." " How'd it go?" " I got into a fight." "What?" "You got into a fight?" "With who?" "Some guys got tough with Julie." "I had to teach them a lesson." " Are you all right?" " I'm fine." "I snapped my chin onto a guy's fist and hit one in the knee with my nose." " Where's Julie?" " She ran off with the leader." "They're getting married." "It never would have worked between us." "She's Protestant, I'm Catholic, it's a great religious abyss." " Who were these guys?" " They said they were hairdressers." " Hard to believe." " You want us to call a doctor?" "No, I'm fine." "I could use a three-foot Band-Aid until the pain subsides." "She's laughing and my sex life is turning into the Petrified Forest." "Very funny." "Ten million women in the country and I can't wind up with one." "Come on, you had some laughs with Linda." "There's no pressure with Linda, I'm not trying to make her." "I'm sure if I met her on a date, we'd have no fun." "The girls I try and score with I can't get to first base." "I'm turning into the strike-out king of San Francisco." "What do you expect?" "I always said you were not the romantic type." "What's the matter with me, Nancy?" "You're a dreamer, you're awkward, you're clumsy." "They can see how desperate you are." "You've said it yourself." "Don't go by that girl tonight." "I was toying with her." "Face it, you may be very sweet but you're not sexy." "Don't be so sure." "You never said that when we were married." "I was thinking it." "I bet she was." "I wonder if she actually had an orgasm while we were married or did she fake it that night?" "Is this the Perry residence?" "Can I speak to Marilyn?" "An old friend of hers, I dated her once." "Do you remember?" "I'm stunned!" "It was 1 1 years ago." "That's right." "Short with red hair and glasses." "No, that's cleared up." "How can I get in touch with her?" "Really?" "She still feels that way?" "It's been 1 1 years." "When did you last speak with her?" "Last week." "And she specified that she didn't want you to give me the number?" "I see." "OK, thank you." "Excuse me, could you tell me where Mr Felix is?" " Right through that door." " Thank you." " Are you busy?" " What are you doing here?" " I don't feel so hot." " What's wrong?" "What do you have for an anxiety attack?" "Everything, I'm a drugstore." "I have this throbbing in my stomach." "How do know it's anxiety and not fear?" " My stomach's jumpy." " Is it hard to breathe?" "I feel frightened and I don't know why." " I get that." " Is it fear or anxiety?" "Homosexual panic." "I always get this way when Dick goes on a business trip." "He had to fly to Cleveland." "I got up, drove him to the airport and threw up in the United Airlines terminal." "I've thrown up there." "I don't know what it is that upsets me." "Fear of separation." "I had to go to Washington once, and although I was leaving, I got sick and when I returned, my wife threw up." "My analyst would say I'm feeling guilty because I want him to go." "I can't understand you." "You're a knockout, why are you a mass of symptoms?" "Why is anybody screwed up?" "I guess it happens when you're a child." "You think you're ugly, your parents divorce, you feel abandoned." "You must have the same thing." "My parents never got divorced, although I begged them to." "I know you think I'm nice, I appreciate it." "It's good for my ego." "And I'm hypercritical." "I have a tendency to reject before I get rejected." "That way I save time and money." " No date tonight?" " I had a date but she called it off." "Some kind of Polish holiday." "Why don't we go out to dinner and hit a movie?" "I have a better idea." "Have dinner at my house." "The Big Sleep's on tonight." "Do you have anything for me to cook?" "Frozen steaks and a bottle of champagne." "What are you doing with champagne?" "I tried to cook to impress a girl." "Beef stroganoff in the pressure cooker." " How was it?" " I don't know." "It's still on the wall." " I'll buy some stuff and bring it over." " Fabulous." "I'll get some asparagus, salad and dessert." "I love to cook but I never get a chance." "Dick's always so busy." "Get a whole lot of stuff." "You can open the champagne but not just for me." "I'll have one with you but you have to put me to bed if I dance naked." "This is gonna be great." "I've got a terrific rapport with Linda." "I hate to see her depressed." "It's gonna be a nice, cosy evening in." "Build a little fire." "I'll get some candles, set up some atmosphere." "Open the champagne." "Women are suckers for champagne, it makes them crazy." "It makes them crazy?" "What the hell am I talking about here?" "This is Linda, Dick's wife." "So, you finally fell in love with her?" " I just got carried away for a minute." " You don't have to feel guilty." "Over what?" "Two lonely people with lots in common have dinner together." " We're platonic friends." " That's not how she thinks of you." " How can you tell?" " Does she have to attack you?" "Don't get those candles, they're for a Jewish holiday!" " She's my friend's wife." " She'll tell Dick and he'll beat you up." " She loves you, not him." " He's not romantic." " He could be." " Don't listen to him." " Don't listen to her." " We're in a supermarket." "Get a grip on yourself, she's married." "And to your best friend." "They're never gonna get a divorce either." "Why can't I ever get a break?" "I'd like you to do me a favour." "I've fallen in love with another woman, it just happened." "We're going to live in Alaska, she's an Eskimo." "I thought perhaps while I'm gone, you'd look after Linda." " Of course." " Well, I'm off to Alaska." "If you need me, I'll be at Frozen Tundra 69290." "I'm so tense." "I don't know what's wrong." "She'll be here any second." "She is always complimenting me." "I know she likes me but does she like me that way?" "What the hell?" "I could test her." "I could make an advance." "What could possibly go wrong?" " Don't!" " It was meant to be." "Take your hands off me." "Are you crazy?" " Linda, my love." " I'm a married woman." "Rape!" "Let's not get carried away." "I'm not an appealing guy." "The thought that Linda could fall for me," "I'm kidding myself." "Where the hell is she anyhow?" "By now she could have had her steak and been out of here." "I feel so light, that lithium I took today is really working." "Maybe you'd better not have any champagne." "No, if I get carried away, you can always call the police." " How long is Dick away for?" " He's back tomorrow." "There's a new Truffaut film, we should go see it." "Come on, we're all set for here." "Besides, it's starting to rain and that great lda Lupino movie's on." "She's married but gets involved with her husband's best friend." " How does it end?" " She kills the men." " Let's go out." " No, I really want to see the movie." "It's a fascinating theme." "Do you think it is possible to love two people at once?" " What do you mean?" " A wife, happily married, suddenly finds she loves another man." "Not that she doesn't love her husband just that she loves somebody else." "Do you think that's possible?" " Do you?" " Very." "Very possible and probably very common." "Love is such a strange phenomenon." "Strange and exquisite." " Go ahead, make your move." " No, I can't." " Take her and kiss her." " Is anything wrong?" "She wants it." "Hurry, before she moves out of position." " Kiss her, kid." " I'll do the potatoes." "Well, kid, you blew it." "I can't do it." "How's it look?" "I invite her over and come on like a sex degenerate." "You're getting carried away." "You think too much, just do it." "We're platonic friends." "I can't spoil that by coming on." "She'll slap my face." "I've had my face slapped plenty." "But your glasses don't go flying across the room." " You're gonna disappoint her." " I can't." "Here we are, you can start on this." "Did you read that another Oakland woman was raped?" "I was nowhere near Oakland!" " Do they know who did it?" " No idea." "He must be very clever." "You must be on the ball to rape so many women and get away with it." "If anybody tried to rape me, I'd just pretend to go along with it and then grab a heavy object and let him have it." "That is unless I was enjoying it." "They say it's every woman's secret desire." "I guess it depends on who's doing the raping." "Why dwell on morbid subjects?" "Odds are you'll never get raped." "Not with my luck." "I feel so light." "That drink is going right to my head." "I'm floating." " Go ahead, kiss her." " I can't." " She's ready." " How can you be sure?" " Believe me, I'm sure." " She'll pull back." "She's sitting and waiting." "Now, don't screw up." "Right, I'll try but I'm gonna go slow." "If she screams, I'll pretend it was a joke." "She'd better laugh." "The phone!" "Yes, she's here." "She came over before." "I was going out, I had a Polish date." "It's for you, it's from Cleveland." " Are you upset?" " The ring startled me." "I want her out, I'm gonna cause an international incident!" " Hello, darling." " She loves him." "I'm kidding myself." "Relax." "You're as nervous as Elizabeth Scott was before I blew her brains out." "All you got to do is make your move." "This is crazy." "We'll all wind up in The National Enquirer." "OK, goodbye." "Yes, I will." "Dick sounded down." "I think he's having trouble in Cleveland." "How come he never takes you with him on these trips?" "I'm afraid to fly." "My analyst says it's an excuse." "He never asks me along, though." "Maybe he's got something going on the side." " Would that bother you?" " Sure." "But not if I didn't know." "I know it'd hurt Dick if you ever had a casual affair with anyone." "I don't think I could have a casual affair." "No, I don't take those things lightly." "If I fell for another man, it'd have to be more than just a fling." "I'd have feel something more serious." "Are you shaking?" "Just chilly." "It's not very cold." "Anyway, I'm not the type for an affair." "I couldn't take the excitement." "Besides, I'm not glamorous enough." "You're uncommonly beautiful." "When I go out with you and all those beautiful girls," "I feel like life has passed me by." "I should be selling chocolate at Fannie Farmer." "Those girls are not in your league." "Keep talking, you're saving my life." "I have such an inferiority complex." "You're doing very well." "Now kiss her." " Please!" " You built up to it beautifully." " I don't have the nerve." " Tell her she's beautiful." " I just told her." " Again." "You really are an unusually beautiful person." " I don't know what to say..." " You're exceptionally beautiful." "You're uncommonly beautiful, unusually beautiful..." "All right!" "It's been so long since anybody said that." " Move closer to her." " How close?" "The length of your lips." " That's very close." " Come on, move." "Now what?" "Tell her that she moves something in you that you can't control." " You're kidding!" " Go ahead." " It's corny." " She'll love it." "Fred Astaire looks great in tails, I don't." "Leave Fred Astaire out of this and say something." " I've loved our time together." " So have I." "All right?" "I don't want to use your line." "You're doing fine, kid." "Now, tell her she has the most irresistible eyes you've ever seen." "You have the most eyes I've ever seen on any person." " Your..." " Your hand is trembling." " That's because you're near." " Pardon?" "Tell her that!" "That's because you're near." "You really know what to say, don't you?" "Now, tell her that you've met a lot of dames but she is really something special." " That she won't believe." " Oh, no?" "I have met a lot of dames but you are really something special." "Really?" "She bought it!" "Put your right hand around her shoulders and pull her close." " I can't." " Go on!" "I'll try." "Now, get ready for the big move and do exactly as I tell you." "I warned you to leave my ex-husband alone." "I guess I better fix the steaks." "Your eyes... are like two thick steaks." "Don't!" " I'll pay for the lamp." " I think I love you." "No, I insist on paying for the lamp." " Forget the lamp." " I'm so clumsy." "Take $10." "Forget the damn lamp." "Give me $5, we'll call it even." " Don't!" " You're making a mistake." "I was joking." "I was just testing you." "It was a platonic kiss." " I think I'd better go home." " You're making a mistake." " I should go." " If you think I would..." "Allan, I'll be fine." "I attacked her." "I'm a vicious jungle beast." "She's panicky." "When she gets home, she'll be hysterical." "What am I gonna tell Dick?" "She'll probably go to the police." "What did I do?" "I'm not Bogart, I never will be." "I'm a disgrace to my sex." "I should get a job at an Arabian palace as a eunuch." "That's the vice squad." "Did you say you loved me?" "I still can't believe it." "I haven't slept that well in years." "Is it noon yet?" "No, it's seven." "Seven?" "I didn't realise it was so early." " You were fantastic last night in bed." " Thanks." " How do you feel now?" " I think the Pepto-Bismol helped." "What were you thinking about while we were doing it?" "Willie Mays." "You always think of baseball players when you make love?" "It keeps me going." "I couldn't figure out why you kept yelling "slide"." "It'll probably be best if you told Dick." "What'll I say?" "It could happen and it happened." "It's not your fault or my fault." "You felt like a woman last night and I felt like a man." "And that's what those kind of people do." "But we can't sneak around and have an affair." "It's so cheap." "You know, you've got to be honest with him." "You just have to tell him the two of you have grown apart and you and I have fallen in love." " That's if you love me." " I do." "Then we have to tell him the truth." "I'm so tense." "I can tell him." "I've known him longer than you have." " No, I'd prefer to do it." " Maybe you'd better do it." "Tell him what?" "Tell him that the two of us are right for each other and that may be he ought to think about getting his stuff and moving out." "Maybe you move in with me for a while." "As long as we handle this in a mature way." "As long as I'm mature about it, you're mature about it, both of us are mature, we can achieve a certain maturation that guarantees maturiosity." "You're mature, Allan, and very wise." "The key to wiseness is maturiositude." "Why is it always so complicated?" "Lean on me, baby." "Lean on me." "If you want me, I'll be home having an anxiety attack." "Well, kid, she loves you." "Why not?" "I was dynamite in bed last night." "That lucky girl." "I gave her my best moves." "Excuse me, I want to take a look at the music box in the window." "There's a nice, brown, small music box." " What are you doing here?" " I was calling, didn't you hear?" "No, I was thinking about some stuff." " Still daydreaming." "How are you?" " OK." "How are you?" "I just got back from New York." "I'm gonna move back there." "Is that so?" "I don't know what to say!" "So, what are you doing?" "You know, the usual." "Going to the movies and... staring off into space." "Are you seeing someone?" "I mean, I go out but..." "How are Dick and Linda?" "She's fine." "Just..." "I wouldn't know." "You're in better spirits than when I left." "I am." "You got me on an up-day." "Is this the music box you wanted?" "It's pretty." "I need to keep my paperclips in something so..." "You know?" "I have an appointment with the diet doctor." "You don't seem overweight to me." "Let's not have that argument again." "Right." " Bye." " So long." "It was nice seeing you." "Thanks." "You, too." "I was real cool." "Why not?" "She never understood me." "I'm complicated." "I think Linda understands that." "Linda finds me exciting." "Dick'll understand." "Because of our social encounters a romance has developed." "It's natural among sophisticated people." " You sent for me?" " Yes." "Drink?" "Scotch?" " Fine." " Soda?" "Linda and I are in love." "Just as well." "My doctor says I have two months to live." " Good." "Then you don't mind?" " Not a bit." "Dick and I have been through a lot together." "He's my best friend." "This is terrible." "This is gonna hurt him, I know it." "How could they?" "My wife and my best friend." "I loved her." "And I loved him." "Why didn't I see it coming?" "Me, who had the foresight to by Polaroid at 8.5." "Dick is an emotional guy." "He's liable to..." "God knows what?" "Kill himself or something." "Kill himself?" "What might he do to you?" "You take a guy's wife, you humiliate him..." "You've seen enough Italian movies." "And Dick's got a temper." "You're supposed to be in Cleveland." "I had to come home." "I got to talk to you." "I got a problem." "What do you mean?" "I think Linda's having an affair." "I called her at home, she's not there." "Recently, she's been distant, distracted." "Little things only a husband would notice." "I don't understand it." "You've seen her a lot lately, she's changed." "The other night she spoke about having an affair in her sleep." " Did she mention any names?" " Only yours." "When I woke her, she said it was just a nightmare." "I keep trying to think of who it could be." "It's got to be someone I don't know, someone she met through work." "An agent or ad executive, a photographer, maybe an actor." " Don't get upset." " I love her." "If she leaves me, I'll kill myself." "Since when are you so emotional?" "I've never been in love with anyone before." "If I find out who the guy is, I'll kill him." "I've neglected her and now she's involved with some stud." "If I haven't already lost her, I'm really gonna make it up to her." "I'm gonna change." "I'm gonna make her life with me fun and exciting cos without her, it wouldn't be worth living." "I was up all night thinking, "I'm losing her." "Too bad, I'll survive."" "Then I panicked and called her." "She was out." "Where the hell did she stay?" " Calm yourself." " I've got to find her." "I've got to beg her forgiveness before it's too late." "I want her to get on that plane with me back to Cleveland." "I want to hear her laugh and speak." "I want to pamper her, take care of her." "Sorry for carrying on like this but you're the only friend who'd understand." "I understand." "Look, Allan, if she calls, will you tell her I've got to talk to her?" "Tell her I'll see her at home." " OK, I'll tell her." " Thanks." "Thanks a lot." "How can I break up his home?" "He's crazy about her." "I never realised how much." "He never realised how much." "Hello, Linda?" "I'm in the middle of a conversation." "I'll call you back." "Don't..." "So that's really it?" "Linda, I have to speak to you." "Have you told him anything yet?" " Who is that?" "ls that him?" " This is Allan." " Allan, I'll speak to you later." " Don't hang up!" "Listen, this is urgent..." "You sound terrible." "Excuse me." "That wasn't her." "I just hope you know what you're doing." "Is it all right?" "ls the coast clear?" "Can I speak?" " I ought to be in Cleveland." " No, wait." "Say..." "Just answer in..." "I'll speak to you later." "I don't believe this." "The airport." "I've got to speak to her before she says anything to him." " The Christies just left for the airport." " Together?" "One right after the other." "Taxi!" "I'll tell her it's over, that's all." "It was fun but we lost our heads." "What if it's too late?" "What if Linda's really hooked on me?" "Once a woman's been made love to by somebody who can do it great..." "I was incredible last night in bed." "I never once had to sit up and consult the manual." "Love is very different for a woman, it's a complicated phenomenon." "I've never broken off with a girl before." " You said you loved me." " Take it gracefully." "But the time we've spent together, the closeness." "You mean too much to me, I can't let you go." " I 'm sorry." " Sorry?" "You think I'm some play-toy?" " What can I say?" " Give me the letter." " What?" " Give me the letter." " There is no letter." " I want it." "You're going crazy." "Don't pull the trigger." "I'm a bleeder!" "Pull yourself together, kid." "You should feel encouraged." "When you weren't being phoney, you got a good dame to fall for you." "You thought you couldn't make it with dames." " And now I've got to end it." " It's not that hard, kid." "Watch." " Come here, sweetheart." " Yes, darling?" " It's over." " What is?" " Us." " Over?" " Over." "Kaput." " That simple?" " That's right." " Supposing I say no?" " Won't do you any good." " And will this?" "Come off it, sugar." "You never could use a rod." "But why does it have to end before it can begin?" "Because you play too rough for me." "You killed Johnson." "Parker found out so you killed him too." "Then you wanted to finish me off." "You couldn't do it when I was facing you so you wanted me to turn around." "Now, let's go." "You're taking the fall." "That's all there is to it." "For you because you're Bogart." "Everybody is at certain times." "You're doing something I didn't think you could." "You're passing up a real tomato because you don't want to hurt a guy." "If I did that, there wouldn't be a dry eye." "But I'm heartbroken over it." "All the more reason to feel proud of it." " You think so?" " Sure." "Listen, kid, there's other things in life besides dames." "One of them is to know you did the right thing for a pal." "Think it over." " What gate is the flight to Cleveland?" " Gate 15." " Where's the plane to Cleveland?" " Gate 15." " Wait." " What are you doing here?" " I've something important to tell you." " So do I." "Do you realise what a wonderful thing has happened?" "The most beautiful thing has happened right under our noses." "We've had a wonderful experience." "Doesn't that surprise you?" "You didn't have to leave books lying around, you didn't have to have on the proper music." "I even saw you in your underwear with the days of the week on them." " We have to call it quits." " Yes, I know." " Pardon me?" " Suddenly things became very clear." "And when I asked myself if I really wanted to break off my marriage, the answer was no." "I love Dick." "Although someone as wonderful as you is very tempting," " I can't imagine life without him." " You can't?" "He needs me." "In some unexplainable way, I need him." "I know he needs you." "This is the first time I've been affected by anyone besides Dick." "I'm already in love with you." "Unless we stop now, I won't be able to go back to him." "I don't regret a moment of what's happened because it's reaffirmed my feelings for Dick." "Linda, I understand, really." "Sure?" "You're not just saying that to make things easy?" "I'm saying it because it's true." "We both know you belong to Dick." "You're part of his work." "If that plane leaves and you don't, you'll regret it." "Maybe not today or tomorrow but soon and for the rest of your life." "That's beautiful." "It's from Casablanca." "I waited my whole life to say it." "I thought I saw you here." "What's going on?" "You should know something before you two leave." "Us?" "You're coming with me?" "Nobody owes me any explanations." "I'm going to anyway because it may mean something later on." "You said you thought Linda was having an affair." "But she was at my house when you called." "She came over to baby-sit with me because I was lonely." "Right?" "Over the past weeks I've fallen in love with her." "I hoped she felt the same way but all she could talk about was you." " I understand, Allan." " I hope you do." "We better be going." "I'll call you, Allan." "That was great." "You've really developed yourself a little style." "I do have a certain amount of style, don't I?" "I guess you won't be needing me any more." "There's nothing I can tell you now that you don't already know." "I guess that's so." "I guess the secret's not being you, it's being me." "True, you're not too tall and kinda ugly but I'm short enough and ugly enough to succeed on my own." "Here's looking at you, kid." | {
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"Hey!" "Hey Linda, come here!" "Come outside" "I wonder what Tokyo looks like, from up there?" " I don't..." " Why not?" " I'd be scared" " Scared of what?" "Dying I guess..." "Falling into the void" "They say you fly when you die" "Its fucking cold" "Hey, check out this book Alex gave me" "Its like the Tibetan bible" "Alex the junkie?" "Its all about what happens after you die" "Look!" "So your going to become a Buddhist now?" "No" "You know they're all the same Fucking Catholics, the Jew's ..." "Just a bunch of sucks out to get their hands on your money..." "Alex is gonna make you a junkie... and then he's going to make you a fucking Buddhist" "No, he's just a friend" "I'm not gonna become a buddhist..." "Alex is a fucking junkie." "He's not your friend" " C'mon" " He's not your friend" "I gotta go" "Hey, I'll see you later?" "See ya." "Lock the door, just lock the door..." "Ok, good" "Why does she think I'm a junkie?" "I know I'm not a junkie." "I know who I am" "I know I'm not a junkie" "She's my sister, sometimes she doesn't know anything" "There we go" "This is the good stuff" "Why else would Bruno give this to me?" "Probably wants a blowjob." "Thats disgusting!" "Who do ya think I am anyways" "I know I'm not a junkie" "There you go..." "This stuff doesn't taste good" "These drugs taste like shit" "Wow!" "Its already kicking in" "This is it... its started" "Oh god, this is the best" "What if you faint?" "You're not gonna faint" "I just know I will You've done this before..." " Hello..." " Oscar... its Victor." "Hey, I'm looking for you..." "Ah, can you bring my stuff?" "Can you come and get it" "No..." "I need you to bring it to me" "Oh..." "Ok." "Where are you?" "I'm at the Void..." "Y'know I'm really sorry about yesterday, I'll wait for you..." "Actually..." " Actually I'd rather if you..." " Don't be long..." "Hello?" "Hello?" "..." "Oh, come on?" "!" "Wake up" "Get a hold of yourself" "Oh God... its back" "Collect yourself" "Balcony" "Walk away from that" "Keep your eyes open" "My head is throbbing now" "Its water" "Water..." "Splash water Splash tap water" "Nice clean tap water" "Its perfect" "Back to normal" "Look at your cheeks, look at your eyes" "They look different" "Shit" "Is that the neighbours?" "Did they hear me?" "Did I scream?" "Maybe I did?" "Just calm down" "Alex." "Hold on" "Hey Oscar, you alright?" "Ah its good man, how ya doin'" "Nothing much..." "Been pretty good, pretty good..." "I think I need a shower!" "Oh, don't go to the balcony, stay away from the balcony" "Hey, have you read the book?" " The book?" " Yeah" " Oh, The Book of The Dead" " Yeah" "Yeah, haven't finished reading it yet, its pretty good." "Its a wild book" "I'm glad you like it" "Can I keep it, so I can finish it?" " No problem" " Oh thanks... thanks" " You okay?" " Ah... well..." " I bumped into your sister" " Yeah?" "Yeah." "Following that cunt, Mario" "I fuckin' hate that guy" "I can't believe she's going out with him." "If she ever gets pregnant, I'll kill the baby." "I swear to God." "Hey look, anyway..." "Do you mind if we go and see her tonight?" "I'd really like to see her..." "Yeah sure" "First we have to stop at the Void I have some stuff for Victor" "Wanna come?" " The Void?" " Yeah" "I don't' like the place, but I follow you and we go see your sister" " Yeah, lets go" " Great!" " Can I grab some water?" " Yeah sure" "Water!" "You're not taking it all, are you?" "No, only his share" " Man, thats alot of gear" " Yeah" "Shit!" "?" "Thats fucking dangerous You should let him pick it up himself" "No, he won't come here anymore, not after what happened with his mother." " What?" "He found out" " Yeah..." " How did he find out?" " I don't want to talk about it" "Alright, can I take the water?" " Bring it" " Okay" "The streets are really empty." "Is it a holiday today?" " Hey whats wrong with you?" " You tripping man?" "!" " Yeah." "You can tell?" "Yeah, you look really fucked up..." "I popped some tabs this morning..." "and just took a hit of DMT before you came..." "Shit, looks like a good day!" "And the day isn't over either!" "Hey, do you think Bruno has anything stronger than DMT?" "C'mon, you'll fry your brain man!" "You should finish The Book of The Dead, that will be a lot better but wait until you die, then you get your big trip" "The book is still confusing to me" "How would you explain it?" "Um, its really hard to explain... basically, when you die..." "your spirit leaves your body actually at first you can see all your life, like reflected in a magic mirror." "Then you start floating like a ghost, you can see anything happening around you, you can hear everything but you can't communicate." "Then you see lights..." "lights of all different colours... these lights are the doors that pull you into other planes of existence... but most people... actually like this world so much, that they don't want to be taken away," "so the whole thing turns into a bad trip, and the only way out is to get reincarnated." " Is that making sense?" " Yeah, I guess so..." "I dunno, whats the bad trip?" "well, you got all these nightmares..." "you know, you go like, yo' crazy... all your fears become reality and it scares the shit out of you..." "Its like whats happening to your mind, right?" "At that point, you wish you never died..." "And, some new lights appear to you they represent all these couples making love... and then a light comes out from their bellies, and if you get closer they give you a vision of a possible future life" "and you choose a life that suits you the best you know, end up in the womb... and you're reincarnated end of story and basically you do this forever and ever... until you manage to break the circle" "you follow me?" "So you mean, we're stuck in this world for all of eternity?" "There's nothing better out there?" "Hey, y'know what?" "I can't wait to see your sister" "She looks real beautiful man" "I know but she's still my sister okay..." "I know, I know, I'm only saying..." "I'm not blind, she's gorgeous." "Fuck off" " Taxi" "You should look after her What are you talking about?" "Your turning into a dealer" " I'm not turning into a dealer" " Yes you are, what we going to do tonight?" "You know... look what your sisters doing, you know... she' trying to stop you from doing that..." "Are you schizophrenic?" "!" " your the one who introduced me to your provider" " Ah, c'mon." "Honestly, you should try to get a job you know..." "I don't know" "I mean, your a smart guy, you know..." "Good dj" "Maybe ask the club to get you a job part time, like bartending... its really fucking easy I did it piece of cake..." "Especially in Tokyo" "Your a foreigner, your good looking..." "You know, theres a big difference - between taking psychedelics and being a dealer, you know?" "I said I'm not a dealer!" "You're a dealer and you're a mother fucker, man" "I can't believe your fucking that old bitch" "You're in Tokyo, theres a lot of fucking cute chicks everywhere, and your fucking some old bitch, and she's a foreigner as well... at least if your fucking a Japanese..." " old bitch, you know..." " She fucked me" "Anyway..." "Oh man..." "Police!" "Fuck!" "Hey um..." "I want to dump my bottle..." "be back in a sec'" " Have you heard of Datura?" " No" "Its crazy shit!" " Whats Datura?" "Is it a mushroom?" " Yeah,... its a plant that takes you somewhere, you know quite freaky..." "Whats it..." "Whats it like...?" "I mean," "Whats the trip like on Datura?" "Ah..." "like... you don't even know your fucking tripping, you know..." "You'll be on the floor, talking to every-fucking-body... but you realise two weeks later... you were not talking to anybody, you know what..." "I took it, I saw that chick man she was gorgeous ...hang on a sec, hang on, she was fucking gorgeous" "I really fucking like her, right..." "And I tried to kiss her, been talking for 30 minutes" "tried to kiss her, she fuckin' disappeared, she never existed!" "THE VOID" "I don't want to see you doing that shit with Victor right, so..." "I wait for you at Express on food and I see you in a minute" " Okay" " Right, I catch you in a minute man." "Yeah, see you later" "Linda's right, Alex is way more of a junkie than me." "Hope Victor's here already" "I don't want to wait for him" "I got your stuff." "I'm sorry." " What?" " I'm sorry" "Police!" "Shit!" "Police!" "Open up!" "What are you doing!" "?" "I'm gonna call my embassy!" "Hold on, hold on a minute!" "I'm coming out!" " Open!" "I have a gun!" "I have a gun!" "I'm gonna shoot!" "If you don't leave I'll shoot!" "What do you want me to..." "What...?" "They shot me..." "They shot me..." "Did they kill me?" "Did they shoot me?" "I don't want to die like this..." "I need help" "I have a sister" "Thats blood on my hands" "Is that blood?" "Maybe I'm in prison they've caught me" "Its the police, isn't it" "Didn't do anyone harm or hurt anyone." "Life sucks" "I can't feel my arms" "This is not happening Just tripping... tripping" "But it is..." "Its the DMT" "Who knows?" "I'm dying" "Am I dead?" "None of this is real" "I'm floating" "What'll happen to her?" "My little sister" "Please help me I need your help" "Then take me home" "I don't want to die I don't want to die like this" " Whats happening?" " Accident" "Victor..." "Victor!" " What happened to Oscar?" " They shot him!" "SEX MONEY POWER" "I have to take that" "Linda..." "The police shot your brother at The Void" "He was bringing some shit to Victor and..." "I don't know what happened" "I heard the shot and Victor said they killed him You should run..." " So, who was that?" " Doesn't matter" "Mario?" "Mario?" "Linda..." "The police shot your brother at The Void" "He was bringing some shit to Victor and I don't know what happened" "I heard the shot and Victor said they killed him" "You should run there to find out" "I'm sorry, I was outside" "Can't tell you more, the police are after me now... please call me back" "Oscar" " Oscar do you love me?" " Yes" " How much?" " Alot" "Whats alot?" "Mama" "Do you remember that pact we made?" "Kind of" "We promised to never leave each other" "Never ever?" "Never ever." " Do you swear?" " I swear" " And if you die?" " I'll come back" "This is a blood pact" "Now we'll always be together" "Stop it!" "I'm not going you bitch!" "Oscar!" "Oscar don't let them take me!" "You promised me!" "Oscar, you promised me!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "And she was sent to a foster home, I was sent to a different one, life became like a nightmare" "You should bring her to Tokyo" "I miss her so much..." "She's younger, and she's still in school" "Come meet my flatmate" " Oscar" " Hey, Hi" "Check it out" "What!" "Holy shit No way, Wow" "Pretty good eh" "Yeah thats extra pretty insane its like Tokyo on acid" "And this is the plane..." "that brings your sister" "Trust me, I really want to its just money man" "Money, money, money, that I don't have" "Money, money, money, you can make money, you're smart..." "Rob a bank!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Its like the hardest thing I can think of, I'd rather be a drug dealer" "No man, thats fucking dangerous, you know" "Shitty job" "Good drugs are nice here but..." "you can make alot of money but... you can go like really deep into the shit, you know" "You can end up in prison..." "My mums the same when she was young." "To make money she was a go-go dancer" " Really?" " Yeah!" "She's an amazing woman..." "You should come and meet her" "Yeah" "Come out for dinner come meet my parents" "When I met her, she was a go-go dancer in Tokyo." "Yeah, I went down to the club a few times..." "Got a disease..." "Anyway!" "Anyway!" " Tell us about you" " Ah, um..." "Your parents here in Tokyo?" "No, no, my parents passed away a long time ago" "What happened?" "If you want, I can find the money to lend you." "How about it?" "You don't have alot of friends in Tokyo, right?" "And Victor?" "What about Victor?" " Nobody knows I'm here, right?" " Nobody" "Hey, thats beautiful" " You know what this reminds me" " What?" "Smoking..." "It reminds me of sucking on my mothers nipples" "Best thing in my life, yeah" "Freak..." "When is this acid gonna be hitting me?" "You know the good thing about LSD you can manage to overcome your fears he can take you to other stations wherever you want..." "Ma, what happens if you die" "I'll be with you forever" "I will always watch you" "I will watch you from the sky" " You promise" " I promise" "You love Daddy more than you love me?" "No, I love you both" "But its a different love, a very different love" "Mom... mom" "Hey, hey!" "Remember me?" "No?" "Hey, do you take drugs?" "Drugs?" " Yeah do you take drugs?" " No" " Never once have you taken drugs" " Never once" " Never once?" " Never once" "But I like alcohol" "Yeah?" "So you like alcohol then you like drugs" "It's like one step, then the next step" "One step, yeah!" " David?" "Some of my friends said I can come back here and get some stuff to party with" "Who's that, who's your friend?" "It doesn't matter" "It always does matter, who's your friend?" "Gaspar" "Alright, thank you..." "What do you want?" "How much is coke?" "10 gram for sixty" " Okay, yeah thats good" " Are you sure?" "Here take it Just..." "There you go!" " Nice one mate" " Be careful, they're really trippy" " Hey guess what?" " What?" " I finally found an apartment" " Thats great" "I have a job now, and I have enough money for your ticket" " Are you kidding" " Isn't that exciting?" "Oh my god..." "How'd you make enough money to buy me a ticket?" " Thats crazy" " Hey I told you I have a job" "Oscar I love you!" "Start packing okay?" " What?" " Ah, nothing" "So what we getting?" "Um, e's and acid and I think I'll get some DMT too" " Oh, nice" " Yeah" "Can I come with you?" "Not a chance, guys' so paranoid" "Do you have the money though?" "Here you go" "The drug guy hes a dirty bastard you know" "Yeah, he likes boys" " Who is this?" " Bruno, the guy that gave me drugs" "Don't even take a drink, you might wake up two days later with shit in your mouth..." "Or your own shit, you know" "I should be able to get him to see you today but I won't come back with you so you should be careful..." "You know what his new trick is?" "He can't even be turned on by fucking now So what he does is..." "Hey, I'm not gonna jump from here am I?" "Hey, once a new guy gave him a blowjob, yeah..." "He sticks his finger inside his own ass and then wipes his finger on the back of their head" "So they walk around with shit on their hair" "Thats the guy I was telling you about" "Hey, you look just like me..." " Whats your name" " Oscar" " So what do you want?" " Do you have any LSD?" "Lets have a look..." "Good, Oscar, check this" "What happened to him?" "Poor baby, screaming for his mum all night" "Yeah, this is what I'm looking for..." "Cheers, mate" " Nice!" " Good shit!" "Hey, do you have any DMT?" "DMT?" "I might have a little bit left" "You ever tried GHB?" "Its funny you know DMT only lasts for six minutes..." "But it really seems like eternity" "Its the same chemical that your brain receives when you die" "Its a little bit like..." "Dying would be the ultimate trip, you know" "Hey, lets try this" "Be careful" "You see these tunnels, it leads to huge gutters you know, all those bums hiding there... people go at night in those gutters..." "What do you think?" " Its fuckin' awesome" " Yeah?" "Imagine if like the walls are all clear and all your friends are inside, like, fucking" " Oscar!" " Yeah" "Come and check it out, I have something for you" "I'll show you that before you try DMT" "Tibetan Book of The dead" "I'm assuming its about death" "Well, it tells you how your spirit comes out from your body after you die" "Have you had a out of body experience?" " Have you?" " Yeah, once" "Whats that like?" "First" " Took me so long to get there had to practice, slowing down my breathing slowing down, slowing down..." "Its like my mind is out, and I can see myself, just above myself..." "I really freaked out because" "I would not be able to get back in my body" "Yeah its fuckin' crazy, you know Yeah its cool, you know" " but..." " Hey its me, again" "Check this out, check this out" "Hey its me, again" " its me Linda" " Your sister?" "Don't forget I'll be arriving at the airport" "Monday evening at six pm... and you will be there, won't you..." "Hey!" "Missed you so much" "Look at that!" "When you and grandpa die what will happen to us?" "You'll be taken care of dear" "We promise, you'll be taken care of" "No!" "No!" "No!" "Oscar!" "Oscar!" "Oscar!" "You know what?" "I dreamt again of the accident" "Yeah, well it doesn't matter, we're going to be like a family from now on." "Just you and me." "Do you want some more?" "Was it good?" "Hey, thats for a club" "Wanna go?" " Hey take this pill" " What is it?" " Its ecstasy" " I've never did it before" " Just take it" " Is it dangerous?" "Its a drug c'mon Its like a vitamin, okay!" "Girls got moves!" "Your sister is a real tight hottie" "You gotta take care of her" "The men in this club..." "Come and dance with me" "Hey!" ", Come on!" "She likes me..." "Hi heres the deal, you float me the money for the deal" "I take the risk scoring and selling stuff, we go for a 50/50 split and we split all the profit" "I can't wait!" "Who's your dealer?" "Thats none of your business because, how much do you need?" "Look, where were you?" "I was looking for you..." "That guy got you way too drunk" "Where were you" "Hey guys!" "Hey seriously, lets go" "Come on" "Watch the step" "Let go of me!" "Do you know that tomorrows' the anniversary of Mum and Dads death" "I'm having fun" "It's like heaven" "So beautiful" "I really feel so happy here with you" "I feel free" "I feel very very free" " You promise me you'll never leave me?" " Of course" " We die together?" " Never die" " We'll never die?" " Never" " We're immortal" " Yes" " We will never die" " Good" "What...?" "I missed you..." "I just missed you so much" " Have I grown" " Of course" "I look like a woman now?" " Boo..." " Do you believe in reincarnation?" "I don't have a mental age of 5 anymore" "Don't you want to find a real job?" "Fuck no!" "Everybody who has a job is just a slave" "There's one important thing though, its to have a goal" "Like..." "Do you have a goal?" "I don't know" " You should have a goal" " Maybe like have a big love affair?" "Hey what did that guy want with you in the nightclub?" " He offered me a job" " Doing what?" " Hey" " Your Mario right?" " Yeah" "Like thats my sister" "Don't touch her okay" "Don't be a bad brother" "So how much do you owe him?" "Ah, 50 pills" "It's for me and my friend, Look man I don't wanna know your friend" "I don't want him to know me, okay?" "OK" "Hi baby, you like snakes?" "And don't look so nervous, you're with friends here" "Does he want any coke?" "Any ice?" "No..." "Do you have any DMT" "No..." "Come here" "What are you looking at?" " Want to try some?" " Sure" "Get ready you guys" "What the fuck are you doing here?" "It doesn't matter to you I'm not hurting anybody" " What?" " Don't touch my stuff" " Your selling the drugs to my girls" " Fuck off!" "Give it back" "Fuck!" "If I ever see you in here I'm gonna kill you!" " Do you know what Mum and Dad said?" " What?" "That they would bring us to Japan one day" " Can doggy come?" " Yes" "Whats up?" "Where the fuck were you?" "You didn't come home last night, you didn't call me" "You can let me know the next time you get laid by that dick-sucker" "If you mean Mario, I wasn't with him" "What?" "Are you jealous?" "Oscar, who is this man?" "I'm his friend..." "Hes doing..." "He's..." "He's trying to fuck me" " Bruno" " Hey Oscar my man" " How's it goin' ?" " I'm glad you could make it" "So I know you like MDMA right" "Sure" " Do you want to try some of this?" " Yeah, I can just take it?" " Sure" "You can worry about the... price later..." "Straight from Amsterdam Real trippy shit man" "Cool..." "Thanks man!" "And I got what you wanted Got you a little DMT" "Just light her up..." "Bit longer c'mon, real, real go-for-it" "Thats the boy..." "Just want to be careful, you might drop it and burn yourself" "So if you want..." "I can help you out next time, I can hold it for you" " Hey" " Hey" " What are you doing here?" " I just came to see you" "Are you fucking crazy?" "!" "Get off, get off" " Hello Oscar how are you?" " Hi I'm fine" " Hi Danny do you want to see whats on TV?" " Mmm good" " Lets go" " Hey, I brought your stuff" " Okay, lets go to your place" "I don't know why I'm paying you for this shit" "Have you slept with my mother?" "What are you talking about?" "Have you fucked my Mom?" "Yeah" "Keep your fucking pills!" "You piece of shit!" "You piece of shit, you piece of fucking shit!" "Victor!" "Victor!" "Victor!" "Victor!" "Victor!" "Victor, call me back" " Hello" " Oscar its Suzy" "Victor didn't come home last night Do you know where he is?" "No" "Will you call me if you hear from him please" "What you dreaming about Oscar?" "Do you remember that pact we made?" "Mmm, kind of" "We promised to never leave each other" "No matter what" "Never ever?" "Never ever." "I got into a fight with Victor last night" "Do you want a trip?" "You sick?" "Linda..." "I wonder what Tokyo looks like from up there?" "I don't..." "Why not?" "I'd be scared" "Scared of what?" "Of dying" " Huh?" " Oscar its Victor" "Have to bring the shit to Victor" " Wanna come?" " Sure" "Have you read The Book of The Dead?" "I'm sorry" "Don't worry I'm burning his stash now" "Yeah, everything." "Gone." "The fucking assholes, first they said he had a gun and now they won't even take a fuckin' autopsy" "I can't believe this is real..." "Fuck" "But why is he still here?" "Your Alex's friend, right?" "Tell us about him." "I'm asking you say something!" " I don't know anything" " Yes you do, don't lie" "I can smell when people lie" "And if you can help us, we can help you out" "We can help you to get out of this situation" "If you don't, you go to jail" "And you don't want to go there, so tell us about your friend Alex" "We know that, he knows the main supplier" "Say something!" "What did he say?" "They say Linda's brother had a dangerous friend" "Who attacked one of the officers..." "And they want us to let them know any information" "Its in Japanese, I can't read it" "C'mon, I can do it for you" "It's positive isn't it" "Yes, it's positive" " You alright?" " Oh, man" "You're sweating alot..." "So, you mean I can't get any coke from you" "No." "I got rid of my entire stash" "How do I know Oscar didn't give my name to that slime bag Victor" " No it is your fault!" " Who made the call?" "I didn't call the police!" "You called them!" "You called them!" "Get the fuck off me!" "Hey we're a family here!" "Stop it, just stop it!" "My mothers a bitch!" "Don't talk to your mother like this!" "She fucked my friend!" "And you think you can play man of the house?" "!" " I'm the man of this house!" " You are not the man of this house!" "Now get out." "Get out!" " What are you doing?" " What do you think you're doing?" " I despise you" " I fucking despise you, I fucking hate you!" "Don't you see she's just using you?" "No." "Thats not the point." "It's just that I like Linda" "She even want to have a baby with me..." " Hi" " Hey" "Hey, are you okay?" "No man I'm not okay, I'm in deep shit" "Look can you do me a big favour" "Can you go to my place and speak to my roommate" "Yeah, I need some money" "Yeah, he knows where it is" "And I need a jacket as well, I'm freezing" "Don't call him, you go to my place" "I'm sure the police are tapping our phones" "Okay, okay I'll call you later and give you a place for the meeting" "Alright, alright cheers." "Ciao." "Mario is just a good fuck" "I should have listened to my brother..." "I should have been with Alex..." "He really likes him" "What did he say?" " He's okay" " Thats all we can say..." "Why did you bring me here?" "The manager isn't happy with your dance," "we can't keep you any more but what am I gonna do?" "I am not your Daddy, but I could take care of you" "are you asleep?" "I would have already committed suicide if I didn't have this sensation..." "that Oscar is somewhere around me..." "I wish he could come back to life..." "Stop hurting yourself" "I know its hard to lament" "But dead... is dead" "Please let us know if he gets his speech back" "That thing is not my brother..." "He's obviously not like how he was..." " That thing is fucking disgusting..." " Shut up!" "Have you two decided where we going?" "Have you two decided, where the fuck we going?" "!" "Theres..." "theres no way I could put up with him" "Don't fucking touch me!" "Lets get the fuck outta here" "Hey, wake up!" "Hey, hey wake!" "They burnt you didn't they?" "They burnt you didn't they?" "They torched you!" "They torched you, c'mon think about it Close your eyes and think about it" "If your lucky you might find your ashes" "Go on you little cunt!" "Go on!" "Close your eyes think about it!" "Go on!" " I ah..." " What?" "I had another dream where my brother resuscitated from the morgue" "Isn't it creepy keeping his remains in that box" "What you gonna do?" "It's your fucking brother!" "Those remains are not my brother" "Do, what you want" "Goodbye..." " Here you are!" " Thank you man!" " Are you okay?" " Oh..." " Shit..." " Thanks, you got cigarettes?" "Okay I'm gonna need some money" "Okay I ask Linda to bring it to you" "She want to see you" " Yeah?" " Yeah" " Is she still with Mario?" " Yeah I think..." "Fuck" "What do you want?" "I want to say sorry" "I want to say sorry, sorry" "Thats what you keep hearing the others saying?" " That your sorry?" " Yes" " Really?" " Yes" "Why don't you go make yourself useful and go kill yourself..." "Yeah, why don't you go and make yourself useful" " and fucking go kill yourself" " You don't mean that" "I do" "You don't understand..." "I mean It's partly my fault" "From me and Oscar..." "Go fucking kill yourself..." " You have to understand..." " You piece of SHIT!" "Yeah but Oscar died dealing drugs because you went with all these sleazy people" "Because its me, because its my fucking fault?" " You piece of shit!" " Get the fuck outta here!" "I hate you!" "I hate you!" "Fuck you!" "Fuck you!" "You piece of shit!" "It's my fault?" "Get the fuck out of my house!" "Fuck you!" "Fuck you!" "Fucking dare you!" "..." "Its my fault..." "My fault...?" "Fuck you, get the fuck outta my house!" "Get the fuck outta my house!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "I wanna fucking die!" "Fuck my older brother and his stupid fucking friends!" "My life is fucked, my life is fucked!" "My life is fucked!" "I don't wanna be here" "I don't wanna be here with these fucking evil, evil fucking people!" "They're fucking evil!" "They're fucking evil" "They're fucking evil people" "I just wanna be alone" "I just wanna be alone..." "All you people are evil, fuck off!" "I just wanna die..." "Hey" "Hey, Good to see you" "Good to see you too" " How have you been?" " I've been better..." "Me too" " I'm sorry about your brother" " It's okay..." "WATCH OUT!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "Daddy!" "Mummy!" "Linda!" "Cum!" "Cum, cum inside me!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"MOSFILM" "First Artistic Association" "A big boat for his grandkids our forefather decided to build." "He had been building it all his life." "But that forefather of ours had no time to finish it," "leaving it to our grandfather." "We had been waiting for that boat in vain..." "Victory!" "A big boat for his grandkids our father decided to finish." "He had been building it all his life." "We had been dreaming, my friend, of circling the world in that boat." "But our dreams had been shattered, dreams shattered..." "And we started to build a tall ship." "Victory!" "equality!" "Brotherhood!" "Peace!" "Peace!" "Victory!" "There will come the day, my son, when you wake up at dawn on a ship," "and stand firmly on the deck, facing the ocean of Iife." "And embodied in you will be all our dreams, our dreams..." "The grandfather's boat has grown into a ship." "There it is sailing free, our pride, not fearful of any storm." "Be worthy, my son, of accepting our banner in fond memory" "and with a reliable hand." "And take along on your journey my faith, your fortune and the future world!" "It will come!" "It will be here for all mankind!" "AT HOME AMONG STRANGERS, A STRANGER AMONG HIS OWN" "Written by E. VOLODARSKY, N. MIKHALKOV" "Directed by Nikita MIKHALKOV" "Director of Photography PaveI LEBESHEV" "Production Designers I. SHRETER, A. ADABASHIAN" "Music by E. ARTEMYEV" "Sound by R. SOBINOV" "The Song Lyrics by N. KONCHALOVSKAYA" "english subtitles by Tatiana Kameneva" "Starring" "Yuri BOGATYRYOV AnatoIy SOLONITSYN" "Sergei SHAKUROV alexander POROKHOVSHCHIKOV" "NikoIai PASTUKHOV alexander KAIDANOVSKY" "Nikita MIKHALKOV NikoIai ZASUKHIN" "alexander KALIAGIN Konstantin RAIKIN" "The song performed by alexander GRADSKY" "...Sixty three, sixty four, sixty five, sixty six, sixty seven..." "Sixty seven." "You're really nervous." "What are you all doing here?" "Is there nothing else to do?" "I get tired just thinking of all the work there's to do." "Our work is just peanuts." "ZabeIin's got the real work." "Like what?" "Just keep away from his saber." "Let him learn." "Enough of saber-rattIing." "I think we may need swords yet." "It would make it much easier if we could see the enemy's face." "But when it's like that, it's hard, guys." "For renting the grain warehouse, we made a deposit of 50 rubles." "Besides, we've got a bill for the purchase of forage." "Here, the oats for a total of 700 rubles and 90 kopecks, and the hay comes to 120 rubles and 10 kopecks." "And then there's also a bill from the insurance fund." "We have paid 700 rubles and 14 rubIes 20 kopecks penalty for being tardy." "Sorry, I meant 18 kopecks." "I feel like I'm being buried in this pile of accounts!" "That's some job for a cavalry officer!" "Why are you looking at me like that, old man?" "Debit-credit, baIance-gaIance!" "I can't stand it any more!" " MyInikov, IshIanov wants you." " Coming." " Good morning." " Hi!" "To all regional Party Committees!" "Thousands of our citizens are dying and require our help." "The League of Nations has refused assistance to the starving Russia..." "Food will only be delivered against payment in gold." "I therefore direct that all confiscated gold and valuables be sent immediately to Moscow." "Dzerzhinsky, Chairman of the Cheka." "What can you expect?" "The League of Nations..." " How much did we confiscate?" " In gold, 526 thousand." "We have to ship it to Moscow, but how?" "What can I do?" "We've got one armored car, two machine guns." "And fifty men." "Not enough?" "But it's all we've got." "We know." "BryIov's band has been reported in the area." "Thanks, Tamara." " We'II send Grunko, Dmitriev..." " Lemekh." "And Yegor ShiIov." "They'II be held personally responsible." "Send me along." "You've got to let me go." "Grunko, Dmitriev, Lemekh and Yegor ShiIov." "They'II be the only ones to be told that they're carrying gold." "Yegor can handle this right." "This past spring, the band of Ataman SoIoveyko was wiped out." "During the operation, a Cossack officer, Fyodor ShiIov, was killed." "As we discovered later, he was the brother of Yegor ShiIov." "well, so what?" "We'II be shipping a treasure." "We can't take any chances." "So I'm against ShiIov." "explain the joke to me, will you, Lipyagin?" "ShiIov fought for three years in my battalion alongside of me!" "Yegor has nothing in common with his brother." "A war record can't justify everything." "I don't know." "Maybe, I'm wrong." "What do you think, Comrade Kungurov?" "well, what do you want me to say?" "We all have to decide." "Many relatives fought against each other." "Sons, fathers, brothers..." "That's how a revolution is." "As for Yegor ShiIov, he is..." "He's one of us and I will vouch for him." "I suggest we vote on all the candidates together." "In favor?" "Opposed?" "Abstentions?" "The day after tomorrow, on the 17th, there's a train to Moscow." "We're going to attach the armored car to it." " No!" " No what?" "I'm giving up cigarettes." "I can feel my heart pounding." "So, KoIia's become quite abstemious." "Take my place, and I'II see whatyou're going to become." "Suppose we switch?" "You take over the accounts, I'II fight the Whites." "Your cartridge belt." "You'II escort the gold to Moscow on the seventeenth, at 6:30 p.m." "I suggestyou get lots of sleep before that." "And try not to leave your home." "You'II be personally responsible for the gold and valuables." " Any questions?" " No." "You've got a difficult assignment, Yegor." "You'II be in charge." " What's funny?" " Everything will be fine, nikolai." "farewell dear heart, adieu my joy." "You go away and leave me behind..." "Listen, I didn't vote for you." "Getting old, I guess." "Nerves aren't holding out." "I'II stay alone till you return." "farewell, I'II never see you again." "I swear no other girl will ever tempt me." "You're the only joy of my Iife, and yet I must say farewell to you." " He'II be here any minute." " Good." "There's everything you need." "Keep him asleep till I tell you." " And the needle?" " I said everything you need." "But I don't see the reason for doing that." "After the operation he could leave the Cheka for good." "Just do your job, Fannyackov." "Stop it." "My name is Vanyukin." "Fannyackov." "I'II do everything just right, I assure you." " Mitka, ShiIov's been killed!" " I know." "I'm coming!" "I'm through here." "His whole body is covered with traces of torture." "His face was disfigured beyond recognition." "He was killed by two bullets in the neck." "Take him away." "You can go." "Sasha!" "AII right, VassiIy Antonovich, I'm going." "well?" "I don't know, I can't..." "Is the gold in the safe?" "Have you checked it?" "Then do it!" "Stepan, go to the Cheka." "Send for Grunko, Dmitriev, Lemekh." " Did you hear what I said?" " I heard you." "You're going in ShiIov's place." "What's wrong with you?" "It's not the first death you've seen." "I can't go on doing this work." "Send me to the army or to industry." "To let a man like you go into a factory?" "Just forget that!" "I won't Ietyou, I..." "The gold will be shipped out today, and without any army escort." "The armored car will stay in the station." "In view of everyone." "Let those who murdered ShiIov think we've postponed the shipment." " Do you hear what I'm saying?" " I do." "Go to the station now and see that it's arranged." "This is how it should have been done from the start." "No noise, no escort." "Yegor might still be alive." "My heart is trying to tell me something." " I'm nervous and worried." " It's all those cigarettes." "I'm going to quit." " Are the boys asleep?" " Yes." " The compartments all locked?" " AII locked." "And there're no profiteers on the roof either." "We're traveling first class." " Lebedev, do you use lipstick?" " Sure I do." "Take it easy." "Each to his own taste." "gentlemen, the train!" " Everything ready?" "The semaphore?" " Yes." " Don't move from the switch." " Got it." "The operation must take 4 minutes, or we'II all go off the bridge." "The signal is the white tower." "And make sure of one thing..." "I haven't finished yet, Captain." "There's no need to explain anything, Staff-captain." "It stinks of cologne in there like in a soldiers' whorehouse." " well, now?" " The train's slowing down here." "Let's go!" " What're you waiting for?" " Here I go." "A red signal!" "There's never been a stop here!" "Grab the bag!" "Move!" "Jump!" " The bag!" " I've got it!" "It all went well." "Just right." "Thank you." "I gave him three ampuIes." "He's been out all the time." "Let him go?" "I got it, I got it..." "Yes, I see..." "Thank you." "Thank you." "If you want me to let him go, go he will." "Bandits!" "Jesus!" "What shall we do?" "Everyone out of the car!" "Move!" "Or I'II shoot!" "What are you doing?" "Get away!" "Don't touch it!" "Lemke!" "He locked us in." "My name is Guivi, darling." " This is no time for games, dear." " That's it, friend." "That's that." "Where is it?" "Good God!" "Gone!" "I want to join you." " Who are you?" " Captain Lemke." "Where were you going?" "I've been wandering since Chita." "I want to fight the Reds." "It isn't worthwhile, fighting the Reds." "especially with today's booty, wouldn'tyou say?" "Today's loot isn't much, you know." "Just some junk." "Hey, move along, move along!" " I would Iike to..." " AII right, hop on, help yourself." "KIava!" "They killed Stepan!" "It happened between Kedrovka and Berezovaya, we think." "BryIov has disappeared." "We don't know what happened to Lipyagin and his comrades." " Andrei Timofeyevich!" " Lay off, or you're a dead man!" "You must sign those bills!" "I've been waiting five days!" "What are you waiting for?" "Come here!" "We must send an expeditionary force, or BryIov'II escape again." "What are you doing?" "half a million stolen!" "Yegor and Lipyagin have been murdered, and you stand around?" "AIyokhin, start her up!" "cool down, Andrei." "calm down." "There must be something behind this." "I mean ShiIov and his brother." "Yes, something's wrong here, VassiIy Antonovich." "ShiIov is dead!" "Loosen the girths before the horse starts eating." "It's just me, don't get scared." "You know, I don't trustyou." "Don't trustyou at all." " Why not?" " I don't really know." "Listen, BryIov!" "Suppose plenty of money fell into your hands?" "Say, 500,000 in gold." "What would you do?" "Don't take your eyes off him for a second." "Or I'II tear your ears off." "I don't understand how it is possible not to remember anything at all." " Had you been drinking?" " I didn't drink." " Then how did you end up there?" " Andrei, stay out of this!" "Let's see, Yegor..." "Where are your documents?" "Your party card?" "I don't know." "I can't remember anything." "Not a thing!" " Where the hell was he..." " Andrei!" "calm down!" "AII right, Iet's start again from the very beginning." " You had come back home..." " Yes, I had come back." " Where was your revolver?" " Under my pillow, as usual." "Here, take mine." "Put it under the pillow and sit down." "We'II try to reconstruct it." "No, guys, I can't remember anything." "Even if you kill me." "You've already been killed once, and they put somebody else's body!" "And then Lipyagin was murdered, and Dmitriev, Lemekh and Grunko!" "Because of you!" "The gold's been stolen because of you, too!" "You're all crazy to listen to his lies!" ".." "The Whites knew when the train was leaving and that the gold was on it." "How did they find out?" "And you... you think that I..." "Butyou don't remember anything." "You could babble while being drunk." "I didn't have a drop to drink!" " Then where were you three days?" " Listen to me, for God's sake!" "NikoIai, get him out of here." "What are you doing to me, guys?" "It just isn't right, isn't right." "Come on, we need to find out the truth." "What?" "The truth?" "What about me?" "You think I don't want the truth?" "only you?" "You..." "Stop!" "Stop the car!" " He's taking the cattle to the station?" " Yes, sending it to the starving." "Ho ho ho!" "Move along!" "I have to get out a minute." " To do what?" " I have to go." " Why didn'tyou do it before?" " I didn't need to then." "You can't." "hold it back." "AII right, keep moving!" " Look at those authorities!" " Forget it, come on." " Look, I can't hold it any more." " What d'you want me to do?" "Sergei, stop, please!" "Come on, don't humiliate me." "I can't hold back any longer." " AIyoshin, come with me." " alright, butyou'II have to hurry." "I'II hurry." " Where're you going?" " I can't do it in the street..." "Hey, stop!" "I'm sorry, AIyoshin, but there's no other way." "They're going to shoot me today, and I have to find out the truth." "I won't believe it!" "It can't be true!" "No, it isn't true." "I'm back." " hello." " And hello to you." "well?" "shall we talk?" "Yes, sir." "Who is it?" "Who are you?" "Why are you staring like that?" " Who are you?" " ShiIov, Yegor Petrovich." " You in the Cheka?" " Yes, I'm in the Cheka." "It's not fair, Shourik." "It's a pretty mean thing to do." "Let's take a ride." "I don't like whatyou did." "I collected the gold, it was mine, and you took it all for yourself." "That isn't right to cheatyour elders." "Five hundred thousand thatyou took on the train." "It was you who robbed the train, wasn't it?" "I did all the work, and you don't want to share." "It isn't right, Shourik." "It just isn't right!" "Ah, Lemke, Lemke..." "You know, if you're lying, you'II regret it." "Let's go!" "Let's get back!" "So that's your game?" "The gold is in the band, and you keep mum?" "You wanted to have it all for yourself, didn'tyou?" "You bastard, what the hell are you doing here?" "That's for the "bastard"!" " Where is the gold?" " Somewhere around here." " You've got a spy in the Cheka?" " Yes." " What's his name?" " To hell with you, you Red dog!" "That's for the "Red dog"!" "Idiot..." "What's his name?" "Say "please"." "I'II kill you, bastard." "No, you won't." "You are going to take good care of me, because only I know who is our man in the Cheka." "well, that's some company we've got." "Now listen!" "That's all your own business." "As for the gold, not a word about it, get it?" "If my boys get wind of it, there might be trouble." "We don't want it, don'tyou agree?" "calm down, Vanyukin." "tell us all about it in good order." "AII right." "But I don't know who the chief is." "I never saw him." "only the officers saw him, not me." "Then how did you getyour orders?" "On the telephone." "Yes, that's how it was..." "Or sometimes through the officers." "But they're all dead." "Or maybe the bandits captured them?" "In that case, someone might still get in touch with you?" "What narcotic was it thatyou gave ShiIov?" "I don't know about drugs." "They brought some ampuIes and a needle." "What kind of narcotic was it?" "They gave me the needle and the doses." "Vanyukin, do you realize that you've got no choice?" "I came here voluntarily." "Comrade ShiIov told me to, and I did." "In the morning you'II wait at the station for the officers to show up." "Then you'II report to us." "And make no mistake." "You can count on me." " Everything understood?" " Very well understood." "Take him away!" "Yes, I'II be going now." "Excuse me..." "well, Andrei, I think that now we need your talent." " uncle Andrei, take me along!" " No, you can't go." "AIexei, have the squadron stand by!" "Squadron, fall in!" " Katya!" " Andrei!" "Fare thee well, dear girl of mine, You'II stay behind till I come back..." " Why your saber on the right side?" " You know I'm Ieft-handed." "We must foIIowthe regulations." " Why are you so stern?" " I've lost my cigarette holder." " It's time to get going." " AII right." "Father..." "Vanya, come here!" "You can see better from here!" "Good morning." "How are you, Comrades?" "Squadron!" "Attention!" "Good luck!" "Warriors!" "Heroic soldiers of the revolution!" "Undefeated remnants of the enemy still lurk in dark corners!" "The serpents of treason await the moment to get at our throats!" "Our revolutionary fatherIand is in danger!" "The fiendish enemy is still hoping to turn back the clock!" "But our forces are vigilant!" "We will defeat the traitors, though it costs our lives, because the peasants and workers are always victorious!" "Squadron!" "At the trot!" "Forward march!" "What's the matter?" "What is it?" "Vanyukin was found murdered in his cell." "I've questioned the guards." "No one came in but our own people." "Who?" "Who of our people?" "I was there." "Had tea with the chief guard." " KoIia!" "What's wrong with you?" " Nothing's wrong with me." "When the murderer came in, Vanyukin probably woke and got up." "The murderer stunned him with a blow." "There's a hematoma on the right cheek." " Then he was stabbed." " You may go." "Thank you, Grigory Christoforovich." "Damn this whole rotten business!" "The right cheek..." "Catch!" " What's that?" " Nothing." "I found this in Vanyukin's cell." "That's ZabeIin's." "The devil!" " Is this yours?" " Mine." "And the gold?" "Where's it?" "You show me." "Hurry!" "I have pity the horse." "Bey no good." " Your father is a Bey?" " What?" "He ain't Bey!" "Kaioum want get married." "No money pay dowry for girl!" "My father old." "My mother she old." "House so old." "AII rain coming in house." "Kaioum so poor, not have coat." "Every jackaI has great coat." "Kaioum have no coat whole year." "Horse!" "Horse was sick!" "I not run far away!" "I sorry for horse!" "That's enough!" "Where's the gold?" "Here is gold." "Take, jackal!" "Put it back for now." "You fool!" "Swim toward the shore!" "Let the current push you!" " Grab me!" " Don't want!" "hold on, dammit!" "Let go!" "I don't want!" "Who gave you this skinhead?" "There's nothing to get hold of." "No!" "Let me drown!" "What if I hadn't been able to swim?" "You'd have drowned, you dimwit!" "Why not let me drown?" "Then all gold only for you." "For you, for you!" "Is that all you know howto say?" "The Bey you say is bad, and all you want is to be one someday." "Then you'd beatyour tenants like your Bey did." "You would." "You see, brother, it's Marxism, that's what teaches us howto act." "How you know I take gold?" "Ah?" "That chain was from the bag." "Did you know you're starting to grow horns, on top of your head?" "AII those who steal from their brothers, the poor, will end up with horns on top of their heads!" "You understand?" "It's rotten, friend, to steal from your brothers." "You save my Iife." "Now you my brother." " Give me back my blanket." " I didn't take it." "Did you find the gold?" "You drink too much!" "They're fifteen miles from here, excellency." "Maybe less..." "In any case, we must be very cautious..." "Near the village of Rossokhi." "A squadron of about 300 men." "They have machine-guns mounted on wagons." "I can't really vouch for it, there're no guarantees." "If they press us down to the river, we won't stand a chance." "Not a chance!" "If they catch us backed up at the stream, not a chance." "Go get the horses ready, you hear?" "What the hell is there to joke about?" "You want us all exterminated?" "You know, Lemke, I think it's time to cut the commissars' guts out." "And then it's your turn." "Semyon, when are you going to give me a haircut?" " Have you seen the captain?" " No." "Where's he gotten to?" "Captain!" "Captain Lemke!" "I have a cold." "I can't breathe as long as you keep my mouth shut." "And I tell you once more, I think you're really dumb." "You may kill me, but still I won't give you the name of our agent." "Not unless we share the gold." "Be reasonable, ShiIov, come on!" "split the gold." "One half for each, more money than we've ever seen." "Have you ever even had as much as five rubles in your hand?" "You haven't." "And now, 250,000." "Can'tyou get it through your head?" "devil!" "JackaI!" "It wasn't my fault!" " What's wrong?" " kill him!" "He know about gold." "He tell BryIov." "ExceIIency take it..." "Run away..." "Leave band..." "It wasn't my fault!" "He beat me!" " Where did he go?" " Toward the bridge." " When?" " At sunset." "Then he has a five hours' start." "Down the river!" "We need raft, Commander!" "We need a tree!" "Quick we catch him, Commander!" "Oh, how he fooled you..." "Hurray for BryIov!" "He said he would take me along..." "He beat me..." "It's not my fault!" "We'II trap them at the ford and cut them down with the machine-guns." " What time is it?" " It's still too early." "No, it's time!" "And here we go!" "Squadron!" "fall in!" "Watch out!" "hold her steady!" "Hang on tight!" "There's BryIov saying hello to you." "We got him, Kaioum!" "Push ashore now!" "The devil..." "AII right..." "Kaioum, go ahead with the gun." "Cover me." " Sun in eyes." "I cannot see." " Here, I'II take the gun." "Leave me alone, it's all your show." "I'II stay neutral." "You fight and I'II wait." "You won't have long to wait, Captain." "It'II be ended soon." "You circle around to the right, I'II drawtheir attention to the cliff." "I hope you kill each other, the sooner the better." " Stay here!" " You idiot!" "ShiIov!" " I can no help you, ShiIov." " I'm stuck." "I can no more..." "I try..." "Ah, that's the end." "That's the end!" " well, that's the end?" " Where are you going?" "Get back!" "What are you doing?" "Get back, I said!" " What?" " Get back." "You dog!" "Untie my hands, quick!" "Damn you!" "I risked my Iife for that gold a hundred times." "And you want to take it?" "Bastard!" "You son of a bitch!" "Throwthat toy away, idiot!" "Or I'II kick your teeth in!" "kill him, ShiIov!" "You got him!" "My dear man!" " You going to carry me on your back?" " I'II carry you." "Too bad BryIov didn't kill me." "That would've spoiled your show." "Listen, ShiIov, show me the gold." "I've been after it for so long." "tell me, what are you going to do with it?" "I'd Iike to knowthat." "Give it back to your side, and what's next?" "They'II shootyou all the same." "Do you understand that?" "The border is close, it's right there!" "Cross it, don't be an idiot!" "The gold won't last a minute if it's for everybody, you get it?" "You get this chance only once." "Never again!" "Can'tyou understand?" "Once in a lifetime!" "holy Father..." "Lord, why do you help this idiot, and not me?" "Because you're too greedy." "And even God teaches us to share." "Now pipe down, I need a rest." "I'II have to carry you on my back yet." "Catch!" " You did it with your left hand." " So what?" "I'm Ieft-handed." "That gold was stolen by some members of your underground group." "You kidnapped ShiIov and substituted a railroad man's body." "That's a good one!" "You're kidding?" "AII right, I'II play along with you." "You have nothing better to do?" "What clowns you are!" "But ShiIov forced your liaison man to give himself up." "Then you killed Vanyukin and put ZabeIin's cigarette holder in his cell." "Here, Andrei, you lost this!" "We would've swallowed your bait, if it hadn't been for your left hand." " You're Ieft-handed, aren'tyou?" " Yes, I'm Ieft-handed..." "Firstyou hit Vanyukin with your left hand, then you stabbed him." " Didn'tyou?" " Sure, I killed everybody." "I stabbed everybody." "But hasn't this gone far enough?" "Even for a joke?" "Everybody knows me, Nikodimov." "The real Nikodimov was killed on his way here from Omsk." "His wife can testify to that." "That's bullshit." "Nikodimov has no wife." "So you thought." "Your men were supposed to kill her." "But, luckily, she survived." "That's something you didn't know." "What a bunch of clowns you are!" "farewell dear heart, adieu my joy," "You go away and leave me behind." "I'II stay alone till you return..." "What's wrong?" "They didn't believe me." "They think I'm a traitor." "You lousy RothschiId!" "Lemke!" "Lemke!" "Captain!" "Why are you standing?" "Go away!" "Let me die." "I ask you as a man and a soldier." " What about the prisoners?" " Escort them to HQ." " Go on, I'II catch up with you." " AII right." "Squadron!" "fall in!" "ShiIov's gone!" "BryIov's gone!" "And the gold's gone!" "It's my fault, Dmitry Petrovich." "I initiated the shipping of gold." "And I will have to answer for my actions before whatever superior authorities the Party decides." "And Yegor..." "There must be a village... or a place to get water..." "Hey..." "Brothers..." "The End" | {
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"Come to Papa." "Where are you?" "Where are you?" "150 bucks well spent!" "Cash, there's nothing in there." "Nothing in here?" "This is Sue Storm." "Hello!" "Fantastic Four?" "The Invisible Woman?" "You paid $150 for a box of air?" "I know, right?" "Half price." "What do you even do with it?" "That." "Dude, where does it end?" "There's always gonna be something bigger, better, geekier." "You're buying something else right now, aren't you?" "Uh, not buying." "Bidding." "Behold." "The limited edition Marty Mcfly self-lacing sneakers from Back to the Future II." "Aside from owning a DeLorean or kidnapping Michael J. Fox, there's no bigger collectible for the B to the F enthusiast." "You're bidding on $300 sneakers?" "I wish. $3,000." "What?" "Damn!" "Biff1985 just raised it $500." "Okay, it's go time." "No, no." "It's stop time." "Stop." "Stop." "You live with your mom, okay?" "You can't even afford to supersize at lunch." "This is not..." "I..." "I can't watch this." "Don't listen to him, Red Hulk." "He doesn't understand us." "What?" "$4,000?" "No, I really shouldn't." "I just..." "Oops." "Armor Safe Transpo." "They own half the armored trucks in California." "They want to upgrade their fleet." "We're gonna go in fast and furious, and we are gonna win this job." ""No" is not an option." "All right." "Just so you know," "I'm going commando down here, so if you need me to pull a Sharon Stone, just give me the nod." "Um, uh, should we establish a bit of, uh, a game plan for the presentation?" "Who speaks first?" "I know a bit of, uh, an icebreaking joke." "Do you?" "Oh, God, no." "No jokes are necessary." "I've already laid the groundwork with Alonso." "All we're here to do is sign the papers" " and collect a large check." " Got it?" "Oh, you cocky bastard." "Let's close this!" "Great idea." "Let's keep everything closed." "Shaw." "Oz." "My brotha." "Looking good for your age." "'Sup, ladies?" "Henry Shaw." "Double Dragon Security." "Looks like we're going for the same client, huh?" "Sucks for you, 'cause this young stud just took your job." "If I were you, I'd buy a new trapper keeper, slip your compass and protractor inside, and don't be late for the bus, 'cause you just got schooled." "Am I a pimp or what?" "Fly's open, baby." "Must be real dark times for you, huh, Ferris?" "Mmm." "Yeah." "Oz's first name is Ferris." "Kinda kills the illusion, doesn't it?" "Son of a fricken-fracken..." "Son of your frism!" "Uh-oh." "Oz is fricken-fracken." "What is going on?" "Well, we lost the job." "Yeah, we got snaked by some power tool named Shaw." "He who must not be named!" "You saw he who must not be named?" "Who the hell is Shaw?" "He who must not be named?" "Oh, man." "This is heavy." "What did Oz do to him?" "He..." "He didn't do anything." "Little bastard." "What..." "What's happening?" "I'll tell you what's happening." "I am getting ready to rock your world." "Okay, listen, we're not supposed to talk about him, but Shaw used to be our star hacker." "He and Oz were very close." "Whoa." "Looks like you guys were pretty close, too." "They used to give each other back rubs in public." "It was a little extremely gay." "Man, it was over the shirt." "Anyways, then came the great betrayal..." "Shaw secretly opened his own company, and he stole all of Contra's files." "Friendship, betrayal, sabotage..." "I know just what this man needs." "Come on." "Take the hug." "Now talk to me." "Fine!" "You want me to talk?" "I hate that little pimple." "You see that sword up there?" "Uh-uh." "Exactly." "The sword that should be there belonged to my father and his father before him, who stole it off a wall of a sushi restaurant in Oakland." "It meant the world to me, which is why I gave it to my friend and protege Henry Shaw..." "Oh!" "Man, that is so sharp!" "Let me see." "How could you not warn me?" "Then he used it to stab me in the back, right about where your bony chin is sticking in." "Oh." "I'm sorry." "I didn't know that, Oswald." "Well, from here on out, we avoid that little dickweed at all costs." "No." "No, that's not how I do things, V." "I admit, Shaw did take me off my game, but the Oz-Man is back in charge." "Next time, I'll be ready for him." "Attaboy, Ferris." "Thrilled to see you glommed on to that one, V." "Okay." "It's you and me, Biff." "One more minute to go, and those kicks of the future are mine." "What?" "Cats?" "Oh, man." "Aw." "Sorry, pal." "Couldn't let you do it, so I hijacked your browser." "Dude, I know you're my best friend, but I will physically fight you." "I think I'll be fine." "You're right." "I don't even know what I was thinking." "Thanks for the lookout." "Won it!" "You spent $6,000?" "Dude, you made me panic, so I hit the "buy it now" button." "What?" "Oh, so this is my fault?" "Ow!" "Are you out of your mind?" "You don't have six grand!" "Dude, you hit me in my allergy shot, and I may not have six grand, but you know what I do have?" "I have 169 IQ I'm Mensa, bitch!" "I got revenue streams coming in that you can't even comprehend!" "Okay." "Let's do this." "The cinnamon challenge." "I saw a guy do this online, and he went into shock." "Here we go." "Whoa." "Mmm." "Sorry." "No swallow, no money." "Yeah!" "I'm so boned." "♪ Oh" "♪ We got your back" "Erasing all my stuff?" "That's not even a thing." "Shaw-zam!" "You'd better soak some soft gauze in aloe vera and have a nurse apply it in a layered fashion, 'cause you just got burned!" "Fly's open, dude." "Whatever." "Cage may be open, but the beast is still asleep." "Ah, lovely." "It seems I have a visitor." "Carol, handcuffs!" "Don't want to go to jail for nerdicide." "I didn't come here to fight you, Ferry." "I actually came here to reconnect." "An old friend of yours wants to say hello." "It's your sword." "We're very close." "Here's me and swordy in Maui and me and swordy getting a lap dance." "Oh, me and swordy making a chopped salad." "Well, don't worry." "I didn't dull him or anything, 'cause actually I also still use him to do a little manscaping." " Oh!" " Oh, my God." "Damn my escape training!" "Aah!" "Wait, wait!" "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" "Aah!" "Let's reboot this." "Listen, when I totally skunked you on that armored car job," "I realized..." "I want all your jobs, so what do you say you and I make a little wager..." "My client list for yours?" "You know I won't do that." "Come on." "It's just one teensy-weensy little bet." "It'll be just like the old days." "You can pick the game." "Poker, high card." "Hell, I'll even arm wrestle you for it." "It's not gonna happen, Shaw." "What?" "Why?" "Just rip his arm off." "Look at them." "They're like straws." "Hey!" "Hey!" "No can do-ey." "I knew it." "Looks like you're gonna have to head down to your local one-hour photo shop and ask 'em to leave the negatives of your vacation pics in the developing fluid a little longer, 'cause you've been exposed!" "Unh!" "Leave the..." "The..." "The exp..." "Leave the photos?" "Photo..." "Yeah, 'cause you..." "You leave it on too long, and you expose it." "Oh." "That's what..." "Yeah." "Oh." "Oh." "Thank you, Lord, for bestowing this gift upon myself." "♪ Ah" "♪ Ah" "♪ Ah" "That crazy bastard did it." "He spent six grand on freaking sneakers." "What?" "Veronica just lent him $6,000." "Wait." "What?" "That fraudster gave us a heartbreaking sob story about his 500-pound mother and how she's trapped on the first floor of their house." "That's why I need the money, to get one of those electric cable cars..." "That bring her up and down the stairs." "I am writing you a check right now, and I want you to buy your poor, sweet mother..." "The strongest, most load-bearing fatty stair gondola..." "on the market today." "Come here." "Will this check clear today?" "Oh, man." "I really need to help this guy." "Now what are you doing?" "Dude, I had to put 'em on." "I just had to, but once you get a scuff mark or human oils on 'em, they just become sneakers." "So listen, Veronica wants us all in the conference room." "No sweat." "Ah." "You'll get used to it." "'Sup?" "'Sup?" "'Suppers?" "Ah." "Let's do this." "Actually, this meeting is kind of about you." "We're here to talk about your problem." "What problem?" "You buy useless crap you can't afford." "Oh." "You bought a life-sized Tauntaun?" "Is that necessary?" "Yes." "Oh, my God." "We're having a nerdervention." "Nerdervention?" "Mm-hmm." "Yes." "This is bull." "Look, you're in safe hands." "Veronica here has been intervened against a number of times." "It's true, for men and the wacky weed." "Look, I don't care." "This is racist." "I don't know how yet, but it is." "Man, it's not racist." "You're a straight-up nerd, and I don't like the way you make me feel." "I read Faulkner, James Joyce, yet you mock me for not knowing what a muggle is?" "Please." "Everyone knows what a muggle is." "The very fact that you don't only proves that you're a muggle..." "A giant muggle." "Cash, this is classic addict behavior." "Lashing out, lying." "You're utterly consumed with this stuff." ""Utterly consumed"?" "Really?" "How?" "The force is strong with me." "Release the Kraken!" "Kiss my converse!" "When I say, "Who's the master?"" "You say, "Sho'nuff."" "This is bull." "I do not need help." "You sold your own platelets to buy action figures." "They replenish." "I do not have a problem." "I can quit anytime I want to." "As a matter of fact, that's a good idea." "How about I quit right now..." "This job?" "Sit down and listen up." "You want to know why I'm not going after Shaw?" "I'll tell you why." "He's got something on me..." "Something I'm not particularly proud of." "You're an arms dealer." "You're a government spook." "You killed a hooker in Vegas." "Get ahold of yourselves, people." "I've got a gambling problem." "Oh, knock it off." "Stop your murmuring." "I'm human." "Well, mostly." "So that's why you were unwilling to engage in Shaw's wager?" "It gets worse." "You all know I gave Shaw my father's sword." "After he betrayed me," "I couldn't bear the thought of him having it, but he knew my weakness, and he would only bet me for it, so I went crazy, totally obsessed and broke trying to win it back." "That's why I had to sell Contra." "You lost Contra over a sword?" "Really?" "Weak sauce." "Yes, it is, Mcfly." "Perhaps you can relate." "I need help." "Okay." "This is where the recovery begins." "I'll be down the hall with the gamblers." "Don't leave before the miracle." "All right." "Well, guess I'll see you in an hour." "Actually, I thought maybe I'd stay, show you some support." "Really?" "Yeah." "Why not?" "Nice." "Hi." "I'm Hollywood Director James Gunn." "Hi, Hollywood Director James Gunn." "I know what you guys are thinking." "This guy is crushing it." "He wrote Dawn of the Dead and Tromeo and Juliet." "He's a genius." "And that's..." "that's very true." "I am, but inside myself, there's a hole that I try to fill with zombies and superheroes and P.G. porn stars." "Dabbling in the dork arts has led me to a new low." "I can't make love to a woman unless I close my eyes and imagine" "Elita One, the female Transformer." "Elita One's hot." "Okay." "I'll see you in an hour." "Oh." "Where in the hell's bells have you been?" "We're at Code Red!" "No." "Someone found my plutonium?" "No!" "Look!" "We're at war with Shaw and Double Dragon!" " What?" " If any of those pigs come in here," "I will execute every mother-humping last one of them!" "Take it down a notch, honey bunny." "Listen, listen." "What?" "Now we're at war with Double Dragon?" "Yeah." "Since when?" "Since when?" "Oh, gosh." "Um, probably since I went over there and tried to reason with Shaw." "Don't get mad." "Shh." "Let it go." "Let it go." "No, no." "You let me go." "Oh, God!" "Your chin is like a stiletto!" "I gave him the classic back hug with a full boob press, just the way you like it, but, you know, for some reason, he just was not having me, so I very, very calmly" "left the building, and that's all that happened." "Double Dragon isn't even in our league!" "Oh, if that's the case, then maybe you're man enough to put your money where your mouth is." "Oh!" "If you knew what had been in this mouth, you would not want to make that bet." "What did you do?" "Oh, um, well, I think that I may have just risked the entire future of the company to defend your honor." "Huh." "So we good?" "Since Veronica cockered the spaniel, you've got yourselves a bit of a situation." "The game is Capture The Flag." "Now the rules are very simple." "Whoever breaks into the other's office first and steals their client list wins it all." "Okay." "What's the plan, hack their system?" "Classic penetration." "Go heavy." "Go hard." "Backdoor entry!" "My God." "I'm really horny." "My plan is to handcuff myself to this column, because this is gambling, and I'm not allowed to participate." "What about your escape training?" "Good point." "Carol!" "Two is my limit." "Okay." "You're on your own." "Cameron!" "Cameron." "Cameron." "Cameron." "Cameron." "All right, look, Shaw is a master manipulator and a genius at exploiting his enemies' weaknesses." "Copy that." "Make me proud, kid." "Damn!" "I'm just too good!" "It's annoying, really." "Okay." "We're striking first." "I just saw Shaw and the double douches leave." "Okay." "Okay, I'm in." "I hacked their alarm system, and I looped their surveil cameras so I'm a ghost." "Okay, Casper." "Just grab the client list and go to the light." "Wait." "There it is." "Wait!" "Wait." "Somebody left their laptop logged in." "Oh, I'm gonna be able to do a lot more than get their client list." "Laptop?" "Wait." "That's too easy." "Cameron, it's a trap!" "It's a trap!" "Oh!" "Yeah, I pieced that together." "Okay, hold tight, buddy." " I'm on my way." " Nothing's gonna stop me." "Sweet silver time machine of my dreams in its glorious stainless steel flesh!" "Pretty dope, right?" "It's kinda like the car version of the Holy Grail." "What are you doing here, Shaw?" "Hit the road." "Roads?" "Where you're going, you don't need roads." "What are you saying, this is your car?" "Yep." "You want it?" "Come on." "You know you do." "What's your angle?" "Why would you give me a DeLorean?" "Oh." "No givesies." "Tradesies." "One kindness for another." "Just disable Contra's alarm by the back door, 8:00 p.m." "He's preying on your weakness, Cash." "It's just a car." "It's just a car." "It's just a car!" "Just a car with the complete flux capacitor package, and I may have rigged the tires to leave a streak of flames." "Give me the damn keys." "Yes." "Gull wings, son." "Part of me feels so good..." "But so horrible for selling out to Shaw!" "So good!" "Horrible!" "Good!" "Horrible!" "New car?" "Uh..." "What?" "No, I'm just holding it for a friend of mine..." "M.C. Hammer." "Not the rapper." "The other one." "He's an optometrist." "You don't wear glasses." "Uh, thanks to Dr. Michael Carl Hammer." "Okay, well, I'm gonna go to a meeting, before we both fall off the wagon." "Cash, come quickly." "It's Cameron." "Hey, guys." "It's me." "I've, uh, prepared a statement." "Come on." "Really?" "This is so stupid, all right?" "I'm a grown man." " Say it!" " No!" "Aah!" "Oh, fine!" "Fine, fine, you son of a bitch!" "I'm not even wearing goggles, okay?" "Holy crap!" "Aah!" "Okay." "Okay." "All right." "I'll say whatever you want." "Oz is a douche." "Contra sucks." "Just please, whatever, don't shoot me." "Please don't shoot me." "Oh." "We can't beat these people." "We'll never figure out a way into the Double Dragon offices." "Yes, we will!" "I know a way in." "Let me lay a little science on you." "This is an infrared scan of Double Dragon's so-called "impenetrable" offices." "Oh." "Nice work." "Mmm." "Who's Mr. Blinky?" "Mr. Blinky is Cameron." "He's the only one there." "And where is everyone else?" "Most likely, headed over here to break in, but before they can, I got a way to capture the flag and prove to Shaw I can't be bought." "If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shiitake mushrooms." "Um, I thought the speed limit was 55." "Oh, gun it!" "Whoa." "Great Scott!" "What the hell was that?" "You dicks almost killed me!" "We're here to rescue you." "What, by running me over with a DeLorean?" "Come on, you dumbass Marty Mcfly-lookin' idiot!" "Get me out of here!" "Oh, my God." "I think I might have found something." "Thank you, Cash." "Aah!" "Aah." "Aah." "Come on." "Ear." "Ear!" "You'd better run through the casino straight to the ATM for more money, even though there's a $10 processing fee, 'cause you just drew a 22 at the blackjack table, and your ass is busted!" "Come on." "Who even talks like that?" "Ear!" "Ear!" "Aah." "Well, hello, little boy." "Did you come for our client list?" "Or did you come for yours?" "Well played, Contra." "You got my client list." "I don't want your client list, Shaw." "Never did." "Then what do you want?" "Thank you, Veronica." "You really had my back." "Do itashimashite." "That means "you're welcome" in Japanese." "Wakatterutte, Onei-chan." "And you." "You gave up a DeLorean." "I'm proud of you." "That's a big step." "What's going on?" "Oh, I'm just selling some of my stuff to pay Veronica back." "Why don't you just sell those stupid sneakers?" "Oh, I did, but I could only get $3,500 for 'em 'cause my feet deflowered 'em." "But it's kinda cool to let some of this stuff go." "But a Tauntaun?" "I mean, even I can admit that's pretty cool." "Yeah, but it's a little crazy owning two of 'em." "Two of 'em?" "Oh." "Progress, not perfection, buddy." | {
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"What are you doing?" "Thinking." "About what?" "I was remembering that summer after Rachel was born." "We put the hammock up in the yard." "All three of us would get in." "We'd a nap together." "Remember?" "Yeah." "I love you." "Jen, we've been sharing the same bed for a week." "I'm not ready yet, Mark." ""What a glorious morn." "Night's candles have burnt out and jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops."" "I joined a Shakespearean theater group. I'm going to play Romeo." "A comic version?" "No." ""But soft!" "What light through yonder window breaks?" "It is the east and Juliet is the sun!" "Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon who is already sick and pale with jealousy."" "Sick and pale is right." "Nuts to you!" "Sorry, I couldn't resist. I picked it up in New Guinea last summer." "Got a roomful of drunks left over from the night shift." "Wanna help wake them up?" "Not really." "Suit yourself." "First time you've been robbed?" "For two years, no problems. lt was time." "Cleaned you out, huh?" "Yeah, money." "But not my camera or books." "That's good." "Are you single?" "Why?" "A lot of good-looking guys here." "Doctors, businessmen...." "l run a dating service out of the cab." "For 1 0 bucks you're in the book." "No, thank you." "It works." "All these people get married after meeting through my cab." "This lady runs her own business, married a lawyer." "This guy is a doctor." "Hey, that's Dr. Cvetic!" "Oh, my God...." "You know Dr. Div?" "l used to." "This lady owns a chain of mortuaries." "Big bucks." "She's fine." "Oh, yeah." "Clean the cut." "I'll have Carter stitch him up." "Something's wrong?" "That's her old boyfriend." "Write up his aftercare and call pharmacy with med renewals." "Keep moving." "Hey, you." "You get a doughnut?" "See you next time." "Simple pleasures. I got your application for the ER sub-internship." "With recommendation from Lewis and Greene, but not from you." "I wasn't aware Mr. Carter had applied for an ER sub-internship." "Yeah, it's sort of a backup." "So we're not your first choice?" "No, no, no...." "l just haven't made up my mind yet between ER and surgery." "Whatever. I need your evaluation as soon as you can." "Hey, buddy, you just got here?" "l'm on 8-to-8." "Six-to-three." "Nine hours?" "I'm assistant coaching Jake's baseball game." "Baseball?" "That's a big step in any relationship." "Hope I don't have to explain the infield fly rule." "So how goes Milwaukee?" "Commute's not bad." "But emotionally, I don't know." "You're my domestic role model." "Heard about the attending gig yet?" "No. I'm not holding my breath." "Gentlemen, good timing." "Kid in Three bumped his head." "What do we have for Dr. Greene?" "l can run the board." "I'd just as soon handle it." "Nobody's taken the knee lac in Five." "Why don't I take it?" "I needed a fallback." "There's no guarantee I'm gonna get the surgical sub-l." "There are no guarantees in life." "A lady from E.L.S." "Take a message." "Write your own recommendation and I'll sign it." "Peter." "What?" "It's your student loan service." "You're three months behind on your payments." "OB is on the 4th floor and your appointment is at 8:30." "Great, I get to sit around and wait for two hours." "After your checkup go to Social Services on the main floor." "Ms. Harding will help you apply for wic, AFDC and food stamps." "How do I get home?" "Bus." "What about lunch?" "l made you an egg salad sandwich." "l forgot it." "You forgot it on purpose." "I hate egg salad." "l'll make dinner for you tonight." "No, Chloe, don't." "Don't!" "John." "May I call you John?" "Sure." "Here's a good one for you." "Pretty, huh?" "Kind of serious." "Turn-ons are motorcycles and water sports." "Sounds like a wild one." ""Seeks a man who enjoys fine dining, romantic evenings, must be athletic and pro-death penalty." l don't know." "Wanna get in the book, John?" "Just $ 1 0!" "No, thanks." "Dr. Lewis wants to x-ray your eye to make sure there are no fractures." "Hey, you fix me up, I put you in for free." "So, John, tell me your turn-ons." "What?" "We should've eloped." "What now?" "The woman who's getting married after us wants to share flowers." "Why not?" "Split the cost." "That's what I said." "She'll only pay a third." "The flowers would be "used" for her wedding." "Between that, the guest list, the bridesmaid's shoes...." "It's out of control." "We have to write our vows." "Oh, God...." "We'll have lunch and figure out what we're gonna say." "John?" "Hey, Diane!" "Diane Leeds." "She helped me beat a malpractice case a few years ago." "Which was totally bogus." "This is my fiancee, Carol Hathaway." "l've heard a lot about you." "From Doug?" "From John." "Doug?" "Well, Diane and Doug Ross are going out." "Am I right?" "Yes, we are." "Oh, I didn't know that." "So when's the happy day?" "May 1 8th." "At St. Luke's." "Beautiful church." "l love weddings there." "You should come." "Well, that'd be great." "l'm gonna go find Doug." "Good to see you." "You too, John." "Bye-bye." "Bye." "Why'd you do that?" "She'll bring Ross." "l don't know. lt just popped out." "Give me the bullet." "High-speed collision with a tree." "Vitals?" "BP's 1 1 0 over 85, pulse 88." "Responds to pain." "Pupils are equal and reactive." "Let's get an x-ray in here." "We need a lateral C-spine." "How's his belly?" "Not rigid, bowel sounds normal." "Coma score's nine." "Borderline for brain damage." "He's a contender." "Stand by with Norcuron and Dilantin." "Call for a CT, make sure no one's on the table." "How's his pressure?" "Holding." "Excuse me, doctor." "I think you left this in my bedroom." "That's what happens when I to dress in the dark." "Will there ever come a time when I don't have to slink off in the wee hours to avoid corrupting your son?" "l certainly hope so." "So did you change your meeting?" "It didn't work." "I'm gonna miss your coaching debut." "Jake will be disappointed." "He's thrilled you're gonna be there." "Why is he wearing his socks inside out?" "Jake's in a kind of a slump." "Slump?" "He's hitting triple-zero." "I told him when I hit a slump I like to change things." "Wear my socks inside out, anything to turn it around." "I would never have thought of that." "See, it's a good thing I'm here." "Come here." "Pulse ox?" "Ninety-two." "Do we have a name?" "Clothes are on the cart." "Anyone seen X-ray?" "l'll check." "Name's Donald Costanza." "I have a letter here. "Dear Amy."" "Single vehicle into a tree, could be a suicide." ""l gave up everything for you." "Without you I'm already dead."" "Not if I can help it." "Dr." "Greene?" "Solo MVA, apparent suicide attempt." "GCS 9, nonfocal." "Pulse ox is down to 90." "Tube him?" "l'm worried about the spine." "Airway's okay." "He needs intubation." "l want to clear his C-spine." "Wrong choice." "Tube him now." "l want an x-ray." "I'm not gonna argue with you." "Versed, 4 migs, 1 0 Norcuron." "Susan, hand me a laryngoscope and a 7.5 ET tube." "Come on." "ln-line traction." "CT on that suicidal car wreck shows a small subdural bleed." "That's no indication for surgery." "Any change in his status?" "Still unconscious." "What do you think?" "Time will tell." "The girl from the letter, Amy, She's on her way in." "How'd you find her?" "She called us." "Tell me you didn't get into a pissing match with Swift and walk out of a trauma." "I did." "Do you want to throw the attending job out the window?" "It's already gone, Doug, and I don't really care." "Who are you kidding?" "You worked seven years for this job." "If you lose it over this petty crap, buddy, you're a fool." "Pardon me, are you a doctor?" "Yeah." "Unwrap it, let's see." "I was cutting a bagel." "Wiggle your fingers." "Superficial." "Carter, I got another one for you." "Irrigate and stitch." "If I'm not mistaken, that's Mr. Howard Davis." "Of the "Davis Cardiac Wing" of this hospital." "l know you." "l went to school with your son." "Johnny Carter." "How are you?" "Fine, thank you." "Mr. Davis, William Swift." "Chairman of the Emergency Department." "We met at the Board of Directors dinner." "Good to see you." "Bagel got away." "They should come with instructions." "Call chief of hand surgery and get Plastics down here." "Let them know it's Mr. Davis." "Are you injured anywhere else?" "No." "But I noticed this little bump in the corner of my eye." "Jerry, Zimmerman from the Eye Institute." "Right." "In the meantime, Dr. Benton, a senior surgical resident will clean and irrigate your wound." "Right this way." "Can Johnny come along?" "By all means." "Hope it wasn't the hand that writes the checks." "Hello?" "What happened?" "Brenda is burning with fever." "Hey, Brenda, I'm Dr. Ross." "Can you tell me where it hurts?" "ln my head and neck." "Okay." "Touch your chin to your chest." "Petechiae on her arm." "Anyone else feel sick?" "Put her in an iso room, get a CBC, Chem-7 and cultures times three." "Are you thinking meningitis?" "That's right." "Mother was a nurse before she started coaching." "You're mother and daughter?" "They're from St. Josephine's." "They're nuns." "Mother's a nun. I'm almost a nun." "Okay." "We'll do a spinal tap on Brenda to confirm the meningitis." "We'll have to isolate the rest of you and examine everyone for petechiae these red spots that indicate infection." "Come on, everybody, this way." "Come on, girls, a little hustle." "I hope everybody brought their playbook." "How is he?" "Amy?" "He has a severe concussion and some brain swelling." "Right now he's in a coma." "ls he gonna be okay?" "We don't know yet." "We have to wait and see how much he wakes up." "We found a letter he wrote addressed to you." "lt appears he tried to commit suicide." "l know. I saw the car." "He did it just down the block from my place." "Has he done this before?" "When we broke up last time he locked himself in the john and took some pills." "They said it was a cry for help." "I never thought he'd do it for real." "Oh, Donny, you jerk." "Greg wasn't as focused as you." "He dropped out of Brown." "Spent a semester at Sorbonne." "Finally a pal got him a job at Newsweek." "Now he's doing celebrity profiles for Vanity Fair." "Well, that's great." "He seems happy." "And you?" "l'm doing pretty good." "I've been training with Dr. Benton here." "Learned a lot." "Good." "That's good." "Do you still ride?" "No." "No time." "I'll never forget that dressage exhibition in senior year prep." "The way you pranced that horse around the ring." "It was like a ballet." "What kind of horse was that?" "Icelandic pony." "White, wasn't it?" "l can't believe you remember." "lt made an impression." "And the name...." "You'd given it a peculiar name." "What was it?" "Marigold." "That's right." "Marigold." "Power forwards, make sure you post up at the bottom." "Watch the pick-and-roll in here." "We'll have to run them into the ground." "Mother Lawrence?" "How is she?" "She has bacterial meningitis." "We've put her on antibiotics and she's in intensive Care." "Will she be all right?" "l think she'll be fine." "As a precaution we'll examine everyone and give you a drug called rifampin." "It can be hazardous to pregnancies, so everybody needs to take a test." "I think Sister Elizabeth and I can be exempted from that procedure." "But as for the rest of them, definitely." "Doctor, Donny opened his eyes." "Donny, can you hear me?" "Follow my finger with your eyes." "Do you remember what happened to you?" "Take a deep breath in." "Tidal volume is good. I'm going to take the tube out of your throat." "Take a deep breath in, and out." "You all right?" "Amy?" "Amy...." "There's no sign of petechiae here." "You feeling okay?" "He's cute." "Okay." "Seven down." "Eight to go." "Who's next?" "Examining all these girls in one day must be a fantasy come true." "Fifteen years too late." "Oh, shoot. I'll be right back." "Hi." "Lunch?" "I can't. I've got 1 5 girls exposed to meningitis." "Oh, well, we'll do it tonight." "l'm going to my mother's." "What about our vows?" "This weekend?" "We're going over them with the priest on Saturday." "Well, what do you want me to do?" "Nothing." "Forget it." "Let's just bag the vows." "Tag, come on...." "Forget it, it's not worth it." "Do you have a problem with authority?" "Not generally." "When it's enforced arbitrarily and undermines my authority, I resent it." "Do you feel like I'm encroaching on you?" "Before you got here I ran the board." "I made decisions, and nobody would contradict me in the middle of a trauma." "l've stepped on your entitlements?" "You treat me like a med student." "l've been chief resident for a year." "You don't act like it." "Morgenstern told me you were the most impressive resident he'd seen." "I'm thinking, "ls this the same guy?"" "You come in late, your attitude's bad." "It's like you don't want to be here." "I don't stand in front of the board all day because I want to." "I do it because, from what I've seen, your head's not in the game." "Hi." "The nurse said he's gonna be okay." "He can carry a conversation." "His memory is intact." "It looks good." "He's been asking about you." "l'll bet." "I wanna see him, but I don't want to take care of him." "He'll be able to take care of himself." "You don't know Donny." "He's got problems." "He gambles. I don't even know how much he owes." "He's got this way of sucking you in and getting you to do stuff." "If he wasn't so sweet l would've killed him myself." "lf you want to see a therapist-- -l've done it." "That's why I'm getting on a plane in three hours." "This is it." "I'm just so afraid he's gonna do it again." "You know, really do it." "It's not easy." "Donny's the first guy who really cared about me." "But I can't be responsible." "Will you give him that?" "Will you?" "Sure." "Hey, Malik?" "Will you give the girls of St. Jo's their first dose of rifampin?" "So nobody is pregnant?" "No." "Hallelujah." "Chloe?" "Are you there?" "It's me." "Call me when you get in. I want to hear how everything went today." "I hate not knowing where she is." "Leaves too much to the imagination." "Are you your sister's keeper?" "l didn't exactly volunteer." "Did you settle things with Swift?" "No, but we did share our feelings." "He thinks I need an attitude adjustment, which I probably do." "You don't disagree." "Carter, did you pick up Taylor's film?" "Ready in five." "You can go to lunch after." "Twenty minutes." "Dr. Benton, you got a call from some loan service." "l have to start repaying next month." "How much do you owe?" "Eighty-five thousand." "One hundred and ten." "Must be nice not to have to worry about loans, huh, Carter?" "I'll check on these films." "ls Carter loaded?" "He went to school with Davis' son." "Are we talking millions?" "Or tens of millions?" "Peter, got a two-fer." "Let's hear it." "Apparently, this one did it on a dare." "When the paramedics asked what happened, this one reenacted the crime." "Do we have names?" "Yeah, Dumb and Dumber." "We need 4x4s, 5.0 nylon." "We're okay on everything else." "Man, I'm tired." "Not getting enough sleep?" "Maybe four hours a night." "Why's that?" "The wedding." "So much to do." "And so little time." "Two weeks." "Before you got married, didn't you wonder if this was the person you were meant to spend the rest of your life with?" "I never had any doubts about Earl." "And after four years he split." "I can't imagine Tag doing that." "He's a terrific guy, Carol." "Excuse me, Nurse Hathaway." "May I speak with you privately?" "Sure." "l haven't taken these yet." "Why not?" "It's possible that I may be pregnant." "l'll need to take a test." "All right." "What happened?" "What happened?" "We need a translator." "His son was playing with a hanger." "He told him not to." "Don't cry." "Keep your eye on the ball." "Jake, come on, buddy." "That's okay, Jake." "Keep your eye on the ball." "Shake it off." "Here we go." "That's okay, Jake." "Keep your eye on the ball." "You got him, buddy." "Let's go." "The socks are gonna work." "Jake, come on, buddy." "Run, run, go!" "Run it out!" "Muff!" "Muff it!" "Three out!" "Come here." "You got a piece of it." "That was a good try." "Go get your mitt." "Here you go." "Senor, hold his head." "Connie, get over here." "Hold on to that thigh, Wendy." "Coat hanger's pierced the posterior oropharynx." "Throat's swelling up." "lt's near the carotid." "What else's in there?" "lt's off to the left." "Phrenic nerve?" "Lingual artery." "Too much going on in the neck." "Hold him still!" "I see blood." "He needs an airway." "Prep for a needle crike." "Malik, get some bolt-cutters." "Tell O.R. we're on our way." "Sister?" "The test was negative." "So I'm not?" "No." "Are you all right?" "Part of me was hoping that I was." "There's a man, obviously." "He wants me to marry him, but I'm not sure." "For two and a half years I've been preparing to devote my life to God." "I don't know which path He wants me to take." "And if I make the wrong choice.... lf l were pregnant the decision would be made." "Pulse ox falling, 88." "Open a suction set." "He's not breathing." "Throat's swollen shut." "Crike him!" "Fourteen-gauge needle." "Get a peds ambu bag." "Stick in a number three ET hub and bag him." "Bleeding's worse." "Let's close it off." "3.0 Vicryl." "Suction!" "Needle holder." "Got a clear angle?" "Yeah." "Pulse ox is improving, 85." "Okay, tie it off." "Let me get it out of your way." "Can you get that?" "How about that?" "Great." "Retract." "Got it." "lt's holding." "O.R. is standing by." "Get him upstairs." "Tell him we're taking him to surgery to get the metal piece out." "Santi will be fine." "Carter, what are you working on?" "Evaluation." "Of what?" "Me." "Some kind of self-help exercise?" "lt's for my ER sub-l application." "Benton told me to write it myself." "How do you feel about yourself?" "l'd rather not." "Carter, come on, let me see." "Conscientious, hardworking earnest and ever-punctual?" "It sounds like a recommendation for a train conductor." "Seriously, Benton could do better." "Got it!" "Chicago Magazine's "Rich List."" "The 50 fattest cats in town." "Where did you find it?" "Med Library." "Check out 27." "No!" "His father's name's Roland." "What does it say?" "Net worth 1 78 million!" "He can get everyone here a mill and not even feel it." "l wish I'd been nicer to him." "Peter?" "Peter?" "Jeanie, how are you?" "l'm not interrupting?" "No, of course not." "What's up?" "l have a favor to ask." "I'm taking courses to become a physician's assistant." "I have to write a paper on nosocomial infections in postoperative patients." "You picked this topic yourself?" "No, it was assigned." "I was worried there for a second." "How can I help?" "l need a case study." "I thought you might know of some cases." "I think I can throw a few nosocomial infections your way." "How's your mom?" "You know, the same." "I'm seeing her tonight around 7:30." "I was planning on stopping by myself." "So maybe I'll see you." "Great." "See you." "See you." "All right!" "Here we go." "Come on, Jake." "Come on!" "Strike!" "l can feel the breeze out here." "Don't worry about it, Jake." "Wait for your pitch." "Come on, buddy." "All right, Jake." "Come on, buddy." "You got them." "Let's go," "Those socks are gonna do it." "Come on." "Let's go." "You got it." "Go!" "Go on, go!" "Run, Jake!" "Come on!" "Let's go!" "Run, Jake!" "Come on." "Go!" "He missed the bag!" "Go!" "Go on!" "Go, Jake!" "Come on!" "He missed the bag." "Let's go, Jake!" "Come on, go!" "Go!" "Let's go!" "Come on!" "Slide!" "Slide!" "He's safe!" "He never touched first!" "What?" "He missed the bag by a mile!" "First-base coach?" "Did he touch the bag or not?" "Yeah, he touched the bag!" "Call's good." "Home run." "This guy's a liar!" "You're a liar!" "You cheat!" "Batter up!" "You cheat!" "You want a hamburger and a shake?" "I'm not hungry." "Okay, I screwed up." "I got caught up in the excitement." "And I did the wrong thing." "You lied." "Yes, I did, and there's no excuse for that." "You know, what I just did was what my old man would've done." "He's a good guy in a lot of ways." "He's just...." "Maybe I'm not very good at this father stuff." "I'm sorry that I let you down." "So should we tell Mom about this?" "I don't know, what do you think?" "Maybe not." "Come on, let's get out of here." "I promised your mom I'd have you back before she got off." "Hey, Jake.... lt was a hell of a hit." "Dr. Benton?" "If my evaluation meets with your approval I need you to sign it." "What do you want from me?" "l don't want anything from you." "The question is, what do you want?" "l want the surgical sub-internship." "Why?" "So that I can be a surgical resident." "And why is that important to you?" "Because surgery is the most difficult specialty." "There's more pressure, you have to know more, do...." "l don't know if I'm capable of being a surgeon, and I want to find out." "Then why are you applying for an ER sub-internship?" "See you in the morning." "How was the game?" "The good guys won." "l'm gonna go call Mom." "Okay, you do that." "Listen, about what I said earlier...." "Forget it." "It's okay." "You were right." "So how is family life?" "lt's great." "He's great, she's great." "Tonight I'm looking forward to sitting in my Stratolounger with my beer watching Irish hurling on ESPN." "Gentlemen." ""Farewell, good night." "Till it be morrow."" "is the N.E.A. funding that?" "Ready?" "Almost." "What's that?" "Marriage vows." "My half, anyway." "Thought you didn't want to bother." "Let's hear." ""Carol."" "Actually, I left it blank at the top in case I need to change it." "Keep going." ""Before we were together I'd been in love many times, or so I thought." "But now I know you're the only one I've ever truly loved." "The only one I can imagine spending my life with." "The one I can't imagine spending my life without."" "That's as far as I got." "It's beautiful." "So do you feel the same way?" "Of course." "You don't seem too happy lately." "You're up half the night." "I love you and I wanna marry you, okay?" "l can't believe I missed it!" "When this kid breaks a slump, he breaks it." "Let's celebrate." "I'll get some brat and kraut." "And the good kind of rolls." "Yeah." "You want to man the grill?" "l'm riding with Doug." "I love you." "I love you too." "Why is Ma's door closed?" "She's getting a sponge bath." "Who's in there?" "Just the nurse." "She just left." "Who?" "You know who." "She's married, man." "You don't know what you're talking about." "Right." "That's why when she comes around you start talking like Barry White." ""Hey, baby." "What's up?"" "And that look she gives you...." "Hope you know what you're doing, man." "Darling, I can't get enough of your love, baby" "I don't know why, I don't know why, I don't know why I can't get enough of your love, baby" "Aren't you out of here yet?" "Yeah, almost." "I'm here, baby." "I'm not going anywhere." "I'm here." "By being great marriage material, do you want to get married?" "Yeah, I'm ready for it." "How old are you?" "Thirty." "What makes you think you're great marriage material?" "I was a Boy Scout, ages 1 1 through 1 8...." "How was your day?" "You read the article on smoking and low birth rate?" "I'm gonna stop, okay?" "How was the checkup?" "That doctor was so irresponsible." "I waited two hours." "You didn't stay?" "Two hours, Susie." "I can't do this anymore." "Sue?" "Suz?" "You need to get your own place." "What?" "You can't stay here, not after the baby is born." "But, Susie, I'm naming her after you." "And for that I have to support you?" "Yeah, a few months, maybe." "No." "You're throwing me out?" "Oh, God!" "My own sister!" "Stop it!" "I'm not gonna let you guilt me into taking care of you again." "Come on, Susie, you're making good money." "You're not even here half the time." "Damn it, I've spent my whole life bailing you out and I've had it!" "No more!" "This is it!" "Where am I supposed to go?" "You're 34 years old, Chloe." "Figure something out." "You're John Carter." "Melanie Graff." "Radiology." "We sent down some orbital films on a Russian cab driver." "I need them back for our files." "I saw you in the cabbie's book." "Actually, that's the reason I came down here." "Wanna get something to eat?" "You do speak English, don't you?" "You're kind of weird." "Mark?" "lt's me." "Did you eat?" "l had a sandwich at the hospital." "Where are you going?" "Living room." "Gonna read." "Do you have to?" "Did you hear something?" "No." "Daddy?" "Go back to bed, sweetheart." "My tummy hurts." "I'll be in in a minute." "But my tummy hurts." "I want Daddy to fix it." "Come here, sugarplum." "Where does it hurt?" "Here." "Can I come in?" "Okay." "Come on." "Sorry." "It's okay." "You have to be quiet, though." "No talking." "Daddy?" "What is it, sweetie?" "I'm glad you're home." "So am I." | {
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} |
"Subtitles brought to you by Identity Swap Team@Viki." "Episode 26" "What are you looking at?" "Look away!" "Scraps..." "In the past, have we seen each other before?" "This is really weird." "I'm remembering a past experience really vividly." "What's wrong?" "Are you hurt?" "Long ago..." "Did we know each other?" "Before meeting in Jangheung?" "I have a memory of playing here." "A memory of playing here?" "The only person I played in the dye yard with was Eun Bi." "Didn't we see each other for the first time at Yongsan station?" "Perhaps..." "We were married in a past life?" "Some kind of destiny?" "That's what you mean?" "You feel like I'm the guy you're destined to meet?" "Damn it, I said some useless stuff, didn't I?" "How can a person be so flippant?" "I was being serious." "There's no need to be embarrassed." "Now that I think about it, there's a lot of stuff I don't understand with your face, your body, you using violence..." "You're not my type at all, but this stupid heart is drawn towards you." "What do I do?" "Isn't this called destiny?" "I have a young kid, so I have no thoughts about destiny." "My eyes feel like they'll be ruined." "Would you mind covering up your body?" "What the... were you peeping at me?" "The ahjumma being sly!" "How much did you enjoy stealing glances at this?" "There's nothing farther from the truth." "What difference is there from that or pork hung up at the butcher." "A person who has fallen into kimchi soup." "How can you just go?" "How can I meet the elders like this?" "We really didn't know each other?" "You're not a child anymore." "How did you fall in the dye?" "Well..." "I thought about playing hide and seek with Eun Bi when I was younger." "Even outsiders can remember this place." "I don't know why our Eun Bi can't return." "I asked to see you because of that thing." "I got a call from the lady who raised Eun Bi." "She was acting really strange." "What was strange?" "It will dry very soon, so you only need to take it and wear it on your way out." "Okay." "It thought that I'd squish my way to the company," "It's a relief it dried so quickly." "No matter how shameless you are, how could you come back here?" "There's work that I've taken responsibility for, so I can't not come." "Don't you know the elders are all uncomfortable because of your mom?" "Even after she made that brazen prank call, she sent you to Bi Seul Chae?" "My mom didn't send me." "I said I came to learn Hanboks." "I'll give you some advice as the sister who lived with you when we were young." "The Master Craftsman and Head Seamstress's body and mind are really hurting." "I'm begging you." "Just go back." "Who do you think are to tell me to go or not?" "You're right." "I don't have any right to tell you to go or not, but it's my responsibility and duty to protect those people." "Min Jung, why don't you have any right?" "You're our family." "Do Bo Ri, do what Min Jung says." "Except for the master craftsman, I learned to not get confused by what anyone says." "My teacher taught me that." "I'm sorry." "Your teacher seems to be misunderstanding something." "Go and tell her that Bi Seul Chae's owner has changed." "And tell your mother too." "No matter the setbacks, we will take Min Jung in as our daughter." "Daughter?" "Head Seamstress..." "I said to call me mom." "Is that hard to say?" "I've wanted to call you that for over 20 years, but" "I really don't know if it's okay to call you that." "If Eun Bi comes, you'll change your mind again." "That won't happen again." "We were so excited about Eun Bi coming back that we made a mistake." "You were very hurt, weren't you?" "No." "Mom." "Mom?" "Let's not postpone this any longer and take care of the document today." "Even if Eun Bi comes back, she'll be glad she has an older sister." "Thank you." "Really, to you two..." "I'll become a good daughter, professor." "I mean..." "Dad." "I heard that your mom came here to complain about you being forced to work for free." "There's no way you couldn't have known." "I put plenty in, so she won't say she won't be disappointed..." "How did she know this place...?" "Maybe... you're mistaken?" "That's something that Bo Ri's mom is capable of doing." "I heard that she made a prank call to Bi Seul Chae saying she raised Eun Bi." "How could a person..." "You don't even know what you're talking about, so don't talk about my mom like that!" "You surprised me." "What did I do..." "My mom has lived a poor life and can be brash sometimes." "But she is not the type to go to her child's work place and demand money." "Then whose story is right?" "I was told she came home last night and asked Min Jung for money." "Huh?" "Min Jung?" "Your mother is not in a very good situation right now." "This is not something to unconditionally take your mother's side on, so take a good look at how your mom acts and stop her from doing any bad things." "What is there to dissuade?" "If my mom has committed a crime, it's going through fire and water for her child." "That's the only one." "But that's not a crime." "If the child asks to be let to live in hell, how can she ignore it?" "I'm sorry." "You heard, right?" "Now I'm the professor and Head Seamstress's daughter on the family register." "Since I wasn't even your real sister, there's not much to straighten out, but tell mom to cut off all feelings for me." "There is a unbreakable bond between a parent and child." "If you tell her to stop caring about you, could she?" "Mom has you." "She has lived with you longer than with me." "So, she probably cares about you more." "She's my mom, and I'll take responsibility for her for the rest of my life, so don't pretend to worry about her." "This is the day your wish is coming true." "I don't know if it's because I've a twisted temper, but I can't find it in myself to congratulate you." "Go inside, and have a party or whatever." "I don't know what will happen to mom in the future." "Don't look for me anyway." "What is happening to mom?" "The Bi Seul Chae elders hate mom." "You know that, right?" "I can't do anything about it, so you and mom figure it out and take care of it." "Go." "What is she talking about?" "Making me uneasy." "What?" "Hurry and eat." "I'll pay today." "Don't worry about money and eat until your stomach sticks out." "I have to go to work." "Why are you making a fuss about me eating meat?" "If that place's work is difficult, tell me." "I can speak to my Subaenim (senior)." "It's fine." "She's such a spiteful woman." "Anyway... did you see Min Jung at Bi Seul Chae today?" "Yeah." "She's doing well, so don't worry about her." "The Head Seamstress treats her well, too." "It's good that she wasn't kicked out and received well." "I feel like I want to give those noble people a large bow." "Mom, you don't hate Min Jung?" "Because of her, you've become a thief who demands money." "Aren't you angry?" "I won't say anything, so you be careful of your mouth." "If you mess up Min Jung's life, I'll bite my tongue and just die." "How can you say that?" "You think your life is only your life?" "Who says you can die?" "What about me?" "I'm your child too." "You're not worried about me?" "Hey!" "What are you raising your voice for?" "Oh!" "Hey, Do Bo Ri, you're not even avoiding it now." "You've gotten very brave, haven't you?" "I'm sorry." "I got crazy because I was jealous." "Calm down and have a drink." "Damn it." "But..." "You said I lived in Seoul when I was younger, right?" "What are you talking about all of a sudden?" "I mean Bi Seul Chae." "I have a memory of me playing there." "I thought it was odd how I could draw the yard there from memory," "I definitely played there before." "How old was I when I left Seoul?" "What do you mean?" "You lived in Seoul until you could walk, then went down to Jangheung." "How could a 2 year old even remember anything?" "Since you go there so much, you probably just dreamed it." "So... when you took me in," "I wasn't even 2 years old?" "What do I do?" "It seems like her memory is coming back." "She raised Eun Bi?" "The person who made that call was really Bo Ri's mom?" "I'm serious." "Right now, all the adults at Bi Seul Chae are angry that they asked me to take care of this according to the law." "I will meet Bo Ri's mom and ask her again." "Buy me some time until then." "This isn't something that will work by dragging out the time since the evidence is so clear, but Aunt, when you lived in Bi Seul Chae, did Bo Ri ever visit there?" "What are you talking about?" "I first saw Bo Ri at Jangnae." "But when I met her in the dye yard earlier, she kept asking me if I had any memories of" "us playing there." "Really?" "Bo Ri asked that?" "Yeah, but no matter how much I try to remember," "I only have memories of playing with Eun Bi." "Could it be... that Bo Ri..." "What's wrong, Aunt?" "Fired?" "Why were you fired?" "You ran out as soon as your eyes opened and worked until it was time to sleep." "Why would they fire that kind of person?" "Then don't like such inconsiderate women from now on." "Jung Ran didn't do anything wrong." "And, stop calling Jung Ran, "Ma'am"" "She's not married, doesn't have any kids." "She's 100% a young lady." "Then, my pretty grandma who isn't married and didn't have kids is a young lady?" "You call people based on their age to not have any confusion." "Look, has a baby, is an adult." "A student is a young lady." "Ma'am and grandma." "That's how each advances." "Bi Dan knows so much." "It must be great." "Do you want to be my daughter?" "As it is, I did contemplate that issue quite seriously, but I think I'll have to call fake daddy, 'Ahjussi' now." "I'm sorry." "Then have I failed?" "You have someone that you like, and my mom has someone she likes too." "Who's that?" "It's still a secret." "You should try to do something with pizza lady." "Who knows." "Maybe there's something I can help with." "Jung Ran," "I have all the CCTVs on, so don't think of doing anything." "You're Oppa, but this is an invasion of privacy." "Then break up with him if it's unfair." "Then the cameras will be gone." "Bye." "Oppa!" "Oppa!" "Jung Ran, it's me." "Did I scare you?" "Nae Cheon, what's with the bear costume?" "Bi Dan let me borrow it, so I came here wearing it." "Even with the cameras, I miss you so much that I had to come." "Jung Ran..." "Good job, Nae Cheon." "Thank you for coming even like this." "I said I wouldn't come in a bear suit, but I'm so happy I did now." "From now on, I can come in like this right?" "It's so hot even if you stay still, how will you work with an animal costume?" " Wait" " Okay" "It's probably my oppa." "What's that animal costume?" "Is it Kang Nae Chan?" "Ya!" "Why are you hiding your face?" "It's a promotion event, so he came." "Alright?" "Nae Cheon..." "Jung Ran, can you give me a refreshing Cola?" "Cola?" "Okay." "Wait." "Nae Cheon, take it off and drink this." "No, no, no." "If we get caught by your oppa, then it'll be difficult on you." "Nae Cheon..." "I hate Oppa." "You're drinking Cola from your eye." "I'm okay." "If it's for you," "I can wear this suit for a year." "No," "I can do it forever." "Nae Cheon, if it's difficult, just say it's difficult." " Today's weather is down to 33 degrees celsius." " What?" "33 degrees?" "!" "Are you sure?" "If it's for you," "I'm okay." "I'm okay, Jung Ran." "Nae Cheon!" "Nae Cheon!" "Nae Cheon!" "Come to your senses!" "What do I do?" "What do I do?" "Mr. Kang, you're not dying right?" "This isn't the end of us right?" "I'm sorry." "This is because of me." "Wait!" "Jung Ran, next time, meeting in front of the store." "What to do!" "Mr. Kang." "Nae Cheon!" "We signed right here." "Is it really finished?" "Yes." "I'm really your daughter now?" "Yes." "If we did it sooner, it would've been better." "I'm sorry." "Sorry?" "I don't remember all the bad things that happened." "I'm so happy right now." "I can't believe it." "The memories of all the hard times, we'll be better parents." "Thank you." "Until I die," "I'll live as mom and daughter and dad and daughter." "Whenever I meet people, I'll brag that I have a mom." "Now that I have a mom and dad." "That I have parents on my side." "From now on, live without losing your spirit." "You're forever my daughter." "I want to do anything I couldn't do for Eun Bi." "Mom." "An anonymous letter?" "What did I do wrong that an anonymous letter came in?" "Prosecutor Lee, are you chasing a married woman?" "A married woman?" "Why would I do that?" "I heard that you're frequenting the house of a married woman, and she even has a daughter." " Is that true?" " Are you talking about Bo Ri?" "Well that's..." "How it happened was..." "Bo Ri does have a daughter, but that girl is not..." "Yes, I am Bi Dan's dad" "My dad is a prosecutor" "Anyways, there will be an inspection investigation into your personal life." "If you're not meeting her, then it'll be enough to deny that you're meeting her." "An inspection investigation?" "Who's the one who put in that anonymous letter?" "!" "The letter was anonymous." "Anonymous?" "Hassling a person without sin, are you saying that they cowardly didn't even reveal their name?" "Why?" "So you can chase after them?" "Don't you know that it becomes more disadvantageous for you the more you do that?" "Fine then." "If there is a law for liking an Ahjumma," "I don't have the faintest heart of changing that law, but even if it's to protect that person's honor, I will clarify it to the end." "I'm not scared of anyone pointing fingers at me." "If they call, I will go out, and if they tell me to be investigated, I will accept the investigation." "What?" "Jae Hwa is seeing a married woman?" "He has someone he's supposed to marry." "What are you talking about?" "The person investigating is my college senior." "They say that an anonymous letter came in, so they are forced to investigate it." "He's going to cause chaos in our family." "Aigoo, so what happens if he has an inspection investigation?" "If it's not true does, it become as if it never happened?" "The thing is...apparently there's proof included in the anonymous letter." "No matter how Hyung tries to get out of it, if there is proof it becomes misrepresentation." "More than that, if this becomes known, the person that he went on the date with won't stand still for it." "Why are there such various things?" "This punk," "I had him be a prosecutor to give punishments to people who don't follow the law..." "Who is this person?" "Who's the married woman who tempted Jae Hwa?" "!" "Do Bo Ri, the one who won second place at the competition." "That woman from that time." "What?" "Bo Ri!" "You came?" "Thought you were going to only live that day when I saw you at Jae Hee's office last time." "You're in a good mood today." "Is Bo Ri inside?" "No." "She left early." "I assigned her with my Hanbok." "I wonder if she's doing a good job." "Seems like you and Bo Ri are on good terms." "Your oldest son was here during lunch with Bo Ri." "Jae Hwa?" "Did you not know he was close with Do Bo Ri?" "Seems like they knew each other since Jangheung." "What in the world!" "?" "How could he tell you when she has a kid?" "She knew that your big son went on a blind date." "She was in a hurry to make a dad for her child." "Bo Ri!" "That thing said that?" "What in the world?" "I thought she was innocent, using that accent and giving out sweet rice cakes." "Who is she playing with?" "Wait, then what becomes for Soo Yun?" "I can't be doing needlework at a time like this." "ToastCafecontract" "So busy with the new business." "What did you need to tell me?" "You said you registered Bo Ri's DNA?" "Yes." "Why?" "Which police department is it?" "Isn't this a bit too much?" "Even though I decided to find Bo Ri's parents," "I had her since she first took her baby steps." "Baby steps?" "When I first met Bo Ri, she couldn't walk and had diapers." "You had Bo Ri when she was a baby?" "Didn't I tell you I had her before she was one?" "Then why did you call Bi Seul Chae to tell them you found Eun Bi?" "Well that's why." "I already met them and told them." "I was jealous that the long distant niece was getting adopted into a rich family." "Liar." "You're lying." "If you didn't know Eun Bi, you wouldn't have called." "Tell me the truth." "You know about Eun Bi." "Who is Eun Bi?" "Is it the person you know?" "What are you saying?" "How would I not know Eun Bi?" "There were flyers looking for her all over Seoul and Jangheung." "Bi Seul Chae losing their daughter, Eun Bi," "I only know because I heard from Bo Ri." "Aigoo." "I have nothing left to say." "Bi Seul Chae won't let this go, so what are you going to do?" "They even called a Prosecutor, for an investigation." "Prosecutor?" "Do whatever they want." "I'm leaving." "You can't leave like this." "Tell me the truth." "I don't trust you." "What am I supposed to do?" "I lie everytime I open my mouth in order to save Min Jung." "Whether it's Min Jung's sins or mine, give them all to me." "Grandma, what's wrong?" "Did someone make you cry?" "Mom, what's wrong?" "Bo Ri, what should I do?" "Bi Seul Chae won't leave me alone." "Bi Seul Chae?" "Bi Dan, go wash your hands and stay in the other grandma's room." "Okay." "Calm grandma down." "We're a family." "Okay." "Don't worry." "Tell me." "Why won't Bi Seul Chae leave you alone?" "Because I called their house." "They might send me to jail." "Jail?" "Thought it was all over." "So why did you make such phone call?" "I didn't know it was going to turn out like this." "That poor thing." "I was worried she might lose everything." "The way that professor and the head seamstress look at me, they won't let this go this time." "I will go and beg them." "I will try to do something about it,so don't worry." "I will never let you go to jail." "No, no." "Don't ever go near Bi Seul Chae." "What if they hate Min Jung because of you?" "Why are you worried about her in this situation?" "Unni is happy right now that she's becoming their daughter." "How can you say that?" "Daughter?" "Yeah." "She became their daughter now." "You still haven't let go yet?" "Unni becoming their adopted daughter is more important than you going to jail?" "The stupid one isn't me, it's you." "Bo Ri, where are you going?" "You can't go to Bi Seul Chae!" "Don't tell Min Jung on her happy day that I'm having a bad one." "Don't say anything about me!" "That girl!" "Yes." "I'm in front of your office." "I'll wait until you come out." "I have something to give you." "I'm sorry, but I'm already outside." "Don't come to see me like this." "Jae Hwa." "Jae Hwa!" "Do Bo Ri?" "I said let's see each other during our study session." "What brings you here?" "Did you miss me that much?" "I was in a hurry and couldn't wait til then." "Bi Seul Chae asked you to take care of my mother, right?" "You knew?" "What's going to happen to my mom?" "Well..." "Help me." "My mom didn't do it on purpose." "There were reasons behind it." "What reasons?" "Don't ask." "Please let me apologize and that be it." "Please help me out this one time." "I'll do anything." "You'll do anything?" "I beg you." "Please." "Please." "Please help my mom." "Okay." "Stop crying." "Others would think I made you cry." "To you," "I don't want to be a bad guy to you." "Dad" "Brother-in-law, what's wrong?" "I'm disappointed in you." "How could you do this to me?" " Brother-in-law." " You knew about Do Bo Ri and Jae Hwa." "Why didn't you stop him when you're his aunt?" "Is Do Bo Ri more important to you than your nephew?" "Calm down." "It's not what you think." "What do you mean it's not?" "I thought he was raised well." "He even passed the bar exam on his first try." "Do you know how many times I told myself I have no right to see his mother when I die?" "What are you going to do now?" "Huh?" "He's about to get fired." "How could you say such thing?" "Get fired?" "Why?" "It's all because of that Do Bo Ri." "I can't let someone be when she ruined my son's future." "Whatever I do, don't misunderstand." "I called you to tell you that." "Brother-in-law, I understand your feelings for Jae Hwa," "That doesn't mean you should do that to pitiful Bo Ri." "Pity?" "How dare she look over my son?" "Jae Hwa has a warm heart." "It's not because he loves her as a woman." "He just wants to help her." "Then he can just give her some money." "He's goes over anytime!" "Why is he taking care of her kid?" "Isn't it obvious that two grown up men and woman can get affectionate?" "Looks like Jae Hwa took after you." "Isn't that how you felt when getting re-married after my sister died?" "Sister-in-law!" "I understand you getting mad." "I won't stay still if you hurt Bo Ri because of Jae Hwa." "I will tell Bo Ri what you mean." "I will leave now." "Since Bo r\Ri's mom is admitting her wrong and apologizing, it would be good to forgive her." "That's why I brought them here." "I'm really sorry to the elders." "Aiyoo, I was too ignorant." "I did something I shouldn't have." "Just think of me as crazy and forgive me" "How could a person with a child do such a wicked act?" "Every morning since they lost their daughter, they waited for 20 years." "You stuck a knife into those parent's hearts?" "About that..." "I didn't have enough to live on, so I got greedy." "And my thoughts were mixed up." "If you did it once, wouldn't you do it again?" "Don't worry about that." "My mother and I will live quietly." "I'll even write a pledge in blood and promise you." "You know it's a big offense to lie in front of a prosecutor, right?" "Trust me and forgive them just once." "It was really all a lie?" "You really don't know our Eun Bi?" "I thought that if I said I would sue you, you'd bring Eun Bi to the front gates, but you came here to beg forgiveness?" "How could I bring in a girl that I don't even know?" "From now on, to me and to the adults, you promise you won't do it again?" "If I do that again, I should just die." "Bo Ri, you too." "Can you keep your mom's promise?" "If you keep coming in and out of Bi Seul Chae, the elders will be uncomfortable." "What are you talking about?" "Are you telling me to not come out to Bi Seul Chae?" "min Jung is right." "You coming here and then going to your mother's, is unpleasant and unnerving." "I don't know about mother, but for me, if you don't promise to cut ties with Bi Seul Chae," "I can never forgive you for this." "Huh?" "Yes." "I'll do that." "If you just forgive my mom," "I should bear it." "It's sad, but what can be done?" "Will you be okay?" "Then both sides agree?" "It didn't last long, but" "I learned a lot from you, Master Craftsman." "I'm really sorry for leaving because of this matter." "Stay healthy for a long time." "I heard you became this family's daughter." "I'm sorry." "I couldn't feed you or clothe you." "Now forget everything, think of it as being reborn in this house, and live well." "In any case, for looking over me for that short time." "thank you." "You're really disappointed you can't come to Bi Seul Chae anymore, arent you?" "No, I'm not." "Thanks." "You saved my mom." "If you like any side dishes, I'll make them for you." "Well, I like everything but eggs." "Ahjumma!" "Don't do this kind of thing again." "Because of you, Bo Ri can't learn Hanboks." "Whatever, she can learn Hanboks at any place." "Whatever, all Hanboks aren't the same!" "Scraps." "Inside you didn't say anything." "Out here, everything comes out." "I'm fine." "Stop arguing." "What do you mean fine?" "Disappointment is written on your face." "Wait a little bit." "I'll make sure you can go back into Bi Seul Chae." "I have a good idea." "What idea?" "I hope you're not just blabbering your mouth." "There's always a path to a place with meaning." "You don't know that?" "Thank for the thought, but don't do anything for me." "There hasn't been a time when Jae Hwa's ideas had been good." "You'd just cause trouble." "Hey!" "What?" "What you say in there and out here are so different." "Now you're looking down on me in front of Bi Seul Chae?" "Come eat potatoes later tonight." "I'll cook a pot of them." "What?" "Are you commanding me to eat potatoes?" "Are you demanding me to?" "Didn't I say I'd give you potatoes once I cook them?" "Hurry and go to work." "My mom and I will go." "You better steam some potatoes for me!" "I'll make sure to go!" "Right." "She's Do Bo Ri when she smiles." "Isn't this a clear scam?" "What the..." "How did this happen?" "Now even Soo Yeon knows?" "It's all ruined now." "Ruined!" "You said those two don't have a relationship." "From what I know, Do Bo Ri has a daughter." "That daughter called Jae Hwa, 'dad'." "What?" "Dad?" "That never happened." "Never." "If you can't believe it, you investigate yourself." "You know how much money my parents spent right?" "The car Jae Hwa rides in and your spa massages, where did that money come from?" "It's me, honey." "What are you doing?" "!" "Those two!" "I got a call from mother." "Jo Soo-Yeon knows too." "Jae Hwa is still not answering the phone?" "We keep calling him." "Why is there no contact?" "He's with Do Bo Ri at Bi Seul Chae." "He can't come." "What?" "He's ignoring his parents and is seeing Do Bo Ri?" "That bastard." "A girl with a small mouth, how can you say such things to an adult?" "Hurry and tell me." "Did you call Prosecutor Lee, "dad," or not?" "Whether I called him that or not, what are you going to do?" "That small thing." "You're putting fire onto my head." "Where's your mom that she's not here?" "Hurry and tell her to come." "Who are you that you want to see my mom?" "Before I call the police, stop yelling at someone's house and leave." "Hurry." "Sunbae, what are you doing here?" "I didn't finish making your daughter-in-law's Hanbok." "What?" "Daughter-in-law's Hanbok?" "Mom!" "It's bad enough you ruined a family's reputation." "You're flirting with Jae Hwa even though you know he's going to marry her?" "You even have a child and can't tell when to stop!" "How dare you try to seduce a Prosecutor!" "Bi Dan, go inside." "I don't want to." "I'm not going to listen to you this time." "Instead of you fighting alone, wouldn't it be better to have two of us?" "How can you ask me me to watch you suffer?" "You're not listening?" "If you're here, I get embarrassed and can't say everything I want to." "Is that fine with you?" "No..." "It's not." "I'll go in." "I don't know where you heard that from." "There's nothing going on between me and Jae Hwa." "If there's no relationship between you two, why did you go after him, hold hands, and kiss?" "I was wondering where Jae Hwa went every night, but it was you." "Am I wrong?" "Holding hands, kissing, calling him out every night, and a child who calls him dad." "That was just for fun." "A joke?" "You make a perfectly suitable husband, a dad?" "The woman Jae Hwa's supposed to marry says she'll charge us for fraud." "What will become of the chairman's reputation?" "Fraud?" "You must be misunderstanding." "I will go meet him and tell him the truth." "I don't want to hear it." "What are you to go meet him?" "Were you trying to check how much assets we have and hired your mom?" "How could you say such thing?" "Other people may chase after money, but I don't chase money and follow people." "If I knew that house belonged to Scraps, my mom wouldn't have gone, and I wouldn't have introduced her either." "Words, words, I can't believe what you say." "Your mom came trying to get money," "What excuse are you trying to give?" "Anyways, you, if you meet Jae Hwa again," "I won't let you, your mom and your daughter go." "My mom and my daughter didn't do anything wrong." "Why didn't they do anything wrong?" "Having a daughter is the parent's fault." "Isn't this a family of gold diggers?" "The grandma comes into my house to work." "You try to take my son, and the daughter calls anyone, 'dad'." "The family was raised so well..." "like dogs." "I won't listen anymore." "Say sorry for what you just said." "Is what I said wrong?" "You more stupid than I thought." "If your mom came in to work for us, you thought marriage would be easy and the family would change?" "A housekeeper is a housekeeper and the housekeeper's daughter will always be just a housekeeper too." "Until I die, you will never be my daughter-in-law." "What's going on?" "Why are you all wet?" "Did you do this to my daughter?" "Yeah, I did it." "What?" "If you had problems, you should complain to me." "Why are you doing this to my child?" "Are you really going to talk to me like that?" "In your house, you're madam." "But in my house, you're scolding my daughter." "How can you expect me to call you in a respectable manner?" "You, before you leave, ask for forgiveness." "You two." "You really don't understand people." "These people don't know how to respect higher class people." "These people?" "It's bad enough I'm furious." "Now you are adding fuel!" "What do I do?" "This can only be dry cleaned." "You imbeciles!" "You, you don't know this scary madam?" "How ignorant you two are after flirting with my son!" "Yeah." "Get a taste of a scary step-mother." " You're dead, today!" " Hey, you!" "Mom!" "Mom, stop it!" "Stop it." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "I did wrong, so stop and please leave." "Why are you on your knees?" "Did you kill someone?" "What did you do wrong?" "It seems I'm the one who did wrong, so you stop it too." "I was stupid to be good to you." "Hey you!" "Come back with my money." "Got that?" "I should just...!" "I can't make money from air!" "UGH!" "I'm going to pay her back, so I won't have to see her face!" "Every day, provoking me!" "Do Bo-ri, you have lived a meaningless life." "Just because of me, even my Mother and Bi Dan are getting cursed." "Cry?" "Why are you crying?" "She made my child cry." "She thinks hers will be okay?" "Mom!" "Mom, where are you going?" "Hey scraps!" "Hey ahjumma!" "You're here to cook me food." "Don't talk about food!" "Is food all you can talk about right now?" "Why are you doing this all of a sudden?" "You're looking at your liberator..." "You worthless man!" "We had a bad history before, but you are our family's worst enemy!" "Enemy?" "Didn't we stop being enemies?" "We were getting along well nowadays." "Getting along?" "You and Bo Ri had a relationship, but your mom came to our house." "Did you know that or not?" "You useless trash!" "If you even touch Bo Ri," "You're going to be bald and bruised!" "Whether your a prosecutor or the president, you're nothing better than my Bo Ri!" "What are you saying?" "Why did my mom go meet Bo Ri?" "What did my mom do?" "What happened?" "Why is the floor all wet?" "From now on, don't come here." "Pretend you don't know me." "And, apologize to your parents." "Even just talking to someone like me, it was a big burden on your family." "It's not because of you Bo Ri." "It's because I'm their son." "What did you do so wrong, Bo Ri, that you get this kind of treatment?" "Why were you such an idiot to stand there and do nothing?" "I didn't say anything wrong though." "What should I have done?" "Should I have yelled at your mom because I was angry?" "I don't have enough strength to even talk." "Go now." "I know you were nice to us because you felt bad." "Now, don't do that." "I won't go." "How can I leave seeing you like this?" "Why can't you leave?" "What are we to you?" "In simple terms..." "Your relationship with me is weaker than your relationship with your mom." "You should listen to your mom." "I like you more than my mom." "How can I listen to her?" "What?" "How can a person not have any eyes?" "I always have thoughts of how much I like you, but I never had thoughts of being sorry for you." "Don't say such things like that." "Someone likes another person." "How can I not say anything?" "Are you stupid?" "Are you an idiot?" "Yes," "I'm an idiot." "So, I don't understand anything you're saying." "So leave." "As I lived, not once..." "Did I ever feel utter misery, today's the first time I understand." "I'm sorry." "I didn't want to teach you this kind of thing." "Hyung, why don't you answer your phone?" "The chairman is waiting for you." "It seems someone is looking for you, so go." "Let's go, but you're going to have prepare yourself." "You bastard." "How dare you!" "I don't know what you heard from whom, and I don't know why you're angry." "What?" "Then you seeing Do Bo Ri is a lie?" "No, it's the truth." "A person meeting another person, is there a reason it can't happen?" "For what reason are you meeting her?" "When you already have a woman to marry!" "When did I say I was going to marry her?" "Then with what feelings are you meeting Do Bo Ri?" "This isn't just your problem." "Don't you know this affects our company as well?" "(Horrible) Consequences?" "Isn't my downfall, your success?" "Was it you?" "Following me and Bo Ri around?" "Taking videos, and telling father?" "So what can you gain?" " Hyung!" " Be quiet!" "What are you going to do about the investigation?" "Apparently there aren't any excuses?" "Excuse?" "Why do I have to give an excuse when I haven't done anything wrong?" "I will go through the investigation!" "Then, at least someone won't stalk and monitor me!" "Father, you too, until the result are out, please wait." "I will leave." "What is he, the bastard?" "What did he do right that he leaves like that?" "He seems different from when he dated girls in the past." "Is there something you're doing wrong?" "As Hyung said, we'll know when the investigation is done." "Did father put someone to spy on me?" "Or is it my sister?" "You lost him?" "Go to the address I gave you." "Find them and tell me everything they do." "Yes Sunbae (Senior)," "Please hurry the prosecution investigation as soon as possible." "I'll trust you." "Yes." "From the design department, they are the outdoor sample designs." "Is there no contact from Yun Min Jung?" "There should be other designs from her." "Should I contact her?" "No." "I'll do it." "It's me." "Why didn't you come or try to contact me?" "Something important happened, so I'm preparing a congratulations gift." "What are you talking about?" "It's not something that you can say on the phone." "Is it because you wanted to see me that you called?" "I was surprised that your voice was so energized." "I'm controlling because of work..." "When is the auto design coming out?" "Do you need it in a hurry?" "I'll be quick." "Right now, I miss you so much." "Is it possible?" "I'm sorry." "Today, I have a lot of homework." "When I finish my work, I'll call you." "Because you know my feelings, are you playing with me?" "No." "If you miss someone and wait a little longer, it'll be happier when we meet." "I'm patiently waiting too." "You told me to never come again." "Why did you steam potatoes?" "Today, you're face..." "I don't think I can see it." "Even if I can't meet with you," "I promised I'd steam potatoes for you." "L-O-V-E." "Promise." "The poem." "I did all my homework, but I can't meet you." "And it's all over." "Yes?" "How many potatoes did you steam?" "What?" "Where are you hiding?" "Hiding?" "Why would I hide?" "Your mood, are you feeling better?" "What about my mood?" "My mood isn't that great." "The steamed potatoes that you made me, I can't even eat them." "Who made who potatoes?" "There's not even enough for me to eat." "Steaming potatoes." "Wish we can go to the fields and have a picnic." "Right?" "That day when I borrowed Young Suk's motorcycle, was really fun." "Don't say such nonsense and hang up." "Wait, we didn't study today." "Today's lesson, is faith/belief." "The things I know." "Why do I need to learn them?" "There's so many other things to learn." "You think I don't know what that is?" "You don't know it, Bo Ri." "That's why you told me not to come, because you can't believe me." "That's not it." "For a child to hurt their parents' feelings, is burdening." "If you uselessly keep talking during class, I'm going to write your name on the board." "Chit-chatter:" "Do Bo Ri" "I can't even see the teacher's face." "How are you going to write my name?" "Listen carefully," "Do Bo Ri, the feelings for Lee Jae Hwa faith..." "Lee Jae Hwa, the feelings I have for you are... ♫Evenif ayearpass by,♫" "What are they?" "♫ even if ten years pass... ♫" "♫ my feelings for you♫" "♫ won't ever change." "Even if I die...♫" "Even just hearing your voice is so pleasant." "♫I can't do it ♫" "♫ I can't love again ♫" "♫ My heart breaks." "I can't even say anything.♫" "The truth is," "I'mlearninghowtolove ." "Thankyou,Bo Ri ." "She's someone I knew since Jangheum." "I had interests in her, but Do Bo Ri doesn't know my feelings." "If you are lying, it'll be difficult" "There's critical evidence here." "What critical evidence is this?" "Is it a crime to kiss someone you like?" "How is it that wiping away tears of the girl you like breaking the law?" "Please tell me." "This kid." "What is her relationship to you?" "She's Do Bo Ri's daughter." "That's not what I'm asking." "She called Prosecutor Lee, 'Dad'." "If its not the case, just say no." "That's true." "She's my daughter." "Then, bringing the reputation of South Korea's prosecutor to the ground, are you acknowledging it?" "An unmarried man with an unmarried woman who has a child, you're playing with two women." "For Do Bo Ri's sake and mine, I never said I was going to marry the other woman." "My feelings and my words, I never said I was going to." "You never thought of marrying her, then why did you accept her car gift?" "Car gift?" "What are you..." "This,isn'tthisthe car you wantedtoride?" "Prosecutor Lee, we heard everything needed to be heard." "Next is Bo Ri's chance." "Do Bo Ri's hearing?" "Why do you have to meet her?" "I said no, why do you have to bother her?" "Why Bi Dan?" "Do you even know how old she is?" "Calm yourself, Attorney Lee." "I, like anyone else, loved my job as a Attorney and was proud of it" "But, in order to keep the Attorney's honor, the person I love is cursed." "Without regrets, I'll quit." "Attorneys will be fine, but the wounds that the two received..." "I'm the only one who can stop it." "Even if I can't be a prosecutor," "I want to be a great dad to that child." "Why do you want my documents?" "I'll explain later." "Why?" "Do you think I'll do something bad?" "No, if you need it, I'll do it." "Here you go." "Here it is." "1994 was when she became family" "That's when Bo Ri was about 8 years old." "She said she found her when she couldn't even walk." "It was all a lie!" "1994ofJuly, that'sthesametimeasthecaraccident." "Then..." "What's wrong teacher?" "No, you go on ahead." "I have something I need to do." "Yes." "Hello?" "Yes," "I'm Do Bo Ri." "My daughter is Bi Dan." "Yes." "I did file a found child report." "Yes?" "Bi Dan's father filed a missing child report?" "Yes." "Yes." "I'll be right there." "What do you mean, Bi Dan's father?" "I listened to you and reported it." "But there's someone who claimed it." "I should hurry and go." "Okay, go hurry." "Yes, I'm leaving right now." "The daughter you abandoned." "My daughter, I found her." "What?" "What are you saying?" "Found the daughter?" "What are you doing?" "Min Jung." "Jae Hee." "Jang Bo Ri is Here Preview" "Hello, I'm Yeon Min Jung." "Jae Hee, you can't bring anyone here." "She's someone I wanted to introduce to you." "I like her." "I'll strip everything clean." "Get out of the house right now!" "Prosecutor dad came here to live with us." "Kicked out?" "If you kick me out, I really have no place to go." "Bo Ri, can you help me?" "The secret from 20 years ago, it's time to reveal it." "What can I do to help?" | {
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"Excuse me, Mr. Filby!" " I say, it's outright rude of him!" " He's merely been detained." "This is such a loss of time!" "If he's not coming, I have more important things to do." "Well, speak up." "What is it, woman?" "Well, are we or are we not invited for dinner?" "Apparently we are." " How long has he been gone?" " I'm not certain, sir." "Several days." "I've hardly seen him for some time." "He never leaves the lab." "He only comes in and picks at his food." "But he did tell me about dinner, and left those instructions." "Thank you, Mrs. Watchett." " What's it say, Filby?" "What's wrong?" " Nothing, really." "George says that if he's not here by 8, we're to begin without him." "Walter, what time is it?" "Dinner is served, gentlemen." "First sensible thing I've heard all evening." "This is peculiar." "He's usually prompt, precise and punctual." "He's making fools of us by not showing up." "It's ungentlemanly." " To say nothing of a waste of time." " Yes." "A waste of time." "One thing I like about George:" "Best cellar in England." "And Mrs. Watchett is the finest cook in the world." "Yes, I think I'll drink to that." " Good Lord!" "What's happened?" " I'm all right." "Some food." "A drink." " I didn't recognize you." " Mrs. Watchett." "Can't you speak?" "What happened to you?" " Leave him alone." " It's fine." " I've got to tell it while I remember." " Relax." "Try to relax." "You've all the time in the world." "You're right, David." "That's exactly what I have." "All the time in the world." "Since we were together five days ago the last day of 1899." "There in that box rests the result of two years' labor." "I wanted to finish the job before the new century began." "I barely made it." " Cheers, gentlemen." " Marvelous, old boy." "Yes, but what is it?" "Well, it has to do with time." "I've always maintained that this nation needs a reliable timepiece." "The navy needs one." "The army needs one for the artillery." "You couldn't do better, George." "That's why you've been in hiding?" "Very clever of you, indeed." "I don't think George is referring to a new timepiece." "No, David." "When I speak of time, I'm referring to the fourth dimension." "Go on, George." "The fourth dimension cannot be seen or felt." "If you don't mind, will you refresh me on the first three dimensions?" "Really, Filby." "Surely they taught you something in school." "Suppose you explain it, doctor." "Certainly." "For example, when I move in a line, forward or backward that's one dimension." "When I move left or right, two dimensions." "When I move up or down three dimensions." "For instance, that box." "That box has three dimensions:" "Length, breadth and height." "What is the fourth dimension?" "That's mere theory." "No one knows if the fourth dimension exists." "On the contrary." "The fourth dimension is as real and true as the other three." "In fact, they couldn't exist without it." "What do you mean?" "Let's take that box." "It has the first three dimensions." " What's inside?" " I'm coming to that." "Let's consider this first." "Why do we ignore the fourth dimension?" "Because we can't move within it." "We can move in the other three:" "Up, down, forward, sideways, backward." "But when it comes to time, we are prisoners." "Do you follow me, Bridey?" "No." "You've given a lucid explanation but I'm afraid I don't understand." "There are many things you don't understand, yes?" "Quite a number." "Yet you don't refuse to believe in them?" " Not if I can see the proof myself." " Good, Walter." "Gentlemen, all I'm asking you is to witness a demonstration of movement within the fourth dimension." " Doctor, can I have your help?" " Certainly." "It's beautiful!" " Remarkable." " Very nice, George." "Fascinating." "What is it?" "This is only an experimental model." " To carry a man, I need a larger one." " To carry a man?" "Where?" "Into the past or into the future." "This is a time machine." "You've had your joke." "Tell us what this contraption is for." "I've already told you." "The larger model can carry a passenger through time." "Not through space, but through time." "If you go to the future, won't you mess things up for us?" "The future's already there." "It cannot be changed." "I wonder." "That's the most important question I hope to answer." "Can man control his destiny?" "Can he change the shape of things to come?" "If you've gone mad, I forgive you." " But if you're wasting our time..." " No!" "You're here as witnesses." " To see, not to listen." " To see?" "What?" "The experiment I'm about to perform." "Let me tell you how it works." "The time traveler sits in the saddle." "In front are the controls." "Let's do this properly." "You can spare a cigar, I trust?" "Let us imagine that this cigar is the time traveler." "The lever in front of him controls movement." "Forward pressure sends it into the future backward pressure, into the past." "The harder the pressure, the faster it travels." "Our little experiment can be performed only once." "If it succeeds, I lose my model." "That's why I need witnesses." "Go ahead, George." "Ready, gentlemen?" "Lend me your hand, please." "I'll be damned!" "It worked." " Where did it go?" " Go?" "Nowhere, in the usual sense." "It's still here." "But it's no longer in the present." "It's traveling through time." "To the future, to be exact." "You expect us to believe that?" "Certainly." " You said it hadn't really moved." " That's correct." "Then why can't we see it?" "Because we're in this room on December 31, 1899 but the model is perhaps a hundred years away by now." "This house may not be here in 100 years." "But the time machine occupies the same space as before its journey." "If it's occupying the same space, why can't I feel it?" "The space you're putting your hand through is today's space." "You can't put your hand into tomorrow's space." "Space doesn't change!" "The same space that's here now should be here forever." "No, Philip, time changes space!" "This flat ground could've been at the bottom of the sea long ago." "A million years from now, it could be the interior of a huge mountain." "If all this is true, what do you expect to do with such a contraption?" "Contraption?" "I intend taking a journey into the future." "Or perhaps the doctor would volunteer to go?" "Well, look here, George suppose you do go off to the 50th century how will you get back?" " That's a risk I'm ready to take." "Now, look here, George." "I don't know what you think, but we're not fools!" "We're practical businessmen." "What I want to ask you is this:" "Even if you had invented a time machine, what of it?" "What's its use?" "Who'd buy it?" "How much would it cost?" "Have you thought of the commercial possibilities?" "No, I haven't." "George...!" "There's a war on in South Africa." "The Boers are putting up a fight." "The country needs inventors like you." "I can put you in touch with the War Office." "What do you think, David?" "Dr. Hillyer has a good point, George." "That's more sensible." "I'll see to it right away." "Good Lord!" "It's time to go." "Yes, I'm sure we all have plans for tonight." " Are you all right, George?" " Yes, I'm all right." "Coming, Bridewell?" "Thanks for coming." " Good night." " Happy New Year." " Happy new century, George." " Good night." "Happy New Year!" "I thought I'd better stay." "You shouldn't trouble yourself." "I'm all right." "No, you're not." "You've been behaving oddly for over a month." "I'll leave, once you tell me what's on your mind." "I appreciate the gesture." "I just want to be left alone." "You've changed, George." "Enormously." "I'm sorry." "Will you answer me one question, honestly?" "Yes, I'll try." "Why this preoccupation with time?" "Why not?" "Don't go simple on me." "The truth is, I don't much care for the time I was born into." "People aren't dying fast enough." "They call upon science to invent new, more efficient weapons to depopulate the Earth." "And I agree with you." "I agree, but here we are and we have to make the best of it." "You may have to." "I don't." "All right." "Take your journey on your contraption." "What would you become?" "A Greek?" "A Roman?" " A pharaoh?" " I prefer the future." "You're not seriously saying you can do it?" "You saw the experiment, didn't you?" "I saw a toy machine vanish." "I'm sure there are any number of ways of doing that trick." "Any magician could probably do it." "It wasn't a trick!" " Want to see the full-scale model?" " No, I don't." "I have no desire to tempt the laws of Providence." "And I don't think you should." " It's not for man to trifle with." " You carry on like Hillyer and Kemp." "There's something to say about their common-sense attitude." "I speak to you as a friend." "More." "As a brother." "If that machine can do what you say it can, destroy it." "Destroy it before it destroys you!" "You must have plans for New Year's Eve." "Don't let me keep you." "Mary wasn't well." "We thought we'd stay home with the baby." "Why not come home with me?" "You haven't seen Jamey for a while." "I'm sorry, I can't." "What's stopping you?" "I just want to see the old century out by myself, that's all." "Have it your way, George." "Will you promise you'll not go out of the house tonight?" "I promise I won't walk out the door." "I'm sorry." "Please don't think me unkind or unfriendly." " Come over to dinner Friday." " Very well." " Fine." "Bring the others with you." " As you say, George." " Happy New Year." " Happy New Year, David." " Having supper in tonight, sir?" " I don't think so." "Why don't you go and celebrate?" "Thanks, but if you don't need me, I'll turn in earlier, if I can." " Good night, sir." " Good night." "Mrs. Watchett, I invited Mr. Filby and the others to dinner Friday." "Happy New Year, Mrs. Watchett." "At first, I pushed the lever forward very slightly and the laboratory grew faint around me." "I stopped." "No change." "Everything exactly as before." "No!" "The clock said 6:31 when I started, and now it was... 8:09?" "And the candle, shorter by inches." "Yet by my watch, which was with me, only a few seconds had passed." "It was disconcerting to see the sun arc in less than a minute." "To see a snail race by." "Flowers flinging wide their petals to embrace the day." "The hours speeding across my sundial." "Flowers closing their eyes for the night." "It was wonderful!" "Changes that normally took hours took seconds." "Dear Mrs. Watchett always able to suggest a tie but never wearing anything more stylish than what she's worn for years." "Yet I was traveling very slowly." "What if I went faster?" "It became intoxicating." "I pushed the lever on toward even greater speed." "I gained experience with it." "I could stop for a day, an hour, or even a second to observe." "Then go ahead a year or two." "I was able to see the changing world in a series of glimpses." "Good heavens." "That's a dress?" "This was intriguing." "I wonderedjust how far women would permit this to go." "I began to grow very fond of that mannequin." "Maybe because, like me, she didn 't age." "Thirteen years passed." "Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen..." "Suddenly the light was gone." "What had happened?" "In the year 1917, I stopped." "Filby!" "Are you going to a masquerade party?" "You look rather silly without your mustache." " Were you addressing me, sir?" " It's George!" "I expected a more enthusiastic greeting..." "You're confusing me with my father." "There was quite a resemblance." "I'm James Filby." ""Was"?" " Were you a friend of Father's?" " Yes." "Yes, I've been away." "He was killed in the war." "A year ago." "I'm so sorry." " And the gentleman across the street?" " Oh, the inventor chap?" "He disappeared around the turn of the century." "If you're interested in that house, you can't buy it." " You can't even get inside." " Why?" "My father was executor of the estate and refused to liquidate it." "I often chided him on that but he believed the owner would return some day." "People hereabouts think it's haunted, but..." "Who are you, sir?" "Just a stranger who once knew your father." "Have you been at the front?" "Front?" "What front?" "The war, of course." "What war?" "Good heavens!" "You don't know we've been at war with Germany since 1914?" "I thought you'd just returned from France." "Or perhaps..." "Perhaps some tea might make you feel better." "Won't you come in?" "No, thank you." "Are you sure you're all right?" "Yes, I'm quite all right." "Then goodbye, sir." "Goodbye, Jamey." "In 1940, I began to be buffeted from side to side." "I first thought the machine had a mechanical defect." "The last time I had stopped was in 1917, 23 years ago." "The war was still waging." "Now in the air with flying machines." "Then I realized the truth." "This was a new war." "I decided to push into time and see the outcome of this." "My house was hit!" "The flames shot up." "Instantly, my home was gone." "I was in the open air." "The years rolled by, everything unfamiliar." "Except the smile of my never-aging friend." "What was this?" "Weird sounds all around." "What could it be?" "My curiosity compelled me to stop." "At first I wondered if I was the cause of the panic." "I was soon to find out I wasn 't." "Keep it moving!" "Shove it on!" "Come on, into the shelter." "Come on, young man!" "Come on!" " Filby?" " The name is Mr. Filby." " Didn't you hear the siren?" " The horrible screeching?" "It wasn't constructed for aesthetic value but to warn young fools to get into shelter." " Now, come along." " I'm perfectly comfortable here." "I've got to talk." "This is fantastic!" "Your store is magnificent!" "The achievements!" " The gigantic strides man has taken!" " Come along, young man!" "The mushrooms will be sprouting!" "Mushrooms?" "You look familiar." "Haven't we met somewhere before?" "Indeed we have, Mr. Filby." "Right there." "Many years ago." "I was sure of that." "But the exact time escapes me." "It was two wars ago. 1917." "Now I recall." "The chap who inquired about my father and the house that used to stand across the way." "But no..." "No, that's impossible!" "You haven't changed." "You're not a day older." "And your clothes!" "Don't worry, Filby." "It'll take time to explain, but..." "That's the last alert!" "Hurry!" "Hurry!" " Listen, this is important." " Look!" "An atomic satellite, zeroing in." "That's important." " But I've got to talk to you!" " Come on!" "Hurry!" "Hide till the all clear!" "But, Filby, I've got to talk to you!" "The labor of centuries, gone in an instant." "Mother Earth, aroused by man 's violence responded with volcanic violence of her own." "Only my speed through time saved me from being encased in stone." "The molten rock cooled." "I prayed wondering how many eons must pass before the wind and rain could wear away the mountain." "Darkness." "Darkness for centuries." "I wondered if there was still a war being waged above me if man would still exist when I saw the sun again." "The centuries rolled by." "I put my trust in time and waited for the rock to wear down." "I was free again!" "Thousands of centuries passed but the Earth stayed green." "There was no winter, no wars." "Had man learned to control both the elements and himself?" "I had to stop and find out." "But I'd stopped too fast." "Magnificent!" "Beautiful flowers everywhere!" "Natural splendor beyond compare." "The whole landscape a garden without any weeds or briars." "Trees and vines laden with fruit of strange shapes and colors." "Nature tamed completely and more bountiful than ever!" "At last I'd found a paradise." "But it would be no paradise if it was mine alone." "Unrepaired for centuries." "Maybe unlived-in for as long." "Anybody here?" "So this is man 's future:" "To bask in the sun, bathe in the streams and eat the fruits of the Earth, work and hardship forgotten." "Well, and why not?" "Don't just sit there!" "Help her!" "Are you all right?" "Thank you." " Why did you?" " Why did I what?" "Come after me." "Sit down." "I did it to save your life." "That doesn't seem to mean much to you, or anybody else." "It doesn't." "Twenty of your friends were watching you drown." "Not one lifted a finger to save you." "That's a very curious attitude." "A very curious world." "Aren't you interested in who I am?" "Where I come from?" "Should I be?" "Take me to somebody a little older." "Somebody I can talk to." "There is no one older." "Do you mean nobody ages in this land of yours?" " What's your name?" " Weena." "How do you spell it?" " Spell?" " Spell, write." "Can't you write?" "Look." " What are your people called?" " Eloi." "Come." "We must go now." " What's wrong?" " It's getting dark." "I don't mind telling you, I'm quite hungry." "I've come a long, long way." "In my time, a berry that size would've been big news all over the world." "Excuse me, sir." "Sir?" "Perhaps curiosity has died." "Perhaps courtesy too, but I've come far and I'd like to know things." "Why?" "Because I shall return to my time, and my people will ask questions." "Such as:" "What kind of government rules your world?" "We have no government." "Well, you must have a body of men who pass and enforce laws." "Laws?" "There are no laws." "Where do you get food and clothing?" "Doesn't anybody work?" "No." "Where does that come from?" " It grows." "It always grows." " I know, but it must be cultivated and planted and nurtured..." "Well, unless you..." "You have an economy so well-developed that you can spend all your time studying and experimenting?" "Is that right?" "You ask many questions." "That is the only way man has learned and developed." "I wish to learn." "I want to learn about your civilization." "Do you have books?" "Books?" " Yes, we have books." " Wonderful!" "I can learn about you from books." "They'll tell me what I want to know." "Could I see the books?" "Yes, they do tell me all about you." "What have you done?" "Thousands of years of building, rebuilding, creating and re-creating so you can let it crumble to dust!" "A million years of sensitive men dying for their dreams." "For what?" "!" "So you can swim and dance and play!" "You!" "All of you!" "I'm going back!" "I won't bother to tell of the useless struggle the hopeless future." "But at least I'll die among men!" " Weena, what are you doing?" " I came to warn you." " How do you open that panel?" " No one can." "Only the Morlocks." "Who are the Morlocks?" "They give us our food and clothes." "We must obey." "Why'd they take my machine?" "You've got to tell me!" "We mustn't be out in the dark." "Only children are frightened by the dark." "You are a child, aren't you?" " I'll light a fire." " Please, let us go." "My machine is inside." "I must find a way to get it out." " No, you mustn't." " Help me gather some wood." "That's a girl." "Where are you from?" "As a matter of fact, I'm from right here." "That's where my house used to be many thousands of years ago." "You see there?" "Up to those panels was my laboratory." "Beyond them was where my garden used to be." "Right there." "That was my library." "Where I once sat talking with friends about the time machine." "You know, Weena I'd hoped to learn such a great deal." "I hoped to take back the knowledge and advancement man had made." "Instead, I find vegetables." "The human race reduced to living vegetables." "They're gone." "Are you all right?" " Was that a Morlock?" " Yes." "Don't you worry." "The fire seems to keep them away." "What are you doing?" "Why did you put your hand there?" "I never saw it before." "No knowledge of fire." "No books." "I'm terribly sorry." "I had no right to be angry with your people." "No more than if I'd visited the island of Bali in my own time." "But, you know, Weena..." "You were safe inside your house, yet came out to warn me." "The characteristic which distinguished man from animals was the spirit of self-sacrifice." "And you have that quality." "So do all your people." "It just needs someone to reawaken it." "I'd like to try, if you'll let me." "Will you?" "I do not understand but I believe you." "That's as good a start as any." "Try to tell me." "The Morlocks..." "Who or what are they?" "Are they animals or people?" "Well, what about yourself?" "Don't your people ever speak of the past?" "There is no past." "Well, do they ever wonder about the future?" "There is no future." "The past man's past is mainly a grim struggle for survival." "But there have been moments when a few voices have spoken up and these rare moments have made man's past a glorious thing." "I refuse to believe it's dead and gone." "We've had dark ages before." "This is just another one." "All it needs is someone to show you the way out." "I'm only a mechanic, but I'm sure there must be that spark in one of you." "If only I can kindle that spark my coming here will have meaning." "My efforts to open the panel were fruitless." "I had to find another way to retrieve my machine." "Listen." "Do you hear that?" "Yes." "Machines?" " No, Morlocks." " Wait." "Those animals run machines?" "They are Morlocks." " Have you ever seen the machines?" " No, only heard of them." " Who told you?" " The rings." " What sort of rings?" " Rings that talk." "Could you show me these rings?" "Come, this way." " These are the talking rings?" " Yes." "They speak?" "Of what?" "Things no one here understands." "Make it talk." "Now in its 326th year, the war between the East and West has at last come to an end." "There's nothing to fight with and few left to fight." "The atmosphere has become so polluted with germs that it can no longer be breathed." "There is no place left that is immune." "The last factory for the manufacture of oxygen has been destroyed." "Stockpiles are rapidly diminishing and when they are gone, we must die." "My name is of no consequence." "You should know that I am the last who remembers how each of us man and woman, made his own decision." "Some chose to take refuge in the great caverns and find a new way of life below the Earth 's surface." "The rest of us decided to take our chances in the sunlight small as those chances might be." "From the talking rings I learned how the human race divided and how the world of the Eloi and the Morlocks began." "By some awful quirk of fate the Morlocks became the masters and the Eloi their servants." "The Morlocks maintained them and bred them like like cattle only to take them below when they reached maturity." "Which explained why there were no older people." "I knew I must go below." "It was the only way to reach my machine and discover what happened to the older people." "Don't go!" " You won't come back!" " I'll be back." "Weena?" "Answer me!" "Where are you?" "What's happening?" "What's happening?" "What's the matter with you all?" "Weena, stop!" "Stop!" "What happens to them?" "Don't stand there like fatted cattle!" "Will you answer me?" " What is wrong?" " Nothing is wrong." "It is all clear." " What do you mean, all clear?" " All clear." "In the mid-1900s, the bombs, the people calling out, "All clear!"" "No!" "That's gone!" "That's passed!" "There's no more flying machines!" "No bombs!" "No more wars!" "The rings have told us that story." "But you didn't listen!" "You didn't learn!" "It was ages ago that men were taught to hide when the sirens blew to run from death, but it's over!" "Those men and those who slaughtered them are dead!" "But there is nothing to fear." "It is all clear." "What about the ones who went below?" "How will they come back?" "They never come back." " Nobody can bring them back." " You can try." "You can try!" "Won't even one of you try?" "!" "Well, I'll try!" "So this was the destiny of the Eloi." "They were being bred by the Morlocks who had degenerated into the lowest form of human life:" "Cannibalism!" "Wake up!" "Come to your senses!" "All of you!" "Burn." "Give me something to burn." "It's my last match." "Get up the stairs!" "That's the way out!" "The torch!" "Get the torch!" "Get up the steps!" "Hurry up!" "Gather all the deadwood!" "All the wood!" "That's fine." "Come on, throw it down!" "All the deadwood!" "Throw it down!" "Do the same to the other wells!" "All the wood down the wells!" "All right, to the river!" "Back to the river!" "All right, let's go!" "Another night was coming, but this night no Eloi needed to fear." "The underworld of the Morlocks was gone and so was the life of leisure for the Eloi." "But then what of me?" "I was imprisoned in a world in which ljust did not belong." "Are you sorry?" " Sorry?" "Sorry for what?" " That you have to stay?" "Yes." "I could tell so much to the people of my time." "I'd let them know about the sorrow and happiness that the future holds." "Maybe they could learn from it." "Or could they?" " You don't want to stay, do you?" " It isn't that." "It's just that I don't fit here any more than you would in my time." "I would love to see your time." "You wouldn't be very happy there." "Do you have someone there?" "Someone like me?" "No one like you." "I have friends who will miss me, of course." "I'm probably late already." "Women?" "No." "There is one woman." "She looks after my house for me." "She's 62 years old and all wrinkled." "How do they wear their hair?" " Who?" " The women of your time." " Up." " Up?" "Up how?" "I don't know." "Kind of up, like that." "Show me!" "Would I be pretty?" "Yes, you would." "Very pretty." "I wish we could go back to my time." "Or even before that, when the world was young." " We could be so very happy." " Look!" "My machine!" "Come on, Weena!" "I was going the wrong way!" "Back!" "I had to go back!" "It's the most ridiculous story I've ever heard." "Preposterous!" "George, you always could tell a good yarn." "You're a truly great inventor, George." "I think you ought to retire, sir." "Truthfully, George, where have you been the past week?" "Don't ask such questions." "It is not hard for a man to lose a week now and again." "I can understand your doubt." "Take it as a lie if you wish." "I scarcely believe it myself, now that I'm back." "David, there's the flower Weena gave me." "A present for you." "You're interested in botany." "Try to match that with any known species!" "I don't think I can." "Time to go, Bridewell." " Yes, it is getting late." " Good night, George." "Good night, George." "You look exhausted." "You really should get some rest." "Good night." "It's grand having you back." "Goodbye, David." "Thanks for being such a good friend." "Always." "What do you think, Filby?" "One thing is certain." "That flower couldn't bloom in the wintertime." "You don't really believe that story?" "Good night." "Go on, driver." " Mr. Filby, what...?" " He's gone!" "Why, look!" "I think I understand." "You see the imprint?" "This is where it originally stood." "The Morlocks moved it." "They dragged it across the lawn right into the sphinx." "Right there." "Weena was standing here when he last saw her." "Right here!" "The same space in a different time." "He dragged his heavy machine back in here scratching the floor so he could appear outside the sphinx again and help the Eloi build a new world." "Build a new world for himself." " Right where he left her." " Yes." "It's not like George to return empty-handed." "To try to rebuild a civilization without a plan." "He must have taken something with him." "Nothing." " Except three books." " Which three books?" "I don't know." "Is it important?" "I suppose not." "Only which three would you have taken?" "Do you think he'll ever return?" "One cannot choose but wonder." "You see, he has all the time in the world." "Subtitles by SDI Media Group" "[ENGLISH]" | {
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"That was really fun last night." "I haven't been caroling since, I don't know..." "Since college, I guess." "I have to thank you for that." "For what?" "Well, just making me do it." "Getting me out of the house." "You're welcome." "And I have to thank you for that other thing, too." "You know, marrying me." "Oh, look." "You're welcome." "Did you ever hear anything about that woman?" "What woman?" "Uh, the midwife, Wendy-something?" "I overheard you talking yesterday." "Oh, Wendy Stroud." "No, no, no, not yet." "No." "It's been three days, and it looks like she's really missing." "I was actually heading down to the clinic now, talk to her boss." "Hmm." "You forgot the onions." "Did I?" "Are you okay?" "Trudy?" "You know, it's really hard being married to a detective." "I never get to have any secrets." "I'm fine." "It's nothing." "Just a little overwhelmed." "I got so much to do." "Picking up medication for Ambrose." "The bills are due." "I've got two articles to proofread." "There's just not enough time." "Okay." "Wait a minute." "That's new." "Is this for me?" "Adrian, don't open that." "I mean, come on, it's a surprise." "Promise me you won't open it till Christmas." "Okay, okay." "I won't open the digital watch." "See, I'm putting it back." "I love you." "I can't imagine why." "Is that you?" "Hello?" "Wendy Stroud has worked here for 19 years." "She was the first midwife I hired." "Uh-huh." "She ever disappear before?" "No." "She's never missed a day." "She's never even been late, hence the phone call." "Hence we're here." "Has anyone else heard from her?" "Any of the other nurses?" "No, nobody's heard from her." "And they're not nurses." "They're midwives." "Right." "There's a difference." "A midwife is a qualified autonomous practitioner, specializing in the natural birth experience." "Excuse me, what are you doing?" "I was..." "I was straightening it out a little bit." "They're umbilical cords." "They're never straight." "Bet his was." "Excuse me." "Yeah, he's right here." "When?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "We'll be right there." "Leland, what is it?" "Something happen?" "It's Trudy." "It's a jungle out there" "Disorder and confusion everywhere" "No one seems to care" "Well, I do" "Hey, who's in charge here?" "It's a jungle out there" "Poison in the very air we breathe" "You know what's in the water that you drink?" "Well, I do" "It's amazing" "People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time" "If you paid attention, you'd be worried, too" "You better pay attention" "Or this world we love so much might just kill you" "I could be wrong now" "But I don't think so" "'Cause there's a jungle out there" "It's a jungle out there" "You don't have to sleep like that." "Like what?" "All scrunched up on your side of the bed." "You're sleeping by yourself, Adrian." "No, I'm not." "Yes, you are, my darling." "And you have the whole bed." "You could sleep in the middle." "I can't." "It's time to say goodbye, Adrian." "I can't." "What?" "Why are you smiling?" "It won't be much longer." "I'm really worried about this dinner party." "It's gonna be fine." "I don't know what I'm more nervous about," "Steven meeting Julie or Julie meeting Steven." "You're still coming, right?" "You promise?" "I'll be there." "Do you need anything?" "Oh!" "Thank you for asking." "Maybe some wine." "Okay, red or white?" "Maybe red." "Would you pick some up?" "Of course." "I saw Trudy this morning." "Oh, that's a good thing." "No, this was different." "She wanted me to start sleeping in the middle of the bed, and she said, "It won't be much longer. "" "Mr. Monk, really, she said that?" "That..." "That's big." "That's an omen." "I had a premonition you were going to have an omen." "I know that building." "Hey." "Pretty weird, huh?" "What was it, 12 years ago?" "Almost exactly." "The missing midwife, remember?" "I was on the telephone right here." "And you were standing there, that exact same spot." "Hey, buddy, if you want to pass on this one, nobody would blame you." "No, no, I'm good." "You sure?" "'Cause it gets weirder." "Do you remember the doctor we were talking to?" "Nash, right?" "Malcolm Nash." "He's our guest of honor." "Oh, my God." "Don't ask." "Don't ask what?" "Where I've been." "Were you gone?" "Two weeks, on vacation, but I can't talk about it." "It's personal." "Were you in New York?" "Your plane ticket says Newark." "Can't confirm or deny." "You don't have to confirm it." "I can see your ticket." "Well, you'll never know." "I already know." "I can see your ticket." "Natalie, I can't talk about this right now." "We're at a crime scene." "Okay." "So apparently, he was here working late." "I guess they're updating their files." "He was scanning all their old paperwork into the computer." "Scanning?" "Scanning the..." "Doesn't matter." "Anyway, he was at the computer." "Somebody sneaks in, comes up behind him, bang, one in the back, bang, one in the head, .22 caliber." "There were some patients down the hall." "Didn't hear a thing." "Silencer." "A professional." "That's a safe bet." "They're all here." "What's all here?" "Pill bottles." "See, here's the inventory, 58 bottles." "And 58 bottles." "He didn't take anything with him." "So it was a setup." "He wants us to think junkie." "Looks like the killer stuck around for a while." "He used the computer." "How do you know?" "The mouse is on the left side, but Dr. Nash is right-handed." "How do you know that?" "He was right-handed 12 years ago." "That was the first thing that Ethan said when the Governor called." "He didn't say, "I won't let you down,"" "or, "Thank you for the great honor. " He said..." "I said, "Do I have to move to Sacramento?"" "Ethan will never move." "Here you go." "Thank you." "I think he's gonna be buried in this yard." "Well, I'm not gonna move now." "I just fixed the leaky shower upstairs." "And it only took you 14 years to do it." "Judge Rickover, the police are here." "Oh, thank you." "Well, the A-Team has arrived." "Captain." "Hey." "Lieutenant." "Sir." "Natalie." "Hello." "And the remarkable Mr. Monk." "Good to see you again." "Sorry to bug you on a Sunday, Judge, but we've got a warrant here that needs your signature." "All right, well, I'm familiar with the file." "Wouldn't you like to join us?" "Are you thirsty?" "Actually, we're on duty, sir." "Oh, well, of course you are." "Well, let me take a look." "Joey Kazarinski." "Why am I not surprised?" "We sure it's him?" "Well, the MO matches." "He's left-handed." "He uses a. 22 with a silencer." "Plus we've got a partial print." "Monk put it all together." "Ah, well done, Detective." "Well, everything looks in order." "This is an historic moment, really." "This could be the last search warrant I'll be signing." "Please don't tell anyone." "It's not official yet." "But the Governor called me yesterday." "He'd like me to commute to Sacramento." "Hey, state Supreme Court." "Well, I guess it beats working for a living." "Congratulations." "Good luck to you." "Well, good luck to all us." "Congratulations, sir." "Thank you." "Are they allowed to do that?" "Let's see." "Yes, they are." "Mrs. Kazarinski, your husband's in serious trouble." "He's not my husband." "Been divorced for three years." "But he stays here." "Sometimes." "Joey does what he wants." "I can't stop him, and neither can you." "Monk, what are you doing?" "Straightening up." "We're trying to intimidate this woman." "Give me a minute here." "Where's Natalie?" "Oh, she's with her boyfriend." "I gave her the day off." "Would you cut it out?" "She's gonna want us to come every Tuesday." "Look, Edie, we're trying to protect Joey here." "If you tell us where he is, we can pick him up without anybody getting hurt." "I don't care if you kill him." "Hope you do." "Do you happen to have a recent photograph?" "The one we have is over 10 years old." "Threw 'em out." "Ripped 'em up and threw 'em out." "Wait, I think I have one left." "He has a white goatee." "That's not a goatee." "Hello." "It's me." "Hey, where the hell are you at?" "I've been waiting like an hour." "Change of plans." "We won't be meeting again." "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "At least not in person." "Wait, is there a problem?" "Yeah, we have a big problem." "You left a partial fingerprint at the clinic." "They have your name." "They're looking for you." "It's gonna be okay, all right?" "I've disappeared before." "Before you pack your bags, I've got another job for you." "I figure you could use another payday." "All right, well, who is it?" "A detective." "A former detective." "His name is Adrian Monk." "He's going to put two and two together eventually." "In this case, two and two equals me." "I'm afraid it will get rather personal." "I can't afford that." "What do you mean, "personal"?" "I mean he would come after me, try to kill me." "He'd probably succeed." "Now why would he want to do something like that?" "Because 12 years ago," "I killed his wife." "Oh, this is for Mr. Monk." "This is for me." "For Mr. Monk." "This is for me." "Mr. Monk." "Me." "Mr. Monk." "I'm sorry, I don't get it." "Why two separate carts?" "Why can't we just separate them when we get home?" "Yeah, I stopped asking those questions a long time ago." "Oh, honey mustard, Julie's favorite." "Mine too." "Really?" "That'll give you something to talk about." "Salad dressing." "I hope we have more in common than salad dressing." "Teeger, relax." "It's gonna be great." "I'm gonna love her." "Yeah, you better." "Besides, we both know we're avoiding the real question here." "Uh-huh, which is?" "Can I live with a woman who loves asparagus?" "Live with?" "I didn't mean..." "Live with, you said it." "You said it." "It's a figure of speech." "You did." "Oh, wait." "Excuse me, sorry." "That's our cart." "Oh, I'm so sorry." "They, um..." "They all look the same." "Yeah." "Live with..." "You're not gonna let me live this one down, are you?" "So it was a Christmas gift from your wife?" "That's right." "She gave it to me just before she died." "Yeah, it's just sitting on his bookcase unopened." "It's really romantic." "I'll..." "I'll never open it." "I can't open it." "It's the last secret we have." "I think I understand." "It's a way of keeping her alive." "Exactly." "So, Julie, your mom says you're going to Berkeley." "Theater arts?" "Yeah, that's the plan." "You gonna live at home?" "Oh, no way." "I'm already, you know, all packed up." "Yeah, I don't want to talk about it." "I can't believe she's leaving the nest already." "I'll only be 30 minutes away, so..." "This home will just be a house." "Well, thanks, Mom." "That was a real conversation-killer." "So, Adrian, you working on any interesting cases?" "Uh, there was a homicide at a birthing center." "Oh, that's ironic." "It was a professional hit." "We know who did it, but we just don't..." "We just don't know why." "Mr. Monk, are you okay?" "I'm fine." "I guess I'm just not hungry." "I can usually eat her food." "Mr. Monk, please stop." "Please." "There's a spot." "It's just not coming out." "There's another spot, here." "I'm seeing spots all over." "I think he's sick." "Adrian." "Adrian, look at me." "He's burning up." "I think we should get him to a hospital." "We're gonna need some blood." "All right, Natalie, give her some blood." "I mean your blood." "What are you doing?" "What is that?" "It's just a needle." "That is not a needle." "That thing's 10 feet long." "You've never given blood before?" "Nah." "Well, you've had shots before." "I don't think so." "Well, there's a first time for everything." "I need you to roll up your sleeve." "Oh, no, no, no." "No!" "No!" "No, no." "Can you please hold your friend?" "It's okay." "I got it." "Wait, wait, wait." "All right, wait, wait." "I'm feeling better, much..." "I'm feeling much, much better." "It's a miracle." "No, Mr. Monk, you're not better." "They need some blood." "Come on, just lay back." "No!" "Trust me, I'm a doctor." "It's okay." "Trust me." "Come on, it's okay." "No, no, no." "Who are you calling?" "Everybody." "It's okay." "It's okay." "Let's try this again." "No!" "Hold him still." "Mr. Monk, just calm down." "It's okay." "Here we go." "Here it is." "No!" "It's all right." "You got it." "All done." "That wasn't so bad, was it?" "Piece of cake." "Mr. Monk, I'm Dr. Matthew Shuler." "Uh-huh." "Sorry to keep you waiting." "That's okay." "It's okay." "You know, I wish more people would wipe their hands like that." "We'd have a lot fewer patients." "Oh, thank you." "Mr. Monk, I work in the Hematology Department here." "In fact, I am the Hematology Department." "Hematology?" "Rare blood disorders." "Dr. Shuler's one of the best toxicologists in the country." "Mr. Monk, we've never met." "How well do you take bad news?" "Oh, not well at all." "Not good." "I'm probably the worst." "Not good, not good." "I'd rather hear the good news first." "I'm afraid there is no good news." "There's always good news." "People say, "I have" ""some good news and some bad news. "" "Not this time." "Mr. Monk, have you eaten anything unusual lately?" "Why do you ask?" "Well, this is all very preliminary, and we are gonna have to run a lot more tests, but it looks like Adrian's been poisoned." "Poisoned?" "I said well done!" "It was well done." "You should have seen it." "It was still pink." "It was bleeding." "I'm the worst cook in the world." "Mr. Monk, if I gave you food poisoning, I'm so sorry." "Can you forgive me?" "If you gave me food poisoning, no." "Listen, we're not talking about food poisoning here." "It is a lot more serious than that." "This is some kind of synthetic toxin." "Synthetic?" "Yes, and we don't know how it was introduced, but we do know the dosage is quite substantial." "Well..." "What?" "I don't understand." "You've been poisoned, Adrian." "Somebody is trying to kill you." "And they may have succeeded." "I found some more mouthwash." "You want a seat?" "No, I'm okay." "Have a seat." "Okay, Randy, I'm not pregnant." "I'm just dying." "Please stop talking like that." "I'll stop talking soon enough." "Oh, God, there he is." "Here he comes." "My God." "God." "I hate the way they walk." "This is the longest hallway in the world." "Hey, how you feeling?" "Oh!" "Um, scared." "Yeah." "Well, here's what we know." "Everybody ate the same food at Natalie's, and nobody else got sick." "So we're assuming it wasn't introduced there." "I've sent a hazmat team to your house, and they've taken away all the food they can find." "Are they gonna put everything back?" "After we're done testing it." "Because I have a system." "Adrian, they're gonna put it back exactly the way it was, okay?" "I promise." "Now, I'm afraid we still don't know how you were introduced to this toxin." "Is that important?" "Yes, it's absolutely vital." "We know the toxin in ricin-based, but that's all we know." "It could be one of 4,000 different compounds." "We can't treat you until the source of the poison has been identified." "Can't you pump his stomach or give him antibiotics?" "I'm afraid it's not that easy." "We need to identify the specific toxin." "Now, of course we'll try to manage your pain as best we can." "So..." "How long?" "Two, maybe three days." "Now, you're gonna feel normal for a while, and then there's gonna be some vomiting, followed by death." "Vomiting?" "That's right." "Followed by death." "Vomiting." "Yes." "Followed by death." "Vomiting!" "Adrian, I really need you to focus on the last part of that sentence." "There's gonna be some vomiting and then death." "Is there any chance death could come before the vomiting?" "Two days?" "Wish it were five." "Why?" "'Cause it's a bigger number." "What is this?" "That's the suspect from the birthing center." "We're still tracking him down." "Birthing center?" "Natalie, we've got more important things to worry..." "No, no, no, I've seen him before." "He was at the supermarket." "When was this?" "Yesterday." "He walked away with Mr. Monk's shopping cart." "Shopping cart?" "Yeah, he had it for 10, maybe 20 seconds." "Well, that's long enough." "I mean, he could have put something in the cart, tampered with something." "Do you still have the receipt?" "Yeah, I think so." "Okay, listen, we're gonna start there." "We'll test every single item that was on that list." "Is there enough time?" "I don't know." "Thank you for coming." "I have to tell you right off the bat that is not an officially sanctioned task force, so nobody's gonna get paid any overtime." "We're not here for the money, Captain." "I appreciate that." "I'm sure Monk does, too." "All right, this is our target, Joey Kazarinski." "A.k. a., Joey Kaz or Joey K." "We think that Kazarinski shot Dr. Nash last Friday, and we think that he poisoned Adrian Monk." "What's the connection?" "Monk was working the Nash case." "Other than that, we don't know." "Now, we're gonna split up into groups." "Half of you are gonna work with Randy on the shooting." "They know who you are, Randy." "I want to know everything there is to know about Nash, who he was, who loved him, more importantly, who didn't love him." "The rest of us are gonna find Kazarinski." "We're gonna turn over every rock in Northern California." "Now, this guy is dangerous." "He is armed." "He might be carrying chemical agents, so be careful, but, and this is very important, no guns." "You get a lead, you phone it in." "You keep your gun in your belt." "He must be taken alive." "If he dies, Monk dies." "Understood?" "Good deal, let's go." "They'll find him." "You were with Kazarinski yesterday." "We know that you sold him some fake ID." "What was it, a driver's license?" "Passport?" "I don't know what you're talking about." "Ronnie, I don't have time to dance with you today." "My friend is sick." "Do you understand?" "Your friend is sick, what does that mean?" "It means that I need that name." "I need to know the name that Joey Kazarinski is using now." "You need a name?" "What are you gonna do?" "Hit me with a phone book?" "There are no phone books in here, Captain." "Nobody uses phone books anymore." "They all use computers." "Yeah, you're right." "Did you get a name?" "Yes, I did." "Oh, your computer crashed." "5:24 limited train to Redwood City," "Menlo Park, and points south now boarding at gate 3." "The 5:24 limited, gate 3, is now boarding." "Mason, can you see the ticket booth?" "Roger that." "Maintain your sight line." "His train is leaving in ten minutes." "He'll be here soon." "Remember, hit him hard, but no guns." "Keep your guns in your holsters." "What about that service entrance?" "We got it covered, the whole perimeter." "He's not gonna show." "He's gonna show." "He made his reservation." "The train will be here in 10 minutes." "He'll be here." "The 5:27 limited from Oakland," "Berkeley, and points north arriving at gate 6." "The 5:27 limited arriving at gate 6." "Yeah, I got nothing," "He's not gonna show." "I'm gonna miss all this." "You going somewhere?" "No, no." "You know, I mean eventually." "Can't do this forever." "That's the 5:32 from San Jose." "Yeah, right on time." "Listen." "I don't hear anything." "Me neither." "There was no announcement." "Where's the announcer?" "Control tower." "Go." "Go." "I think we may have a 20 on the suspect." "Everybody hold your positions." "Captain, the controller's dead." "He's been shot, once in the back, once in the head." "And there's lots of blood." "Randy." "Randy, the microphone is still on." "So much blood in here." "God, look at all the blood." "Randy, the microphone's still on." "What?" "The microphone, it's still on." "I can still hear you." "No, wait, wait, hang on." "Hang on." "I can still hear you." "Randy, it's still on." "No, no, I got it." "I got it." "Kazarinski took his jacket and his ID." "Think we should make an announcement and warn everybody, otherwise they might just be sitting ducks down there." "Captain?" "He's got a gun." "He's killed once." "He won't hesitate to do it again." "Kazarinski!" "Police!" "Look out, police!" "Joey." "Joey." "Joey, stop." "Kazarinski!" "Joey." "Stop!" "Joey!" "Kazarinski!" "Joey, look out!" "Damn!" "Joey!" "The man who poisoned you, this Kazarinski, did he say anything before he died?" "He was hit by a train." "He probably said, "Train. "" "They know what kind of poison he used?" "No, they found the motel room he was using." "There were some chemicals in the dumpster, but it'll take them weeks to analyze everything." "There isn't enough time." "How about the food from your shopping cart?" "No." "All negative." "No trace of anything." "Adrian, I could have met you at home or at the hospital, you know." "Nah, it's all right." "I was out anyway." "Natalie's driving me to the cemetery to say goodbye." "I'm just so sorry." "You have nothing to be sorry about." "I have everything to be sorry about." "I've lived like a prisoner." "I've been a prisoner ever since Trudy." "I've wasted so much time." "Just add it up." "I've probably wasted three years just washing these hands." "Wait." "Adrian, you're not being fair." "You know, you've been..." "You are more productive than anyone I know." "You've solved over 120 major cases." "I didn't solve anything if I didn't solve Trudy." "If I didn't keep that promise to her, didn't solve anything." "I've always hated that painting." "All right, well, I'm not giving up." "Doctors are performing miracles every day." "So, I'm just gonna put all your appointments in my book." "Three, four, five weeks ahead of time." "All right, Adrian Monk, Monday, 11:00 a. m." "Adrian Monk, yeah?" "And Wednesday..." "You're using a pencil." "...9:00 a. m." "Oh!" "That doesn't mean anything." "You never use a pencil." "I didn't have a pen." "It's right there." "Your pen is right there." "It doesn't matter." "It doesn't matter." "It doesn't even..." "My time is up." "Ha!" "My time is up." "Get it?" "Goodbye, Dr. Bell." "No, Adrian, it's not goodbye." "Never goodbye." "Goodbye." "Did you talk to the lab?" "Yeah, I just got off the phone with them." "He's not gonna make it." "Should I shut the door?" "I don't care." "Let 'em fire me." "I wish they would." "I had him all wrong." "I know that now." "I'd always thought that Monk was not all there," "like there was something missing, like he was less than human." "But he wasn't missing anything." "He was seeing more than anybody." "He was feeling more than anybody." "That was his problem." "He was too human." "If we had more like him, we'd be better off." "I love you." "Is that it?" "Sure you don't want to say something else?" "No, I can tell her myself tomorrow." "Mr. Monk." "Mr. Monk, that was Dr. Shuler." "He really thinks you need to be in the hospital." "No, I'm staying here." "Okay." "Then we'll stay here." "Can I get you anything?" "How about some tea?" "Uh-uh." "Just..." "Trudy's gift." "No, Mr. Monk, no." "It's time." "Please." "Natalie, it's..." "It's time." "It's a videotape." "Hello, Adrian." "If you're watching this, it means I'm dead." "I know we said we'd never have any secrets, but there's something I never told you." "Something happened, something terrible," "years ago, before we met." "Repair and Synchronization by Easy Subtitles Synchronizer" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"It has to be from downtown." "It's handled through this office, but it requires downtown approval." "I don't know." "It has been submitted." "Sylvia, can you help me with this?" "Coming." "Closing time." "Going in?" " Yes, sir." " Okay." "I couldn't say." " You the manager?" " It's a matter of policy." "It — It looks —" "Keep talking like nothing was wrong." "Listen, let me call you back." "Sonny, I'm getting really bad vibes." "What are you talking about?" "Maybe we should take something smaller, Sonny." "You crazy?" "He started already." "He's got the gun out." "Go on, go over by the door." "Get over by the door." "Freeze!" " Nobody move." " Get over there!" "Okay." "All right, get away from those alarms." "Come on, get in the center." "He moves, take his head off." "Put the gun on him!" "Get out of the center." "Sonny." "I can't do it, Sonny." " What?" " I'm not gonna make it." " What?" "Put it on him." " I can't do it, Sonny." "Oh, fuck me." "Sal." " What?" " Where are you?" "He can't make it." "Fuck him." "Let him go!" "Come on, Sonny!" "All right, let him out." " Let him out!" " Do what the gentleman says, Howard." "Let him out!" "I'm sorry, Sonny." "Oh, shit." " Stevie, don't take the car." " How do I get home?" "Take the subway." "We need the car." "Stevie, the keys." " I'm sorry, Sonny." " Right." "All right, lock it." "Shit." " What do you want?" " Sonny, there's a girl under that desk." "All right, go." "We got rid of him." "So now we just move it along." " Sal, you got them?" " I got them." "Okay." "What'd he say to me?" "Wait a minute." "Anybody here?" "What's this, a squirrel?" "Hey, you." "Come on." "Go ahead." "In the back there." "No one's gonna hurt you." "Go ahead, get to the back." " Pull the drapes!" " Howard." "Now, you, to the back there." "Go to him, right there." "Okay." "We're gonna move this now." "Just moving along." "Come on." "Gotcha." "Gotcha." "We're moving right along, folks." "Gonna get this thing done in half an hour." "We just gotta block ..." "Oh, shit." "Here." "Knock out the TV." "There we go." "See?" "No replay, folks." "No alarms." "Let's get you all fixed up and on your way." " Right." "Is the vault open?" " I can take care of that." "That's good." "Let's go." "Take care of it." "Hey, wait a minute." "What are you trying to do?" "Trip the alarm?" "Use the spot key?" " I must've been out of my mind." " You get your mind right!" "I'm a Catholic." "I don't wanna hurt anybody, understand?" " Yes, sir." " No alarms." " No alarms!" " Okay." "No games, all right?" "Use the other one." "Miriam ... open the safe." "It's all right." "It's all right." "Here." "Put it in this." "What?" "That's all there is." "What are you talking about?" "They picked it up today." "There's only $1,100." " It's true." " He's gonna shoot me." "I can't believe it." "There's no money here." " Come on, Sonny, let's do it!" " I'm doing it!" "Too much." "This is too much." "This is too much." "All right, come on." "Let's go." "Somebody — You answer it." "Watch him, Sal." "You, come with me." "Watch him." " Sit down." " Who's the head teller here?" " I am." " Come here." "All right, open it up." "Nope, not all of it." "Look, I worked in a bank." "I know the alarms." "All right?" "Don't play games with me." "See." "You take one of these, go like this ... in here, and out it comes." "You got your 100." "I'll call you back." "No, it's decoy money." "It's marked." "It's shit." "See?" "Cheer up, you'll be the veterans of a robbery." "You know the bank sends you a dozen red roses?" "Sal, let him answer it." "Hey, you." "Manager." "Fucker!" "Don't get ideas." "I bark, that man there, he bites." " Believe me, I'm on your side." " On my side, shit." "Listen, we got young girls here." "You could watch your language." "I speak what I feel." ""Watch my language." Empty the drawer out." "I don't know." "You'd have to find out from him." "Traveler's checks ... and the register." "The register." "You've got it." "All right, let's go." "I'll take that from you." "All right, Sal, here we go." "Shit." "Come on." " Shit." " Sonny, what the hell are you doing?" "I'm burning the register here." "Moving right along, folks." "All right." "Okay." "We're leaving." "Let me have the keys." "Howard, give him the keys." " Come on." " Howard." "Nobody's gonna hurt you." "We're gonna leave." "Sonny." "Who's that?" "It's the insurance guy from across the street." "He probably saw the smoke." "Please, put out the fire." " I'll get some water." " Stay right there!" "No, no, please, don't —!" "Don't do it!" " I'll call you back later." " Get rid of him." " Come on, get rid of him!" " Howard." "Howard." " Use your head." " I can handle it." " Everything's all right?" " Cigarette butt got in the wastebasket." " Well, then you're okay." " Yeah." "Thanks for keeping an eye out." "Okay." " Good." " Go now." "We gave you all we've got." "Okay, we're going." "Answer the phone." "Sal, get them in the vault." "Come on, in the vault." " Where's the money?" " I'm getting it." "Got it." "He's gonna come with us." "Okay." "No, please don't close that door." "How can we breathe?" " I can't explain." "I'll call —" " Right." "Wait a minute." " Wait a minute." "Listen." " What?" "I'll never make this." "I'll have to go to the toilet." "Honey, it's no joke." "I got a terrible fear of being locked in." " Who has to go to the bathroom?" " I do too." " See, now they all wanna go." " Look, do you wanna check it out?" "It's the first door on your right." "All right, Mouth, let's go." "First door on my right." "It's Maria!" "Listen, I — I forgot she's in there." "It's not her fault." "She's always pulling this." "She's supposed to have 10 minutes, she takes 15 —" " Shut up!" "Nobody goes to the bathroom." " Let's go, out." " We're having a bank robbery." "Mulvaney speaking." "All right, Mouth." "Mouth." " Here's your toilet." " It's for you." " What?" " Telephone call." "For you." "Yeah." " What are you doing in there?" " Who's this?" "Detective Sergeant Eugene Moretti, asshole." "We got you by the balls." "I'm looking you right in the eye." "Right now I can see you." " Who is it?" " Cops." "You come to the front door ..." "Hang it up." "Get on the side of the street." "Come on, let's go." "How'd that happen?" "Did I do anything to hurt you?" "Did I treat you badly?" " Look at my salary." "I won't be a hero." " Did you have a plan or what?" "What did you do, just barge in on a whim?" " Why'd you have to light a fire?" " I told you to get out ... when you could, but you had to hang around." "He don't have a plan." "It's all a whim." " Rob a bank, right?" " I had it planned!" "Only the money should have been delivered, not taken away." "That fucking Jack, downtown, he gave me the wrong information." "That fuck!" "What is this Jack supposed to be?" "A mastermind or what?" "I wouldn't be arguing with me." "We're all in a barrel together and we wanna get out of it." "All right, I gotta have time to think." "I gotta think." "Oh, shit." "Listen, bastards." "You keep away, or we'll start throwing bodies out ... one at a time." "Got that?" "Who is this?" "There a Jenny here?" " Who's Jenny here?" " That's me." "It's the squirrel." "You got a husband?" "Yeah?" "Well, he's on the phone." "Go ahead." "Well, what could I tell him?" "I don't know, tell him whatever." "Tell him the truth." "What a fucking comedy." "W-N-E-W, plays all the hits." "Listen." "Now, don't hang up." " First off, is anybody hurt in there?" " No." "Keep away, or we'll start throwing bodies out, one at a time." "You got that?" "Don't do that." "Let me talk to you for a while." "How many people you got?" "No, call me back." " Call me back." " Excuse me." "He said he wants to know what time you'll be through." "What?" "Oh, girlie, please." "Come on." "Let's go." " Where's the back door?" " It's locked on the inside." "Where is it?" "Through the passageway to the right." "Sal, cover them, cover them." "You could just go ahead and cook whatever's there." "Ready for riot gang." "3-4, sergeant." "3-4, sergeant." "Is that roof —?" " Negative." " Tell units preset." "Oh, yes, I will." "Yes, I will." " Let's go, come on." " Honey, I've gotta go now." "I gotta go." "I love you too." "All right, inside here." "Sal, I don't know what happened." "Maybe somebody tripped an alarm or something." "I don't know." " But there's a way out of this." " Listen." " Were you serious about what you said?" " About what?" "About throwing —" "About throwing those bodies out the door?" " That's what I want him to think." " I wanna know what you think." "Because I'll tell you right now, I'm ready to do it." "Right." "Okay." " I mean it." "I mean it." " I know." "All right." "Listen, everybody." "I know we got a problem here, right?" "But there's a way out of this thing." "I'm telling you." "All you gotta do is cooperate with me." "Stay cool, and we'll get out of this, all right?" "Nobody gets hurt if you listen to me." "First, we'll do things a step at a time." "You gotta go to the bathroom, right?" "She'll get to go to the bathroom." "Everybody who has to go will get to go to the bathroom." "We'll do things together." "Now, stay cool — What's the matter with him?" "He's got asthma." " Asthma?" " Yeah, asthma." "Asthma." "Shit." "All right, I'll take care of that." " You, what's your name?" " Mulvaney." "Mulvaney?" "Come with me." " He's got asthma and he's a guard?" " They go to guard school." "To learn what, how to shoot?" "He doesn't have a gun." "They earn a $105 a week to fold the flag in the morning ... straighten up." "I don't know what they learn." "All right, I wanna block that door." "In case they try coming in, I can hear it." "All right." "Let's move this." "Wait a minute." "Hold it, hold it." "Let's get rid of this." "You got kids?" "I got two kids and I'd like to see them again." "You'll see them again." "You're being cooperative with me." "I got no complaints against you, whatsoever." "Whatsoever." "You got bank insurance?" "You know I do." "You seem to know a lot about bank procedure." "I know a lot about a lot of things." "I just wanna get you out of here safe, right?" "What if I take you with me?" "If you take anybody ... please take me." "They'll shoot you, you know?" "The cops ... don't care about bank insurance." "See what they did in Attica?" "Forty-two people, they killed." "The innocent with the guilty." "Anyway ..." "I won't take you." "I'll take one of them girls, a married one with kids." "Cops don't like it in the papers when they shoot a married woman with kids." "You're all right." "You won't fuck with me, will you?" "Come on, set a car." " Help with those barricades." " Move them back." "There's the FBI." "How you doing, Sheldon?" "Why didn't you wait and try to take them outside?" "I made an error in judgment." "Thought the S.O. B.s would be remorseful at the sight of a policeman." "And you know something?" "Nobody said "hostage" yet, understand?" " We have a bank robbery here." " Yeah." "How did the press guys get through the barrier?" "We don't know what's up yet." "We're setting up communications." "This is Ron Cummins from CBS." "Can you tell me the situation?" "We got the — We're setting up communications now." "The perpetrators are in the bank." "That's all I can say now." "When I get it, you'll get it." "That's all." "Okay." "What are you doing on the fire escape?" "I said on the roof." "Now, get up on the roof, will you?" " Get the phone company?" " It's being set up now." "This phone is gonna be a direct line into the bank." " Mulvaney speaking." " Moretti here." "Let me talk to him." " Yeah." " Detective Sergeant Eugene Moretti." " Yeah." " Okay ... you're in there, we're out here." "What do we do?" " I don't know." "What do we do?" " Listen." " Are the people in the bank okay?" " They're okay." " You alone or you got confederates?" " I'm not alone." " I got Sal." " Sal, what's that for, Salvatore?" "Yeah." "Sal, he's a killer." "We're Vietnam veterans so killing don't mean anything to us." " In the Army?" " In the Army, yeah." " So there's you, what's your name?" " Why do you wanna know my name?" "Give me any name." "Just so I got something to call you." "Let's be reasonable, okay?" "Just give me your name." "Call me Sonny." " Sonny?" " Yeah." "Okay." "Now listen, Sonny." "I wanna see if the people are okay." " Right." " Yeah." "Then I wanna work out a way to get them out of there." "I wanna come over without a gun." "You can frisk me so you can trust me." "We'll find a way out of this." "Right." "I just wanna find some way that I can trust you too." "Not be on the street where you could just shoot me." " Some sign, right?" " Right." "Like what?" "How about letting the people out?" "Come on, now." "Who do you think you're dealing with?" "A fucking idiot here?" "They're keeping me alive." "I'm gonna let them out?" "Talk to me." "Just talk to me straight." "I'm ready to talk." "Okay, okay." "How about giving us the women?" "No, I've got women." "That's all I've got here." "Okay." "Give me something." "Give me one of them." " Why do you want one?" " It's like a fair exchange." " I'll come over." "I won't pack nothing." " Yeah?" "I don't know if you'll take me hostage." "It's a sign of trust." " How do I call you back?" " We got a direct line here." "Pick up the receiver and I'm here." "He wants one." " Him, right?" " Right." " Right?" " Right." " Okay?" "He goes." " Okay." "Can you get up?" "What are we dealing with here?" "Hey, you have to keep checking me out all the time?" "Yeah." " Here you are." "Your stomach okay?" " It's all right." "He'll need the keys." "Got the keys?" " Just the one, Sonny!" " Right." " Hey, don't fire!" "Don't fire!" " What are you doing?" " Get away from him!" " That's a hostage!" " Don't fire, don't fire." "Hold your fire." " Hold your fire!" "We voted to send him out!" " He's one of the hostages!" " Get away from him!" " What's the matter with you?" " He's a hostage!" "He's one of the hostages." "What the hell's the matter with you?" "I don't give a fuck, goddamn it!" "Get away." "Get out of here." "Hey, Sonny!" "Wait a minute, Sonny." "That was your fault, Sonny." "You know we had the communications set up here." "We're not set up properly." "We've got 250 cops here." "We don't know what's going on in there." " You almost killed him!" "Are you crazy?" " That was smart." "You say you got nothing but women, and throw out a guy." "What's going on?" "You wanted a hostage, I gave you one." " You gonna deal with us or not?" " I gave you one." "You did, but you should have picked up the phone." "Come on out." "Look." "I ain't packing nothing, see?" "I ain't packing nothing." "You can come out and frisk me." "You can tell." " Why you want me to come out?" " To look at something." " To see what you're up against." " I can see it." "Why come out?" "Come out and see it all, all right?" "Come on." "All right?" "Sal is in there with the other people." "Anything happens to me, they'll get it." "I don't forget about Sal." "Come out and look." "Okay?" "Come on." "Okay?" " I gotta check with him first." " All right." "You don't need that artillery." "Sonny, five minutes." "You tell him that." "Take it easy." "Get them back." "He's got a white flag." "All right." "Okay." "Everything's all right." " See that?" " Right, yeah." "Okay." " Come on out, Sonny." " He's too close here." "Get back!" "What the fuck are you doing?" " Get them back." " Get back!" " All right." " Okay." "Come on out." "Take a look at this." "Come on." "Here, look." "Look up here." "Look." "Look." "Look over here, huh?" "Over there, right?" "We got everything here, okay?" "You got the militia out here, huh?" "Let Sal come look." "What hope have you got?" "Come on." "Quit while you're ahead." " It's only attempted robbery." " Armed robbery." "All right, armed, then." "Nobody's been hurt." "Release the hostages." "No one will worry over kidnapping charges." "The most you'll get is 5 years." " You'll get out in one year." " Kiss me." " What?" " Kiss me." "When I'm being fucked, I like to get kissed on the mouth." "You're a city cop, right?" "Bank robbery's a federal offense." "They got me on kidnapping, armed robbery." "They're gonna bury me." "I won't talk to somebody trying to con me." " Get someone in charge." " I am in charge." "I won't talk to some flunky pig trying to con me." "What's he doing?" " Get back!" " Why are they moving in?" "Will you get the fuck back there?" "Get back there." "Get over there!" " Go on back there, man!" " Get over there!" "He wants to kill me so bad, he can taste it." " No one's gonna kill anybody." " Attica!" "Attica!" "Attica!" "Attica!" "Attica!" "Attica!" "Attica!" "Attica!" "Attica!" "Attica!" "Attica!" "Attica!" "Attica!" "Remember Attica!" "Go ahead." "Go ahead." "Your word don't fucking matter!" "Come on, calm down." "— to put their guns down!" "Put your guns down!" "Wasn't for the TV guys, they'd kill us all." "Tell them to put their guns down!" "Get back!" " Put those guns down!" " Put the guns down!" "Get back!" "Put those fucking guns down!" "Put those guns down!" "Put them down!" "Put them down!" "Put those fucking guns down." "Put those guns down." "Attica!" "Attica!" "You got it, man!" "You got it, man!" "You got it, man!" "You got it!" "You got it!" "You got it, man!" "You got it, right?" "You got it, right?" "You got it." "You got it." "You got it, right?" "— headquarters in Washington —" " Robbing a bank?" " What was —?" "What?" "— as to the identity of one of the men." "Why didn't he tell me he needed money?" "He should've come to me if he needed money." "I can't believe it." "We know that 8 people are still being held in the bank." "The situation inside the bank is totally unknown to us other than ... descriptions that have been obtained from Howard Calvin." "Why steal when your mom's a sucker?" "We'll switch you now to Ron Cummins at the bank in Brooklyn." "Miss Benson, what's it like inside?" "They're holding up, what can you say?" " The guy with the gun on us ..." " Got a deal?" "... he's a quiet type." " Any confidence in Detective Moretti?" "They don't know Detective Moretti yet." "I gotta go now." "What's this with the hands?" "She's out, let her stay out." "They're my girls." "I'm going back in there." " Howard, how is he?" " Howard's all right." " Put the TV on." " Girls, I was interviewed." "Sal, looks good." "Everybody's out there." "They got the whole media." "Television people." "Television people ... they wanna talk to you." "They're out there." "Yeah?" "Hello, Sonny." "Sonny, you're on the air." " Would you answer a few questions?" " Yeah." "Why are you doing this?" " Hello?" " See, now ..." "I just saw myself there." "What'd you —?" " Why am I doing it?" " Yes." " Doing what?" " Robbing a bank." "What?" "I don't know what you mean by that." "I'm robbing a bank because they got money here." "I mean, why do you feel you have to steal for money?" "Couldn't you get a job?" "No." "Doing what?" "You know — You know, if you want a job, you gotta be a member of a union." "See." "If you got no union card, you don't get a job." "What about non-union jobs?" "What's wrong with this guy?" "What do you mean, non-union?" "Like what, a bank teller?" " Know how much a bank teller makes?" " Not much." "Not much. $115 to start, right?" "You gonna live on that?" "I got a wife and kids." "How am I gonna live on that?" "What do you make a week?" " I'm here to talk to you, Sonny." " No, well, I'm — I'm talking to you." "We're entertainment, right?" "What do you —?" "What do you got for us?" "What do you want to get for it?" " Do you expect to be paid?" " I don't need to be paid." "Look." "I'm here with my partner and nine other people, see, and we're dying." "You're gonna see our brains on the sidewalk." "They'll spill our guts out." "Gonna show that on television?" "Have housewives see that?" "Instead of As The World Turns?" "What do you got for me?" "I want something for that." " Sonny." " Yeah." " You could give up." " Give up?" " Right." "You ever been in prison?" " No." "No." "Let's talk about something you fucking know about, okay?" " How much you make a week?" " Transmission has been interrupted." "Please stand by, we will return to our special newscast very soon." "Hello?" "What the fuck happened?" "Guess he didn't appreciate your language." "Fuck him." "Sal." "I don't know, they might deal with us." "You know?" "I mean, I don't know about that guy out there." "But if I get the FBI involved in this, they might deal." "What do you think?" "No." " Sal ..." " No!" " What's the matter with you?" " You made a promise, didn't you?" " Did you promise me something?" " Yeah." "Did you say either we get away clean or we kill ourselves?" " Did you?" " I'm not talking about that." " You believe in keeping your promises?" " Yeah." " Then does it still go?" " Yeah." " Well, what are you talking about?" " I'm trying to —" "I ain't going back to that prison, Sonny." " Yeah." " Kill them all." "Now." " Take your bayonet, jam it into their —" " Fuck you, you fucker." "Shit." "We ask for a jet." "What do you think?" "We get a helicopter." "We get a helicopter here, it lands on the roof ... and takes us to a jet." "And we fly the fuck out of the country." "Sal." "Sal ... we can do it." "Sal." "Sal, look." "We got them." "We don't even know it." "We got the hostages." "We've been looking at this the wrong way." "We make the demands." "They're gonna give us anything we want." "I'm flying to the tropics." "Fuck the snow." "Hey, where's the Mouth?" " You ready to go to Algeria?" " Algeria?" "Yeah, sure." "We're all going to sunny climes!" "Sal, I can make it happen!" "I can make it happen!" "I made it happen so far, right?" "I can make it happen." " Yeah." " Give me Moretti." "Sarge." "All of you, go ahead, make phone calls." "Call home or whatever." "We're all going on a trip." " Yeah, Sonny." " Yeah." "I wanna talk to you." " And I'm coming out." " Good, I'll be there." "Let's go." "Come on, he's coming out." "Sal." "Now, you gotta understand something." "If we leave the country, there's no coming back here." "There's no coming back." "If there's anyone you wanna talk to ... you wanna say goodbye to, do it now." "No." "Is there any special country you wanna go to?" "Wyoming." "No, Wyoming ..." "That's not a country." "That's all right." "I'll take care of it." "All right, put them down!" "Put them down." "You need a gun?" "What do I have?" "See this here, look." "I got nothing up my sleeve." "I got nothing here either." "Wanna see my pockets?" "Here." "You need that gun, right?" "Yeah." "Moretti, tell them to put their guns down!" "Hey, you, see that?" "Put it in your holster." "Put the guns down!" "You know what it means to put a gun down?" "What's this?" " What's this?" " Put them down." "Right." "Thank you very much." "Thank you very much." "You got it, right?" "You got it, baby!" "Hey, Moretti!" "You ready to let these —?" "You got Maria in there!" "Maria!" "He's got a gun in there!" "Maria!" "Maria!" "Maria!" "Get him the fuck out of here!" "How the hell did that happen?" " I got Sal in there!" " Take it easy." " Notify the precinct, all right?" " Who the fuck is that?" "No, no, no." "He's one of them Spanish kids." " Who's Maria?" " She's inside." "Sal wants to see Sonny, says he'll shoot unless he does." " Sal." "Sal." " He's serious." "Sonny, he means it!" " He means it." " It's all right." "It's all right." "It's all right." " Hey, man, I'm sorry." " How'd that happen?" "You got his girlfriend." "You know the Spanish." "You okay?" "That fuck tried to kill me." " You look all squeezed out." " Squeezed out, I'm squeezed out." "Yeah, yeah." "Okay." "Wait, let me see." "Let me see your head." " I'm bleeding." " Let me see it." "Let me see it." "Oh, Jesus." "Oh, Jesus." "It's all right." "You want to talk to me about something?" "You should've heard that phone call." "Calls up, some creep, says, "Kill everybody."" "Everybody wants to kill everybody." "You're gonna get assholes like that anyhow, right?" "Right." "Yeah, I wanna talk to you." "I got an offer." "I want a helicopter out of here." "And a jet to go wherever I wanna go." "So I don't want a little jet, I want a big one." "One with a bar, a piano." "Maybe I wanna go out of the country." "I don't know, Sonny." "I don't know whether a helicopter'll fit in here or not." "I'll check it out." " It could land on the roof." " No, that's asphalt." "You know what'll happen, it'll break through." "I'll call my superiors, you understand?" "Why don't you bring your superiors here?" "Why am I talking to you if you gotta call your superiors?" " We don't always see eye-to-eye." " Yeah, so I'll talk to them." "I'll see what they say." "I talk to them and I ask them, all right?" "Then we'll see." "Anything else I can give you?" "Yeah, I want you to bring my wife down here." " What do you give us?" " What do you want?" "The women hostages." "Oh, man." "You know, there's no talking to you." "That's all I got in there, I told you, is women." "You gonna talk to me or what?" "I'll give you one hostage for each thing you give me, see?" "Give me the helicopter, I give you a hostage." "Give me the jet, I give you a hostage." "You give me my wife, I give you a hostage." "Then the rest come home on the jet." "I'll see what they'll do, all right?" "In the meantime, you pick out who you wanna give us." "And you tell me where your wife is, all right?" "I'm here minding my own business, I hear the transistor, go, "Sonny what?"" "I can't believe my ears." "I grab the kids." "I'm telling you, Sonny didn't do it." "It ain't him to rob a bank!" "It ain't him to steal or hurt anybody or do nothing wrong!" "He's never done wrong since the day I know him." "Night before last we're at Coney Island." "I'm looking in the glove compartment." "He's got a gun with bullets in it." "Things are adding up how crazy he's acting lately ... and in with a bad crowd." "So I look at him." "Go on, get in bed." "He's yelling at the kids like a madman." "Then he wants me to go on a kiddie ride." "I don't wanna go." "He starts screaming at me." "Sweetheart." "He's screaming and screaming." "I say, "What are you gonna do with the gun?" "Shoot me and dump me in the river?"" "I mean, I was scared of him." "I never been scared of him." "His mother says we was always fighting, the cops was always at our house." "I hit him with a jack handle once in the car." "Only I didn't even hit him, I hit myself." "You should've seen the bruise on my leg, from here to here." "He'd put on his hat and coat, he goes out the door." "So they tell me he did it." "But I don't believe it." "Mrs. Wortzik, please, listen to me." "They want you down at the bank." "His body functions might've done it, but he himself, he didn't do it!" ""Dear Abby:" "Lately I've been dreaming about falling into water ... and not being able to reach the surface." "I begin to breathe heavily and I wake up in a cold sweat." "A friend tells me that my problem is one of sexual repression."" " Margaret, are you all right?" " No." "What are you, a renegade, a bandit?" "What kind of man are you ... siding with the Indians against his own people?" " What's your grudge against me?" " I'm taking you in for murder, Kilgore." "Yeah?" "Are you doing anything to any of those girls in there?" "He's back again." "Well?" "Who is this?" "Look at Margaret." "What's the matter with her?" "There's no air in here." "What happened to the air conditioning?" " I'm sorry, Syl." " It's all right." " Where's the air conditioning?" " The basement." "Sal, I'm gonna go check the air conditioning." " I'll be right back." " Sonny." "What?" "I never been up in an airplane before." "So?" "I mean —" "I mean, it's safe." "It's like a car." "It's safer than a car." "It's all right, Sal." " I'm gonna go check it now." " Okay." " Sal!" " What?" " They're coming in the back!" " In the vault!" "Come on." " Goddamn it, move!" " Back, get back." "No, don't shoot!" "That's it, Sonny!" "Get her in there!" "Do it!" "Get her in there!" "Who fired that shot?" "Pick her up by the legs." "Who fired the shot?" "Come on!" "Move!" "Okay, legs." "I'll bring her." " They're moving good." " What's that?" "Sonny?" "Sonny!" "Get me a bullhorn." "Sonny!" " You got that bullhorn?" " Right." "Here." "Hey, Sonny." "Come on out, Sonny." " Sonny." " Sonny!" "That's all I need." " Sonny?" " Sonny!" "Come on, take care of that, will you?" " Sonny, come on out." " Sonny, come on out." "Go straighten that out, will you, Carmine?" "Sonny!" "Sonny, come on out." " Sonny?" " You did fine." "Sonny." "Sonny!" "You son of a bitch, you wanna get those people killed?" "Come on out, Sonny." "Sonny, come on out." "Come on out here, now." "Come on out, Sonny." "Sonny!" "Sonny?" "Come on out here, Sonny." "All right, I see it, Sonny." "Come on." "Come on." "All right, get back." "Wait, wait." "People, wait." "Keep going." "What's the matter with you?" " What?" " What're you firing that shot for?" "We got 250 cops here!" "Fuck you!" "What were they doing back there?" "What the hell's the matter with you?" "Are we dealing?" " They were trying to get in, right?" " Who?" "Come on, don't give me that shit." "You know who." " What's going on?" " You're full of shit!" "Find out what's going on there!" " Honest to God, Sonny, I don't know —" " Bullshit!" "Communications aren't set up yet." " Get someone to talk to me!" " Goddamn it." "I'm not talking to you anymore." " Let me talk to you." " You say this, you do that." "Why were they back there?" "!" " I don't know!" " You're full of shit." "That's another force, a tactical force!" "They like to shoot, climb through windows!" "They like that, right?" "Without your orders, right?" "No." "Yes!" "Without my orders!" " You're not coming through the roof?" " I tell you we won't." "You're telling me a lot of things, but you're not doing them." "What were they doing?" "!" " I don't know!" " You can't answer me, right?" " You can't answer me." " What?" " You can't answer me." " Yes, I can." "So tell me what they were doing." "No communications!" "I sent someone back there." "I got a guy in there who's gonna kill somebody." "That's your responsibility." " Not mine, that's yours." " Wait a minute, hold on." "Let's —" " We got everything you wanted." " Oh, yeah?" "Yeah." "We can't get a helicopter in here, but a bus is coming." "We got a jet coming into Kennedy, all right?" "Okay?" "All right?" "Now, we got ahold of your wife." "Your wife is coming." "We reached her and she's coming here, all right?" " Okay?" " Where you going?" "Where you going?" "I'm right here." "I thought we were gonna talk." "I thought so too." "But we're not talking." "We're trying to get in the back door." "Your wife will be here in about a half-hour." "Okay?" "They're still pointing." "They love to point." "Holster that weapon!" "Holster it!" "Holster that weapon!" "You too!" "All right, come on." " What?" " What else do you want me to do?" "How could you do any better?" "We got everything you wanted." "I'll do anything I can to stop anything I can." "Anything else?" " Yeah." " What?" "I got some people in there that are hungry." " Can you get some food?" " No problem." "What do you want?" " Want some pizzas?" " Yeah, all right." "Pizzas?" "Hey, Carmine, get some food, some pizzas." "Can we get some beer, you think?" "No beer." "Let's keep it to soft drinks, all right?" "Come on." "All right?" "Carmine ... some soft drinks too, okay?" "Cokes." " What else?" " I need some aspirin too." "Some lady's not feeling well." "You got it." "Anything else?" " Just don't fucking con me." " I'm not." "Why would I wanna do that?" "I'm in trouble enough as it is." "I'm not trying to create any trouble." "All right?" "It's okay." "They can't — They can't bring a helicopter in here, Sal." "Because they can't land it here." "But they're gonna get us a limo bus — A big bus so we can all get in." "And that's how we get to the airport." "It's good." "It looks good." "You people, I just ordered you some food, so ..." "I even got her some aspirins." "Okay?" "So we're moving it along now." "I gotta pay for the food." "Where's the marked fives?" "That was a foolish thing you did back there." "Yeah?" "Foolish thing." "We gonna get the ball rolling?" "Yeah, what do you think I'm doing?" "I'm working on it, right?" "What's it look like?" "You think it's easy?" "I gotta keep them cool." "I gotta keep all you people happy." "I gotta have all the ideas and do it all alone." "I'm working on it." "You wanna try it?" "Your food is here, Sonny." "You're starting to get on my nerves." "All right." "Go on with him there." "You'll be all right." "Go right here." " What do I owe you?" " It's all paid for." " It's paid for." " I paid for it." "No, I got it." "I got it." "Here." "Keep the change." "What?" " You want this?" " Yeah!" "You like it?" "Moretti, could you use five?" "I got a lot for you." "Get back!" "Get back, goddamn it!" "Get back!" "Let him go." "Let him go." "More!" "More!" "More!" "Could you open it?" "Thank you, man." "See you later." "I'm a fucking star!" " Okay, kick ..." " Right." "... out, turn." " Around." "No, just pick her up and hold her." "She'll be okay." "You're getting your kick good." "Here." "Kick, out ..." "This is where it gets stuck." " Is that it?" " Yeah." "Here." " Miriam's making a fool of herself." " Out." " Anybody got a cigarette?" " Yeah, I do." "Sylvia, you don't smoke." "You don't smoke?" "No." "Why —?" "Why do you wanna start now?" "I'm scared to death, that's why." "What, you don't smoke?" " No." " How come?" " I don't want the cancer." " Oh, my God." " Give me the cigarette." " Go ahead, do what you want." "I just think you ought to take care of your body." "My body?" "What for?" "The body is the temple of the Lord." "You're serious." "So you rob a bank ... but you keep your body pure." "Is that it?" "You gonna smoke or what?" "Yes." "If I die of cancer, it'll be half your fault." " No, it's because you're weak." " Right, I'm weak." " One, two, three —" " Where's your bullets?" "Mulvaney speaking." "It's Moretti." "Wants to talk to you." " Yeah." " Will you guys hold it down back there?" "Sonny, they're bringing in your wife." "Step back." "Stay back." " Where's Moretti?" " Probably in the bar." "In the barbershop." "What's that?" "We went to Bellevue where you told us ... said he was his wife." "They were married in a church." "Jesus Christ!" "Leon." "Leon!" "Hey, Leon, over here!" "Leon!" "Hey, Leon!" " Now move it back." " Leon, over here!" "Leon!" "Happy birthday!" " Hey, give us some room, huh?" " Watch his head." "He's a queer?" "Sarge." "Sarge, he wants you!" "Come on, get the shield out of here." "I don't need it now." "Where were you four hours ago, when I needed it?" "He's not gonna shoot." "Yeah, Sonny, what?" "What happened?" "Is he all right?" " He's a little groggy right now, okay?" " No, let me talk to him." "Let me get him on his feet and call you back." "Shut the fucking door." "Stop the noise in here." "I don't wanna hear a fucking sound!" "Typewriter!" " Get off the fucking phone!" " Sarge." "Now!" "Give me some water, all right?" "Leon?" "Leon." "You all right, Leon?" "They give you a shot down at the hospital or something?" "Oh, God." "They shot me with, like, unreal!" "You gotta get ahold of yourself ... so you can talk to him, see if he'll come out of the bank." "Oh, no." "He's got eight people, and a kid named Sal." "You know him?" " No, not really." " Says he's gonna shoot these eight people." "I can't help it." "I can't stop him from anything." "Who will he listen to, then?" "I can't — I can't talk to him." "He won't listen to anybody." "He's been — He's been crazy all summer." "He's tried to kill me since June." "Yeah." "Put a gun to my head." "And he cut me with a knife." " He beat up my friends." " Did you contact the police?" "What good would that do?" "It'd just make him mad." "They don't know him." "And it wouldn't stop him." " Somebody's gotta stop him." " You don't understand." "He's crazy." "He's got a wife, children." "He's a wonderful father." "His mother ... you should see her." "Together with his father, they're like a car wreck." "It just — It just rolls off his back." "He sees them." "He pays the rent." "Unbelievable." "I was the one who wanted to get married." "He didn't really want it ... but he did it." "I don't know why." "Why did you wanna get married?" "I thought it would help me." "But it didn't." "I — I was so confused." "I was doing ... insane things." "What sort of things, Leon?" "After the wedding ..." "I ran off for 10 days to Atlantic City." "Sonny was frantic." "He knew I'd been drinking." "He didn't know where I was, who I was with." "I couldn't explain the things I did." "So I went to a psychiatrist ... who told me ... that I was a woman trapped in a man's body." "So right away Sonny wanted to give me money for the sex-change operation." "But where was he gonna get it?" "$2,500?" "My God, he was in hock up to his ears already." "He needed the money for your operation?" "It drove him crazy." "He —" "He would fly into these rages." "And I got more depressed than ever." "I knew I'd never get my operation." "So I tried to kill myself." "I took about a half a pound of pills." "Blues, reds, yellows, screamers, uppers, downers, you name it." "And I wound up in a hospital." "And Sonny comes there ... and he just looks at me." "And he says:" ""Why, Leon?" "When things were going so good?"" "Don't you think —?" "Leon, don't you think he sort of did it for you?" "Yeah, I guess so." "Don't you think you owe it to him to try to get him out?" "I can't talk to him." "You're up to your neck in it, Leon." "You're an accessory." " No, no." "They can't hold me responsible." " Wait, you could help us a little." "I'm afraid." "Just talk to him for a minute." "How can he hurt you on the phone?" " All you're gonna be is on the phone." " I can't." "I don't know what to ..." " Just talk with him on the phone." " I can't." "No." "You think about it, Leon." "Yeah." " He doesn't wanna talk to you." " What do you mean, won't talk to me?" " Let me work on it." " I thought you were doing that." "He don't wanna talk to me." "Police are questioning Leon Shermer, a 26-year-old admitted homosexual ... who claims to have married one of the bank robbers last November." "According to sources in the barbershop where Leon is being held ..." "Leon has reportedly said ... they were married in an official ceremony by a Father Burke." "Leon's story has been confirmed." "Seven bridesmaids, all male, Sonny's mother and 70 other guests ... all members of the gay community, were present." "We've been able to obtain a still photograph of Leon in his gown." "Leon has confirmed ... that the gowns for himself and his bridesmaids cost $700." "We have not confirmed the story ... with the priest." "But we are told that he was subsequently defrocked." "Phone calls have arrived from various factions of the gay community." "Some in support of Sonny and his actions, others totally condemning ... the present events and calling the marriage a farce ... and, quote, "A case of sheer exhibitionism." End quote." "Our coverage of the Brooklyn robbery where two homosexuals hold hostages ... for their demands of a helicopter, a jet ..." "Sonny." "Sonny, they said, "Two homosexuals in the bank."" " Right on TV." "You hear?" " What difference does it make?" "They're gonna say anything they want." "Let them say it." "Well, I'm not a homosexual." "Tell them to get that right." "That's going out on the TV." "Sal, what am I supposed to do?" "I can't control what they say on television." "What should I do?" "I'm doing everything I can." "I can't do that." "I mean, they're —" "Look, Sal." "Forget about it." "It's just a freak show to them, anyway." "It don't matter." "Whatever they say, it don't matter." "It'll be all right." "What's the matter with you?" "You shouldn't let something like that spoil your fun, you know?" "You gotta get fun out of life." "Shit." "Where's the goddamn jet?" "They're always screaming overhead, going somewhere ... when you don't need them, you know?" "What are you gonna tell the pilot when you get on the plane?" "You have to know, right?" " Did you know Holland's pretty good?" " Use this." " Holland?" " They sheltered people during the war." "They're good people." "Where's Holland?" " It's right up ..." " It's over there." "She doesn't have a map." "It's got good chocolate." "Come on, get in the vault." "Get in the vault." "Come on." "Quickly!" "They're waiting for us to do something, I think." "Sonny." " Come on out for a second, please." " It's him, Sonny." "Come on out here." "I wanna talk to you a second." " Come on, Sonny." " Sonny." "Sonny." "Come on out, Sonny." "Sonny?" "Come on out a minute." "That's it, Sonny." "Hey, Sonny!" "Moretti!" "What the fuck is going on?" "Get the lights back on." "Moretti!" "Who are you?" "FBI, Sheldon." "Oh, good." "About time." "Maybe we can get this thing started, huh?" "Look, get the lights back on ... and the air conditioner." "We got no air conditioning." " No more favors." "That's all over, Sonny." " Favors?" "You been doing me favors all night?" "I have a jet, limo will be here in a half hour." "I want the hostages." "No, no, no." "Bullshit." "I'd like to work with you on this, not against you." "The hostages are what's keeping me alive." "When do I get them?" "Didn't they tell you anything?" "I'd like to hear it from you." "You get one hostage for the limousine that you bring me in." "One hos — One hostage for the jet." "Then I get to the airport." "I go into the plane, check it all out." "And if it's okay, then they all come out." " I wanna go inside." " Why?" " To see if everybody's all right." " They're all right." "No, I have to see." "You got guts." "Think if we slit their throats, we're gonna let you out?" "I have to see." "I gotta check with my partner." "The FBI, Sal." "They're coming in." "Hey, pussycat." "There you go." "You'd like to kill me?" "Bet you would." "I wouldn't like to kill you." "I will if I have to." "It's your job, right?" "The guy who kills me ..." "I hope he does it because he hates my guts, not because it's his job." "Nobody give your right name." "It's the FBI." "Just wanna make sure all you young ladies are all right in here." " Look ..." " We're all right." "... they asked for the jet hours ago." "Now, what are you doing?" "That's being set up." "We'll have you out in a couple of hours." " A couple of hours?" " Why not give them what they want?" "They'll get what they want." "We wanna be sure we get what we want." "That's to get you all out of here safe." "You two boys too." "That's close enough." "Tell the TV to stop saying there's two homosexuals in here." "I will, Sal." "Outside for a minute, Sonny?" "You handle yourself well, Sonny." "A lot of men would have choked." "We might have had a death on our hands." "But you handled it." "I respect that." "Now, don't you try to take Sal." "We'll handle him." " Just sit tight and you won't get hurt." " Wait." "What are you talking about?" "You just sit quiet." "We'll handle Sal." "You think I'd sell him out, you fuck?" "What'd he say?" "He was just talking about arrangements." "I talked to him about the TV, Sal." "It's gonna be all right." "That's all?" "Yeah." "Why couldn't he say that in here?" "I don't know." "He wanted to show me how the bus is coming in." "What's the matter?" "Somebody get a glass of water." "Got a hankie?" "They poisoned the pizza." "It's not the pizza." "He's got diabetes." "He had some Coke before." "Don't give him anything." "I'll hold it." "What can we do for you, Mr. Mulvaney?" "Tell us." "Is there a doctor out here?" "We need a doctor in here." "We need a doctor." " What's wrong?" " The manager, he's diabetic." "He don't look good." "I gotta search you." "Watch out he don't kiss you, doc." "Looking for an antonym." "Okay." "Just him." "Sonny." "I've convinced Leon to talk to you." "He's on the phone now." "He's coming on." "Hello." "Hello?" "Hello, Leon?" "Hello." "Hello, Sonny." "What happened?" "How you —?" "How you doing?" "Well, I'm out of the hospital." "Yeah, I know." "You know, I thought you'd never get out." "Hot." "I never thought I'd get out this way, I'll tell you." "Yeah." "So how you doing?" " I'm a little shaky." " Oh, yeah?" "Moretti told me that you were all drugged up ... so I figured that's why you didn't talk to me." "I was wondering why." "It was really terrible, you know?" "I mean, you walk in, and right away they say you're crazy." "And then they start sticking things in your arm." "I mean, how do they expect you to get uncrazy if you're asleep all the time?" "I'm — I'm just starting to come out of it now." " So ..." " So how are you?" "I'm fine." "This is something, huh?" "Yeah, yeah." "I don't know, Leon, you know?" "I'm dying here." "I'm dying." "Don't you ever listen to yourself when you say you're dying?" " Did you ever listen to yourself?" " What are you talking —?" "What do you mean, what am I talking about?" "You're dying." "Do you know that you say that to me every day? "I'm dying."" "You're not dying." "You're killing the people around you." "Leon, don't give me that shit." "I don't need the deep shit now!" "You don't realize what the things you do mean." "Yeah?" "I know what I do." "You stick a gun to somebody's head." " I don't know what I'm doing sometimes." " Obviously, you don't." ""Go to sleep so it won't hurt when I shoot."" "What do you think I've been doing in the hospital?" "I take a handful of pills to get away from you." " Right?" " Yeah." "So now I'm talking to you on the phone again, right?" "I — I — I got no job." "I don't have friends." "I can't live." "I have to live with people." "This death business, I'm sorry." "I don't know what I'm getting here with that shit." "You know, what am I supposed to say to that shit?" "This is going on." " And you're giving me that shit." " I'm sorry." "You know what's happening with me." "You know the pressures I've been having, right?" "I got all these pressures." "You know it." "You're in that hospital ... with them tubes coming out and want that operation, right?" "You're giving me that shit." "Everybody's giving me shit." "Everybody needs money." "So you needed money?" "I got you money." " I didn't ask you to rob a bank!" " I know you didn't ask me." "Look, I'm not putting this on anybody, you know?" "Nothing on nobody." "I did this on my own." "You see?" "All on my own, I did it." "But I just want you to know something." "I want you to know that I'm getting out of here." "I'm getting a plane out of here ... and I just wanted you to know it." "And I wanted you to come down ... and I wanted to just say goodbye to you." "Or, if you wanted to, you can come with me." "You're free to do what you want." "That's just what ... I wanted to say to you, that's all." " I'm — I'm free to do what I want, huh?" " Right." "I been trying to get away from you for months and I'm going with you on a trip?" "Where?" "Where are you going?" "I don't know where yet." "We said Algeria." "I don't know." "So I'll go to Algeria." "I don't know yet." "Why are you going to Algeria?" "I don't know why." "They got a Howard Johnson's there." "Howard Johnson's." "You're warped, you know?" "You're really warped." "I'm warped." "I know I'm warped." "God, Algeria." "It's —" "You know, they walk around with masks on, things on their heads." " They're a bunch of crazy people." " What am I supposed to do?" " You could have picked a better place." " Like where?" "Sweden?" "Denmark?" "Yeah, I like that." "Yeah." "You know what?" "Sal wanted to go to Wyoming." "I had to tell him it's not a country." "He don't know where Wyoming is." "I'm with a guy who don't know where Wyoming is." "Think you got problems?" "So, Sal is with you?" "Oh, boy." "You'd be better off giving up." "I'm not giving up, because why have I done this so far?" "I've gone so far with this, and why should I give up now?" "I can't give up." " Would you do me a favor then?" " Yeah, what?" "These guys that have me down here, you know ... they think I'm part of the plot to rob the bank." "That's crazy, Leon." "That's crazy." "They're bullshitting you, giving you a snow job." " They told me I was an accessory." " No." "That's just a con job on you." "Don't listen to that." "I have to listen to it." "I can't survive in prison, Sonny." " Leon, you're not going to prison." " How do you know?" "Because I know." "Believe me." " Look, please, just tell them." " Please what?" "Tell them what?" "That you didn't do it?" "Are they on the phone now?" " Are they on the phone now?" " Yeah." "That's great, Leon." "That's really terrific." "You talk to me with them on the phone." "Really smart." " I have no choice!" " What do you mean?" "What am I supposed to do?" "There's 7,000 fucking cops all around me." " Who's on now?" " Look, don't lay it on me!" "I'm not, but you knew that was going on, right?" "You knew what was happening, right?" "Yeah!" "I wanna know who's on the phone now." "Moretti." "Moretti, is that you?" "Hello." "Will somebody talk to me?" "Somebody gonna talk to me or what?" " They on the phone now?" " They won't talk to you." "All right." "He didn't do it, okay?" "He had nothing to do with it." "All right." "Now, will you get the fuck off the phone?" "Are they off the phone?" "Yeah." "Terrific." "That really convinced them." "That's what they wanted to know." " Did I do it for you?" " Yeah, thank —" " Thank you very much." " Okay." "So now what?" "What are you gonna do?" "Well, I thought ... that I would go back to the hospital." "They're really nice there." "They seem like they're trying to help me." "That's good, then." "You found something." "Yeah, I don't know if I have or not." "So are you gonna still have the operation?" "Yeah." "Yeah." "So then, what am I supposed to say to you?" "Thanks a lot ... and bon voyage." "Yeah, right." "See you sometime." "Yeah." "I'll see you in my dreams, huh?" "Right, I'll write a song." " I don't know." "Life's so funny." " You said a mouthful, sweetheart." "Well — Goodbye, huh?" "Bye." " Yeah." " Give me — Can I have —?" " Moretti." "Moretti." " Hey." "Hey." "You cut off the incoming calls." "Can I have a line?" "I wanna talk to my wife and to my kids." "He wants an outside line, is it all right?" " I want a line." " Yeah, Sonny, I'm getting it." "I could call anybody, they'd put them on the phone." "The Pope, an astronaut ... the wisest of the wise." "Who do I have to call?" "I just don't know what to do." " Hello." " Angie." "Sonny, Jesus!" "I was watching it on TV." " Yeah." "So where are the kids?" " I sent them to the neighbors." "I can't believe." "I can't believe." "I mean, it ain't like you." "I know." "You've never done anything like it before in your life." "I'm dying, you know that?" "I'm dying here." "I blame myself." "I notice you been tense, like something is happening." "Like that night you're yelling at the kids like a madman." "Then you want me to go ... on that ride, here to there, full of those kids." "It's ridiculous." "I'm not about to go, so you yell at me:" ""You pig, get on the fucking ride!" Everything fell out of me." "My heart, my liver just fell to the floor." "I mean, everything." "You know what it felt like?" "You yelling at me in front of all those people?" "You never talked to me like that before, Sonny." "I think, "He's gonna shoot me, dump my body in the river."" " Will you just shut up?" " I was scared of you!" "Will you shut the fuck up and listen to me?" "!" "Just listen to me!" "You see that?" "With the language and everything." "I'm trying to talk to you, and you —" "A person can't communicate with you!" "I mean, what am I here?" "I'm your wife." "I'm your wife!" "You know something?" "You hurt me." "You hurt me, you know that?" "Can you imagine, marrying another man?" "Did I ever do anything to make you do that?" "Did I ever turn you down or anything?" "I know I let myself get fat." " Don't call yourself fat." " You can't stand me to say it." "Like I can't stand you being a bank robber." "That's what love is." "Yeah?" "You know what love is, right?" "If you know what love is so much, why didn't you come down here?" " Well ..." " Talk to me about love, go ahead." "Sonny, I'm scared." "I'm scared." "Are they gonna shoot me or something?" "They're not gonna shoot you!" "You should see it on the TV." "They got cannons, machine guns." "They're after me, Angie, not you." "It's late already by the time I find out ... it's just you and Sal." "I can't get a babysitter!" "What'll I do?" "Listen, I think I better take him back for a cardiac check." "So, what's the matter?" "What, he gonna die or what?" "No, no." "It's just a precautionary measure." "It's awfully warm in here." "All right, then." "Let's go, let him out." "I'm not going." "I'm okay." "I just needed the injection." "What, you trying to be a hero?" "You don't look good." "We'll let you out." "I'm not trying to be anything." "I just wanna be left alone." "Okay?" " No one's bothering you." " I wish to fuck you never came." "That's all." "Don't try to act like you're some angel of human kindness." "Out of the closets and into the streets!" "Out of the closets and into the streets!" "Sonny all the way!" "Sonny all the way!" "Ladies." "I wanna apologize for my use of language back there." "Why?" "What did you say, Mr. Mulvaney?" " What did he say?" " He said the F-word." " What?" " What did he say?" "He said the F-word." " Fuck." " I know, Miriam." "Fuck." "But I'm a Christian and my ears are not garbage cans." "Come on." "Oh, Edna." " Then we shouldn't go after them." " Then we won't." " What's that?" " Sonny." "Could you come out, please?" "Sonny?" " Shit." " What?" " It's my mother." " Sonny." "Someone here to see you." "Sonny ... could you come out, please?" " Oh, who needs this shit?" "Sonny." "Sonny, could you come out, please?" "Mom, what are you doing down here?" " I don't need you down here." " Oh, Sonny." "All of Brooklyn is out here." "Three networks of television." " I got it all worked out, Ma." " I talked to the man from the FBI." "Who?" "No, don't talk to anybody." "He says if you come out now, everything is gonna be all right." " I'm trying to get you out of this." " Don't talk to the FBI." "I told them everything ... how you were in the war in Vietnam, I told them you always had good jobs." "I told them you were with Goldwater in '64 in the convention and —" "Listen, I'm getting a plane and I'm going to Algeria." " I'll write you from there." " Algeria?" " I gotta get out of here." " I don't understand." "If I stay and talk to you, they won't send the limousine." " They'll think I'll come out with you." " What's the matter with that?" "Because I'm not coming with you." "The FBI understands everything, that it is not you that is doing this." "It's the pressures from your home life!" " Don't get on Angie now." " Did I say one word against her?" "You were going to." "She has nothing to do with it, it's me!" "Your life was sweetness and roses." "And you —" "You wouldn't need Leon if Angie was treating you right, you know that!" "I don't understand why you wanna sleep with her anyway." "You got two kids on welfare now." " You want three kids on welfare?" " I can't talk to you about this now." "What are you gonna do?" "All right, come out." "I can't come out." "I can't." "Sal is in there with the people." " If I come out, he's gonna kill them." " Oh, my God." "Run." "Run." "Run?" "Where am I gonna run?" "Ma, I can't run." " Maybe —" " There's no maybe." "No maybes." "You gotta go home." "Where's Pop?" "He didn't come, did he?" "Is he pissed off at you!" "He says he doesn't have a son." " He says you're dead." " He's right." " No." "No." " Look, Ma ..." "I'm a fuck-up and an outcast and that's it." "You come near me, you're gonna get fucked over and fucked out!" "Now, I gotta go, Ma." "Get her home, okay?" "Just take her home." "How beautiful you were when you were a baby." "Go home now." "Get her home now." "All right." "Ten minutes." "Being of sound mind ... and body ..." "You know, what they ..." "To my darling wife ..." "Leon ... whom I love ... more than any man ... has loved another man ... in all eternity." "I leave ... $2,700 ... from my $10,000 life-insurance policy ... to be used ... for your sex-change operation." "If there is any money left over ..." "I want it to go to you ... at my first —" "At the first anniversary of my death ... at my grave." "To my wife ... to my sweet wife ..." "Angela ..." "$5,000 from the same policy." "You are the only woman ... that I ever loved." "And I re-pledge my love to you ... in this sad moment." "To little Kimmy ... and Timmy." "I hope you remember me, Timmy." "You are the little man of the family now ... and I hope you look after them for me." "To my mother ..." "I ask forgiveness." "You — You don't understand ... the things I said ... and did." "But I'm me and I'm different." "I want a military funeral ... and I'm entitled to have one, free of charge." "God — God bless you ... and watch over you ... till we are joined in the hereafter." "Here, I'll sign." "I'll spell that last name." " Watch out!" " Watch out over here." "Look out over here." "Watch it." "Come on, sarge, just one picture?" "Back, back!" "All you guys, back up!" " You're the driver?" " Yeah." "All right." "I wanna check it out." " These seats come out?" " No, they're bolted." "All right, here." "Light me on that side." "Give me light over there." "All right." "Jesus, you're the man, huh?" "I was watching." "I saw you, man." "You should see yourself, you wouldn't believe it." " I believe it." " Goddamn, Sheila won't believe it." " Who's Sheila?" " My old lady." "They said, "Gas up a stretch ... go to 285 Prospect Park West."" " Give me some light over here." "I said, "Shit, another load for the massage parlors."" "It's okay." "My man, I'm gonna remember you." "This is Agent Murphy." "He'll be your driver." "No, I want him." " Give me the black guy." " Hey, man, I ain't into that shit." "Nobody'll hurt you." "If they would've shot, they would've shot already." " I can't allow that, Sonny." " You can't allow?" "What makes you think you can say shit to me?" "I'm running this." "I'll pay you." "What do you want?" "A hundred?" "Two hundred?" "A thousand?" "Come on." "Don't look at him, I'm running this." "Come on." "Look, it'll be an adventure." "You men that shoot, aim for white meat." "Take a walk." "Give me him." "You think you're dealing with a fucking idiot?" "Take a walk, cop!" "Everybody is a con man." "Come on." "I want everyone across the street." "I want them all back, on the sidewalk!" "Let's go!" "At least I know who I'm dealing with now." "Here's a pen for you." "Come on." "Don't move, okay?" "Sonny, here's your document." " Right." " Oh, you gotta sign it." "Here." "We're taking off." "We're going now." "Okay, Sal." "Where is he?" "Sal?" "Sal." "That's it, we're going." "Here, people, let's go." "We're going." " Can I get my sweater?" " Get what you had when you came in." "Sal?" "Sal." " How you doing?" " Good." " Good?" "We're gonna do it, right?" " Yeah." "We're gonna do it." "Sal, see ... you gotta keep your eye on him." "He's the driver." " I need it." " No, it's mine." "You gotta keep your eye on him, Sal, see?" "All right, where am I now?" "All right, hold it." "Hold it." "All right, let's go." "Swing around now." "Swing around." "Just keep holding hands." "Hold it." "Break it on "three." Not yet, don't break yet." "One ... two ... three." "Go." " Go." "Oh, fuck." "We did it." " We did it." " Wish us luck." "Bye-bye." " Okay, you got your one." " Follow my car." "Sheldon here, get me Kennedy." " Sal, we did it." " Yeah." "I'll be a son of a bitch, we did it." "Okay, let's move." "Come on, honk the horn." "Hey, Sal, do me a favor, will you?" "Keep the gun pointed up." "We hit a bump, the gun'll go off." "All right." "You set out there?" "We're leaving now." "We want no trouble en route." " Intersection check?" " Check." " All right." "We'll be starting up right now." " 10-4." "It's gonna be all right." "Sal." "Sal, you just gotta remember to keep the gun pointed up." "You fucking —" "Hey, let him go!" "What's he doing?" "He's still got some arrangements to make." " That's it?" " That's it." "Sal, see it?" "There it is." "Oh, I forgot." "I forgot to ask if they got food on board." "They gonna have food on board?" "There's your jet." "We get one more now." "That's the deal." "Right." "Okay, who goes?" "Sylvia?" "Maria." "I'll pray for you." "Sal ... because this is your first plane trip ... don't be scared, okay?" "I didn't eat all day." "Will there be any food on board?" "There'll be hamburgers." "Ready?" " Sal." " What?" "Ready to go?" "Yeah." "Okay." "Let's move it." "Sal ... we don't want any accidents at this point, right?" "You keep your gun pointed up." "You ready to get out first?" "I'm ready." "Don't shoot me." "Wait, hold it." "Hold it." "Hold it." "Hold it, please." "Okay, it's safe." "Come on." "Put him away, put him away." "All right, guys, move back." "Come on, back up." "Now spread them!" "No." "No, we're all secure here." "Murphy will report from the car." "You make the report." "Put the gun down." "Back off." "Get up now, Sonny." "You're under arrest." "You have the right to remain silent." "You have the right to an attorney during your interrogation." "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." "If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer ... one will be appointed to represent you if you wish one." "Agent Sheldon, would you please remain on the apron ... until the hostages are well inside the terminal?" "Repeat:" "Agent Sheldon, would you please remain on the apron ... until the hostages are well inside the terminal?" "Yeah, I got you." "We'll hold here." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Previously on The Player..." "Samuel Letts is dead." "What's life without a little danger?" "Well, some would say that the person who tempts fate has never been in real danger." "Ginny never lived an honest day in her life." "And the sooner you accept it, the sooner you'll be able to let go." "I knew you'd get it." "Well, that makes one of us." "I've never like, done a project this size before." "When do you start?" "Well, I..." "I haven't signed the contract yet." "Why?" "It means maybe living here full-time." "Well, what're you waiting for?" "You." "I want you here all the time." "I just needed to hear that." "I think we both know when it's good and when it's lousy and when it's this." "I want a lot more of this." "Sweetness." "Strawberry." "I don't suppose you're here for pleasure." "Business, then pleasure." "Sit with me." "So, have you heard?" "What?" "A semi got torched at a truck stop in North Vegas." "Drugs on board, driver got murdered." "Which means somebody's gonna be very, very angry." "Question is, "Who?"" ""Who?"" "You know, I've been looking to expand, but I'm about $20,000 short." "And the fact that I liberated you from the 'hood, made all those introductions, that wasn't good enough?" "You taught me to never give up anything for free." "Especially information." "Some things never change." "$15,000 gonna work?" "The semi was carrying drugs for the 119th Street Pharaohs." "My Pharaoh clients say Los Bravos did it." "And what do your Bravos clients say?" "Keeping quiet." "See, I thought we left all this gang nonsense behind in Chicago." "Vice in Vegas is a growth industry." "The gang that controls it gets a new batch of customers every weekend." "I can't take another gang war." "One dead tourist and I might as well close up shop for a month." "Bad for your business, but good for mine." "That's not funny." "It's good to see you." "Good being seen." "Security-cam footage from the truck stop." "No plates, but the make and model are favored by the most powerful Mexican mafia affiliate in town." "Los Bravos." "Why am I not surprised you know them?" "Carlos Salvado." "He's the longest-reigning gang leader in Vegas." "He's been on top of the Bravos for over a decade, a lifetime in gang years." "It's a family business." "Second in command is his eldest son, Hector, a frequent guest at some of Nevada's finest correctional facilities." "And there's Listo, Carlos's younger son." "Hector's the brute, Listo's the brains." "Where's his rap sheet?" "Doesn't have one." "His job's keeping everyone else out of jail." "They make sure he never pulls a trigger." "The Bravos were top dogs until the Pharaohs took over five years ago." "In the last gang war, nearly 40 people were killed." "You remember it." "Yeah, I should." "I was a part of it." "I was designing security at a club ran by the Pharaohs." "Before I could finish, the Bravos came in and they shot up the place." "What happened?" "There was a teenage girl named Imani." "She was there with her father." "I managed to get her out, but I couldn't save her old man." "When it was all over, I found out that her dad was Big Joker." "A shot caller for the Pharaohs, right?" "The Pharaohs took control of Vegas through a wave of violence, and have held on to it ruthlessly ever since." "They don't just murder their enemies, they make examples of them." "All the makings of a classic rematch." "The bet." "Pharaohs versus Bravos." "Which gang will win the war?" "That's it?" "That's the bet?" "I'm here." "You might as well use me." "Look, if I can find out who robbed that truck," "I might be able to stop another gang war." "Well, unfortunately, it's the gamblers who call the Game, not you." "That may be the case." "They may call for it, but you name the bet." "You have the final say." "Look, if this game's good for anything, it's good for this." "Let me have the resources of the House to try and stop another gang war." "Seems the one thing you dislike more than playing the Game is being left out of it." "Do you really wanna hear me say it?" "I want in." "Very well." "Revise the bet." "Can Alex Kane stop the gang war?" "Which felt better?" "The first tug on the line or reeling him all the way in?" "You're telling me 25 crimes can be connected directly to five dead special operators?" "And it's all run by some criminal mastermind nobody's ever heard of and this blurry blonde?" "Minus the sarcasm, yeah." "And one of those operators is still very much alive." "It's a lot to buy." "Agent Cook, I'll tell you what." "Get behind my investigation, and when I'm back in DC tomorrow," "I won't remind them that it took me to figure out what was under your nose all along." "I'm not saying I don't believe you." "I'm saying it's big." "We finally agree on something." "What do you know about Johnson?" "Almost nothing." "Except he didn't like me asking questions." "Hey, Imani." "It's good to see you here." "You mean instead of hustling on 119th?" "You always said I should take some classes." "Yeah, well, there's some good-looking guys around here." "Scruffy-face Joe over there, he seems kind of into you." "Stop it." "Hey, you still wanna be an English major?" "Maybe." "Right now, it's business." "Chemistry." "The classes, are they your idea or somebody else's?" ""Little Joker"?" "Are you still banging?" "Look, it's either put in work here or sling primo back in the 'hood." "Reaper pays for school as long as it helps the crew out." "I see." "So chemistry is to help them cook?" "Anything in that business book about money laundering?" "You come all the way over here to check on my grades?" "No." "No, I didn't." "You know that truck that got hit?" "Who do the Pharaohs think did it?" "They think it was Hector Salvado." "You're not buying it." "That boy's wild, but even he's not crazy enough to go straight after Reaper's trucks." "Thank you." "Take care of yourself, all right?" "Say hi to Scruffy-face Joe over there for me." "We need to find Hector." "You think he did it?" "Doesn't matter." "They do." "How do you know you have the right address?" "Well, I spoke to Samson." "And who is Samson?" "Hector spends a fortune customizing his cars." "And when you spend that kind of money, you talk to Samson." "And this Samson just gave you the address of a gang leader, did he?" "No, he's a friend." "You'd be amazed what talking to actual humans can get you." "Being forced to talk to you all day is quite enough, thanks." "We have a problem." "What do you see?" "It looks like someone beat me here." "Someone turned this place upside down." "If the Pharaohs have Hector, this war is about to erupt." "You mean to tell me you still don't remember where you got this from?" "It ain't mine." "Yeah?" "What about this?" "We found it in your closet." "But you know what we didn't find?" "The rest of my damn money!" "Look, G, all right?" "I'm straight." "All right?" "I ain't got no idea where all that came from." "What about now?" "I heard you got hit, all right?" "Right..." "But I got nothing to do with that!" "Thought I wasn't gonna find you, right?" "Thought the Pharaohs as too scared to come back and get what was ours, right?" "You know who I am?" "My pops is gonna eat your asses up!" "Yeah, I know who you are." "But right now, it's about time you learn who I am." "Daryl Pharaoh." "Hey." "The 119th Street Pharaohs." "You still in touch with them?" "Yeah, you bet." "Christmas, Easter." "I never miss a game night." "I'm serious, Alex." "Hector Salvado was murdered." "Any of your pals bragging about taking him out?" "No, I haven't heard anything." "See, this is the part where you used to say," ""But I'll let you know if I do"." "You remember those days?" "Yeah." "Thing is, I'm not as close to the Pharaohs as you think." "Does today's date mean anything to you?" "November 9th?" "Yeah." "Yeah, it's the 119th Street Pharaohs' 'Hood Day." "It's the biggest day of the year for the gang." "It's the biggest party, too." "All the Pharaohs' shot callers in one place." "There's no gang war, five years." " Now all this in 48 hours." " It's like a perfect storm." "Yeah." "Maybe too perfect." "The wagers are coming in fast." "Glad to hear." "Who doesn't love a good war?" "So, how's Nick?" "Fine." "Why do you ask?" "Just checking in." "You're never just checking in." "We've discussed this." "Nick is off-limits." "Nobody's off-limits." "They killed Samuel Letts." "Look, I know how much he meant to you." "My point is, if he's not safe, then neither are we." "Now more than ever, we have to insulate ourselves." "Your relationship with Nick makes you vulnerable." "That's dangerous." "To whom?" "Sure you're worried about me, or are you more worried about yourself?" "Look, if you really care for him, the choice is easy." "I can make sure he's looked after, if you end it now." "I do my job, and I do it well." "The rest is none of your business." "I'm here to give my condolences to Mr. Salvado." "I'll pass it on." "I want him to know Hector was framed." "Give me a name." "I don't have one yet." "Mr. Salvado, I'm Alex Kane..." "Yeah, we know who you are." "And now you're wasting our time." "Whoever's lining up this war..." "It's too perfect." "They killed my boy over nothing." "And whoever did that knew you'd strike back." "They knew exactly what buttons to push on both sides." "And all this happens on the Pharaohs' 'Hood Day?" "It's not a coincidence, it's a plan." "Might make sense to wait." "We go at them now, they're too strong..." "My boy here, he sees all the angles." "Talks it all through." "But you know why I'm still on top?" "Because they talk, but I do." "Hector, he got that." "But the young ones, they still need to learn it." "You should hold off until..." "I listened to what you had to say, but now it sounds like you're giving me orders." "You should learn some respect." "My condolences." "So much for reasoning with the Bravos." "What now?" "Tell Reaper to call off the 'Hood Day party." "And if they won't?" "Get Imani out of there before this blows up." "I need you to step up." "You ready?" "Yeah." "Nothing but G-rides and clean cohetes, right?" "They won't know what hit 'em." "Tonight, we go back on top." "For Hector." "You're back." "And in my favorite spot." "I needed to get your attention." "Well, you had that since we met." "Now that I know you're listening, how about answering a few questions?" "Well, I'd like to, but you've left me no place to sit." "I'm sure you could find us a table." "Actually, I was thinking of the perfect place." "A short drive out of town." "Riley." "Track my phone." "Is everything okay, Nolan?" "I'm fine." "Just wanna stay that way." "Good evening." "Thank you." "Well played." "What do you mean?" "This is an actual oasis." "I bet whoever you bring here, their reservations about you just melt away." "I've never brought anybody else here." "Please." "Party of the century." "I've got eyes on Reaper." "You'd best move fast." "You're not the only one looking for him." "Who else and how close?" "Three cars left Bravo territory 10 minutes ago." "They're heading your way." "Let him in." "Let him in." "Hey, AK, what's goodie with you, yo?" "You partying in VIP tonight, partner?" "This is the last thing you're gonna wanna hear." "You need to shut this party down, at least until things cool off." "You out of your damn mind?" "Yo, we've been planning this all year." "It's the Bravos." "They're coming after you." "What?" "We look like we scared of 'em?" "Looks like you're posting two-man teams on your doors, which means you're vulnerable to a breach from the alley." "Wow." "Look, they rip us off?" "They're gonna come into our house on our night?" "When we're 10 deep in every corner?" "Ain't nothing happening tonight, homie." "Fine." "What about this?" "If Imani wants to, let her come with me." "She ain't going nowhere." "Look, I can handle myself." "Alex, I'll catch you another time." "See?" "That's straight 11-9 right there." "Runs deep, just like her pops." "Reaper, let her have a different ending than he did." "There you go, man." "I already gave you a pass for what you did for her and Big Joker." "Now, let me tell you something." "She go?" "Slate wiped clean." "Fine." "Clean." "Deal." "This guy right here is so funny." "Let's go." "I've got you!" "Let's go!" "Let's get outta here!" "Imani, stay down." "Excuse me." "We were just getting somewhere." "Well, then I'm definitely taking this." "I'll be back." "Don't leave." "What's the problem?" "I'll let you decide." "Three dead and four wounded in the club." "Well, the gang war has begun." "I can't tell if you're more disappointed that people died or that I lost the bet." "No, no, no, no, no." "You're not getting off that easily." "The bet was not if you could prevent a gang war." "It was if you could stop the gang war." "No." "We're just getting started, Mr. Kane." "Just getting started." "You were two feet away from Reaper, but didn't get a good look at the shooter?" "Yeah, I was trying to keep Imani alive." "Anything else?" "When did solving multiple homicides become a nuisance for you?" "Sorry." "Ask away." "No, no, no." "I'll figure it out." "Having a friend lie to my face is getting real old." "Gets easier with time." "Yeah, what?" "Lying to your friends?" "Compartmentalizing." "Hey, Cassandra, do you have footage of the shooting?" "From four angles." "Which would you like?" "The one that shows me how Listo missed." "Where are you from, Agent Nolan?" "Mr. Johnson." "This has been such a lovely evening." "Don't diminish it by pretending you don't know everything about me." "Well, there's a fine line between research and stalking." "I call it investigating." "Well, you're from Philadelphia." "Your father did MA at Mellon Bank." "Your mother..." "Played tennis at the club." "Enough about me, Mr. Johnson." "You are one hell of a mystery." "Everything I find on you has the distinct aroma of BS." "Give me something." "I'm from the south side of Chicago." "My father died in prison when I was 11, and I don't know very much about my mother." "Satisfied?" "That is something." "Now tell me this." "What great crime are you hiding?" "I tracked Listo's cell phone to a loft in Summerlin." "Well, that's not Bravo territory." "Not Pharaohs' turf, either." "Why does he have an apartment in no man's land?" "Not sure, but I'm right outside." "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "Nice place." "The Pharaohs paying for it?" "What're you talking about, man?" "You had the perfect chance to take out" "Reaper and Prez and all the decision-makers." "But you shot high on purpose." "You see, that's where you're crazy, old boy." "What don't you get the hell out of here?" "Yeah, you meant to miss, didn't you?" "Why?" "You tired of being passed over by your old man, so you cut a deal with the Pharaohs?" "Hey, Imani." "You can come out now." "Look, Alex, I'm sorry." "So, we met last year in class." "And I knew he was this big Bravo." "Was ready to hate on him." "But when we started talking, that all went out the window." "He was different." "And you haven't told anybody?" "You mean, my pops and Hector." "They were made for this life." "If I tell them I want to get out, then they..." "They wouldn't get it." "Then they'd call us traitors." "You know traitors end up dead." "Reaper thinks of you as family." "Maybe he'll let you walk." "Thinks I'm family when I put the work in." "You know, I'm tired of all these people thinking I'm their family." "My real family?" "My parents, my brothers, my uncles?" "They're all dead." "And for what?" "We just wanted out." "I wanna help you get out." "But something's not adding up." "Who torched the truck?" "A few months ago, this guy came up to me after class." "I feel stupid now, but at the time he was saying all the right things." "We had talked about getting out of Vegas." "Starting fresh." "New IDs, new car." "New place to live." "Did you get a name?" "His name was Ivan." "But I heard his boy call him "Mislav"." "And what did he want in return for getting you out?" "Everything I knew about the supply truck." "You're both smart people." "You must have known what he was gonna do." "No, I thought he was some Eurotrash fool that was gonna get himself killed." "No way he could pull this off." "But he had it all planned out." "Shot up the truck, stole the cash, framed my brother." "Soon as Hector went missing, I knew he played us." "And I saw how bad I screwed up." "But I couldn't come clean." "I know you don't get it." "You don't know what it's like to be trapped in this life, forced to play a part." "I know a thing or two about it." "You, gotta know this." "Romeo and Juliet in the desert." "Touching." "We're gonna help them get out." "You're in the middle of a game." "Yeah." "And they're gonna help us win it." "I need you to get me everything you can on Mislav." "Okay, here's what Ada has on Mislav Subek." "Born in Croatia, wanted all over." "Produces synthetic drugs." "Current best-seller is called "Lisa"." "Makes Molly and Flakka look like baby aspirin." "Cheap and highly addictive." "Yeah, sounds perfect for Vegas." "Yeah, he's also got a proven track record." "Budapest, Cape Town." "He starts a gang war and then gets the competition to kill each other off." "Once they've done the heavy lifting, he swoops in and fills the vacuum." "Where is he now?" "He's very good at covering his tracks." "I'll keep looking until I find him." "Get down!" "Alex?" "Get down." "Stay here." "Listo, watch it!" "Imani!" "We need an ambulance right now!" "Yeah, I'll dispatch one right away." "Stay with us, Imani!" "Baby!" "Alex, there's too much blood, man!" "You need to stop it." "Keep your hand there." "Keep pressure on it." "The ambulance is here, Imani." "You're gonna be okay." "Alex!" "Baby, come on." "Cass, I need you to meet them at the hospital." "That's highly unusual." "Yeah, well, I need to know she's okay." "And Listo's gonna be a wild card until she comes out of surgery." "Sounds like Listo's not the only one." "I winged one of Mislav's guys." "You must be slipping." "Thanks for the vote of confidence." "A wounded animal always heads back to the nest, and I wanna see where this one goes." "That was the most fun I've ever had in an interrogation." "Was that an interrogation?" "I love interrogations." "Well, now I have a reason to do this again." "Soon." "I look forward to what comes next." "Should I spoil the surprise?" "I put you away for the rest of your life." "Your theory paid off." "The shooter fled to a warehouse in Henderson." "What's the address?" "Come on, you gotta stay with me." "I'm here." "You're gonna be okay." "Sending it to you now." "BP dropping." "We're losing her!" "Yo, yo, you gotta let me in there, man!" "Imani!" "Imani!" "Imani!" "Alex, I have to go." "What's wrong?" "It's Imani." "She's crashing." "What?" "Fro-ro." "They shot Imani." "Imani?" "Yeah, nephew that work down at St. John's just seen 'em roll her in, man." "Had to be them coward-ass Bravos." "Let's go hunting." "Damn straight." "We ain't hitting no soldiers." "We're cutting the head right off the snake." "Listo." "I'm afraid the bullet nicked her carotid artery." "They're doing their best to stabilized her." "You a doctor, too?" "No." "Alex Kane asked me to make sure you're both safe." "You work for him?" "He's a friend." "Excuse me." "Cassandra?" "Do you read me?" "I do." "How's Imani?" "She just got out of surgery." "And Listo?" "Falling apart." "Did you find the warehouse?" "Yeah." "At least two guys outside." "Can you get me eyes inside?" "No, we're deaf and blind, and I should also tell you that Ada picked up phone intercepts." "The Pharaohs and the Bravos are calling in reinforcements from three states." "Look, I know you care about Imani, but people are gonna die unless you focus on stopping this war instead of getting back at Mislav." "Yeah, well, Mislav started this war, and I'm gonna use him to end it." "Are you all right?" "I should be the one in there." "Why'd she push me out the way, man?" "Because you would have done the same for her." "We were talking about starting a family." "That's when I knew we had to leave." "Bad enough to be trapped like us." "But if you bring someone else into this?" "Someone who never asked to be a part of it?" "We couldn't do that." "No." "Is everything all right?" "It will be." "You said you could help me with Nick." "I can't bring him into this." "Just say the word." "I'm saying it." "Make it go away." "With this?" "Hell, yeah." "I can get you 10,000 doses by the weekend." "Then what are we waiting for?" "Hey." "If you would be so kind." "You're a businessman." "How about I make you an offer?" "You have nothing I want." "Not even this?" "No!" "How much to let me go?" "Name your price." "I'm sorry, I can't count that high." "Now, move." "Get me the crash cart!" "No..." "I need to see her, man." "Imani!" "Listo?" "Listo, calm down." "Imani!" "Imani!" "Clear." "On your call, G." "Three Pharaoh cars just crossed into Bravo territory." "I never said thank you." "For what?" "Organizing this meeting." "I'm sorry." "She didn't make it." "Cassandra, how's Imani?" "I'm so sorry, Alex." "What?" "The surgeons couldn't save her." "Imani's gone." "What are you doing?" "Why have you stopped..." "Okay, Alex, listen to me." "She's gone." "You can't bring her back." "But you can save lives by ending this war." "The only reason you're breathing is because you're no good to me dead." " Stop!" " Wait, wait, wait!" "Wait!" "Reaper, don't do this." "You best stay out of the way." "They killed Imani!" "No." "No, they didn't." "He did." "And Hector didn't hit your truck." "He did." "Get in there." "Get down." "He's the reason there's a gang war." "And you're all playing into his hands." "He wants you to kill each other off so he can take over." "He's done this before." "So here's my offer." "You call off this gang war, and he's all yours." "Talk." "This notion that I want to take over Las Vegas..." "No." "I need partners." "Join me." "And together, I can make you more money than you ever dreamed of." " You need to trust me." " Do you?" "He's the one who is hiding the truth." "Imani betrayed you." "She wanted to destroy you all." "You shut your damn..." "You don't believe me?" "Ask him." "He knew all about it." "He was helping her and hiding it from you." "Together we can rule Las Vegas." "All you have to do is untie me and get rid of him." "Hey." "Back down." "You're not giving orders here." "What do you say, Reaper?" "Hey, hey, hey, slow down." "Somebody's paying for Imani." "Now, I know you don't want to believe it." "But in your heart, you know she was nothing but..." "That was for Hector." "That bastard framed him." "You got two minutes to be gone." "And take the trash out with you." "You were right." "It was all too perfect." "They want me on a different project." "In Singapore." "It's actually a promotion, it's a huge promotion." "It's the biggest project they've got going in Asia, and they want to put me in charge." "And that..." "That doesn't happen." "Yes, it does." "Good things happen to good people all the time." "I'd have to move for two years, minimum." "Well, I can't believe I'm saying this, but you should take it." "No." "I've already thought about it." "I'm turning it down." "Work will always be there." "But you and I?" "If I walk away from this, I will regret it for the rest of my life." "Okay, look." "I like you." "But the truth is, I like us long-distance." "You're fun, and you're sweet, and you blow into town every couple of weeks, and then you leave." "And that's what I love about it, that's what I love about us." "So, I'm sorry if you got confused, but we're never gonna be more than that." "You should take it." "I was ready to give up everything." "And now, you don't have to." "Look, come on, you must've felt it, too." "No, I didn't." "Alex." "You need to come with me." "Where?" "To find Ginny." "She's in a town called Zephyr Cove." "Johnson showed me a video..." "No, that video was manipulated." "It was a composite of two different images." "Ginny was never in Miami Airport." "So Johnson's been lying to me this whole time?" "I don't know that." "Johnson has enemies, and right now they're circling." "So, someone could have fed him that." "But, why, and what does Ginny have to do with any of this?" "I don't know." "Hey." "Does he know you're helping me?" "Then why?" "This game treats people like pawns." "Ginny's just a piece on someone's board." "She should never have been dragged into this." "You and Ginny deserve a chance." "Just like Imani and Listo did." "And what about you?" "Do you deserve a chance?" "I don't know what I deserve." "Let's go." "How long have you known Ginny's alive?" "Since I overheard Johnson say he'd help you get her back." "There it is." "Ginny!" "Ginny?" "Come on." "It's cleared out." "If she left, she left in a hurry." "Or she was forced to leave." "You said she was here." "I'm sorry, Alex." "I thought I could help you." "Maybe you can." "You took a chance, bringing me here." "You trusted me." "This was Ginny's." "She never told me about it." "About where it goes, or what it opens." "Help me find out." "Help me find her." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"(man) Not yet, Cary." "Not yet, Cary." "Hm!" " Barnaby, you have the key." " Uh-huh." " Well, look for it, darling." " Oh." "Look in this pocket." "Thas usually where you hide it." "Oh, yeah." "Oh, but I didn't hide it." "I put it there so that I could find it." " Here it is." " Would you turn on the porch light?" "Turn off that hall light, close the door, be sure is locked." "I'll start the car." "I understand." "Oh, is you." "Come on in." " Barnaby!" " What?" " We're going to a dance." " Oh, yes." " And we're going to be late if we don't hurry." " Oh, yeah." "Now, les start all over again." "You've got your key." " Is in that pocket." " Thas right." "I put it there on purpose." "And you're going to turn the porch light on, and the hall light off," " and then you're going to lock the door." " Right." "Now come along, darling." " Barnaby, are you thinking?" " Hm?" "Oh." "Yeah." "Yeah." "Is pretty dark in here, isn't it?" " Oh, thas better." " What are you thinking about?" "Oh, is the tests we made in the lab today." "They prove that only 23% of the formula is being assimilated." " Oh, the formula." " Well, you know what that means." "That means that 73% is absolute waste." " 73?" "What happened to the rest of it?" " No." "No, no." "Not 73. 77." "What did I say?" " 77." " Oh." "I guess thas why it has so little effect on the chimpanzees we're experimenting with." "We've been giving it to them for over two months now." "It certainly hasn't done what it should have done." " I thought it was doing rather well." " No, no." "No, thas the trouble." "It isn't doing well at all." "What about that one monkey you told me about?" " Oh, you mean Rudolph." " He's pretty old, isn't he?" "Well, Rudolph's about, uh, the equivalent of 84 years old in a human." "Didn't the formula cure his rheumatism?" "Didn't it make his coat much glossier?" " Didn't you say he felt better?" " In a way." " Well, then, what do you expect?" " It isn't what it should be, Edwina." "What must it be before you're satisfied with it?" "Theoretically, it should have a much greater effect." "I've just got to find a way to make it more easily assimilable." " Huh?" " "Assimilable"?" " More easily "assimilated"." " Oh, yeah." "I thought I had a good idea at the front doorjust now." "I guess I just thought I had." "Anyway, is gone." " Well, ill come back to you." " I doubt it." " Ill come back to you." " Thas the trouble about being a chemist." "You know, you can't actually think." "You feel compelled to stare at a sheet of white paper hoping ill speak to you, but it never does." "Oh!" " Is that a new dress?" " Mm-hm." "Oh, I like that." "Let me see it." "I like the way it sticks out." " Or is that you?" " Well, you oughta know." "It isn't you." "You ought to be going somewhere in a dress like that." "Yeah." "Well, I'm glad you like it." "Holy smokes!" "We forgot all about the party." "Why didn't you remind me?" " We're not going." " Why not?" "Well, we're not going for a number of reasons." "One... when I dance with you, I want to dance with all of you." "I don't want your brain to be somewhere else." "I know." "You're not often the absent-minded professor, but you can be a real zombie." " Yeah, I admit it." " And I don't want people to see you like that." "Now, go on." "Sit down and relax, and... be brilliant." "Hey." " You know, you're all right." " How do you like your eggs?" " How did eggs get into the conversation?" " You're hungry, aren't you?" "I'll fix you something to eat and call Hank and tell him we're not coming." " Did you telephone Hank?" " Mm-hm." "He wasn't in." "I left a message." "Don't tell me you've solved the formula already." "No." "No, I've had my mind on other things." "You've been looking forward to this party for a month, haven't you?" " We're not even going to discuss it." " I know that." "I was just thinking." " Is queer about people." " What about people?" " Through no fault of their own they get older." " Thas a profound remark." "Well, they do." "Something happens to them." "Are you referring to me, Barnaby?" "No, I was thinking of the human race." "A pretty sad group." "Could you get me some soup plates, darling?" "If you don't think the human race undergoes changes as it matures," "I ask you to recall the night of the Everett Winston party." " I don't recall any Everett Winston party." " Remember our honeymoon?" " Of course I do, darling." "Put those over there." " I was hoping you would." "Well, a week after we got back from our honeymoon, the Everett Winstons invited us to a party." " Sorry, darling, but I don't remember going." " We didn't go." "We didn't?" "Oh, yes." "Now I remember." "We stayed home." " Just like tonight." " Edwina, thas what I'm talking about." "We stayed home for an altogether different reason." "Tonight is for an intellectual reason." "I remember we didn't want to share each other with anyone." "You were so sweet." "Remember how the telephone kept ringing for hours and hours and hours?" "(buzzer)" "I'll get it." "You see what I mean?" "Tonight we're answering calls." " Hi, Hank." " Hi." "Say, whas this message about not going out tonight?" "Thas right." "Sometimes there are things more important than going to a dance." "Oh, the genius at work again, uh?" "I'm glad I'm a lawyer, not a chemist." "Where is he?" " In the kitchen." "I'm fixing dinner." " I've got a few things to say to him." "This has happened just once too often." "Now, whas the idea of doing something tonight you can do just as well tomorrow?" "I'll get you a drink." "Why can't you be a genius before sundown and a human being after?" "I never know in advance when I'm going to be a genius." " Here's your drink." " You can't call off a date when your wife's got a new dress and I've booked a table." "Itjust doesn't make sense." "No, I don't suppose it does." " What are you doing?" " Nothing, dear." " I think you'd better sit down." " What for?" "Do as I tell you, and you'll see what I mean." " Cold?" " I see what you mean." "Now neither one of you are making sense." "I think mr Entwhistle is disturbed because he can't take you to the party and dance all over your feet." "I didn't reserve a table and order flowers just to look at your face." "No, I don't suppose you did." "Go on, have your soup while Hank drinks his drink." "Be careful, is very hot." " Is it all right now?" " I can only tell you, mrs Fulton, if you'd been smart enough to marry me instead of... this," " you wouldn't be in a kitchen cooking." " No?" "Where would she be cooking?" " Did you burn yourself?" " I hope he did." " I told you it was hot." " He has no feelings." "Here, eat some bread." "Quickly." "Well, darling, say something." " Heat." " Well, I know." "Blow on it!" "Heat!" "Just ordinary heat." "I never thought of it." "Heat could make the formula 100% effective." " I think you've solved the problem." " Do you really think so?" " I'm almost sure." " Do you know whatjust happened?" " He burned his mouth." " No, silly." "He just solved our whole future." "If your future depends on figuring out soup is hot..." " Hank, wait." "Tell him." " I've been promised a good job" " if I can make the formula work." " No more commercial assignments, no more working on nonskid girdles or noiseless popcorn bags." " No fooling!" " Yes, select my own field of research, exchange ideas with other professors all over the world." "Well, thas fine." "Seems to me a celebration is in order." "No reason to stay home from the Yacht Club party now." "Except we're staying home from the Everett Winston party." " Everett Winston left town three years ago." " (phone)" " We're still staying home from his party." " You can't stay home from a party if you..." " Your phone's ringing." " Yes, I know." " Shall I answer it?" " No, just let it ring." " Thas important, isn't it?" " Very." " You two are way beyond me." " Convey our regrets to the Everett Winstons." "And say we're very sorry." "The language is confusing, but the actions are unmistakable." "Good night, you two." "(ringing continues)" " Just a moment, please." " Good morning." "Oh, Dr Fulton." "Mr Oxly would like to see you in his office." "Thank you." " Good morning, Dr Fulton." " Good morning." "Aren't you here early?" "Oh, yes." "Mr Oxly's been complaining about my punctuation, so I'm careful to get here before nine." "Mr Oxly's on the telephone." "Won't you sit down?" "I'm glad we have a moment." "I have something I want to show you." "For instance?" "Isn't it wonderful?" " I beg your pardon?" " The nonrip stockings you invented." "Oh!" "The N-41 acetate project." "This is an experimental pair, the first out of the factory." " Aren't you proud?" " Turned out rather well." "I'll say." "You can't tear 'em or snag 'em or anything, no matter how hard you try." " You'd be amazed, Doctor." " Oh, no, I wouldn't." "I've done a lot of experimenting with this kind of thing." "But I'm through with all of that now." " (clears throat)" " Oh, mr Oxly." "Dr Fulton's here." " Good morning, sir." " Good morning." "You can come in now," " if you're not too busy." " Miss Laurel was showing me her acetates." "Yes..." "No calls, please." "Yes, sir." " Barnaby, I want to talk to you." " Yes, sir." "I'm very much interested in this new experiment of yours." "As a matter of fact, I'm all steamed up about it." "How's it coming?" "Our problem is to increase the efficiency of the formula." " Could be quite a thing." " I stumbled onto something" " that may be of help." " Thas good news." "Oh, I wanted you to see this advertising layout." "I want your opinion." "We jumped the gun a little, but I thought we'd better be ready." "Well, why B-4?" ""Be-fore", as in "before and after"." "Emphasises the youth angle." "Get it?" " Whas the vulture doing?" " Thas a phoenix, a mythical bird, rising out of the ashes of age." "Makes the youth point again." " Dignified, yet forceful." " Do you mind a comment, mr Oxly?" " Not at all." "I'd welcome it." " I think is appalling." " From what point of view?" " Is lurid and inaccurate." "It implies that is some sort of "fountain of youth" drug." "But wouldn't it make people young?" "Mr Oxly, we're working with a large number of ingredients, each of which accomplishes certain beneficial results." " Well?" " Well, it depends upon which combination of ingredients we use, and the proportions in which we use them." "We may never find the right combination, or the exact proportions, to produce the effect you're talking about." "It would be a miracle." " But you can do it, my boy." " (door opens)" " I told you I didn't want any calls." " Mr Oxly, Dr Lenton's on the phone." " He says is very important." " Who is he?" " He's..." " He's my new assistant." "Oh, yes." "Oh, just a moment, miss Laurel." " Find someone to type this." " Oh, mr Oxly, can't I try again?" "No, is very important." "Better find someone to type it for you." "Yes, sir." "Anybody can type." " Who did she say was calling?" " Dr Lenton." "Oh, yes." "Yes, Dr Lentil?" "Yes." "I know he's not there." "Dr Fulton is here with me." "Yes..." "What?" "Really?" "What sort of reactions?" "Why, thas amazing!" "We'll be right there!" "Come along, Barnaby." "You've done better work than you know." " Come along, miss Laurel." "Is amazing!" " Whas amazing?" "Dr Whachamacallit says one of your monkeys broke loose." "We've got to hurry." "He's acting very strangely." "Obviously a reaction to your formula." "I knew you could do it, Barnaby." "I knew it." "(chimp screeching)" "Careful, mr Oxly." "He's pretty wild." " Behave yourself!" " What happened, Jerome?" "I haven't the slightest idea." "He opened the door of his cage, and he's acting strangely." " Let go of him." " There's no telling what he might do." "Let go of him!" "(screeches)" "Look at that old chimp, miss Laurel." "84 years old, 14 years older than I am," " and just look at him." " I am looking, mr Oxly." "This is incredible." "Now, Rudolph, you come down!" "I don't understand this." "Have you been giving him stimulants?" "Only the formula." "Only X-57." " Be a good boy!" " The tests we made gave no indication that..." "Come on, Rudolph." "Act your age!" "Come down here!" "This isn't like you." "Come on." "Come on, now." "Come on, Rudolph." "Behave yourself." "Come down." "Thas better." " Whas he doing there?" " That cage contains our female monkey." "By George!" "By George!" "Come here!" "Mr Oxly, haven't you seen enough yet?" "Come here." "Something's wrong." "Let me see if there's something I can do." " You're welcome to him." " Rudolph, you calm down." "You behave yourself." "Thas better." "Be a good boy, and do as I tell you." "Come on down from there." "Come on." "Thas good." "Come along." "Is all right." "Now, calm down and sit there, and let me look at you." "Well, gentlemen, I think we've seen enough." "I'd like to consult with Dr Fulton, alone." "Barnaby, if your formula will have the same effect in humans," " is the greatest thing in modern science." " Sit down." "We intend to discontinue every other product." "We'll turn out B-4 and nothing but B-4." "I'd like to offer myself as the first human to try it." " Mr Oxly, that may be dangerous." " I'm perfectly willing to take that chance." "Oh!" " This isn't Rudolph." " (Jerome and Mr Oxly) What?" "This chimpanzee is only six months old." "Rudolph is a male." "This is a female." " Barnaby, are you sure?" " Reasonably." " She's wearing Rudolph's jacket." " This is Esther." "Here, hold on to her." "I'll prove it to you." "There's Rudolph, with Esther's number on." "I suppose the janitor gave them a bath and switched jackets by mistake." " I suppose thas the way it happened." " I feel let down." "Personally, I'm glad it happened." "You know, you're expecting too much from that formula of B-4, mr Oxly." "Perhaps is the name thas confusing you." "If you let me work for a couple of hours," " I'll be better able to prove what it will do." " Let me know when you're ready." "And les have no more false alarms." "They certainly take it out of a man." "Come along, miss Laurel." "(tuts) What a ridiculous way to start a day!" "I hope it doesn't get any worse." "Sodium ascorbate." "3,000 milligrams." " Check." " (grunting)" "You keep quiet, Esther." " (grunts)" " Don't you like the way I'm doing this?" " Molybdenum." " Ah." "Sodium molybdate?" " Yes." " Les see." "Four-tenths each dose." " So three doses will be 1200 milligrams?" " Check." "Apyonine." " 2,000 milligrams?" "The whole three doses?" " Check." "Well, that about does it." "Now, Jerome, we'll refrigerate these factors, and heat these." "These remain as is." "We'll use Dr miller's cooler and incubator." "Shall we label this X-57 as usual?" "No, X-58, and not B-4." " Good morning." " Good morning." "Oh, Gus." " Did the monkeys take a bath this morning?" " Why, is there one missing?" "No, no." "Gus, did you bathe the monkeys this morning?" " Yes, of course." "Sure." " You mixed up their uniforms." "Oh, I did?" "Oh, I'm awfully sorry." "I'll fix 'em up right away." "No, do it when you feed them this afternoon." " But don't let it happen again." " I won't." "(monkey grunting)" "Oh, quiet down." "You've caused me enough trouble already." "Huh!" "Grown-up men playing with monkeys." "Mice, rabbits, guinea pigs..." " Now monkeys." " (grunting)" " Oh, oh, oh, oh!" "Whew!" " Whas the matter?" "Oh!" "My bursitis." "Thas one of the things I hope the formula will alleviate." " You intend to take it yourself?" " Certainly I do." " Why don't you try it on Jerome?" " I wouldn't dare." " Remember the hair restorer?" " One of our more successful experiments." " We learned how to remove hair, anyway." " Les talk about something else." "(gargles)" "(splash)" "Hey, hey, hey!" "How did you get out of there, huh?" "Listen, Esther, or Rudolph, whichever one you are..." "Come on." "Come on, you get right back in your cage." "No, I'm not gonna carry you." "You walk." "Come on." "What you doin' gettin' out?" "Get back in." "Go on." "How'd you get out, anyway?" "Gus, I thought you were going to attend to that later." "Oh, I wasn't changing 'em, Doctor." "Esther got out." "I was puttin' her back in." "I guess that was my fault." "I forgot to close the lock." " Kinda messed your stuff up there." " I'll take care of it, Gus." "Oh, don't bother with anything now, Jerome." "I'm anxious to try this." "Seriously, Doctor, do you think you should?" "Self-experimentation is against the rules of good research." "Jerome, the history of discovery is the history of people who didn't follow rules." "Well, here goes." "To X-58, and a better world." "Goodness, thas bitter." "I'd better get some water." "Oh, that Gus." "(tuts)" "It even makes the water taste bitter." " Well, better put these away." " What might be the first reaction?" " I haven't the vaguest idea." " What about the length of time?" "It depends on the period of absorption." "Is quite possible that..." " Hm." "Touch of dizziness." " And you have a slight flush." "Oh, well, thas probably due to my natural excitement." "Hm." "Around 150." "Thas odd." "Nothing in the mixture accelerates the heart." "And you feel dizzy, you said?" "As a matter of fact, I believe is increasing." "I'd better record my reactions." "Pulse 150, is that right?" "150." "Mounting vertigo." "No nausea." "A sensation not unlike... a series of small electric shocks." "I..." " Jerome?" "Jerome, where are you?" " I'm here." " What is it?" " I can't see." "I'm blind." " Go on with the notes." " This is serious." "I'll get help." "I know what I took." "If there's an antidote, we'll have to find it ourselves." "Just take the notes." "Is like a cloud - a very peculiar feeling." "A general milkiness, but no discomfort." "In fact, is a sensation of extreme wellbeing." "Is as if I..." "Doctor?" "What is it?" "A paralysis?" "Can you speak?" "Try tapping one for "yes", two for "no"." "Can you hear me?" "Doctor, can you hear me?" "Perfectly." "Hand me the telephone book, please." " Whose number do you want?" " Let me have the book." "Inglewood Drop Forge and Tool Company, 1065 Westhauser Avenue, Inglewood," "West 6-0945." "It isn't possible!" "It is possible, Jerome." "For the first time in ten years, I am able to see without my glasses." " Perfect vision." " I can't believe it." "There." "Now I'm blind again." "Fog." "You see?" " Now I can see again." " Doctor, X-58 seems to be a success." "Oh, indeed it does." "I'll try my bursitis." "Oh, I beg your pardon." " Not a twinge!" " This is amazing." "Dr Barnaby Fulton, let me shake hands with the next Nobel Prize winner." " Delighted!" " (phone)" "Pardon me." "My phone's running over." "Hello?" "Department of Water and Power." " Which one would you care to have cut off?" " Hello?" "Hello?" " Hello!" " Oh, Barnaby." "You sound as if the formula was a success." "Tell me, anybody giving a party we can stay home from again tonight?" " No one I know of." " Then pour yourself into that new dress" " and we'll go out and celebrate." " Don't forget what you have to do." " What do I have to do?" " First, get a haircut." " Haircut." "Yeah." " And get a new suit." " New suit." "Yeah." " Oh, and darling." "Stop by the automobile agency." "Mr Peabody just called and says he has a very good buy." "A good buy, eh?" "Well, goodbye to you." "Oh, what ajoke!" " A real knee-slapper!" " You do feel all right?" " (phone)" " I'll get it." "Hello." "Griffith Park Zoo, Snake Department. (hisses)" "Hello?" "Hello?" "What is this?" "This is mr Oxly." " I'll see if he's here." " No, no!" "This is Oxly." " Who is?" " I am, speaking." " Oh, you're mr Speaking." " This is Mr Oxly speaking." " Oxly-Speaking?" "Any relation to Oxly?" " Barnaby, is that you?" " Who's calling?" " I am, Barnaby!" "No, you're not Barnaby." "I'm Barnaby." "I ought to know." " This is Oxly speaking, Barnaby!" " Thas ridiculous." "You can't be all three." " Figure out which one you are and call back." " I'm coming right down there!" " Coming right down, all three of him." " What will you tell him?" " I won't be here." "I've got things to do." " What?" " Get my hair cut, a new suit, and a new car." " Mr Oxly will be furious." "What do I tell him?" " Tell him you don't know who he is." " Doctor, I can't say that." " Just keep your Bunsen burning." " But, Doctor..." " Where's Dr Fulton?" "I want to see him." " He just left, mr Oxly." " I didn't pass him in the hall." " He went through the window." " Whas happened to the man?" " He took some of the formula, and went out acting almost as though - no, exactly as though he were 20 years old." "20..." "By George!" "By George!" "Do you know where he went?" " Yes, sir." " Hello?" "Get me..." " Get me miss Laurel, quick!" "Where'd he go?" " To buy a new automobile, sir." " What car does he drive?" " A Ford." "Hello, miss Laurel." "Now, listen carefully." "I want you to go to every Ford agency in town, and find Dr Fulton." "But, mr Oxly, which shall I do first?" "He'll be at the agencies." "To find him, you'll have to go there." "Oh, I see, mr Oxly." " And bring him back here!" " Yes, sir." "Right away." "Well, Doctor, I cut it the way you wanted me to." " I hope mrs Fulton likes it." " She will." " What do you think?" " It fits rather well." "But are you sure is what you want?" "Well..." "Tell me, do they ever wear trousers to match?" "Oh, very seldom." "Usually grey flannels." "Oh!" "These socks ought to go well with it." "To be honest, Dr Fulton, I don't think either you or mrs Fulton are going to be happy with this type of car." " It isn't exactly what you had in mind." " No, you're perfectly right." " Les take off the fenders." " We can't." "Is against the state law." "Oh, is too bad." "Well..." "Say, you don't happen to have a beaver tail around, do you?" "I..." "Hello, miss Laurel!" "Oh, hello, Dr Fulton." "Hi!" "Hi." " I'm so glad I found you." " No, I found you." "Pick a finger." " Dr Fulton!" " Oh, you know that one." " Yes." " Oh, what a pity." "Mr Oxly sent me." "He wants to see you right away." "Oh." "Well, hop in the bus." "I'll get you there in a hurry." " Is this your car?" " Sure." " Gee!" "Is a honey." " Well, it takes one to know one." "Mr Peabody, would you get that suit box out of my old car, please?" " Well, all set?" " Is your motor running?" " Is yours?" " Here you are, Doctor." " Oh, thank you." "Just mail me the bill." " Certainly." " Takes a while to warm up." " Does me, too." "Watch your head." "I'll watch everything else." "(horns beeping)" "Oh, Dr Fulton, this is fun." "What about mr Oxly?" "The plans back that way." "I know." "We're going to circle the field, so fasten your safety belt, and no smoking." "(truck horns)" " Oh, Doctor!" " Look and see if the flaps are down." "(screams)" " Well, Doc, she'll be good as new by five." " Five o'clock?" "Oh, we can do lots of things by then." " Can't we?" " Sure, Doc." "(Wurlitzer music)" " Come along." " Do you skate much now?" "Oh, not lately." "But don't worry, I'll show you how." "Look out, Doc." "Careful!" "Oh, I'll get the hang of it soon." "I'm gonna be good, you wait." "Oh, look out!" "Help!" "Doc!" "Thas awful high." "Oh, no, not for me." "Well, everybody looking at me?" " How about some music?" " I'd love it." " You sure know how to have a good time." " Yeah." "You know something?" "I used to think you didn't like me." " Just a minute." " Do you like me a little?" " Well, say so." " I like you." " I'm crazy about you, Doc." " Oh, no, no." " Listen to this." " (# "The Whiffenpoof Song")" " Oh, thas dull." " Don't you dare turn that off!" " Thas our favourite song." " "Ours"?" " Yeah." "Edwina's and mine." " Edwina?" " My wife." " Oh." "# Gentlemen songsters off on a spree" " # Doomed from..." " I must say it sounds like a silly song to me." " Why must you say that?" " In my opinion, is a silly song." "Well, in my opinion, your opinion that is a silly song is a silly opinion." "Oh!" "(truck horn)" " Is it getting dark?" " No, not particularly." " Whas the matter?" " Must be something wrong with my eyes." " Is there anything I can do, Doctor?" " No, no." " I just can't see very well." " Please don't be angry with me." " Oh, I'm not angry." "I..." " Because I wouldn't... (screams)" " (truck horn)" " Why did you yell?" "Because..." "Nothing." " Don't be mad at me, Doc." " Oh, I'm not mad." " Tell me, is the plant along here somewhere?" " Yes." " Would you please tell me where to turn?" " Turn right." "Now." " Turn, Doctor, turn!" " Now?" " Yes!" "Turn!" "Turn!" " Which way?" " Doctor!" " Are you all right, miss Laurel?" " I told you to turn." " Yes, I know." "I'm terribly sorry, but..." "I'm afraid I can't see." " Would you park the car for me, please?" " Sure I will." "Thank you." " Hello, mrs Fulton." " Joe." "Is the doctor in his office?" "Yes, ma'am." "He'd gone to sleep, so I didn't wake him up." "Oh..." "Does mr Oxly know that the doctor's come back?" " Yes, ma'am." "He said he'd be down." " Thank you, Joe." " Who is it?" " Is me, darling." "Oh, hello, Edwina." "I can't see you." " Where are your glasses?" " Let me think." "Oh, I left them in the lab." " Jerome probably put them someplace." " I'll find them." "Oh, here they are." "Barnaby, are you sure you're all right?" "Here." " Where?" " Here." " I'm just a little fuzzy." "What time is it?" " Is almost eight o'clock." "Oh, no." "Is that late?" "(tuts) I've done it again." "We were going out for dinner." "I've already had my dinner, but I've brought some for you." " Edwina, I'm terribly sorry." "I wouldn't have..." " I know you wouldn't have, darling." " Where'd you get the poodle?" " Poodle?" "Don't tell me I bought a poodle." " The haircut." " Oh, yeah." "That." "That." "Oh, yeah." " Thas, uh, quite ajacket you bought, too." " Yeah, I know, I know." " Wait till you see the car I got." " What kind?" "You'll see it soon enough. (groans)" "You were a real idiot to try the formula." "Something could have happened." " It did." " I mean something serious." "Here." "Thank you." "Oh!" "I strained every muscle in my body." "Roller-skating." " Don't tell me you went roller-skating!" " I'm afraid I did." "And your face is breaking out with red blotches." "They're not blotches, dear." "Thas lipstick." " Oh!" " Yeah." "Edwina, what I have to tell you is unbelievable." "Yes, it is unbelievable on roller skates." "Mm." "What balance." " I wasn't on roller skates all afternoon." " Obviously." "No." "You'd never believe what I did." "I broke records." " Huh?" " I wish you could have been there." " I wish I had been, too." " I did things that I never dreamed I'd do." "You know, I tried the swan dive." "I missed." "Well, no wonder you're worn out." "Barnaby, all of this is very confusing." "What about the formula?" " Thas what I was telling you about." " Oh..." " Oh!" " I'll start at the beginning." "At 11.52 this morning, I took a dose of the formula, and in a few minutes I began to behave like a college boy, with 20/20 vision and no bursitis." " And plenty of lipstick." " The formula had nothing to do with that." "I'll get to that later." "Edwina, we've discovered something the human race has been searching for since the beginning of time." " Are you really serious, Barnaby?" "It works?" " Well, it did on me." "Of course, I can't explain the reactions." "It seems to work on the mind." "Edwina, imagine." "People never ageing." "It sounds frightening." "You mean it really does that?" "Well..." "Of course, I don't know half of what ill do." "The dose I took has already worn off." "Now, let me see, that was eight hours..." "Hm." "Probably the dose was wrong." " We'll see." " Where are you going?" "I'm going to try the experiment again, but with a larger dose." "Huh?" "Oh!" "Switch on the light, will you, please, dear?" "Barnaby?" " Must you make another test?" " Oh, probably several." "I'm glad you're here to see nothing goes wrong." "I want you to observe and make notes of everything I do." "You'll be able to interpret the exact meaning of my behaviour pattern." "Don't you think you ought to change that coat, and wipe that stuff off your face?" " Perhaps you're right." " By the way, whose lipstick is it?" "Oh, uh, whatshername's" " Oxly's secretary." "Oh." "You mean that little pin-up girl?" " Very cute." " Sort of." "But half infant." " Not the half thas visible." " Well, she's not my type." "Barnaby, how much of this stuff are you going to take?" "Just what I've poured out there." "I've increased the dose." "In that way I'll be..." "Edwina, what are you doing?" "What did you do that for?" "This is the way it should be!" "You're the scientist, and you should do the observing." " But..." " Don't argue!" "Get your notebook." " Oh, it tastes bitter." "Get me some water." " Now, really, Edwina." "For heaven's sake!" "Besides, according to your story, you weren't exactly 100% scientist after you took it." " Other things became much more interesting." " Perhaps you're right." "Oh!" "Even the water tastes bitter." "It did to me, too." "Barnaby?" "I'm a little bit frightened." " I'm here, dear." " Is kinda silly, isn't it?" "I'll take care of you." "I don't feel anything." "Is it supposed to work right away?" "Just a few moments." "Would you clean off your face?" "Because if I get ten years younger and see that lipstick," " I'm liable to knock somebody's block off." " Oh, yes, dear." "Barnaby!" "Is it true about B-4?" "I've just heard the most fantastic things about you." " Does it work?" " You'll have a chance to judge for yourself." "My wife just took 50cc of the formula." "Really?" "By George!" "By George!" "Dr Brunner and miss Laurel are on their way." "They're to come in here immediately." "Mrs Fulton, is very kind of you to lend yourself to this experiment." "Thank you, mr Oxly." "Well, we have to watch your reactions, darling." "Yes, I suppose so." "Now I know how a poor little guinea pig must feel." " May I sit down?" " Yes, dear." "Well, don'tjust stand there." "Do something!" "Yes, dear." "Mm." "Pulse around 150." "Thas the same as mine was." " No sign of any fever." " Outside of being embarrassed," "I feel exceedingly well." "What reaction do you expect, Barnaby?" "I don't quite know." "I suppose it depends on the individual." "With you it took the form of thinking as though you were 20." " Keep still, Edwina." " What was mrs Fulton like at that age?" "Huh?" "Well, Edwina was a very serious-minded student." "She majored in economics and took summer courses in ichthyology and cooking." " Ichthyology?" " Mm." "The study of fish." "Jerome said your first symptom was your eyes." "Your vision became perfect." "Thas true, but you can't count upon that." "Edwina's vision is already perfect." "It will probably take an entirely different form." "My dear, do you feel anything strange?" "Not a thing." "How about you, mr Oxly?" " Oh, but I haven't taken anything." " Oh, yes, you have, mr Oxly." "You hear that, Barnaby?" "A rather odd reaction." "Undoubtedly we can expect something soon." " We certainly can." " She's sitting very still." " Is it possible there's not enough movement?" " Well, there soon will be." "I can hardly wait for the results." "This is quite a moment." "Thas it, Oxly!" "Watch him, Barnaby!" "Is working!" "Did you hear what she said, Barnaby?" "Is taking effect." " Something wrong, Barnaby." " Whas the matter, sir?" "Perhaps the excitemens been too much for you." "You ought to sit down." "Now, calm yourself, mr Oxly." "Now, take your time, mr Oxly." "Thas better." "Take your time and sit down." " Oh, my!" " # Oh, my, gimme a piece of pie" "# Ee, aye, gimme a piece of pie" "Uh, I think we ought to go now." "I think we ought to go, yes." " Barnaby, where are you going?" " I'll be right back, mr Oxly." "Yes, dear, ye..." " Hi, Dr Fulton." " Hi." "What did you say to her?" " Mrs Fulton, he said "Hi"." " I heard what he said," " you peroxide kissing bug!" " Edwina!" "She hasn't done anything." "I'll pull that blond hair out by its black roots!" " Edwina!" "Miss Laurel, keep out of the way." " Put 'em up!" " Now, stop it!" "Mr Oxly, I'll be right back." " Put 'em up!" "Put 'em up!" "Wasn't that fun?" "Did you see him jump?" "I put a fish in his trousers!" " Les go back." " No, Edwina." "Why not?" "Where are we going?" "Les go dancing!" " Edwina..." " Les go back." "All right, we'll go dancing." "Anything you say." " Is this our new car?" " I'm afraid it is." " Thas super-duper!" " You like it?" "Why, yes!" "Why don't you let me drive?" "Get over there." "I know!" "We'll go dancing at the Pickwick Arms." " Pickwick Arms?" " Yeah, in La Jolla." "Don't you remember?" "Of course I remember." "Room 304, where we spent our honeymoon." "All that way?" "Yeah." "We'll stop by the house and get some things." "Won't it be fun?" "Just to go dancing?" "Edwina?" "I've put the bags in the car, and we can keep your coat on the..." "Barnaby, do you think this is too conservative?" " Well, I..." " What do you think?" " Say something!" " Well, I..." "I'm glad you like it." "I'll drive." "You're too slow." "How do you work this?" "Oh, yeah." "Shift it right back." "(giggling and squealing)" "Oh, Barney!" "Is gonna be our honeymoon night all over again." " With no hands!" " Yeah, yeah, yeah." " Honeymoon with no hands." "Yeah, sure." " Aren't you excited?" "Yes, of course, dear, but there's no hurry about it." "Wouldn't you like to slow down so that we can talk?" "Who wants to talk?" "Edwina, I have to test your reactions." " Oh, Barney!" " Oh, honestly!" "Is wonderful to have the wind in your hair, and watch the moon, and the stars..." " And the road." " Oh." "The road." " Good evening, sir." " Good evening." " Would you like to register?" " Yes, please." "Do you have a small suite overlooking the ocean?" " Uh..." "Yes, sir." " Thank you." " Psst!" "Psst!" " I beg your pardon?" " Psst!" " Oh." " Is room 304 vacant?" " Yes." "Thas the bridal suite, you know." " Yes, I know." " Psst!" "Oh, yes." "Could you please leave word that we're not to be disturbed?" "Yes, sir." " 304." " Come along, dear." " Thank you very much." " Yes, indeed." "(#jazz swing)" " Edwina." "Edwina, dear." " Honey, listen to that!" "Les not waste time." " Let him take the bags on up." " Is 11 o'clock." "I've had a very rough day." " Oh, Barney!" "You promised." " Yes..." "Oh, oh, oh." "Put the keys in the room, bring me the bags, and..." "(# "The Whiffenpoof Song")" "# We're poor little lambs" "# Who have lost our way" "# Baa..." "Barney!" "Barney, don't go to sleep." " This is our song." " Oh." "Yes, dear." "# We're little black sheep" "# Who have gone astray" "Barney?" "Every time I hear it, it makes me feel..." "Darling, I could never be mad or unhappy when I hear it." " I just want to be near you." " Yes, dear." "Barney!" "Waltz, waltz, waltz!" "Yes, dear." " (#jazz swing)" " Oh, no!" "Oh, come on, Edwina." "Ha-ha!" "Whee!" "(thud)" "Get up, Edwina." "(giggling)" "Edwina." "Get up, Edwina." "Get up." "Help me up." " Whee!" "That was fun." "Try it." " I wouldn't think of it." "Go on!" "Try it!" " Just..." "Please, dear." " I know where the key is." "Is here." "You usually keep it here." "Right there." "See?" "OK." "Here we go." "Open the door." "Hooray!" "Edwina, aren't you beginning to feel tired at all?" "Not a bit." "Why?" "Do you wanna go someplace?" "Oh, no." "No, no." "I was thinking, you know, I should make a few tests." " Check your blood pressure and heart..." " Oh, Barnaby!" " Not tonight." " Edwina, in making such an experiment," " is good to make as few..." " Barney?" " What?" " Are you sure you really love me?" "Of course I do." "Whatever made you ask such a question?" "Well, itjust occurred to me." "Now, does that answer your question?" "You know, I love you so much it makes me dizzy." "Really?" "When did that start?" " The first time I ever met you." " No, no." "I mean the dizziness." "I don't know." "This is our honeymoon night, and thas all I care to think about." "Barney?" "Barney, what are you going to do?" " I'm just going to put on my pyjamas." " Well, uh..." "Uh..." "Don't you think you'd better change in there?" " What for?" " Well, uh..." "Thas all right." "I'll..." "I'll take my things in the bathroom." "For heaven's sake." "I'll only be a few minutes." ""Became suddenly shy." Better put that down." "15 minutes to change." "Complete reversal of usual behaviour pattern." "Edwina?" "Edwina, are you all right?" " Yes, darling." "I'll be out in a second." " Oh." "Good." "Oh, Barney, I'm so happy." "(cries)" "Whas the matter?" "Why are you crying?" "I can't help it." " Well, is it something I said, or did?" " No." "Well, what is it, then?" " I was just thinking." " What about?" "Mother!" "Oh, mother." "Now I understand." "No, you don't!" " Well, what is it, then?" " I can't help thinking how she must be feeling tonight." " She never liked you." " Well, she doesn't try very hard, either." " I do everything I can to please her." " How can you be so insensitive?" "She had such wonderful dreams for me and my future." " Well, she can still have them, can't she?" " No, she can't." "She can't!" "Edwina, we drove down here to enjoy ourselves, and to pursue an important scientific experiment." "Les not spoil it all by having a silly quarrel about nothing." " Don't you call my mother "nothing"." " I didn't call your mother "nothing"." "(gasps) Don't you raise your voice to me!" " I'm not raising my voice!" " Hank Entwhistle wouldn't fly into a rage just because a girl happened to mention her mother." "Whas Hank Entwhistle got to do with anything?" "I only mention Hank Entwhistle because my mother was very fond of him." " He knew how to please her." " There's something clinical about the way you bring up Hank every time you get annoyed with me." " Do you regret not having married him?" " Look who's talking!" "What about Elvira Bliss?" "Elvira Bliss?" "That was in grammar school." "I know." "She was the teacher." "I suppose myra mcKillip was in grammar school, too, and miriam Ingals, whom you tried to teach to play golf for three years!" " That reminds me." "She's still got my putter." " And you dare speak of Hank Entwhistle, who only kissed me once." "He kissed you?" "Thas something you never saw fit to tell me before." " You kissed Hank Entwhistle?" " I never said that!" " I said he kissed me." "I never kissed him!" " You did say exactly that." " I said nothing of the kind!" " No, no!" "Agh!" " My glasses." " You struck me." "You struck me!" " No, I didn't!" " You horrible man!" "You brute!" "You get out of my room!" "Get out of my room!" "Get out of my room!" "(sobs)" "Oh, no, no, no." "Edwina, now, stop it." "Now, really." "Edwina, this is ridiculous." "You know I can't see." "Edwina, please!" "Let me in." "Do you realise that I'm out here in the hall, and I..." "Oh, no!" "Oh, no." "Edwina, something's caught in the door." "Please, let me in." " Well, is your own fault." " Please, let me in." "No!" "Oh, if there was only some way I could make her understand." "Oh, I know." "Edwina?" "Edwina, dear, listen to me." "# We're poor little lambs" "# Who have lost our way" "# Baa, baa, baa" "Edwina?" "Edwina?" "Edwina." "Edwina, please!" "Operator?" "Edwina, I can't stay out here any longer." "Oh, well." "Oh." "Oh, you unlocked the door." "Is about time." " Now, dear, if you'll just cooperate, we'll..." " (screams)" "Help!" "Police!" "There's a man!" "Oh, dear." "I wish I knew where there was a telephone." "Oh!" "Perhaps there's one in here." "Hm!" "You'd think there'd be a telephone somewhere." "Oh." "Ohh!" "Oh, let me in, Edwina." "Let me in." " The key's in the car, ma'am." " All right." "Thank you very much." " How's that, mister?" "All right?" " Yes." "Now..." "Barnaby!" "Oh, my poor darling." " Edwina, is that you?" " Darling, I've looked everywhere for you." " What are you doing here?" " Getting out of the laundry." " Laun?" " These ladies were kind enough to help me." " Thank you very much." "I'll be all right now." " We're glad to help." " Any time at all, mister." " Oh, I hope I don't do it again." " Do you want to go in and change?" " Oh, no, no, no." "Please, just take me home." "The car's right over here." " How did you get in the laundry?" " I don't know." "I think I flew in." " Look out for the step." " But I didn't have my glasses." "Yes, I know." "I stepped on them." "Here." "You'd better put this on." " What for?" " Because you might get cold." "Thas it." "There." "Now, get in." " Are you all right?" " Yes, thank you, dear." "Are you?" "Yes." "The effects of the formula have worn off." "Don't talk." "Just relax and try to get some sleep, huh?" "Yes, dear." " Darling?" " Hm?" " We're home." "Wake up." " Oh, good, good, good." " I'll help you." " I just had a peculiar dream about Hank." "Was that true about you kissing him?" "Not that it matters." "Darling, I'm so sor..." "Oh, I just remembered." "I did something terrible, and I forgot to tell you." " Hey!" " (Barnaby) Who's that?" " Hold it." " Did you get it?" "Dr Fulton, we're from the News." " We'd like a statement." " What about?" "We had a call from your lawyer, mr Entwhistle." "I wish Hank wouldn't give statements to the press about my work." " Give us the whole story, Doc." " Barney, I..." "Darling, I can't be impolite." "I have nothing to say until I've finished all my experiments." " Is there another woman, Doc?" " Oh, no." "My wife has been my only victim so far." "I'll have a much better story for you when I've experimented with 10 or 20 others." "I'm not going to try it again with human beings." "I'll stick to chimpanzees." " Is that right?" " You're talking about two different things." "What happened?" "Did your wife raid your love nest?" " Don't answer that!" " Don't try to protect him." " This is good for our side." " What are you doing here?" " Get inside!" " Don't do that." "This is all the story I've got." " Thas all you're going to get, too." " What is the idea of making statements?" " Don't pretend you don't know the reason." " I tried to tell you..." " You know the reason very well!" " It all happened at the hotel last night." "Keep your distance, Fulton!" "If you lay a hand on her..." "Hank, will you please shut up and go home!" "Barnaby, I've tried to..." " mother!" " Well!" " Oh, no." " Edwina, Hank told me." " I expected you to be bruised and disfigured." " Mother, you don't understand." " What is everyone talking about?" " Stay away from her, you wife beater!" " It isn't what you think." "Is all my fault." " No, Edwina." "I won't..." " Hank, please shut up!" " Edwina..." " And you, too, mother!" " As your lawyer..." "Hank, you are going." "You are just one too many!" " But you told me that..." " I know I did." " What is it you want me to do?" " I'll telephone you." "Now, go on." " Now, listen here, you two..." " No!" "You listen to me." "I won't let you throw away the rest of your life." " Edwina, whas been going on?" " Barnaby, if you'll..." "I knew something like this would happen!" " Edwina, will you please tell me..." " Quiet!" "Mother, I've been playing guinea pig for Barnaby, trying a new formula." "And, under its influence, I caused all this mess." "Oh!" "Oh, you mean you telephoned Hank?" "Yes, darling." "I did that last night after you left." " I'm terribly sorry, but I couldn't help it." " I don't suppose it was your fault." "Oh, don't let him dominate you again!" "Do something." "Do anything, but..." " my... my... my dear mother-in-law." " Yes?" "Now, I have not lost my temper with you for seven years." " Do not trifle with your luck." " Well!" "Les be civilised about this." "Thas better." "Just mind your business, and shut up!" " Will you drive me to the plant, please?" " Right away?" "Yeah." "I'll put on some clothes and try to salvage some of the wreckage of our lives." " Well!" "I..." " mother, I think you'd better be quiet." " Hello, Jerome." " Good morning, mrs Fulton." " Doctor, I looked everywhere for you..." " Later, Jerome." " I'd like to have the laboratory to myself." " Oh, yes." "Very well, Doctor." "Edwina, my spare glasses are in the top drawer of the desk." "Would you get them?" "Certainly, dear." "Here?" "Oh, yes." "Here they are." "Darling, you're acting rather stern." "Are you angry at me because of what I did last night?" "Edwina, I've thought this over very carefully, and I've almost come to a conclusion." "I'm thinking of destroying the formula." "Destroying it?" "Then you are angry." "Oh, I've been in better moods." "Do you think you'd feel any better if I fixed you some toast and coffee?" "Thank you." "I'm starved." "The coffee and coffee pot are in there." " You can use this plug that Jerome uses." " All right." "I've decided that the formula is the most dubious discovery since itching powder." " And just about as useful." " Oh, I wouldn't say that." "It cured your bursitis, it improved your vision." "It made you feel young." "Hm!" "I'm beginning to wonder if being young is all is cracked up to be." "We dream of youth." "We remember it as a time of nightingales and valentines, and what are the facts?" "Maladjustment, near-idiocy, and a series of low-comedy disasters, thas what youth is." "I don't see how anyone survives it." "Edwina, tell me something, because is been bothering me." " Yes, dear?" " Why did you want a divorce?" "Oh, Barnaby!" "It wasn't me, it was the formula." "You ought to understand that." "Oh, I understand it was the formula that brought it out." " Brought what out?" " Some subconscious aversion to me." "Aversion to you?" "I love you, you potato-head!" "How do I know there's no buried resentment that you don't consciously realise?" "I certainly don't consciously realise it, and I think thas pretty rotten of you to say that." "What about the way you kept bringing up Hank?" "Hogwash!" " Do you love him?" " Now, that is ridiculous!" " You kissed him, didn't you?" " You can't get it out of your mind, can you?" " No, I can't." " Well, all right." "Are you in love with this, um, whosits?" " Of course not!" " Well, you went smooching with her." "On roller skates." "And what was your hidden aversion or subconscious discontent, or whatever it is you want to call it, that made you go playing patty-cake with her?" "Doing a swan dive!" "Acting like a..." "Well, go on." "Oh, Barnaby." "Don't say anything, darling, and I won't, either." "We shouldn't be fighting, having doubts about our marriage." " That isn't right." " Thas just my point." "Thas why I'm going to destroy the formula." "Oh, now, really!" "Are you crying?" "Are you sure you want to throw away two years of hard work?" "Yes, I am." "But is still in my head, unfortunately." "I'm going to forget it." "Is too dangerous, is utterly unpredictable." "Please, don't use this water." "Can't you see the sign?" "Just use the bottled water out of the cooler." "And make plenty of coffee." "I need a lot this morning." "Thas that." "Hello?" "This is mr Oxly." "Mr Oxly, Dr Fulton's here in the plant." "He just came in with mrs Fulton." " Are you sure?" " Yes, sir." "Well, how is mrs Fulton?" "Is she behaving normally?" "Well, she didn't try to hit me, but she wasn't very polite." " She said that..." " Never mind." "Listen carefully, miss Laurel." "I don't want them to leave." "Have the guards hold 'em if they try to go, you understand?" "And notify the directors that I want to see them in the conference room immediately." " I'll be right down." " Yes, sir." " This is funny-tasting coffee." "Is bitter." " Yeah, I noticed it." "Is not the coffee, is the aftereffects of the formula." "The formula!" "What a fool I was to let you take that stuff last night." "Well, you couldn't help it." "Hey, thas your third cup." "I know it." "Thas your second cup, isn't it?" " Yes." " Good." "Supposing you'd taken an overdose." " Perhaps I did." " No, no, I mean a serious overdose." "You know, is perfectly logical to assume you'd have behaved even younger." " Remember mr Oxly jumping around?" " Yeah." "My, I'm going to be embarrassed when I see him again." "How young do you think it could really make you if you drank a whole glassful?" "Oh, I don't know." "Twelve... ten... five." "It might even turn you into an infant." "(laughs) I'm just imagining you not being able to talk, or feed yourself, or even..." " Could be very embarrassing." " Yeah, couldn't it be?" "Well, is just about what could happen." "(phone)" "Ta-da!" "I'll get it." "Hello?" "Hi!" "Hey, did you ever find the fish?" "What did you do with him?" "Ha!" "Yeah, I'm keen." "He's here." "Is old Oxly." "Whas on your mind?" "Ha-ha-ha." "Could you and your wife meet me right away?" " We're drinking coffee." " I'll be in the conference room." "We'll be right there." "Put that back, please." "Put that back, please." "Any other orders, sir?" "Going up?" "Good morning, gentlemen." "Dr Fulton will be here shortly, so please be seated." "We must act quickly." "You all know why you're here - to negotiate for his formula." "As far as money goes, I say hang the expense." "But, as chairman, I want to point out that Fulton made his discovery on our time." "I've got bad news for you, GJ." "We do not have the formula." " What?" " Last night, Dr Lintel..." " Dr Lenton, sir." " Dr Lenton, Dr Fulton's assistant, brought me a dose of the formula, and I took it." "I can't tell you with what eagerness I awaited the results." "But there were none." "No reactions at all." "The formula that Dr Thingumabob brought me is incomplete." "There must be another ingredient he knows nothing about." "Dr Fulton has made no record of it, and nothing in his notes tells us what it is." " Without it, we are helpless." " Failure to keep complete records is against every rule of this organisation." "Fulton knows that." "He's been here ten years!" "It may not be intentional." "Fulton was not himself yesterday." " No, definitely not." " Les hope he's himself now." "There is no doubt about it." "We are now dealing with a sane and adult scientist, and I anticipate no difficulties." "Well?" " All right, Oliver." "Go ahead." "Is up to you." " I wonder whas keeping them." " Doctor, would you mind taking a look?" " Yes, sir." "Oh, Barnaby, mrs Fulton, come on in." " Uh..." " Whas the matter?" "Now, come on in, mrs Fulton." "Forget all about last night." "I assure you, I have." "Come in." "Always experimenting, aren't you?" "I believe you know everybody here." "Yes." "Take a seat." "Make yourself comfortable." "Mrs Fulton, won't you sit over here?" " Do I have to?" " No." "I wanna sit here." "All right." "Barnaby, I think I speak for everyone here when I say" "I consider you one of the great men of modern science." "I asked you to come here today to discuss the sale of your formula." " Our organisation..." " (pop!" ")" "Our organisation is ready to offer you a block of stock, the income from which is sufficient to keep you and mrs Fulton to keep you and mrs Fulton in comfort for the rest of your lives." "Now, the question is, how much cash do you want?" "Barnaby, I said how much cash do you want?" "How much?" " Oh!" " Name any amount." " A zillion dollars." " How much did he say?" " A zillion dollars." "A million trillion." " He's taken it again!" " Obviously." " Look here, Fulton." "Your discovery was our property." "We don't have to give you a cent." " I wish I had a nickel." " I'll blackball you out of the industry!" " You're talking to a child, GJ." " Don't be ridiculous." "He's no child!" "Put 'em up!" "Here, give me something." " Knock that off my shoulder!" " When we get mad, we don't fight, do we?" " Yes, we do." " They didn't teach you that in school." "Hi!" " Hello, Dr Fulton." " Have you come to play with me?" " No." "I came to tell mr Oxly..." " miss Laurel, I think you'd better go." "No!" "I want her to stay and play with me." "If I let her stay, will you tell me the missing ingredient?" " Yes!" "Yes!" " All right, go ahead." "Well!" "Well..." "All right." "Say "terrify"." " Terrify." " Say "tissue"." " Tissue." " Say them both fast." " Terrify tissue." " No!" " How dare you!" " Oh, goody, goody!" " Why, miss Laurel..." " mr Oxly..." " But I..." " Don't you do that!" "You too!" " I did it!" "I fixed her!" "I shot her!" " (screams)" " Now you've spoiled everything!" " See her run?" "She's a scaredy-cat." "Little girl, stop it." "Do you hear me?" "Stop it!" "Now, you come over here." "You sit in that chair and behave yourself." " You understand?" "Behave yourself." " Yes, sir." " (chimp screeching)" " Now, Barnaby..." " Barnaby, where are you?" " He's under the table." " Barnaby, what are you doing under there?" " Tickling Esther." " Come on out." "I wanna talk to you." " I don't think we want to talk any more." "GJ, we're dealing with a ten-year-old." "We've got to humour him." " If you say so, Oliver." " Come and help me." "Don'tjust stand there!" " Barnaby, I wanna talk to you." " You want to tickle Esther?" "She likes it." "No, no." "How would you like to have a nice gold watch and chain of your own?" " Would you like that?" " I've got one." " But not like this one." " I don't want it." " Would you like a new bicycle, or a pony?" " Yes, how would you like that?" " Oh." "What do I have to do for it?" " All you have to do is to tell us what was the ingredient you put in the formula." "Oh..." "Well, you promised me a zillion dollars." "And a nickel." " We'll give you a zillion dollars." " And a nickel." " And a motorboat, and a new pony!" " How would you like that?" " When?" " As soon as you tell us" " what the ingredient was that you added." " Thas simple." "I just added..." "Oh!" "Now look what you've..." " Barnaby!" "Aren't you gonna tell us?" " Whad you wanna write that for?" " Because is true!" " It isn't, and you're gonna erase it!" "Barnaby!" "You promised to give me the ingredient." " You can't make me!" " Barnaby!" " Head her off!" " Barnaby!" " I'll tell my mother!" " Stop her, someone!" " (chants) Barnaby can't catch me!" " Help me catch her!" " If we catch her, will you tell us?" " Sure!" " Somebody stop her!" "Catch her!" " (shrieks) Protection!" " What was it?" " Heat!" " I heated the mixture to 150° Fahrenheit." " By George, we've got it!" " No fair!" "No fair!" " Now I've got you!" " Go on, you erase it!" " No, I won't!" " You're hurting me!" "Let go!" " You big crybaby!" "You erase it." "Esther, what are you doing up there?" "Come down!" " Mr Oxly!" "They're getting away." " Let them go, Dr Lentil." "You heard him." "We've got what we wanted." "Thas all that matters." " But, Oxly, we've got to be sure..." " Don't bother me now!" "We're standing on the brink of a new world, and..." "What is it?" "Mr Oxly, I heated the formula I gave to you last night." " Get that monkey down!" "What did you say?" " I heated the formula." "It didn't do any good." "He's fooled us again!" "Well, don't stand there!" "Go and catch him!" "Run after him!" "Get a policeman!" "Get two policemen!" "When are you gonna stop tagging after me?" " When I want to." " Why don't you go play with girls?" " Why can't I play with you?" " Cos I don't want you to, thas why." " Barnaby Fulton, I don't like you." " Then go away." "I will not, so there." "Then don't go away." "Hm!" "I'll tell my mother!" "Here's one for your mother." "I'll tell Hank Entwhistle!" "Here's two for Hank Entwhistle." "Oh, now, look what you've done!" "I'm gonna tell Hank Entwhistle!" "Hey!" "Leave that paintbrush here!" "Crybaby!" "(children war-whooping)" "He's gonna be sorry for what he did." "Very, very sorry." "I'm gonna call Hank Entwhistle." "Thas what I'll do." "I'll call Hank." "(Edwina) Hello?" " I wanna speak to Hank Entwhistle, please." " You mean Mr Entwhistle?" "Thas what I said." "I'll show him." "I'll sh..." " Hello?" " Hello, Hank?" " This is Edwina." " Oh, hello, Edwina." " Will you come over to my house right away?" " Whas the matter?" "Is Barnaby." "He threw a whole bucket of paint all over me." "See?" " What did you do?" " I didn't do a thing." " (snarls)" " He must have gone mad." "I don't ever wanna see him again!" "Are you gonna go through with it this time and really leave him?" "Yes, I'm going to go away, far, far away." " (stifles yell)" " I'm gonna go away, and..." "Hello?" "Hello, Edwina?" "Edwina, whas the matter?" "Huh?" "Oh." "I don't know." "I just suddenly felt very sleepy." "Thas shock, Edwina." "I saw a lot of it in the army." "Lie down and keep warm." "Ill go away in a few minutes, and I'll be right over." " Goodbye." " (grunts)" "So he's coming over here, huh?" "(gibbers)" " Whall I do to him?" " (distant war-whooping)" "Thas what I'll do!" "I'll get my gang and I'll scalp him!" " (yawns)" " Hank Entwhistle!" "You wait till you see what I do to him!" "I'll scalp him, thas what I'm gonna do." "(makes menacing noises)" "Big chief!" "Big chief!" "I'll fix him!" "I'll show him!" "(war-whoops)" " Oh, Dr Fulton!" " Sh!" "I'm just getting this to scalp a man!" "Sh!" "The things some people think of... morning, mrs Brannigan." "Are you gonna be here for a while?" " Another hour or so." " Would you watch Johnny?" " I have to go to the market." " Sure, I'll watch him for ya." " I won't be long." " All right." "Come on, Johnny." "Here we go." "Here." "There's a nice big yard here to play in." " You all right?" "OK." " (babbles)" "What do you want us to do with the bad man, Red Eagle?" " Yeah, Red Eagle." "Tell us." " First we stop his car, and then capture him." " Then what do we do with him?" " Les tie him to a stake!" " And then burn him!" " Yeah, and burn him good!" " That won't work." " Who said that?" "I did." "Oh, you." "Why won't it work?" "Somebody will stop us the minute we light a fire." "They always do." "Yeah, thas right." "What do you say, Red Eagle?" "Well, les tie him to a stake and scalp him!" "Thas it!" " You mean for real?" " Sure!" "Can't scalp anybody unless you do a war dance first." "Oh." "Well, just a minute." "I'll..." "Now, remember that." "You two braves..." "Can't scalp anybody unless you do a war dance first." " He's right, Red Eagle." " Well..." "We can scalp him, can't we?" "You have to do a war dance first." " Do you know a war dance, Red Eagle?" " Uh..." "Sure!" "Thas no good." "You gotta sing when you do it." "Oh." "Oh, you gotta sing." "Well, all right, we'll sing!" "You with the drum." "Give me a beat." "Like, uh, bom-bom-bom-bom." "You sing." "# Me wantum wampum # me wantum wampum" "You sing too." "You go "Ug!"" " # Me wantum wampum" " Ug!" "# Me wantum wampum" "Ugga-ugga-goo-goo ugga-ugga-goo-goo!" " Ugga-ugga-goo-goo!" " # Me wantum wampum" "You go "A-hi-ho-ho-ho!"" "A- hi-ho-ho-ho!" "A- hi-ho-ho-ho!" " # Me wantum wampum - # Scalpum paleface" " # Scalpum paleface - # Scalpum paleface" "Ug!" "Then you go "A-hoo-hoo-hoo!"" "A- hoo-hoo-hoo!" "A- hoo-hoo-hoo!" "Dee-dee-dee-dee-dee." "Barnaby?" "!" "Darling, speak to me!" "Say something!" "Oh, my darling!" "Operator!" "Operator, get a taxi, will you?" "This is 1605 Gilchrist." "Send a taxi right away." "Emergency." "Thank you." "Darling!" "Barnaby?" "Are you trying to say something?" "Well, speak to me." "Barnaby, I'm your wife." "Say something!" "Oh, my poor husband." "What have you done to yourself?" " Driver, hurry." "Please hurry." " Yes, ma'am." "Right this way, mister." " Hello, kids." " Hi." "Well..." "Why did mrs Fulton say to meet her here?" " She didn't say." " Was mr Fulton there?" " I mean at the house." " He coulda been." "Oh, thas the reason." "I see it now." "Mister, will you play with us?" "We need a nice tall man to play maypole." " I'm sorry, but I haven't time now." " Don't you like children?" " Of course I like children." " Why are you mean to 'em, then?" " I'm not mean to them." " Don't you wanna make us happy?" " Of course I do." " Then play maypole." "I'll play maypole with you if you go tell mrs Fulton I'm here." " OK." " You're very nice to play maypole with us." "Now, you step right back here against this tree," " and hold this up real high." " All right." "Thas fine." "Come on!" " I thought you were gonna tell mrs Fulton." " Can't I watch for a minute?" "No, you promised you'd do it if I play maypole." " What was it I promised to tell her?" " You'd tell her that I'm here." "Now, why don't you..." "Wait a minute." "You're getting this too tight." "I can't move." "You can come out now, Red Eagle." "Wah!" "Ha-ha-ha!" "Whoo-hoo-hoo!" "Whoo-hoo-hoo!" "Fulton, have you gone stark raving out of your mind?" "!" "Mrs Fulton, I have a message for you." " Mr Oxly wants to see you." " Yes, and I want to see him, too." "Oh, miss Laurel..." "Oh, for goodness' sake!" "Mr Oxly?" "Mr Oxly?" "You've got to do something about Barnaby right away." "There, there, little girl." "Don't get excited." "Would you like some lemonade?" "Mr Oxly, the formula's worn off." "I'm not a little girl any longer." "Is Barnaby I'm talking about." " Well, what is he up to now?" " You've got to bring him back." "I'm trying to bring him back." "I've got everyone trying to find him." " Do you know where he is?" " He's right here in my arms." "Now, don't cry." "Remember, you're the wife of a great scientist." "Oh, poor Barnaby!" "He was so brilliant." "Now look at him!" " Is a pretty baby." "Is it yours?" " Of course he is." " I didn't know you had a child." " Mr Oxly," " this is Barnaby!" " What?" "!" "I've been trying to tell you!" "This is my husband." "You mean the formula's gone too far and this is the result?" " I can't believe it!" " Well, you've got to do something about it." "By George!" "By George!" " Oxly speaking." " (GJ) Yes, Oliver?" "Prepare yourself for a shock, GJ." "Dr Fulton's formula has backfired and turned him into a baby." " A complete idiot, huh?" " No, not an idiot, a baby." " An infant, two feet tall." " Don't talk rubbish, Oliver!" " I'm not talking rubbish." "I can see, can't I?" " I wonder." "We've got to find an antidote, and we can't until we know what was in the formula." " Get the truth out of Fulton any way you can." " Well, come on in here and help me." " All right, now we've got to find out..." " Sh!" "Mr Oxly, he's trying to say something." "What are you trying to say, darling?" "Well, go ahead, tell me." " Please try." " Let me talk to him." "Barnaby, I'm going to speak to you very slowly so as not to confuse you." "We're going to do everything we can to help you, but you've got to help, too." " You understand?" " Barnaby, please listen." " Try hard." " This might help." "Listen." "(watch chimes)" "He remembers!" "He wouldn't take it before, and now he will." "Barnaby, we can't find the antidote until we know the real formula." " Don't frighten him." " I didn't frighten him." "He's being evasive again." "Barnaby, you lied to us about the missing ingredient." "Now, what is it?" "Wah." "Oh, mr Oxly!" "He can't talk!" "Well, what are we going to do?" "We can't wait until he grows up." "I'll be dead!" "Yes, and when he's 20, think how old I'll be." " Is that the brat you were talking about?" " Yes, GJ." "This is Dr Fulton." "Don't you call my husband names!" "What are you trying to put over on Oxly Chemicals?" "Stop talking like a fool!" "I came here for help." "Jerome, you were my husbanïs colleague." " Can't you find an antidote?" " I warned him." " It proves there are no boundaries to science." " Nonsense!" " Thas no more Barnaby Fulton than I am!" " I ought to know my own husband!" "Now look what you've done!" "You've made him cry!" "Thas all right, darling." "Don't cry." " He's probably tired and sleepy." " Yes..." "Sleepy?" " Thas a sign that the formula's wearing off." " Sleep might bring him back to normalcy?" " It did before." " Oh, bosh!" " Where are you taking him?" " To his laboratory, so that he can take a nap on his couch, where he'll feel at home." "Hey, look!" "Oh, jiggers!" "Is the cops!" " Mr Oxly, this is all..." " Sh!" " (whispers) This is all I could find." " Give it to mrs Fulton." "Mrs Fulton, will this do?" "Yes, thank you." "Oh, he's cute!" "Miss Laurel!" "Keep your hands off of him, please!" " I wasn't..." " He's defenceless." "I can't have you touch him." "He's got to get some sleep." "Yes, ma'am." " He doesn't seem sleepy now." " Perhaps we should take a blood chem..." "Please!" "Will you please be quiet and give him a chance!" "Yesterday when he took the formula he had to sleep before he became normal." "And he's got to sleep, mr Oxly." " Sometimes I try counting sheep." " Well, I hardly think he..." "Oh!" "I know what might do it." "Now, listen, Barnaby." "# We're poor little lambs" "# Who have lost our way" " # Baa, baa, baa - (Oxly and others join in)" " Silly song." " # We're little black sheep" "# Who have gone astray" "# Baa, baa, baa" "(sighs)" "By George, this waiting certainly takes it out of a man." "I need something." " Got a drink around here, Doctor?" " Mr Oxly, I don't drink." "I didn't ask that." "I asked if you had a drink here." " Well, for medicinal purposes..." " Just get it." " Good idea, Oliver." " I'll get glasses." " I'll get some water." " Yes, I like a little water with mine." " Will you have a drink, mrs Fulton?" " No, thank you." "A drink comes in pretty handy sometimes." "Water, GJ?" "Please." "Thanks." " Well, here's how." " Here we go." " Tastes kind of bitter, doesn't it?" " Yes, strange." " Get rid of that before anyone else drinks it." " I'll give you a hand." "There's no excuse for having water like that." "See that that cooler's cleaned out before is used again." "Well, who are you?" "Oh, I don't care." "Just move over, there's a good fella." "Oh, I'm so sleepy." " Wah." " Please, no familiarity." "Just... just go to sleep." "(chimp grunts)" "Oh, Barnaby, darling!" "Hm?" "Oh." "Edwina?" "I thought I'd lost you." "And now there are two of you." "What do you mean, two of me?" "I can't see." "My glasses, you know." "Oh, your glasses..." "Here they are, dear." "Oh, darling, are you all right?" " Yes, thank you, I'm all right." " Here." " Who is this?" " I don't know." "I thought it was you." " What do you mean, you thought it was me?" " I carried you in here when you were a baby." " Oh, thas impossible." " Don't you remember anything?" "Sure." "The last thing I..." "I was scalping Hank Entwhistle." " Oh, Barnaby!" " (yelling)" " Whas that?" " I don't know." " You'd better take this." " Yes." "Come on, my sweetheart." "You know, we ought to find out who that is." "Yes, indeed." "We must." " (yelling)" " Dr Fulton!" "I'm so glad." " Whas going on?" " They've taken it." "It was in the water." " What do you mean?" " The monkey mixed it." " (laughter)" " I'll get ya!" "Look!" "I can make a monkey out of Rudolph!" "I'll get you back!" "No fair using hot water!" "Hello, Barnaby!" "How are you, old boy?" "I knew you'd pull out of it." "Here's a contract for you, signed, sealed and delivered." "You're a genius, old boy!" "I'm gonna get even with you!" "You've got a fire hose there!" "Whas the idea?" "Oh, miss Laurel!" "Come on in!" "Join the party!" " Come on in!" " (shrieks)" "There he is!" "There's the man that did it to me!" "Mr Oxly, don't splash me!" " Barnaby, can you hear me?" " Yes, dear." " I've been thinking." " Ha!" "I'm just beginning to." "I was wondering, if I had my choice of living these last three days over again," " what I'd say." " Les hear it." "Thad interest me." "Well, we've got a new contract, we've had a lot of excitement, now we're going out on the town tonight, just the two of us." " Thas funny." "I can't hear you." " Oh, I didn't say anything." " I was just thinking." "Thinking about you." " Care to elaborate on that?" "About your not being disappointed when you found out Esther invented the formula." "Your suspenders would look better up." "Imagine, the secret of youth locked up in the head of a monkey." " Think you'll ever find out how to make it?" " I don't know." "Esther's working awfully hard." "Darling, why weren't you disappointed?" " Well, I've got a new formula." " If you start that again, so help me, I'll..." "Oh, I like that dress." "Yes!" " Oh, you do?" " Uh-huh." "All right, whas the new formula?" "Well, it doesn't come in packages or bottles." "You're old only when you forget you're young." " Go on, say some more." " Is a word you keep in your heart, a light you have in your eyes, someone you hold in your arms." "My, I'm glad I'm going out with you tonight." "Come here." " Do you like my formula?" " Mm." "Makes you think, doesn't it?" "I could do with a lot of that." "What time did you order the table?" "Visiontext Subtitles:" "Paul murray" "ENGLISH SDH" | {
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"Napoleon wrote that military blunders and domestic catastrophes fanned the flames of the French Revolution." "But the coup de grâce was a palace scandal involving a woman of nobility denied, a member of the royals..." "This notorious intrigue came to be known as I'Affaire du Collier." "Jeanne de la Motte-Valois." "We have assembled to bring judgment on you and the other defendants as instructed by His Majesty, Louis XVI." "Before reading the record of your interrogation do you care to make remarks to this judging body?" "I do." "If I reached for anything that shone brilliantly it was the vision of a home denied me and a sense of peace I have never known." "In the eyes of God and the world I wanted my life to be as it should have been." "... you would come upon a king." "From this lineage, there would emerge one whom I and all of France would come to know Jeanne Saint-Rémy de Valois." "Jeanne." "Darnell Valois was a reformist." "A champion of the common folk." "The Valois name was associated with the resistance an association one could ill afford in those tumultuous days." "Who are they, Father?" " Bring him out!" " No!" "The monarchy believed the Valois name would be buried with the young girl's father." "But the monarchy would prove to be wrong." "That winter, her mother's broken heart gave out." "And in an instant, Jeanne was an orphan." "And I would cross paths with that damaged young woman many years hence." "Jeanne grew up alone and accomplished it quickly." "Vowing to restore honor to the Valois name she set her sights on the one person she felt could make it right the queen of all France, Marie-Antoinette." "The queen is in fine voice tonight." "The role of temptress suits her." "No doubt it is a role our Antoinette has played before." "Who might that little tart belong to?" "She goes by the name la Motte countess, no less." "Claims to be of the house of Valois." " What is to be gained by that?" " Perhaps, simply, it is the truth." "What a novel approach." "I'm told she owes her position to a marriage of convenience." "Her husband comes and goes as he pleases." " With whomever he pleases." " The poor dear." "Her dress walks the cusp of fashion." "Two seasons ago." "Her eyes, though." "Very exciting." "Be mindful of whom you came with tonight." "As if it were possible to forget." " Champagne, madame?" " No, thank you." "Brava, Majesty!" " Majesty." " Majesty." " It was an evening of triumph, yes?" " Your Majesty." "There's no need to worship at my feet." "I've only had a faint." "You need not revive me from the dead." "In my years of service to the Crown I'd watched them come and go." "You again?" "I've told you to keep your distance from Her Majesty." "Ambitious aristocrats trouncing one another to gain royal favor." "Forgive me." "I was overcome by the strain of an important matter." "But she was different." " One I feel the queen should hear." " You and all the rest." "I've sought an audience, but I'm turned away." "Her Majesty does not care to know you." "I will hear that from her own lips." "Minister Breteuil, this is not worthy of your attention." "Allow me to attend to the countess." "See that you do." "Step aside, please." "I am Rétaux de Villette your escort by command." "Ladies and gentlemen, the queen of tarts, Antoinette!" "Antoinette and Madame Campan Together they did sup" "Taking turns they deeply drank From each other's loving cup" "In the hay she passed the day With Bonnervilles and Frank" "How do you think?" "'Too too, ' we cry" "With a wink she did reply" "It never works, you know." "Little ploys to garner the queen's attention." "What's on the paper you were eager to press into her regal palm?" "Has this claim of heritage been authenticated?" "The king's minister of titles refuses to see me." "But I know the truth." "My father's estate was usurped by the royal family." " I wish to petition for its return." " By accosting Antoinette?" "No." "Being a woman, the queen will be more sympathetic to my situation." "Once she learns of the injustice my family has endured, she will..." "Please forgive me, countess." "It is so fresh, new and naive." "It is remarkable how quickly you've made yourself tiresome." "De la Motte?" "I knew a Nicolas de la Motte in the cavalry." " Thank you." " Though, at the time, he was no count." "Though it's not uncommon to buy such titles." "What you suggest is insulting." "It's less attractive coming from a common gigolo." "Well, I fancy myself quite uncommon in that respect." "You've come too far!" "The count has a temper." "If I call out, he'll come." "And do what?" "Separate you from the beloved tools of your trade." "How disagreeable." "He's back, then?" "I saw him a week ago in Rambouillet." "Strange, though, he seemed ensconced with an actress from the Comédie." "You inserted yourself in this." "How do you propose to take your leave?" " Have you any suggestions?" " Find a use for yourself." "Quickly." "At court, to obtain your desires, you must know what others desire." " And you have such knowledge?" " It's my second greatest talent." "The countess' entry into court coincided with another..." "It was an amazing extravagance." "A glorious tribute to the vanity of man." "This is the culmination of my life." "Its combined weight is no less than 2,800 carats." "Well, Monsieur Böhmer, it is a marvel." "Thank you." "Bassenge and I have put our souls into it." "And every livre you possess, I'll wager." "We incurred some debt purchasing the stones." "I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding a buyer." "Our hope has always been that it would find its place with you." "How curious!" "It was suggested to me that it was destined for Madame du Barry." "See to her needs." " Madame du Barry?" " That trollop my husband's grandfather maintained." "Well, I..." "I pray the whispers are mere court gossip." "Otherwise, du Barry's banishment would find you without a buyer." "If you would permit, we are foggy on the exact order of events." "If Her Majesty would try the necklace on?" "Perhaps..." "It is a phenomenon." "Still, I decline." "We are the appointed jewelers to Her Majesty." "Our reputations will be shattered if we seek buyers." "I did not commission the necklace." "I do not wish to acquire it." " I need explain myself no further." " L..." "Shh!" "No, no." "Shh!" " Your Majesty." " Majesty." " Your Majesty." " Majesty." "You handled that well." " I know not to speak." " A lot of help..." "He won't see me." "I've tried." "Why should today be different?" "Because the minister of titles' aunt is an acquaintance." "I am aware of your presence." "I can hear you thinking." "Thank you for seeing me." "You don't know how long I've waited for this opportunity." "Please tell me." "Have you considered my petition?" "It is unusual for you to come on your own behalf." "In my experience, women don't possess the temperament for negotiations." "It is more appropriate to discuss this with the Count de la Motte." "The count is in Rambouillet." "In any event, it's my lineage I wish to have authenticated." "It is my family's home I wish returned." "Your petition places me in a difficult position." "Your father was prone to stirring up parliament." "He spoke out against poverty and tyranny." "He was a treacherous liar." "He only wanted to better the world." "If there were more like him..." " Forgive me." " He railed against the monarchy." "That will never be tolerated." "You know the importance of a God-given name and a home in which it can flourish." "It defines us." "No doubt your request comes from the heart." " But there are higher considerations." " I implore you!" "If I have no legacy to pass on, the name of Valois dies with me." "In the eyes of the royal family, that would not be unfavorable." "This royal office will not grant your petition." "It never will." "I can't accomplish what I came to do." "Proper channels be damned." "The royal family had been well aware of this meeting." "By crushing her hopes, they sought to end the Valois legacy and all that it stood for." "It's really quite simple." "To influence the minister of titles, you must first have influence." "Hence, lesson one, the benefactor." "Perfect." "The Marquis de Favras." "A most generous man with a most generous appetite." "For young men." "The Comte de Blonde, keeper of the royal seals." "Wealthy, powerful and enthusiastically pursues all members of the female gender." "For what reason I cannot imagine." "He's as virile as an empty sausage skin." " And him?" " Ah, yes, Pierre Charron." "He has killed four men, loves a hunt and despite his flirtations maintains but a single lover his benefactor, the Marquis de Favras." "Lechers and parasites." "Is that all there is?" "Welcome to court." "Here, appearance is everything." "And I mean no offense, countess, but yours is lacking." "Your dress and living arrangements must improve." "Plainly, you need money." "To obtain it find favor with someone who has it." "Rétaux, my precious!" "Look, ho!" "Three sensual sirens of the sea." "How long will you suffer the whims of old women?" "Suffer?" "I bring joy to venerable ladies." "I'm often..." "You evade the question, monsieur." "I shall stop suffering the whims of older women when someone more intriguing enters my world." "Am I to suppose you have no one you care for now?" "There was one." "The self-proclaimed Duchess de Vossi." "In truth, a courtesan of the highest stature." "She entertained only the noble elite in her bed of pleasures." "Mother." "She taught me the intricacies of court life." "From the noblemen that came to our rooms I observed manner and wit." "Who can say?" "One of these fops bobbling past us now could well be my father." "An amusing thought at best." "How skillfully you play the rogue." "Yet even you cannot mask such impenetrable loneliness." "Are we that much alike, countess?" "Next lesson." "Always choose a benefactor of noble means." "For instance, Louis de Rohan cardinal of all France and blood prince of the infamous house of Rohan." "He is a debaucher of legendary proportions." "His parties are lavish, orgiastic affairs." "They've arrived." "One hour late as required by royalty." "This should be entertaining." "Why such a chill between him and the queen?" "Years ago, on a pilgrimage, Rohan bedded half the Austrian court." "He jested Antoinette's mother had begged her turn." "This slander got back to her." "She never forgave him." " Despite his efforts to heal the rift." " He needs her approval?" "He wishes to follow Richelieu and become prime minister." "Antoinette blocks his progress?" "At every turn." "It's all right." "Come out, my dear." "Let me introduce Colleen." "This lady is a maid of the queen's private quarters." "I have come as you requested." "They would cut my hands off if I were caught." "But de Villette was so heartfelt in his request, I could not refuse." "Countess, unbeknownst to Her Majesty you are about to become her closest confidant." "My curiosity about Your Eminence..." "My curiosity about Your Eminence..." "A rare miss, Your Eminence." "You distracted me." "Then I've fulfilled my obligation as a woman." " I am unfamiliar with you." " You're right, I've intruded." "My curiosity about Your Eminence overcame my sense of formality." "What could ignite such curiosity?" "I have heard it said you are a man of copious desires." "Some desires run deeper than others." "I accompany the queen most days at Versailles." "These are letters she wrote when I was abroad." "Why bring them to my attention?" "The damaged feelings between you are well-known but old wounds may be healing." " The queen has said as much?" " It's intuition on my part." "But with subtle persuasion, you could make progress with Her Majesty." "And you will apply these gentle pressures in return for what?" "Your Eminence's gratitude is all I require." "And your patronage, from time to time." "Your offer is compelling." "But I must decline." "You're likely a fraud." "The court is riddled with them." "And a man of my office is often a target." "That you should doubt my veracity is indeed a hurtful blow." "I've upset you." "Abel, please, leave us." "I wish to offer a word of comfort in private." "I was wrong to come here." "I see that now." "Yet you are here." "I cannot be comfortable with a man who doubts me." "In times of doubt prayer is the answer." "IKneel before me." "I will rest my hands on your shoulders and we'll pray together." "I respectfully decline, Your Eminence." "I'm the cardinal of all France." "If the cardinal of all France wishes you to pray with him you'll do so." "Come." "You will not hold back." "Pray deeply and with conviction." "Your Eminence." "No." "L..." " Where'd you get this?" " Antoinette's chambers." "She does the embroidery herself." "I've noticed them." "A reminder of what could have been." "Wait!" "Maybe there is a way." "A means by which to verify your claim." "It so happens I have taken under my patronage an extraordinary man." "He is grand master of the Illuminati, the German mystic elite." "He is an accomplished mesmerist who claims to have conquered disease and death several times over." "His visions and prognostications have proven accurate time and again." "Count Cagliostro we are honored." "I sense many of you have questions for me that concern love, fate, even betrayal." "But these answers will have to wait." "I'm drawn to a face that's new." "You seek an alliance with the cardinal, yes?" "I'm certain many people bring favorable offers before His Eminence." "But your alliance is what concerns us tonight." "Comtesse de la Motte." "I haven't spoken a word about you to this man." "He truly is a marvel." "Or particularly well-informed." "You doubt my abilities?" "I sense such turmoil within you." "I sense fear as well." "I am not afraid." "This is one of the more delightful evenings I've spent in a catacomb." "Early on you learned to hide what you feel." "You've had great losses in your life." "Shall I go deeper?" "There is no one here who hasn't lost something which can't be replaced." "You were taken in by strangers, then cast aside." "Always, you were on the outside looking in longing for that which was taken from you." "Still that's not what hurt most." "I see you hovering over a cold grave wishing it were your own but it was not." "Was it?" "Comtesse?" "A grave dug for your mother's coffin." "Have I gone far enough?" "Well, then, who's next?" "Oh, that's working splendidly." "Smooth and even, monsieur." "A job done with conscientiousness is a job that endures." "Yes, Majesty." "If he directed government like that, France would rule the world." ""Maman", watch me, watch me!" "They are such a comfort to me." "A wonderful distraction." " I heard there were more disturbances." " A small gathering of malcontents." " How small a gathering?" " Nearly 200." " No doubt my name was used in vain." " Arrests were made, naturally." "Why do the people hate me?" "It wasn't always so." "Your Majesty is not the source of the animosity." "You're merely a symbol to aim it at." "You show fantastic audacity in seeking me out." "Though I knew you would." "Did you denounce me to the cardinal?" "I told him that despite your troubled past I did sense an opportunity." "If you'd like my visions of you to remain positive, share in what you gain from the cardinal." "I was caught off guard by the intimate details you knew about my life." "And then I realized the Marquise Boulainvilliers a charitable woman who took me in as a child, she was superstitious." "Magicians and mesmerists often entertained in her parlor." "What is that to me?" "A person of your colorful nature may have found their way into her home." "In the course of your prognostications you may have asked her a few questions." "If you'd like to trade secrets in front of the cardinal keep in mind I have his confidence." "Also, the court is full of people who would tear you to pieces if I fed them enough lies." "Be careful." "I've done this a long time." "That is precisely why I will do it." "I have nothing to lose." "IKeep him interested in me and you will share in the rewards." "But remember that our fates will now be joined as one." "I sense a surprising alliance on the horizon." "Long life, countess." "To Louis de Rohan, cardinal of France." "It has come to mind that the silence between us has gone on far, far too long." "Excellency, Jeanne de la Motte..." ""An apology would seem the proper starting point if we are to mend damaged feelings."" "A prince of the house of Rohan apologize?" "It's never been done." "For years you've anguished." "She hasn't given you a look or a word." "You now hold a letter from her of the most affable nature." "Yes, well, I submit Antoinette's loathing of me has become somewhat more than an irritation." "You need not suffer anymore." "If I acquiesced, would the reply be delivered by your hand?" "It would reach Her Majesty no other way." "Very well." "A note of credit will be advanced to you in the sum of 5,000 gold louis." "Twenty thousand would seem more appropriate." "Are you attempting to bargain with me?" "Not long ago, a young woman much like yourself attempted to extort money from me." "She came forth with claims of having experienced some mistreatment at my hands." "Her accusations were, of course, unfounded." "She was the niece of the captain of my private guard." "One night, her uncle slipped into this young woman's room with a very sharp blade." "He slit the poor girl from her genitalia to the dimple on her pretty chin." "Do you know why a man would do such a thing to his own kin?" "Because I told him to." "Never test my good nature, countess." "I must ask that Your Eminence be mindful." "I can shatter this correspondence as easily as I formed it." "The cardinal's threat inspired renewed communications from Antoinette." "Dearest Rohan..." "In time, His Eminence made clear his wish to meet the queen in private." "I'm anxious for reconciliation." "My earnest cardinal..." "For the hopeful countess and her devotee keeping the cardinal at arm's length drew them even closer." "You may count on my discretion." "Yet, as Rohan's correspondence with the queen grew more intimate..." " Your devoted cardinal." " Your devoted queen." "... those on the streets of Paris saw Her Majesty in a far different light." "Antoinette responded by cloistering herself behind the gilded gates of Versailles." "In that privileged asylum, it's little wonder the queen failed to notice a burgeoning threat in her very midst." " Is that the Countess de la Motte?" " What caused the transformation?" "I've heard that Antoinette has taken the countess under her wing." "Monsieur de Villette informs me that they've become ever so close." "In the beginning, it was my intent to simply use you." "A confession." "This is a fragile moment." "Yet somewhere along the journey I have come to rely on you." "I have never felt that way about anyone." "Nicolas!" "How dare you?" "It is seldom a man gets to watch his wife make love from that vantage point." "You are not welcome here." "Go back to your actress." "Upon hearing of your change in fortunes, my affections rekindled." "In a blink, she seemed drab and common, whereas you were once again my reason to live." "I've missed your touch." "Nicolas." "Do not do this." "To what do you refer, my cherished?" " Let's sort this out in another way." " What happened, Rétaux?" "Did you grow weary of plowing your way through the old women?" "It was bound to happen, I suppose." "Forgive me!" "I heard a noise and I took the gun from your bag!" " Rosalie, you've just shot my husband!" " Oh, God!" "Goddamn!" "Are you digging for potatoes?" "Go easy!" "I didn't tell you how to get this projectile in." "Do not presume to tell me how to get it out." "Goddamn!" " It is lodged in the fleshy tissues." " Madame, there's a gentleman here." " How lovely." "Monsieur Bassenge." " Madame." "To what do I owe the honor?" "Oh, dear." "One of the menials is having a tooth drawn." " It's never a pleasant procedure." " No." " Please sit." "Will you take some port?" " That's very kind, thank you." "Monsieur Böhmer could not join me." "He is in his sickbed over the matter about which I wish to speak." "I pray his discomfort is not serious." "This burden has leeched the very will to live out of a formerly robust man." "If I can improve the situation, you may rely on me." "It has come to my attention that you have influence with Antoinette." "On certain issues." "Then I'd like to make you aware of a rather lucrative proposition." "I must ask you keep this in strict confidence." "My lady." "We would like you to re-introduce the idea of the necklace to Her Majesty." "If a bargain were struck, be assured of a commission." " A very generous commission." " Please, countess, won't you help us?" "The interest alone on what we paid for the diamonds is ruining us." "And so there was a fateful meeting." "The countess born by the grace of God and the necklace formed by the hand of man." "One without the other could do little harm." "But together..." "It was fantastic, wasn't it?" "That necklace could vastly improve a person's situation." " Are we not blessed with a benefactor?" " Rohan?" "No, this is a very dangerous idea." "A charming fellow once told me something worthwhile." "The way to get to what you desire is to know what everyone else desires." "The jewelers know only the queen can relieve them of their creation." "Then we have our benefactor, Louis de Rohan, cardinal of all France." "He desires the one thing his wealth can't acquire, the prime ministership." "But what he doesn't realize is the queen secretly desires the necklace." "So if Rohan could somehow make the transaction possible the jewelers would have a home for the necklace with the queen." "Brilliant, but one tiny flaw." "The queen doesn't desire the necklace." "You really must keep abreast of current events, my love." "It would seem Her Majesty has had a change of heart." "Why does Antoinette wish to obtain this brutish trinket in such secrecy?" "Such an extravagance could cause further unrest among the people." "Then why ensnare His Eminence in such a venture?" "She seeks a discreet intermediary." "One who can be a guarantee to the jeweler should she be forced by circumstances to default on her payment." "I beg your pardon, Your Eminence." "Mademoiselle Subur has arrived for her religious tutorial." "Escort her to my private chapel." "I'll be along momentarily." "You've improved your position with the queen." "Help her and the path to the prime minister's post will be short." "I've grown tired of treading that path on my hands and knees." " What do you have to say?" " I do sense an opportunity." "Stay the course." "No." "No!" "I've denounced my own character in writing." "I've paid you exorbitantly to exert your influence." "Yet my every request has been ignored." "Unless I meet Her Majesty our arrangement is over." "Now if you'll excuse me an eager young mind awaits." "This is an opportunity that may never come again." "With the necklace, I have a chance to take back what was..." "I have a chance to get my home back." "It's all I ever wanted." "If I could bring it back for you, I would." "But honestly, I do not..." "If the cardinal wishes to meet the queen, he should meet the queen." "You're naughty." "Let's say we convince Rohan to act as guarantor for the necklace." "What'll happen when no payment's made by Antoinette?" "I imagine the eye of Rohan will turn our way." "Yes, and shit will rain upon us in biblical amounts." "I'm not interested in being his catch basin." "Nor am I. But to implicate us would expose his own part in the scandal." "Don't you think he'd pay off the jewelers to cover up the affair?" "Yes, I'm sure he would." "Then have our throats cut in a dark and disagreeable place." "Yes, I have thought about that unpleasant eventuality." "I feel we could persuade him that forgiveness is his only recourse." "What do you propose we do about Nicolas?" "He could betray us." "Not if we bring him into the fold." "As hypocritical as it sounds he may even be of help to us." "Please." "I'll speak with him alone." "He'll be more receptive." "Oh, yes, I'm sure he will be." "I knew something grand was afoot." "Rest assured I'll be an asset to this." "You can best help by showing restraint." "It will be important that all seems normal in this household." "I like that part very much." "What role does the gigolo play though?" "Will he be an out-of-town cousin?" "Rétaux will do his part." "You need only concentrate on not being yourself." "Don't be angry with me." "I am the way I am." "You know as well as I, our marriage has always been an arrangement." "You needed a title to gain access to the royal court." "You took me on because I bought you that title." "I've never been more than a stepping stone in your eyes." "No." "I saw something worthy in you at one time." "Even gallant." "I wanted nothing more than to make it a real marriage." "Perhaps we could have that now." "But you see, now it is an arrangement." "The perfect man for the job was dispatched with haste." " How do you do?" " How do you do?" " Are you alone?" " Not now." ""Not now." I have a proposition for you." "This is more intrigue than I bargained for." "The king's in Paris." "It has to be tonight." "You are to wait here." "I must confess, I am nervous." "My God, I'm shaking." "Give Her Majesty time to gaze upon you." "If she feels it is right, she'll signal." " I understand." " Be ready to flee at a moment's notice." "Say only what we've rehearsed." "And have confidence." " It is only acting, yes?" " Yes, but it must be convincing." " We have the grove to ourselves." " Excellent!" " Is that necessary?" " Yes, it is necessary." " The wound on my ass is barking!" " And you deserve it." "Forgiveness is a rose without thorns." "If I have offended Your Majesty, I've suffered for it." "This is not necessary." "I remember your first day at Versailles." "You were a young girl of 1 4 with sweet rosebud lips." "I was a young bishop then, and well-liked." "I felt a connection between that young girl and that young man." " It transcended curiosity." " I remember." "Get away, you dirty boy." "Someone's in the garden." "There's someone else in the garden." "We must go." "Now!" " What was that?" " Guards of the palace!" "Follow me!" "Intruder on the grounds!" "Follow me!" "This way!" " Come on!" " I say we separate." "You go that way." "You there!" "Stand fast where you are!" "Come back!" "Stop for nothing." "There's a trail through the marsh!" "He passed by here." "I'm certain!" "You there, search the bank!" "Go find these bastards!" " You've attempted to deceive me." " Deceive you?" "Don't play games with me." "Your Majesty." "I know what you're up to." "Antoinette is secretly in love with me." "Deny it if you will." "But don't ask me to play the fool." "My dearest Antoinette:" "Our meeting at the grove was for me like the end of an epic journey." "To hear from Her Majesty's lips such words..." "And so, a bargain was struck." "The queen intended to pay for the necklace in two months' time, on the day of the Feast of the Assumption." "As guarantor, the cardinal was at risk for a considerable sum." "When concern crept in, the cardinal sought a higher power." "You wish to ascertain if the risk is warranted?" "Caesar had dream interpreters." "Hannibal utilized stargazers and soothsayers." "Great men of destiny need those who can see beyond their own grand vision." "Behold." "I gaze into sanctified waters." "I see a woman." "She places an object around your neck." "It is made of gold." "Cagliostro spun a divine prognostication." "Did my vision hold meaning for you?" "The seal of the prime minister is in the form of a medallion." "A medallion of pure gold." "Long life, my friend." " Did all go well?" " I was brilliant, of course." "From the queen." "It is a dispatch from Her Majesty." "The item of interest is to be turned over to her messenger." " Do you have confidence in him?" " His name is Argille." "He attends the queen's chambers." "May I?" "I'm responsible for this object to the sum of one million gold louis." "Do you have confidence in this man?" "Answer carefully." "You will be held accountable." "Monsieur Argille is not without faults." "Yet when it comes to his devotion, no one can compare." "You'll no doubt reap untold rewards for what you've done." "To Jeanne, the whole necklace was not as glorious as what its parts could yield." "It was a means to an end." "And though I will not justify the actions of the young countess I later came to understand her reasoning." "Who does not aspire to take back what was taken from them?" "Who does not dream of returning home?" " Welcome." " Thank you." "Jeanne, you promised to take me for a ride today." "Have you forgotten?" "My dear wayward countess:" "It's been weeks since my meeting with Her Majesty and still I've not heard a word." "Your continued absence from Paris has put me ill at ease." "Wherever you may be, I trust you spend your time furthering my cause." "With the Feast of the Assumption upon us I must insist you correspond soon and apprise me of Her Majesty's disposition." "Until then, I shall keep my anxious thoughts at bay with my duties of providing the people with spiritual guidance." " For the evening." " Brocade, is it?" " The finest." " Very nice." "What else?" "I'll see it all." "Everything, everything." "With your eyes." " And, of course..." " Is this your daughter?" " Yes, count, my eldest." " You're very lovely." "Have you ever considered life in the theater?" "The plasterer couldn't reach that high edifice." "I designed a system of pulleys so he could be elevated." "Fascinating, Your Majesty." "Stunningly resourceful." "Compliments of Böhmer and Bassenge jewelers." "It is a bejeweled amulet." "A token of our appreciation for your patronage these many years." "That jeweler has been grinning like a jackal all afternoon." "Now this." ""Madame, we are at the pinnacle of happiness with our arrangement." "We take satisfaction in knowing the most beautiful creation will adorn the most exemplary of queens."" "I'm not sure what to make of it." "I think only one explanation will suffice." "Monsieur Böhmer has gone quite mad." "Her Majesty was at times conveniently naive and I wanted to count the incident as just another act of a fool." "But in a growing climate of unrest, no one could be trusted." "Debauchers and whores in fine silk!" "The king and that harlot, Antoinette drain the life's blood of our national character!" "Oh, God." "Quite a lot of excitement." "Yes." "Desmoulins speaks with such fiery passion." "Fiery passion happens to be the very attribute I hold most dear." " Pardon me, monsieur." " Yes?" "I wasn't bothering the mademoiselle." "A few of the merchants inform me that you've been selling diamonds." "I'm a licensed broker of precious stones." "I trade frequently here and in Amsterdam." "Then monsieur wouldn't mind producing credentials." "Of course." "They're in my rooms at the hotel." "Care to accompany me there to clear this up?" " I think we should." " Well, then." "A striking outfit." "Very sharp." "Stop!" "Sainted mother of Jesus!" "I nearly soiled myself." "Clever to run back here." "That way they can have us all." "Shut up or I'll cut that tongue!" " Get off me!" " Nicolas!" "You've had a scare." "I know you're upset but you must maintain your temper, please." "You won't sell diamonds in Paris anymore." "Agreed?" "Say it!" "Agreed." "We must leave the country." "Once this unravels Rohan'll have our heads staked." "Let us not forget the cardinal's letters to the queen." "This one proclaiming his love would be damaging." "Suppose the cardinal doesn't give a damn?" "We've laid our plans." "Now we must trust in them." "Jeanne would have to enter into a new arrangement with the cardinal." "Patronage to blackmail." "Colleen?" "The cardinal is about to find out he was the victim of a fraud." "Then he'll want blood." "But he'll be told, should harm come to us, these letters will get to the house minister." "It's too dangerous." "I will not be a part of this." "I'm sorry to hear that." "I wanted to properly thank you for this very important task." "Your trusted servant, countess." "Dear Monsieur Böhmer:" "I'm a friend who writes to warn you of a plot involving yourself, Cardinal Rohan and a particular necklace." "Antoinette has no interest in the necklace." "When Cardinal Rohan realizes this he'll no longer stand as guarantor." "The countess knew Monsieur Böhmer to be a man of nervous disposition." "She felt he'd head straight to Cardinal Rohan." "Once the cardinal realized he'd been duped he would pay off the jewelers to avoid humiliation." "History would have proven her plan sound had a certain individual's suspicions not come into play." "Give way, we have important business!" "Are you deaf?" "Give way!" "Minister Breteuil." "What an unexpected appearance." " You've been acting strangely." " I act no differently than always." "Where are you going?" "Pressing engagement with a confidential client." "Urgent rendezvous, secretive clientele?" "I had no idea your position was so full of intrigue." "You'll never find a more clandestine profession." "I'm fascinated, Monsieur Böhmer." "I want to learn more." "It makes perfect sense." "What better occasion than the feast to announce the new prime minister?" "You think so?" "Why else would the king and queen summon you in such a manner?" "It is an historic day for the house of Rohan." "Extremely historic, Your Eminence." "You look troubled, Your Eminence." "Nothing must mar this day." "I want my mind clear to enjoy what I have so courageously earned." "There's something we must do." "Under what conditions was this statement made?" "A verbal interrogation." "It lasted all of a minute before Böhmer gushed forth what he knew like a ruptured water gut." "Do you deny your participation in this?" "No." " Do you disagree with anything?" " I do not." "Then you admit you used the queen's good name to acquire this necklace for your own gains?" "For my own gains?" "I most vehemently deny it, Your Majesty!" "How could you believe that I would choose you as my emissary?" "You, to whom I have not addressed a word in nearly 10 years." "Do you not remember, Your Majesty?" "Your behavior shows something familiar I do not care for." "Countess." "Leave us." "I beseech you." "For the sake of the good name of my family hush this matter up until..." " The king gave his instructions." " Leave the chamber." " It was the countess." " You see, she..." " Leave the chamber." "How dare you touch me?" "What insult is this?" " The king has ordered your arrest." " That's impossible." "I advise you not to make a scene." "What the countess had so daringly conceived now began to unravel at a frightening pace." "And those of dubious character were quick to distance themselves." "I heard news in Paris." " Rohan was sent to the Bastille." " His cell will be the best they have." "He has most certainly implicated us." "I won't leave." "The name is spoken with respect again." "I won't diminish..." "To hell with the name!" "It will do you no good..." "Then go, Rétaux!" "I haven't asked you to stay." "Please tell me, madame." "Conspiracy was not all that held us together?" "Save yourself." "I want you to." "Who will protect you if I go?" "Nicolas?" "If it comes to it, he'll give you up to save himself." "You needn't concern yourself with Nicolas." " Nicolas!" " He's taken his leave!" " Let him go, please!" " No!" "Stay away." "Please, you must not remain here." "Come away with me now." "What's there in a name that is worth your life?" "Tell me, Jeanne!" "I cannot see the reason!" "It only matters that I see it." "Please try to understand." "Jeanne de la Motte-Valois?" "You have the honor, monsieur." "As the gossip spread, the people were quick to believe that Antoinette, the cardinal and the necklace were joined as one in a circle of lust and deceit." "Thieves, the two of you!" "I think the case must be tried in open parliament." "That would be a mistake." "It is within the king's right to pass judgment." "Why place it in unsympathetic hands?" "The people only respect the judgment of parliament." "If it convicts Rohan as the sole perpetrator my name will be absolved." " And if they acquit him?" "Isn't that saying you are guilty?" "His Majesty is correct." "You could not be tried but the guilt would fall to you all the same." "Public vindication, house minister." "I will accept nothing less." "Your thoughts, house minister." "The queen offers up a sweet plum before ravens." "Pray none takes a bite." "Jeanne's arrest fueled the hysteria surrounding the necklace conspiracy." "Some saw the countess as a cunning opportunist others as an unwitting pawn of the monarchy." "Dearest countess:" "Before the eye of suspicion turns my way I think it is in my best interest to make a hasty departure." "I do wish you a positive outcome in the trial." "Having said that, it is my sincere hope that I never see you again." "Farewell, countess for France has seen the last of Count Cagliostro." "The count's departure took him no further than his own front door, where he was promptly arrested and delivered to his new accommodations, the Bastille." "On this, the 22nd day of May, 1 786 the matter of the Crown versus Cardinal de Rohan and Jeanne Valois, Countess de la Motte..." "If I reached for anything that shined brilliantly it was for the home denied me and the peace I've never known." "In the eyes of God and the world I wanted my life to be as it should've been." "How was it that you entered into this arrangement?" "I am aware of forces at work against me." "The cardinal said you were in collusion a ruse to hide your true intent." "I can think of no misdeed to account for my arrest." "Trickery is his only gift." "He used it with Jeanne de la Motte to manipulate me." "Daily reports to Her Majesty became a ritual and pressure for a favorable outcome, a royal obsession." "After I relinquished the necklace Count de la Motte visited a brokerage." "My investigators tell me that he sold to the owner four diamonds." "We must have proof of your charges." "Can you provide any tangible evidence?" "Yes." "The letters from the queen." "The countess must've forged them somehow." "Produce them then." "I am..." "I am unable to do so." "It was the day of the Feast of the Assumption when this horror began." "I assumed I'd receive the prime ministership." "To protect Her Majesty, I ordered the letters to be burned." "It was only after my arrest I realized I had destroyed the only evidence that could clear my name." "If I might be allowed more time, I could gather..." "Did you presume while you sat idle in the Bastille, I was idle as well?" "Your veil, please." "Cardinal Rohan, is this the woman you encountered in the grove?" "Yes, I'm certain of it." "Mademoiselle, state your name, please." "Nicole Leguay d'Oliva." "A common street performer?" " Has this become public?" " Regrettably, yes." "The news sheets are having a day of it." "Rohan and the Countess de la Motte must suffer for this." "Do not fail me, Breteuil." "Revealing the queen's impersonator aided the cardinal's cause but it was not without forethought." "By doing so, I was able to employ one more bit of skullduggery." "Aren't you curious to know how we found Nicole d'Oliva?" "One of your coconspirators was arrested." "He instructed us on where to find the impostor." "He has made us aware of your notes written in the name of the queen." "He stated when the cardinal realized the notes were forgeries he fell in with your plans to steal the necklace." " Who is this person?" " No." "Wait!" "This is a ruinous lie!" "This is a treacherous machination!" "Who is this person?" "Where are they?" "He has expressed the desire not to see you." "During a trial, is it not my right to confront any accuser?" "My love." "My dear countess." "If I'd known I'd be receiving, I might have done something with myself." "What have they done?" "I have it on good authority Nicolas made it to Austria." "He's beyond their reach." "They practiced humiliations upon me I could not allow to continue." "Perhaps a man less vain would not have relented." "Everyone gives in at the last." "Forgive me, Jeanne." "Forgive me or I cannot live with myself!" "I love you, Rétaux." "That should have been enough." "I'm sorry." "The house minister visits the Bastille." "Surely not a social call." "Before the sentences are rendered you will have a chance to sign a confession." "Implicate Cardinal Rohan to the crime in a clear manner." "I will not." "It would seem to be your only chance for salvation." "You have an engaging smile, countess." "Though now seems a curious time to make use of it." "I was just thinking how strange it is, Your Majesty." "Of all the times I have sought you in the end you complete the effort." "I merely felt compelled to look upon the architect of such chaos." "It must be you." "Rohan is not clever enough." " That is for parliament to say." " Stay where you are, Breteuil!" "You have damaged my reputation and I mean to know why." "Speak the truth." "What disservice have I ever done the likes of you?" "You ignored me." "To offer a word of advice would have cost you but a few breaths and it would have meant the world to me." "There can be no doubt I would have traveled a different path." "You must now consider the broader consequences of this matter." "If you weaken the monarchy, you undermine the entire nation." "You weakened yourselves long before a diamond necklace became the issue." "I've seen what I came to see." "Your Majesty." "I did not set out to harm you." "As concern the charges of theft and conspiracy the decisions rendered by this body of judges shall be carried out this day without hesitation or appeal." "Count Cagliostro." "You are hereby acquitted on the grounds of insufficient evidence." "You are to be considered exonerated by this body of judges." "A wise and a just decision." "Marc-Antoine Rétaux de Villette." "By the Court of France you have been found guilty and are condemned to banishment for life from the kingdom of France." "All of your possessions are to be forfeited to the king." "The judgment of parliament is final." "Justice has been served." "Cardinal Louis de Rohan grand almoner of France and prince of the house of Rohan." "This body of judges acquits you on all charges without reprimand." "You are hence to be considered completely exonerated." "Order, please." "Jeanne de la Motte-Valois." "Your verdict has been rendered but will not be read at this time." "You are to be detained here in the Conciergerie until informed otherwise." "The countess' verdict was delayed by order of the king himself." "His Majesty feared the people and how they may react when told of Jeanne's fate." "Meanwhile, Rohan's vindication sent a clear message to Versailles." "They vindicate Rohan to cause me anguish." "It is an affront to my womanhood!" "Do not do this to yourself, I beg you!" "Parliament doesn't believe my character is free of scandal." "I will give them what they want." "I will live here quietly in my disgrace." "It's what they've always wanted!" "Though Antoinette wasn't on trial the people saw her as guilty of excess greed and worst of all indifference." "Countess." "It's time." "Jeanne de la Motte-Valois." "You have been found guilty on all charges." "Before her sentence was read the countess was allowed to address the court one last time." "Whatever fate awaits me it cannot compare to the pain that I..." "When all you hold dear is taken and you have nothing left risk is of little consequence." "When a ray of hope came into view, I reached for it." "With all my might." "I realize..." "I realize now that it is too late that honor does not live in a name." "It comes from what you carry in your heart." "V." "Voleur. "The mark of a thief. "" "And so ended the life of Marie-Antoinette." "I did not see the queen's demise as I had long since fled the horrors of the new regime." "Though rumors circulated as to the eventual fate of the countess the truth was rather common and sad." "She was taken to a woman's prison of the most horrible conditions where she languished for nearly two years." ""We heard rumors but had no idea of the changes taking place." "It was not until I effected my escape and reached England..."" "It was there, in England she published her memoirs." "And for a brief moment found the acceptance that had eluded her for so many years." " A remarkable account." " Thank you." "How sad to be separated from home." "Will you ever return to France?" "I should like to someday." "Jeanne Saint-Rémy de Valois the woman who helped topple a monarchy, never returned to France." "She died in a fall from the window of a London hotel." "Some claimed it was an act of revenge by agents of the royal family." "The truth was never known." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"[Kyle] Previously on Kyle XY:$" "Seven, eight, one, two, two, seven." "What does it mean?" "[Breen] Kyle may be connected to a murder." "[woman on TV] Police have identified the remains as William Kern, a professor at the University of Washington." "[Kyle] lf l knew Kern and that's where he taught, someone there might know who I am." "What is it?" "This grad student looks exactly like Kyle, except he's missing since the '80s." "[Anna] I found out his name." "The guy in the photo. lt's Adam Baylin." "[Lori] The guy drew the symbol Kyle kept drawing, with this code next to it." "Kyle figured out it's latitude and longitude." "It's a spot in the woods right by here." "Everything I did was to protect you." "Stop asking questions." "Forget the past." "Because if you don't, they'll kill you, Kyle." "They'll kill all of you." "Seven, eight, one, two, two, seven." "He's alive." "I'm looking at a ghost, Mr. Reynolds." "781 227 was scheduled for termination two months ago." " How is it possible he survived?" " l'm still looking into it." "How did he leave here?" "How has he functioned all this time?" "I'll get you the answers." "This is an inexcusable breach." "This company cannot afford to have that subject loose in the outside world." "You must find him." "The babe count is lame here today." "Wait until the Beachwood Carnival this weekend." "Tons of ladies there." "Major opportunity to score." " Hey, guys." " Hi." "She wants me." "Dude, she was totally throwing me the vibe." "If you say so." "Don't let Charlie pressure you." "Wait until you're sure." "How do I know I'm sure?" "You don't." "So either dive in or let the guy go." "Don't make a blanket statement." "Each situation is different." " Yeah, but every guy is the same." " No, Charlie's different." "He's special." "Haven't you ever found anyone special?" "Not for more than five minutes." "Actually, I have found someone." "Oh, really?" "Who?" "I think she's talking about me." ""Lick the... paper... walnut."" " What are you doing?" " Reading her lips." ""This is different." "He's different." "Which is why I'm not going to talk about it."" ""l'm your best friend. I can't believe you won't tell me who it is."" " Did she just say that?" " l don't think she's talking about you." "Oh, she totally is." "Come on." "You just said that she said..." ""The first time we kissed," "God, it gets me hot just to think about it."" "He giveth and he taketh away." "Well, it's her loss anyways." "Now you're a master lip reader." "is there anything you can't do?" "If we don't locate him soon, his abilities will draw attention, invite questions." " We can't let that happen." " l'll take care of it." "That may be difficult." "Apparently, he has a protector." "Yes, we're still trying to identify him." "Do that." "Then remove him." "And the boy?" "Do what should've been done months ago." "[man] Watch him, but don't get too close." "The company will make the connection soon, and send someone to trail you." "I know how they work." "I'll be ready." "Has he been asking any more questions?" "I told him to keep quiet." "So far he has." "[Kyle] Tom Foss had warned me to stop digging into my past." "But how could I surrender my search?" "How could I leave all of my questions behind and simply move on?" "Still, I couldn't put the family at risk." "Hey." "Kyle, I haven't wanted to push you, but with everything that happened at the university," " it's time we talked." " l don't need a therapy session." "You saw a 20-year-old photograph of a man who looks just like you." "A man who drew the same symbol you've been drawing." "That's all in the past." "I want to focus on the present now." "We need to figure out your past in order for your present to make sense." "Why?" "What's done is done." "It's time to move on." "[knock on door]" "[Declan] How's it going?" " lt's going good." " Yeah?" " Forget about what happened." " Forget it?" "Right." "You don't know Tom Foss, but he tells you to stop investigating your own life," " and you're gonna listen to him?" " lf l don't, and he finds out I'm still asking questions, the Tragers could get hurt." "He doesn't have to know about it." " Am I interrupting something?" " No, not at all." " l don't like that guy." " Who?" " Dexter." " Declan." "Whatever." " l don't want Lori seeing him." " Well, good luck with that." " He's trouble." " l think he's got some potential." "A hit-and-run driver that deflowered our daughter." "He's lucky l let him in the house." " Holding up the door?" " Shh. I can't hear what they're saying." "Why don't you just ask them what they're talking about?" "Because they're talking about me." "My midterm grades were mailed out." "I need advance warning if I tanked, so I can start spin control." "Hey, you don't have X-ray vision, by any chance, to read their lips through the door?" "How about X-ray hearing?" " l won't stand for it anymore." " Crap." "Who said that?" "Your dad." "Wait, you can really hear what he says through the door?" " But I'm not going to listen." " Hang on." "Talk about potential, buddy." "This could be huge." "[Reynolds] Tom Foss." "He was assigned to 781 227." " What do you know of him?" " He was with us for ten years." "As a matter of fact, he had a hand in training me." "He's quiet, intense." "Never had a problem with his assignment, not until the subject was scheduled for termination." "Yes, I see he resigned shortly after." "William Kern went missing around that time." "Oh, and Dennis Bunker, who processed Foss's resignation?" " He disappeared too." " Foss has been covering his tracks." "Oh, I'm sure he's expecting our visit." "He won't go anywhere near the boy now." " Does he have family?" " No." "His wife and daughter died in a car accident a few years back." "Follow him for now." "See what you find." "If you could hear through the door, if you concentrate, maybe you could hear what people say from far away." "Why would I want to do that?" "God, that brain is just wasted on you." "Humor me." "OK." "But what do I do?" "You're the genius." "Figure it out." "Focus or something." "Over there, with the dog." "What are they saying?" " [indistinct chatter] - [dog barking] [motor running]" "[Kyle] I tried to ignore my other senses, devoting all of my attention to hearing." "And slowly, I could filter out the unnecessary noise." "How often does she visit?" "[woman] The woman hovers." "She flits around, making helpful suggestions." "It's for a few more days." "And then she's back to Florida." "She'd better, or I'll strap your mother on that plane." "It's not like your parents are perfect, either." "At least they don't get in the way." "It's just like I want to tell you..." "Can you hear anything?" "[grunts, groaning]" " [Kyle] I saw a flash of light." " What's wrong?" "Like a strange electrical charge in my head." "It was as if my body were warning me not to continue." "Declan told me to look into my past without Tom Foss knowing." "I knew I'd just found a way." "But I couldn't let on to anyone else." "Kyle, could you hear anything?" "No." "Not a sound." "[Nicole] Yeah, thanks so much, Lou." "Bye." " [phone hangs up]" " Lou Daniels?" "Yeah, I was checking a reference on a therapist for Kyle." "Why does he need a second therapist?" "Actually, I don't think I should be treating him at all." "I've been working with him for months." "He can't remember anything beyond flashes, which I can't explain." "And then yesterday, he insisted he's ready to put the past behind him." "Well, maybe that's the best thing." "Stephen, he's been struggling for so long to remember." "He can't be done, just like that." "He's regressing and I can't get through to him." "Give it some more time." "But he won't talk to me, not as his therapist." "You've never given up on a patient before." "Kyle's become more than a patient to me, and that's the problem." "I'm afraid I can't be objective, and it's getting in the way of his progress." "[indistinct shouting]" " Hey, Kyle." " Hey." " How's the game?" " Oh, I don't know." "I've been studying for my confirmation." " What are you confirming?" " My faith." "My mom really wants me to do it, and I was all set to go last year, but after my dad died..." "Well, I wasn't really into the whole religion thing." "But I'm doing it now." "I'd really love you to come to the ceremony." "Sure your mom will be OK with that?" "She doesn't get to decide everything for me." "Besides, you're my friend." "I want you to be there." "[Charlie] Hey, babe." " Oh, gross!" "You're all sweaty." " Oh, you know you love it." "Whatever." "Well, I got to run." "Our church's bishop is coming by." "[Declan] Sounds like a blast." " Bye, guys." " [Charlie] I'm out of here too." "Forget about her, man." "Plenty more where that came from." "It's not Amanda." "I need your help." " Bye, Dad." " Where you off to?" "Just going to hang with Declan before the carnival." "Declan." "You say his name with such enthusiasm." " What do you see in that guy?" " Dad." "You could find somebody honorable who hasn't committed a felony." "Declan owned up to that accident." "He's doing community service now." "Ah..." "Well, I feel so much better." "I was his age once." "I know how boys like him think." "Oh, really?" "How's that?" "I don't like to think about it." "No, I'm serious, Lori." "I don't trust him." "Well, then I guess you'll just have to trust me." " So now you got super-hearing?" " No." "My ears work just like yours." "But when I concentrate, my brain can pick up specific sounds." "I can hear voices from a distance." "You wanna find Tom Foss and listen in." "Help me track him down." " Just say when." " Now." "Declan, tell me you didn't forget." "I didn't." "But can we hook up at the carnival instead?" " Why?" " Something came up." "Not too vague." "I'm sorry." "I got pulled into something." "Be straight with me." "I don't want to start this again." "There's nothing to start." "I have to meet later, all right?" "Fine." "What's up?" "Declan just totally bailed on me and he's acting all shady." " Tell me I'm being paranoid." " Yeah, you're being paranoid." "What, no conspiracy theory to bolster my neurosis?" " Lori, I got to go." " Are you with your mystery man?" "About to be." "I'll try to swing by later." "[exhales sharply]" "Look, I can't give out Tom's address." "We need to find him, Kim." "It's important." "Leave your name and number, I'll have him call you." " But we have to see him now." " [man] Hey." " [man 2] There she is." " Hello?" "Look, that information is private and confidential." " [sighs] What are they talking about?" " [man 1] First of all, I wouldn't..." " Happy Hour." " l knew it." " How'd you know that?" " l read their lips." "She put on quite a show." "Look, I had three margaritas." "So, what's the cute one saying?" " Which one's the cute one?" " Hold on." "You want to know more?" "That information is private and confidential." "Look, I'd really like to help you, but I can't." "The truth is, Tom's the security guard in our neighborhood, and he got us out of a huge mess." "We want to see him right away to pay him back." "Fine." " Foss doesn't live far." " Then let's go." " Look at you, ready for a stakeout." " l don't wanna waste more time." "[phone speed-dialing] I found Foss." " [woman] Is the boy with him?" " No." "[cocking gun]" " l taught you better than that." " ls that any way to say hello?" " What do you want?" " l'm sure you know." "You betray the company, all we worked for, to end up as what?" "Some neighborhood watchman?" "You kill me they'll send somebody else." "They'll keep searching until they find the subject." " He's not a subject." " See?" "You let your heart get in the way." "You know, this humanity of yours has really made a mess of things, hasn't it?" "You had to kill Kern and Bunker." "I mean, look what protecting this boy has cost you." "Just tell me where he is and be done with it." "He's gone." "He's gone so far away they'll never find him." "Oh, we will." "And we're watching you, Tom." "If that boy comes anywhere near you, we're gonna get him." "You stay away from him." "You understand?" "[chuckles]" "She sent someone." "Cyrus Reynolds." "He's the Head of Security." "[man] What did you tell him?" "I said they'd never find him." "But they're on the trail..." "This is it, 509." "What do you hear?" "is he in there?" "[Tom] We have to take him out fast." " That plan is already in motion." " OK. I'll keep track of the boy." "No." "They're watching you." "Don't interfere." "[Nicole] I need to ask you something and I want you to be straight with me." "[Lori] I'm not in the mood for one of those talks now." "[Nicole] Look, it's not about you, it's about Kyle." " He's been acting strange lately." " Nicole." " What about her?" " And Lori. I can hear them inside." " What are you talking about?" " [Lori] Acting strange?" " This is news to you why?" " [Nicole] I'm serious." "Ever since you took him to the university, he's been distant." "Did anything happen there that I should know about?" "You mean aside from him seeing that picture of his look-alike?" "Of course Kyle's freaked out." "I just wish he would talk to me about it." " You can't be on him all the time." " [Nicole] Well, I'm his therapist." "Give him some space, like you do me and Josh." "[Kyle] More flashes of light." "The harder I tried to listen, the more intense." "[Lori] You try to let us figure things out and then you tell us what to do." "Kyle, are you all right?" "Yeah." "But I heard them." "Lori and Nicole, I heard their voices." "That's impossible." "He's coming." "[floor creaks]" " We have to go in." " You want to break into his apartment?" "No." "But I have to know why I heard them inside." "That is bizarre." "How do we do it?" "Come on." "Looking for loose change?" "No. I was just..." "Skip the story and just tell me what's going on." "OK, fine." " How bad are they?" " What?" "My grades." "I know they came in today, and you and Mom are just making me sweat to torture me." "No, well, as appealing as that sounds, the mail hasn't even come yet." " Great." " l see you've been applying yourself." "What do you have to worry about?" "Josh?" "Look, I've tried." "I've done all the work, I really have." "And if I bomb out in remedial..." "which means... lt just means you're gonna have to work a little harder." "But don't get ahead of yourself." "You've got good news coming." " You have to say that." " No, I don't. I just believe in you." "I think you should too." "So can this vote of confidence translate into an extra 20 for the carnival?" " Always working it." " Saw my chance. I had to take it." "At least we know they aren't tied up." "I know what I heard." "Got your wires crossed, buddy." "Don't touch anything." "Nothing to touch." "This guy lives like a monk." "Except for that." "That's pretty high-tech." "What the...?" "This guy's a frigging stalker." "You give me every single detail of your sex life." "More than I need to know." "Now you've got this mystery man and you don't kiss and tell?" "Why is it so important to you?" "Because I know what you're hiding." "I know it's Declan." "How could she think that?" " [Hillary] Oh, my God." "You're insane." " l'm not stupid." "Right now, you are." "It's not Declan, OK?" "I swear." "You know, not everything has to do with you and your boyfriend." "I gotta go." "This is sick." "We gotta rip these damn cameras out." "[keys jangling]" "[cars honking]" "The subject's in sight." "But he's not alone." "Find your moment... then do it." "[# Velvet Crush:" "Want You Now]" "Josh?" "Josh!" " We need to see you." " What did I do?" "Got the mail." "I did it." " You did it." " l'm out of remedial!" "What's going on?" "Check it out. i'm a genius!" " With a B-plus, two B's and a C?" " Josh, congratulations." " And Kyle didn't help me at all." " Where is Kyle?" "He just called." "He's going straight to the carnival with Declan." "Declan?" "[grunts] Get away from me, you little creep!" " Yeah!" "I'm a genius!" "I'm a genius!" " You're a genius." "Oh, right." "Yeah!" "[# Earlimart:" "Burning the Cow]" " ...go around and stuff." " Oh, wow!" "[Lori] Meet me out front in two hours and don't come near me until then." "It's not me you should be worried about." " lt's the carnies." " Who?" "Circus folk." "Chicks with beards, fortune tellers." "They totally abduct teenage girls." "Like I'm scared." "I live with a freak show." "Later." "Oh, yeah." " l know he's so..." " Hello, ladies." "[Kyle] I want to go on a ride." "Why can't we?" "Hey, Kyle, see you later, all right?" "Hey, Kyle." "Checking out a ride?" "Go on The Rotor, dude." "It's crazy." " l won't go near it." " Which one do you like?" "Charlie will make fun, but... the carousel." "Oh, no, no, no." "The carousel's great... if you're seven." "Well, you don't have to go on it with me." "What do you think, Kyle?" "You up for a spin?" "Sounds good." "Oh, go ahead." "Try to contain your excitement." "Look, I'm sorry I had to bail." "Why didn't you just say you were with Kyle?" "I don't know. lt's personal." " What are you two up to?" " l had to help him with something." " Why are you suspicious all the time?" " Why do you give me reason to be?" "Hey, if you want this to work, you gotta trust me." "[bell rings]" " Where should we sit?" " How about these two?" " Sorry." " l'll stand." "Are you sure?" "Here we go." "It gets faster." "Just warning you." "How fast?" "Fast enough for a seven-year-old." " For a seven-year-old?" " Yeah." "See?" " [Declan] You have to tell her." " [Charlie] Are you nuts?" "[Declan] Lori thought I was with her." "[Charlie] lt's not my fault Lori doesn't trust you." "Oh, like Amanda trusts you?" "I've got a great thing going with her and I'm not going to ruin it." "Great for you." "Go out with Amanda, tap Hilary on the side." " [winces]" " Kyle?" "Are you all right?" "I'm fine." "Kyle, relax." "This is fun." "[gun cocking]" "You taught me well after all." "Going to shoot me in front of all these people?" "You know how it works, Tom." "A shot or two out of nowhere." "Mass hysteria always provides an escape route." "[Kyle] I struggled to hear them and I knew if I tried any harder, it might bring back more of those uncomfortable flashes." "But I had to hear what they were saying." "You should have obeyed orders." "You should have terminated him per instruction." "Well, it's done now. lt's too late." "The boy doesn't know anything." "[Reynolds] Your mistake could expose the company." "Everything we've ever worked for could be destroyed." "[moans, panting]" "Leave him alone." "[grunts]" "[moaning]" "Kyle!" "Oh, my God!" "Help!" "Kyle!" "Please!" " Somebody help!" " [woman] Call 9-1 -1 ." "[Amanda] Kyle!" "Kyle!" "Kyle!" "Kyle!" "Kyle!" "Please!" "Kyle!" "Oh, my God!" "Kyle!" "Somebody please!" "He needs help!" "Kyle!" "Kyle's a lucky young man." "Vitals are stable and he's resting comfortably." " Why did this happen?" " lt's hard to say." "Seizures are generated by electricity in the brain." "Any number of things could've triggered this." "Has Kyle bumped his head recently?" " Experienced headaches?" " Not that we're aware of." "I know he was riding on a carousel at the time." "It's possible the motion of the ride, lights, noise, might have disoriented him and set it off." "Could this happen again?" "I can't be certain, and given Kyle's amnesia, we don't know if he has a history of seizures." "Fortunately, mri results are normal." " Normal?" " Mrs. Trager, that's good news." "No brain damage." "No abnormal activity." "Yes, of course that's wonderful." "Your mri machine is working properly?" "Absolutely." "And our radiologist is one of the best." "So hopefully, this is an isolated incident, and Kyle can head home later tonight." " Thank you." " Thanks." "I'm telling you." "The sympathy angle works every time." "Chicks eat it up." " Hey, buddy." "How you feeling?" " Pretty good, I guess." "Doctor says you're gonna be just fine." "Lori, Josh, why don't you tell everyone Kyle's OK." "Feel better, Kyle." "Do you remember what happened just before you started feeling sick?" "Anything that might have caused this?" "No." "So when can I go home?" "They want you to rest a little while longer." "Then we'll go." " Big relief." " Yeah." " l'm surprised by that mri." " Yeah, I could tell." "His first mri, months ago, showed an extraordinary amount of brain activity." " They said the equipment malfunctioned." " But since then, we've seen what Kyle can do, how remarkable he can be." "I guess I couldn't help thinking, maybe it was true." "Maybe his results really were off the charts." "Instead he's a normal teenage boy who's incredibly smart." "You're right." "Every man has his price." "Even radiologists." "Allowing that boy's true results to come out would beg too many questions." "Questions that might have unwanted consequences for the company." " l won't be able to get to him tonight." " l'm not concerned." "Next time we will." "I'll be right back." " ls he OK?" " We're still waiting to hear." " Lori said he collapsed." " He was standing right next to me." "He was fine one minute, then he just fell on the ground shaking." " lt was so scary." " lt's all gonna be OK." "What was he doing right before he fell?" "He looked distracted." "He was staring at people with this really intense look on his face." "He's doing great." "Really." " When can we see him?" " Better wait till he gets home." "Can you just tell him I'm thinking about him?" "[Lori] Sure." " l need to see Kyle." " Declan, they said just family." "Look, there's stuff going on that I can't explain, but it has nothing to do with us." "You have to believe me." "Come on." "You gave us all a big scare, man." " Sorry." " You were trying to hear something." "Foss was there." "And another man with a gun." "You got to tell the Tragers what's going on." "They could get hurt." "But you will if you don't say something." "They're your family." "Now's the time you need them the most." " [footsteps approaching]" " Thanks." "I may have judged Declan a little too harshly." "He's a great guy when he wants to be." "Stephen. I just traded calls with Detective Breen." " His message said he had news." " Like what?" "He didn't get into it." "Thanks, Declan." "A lot of people were here for you tonight." " l don't want you to worry about me." " Can't help it." "Kyle, we haven't talked lately, really talked, professionally." "And I've tried not to push you, but I can't help feeling that I've let you down." "Let me down?" "It's my job to help you break through." "To heal you." " But you have." " But you haven't been able to remember." "I keep promising answers and you're left with only more questions." "You took me in." "When I had no one." "You made me feel safe." "And cared for." "And loved." "You made me feel like I was your son." "I think that's what's gotten in our way." "No, it's what I needed." "I still do." "There's something I need to tell you." "[giggling]" "[Breen] Lori Trager?" "I need to see your parents." "Kyle, whatever it is, you can tell me." " Mom?" " Lori, I need a moment with Kyle." "Nicole." "This is important." "Mrs. Trager, there's been a new development." "I'm sorry, we can't wait anymore." "Noah, is that really you?" "Who are you?" "Don't you remember?" "It's me." "It's Mom." "We finally found you." "subtitles by: iimraann" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"(upbeat march plays)" "♪ Good morning, USA. ♪" "♪ I got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day ♪" "♪ The sun in the sky has a smile on his face ♪" "♪ And he's shining a salute to the American race ♪" "♪ Oh, boy, it's swell to say ♪" "♪ Good... ♪ ♪ Good morning, USA ♪" "Aah." "♪ Good morning, USA!" "♪" "♪ American Dad 6x19 ♪ Gorillas in the Mist Original Air Date on May 22, 2011" "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" "(laughter)" "Ah." "Who's that funny for?" "I'll tell you who it's not funny for." "The busboy." "Is kind of funny." "Announcement." "Since y'all are like my closest friends in the world," "I wanted to invite you to my houseboat this Saturday." "That's sweet of you." "I'm flattered." "You're so generous and your feet are adorable." "The best part is, spring break starts this weekend so the lake is gonna be crazy." "I thought we could make "Sluts Gone Nuts" T-shirts to get girls to show us their tay-tay's." "Check it out." "Supplies, bi-atch." "Oh, hey." "Oh, yeah." "(funeral march ringtone plays)" "Aw, damn it." "It's the "dad phone."" "Oh, that reminds me, I have to check my "sad phone."" "(recording):" "You have zero messages." "I don't believe this." "Francine caught my son trying to ditch his PSAT prep class so he could go to the zoo." "Sorry, guys." "I've got to go handle this." "Dick, will you decorate my T-shirt?" "You know what colors I like." "You got it." "He likes yellow, brown and green." "He used to like red, but lately he said he's over it." "Mmm." "That's a shame." "Red's great." "I think red stuff looks amazing." "Steven Anita Smith." "I told him to sit in his room until you got home." "I figured you'd want to do the punishing." "And I figured you would have vacuumed the plant gravel out of the trunk of my car by now." "So, Big Shot tried to go to the zoo instead of his PSAT prep course." "I know it was wrong, but my friend Wilson said he could get me into the new gorilla habitat." "I am suspending all your TV and video game privileges." "And from here on out, I will personally be taking you to and from every PSAT course." "You're being so uncool." "Hey, I'm not here to be your friend, Steve." "I'm your dad." "That's why your number's in the "dad phone"" "and not my "friend phone."" ""Friend phone" conversations go like this:" ""What up, Jackson?" "Of course I want to hang out and ride ten-speeds or whatever."" ""Dad phone" conversations go like this:" ""Aw, damn it." "Damn it, damn it, damn it." ""I'll come home and handle it." ""I don't know, in five minutes." ""We gotta get the bill and figure out how much I owe." ""I can't stiff these guys just because my son's acting up." ""Honey, that's not fair." ""I told you I was going out for a drink this morning." ""Yes, I did, in the kitchen." "Maybe you weren't listening." ""Look, I gotta go." "You want me home, right?" "I can't come home if I'm on the phone."" "Happy?" "Now I'm in trouble." "(country music plays)" "I-I don't understand it." "They play three chords and whine about their lives and the crowd goes nuts." "You gotta listen to the words." "Country music comes from the heart." "It comes from the ass." "Right in the middle of the ass." "(song ends, applause) Watch, anybody can do it." "Ladies and gents our next performer is new on the country scene." "Give a warm welcome to Mr. Cuss Mustard." "Thank ya kindly." "♪ I love drinking' and race cars and big ol' fat women ♪" "♪ And Jesus is awesome, he rose on Thanksgivin'... ♪" "(crowd booing) Oh!" "Oh!" "You, I saw you." "Don't you talk about... ♪ I eat Funyuns and Tater Tots ♪" "♪ I kill squirrels with my gun... ♪" "Okay, God, I'm finished." "What happened?" "They hated me." "You can't fake country music, Roger." "It comes from a lifetime of pain and hard living." "I want some of that." "Then by next Honky-Tonk night" "I can have a song that blows everyone away." "You can't just get a lifetime of..." "Hat rack." "How's your life?" "Unbearable." "Perfect." "Will you marry me?" "Sure." "Screw it." "(horns honking)" "This is all your fault." "I'm supposed to be with my friends on the houseboat." "You don't have to keep picking me up from PSAT class." "No, I don't?" "What do I have to do, master?" "What a dick." "(upbeat ringtone plays)" "Hello?" "Stan, where are you?" "We're ready to cast off." "I'm caught in traffic taking Steve home." "Reginald's not gonna hold the boat much longer." "He's doing the little dance he does when he's impatient." "(singsongy):" "We gotta go!" "Just bring Steve with you." "You have to hurry." "(sighs) I'm on my way." "Close your eyes, Steve." "I don't want you to see me drive like this." "(tires squealing)" "Aah!" "Ooh!" "Ooh!" "Ah!" "Ah!" "(sighs)" "(laughing)" "It's not funny." "Is kind of funny." "(tires squealing)" "Yay!" "Let's go, let's go." "I got Ziplocs for everyone's wallets." "We already saw a girl." "Just give me a second, fellas." "You're staying here." "I've got no time to act like a parent today." "Leave that running." "I don't want you to hear anything we say out there." "Our words are not for you." "Aw, man, what's up with Frank and the schedule?" "Aw, Frank." "Son of a..." "Frank." "I missed my kid's birthday for this." "Frank!" "(dog barking, chickens clucking)" "(baby crying) (barking)" "This is it." "Kids, come meet your new daddy." "It's perfect." "We're poor, we've got too many kids, it stinks to high heaven." "This'll inspire one hell of a country song." "Just need a macchiato to get me going." "Where's our espresso maker, dear?" "The what?" "(tires squealing) Nyoo, thank you." "REGINALD:" "Yeah, there he is." "Yeah!" "(laughter)" "(laughing)" "Steve, what the hell are you doing outside the bathroom?" "Jackson came in to doo doo and let me out... after he was done." "I'm better in front of somebody." "Steve just told the most hilarious filthy joke." "You have to hear it." "I'm not going to share a dirty joke with my son." "It's inappropriate." "Stan, it's just a joke." "Lighten up." "(sighs) Fine, one joke then back in the bathroom." "Okay, here goes." "So a man with a tickle in his throat and the donkey looks him straight in the eye and without missing a beat says, "Purple hat."" "(laughter)" "Okay." "What's wrong, Stan?" "You didn't like it?" "Actually I thought it was very well-crafted." "The perfect combination of dirty and smart." "It was really quite elegant." "Well, why aren't you laughing?" "Because I don't share laughs with my son." "There's nothing wrong with laughing, Dad." "I said I don't need to laugh..." "Purple hat, Dad." "(chuckles) Steve, Steve, stop it." "I'm not doing anything." "It was the donkey." "He said, "Purple hat."" "Don't you mess with me." "It's okay." "It's okay." "(quietly):" "Purple hat." "(stifled laugh)" "Purple hat." "That's what was said." "(whispers):" "By the donkey." "(laughing)" "For God's sake, get this boy a T-shirt." "Yeah!" "Put that shirt on that boy." " Shirt the little man up." " Attaboy." "(loud crash)" "(cheering)" "(slurring words):" "Steve, you don't know how..." "how glad I am to be done with all the father-son crap." "It's buddy-buddy from here on out." "That means... so much to me." "Look, look, I'm taking you out of the "dad phone"" "and I'm putting you in the "friend phone."" "(slurring) It's official." "Oh my God." "Thanks, Dad." "Hey." "What?" "You-you can call me Stan." "REGINALD:" "They got me, y'all." "Watch my boat." "(car doors closing)" "That was amazing." "You... you are super fun, man." "(slurring words):" "You're fun." "I love being friends with you, Stan." "Hey, let's make some nachos." "Melt some queso." "Yes!" "Hey-hey-hey, knock, knock." "Oh, are you doing a knock, knock, knock, knock joke?" "Yeah, yeah, you just made me think of it." "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Queso." "Queso who?" "(high-pitched farting)" "'Kay so I farted." "(laughing) Yes." "Hey, you want to wake up early tomorrow and go for a run?" "Oh, definitely." "You want to say like 7:00?" "7:15, to be safe." "(groans) There you are." "What time did you and your dad get home last night?" "He wouldn't even budge this morning." "Uh, don't know." "It's kind of blurry." "Good Lord, you smell like a brewery." "Did your father let you drink beer last night?" "Umm... (sniffing)" "(smacking lips)" "Ugh, you have been drinking." "Stan!" "How could you let Steve get drunk last night?" "It was a mistake, Francine." "I wasn't thinking straight." "I was with my friends, we had some drinks, we were on a boat." "I was..." "I was boat-notized." "Boat-notized?" "Oh, like ship-notized?" "Ship-notized?" "That means nothing." "Look, look, I told Steve to stay away from the adult activity, but he disobeyed me." "What?" "!" "Stan, he needs to be punished." "Oh, don't worry." "He will be." "Dad, I don't understand why I'm in trouble." "Dude, dude, dude, Francine's lame, all right?" "It's cool, we're cool." "Wait, so you're not gonna punish me like Mom said?" "Come on." "We're boys now." "Bros before hoes, my man." "Brothers before whores all day long." "And Mom's the whore in that situation?" "All day long." "(calypso music playing)" "Hey, what happened to being a country singer?" "Oh, living the honky-tonk life was too hard." "I'm doing calypso dancing now." "I don't blame you." "The woman you ran off with was a mess." "Did she have a tattoo of Burt Reynolds on her stomach?" "(music stops) WOMAN:" "No, she didn't." "It's Victor from The Young and the Restless." "You're coming with me, you son of a bitch." "We're married." "You gotta a family to look after." "Oh, oh, sorry, no." "No, you've got me confused with someone else." "I'm a Caribbean dancer." "The name's Calypso Banana Puffy-Sleeves." "You call yourself whatever the hell you want, but you're my husband and you're coming home with me." "Hey, Maurice, I'm gonna have to cancel on you today." "Sorry to make you drive all the way down here." "Hey, no problem, Mr. Sleeves." "(playing calypso music)" "(music playing)" "♪ ♪" "Sometimes I think music is the one thing that can save the world." "Sometimes I think Francine fakes her orgasms." "Well, through the wall, it sounds like you're slaying it." "Thanks, man." "What's going on in here?" "Me and Steve are just hanging." "Is that supposed to be part of Steve's punishment?" "Hey, Stan, you think Mom's mad or do you think she's just faking it?" "Nice one." "What does that mean?" "Nothing, dear." "Inside joke." "You wouldn't get it." "Apparently she never does." "Hi-yo!" "(children laughing)" "Stop running!" "I'm trying to get the baby to sleep!" "What are you looking at?" "Don't look at me." "Y-You speak English?" "(snaps fingers)" "You need a kick in the head?" "Screw it." "Naydern, I'm, um, I'm gonna go get some cigarettes." "That's the same thing my ex said, and he never came back." "Okay, relax." "You're right." "Oh, my God, tornado!" "My daddy never came back 'cause I shot him." "(upbeat ringtone plays)" "Shello." "Dude, what are you up to right now?" "Boring work." "You need to tell Bullock you're sick and come meet me at the zoo." "You're at the zoo?" "Shouldn't you be at school?" "Wow, you sound like a total dad right now." "No, no, I mean, I'm just saying..." "Look, today's the final day of this amazing gorilla exhibit." "Don't be lame." "I'm not lame." "If you're not lame, then meet my ass down here." "Fine, I'll meet your ass." "I'll meet your ass right now." "That's what I'm talking about." "(deep voice):" "Peace." "Wow, that was an awesome way to get off the phone." "I said, kill them!" "Kill them all!" "Yes, yes, them, too." "Also them!" "No, not him!" "That's me." "(knocking on door) Idiots." "What is it?" "!" "Sir, I-I'm not feeling so well." "Oh, no." "Oh, my God, Stan." "Oh, I'm so sorry." "I hate that." "Come here." "I wish it were me." "I wish I could just absorb your germs and make my body fight them." "I-I think I'll be okay if-if I just go home." "Absolutely." "Whatever you need, just get better." "It makes me so angry that little viruses can just traipse in here and treat your body like a playground." "It-It's all right, sir." "I should be better by tomorrow." "I just..." "I just feel so helpless, you know?" "It's really not that bad." "Have we displeased you, Almighty God in heaven?" "!" "Do our lives mean nothing to you?" "!" "(sobbing)" "All right, Stan the man's here!" "Told you I'd be here, didn't I?" "Who's this guy?" "That's Wilson." "He's a total dirtbag." "Dirt a-bag." "Wilson's gonna give us the keys to go inside the gorilla enclosure." "Isn't that amazing?" "I thought we were just gonna ok at gorillas." "I'm not going in there." "And honestly, Steve, I don't think you should, either." "That's weak sauce, Stan." "Do not enter that sauce in the county fair, because it is weak." "I'm going solo, Wilson." "Let's do this." "Wow!" "It's even more amazing than I... (gorilla grunting)" "What's happening, Wilson?" "!" "(laughing)" "Look at that silly gorilla!" "It's not funny, Wilson!" "(panting)" "(grunting)" "(panting)" "Is kind of funny." "(sighs)" "(grunting)" "I don't like this!" "The zookeeper's here, Steve." "Everything's gonna be okay." "Whoa, I never said everything's gonna be okay." "That's a gorilla." "I mean, how could you let your son go in there?" "I didn't let him go in." "Look, what happened was, I was at work and he told me to meet his ass down here, so I met his ass down here." "(sucking)" "(muffled):" "What's he doing?" "Can't you shoot it with a tranquilizer or something?" "Yeah, you know, if we do, he could seize up and crush the boy." "We need to wait for Bobo's personal handler." "Unfortunately, he's at a matinee right now." "I hope he picks up." "(cell phone ringing)" "Hello?" "(sighs)" "Is it an emergency?" "Shh!" "When was the last time Bobo ate?" "Shh!" "(groans)" "That long?" "Oh, this isn't good." "Excuse me, some of us are trying to watch this porno!" "(all gasp)" "(children laughing)" "NAYDERN (knocking on door):" "You better not be sleeping in there." "(dog barking) Dog's scooching on the floor again;" "you need to squeeze out his butt hole." "Just a minute, baby." "(dog barking)" "(dialing)" "Hello, 911?" "You let go of me." "I never touched that son of a bitch!" "Yes, you did, Naydern." "She said she was gonna scissors off my hog." "We want to go with our mama!" "Sorry." "You kids are gonna be split up and placed in foster care." "Wait, you can't keep them all together?" "No way." "We'll be lucky to find them any homes at all." "I want mama!" "(children crying)" "(siren wailing)" "CHILDREN:" "Rocky!" "(engine starts)" "♪ ♪" "(shrieks)" "Looks like you've been through some hard times." "Actually, I was fine until I saw that face of yours." "It's painful just to look at you." "(gasps) Oh, my God." "I think I understand country music!" "(guitar playing)" "♪ I saw the ugliest woman I ever did saw ♪" "♪ Face like a turnip and an under-bit jaw ♪" "Yeah, man, tell it how it is!" "♪ Inbred from inbreds, then inbred again ♪" "♪ If ugly was pretty, then she'd be a ten ♪" "That sounds just like my wife!" "♪ She was so damn ugly ♪" "♪ So I got drunk and (bleep) her in my trunk. ♪" "Good night!" "(applause)" "Hold tight, Steve, the handler's on his way." "You've been saying that for 20 minutes!" "Steve, I'm coming in to get you!" "That's enough, Bobo." "(grunting)" "No, Bobo!" "(growling)" "(panting)" "Chill out, Bobo!" "(funeral march ringtone plays)" "Hello?" "Hi, Stan, just checking to see when I can expect you home." "Oh, normal time." "Everything's normal." "W-Why would you ask?" "Oh, because you and Steve are all over the news right now!" "According to sources, Langley Falls resident Stan Smith, quote, "Got his ass down here," end quote, to meet his son on a school day." "You better hope that gorilla kills you before I get there, Stan." "Oh, God, what do I do?" "!" "It's a simple waltz, Steve." "One, two, three, one, two, three." "Bobo, I need you to let these people go." "Bobo's handler!" "We're saved!" "Not exactly." "He just said he wants the boy to stay with him tonight." "I don't want to die from gorilla sex!" "Looks like there might be a threesome, Steve!" "That's, uh, Rex, Bobo's father." "I'm his handler." "He said, "What do you think you're doing, son?" "!" "You woke me up!"" ""I'm just playing, Dad."" ""Look at all the commotion you've caused." ""You think you'll get into a good" ""captive-breeding program acting like this?" "Get inside right now!"" ""But this boy's father's letting him play."" ""You call that man a father?" "No respectable parent would let their child in here."" "Hey, for your information, Rex, my son and I work better as friends." ""I'm sure you do." ""Friends don't have to worry" ""about discipline or setting an example." ""It's easy to be a friend;" ""that's why kids have lots of them." ""But a father-- our kids only get one of those." ""Who are we to take that away from them?" ""Now, come along, Bobo." "You're grounded for three moons."" ""I love you, too, Dad."" "(applause)" "(sobbing):" "Oh, Daddy, if you're watching, I forgive you." "Hey, Tank, ain't that your boy?" "What?" "No, no." "That's not my kid." "That's my son." "(techno music playing)" "He seems pretty cool." "How crazy was that?" "Put your fist away right now." "Uh-oh." "You're making up all the schoolwork you missed today, plus extra credit." "Yes, sir." "There you are." "How dare you..." "Lie to you and lose all control of my son?" "I'll be able to think about that long and hard while I'm cleaning the gutters and buying you a diamond bracelet, won't I?" "Uh, yes, you will." "Damn right, I will." "I'm going straight to the most expensive jewelry store" "I can find to buy the most expensive bracelet they got." "How much for that?" " 50 bucks." " Nope." "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"[ Man ] Take a look at a castle, any castle." "Now break down the key elements that make it a castle." "They haven't changed in a thousand years." "One, location." "A site on high ground that commands the territory... as far as the eye can see." "Two, protection: big walls." "Walls strong enough to withstand a frontal attack." "Three, a garrison." "Men who are trained and willing to kill." "Four, a flag." "You tell your men:" ""You're soldiers and that's our flag."" "You tell them:" ""Nobody takes our flag."" "[ Man ] One step forward." "Forward!" "And you raise that flag so it flies high where everyone can see it." "Now you've got yourself a castle." "The only difference between this castle and all the rest, is that they were built to keep people out." "This castle is built to keep people in." "[ Shouting ]" " [ Men Chattering ] - [ Man On P.A., Indistinct ]" "[ Rapping, Indistinct ]" "Ohh!" "Come on." "Give me the ball." "Give me the ball, man." " Come on." "Give me the fucking ball." " Fuck you!" " [ Knock On Door ] - [ Softly ] Sir?" "[ Louder ] Sir?" "A movement order just came in." "Give it to Captain Peretz." " I'll take that, Sheila." " It's a Category "A" transfer." " Let me see it." " [ Arguing ]" " [ Man ] Fall out!" "Fall out!" "Fall out!" " Play ball, man." "Come on." " [ Classical ] - [ Peretz ] 1700 hours?" "N-No, no, we're prepared." "Well, it's just really fast." "Okay." "Mm-hmm." "All right." "You're sure you're positive about this." "Okay." "Thank you." "Sir?" "Sir?" "[ Exhales ] It's the real deal." "He is coming in at 1700 hours." "Seventeen hundred hours today?" "That's what they said, sir." "I don't understand." "The trial began today." "Apparently, he pled guilty and got ten years." "They're expediting his transfer as a courtesy." "Oh, as a courtesy?" "They should be naming a base after the man." "Not sending him here." "My God, Eugene Irwin." "Well, we have verdict." "We have a sentence." "We have a prisoner." "We do our job..." "whether we like it or not." "Puts us on our toes, though, doesn't it?" "[ Man On P.A.] Escort detail report to Gate 18 prisoner." "Escort detail meet the prisoner on Gate "A"." "[ Gate Buzzes ]" "[ Inmate ] I give him a week." " 'Till what?" " 'Till he "scrags" himself." "The court martial didn't put him over the edge," " I guarantee you the shithouse will." " A week?" " Six bundles." " Six?" "Let's make it ten." " All right." "Make it ten then." " [ Man ] Ah, there we go." "Ten bundles, Mr. Dellwo." "Very specific man." " Anybody else?" " You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." "Come on." "We'll make it like the final four." "Ten bundles a square." "Who's in?" "I'm not going to bet on whether or not a man's going to kill himself." "That's some creepy shit, pilot." "Besides, look at him." "One week?" "He's tougher than that." "[ Inmate ] How much tougher, eight, ten, what?" " [ Inmate ] Eight." " [ Inmate #2 ] Anyone else?" " You're an ice-cold motherfucker, Yates." " Hey, I'm not betting... he's going to off himself, I'm just playing the books." " What about you, Cutbush?" "I know you're in." " Put me in for a week and a half." " A week and a half?" " Wallace?" " Go ahead." " I have the transfer "A" to the P.R.U. now." " Copy that." "P.R.U. - [ Woman ] One wallet." "Leather." " Family photos?" " [ Irwin ] My daughter." " Grandson." " Would you like to keep these?" "Um, that's an authorized item." "I'd appreciate that." "One set of keys." "Glasses." "I'm going to need your ring." "Thank you." "Oh." "Actually, you can keep that." "Academy rings are authorized." "Three stars, two sets." "Looks like that's everything." " So, uh..." " [ Knocking On Door ]" " Sir?" "Prisoner Irwin is outside." " Five minutes." "Five minutes." "You can put that down if you want." " You talking to me?" " Yes." "I know what you're thinking." "Do I salute you, or do you salute me?" "Well, the answer is neither." "My men salute me, of course, and each other according to rank." "But there is no saluting by the general prison population." "Well, first things first." "Are you hungry?" " No." " Are you sure?" "Mondays are our Salisbury steak night." " Always a cause for celebration." " Indeed." "Indeed." "May I offer you some lemonade?" " Thank you." " Just be a minute, sir." " Prisoner Aguilar..." " If you'll step over here, I'll give you... a basic layout of the facility." "The building we're in now is the administration building." "That building there houses the tiers." "That's where you and the other inmates will live." "The building next to it is the laundry, where I've had you assigned." "Oh, that is the old blockhouse wall." "It's all that's left of the original prison from the 1870s." "I could've removed it, but I thought it was important to keep a sense of history, so I asked the men to rebuild it." " They seem to enjoy it." "It's a matter of some pride now." " [ Knock On Door ]" " Sir?" " Yes?" "Please, on the table there." "Please." "[ Peretz ] Come on." "Let's go." "I personally meet with every new inmate here at the prison." "Usually downstairs." "And I ask them a question." "What do you expect from your time here at the castle?" "Nothing." "Just to do my time and go home." "Perfect." "That is the perfect answer." "And now I have what may seem under the circumstances, a bizarre request." "I have a collection of most of the seminal books on warfare, including The Burden of Command." "And I was wondering if you would do me the honour of signing it?" " Certainly." " Thank you." " Captain Peretz." " Yes, sir?" "Two minutes." " That's impressive." " Yeah." "It's a great collection, isn't it?" "Yeah, sure." "That's a minie ball from Shiloh, used in battle." "Grant lost 13,000 men at Shiloh." "Suppose this got one of'em?" "Never know." "Do you?" "I mean, do you collect anything?" "[ Irwin ] No." "Just a few coins from some of the countries I've travelled to." "My father didn't care for military collections." "I guess it stuck with me." "Any man with a collection like this is a man who's never set foot on a battlefield." "To him, a minie ball from Shiloh is just an artefact." "And to a combat vet, it's a hunk of metal... that caused some poor bastard a world of pain." "I must have misshelved it..." "your book." "We'll do it another time." "No, please, please." "Allow me." "Sir, lights out in five." "Do I hold the lock?" "No." "No." "We are..." "We're through here." "Prisoner Aguilar, what are you doing?" "You do not salute this man." "This man has no rank." "Saluting amongst prisoners is prohibited." "Y-Yes, sir." "Bu-But I was saluting you." " Take the prisoners to their cells, Captain." " Yes, sir." "Thank you for your hospitality, Colonel." "You're welcome." "[ Man On P.A.] Inmates, one step to the rear..." "Ho!" "[ Man ] Shut the doors!" "You're gonna be in cell 345." " You get to shower every other day." " [ Prisoners Chattering ]" " Okay, hold up." " You fuck!" "I'm going to kill you!" " [ Guard ] Shut up, Beaupre." " [ Shouting Continues ]" "[ Peretz ] Do not cross the yellow line while in formation." "During the day you're free to be in this area we're walking in right now." " Showers on both sides." " Those stars don't mean shit now, do they?" "You're allowed one book in your cell, in addition to the Bible." "Go up here, then make a right." " I've got eight bundles on you, General!" " Let's see..." "No, no, no." "You got to hold out for five weeks, then kill yourself!" "[ Peretz Talking, Indistinct ]" " Three-four-five." "Crash 345." " [ Bell Rings ]" "You all right, General?" "[ Peretz ] First call, 0600." " [ Inmate ] What'd you do, man?" " What are you here for, man?" " Close 345." " [ Inmate ] How many did you kill?" "[ Inmate ] Welcome to the castle, baby!" " [ Knocking On Door ] - [ Peretz ] Sir?" "Sir?" "[ Exhales ] Prisoner Irwin's in his cell." " He's really something, isn't he?" " Mmm." "Would you like the end-of-day report, sir?" " Is everyone where they're supposed to be?" " Yes, sir." "Then skip it." "Very good, Colonel." "Is there anything else?" "Tomorrow, put out only one basketball." "[ Inmate ] What you doing?" " You just hit a brick wall." " Nigger, why you doin' that shit?" " Come on, little brother." " Get your hands off me!" " Come on, bitch!" " [ Arguing Escalates ]" "[ Inmates Shouting, Cheering ]" "[ Whistles ]" "Three-to-one on the little man." "[ All Shouting ]" "[ Inmate ] Stab him!" "Come on, Thumper." "Kill 'im!" "Come on, bitch!" " [ Talking, Indistinct ]" " What are you doing?" " Man, you don't like it, Doc, take a walk." " You're fuckin' sick, Yates." "[ Classical ]" "You see how easy it is to manipulate men?" "Someone should write a paper on it." "[ Continues ]" "Hold." "Come on!" "Come on, bitch!" " End it." " Sound the horn." "[ Horn Blaring ]" "[ Guard ] On the ground now!" "[ Man On P.A.] All inmates remain on the ground in a prone position." "Get the hell down now!" " Thumper, get down!" " [ Thumper ] I didn't mean it!" "[ Inmates Yelling ] Get down, Thumper!" "Get down!" " Get down, Thumper!" " Yes, sir." "[ Man On P.A.] All inmates remain on the ground in a prone position." " [ Inmates Yelling ]" " No!" "I didn't do anything!" " [ Singing, Indistinct ]" " Thumper, get down!" "' Sound off"" "[ Thumper Groans ]" "[ Horn Fades ]" " [ Gunshot ] - [ Inmates ] Oh, shit!" " Watch where you're going." " Kiss my ass!" "Don't worry about it." "We'll do it later." " [ Inmate ] Damn nigger!" " [ Inmate #2 ] What?" " You heard me!" " [ Inmate #2 ] Say it to my face, white bitch!" "I'm gonna kick your white ass through the air!" "Shut the fuck up!" "What the fuck you doing, beano?" "Hey!" "I said what the fuck are you doing?" " The mortar's weak, Beaupre." " Don't worry about it." " Mind your own business." " Cool out, man." "Shut the fuck up, or I'll stick this in your neck." "[ Cutbush ] They'll throw you back in the hole." " It's all w-weak." " Don't worry about the mortar." " M-My daddy's..." "My daddy's a mason." " Spit it out." "I don't give a fuck if your dad built the pyramids." "Whites work the wall, period." "Get back on spic duty and bring me some rocks before I give you a slap." " They won't set, Beaupre." " What did I just tell you?" "What'd I just tell you?" "We're only doing this... to keep Johnny-fucking-eyeballs off our back." "Don't make me tell you again." "Back the fuck off!" "Beaupre!" "Knock it off." "What?" "Big hero." "Don't worry about me going back to the hole." "[ Chattering ]" "How you doing?" "You probably don't remember me, but I served under you in the Gulf." "Dr Thomas Bernard, 33rd Medical Unit." "That's right." "Actually, it's Lee Bernard, but close enough." "You were arrested for hashish..." "possession of hashish... as I remember." " That's right." " It was a small amount, as I recall." " You don't get sent here for that." " No, no." "You don't." "There's more to it than that." "Hey, Thumper!" " I was able to get you an aspirin." " Thanks." "[ Exhales ] I got shot with a real bullet once, Doc." "Didn't hurt this much." "That's the upside of real bullets, they cut through the flesh, hit fewer nerve endings." "Downside is they kill you." "Of course, so do the rubber ones sometimes." "[ Thumper ] Hell of a downside." "Hey, Doc, you think I might get one of them Purple Hearts?" "Absolutely, Thumper." "You take it easy." "I'll try to get you some more." "You know Winter played us with that one basketball shit?" "Come on, man." " General, sir." " Don't call me sir." "I'm not a general any more." " Can we at least talk to you?" " About what?" "You still got friends in the Pentagon, right?" "You could talk to them." "I'm a little hazy on the subject matter." "Look, what happened here today happens all the time, sir." " Let me get this straight." "You mean there's violence?" " Yeah." " In a prison packed with violent criminals." " That's not what we're saying." "No." "There's been..." "How many this year, Doc?" "Um, 13 men down, 11 of them were critical injuries..." "Stop your fucking whining." "Listen to yourselves." "Then he only gives us the most basic medical treatment." "Completely substandard services." " Substandard services?" " Yes." "Substandard services." "It's fucked-up shit, man." "I had a friend in Hanoi who had to repair his own fractured tibia." "You cannot begin to compare what went on in a foreign POW camp 30 years ago..." "No, you can't compare." "I've led real soldiers in more difficult situations than this." "But you're not real soldiers any more, and neither am I." "There've been murders." "Do you know what happens when you take a rubber bullet to the head?" "The lights go out." "Twice in the last year there've been accidents..." " where men have been hit in the head and killed." " Nothing can be proven." "We're talking about expert marksmen shooting from minimal distances." "The guards just say the guy turned his head and boom." "It's not a random thing." "You get on Winter's bad side, you're done." "When you're doing combat duty, after a while, life just becomes snapshots." "Most of them horrible." "But not all of them." "Three years ago in Bosnia, I was driving a small unit through an IFOR town." "And I saw something pretty interesting." "I saw an old man sitting on a bombed-out porch, playing a game of dominos with what I presume is his grandson." "When I saw that I thought, you know, it's my turn." "I didn't retire after that, as I should have." "I took one last assignment." "It was a mistake." "So, gentlemen, I'm done." "I'm not fighting anyone or anything any more." "I'm doing my time here, I'm going home, and God willing," "I'm going to sit on the porch and play a game of dominos... with my grandson, who I've never met." "What'd I fucking tell you, Doc?" "You call a three-star general "man"?" "Why don't you call him "dude"?" "[ Man On P.A.] Attention, inmates, the library will close early at 1700 hours." "The library will close early tonight at 1700 hours." " Watch yourself, snitch." " Hey, Yates, everything all right?" " Okay." " [ Inmate ] My boy say you got a nice ass." "I got a guy in 129 who's way behind, telling me stories." " How late is he?" " Three weeks." " Why didn't you tell me?" " I'm telling you now." "Yates, no way that was a touchdown, baby." "That was a fucked-up call." "Keep that shit on the down-low." "They're all fucked-up calls." "How you doing?" "So we lost: 22 to 20." "Army-Navy game." "Class of '92." "I met you once when I was a kid." "1981." "It was a welcome-back celebration at the White House for the POWs." " My father was with you in Hanoi." " What's your name?" " Yates." " Yates?" "Sam Yates?" "That's right." " Good man." " Nah, he wasn't." "After 30 years, everyone's a good man." "It's the law." " Mmm." " How is he?" "How's your dad?" "He's not too good." "He's dead." " [ Man On P.A., Indistinct ]" " I'm sorry." "What happened?" "Came home." "Billingworth, Irwin, Jacobson..." "You're late." "You have five minutes left on your visitor." " Five minutes left." " [ Chattering ]" "Rosalie?" " Hi." " Hi." " It's good of you to come." " Thank you." "Was it hard getting here?" "Um, I missed a turn." "It's just good to see you." " How's Ben?" "Good?" " Fine." "Uh-huh." " School okay?" "Grades?" " Um, well he's in first grade." " Well, do you have a picture of him?" " No." "The one I have is two years old." "He must have changed a lot since... since then." "And how are you, Rosalie?" "Um..." " Look, Dad..." " Uh-oh. "Look, Dad."" "I just..." "I can't do this." "I can't do this small-talk thing with you." "The whole drive over here, I was trying to think what..." "What am I going to say?" "What can we talk about beyond the weather... and how's Ben, and I just went blank." "Do I..." "Do I intimidate you?" " Intimidate me?" " I guess that's the downside... of having a "Yes, sir" "No, sir" military father, but I tried not to..." "You weren't a father at all." "God, I'm sorry." "I don't want to whine." "I'm not here to be cruel." "You're a great man." "And you've done so much for this country." " But?" " No." "No but." "No but." "Just this isn't the place." "Well, it's the only place I've got right now, Rose." "Why did you call me, Dad?" "Why?" "I don't know you." "You don't know me." "I mean, what did you think asking me here?" "That I'd come every Sunday and maybe I'd bring Ben... and he would sit and colour while we talked?" "There was a time." "When I was about 20," "I had a whole list of things I was going to say to you." " [ Bell Rings ]" " Those days are gone." "[ Guard ] The visitation session is over." "Please conclude your visits." " [ Inmate ] This isn't enough time, man." " Let's go, folks." "Let's go." "I'm sorry you're in this place." "And I wish you the best." "[ Scattered Goodbyes ]" "I wish you the best." "I guess you figured out what to say after all." " I guess I did." " Be all right if I wrote?" "Is that okay?" "There's some things I'd like to tell you." "When I was in first grade, I got straight "A"s." "[ Inmate ] Come on." "Let's go." " Afternoon, sir." " Don't call me that." "I'm not..." "Put your hand down." " Permission to speak, sir." " What?" "I just wanted to say welcome to the castle, sir." " It's good to have you aboard, sir." " Aboard?" " You navy puke, son?" " No, no, sir." "I was in the Corps." "What rank were you when you were arrested?" " I was a c-c-c..." " It was either colonel or corporal." " I'm guessing corporal." " Yes, sir." "Why are you here?" "What did you do?" "Well, that's just it." "I di-didn't do nothing." "It was a mistake." "Oh." "Okay." "[ Man On P.A.] Medication call is in five minutes." "I h-hurt someone real bad." "How long you been here?" " Two years." " And how long do you have?" "How much longer?" "Four years, eight months, eleven days." "And this mistake, you've just the one?" "Just-Just one." " Just one day in your life?" " Ju-Ju-Ju..." "No." "Take your time." "Got plenty of that." "Just five seconds, sir." "And you're a marine for what, one or two years?" "And you're a violent criminal for five seconds?" " Yes, sir." " Well, according to my calculations, that makes you mostly marine." "About 98 percent, I'd say." " Yes, sir." " Then why not act like one?" "Stand tall." "This thing that you're doing with your hand, grabbing your hair, what's that?" " That was a salute." " A sa..." "Oh, no. [ Laughs ]" " I don't think so." "You know where saluting comes from?" " No, sir." "It comes from medieval times." "Two knights would approach each other on horseback." "They would raise their visors and show their faces." "It's like they're saying, "This is who I am." "I'm not the enemy and I'm not afraid."" "A salute's about respect, son." "Respect for yourself, the service and the flag." " [ Knocking On Door ]" " If you're going to do this..." "Sir, you wanted to see me?" "Sir?" "Come." "Look at that." " Oh, man." " No, no, no." "At the war college, his very name was spoken... with a reverence." "As if the syllables themselves conveyed what it meant to be a soldier." "Now here he is commanding an army of one... the stuttering monkey." "Can't even watch." "I discussed the regulations on saluting with Aguilar, did I not?" " Yes, sir." " Remind him again... effectively." "[ Horn Blaring ]" "Put your hand down." "Put it down." " You don't have to do this." " Prisoner Irwin, what are you doing?" " He doesn't have to do this." " Look, just step back in the prison..." "Son, I know a thing or two about the disciplining of soldiers." " Prisoner Aguilar, resume your punishment." " Punishment is over." "Aguilar, I'm warning you..." " [ Whistle ]" " Men down!" "Men down!" "You're better than this." " Okay, okay." "That's enough." " [ Alarm Wailing ]" "[ Man On P.A.] All inmates remain on the ground in the prone position." "All inmates remain on the ground in the prone position." "[ Guard ] Stay down!" "Everybody stay down!" "What is happening here?" "This prisoner was interfering with the corporal punishment of prisoner Aguilar." "Prisoner Irwin, I understand your coming here must be a big adjustment for you." "To go from commanding thousands of troops in battle, having no war to fight and no one to follow you must not be easy." "However, I do ask that you learn how things are done around here... and try to set an example for the other men." "Saluting is prohibited." "Aguilar was saluting." "He is being disciplined." "Surely you understand that." " Captain, take the prisoner back to his cell." " Yes, sir." "Sir?" "May the prisoner speak, sir?" " Yes." " According to the Manual of Conduct, the corporal punishment for a prisoner begun on the day shift... cannot exceed the following morning's horn." "Prisoner Irwin, you are absolutely right." "Thank you for bringing that to my attention." " Captain." "Captain." " Yes, sir." "Prisoner Irwin, under no circumstances... is an inmate allowed to make physical contact with an officer." "You have violated the U.S.M.C.F. Manual of Conduct." "And this violation requires discipline." "What's going on?" " Winter's got him on rock-and-roll detail." " Is he not going to make it?" "No way." "Three-two against." "Come on, you guys." "Those stones weigh 25 pounds apiece." "It's gonna be 85 degrees by noon." "We have 2,000 percent humidity." "The guy's not going to make the day." " Everyone paid up this week?" " Yeah, we're good." "Put mine in, double or nothing against." "No way he's gonna make it." " Beaupre, 12." " [ Yates ] Double or nothing, against." "Hey, hey, hey." "[ Continues, Indistinct ]" "[ Yates ] Who's down for ten?" "At least take some water." "If you're dehydrated, you're gonna drop." " Can he take it off, boss?" " Captain?" "You can take off your shirt if you want." " [ Inmate #1 ] Hey!" " [ Inmate #2 ] What the fuck is that?" " Electrical burn scars." " What do you mean?" "How long was he in there?" "Six years." "Could've got out in four." "They offered him a full release, but he stayed six." "He said he wouldn't leave without his men." "[ Inmate ] Come on, baby!" "Drop that rock!" "[ Inmates Cheering In Distance ]" "[ Inmate ] Come on, General." "You can do it." " Come on, baby!" " [ Inmate ] Push that rock, soldier!" "Kind of tired, sir." "Why don't you call it quits?" "Don't listen to him, sir." "It's not that hot." "Why don't you call it quits, sir?" "Go, General!" "Come on, baby!" "[ Inmate ] Come on." "One more rock!" "You got it, sir!" "That's it." "It's over." "Somebody pushed me." "That's it." "He's down." " He can't go on like that." "It's all over." "Stay down." " Look at me." " Follow it." " It's all done." "All over." "It's all over." "Yates, 36 packs you owe me." " How many?" " Four." " What day is it?" " Saturday." " He's fine." " [ All Cheering ]" "[ Grunts ]" " Yeah!" " [ Inmates Chanting ] Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "[ Cheering ]" "[ Cheering Continues ]" "Yes, sir." "[ Blows Whistle ]" "The discipline order was horn-to-horn labour." "Doesn't matter where the stones are." "You have to continue." "What's he supposed to do, Captain?" "He just moved the whole goddamn pile." "Well, he can move 'em back." " [ Exhales ]" " Bets are still on." " Seven-two, against." " You're a fuckin' snake, man." " Don't bet if you don't want to." " Yates, four in favour." "Four in favour, Aguilar." "Four in favour!" "Who's down for ten?" "The horn." "They're holding the horn." "Winter's holding the horn." "That ain't right." " [ Inmate ] Son of a bitch." " [ Grunts ]" " [ Horn Blaring ]" " All right, everybody to the tiers for count!" " Let's go!" "Move it!" " [ Man On P.A.] Inmates will move to tiers... for face-to-badge count." "Inmates will report to the tiers for face-to-badge count." "Why would you kill yourself to help him with his wall?" "It's not his wall." "It's your wall." "Prisoner Irwin, let's go." "The commandant would like to see you." " They clean you up okay?" " Yes." "The cut above your eye, it's not too serious I hope." "I'm okay." "[ Sighs ] Well, I am sorry about this." "It's the standard cooling-off period after a punishment detail." "I hope you understand..." "I did this for the men." " The men?" " Yes, to show them..." "To show them that you are no different than they are." "Your new friend, Aguilar, he took a claw hammer to his platoon leader." "He maimed him in a quote, unquote fit of rage." "[ Sighs ] Whenever I am..." "filled with doubt... whenever sentiment creeps in..." "I just have to open an inmate's file and see what he's done." "I see what he's capable of." "I see the worst in him." "And that makes my job easier." "It crystallizes my mission." " Take him back to the tiers." " Yes, sir." "Hold on." " Sergeant, taking him back to cell 345." " Very well, Private." "[ Tapping Sound ]" "[ Inmates Tapping In Unison ]" "[ Tapping Continues, Louder ]" "[ Inmate ] General!" "[ Inmate ] Good night, guys." " Your winnings." " My winnings?" "Aguilar placed a bet for you." "Four bundles at seven-to-two, two bundles at eleven to one." "That's 36 bundles." "You know, you could get yourself thrown out of the Hall of Fame for betting on yourself." "Corporal Aguilar." "Would you pass these out to the men?" "I don't smoke." "Thank you, sir." " So you're the gambler." " Nah, I don't gamble." "I'm just the bookkeeper." " Yeah?" "I hear you're running a suicide pool on me." " That's right." " Any squares left?" " [ Chuckles ] Yeah, there's one." "Nine weeks." " How much to enter?" " No way, man." "Knowing you, you'd off yourself just to win the bet." "Oh-ho, not me." "I bet on myself, it's to win." "Yeah, you don't always win." "No. [ Chuckles ] Clearly not." "You know, my father said you kept him alive in Hanoi." " He said you kept all those guys alive." " Nah." "When you're tortured, the first thing they do is try to break down your sense of self." "And I broke in Hanoi." "For weeks, the last thing in my mind was self-preservation." "In fact, I prayed for death every night." "And the only thing that kept me from answering those prayers, were the voices of the men in the other rooms..." "your father among them." "I don't care what you've heard, Yates." "They kept me alive." "Not the other way around." "Hey!" "Sir?" "You cost me my whole stash of smokes." "Oh." "Well, I'm sorry about that." "Well, you win some, you lose some." "So what did you mean earlier about it being our wall?" "I mean, it's Winter's wall." "That fuck just makes us work it to keep us occupied." "It's like we're a bunch of little kids or something." "In 1870, there was nothing here." "The original prison was built by prisoners." "I want to show..." "I want to show you something I found the other day." "Where?" "Oh, here it is." "You see this?" ""Private A.J. Beck, 1912-1923"" "Now why do you suppose Private Beck..." "What do you think he was doing, building his own prison?" " How the fuck do I know?" " Well, I don't know either, but I can make a guess." "My guess is he wasn't building a prison." "My guess is he was building something else." "They may have told him to build a prison, but, in his own mind, he was raising walls to protect himself." "My guess is he was building a castle." "That's a castle?" "Yeah, it could be." "Could be." " If somebody rebuilt it." " How we supposed to do that, sir?" "How are you supposed to do that?" "I don't know anything about walls." "Why don't you ask pri..." "Ask Aguilar." "His dad's a mason." "[ Inmates Cheering ]" "[ Hysterical Laughter ]" "Niebolt!" "Good morning, sir." " What happened here?" " The prisoners, they knocked it down, sir." " Why?" " Irwin, he told them to." "Thank you." "Beau-Beaupre?" "What's up, Aguilar?" "Th-That's not the right rock." "Cutbush, you believe this kid?" "Yeah, he seems to know his shit, you know?" "All right, Aguilar." "I'll bite." " Bring me the right rock." " O-Okay." "You need a rock with a flat edge, because-because that one's jagged." " Th-The jagged ones go in the middle." " The middle?" "All right." "Bring me another one." "If I keep getting you the flat rocks, you'll never learn..." "I'll get you one more, okay, Beaupre?" "Mr. Aguilar?" "It looks good." "Thanks, chief." " [ Inmate ] Morning, chief." " [ Man ] "Molly be damned"" ""Smote Jimmy the Harp with a horrid little pistol and a lariat"" ""She's goin' to the bottom She's goin' down the drain"" ""Said she wasn't big enough to carry it"" ""She said, "Get behind the mule"" " "Gotta get behind the mule"" " Pu-Put that on the outside." ""You gotta get behind the mule"" ""In the morning and plough"" ""You gotta get behind the mule"" ""In the morning and plough"" "I'm impressed." "Pretty handy with a trowel." " Good work, you guys." " You know it, chief." " Nice work." " Thanks, chief." " What do you think?" " I think she's beautiful." " That's the word." " Eighteen courses in one week." "Aguilar..." "I'm proud of you." "You should be proud." " Men did good, huh?" " They did." "Now, listen." "Be sure to leave a window, a portal." "Every castle has one." "Aguilar?" "Excuse me, chief." "Aguilar, come here a minute." " Go ahead." " Guys, hold up a minute." "Hold up the work." "Hold up." "Maybe you should go first." "Put your name in the wall." "Hey, hold up on the work." "Come on." "Put your name right in here." "Spell it out." "A... [ Stutters ] G-G-G." " Scumbags are having at it, sir." "Yes, sir." " [ Winter ] Really?" "They're calling Irwin "chief"." "That's the word they got for general." "They got substitute names for the other ranks, too, sir." "Anybody who was a captain is "boss"." "Sergeants are "sport", privates are "pal"." "Playing soldier, sir." " Hearts and minds." " Sir?" "He's building a structure of loyalty." "He's offering them self-respect, in exchange for obedience." "The general is building himself an army." "He can have their hearts and minds, sir." "As long as we got 'em by the balls." " Well put, Corporal." " Thank you, sir." " Captain." " [ Cocks Gun ]" " Bring him to my office." " Who, sir?" " The prince of Venezuela." "Who do you think?" " General Irwin?" "Mr. Irwin." "[ Winter ] When you first arrived here, I asked you a question." "Apparently, I need to ask it again." "What do you want from your time here at the castle, Mr. Irwin?" "And my answer is the same as it was then." "Do my time." "Go home." "So you say, but everything you have done has contradicted that." "[ Sighs ] These men are not here for unpaid parking fines and traffic..." "I'm under no illusion why the men are here, Colonel." "I just think they might be reminded... about some of the good things they've done, rather than only the worst." "Yes, that is... that is something my predecessor used to say." "In his last two years here there were seven escape attempts, twelve injury assaults on officers and N.C.O.s, including one killed." "Since I've assumed command, there have been zero escape attempts, zero injury assaults, zero fatalities." "Some may question my methods, but they do work." "No soldier has ever died needlessly under my command, Mr. Irwin." "See, I, too, share the burden of command." "You may not think that I've ever set foot on a battlefield, but that's because you've never sat behind this desk... this desk." "My men and I are vastly outnumbered." "We spend every day behind enemy lines." "Because, make no mistake about it, Mr. Irwin, they are the enemy." "But I don't need to justify myself to you, do I?" "I don't know." "Do you?" "This wall... that has become the focus of so much... tension... and turmoil..." "Well... in about two minutes, there will be no more wall." " [ Horn Honks ] - [ Man ] Back away from the wall..." "[ Indistinct ] Back away!" " Come on!" " [ Bulldozer Advancing ]" "Back away from the wall." "Come on!" "Aguilar!" "Aguilar, damn it!" "What is he doing?" "Sound the horn." "[ Horn Blaring ]" "Agui..." "Get down!" " [ Man On P.A.] All inmates remain on the ground..." " Aguilar, get down!" "[ Niebolt ] What the hell are you doing?" "Get down, Aguilar." " [ Aguilar ] No!" " Get down!" " [ Inmate ] Hey, what are you doing, Ramon?" "Get down!" " Aguilar, get down!" " Aguilar, get the hell down!" " Zamorro." " Yes, sir." " You bet, sir." " What the hell are you doing?" " Get down!" " [ Inmates shouting ] Get down!" "Get down!" " Aguilar, get down!" " Get down!" " [ Gunshot ] - [ Blaring Horn Subsides ]" " Aguilar?" " [ Doc ] Permission to examine the prisoner, sir." " [ Niebolt ] Doc!" "Come on!" " Sir." "[ Cell Door Closes ]" "[ Inmates Chattering, Indistinct ]" " Dellwo." " Sir?" " You're a sergeant-major?" " I was." "Prisoners!" "Fall in!" "I said, fall in!" "[ Dellwo ] Let's go, ladies!" "Now!" "Now!" "Now!" "All right!" "Let's fall in!" "Fall in!" "We don't got all day!" "Come on." "Fall in!" "You look like a bunch of old women!" "Fall in, goddamn it!" "Fall in!" "Now!" "Now!" "Now!" " Scumbags runnin' the asylum?" " [ Chuckles ] Maybe." "Some may think to be remembered in this way... would be a disgrace to a soldier." "But this is not a disgrace." "The greatest monuments to fallen men... are not made in marble." "They're deep in the sea, deep in the jungles, on foreign battlefields, a rifle driven into the ground... with a helmet on top..." "and some tags." "And that is the tribute that this man has earned." "Gentlemen, Corporal Ramon Aguilar," "United States Marine Corps." "[ Inmate ] "From the halls of Montezuma"" ""To the shores of Tripoli"" "[ Other Inmates Joining ] ' We fight our country's battles '" ""In the air on land and sea"" ""First to fight for right and freedom"" "' And to keep our honour clean '" "' We are proud to claim the title '" "' Of United States Marines '" "' Duh-duh, da, da, da, da Da, duh-duh '" "' La, la-la, la La-la, la '" " [ Snickers ]" " Sir, do you..." "[ Singing Continues ]" "' Da-da da Da-da da da Da-da da '" "' Da-da da da Da-da da da-da '" "Sound the chow horn." "Sir, you still have about ten minutes." " Sound it." " Yes, sir." " "Da da-da da..." - [ Horn Blares ]" " [ Singing Stops ] - [ Dellwo ] Present... arms!" "Fall... out!" "[ Man On P.A.] Chow call." "All inmates report to the mess hall." "Chow call." "All inmates report to the mess hall." "So, tell me again." "Why is it Aguilar had to die?" " [ Enriquez ] Believe us now?" " [ Irwin ] I believe you now." "Very good." "You have checkmate in five moves." "Looks that way, sir." "Why you movin' if I have checkmate in five moves?" "'Cause I have checkmate in three." "[ Enriquez ] Shall we, uh, call it a draw?" "[ Winter ] If you'll excuse us, Mister, uh..." "[ Peretz ] Enriquez." "Let's go." "Move it out." "[ Extended Sigh ]" "Your, uh, grandson." "Yes." "Very cute." " Five?" " Four, when that picture was taken." "Yes." "Very cute." " Five?" " Four, when that picture was taken." " Oh." " Six now." "It was unfortunate about..." "Aguilar." "But tough decisions do go with the job." "Burden of command, correct?" "[ Exhales ] Look." "These salutes, I've given them some thought." "Technically, they are not a violation of regulations." "So, if the inmates can confine themselves to a simple... hand movement through the hair," "I see no problem with it." "And if the men want to call you chief, well, that's fine." "Free speech and all that." " Okay, then." " No, not okay." "It's too late, Colonel." " It's too late for what?" " For your offer." "The men don't want to salute." "They don't want to use rank." "They don't want better food." "They don't want more TV." "They just want your resignation." "So do I." " My resignation?" " You're a disgrace, Colonel." "A disgrace to the uniform." "You should not be allowed to retain your command." "Well, then I'd better go pack." "[ Chuckles ]" " I think you should." " Oh?" "Tell me, Mr. Irwin, what's to stop me from just... placing you in the hole..." "for, say, six months?" "Nothing." "If that's the way you want to win." "[ Peretz ] Sir, if I can make a suggestion," " maybe we should isolate prisoner Irwin..." " Get me General Wheeler." "[ Inmates Shouting ]" "Yes, sir." "[ Winter ] Two weeks ago, I watched as he marched a man up and down the yard." "A minor eccentricity." "Fine." "Since then, he's been acting as though... he still has a command in some fantasy army." " And yesterday..." " I don't think you'd want to make general." "Now, you wouldn't want to give up all these perks, would you?" "[ Laughs ]" "Sorry." "Go on." "Yesterday, Mr. Irwin... told me he required my resignation." "Frankly, I think he's started to lose the plot." "You saying he's delusional?" "I'm saying he needs professional psychiatric help." "He's sick and becoming pathetic." "Uh, you might want to be a little more careful in your word choice." "That sick, pathetic man put this star on my shoulder." "Yes, sir." "I know." "And I also know that you sat in on his court martial." "And don't talk about things that are above your pay grade." " Hmm?" " Yes, sir." "General Wheeler, I admire the man as much as you do." "So I want to see that he gets the best care possible." "And I'm not sure that this is the right place for that." "All right." "Well, let me see him." "[ Buzzer Buzzes, Door Opens ]" "Do we read the rules, sir?" "Read 'em." "Well, sir, normally for a contact visit, folks are limited to one embrace in the beginning and one at the end." "And, uh, hands must be visible at all times, also." "I guess that rules out the hand-job." "[ Laughs ]" "Thank you, gentlemen." " Permission to be seated, sir." " Permission granted." " What are you doing here, Jim?" " I'm here to see if you've lost your mind." " [ Chuckles ] - [ Sheila ] Uh, he should be available later." " I can take a mes..." "Just a second." " Good morning, Miss Kelly." " Jim..." "Jim, yeah..." "Hold on..." " Miss Kelly?" "Miss Kelly, I got everything here but..." " the athletic gear." " I found that..." "I found that top one laying on the floor out in the hallway." " Hold on one second." "What, Danny?" " I found that top one..." " laying on the floor in the hallway." " Fine." "Thanks, Danny." "Uh, yeah." "We just needed you to send him up here as soon as possible." "[ Phone Ringing ]" "He's saying you're delusional, that you're acting as if you're still in command of an army." "He's saying I'm delusional because he wants me gone." "[ Sighs ]" "[ Wheeler ] Now, if you had ironclad evidence... of Winter killing a man in cold blood for no good reason, then I could do something, maybe." "Outside of that, the man's been investigated three times." "He's been exonerated three times." "And as far as Washington is concerned," " he's doin' a superb job." " [ Chuckles ]" "Yeah, and you're a convicted criminal." " You could get another investigation." " Yes, I could." "But without any new evidence, what would be the point?" "And besides that, Gene, honestly," "I don't give a rat's ass." "I don't care." "What I care about is you and getting you out of here." "Now, haven't you punished yourself enough?" " What I did was wrong, Jim." " [ Peretz ] All teams." "All teams, this is a full S.O.R.T. alert." "Repeat..." "All teams, this is a full S.O.R.T. Alert." "[ Men Shouting, Indistinct ]" "I cannot let this continue." "Now, you will get out of here, and you will go spend some time... with your daughter and your grandson." "I can have my staff write up a compassionate release on medical grounds." " It can say whatever you want it to say." " There's nothing wrong with me, Jim." "For Christ's sake, will you work with me?" " There is nothing wrong with me." " I see no indication of anything, sir." "Of course not." "He'll keep it hidden until the last possible second." "Red Team, go." "Go, go, go!" "Gene, what the hell is this about?" "Is this about control?" " Because, you know, no castle can have two kings." " Go, go, go, go, go!" "Get down!" "On the floor, now!" " General, you must come with us." " What are you doing?" "[ Man On P.A.] All inmates remain on the ground in the prone position." "All inmates remain on the ground..." " Let's go!" " What is this!" "What is this for Christ's sake?" " [ Shouting Continues ] - [ Door Slams Shut ]" "Go!" "Let's go!" "Go, go, go, go!" " [ Shouting ]" " All right!" "[ Screaming, Yelling ]" "Sir?" "Tear gas?" "Return to hangar." "Nothing is happening." "It was a bluff." "You can take her home." "Return to hangar." "You thought he was gonna try to take me hostage?" " Yes, it was a precautionary move." " What the hell kind of... grab-ass unit are you running here, Colonel?" "Sir, at 11:58 this morning, I received a letter... stating that a group of inmates were planning on taking you hostage at 12:10." "I thought it prudent to act immediately to ensure your safety." "I've been hearing some disturbing things about what goes on in here." "And now I'm hearing it from a man I trust and whose opinion I respect." " May I speak freely, sir?" " Yes, you may." "With all due respect, General," "I don't know what you may have been hearing." "But until you've spent some time in the yard with those animals, you have no idea what happens in there." "Point taken, Colonel." "Nevertheless, if I hear... one more story about a man dying under your command, you are through here." " Do you understand me?" " Yes, sir." "All right." "As far as Gene Irwin is concerned, it is my judgment he is as sane as you or I." "I wish he wasn't." "He is." "Frankly, I'd like nothing more than an excuse to get him out of here." "But I see the only way that's gonna happen is if you request it." "That is true, sir." "So you just..." "You tell me you can't handle him." "He's gone." "Oh, I think I can handle him, sir." "You watch yourself, Colonel." ""Eugene R. Irwin," ""Lieutenant General, United States Army," ""in direct contravention of an order to evacuate Burundi... by his commander-in-chief..."" "That is the president, for those of you who do not know." ""...selected a platoon of men to extract Jackson Ngwe, a local warlord." ""Disregarding reliable intelligence," ""General Irwin's reconnaissance team entered the ville at 0300." "Eight men were captured and executed. "" "Disregarding... reliable intelligence... eight men... were executed." "What I want you men to understand... is what the consequences can be... when you choose to follow a man who is motivated... solely by his pride." "A man who will do anything for one more victory notch on his belt, no matter what the cost, before he fades away." " [ Peretz ] Start the extractions." " [ Protesting Shouts ]" "[ Inmates Clamouring ]" "[ Alarm Bell Ringing ]" "Over here!" "Come here!" "Let's go." "Get out!" "Get out!" " [ Bell Rings ]" " Hi, Doc." "Let's go for a little walk." "Get the fuck back!" " Open 355!" " Open it up!" "[ Snarls ] Look at you." "Relax, ladies." " [ Groans ]" " Hold him down, men!" "[ Indistinct ] I had nothing to do with this!" " No!" " [ Groans ]" "Uhh!" " Why don't you just execute me?" " No reason for that!" " Turn him around." " [ Baton Blows Thudding ]" " [ Groaning ] - [ Handcuffs Clicking ]" " Don't put me in the hole!" "[ Man Screaming ] Oh, don't..." "don't put me in the hole!" "No!" " You want that?" " No." " Thanks, man." " You bet." "[ Indistinct Chatter ]" "What do we do now?" " Jimmy, wait up!" " [ Man On P.A.] Attention, inmates." "All visitation requests must be submitted... to the S-3 by 1100 today." " All visitation requests..." " So, you really did..." "You really did bluff Winter." "The problem is his flush beat your straight." "I don't play poker, Mr. Yates." "I play chess." "And in chess, you play with somebody long enough, you come to realize that their first three moves are usually the same." "Chess, huh?" "What was his first move?" " What was the first move?" " First, uh, two teams," " 20 men apiece." " Like I was saying, the inside teams only have batons." " Second?" " Second?" "Water cannon." " Third?" "What kind of chopper?" " Chopper." "Sir, are you sure we should be having this discussion this man standing..." "You know he can't be trusted, right?" "I don't know." "Is that how you use the burden of command?" "To make men into..." "into, uh, chess pieces?" " Yes." " Hey, Yates." "Why don't you do yourself a favour and run along." "Pawns." "[ Winters ] That prisoner walking away, who is that?" "Uh, that's..." "That's Yates." "He was an Apache pilot, but now he's a lowlife... a hustler." "He takes bets." " On what?" " Anything." "Fights, the weather." "[ Chuckles ]" "He even took bets on whether Irwin was gonna kill himself." "[ Recording..." "Classical ]" "Ahhh." ""This highly effective officer seems to have no moral grounding whatsoever."" "Is that so?" "Well, that's what men better than me seem to think, sir." "Why are you here, Yates?" "I would like your version." "I was involved in a drug-smuggling operation from Juarez to El Paso... including several of my subordinates, sir." "You were "involved"." "You ran it, did you not?" "Correct." "Says here that you wore a wire on your men." "Is that correct?" " Yeah." " And how many years... did they take off your sentence for... that?" "Four years, sir." "And now you're the prison bookie." "Tell me, Yates, how does a man like you... get into West Point?" "My father was a winner of the Congressional Medal of Honour, sir." "Oh, right." "Well, sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree. [ Snickers ]" " [ Snickering ]" " Your father..." "Your father was a POW with Mr. Irwin, was he not?" "[ Chuckles ]" " Yes, that is correct." " And yet, you haven't seen fit to join Mr. Irwin's..." " Crusade?" " Crusade." " Why is that?" " It's not my fight." "Mr. Irwin is in a fight?" "It says here you have three years... left with us." " Correct?" " That's what it says." "That's what it says." "Does three months sound better?" "I need to resolve this situation... quickly... before someone else gets hurt... or killed." " Do you agree?" " I guess." "And the way I need to do that is with information." "So, you might want to rethink... your joining Mr. Irwin's..." "crusade." "[ Chuckles ]" "You asking me to be your snitch, sir?" "Isn't it a little late in the game to be self-righteous?" " Dude, why I got to get my ass kicked?" " How many times you gonna ask?" "Stop your sniveling." "I'm only gonna hit you once." " Well, when?" " Now!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "[ Cheering ]" " [ Dellwo ] Sit your tray down!" " [ Inmates Clamouring ]" "Hey, fucker!" "[ Shouting, Cheering ]" "Back off now!" "I said back off now!" "[ Cheers, Applause ]" "[ Whistles ] On your cans!" "Let's get on!" "Sit your asses down, now!" "Let's go!" "[ Mess Hall Quiets ]" "You guys, we don't have much time." "We can no longer wear the uniform of a soldier." "We forfeited that right." "And that includes me." "I disobeyed an executive order." "I violated my duty as a commanding officer." "And eight men paid a catastrophic price." "It's a mistake not easy to live with." "So, here I am, just like you, a convicted criminal." "The only difference between you and me is I know I'm guilty." "[ Laughing ]" "So we're packed away here as prisoners." "And one thing is certain." "Our captors have the power." "They can try to humiliate us." "They can beat us." "They can lock us away in a dark hole for days on end." "But there's one thing they cannot do." "They cannot take away from us who we are." " And we are soldiers." " [ All ] Yeah, that's right." "It is the one thing..." "It is the one thing that gives us a chance in here." "And that nobody can ever take away." " Yeah, that's right." " [ Inmates Agreeing ]" "The Uniform Code of Military Justice." ""Grounds for Removal of a Stockade or Disciplinary Barracks Commander:" " "One." "Dereliction of duty." " [ Inmates ] That's right." "Yeah." " "Two." "Criminal malfeasance." " [ Inmates Murmuring Agreement ]" " "Three." "Noncompliance with procedural rules." " Yeah." ""Four." "Making false official statements." ""Five." "Conduct unbecoming to an officer and gentleman." "[ Group ] Yeah!" ""Six." "Cruelty and maltreatment of persons under his command." "[ Shouting Agreement, Rattling Tables ]" ""Seven." "Command failure resulting in loss of control of facility."" "Gentlemen, I propose that we seize control of this facility." "[ Boisterous Cheers ]" "[ Irwin ] Take a look at a castle, any castle." "Now, break down the key elements that make it a castle." "Location." "Protection." "Garrison." "Flag." "The only difference between this castle and all the rest..." " is they were built to keep people out." " Forward." "Ho." "This castle was built to keep people in." "But it's still a castle." "And any castle can be taken, whether you're fighting in the 14th century or the 21st." "To succeed in a castle war, you have to overcome the garrison, take the high ground... and ultimately capture the flag." "Okay?" "Enriquez." "All right." "You set up a command post, okay?" "And here, you have the guard..." "Well, here." "First of all, this is admin building," "Winter's office, guards." "Okay?" "Phase one, neutralize Winter's guards." "Phase two, towers." "Control the towers, you control the yard." "Tower one, tower two, tower three, tower four." "Tower four is Zamorro..." "guy to watch." "Phase three, water cannon." "Four, helicopter." "Helicopter's the high ground." "Takin' the helicopter's gonna be a bitch." "But it's doable." "Finally, the flag." "Capture the flag." "When we capture the flag, it's raised upside down." " Distress." " Right." "Right." "Upside down means," ""Send help." "The fort has fallen."" "We raise it upside down, and keep it that way until Wheeler arrives and sees it." " Then, we've won." " [ Chuckles ]" "Yates, shut the fu..." "You see what I mean about him?" "Hey, Yates, what are you doin' here, huh?" "I don't know." "Ask him." "He invited me." "General, I know, uh, his father served with you in Vietnam, but do we really need him around?" "Yeah." "He stays." " Duffy?" "You're in maintenance?" " Yes, sir." "[ Chattering ]" "Yates." "Got a minute?" "How am I doin'?" "Five-to-two, in the colonel's favour." " Well, you don't think I can win." " He knows too..." "He knows too much." "He's prepared." "He's ready." "He may be prepared, Yates, but he's not ready." "You know, we can use you." "Hey, look man, I just want to survive this and go home." " You make a deal with him?" " What?" "That's what I would do if I were him... go to you." " He knows what you're capable of." " Listen, man." " But so do I." " Oh, yeah?" "Well, I know what you're capable of." " I know your type very well." " Is that right?" "Is that from your infinite years of experience on the battlefield?" "Why do you think I should help you?" "Can you get me out of here?" " No." " Then what are you going to do for me?" "Oh, let me guess, you're going to make me a soldier again?" "Is that what you're doing?" "I get to be all I can be?" "You gonna teach me to salute?" "You know what?" "This is about the time I would be giving you my internal soldier speech." "But the truth is, you probably never should have been a soldier." "Your father was." "That's how I saw him." "You saw him as a disappointment." "Okay." "Get past it." "That was then." "The only thing that matters here is... what we are now and what we do now." "This man is going to you because he sees the worst in you." "He's going to play for the worst." "I want to see the best." "That means there's no middle." "Now, these men need you." "And I need you." "Now, it's your choice." "And don't tell me you're surviving here, Yates." " You're hiding." " [ Scoffs ]" "[ Chuckling ]" " How's it going this evening, sir?" " Fine, Sergeant." "How are you?" "Sir?" "Prisoner Yates wishes to have a word." "Give me five minutes, Captain." " [ Door Closes ] - [ Clears Throat ] Hi." " Hi." " [ Ringing ]" "Colonel Winter's office." "Yeah." "Yeah, go ahead and just send it up." "[ Door Opening, Closing ]" "Sir." " Sir?" " Yes." "Prisoner Yates." "[ Sighs ]" "You want me to do this thing for you?" "This 30 days..." "This three months, it's not gonna cut it." "I got to get out of here immediately." "I got to get out of here tomorrow." "I'm afraid that's not possible." "Look, when this thing explodes, everyone's gonna know it's me who yakked." "And then my life's worth nothing." "So, either you get me out of here immediately... or you find another guy who knows as much as I do... and who's willing to spill it." "Good luck." "The soonest I can get you out is one week." "Sir, I'm not gonna last..." "I won't last seven seconds let alone seven days." "Well, you can ride the week out in the hole." "No one will get you there." "So what does Mr. Irwin have planned for us?" "He's planning to take over the prison." "Really." "Well, that information won't get you released." "That information won't even get you extra potatoes at lunch." "I know the details." "I know how he plans to neutralize your men, how he plans to take over the tower, weapons and tools he's building." " Do you know when?" " [ Cutbush ] Yates, I know you're in there!" " Yates!" "Yates, I know you're in there!" " [ Guard ] Cutbush!" "You're a fucker, Yates!" "You are gonna snitch!" "Cutbush, shut up!" "Cutbush, get down!" "Shut up!" "Niebolt, what's he doing up here?" " He brought up the laundry, and he went ape, sir." " All right." "Enough!" "Place this man in the SHU." "No one talks to him." "No one sees him." " Do you understand me?" "Place a guard on his cell." " Yes, sir!" " Damn rat!" " What's the problem?" "My mother's sick." "I'm trying to get a furlough." " Shut up!" " Get him out of here!" "Captain, with me." "[ Exhales Sharply ] Oh, Jesus, man." "Now you have no choice, or you're going to spend the next three years in solitary confinement." "[ Exhales ] I need more time." "I got to go back into general." "I'll know somethin' tomorrow." "Come get me at 0500." "I need more time!" "Inmates, one step to the rear." "March!" "[ Bell Rings ]" "[ Man Singing, Indistinct ]" "[ Singing Continues ]" " Sir?" " Where's Yates' cell?" "It's 340, sir." "You ready to play?" " Morning, sir." " Fall out." "Colonel?" "Colonel." "Good morning." "Good morning." "So, what do you have for me?" " Not much." " Not much." "Then why are you here?" "I thought there was something you might wanna know." "When they take over the prison, they're going to fly the flag upside down." " Upside down?" " It's the international sign of distress, sir." "Yes, I know what it means." "And where are they going to get a flag?" "They already have it." "Yours." "Mine." " Peretz, who was in here yesterday?" " I took it, you murdering fuck." "I thought you were smarter than that." "Yes, I know you did." "[ Groans ]" "You gonna tell us where that flag is?" "Come on." "Get up, Yates." "Where's the flag?" "[ Spits ] You know, you're a real fuckin' coward, Zamorro." "And you're a big hero." "Let's go." "Come on." "Get your hands off me, motherfucker!" "Fuckin' prick!" "Shut up, Yates!" "[ Breathes Deeply ]" " [ Buzzer ] - [ Man On P.A.] All inmates on the rack." "This is a shakedown." "Go, go!" "Come on!" "Fall out!" "Let's go!" "All inmates proceed to the yard through the south ports." "[ Guards Continue Yelling ]" " [ Buzzer ]" " On the double!" "Move it!" "Come on." "Go, go!" " This way, chief." " Let's go!" "Move it!" "[ Shouting Continues ]" "Over there, sir." " It's crazy, huh?" " Let's go!" "Step it up!" " Come on!" "Let's go!" "Move it, prisoners!" " Really crazy." " Go!" " All right!" " [ Commotion ] - [ Objects Shattering ]" "Captain Peretz, you will find my flag." "6:10." "6:10." "[ Commotion ]" "I don't wanna hear that." "You have your orders." "Find the damn thing." "Sir, they found a lot of weaponry." " But no flag." " No, sir." "But at least we have all their weapons." "There's nothing much they can do now." "How many men do we have searching the tiers?" "We have close to a hundred." "Pretty much everybody we could get." "It's not about the flag." "He wants to be in the yard." "Get our men out of the tiers and into the yard now." " [ Blows Whistle ]" " Everybody into the yard!" "Riot formation!" "Let's go!" "Double time!" "Now!" " Peretz!" "Get those men into the yard, now!" " Yes, sir!" " Alert the S.O.R.T. teams." "Go, go!" " [ Speaks, Indistinct ]" "Chain, chain, chain." "All right." "How's it feel, huh?" "How's it feel?" " [ Grunts ]" " Bring him with us." "To the hole!" "Command post up, fast!" "Put me down!" "You know what's going to happen to you?" " Go, go, go!" " Let us out!" " Hey!" "Hey!" "Beaupre, is that you?" " Yeah, yeah." " Is it happening?" "Fuckin' "A" it's happening." " Yeah." "Damn it!" "They chained the doors to the tiers." "Yes." "I can see that." "It's gonna take 'em a little while to get around." "When they get here, tell them to gear up, but hold them." "They'll expect us to come hard and fast, so we won't." " [ Gunshot ]" " Whoa!" "Hey!" "Yates, you little prick." "I bet against you and it cost me a whole stash of smokes." "Yeah?" "There's a lot of losers today." " Go!" " [ Gunfire ]" " What's the deal?" " Come on, Zamorro, you motherfucker!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "You fucking believe this guy?" "Okay, let's go." "Here we go." "Let's go." "Let's go." " Hey, get it out right now." " Later, later." "[ Men Yelling ]" "Listen to me." "The colonel said to hold them, okay?" "Hold them." "[ Sighs ]" "Sir, maybe we should call C.A.C. And get General Wheeler." "And say what, Captain?" "Colonel Winter has lost control of his own prison?" "[ Shouting ]" " Keenan!" "Keenan, you ready to go up, man?" " Yes, sir!" "The trajectory is going to be vital." "Where do you want me?" "This is Sergeant McLaren from Fort Truman Prison." "Can I speak to General Wheeler?" "Well, you're gonna have to wake the dude up, man." "This is from Colonel Winter." "We're having, like, an uprising here." "Go." "Launch when ready." "Go, go, go!" "Come on!" "Light her up." "Light her up." "Fire!" "[ Grunting ]" "Sir." "Colonel, he wants to talk to you." " Who does?" " Him." "Yes?" "Colonel, I'm taking command of your prison." "Like hell you are." "Come on, guys!" "Let's go!" "Stop fuckin' around!" "We don't got much time!" " Let's go!" "Come on, let's go!" " [ Irwin ] Dellwo." " Sir?" " How close to ready?" " [ Gunshot ]" " Fuck!" "We're almost there, sir." "Sir, could-could you come here, please?" "What-What is that?" "That thing right there tucked away in the alley." "I don't know." " Release the wave." " [ Men Yelling ]" "Come on, come on!" "Get it up!" "Go ahead and deploy red and blue teams." " [ Men Shout, Indistinct ]" " Let's go!" " Let's go." "Come on!" "Move!" " [ Men Yelling ]" "[ Yelling Continues ]" "Defend!" "Lock and load the fucking thing now!" "Take it up, take it up." "Light her!" "Fire!" "Gun!" "Bring me the gun!" "Bring me the gun!" "Bring it!" "Bring it!" "Let's go!" "Come on!" "Load her up." "Load her up." "Charlie, you ready?" " Set!" " Clear!" "Fire!" "Fuck me!" "It worked, man!" "Fire!" " [ Dellwo Shouting, Indistinct ] - [ Irwin ] Mr. Dellwo." " Sir?" " Move ten feet forward." "Yes, sir." "Ten feet forward!" "Ten feet forward!" " Zamorro, target the man loading rocks into the trebuchet." " McLaren?" "Do not let him put another one in." "Dellwo, you gonna make it this time?" " You betcha, sir." " Then now is the time." "All the way, sir!" "Airborne!" "Hey, Jack!" " What?" " This is the one!" "Get it!" "Come on." "No, no, no, no." "This one in the middle." " Come on, baby." " Fire!" "[ Inmates Cheering ]" "[ Cheering Continues ]" " [ Dellwo ] Fire!" " Sir!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "Hold it there!" "Let's go!" "Get it in there!" "Last one!" " Make it count!" "Make it..." " [ Men Screaming ]" " Be still!" " Put it out!" "Put it out!" " Hey, hey!" "It's out!" " You never can tell about these flames, man." "Told you I was gonna get your ass back, motherfucker." "[ Chuckles ]" "Sir." "Sir." "Watch the window." "Get that water cannon now." " Duffy." "Duffy?" " Uh, just a few more minutes, sir." "Fall back!" "Fall back!" "All personnel, fall back!" "Come on!" "Faster!" "[ Men Groaning ]" "Come on, Duffy." "What are you doing?" "Cut it off." " Keep it going!" " [ Groans ]" "Let's shift to the C.P.!" "Shift to the C.P.!" "Now!" "Go!" "[ Men Yelling ]" "[ Yelling ]" "Duffy, what are you doing?" "Ha!" "Yes!" "[ Men Coughing ]" " Charge!" " [ Men Yelling ]" "Shit!" "[ Yelling Continues ]" "[ Grunts ]" " Whoo!" " You coward motherfucker, Winter!" " [ Telephone Rings ]" " Colonel, it's your private line." " Get it." " U.S.M.C.F. Colonel Winter's office." "Uh, yes, sir." "Yes, sir." "Please hold." "It's General Wheeler." "We're on our way, Colonel." "There in 20 minutes." "I don't understand, sir." "You have a prison uprising." "You sent for help." "No, no." "I nev..." "We have the situation under control, sir." " We're just... mopping up now." " [ Wheeler ] Good." "Glad to hear it." "We'll see you in 20 then." "Very good, sir." "I want this over." "Now." "Get them airborne." "[ Engines Whirring ]" "[ Helicopter Whirring ]" "Okay." "Aah!" " Load the water cannon." " Go, go!" "Come on, man!" "All right, give me the grapple!" " Hurry up!" "Hook it on!" " [ Speaks, Indistinct ]" "Where's the fuckin' water?" "Now." "We're hooked!" "[ Men Shouting ]" " Sir, I think that's Yates." " Yes, I know." " Hold on!" " [ Cheering ]" "Where is he?" " [ Gunshot ] - [ Grunts ]" "Hey!" "What are you doing?" "Hey!" "Get this guy out!" "Clear out." "I'm going up." "Zamorro, take him out." "Stop him!" "Stop him!" "To hell with this rubber-bullet shit." " [ Instrument Panel Beeping ]" " Come on!" "Come on!" "[ Screaming ]" "[ Clicks Radio On And Off ]" " Come on." " [ Groans ]" "Oh, no." "I never wrecked one before." "Don't talk." "Go." "Move." "Go!" "Get out!" "Go!" "You okay, Yates?" "Let's go." " Ready?" " Yeah." "[ Dellwo ] Fall in!" "Let's go, men!" "In formation, now!" "On the double!" "Let's go, soldiers!" "Now!" "Let's go!" "Dress right!" "Dress!" "Ready... front!" "Cover!" "The men are assembled, sir." "[ Buzzer ]" "First and second squad, move out." "Third and fourth squad, move out." "I have authorized the use of lethal ammunition at this facility." "Any prisoner who refuses to obey my commands will be shot." "All prisoners down on the ground, now!" "I will give that command one more time." "Then I will fire into them." "Surely, you don't want that on your conscience, do you, Prisoner Irwin?" "All prisoners down on the ground, now!" "[ Irwin ] Wait." "We don't have to do this." "We'll fight on." "No." "It ends here." "Men, get down!" "You, too, Yates." "That's an order." "Now, give me my flag." "It's not your flag." "What are you doing, Mr. Irwin?" "You have lost." "I will not let you do this." "You will not raise that flag upside down!" "Get down on the ground or you will be fired upon." "This is my command!" "You will not raise that flag upside down!" "Designated marksman, open fire." "Selected marksman, open fire." "Open fire on that man!" "That's an order!" "What are they..." "What are they doing?" "What are you doing?" "Do it now!" "Open fire!" "Do not let him desecrate that flag!" "Open fire on that man!" "What are they doing?" " McLaren, Niebolt, with me!" " Niebolt, stay where you are." "Don't you defy me." "Don't you see what he's doing?" "He's undermining my command!" "Don't you see?" "Don't you see what he's doing?" "Don't you see what he's doing?" "Step away from the flag!" "Step away from the flag!" "[ Gunshots ]" "[ Peretz ] Colonel!" "Colonel, put the gun down, sir." " [ Peretz ] Please." "Please, Colonel, put the gun down." " [ Gasps ]" "Colonel." "Sir, it's over now." "Just give it to me." " [ Breathing Heavily ] - [ Peretz ] Prisoners stay down." " Hey, Doc!" " [ Man ] Go now!" "McLaren, get 'em back in the tiers." "[ McLaren ] "A" team, "B" team, move out now." "[ Man ] Let's go!" "Hands behind your head!" "All right!" "On your feet!" " [ Men Shouting ] - [ Grunting ]" "[ Man ] Let's go, people." "Hands behind your head." "[ McLaren ] Prisoners will return to the cell block." "[ Speaks, Indistinct ]" " Come on, Doc." " He's bleeding." " We got an ambulance on the way." " Get him to the hospital." "[ Yates ] A great general once said," ""You tell your men, 'You're soldiers.'" "'That's our flag.'" ""You tell them, 'Nobody takes our flag.'" "'Raise your flag so it flies high where everyone can see it.'" "'Now you've got yourself a castle.'"" "[ Steel-String Guitar ]" "[ Man ] "Where the years have gone I have years to go"" ""Workin' for the man to pay the debt I owe"" ""Well, the time may pass but the truth will stand"" ""When the good Lord shakes this calloused hand"" ""You can call my name It's time to go"" ""But I'll never be free till it's chiselled in stone"" ""Ain't no man gonna carry my load"" ""I gotta be a man and do it on my own"" ""Devil's in my path and the hound's on my heel"" ""Have to walk in my shoes just to know how I feel"" ""The devil's callin' my name He's the one who knows"" ""That I'll never be free till it's chiselled in stone"" ""Chiselled in stone"" ""Well, I keep on goin' though there's no way out"" ""Every stone in my path is a brick in my house"" ""A man's life is built all along the way"" ""By the things that he's done and the choices he's made"" ""Someday they'll call my name I'll have a place of my own"" ""But I'll never be free till it's chiselled in stone"" ""On the final day when the whistle blows"" ""I can rest my body I can rest my soul"" ""I built my castle in the promised land"" ""It's made of rocks and stone and like the shifting sands"" ""When they mention my name after I'm long gone"" ""Well, they'll know I'm free 'cause it's chiselled in stone"" ""Chiselled in stone" Subtitles:" "Filou ;-)" "[ Man ] Take a look at a castle, any castle." "Now break down the key elements that make it a castle." "They haven't changed in a thousand years." "One, location." "A site on high ground that commands the territory... as far as the eye can see." "Two, protection: big walls." "Walls strong enough to withstand a frontal attack." "Three, a garrison." "Men who are trained and willing to kill." "Four, a flag." "You tell your men:" ""You're soldiers and that's our flag."" "You tell them:" ""Nobody takes our flag."" "[ Man ] One step forward." "Forward!" "And you raise that flag so it flies high where everyone can see it." "Now you've got yourself a castle." "The only difference between this castle and all the rest, is that they were built to keep people out." "This castle is built to keep people in." "[ Shouting ]" " [ Men Chattering ] - [ Man On P.A., Indistinct ]" "[ Rapping, Indistinct ]" "Ohh!" "Come on." "Give me the ball." "Give me the ball, man." " Come on." "Give me the fucking ball." " Fuck you!" " [ Knock On Door ] - [ Softly ] Sir?" "[ Louder ] Sir?" "A movement order just came in." "Give it to Captain Peretz." " I'll take that, Sheila." " It's a Category "A" transfer." " Let me see it." " [ Arguing ]" " [ Man ] Fall out!" "Fall out!" "Fall out!" " Play ball, man." "Come on." " [ Classical ] - [ Peretz ] 1700 hours?" "N-No, no, we're prepared." "Well, it's just really fast." "Okay." "Mm-hmm." "All right." "You're sure you're positive about this." "Okay." "Thank you." "Sir?" "Sir?" "[ Exhales ] It's the real deal." "He is coming in at 1700 hours." "Seventeen hundred hours today?" "That's what they said, sir." "I don't understand." "The trial began today." "Apparently, he pled guilty and got ten years." "They're expediting his transfer as a courtesy." "Oh, as a courtesy?" "They should be naming a base after the man." "Not sending him here." "My God, Eugene Irwin." "Well, we have verdict." "We have a sentence." "We have a prisoner." "We do our job..." "whether we like it or not." "Puts us on our toes, though, doesn't it?" "[ Man On P.A.] Escort detail report to Gate 18 prisoner." "Escort detail meet the prisoner on Gate "A"." "[ Gate Buzzes ]" "[ Inmate ] I give him a week." " 'Till what?" " 'Till he "scrags" himself." "The court martial didn't put him over the edge," " I guarantee you the shithouse will." " A week?" " Six bundles." " Six?" "Let's make it ten." " All right." "Make it ten then." " [ Man ] Ah, there we go." "Ten bundles, Mr. Dellwo." "Very specific man." " Anybody else?" " You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." "Come on." "We'll make it like the final four." "Ten bundles a square." "Who's in?" "I'm not going to bet on whether or not a man's going to kill himself." "That's some creepy shit, pilot." "Besides, look at him." "One week?" "He's tougher than that." "[ Inmate ] How much tougher, eight, ten, what?" " [ Inmate ] Eight." " [ Inmate #2 ] Anyone else?" " You're an ice-cold motherfucker, Yates." " Hey, I'm not betting... he's going to off himself, I'm just playing the books." " What about you, Cutbush?" "I know you're in." " Put me in for a week and a half." " A week and a half?" " Wallace?" " Go ahead." " I have the transfer "A" to the P.R.U. now." " Copy that." "P.R.U. - [ Woman ] One wallet." "Leather." " Family photos?" " [ Irwin ] My daughter." " Grandson." " Would you like to keep these?" "Um, that's an authorized item." "I'd appreciate that." "One set of keys." "Glasses." "I'm going to need your ring." "Thank you." "Oh." "Actually, you can keep that." "Academy rings are authorized." "Three stars, two sets." "Looks like that's everything." " So, uh..." " [ Knocking On Door ]" " Sir?" "Prisoner Irwin is outside." " Five minutes." "Five minutes." "You can put that down if you want." " You talking to me?" " Yes." "I know what you're thinking." "Do I salute you, or do you salute me?" "Well, the answer is neither." "My men salute me, of course, and each other according to rank." "But there is no saluting by the general prison population." "Well, first things first." "Are you hungry?" " No." " Are you sure?" "Mondays are our Salisbury steak night." " Always a cause for celebration." " Indeed." "Indeed." "May I offer you some lemonade?" " Thank you." " Just be a minute, sir." " Prisoner Aguilar..." " If you'll step over here, I'll give you... a basic layout of the facility." "The building we're in now is the administration building." "That building there houses the tiers." "That's where you and the other inmates will live." "The building next to it is the laundry, where I've had you assigned." "Oh, that is the old blockhouse wall." "It's all that's left of the original prison from the 1870s." "I could've removed it, but I thought it was important to keep a sense of history, so I asked the men to rebuild it." " They seem to enjoy it." "It's a matter of some pride now." " [ Knock On Door ]" " Sir?" " Yes?" "Please, on the table there." "Please." "[ Peretz ] Come on." "Let's go." "I personally meet with every new inmate here at the prison." "Usually downstairs." "And I ask them a question." "What do you expect from your time here at the castle?" "Nothing." "Just to do my time and go home." "Perfect." "That is the perfect answer." "And now I have what may seem under the circumstances, a bizarre request." "I have a collection of most of the seminal books on warfare, including The Burden of Command." "And I was wondering if you would do me the honour of signing it?" " Certainly." " Thank you." " Captain Peretz." " Yes, sir?" "Two minutes." " That's impressive." " Yeah." "It's a great collection, isn't it?" "Yeah, sure." "That's a minie ball from Shiloh, used in battle." "Grant lost 13,000 men at Shiloh." "Suppose this got one of'em?" "Never know." "Do you?" "I mean, do you collect anything?" "[ Irwin ] No." "Just a few coins from some of the countries I've travelled to." "My father didn't care for military collections." "I guess it stuck with me." "Any man with a collection like this is a man who's never set foot on a battlefield." "To him, a minie ball from Shiloh is just an artefact." "And to a combat vet, it's a hunk of metal... that caused some poor bastard a world of pain." "I must have misshelved it..." "your book." "We'll do it another time." "No, please, please." "Allow me." "Sir, lights out in five." "Do I hold the lock?" "No." "No." "We are..." "We're through here." "Prisoner Aguilar, what are you doing?" "You do not salute this man." "This man has no rank." "Saluting amongst prisoners is prohibited." "Y-Yes, sir." "Bu-But I was saluting you." " Take the prisoners to their cells, Captain." " Yes, sir." "Thank you for your hospitality, Colonel." "You're welcome." "[ Man On P.A.] Inmates, one step to the rear..." "Ho!" "[ Man ] Shut the doors!" "You're gonna be in cell 345." " You get to shower every other day." " [ Prisoners Chattering ]" " Okay, hold up." " You fuck!" "I'm going to kill you!" " [ Guard ] Shut up, Beaupre." " [ Shouting Continues ]" "[ Peretz ] Do not cross the yellow line while in formation." "During the day you're free to be in this area we're walking in right now." " Showers on both sides." " Those stars don't mean shit now, do they?" "You're allowed one book in your cell, in addition to the Bible." "Go up here, then make a right." " I've got eight bundles on you, General!" " Let's see..." "No, no, no." "You got to hold out for five weeks, then kill yourself!" "[ Peretz Talking, Indistinct ]" " Three-four-five." "Crash 345." " [ Bell Rings ]" "You all right, General?" "[ Peretz ] First call, 0600." " [ Inmate ] What'd you do, man?" " What are you here for, man?" " Close 345." " [ Inmate ] How many did you kill?" "[ Inmate ] Welcome to the castle, baby!" " [ Knocking On Door ] - [ Peretz ] Sir?" "Sir?" "[ Exhales ] Prisoner Irwin's in his cell." " He's really something, isn't he?" " Mmm." "Would you like the end-of-day report, sir?" " Is everyone where they're supposed to be?" " Yes, sir." "Then skip it." "Very good, Colonel." "Is there anything else?" "Tomorrow, put out only one basketball." "[ Inmate ] What you doing?" " You just hit a brick wall." " Nigger, why you doin' that shit?" " Come on, little brother." " Get your hands off me!" " Come on, bitch!" " [ Arguing Escalates ]" "[ Inmates Shouting, Cheering ]" "[ Whistles ]" "Three-to-one on the little man." "[ All Shouting ]" "[ Inmate ] Stab him!" "Come on, Thumper." "Kill 'im!" "Come on, bitch!" " [ Talking, Indistinct ]" " What are you doing?" " Man, you don't like it, Doc, take a walk." " You're fuckin' sick, Yates." "[ Classical ]" "You see how easy it is to manipulate men?" "Someone should write a paper on it." "[ Continues ]" "Hold." "Come on!" "Come on, bitch!" " End it." " Sound the horn." "[ Horn Blaring ]" "[ Guard ] On the ground now!" "[ Man On P.A.] All inmates remain on the ground in a prone position." "Get the hell down now!" " Thumper, get down!" " [ Thumper ] I didn't mean it!" "[ Inmates Yelling ] Get down, Thumper!" "Get down!" " Get down, Thumper!" " Yes, sir." "[ Man On P.A.] All inmates remain on the ground in a prone position." " [ Inmates Yelling ]" " No!" "I didn't do anything!" " [ Singing, Indistinct ]" " Thumper, get down!" "' Sound off"" "[ Thumper Groans ]" "[ Horn Fades ]" " [ Gunshot ] - [ Inmates ] Oh, shit!" " Watch where you're going." " Kiss my ass!" "Don't worry about it." "We'll do it later." " [ Inmate ] Damn nigger!" " [ Inmate #2 ] What?" " You heard me!" " [ Inmate #2 ] Say it to my face, white bitch!" "I'm gonna kick your white ass through the air!" "Shut the fuck up!" "What the fuck you doing, beano?" "Hey!" "I said what the fuck are you doing?" " The mortar's weak, Beaupre." " Don't worry about it." " Mind your own business." " Cool out, man." "Shut the fuck up, or I'll stick this in your neck." "[ Cutbush ] They'll throw you back in the hole." " It's all w-weak." " Don't worry about the mortar." " M-My daddy's..." "My daddy's a mason." " Spit it out." "I don't give a fuck if your dad built the pyramids." "Whites work the wall, period." "Get back on spic duty and bring me some rocks before I give you a slap." " They won't set, Beaupre." " What did I just tell you?" "What'd I just tell you?" "We're only doing this... to keep Johnny-fucking-eyeballs off our back." "Don't make me tell you again." "Back the fuck off!" "Beaupre!" "Knock it off." "What?" "Big hero." "Don't worry about me going back to the hole." "[ Chattering ]" "How you doing?" "You probably don't remember me, but I served under you in the Gulf." "Dr Thomas Bernard, 33rd Medical Unit." "That's right." "Actually, it's Lee Bernard, but close enough." "You were arrested for hashish..." "possession of hashish... as I remember." " That's right." " It was a small amount, as I recall." " You don't get sent here for that." " No, no." "You don't." "There's more to it than that." "Hey, Thumper!" " I was able to get you an aspirin." " Thanks." "[ Exhales ] I got shot with a real bullet once, Doc." "Didn't hurt this much." "That's the upside of real bullets, they cut through the flesh, hit fewer nerve endings." "Downside is they kill you." "Of course, so do the rubber ones sometimes." "[ Thumper ] Hell of a downside." "Hey, Doc, you think I might get one of them Purple Hearts?" "Absolutely, Thumper." "You take it easy." "I'll try to get you some more." "You know Winter played us with that one basketball shit?" "Come on, man." " General, sir." " Don't call me sir." "I'm not a general any more." " Can we at least talk to you?" " About what?" "You still got friends in the Pentagon, right?" "You could talk to them." "I'm a little hazy on the subject matter." "Look, what happened here today happens all the time, sir." " Let me get this straight." "You mean there's violence?" " Yeah." " In a prison packed with violent criminals." " That's not what we're saying." "No." "There's been..." "How many this year, Doc?" "Um, 13 men down, 11 of them were critical injuries..." "Stop your fucking whining." "Listen to yourselves." "Then he only gives us the most basic medical treatment." "Completely substandard services." " Substandard services?" " Yes." "Substandard services." "It's fucked-up shit, man." "I had a friend in Hanoi who had to repair his own fractured tibia." "You cannot begin to compare what went on in a foreign POW camp 30 years ago..." "No, you can't compare." "I've led real soldiers in more difficult situations than this." "But you're not real soldiers any more, and neither am I." "There've been murders." "Do you know what happens when you take a rubber bullet to the head?" "The lights go out." "Twice in the last year there've been accidents..." " where men have been hit in the head and killed." " Nothing can be proven." "We're talking about expert marksmen shooting from minimal distances." "The guards just say the guy turned his head and boom." "It's not a random thing." "You get on Winter's bad side, you're done." "When you're doing combat duty, after a while, life just becomes snapshots." "Most of them horrible." "But not all of them." "Three years ago in Bosnia, I was driving a small unit through an IFOR town." "And I saw something pretty interesting." "I saw an old man sitting on a bombed-out porch, playing a game of dominos with what I presume is his grandson." "When I saw that I thought, you know, it's my turn." "I didn't retire after that, as I should have." "I took one last assignment." "It was a mistake." "So, gentlemen, I'm done." "I'm not fighting anyone or anything any more." "I'm doing my time here, I'm going home, and God willing," "I'm going to sit on the porch and play a game of dominos... with my grandson, who I've never met." "What'd I fucking tell you, Doc?" "You call a three-star general "man"?" "Why don't you call him "dude"?" "[ Man On P.A.] Attention, inmates, the library will close early at 1700 hours." "The library will close early tonight at 1700 hours." " Watch yourself, snitch." " Hey, Yates, everything all right?" " Okay." " [ Inmate ] My boy say you got a nice ass." "I got a guy in 129 who's way behind, telling me stories." " How late is he?" " Three weeks." " Why didn't you tell me?" " I'm telling you now." "Yates, no way that was a touchdown, baby." "That was a fucked-up call." "Keep that shit on the down-low." "They're all fucked-up calls." "How you doing?" "So we lost: 22 to 20." "Army-Navy game." "Class of '92." "I met you once when I was a kid." "1981." "It was a welcome-back celebration at the White House for the POWs." " My father was with you in Hanoi." " What's your name?" " Yates." " Yates?" "Sam Yates?" "That's right." " Good man." " Nah, he wasn't." "After 30 years, everyone's a good man." "It's the law." " Mmm." " How is he?" "How's your dad?" "He's not too good." "He's dead." " [ Man On P.A., Indistinct ]" " I'm sorry." "What happened?" "Came home." "Billingworth, Irwin, Jacobson..." "You're late." "You have five minutes left on your visitor." " Five minutes left." " [ Chattering ]" "Rosalie?" " Hi." " Hi." " It's good of you to come." " Thank you." "Was it hard getting here?" "Um, I missed a turn." "It's just good to see you." " How's Ben?" "Good?" " Fine." "Uh-huh." " School okay?" "Grades?" " Um, well he's in first grade." " Well, do you have a picture of him?" " No." "The one I have is two years old." "He must have changed a lot since... since then." "And how are you, Rosalie?" "Um..." " Look, Dad..." " Uh-oh. "Look, Dad."" "I just..." "I can't do this." "I can't do this small-talk thing with you." "The whole drive over here, I was trying to think what..." "What am I going to say?" "What can we talk about beyond the weather... and how's Ben, and I just went blank." "Do I..." "Do I intimidate you?" " Intimidate me?" " I guess that's the downside... of having a "Yes, sir" "No, sir" military father, but I tried not to..." "You weren't a father at all." "God, I'm sorry." "I don't want to whine." "I'm not here to be cruel." "You're a great man." "And you've done so much for this country." " But?" " No." "No but." "No but." "Just this isn't the place." "Well, it's the only place I've got right now, Rose." "Why did you call me, Dad?" "Why?" "I don't know you." "You don't know me." "I mean, what did you think asking me here?" "That I'd come every Sunday and maybe I'd bring Ben... and he would sit and colour while we talked?" "There was a time." "When I was about 20," "I had a whole list of things I was going to say to you." " [ Bell Rings ]" " Those days are gone." "[ Guard ] The visitation session is over." "Please conclude your visits." " [ Inmate ] This isn't enough time, man." " Let's go, folks." "Let's go." "I'm sorry you're in this place." "And I wish you the best." "[ Scattered Goodbyes ]" "I wish you the best." "I guess you figured out what to say after all." " I guess I did." " Be all right if I wrote?" "Is that okay?" "There's some things I'd like to tell you." "When I was in first grade, I got straight "A"s." "[ Inmate ] Come on." "Let's go." " Afternoon, sir." " Don't call me that." "I'm not..." "Put your hand down." " Permission to speak, sir." " What?" "I just wanted to say welcome to the castle, sir." " It's good to have you aboard, sir." " Aboard?" " You navy puke, son?" " No, no, sir." "I was in the Corps." "What rank were you when you were arrested?" " I was a c-c-c..." " It was either colonel or corporal." " I'm guessing corporal." " Yes, sir." "Why are you here?" "What did you do?" "Well, that's just it." "I di-didn't do nothing." "It was a mistake." "Oh." "Okay." "[ Man On P.A.] Medication call is in five minutes." "I h-hurt someone real bad." "How long you been here?" " Two years." " And how long do you have?" "How much longer?" "Four years, eight months, eleven days." "And this mistake, you've just the one?" "Just-Just one." " Just one day in your life?" " Ju-Ju-Ju..." "No." "Take your time." "Got plenty of that." "Just five seconds, sir." "And you're a marine for what, one or two years?" "And you're a violent criminal for five seconds?" " Yes, sir." " Well, according to my calculations, that makes you mostly marine." "About 98 percent, I'd say." " Yes, sir." " Then why not act like one?" "Stand tall." "This thing that you're doing with your hand, grabbing your hair, what's that?" " That was a salute." " A sa..." "Oh, no. [ Laughs ]" " I don't think so." "You know where saluting comes from?" " No, sir." "It comes from medieval times." "Two knights would approach each other on horseback." "They would raise their visors and show their faces." "It's like they're saying, "This is who I am." "I'm not the enemy and I'm not afraid."" "A salute's about respect, son." "Respect for yourself, the service and the flag." " [ Knocking On Door ]" " If you're going to do this..." "Sir, you wanted to see me?" "Sir?" "Come." "Look at that." " Oh, man." " No, no, no." "At the war college, his very name was spoken... with a reverence." "As if the syllables themselves conveyed what it meant to be a soldier." "Now here he is commanding an army of one... the stuttering monkey." "Can't even watch." "I discussed the regulations on saluting with Aguilar, did I not?" " Yes, sir." " Remind him again... effectively." "[ Horn Blaring ]" "Put your hand down." "Put it down." " You don't have to do this." " Prisoner Irwin, what are you doing?" " He doesn't have to do this." " Look, just step back in the prison..." "Son, I know a thing or two about the disciplining of soldiers." " Prisoner Aguilar, resume your punishment." " Punishment is over." "Aguilar, I'm warning you..." " [ Whistle ]" " Men down!" "Men down!" "You're better than this." " Okay, okay." "That's enough." " [ Alarm Wailing ]" "[ Man On P.A.] All inmates remain on the ground in the prone position." "All inmates remain on the ground in the prone position." "[ Guard ] Stay down!" "Everybody stay down!" "What is happening here?" "This prisoner was interfering with the corporal punishment of prisoner Aguilar." "Prisoner Irwin, I understand your coming here must be a big adjustment for you." "To go from commanding thousands of troops in battle, having no war to fight and no one to follow you must not be easy." "However, I do ask that you learn how things are done around here... and try to set an example for the other men." "Saluting is prohibited." "Aguilar was saluting." "He is being disciplined." "Surely you understand that." " Captain, take the prisoner back to his cell." " Yes, sir." "Sir?" "May the prisoner speak, sir?" " Yes." " According to the Manual of Conduct, the corporal punishment for a prisoner begun on the day shift... cannot exceed the following morning's horn." "Prisoner Irwin, you are absolutely right." "Thank you for bringing that to my attention." " Captain." "Captain." " Yes, sir." "Prisoner Irwin, under no circumstances... is an inmate allowed to make physical contact with an officer." "You have violated the U.S.M.C.F. Manual of Conduct." "And this violation requires discipline." "What's going on?" " Winter's got him on rock-and-roll detail." " Is he not going to make it?" "No way." "Three-two against." "Come on, you guys." "Those stones weigh 25 pounds apiece." "It's gonna be 85 degrees by noon." "We have 2,000 percent humidity." "The guy's not going to make the day." " Everyone paid up this week?" " Yeah, we're good." "Put mine in, double or nothing against." "No way he's gonna make it." " Beaupre, 12." " [ Yates ] Double or nothing, against." "Hey, hey, hey." "[ Continues, Indistinct ]" "[ Yates ] Who's down for ten?" "At least take some water." "If you're dehydrated, you're gonna drop." " Can he take it off, boss?" " Captain?" "You can take off your shirt if you want." " [ Inmate #1 ] Hey!" " [ Inmate #2 ] What the fuck is that?" " Electrical burn scars." " What do you mean?" "How long was he in there?" "Six years." "Could've got out in four." "They offered him a full release, but he stayed six." "He said he wouldn't leave without his men." "[ Inmate ] Come on, baby!" "Drop that rock!" "[ Inmates Cheering In Distance ]" "[ Inmate ] Come on, General." "You can do it." " Come on, baby!" " [ Inmate ] Push that rock, soldier!" "Kind of tired, sir." "Why don't you call it quits?" "Don't listen to him, sir." "It's not that hot." "Why don't you call it quits, sir?" "Go, General!" "Come on, baby!" "[ Inmate ] Come on." "One more rock!" "You got it, sir!" "That's it." "It's over." "Somebody pushed me." "That's it." "He's down." " He can't go on like that." "It's all over." "Stay down." " Look at me." " Follow it." " It's all done." "All over." "It's all over." "Yates, 36 packs you owe me." " How many?" " Four." " What day is it?" " Saturday." " He's fine." " [ All Cheering ]" "[ Grunts ]" " Yeah!" " [ Inmates Chanting ] Go!" "Go!" "Go!" "[ Cheering ]" "[ Cheering Continues ]" "Yes, sir." "[ Blows Whistle ]" "The discipline order was horn-to-horn labour." "Doesn't matter where the stones are." "You have to continue." "What's he supposed to do, Captain?" "He just moved the whole goddamn pile." "Well, he can move 'em back." " [ Exhales ]" " Bets are still on." " Seven-two, against." " You're a fuckin' snake, man." " Don't bet if you don't want to." " Yates, four in favour." "Four in favour, Aguilar." "Four in favour!" "Who's down for ten?" "The horn." "They're holding the horn." "Winter's holding the horn." "That ain't right." " [ Inmate ] Son of a bitch." " [ Grunts ]" " [ Horn Blaring ]" " All right, everybody to the tiers for count!" " Let's go!" "Move it!" " [ Man On P.A.] Inmates will move to tiers... for face-to-badge count." "Inmates will report to the tiers for face-to-badge count." "Why would you kill yourself to help him with his wall?" "It's not his wall." "It's your wall." "Prisoner Irwin, let's go." "The commandant would like to see you." " They clean you up okay?" " Yes." "The cut above your eye, it's not too serious I hope." "I'm okay." "[ Sighs ] Well, I am sorry about this." "It's the standard cooling-off period after a punishment detail." "I hope you understand..." "I did this for the men." " The men?" " Yes, to show them..." "To show them that you are no different than they are." "Your new friend, Aguilar, he took a claw hammer to his platoon leader." "He maimed him in a quote, unquote fit of rage." "[ Sighs ] Whenever I am..." "filled with doubt... whenever sentiment creeps in..." "I just have to open an inmate's file and see what he's done." "I see what he's capable of." "I see the worst in him." "And that makes my job easier." "It crystallizes my mission." " Take him back to the tiers." " Yes, sir." "Hold on." " Sergeant, taking him back to cell 345." " Very well, Private." "[ Tapping Sound ]" "[ Inmates Tapping In Unison ]" "[ Tapping Continues, Louder ]" "[ Inmate ] General!" "[ Inmate ] Good night, guys." " Your winnings." " My winnings?" "Aguilar placed a bet for you." "Four bundles at seven-to-two, two bundles at eleven to one." "That's 36 bundles." "You know, you could get yourself thrown out of the Hall of Fame for betting on yourself." "Corporal Aguilar." "Would you pass these out to the men?" "I don't smoke." "Thank you, sir." " So you're the gambler." " Nah, I don't gamble." "I'm just the bookkeeper." " Yeah?" "I hear you're running a suicide pool on me." " That's right." " Any squares left?" " [ Chuckles ] Yeah, there's one." "Nine weeks." " How much to enter?" " No way, man." "Knowing you, you'd off yourself just to win the bet." "Oh-ho, not me." "I bet on myself, it's to win." "Yeah, you don't always win." "No. [ Chuckles ] Clearly not." "You know, my father said you kept him alive in Hanoi." " He said you kept all those guys alive." " Nah." "When you're tortured, the first thing they do is try to break down your sense of self." "And I broke in Hanoi." "For weeks, the last thing in my mind was self-preservation." "In fact, I prayed for death every night." "And the only thing that kept me from answering those prayers, were the voices of the men in the other rooms..." "your father among them." "I don't care what you've heard, Yates." "They kept me alive." "Not the other way around." "Hey!" "Sir?" "You cost me my whole stash of smokes." "Oh." "Well, I'm sorry about that." "Well, you win some, you lose some." "So what did you mean earlier about it being our wall?" "I mean, it's Winter's wall." "That fuck just makes us work it to keep us occupied." "It's like we're a bunch of little kids or something." "In 1870, there was nothing here." "The original prison was built by prisoners." "I want to show..." "I want to show you something I found the other day." "Where?" "Oh, here it is." "You see this?" ""Private A.J. Beck, 1912-1923"" "Now why do you suppose Private Beck..." "What do you think he was doing, building his own prison?" " How the fuck do I know?" " Well, I don't know either, but I can make a guess." "My guess is he wasn't building a prison." "My guess is he was building something else." "They may have told him to build a prison, but, in his own mind, he was raising walls to protect himself." "My guess is he was building a castle." "That's a castle?" "Yeah, it could be." "Could be." " If somebody rebuilt it." " How we supposed to do that, sir?" "How are you supposed to do that?" "I don't know anything about walls." "Why don't you ask pri..." "Ask Aguilar." "His dad's a mason." "[ Inmates Cheering ]" "[ Hysterical Laughter ]" "Niebolt!" "Good morning, sir." " What happened here?" " The prisoners, they knocked it down, sir." " Why?" " Irwin, he told them to." "Thank you." "Beau-Beaupre?" "What's up, Aguilar?" "Th-That's not the right rock." "Cutbush, you believe this kid?" "Yeah, he seems to know his shit, you know?" "All right, Aguilar." "I'll bite." " Bring me the right rock." " O-Okay." "You need a rock with a flat edge, because-because that one's jagged." " Th-The jagged ones go in the middle." " The middle?" "All right." "Bring me another one." "If I keep getting you the flat rocks, you'll never learn..." "I'll get you one more, okay, Beaupre?" "Mr. Aguilar?" "It looks good." "Thanks, chief." " [ Inmate ] Morning, chief." " [ Man ] "Molly be damned"" ""Smote Jimmy the Harp with a horrid little pistol and a lariat"" ""She's goin' to the bottom She's goin' down the drain"" ""Said she wasn't big enough to carry it"" ""She said, "Get behind the mule"" " "Gotta get behind the mule"" " Pu-Put that on the outside." ""You gotta get behind the mule"" ""In the morning and plough"" ""You gotta get behind the mule"" ""In the morning and plough"" "I'm impressed." "Pretty handy with a trowel." " Good work, you guys." " You know it, chief." " Nice work." " Thanks, chief." " What do you think?" " I think she's beautiful." " That's the word." " Eighteen courses in one week." "Aguilar..." "I'm proud of you." "You should be proud." " Men did good, huh?" " They did." "Now, listen." "Be sure to leave a window, a portal." "Every castle has one." "Aguilar?" "Excuse me, chief." "Aguilar, come here a minute." " Go ahead." " Guys, hold up a minute." "Hold up the work." "Hold up." "Maybe you should go first." "Put your name in the wall." "Hey, hold up on the work." "Come on." "Put your name right in here." "Spell it out." "A... [ Stutters ] G-G-G." " Scumbags are having at it, sir." "Yes, sir." " [ Winter ] Really?" "They're calling Irwin "chief"." "That's the word they got for general." "They got substitute names for the other ranks, too, sir." "Anybody who was a captain is "boss"." "Sergeants are "sport", privates are "pal"." "Playing soldier, sir." " Hearts and minds." " Sir?" "He's building a structure of loyalty." "He's offering them self-respect, in exchange for obedience." "The general is building himself an army." "He can have their hearts and minds, sir." "As long as we got 'em by the balls." " Well put, Corporal." " Thank you, sir." " Captain." " [ Cocks Gun ]" " Bring him to my office." " Who, sir?" " The prince of Venezuela." "Who do you think?" " General Irwin?" "Mr. Irwin." "[ Winter ] When you first arrived here, I asked you a question." "Apparently, I need to ask it again." "What do you want from your time here at the castle, Mr. Irwin?" "And my answer is the same as it was then." "Do my time." "Go home." "So you say, but everything you have done has contradicted that." "[ Sighs ] These men are not here for unpaid parking fines and traffic..." "I'm under no illusion why the men are here, Colonel." "I just think they might be reminded... about some of the good things they've done, rather than only the worst." "Yes, that is... that is something my predecessor used to say." "In his last two years here there were seven escape attempts, twelve injury assaults on officers and N.C.O.s, including one killed." "Since I've assumed command, there have been zero escape attempts, zero injury assaults, zero fatalities." "Some may question my methods, but they do work." "No soldier has ever died needlessly under my command, Mr. Irwin." "See, I, too, share the burden of command." "You may not think that I've ever set foot on a battlefield, but that's because you've never sat behind this desk... this desk." "My men and I are vastly outnumbered." "We spend every day behind enemy lines." "Because, make no mistake about it, Mr. Irwin, they are the enemy." "But I don't need to justify myself to you, do I?" "I don't know." "Do you?" "This wall... that has become the focus of so much... tension... and turmoil..." "Well... in about two minutes, there will be no more wall." " [ Horn Honks ] - [ Man ] Back away from the wall..." "[ Indistinct ] Back away!" " Come on!" " [ Bulldozer Advancing ]" "Back away from the wall." "Come on!" "Aguilar!" "Aguilar, damn it!" "What is he doing?" "Sound the horn." "[ Horn Blaring ]" "Agui..." "Get down!" " [ Man On P.A.] All inmates remain on the ground..." " Aguilar, get down!" "[ Niebolt ] What the hell are you doing?" "Get down, Aguilar." " [ Aguilar ] No!" " Get down!" " [ Inmate ] Hey, what are you doing, Ramon?" "Get down!" " Aguilar, get down!" " Aguilar, get the hell down!" " Zamorro." " Yes, sir." " You bet, sir." " What the hell are you doing?" " Get down!" " [ Inmates shouting ] Get down!" "Get down!" " Aguilar, get down!" " Get down!" " [ Gunshot ] - [ Blaring Horn Subsides ]" " Aguilar?" " [ Doc ] Permission to examine the prisoner, sir." " [ Niebolt ] Doc!" "Come on!" " Sir." "[ Cell Door Closes ]" "[ Inmates Chattering, Indistinct ]" " Dellwo." " Sir?" " You're a sergeant-major?" " I was." "Prisoners!" "Fall in!" "I said, fall in!" "[ Dellwo ] Let's go, ladies!" "Now!" "Now!" "Now!" "All right!" "Let's fall in!" "Fall in!" "We don't got all day!" "Come on." "Fall in!" "You look like a bunch of old women!" "Fall in, goddamn it!" "Fall in!" "Now!" "Now!" "Now!" " Scumbags runnin' the asylum?" " [ Chuckles ] Maybe." "Some may think to be remembered in this way... would be a disgrace to a soldier." "But this is not a disgrace." "The greatest monuments to fallen men... are not made in marble." "They're deep in the sea, deep in the jungles, on foreign battlefields, a rifle driven into the ground... with a helmet on top..." "and some tags." "And that is the tribute that this man has earned." "Gentlemen, Corporal Ramon Aguilar," "United States Marine Corps." "[ Inmate ] "From the halls of Montezuma"" ""To the shores of Tripoli"" "[ Other Inmates Joining ] ' We fight our country's battles '" ""In the air on land and sea"" ""First to fight for right and freedom"" "' And to keep our honour clean '" "' We are proud to claim the title '" "' Of United States Marines '" "' Duh-duh, da, da, da, da Da, duh-duh '" "' La, la-la, la La-la, la '" " [ Snickers ]" " Sir, do you..." "[ Singing Continues ]" "' Da-da da Da-da da da Da-da da '" "' Da-da da da Da-da da da-da '" "Sound the chow horn." "Sir, you still have about ten minutes." " Sound it." " Yes, sir." " "Da da-da da..." - [ Horn Blares ]" " [ Singing Stops ] - [ Dellwo ] Present... arms!" "Fall... out!" "[ Man On P.A.] Chow call." "All inmates report to the mess hall." "Chow call." "All inmates report to the mess hall." "So, tell me again." "Why is it Aguilar had to die?" " [ Enriquez ] Believe us now?" " [ Irwin ] I believe you now." "Very good." "You have checkmate in five moves." "Looks that way, sir." "Why you movin' if I have checkmate in five moves?" "'Cause I have checkmate in three." "[ Enriquez ] Shall we, uh, call it a draw?" "[ Winter ] If you'll excuse us, Mister, uh..." "[ Peretz ] Enriquez." "Let's go." "Move it out." "[ Extended Sigh ]" "Your, uh, grandson." "Yes." "Very cute." " Five?" " Four, when that picture was taken." " Oh." " Six now." "It was unfortunate about..." "Aguilar." "But tough decisions do go with the job." "Burden of command, correct?" "[ Exhales ] Look." "These salutes, I've given them some thought." "Technically, they are not a violation of regulations." "So, if the inmates can confine themselves to a simple... hand movement through the hair," "I see no problem with it." "And if the men want to call you chief, well, that's fine." "Free speech and all that." " Okay, then." " No, not okay." "It's too late, Colonel." " It's too late for what?" " For your offer." "The men don't want to salute." "They don't want to use rank." "They don't want better food." "They don't want more TV." "They just want your resignation." "So do I." " My resignation?" " You're a disgrace, Colonel." "A disgrace to the uniform." "You should not be allowed to retain your command." "Well, then I'd better go pack." "[ Chuckles ]" " I think you should." " Oh?" "Tell me, Mr. Irwin, what's to stop me from just... placing you in the hole..." "for, say, six months?" "Nothing." "If that's the way you want to win." "[ Peretz ] Sir, if I can make a suggestion," " maybe we should isolate prisoner Irwin..." " Get me General Wheeler." "[ Inmates Shouting ]" "Yes, sir." "[ Winter ] Two weeks ago, I watched as he marched a man up and down the yard." "A minor eccentricity." "Fine." "Since then, he's been acting as though... he still has a command in some fantasy army." " And yesterday..." " I don't think you'd want to make general." "Now, you wouldn't want to give up all these perks, would you?" "[ Laughs ]" "Sorry." "Go on." "Yesterday, Mr. Irwin... told me he required my resignation." "Frankly, I think he's started to lose the plot." "You saying he's delusional?" "I'm saying he needs professional psychiatric help." "He's sick and becoming pathetic." "Uh, you might want to be a little more careful in your word choice." "That sick, pathetic man put this star on my shoulder." "Yes, sir." "I know." "And I also know that you sat in on his court martial." "And don't talk about things that are above your pay grade." " Hmm?" " Yes, sir." "General Wheeler, I admire the man as much as you do." "So I want to see that he gets the best care possible." "And I'm not sure that this is the right place for that." "All right." "Well, let me see him." "[ Buzzer Buzzes, Door Opens ]" "Do we read the rules, sir?" "Read 'em." "Well, sir, normally for a contact visit, folks are limited to one embrace in the beginning and one at the end." "And, uh, hands must be visible at all times, also." "I guess that rules out the hand-job." "[ Laughs ]" "Thank you, gentlemen." " Permission to be seated, sir." " Permission granted." " What are you doing here, Jim?" " I'm here to see if you've lost your mind." " [ Chuckles ] - [ Sheila ] Uh, he should be available later." " I can take a mes..." "Just a second." " Good morning, Miss Kelly." " Jim..." "Jim, yeah..." "Hold on..." " Miss Kelly?" "Miss Kelly, I got everything here but..." " the athletic gear." " I found that..." "I found that top one laying on the floor out in the hallway." " Hold on one second." "What, Danny?" " I found that top one..." " laying on the floor in the hallway." " Fine." "Thanks, Danny." "Uh, yeah." "We just needed you to send him up here as soon as possible." "[ Phone Ringing ]" "He's saying you're delusional, that you're acting as if you're still in command of an army." "He's saying I'm delusional because he wants me gone." "[ Sighs ]" "[ Wheeler ] Now, if you had ironclad evidence... of Winter killing a man in cold blood for no good reason, then I could do something, maybe." "Outside of that, the man's been investigated three times." "He's been exonerated three times." "And as far as Washington is concerned," " he's doin' a superb job." " [ Chuckles ]" "Yeah, and you're a convicted criminal." " You could get another investigation." " Yes, I could." "But without any new evidence, what would be the point?" "And besides that, Gene, honestly," "I don't give a rat's ass." "I don't care." "What I care about is you and getting you out of here." "Now, haven't you punished yourself enough?" " What I did was wrong, Jim." " [ Peretz ] All teams." "All teams, this is a full S.O.R.T. alert." "Repeat..." "All teams, this is a full S.O.R.T. Alert." "[ Men Shouting, Indistinct ]" "I cannot let this continue." "Now, you will get out of here, and you will go spend some time... with your daughter and your grandson." "I can have my staff write up a compassionate release on medical grounds." " It can say whatever you want it to say." " There's nothing wrong with me, Jim." "For Christ's sake, will you work with me?" " There is nothing wrong with me." " I see no indication of anything, sir." "Of course not." "He'll keep it hidden until the last possible second." "Red Team, go." "Go, go, go!" "Gene, what the hell is this about?" "Is this about control?" " Because, you know, no castle can have two kings." " Go, go, go, go, go!" "Get down!" "On the floor, now!" " General, you must come with us." " What are you doing?" "[ Man On P.A.] All inmates remain on the ground in the prone position." "All inmates remain on the ground..." " Let's go!" " What is this!" "What is this for Christ's sake?" " [ Shouting Continues ] - [ Door Slams Shut ]" "Go!" "Let's go!" "Go, go, go, go!" " [ Shouting ]" " All right!" "[ Screaming, Yelling ]" "Sir?" "Tear gas?" "Return to hangar." "Nothing is happening." "It was a bluff." "You can take her home." "Return to hangar." "You thought he was gonna try to take me hostage?" " Yes, it was a precautionary move." " What the hell kind of... grab-ass unit are you running here, Colonel?" "Sir, at 11:58 this morning, I received a letter... stating that a group of inmates were planning on taking you hostage at 12:10." "I thought it prudent to act immediately to ensure your safety." "I've been hearing some disturbing things about what goes on in here." "And now I'm hearing it from a man I trust and whose opinion I respect." " May I speak freely, sir?" " Yes, you may." "With all due respect, General," "I don't know what you may have been hearing." "But until you've spent some time in the yard with those animals, you have no idea what happens in there." "Point taken, Colonel." "Nevertheless, if I hear... one more story about a man dying under your command, you are through here." " Do you understand me?" " Yes, sir." "All right." "As far as Gene Irwin is concerned, it is my judgment he is as sane as you or I." "I wish he wasn't." "He is." "Frankly, I'd like nothing more than an excuse to get him out of here." "But I see the only way that's gonna happen is if you request it." "That is true, sir." "So you just..." "You tell me you can't handle him." "He's gone." "Oh, I think I can handle him, sir." "You watch yourself, Colonel." ""Eugene R. Irwin," ""Lieutenant General, United States Army," ""in direct contravention of an order to evacuate Burundi... by his commander-in-chief..."" "That is the president, for those of you who do not know." ""... selected a platoon of men to extract Jackson Ngwe, a local warlord." ""Disregarding reliable intelligence," ""General Irwin's reconnaissance team entered the ville at 0300." "Eight men were captured and executed. "" "Disregarding... reliable intelligence... eight men... were executed." "What I want you men to understand... is what the consequences can be... when you choose to follow a man who is motivated... solely by his pride." "A man who will do anything for one more victory notch on his belt, no matter what the cost, before he fades away." " [ Peretz ] Start the extractions." " [ Protesting Shouts ]" "[ Inmates Clamouring ]" "[ Alarm Bell Ringing ]" "Over here!" "Come here!" "Let's go." "Get out!" "Get out!" " [ Bell Rings ]" " Hi, Doc." "Let's go for a little walk." "Get the fuck back!" " Open 355!" " Open it up!" "[ Snarls ] Look at you." "Relax, ladies." " [ Groans ]" " Hold him down, men!" "[ Indistinct ] I had nothing to do with this!" " No!" " [ Groans ]" "Uhh!" " Why don't you just execute me?" " No reason for that!" " Turn him around." " [ Baton Blows Thudding ]" " [ Groaning ] - [ Handcuffs Clicking ]" " Don't put me in the hole!" "[ Man Screaming ] Oh, don't..." "don't put me in the hole!" "No!" " You want that?" " No." " Thanks, man." " You bet." "[ Indistinct Chatter ]" "What do we do now?" " Jimmy, wait up!" " [ Man On P.A.] Attention, inmates." "All visitation requests must be submitted... to the S-3 by 1100 today." " All visitation requests..." " So, you really did..." "You really did bluff Winter." "The problem is his flush beat your straight." "I don't play poker, Mr. Yates." "I play chess." "And in chess, you play with somebody long enough, you come to realize that their first three moves are usually the same." "Chess, huh?" "What was his first move?" " What was the first move?" " First, uh, two teams," " 20 men apiece." " Like I was saying, the inside teams only have batons." " Second?" " Second?" "Water cannon." " Third?" "What kind of chopper?" " Chopper." "Sir, are you sure we should be having this discussion this man standing..." "You know he can't be trusted, right?" "I don't know." "Is that how you use the burden of command?" "To make men into..." "into, uh, chess pieces?" " Yes." " Hey, Yates." "Why don't you do yourself a favour and run along." "Pawns." "[ Winters ] That prisoner walking away, who is that?" "Uh, that's..." "That's Yates." "He was an Apache pilot, but now he's a lowlife... a hustler." "He takes bets." " On what?" " Anything." "Fights, the weather." "[ Chuckles ]" "He even took bets on whether Irwin was gonna kill himself." "[ Recording..." "Classical ]" "Ahhh." ""This highly effective officer seems to have no moral grounding whatsoever."" "Is that so?" "Well, that's what men better than me seem to think, sir." "Why are you here, Yates?" "I would like your version." "I was involved in a drug-smuggling operation from Juarez to El Paso... including several of my subordinates, sir." "You were "involved"." "You ran it, did you not?" "Correct." "Says here that you wore a wire on your men." "Is that correct?" " Yeah." " And how many years... did they take off your sentence for... that?" "Four years, sir." "And now you're the prison bookie." "Tell me, Yates, how does a man like you... get into West Point?" "My father was a winner of the Congressional Medal of Honour, sir." "Oh, right." "Well, sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree. [ Snickers ]" " [ Snickering ]" " Your father..." "Your father was a POW with Mr. Irwin, was he not?" "[ Chuckles ]" " Yes, that is correct." " And yet, you haven't seen fit to join Mr. Irwin's..." " Crusade?" " Crusade." " Why is that?" " It's not my fight." "Mr. Irwin is in a fight?" "It says here you have three years... left with us." " Correct?" " That's what it says." "That's what it says." "Does three months sound better?" "I need to resolve this situation... quickly... before someone else gets hurt... or killed." " Do you agree?" " I guess." "And the way I need to do that is with information." "So, you might want to rethink... your joining Mr. Irwin's..." "crusade." "[ Chuckles ]" "You asking me to be your snitch, sir?" "Isn't it a little late in the game to be self-righteous?" " Dude, why I got to get my ass kicked?" " How many times you gonna ask?" "Stop your sniveling." "I'm only gonna hit you once." " Well, when?" " Now!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "[ Cheering ]" " [ Dellwo ] Sit your tray down!" " [ Inmates Clamouring ]" "Hey, fucker!" "[ Shouting, Cheering ]" "Back off now!" "I said back off now!" "[ Cheers, Applause ]" "[ Whistles ] On your cans!" "Let's get on!" "Sit your asses down, now!" "Let's go!" "[ Mess Hall Quiets ]" "You guys, we don't have much time." "We can no longer wear the uniform of a soldier." "We forfeited that right." "And that includes me." "I disobeyed an executive order." "I violated my duty as a commanding officer." "And eight men paid a catastrophic price." "It's a mistake not easy to live with." "So, here I am, just like you, a convicted criminal." "The only difference between you and me is I know I'm guilty." "[ Laughing ]" "So we're packed away here as prisoners." "And one thing is certain." "Our captors have the power." "They can try to humiliate us." "They can beat us." "They can lock us away in a dark hole for days on end." "But there's one thing they cannot do." "They cannot take away from us who we are." " And we are soldiers." " [ All ] Yeah, that's right." "It is the one thing..." "It is the one thing that gives us a chance in here." "And that nobody can ever take away." " Yeah, that's right." " [ Inmates Agreeing ]" "The Uniform Code of Military Justice." ""Grounds for Removal of a Stockade or Disciplinary Barracks Commander:" " "One." "Dereliction of duty." " [ Inmates ] That's right." "Yeah." " "Two." "Criminal malfeasance." " [ Inmates Murmuring Agreement ]" " "Three." "Noncompliance with procedural rules." " Yeah." ""Four." "Making false official statements." ""Five." "Conduct unbecoming to an officer and gentleman." "[ Group ] Yeah!" ""Six." "Cruelty and maltreatment of persons under his command." "[ Shouting Agreement, Rattling Tables ]" ""Seven." "Command failure resulting in loss of control of facility."" "Gentlemen, I propose that we seize control of this facility." "[ Boisterous Cheers ]" "[ Irwin ] Take a look at a castle, any castle." "Now, break down the key elements that make it a castle." "Location." "Protection." "Garrison." "Flag." "The only difference between this castle and all the rest..." " is they were built to keep people out." " Forward." "Ho." "This castle was built to keep people in." "But it's still a castle." "And any castle can be taken, whether you're fighting in the 14th century or the 21st." "To succeed in a castle war, you have to overcome the garrison, take the high ground... and ultimately capture the flag." "Okay?" "Enriquez." "All right." "You set up a command post, okay?" "And here, you have the guard..." "Well, here." "First of all, this is admin building," "Winter's office, guards." "Okay?" "Phase one, neutralize Winter's guards." "Phase two, towers." "Control the towers, you control the yard." "Tower one, tower two, tower three, tower four." "Tower four is Zamorro..." "guy to watch." "Phase three, water cannon." "Four, helicopter." "Helicopter's the high ground." "Takin' the helicopter's gonna be a bitch." "But it's doable." "Finally, the flag." "Capture the flag." "When we capture the flag, it's raised upside down." " Distress." " Right." "Right." "Upside down means," ""Send help." "The fort has fallen."" "We raise it upside down, and keep it that way until Wheeler arrives and sees it." " Then, we've won." " [ Chuckles ]" "Yates, shut the fu..." "You see what I mean about him?" "Hey, Yates, what are you doin' here, huh?" "I don't know." "Ask him." "He invited me." "General, I know, uh, his father served with you in Vietnam, but do we really need him around?" "Yeah." "He stays." " Duffy?" "You're in maintenance?" " Yes, sir." "[ Chattering ]" "Yates." "Got a minute?" "How am I doin'?" "Five-to-two, in the colonel's favour." " Well, you don't think I can win." " He knows too..." "He knows too much." "He's prepared." "He's ready." "He may be prepared, Yates, but he's not ready." "You know, we can use you." "Hey, look man, I just want to survive this and go home." " You make a deal with him?" " What?" "That's what I would do if I were him... go to you." " He knows what you're capable of." " Listen, man." " But so do I." " Oh, yeah?" "Well, I know what you're capable of." " I know your type very well." " Is that right?" "Is that from your infinite years of experience on the battlefield?" "Why do you think I should help you?" "Can you get me out of here?" " No." " Then what are you going to do for me?" "Oh, let me guess, you're going to make me a soldier again?" "Is that what you're doing?" "I get to be all I can be?" "You gonna teach me to salute?" "You know what?" "This is about the time I would be giving you my internal soldier speech." "But the truth is, you probably never should have been a soldier." "Your father was." "That's how I saw him." "You saw him as a disappointment." "Okay." "Get past it." "That was then." "The only thing that matters here is... what we are now and what we do now." "This man is going to you because he sees the worst in you." "He's going to play for the worst." "I want to see the best." "That means there's no middle." "Now, these men need you." "And I need you." "Now, it's your choice." "And don't tell me you're surviving here, Yates." " You're hiding." " [ Scoffs ]" "[ Chuckling ]" " How's it going this evening, sir?" " Fine, Sergeant." "How are you?" "Sir?" "Prisoner Yates wishes to have a word." "Give me five minutes, Captain." " [ Door Closes ] - [ Clears Throat ] Hi." " Hi." " [ Ringing ]" "Colonel Winter's office." "Yeah." "Yeah, go ahead and just send it up." "[ Door Opening, Closing ]" "Sir." " Sir?" " Yes." "Prisoner Yates." "[ Sighs ]" "You want me to do this thing for you?" "This 30 days..." "This three months, it's not gonna cut it." "I got to get out of here immediately." "I got to get out of here tomorrow." "I'm afraid that's not possible." "Look, when this thing explodes, everyone's gonna know it's me who yakked." "And then my life's worth nothing." "So, either you get me out of here immediately... or you find another guy who knows as much as I do... and who's willing to spill it." "Good luck." "The soonest I can get you out is one week." "Sir, I'm not gonna last..." "I won't last seven seconds let alone seven days." "Well, you can ride the week out in the hole." "No one will get you there." "So what does Mr. Irwin have planned for us?" "He's planning to take over the prison." "Really." "Well, that information won't get you released." "That information won't even get you extra potatoes at lunch." "I know the details." "I know how he plans to neutralize your men, how he plans to take over the tower, weapons and tools he's building." " Do you know when?" " [ Cutbush ] Yates, I know you're in there!" " Yates!" "Yates, I know you're in there!" " [ Guard ] Cutbush!" "You're a fucker, Yates!" "You are gonna snitch!" "Cutbush, shut up!" "Cutbush, get down!" "Shut up!" "Niebolt, what's he doing up here?" " He brought up the laundry, and he went ape, sir." " All right." "Enough!" "Place this man in the SHU." "No one talks to him." "No one sees him." " Do you understand me?" "Place a guard on his cell." " Yes, sir!" " Damn rat!" " What's the problem?" "My mother's sick." "I'm trying to get a furlough." " Shut up!" " Get him out of here!" "Captain, with me." "[ Exhales Sharply ] Oh, Jesus, man." "Now you have no choice, or you're going to spend the next three years in solitary confinement." "[ Exhales ] I need more time." "I got to go back into general." "I'll know somethin' tomorrow." "Come get me at 0500." "I need more time!" "Inmates, one step to the rear." "March!" "[ Bell Rings ]" "[ Man Singing, Indistinct ]" "[ Singing Continues ]" " Sir?" " Where's Yates' cell?" "It's 340, sir." "You ready to play?" " Morning, sir." " Fall out." "Colonel?" "Colonel." "Good morning." "Good morning." "So, what do you have for me?" " Not much." " Not much." "Then why are you here?" "I thought there was something you might wanna know." "When they take over the prison, they're going to fly the flag upside down." " Upside down?" " It's the international sign of distress, sir." "Yes, I know what it means." "And where are they going to get a flag?" "They already have it." "Yours." "Mine." " Peretz, who was in here yesterday?" " I took it, you murdering fuck." "I thought you were smarter than that." "Yes, I know you did." "[ Groans ]" "You gonna tell us where that flag is?" "Come on." "Get up, Yates." "Where's the flag?" "[ Spits ] You know, you're a real fuckin' coward, Zamorro." "And you're a big hero." "Let's go." "Come on." "Get your hands off me, motherfucker!" "Fuckin' prick!" "Shut up, Yates!" "[ Breathes Deeply ]" " [ Buzzer ] - [ Man On P.A.] All inmates on the rack." "This is a shakedown." "Go, go!" "Come on!" "Fall out!" "Let's go!" "All inmates proceed to the yard through the south ports." "[ Guards Continue Yelling ]" " [ Buzzer ]" " On the double!" "Move it!" "Come on." "Go, go!" " This way, chief." " Let's go!" "Move it!" "[ Shouting Continues ]" "Over there, sir." " It's crazy, huh?" " Let's go!" "Step it up!" " Come on!" "Let's go!" "Move it, prisoners!" " Really crazy." " Go!" " All right!" " [ Commotion ] - [ Objects Shattering ]" "Captain Peretz, you will find my flag." "6:10." "6:10." "[ Commotion ]" "I don't wanna hear that." "You have your orders." "Find the damn thing." "Sir, they found a lot of weaponry." " But no flag." " No, sir." "But at least we have all their weapons." "There's nothing much they can do now." "How many men do we have searching the tiers?" "We have close to a hundred." "Pretty much everybody we could get." "It's not about the flag." "He wants to be in the yard." "Get our men out of the tiers and into the yard now." " [ Blows Whistle ]" " Everybody into the yard!" "Riot formation!" "Let's go!" "Double time!" "Now!" " Peretz!" "Get those men into the yard, now!" " Yes, sir!" " Alert the S.O.R.T. teams." "Go, go!" " [ Speaks, Indistinct ]" "Chain, chain, chain." "All right." "How's it feel, huh?" "How's it feel?" " [ Grunts ]" " Bring him with us." "To the hole!" "Command post up, fast!" "Put me down!" "You know what's going to happen to you?" " Go, go, go!" " Let us out!" " Hey!" "Hey!" "Beaupre, is that you?" " Yeah, yeah." " Is it happening?" "Fuckin' "A" it's happening." " Yeah." "Damn it!" "They chained the doors to the tiers." "Yes." "I can see that." "It's gonna take 'em a little while to get around." "When they get here, tell them to gear up, but hold them." "They'll expect us to come hard and fast, so we won't." " [ Gunshot ]" " Whoa!" "Hey!" "Yates, you little prick." "I bet against you and it cost me a whole stash of smokes." "Yeah?" "There's a lot of losers today." " Go!" " [ Gunfire ]" " What's the deal?" " Come on, Zamorro, you motherfucker!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "You fucking believe this guy?" "Okay, let's go." "Here we go." "Let's go." "Let's go." " Hey, get it out right now." " Later, later." "[ Men Yelling ]" "Listen to me." "The colonel said to hold them, okay?" "Hold them." "[ Sighs ]" "Sir, maybe we should call C.A.C. And get General Wheeler." "And say what, Captain?" "Colonel Winter has lost control of his own prison?" "[ Shouting ]" " Keenan!" "Keenan, you ready to go up, man?" " Yes, sir!" "The trajectory is going to be vital." "Where do you want me?" "This is Sergeant McLaren from Fort Truman Prison." "Can I speak to General Wheeler?" "Well, you're gonna have to wake the dude up, man." "This is from Colonel Winter." "We're having, like, an uprising here." "Go." "Launch when ready." "Go, go, go!" "Come on!" "Light her up." "Light her up." "Fire!" "[ Grunting ]" "Sir." "Colonel, he wants to talk to you." " Who does?" " Him." "Yes?" "Colonel, I'm taking command of your prison." "Like hell you are." "Come on, guys!" "Let's go!" "Stop fuckin' around!" "We don't got much time!" " Let's go!" "Come on, let's go!" " [ Irwin ] Dellwo." " Sir?" " How close to ready?" " [ Gunshot ]" " Fuck!" "We're almost there, sir." "Sir, could-could you come here, please?" "What-What is that?" "That thing right there tucked away in the alley." "I don't know." " Release the wave." " [ Men Yelling ]" "Come on, come on!" "Get it up!" "Go ahead and deploy red and blue teams." " [ Men Shout, Indistinct ]" " Let's go!" " Let's go." "Come on!" "Move!" " [ Men Yelling ]" "[ Yelling Continues ]" "Defend!" "Lock and load the fucking thing now!" "Take it up, take it up." "Light her!" "Fire!" "Gun!" "Bring me the gun!" "Bring me the gun!" "Bring it!" "Bring it!" "Let's go!" "Come on!" "Load her up." "Load her up." "Charlie, you ready?" " Set!" " Clear!" "Fire!" "Fuck me!" "It worked, man!" "Fire!" " [ Dellwo Shouting, Indistinct ] - [ Irwin ] Mr. Dellwo." " Sir?" " Move ten feet forward." "Yes, sir." "Ten feet forward!" "Ten feet forward!" " Zamorro, target the man loading rocks into the trebuchet." " McLaren?" "Do not let him put another one in." "Dellwo, you gonna make it this time?" " You betcha, sir." " Then now is the time." "All the way, sir!" "Airborne!" "Hey, Jack!" " What?" " This is the one!" "Get it!" "Come on." "No, no, no, no." "This one in the middle." " Come on, baby." " Fire!" "[ Inmates Cheering ]" "[ Cheering Continues ]" " [ Dellwo ] Fire!" " Sir!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "Hold it there!" "Let's go!" "Get it in there!" "Last one!" " Make it count!" "Make it..." " [ Men Screaming ]" " Be still!" " Put it out!" "Put it out!" " Hey, hey!" "It's out!" " You never can tell about these flames, man." "Told you I was gonna get your ass back, motherfucker." "[ Chuckles ]" "Sir." "Sir." "Watch the window." "Get that water cannon now." " Duffy." "Duffy?" " Uh, just a few more minutes, sir." "Fall back!" "Fall back!" "All personnel, fall back!" "Come on!" "Faster!" "[ Men Groaning ]" "Come on, Duffy." "What are you doing?" "Cut it off." " Keep it going!" " [ Groans ]" "Let's shift to the C.P.!" "Shift to the C.P.!" "Now!" "Go!" "[ Men Yelling ]" "[ Yelling ]" "Duffy, what are you doing?" "Ha!" "Yes!" "[ Men Coughing ]" " Charge!" " [ Men Yelling ]" "Shit!" "[ Yelling Continues ]" "[ Grunts ]" " Whoo!" " You coward motherfucker, Winter!" " [ Telephone Rings ]" " Colonel, it's your private line." " Get it." " U.S.M.C.F. Colonel Winter's office." "Uh, yes, sir." "Yes, sir." "Please hold." "It's General Wheeler." "We're on our way, Colonel." "There in 20 minutes." "I don't understand, sir." "You have a prison uprising." "You sent for help." "No, no." "I nev..." "We have the situation under control, sir." " We're just... mopping up now." " [ Wheeler ] Good." "Glad to hear it." "We'll see you in 20 then." "Very good, sir." "I want this over." "Now." "Get them airborne." "[ Engines Whirring ]" "[ Helicopter Whirring ]" "Okay." "Aah!" " Load the water cannon." " Go, go!" "Come on, man!" "All right, give me the grapple!" " Hurry up!" "Hook it on!" " [ Speaks, Indistinct ]" "Where's the fuckin' water?" "Now." "We're hooked!" "[ Men Shouting ]" " Sir, I think that's Yates." " Yes, I know." " Hold on!" " [ Cheering ]" "Where is he?" " [ Gunshot ] - [ Grunts ]" "Hey!" "What are you doing?" "Hey!" "Get this guy out!" "Clear out." "I'm going up." "Zamorro, take him out." "Stop him!" "Stop him!" "To hell with this rubber-bullet shit." " [ Instrument Panel Beeping ]" " Come on!" "Come on!" "[ Screaming ]" "[ Clicks Radio On And Off ]" " Come on." " [ Groans ]" "Oh, no." "I never wrecked one before." "Don't talk." "Go." "Move." "Go!" "Get out!" "Go!" "You okay, Yates?" "Let's go." " Ready?" " Yeah." "[ Dellwo ] Fall in!" "Let's go, men!" "In formation, now!" "On the double!" "Let's go, soldiers!" "Now!" "Let's go!" "Dress right!" "Dress!" "Ready... front!" "Cover!" "The men are assembled, sir." "[ Buzzer ]" "First and second squad, move out." "Third and fourth squad, move out." "I have authorized the use of lethal ammunition at this facility." "Any prisoner who refuses to obey my commands will be shot." "All prisoners down on the ground, now!" "I will give that command one more time." "Then I will fire into them." "Surely, you don't want that on your conscience, do you, Prisoner Irwin?" "All prisoners down on the ground, now!" "[ Irwin ] Wait." "We don't have to do this." "We'll fight on." "No." "It ends here." "Men, get down!" "You, too, Yates." "That's an order." "Now, give me my flag." "It's not your flag." "What are you doing, Mr. Irwin?" "You have lost." "I will not let you do this." "You will not raise that flag upside down!" "Get down on the ground or you will be fired upon." "This is my command!" "You will not raise that flag upside down!" "Designated marksman, open fire." "Selected marksman, open fire." "Open fire on that man!" "That's an order!" "What are they..." "What are they doing?" "What are you doing?" "Do it now!" "Open fire!" "Do not let him desecrate that flag!" "Open fire on that man!" "What are they doing?" " McLaren, Niebolt, with me!" " Niebolt, stay where you are." "Don't you defy me." "Don't you see what he's doing?" "He's undermining my command!" "Don't you see?" "Don't you see what he's doing?" "Don't you see what he's doing?" "Step away from the flag!" "Step away from the flag!" "[ Gunshots ]" "[ Peretz ] Colonel!" "Colonel, put the gun down, sir." " [ Peretz ] Please." "Please, Colonel, put the gun down." " [ Gasps ]" "Colonel." "Sir, it's over now." "Just give it to me." " [ Breathing Heavily ] - [ Peretz ] Prisoners stay down." " Hey, Doc!" " [ Man ] Go now!" "McLaren, get 'em back in the tiers." "[ McLaren ] "A" team, "B" team, move out now." "[ Man ] Let's go!" "Hands behind your head!" "All right!" "On your feet!" " [ Men Shouting ] - [ Grunting ]" "[ Man ] Let's go, people." "Hands behind your head." "[ McLaren ] Prisoners will return to the cell block." "[ Speaks, Indistinct ]" " Come on, Doc." " He's bleeding." " We got an ambulance on the way." " Get him to the hospital." "[ Yates ] A great general once said," ""You tell your men, 'You're soldiers.'" "'That's our flag.'" ""You tell them, 'Nobody takes our flag.'" "'Raise your flag so it flies high where everyone can see it.'" "'Now you've got yourself a castle.'"" "[ Steel-String Guitar ]" "[ Man ] "Where the years have gone I have years to go"" ""Workin' for the man to pay the debt I owe"" ""Well, the time may pass but the truth will stand"" ""When the good Lord shakes this calloused hand"" ""You can call my name It's time to go"" ""But I'll never be free till it's chiselled in stone"" ""Ain't no man gonna carry my load"" ""I gotta be a man and do it on my own"" ""Devil's in my path and the hound's on my heel"" ""Have to walk in my shoes just to know how I feel"" ""The devil's callin' my name He's the one who knows"" ""That I'll never be free till it's chiselled in stone"" ""Chiselled in stone"" ""Well, I keep on goin' though there's no way out"" ""Every stone in my path is a brick in my house"" ""A man's life is built all along the way"" ""By the things that he's done and the choices he's made"" ""Someday they'll call my name I'll have a place of my own"" ""But I'll never be free till it's chiselled in stone"" ""On the final day when the whistle blows"" ""I can rest my body I can rest my soul"" ""I built my castle in the promised land"" ""It's made of rocks and stone and like the shifting sands"" ""When they mention my name after I'm long gone"" ""Well, they'll know I'm free 'cause it's chiselled in stone"" ""Chiselled in stone" Subtitles:" "Filou ;-)" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Ingratitude to the man who has helped is sin, the man who helped you expecting gratitude is also sin." "It's not great to be part of history, Kulkarni, having a history to ourselves is great!" "Entire state is under Bhagawan's control, that's why all of us are under his shadow, so he gets all the business, what if Bhagawan dies?" "What if we kill him?" "You're wrong." "Brother, please listen to him." "Bhagawan's son Munna is coming back to India after 8 years," "Bhagawan will go personally to receive him," "we're getting 300 grams of gelatin sticks for Rs.16 only, if we blow, even rocks would be blown to smithereens, there's a culvert on the way back to Bhagawan's home," "5 gelatin sticks under it." "You're committing a big mistake." "You're new to this business." "I'd been with Bhagawan for 10 years." "I know about every member of his gang." "Bhagawan isn't just one man!" "My boys will take care of Guru." "Yes, I'm Guruvaiah here." "No... no I'll be there." "Make it fast!" "I'm not saying about Guru, I said about Bhagawan's shadow." "I meant about Bhagawan's strength." "About Jai!" "He'll die first!" "Car stopped!" "What could be the reason?" "How would I know?" "Let's check!" "Can I make a phone call?" "Listen to me, escape while still alive." "You're still alive because of Veeru." "If not I would've killed you long back." "There's much difference between killing me and you getting killed." "Do you know what it is?" "Jai!" "He's here!" "This is your last chance." "Don't leave him." " I'll not." "I'll kill him." "Hey, jump over the wall and escape." "I'll not tell anyone." "I told you to shut up, right?" "Shut up!" "Hey, escape I say!" "Come... come..." "Shut up!" "You've come after 8 years, I'm very happy sir." "I feel like seeing your father in his youth." "But I'm really sad, uncle." "28 years have passed, I thought you'd be dead, you're still alive!" "Your razor sharp eyes are pouncing paws..." "Fire spitting breath is your paw..." "Hot blood flowing in nerves is paw..." "Energy is every cell is paw..." "Unstoppable speed is paw..." "Devil-may-care attitude is paw..." "Silence on lips is paw..." "Lightning decisions is paw..." "Like a simmering fire hidden underneath like darkness hiding in night..." "If it's unavoidable war, won't see tomorrow's dawn..." "Sky is your paw..." "Win over it with courage..." "Ferociousness is your paw..." "March forward as vitality to end the evil..." "Check it, dad." "It has everything." "Like them!" "Like him!" "Aren't you ajoker?" "Politicians, Industrialists, IAS, IPS, all these people have power." "But the control is in my hands." "That's why people like us are called as power managers." "And today, power is the most powerful amongst everything, including lives!" "Why didn't you come to airport to receive me?" "Had I come there, we wouldn't be meeting here?" "Munna, you appear to have grown thin." "What happened to you?" "Why didn't you come?" "Why didn't I come?" "Few minutes late, you would've come to see me." "Don't talk rubbish!" "Is there anything I should know?" "If there's anything I need to tell you, you don't have to ask me, dada." "Do you know how the bomb reached Veeru's car from culvert?" "You didn't expect me here, right?" "I told him you're committing a big mistake." "For how many years I know you?" "What's your problem?" "According to the natural law ofjustice, big fish eats the small fish in lake." "What's this lake?" "Tell me who is big fish and who is small fish?" "This business is the lake." "Big lake!" "Bhagawan is the big fish." "I'm a small fish." "You know you're a small fish, right?" "Tell me further." "For any job in this state, people come to you." "Everyone come to you." " So what?" "If everyone go to you, how am I to run my business?" "That's your problem, what do you want me to do?" "Close your eyes." "I know very well what you would do if I close my eyes." "You don't know how much is my offer, right?" "How much?" "Kulkarni, don't try to become Bhagawan of this city." "Either you or if anyone else tries, I'll kill you first." "Mind it!" "When I broke away from Bhagawan 4 years ago, you promised not to kill me." "Your word has value, Jai." "What the hell he gives a word, brother?" "What if we kill him?" "Don't kill him." "I promised not to kill Kulkarni not you." "What's this?" "Why are you so loyal to Bhagawan?" "You may not understand even if I tell you." "Tell me, I'll try to understand." "It's known as loyalty!" "Loyalty!" "I said you'll not understand it." "Why do you ask things which you can't understand?" "Guruvaiah, come." "Caress me sensuously with your hands..." "Waiting for sensitive touch..." "Come like hot embrace and light fire of passion in me..." "Take out life from me and instill a new life in me..." "Squeeze me like pillow and douse the raging fire of desire..." "You've got me like treasure never even dreamed about..." "What do you apply to those legs?" "They's shining!" "8 years ago you weren't so voluminous." "2You've changed a lot." "You haven't changed at all." "Still don't know how to talk." "When I'm here, where are you going?" "There many who go mad on seeing me, there are many more who would die if they don't see me." "I'm a beautiful female cheetah..." "always pouncing hungrily..." "I love playing with the hunter's spear..." "I'll come to you willingly on my own free will..." "I'll haul and maul you with my passions..." "Caress like gentle breeze and hound me like thunder..." "Make me squeal with the pain of pleasure with your youthful force..." "Hey look!" "For me only!" "You're dead man!" "Leave me boys!" "Why did you beat me now?" "How dare you see Jahnavi?" "I'll kill you." " Come on!" "Come on shoot me if you've guts." "Leave me, I'll kill him." "How dare you want Jahnavi!" "Gurubhai, please come immediately, Munna is creating terrible here." "I'll kill him..." "he'll die in my hands today." "Gaurav, leave him, Munna is Bhagawan's son." "Let him be Bhagawan's son or anyone else, I don't care!" "I'll kill him, tell him to say sorry." "Gaurav, give me the gun first." "Look at him Jai!" "What has he done?" "I'm seeing, give me your gun first." "No, he's dead today, will he kill for seeing Jahnavi?" "I'll kill if you see her." "I'll talk to him, give me the gun." "What's this Munna?" "You've to shut down the club if you don't want anyone to see Jahnavi." "Silly creep!" "Bloody crap!" "Where did you get this gun?" "Do you've license?" "Does your father know this?" "You're going to London for MC, why are you carrying a gun?" "Do you know the future of man holding a gun?" "Do you know?" "Do you know?" "Go... go..." "Did you see?" "Did you see him?" "Go!" "It seems you wanted to see me, Dada." "Who am I to you, Jai?" "Please don't take the club incident seriously." "No, please tell me Jai." "Who am I to you?" "You're everything to me, dada." "You too know it very well." "If you do anything for profit, it's business, if you do anything for good deeds it's piousness, if you do anything without any expectation it's service." "The help and courage you gave in the matter of my sister and mother," "I can never forget in my life." "I'm not here because you'll support me," "I'm here to be as your shadow." "Will you be Munna's shadow too?" "Don't think too much, why are you asking me anyway?" "Just told me who am I to you," "I know how much you value my word," "Jai, please take care of Munna." "How you looked after me, you must look after Munna too just like that." "You will, I trust you will." "Everyone wants something in life, money, position, status, pleasure or something, but I want the happiness I've lost." "I want love." "I've been searching for 20 long years." "This nursery is manifestation of my memories." "Everything is fine but something is not fine, Chotu." "Everything is fine but something is not fine." "Why are you repeating it?" " I'm feeling, not repeating." "Good, there are plants, pots, appears to be beautiful, but something is missing." "Good, there are plants, pots, appears to be beautiful, but something is missing." "What else can I do?" "I watered the plants, used slices of onions, egg shells, tied threads for creepers, and built protective cover." "What else can I do?" "I've given a paper ad." "If you give an ad in paper, would plants grow here?" "Is this your nursery?" "Is this your nursery?" "Come in from that side." "Whose owns this nursery?" " I own it." "I've not seen any place here more beautiful than this." "But who is the caretaker who maintains it so clumsily?" "Tell me." "Growing plants is science." "He's the caretaker, he reads the books." "It's not in books, we need food for strength, plants need mud," " Mud?" "They need water for thirst," " Water?" "If it's sunny, it needs shade," " Shade?" "If it's dusty, it needs bath, and a way to grow," "Is there so much?" " Plants too need love just like us." "Love?" "Didn't I tell you plants too need love?" "Did you listen to me?" "Didn't I tell you plants too need love?" "Did you listen to me?" "When did you tell me?" "I told you but failed to understand it, you dullard." "By the way, who are you?" "That's him, the man with beard." "He'll plant something!" "Do you've to study so much to grow plants?" "Chotu, please..." "How will you make this beautiful nursery more beautiful?" "Small correction." "How will you beautify this bad and ugly nursery?" "What if I make it?" "Every moment is filled with freshness of greenery..." "It's true you're my life forever..." "May I share your grief..." "may I enhance your happiness..." "This world smiles along with our smile..." "O friend, I'm coming..." "I'll give my life for you..." "Is it good?" " Very good." "She has grown the plants with songs." "Shall I also try?" " No please." "Sandhya, take whatever you want." " Take it." "Get the cheque book." "Don't stare like an owl, get the cheque book." "Go!" "He'll give cheques to women." "Ask whatever you want for the job well done, Sandhya?" "How much will you pay me?" "It's priceless!" "Whatever you may ask!" "Take it." "Please bend down." " Why?" "Shut up and bend." "Come near." "Tell me Sandhya, I've the cheque book and pen." "How much?" " Rs.1 or 2 lakhs?" "Rs.70 lakhs!" "A row house in gated community!" "Rs.2 crores!" "What else?" "Give her this nursery too!" "We both can work for her then." "I didn't do this for money, Jai." "Many people are cutting down trees to make roads for selfish ends, bringing down mountains to build homes, filling up lakes to build colonies, very few people are growing plants," "I love people who do it." "That's why I did it." "How come the door is open?" "The door is open, you fool." " How would I know?" "I told you many times not to give the duplicate keys to her." "No, I didn't give." "She took it from me." "If I refuse she threatened to get me beaten up by hired goons." "If I kill you, it'll end my problems." "Check what she's up to!" "Come out!" "Enough of taking bath, come out Janu." "Is tap dry in your flat?" "No, but water isn't so good there." "I've warned you many times not to come here." "As many times as you may warn, I'll come." "I feel very safe here, Jai." "Are you scared?" " Scared?" "Munna!" "I feel like scorpions and snakes running all over me on seeing him." "Don't know why he makes phone calls and when he would barge into my flat?" "I switch off lights in my flat and make him believe I'm not there." "I'm out somewhere." "He's the right man for you, settle down with him." "I've been asking you so many times, why don't you marry me?" "It isn't that Janu, for marriage, you must feel like getting married." "I don't have it." " Why don't you have it?" "Why don't I've it?" "How am I to explain?" "But I've to." "Jahnavi, we both grew up together with Dada from childhood, when I see you I feel like a family..." "Please don't say feel like sister, I'll jump out from here to death." "No, please don't die." "Don't die." "Take bath here everyday, be happy." "I'll give 35 acres of my land for your new project, Jai." "But I've to get few approvals from Govt." "Will you get it?" "Talk about business with Bhagawan." "Tell me if you face any problems." "Aren't the paying salaries properly, they're shouting slogans." "Not for salaries but for killing trees because of my factory in Midnapore." "Trees?" "There's no one to care if humans die, are there people to worry about trees too?" "If you take care of it..." " If told Narsing will take care." "Come." "There's some trouble before Omega office, come with your boys and clear it." "Shut down the factory!" "What happened?" "Just now remembered something I need to do." "Come, I'll also join you." " You carry on, I'll join you." "Okay." "Shut down the Omega factory!" "Shut down the Omega factory!" "Me?" "Shut down..." "Do you know there are no rains?" "It's summer, right?" "No, monsoon is not coming in time." "We'll not budge till that bandicoot shuts it down." "Save trees!" "Just a minute, I'll come back." "Where are you going?" "Hold the placard high!" "Okay... keep doing it." "Shut down the factory!" "People are protesting outside, right?" "Can't you find out their demands and clear them out?" "That is..." " This is unwanted nuisance." "You told me look after the proposals, right?" "I'll talk to Bhagawan personally." "I'll talk to him personally." "Okay?" "It's lunch time, all of you go home." "Is he sending goons?" "You don't have a drop of blood in body yet make so much noise." "What man?" "Will you beat me?" "All of you would get beaten up, clear out immediately." "If you beat us, trees will take revenge on you." "How can trees take revenge?" "Hey you... get the sticks boys!" "Shut it down!" "Don't get scared!" "Will you beat us?" "Why did you stop?" "Are you scared?" "Come..." "Come on beat me!" " Back off boys... go." "He got scared!" "Shut down the factory!" "Save the green cover!" "One minute!" "All of you please stop!" "You called on phone just now, right sir?" "I told you, right?" " Sir sent me." "He promised to discuss with them tomorrow morning." " Okay." "Tell them!" "Listen, sir has promised to talk to you tomorrow morning." "You?" "Get down here!" "No problem." "Do you know Karan?" "My gang mate... batch mate." "I didn't know he's your batch mate and called him buffalo." "No problem." "I called him a bandicoot also." "He looks like one, right?" "No problem." "Can I tell you something, Sandhya?" "What's it?" "You look more beautiful while laughing, why did you stop it anyway?" "What do you do?" "There are few little gaps between public, private sectors and govt." "Servants." "We fill those gaps." "You wanted to say something." "Me?" "You said, right?" " Did I?" "You did." "Where?" "That is..." "I'll tell after coming back." "I'll be back in a sec." "What are you doing man?" "What sir?" "I'm not talking to you sir, you please carry on." "You fix a deadline for anything and complete it within that time." "Fix a deadline for this too and complete it." "How can you fix a deadline for this too sir?" "I'm not talking to you sir, you please carry on." "Over sir." " Get lost!" "No need." "Go away!" "Jai, if you like Sandhya, tell her directly you like her." "How am I to tell her?" "Say it with your mouth, you fool." "Asking me how am I to tell?" "Don't ask such silly questions, if you can't tell her, then tell her I'm busy and can't roam like this." "That's all but you..." "Why did you take so much time?" "Sandhya, now..." "where shall we go now?" "How am I to tell her?" "How am I to show the love in me?" "How am I to stop the flow of Godavari in dusty desert of my life?" "How am I to believe this myth?" "How am I to express my love?" "I've got back my life again with your friendship..." "I don't remember even a second from past at this moment..." "Life is celebrating the festivities of present..." "This friendship is boon and this realisation is true..." "Run out of words to express this..." "Sweetness in my language..." "Greenery in my path..." "A smile as innocent as a child..." "You've induced my life to join your life..." "And be companion for the journey of this life..." "I'm ecstatic with those feelings..." "Did you say something now?" "No." "I felt like you said something." "Did you hear it?" "Did you say anything?" " No... no..." "How could she hear it?" "Ashok brother!" "When did you come?" " Just now dear." "Couldn't you've taken the keys from Chatterjee uncle's house?" "No problem, anyway you'll be back, right?" "Give me the bag." " No, give it." "What's the news?" "Nothing, Sambasiva's case adjournment." "It seems someone is helping from Govt." "Side." "How are you doing?" "Is Chatterjee looking after you well?" "I'm fine brother." "I want to meet grandma." "I feel like going back to home." "You can come dear, don't rush." "Grandma gave this pickle for you." "Pack my bag, I've to go out." "Did you buy these yourself?" "Won't it look odd if others buy it for us?" "Did you buy it for yourself?" " For myself only!" "Since how long you've been wearing these clothes?" "For an year now." "Don't you know it?" "For a year?" "I've never seen this earlier." "Keep it out, I've to go out." "You've changed completely, Jai." " Just do what I say." "Okay." "What's this?" "You told me to take it out, I've kept it ready." "Are these worn by men?" "You said you'll wear it, so I kept it ready." "These are not mine, you fool!" "Whose are these?" "In the shopping mall, she..." "You mean... friend..." "She wanted to shop so..." " Wanted to shop..." "Don't repeat it." "Jahnavi too knows her." "Janu too knows her?" "Jahnavi and Chandini are close friends." "So, you're saying about Chandini, right?" "Who are you talking about then?" "Chotu, man mustn't have so many doubts." "If he does, he'll die." "But you say Chandini, are you serious about her?" "Waved green flag." "What are you thinking?" " Nothing, my job is over here." "I've to find another nursery to work." "You said there's no nursery like this in Kolkata, right?" "Have you forgotten it?" "Why not?" "On Ras Behari road, it you take left, you can find just one like this." "What's it dear?" " I think you've forgotten it." "This is Ras Behari road, if you take a left turn..." "You'll find a similar nursery, right?" " Is it?" "But there isn't another one like this, right?" "Like you repeat everything, why not this too?" "No, it's closed, he gave it to the girl who worked there." "She's running a club and dances there." "There's a small branch is bent outside, repair it." "You mean on the left side, right?" "Okay." "I said there's no other nursery like this." "Then, I'll go back to home." "I've to come to your place to meet you, right?" "Why would you feel like meeting me?" "Why?" "Can I ask you a thing?" "Go ahead, ask." "Do you've girl friends?" "Why did you ask that?" "You're handsome, stylish," "There are not many reasons for not liking you." "But I couldn't understand one thing." "Why do you always keep an eye on watch?" "Your legs never stand in one place." "As if your feet are having springs." "Those hands never come out of the pockets." "Why?" "I don't know if she's praising me or accusing me?" "How could she ask me like that?" " What sir?" "I'm talking to myself, you carry on." "How could she ask me if I've girl friends or not?" "Couldn't you've said it's you?" "She says girls don't have many reasons for disliking you." "So, she likes you or not?" "Clear it yourself." "You must have 100% clarity on it." "Stand steady." "Remove your hands from the pockets." "Go and tell Sandhya that you don't have any girl friends." "I don't have any girl friends." "Were you thinking about this inside?" "Where do I've time to meet girl friends?" "I'm busy always." "You?" "Either you're in nursery or with me." "When are you busy anyway?" "I don't have any girl friends." "She is... she is... forgot her name..." "Janu..." "I remember now." "What are you doing here?" "We were walking down, came here for a good cup of coffee." "How come you're here?" "I was going down here, came in for a coffee." "We need to talk." "Definitely." "We need to talk!" "Traffic, so..." "Turned it to silent mode." "Didn't cut it, right?" "What did you say?" " Please listen to me, Janu." "Excuse me... she's Jahnavi, right?" " Nothing like that..." "We can discuss this." "Please listen to me." "Why should I discuss with you?" "We can discuss." "How dare!" " Please listen to me." "What?" " Come here." "I've urgent work." "Don't you know my name?" "Stop... who is she?" " Please listen to me." "Tell me who she is?" "Will you tell me or not?" " Please listen to me." "Take a deep breathe." "Stop... why are you beating again?" "Is she more beautiful than me?" "Nothing... nothing..." "Tell me one thing, you're refusing to marry me because I'm a club dancer." "Shut up, I don't have such idea." "I like you Janu but for marriage..." "I told you already." "It's all over, right?" "I can't come in as I wish here." "Can't take bath here, can't stay with you here." "No, nothing will change." "Got it?" "You'll have the same freedom as you enjoy now." "Don't think too much and pound your brain." "What's this sir?" "I feel like stealing on seeing so much money." "Tell me how much you've stolen?" "Keep quiet sir." "I'm asking ignorantly, where have you hidden the money?" "Are you having any concubine?" "No... no sir." "Am I eloping with you wife?" " Mind your language sir." "That's my money, what bothers you if I take it?" "You're just a dog under my feet." "Be like a dog." "Indeed I'm a dog, I'm loyal so your father gave me this job." "But please don't touch money." "No sir, please don't take money." "Please go away." "Please go away from here sir." "Please go sir." "What's this sir?" " What man?" "Just a kid, leave it." "Sir, please talk to Munna, he may change his attitude." "You should be taking care of him but what's this?" "You know I don't like anything against my son Munna." "No Bhagawan, please talk Munna once..." "Go." "Why are you here sir?" "What's your problem man?" " What happened sir?" "How dare you complain to my father about me?" "What are you doing?" " Get lost!" "Stay out!" "How dare you complain to my father about me?" "It's for your good only sir." "For my good?" "I know what's good for me, who are you care about me?" "Mind your business." "People are watching sir." "Leave me sir." "How dare you push me!" "How dare you!" "My father too never dared to touch me!" "That's you... this is you!" "Go and tell my father now." "Tell him Munna pissed on you." "Let me see." "If you tell, I'll kill you." "I told you when all the doors close, a new door will open up for us." "How dare he betrays me and escapes!" "And that too goes to Kulkarni who left me." "No use in discussing past, let's think about the future." "Saba knows everything about what we have and where it is." "Killing Saba is the only way." "I don't know why are you discussing for this?" "If you spare a betrayer, another will dare to betray us." "I know Sabapathy was a cheat, dad." "Kill him!" "Kill Sabapathy." "What are you saying?" "How can we kill Saba who worked 20 years loyally for us?" "Do you want to spare him?" "Will you enter Kulkarni's area?" "Can you come back alive from there?" "Can you come back alive from Black square area?" "Tell me who many are going there, I'll keep graves ready for them." "Are you scaring us?" "I've told you dad, if you keep such jokers, you and your business are done." "Jai, you know very well from which level we've reached this position." "In a dilapidated room, after a night's sleep on waking up next morning, we spent our lives amongst bandicoots which ate us alive," "I don't like to go back to those days because of him," "kill him!" "No dada!" "Will you go or not?" "Will you go or not?" "I'll go but I'll not kill him." "I'll bring Saba, ask him why did he do like this?" "If he had done any mistake, kill him." "I'll not stop you." "Got a phone call that my grandma is not well, so I'm going to Palasa." "Why didn't you put on the seat belt?" "Seat belt?" "Leave me, you know who my father is?" "You know who Kulkarni is." " I know." "Your father is my friend." "Who is he?" " Sampath's son." "I'm going there to bring Saba." "I got it." "Keeping him as hostage you'll enter his area to bring Saba." "He's insurance for your life." "That's it, right?" "Today is his birthday, celebrate it." "How old are you?" " Why?" "Tell me." " Jai is coming sir." "Let him come." "Come... come Jai." "Only you've the guts to enter my area." "How is Bhagawan?" "Is he scared or angry?" "I'm not coming from Bhagawan but from a small birthday party." "Where is Rahul?" "Today is his birthday, he's partying with his friends." "Why?" "What have you done with him?" "Stop Sampath!" "Where is Rahul?" "Where is Sabapathy?" "Tell me where is Rahul?" "What have you done with Rahul?" " Rahul is safe." "I'll make a call, talk to him." "I don't believe it." "I know how smart you are!" "Tell me where he is, I'll send my man." "Once Rahul leaves that place, you can go with Saba." "Will you play strip Poker?" " What's that game?" "If you win the game, I'll undress." "If I win, you must get undressed." "If I win all the games, I'll undress to skin." "Where is Jahnavi?" " She hasn't yet come here." "Who is he?" " Munna, Jai has gone for Saba." "Who is he?" "Sampath's son." "Jai left him here." "Sampath's son?" "Today is his birthday." "Why did you do like this, Sabapathy?" "What had really happened?" "What am I to tell you?" "Do you want me to tell Munna urinated on me." "He threatened to kill me if I tell anyone about this." "Couldn't you've told me?" "Munna doesn't care about his father," "I don't want to get lynched between father and son." "Did you think about the problems that may crop because of this?" "You don't know Jai, till now people who respected me, if they know about this, they'll feel pity on me," "I'm not here seeking revenge, to safeguard my respect and my life." "Listen to me carefully." "I'm here to take you with me." "When you have done nothing wrong, you don't need to fear anyone." "Where is Jahnavi?" "Jahnavi?" "Who is she?" "Is she sexier than her?" "Why would Jahnavi be here?" "If she has time she'll be with Jai..." "Will Jahnavi be with Jai?" "She's having an affair with him." "You're nothing to her." "What did you say now, Guru?" "Not that, something before that." "What did you say about Jahnavi?" "Tell me." "Tell me." "Tell me what did you say about Jai and Jahnavi?" "It's an open secret, Jai and Jahnavi are very close..." "Tell me now." "Where is Jahnavi?" "Will you tell me or shall I kill you?" "Guru!" "Where is Jahnavi?" " In Jai's flat!" "By now he should've reached the place." "Not answering the call." "Still not lifting the phone." "I suspect something." "I think it's Kulkarni's phone." "He's answering the call." "If anything happens to my son, I'll not leave you." "Catch him!" "Don't leave him." "Catch him." "What happened?" "Munna entered the club suddenly, we couldn't control the situation, he killed both Rahul and Azad." "Shouldn't you've told me that?" "We don't know about the situation there, right?" "Okay, where's Munna now?" "Why did you come here?" "Why don't you answer my phone calls?" "Why should I?" "What makes you so proud!" "Is it because you're sexy?" "Is it because I'm after you?" "Why are you in Jai's flat?" "What are you doing here?" "You sang that song for him, right?" "Is it giving you great pleasure?" "Did you do it here?" "Here?" "If not there?" " Get out from here." "Will you make love wherever you find some place?" "Get out!" "You don't know about Jai." "Do you know him well?" "I don't mind if you sleep with him." "I don't like Jahnavi." "I don't like you." "Do you feel the pain?" "Is it giving you pleasure?" "Come on man!" "I'll kill you." "What have you done with Jahnavi?" "How dare she refuses me for you!" "The offer you made to Jai, is it just for him or we too can avail it?" "What's this Jai?" "Do you know what have you done?" "You killed Munna." "Bhagawan will not leave you." "See what has he done, he bashed Jahnavi to death." "No use Jai, Bhagawan will not leave if he knows you killed Munna." "He'll kill you." "Will Bhagawan leave me?" "I'll go to him myself." "He'll kill you." "If I run scared, what I've done will become a mistake." "Bhagawan must know what has happened here." "I'm going to meet Bhagawan." "You stay here." "Remove your car." "It seems you killed Munna." "Don't say anything without knowing the matter, Narsing." "I want to talk to Bhagawan, remove your car." "Bhagawan has ordered to kill the murderer of Munna." "You can't escape Jai, wherever you may go, you're dead." "Like he was my shadow, I said he'll be your shadow too." "I trusted he will be." "But I didn't expect he would kill you." "Why are you leaving this place?" "Why are Bhagawan's men after you?" "Kill them." "Leave it." " Why should I?" "They've killed Jahnavi, now they're after your life, before they kill you, you kill them." "Go, kill them Jai." "If I go there only one of we two would be alive," "I'll be there, Bhagawan will die." "I can never do that, Chotu." "You don't know Chotu, there's a war going on in my heart." "I'm fighting myself." "I can't stand before Bhagawan." "He may have forgotten the help he gave for my sister and mother." "But I've not forgotten it." "I must give my life for his help." "I mustn't take his life." "He knows the value of life." "I know how to seek revenge." "I'll not leave him." "I'm not leaving fearing death, I don't want to kill him, so I'm going." "I owe an explanation to three people only." "One is Jahnavi, next is you, and Sandhya." "Go." "Where?" "Go far away from here." "Keep this with you." " No, Jai." "Don't send me away." "It's not right for you to stay here." "Go." "I don't have anyone in this world." "I'll live and die for you only, Jai." "Don't send me away from you." "You always repeat my words, right?" "Say I'm leaving." "As you wish." "I'll go." "Go." "I didn't expect you'll come to me." "Why wouldn't I come?" "You made a blind offer to Jai, but he refused," "I'm not Jai to refuse such tantalizing offer." "I'm Guru." "Shall we sit and discuss?" "The matter is I've the opportunity, you've a necessity, if we both join, it's profit all the way." "Your profit depends on the information you give." "I'm sure it'll be more than your expectation." " Okay." "The soft place where if you hit Bhagawan's business will fall, and whom you've to hit to get the business to you," "I know very well when and whom to strike, but it needs a lot of ground work, you've to be little patient." "What happened?" " Got the car." "His whereabouts are unknown." "I've our men in every place he may go to." "Where would he go?" "Shall I serve sambar?" " No." "Aren't we all here to look after grandma?" "Why did you come here unannounced?" "It was shown on MAA TV cooking program." " I said no!" "Thick skinned lady!" "Can't you hear I'm talking to her?" "Always talking about TV programs." " I'll not serve you." "Why are you scolding Lakshmi sister for my sake?" "Say sister-in-law!" " Sister-in-law!" "I felt like meeting you all." "No, I called her." "What do you say?" "Will you keep shut?" "Shut up." "Dear, situation isn't good here." "We fear when Sambasiva will be out on bail or break out from jail." "What you say is right, Ashok." "Anyway she's here, she'll stay for a couple of days." "Will you keep her away all life in fear?" "How come you're connected to this?" "Don't interfere." "It was my mistake for allowing you to stay here." "Who are you to allow me to stay here?" "This is my grandma's house." "I'm here to help out of sympathy." "Isn't it, grandma?" "Tell me the truth." "He's my aunt's son, I left home to date him." "I'm scared he may settle down with some fair skinned lady." "What bothers you if I go with some woman?" "I'm in love with you from 8th class." "I won't accept if you go after any other woman." "Grandma, if you don't control her, I'll kill her." "Tell him to marry and then kill me, I'm waiting for 2 years now." "Some more years and I'll feel shy even to tell my age." "I don't want anything, my stomach is full." "Can't you come down and tell me that?" "I'm coming." "Why did you call me now?" "What?" "Sandhya, someone is here for you." "Grandma, he's Jai, she's my grandma." "Greetings madam." "Brother Ashok." "Lakshmi sister." " Greetings." " Sister-in-law!" "I worked in his nursery in Kolkata." " What did you do?" "He helped m a lot there." " How much?" "Why didn't you tell me about him?" "Come in Jai." "No problem, I'll stay out." " Stay out?" " Yes." "Then do one thing, after going out, turn left, and go straight, and then if you turn right, you'll see a Nookalamma temple on your right side, there's a big 5 star hotel next to it, you can stay there!" "Then what grandma?" "He's our guest and wants to stay out." "It's not respect to allow a guest to stay out with such a palatial home." "You can stay here happily." "Grandma." " Show him the room." "Why another room?" "He'll stay with me in my room." "When will you tell me that?" " Shut up, I'll kill you." "You come." "Come in." "This is my bedroom." "Please sit down." "Sit." "No problem, sit down." "Just now I called you and it was switched off." "Is it?" "Please sit down." "Drinking water." "Glass would be enough." "If you feel thirst at night, it may be difficult to get glasses." "That's why." "Sit down, you carry on." "I had kept it somewhere here only..." " What are you searching?" "That's what I'm searching, right?" "Is it here?" " No, not there." "You carry on talking." "I'm not listening." "You talk." "Sister-in-law!" "If you stay here, I'll call you as sister." "Don't do it, all my efforts would go waste." "Talk freely." "Come quickly." "What brings you here suddenly?" "I didn't respond to your phone call, right?" "I came here to tell that I've lost my phone." "If you had lost the phone how did you know I made a call?" "Got caught again." "Nice phone, lost it at the right time." "If you run so fast, you'll reach Kolkata faster than the bus." "Why did you run now?" "Memories chased me." "I didn't get you." "I was seven then, when my mother and sister called me, on green grasslands like this," "I used to run and fly kites," "I remembered that." " Is it?" "If you see our weekly market, you'll recollect more memories." "Shall we go?" "How is Chotu?" " He's fine." "What would happen in a day?" "Anything can happen." "Lives change in minutes." "You know that?" "What man?" "Are you trying to kill SI Papa Rao with a tractor?" "If I had that intention, I would've done it." "I wouldn't have applied the brakes." "I know." "I know you think Ashok is a great man!" "But you don't know about me." "If I open the bottle and drink the last peg, it'll be destruction 2012!" "You can't bear it." "Let's go to the market, it's time for collection." "Oh you?" "Are you fine?" " Fine." "Who is he sitting next to you?" "Is he troubling you?" "If he's troubling you, I'll lock him up and break his bones." "I haven't yet got in." "Stop... stop..." " Uncle... uncle... come fast please." "Please help me." " Please stop the vehicle." "I beg you, please give me your hand." " Come." "Hop on..." "Will you move little please?" "Little more please." "You're so thin, but where did you get so much strength?" "He goes forjog." " Jog?" "Jogging wont power hands, leg power will increase." "Did Ashok tell you not to speak?" "Basically I'm a good man." "Most of them misunderstand me." "I wanted to make the village greynary." "It's greenery not greynary." "Greenery!" "Greynary, it's not greynary!" "Greenery!" " Greynary!" "Fool!" "You can't pronounce it." " Why are you getting irritated?" "I just repeated what you said." "You're finding mistakes, what do you do?" "I've been searching for you only." "Cell phone is switched off, door is locked, man has escaped, I was searching where would he be?" "What's that look?" "It seems you've killed someone." "It seems they're searching for you." "If I file such an FIR and lock you up, you're finished." "So, listen to me, come to station and repair the transformer." "Sir, if you don't mind, a small matter." " Tell me." "Why sorry?" "For this." "Where is he?" " Uncle is always like this." "This is our market, this is our Shoppers Stop, City Centre, and everything." "Look at this, mud bangles." "Don't get it often." "Aren't they fine?" "Will you help me wear it?" "Come." "I don't like all this." " No problem." "Stand here." "What's this Sandhya?" "Why are you standing just like that?" "Give a pose like him." "Like him..." "Not like that." "Like him!" "Stylishly!" "What happened?" "You said fun, right?" "Break it Shiva..." "Come." "Jump!" "Is it Krishnashtami today?" " No, this is our village's casino." "One who breaks will get the money in it." "Will you make a try?" " No please." "You won't get such games in your place, try it." " No please." "What's this Jai?" "Ashok brother is asking you to try." "Why don't you try it for fun?" " I can't break it." "Do it for my sake." "Come Jai." "Give it." " Okay brother." "Take it, make a try." "Let me if you can break it, blindfold him." "Tie it perfectly." " I'll tie it tightly." "Do you think he'll break it?" "Break it Jai!" "Don't just watch, you must break it, Jai." "What are you looking at?" " I've a doubt." "Can I ask?" "Ask." "You appear innocent like a child but you've many arts hidden inside you." "That's okay, ask me what's your doubt?" "I didn't expect you'll break it one shot." "Anybody can do it, it's just timing." "Even you can do it." "Nothing like that, you've learnt Karate, right?" " Little." "I guessed it." "Breaking bricks and running cars over palms, and breaking stone slabs on body, will you do all this?" "Long time ago." "How are you?" "I'm fine, how are you doing?" " I'm fine." "Is Jai fine?" " He's fine." "Jai wanted to tell you something, did he tell you?" "Is it?" "Why didn't you come here?" "I've returned to my place." "Are you not in Kolkata now?" " No." "Why?" "Why did you leave the nursery?" "I..." "What happened suddenly?" "I'll talk to him." " Just a minute Chotu." "Are you fine, Jai?" " Fine, how about you?" "Didn't you tell anything with Sandhya?" "Not yet." " Please don't tell." "20 years dream is standing before you." "Don't destroy it with one truth, leave it." "Forget the past." "Start life afresh." "Please don't tell anything with Sandhya." "Bye Jai." "I'm offering these lamps since 8th class wishing to marry Ashok." "Never imagined this..." "It isn't a dream..." "You've come like good times..." "Just think and appears before to excite you..." "I'm here like a shore coming up..." "If two of us merge into one, it's love..." "If our eyes see one thing and breathe as one, then it's we..." "Tell me... tell me..." "Who appointed you?" " Chotu sir." "I don't know anything sir." "Find out who else used to visit here." "There's lot about him which I don't know." "Brother Ashok!" "You're dead today." "Beat him." "Break open the door and get her out." "I'll kill you first and then go after her." "I told you not to come here from Kolkata." "Have you understood why?" "Please calm down." " You shut up." "Who are you?" "How could you beat a man like that?" "You would also beat like that had you been in my place?" "When someone comes to help, don't ask for reasons." "If we've to avoid such attacks again, we must kill Sambasiva tonight." "I'm sure SI Paparayudu would know about Sambasiva." "If we get him drunk, he'll tell the whereabouts of Sambasiva." "Let's ask him sir." "No need to ask that drunkard, I'll kill him myself." "Uncle, take care of the home." " Okay." "He used to torture farmers here to cut trees and smuggle it from forest." "I couldn't tolerate it." "I gave them courage and petitioned against him." "I met every one of them." "Finally arrest warrant was issued against him." "He left threatening to kill me." "My brother Ashok forced to go to Kolkata." "You know everything that happened after." "You're unnecessarily facing problems because of me." "Leave this place tomorrow, don't stay here." "His tension will be there till I'm alive." "You go away, Jai." "The reason I came here isn't that." "The reason to leave shouldn't be it." "You go to sleep." "Tonight you must have the last peg." "There will be cyclone if I drink the last peg." "My foot cyclone, let it come, I don't care." "I think you're busy." "You carry on, I'll come later." "Wait, is it second show to continue?" "Wait." " You wait here." "What's going on here?" "What's the matter?" "That is..." " My foot!" "What will he say?" "I'll tell you." " Tell me." "I didn't know what liquor is till 6 months ago," "I never drank before, but this fool made me drink last peg and today I'm a drunkard." "If I ask why?" "He says cyclone 2012 will come if he drinks." "My wife... my wife ditched me." "He's the reason." "If you don't drink the last peg tonight, I'll kill you and sit in the lock-up." "Please tell him." " Me?" "That's it!" "Drink it!" "Now show your bloody cyclone!" "Come here." "Is it okay?" "Where is he?" "You had last peg and slapped him, right?" "He ran away." "Did I have last peg and slapped him?" " Then what?" "Did he ran away?" "This side or that side?" " Straight!" " Straight!" "Did he go away straight?" "Do you say I slapped him?" "Without any doubt." "I'm the witness." "Thanks at least you believed me." "What's the use sir?" "I couldn't make Ashok to believe this." "When I said let's ask Paparayudu to catch Sambasiva..." "What did he say?" "I can't say it sir." " Tell me, what did he say?" "He used choicest epithets." " Epithets?" "What did he use?" "Hey you sinner!" " Sinner!" "Hey you bloody drunkard!" "He said this too, sir." "Bloody drunkard!" "Not only that sir, he used bad words for me for supporting you." "Did he abuse you also?" "What did he say?" "He said hey you innocent!" " Innocent?" "You can't even bite if finger is placed in mouth." "He said this too sir." "Innocent." "You can't even bite if finger is placed in mouth." "The first two abuses were correct, are you considering the second two words also as abuses?" "Forget about me, Ashok says he'll catch Sambasiva before you can." "Is it?" "Samba lives in forest besides the elephant's waterhole, amidst the foxes pen..." "Why sorry?" "Who is the new man in her home?" " He came recently." "We saw him in the market." "We thought he would've gone." "Why didn't you tell me that before?" "Who is it?" "Check boys, go." "Go that side." "Go this side." "Who is it?" "Who is it?" "What's that?" "Though he only drinks..." " Thought he's just a drunkard." "Greetings sir..." "Greetings sir." "You're not an ordinary man." " What happened?" "Why people have gathered here?" "What's all this sir?" " What did I do?" "Sir, see he did everything and innocently asking what has happened?" "Did I do anything?" "To keep this place in peace, you drank the last peg and killed Sambasiva, are you asking innocently what has happened?" " Me?" "Sir, you're God!" " Am I God?" "You're God." "I'll not leave your stomach." "Sir..." " Did I kill Sambasiva?" " Yes sir." "Last night you said I'll not sleep till I see his end, till now I saved the last peg for him only, tonight I'll kill him, and usher in the cyclone 2012 tonight, you said this." "Did I?" " Yes sir." "Do you really say I killed him?" "That's what people think and if you don't it'll be very bad." "Now listen to me carefully, sir." "You didn't kill any ordinary man, you killed Sambasiva!" "A cold blooded murderer!" "A beast!" "You're a hero for killing such a devil." "A great warrior!" "If you don't accept or believe it," "Ashok will take all the credit, now you're a real hero!" "How could he kill Sambasiva?" "Have you all gone mad?" "Shut up." "Good show!" "I killed Sambasiva!" "Me!" "I don't care if people like you believe it or not." "My foot!" "Sir." "Call the photographer." " Come here." "Sir, please go near the body..." "go near the body..." "Near the body?" "Lt'll be fine." "I'm going." " Little further." "I'll not go." "Sir, little closer to the body." "Please sir." "I'll rap your head." "Little closer." "It'll be fine, little closer." "That's all." "Take a snap." "Born somewhere..." "grew up somewhere else..." "He came to our place..." "he has become part of our family..." "He's a moon without dark spots..." "a shining sun of goodness..." "He plays with elephants, O Paparayudu..." "If every place has a man like him, there won't be any problems..." "There won't be any darkness anymore..." "You stop it." "What are you doing there?" " Coming sir." "Coming sir." "I'm here sir." "Why is he singing about moon, sun, brightness and darkness?" "He's singing about you, sir." " I must understand it, right?" "I came here to grey..." "You're right." "You do one thing." " Sir." "Don't use big words like him, use small words, you sing in praise of me." " Me sir?" "Yes, don't hesitate." "Sing." " No sir." "My shoulder broke sir." "Sing." " Okay sir." "Sing I say!" "You beat the drums!" "Wastrel of all wastrels..." "You foolish ass..." "Drunkard..." "loafer..." "A goon in the police uniform..." "What's this sir?" "Why are you beating me?" "Why are you abusing me?" " In the flow..." " Stop." "Though I didn't understand, his abuses were much better." "Yours is totally worse." "Do one thing, don't go too high or too low, use medium abuses." "Watch now sir!" "Beat!" "He's short and a world hero..." "He appears ordinary..." "This warrior has many tricks under his sleeve..." "He's a great warrior without a moustache, he's like a superman..." "He looks very simple..." "He's Lord Anjaneya who doesn't know his own strength..." "He's Ghajini's cousin to forget every good deed he does..." "Next?" "What next?" "Beat!" "Don't judge people by the clothes and looks..." "At the right time one's stamina comes to the fore..." "Though he doesn't have a six pack body..." "Paparayudu's single hand can do wonders..." "Though he may look like a comedian in cut outs..." "This short man's razor sharp eyes can kill anyone..." "Can knock-out anyone..." "Next?" " What next?" "Beat!" "Watch now brother!" "How about this brother?" "Change the movement." "That's fine!" "Ladies too joined him." "Till yesterday people here were grinding axe on you..." "Now they're ready to offer their daughters in marriage..." "Till yesterday you were nothing..." "today you're a sir..." "People who chided you are bowing to you in honour..." "You're God and judge to any problem in the surrounding villages..." "Even if they fall at your feet, don't ever leave anyone..." "If you're not with us as protector, who would protect us?" "Sir... sir..." "I'm here sir." "This land is mine, this village is mine..." "People of this village are my people." "I'll not leave you." " That's enough sir." "Like gum..." "like adhesive..." "I'll stick on to this place." "Sir, you're God!" "Bless him sir." "Sir..." "Its enough of this life." " Go." "Enough of it sir." " Go." "No sir." " Go I say!" " I'm going sir." "Beat!" "Little slow!" "Still slower!" "Slower than it." "Further slow is nothing." "Nothing can be heard." "Beat!" "Let's install a golden statue when he's still alive..." "Let's spread message of Paparayudu's good deeds around..." "Let's celebrate his birthday like a festival of Deepavali or Holi..." "And call it as Papavali..." "Let's collect donations and build a marble temple for him..." "Let's make Paparayudu's epic tale a lesson in school text book..." "Next?" " What next?" "Beat!" "Sir, got excited..." " What's this?" "Go... go away..." "What did I tell and what were you doing?" "If you don't tell the truth, all of them would be burnt alive." "Where is Chotu?" "Tell me." "Where is Chotu?" "I really don't know." "He left this place." "I'll tell you..." "I don't know where he is but he calls me sometimes." "Call him on phone." "Just a minute." "Got a phone call." "Hello, my life!" "Where are you Chotu?" " Are you thinking of me?" "Do you want to meet me?" " Yes, I want to meet you." "I can't come." "You know... small problem." "If you insist I too feel like meeting you." "Do one thing." "There's Dreamland hotel outside the city." "Let's meet there coming Thursday." "Will you bring it or shall I bring it?" "I'll bring it." "Don't tell anyone." "Bye." "One Beer to room number 108." "6She's very fast." "Tell me, where is Jai?" "I don't know dada." "Do you really don't know or refusing to tell me?" "I refuse to tell though I know." "If you tell me where's Jai, it'll be easy to catch him, if not it'll be little difficult." "I told you I'll not tell." "That's it?" "Tell me now!" "If you had told me death would've been easier." "You know what should be done, right?" "We'll find and kill him." "I didn't tell you to kill him, I want Jai alive." "A small gift for you." " For me?" " See!" "I want to tell you something." "You don't have to tell me, I know it." "Sandhya, i want to tell..." " Isn't it that the place you love?" "Your dreamland." "Actually from that place to this end belongs to us." "But my father gave to the villagers." "Sandhya, Paparayudu didn't kill Sambasiva." "What?" "I killed him." "For you." "There's another Jai whom you don't know." "After my father's death, me, my mother and my sister came to Calcutta for livelihood." "When people were looking at my mother and sister with desire," "I was dying in fear how to protect them." "I came with dreams of looking after mother well, and marry off my sister in a good family, when people killed them after molesting them," "my heart broke, Sandhya," "console to a man in grief, courage to a man in fear, help to a helpless man, people don't get such comforts easily, but I got everything with just one touch," "Bhagawan!" "Kill!" "Putting value to help, marking boundary to gratitude, is like killing humans," "gratitude isn't just thinking of the help, it's showing gratitude to the man who helped us." "Why are you telling me everything, Jai?" "Why are you telling now?" "Are you asking me not to love you?" "Are you saying you don't love me?" "Why?" "You gave me love which I had lost years ago." "That's why." "Though I didn't commit any mistake, I can't cheat you by hiding truth." "That's why I'm telling you." "I like you, I love you from my heart." "Though the life I dream is before my eyes, to take into my arms..." "Why are you stopping yourself, Jai?" "Why?" "Don't think I'll forget if you refuse me." "I loved you, I love you, I'll keep loving you." "As far as my life is concerned, whether it is dream or reality, it's you Jai." "I loved you, I love you, I'll keep loving you." "As far as my life is concerned, whether it is dream or reality, it's you Jai." "Are you dead or alive?" "You would also do the same if you were in my place, let's discuss about it later." "My Rahul died because of you, die!" "Give me the phone." " What happened?" " Give me phone." "Where are you?" " Why?" "What happened to Sandhya?" " Give me car keys." "What happened to Sandhya?" "You would've understood what's my background." "Give me car keys." "I'll also come with you." "This is my war, the last war I'm waging for my sake." "Come!" "Where is Sandhya?" "Where is Sandhya?" "I don't know who Sandhya is!" "If you don't know how could Sampath trace me out." "Guru told us." "Guruvaiah?" "You didn't like my offer, Guru accepted it." "Guru planned this." "Guru told us to kill you also." "Call him on phone." "Call him on phone!" "Did you kill Jai?" "Stop..." "I didn't do this." "I'm Guruvaiah, Jai!" "Where is Sandhya?" " I don't know." "May be Bhagawan would've taken her." "Yes, Bhagawan did this." "To catch you, he killed everyone." "He killed poor Chotu by asphyxiating him." "Kill Bhagawan..." "Leave me, I'm Guru." "Leave me..." "leave me..." "do I need it at this age?" "I beg you, leave me, I'll go away." "I'll never appear in public again, take it as I'm dead." "Leave me Jai..." "I beg you." "Throw the gun, Jai." "Come Jai... come." "Though you knew I'm searching you, you didn't come to me." "You've come searching for a girl." "Why?" "Why Jai?" "How could you go away killing Munna and leaving me?" "First know why I had to kill Munna." "He was torturing and killing Jahnavi before my eyes," "I did what any man with humanity would do." "Munna is my son." "I trusted you'd be like his shadow." "I promised to be shadow of humans not to sadists." "I lost my son, my honour." "I lost my power." "Jai, power is greater than one's life." "I thought you'd be mourning the death of a son." "But you're sad about losing power." "The problem is between you and me, leave Sandhya, till now I've never killed anyone without valid reason, if I get a reason, I'll not spare anyone." "You wanted revenge on me, you'd no reason to kill Chotu, now you've kidnapped Sandhya, if there's anyone left in my life as my own, its Sandhya." "Please leave Sandhya." "Sandhya, come." "Raising it on me..." "on Bhagawan himself!" "For the sake of a girl, raising it on me, what's there in her?" "Life!" "I gave you this life." "After losing your mother and sister, you were left orphaned on streets," "I gave you the life." "There's no Jai without Bhagawan." "What did you give me in return?" "20 years of my life." "For your help I gave you 20 years of my life." "Dada, you gave a gun to take lives, but I believed its to protect lives," "till now I never talked to you but today arguing with you, understand it, but still I'm not here to kill you," "I'm here to take Sandhya with me, leave Sandhya," "Dada, don't force me to kill you." "Don't force me to kill you." "You're talking to Bhagawan." "You're talking to Bhagawan's strength." "You'll regret this, Jai." " You'll die, leave her." "Why should I leave her?" "I gave you gun for my sake," "I gave you life for my sake," "I've turned you like armour for my sake, even if you die, you must die for me only." "Die for my sake only." "But she has taken me away from you." | {
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} |
"(male narrator) Okay." "Settle down." "Got your ears open?" "(clears throat)" "This is the story of a sad flute a laughin' baby and a weeping' sword." "A long, long time ago in a land far, far away, there lived a warrior... warrior with empty eyes." "He'd trained his entire life for one purpose." "To be the greatest swordsman in the history of mankind." "He'd just achieved his life's ambition, but his heart felt emptier than ever." "These two clans had been warrin' for 500 years." "And they vowed to keep on warrin' until one of them didn't have a single man left above Styx." "(giggles)" "(coos, cries)" "(coos, giggles)" "And so now, here he was, peering' down at this very last of his enemy." "(baby coos, laughs)" "When that little warrior princess giggled, it did somethin' to him inside." "But this was no time for feelin'." "For when spared that baby's life, he put his name at the top of his own clan's death list." "With nothin' but the clothes on his back and the baby in his arms, he decided to pay a visit to an old warrior friend in a faraway land." "Hey, Johnny." "I don't like your stinkin' face." "Easy, Ronald." "The name's Eight-Ball." "Like in the game." "Good luck for some, bad luck for others." "How can I assist you, my friend from the mystical East?" "Uh-oh." "Haven't been here since Smiley kicked the bucket." "Was a 3-day wait just to get your shirts pressed." "(laughs)" "For a guy who cleaned sheets all day, he sure liked to make a mess in the after-hours, if you know what I mean." "See you in the morning." "(man) You came to me to be strong." "I have made you the strongest." "She will always be the enemy." "(baby crying in distance)" "(bellows)" "Here it is." "Just rub some on your shoulder." "Smiley's Oriental cure-all." "Works like a charm." "(crying)" "Now, honey, I didn't forget about you." "It's alright there." "It's okay." "Ssh, ssh, ssh." "Sorry about the tap I gave ya." "I thought you knew the sword." "Smiley was always yabberin' on about a guy who was gonna roll into town." "But I shoulda figgered." "What do you call her?" "I do not know." "Oh." "She's not yours?" "Where's her folks?" "Dead." "Oo-ee, best we find you another diaper." "Alright." "Smiley like your uncle or something?" "Friend." "Well, if you were his friend, maybe he would like for you to take over his laundry." " Do not know how." " So I'll teach ya." "I always done the laundry around here." "That's how I repaid Smiley for teaching me the sword." "Tell you what I'm gonna do." "You stay here, I'll teach you how to tie a diaper properly." "We'll be partners, 60:40." "You are the 40." "Alright now, time to get to work." "Dang, you're slower than molasses in January." "(fly buzzing)" "You clean that real good, yellow boy." "As clean as Snow White's panties..." "If I find the smallest bit of condor crap on my fancy duds..." " Well, we gonna have us..." " (crunch)" "Didn't I tell you I'd rip 'em off if you don't watch yourself?" "Let go, evil midget!" "Come on, Eight-Ball, we were just havin' us some fun." " Really?" " Ah!" "(grunts)" "Okay... okay..." "Let go." " (laughs)" " Get outta here!" "How 'bout a home-cooked meal for you and your little 'un?" "Once that Ferris wheel is finished, it's gonna bring everybody rushing' back," "And then we can take the word "travelling" out of "travelling circus."" "Hey, Ron." "(slurring) Welcome to the Eighth Wonder ofthe World!" "Get down here!" "The chow bell ringin'!" "Ha!" "(light applause)" "(woman) Bravo, bravo." "(laughs, applause)" "Gonna grab some vittles with us?" "No thanks." "Not hungry." "I-I-I b-baked a cake." "Come on, Ron!" "What the hell's up with her?" "You, I knew you was trouble the moment you walked into this... (gurgles)" "(snores, laughter)" "(woman singing operatically)" "(squeals)" "Sounds even better from inside." "(singing continues)" "You ever seen one ofthese before?" "The sound it's makin'?" "It's called "opera."" "Day my poppa found his first chunk of gold, he went out and bought this thing." "Listen." "Here's my favorite part." "(narrator) So at the edge of the desert, in a busted town full of broken people, the warrior began to learn stuff he shoulda learned a long time ago." "(squishing)" "No, no!" "Rough!" "Like the joy of gettin' dirty things clean." "(laughs)" "Yes!" "Woo hoo!" "That's me!" "(laughs) Thank you!" "I told you to aim at the line, not at the coin!" "All right!" "(laughs)" "He also learned the joy of losing." "You're gonna need blood and bone of about 100 dead buffaloes as fertilizer." "Smiley always tried to get something to grow." "Never, ever lasted too long." "He learned you could be happy working' with folks." "And finding' the simple peace in some private time after a hard day's work." "(door bell chimes)" "What's takin' you so long?" "Come on, Skinny!" "You gonna miss it." "Come on." "(door bell chimes, door closes)" "(train whistle blows)" "And he found that it's nice to have a few friends around when the sun goes down." "But most of all, the warrior learned there's a heck of a lot more pleasure makin' things grow than there is in cutting' 'em down." "(laughter)" "You bunch of pups!" "Gimme back that goddamn bottle!" "You win." "Show me what you got." "God damn!" "I shoulda never taught you this game!" "You a shark with a poker face." "What happened to her?" "(woman whimpers) Please!" "Help me!" " Help me!" " Lynne!" " Please!" "Let her go!" " Someone, help me!" " Eight-Ball!" " Lynne!" "(man) Hungry?" "No?" "Pretty thing." "Aagh!" "Agh!" "Aah!" "Damn you!" "(pistol cocks)" "Noooo!" "(grunting, crowd murmuring)" "No!" "Lynne!" "Lynne!" "Agh!" "No!" "(woman sobs, gunshots)" "No!" "Only thing was, when we went to bury her, she was still breathing." "Never known nobody that close to kickin' it." "We didn't know what to do wit' her, if'n she was gonna live or die." "So we just put her in bed and waited." "Two days, and she was eating soup." "By the day three, she was already sitting up somehow and slinging daggers at the wall." "But God ain't fair." "And some people just ain't cut out for the knife." "Dang it." "My arm ain't worth a damn." "It is not your arm." "What'd you say?" "Ouch!" "Now you sure about this?" "'Cause I'm not so good with my eyes open." "Throw." "I can't do it." "Do not talk." "Focus." "It is your heart that shakes." "You dead?" "Not yet." "Sure you're not fountainin' blood or anything, are ya?" "Oh, shit!" "(laughs) Ha!" "I did it!" "Thank you, Mr. Sad Flute." "Smiley told me everything." "I just taught you to focus." "Why you do that?" "Okay." "I've always been dyin' to know." "Why are y'all called The Sad Flutes?" "So you got lady Sad Flutes, too?" "Sad Flutinas or somethin'?" "Yes." "Wow!" "That's nice." "Jumpin' in the moonlight and kissin' as you both fly under the stars to the tunes of The Sad Flutes..." "We are called Sad Flutes because when you cut the throat, the last sound is like a sad flute." "Dang!" "Skinny, sure know how to throw a dead cat into a party room, don't ya?" "Why'd you become a Sad Flute?" "To be strong." "That it?" "My father was working in the field." "I was helping him." "A swordsman came." "Killed my father." "Just to test his sword." "That musta hurt you somethin' bad." "Not hurt." "Angry." "Course." "No." "I was angry at my father." "Here." "Take it." "It's a present." "My momma gave it to me." "She said, "If you hold it over your heart when you're sad, it takes away all your sadness."" "It works." "Kinda." "Present?" "Yeah." "(footsteps approaching)" "(whimpers)" "(dog yips)" "That is your only friend here." "Take good care of it." "Yes, master." "Oh, tarnations." "Only to protect, not kill." "What am I gonna kill in this town, an armadillo?" "Is that what I think it is?" "You've sealed it." "So they cannot hear." "Hear what?" "The weeping." "Of all the souls I have taken." "Who's listenin'?" "My past." "And if it hears?" "No more music." "This is a big country." "Where do we look?" "Do not look." "We listen." "He will show." "Think ofthe sword as part of the body." "Like a finger." "Like a tooth." "Rather think of it like metal slicing' through a herd of buffalo!" "Show me what Smiley taught you." "You do not have the power." "Well, thank you very much." "I did not know that." "But you are fast." "Just have to be faster." "Ouch!" "Ouch!" "Is this 'cause of yesterday?" "'Cause I said I was sorry!" "What?" "Cut it out, Skinny." "I'm serious!" "You are slower than molasses in January." "(laughs) Come on, then!" "Ah!" "(laughs) Ouch!" "Cut it out, Skinny!" "Ow!" "(laughs)" "Stop it, Skinny!" "(laughs)" "Cut it out!" "I'm serious!" "(laughs) Stop!" "(laughter)" "(speaking Spanish)" "(man) You bearded nut!" "Merry Christmas, Laundry Man!" "(crowd) Merry Christmas!" "(crowd cheers) Merry Christmas." "Yeah!" "(cheers and applause)" "(laughs)" "(lively music plays)" "We go!" "(laughter and scattered cheers)" "May I have this dance?" "(crowd clapping rhythmically)" "Whose birthday?" "Well..." "It's sort of a long story." "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" "Hey, ya young punks!" "Ya gonna take me for a spin or what?" "(metal clanging)" "I win." "No." "Until your enemy's heart stops, you have not won." "Is that so?" "Did that stop your heart?" "(horse whinnies)" "(record skipping)" "("Silent Night" plays)" "Ha!" "That's better!" "(chuckles)" "Merry Christmas!" "I didn't get my invitation." "Has anyone seen it?" "No?" "Huh." "Never mind." "We're all here now." "No harm done." "Ho, ho, ho." "And what did Santa bring you, little boy?" "Huh?" "Why..." "if it ain't a clown." "You're looking so sad." "Huh." "You know, I never found clowns that funny myself." "(gunshots, men whooping and laughing)" "Don't worry, clown." "I'm a pretty good shot." "Especially when I've been drinking." "(bottle clatters)" "Hey!" "Don't go wastin' good moonshine." "Wow." "This shit's smoother'n a calf's ass." "But this..." "this party's for girls." "Let's all go to the spilloon!" "What have we here?" "Looks like we got ourselves another clown." "Take this clown for a walk." "(men cheer)" "(choking and sputtering)" "(laughter and whooping)" "(needle scratches, crowd gasps)" "(laughter)" "Never quite understood the attraction of a circus." "(laughter)" "Till now. (laughs)" "Join the others in Stockton." "I'll catch you up." "Hyah!" "Hyah!" "(laughter and whooping)" "Gentlemen, I have a few old memories I'd like to revisit." "Follow me." "(clicks tongue)" "Dang it!" "He killed my whole family!" "God damn it, Baptiste, let me go or I swear I'm gonna..." " I-I-I'm sorry, Lynne." " Lynne." "This ain't just for your protection, you know." "It's for the whole goddamn town." "(door closes)" "Let me see!" "We have a winner!" "Gentlemen?" "(man) Maria!" "(gun cocks)" "(speaks Spanish)" "He is your, uh..." "marido?" "My apologies." "I am not the kind of man who sleeps with a married woman." "No." "Por favor." "Gracias, Señor!" "(woman screams)" "Mommy!" "No!" "(both sobbing)" "Oh!" "But their daughters..." "Oh, that's a completely different matter." "Clean them up." "You get a bullet in the head for every louse I find." "I once strung a man up by his own hamstrings because he cooked me a steak well-done." "(laughs)" "What?" "Find that funny?" "Or is it because of this?" "(door opens)" "Thank you, gentlemen." "This girl says she'll serve herself up to you instead ofthe spics." "Have we, uh, met before?" "No." "We haven't." "This is bound to be a night you will never forget." "You have good teeth." "I like that." "Colonel, as you unwrap me," "I'm sure you will find there's a whole lot more of me to like." "I have no doubt ofthat." "And though I may be young," "I was hopin' you could teach me a thing or two." "Life's best lessons tend to hurt." "Sharp pain can bring sharp pleasure." "Tell them to get." "This ain't the theatre." "Gentlemen, you heard the lady." "Make yourselves scarce." "(door closes)" "Lynne!" "She's not here!" "Now I, I might say some things during." "Feel free to answer if you like." "Nothing is too wrong." "I've been waitin' my whole life for a place where it's right to be wrong." "(grunts)" "You know, I don't think any part ofthe body is dirty or bad." "Just as long as it's well-scrubbed" "Yes." "Assemble." "Now." "Now where do you plan to begin the inspection?" "(water splashing) I like where the skin creases..." "Go on." "Between your nice... big..." "Moment I smelt your neck... it all came flooding back." "No girl could ever smell as sweet." "You changed it all." "My world." "My face." "You changed my life, little girl." "And now I'm..." "I'm going to change yours." "(grunting)" "That certainly is a beautiful scar I gave you." "(grunts) A hard-on for a scar." "(chuckles) Now that is wrong." "Oops." "I forgot." "Nothing tonight is wrong." "(grunting)" "Tell the cook to fry up some potatoes" "(chuckles)" "And while we're waiting, I thought I should give you what I was so generously offering ten years ago." "Enjoy the show." "No!" "He's mine." " Lynne..." " Are you all right?" "Cover me!" "Hold on!" "Lynne!" "Agh!" "(indistinct murmuring)" "(man) Pull it off." " She got the wrong guy." " That ain't him." "(woman) Oh, God help us." "Merry Christmas!" "(laughs)" "Sweet mother of God, it's a goddamn butcher shop in here!" "(indistinct murmuring)" "I must go or you will all be in danger." "(Eight-Ball) We're in danger already." "Colonel's on the loose." "That's right." "Lynne here smoked the wrong guy." "Now the Colonel's coming back, and he's bringing the whole damn family." "We need the guy who did that butcherjob in the saloon." "Well, I say we all just pack up and leave." "He's right!" "If you stay and fight, you'll die like rats." "Well, we'll die like rats with rifles." "What rifles?" "You got a Chink with a sword and a buncha juggling idiots." " How dare you?" "!" " That ain't all we got." "Hey!" "Beth will understand." "Follow me." "I ruined everything." "Didn't I?" "You did what you had to do." "You coulda just grabbed April and hit the trail." "But you didn't." "Knowing saving me would ruin every new thing you found here." "This New World, without you... not so new." "Hey, let's say somehow they all come and go and we're still breathin'." "You're still gonna leave, right?" "That is the plan." "Um..." "Maybe I could go with you?" "Just think about it, alright?" "Hey!" "That's my primo cactus juice!" "(laughter)" "Yee-haw!" "Whoo!" "I knew what you was from the get-go." "Don't need to look at the size of a man." "I can smell the blood." "It was on you, too." "Yeah." "Good." "Now, get my jacket clean if you can." "If I'm gonna die, I want to look good doing it." "Why die?" "'Cause we only got about a hundred sticks of dynamite and a few weapons." "That ain't much more 'n to sting them with." "You also have that." "Done a good job on this garden." "Well, for a laundry man." "You do a good shooting." " For a drunken man." " (chuckles)" "Why you stopped the shooting?" "Well, I just went around robbing banks, hitting trains till I ran into the only force that can truly bring down any outlaw." "Sheriff?" "(grunts) Woman." "When I was with her, I didn't wanna run." "What happened then?" "There was a couple of Rangers who hadn't forgot about me." "They ambushed me." "Bullets flying' everywhere." "One of 'em found Beth." "Last thing she ever said to me was, "Don't never pick up no gun again."" "So far..." "Well, at least till today..." "I done what she asked." "But for fellas like me and you, we are what we are." "If you truly love somethin' or somebody, Laundry Man... you get as far away from 'em as possible." "'Cause we're sand." "They're flowers." "(door opens)" "These are yours." "These are to kill." "Come." "Closer." "Here." "Remember these places." "Fastest way to kill your enemy." "I will remember." "(bell clanging)" "(whimpering)" "(laughter)" "(man) Company charge!" "(shouting and whooping)" "Oh... (whimpers)" "(shouting and whooping continues)" "(gunshot)" "(men scream, horses whinnying)" "(men groaning and coughing)" "(sword rings, pistols cock)" "Hey!" "(sword ringing, wet impacts)" "What the hell?" "Agh!" "(men sputtering and choking)" "Come on!" "(men shouting)" "(steam whistle toots)" "(machinery whirs, calliope plays)" "(spooky laughter)" "(men screaming)" "Whoo!" "Get up there!" "Everybody, up there!" "(men shouting)" "Come on men!" "Agh!" "(screams)" "Get him, down there!" "Get down." "(Colonel) Shoot them!" "Ah!" "(men shouting indistinctly)" "Okay, let's get out of here." "Shoot them!" "Shit." "(man) Dynamite!" "Run for your lives!" "Take cover!" "Ya-hoo!" "Shit!" "We did it!" "(all cheer)" "(gunshot, all gasp)" "They hit Jacques!" "Come on!" "Back to town!" "(indistinct shouting)" "Come on." "(gunshots)" "Let's close this damn circus down!" "Burn it!" "(screaming)" "Come on!" "(rifle cocks)" "(gunshot, crow caws)" "Kill." "Run." "Hey, come on!" "Into the hotel!" "Keep low!" "(men screaming)" "Get them!" "(indistinct shouting and gunfire)" "Here!" "Take her!" "Skinny!" "(gunshots, April cries)" "(Eight-Ball wheezing and grunting)" "I-I couldn't protect April." "(April crying in distance)" "Guard the hallway!" "And don't let a damn soul into this room!" "(distant gunfire)" "(sword tip dragging)" "What the... (chokes and sputters)" "Agh!" "(sword tip dragging)" "One more step, and she's soup." "I said stop!" "(both grunting)" "Yah!" "Agh!" "That sure is a purty scar I gave you." "Agh!" "Ooh!" "Ooh!" "Ugh!" "I'll see you in Hell, little girl." "(chuckles)" "Wear something nasty." "(laughs)" "Yaah!" "Is this the new life you have found?" "Funny." "Look much like the old one." "Do you think you will tell her that you kill her mother, her father and her entire clan?" "She is the enemy." "She will always be the enemy." "You came to me to be strong." "I have made you the strongest." "Kill her now." "You do not belong here." "I do." "I did." "You have the perfect body for an assassin but the heart of a priest." "Your heart will become your biggest enemy." "You must kill your biggest enemy." "We are assassins." "All that we love, we will destroy." "You are assassin." "All that you love, you'll destroy." "Did we win?" "We survived." "Some of us." "I'm not goin' with you." "Am I?" "I guess that's the end ofthem." "No." "It is just the beginning." "What about the baby?" "She gonna be safe?" "They are listening for this to cry." "Not her." "That's right, Sand Man." "Keep walkin'." "The warrior walked away." "And legend has it, he never stopped walking', always making sure to keep as much distance as possible between himself and the little gal he loved." "(woman singing operatically)" "How much?" "Free." "(singing continues)" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"I had the perfect life" "Until I was in a coma for six years," "And then I woke up" "And found my fiancee married to another man..." "And they're raising my son." "Everything has changed..." "Including me." "One touch, and I can see things," "Things that happened, things that will happen." "You should see what I see." "Wake up, sleepyhead." "Breakfast is ready." "I forgot where I was." "It was like a dream." "What was it about?" "What?" "Your dream." "I can't remember." "I must have been pretty tired." "Yeah, it was after 2:00 by the time you got over here." "I can't thank you enough." "Listen, Maiya, these phone calls in the middle of the night and the hang-Ups..." "It's got to be your ex-Husband, right?" "That means he knows where you are." "Remember how I always used to say" "I wanted this unconventional life, to live life on the edge?" "Sounds like Cole's a little bit too edgy, though." "Oh, god." "Cole was..." "He turned into someone that I don't even know." "I mean, the things he did..." "I had to get away from him." "Look, if he violates your restraining order, you can have him sent to jail." "And what about Siena, you know?" "It's her father." "What does it look like if I have him sent to prison?" "Look, the main thing is that you're both safe." "He told me that he would never let me take his daughter." "You're still here?" "Oh." "Well, good morning." "Why did you come over in the middle of the night?" "Because..." "I was craving your mommy's" "World-Famous mushroom omelet." "Are you hungry?" "We're going blueberry picking and lobstering." "Have you ever found buried treasure?" "Oh, that one I missed." "Wow." "My daddy told me about how he was going to take me to look for it someday in the land of gold." "Okay, Picasso." "Come on." "Let's go." "You go pack your stuff." "Hey." "You're doing the right thing." "I really missed you." "Me too." "Why don't you, uh... finish your breakfast, and then lock up." "Yeah?" "Still sleeping, huh?" "Well, I don't blame you after last night." "So listen, I could really use your help on something." "Mm-Hmm." "This guy came by to file a complaint." "Said that his old girlfriend's being stalked by her ex-husband." "Must be an epidemic." "How's that?" "You know anything about the ex-Husband?" "Yeah, he's a pretty rough character." "He's got a weapons conviction, assault..." "He's got a restraining order against him." "I put out an apb on this guy." "But you want to make sure he doesn't find the ex-wife first, right?" "Yeah, well, the guy that reported her missing says he hasn't seen her since this morning." "Whatever I can do." "I've got a picture, but I had the guy drop off something for you to touch." "This is a picture of the girl." "Her name is..." "Maiya." "Maiya Raymond." "How the hell did you know that?" "I spent last night at her house." "Okay, I checked with the blueberry farms." "There was no sign of Maiya or her daughter." "They mentioned the lobster boats." "How well do you know this woman?" "We went to college together." "It's all a little bit blurry." "It feels like a lifetime ago." "Was she something special?" "I'm not sure." "She invited me over to her house last night." "After the birthday party?" "She said she'd been getting these phone calls in the middle of the night." "Might be the ex-Husband." "Ooh-Hoo-Hoo!" "Sounds like a real mess." "Why are you smiling at me like that?" "Am I smiling?" "Yeah, and it's creeping me out." "I wonder where all those boats are sailing off to." "I wish I was on one of them." "Where do you want to go?" "I don't know." "Nowhere." "Everywhere." "Make it up as I go along." "Come with me." "What?" "There's something special about you." "I can see it in your eyes." "I'm the least special person in this whole college." "Don't do the safe thing." "Do something amazing with your life." "Go on your instincts." "Feelings." "Wow." "I was here." "With Maiya." "Why can't I remember any of this?" "I give up." "Why?" "It's like this whole chunk of my life doesn't exist." "It's like she knew who I was, like we had this connection." "The doctors tell me that coma patients lose memories, but why is this all coming back to me now?" "Yeah, why now?" "Anybody home?" "Can I help you?" "Where's Maiya?" "She's not home." "You the new boyfriend?" "Who's asking?" "I am." "Look, I know who you are." "You need to stop calling here in the middle of the night." "I didn't, but I bet you did, in order to scare her enough to invite you over." "That's crazy." "You've always had a thing for Maiya." "She told me." "We're friends." "She's afraid of you." "She moved 3,000 miles to get away from you." "Yeah... and who put that idea into her head?" "You poisoned her against me." "You filled her head with lies!" "Last night was the first time I saw her in years!" "Then why did she leave?" "Because she thought you were dangerous!" "Can I help you?" "Where's Maiya?" "She's not home." "What are you, the new boyfriend?" "Who's asking?" "I am." "I, uh..." "I didn't mean that." "Look, man, I know who you are." "You need to stop calling here in the middle of the night." "I didn't, but I bet you did, in order to scare her enough to invite you over." "That's crazy." "You've always had a thing for Maiya." "She told me." "Look, man, we're friends, and she's afraid of you." "She moved 3,000 miles away to get away from you." "And who put that idea in her head, huh?" "You poisoned her against me." "You filled her head with lies!" "I haven't seen her in years!" "Then why did she leave?" "Because she thought you were dangerous!" "What am I doing?" "I'm sorry." "Who are you?" "Desmond." "Eames." "I'm a friend of Maiya's." "How did you get in here?" "Maiya let me in." "I've been trying to reach her all day." "Are you Johnny Smith?" "How do you know my name?" "I've been expecting you." "Come on in." "Sheriff Bannerman told me you might be able to help." "You spoke to Walt?" "When I took him Maiya's scarf." "He told me you'd need something of hers to touch." "Well, I was here last night." "Maiya called me." "She was afraid that Cole had followed her." "That's strange." "What do you mean?" "She called me, too." "I came over and spent the night on the couch." "You slept on the couch?" "Then this morning, after she and Siena left," "Cole showed up." "Son of a bitch sucker-Punched me." "Cole punched you?" "Hey, you okay?" "What's wrong, man?" "You all right?" "I can't breathe." "What have I done?" "What's happening to me?" "It's okay." "Everything's going to be all right." "Sarah?" "Sarah!" "Are you there?" "Johnny..." "You have to help me!" "Just keep listening to the sound of my voice." "Just keep listening..." "I'm losing my mind." "You need to concentrate on the sound of my voice." "This day just keeps getting stranger and stranger, doesn't it?" "What happened?" "Why am I in a hospital bed?" "You're in the hospital, Johnny." "You were hurt." "But I don't understand." "I keep seeing the same things, but from different perspectives." "It's like I'm stuck in..." "What?" "In a vision." "Some kind of vision loop." "How do we get out of it?" "I don't know." "I just don't know." "We really are trapped in this vision." "Then this conversation must be a part of it." "Makes sense." "Johnny, just keep listening to my voice." "If I'm stuck in a vision, then what are you doing here?" "Maybe I'm not here." "I mean in reality." "You mean I'm making you up in my mind?" "It's like my own thoughts are coming... back at me." "Johnny, you were found lying beside your car near the coast highway." "Some kids found you and called the police." "I don't remember driving to the coast, Sarah." "You took a blow to the head." "The doctors are worried that you might slip back into a coma." "Oh, no, no, no." "No, that cannot happen to me." "All right, now, can you remember how this all started?" "I woke up, and she was making breakfast, and, um..." "Wait a minute." "That's it." "I was trying to find Maiya." "Keep going." "I was trying to find her." "That must be the key to all this." "How can you find her if you're in the hospital?" "I can't, unless I..." "I keep seeing this fight, and... if this really is a vision, then whatever happened to me hasn't happened yet." "Why didn't I think of that?" "So I might be able to stop it if I can just find Maiya." "Just hang in there, Johnny." "I'll be here waiting for you." "Oh, man." "Where?" "Where?" "Where could she be?" "Huh." "Now, what do I know about her?" "Happy birthday, Johnny!" "Oh, that's great." "That's great." "Why don't you just drive us into a tree while you're at it?" "Wasn't me." "Yeah, I figured that out." "Happy birthday, Johnny boy!" "Dude, you need to quit saying that, all right?" "No, like I said, it wasn't me." "If you're my subconscious, why do I keep wishing myself happy birthday?" "What the hell does my birthday have to do with any of this?" "You got to find Maiya, right?" "Yeah, well, something tells me it's the only way to save myself." "What are you gonna do, find the guy that popped you in the eye?" "Are we going to kick his ass?" "No, "we" aren't going to do any of that, okay?" "You're just here for moral support." "I can do that, I can do that, but I want to try out some karate moves that I learned back in high school." "Hwah!" "It's judo, okay?" "And I learned it at the ymca, thank you very much." "If you're going to be me, why don't you get it right." "Yeah, whatever." "The fact of the matter is, if you don't find Maiya, you could be looking at another long, dark sleep." "We've got to go see Walt." "Walt?" "What for?" "I can't think of another place to start." "Happy birthday to us!" "You get it?" "Happy birthday to you and me, 'cause..." "Seriously, dude, you need to lighten up." "I didn't expect to see you back here so soon." "I kind of got turned around." "I was wondering if you heard anything about Maiya." "Like I said before, we're looking for her." "I was just wondering if you could assign a few more people to the search, make it a priority case?" "All right, look," "I know you're worried about your friend, okay?" "But like I said before, we're looking for her." "All my deputies have copies of her picture." "That is all I can do." "You ever get the feeling that you're invisible?" "What do you mean?" "Come on, man." "What is it going to take?" "A bolt of lightning from the heavens?" "The guy isn't seeing you." "Me?" "Do you see anybody else around here?" "Look." "That's why Walt's acting funny." "He thinks I'm Desmond." "You are desmond..." "But you're you..." "But you're also..." "It's complicated." "You still here?" "Look, sheriff, I know you don't know me, but I'd really appreciate it" "If you'd tell me what's going on." "And what about Johnny Smith?" "What about John Smith?" "Uh-Oh." "You just opened a big can of worms." "What about John?" "I just know that he's concerned about finding Maiya." "Have you considered how he feels?" "Look, if he needs you," "He'll come find you." "He can take care of himself." "If he only knew the truth." "Will you shut up?" "Excuse me?" "I'm" " I'm sorry." "All right, look, why don't you go home." "We'll find her." "Everything's going to be all right, okay?" "That's what he thinks." "So, what now, birthday boy?" "I need to go somewhere and think." "That's a good idea." "I didn't ask for your opinion." "So, what, now you're mad at me?" "That doesn't even make any sense." "You poisoned her against me." "You filled her head with lies!" "I haven't seen her in years!" "Then why did she leave?" "Because she thought you were dangerous!" "What am I doing?" "What's going on inside of me?" "This is bad." "I think we should go." "I must be Cole." "Something keeps switching me from body to body." "I feel their energy and their anger." "I've got to keep control, man." "That's good, but I still think we should go." "I think you're right." "This is crazy." "Yeah..." "But look at this car." "I always wanted a mustang." "Yeah, me too." "All right, can we focus here?" "Sorry." "What now?" "I am Cole." "What is it?" "It's a motel receipt." "Cole must be staying somewhere near the coast." "Hey, that's where Sarah said they found your body." "Maybe we ought to leave this one alone." "I mean, there's no point in looking for trouble, right?" "Don't you get it?" "My only chance to get out of this insanity is if I find Maiya." "Who wants her nearly as bad as I do?" "Cole." "Now you're starting to get it." "Let me go check my motel room." "If we can't find her, maybe he can." "Oh, yeah, this is... chis is..." "Would you not do that?" "Come on, it's fun." "You mean I can do that?" "It's a vision, right?" "Yeah." "Live a little." "That is really strange." "That's the world we live in..." "Or don't live in." "I don't know anymore." "But anyways, come on in, man." "The water's fine." "That's fun, isn't it?" "I can feel him." "Looks like he's planning a trip." "Thing is, there's only two tickets." "Whoa." "This guy's all 12 angry men wrapped up in one." "You don't think he'd be crazy enough to kill someone, do you?" "Just you and me, Siena." "All right, Cole came here to get his daughter, and it looks like he was willing to do anything to make that happen." "Yeah, but we still don't know how you ended up in the hospital." "But we know that I wasn't shot, so that means we still have a chance to stop this." "Yeah." "Yeah, that's good." "Now all we have to do is find this Maiya person." "What's wrong?" "I feel like I'm missing something." "There has to be something here!" "I know you said you were in control of those other energies, but you should really take a look around." "Cole did this." "He must have been looking for something to help him find Maiya." "Same mission, different agenda." "Any suggestions?" "Let's bake a birthday cake." "My own house?" "What the hell am I doing here?" "There's no place like home." "I'm me." "I mean..." "I'm us." "This was last night." "My birthday party..." "But why am I here?" "This has nothing to do with finding Maiya." "Mm." "Maybe it does." "Maybe it does." "Good night." "Happy birthday, Johnny." "Thank you, guys." "Thanks for coming." "Oh, those kooky Bannermans." "Always the last to leave." "See you later, old man." "Here." "This is from me." "It's dumb." "I bet it isn't." "Don't open it now, okay?" "Later." "Okay." "Thanks, bud." "You always wanted a fish tank." "They cost extra to do that?" "You can't hurt my feelings." "I'm you, remember?" "Yeah, how could I forget?" "Buried treasure." "Buried what?" "Siena was talking about searching for buried treasure." "I almost forgot." "Where do kids go to look for treasure?" "The beach." "Sarah said that they found me on the coast highway." "That's great." "Maine has 3,478 miles of coastline." "Where do we start?" "Hello?" "Who's there?" "There's nobody there." "Strange." "Mommy?" "Oh, my god." "Look at me." "Hi, sweetie." "Is everything okay?" "Did the phone wake you?" "I'm sorry." "Everything's okay." "Why don't you go back to bed, sweetie." "I can't sleep." "I need a story." "Oh..." "You know what?" "I have an idea." "Why don't you draw me a picture?" "Of what?" "Of daddy and the land of gold?" "No, of you and me." "How does that sound?" "I'll draw the treasure beach since we're going there tomorrow." "Perfect." "They're at treasure beach." "You had a vision?" "Yeah." "Well, let's go." "Good luck." "What are you doing here?" "No, this can't be happening." "I'm Cole again?" "I can see." "So he came back to the house, she wasn't there, so he waited." "It was like he knew." "Knew what?" "That I'd lead him right back to her." "Johnny, that's Maiya's car." "I'm not getting anything." "Let's search the beach." "I'll check this area over here." "I led him right to her." "I led him right to her." "Oh, thank god, Johnny." "Look who's awake." "Hey, relax, man." "It's going to be okay." "What happened?" "You need to rest." "Tell me." "A woman was being stalked by her ex." "Maiya?" "Maiya Raymond." "I saw it." "Treasure beach." "Johnny..." "You had a concussion." "The doctor said that" "Cole... was watching the house." "He followed us." "That's how he found her." "Now, what happened?" "Tell me." "Where's Maiya?" "You were lucky." "With all that rage," "I don't think anybody could have stopped him." "She's dead?" "Why couldn't I see that?" "I mean, I led him right to her, Walt." "I made this happen." "Cole did this, not you." "We've still got a problem, John." "What?" "Cole's taken Siena." "The police have no idea where." "I've got an apb out on him, and a full amber alert, but..." "I can't say if he's going to hurt his daughter or not." "I have to find her." "I heard you're awake." "That's good." "Listen, doc, I need to go." "Johnny, I need to warn you" "A concussion with a previous history of brain injury is a very serious situation." "We have to find this little girl." "I can't tell you how dangerous this might be." "I'm going to be with him, doctor." "The last place that anyone saw Cole was at treasure beach, so we'll start there and see if I can get a hit off of something." "Easy." "What's this?" "A present from j.J." "With everything that's happened, you didn't have time to open it yet." "Happy birthday, Johnny." "I'm still in the vision." "This is what happens if I don't change this." "I can still save her." "Ready or not, here I come!" "Hey, picasso, I'm getting warmer." "Siena come out, come out wherever you are." "Look, mommy." "Treasure." "Wow." "Pyrite." "Pirate's treasure." "Listen, picasso," "I need you to do a favor for me, okay?" "I want you to stay right here." "But it's your turn to hide." "No, you hide again." "Stay hidden until I come back." "Okay." "You promise?" "Okay." "Give me a kiss." "Right here." "Okay, go." "What are you doing here?" "We need to talk." "Stay away from me." "I just want to see Siena." "You lost that right." "So where is she?" "You're in violation of your restraining order." "You cannot keep me away from my daughter." "Leave now, and I won't tell anyone or press any charges." "Just go." "I have a right to see my daughter!" "No, Cole!" "You don't understand." "No, you don't understand" "Maiya!" "Oh, my god." "Maiya!" "Maiya!" "One touch, three lives." "Four, including yours." "That's why I kept switching from person to person." "My brain is deprived of oxygen." "Four lives bound by one." "This is from me." "Don't open it now, okay?" "Okay." "Thanks, man." "Daddy!" "Come here, baby." "Come here." "Come here." "Come here." "Cole, wait!" "Stay back!" "Don't do it." "Daddy..." "No, sweetheart, it's okay." "It's okay." "Mommy!" "Is she hurt?" "Your mommy's okay." "Your mommy's fine, honey." "Siena!" "Oh, my god!" "All I wanted was my daughter." "But you didn't give me a choice!" "You took her away!" "No!" "No, baby, it's okay." "Baby, don't cry." "No..." "No, we're going to go to that place I told you about, just like I promised you." "Where's that, Cole?" "Where's that place?" "Peru?" "Incan treasure?" "Listen, every father wants to make his child's dreams come true, right?" "Who are you?" "I'm a father just like you, and I know what it's like to have lost time with your kid." "All right?" "No." "You don't know me." "Put the gun down, man." "Let's talk." "There's nothing to talk about." "There is." "The future." "Yours and Siena's." "We're going to go make a future together." "You're going to have to do it alone." "Siena needs her mother right now, Cole..." "So think about what's best for Siena." "It's not fair." "Then make it right." "I just wanted her to know me." "Please, Cole." "Please." "This isn't the way to keep her, Cole." "I know you love her..." "So if you love her," "Just let her go." "Let her go." "Come here, picasso." "Come here." "Go see mama." "Come here, baby." "Come here." "Oh, my god." "Freeze!" "Drop your weapon!" "Go, go." "It's all right, honey." "This is Johnny Smith," "The psychic that helped us find you." "Do you know my mommy?" "No, but I feel like I do." "How could I ever thank you?" "You can have my picture." "Thank you." "Crazy, huh?" "Last night, we're celebrating your birthday, and today, you're just hoping you'd have another one." "Don't forget this." "Do you know where J.J. Got this?" "Yeah, he found it in an old box of stuff at your place." "Shined it all up for you." "I thought it looked familiar." "It was my father's." "Really." "There's a certain sense of symmetry to that, don't you think?" "Symmetry." "Yeah, I guess you could call it that." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Karen, what's wrong?" "You've hardly touched your muffin" "Oh, honey, c'mon" "Since Stan and I split" "I've done nothing but touch my muffin" "Ugh, now I don't even want it" "I don't know what it is" "Everywhere I go, I see Stan" "In the thick ankles of a bakery clerk" "In the sagging breasts of a bus driver" "Even in the eyes of a fat baby" "Wow, Karen..." "He was a really fat man, wasn't he?" "He sure was, Jackie" "Well, Karen, maybe our little girls' night tomorrow will help you take your mind off it" " You're gonna have a girls'" " No" "Wait, are you sure that's tomorrow night?" "Lemme check my book" "I've got a cute little doodle of me hanging from a rafter" "Yeah, that's it" "Girls' night" "It's my last chance to hang with my girlfriends before Leo gets back on Saturday" "'Cause once he's home" "I ain't talkin' to you bitches" "Well..." "You know what, Joan?" "That sounds swell count me in" "Hey, I'll even bring some of my old 45s" "Ooh, and maybe my new .38" "Okay" "Oh, oh." "Will" "I forgot my wallet" "Can you get this?" "I'll get the next five" "Yeah." "Then we'll be all caught up" "C'mon, Jack, we should probably go too I'll walk you" "That's okay I went before I left" "Well, that's good 'cause I left the plastic bag at home" "Your job!" "You have a job" "It's time to go to work" "Again?" "I just worked, like last Tuesday" "Jack, you charge your acting students money" "You have an obligation to show up and make them regret that" "Ah-da-da-da-da I get this one" "You realize that's my wallet" "Yeah, I got it" "Okay, people, who left their dog tied up with no food, no water, and a Willie Nelson bandana?" "Well, like, whoever you are you don't deserve a dog" "That's why I let him go" "The things you've gotta do to get a seat in this dump" "Oh, my god, do you know who that is?" "That's my old babysitter" " Sissy?" "!" " What-y?" "It's me Jack McFarland" " No way" " Way!" " For real?" " Real!" "Get out of town!" " Town!" " Ah!" "Well, I think I can leave you two to your Mensa meeting" "So mmm like you always seemed like those kind of people who had the brains and the looks to do anything they put their mind to." "What amazing things have you been doing?" "Still babysitting" "But now I have my braces off" "Anyway after highschool I realized" "I had babysat for everyone in the neighborhood" "And it was like, you know "Enough!" "I need a change."" "So, I got a Eurail pass and I babysat my way through Europe" "Wow, Sissy, you've lived a glamorous life" " Knock on wood" " Yeah" "Mm, these are delicious What are they?" "They are Mint Milanos" "Still with the expensive taste, I see" "So, do you have a boyfriend?" "What about that guy from the couch?" "Do you still see him?" " You mean Randall?" " Yeah" "Yeah, we had an on again off again thing for years" "You know, it was on and then it was off and then he got married and it was on again" " More tea?" " Please" "God, look at you You are so grown up" "Did you ever dream that one day you would be sitting in your own apartment, drinking tea?" "You know what, Sissy?" "I did" "But not with you and not with tea and definitely not in my own apartment" "Oh, you know what?" "I better scooteroo" "I'm between jobs" "And I really should use my downtime" "I'm way behind on my friendship bracelets" "Wait, Sissy" "Do you have to go?" "Well, I thought you said that you were teaching a class tonight" "Yeah, but I don't wanna" "Work's no fun" "I wanna stay here and lay with you, like we used to" "Wait a minute" "What if this was your next job?" "What if you were my babysitter again?" " I don't know, Jack" " I could pay you!" "Okay" "I am so excited you guys are finally meeting" " I'll get drinks" " All right" "So, Julie, are you married?" "Yeah" "He's an actor" "Huh, well, "actor."" "He did four student films last year and played Aladdin at the mall" "What's yours do?" "Cleans his ears with his car keys" "And he's an accountant" "Yeah, I led with the interesting one" "Okay, bitches let's get this lady love-in started" "Who's up first?" "A hottie grows in Brooklyn" "Karen, it's not that kind of girls' night" "She's harmless, really" "But just for fun lock the door when you got to the bathroom" "Oh, relax, Grace" "I know how to do this" "I've been in a sweat lodge with Candi Bergen and Penny Marshall" "Well, not a sweat lodge so much as Penny's Aerostar" "So what are we drinkin' about?" "Oh, the usual" "Rob's boring, and it's his fault I'm fat" "At least he works" "The only thing my husband did last year is add "Southern accent" to his resume" "Oh, you wanna play this game?" "My half-ton husband spent 13 months in prison met some hussy in the cafeteria" "Now they're shacked up at my mansion sharing the bed we used to make rabid love in" "If you're playing "whose husband is worse" with Karen don't play for money" "She's still collecting from Linda Hussein" "C'mon, Grace" "Tell us" "What bugs you about Leo?" "Nothing, he's perfect" "Pbblt!" "C'mon give us somethin'!" "Likes to wear your lipstick to bed cries in the shower likes to kiss..." "I'm sorry It's great" "Married four months and still no problems" "Unless you consider constant lovin' a problem" " Ugh" " Oh, this is gross" "Get her!" "Whoo!" "That's Leo" "This is the time he calls to say he loves me" "My husband calls the same time every day too" "Maybe one of these days I'll pick up" "I'm sorry I'm late" "Did I miss girls' night?" "Honey, you missed "girls' night" by about a hundred years" "Shut your hole you drunken doughnut" "Oh, my mood stabilizer party mix" "Uppers, downers and candy corn" "And don't tell my doctor he's trying to get me off sugar" "Everything okay, Grace?" "Um, no" "That was Leo" "Uh, he's not coming back for another five weeks" "Why?" "What happened?" "Um, I don't know" "Uh, one of the doctors there ate some bad pork or was eaten by a wild pig..." "Um, all I know is that he" "He volunteered to stay longer" "Here, honey have some party mix" "You'll feel better" "Or worse" "That's what I love about party mix, you never know" "C'mon, Jack!" "The movie starts in half an hour I don't wanna miss the previews" "Then I'll never know what books have been made into movies that are now available on video" "We're gonna need to use our indoor voice" "I just put Jack down for his nap and I don't need you out here yelling like the wild man from Borneo" "Yeah..." "We're, like, 40" "So, do you think you could stop talking to me like I'm a cub scout?" "We're going to the movies" "Oh?" "What movie?" "The new Vin Diesel thing" "I don't think so" "I hear it's violent, with a strong homoerotic subtext" "Uh, dur" "Why do you think we're going?" "Sissy?" "!" "My blanky fell off the bed!" "I gotta go." "Bye" "So, it's another month" "I mean, if anything it's good news" "'Cause now, I have another few weeks to do these dishes in the sink" "I think there's peanut butter in the bottom of this glass" "So what'd you tell him, Grace?" "I told him it was fine" "What else was I gonna say?" "He's a million miles away" " You did the right thing" " I did, right?" "Yes" "You know, since we had our second baby" "I've been wanting to take a fork and just stab Rob in the balls with it" "But I'm not about to bother Rob with that at the office" "Julie, do you think I did the right thing?" "Yeah" "You never tell guys what you're feeling" "Let them figure it out on their own that you hate them" "Thanks" "Rosario?" "Yeah, dress slutty shut up" "That's my motto" "Great." "Okay" "Thank you Guess that settles that" "So, girls' night" "Anyone with a uterus drinks free!" "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa" "Hold on there, red" "Don't you wanna hear what I have to say about this?" "Well, Karen...." "Yes?" "Come on" "What?" "Well, you're..." "you" "And?" "And..." "Come on" " I see" " Karen" "No, no, no That's all right" "Honey, I understand" "You think that just because my marriage failed that I have nothing to offer" "You have things to offer" "You would be the first person I'd call, if I wanted... to hurt an orphan's feelings" "Well, I know more about marriage than any of these girls ever will" "And if you wanted my opinion" "I would tell you to grow a set pick up the phone and call that no-good do-good husband of yours and tell him how you feel" "That you're sitting here, home alone, pissed off while he's out there giving free boob jobs to hyenas!" "But you don't care what I think so I'm outta here!" "And I'm taking this with me" "I'm certainly not leaving $3,000 worth of snacks where I'm not appreciated" "Yes, the files just arrived" "But, Mr. Stein, there is no way I can get all this done by Monday" "I do too have a life" "I" " In fact, I've got plans with my friend Jack tonight" "But he's napping at the moment, so" "Hello?" "Hey" "I thought we were going to the movies" "I was looking forward to going to see Vin Diesel" "I heard he's got a new facial expression" "I came to get you" "But that crazy lady with the rockin' body sent me away" "Jack, what are you doing with her?" "She is in my employ" "I am a very busy man and I need a staff" "What exactly is her position?" "She's my, uh..." "She helps me with my, um..." "You know, she sometimes she sometimes" " She's your babysitter, isn't she?" " Yes!" "She's my babysitter" "So what if she is?" "There's nothing wrong with that" "What does she do?" "Feed you, change you pat you on the back to burp you?" "Only when Mr. Gas Bubble's shy" "Oh, my god, I was joking!" "This is the creepiest thing I've ever heard" "Well, that's what babysitters do" "For babies!" "What are you implying, Will?" "That there's something odd about my relationship with Sissy?" "Uh...dur" "You're an adult, Jack" "Well, I don't wanna be an adult anymore!" "It's very hard!" "Sissy" "Sissy takes care of me" "She makes me feel good" "She cuts the crusts off my sammiches" "Jack, you're a grown man" "A grown man does not need a babysitter" "How dare you call me a grown man!" "I'm sorry, was my attempt to draft a 1 billion-dollar corporate merger keeping "wittle Jackie" awake?" "You know, you shouldn't make that face" "It might freeze that way" "Look, William" "I don't want to be the cause of any tension between you and Jack" "Do you think maybe I could come in and we could talk about it?" "I'm incredibly busy I don't see how that's possible" " I make killer s'mores" " I'll preheat the oven" "No, Leo, I'm not asking you to come home" "I just want you to understand that I'm upset" "That these, these decisions affect me too and I want us to make them together" "All right?" "Good" "I love me too" "Bye, baby" "Nice" "Hey, you came back" "Well..." "I got all the way home and realized..." "I forgot my maid" "I usually keep an extra under the mat, but..." "You were right" "It was better to tell him" "Well, I'm glad" "So how'd it go?" "Well, I could tell Leo felt bad" "That felt good" "You should let me help you more, honey" "I know a few things and I care about you" "Hmm?" "Now let's get back in there" "C'mon, we got a room full of lovely ladies" "Let's put on some music and get those tops off" "You do know that it's not that kind of girls' night?" "We'll see" "God, I love s'mores" "Why don't you marry 'em?" "Don't make me laugh" "No time to laugh" "Look at all this law stuff" "No way I'm ever gonna get finished" "Well, you know, that's one way of looking at it" "But there is another way" "Inch by inch foot by foot it won't take long with the homework song" "Huh?" "You do one task that's all we ask you do one more and you get another s'more" "Well, when you say it like that it does seem totally doable" "Now, c'mon" " You try" " Oh, I don't know" "Come on" "Case by case tort by tort sign and stamp" "Hey, I finished one report" "Foot by foot mile by mile perhaps I should try the McKendrick file" "Well, well, well" "So grown men don't need babysitters, huh?" "She's not my babysitter" "She's just singing me a little song to help me with my casework" "We learned that in law school" "Oh, would you just admit it?" "It feels good to be taken care of" "Nice work, Sissy" "Hey, it was your plan smarty-pants" "Wait" " You two set me up?" "Mm-hmm" "And it was easy" "You're a whore for a s'more" "Hey, there is no comparison between what happened here and the sick relationship you two have" "And blow..." "Thank you" "The difference is I don't need it" " What are you saying?" " I believe you heard me" " What's your point?" " I think you got it" " What are you implying?" " What I said outright" "You're a Sissy-holic" "All right, all right" "So what if, what if I am hooked on my babysitter?" "It's a hard-candy world out there and sometimes this fella needs a little break" " Yeah" " Yeah" "So if I have to pay someone $4 or $5 an hour to help me get through it then it's worth it" " Actually, Jack, I make $40 an hour" " Good-bye, Sissy" " I don't need you anymore" " What are you saying?" "Sis..." "I think he's right" "I think I maybe need to outgrow you" "Damn it" "Why does everyone outgrow me?" "I mean..." "I know being a babysitter is all flashy and ooh-la-la" "But you don't know the heartbreak behind it" "The kids grow up and I never see 'em again" "You know, but then I ran into you" "And I thought maybe there are some things that don't change" "Well, Sissy, we can still hang out and be friends and spend time together" "I mean, you don't have to charge me" "Yeah, I do" "I need the money" "I'm into Casual Corner for, like, 12 grand" "I understand" "It's been fun and..." "I guess it had to end sometime" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"The Japanese have never been comfortable with young men and women socializing at such events as parties at somebody's home." "While at heart they want to meet new people the Japanese are embarrassed to say so." "When did they develop this custom of boy-meets-girl parties called "go-con"?" "Cheers!" "Pleased to meet you!" "I'm Sekine Taichi, 24, I've organized this event." "It sounds good, but in fact all it is is guys too shy to talk to women by themselves hitting on them from the safety of a group." "I'm Omura Miki..." "But if boys will be boys, girls will be girls." "No, women are even worse." "They've always been forced to act like "flowers of Japan"." "But in fact, deep in their hearts..." "Cheers!" "Hi, There..." "An ordinary package for disposable chopsticks." "With it I measure the length and width of your face." "If your eyes and mouth match the length, you're beautiful." "OK?" "First the length..." "This convenience store for the quenching of desire this uncontrolled intersection of male and female this arena in which the sexes do battle in Japan they call it..." "GO-CON" "Ow!" "Oh, sorry!" "I'm late!" "Not them again!" "Cheers!" "I thought there'd be four of you..." "He'll be here." "Won't he." "Yeah." "He'll be here." "Are you sure?" "Sorry!" "I got held up at work." "Remember him?" "Nagano Olympics?" "Ski jump?" "Gold medal?" "Eguchi Kai?" "!" "Sorry!" "Are you angry?" "Not at all!" "Wow!" "Today's Special:" "College Girls" "Patsy du Jour" " Nothing Special" "Gold Medal" " Natural" "Pheromone" " Beauty" "The kid" " Reubenesque" "Cheers!" "Where's the other guy?" "He'll be here soon." "Isn't he." "He'll be here." "Are you sure?" "Sorry!" "I got held up at work." "Remember him?" "Nagano Olympics?" "Ski jump?" "Gold medal?" "Eguchi Kai?" "!" "Sorry." "Are you angry?" "Not at all!" "Hey, Mayu..." "What's a good cell phone to get?" "Show me yours, OK?" "Mine's pretty old..." "It's nice!" "Have some more beer!" "Thanks a lot." "Today's Special:" "Department-Store Girls" "The Over-30, The Goer," "The Beauty The Breasts" "Listen, Hatsumi..." "What's a good cell phone to get?" "Show me yours, OK?" "It's nothing special..." "Have some more beer!" "Thanks a lot." "I'm going for smokes." "Do you get a lot of weirdoes coming into your store?" "Yeah!" "Old ladies trying to beat down the price." "Oh, sorry!" "Let me do that..." "That's OK." "Sorry." "Sorry." "You OK?" "I'm fine." "Hatsumi's phone number is mine!" "What kind of girl do you like, Kai?" "You really want to know?" "Among Hollywood actresses..." "Among Hollywood actresses Whoopi Goldberg." "Japanese?" "Kiki Kirin." "Who else?" "Egawa Shoko!" "Who?" "Hanazawa in the Sazae-san cartoon, Yoshiko in Sari-chan." "Yuko in Obakyu, She's tough." "Jaiko in Doraemon." "Migiwa in Little Maruko." "The girl who likes Iwaki in Dokaben." "Yes!" "Who else?" "Mukai Chiaki!" "The astronaut!" "Tamura Ryoko!" "I love judo!" "We're made for each other!" "Tour-Bus Guides" "Gold Medal" " The monkey" "Matsuo:" "1,000 yen" "Yeah!" "Who else?" "Miyabiyama!" "The sumo wrestler!" "Yes!" "Tawara Kotaro." "Good!" "And?" "Danny De Vito!" "Yes!" "And?" "The Prime Minister!" "You're a maniac!" "We're made for each other!" "ESP!" "?" "Wanna see?" "Get out your cell phone." "I'll make it ring by sheer force of will." "No way!" "I'm inputting my powers into my cell phone..." "Affection is vital here." "Think that you like me." "OK..." "Wow!" "Love... it must be mutual." "This is a trick!" "An ordinary package for disposable chopsticks." "Is this magic?" "With it I measure the length and width of your face." "If your eyes and mouth match the length, you're beautiful." "Can you measure it like that?" "Sure." "First the length..." "Now the mouth..." "I don't trust you" "And now the eyes..." "I knew it!" "We have a take-out!" "Pheromone - The Live One Manager: 1,000 yen" "Ready to go?" "Take your time." "The girls tonight always show up 20 minutes late." "Don't look too eager." "It's amazing you got stewardesses for a go-con." "I said I'm the top guy at a big Osaka ad agency." "Big?" "Small in a big way!" "Tonight we have 300 employees." "300?" "!" "How else would I get them to come?" "You're got to get your licks in first." "Pervert!" "Look who's talking!" "What's so great about stewardesses?" "You wouldn't understand." "How come you've got such weird tastes, Kai?" "Don't even ask." "He's always gone for the ugly ones." "The ones with personality." ""Personality"!" "John Lennon chose Ono Yoko, didn't he?" "And Kuwata Keisuke married Hara Yuko." "You see?" "No." "Why not?" "The ideal woman is Fujiwara Noriko!" "Kiki Kinn!" "Sharon Stone!" "Whoopi Goldberg!" "Cameron Diaz!" "Egawa Shoko!" "Hirosue Ryoko!" "Tamura Rykok!" "Who cares, if they put out?" "This side?" "Today Special:" "All-Dressed-Up, Dyed Hair," "The Beauty The Career Girl" "This is tough one to call..." "These girls are experts at go-con parties." "1,000 says The Kid scores the Career Woman." "Sucker!" "It's going to be Gold Medal and All-Dresse" "Right!" "Excuse me..." "Pheromone and The Dyed Hair." "Get out of there!" "That's my bet!" "Hey!" "I wrote it down first!" "I said, "Right!" first." "I wrote it down!" "Didn't I!" "Yeah!" "Come on!" "You made the rules!" "Stop changing them, will you?" "There are customers waiting!" "Shino..." "Why don't you place a bet?" "The pool..." "Today Special:" "Gold Media" " All Dressed-Up" "Pheromone" " Dyed Hair" "Hey, is someone wearing Chanel #22?" "You can tell?" "There's nothing else like it." "A nose like a dog!" "You can only buy Chanel #22 in the States, you know." "Not at Mitsukoshi?" "Ignore him." "He's a jock." "Not in Japan, or in Europe." "Who gave it to you?" "I buy it when I'm working U.S. Flights." "I love capable women." "Give us a sniff!" "Me, too!" "Don't do that" "What do you two do for fun?" "Who, us?" "We do a lot of scuba diving..." "Where?" "Guam or Hawaii..." "There's nowhere else worth going, is there." "Do you dive?" "Yeah." "Just a bit, though." "Where do you hang out in Tokyo?" "Roppongi, Aoyama..." "What about you?" "Around Moto-Azabu, lately" "Can I see your cell phone?" "Why?" "I'm thinking of getting a new one..." "Sorry, I don't have one." "We can't use them much" "I see..." "Too bad!" "Dyed Hair?" "!" "Not Chanel?" "She'd cost too much." "And that stuff stinks!" "Yeah... so Dyed Hair and Dressed-Up would be cheaper?" "They'd be happy with a few concert tickets." "Hey, they're still flight attendants..." "They're just temps." "Are there temporary flight attendants?" "Don't you even know that?" "How do you know those two are temps?" "Scuba diving means they only fly to Hawaii and Guam." "Temps don't work LA flight." "I get you!" "They're basically waitresses in stewardess uniforms." "It's all an act!" "The airlines have cut back." "The good old days are gone." "They're not so stuck-up anymore..." "Right!" "So I'll take Chanel." "Wrong!" "Will this be a take-out?" "Go for the temps." "Now we ask them to go somewhere else with us..." "But will Chanel come..." "Of course not!" "Can we get anything?" "Free concert tickets." "Oh, wow." "That's all an agency gets these days." "The shrimp's after you." "Never!" "What about 'Olympic'?" "You know, I don't remember him at all." "I only came because they said he was famous." "Maybe he thinks he is." "Who remembers anyone from the Winter Olympics?" "And he's quit competing." "And he's horse-faced." "And that Taichi guy's probably got a disease." "Maybe AIDS." "Yuck!" "That Taichi guy's so cool!" "I never dreamed I'd meet a real Olympian!" "What's Taichi like in bed?" "IS that all you ever think about?" "What else is there?" "Hey!" "That's not grass, is it?" "!" "Don't smoke that in here!" "Don't worry!" "No." "I wonder what he'll do..." "Well?" "Where'd you get this?" "Come on!" "The toilet?" "!" "Really?" "The lucky guy!" "That's more than a 'take-out'!" "That's an 'eat-in'!" "All right!" "Pay up!" "No, no, no... this one pays double!" "He's not taking it out." "He's eating it here!" "Right!" "OK!" "Thank you!" "Hey!" "This thing's busted." "How many packs would you like?" "Just one." "I'll bring it to your table." "Hey, wait... you don't know my brand..." "Caster Milds, isn't it?" "How do you know?" "Does it look good tonight?" "Oy vay!" "Ta-da!" "The Gold Medal!" "I've never seen one before!" "I just happened to have it with me today." "May I touch?" "If I can..." "Down, boy!" "Me too!" "Do you feel the weight of all my work?" "IT's pretty light." "Come on!" "That's gold!" "How much is it worth?" "Money can't buy blood, sweat and tears!" "Why did you retire?" "It's collest to quit when you're on top." "Why?" "You should try and win another gold medal." "I'd think about three of them would be right..." "That took a while..." "was it a number two?" "Of course not!" "Housewives" "The Fat One, The wrestler," "Young Mom The Hot Wife" "Housewives have got so much steam to let off!" "Right!" "1,000 yen on Pheromone and Young Mom." "OK, Gold Medal and the wrestler: 1,000" "Excuse me..." "My turn..." "Kid and the Hot Wife." "Hey!" "Give her a hand!" "1,000 yen on the Kid and the Hot Wife!" "Hey!" "I just wrote that!" "Just a minute..." "That's not fair!" "Two kids?" "How old were you when you got married?" "Wow!" "What about you?" "And you?" "I'm just married." "A newlywed!" "It must be hard to get out." "It is!" "So you haven't been drinking lately." "Your face has gone red!" "I always turn red when I drink." "I can pretend I'm drunk." "You lack an enzyme that breaks down alcohol." "Which one?" "Who knows?" "OK, true or false:" "Spiking a drink with eyewash makes it more potent." "False!" "False!" "The losers chug their beers!" "The answer is... false!" "OK, you two..." "Down it!" "Down it!" "Down it!" "Question number 2!" "An Olympic medal is gold-plated." "True of false?" "Which is it?" "Ta-da!" "The Gold Medal!" "Rule number 1:" "With housewives, start with kids and go to Home Digest." "Right!" "But I like that Wrestler..." "Rule 2:" "Never get stuck on a married woman." "Don't focus in on one, or there'll be trouble later." "Which leads to rule 3:" "Go boldly forward with the party games!" "You got it." "The wrestler!" "The Kind's game!" "Each chopstick has a number on it." "The King's command must be obeyed!" "Take a number!" "Quick!" "Quick!" "Quick!" "One each." "King /6" "I am the King!" "Here we go!" "The King commands!" "Sire" "Number 4 and number 1..." "Hey." "That's me!" "They will embrace for ten seconds." "Who's number 4?" "Me!" "Stand up!" "Hug!" "Hug!" "Hug!" "She's in the way." "Mrs. Inoki?" "She's acting all demure, but she's after Gold Medal." "Hello!" "Somebody!" "Open this door!" "Is anyone there?" "Help!" "Open this damn door!" "What?" "Let go of me!" "You'll stretch the shirt!" "I'm number 5!" "I've been signaling you!" "Keep your eyes open!" "Wasn't number 5 holding your arm?" "Stay in the game, will you?" "That's number 6!" "I command..." "Please, sire!" "Number 6..." "Right!" "That's me!" "Do it!" "Do it!" "Do it!" "...will lick the toes..." "Yes!" "...of number 2!" "Cigarettes!" "Is the machine broken?" "It's fixed?" "I'll get them, Caster Milds?" "Pig!" "Good evening." "Oy vay!" "Today's Special:" "High-Class Bar Hostesses" "We have to work after this." "Hostesses 2" "The Part-Timer, The Star," "The 2nd Mama The Helper" "We don't work today." "We're not customers." "I guess not..." "Yeah!" "How's things?" "'Things'" "Are you happy?" "Why?" "What's on your mind?" "Nothing." "My period's late." "Your boyfriend?" "Remember that corporate go-con two months ago?" "Them?" "I don't know which." "So?" "Hit up both of them." "Women pay in kind, men pay in cash." "That's the rule, isn't it?" "Maybe I can seduce one of these guys tonight and get money from all three of them!" "Isn't that a good idea?" "See you out there." "They get tired of always being on guard." "Get them to relax, and they're yours." "But trilling with the heart of a bar hostess..." "What?" "That's so cool!" "Go-con all up here." "What's wrong with you?" "Something on your mind?" "Which is the real you?" "The one when you're alone or the one you show at work?" "Both, I guess..." "I bet that private face is real cute." "My period's started." "That's lucky..." "but why is everything so complicated?" "They're out of line." "Where do they get off telling us we're cute?" "Today's Special:" "High School Girls" "What's that mean?" "I don't understand him." "Not him... them!" "Super-soon time!" "He thinks he's so fruvous!" "Serious?" "Life without parole for this wallock!" "It might as well be Urdu!" "At least it's just Merry without the Happy!" "He brings us to Jukushin but no paxi taxi!" "And the tube is so over!" "You can find some sallyann who'll wheel you to Rome." "He speaks high-school!" "Older Women." "Glamour, Widow," "Career Woman Intellectual" "I think you're right" "No bets here." "This is shit!" "Come on!" "Don't keep the customers waiting!" "Patsy du Jour:" "Wild" "Who invited him?" "Kai." "He used to be a dork with a camera!" "It was in Kosovo." "Suddenly there were guns going off all around me." "I thought I was dead." "Wow!" "News photography's dangerous work!" "It's just like a war movie!" "And to think there are still men like that in Japan!" "But to be in a battle without a weapon!" "This is my weapon." "With this I battle the forces of evil." "Fantastic!" "Some patsy!" "I'd fuck him!" "He used to be a camera dork!" "I swear!" "The little kids are like angels." "Their faces just light up when they smile." "Take me with you!" "What?" "Sorry, no women." "That's so cool!" "It's almost Christmas." "What?" "!" "Pigumon," "Gyaos, Radon Gamera" "Movie monsters?" "It's century's end." "I see..." "Are they running out of prospects?" "It's nearly Christmas." "All the halfway decent women have things to do." "Oh, yeah?" "Or is it just that the world is full of men without any taste?" "I am the King!" "OK, number 3..." "Oh, no!" "That's me!" "...and number 7..." "Number 7..." "Number 7!" "Who's number 7?" "!" "Not me!" "I'm number 2!" "OK, OK, take it easy!" "Hiro?" "Is it you?" "I didn't notice..." "I sentence you to ten minutes in the toilet!" "Not me, too?" "!" "The wrong brand..." "This isn't my night!" "Looks like fun." "Thanks loads!" "Did you change brands?" "I chose wrong." "The women?" "Yeah." "But it's still fun..." "Do I look like it's fun?" "!" "No!" "You must kiss well." "But..." "Good evening." "Oy Vay!" "Kai!" "Yo!" ""Yo" yourself!" "You're late!" "Let's end this." "It's still early!" "No, it's time." "There's not even one for you here tonight!" "No, there's one nice one..." "Are you serious?" "Damn right!" "I'm going." "Hey!" "Who's Miyuki!" "Number 1 on his phone!" "Who's Miyuki?" "Your girlfriend?" "None of your business!" "Who is she?" "I don't even remember." "I'll delete it." "Miyuki" "Delete number?" "Number deleted." "Don't scare us like that!" "We thought you were going!" "We are, actually." "It's still early." "The King's game!" "I am the King!" "Please, sire!" "The King commands number 2 and number 5..." "What?" "!" "To the toilet!" "Never!" "Hey!" "The King gives the orders here!" "To the toilet!" "What?" "!" "Go and fight." "It's for world peace." "What're you doing?" "!" "No!" "We've only got ten minutes!" "Kiss me!" "No!" "Come on, big boy!" "Aw, what the hell!" "Seiko!" "Open this door!" "Open up, damn it!" "My husband!" "What?" "!" "Seiko!" "Who's in there!" "I'll kill him!" "What do we do?" "He's a killer!" "He won't kill you!" "He'll kill you!" "Me?" "!" "You!" "I'll break your fucking head open!" "You wanna mess with me?" "!" "I'll show you how I cripple dumb bastards like you!" "You wanna mess with me?" "!" "I'll slap you sillier than this!" "You wanna mess with me?" "!" "Scared, huh?" "No!" "You're not?" "You wanna mess with me?" "I'll bonk your head right out your ass!" "Well?" "!" "Not scared!" "Not scared yet?" "Right!" "The bomb chop!" "Right down on your head!" "Well?" "!" "Not scared!" "Not scared yet?" "You wanna mess with me?" "Right!" "Time for the can-can!" "Your worst nightmare is about to happen, boy!" "Here we go again!" "Number 5..." "Your turn!" "...and number 6..." "Right!" "Embrace for ten seconds." "Hug!" "Hug!" "Hug!" "Enter speed-dial number" "No data for number 1" "You're just my type." "That's not funny!" "Yuko?" "She's so depressing!" "A hothouse flower who's too good for us!" "She's hothouse flower?" "Didn't you hear her?" "I need cigarettes." "Just get three friends, OK?" "You can do that." "The 24th, OK?" "What was all that?" "You busy Christmas Eve?" "No, not yet." "A hothouse flower go-con." "Were you..." "An ugly flower still smells." "You use what you can." "Ow!" "That old bastard!" "Oh, shit... it's morning!" "My clothes!" "Now what do I do?" "What are you doing?" "You stayed the night?" "You moved in?" "Here?" "!" "What happened is..." "Just kidding!" "Could you get my clothes?" "'Waitress'..." "What's your name?" "'Waitress'." "What?" "Miyamoto Jun." "Jun..." "I'm Narase Hiro." "Some hero you are!" "Sorry!" "Do you really enjoy all this go-con stuff?" "Well..." "Most people meet someone at school or at work they have something in common with..." "We've had them all here." "I never seem to hit it off with anyone." "Try looking a little bit harder at the people you know." "Like you, may be?" "I'm not someone you know." "You're the only one I talk to regularly." "That's not 'talking', that's exchanging words between a customer and a waitress." "Then get my damn clothes!" "I'm sorry!" "That was a joke." "You're the only woman who knows what cigarettes I smoke." "That's because you're here every night." "What else do you do?" "Is this a come-on?" "You think I'd bother?" "Sorry!" "I shouldn't have said that!" "Sorry!" "I paint." "Pictures?" "There's one up there." "You painted that?" "Are you an art student?" "It's just a hobby." "It's good!" "You mean that?" "I always use that urinal." "That's how much I like it." "Gee, thanks." "But I wonder how foreigners just kiss like that?" "You do it all the time in your King's game." "That's just a game." "It doesn't count." "Have you ever really kissed someone?" "How old do I look?" "I never have." "No?" "I've kissed people, but never 'really'." "Me neither." "Not a real kiss, without someone counting seconds." "No?" "Did you see New Cinema Paradise?" "Yeah, on video lots of times." "That's what I thought when I saw it." "That's weird." "That's the movie that made me paint that picture." "Yeah?" "I see." "Those kiss scenes were great." "I could see that last part again and again." "I want to kiss like that." "It was playing in Shibuya." "Yeah?" "I'd love to see it in a theater." "Well..." "Are you asking me out?" "No!" "That's a relief." "But if you'd like..." "Your phone's ringing." "Good morning, Taichi." "Those bastards!" "They left me!" "If I'd like... what?" "You were saying?" "Oh, yeah... 'lf I'd like'... what?" "On Christmas Eve..." "Yeah?" "Go-con tonight." "Go-con..." "You want to come?" "Me?" "To a go-con?" "Go to hell!" "Here we are again..." "Christmas Eve..." "A year goes by so fast..." "And still I'm alone..." "The tide's going out on this..." "How does Taichi just keep on doing it?" "He just likes women." "All he cares about is fucking." "I guess so." "Anyway, it's Christmas!" "Let's have fun!" "Right!" "Party on down!" "Let's go!" "Ow!" "That didn't hurt!" "Ow!" "That didn't hurt!" "Where are the others?" "Your friends..." "There's one coming." "Just one?" "All the girls at school had other plans." "So there's us and just two of you?" "So what?" "She's here, isn't she?" "So I invited two other people as well." "Hello." "This is Erika." "She's in my class." "How do you do." "Hello!" "Sit right here!" "Let's have a drink while we wait." "Hello." "Uh, this is Miyamoto..." "'Jun'." "Haven't we met before?" "Yes." "Right here." "You're a waitress here!" "Tonight I'm a customer." "Why?" "I talked her into it." "That's right" "But you turned me down..." "And there's one more?" "Yes." "My cousin" "Cousin" "Then she'll be beautiful!" "Let's have a drink!" "Sorry I'm late." "Miyuki..." "The Well-Groomed Beauty, Gyaos," "Jun Haughty" "Pheromone and Haughty..." "the one can't miss!" "I'm going to live dangerously." "Hmm... 1,000 yen on Gold Medal and his twisted tastes!" "You guys never learn!" "Pheromone" " The Beauty" "Never happen!" "He won't bother trying with a woman like that!" "He likes them easy!" "That's why you guys are suckers." "This is Christmas Eve." "So what?" "This isn't like other nights." "You lived in New York?" "A year, for work." "Cool!" "A career woman!" "There's lots around these days." "Really?" "Won't they need you tonight?" "It's all go-con tonight." "It's all fixed-menu stuff." "That's how it goes." "Every year." "I've never been to a Christmas Eve go-con." "You had boyfriends!" "This is more fun." "The more the merrier!" "Sour grapes." "Miyuki, have you ever spent Christmas Eve this way?" "Me?" "When I was younger." "You don't have any other plans?" "No." "You brought your gold medal, didn't you?" "How did you know that?" "You go "Ta-da!" and whip it out, don't you?" "You're wearing it now." "Yeah..." "Miyuki, have you got a cell phone?" "Yes." "Why?" "Can I see it?" "I want to get a new one." "It's an old one from before I went to the States." "That's fine." "Anything's good." "Huh?" "This one's brand-new." "It's the 'millennium version'." "I've always wanted to meet the cute waitress here..." "I'm not going to fall for a line like that." "It's true!" "Let's go out sometimes." "Why did you jump in on me?" "She's too old for you." "Why?" "She's not so hot." "You always go for the prettiest." "Well, you should leave the waitress alone." "Why?" "We won't be able to come here anymore." "So we go somewhere else." "Heavy, isn't it." "You're too young to retire..." "It's coolest to quit when you're at the top." "When were the Olympics?" "Two years ago." "I saw them on TV." "You have to be there!" "Taichi said he'd come and he didn't." "He was probably watching it on TV with some girls." "Two Years... has it been that long?" "Yeah..." "Let me do that..." "What do you do, Mr. Okura?" "Computer programming." "What kind of programming?" "Games..." "Really?" "Japan makes some of the best computer games." "Well, Yeah..." "It's great to have work you can get into." "Go ahead." "I will, too." "Excuse me a second..." "So what do you do, Jun?" "I paint, I go to art museums..." "Oh, you paint..." "Yuko?" "I watch movies..." "Who with?" "Usually on video." "Oh." "All you do at a movie is stare at a screen." "If anyone asks me to one, I say forget it." "Really?" "But you can talk about the movie afterwards." "That's fun." "Depending on who you're with." "I like movies." "You do?" "Let's talk about one sometimes." "Really?" "Show me your phone." "It's an old one, I told you." "That's all right." "It's nice!" "It's ordinary." "Have some beer." "Sekine Taichi" "Are you sure?" "Yes!" "Taichi was number 1 on her cell phone!" "You'd never guess." "They're hiding it." "Something's going on." "He probably did her once and forgot her." "Taichi's like that." "When did you come back?" "Not long ago." "So it was you who twisted Yuko's arm..." "She didn't have to come." "I don't push that hard." "That's right." "You're cool, aren't you." "Imagine you being Yuko's cousin!" "And her being at your party!" "You sure you don't have someone else to see tonight?" "You arrange a lot of these parties." "Your girlfriend doesn't mind?" "I don't limit myself to one." "You seem to be popular." "You left me!" "Get off my case!" "I'm not on your case." "Sold out!" "This isn't my night!" "'This isn't my night!" "'" "Why did you come?" "I told you..." "Yuko asked me." "Staff shouldn't come out with customers!" "You invited me earlier." "That was just... then." "Do you ask every woman you meet to a go-con?" "Listen..." "Don't even try." "What?" "I'm going to the States next month." "What?" "!" "I'm going to study art." "That's why I'm working here." "Thanks." "I can't see you as a go-con organizer..." "What?" "Thanks for the work, though." "He insisted!" "It's Gold Medal..." "I know you like him." "He's all you talked about." "And the jump on the big hill is 138 meters high..." "You said that last time." "I did?" "Did I tell you about my family's liquors shop?" "It was my great-grandfather's." "I took it over last year." "That's new to me." "I'll do it." "What's that?" "I'll calculate her facial balance." "What?" "First the length of the face..." "OK..." "Now the mouth..." "I don't trust..." "Then the eyes..." "Perfect!" "Yeah?" "Damn right!" "Let me try..." "Mr. Okura, What games have you worked on?" "I'm good at them." "I don't give up." "You're jealous." "Sorry?" "You want to talk to him." "What's with you?" "You don't have to make conversation with me." "You're not interested in me." "Wouldn't you rather be talking to him?" "You would?" "We're not here arranging a marriage, you know." "Yeah!" "Everyone's here to have fun!" "Why 'everyone'?" "Can't you do anything alone?" "You need friends around to have fun." "It's only you three having fun, The fourth guy never does." "You just aren't watching." "It's always 3 on 4." "The odds are better that way." "You don't dare ask a woman out by yourself." "Why pick on me?" "Not even to a movie!" "He did?" "!" "I didn't!" "Do you want me to come on to you?" "Go ahead and try." "You can't." "So you take the roundabout way." "One on one is the roundabout way." "Why?" "It takes longer." "Then there's jealousy and fights." "Then you break up, so it's all a waste of time." "Then it wasn't meant to be." "May be." "No." "It's just because you're afraid to talk to a woman." "Did you say something?" "You've never hustled a woman in your life!" "Don't talk to him like that!" "What, you like him?" "That's not the point!" "Oh, that's right..." "your works comes first, doesn't it." "How can you say that?" "!" "Don't get people's hopes up." "Don't worry." "You aren't." "Yuko?" "You only asked me to come so I'd bring the others." "I wanted to see you again!" "Don't make fun of me!" "I'm not!" "You won't convince her." "I'm sure it's great to win a gold medal." "But for someone to win, others have to lose." "Well, yeah..." "I should have just phoned people up." "I shouldn't have come." "So you had hopes!" "Isn't that why you came?" "No." "Then why did you get your cousin and the waitress?" "You dragged them along because you wanted to come!" "But it wasn't smart to ask prettier girls than you." "Anyway, forget this." "Let's party!" "Yeah!" "I want a drink!" "That's why I hate go-con." "All you do is use people for comparisons to see how good you can make yourself look." "People at a go-con have their heads full of that!" "It's a bunch of fools!" "Does anyone say what they really think?" "You get laughed at if you do, so it's all polite conversation." "If you're not up to it, you can always leave." "You knew why we asked you, but still you came." "Hit on somebody, or be the patsy." "Why do you need a patsy?" "Go-con is a game, and that's the rules." "Who made those rules?" "It's the way of the world." "We compete all our lives, to get a good schools to get a good job..." "We live in competition." "What's the point of competing if it's not winning?" "Do you want to be compared to other people?" "I don't." "And that's why you're going to the States?" "That's great." "To study, huh?" "That's the polite way of putting it." "What?" "You just want to get laid." "What do you take me for?" "!" "That's all any girl goes over there for." "That's not true!" "Oh yeah!" "I don't care what you say." "I've always wanted to go and I'm going." "Go anywhere you like." "Why are you on my case?" "Because you led me on!" "In your dreams!" "If you were someone who had any!" "I do have dreams!" "Yeah, wet dreams about go-con!" "That's not true!" "Then what?" "To meet someone!" "I'm not Taichi." "Hey!" "I thought I'd met her..." "If you're leaving, stay away from me." "I..." "I wanted to say goodbye." "I wanted to say goodbye at least to you." "Here I thought I'd forced you to come, and all the time it was what you wanted!" "Why are you so twisted?" "It's not the face I care about, it's what's inside." "You can't see inside!" "Yuko?" "It's great to be a man." "All you need is one thing to be proud of." "Women are judged on their looks!" "But there's lots of good in you." "What do you know?" "You're beautiful and talented." "Do you understand how I feel?" "Yuko!" "An ugly woman always ends up being used." "No matter how hard I studied, how much I learned no one looked at me twice or even noticed me or recognized I existed!" "A woman is judged on her appearance!" "Yuko..." "It's no fun being judged that way." "Now the friend joins in." "We're not friends." "She offered to pay me." "She paid you?" "But if you had something to do Christmas Eve you wouldn't come no matter how much she paid you." "That's right." "So we're all just pretending we're not lonely." "My medal's the same." "What does it mean?" "What am I without skis?" "The 'gold medal effect' was fun at the start." "But I know better than anyone it doesn't last." "Kai..." "It's stupid bringing it here." "It's like I can't give it up." "But if I don't have it, then I don't have anything." "What will a woman see in me?" "Kai!" "I'm just letting myself to be used." "Just like Yuko." "Kai, I've never..." "I know that." "I am proud of being used." "There's no better cat's-paw anywhere." "Kai!" "But Taichi do you really like doing this all the time?" "Kai?" "I saw that you was sick with this" "Me?" "How?" "Using a girl like this when she hates it." "What do you mean?" "You disgust me!" "You use what you can to make it happen!" "We've always done that." "Haven't we?" "Hiro!" "That's right." "See?" "But lately the girls are all strangers we know won't cause trouble..." "It's still fun, but..." "Then don't complain!" "It's so futile!" "Not to me." "But now we don't talk about what happened last time." "Yeah!" "Rehasing the last one used to be a lot of fun." "We're just looking forward!" "Where else is there to look?" "!" "So that's it, then." "We said if even one of us got serious, we'd quit." "If you two are going soft on me, that's the end of it." "Taichi!" "This is a drag!" "What kind of a go-con is this?" "Let's break it up." "Let's go home." "It's gotten complicated." "You always take the easy way out." "That's why you've kept on with these parties." "I want to have fun with nice women." "Is that all?" "And get stupid with these guys" "And?" "Get to know a lot of women." "And?" "Make fun of losers women don't like." "There's more..." "One woman is a drag." "That's what you really think?" "Damn right!" "I'll add one more thing:" "I want to forget you!" "Taichi..." "Taichi..." "I don't want to see you." "Go away!" "Sorry." "So that's it..." "You can go if you want." "We're finished." "This was no accident." "Miyuki knew Taichi was organizing this." "She knew that." "So?" "I didn't know they'd ever been together." "You mean she wanted to see Taichi?" "Taichi!" "I knew it!" "You all wanted someone you could be alone with." "Miyuki didn't want polite conversation." "She wanted to really talk to you." "Wait!" "You knew I'd be here?" "I shouldn't have come." "I couldn't resist." "Suddenly Yuko called me to a go-con on Christmas Eve..." "When I heard it was you I thought maybe we were fated to meet again." "But the past didn't return." "Time has moved on." "I'm sorry." "Take care of yourself." "It hasn't moved on." "Time stopped when you left." "I didn't say anything when you went to New York." "I figured it was your life and I didn't want to beg you not to go." "Since then getting involved hasn't been worth it." "I've just thought it was easier just to have these parties." "But it hasn't been easier." "What should be fun has just end up being a drag." "Maybe without you I've been playing a role so I won't be depressed." "Just now..." "I've finally realized that." "A kiss should tell you if there's something there." "Physically?" "That and in the heart." "The first time we kissed was at a go-con." "Yeah." "That's what I thought then." "Me too." "We'd better get back." "You're the organizer." "Yeah." "His old girlfriend?" "And they're fighting!" "It's Christmas Eve." "Things happen." "No changing bets now!" "Right!" "I bet the embers will blaze again!" "I double my bet!" "What's going on?" "This is Christmas Eve!" "Let's party!" "Take a number." "Quick!" "Yes." "OK." "I am the King!" "The King commands:" "To number 2..." "Me?" "...number 1 must kneel and apologize." "Hey!" "Number 1!" "Oh, Shit!" "I am number 1!" "Naruse Hiro apologizes!" "I'm sorry for what I said." "Forgive me." "Remember this." "They don't do it in the States." "I guess not." "On we go!" "Number 3!" "Number 4 must kneel and apologize." "I'm number 4!" "Who's number 3!" "I am." "I'll apologize." "On your knees!" "Come on!" "What?" "Here." "Number 1 scratches his nose." "Number 2 rubs his eyes." "It's the King's game code." "That's 5." "Why tell me?" "Go-con is teamwork." "But there's no helping out if you forget." "For 1, scratch your nose." "Rub your eyes for 2." "3 says "Please, Sire!" 4 slaps his shoulders." "5 flicks a lighter, 6 pushes up his sleeves." "7 bites his nails." "Let's rehearse." "Number 1..." "Not your ear, your nose!" "Number 2!" "No, rub your eyes." "Number 3..." "'Please, Sire!" "'" "Number 4..." "Shoulders." "Number 5..." "The lighter..." "Right." "Number 6..." "No, that's 7." "The sleeves." "Number 7, chew your nails." "OK, practice and come back." "Your lighter..." "You don't smoke." "Oh, yeah..." "Go-con is all up here." "News flash!" "The patsy's in play!" "Kiss!" "Kiss!" "Don't cry about it!" "OK, last time..." "Number 3..." "Me again?" "...and number 7..." "Kneel again?" "...will kiss!" "Kiss!" "Kiss!" "Kiss!" "I can't." "Hey!" "Where's the lights?" "Fuse box!" "I can't see!" "Check the fuses!" "That bastard!" "'Why did I turn out all the lights?" "'" "Why are we running?" "Why?" "Have you ever really kissed someone?" "No." "That's the kind of kiss I wanted." "I didn't want it to be a game." "I mean, it's not such a great big thing..." "The important thing is here." "It's not here or here." "It's whether you feel it shaking you here." "That's right..." "Words are what you speak from here." "Hearts sometimes collide at the uncontrolled intersection..." "Sometimes you find things you'd never expect to." "This custom of Japanese youth is not completely stupid." "In some countries, teenagers may whisper 'I love you' but the Japanese, who would never dare do that have taken the old custom of arranged-marriage meetings to make 'Go-con'." "It's part of the culture." "Ripped by:" "SkyFury" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"It's a story that might bore you, but you don't have to listen, because I always knew it was going to be like that." "( techno music playing )" "Woman:" "And it was, I think, in that last year, or weekend-- really a Friday in December at Camden-- and this was years ago, when I was a different person and I was so drunk that I ended up losing my virginity." "I lost it to some guy who I thought was a Ceramics major, but was actually either a NYU film student who was just up to Camden for the "End of the World,"" "or a townie." "I actually had my eye on someone else that night " " Victor." "I'm telling you, with European girls, it's just a numbers game." "If you stand in any major European city on any fucking corner, and consecutively ask every girl that walks by if she'll fuck you, one out of 20 will say "yes."" "Woman:" "A junior, a Drama major, just back from Europe.... only a little gay, with flecked blond hair, a great body and these amazing gray eyes." "Bam-- 20th one, you're fucking." "Right there." "It's a confirmed statistic, my man." "Woman:" "But Victor was fucking my roommate, Lara." "She gave him mono before he dumped her." "I'm told that later, after I left Camden, she got really drunk and went wandering through Windham House, and did the whole football team." "( music plays )" "Man:" "White girl..." "She's now married to a senator and has four kids." "How time distorts things." "So you know the movie I'm talking about?" "It was wrongfully labeled "A Tarantino Film,"" "even though he was just credited as executive producer." "So this guy from NYU, or whatever-- who wasn't even a good Victor facsimile-- and I were talking on this ratty old couch." "I'm sure you've seen this movie, this Russian classic," " "The Man with the Camera"?" " Yep, yep." "I kept agreeing with his likes and dislikes, all the time thinking that while he might not be Victor, he was cute enough." "It's real." "It's like real... shit." "I was sure that I was mispronouncing all these filmmakers' names, remembering all the wrong actors, naming the wrong cinematographers, but I wanted him." "...I see the same kind of "silent movie actress" quality." "Seriously, has anyone ever told you you look like Clara Bow?" "Because you do, I'm serious." "I'm telling you." "I know these things, and..." "and..." "Woman:" "I could see that his gaze was drifting towards Kristin Notneff." "And she was looking back at him with confidence, because she knew that underneath her clothes she was wearing a black bra with matching black lace panties, which I wasn't." "Um, I'm sorry, what was I talking about?" "Woman:" "But I had the next best thing." "I've got a joint in my room." "Except it wasn't my room." "It was Lorna Slavin's room, who was off-campus at her boyfriend's house, probably swallowing his DNA." "And I didn't have a joint either, and if I did, I didn't know where it was, because it would have been Lorna Slavin's joint." "He wouldn't have cared if I had one or not." "I must have passed out around then." "When I came to, he was already fucking me, but he didn't know that I was a virgin and that it hurt." "Not that badly-- only a little bit of sharp pain, but not as bad as I had been taught to expect- but not exactly pleasant, either." "That's when I heard another voice in the room." "Now, I want you to do her like Ron Jeremy would." "Woman:" "I remember the weight on the bed shifting, and realizing that this person behind me wasn't the NYU film student guy, but somebody else." "Oh, my God, it was some townie." "I had actually lost my virginity to a townie." "( boy grunting )" "This wouldn't have happened with Victor." "He would have taken me gently in his big, strong Drama major arms, and undressed me quietly and expertly, taken my bra off with grace and ease." "And it probably wouldn't have hurt." "I should have given myself to Victor last term when I had the chance." "( door bangs )" "Dude, we had to put the keg somewhere." "Don't put it there, it's blocking my shot." "Now get the fuck out of here before you ruin my movie." "( gasping )" "Woman:" "I always knew it would be like this." "I just get the feeling my life lacks forward momentum." "Like everything is moving by so quickly that time just seems to stop." "( pool break shot )" "Man's voice:" "Sometimes I can't believe the shit that spills out of my mouth." "So while I talk about God knows what," "I let my eyes drift across the room, as my mouth allows thoughts to drop out of my brain and roll off my tongue like gumballs," "I imagine all the things in life that never were, and all the things that could have been." "He'll do." "I like this song." "Man's voice:" "Gay song, definitely." "Do you have any E?" "That shit makes your spinal fluid run backwards." " I may have some up in my room." " You're game, right?" "No one's twisting your arm." "I don't even know why I'm trying to convince you." "Let's do it." "I think it's kicking in." "I feel it now, too." "Man's voice:" "The truth is, I feel nothing." "What the fuck!" " Sorry, I thought you were gay." " Fuck you, I'm no fag!" "You sure about that?" "I definitely detect a certain "faggy-ness" to you." "Get the fuck outta here, you fucking homo!" "I'm not gay." "You're lucky I don't kill you." "Luck has nothing to do with it." "Everything is preordained." "Manifest destiny." "You can stop time from happening no more than you can will the oceans to overwhelm the world, or to cause the moon to drop from her outer sphere." "Three months later, the handsome dunce had an affair with a friend of mine." "Within a year, he was a full-blown queen and telling people I couldn't get it up." "Luck has nothing to do with anything." "Man's voice:" "A great numb feeling washes over me as I let go of the past and look forward to the future." "I pretend to be a vampire." "I don't really need to pretend, because that's who I am, an emotional vampire." "I've just come to expect it-- that vampires are real, that I was born this way, that I feed off of other people's real emotions." "I search for this night's prey." "Who will it be?" "You look familiar-- have we met?" "I think I fucked her somewhere toward the beginning of term, the "Wet Wednesday" party." "No." " What's your name?" " Peter." "Really?" "Aren't you a senior?" "No, a freshman." "Really?" "I thought you were older." "No, I'm a freshman." "Peter." "Peter the freshman." "She has dick-sucking lips, so I consider the options." "I leave right now, go back to my room, play the guitar... masturbate to broadband-speed Internet porn..." "I'm going to come on those tits." "...go to sleep." "Or..." "I could play "Quarters" with Dickie and Quinlivan and that dumb guy from LA." "Or I could take her to the Carousel for some coffee and ditch her there with the bill." "Or I could take her back to my room, hope the Frog is gone, get stoned and fuck her." "So, what do you think?" "What do I think?" "I think, why not?" "Rock and roll." "She slowly followed me back to my dorm room" "like she knew this would happen, too eager, too stunned to speak." "I was so excited, I couldn't stop shaking and I dropped the key when I tried to unlock the door." "She sat on the bed and I played her a song I had written myself, then segued into one by Counting Crows." "I played it quietly and sang the lyrics slowly and softly." "She was so moved that she actually started to cry." "* I'm not ready for this sort of thing... *" "Maybe it was the Ecstasy I'm pretty sure she was on." "Maybe it was that she thought she really loved me." "But when he kissed her on the lips, he instantly went hard." "She was crying, her face was slick, but she let let him pull her clothes off." "She smelled like sweet fruit." "She was small, too." "Her pubic hair was light and sparse." "Yet, when he fingered her, he didn't feel anything-- she wasn't getting wet, even though she was making soft little moans." "He was semi-stiff and losing his erection." "Something was wrong, something was missing, he didn't know what." "Confused, he started to fuck her." "Before he came, it hit him-- he can't remember the last time he had sex sober." "Girl:" "Peter!" "Oh, Peter!" "( classical music plays )" "Fuck!" "* This is stranger than I thought *" "* Six different ways inside my heart *" "* And everyone I'll keep tonight *" "* Six different ways go deep inside *" "* I'll tell them anything at all *" "* I know I'll give them more and more... *" "* I'll tell them anything at all *" "* I know I'll give the world and more *" "* They think I'm on my hands and head *" "* This time they're much too slow *" "* Six sides to every lie I say *" "* It's that American voice again *" "* It was never quite like this before *" "* Not one of you is the same *" "* To do do do... *" "You sneaky bitch." "Sean's voice:" ""Got you." "You're mine now for the rest of the day, week, month, year, life." "Have you guessed who I am?" "Sometimes I think you have." "Sometimes, when you're scanning a crowd," "I feel those sultry dark eyes of yours stop on me." "Are you too afraid to come up to me and let me know how you feel?" "I want to moan and writhe with you, and I want to go up to you and kiss your mouth and pull you to me and say, 'Love you, love you,' while stripping." "I want you so bad it stings." "I want to kill the ugly girls you're always with." "Do you really like those boring, naive, coy, calculating girls, or is it just for sex?" "The seeds of love have taken hold, and if we won't burn together, I'll burn alone."" "* This is stranger than I ever thought. *" "What?" "How'd she do that?" "Blood clot." "What's going on?" "You're gonna have to sell that bike of yours," " that's what's going on." " Why?" "Where's my money, college boy?" "Do you take American Express?" "That's not funny." "You like that?" "They taught it to me in the Army." "One of 1 7 hand-to-hand combat methods of rendering your enemy defenseless." "Now, all I got to do is apply positive pressure to rip your carpals free from your metacarpals, and you will be unable to operate your weapon!" "I'm not your enemy, Rupert, and I don't have a weapon." "That's why you get a little time, homes." "You want some coke?" "Sure." "Then buy some of your own, bitch." "Get the fuck out of my crib and get me my money." "There's an Orgy Night at Booth House." "I'm scoring for a bunch of freshman." "They're rich, they want cocaine, they'll pay premium to get it." "What do you think?" "I think you're a rich motherfucking motherfucker, who owes me a shitload of motherfucking cash." "That's what I think, you rich motherfucking motherfucker." "You want some blow, motherfucker?" "You bring me my motherfucking cash, motherfucker!" "Fuck you!" "Jesus fucking Christ, Rupert, don't get so tense." "I'll show you tense, motherfucker." "You're into me for a fuckload of money, and I think you and your motherfucking rich-kid friends are gonna take off to all your rich-ass motherfucking lives," "leaving me holding my motherfucking dick!" "So fuck you!" "Fucking, Rupert, fucking A'." "I'm not like those rich assholes." "I'm on financial aid." "I have to work for a living." "I'm from a fucking farm in Nebraska." "My family had to sell the fucking cow to get me here." " I'm working in food service." " Bullshit!" "My father's in the hospital, okay?" "My family's strapped for cash." "I might have to drop out." " Really?" " The Lord is my witness." "Yes." "You really don't have any fucking cash?" "No, I had to work all summer just to pay for this term." "I thought you went home to New York for the summer." "That's what I told people so they wouldn't laugh at me." "I actually had to wash pigs all summer, Rupert." "Jesus Christ, man, I can get these kids to overpay, they're so desperate for drugs." "I'm your key to moving this shit on campus." "You need me, and you know it." "And I need the cash." "We need each other." "You get this straight, fuckhead." "I need you like I need a motherfucking asshole on my elbow!" "Right here!" "An asshole!" "That's how much I need you." "What do you think, Guest?" "I think you should sniff less cocaine." "And stop leaving the gun there laying on the table, man." "Leave the boy alone before he piss in panty." "( laughs )" "You know I'm just fucking with you, baby, right?" "Right." "( sniffs )" "What kind of markup do you think you can get off these rich-ass freshmen?" "Well, that depends on how stepped-on it is." "Stepped-on?" "Guest, is our shit stepped-on?" "No, man, it's fresher than the morning snow." "What the bumbaclot wrong with him?" "Maybe 20% over market value." "50%, you say!" "Hot damn, college boy!" "That's some good motherfucking math!" "I do believe we have ourselves a deal." "Do we have ourselves a deal?" "Sean:" "Sure." "Good, it's time for you to get to work." "Sometimes, a minute... will last like an hour, you know?" "Where other times... an hour just... just zips by in like a minute." "It's all subjective." "Every person perceives it... perceives it different." "It's like, that's why you can't trust clocks, you know?" "Marc, you owe me 500 bucks." "I want it by Sunday." "Okay?" "You notice I don't have any clocks in my room, because they interfere with your ability to to adjust the time to... to suit your needs, you know?" "Marc." "Do not be a slave to time, my friend, because, it" "there's no point." "( Marc gasps )" "( groans )" "( grunting )" "I" " I can feel my dick." "I can feel my dick." "Whoo!" "Oh my God!" " Hey!" "Fucking, hey!" " ( banging bed )" "What about the cash?" "Marc, what about the fucking cash?" "What class, man?" "Who teaches that?" "Fucking" "Just go away, you know." "Just stop bugging me." "Just stop asking me." "Stop kicking my fucking bed." "Stop, you know, oooh..." "I'll get you your fucking-- just don't fuck my karma, dude!" "Don't fuck it up!" "( clarinet playing )" "( cheering )" "* Get yourself together, get yourself together *" "* Shake, shake, shake... *" "* Get yourself together... *" "Hi, Mitch." "What's up?" "Not very much." "What's up with you?" "Not much." "Can we talk?" "What do you want to talk about?" "Just what's going on." "Hey, I warned you." "Remember that." "I know, I know." "Wait, what did you warn me about?" "I warned you!" "* Shake, shake, shake... *" "Wait, Mitch." "Mitch, don't be such a pussy." "I am warning you again." "I don't know what your fucking problem is." "Just stay the fuck aw" " Hey." " Hey, guys." "Is there some sort of problem, Paul and Mitchell?" "No-- you two know each other?" "Yeah." "Hi." "Hi." "Mitch, I'm kinda through partying tonight." "Do you want to walk me back to my room?" "My roommate's at her boyfriend's tonight." "Mitch:" "Yeah." "What about you, Paul?" "What are you doing?" " Come on, let's go." " It might be fun." " No." " Come on." " Let's go." " You know you want to." " Later, guy." " Bye, Paul." "Maybe next time." "Mr. Bateman." "Excuse you." "Sean Bateman, right?" "Right." "It's Paul?" "Right." "The girl with Mitchell?" "Paul:" "You mean, Candice?" "Her name is Candice." "Yeah, that's right." "I had a class with her, but I failed it." "Really?" "My type of guy." "Fucking keg's dead." "Typical." "I wish I had a case of beer." " Quesadilla?" " What?" "A quesadilla?" "Mexican food?" "El Sombrero?" "El Sombrero closed a long time ago." "How about tomorrow night?" "I'll buy." "I don't know." "You'll buy?" "Totally buy." "Rock and roll." "Tomorrow, then." "( alarm beeps )" "( stops )" "( guitar music playing )" "* Yellow is the color of my true love's hair *" "* In the morning, when we rise *" "* In the morning, when we rise *" " * That's the time * - * That's the time *" " * That's the time * - * That's the time *" "* I love the best *" "* Green is the color... *" "How could you possibly go out this early in the morning?" " I've got class." " It's Saturday." "* When we rise *" " ( beeping ) - * In the morning *" "* When we rise *" "Merde!" "What is it?" "Asshole, turn off the fucking thing!" " * That's the time * - * That's the time *" "* I love the best *" "( beeping continues )" "* Blue is the color of the sky *" "* In the morning, when we rise *" "* In the morning, when we rise *" " * That's the time * - * That's the time *" " * That's the time * - * That's the time *" "* I love the best... *" "( snores )" "( flatulence )" "* Mellow is the feeling that I get *" "* When I see her, hm-mmm *" "* When I see her, oh, yeah *" " * That's the time * - * That's the time *" " * That's the time * - * That's the time *" "* I love the best *" "* Freedom is a word I rarely use *" "* Without thinking, oh, yeah *" "* Without thinking, hm-mmm *" " * Of the time * - * Of the time *" " * Of the time * - * Of the time *" "* When I've been loved *" "* Yellow is the color of my true love's hair *" "* In the morning *" " * When we rise * - ( man snorts )" "* In the morning, when we rise *" " * That's the time * - * That's the time *" " * That's the time * - * That's the time *" "* I love the best. *" " Hi." " Hey." "Are you here for that class?" "The tutorial on the Post-Modern Condition?" " Yeah." " It was canceled." "Typical." "I've never seen you there before." "That's what's so typical." "It's the first time I ever bothered to show up for it." "Yeah, you've got bad timing." "Saturdays suck ass." "I don't have to put up with this shit." "I'm dropping this fucking class." " Yeah, me too." " Really?" "Mm-hmm." "I think I'm gonna change my major." " To what?" " I don't know yet." " What's yours?" " I don't even know." "( sighs )" "Your name's Sean Bateman, right?" "Right." "Your name is Lauren." "Yeah." "I bought pot from you last year." "It was good." "A little seedy though." "You used to go out with that Paul Denton dude, right?" "Yeah." "Before." "Show me your eyes." "*..." "Feeling that I get *" "* When I see her, hm-mmm *" "* When I see her, oh, yeah *" " * That's the time *" " Rock and roll." " * That's the time * - * That's the time *" " * That's the time * - * I love the best *" "Maybe I'll see you at the next pre-Saturday-party party." "Or something." "* Freedom is a word I rarely use *" "* Without thinking, oh, yeah *" "* Without thinking, mm-hmm *" " * Of the time * - * Of the time *" " * Of the time * - * Of the time *" "* When I've been loved. *" "( singing in French )" "Oh my God." "Harry tried to kill himself." "Paul's voice:" "That is so typical." "I just knew something like this was going to happen." "I just had a feeling that there would be some obstacle, major or minor, that was going to prevent my evening with Sean from happening." "You've got to come to Fel's house-- he's there." "Shit, Jesus, Paul." "We've got to do something." "That's way too gay." "Um... call security?" "Trust me, they'll be there within an hour." "Security." "Security?" "What do you need, a formal fucking invitation?" "I have an appointment at 7:00, Raymond!" "You are killing Harry!" "Pull it together!" "Mach schnell!" "What did he do, try to OD on Sudafed and wine coolers?" "Oh, my God." "I brought Paul." " What did he take?" " I don't know." "Oh, Harry, sweetie, are you okay?" "He's going to get death of cold." "I think we should take him to Dunham Hospital." "That's all the way in fucking Keene!" "Are you crazy?" " Where else is there, asshole?" " I have to meet someone at 7:00." "Fuck your meeting!" "Get the car, Raymond!" "Grab his feet!" "Jesus!" "Jesus, this is so typical." "He found out he was adopted today." "Could we stop at a Circle K and get some cigarettes?" "I remind you we have somebody OD'ing back here." "He's not OD'ing." "He's a freshman." "Freshman don't OD." "Fuck you, Paul!" "Oh shit, he's throwing up!" " Open the fucking window!" " He's not throwing up." "Then what do you call that "ccchhh" sound, huh?" "Dry heaves." "He's forgetting to breathe and he has a lot of air in his stomach." "Maybe you should be inducing vomiting." "Should I just pull the car over?" "!" " Can I change the CD?" " Shut up, Paul!" "You're going to be okay." "* Blue-eyed dressed for every situation *" "* Moving through the doorway of the nation-- *" "( music stops )" " Come on, grab his arm." " Oh, God." "Okay, you're gonna make it." "Both:" "Help!" " Help!" " We need some help over here." " Please!" "This guy's OD'ing!" " Oh my God." "Will you get him into the Emergency Room?" " Thank God." " I'm on my break." "I there anyone else around here, please?" "!" " Hello?" " Please take care of Harry." "Please, you've got to take care of him!" " Move, move!" " Oh, God." "Oh, God." "Sir, can I speak to your manager, please?" "Will you get him up." "His name's Harry, please!" " What's his name?" " Harry." " Harry." " Harry, Harry." "I'm not getting any pulse." "Is this a joke?" "I can see him moving." "He's not dead." " I can see him breathing." " He's dead, Paul, shut up!" "And how did this happen, exactly?" " Oh God, I don't know!" " Oh God, oh God!" "Will you shut up?" "He's not dead." "He hasn't got a pulse." "There's no heartbeat." "His pupils are fixed and dilated." "Harry, please come back." "Sorry, there's nothing more I can do here." "You have to do something." "I've seen this on ER." "Please fix him!" "Harry's gone bye-bye." "Harry's gone to the big bye-bye." "He's got his name in the papers on the back side." "It's "'toe-tag time' in Teenville" tonight." "Again." " What?" " Teenville?" "You should've just said no, Harry." " I'm not dead, am I?" " Ahh!" "Yes, you are!" "Shut up!" "Actually, you don't have a pulse." "I think you're dead." "If you let me run a few tests, I could probably prove it." " You've got a malpractice suit!" " Harry is dead." "You don't know what you're talking about!" "Harry:" "Seriously, am I dead?" "A few tests on Harry, I'm sure I could prove he's dead." "No!" "Pain and suffering!" "I must insist you bring back your friend's corpse for me to do some tests." "( groans )" "Is your ultimate deterrent to a Friday night party working?" "Sort of." "The best would be Victor though." "Okay, enough fantasizing." "Victor is 3000 miles away." "Use the book." "Okay, how do I look?" "You look kinda skinny, actually." "Skinny?" "Really?" "Bulimic skinny or anorexic skinny?" "What's the difference?" "Bulimic skinny passes for healthy, except your teeth rot, but my teeth aren't rotting, so..." "So you look bulimic skinny?" "Lauren, I'm telling you, it's amazing the weight you lose when you get off the pill." "Yeah, until the 50 pounds you gain when you get knocked up." "Okay, well, do the math." "If a condom is 98% safe, and he wears two, then you're 196% safe." "That is a much better percentage than the pill can offer." "I don't think it works that way, Lara." "Abstinence is 1 00% safe, which is less of a percentage than" "Whatever, I don't care." "I don't major in math." " So are you coming or not?" " I don't know." "Lauren, listen to your friend and roommate." "If you spend the rest of your life waiting for Victor, you're never gonna lose your virginity." "You can't just wait for destiny to play itself out." "You have to make it happen." "( retching )" "Is she coming tonight?" " I doubt it." " Why?" " She's been looking at the book." " What book?" "It's this big medical book she's got of venereal diseases." "Before a party, she looks through it to discourage herself from hooking up with people like you." "It's got some pretty nasty imagery." "And it helps her keep her focused on her homework." " So, she's not coming, then?" " Nope." "So, you want to get me another beer?" "Hey, Sean." "Sorry I'm late." "What?" "There was this whole thing-- I had to take this freshman to the hospital and there was this sick kid and, anyhow, I'm" "What the fuck are you talking about?" " I'm here." " Never mind." " I'll make it up to you." " You don't have to." "I know I don't have to, but I want to." " I insist." " Whatever." "Really." "I have some pot in my room if you want to smoke and get stoned." " You have pot?" " In my room, yeah." " Want a beer?" " Let's go." "Hey, Lauren, this is..." " Jim." " Jim, from Dartmouth." " Hi." " Brewski for you-ski?" " Sure." " Hey, you want it you got it." "He thinks this is the "Dress to Get Screwed" party." "If you want him, I'll give him to ya." "No, that's okay." "You sure?" "'Cause I don't see Victor around." "What about Sean Bateman?" "Have you seen him around?" "Yeah, actually, Sean Bateman just ran off with Paul." " Paul Denton?" " Uh-huh." " Are you serious?" " Yeah." "You don't think... no." " I don't know." " No." "He must just be selling him something." " Must be." " Must be." "Yeah." "Okay, so what is this?" "Are you out on the prowl again?" "Yeah, that book's just not-- it's not doing it." " No?" " Huh-uh." "Good." "Okay, well, just don't wait up for me, okay?" " Okay." " Okay." "Okay." "Miss Lauren Hynde." "Why weren't you at my tutorial last Saturday?" "Would you like a drink?" "( classical music plays )" "( chuckles )" "Come here." " Mmm?" " Mm-hmm." " Yeah." " ( laughs )" " Do you want a turn-on?" " No thanks." "Well... don't mind if I do." "Are we going to do it here on the couch?" "Do what?" "You know, do it." "( laughs ) What?" "Fuck?" "Oh, are you mad?" "I would lose my tenure." "And I'm a married man." "But aren't you hitting on me?" "Well, for a hummer, sure." "I've heard you're talented, Miss Hynde." "And it certainly can't hurt your GPA." "So, shall we?" "So where did you spend last summer?" " Berlin." " Paul:" "Sprechen sie Deutsch?" "What?" " Do you speak German?" " No." " What the f--?" " You don't?" "No." "Why?" "Well, I don't know." "I just assumed, since you spent the summer in Berlin" "I thought maybe you" "No." "Berlin, New Hampshire." "Sean's voice:" "I need to get some more pot." "I'm running out." "And I need to get laid." "Where the fuck was Lauren tonight?" "Lara's kind of hot." "I could bang her and feel good about it." "I'd rather have Lauren." "I wonder why." "It would just ruin my illusion of her innocence, her purity." "Whoa!" "Is that really what I want?" "I need to fuck someone." "Then I need to get more pot." "Paul's voice:" "I watched him with growing intensity as he refilled the pipe in the dark and smoky din of the room." "He delicately fingered what looked like dried moss to me, and it struck me then that I liked Sean because he looked slutty, a boy who'd been around." "A boy who couldn't remember if he was Catholic or not." "* Whooo... *" "* I don't know what color your eyes are, baby *" "* But your hair is long and brown *" "* Your legs are strong and so, so long *" "* And you don't come from this town *" "* My head is full of magic, baby *" "* And I have to share this with you *" "* I feel I'm on top again, baby *" "* That's got everything to do with you *" "* I'm alive *" "* So alive. *" "Woman on TV:" "Suck it harder!" "Look at that chick's cans." " Implants." " I like the feel of fake tits." "( phone rings )" " I need to get cable in my room." " Hello?" "Hi, Mom." " ( turns sound off )" " What's going on?" "Sean:" "You are one dirty bitch!" "Paul:" "Tomorrow?" "The Jareds are coming?" "Oh." "Does it have to be this weekend?" "I have a lot of schoolwork." " How about next weekend?" " Faggoty sitcom," " faggoty sitcom..." " Paul:" "Richard?" "Okay." "Yeah, you too." "I have to go into the city tomorrow night." "Rock and roll." " You want to go?" " Nope." ""Dressed to Get Screwed Party" is tomorrow night." "I know, and I don't want to leave you here alone." "Deal with it." "I'm borrowing these." "Wait." "Would you give me a ride to the bus station tomorrow?" "Whatever." "Look, I have to meet my advisor." "( woman on TV moans )" "Paul's voice:" "I shouldn't be leaving." "He'll sleep with someone else." "It's the "Dressed to Get Screwed Party."" "What the fuck am I doing?" "I love you, Sean Bateman." "Sean's voice:" "I wonder if Lauren goes wild during sex." "I wonder if she comes easily." "Or at all." "I won't go to bed with a girl who doesn't." "If I can't make a girl come, why bother?" "It would be like asking questions in a letter." "Mmmm..." "I'm hungry." "Sean's voice: "Tonight's the night." "Tonight's the night." "Tonight's the night." "Tonight's the night." "Tonight's the night."" "( inhales deeply )" "So, tonight's the night?" " I'm going all the way." " Who's the lucky boy?" " I'm not telling." " You will if you want the room." "Okay, okay..." " Sean Bateman." " He's a drug dealer." " He made me "zzshing"!" " "Zzshing"?" ""Zzshing" like you just know that you'll be with that person and something amazing will happen," "like he just fucking fucks you right up the" ""Zzshing."" " No, I've never heard that." " You will someday." "You know, you might be afflicted with synesthesia." "What?" "It's a clinical disorder which causes you to hear what you see and see what you hear-- an uncontrolled combination of your senses." "You should really get that checked out." " Prozac might help." " What?" "Aaah!" "Oooh..." "Rusty pipes." "( country music plays )" "* And the thought of rubbing feet is getting so exciting *" "* Skyrocket in flight *" "* Afternoon delight. *" "( phone rings )" "Hello?" "Can I talk to Sean Bateman?" "I think he lives upstairs." "( sighs )" "Yeah?" "Sean." "Who is this, Patrick?" "Who the hell is Patrick?" "No, it's is Paul." "Paul...?" "Yeah, remember me?" "Sean:" "No." "This better be good." "I was just wondering what was going on." "Who's Patrick?" "It's none of your business, what do you want?" "Paul:" "Were you asleep?" " No, of course not." " What are you doing?" "That's none of your fucking business." "I'm getting ready to go to this party." "With who?" "With Patrick?" "No." "( chuckles )" "With the person who's leaving notes in my box." " Are you?" " Deal with it." " Are you just fucking with me?" " Rock and roll." " ( dial tone hums )" " Motherfucker!" "Who?" "Oh, Jesus Christ, Richard, is that you?" "It's Dick." "And yes, it's me." "( gargling )" "What the hell are you doing?" "Getting fucked up." "Maybe getting fucked." " ( Richard moans )" " Oh, Richard." "All right, Richard" "Oh, yeah, you're just turning me on, Richard." "Richard:" "Ride 'em cowboy!" "Paul--!" "You remember Mrs. Jared?" "Of course." "Hello, Mrs. Jared." "I leave you alone for five minutes and you're drinking." "Drunk." "I'm drunk." "Mrs. Jared:" "Then take a shower and sober up." "Oh, my tortures never end." "How are you, Paul?" "Fine." "Would you talk to him?" "He'll listen to you." "Come on, Myra." "I'll see you both downstairs in 1 5 minutes, hmm?" " ( Richard chuckles ) - ( door closes )" "You want to take a shower with me... for old times' sake?" " Want one?" " What are they?" " Does it matter?" " No." "* Oh well, I guess it would be nice *" "* If I could touch your body *" "* I know not everybody *" "* Has got a body like you *" "* But I've gotta think twice *" "* Before I give my heart away *" "* And I know all the games you play *" "* Because I play them too... *" "Fine with me." "( yawning )" "So when she showed up..." "* Oh baby, I reconsider *" "* My foolish notion *" "* Well, I need someone to hold me *" "* But I wait for something more *" "* Yes, I gotta have faith *" "* I gotta have faith *" "* 'Cause I gotta have faith, faith, faith, *" "* I gotta have faith, faith, faith... *" "Oh, yeah." "* Got to, got to have faith *" "* Before this river, becomes an ocean *" "* Before you throw my heart back on the floor *" "* Oh baby, I reconsider *" "* My foolish notion *" "* Well, I need someone to hold me *" "* But I'll wait for something more *" "* 'Cause I gotta have faith *" "* Ooh, I gotta have faith *" "* 'Cause I gotta have faith, faith, faith, *" "* I gotta have faith, faith faith. *" "Mrs. Denton:" "Then I realized my Cadillac had been stolen." "Mrs. Jared:" "Oh, my God." "Mrs. Denton:" "Stolen." "The police couldn't have cared less." "They said my insurance would take care of it." "Frankly, I was getting sick of the color, you know?" "Mrs. Jared:" "I'm going to ask one more time, Richard, kindly remove your sunglasses." "( low growling )" "Very well, then... why don't you tell us about school?" "Tell us about school." " Ciggy." " Oh, Ri-- don't smoke." "You're not allowed to smoke here, Richard..." "..." "I don't think" " My name is not Richard." " Then what is it?" " Dick." " What?" " Dick." "You heard me." "Dick." "No." "Your name is Richard." "Sorry, it's Dick." "Well, then" " Dick, how is school?" "It sucks cock." "( coughing )" "Yeah, it does." "And what classes are you taking" " Dick?" ""Gang Bang 1 01,"" ""Freebase Tutorial"... ( whispers ) and "Oral Sex Workshop."" "( nervous laughter )" "Well, then, how are you liking that, Dick?" "( rude moaning )" "( chuckles ) Yeah." ""How do you like that?"" "What has happened to you?" "What do you mean, what has happened to me?" "What do you think?" "I can see what that school has done to you." "Maybe perhaps Paul and I should go upstairs" " Mrs. Jared:" "No." " Mrs. Denton:" "No?" "No." "If anyone is going to leave this table," " it's going to be Richard." " It's Dick!" "Leave the table now, Richard." "( mock whining ) Why?" "Why?" "I'm asking you to leave the table, now." "( snidely ) No, no, no..." "I will not leave the table." "No!" "Leave the table!" "( howls ) Well, fuck you-ooo!" "And fuck you." "And fuck you, pretty boy." "And fuck you all very much." "I'm outta here." "( thumps ) Have a good one!" "Mrs. Jared:" "Oh, everything's fine now." "No, really." "I'm terribly sorry." " Man:" "Are you sure, ma'am?" " Oh, positive." "Yes." " My son isn't well." " Yeah." "He's-- well, not well." "He's been under a lot of stress, midterms starting..." "School." "Yes, of course." "I would like another Vodka Collins." "Eve, would you like anything?" "Yes-- well, I mean, no, no." "Go ahead." "Get her another one." " Please." " Thank you, Paul." "Sure, Mom." "You know," "I think my next car is going to be blue." "Blue, don't you think?" "A very dark blue." "What do you think, Paul?" "Blue." "* Baby girl, where you at?" "*" "* Got no strings, got men attached *" "* Can't stop that feeling for long, no *" "* You making dogs wanna beg *" "* Breaking them off your fancy legs *" "* But they make you feel right at home, now *" "* See all these illusions just take us too long *" "* And I want it bad *" "* Because you walk pretty, because you talk pretty *" "* 'Cause you make me sick and I'm not leaving *" "* Till you're leaving oh, I swear there's something" "* When she's pumping asking for a raise... *" "Those are grown in shit." "* So does she want me to buy her things?" "*" "* On my house, on my job on my loot, shoes *" "* My shirt, my crew, my mind my father's last name?" "*" "* When I get you alone... *" "Thank Godyou're still dealing." "So where's Lauren" "She's out of town." "Do you have a thing for her" "She won't put out.You know that, right" "She's got this little boyfriend who she's saving herself for." "You're just wasting your time and money." "She's got a boyfriend" "All these intrusions just take us too long" "And I want you so bad" "Because you walk city, because you talk city" "'Cause you make me sick..." "Yes, yes, yes." "Yes, yes,oh, oh, oh--!" "Hi, Sean." "Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop." "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon..." "Sean's voice Disillusionment strikes." "After all my pining for Lauren, this-- her roommate." "The inevitable conclusion." "It's like bad poetry--and then what" "I'm still hard,so I keep on going." "She's groaning now." "Humping up, down, up." "Is it ever going to end" "I should neverhave done this." "I should have kept it innocent." "God, oh yes." "I put my handover her mouth." "She comes, licking my palms,snorting." "It's over." "Kleenex." "What's wrong I told you I came." "I was bornin a Holiday Inn." "Better it's not Lauren." "Note to self never 'shroom again.Only gets you into trouble." "Woman I've written you this last letter because I know I'll never have you." "I stood in a corner and watched you go off with her." "She's so beneath you." "You probably did itjust to hurt me." "Well, it worked." "You hurt me, and now there'snothing else I can do." "There won't be any more notes.It's last call." "No, I can't forget this evening" "Or your face as you were leaving" "But I guess that's just the way the story goes" "You always smile but in your eyes" "Your sorrow shows" "Yes, it shows" "No, I can't forget tomorrow" "When I think of all my sorrow" "When I had you there" "But then I let you go" "And now it's only fair" "That I should let you know" "What you should know..." "Know..." "I can't live" "If livingis without you" "I can't live" "I can't give anymore" "I can't live" "If livingis without you" "I can't give" "I can't give anymore" "Well, I can't forget this evening" "Or your face as you were leaving" "But I guess that's just the way the story goes" "You always smile but in your eyes" "Your sorrow shows" "Yes, it shows..." "( rapid dripping )" "I only did it with her because I'm in love with you." "( bangs )" "( sobs )" "( crying, sobbing )" "Lauren, I love you." "Laur" " Lauren--!" " Leave, Sean!" "Since when does fucking somebody else mean that I'm not faithful to you" "Lauren..." "She's not ever going to want see you again." "Lara Face it... you fucked up." "( phone ringing )" "( ringing )" "( ringing continues )" " Hello" " Frenchman Hello" "Hello" " Hello, Bertrand" " Bertrand's not in." "Is it Jean-JacquesHello" "Lauren..." "( groans )" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Come on." "Woman announcer Results are evident in a few short weeks." "Male announcer Call and order your bottle of Longitude having your credit card readyand calling 1-800-51 8-3492." "That's 1-800-51 8-3492." "Imagine the look on her face if you were much larger." "Call now--1-800-51 8-3492." " Typical." " Radio WTNA" "Tom and Andy--More music." "Could be wrong" "I could be right" "Could be wrong..." "I could be wrongI could be right..." "Sean..." "May the roadrise with you" "May the roadrise with you..." "Gotcha." "You're so sad." "Sean, you're sick." "Hey... wait a minute." "Yeah." "I could be wrongI could be right" "I could be blackI could be white..." "( woman sobbing )" "Victor Took a charter flighton a DC-1 0 to London," "Ianded at Heathrow.Took a cab to the city center." "Don't let people lie to you,hostels are for the ugly." "I'm staying at Home House,the most beautiful hotel." "Called a friend from school who was selling hash, but she wasn't in." "Met a couple of Brits who take me to of all places, Camden Street." "I flirt a bit at the Virgin Megastore, buy some CDs, then followsome girls with pink hair." "I wandered around trying to getlaid until it started to rain, then went back to Home House." "Ministry of Sound is dead, so I go to Rem Forum,but it's Gay Night." "I find one hetero girl and wedry-hump on the dance floor." "We cab it back to Home House, I strip her clothes off suck her toes and we fuck." "Hung out for four or five days, met the world's biggest DJ,Paul Oakenfold." "Kept missing the Changingof the Guards." "Wrote my mom a postcardI never sent, bought speed from an Italian junkie try-in-gto sell me a stolen bike." "Smoked a lot of hash that had too much tobacco in it." "Saw the Tate." "Saw Big Ben." "Ate a lot of weird English food." "It rained a lot." "It was expensive and I'mjonesing-- split for Amsterdam." "The Dutch all know English sol didn't have to speak Dutch, which was a relief." "I cruisethe red light district, visit a sex show, visit a sex museum, smoke a lot of hash." "I meet a Dutch TV actress and we drink absint heat a bar called Absinthe." "The museums were cool." "Lots of Van Goghs and the Vermeers were intense." "Wandered around, bought a lot of pastries, ate some intense waffles." "Bought some coke and I cruisedthe red light district" "I found some blonde with big-tits that reminds me of Lara." "I gave her 1 00 guilders.In the end, she pulls me out," "I come between her tits eventhough I'm wearing a rubber." "We made small talk about AIDS, her Moroccan pimp and herself." "I wake to the sound of a wino singing." "It's 8 00 a.m.and hot as blazes." "I pretend to ice-skate around Central Station." "Trade songs with a Kiwi girl, then split for Paris" "Wandered the Champs-Elysées, climbed the Eiffel Tower for only seven francs--the ticket machine was broken." "Got the hang of the Metro, took it everywhere." "Ford model party, hooked upwith a model named Karina." "She chugs my cockat the Marriott, which is good." "Played billiards, went shoppingI think she gave me mono." "Drove a Ferrari that belongedto the Saudi royal family." "Made out with a Dutch modeling front of the Louvre." "Saw the Arc de Triomphe--almost became road kill." "Oakie invites me to Dublin, I catch an Aer Lingus flight, stay at the Morrison" " Dublinrocks like you can't imagine." "Oakenfold lets me spinsome discs with him." "Irish girls are smallas leprechauns." "I swap hickeys with a drunk woman after groping my abs and calling me Mr. LA." "She strips for me in the bathroom of the club." "Sneak into the Guinness factory and steal some stout so good my dick goes hard." "I fly to Barcelona which is a bust." "Too many fat American students, too many lame meat markets." "I dropped acidat the Sagrada Familia, which was a trip, to say the least." "Cruise up the coastto Museo Gala Dali, but had no more acid, which sucked." "Some girl from Canada calls me on my cell, so I let her listento the church bells." "Canta Cruz is beautiful but there are no girls there, just old hippies." "So I went to Switzerland where, ironically, I couldn'tfind anyone with the time." "Took Glacier Expressto Shiltone which is beautifulin a way I can't describe." "EuroPass into Italy, ended up in Venice, met a hot girl who lookslike Rachel Leigh Cook, and speaks better English than I do." "She's living for a year on only $5.00 a day." "We gondola around, buy hash." "She thinks I'm a capitalist-- my room costs more for one night than her entire trip." "She doesn't mind much when I pay the bills." "I ditch her and hook up with a couple who obviously want a threesome." "Much tension, but the doofus offers to drive me to Rome, an offer I jump at." "Traffic'sbad, we're stopped for hours." "The wife's a freak." "The guy wigs out on me." "It's like a Polanski film." "We stop in Florence, where I see some big dome." "A bomb goes off" "I lose the weird couple, which is probably for the best." "Ended up in Rome,which is big and hot and dirty." "Just like LA, but with ruins." "I went to the Vatican, which is ridiculously opulent." "Stood for two hours to get into the Sistine Chapel, which now cleaned, looks fake." "I meet two underage Italiangirls who I try to talk into fucking each otherwhile I jack off onto them." "Bored, I buy them someice cream instead." "My hotel has a gym, so I work out." "I bump into some guy from Camden who says he knows me, but I'm sure that he's a fag, so I lose him." "I try to fartand instead shit my pants." "In my room I masturbate and have a pain in my groin." "I dream about a beautiful girl,half in water, stretching her lean body.She asks me if I like it." "I tell her she can clean fish with it." "I don't know what it means,but I wake well-rested, masturbate in the shower, and check out." "Make my way back to London, hang out in Piccadilly Circus." "Swap shirts with someupper-crusty Cambridge chick." "Hers was an Agnes B.;mine, it cost me my Chanel." "She acts stuffy and prudish, but is really wild underneath." "She barely looks at my abs, though she wants to." "The next day I drop acidand get lost in the subway for a full day and can't find my way out." "I meet a cute girl that lets me jack off onto her as long as no come gets onto her Paul Smith coat." "We get stoned while listeningto Michael Jackson records." "The next morning, I wake up talking to myself." "I had a big bump on my headfrom flailing in my sleep." "I get my stuffand barely make my plane back to the United States.I no longer know who I am and I feel like the ghost of a total stranger." "So then I ended upback here." "I'm so there when school's out, you don't even know." "No, I do know." "And you don't know until you do know." "And you have to go there to know." "You still fucking that girl from Hawaii" " Page" "Oh, no, man." "I gave up on that shit." "She had issues." "I moved onto this chick named Candice." " Yeah" " She's great." "Did you fuck like a racehorse" "You know it, brother." " I met a girl." " Did you score some hot poon" "It's not about that." "No... it's about good time sand cuddling up." "She's a fag hag, right" "It's cool because they're funand they like to dance." "I tell you, Victor," "I think I'm in love with this girl." "She's sweet." "She's pure." "She's innocent." "She's a virgin." "Mitch How young is she" "Out of the car seat, onto my meat." "If she's bleeding, I'm breeding." "If there's grass on the field, play ball, you know" "Mitch Old enough to pee, old enough for me." "Yeah." " Ow!" " Bateman." "Bateman." "Come on." "What's up, man" "Got any Toot-ankhamen" "Sean How much you want" "Three grams." "300." "Up front." "I don't fucking trust you." "Tough shit." "Take Mitchell with you, then." "We take your car,and I drive." "( chuckles )" " Go with him, bitch." " Fucker." "Ow!" "Shit!" "I want change." "Bring Daddy back change." "1 000 times..." "Mitch Would you keep your eyes on the road" "Bitchen ride." "You pick the color" "Yeah, and I don't want you to crash it." "I didn't realize it came in banana." " Relax." " Mitch Oh, right." "Relax." "While my car is being used to run a drug deal," "I'll just sit back and relax." "I don't give a fuck if wedo this deal or not, but you do." "Your girlfriend needs her nose candy." "Without nose candy, she won't fuck you, and you know it." "I have my terms, if you don't live up to them, you get no pussy." "So deal with it." "Looks kind of dark." "Maybe nobody's home." "Rupert doesn't leave home." " I'm gonna wait in the car." " It's okay." "Rupert's cool." " But I don't want to go in." " Just come in." "Let's get this over with." "( dog barks )" "( rap music plays within )" "( doorbell rings )" "( Jamaican accent )Who dat" "Blouse and skirt." "Sean, are you dat, man" "Just the man we're looking to see tonight." "Come in out the cold, mon." "Sean, Sean, Sean,what, bubba" "You college boys look nice and sweet and sexy." "Come, mon." "Rupert's in the kitchen." "Rupert, extra chicken in the coop." "Sean." "Who's your friend" "This is Mitch." "Mitch." " Hi." " You a cop, Mitch" " No." " Does he look like a cop" "How the fuck am I supposed to know" "Unless he's got a crack pipestuck to his lip," "I gotta assume he's fucking 21 Jump Street." "I'm not 21 Jump Street, whatever that is." "Where Richard Grieco and Johnny Depp got their start." "Come on." "Where you been" "You can bet the boy is not a cop." "Look upon him." "Obviously." " What can I do you boys for" " Came to pick up some stuff." " ( knife whirrs )" " Did you now" "Where's my money, God damn it, Bateman" "Don't act crazy, man." "Me and my buddy Mitch just came by to pick up a couple of grams." "What the fuck's this" "$300" "You owe me $3,000, asshole." "Where's my fucking money" "Hey, wait a minute." "Wait." "I'm gonna wait in the car." "Excuse me." "Wait." "Wait for what, asshole You owe me some fucking money!" "Listen he's got it." "I don't know what the hell is going on." "I just" " I came here for some blow, man." "Come on, Mitchell, give Rupert his money." "What the fucka re you talking about" " Give Rupert his money!" " I'm gonna go wait in the car." "Hey, boy!" "Don't better fuck with us." "This is absolute shit!" "I don't even know what you're talking about." "Wait!" "This guy!" " Do you really have it" " I don't-- this guy" " I" "You owe mesome fucking money!" " Would you fucking tell him!" " Okay." "He doesn't have it." "What do you got for me" "I know you got something." "What do you got for me" "I have this." "Sean Back off!" "Back the fuck off!" "( screams )" "Let me in!" "Let me in, I have the keys!" "I have the keys." "Fucking let me in." "( howls )Fuck!" "Are you fucking crazy" "Define crazy." "( growling, cackling )Whoo!" "( mad laughter )" " Wasn't that fun" " Fuck you." "You're a fucking asshole." "Why don't you dosomething about it" "Fuck you!" "Get out of my fucking car!" " Take a swing, man." " Give me my keys." "Come on." "I know you want to." " Fuck you." " Fucking pussy." "Get out of my fucking car." "Get out of my fucking car, you piece of shit." "Get out!" "Get out of my car!" "Fucking asshole!" "Mitchell, you're a pussy." "Asshole!" "Fucking spit in my car." "( whimpers )Fuck." "Hey there,Mr. Talk Too Much" "What's in store for us now" "( knock on door )" "I don't know how to speak to you" "I don't know how to trust in you..." " ( knocking continues )" " What!" " I have good news." " What" "Victor's back from Europe." "Really..." "Really Shit." "Sean Lauren." "Wait." "Don't." "Hey--wait, Lauren." " Oh my God." " Can't we talk" "No!" "Lauren." "Don't walk-- hey!" "I really did try to kill myself." "Just before I faked it." " Wow." "Sean, it's over." " No, it's not." "Yeah, it is." "I'm in love with somebody else." " Who" " My old boyfriend Victor." "And that's none of your fucking business, actually." " Fucking Victor" " Yeah." "Then why the fuck are you writing me letters" "Wow." "Deal with it, Sean.It's over." "Rock and roll." "Lauren, I want to know you." "What does that mean, know me Know me." "Nobody knows anyone else, ever!" "You will never, ever know me." "Holy shit." "Ahem" "You do not know what a dragit is to see you right now." "Look-- yeah" "You smell really good but I don't know who you are." "Victor, shut up." "It's me." "Oh, of course." "How are... you" "How long have you been here Why haven't you called" "I..." "This is embarrassing.I'm sorry" "It's all right." "I don't have the slightestidea who you are right now." "Really, it's...it's totally blank." " Yeah, it is." " Should I know you" "It's great seeing you, really." "Hey, man." "Looks like it's gonna bea cold one." "You know..." "I find myself talking to you when you're not even around-- just carrying onconversations." "I wish you wouldn't tell me shit like that." "But, Sean, I don't" "You've got the wrong idea." "I don't want to be with you." "What do you mean No, I just-- want to know you." "Just want to know who you are." "Sean No one will everknow anyone." "You're not evergonna know me." "What the hell does that mean" "It means, Paul, you're not evergonna know me." "Figure it out." "Deal with it." "Fuck you, Bateman." "Fuck you, Bateman!" "Fuck you!" "( sobbing )Fuck... you!" "( door bangs )" "Welcometo Buford T. Pusser County." "You wanna fuck with me You wanna fuck with me" "I'll show you fucking!" "( speakingJamaican patois )" "You hear what Guest said, motherfucker" "I have your money, my brother wired it into my account." "You got the money It was that easy, motherfucker" "Fuck you, motherfucker." "How god damn funny you think this is" "How are you, Miss Hynde" "Okay." "How have you been..." "Mr. Denton" "Okay." "He really likes you." "That's great." "Listen-- were you putting notes in his box" "Whose box" "I thought you were putting notes in his box." "Purple ones Love letters" "No, I didn't put notes into anybody's box." "You didn't" "Wrong person." "Wasn't me." " Then there's someone else." " Doesn't matter anyway." "Not to people like him." "Not to people like us." "Sean I started driving faster as I left the college behind." "Someplace unoccupied, I hoped." "At first I thought there were things about her that I would never forget, but in the end, all I could think about was" "We'll be together again" "I've been waiting for a long time" "We're gonna be, we'regonna be together again" "I've been connected to the right line" "We'll be together and nobody ain't never" "Gonna disconnect usor ever separate us" "Or say to us you've got to... stop!" "Stand there where you are, before you go too far" "Before you make a fool out of love-- stop!" "Don't jump before you look,get hung upon a hook" "Before you make a fool out of love" "We'll be together again" "I've been waiting for a long time" "We're gonna be, we're gonna be together again" "I've been connected to the right line" "We'll be together and nobody ain't never" "Gonna disconnect usor ever separate us" "Or say to us you've got to... stop!" "Stand there where you are, before you go too far" "Before you make a fool out of love-- stop!" "Don't jump before you look,get hung upon a hook" "Before you make a fool out of love" "We'll be together and nobody ain't never" "Gonna disconnect usor ever separate us" "Or say to usyou've got to... stop!" "Stand there where you are,before you go too far" "Before you make a fool out of love-- stop!" "Don't jump before you look, get hung upon a hook" "Before you make a fool out of love-- stop!" "Stand there where you are, before you go too far" "Before you make a fool out of love-- stop!" "Don't jump before you look, get hung upon a hook" "Before you make a fool out of love" "Stop!" "Stand there where you are..." "WTNA" "Tom and Andy--More music" "( male vocal harmonies )" "You are the one, you make it happen" "The things you do are totally planned" "You are the one, you're so in charge now" "You're going to make a stand, make a stand" "The way you speak when people leave you" "It makes them want to share your goal" "You're not the one in every region" "You know you're in control,in control" "Ba-la ba-lap ba-lapba-da-ba" "Ba-la ba-lap-bopba-da-ba" "Ba-da ba-da-baba-da ba-ba" "Ba-da ba-da-ba-da,ba-da-ba" "You are the one, you make it happen" "The things you do are totally planned" "You are the one, you're so in charge now" "You're going to make a stand, make a stand" "The way you speak when people leave you..." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"Stay away from me, Stackhouse." "Got nothing to say to you." " Come on." "What the hell you...?" " Just go." "Excuse me, everyone." "If I could have your attention, please." "It doesn't matter if we ever meet again." "You may be immortal, Lorena, but you are dead to me." "I wish you hadn't said that." "And I have a message for you all from Reverend Steve Newlin." "Sookie?" "Bill." "I covered her." "She's only stunned." "Get the humans." "Get in here." "Come on." "Let's go." "Go!" "Go!" "Come on!" "Get in." "Come on." "Go!" "Go!" "Go!" " We didn't think he'd really do it." " Too late." "No, no..." "I can't breathe." "You weigh a ton." "Jason?" "Yeah, okay." " Had to shield you." " Well, hurry up and heal yourself." " What are you waiting for?" " Can't." " Silver." " I'll go get Godric." "No time." "Suck it out." "Eric, I can't." "It's too gross, and it's you." "I..." "Dying..." "Son of a mother..." " Got it." " The other one." "You're kidding me." "Oh, God, oh, God." "You tell the cowards who lead you the cowards who send children to do their killing that a vampire showed mercy where they had none." "Luke." "Who's dead?" "Stan, Paolo, Catherine, two human companions." "What are you doing?" "I sucked silver out of Eric's chest and saved his life even though I really didn't want to." "She was superb." "Eric was in no danger." "He..." "What?" "A tiny falsehood." "He was already healing." "The bullets would have pushed themselves out." "This way, he's forced you to drink his blood." "No." "No, no." "You're connected." "He'll be able to sense your emotions." "You big lying A-hole." "Bill, you're right, I believe I can sense her emotions." " Sweet." " I'll never do anything for you again." "Monster." " It's not your fault." " I think I'm gonna cry." "Everyone, please." "Hey." " Y'all listen up." " They may come back." "Go to the Hotel Carmilla." "They've been alerted." "Security is in place." "Help me." "Stay here while I..." "Almost there." "I could kick myself." "I'm so stupid." "I wasn't thinking." "He did take bullets for you." "At least we both came out alive." "I know better than to believe one word out of that man's mouth." "I sucked his chest." "What is wrong with me?" "Eric has had a thousand years practicing deceit." "He lied to prove his power to me." "He counted on your goodness." "There's no shame in that." "But his blood, Bill." "I tried to spit it all out, really but some of it must have gone down." "It only takes a drop or two." "He'll always know where I am and how I feel, always." "That's worst of all." "No, not the worst." "What do you mean?" "Don't be surprised if you feel some attraction to him." "Sexual." "To Eric?" "That's impossible." "I can't stand him." "It is possible." "It's another consequence of the blood." "It would have happened sooner or later." "He was determined to form this bond with you." "I could kill him." "I concur." "Maybe I'll get used to it." "Or maybe there's an operation." "I can't be the only vampire virgin." "You know, intercourse isn't the only way to have sex." "But I want to have intercourse." "Well, sure." "We could do everything when we figure out how." "You should break up with me." "Hell, no." "That thing that grows back, it's just a thing." "I ain't perfect either." "I'm a guy that people laugh at." "Even my friends, but you never have." "I don't ever wanna hear you talk about breaking up." "I won't." "I promise." "In fact, you mean so much to me I want you to meet my mama." "You mean it?" " Oh, Hoyt." " Yeah." " Hoyt, nobody ever wants me to meet anybody." " No, don't get too excited." "Look, she hates vampires, and she's gonna ask you all kinds of personal questions or she may not talk to you at all, which then you'd be lucky." "Well, I don't care what she does." "You're introducing me to your family." "I never even hoped for that." "I'm proud that you're my girl." "The sun's coming up." "I guess it's time for that damn cubby hole." "I'll go in with you." "No, please, it's..." "It's not very comfortable." "I'll have to build us a tricked-out doublewide." "That is so romantic." "But for now, I'll just sit right here till you fall asleep." "You are the sweetest boy in the world." "And you're too good to me." "There ain't no such thing." " Good night." " Good night." "I'll sing to you so you know I'm..." "Know I'm right here." "Oh, my goodness." "How much did you drink this time?" " Nothing, as far as I recall." " Same for me." "Must have dropped a little acid." "It was floating around." " Hippies." " That's not funny." "It's embarrassing, is what it is." "I will never understand that." "Why be embarrassed about pleasure and laughter?" "Why be ashamed of letting go?" " Because I've never been this out of control." " Control." "Control is just a cage this stupid culture uses to lock up who we really are." "We need to be out of control." "We crave it." "But there's gotta be some kind of control or things would be chaos." "Sounds good." "I do like a little chaos." "Of course you do." "Everybody does." "They just can't admit it." " I don't wanna be blacking out." " Is that what you think it is?" "Because I have a little theory about blacking out." "Maybe you rose to a higher state of consciousness." "We're all bashed up." "There's nothing higher about that except for we must have been high." "My mama blacked out for months at a time." "I'm a blackout expert." " Are you?" " Certified." "What about the saints of India?" "What about the mystics of every religion?" "What about them?" "They would black out." "Run and dance through the streets levitate, act like monkeys, run around naked." " Everybody thought they were crazy." " They were crazy." "No, Tara." "They were ecstatic." "All that fake civilization bullshit just fell away so they could dissolve into the infinite so they could lose themselves and unite with their god." "Look at you." "A few bumps and bruises." "That's a small price to pay for bliss." "Bloody mary, anyone?" "Come on now, Bud." "Cut us loose." "All I did was lose my pants." "There's no law against that." "I only got your word for it I was mating with a pine tree." "None of us did anything." "Let us out of here." "You got no evidence, Bud." "You got no right to keep me locked up." "I can't sleep." "Join the club." "They made me think I was worth something." "You were a star in Bon Temps." "I was the throwaway." "Everyone always thought you hung the moon." "No, that ain't true." "Well, they like my athletics and my good looks, my sex abilities but they don't like me for me." "And Steve and Sarah, well, they acted like they did before they tried to kill me." "They stopped my mind from going around and around thinking about..." "Well, other stuff." "What other stuff?" "But Soldiers of the Sun?" "My Lord." "Didn't you for one second think what Gran would say?" "Guns and suicide bombers." "Don't..." "Don't talk about Gran." "I won't talk about her." "I can't." "Why?" "Because I don't..." "Because I don't wanna feel anything." "But we have to talk about her." "We can't stop remembering her or loving her because it hurts too much." "She'd never stop loving us, would she?" "No." "We'll keep her alive in our hearts and our prayers." "And that's the way it's gonna be." " And Mama and Daddy." " That's right." "Mama and Daddy and Gran." "Our whole family's gone, Sook." "Everybody who counts." "We're all alone." "We're all that's left." "So you know what we gotta do?" "We gotta grow up we gotta stick together and we gotta be good to each other or we're letting them down." "Yeah." "Hey." "So, Sook I'm sorry about everything I ever done to you." "I'm a dumb-ass fuck-up." "Yeah, but you wouldn't be if you used your brain instead ofjust letting it take up space in your skull." "That's not dumb." "That's lazy." "You think so?" "Well, I could try, I guess." "I'm sorry too." "I always love you, Jason even when I wanna stick your head in a bucket and kick it around the yard." "And I love you even though I wish you'd cook for me more and you were normal with a normal boyfriend." "I didn't have any say about being normal." "We were born the way we are." " I'm all wore out now." " Me too." "May his holy light shine upon you." " You believe that?" "They're on the tube already." " You kidnapped a member of our community." " He volunteered." " Did he?" " I didn't even know he was there." " He wanted to meet the sun." " That's no crime." " He came to us." "Because everyone wants to be burned at the stake." "You use your religious institution as an anti-vampire terrorist enclave." "The Constitution gives us the right to defend ourselves." " You attacked us." " You murdered my father." "That's an allegation." "This is a fact:" "You and your church armed a suicide bomber that killed vampires and humans." "We are fighting for God's green earth and daytime and Christmas and Easter eggs and all that is sacred and good." "We are fighting for..." "Human rights." "Human rights." " May I finish my thought?" " What?" "You were done." "If he's not the center of attention, he flips out." "They are cuckoo." " How can you have a dialogue with these people?" " You need to read you some Saint Paul, missy." "I hate your hair." "There's a witch and a son of a bitch." " Fuck you, Newlins." " Yeah." " We will wage war until fire reigns down from the heavens." " Now can we see the freezer?" " Why?" "Where they found that woman with her heart cut out." "It was a walk-in refrigerator, and you are one sick buzzard." "Go find some roadkill, because you ain't eating here." "What do you want?" "A knife, a fork and a spoon, if that's not too much trouble." "They're in the back." "Go get them yourself." "I could use some help out here." "Merlotte's, hurry up." "Lisa, lunch is your job." "You've got a microwave." "That's all you need." "Oh, come on, Coby will eat cat food if you put mayo on it." "Mama's gotta work." "Oh, God." "I'll tell you what, I am shit-scared." "Daphne, oh, my God." "She was clumsy, stupid and mean but I wouldn't wish that kind of death on a possum." " Plus that poor soul out in the parking lot." " Yeah." "What if there's a curse flying around out there?" "I'll look out for you if you look out for me." "When's it gonna stop?" "Order up, I think." "Terry." "Please quit being so much more peculiar than you usually are." "Please talk to me." " I mean, if what we did was so terrible..." " No, no." "Arlene, don't cry." "I didn't mean to be peculiar at you." "I just don't know what we did." "Well, we had sex." "Didn't we?" " Did we?" " You can't remember?" "Don't take this the wrong way, but nope." "Oh, baby, me neither." "I mean, not for sure." "Is that good?" "Oh, I don't know, and I don't care, as long as you're not mad at me." "Well, to tell you the truth I can't remember the last time I had sex with anybody." "Give me some sugar." "Where's my corn?" "Come on, now, I've been waiting forever." "Okay." " I want my damn corn." " See you later." "I got it." " I know, I'm late." " Lafayette." " Go ahead, order lunch on me." " All right, baby." " Stop." " What the fuck is this?" "He didn't do it." "I don't know what happened." "What you mean, you don't know what happened?" "Don't give me that bullshit." "What did you do?" " I don't hurt women." " It was an accident." "You putting your hands on my cousin?" "You motherfucker." "I'm gonna show you how it feels to get beat." " Might wanna take those eyelashes out first." " Stop." "You've been punched your whole life." "Then you get with this motherfucker." "He poison." "He ain't never gonna change." "And he may wind up killing you." " Fuck you, motherfucker!" " You see that?" "Enough." "Stop." " I'll beat your ass." " Please do something." " Eggs, I said enough!" " Do something!" "Way to go, son." "What the fuck is y'all looking at, you ugly-ass necks?" "My Hoyt would never have run off to Dallas without a word with murders all over the place." "My Hoyt would never have left me worried sick, thinking he was dead." " Or worse." " With a vampire?" " Go ahead, speak your mind." " See what I mean?" "All of a sudden, you're a different person." "Well, I sure do wanna be." "What do you think your daddy would say?" "I have no idea, because the only time you ever mention him is when you're trying to make me do something I don't wanna do." " So while we're at it, let's talk about that." " I want my sweet child back." "I haven't done anything to deserve this." "And what are you doing with vampires, anyway?" "They are wrong, wrong, wrong." "They are devils." "Why do you have so much hate in you?" " I don't." " That's a flat lie." "Who do you think you're talking to?" "My mama." "Who hates Methodists." " I got my reasons." " And Catholics." " Just priests and nuns." " African-Americans." " Hush, that's a secret." " People who don't take care of their gardens." "People who park on their lawn and ladies who wear red shoes." " It looks cheap." " Families with lots of kids." "And checkered curtains and cats and dogs and bait." "Every girl that I ever liked." "The more that I like them, the more you hate them." "I simply object to a girlfriend who will kill you and eat you." " I think that's reasonable." " You don't even know her." "Full of hate." "I see you now." "Well, it's not my fault." "It's the way I was raised up." "Jessica may be a vampire, but she's the one for me." " You don't have any say over that." " You are breaking my heart." "You know, I've let you run me around because I didn't wanna hurt your feelings." "Those days are over." "Now, I want you to meet her but if you can't be nice, then I will leave this house and never come back." "And don't think that I won't." "Hoyt, please." "You're my one son." " I'm not yours, Mama." "I'm mine." " You're my baby boy." "I'm not a baby." "I'm a grown-ass man." " Finish your sentence." " What was I saying?" "You were telling me why you'd be a terrible vampire, and I was disagreeing." "Well, I don't feel right without a tan." "It's true." "And I'd rather be alive than undead." "And then y'all are always killing." "You've killed a man." "That was for self-defense, not for lunch." "Oh, you'd adapt, like we all do." "Trade the sun for moon and stars." "Not me." "I want them all." "Oh, greedy." "Yeah, I am." "I love it." "You have the right temperament for a vampire." "What, I'm high-maintenance, bloodthirsty and old as dirt?" " Bloodthirsty, yeah." " I am not." " Everybody thinks you're a darling, don't they?" " I am a darling." "Yeah, but you're ruthless when it comes to the people you love." "You'd do anything for them." "Your brother, your friends." "Me." "Bill." "Bill?" "Where's Bill?" "What do you care?" "You've already abandoned him." "I have not." "I love Bill." "I used to think you had no sense of humor." "I used to think you were made of cold, hard stone, and empty inside." "And now?" "You're a big faker." "You're deep." "You feel." "There's love in you." "Only for Sookie." "You don't want Bill." "He means nothing to you." "No." "This is the beginning." "There she is." "She's come to get us out." " There she is." " Hey." " We had a good time, didn't we?" " Oh, we did." "Hello." "Sheriff Dearborne?" "None of y'all is going anywhere till you simmer down." "Don't make me tell you again." "Sheriff Dearborne?" "Is that Maryann?" "Maryann!" "Hey, party's back here." " Maryann!" " Sit down and shut up." "Come on, Bud." "Stinks in here." " Now, Bud, come on." " Come on." "There's coffee if you want." "Sheriff, you look exhausted." "What's going on around here?" "Hell if I know." "Seems every person in Bon Temps is getting arrested, but they don't know what they done." "Kenya's out in the wagon collecting some more." "We've been up all night." "Major crime wave." "Misdemeanors, crazy things I never saw in over 40 years." "Misdemeanors." "That's not so bad." "Maybe you could let a few of them go." " Save yourself the work." " I'm about ready to but they're all riled up." "Might still do some damage." "Let me help, I'll talk them down." "It's my best thing." "I'd be grateful." "Can't hardly keep my eyes open." "Now, what can I do for you?" "I heard Sam Merlotte is here." "I couldn't believe it." "A fine upstanding businessman." "I have a lot of respect for him." "I'd like to help him out." "Well, I'm not prepared to let him go." "He's a suspect in a homicide." " That can't be." " But I'll show you where he's at." "I know the way." "Sit." "Have a little rest." "There." "Oh, you went fast." "Stay." "Well, hey, Maryann." "Can we come over to your house and play?" "I want Sam Merlotte." "He's right there." "Now I am really irritated." "Free." " Hey, ladies." "How we doing with the drinks?" " We're doing good." "Well, speaking of which, can I get another round?" " Be right back." " Thanks." "I never thought you'd be so pretty, Miss Fortenberry." "And I can't tell you how grateful I am that you came." "Even if you were 20 minutes late." "I couldn't decide what to wear." "Well, yeah, I know what that's like." "Sure." "You try this on or that on." "You know, is it the black shoes or the red shoes or the...?" "Then there were people in the road." "They wouldn't budge till I practically ran over them." "I could have been killed." "Well, them too, huh?" "Let's get you some dinner, Mama." "I'm not hungry." "You want some more sweet tea?" "I'm not thirsty." "Hoyt is a very, very, very good boy." "Mostly." "You don't need to tell me that." " You're as good as I am." "Better." " No." "No, you are." "You are." "I surely wish I could meet your people, see what your family's like." "Mama." "Somebody made me a vampire against my will, Miss Fortenberry." "I don't have a family anymore except your wonderful son." "I'm sorry for you." "That wasn't fair." "But Hoyt has a bright future ahead of him." "And by bright, I mean in the sun." "If you think I'm gonna let him wander around all hours of the night for the rest of his life with an orphan vampire you got another thing coming." " I believe that's up to Hoyt." " Y'all, don't." " Well, I will fight for what's best for my boy." " So will I." "And I can give him everything a human could." " Not hardly." " Like what?" "Babies." "Mama." "Jessica." "Well, now you did it." "You happy?" " You'll thank me one day." " Not today." " When are you coming home?" " Never." "I'm gonna need another one of these." "All right, let's do this motherfucker." " You can't do that." " That's against the rules." "Come on." "Hey, we play by my rules." "That means no rules." "Okay, then." "Yes." "Come in, it's open." " Deal." "Deal." " Deal what?" "Whatever." "Well, lookie here." "Aliens." "Oh, who's that?" " Lafayette." " Lafayette." "Lafayette." "Ms. Thornton, welcome, join us." " No, we good." " We're taking my daughter away from you." " Is that right?" " That's right." "Tara, listen to me this one time for your own good." "Don't be ridiculous, take a load off." "We're in the middle of a game." " Yeah, strip poker." " Strip poker." " Miss Thornton, what's your drink?" " Vodka." "Whiskey." " Hairspray." "Antifreeze." " Damn." "What the fuck is wrong with you, Tara?" "Is you even in there?" "All yours." "Look, the bottle's sweating." "Icy cold, thick, pours like oil." "I don't know what you is, but I'm feeling you, and you's a soulless bitch." "That almost hurt." "I am clean and sober, as you well know." " I'll never take nothing from you except my girl." " Let's go." " Fuck off." " She's my girlfriend." "Talk to me." " Tara Mae." " You ain't a boyfriend." "You're a domestically violent, sick motherfucker." " Tara, get up, I ain't playing." " She ain't going nowhere." " Oh, she's not?" " Don't let them do you like this." "We'll keep you safe." "Well, it would be the first fucking time." " Your eyes." "What did you do to her?" " Christ." "Throw a Bible at me now." " Stop, Tara!" " Pull my hair." "Scratch my face, break my head with a bottle." "Hit me back." "I won't hit you back." "Go ahead and kill me, I'll never strike you again." "Leave him alone." " Move." " No." "Tara!" "Tara!" "Hurry up." " Tara!" " Don't bother." "Don't bother." "Go on, run, you fools." "Go." "Go." "Go." "She'll come back and she'll bring them with her." "Come on." "Do you have any fucking idea of the PR mess you've made?" "And who has to fucking clean that shit up?" "Me." "Not you, me." " I should drain every one of you bastards." " Stan went after the church on his own." " None of us knew anything about it." " Oh, really?" "Because everyone who met Stan in the last 300 years knew he had a kink about slaughtering humans." "But you, his nest mates, his sheriff, had no clue." "How were we to know that this time he meant it?" "Not my problem." "Yours." " Don't talk to him that way." " Don't talk to me that way." "Let's get to the point." "How'd they manage to abduct you?" "They would have taken one of us sooner or later." "I offered myself." " Why?" " Why not?" "They wanted you to meet the sun, and you were willing?" "What do you think?" "I think you're out of your mind." " And then I hear about a traitor." " Irrelevant." "Only a rumor." "I'll take full responsibility." " You bet you will." " You cold bitch." "Listen, this is a national vampire disaster and nobody at the top has any sympathy for any of you." "Sheriff, you fucked up." "You're fired." "I agree." "Of course." "Isabel should take over." "She had no part in my disgrace." "Godric, fight back." "What are you saying?" "She's a bureaucrat." "Don't take shit from her." " You wanna lose your area?" " You don't have that power." "Hey, I'm on TV." "Try me." "I'm to blame." "I should have contained Stan the second Godric went missing." "Isabel." "I remove myself from all positions of authority." "Works for me." " Sookie, Sookie." " I owe him." "Miss Flanagan, Godric rescued me from a really large rapist who probably would've killed me too." " That's nice." "Moving on." " No, listen..." "And he rescued humans in that church, plus a whole lot of vampires." "You think it's a PR mess now?" "It could have been a hundred a million times worse." " You should thank him." " For getting kidnapped?" "For attracting a suicide bomber?" "For piss-poor judgment?" "I think not." " Don't." " Eric." "It doesn't matter." "Tell me about the bombing, please." "Every single detail." "A boy walked in the lair." "I thought he was someone's human companion." "I sacrificed everything for that child, without a thought for myself." "He doesn't notice." "He doesn't care." "He isn't grateful." "He's running wild now." "He's headed straight for hell." "The God Who Comes demands his sacrifice." "Where is Sam Merlotte?" "He ain't been here all day." "Well, find him, and bring him to me." "A while back he was planning to leave." "Bring him to me." "Watch him, grab him." "Oh, he almost got you, Mike." " He almost got you." " I mean, come on." "It's the 21 st century." "There's gotta be a way to..." "Crap." " Guard that egg." " That is one nutty ostrich." "Hey, come on, Mike." "Come on, now." "I heard you were here." "What a fucking fiasco." "You're lucky I don't send you all to the Magister." "Godric, come to my suite and fill out the forms." "Soon." "First I have something to say." "I'm sorry." "I apologize for all the harm I've caused for all our lost ones, human and vampire." "I will make amends." "I swear it." "Take it easy." "It's just a few signatures." "No." " Look in my heart." " You have to listen to me." " There's nothing to say." " There is." "On the roof." "We have a score to settle." " Not now." " Yes, now." "Have I made my point?" "It's done." "I'm part of her now." "Get out of the way." "I'm going to find Godric." "None of this has anything to do with us." "Godric is not your concern." "If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be standing here." "He's in pain." "He's suffering." "I gotta do something." "Don't you think we've done enough for Dallas?" "You of all people should understand how he feels." "What if it were you, Bill?" "What if in 1800 years, you were Godric?" "All right, but I'm coming with you." "I wish you could, but it'll be dawn in a little while." "If we don't stay long, I'll heal." "I will not let you take that chance." "With Godric there, you don't have to worry about me." "You are so tender-hearted." "You feel obligated." "I can see that." "But, Sookie, in all honesty what can you do for him?" "I don't know." "I just gotta be there." "It doesn't make sense, but..." "You understand?" "I do." "Two thousand years is enough." "I can't accept this." "It's insanity." "Our existence is insanity." " We don't belong here." " But we are here." "It's not right." " We're not right." " You taught me there is no right and wrong only survival or death." "I told a lie, as it turns out." "I will keep you alive by force." "Even if you could, why would you be so cruel?" "Godric, don't do it." "There are centuries of faith and love between us." "Please." "Please." "Please." "Godric." "Father." "Brother." "Son." "Let me go." "I won't let you die alone." "Yes, you will." "As your maker I command you." "I'll stay with him." "As long as it takes." "It won't take long." "Not at my age." "You know, it wasn't very smart." "The Fellowship of the Sun part." "I know." "I thought it might fix everything somehow." "But I don't think like a vampire anymore." " Do you believe in God?" " Yes." "If you're right how will he punish me?" "God doesn't punish." "God forgives." "I don't deserve it." " But I hope for it." " We all do." "You'll care for him?" "Eric." "I'm not sure." "You know how he is." " I can take the blame for that too." " Maybe not." "Eric's pretty much himself." "Are you very afraid?" "No." "No, I'm full ofjoy." "But the pain." "I want to burn." "Well, I'm afraid for you." "A human with me at the end and human tears." "Two thousand years and I can still be surprised." "In this, I see God." "Goodbye, Godric." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Chi Ruo..." "I'm not drunken..." "Where are you Chi Ruo?" "Chi Ruo..." "It's really Chi Ruo" "Chi Ruo..." "I miss you so much, Chi Ruo" "Do you know, I've suffered a a lot" "Just because to find you, I really miss you so much, Chi Ruo" "Who are you?" "Go away" "Come" "You go away..." "Qing Shu" "Seventh uncle" "You did a bad thing" "What are you doing?" "Look at yourself, Song Qing Shu, you can't go" "You really ashamed Wu Dang, not allow to go" "Song Qing Shu, you are a lewd" "Mo Sheng Gu" "Song Qing Shu baited my gang's disciples" "Mo Sheng Gu apologize to you all" "You don't have to apologize" "He spoiled my gang's disciple's chastity" "I didn't..." "I'm drunken, I'm mazed" "I can't remember what was happening" "You look at my sister, and look at yourself" "The fact is here, you can't chicanery" "Not allow to go" "Miss Ding, Song Qing Shu corrupted the gang's reputation" "I, Mo Sheng Gu will give you a explanation" "Worker, did you see a brat" "Running out from here just now?" "He was running to the north" "Running while wearing his clothes" "I'm Wu Dang's Mo Sheng Gu" "Sir, you are..." "I want you to pass message to Wu Dang" "Ok, please say sir" "There's changes of gang, need to be cleaned, remember?" "Remembered" "Qing Shu" "Seventh uncle, I didn't..." "It's fact, you don't need to explain to me" "Go, follow me back to Wu Dang" "No, I can't explain now" "Can't explain even with reason" "Dad will kill me if I go back" "You must go today" "I can't go back to Wu Dang, I really can't go back" "Seventh uncle, please let me go" "No" "Seventh uncle, I beg you" "You spoiled the reputation of gang, ashamed our Wu Dang" "If I let you go, how am I going to explain to Er Mei?" "How can Wu Dang face other gangs in future?" "I don't want to go back..." "Don't cry like this" "Stand up, be a guy" "Seventh uncle" "Don't beg me anymore, go" "What are you doing?" "I've said I don't want to go back" "You can't decide it" "Dare you strike back?" "Seventh uncle, you don't force me" "I don't believe that I can't bring you back" "You don't force me" "Seventh uncle" "Brother Chen, why did you kill my seventh uncle?" "I didn't kill hero seven Mo" "I..." "His back was your Wu Dang's gang's Zhen Tian iron palm" "And it was your weapon that killed him" "That's why, Hero Mo was not killed by me" "It's you Song Qing Shu" "Ding Ming Jun saw you have a finger in the pie of Er Mei's disciple" "Mo Sheng Gu wanted to kill you due to clean up the gang" "The boss of the hotel saw it" "You scared to be punished and killed your uncle" "I saw it myself" "I said brother Qing Shu, you have sins all over your body" "I'm afraid that you can't clean it even jump into the Yellow River" "How?" "What can I do?" "You don't have to scare, we are brothers" "Now only I can" "Protect you" "There are only you, me and he at the spot" "The dead person won't speak" "You can deny everything, and me..." "As long as you listen to me start from today" "I, Chen You Liang will swear that won't spread this matter out" "It's you, you planned all these to harm me" "Why did you do so?" "You have no choice" "Just follow me or go back to Wu Dang and receive your punish" "Sure, you can escape too" "But I believe you won't live happily" "Furthermore, if Chou Chi Ruo knows..." "Don't say anymore..." "It's better to live in poor than die" "Before found Chou Chi Ruo" "And die undeserved" "Won't you feel pity?" "When the people is getting more and more, this matter is difficult to settle" "I listen to you, I listen to you" "Come..." "Settle this corpse faster" "Yes" "Elder" "Brother, you follow me" "I'm not dare to guarantee that you can live well" "But as your brother I'll promise you" "I'll help you to find Chou Chi Ruo" "Godfather, we reached" "Our Ming gang's Fung Yang branch" "Go in" "Wu Ji, what's going on?" "Something wrong in Fung Yang branch" "Wait" "$10?" "Brother Chang" "How dare are you to act on hierarchy" "Meet hierarchy" "Brother Chang, he's sinless as ignorance" "What's happening?" "If I'm not wrong" "This should be our Ming gang 4 kings of law, golden hair lion king Xie Xun" "You are right, what's your name?" "Chang Yu Chun meets king of law" "Meet king of law" "Beggar gang" "Protect you" "Beggar gang takes advantage to attack our Ming gang" "Beggar gang again, I'm angry once mentioned about beggar gang" "Especially that Chen You Liang" "He was dare to steal my Tu Long's sword" "This beggar gang be known as the first gang of the world" "In former days, the Zhu Hong seven masters were helpful" "All admires him very much" "After that... it's the leader now" "In the bullion palm of Si Huo Long" "But he's mystery" "Yes, godfather" "Did you hear about him when you was in kungfu world?" "Si Huo Long seldom appears in the kungfu world" "Nobody in kungfu world see his real face before" "Actually I don't know who is he" "The beggar gang had breached the objective of the gang" "The people of beggar gang had deteriorated" "With hierarchy and lion king" "We Ming gang can fight for them now" "No, don't you remember" "I've ordered many times that don't be enemy of the kungfu world's gangs" "Then do we have to let beggar gang to bully us" "After I've found out the matter then only we decide it" "Yes, where's leader Chu?" "When the beggar gang attacked the branch, they abducted leader" "Two matters, first, I'll stay at the branch for temporary" "Second, find out the headquarter of beggar gang at once" "Yes" "Smell good, this chicken is delicious" "I'm happy when king of law is happy" "Brother Chang, don't stand on ceremony" "Ok, I treat hierarchy and king of law a cup of alcohol" "It's really pity, I've drifted" "So many years" "And only can taste the alcohol until today" "It's great, come" "Godfather, drink faster and will be drunken faster" "Such a long time didn't taste such great alcohol" "It's nothing even drunken" "Where's my daughter-in-law?" "Where's she?" "Chi Ruo is not feeling well" "I let her to take a rest" "She is sick?" "She didn't, but a long journey from the Ling Se island" "She felt tired and strengthless" "Then we eat faster, after that you go to accompany her" "Godfather, eat more meats" "Right, I've done according to the pithy formula" "Why did I feel that" "There is a gas that can't be dispelled at the pubic region" "ls it influence by my speed of learning?" "Don't care about it, if I don't learn" "Jiu Yin Bai Gu claw and Chui Xin palm" "I can't satisfied the sisters of master" "After you get the soldier tactic" "Find a suitable" "And good person, and pass the tactics to him" "Want him to lustrate the Tan Zhi" "Zhang Wu Ji is the suitable person" "But I can't give the tactics to him" "Master doesn't allow me" "To have any relationship with him" "It's difficult to explain" "Even with this posthumous writings" "Can't imagine that Song Qing Shu loves me so much" "I can control him well" "It's Song Qing Shu" "Chi Ruo, I miss you so much, Chi Ruo" "Qing Shu... you are drunk again" "Elder" "Leader convokes a meeting of beggar gang" "I have no chance to meet leader after I been the member for half year" "This time..." "You take care of this alcoholic" "I want to settle something" "Yes, elder" "You Liang" "Master" "You did a good job" "Master meant..." "Song Qing Shu" "Master knew that" "Song Qing Shu ls a good person to be used to destroy the Wu Dang" "Disciple thought that too, that's why I had such plan" "I want to tell you that" "Zhang Wu Ji is back from Ling Se island" "He is at the Fung Yang branch now" "Fung Yang branch" "Disciple had brought some people" "To attack Fung Yang branch due to create the clash for beggar gang and Ming gang" "And caught leader Chu" "I'm here for another matter" "Entreat Zhang Wu Ji" "Disciple talks a lot..." "Golden hair lion king Xie Xun" "And leader of Er Mei, Chou Chi Ruo" "Are all at the Fung Yang branch" "I want you to catch both of them" "Master..." "I've fought with Xie Xun" "When seizing Tu Long's sword at the Ling Se island" "Disciple's kungfu is much more weaker than his" "Disciple worries that I'll spoil master's great event" "You just do it" "I'll help you when necessary" "Yes, disciple will try me best" "The most important for now is the meeting of beggar gang" "You can't have any leak" "I know" "Report hierarchy, there's news for beggar gang" "There is a beggar gang meeting at the late night at Su Yuan" "Su Yuan" "The village our of date" "You accompany me to go at late night" "Wu Ji, how's godfather?" "Godfather didn't drink for long times, can't bear to alcohol" "Have to be drunken for few days" "I heard Brother Chang that you want to go to Su Yuan" "I want to discuss this with you" "Have to burden you to take care of godfather" "I know you care about Chu Yuan Zhang" "You must be careful when go to beggar gang" "Then I go now" "Leader is here" "Disciples meet leader" "Stand up, stand up..." "I convalesce at the Lotus Flower Village all the while" "And never set foot in kungfu world for long times" "Because of my beggar gang is looked down by other kungfu gangs" "Today, we are blessed and while the 6 gangs are having their rest from injury" "It's the time for my beggar gang to hole our head high" "That's why I have to instruct it myself" "Ba Dai elder Chen You Liang has something to report" "This..." "He just entered the gang for half year" "No wonder, I don't know you" "Seems like you just entered for half year" "Anything from elder Chen, please say" "Why did brother Song will be together with the beggar gang?" "This Song Qing Shu ls the son of Wu Dang's Song Yuan Jiao" "He will be the leader of Wu Dang in future" "I'm lucky to be his godbrother" "Please leader allows him to join our gang" "He will achieve some great job for the gang" "With his identity and position in future" "Brother Chen, this seems like not..." "This is good, Song Qing Shu joins the gang" "Can occupy the position of Liu Bai" "And be instructed by Chen You Liang" "But since you join the gang you have to obey the gang's rules" "Help the gang with your best, merit will be awarded and mistake will be punished" "Thanks leader faster" "Thanks leader for accepting disciple Song Qing Shu" "As the disciple of Liu Bai" "Brother Song" "Since you join our gang you have to obey the gang's rules" "Although you will be the leader of Wu Dang in future" "You have to obey too" "Do you know?" "Yes" "Why did brother Song join the beggar gang?" "Report leader, I have one more thing to report" "$3'!" "Disciple had caught a important person from Ming gang" "This person is related to the great event of our gang" "Please leader deal with an offender" "Bring the person" "Yes, go.." "Who's this person?" "He is Chu Yuan Zhang" "Defeated a lot of Yuan's soldiers all these years, and build up famous name" "His followers Xu Da, and Chang Yu Chun" "All are great people in Ming gang" "If we use Chu Yuan Zhang as hostage" "Zhang Wu Ji will have to receive our order" "Dreaming, my hierarchy is a great hero" "Won't accept your impudicity threaten" "You beggar gang don't mirage to fight with our Ming gang" "You don't know to estimate your abilities" "You are beggar gang's prisoner and dare you speak so" "Kneel down" "Kneel down, pei" "Dare you spit on me, come" "How dare are you, you don't want to live" "Since I was caught by you" "I never think I can live" "Come" "Si Huo Long as the leader of beggar gang" "But can't avoid the spit from leader Chu" "It's not reasonable" "Furthermore, after received such insult" "He didn't show his anger" "But looked nervous" "Kill him..." "Zhang Wu Ji is here, who's dare to touch my Ming gang's people?" "I don't think you are Ming gang's hierarchy" "Who are you actually?" "I'm hierarchy of Ming gang, Zhang Wu Ji" "Let my brother go" "Anything just come to me" "Miss Zhao, others don't know you" "But I, Song Qing Shu doesn't know you too?" "Don't pretend anymore, it's not fun" "Report leader, this is daughter of Ni Yang king" "She's Zhao Min, she has a lot of tricks" "And has a lot of superior followers, must guard against" "Catch her" "Chen Kun, doggie Chen Kun, I want to kill you" "Kill you, Chen Kun..." "Godfather, what's wrong with you..." "Godfather" "Chen Kun, kill you..." "Godfather, I'm Chi Ruo" "Kill you" "You don't blame me" "Who?" "Disciple Xie Xun, you can't see me" "Why?" "You don't speak when see master?" "Due to find me" "You had blooded the kungfu world" "And many people died because of you" "You were finding me for 20 years" "Now I'm in front of you" "And waiting for you to revenge" "I said before when I accepted you as my disciple" "You are impulsed and testiness" "You watched out that you'll make a psychological if you oppress yourself" "And you will hurt yourself" "I'm wrong, this is called Qi Shang fist" "Hurt own self before hurt others, right?" "Chen Kun, beware of my fist" "This Ql Shang fist is not great" "Disciple Xie Xun, your kungfu is getting improved" "I don't want to waste my time on you" "You don't have Tu Long sword" "It's like a tiger without teeth" "Scold" "After oppress the hate for 20 years" "You should scold something" "I'll listen" "Chen Kun, I want to kill you" "I don't want" "I tell you, I hide in Shaolin" "Because I want to learn the kungfu to entreat your Qi Shang fist" "Fall" "Go" "It's you" "Follow me" "Chase..." "No need to chase, you can't fight him" "No need to chase" "Brother Song knows that person" "He's Zhang Wu Ji" "He's hierarchy of Ming gang, Zhang Wu Ji" "Hierarchic Zhang, Zhang Wu Ji, what are you doing?" "Why did I save you?" "Why do you be so fierced?" "What did I do wrongly?" "Ok, I tell you" "I won't blame you that you want to steal Yi Tian sword and Tu Long sword" "I won't blame you too that you abandon me at the isolated island" "But my cousin Yin Li had not recovered from bad injury" "Why did you kill her?" "You are even poisoner than the scorpion" "You..." "You said I stole the Yi Tian sword and Tu Long sword" "Who saw it?" "Who saw that I kill miss Yin" "You ask her come out and counter-view with me" "Ok, you want to counter-view" "I ask you to counter-view with her at the hell" "I said before that I saw you" "I want you to pay back the life to her, help my cousin to revenge" "My heart was full with the hates on you when I didn't see her" "But when I can kill her" "I didn't take action" "I'm useless, I'm really useless" "ls it true that you said Chu Er was dead?" "How can this matter be fake?" "She was killed by the both swords" "Can she still alive?" "Both swords, Yi Tian sword and Tu Long sword" "You admit finally" "Me... who say I kill Chu Er?" "Miss Chou said it right?" "Chi Ruo won't cuss others in secret" "She didn't see it" "She won't frame a case against you" "There are only five of us at this isolated island" "It was godfather, me, or Chu Er herself?" "If I tell you that I was treated unfairly" "And been framed by someone, do you believe?" "The facts are there" "How do you want me to trust you?" "Facts?" "What are the facts?" "Chur Er was dead, and Chi Ruo was injured" "All of us" "Had been poisoned by your soft tendon poison" "Yi Tian sword, Tu Long sword and you were gone" "How do you want me to trust you with all of these?" "If the Yi Tian sword and the Tu Long sword are with me" "I can kill all the people" "At the beggar gang" "The more cruel is" "You assign marine to kill us at the Ling Se island" "Wait, I assigned the marine" "But I assigned them to fetch you all" "You don't lie and hypocritically" "I..." "Zha Ya Ming" "I understand your mind" "You covet my godfather's Tu Long sword" "And jealous that I marry with cousin" "That's why you are so cruel" "You won't trust anything" "That I say now, right?" "Yes, Zhao Min" "It's better you disappear from me" "If not I..." "How?" "Kill me?" "I..." "I tell you, Zhang Wu Ji, you didn't kill me today" "You won't have second chance" "I want to say something for my own" "No matter you believe it or not, I never poison" "I never kill Chu Er" "I even never steal the Tu Long sword" "I was poisoned by the soft tendon poison too" "My Yi Tian sword was lost too" "And how could I go back to China" "I can't remember anything" "I won't allow you to foul my cleanly" "I will find out the evidence to prove my innocence" "I have a lot" "A lot of chagrins to tell you" "But it's useless to say anything now" "No need to say, no need to say anymore" "I swear before that I want to revenge for my cousin" "Just act that I'm recreanced today" "And you don't let me to meet you again" "Why did you follow me?" "Where are you going?" "It's not your business" "I just said before, I want to prove my cleanly" "I want you to bring me to see lion king Xie and Chou Chi Ruo" "My godfather won't care for feeling" "You will die if you go" "You still care about me" "Lion king Xie is cruel, but if he kills me" "Then he'll help you to revenge" "For your cousin, right?" "I want you to bring me to them" "I have something to ask them" "What do you want to ask?" "We have reached, you will know then" "Good, you want to go" "If my godfather wants to kill you, I won't help you" "Don't want you to care about me" "Care about you, I won't care about you" "Let's go" "We have reached" "Miss Zhao, I promise you" "Want to do three things for you, first thing" "You wanted to see the Tu Long sword, I've done it" "Then you haven't do another 2 things" "You will die if you see my godfather now" "It's still not late" "After the 3rd matter is done then only you see my adopted father" "Why?" "You don't understand what am I talking?" "You are reluctant of me actually" "I didn't" "Then why did you find so many reasons not to kill me" "How even I'm not giving the heart to?" "I like it" "I don't understand all the while" "Are you serious to me" "Now I understand" "Miss Zhao, I beg you, you just go" "I must see lion king Xie" "After so many days" "You should know me well" "I must do whatever I say" "Chu Yuan Zhang thanks hierarchy for saving me" "Thanks princess for helping" "You don't have to thank me, I'm not purposely help you" "I'm doing this for your hierarchy" "Princess is willing to help" "Chu Yuan Zhang still appreciate it very much" "You are a smooth and slick person" "Thanks for princess's praises" "Sure beggar gang will revenge after been treated unfairly today" "To avoid..." "To avoid the new problems crop up unexpectedly in the plan" "Leader Chu, we remove the branch and find other place else" "I obey hierarchy's order" "Hierarchic Zhang, you can see your godfather now" "Lion king, hierarchy" "Godfather..." "Chi Ruo..." "I go and have a look" "Lion king Xie is not around" "The house inside is like after a tussle" "Report hierarchy, Miss Chou is not in the room" "Do you all find someone barge in the branch?" "No" "Weird, can't even hear the sound of tussle" "Go, have a look around" "Check carefully for any traces, go" "Zhao Min" "She did it?" "Why did you look at me like this?" "I'm following you all the while" "How about Xuan Ming Er Lao?" "You thought that I did it" "Although my godfather is blind" "But he has great kungfu and just few persons in this world can be his opponent" "If they are not Xuan Ming Er Lao" "Then who can abduct my godfather and Chi Ruo" "Without beating up my followers?" "No wonder you want to see my godfather all the while" "Seems like you know that he's gone, right?" "I'm right that's why you have nothing to say, right?" "You say, where did you bring them to?" "Yes, I did it" "I assigned someone to kill your godfather" "And Chou Chi Ruo, what do you want to do?" "Ok, seems like you have planned it early" "And harm them" "Zhao Min, you are so cruel you" "You are an amazing person" "I'm arguing with you but you believe too" "Zhang Wu Ji, I tell you" "You don't simply guess" "Those things that you never see by yourself" "You never speak well often" "I can't believe you" "Above the heaven, I, Min Min swears that" "If I steal and capture the swords" "Or assign anyone to kill Chou Chi Ruo and Xie Xun" "I'll be sent to the hell" "I can't die in proper way and can't be born anymore" "I've swear, what else do you want me to do?" "Where are Xuan Ming Er Lao?" "Tell me" "Zhang Wu Ji, do you know that" "I've died once for you" "Do you know that" "My whole family is nearly broken up" "Because of you" "My brother had died" "Do you know that I become the" "Sinner because of you" "Do you know that because of you..." "Seventh mi-lord forced me to marry his son" "I'm not willing" "Because I love you" "I escape from marriage, I betray the family" "I harmed my dad, I harmed my brother" "I harmed my whole family" "I have a lot of bitter, I have no place to express it" "No place to say it out" "I thought that I can be consoled" "In front of you, but finally" "I hate you, you treated me so" "I hate you, I hate you..." "Why did I have to be born in the Mongolia's family" "Why did I have to be my lover's enemy?" "I prefer not to stay in this world forever" "I prefer not to live in this world" "Do you know?" "Min Min, don't say anymore" "I don't care how you think about me" "I don't care how you think I'm" "I tell you, I, Zhao Min" "Won't regret for everything that I did" "Master" "Master, who's this miss?" "New leader of Er Mei gang Chou Chi Ruo" "She's Chou Chi Ruo, she's a belle" "No wonder Song Qing Shu loved her so much" "Full of golden hairs" "He must be golden hair lion king Xie Xun" "Master, how did you catch them?" "Yes, Zhang Wu Ji appeared at the beggar gang's meeting" "And the daughter of Ni Yang Wang" "I want you to do a thing" "Master, please give orders" "You wait at here" "Yes, Milord Dao" "Who are you looking for?" "Big brother" "Hero Song" "What did my seven brother want you to tell me?" "Yes, that mi-lord wanted me to tell you 8 words" "There's changes in gang, need to be cleaned" "There's changes in gang, need to be cleaned" "What else did my seven brother say?" "Nothing much, just 8 words" "He was chasing a youngster at that moment" "Chasing a young brat" "How did he look like?" "I just saw his back" "How about my seventh brother Mo?" "Didn't see him after that" "Big brother, I think we better go to Tian Lui for once" "Ok, we'll start off after I inform master" "Ok" "There's changes in gang, need to be cleaned" "Don't know who did seventh brother mean" "Give me the alcohol" "Drink alcohol at day time" "Drink... drink all the time, you want to be drunken?" "It's better if drunken" "I don't have to be suffered all the while" "You didn't kill people" "I should be nervous" "I'm sorry to you, seventh master" "If not because of me" "Seven uncle won't die" "What do you want to do?" "I'm the sinner of the world" "Once I close my eyes this few days" "I saw seventh uncle to ask back his life from me" "His spirit kept on tangling on me" "If I have to live in suffer" "It's better I die, and apologize to seven uncle" "Don't you think for Chi Ruo" "Chi Ruo" "You said that you want to help me to find her, but you framed me" "Chen You Liang, I won't believe to what you say anymore" "Look at this" "Iron ring from Er Mei gang" "Song Qing Shu, look properly" "It's real or fake?" "Brother Chen, how did you get this iron ring?" "Where's Chi Ruo?" "Where is she?" "You want to see her, right?" "Brother Chen, please tell me" | {
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"Previously on Survivor:" "Food was scarce, fishing was tough." "Tina!" "I got a line hung up!" "And they were dangerously low on rice." "JERRI:" "One more meal of rice is all we have left?" "TINA:" "At the most two." "Jerri wanted to team up with Colby for the reward challenge, but the tribe insisted on drawing names from a hat." "Ironically, she ended up with Colby anyway, and they went on to win the event... and spent a day at the Great Barrier Reef." "JERRI:" "This is basically the perfect honeymoon without the sex." "JEFF:" "Nick won the immunity challenge." "Yeah, baby!" "In a departure from previous Tribal Councils," "Ogakor voted against one of their own." "Jerri, Jerri, Jerri, that knock you keep hearing on your door, it's checkout time." "JEFF:" "And Jerri was booted from the tribe." "Jerri, the tribe has spoken." "Seven people left." "Who will be voted out tonight?" "( bird warbling )" "AMBER:" "Last night at Tribal Council," "Jerri got voted off, and I think that the group definitely isolated me from their decision because they thought that I was too close to Jerri." "And..." "I felt sad, not only because of Jerri leaving, but, I think, more so because it made me feel like my own tribe members didn't even trust me enough to let me know what was going on." "I felt really left out, and I hated that feeling." "Hey, good morning." "KEITH:" "I think Amber made a tactical mistake by staying tight with Jerri." "But she was visibly..." "stunned last night that that took place, too." "She didn't see it coming." "So she probably felt she lost her... her big sister comrade last night, and she's kind of a lone lamb out in the midst of the rest of us now." "And, uh... she's a big girl, you know?" "She made that decision early on, and that's where she sits now." "There's nothing can be done about it." "¶ Ding-dong, the witch is dead... ¶" "( whistling melody ) ( chuckling )" "The mood'll probably be better around here." "This is how much rice we have left to last us 14 days." "This is probably... enough for one serving." "I got to keep this-- this is the closest to a six-pack I've ever had." "COLBY:" "You know, we're in a spot now, but it's not the end of the world." "My gosh, the human body can go days without food." "Where the lack of food comes in is mentally, and you got to stay tough mentally to make it through a food drought like we have right now, and, um, you can sit around and say, "What if?"" "You know, "What if we would've saved?"" "Well, we didn't." "We don't have any rice." "Woulda, coulda, shoulda, you know, if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas." "TINA:" "And if we don't catch our food, we won't be eating any food." "Here on out, you know, it's gonna have to be... everybody working together, catching... crickets, grubs, whatever we can find, in order to have people fishing, and that's no easy task on its own." "ELISABETH:" "You know, we're starving." "We haven't eaten in 24 hours, and... we had a lot to do and no energy-- none." "Everyone here was just in slow motion." "You know, I think everyone here would bring back Jerri if we had rice to come with her." "( laughs )" "Oh!" "( chuckles )" "Got him." "Look at that." "You show me Colby doing that." "A cowboy can ride bulls and horses, but he can't catch grasshoppers." "Oh, look at that!" "Coming out." "You know what?" "I had two grasshoppers this morning, and a frog." "But the big ones, you can't even tire those guys out, man." "They fly forever and are very scarce, so you can't sneak up on those." "The ones everybody's been fishing with is the little bitty ones, which are pretty easy to catch." "I haven't seen any lately." "KEITH:" "Yeah, I mean, you expend a lot of energy to try catching grasshoppers." "You chase them down, I mean, you'll run sometimes for 100 yards... not 100 yards." "You'll run sometimes for several yards chasing a grasshopper down, but that grasshopper could mean a, you know, a 15-inch black bream, so it's very important." "There he goes." "COLBY:" "I think Keith probably has the upper hand on the whole grasshopper wrangling." "A little more experience under his belt." "You know, he's been at it a while, and he kind of has a handle on it." "Just kind of stun them a little bit." "COLBY:" "I've yet to figure out his method, but I may have to go to the master so he can teach young grasshopper how to wrangle grasshoppers." "Excuse me." "I just caught a grasshopper." "Kind of important." "Oh, no." "It's like the 747 of grasshoppers." "There you go." "I took a wing and a leg off." "You did?" "I was hungry." "Thanks." "I'm close to that." "Oh...!" "A turtle." "I hate those turtles." "I'm going to try and keep calm." "I don't know whether to break this rod or try and eat it." "E-mail." ""Elisabeth."" "What is in here?" "There's, like,..." "Money in there." "What is this?" "What is this?" "Wait, hold on, let me read the clue." ""For this next challenge, you'll have to be shrewd," "It's time to find out the real value of food."" "Priceless." ""If you don't believe a snack is worth more than gold," ""Watch it going once, going twice, and then it will be sold."" "We're going to an auction." "We all have a certain amount of money to auction on food." "ELISABETH:" "Colby, you have money." "Check it out-- money." "RODGER:" "Wow!" "AMBER:" "Yes, it's real money." "Colby, they could get us some peanut butter..." "But I think we'll all be getting something." "Wow, I'm excited." "I'm excited." "You guys, we'll get something." "( thunder rumbling )" "JEFF:" "Okay, guys, welcome to the Survivor auction." "You each have 500 Australian dollars." "Up for bid-- a variety of food items." "If you see something you desire, bid on it." "I'll tell you what the bidding starts at." "The increments are $20." "First item" "$60 for four tasty Doritos and a nice big old thing of salsa to go with it." "Wow!" "60 bucks;" "Nick?" "These are the real deal, Tina." "I know how much you like Doritos." "I do, but that's more than $10 a chip." "Ouch!" "All right, going once, twice, sold to Nick for 60 bucks." "Come on down." "Oh, my gosh!" "Enjoy those babies!" "NICK:" "20, 40, 60." "Mmm!" "You can take it back up." "Next item-- how about a little dessert?" "AMBER:" "Uh-oh!" "Big old thing of peanut butter, four squares of chocolate." "We'll start the bidding at... oh, 80 bucks." "AMBER:" "80 bucks." "80 bucks." "80 bucks." "100." "120." "JEFF:" "120 140." "JEFF:" "140, Elisabeth." "Amber?" "160." "That's a lot of peanut butter." "160, Amber." "ELISABETH:" "180." "180, Elisabeth." "Going once." "200." "200, Colby." "220." "$220 for peanut butter and chocolate." "Going once..." "240." "Tina." "NICK:( laughing ) "Sorry, I know she wants it."" "You know what?" "240." "I know that that's something that I'd eat." "260, Elisabeth, going once, twice, sold to Elisabeth." "Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh." "Bring a tear to your eye." "I would have paid 300 for that." "This is my favorite game in the whole world." "I'm shaking." "JEFF:" "Right on." "Go back and enjoy." "...stick it here so it doesn't fall." "Boy, you are shaking." "I am." "Wow!" "( distant thunder rumbling )" "Mountain Dew." "Sold to Amber for $80." "Mmm." "Sold to Nick-- three crackers for 120." "Sold to Keith for 180-- take a bite." "Sold to Tina-- she's on the board." "Sold to Nick for a hundred dollars." "Six French fries, and a big old dish of ranch dressing to dip it in." "Sold to Amber." "Mmm!" "Mmm!" "Iced coffee and chocolate peanut butter energy bar." "A little bit of protein." "100." "JEFF:" "Amber, 100." "120, Colby." "140." "140, Amber." "160, Colby." "180." "180, Amber." "200, Colby." "We found something Colby wants." "220." "220 Amber." "240, Colby." "Damn you." "260." "260 to Amber." "280 to Colby." "Going once, twice, sold to movie star for 280." "We're eating, baby!" "Big-ticket item right there." "Plenty more where that came from." "Mmm." "On-target right there." "Thanks, Jeff." "Right on." "Anybody got any money left?" "Yes." "Oh, okay." "Good." "Yeah, we got a lot left." "Good, 'cause I got a nice meal here." "ELISABETH:" "Hold on, hold on." "Is that mashed potatoes I see there?" "Mashed potatoes, bread, turkey, a little veggie on there." "I'm thinking this is worth a lot at this point." "Let's start at 180." "180." "180, Amber." "200, Tina." "220 to Elisabeth." "240, Keith." "Can I get a loan?" "Can you sell me one piece of your turkey" "Yes." "and half of your mashed potatoes?" "Yes." "260 to Elisabeth." "Keith owns it at 280." "ELISABETH:" "Did you give me 20?" "Yeah, and I'll give you 20 more, if you want to go 300." "And I'll sell her-- I can sell her half?" "300 to Elisabeth." "320." "That's all he has." "ELISABETH:" "340." "340, Elisabeth." "Anybody else in on that?" "One, two, three, sold to Elisabeth." "( squealing )" "Yes!" "Yeah." "Go, girl!" "JEFF:" "Come on down." "340, yours." "Mystery plate." "We'll start this at 120." "120." "120, Amber." "140, Keith." "160." "160, Amber." "Thinking about it, Rodger?" "JEFF:" "180." "200." "200 to Amber." "Once, twice, three times." "200 for the mystery plate." "NICK:" "Let's see what it is." "I hope it's good." "Gosh, I'll be upset." "That's a tall glass of Herbert River water." "( other exclaiming )" "( chuckling )" "We read that one right, didn't we?" "Rodger, I think I have something you might like." "You cannot tell me you are not interested in a cheeseburger?" "Oh, God!" "Oh, my God." "That one's coming up here, son." "JEFF:" "$200." "Rodger?" "220." "240, Rodger." "260, Keith." "280, Rodger." "Three." "300, Keith." "How much money you got?" "JEFF:" "320, Rodger." "Let me at it!" "Oh, go ahead, hit the gavel." "I'm-I'm ready." "Once, twice, sold to Kentucky Joe." "Whoo!" "All good things come to those who wait." "Frugal Fannie." "Mmm." "Boy, that's good." "Thank you." "Mmm." "ELISABETH:" "The green latrine." "TINA:" "I'm not feeling well." "AMBER:" "I think I'm the only one that's feeling well." "I can't believe it would go through you that fast." "I was feeling sick." "I thought I was going to vomit, to tell you truth." "I guess because I hadn't had hardly any food." "Ohh... my belly." "And I ate the cheeseburger and now I think I'm going to have to make a trip over the hill to the latrine." "I gotta use the restroom." "TINA:" "I think that our body is so stripped of any kind of nutrition-- you know," "I had turkey and mashed potatoes and some bread-- and it's just..." "it's just going" ""rrrr."" "You know, my body's trying to process it, and it's just not going too good." "Whereas I paid $200 for river water." "But you know what?" "Somebody had to do it, right?" "And here's the deal." "You paid 200 bucks for river water, and yet you and I are standing here, everybody else is trying to find paper bark so they can wipe their butts, 'cause they all have to go to the bathroom." "And I feel good." "I'm going to go take a bath, so the whole tent doesn't smell like ass by the end of the night." "Mine wasn't that bad." "Mine wasn't that bad, but I will..." "I will feel much better." "I mean, I'm sitting here wiping my butt with leaves." "You know, you can only get so much with leaves, I'm sure." "Whew." "Boy, that felt good." "Almost as good as eating the cheeseburger." "Time to get in the river." "Make some ass clean." "That's what I was just thinking about doing." "ELISABETH:" "Our systems were just in shock, in absolute shock." "Hopefully that's it for me." "And as good as it was, I mean, I would not take any of that away." "I would..." "I would do it all over again." "I really would." "Nothing can compare to the food." "My leaf had a hole in it, Keith." "( laughing )" "( laughing continues )" "( thunder rumbling, crashing )" "( heavy rainfall )" "TINA:" "The water has risen considerably from last night, and we're losing ground, and we had our flag on the other side of our tent, and..." "I had to move it because we don't know how much longer there's going to be beach over there." "We could have been washed away last night?" "TINA:" "And we're probably going to have to move camp today, actually." "Today or tomorrow, no doubt." "The water's risen, and it must be flooding upstream because it's quickly encroaching on us." "ELISABETH:" "It might as well be a minefield right now." "I mean, with the..." "with the weather how it is, a storm could come and just wash our tent right out." "It's right in line with the riverbed where it seemed to be rushing before and the river's already crept up and consumed what we had at camp." "I mean, we crossed that river to get here." "It's almost doubled in size." "I mean, it's massive right now, and it is coming for us." "AMBER:" "It just keeps on going." "Every day, there's something new." "Unbelievable." "I'm just in shock." "ELISABETH:" "We're in trouble." "We need to move this camp, and, my gosh, if I feel how I did yesterday, if everyone feels how they did yesterday, I can't even get myself out of first gear." "You know, you go from being starving and then going to an auction and eating, to being starving again, and, you know, that one meal isn't enough to sustain you." "It's not." "We're still depleted." "It's just... it's going to be a rough day, and we don't have food yet." "NICK:" "For me, uh, not having food is-is a killer." "The lack of energy and the heat and the rain-- it's all real, and, uh, tomorrow makes a month." "And a month is a long time to lay on the ground." "I mean, I'm 23 years old," "I'm in pretty good athletic shape." "My back is killing me." "You know, I've been sick twice." "My mouth is raw." "Yesterday, I felt a lot better after I ate." "You know, I felt I could do this for 13 more days, but today, I'm just, like, oh, God, please get me out of here sometime soon." "Good call, coach." "RODGER:" "Ooh, he liked the hook, too, didn't he?" "That's a nice one." "Look how fat he is." "Oh, man." "TINA:" "Rodger's been out fishing." "Elisabeth's been out fishing." "I've been out fishing." "Has Nick been out fishing?" "No." "He was asked to go fishing, but he said that he's never been before, and he wasn't planning on starting now." "ELISABETH:" "Why, you know, let your friends work extra hard because you don't want to get up and move, because you don't feel like moving?" "We're all sick here." "I mean, we're all weak, and I never thought I'd say this," "I really never thought I would, but I'm really disappointed in Nick right now." "I really am." "You know, maybe we're the dumb ones." "Maybe he is smart, saving his energy and sleeping all day to win immunity." "If we're..." "if Rodger and I are out there, you know, blowing all of our energy on fishing, and Nick is conserving his energy wisely, he's gonna keep winning immunity challenges, and that's gonna leave a vote to one-one of us, one..." "You know, either Rodger or myself, and that's scary." "That makes me mad." "NICK:" "I-I feel vulnerable because I still remain a-a physical threat to win challenges." "Um, I won the last immunity challenge." "I'm a big body, so I take a lot to feed." "So, I'm feeling vulnerable." "Um, if I don't win the immunity challenge," "I definitely expect to go." "I need to take the immunity necklace back." "There you go." "Immunity back up for grabs." "All right, the ability to start fire quickly-- essential to survival in the outback." "Whether it's just to signal a passing plane, or to create warmth, fire skills got to be sharp." "For today's challenge, you'll each be assigned a fire scale." "On one end, a fire bucket." "On the other end, a water bucket." "Your goal-- create fire in that fire bucket, and then by putting water in the water bucket, tilt the scale to raise the fire high enough to light a fuse at the top." "First person to light the fuse wins immunity." "Here's the hiccup." "Your water bucket has a hole in it, so it's gonna be a constant battle... ( laughter ) ...running to the river to gather water..." "TINA:" "Oh, my gosh." "...and making sure your fire still has flame." "( laughter )" "Sound good?" "Yeah." "AMBER:" "It sounds good." "They're all the same." "Pick one and let's go." "AMBER:" "So there's always a catch." "It's so funny." "( indistinct chatter )" "JEFF:" "Everybody knows where their matches are, right?" "Yeah." "For immunity, survivors ready?" "Go!" "¶ ¶" "¶ ¶" "Two people going for water already." "That-a-way, Rodger." "Keep cooking, Keith." "Don't be deceived." "You're making progress." "Right now, we've got a lot of fires burning." "¶ ¶" "Ladies and gents, they're moving." "JEFF:" "Hey, hey, hey." "No, no, no." "Just checking balance." "Okay." "Don't check." "I know you guys are getting tired." "Good news is your fires are doing great." "Not mine." "JEFF:" "Except for you, Nick." "Too late to stop now." "Oh, come on, come on, come on." "You're getting there, Keith." "TINA:" "¶ There's a hole in the bucket ¶" "¶ Dear Liza. ¶" "Let's bring home the pot." "Come on." "Come on." "Come on, baby." "Come on, baby." "Yeah." "No." "Stay there." "No!" "No!" "JEFF:" "You're close." "Don't slow down." "COLBY:" "Yeah!" "Whoa!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Whoo!" "Yeah!" "Right here, man-- nice work." "Out of nowhere." "Comin' from behind." "RODGER:" "Got to have something to eat around here." "Keeps everybody's spirits up if we got a little something." "TINA:" "Nutritionally, you know, our body is going into shock." "None of us are used to being this weak and not knowing really what to do about it." "Um, I know Elisabeth is not doing well at all." "She had a very hard time getting up this morning, just making it out of the tent this morning." "I'm really concerned about her." "Take a load off, get some water." "I'm just going to drink some water." "( sniffles ) I'm feeling terrible..." "and I mean..." "But I'm just, like, shaking and weak, and... ( sniffles )" "( sighs )" "I'm just frustrated with how I feel." "I couldn't even walk up the hill to fish." "I mean..." "I hate not being able to help out and get some food." "We need to get rice today." "I just want my strength back." "( sniffles ):" "I'm just nauseous and, like..." "Oh, man." "NICK:" "It's hard to get started in the morning." "Yeah." "We have nothing to sustain us through the morning today." "We're praying for fish." "We have only two hooks right now." "No luck." "Not even any bites." "Rodger got a turtle." "He pulled the hook off, so there goes another hook." "I'm sorry I couldn't make it out here sooner." "I just had a rough morning." "RODGER:" "Why don't you come back and rest, and then... and then we're going to go back out in a couple hours." "Okay." "Only bite I had was that stupid turtle." "( sniffles ):" "I'm just real low." "RODGER:" "Yeah, Jeff's here." "He's got a big thing of rice." "TINA:" "He has a bad look on his face." "What's up, guys?" "RODGER:" "Is that ours?" "I come today because I'm concerned, because yesterday at the immunity challenge," "I saw something that I haven't seen before-- true lethargy, a real lack of energy, especially with Elisabeth and Nick." "You've got 13 days left, and I don't think you're going to make it." "So it puts me in an awkward situation, because you had plenty of stuff." "If rationed properly, you had enough rice, and you had 25 hooks." "You had a tackle box you couldn't improve on." "So, what happened with the rice?" "I mean, why are you out?" "We just weren't careful with our rations." "There's not any one person to blame-- we're all guilty." "We did each lose a bag, too, to condensation in the can." "COLBY:" "But that's our own fault." "Come on." "I'm not saying it's not our fault, but you just asked what's happened, and that's part of what happened." "Here's where we're at." "You know, my role is a giver and a taker." "Nothing comes cheap." "I have enough rice to last you your last two weeks here." "AMBER:" "There's so much rice there." "But it's not coming without a price, so I need something back, and I need something of value, substantial value, to get this rice." "RODGER:" "The blankets." "I think blankets would be a good tradeoff." "Rodger, I'm talking serious value." "You guys are playing for..." "You're laying there shivering some night, and those blankets are of serious value." "You're playing for one million dollars." "TINA:" "Of what we have, what do you want?" "I'm talking camp." "Camp?" "Our-our-our tent?" "Shelter versus food." "It's one or the other." "Your tarps and that Texas flag." "That's what I want." "You want all the tarps and the flag?" "All the tarps?" "How are we going to keep dry when it rains?" "It rains every day." "TINA:" "Use rain jackets, cover tops of trees." "COLBY:" "Yeah, I mean, shelter, though." "I mean, that's a no-brainer, and I'm talking about my personal item here." "I have no problem giving it up." "JEFF:" "Let me entice you a little more:" "25 more hooks." "TINA:" "Oh, absolutely." "You can have the shelter, as far as..." "My vote is take the shelter." "And if we have energy, we can build something." "Let's do it." "TINA:" "Thank you, Jeff." "Oh, my God." "Who's got the strength to tear it down?" "I hate to have you disrupt everything, but..." "We need our food, and we need our strength." "Got to have a value." "Your tarps and that big old Texas flag engineered to be a tarp." "Take care of that, please." "I will." "Good negotiation, guys." "Thank you very much." "I hope the food gives you the strength to rebuild..." "It will." "...to get through the last two weeks." "Thank you." "Thanks, Rodger." "All right, I'll see you guys tonight..." "KEITH:" "All right, Jeff." "...where we have the unfortunate business of dealing with the Tribal Council." "So, eat up today." "Bye, guys." "KEITH:" "Once we realized that, "Oh, my God, our shelter's gone,"" "the first thing we seem to have to do is get a roof over our head, 'cause it really seemed like it was going to rain pretty hard today." "Yeah, it's going to be pouring down rain here tonight." "Well, we need to start looking for tree cover." "Actually, up in this thing would probably be the best, just 'cause there's so many places to lay branches in here." "TINA:" "The only downside is if the river comes up again." "I don't think we need to bring the woods to us;" "I think we need to go to the woods." "Mm-hmm." "KEITH:" "So then it was trying to decide where the shelter's going to be." "And we had a little food this morning, but not enough to climb a hill and build a shelter up in the hills, that's for sure." "RODGER:" "We want to come in here with some limbs or something and angle them down so it'll run as much water off as we can." "TINA:" "I think it was a fair trade if we can keep the rains away, as long as it's not a torrential downpour." "We may get wet, but there's worse things in life than being wet, such as starving to death." "COLBY:" "Hey, Nick, can you bring some of that brush down?" "TINA:" "Think chopping up this chest is good?" "We're using everything that we possibly can at this point." "Every little bit helps." "RODGER:" "I got some more." "All right." "What do you need most of right now?" "We got grass." "I need grass and pine-- that's it." "It's looking solid already." "TINA:" "Maybe it won't even rain tonight." "COLBY:" "Maybe not." "( thunder rumbling )" "TINA:" "Maybe so." "I feel a couple of raindrops." "TINA:" "Might as well get used to it." "These branches aren't going to keep us totally dry." "It's going to be more water-resistant than waterproof." "RODGER:" "At least we got food, brother." "COLBY:" "Amber's a little bit nervous about the fact that we voted Jerri off." "She felt like she might be the next one that we go after." "That way, Amber won't know anything." "That's a smart move." "COLBY:" "It could be potentially deadly for all three of us." "Can you help me carry this?" "COLBY:" "She and Elisabeth have been bonding quite well." "She could very easily go over to the guys from Kucha and say," ""Hey, look, I know they're going after me next." "I want to jump on with you guys."" "ELISABETH:" "If I were Amber, I'd feel threatened." "I mean, if everyone can make Jerri go away, she can just as easily go away." "But by voting Jerri off, Ogakor diluted their power a bit." "It didn't seem to be the smartest strategic thing to do." "Okay, guys." "Amber, take yours." "ELISABETH:" "And, now, I think they are worried about Amber approaching us." "Amber is kind of a pivot in the whole Barramundi scenario." "Bon appétit." "That is good rice." "It's so nice to have rice again." "AMBER:" "I could approach the Kucha people and go against Colby, Tina and Keith, and it would be four against three, and we could just pick them off one by one." "But how do I know that I can 100% trust the Kucha members, that they're not just playing with my mind and just pretending to agree with me?" "I guess I don't know if I can trust Ogakor people, too." "They could be playing with my mind too, but I have to play the game." "And the game's getting harder and harder as the days go on." "RODGER:" "We need to be heading out." "I guess we're ready." "Let's go." "RODGER:" "You're not bringing anything, Keith?" "We'll now bring in our jury" "Alicia and Jerri." "I'll remind you that the jury's not to be addressed." "They won't address you." "They're merely here to gather information to help them determine who's going to get the million dollars and the title of Survivor." "Okay, first things first." "What was the reaction after I left with all your tarps and your Texas flag but you guys had food?" "Tina, did you feel the negotiation was fair?" "I definitely feel like it was fair." "That was something that we could rebuild." "And even though you took it away from us, it's not like it couldn't be replaced." "And so, to be quite honest," "I was grateful that that's what you chose." "Nick, obviously, you came into this a very fit guy." "Are you surprised at the toll it's taken on your body?" "I'm definitely surprised." "I mean, I stood up today, and I felt like I was really going to pass out." "I was waving back and forth and felt bad." "And the last three days have been so incredibly tough." "Direct question, Colby." "Anybody here not pulling their weight?" "No." "I don't think so." "Rodger?" "Overall, I think it's... everybody's been pulling their weight." "JEFF:" "Amber, how have you grown as a person, being out here 28 days now?" "I am a lot more open than I ever thought I would be, and I'm willing to try new things and do new things." "And I'm a much riskier person now." "It might have taken a really hard experience to learn that about myself, but I think it's definitely worth it." "I want you guys to just take a second and look at Alicia and Jerri." "Slowly, the power base shifts from this side to that side." "In the end, it comes down to politics." "How can you possibly vote somebody out and get their vote at the end?" "I just want to remind you of that as we go vote." "Elisabeth, you're up." "My vote is for Keith tonight, because, unlike everybody else, he didn't feel the need to bring his backpack, and, uh, that's just flat-out arrogance." "You seem like a really great guy, but you said you were tired of playing the game, and that you weren't having fun anymore." "So, here's your ticket, buddy." "I'll go tally the votes." "I'll read the votes." "The first vote..." "Nick." "Amber." "Keith." "Amber." "Two votes, Amber." "Nick." "Two votes, Nick, two votes, Amber, one vote, Keith." "That's three votes, Nick." "Last vote..." "Nick." "You need to bring me your torch." "You guys play tough." "See you, buddy." "Bye, Nick." "Hang in there;" "hang in there." "I hope it doesn't rain tonight." "Nick, the tribe has spoken." "TINA:" "Bye, Nick." "JEFF:" "For the rest of you guys," "I wish for you dry, hot weather with no rain." "You can head back to camp." "I'll see you tomorrow." "JEFF:" "Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode, and hear what Nick has to say." "Next time on Survivor:" "This game, in the past three days, has become drastically primal." "JEFF:" "Has Barramundi been pushed to the brink, or is their greatest challenge yet to come?" "Oh, my God." "Our camp is called a dry creek bed." "I doubt if it's dry right now." "It's been a great adventure, had some great times and some big lows." "The last few days have been really rough on me, and it's taught me a lot about not only my strengths but more importantly, my weaknesses." "I kind of feel invincible at times, and Survivor has been a big reality check for me." "It's been a ride;" "it's definitely been a ride." | {
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"For more than 200 years we Owens women have been blamed for everything that has ever gone wrong in this town." "Is that why people hate us so much, Aunt Frances?" "They don 't hate us, sweetheart." "We just make them a little nervous." "Let's face it, Jet." "We Owens women have always created a stir." "It all began with your ancestor, Maria." "She was a witch." "The first in our family." "And you, my darlings, are the most recent in a long and distinguished line." "Is that why they wanted to hang her?" "Because she was a witch?" "The fact that our Aunt Maria was a bit of a heartbreaker didn't help." "Nor did it help that most of her lovers had wives on the hanging committee." "But no, I don 't think it was either of those reasons." "They feared her because she had a gift." "A power that has been passed on to you children." "She had the gift of magic." "And it was this very gift that saved her life." "She was banished to this very island." "With her unborn child growing inside her belly she waited for her lover to rescue her." "But he never came." "No one came." "In a moment of despair she cast a spell upon herself:" "She would never again feel the agony of love." "But as her bitterness grew the spell turned into a curse." "A curse on any man who dared love an Owens woman." "Is that why Daddy died?" "From the curse?" "Yes, my darling." "Your mother knew." "She heard the beetle ticking for your father's death all day long." "She knew that when you hear the sound of the deathwatch beetle the man you love is doomed to die." "But that's how you came to live with us." "We tucked you into our lives then." "We've raised you the best way we know how." "In this house, we have chocolate cake for breakfast." "We never bother with silly things like bedtimes or brushing our teeth." "But with the sweets..." "So when you find yourself the center of attention..." "You want to play?" "It's not that they hate you." "It's that, well..." "We're different." "You witch!" "Witch!" "Witch!" "You're a bitch!" "Gillian." "Sally." "The only curse in this family is sitting right there at the end of the table." "Your Aunt Fanny." "Come on, Jetty, even you have to admit any man who gets involved with an Owens woman is bound to end up 6 feet under." "Spare me." "What about my poor Ethan?" "An accident." "It was fate." "It was an accident." "It was fate." " Accident!" " Fate!" "Mommy died of a broken heart, didn't she?" "Yes, my darling girl, she did." "My little witch let's go inside and do some spells." " What about my homework?" " Pish!" "Tosh!" "You'll both learn things in this house you'll never learn in school." "Let's go." "Come on, Gilly!" "I'm coming, Sally!" "Very good, Sally!" "You've been blessed with a gift." "What about me?" "We don't worry about you, Gilly-Bean." "Your talents will emerge in time." "Sally, you just stay right there." "Keep working on your spells." "Just keep working on your spells." "Get the bird." "Get the book." "I want him so much, I can't think about anything else." "I don't sleep." "He has to leave his wife." "He has to leave her now." "Perhaps you might find one better suited." "I don't want anyone else." "He's all I think about." "Why else would I come here?" "Take the money, Jet." "I want him to want me so much he can't stand it." "Be careful what you wish for." "I hope I never fall in love." "I hope I never fall in love." "I hope I never fall in love." "I hope I never fall in love." "I can't wait to fall in love." "He will hear my call a mile away." "He will whistle my favorite song." "He can ride a pony backwards." "What are you doing?" "Summoning up a true love spell called Amas Veritas." "He can flip pancakes in the air." "He'll be marvelously kind." "And his favorite shape will be a star." "And he'll have one green eye and one blue." "Thought you never wanted to fall in love." "That's the point." "The guy I dreamed of doesn't exist." "And if he doesn't exist, I'll never die of a broken heart." "And if he doesn't exist I'll never die of a broken heart." "Get the door!" "Sal, you have no idea!" "Do you love him enough to marry him?" "Come on, Sal, what's enough?" "I hate it here." "I want to go where no one's even heard of us." "I feel like I'll never see you again." "Of course you will." "We'll grow old together." "It'll be you and me living in a big house." "These two old biddies with all these cats." "I bet we even die on the same day." "You swear?" "Honey I need your pocketknife." "Here." "My blood." "Your blood." "Our blood." "I love you, Gilly-Bean." "I love you too." " Good morning." " Hello, boys." "Charlie, looking good!" "God, what was I thinking?" "Franny, let it go." "My goodness, Gillian's in Orlando!" "She's in Orlando." "I guess that Roto-Rooter man is history." " According to that, he is." " It's insane." "She keeps going through all these guys." "Hopefully, someday she'll find a guy who'll go through her." "Hello, darling." "How are you?" "Oh, Jet, just give it up." "Never." "God, I miss her." "Oh, sweetie!" "Oh, dear!" "Oh, Samson!" "Now just knock it off." "All I want is a normal life." "Darling, when will you understand that being normal is not necessarily a virtue." "It denotes a lack of courage." "It's what I want." "See this couple?" "He's having an affair with the babysitter." "And she can eat a pound cake in under a minute." "Sorry!" "What time is it?" "Any moment now." "Where are you going, dear?" "Most excellent." "Dear Gillian:" "Today is our third anniversary and all I have to show for it are two beautiful little girls and a husband I just can 't stop kissing." "I don 't even mind the beard." "I wish you could see us." "No more stones being thrown, no taunts cried out." "Everything is just so blissfully normal." "Life is perfect." "Dear Sal:" "I'm lying in the sun." "I'm hanging by the pool." "I've got a million friends." "You might say that life is perfect." "But I don 't care about any of it." "In fact, I only have two words to say to you:" "Jimmy Angelov." "Jimmy Angelov." "Angel." "Angelov, Angelov." "Where are you?" "Don't do this to me." "Come on!" "Come on!" " Hey, boys, catch anything today?" " Not much." "See you in a bit." "Jimmy, what's going on?" "I hear you." "I hear you." "Don't!" "How's Mary doing?" "She's good?" "That can't be." "No!" "What's that?" "I know you're in there." "Michael, look out!" "Look out behind you!" "On your right!" "It was the curse, wasn't it?" "He died because I loved him so much!" "My poor little girl." "We had no idea when we cast the spell..." "What spell?" "What are you talking about?" "You didn't!" "Please tell me that my own flesh and blood..." "It was just a little push." "You wanted so much to be happy." "We never expected that you'd truly love him." "Well, I did." "And I want him back." "You brought him into my life." "You bring him back!" "Bring him back!" "I've never asked you for anything!" "I never asked for spells, but do this!" "You can bring him back." "No, dear." "We won't do that." "We don't do that." "You can do this." "I know you can." "I remember." "I found it here when Mommy and Daddy died." "Even if we did bring him back, it wouldn't be Michael." "It'd be something else." "Something dark and unnatural." "I don't care what he comes back as." "As long as he comes back." "Please do this for me." "Please!" "Please!" "This is only temporary." "Don't get too comfortable." "No chocolate for breakfast." "Homework will be done after dinner." "Teeth and hair brushed before bed." "And as for you two my children will never do magic." "Ever." "Mom?" "It's time for us to go to school." "Mommy." "It's the same time as yesterday and the day before that, and the day before that." "Out of bed, sleepyhead!" "I'm worried about Antonia." "Do you know she puts on her mouse ears, she drives around town all liquored up." "Naked!" "All right I'll see you around." "Come here, you!" "I'm sorry, baby." "I'm just so tired." "It's okay, Mommy." "Gilly." "Sally." "I was just thinking about you." "You're always thinking about me." "Honey, I just have to go to the bathroom." "Let's go together." "Jimmy, come on." "I'm just kidding." "Go." "You're in my blood like holy wine" "You taste so bitter and so sweet" "I could drink a case of you" "Still I'd be on my feet" "I was really, really happy." "We were going to open a botanical shop." "He'd get the ingredients, and I'd make the stuff." "He really loved my mint-oatmeal shaving cream." "He couldn't stop eating it." "I'm sure all this is really boring to you but he made me laugh." "What kind of name is Angelov?" "Bulgarian." "Bulgarian?" "He's from somewhere near Transylvania." "He has this whole Dracula-cowboy thing about him." "He's just so intense." "I mean he talks about our relationship in terms of centuries." "Sometimes we just stay up all night worshipping each other like bats." "Thank God for Jet's belladonna or I'd never get any sleep." "Why are you taking that stuff?" "I'm not using it." "I just give it to him every now and then." "So you're drugging your boyfriend to get a little shuteye?" "Doesn't that seem strange to you?" "Maybe." "And he's strong." "So much stronger than me." "He can survive the curse." "Do you forgive our mother?" "Sometimes." "You'll never forgive yourself unless you get up and you get dressed and brush your goddamn teeth, because your breath stinks and you take care of those little girls." "Yeah, you're right." "I love you." "I love you too, Gilly-Bean." "Opening Soon" "How's your wicked mommy doing?" "Witch!" "Witch!" "You're a witch!" "You'd think after 300 years, they'd make up a better rhyme." "Your troublemaker started this." " I hate you!" " Put the finger down, Kylie." "I hope you get chickenpox!" "She was just kidding." "No, she wasn't, Mom." "She was not kidding." "What's wrong with you?" "We do not cast." "We do not toy with people's lives." "This is not a game." "No, you don't cast!" "You probably couldn't even if you tried!" "She has all this power and doesn't use it!" "I think you really hurt Mom's feelings." "Kylie thinks any man who marries us is going to croak." "That's such hogwash." "What about your grandparents, Jack and Regina?" "Grandma Regina died of a broken heart, didn't she?" "How could she do that?" "Leave Mom and Aunt Gilly behind when they were little?" "Why won't she talk about it?" "Was Mama good at spells as a girl?" "Why won't she do spells now?" "What's going on here?" "Nothing." "Just making toast, is all." "Finish your homework?" "A storm's coming." "Go check the windows for me." "Making toast?" "I want you to watch what you say to those girls." "I don't want you filling their heads with your nonsense." "We'd never tell them nonsense." "Good night, sweetie." "Dearest Gilly:" "Sometimes I feel there's a hole inside of me an emptiness that at times seems to burn." "I think if you lifted my heart to your ear, you could hear the ocean." "And the moon tonight, there's a circle around it." "A sign of trouble not far behind." "I have this dream of being whole." "Of not going to sleep each night wanting." "But still, sometimes when the wind is warm or the crickets sing I dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for." "I just want someone to love me." "I want to be seen." "I don 't know." "Maybe I've had my happiness." "I don 't want to believe it but there is no man, Gilly." "Only that moon." "Gillian!" " It's Gillian." " I know." "What's wrong?" "I'm scared." "Can you come and get me?" "Where are you?" "I'm taking the first flight out." "Watch the kids." "Just go to Gilly." "The children'll be fine." "We'll take them to the solstice celebration." "Why can't you two just stay here?" "We can't back out." "We're on the committee." "We're presenting." "I don't want them dancing naked under the moon." "No, of course not, dear." "Nudity is entirely optional, as you well remember!" "Hello!" "Gilly, I'm here." "Thanks, Sal." "Hi." "The room service here sucks." "Let's get you out of here." "I'm fine." "He's been really crazy." "We've been driving for two weeks straight." "Not even straight." "In these zigzags, back and forth." "Damn these shoes!" "Then today he says he wants a jelly doughnut." "And he says to the kid, "Jelly doughnut, with cream. "" "And the kid looked confused." "And I said, "Jimmy, jelly's not a cream. "" "Then the kid laughed and I laughed and then he punched me." "He punched me real hard." "The bastard!" "Blood on the moon." " I know." " Blood on the moon." "I know." "Get in the car." "Where's my tiger's eye?" "It brings me luck." " Is it in here?" " I left it." " I need my tiger's eye!" " It's probably in the bag!" "Gillian, come on!" "Honey, just forget..." "You drive." "You want some?" "Nope?" "You ever read any books by Louis L'Amour?" "Louis L'Amour was a foreigner and he loved all things cowboy." "Just like me, Jimmy-Boy." "Louis would write stories about rustlers." "Rustlers who were really bad guys." "The belladonna is in my bag." "They would try to steal the cattle." "But before they could sell them they would try to take away the brand of the owner with an acid or by scrubbing." "Unfortunately, they could never get rid of it." "So they would be caught and get hanged." "What are you doing?" "Come on." "You can't hide the brand." "It's just you and me." "Watch the road!" "Shut up!" "Rustlers and branding!" "Louis L'Amour!" "Who is not a foreigner!" "He's from North Dakota, you asshole!" " Watch the road!" " You're freaking me out, Dracula freak!" "Give me the bottle before I plow you into a truck just to get you to shut up!" "Calm down!" "You know, girls I am feeling very into sisters right now." "You were always on my mind" "You were always on my mind" "He should've passed out by now." " You didn't give him enough." " I gave him plenty." "What's he going to do?" "Just stay calm." "If I made you feel" "Second best" "I'm so sorry" "I was blind" "You were always on my mind" "Jimmy, please, baby." "Come on." " Come on, baby, I love you." " I'm so sorry, my love." "I want to be with you forever." "Jimmy, please." "He's out." "He's passed out." "Oh, God!" "Oh, my God!" "How much did you give him?" "I wasn't using a measuring cup!" "He tried to kill you!" "Come on!" "Please, God, if you get us out of this, I'll be good." "I'll have babies." "I have babies, Gillian." "I had normal." "I worked really hard to get that normal." "It's all my fault, Sally." "I didn't mean to ruin your life." "I just had no one else to turn to." "Get in the car." "Get in the car." "We have to go to the police." "It was self-defense." "The old slowly-poison-him-to-death self-defense?" "Come on, Sally, they're never going to believe us." "You should stop smoking so much." "Why?" "I'll probably get life." "I should smoke two at once." "It'll shorten the sentence." "I really don't want to lose my children." "I know." "I don't want you to either." "What are you thinking?" "When Michael died, you asked the aunts to bring him back." "But they wouldn't." "Wouldn't, but not couldn't." "They were right." "He'd come back as something dark and unnatural." "Jimmy already is dark and unnatural." "I don't care what he comes back as." "No, that is not an option." "That is not a choice." "We don't have a choice!" "This is our choice!" "You owe me bigtime." "He's going to be so pissed." "Okay, here we go." " Watch his balls." " You watch them!" "Spell book." "Okay, Jimmy, I will get you out of this but when I do, we are definitely breaking up." "It is over." "What are you doing?" "Nothing." "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Absolutely." ""Lips pursed, emit wind over tongue in motion, teeth on edge. "" "Good enough, good enough." ""Touch bounded smudge of blue sage with braided wheat straw." "Insert needles through eyes of corpse. "" " Through the eye?" " In the eye." "No way!" "I think we should wait for the aunts." "It's not like he's going to stay fresh." "It's now or never." "I need for you to get me something white to write on top of the star." "Chop-chop!" "This is all I could find." "This is actually brilliant." "This is good." "Now we're supposed to say:" ""Black as night erase death from our sight." "White as light." "Mighty Hectate make it right. "" "Black as night." "White as light." "White as light." "Mighty Hectate make it right." "White as light." "Black as night." "Erase death from our sight." "White as light." "Mighty Hectate make it right." "I want you to be my wife!" "Can you promise me that?" "I want you to be my wife!" "I want you to be my wife!" "You have the worst taste in men." "I know this sounds really stupid right now but I just..." "I just really wanted to say thank you." "Thanks for being my sister." "It's all right." "Let's just put this all behind us now." "What will we tell the aunts?" "Nothing." "They're here." "What if they don't like me?" "You won't believe it!" "We danced naked under the full moon!" "It was so fun!" " We did!" " So cool!" "Oh, my God!" "Aunt Gilly's home!" "You guys are so big!" "I can't believe this!" "Hi, Aunt Frances." "My darling little girl." "Oh, dear!" "A little mugwort will fix that right up." "Kylie why don't you and I just go to the greenhouse?" "I'm so happy to see you, sweetie." "Don't you worry, dear." "Whoever he was, he'll get what he deserves." "I think a brownie for breakfast would fix you right up." "A brownie?" "You're still doing that?" "You've been away too long." "Some things never change." "Too long you have been away." "Where are they?" "I love this stuff." "It's great!" "You've done a great job." "If you're going to work here, maybe you could, I don't know work." "I am." "I'm testing the merchandise." "You know where you can reach me." "I'll be back, if anyone cares." "Did I do something wrong?" "Phone tree day." "Phone tree day." "Parents' hotline." "If there's an emergency like a snow day, they decide who's the most responsible..." "You mean the most popular." " Responsible mother to sound the alarm." "Each mom calls the next." "It's a big deal to get chosen." "Sally never gets picked." "Everybody knows she's a..." "Different." "Quiet!" "Quiet, quiet!" "Third name from the top of the phone tree is Dori Kancher." " Sorry to interrupt." " Can I help you?" "My sister." "Just wanted to see my sister." "Is that a snake tattoo?" "Yeah." "There's one on her boob too." "That's right." "I'm back." "Hang onto your husbands, girls." "All that's missing now is me naked without my homework." "Second from the top of the phone tree will be Abigail Little." "Is this for real?" "She screwed Coach Halfacre." " Don't do that." " It wasn't me." " I certainly didn't do it." " It was you." "Finally, I'm so pleased to report this." "The top of the phone tree list is..." "One moment." "It's Sally Owens." "Go, Sal!" "Now that was me." "Eye of newt toe of frog wool of bat, tongue of dog..." "Adder's fork and blindworm's sting." "Barbados lime is just the thing." "Cragged salt like a sailor's stubble!" "Flip the switch and let the cauldron bubble." "How convivial!" "Wakey-wakey!" "Midnight margaritas!" "Come on!" "No, this is serious." "All right." "I see a man..." "I see a man in your future and he is..." "He is gorgeous." "He is big." "But you're scared to death and you wind up like a frigid old hag with your two frigid old hag aunts." "I don't know where that came from." "That was weird." "She's never been interested in her gifts." " She just made that all up." " Don't lie." "Gillian has her own magic." "And we all know what it is." "Oh, please!" "Since when is being a slut a crime in this family?" "What would you know about it?" "When we put that spell on you for Michael we had to bind it with molasses just to get your legs to open up." "That's so wrong." "You self-centered shrew!" "Ingrate!" "Goody two-shoes!" "Witch!" "Quite as often as I should have" "Could have said and done" "I just never found the time" "You were always on my mind" "Where did this bottle come from?" "Where did this bottle come from?" "Someone left it on the porch" "What's going on here?" "What's going on with you?" "What's going on in this house?" "Something's going on." "I can smell it." "It's a very distinct smell." "It's the smell of bullshit." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Broom fell." "Company's coming." "We had a problem." "We handled it." "We deserve an explanation." "Right." "Come on, Jet, let's go." "No." "It's just not possible." "Don't even think it." "Then tell me how that got here." "How did this bottle get here?" "It's not possible." "Leaving like this is a harsh lesson." "A lesson they must learn on their own." "What about the little ones?" "Not to worry, Jetty." "A good piece of Maria's hanging rope will protect them." "You must promise us you won 't take them off." " Not until we come home." " We'll only be gone a short while." "Do you hear us?" "Promise?" " Love you." " Love you too." "Make her stop." "I'll pay whatever it takes." "Honey, can I see that a second?" "Thanks." "What's that thing around your neck?" " The aunts gave it to us." " They said it'd protect us." "Kylie, please get that mint from the garden before your bus comes." "Where is the aspirin?" " Please do as I say." " Not while he's out there." "Not while who's out where?" "The man under the roses." "What?" "I don't see him." "Are you looking at him now?" "He's right there." "Where?" "By the roses." "They grew overnight." "Oh, shit!" "Okay, sweetie, we'll get rid of it." "You better call the aunts now." "They left." "What do you mean?" "When did they leave?" "They said to give you a message:" ""Clean up your own mess. "" "Oh, God!" "You stop this, Jimmy!" "You stop it!" "He's making them grow." "He's trying to get to us by making them grow!" "You leave us alone!" "Stop it, Gillian!" "Stop it!" "Stop it!" "What?" "His boots!" "Oh, my God!" "Is he rising?" "Or is the ground sinking?" "What is he doing to us?" "He's trying to get..." "Go inside." "Take care of the kids." "It's early for roses, isn't it?" "Can I help you with something?" "I sure hope so." "Name's Gary Hallet." "Special investigator, prosecutor's office in Tucson." "You sure are a long way from home, Officer." "Yes, ma'am." "I was kind of hoping to talk to your sister, Gillian." "If she's around." "She might have some information on a case I'm working on." "All right, I'll get her." "How did you know that I was her sister?" "Lucky guess, I guess." "Why don't you come inside?" "A cop looking for Jimmy wants to talk to you." "And I think I'm having a heart attack." "Just calm down." "Calm down." "What is the question?" "The question is:" ""How much can he know?"" "He seems to know a lot because he's come all the way from Arizona." "And I know this sounds really strange but I don't think I can lie to him." "Of course you can lie to him." "Breathe, breathe." "Here's the story, right?" "Here's the story." "I left him because he hit me." "And we haven't seen him since." "It's as simple as that." "You just let me handle the rest." " Okay, good." " All right?" "Left him because he hit you and haven't seen him..." "What?" "Is he cute?" "Yeah." "He's nice." "In a very penal code sort of way." "I left him because she hit him..." "Just herbs." "From the garden." "So what brings you to the island?" "This." "You read my letter?" "Yes, ma'am, I did." "It was a very personal letter." "Yes, ma'am, it was." "What?" "I'm sorry." " You seem familiar." " Hello, there." "Morning, Miss..." "Good morning, Miss Owens." "Good morning Mr...?" "Mr. Hallet." "I'm not going to beat around the bush." "I need to find your boyfriend, James Angelov." "I don't know where he is." "I wouldn't exactly call him my boyfriend." "He's more like a big mistake." "Is that his handiwork there?" "If a man hits me, he only does it once." "Can I take a peek at your...?" "Now, I can tell that you've never touched a woman in anger all your life." "May I have my hand back, please?" "You're telling me you have no idea where he is?" "I told you." "He hit me and I haven't seen him since." "When was that?" "Three days ago." "Right, Sal?" "Three days." "Excuse me." "Whose car is that in the driveway?" "The one with the Arizona plates?" "That's my car." "That's your car." "Plate number 2-2-9 M-O-B?" "That's James L. Angelov's car." "Come on now." "We stole it, and it's a crime." "I know this, but he basically kidnapped her." "He kidnapped you?" "He didn't really kidnap her." "He sort of, like a little nap." "No, there was a car and she..." "What happened was, that she..." "You should know, she has the worst taste in men." "Well, you do." "So I picked her up and I drove her right back here." "And we would be so happy to give him back his car, because it is a crime..." "As you say you just don't know where he is to give him back that car." "So basically, nobody knows where he is." "I'm sorry, what?" "You don't have any idea where he is?" "Would you mind if I just took a look around?" "Good." "What is wrong with you?" "I don't know!" "This young lady's name was Phoebe Stone." "Two years ago, she was found strangled lying on the side of the highway." "Her body had been marked with a kind of brand burned right into the face." "Any help you ladies can give me in locating this ex-friend of yours would sure be appreciated." "She's all yours." "Go arrest her!" "Their niece owns a shop where they cook up a special placenta." "And that's why the aunts don't age." "I tell you, they just don't age." " She's selling placentas?" " A placenta bar." "On Halloween, they all jump off the roof and fly!" "When they get mad at you, they hex you." "I wouldn't be surprised if he turned up in a ditch somewhere." "Sara, that is not true." " She's not saying they murdered him." " Yes, I am." "Just that maybe they shook his hand and then he died." "It's very mysterious." "If any man dared take on an Owens woman he'd live briefly in the euphoria of her love until meeting an untimely death." "The curse." "Witch?" "Yeah." "Evil?" "No." "You get your psychos now and then, animal slaughter ritual human disembowelment, but that's really pretty rare." "See, it's a pagan label." "It's Sally." "She's definitely not into that stuff." "She's not?" "Miss Owens I have a bone to pick with you." "What can I do for you, Dwight?" "I could've gone to a qualified doctor to attend to this scalp condition of mine." "Now, the more I use, the less it works." "The product doesn't work." "That's because it doesn't go on your head." "If I don't put it on my head where the hell else would it go?" "Try to remember." "My mistake." "There you go." "Strange town." "Never spent this much on shampoo before in my life." "Am I under some kind of surveillance?" "Should you be?" "If you want to know something, ask me." "I already did." "And there appears to be something missing from your story." "I want to talk to you more, but I got to finish some homework." "How's about I come by your house tomorrow morning?" "Fine." "10 a.m.?" "Fine." "That's a date." "Jimmy, is that you?" "Go away." "Go away." "To banish unwanted persons, it says you need blessing seeds." "All right." "Good." " What about nigellus seeds?" " It's the same thing." "Wow, is it?" "Good." "You're good at this." "Why can't we tell Mommy we're sending the policeman away?" "Your mommy likes to pretend she doesn't do magic." "And we must banish this man for your mommy's own good." "Blessing seeds." "Right." "What else do we need?" "I told you to listen out the door for Mr. Hallet." "Blessing seeds..." "Oh, yeah, milk thistle." "I can't find anything here." "Was this Mommy's?" "Yeah." "Where did you get that?" ""He can flip pancakes in the air." "He'll have one green eye, one blue." "Hear my call a mile away. "" "Was it about Daddy?" "Yeah." "But Daddy had brown eyes." "You know the truth is, this wasn't about your daddy." "This was when your mommy was little and she was trying to invent a guy who didn't exist to protect herself." "It's crazy." "But..." "She loved your daddy." "She loved him very, very much." "I can't wait to fall in love." "Kylie, listen to me." "Do you ever put your arms out and spin really fast?" " She does it all the time." " She does?" "That's what love is like." "It makes your heart race." "It turns the world upside-down." "But if you're not careful if you don't keep your eyes on something still you can lose your balance." "You can't see what's happening to the people around you." "You can't see that you're about to fall." "Don't be sad, Aunt Gillian." "I won't let you fall down." "He's here!" "He's here!" "Make sure you tell him about breakfast." "Go!" "You came for breakfast." "We're having pancakes." "I just came to talk to your mom." "Great!" "She's having pancakes too." "Do you have a gun?" "Can I see it?" "He's here for breakfast." "I have a question or two." " He's going to stay!" " Oh, good!" "Good work." "Now go back out there and keep them away from here." "Belladonna." "A sedative." "People put it in their tea to relax, calm their nerves." "Some people also use it as a poison." "Which people?" "Witch people." "Witches." "I guess you found me out, huh?" "I did." "You should come here on Halloween." "You'd really see something." "Yeah?" "We all jump off the roof and fly." "We kill our husbands too." "Or is that outside your jurisdiction?" "Do you have any idea how strange this all sounds to me?" "I got people telling me you're here cooking up placenta bars you're into devil worship..." "No, there's no devil in the craft." "So what kind of craft do you do?" "Do I do?" "I manufacture bath oils." "And soaps and hand lotions and shampoo." "And the aunts they like to meddle in people's love lives." "Magic isn't just spells and potions." "Your badge?" "It's just a star." "Just another symbol." "Your talisman." "It can't stop criminals in their tracks can it?" "It has power because you believe it does." "Wish you could believe in me." "Miss Owens are you hiding James Angelov?" "Not in this house." "Did you or your sister kill James Angelov?" "Oh, yeah." "Couple of times." "Antonia, could you make more of a mess?" " Mom, I'm cooking." " I can see that." "Hey, there." "Did you ever see a saguaro cactus?" "Step aside, you." "You're about to." "One stack of flapjacks and goodbye, Mr. Hallet." "He knows how to flip pancakes." "I assume you don't want pancakes." "No, we want them!" "We want them!" "Be careful." "They tend to use those as Frisbees." "Can you ride a pony backwards?" "Backwards, forwards, sideways, you name it." "Okay, first troll." "Look." "A star!" " This is not yours." " That's all right." "Second troll." "And if you're anything like my girls..." "here." "It'll keep you clean." "Isn't this cozy?" "Hi, Gary." "I can call you Gary, can't I?" "Why not?" "Coffee?" "You must try my syrup." "Here's the syrup." "No!" "No!" "Ready?" "Go!" "Okay, yes!" "Let's go." "I guess they didn't want to eat that." "I guess not." "I've been looking for this." "This is his party trick." "It's your ring, is it?" "Could I have it?" "What do you think you're playing at?" "What do you mean?" "You better get yourselves a damn good lawyer." "And don't even think about leaving town." "What was in that syrup?" "We just stick to our stories." "No body, no crime." "Oh, I'm sorry." "I'm feeling like shit." "I'm not sleeping." "I. Me." "Mine." "That's all you can think about." "You." "It's all about you." " I don't want to fight." " Don't walk away from me." "I'm sick and tired of cleaning up your messes." "Yeah, you're right." "You're always right." "I'm just a mess." "Just one big mess!" "At least I've lived my life." "You hate me for it because it scares the hell out of you." "Gillian, I don't hate you." "You spend all your energy trying to fit in, be normal!" "But you'll never fit in." "Because we're different!" "And so are your girls." "You leave them out of this." "All my life, I've wished I had half your talent." "You're wasting yourself!" "I want you out of here." "I want you gone." "Okay, fine." "I'm gone." "Good." "What?" "What are you doing?" "Where are you going?" "I'm doing the right thing." "You're not telling him what happened!" "Funny." "The moment he walked in, that's all I want to do." "Will you get on your knees and beg for mercy?" "You want me to be true to myself?" "Then watch this." "It's the goddamn Twilight Zone." " It was Jimmy's ring." " Oh, really." "I know you knew that, but I needed to tell you." "I was serious back there." "Get yourself a lawyer before you talk to me." "I don't want a lawyer." "All right." "Come on in." "Excuse the mess." "Wasn't expecting company." "Have yourself a seat." "Let's see what I'll need here." "You don't need to look at that stuff." "How many times did you read my letter?" "A few." "I have to study all the evidence." "Okay, you want to sit down?" "This is the testimony of Sally Owens." "March 8th, 1998." "You going to sit down?" "Where is James Angelov?" "I think he's in the spirit world." " You think he's dead." " No, I think he's haunting us." "What evidence did you get from reading my letter?" "Did you or your sister kill James Angelov?" "Gillian didn't kill anybody." "Gillian didn't." "Gillian didn't, but you did?" "Did you?" "Sally, did you?" "What if I told you I did?" "What would you do?" "Would you send me to jail for life all because the world was short a man like Jimmy Angelov?" "It's not for you or me to decide how he should be punished." "He has to be held accountable." "Well, he has been punished." "He has?" "You should get a lawyer's advice before we go any further." "Now listen." "I know you're in some kind of trouble." "All right?" "If you will trust me tell me what you know I promise you I will do everything I can to keep you from harm's way." "I can't, I can't, I can't." "I can't either, I'm sorry." "One green eye, one blue." "I can't, I can't." "I've got to go." "I was born with it." "Mommy." "I need you." "What's going on?" "I didn't do anything." "Go downstairs." "It's okay." "Officer Hallet." "Just looking at you makes me homesick." "What's wrong?" "Cat got your tongue?" "Someday you'll explain this all to me." "What was that, Sally?" "That was him, wasn't it?" "Is he gone, or what?" "You killed his spirit, but I took his life." "I'll tell you all you need to know." "How I did it, where I buried him." "I'll tell you what I did it with." "I'll tell you how I..." "Hold on just a goddamn second, all right?" "One step at a time." "I took an oath to uphold the law." "I came here to bring in the bad guy." "Generally, that's what I do." "You asked me how many times I read your letter." "I must've read it about 1000 times." "It was your letter that brought me here." "It was you." "And I'm all mixed-up about that." "The reason you're here and you don't know why is because I sent for you." "When I was a little girl I worked a spell so I would never fall in love." "I asked for qualities in a man that I knew couldn't possibly exist." "One green eye, one blue?" "But you do." "You're saying what I'm feeling is just one of your spells?" "Yeah." "It's not real." "If you stay, I wouldn't know if it was because of the spell and you wouldn't know if it was because I didn't want to go to prison." "You know, all relationships have problems." "I'm right, aren't I?" "You don't know, do you?" "Why don't you do what you do and I do what I do and we'll see where we end up." "Curses only have power when you believe in them." "And I don't." "You know what?" "I wished for you too." "I'm feeling very into sisters right now." "Come on." "Oh, dear." "It seems we've not arrived in the nick of time." "I see our instincts are getting a little rusty." "He's squatting inside her like a toad." "This is what comes from dabbling." "You can't practice witchcraft while you look down your nose at it." "I know." "I know." "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it." " We must banish him." " Force his spirit back to the grave." " We need a full coven." " Nine women." "Twelve's better." "Do you have any friends?" "Linda!" "It's Sally." "I'm activating the phone tree." "You know the stuff everyone whispers about me the hexes, the spells?" "Well, here's the thing." "I'm a witch!" "I got the best news." "Sally just came out." "What a fabulous affirmation." "Her sister just got out of a bad relationship and now the guy won't leave her alone." "Oh, can you bring a broom?" " I see headlights." " Mom, they're here!" "Come on!" "They're here!" "It's in the kitchen!" "In the side door!" "Come in!" "It's so good of you to come." "No, now's not the time to be shy." "Come on in." "Grab yourselves a spoon." "You can stir right over there." "You get right over here and grab that spoon and dig right in." "Doesn't that look great?" "And the fumes are great for the pores." "Not to mention sealing his nasty spirit back into the grave." "Once, I was across town, my daughter had a nightmare." "I swear, I could hear her crying." "There's a little witch in all of us." "Everything's almost ready, Aunt Jet." "I didn't expect you here." "Ever since I was a little girl, I've wanted to see inside your house." "Thank you for coming." "Is this okay?" "It's all I had." "Ladies, let's begin." "All right, ladies, pick a broom." "Form a circle." "Holy shit!" "I've been strung out by a guy before, but this..." "Each of you pick up your brooms." "Hold them at staff length handle to brush." "Remember that as we go forth it is only with our hearts beating as one that we can save the life of this child." "Are we supposed to say this?" "Stop it." "Stop it!" "We're killing her!" "Fight this, you bitch!" "Oh, God!" "Oh, God!" "Gilly!" "Gilly, honey!" "It's okay." "I love you." "Stay with me." "Please." "Please, just let him take me." "No, you have to hold on." "Gill, you have to stay with me." "Gilly." "No, stay with me." "Gilly, stay with me." "He wants me." "Just me." "No." "Everyone will be safe." "Just let him take me." "Don't die on me, Gilly Owens, please." "Because we're supposed to die together, remember?" "The same time." "You promised me that." "And this is not that day." "I love you, Sally." "Okay, wait." "I've got it." "Get them back in the circle." "Hey, Jimmy, I got a worm with your name on it." "You thirsty?" "Is this what you want?" "Well, this you can't have." "My blood." "Your blood." "Our blood!" "Maria's blood." "Now!" "Push her in." "I love you, Gillian." "We did it!" "Heads up, ladies." "Ashes to ashes dust to dust." "I wonder if that would work on my ex-husband?" "Come on, ladies let's clean house!" "Get him out of here!" "Come along, ladies." "Through the kitchen!" "Follow me!" "Well done!" "Sweep him to the roses." "There's something for you." "From Arizona." ""Dear Miss Owens:" "Any further investigations..." "Office hereby concluded James Angelov's cause of death was accidental." "Jewelry in ashes of structure provided positive identification." "Sincerely, Gary Hallet Special Investigator. "" "I don't think he's in there." "What would you do?" "What wouldn't I do for the right guy?" "Can love travel back in time and heal a broken heart?" "Was it our joined hands that finally lifted Maria 's curse?" "I'd like to think so." "There are some things I know for certain:" "Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder." "Keep rosemary by your garden gate." "Plant lavender for luck." "And fall in love whenever you can." "Subtitles by Dubis" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred." "Lady Aethelflaed has followed her father's wishes and married" "Aethelred, the Lord of Mercia." "Bringing King Alfred's dream of an England ever closer." "Lord, love should be gentle and kind." "In a happier union, Father Beocca has married my sister, Thyra." "Excuse me, Lord Uhtred." "I am Osferth." "You are Alfred's bastard son." "After failing to convince me to join them, the Northmen brothers, Erik and Sigefrid, have taken the city of Lunden." "You say you are sworn, yet you float into Daneland and back again." "How am I to trust you?" "Alfred put Aethelred in command of his armies..." "Tomorrow we ride." "I would like you to travel with me." "To battle?" "..and we were sent to take back the city but found not a soul." "If we wish, there is a way to raise the greatest army these shores have ever seen." "Lord!" "It's a signal that can be seen from a mile or more." " Thyra!" " Death is coming." "The forest!" "The forest!" "It's a trick, I know it." "And I fear terrible consequences." "Destiny is all." "THEME MUSIC" "♪♪" "No, no." "Please, God, let this not be true." "Thyra!" "Lady Aethelflaed!" "Thyra!" "Thyra!" "Please be alive, please be alive, please be alive." " Lady Aethelflaed!" " Thyra!" "Thyra, please!" "Thyra!" "Lady Aethelflaed!" "Not a single man left living." "Nor woman." "She is the daughter of King Alfred, they would not kill her." "They..." "They would not." "Thyra!" "Please." "Beocca!" "Beocca!" "Thyra!" "Beocca!" "Thyra!" "Beocca!" "Thyra!" "Beocca!" "I thought you were dead and I wanted to die!" "I thought you were dead." "I thought you were dead!" "Thyra?" "Thyra?" "Thyra, where is Aethelflaed?" "You will answer!" "Of course she will answer!" "I do not know." "Did they take her?" "!" "We ran and... then she was... gone." "We will continue the search, Lord." "They've taken her, they must have." "Why else abandon the city, why raid the camp?" "She is the daughter of the King." "They wouldn't dare." "We will scour the camp and beyond!" "We are looking for the Lady Aethelflaed!" "Where are you taking me?" "You have found your voice." "We're headed to Beamfleot." "And then?" "A ship?" "A cage?" "I'm still to decide." "I have given up Lunden for you." "Erik!" "How does she feel?" "Warm?" "Rich." "As she should." "She is our pathway to glory." "THEY LAUGH" "What will you say to Alfred?" "What can I tell him but the truth?" "He will ask why she was with you." "She should never have been there." "I am aware of that." "You say she insisted, begged." "You're so enthralled by your bride that you could not deny her." "And make myself appear weak?" "It is a choice, Lord, between appearing love-sick, or foolish." "Uhtred?" "Uhtred, where are you going?" "I'm going home to Coccham, where Alfred has asked me to remain!" "And where I left my wife." "But the King, he may need you." "The King, in his wisdom, has all but banished him, Father Beocca." "You should also raise the question of how the Northmen came to know of Aethelflaed's situation, of where she would be." "If you believe her to be alive, you will not abandon her." "You will not." "That is a fact." "So, what is the real reason we're travelling home to Coccham and not to Winchester?" "There's nothing to be said in Winchester." "I won't be part of a whispering court." "We will go when I have something to say, not before." " Sihtric." " Lord?" "Take Rypere there and go to Beamfleot." "That is where Erik and Sigefrid's fleet lie, that is where they'll be." "We are to spy?" "You're to confirm that Lady Aethelflaed is alive and how they're treating her." "Send Rypere back to me at Coccham." "You will remain there and, yes, you are to spy." "Sihtric, I will need to know every part of Beamfleot." "Every blade of grass that surrounds their fortress." "Yes, Lord." "See this?" "Warriors join us by the day." "With word of your capture, there will be more." "All waiting for war." "You have my thanks, Lady." "There will be many men inside." "They will want to get close to you, look you in the eye." "They'll want to frighten me." "They will." "CHEERING" "SHE GASPS AND GRUNTS" "What did I say?" "!" "I told you I would invite" "King Alfred's daughter, and she is here!" "THEY CHEER" "I swear to the gods... ..that this prize will not be sold cheaply." "There will be wealth and glory for every man here." "THEY CHEER" "It is the best we have." "These are my own men, they will watch you." "You will have a guard at all times." "You will be safe here." "And my companions, my servants, from the camp?" "Any woman who is not Aethelflaed will have been killed or claimed." "Claimed is most likely." "There's a bucket in the corner." "A royal bucket, no splinters." "CHUCKLING" "DOOR LOCKS" "Aethelred." "I was expecting a messenger, and not for days." "My news is too important to trust to a messenger." "Lunden has been reclaimed." "Praise God." "Not a single Northman has been left alive in the city... but this great victory has come at a significant cost." "It is the way of battle." "It concerns Aethelflaed, Lord." "What of her?" "We fear that she has been... taken." "We pray that is the outcome, Lord." "By the Northmen?" "Aethelflaed was with you?" "All the things they will do to her..." "She was there?" "You took my daughter into battle?" "There was no battle, Lord." "She was not part of the attacking army, Lord, of course not." " She was a good distance away." " But clearly not a safe distance." "Admittedly, I was weak, but she is headstrong and eager." "She asked to travel a part of the way..." "You are her husband." "She makes it difficult for me to refuse her." "Is she alive?" "Have you seen her alive?" "Answer me that." "She must be alive, Lord." "What reason would they have to kill her?" "But you do not know for certain?" "No." "How they knew she was with us, we do not know." "Uhtred believes they may have returned to Beamfleot." "He knows them well." "Uhtred has returned to Coccham, Lord." "He was following your earlier instructions, Lord." "After hearing of events and excuses... ..what I now require are facts." "I have men across the land." "I will send word and ask for word." "That is all I can do." "That is all we can do." "My dear." "Lord, you have my word!" "I shall recover her!" "Do you know what you've done?" "Possibly not, as you are as useless as you are arrogant." "I have done nothing but carry out the King's orders." "You have put at risk the entire kingdom!" "All kingdoms!" "You're a toad, a fool, an idiot with ambition far above your capability." "And if I can see this, be sure Alfred can see it." "You have made your position clear, Lord Odda." "We will forgive your insolence just this one..." "You will forgive me?" "!" "You will not address my lord in that manner!" "May I suggest that you take a wander for yet another cup of wine?" "Father Beocca, Steapa, come with me." "You will tell me every detail from the moment you left Winchester." "With me!" "Yes, Lord." ""Lunden has been reclaimed and not a single Northman" ""has been left alive in the city."" "You began so well." "I will be reminding the King who it was who travelled into Daneland." "I will be reminding the King that your friend Uhtred has been called King of Mercia, and I shall remind him how fond you are of his seat." "Do that." "But allow me to remind you of this-the only man capable of cleaning up this puddle of shit is the man you are desperate to blame." "Uhtred King of Mercia." "WATER LAPS" "What is on your mind?" "I am thinking of Aethelflaed." "If she lives, you will be her hope." "Alfred is her father." "YOU will be her hope, Uhtred of Bebbenberg." "It should not be for you to resolve, but you will do it." "By sending Sihtric, you have already begun." "Stay with me." "No, I am hungry!" "I will help you." "No, I'm doing it!" "I think I have something!" "Supper at last!" "Oh!" "He's a sea monster!" "Lord." "You said I should find you." " Who are you?" " He's Alfred's bastard." "I am called Osferth, Lady." "I am simply called Osferth." "Every person in every town has been instructed to pray, that she is alive and kept well." "Then, she will surely be alive, kept well, and will be free in no time." "All right, say goodnight." "You do not believe, Lord?" "Oh, I believe... but in the true gods." "And in fate." "You wish to serve a heathen, Osferth?" "God is in all good men, Lady." "And my Uncle Leofric told me often that your husband is a good man." "A great man." "He said that?" "Yes, he did, Lord." "And yet this good man here will let you join him for one reason only." "To embarrass Alfred." "It's true." "That may be the reason you allow me to join you, Lord, but I will give you reason to let me stay." "You have been brought here by fate, Osferth." "If all they have in Winchester is prayer, then they will need something more." " We will go to Winchester." " We will not." "This is what you want to do, so why be childish about it?" "We will go when I have news... ..from Beamfleot." "YELLING" "THEY LAUGH" "DOOR OPENS" "My men tell me you are refusing to eat." "I am." "I would like to wash." "You have a bowl, you have water." "I would like to bathe!" "I would like to breathe cool air." "I am beginning to feel sickly." "My brother suggested you bathe inside a barrel in full view of all men." "DOOR SHUTS" "Lady I will arrange for you to bathe with privacy, but in return you must eat the food we provide." "Very well." "Agreed." "Thank you." "I feel she is alive, in my heart, but what might they do to her?" "She has her mother's courage, and that is the very reason that she will survive this ordeal." "Lord King, although I would usually prefer him miles away at Coccham... ..would it now be appropriate to recall Uhtred to Winchester?" " I accept that he will never know God..." " I cannot." "But if you would send him to Beamfleot, if she saw him..." "You know that I cannot." "..perhaps her spirit would rise." "She believes in him." "Our belief is in God, in prayer." "It is." "I will leave you to your letters." "We have our proof, Rypere, you will go to Uhtred." "Now!" "Why so many guards?" "Are you afraid of me?" "You're a prize, Lady." "Even when unwashed." "She's the daughter of a King, you will all turn away!" "Show her the backs of your heads!" "Lord, where is the harm in looking?" "The back of your heads!" "You were right, Lord..." " ... she has beauty." " She does." "More than that, she's worth ten times her weight in gold and silver." "I'm thinking we should fatten her." "Does this game have a name?" "Stones." "And why's it called that?" "It's Rypere." " He must have news from Beamfleot." " I'll go and tell Uhtred." "Uhtred!" "Uhtred!" "Uhtred!" "Lord, if the Northmen from Beamfleot are now raiding into" "Mercia to feed their army, how long before they come to Wessex?" "Is it not time to consider raising the fyrds?" "Aethelwold, as you have no estate, it is not your place to talk of raising fyrds." "As for the ealdormen with estate... for each of you there is a harvest to be gathered." "This must be done quickly and stored within the nearest burh, it must be protected." "Should they raid, we shall not be overrun and importantly we shall not feed them so much as a single grain." "Wessex is fortified." "Once the harvest is gathered, the fighting men of the fyrds shall be free of labour, should they be required." "Should they be required, Lord?" "!" "Mercia requires them now." "The heathen must be dealt with!" "The heathen hold a hostage, Lord Selwine." "Would you have the Lady Aethelflaed killed?" "Lord King, I do not wish to cause distress, but if the lady was in fact alive, surely they would have made clear their demands?" "They want us supplicant, Selwine, they want us afraid." "They do not know of our faith, Lord." "DOOR OPENS" "Father Pyrlig?" "Excuse me, Lord, but Uhtred of this parish is here." "He is asking to attend." "Can he be trusted?" "Lord?" "Are we sure of Uhtred's position?" "Lord Uhtred's position is that of an ealdorman of Wessex." "Lord, it is my own view that he should be admitted." "And mine." "Allow him in." "Lord King?" " The Ealdorman Uhtred may join the Witan." " Yes, Lord." "Lord." "Lady Aelswith." "I am here with news of Aethelflaed." "From the Northmen?" "From my own spies, who sleep within the walls of Beamfleot." "Lord, Aethelflaed is alive." "My men have seen her with their own eyes." " Praise Him." " Praise Him to the heavens." "Then, why have they not made clear their demands?" "They've been spreading news of their hostage, Lord." "Boasting?" "About seizing a woman?" "Boasting of the great army they will raise with the ransom." "This is what I fear, Lord." "No man in this hall should be in any doubt, when their demands arrive, they will be considerable." "As will be the consequences." "Of course, they will make outrageous demands." "That is the purpose of strong negotiation - to ensure there is agreement." "You intend to negotiate, Lord?" "I intend to recover my daughter." "Regardless of the price, Lord?" "Mercia is not a land of plenty-far from it." "Wessex shall pay its share of silver and, if necessary, its share of blood!" "I will do what needs to be done." "If that means negotiation, then I will negotiate." "Lord, I would advise that you don't attend the negotiations." "The presence of the King and father would only serve to increase" " their price." " But if not the King, then who?" "LOUD MURMURINGS" "There will be silence!" "Aethelred?" " Yes, Lord?" " It must be you." "This is for Mercia to resolve." "You must go to Beamfleot." "Of course, Lord." "And a representative of Wessex, Lord, as the burden of your daughter is to be shared between the two kingdoms." "I will suggest that the Lord Uhtred represents Wessex." "Agreed." "Forgive me, Lord, but I do believe he is your only choice." "Lord?" "Uhtred, you will accompany Aethelred." "I will do all I can, Lord." "Lady." "Uhtred." "Uhtred, forgive me, but I have asked the King to excuse me from this journey to Beamfleot." "For my sins, God has always placed me at your side." "And I feel... shame for abandoning you." "No, Beocca, your place is in Winchester with Thyra." "Bless you." "Uhtred, you have given me so much, but giving me the courage to approach Thyra-that was your greatest gift." "I will be in your prayers, no doubt." "Perhaps." "Always." "Say it's mine!" "My men are restless." "Hunting is not enough." "I may go across the river, spill a little blood." "Across the river is Wessex." "Then, if I see Alfred, I will tell him that my brother is humping his daughter." "I can see that you like her." "I would like to ride her, yes." "Then, ride her." "One tiny cock isn't going to hurt her." "Haesten, what are you doing?" "Shut your mouth, Dagfinn." "You saw nothing." "What do you want?" "What do I want?" "I'm here to remind you that you're a woman and a hostage." "I like the paleness of your skin." "Show me." "Take off your clothes." "Does the Lord Erik know that you're here?" "It was the Lord Erik that sent me." "Now, remove your clothes or I will rip them from you!" "SHE YELLS OUT" "Dagfinn, hold her!" "Get up!" "GET UP!" "Lord, she's a hostage!" "Get up onto your feet." " She is a hostage." " She is precious." "She's of value!" "Release her." "Leave us!" "All of you!" "This should not have happened, and it will not happen again." "My apologies." "My apologies." "It is not the first time a man has mistreated me." "Who else?" "Not here." "Before here." "Now I know what to do should it happen again." "I will use my night bucket and a knife." "You should." "You are precious, Lady." "Sleep well." "Safely." "DISTANT YELLING AND SWORDS ECHO" "Odda." "It is late." "I was about to sit, contemplate." "As is your habit, Lord." "I have been waiting for you." "Lord, I hope you will forgive me for what I'm about to say." "My intentions are for Wessex, for the hope of an England." "You spoke of paying for Aethelflaed's release in one of two ways-with silver, or with blood." "I did." "There is a third way." "Should the ransom be too great, should the likely loss of men be too great, should Wessex wish to emerge with honour," "Lord, and greater strength then should she not be encouraged to take her own life?" "For the good of the kingdom." "Some might say it would mean martyrdom." "I hear you, Odda." "I'm glad you feel able to proffer this advice." "Now, I wish to sit." "You will leave me." "Lord..." "Look around you, see the sacrifice that has been made." "Hundreds upon hundreds of men, women and children have given their lives for what we now have..." "They have GIVEN their lives, Odda, they did not TAKE their lives." "And there will be reward in heaven for each and every soul, that is what we believe, is it not?" "That is what I say, Lord, there will be reward enough, in heaven." "You are a king before you are a father." "I know my place!" "Now you will leave me." "Lord." "I thought you'd like to breathe the night's air." "Thank you." "I was born on a night of a whole moon." "My father wanted to call me Mani, after the moon god." "But Mani is chased each night across the sky by Hati the wolf." "My mother did not want me to be chased by wolves." "I saw the moon, the clear sky and I wanted to share it." "I'm glad you thought of me." "It was either share it with you or with my brother." " THEY LAUGH" " The choice was difficult, I admit!" "I have never seen a face like this before." "Now I see it, even when I close my eyes." "Your husband is a fortunate man." "My husband does not see me." "Then, he's blind or stupid." "He is not blind." "And he is not gentle, I would guess." "He is the one who mistreats you?" "He is not the man I would choose to be with." "You." "You!" "Aethelwold." "Odda, you are drunk." "I sincerely hope so, I can barely see." "At your age, it is not good for you." "What is your opinion on paying a ransom for Aethelflaed?" "Do you have an opinion?" "Not one I am prepared to say aloud." "Is there much, or any, of your father in you?" " The king past?" " I'm disappointed you need to ask." "I have both my father's blood and spirit, the Danes know it." "Even the dead know it." "THUNDER RUMBLES" "I am becoming more like him by the day-observe the clean tunic." "He was a great man." "He was my great friend." "If you are indeed his son, I may need you." "You may need me for what?" "I believe you need your bed, Lord." "And a pillow." "You should employ a craftsman to fit a spoon in place of the blade." "The leaves are falling." "I want the ransom paid in full by winter, an army by spring." "A king's crown by summer." "They will want the same, answers by winter." "How does she ride?" "Oh, you wouldn't like her-she's bony and she squeals." "She passes the time." "And if you put a pup in her belly?" "Then, Alfred will get two for the price of one." "THEY LAUGH" "And Viking blood to strengthen his line, eh?" "What will happen when we reach Beamfleot?" "Will there be a ritual, a toast, a meal?" "There will be a heathen sacrifice the youngest member of the visiting party will be split with an axe." "They will want to humiliate us." "In what way?" "An insult, a challenge." " Why" " Because they can." "Haesten." "We're travelling to Beamfleot." "For Alfred?" "For Alfred, yes." "I am here to take you on to the fortress, Lord." "You and two others." "I will travel with half my number, no less." "Agreed." "The Lady Aethelflaed?" "She is well?" "There'll be no negotiation until I have seen her!" "She is well." "My Lord Erik sees that she is most content, Lord." " Ride on and we'll follow." " Oh, you will not be needing horses." "Lord, I have a question." "What is it we want from this meeting?" "You have to ask?" "What we want is to free Aethelflaed." "And if instead, what transpired was war-what then?" "It is a question, Lord, that is all." "I would be without a wife, no doubt, as that would be the cause of war." "War will occur regardless, that is certain." "The only change that there can be is the size of the army that we will face across the field." "We will be ready." "But what is it we want?" "Alfred wants his daughter, that is plain, but is that best for Mercia?" "Is that best for Aethelred," "Lord of Mercia, and Lunden, and more, perhaps?" "My advice to you, Lord, is rescue her by all means, but not at a price that will cut our throats." "You will all kneel." "We will not." "We have come here in peace and as equals." "You've made us walk a good distance to meet you." "That is respect enough." "You should have joined me, Uhtred." "If you wished me to join you, why have a dead man tell a prophecy?" "Why didn't you simply ask?" "Me, you would refuse, but the gods?" "The King of Wessex sends his greetings." "He hopes you have enjoyed the company of his daughter." "HE LAUGHS" "Enjoyed her?" "Oh, she's not his favourite." "Why else would he have allowed her to marry the pig's arse" " standing behind me?" " Before any negotiations take place, the pig's arse wishes to be certain that his wife is well." "And if she's not well?" "What then?" "What will the pig's arse do?" "Fart?" "Will you fight me?" "Will you fight my brother?" "I would like that." "You alone will kneel." " I will not." " Kneel!" "JEERING" "I have come to negotiate." "I demand respect." "If you do not wish to hear my price, then I will leave!" "Happily!" "Aethelflaed." "As you can see, she is well." "I would like to speak with her." "Then, do it." "They are treating you well?" "They are." "You have not been... touched?" "I have not." "What I must now do is secure an acceptable price for your release." "There will be word games played, do not be alarmed by what I may say." "I assure you, once this is over, they shall pay for what they have done to us all." "Thank you, Lord." "What is your price?" "It must be fair, or you can keep her." "You talk of your woman like you do not care." "She is important to me, of course, but she has a price, beyond which I cannot go." "I will not go." "Then name it." "Name this price." "100lb weight of silver." "My lands can afford no more." "Does this man speak for Alfred?" "He does not." "Hmm." "Weland!" "Where is Weland?" "!" "I do not see him." "Weland!" "Weland!" "Ah!" "Weland." "This man here..." "Hit him." "She is a daughter, not a son." "Unloved and, in truth, banished to Mercia to spend her life being humped by her husband, whom you have so generously put to bed." "But like her husband, Alfred's not minded to pay a great sum." "Alfred's price is what?" "Say it!" "I will." "Separate from the 100lb weight of silver offered by her husband," "Alfred will add another..." "200lb weight of silver." "300lb in total." "A good price." "The daughter of a Frankish king was once bargained for a similar price." " Pyrlig?" " This is true, Lord, it is a good price." "No, no, no, no, no, no, no." "No, Alfred is not a Frankish king and it is not a good price." "I say it's a good price." "Like the pig's arse, you have farted." "HE BREAKS WIND, LAUGHTER" "Yes!" "And it stinks, by the gods does it stink." "Open the doors." "It is a good price?" " I think it's a good price." " You insult me!" "If Alfred is minded to offer so little, then I am minded to bring her into this hall and allow each man here take his turn!" "I swear she will be tied to a cart and she will travel the kingdoms." "Is that what you want," "Saxon?" "Do not insult me." " I'm not insulting you." " Do not." "The King has given me some discretion to increase the price." "What a surprise!" "So, say it." "Lord, if I may, and to save both time and ink, perhaps YOU might name a price?" "An acceptable price, not an impossible price." "Say it." "10,000lb weight of silver and 1,000lb weight of gold." "Delivered by Alfred himself." "Of course." "And he shall arrive with a stoat upon his head and an apple in his mouth." "With respect, Sigefrid, you fart louder and longer than the pig's arse and I together." "I need to take a piss." "It's going to be a long day." "HE CLEARS THROAT" "HE GROANS" "PIGS GRUNT" "HE GASPS" "LAUGHTER" "LAUGHTER" "Aethelred, Lord of Mercia!" "If your jaw is not broken, join us!" "Eat." "Yes." "I will." "I would enjoy that." "Business is done." "Done?" "!" "A bargain has been made, and not a good one." "Say nothing." "Uhtred and Father Pyrlig have gone to see how your lady is, Lord." " Then I will go to her." " No!" "You will wait here." "You will sit... with me." "To silver and gold." "And lots of it, Lord." "Drink." "THUNDER RUMBLES" "She's praying." "Give her time with the priest and then you will see her." "26 ships." "By the next moon there will be more." "And more still, the moon after." "Alfred will pay for his own destruction." "You should not underestimate Alfred of Wessex." "Never." "But he will pay what you have agreed?" "He will." "Even for an unloved daughter?" "Alfred is suffering." "He loves her dearly." "Her husband does not." "I was surprised at your anger towards Aethelred." "What purpose did it serve?" "It was a mistake." "It was." "You made it clear that you care for her." "I cannot let her go." "I cannot give her up." "We have just settled on a price, there is agreement." "With my brother." "DOOR OPENS" " Lord Uhtred." " Lady." "Your father sends his affection." "He will be sleeping at the altar, I'm sure." "I have arranged your release." "You will soon be coming home." "Have you spoken with Erik?" "I have." "What has he told you?" "Lady, he's a Northman and a pagan." "He is a pagan as YOU are a pagan." "Any hope that you have of a life together is nonsense." " It will fail!" " It will not." "Merely because it's what you wish for?" "Lady, it can never happen." " Well, it must." " What of your husband?" "I will not talk of my husband." "I do not care for him." " And I will never care for him." " But he will not stand by." "I do not care." "Sigefrid will not stand by, and your father will not stand by!" " You will lose your entire family!" " I will make a family." "We will make a family, Erik and I." "And they will die!" "As you will die." "In a fire, at the tip of a sword..." "Then, I will die happily." "Aethelflaed, hear me." "There will be no rest." " None." " A life with Erik is what I want." "It is best for me and it is best for Wessex." "I can say this to no-one but you." "I can ask no-one but you." "Will you help us escape?" "Lady, I am sworn to your father." "If I help you and succeed, he'll have me killed, but more than that, you are asking me to sanction your own death." "No, what I am asking is for you to allow me to live!" "I will not be the treasure that builds an army against my father." "That will not happen." "Never." "I will leave this place with Erik or I will not leave at all." "Uhtred, I am asking you to save my life and with it the nations of Wessex and Mercia." "Will you help me?" "Please?" | {
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} |
"Dragonheart" "Episode 7 Dad's new year's rocket" "I was terrified of Christmas and being surprised without Mom." "But now, Christmas is over and won't return until next year." "Today I'm going to try out my new snowboard." "And it was no surprise." "For the package was the worst wrapped ever." " Hello." " Hi." "Nodi has just fallen asleep." "Did you have fun" "Yes." " Where's Father?" " He goes bowling on Tuesdays." " I'll return the car to Åke." " Hey, Roland, hey..." "Bring your brother back." "I'm fixing some ham sandwiches and..." " He doesn't have time." "He has a new girl." " He can bring her." "But I'm not very sociable yet." "Bye." "Sociable and sociable..." "Harry." "Mom, you always said that Dad was your tulip." "But did you know he's the best snowboarding pro too?" "I wonder if you would also go snowboarding." "No..." "You'd probably go tobogganing with Nodi." "Come and see what Grandpa, Nodi and I have done today." "What?" " It's a surprise." "Come on." " I don't like surprises." "You'll like this." "What do you think?" "What have you done?" "!" "Are you stupid." "Remove that!" "What are you doing...?" "Nisse!" " Wow!" " Wow!" " Do you feel the space in your heart?" " I think so." "It's because your heart is big and you know everything about jams and dragons." " Unlike your grandma." " She thinks she's being kind." "Grandma believes that the dragon is a rabbit." " I'm freezing." " I'm becoming a popsicle." "We'll go home." "So it's time to get back in my cage and nibble broccoli now, then." "Hello." "Hello." "Do you have it inside now?" " And I'm just trying to help." " I know." "Do you?" "Do you know you're the most important thing to me?" " Nobody knows what's best to do." " Yes, Harry does." "I understand that you're missing Mom." "She understood you so well." "It won't jump up and bite me in the neck now, huh?" " Good morning." " Morning." " Did you sleep well?" " Mm." "(doorbell)" "Well..." " Hello." " Hi." " I'm home now." " Yes." "Do you want to come in?" " What did you get then?" " A snowboard." "Cool." "I just wanted to say that Rut and I will gladly join you in your band." " I've written a song." " Have you?" "Can I see?" "It's great!" " Thanks." " What are you doing tonight?" " Nothing special." "But it's New Year's Eve." "Yes, that's right." "We'll probably stay home and shoot rockets, I guess." "I just wanted to say that we want to join you." "Ah, cool." " Bye, then." " Bye." " Happy New Year." " Yeah..." "You too." "Happy New Year." "Oh, now you have a whole zoo there." "Oh, welcome!" " It's New Year's Eve." " Today?" " Yes." "Today." "I'm so crazy, aren't I?" "." "No, Nodi, this isn't going to happen!" "Now we have to arrange a party!" "Party!" "What a sound!" "Great!" "You sound like a new year's rocket." "Are you coming with me to the store and sort the New Year's party?" " Yeah." " Dragon:" "So long, "New Year's Rocket"!" " What did you say?" "Okay..." "Saga and Rut want to join the band." "Good, huh?" " In addition, she likes my song." " Will there be noise all the time then?" " Probably." " Oh!" "Paradise for a dragon." "Jam and noise." "Wow!" "Here we go!" "Happy New Year, young man!" "How much is there?" "Come on, let's go and buy a little party stuff." "It's New Year's Eve." " Dad!" "French fries?" " No, we have some at home." " Daddy, chips!" " Take this kind instead." "They're good." "Shouldn't we have cheese?" "Salmon." "Daddy!" "Come now." "Are we finished?" "Excuse me." "We've received information suggesting that you might have shop lifted." "That one, I forgot..." "I forgot." "I forgot." " May we ask you to come along." " My children are here." " Nisse!" "Nisse!" "Nisse!" "Nisse!" "Why are you crying, Nisse?" "Why are you sad?" "Nisse!" "Nisse!" "Nisse!" "Subtitles by Squashy Hat faxeholm( 2017)" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
""Oh, America"" "I wish i could tell you that this was still America." "But I've come to realise that you can't have a country without people." "And there are no people here" "No my friends... this is now "The United States Of Zombieland"" "It's amazing how quickly thing can go from 'bad' to 'total shit-storm'." "And why am I alive, when everyone around me had turned to meat?" "It's because of my list of rules." "Rule#1 for survival in Zombieland..." "is "Cardio"." "When the virus struck, for obvious reasons, the first one to go were the fatties." "Poor fat bastard!" "As the infection spread and chaos grew..." "It wasn't enough just being fast on your feet" "You'd have to get a gun and learn how to use it." "Which leads me to my second rule "The Double Tag"" "In those moments when you're not sure that the 'undead' are really dead-ed" "Don't get off stingy with your bullets." "I mean one more clean shot to the head." "And this lady could have avoided becoming a human happy-meal." "Woulda?" "Coulda?" "Shoulda?" "It wasn't long before the zombies began to get clever." "When you are at your most vulnerable, somehow they could just smell it." "Don't let them catch you with your pants down." "Rule #3 "Beware of Bathrooms"" "As zombie began to outnumber humans" "That's when you have to cut all emotional ties" "If the girls in your neigborhood are now fucked up little monsters," "Oh, maybe it's time to stop driving car pools." "You have to focus, on your own survival, which leads to Rule#4" "Pretty basic." ""Fasten your seatbelts"" "It's gonna be a bumpy ride." "That guy down there, is me." "I'm in Garland, Texas." "That may look like zombies destroyed it, but that's actually Garland." "Just 2 months and I might be the last non-cannibal freak in the country." "I may seem like an unlikely survivor with all my phobias and irritable bowel syndrom." "but I had the advantage of never having any friends or close family." "I survived because I played it safe and follow the rules..." "My rules." ""Rule #1:" "Cardio"" "Shit." ""Rule #1:" "Cardio"" "Of course." ""Rule #4:" "Seatbelts"" "Motherfucker." ""Rule #2:" "Double Tap"" "On the bright side, I did find the place to go number 2" "Another rule to surviving Zombieland:" "'Travel light'" "And I don't mean just luggage." "I've always been kind of a loner, I avoided other people like they were zombies; even before they were zombies." "Now that they are all zombies, I kinda miss people." "So I'm on my way from my college dorm in Austin, Texas to Columbus, Ohio." "Where, Im hoping my parents are still alive." "Eventhough, we were never really close, just be nice to see a familiar face." "Or any face that doesn't have blood dripping from it's lips and flesh between its teeth." "Thank you." " What are you looking for?" " Nothing, I just uh..." "I had this list." "No one back there but my duffel bag." "What's your name?" "Stop, no names." "Keeps us from getting too familiar." "You almost knocked off your alcohol with your knife." " That's okay, you don't have to..." " No." " Where are you headed?" " Columbus." "You?" "Tallahassee." " More?" " Uh, no, one for me, one and done." "You know, Tallahassee and Columbus are, both uh...east." " So?" " So, Tallahassee, you wanna stick together?" "At least for a while" "Here's the deal, Columbus...huh Im not easy to get along with and I'm sensing you're a bit of a bitch" " I'll get this relationship to about uh, Texarkana." " Really?" "Yeah." "You'll take me as far as Texarkana." "You're a pappy little spit fuck aren't you?" " You might wanna buckle up, you know for safety." " I can tell already, you are getting on my nerve." "Even though teaming up wasn't my style." "I figure, I'll be safer with Tallahassee." "You see he was in the ass kicking business, and" " Bussiness is Good." "It became quickly apparent that he did have one weaknesss." " What are we doing here?" " Take a look." "It's a goddamn 'Hostess' truck." "Yeah, I see that a Hostess truck." "So what?" "I could use a Twinkie." " You coming?" " Uh yes, yeah, one second" " Are you fucking with me?" " No." "You should actually, limber up as well especially, if you're going down that hill its very important." "I don't believe in it." "You ever seen a lion limber up before taking down a gazelle?" " Sno-balls..?" " Yeah." "Sno-balls?" " Where's the fucking Twinkies?" " I like Sno-balls." "I hate coconut." "Not the taste, the consistency." "Oh, this Twinkie thing it ain't over yet." "This may be a bad time, but, I just ate the brown sugar Snowballs." " Really?" " Really." "I know." "Again?" "So soon?" "What can I say." "I have a case of cronic anxiety." "It is.." "I've always been kind of phobic" "I find lots of things disturbing." "Like undertoe, or department store centers, being alone with a baby." "But the thing I fear more than anything, yes, even more than zombies." "Fucking clowns." "When you're afraid of everything that's out there, You quit going out there." "Which is what happened to me before Zombieland." "Friday night." "Third straight week indoors." "World of Warcraft." "Leaning tower of pizza boxes." "Code red Mountain Dew." "Pride?" "No where." "Dignity?" "Long gone." "Virginity?" "Totally justifyable to speculate on." "My whole life, All I ever wanted was to find a girl." "And fall in love, bring her home to meet the folks." "Then again, since my folks are a couple of paranoid shut ins like me" "Maybe this girl could bring me home to her folks." "And then, I'll finally be a member of a cool functional family." "Please, is anyone home?" "Please, its an emergency." "I don't usually unlock my door to the sounds of panic, ...but my neighbour 406 is insanely hot." "Thank you." "Thank you, thank you, thank you." "Nice to meet you." " Mountain Dew?" " Yeah, Code Red." "And here's some Gold Grams." "The zip lock bags keep them crisp." "Okay." " Tell me, what happened?" " He was homeless and sick..." "And i was walking home from the bar talking on the phone." "And then, he just came, sprinting towards me." "I mean, not, not running, 'sprinting'." "I thought you know he was, like maybe he was running from someone or after them...the last time I saw he was out there going crazy." " Drunks maybe?" " No." " I didn't even told you the worst part." " Yeah?" " He tried to bite me." " You are right, that's the worst part." " Sorry, I was just so scared." "No no no, you should be scared the homeless guys just tried to eat you." "That's like the right kind of scare, that's a reasonable scare." "You know, I get scared for things that don't make sense at all, like..." "Clowns, with red noses, or like the rag that use to wipe on table." "when you finishes eating, like a.. chain restaurant." " Really?" " Look, the point is I'm here for you, okay?" "And as long as you're by my side, I'm not leaving this apartment." "Do you mind if I just close my eyes for a minute?" " No, of course, of course." " Thank you." "Set aside the feverish homeless cannibal I'm living in the dream." "I've had always my whole life wanted to brush a girl's hair over her ear." "Goodnight." "Oh my god." "Are you okay?" "Okay okay okay." "Stop stop stop." "What're you doing?" "Look, stay back 406, okay?" "I dont wanna hurt you, but.." "Shit." "Oh my god." "I'm so fucking sorry." "You see, you just can't trust anyone." "The first girl I let into my life and she tries to eat me." "Listen to me, 406." "If you're in there.." "You're just sick, okay?" ""Rule #2:" "Double Tap"" "That was my first brush, with the plaque of the 21st century." "Remember mad cow disease?" "Well 'Mad cow' became 'mad person' became 'mad zombie'." "It's a fast acting virus, that left you with a swollen brain, raging fever and make you hateful, violent." "And give you really really bad case of the munchies" "Alright, you steer, I'll push." "Okay." " I've heard there's a place untouched by all this crap?" " Back east, yeah." "Yeah, you heard the same thing?" "Out west we hear, back east..back east hear it's here out west." "And it's all just nonsense." "You know, you're like a penguin on the north pole, hear the south pole is really nice this time of year." "There are no penguins on the north pole." "You wanna feel how hard I can punch?" " So, what do you think?" " You mean, the last time I laid some pipe?" "The last time you went 22's?" "The percy in the playpen.." " It's personal." " Wallpapered the closet, passed the gravy." " Went heels to Jesus." " Oh, make loves." "Well, it's just, sex." "Uhm.." "Three weeks ago, yeah." "In the back of an abandoned FedEx truck." " Shut, up." " No, no, I was headed east.." "She uh, west." "And we took shelter in the back of the truck." "It was full of undelivered packages." "What was her name?" "Beverly." " Beverly Hills." " You dog." " So uh, what about you?" " Me?" "I..." "I..." "Ai yai yai." "Oh my god." "That's extra sick." "It'll makes you sad, it makes you.." "makes you think you could go back" "To the way things were right now, you know, you'd be..." "You'd be out in the backyard, you know, trying to catch a fireflies." "...and instead of this." " I mean it makes you..." " Hungry." " I'm worried about you." " Look, whatever you have waiting' for you in Columbus, I'll promise you" "It ain't be any pretty than our friend here enjoying her man-which." "Tallahassee had a sixth sense of humour when it came to zombies." "Zombies aren't the most loveable creature but he really hated them." "In fact the only thing he was more obsessed to than killing a zombie was finding a Twinkie." "Something about the Twinkie reminded him about, time not so long ago." "When things were simple and not so fucking psychotic." "It was like if he got a taste of that comforting childhood treat, the world would become innocent again and everything would return to normall." "Pretty prospecting." "Jesus christ." "You're a dangerous man." "You're gonna risk our lives for a Twinkie?" "There's a boxes of Twinkies in that grocery store." "Not just any box of Twinkie." "The last box of Twinkie that anyone will enjoy in the whole universe." "Believe it or not, Twinkie have an expiration day." "Someday very soon, life's little Twinkle gauge is gonna go empty." "Time to nut up or shut up!" "When Tallahassee goes Hulk on a zombie, he set the standard for not to be fucked with." "No fear, nothing to lose." "What can I say, it's like, it's like art." "You got a purdy mouth!" "Don't swing, don't swing." "Swing." " Thank you." " You owe me." " You're great one." " I know." "Twinkie, Twinkie, Twinkie, Twinkie." "Oh, big hoss." "Come here big fella, just gonna take a little off the top." " Wow, these fellas really let themselves go." " And they're so fat." "Uh, I think we should probably just keep going." "All I could think of was "What are the odds?"." "Another marriageable women to bring home to the folks." "Come quick." "Someone's ear is in danger of having hair brushed over it." "I'll catch up later." ""Rule #22:" "When in Doubt, Know Your Way Out"" "They're sisters." "The little one's been bit." "Act normal, try not to freak her out." "Colombus." "Wichita, Little Rock." " So, you did all this for a Twinkie?" " Oh, no no no no, he did." "I'm just kind of like a Sancho Panza character." " Um, I don't think she has long to live." " I know, so does she." "We're just looking for a way out." " No no no no, she's still a little girl." " Don't talk about me like I'm not here." "Alright, I'm sorry." "Look, I know, you know that you're really sick." " But uh, your sister wants me to.." " It's not her decision" "It's mine." "I made a promise." "We already said goodbye, but we didn't have a gun." "Oh look, we don't know that there's definitely no cure right?" "You're just gut-less." "Give him the gun." "Wait, wait." "I'll do it." " I love you." " I love you too." "You need some help?" "Now that you mention it." "We'll take your weapons, your car key, your ammunitions." "And if you got it, sugarless gum." "What the fuck." "Wa.." "Wait, why are you guys doing it?" "Well, better you make the mistake of trusting us, than we make the mistake of trusting you." "Of course the first hot girl in a thousand miles shows up, makes me feels like an idiot, steals my double barrow and says I'm the one that can't be trusted." "Nice going genius." "You're the one that gave her the gun." "Those guys were dumb." " Avoid the vanity mirror." " Relax ok, I just passed for a zombie." " What I'd give for a show..." " Do not say the S-H-O-W-E-R, okay?" "Just get the rule going." " So, do you think it's true?" " Is what true?" " Rumors about Pacific Playland." " Totally zombie-free." "Only places way to go." "Trust me." "So he's on one of the serious Tour 'de France bikes, you know with the, like the toeholds, right" "And uh, he's peddling." "And the zombies head is like caught in the gear." "You know with the hair and the chain just like, going around." "Very cool." " Yeah." " But.." "Zombie-kill of the week.. no sir." "I saw this construction worker I shit you not." "He's on the steam roller and the zombie goes down in front of me.." "Ever roll a tube of tooth paste up from the bottom?" " Yeah." "I always rolled up from bottom to top." " Yeah, zombie's head is the cap." "Do you know this guy who's trying to like.. to be in everyone's story?" "No." "I knew who got away worse than that to me." " I just try to find their car." " Which would remind me.." "I never had headaches like this 'til your ass came on board." "Do what you want with a man, but do not fuck with his Cadillac." " Hey, this is a nice mini-van." " Yes, it is nice." "That's a beautiful van." "Tallahassee firmly believe that you have to blow off steam in Zombieland ...or else you'll lose what's left of your mind." "Well, if it makes him happy and keeps him from using that crowbar on me," "Then I say "Hey, go waste shit"." "I want my Caddy back." "Stupid little bitches." "Oh, I think I pulled something." "You think there's two of us smart enough to come home with a car like that?" "You hesitated." "Would you rather be smart or lucky?" "Look at what we got here." " It's nice." " Small finger." ""Rule #31:" "Check The Back Seat"" "Thank God for rednecks." "This is a really big truck, and these are really big gun." "Take your time." "You know they say "He who seeks revenge should remember to dig two graves"." "Alright, two graves." "One for the big chick, one for the little chick." "You're scary happy." "Come on, why don't we just forget about those girls and head home." "So you want to talk about home?" "To me home was a, puppy name Buck." "Cutest dog ever." "Cause of those fucking zombies..." "I lost him." "There ain't no getting him back, so uh..." "I'm looking for a new home." "Tomorrow maybe, skinny dip in a Yellowstone River." "Swinging from the chandeliers in a Playboy mansion, but today," "A Vortec 6 fucking litre V8." "A box full of hollow points and a Lord willin' and GD Twinkie." "Gotta enjoy the little things." "I hate to give credit to anyone who looks like Yosmite Sam, but I'm writing it down." "Rule No. 32 Enjoy the little things" " Going in, it's a trap." "Wait here." "Drive down if I signal." " You're not gonna shoot them, are you?" " Unless the shoot me." "Oh, let's hope they shoot me." "Looks like they hoofed it." "Probably headed west." "Just drive slow, keep your eyes peeled." "They're in the back, aren't they?" " Just me." " I'm really sorry." "She was like a crouching tiger." " You got taken hostage by a twelve year old?" "Well, girls mature faster than boys." "She is way ahead of where I was at that age." " Twelve's the new twenty." "Gun please." " Like you would ever use it.." "Don't kill me with my own gun." " All those violent video games." " Thank you." "Now honk your horn." " What?" " Honk it." " Oh, there's your sister, that's my gun." "Hello." " Bummer." "Now step away from the vehicle." "You get to ride shotgun" "I kinda like this girl." "She's not your typical hot, stuck up bitch." "Even before Zombieland, Wichita was running the table on guys like us." " What are you looking for?" " My engagement ring." " I took it off to pump my gas and I thought I had it in my purse, but it must've fallen out." "And I'm late for my flight.." " Listen, I'll find your ring and I'll FedEx it to you." " I'll give you a reward" " Do not be silly." " Three-thousand dollars." "It's worth more than my car." " Just, just give me your number." "I'll find it." "Yeah I'll start looking for it right now." "Cause I got nothing else to do." "I was engaged once, but I'm single now." "Bye" "Hope you make your flight." "I know it's around here somewhere, she's on a plane, that's the beauty of it." "Let me call you back." "Hey, you found my ring." "Thanks, I've been looking all over for it." " Your ring?" " It was my friend's." "I'm gonna send it to her." " Do I get a reward?" " 40, 60, 80, 400, That's it." "That's the whole register." "You made someone very happy." " You too." " How many left?" " Let me see." "Enough for us to get to California." "Someday I want a ring this big." " For the low price of 30 bucks, sold." "It's amazing how far you can get with some costume jewelry and a cut-throat attitude." "I guess we're just lucky they didn't leave us by the side of the road." " Thank you Wichita, Thanks Little Rock." " Hey for fuck's sake, enough already, we're being chased by ravenous freaks." "We don't have enough problems?" ""Oh, they stole my Hummer", "We have trust issues"." "Now get over it, okay, we can't just fucking drive down the road playing I-spy, or some shit for two hours, like four normal-ass Americans?" "Fuck me!" "I know" "Let me be the mature one." " So" "Where are you guys headed." " "Pacific Playland"" " The amusement park?" " Wait, outside LA?" " Yeah, we went there as kids." " That place totally blows.." "my mind." "It's so fun." "Just good entertainment for the whole family." " Yeah actually I went there as a kid too." "In fact this probably counts as off season." " Well, did you guys hear?" "There are no zombies there" " Yeah, we heard." "You know what, I may not shoot you, but you still royally piss me off." "And I'm not going to play with you at Pacific Playland." " Don't worry he grows on you." " Really?" " No, it's worse." " Okay." "How about we play the quiet game?" "Yeah?" "Starting now." " Oh, I've actually been meaning to ask you." "Did you hear anything about Columbus, Ohio?" " You've heard of the quiet game?" " Sorry." "No?" "Well they're playing it in Columbus, ohio." "It's a total ghost town, burned to the ground." " You're Columbus." "I'm sorry." "I didn't realize it was.." "I'm not sure what's more tragic," "That my family is gone, or the realization that I had never much of a family to begin with." "Either way I can't pretend that whatever I'm looking for," "I'll find by going home." "I have no home." " We can, give you a ride." "You can go, see for yourself, or settle somewhere new." "I could tell she knew what I was feeling." "We are all orphans in Zombieland." "I know this Pacific Playland thing is nuts, but, it's been so long since she got to be a kid." " It's tough growing up in Zombieland." " It's tough growing up." "There, you can take that truck." "Well, I, hope you find whoever it is you're looking for." "And don't let go, once you do." "It wasn't just because i had nowhere else to go." "It was cause in that moment it became clear." "Wherever this girl was, that's whereIi wanted to be." " Man we're gonna have to pull over soon." "I'm feeling cooped up." "Wantamiro Wampum, Yeah that'll work." " Okay but what the hell are we doing?" " Just humor him, trust me." " Hold on." " Who wants to go first?" "I really, really wanna impress Wichita, but it would be a direct violation of Rule #17, maybe the most important of all," "Don't be hero." " Why don't you take this one." " Don't mind if I do." "What do you think?" "Zombie kill of the week?" "Close, but no cigar." "Zombie kill of the week goes to sister Cynthia Knickerbocker." "Poor flat bastard." " Perfume?" " What?" " Is that perfume?" " It's cologne." " I'm thinking:" ""Lanco Magnifique"" " Why don't you speak up, they might've missed it in Santa fe." " Oh my God." "You're thinking about fucking Wichita." "Wish granted." "She spent the last 24 hours fucking us both." "Good luck now Petunia." " Ok, let me begin my three-part apology by saying that I think you're a wonderful human with great potential.." " FYI, I beat wholesale ass for a lot less than that." " I'm sure" " You get 45% power." " Thank you." "Come on, break another one." "Nice." "Doesn't that feel good." "Sometimes Tallahassee's right." "You gotta enjoy the little things." "Even if that means destroying a whole lot of little things." " What smells like perfume?" " You don't know who Willie Nelson is?" " No." " Willie Nelson." " Yeah, no, I don't." " Yeah I shave every morning but sometimes by like 4:30 I have a thing..." "(continue rambling)" " Since this is a freeway." "You can get it up to 65, but you don't wanna go more than 75." " You don't wanna go more than 20." " Do not worry about it." "Blind spots, blind spots are for other drivers." " So do you never strap in or just, when on road trips?" " It's just, you know, there's zombies everywhere." "I think the least of my worries is.." " Yeah that's true." "..seat belts." " Yes but no, she's not. she's not." "She's only famous when she's Hannah Montana, when she's wearing the wig." "Okay, right." "So.." " This is kind of freeing." " Yeah." "For the first time in a long time, we were having fun." "So even though it ran counter to our survival strategies, we decided to stay together as far as Pacific Playland." " You know I think sleep deprivation is like the number one health problem in America." "No, I think it moth be number two." " Number two.." " That's adorable." " I'm just saying we should find a place to crash." " Oh, I got an idea." "We're in Hollywood, let's sleep in style." "Grab a map." " Come on." " Hurry." " It seems like everyone who has ever been in a movie lives on this block." " What exactly do you think we're doing in the 90210 Sally?" " I kind of pictured Tom Cruise living somewhere nicer." " B.." "lister compared to who I got in mind folks." "We are going to the Tipi Top of the A-list." " Who?" " You'll see." " Hey, here's a big BM." " It ain't Bob Marley." " This place is incredible." " Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to La Menzion de Murray." " Oh, Bill Murray" " God, no way." "This guy has a direct line to my funny bone, I mean every.." " Boy, who's Bill Murray?" " I have never hit a kid before, but I mean that's like asking who Gandhi is." " Who's Gandhi?" " She's twelve." " No Twinkies." " Shit Bob." " See?" "I told you we should've gone to Russel Crowe's." "No one listens to me." " Hello, inside voices, okay?" " At least until we know we are alone." " Hey Tallahassee, Wichita why don't you take that way." "Little Rock come here." "Why do I get stuck with her?" "It doesn't seem to end." "Hey come here." "He has his own movie theatre?" "Ok, I'm gonna teach you a little something about Bill Murray." "The king slept right here." "Dibs on the bed." "Too soft for me anyway." "Oh, this is so exciting, you're about to learn who you're gonna call." "Ghostbusters." "This is pretty catchy." "Help me with the boots, come on." "Help me with the boots." "Ok, I'll get 'em myself." "Bill Murray, you're a zombie?" "You're not a zombie, you're talking." "You're okay." " The hell I am." " I'm sorry, I didn't know that it was you-you." "Are you.." "What's with the, the get up?" "Oh, I do it to blend in, you know zombies don't mess with other zombies." "Buddy of mine, make-up guy, showed how to do this." "Corn starch, you know some berries, a little liquish for the ladies." "It suits my lifestyle." "You know I like to get out and do stuff." "Just played nine holes at the Riviera, just walked on, nobody there." "Goddamn it, Bill fucking Murray." "I had to get that out." "I don't mean to gush." "This is so surreal, I mean." "You probably get this all the time,well, maybe not lately, but I'm such a huge fan of yours." "I've seen everyone of your movies a million times." "I even love your dramatic roles, everything." "Six people left in the world, one of them is Bill fucking Murray." "I know that's not your middle name." "But I've been watching you since i was like.." "since I could masturbate, not that they're connected." "You know "A former greenskeeper about to become the master champion."" " That's why we do it." " I love you Bill, I love you." " Thank you." " You are staring at me, it's a hairpiece it's a.." " Sorry, it's just that you look remarkably like Eddy Van Halen." " I Just saw Eddy Van Halen." " Really?" " Yeah." " Where?" " At the Hollywood bowl." " Well, how was it?" " He's a zombie" " That's a tough break." " So how about a little west coast hospitality." "Can I get you something?" "What would you like?" "[Blue Oyster Cult" " Don't Fear The Reaper]" " Oh hurry, hurry he's on the ceiling." "Come get him." "Oh.." " Light 'em up Murray." " See you on the other side Pete." " You're so disgusting." " Don't cross the streams." " I don't wanna cross.." " Don't cross the streams!" " "35 feet long, weighing approximately 600 pounds" - "That's a big Twinkie"" " Your sister's single, right?" "There's nothing long-distance or anything." " No." " Good, good." "And if she had, like, a type - if you can have a type - what would that be?" " She kinda goes for, like, bad boys." " Really?" " Yeah." " That's cool." " So Columbus is the scared one?" " Yeah, he's like a little bunny." " I'll get him." "Watch this." " It's okay, it's okay." "I got him." "Is that how you say hello where you come from?" "Oh my God, Oh my God I can't believe I shot Bill Murray." "Mr. Murray?" "Just Bill I think now." " Bill?" " Yeah?" " I don't think we're gonna be able to stitch this." " Ow, that's still tender." " You think you might pull through?" " No." " If it means anything now I am so sorry." "It was just instinctive." " It was my bad." "I was never a very good practical joker." " So do you have any regrets?" ""Garfield", maybe." " I'm sorry, he just gets me." "But it still is sad." " Yeah." " Sorry." "One second" "It's a double-barrel so.." "Okay." "3, 2, 1." " You guys want some caramel?" " Yes." " Oh Free parking, which coincidentally is the best thing about Zombieland." " No, best thing about Z-land:" "No Facebook status updates." "You know "Rob Curtis is gearing up for Friday"." "Who cares." " The best thing is no more flushing, epic." " And worst thing?" "About Z-land?" " You mean other than the fact that I shot Bill Murray?" " That's easy." " Losing Bob." " That's his puppy." " I tell you, I never thought I could love anything like Bob" "The day he was born I just lost my mind." " Sorry." "He had my personality, my laugh, my appetite," "Laugh?" "And that's when it hit me." "I felt so ashamed that it had taken me this long." "Me with the best cardio in the business to realize I wasn't the only one running from something." " We made this wallet together out of Duct Tape." "Takeawayaman 'sson ,you 've truly given him nothing left to lose." " I haven't cried like that since Titanic." "A hint?" "Why don't you exhale slowly, then squeeze the trigger." " Don't make me drink alone." " Okay." "It 1997, "Gor Gorgeous"" " I never took French." "Gorgeus day what the hell?" " It's a 97?" " Yeah." " Was that a good year?" " Oh my God." "It was a great year, are you kidding me?" ", I saw my first R- rated movie that year." "Anaconda." " Oh, Anaconda." " First tattoo, a purpoise." " Really?" " Fake." " First kiss." "Scotty Lynch" " Did you guys.. use tongue?" " Maybe." " Are you jealous of Scotty Lynch?" " Yes, I am." " Actually I think I'm jealous of your whole 1997." " Let's see mine." "First orthodontist." "The bastard gave me head gear." " I got my first B." " Oh no." " Frightening, as Anaconda" "Woodshop, which doesn't really count as a class anyway." "Had my first school dance." "I was Sadie Hawkins.." "girls choice." " What nobody picked you?" " Iz was girls choice." " Those bitches!" " I know." "No, I will not stand for this, you know what?" "On behalf of all the eight-grade girls," "I would like you to make it up to you." "Relax, Scotty's old news." "I don't even know your name, but this is actually really nice." "You know?" "Between you, me and" "You're actually kind of cute." " You think so?" " I mean you got the guts of a guppy, but" "I could hit that." " Really?" " I'll at least give you the intentional walk to first." " Hey little help movin' a couch." "We're making a fort." " That was probably for the best, cause" "I like you, Columbus, but my sister and I are going to do whatever it takes to survive so.." "I was hoping Wichita was just playing hard to get, but I realized that she had more trust issues than I did." "When I woke up the next day and she was leaving." " You are like a giant cock-blocking robot, developed in a secret fucking government lab." " I can't believe I almost kissed him." "What's our rule?" " Trust no one, just you and me." " Just you and me." " Yeah, you and me." " You have just survived the zombie apocalypse and drove halfway across the country." " Where are you gonna go?" " I'm going to Pacific Playland." "Woo." "Open Sesame." "This is the problem with getting attached to someone." "When they leave you just feel lost." "Having Tallahassee around didn't comfort me, it just made me feel more alone." " Hey, you weren't exactly gonna score anyway." " You weren't storming' the trenches before I came along." "That's why I don't let people close, you only get burned." " You don't say." "Mexico, you know what they call Twinkies in Mexico?" "Los Submerinos." "That's where I'm headed amigo." " Whatever." " I'm going after Wichita." " You ever read that book "She's just not that into you"?" " You can't make yourself too available." " I don't care, alright I wanna be with her." "Have fun in Mexico." "Come on!" "Hurry!" " Get in!" " Come on, come on!" " Come on, come on!" " On the count of three." "One, two, three." "Are you okay?" "Come on." "Hurry, get up." " Come on, let's go." " There!" " That's the worst goodbye I have ever heard and you stole it from a movie." " Tell the ladies I said hey." " You know there are pictures of her in someones wallet too." " Hop in the car Evel Knievel." "Let's go ride the roller coaster." " Thanks." " Go!" " Not as fun as I remember." " Shoot the control box." " Columbus." " Tallahassee." " I think they might actually require our hard assistance this time." " Buckle up." " Yup, I'm wide ahead of you." "Time to nut up or shut up." "Holy shit." "My mama always told me, someday I'll be good at something." "Who'd have guessed that something'd be zombie killing'." " Probably nobody." " Look!" " We better start working on our apology." " Up here!" "Oh my God!" " They're up there, they're okay." " What are you waiting for?" " It's your gal." " Come on!" " Come get a piece of Tallahassee!" " Anybody hungry?" "Tallahassee-nice over here." "Come on, come on you ugly bastards." " Holy Shit!" " Holy Shit!" " Shit, I'm out of shells." " Here we go." " Wichita!" "Little Rock!" "Oh my God." "Look at this fucking clown." "Of course, it had to be a clown." "No, it had to be a clown." "And it had to be Wichita for me to finally understand that some rules are made to be broken." "Time to nut up or shut up." "Fuck this clown." " Thanks." "Wichita" " Christa." " Ok, we should probably head out, now." " Finally he got to first base." "Not bad for that scrawny little spit-fuck." " Where is [Tallahassee]" " I have a little hunch." "Where are you you spongy yellow delicious bastards?" "Where are you?" " False advertising!" " Jesus Christ." " You want a Sno-Ball or something?" " Oh God!" "Words cannot express.." " It's too soon." " Do you think you can, maybe, just pick out the Buckshot and just kind of eat around it?" " No!" "No!" " No!" "That face." "That's me realizing that those smart girls in that big black truck and that big guy in that snakeskin jacket they were the closest to something I had always wanted, but never really had." "A family." "I trusted them and they trusted me." "Rule #32:" "Enjoy The Little Things." "Tallahassee got his Twinkie and even though life will never be simple or innocent again, as he savored that spongy yellow log of cream, we had hope, we had each other." "And without other people, you might swell be a zombie." " Thank you so much" " You had us going." "So until next time remember:" "Cardio, seat belts and this really has nothing to do with anything, but a little sunscreen never hurt anybody." "I'm Columbus, Ohio, from Zombieland saying:" "Good night." | {
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"Three weeks in, 12 bakers down to ten." "They're on a roll." "As are we." "And I'm wearing loafers." "BOTH:" "Welcome to The Great British Bake Off." "Last time..." "I've messed up massively." "..gingerbread went up and came tumbling down." "VAL GASPS For Louise..." "I can't believe this is happening to me..." "it spelt the end." "But Candice's spectacular pub stood firm..." "I think it's smashing, well done." "..and the Star Baker crown was hers." "Now they face the wrath of Paul." "I've been worrying all night about it." "It's like wallpaper paste." "It's Bread Week..." "I'm not going to eat it." "..with a sweet signature that could turn sour..." "I think it's cooked." "If Paul says it isn't..." "Answer to me... with a technical bake without an oven..." "This is just so weird." "..and giant, plaited Showstoppers..." "This is the serpent... ..with nowhere to hide." "Do you want a little sip of this," "Michael, before I tell you what I think?" "But who will be our next Star Baker?" "I have no idea what I'm looking for." "And whose Bread Week..." "You are not alone... will be their last?" "CANDICE:" "Oh, no." "I'm just a bit..." "BENJAMINA SQUEALS" "I'm feeling amazing about Star Baker, but new week this week, slate gets wiped clean." "I'm quite nervous, cos it's bread and it's Paul Hollywood." "He's going to be really, really picky." "At home I've been prodding my bread in the centre, cos I know that Paul's going to do that." "I tend to do basic bread, rather than faffed-about bread, so I'm more of a bloomers and baps girl." "It's something I've been doing for years, so Bread Week is just another week." "Bakers, it's Bread Week." "This is your chance to get your dough prodded by" "Paul Hollywood's digits of doom." "Now, for your Signature Challenge, we would love you to make a chocolate bread." "The bread must contain chocolate in any form - cocoa powder, molten chocolate, chocolate chips, the choice is entirely yours." "Shape and design it in any way you see fit." "You have two and a half hours, bakers, for this Signature Challenge." "On your marks." "Get set." "BOTH:" "Bake." "I'm very excited about this chocolate bread challenge." "We've never had one before." "I'm looking for a bread texture with the flavour of chocolate." "Considering they've only got two and a half hours, that is going to be a tall order." "The last thing I want to see on this challenge is raw dough." "All of the bakers have chosen to make an enriched dough as the base for their chocolate bread by adding ingredients like milk, butter, sugar and eggs." "The richer your dough, the more you have in, the slower it is and it takes a long while for the yeast to react with the flour." "Candice." "Good morning." "Morning." "Where are you up to with your chocolate bread?" "This is my brioche dough with a little bit of cinnamon and a little bit of brown sugar and some Normandy butter." "Candice's brioche bread will be formed from dozens of dough balls, filled with salted caramel and chocolate, topped with shards of pecan brittle." "How much butter have you got in there?" "250." "Ohh." "Really?" "!" "That's almost as enriched as I am." "How many eggs have you got in there?" "Four." "Are you trying to frighten her?" "Yeah, he really, really is." "I've done it at home and it's been good and people have liked it." "In two and a half hours?" "Mm-hm." "Good luck." "Thank you." "I admire that philosophy." "Bread needs a lot of muscle, so you've really got to get in there." "Got to get in there." "Kneading the dough helps develop the gluten, creating a good structure for the bread." "I do 500 kneads." "Five, six, seven, eight." "Hi, guys." "Morning." "Can you tell us about your chocolate bread?" "Yeah." "I'm making a chocolate, cardamom and hazelnut loaf." "Is that all the dough?" "This is all the dough, yeah." "It's a pretty small loaf." "It is small, but I'm hoping for a good rise on it." "Rav's chocolate, cardamom and hazelnut bread will be twisted into a spiral and then baked in a loaf tin." "It's going to be like a babka." "Oh, babka." "I know what a babka..." "What's a babka?" "It's a twisty bread." "Middle Eastern, what is it?" "I think it's Middle Eastern." "Is it, Paul?" "It's Polish and it's normally a cake." "So in no ways is this a babka." "Good luck." "Happy babka-ing, wherever it may take you." "Thanks." "Rav won't be alone on his travels." "I'm making a chocolate, tahini and almond babka." "And are you spiralling it through or is it flavouring the whole mixture?" "I'm going to roll this out, spread the paste on top, roll it up, slice it, twist it, stick it in the tin." "That's a couronne." "No, it's a babka." "It's a couronne." "What's your problem with this, you think it's a couronne?" "What you do with a couronne, you twist it and then join it." "All they're doing is putting it in a tin by folding it up and putting it in there." "Yes, but don't be grumpy about it." "It's Benjamina's own..." "It'll taste good." "Exactly." "Yeah." "Usually they take a lot longer to bake..." "Than two and a half hours." "This is an express babka." "Benjamina will be using dark chocolate and toasting her almonds for the filling of her express babka." "Paul says it wasn't a babka, but I disagree." "Paul's not in the best of moods, he's a bread guy, so obviously he's going to be a bit picky, but..." "BENJAMINA LAUGHS" "The bread that I'm making is called a cobbled loaf, named after my husband's grandmother who I was very close to, her name was Nanny Cobbled and it looks like cobblestone." "Kate's the only baker making two doughs - cardamom and orange, chocolate and vanilla - and each cobble will contain a chunk of dark or white chocolate." "This loaf's meant to keep everybody in my house happy, cos some people like dark chocolate, some people like white chocolate, some people like chocolate dough, some people like white dough, so it's a bread for everybody." "I'm just doing something called the windowpane test, so I just want to see if enough gluten's been formed to stretch out the dough to be able to see through it without it breaking, which is the point at which I know" "it's ready to prove." "Looks like we're there." "I want to get two proves in, cos I like the texture of the bread better, it gets smaller bubbles." "It should be about an hour for the first proving." "The second one depends on how long I've got left." "I've just got it in the oven at about 35 degrees." "It's going to be in there for 25 minutes, cos it wants to chill out and do its thing." "It's starting to move." "Today I'm making a chocolate barmbrack." "Barmbrack is a traditional Irish Halloween loaf." "Andrew's substituting the Barmbrack's customary raisins for milk chocolate chips." "He's the only baker adding all his ingredients before proving his dough." "I'm just doing a single prove." "A single prove?" "!" "Does it end up looking like that?" "Yeah." "Yeah, it's because its got no strength, it's trying to grow, the knocking back is quite an important process." "My justification is it's come from the traditional recipe, but..." "That old chestnut." "Good luck." "Thank you." "Cheers, thanks." "I'm not double proving, I'm not knocking it back." "Are you not?" "OK." "Which is unconventional." "How long have we got left?" "We've got three, an hour and a half." "An hour and a half, that's fine." "It's chill time, relax a little bit." "As they wait for their dough to prove, the bakers make a start on their fillings." "As a child, chocolate was a rarity, so I'm trying to make up for it now." "To indulge her sweet tooth, Val's using chocolate spread as well as dark chocolate chips to fill her twisted cinnamon and vanilla loaf." "It's very rich chocolate, you don't need to buy bought chocolate spread, you can make your own." "My loaf's called Tom's chocolate orange swirl bread, but I'm not going for huge amounts of chocolate and the chocolate I am using is very, very dark." "Tom's Aztec-inspired bread will have a spicy swirl of dark chocolate, ginger, cinnamon and bird's eye chilli running through it." "There's your chilli." "Are you finely chopping it?" "Yes, with the seeds and the white taken out." "Wow, OK, that's going to be fascinating." "You're great with your flavours a lot of the time." "But when you fail, you catastrophically fail." "My dough has had its first prove." "I'm just knocking the air out of the dough." "Oh, yeah, see, he's happy." "(Oh, this has not risen.)" "Good dough, well done." "No, it hasn't risen as much as I would like it to." "I'm hoping I'll get the height on the second rise." "OK, bakers, one hour until the silverback of sourdough is unleashed from his pen." "BENJAMINA FAKES CRYING" "First prove is done, which I'm quite happy with." "Just going to roll it out now and spread the butter and the chocolate on it then get it back in for a second prove." "I'm looking at everyone else and I see how much dough they have." "I think that I don't have a lot, but this is how it was at home, so I'll just stick to my guns." "Right, Michael." "Can you tell us what you're up to and what you're making?" "I'm making a chilli chocolate and chia seed bread with cinnamon." "Sort of Mexican inspired." "That's quite an intense flavour." "Yes." "So that paste is going to go on top of that butter." "Yeah." "Then I'm going to roll it up, cut it in half, twist it and make it into a couronne." "Michael is also adding cayenne pepper to bring even more heat to his bread, which he'll ice with a dark chocolate ganache." "You're making a right pig's ear of that." "It wasn't like this when I did it at home." "This is one of the most manually explored breads I've ever seen." "I know, I know." "I'm making chocolate, cinnamon orange bread." "I'm using dark chocolate so, obviously, when you bake dark chocolate it goes a bit bitter so the orange gives a bit of a sweet taste." "Selasi's bread will be cut to expose the dark chocolate cinnamon and orange zest filling, then glazed with an orange syrup." "You don't want too much chocolate because as it melts, it seeps out, so just enough." "I'm a bit of a rogue baker," "I don't usually stick to recipes." "It looks about right to me." "Hello, Jane." "Good morning." "Tell us about that mixture." "How did you make it?" "Chocolate mixture is melted butter, dark chocolate with icing sugar and cocoa." "It looks like chocolate spread." "I want that." "Jane's adding almond liqueur, poached cranberries and pecans to her crown-shaped loaf." "Is it helping that we're all watching you?" "Never has a couronne been more monitored on this planet." "Once filled, the dough must be shaped before proving for a second time." "Most of the bakers are choosing to roll and then cut..." "I find in practice this works at home, so... disaster." "..and then twist their dough." "A lot of twisters..." "Jane." "Hmm." "Have you seen the film Alien?" "There's a hint of sort of John Hurt's exploded stomach to that, isn't there?" "JANE LAUGHS" "It is exploding a bit." "King Kong behind you, let's see what he makes of it." "What do you reckon?" "I mean, that's bursting in flavour." "There's too much filling." "Oh, God, don't listen." "I got one of those looks, didn't I?" "Oh, well." "But Candice and Kate aren't twisting." "All these balls will prove and join together and make one nice loaf." "I'm going to do a third of them with chocolate and caramel, a third with just caramel and a third with just chocolate." "Just make sure they're amply filled, cos no-one likes a small, under-filled ball." "While the other bakers shape their dough," "Andrew's waiting for his bread to complete its one and only prove." "There are some quite exotic things going on." "I think mine is potentially the simplest - hopefully it makes up for that in taste." "By proving for a second time, the bakers are giving the yeast another chance to grow, which should result in a better-textured loaf." "Leave it ten, 15 minutes for the second prove." "Haven't got a huge amount of time, but that's OK." "We'll hope for the best." "50 minutes to go and Andrew has already decided to stop proving." "Quite flat, but I think that's OK, I'm very tight on time, so I just need to get it in the oven." "For the rest of the bakers, the longer they continue to prove, the less time they'll have to bake." "How's yours going?" "Not good, I'm running out of time." "I need that rise, man." "See, I'm going for better to have something under-proved and baked than serve him something raw." "I fudged my timings hard, I don't understand." "Another four minutes and it's got to go in the oven." "BENJAMINA SIGHS" "These are not as proved as I would like them to be, but I haven't got time to wait any longer." "It's more important that I get it baked now." "Now quite tight for time - just need to make sure it's cooked in the middle." "Sometimes this takes 30 minutes, sometimes it takes 40 minutes." "If it takes 40 minutes, I haven't got time to bake it." "It's in, there's nothing more I can do about it, it's just whether it cooks." "Couronne, let's be having ya!" "You've got 10 minutes left." "SQUEALS:" "No!" "SHE SIGHS Oh, I don't know." "How do you know with bread that it's cooked on the inside?" "Can you do the needle?" "I'll use a thermometer." "Aiming for 85 degrees." "82." "Not cooked." "It's definitely spreading, hopefully I've got enough time to drizzle a bit of melted chocolate and caramel over it." "The temperature is all right, but I feel like it could do with a little bit longer." "It doesn't feel done." "Oh, Jane's is out of the oven." "Do you think it's cooked?" "I think it's cooked." "If Paul says it isn't..." "Answer to me." "Oh, it's large." "It just want to check the bottom." "Yeah, that'll do." "OK, bakers, that's five minutes." "Please be cooked, I beg you." "It'll be what it will be." "It's got to come out." "Hopefully this hasn't stuck to the sides of the tin." "That's not burning, is it?" "Just..." "sorry, sorry, sorry." "Glaze, glaze, glaze." "We've got, like, two minutes - is that right?" "Right, my bread-ren, you have one minute left." "The question is, is it done?" "It's going to have to come out." "I'm happy with how it looks." "I've got to get it out of the tin, though." "Cool, cool." "I need to turn it, so... put that on top." "Yeah, that's it." "What can we do, Candice?" "Nothing." "I hate oven gloves." "Oh, no!" "It's all right, don't panic." "I've squashed it!" "Don't panic." "It's going to have to stay like that." "Bready or not, here we come." "Time is up!" "MEL:" "Move your breads to the end of your stations, please." "It looks horrendous." "Candice, step away from the couronne!" "I think the overall colour looks nice..." "Look at that." "Oh." "There's good distribution of your chocolate." "It's pretty even." "I love that." "The flavour is excellent and it is baked well and I think the choice of proving it once was probably the right way." "Well done." "Phew." "Really, very good." "It is exceptionally heavy..." "Is it?" "..which worries me a little bit." "When you choose a flavour to go in a bread, you must choose something that imparts flavour but not weight - unless you've got plenty of time to make it." "That's not cooked even on the top." "Yeah." "Is that wallpaper paste?" "No!" "Oh, no." "It's spent a little bit too long in the oven, I think." "See, I just hope you baked it all the way through." "The orange flavour can trick you into thinking that it is burnt." "I don't think it is burnt at all." "I'm definitely getting an overcooked crust." "I'd just like to have seen stronger flavours coming through." "I think the colour of the loaf is good, but one of the things" "I can see is down at the bottom..." "Not quite done." "Yeah, it's not quite done." "..it is quite raw." "Yeah." "The chocolate is good but it's not done." "What I would've done is put less chocolate in and had less curls in there." "Nice colour, nice shape." "And a little surprise in the middle of each one." "Yeah." "Going by what's on the knife, it's still melted." "Oh, still melted in the middle." "Yeah." "Ooh, look." "You're fine." "Oh, no." "Here we go." "I can see it's a bit under-baked." "I can tell you straightaway." "As soon as you add liquid, you haven't got the time for this." "No." "You were probably about five minutes away." "I knew I was close." "I could kick myself." "I knew I was close." "I think it looks great." "Oh, thank you." "Love the colour." "Let's have a quick look inside." "Mmm." "You're going to tell me it's not baked, aren't you?" "That's exactly what I'm going to say." "You see how light it is there in texture?" "Yep." "And there how dense it is?" "Absolutely delicious, but you had masses of filling." "I did, yes." "I did." "A mountain of pecans." "It's so big it's going to take a long time to cook." "Yeah." "It has collapsed, which makes it look a mess." "Mm-hm." "But it is down to the eat on this." "It's such a shame it's not done." "It really..." "Oh." "Oh, Paul, do you have to do that?" "You can see the dough is still raw inside." "With all the love in the world, I'm not going to eat it." "It's so big." "To try and get that done in the two and half hours is quite difficult." "I'm really embarrassed." "I'm really sorry." "There's nothing to be embarrassed about." "What it is is you tend to fly out there with lots of things going inside." "Rein it in a little bit.." "Rein it in." "..and then slowly get your baking absolutely spot on." "Yeah." "All right?" "Yeah." "Thank you very much." "Thank you very much." "Onwards and upwards." "Onwards and upwards." "Don't overanalyze." "OK." "Move on." "That was mortifying." "He wouldn't taste." "You start off, you think, "Where's the chilli?"" "And now it is hitting me." "Is it hitting you?" "Yeah." "Ooh!" "PAUL COUGHS" "The chocolate flavour is good." "The chilli is far too much." "It's destroying the chocolate flavour." "I think you slightly under-baked it, as well." "Is it a loaf?" "I think it's a load of Chelsea buns glued together." "That's what you've got." "It's a nice idea, though." "It's a very clever way of doing it." "Really wise to choose something that's shallow because it's got time to cook through and have a rise." "There's a hint of chilli there." "It is not knocking me out." "It's a very good bread." "The chocolate is there, the hazelnut is there." "Excellent." "Thank you." "Well done, Tom." "Thank you." "And breathe." "HE EXHALES" "Happy with that?" "I hope so." "Love it." "Really?" "Yeah." "Chocolate is strong all the way through." "Cardamom is beautiful in that dough." "It is a lovely flavour." "The fact that Rav made a slightly smaller loaf than some of the other bakers..." "That helps... that helps, yeah." "Thank you very much." "You're blushing." "Paul said he loved my bread" " I was stunned into silence." "Oh, my God." "When he went, "I'm not sure I'd call this a loaf,"" "I was like, "Oh, but please do." ""Please come to the conclusion it is."" "I knew when Paul raised his eyebrows when he saw me filling my bread that there might be an issue." "It was slightly..." "I wouldn't say burnt, but I like it crispy." "Well, that was a fall from grace, hey?" "THUNDER RUMBLES" "Bread Week isn't about to get any easier." "Bakers, for our Technical Challenge today, we turned to the bread expert." "But sadly, she wasn't available, so we asked Paul instead if he'd like to contribute a recipe." "Paul, do you have any wise words?" "We've never done anything like this on Bake Off before." "It's notoriously difficult." "More scaremongering than anything else." "If you'd like to both go back to your enclosures." "Goodbye, Mary and Paul." "Take care." "Or should I say auf Wiedersehen?" "Because Paul and Mary would like you to make Dampfnudel." "Dampfnudel?" "Yes." "Paul would like you to make 12 Dampfnudel, and just to give you a little clue, the word Dampf in German means steam." "Paul would like this served with two sauces." "You've got two hours for this, so on your marks..." "Get set." "BOTH:" "Bake." "Oh!" "I was thinking crumpet, a bit of toast, be fine, hey?" "Dampfnudel." "I have no idea what a Dampfnudel is." "This is going to be purely based on intuition." "This is just so weird." "What do you think of them, Mary?" "Bit different, isn't it?" "Dampfnudel." "They're a sort of dumpling." "Why did you choose this?" "We've never actually steamed bread before on the Bake Off, so it's the first time that any of the bakers would've hit anything like this in their lives, probably." "One of the problems with this is once the rolls are actually on the heat and beginning to steam, they may be tempted lift the lid off to have a quick look." "The moment that they lift that lid off, they'll begin to drop." "I'm intrigued to know what the underneath is like." "Now, you can see the caramelisation underneath from the sugar, so it's browned underneath." "I'm going to give you a little bit of plum sauce there and the custard, or the creme anglaise." "So, what we're actually testing them on is knowing when dough is actually cooked through - in this case, steamed through." "Just like an iced bun without the icing." "That's exactly what it is." "These are completely alien to me." "I've never seen them, never heard of them." "First instruction is, "Make a Dampfnudel dough."" "And that's all it says." "It says to use warm milk, which should just get the yeast going with the melted butter in there, and then I'm going to knead it into a dough." "It's didn't say anything about kneading it, but I'm going to give it a bit of a knead." "I think it's going to be like a sweet dumpling." "I've made dumplings loads of times." "I'm going to knead until it's springy to the touch, and then I hope that it's correct." "Selasi, you're very dramatic with that kneading." "Unnecessary." "Trying to intimidate the other bakers." "LAUGHTER" "It says, "Prove," but it doesn't say how long to prove it for." "I'm going to prove it till it's doubled in size." "I might do it for an hour, so let's see how that goes." "Boom." "I've gone for a conservative 50 minutes." "So, I'm going to save up 30 minutes and then I'm going to take a look at that point." "Making Dampfnudel for Paul and Mary might be nerve-racking, but there was a time when these steamed buns were a matter of life or death." "The Dampfnudel first came to prominence in the 17th century during one of the longest conflicts in European history - the Thirty Years' War." "Unpaid and hungry," "Swedish soldiers were ravaging Germany, looting towns as they went, until they reached the gates of Freckenfeld." "Imagine the scene - a starving, angry army all set to pillage the village when up pops local baker Johannes Muck, who offers to feed them all himself." "Brave bloke." "All he has to do is knock up several hundred batches of Dampfnudel - by this afternoon, please - or the village gets it." "He, his wife and one of his apprentices made 1,286 Dampfnudeln." "That's a lot of Dampfnudeln." "Yes, never before had so much Dampfnudeln been made in one day." "A peace treaty through dumplings." "It's the way forward, surely." "To mark Johannes' yeast-laden heroism, his grandson built a monumental gate catchily known as das Dampfnudeltor." "He made stone buns, the same quantity as they made in Dampfnudeln." "1,286. 86." "400 years later, the Dampfnudel still holds a special place in the hearts of the Freckenfeld townsfolk." "It's celebrated in an annual festival, and even features on their coat of arms." "And if that wasn't enough... the Germans have also written a song about the Dampfnudel." "Coldplay, watch your back." "Take it away, lads." "THEY SING IN GERMAN" "One hour remaining to make 12 Dampfnudel." "A voyage of discovery." "And as their dough proves," "Paul's recipe demands they begin preparing the first of two sauces." "And all it says is make a smooth plum sauce." "Great." "I've never made a plum sauce before." "I'm just thinking this is how you would do it." "Like, soften your plums with the juice, add in the sugar and then just cook it down." "I think you want the colour from the skin to get any sort of colour and flavour out of that, and then just sieve it once it's done." "It said smooth plum sauce, so smooth is what they'll get." "It's quite thick." "This is more like a puree." "It's been in for about 40 minutes." "I'm going to weigh it..." "It is 900." "Now, I'm going to divide it into 12 bowls." "I'm just working out what that will be, so I've got to try to do some maths." "What's 900 divided by 12?" "900 divided by 12... 50..." "Sort of..." "Eight... 80 something?" "Let's do it." "Four, eight, 12, 16... 900. 90... 75." "Oh, I had 80, just over..." "The most painful, painful hour of television you will ever watch." "Between us, we've got it." "Thanks." "Is there a way to roll it?" "Is there?" "I don't know." "Kate." "How are your balls?" "I'm just pinching their bottoms." "Very, very good." "No-one wants the seam showing." "What is that?" "That's poaching liquid." "Do they sit in that?" "It says, "Off the heat, add the dough balls to the poaching liquid," ""and leave for a second prove." You're quite calm." "I don't know what I'm doing, so if I get it horribly wrong, it doesn't really matter because..." "Well, no, that's right." "Because these will always be the best Dampfnudel I've ever made." "That is for sure." "I have no idea how long the second prove will be." "It's a juggle between longer to prove, and then less time to cook." "I'm just going to put them back in for the second prove." "GERMAN ACCENT:" "OK, my darlings." "News just in, you have 30 minutes to complete your lovely Dampfnudel." "You'll need to be steaming those buns and let them puff up like the golden balls of magic that they are." "NORMAL ACCENT:" "I've never eaten one." "I'm beginning to think I probably ought to get them cooking." "Time to steam." "I think I might give them a 15-minute cook?" "It doesn't say how long you're supposed to be steaming them for, so it's just going by eye." "Step seven is steam the dough balls, and step eight is make a vanilla custard." "I feel like making the custard is a hint as to how long to steam them for, so basically when the custard's done," "I'm going to take the lid off." "Even if they think they know what a cooked Dampfnudel should look like..." "Turn that up ever so slightly." "..steaming makes it almost impossible to see." "I have no idea what I'm looking for." "You're not alone, you're not alone." "I've estimated it at about 15 minutes." "So, I've got about six minutes left." "And I don't want to lift the lid before then, cos they're meant to be really humid, I think." "Like dumplings." "It's looking good." "I should stop opening it, actually." "Definitely on the move." "Yeah." "Three..." "Two..." "One." "They're quite big." "They've gone huge!" "They've been in 15 minutes." "I'm amazed." "I think they're wonderful." "It says, "Cook until they're crisp."" "I'm not really going to know when they're crisp." "Apart from stopping it before I smell a burning smell." "I'm kind of touching them, they're dry on the top." "So now we're just reducing this down and hopefully getting golden, crispy bottoms." "But there's a lot of liquid still in here." "Hopefully there's enough time to do it." "You have got five minutes before the noodles of doom need to hit Paul's mouth." "I'm struggling." "They're cooking at different speeds." "Just trying to make sure that I don't burn some bits and leave other bits raw." "Might turn it down to number one." "I can smell..." "Yeah." "Going to turn it down a bit." "It's definitely now starting to crispen it up." "You can start to smell it." "Is that coming from mine?" "There's a bit of smoke coming..." "Little bit of smoke, Selasi." "It's like, the kind of burn that you like." "Let's call it caramelised." "That's it." "Yeah." "As long as you believe that, Selasi." "Yeah." "They're definitely not crisp underneath." "I hate them." "I absolutely hate them." "That's horrible, isn't it?" "That one is certainly brown on the bottom." "They're springing back." "That's all I got to go on, currently." "One of them looks a bit underdone." "But the others are cooked, and are burning on the bottom." "I don't know why I'm shaking them." "Should they be separate?" "I don't know." "They don't look particularly appetising." "Please be good." "Please." "OK, bakers." "That's it, your time is up." "Rising fear in the tent." "Also rising dampf." "Please bring up the Dampfnudeln." "Paul and Mary will have no idea whose Dampfnudel are whose." "What we're looking for is 12 equal steamed buns, cooked all the way through, with a brown base." "So we'll start from this side." "It's got a bit bounce of to it, which means that they feel as though they're actually cooked there." "They've overcooked it slightly." "But it's actually cooked all the way through." "The plum sauce looks beautifully clear, just the right consistency." "That's pretty good." "What makes those wrinkly, all on top?" "Could have brought them off too early, so they've shrunk back down." "That is black." "Oh, it is." "It is black." "It is." "Now, that one is raw." "Difficult to eat." "I mean, you've got raw dough." "Now, this looks smooth." "They have that nice dome, which they should have." "Yes." "It is cooked." "The plum sauce is good." "And, actually, the Dampfnudel's got a great taste to it." "These are... raw pieces of dough." "So, you're going to have the dough on the top..." "Oh, there you go, dough underneath, too." "So what you can actually do with this one, is turn it back into a dough." "Massively under-proved." "Well cooked through." "But they're just minute." "Let's have a quick look." "Good colour underneath." "Brown on the bottom." "We have got that." "It's very close-textured, and when I squeeze it, it stays down." "Mm-hm." "But it tastes great." "And the sauces are pretty good, too." "Now, these feel like they're cooked through." "Undercooked at the top." "Which means they may have opened the lid a little bit too early." "This is really rather thick, this sauce." "Do you want a hacksaw, Mary, to get it...?" "There it is." "No, no, it's just a little bit overboiled." "Now, this looks quite well-domed." "And actually well cooked, as well." "It's slightly underdone, this one." "Oh, they were minutes away." "Bit overcooked on the bottom." "Yes." "Massively overcooked on the bottom." "The texture's not that bad." "It is cooked through." "Plum sauce is a little bit too thick." "Custard is pretty good." "Next one." "We have a little bit of raw dough on the top." "Nice colour underneath, though." "Needed longer in the steamer." "And you can see it straightaway." "So, the top quarter is raw, but right down the bottom is OK." "Last one." "We have raw dough again." "(Oh, no.)" "Good colour underneath." "Lot of dough." "It is cooked down at the bottom, though." "Sauce consistency is fine." "Good flavour." "OK." "Paul and Mary will now rank the Dampfnudel from the worst to the best." "In 10th place, who's this?" "That's me." "They're not done." "In ninth place is this one." "Whose was this?" "Oh, that's me." "The size was good, but it was pretty inedible." "Kate is eighth." "Michael seventh." "Benjamina sixth." "Selasi fifth." "And Tom is fourth." "In third place is this one." "Pretty good." "Overall, the sauces were good." "And it was edible." "And in second place..." "Properly cooked through, and two nice sauces." "And in first place." "APPLAUSE" "Overall, it was the one I thought was closest to mine." "Still a million miles away..." "LAUGHTER" "But closest to mine." "I aspire, I aspire." "Well done, Barb." "Thank you." "Well done." "I'm absolutely amazed." "It's pure luck that I'm older than everybody else, and maybe I've just made more dumplings than anybody else." "It's nice to end the day on a high, for a change." "I'm feeling better." "I am feeling a lot better." "The idea was that I'd get better as these two days progress, but actually I've got worse." "The worst thing for me was when the dough was so raw that he formed it into a ball." "I thought he was going to throw it at someone!" "So, the bakers had a bit of a mixed day yesterday." "There seemed to be quite a lot of raw dough." "There's a large group that are in trouble." "Unusually, Jane." "Oh, she was Star Baker in week one!" "What is Jane doing down there?" "Kate." "Kate!" "She did so well last week." "Michael." "Benjamina, she's beginning to stumble a little bit." "Andrew has fared really well." "Would you see him in contention for Star Baker, Mary?" "He could be." "As is Tom." "Val seems to have done much better in the technical." "Rav and Candice, they're both in the middle there." "Yeah." "So, if they have a good day today, it could save them, or could actually catapult them down again." "You've gone from saying," ""There's quite a large group of people in trouble,"" "to, "Everyone's in trouble." Pretty much." "And a lot of it is resting on how they perform today." "Well, it's all a huge surprise, what's happened up until now." "Welcome to Showstopper Day." "Now, Mary and Paul would love you to make a savoury plaited centrepiece." "It can be any shape or size." "It should have three flours within it." "You have four hours to complete this challenge." "On your marks, get set..." "Bake!" "This bake really needs to go really, really well." "What am I going to do first?" "MARY:" "The Showstopper has to be spectacular." "And it's got to be a whopping loaf." "Imagine using three flours - if they're twisted together they rise at a different time." "When you're doing your plait, you've got to make sure each of the strands are exactly the same shape and width." "What you want is a beautiful, uniform plait, and that is quite tricky to do." "The Star Baker of Bread Week has always gone on to the final of Bake Off." "Watch this space." "Good morning." "Morning, Kate." "Hello." "Tell us all about your savoury loaf." "I've combined two traditions that we have in the family." "One's making corn dolls, and one's making the harvest loaf." "What plaits are you doing?" "These are four-string plaits..." "They're four, yeah." "And this is like an eight-string herringbone." "Gracious me." "Kate's ambitious corn maiden contains goat's cheese and onion focaccia, beer-flavoured rye plaits, and spelt ears of corn filled with Cheddar." "Well, have you got a corn doll?" "I have, it's one my children made, so..." "Let's have a look." "MEL:" "Isn't that a fertility symbol, Kate?" "I think it may be." "This is very fertile, this, isn't it?" "Yeah." "Do you want to have more children, Kate?" "Absolutely not." "I love the ones I've got." "Yes." "But..." "You're not planning on any..." "No, no more, no." "Michael's savoury plaited centrepiece is also a family affair." "I'm making Cypriot-inspired plaited loaf bread." "Drawing on my inspiration of my grandma, and baking at home with her, and stuff like that." "So it definitely is like a traditional Cypriot flavour combination." "If it goes down well with Paul, it would be good." "I know he knows the flavours quite well." "Michael will celebrate the year his family's homeland became independent by recreating the Cypriot flag with plaited breads flavoured with olives, coriander and sun-dried tomatoes." "I heard, as well, that there's family alcohol." "Yeah." "Are you talking about zivania?" "Yeah." "Zivania?" "It's about 99% proof." "Could strip paint off a car." "This one..." "This one probably is." "It's from one of my aunts' villages." "Wow." "It's pretty strong." "Oh." "You'll be fine, Mary." "Yeah." "Just have it after your other breads, so can actually taste them." "Thank you very much." "Thank you very much." "Good luck." "Today, I'm making two types of rye and one kamut bread." "The only thing I can liken it to is like a spelt-type flour." "It's quite natty." "Candice's plaited kamut will be filled with mozzarella and olives." "It'll sit on top of a light and dark rye twist." "So I do the knead three times over, knead it for ten seconds, leave it for ten minutes, knead it for ten seconds..." "Two..." "Three..." "It worked really nicely at home." "Kneading is now more crucial than ever." "The plaited centrepieces will only hold their shape if the bakers have built up enough gluten in the dough." "So, the key thing is both managing time and making sure I get the right bits thick enough that it supports the loaf." "Andrew's large woven rye basket will need to be strong enough to support a wholemeal pesto-filled rim and a giant handle flavoured with orange and cardamom." "If it's not thick enough, it will lean." "I don't want a Leaning Tower of Basket." "But Andrew's centrepiece may not be the biggest." "I'm doing a two-piece centrepiece." "One is good to be a serpent, which is Jormungandr..." "Sorry?" "Jormungandr." "And Mjolnir, which is Thor's hammer." "The dark rye and spelt snake, filled with cranberries and walnuts, will feel the might of" "Thor's rye and spelt hammer, flavoured with ale and seaweed." "What seaweed are you using?" "I'm using laver." "Lava?" "Laver, yeah." "As in a volcano?" "As in colour." "It's a slightly out-there flavour." "But one I thought was interesting to try." "May the power of Thor be with you now." "Indeed!" "But even Tom might not have the largest Showstopper." "It's going to be a Noah's Ark." "So, Two By Two?" "No, it's As They All Went Into The Ark For To Get Out Of The Rain." "It's a hymn." "As a plait?" "Yes." "It's plaited." "So it's a plaited ark hymn?" "Yes." "A white and wholemeal bread ark, topped with a tomato and basil flavoured roof, will rescue an assortment of spelt bread animals." "There'll be an elephant." "One elephant?" "Or...?" "The whole point is..." "They've argued." "Two giraffes." "Of course." "And there'll be a dove." "A dove?" "A dove." "Don't they need two?" "Need two doves?" "Well, one's flown away." "I normally bake with very simple flours, nothing too complicated." "I've never actually baked with spelt flour." "Selasi's spelt tear-and-share loaf will be filled with dry-cured beef and sun-dried tomatoes." "It will sit beneath a multi-seeded tree, and a star-shaped loaf topped with chillies." "We seem to have a tree, and then a tear-and-share ball, but they're not actually related?" "On a trip to Egypt, we went to a Bedouin tent, and then we all sat under a tree and just ate together and it was just, like..." "Us sharing." "That's the whole piece." "It's a lovely story." "Yeah." "It is." "It is a lovely story." "Yeah" " Jackanory." "Proving multiple doughs requires careful planning." "The variety of flours used will mean each batch will rise at a different rate." "I will not be serving anyone raw dough today." "I really want to prove it until it's doubled in size, but I will compromise the proving to make sure that my bread is baked right through." "And if multiple proving wasn't hard enough..." "That going to fit?" "..at the same time... ..some bakers have set themselves the extra task of making fillings." "This time I've gone a lot more conservative than I did yesterday." "It was pretty hot." "So normally pesto is with pine nuts, but I'm using walnuts and pistachios." "Benjamina is pinning her hopes on her pesto and feta filled spelt spirals which will top her onion and tomato rye loaf." "How are you feeling?" "Oh, this has got to be good." "Do you feel that?" "I'm just a bit..." "I just want it to bake." "It's just got to bake." "Because the first one was raw." "It would be good, wouldn't it?" "It would be good if it was cooked." "I'm using ingredients that you won't necessarily find in pesto." "Garlic, it's got ginger, coriander..." "It's got some chillies in it and it tastes good." "Rav's spiced pesto will fill the bottom tier of his Diwali centrepiece." "His other layers will be filled with a fragrant coconut and masala chutney." "What's your favourite?" "I think that's my favourite." "That." "That?" "That is the coconut chutney." "Shut your eyes." "No, I've played Guess The Smell with you before and come a cropper." "Can I say, this is a terribly difficult game." "Let's play Melanie's Guess The Smell." "Right, Guess The Smell." "Tell me when the smell is present, cos I'm just getting you at the moment and it's really unpleasant." "Is it there?" "Yep." "That's nothing, that's metal." "LAUGHTER" "Smell The Timer, that's my new game!" "I want to slowly cook down the chorizo to release all that lovely... aroma." "Oh, it smells so good." "Jane's chorizo and chilli will fill the plaited ring of her centrepiece." "The middle will be stuffed with pecan, Parmesan and pesto." "Showstopper day." "Don't, I've been worrying all night about it." "Did you sleep?" "Up until about four o'clock." "Listen, there's a lot riding on this day for many people in this tent." "There is." "There really is." "You're not alone in that." "Well, I'm going to take advice from yesterday - turn the oven down, cook it for a bit longer." "Long and low." "Bye-bye, Jane." "Bye-bye." "All right, my arty Vincent van Doughs, you've got two hours left." "I need to... turn this into a basket." "The bakers now need to act fast." "That's looking all right." "They need to fill, plait and shape their loaves for a second prove... ..but be careful to leave enough time for baking." "Paul said yesterday about being careful not to overladen your bread with ingredients." "I would at home probably shove all that in, but I'm going to be good, so I don't overstuff it." "Adding my olives to my kamut." "It's really important to be precise so that all the braids are the same size, so the braids look uniform." "Just trying to remember how to plait, now." "This one goes under..." "I won't say my plaiting skills are the best." "Anything above three strands, I can't do." "You've got to give it enough room to expand, otherwise it just gets into one big glob." "Right over..." "Still not right!" "NERVOUS LAUGH" "Nope." "This is the most concentrated I can ever be." "It needs to have a flat base and a flat top." "I haven't plaited a lot." "I was busy playing football and watching the girls!" "You take the string on the left under the middle two strings, back over the last one." "I don't think the four-string plaits are too difficult." "I used to do this with my pony's tail." "This is the serpent." "It's a six-strand plait." "Just poking in some mozzarella before it goes for its second prove." "All the careful plaiting could be undone in the second prove." "I'm going to leave it to prove for..." "40 minutes." "The bakers need to ensure it doesn't expand too much and lose its shape, while at the same time continuing to plait their remaining elements." "The shape that you've created here..." "It's very male, isn't it?" "Yes, it's a hammer, strong, it's also a T." "T for Thor, T for Tom." "I'm not being led." "My mum's going to watch this!" "She's coming out, but I've got about six minutes before she needs to go in the oven, so I'm going to just start popping these on her." "She will get as many plaits as I've made." "Everyone apart from Kate has at least two loaves to bake..." "I've really got to crack on." "I'm going to get that one in the oven." "..and only one oven." "That's it, the serpent in the oven." "CUT GLASS ACCENT:" "Bakers, half an hour left on this challenge." "Well BREAD(!" ")" "I don't know why I made such ruddy large loaves." "Could really do with another oven!" "(You can do it.) She's in." "So now the Jormungandr cools, and we'll bake the hammer." "And we've got about 30 minutes left." "These take about 25 minutes, so we're cutting it quite fine." "It's a trade-off between having that one cooked or having this one cooked!" "Cos I think that could use another 5 minutes." "Is it?" "Isn't it?" "It should be... 85 to 90 degrees C in the middle." "It should be cooked." "Every time I've made it before, when it's been hollow, it's been cooked, but with all the raw dough that's been flying around, I'm just... hyper paranoid." "I'm quite happy with that." "I've got a bit of time for it to cool down." "Not cooked." "It's the problem when you've got a big lump of dough for an elephant, it does take a long while to cook." "Yesterday Paul said my loaf was minutes off being cooked." "So..." "I'm giving it the minutes." "Bakers, you've got five minutes to get your plaits out." "I'm going to go until we have one minute spare." "Come on - cook." "Cook!" "Come on, now." "Be cooked." "Is it an elephant or a tortoise, Val?" "And these are..." "Slugs?" "No..." "Giraffes!" "Oh, blast!" "Quick, Val - bandage it up, bandage it up, old girl." "There we go." "Val, health and safety, Val." "Hold it." "Look, I've got a big old split." "HOLLOW THUDDING" "METALLIC CRASH Sh!" "It's coming out." "This is the Cypriot flag." "It's got to come out..." "..cooked or not." "Bakers, let's put this challenge to BREAD." "Time is up, move your bakes to the end of your work stations, thank you." "Well done." "(I'm worried about it." "Don't be worried.)" "Jane, would you like to bring up your savoury plaited centrepiece?" "It is a beautiful colour." "Thank you." "The definition on the outside is there, but there's a lot of breaks in this." "It is baked beautifully." "This is the one with the chorizo in it." "The paprika in there is lovely." "The whole flavours on the outside are delicious and the texture is very good, as well." "Oh, thank you." "And this one is the pesto one." "Yes." "I like it." "Oh, thank you." "Mm!" "Nice bit of spring on there, lots of flavour, good plaiting." "I think it's absolutely beautiful." "Well done." "Oh, thank you so much." "What a splendid loaf to start with!" "I can't really see which is Noah's Ark and which is the animals." "Is that a chicken?" "It's a giraffe, Paul." "Ah." "It's a bit..." "It's not a mess, it's informal." "This is raw." "The smell is amazing, though." "Lovely flavour." "Now, our elephant here also looks underbaked." "Yeah, this one is raw." "Getting to the ark, it's a bit doughy." "Yep." "Ooh, bit salty, as well." "That was the idea of it." "Good one, Val." "Like the sea?" "Yep." "Right, OK." "You can do design." "The idea is fantastic, but I don't think it was executed to a high standard." "Your proving is very good cos it's very bold, it's round, it's shiny, it's equal." "The plaiting is excellent." "I think you've done a very good job from the outside." "When you put some cranberries in there, walnuts in there, you expect to have at least that in every single bite and you're just not getting that." "The texture is spot-on and the bake is very, very good, too." "This has got stout..." "And seaweed, as well." "The bake and texture on this is spot-on." "I've never had seaweed in bread before." "I like it." "It certainly does look a centrepiece, which is what we've asked for." "And it has a beautifully defined plait." "It is a weave rather than a joined up..." "You have big gaps, there." "These are too big." "The flavour of the cardamom and orange is beautiful." "Perfect balance between the two." "But the flavour of all three are very, very good." "OK." "Well done, Andrew." "Very good, well done." "A pith helmet of bread." "Just adorned... with our love." "The design looks great." "Bold, big beautiful." "And a glorious colour." "That's a lovely flavour." "Very good." "Feta and the herbs combination is stunning." "Onions give it a good flavour." "Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous." "Quite hot." "It's got a bit of heat in there, hasn't it?" "Let's move onto the next one." "It tastes lovely." "You could have put more flavour in there, though." "This was wholemeal?" "Yes." "The filling is delicious, but the actual bread itself just doesn't have the spring." "So this is the tree." "Yes." "And this is to represent..." "That was meant to be a star." "I can't see a visible plait, it's all over the place." "Very close texture." "It's not strong enough on the flavour." "You can toast some of the seeds to bring out the flavour." "That looks good." "It looks tempting, I want to eat it." "When you get that bresaola, it's delicious, cos the texture is spot-on and the flavours are coming through beautifully." "But you haven't driven it together as one centrepiece - what you've got is three loaves and sort of come up with a story, that, yeah, it comes together as a centrepiece." "Which doesn't really wash with me!" "How do you think it went?" "Yiamas, by the way." "Thank you." "Um, it went all right, I think." "LAUGHTER" "Brace, brace(!" ")" "Are you bribing the judges?" "No!" "I'll have it after." "Do you want a little sip of this, before I tell you what I think?" "LAUGHTER Oh!" "Oh!" "It is a mess." "They are sort of folded over, but not properly plaited." "Olive, coriander and onion is a classic." "Yeah." "But you've mixed it with other flours and diluted it and you need more coriander in there." "OK." "It's rather sad you didn't glaze it, we didn't get the rise and we haven't got the definition of the plaiting." "You've done really well to keep the plaiting so well contained." "The overall effect on it is superb, it is very, very good." "The textures and flavours in each of the layers are absolutely gorgeous." "Especially in the focaccia with the onion in it, it's beautiful." "The goat's cheese works exceptionally well in there." "That is a fantastic loaf." "I think you should be congratulated and I want to come on your next picnic!" "You're welcome!" "We asked for plaits in both, we've got a plait in your lower loaf, but the one above, it's all gone into one." "Yes." "You can look at the dark rye, how much it's broken up, and the light rye, too." "Just work those doughs a little bit more." "It's quite close textured." "Yes." "I can't SEE the green olives, I can't TASTE the green olives," "I can't SMELL the green olives and mozzarella," "I haven't hit any of them." "The twist on the bottom is very good and it tastes lovely." "Thank you." "Really good." "The top one is a mess, though, and when it comes to flavour, dough development, plaiting, proving, baking." "I mean, all of it." "Ta-dah, everybody(!" ")" "MEL:" "So who's going to be crowned Star Baker, Paul and Mary?" "If it was just today's performance, it would have been Kate." "It certainly could be Tom." "And it could be Andrew." "The people who are a little bit in trouble is Val..." "No!" "Although she did come first in Technical, she was poor in the Signature and today wasn't good." "I think Michael is in a little bit of trouble as well and Candice, as well." "Last week's Star Baker." "The curse of the Star Baker." "Keep talking about it as if it's a real thing." "(The curse of the Star Baker.) The curse of the Star Baker." "Ooh!" "BIRDSONG" "Bakers, I get the great job." "I get to announce who's this week's Star Baker." "There were many great bakes in the Showstopper round, but this was the stuff of legend." "A sight for Thor eyes." "Yes, it's Hammertime." "Congratulations, Tom." "You're Star Baker!" "Well done, Tom!" "On this racecourse of bakery, you are all thorough-breads." "But I'm so sorry, you know how this works..." "So I'm afraid the person... (Oh, it's going to be me.) ..who will not be joining us next time on Bake Off is..." "..Michael." "I'm really sorry, Michael." "So sorry to say goodbye." "You're such a good 'un." "The bake I went on is a bake that meant a lot to me, so, yeah, it is quite sad that I went based on that." "So sorry." "Going to be letting my mum know first." "She's been the one with me right from the start." "She'll still be proud of me." "Happy I've got this far, but obviously I just wasn't sort of up to the standard." "I'd like to see Michael carry on doing what he's doing." "He is a great baker, actually, he's a nice lad as well." "I'm sorry, my friend." "I said I'll keep in touch with him." "We'll meet in Cyprus and have a beer." "Certainly not a zivania!" "I'm one very lucky lady again." "Next week I need to have a little sort of rethink and really learn, because I don't want to feel like this again." "I think you were a bit shocked about that!" "I was REALLY shocked!" "Tom has been consistently in the middle or slightly above, but he pulled out the stops this week and I was very pleased to see it." "I did not expect that." "At all." "In any way." "I was looking around thinking," ""Did they make a pun about Thor's Hammer?"" "(Star Baker!" ")" "Obviously, it would have been nice to get Star Baker, but to be fair, thoroughly deserved by Tom today." "My corn doll lucky charm is coming back next week, actually!" "I think she might become my baking mascot!" "I'm hanging in by the skin of my teeth." "I've got to work on timing, consistency, and the challenge next week - my goodness, it is a challenge." "Next time..." "For the first time in the history of Bake Off..." "Hot oil..." "It's batter week." "All the colour has drained from you." "But who can make identical Yorkshire puddings?" "They're not going to allow me into Yorkshire ever again." "And fill them?" "Unbelievable." "Who can flip a technically perfect pancake?" "Yeah!" "And who can produce a Showstopper..." "I am done." "..without an oven?" "Hopefully!" | {
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"(ENGINE REVVING)" "(TIRES SCREECHING)" "(HORN BLARING)" "(MACHINE GUNS FIRING)" "(SPEAKING ITALIAN)" "(CHATTERING OVER RADIO)" "(GROANS)" "It's time to get out." "(ANOTHER WAY TO DIE PLAYING)" "Another ringer with the slick trigger finger for Her Majesty" "Another one with the golden tongue Poisoning your fantasy" "Another bill from a killer Turned a thriller to a tragedy" "A door left open A woman walking by" "A drop in the water A look in the eye" "A phone on the table A man on your side" "Oh, someone that you think that you can trust is just" "Another way to die" "Another tricky little gun Giving silence to the one" "That will never see the sunshine" "Another inch of your life sacrificed for your brother In the nick of time" "Another dirty money heaven-sent honey Turning on a dime" "Well, a door left open A woman walking by" "A drop in the water A look in the eye" "A phone on the table A man on your side" "Oh, someone that you think that you can trust is just" "Another way to die" "Hey!" "You know you're gonna die" "Shoot 'em, bang, bang!" "A door left open A woman walking by" "A drop in the water A look in the eye" "A phone on the table A man on your side" "Oh, someone that you think that you can trust is just" "Another way to die" "Another" "Another" "It's just another way" "Shoot 'em up, bang, bang!" "You know you're gonna" "Die!" "Die!" "Just another" "Just another" "It's just another way" "Bang, bang, bang, bang" "(MAN CHATTERING OVER P.A.)" "(PEOPLE CHEERING)" "Don't bleed to death." "Hello, Mitchell." "Bond." "The Americans are gonna be none too pleased about this." "I promised them Le Chiffre, and they got Le Chiffre." "They got his body." "If they'd wanted his soul, they should have made a deal with a priest." "M:" "Has he said anything?" "No." "I'm going to check the perimeter, ma'am." "You look like hell." "When's the last time you slept?" "Vesper's boyfriend, Yusef Kabira, the one who was abducted in Morocco, the one she was trying to save." "His body was washed up on a beach in Ibiza." "We're meant to believe the fish did that to his face." "His wallet and ID were in his pocket." "BOND:" "Well, that's convenient." "Quite." "Which is why I did a DNA check on a lock of his hair found in Vesper's apartment." "It's not him." "A lock of his hair?" "I wouldn't have thought Vesper the sentimental type." "Well, we never really know anyone, do we?" "But I do need to know, Bond." "I need to know that I can trust you." "And you don't?" "Well, it'd be a pretty cold bastard who didn't want revenge for the death of someone he loved." "You don't have to worry about me." "I'm not gonna go chasing him." "He's not important." "And neither was she." "It's clear, ma'am." "Thanks, Mitchell." "Shall we?" "(PEOPLE CLAMORING)" "(MAN ANNOUNCING ON P.A.)" "(PEOPLE CHEERING)" "Are you gonna tell us who you work for?" "I was always very interested to meet you." "I'd heard so much about you from Vesper." "The real shame is that if she hadn't killed herself, we would have had you, too." "I think you would have done anything for her." "Well, you know you're not in Britain, and God knows where you'll be tomorrow." "Which should tell you that eventually you will tell us about the people you work with, and the longer it takes, the more painful we'll make it." "(LAUGHING)" "You really don't know anything about us." "It's so amusing because we are on the other side, thinking, "The MI6, the CIA, they're looking over our shoulders." ""They're listening to our conversations."" "And the truth is you don't even know we exist." "Well, we do now, Mr. White, and we're quick learners." "(CHUCKLING) Oh, really?" "Well, then, the first thing you should know about us is that we have people everywhere." "Am I right?" "(GROANS)" "(PEOPLE PROTESTING)" "(WOMAN SCREAMING)" "(SPEAKING ITALIAN)" "(GROANS)" "(PEOPLE CLAMORING)" "(GROANS)" "(BRAKES SCREECHING)" "(BELL TOLLING)" "(BOTH GRUNTING)" "(PANTING)" "(SIREN WARBLES)" "(HORN HONKING)" "(PEOPLE CLAMORING)" "Anything?" "Craig Mitchell worked for me for eight years." "He passed a full security check and lie detector test every year." "Didn't leave so much as a scrap of paper to explain any of it." "Eight years!" "Five as my personal bodyguard." "I found this and three other bloody Christmas presents" "I bought him about the house." "I don't think he smoked." "And you had to kill him." "Couldn't bring him in for questioning so that we might actually learn something." "When someone says we got people everywhere, you expect it to be hyperbole." "Lots of people say that." "Florists use that expression." "Doesn't mean that they've got somebody working for them inside the bloody room." "What the hell is this organization, Bond?" "How can they be everywhere and we know nothing about them?" "I assume we found no trace of White." "No." "The agent guarding the door in the garage was dead before you passed him on the stairs." "I passed him on the stairs?" "Christ!" "Mitchell must have killed him when he went out to check the perimeter." "You're lucky to be here." "(CELL PHONE RINGING) Do you think White's still alive?" "Yes, I do." "What is it?" "TANNER:" "Craig Mitchell, 45 years old." "No living family." "Gave generously to charity." "Tell me you know more than that." "Our moneymen went through every bill in Mitchell's wallet and house." "How much did he have?" "Less than 100 pounds, and about the same in euros and dollars." "Excuse me." "Excuse me, ma'am." "We've done a complete forensic analysis of every note and its traceable history." "Not in the mood." "After you." "TANNER:" "This particular note from Mitchell's wallet may be of interest." "AUTOMATED VOICE:" "Scanning." "We introduced tagged bills into Le Chiffre's money-laundering operation by intercepting illegal payoffs." "We traced money through several of his bank accounts around the world." "That's pretty thin." "At the rate money changes hands, you could probably find a tenner in my wallet with a tag." "That's true, ma'am." "A single bill could be a coincidence, but what about a whole stack?" "These bills, from the same series as Mitchell's, were just scanned at a bank in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, deposited in the account of a Mr. Slate." "Impress me." "We have a Mr. Edmund Slate returning to Port-au-Prince from Heathrow this morning." "His entry documents have him staying at the Hotel Dessalines." "He's in room 325." "Thank you." "DRIVER:" "You're welcome." "(BOTH GRUNTING)" "(SCREAMS)" "Do you have any messages for 325?" "No, sir." "The only message was about the briefcase that was delivered earlier." "Did you want us to continue holding it?" "No." "No, I'll take that now." "Yes, sir." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Get in!" "What?" "Get in." "All right." "You're late." "I got pulled into a meeting." "Who with?" "A friend of Mr. White's." "Don't think I know him." "It's funny." "You don't look at all like I expected." "Really?" "What were you expecting?" "I didn't think geologists looked so..." "So?" "A friend of yours?" "I don't have any friends." "(HORNS BLARING)" "(TIRES SCREECHING)" "Get out of the way!" "Move!" "We didn't settle on a price." "Make me an offer." "We can work it out later, over drinks." "Dominic didn't give you any trouble, did he?" "No." "What the hell is this?" "I think someone wants to kill you." "That wasn't very nice." "You were supposed to shoot her." "Well, I missed." "Get Bond." "Where is he now?" "Approaching the docks, Kings Quay." "AUTOMATED VOICE:" "Connecting." "TANNER:" "Tanner." "I've got Bond." "Ask him about Slate." "She wants to know about Slate." "Tell her Slate was a dead end." "Slate was a dead end." "AUTOMATED VOICE:" "Connection terminated." "Damn him." "He killed him." "(SPEAKING SWISS GERMAN)" "(SPEAKING FRENCH)" "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "Touch me and I'll break your wrist." "(SPEAKING FRENCH)" "Camille." "How nice to see you." "Alive, you mean?" "I knew we shouldn't have slept together." "I think I'm starting to like you." "So you did just try and have me killed." "(EXHALES)" "And that made me very sad thinking I would never see you again." "But here you are." "Damn it, Dominic!" "I was trying to help you." "I was trying to uncover a leak." "And you, you sent someone to kill me?" "Please don't talk to me like I'm stupid!" "It's unattractive." "Come." "I wanna show you something." "Come." "There's nothing that makes me more uncomfortable than friends talking behind my back." "It feels like ants under my skin." "It's been that way forever." "I remember when I was 15," "I had a crush on one of my mother's piano students." "Somehow I overheard her saying very nasty things about me." "I got so angry." "I took an iron." "Is that him?" "I..." "We only spoke on the phone." "It's such a shame because he's one of my best geologists." "He said you asked to buy information." "No." "He called me and offered to sell me information." "Why would I come back here if I was lying?" "(CHUCKLING) Because you love me." "I was doing it for you." "To stop him from betraying you." "You know what burns more than all your bullshit?" "Is that I always got the feeling that you were only sleeping with me to get to General Medrano." "Is that him?" "You know how these deposed dictators are, jealous of their safety." "Stick around." "I'll introduce you." "Do you see the girl that just walked in here?" "Could you give her that?" "Tell her to call me." "(IN FRENCH)" "(IN FRENCH)" "(RINGING)" "WOMAN ON MACHINE:" "You've reached Universal Exports." "Our offices are currently closed." "(IN FRENCH)" "(LAUGHING)" "And you can do all this for me?" "Well, look at what we did to this country." "The Haitians elect a priest who decides to raise the minimum wage from 38 cents to $1 a day." "Whoa!" "It's not a lot, but it's enough to upset the corporations who were here making T-shirts and running shoes." "So they called us, and we facilitated a change." "The difference is, my country's not some flyspeck in the middle of the Caribbean." "But we've already begun destabilizing the government." "We'll supply the private security." "We'll pay off the right officials, and we have 26 countries ready to officially recognize your new Bolivian government." "You want your country back." "My organization can give it to you within the week." "You've been busy." "And in return you want what?" "A desert." "(THANKS IN FRENCH)" "This part." "This land is worthless." "Oh." "So you're getting a great deal." "You won't find oil there." "Everyone has tried." "Maybe, maybe not." "But we own whatever we find." "Did you know Ernesto Montes?" "A very powerful man in his day." "He had a beautiful Russian wife." "A dancer." "Well, his daughter works for me." "Or did." "She's lovely, but I don't see the resemblance." "Why don't you consider her as something to sweeten the deal?" "Just promise me to drop her over the side when you're done." "Camille, General Medrano." "(GREETS IN SPANISH)" "(GREETS IN SPANISH)" "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "Be careful what you wish for, my dear." "Have fun, you two." "(PEOPLE CHATTERING EXCITEDLY)" "(ACCELERATING)" "(CLAMORING IN SPANISH)" "(CAMILLE GROANS)" "(YELLING IN SPANISH)" "What the hell are you doing?" "You're welcome!" "You idiot!" "Take me back!" "You know, maybe I'll do that later." "You're not one of Greene's." "Dominic Greene?" "(MACHINE GUN FIRING)" "Get down!" "Give me the wheel!" "Navigate!" "Left!" "What are you doing?" "Hold on!" "(EXCLAIMS)" "Get down!" "(MACHINE GUN FIRING)" "Excuse me." "Thank you." "She's seasick." "(BEEPING)" "It's Bond." "Connect Bond." "AUTOMATED VOICE:" "Connecting 007." "Yes?" "Name check, Dominic Greene." "G-R-E-E-N-E." "I might need a little more than that." "There are a lot of Dominic Greenes." "Do you have a social security or passport number?" "No." "AUTOMATED VOICE:" "Scanning DGSE databases." "BOND:" "Anything?" "Scanning KGB databases." "Do you have anything?" "Will you put her on, please?" "I am on, Bond." "What happened to Slate?" "I'm not dwelling on the past." "I don't think you should, either." "You killed him." "Largest hit, Dominic Greene, CEO of Greene Planet." "It's a utility company, but Greene's been doing a lot of philanthropic work, buying up large tracts of land for ecological preserves." "You should be getting his picture now." "Yep, that's him." "I'm afraid there's a firewall around his other corporate holdings, so we have no other information." "Get me the Americans." "AUTOMATED VOICE:" "Connecting." "AMERICAN WOMAN:" "Go ahead." "Interest in Dominic Greene, Greene Planet." "Transferring you now." "MAN:" "Hold for Gregory Beam, please." "Thank you." "Hi, this is Gregory Beam, ma'am." "Hello, Mr. Beam." "I'm so sorry to keep you waiting." "We have no interest in Mr. Greene." "Thank you, Mr. Beam." "AUTOMATED VOICE:" "Connection terminated." "He's a person of extreme interest." "But he just said that he wasn't..." "Tanner, I asked about the man and she transferred me to the section chief of South America." "How would she know to do that if they weren't tracking him?" "TANNER:" "Bond, we have your location as approaching an airfield." "Is Greene on the move?" "Yeah." "I've got a tail number, Golf-Zero-Charlie- Sierra-Charlie." "Get me a destination." "It's a private charter going to Bregenz, Austria, leaving immediately." "Tanner, authorize a charter for 007." "And, Bond, if you could avoid killing every possible lead, it would be deeply appreciated." "Yes, ma'am." "I'll do my best." "AUTOMATED VOICE:" "Connection terminated." "I've heard that before." "WOMAN:" "Hello." "Hi." "Ah." "Welcome aboard." "(EXCHANGING GREETINGS IN FRENCH)" "Come." "Have a seat." "Charlie-Sierra-Charlie." "Jeez." "Sorry." "How much longer?" "So do we have an understanding?" "Uh, yeah." "We do nothing to stop a coup in Bolivia, and in exchange, the new government gives America the lease to any oil found." "If it's oil you want." "Well, you didn't find diamonds, did you?" "(LAUGHING)" "Drilling underground, you kept off everybody's radar for a very long time, but you can't buy that much piping without somebody getting curious." "We'll have to verify the find." "I'm not even admitting there is one." "You are getting this for free." "Venezuela, Brazil, now Bolivia." "With you tied up in the Middle East," "South America is falling like dominoes." "You don't need another Marxist giving national resources to the people, do you?" "Well, we can hardly be expected to do something about a coup we know nothing about." "And I have a pest." "This." "You have any idea who that is?" "Sorry." "It's James Bond, British Secret Service." "I don't know how I could have missed that." "I will need you to get rid of him for me." "Yeah." "That's not gonna be a problem." "(ENGINE STARTS)" "You know who Greene is and you wanna put us in bed with him." "You are kidding, right?" "Yeah." "You're right." "We should just deal with nice people." "I need to know you're on the team, Felix." "I need to know you value your career." "(BEEPING)" "Dominic Greene." "Good to see you." "How are you?" "Good." "Thank you." "WOMAN ON P.A.:" "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's performance of Tosca will begin shortly." "Please take your seats." "(CLATTERING)" "(SINGING OPERA)" "(DRAMATIC ORGAN MUSIC PLAYING)" "(ARTIFICIAL THUNDER CRASHING)" "(MAN CONTINUES SINGING)" "WOMAN OVER EARPHONES:" "What else does General Medrano require?" "WOMAN: (INTERMITTENTLY) Anything further from Canadian intelligence?" "MR. WHITE: (INTERMITTENTLY) We'll discuss that later." "(CONNECTION CRACKLING)" "MAN 2:" "How much more pipeline do we need?" "Ideally, 2,000 kilometers." "Are there any objections?" "WOMAN:" "No." "MAN 1:" "Not here." "MAN 3:" "No objections." "Transfer the funds from our Siberian holdings." "MR. WHITE:" "Done." "Where do the Americans stand?" "Well, the CIA doesn't care about another dictator as long as they get their end." "But when they find out that they've been duped?" "I'm working on that." "MAN 4:" "I'm still not sure that the Tierra Project is the best use of Quantum's time." "MAN 5:" "Perhaps we should shift our focus to the Canadian." "DOMINIC:" "This is the world's most precious resource." "We need to control as much of it as we can." "Bolivia must be top priority." "Can I offer an opinion?" "I really think you people should find a better place to meet." "Where do you think you're going?" "(CAMERA CLICKS)" "(CAMERA CLICKS)" "(CAMERA CLICKS)" "Thank you." "(FOOTSTEPS CLATTERING)" "(GROANING)" "Well, Tosca isn't for everyone." "(INAUDIBLE)" "(MAN SHOUTING)" "(GASPING)" "Drop it." "(GUN CLATTERING)" "So who are you working for?" "Piss off." "DOMINIC:" "Get rid of anything we brought with us." "We've been compromised." "I asked you who you were working for." "Is he one of ours?" "No." "Then he shouldn't be looking at me." "Get me M." "(PHONE RINGING)" "MAN:" "It's your line." "Thanks." "Connect call." "AUTOMATED VOICE:" "Connecting Tanner." "TANNER:" "We've ID'd the pictures." "Show me." "Gregor Karakov, former minister, now owns most of the mines in Siberia," "Moishe Soref, former Mossad, now telecom giant, and Guy Haines, special envoy to the Prime Minister." "Get Bond." "There's something else." "It appears Bond shot Haines' bodyguard and threw him off a roof." "(CELL PHONE RINGING)" "M:" "Where are you?" "Did you get my pictures?" "Was this a conversation?" "Can you link these people?" "Is that stress in your voice?" "I need you to come in and debrief." "I don't have time." "Bond," "(OVER SPEAKER) you killed a man in Bregenz." "I did my best not to." "You shot him at point blank and threw him off a roof." "I'd hardly call that showing restraint, especially since he was a member of Special Branch." "So who was he guarding?" "Bond, are you missing the fact that you killed a member of Special Branch?" "I need you to come in." "And I would, but right now I need to find the man who tried to kill you." "Go back to sleep." "AUTOMATED VOICE:" "Connection terminated." "Restrict Bond's movements." "Cancel his cards." "Put an alert on his passports." "All of them." "And I want to know everything we don't know about Haines." "TANNER:" "Yes, ma'am." "And, Tanner, be careful who you trust with this." "Hopefully, you're a better judge of character than I am." "You want to follow your friends to La Paz, Bolivia?" "Please." "(BEEPS) Oh." "I'm sorry, sir, but this doesn't work." "Do you have another card?" "No." "Could you do me a favor?" "You're gonna get a phone call in a minute." "Would you mind telling them I'm headed for Cairo?" "I'd be happy to." "Thank you." "(PHONE RINGING)" "(GREETING IN GERMAN)" "Mathis." "What do you want?" "Come to apologize?" "You know, Mathis," "I think retirement suits you." "None for him." "Sorry." "He's in a bad mood today." "(SPEAKING ITALIAN)" "(AGREES)" "I need a passport and matching credit cards." "And MI6 ran out of plastic?" "Well, oddly, right now, you're the only person I think I can trust." "That is odd." "But I guess when one's young, it seems very easy to distinguish between right and wrong." "But as one gets older, it becomes more difficult." "The villains and the heroes get all mixed up." "I was sorry to hear about Vesper." "I think she loved you." "Mmm." "Right up until the moment she betrayed me." "She died for you." "Why did you really want to see me?" "I need some information." "Ah." "You have some hard friends." "This man is some kind of facilitator." "Fingers in many pies, and they don't leave any prints." "These men were together?" "They're buying up oil pipeline." "Something called the Tierra Project." "Do you know it?" "Destroy these." "That's Guy Haines." "You don't know him?" "Should I?" "(CHUCKLES) I suppose not." "You haven't been keeping secrets as long as I have." "He keeps a very low profile, but he's one of the Prime Minister's closest advisors." "Well, they say you're judged by the strength of your enemies." "Do you know anything about Bolivia?" "I was stationed in South America for seven years." "Well, do you have some contacts there?" "A few." "What do you want to know?" "Come with me." "(SCOFFS)" "(IN ITALIAN)" "You can't sleep?" "MAN:" "May I fix you a drink, sir?" "What are you drinking?" "I don't know." "What am I drinking?" "Three measures of Gordon's gin, one of vodka, half of..." "Kina Lillet." "Kina Lillet, which is not Vermouth, shaken well until it is ice-cold, then served with a large thin slice of lemon peel." "Six of them." "That's impressive." "They're good." "You should have one." "No, it'll just keep me awake." "(SNIFFLES)" "So what's keeping you awake?" "I was wondering why you came with me." "It takes something to admit you were wrong." "You want a sleeping pill?" "No." "Pain pill?" "No." "I have pills for everything." "Some make you taller." "(SNORTS)" "Some make you forget." "I'm going to try and get some sleep." "Good idea." "Thank you." "Mr. Bond, my name is Fields." "I'm from the consulate." "Well, of course you are." "And what do you do at the consulate, Fields?" "That's not important." "My orders are to turn you around and put you on the first plane back to London." "Do those orders include my friend Mathis?" "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are." "You see that?" "Gone such a short time and already forgotten." "(SIGHING) You're just saying that to hurt me." "Mr. Bond, these orders come from the highest possible authority." "Taxi." "Fields, when is the next flight to London?" "Tomorrow morning." "Well then, we have all night." "If you attempt to flee, I will arrest you, drop you off in jail and take you to the plane in chains." "Understand?" "Perfectly." "After you." "(QUIETLY) I think she has handcuffs." "I do hope so." "(DRIVER CHATTERING IN SPANISH)" "He blames the water shortage on global warming." "Hello, Carlos?" "Carlos." "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "(DRIVER CONTINUES CHATTERING)" "The Colonel who heads the National Police." "(SHUSHING IN SPANISH)" "(DRIVER CONTINUES CHATTERING)" "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "We have a reservation." "(EXCHANGING GREETINGS IN SPANISH)" "MAN:" "Cómo está?" "Very well, thank you." "Your name?" "Miss Fields." "You're going nowhere." "So shoot me." "I'd rather stay in a morgue." "We are teachers on sabbatical." "This fits our cover." "No, it doesn't." "Get in." "(ENUNCIATING) Get in!" "(DRIVER CONTINUES CHATTERING)" "(MATHIS SHUSHING FRUSTRATEDLY)" "(CHATTERING CONTINUES)" "(MATHIS SHUSHING DRIVER SHARPLY)" "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "Follow me, please." "May I show you your room, señor?" "No, it's fine." "Thank you." "(THANKS IN SPANISH)" "I can't find the, um..." "The stationery." "Will you come and help me look?" "(SCOFFS)" "(KNOCKING ON DOOR)" "You've been invited to a party." "I didn't know we had any friends here." "Greene Planet." "You're not coming?" "I'm having a drink with my friend the Colonel." "I'll see you there later." "Do you know how angry I am at myself?" "I can't imagine." "(EXHALES TREMULOUSLY)" "You must be furious." "Do you want to go to a party?" "A party?" "But I have nothing to wear." "We'll fix that." "(MUSIC PLAYING)" "(PEOPLE CHATTERING)" "(SOFTLY) It might be useful to know your real name." "Fields." "Just Fields." "Fields it is, then." "DOMINIC:" "We are in a spiral of environmental decline." "Since 1945, 17% of the planet's vegetated surface has been irreversibly degraded." "The Tierra Project is just one small part of a global network of Eco Parks that Greene Planet has created to rejuvenate a world on the verge of collapse." "I hope that tonight you make the decision to be part of that." "Thank you." "(PEOPLE APPLAUDING)" "And have fun." "Congratulations." "Thank you." "Excellent speech and congratulations." "Wonderful speech, Dominic." "We need you here." "Thank you." "Miss Fields, Mr. Bond, my friend Carlos." "Pleased to meet you." "Ma'am." "Mr. Bond, Mathis has spoken a great deal about you." "I want you to know my entire police force is at your disposal." "Well, that could be very useful." "You know, there are people in this country spending half their paycheck just to get clean water." "What do you think of that?" "The Bolivian government is the problem." "They cut down the trees, then act surprised when the water and the soil wash out to sea." "I couldn't agree more." "I hope this figure is to your liking." "Chéri, you shouldn't tease." "Why don't you tell them about all the land you bought up outside Potosí?" "It's been a pleasure." "Will you excuse me?" "Of course." "CAMILLE:" "Somehow the logging rights went to a multinational corporation that cut down the forests, but only after our last government sold the land to Greene Planet." "(CHUCKLING)" "Or have I got my facts crossed?" "(CHUCKING) Yes, I think you did." "You'll excuse us?" "What a wonderful night." "You just cost me quite a bit of money, darling." "You can't put a price on integrity." "I can try." "Oh!" "Thank you." "Tell me you didn't drop by tonight just to piss on my parade." "Or are you still after this General's head for your mantel?" "A little of both." "Tell me where Medrano is and maybe you won't lose any more investors." "(CHUCKLES) You are really breaking my heart, choosing an insect like that over me." "(CHUCKLING)" "Are you going to throw me over?" "No." "You've been drinking, so maybe you slipped." "(POUTS) Oh." "Just think how much you'd miss me." "(GASPS)" "BOND:" "Good evening." "There you are." "Would you excuse me?" "Mr. Bond." "What a pleasure." "Well, careful with this one." "She won't go to bed with you unless you give her something she really wants." "It's a shame because she's really quite stunning once you get her on her back." "(SNIDELY) I wish I could say the feeling was mutual." "I'm sorry, Mr. Greene, but we have to go." "Please." "My friends call me Dominic." "I'm sure they do." "How much do you know about Bond, Camille?" "Because he's rather a tragic case." "As MI6 says, he's difficult to control." "Nice way of saying that everything he touches seems to wither and die." "Shall we?" "Doesn't bode well for you, I'm afraid." "You two do make a charming couple, though." "You're both..." "What's the expression?" "Damaged goods." "(EXCLAIMS)" "(GROANING)" "Oh, my gosh!" "I'm so sorry." "Come on, lighten up." "You're cramping my style." "So it's British intelligence now." "What the hell do you want from me?" "You're gonna show me Dominic Greene's Tierra Project." "Are you up to it?" "Do I have a choice?" "Do you want one?" "There's something horribly efficient about you." "Is that a compliment?" "(SIREN WAILING)" "Well, what's the bet that Dominic Greene has friends in the police force?" "Stay here." "(GREETS IN SPANISH)" "(IN SPANISH)" "(TO HIMSELF) Now, why would you want me to do that?" "(GUNSHOT)" "Mathis?" "(GROANS IN PAIN)" "There's a hospital on the other side of town." "Please." "Stay with me." "Stay here, please." "Please." "(WHISPERING) Come here." "(GASPS)" "It's okay." "That's better." "That doesn't hurt." "Is Mathis your cover name?" "Yes." "Not a very good one, is it?" "(SCOFFS)" "Do we forgive each other?" "I shouldn't have left you alone." "Vesper." "She gave everything for you." "Forgive her." "Forgive yourself." "Is that how you treat your friends?" "He wouldn't care." "Let's go." "The Foreign Secretary's asking to see you." "What don't I know?" "Rene Mathis has been shot dead in Bolivia." "The police claim it was Bond." "(GREETS IN SPANISH)" "(GREETS IN SPANISH)" "CAMILLE:" "How much did you pay him?" "Well, he wanted you, but I left him the car as collateral." "He'll make much more when he sells us out." "Right." "Let's see if this thing'll fly." "Here." "All the information I found said there was nothing of value there, but Greene's geologist had proof that there was." "My sources tell me you're Bolivian Secret Service, or used to be, and that you infiltrated Greene's organization by having sex with him." "(SNORTS)" "That offends you?" "No, not in the slightest." "So what's your interest in Greene?" "Amongst other things, he tried to kill a friend of mine." "A woman?" "Yes." "But it's not what you think." "Your mother?" "She likes to think so." "What's that down there?" "That's a sinkhole." "There are a few around here." "Just for the record, I wasn't with Greene for my... (MACHINE GUNS FIRING)" "(IN SPANISH)" "Damn it!" "(ENGINE REVVING)" "CAMILLE:" "I think we lost him!" "(IN SPANISH)" "He's coming fast!" "(MACHINE GUNS FIRING)" "(MACHINE GUNS FIRING)" "(MACHINE GUNS FIRING)" "(ENGINE SPUTTERING)" "He's right behind you!" "(PROXIMITY ALARM BEEPING)" "(ALARM BUZZING)" "Here." "Put that on!" "(PANTING)" "(MACHINE GUNS FIRING)" "(SCREAMS)" "Come on!" "Camille!" "(GROANING)" "According to the Bolivians, it was a routine stop, and when they discovered Mathis' body, Bond disarmed and shot them." "Of course, there are no witnesses to prove otherwise." "I need something." "I can't go in there unarmed." "I'm sorry." "There's nothing." "(KNOCK ON DOOR)" "Come in." "What's today's excuse?" "That Bond is legally blind?" "No, Minister." "I don't think I need to tell you how upset the PM is." "With respect, the PM has my direct line." "And he'd have used it if he'd wanted to speak to you." "I'm sorry, M. Things have changed." "We've had long discussions with our cousins." "Mr. Greene's interests and ours now align." "Minister, this man is a major player in one of the most dangerous organizations..." "We've never even heard of." "Foreign policy cannot be conducted on the basis of hunches and innuendo." "Then give us time to gather enough evidence so you can make informed decisions." "Fine." "Say you're right." "Say Greene is a villain." "If we refused to do business with villains, we'd have almost no one to trade with." "The world's running out of oil, M." "The Russians aren't playing ball." "The Americans and Chinese are dividing up what's left." "Right or wrong doesn't come into it." "We're acting out of necessity." "Bond is running wild." "Who's to say he hasn't been turned?" "Pull him in or the Americans will put him down." "I think I found a way out." "You're freezing." "I'm fine." "So what is it that Greene has that you want?" "It's not Greene." "It's Medrano, the man he met in Haiti." "My father worked for the military junta." "He was a very cruel man, but he was my father." "When I was a small child the opposition sent general Medrano to our house." "He shot my father." "He did things to my mother and my sister and then strangled them while I watched." "I was too young to be any trouble, so he just smiled at me" "and set the house on fire." "He left his mark." "So when I pulled you off the boat..." "I waited years for that chance." "I apologize." "It seems we're both using Greene to get to somebody." "You lost somebody?" "I did, yes." "You catch whoever did it?" "No." "Not yet." "Tell me when you do." "I'd like to know how it feels." "We should go." "You ready?" "They used dynamite." "(CLATTERING)" "This used to be a riverbed." "Greene isn't after the oil." "He wants the water." "We can't leave it like this." "It's one dam." "He's creating a drought." "He'll have built others." "(PEOPLE CHATTERING)" "(PEOPLE CHATTERING)" "Excuse me, sir." "Your wife left a message." "The English woman, she left it for you this morning." "Thank you." "My pleasure." "What is it?" "Would you mind waiting down here?" "I'll be outside." "So that's what she meant." "I hope you can trust these men." "Just a moment." "It's Tanner." "Yes?" "We've got the girl downstairs." "She says to tell you she's sorry but this is not her fight." "It isn't." "Let her go." "She isn't our concern." "Well, I'm disappointed." "You are?" "How much oil did the Americans promise you?" "This isn't about oil." "Well, that's good, because there isn't any." "It's about trust." "You said you weren't motivated by revenge." "I'm motivated by my duty." "No." "I think you are so blinded by inconsolable rage that you don't care who you hurt." "When you can't tell your friends from your enemies, it's time to go." "You might like to tell her your theory about there being no oil." "Her lungs are full of it." "It was Greene." "No doubt." "But why?" "It's just misdirection." "I mean, why her, Bond?" "She was just supposed to send you home." "She worked in an office, collecting reports." "Look how well your charm works, James." "They'll do anything for you, won't they?" "How many is that now?" "You're removed from duty and suspended pending further investigation." "You'll give whatever weapons you have to these men and leave with them now." "(MEN GROANING)" "(ELEVATOR BELL DINGS)" "Miss Fields showed true bravery." "I want that mentioned in your report." "Now you and I need to see this through." "There's nowhere to go." "There's a capture or kill order out on you." "(CHATTERING)" "Who would have done that?" "Ma'am?" "Find out where he's going." "He's on to something." "Ma'am, the CIA is insisting..." "I could give a shit about the CIA or their trumped-up evidence." "He's my agent, and I trust him." "Go on." "Get in." "Are you gonna try and shoot me?" "I said, get in." "BEAM:" "You're gonna get botulism if you keep drinking that." "It's bottled water." "It probably came from some stream just around the corner from here." "Bunch of little kids peeing in it." "That's why I eat the peppers." "Well, all I'm saying is" "(FLY BUZZING) you can't trust a damn thing around here." "(PHONE RINGING)" "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "You know, you should just answer, "CIA", Felix." "A taxi driver told me where the office was." "Well, if we're so easy to find, James, you really should come visit." "Or maybe you should come out and see some more of the city." "(PEOPLE CHATTERING IN SPANISH)" "I heard a rumor you'd gone native." "Felix." "(SPEAKING SPANISH)" "You know, I was just wondering what South America would look like if nobody gave a damn about coke or communism." "It's always impressed me the way you boys have carved this place up." "I'll take that as a compliment coming from a Brit." "Are you sure you're playing with the right side?" "Regimes change once a week down here." "Medrano'll be no dirtier than the next guy." "Oh, you see, that's what I like about U.S. intelligence." "You'll lie down with anybody." "Including you, brother." "Including you." "Do you know you're being played?" "Dominic Greene's gonna suck this place dry, and then he's gonna move on, and you're gonna be left picking up the broken crockery." "What can I tell you?" "There's no such thing as a free lunch." "Well, you see, Felix, I don't think you're half as cynical as you make out to be." "You don't know me." "Why?" "Just because you didn't come alone?" "How long have I got?" "Thirty seconds." "Well, that doesn't give us a lot of time, does it?" "Medrano can't move until he pays off the army and the police chief." "Greene's bringing him his money now." "A hotel called La Perla de las Dunas in the desert." "Thank you, Felix." "James, move your ass." "(MACHINE GUNS FIRING)" "MAN:" "Get down!" "Get down, now!" "(PEOPLE CLAMORING)" "(MACHINE GUN FIRING)" "Move it!" "Move it!" "What the hell happened?" "What did you tell him?" "Just what we agreed." "(IN SPANISH)" "(DISTANT EXPLOSION)" "(MEDRANO SPEAKING)" "(CHUCKLING)" "What are you doing?" "The slide's caught." "Maybe you should check your own." "I will." "Have you ever killed someone?" "Your training will tell you that when the adrenaline kicks in you should compensate." "But part of you is not gonna believe the training because this kill is personal." "Take a deep breath." "You only need one shot." "Make it count." "Pendejo." "(SPEAKS SPANISH)" "In euros, as requested." "The dollar isn't what it once was." "The cost of war." "I am afraid that the corruption in this current government can no longer be tolerated." "And mine?" "Right after you sign over my land." "(IN SPANISH)" "My first official act." "And this, if you would." "What is this?" "As of this moment, my organization owns more than 60% of Bolivia's water supply." "So this contract states that your new government will use us as utilities provider." "This is double what we are paying now." "Well, then don't sign it." "But you should know something about me and the people I work with." "We deal with the left or the right, with dictators or liberators." "If the current president had been more agreeable," "I wouldn't be talking to you." "So, if you decide not to sign, you will wake up with your balls in your mouth and your willing replacement standing over you." "If you doubt that, then shoot me, take that money and have a good night's sleep." "(EXHALES)" "(SCREAMING)" "You and I had a mutual friend." "(MEN CLAMORING)" "(SCREAMS)" "(SOBBING)" "(SCREAMS)" "(YELLING)" "(SCREAMING)" "(SCREAMING)" "(GUN FIRES)" "Sounds like you just lost another one." "(LAUGHING)" "(GASPING)" "Not this way." "Not this way." "I can't." "I can't." "Come here." "Like you said," ""Take a deep breath." ""Make it count."" "(COCKS GUN)" "(WHISPERING) Close your eyes." "(CLATTERING)" "BOND:" "Come on!" "BOND:" "Wait here." "(PANTING)" "(COCKS GUN)" "You promised that you'd..." "Let you go?" "I answered your questions." "I told you what you wanted to know about Quantum." "Yes, you did, and your friends'd know that so they're probably looking for you." "But the good news is, you're in the middle of a desert." "Here." "I bet you make it 20 miles before you consider drinking that." "Goodbye, Mr. Greene." "(DOOR CLOSES)" "Thank you." "It's my pleasure." "Are you all right?" "Fine." "But I keep thinking, "He's dead." ""Now what?"" "Well, the dam we saw will have to come down, and there'll be others, too." "Someone who worked for Greene might be of help." "Not a bad idea." "Do you think they'll be able to sleep now?" "I don't think the dead care about vengeance." "I wish I could set you free." "But your prison is in there." "(LAUGHING)" "YUSEF:" "Fine." "Anything for an easy life." "BOND: (QUIETLY) Sit down." "Sit down!" "It's okay, baby." "You're Canadian?" "You work in Canadian intelligence?" "It's all right." "I know you do." "And knowing this man," "I'd guess you have access to some very sensitive material which you're gonna be forced to give up." "His life will be threatened, and because you love him, you won't hesitate." "It's a beautiful necklace." "Did he give it to you?" "I have one just like it." "He gave it to a friend of mine, someone very close to me." "Your name is?" "Corrine." "Corrine." "Corrine, I suggest you leave now." "You contact your people, and you tell them to check their seals." "They have a leak." "Do it now, please." "This man and I have some unfinished business." "(CLEARS THROAT NERVOUSLY)" "Thank you." "Please." "Make it quick." "Is he still alive?" "He is." "I'm surprised." "Did you find what you were looking for?" "Yes." "Good." "I assume you have no regrets." "I don't." "What about you?" "Of course not." "That would be unprofessional." "They found Greene dead in the middle of the Bolivian desert, of all places." "Two bullets in the back of his skull." "They found motor oil in his stomach." "Does that mean anything to you?" "Wish I could help." "You'll be glad to know, I straightened things out with the Americans." "Your friend Leiter's been promoted." "He replaced Beam." "Well, then the right people kept their jobs." "Something like that." "Congratulations." "You were right." "About what?" "About Vesper." "Ma'am." "Bond," "I need you back." "I never left." "(NECKLACE JINGLING)" "(BOND THEME PLAYING)" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Georgina, hey." "I'll be there in a second." "Things were so much easier when we were younger." "We just jumped into things." "Why can't we just be more like that?" "Marry me, Lily." "The next time you forget you're Blair Waldorf, remember I'm Chuck Bass, and I love you." "Scott, what's going on?" "I haven't told you the truth." "I'm your son's brother." "If you're looking for the first excuse to bolt, trust me, you're gonna find one." "I'm not looking for an excuse anymore." "I didn't really give you a chance to know both sides of me, and I'm wondering if you still want to." "I don't even know why I'm pretending to think about it." "Yes." "Yes, of course." "This is your fault." "That's not fair." "Not fair?" "I go away to take care of my mother, and I come back and my daughter is not going to college." "I'm headed home to face the family firing squad." "Considering what you did to us, being able to find you is gonna go a long way." "Go ahead and run if you want." "You know how much daddy loves to hunt." "Some say love is a river..." "some say love's a silly song... some say love is all around us..." "it lifts usup where we belong... some say love is hearing laughter in the rain... but on the Upper East Side, we all know love is pain." "Toasted blueberry?" "You spoil me." "Dorota offered to make eggs, but I thought it was the duty of the devoted lover to provide." "I missed you." "Yeah, you showed me just how much when I got in last night." "So how was your trip?" "Did you get your money back from your poker buddy?" "No." "And I would have let it slide, but with my parents cutting me off..." "Trust me." "I get it." "Working for K.C. is nowhere near as lucrative as being Lily Bass' daughter." "For now, toaster pastries are all I can afford." "So go." "Talk to her..." "for me." "Fine." "But then you have to do something for me." "Take my place at dim sum with my friends." "Dumplings with Blair and Chuck?" "And Nate." "You can do some recon." "Blair hates Nate's new girlfriend." "You can find out if she's really that bad." "I bet Bree is perfectly nice, even though she is a Buckley." "Um, unfortunately," "I..." "I do have more, um, people who owe me money to talk to." "Fine." "Eat up." "One second." "I'm telling Olivia to say hi to godzilla from me." "It's funny, right?" "More so than your awful sushi puns." "Well, I'm a terrible I.M. flirter, but as long as Olivia's on this Asian press tour," "I have..." "I have no choice." "And anyway, you know," ""sashimi later" is charming." "Why are you using my screen name again?" "Because every time I log on, Georgina pounces on my I.M." "I broke up with her." "I don't know how much more clear about my feelings I can be." "You could tell her you're dating someone else." "We all live on the same floor, Dan." "When she gets back, she's gonna figure it out." "Point taken." "I'll e-mail her later." "You talked to Scott at all?" "I called him last week, but he hasn't called me back." "I guess he didn't like me that much." "Really?" "It didn't seem like that." "I'm sorry." "I mean, I know you really liked him." "I did, too, actually, I guess, 'cause in a weird way, we were kind of related." "You know, I'm gonna hit the bleecker." "Do... do you want a coffee?" "No, no, no." "You go." "Oh." "The... the toilets in Tokyo talk." "Hi." "Um, I'll have a nonfat latte." "Sure." "Hi." "Did you miss me?" "Georgina." "The bloodsucker is back." "I saw her coffin and telltale Louis Vuitton broom on the floor." "Vampires don't ride brooms, Blair." "Leave it to Georgina to start a mutant strain." "You know, my roommate and I didn't see eye to eye at first, so one night I bought ice cream cone cupcakes from the treats truck, and we bonded." "She taught me how to say "hello" in Swahili." "Jambo." "Aw." "Do you happen to know what the Swahili is for "mind your own beeswax"?" "No reason, of course." "It just might be useful someday on safari." "Blair, come on." "So, Bree, you went home last week?" "Yeah." "Tried to mend the I'm... dating-a-Van Der Bilt fence." "It didn't work." "We're southern, so family loyalty's really big down there." "Like slavery." "What?" "I'm joking." "You know I'm joking, right, Bree?" "So what's Serena doing?" "She still dating Baizen or she come to her senses yet?" "Carter Baizen?" "Is he in town?" "I..." "I..." "I heard he was away on business." "He is." "Traveling is so important." "Bree, have you ever thought about traveling..." "Somewhere very far away?" "I wasn't aware you knew Carter." "Yeah." "Our families used to vacation together on sea island." "I've been trying to track him down." "You guys mind if I order for the table?" "She was in Shanghai last year." "Nate doesn't like tofu when it's called bean curd, and he hasn't eaten pork since he saw "babe," with me." "Well, okay, um, I'll let you guys fend for yourself." "If you'll excuse me." "Blair." "What?" "I'll go apologize for my girlfriend." "So you're happy with Chuck." "Don't I deserve to be happy as well?" "Trust me, Nate." "I know women, and none of us are that nice." "He'll be back soon." "He's in love." "You're looking for Carter?" "The worm is dating my stepsister." "Look, if he's done something to you, I need to know." "Any enemy of Carter's is a friend of mine." "I can't really talk about it, but, uh, you should tell your stepsister to be careful." "If the worm pops out of the ground, let me know, okay?" "That was, by far, your best wedding... the flowers, the foie gras." "Who would have guessed nine months later," "Klaus would have auf'd?" "Well, the worst thing is I thought he would make me happy." "I thought all of them would." "What are you doing here?" "I wanted to clear the air." "I'm sorry." "I know that you're disappointed that I'm not going to Brown, and I know that you're angry that I left." "I'm not angry at you, Serena." "I should have been here this summer to help you with the decision instead of leaving you here with yet another man who doesn't get it." "Mom, what are you talking about?" "You and Rufus are the perfect couple." "Thank you for stopping by." "Hey." "Hey, what's going on with mom and Rufus?" "Oh, you didn't know?" "They've been in a cold war since the day you left." "Over Brown?" "Oh, on the surface, yeah, but I have a feeling mom's flipping out about other things, too." "Yeah, I think they could be in real trouble." "Dad, hey." "What are you doing here?" "I've been running." "You've been running with jeans on?" "They didn't chafe?" "If you don't mind," "I..." "I need to sleep in my own bed tonight... maybe longer." "Dan, hey." "Yeah, hey, listen." "Um, I know that my dad and Lily have been having a rough go of it lately, but, uh, things may have taken a turn." "He's spending the night here." "No." "They just need to sit down and talk" "Remind themselves of how much they love each other, before this gets any more out of hand." "I..." "I'm gonna figure out a way." "Okay?" "I..." "I promise." "Why won't he respond to any of my calls or... or texts or my animated e-cards?" "Are you serious?" "The last one I sent him was this adorable singing dog." "Okay, Dan didn't write you back, because "a," he broke up with you," ""b," he's seeing someone else, and "c," even though I tried to defend you, you're a full-on crazy person." "Wait." "Can we go back to "b" for a second?" "He can't be seeing someone else, because we just broke up and..." "Okay." "Then you're gonna get Dan to dump her." "And why in the world would I do that?" "I didn't visit my family last week." "I was in Boston." "You know, I met the sweetest guy." "I think you know him." "Scott Rosson?" "Oh, my God." "He just had so much on his mind, and after several glasses of wine, slightly enhanced, you wouldn't believe what he told me." "What are you saying, Georgina?" "Get Dan to dump the whore, or I'm gonna tell the whole world Scott's secret." "And that would be too bad, because "a,"" "that's the last thing he wants," ""b," how do you think Dan's gonna feel" "When he finds out you've known his brother's been alive the whole time?" "And "c," who are you gonna hang out with when all the Humphreys hate you?" "Should we review "b" again?" "Some say love's a secret you keep sealed." "But to Georgina Sparks, love's always a battlefield." "All right, so what's the emergency?" "Dan, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but according to the, uh, "Star," Olivia's been spotted all over Japan canoodling with..." "Orlando Bloom." "You know, I'm not..." "I'm not worried." "They're apparently very good friends." "So, uh, am I on speaker?" "Also, uh, "us weekly" has her on baby bump watch." "Probably just bloat, but I thought you'd want to know, especially with the Orlando Bloom connection." "Right." "Since when do you read gossip magazines?" "They're Olivia's." "She subscribes to both, which also speaks a lot to her character, don't you think?" "Look, Vanessa, I don't believe that, obviously, and... and neither do you, so what are... what are you trying to tell me here?" "I was thinking, don't you think that dating a movie star is gonna be kind of hard?" "I mean, wouldn't you rather be with someone... from New York?" "Who you have history with?" "Look, I don't know if you're joking or if Lenny made brownies for your floor again, but, uh, I'm..." "I'm kind of in the middle of something here, so, uh, we'll talk later." "All right?" "Well, that was just pathetic." "Haven't you ever tried to get somebody to dump a celebrity before?" "No." "That's okay." "Plan "b."" "You're familiar with Photoshop, I presume." "This is a great idea, guys." "I needed some family time." "Let's order." "Uh, no, no." "I'm still deciding." "Jenny, you've eaten the same thing here every time since you were 11." "What's going on?" "Well, if K.C. is texting you, you should go." "I will in a minute." "Well, the three of us can do family lunch anytime." "Some other..." "You're kidding." "I knew I let you kids watch "The Parent Trap"" "too many times." "Y... it's time for you two to talk." "You love each other." "And it's not Rufus' fault that I made the decision not to go to Brown." "Well, I do love the bolognese here." "I can't believe that actually worked." "I know." "I'm a genius, which doesn't quite explain why I'll be spending the day reorganizing K.C.'s shoe closet." "Gotta go." "Carter is not who you think he is." "And I know you don't like to discuss this, but he wasn't the cause of my spiral, just a symptom." "And he makes Serena truly happy." "What is this?" "It's incredible." "Buntautuk." "I learned it from a master in chiang mai." "Serena's deluded." "The guy's not capable of genuine feelings." "He's brought out a different side of her." "They're all happy and domestic, nested up at my mother's." "Ohh!" "Carter's at your penthouse?" "Why wouldn't you tell Bree that when she asked?" "He got in last night." "She just called me a couple hours ago." "Anyway, why would I tell that future nascar mom anything?" "I hate her and the tractor she rode in on." "What you hate is Nate moving on." "Look, I love you," "But Nate liking Bree doesn't make her a piranha, and Serena liking Carter doesn't make him a prince." "Hey." "Where you going?" "I have tension." "So maybe I'm crazy, but I think Vanessa is trying to get me to break up with Olivia." "Ooh." "Evidence?" "No, it--it was this tabloid magazine thing." "And then she gave me this whole speech about how she thought" "I should be with somebody I share history with, you know?" "Oh, mystery solved." "Uh, yeah." "Duh." "I mean, everyone in the state knows how she feels about you." "That's... no, come on." "No, That was... that was years ago." "That can't be... come on, Dan." "Have you ever seen a romantic comedy?" "This is the scene right before you chase after her and tell her that you can't believe how blind you were this whole time." "You really like Olivia, though, right?" "Yeah." "Yeah, I do." "Then you better tell Vanessa that." "Do you remember that night at Amherst?" "We just opened for Sonic youth, and it was pouring rain, and we couldn't bear another night in the van." "Oh, and we sprung for a room in that quirky little inn." "The Skylark." "You remember." "Of course I do." "They served us wine in "Welcome back, Kotter" mugs." "I swiped horshack for you." "Yeah." "That was a perfect night." "It was." "I know we talked about the Pierre, but an inn like the Skylark might be a cool place to get married in." "No offense, but you've already done the fancy wedding thing... a few times." "Don't you want to do something more us?" "Well, yeah, that's great, Rufus." "I'm sure that Mayor Bloomberg would feel perfectly comfortable toasting us with a Freddie "boom-boom" Washington cup." "That is so you, not us." "I'm sorry." "I didn't realize the Mayor was coming." "I've never even met the man." "Well, there are certain expectations that come with being Lily Bass." "You do understand that, don't you?" "Maybe I don't, because every time we get to a good place," "I do or say something that makes you angry." "Well, that's because you can't compromise." "You know what?" "Maybe we aren't ready to talk." "Maybe we're not." "Oh, my God." "Dan." "Oh, my God." "What are you doing here?" "I can explain." "You know what?" "It's okay." "It's okay." "You can tell me." "All right?" "I'm your best friend." "I can handle it." "You're my best friend, too, but I don't think I can." "You know what?" "I know anyway." "I mean, I think I've known deep down inside for a couple months now." "You know, the way you broke up with Scott..." "Yeah, I had to." "The tabloid thing and the way you were weirded out by me hanging out in the Hamptons." "It's all right." "What?" "How does that have anything to do with..." "But I gotta be honest, you know." "I really like Olivia." "Whoa, whoa." "Dan, you're really off base right now." "And I mean, you know, I've always cared about you, always." "Stop." "Stop." "I'm not in love with you, you moron." "Georgina's been blackmailing me." "What?" "Why?" "Vanessa." "Vanessa, look, I'm you're best friend." "You can tell me." "You have to tell me." "What does she have on you?" "She knows that I know..." "Scott... is your brother." "Rrufus?" "Lily, where are you?" "Where are you?" "I'm at the loft." "I..." "I came to apologize." "I don't know why I got so crazy." "You were right." "I am never really gonna understand this world I am now a part of, but that doesn't stop me from loving you." "It never has." "I love you, too." "Well, we can keep asking each other if we can do this." "We can keep planning and talking and adjusting and talking some more, or we can just leap." "So let's leap." "Let's get married." "We're already getting married, Rufus." "I mean soon." "I mean tomorrow." "We leap." "Omg yes!" "We leap." "Put on those dancing shoes, kids." "Looks like we're going to the chapel." "The Whitney is a no, Harvard club a no and Colicchio laughed in my face when I asked about craft." "The only time I want to hear "no"" "is if Ruth Madoff wants an invite." "Constance crew, what have you got?" "My sister's a florist." "She can handle the flowers." "Great." "We've got cake." "My aunt owns a bakery." "She said she found a "cancellation."" "Oh, I'm sorry." "My family's in investment banking." "They're all broke." "Then you can go." "Dorota." "I call the Sonic youths." "They in North Hampton, will try to make it." "Acceptable." "Hey, Jenny, you okay?" "You've been working on that dress all night." "Yeah." "It's like my own "Project Runway" challenge." "Wow." "This is really happening." "Are you sure you don't need any help?" "For once, don't worry about any of the wedding details." "You work on getting married." "And write those vows." "Oh, I just finished." "Then let me hear them." "Yeah." "Yeah, aunt Irene." "So I'll..." "I'll see you then?" "Okay." "Yeah, the socks fit perfectly." "All right." "Bye." "Don't make me do this." "You know it's only a matter of time before Georgina spills." "Yeah, that's exactly why we should tell my dad." "Dan, this was your idea." "Lily and your dad are too precarious right now." "This is their wedding day." "You can't drop a bomb like that." "You're gonna have to hold Georgina off for one more day." "You can do this." "Be strong." "Okay." "Just, um, remind me later to kill you, please." "Hey, dad, listen." "So I gotta go out for a couple of hours, but I will be back as soon as I can." "It's my wedding day." "Where are you going?" "You don't want to know, but it's absolutely, absolutely important." "I promise." ""And watching the sun set over the ocean in Santa Cruz that day, I knew that Rufus Humphrey was meant for me." Mom, are you kidding me?" "Those could be the exact same vows you wrote for Klaus." "You substituted Lederhosen for Doc Martens and Nice for Santa Cruz." "No, they couldn't." "Oh, God." "I'm terrible at this." "What do I say?" "This wedding isn't like your others." "You're marrying Rufus..." "your soul mate, the love of your life... talk about that and your futures together, what you'll do, all that kind of stuff." "God." "Serena, I just got off the phone with the Mayor's office." "He's agreed to expedite permits." "Rufus and Lily can get married at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden." "It's perfect." "Okay, what are we waiting for?" "Amalia, new mean girls, go to the garden and get to work." "Blair, you're on whip-cracking duty." "I'll deal with the caterers." "Mom, just please work on those vows." "Okay." "I'll handle everything else." "Wow." "I wondered what happened to Poppy." "I had no idea it was that easy to get someone deported." "That's... that is, um, that's..." "that's so thoughtful." "That's so Georgina." "Uh, you know, I really missed you while you were away." "You did?" "I..." "I heard you were seeing someone." "I was." "But she... it turns out she was dating Orlando Bloom behind my back." "Can you believe that?" "No." "Yeah." "Huh." "It is amazing how down that guy's star-o-meter has gone." "I shouldn't have been with someone like that." "You know, there's... there's no..." "there's no history there." "In fact, I was thinking that maybe we could hit the reset button on us." "You know, like go on a date, something like that." "Really?" "You want me to be your date at your dad's wedding today?" "I..." "I read about it on "Gossip girl."" "Uh, y... y... you know what?" "That's kind of a..." "It's a private event." "It's small." "Uh, so tomorrow." "Oh." "Yeah." "Okay." "Uh, that... that works." "Great." "Yeah, okay." "What does it mean when someone used to grab your ass but now doesn't?" "It means that someone's a big fat liar." "How is my favorite bridesmaid?" "Working my butt off, but happy." "You're coming, right?" "I wouldn't miss you in something pink and poofy." "I'm serious." "I know you've been avoiding my friends, but this is my mother's wedding." "It's important." "I know." "You can't hide from them forever." "Chuck is prickly." "I'll be there, and I'm not afraid of Chuck." "I wouldn't pull out the suit quite yet." "I've spoken to Bree Buckley." "She told me everything." "Did you tell her where I was?" "I told her there's a certain wedding at the garden that she and her family wouldn't want to miss." "You're setting me up." "No, I'm giving you a choice." "You can go to the wedding and tell Serena the ugly truth." "Even if by some chance she can stomach you after that, you still have to deal with Bree, her family... and a little thing I like to call southern justice." "Or?" "I'm getting sick of being your travel agent." "This ticket's the last, and it's one-way." "Georgina, hey." "Wow." "Uh, so how'd everything go with Vanessa?" "Does she, uh, does she even want to see me?" "You know what?" "We're going to go surprise her right now." "Let's buy you a tie." "Looks like this wedding song just became "stormy weather."" "Don't worry." "Here comes the sun." "The sonic youth's stuck in traffic." "It's okay, Dorota." "But next time, remember, Mr. Chuck has a chopper." "Hey, have you seen Carter?" "I haven't been able to reach him on his cell." "Its' still early." "He'll be here." "Go." "Flit." "Mingle." "I'll keep an eye out." "Don't worry." "I'm so glad you invited me, Nate." "Well, I'm just glad Blair didn't scare you off." "What, are you looking for someone?" "No, no, I'm just taking it all in." "It's..." "Perfect." "It's the perfect location, the perfect weather." "Eric, it's the perfect wedding." "I know." "Carter is more than fashionably late, and it better be because he's lost his keys or he got hit by a pedicab, and not because of something you did." "Trust me." "Serena's life will be much better without Carter, which is why I offered him an easy way out." "I don't care what Bree Buckley told you." "Carter's a new man with Serena, and this is her mother's wedding." "He won't miss it." "Well, we'll see who's right." "In the meantime, I'm going to get a canape." "I nearly choked." "She shoved her tongue right down my throat." "I..." "I did some great acting, though." "Totally pulled it off." "It'll be worth it when you see them finally happily married." "You're right." "You're right, right?" "I hope so." "I'll see you soon." "Try not to worry." "Yeah." "Oh, Jenny, it's gorgeous." "Thanks." "You know, Lily, it wasn't easy for me when my parents split up." "And, uh, it was even harder when I realized my dad was in love with someone else." "But the truth is," "I've..." "I've never seen him happier than he is with you." "That is so sweet." "I..." "I can't wait for you to hear his vows." "They're... they're all about your future together, and I don't want to spoil them, but they're really beautiful." "Okay, I'm gonna go, but you look amazing, and I'll see you out there." "Thank you." "Looks like I was right, and you were wrong." "Hey, you okay?" "No." "And you might not be either when you hear what I have to say." "A few months before we left to search for your dad," "I, uh," "I ran up some gambling debt." "I owed a lot of money to some scary people." "And then I met this woman..." "Beth." "She was shy, kind, and, well, she..." "fell in love with me, and I saw an opportunity." "She had money?" "Her family did, and I knew they'd take care of my debts if... it looked like I was about to be one of them, so..." "I proposed." "The wedding was all planned, and she had her dress, flowers." "And I... nearly went through with it, but I..." "I didn't love her." "So what, you... you just disappeared?" "It's the worst thing I've ever done." "You buy this girl a ring." "You tell her you love her." "What... what, did you make her breakfast in the morning, too?" "Serena, it's... it's not the same." "Carter, I have to go." "My mother's getting married right now." "I've been looking all over for you." "Geor..." "Georgina, hey." "What a..." "what a great surprise." "Uh, I thought our date was tomorrow." "It is." "I just stopped by to give Lily and Rufus a wedding present." "Hey." "What was that about?" "You look beautiful, Lil." "Come on." "Can we just talk for a second?" "I don't get it." "E... e..." "Everything came together for today." "I'm sorry." "I can't write my vows." "I mean, how could I when we don't agree on how to raise our children or how to get married or anything?" "What happened to taking a leap?" "But the stakes are too high." "Ah, the wedding march." "Here comes the awkward pause." "Uh, uh, I'm sorry, everyone." "There's been a slight delay." "I'm sure there's just a tear in her hem or something." "I'll..." "I'll check." "Looks like the wedding dress might have a runaway train." "I..." "I can't believe you." "You want to know what our future looks like, Lily?" "It looks like this." "We are going to fight." "We're... we're gonna want to kill each other sometimes." "That's what marriage is about... not running away from every little problem... sticking it out, you know, committing." "Do you think you can do that or not?" "I, uh..." "I don't think I can." "Wait." "So you're not getting married?" "Scott?" "What?" "Who are you?" "This is a private conversation at a private event." "How dare you." "What, do you know him?" "Yeah, that was..." "Your love child." "Yeah, not dead." "Congratulations." "It's a boy." "Love child." "Things didn't get any easier." "Might have to move the honeymoon suite to the Heartbreak hotel." "Wait." "Wait." "What was she talking about?" "Don't believe her." "Georgina is a liar." "What is she even doing here?" "Our son is dead, isn't he?" "Isn't he?" "Yeah, of course he is." "That was, uh, Scott Rosson," "Andrew's brother." "You know Andrew's brother?" "Or that's at least what he told me." "Dad, dad, dad." "Lily... um, Scott, um, Scott is your son." "I'm so sorry." "I was gonna tell you after the wedding." "I..." "I found out just yesterday." "Scott is..." "The Rossons lied to you." "Andrew wasn't your son." "Scott is." "He wasn't ready to tell you." "I have to go find him." "Vanessa, where do you think he went?" "He's probably headed back to Boston." "He takes the Chinatown bus." "I'm going to find him." "Well, I'm coming with you." "He's our son." "We're doing this together." "I'm so sorry." "Are you okay?" "Will you just leave?" "Please." "I..." "I need some time." "Just so you know, I told you what I told you, because it's not the same with you." "I really do care about you, Serena, so much." "Hey, Carter." "You remember my cousin Beth's brothers, right?" "Played defensive line for Arnett Mead?" "I'll be at the downing tonight." "We can't do this here." "They'll be watching you." "What?" "It's not like somebody else is gonna eat this now." "Mmm." "Hey, guys." "Great wedding, huh?" "Look, Rufus, we just drove around the entire block." "He's not here." "Vanessa was wrong." "The bus for Boston leaves in eight minutes." "So he could still come." "You know, he could be anywhere." "Let's go back to the bus stop." "But, uh..." "What are you doing?" "Let's go." "But what's the point?" "The point is we can still find him." "Well, and if we do, after what... after what I just did," "I... what am I supposed to say to him?" "That we're his parents and that we're here for him and that love can fix things." "Oh, we both know that's not true." "You know what?" "I don't." "You... what Scott saw was you grasping at anything you can to push me away." "That is not true." "First it was Serena and Brown, then the mugs and the mayor, then it's that you can't see the future." "Well, I'm scared of the future." "I'm scared of a lot of things." "You're scared because you're in love with me like you've never loved any of your husbands." "And unlike a Bart Bass, someone like me can break your heart, and that's terrifying." "And I know that, because right now you're breaking mine." "Scott?" "S... stop." "This was a mistake." "Don't say that." "All my life, I wondered about my real parents." "When I found out that they were you and Lily, that you were back together and you were getting married," "I guess I hoped that I'd find out that you gave me up 'cause you weren't ready, not 'cause you didn't love each other." "Look, the difference is now I know we both want you, need you in our lives." "Sure we got our problems, but Lily and I love our children, and despite what you just saw, we love each other." "He's right." "He's the best father and the best man I've ever known." "Uh, I am scared, because marrying you means finally giving myself a real partner, my children a real father, and... finally..." "letting myself truly love." "Lily." "I'm sorry, Rufus." "And I'm sorry, Scott... that this is how you had to meet me, because all I thought about for the last 20 years is... holding our child in my arms." "Please give us a chance." "Spotted... a family reunited, and it feels so good." "And I promise to eat caviar without spitting it in my napkin when we go to dinner at Mayor Bloomberg's, as long as he knows when he comes to our house, he's eating my chili." "Lily." "And, rufus, um," "I know that our future will be just like us... flawed and fragmented and full of more love than I ever thought possible." "I am so excited for you to be my husband... and for our children, all of them... to be my family." "Well, by the power vested in me by a sketchy service on the internet..." "I pronounce you husband and wife." "Yay!" "Okay, we get it." "Enough." "Congratulations." "I'm so happy for you." "Thank you." "Where is Carter?" "Oh, he... he went home." "He wasn't feeling well." "You know all I want is for you to be happy, right?" "Look, I have to admit, if you were at Brown, this wedding probably never would have happened, so thank you." "Of course." "And I really am so happy you finally found the right man." "Mm." "You're very lucky." "I love you." "Sorry for not telling you who I was." "You know what?" "I should have guessed." "No one under 40 has ever shown that much interest in Lincoln Hawk." "See, I told you." "He has my nose." "Uh, maybe, but those are my eyebrows." "So, Scott, what do you think about board games?" "Love them." "Fantastic." "So hey, uh, Vanessa texted." "She said she's sorry she couldn't make it back here." "I just..." "I just wish I didn't put her in the middle of all this." "Vanessa is an all's well that ends well kind of girl." "She'll be fine." "You thinking about sticking around?" "Nah, I have to go back to Boston, my family, figure my life out." "Lily said there's an open invitation." "I'll definitely take her up on that." "Maybe the holidays." "I'd love it." "I'm sure Vanessa would, too." "Come here." "Hey." "I've been looking for you." "You okay?" "Not really." "Carter told me some stuff, and it turns out, he's not the person I thought he was." "The person he is..." "I..." "I..." "I don't really want to know." "Look..." "I may loathe the guy, but he didn't have to own up to anything." "He could have skipped town." "I even bought him a ticket." "He risked a lot going to the wedding, knowing Bree would be there." "What, the girl he was engaged to was a Buckley?" "He must really care about you." "Do you think the Buckleys would actually hurt him?" "They clearly want revenge." "I talked to Blair." "So is it true?" "You used me to get to Carter?" "Yeah..." "I guess I did." "Come on, Nate." "You're a Van Der Bilt." "I'm a Buckley." "And as much as I like you, that's always gonna come first." "It's in my blood." "It's Texas." "If it means anything," "I'm sorry." "No." "No." "You know what?" "It doesn't..." "So please leave." "Carter, hey." "I just talked to Chuck." "I just want to make sure you're okay." "Call me, please." "I want to talk to you." "Well, it took 20 years, but we finally made it." "Well, I wouldn't have done it any other way." "This would be a perfect night except for the fact that Georgina got away unscathed." "I wouldn't be too certain about that." "Hi!" "I couldn't help but notice you." "I am Prince Alexi from Belarus." "Nice to meet you, Prince." "I am flying back to my home country right now to celebrate my new oil pipeline." "Any chance you want to join?" "You know, I'm pretty much over college, and, uh, well, who am I to say no to a Prince?" "Wonderful." "There are songs that make us want to dance, songs that make us want to sing along," "but the best songs are the ones that bring you back to the moment you first heard them and once again break your heart." "X.o.x.o., gossip girl." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"What I wouldn't give for a roving band of Prechian demons now." "Without the ritualistic slayings, of course." "Of course." "Something to fight." "Good to be done." "A little action." "We could buy a star map find out where Steven Seagal lives." "Think he got to be a star without demonic help?" "I say let things be quiet." "Quiet may be good for mankind, but bad for business." " We need to make a name for ourselves." " We can't agree on one." "Unless you came around to" " Nope." " Give it up already." "New name or not, we need to be out plying our trade." "Generating word of mouth." "We can't expect evil to walk through the door." " Can we help you?" " I'm looking for Wesley Wyndam-Pryce." " I'm Wesley." " I'm Francine." "My daughter, Stephanie." " I'm Virginia's friend from the club." " The country club." "One of Virginia's rich friends?" "You certainly came to the right place." "She says you specialize in the strange." "The stranger the better, as far as we're concerned." "Tell us the problem." "Trust me, we specialize in strange." "There's nothing we haven't see" "There's an eye in the back of her head." "Something bit her after swim practice." "When she woke up, that was there." "Did you see who or what did this to you?" "It was dark." "She doesn't remember." "She's been in shock since then." "I'll pay whatever it takes." "Can you fix it?" " Consider us already on it." " You came to the right place." " Who would do this?" " We'll find out, but it'll take time." "You'd be surprised how many nasty things are out these days." "He's right behind us." " Oh, God." " We gotta move now." "Pass these out, then get Eva to go into storage." "I bought a lot of sleeping bags in case we got crowded." "Open up." "Please?" "Open up." " I know it's past curfew." "Let us in." " 10:00." "You know the rules." "I know, but you can't leave us out here." "There's something" " We gotta come in." " We're full." " There's no more beds." " Please, we'll sleep on the floor." "Anne, don't make us go back out there." " Hey, Merl." " Jesus." "Can't you, you know, knock?" "You don't make that funny expression when I knock." " What are you doing?" " Packing." " You're not going anywhere." " Yes, I am." "As in far, as in now." "Who's gonna tell me all the fun facts about my friends?" "Big meeting tomorrow, top-level Wolfram Hart brass." "I think it's a new demon account." "9:30, Diaghilev." "That concludes my career as an informant." "Consider it a freebie." " Just like everything I've given you." " 9:30?" "Tomorrow." "Good luck." "Hope you bust that evil law firm wide open." " Why the rush to relocate?" " Well, let's see, there's...you." "And every crook and monstro who thinks they can waltz in and pound me for information." "Without paying." "At least that British guy understood what a working relationship was." "Had some respect." "You only care about yourself." " You're in no position to judge" " How is old Wesley, huh?" "Or the other two you fired?" "They doing all right?" "Gee, let me guess." "You never even bothered to check." " This had better pan out." " 9:30, at Diaghilev." "Pleasure doing business with you." "Make sure to get full names." "No tags or nicknames." "I don't want new kids to slip through the cracks." " I was getting a vibe." " Yeah?" " See if she's interested." " Okay." " Let me know." " Kenny." "Can we talk for a sec?" "How are you?" "It's been a while." "Fine." "Crashing different places." "You know me and shelters." "Too many rules." "I need my freedom." " So why'd you come in last night?" " It was cold out." " It was 65 degrees." " I'm from Florida." "65 degrees is like the Arctic Circle." "Kenny." "Why'd you come in?" " Cops." " What?" "Cops." "They've been hassling everybody." "What else is new, right?" "But these guys...." " We were hanging down on 39th" " Panhandling?" "No, washing my Mercedes." "This cop comes and hits me so hard, I thought my teeth were coming out." "He hit you?" " What were you doing?" " Nothing, I swear." "After he punched me, he threw Les into a wall." "Then he reached for his nightstick, so we ran." " He wasn't arresting you or" " He just said, "No loitering" slugged me in the mouth and chased us for a couple of blocks." " We got a big problem." " Good luck solving it." "I mean, who you gonna call, the cops?" "I know someone who can help." "Annie!" "What's up, girl?" "I ain't seen you in a minute." "Come here." "What brings you here?" "I wanted to see how the other half lives." "Oddly, it's not that different." "Come on." "We like to think of it as Early-American Dilapidation." " Hi, I'm Cordelia." " Anne." "Wesley Wyndam-Pryce." "Nice to meet you." "Anne runs a teen shelter on Crenshaw." " All this time and you still remember." " I get it." " I've been busy." " If you're not too busy can I run something by you?" "Kenny's not the only one." "The others all say the same thing." "No provocation." "No reason." "The cops are terrorizing them." "Renegade cops." "Not exactly my usual." "Oh, that's right." "You used to hunt" " It's cool." "They know what's what." " What?" "I still hunt vampires, but I've learned there are worse things." "Like overzealous cops beating on my kids." "Speaking of which, I should really get back." "The shelter gets jammed after sunset." "I'll go with you." "It's not safe to be alone." "I'm going to the center to see what's up." "And miss out on this exciting case?" " Wesley's friend got bit by a demon." " Are they okay?" " For the most part." " But she grew another eye in her head." "That sounds...handy." "What kind of demon does that?" "We're trying to figure that out." "Then we'll de-oculate her." " Just the one in the back." " Ah, yes." "Angel Investigations, home of the wicked, high-creep factor." " Angel?" " Our company, after our former boss." " We're changing it to the Gunn Agency." " No, we're not." " Once these narcissists get some sense." " But, Angel, that" "Not the guy in the black trench coat?" " You know him?" " He tried to help me out a while ago." " He did?" " Really?" "But it was just a scam to screw this law firm." "Well, he hasn't changed a bit." "Come on." " Thanks." " I got your back." " I ain't been here in forever." " It's been a while." " The cops are tripping, G." " Define "tripping."" "Out for blood." "Les got busted up." "The cops stopped me." "He got his gun, looking to put a cap in my ass." "It's outrageous." "They're gonna kill someone." "Could you give us a minute?" "I have some paperwork I could do." " You guys playing her?" " No way." "She's no fool but she has a blind spot." "She wants to trust you." "This ain't no scam." "We're the victims." "Right." "So, what was you doing when the cop pulled his piece on you?" " Nothing." " So I haven't seen you dealing on 5th?" " You telling me it wasn't you?" " It's history." "I gave that up." "Do the cops know that?" "It's not a street sweep the P.D. does every six months to shut up the moms." "Okay?" "This is war." "And everyone's a target." "She speaks true, G. 100% true." "Keep your hands where I can see them." "Sorry, officer." "Have I done something wrong?" "Turn around." "Face the fence." "Put your hands on your head." "This is a mistake." " You're under arrest." " You don't want to do this." "You have the right to remain silent." "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." "You have the right to an attorney." "Should you be unable to afford one, one will be appointed to you." "Do you understand your rights as I have...." "Well, if it isn't Charles Gunn, brother-at-large." " Meet Rondell and George." " Hi." "Greetings." "I got the camcorder." "What's up?" "A problem I promised we'd check." " This about cops cracking skulls?" " You know about it?" " Who doesn't?" " I didn't." " Someone could've told me." " You weren't around." "You been moving on up, playing demon detective with the new family." " "Deluxe apartment in the sky."" " It's Christmas when you call." "Maybe I shouldn't have called." "You're free to go." " We made the trip." " Don't do me no favors." "I'm not." "The favor's for these kids." "Now, you got a plan or don't you?" "It's simple." "You roll the camera and wait for them to hassle us." " How do you know they will?" " We'll be "walking while black."" "Come on." " Haven't seen you in a while." " Been busy." "Yeah, me too." "Couple of open cases I'm working." "Two women killed in a clothing store." "Lawyers from Wolfram Hart slaughtered in a wine cellar." " A real tragedy." " You seem pretty broken up by it." " We're still looking into this one." " Good luck with that." " Didn't find your vampire pals in time." " I did set them on fire later." "Sounds like you enjoyed it." "But murder's always been up your alley." "I guess this isn't the best time to tell you I just killed a cop." "I wouldn't joke about that, even if you are immortal." "Of course, this is a cop that keeps talking, even after decapitation." "They don't teach that at the academy." "Wanna tell me who it belonged to?" "That's him." " Officer Peter Harkes." " Know him?" "Well enough to be at his funeral six months ago." "You wanna take a ride?" "Yes, we can handle the eye thing without you." "That's not the point." "Just that maybe we should back you up on this." "Because I don't want you to get hurt." "Of course I do, but" "Hello?" " Gunn's about to do a stupid thing." " What did he say?" "To find out if cops have been brutalizing and killing people he's gonna tape cops trying to brutalize and kill him." " You're joking." " Nothing says "I'm onto you"..." " ..." "like getting a police beating." " You couldn't stop him?" "Hello!" "Gunn, stubborn: synonyms." "That can't be his plan, can it?" "I mean, it's really a dumb plan." "Gunn majored in Dumb Planning from Angel University." "He sat at the feet of the master and learned well how to plan dumbly." " We're gonna have to let him do this." " I'm sure he'll be fine." " He wants help, he knows where we are." " We'll work our gig, Gunn has his." " Let's save him from himself." " The third eye's not going anywhere." "That one." " He never saw who shot him." " Catch the killer?" "He's no genius." "He's up for the death penalty." "He died six months ago?" " Around then." " The ground's been disturbed." " Someone's done some digging." " How do you know?" "A lot of cops buried here?" "Yeah." " How about him?" " Kevin worked Vice." " What's going on?" " Dead cops are back on the street." " What?" "How is that?" " Zombies." "Reanimated corpses that walk and talk." "Somebody else pulls their strings." "Is it--?" "My dad, is he...?" "No." " Ground's undisturbed." " You sure?" "I'm sure." "You okay?" "Who's doing this?" "Give Emma a hand in the kitchen." " Sorry, no more" " What--?" " Is Gunn here?" "No." "He left a while ago." "Why?" " Where was he going?" " 45th Street." " I'll start there." "I have my phone." " Check in with me!" " Right." " Looks like you could use some help." "My staff's too scared to come in." " Where shall I start?" " How are your laundry-folding skills?" "I'm an actress." "I can fake it." "Hey!" "That's my" "Sorry." "I have a shirt just like that." "The girl at the store said it was a one of a kind." "Big fibber." "I'm all out of beds." "Come on, it's not safe for man or beast out here." "I'm very sorry." "But I really don't have any free beds." "You don't have to worry about me." "I can find someone willing to share." "Oh, yes." "Plenty of candidates." " I think it'd be best if you left." " You should probably go." "This is a shelter, right?" "It just so happens, I'm in need of shelter tonight." "Hey!" "Hey!" "Let him go." "I don't want any trouble." "See y'all later." "Whoa!" "Watch out, man." " Jackson." " Lookie here." "You been ducking me lately, Ray?" " No?" "You think I'm pissed at you?" " I don't know." "You're shaking, Ray." "What you got to be nervous about?" "You don't think I'm gonna kill you, do you?" " Huh?" " No." "I'd never kill you here." "Not in front of all the pretty ladies." "You know I'd never kill you here." "I'll set up so they don't see it..." " ...or we can't Rodney King the cops." " That's if we find any." " Never had to look so hard for trouble." " Look, 45th Street." " So?" " This is gang ground." "They catch us, they'll take us out." " Even cops don't come here." " I said you're free to go." "I say I'm gonna do something, I'm gonna do it." "Damn." "Somebody have an apocalypse and forget to invite us?" " What are you doing?" " Doing?" "Nothing." "Taking a walk." "Hands on the wall, spread your feet." "You're arresting us?" " Do as you're instructed." " I wanna know if we're being arrested." " Turn around, face the wall." "Now." " I ain't arguing with you but I'd like to know what law we broke." "We should know if we broke one so we don't repeat it." "I won't say it again." "Officer, wait!" "He's a friend of mine." "A very good friend." "I'm sure he hasn't committed any" "Wesley!" "He's got another gun!" "Oh, man!" "Oh, man!" " Let's get out of here." " Get Wesley." " Is anyone else cold?" " We'll take you someplace warm." "Help me pick him up!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "I shot him." "I shot a cop." " Not much choice." " We gotta move!" "I killed a policeman." "Look, he's dead!" " Don't look that dead." " Let's go!" " We have a situation." " Any loose ends?" "We have witnesses." "I need backup." "Hold up." "I gotta try to stop his bleeding." "Go!" "Around here." "Let him down." "Easy!" "Take it easy!" "911, you've got to call 911." " Screw the cops." "They did this to you." " An ambulance." "Oh." " All right, go down and keep watch." " Okay." " Tell them no sirens." " 911,what is your emergency?" "It's pretty quiet in here." "Can I help you?" "I'm investigating complaints about how officers handle things here." "Isn't that for Internal Affairs?" "I'm taking a personal interest." " Where is everyone?" " Only a few of us at the desk tonight." "Not a lot going on?" "Crime's down in this precinct." "We do things right." " Who takes credit for that?" " It's a team effort." "But the captain got the ball rolling." " Can we talk to him?" " He's not here." "You can try again later." "This captain, is he running things by the book?" "I don't have to tell you who used to rule the streets." "The scumbags did." "Hell, I was afraid to drive to work myself." "Oh, really?" "We got a tougher policy." " Ambulance ain't coming." " Shut up before they hear you." " I'm not doing very well." " You'll be fine." "Getting shot like this?" "I seen people shot worse than this, never even slowed them down." "It's here!" "Come on, hurry." "Move!" "Okay, one, two, three." " Meet me at the shelter." " All right." "Hey, I'm with him." "It's all right." "We're almost there." "Something's going on here." "I'll go see what it is." "Hey, let us through." "No!" "Don't!" "Hey!" "Hang on!" "Stopping?" "What are you doing?" "Trying to survive." "Help me get him inside." "Come on, Wes." " Here, take this." " Come on, man, I got you." "Annie, open up!" "It's G!" "Open up!" "Hurry!" " My God, what happened?" " They shot him." " Who?" " The cops." "They're not human." "All passengers are onboard." " We have full containment," " Wait for backup." "Secure the entire section." "Clean house." "He had no right." "I know, man." "Wesley." " What can I do?" " Apply pressure to the wound." "Okay." "Good." "Hang in there." "It's okay." " Are we safe?" " Lock all the doors." "Keep away from the windows!" "You heard him." "Let's go, come on!" "Damn, that looks nasty." "Jackson?" "What are you doing?" "How do we keep the cops out?" "I say let them come, bro." "I know how to handle cops." "That lifestyle working for you?" " Don't get all high and mighty." " You don't bring down the community." "I'm just doing my thing." "Why does nobody care they're clamping down on this neighborhood?" " Because they're racist pigs." " That and people like you." "A thug with a gun, keeping the cycle going." " Not my problem." " It's my problem!" "They shot my friend!" "Yeah, a white man dying." "Not exactly losing sleep on him." "Hey, we can't afford this." "Not now!" " All units in place," " Go." "And keep it quiet, No gunfire," " He's going south." " No, come on." "What?" "There's internal bleeding." "We gotta get him to St. John's, fast." " We can't go back out there." " He's going to die." "We're taking him to a hospital now!" "I don't care who's out there!" "Get the door." " Where are we going?" " Hospital." "That sounds sensible." "They're here." "Use this bat." "Everything against the windows." "Move!" "Quick!" "Okay, nail this shut." "Check the kitchen door." "Can I help you?" " What are you doing?" " Looking around." " Who are you?" " Angel." "Well, Angel, if you need something, someone downstairs will help you." "I need to talk to you." " About what?" " About some of your more dead cops." "Maybe we should talk about you instead." "How do I stop them?" "I'll repeat the question." "Move, people!" "All circuits are busy, Please try again," "This is no time for circuits busy!" "If the circuits are busy, get new ones now!" "Push them up." " How do I stop them?" " They're good cops." "They died on the streets!" " You should've left them." " I won't betray them!" "Okay, let's go!" "Get the kids in the back, upstairs!" "Gunn!" "Gunn!" "Help!" " Get out." " How are you controlling them?" "The entrails?" "The door, it's giving!" "Run!" "It's the idol of Granath, the zombie god." "No!" "The kids." "Wesley!" "Get the ambulance ready." "Help me pick him up." "Sorry." "Looks like the streets just got safer for me." "Time to go to work." "Let's go." "Come on, sweetie." " Here we go." " Okay." "I took care of our little cop problem." "Crime reports from that precinct." "There used to be a murder every two weeks a rape every two days, a robbery every hour." "That's what we gave back to the community." "I can live with that." "You learn to live with a lot." "This job is making me crazy." "I know the feeling." "For you, detective." "Thanks." "Wyndam-Pryce." "Doesn't he work for you?" "Hey." " Hey." " How you doing?" "I feel I should be in pain." "A gunshot will do that to you." "And yet...." "Is this morphine?" "Well, it's bloody lovely." "What are you doing here?" "I heard about Wesley." "Great." "Too bad it takes a gunshot wound to make you give a crap." "Wesley doesn't need you right now." "We don't need you." "You walked away." "Do us a favor and just stay away." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"(IF I HAD A HEART PLAYING)" "(INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS)" "(GRUNTS)" "Hello!" "You are Ragnar Lothbrok's son, Bjorn." "I remember you from the thing." "Yes." "Where is your father?" "Bjorn?" "Who are you talking to?" "I was just asking your son where Ragnar Lothbrok might be." "He's gone fishing." "Oh!" "Fishing?" "He's gone fishing?" "Yes." "Fishing." "When will he return?" "I don't know." "In which case, I must take someone back as surety." "Just in case." "(HORSE GRUNTING)" "In case..." "In case your husband has not gone fishing." "You!" "Come!" "Come!" "You have to come with me." "If you don't obey this order, the Earl will never give you an arm ring!" "I'll come." "Good." "Then let's be on our way." "What are you doing?" "Where are you taking my son?" "He'll be quite safe, woman." "I bid you all a good day." "We did it, brother." "Yes, brother, we did." "Let's just hope the Earl sees it that way." "Yeah." "(CHUCKLES)" "What is your name?" "Athelstan." "I am Ragnar Lothbrok." "What was that place called?" "Lindisfarne." "England?" "Yes." "It was foretold that divine punishment would fall upon God's chosen people for all our grievous sins," "and so it has happened." "And that is why I am here." "(CHUCKLES)" "No." "You are here because I spared your life." "Why did you spare my life?" "I don't know yet." "(INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS)" "Ragnar Lothbrok!" "What is it?" "Brother Cenwulf here, beside me, I think he's dead." "You're right." "Leif." "(MAN SOBBING)" "(SNIGGERING)" "May God rest your soul, Brother Cenwulf." "ATHELSTAN:" "In nomine Patris, Filli, et Spiritus Sancti." "Yeah!" "(YELLING)" "(INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS)" "(HORN BLOWING)" "We'll drink well tonight, my friend." "Ah." "WOMAN:" "Eric!" "Thank the gods!" "And not alone!" "Look!" "We've brought slaves to sell." "But there's more, woman." "More things of gold and silver than you and I have ever seen before, nor anyone else here in Kattegat." "Ragnar Lothbrok, welcome back." "We know you sailed west across the open ocean and found land and plunder, as you promised." "So, let no man say anymore that it is not possible, and we salute and praise you." "(ALL CHEERING)" "Knut." "You're too late." "You missed the boat." "I came to tell you that Earl Haraldson summons you to attend him in the great hall." "It will be a pleasure." "Well done, Ragnar!" "Are you coming, Knut?" "(INDISTINCT SHOUTING)" "My Lord, it was easy to take all of these things." "The priests in the temple, they had no weapons." "They were like babies." "Here is one of their priests." "We captured several of them to sell for slaves." "It must be true that there are many more such holy places in England" "and other lands to the west likewise filled with such treasure," "and to sail there will benefit us all." "(CROWD MURMURING)" "How did you find this place of great riches when all before you had failed?" "My Lord, we were more fortunate than others." "We had Thor on our side." "Thor." "Thor." "(SCOFFS) Yes." "Then you were indeed fortunate." "But you understand that all this belongs to me, by right." "My Lord, me and Floki paid for the boat." "Surely we are entitled to some reward, and my crew..." "You want me to pay you when you took these things as easily as from babies?" "(ALL LAUGHING)" "Here's what I've decided to do." "Each one of you can take one thing from this haul." "One?" "Yes." "And you'll still be richer than you were before." "Now, all the world can see how magnanimous and generous is your lord," "especially since you disobeyed me." "So, Ragnar Lothbrok, what will you choose?" "(ALL LAUGHING)" "I will take the priest for my slave." "The priest?" "(LAUGHS) (ALL LAUGHING)" "Granted." "Why did you do that?" "Why did you give everything away so easily?" "We wasted our time." "I never should have believed in you." "He was looking for an excuse to kill us." "Why would we go to Valhalla after such miserable and pointless deaths?" "Brother, believe me, this is not the end, it's just the beginning." "Well, at least we didn't give everything away so easily." "That's your one thing?" "How should he ever find out?" "(GRUNTS) You idiot!" "Would Odin expect us to do anything so stupid?" "You have your Odin and I have mine." "Why don't you go get drunk, spend all this on whores?" "Make sure the Earl really finds out that you stole from him." "What a hoard is this!" "What a hoard it is." "See what you've done, My Lord?" "Never doubt your power." "With just a few words, you stripped" "Ragnar Lothbrok of all his treasure." "He's nothing to you, and you are all power," "all authority." "You can have whatever you want." "(MOANING)" "(GASPS)" "(EXHALES)" "(DOG BARKING)" "(MIMICS CHICKEN) (GASPS)" "I told them you'd come home." "Father!" "You're home!" "Little man..." "Did you reach the west?" "So, where's all the treasure you promised?" "The Earl took it all for himself." "But I found it, and it filled the boat." "(CHUCKLES)" "I believe you." "You ought to believe me." "This is a priest from the temple to prove it." "Priest!" "This is my family." "His name is Athelstan." "Although he's a foreigner, he speaks our language, don't you?" "A little, yes." "What is wrong with your head?" "When we become monks, they cut our hair." "It marks us out." "If you're a priest, which god do you like best?" "There is only one god." "Here, you can touch him." "Are we keeping him?" "Hello." "I've missed your smell and your body." "Children are fine." "But I'm still a woman." "Why do you wear this?" "All monks do." "(LAUGHING)" "BJORN:" "Look at his feet." "(ATHELSTAN PRAYING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE)" "(LAGERTHA MOANING)" "(CONTINUES PRAYING)" "LOTHBROK:" "Athelstan." "Athelstan, we want to ask you something." "Come and join us, priest." "Come on." "Don't you want to?" "You'll enjoy it." "I am a monk." "I have taken vows of celibacy." "I cannot touch a woman." "I never have." "(CHUCKLES)" "Wouldn't you like to?" "It would be a sin." "Who would know?" "God would know." "What if he looked the other way?" "(RESUMES PRAYING)" "Go to sleep then with your god." "(CONTINUES PRAYING)" "(GIGGLING)" "(SOBBING)" "BJORN:" "Is this what you wanted?" "There are so many..." "GYDA:" "Bjorn, where are you going?" "(INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS)" "(GROANS)" "(BJORN CHUCKLING)" "Time for breakfast." "(BOY GRUNTING)" "HARALDSON:" "What age are you, boy?" "Thirteen." "Thirteen." "The age my boy would have been." "The men will soon be going on the summer raids, are you looking forward to joining them?" "I dream of it." "I'm already a good fighter, like my father was." "That's why I chose you, because you're broad and strong." "(GRUNTS)" "That's deep enough." "Come." "(CLATTERING)" "Why are you burying all this treasure?" "Don't you know anything, boy?" "Odin promises that a man will have the use of everything he has hoarded up after he is dead and wakes up again in Valhalla." "But the hoard needs protection, somebody to look after it..." "In this life and the next." "You've already seen enough of this life, boy." "Ah!" "(GRUNTS)" "(GRUNTS)" "(ATHELSTAN BURPING)" "Mmm, no more." "We don't like those in our house to go hungry or thirsty." "I am very curious about England." "Does it have one king who rules over the whole country?" "(CHUCKLES) Um..." "Mmm..." "There are four kingdoms with four kings." "You landed in the kingdom of Northumbria." "The King of Northumbria is called Aelle." "He is a great king." "A powerful king." "Then why did his men not protect your temple?" "Uh... (SCOFFS)" "Before you came, we had no need to protect our monastery." "We lived in peace." "Everyone respected it as a place of God." "Why does your god need silver and gold?" "Hmm?" "He must be greedy. (CHUCKLES)" "Like Loki!" "We have greedy gods, too." "My god is not greedy." "His kingdom is not of this world." "Then why is his kingdom so full of treasure?" "Christian people give away their riches to the churches and monasteries" "in order to save their souls." "What are their souls?" "I want to learn some of your language." "Will you teach me, priest?" "What are you staring at?" "Your Christian." "We wanted to see if he was different from us." "Well, now you have seen him." "You can go about your own business." "LOTHBROK:" "He's just like us, but he is a foreigner." "Mmm." "(INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS)" "SVEIN:" "You." "Come." "Ragnar Lothbrok." "My Lord." "And how do you find your new slave?" "Hmm?" "I find him very useful, as you will discover." "So what do you want?" "I want to sail west again." "I have spoken at great length with my Christian slave." "He is not a stupid person, however stupid his god is." "He has traveled a great deal, and he has told me that there are many countries to the west." "He has also told me about his England, about his kings and his customs." "And what are we to do with his customs?" "He has informed me of a large town, near to the temple that we raided before." "And in this town, there are other temples and surely other riches." "No!" "I was lying!" "There's nothing there!" "(SHUSHING)" "You see?" "This town is clearly worth a visit." "Give us back our boat." "Let us go there and find out." "What do you have to lose?" "Any plunder we take will be yours to do with as you please." "I could go there myself." "Yes, you could, My Lord, but why put yourself in danger?" "Why not leave it to someone who has more experience of this journey, and someone who is more expendable?" "Very well." "I sanction this raid on one condition." "A warrior I trust goes with you." "Knut." "You will go with him for my sake." "Trust me, Lord." "I will take very close care of your interests." "O Lord, forgive me for what I have done." "You will not regret this." "He's found a new way to navigate the sea." "Find out what it is." "(INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS)" "Run away if you want." "LOTHBROK:" "I have the Earl's permission to sail back to England." "I want to leave as soon as possible." "How soon is that?" "Tomorrow." "(SIGHS)" "We all wish you success." "We will sacrifice to Odin." "Are you not coming?" "What?" "I want you to come with me." "But the farm, the children..." "Bjorn is still too young, although he can help on the farm." "But who is to be in charge?" "LOTHBROK:" "The priest." "I will leave him with a key." "Father!" "You cannot place a slave above me, your natural son." "LOTHBROK:" "I don't regard him as a slave." "He's a responsible person." "Please, Ragnar Lothbrok, don't do this." "What do you think, Gyda?" "I don't mind." "I like the priest." "Hmm. (CHUCKLES)" "Then it is decided." "If any harm befalls my children," "I will tear the lungs out of your body, priest." "(THUNDER RUMBLING)" "(INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS)" "(GRUNTS)" "(GASPING)" "Answer me this, Knut, are you really with us?" "Understand this!" "A war band lives" "and dies together." "If you cannot trust the men to either side of you, or in front of you," "you are already a dead man." "I am with you." "I made a mistake before." "I did not come with you." "Now I fear Odin will make a bad judgment of me." "For me, that's as important as it is for you." "Just wanted to ask." "(LAUGHING)" "(IN NATIVE TONGUE)" "(IN NATIVE TONGUE)" "(INDISTINCT SHOUTING)" "MAN:" "Ragnar!" | {
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"The day before yesterday at a pet market in Kostroma I saw buntings." "I don't think I'd ever seen them before." "They are strange birds, plain." "But something from the past, from my childhood or my dreams flashed and becokoned me when the old man selling them said in a flat voice," ""Buntings"." "Buntings." "300 rubles for the pair." "I live in Neya." "It's one of those towns that no one remembers today." "It stands on the Neya river lost somewhere between the woods of Vologda and Vyatka." "The Neya, Unzha, Poksha, Vokhtoma, the Viga, Mera, Vaya, Sogozha..." "Beautiful names left behind by the Merja a Finnish tribe that dissolved into the Slavs some 400 years ago." "The orphaned villages, a few rites, rivers with forgotten names." "That's all that's left from them, although many people here still think of themselves as Merjans." "These northern outskirts always hold on to it longer." "Our people are a bit strange, their faces are inexpressive." "There are no passions boiling, although sudden affections and divorces are not uncommon." "There is promiscuity, but for a Merjan it's ancient - like an ethnic rite or a custom." "Ask me why?" "No one remembers anymore." "I don't remember when or why it started, but I wanted to know, to understand who we are." "Why are we like this and not like something else?" "My father was a local poet." "He wrote under the pseudonym Vesa Sergeyev." "Maybe that's why I began collecting snatches of songs, names, words." "Some I needed to look for and some were always right next to me." "I just hadn't written before, so at first it was coming out badly." "But the biggest thing was that I didn't know what to write about although my father would often tell me that if your soul hurts write about the things you see around you." "My name is Aist." "It's an uncommon name." "Obviously Merjan." "I'm just over 40." "I have no family." "I work at the Neya paper mill." "Thank you." "Excuse me for a second." "Miron is calling for you." "The director's calling." "It's working." "Uh-huh." "Very well." "Turn it off." "Hello." "Hi." "May I?" "Hello, Aist Vsevolodovich." "Hello, Miron Alekseyevich." "It's from shadberry." "It's good." "My wife Tanya died." "Last night." "I'm going to the rope factory in Gorbatov to sign a contract." "Call me back tomorrow evening." "Do you want another drink?" "No, thank you." "I'm not taking her to the morgue." "I don't want to show her to anybody." "I'd prefer to do everything just with you." "I don't want to be alone." "Let's go right now." "Please." "Well, alright." "And then I remembered about my buntings." "I might not be home for three days." "Who's going to feed them?" "Anyway I had some vague feeling I should take them with us." "Miron Alekseyevich didn't mind." "We adorned her like a bride." "People here always dress the deceased women that way." "It's the same way the girlfriends decorate the happy bride." "In the morning, before the wedding, they wash her, wipe her dry, and prepare multicolored threads." "The bride lies or sits down while her girlfriends crowd around her." "They tickle her, make jokes and lots of noise." "Then they tie the threads into her pubic hair." "That's how tomorrow's wife will go to her husband." "And at night he will take the threads from her hair, tie them into a knot and hang them on an alder tree." "We were leaving our beloved Neya." "Long ago I read that a nation is alive as long as it remembers its language and keeps its traditions." "This rite is the last thing that connects a Merjan with life." "What will be left if it will be forgotten?" "We were leaving our beloved Neya." "We didn't know then it was forever." "I married her when she was 19." "I was already close to 40." "She lived in Vokhma." "She was very shy." "She was embarrassed that she didn't know how to use make-up or how to wear interesting clothes." "But Tanya was so close to me." "She totally obeyed me." "I would tell her, "Take off your dress." "Open up this way, try it like this, stand right here, move your hips."" "All three of Tanya's holes were working." "And it was me who unsealed them." "But everything always happened only by my initiative." "We call this kind of talk "smoke"." "It's a custom to tell about the one you love as long as the body is still on the earth." "You say things you'd never tell a stranger while your beloved was still alive." "But over the dead you're allowed because it makes your face brighter and turns your grief into tenderness." " Good day." "Where are you from?" " From Neya." " Where are you going?" " To Mescherskaya Porosl." " And what are you carrying?" " A veretenitsa." " And what kind of birds are they?" " Buntings." "We call our beloved women veretenitsa." "Of course the lieutenant knows that." "Besides, it's not hard to see what we're carrying." "Many people here still remember that they are Merjan." "So those are buntings you have?" "I've never seen them before." "But I always loved that word." "Buntinkina is Tanya's maiden name." "When we were young I always called her Buntinkina or Bunting." "Tanya loved birds very much, but couldn't stand seeing them in cages." "I was thinking about getting her a heron so it could stroll freely." "Another 20. 90 big ax handles." "200 small birch ax handles." "20 beech ax handles." "160 shovel handles." "None of the beech." "We'll take the rest." "Help us out, please." "Aist Vsevolodovich, do you mind if I keep "smoking"?" "Do you remember when we celebrated my 50th?" "I drank some wine and I wanted Tanya so badly." "I looked at her and she understood me, but her eyes told me that it was better not to right then." "I got so upset that my stomach started to hurt." "Miron continued to tell me how much he loved his Tanya, but he really didn't have to." "The whole town knew about his passion how they hid in the local hotel, how he washed her with vodka." "There were rumors that Tanya didn't love him, but Miron said nothing about it." "Dear Miron Alekseyevich!" "This song is for you." "It is "The Smell of Summer" with lyrics by Vesa Sergeyev." "I went to the pharmacy Bought some soapwort I'd found," "And some dried swamp viburnum, That I bought by the pound." "I found some cudweed, And also some thyme." "A heap of smooth corn silk, And knotgrass so fine." "Toadflax with cowberry, And young poplar leaf," "Some mint, some tansy, and sage I believe." "Dandelion root And juniper berries," "More than one hundred packs I bought in my hurry." "I brought it all home And boiled it well." "I wanted so badly That fine summer smell." "Tanya worked at the same paper mill." "We liked each other." "I photographed her once and something flashed between us." "Something sparked and hopelessly sped away." "Hello!" " Show me the hedgehog." " The one with the band?" "Yes." "The blue one." "It blinks." "Here you go." "Thirty rubles." "Press its belly." "Is it broken?" "Let me exchange it." "No." "It's exactly what I need." "I won't have to break it myself." "We entered Meschyorskaya Porosl." "It's the Merjan name for the town of Gorbatov." "Its emblem has a blooming apple tree." "It's a nice town on the Oka River." "And why here?" "The honeymoon." "We didn't want to go too far." "Besides it was expensive." "Tanya fell in love with Oka when she was still in school." "We rented a house here after our wedding." "Just for a week." "The honeymoon in Meschyorskaya Porosl..." "We committed Tanya to the water." "People here always do that, it's a rule." "Our cemeteries are half-empty, mostly newcomers lay there." "But water is the dream of every Merjan." "Drowning means to suffocate from joy, tenderness and yearning." "If we find someone drowned we don't burn them." "We tie on a weight and give them back to the water." "The water replaces their body with a new flexible one." "Death from water is immortality for a Merjan." "Oh, Neya River." "We know your fish by name." "Anya and Lyosha, Pasha and Kira." "Oh, Neya River." "Oh, Neya River." "Sleeping under the ice is Tatyana the pearl oyster." "Seryozha the perch isn't sleeping..." "My father dreamed of drowning and living next to the shore." "He was a queer fish, that self-taught Merjan poet." "People laughed at him." "Sometimes they paid attention to his words." "Sometimes they beat him up." "His naive poems were printed in "The Neya Lights"." "The paper sold well." "It was cheap and useful for domestic chores." "But my father believed that people needed his poems." "Once we made a hole in the ice and sank his most treasured possession." "He was a queer fish, that self-taught Merjan poet." "A Mexican toy That my Cuban friend found" "Looks like a boot And with water makes sound." "At the place of the heel Is a round open space," "At the toe of the boot Is a sad young girl's face." "My friend wrote a letter And gave me advice:" "Add water, then rock her And stare at her eyes" "I poured in some water And gave it a rock." "The girl started moaning My chair squeaked in shock." "And from out those huge eyes, From invisible holes..." "My mother died during childbirth when I was in seventh grade." "After that my father changed a lot." "He stopped behaving oddly." "He didn't "smoke" at the funeral." "Afterwards he would often call the river's name." "He would swim in cold weather with pain in his heart." "He would walk drunk on the ice that was still thin." "We committed my mom and my still-born sister Nina to the water." "My father dreamed of drowning, but the Merjan don't drown themselves." "It's impolite to rush to heaven, passing by the others." "The river chooses people herself." "The water is the highest judge." "Look at the hair on my little feet." "I will do the same with you." "The two of us are sandpipers Wearing slippers of blue." "We'll put packs on our backs Stuffed full of timothy hay" "Aist, bring the can." "Aist!" "And perhaps now we'll die Dancing this Turkish Halay." "I wasn't there when my father died." "He had a bad death." "He drank contaminated alcohol." "But I knew that he died from sorrow." "On the way back to Neya we got lost." "We ended up in Molochai." "This town has a very sad and tender meaning for us." "It's like Paris for the Europeans." "It's a shame it doesn't exist anymore." "It dissolved into the outskirts of another big, modern and living town." " Hi!" " Hi!" "Do you want us?" "We want you a lot." "It's so good that you exist." "The girls' names were Julia and Rima." "They were okay." "They laughed when we introduced ourselves as Miron and Aist." "Your wife died?" "Yes." "Recently." "Rim!" "Rim, wait!" "We were very thankful to Julia and Rima." "Because a live woman's body is also a river that carries grief away." "It's only a shame that you can't drown in it." "Turn it on." " Here?" " The little triangle." "I knew that Tanya liked you." "She was sad." "She would sit quietly looking somewhere into the distance." "I wasn't angry at her." "I loved her a lot." "We couldn't have children." "It was very hard for her." "I don't remember what or how I answered him." "My thoughts and memories swept over me and carried me away." "Only later I asked if he believed he'd meet his Tatyana again..." "Something ripped in him, something broke down." "His expression changed and he stopped the car." "I felt sorry for him, for my odd father, for my mum, for Tanya." "Our names will be forgotten too, just like the Merjans have forgotten their sacred words." "A Merjan doesn't have gods, only love for one another." "All that Miron had left now was his love for Tanya." "And he had left to believe was that he'll reunite with her when it's his time to become ash and be committed to the water." "The belief in this half-forgotten rite was perhaps as naive as my desire to restore our lost culture." "If something is doomed to disappear, then so be it." "Then so be it." "Then so be it." "I should have let her go..." "I should have let her go, Aist Vsevolodovich." "We were going back home." "It was empty and cold, although this November happened to be warm." "Miron was silent, it didn't make any sense to "smoke" any more." "We had to make a detour." "We found ourselves back around the same place we left Tanya." "We had returned as if an invisible force wouldn't let us leave here." "Miron looked like he didn't notice." "He cheered up strangely, and I too felt a load off my mind." "I felt sad and pure." "But the sadness didn't press on me." "It enveloped me like a mother." "Your birds are probably very smart." "Let's ask them for something." "Immortality?" "Yes, I suppose." "Do you hear us?" "They hear." "When we drove up on the Kineshemsky Bridge," "Miron whispered, "My Tanyusha is gone."" "The buntings grew quiet." "Actually too quiet." "We fell from the bridge into the Volga, the great Merjan river." "The buntings helped us, darting to kiss the driver's eyes." "Miron Alekseyevich immediately went looking for Tatyana." "As for me, I found my father's silted typewriter... and typed this book on sides of dead fish." "And the water will carry Merja's secrets away." "Which ones and to where?" "Everyone will find out for himself when the time comes." "Only love has no end." "Only love has no end." "DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY MY PARENTS" | {
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"Bonjour, Madame.How Much fora Reading?" "Fortuneteller 3 Francs, Dear, And lt's Written On The Door." "I'm sorry" "I cannot see." "We've Got To Go." "We're Late.We'll Miss The Bus." "ThankYou, Madame." "What Do You see?" "I see Your 34th Year." "shut Up." "That's The Porter." "He spotted Me As I Was Making My Getaway." "These Are First-Year Rooms, Aren't They?" "They're very Luxurious." "The Ones AtYale Are Like Monk's cells." ""Aristotle And virtue."" "Oh, God, I'm sorry." "It Doesn't Matter." "Of course lt Does." "I Ruined Them." "Wait." "It's Getting Heavier Out There, Huh?" "Do You Mind lf l stay Here Till lt Eases Off?" "No." "Of course You can." "I Go Out With One OfThe Dons." "I Know." "Julian Ellsworth." "We Just Had An Awful Row. I can't Go Back To His Rooms." "I Have To Get Out OfThese Togs." "Excuse Me." "Help." "It's completely stuck To Me." "I Don't Mind lf lt Tears." "Thanks." "Bless You." "I can't LetYou Go Out ln This." "You can sleep ln My Bed." "ButWe Haven't Been lntroduced." "I'll sleep On The chair And Keep Watch." "That's very Noble But I Wouldn't Dream Of Kidnapping Your Bed." "You're Taking A Terrible Risk Having Me Here AtAll." "sorry." "No." "Don'tApologize." "I'm Flattered." "It Doesn't Normally... I should Hope lt Does." "I'm Gilda Besse." "I Know Who You Are." "That sounds Ominous." "You're Famous Around Here." "Where Are You From?" "Dublin Originally." "We Moved Up North AfterThe Treaty." "WhyWas That?" "My FatherWas A Policeman." "And He Was Killed During The Troubles." "so Are You British Or Irish?" "On Paper, I'm British." "But I Don't Believe ln countries Much." "Nor Do I." "How Did You End Up Here?" "I gota scholarship." "Beauty, Bravery, And Brains." "WhatA catch." "You Also Have A Nice Willy," "And I Hope To Dream About lt." "Good Night, Guy." "Good Night." "We Made lt." "I Owe You My Life." "You Don't Owe Me Anything." "Itwas Fun." "Everyone Knew Gilda Besse." "Her Father Owned One OfThe Big French champagne Houses." "Her MotherWas A Rich American socialite." "The Marriage Hadn't Lasted," "And Gilda Had Lived Most Of Her Life ln The United states." "she Was Quite Notorious At cambridge," "And Last Night,she Had Actually slept ln My Bed." "Ifanyone Knew, I'd Be A celebrity Overnight." "Are You Guy Malyon?" "Yeah." "Julian Ellsworth." "Look, I'm incredibly Grateful About The Other Night.Gilda said You Were A Brick." "I Really can't ThankYou Enough." "You saved My Bacon." "I'd Have Been Dismissed And Most Likely Disinherited lfThey'd Found Her Here." "Glad To Have Been Of Help." "Listen, We're Having A Bit ofa Beano At The Weekend." "Uh, Gilda Wanted Me To invite You." "Don't Know lfYou're Much ofa Jitterbugger," "But The Old Man's Away, You see, And I'll Have The Run ofthe Place." "You Need A Girl, Of course." "I can Line One Up." "When I Was A Freshman, I Didn't Know What Girls Were." "I'm Afraid Mr. Ellsworth" "Won'tAllow You ln Unless You First Drink One ofthese." "The Password ls "Martini." "Thanks" "Oh, God, lt Tastes Like Paraffin!" "One Doesn't Taste lt, Darling, One simply swallows." "Ah, New Blood." "Hello, Old Boy." "Julian!" "You Girls should Want To Dance With Me This Evening" "Because Gilda Has Got Herself stranded ln calais." "Poor Gilda." "Do come Through." "Please calais ls such A Dreadful Place." "Hello, Guy." "Hi." "Glad You could Make lt." "You're The Troubled Boy Whose Girlfriend Julian ls Planning To Monster." "Are You sad?" "Nah, I'm Thrilled For Her." "You Don't Mind lf she Gets Debauched?" "so Long As The Debaucher's From A Fucking Good Family, I couldn't care Less." "Do You Imagine You're Being incredibly Daring Using Words Like That?" "Ah, You should Try 'Em sometime.lt's Good For constipation." "I'm Going To Feel so Wicked ln The Morning." "WhatAre You Writing?" "An Ode To YourTummy Button." "Gilda." "sir Knight." "Don't Go Up There." "Why shouldn't I Go Upstairs?" "There's An Orgy Goin' On." "sounds Promising." "My Partner forthe Evening's The Main course." "Your Partner lsn't Molly Twelvetrees,ByAny chance ls she" "Yeah. she's ln Danger Of catching' A cold." "Julian's Writin' A Poem On Her stomach." "Oh, whata cad." "Don'tYou Mind?" "I Feel sorry For Molly." "He's A Terrible Poet." "You're very Modern, Aren'tYou?" "I Don't Feel very comfortable Here." "I Feel Guilty Being Around All This Wealth." "It's justa Game." "Don't Take lt seriously." "It's Not Much ofa Game.lfYou're Out OfWork And Trying To Feed A Family." "Fortunately, I'm Not." "And NeitherAre You." "I Only came Here Tonight To see You." "There, I've said lt." "Good." "You Look Lovely." "You Don't." "our Eyes Are All Red." "You Look Like A Bloodhound." "You Have Excellent Recuperative Powers." "What if someone comes?" "We Were Here First." "Oh, God!" "Think sunday school." "What?" "Think sunday school.Why?" "Because This ls A Team sport." "Mmm, thankyou, Unwin." "I Thought lt Might Be Prudent To" "Good idea." "Good Morning, Unwin." "I ThoughtWe Might Uh Have Breakfast On The Terrace This Morning." "Gilda!" "What On Earth Are You Doing Down Here?" "appy Birthday, Darling." "Who's That?" "Oh, My Friend, Guy." "You Really Had Your Hands Full When I Got ln." "Gilda, He's Avirtual Primitive." "I Know.He's The Piltdown Man." "I'm Planning To Exhibit Him." "I'm Planning To Exhibit Him." "Julian, Nothin' Happened." "I Don't fora Moment ThinkAnything Did." "Apart From Us Writing sonnets All Over Each Other." "All Right." "Do You Mind Getting Up, Please, Before Anyone Else sees You?" "Be A Darling And Lend Me Your Dressing Gown,Would You?" "Gilda, What Have You Got On UnderThere?" "Well, seeing lt's Your Big Day, I'm Wearing My Birthday suit ln Your Honor." "Thought For certain I Would HearThat Gilda And Julian Had Broken Up," "But Nothing seemed To Have changed Between Them." "A Few Weeks Passed," "And JustWhen I'd Resigned MyselfTo Never Being With HerAgain, something Unexpected Happened." "The Divorce Was At Least 12 Years Ago." "Yeah, she Must Be Devastated." "can I Join?" "That's 5 shillings Annual Membership Fee." "I Read AboutYour Mother." "It Must Have Been Awful." "she Was A strangerTo Me, Really." "But How Have You Been?" "Practicing My Billiards." "I Wanted To see You, To Tell You That I'm Leaving England." "Why?" "The Wanderlust Has Got Me." "I Want To Travel." "Where Will You Go?" "I Loved The Arabian Nights When I Was Younger." "Maybe I'll start There." "Would You Like A Traveling companion?" "You Have To Finish Your Degree." "Does Julian Know?" "I'll Leave Him A Nice Letter." "You're The One Friend From This chapter I'd Like To Keep." "3 Weeks Later, Gilda Left England" "And so Began Our One-sided correspondence." "For she Was Never ln One Place Long Enough For My Letters To catch Up With Her." "AfterAYear, she stopped Writing." "By The Time I Graduated, And Began Teaching ln The East End Of London, I'd Managed To Finally Put Her Behind Me." "Aid For spain civil War Had Broken Out ln spain," "And I Was campaigning forthe Republican side ln its increasingly Desperate FightAgainst The Fascists." "Tiberius ls ln A Bad Mood!" "Where Are Those slaves?" "We'll see How Brave You Are ln The coliseum." "Take Away Their Drinking Water." "I Hadn't Had A Letter From Her ForAlmostAYear." "But Gilda Always Had An Uncanny sense OfTiming." "she Was Back ln Paris," "Telling Me AWhole New chapter Of Her Life Was Beginning,And Demanding I visit Her." "Once More, Nothing Else ln The World Existed For Me." "Bonjour." "Guy!" "You came!" "And so soon!" "Well, You Finally sent Me An Address." "LookAtYou." "suddenlyYou're A Man." "I Even shave Now." "How Long can You stay?" "Only Till Tomorrow." "I Have To Work." "That's Ridiculous." "You Have To stay ForAt LeastA Month." "You'll Be Able To see My show." "What sort Of show?" "You'll see Tonight." "I saw You ln A Film As A slave ln Ancient Rome." "Wasn't lt Ludicrous?" "How Did You Get The Part?" "I MetAn American cameraman And Went Back To, Uh, Hollywood With Him." "At First I Wanted To Be An Actress," "But Then l--l Got More lnterested ln cameras." "I'd Pick His Brains ln Bed Every Night." "Are You Married Yet?" "Not Quite." "Good." "I'm sure You Have A Menagerie OfAdmirers." "so What Do You Do afterwork?" "I Raise Money For Republican spain." "I Forgot You Had A conscience." "Max!" "This ls Guy." "He JustArrived From London." "Welcome To Paris." "Are You Here forthe Opening?" "He Doesn't Know Anything About lt, so He'll Be completely Objective." "Right." "Where Are You staying?" "There's A Hotel One Of My Friends Like, JustAround The corner." "He's staying Here." "He And Mia can sing Each OtherTo sleep." "Good." "This ls Going To Be incredibly Glamorous, lsn't lt?" "And I'm Going To Be incredibly Dowdy." "You're British." "People Expect lt." "Do You Mind?" "so Max ls A Lover?" "He Owns The Gallery." "Actually, He's Good company," "But He's Become Extremely Proprietorial Lately." "He's On very Thin Ice." "Then I Hope lt Melts" "Don't sulk.l Didn't Know You Were coming so soon." "And Anyway, I'm sure You're Not sleeping Alone ln London Every Night." "Moments OfYearning." "Lust, Vanity, And Joy." "Loves Won And Lost." "It's An HonorTo Be The First To Host The Work OfThis Gifted New Photographer." "Finally, As A Bonus, May I Present A Living sculpture created Especially ForTonight?" "The Pictures Were Good OfTheir Kind." "But The sculptures Were something Else." "The Trouble ls Now We're Never Going To see Them Again." "You should Film Them, Gilda." "Record Them For Posterity." "They Need To Be Live,so People can Lean Over, And smell The skin ofthe Models." "Mmm, Does ThatWorryYou, Mia?" "Having People sniffing Around You Like Dogs?" "I'm A sculpture, so I ignore Them." "WhatAboutYou, Guy?" "Have You seen Anything Like That ln England?" "No, I Haven't." "Guy Thinks Art should Be Political." "In London, He spends Most Of His Time campaigning For Republican spain." "German Artists spent The Last 15 Years Lampooning The Nazis, And Had No EffectAtAll." "At Least They Tried." "Rather Pointless lfAll TheyAchieve ls A Ticket To One OfThose camps." "And The satisfaction Of Knowing They Had The courage OfTheir convictions." "Well, Here's To Judicious cowardice." "No, No, No, No, No." "Here's To Mia, Whose Beauty inspired Us All." "You should Model For coco chanel.l could introduce You." "Mia's Training To Be A Nurse." "she Only Models ln Her spare Time" "And I Have An Exclusive contract." "But I Do Feel I've seen You Before." "I Never ForgetA Face." "Perhaps You saw Me At Le Grand Jeu." "so How Do You carry On Your crusade For spain?" "Do You sit On A committee And Hand Out Pamphlets ln The street?" "And ifyou Really Feel so strongly, Why Don'tYou Enlist ln The International Brigades?" "I Plan To At The End Of school Term." "Are You serious?" "Yeah, I Am." "Well, The Line Must Be Drawn." "Fascism Must Be stopped Before lt Engulfs Us All." "Good Night." "You've Become so serious." "The World Has Become serious." "We'll All Die Of Gravity." "I'm sorry I can't Be With You Tonight." "Do You Even Like Him?" "Occasionally." "But I Admit, He's Trying A Little Too Hard At The Moment." "Mia, Get Out ofthe Bath!" "You'll Turn into A Prune!" "I Take lt Le Grand Jeu ls A cabaret?" "Burlesque. striptease." "she came Here With Nothing. she's My Protege." "I Want The 3 Of Us To Be Friends." "Gilda, Are You coming?" "I'll see You ln The Morning." "This One's comfortable." "I Used To sleep Here When I First came." "How Long Have You Been Here?" "HalfAYear." "Whereabouts ln spain Are You From?" "Asturias." "In The North." "Don't Be Jealous." "He's Not special To Her." "None OfThem Are." "He Wants You To Hear." "He's Afraid Of Her Feelings ForYou." "Yeah, Well, I'm Afraid Of Mine For Her." "Who ls lt?" "It's Me." "so Pathetically Melodramatic Walking Out On Me Like That?" "How Dare You Be" "What's There To Drink?" "I'm Bone Dry." "Hello." "Uh, This ls Linda." "Hello I'm sorry I Woke You." "I Got seasick On The Boat, And Then I Tried To Eat something To settle My stomach," "But The Food ln This country ls Awful." "is This A Bad Time?" "What Do You Think?" "Does Max Know You're Here?" "Max Was Being very Boring AboutYou, so I Expelled Him." "I'm Not Going To LetYou Go And GetYourself Killed." "You'd Probably come BackWith Your Brain shot Out." "conversations Would Be incredibly One-sided." "Now, Get Me A Blanket And You can Go Back To Bed." "WhatAre You Doin'?" "I'm Going." "Well, she's sleepin' ln There. I'm Just Getting Her some Bedclothes." "Guy, I Was With You At The cinema." "AfterYou saw Her, You Hardly spoke The Rest ofthe Evening." "And When You Got Her Letter, You couldn't Get On A Train Fast Enough." "I'm Off." "There's No Need." "I've GotAn Early start ln The Morning." "And Besides, I Think I'm A Bit ln The Way." "You Didn'tAsk Her To Leave, Did You?" "No." "seeing As she Has, I suppose I Don't Have To sleep Rough." "You've no idea how iadored you at cambridge." "And when iarrived here,nothing had changed ltwas miraculous" "so How Did You And Mia Meet?" "I saw Her On The street." "Followed HerTo A cafe." "You choose People, Don'tYou?" ""come into My Life."" "sometimes You see complete strangers But There's something special About Them," "And You Think,"l should Really TryAnd Talk To Them Because I'll Never see Them Again," ButYou Don't," "Because lt's Not Done." "But lt's All Fated, Anyway." "It Had To Be Your Room l came into That Night ln cambridge." "What Do You Mean?" "The Whole Room Was Familiar." "I'd seen lt Before ln Dreams." "It Probably Reminded You Of some Place You've Been Before." "We Just Think We've Dreamt Things." "You're so complacent!" "Maybe lt can Jump Forward ln Dreams." "Maybe lt Doesn't Have To Obey Physical Laws." "But lf My Room Was Already There, Then ThatWould Mean Everything Was Fixed ln Advance." "You Think I Was Being spontaneous," "But I Was Always Going To Do That." "JustAs I Was Always Going To Win This Argument." "That's What I Learned At school." "I've Got To Work OutWhat I'm Going To Do." "Resign From YourTeaching fora start." "And What Do I Live On?" "I'll Give You A Job As MyAssistant." "How's The Pay?" "Good Bonuses." "I Listen To Them Every Night." "Do We Keep You Awake?" "she can sleep Through Anything." "she Has Amazing conversations ln Her sleep.3 Or4 People." "sometimes speaking Different Languages." "so, Do You Accept?" "You Odious Little Boy." "How's That?" "Now The, Uh, Horrible Little Girl Has Turned Around." "Hello." "We're Just Off To The Pictures" "so, Guy," "You Have Forsaken London forthe city Of Light?" "It seems so." "Mmm-Hmm." "Mia!" "change ln Here." "Why?" "He came To The Exhibition.He Won't Be seeing Anything He Hasn't seen Before." "You Were Part Of My sculpture." "You're Flesh And Blood Now." "WhatAre You Doing Going OutWith Him, Anyway?" "I'm curious." "You Know What They sayAbout Him." "You should Hear What They sayAboutYou." "Oh, Your Dresser Has Excelled Herself." "so You're Having Dinner Afterwards?" "We Haven't Decided." "What Time should I Bring Her Back?" "Oh, shut Up see You Both Later." "Bonsoir." "You're Avery Lucky Man, Living With 2 Beautiful Women." "But Gilda still Doesn'tApprove Of Me." "sometimes I Think she's Jealous." "You seem To Have A calming influence On Her." "she Used To Move ln Wild circles, But I'm sure You Know That." "And You Don't care." "No, I Don't." "very commendable." "he PastAnd The Future Are Irrelevant." "The Moment ls Everything." "You Know, At First I ThoughtYou Were An idealist, A Bore." "ButYou're One Of Us, afterall." "Tell Me, As One Man To Another," "What Does Gilda Like ln Bed?" "As One Man To Another?" "That's None OfYour Business." "come On, Mia." "Dance For Us." "Please?" "It's christmas." "Yes, come On" "All Right." "Why Not?" "WhatAre You Two Talkin' About?" "Huh?" "You." "You." "And whatare You sayin'?" "WhatAre You saying?" "WhatAre You saying?" "WhatAre You saying?" "It's Past 4:00." "We've Almost Lost christmas Day." "come On." "I'm starving." "An American Turkey Made An lll-starred Bid For Freedom AtWhipsnade Zoo Today," "Only To Touch Down ln The Arctic Fox Enclosure With Mixed Results." "A Happy Ending forthe Fox, Less so forthe Turkey." "The Weather ln... I'm sorry." "I Don't Understand AWord." "You Don't Need To." "Ifan Animal Made Hose sounds, You'd Know ltWas Evil." "All He's saying ls ThatWhen Greater Germany ls Restored, He'll Have No OtherTerritorial claims." "And You Believe Him?" "I Used To Paint Pictures OfAll These Places When I Was Home From Boarding school." "can I see Them?" "I Threw Them All Away." "I Had No Talent Of My Own. I JustWanted To Be Van Gogh." "Bonjour, Francoise." "Bonjour, Mademoiselle." "WhatAre You Doing, Father?" "I Am, Uh, saving The Lives Of Insects." "I've Never seen You so compassionate." "I Don't Like The Popping sounds They Make." "WhyAre You Wearing Your Uniform?" "There Was A Rally ln Rheims, The croix-De-Feu." "Our Popular Front ls Not Quite so Popular Here ln The country." "The World ls veering Towards Moscow," "Which ls A Little Worrying For Us Minor Landowners." "But, Uh, Politics Has Never Been One Of My Daughter's stronger Points." "Take Your Feet OffThe couch, Darling." "charles Besse." "Guy Malyon." "Uh, You'll Be Joining Us For Dinner?" "Guy Recently Moved Here From England." "so, Um, How's The, Uh, Acting?" "I Only Did That One Film. ltWas Never Going To Be A career." "Oh." "Whatever Next?" "I can't Keep Up With Her." "First ltWas Dance, And Her Room Was Full Of Ballet." "Then she Discovers stendhal,And, Of course, she Wants To Be The World's Greatest Novelist." "And Then There Was, Uh, What, Painting?" "One Thing I Learned From You, Father, Was NeverTo Dwell On One's Mistakes." "Where's My stepmother?" "she's Probably Out Walking The Dogs." "Uh, What Happened To That, Um, That Max Fellow?" "A Light Of Other Days." "I sired A Dilettante, ln EveryAspect Of Her Life." "That's Why I ResentYou, Father, For Bequeathing Me such superficial Genes." "They sayAWinemaker's Taste ls The Last Of His senses To Desert Him." "But Gilda Tells Me ThatYou're Not Much interested ln Wine, Mr. Malyon." "I Was Brought Up On Guinness." "We Drink Guinness ln France.very Good ForAn Upset stomach." "The Old Hair ofthe Dog." "Indeed." "Why, Gilda, You're Looking very Fetching Tonight." "she Likes To startle Me ByWearing Her Mother's Things." "I Think she intends To Make Me Feel Guilty." "You see, she Blames Me For Her Mother's Death." "I Don't Blame You, Father." "Fate Deals some People A Rotten Hand, That's All." "Fate ls An Excuse For People Who sufferA Failure Of Nerve." "so ltWas Her Fault, Was lt?" "Oh, No, No, NotAtAll." "It's Absolutely And completely My Fault. I Am An Insensitive Brute." "You see, Darling?" "You Married A Beast." "I Married A Beast Because I'm A Huntress." "And lf l can't Tame You, I'll shootYou." "Ooh." "Then I Must Mend MyWays." "Isn't, Uh, Your Birthday coming Up soon, Dear?" "Now, We Must Do something To celebrate This Year." "You Know I Never celebrate My Birthdays." "Ifyou're Afraid Of Birthdays Already, You'll Be AWreckWhen You're MyAge." "I can't imagine Ever Being That Old." "ThankYou, Gilda." "There's something About That House That Turns Me Into A Monster." "I Didn't Like His Politics, But I Enjoyed The Repartee." "He Ends Up Humiliating All His Women." "You saw Her, How Hard she Was Trying." "All He Wants Her For ls To show Her Off To His shooting Friends." "Mia?" "Mia, We're Back." "That Bastard." "You Don't Have To Go To Work Today." "I'm All Right." "Mia... I'm All Right." "should We Tell The Police?" "she Was A striptease Dancer." "They'd say she Asked For lt." "Then I'll Go Round And see Him Myself." "And End Up ln A cell?" "He Has Powerful Friends." "Lucien?" "Gilda Besse." "Mia Doesn't Know I'm calling." "Oh, she GotA Little carried Away The Other Night." "Yes." "Yes, That's Right." "Look, I Like lt The WayYou Do." "And I'm--l'm stronger Than she is." "I ThoughtWe should Meet. I see." "Guy?" "Yeah?" "Max Wants To Have Lunch Today." "He Wants To TalkAboutAnother Exhibition." "Do You Mind?" "No, Of course Not." "You should Take Mia To A Film Or something." "she Needs To Get Out." "hat's A Good idea." "Maybe A comedy." "I ThoughtYou Might change Your Mind." "My English Friend Tells Me I'm very stubborn." "I Assume He Doesn't Know Where You Are?" "No One Does." "Perhaps I should Lock The Door." "Why Did You Decide To Become A Nurse?" "I Wanted To Be A Dancer." "My FatherWas A coal Miner." "An Anarchist." "Our House Was Full Of Politics All The Time," "But I Would Always Be Running Away To Dance." "2 Years Ago, They Declared A socialist Republic ln Asturias." "A House ln Our street Became A Hospital." "I Tried To Help, But I Didn't Know Anything." "And People Were Dying ln MyArms." "And Then The soldiers came." "I Tried To stop Them From Taking My Brother, And That's When They Hurt My Leg." "AfterThat, I Knew I couldn't Be A Dancer." "And I Wanted To Help People." "so That's Why I Am Becoming A Nurse," "And Why I Need To Go Back To My country." "Hello." "How Did lt Go?" "Itwas Fine." "so You're Doing Another Exhibition?" "We Played Around With A Few Different ldeas." "I Did Most ofthe Talking." "WhyAre You Two Looking so Miserable?" "Trois cognacs." "We saw A Newsreel On spain." "You Were supposed To Be cheering Her Up." "Itwas My idea." "We Wanted To see What Else Was Going On ln The World." "There Will Always Be Wars While There Are People Dying To Be Martyrs." "Go On. say How Guilty You Feel." "Afterwards, We sat Out ln The Gardens." "I'm serious." "You Need To Get lt Out OfYour system." "Because You Feel Guilty That Life ls Good Here," "While Terrible Things Are Happening There." "And AfterYou've Talked About lt, You'll Feel Better,Because You've shown You care." "To You,For Getting Rid OfYour Guilt." "And You,For Getting Rid OfYour Guilt." "To Us." "You Live ln A cocoon.You Don't Think About The World Outside." "I Give MyAllegiance To Those Around Me." "We share The World, WhetherWe Like lt Or Not." "And You can share My Bed As Long As You Don't Bring Your Newsreels Or Newspapers into lt." "Marry Me." "What?" "I'm serious." "If I Woke One Morning And You'd Turned lnto A Husband, I'd Flee." "How Would it Be Any Different?" "Once People Get Married, They stop Trying." "Anyway, You Would Want To Have children." "One Day." "You should Have One With Mia." "He'd Be Beautiful." "sometimes You say The First Thing That comes into Your Head." "should I censor What I say?" "If I Had A child, I'd Have ltWith You." "My MotherWas Mad." "You've Met My Father.l Have Doomed Genes." "You Talk such Nonsense." "Guy." "What's Wrong?" "Things Are Getting Worse And Worse ln spain. here Are Friends Of Mine There Now." "And You Want To Go And GetYourself Killed, Too, ln someone Else's War?" "It's Not someone Else's War." "It's As Much Ours" "As lf ltWas Happening Here." "We All share The same World." "Any Trained Nurses They'll Take At Once." "I've GotAn Address ForYou To Go To." "Who'll Take Any Trained Nurses At Once?" "I'm Going To spain." "I Didn'tWant To sayAnything Until ltWas Definite." "And lt's Time For Me To Go Back, Too" "They Need Nurses There." "We've Been Living Together ForAYear" "Am I such An Ogre ThatYou can't Even Discuss Your Plans With Me?" "I Didn't see Much Point." "You Didn't see Much Point ln Talking About Throwing AwayYour Life?" "And Taking Mia With You?" "Gilda." "I Was Always Going To Go Back Once I Became A Nurse." "You Would Just Never Listen." "Of course. I should Have seen lt coming." "You Feed Each Other's Guilt." "It's Like A Disease." "Thank God lt Hasn't infected Me." "Gilda's FatherWas Traveling ln America," "And As A Kind Of Farewell, We spent The LastWeekAt The chateau." "The sense Of Our Departure Hung Over Every Moment, Though ltWas Never Mentioned" "Again Until The Last Day." "I can't DrinkAny More." "Yes, You can." "We're Drinking forall Those Times We Won't Be Able To Drink togetheragain" "There'll Be Periods Of Leave When I can come Back To Paris." "I Wouldn'tWant To see You lfYou came Back With some Hideous injury." "come On, We're still Drinking." "You're Not Going To sleep." "Wake Up I'm Tired." "Gilda, You're Drunk." "Why Do You Have To Go As Well?" "Traitor." "Wait." "Wait." "Fire!" "Forward" "Poor Bastards." "They Didn't stand A chance." "My Dear Gilda," "Yesterday, ln An Ambush Behind The Enemy Lines, I Killed ayoung Nationalist soldier." "How inadequate Those Words seem." "He Was clutching A Locket When He Died," "With A Photograph OfAYoung Woman." "I suppose, As I Write This,she's Waiting For News Of Him, Hoping Against Hope He is safe." "Dearest Gilda,still No Word From You, Which Breaks My Heart." "I Know That To You All Wars Are Useless," "And For Us To Risk Our Lives ls A Betrayal Of Ourselves And OfYou." "But My country's A Part Of Me." "And lf l Was Not Here, I Would Be Betraying Myself,And Even More, My Brother." "Believe Me,My Being Here Does Not Mean I Love You Any Less." "Forgive Me lfYou can," "And Know That I Think OfYou All The Time." "I Wonder lfYou Are Writing To Either Of Us." "But I Do Beg You, At Least, To Write To Guy." "His Unit ls At Teruel Where The Fighting ls Especially Bitter" "And Made Worse By The intense cold." "I can't stay." "We're Operating ln A Few Moments." "I Know." "We Treated Men From Your unita Few Days Ago." "That's How I Knew You Were Here." "I Asked AboutYou." "They said You Have No Nerves." "You're Always The Quiet One ln The center ofthe storm." "If I Am, lt's Because I'm Too Tired To Be Frightened." "When Do You Finish Your shift?" "We Never Know." "Where Are You Tonight?" "Not Far From Here." "It's An Old Tannery." "I Know lt." "If I can, I'll come." "Mia You Must Be Dead On Your Feet." "No. l--l Have A secretWeapon." "It's strong Enough To Help You Forget WhatYou've seen During The Day." "Have You Heard From Her?" "I've Had Other Letters, But None From Her." "And You?" "No." "WhyWon't she Write?" "Guy,she Loves You More Than she'll EverAdmit." "And One DayYou'll Be togetheragain, I Know lt." "These Last Few Days, I've Been Asking Myself lfAny OfThis ls Worth lt." "Perhaps she Was Right." "The World should Be Left To LookAfter itself" "You Know You Don't Believe That." "ButWhatAre We Achieving?" "With The Germans And The Italians On Their side,lt's OnlyA Matter OfTime." "But ln That Time,Maybe The Rest ofthe World Will Begin To Realize What's Happening." "You Were Always The sensible One." "Was I?" "Not ln My choice Of Men, Remember?" "We should Try To sleep." "You Know, Gilda Once said We Two should Have A child." "You Know she And I Were Lovers?" "I Knew Underneath." "I Wanted To Tell You, But she Always said You Were Too British." "she Was Probably Right." "Those Were The Happiest Times Of My Life, The 3 Of Us Together." "And You And I came Here." "We Had No choice." "How can I Be so Tired And still Feel Jealous?" "I Was Jealous OfYou All The Time." "she'd Be Pleased." "Everything Needs Her Blessing." "Here's Your Lift." "My Doctor Friend." "He's convinced I'm some Kind Of saint Because I Never Go With Anyone." "He Was so Relieved When I said I Wanted To come And see You" "He insisted On Giving Me A Lift Himself." "I Finally Got Rid Of My Halo." "There ls No 2nd sight." "We Grope Towards Our Future Blind.lt's KinderThatWay." "On The Morning Of Her Final Day, she came To Her Death clear-Eyed,Brave, Unknowing." "And When The snow Melts, spring Has come." "There ls An End To War." "One small Flower,Blessed, Unique," "Will Flower No More." "Gilda, I Have To Tell You That Our Dear Friend ls Dead." "I saw Her Just Before lt Happened." "she Was so Beautiful And Had Become so Wise." "Far strongerThan Me" "A Few Months Later, As The Forces ofthe Republic Began To Disintegrate, I crossed Back lnto France With The Remnants Of My Unit." "All Our Efforts Had come To Nothing." "The War ln spain Was Lost." "I Am speaking To You From The cabinet Room At 10 Downing street." "This Morning, The British Ambassador ln Berlin" "Handed The German Government A Final Note stating That Unless We Heard From Them By 11:00," "That TheyWere Prepared At Once To Withdraw TheirTroops From Poland," "A state OfWar Would Exist Between Us." "I Have To Tell You Now That No such Undertaking Has Been Received" "And That consequently This country ls AtWarWith Germany." "The WarAgainst The Fascists ln spain Was OnlyA Rehearsal." "The Greater struggle Was About To Begin." "Less Than AYear Later, Poland, Norway, Holland, Belgium, And France Were Overrun," "And The Germans Entered Paris." "I Doubted I Would Ever see HerAgain." "MyWarWas ln The Field Of Intelligence." "And Early ln 1944,I Was sent To Establish Links With Resistance Fighters" "Based ln The countryside Near La Manche." "In The Late spring,I Was Transferred To Paris." "6 Long Years Had Passed since I Was Last There." "My coverWas As An Official Working fora Firm Manufacturing Rolling stock" "forthe Hard-Pressed French Railways." "And some Time After I Arrived, I Was Waiting fora Rendezvous." "Tankyou" "How"your mother" "she's back on herfeet" "Thankyou A pastis" "Pleased to meetyou" "There's a delay" "He'll come attwo I'll stay since he knows me so let's have lunch Good idea" "Red wine and a coffee what's wrong" "It's alright" "I'm starving" "Did she see Me?" "I Wasn't sure." "ButAfterThe initial shock, How could I Be surprised?" "Gilda Didn't see The World As Others Did." "she Was Looking After Herself," "Bravo" "3 Mornings I sat Across The Road Waiting ForYou." "You Mustn't come Again.He could come Here AtAny Time, And Everyone Watches." "They'll Have seen You come into The Building, The Patron And His Wife,From The cafe." "Yeah, Well, They Don't Think Much OfYou There." "Of course Not." "And You Don't care?" "Did I Ever care What People Thought Of Me?" "I'd Like To Believe That Once You cared What I Thought." "Why, Gilda?" "Why This?" "I Never Much Liked My Own company, You Know That." "Yeah, ButWith One ofthem?" "It's justa Game." "Not Now." "I'm Glad You're Alive." "You Know About Mia?" "she Loved You, You Know?" "As Much As I Did." "You should Go." "We could Leave Paris." "Make OurWay To The coast.l Have The Papers." "Don't Be Absurd." "Are You ln Love With Him?" "This German?" "Or ls lt JustA convenience?" "A Business Arrangement,Like With Max?" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Señor O'Conner, señor O'Conner!" "It's okay, you're just in time." "You're going to be a great father, Brian." "What makes you so sure?" "Because I'll be there to kick your ass if you ain't." " Get in there." " Go." "Brian." "Remember, the second you go through those doors, everything changes." "Our old life is done." "Let's go for a little ride." " Special Agent Hobbs?" " Riley Hicks." "I read your file." "Top of your class at FLETC." "Cairo, Tunis." "Youngest RSO ever in Afghanistan." "Hell, if you're half as good as you are on paper, we're going to get along just fine." "A Russian military caravan attacked, satellite component stolen." "Cars just came out of nowhere." "Six hospitalized, a dozen vehicles destroyed." "All that in under 90 seconds, in and out." "This is world-class." "Job this good, there's only one crew in the world who could get this done." "How the hell did that get up there?" "They caught one." "Where?" "I got you five minutes with this guy." "I only need two." "I want your boss." "Where's Shaw?" "I ain't telling you shit." "I was hoping you'd say that." "Is that legal?" "No." "But are you going to go in there and tell him?" "I've got rights, you asshole!" "Not today." "No, no!" " Well, is he talking?" " Not anymore." "That room is bugged, Hobbs." "So, any information you just beat out of him, Interpol has now." "Great." "Now they can take the morning off." "Shaw's in London." "Let's go pick him up." "Woman, you just don't pick up Owen Shaw like he's groceries." "If you want to catch wolves, you need wolves." "Let's go hunting." "This is what 100 million buys?" "It wasn't that hard to find you, Toretto." "I wasn't hiding." "How's the life of the retired international criminal?" "I like it here." "It's quiet." "Nice weather, and no extradition." "So what are you doing here, cop?" "Last Tuesday, a team of highly coordinated drivers took down an entire military convoy in Russia." "I don't do cold weather." "I know it wasn't you." "But you're going to help me catch the team responsible." "And you ain't gonna need that." "You can't touch him, Hobbs." "You've got no powers..." "I'm not here to extradite anyone." "See, he's going to come voluntarily." "As a matter of fact, he's going to beg me." "This was taken a week ago." "I'll see you out front." "It's Letty, isn't it?" "It's impossible." "If that was my husband, if there was a chance, no matter how small," "I would go." "I'm going to need everything, all the info you got." "You'll get it when the team gets it." "No team." "This is going to have to be me alone." "It's not that simple." "The crew we're after, they hit like thunder and disappear like smoke." "You go in alone, you won't ever touch them." "I've been chasing this guy across four continents and 12 countries, and believe me, the last damn place I want to be right now is on your front doorstep, selling Girl Scout cookies." "I need your help, Dom." "I need your team." "Okay, ladies, bring it in." "Listen, I want to make a toast." "Come on." "Listen, I know a few of y'all have already been to Macau, but you have never seen the town till you've seen it through my eyes." "We got a penthouse suite with an ocean view that's going to change your life." "150-foot yacht with a helicopter pad..." "Safe to say, you're about to have the time of your lives." "No, you are." "Cheers." "Nice!" "I'm a citizen of the world." "Ever thought about settling down?" "Starting a life together?" "Aren't we doing that?" "Are we?" "Hello?" "Dom?" "I'll be there." "Hey, my man, I need you to turn this plane around." "All right, listen, ladies." "There's been a little change of plans." "Something came up." "You know that casino I was telling you all about?" "I got some vouchers to the buffet." "What do you think of this?" " He likes it." " All right." "Yes." "Or this?" "Yes." "That's my boy." "All right, let's see how this thing flies." "Are you watching?" "It's Uncle Dom." "What do you know?" "Are you waving?" "What up?" "Hey, Jack." "What's up, Uncle Dom?" "What's up, Uncle Dom?" "You excited to see him?" "Are you already pushing imports on him?" "You say, "Dad's not pushing anything."" "He chose that car." "We know he's an O'Conner, but," "I brought you something, Jack." " Yeah!" "He's also a Toretto." " I don't know." "Luckily, he has a couple more years to decide, right?" "I think he decided, Mia." "I think it's time for his nap." "Come on, baby." "Okay." "Say bye." "It's weird?" "What's weird?" "We got everything." "You know, down to the beer and the barbeque." "But it just..." "I don't know, it just doesn't feel like home." "Maybe it's because... you don't realize how much you appreciate something until somebody takes it away." "I don't know." "The place has probably changed so much, you wouldn't even recognize it anymore." "Yeah." "Everything's changed." "So what's up with you?" "What's going on?" "Taken a week ago." "Diplomatic Security Service." "Hobbs." "You know, I used to do this shit all the time as a cop." "This is exactly what cops do." "He's messing with your head." "Letty's dead, Dom." "I need to know for sure." "Then I'm going with you." "You said you were going to leave this life behind." "We both said that we were leaving the life behind." "He's right." "We're family." "If we got a problem, we deal with it together." "And I'll feel safer knowing you're both out there, watching each other's backs." "You're stronger together." "You always were." "Now go get Letty." "Bring her home." "Thank God!" "Finally, some equipment I can work with." "What up, boy?" "This is way better than that trash in Rio." "Way better." "You sure about these guys?" "Nope." "Has anybody heard from Leo or Santos?" "Last time anyone saw them, they were hitting up the casinos in Monte Carlo." "I thought that was our last job, Brian." "And who's paying for all this equipment?" "The taxpayers?" "So now we work for The Hulk?" "That's what we're doing?" "Why do I smell baby oil?" "If you keep running your piehole, you're going to smell an ass-kicking." "All right, Hobbs, you got the best crew in the world standing right in front of you." "Give them a reason to stay." "Our target is Owen Shaw." "Former major in the S.A.S., Spec-ops soldier." "He ran the UK's Mobility Division in Kabul and Basra." "Damn." "That Mobility unit's the truth." "We're talking vehicular warfare." "Best in the world." " You got some chips?" " Those guys don't mess around." "For years, they've been running jobs in Europe, but it's their most recent jobs that graduated them to a whole new level." "Three targets, highly specific." "The program terminal from an ICBM missile..." "Got a little change?" "Seriously?" "You're a millionaire, and you're still trying to ask for money?" "That's how you stay a millionaire." "So what does this all mean?" "Well, our best guess is that Shaw's crew is building a Nightshade device." " Which is?" " A tech bomb." "Designed to block an entire military communication grid for 24 hours." "If you blind a soldier for a single second in the middle of a fight, he dies." "If you blind a country for 24 hours, the loss of life is unthinkable." "This could be worth billions to the right buyer." "Billions?" "Why don't we just steal that shit?" "Hey, man." "Which one of these things is a dollar?" "It says something about..." "It's on the house." "I want you to help me catch Shaw." "He's only got one piece left that he needs, and I intend to stop him before he gets it." "Now, I know you guys are a family." "So I'm offering you a chance right now to make that family whole again." "You want to make this family whole again?" "Get us to Letty, we'll get you Shaw, full pardons all the way around." "I can't promise you that." "Yes, you can." "That's the deal." "Take it or leave it." "You get me Shaw, and I'll get your pardons." "You heard him." "But this is different." "We're not dealing with cops, we're not dealing with drug dealers." "This is a whole different level." "We're getting paid, right?" "Interpol picked up one of Shaw's guys in Moscow." "I went in, had a little therapy session with him." "He gave up Shaw's hideout." "Then why aren't we down there now?" "Well, we weren't invited." "Hobbs, they're sending in your punching bag." "He's wired." "He's going to give a positive ID on Shaw before they move in." "So, the cops just let you go?" "Don't worry, I didn't give them shit." "I'm not worried." "Okay." "Turn it over for me." "God, it's amazing." "The simplest things can cause the biggest problems." "Good news is, if you swap out a bad part, everything runs smooth as silk again." "Look, Shaw..." "Wait, Shaw!" "Shaw!" "Shaw!" "I just got confirmation on Shaw." "They're going in." "Wait, wait, hold up..." "Police scanners are saying alarms are going off at Interpol headquarters." "Shit." "He brought us here so he could take down Interpol." "This whole thing's a set-up." " Brian, take the team." " What about you?" "Hobbs and I will wait for Shaw." "Shaw leads to Letty." "Come on, you son of a bitch." "What's this?" "It's your share from the last job." "You're part of the team, Oakes." "You do your job, you get paid." "There's a little extra in there for you." "Consider it an advance." "For what?" "The next job, of course." "Which job?" "The one we're working right now." "Han, how far are we from Interpol?" "Twelve blocks away." "You guys, it's a ghost town over here." "Shaw must have pulled all the cops to him." "All right, y'all, we're in this shit, so let's go get it." "It's been fun running with you, mate." "Stop!" "Drop the bag!" " There he is." " On it." "Toretto, it's on you." "Straight ahead, don't lose him." "Ain't gonna happen." "Sorry about that, boys." "Interpol, straight ahead." "Let's go, guys." "We've got company." "Let's go, boys." "Get in!" "Let's go!" "Hey!" "We got to move." "Now!" " Shaw, we have three cars tailing us." " You know what to do." "Guys, I got the Rover." "Okay, I got..." "Whatever the hell that thing is." "What is that, a hockey puck?" "Oh, shit!" "Approaching rendezvous point." "Dom!" "Tej and Roman are out!" "Where you at?" "I'm right behind you!" "Stay on track." "I'm taking the contingency." "Boys, I got eyes on Shaw." "He just made a left." " I got right." " Toretto, make that left!" "No problem." "Letty." "Take the wheel." "Letty." "This is crazy." "We are not in Brazil." "So, now we got cars flying in the air?" "On some 007-type shit?" "This is not what we do!" "Man, you really got to check that emotion." "Your voice just went from Shaggy to Scooby-Doo." ""This is not what we..."" "See, man, when a woman starts shooting at you, that's a clear sign to back the fuck off!" "We need to get the hell out of Dodge!" "That could have been my forehead, man." "No." "That's not as big as your forehead." "Mia..." "It's definitely Letty." "But it's..." "It's complicated." "Letty's alive." "That's all that matters." "We have her back, Brian." "Well, do me a favor and give Jack a kiss goodnight for me." " Be safe." " I love you, Mia." "She definitely saw it was you?" "She looked dead at me, Brian." "Maybe the Letty we once knew is gone, Dom." "Even though she's alive, maybe she's gone." "You don't turn your back on family." "Even when they do." " Ivory." " Yo." "It's going to need some repairs." "No problem, treacle." "Are you good?" "Yeah." "Okay, listen up." "That was a very different breed from Hobbs' usual wannabe warriors." "We need to learn who these people are, what they're made of." "Vegh?" "O'Conner, Parker," "Pearce, Toretto and the rest of the team." "These guys are common criminals." "Tonight these common criminals were seconds away from taking us down." "Show them the respect they deserve, or it weakens us." "You might want to see this." "Ring any bells?" "Yeah." "That's the guy I shot." "You look happy." "I don't remember him." "That's bullshit." "We got a problem, guys." "We got a picture of her with the guy who almost took you out." "Klaus, aren't you team muscle?" "Don't make me go over there and make you team pussy." "She doesn't remember him." "Names and records aren't enough." "I want personal information." "Get into their lives, into their minds." "Find their weaknesses, and we will exploit them." "Yeah, right." "This is crazy, man." "What are you talking about now?" "I'm sitting here looking at these images..." "It's like we're hunting our evil twins." "Look at this black dude right here, he's handsome." "Clearly, that's me." "We got a white Hobbs." "This is Han." "Tej, it's an African in a beanie." "That's like your Mini-Me, man." "And Brian!" "When did you do this photo shoot?" "I'm just playing, man." "You know you're the prettiest blonde around here." "All right, lock it up." "We got two things." "First off, this is the worst damn city in the world to commit a crime." "They got cameras on every street corner." "I got video footage from CCTV of the raid." "Let's track that, see where it leads us." "And secondly, we just got confirmation on what Shaw's crew grabbed from Interpol." "They ripped off the database of every location that houses the final component that they need." "So where are they at?" "There are over two dozen of them around Europe." "But the list is only good for 96 hours." "Which means, wherever Shaw's crew is going to hit next, it's going to happen within the next four days." "They got a window, and so do we." " We gotta move." " Hobbs is right." "So let's break this down." "You met them." "What do we know?" "We know they have to be running custom engines." "You heard that flip car going through those gears." "Sequential transmission." "That didn't sound like a normal engine." "That was a turbo diesel." "It sounded like something you hear at Le Mans." "Did you see it take all those hits and still stay flat in the corners?" "Yeah, hydraulics." "Or magnetic suspension." "Who not only has access to the components, but can fabricate something like that?" "Maybe a handful of shops in London." "Regular tuner shops aren't going to cut it on this one." "We're going to have to dig deeper than that." "Han, Gisele, Roman, you're up." "We find the guy who made that car, we find Shaw." "Let's go." " I'll help." " Roger that." "Tej, we're gonna need cars without computer chips that can be overridden." "Make sure they're fast." "I got this." "I'm already on it, Dom." "I've contacted RD at DSS." "Hobbs..." "I said I got this." "This should be interesting." "Man, you really got to loosen up." "You can't just throw a bunch of factory-line Beemers at people and expect..." "Hey." "That car is a hell of a car." "You're talking about twin-turbo V8, spitting out 560 ponies, son." "He reads the brochure." "I'm proud." "But with cars, you have to customize." "It's all between you and the car you build." "It's a bond, it's a commitment." "It sounds like a marriage." "Yeah, but with cars, when you trade up, they don't take half your shit." "Jesus." "With price tags like this, these cars better be made out of gold." "You ain't thinking about stealing these cars, are you, Parker?" "Kitchen help entrance is towards the back." "Come again?" "I don't mean any offense, gentlemen, but you couldn't possibly afford the cars in this auction." "Substantial lack of gaudy jewelry, no entourage, no honeys." "Clearly you're not a "baller."" "And you." "Shoes, shirt, trousers." "Functional." "And your posture, too rigid, no swagger." "My guess is military." "Take home of 50,000 a year." "That's U.S." "Which is not enough to be playing here." "So, if you're not kitchen help, then you must be in the wrong place." "But please, do finish your champagne." "He needs to be taught a lesson." "Like I said, you ain't stealing these cars." "I got this." "All right, this is number five on our list." "Holy shit." "What's the dude plan on hunting?" "Moby Dick?" "That must be our guy." "So, how do you all want to play this?" "Han and I got this." "We go in tight, you let me do all the talking, and you all have my back on it." "There's one thing you boys are forgetting." "He's a man." "Let's go." ""He's a man"?" "You know, she always says that." "What you're looking at is a 5.45 by 18 FMJ spitzer bullet." "It's specific to one handgun, the PSM." "Given that handguns are illegal in the United Kingdom, there's very few people that have access to that firearm." "So if somebody wanted to, say, track down where it came from, it wouldn't be too hard." "I was a cop for a lot of years." "Some habits die hard." "A pawn shop." "Who sent you?" "Come on, ladies!" "Two hot girls like you don't wander into this neighborhood unless I've called the escort service." "And I haven't, yet, today." "I don't know, man." "That was disrespectful." "And I don't like the way she said it, like, "He's a man."" ""He's a man"?" "So, what are we?" "Come on, she's just doing her job." ""Doing her job."" "I see what's going on." "See what?" "You got the little stardust in your eyes?" "Little birds floating around a little bit." "You don't want to lease this model." "You want to buy." "Can you please stop talking?" "No, no, you're in love!" "Look at you!" "Just stop." "You got special plans?" "Big day?" "You're going to invite us all out?" "Better make sure you get her a big rock, man, 'cause she doesn't look like she'll be that easily impressed." "And if it's not a big rock, you better be big somewhere else." "You know what I'm talking about." "That's why all your girlfriends wear so much bling?" "We're looking for information." "You're looking for information?" "About what?" "Information about cars." "In particular, two you designed recently." "Ramp cars." "Low slung, skeletal frames." "We'd be very interested to find the man who bought those." "Why should I help you?" "Because we're asking you nicely." "Because you're asking me nicely?" "What can you offer that I can't get from a thousand other girls?" "Stop!" "Stop!" "You look like a man who likes it rough." "My friend here can give you heights of pain you've never experienced before." "Do we have a deal?" "Deal!" "Deal!" "Deal!" "I take it back." "Me likey." "Stop, stop, stop." "So this is how you "got this"?" "By buying all of his cars?" "What good is having millions of dollars in the bank if you don't spend any of it?" "But don't worry about that." "Watch this." "Mr. Parker, again, can I just express our gratitude and say how much we appreciate your business." "If there's ever anything else you need, you just have to ask." "Anything?" "Now that you mention it, my swagger-less friend here, he really likes that shirt you have on." "This shirt?" "That shirt." "I'm not entirely sure that this shirt would fit your friend." "It will fit." "He needs a shirt that's a little less..." "Functional." "That's it, functional." "Okay." " I'll hold that." " Thank you." "Come on, man, time is money." "Yes, doing my best." "Damn, you need some hedge clippers for that shit." "Well, if that will be all..." "And the pants, too." "Right." "While you're at it, let me get that watch." "I like that watch." "This is for you." " And this is for you." " Thank you." "Good day, gentlemen." "Thank you." "So I..." "I got the information in here." "May I ask why you're looking for Shaw?" "He took something of ours." "We'd like to talk to him about it." "Let's see what we've got." "All right." "What do you want?" "They say if someone's looking for a Russian gun, you're the man to see." "They do, do they?" "What do you want, mate?" "That might be a bad idea." " I'm looking for the owner of this." " I don't know." "Take a closer look." "About a week ago, a girl came in, bought guns, ammo, everything I had." "A girl?" "What did she look like?" "Tough chick, dark hair." "Mean streak." "Word is she's a street racer." "Where can we find her?" "How do I know?" "Do I look like a racer?" "No." "You don't." "Take care, guys." "Oh, shit." "Sorry, girls." "Let's go!" "Hold on." "Stay with me." "Stay with me." "Tell me where to find Shaw, and I'll make him pay for this." "Braga..." "Hey, you!" "Stop right there!" " You go!" " No, you go!" "No one needs to know about this." "No one." "We lost Ivory." "He's gone." "Thanks." "That's it?" "If ivory's dead, he made a mistake." "If you make a mistake, you pay the price." "That's a great eulogy, Shaw." "Are you going to give the same speech for the rest of us when we go out?" "You're the last one I'd have pegged to be sentimental." "I like you, Letty." "I dare say I even feel a certain warmth towards you." "When I found you in the hospital, and you couldn't remember anything," "I said to myself," ""This girl has a gift."" ""She's a blank page."" "And that made me feel somewhat protective toward you." "If something happened to you, for instance," "I think I might find that slightly harder to bear." "What I'm saying is," "I would hate to see you make a mistake." "I'm going to get some air." " What the hell happened?" " We met Dom's girlfriend." "She's lovely." " Are you all right?" " Yeah." "Tej, what have you got?" "Footage, CCTV?" "Talk to me." "I just went through all of it." "Believe it or not, everywhere Shaw's team is, the cameras are down." "That's a hell of a coincidence." "All right, we're going to pay CCTV a little visit." "Let's roll." "What is that?" "That is a new toy for you." "So, what happened?" "Shaw's goons showed up and started shooting up the place." "But we got something big." " What?" " Braga." "He's working with Shaw." "What are you talking about?" "It's true." "That phone's filled with coded payment transactions that lead straight to Braga's cartel." "Who the hell is Braga?" "He ran one of the biggest cartels in Mexico." "And my old boss." "We used codes just like that to move money out of the country." "It all makes sense." "Braga was running Letty, now he's working with Shaw." "It would explain how the two of them met." "Okay, so you all know all this information about him, where do we find him?" "He's sitting in a prison in Los Angeles." "How do you know that?" "Brian put him there." "All right, so this is the break we were looking for." "If the two of them were working together," "Braga will know what Shaw's up to." "I'm going to pay him a visit." "Are you serious right now?" "Think about what you're saying." "You're wanted, Brian." "The moment you step foot off that plane, it's a wrap." "You're not coming back." ""Coming back"?" "How are you going to get in the country?" "Let me worry about that." "This is on me." "I'm the one that served her up to Braga." "I'm the one that gets to make it right." "Let me make it right." "Be careful." "He's ready to see you now." "Right this way." "Thank you for seeing us." "I won't take up much of your time." "My men were attacked earlier today." "I'm going to need to see all cameras in and around Waterloo station." "Will somebody tell Captain America here that requires clearance?" "Terry." "Bring up cameras 58 through 62, earlier today." "They've been down for maintenance all morning." "Sorry." "Okay." "Well, we appreciate your help." "Thank you." "You know what I find very interesting is Interpol was attacked recently as well." "Those cameras were down, too." "Didn't catch a thing." "Nothing." "Now, that means either one of two things." "Either means that your maintenance schedule here aligns perfectly with their escape route or it means that someone here is working with them." "And that's just ridiculous." "Because there ain't no way in hell anybody here would be working for them." "Particularly you, ain't that right?" "No, no, that's ridiculous." "That is ridiculous." "I'm going to need direct access to your live feed citywide." "And I also strongly suggest that you put a hold on any more" ""maintenance."" "Yeah, of course." "We appreciate your help." "Thank you so much." "Well, well, well." "The orange in that really makes your eyes pop." "Thanks, fellas." "Tell me something, O'Conner, how is it you keep running around the world, breaking every law known to man, and yet here I am, putting my job on the line for you?" "You'll feel a lot better once you get the credit for taking down Shaw." "I'm tempted to settle for you." "Well, you know what they say, Stasiak, if you want the career-changing big fish, you got to be willing to put on the big boy panties and sail out to the deep water." "You're an asshole, you know that?" "I missed you, too, man." "I really missed you." "I got you admitted into Victorville to do whatever you got to do." "It's a 24-hour hold." "You need to be out of there by 9:00 a.m." "That's when Forensics will run your fingerprints through the national database." "That program will match you and when they find out who you really are," "I won't be able to get you back out." "We're taking life in prison." "Cute kid." "So, I found out Braga's being held in cell block D3." "That's solitary." "I only had enough juice to get you in Gen Pop." "So you're going to have to do something to get his attention." "Sorry about this, man." "Sorry about what?" "Again?" "Big Brother's about to go live." "Damn, you can't flick a booger in London without somebody noticing." "Hey!" "Don't touch that." "That's nothing to play with, man." "What's the problem?" "That's high-tensile titanium cable." "What does that mean?" "That's what they use to anchor buildings and hold up bridges, stuff you know nothing about!" "See, now, their version, it works cool, but mine, masterpiece." "See, I reversed the gears, torqued the motor and added this tank to the back." "That makes it even sweeter." "It does." "It's not dummy-proof." "Man, I've been known to handle big guns." "Relax." "You've been known to handle that big-ass head." "Dom, I did some checking, asked around, got the location of a street race tonight." "Four speed Camaro SS big block." "You like it?" "Nice color." "Brian O'Conner." "That was quite an entrance." "You put a lot of these men in here." "What?" "You didn't think one would recognize you?" "I've kept tabs on you, you know." "You've been having a lot of fun out there." "Good cop gone bad, Rio de Janeiro." "It's exciting when you go criminal, isn't it?" "Too bad you didn't do it earlier, you could have worked for me." "Like Letty Ortiz?" "So tell me something, because I buried her." "Yeah?" "You did?" "You buried something, I couldn't tell you who or what it was." "I know she's running with Owen Shaw." "Still playing cop?" "Trust me, this is way above your pay grade." "Humor me, please." "Well, you're a dead man walking, what does it matter?" "I ran everything for Shaw." "Drugs, guns, money, women." "He taught me to think global when I was just local." "He made me a wealthy man." "And this guy didn't just have the cartels working for him." "He had the CIA, DEA, everyone in his pocket." "He knew what was going to happen before they did." "In fact, he even knew when some wet-behind-the-ears FBI agent decided to put some informant in my cartel." "The minute you put Letty undercover, she was dead, bro." "But she survived." "That girl is one tough bitch." "Shaw found her in a hospital two days later." "He went to finish the job." "And he didn't kill her." "Why?" "She had no memory." "Perfect girl?" "You're lucky this door's between us." "What happened to Letty is on your head." "Look at me!" "Look at me." "You won't do it." "What is Shaw up to?" "How do you think he knows your next move before you make it?" "He's got eyes on you." "Think about it." "The only way you get close to Shaw is if he wants you there." "You've got some serious balls, man." "I've been told." "You know, you're lucky I missed my shot." "I think you hit your mark." "Really?" "What is it with you?" "Do you got a death wish or something?" "If that's what it takes." "I just want to race." "You might lose your car." "Let's do it." "Your funeral." "Ride or die, remember?" "Listen up!" "Out here, we're used to getting what we want." "This is London, baby." "But remember, don't bite the bait." "Are you ready?" " Ready?" " Ready." "Steady." "Go!" "Just like old times." "This guy is crazy." "You got to be kidding me." "You're still upshifting early." "I do that so you brake." "You lose traction and the back end kicks out." "I noticed." "Look, just because you know how I ride, doesn't mean you know me." "You know what they say where we're from?" "Show me how you drive, I'll show you who you are." "You never could resist American muscle." "Nice scar." "You never could keep yourself out of trouble, either." "What else do you know about me?" "About you?" "Everything." "Like this scar." "You got that the first night we met." "You were 15." "First street race." "Some kid trying to show off lost control of his car, wiped out right next to you." "You're lucky you didn't lose your arm." "And let me guess, you saved me." "No." "I was the kid showing off." "And here..." "Boyle Heights." "You were fleeing with my little sister Mia and got trapped in a corner." "And you thought it was a good idea to ride your Torino Cobra through a retaining wall." "All right, how about this one?" "That's the last time we were together." "In the DR." "You wanted to go for a night swim." "You cut yourself on the reef." "I followed you." "I even got this scar to match." "Look, I don't know why you're here, but I really think you're over your head." "I'm here for you." "That girl you remember, it's not me." "Not from what I just saw." "Like it or not, you're still the same girl." "I saw it out there." "I see it right now." "I got to go." "Hey." "It belongs to you." "There she goes, leaving you again." "Bloody fickle, that one." "You want bloody?" "We could do bloody." "A street kid, starts out stealing DVD players in East L.A.," "ends up heisting $100 million in Rio." "Not bad?" "It's a good story, isn't it?" "Almost inspiring." "See, what I couldn't fathom is why he's not relaxing on a beach somewhere with that cute little Brazilian number." "Instead, he's working with a two-bit government hack like Hobbs." "And then I realized, he has a weak spot." "We all got a weak spot." "You know, when I was young, my brother always used to say," ""Every man has to have a code."" "Mine?" "Precision." "A team is nothing but pieces you switch out until you get the job done." "It's efficient." "It works." "But you?" "You're loyal to a fault." "Your code is about family." "And that's great in the holidays, but it makes you predictable." "And in our line of work, predictable means vulnerable." "And that means I can reach out and break you whenever I want." "At least when I go, I'll know what it's for." "Well, at least you have a code." "Most men don't." "So." "I'm going to give you a chance." "Take your crew and walk away." "That's the only way you're going to keep your family safe." "Your brother never told you never to threaten a man's family?" "It's a pretty stupid thing to do." "But I'll make it simple for you." "I walk away when she walks away." "Well, then, it appears this inspiring tale has come to an end." "If that's the way it has to go." "Let me guess..." "Hobbs." "Come on, you son of a bitch." "The "two-bit government hack."" "See you around, Toretto." "You can bet on it." "Riley, Shaw's leaving Battersea, heading southeast." "Have Tej track him on his live feed." "Go." "You know what would have happened if I didn't put that tracker in your car?" "This one?" "You know, this just got me one step closer to Shaw." "For what it's worth, Toretto," "I hope it gets you closer to what you want, too." "This better have been worth it." "More than you'll ever know." "Pretty." "May I?" "I'm going to ask you a question, Letty, and I want you to think very hard before you answer." "When I give you the order to take Toretto out," "what will your first thought be?" "Why don't you look me in the eye and you tell me what you see." "Keep it." "Tej, talk to me, what have we got?" "We were able to track Shaw after he left you and Dom, but this guy's smart, so we could only track him so far." "He seems to know all the city's blind spots." "See, we lost him somewhere in here, which means he could be anywhere within that half-a-mile radius." "Maybe if we cross-reference phone records, leases..." "No, this has got Shaw's name written all over it." "We've got vantage points, multiple exits, subways, highways and storm drains." "Bad-ass and brains." "Woman, you keep that up, I'm going to be out of a job." "All right, let's go nail that son of a bitch." "They're long gone." "There's nothing here." "There's never nothing." "There's always something." "Let's go, guys." "Shaw, everyone is in place." "All things moving according to plan." "Good." "Send him in." "Yo, it's Hobbs." "What have you got, Parker?" "Give me something good." "Yeah, that paint you got from Shaw's place is highly specialized." "Anti-thermal low-IR coating." " Military." " Exactly." "We got a list of bases around Europe that use this paint type and those specific colors." "All right, let's cross-reference that with all of Shaw's military targets." "I guaran-damn-tee you one of them is gonna match." "Bingo." "It's a NATO base in Spain." "That puts Shaw in a different country." "That means he's got an eight-hour lead on us." "We gotta move now." "Tej, give me that info." "Riley and I will go ahead and we're going to lock down the base." "We're going to protect that component personally." "Toretto, I'll arrange transportation for you and your cars." "You brush up on your Spanish, boys." "I'll see you en España." "You son of a bitch!" "You made it!" " What up, man?" " Good to see you." "Good to see you." "So, what's going on here?" "Figured out they're hitting an army base in Spain." "Border patrol ID'ed Shaw's men crossing through last night." "Hobbs and Riley went to lock down the base." " They're going to meet us there." " Where's Dom?" "He wasn't going without you." "I found out what happened to Letty." "It's all my fault." "Brian, whatever you found out, that's for you." "What we're about to do now is for her." "We've got four teams on overwatch, sniper-spotters in roosts north and south of the target." "Just keep all your men out of sight." "When they drive that truck in here," "I want to come crashing down on them like the walls of Jericho." "Hobbs, I just caught this one disabling the perimeter security system." " Your house is compromised." " What are you suggesting?" "I ain't suggesting." "We follow protocol, we move the component out." "Shaw thinks it's here." "We're going to get it out of here before he arrives." "Stealth and speed are going to be our two best friends." "We're going to protect our little egg, move it out of the henhouse, then we're going to wait for that goddamn fox to arrive." "I just got word they caught one of Shaw's men at the base." "It's time." "Something is not right." "He wanted us to find that guy." "Think about it." "At Interpol, you were face-to-face with him." "Brian, so what are you saying?" "Braga said the only way you get near Shaw is if he wants you to." "Tej, where's that component?" "They're moving it to a secure location." "Shaw ain't hitting that base." "He's hitting the convoy." "Let's go!" "We've got a report, the convoy's under attack." "Get a chopper, now!" "Fellas, you better hurry up." "They just took the convoy." "And Dom," "Letty's with them." "We stick to the plan." "All right, you heard the man." "Let's play this fast and clean." "That thing's heading your way." "All systems go." "Everything looks stable." "Guys, we gotta come up with another plan." "They got a tank." "I'm sorry, did somebody just say "a tank"?" "We got company, guys." "Toretto is coming right at you." "Okay." "Get the weapons hot." "Give me satellite imaging." "Straight ahead of us." "There you are." "Who's got a plan B?" "Plan B?" "We need a plan C, D, E." "We need more alphabets!" "Hey, we do what we do best." "We improvise, all right?" "Okay, Jah." "Take it to the other side." "Let's have some fun." "What the hell is wrong with you?" "This isn't part of the plan." "Take their attention away from the people!" "Shaw, you don't have to do this." "We got one right in front of us." "Boom." "Oh, shit!" "You lucky bastard." "Roman, you hang in there." "Hang in there, mam!" "Somebody better do something!" "I got a tank on my ass!" "There's gotta be a break up ahead." "Oh, look, a bridge." "Screw it." "Yeah!" "We're dragging a car behind us." "Brian, that Mustang would make a nice anchor." "Yeah, I'm on it." "Damn!" "Shaw, we've got to get rid of that car." "Letty, go take care of the cable." "Yeah!" "What's she doing?" "Shit!" "Okay, Toretto." "Here's your girl..." "And your happy ending." "Letty!" "Jesus Christ." "I can't believe they stole a 70-ton tank for a three-ounce computer chip." "That 3-ounce computer chip is more deadly than 1,000 of those tanks." "What about her?" "Not her." "She was working with Shaw." "Was, but she's always been one of us." "Let's give them a minute." "Let's go process Shaw and his crew." "I've never looked more forward to filling out paperwork in my life." "Hey." "Look, I don't even know how to say this to you," "but everything that's happened here is because of me." "I'm the one that put you undercover..." "Stop." "I may not remember anything, but I know one thing about myself." "Nobody makes me do anything I don't want to." "So, what's our next adventure after this?" "How about we stay in one place?" "Where are you thinking?" "Tokyo." "We always talk about Tokyo." "Tokyo it is." "Can I ask you something?" "How did you know that there would be a car there to break our fall?" "I didn't." "Some things you just have to take on faith." "Hey, Toretto!" "You need to hear this." "You guys really think you've won." "This code you live by, it's the very reason why you weren't even in the game." "I told you exactly what I was gonna do if you didn't walk away, Toretto." "Go!" "But you didn't listen." "I told you I can reach out and break you whenever I want." "And I have." "Come on." " Go." " No!" "Maybe you should call Mia." " Mia?" " Brian!" "Let me go!" "So, this is how it's gonna go down." "You're gonna cut me loose from these cuffs, you're gonna hand me the chip," "I'm gonna walk out of here and you're not gonna follow." "You must be joking." "Look at his face." "Ask him if I'm joking." "One hostage does not outweigh the threat to millions." "I'm sorry, but this changes nothing." "It changes everything." "You tell your men to stand down." "Stand down." "Toretto," "I need you to know, the moment we let him walk out that door with that chip, words like "amnesty" and "pardon"" "walk out with him." "Those words went out the day we were born." "Coming, babe?" "Of course." "I wouldn't miss it for the world." "Like I said, you were never in the game." "If I see you on the horizon, I'll make the call and the girl's dead." "So, what about Toretto's sister?" "There's no need for her anymore." "I just jammed every signal up and down the spectrum." "Let's move." "I'm coming with you." "Where the hell does this dude think he's going?" "We're on an army base, he's trapped." "You just had to open your mouth." "Now we got a big-ass plane to deal with." "That ain't a plane." "That's a planet." "She's as good as dead if Shaw gets away on that plane." "Then we don't let him get away." "Let's end this thing." "Ride or die." "Ride or die." "Tell them to take off!" "Babe, get me under the wing." "If I can hit that flap, we can keep it from taking off." "You be careful." "This is who we are." "Shit!" "Grab the wheel!" "Dom!" "Go!" "Come on." "Let's go." "Get in the car." "What happened?" "Did you hit the flap?" "You should buckle up right now." "What?" "Hey!" "Wrong team, bitch." "Shit." "Yeah!" "I got you." "Tej!" "Keep her steady!" " We gotta move, it's going down!" " Go!" "Go, now!" "Come on, let's move, move, move!" "Come on!" "Dom!" "Where's Gisele?" "Where's Gisele?" "So this is worth billions?" "Yes, it is." "Name your price, Dom." "1327." "Don't burn it this time." "Please?" "I never go and burn it, man." "Good food." "The air quality here is lousy, the traffic is bad, but I think you'll learn to like this place." "Yeah, and here you've got your own garage so you can build a car with Daddy." "We'll be building a car?" "First car better be a Charger, Jack." "You mean Skyline." "Like I said, he's a Toretto." "You're confusing the kid." "Mia, you're gonna let him get away with this?" "You're really going to do it?" "Tokyo." "Yeah, it's just something I gotta do." "You know we got your back, whenever you need us." "Hey, Mia, you better hide your baby oil." "I'm just playing." "You better hide that big-ass forehead." "I was just joking, but whatever." "Definitely not that funny." "It's official." "You're all free." "It wasn't half bad, having you work for me." "We all know you were working for me, Hobbs." "Agree to disagree." "Thank you." "Good luck." "Elena?" "Letty." "This is gonna be awkward." " But sexy as hell." " Sexy as hell." "I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for him." "For us." "It takes an amazing woman." "He's an amazing guy." "Yeah, he is." "Try to keep him out of trouble?" "Now, you know that's not gonna happen." "I know." "Not bad for a cop." "I never thought I'd trust a criminal." "Until next time." "Until next time." "Elena." "You know you don't have to go." "All this..." "This is your family." "It's who you are." "This is my family." "This is who I am." "All right, everybody, let's eat." "Want some help with that?" "It's all here, it's done." "Come on, man, let's get with it." "First bite, he's got grace." "House rules, man." "House rules." "Any of this feel familiar to you?" "No." "But it feels like home." "That's good enough for me." "All right, y'all." "Come on, let's do this." "Okay, Roman, bless our table." "Father, thank you for the gathering of friends." "Father, we give thanks for all the choices we've made, because that's what makes us who we are." "Let us forever cherish the loved ones we've lost along the way." "Thank you for the little angel, the newest addition to our family." "Thank you for bringing Letty home." "And most of all, thank you for fast cars." "Dominic Toretto." "You don't know me, but you're about to." | {
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"Toho" "THE WHOLE FAMILY WORKS" "Mikio Naruse - screenwriter" "Nao Tokugawa - story" "Cast:" "Musei Tokugawa" " Ishimura Noriko Honma" " His wife" "Akira Ubukata" " Kiichi, first son Kaoru Ito" " Genji, second son" "Seikichi Minami" " Noboru, third son Takeshi Hirata" " Eisaku, fourth son" "Seiichiro Bando" " Kokichi, fifth son Kiyoko Wakaba" " Hide, first daughter" "Den Obinata" " Ogawa Sumie Tsubaki" " Mitsuko" "Directed by Mikio Naruse" "I'll get some rice for you." "Don't worry, I'll do it myself." "Here, give me your bowl." "I'll dish it out for you." "I'll do it myself." "Kiichi, since you guys are working at places like Sanyo, things must be good for you." "Not really." "Mother, Genji seems to be doing well." "It's a first for someone from this family." "It's hopeless for me." "No matter what I do, it'll never amount to much." "How much do you make, Kiichi?" "You should know that." "Mom!" "Can I get up now?" "It's still early." "Why don't you sleep some more." "Go upstairs." "You can come down when I'm done straightening up." "What's to be done with you, Kokichi?" "Mother, are you putting pickled onions in my lunch again?" "It smells up the train when I go to work." "Yeah, and it makes the rice smell bad." "The salmon is worse." "That's because you put them next to the warm rice." "What?" "Why do you have to complain too?" "Hey, let's run to the train." "Good morning!" "Good morning!" "Genji!" "Me?" "She's pretty, that girl." "She graduated from school the same year that Genji did?" "That's right." "On your way back, tell your brother to come over." "Oh, so you aren't asking me to come?" "He seems a little down these days, that's why." "He does seem kind of grumpy today." "Well, please." "See you later." "This stinks!" "Mom, Jiro says he's going to Middle School." "Is that right?" "I really don't want to be a factory worker." "You can't say that." "Your brothers went to work as soon as they finished elementary school." "Mom, I'm going to be a soldier." "I'm going to go the Military Academy." "What do you think?" "That sounds good." "Kokichi, you're always saying you're going to be a general." "What about me, mother?" "You're going to be a...a tramp." "Kokichi, why do you say such stupid things?" "I think you're going to be someone's pretty wife." "I'm going to be a pretty bride!" "Mother, I really don't want to work in a factory." "Well, I don't know what to say to you." "Talk to your father about it." "Ishimura, this is for you." "Did you talk to your father about what you wanted to do after you graduate?" "You haven't talked to him yet I guess." "He says he's going to send me to the factory." "Well, in any case you have to think about your future." "I have to think about this." "Go home and think about it." "If I stay here, I can't do anything." "I won't be able to take care of my parents when they get old..." "I can't get married, either." "No matter how long you stay here, your pay won't go up." "And most of all, it'd be a shame for... a smart guy like you to waste yourself here." "I don't think that's true, but I would like to go to school." "But if I go to school,the family... income will go down and it'll be tough on all of them." "Who's working now?" "Two of my brothers and my father." "That's four of us." "As it is now, we barely make out - with our incomes now." "If one of us stops working, it'll be tough on all of us." "What are you doing?" "Hey, this guy is fast asleep." "Watch out!" "I envy you." "All those hard working boys." "I don't know if they're hard working." "They just get bigger and bigger." "They're going to be fine men soon." "What are you saying?" "They just eat more and their lunches get bigger and bigger." "Still, they don't bring in that much money." "That can't be true." "But it is." "No matter how much barley I mix in with the rice, they just gobble it up." "At least they work." "That's good." "It doesn't really make that much of a difference." "Going to the market?" "Yes." "Cod is really cheap today." "I bought some." "I think I'll cook it up with tofu." "I'll have a look then." "Prices have really gone up haven't they?" "They have, but we can't just sit around and complain about it." "Every day is hard." "Remember, it's cod." "They'll give you a discount if you ask for one, so don't forget to mention it." "I see." "Thank you." "Cut it out." "Cut it out." "Mom!" "Cut it out." "Mom!" "This cod would probably be good with tofu." "Yes, it probably would be, but tofu costs 5 sen and we don't have enough for that." "I suppose that's right." "It would be a different story if you'd give up drinking." "It's good stewed like this, though." "All my hard work and this is what I get." "Kokichi?" "Are you done studying?" "I think you have some more to do." "I don't understand this one." "Which one?" "Let's see." "Hmm..." "Well, arithmetic these days seems to be different than when I studied it." "You don't understand?" "I don't think I learned how to do these." "What?" "Go upstairs and ask your brothers." "Help me with this!" "Help me with this!" "Are you a girl?" "[Are you a girl?" "]" "No!" "I'm a boy!" "No, I'm not a girl, I'm a boy." "Hey!" "I'll help you." "Ma-chan is getting married." "She's coming the day after tomorrow." "You'll have to go over there." "Yeah." "It wouldn't look good if I didn't." "What about a kimono?" "Mine is good enough I think." "You have to bring them something, too." "It's before the 30th." "I don't know." "Don't you have some money?" "No, of course not." "Eisaku has some." "He saves his allowance money." "Why does he have money?" "I took a look and he has almost 2 yen." "That makes him the richest person in the house." "I think I'm going to have to borrow from him again." "Again?" "So you've taken money from him before?" "I borrowed from him last year." "I'm embarassed I haven't paid him back." "Poor kid." "He's like Kiichi." "He's good at school." "Yeah, poor kid, but I'm his mother." "He's a good kid." "Of course, he's better than Kiichi in some ways." "Kokichi seems to be struggling, though." "Eisaku, you'll catch a cold." "How old were we when we first met?" "You mean you forgot?" "I was nineteen and you were sixteen." "Of course, that was when we first met, but..." "That's not what I'm talking about." "It's about time - to start thinking about Kiichi getting married." "I think it's still kind of early for that." "But Kiichi is the oldest." "We have to think about- having him get a bride and settling down." "It would be better to wait two or three years." "By that time " "Genji and Noboru will probably be making a little more money." "I think we need to think about it soon." "What do you think about the girl across the way?" "She seems to like Kiichi." "This is interesting." "I don't know if I like protagonists meeting like that." "Why don't- you read it and tell me what you think?" "OK." "Are you busy these days?" "Hmm." "Let's go somewhere when you have a day off." "Hmm." "What's wrong with you?" "Hmm" "I don't like this." "Is something wrong?" "No." "You're going home already?" "Yes." "Bye." "What's wrong?" "I have to talk to my father." "What about the book?" "Aren't you going to take the book?" "I'm home." "Welcome back." "Father, I don't know this is filial or not, but I'd like to take five years off of work." "What are you going to do if you take five years off?" "No matter how long I work at the place I'm at now, I can't get ahead." "I want to quit and go to school, even if it has to be night school." "I want to go - to electrician's school and get an electrician's license." "Then, when I'm 27 or 28, even in the- worse case I could make as much as when I was 26." "But..." "I know that it would be tough on everyone if I did that." "That's why I'm asking you." "I know- that no matter how long I work at that place, things just won't get better." "You could think of me as having died." "Don't be stupid!" "You wouldn't be dead, you'd be living and eating rice and burning firewood." "Your father's pay is going down and down." "If you don't work, what are we going to do?" "I know." "That's why I'm talking it over with Father." "I know." "I was listening." "I was listening very well." "And what I want to know is how can you ask for- such a selfish thing when all of us are struggling so hard to get by?" "It's not selfish." "Mother, you just don't understand." "What isn't there to understand?" "Someone's got to your head." "Just let us talk." "Do you have any place to go if you leave here?" "My boss at work stayed with a lawyer when he was younger." "He says I can go there." "He's the guy who worked his way through Waseda." "I think that you're being quite serious, but I don't know what to say to you." "Well, think it over until Saturday." "I'm supposed to go see my boss then." "Well, hurry up and eat." "I don't need anything more to eat." "Then have some tea." "I already had some." "What's up with him?" "Someone must have said something to him." "He gets a little freedom - and wants to go all the way." "He doesn't think at all about how tough it is for all of us." "Don't be so hard on him." "He's thinking about the family in his own way." "Are you really going to leave the family?" "I wanted to talk you about that." "Sit down." "Where did he go?" "I don't know." "He..." "Are you going to the bath?" "What's with you guys?" "You all look so serious today." "Can you leave us alone?" "We have something important to talk about." "I don't like this." "Kiichi!" "You think about it but it doesn't help." "Things can only turn out the way they're going to turn out." "I see." "Father, I'm going ahead." "What day is it today?" "It's Wednesday." "Father, Mr. Washio asked me where I would be going to school next year." "Yes, and what did you say?" "I said I was going to the factory." "Did he say that was a good thing?" "No." "He said he'd think about it." "The next time you see him he'll give you some praise." "I'm sure of that." "But I'm in a hurry now." "Should we walk or run to the train." "Jyan ken pon!" "Get out of the way!" "Walk carefully." "Should I bring an abacus?" "No, an abacus wouldn't help with this calculation." "That was a joke." "You know, I'm really jealous of you." "With all those boys, you must have a lot of money." "I'm worried about my oldest son." "What's wrong?" "Has he started going out at night?" "No, it's not like he's found a girl or anything like that." "Of course, he's entitled to his own opinions and - he does talk things over with us." "He says he wants to leave home." "Why?" "He says he wants to go to school, so he wants five years off." "I don't think it's such a - bad idea, really." "He's always liked studying." "He says he can't take care of us when we get- old or get married and support a wife." "He's pretty conscientious." "I think my son is the same age as yours, but he comes home drunk every night and hardly brings in any money at all." "Conscientious or not, I don't know if I can give him a month, let alone five years." "But that's a good problem to have." "He's still something." "I think so, too." "He's a rare kid." "Not really." "It seems he doesn't drink much, and he doesn't smoke at all." "And he brings home money every month." "So that's good." "My boy's completely different." "Does he drink that much?" "If it were just drinking, it would be alright, but it looks like he's got a girlfriend." "You have to watch out for that." "Where are we going?" "Never mind, just follow me." "I have to go." "Here, right?" "Yes." "I have to meet someone." "See you later." "Come on." "Come with us." "Where did Genji and the boys go?" "I think they went to that place again." "The other boys are itching to do what Kiichi has been talking about." "Who knows what Kiichi will say if he starts talking to them." "If he tells them what he's thinking about," "He's getting pretty uppity these days." "You have to say something to him." "Did you get the money from Eisaku?" "I just talked to him about it." "That boy is OK." "Hey Eisaku, are you sure?" "Don't worry." "I've got enough." "It's on me tonight." "So I can order one more?" "Sure." "How about some tempura noodles?" "Sure." "We'd like a tempura noodles here." "What about me?" "Can I have another bowl, too?" "Yes." "Can I order the noodles in the stewpot?" "Sure." "Hey Eisaku, give me 10 sen." "Why?" "I want to buy a book at the used book store." "You two go ahead." "Are you going to take a bath?" "Yeah." "Didn't you have one last night." "Yeah, but I want to warm up." "Is your brother really going to leave home?" "I don't know." "He has a hard time saying no to people." "You think?" "That's not good." "You like my brother, don't you Mitsuko." "You're pretty direct." "Hey, let's go look at photographs next Saturday." "If your brother isn't going to be around I'll go." "Harrumph." "When we were in school you were really good at imitating people." "That's because I'm a good person." "I did it so everyone could have fun." "You did it when we went to Okochi." "You were really good." "Forget about that stuff." "No one's here." "There's nothing to be embarrassed about." "Just play along." "No way." "Have some coffee." "It's on me." "Really?" "Yes." "I don't feel right taking it." "I guess I could sing you a song." "Really?" "I do feel a little self-conscious." "On the other hand, I did get this coffee for free." "Here goes." "I'm going home." "Don't tell my father about what I just said." "About what?" "About going to see the pictures." "Of course I'm going to tell him." "Please!" "Genji, what are you doing?" "Where's your brother?" "I thought he was at home." "Good night." "Bye." "Good night." "Do you think he's going to come back?" "I don't think so." "Why don't you check his bags?" "Be quiet!" "Hello." "You're pretty late." "Do you want some tea?" "No thanks." "It's cold out there." "It's not too bad." "Hello." "It looks like Eisaku went out and used up all the money last night." "How?" "I think he was worried that I wouldn't give him back his money so he took the boys out to eat." "Well, what do you expect?" "The boys end up doing things like that because of the way you talk." "What good does yelling about it here make?" "You're early today." "The new bride is moving in next door." "You know, at Ma-chan's place." "I thought I'd have a look." "Is that way you came home early?" "That's pretty stupid." "That's why you get so many pimples." "Harrumph!" "Your brother came home late last night?" "Yes." "Is he busy or what?" "Where'd you'd get this?" "Did you buy it?" "It was a gift." "From whom?" "From Mr. Washio." "Noboru, did you see the bride?" "Yes, I did." "Was she pretty?" "I don't know.She was in whiteface so I couldn't tell." "That's too bad." "There was so much food there it made me dizzy." "Excuse me." "Good evening." "The guy singing is Father." "That's right." "Mom, Father's drunk and singing." "Is that right?" "Come on in and go to bed." "Come in." "Do you have anything cold to drink?" "Were you drinking?" "Water would be good." "You don't drink too much, do you?" "Do you think I'm different when I'm drunk?" "No." "It's hard to tell you've been drinking." "I don't know why, but I felt like getting drunk tonight." "Are you OK?" "Hey" "Hey, you know, over at Ma-chan's place there's a new bride coming in." "I saw her." "She's really pretty." "Are you going home?" "Are you sure you're OK?" "I'm fine." "It doesn't look that way." "Why don't you just lie down and go to sleep here." "Pow!" "It's your Father!" "Pow!" "Go to bed!" "Seems pretty lively over there." "They made me drink a lot." "It was rough." "Where's Kiichi?" "He's still out." "What is he doing out late every night?" "What about Genji and the others?" "They're here." "Hey Genji, do you know why Kiichi is always late these days?" "He said he was going to Mr. Washio's place." "What's he doing over there?" "I don't know." "Did he say anything to you, Genji?" "He said that he didn't know if what he was doing was filial or not but that he'd - made up his mind and that he wanted us to hold up our end of the bargain." "Hmm..." "Welcome home." "Hello." "Do you want something to eat?" "No thanks." "Oh, I didn't know you were at home, Father." "Were you drinking?" "Yes." "Whew!" "I got drunk." "I heard you were at Washio's place." "Yes." "He said to say hello to you." "What did he say?" "He said a lot of things." "I think I understood what he was saying but I'm not sure." "It's hard to explain." "What?" "What did he say?" "I went to ask him what filial piety was!" "And what did he say?" "Like I said, it would take a while to explain." "But Father, I'm not going to give up on my plans." "Remember that." "No matter what happens, I won't give up." "Look, I'm 22." "I can't mess around any more." "No one told you couldn't do what you wanted." "But that's what your face says." "I know." "I went to see my boss, and last night I talked to that lawyer." "Come, I'll buy you a coffee." "Kiichi are you alright?" "Take it easy." "What's up with Kiichi?" "I don't know." "What do you suppose it is?" "What are you going to do?" "Are you going to take the day off?" "What?" "I think that stuff they had last night was bad." "My head hurts." "That's because you gulp your liquor down." "But I didn't have a choice." "It only seemed that way because you don't have a backbone." "Mother, I'm going to be a Junior Air Cadet." "Doesn't that sound good?" "Anything you want to be is OK with me." "I thought you were going to be a general." "Shin-chan is going to be the general, so I decided to do something else." "I'm going to get married!" "Today I'm going to talk to Mr. Washio." "About what?" "About Kiichi." "I see." "I hope he has some useful advice for you." "What about me?" "You're still little." "We'll worry you about you later." "You used the money you said you were going to lend to me." "And you don't even scold him." "How long are you going to bug us about that?" "I'll ask him about you." "That's fine for a drunk with a hangover to say." "I want you to think about me for once." "Be quiet!" "What's going on?" "I don't understand why Kiichi was asking about those things last night." "That's..." "He suddenly asked me what filial piety was." "There's a lot going on with him now." "Yes, it seems that way, but I don't know what it is." "He won't tell me." "Without knowing, it's hard for me to give advice." "I just said what I could." "Did you have a fight with him?" "No, not a fight." "It's a really difficult problem...." "I see." "Now I understand." "You need some help with this." "I'm not trying to use filial piety as a way to get my sons to work for me." "It's just that..." "I see." "It's really not that much of an ambition, really." "He wants to feed his parents and a wife." "I want to grant him his wish." "I'd like to be able to write everything off if he fails." "But if I say yes to him,I know I'll have to say yes to the others." "Yeah, that's tough." "Some advice from you" "Why don't you talk it over amongst all of you?" "If the parents are good, the children will be, too." "You should think it over together." "Why did you do that?" "So I don't frown." "I didn't come here at the bequest of Mr.Ishimura to give my opinion." "I'm not the kind of person who does that." "Nor do I have an answer like do this or do that." "It'd be easy if Mr. Ishimura had a drinking problem or if Kiichi were lazy." "That's why I think all of you should talk things over amongst yourselves." "What do you think Genji?" "What kind of hopes do you have?" "I want to join the navy." "In ten years I could make it to warrant officer." "How about you Noboru?" "He has some really big ambitions." "Why don't you talk?" "It's not your turn to talk." "He wants to be a lawyer." "That's great." "All of you are going to succeed." "Mr. Ishimura, you must be happy." "Are you saying that we won't succeed?" "No, no, I wasn't saying that." "Because I will succeed." "How do you know?" "Be quiet, Kiichi." "I can't put up with this any longer." "I'm 22." "If I don't prepare for my future, when am I going to do it?" "Even if I work 100 years at the place I'm working now, I won't be able to feed a wife." "I've put up with a lot of poverty." "Father, I don't want to insult you, but since I left elementary school, in fact, since I was in elementary school, I've worked as hard as anyone." "Since the second or third grade I was selling beans with Genji two or three years ago." "How long do I have to put up with this?" "All my life I've always thought that it would get better at some point, but..." "What are you saying?" "!" "Mr. Ishimura!" "I'm not trying to insult you Father." "I'm just sick of living day to day." "I'm not talking about ambition or becoming a lawyer or anything like that." "I just want to be able to have enough to eat." "That's my plan." "If I don't succeed, I won't be able to eat." "Fine." "Just leave." "Come back in 5 years." "Ten years." "Succeed." "We'll get by somehow." "Genji, Noboru, Eisaku, you guys do what you want to." "I shouldn't have been depending on you." "I'm going to see what I can do." "I still have a bit left in me." "Kiichi, let's go have a tea and talk things over." "The world is not such a small place." "A young person like you shouldn't be crying over things like this." "Understand?" "What do you think he's going to do?" "I don't know, but I feel sorry for Father." "I bet you he won't leave." "Don't you think so?" "Sorry about crying in there, but I feel like it cleared the air." "I now understand what a good kid you are." "Like I said, I can't tell you what you should do." "That's because I respect how you feel." "You shouldn't be in a hurry." "I don't want you to give up on your ambitions." "I just want you to try hard." "That's all I want from you." "I'll do that." "I'll work hard." "I'm going to do my best." "Me too!" "Do your best!" "translated by:" "Guy YASKO" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"You know what next Friday the 21st is, right?" "The day after the 20th?" "No no, the day before the 22d." " No, it's..." " It's Ashley's birthday, I know." "You know, I think after everything she's been through, we should make this one special." " A trip to Vegas?" " I'm thinking, surprise party at Gray." "What are you doing?" "Just imagining how much better it would be if we went to Vegas" "Okay, whatever you're picturing in your head, it's never gonna happen" "That's why I'm milking the moment." " You're so weird." " Are you guys talking about me?" "Actually hum, yeah." "Have you guys seen anyone here from VH1?" " VH1?" " Yeah." "They're supposed to be doing some special "In Memoriam" thing on my dad." "My mom signed some release, so..." "They could follow me around." "See what the life of Raife Davies' daughter is all about." "I'm sure she's getting money out of it somehow." "Hey, you left me at home." "Sorry." "God, I keep forgetting that I have a sister." "Weird, hum?" "If she... she forgets again, you can always call me." " Thanks." " Excuse me?" "Hi, Perry Fielder with VH1" " Yeah, hi, I'm Ashley," " You're Kyla Woods, right?" "Hum, yeah." "Tell me how does it feel to find out that you're the secret daughter of Raife Davies?" "So I take it things aren't going so well with you and Ash." "Can I plead the second?" "I think you mean the fifth." " The Second's the right to bear arms." " That's what I'm pleading for." "You guys are gonna be okay." "You know, she's tough, but she'll loosen up." "I'm not worry wether Ashley's loose enough or not." "Heard that." "What are you doing here?" "Looking for her." "But since you brought it up, what is she doing here?" " He invited me." " Oh, did he?" "I'm gonna go shower." "Look, if it's not too much trouble to ask, could you stop completely invading my life?" " Ash, I'm not invading..." " Ash?" "No, Ash, no..." "You don't get the right to call me Ash, it's Ashley to you." "No, you know what?" "You don't even get the right to call me Ashley." " I'm not trying to invade anything." " VH1 video." "They invaded me." "This may be hard on you, but it is no dream come true for me either." "I'm sure it must be really though finding out you're mom is a total whore." "Well, not as though as finding out that my half sister is a roaring bitch." "Just do me a favor." "Take your half of the money and get your bastard ass out of here." " What's up?" " Nothing." " How's your knee?" " It's getting better every minute." " I've been thinking about us a lot." " Ay dios mio." "Look, you were confused, alright." "Breaking up with me, going out with Aiden." "Getting dumped by Aiden." "What's your point?" "I'm here for you." "I'm not interested." "Really?" "Because before I blew out my knee, you were talking about getting married." "I was just caught up in the moment." "I didn't want you to go away to college without me." "Now I'm not going anywhere." "Exactly." "People say that I'm shallow." "Look at this." ""Duarte Embezzles from Non-Profit."" "Your dad stole from a charity?" " It's just lawyer spin, its fine." " Right." "Be honest." " Mr. Carlin, it's amazing." " I love your honesty." "What's that vegetable?" " No, no, please don't..." " Don't ask him about this." "Chelsea, it's a Chinese vegetable called Gai-lon." " Gai-long." " Very good." "It's an interesting story, actually." "I was in the Peace Corps in China, small town, helping the villagers harvest rice in the Shandong peninsula." "Ok, leave now Chelsea, before he gets to the part about that old woman who taught him how to weave." "Hey, that basket still holds water, okay?" " Dad, come on." " No no, it's interesting." "Alright, yeah." "That's it." "Dis-invite her to dinner now." "No way. you go, she stays." "Alright, deal." "Well if I'm gonna tell it right, I really should start at the top." "It was August in Beijing." "I ended up crashing at the Nan Chi Zi Youth Hostel." "I lost my student visa..." "Yeah, I'm telling you, it look like it's about to get ugly." "Yeah, I just feel so bad for Ashley right now." "I don't think she can take one more hit." " Yeah but I feel bad for Kyla too." " You like her." "No I'm just saying she's going through the same things Ashley is." "Yeah and I'm just saying you like her." " Who?" "Kyla?" " Yeah." "Look, I just think she's cool, alright?" "Different." "Oh so that's why you were staring at her all through history class." "Can we get back to the e-vite list please?" "E-vite list for what?" "Ashley's surprise party this Friday." "You're both invited." "I am so there." " Okay." "You are so not invited." " What?" "Why?" "How about you don't even like Ashley?" "Yeah but I love parties." "So if you don't invite me, I'm just gonna crash it." "How's your physical therapy?" "You know what, he's getting there." "I'll show you how much better my knee's gotten, on Friday, when I throw off these crutches, I'll bust it up." "Just as long as you don't bust up your knee again." "Are you two staying for dinner?" "No thanks." "I gotta bail soon" "That's too bad." "I hope you're staying Chelsea." " Oh yeah, I am." " Good." "It'll give me a chance to catch up with my favorite couple." " We're her favorite couple." " Look at that." "It sucks." "But that's the price to pay for being in the closet." " Yeah I guess." " Don't worry." "My night sucked too." "My mom has officially made Kyla her new B.F.F." "Do you have any idea how long she's staying in town?" "No." "But even if she'd left right now it'd still be way too long." "You know, she was totally hitting on Aiden yesterday." "Yeah, I thought he's got a crush on her too." "What?" "Did he said that?" "No he just had that look on his face when he said her name." "What?" "This look?" "That's the one." "It's so gonna destroy our circle." "Oh, I completely forgot." "Friday night we've got dinner reservation at Mako at eight." " You're planning our dates now?" " No." "It's your birthday." "Right." "Right." "Wait, you don't wanna celebrate?" "Kyla's dead dad and Bitch Mom had sex seventeen years ago." "Why would I wanna celebrate a mistake?" "Would you wanna celebrate that?" "I just don't even wanna hear the words "happy birthday"." "Let alone have some big fancy dinner." "No celebration?" "Got it." "I got your invitation to Ashley's party." "I'm not going." "I know it feels like I'm trying to push you two together, and..." " Maybe I am." " Why are you doing that?" "Because she's your sister and..." "She's never had any real family." "You mean like I have never really had a dad?" "I'm not buying it, I..." "I just..." "I don't think Ashley's gonna want me at her surprise party." "You're right, I don't." "Then again, I didn't even know I was having a surprise party." "So you've manage to ruin my life, and my birthday." "You've only been here a couple of weeks, this is so impressive." "Whatever." "Sorry, didn't mean to ruin your super-secret conversation." "Surprise." "Hum, yeah, I'll call the party off." "No, just because Kyla ruined the surprise doesn't mean she gets to ruin the party." "Good." "Just one thing." "She doesn't come." "Somehow, I don't think we're gonna have to worry about that." "Thank you so much for being great." "This is gold." "Don't stop." "Oh my God." "You can't put this on TV." "Yeah, I'm coming to the party." "I wanna see which one of those sister backhands you." "What are you talking about?" "You're looking for trouble putting yourself between those two girls, that's all." "Kyla's just the new girl." "I'm just being nice to her for Ashley." "I got it under control." "Yeah." "Hold up." "Oh oh!" " Girl you got the wrong room." " Oh wait, this isn't trig?" "I hope you're looking for me." "I just came by to say I know you and Ashley are good friends and..." "I didn't mean to spoil the surprise." "Don't worry, Ashley's not a big fan of surprises anyway." "Yeah I can personally attest to that." "Yeah." "You know she looks at you, right?" " What?" " Oh come on." "There's something between you two, isn't there?" "Something between..." "No, nothing, we're just friends." "Okay, have it your way." "Look, I still think you should go to Ashley's party." "I mean just come with me." "I won't let things get messed up." "Do I have to beg?" "Stop, Aiden." "I'm not going." "Look, I know Ashley and I know how her mind works." "You guys..." "Gonna have to deal with each other sooner or later." "Maybe I can help." "Yeah man." "You got this under control." "Excuse me." "If it isn't the rocker daughter's girlfriend." "Yeah." "I'm gonna need that tape of me and Ashley." "Which tape?" "Don't be an ass." "Look you don't understand." "If my parents see that." "I mean if anyone really sees that." "Then I can't." "We can't." "My parents don't know we're together and they don't even know that I am..." "And this is gonna ruin us." "That's tough." "But this could be huge and that's why I get paid for." "Madison, there you go." "Thank God it's still here." "My mom got this for me from Italy." "She would have freaked if I lost it." "Madison, your tab has gotten pretty high, it's time you pay it off." "No problem." "I don't have any cash on me, but I'll swing by this weekend." "I read about your dad." "If you're having trouble, we can work out something." "Things are fine, just..." "give me a couple of days." "Madison, if you work here even just for a few days a week, you picked up a couple of shifts" "We could start to..." "get rid of your debt." "Work?" "That looks cute too." " You look hot." " Thank you." " What are you gonna wear?" " I don't know yet." "But I think I might try to dress up." "I figured, your brother is worth looking good for every once in a while." "He really likes you." "You make him so happy." "Well, it's easy." "Yeah. you know, before he was always like:" "Oh my God I have this advance physics time calculus?" "." "I know I'm doomed." "And then he'd like hyper-ventilate, all day." "He still hyper-ventilates." "I just..." "I think it's kinda cute." "He, if you think that's cute, you guys are definitely made for each other." "I know." "I think it's really great that you're planning this party for Ashley." "Yeah, well..." "Ashley's my... best friend, so..." "Isn't she more than just a friend?" "Yeah." "Yes." "I really like the way you guys are together." "I mean it feels real." "Well it is." "I mean, for me..." "I don't know if that matters to anyone else, so..." "You know what?" "I think if you find love, no matter who it's with..." "You're lucky." "Thank you." "Oh my God." "Please, don't tell anyone because no one in my family knows." "I do." "But no one... no one will know until you're ready." "Arthur?" "Arthur, did you see my cell phone?" "Hum, no." "Did you check the kitchen counter?" "Yes." "Shoot." "I am so late, I overslept." "Well, that's what happens when you make your alarm clock sleep on the couch." "Come on Arthur." "You've gotta stop being mad at me, ok?" "No, I don't." "Ok, I don't have time for this." " What a surprise!" " I'm leaving, alright?" "But if you wanna reach me later, ?" "you know you can." "Suit yourself." "See you later." " Having fun?" " No, not at all!" "Oh, no..." "What?" "Happy birthday Ash." " Why is she here?" " I invited her." " I knew this wasn't a good idea." " Yeah, it wasn't." "Look, Ash, I know you, and I just think you two are... are gonna be good for each other." "No, no Aiden, you don't know me at all." "Or else you wouldn't have brought her here tonight." "This is about you, Aiden." "You know what?" "I'm outta here." " Tough crew to deal with, aren't they?" " Yeah." "Look, you're new here and we really don't know each other but..." "You should be careful not to get in the middle of that crazy triangle." " What do you mean?" " I mean..." "Aiden was really into Spencer when she was a new girl, but..." "Then she went for Ashley..." "Who dated Aiden until he got her pregnant." " And she miscarried." " Pregnant?" "Yes." "Alright?" "We were together, but we're not anymore." "I don't need a guy who lies to me Aiden." "Can I at least give you a ride home?" " I'll catch a cab." " In LA?" "Not a chance!" "Ok, you can drive me." "This number is no longer in service." "Perfect." "The night just gets better." " What?" " You see the VH1 guy?" "He's got a tape of me and Ashley kissing." "I tried to get it back from him but," "If that gets on TV, If mom sees that..." " She would freak." " What am I gonna do?" "He, we're gonna need that tape." " What tape?" " The one with my sister on it." "Oh you'll get it." "After it airs." "No, you're gonna give it to me right now." " You're crazy?" " No but you are." "You can even try to think about using something involving a minor who didn't sign a release form." "Hold it." "Your kiss didn't make this cut anyway." "Here." "You might wanna give it to your girlfriend There's some good stuff with her dad." "Thank you." " Why are you looking at this?" " No more secrets, right?" "What are you afraid I might see, hum?" "Oh my God." " You used to mousse your hair?" " It was a phase." "Good thing." "Oh so now you guys are gonna make with each other out in my bed?" " Ashley, please..." " Ashley, no..." "We went over this." "You have no right to call me Ashley." "You know what?" "I give up." "Nothing I do will ever be ok with you." "Maybe our dad really didn't know what he was doing trying to force us together." "Yeah, damn right." "Can I help you pack?" "Oh and please leave a forwarding address for your half of the money." "You so do not get it, this was never about the money." "I thought that if I would come here and get to know you," "I would get to know my dad somehow too." "You wanna get to know daddy?" "Here." "You can watch on VH1 like everybody else." "How does it feel?" "This is your 25th tour, How does it feel?" "Man, it feel great, man." "We're rocking, big crowds, it's a good show." "I mean..." "I never thought I'd still be doing this." "Raife, do you have any regrets?" "Yeah, I have a lot of regrets, but..." "Not being there for my family." "I wish I could make up for the lost time." "More hugs, less drugs." "Maybe my daughters'll do a better job than I did." "Hey, can you leave us a second?" " It's ok." " No it's not." "That's the only way I'm ever gonna see my dad again." "Old footage, and videos and album covers." "He's really gone." " How can I help?" " I just want my dad back." "You know what?" "I was ready to give up before I saw him and he talked about me." "Why did he have to talk about me?" "So does that mean you're staying?" "I don't know." "Do you know how easier my life was before I found out Raife Davies was my father?" "I'm guessing a lot." "Yeah." "Thank you for trying to make things okay between me and Ashley but it's not your job." "I mean seriously, what am I doing here?" "Please, stay." "That's up to her." "I'm gonna..." "Look..." "Maybe..." "We should do a better job." "For my fath..." "For our father." "Are you gonna still keep being a bitch?" "Probably..." "Good to know." "Happy birthday Ashley." "Actually it's next month..." "But..." "Aiden and Spencer went to so much trouble, I couldn't bear to tell them." "Well good, then I have another month to figure out how to ruin that one too." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"E. R." "Previously on E. R." "I'll give you the Solu-Medrol if you promise to use a walker." "What?" "Are we negotiating?" "Do you want the steroids?" "I'll use a cane." " Right." "Screw me!" " ...spineless, spiteful ass!" " Are you done?" " No." "You're in violation of our divorce agreement." "I am hiring a lawyer and I am getting my tuition money." " What's going on?" " With what?" " With you and Carter." " Nothing." " It seemed like you were fighting." " We were." " Is Mark doing okay?" " Very well." " There's no change in personality or...?" " He's a little tired." "Why?" "Have you noticed that he's mixing his pronouns?" " It's not a game!" "She blew his brains out!" " Who's "she"?" " What?" " You said she." "He!" "He's dead." "Hey, Greg." "Hey, Dr. Greene." "Busy day?" "Yeah." "Sorry I'm late." "Can we skip the gown?" "I got a shift." "Oh, sure." "Yeah." "Let's go." "E. R. 7x13 "THY WILL BE DONE"" "They say we're gonna hit zero tonight." "Even with the snow?" "Thought my heating bill was bad last month." " Feel any side effects?" " Just the usual fatigue." "Well, in eight days this will all be a memory." "Believe me, I've been counting." "Okay, hold on, because we're off by about a millimeter or so." "Take your time." "I don't want anything to get zapped that doesn't have to be." "There we go." "I'm gonna lock you in now." " Here we go." "You okay?" " Yeah." " About three minutes." " Right." " What do we got?" "58-year-old male." "Collapsed at a birthday party." "Intubated in the field." "That's a clown." "He aspirated a balloon in front of a dozen 6-year-olds." "Good air entry." "BP's 105/70." " Carter, will you help Abby with this?" " Why can't you do it?" " I just can't." " Dave, you afraid of clowns?" "Maybe he had a bad circus experience." "How long was he down?" "Three to five minutes." "Found him in respiratory arrest." "Let's hook him up to a vent." "EKG, CBC, lytes, cardiac enzymes..." " Dr. Carter, will you talk to this woman?" " And a chest film." "I wanna check tube placement." "What's up?" " I've got a dirty needle." "I want a clean" " We don't do that." " Like I said." " A doctor here gave this to me." "He said if I come back today, I can have" "There's a number you can call." " I just want a clean needle." " I'm sorry." "I cannot help you." " Dr. Carter?" " He said I wouldn't have to wait." "Some girl called." "Said she can't make it tonight." "Flu." "Some girl?" "You didn't get her name?" " You got more than one date tonight?" " Oh, great." " Big date?" " Had potential." "So ask someone else." "It's a charity event." "It'll be boring." "Nobody'll want to go." " Ask someone in the ER." " Like who?" " I don't know." " Chuny?" " You wanna go?" " Not me." "I've got plans." "Don't even look at me." "Dr. Carter?" "Hey, sorry about that." "I got pulled away there." "You were gonna give me something for" "Mary, can you give Jeff some viscous lidocaine?" " They haven't taken my blood yet." " No?" "Someone'll be in there." "Think it's something serious?" "Probably not." "But with two weeks of fever, we should check out a few things." "How we doing in here?" "Some spontaneous movement, but he's still out." "Glasgow Coma Scale is 1-1-4." "So, what are you doing tonight?" "I've got an appointment with my couch." "Pulse ox, 98 on 50%." "Well, I hate to come between you and your couch but how does dinner and dancing at the history museum sound?" "Dancing at the museum?" " Pressure's down to 90/60." " Run in 500 of saline." "Yeah, it's a benefit for an after-school program." "Charity date." " How's the EKG coming?" " Almost done." "Yeah, my grandparents host this annual event, and I have to go." " But I would think of it as a favor..." " Do I owe you a favor?" "At the very least, it's a free meal." "Tombstones on the anterior leads." "Let's push 6000 of heparin." "Call the Cath Lab." " BP's only 70 systolic." " Would you get Dr. Weaver?" "Start dopamine at 10 mics per kilo per minute." "Dr. Weaver!" "This clown is crashing." "E. R." "So, what do you think about tonight?" "I think it's the least I could do." "No one should be alone after killing a clown." " You killed the clown?" " No." "Didn't save him." "Enough flu on the board?" "'Tis the season." " Guy in Curtain 3 fell off a ladder." " Yeah?" "How far?" "Taking down Christmas lights." "Fell from the top rung." " That's what you get for procrastinating." " I'll take it." " There he is." "This is my doctor." " Hi, Janice." " They wouldn't give me a needle." " Haleh, give her a clean one." " You serious?" " We ID'd the abscess..." " ... on her forearm yesterday." " I got that." " This'll keep it from happening again." " Thank you, Dr. Greene." " Come back tomorrow for a wound check." " I'll try." " You're not gonna fill out a chart?" " Nope." " No prescription?" " Waste of time." "I can get behind that." "Excuse me." "I'm looking for Dr. Kovac." " I know you." "You're the bishop, right?" " Right." "Where's that hat you were wearing?" " I left that one at home today." " I really liked it." " Me too." " There he is." " Hello again." " Bishop, are you all right?" "Oh, yeah." "Sure." "I was just finishing up my visitations." "Do you have a moment?" "I don't see a cane." "No, you don't." "Have any more pain?" "Not from the fall." "Your arthritis is still a problem?" "I was wondering if I could get another prescription for some prednisone." " Did you follow up with your doctor?" " No, I keep having to change the appointment." " That should be the priority." " I know." "Unfortunately he doesn't work on Saturdays." " What's his name?" " Don Frost at St. Mary's." " I should call him." " You'll only get his service." "And frankly, just between us, I'd rather not get him going." "I so much as sneeze, and he wants to poke and prod every inch of me." "I'd have to do some tests before prescribing anything more." "What kind of tests?" "Blood, urine, check your sugar level." "My sugar's a little high." "I have a touch of diabetes." "But I control it with diet." "Okay." "Let's take a look." "Looks good." "Strep throat, right?" " No fever, no swollen glands." " I had the exact thing last year." "Strep." "You have a cold, Mr. Ramirez." "Antibiotics, 10 days." "Right?" "No white spots on your tonsils." "Antibiotics won't help." " Last year they cleared it right up." " Would have cleared up anyway." "Come on." "I've been waiting three hours." " Plenty of fluids and get some rest." " Can you just give me the prescription?" " Dr. Greene, we need you." " You don't have strep throat." "I'll take them just in case." "85-year-old woman, collapsed at a nursing home." " You got a pulse?" " No." "Found her in V-fib." "Intubated, shocked five times, two rounds of drugs." " How long you been at it?" "20 minutes." "Okay, everybody, nice and easy." "On my count." "One, two, three..." "Any medical history?" " Emphysema." "She's on home oxygen." " Asystole on the monitor." " When was the last epi?" " Five minutes ago." "Push another amp." " What?" " She didn't respond to 20 minutes of ACLS in the field." "She doesn't have a chance." " The family wanted us to bring her in." " So we could flog her for another hour?" " You want dopamine?" " Nope." "I'm sorry, Dr. Greene." "She should have died in her own bed." "Abby, hold compressions." " Asystole." " Time of death, 1409." "Family's in Chairs." "Don't worry about it." "Hey." "Hey." " Everything okay?" " We just lost a patient." "Sorry." "That singer you like is playing at the hotel tonight." " Really?" "10:00." "I told Carter I'd go somewhere with him tonight." " Okay." " Fundraiser." "His date stood him up." "It's not a problem." "I have a pile of journals to read." "I'm sorry." "I wouldn't have said yes if I knew" "Labs are back on the bishop." "Blood sugar's high." " Go." "Have fun." " Okay." " Draw five units." " Take a look at his ANA." "Do you have his BUN and creatinine?" "Renal insufficiency." "Hey, Jeff." "You okay?" " Just nervous." " Sit." "I got your blood test back." "Okay." "The bad news is you have mononucleosis." "Good news is, if you rest up, you'll bounce back in a couple weeks." " Mono." " Yeah." "But you'll be all right." "How is my blood count?" "White cells were a little elevated, but that's consistent with mono." "What about my CD4 count?" "Are you HIV-positive?" "Because we only do that if you are." "I think I need an HIV test." "Have you ever been tested before?" " Five months ago I was negative." " That's good." " But since then I've been exposed." " You've had unprotected sex?" "With an infected partner." "You know how unsafe that is?" "I guess I just get caught up." "Gotta put a stop to that, Jeff." "My sugar that bad?" "Three hundred forty-eight." " Maybe I'll go back on the glipizide." " Right now you need insulin." "There was also protein in your urine." "So I ordered an ANA." "That's a test for a disease called lupus." "I know." "I take Plaquenil, 200 milligrams a day." " You lied to me?" " I wanted to avoid a debate." "I may have harmed you by giving you those steroids." "The steroids help me." "I can move around, make visits do my work." "Without them, I'm stuck in bed." "The steroids raise your blood sugar so high that the diabetes destroys your body." "I need to continue my ministry." "You understand?" "Anyway, thank you for your time." "I need to do a complete physical exam." "No, I'm sorry." "I've got a lot on my plate today." "I have to make sure I didn't harm you with my treatment." "You owe me that much." "And what is it you think I owe you?" "Bishop, lupus is very serious." "It can attack your kidneys, lungs, your heart." "I know what it does, Dr. Kovac." "I even know I'm gonna die from it." "Did I wake you?" "No, I was just resting my eyes." "So how's the heart?" " EKG looks good." " That's what we like to hear." "Want me to call someone to be with you?" "No." "I called the archdiocese just in case." " What church do you belong to?" " I don't." " Haven't found one you liked?" " Haven't looked." " How long have you been in Chicago?" " I don't go to church anymore." "Really?" "Why's that?" "I don't remember." " You married?" " No." "Haven't found one you liked?" "Something like that, yeah." "Dr. Kovac, we've got a kid with bad congestive heart failure." "The nurse will be in." " What's the pulse ox?" "81." "16-year-old." "Collapsed at a basketball game." " Watching or playing?" " Watching." " What's his name?" " Nick." "Hi, Nick." "I'm Dr. Kovac." " Have you had heart surgery, Nick?" " Transplant." " How long ago?" " Six years." " Someone call his parents." " On their way." "BP, 115/72." "Lungs are full of fluid." "He's in pulmonary edema." " Sublingual nitroglycerin and start a drip." " Open your mouth, Nick." "This'll help." "Titrate up to 10 of morphine." "I need a 12-lead, blood gas, portable chest and 40 of Lasix." " Pulse ox down to 78." " Notify the transplant team." "And order a PICU bed." "They want to give me a new heart?" "Yes." "I don't want another transplant." "Malucci, what do you got in Exam Four?" "Lady with bronchitis." "Sending her out with amoxicillin." " Bronchitis?" " Cough, myalgias, arthralgias." " Sounds like the flu." " She's high-maintenance." " Wants antibiotics." " Antibiotics are not indicated." "I told her that." "She still wants them." "You need to educate her about antibiotic resistance." " Do I have to?" " Gotta break the cycle." " It's easier to write a prescription." " If you feed the bears they'll come back for more." "Food poisoning gets another liter of saline." "Check a post-reduction shoulder on this one." "This is a patient who's waiting on an HIV test." "Okay." "Malucci can take it." "This last one's delicate." "He's high-risk." " Malucci can be delicate." " Thank you, chief." "No, really" "Dave, this one's gonna require some tact." "You got it." "He's a patient with mono, he's gay, refuses to use condoms." "Think you can talk to him?" "Without being insensitive?" "Sure." "I'll wrap it all up in a nice big bow." "Carter, a construction worker had a pane of glass dropped on him." " Could you help with the suturing?" " Actually, I'm off." "I gotta get going." " Oh, yeah." "The fundraising." " Yeah." "It's more like a family obligation." "It's nothing really exciting." " What's the charity?" " After-school enrichment programs." "Enrichment?" "Yeah." "It's, you know, extra education." "Arts, music, that kind of thing." "Actually, Abby's saving me from getting heat from my grandparents." " They kind of insist I bring somebody." " I hope it's successful." " Thank you." " See you." "Hey, Jeff." "I'm Dr. Malucci." "Dr. Carter went off duty." "You..." "You have his lab results?" "I'd like to talk to Jeff about that." "Would you excuse us?" "Actually, I'd like to stay." "I'm Sean, Jeff's partner." " Is that okay with you, Jeff?" " Yeah." "Well, it's all good, man." "Your HIV antibody test came back negative." " Really?" " Yeah." "You got lucky." "But now you need to avoid risky behavior and keep yourself healthy." "Yeah." "Am I missing something here, guys?" "I'm HIV-positive." "Jeff and I are together." " Through everything." " Right." "So, what?" "Are you trying to contract HIV?" " You a bug-chaser, Jeff?" " We don't call it that." "Then what do you call it?" "Suicide?" " HIV is treatable with medication." " Doesn't mean you should try to catch it." "Look, we both know that his HIV antibody could be negative for six weeks after exposure." "So you can't really tell us that he's definitely negative, can you?" "No." "We'd have to take a direct measure of his viral load." "Okay." "Let's do that." "That's gonna take some time." " We'll wait." " Yeah, we'll wait." "Okay." "Flat T-waves in the lateral leads." "Okay." "Repeat 12-lead in an hour." "Something wrong?" "You have some non-specific EKG changes." "And there is a friction rub around your heart." "I'm creaky all over." "Have you had chest pain?" " Occasionally." "I'm used to it." " How about today?" " This morning." " For how long?" "I don't know, half an hour?" "You may have fluid around the heart." "You could be at risk for a heart attack." "I feel fine." "We need to get a cardiac echo and admit you." "No." "I have to observe you for at least six hours." "I'll stay, but I don't want to be checked in." "I'd rather observe you in the Cardiac Unit." "I don't want my life to end in a hospital." " You're not gonna die today." " I will not be admitted!" " Are you Nick's doctor?" " Yes, Dr. Kovac." "There's no doctor with him, just a nurse." " Well, Nick is stable right now." " He was in heart failure?" "Yes." "He's responding to aggressive therapy." "He has pulmonary edema." "The same thing happened after his second transplant." "He's had two?" "One when he was 4, then again when he was 10." "And now he's on the list for a third." "They did angioplasty last year, but he's still so weak." "Has Nick ever told you he doesn't want a new heart?" "He says that when he's depressed." "He takes 15 medications a day." " He's still so sick." " A lot for a 16-year-old to go through." "Can you call UNOS?" "He should go to a higher status." "I was waiting to talk to you to see if that's what you wanted." "Of course we do." "Okay." "My flu patient wants to see someone higher up." " What's the problem?" " She wants antibiotics gets them every year, refuses to leave till she gets a prescription." " Where is she?" " Right there." "Curtain 1." "Hello." "My name's Dr. Greene." "Sara Dell." "I've been sick for three days." "Fever, runny nose..." "Feel like my head's in a vise." "Mrs. Dell, antibiotics don't help the flu." " They always help mine." " I can assure you they don't." "You're not giving them to me because I'm poor." "If we give antibiotics to millions of people who don't need them a resistance builds which eventually makes the drugs useless to the people who do." "And because I don't have insurance." "That's persecution!" " You think so?" " I know so!" " You know what?" "Follow me." " Well, where are we going?" "Come on, follow me." "Pay attention." "Excuse me!" "My name is Dr. Greene." "I'd like to see a show of hands of people who have a sore throat." " Right here." " Yeah, man." "Cough?" "Muscle aches, fever?" "You all have the flu." "People who have the flu will not be receiving antibiotics today." "So consider that while you decide whether you want to wait or not." " What are you doing?" " Clearing the board." " Isn't that an EMT ALA violation?" " I didn't discharge anyone." "Hey, Greene." "Tell me you are not giving free needles to junkies." " On a case-by-case basis." " No, no, no." "On no basis." "It's illegal." "Not if there's a public-health emergency, which there is." "How much of your brain did they cut out?" "This does not put extra needles on the street." "I don't care!" "We are not gonna have junkies parading in and out of here!" "So you're not interested in cutting back on HIV and...?" " And?" "What?" "Sounds like?" " Hep..." " Hep?" " Hep" "Hep?" "Heparin, heptathlon?" " Hepatitis." " Tough one." "You want to start a needle exchange, do it from your house." " Hi." " You're wearing a tuxedo." " You didn't say it was formal." " I didn't?" "No." " Yeah, it's formal." " You tricked me." " Doesn't matter." "You look terrific." " Well, we don't match, though." " I can go change." " I don't even know if I own a dress." "Wanna go buy one?" "No." "Can you just-?" "Just wait one minute." " You mad at me?" " Yes." " Did you get a haircut?" " Yeah." "Who are my parents talking to?" "Dr. Corday." "She's a surgeon." "I told you I didn't want surgery." "You were in a lot of pain when you said that." "I still meant it." "You won't survive without the transplant." "I was hoping to make it to my prom." "But if I can't, I can't." "With a new heart, you will." "Do you know what it's like to have your chest split open?" "No." "I can barely walk to class, I get so tired." "I take pills every two hours." "And I look like a freak from the side effects." "It's not worth it." " He's at the top of the list?" " Yes." "Status 1-A." "It's just a matter of waiting for a heart with a tissue match." "We waited a month on Status 1-A last time." "Now that he's older, there are more possibilities." "Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, but Nick doesn't want a new heart." "We explained that to you." "He's thought it out." "He has good reasons." " I think you should listen to them." " He's 16." "And he is tired of living like this." "Well, I'm not giving up on him because he's tired." "I'm only telling you what Nick told me." "I understand." "When do we move him to the unit?" "Shouldn't be too long." "Kerry, we have a little personnel problem." "Well, you do." "Mark Greene." "He's walking around with attitude handing out needles, blanking out on words." "It's swelling from the chemotherapy wafers." " Really." " He has a mild expressive aphasia." " It's temporary." " I don't like it." "I don't think he likes it either." "Noticed any personality changes?" "He got very confrontational with me." " You're used to confrontation." " We're not talking about me." " Isn't that your favorite subject?" " Just straighten him out." " Who's this with you at the beach?" " Eric, my brother." "I never got the whole concept behind dried flowers." "I mean, they're dead." " They're dead as soon as you cut them." " Yeah, but they look nice." "Dead ones look nice too." "Right." "Right, no." "I was just wondering." " Wondering what?" " Wondering..." "Why not just buy the fresh flowers?" "Because there's something sad and dark about the dried ones." " Oh, yeah?" "You like sad and dark?" " Yeah." "Okay." "Just give those a couple days." "You found something." "That looks nice." "It's a bridesmaid's dress." "It works on you." " You're lying." " No, honestly." "I don't think anybody would know that." "Looks like it was made for you." "Okay." "Now I know you're lying." "Let's just go." " Carter." "What is this?" " What?" "Come on." "What do you want to take, the El?" "You're not gonna tell me, "By the way, this party's in Paris"?" "No." "We stay in Chicago, I promise." "He needs bandages, update his tetanus and order a six-pack of Keflex." " You lost your cap." " I decided to wear my scar with pride." " It adds character." " Well, it scared a little kid." "Called me Humpty Dumpty." "Well, Humpty, how do you feel about an evening service?" " What service?" " The wedding." "Coordinator double-booked the afternoon, and they want to push us back to 5:00." " That would push the reception back." " Yes." "I've already spoken with the caterer." "He says he can do it." " But we can't use the patio for cocktails." " What's wrong with the patio?" "April, the evening, it'd be really chilly." "Well, ask him to move out the, you know..." "Space heaters." " So it's all right with you?" " Yeah, sure." "Okay, then." "Mark, you're getting better." "The aphasia's fading." "I'm glad you think so." "No, it is." "In a couple of weeks, this will all be gone." "I don't think I can count on you for an unbiased opinion." "No, you can't." "I am biased." "I'm also right." "Dr. Corday?" "Nick Stevens just arrested." " Whose patient?" "I'll grab him." " Kovac." " Oh, God!" " What's the rhythm?" "Still V-tach." " Charge to 300." " Come on, Nick!" "Excuse me, sir." "You'll have to stand back." "Okay, I need to intubate." "100 of lidocaine." "Stand by with amiodarone." " Charged and ready." "Clear!" " Clear." " Still no change." " Please save him." "360." "I need some cricoid pressure." "I'm in." " Rebolus 50 of lidocaine in five." " Clear!" "Clear." "Got a rhythm." " There's a weak radial pulse." " Mix up the dobutamine." "Open your eyes, Nick." "Come on, Nick." "Wake up for me." " Good breath sounds bilaterally." " Unresponsive to painful stimulation." "He wasn't down long." "He should wake up." "Maybe." " Three separate light settings." " That's an essential amenity." " So I talked to Luka." " Me too." " He didn't seem to mind about tonight." " No." "He doesn't get jealous." "Ever." "All the years I've lived here, I've never been to the..." "Natural History Museum?" "That's criminal." " They've got dinosaurs, cavemen." " Dinosaurs and dancing?" "Yeah." "My grandparents like spectacle." "It's not gonna be that big of a deal, though." "A few people." " You are so dead." " It's kind of a scene." " Kind of?" " I told you." "They like spectacle." "Did you grow up going to these kinds of things?" "This is par for the course." "If you hate it, we can leave in a half-hour." "I won't hate it." " Can we duck the photographer?" " Can we?" "Hey, Jeff." "Where's Sean?" "He went to move the car." "I don't want to wait to tell you the news." "Your viral test is back." "No virus detected." " So I'm really HIV-negative." " Definitely negative." "You and..." " You and Sean are close?" " Been together almost a year." " That's nice." " Yeah." " But nothing's worth dying for, is it?" " I'm not dying." "No." "You're safe right now." "But you have to protect yourself." " I'm gonna get it sooner or later." " Not if you practice safe sex." "I don't want to treat him like he's contaminated." " With a condom, that's how he feels." " HIV can kill you, Jeff." " I know a lot of people living with it." " A lot of people would rather be living without it." "Look." " How old are you, man?" "23." "Because you got 50, 60 years ahead of you." "I love him." "Well, if he loves you, he should want you to stay healthy." "He thinks that this is the only way that we can really be intimate." "That's easy for him to say." "He's got the virus." "I don't have anybody else." "You have yourself." " Those are the bouncers." "I know them." " Oh, yeah?" " Bark is much worse than their bite." " I see how they keep people in line." " John, there you are." " Hi, Grandpa." " Finally!" "Someone I wanted to talk to." " Not so loud." " Is this your friend from the auction?" " No." "She had the flu." " And you are?" " Abby Lockhart." "Jonathan Truman Carter Sr." "Delighted." "We don't get to see too many of Johnny's friends." "You got lucky tonight." "You're very good to get dressed up and come out on such a cold night." "I'd much rather stay at home in a bathrobe." " Don't let Gamma hear you say that." " Oh, she knows me by now." " I'd love to meet her." " Where is she?" "Talking to the keynote speaker." "Go on." " Shall we?" " Nice to meet you." "Have a good time." "Friend from the auction?" "Last family event I was at, the daughter of the host, she..." " Never mind." " No, come on." "Tell me." "You ever take dance classes?" " No." "Have you?" " Yeah." "Actually, I have a few moves." "I'm sure you do." "Care to give it a whirl?" " I don't know." " Come on." "Just follow me." " I'm not sure that I can." " I got you." "I feel like I'm back at my spring formal in high school." "I went with this guy Seth." "But I had a crush on this guy Tim." " I'm feeling for Seth." " When he went to the bathroom Tim asked me if I wanted to go outside and smoke a cigarette." "And we never went back inside." " That's cruel." " I know." "Is that when you started smoking?" "I guess so." "See, it's all Tim Stillman's fault." "Right." "I didn't forget you." "Your CPK's normal." " I watched you work on that boy." " Yeah." "You'll be going for your echo soon." "It was remarkable." "You brought him back to life." "Yes." "It won't do much good if he doesn't have the surgery." " You can't find him a heart?" " He doesn't want one." "But he's so young." "There are bound to be medical advancements." "He's gotta fight." "One could say the same to you, bishop." " I am fighting." " Are you?" "You say you should prolong his life, but you want to hasten your death?" "I'm not looking forward to dying, Dr. Kovac." "But I also don't want to be enfeebled or bedridden." "I only wish I was as brave as he is." "I think you've been more than brave." "Have I?" "I wanted to set a good example, serve my parish, do God's work as long as I was able, and then go to glory with a modicum of grace." "But there are times when I'm alone in prayer or trying to get to sleep that it just overwhelms me." "I should never feel the way I do sometimes." "How's that?" "Frightened." " You got the phone number, right?" " Yeah." "You should call tomorrow and make an appointment, you know?" "I'll see." "Anyway, thanks." "Yeah." "Jeff?" "You gonna protect yourself from now on?" "Maybe." "Probably not." " Big plans tonight, Malucci?" " No." "Just getting out of here." "Go ahead, 104." "At the home of a 65-year-old male." "Collapsed in the bathroom." "Found him in V-fib." "Haleh, can I take the mike?" "Defibrillated times four." "Gave epi and lidocaine." "Now in asystole." "He's gone." "This is Dr. Greene." "What's the down time?" "Been here 15 minutes." "Probably down another 10 before that." "Any medical history?" "Two MI's." "Status, post-bypass surgery." " The last doctor's appointment?" " Hold on." "If he's seen a PMD within a month, they can sign the death certificate." " Save us the trouble." " Saw his cardiologist nine days ago." " Still in asystole?" " For the last five minutes." " That's it." "Stop CPR." " What?" "I'm pronouncing him." "Time of death, 2118." " Can you do that?" " Yeah." "You can." "Let the family know everything was done under physician guidance..." " ... but he did not respond." " You want us to transport?" "No, have them contact a funeral home." "This is County General, clear with Rescue 104." "I don't know why that was necessary." "What's the point in going through the motions?" "I'm looking for Dr. Kovac." "I'm Dr. Frost, Bishop Stewart's personal physician." " See?" "You were great." " I had a good partner." "If we get really motivated, we could enter a contest." "That might be too much of a good thing." "Thank you." " Oh, no." " What?" "Hello, Abby." " What are you doing here?" " What are you doing here?" "I'm here with a friend." "John Carter." " How you doing?" " That's Richard." "What are you doing at a charity event?" " I'm here with Alexis." " Who?" "She went to get us drinks." "She old enough to drink?" " Rich, who's this?" " This is Abby." " Hi." " Hi." " We should" " Where've I seen that dress?" " You haven't." " I swear." "I really don't think you've ever seen it." "My sister's wedding." "You were a bridesmaid." "Always the gentleman, Richard." "Thank you." " Rich, let's go sit down." " Okay." "Nice meeting you." "Am I awake or was that just a nightmare?" "Last week I gave him IV Solu-Medrol and put him on..." " ... high-dose steroids for his arthritis." " Last week?" " Yeah, this is his second time here." " He has diabetes." "Steroids put him in the ICU last year with DKA." "I didn't know that!" "Which is why you should have contacted his primary physician." " I was going to, but" " What's his sugar?" "348." " Great work, doctor." "You're destroying his vision, his kidneys, his circulation." "Now that I know about his diabetes, I'm checking for end-organ damage." "I've been treating Bishop Stewart for 15 years." "He doesn't need another doctor." "Maybe you should tell him that, because he came to me." "Underneath that robe, he's just a man like everyone else." " A man facing death." " And right now he's drug-seeking." " He just wants to feel right again." " Well, that's not possible." "Where is he?" "Okay, 104." "See you at the back door." "This is County Base." "Clear." " What's going on?" "104's bringing in a full arrest." " I just talked to that guy." " Called en route." "Cardiac arrest." "I already pronounced him." " No, no, no." " Gave him two of atropine en route." " What's your problem?" "We did this." " The family freaked." " Do not unload the patient." " We have to." "We're here." "He's been dead for an hour." "Family wanted him to see a doctor." " Mark." " Kerry, he's not supposed to be here." " Stop CPR." " No." "Resume compressions." "I said stop." "This is the guy who died at home." "Keep going, Cleo." "Set up Trauma 2 for a full arrest." " He's dead." " When paramedics bring us a patient we have to care for him." " Chuny, wanna put a shroud on the bed?" " Shroud?" "Yeah, he's dead." "Might save some time." " Not gonna get him back, Kerry." " We still try." "You running this or am I?" " Fine." "What's his rhythm?" " Still asystole." "What do you think?" "Another amp of epi?" "Might get him back?" "Pupils fixed and dilated." "Hold compressions." "Dr. Finch, would you concur that the rhythm is asystole?" " Yes." " Code is over." "Take out the tubes and clean the body." "That's the family." "I hope this helped them." "I'll go talk to them." "So typical of him to cry poor and then show up at this fancy party." "And did you think she was even pretty?" " I don't think I'm gonna answer that." " I don't see it." "I think this is silly." " It's a blue BMW." " What if they took her car?" " What do you think she would drive?" " A Lexus?" "Get it? "Alexis"?" "No." "I mean" " Say we find it." "What are you gonna do, key it?" " No." "Maybe I'll just slash the tires." " I think that would be overkill." "Stop!" "Stop!" "Wait!" "There it is!" " Do you have a pen?" " Yeah, why?" " I'm letting the air out of the tires." " How many tires?" " Two's fair." " One's fair." "Fine." "Pen, please." "Now what do we do?" "I think we have to run." " He's awake?" " Yeah." "And oriented." "Passed mental-status exam with flying colors." " Where are you taking him?" " He's got no neuro deficits." " He'll go to the ICU and be extubated." " The heart?" "I'm gonna recommend surgery to the transplant committee." "Dr. Romano?" "Nick has requested not to have the surgery." "Well, he's a minor." "His parents make that call." "You're gonna make him do it, knowing how he feels?" "Dr. Kovac, he's a teenager." "What do they know about life?" "He'll thank us for this in a few years." "Mark." " I'm off, Kerry." " We have to talk about this." "And what might "this" be?" "The way you've been acting." "Abrupt, cavalier" "Realistic?" " Are you ready to be back?" " Yes, I am." " Mark, you're still reaching for words." " I'm fine." "What happens in a code if you need a cardiac drug..." " ...and you can't think of the name?" " Won't happen." " I'm asking you to take some time off." " I'm telling you no." "Dr. Frost is arranging for you to have more tests on Monday." " Did he dress you down?" " He was pretty mad, yeah." "He's very possessive about my care." "You were on his turf." "Well, as I told him, your EKGs and cardiac enzymes are normal." "Thank you, Dr. Kovac." "For the treatment and for listening." "You're welcome." "I saw they took the boy away." " Is he gonna get the operation then?" " Yeah." " I'm sorry." " Me too." "You think he should have been able to choose how he wanted to live?" "I think so." "Well, I wanna work." "Do you still want the steroids?" "I need to work." " Poor guy doesn't even have AAA." " So he has to pay for this." "Maybe Alexis will chip in." "She looks about ready to call a cab." "I'd say we've successfully ruined their evening." "Mission accomplished." " Now I feel kind of bad." " Why?" "Because I kind of ruined our night too." "Ruined, how?" " Besides the vandalism?" " Yeah." " That we're freezing to death?" " Yeah." " You never saw your grandmother?" " She knows I was there." "That's enough." "Okay, then, I guess nothing." "I had an okay time." "Me too." "This is Kerry Weaver at County." "I need information about evaluating a physician who's possibly cognitively impaired." "Could we speak first thing Monday morning?" "Thanks." "Subtitles by SDI Media Group" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"The Counterfeiter" "THE WAR IS OVER!" "Sir, I have Silver." "Would you like to buy some?" "Mr. Sorowitsch?" "I have to ask for an advance, please." "200 Dollars is more than enough." "Is this your first time in Monte Carlo?" "Very nice, it's gonna be fine, a little adjustment, that's all." "What's a matter?" "You where in the [KZ] camp?" "Is this mine?" "Thank you." "Solly!" "Schmitz!" "Where's the rest of the 150.00?" "It's not the time right now, to hand out counterfeit money!" "Solly!" "Can I borrow?" "Twenty?" "Sascha!" "Talking about politics?" "Ludwig dragged me this politicle party." ""Heil, Heil, Heil!" And you know what?" "I became a member!" "Here, check it out, look!" "That's the present he gave me." "Because I'm so nice to him." "In bed or with the Party?" "You know what, Schmitz ..." "If I let you let you get away with this, Then everybody else gonna try to fuck me." "It's not because of the 150.00, It's the fucking Princible, you understand?" "This is my damn lifelyhood, and I'll go to any extreme to protect it." "Solly, you old bandit!" "I want to introduce you to a friend of mine." "Solly Sorowitsch, The biggest Bandit of all Berlin!" "Sorowitsch?" "Are you Russian?" "I hope you're not a communist!" "Enough of a communist, to share my Champagne with you." "Solly, it's just an unusual name, where're you from?" "It' short for Salomon." "Salomon?" "Ah ..." "You can spill the Champagne on the floor, it's not a Rothchild." "I do trust you." "How come they're saying? "Don't buy anything from the Jews!"" "You have to act normal, or you stand out." "Don't you guys learn that from the resistence?" "Exuse me, Solly." "In 2 hours, at my place." "Okay, Solly, that's fine!" "Are you leaving?" "Tonight." "I got the word, I've been here to long." "If you can counterfeit the Dollar, you can do a lot of things." "It's not perfect yet, but sooner or later ..." "Did you bring the money?" "You know, that's what I wanted to talk to you about." "These are my People." "I'm me, and then there are the others." "Don't you understand, what's going on?" "What the Nazis doing to us?" "Why do they always pick on the Jews?" "Because they don't try to fit in." "Solly!" "You don't have any ..." "No!" "Do you need an Arien-ID?" "I'll make you one, that'll show Siegfried and the Dragon in your family history." "Do you know Schiele?" "Yea, I ran in to him once in Vienna, He's the Master." "Your pictures ..." "I don't believe, that you're this kind of an ass-hole." "I didn't think Hans was the type to be used by beautyfull women." "Listen ..." "Your jewlery isn't worth half that," "I need a passport from Argentinia." "I'm already packed, and ready to go." "Hans, you can go." "I'll straighten it out with Mr. Sorowitsch." "You're in luck ... about the argentinian passport." "Home of the Tango." "You could be a great artist." "What do you know?" "A lot." "Or I wouldn't have stayed here with you." "Earning money as an Artist?" "Earning money with printing money?" "Printing money is quicker, it's a shortcut." "I've got to go." "May I?" "Friedrich Herzog, Criminal-Squad Berlin, Counterfeit Dept." "It is with great Pleasure, to arrest the best ..." "Counterfeiter in the world, if that makes you feel any better." "The Dollar!" "Did we get a little bid ahead of ourselfs?" "No!" "Stop!" "Let's move!" "Get up, lazy Jew-fuck!" "Now get the fuck up!" "You there!" "Take this pig away!" "They're making us all!" "Solly!" "That's not a jail ..." "They want to kill us!" "They're making us all." "The Capo!" "Melzer." "Watch out for him." "Double Murderer!" "With the Green Patch:" "Professional Criminal." "Worse then the SS." "You don't look like ..." "Hey!" "If you hit me, I'll stab you to death!" "I'll be watching you guys close." "Fucking pigs!" "I'll finish you all!" "Are you nuts?" "You just can't ..." "You can't loose Respect, you have to have some kind of moral values." "In every jail it's the same thing." "Everybody up!" "Who made this drawing?" "Number 75517." "I like it." "It's looks very real, Jew." "With color it would ..." "What?" "With ..." "With color it would look even better, Sir." "The uniform the booths ..." "I did it from memory." "Die Fahne hoch, die Reihen dicht geschlossen," "SA marschiert ..." "What is this?" "Herr Hauptsturmführer, This is ..." "It's like this:" "I ..." "Kameraden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen, marschieren im Geist in unseren Reihen mit." "Sorowitsch!" "Look at this, such a joker," "I thought so." "I'll paint, Sir." "What ever you want." "You're being relocated." "Sachsenhausen." "Tomorrow morning." "But I haven't finished the painting." "I have to finish the painting first." "He's worried about his jew-skin." "A little jew-boy like you, we can find anywhere." "Shit!" "He smells terrible, this Jew here!" "Hey ..." "Eat ..." "I always admired the russian Avantgardisten:" "Kandinski, Rodschenko." "At the Academie in Odessa we had a Professor, Lebed ..." "Lebed?" "At my time at the academie I became Lebed Assistend." "You went to the Academie?" "Are you also Russian?" "I don't like to speak Russian." "it brings back bad memories." "You rather speak german?" "I ..." "I had a Familie." "We had a saying, Lebed and the art is like ... a fair maiden and a good ..." "Fuck." "You know it too." "Nummer 755..." "Salomon Sorowitsch." "King of the counterfeiter." "SS-Sturmbannführer Herzog." "Remember me?" "Herzog." "Criminal-Squad Berlin, Counterfeiter Dept." "I was the one who arrested you." "It got me a promotion that time." "Confection?" "48." "Shoe size?" "42." "48, 42." "Welcome to Sachsenhausen." "Get dressed." "Name, Trade, Confection?" "Burger, Printer, 52." "That's gonna be a 46/48." "46/48." "Shoe size?" "41." "Thank's." "Shoe size 41." "None smoker?" "That's good, for your health ..." "Name, Trade, Confection?" "Karloff, Graphic, 44." "44." "Welcome to Sachsenhausen." "Name, Trade, Confection?" "Zilinski, Photogropher." "48." "Welcome to Sachsenhausen." "Name, Trade, Confection?" "Loszek, Drucker. 48, 41." "48, 41." "Welcome to Sachsenhausen." "You'll see, here it's a differnd attitute and atmosphare ... then in the camps you just came from." "I would like to think of you as my assistances, and togather we're ..." "Yea ..." "This clothes are used." "If you rather wear prison clothes ... you can wear the stripes, it'll make you look thinner." "What's his name?" "Attantion, let's form 2 rows!" "What's with this shit?" "A symbolic move, looks like we're being led to the slaughter House?" "Open!" "Everybody up!" "Did you distribute the tooth brushes?" "Taken care of the teeth is importend." "My dear Jews, I want you to meet a ..." "Specialist with international Fame:" "Salomon Sorowitsch." "He will be the head of the Counterfeit-Department." "Sorowitsch?" "Operation Bernhard." "We're counterfeiting in a Grand Style mass production ..." "Passports, Documents, Banknotes ..." "With the newest and best technoligy availible today." "I think, the new arivals want to freshen up and rest a while." "Our technical assistent Atze ... is going to bring you up to date, I wish you all good luck and sucssess." "That was a nice speach from the Commander." "Nice beds." "Why are the giving us such nice beds?" "This is still a [KZ] prison camp." "But the beds are soft." "That's good." "Anny Ondra only cleans with Sarinol." "Sarinol!" "I was a Commercial photographer in Berlin." "It's realy peacefull and quiet here." "I'm not used to it, I forgot how nice it is." "Where are they all going?" "Shoe-Testing Punishment." "They make all the prisoners walk in a circle," "To test the Shoes." "Testing how?" "It's a punishment, if the shoes are to small, they put sandbags on their back." "A lot of them die." "You're better off not to watch or listen to it." "Nah?" "Music!" "Guys, let me show you your work area." "We have men from differnd prison camps, all are professonals:" "Graphicer, printers, type-setters, tool and die makers ..." "Why are they letting us Jews do the work here?" "I think they're gonna do away with us after the war, to keep it a secret." "A Exact-Tiegel ... you ever use one of these?" "Lazy pig!" "Faster, you lazy god-damn bastards!" "Don't worry, that's Dr. Klinger, the Capo, the SS has to hear him scream." "You're the new arrivals?" "I'm Dr. Klinger, internal Medicin." "Welcome to the golden cage." "Get this guy to me right the way." "Your foot it looks terrible." "Realy terrible." "I almost started to cry myself, when I saw a printing machine again." "It brings back good memories." "Zilinski?" "Yea?" "Zilinski, dark room!" "Matti, can you show him our routine of what we're doing?" "And Karloff ..." "You're in the Graphic Dept." "Go out this door down the hall, you'll see it." "And you and I where going to Quality Control." "Dr. Viktor Hahn, Prussen Credit Dept." "Hamburg." "Sorowitsch is going to be in charge of the Counterfeit-Retusche." "Do you also have a financial back ground, Mr. Sorowitsch?" "Yea, our biggest problem is the Paper." "It don't feel right." "The English Pound has the same structure ... as the linnen they use in Turkey." "We've been doing verios experiments, but the results have been very poor." "Green Patch?" "A professionel Criminal?" "Mr. Laube!" "Mr. Sorowitsch is so to speak a professionel Counterfeiter." "All the Criminals here so far, have been wearing Nazi-Uniforms, Sir!" "You're having a problem working togather with a fellow prisoner?" "We're not criminals, like you ..." "and it wont be easy for you here." "Continue." "Kiss my ass." "Free weekend!" "And sunday we get to use the showers." "You fraternise with criminals?" "The real criminals are your high class citizens who've been plundering ... the masses and letting fashisum flurish." "But if a regular guy just a piece of bread steals ..." "Are you talking about what I did?" "." "You gave one of the inmates a peace of bread, that's solidarity." "It was soup." "You have a very low number, how did you manage to stay alive in Auschwitz?" "Good attitute." "Let's play a game?" "What are we playing for?" "Our Honor." "I also win if I don't cheat." "What's a matter?" "Are you lazy?" "This is not a vacation spot!" "Here everybody works!" "Understand?" "Holst!" "Leave the man alone." "To think is also like working, Holst, you should try it sometimes." "Sorowitsch, just Amateurs und Idiots." "Vorgetting the circumstances now and then." "Just us, you and me." "The perfect counterfeit of all time." "First the Pound, and then the Dollar." "People, machines, material ..." "everything you need." "You know, Sorowitsch ..." "It's an oppertunity, to stay alive." "I can't garantee this for everybody, but for you ..." "When ..." "Please!" "Can you turn off that Nigger music?" "As if the germans don't have any Music of their own." "Something to put you to sleep:" "Why is God not in Auschwitz?" "He couldn't get passed all the Skeletons!" "Canada." "My Number." "I was in "Canada"." "The clean-up command." "We always had food, we unpacked the luggauge of the Newcomers, while their owners where sent to the Gas champer." "You try to fit in, or you're the next one to die." "I just don't want it ..." "For us to have it good here, while others out there ..." "My wife is still in Auschwitz." "I'm not giving the Nazis the pleasure, of me feeling ashamed, to be alive." "Everybody attention," "So, also for the new arrivals ..." "Not even the Camp-Commander knows, what we're doing here." "Don't smuggle anything out!" "Everything, don't have to get out." "Everything!" "Hey you, what's a matter?" "They're taking us to the Gas champer." "They need us, nothing's gonna happen." "Come on, get undressed!" "Burger!" "Can you hear me?" "Are you hurt?" "Who are you?" "Leave him be!" "Come here!" "Dr." "Klinger!" "Dr. Klinger!" "Hey, you there!" "What you're doing here?" "Who are you?" "Nr. 56484." "I have ..." "Did anyone talk to you?" "Did anyone here talk tou you?" "56..." "Commander Hasel did ..." "He was laying on the floor ..." "Sut up!" "Did he talk to you?" "I don't know him." "What did he say?" "Commander Hasel has ..." "Are you nuts?" "Let's go." "Sorowitsch ..." "What did you talk to him about?" "I did not talk with him, it's forbidden, to talk with another prisoners, Sir." "So, come on." "Mr." "Burger is our only Dark room-Specialist." "And he did not talk to him." "Take your showers." "In the showers!" "I just wanted to help him!" "Let's go!" "Come on!" "Odessa?" "That's for you." "I'm sorry about what happend in the shower." "It reminds me a little of Lukanow." "Yea?" "Do you know his scene's from the city?" "Color!" "To bad there're no colors here." "Odessa is blue in my opinion, dark blue." "At the Academie they told me, my style wasn't very good." "But it's my Style." "and I like it ..." "Thank's." "You're welcome." "Let me." "I can do it better." "Why don't you let me try it?" "Everybody up!" "Continue." "Number 93..." "Ahh!" "So, getting everything organized?" "Do you have everything you need?" "The passports, we're working on ..." "the problem is the cover and the Paper." "With used originals we could get a ..." "Sorowitsch, you need to concentrate on the british Pound." "It's very importand, to get some results soon." "The SS-commander is loosing his patience." "And what's that supose to be?" "My five year old can do a better job!" "I ..." "A Parazystose." "A material-flaw in the copper, plus Loszek is a Chraphic-Specialist." "We should put him in the passport-dept." "Parazystose." "A material-flaw?" "A Parazystose?" "Get out!" "Thank you, thank you." "Don't ever try to bull-shit me again, Sorowitsch." "We're supose to be on the same side." "Atze, the sample from the Dinar." "Yea, it's ready." "Is this with the linnen from turkie?" "Oh, yea, that's what I thought ..." "Hey, get rid of it!" "Rags!" "The English they're using rags!" "Strands of fibre with a thousent breaks and then pressed," "Everybody up!" "Most of the English don't use wallets." "They use a Safety-pen to keep the bills togather." "That's why we put the little holes around the edges" "Please." "The Negative." "We don't wont some small time oporater out there, spending a few lousy pounds." "Our plan is to destroy the british economy." "If they found out to early, that we're using counterfeit money," "That would be the end of this program here." "And we'd have to send you all back to the prison camps." "She realy isn't wearing any panties!" "Amagine a Movie scene." "With an Agent, Producer ext. ext." "and this hot chick without panties." "Only a skirt." "Mr. wouldn't you like to take my picture?"" ""Sure, I wont even need a (?" ") for it. "" "Burger, You're standing in the Sunlight." "Solly ... if it don't work out with the pound ... we should get organized." "Yea, we have a lot of guys." "We all are in good shape, healty and we can fight." "We also have tools." "What?" "With knifes?" "Against an SS-Company?" "Yea." "Before they send us to the gas-champer." "I rather wait for the gas tomorrow, then get killed by a bullit today, one day at a time." "A rebellion." "At least that would be a sign." "Zilinski is right:" "You're standing in the Sunlight." "Kolja, when did you get the fever?" "It comes and goes, get's real bad then it's good for a while," "We had TB-Cases before, I was trying to get the medicine ..." "Kleinfeld, Stiasny and Jilovsky." "They just killed them," "To keep it from spreading, Can you help him?" "Let's see what I ..." "Without medicine?" "Maybe isolate him." "I'm a Doctor." "Internal Medicine." "How bad is it?" "No, you'll be fine, the Doctor will get you well again." "Have to continue to live, after KZ prison camp." "Exactly." "Quick, get the First Aid Kid!" "Here are the original Documents, that you wanted, direct from Auschwitz." "Loszek found his kids Passports in that box from Auschwitz." "Loszek, come on don't do this." "You got to keep on living." "Only if we keep on living, are we gonna win." "You must survive this." "Loszek, you can't give up." "You hear me?" "Loszek!" "Hey, wake up!" "Everybody up!" "God-Damn Jew-basterds!" "Move it!" "What's going on back there?" "What does it look like?" "Stand straight!" "Sorry to wake you guys, I have something of interest:" "A few days ago a Buisness Man enters a Bank in Zürich." "He's has a Briefcase full of Money." "Pound Notes." "Our Agent goes to the Manager, to open an Account." "With pleasure, Monsieur." "I hope you understand, for the Banks interest we have to verify the authentisity ot the Money." "Of course." "Please." "In times like this ..." "For a half an hour the Experts checking our Work." "and finely they're ready." "Monsieur ..." "Your Bank Notes ..." "After a carefull and thourough Test, we know ... without a thought they're good." "Now the agent is getting overconfident." "Monsieur le Directeur," "Since i got the Bank Notes from kind of of a shady Buisness Source." "I would like to be 100% sure that they're real." "We're accepting your Pounds." "It's not nessessary ..." "Absoluty Sure, Monsieur." "If you realy want to do this, I recomment you take them ... to the Bank of England and let them do a Test." "The Bank of England." "Lets see what they had to say." "Maybe we can learn someting." "Bla, bla, bla, bla ..." "" ... we have come the Conclution," "The Bank Notes in the denamonation ot 5 Pounds, 10 Pound and 20 Pound," "are not counterfeit bills." "The Bank of England gives the garantee the Bills are legal and tender." "The SS-Commander is very happy and satisfied with our Work." "Our Money is so real, that the plans have been changed." "It would be a waste, to just drop them over England." "The German Reich is going to use it in Buissness Transactions Worldwide." "And that's why it gave me the Reason," "To bring you a little happyness." "As kind of an uplift." "Yea ..." "I thought like ... after Work or on Weekends ..." "Sir, I want to thank you for the Oppertunity." "Motivation, Klinger." "Motivation." "Ich befasse mich viel mit Menschen -führung." "Eine große Sache der Zukunft." "If you treat People like Dirt, they wont be to productive." "How about if you treat Dirt like People?" "You damn Jew's ... with Trick's and Counterfeiting you're good at." "But if you look a litte deeper at your ..." "Sir, I have been an upstanding Citizien all my life." "I have to remind you, that I was forced in to doing this work." "Very good Job, Sorowitsch." "Put yourself a Team togather, we're starting with the Dollar next." "Don't anybody see, what's going on?" "The Germans are Broke." "With out Money no Raw Material." "We're financing the War for the Nazis." "And?" "You gonna sabotage them?" "In KZ Prison Camp?" "The Americans work with Lowpress." "We use Lightpress, we can produce greater quanitys faster." "Lightpress is also better for sharpness and halftone." "We still have a few Problems, but we're getting them worked out." "We have a Specialist who has expierience with the Dollar." "Noch 'ne offene Rechnung mit dem Dollar?" "We arrested you for counterfeiting the Dollar." "That time I didn't have all the technicel Equipment." "And now?" "How much do you want?" "Maybe a few hundert Million." "Atze, about the 20-Pound-Notes ..." "Can you show me the Testplate." "You little Whore!" "Be glad that you're in here." "Idiot!" "Shit, Shit, Shit." "Maye it's not the Negative, but the mixture." "Sorowitsch's Negative's have always been perfect." "But?" "I got arrested because my wife and I printed Anti-Nazi Flyers," "I'm not gonna print Money for the Nazis now." "You know ..." "Family, small Buissness, i'm Wedding ..." "I always made sure not to have Problems with the Law." "I didn't get involved in politics." "Gisela, my wife always said:" ""We're printers, to let the truth be known. "" "Where did you learn that slogan?" "Communist Printers-Union, Youth-Group?" "Sorowitsch," "If we print a lot of Dollars it could change the outcome of the war." "We actualy could fight the Nazi's right here!" "That wouldn't only just be symbolic." "We're a live, if that means anything." "I'm saying the same thing!" "It isn't just about your stinking little existence." "Well it's the only one I have!" "What's your reason?" "To want to live, or to proof that you can actualy, make the Dollar?" "!" "I'm gonna keep fucking up your negatives." "If you want, you can turn me in and tell Herzog." "We have to pay for it, if we don't deliver." "We all gonna have to pay for it." "Yea." "Yea." "The Bridge was blown and the Russian Advance was stopped." "Can you believe this shit!" "Warschau!" "Can't be happening!" "Warschau!" "The Krauts are being pushed back." "Continue." "You guys can't get the Dollar to work." "We're still having a Problem with the Plate, Herr Hauptscharführer." "The Pound we can handle now ourselfs." "You know what you are, without the Dollar?" "Nothing but a criminal, dirty, fucking old Jew." "Fuck Herzog and his "Motivation"!" "I know how to get you guys, to pay fucking attention" "You're nothing but Jew-Bastards, and do anything to save your Skin." "Realy disgusting." "Plappler!" "Get Hotte." "One of the sinks is busted, tell him repair it." "I saved your fucking Ass with the English Pound I made for you!" "Dr. Klinger said you've got to eat." "Why?" "A spoon for the Expressionists, A spoon for the Avantgardists ..." "Eat, or I'll give you a Knuckle sandwich." "You know about raising Kids." "What's the story with your Family?" "Arrested, Killed ..." "I could have bought their Freedom, if I had the Money then." "14:6. 6:14, Serve Burger." "Get up!" "Keep walking!" "I can't anymore." "What's going on?" "I wanted ..." "What are you waiting for?" "No, please no!" "Are you guys crazy?" "Attention, Soldier!" "What's your Name, Lame-Brain?" "Rottenführer Wegener." "You're an Idiot." "Man, Man, Man, what's with all the shooting!" "You could have shot one of my Jews, by Accident!" "Those are your Jews?" "That's classified." "Game." "15:6." "It's a KZ Prison Camp." "Every Day Dozends get killed." "We just close our eyes" "16:6." "One in a Thousent." "We should be glad, we're on this Side," "Solly, hm?" "Solly, stop it!" "Relax!" "Listen up!" "If you don't live to over come, why do you want to continue living?" "Sorowitsch." "Atze told me, we haven't had ... any good results, in months ..." "It's the copper plate, Sir." "Yea!" "Yea, Yea, Yea." "The other Jew told me the same fucking Lie." "Are you guys doing it on purpose?" "Sorowitsch!" "Sir, we do ..." "Shut up!" "You guys think you can't be replaced!" "So." "Berlin wants the Dollar." "These five." "Klinger, make a list of their names." "If the Dollar isn't here in 4 Weeks these 5 People will be shot." "Hey, Sorowitsch not there." "Here." "And don't think, I can't do with out you." "Hey, Klinger!" "Carnivale." "A fun Evening," "Music, Dance, a little Cabaret, Remmidemmi, yea?" "There should be some talented guys around." "Sir, you can't ..." "I always did my best ..." "He's not gonna kill us, he has to deliver, that's why he's putting pressure on us." "What would you do in his place ..." "Me in his place?" "I would never put myself in the place of an SS-Criminal." "The problem is Burger." "I have the sneake Suspision, that he's doing it on purpose ..." "I watched him yesterday ..." "He does it on purpose." "I know." "What?" "If he don't stop, then I'm ..." "Herzog saved everyones Life here." "He's fair." "You can talk to him." "Keep your mouth shut, Zilinski." "You don't snitch on your Friends." "Friends?" "So your saying that we all should die because of your politics?" "Quiet!" "Sit down." "Burger, the Hero!" "He wanted to be a Martyre right from the start!" "So let him," "But without me!" "In Buchenwald I lost four Toes because of cold weather." "In Dachau they broke my back." "In between I almost starved to dead!" "I think I earned, to keep on living!" "You don't squeal on Friends." "Never!" "What'd you call that?" "Jailhouse-Honor?" "Zilinski!" "I'll kill you, if you snitch on him." "Burger?" "Burger ..." "You've been stalling the Dollar for Months." "You had your Fun." "But now the Life's of our Friends are on the line." "You can't ..." "Gisela." "My Wife." "She also was in Auschwitz." ""Escape Attempt"." "That ..." "You're sorry about that?" "Thank's." "But now the Dollar, hm?" "We have to continue." "It's about our comfortble Life's here." "About the nice Beds." "The nice ... and soft Beds!" "I thought I could cry about it," "Serios, But stabile." "It's a Race against time." "But with out Medicine ..." "What do you need?" "But how ..." "The Medicine!" "In Theresienstadt, there was never enough Medicine, I had to choose who's," "gonna live, and who's gonna die." "Herzog is a Bandit, with him I can." "Sorowitsch!" "Sorowitsch!" "You need an Invitation, or what?" "Sorowitsch!" "Nice, for you to drop by." "Why don't you take the Man's Handcuffs off, my God." "It's a little chilly, or?" "I wish you could see, some parts of the U.S. East Coast." "You wont believe the terrible Propaganda about the Prison Camps." "Friedrich, get Mr. Sorowitsch a refill." "Can you take Kandis, as a Jew?" "Friedrich told me, you've been a dangeres Criminal, and now?" "Working for a greater Cause!" "I don't know anything about Politics, but ..." "So, Kids." "Let's give Dad and his Visitor some privacy." "Leni, Lotte, little Friedrich ..." "To raise the Kids, Sorowitsch." "For them to become responsible and good Citizens, and to have a positive outlook on Life." "I don't hit my Kids." "Never." "The power of Suggestion." "To point them in the right direction." "That's what's important, Sorowitsch." "Who knows what the Future, has in store for us." "Wenn der Russe kommt, dann muss sich jeder seinen Platz neu in der Gemeinschaft erkämpfen." "Did you know, I was in the past, way in the past, a Communist." "Freedom, Equality, Human-Rights." "The complete Program." "Don't think, that I'm a Nazi." "No, no, no." "It's over with those big Ideas." "I'm just doing my Job, where I'm needed." "Do you understand?" "Everyone is his own Person." "You have to make me the Dollar I can't wait any longer ..." "I know someone, is preventing it." "And you wont tell me who it is." "But I have to deliver." "No matter what the Price is." "For who?" "For this I get the Dollar?" "You Jews!" "You even make deals with the Life of your Friends." "Yea, Well ..." "Oh, It's Burger ..." "Very reliable." "Lightpress." "Our most importent Man." "Oh, Yeah." "Burger?" "We only have 6 Days left." "You gonna make the Dollar?" "Leibowitz is Tiefprinter." "Show him." "No, Zilinski." "We have a Responsebility toward our Familys and our Friends." "Because we have it good here ..." "I can't listen to this shit anymore!" "You desite if we're gonna live or die?" "It's the Princible." "No one here wants to die because of Princibles!" "That's why the Nazi-System works!" "Burger, you gonna stay here!" "And you gonna make the fucking Dollar!" "Adamovic." "Burger." "Leibowitz." "Stein." "Zilinski." "Na." "Let's see if you made any advances with the Dollar." "Herr Sturmbannführer ..." "We still have a little Problem with the Gelatine." "Herr Sturmbannführer, No!" "It's like this Burger here ..." "Let's see if you can pick out the real one ..." "Sorowitsch!" "The Dollar!" "That's brillant!" "It's a Masterpiece!" "With the Lightpress knowlige we could do one Million in a week ..." "Yeap, It's a fantastic suprise and makes the Carnival realy special!" "Atze!" "I knew I could depent on you." "Ladies and Gentelmen and everybody else who don't fall in that Category," "I want to welcome you to our 1945 Carnival Celebration." "From the most expencive Stage in the World." "Try not to cough when Herzog is here." "Okay!" "Listen!" "I have one!" "I have a joke, I have one Joke ..." "You haven't heard yet." "This Nun goes to a Lady Doctor with a Hamster." "It's not over yet!" "Says the Lady Doctor ..." "That you all thanking me for your Life, because i pulled you out." "from Auschwitz, Mauthausen ..." "The Medicine!" "Name und Place of Birth in Print." "Add "Jew" here." "You should watch it, so you wont catch it, Sorowitsch." "What's important at the End is, that you have out lived the expierince here." "Sorowitsch ..." "We're having hard times." "Believe me, for me it's not easy anymore either." "Good?" "Great." "Now we have a Chance." "Where is Kolja?" "Kolja?" "Kolja!" "How old are you?" "Twenty." "Where're you from?" "Odessa." "Odessa?" "Nice." "The Black Sea ..." "Get on your Knees." "Let's have some Quiet!" "Karloff ..." "Karloff had TB. wich is a dangeres sickness and spreads fast." "He didn't want anyone here to catch it." "That's why I shot him." "Yea, he was the best, Guys!" "We also had a smoke together ..." "He knew, what was gonna happen." "I'm telling you, he was realy brave." "He was a Jew, but he died like a Man." "Good, it's Water down the River." "Commander Herzog had to leave early, but he left this here for the celebration." "Let's give him a 3 cheer salute" ""Prosit!"" "Continue." "Atze?" "Stop working this and start taking the Machines apart." "The Tiegel-Exact," "The Tret-Tiegel and the Boston-Tiegel gonne be loaded first." "Hey, Guys, didn't you hear what I said?" "Start taking the Machines apart!" "You have one Week, to take everything apart and pack." "If something wont function, when it get's there, then that's Sabotage." "What's a matter?" "Move your feet!" "Move!" "Standing around like statues." "Yea." "Important is theTiegel-Exakt, the Tret-Tiegel and the Boston-Tiegel." "Herr Hauptscharführer ..." "Where are they sending us?" "How do I know?" "Do I look like a Travel agent?" "Are you stupid, or what?" "Are you a dumb fucking Jew?" "You are a dumb fucking Jew!" "Let's go!" "Hurry, hurry!" "Let's move it!" "Hurry up, Man!" "Those are not Bombers." "Those are not Bombers, That's Artillerie." "The Allies are outside Berlin." "When the War ends, They'll kill us all." "Guys, the Machines and equipment is gonna be send to a save place." "Alpenfestung!" "You all be following later." "Holst," "Pass this out to all the Guys Don't worry, Guys!" "After the war ..." "everybody's gonna have it good." "The Shoe-Testing Commando ..." "They're not walking anymore." "Sorowitsch!" "What're you doing?" "I ..." "I ..." "I forgot something." "Sorowitsch, I'm warning you!" "If something happends to me, I'll eliminate all of you!" "I'm the only one, that can save you Guys." "Sorowitsch!" "You want the Money?" "Sorowitsch, we can split the Money!" "Are you pissed because of Kolja?" "Kolja ..." "Holst shot him." "I know what you think:" "Holst is just an Order-taker." "But what do you think I am?" "Solly!" "I always treated you guys good!" "In no other Camp did you have it as good as here." "I can't save the Jews all by myself!" "Sorowitsch!" "You have to see for yourself, where you stand!" "You have to know that yourself!" "You pissed all over yourself." "Solly!" "What's going on here, Solly?" "Herzog ..." "You let him ...?" "I wanted to kill him, but ..." "I let him go." "They ..." "They'll put us up against the Wall." "You probably would like that, hm?" "For them to kill you too." "It's over." "The War is over." "Nobody's gonna come anymore." "I realy don't have the Talent for being Marthyr." "Did you bring the Cards?" "Dr. Klinger!" "Our People have taken over the Camp." "It's over, we're free." "Dr. Klinger, Internal Medicine." "We're the Inmates from Block 18 and 19." "I know him." "He's SS!" "No." "No, no, no ..." "Operation Bernhard." "We're Prisoners." "Shoot the Bastards!" "We're Jews!" "Kill the Fuckers!" "Jewish Nose, big Ears!" "We're Prisoners!" "Here!" "Auschwitz!" "Plappler, Adamovic, Hahn!" "Who else was in Auschwitz?" "With the Dollar-Negative we let it get to hot," "That way the contrast was blurry." "Then they warned us and told us if it happends again they'll kill us." "Here, Burger." "That's a Hero." "Say something." "Hey?" "Yea ..." "Then it was to late, With the Dollar it would have ... changed the war." "Because it would have givin them plenty of Money." "And, oh ..." "Here ..." "Sometimes we could hear beautyfull Music." "Oh, here ..." "The Pound, we put the holes on the wrong Side ..." "Pfiffig, Hey?" "So, Guys." "Now you can ask Questions." "I told him, not to give up." "I just told him, to hang in there till it's over with." "That Idiot!" "Nothing but away from here." "Just forget everything!" "Where ..." "Where should I ...?" "He's dead." "Full House." "Full House." "Monsieur?" "Gentlemen, Place your Bets." "36, red, over 18." "Place your Bets." "All bets are closed." "30, red, over 18." "Place your Bets." "All bets are closed." "Change?" "No, Tip for the Staff." "Thank you very much, Monsieur." "Monsieur, Can I offer you a bottle of Champagne it's on the House?" "You realy had bad Luck." "So much Money ..." "So much Money." "We can make new Money." "A Total of 132 Million Pounds," "Had been Produced in Sachsenhausen" "Wich was four times the value of Englands Bankreserves." "Because of the stalling tatics by the inmates at the prison camp," "Only a very small amount of the dollar was produced." "Operation Bernhard was the biggest counterfeit program of all time." | {
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} |
""Chevreuse valley July 24th 1952"" "..."Last minute news flash, the well known owner of numerous Paris gambling establishments, Raphael Bozzoconi, was shot to death last night."" "Bozzo, I can't believe it !" ""The murder was committed when he was on his daily visit to his mother." "He was from Ajaccio and was often involved in crime businesses." "His heroic conduct in the resistance movement earned him a full pardon for his earlier crimes." "Since then, he seemed to had quieten down." "However, Superintendent Villedieu, in charge of the investigation, assume Bozzoconi's murder indicates he had not severed his connections with the underworld."" "What do you think ?" " Nothing." " I go to town." " I wait for you in the car and drive you." "Hurry up, you're going to be late." "Here Tonio." "And try to behave." " So, what do you say ?" "Thanks, Fanto !" "And you, you're supposed to set the example !" "Bye, Angèle." " Wait, I come with you." "Fanto, do you sleep home tonight ?" " Not tonight." "Thanks, Angèle, it was great being here for the wedding." " It was great for us too." "We don't see you often enough." " Bye." " Bye, Fanto." " So long, Roger." "Hi, Fanto." "Did you heard about Bozzo ?" " Yes." "Ange Leoni called me on the phone last night." "He wants to speak to you." "I was at Angèle's sister wedding." "What does he want ?" "You gotta get to Paris as soon as possible." "Luckily you were at the wedding." "Hi, Vinci." " How are you ?" " Fine." "Hi, Pascal." "I bet you were talking about Bozzo." " It's quite a loss." "You know he was here less than a month ago ?" "We're sure gonna hear about it !" "Come on, let's go." "See you, Pascal." " So long." "Good morning, Pauline." " Good morning." "How's your son ?" "How are they treating him down there ?" "Bad." "He says it's okay." "But I know they turn mad in prison." "Here..." "It's for his small expenses." "And this is for you, till he get out." " Thanks." " What's his lawyer saying ?" "He says he is going to get out of prison after the trial." "Well, you can tell Mr Provani I'll see him for the expenses." "Goodbye, Pauline." "Lord, please protects them both." "I gotta get to Paris, Ange wants to see me." " About Bozzo ?" " Yes, probably." "What about us ?" "Any changes ?" " I don't think so." "Anyway, don't change anything for the boat business." "Then I can go to Paris with you." "Paulo can take care of everything here." "No, thanks." "But it would be great if you could let me use your car." "My car ?" "Sure." "Are you leaving right away ?" "I take your keys but I'm leaving only this evening." "It's too hot, now." "Mario, cool it." "I'm so sorry about this poor Bozzoconi." " I lost a true friend." " I know." "And now ?" "Do I have to find somebody else ?" "I'll be taking over." "A friend, Sam." "Some friends and..." "Fanto." "Fantoni is my partner." "He'll be handling Corsica and the Mediterranean coast." "Mario..." " You would have made a mistake if you hadn't followed us up." "It's a good job, with very little risks." "Anyway, for you." " There's always a risk." " Minimal." " Are we keeping the same figures ?" "Yes." "And 2700 cartons." "Plus the insurance." "It's going to be great, you'll see." "That's the first time we're in business together, you Americans and us." "Since the war, there's been Americans all over the world." "Do you realize that the Mediterranean is practically an american concession !" "And it's gonna stay that way for a long time." "I understood that during the landing in Sicily, when we released the prisoners." "I figured that if the GIs and the Sicilians could get along..." "So could we." "I hope so." "Can I offer you an other Martini ?" " No, thanks." "As I understand it, my company insure your cargo for 94 500 dollars." "En route to Malta." "I checked the record of the Florienza, everything's in order." " Perfect." "You're carrying only boxes of Lucky Strike and Camel, right, Mr Everett ?" "Sure, nothing else." "I'd never insure such a cargo yet." "27 tons of cigarettes !" "Look..." "Can you please come with me." "You see ?" "Do you want to choose a box and open it ?" "No, it won't be necessary." " Take this." " Listen, please..." " And an other one for your chauffeur." " No, no..." "Let's go and sign, now." "Can I borrow your pen ?" " Of course, please." "Thanks." "He should be calling soon." " What take him so long ?" "Nobody move !" "Don't be a jerk !" "Give me this." "Where's your boss ?" "Where's your boss ?" " Down below." " Go ahead, hurry up !" "You too, get out !" "Come on, faster !" "You take the helm." "Head to Marseilles." "Drop your gun or I shoot him." "Okay, we're all going below." "In there, all of you." " Who's the boss, here ?" " I am." "Why couldn't you say it before ?" "Come on, we've got to talk to you." "Enough !" "Move !" "It was just amazing !" "It's Paulo, a friend of Fanto and Vinci." "Fanto wasn't telling this." "You guys are real pirates !" "Pirate, we may not be, but all Corsicans are born sailors, even shepherd's sons !" " Who hit me ?" " I did, but just for the show !" "Don't ever do it again !" "Now look, the crew had witnessed everything." "That's what's important." "Now let's go call Marseilles." "Looks like there's a itch." "He's signaling." "Shit, the coast guards." "It's screwed for here." "We must warned your brother in Corsica." "Ange, Everett's calling from the Florienza." "What the hell do you mean ?" "You don't want me to go to Marseilles ?" "No..." "I'd rather go to Italy." "At least Lucky Luciano's there." "I don't want to go to Corsica." "Is everything going to be ready ?" "You're going to be there too ?" "Good." "There's a change of plan." "I figured it out already but what's happening ?" "The coasts of Marseilles are crawling with custom's agents." "And Leoni just told me if we get there, we're all gonna get screwed." "Are Fanto and Vinci also coming ?" "Yes, by plane." "This change really annoys me." " What have you got against Corsica ?" " It's not about Corsica, we just don't like last minute changes." "I would had prefer to deal with Lucky Luciano." "I could had happily get off in Italy." "It's going to be fine with us too, so cool it." "How long will it take to get there ?" " About a day." "I want you to make it as quick as possible." "I want to get rid of the cargo." "Come in closer." "You got about six feet." "Glad to see you !" "Is this place safe ?" "It should be alright." "It's a private place and here's the guy who owns it." "Sauveur Leoni, Ange's brother." "Oh, you're the older Leoni, it's a pleasure !" "We brought the trucks over there." "Come on, boys, hurry up, we got at least five or six trips to do." "Are you sure this place is as safe as Marseilles ?" "Why not ?" "And besides, you're lucky, it's the most beautiful country in the world !" "Sure, it's a beautiful country but I got to go." " Tangiers ?" " That's right." "For the insurance." "After all, I've been hijacked !" "The boys are gonna take you to high-sea." "You could free the Florienza's crew once there." "Fanto." "We can afford to smoke a carton or two of these !" "That's for sure !" "What a bundle !" "You're up early for a change !" " Hi, Vinci." " Hello, Francis." "How are you, guys ?" "I'm glad to see you." "Was it alright ?" "Did you made it easily ?" " Sure." "Just have a look." " And that's the last trip, the rest have already been stashed." " I've done a hell of a job here with my team." "Let me show you." "Not bad, isn't it ?" "What do you think about it ?" " Great work, kid !" " I feel a bit weird about it, but it's not a bad idea." "I spoke with my brother, he's glad." "Is everything fine ?" "My friends !" "I just finished talking with Ange." "Him and Francois cheers you from Marseilles." "He's really glad, you know ?" " He can be !" "Some boat was spot in our place yesterday." "They had to chuck all the cigarettes out !" "They are floating up and down the Mediterranean !" "That keeps the competition out !" "Are you going back to Marseilles ?" " Yes." "Tomorrow with Vinci." "Vinci, is it still okay with you for Marseilles tomorrow ?" " Sure." " As you go to Marseilles tomorrow, please give that to my sister." "She's gonna like it." " What is it ?" " Never mind." "Just a little gift from her brother." "Come on guys, with me !" " Hi." " Hi, kid." " Hello, flower girl !" " I can't believe it, it's been a while !" "Hello." " Hello, Nuncia." "Couldn't you had brought Francis with you ?" "No, but he should be coming in a few days." "He gave this for you." "For me ?" "It's so nice !" "He sure cares for you !" " I really wish he was here." " What about us ?" " It's not the same thing." "You know that, don't you ?" " But Nuncia, when a girl is pretty like you, a brother ain't everything !" " I know my brother's friends and the life they offer." "It's not for me, it's frightening me." " But Nuncia..." " Let me talk, I kept this on my chest for too long." "One day the police arrived to my house..." "They came to tell my mother that my father was lying on the street with two bullets in his head." "So the fear, the visiting room, the police questioning, I know that too well." "I don't want to hear about it anymore." "Who's that for ?" "That's for Mireille, from the Colonies bar, you know her, don't you ?" "Say what ?" "Just think she never wanted with me !" "I'll go greet her." "Did you see that Fanto ?" "What the hell are you doing ?" "Are you trafficking weed now ?" " Don't be silly," "It's not for me !" "My cousin Thérèse gave them to me. there were soaking wet and she hasn't a place to dry them." ""Boarding of an american boat." "Pirates get hold of the cargo."" "What are you going to do with it ?" "Sell them ?" "I told you, they're not mine." "I'm just drying them." "Do you want us to drop this ?" "Aren't you afraid to look like a fool with flowers in the street ?" "I thought men didn't like that sort of things." "Your brother also has gallant friends you know." "Just look at him !" "I'm sorry I didn't mean that for you." " Are you sure ?" "We've done nothing but talking and I forgot to give you this." " What's this ?" " Just a small something." "I'll see you later." " Why ?" "Don't you come with me ?" "No." "I got to drop by home and to see Roger in the hospital." " So, see you at Pascal's." " Okay, bye." "What's going on, Maestracci ?" " Bozzoconi, you know him ?" "What's this ?" " You mean you don't know ?" "Are you afraid of unpleasant encounters ?" "Let's go for a ride !" "Are you shivering or just showing off ?" "Cut it !" "I'll never get along with Paris." "The weather's always bad." " Hello, Maestracci." " Hello, Superintendent." " How was your trip ?" " Just great." " Did you got sun in Marseilles ?" " Sure, what else could I got ?" "Our friend, Fantoni." "Have a seat." "Do you know this man ?" "Never saw him." "Is it ?" "What about this ?" "See you know this guy Michaeli." "Dominic Michaeli." "Oh yes..." "As a matter of fact, we're cousins." "Your photo is awful." "We got hold of the photographer." "This photo was taken a month before the murder of Bozzoconi." " Could be." "What were you doing at the Trocadero with Michaeli ?" "He invited me to meet his fiancée." "Your future cousin." "How touching !" "Don't tell me that's why I've been arrested !" " Michaeli was found dead in a hotel room." " When ?" " 48 hours ago." "How is that strikes you ?" " I liked him well." " Save the tears !" "Do you know why he was hiding in that room ?" "He's the one who shot down Raphael Bozzoconi." "And there's witnesses." "Two people from Saint-Rémy." "They had identified him." "What do I have to do with that ?" "Michaeli was just a small murderer." "The one we want is the one who hired him." "Maybe you can give us some informations, Mr Fantoni." "What ?" "I hope you're joking, superintendent." " We got a phone call." " I bet you got a lot of phone calls." " One of your friends." " Of course." "A friend who just wanted to help me." "So ?" "You wanna talk now ?" "No, superintendent." "Don't waste your breath." "That ain't my style." "Well..." "Show in Mr Poli." "Do you know Mr Poli ?" "He's the expert who spot faces at Bozzo's club." "Stand up, Fantoni." "Mr Poli, have you ever seen this man ?" " Yes." " Where ?" " At the club." " How often did you see him there ?" " Four or five times shortly before" "Mr Bozzoconi's death." " Did he gamble ?" "No, he came to visit Mr Bozzoconi." "Thank you, Mr Poli." " I'm sorry, Mr Fantoni, but I'm sure these gentlemen are wrong." " Yeah, forget it." "Please leave now, Mr Poli !" "So ?" "..." "It's a settling of scores, right ?" " What scores ?" " Come on, you were in business with Bozzoconi." "Did you had a quarrel about the Florenzia ?" "The Florenzia ?" "What's that ?" " You really don't know anything, do you ?" "The boat they attacked last week." "27 tons of cigarettes." "It was last week." "Bozzoconi had been killed three months ago." "Where's the connection ?" "You saw Bozzoconi a lot before his death." "Why ?" "We were in business together but anyway I wasn't even in Paris the day he was killed." "I got an alibi." "I know, a wedding: ten witnesses !" "You guys always have ten witnesses !" "You have nothing against me, so what am I doing here ?" "I want my lawyer Mr Trosiani to be contacted." "You'll ask that the judge." "You're going to stay with us for a while, Fantoni." "Concealed weapons and suspicion." "Angèle, what are you doing here ?" "I got Mr Trosiani to arrange a visitor's pass for me." "I thought you didn't like prisons." "I had to talk to you." "What's happening ?" "Francis ask me to tell you, about the cigarettes..." " What about the cigarettes ?" "They had been taken." "They're not here anymore." "What are you saying ?" "What are you saying ?" " I tell you they're not here anymore." "Motherfuckers !" "They pulled a fast one on me because I'm buried here since three months !" "Bastards !" "Who did it ?" " Francis doesn't know but he thinks it have been sold out already, because Marseilles is flooded with american cigarettes." "What are saying Vinci and Paulo ?" "I heard they are in a shitty situation." "They got into big troubles." "They are hiding but nobody knows where." "Does Francis saw Sauveur ?" " Sauveur says he knows nothing and told him to mind his own business." " Sauveur ?" "Anyway, he's not operating alone in Ajaccio anymore." "His brother sent him a crew from Paris." "Francois Pacceli and some others..." "What's behind all this ?" " Fanto, don't let all that start over again, please." "Guard !" "I just spoke to the prosecutor..." "He's not happy about Fantoni." "Seven months in custody and we still don't have anything." "We can't send him to assizes with that." "Why don't you let him go ?" "You almost sound as if it was making you happy." "Well, it does..." "Fantoni out... could be quite interesting to watch." "Explain yourself, Maestracci." "In prison, hoods are thinking a lot." "And you practically told Fanto he was fingered by this phone call." "So we're going to have more settling of scores." "Just unleash the beast and start counting bodies." " It's just about it." " Do you think it's gonna work ?" "You can be sure of it." "It's a matter of pride." " How's that ?" " You, the pinsutis..." "The what ?" "The pinsutis, superintendent." "The mainland frenchies." "Do you know what is "curenbeco" ?" "It's the word for contempt." "Contempt for the one who had been double-crossed and didn't avenge himself." "Isn't it better to loose face than to be dead ?" "Of course, but being french, it's only about you." "While in Corsica the shame's gonna be for all the family." "And your kids are going to stay the children of a coward." "Let's go back to Fantoni." "What good can he do for us ?" "To begin with, it's gonna help lower our workload." "And besides, it's probably going to lead us to a bigger game." "Who knows ?" "Maybe to the Florienza." "Hopefully." "Do you want some more wine ?" "Sure." " Hi." " Hi, kid." "Hello." "It's good to see you !" " Really ?" "Of course." "Okay, be seated, it's on me." "Cheers, welcome back." "Cheers." "Now tell me:" "what's the hell is going on ?" "Take it easy." "We're here to explain everything." "Our dealers ran out of merchandise." "We had to supply them, that's all." "You could had told me before." "How ?" "You were in prison !" "So what ?" "I got a lawyer !" "And the guys of my team weren't in jail." "Let's come to them !" "They are on the run since you've been jailed." "They are wanted now." "They robbed a bank at La Timone: one dead." "An other dead in Vitrolles." "And two team members down." "They only get away by miracle !" "So now they sleep on their ammo and it ain't easy to come close to them." "What about Francis ?" " You're not serious !" "Francis is not a hood !" "We had to wait to see you out." "I don't feel like you were waiting for me." "Fanto, I came to tell you something." "Now Leoni is doing okay on his own with Everett." "So from now on, he wants it to be every men for himself." "Are you fucking kidding me ?" "I brought you your share of the cigarettes." "But from now on, you're on your own." "You can keep your money." "You won't get me that way." "Leoni double-crossed me and everyone in Marseilles knows about it." "Tell him to come to see me." " He's not here right now." "He's in the States." "Then when he'll be back, tell him this place is too small for him and me together." "Fanto, you shouldn't talk like this." "Don't tell me what I have to do, kid." "Okay, Fanto." "I'll deliver your message." "Hello, Fanto." "Hello, Sauveur." "It's good to see you out." "Can I have a word with you." "Sure, if you want to." "Francesca !" "Come, Francis." "Hi." " Hi, Fanto." " What are you doing here ?" " We thought about you, you know ?" "Thanks." "Have a seat." "I'm not gonna stay." "Tell me something, Sauveur: why didn't you tell Francis about the cigarettes ?" "And why did you kick him out when he came to see you ?" "We didn't had a deal with him, but with you." "Francis is my friend." "And you also said I couldn't be contacted, according to him." "By the way, do you know how I get busted ?" "No." "Somebody squealed." "Any idea of whom it might be ?" "Why are you asking me ?" " The cops got an anonymous phone call." "And I want to find this Mr Anonymous." " You think you're gonna find him here ?" " Why not ?" " You're gonna feel sorry for that, Fanto !" "There's only worthy men, here." "Scumbags who squeal for a residence permit have nothing to do in the Marinella." "Or else people would know about it." " I've been busted right at the good time, who got the benefit of it ?" " You're going too far, Fanto." "Way too far !" "If God wills, nothing's gonna stay unpunished." "Yes, I also hope so." "Let's go, Francis." "He made a mistake..." "I want Fanto dead." "From now on, there's not a place left where he can go !" "Cool it, looks like Pascal's car." "It's Fanto !" "Finding you wasn't easy, you know ?" "It's great to see you !" " You too." "Hi Paulo, countryside seems to agree with you." "The team is reunited once again !" "How are you ?" "Could be a lot better." "Why ?" "Did something happen ?" " Pascal didn't tell you ?" " No, he didn't." " It's a long story." "You sure found a nice place !" " Not bad, isn't it ?" "Come on in." "Make yourself at home." " It's just fine, here." "Do you like it ?" "Have a seat, Francis." "What do you want to drink ?" " Pastis." "Give us some Pastis." "Wait, let me show you the rest of the place first." "How about that Pastis, Paulo ?" "Jesus, what a place !" "You should see that, Francis, they got a regular arsenal upstairs !" "You still got your Colt 12 ?" " No, that's a new one, Maestracci took the old one when I got busted." " Loyal as usual !" " You know me." "Come on. "Pace salute"." ""Pace salute"." "He's the only one who could had fingered me." " No, Fanto." "I know Ange like I know you, it's not possible he gave you." "Plenty of guys would sneak to make some extra money." "Ange ain't no bastard." "You can rely on him." "Is that what you think ?" "We were in business together and he sent someone to tell me he was now teaming up with Everett and he didn't need me anymore." "I look just like an idiot, now !" "It does make a difference if they're now dealing without you." "Yes, and you want to know why ?" "Because I got fingered and busted." "I got released after seven months and they don't know me anymore !" "I can't accept that !" "So that's why you shot Sauveur ?" " Do you realize what you're rubbing up against ?" "That's my business." "I won't let people think I'm a sissy !" "What's the matter with you, anyway ?" "!" "Did you get your share of the cigarettes job ?" "But nobody could find us." " I found you, come on !" "I'm going out for a smoke." "You know Vinci, Francis and I are not going to stay for long." "Why ?" "Don't you agree with this place ?" " Sure, I do." "But after what happened in Ajaccio, it's too risky for you to keep me here." "I'm not gonna walk out on you." "But Leoni is a tough one to deal with." "But I'm glad to have you here." "Anyway we're leaving in three days." "An informer sold me a job." "We've got it all figured, Paulo and me." "Something big ?" "15 to 20 million." "The two of you're enough for the job ? The stars are really sparkling up there." "Reminds me my father in Zivaco." "Every night, he used to watch the stars and tell me: "I'll leave them to you along with the goats." "That's all a man needs."" " Don't tell me it wasn't enough for you !" " As you can see !" "Pascal ?" "What does he want ?" "Hello, Pascal." " Kid, something happened to Nuncia." " What ?" "She has been taken away by a couple of guys just in front of her shop." " But when ?" " This morning, at the opening." " Leoni's behind this." " Did they hit her ?" "No, I don't think so." "But they mentioned your name, so we followed them." "I know you were out here so I figured out it was a frame." " Where did they took her ?" " Don't worry, we're gonna find her." "Come on." " Hurry up !" " I'm coming with you." " You're planning a job right now, remember ?" " That's two different things." "Nuncia is strickly a family business." "The response to Sauveur's death." "I know Nuncia too." " Vinci, and me !" "?" " You stay here." "Somebody got to keep the place." "I just go along to piss him off." "She must be in Pierrot's bordello on the coast road." "Hop in, quiclky !" "Who are you ?" "What do you want ?" " I give a minute to guess, you bitch !" "Where is the girl ?" "What girl ?" " The one they brought here this morning." "Where is she ?" "Speak, you bitch !" "Are you going to speak, you bitch !" "Fanto." "Don't be afraid." "Nuncia." "Come on, quick !" "Come on." "We're taking you at Joseph's place." "Who brought you the girl ?" "Don't you understand ?" "Who brought you the girl ?" "Come on, who ?" " Faniglio." " Faniglio ?" " Scumbag." " Where is he ?" " I don't know." " Where is he ?" " I don't know, he was supposed to eat on the marina." " Fanto, I'll take care of Faniglio." " No, don't get mixed up in this, Francis." " No, she's my sister." "I have to take care of it." " Take her to the car." " So what ?" "We wreck the place ?" " Yeah !" "Come on, let's go." " You want it or not ?" "Hide quickly !" "Against the wall." ""We have to open this bulletin by a shocking news." "This morning, a bloody hold-up left one dead and three wounded, near Gardanne." "The police believes it was the work of the notorious 'Black jacket' gang." "The getaway car, a Ford Vedette, was found a few kms away from the scene of the crime." "Roadblocks had been set up..."" " Not with your fingers !" "Go on and eat quietly." "I won't be long." "Did you hear that ?" " Yes." "They did it, isn't it ?" "When are they gonna stop ?" " When they'll be all dead." "They've all gone crazy." "I pray everyday for Joseph to sell his garage, so we can go back in Corsica." "I want to go back home, Angèle." "I want to go home." "Who was there ?" " I already told you:" "Everett, Leoni and François." "All that bunch at Grisoni's." "Seems like something big is coming." "I like to feel them close to me." "It warms me up." "Come on, Joseph, why are you making this face ?" "If you got something to say, spit it up !" " Okay." "It bugs me..." "But I have to say..." "Listen, Francis..." "Come on, spit it up !" "I'm worrying about Nuncia." "With Leoni in town now, Angèle is all uptight." "And my kids being around don't help..." " You're afraid, right ?" "You want us to take Nuncia ?" " I don't mean that," "I just think you should send her back to Corsica." "She'd be much more safer there than here." "Than Francis could go, and then you a bit later." "What do you think, Fanto ?" "Is the road you took safe to you ?" " I got here okay, do I ?" "It's the "fire road', nobody uses it." " Okay, Joseph, we're coming with you." "You think it's a smart idea going to Marseilles so soon ?" "Why change our plans ?" "We're cool here." "And like I said, it just can't be Leoni who sold you out." "Drop it, Fanto." "It's for you, Joseph." "Go start the car." "Francis, go with him." "Vinci, now we're even." "This time, don't ask me to come along." " I can go alone and see what I can do." " There's nothing more to do." "It was different for Nuncia because you know her." "But for Leoni, it's just about him and me, isn't it ?" "Yes." "If I don't come back, split the money." "So long." "I wish them luck." "You're crazy to come here." " No, you've got to go." "But don't worry, we'll soon be all reunited..." " No, I don't want to go without you." "Without the two of you." "Did you come down only because of me ?" "We might say that." "We think it's better if you go first." "In a day or two." " What about you ?" " We'll meet you as soon as possible." "Look, Nucia." "There's times you just need to trust your men." "No matter what they do." "So stop asking so many questions." "You'll make it easier for all of us." " You want the usual car ?" " I would prefer a faster one." "Come on." "What have you got in stock ?" " How about that one ?" "Is she fast ?" " Yes, I just have her overhaul." "Fanto." "Take care of Francis." "Swear the two of you are going to meet me in Corsica." "Swear it." " You have my word, Nuncia." "So long, Joseph, thanks." "So long." "Who's the guy with them ?" "It's Conti, a friend of Grisoni." "It smells like there's a big deal on the fire." "I start to understand why they dump me." "When they needed a gunner to do a dirty job, I was just the man of the situation." "But now, they're pretending to be men of the world." "What's wrong, Francis ?" "Have you been hit ?" "No, I'm fine." "We got them, didn't we, Fanto ?" "What's wrong, Francis ?" "You're hurt !" "Pull it, I'm gonna drive." " No, it's okay." "I said I'm gonna drive !" "Pull it now !" "I'm gonna drive." "Slow down, Francis !" "Francis, don't quit now !" "Hang on !" "Francis Nuncia..." "Francis..." "Francis Marchetti." "I heard that name before." "Check it, please." " I know him." "He's a friend of Fanto." "What a night !" "Leoni gets shot, Conti gets killed and now it's a friend of Fantoni." "Maestracci's methods are paying." " For Conti, witnesses are saying an American was with him." "He's the one who fired at the car." "He ran away after the shooting." "Get after him." "We need to find him." "And tell Paris about that." "All right, take him away." "Shooting on the coast road:" "two gangsters killed !" "Chicago comes to Marseilles !" "Read all about it !" "Well, Maestracci..." "About your methods, the body-count has started." " Yes." "Leoni's clan got itself blasted with 12 mm, and I arrested Fantoni with a 12 mm caliber five days after the Florienza job." " You think there's a connection ?" "Rumors are all around and it really looks like that's the team who did the job." "12 mm was also used at Gardanne for the rail job." "But we know that was the" ""Black jackets"." "And Fanto's 12 mm colt indicates he got mix-up with his old buddies again." " Got any names ?" "Of course !" "Old friends:" "Félix Vinciguerra and Paul Miniguetti." "We got an eye on those two for a long time." " So, are they the "Black jackets" ?" "Yes, that's them." "Two guys from their team died in Vitrolles recently." " And your informers ?" " They are afraid." "We're tailing all the ones who're possibly connected with the gang." "So ?" "We followed many times the boss of a bar and we always loose him near Aix." "That's mighty interesting !" " Sure." "We'll got them soon or later." "We got the whole area staked out." " So what are you waiting for ?" "I give you full authority." " Then it's perfect, superintendent." "There's only two of them." "Too bad." "Vinciguerra and Miniguetti." "Two "Black jackets" is already a nice catch." "Okay, gather the men, we're going to attack." "I don't think we'll catch them alive." "You're surrounded !" "give yourself up !" "Last warning: you got ten seconds to drop your weapons and come out !" "Come on, we'll take Joseph's road." "Don't be stupid, drop your weapons !" "Paulo !" "Paulo !" "Come on, let's go !" " Get away, Vinci !" "Hit the road !" "I'll deal with them !" "Shit, we only got one !" " How could you let the other one get away !" "?" "We're gonna get him and all the others !" "Send the descriptions !" "Come in, both of you, we're gonna have a talk." "Listen, kid..." "Fanto's gone crazy." "But you must know that Vinci has nothing to do with your troubles." "He's at my place but I don't want anybody to harm him." "Nor you or anybody else." "I would take that as a personal offense." "Got it ?" " Yes, but listen..." " No !" "You listen to me !" "I'm not finished." "It's enough with Fanto." "I want this matter to be sold." "You're bugging everybody by now." "Kill him or sort it out with him, but whatever you do, get it done quickly." "Understood ?" "Get it done !" "I just told him that." "I'm fed up with all this." "Hear ?" "He's fed up with all this." "I can't afford that." "We have a big deal set up together." "Don't blow it or you're gonna feel sorry for it." "I get the picture." "Okay, it get the picture." "Let's go home, now." "I want you to see Vinci and try to sort this out with him." "Can you drop me off at my hotel, I want to check if my air ticket's reservation's done." "I'll see you tonight." " Mr Everett ?" " Yes." "French police." "Where's your gun ?" "Precisely, I do." "You're the owner of the Florenzia." "Deserted the US army, arrested in Venezuela, you're living in Tangiers and you're a friend of Luciano." "See ?" "Sure, I'm crazy !" "You'd better follow us quietly." "This is my place, don't forget it." "Here he is untouchable." "You, if you have something to tell him, go ahead." "Fanto is Fanto." "What he does is his business." "We did the cigarettes job together." "You were one of us, don't you ?" "Then someone fingered Fanto." "I don't know who but it's not me." "We had to sell those cigarettes because the sellers ran out of supplies." "So we did it." "Fanto was in the clink, you were on the run so what I was supposed to do ?" "You could had send a message to him." " Maybe but what for ?" "He would had be agree." "Your share is here." "Okay for the money." "But after, you scrapped him, and me too by the same occasion." " Not you." "Just say a word and you're in." "But him..." " I don't a give a shit about your deal with the Americans." "It's not my style." "You can keep on talking like this until tomorrow and still not budge." "I got you fellows together for a reason:" "to put everything firmly behind you." "Fanto's never gonna agree." "Too bad for him." "Now listen to me, kid." "Either Fanto comes to my house, like you boys, so we have a mutual discussion, or he'll be a dead man." " Vinci..." "Who killed my brother ?" "Fanto." "Who killed Conti ?" "..." "Fanto." "Who's responsible for the death of limpy Francis ?" "..." "Fanto." "Who brought him into a settling of scores he has nothing to do with ?" "And who's responsible for Paulo's death ?" " You're way off base about Paulo." "The cops shot him." " No, just think about it." "From the beginning, Fanto always used the same gun." "The cops had follow the trail from corpse to corpse." "From heist to heist and where did that lead them ?" "To your hideout." "Vinci..." "Without Fanto, they never found you." "Is that true or not ?" " That's true." " Believe me, kid, Fanto's just a jinx." "He always has been my friend." "We get into troubles together and we pull through together." "And he'll always be my friend." "I'm a friend of Grisoni and the cops are right behind me." "Come on." "Take the stairs and then beat it over the roofs." "Sure..." "I understand your feelings." "But..." "You know..." "It's like when race horses got their legs broken." "There's nothing to do for them..." "And you know who usually finished them off ?" "The one who cares the more for them." "Their best friend." "You understand me, kid ?" " I think I do, yes." "I just have one final thing I want to tell you both..." "Why did Bozzoconi died and who had him killed." "I snooped a bit around." "This should be interesting you since you were partners." "He died because of a woman !" "A hooker he took to the Mori brothers." "They are the ones who hired the gun to hit Bozzo." "They didn't give you any trouble because they ain't into the cigarettes business." "They just are pimps." "Shit !" "And that's all begin !" "You alone can find him." "Find him quickly." "How are you, guys ?" "Vinci wants to see Fanto." "Tell it to all our friends." "Sure, I'll do it." "I'll be seeing you, so long." "How are you, guys ?" "Any news from Fanto ?" " No." "Keep your eyes open." "Bye." "Hey, Joseph !" " So ?" " He called." "He's going to phone tonight at 4." "So tell Vinci to be here." " Thanks, Pascal." " So long." "Hello." "No, it's me, Vinci." "Yes." "Okay." "I'll be there." "Thanks, Pascal." "I thought I'd never see you again." "You've been lucky to get away from that sheepfold." "Poor Paulo." "Yeah." "I heard about Francis." " Was that what you wanted to see me about ?" "I called you because I had something important to tell you." "Fanto, I saw Grisoni." "Yes..." "So what ?" "He explained me everything." "And now I'm sure you were mistaken." "Was I ?" "According to him, Ange's agree to let bygone be bygone." "Maybe you can even come into the deal he's setting up right now..." "No..." "It's the end of the line for me." " Why ?" "It just is." "Where to ?" "If you don't mind going to the coast, I have a contact to see there." "It's all the same to me." "Here." "Thanks." "Listen, you and me we've been as close as brothers." "We shared so many things." "Fanto..." "For once I'm asking you something, just come with me." "Let's go to see Grisoni and I guarantee nobody will touch you." "No, it's too late, Vinci." "Luck has turned its back on me." "I feel like I bring bad luck to all of you." "To you, Paulo, Francis..." "It's just fate, you couldn't help it." "I would've done the same thing if I had been in your shoes." "If I had thought I'd been sold out, I'd took out my gun too." "I'm asking you as your friend to come to see Grisoni." " What for ?" " To try to sort this out." "I'm sure we can do it." "Then we'll both go to Corsica." "You'll visit Nuncia." "Nuncia..." "How I'm supposed to look at her in the eyes ?" "Last time I saw her, I promise to bring back Francis." "And he got himself killed because of me." "It's a corpse I brought back." "That's exactly why she needs you." "No, I don't think so." "She'll always think of me as responsible for her brother's death." "So what are you gonna do ?" "I don't know anymore." "Nothing." "I've hit the bottom, Vinci." "Rock bottom." "Shoot." "Come on, shoot !" "Marius Fantoni known as Fanto, "away for ever"..." "That's the strange expression used this morning, february the 10th, 1955, by the chairman of Marseilles tribunal." "The Florienza affair has finally come to its conclusion." "The process of law had been terminated for that case." ""Away for ever"." "So as Sauveur Leoni, Simon Castelli," "Jules faniglio, André Conti, Francis Marchetti," "Paulo Miniguetti." "Those who survived the affair were mutually stroke with amnesiac disturbances, and no charges could be found to bring against them other than the fraudulent trafficking of foreign cigarettes in territorial fence." "The sentence is five month in prison and a fine of the enormous sum of two billion, that is probably never going to be paid to the custom administration." "Only one participant of the drama escaped the dragnet:" "Félix Vinciguerra, known as Vinci." "He was never seen again after the death of Fantoni." "But in Corsica, in Fanto's native village, people won't forget what Vinci has done." "I'm the one who killed Vinciguera !" "Translation and timing:" "Aquasantajoe" "For Cinemageddon, June 1st, 2009" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"the party" "It's Christian." "I'm here." "I arrived this morning." "sorry ?" "If I washed ?" "No, did shave though, at the airport." "I shaved at the airport." "Good." "I'm watching the landscape." "From my father." "It's beautifull here." "I wish I could live here again." "But that's impossible." "I'll manage." "Yes, it will be a shock." "What ?" "I'm loosing you." "Oké." "Bye." "Damn." "That's my brother." "Why are you so quite ?" "I didn't recognise him." "Have to do everything myself." "Christian, what are you doing here?" "You see that, Kasper ?" "He came all the way from Paris by foot." "No, I didn't." "Only from the station." "Hi." " Cool, man." "I'll get you." "Giddyup." "I'll get you." "Damn." " You're in a good mood." "It's been a long time." "Unbelievable." "How are you ?" "I'll give you a lift." "Get out, kids." "I'm giving Christian a lift." " There's room enough." "Come, Mette." "Get in the frontseat." " I'll walk." "I have to talk to you." " Do we have to walk all the way ?" "What are you whining about ?" " It's an end." "He's my brother, damnit." "Stop whining." "Shut up." "Come on be quite." "You think dad is already there ?" " No, not yet." "Hi, what's your name ?" " Lars." "Lars." "Listen up." "I always have problems with new staff." "Just to let you know." "Who do you think we are ?" "This is Christian, my brother." "He owns two restaurants in Paris." "I run a cafetaria at the harbour." "We've grown up here, so we know how to treat customers." "A good receptionist knows everybody's name." "We would like room 9 and room 19." "You're not on the list." "What's that ?" " Look again." "Michael Klinkenfeldt." "Your father said you're not welcome." "Listen, Mads..." " My name is Lars." "Lars, last year I've gone a bit too far , because I was drunk." "When I drink too much "schnaps", I completely lose it." "I brought my wife and children." "Michelle is here too." "I didn't know about that." "Do you have a room for us ?" "Where's my father ?" " He went hunting." "Then you'll take care of it yourself." "That's your job isn't it ?" "Give him a room." "I'll talk to my father." "One of the small rooms." "They're never used." "3 and 1." "This one is okay." "Don't you want a key ?" " O, yeah." "I'm on his list." "Is little sis' already there ?" "Hurry up." "My father turns 60 today." "Those people are family." "I'll have to welcome them." "Your name is Nadim ?" " That's wright." "Nadim, if you speed up, I'll give you my phonenumber." "Hello, are you ready ?" "They should be here any minute." "Have you been drinking ?" " Not today." "What a fantastic funeral, ey ?" "I'm ready." " What are you doing here ?" "You where not at your sisters funeral." "What business is that of yours ?" "I want to know why you were not there." "You where not at the funeral." "You don't call on birthdays, You don't show any interest." "Now you got her started too." "I'm going home." "Have a nice trip." " Wanne lend my bycicle ?" "I'm not in the mood for this." " O stop it." "Let bygones be bygones." "Yes, stop it." " You sound like Christian." "Don't." "Come." "Stop it." " Listen to Christian." "Stop." "Don't do it." "Honk again." "Maybe they'll hear us." "That's his wife, with a son." "That's Mette." "And the three chickens." "Everything okay ?" "Quite guys, we're here." "Behave yourself." "That's impossible." "I'm your sister." "Luckily we only do this once every decade." "Welcome, grandfather." " Thank you." "Thanks for the nice funeral." "Good to see you again." "Hello." "Warm here." "I'm going to unpack my wife." "Hi, daddy." "I'm the master of ceremonies tonight, okay ?" "Do you know Lissy ?" "How do you do ?" " It's sad... and then the beautifull weather..." "You haven't changed one bit." " Thank you." "Welcome." "Helge is waiting for you inside." "Hello, uncle." "Christian, sweetheart." "Glad to see you here." "You're looking good." " The guests are here." "Go to your father." "Don't forget to congratulate him." "Daddy, happy birthday." "Everyone's waiting." " I have to tell you something important." "Sit down." "Please." "You want some cognac too ?" " No, thanks." "This is very important." "I've been thinking about it for days." "Listen." "Two hookers are in a train." "Don't make fun of your old father." "On his birthday." "How dare you ?" "I should tell your mother." "We're waiting for you." " He's making fun of me." "You shouldn't, Christian." " Tell a joke." "I would like to have a word with my oldest son." "How are you ?" "Good." "I have a company in Lyon..." "I read the papers too, you know." "Business is good." "How's that girlfriend of yours ?" "Can't you come back ?" "She already has children with another man." " Then find another girlfriend." "I'm getting older." "I want to have you near me." "And then your mother..." " What's wrong with her ?" "She's fed up with my jokes." " I can understand that." "What do you mean ?" "What's wrong with my jokes ?" "Where's your respect ?" "So how are you ?" "You have a girlfriend ?" "O, I asked that already." "Come now." " We're comming." "Come, son." "One more thing..." "Would you like to say something about your sister tonight?" "I can't." "Alright." "I've written something down." " You did ?" "great." "Michael is here too." " I'll have to talk to him then." "Our visitors are here." "Michelle, are you maried ?" " No." "Ask someone else." "O yeah, that was my other son." "I'll discuss this with him." "It's Helge's birthday." "hurrah, hurrah, hurrah." "he's getting lots of presents and cookies and chocolat." "Hi." "Where do you sleep ?" " Room 17." "Why ?" "I have to use your bath." "I mean, can I use your bath ?" "And the sound of the sea." "I'll put them down here." "The main course is secret." "You've been hunting ?" " As usual." "You're listening ?" "Good." "We were moving to Copenhaven for the third time." "But then Bettina H. moved in with him." "Bettina H. ?" "So I'm still here." "I walked throught the park yesterday." "I'm in the room where my sister died." "Better you then Christian." "She was his twinsister." "That no one wants to talk it is one... but it's stupid to act like nothing happeded." "Look at that, like a fairytale." " You can say that." "Spooky." "She wouldn't have like this herself." "Shall we take of the sheets ?" "I'll stay with her then." "I don't mind." "Yes, ofcourse." " Good." "Here's where it took place." "In the bathroom." "Or shall I take another room?" " If you want to." "It's so..." "It doesn't feel good." "Did you hear that ?" "She's in the bathroom." "It can't be." "She's dead." "I'll have a look." "Come on, let's go." " No, let's have a look." "Mette, I can't find them." " Did you look in the suitcases?" "I can't find my shoes." " They'll have to be in there." "I already looked there." " Just relax." "I can't wear brown shoes." " They should be there." "I looked everywhere." "Then I just forgot them." " You must be kiddin'." "Go get them then." "You have two hours." "By car." "Don't be crazy." " My father's going to be furious." "Shall I get them ?" "What will your parents think ?" "I can't wear these shoes to diner, idiot." "Pack your own stuff then." "I packed for all of us." "Everything's got to be perfect." "If you have complaints, you can pack your own stuff next time." "I'll tell you something." "You're the one who's packing." "And every time you forget my shoes." "You wanted to visit your stupid parents." "I worked for a confectioner once." "I'm making dessert tonight." "What does that mean, an arrow up?" "If you lie down in the bath, you'll maybe see something." "Do I have to lie down in the bath ?" "Do I have to ?" " Try if you see something." "A sign or an arrow." "A fish or a bird." "Remember tracking?" "Doesn't work." " Sorry." "I ironed it on purpose." " Yes, I'm sorry." "Shall we lie down 199 00:18:33,360 -- 00:18:35,720 Are you not going to the party ?" "Come on, lie down for a minute." "There, a fish." "That means "thin" and that means "down"." "I don't get this game." "Strange." "We were always tracking back then." "Come here." "Sit down." "Have a look at the other leg." "How nice of her." "I almost can't take it." "I'm the only one left." "You are all going to Paris and God knows where..." "Don't start crying now." " Sorry." "Please." " If you want me to leave, just say so." "I thought you wanted to take a bath." "Another arrow." "And another." "Could you..." "How can I help ?" " loose this." "I have beautiful buttocks." "Don't they get more then a bath ?" "Look, there." "The other side." "Wher the light is attached." "Dear finder of this letter." "You must be..." "Jezus." "There's nothing in it." "Damn." "Did you put all that soap here ?" "Damn." "Why is all that soap here ?" "You used it yourself." "Shit." " Did you hurt yourself?" "Ofcourse I hurt myself." "There have always been ghosts here." "It makes no sense." "I'll sleep here." "Thank you for your help." "Where you really scared ?" " O, no." "a little ?" "Sorry." "Thanks for your help." "Why was that soap there ?" " You did that yourself." "No I didn't." " You used it." "Where are my trousers ?" " How should I know." "There?" "For once take care of your stuff." "I'm not a babysit." "Shut up." " Please, come on." "The damn thing has come down." "Then don't hang it up again." " Hell not." "Fun, You used to be the one to argue" "Now it's your brother." "You don't even look at beautiful girls." "You think I'm too skinny." "I'll hide it here." "No one should find it." "There." "Where have you gone, dear Christian ?" "6 o'clock." "Time to get up." "Tickets, please." "Or other papers..." "My pants." "Hello, grandpa." " Hi, dad." "In five minutes in the livingroom." "Damn shoes." "Everything okay." "Hello Poul, you're okay ?" "Hello, dad." "It'll be fine." "We have to go in now." "I've been told to ask you if you're interested in the lodge." "It just doesn't look like it's something you're interested in." "but Christian recommended you to Preben." "He isn't interested himself." "So I guess they'll ask you for the freemasons." "Bend the iron while it's still hot." "We will help you to get on." "But behave like a normal person tonight." "And keep your hands of whats-her-name , Michelle." "Will you take care of things tonight?" "Can you ?" "Give him something to drink." "Watch out." "Do you have a drink already ?" "Do you have a drink already ?" " We have to talk." "I don't have time." "You do remember something ?" "Sure." " Fine." "I think I'll make a speech tonight." "I thought so." "Not suited for little girls." "I bet." "You were fallen asleep." "Don't you sleep well ?" "Only when you're here." "I'm honoured to be master of ceremonies... on this party of Klingenfeldt-Hansen family." "My name is Helmuth von Sachs." "I'm from Germany." "Cologne, "Ruhr-area", steel industry." "Helge is also a man of steel." "Unbreakable." "Helge, friend, Danish stepfather, the audience is yours." "As I see you all in front of me, I have to think about recent years... and everything that happened." "It's not special turning 60." "It all seems like yesterday... the moment we closed the negotiations and bought the landed estates." "Still, it was 1971... the year our family walked up the stairs." "My beloved wife, Helene..." "Michael, the twins..." "Yes, the twins." "All of us we settled in this beautiful house." "We had... high expectations." "I'll stop here." "Let's make it a wonderful party." "Let's eat." "First course." "Ready... go." "There." "Wasn't it a beautiful ride ?" " It was extremely hot." "You do have airconditioning ?" " It gets me a dry mouth." "It doesn't feel comfortable." "The kids are here too." "Give me a little water." "I'm all wet." "She spilled." "What's your name, girl ?" " I'm Mette." "M-E-T-T-E." " That's true." "Lobstersoup." "Delicious." " No, it's salmonsoup." "Salmon ?" "It tastes like lobster though." "It's delicious soup." " Yes, tomatosoup." "It's no tomatosoup.." "It is lobstersoup." "Exactly." " Cheers." "Oldest son holds speech." "Morten..." "It is almost seven and I would like to propose the first toast." "That's my duty after all as the oldest son." "Isn't it Helmuth ?" "But first a speech." "I've written two, dad." "A green and a yellow." "You may choose." "Green or Yellow ?" " Green." "That's a good choice." "It's a confession speech It's called: when dad goes in bath." "When we moved here, I was still small." "Our lives changed entirely." "We had lots of space to do naughty things." "In those days this room was a restaurant... and I don't know how often my sister Linda, who is dead now... and I played here." "She put things in the food, but no one noticed..." "And then we had and she laughed." "She had a great laugh... and pretty soon we were both laughing out loud." "That's how we got caught." "But we never got punishment." "It was much more dangerous when dad took a bath." "He took a bath quite often." "First he called for Linda and me to come because something happened before bathing." "He closed the door and the curtains." "Then he undressed and we had to undress too." "He put us on the green couch... and raped us." "He used us sexually." "When my sister passed away a couple of months ago..." "I thought:" "Isn't Helge a proper girl, with all the bathing.." "That's what I wanted to share with you." "He bathed in the summer, winter, in the morning, in the evening..." "He's very clean." "That's what I wanted to tell you." "It's his 60'th birthday, after all." "He watched his children and grandchildren grow up." "But you're not here for my speech..." "But for Helge's 60'th birthday." "Thanks for all the wonderful years." "Happy birthday." "I have nothing to drink." "Fill the glasses." "Christian, you were always the first ofcourse." "But now it's my turn." "Elsie, It's your birthday today." "Helge." " What's he saying ?" "That it's Helge birthday today." "Helge, it's your birthday." "That's nice." "You're a big boy now." "You can handle the story of the seven seas now." "Way to go, grandpa." " I have to leave." "When Helge was a little boy..." "He told me once he couldn't find a girlfriend." "Kim..." "Hello, Christian." " Hello." "I've got to catch my plane." "Attention." "This is my childhood friend Christian." "You already know most of them." "How do you do ?" "Good." " Everything fine ?" "Good." "You held your speech and now you're going home" "The battle is lost." "Nothing has changed." "Are you drunk ?" " Otherwise I can't cook." "How long do we know eachother ?" "Since the year nil ?" "We used to steal apples together." "I've waited for years for this and now you're walking away." "For your father, who decided on yours and your sisters fate.." "Brilliant, to let him decide on his fate in your speech.." "What's your point, Kim ?" "I would like to say something too." "I hope you won't take Christian too seriously." "He's my brother and I love him very much... but his story is not completely true." "and I should know." "Sorry that I speak up so late, but I'm still shocked." "At a quarter past seven, your father will give me instructions." "He'll say:" "I think they like it." "And then he drinks a drop." "Give me two minutes." "I thought you had left already." "A drink for me and my son." "The food is delicious." "They liked the first course." "Here." " No, thank you." "You don't want it ?" "It tastes good." "Damn good." "I take your word." "Have one too and put the bottle away." "Come." "Alone." "Come." "How are you doing ?" " Good." "Really ?" "Really ?" "I don't understand it." "I can't remember." " What do you mean ?" "What you told..." "I can't remember." "Help me here." "What has happened ?" "I'm sorry." "I guess I'm wrong." "Don't apologize." "I'm kind of busy at work." "And then there's Linda..." "Don't think about it." "Where you're aiming at, is a crime." "We have to go to the police." "No, we don't." "Don't think about it anymore." "I don't sleep well, lately." "I feel a bit strange." "Everything alright upstairs?" " Yes, fine." "They're not shocked that easily." "Everything's okay." "Have a good journey and thanks for being here." "I have to go back." "Helge, it's your birthday today." " not again, grandpa." "You're a big boy now." "You can handle the story about the seven seas." "When Helge was a little boy..." "He told me he couldn't get a girlfriend." "I told him, listen boy... buy a big potatoe and stick it in your swimmingtrunk." "Then you'll go to the lake." "They will push eachother aside for you." "When the summer came..." "What do you think ?" " Me ?" "I don't know what he's up to." "He was desperate." "It was even worse then before." "No one wanted to talk to him." "Obviously, I said." "You have to stick that potatoe in the front." "Michelle, Pia, I want to say something." "Come here." "Listen." "We steal their carkeys." "We ?" " Okay." "This night is for Christian." "They can't go home yet." "But he apologized." "We'll wait." "Don't tell the old servants." "And now get out." "We can't leave any traces." " No, we're careful." "I got them." "Next." "Everything okay ?" "Are there any problems ?" "No, everything's fine." "Is my brother staying over ?" " I don't know." "There's a cab." "I'll take a look." "Hello, Charlie Brown." "You're wrong here." "Do you speak English?" "It's a private party." "Not for passengers." "I'm invited." " Can I leave ?" "One moment." "We don't need any music." "No trumpet." "Ga home." "Here, 500 kronen." "That's for the cab too." "Go home." " I'm not playing." "I'm invited." "You're not Helene's brother ?" "I don't know how you know my sister and I don't even want to know..." "Hello." "I've missed you so." "Good to see you here." "What are you doing here ?" " He tried to send me away." "What's happening ?" " Behave yourself." "How dare you invite that monkey on my fathers birthday?" "How dare you call Gbatokai a monkey." " Relax." "Filthy nazi." "Go." "Mum, this is my friend, Gbatokai." "This is my mother." "Welcome." "Nice to see you again." "You never met him." "That was someone else." "Nice to meet you." " Same here." "Good." "This way." "I almost forgot the most important." "We're gathered here for my fathers birthday." "I fooled you all." "I would like to propose a toast to my father." "Could everyone rise please ?" " Well done, Christian." "Lift your glasses." "To the man who killed my sister." "To a murderer." "I suggest we take a break ." "Cigarettes, hurry up." "Hurry up." "Play something." "Something light." "Play." "We'll stay for a minute." "We can't leave anyway." "Have you lost your mind ?" "Do you hear me ?" "Have you completely lost your mind ?" "Make sure no one leaves." "He's sick, for christ'sake." "Again, I've called..." "I want a taxi." " one minute." "I can't stand this." "I'm already depressed." "There won't be a cab." "I'll walk." "I'm fed up with their parties." "Do you know where the car keys are?" "I can't find the keys." " Problems ?" "I can't take it." "I'm already depressed." "The line's still busy." "The waiting-time is 11 months." " Could I have Kim please ?" "Take it easy, Lars." "Hide those keys." " In the oven." "No, in the refrigerator." "They're gone." "Where is Michelle, damn it ?" "Come in, damn it." "I want to have a word with you." "And you." "Go away." " I want to talk to you." "Do you know what happened, Mette ?" " Come." "This way." "Let go." " Take it easy." "What do you want fro me ?" " Last year you promissed me something." "Then you came at night." "And now you won't even talk to me." "I'm sorry." "But my wife is here too." "She used to be unimportant." "I got pregnant that time." "I had it removed." "But you should know." "My father turns sixty today and everything is out of control." "Hey there." "Hello, Bent." "Is this your room ?" "I was just leaving." "Have you seen my car keys ?" "I'll just look around if I see them." "You really haven't seen them ?" "If I don't find them, I'll get depressed." "I know." "Just go downstairs." "Pack your things and go home." "Here's your wage." "Now fuck off." "You're as crazy as your father." "I won't let you piss of my family." "Imagine I hold a speech." "About you." "About how unstable you where." "That you always spoiled everything for other children." "Burned their toys." "That you've always been a complete lunatic." "That we had to come to France... where they kept you in a mental institution... because you were completely crazy and drugged." "at despair of your mother." "That you were extremely uncomfortable with women." "Year after year you passed on beautiful women... because your a man of nothing." "I could tell about your sister, you and your sister." "What about that ?" "Did she say goodbye to you?" "Was there a card or a letter?" "No." "For the others though." "She must have had her reasons." "You just abandoned here." "Like always." "You abandoned your sick sister." "She kept asking about you and runned for the phone... but you never called." "You were only interested in yourself." "And now you're dissing your family." "While we just want to see you happy." "Your mother wants you to leave." "I think you should stay." "Then you know how it feels to blacken your family." "After this little pianical intermezzo... table's ready again." "I'm hungry." "May I ask you ?" "They're ready." "Christian doesn't look happy." "haunch of venison and cranberry's." "Go ahead." "cheers, grandpa." "You speeched wonderfully." "Don't shout in my ear." "You still got us." "Salt and pepper." "Cheers." "Champagne." "I want champagne and caviar." "Hello, Christian." "Looks like you're very popular with the servants." "Sometimes it gives good results if you stir things up." "The way you dare to say with all the servants around:" "Mum, dad, you're no good." "I'm sorry." "Keep up with it just a little longer." "If you only survive this evening." "If the birthdayboy is my Danish father... then Elsie is my Danish mother." "She is everybodies "Mutti"." "Elsie, the word is yours." "Applause, please." "Thanks Helmuth and the others." "I would like to thank you all for coming today." "And I would like to say some thankful words to my husband, Helge." "It's not easy." "Words can not describe... how much you still mean to me." "Besides your lust for life and good care for your family... you've gave me everything a woman can ask for." "It has been 30 wonderful years." "Thank you very much." "I would also like to say a few words to the children." "It is wonderful to see you're all doing well..." "Especially when I think how small you all have been." "Michael, you're our youngest." "the benjamin." "We've never seen much of you." "You went to boarding-school when you were still a little boy." "And after that to the hotel school in Switzerland." "You never became a cook, but that can still be." "You're given us 3 wonderful grandchildren." "And we're thankful for that." "And ofcourse little Mette." "And Helene, the "weirdo" of the family ." "That's what you are ?" "Ever since you told us you wanted to become a singer... and you joined the Trotsk..." "the socialistic youth... we knew you would go your own way." "and you have." "in life and in studdy." "You've become an antropologist." "though we hoped you'd gone to lawschool." "But there are hardly any cultures and countries... which you didn't visit." "With this I want to welcome your boyfriend to the family." "Gonzales." "His name is Gbatokai." "Welcome, Kai." "And then we have Christian." "You were always very special." "a creative child." "He made up some wonderful stories." "I always saw him a great writer." "When Christian was little, and only few know... he had a loyal friend, mug... who didn't exist." "Mug and Christian could not be seperated." "If Mug didn't want something, then Christian would neither." "And no one could change that." "But, dear Christian..." "You have to seperate reality from fiction." "You were never good at that." "Ofcourse you're sometimes angry of your father." "I am sometimes too." "But you'll have to solve that between the both of you." "You've told us exiting stories tonight... maybe a bit too exiting." "I think Mug was with you tonight." "You've scared daddy very much." "It seems apropriate to me if you stand up now... without Mug... and apologize yourself." "It's not a shame to apologize yourself." "It's even good." "So just rise please." "Come on, Christian." "Do something." "He is confused." " Christian." "Sorry to bother you again." "In 1974 my mother entered the study once." "Her son was on his knees." "Her husband had his pants down." "Her husband said, go away." "And she did." "You are so hypocrite." "Please just die." "That you assholes even listen to this woman." "I'm sorry that you all for thirty years..." "Let me finish." " Let's go." "Relax, man." "Let's go outside." "Give me my coat." " You'll get your coat." "You were ate school." "You knew nothing." "But now you know." "You're crossing the line." " Now you know." "Don't you ?" "You're going to far." "Fuck of." " Go away." "Lock the door." "Is it locked ?" " I think so." "Where was I?" "Mother, my loyal witness." "In 1974 you saw how father rubbed his hard cock through my hair..." "Filthy bastard." "You're an asshole." " Fuck of." "Assholes." "He's not okay." "Sad, go on mother." "ther's a quite idyll in the lonelyness of the forest where troubles are taken away where silence and piece reigned" "Throw him of the stairs." "Get lost, man." "Get the hell out of here." "Don't, Leif." "He's still my brother." "Go away." "Get him." "Christian, come here." "The game is over." "Is that clear?" "Have you had enough ?" "Not with that, he's my brother." "Come." " Where are we going?" "To the forest." "This has got to stop." "How far ?" " As long as we'll get rid of him." "What do you mean?" " Shut up." "Here." "We'll leave him there by the tree." "Damn." "That's alright." "Do we really have to tie you to this tree, Christian ?" "How did you come up with all that nonsense?" "Come on." "Let's go." "Come on." " Shut your mouth." "Did you tie him?" "I've had enough of this." "Slow down." " That's good enough." "Keep quite, Christian." "Do you have a smoke for me?" "I dropped mine." "I'll just check if the doors are locked." "Where's your brother ?" " I won't talk to him." "What have you done with him ?" " Relax." "I had a word with him." "He's gone home." "He was sorry." "You'll hear the rest later." "So you put him to bed and said goodnight." "Are you looking for trouble?" " Piece of shit." "Stop it, Michael." "What did you say ?" " Stop it, Michael." "Stop it, damnit." "Get out.." "Hello, Kim." " Hey, Leif." "We should lock the backdoor." "Where is it?" "That way." "It's not good." "You didn't hit him?" " He's not coming back." "Here it is." "This is the wineceller." " Exactly." "There." "What's this ?" "Kim, what are you doing ?" "Did you lock him up ?" "All these troublemakers running around..." "Don't touch." " Where is Christian ?" "No idea." "Don't get drunk now." "To your brother." "To your brother." " What's that ?" "To your brother." " Why no speech ?" "A speech ?" "I know what that's like here." "Watch out, or I'll do it." "Time for a happy song." "I saw a little nigger just lately... a racist song." "he talked really weird and had a ring through his nose." "I asked him what kind are you ?" "why are your legs covered with tar ?" "he smiled and said:" "It looks like a christmas song." "fidliha kola tomrassi gassi bum the black mass comes from Umblagidarum" "I saw a little Indian just lately... his face was fire-red he talked very weird." "I can't stand it." "They'll kill eachother." "I'm going crazy." "I've got a terrible headache." "Could you get me my pills ?" "Hve you seen Christian ?" " He's gone home." "That's good." " I'm going to get your pills." "You are all crazy, aah ,my head." "Aren't you drunk yet?" " It takes a lot." "It's almost ten o'clock." "Something special is going to happen in a minute." "Alfred Hitchcock wanted on his grave:" "That's the way it ends with naughty boys." "Helge, you too will not escape the strange traditions of this family." "Time for the big finale." "It's daddy's birthday today daddy's birthday today listen... how we play the trumpet" "it's daddy's birthday today, listen... how we play the flute" "You've dropped something." "Be carefull for once." "I want to go home." " I can imagine that." "Are you leaving already ?" "I want to go home." " Don't be foolish." "There's still dessert." "Listen." "It's going to be okay." "Trust me." "I can feel it." "Really ?" " Come." "Doesn't this family have some neat traditions." "After the polonaise the master of ceremonies finds a note on his glass." "756 01:16:37,720 -- 01:16:41,360 And that's also the way it is today." "A man asks his sister... to read a letter to her father." "Helene is a bit too shy to do it herself, isn't that so Helene?" "Whatever... it's sweet of your brother that he helps you to get started." "I think piece has returned to the family." "Applause for Helene, please." "Go ahead, Helene." "Don't be shy." "Michael, just ignore him." "He is..." "He is from my sister." "Dear finder of this letter." "You are probably my sister or my brother." "Because you're good in tracking." "Hi-hi, laughter-laughter." "I know it's scary to find me in a bath full of water." "But it's not scary for me." "My brothers and my sister... are happy, gay people." "I love you." "Don't think too much of me." "Christian, sweet brother..." "You were alway here with me." "Thanks for everything." "I don't want you to get involved." "I love you too much for that." "And you, Helene and you too Michael, idiot." "Daddy is raping me again." "In my dreams, again." "I can't take it anymore." "I'll leave." "I should've done it much earlier." "I know I will fill your life with darkness, Christian." "I tried to call you... but I know you're busy." "I don't want you to feel sad." "I think it's light and beautiful on the other side." "I'm looking forward to it." "Although I'm a bit scared too." "I'm scared to go without you." "I 'll love you eternaly." "Linda." "What a beautifull letter." "Give her port... so we can raise our glasses." "Pour my daughter some port, so we can raise glasses too." "Pour my daughter some port, so we can raise glasses too." "Give her port, damnit." "Give her port." "Show some respect." "Have you ever seen something like this." "What are you looking at." "Well ?" "Is it my fault my children have no talent?" "I never understood why you did it." "You were no good for anything else." "It's not easy being master of ceremonies tonight." "And it's my first time too." "I'm pretty drunk." "Like all of us." "And still I consider it..." " I'm leaving." "my duty to finish diner in a positive way." "So let's go on and have some coffee and cake." "Goodnight." "I've put the carkeys back." "Can I have a glass of water?" "Shall I call a doctor ?" "Are you okay ?" "Come." "I was sleeping." "Pia, my sister is here." "I love you." "I miss you." "I miss you too." "Shall I come with you ?" "I'm off again." "It's Helene." " What time is it ?" "Three o'clock." "I slept too." "If you can call it sleeping." "You know..." "I have..." "Maybe you too." "What do you mean?" " Forget it." "Come here." "Michael is gone." "What's going on ?" "He's gone and his wife is furious." "She's in my room." "Is the party still going on ?" " I don't think so." "Don't worry." "They've all gone to bed." "Where are the glasses?" "Where is Michelle ?" "With Kim." "Everybody sleeps in a wrong bed." "Not us, ey darling ?" "We don't do that." "We don't sleep in the wrong bed." "I have a glass for Christian." " I want one too." "As long as it's not someone else's." "Play the weddingmars." "Gbatokai and Helene must dance." "Because I think you should get married." "Dad ?" "It's me, Michael." "I'm on my way." "Open up." "I'm the postman, damnit." "Open up, damn it." "Open up." "Go inside and close the door." "Michael, stop it." "Stop it." " Go back inside." "Shut up, I said." "I told you to shut up." "Come." "Lie down." "And stay down." "I heard enough filth." "Lie down, I said." "I won't see your grandchildren again." "Never again, is that clear?" "You destroyed the family." "Lie." "lie down, I said." "It's me." "Michael." "I'm ringing the frontdoorbell." "It can't happen." "Be quite." "What's wrong ?" " It can't happen." "What's wrong ?" "They need to stop." "Go there, Gbatokai." " Your father..." "Stop it, Michael." "You're killing me." "You're killing me." "Ober, could I have something to drink ?" "I like to start the day with a drink." "Morten, what are you thinking of ?" "O... it's happened." "At least she's feeling okay." "Goodmorning." "Goodmorning." " Have a sandwich." "Where is Leif, damnit ?" "O, there you are." "How's your wig ?" " Wher do you have your clothes wrinkled?" "In Naestved." "Would you like to come live with me in Paris ?" "I'd love to." "That was all." "Hey, are you in love with the new waitress?" "Shut up and eat." " I will eat a loaf of bread." "Goodmorning." "Goodmorning everyone." "Enjoy your breakfast." "Dorthe, come to grandpa." "Your father will read it to you." "I know that this is not the right moment." "You're all having breakfast." "I'll keep it short." "I only want to say that I know..." "That I, When all of you have gone home... never will see you again." "And I understand now... that it's unforgivable what I've done to my children." "And I know that all of you... and especially my children... will hate me for the rest of my live." "Still, you'll always be my children." "I always loved you and will keep doing so for the rest of my life... where ever in this world you may be." "Christian, to you I would like to say... you put up a good fight." "Thank you." "That was a beautiful speech." "But now you'll have to leave." "So we can have breakfast in peace." "Ofcourse." "Are you coming ?" " I stay here." | {
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